MONUMENTAL Brasses ant> ^lafis. OFFA, King of Mercia. Founder of St. Alban's Abbey. From the BrasB of Abbot Delamere in St. Alban's Abbey Church. (See page 12.) A. D. MCCCII XXXo EBW. I. SE1R1E : W©toTZ'&® : DIE : 15171MES. A 5Tt)e ffiontents of tfyis Volume totxr reaD, MONUMENTAL brasses a n t> g> I a b : o e 8> o AN HISTORICAL AND DESCRIPTIVE NOTICE OF THE INCISED MONUMENTAL MEMORIALS OF THE J*l i ft ft I e ^ge^, WITH NUMEROUS ILLUSTRATIONS. BY THE REV. CHARLES BOUTELL, M.A., RECTOR OF DOWNHAM MARKET, NORFOLK : ONE OF THE SECRETARIES OF THE ST. ALBAN'S ARCHITECTURAL SOCIETT I A MEMBER OF THE ARCHAEOLOGICAL INSTITUTE, &C. &C. EXCVDENT ALII SPIRANTIA MOLLIVS /ERA : VIVOS DUCENT PE MARMORE WLTUS. VIRGIL. LONDON: G. BELL, 186, FLEET- S T RE E T. OXFORD: I. H. PARKER. o so 9 W » 9 m s » HI MDCCCXLVII. jqi 111 'S.UBqjg •!« JB flllHJiQ39i H 1 » t. &lban's Architectural £>octetrj, THESE PAGES ARE, WITH THE SANCTION OF THE COMMITTEE, INSCRIBED, BT THEIR DEVOTED AND FAITHFUL SERVANT, THE AUTHOR. O- "BRASSES FORM AN IMPORTANT CLASS OF OUR MONU- MENTAL ANTIQUITIES .... AFFIXED AS THEY USUALLY WERE TO THE PAVEMENT OF A CHURCH, THEY DID NOT INTERFERE WITH THE ARRANGEMENT OF THE BUILDING, OR MAR ITS BEAUTIES: AND BEING ALSO OF A SIMPLE, DEVOTIONAL CHARACTER, THE FEW THAT REMAIN WILL ALWAYS BE REGARDED BY CHRISTIAN ANTIQUARIES AS MEMORIALS OF GREAT INTEREST."— Markland's Remarks on English Churches, Edition Zrd,p. 48. preface* The following pages owe their origin to two papers read before the St. Alban's Architectural Society, at their Meetings held at St. Alban's in the months of February and June of this present year, 1846. These papers were composed solely with the view to illustrate the series of examples of monumental brasses and slabs exhibited on those occasions, and consequently without any idea of publication. In deference, however, to the opinion expressed by several members of the above-named Society, as well as by other friends, it was subsequently decided that the substance of these papers, with certain additions, corrections, and illustrations, should form the present volume*. In carrying into effect this decision, the principle uniformly acted upon has been to produce a manual of elementary informa- tion, exclusively devoted to this one class of our national monu- mental memorials : and that, less with the view to add to the in- formation already acquired by the careful student of this valuable page in the annals of the past, than to reduce the prevalent amusement of brass-rubbing into something of a system, and thus to enhance its interest as a pursuit, by pointing out and endea- vouring to elucidate its utility and importance as a study. Accordingly, the more prominent features in armour, costume, canopies, inscriptions, heraldic insignia, &c, usually depicted in brasses, together with the general characteristics of the several classes into which these incised monuments may naturally be " A third paper on the same subject was publication of its predecessors had been also read at another Meeting of the St. determined upon : the contents of this Alban's Architectural Society, after the third paper are incorporated in these pages. \ 111 PKEFACE. divided, have been described at length. Detailed descriptions of certain examples have also been given; with the twofold purpose, that the complete explanation of their peculiar merits may both enhance the estimation in which these examples themselves are held, and at the same time lead to a general habit of minute and critical examination into such other specimens, as may fall more particularly under the notice of different individuals. The original form of composition has been retained, as appearing the better adapted to the subject under consideration. Occasional references have been made to sculptured monuments, when such additional illustration was found requisite. The Illustrations will, it is hoped, be found sufficiently numerous to exemplify the several passages with which they are placed in connection; and also to form a small series of faithful delineations, so selected that each specimen should either appear to be a type of a class, or in itself possess some points of special interest b . Such technical terms as occur, when first used are printed in Italic characters, and then they are for the most part fully explained : to these explanatory pas- sages reference is made in the concise Glossary appended to the volume; or, as in some cases it appeared to be more expe- dient, an explanation of the terms is introduced into the Glos- sary itself. In this Glossary, however, it must be understood that terms strictly architectural and heraldic are not included. At the end of the volume will also be found a classified list of some choice specimens of brasses : — a table of the contractions and abbreviations which occur in inscriptions : — and a notice of some b Many of the Illustrations represent and of the head-dress of Lady Burton at only parts of entire figures, or compart- p. 85, should have been incorrectly en- ments of large compositions. graved: he has added accurate engravings The Author greatly regrets that, in con- of the whole figures depicted in these fine sequence of an error of his own, the cuts and interesting brasses, of the bascinet of Lord Camoys at p. 49, c For this most valuable portion of the PREFACE. II German slabs in low relief d ; together with Indices, Chronological and Topographical, of the several examples to which reference is made in the text and notes, and also an Index of the Shields of Arms which are there emblazoned. Besides original MSS. and Illuminations, and the Brasses and Slabs themselves, among the authorities which have been con- sulted it may be sufficient to specify the volumes of the Archaeo- logia and Monumenta Vetusta: Gough's Monuments: Waller's and Cotman's Brasses : the Monumental Effigies of Stothard, Blore, and Hollis : Sir S. Mey rick's Treatises on Arms and Armour: Strutt's, Shawe's, Planche's, and Fairholt's works on Dresses and Decorations : the Gentleman's Magazine : the Ar- chaeological Journal : Fosbroke's Encyclopedia of Antiquities : the Oxford Glossary : Hartshorne's Sepulchral Monuments : Bloxam's Glimpse at Monumental Architecture : Markland's Remarks on English Churches : Ly sons' Magna Britannia : Dugdale's War- wickshire: Dallaway's Sussex: Addington's Dorchester; and various other works on county or local topography and antiquities. To the Committee of the Archaeological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland, for their courteous liberality in placing at his disposal eleven engravings on wood, the Author tenders his grateful acknowledgments ; he desires also to thank, for their most valuable advice and assistance, Albert Way, Esq.: Dawson Turner, Esq.: Rev. G. Proctor, D.D.: Rev. W. D. Willis, Preben- dary of Wells : W. H. Blaauw, Esq.: L. A. B. Waller, Esq.: J. H. Parker, Esq.: Rev. W. Drake: Rev. H. Addington : Rev. Dr. Appendix, the result of laborious and com- monuments. prehensive research, the Author is indebted d The Illustrations to this notice are to the liberal kindness of the Rev. Dr. drawn from a very admirable continental Jacob : which gentleman has in a state of work, entitled Coslume du Moyen Age great forwardness a Glossary of Terms, Chretien, by M. de Hefner, and published explanatory of medieval antiquities and at Mannheim. X PREFACE. Jacob : A. W. Franks, Esq.: Raphael Brandon, Esq.: J. Arthur Brandon, Esq.: G. P. R. Minty, Esq.: M. H. Bloxam, Esq.; Mr. Richardson of Greenwich, and other friends e . Communications for the Author may be addressed to the care of the Publisher, Mr. Bell, 186, Fleet Street, London. C. B. Sandridge Vicarage, near St. Alban's, December 30th, 1846. e Since the completion of the text and notes of this volume, Mr. Manning's valu- able List of Brasses has appeared: and this has been followed still more recently by a general notice of these memorials from the pen of the same gentleman. It is no slight satisfaction to the Author to find his own views on this subject com- pletely sustained in this truly excellent little treatise, which he hopes to see ap- pended to a second edition of the List of Brasses. CIVILIAN. Compartment of Brass of Robert Braunche, Lynn RegiB, A.D. 1361 i See page 17.) CONTENTS. Introductory Remarks, Flemish Brasses, English Brasses, Military Brasses, Brasses of Ladies, Brasses of Ecclesiastics, Brasses of Civilians, Brasses of Demi-Figures, Miscellaneous Brasses, Canopies, .... Miscellaneous Details, Inscriptions, Palimpsest Brasses, Slabs despoiled of Brasses, . Incised or engraven Slabs, Rubbings of Brasses, . Concluding remarks, Appendix, List of Abbreviations, Contractions, &c, Glossary, .... Index, .... Page 1 9 27 28 80 95 106 113 117 126 129 141 147 155 156 165 169 173 201 207 213 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. ENGRAVINGS UPON STONE, EXECUTED BY MR. J. E. JOBBINS. A.D. c. 1375. 1364. 1361. c. 1360. c. 1360. < 1277. ■v 1289. > 1306. c. 1320. c. 1320. c. 1325. 1391. 1412. c. 1420. 1413. 1430. 1433. 1445. 1227. c. 1440. 1407. c. 1319. c. 1337. 1407. PAGE Abbot Thomas Delamere, St. Alban's Abbey Church . 11 Robert and Margaret Braunche, Lynn Regis . . 17 Alan Fleming, Newark ..... 19 A Priest, Wenslev, Yorkshire .... 20 A Priest, North Mimms, Herts .... 21 Sir John D'Aubernoun, Stoke D'Aubernoun, Surrey . 27 Sir Roger De Trumpington, Trumpington, Cambridge . 30 Sir Robert De Septvans, Chartham, Kent ... 35 Sir De Bacon, Gorleston, Suffolk ... 36 Sir De Fitzralph, Pebmarsh, Essex ... 37 Sir John De Creke and Lady, Westley Waterless, Cambridge 39 Sir Robert Swynborne, I Little Horkeslev Essex 55 Sir Thomas Swynborne, ) ljltUetl01kesle y' £iSsex ' ' bb Sir Peter and Lady Halle, Heine, Kent ... 62 Sir Simon Felbrigge, Felbrigg, Norfolk ... 63 Sir Thomas Bromflete, Wymington, Beds ... 65 Sir John and Lady Leventhorpe, Sawbridgeworth, Herts . 67 Cross Fleury, Broadwater, Sussex . . . . 118 Sir John De Bitton (slab), Bitton, Gloucestershire . . 158 Slab of the Architects, Church of St. Ouen, Rouen . . 162 Sir Nicholas Hawberk, Cobham, Kent . . . 178 German Slab of Albract Hohenloe . . . 191 Ditto of Hewnel Landschaden and Lady . . . 192 Ditto of Jolian, Graaf von Wertheim . . . 193 ENGRAVINGS ON WOOD, EXECUTED BY MR. O. JEWITT, MR. R. B. UTTING, MISS BYFIELD, MESSRS. DE LA MOTTE AND HEAVISIDE, AND MR. E. RICHARDSON. A.D. 1302. c. 1375. c. 1375. 1364. 1412. c. 1375. c. 1375. c. 1375. Sir Robert De Bures, Acton, Suffolk Offa, King of Mercia, Delamere Brass, St. Alban's . Ornaments from the Delamere Brass, St. Alban's, and Monogram ...... St. Alban, Delamere Brass, St. Alban's Monogram of the St. Alban's Architectural Society, and Ornaments from a Brass in Great Shelford Church, Cambridgeshire ...... Civilian, Brass of Robert Braunche, Lynn Regis Part of Canopy, Swynborne Brass, Little Horkesley, Essex Compartment of Canopy, Delamei-e Brass, St. Alban's Compartment of Canopy, Delamere Brass, St. Alban's Specimen of inscription, border, and initial cross, St. Alban's PAGE Frontispiece ii Title iv v X 1 9 12 13 1, 1ST OF'l'HATlONS. xni A.D. 1349. L349. 1349. 1391. /c. 1510. • c. 1277. • V / 1312. 1327. c. 1330. c. 1330. 1347. 1347. 1364. 1361. 1370. c. 1368. 1375. 1375. 1382. c. 1385. 1382. 1407. 1392. 1400. 1424. 1403. 1415. 1415. 1415. 1404. 1426. 1457. 1433. 1444. 1450. 1438. 1455. 1450. 1444. 1480. 1465. 1473. 1492. 1505. 1506. 1593. 1310. 1320. 1360. 1 372. 1364. / • Finial, crockets, and cusping, Wulsoknc Brass, Lynn Part of Figure of Adam De Walsokne, Lynn Part of Figure of Margaret De Walsokne, Lynn Part of Figure of Thomas De Topcliffe, Topcliff, York Flemish Brass of Knight of the Compton Family, late in Netley Ahhey Church .... Sir John "D'Aubernoun, Stoke D'Aubernoun Fylfot-cross ..... Tilting-helm ..... Engraver's Mark, Seal, and Shield . Sir John D'Aubernoun the younger Sir John De Northwode, | Mi Isle of Slieppey Lady De Northwode, j ri ' Bascinet with vizor, Hastings Brass, Elsyng, Norfolk Chapelle de fer, Hastings Brass, Elsyng, Norfolk . Bascinets ...... Misericorde ...... Studded Mail, Sir Miles De Stapleton Sir John De Paletoot, Watton, Herts Sculptured Effigy, Bamberg Cathedral Hip-belt, Sword-hilt, and Genouilliere, Sir Thomas Cheyne Drayton Beauchamp, Bucks Solleret, Sir William Cheyne, Drayton Beauchamp . Sir John De Cobham, Cobham, Kent Nicholas, Lord Burnel, Acton Burnel, Salop A Knight, St. Michael's, St. Alban's Sir Thomas and Lady Burton, Little Casterton, Rutland Sir William and Lady Bagot, Baginton, Warwick, (after drawing by L. A. B. Waller, Esq.) Lord and Lady Berkeley, Wotton-under-Edge, Gloucester Sword-belt, &c. Robert Albyn, Hemel Hempsted, Herts Coudiere, Lord Camoys, Trotton, Sussex Sir Reginald De Cobham, Lingfield, Surrey Sword-belt, &c. Sir Thomas Peryent, Digswell, Herts Lady Peryent, Digswell, Herts Head-dress, Lady Peryent, Digswell, Herts Lady (unknown), Sawtry, Hunts Sir John De Brewys, Wiston, Sussex Sir John De Harpedon, Westminster Abbey Shields of Arms, Leventhorpe Brass . Sir Nicholas Manston, St. Lawrence, Kent . Sir John Peryent, the younger Placcates, Sir R. Dyxton, Cirencester John Daundelyon, Margate . Walter Green (part of figure), Hayes, Middlesex Sir William Fyndeme (part of figure), Childrey, Berks Sir Anthony De Grey, St. Alban's Abbey Church Sword-belt, Coudiere, &c. Henry Parice, Hildersham, Camb Head-dress, Lady Say, Broxbourne, Herts . Sabbaton, Piers Gerard, Winwick, Lancashire Sir Humphrey Stanley, Westminster Abbey Gauntlet, Sir R. L'Estrange, Hunstanton, Norfolk Humphrey Brewster, Wrentham, Suffolk Margaret, Lady De Camoys, Trotton, Sussex Joan, Lady De Cobham, Cobham, Kent Maud, Lady De Cobham, Cobham, Kent Head, Ismayne De Wynston, Necton, Norfolk Head, Lady Stapleton, late at Ingham, Norfolk PAOE 14 15 16 20 26 28 ib. 30 41 42 41 44 46 47 49 50 51 ib. 52 53 ib. ib. 54 ib. ib. 56 57 ib. 59 60 61 ib. 62 64 66 ib. 67 ib. 69 ib. 70 ib. 71 73 ib. 75 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 ib. xiv LIST OK ILLUSTRATIONS. A.D. PAOE 1 384. Head, Lady Havsick, South Acre, Norfolk . 85 1382. Head, Lady Burton, Little Casterton, Rutland ib. 1391. Head, Eleanor Corp, Stoke Fleming, Devon ib. 1372. Blanche de la Tour (Statuette), Westminster Ahhey ib. 1424. Lord and Lady De Camoys, Trotton, Sussex 86 1400. Head, Ela Bowet, Wrentham, Suffolk ib. c. 1400. Part of female figure, St. Lawrence's, Norwich 87 c. 1430. Head (lady unknown), Horley, Surrey ib. c. 1500. Lady (unknown), Clippesby, Norfolk 88 c. 1500. Head (lady unknown), St. Swithun's, Norwich 89 4 1413. Head, Lady Felhrigg, Felbrigg, Norfolk 90 1423. Head, Lady Shelton, Great Snoring, Norfolk ib. 1458. Head, Lady Shernbourn, Shernbourne, Norfolk 91 1424. Head, Lady Camoys, Trotton, Sussex ib. ?. 14(55. Head, Lady Arderne, Latton, Essex ib. 1467. Head, Lady Vernon, Tong, Salop ib. c. 1450. Head (lady unknown), Luton, Beds ib. 1440. Head, Lady Halsham, West Grinstead, Sussex 92 c. 1480. Lady ,.. Clopton, Long Melford, Suffolk . ib. 1479. Head, daughter of Sir T. Urswick, Dagenham, Essex 93 1514. Head, Margaret Pettwode, St. Clement's, Norwich . ib. 1516. Head, Jane Sylan, Luton, Beds ib. 1532. Head, , , , Goodwyn, Necton, Norfolk ib. 1594. Head, Julian Clippesby, Clippesby, Norfolk 94 1598. Head, Cicely Page, Bray, Bucks ib. c. 1337. Lawrence Seymour, Higham Ferrers, Northamptonshire 95 c. 1310. De Bacon, Oulton, Suffolk . ib. c. 1375. Head, Esmond De Burnedish, Brundish, Suffolk 96 c. 1370. End of Stole, Shottesbroke Priest . ib. c. 1430. Priest with crossed Stole, Horsham, Sussex . 98 c. 1465. Priest, Broxbourne, Herts . 99 1498. Henry Denton, Higham Ferrers ib. 1498. 1554. ( Episcopal Vestments .... Pall, Archbishop Cranley, New College 100 1417. ib. 1315, 1554, 1611. Mitres ...... 101 1494. Pastoral Staff ..... ib. . 1397. Crozier ...... ib. V 1478. Bishop Boothe, East Horsley, Surrey 102 c. 1400. Ecclesiastic in a Cope, Hitchin, Herts 103 1433. Head, Prior Nelond, Cowfold, Sussex 104 1521. Head, Dr. Urswick, Hackney . 105 1534. Head, Thomas Leman, South Acre, Norfolk 106 7 1356. 1349. ) Richard and Margaret Torrington, Great Berkhampstead \ Herts ... . . .' ( 107 c. 1435. Hugo and Margaret Bostock, Wheathamstede, Herts 109 1500. Civilian, Clippesby, Norfolk .... 110 1510. Balf Rowlat, St. Alban's Abbey Church ib. c. 1475. A Notary, Church of St. Mary Tower, Ipswich 112 c. 1280. Sir R. De Buslingthorpe, Buslingthorpe, Lincoln 113 1474. William Canynges (part of effigy), St. Mary's, Redcliffe ib. c. 1300. Knight in banded mail, Croft, Lincoln 114 N c. 1430. John Tubney, Southfleet, Kent . . . . ib. c. 1315. Rich. De Hart, Merton college . 115 > c. 1375. Britellus Avenel, Buxtead, Sussex . 116 c. 1375. John and Agnes De Kyggesfolde, Rusper, Sussex . 117 c. 1345. Lady, Wimbish, Essex . 119 c. 1345. Knight (part of figure), Wimbish, Essex ib. LIST OF 1U.USTKATI0NS. XV c. / A.D. 1350. 1540. 1414. 1424. 1349. 1462. 1480. 1441. 1494. 1449. 1351. 1377. 1498. c. I40o! c. c. • / • 1260. 1285. 1375. 1375. 1375. 1498. 1364. 1465. 1375. 1369. 1400. 1272. 1290. 1473. 1399. 1407. 1526. Nicholas Aumberdene, Taplow, Bucks Chalice and Wafer Joanna Urban, Southfleet, Kent Small heart with Monogram, Higham Ferrers Canopy, Camoys Brass, Trotton, Sussex Fragment of Canopy, Berkhampstead, Herts Pinnacle and shield of Arms, Oakover, Stafford Fragment of Canopy, St. Alban's Abbey Church Shield of Arms, (Grimston) Lady .... Clopton, Long Melford, Suffolk Banner of Arms . Merchants' Mark, and Shields of Arms of the Merchants of the Staple, and the Merchants Adventurers Collars of SS., and of Suns and Roses Collar of Mermaids, (Badge of the Berkeleys) Genouilliere, Lord de Camoys Emblems of the Evangelists, Walsokne Brass Symbolical Emblem Anne Duke, Frense, Norfolk Anne Rede, St. Margaret's, Norwich Wm. and Agnes Complyn, (S. Christopher) Wyke, Hants Abbreviation of the letters D. E. R. Palimpsest Fragments, St. Alban's Abbey Church Palimpsest Fragments, late in Trunch Church, Norfolk Palimpsest Fragments, late in St. Martin's Church, Norwich Knight, (Slab), Avenbury, Herefordshire Sir John De Botiler, (Slab), St. Bride's, Glamorgan Solleret and Spur .... Artists at work, (Illumination) Fragment of Slab, France Ornament, Delamere Brass Ornament, Delamere Brass . Ornament, Delamere Brass Ornament, Esteney Brass, Westminster Abbey Civilian, Braunche Brass, Lynn Regis Part of Canopy, Blodwcll Brass, Balsham, Camb. Ornament, Delamere Brass . Part of Figure, Ulrich Landschaden, Germany Part of Legend, Sir Bernard Brocas, Westminster Abbey Parts of Legends, Monuments of King Henry III. and \ Eleanor of Castile, Westminster Abbey . . \ Achievement of Arms, Say Brass .... Head, Jane Keriel, Ash, Kent .... Head, Whissonsett, Norfolk .... Head, Painted Chamber, Westminster Two Shields of Arms, Brass of Eleanor De Bohun, West- minster Abbey ...... St. George, Hawberk Brass, Cobham Elizabeth Shelley, Clapham, Sussex . Adver PAG E 121 122 123 124 127 il>. ib. 128 129 130 131 132 134 135 ib. 137 138 139 ib. 140 145 148 149 150 158 159 160 162 163 164 168 171 172 173 175 190 192 l!)S il>. 207 210 ib. 211 234 235 tisement "THERE IS NO BRANCH OF ARCHEOLOGY MORE INTER- ESTING TO THE STUDENT, THAN THAT WHICH EMBRACES THE INVESTIGATION AND ILLUSTRATION OF THE SEPUL- CHRAL MONUMENTS OF PAST AGES WHETHER IT IS VIEWED AS ADDUCING AN EVIDENCE OF COSTUME, OR AS AFFORDING A GLANCE AT THE ARTS AND CUSTOMS OF FORMER TIMES, OR FROM THE TREASURY OF HERALDIC KNOWLEDGE WHICH IT FURNISHES, THE jHonttmcntal Erass POSSESSES A PARAMOUNT DEGREE OF VALUE AND UTI- LITY." — Gentleman's Magazine. *** It will be borne in remembrance that th were, for the most part, originally read at three Meetings of the St. Alban'a Architectural Society. mm® siiflBs?^ Having been enabled, by the | "" Jh kindness of friends, to exhibit to \ JL, <&> JL j the meeting a choice collection of A: JL rubbings of monumental brasses, I am induced to hope that on this %,, occasion a few remarks upon these curious memorials may be re- garded, as neither inappropriate nor unacceptable. And this hope is confirmed by the reflection, that of all the examples of medi- aeval art yet remaining, none are better known, none are objects of more general interest, and that a strictly practical interest, than these early specimens of the engraver's skill. r ; B 2 MONUMENTAL BRASSES AND SLABS. Engraven plates for monumental memorials, or as ihey are usually denominated, "Brasses," despite the ruthless spoliation of fanaticism in one age, and of combined ignorance and dis- honesty in another, still abound in almost every part of England : and no less numerous than the brasses themselves is the array, the association, I would fain style them, of brass-rubbers. The facility with which fac-simile impressions of brasses can be pro- duced, and the accuracy and durability of the impressions them- selves, have doubtless induced many to join in a pursuit, which they have thus been led to discover to be replete with diversified, but always valuable, always attractive and interesting information. It would, perhaps, in the great majority of cases, be difficult to assign to any other motive than the mere impulse of novelty or curiosity, the first hasty visit to some brass-preserving fabric, — the first sweeping away of dust, and spreading out of paper, and manipulation of heel-ball : — but it would be far more difficult to shew that it is but mere curiosity which, the charms of novelty having long passed away, actuates the persevering, the zealous, and diligent brass-rubber. And, in their vocation, brass-rub- bers are diligent, zealous, and persevering. There is an asso- ciation, or rather an inherent quality, in the engraven plate, the object of the brass-rubber's research, which calls forth feelings and sentiments far worthier than those of the most refined curiosity. It is because of their vivid representation of the long dead denizens of ages past, — because from generation to generation they bring before us, in all points as they were in life, the prince, the noble, the lady, the knight, the citizen, and the ecclesiastic, — the mail- clad warriors who first made Acre a name famous in the annals of British prowess, — " the victors of Cressy and Poictiers, the knights of Agincourt," the chieftains of the rival roses, the royal Edwards and Henrys, the chivalrous Bohuns, and Nevils, and Mortimers, the Howards, Beauchamps, De Veres, De Greys, and Stanleys : and with these, a long array of worthies of every rank and calling, the honoured Delamere, who ruled so worthily over the once splendid, nay, the still splendid establishment of this ancient city, Grenfeld and Waldeby of York, Esteney of Westminster, Goodrich of Ely, Bewforrest of Dorchester: the merchant, too, of MONUMENTAL BRASSES AND SLABS. 6 by-gone centuries, in long flowing robe faced with miniver, with his anlace and gypciere ; and the civilian in his appropriate gown : and though last named, far from least in interest, esteem, and wor- thiness, the fair and virtuous of other days, the heroines of many a forgotten passage of arms, many a romantic tale, — the Marga- rets, and Eleanors, and Philippas, whose regal eminence was enhanced by their lofty deeds, — it is because in the engraven memorials which mark the last resting-places of these and such as these, we possess the means of reproducing themselves in no unreal or fancied costumes, but according to their very images as they lived and acted, — because we are thus enabled to reinvest the personages, whose names make history famous, with form and fashion true to the very life, it is, that the study of monu- mental brasses is almost invariably pursued with at least some degree of enthusiasm. And surely, if this pursuit enabled us to do only thus much, it thus must appear to be well worthy of both time and labour. But, much more than has already been suggested, may be learned from these memorials. To the genealogist they afford authentic cotemporary evidences : to the herald they furnish examples of the original usage in bearing arms, and authorities in the appropriation and adjustment of badges and personal devices : the architect here will find, in rich variety, the details and accessories illustrative, as well of peculiar modes of arrange- ment and combination, as of the distinctive characteristics of style and design : the chronologist hence may deduce authentic data to determine, with truly remarkable exactness, successive eras and epochs : the artist has before him original compositions, illustrating the early excellence, and then the progressive, though happily only temporary, decline in the art of such pre-eminent importance, that of incision : to the general antiquary from the same source widely diversified information will accrue : the palaeographer also is hence enabled to fix the distinctive form of letter used at certain periods, together with the prevalent peculiarities of contraction and abbre- viation, conformable for the most part to that which is found in legends depicted upon stained glass, in illuminations, or on en- graved seals. Of the important judicial testimony deducible from 4 MONUMENTAL BRASSES AND SLABS. brasses, the decision upon the Camoys peerage affords a remarkable and memorable example. And beyond all, the deep tone of com- bined piety and humility which characterizes so forcibly these memorials of the departed, — as well the attitude of the figure, as the legend on the scroll, contrasting strikingly with the inconsistent designs, and the vain, and too often flippant encomiums, so pre- valent in monumental structures of more modern date, — " these must be our admiration, and ought to be our pattern," — thus, of a truth, do our ancestors being dead, yet speak with powerful though silent eloquence. But let me now turn to these engraven monuments themselves, and briefly sketch out their more prominent peculiarities. To the inconvenience necessarily attendant upon the introduction of nume- rous figures sculptured in relief, flat monumental memorials doubt- less owe their origin : the former must occupy space in a church which could not be spared for monuments, while the slabs and brasses would offer no obstruction, and at the same time would enrich and beautify the fabric in which they were placed. The durability of the brass plates also, though incidentally subjected to great and constant attrition, rendered them far more desirable than sculptured effigies. Thus it is common to find a brass of the fourteenth century still as essentially perfect as when first laid down ; whereas monumental statues of much later date generally shew evident impressions of the hand of time. Accordingly, about the commencement of the thirteenth century, the custom appears to have been adopted in this country of affixing to slabs of marble or stone, portraitures of the deceased engraven on plates of metal, the slabs themselves being laid in the pavement of churches, or in some comparatively rare instances placed upon altar-tombs a . Purbeck marble and sandstone were in common a Altar-tombs surmounted by brasses usually occupy a chantry, or sepulchral chapel constructed expressly for their re- ception; or they commemorate some per- sonage having a claim to unusual distinc- tion, as the founder or benefactor of the edifice. In these examples, the brasses themselves appear to have superseded the more suitable recumbent effigy, merely in compliance with the then prevalent fashion of monumental portraiture. It may here be added, that some few late examples of brasses occur fixed to mural tablets ; and that, in again securing plates of early date which have been loosed from their original slabs, a similar position has sometimes been MONUMENTAL BRASSES AND SLABS. use for this purpose ; and more particularly slabs of forest marble from the Kirkford quarries in Sussex. The metal employed in constructing the engravings was denominated latten, laten, or laton, and appears to have been a compound somewhat resembling brass, but more costly and far more durable than that alloy. It was manufactured exclusively on the continent, previous to the middle of the seventeenth century, and from thence imported into this country. In Flanders and Germany, and especially at the city of Cologne, this manufacture was carried to the highest perfection ; as may be inferred from the Beauchamp-chapel contracts, which provide that the metallic accessories and ornaments of the tomb of the earl of Warwick should be " made, forged, and worked in most finest wise, and of the finest latten:" the "large plate," which should sustain the recumbent effigy, being further specified as " to be made of the finest and thickest Cullen plate" the latten, that is, of Cologne. In shields of arms and those portions of the effigies which were designed to be tinctured argent, a white metal now presenting a pewter-like appearance, or lead, was in general use. These plates were embedded in pitch, and also firmly secured to the stone by means of cramps and rivets of brass b . The earliest recorded example of a brass in England, is the long- lost memorial of Simon de Beauchamp, earl of Bedford, who com- pleted the foundation of Newenham abbey, and dying before A.D. 1 208, was buried at the foot of the high altar in St. Paul's church, Bedford ; his epitaph was engraven in brass, and set on a flat marble slab, each letter being inserted in its own separate casement or cavity sunk in the stone ; a portion of it has been preserved in memory, — " Ue Udlo ©ampo jacct \){t sub marmore Simon funtiator tie Nefoeiujam." Jocelyn, bishop of Wells, who died in 1242, had a brass in the adopted : in either case, this arrangement is altogether at variance with the true cha- racter of this species of monument. b In refixing brasses which, from what- ever cause, have become detached from their original slabs, it is very important that brass-headed nails, or rather small spikes entirely of brass, be used. It is also desirable to embed the plate in pitch, in accordance with the original practice. If additional security be considered requi- site, spikes of iron might be soldered to the under side of the plate, in such a maimer as to avoid any contact between the brass and iron, and these may be riveted to the stone. 6 MONUMENTAL BRASSES AND SLABS. choir of that cathedral : and on the north side of the choir of Salisbury cathedral, the matrix or indent of the brass of Bishop Bingham may still be distinguished; this prelate died A.D. 1247, and his brass appears to have consisted of a cross flory with a demi-figure c . Richard de Berkyng, abbot of Westminster, who died A.D. 1246, had his effigy in pontifi calibus, with a fillet bearing an inscription in brass. Bishop Gravesend, A.D. 1279, had a brass in Lincoln cathedral : Bishop Longspee, A.D. 1297, at Salisbury: and Elias de Beckenham, A.D. 1298, at Botsford, Cambridgeshire. At Much-Hadham in this county a fine cross flory has been torn from a slab, which still retains the name of Simon Flambard, rector of that church at a period not later than A.D. 1280. Another cross once enriched the pavement of the chancel of Pulham church in Norfolk ; it was the memorial of Simon de Walpole, rector, A.D. 1301. "Ela, countess of War- wick," says Leland, " a woman of very great riches and nobilitie, lyethe under a very fair, flat marble, in the habit of a woves, (vowess or nun,) graven in a copper-plate." She died A.D. 1300. In the choir of our abbey-church lies a slab, once adorned with an effigy of an abbot in brass, with a legend : this is certainly of a very early date, and as certainly commemorates an Abbot John; but whether John de Cella, A.D. 1214, John de Hertford, A.D. 1260, John de Berkhamsted, A.D. 1301, or John Marinus, A.D. 1308, it now is impossible to decide. Other brasses, some of them gilded, are described by Dart and Leland, which were decidedly anterior to the earliest known existing specimens, those of Sir John D'Aubernoun, A.D. 1277, Sir Roger de Trumping- ton, A.D. 1289, and the demi-figure of Sir Richard de Busling- thorpe, of about the same date. After the close of the thirteenth century examples rapidly increase. Their original abundance is attested by the vast collection of despoiled slabs existing in almost every church : in our own noble abbey-church, scarce an early stone remains which has not its own deed of spoliation to denounce. And doubtless the pews, those unsightly excrescences of modern c A matrix of precisely similar character St. Alban's abbey-church : it is the memo- and very deeply cut, appears on the face rial of a priest, and decidedly of early date. of a slab lying in the south transept of MONUMENTAL BRASSES AND SLABS. 7 times, conceal numerous and important additions to the long series of brasses, known and recorded as yet extant d . Notwith- standing their abundance, however, and a certain general simi- larity of character particularly apparent in brasses of about the same date, or which were probably the productions of the same artist, so varied was the treatment of these compositions, that no two specimens have hitherto been noticed, which in all respects are precisely identical. It is remarkable that, in the earliest examples, a far higher degree of artistic excellence is manifested, than at a subsequent period : the designs are more bold, simple, and spirited ; and the execution generally more skilful and meritorious. Breadth of com- position, and true artistic feeling in the management of details, combined with a power of energetic expression effected by the simplest process, characterize almost universally these early engrav- ings. But, when the arts in all other respects became generally advanced, these monumental plates appear, without exception, to have lost almost every trace of that high excellence as works of art, which they once so signally displayed. Nor is it less worthy of remark, that these incised monumental plates were produced in abundance, and in high perfection, more than two centuries previous to the discovery of the art of engraving plates of metal for the pur- pose of impression. To Mazo Finiquerra, a goldsmith of Florence who nourished about the year 1460, is assigned the distinguished honour of having made the discovery of copper-plate engraving, properly so called : and thus, during no less a period than 250 years, with an abundance of engraven plates in existence, all of which were expressly calculated to produce fac-simile copies by means of impression, the art of taking impressions remained altogether unknown. It ought, however, to be borne in mind, that brasses, to be available as engraven plates for printing, require to be in the state in which we now generally find them; having, that is to say, their incised lines clear and open for the reception of the printer's inkf whereas originally the work was considered to be incomplete, until the lines were filled-in with d Instances have been known of fine ing, or by the erection of new or additional brasses being covered over by modern floor- pews. 8 MONUMENTAL BRASSES AND SLABS. some black or coloured composition : and thus, before leaving the artist's hands in the first instance, these engravings were re- stored to an unbroken uniformity of surface, and consequently while in that state they were deprived of their faculty of pro- ducing impressions. I have spoken of brasses as occupying a prominent position amongst the productions of mediaeval art ; still we now see them shorn of the completeness of their original beauty and magnifi- cence. " The sepulchral brass in its original and perfect state, was a work rich and beautiful in decoration." The surface of the plate was gilt and burnished ; the outlines were filled-in with some tena- cious substance of a glossy blackness : and the diapered field, the tracery, the tabernacle work, the armorial insignia, and the various decorations of rank or office, all glowed with enamel of diversified and vivid colours. The injuries of time and wanton mischief, together with the expansion and contraction of the metal, have left us but few traces of this once gorgeous decoration. Enough, however, is left to convey some idea of what has been lost ; and, better still, enough to guide us faithfully in effecting the restora- tion of original examples, and also in the execution of other works of like character and design. Some few of the brasses yet existing in this country are of foreign workmanship, and were for the most part imported from Flanders. These were worked in one unbroken plate of metal e , the field being richly diapered to display the figures, shields of arms, archi- tectural designs, devices and inscriptions : whereas in brasses of English manufacture, the effigy, canopy, escutcheons and inscrip- tions were engraven on separate pieces of metal, and each piece placed in a distinct casement or indent of form corresponding with its own, sunk in the face of the grey marble slab, which thus became the field or back-ground of the entire work. This difference between the continental and English brasses may, in all probability, be accounted for, from the circumstance of the greater facility in obtaining large plates of metal on the conti- e These brasses really are constructed of so united as to present the appearance of several pieces of metal ; but these are all one unbroken plate. FLEMISH BRASSES. 9 nent, where, as has already been observed, the latten-plate was manufactured f . Besides the distinction thus produced, brasses may generally be divided into four classes, — the Ecclesiastical, the Military, the Civil, and the Miscellaneous : the former three severally exhibiting effigies of ecclesiastics, warriors, civilians, and ladies, while the latter comprises all simple inscriptions, with every variety of de- vice, whether emblematical or otherwise, which is unaccompanied by any effigy, or in which such effigies as may be introduced must be regarded as subordinate members of the composition. A further, and that a most important classification of brasses, is according to their chronological succession : and here the most ad- vantageous system will be found to arrange the examples in classes, corresponding with the eras of cotemporaneous sovereigns. Of the Flemish Brasses yet remaining in England, seven bear strong, and indeed convincing internal evidence, of having been produced by the same artist : these are the splendid memorials at Lynn, Nor- folk, of Adam de Walsokne and his wife, A.D. 1349, and of Robert Braunche with his two wives, A.D. 1364; of another civi- lian and his lady at Topcliff, near Thirsk, in Yorkshire, bearing date A.D. 1391 ; of Alan Fleming, A.D. 1361, at Newark; of Abbot Thomas Delamere, in the abbey- church of St. Alban ; of a priest in eucha- ristic vestments at North Mimms, near St. Alban's ; and of another ecclesiastic similarly attired, at Wensley, Yorkshire; in both of these two last-named effigies the chalice is intro- duced, but in neither of them is it represented as grasped in the hands, in the former being placed upon the figure below the up- ' To the same circumstance of the con- which were most easy of access from the struction of their material in the Low continent, and where the woollen manufac- Countries, must he assigned the greater tory was principally carried on. prevalence of brasses in those counties Canopy Compartment of Delamere Brass. St. Aiban's o A.D. 1370 10 FLEMISH BRASSES. raised hands, in the latter above the hands, which are crossed and point downwards g : these two brasses differ from the five previously enumerated, in being without the diapered back-ground of metal ; the Wensley priest is simply an effigy; while in the example at North Mimms the effigy is cut clear of the canopy, and only con- nected at the base of the design with the rest of the plate ; it is, however, highly probable that originally this brass consisted of one unbroken plate, the back-ground having at some subsequent period been removed. The canopy of this brass has been remarked as bearing a striking resemblance to the sedilia, constructed so gene- rally near the altars of churches, for the officiating priests : the association thus indicated is curious, and indeed important. To these seven examples of the works of the same Flemish brass engraver, an eighth may be added, though now no longer in exist- ence : it was the brass of Robert Attelathe, A.D. 1378, also once at Lynn Regis, from which Cotman has given the effigy of Attelathe himself, drawn after Gough. Neither can I here omit to notice a fragment of yet another Flemish brass, an impression from which has recently come into my possession, and which without hesitation I assign to the same masterly hand. The original is, I believe, in the possession of Mr.Pugin'. It represents the head of an abbot or bishop, wearing a most costly mitre, and having on the left side a pastoral staff of corresponding richness : the head rests upon an elaborately diapered cushion, and is inclosed within the upper portion of an arched canopy, bearing a strong resemblance to that of Abbot Dela- mere; to which the fragment is, in all respects, equal, if not superior, both in design and execution. The fragment corresponds precisely with the similar portion of the brass of the St. Alban's abbot ; pos- sibly it may be the sole relic of the ample and doubtless splendid plate, once affixed to the large marble slab, recorded to mark the spot where Michael de Mentmore, twenty-ninth abbot of St. Alban, was buried A.D. 1342, and which still lies, a memento of sacri- s In both the Wensley and North depicted in brasses. Here the consecrated Minims' brasses the chalice is covered vessels are represented as lying upon the with an inverted paten. The position of breast of the deceased minister, as they the chalice in these figures strongly cor- really were placed upon his remains when roborates the opinion of the recumbent atti- prepared for interment; tudu, designed almost universally to be CIRCA AD. 1375 48° <£bW II THOMAS BE LAMERJB, ABBOT OF ST AJLBAE"S DIED A .D. 1396. In the Aiibey Church- of S* Albans ( Canopy &c. omitted.) FLEMISH BRASSES. 11 legious spoliation, at the foot of the altar-steps in his abbey church h . The brass of Abbot Delamere, the finest existing specimen by far of an ecclesiastical brass, was formerly attached to the surface of a large slab of Purbeck marble, still lying immediately at the foot of the steps to the altar, on the south side of the choir in the abbey church of St. Alban : but having been, for some reason, removed from its original slab, and seriously, though it is to be hoped not irreparably injured, it has now been placed, for security, within the adjoining chauntry of Abbot John de Wheathamstede, from which the brass of that eminent personage has been abstracted, and his tomb destroyed. Delamere himself, the thirtieth of the forty abbots of St. Alban, was son of Sir John Delamere, and his wife Joanna, daughter of Sir John de Harpsfield. Having commenced his studies at the cell of Wymondham, in Norfolk, he first became prior of Tynemouth, whence, in the year 1349, he was elevated to the abbacy. Learned, pious, and munificent, he was high in favour with King Edward III. : and having ruled worthily over the first of the abbeys of England for the long space of forty-seven years, he died in 1396, and was buried before the altar of his church, by the side of Richard de Wallingford, one of his predecessors '. The mag- nificent production of the art of engraving, prepared under his own superintendence for his monumental memorial, represents the pre- late in full eucharistic habit, of a costly richness suited to the supe- rior of the church and monastery of the British protomartyr : his amice, alb, stole, maniple, tunic, dalmatic and chesuble, are all wrought with the purest taste combined with the most elaborate splendour : his hands, crossed, and tending downwards in all humility, are covered with jewelled gloves; his feet are encased h This abbot had the following epitaph, which, as Gough remarks, "one now in vain seeks for among the many mitred gravestones in his choir, though extant in Weever's time : Tfyic facet tiominus pttchael quonDam abbas htttus monastmi, baccalaurcus in thcol. qui obiit ptiTJic iBus Epulis, 3lnn. The opinion advanced respecting the pos- sibility of the fragment above described, having been originally engraved to com- memorate Abbot Michael of St. Alban's, is, of course, nothing more than mere conjec- ture. 1 The large and evidently splendid brass of Abbot de Wallingford, A.D. 1335, has been torn from its slab : and the adjacent slab, that of Abbot Hugo d' Eversden, A.D. 1326, has been similarly despoiled. 12 FLEMISH BRASSES. in richly embroidered sandals ; on his head is the mitra preciosa ; and on his left arm rests his splendid pastoral staff; while the calm and dignified countenance conveys the very impersonation of solemn repose. The effigy, placed upon a field of exquisite diaper, is surmounted, or rather enclosed, by a canopy, itself a wonderful work of art. On this canopy, divided throughout into minor canopied compartments, in the uppermost central part is represented the Saviour enthroned, having on either side two angelic figures ; and beyond these, on either side, are seated the Apostles St. Peter and St. Paul ; below, on either side of the head of the abbot, stand St. Alban, leaning on a sword, and in his left hand grasping a cross, and Offa, king of Mercia, the founder of the church and monastery, crowned and holding a spear : below these, on either side, are six double canopies surmounting figures, of which six represent the Apostles John, Andrew, Thomas, James the Great, Bartholomew, and probably Philip; in the other six figures apparently are represented saints or prophets, or possibly bene- factors to the church. These six last- named effigies wear crowns, or other head-coverings, while the head of each of the apostolic figures is encircled with a nimbus, and the figures them- selves present a more majestic aspect. The annexed engraving represents one of these double-canopied compart- ments with the effigies of St; Bartho- lomew and another saint. Above, the great canopy is finished with the roof and profusely clustered pinnacles of a gorgeous shrine, of which the sides are composed of the doubly-canopied compartments before described; be- yond these sides appears the diapered field, except at the foot, which presents an elaborate basement : and the en- tire work is completed by a broad Compartment of Canopy of Delamere Brass. St. Alban s FLEMISH BRASSES. 13 fillet, having at the angles the evangelistic emblems, and in the midst of cither side, in a quatrcfoiled panel, a shield bear- ing on a bend, three eagles displayed. The greater part of this fillet, which is fin- ished externally by a series of alternate square and rounded roses, is plain; but the upper portion, and somewhat more than — - half the left side, bear in Longobardic cha- Initial Cross, Delamere Brass. racters of unsurpassed boldness, the com- mencement of a never completed legend run- ning thus: — "Hie jacet Dominus Thomas, quondam abbas hujus monasterii." The customary initial cross is worthy of notice : in allusion to the arms of the abbey, (azure, a saltire, or,) it stands saltire- wise, and is surmounted of a more delicately formed floriated cross, tending to the cardinal points. Of the identity of the individual thus, it is to be hoped, imperishably commemorated, notwithstanding the omission of his surname in the inscription, there can be no doubt. From his Christian name Thomas, one or other of the abbots, Thomas Delamere, who died A.D. 1396, and Thomas Ramryge, who died A.D. 1525, is, of necessity, indicated. Of the latter prelate the incised slab yet remains : and, independently of other and that conclusive testimony, the internal evidence of both the design and engraving of the brass itself assigns it, without doubt, to the thirtieth abbot, Thomas Delamere, the first of that Chistian name k . Of somewhat earlier date, and on the whole perhaps even supe- rior to this his great ecclesiastical work, are the famous Lynn k The St. Alban's Architectural Society have in preparation an engraving on wood of this noble brass, by Mr. O. Jewitt ; and the plate itself is about to have its injuries restored by the Messrs. Waller : — A most interesting memoir of Abbot Delamere is given by Mr. W. S. Gibson in his history of the Monastery at Tynemouth, a cell of the abbey of St. Alban. Another brass of a Delamere occurs in the cathedral at Hereford ; it is the memo- rial of Richard Delamere, A.D. 1421. 14 FLEMISH BRASSES. brasses of the same artist. These master-pieces of "this Cellini of the fourteenth century/' as Gough not inaptly designates him, are both contained in the church of St. Margaret at Lynn Regis, and commemorate two burghers of that once wealthy mercantile town, with their wives. Of these, the former, Adam de Walsokne, has left no other memorial of his existence than this splendid monument, which exhibits effigies of himself and Margaret his wife, placed under a doubly-arched canopy, richly foliated, crock- eted, and finialed. The side-shafts of this canopy, after the man- ner of the St. Alban's brass, contain on either side four pairs of figures l in canopied niches, the uppermost pair on each side having two smaller sitting figures between them and the. canopy next below : from these uppermost niches spring the arches of the two grand sub-divisions of the main canopy, while above them rise elaborate turret-like finials, composed of clustered buttresses with crocketed-pinnacles, &c. From these, arch-buttresses diverge to the crest of the main canopy: this is worked in two compart- ments, each surmounting one of the principal effigies, and each containing three elaborate canopied niches with nimbed figures. Between the principal effigies rises a slender niched shaft, which is finished above with a splendid pinnacle. Of this pinnacle the finial is made to pierce the outer fillet, which forms the border of the entire plate : this arrangement, productive of the happiest effect, is repeatedly introduced in all the greater works of this artist" 1 . I may here also notice the finials, crockets, and folia- Finial, crockets and cusping, Walsokne brass. 1 Figures of the twelve apostles (in- m The central finial of the canopy of eluding St. Paul) are introduced, in con- Prior Nelond's superb brass at Cowfold, nection with others, in the composition of Sussex, is another instance of this most this canopy. effective arrangement. FLEMISH BftASSES. 15 tions of the main arches of the canopies in this and the other great Flemish brasses; the latter are most beautifully double- feathered, and the cusping of the whole is managed with consum- mate skill. In the Walsokne brass, the diapered field exhibits dragons, butterflies, and various other figures ; and this forms a com- plete back-ground to the entire work". At the foot of the brass, the architectural design springs from a regular basement, having, in two compartments, curious designs comprising groups of figures, with animals and trees °. Beneath the lowermost niches in the two exterior and central shafts of the canopy, are five small figures. The border fillet is double, the outer being ornamented with roses, the inner charged with a legend encompassing the whole work : at the angles are the evangelistic emblems within quatrefoils : in the fillet at the head and foot, at regular intervals, in similar quatrefoils, are two shields ; the one at the foot of the effigy of Adam de Walsokne himself, displaying the letter 7? surmounted of a cross patee-fitche within an orle of roses : on either side of the fillet are three other similar quatrefoils, each central one containing a shield, that on the dexter side charged with the royal arms, (France and England quarterly, — France, semee de lys;) and in each of the other four quatre- foils the figure of an angel. The heads of both the principal effigies rest on elaborately embroidered cushions, sup- ported by angels : De Walsokne him- self is represented with flowing hair, but without any beard or moustaches : he is habited in a plain close tunic, open in front from the waist down- ward ; the sleeves of this tunic, which are also close, reach no lower than the bend of the arm, and thence they hang down in short lappets : Adam de walsokne, id. 1319 " The diaper of the field of the St. Alban's brass consists of small elaborately foiled compartments, each containing a figure of a dragon or a clustered trefoil : and this same design is repeated in the diaper of the brass of Alan Fleming at Newark. These are figured in Waller's Brasses. 16 FLEMISH BEASSES. from beneath these appear the tight sleeves of the under vest, fastened to the wrist with a closely set row of buttons ; the skirts of this under garment appear through the narrow open- ing in the front of the super-tunic. Over his shoulders is a short capuchon or hood, hanging down in front, but having behind a standing collar. The feet are encased in plain half- boots, laced within ; and below them is represented a lion prey- ing on a savage man. The lady wears on her head a cover- chef and wimple, her hair being dis- posed in braids : her ample tunic is plain, but with a rich border; its sleeves resemble those of her hus- band ; the skirt is gathered up under the right arm, and hanging down in heavy folds, shews beneath a richly embroidered close vest; over all is a flowing mantle, having a border cor- responding with that of the tunic : at 3ead Market d* waieokne. a d iaa the feet rests a dog. The inscription, commencing a little to the left of the centre of the fillet at the base of the composition, runs thus, in Longobardic characters, — " #?tc }acct Sltiam tie SSXalgobne <&uontiam 23urgcu$ 2£cnn, qui obitt qutnto Die mcnste %unii anno Bni millegimo triccntcsstmo quaDrtgcsimo nono ^Targcrcta uxor ctug in ©lege nata quourum antme par 33ct mtecrtcortuam in pace requtescant. amen." Another legend, in the same character, and facing upwards, is introduced beneath either compartment of the group at the foot of the principal effigies ; it comprises two lines of doubly-rhyming Latin : — " ©urn flax, cum limuss cum Me biltesima stmug eanDe guperbimus at) tcrram terra retjimug." Of an ancient and well-known family, Robert Braunche is the other Lynn merchant, whose brass forms the companion to that of De Walsokne : its date is fifteen years later, A.D. 1364, the 27th of Edward III. In this brass three principal personages appear, and consequently a comparatively smaller space is left for accesso- ries in this, than in the preceding composition. Here the canopy comprises three arches, which, besides their elaborate foliation, AD. 1364. 37° iStSXO: 111. ! E Jobbms, Wt,. K]RT JBTffiAUWCEIE 1A1&AMT BHATJ^CJHLE In S^ Margaret's Church, Lynn Regis, Norfolk. (Canopy &c. omitted.) FLEMISH BRASSES. 17 display in perspective the vaulting of tlieir soffits p : between the effigies are very slender shafts ornamented with a running pattern, which is continued over the sweep of the arches, and externally be- yond the two outer figures : in close contact with this, rise, on either side, the slender singly-niched main shafts of the upper canopy, each exhibiting, in four canopied compartments, as many figures, two male, and two female, in the habits of civilians of the period. The main canopy is triple ; each subdivision being separated from, and also connected with, the others by arch-buttresses, and termi- nating above in tabernacle work of most elaborate richness : five canopied figures are introduced into each of these three upper compartments; the central figure of each group is aged, and seated on a throne; and of the other four figures in each group, two represent angels with thuribles, and two similar angelic forms hold instruments of music. The border fillet, which here also is double, immediately adjoins the shafts of the canopy : at its angles are the emblems of the Evangelists ; and in the centre of either side, within a quatrefoil, is a shield, the dexter charged with the arms of France and England quarterly, and the sinister with sable, a cross engrailed, or, for Braunche. The diapered field of the com- position, with its flowered and figured patterns, appears beside the effigies, and as a back-ground to the upper main canopy. The cos- tume of the three persons thus commemorated exhibits in all, an outer garment or tunic, which fits closely to the person, and has short sleeves with long pendent lappets, thus displaying from above the elbow the sleeves of the under vest. In the male figure, these sleeves have embroidered cuffs, and they are fastened by a close row of small buttons : the general arrangement of this figure resembles that of De Walsokne ; the tunic is made open in front ; the shoes are laced over the instep ; and at the feet is the same singular allego- rical composition ; here, however, in place of a lion is an eagle. The two ladies wear each a coverchef and wimple : and the full, plain, but richly bordered drapery of the tunic is gathered up, in the one under the right, and in the other under the left arm, displaying below the superb embroidery of the under dress. The sleeves of these splendid garments also appear from the elbow. The heads p This is by no means an uncommon arrangement in the canopies of brasses. D 18 FLEMISH BllASSES. of all three figures rest on cushions of rich workmanship. The inscription, which occupies the entire inner portion of the border fillet, commences at the upper right hand angle; in the Longo- bardic character, its words are, — ">i<©rate pro animabu* &oberti ISrauncfje Scttctc et Jftargarete uiorum ejus et pro omnibus quibus tencntur qui quitjcm &obertu<5 obtit XV tlie ©ctobrigi anno Somini 0t@<£<&1LXlM$. anime eorum per mteerirorHtam Uei in pace requiescant. Slmen," The most remarkable feature in this noble brass yet remains to be noticed : it is the " Peacock Feast," represented in the compart- ment immediately below the three principal figures, and extending across the entire composition. This most curious, and indeed unique delineation of "Early English" civic hospitality, comme- morates the entertainment given by the mayor of Lynn to King Edward III., when on his journey to visit his mother at Castle- Rising. At the head of the table sits the monarch, wearing his royal crown : be' him is the cup of King John : the table is spread with "spk .nd delicacies," amongst which appears "the peacock, that nobP bird, the food of lovers, and the meat of lords," without which no princely banquet could worthily be furnished. Here the favourite dish appears served up with distinguished hon- ours ; it is to grace the board of a king, and minstrels with music and song greet its entrance. The guests on this august occasion are clad in mantles which, being worn open in front, disclose the body-armour worn beneath, and which usually is concealed by the surcoat q . No belts or arms are worn, it not being consistent with due etiquette to sit down armed coram rege. Sheffield whittles, however, are in readiness for the service of the table. The ladies have put aside their mantles and vests with pendent sleeves, and adopted over a close-fitting tunic the sleeveless cote-hardi, open at its sides from the shoulders to the hips, and closed in front, and guarded or faced with fur. Their hair is plaited. And pointed sollerets are worn by all, who are engaged in earnest conversation. The back-ground was coloured of a light blue, spangled with silver i The general vestment the surcoat, ju- is receiving a dish from one of the attend- pon, or cote d'armes, in this group only ants, appears on the person of the esquire, who 4.1) 13 61 3 I U-'inuuil. kJLAE ifjlek: I Newa J It JohhiTis.feefc. FLEMISH BRASSES. 19 stars, in a manner resembling the decoration employed in the Painted Chamber at Westminster, a fashion introduced during the reign of Henry III. The now lost brass of Robert Attelathe appears, from the exist- ing impression of the effigy of Attelathe himself, to have formed a worthy compeer to those of his fellow citizens, Braunche and De Walsokne. He wears the small bifid beard, trimmed after the fashion represented in the monumental effigy of Richard II. His tunic is long and somewhat loose, with plain sleeves ; it is fastened down the front by buttons in pairs. Fastened also by buttons on the right shoulder is a mantle or cloak, having a small capuchon which forms a species of standing collar; this cloak hangs across the breast and over the left arm. Round the waist a narrow belt is buckled : the sleeves of the under tunic are continued to cover the clasped hands, after the fashion of embroidered mittens: the shoes are long, pointed, and cut very high behind ; they are fas- tened over the instep with buckles, and rest upon two lions. Remarkable no less for its ample dimensions 1 " than elaborate richness of details, the brass of Alan Fleming, A.D. 1361, at Newark, displays a system of treatment generally corresponding with that already described as exemplified in the Lynn and St. Alban's works of the same artist. Here but one principal effigy, that of Fleming himself, is introduced beneath a triple- arched canopy, which abounds in niched figures, and is supported by massive side compartments of most elaborate workmanship. The costume of the principal effigy is almost a counterpart of that worn at Lynn by Robert Braunche ; the sole difference worthy of note being the introduction here of pockets in front of the super- tunic. Between the uplifted hands is held a scroll, bearing the legend, — " miserere . mei . domine . deus . meus." And the head reposes on an embroidered cushion supported by angels. The diaper of the field in this composition resembles in design that introduced into the brass of Abbot Delamere. The effigies in the niches of the canopy exemplify several curious and interesting varieties of civic costume, both male and female. The architec- tural designs are even unusually excellent and effective. And the r This brass measures 9 ft. 5 in. by 5 ft. 7 in. 20 FLEMISH BRASSES. Thomas de Topcliffe, A.D. 1391. border fillet, which has on either side of it an elegant running pattern of foliage, is inscribed, in the early Black letter, with a legend which surrounds the entire plate. At the angles are the evangelistic emblems ; and in the centre of either side, the con- tinuity of the border fillet is interrupted by a quatrefoil containing a merchant's mark accompanied by a monogram. The brass at Topcliff is of considerably smaller dimensions; but its merit, as a work of art, is of the very highest order. It represents, beneath a doubly-arched canopy, the effigies of a civilian and his lady, both attired in long tunics and man- tles ; the man wears, at his right side, an anlace. Tabernacle work, with figures of angels playing upon musical instru- ments, appears on either side, and rises above the effigies into clusters of niches, pinnacles, and rich tracery. The effigies are placed upon a ground of diaper of a flowing pattern, and beneath their heads are em- broidered cushions, each supported from above by an angelic figure with out-spread wings. The inscription, in Black letter, beginning at the middle of the plate, at the foot, runs as follows : — " »J< |^tc . jacet . bencrabtlte topclgff . qui . obijt .an 01° .©©©°.21W° . quoru' . ant'e .... quonDam . tuor . eiu* . que . obtit . anno . Domini . Jft°. @©@°. £©3x°. quoru' . ant'e . propicictur . DeusS." On either side is introduced an escutcheon with these arms, a chevron between three peg-tops,- and the evangelistic symbols appear in the angles of the plate. This brass is mentioned by Gough, who gives the name Thomas de topclyff, of which the Christian name now is lost. The chaliced priests at North Mimms and Wensley complete the series of this engraver's works, known yet to remain in England : these are by far the finest examples of engraven priestly effigies, and are both in excellent preservation. These plates belong to about the middle of the fourteenth century, and notwithstanding the splendour of the ecclesiastical vestments which they represent, CIHCA A.. D. 1360. 34° UI:1U. PRIEST m EUCHATRISTIC YBSTJUENTS. In Wensley Church , Yorkshire . jJUoibms.Fnti. ( Canopy omitted.) c\ CIRCA. A..D. 13^0 J.R.JoblKns lUk AE ECCLESIASTIC IE EITCHAIrUSTIC VESTMENTS North Mimms Gmrcri, Hertfordshire. ( C I | . ' FLEMISH BRASSES. 21 were designed to commemorate personages of no higher rank than parochial ministers, though possibly the founders or special bene- factors of their respective churches 3 . It is remarkable that the names of both these individuals have "floated away down the stream of time, leaving behind no trace of their" identity. The dates of these brasses having been assigned to them from com- parison with other works of similar character, it may be presumed that Nicholas de Crekesawe, rector of Wensley, A.D. 1360, and Thomas de Horton, vicar of North Mimms at the same period, are the persons designed to be thus commemorated *. It is remarkable that no vestiges of colour or enamel yet remain upon any of these grand engravings : it may, however, be confi- dently asserted that the incised lines were originally filled-in with some composition, calculated to relieve and enrich those portions of the work in which the burnished, or perhaps gilded, metal was permitted to remain. Among the peculiarities of treatment com- mon to all these brasses, with the works of the same artist yet remaining at Bruges, the manner in which the mouth is expressed in all the principal effigies is very remarkable : in the diapers, embroideries, and ornamental accessories also, animal forms abound, in connection with a striking predominance of triplicity in the arrangement of parts and details : and the various archi- tectural members are characterized by an elaborate richness, com- bined with the most elegant lightness. The crockets and finials of the canopies are indeed singularly beautiful; and these are 5 The beautiful little church at North cution, to that of Abbot Delamere. Be- Mimms, a pure Decorated English-Gothic tween the feet of the effigy a stag is couched ; structure, agrees well with the date of the and below are two lions addorsed, support- fine brass which lies in the midst of the ing a basement to the general design, and chancel : of the architectural character of having between them a shield charged with the church at Wensley I am unable to a saltire between four crosses crosslet fit- speak. North Minims' church is figured chee: I lament that I am by far too im- in the work on "Parish Churches," by perfect a herald to assign this coat of arms Raphael and J. A. Brandon, Esqrs., archi- to its right possessor. tects, and some of its details appear in the t The original engraving on the Palimp- " Analysis of Gothic Architecture," by the sest fragment from Trunch, Norfolk, evi- same accurate and talented authors. dently a Flemish work, may possibly have The canopy of the priest at North been executed by the same artist with Mimms, it may here be added, is in all Lynn, St. Alban's, and Newark brasses, respects similar in style, design, and exe- See pages 40, and 149. j 22 FLEMISH BRASSES. commonly relieved by being placed upon a ground which is masoned, worked, that is, to represent courses of masonry". It appears also to have been a favourite habit with this artist to introduce at the feet of his effigies two figures of animals, placed together back to back, in the language of heraldry, addorsed. In these plates also is several times repeated a singular and some- what quaint expression of the artist's idea of the translation of the departed spirit, under the image of a very minute undraped figure, borne on high and placed on the knees of an august personage, enthroned, and having his head encircled with a nimbus. In the greater number of these foreign examples, as also in some few others, the heads of the principal effigies are represented as repos- ing upon embroidered cushions, the cushions themselves being in some instances supported by small figures of angels; in other examples, as in the fine brass of Alianore de Bohun, A.D. 1399, in Westminster abbey, and also in that of Sir Richard de Busling- thorpe more than a century earlier, there are two cushions, the one laid lozenge-wise upon the other : when the brass, or its fac-simile, is placed in an upright position, these cushions have a singular and disagreeable effect ; but when laid down horizontally, they appear to be both consistent and ornamental appendages of the recumbent figure. In Aveley church, Essex, is another Flemish brass, bearing date A.D. 1370, the 43rd of Edward III. : this commemorates Ralph de Knevynton, whose singularly curious and interesting effigy it represents beneath a crocketed and richly foiled canopy x . At Newcastle, bearing date A.D. 1429, is the only known Flemish specimen of the fifteenth century : it commemorates Roger Thorn- ton, his wife, and family, and is a large and fine brass. The prin- cipal effigies, depicted as habited in the ordinary costume of civilians of their day, are placed beneath elaborately wrought canopies, containing, as in the earlier examples, numerous figures of saints in canopied niches. The children, who are fourteen in number, are represented under small canopies, below the figures of their parents. The principal figures fill the entire space be- tween the shafts of the canopy, and their heads rest on cushions u See cut at page 12. z See p. 51. FLEMISH BllASSES. 23 supported by angels. The man wears a long anlace. At the angles of the composition are the evangelistic emblems; and a shield of arms in the centre of either side-fillet completes the diversified enrichment of this interesting and valuable plate. The inscription, which is written in the black letter, is as follows, — >J< ty}k . jacct . Domtcella . acjness . quoDam . uxor . rogert . tl)orntoit . que . obiit . in . bicjclia . gancte . fcatcrinc . anno . Domini . i#t. ©©©©. XI. pro- pt'cietur . Deu$ . amen. >J< ?t?ic facet rogerus tfrornton mcator . nobi . castri Super . ttnam . qui . obitt . anno . Dm . millcgimo . ©©©©. XX.IX. et tif. Die . januartj. Two other Flemish brasses of later date have also been noticed : these are the memorials of Thomas Pownder, his wife, and family, A.D. 1525, in the church of St. Mary Quay, Ipswich; and of Andrew Evyngar and family, A.D. 1536, in the church of All- Hallows, Barking, London : these two brasses appear to have been the work of the same artist, and they both furnish a variety of curious and valuable illustration. The heraldic blazonry displayed by these two citizen-merchants demands special notice : they each bear upon a shield their respective marks, while upon two other shields Pownder has the arms of the borough of Ipswich on the dexter, and those of the association of Merchants Adventurers on the sinister chief of the design y ; and two shields similarly placed in the brass of Evyngar, are severally charged with the arms of the Merchants Adventurers, and of the Salter's Company. At Fulham, Middlesex, Margaret Saunders, A.D. 1529, is commemo- rated by a demi-figure engraved on a lozenge-shaped plate : and again at the late period of 1638, the 14th of Charles I., occurs the brass of Sir Edward Filmer, his lady, and their eighteen children, which is worked in one large plate of metal, but without any dia- per or other ornaments : it is in the church of East Sutton, Kent. Though executed in several detached pieces of metal, the brass of Sir Hugh Hastings, A.D. 1347, the 20th of Edward III., at Elsyng church, Norfolk, must also be regarded as the work, or at least the design, of some Flemish artist. This elaborate compo- y Seep. 132. 24 FLEMISH BRASSES. sition, though now unhappily mutilated, is still a very valuable example, and that not of knightly costume only, but also of the application of enamel to these monumental plates. For, as Cotman remarks, in this brass "all the shields were formerly enamelled with the arms in their proper colours : the lines of the brass were also filled-in with enamel, and the ground of the fillet, which went round the whole, and contained the inscription, was enamelled red ; so that this monument, when entire and in good preservation, must have been singularly splendid z ." In the church at Minster, in the Isle of Sheppey, is preserved another brass which, from certain peculiarities of habit and equip- ment, is conjectured to have been engraved in France : it is the monumental memorial of Sir John de Northwode, and Joan de Badlesmere, his lady; and may be assigned to about the year 1325. In this exa. pie, as it now appears, the effigy of the knight is in the cross-leggjd attitude; though it would seem, at some unknown period, to have been cut into two parts, and, after the removal of a strip o f the metal, the extremities to have been again placed in juxta-position, thus destroying all appearance of propor- tion in the entire figure. I am enabled, however, to state, upon the authority of M Waller, that the greater part of the original lower portion of this figure was, in reality, entirely abstracted ; the existing lower portion from below the knees proving, on a careful examination, to be a restoration, or rather an alteration, executed at a period subsequent to the other parts of the work : both the design and engraving are evidently the production of another, and that an inferior hand, while the metal itself betrays a diversity of composition. This is a highly remarkable circumstance, inasmuch as thus the very effigy, which appeared to militate against the assertion that the cross-legged attitude is exclusively characteristic of British monumental memorials, strongly corroborates that opi- nion a . Besides this brass, but one other specimen can with any degree of certainty be attributed to French artists : this is the interesting memorial of Margaret de Camoys, A.D. 1310, at Trot- ton in Sussex b . The fine brass of Archdeacon William de Bothewelle, A.D. 1361, » See p. 45. a See p. 42. » See pp. 80, 131. FLEMISH BRASSES. 25 in Rothwell church, Northamptonshire, ought perhaps to be here inserted, as certainly another specimen of Flemish design, if not actually the work of a foreign engraver. And, in like manner, besides the few examples which may without a doubt be attributed to the brass engravers of Flanders, there are very many other brasses executed in this country after designs by artists of the early Flemish school ; to whose talents we are further indebted for the original designs of many figures, painted upon screens and other tabernacle work, and also of numerous monumental effigies sculp- tured in relief, or incised upon flat slabs of stone. The few brasses which yet remain in Flanders , together with the numerous drawings in the Bodleian Library, of similar monu- ments once existing in France, confirm the theory which assigns a foreign origin to those examples in our own country, which are worked on large unbroken sheets of metal ; these foreign brasses being invariably executed in the same manner. And this theory receives still further confirmation from the existence in the cathe- dral of Constance of a large and elaborate brass, precisely resem- bling in every peculiarity both of design and workmanship, the brasses of England, and which commemorates Robert Hallum, bishop of Salisbury, the special envoy of Henry V. to the council of Constance, who dying there in the year 1416, during the sitting of the council, was buried in the cathedral with great solemnity. This brass, figured in vol. xxx. of the Archseologia, is traditionally asserted to have been brought over from England : and such assuredly was the fact ; the brass itself, in its general charac- teristics, strongly corroborating the authenticity of its imputed origin. And thus we discover, in the only similar memorial of an Englishman of distinction of this period, known to exist in a foreign church, all those peculiar features which specially charac- terize brasses engraven in this country. I am induced, from the singular interest associated with this memorial, to add a short c The cathedral of Bruges contains some of these, representing a corpulent burgher examples which, in every particular of size, having attached to his belt an anlace, design, and style of workmanship resemble thrust through the lappets of his gypciere, the brasses of St. Alban's, and Lynn, and is beautifully engraved in the tenth part of are without doubt the productions of the Waller's Brasses, same hand. A portion of a figure from one 26 FLEMISH BRASSES. descriptive notice of its composition. The several plates of which it is composed, are embedded in distinct matrices in a slab of dark blue marble, measuring nine feet by five : in the centre is the effigy vested in an amice, alb, chesuble, stole and maniple ; on the head is worn a rich mitre, and in the left hand is held a corre- sponding pastoral staff, having its crook turned outwards, and the staff enveloped with the vexillum ; the right hand is uplifted in benediction. About this effigy is disposed a highly ornamented canopy, consisting on either side of five canopied compartments, each occupied by an angel with a radiated nimbus ; the canopy is finished above by a square embattlement, under which a rounded arch is turned, thus forming foliated spandrels : beneath this arch, springing on either side from the upright sides of the design, is a second canopy immediately surmounting the head of the prelate ; this beautiful member consists of a trefoil arch, double-feathered, which rises above into graceful ogee curves, enriched with crockets, and terminating in a floriated finial : on either side of this finial is a garter enclosing a shield, radiated ; the garter on the dexter side is ensigned with the motto of the order, and the shield bears the royal arms of England; the sinister shield has been abstracted, but the garter which once encircled it displays the legend, — "Misericordias Domini in sternum cantabo :" near the verge of the slab is a fillet of metal with the following singular rhyming inscription, and having at its angles the Evangelistic emblems : — >J< j&utyacct ]jic stratus i&obcrt Galium bocitatus (Sluontiam platus j&ar gub ftonore crcatug f^tc Dccrcto tjoctnr pacteq creator iHobtlte &ncjlor &egig fittt ambasctator dfegtu ©utfjbertt scptembrte mense btgebat In quo iftobtt mortem ©onstantia flcbat &nno millcno triccnt octuageno j&a cu tcr ticno cu XPO bibat ameno d . d The contracted words severally are, to :" the contracted Greek form of our "prelatus," " Sarum," " Anglorum," Saviour's name in the last line is very " Festum," " Roherti," "cum," "Chris- remarkable. 4k rfs*o/?\ o^ m FLEMISH BRASS OF A KN'.GHT AND LADY OF THE COMPTON FAMILY. Late in Netley Abbey Church, but now in private possession. See Appendix C.) C I ftCA L2 77 5° tfiW: I / /; ■■ fc Stob D'Abi rnoi I I urcl ' airej ENGLISH BRASSES. 27 Among other foreign examples yet occupying their original positions, a very remarkable, and I am inclined to believe unique brass, is affixed to the wall in the cathedral of Aix-la-Chapelle : it commemorates John Bollart, a canon of that " insignis eccle- si,e," who deceased September 24th, A.D. 1534. This memorial is worked on an unbroken plate of metal, representing the Virgin and Holy Infant, attended by St. John the Baptist and St. Chris- topher, the latter standing above the ankles in water: columns of somewhat fanciful design support a canopy of interrupted and intersecting arches : and in the base of the entire composition is introduced the inscription between two compartments, each occu- pied by a shield of arms with crest and mantling, beneath a tre- foil-arch. Enamels of red, black, dark grey, and a pale green illuminate several portions of the work; while in other parts, the surface of the metal is diapered, and its effect heightened by bur- nished gilding. An excellent specimen of foreign brasses may be seen in a plate, now forming part of the collection in the museum of Economic Geology, in Craig's court, London, whither it was brought from the ruined chapel of the castle of Corteville, in Flanders: this engraving is in a high state of preservation, and exemplifies, in the most satisfactory manner, the several peculiarities of the Flem- ish artists in brass. It is the memorial of Louis de Corteville and his lady, and bears date, A.D. 1496. i Some of the more remarkable English Brasses, properly so called, next claim attention. Of these, the earliest, indeed, the earliest brass known now to be in existence, is the memorial of Sir John d'Aubernoun, in the church of Stoke d'Aubernoun, near Guildford, in Surrey : its date is about A.D. 1277, the 5th of Edward I., and it is the only military whole-length example of this reign which is not in the cross-legged attitude. In this no less noble than interesting effigy, the knight is represented as armed, with the sole exception of his Genouillieres, or knee-plates, in a complete suit of interlaced chain-mail : his body is enveloped in a Hauberk, having its sleeves continued to cover the hands, and thus forming gauntlets without divisions for the fingers : over his 28 MILITARY BRASSES. w r a y s in s head is drawn a hood, or Coif-de- mailles : Chausses, continued like the sleeves of the hauberk, protect the legs and feet : at the knees are orna- mented genouillieres of plate, above which depends the skirt of the hau- berk: and from the heels project sin- gle-point or pryck spurs e . The mail is surmounted by a plain loose sur- coat, apparently of a rich material : it has a fringed border, and reaching below the knees, is confined at the waist by a plaited cord, from beneath which it opens in front, and falls on either side in ample folds. Sustained by a hip-belt exhibiting a peculiar ar- rangement of straps, the long strait sword, with crossed hilt, curiously worked pommel, and plain scabbard, hangs on the left front of the figure. An enriched Guige, (its ornaments being roses alternating with a peculiar species of cross 1 ,) passing over the right shoulder, supports on k b,*' * ? eg yg m\ Kir John d Auberncuu, c. A.D. L'377 e No monumental brass has yet been discovered, which represents the deceased warrior as clad in mail without a/iy admix- ture of plate : many sculptured effigies, however, exist, in which mail is the sole defensive equipment. The demi-figure (see p. 114) of a knight at Croft, Lincoln- shire, exhibits indeed no plate-armour : but this brass belongs evidently to a period in which portions of plate were worn in con- nection with the mail. And doubtless such portions of plate would have been expressed, had a complete effigy been depicted in this brass. The hood of mail was drawn under the chin, and fastened by a ring on the side of the head. The spurs were attached to the person by straps. The surcoat was laced up at the side of the figure. In the brass of Sir John d'Aubernoun the mail is chain-mail, and consists of rings of steel interlaced one with another, and strongly fastened with rivets. See note p, p. 32. f This cross, denomi- nated in a MS. of the fif- teenth century, the " Fyl- fot," was in use at a very i remote period, as a mystic symbol, amongst religi- f ous devotees in India and China, whence it appears to have been introduced, probably in the sixth century, into Europe. " It occurs," says Mr. Wal- ler, " on very early Christian remains, and is found on the girdle of a priest of the date, A.D. 1011." On brasses it is a com- .IE? £j0 MILITARY BllASSES. 29 the opposite side, in front of the arm, a small flat heater- shaped shield, still retaining its enamelled tinctures for the D'Aubernoun bearing, azure, a chevron, or g . Under the right arm passes a lance h displaying, immediately below the head, a small fringed pennon charged with the armorial insignia of its owner ; while the staff, resting on the ground, is grasped by a lion couchant stretched at the feet of the knight. Of the two small shields originally at the head of the slab, that on the dexter side alone remains, and is enamelled with the D'Aubernoun arms. The brass letters of the inscription, with the two narrow fillets of the same metal which enclosed them, have long been lost : from their incised matrices, however, may be still distinguished, in Longobardic capitals, the legend, — E©$ : BTSLV : BTS. : S3 : niJVlTE. : T£$® : JBtTElReDg. " Considered as a work of art," observes Mr. Waller, " it will be found that the figure is ill-proportioned, but the arrangement of the drapery judiciously contrived : whilst, as a production of the burin, this brass is not excelled by any posterior example : each link of the mail is distinctly represented, and the mere work of graving up so large a surface must have cost many weeks of patient labour K" mon ornament, anterior to the accession wielded by such hands as those of our gal- of Richard II. See Waller's descriptive lant ICth, we have but to turn our eyes east- notice of the Shottesbroke Brass of a ward, and call to mind the pierced and Priest and Frankelein. Also see p. 96. discomfited squadrons of Lahore. See s Chaucer makes reference to the shield- Planche's British Costume, p. 61. belt, the guige or gige, when he speaks of ' This most interesting monument has his knichts as " gigging their shields.", long been in a great measure concealed by h This, the earliest known brass in exist- the rails of the Communion-table ; and thus ence, is the only example of which I am archaeologists and artists have been deprived aware, in which the principal effigy appears of the power even to examine the first speci- armed with the knightly lance. Nearly 800 men that now can. be re/erred to, of this im- years now have elapsed, since the proud perishable and valuable class oj monumental array of Norman lances were marshalled memorials : as a trifling alteration will lay on the fatal field of Hastings: the lance, both this plate and the brass of the second Sir however, and, as of yore, still decorated John d' Aubernoun completely open to view, it with a fluttering pennon, after long disuse, is to be hoped that the necessary arrangements again has become an English weapon ; and for effecting so desirable an object will speedily for evidence of its deadly efficiency, when be completed. 30 MILITARY BRASSES. Next in chronological succession follows the first of the cross- legged knights, Sir Roger de Trumpington, A.D. 1289, the 17th of Edward I. k Five brasses alone now complete the knightly brotherhood in this remarkable attitude 1 , which I consider may have been adopted in so many monumental effigies of this era, solely as an expressive token that the departed warrior, having lived a true son of the Church, died professing the Christian faith. That the priestly soldiers of the Temple, even if they be thus com- memorated at all, are not thus exclusively commemorated, we have positive evidence : no less certain is it, on the other hand, that the cross-legged effigy does not necessarily denote the crusader; though, from the very circumstance of a knight serving, or taking the vow to serve, under the banner of the cross, he, if any man, would naturally and consistently be represented in this posture : still, the same posture might with equal propriety be assumed in delineating the monumental effigies of others, who never had been in any way connected with a crusade m . The Trumpington effigy rests upon an altar-tomb beneath an elegant canopy, in the church of that place, near Cambridge. As in the last example, the figure is depicted in the attitude of re- pose, with the hands conjoined over the breast; and so dignified is the expression of the departed knight, that truly may he be said to lie "like a warrior taking his rest." The costume also accords generally with that of Sir John d'Aubernoun, but is remarkable k The demi-figure of Sir Richard de or chapels. That it should he restricted Buslingthorpe is, prohahly, of the same to monumental effigies in England, with date as the complete effigy of De Trump- the sole exception of one at Dublin and the in gton : a description of this curious brass four at Cashel, (of which three are females,) will be found at p. 1 13. in the sister island, is a very singular fact ; 1 Though now having the legs crossed, while here, figures carved in this attitude the brass of Sir John de Northwode at abound in every part of the kingdom. It Minster in the Isle of Sheppey, must be would be curious, were it practicable, to excluded from the series of cross-legged trace the connection, if any, between such knights, in consequence of the compara- figures and the sacred edifice in which they tively recent adaptation of this attitude to lie. The effigies of Sir Roger de Kerdes- the figure, by means of a substitution of ton, A.D. 1337, at Reepham, and of Sir fresh lower extremities, in place of those Oliver d' Ingham, A.D. 1343, at Ingham, originally constituting a part of the effigy. Norfolk, are cross-armed as well as cross- See p. 24. legged: bvit neitber of these knights were m Possibly this attitude may indicate the crusaders, while both appear to have been founders and great benefactors of churches benefactors of their respective churches. AD. 128 9. 17° $bXV: 1. J.R.Jobhns. tith. SIM ROGE1 BE TBUMPIFGTOI", Jn Trumpiugton Church, Cambridgeshire- MILITARY BRASSES. 31 for the entire absence of ornament. Here, however, the head is supported by the tilting-helm, which is large and conical, having at its apex a staple for affixing either the heraldic crest, or the lady's scarf, known in chivalrous phrase as the "kerchief of plea- saunce n :" the helmet itself is secured by a chain to the narrow cincture round the waist, with a view thus to enable the knight to recover this important piece of his defensive equipment, should he chance to be unhelmed in the melee. A plume of feathers, I may here observe, as an ornamental accessory, and not an heraldic bearing, was rarely if ever worn upon the steel head-piece of the knight before the reign of the fifth Henry, A.D. 1411 ; when the Panache, or plume consisting of at most three feathers, set upright upon the helmet, was introduced and generally adopted. It was not till about eighty years later, in the reign of Henry VII., that a rich profusion of feathers were attached to a small pipe, affixed for that purpose to the back of the helmet, whence they streamed down the shoulders of the knight almost to the crupper of his charger, or floated luxuriantly in the wind. In the effigy of Sir Roger de Trumpington, also, are first introduced the Ailettes, the prototypes of the epaulettes of modern times : and this with the Buslingthorpe, Chartham, and Gorleston brasses, and a sculptured effigy of a knight of the Pembridge family in Clehongre church, Herefordshire, is the only known example of a monumental figure in England, which displays this singular appendage to the accou- trements of the armed knight : in illuminations and upon seals, ailettes repeatedly occur. The shield of Sir Roger de Trumping- ton, which is large and concave to the person, is charged with the armorial bearings of the family, — azure, crusuly and two tru mpets in pale, or: upon the ailettes, and also upon the sword-scabbard , the same heraldic blazonry is repeated, but here differenced by a label of five points; and thus the bearing corresponds precisely n The monumental /^X ° ^ e sword- scabbard of Sir Richard de memorial of Sir Wil- / ' \ Montfort, in his sculptured effigy, c. A.D. Ham de Staunton, A.D. it I \ 1270, at Hitchendon, Bucks, is similarly 1312, at Staunton, W ds I \ ornamented with shields of arms: and Nottinghamshire, sup- i'frrfl^"" small shields are also worked upon the plies a good example vr*Z l genouillieres of Brian, Lord Fitzalan of of the tilting-helm of V^«™™i*^ / Bedale, A.D. 1302, at Bedale, Yorkshire, his time. Illtxng-nelm. 32 MILITARY BRASSES. with the arms of a second knight of the same name, as they appear entered upon the roll of the battle of Boroughbridge, fought March 16th, A.D. 1322, — " Sire Rog de Trupeton dazur ij TROMPES DOR CROISELEE DOR J LABEL DARGENT." This Second Sir Roger was grandson of the former; and both, being eldest sons, might equally bear the label. That this interesting brass never was finished, clearly appears from the shield, which exhibits the commencement of preparations for sinking or cutting away the field, for the purpose of inserting the enamel which should indicate its azure tincture : the plainness of the entire work also, and the general uniformity of breadth observable in all the en- graven lines, bold and effective as they nevertheless are, serve to confirm this supposition 13 . The narrow fillet of brass which origi- nally bore the inscription, has long since been removed from round the verge of the slab ; its casement is curious, since it mea- sures at the head about an inch and a half more than at the feet of the figure. This knight in the year 1270 assumed the cross, and accompanied Prince Edward to the Holy Land ; and thus his effigy, (but of effigies engraven on brass, his alone) supports the generally received opinion, that the cross-legged attitude bespeaks the crusader. Ailettes or ailerons' 1 , as they were appropriately termed, came into fashion early in the reign of Edward I. ; although the first English royal seal upon which they appear is that of Edward III., during whose reign they ceased to be worn. Ailettes designed for actual service appear to have been formed of steel, and usually dis- played the arms of the wearer, or some personal badge or device : they were attached by laces or arming points to the hauberk ; and their object was to furnish additional protection to the shoulders p The mail of this effigy is represented cised lines are deeply cut, and still as sharp by rows of small crescent-shaped incisions and clear as when first executed by the in the plate, facing alternately to the right graving-tool. Some traces of gilding may and left : this is the usual mode of ex- be observed on a close inspection, pressing in these engravings that species q The ailettes were occasionally termed of mail armour, which is to be distinguished Gonfanons ; but this term more generally as ring-mail, and which is composed of indicates the small pennon, in shape some- small rings of steel sewn edgeways upon a what resembling a ship's vane, which flut- strong garment of leather or quilted cloth. tered from beneath the head of the knightly The plate upon which this brass is en- lance, graved is of unusual thickness, and the in- MILITARY BRASSES. 33 and neck r . The ailcttes of Sir R. de Buslingtliorpe are plain, and, like those of Sir R. de Trumpington, are fixed in a perpen- dicular position : in the Charthara and Gorleston brasses they are so worn as to rise lozenge- wise above the shoulders ; and of these the former is charged with the badge of the wearer, and the latter simply ensigned with a cross. The first mention of ailcttes which has been noticed in any document occurs in the roll of a tourna- ment held at Windsor, A.D. 1278 ; from this curious memorial we learn that dress ailettes were formed of leather covered with cloth or silk, and bordered with fringe, and that they were laced to the shoulders of the hauberk with silken cords. Among the list of the knights present at this tournament occurs the name of Sir Roger de Trumpington himself, together with his entire equipment for the occasion, including " par alett," — a pair of ailettes. At a sub- sequent period, a pair of ailettes garnished and fretted with pearls, occur in the inventory of the effects of Piers Gaveston, taken A.D. 1313 : and a similar entry appears in the inventory of Hum- phrey de Bohun, earl of Hereford and Essex, A.D. 1322, respect- ins: " IIIJ PEIRE DE ALETTES DES ARMES LE COUNTE DE HERE- FORD." After an interval of thirteen years, A.D. 1302, the 30th of Ed- ward I., appears the memorial of Sir Robert de Bures, at Acton in Suffolk, unquestionably the finest early brass, and on the whole the finest military brass in existence s . The costume differs but little from that of the two preceding figures, but its details are more elaborate, and the drapery is disposed with a greater degree of elegance. The guige in this effigy is so arranged as to pass under, and consequently be partially concealed by, the coif-de- r The ailettes of Sir — de Pembridge at Clehongre, are plain and concave to the person; and they are attached to the shoulders by arming-points. s See Frontispiece. Gough thus describes this noble plate : — "A neat brass figure, cross-legged, in mail, round helmet, surcoat falling lightly in handsome plaits which are gathered round his waist by a kind of cord, and fringed at the bottom and sides : his sword, whose hilt as well as his knee-pieces is highly ornamented, is girded on his left side before ; and on his left arm, suspended by a baudric over his right shoulder, is a pointed shield charged with ermine, on a chief indented, sable, three lionels, ram- pant. His spurs are in single point, and at his feet is a lion. At the north-west cor- ner of the plate (slab) remains in Gothic capitals his name,"— ROBERTVS : D6 : BVReS : 34 MILITARY BRASSES. mailles : it sustains a shield of form resembling that of Sir Roger de Trumpington, and, like his, charged with heraldic insignia, being the arms of De Bures, — Ermine, on a chief indented, sable, three lioncels rampant, or 1 . Below the skirt of the hauberk, which is composed of chain-mail, are seen the gamboised, or pad- ded and quilted trews, denominated " cuisseaux gamboisez," which cover the chausses from the knee upwards : this garment, having its surface usually of silk, or other even more costly material, in the brass before us is richly "embroidered with the fleur- de-lys, and an ornament resembling in shape the Greek lyre, disposed alternately in lozenges formed by the reticulation of silken cords." The sword-hilt exhibits a corresponding reticu- lated enrichment; and the knee-plates are likewise elaborately engraved. The brass Longobardic letters of the legend have been long taken from their respective matrices; and so worn is the verge of the slab itself, that the forms even of these are for the greater part obliterated : the name, however, happily is pre- served, so that we may safely reckon the legend to have com- menced thus, — ►£< SE1R1E : m@13T£m& : 3B1E : 33TJiai£S : ffilSE : E©$ :« But four years later, A.D. 1306, the 34th of Edward I., follows the last military brass of this reign, and the last example of mail having no further admixture of plate-armour than the steel genou- illieres : it commemorates Sir Robert de Septvans, and lies in the fine church of Chartham in Kent, of which very probably he had been the founder. "The execution of this brass," remarks Mr. Waller, "is not so careful as usual, the plates are less skilfully joined together, and the mail seems to be unfinished, a small por- tion at the ankle of the right foot being more elaborate than the * In the shield, as depicted on the brass, memorates another member of this family but two lioncels are emblazoned on the Isaia Bures, once vicar of Northolt in Mid- chief, dlesex, who, dying A.D. 1610, was buried u Another brass at Acton, bears date in his church ; where, over his grave, en- A.D. 1539, and is the memorial of Henry graven in brass, is his effigy, in academic Bures, Esq., who is habited in armour. habit and in a kneeling posture. And again a brass of much later date com- AD . 13 6. 34° iftw: 1 . SIR ROBERT BE SEPTTAIS In. Church., Kent. J.Jt.Johlans, Fetti MILITARY BRASSES. 35 rest; but on the whole, it is well designed, and a very useful memorial of the military costume at the close of the reign of Ed- ward I." The costume in this brass differs from that of the preceding effi- gies, in having the head and hands uncovered x ; the coif-de-mailles is thrown back, and lies on the breast and shoulders, and the ter- minations of the sleeves of the hauberk hang down from the wrists. Beneath the hauberk appears the quilted under garment, called the Haqueton ; and chausses of similar material pass over the knees, forming a pad for the genouillieres, which here are shaped somewhat like the elbow -pieces of a later period; their edges are escaloped. The sword- belt and scabbard are highly ornamented, and the spurs still devoid of rowels. The long and flowing surcoat is emblazoned with the arms of the family ; and it is worthy of remark that there are seven fans displayed on the figure, besides the independent charges of the shield. The singular name of Septvans or Seven-fans, is derived from the ancient cognizance of the family; though it would seem that their armorial bearing displayed but three fans of gold upon an azure fi e ]d ? — "dazur e iij vans dor." The fan thus borne, and so clearly represented on the brass, is the ancient instrument of wicker-work for winnowing corn ; and in form and construction bears a strong resemblance to the similar implement of modern husbandry. Peaceful as it must be regarded in its primary accep- tation, there is something strikingly suitable to the warrior in this emblem, a suitableness not lost sight of by him who wrote for all time : for in " Troilus and Cressida y ," we read, — " Distinction, with a broad and powerful fan, Puffing at all, winnows the light away; And what hath mass, or matter, by itself Lies, rich in virtue, and unmingled." Thus, the chivalrous qualities of the knight could be dispersed by no adverse blast ; while, like chaff before the wind, he scattered afar all that was worthless in itself, and adverse to the cause he x Possibly the bare head and hands may ? Act I. Scene iii. denote the peaceful death of the knight. 36 MILITARY BRASSES. had espoused. Such, doubtless, were the principles, as such was the motto of De Septvans, — " Dissipabo inimicos Regis mei, ut paleam," — f the enemies of my king will I disperse like chaff.' The grandfather of this knight, who died A.D. 1249, was present with King Richard I. at Acre : but Sir Robert himself does not appear to have joined the crusade, though there is record of his having repeatedly performed good service to his sovereign at home. Six years after his last appearance in the field at the celebrated siege of Caerlaverock, A.D. 1300, he died, being then fifty-seven years of age, and leaving a son named William z . It is very curi- ous to observe the striking similarity in design and general treat- ment, exhibited between this Chartham brass and the sculptured effigy in the Temple church, probably that of William, lord de Ros, who died A.D. 1317: these memorials appear to have been exe- cuted after designs from the same artist, and thus would indi- cate an identity of origin for the various species of monumental portraiture a . Though in other points the general aspect of the two remaining cross-legged brasses corresponds with the example already noticed, in one important particular they exhibit a marked distinction from them. No longer are the genouillieres the sole exception to the armour being throughout of mail : for here the adoption of a considerable portion of plate armour is apparent, in combination with the reticulated hauberk. One of these brasses, now existing in the church of Gorleston, near Great Yarmouth, is unfortunately mutilated in the lower extremities, and has also lost its armorial accessories and a rich pedimental canopy; still, enough of the figure yet remains to enable us to form a correct idea of its origi- nal appearance. The coif-de-mailles, hauberk, surcoat, and belts, z In the church at Cobham, in Kent, Yorkshire, (figured by Hollis,) would also lies buried, and there is commemorated by appear to have been designed by the same an Anglo-Norman inscription, Joan de artist. The brass of Sir Richard de Bus- Septvans, sister of Sir Robert de Septvans, lingthorpe (p. 113) again, maybe regarded and first wife of Sir John de Cobham, as the work of both the same engraver and baron of the exchequer, who died, A.D. the same designer. The Temple effigy is 1300. figured by Mr. Richardson, in his notice a The effigy of Brian, Lord Fitz-Alan of the restorations recently so ably executed of Bedale, A.D. 1302, in Bedale church, by him in that splendid church. CIRCA i.D . 1320 . 13°gbro.U J.S Jobiins, W> . . BE BACON . (jorleston. Church., Suffolt. ( _ C anopy de stroye A , CIRCA. A. D. 1320 _ 13° Cfitt J. R.Jobhms , il/v. UM. BE FITS31LPH Jn Pabmaxsh Church., Essi ■. ^Canopy lost .) MILITARY BRASSES. 37 are retained ; though the sword-belt is somewhat slighter than in the previous examples. The back of the upper arms, from the shoulder to the elbow, and the front of the lower arms, from the elbow to the wrist, have the additional protection of plates of steel, severally designated Demi-Brassarts and Vambraces : the front of the legs is similarly guarded by Jambarts or shin-pieces ; these plates are all strapped over the mail : at the bend of the shoulders and elbows, in front, are Palettes or Roundels ; Coudieres or elbow-pieces guard the elbows themselves, and at the knees are genouillieres : these all are of plate. The shield is small, flat, and heater-shaped ; and it is sustained by a very narrow guige, which passes over the hood of mail. From above the shoulders rise the ailettes, which are fringed and ensigned with the cross of St. George. This effigy, supposed to represent one of the Bacon family, having been ab- stracted from its marble slab, came into the possession of the late Craven Ord : but at his death in the year 1830, by the care of the late John Gage Rokewode, Esq., and of Dawson Turner, Esq., it was restored to its original position in Gorleston church. Its date is about A.D. 1320. It is in all respects a valuable speci- men, well designed and executed, and, as far as it yet remains, in fair preservation. Bearing this same date, A.D. 1320, the 8th of Edward II., and preserved in the church of Pebmarsh, near Halstead in Essex, is the fifth and last remaining brass of this series : it commemorates a knight of the Fitzralph family ; and, with but a few trifling excep- tions, it is in fine preservation. The arming and general equip- ment of this knight is precisely the same as I have already noticed in the Gorleston brass ; with the exception of the ailettes, which are here omitted, and the mail which is interlaced chain-mail in- stead of the ring-mail. In this example also the arming of the legs and feet is completely expressed : it exhibits the jambarts continued from the ankles by lames, or small plates of steel, over the front of the feet, and thus forming the mixed Sollerets of mail and plate. The surcoat is long and ample : the convex shield is apparently fringed, and its guige is broad and fastened over the hood by a buckle : the mail throughout is admirably expressed : beneath the skirts of the hauberk appears the haqueton, or quilted 38 MILITARY BRASSES. under garment, designed to protect the body from the pressure of its covering of reticulated steel : and beneath the haqueton are seen the gamboised cuisseaux. The genouillieres, with the several appointments of the sword, are elaborately enriched : and from the centre of the palettes small spikes project. At the feet of the knight reposes a dog. From the circumstance of there being no means of positively identifying the individuals, to whose memory this and the last described brass were laid down, it cannot be ascertained whether or not crusaders are indicated by these cross- legged effigies : and thus, as before observed, of the knights com- memorated by the five cross-legged brasses, but one is known to have followed the cross-banner into the Holy Land. We have already seen that but four brasses representing entire figures of the knights of the reign of Edward I., are yet known to be in existence b : and to these, notwithstanding the more general adoption at that period of this species of memorial, but five others can be added illustrative of the knightly costume worn during the reign of his unfortunate son and successor. Of two of this second series I have just spoken : two others " are nearly counterparts of each other in design, almost contemporary in date, and without doubt executed by the same hand •" these commemorate a second Sir John d'Aubernoun, the son and heir of the former, at Stoke dAubernoun ; and Sir John de Creke with the Lady Alyne his wife, at Westley Waterless, in Cambridgeshire. This last named brass consists of two effigies still entire; but it has lost its fine double canopy, with the inscription and accompanying shields of arms. On her head the lady wears a coverchef falling over the shoulders, her chin and throat being further enveloped with a wimple or gorget, which barely discloses the plaited bands of the hair on either side the face : over a long and somewhat close kirtle with sleeves, is a second and sleeveless garment of more ample pro- portions, which is open c from the shoulders to the waist, and gathered up beneath the left arm; over all is worn a mantle, b The Gorleston and Minster brasses which were in the first instance designed having originally represented the complete to represent demi-figures. effigy, are to be classified with such as still c For further notice of this sleeveless remain in a perfect state, and not with those garment, see p. 62. 3* 132 5 18? $blX\ 11. J.R.Jolhim.ltih. SIR JTOHH" BE CKEKE AMD LABI. In We stley Waterless Church, Cambridge shire. ( Canopies lost ) MILITARY BRASSES. 39 which is confined on the breast with a short cordon, and also gathered up in folds beneath the left arm. In the effigy of the knight appears a further change of costume : the long and flow- ing surcoat, open in front, has been discarded, and its place occu- pied by an extraordinary garment called the Cyclas, which is laced at the sides and reaches below the knee behind, while in front it is cut very short, and displays the escaloped and fringed border of a second garment, probably the Gambeson or Wambeijs, a body-cover- ing stuffed with wool and padded in parallel lines of needle-work d , from beneath which descends the skirt of the hauberk, now cut to a point in front, and the camail is similarly fashioned ; and again, beneath the hauberk, and completing this strange multiplicity of garments, is seen the haqueton, reaching to the genouillieres e . Chausses of banded ring-mail f , faced with jambarts of plate, cover the legs; the sollerets, which rest upon a lion, are of mixed mail and plate, and of great length; and the spurs now assume the rouelle form. The sleeves of the hauberk terminate a little below the elbow, and disclose the fore-arms entirely encased in vam- braces of plate : demi-brassarts with coudieres guard the upper- arms and elbows : and roundels, fashioned to resemble heads of lions, protect the joints of the arms. The uplifted hands are bare. The waist is encircled by a narrow cincture and the sword-beltis arranged upon a new and simple plan, merely passing round the person about the hips, and being attached by swivels to the scab- bard of the sword, which is thus girded in front of the figure : the d The Haqueton was stuffed with cotton, also is the case with the noble effigy inWest- and also padded : both were worn, partly minster abbey, of John of Eltham, brother to protect the body from the pressure of the of Edward III. Again at Ifield in Sus- steel-harness,'and partly to serve as an sex is another fine effigy, that of Sir John additional defence. d'Ifield, similarly habited; and in Hereford e Possibly Sir John de Creke, thin as cathedral, A.D.1321, Humphrey de Bohun, he appears, may be here represented as earl of Hereford and constable of England, wearing yet another garment with the affords in his monumental effigy a third gambeson, between his cyclas and hauberk, fine example of the same military equip - the fringe terminating one, and the escalops ment. the other : the escalops, however, appear to f This is another variety of this species belong to the same garment as the one im- of armour, in which the rings were attached mediately beneath the cyclas. The com- to strips or bands of leather, and these again panion brass of Sir John d'Aubernoun were fastened to some under-lining of strong certainly exhibits but four distinct gar- material, ments, including the hauberk: and such 40 MILITARY BRASSES. sword itself is of great length. A narrow guige supports a small heater-shaped shield, charged with the arms of the De Crekes, — Or, on a fesse, gules, three lozenges, vair. In place of the coif-de- mailles, the head is now covered by a Bascinet of plate, in this example fluted, and having at its apex an elegant device for attaching the scarf or crest : to this bascinet is attached, by a lace drawn through staples termed Vervelles, a Camail, or mail covering for the neck and shoulders £ ; a narrow strip of mail is also attached to the rim of the bascinet, having a fringe-like appearance. The date of this brass is A.D. 1325, the 18th of Edward II. A singular circumstance connected with this monument is thus noticed by Mr. Waller. " At the right foot of the lady's figure is a monogram, probably that of the artist by whom it was executed : it consists of the letter N, above which is a mallet, having on one side a half-moon, and on the other a star or sun. It, is worthy of remark, that the same de- vice (without the letter) is found on a seal attached to a deed of the 5th of Edward I., wherein one Walter Dixi, Cementarius de Berne- welle, is conveying certain lands to his son Lawrence. The seal of Walter has for its legend, q< S. WALTER : LG : GDRSVN*. The occurence of a similar device in two instances seems to shew that it was not an individual mark : may it not have been the badge of some guild of Masons? If so, it will suggest that the same minds which designed the architectural structures of the middle ages, also designed the sepulchral monuments; and this opinion is strengthened by the fact of their generally agreeing with the prevailing taste of the times." In the curious palimpsest ' fragment from Trunch church, Norfolk, (both sides of which are subsequently figured,) we have upon a shield the same devices of the half-moon and star, but without the mallet ; g The term Camail appears to be a is drawn, also of the full size, from Mr. slight abbreviation for Capmail, —the mail, Waller's engraving, that is, appertaining to the head-piece. ' See pages 147, 149. Also see Ap- h The monogram on the brass is figured pendix (C.) of the full size : and the device of the seal MILITARY BRASSES. 41 in the base of the shield is the letter W : and thus the hypothesis of Mr. Waller is confirmed by a third example of the use of this singular device, somewhat modified indeed, but still essentially the same, v' The brass of the second Sir John d'Auber- noun bears date two years later, A.D. 1327 : it commemorates the eldest son of the for- mer knight of the same name, and lies beside the brass of his father in the chancel of the church at Stoke d'Aubernoun in Surrey. The points of difference between this and the brass of Sir John de Creke are sufficient to stamp either work with that peculiar indi- viduality of character, so remarkable in these engraven monumental plates, while their general similarity, by confirming the accu- racy of both, greatly enhances their value as faithful portraitures of our island chivalry in the olden time. It is also a matter of no slight interest to be enabled to trace, as in these specimens, the efforts of the same ge- nius and the works of the same hand k . In this brass the knight is depicted as wearing a beard as well as moustaches : his shoulders and elbows are guarded in front by roundels, those at the elbows being attached to the joints of the coudieres by arming -points : the cyclas, which is itself covered on the breast by the camail of the bascinet, is drawn over the upper part of either shoulder-roundel, and it falls unconfined at the waist by any cincture : the gambeson is escaloped and fringed, and has its outer surface embroidered with rosettes ; the spurs are of the pryck form : the very long and strait sword is Sir John d'Aubernoun the younger, A.D. 1327. Stoke d'Aubernoun church, Surrey. k The brasses of De Creke and the second Sir John d'Aubernoun are here for the first time both figured in the same work : and thus an opportunity is given for their comparison. G 42 MILITARY BRASSES. girded about the hips by a broad and ornamented belt, buckled in the front : and the shield, still enamelled with the D'Aubernoun arms, rests, unsupported by any guige, upon the left arm l . The sole remaining military example of this reign is the curious brass, to which I have already referred as being preserved in the church at Minster, in the Isle of Sheppey. This may be assigned to the same period, about A.D. 1330; for we find that Sir John de Northwode, the knight thus commemorated, was sum- moned to parliament as a baron of the realm, about the 6th of Edward II., having previously received knighthood from Edward I., at the siege of Caerla- verock. He is represented as wearing a bascinet and camail of banded ring- mail, a hauberk of similar material, a cyclas, and haqueton. The bascinet is plain, but with an enriched border, and it assumes a singular swelling form : the camail is finished over the breast in large engrailed escalops. Attached to an orna- mented staple, projecting on the left side from the cyclas, is a chain which passes over the shoulder, for the purpose of securing the tilting-helm : the staple itself is screwed or rivetted to a Plas- tron-de-fer or Mameliere, a plate of steel secured to the hauberk, beneath the cyclas, for the purpose of additional protection m . The Sir John de Northwode, Minster, *J/ Isle of Sheppey, c A.D. 1330. 1 The Pembridge knight, before men- tioned as being commemorated by an effigy at Clehongre church, Herefordshire, wears the cyclas, gambeson, and hauberk ; but the fourth garment, the haqueton, though doubtless worn, is not expressed in the effigy. The camail of this knight * has a lining, escaloped at its border to correspond with the gambeson. Another knight at Atherington, Devonshire, (pro- bably Sir Arthur Basset,) wears over his camail a mantelet, corresponding with his jupon. Sir John Blanchefront, in his effigy at Alvechurch, Worcestershire, wears a bas- cinet finished at its apex in precisely the same manner, as are the head-pieces of Sir John d'Aubernoun and Sir John de Creke. The bascinet of Sir John Blanchefront is also fitted with a vizor. m A breast-plate of steel was commonly worn beneath the cyclas or jupon, it was MILITARY BHASSES. 43 upper arms have no defences of plate, with the exception of esca- loped coudieres and corresponding roundels, at the elbows and shoulders : the lower arms have vambraces of scale-like appearance, possibly composed of Cuir-bouilli™, or more probably of small over- lapping plates of steel; and the hands are bare. The shield, which is large and hollow, and charged with, ermine, a cross engrailed, gules, for Northwode , is suspended from a very long guige in front of the left thigh, immediately below the sword-hilt, thus covering the upper part of the scabbard p . The sword itself is girded by a belt buckled round the waist, a little below which the figure has undergone a singular mutilation, having had a strip of the original plate cut out and abstracted : and again from the remainder of the lower portion, all that part of the original com- position which was below the genouillieres has been altogether removed, and its place supplied by the present ill-adapted and attached to the hauberk, and necessarily imparted to the outer vest its own globular form. This arrangement is frequently observable in sculptured effigies, though in brasses it cannot well be made apparent. The chains from the breast-plate were afterwards, when worn, generally attached to the hilt of the sword and of the dagger. In the effigy of Sir John Blanchefront both the chains are appropriated to the sword ; the one from the right side being fastened to the hilt of the weapon, and the other to its scabbard. The misericorde or dagger is represented as worn in this fine effigy. " Cuir-bouilli, the curebuly of Chaucer, was a preparation repeatedly mentioned by medieval writers ; it consisted of leather, adapted by the process of boiling to vari- ous purposes both of defence and ornament. See p. 50, and note. The shield of the Black Prince at Canterbury is undoubtedly an original specimen of cuir-bouilli. And now in the beautiful modern preparation, known as "impressed leather," this in- vention has been revived and brought to the highest degree of perfection. ° Or the bearing on the shield may be a cross engrailed between ten chesnut leaves, for Northwood Chataigniers. p This mode of wearing the shield appears to be a characteristic of the knights of France, by whom it was termed Ecu en can- tiel. A remarkably fine effigy thus accoutred is now preserved in the Royal catacombs at St. Denis : it commemorates Charles, Conte d'Etampes, who fell, in the thirtieth year of his age, at the siege of Pincorain, A.D. 1336. This knight, a prince of the blood royal of France, is armed completely in ring-mail : his head is unhelmed, and his flowing hair is encircled by a wreath of roses : the coif-de-mailles hangs loose about his neck, and the mail gauntlets also depend from the wrists : the surcoat is long and plain, and girded about the waist by a narrow cincture: over the hips is buckled a broad and rich sword-belt ; and a long guige, corresponding with it in breadth and enrichment, crosses the right shoulder, and is attached to the shield, which is adjusted over the hilt of the sword precisely after the fashion exemplified in the brass at Minster. It is impossible not to be struck with the similarity in artistic treatment ex- hibited between this fine effigy, and the memorials of Lord de Ros in the Temple church, of Sir Robert de Septvans at Chartham, and Lord Fitz-Alan at Bedale. u MILITARY BRASSES. incongruous substitute q . The genuine portion of the lower part of the figure exhibits the skirts of the cyclas, the hauberk and the haqueton, the latter being escaloped, and the hauberk made to open for a short space in the centre and on either side. The genou- illieres and the base of the shield also remain as originally exe- cuted. The head of the knight rests upon an embroidered cushion : and another cushion diapered after a different pat- tern supports the head of his lady. In this lady's effigy we have a very curious example of the female costume of the period. She wears a long and rather close- fitting kirtle, with tight sleeves termina- ting in narrow bands at the wrists : and over this a flowing mantle, lined with vair r ; this mantle is wrapped about the entire person and gathered up under the right arm ; the arms appear through open- ings cut for that purpose in the sides of the mantle; and from the shoulders in front of the figure fall the long pointed lappets of this singular outer garment, lined throughout with the variegated fur. The hair is plaited on either side the face ; and the throat and chin are enveloped in a most disfiguring wimple or gorget, or possibly in the wimple-like collar with which the kirtle or under-dress was some- times finished. The lady thus attired, the consort of Sir John de Northwode, was Joan de Badlesmere, a daughter Lady de Northwode, c. A.D. 1330 V i In the accompanying engraving the original portions of this figure only are re- presented ; and a vacant space is left to denote the portion which has heen taken out from the midst of the figure. The legs of this brass, as they now appear, are crossed, a position evidently not contem- plated by the original artist. See cut p. 42. r Vair was a species of compound fur, made up of numerous small pieces of dif- ferent coloured skins ; it was in great re- quest for the decoration of various articles of dress. Subsequently vair became an heraldic distinction. MILITARY BRASSES. 45 probably of Bartholomew, Lord Badlcsmere, of Leeds castle, in Kent. Armour consisting of mail and plate defences thus combined together, continued to be worn, with various slight modifications, throughout the earlier years of the long-protracted reign of Ed- ward III. Gradually, however, the mail was superseded by fresh pieces of plate armour, until shortly after the commencement of the succeeding century, the 15th, it altogether ceased to be in general use, except as a secondary defence worn under the plate, or when introduced in small portions at those parts where, in order to admit freedom of action for the limbs, it was essential. Various highly interesting brasses exemplify the successive changes which intervened, between the first introduction of plate-armour, and its ultimate formation of the warrior's complete defensive panoply. Of these, in addition to the examples already noticed, the muti- lated brass of Sir Hugh Hastings at Elsyng church, Norfolk, A.D. 1347, the 20th of Edward III., is by far the most curious and valuable s . The general composition of this brass comprises an effigy beneath a canopy of elaborate richness, each side of which consists of a series of four canopied niches enclosing as many armed figures. This is the latest instance of which I am aware, in which the shield is represented in a brass as forming a part of the knight's personal equipment. The other peculiarities in this brass which require especial notice are the Gorget, Hausse- Col, or Mentoniere of plate worn by Sir Hugh Hastings himself : the Visors, attached to the bascinets of the several effigies intro- duced into the canopy, as well as that of the principal effigy : the Jupon charged with armorial insignia: the first introduction of Haut-de-chausses or trews of Pourpointrie 1 , studded with small circular plates of steel : and the tilting-helm with its crest, placed as a finial at the apex of the canopy. In the principal effigy, the sleeves of the hauberk are slipped off from the hands, as in the brass of Sir Robert de Septvans, and hang down from the wrists, s See p. 23. zoned in a contemporary roll of arms, — ' For illustration and description of this Or, a maunche, gules, differenced of a la- studded-mail, see p. 51. The arms borne be], azure. by Sir Hugh Hastings are thus embla- 46 MILITARY BRASSES. displaying the quilted haqueton beneath the mail: the armorial bearing of Hastings, the maunche, or ancient military sleeve, is richly diapered upon both the shield and the jupon, and in both cases it is differenced with a label of three points : the jupon, or sleeveless covering to the hauberk, now appears with a full skirt ; and upon this, hanging loosely from over the hips, is the broad and rich sword-belt, which is attached to the sword- scabbard on the left side, and is buckled in front u : the genouillieres are curiously spiked : and the rounded bascinet with its uplifted visor rests upon a diapered cushion supported by two angels. In the smaller figures a singular double outline will be observed; designed, it would seem, simply to distinguish the effigies themselves with greater distinctness from the diapered field on which they are placed x . These figures represent, on the dexter side, King Edward III., crowned, and displaying on his embroidered jupon the arms of France and England quarterly, which bearing was assumed by King Edward in the year 1341, but six years anterior to the date of the brass : the second figure is Thomas de Beauchamp, armed at all points, and holding a lance with a pennon y; the third figure, now lost, represented one of the Despencer family: and the fourth is Roger Grey, Lord Grey of Ruthin : on the sinis- ter side are figures of Henry Plantage- net, earl of Lancaster, great grandson of King Henry III. : the second figure is lost, but it originally represented Lau- rence Hastings, earl of Pembroke, who died A.D. 1348, and his shield bearing Hastings quartering Valence, has been considered the oldest example of a subject quartering arms : to this succeeds the effigy of Ralph, Lord Stafford : and the lowermost is that of Head of Thomas de Beanchamp. Hastings brass, F.lsyrjg, Norfolk, A D. 1347. " The knight, whose effigy is placed within the head of a floriated cross at Wimhish in Essex, has his sword girded after a similar fashion. See p. 119. 1 The same double outline occurs, and with the same object, in the brass of Ralph de Knevynton, at Aveley, in Essex. * This figure, and the last on the sinister side of the canopy, with the mounted figure in the pediment of the canopy, form a beautiful plate in Waller's Brasses: and the entire brass is figured in Cot- man's work. MILITARY BRASSES. 47 Almeric, Lord St.Amand, whose head-piece is very singular; it appears to be the Cha- pelle defer or steel-bonnet, and is here worn over the bascinet, but without any defence for the face ; in actual combat, however, it might be drawn forward, so that the brim projecting over the brow would afford some additional protection ; this is the only speci- Head of Mmeric, Lord St.Amand. Hastings brasB, men of this head-piece which has been A - D - 13!7 - noticed engraven in a brass; and the only other example in a monumental effigy occurs in one of the equestrian figures of Aymer de Valence, on his monument in Westminster abbey. In an upper compartment of this canopy, within an octofoil encom- passed by a circle, is a mounted warrior, trampling down and piercing with his lance a fiend, probably designed to indicate the triumph of the Christian faith : in this group, the voluminous trap- pings of the charger, and the gauntlets of his rider, which here first appear divided into fingers, are both remarkable. The early prac- tice of pointing the foot downwards through the stirrup is also here exemplified : this position, naturally resulting from wearing shoes of mail, was universally adopted by knights when in the saddle, from the Conquest till the time of Richard III., A.D. 1483 ; during which period the sollerets, or armed shoes, were worn pointed ; but subsequently the heel was dropped and the toe ele- vated, when broad and rounded Sabbatons were introduced. The spurs were not screwed to the armour before the middle of the fifteenth century. In brasses these knightly appendages, with their accompanying straps, are usually depicted with great distinctness ; but few engraven specimens, however, occur of spurs of greatly dis- proportionate length, notwithstanding the continued prevalence of this extravagant fashion ; the longest spurs which I have noticed are in the brasses of Sir John de Braose, A.D. 1426, at Wiston in Sussex, of Sir John Say, A.D. 1473, at Broxbourn in this county, and of Henry Bourchier, earl of Essex, A.D. 1483, at Little Easton, Essex ; but these are far exceeded by the incised slab, bearing date A.D. 1441, at Brading in the Isle of Wight, and which comme- 48 MILITARY BKASSES. morates Sir John Cherowin, or Curwen, constable of Porchester castle z . Before I refer to any other individual examples, it may perhaps be desirable here to introduce a brief general description of the more prominent characteristics of the style of armour, prevalent during the latter half of the fourteenth, and the early part of the fifteenth centuries, and which immediately preceded the adoption of complete suits of plate-armour. The hauberk, curtailed in length, and frequently, if not generally, sleeveless, and now it would seem denominated the Haubergeon, was worn over the quilted gambeson or haqueton, and itself covered by the Jupon ; this last-named sleeveless overcoat was also denominated the Pour- point, from the Latin word, Perpunctum, indicative of its construc- tion; it being composed of several thicknesses of material, sewed through, and faced with silk or velvet, upon which the armorial insignia of the wearer were frequently embroidered a : the jupon fitted close to the person, and, descending midway between the hip and the knee, was finished with an enriched border of escalops, leaves, or other cut and open work b . Another garment, called a jupon, is also spoken of, as having been at this period sometimes worn beneath the mail : but this is altogether distinct from the rich and splendid covering to the more strictly defensive portion of the knight's equipment, and was really a species ofjust-au-corps, or haqueton, expressly designed to be worn beneath the armour : it might have been constructed of very strong materials, such as cuir-bouilli, and with a plastron or breast-plate of steel have been the only personal defence. To this breast-plate the term hauber- geon was occasionally applied; the armour of mail, worn over such an haubergeon, being still distinguished as the hauberk. A steel breast-plate was also a common appendage to the ordi- nary short hauberk, to which it was firmly attached beneath the jupon. The arms of the knight were entirely encased in bras- z See p. 160. pourpoint. a The jupon was sometimes stuffed and b This mode of cutting out the borders padded, though it would seem to have more of garments into open-work of various de- generally been constructed after the fashion vices, prevailed in almost every description from which it derived its other name of of dress worn at that period. MILITARY BRASSES. 49 BASCINETS. sarts c of plate, having coudieres or elbow-pieces variously formed, but all of small size ; and at the shoulders were Epaulieres con- structed of several overlapping plates, but without palettes at either elbow or shoulder d ; the gauntlets and sollerets were of plate, jointed, like the epaulieres, after the manner of a lobster's tail; the nails of the fingers were often engraved upon these steel- gloves, and the knuckles were armed with small spikes or bosses of steel, denominated Gadlyngs. Cuissarts and jambarts of plate enclosed the legs above and below the knees, which were them- selves guarded by genouillieres. Double plates sometimes are introduced, for the purpose of additional security, immediately above and below the genouillieres. At the back of the knee-joint, and also at the joints of the shoulders, elbows, and ankles, small Goussettes or Gussets of mail were introduced ; and these frequently are depicted upon brasses with excellent effect. On the head was worn the bascinet, which now was often acutely pointed, and indeed may always be dis- tinguished by its pointed apex from the more glo- bular head-piece of a subsequent period : from the rim of the bascinet descended the camail of either interlaced or banded mail, covering the neck and Robert Albyn c A D shoulders like a tippet ; the camail was attached to the bascinet by a lace drawn through vervelles or small staples ; in some examples this arrangement is distinctly exhibited, but in others the vervelles are covered by a border of steel, generally ornamental, worked upon the rim of the head-piece. About the bascinet a wreath composed of cloth, silk or velvet, m ^°" a ^ and sometimes enriched with jewels and goldsmith's work, was commonly worn : but in brasses it very rarely is depicted Above this wreath or orle rose the heraldic crest. During the time of actual combat, over the bascinet the tilting-helm in brasses this, with its crest, wreath or orle, and 1360. HemelHemp- sted, Herta. Lord Ca- moys, A.D. 1434. Trot- ton, Sussex. was worn c The armour of the upper arm was the Rerebrace, of the lower the Vambrace. d Small roundels in some few examples occur at the elbow-joints. In sculptured effigies, roundels occasionally appear at this period, placed both at the shoulder and elbow-joints : but I have not observed any example of this arrangement upon a brass. H 50 MILITARY BRASSES. mantling, are usually represented as placed beneath the head of the recumbent figure, a fitting pillow for the warrior in repose. Some- times, in place of the tilting-helm, a very strong bascinet was worn, furnished with a visor capable of completely protecting the face e . The sword was long, strait and tapering ; its hilt and either extre- mity of the scabbard were richly ornamented, but the greater part of the scabbard was usually plain ; the guard of the weapon formed a cross, and the pommel was generally circular or octagonal in its outline, and was surmounted by a small angular knob. The sword- belt was broad and richly ornamented, and was girded over the hips, leaving the waist free from any cincture; this belt was usually fastened strait across the person by an enriched Morse or clasp; in some examples, however, it has a slight curve in its adjustment; and sometimes also it is buckled instead of being clasped : the sword was attached to this belt at the uppermost part of the scabbard, and it hung perpendicularly at the left side. Another weapon was now introduced, and was at- tached on the right side to the same belt : this was the Misericorde, or small strait dagger; it had no guard, and both its hilt and scabbard were curiously ornamented : in brasses the blade of the misericorde sometimes appears in front of the wearer, but more generally the hilt only is seen f . The camail was drawn closely round the face, generally covering the chin, while the long moustaches often protruded over the mail. In some of the earlier brasses in this style of knightly harness, a curious variety of defensive equipment appears, consisting of a series of small round plates or roundels of steel, secured by rivets to a lining of pourpoint, or of cuir-bouilli, a pre- paration, as I have before observed, in common use in the middle Misericorde, Earl of Warwick. St. Mary's, Warwick, A.D. 1401. e At Allerton Mauleverer is a fine ex- ample of such a bascinet with its visor. ' It appears from sculptured effigies that the misericorde was usually secured by a short chain to the broad hip-belt, on the right side. In his effigy in Hereford cathedral, Humphrey de Bohun, earl of Hereford, wears his misericorde depending from a short chain directly in front of the person. This nobleman is habited in the cyclas, gambeson, hauberk, and haqueton : he died A.D. 1321. MILITARY BRASSES. 51 ages, as well for defence as for orna- ment 8 . Perhaps the finest example of this Studded-mail, was the brass of Sir Miles de Stapleton h , now lost from Ing- ham church, Norfolk : this knight died A.D. 1364, the 38th of Edward III.; and he is represented as wearing a studded ju- pon, and haut-de-chausses, with jambarts worked in studded bands 1 . Sir Ralph de Knevynton, at Aveley, Essex, A.D. 1370, has his jupon studded as well as his chaus- ses k : he retains the long hauberk, pointed in front, and apparently made with sleeves Sir Miles de Stapleton, A.D. 1364 reaching below the elbows; his hands and Late in ingham church, Norfolk. head are bare ; about his temples is placed an ornamented fillet; the sleeves of his haqueton terminate in a species of mittens reaching some little space beyond the wrist ; and he has chains from the breast-plate beneath the jupon, which are severally attached to his sword and misericorde K Sir John de Paletoot, A.D. 1361, the 35th of Edward III., wears chausses only of studded mail ; his jupon is plain, and the mail of his 8 Effigies of warriors thus armed are of more frequent occurrence on the continent than in this country : for the fine example annexed (see next page), I am indebted to the Committee of the Archaeological Institute ; it represents a figure carved in wood in the choir of Bamberg cathedral, and appeared in the sixth part of the Archaeological Jour- nal. The legs of this warrior are encased in jambeaux of cuir-bouilli. The other singularities in his equipment will not escape the notice of the careful observer. h An early seal of a Stapleton gives the rebus of the family, a staple enclosing the letters ton. 1 The portion of the figure of this knight here engraved, is drawn from the beautiful etching in Stothard's Effigies : this brass is also figured in Cotman's work. k See p. 22. 1 See p. 42, and note (m.) jngi Sir John de Paletoot, A.D. 1361 Watton church, Herts. MILITARY BRASSES. 53 h haubergeon and camail is banded m : this fine brass lies on the floor of a chapel to the north of the chancel at Watton, in this county ; it is surmounted by an elegant canopy, and round the verge of the stone is the legend, — "Icy gist Monsieur .... Paletoot, Che- VALER, QE MORUST LE XIIIJ JOUR DE AuST, LAN DE GRACE MILL . ccc . . . . " Other examples of studded-mail occur in the brasses of Sir Thomas Cheyne, A.D. 1368, and of his son Sir William Cheyne, A.D. 1375, at Drayton Beauchamp, Bucks; of a knight of the Argentine family, about the same date, at Horseheath, Cam- bridgeshire; and of Sir John de Cobham, also about A.D. 1375, at Cobham, in Kent. Sir Thomas Cheyne wears jambarts of studded- mail arranged, like those of Sir Miles de Stapleton, in bands ; his sword and sword-belt are highly characteristic of the period, while ipbeit. & c, sir Thomas cbeyne, his genouillieres are of unique ^^^ A D. 1368. Drayton Beauchamp, , A n -|^ Rfl Bucks. singularity: this knight was es- quire at arms to King Edward III., — " dilectus armiger suus," as that monarch terms him, — constable of Windsor castle, and ranger of Guildford park. His son, Sir Wil- liam, wears laminated sollerets, laminated Solleret, ., 11 X." ad. 1375. sir wiiiiam composed of scales or small snm- Cheyne. gles of steel, or possibly ot cuir- bouilli, which are also unique". Sir John de Cobham, the munificent founder of Cobham college, bears in his hands a model of the church m In this example, the misericorde has heen abstracted ; and in the subsequent figure from St. Michael's church, St. Alban's, the cross-hilt of the sword is broken. One sbield of arms remains in connection with the effigy of Sir John Paletoot ; it is charged with paly of six, or, and vert, a chief indented of the second, for Paletoot, — a good specimen of canting heraldry. n The gauntlets of Sir John de Buslingthorpe, and the defences of the lower arms of Sir John de Northewode, are constructed in Sir John de Cobliam) . A . D . a similar manner. 1375 - cobham. Kent. A.D. 1368. >*++, 1 mk 54 MILITARY BRASSES. of that establishment : his genouillieres are curious, and in some respect resemble those worn by Sir Thomas Cheyne °. Numerous specimens exist of the ordinary knightly habit, during what I ven- ture to designate the Camail-period of armour. These brasses are satisfactorily exemplified in the memorials of Nicholas, Lord Bur- f)k utrrt.lms Jtutms SurncfflliTes ims ot Dgttof qm oWrjEi> b\t Taruiawjawno Pm-m , ;aaa0ODa^o|5rS4 lite g^of ^r^T ata^^^a^^^^pi^ai^jplwrofflie AD. 1424. 2nd of Henry VI. I OKD AND LADY CAliOYS, TROTTON CHURCH, SUSSEX. This Lady was the widow of Henry Percy, the renowned Hotspur, when she married Thomas, Baron Camoys, and Lord Camoys himself commanded the left wing of thj English a-my at Agincourt. The canopy of this fine Brass is engraved at page 127. MILITARY BRASSES. 59 bascinet, still frequently encircled with an orle or wreath, encases the entire head, merely leaving the features exposed to view, and it is firmly attached to a steel gorget which covers the throat, and rests upon the upper part of the Cuirass, the covering of plate- armour for the body above the waist. Two plates of steel for the breast and back compose the cuirass, and these are worked of a globular form. The limbs are armed after the same fashion as during the preceding period, but now either elongated palettes or roundels appear in front of the shoulders, covering the points of junction between the epaulieres and the cuirass z ; similar roundels of smaller size sometimes are attached to the coudieres, an arrange- ment which may be regarded as the prototype of the fan-shaped coudieres now commonly worn. From the waist depend a series of narrow overlapping plates attached to a lining of leather or pourpoint, denomi- nated Taces ; and these are crossed diagonally from right to left by the sword-belt, which is narrower than before, but still attached at one point only to the upper- most part of the scabbard a : the long, strait, heavy c 1 ii i i i j_i i ni • i i . • TroLLou, Sussex, sword, thus girded at the lelt side, and sometimes having its point sloping outwards from the figure, is of the same form as before : the pommel now has often a peculiar shape, some- what resembling an inverted pear, and the hilt is plainer than at an earlier period : the misericorde has its blade now almost univer- sally placed behind the figure, and the mode by which it is sus- pended, in brasses is rarely, if ever, expressed. The tilting-helm with its heraldic accessories continues to form, in many cases, the pillow of the knightly effigies ; and in action it was worn, as before, over the bascinet. The brass of Sir Reginald de Cobham, A.D. 1403, at Lingfield, Fan shaped Cou- diere, Lord z Previous to the year 1430, roundels appear generally to have been worn ; but after that period they are almost universally superseded by the elongated palettes. This distinction is a good criterion of date in military brasses. * In sculptured effigies this belt is some- times crossed by another of like character, girded from left to right, to which the dag- ger was secured. The broad hip-belt also not unfrequently appears in connection with the diagonal and narrower belt, or occasionally alone. 60 MILITARY BRASSES. Surrey, is a transition specimen, having the acutely pointed bas- cinet and camail in connection with the cuirass and taces : the sword-belt is also girded across the hips, and the sword elabo- rately enriched from hilt to point. About his head-piece this knight wears a jewelled orle or wreath. At Wisbeach, in Cambridgeshire, Sir Thomas Braunstone, A.D. 1401, also wears a camail of chain-mail with a cuirass and taces : and again, twenty-four years later, A.D. 1425, at Theddlethorpe, Lincolnshire, Robert Hayton, Esq., is represented as similarly accoutred. Sir Thomas Swyn- borne, A.D. 1412, wears an un- der gorget of mail, and a shirt of mail beneath the taces of plate b ; his sword-belt is narrow and transverse, and with his sword and misericorde, is richly ornamented : he has at the shoulders roundels charged with the cross of St. George, and smaller roundels are attached to his coudieres. Round his neck the knight wears the collar of SS ; and his feet rest upon a couch- ing lion. Another, and that an equally splendid specimen of the earlier brasses in this style, lies within the altar-rails of Digswell church in this county ; it commemorates Sir Thomas Peryent and Sir Reginald de Cobham. A.D. 1403. Lingfleld, Surrey. b These may possibly be merely fringes of mail, attached to the hausse-col and the lowermost tace. MILITARY BRASSES. 61 his lady: this knight, who died A.D. 1415, retains the broad and rich sword-belt clasped straight across the hips, but in all other respects his equipment resembles that of Sir Thomas Swynborne. Sir Thomas Peryent was esquire at arms to Kings Richard II., Henry IV., and Henry V., and also master of the horse to Queen Joanna of Navarre. The costume of Lady Peryent who, as well as her hus- band, wears the collar of SS, combines dignified elegance with perfect sim- plicity : it consists of a super-tunic of ample proportions encircled at the waist by an ornamented band, and having its open collar falling back upon the shoulders; the sleeves are loose upon the arms above the elbow, below which, after the manner of the sleeves of a surplice, they fall to the ground, hanging open over the mid- dle of the lower arm : beneath this dress was worn a kirtle, the sleeves of which appear gathered in very full to a deep and tight cuff at the Avrist ; the collar of this under garment falls over the other collar : and on the left side, on the collar of the outer dress, a small swan is embroidered. The arrangement of the hair is very singu- lar ; indeed I know of no correspond- ing specimen : it is most curiously plaited, and rises to a considerable height above the head in the form of a reversed triangle, and above all a small coverchef is seen rolled up. Sword belt, taees, Sac Sir John Peryent, A.D 1415 Digswell, Herts. Lady Peryent, Digswell, A.D. 1415. 62 MILITARY BRASSES. Head-dre s, Lady Peryent, A.D. 1413. At the feet of the lady is a hedge- hog. The brass of Sir John Lysle, A.D. 1407, in Thornton church, Hants, is perhaps the earliest example of com- plete plate armour, without any ad- mixture whatever of mail. In Heme church, Kent, is a fine specimen of com- plete plate-armour, being the effigy of Sir Peter Halle, c. A.D. 1420, 8th Henry V., accompanied by that of his lady, whom he is depicted as holding by the right hand. Here we have the peculiarly elegant fan-shaped elbow-piece, so charac- teristic of the period, shewn on both sides : and the spurs have their rowels guarded . The costume of the lady also is no less characteristic and valuable as a specimen, than is the armour of her husband : she is habited in a close-fitting kirtle or cote-hardi, encircled by an enriched girdle, adjusted not about the waist, but across the hips : over this is worn a singular dress d , in high fashion during a very protracted period, consisting of little more than a narrow strip, as well behind as in front of the figure, but united over the shoulders, and from a little below the waist enveloping the entire person ; thus at the sides, the under dress with its sleeves, and the elegant cincture by which it was confined, are visible through the openings of this Sideless cote-hardi. This cincture of the kirtle is completely shewn in the fine brass of Lady Burton, A.D. 1382, at Little Casterton, Rutland, that lady being depicted without the sideless super-tunic or cote-hardi. Sometimes the skirt of this garment descended no lower than the knee, thus dis- playing the under-tunic below it, as well as at the sides of the figure e . The upper part of this robe was usually guarded with fur, c Spurs thus guarded, or dress spurs, have been supposed to indicate that the wearer held some office about the court. d This singular but most elegant article of female attire, which for so long a period became a regular component of the cos- tume, appears to have resulted from a de- sire on the part of the ladies, in some de- gree at least, to emulate the accumulation of garments worn by the other sex. e This garment appears to have been adopted by the ladies of that period in imi- tation of the knightly jupon. And so also the girdle was adjusted by the ladies, after -tn^ M '-? jf -^fr- M^t^ W'-'u^if^ll^ O 1 142 0. 8° S^IVX. V. J.Jl.Jobhms. Wu PETE1 HAJLL.E, ES5 of the canopy spring in the centre, is the white hart lodged, the cognizance and also the supporter of Richard II. The first Lady Felbrigge, commemorated by this brass, was Margaret, daughter of Primislaus, duke of Teschen, a near kinswoman to Anne of Bohe- mia the queen, to whom she was a maid of honour. Of scarcely in- ferior merit was the brass figured by Cotman, which, with others, has at a comparatively recent period been abstracted (I use a mild term) from Ingham church : it was designed to commemorate Sir Bryan de Stapleton, and Cecilia Bardolph his lady, and bore the date A.D. 1438. A small label here shewed the name of the dog lying at the feet of the knight, to have been jakke \ At Wyming- ton in Bedfordshire, A.D. 1430, is a large and very fine specimen of a knight in plate-armour, his head reposing on his crested tilt- ing-helm : it commemorates Sir Thomas Bromflete, cup-bearer to King Henry V., and is considered by Mr. Hartshorne to be " the finest specimen of a brass representing a knight in plate-armour in existence 1 ." In the same church is preserved another fine brass to the memory of Margaret, wife of the above Sir Thomas Bromflete, who died A.D. 1407. Bearing date the 29th of Novem- ber, A.D. 1426, at Wiston, in Sussex, the brass of Sir John de Brewys or Braose, (see next page,) affords another noble example of this truly imposing style of armour : in this valuable specimen every peculiarity of the panoply of plate in its highest perfection, is exemplified in the most characteristic manner k . The small append- age to the taces, indeed, but this alone, is unusual. A correspond- ing example will be found at Dorchester in Oxfordshire, in the now mutilated brass of Sir John Drayton, who died A.D. 1411. This knight wears the collar of SS : and on his sword-hilt are engraven the letters I.S., — the first and the last of the sacred monogram. Westminster abbey contains another excellent and well-known brass of a knight in plate-armour, — the memorial of Sir John de h A similar instance occurs in the brass resembles that subsequently described as of Sir John Cassy, in Deerhurst church, worn by Sir John Leventhorpe. Gloucestershire, where the word terri i See " Sepulchral Monuments," p. 39, accompanies the dog which lies at the feet where the brass of Sir Thomas Bromflete of Lady Cassy. The armour of Sir Bryan is figured. Stapleton differs slightly from what has k See for a further notice of this brass, been described in the text; it more strictly p. 14-3, note (b). ' 2 66 MILITARY BRASSES. Sir John de Brewys, A.D. 142S. » 3ir JobJi de Hsurpedon, A.D U57. Harpedon, A.D. 1457 : in this brass the taces are remarkable from the number of their lames amounting to eleven : and the armour throughout is unusually simple for the period. Sir John de Har- pedon married three wives, one of whom was a daughter of Sir John Oldcastle, Lord Cobham, who was burnt in the year 1413. Among other good examples of this same style, Cotman has figured the brasses of Sir Galfridus de Fransham, A.D. 1414, at Great Fransham, and of Sir William Calthorpe, A.D. 1420, at Burnham Thorpe, both in Norfolk; and in Suffolk, the brasses of John Broke, A.D. 1426, at Easton, and of John Norwich, A.D. 1428, at Yoxford. In the publication of the Camden Society also, another very fine specimen of this same style is figured : it is the brass at AD. 143 3 11 Men t>: VI. J.R Johbijus. UHv. Silffi J ©ELM' AMD 1L.ABY TLE¥EU"TH©MFE In oawhridgeworth Churcli, Hertfordshire (Shields or Arms omitted.) MILITARY BRASSES. G7 Wixford in Warwickshire to the memory of Sir Thomas de Crewe and Juliana his lady, who deceased in the year 1411. And again, in St. Lawrence church, Kent, A.D. 1444, the brass of Sir Nicholas Manston exhibits his effigy armed at all points in the same style : in this example, however, the palettes have a very peculiar form, and the narrow transverse belt is buckled in front of the figure, over the taces : the knight wears the collar of SS. In addition to the several component members of a suit of plate- armour, as exemplified in the brasses last noticed, certain other pieces were gradually introduced, either as modifications of the existing style of armour, or with a view to provide still more per- fect security. The first of these varieties consists in an alteration in the arrangement of the taces, Avhich are contracted somewhat in depth, and small plates named Tallies are attached by buckles to the lowermost tace, thus covering the front of the thighs with- out at all impeding the free use of the limbs. Of this fashion as it first appeared, we have an excellent specimen in the noble brass of Sir John de Leventhorpe at Sawbridgeworth, in this county : in all other respects the armour corresponds with that worn by Sir Simon de Felbrigge, but here are tuilles buckled below the taces. Beside the knight is the effigy of his lady, habited in a kirtle and mantle, and having beneath her coverchef a widow's plaited coif. Above the figures on either side is a shield, the one bearing the royal arms of Henry VI., and the other England differenced of a label of three points, charged upon each point with as many fleurs-de- ^rf^Hemyv.when Arms of Henry V. and VI. Brass Prince of Wales. Brass of nsot tienry v. ana vi. Brass • , Prince of Wales. Brass ot of Sir John de Leventhorpe. lyS . It appears tO UaVC Sir John de Leventhorpe. been customary thus to place the royal arms upon the tombs of persons who had borne office under the crown : this was the case with Sir Simon Felbrigge, and Archbishop Waldeby, whose interest- 1 The former of these two shields dis- plays the royal arms of Henry V. at the close of his reign, and also Henry VI. : the latter is charged with the hearing of Henry V. when Prince of Wales. See p. 131. 68 MILITARY BRASSES. ing brass is preserved in Westminster abbey : and John Leven- thorpe also was a highly trusted servant to the house of Lancaster ; he held various offices under Kings Henry IV., V., and VI., and in the will of Henry V. was named one of the executors of that monarch : he himself died A.D. 1433, the 11th of Henry VI. Shortly after their introduction, the tuilles were considerably increased in size, and instead of being straight they were worked below to a point. Additional pieces were placed upon the ordinary armour of the shoulders and elbows; and the mechanism of the gauntlets was also altered, with a view to afford a greater degree of security to the hands. A singular diversity also appears between the corresponding defences of the right and left sides of the same figure; the right arm being so accoutred, as to be as well as possible adapted for offensive action, while the left was carefully protected by defensive armour. The plate attached to the cuff of the gauntlet, or to the coudiere, was denominated a Garde-de-bras ; that which was placed in front of the shoulder was a Placcate ; but when the shoulder was absolutely covered by this second defence, it became a Pauldron m . Upon the first adoption of complete suits of plate-armour, the jupon was laid aside, and the knightly vanity of the time appears to have gloried in displaying the glittering splendour of the burnished steel; the intolerable heat, however, occasioned by the shining of the sun upon the steel panoply, soon led to the introduction of some light vestment to be worn over the armour. The vestment of this kind in most general use was the Tabard, which almost invariably was embroidered with the arms of the wearer : it covered the body armour, and had short full sleeves, m The construction of the epaulieres in trate this progressive developement of the many examples at a considerably earlier shoulder-armour. I must not omit to re- period, gives evident indication of the ap- mind brass collectors, that the truly noble proaching introduction of this important plate at Playford has recently been floored piece of armour, the pauldron: I may over; it is figured in Cotman. The brass refer to the brasses of Sir William Bagot of Sir Nicholas Dagworth here referred to, (p. 56) A.D. 1407, at Baginton, Warwick- is a remarkably fine specimen; it closely shire; of SirNicholas Dagworth, A.D. HOI, resembles the brasses of Sir William Bagot at Blickling, Norfolk; and of Sir George at Baginton, Warwickshire, and of Sir de Felbrigg, A.D. 1400, at Playford, in George de Felbrigg: these three plates Suffolk ; and again, subsequently to the may indeed be confidently ascribed to the brass of Sir John de Braose, (p. 66,) same artist. A.D. 1426, at Wiston, Sussex, to illus- MILITARY BRASSES. 69 upon each of which, as well as upon the body of the ta- bard, the entire coat of arms was emblazoned. At Digswell, in this county, beside the brasses of his fa- ther and mother, is the brass of a second Sir John Peryent, who died about 1450 : in this specimen, which in every re- spect is good and valuable, the peculiarity consists in the garde-de-brass attached to the coudiere of the left arm. On either side of the head of the knight are the emblems of St. Matthew and St. Luke : those of the two other evan- gelists, together with an in- scription, have been lost from the foot of the effigy. In the brass of Sir Richard Dyxton, A.D. 1438, at Cirencester, Gloucestershire, pointed tuil- les are appended to the taces, which nevertheless are eight in number : placcates vary- ing in Size and form, and Sir John Peryent the younger, c. A.D. 1450. Digswell, Herts. fixed by rivets and arming- points, afford additional pro- tection to the shoulders; a Demi-placcate or second cover- ing of steel strengthens the lower part of the cuirass, and the gauntlets have but two joints at the back of the fingerS. This CUrioUS and piaccates. Sir Ed-hard Dyxton, Cirencester, A_D.14.38 70 MILITARY BRASSES. Walter Green, Esq., Hayes, Middlesex, A.D.1450. gg;:f ■ Z fo\fjj& John Daundelyon, Esq., Margate, A.D. 1455. valuable effigy is surmounted by a rich canopy, now partly muti- lated, but easily capable of complete and satisfactory restoration. John Daundelyon, A.D. 1445, at Margate, Kent, wears tuilles resembling those of Sir R. Dyxton, but his taces amount to five only: he has at either shoulder a placcate, the one altogether differing in character from the other ; the same difference charac- terizes each garde-de-brass; and the gauntlets have very large cuffs. Bearing date A.D. 1458, at Castle Donington, Leicester- shire, the brass of Sir Robert Staunton bears a very strong general resemblance to that of John Daundelyon ; his bascinet, however, is furnished with a vizor. About the same period also, c. A.D.1450, at Hayes, Middlesex, Walter Green wears pauldrons of simple con- MILITARY BRASSES. 71 struction; and his epaullieres, which are composed of a series of small plates, are banded together at the neck : the taces in this effigy are also curious, being worked in broad escalops, they are eight in number ; the bare head of the knight reposes on his vizored tilting-helm, the bascinet being altogether omitted. In the brass of Sir Ralph Shelton, A.D. 1423, at Great Snoring church, Norfolk, we have an early example of the tabard of arms, worn over the armour. A tabard is also worn, A.D. 1424, by John Wantele, at Amberley, Sussex; but in this instance the arms (which are vert, three lions' faces, argent, langued, gules) are not repeated upon the sleeves : in this example the armour is very good : the head is bare, and round the throat is a small gorget of mail. Another, and that an admirable specimen of the tabard, occurs in the large* and singularly interesting brass of Sir William Fynderne and Elizabeth his lady, at Childrey, Berks, A.D. 1444. The head of this knight is bare, and his entire person is enveloped, nearly to the knees, in the em- broidered covering to his armour; and this, in the original, from the field of the coat of arms being white, is composed of lead run into casements or hollows sunk for its recep- tion in the latten-plate m . In the effigy of Lady Fynderne, the lead occupies a still larger portion of the composition, the whole of both mantle and kirtle being of that metal, in consequence of the field of her own armo- rial bearing, as well as that of her husband, being argent. Thus, in this figure, in the head and hands alone the surface of the brass itself appears. The effigies in this brass are surmounted by an elegant double canopy, which, like that of Sir E. Dyxton and many others, might have its partial mutilations restored with certain fidelity at a very trifling cost. Other examples of the tabard abound in brasses from the period Sir William Fynderne, Uhildrey, Berks, A.D. 1444. m The arms here emblazoned are argent, a chevron between three crosses pattee- fitchee, sable, the chevron differenced of an annulet of the field. 72 MILITARY BRASSES. now under consideration, until almost the middle of the succeeding century, the sixteenth : of these it will be sufficient for me here to refer, for later specimens, to the brasses of Sir Ralph Verney, c. A.D. 1546, at Aldbury, in this county; of John Shelley, Esq., A.D. 1526, at Clapham, in Sussex; and of Sir Roger l'Estrange, A.D. 1506, at Hunstanton, in Norfolk. As the fifteenth century advanced towards its close, the character of armour gradually degenerated. Until the death of the eighth Henry, indeed, armour continued to be splendid and magnificent, far richer with elaborate flutings and inlaying than at an earlier period: still during the later years of the struggle between the rival Houses of York and Lancaster, and throughout the era of the Tudor dynasty, we no longer find the knightly effigies accoutred in that smart and elegant style, by which they previously were dis- tinguished. And in brasses this inferiority of equipment is more strikingly apparent than in sculptured figures, in consequence of the great and increasing deterioration in these engraven memo- rials, as works of art ; a deterioration so remarkable, that very few brasses, executed many years after the accession of Henry VIII., A.D. 1509, are worthy of much attention, being totally devoid alike of interest, merit, and value". After the year 1450 various other new and supplementary pieces of armour were introduced, designed to be affixed to the cuirass, head-piece, and the defences of the limbs; and those more essential components of a suit of armour themselves underwent various modifications. The taces were more and more contracted, and the tuilles proportionably enlarged. Elbow-pieces of extravagant size were worn, with which the genouillieres duly corresponded. Pauldrons became uni- versal ; and they frequently were constructed with a ridge, for the most part serrated at the shoulder, and greatly resembling the passe-gardes subsequently adopted. Head-pieces and helmets, greatly diversified in form and in the character of their accessories, were adopted : but these rarely are found exemplified in brasses, n The deep and bold lines, so charac- or hatching with a multiplicity of small teristic of the earlier plates, had at this era lines, which was introduced about the year long ceased to be employed in brass en- 1450, in the following century became the graving: and the attempt at producing an means of completely destroying the beauty effect of perspective, by means of shading of the brasses then executed. M I LITARY BRASSES. 73 except as forming a pillow for the uncovered head of knightly- effigies. The gauntlets covered the hands after the fashion of the shell of a tortoise. The sollerets were still long and pointed. The sword, having a singularly short and ill-proportioned hilt adorned with tassels, hung directly in front of the figure, sometimes perpendicularly, but more generally sloping slightly toward the left side, from a narrow belt girded about the waist. The brasses of Sir Thomas de Shernbourn, at Shernbourn, Norfolk, A.D. 1459, and of Henry Parice, about A.D. 1465, at Hildersham, Cambridgeshire, have tuilles, elbow- pieces, and genou- illieres of extrava- gant size ; the lat- ter have overlap- ping plates to guard the joint behind: both these effigies exemplify the paul- dron with its shoul- der-ridge: and in ° ' Sword-belt, tuilles, &c., A.D. Ho5. that at Hildersham HemyPaxice, Hildersham. Camb. the lance-rest is re- presented screwed on the right side of the cuirass °. This figure is surmount- ed by a fine and perfect canopy. In the elaborate brass of Sir William Ver- nrm ami familv Lance i 3 st. Coudiere, and Pauldron, non anu laujuy, HemyParicejEBq ., A . D . H 65. A.D. 1467, at Tong ^^.0^. church, Salop, we have a splendid example of the armour of this period. The brass of Sir Anthony de Grey, in the abbey-church Sir Anthony de Grey. A.D. 1480. Abbey-church, St. Alban'a. ° In this brass the skirt of a haqueton, with the edge of some defence of mail, appear beneath the taces. Another pre- cisely similar example occurs at Roydon, Essex: it is the brass of Robert Colt, Esq., A.D. 1475. 74 MILITARY BRASSES. of St. Alban, may be also regarded as a fair specimen of the same style of armour : this knight wears the Yorkist collar of suns and roses : he was brother to John Lord Grey of Groby, the first hus- band of Elizabeth Woodville, afterwards Queen of England, and with his brother fell at the battle of Bernard's Heath near St.Alban's, fought February 17th, A.D. 1480 p. A more highly finished example of the same style of brass exists at Broxbourne in this county, the memorial of Sir John Say and his lady : it was engraved under the direction of Sir John himself, and laid down by his order at the decease of Lady Say in the year 1473. This interesting specimen is thus described, as well as admirably figured by Mr. Waller: — Sir John Say "wears a close-fitting tabard, emblazoned with his armorial bearings q : the neck is protected by a hausse-col of mail, over which is a collar of suns and roses, the distinguishing badge of the house of York, adopted by Edward IV. after the battle of Mortimer's Cross, A.D. 1461 : the coutes (coudieres), escalloped and fluted, are attached by p Four shields of arms were originally placed about this effigy : of these now one only remains, bearing barry of six, argent and azure, in chief three torteaux, quarter- ing Hastings and Valence, earls of Pem- broke. Of the original inscription also a fragment only has been preserved : • . . ftnpgfjt, son anti fjetr to IStrmonD crle of Uent, . . . t> tfje fourtf) fiolc sister to our sob'ratnc laOn tf)e . . . near of our ILorD, 3. 1480, ano of tfje fecng ... fee : on tohosesoule (Go& ijaoc mrrrp. amen. Sir Anthony de Grey was eldest son of Edmund Lord Grey of Ruthyn, created by Edward IV. earl of Kent, by Catherine his wife, daughter of Henry Percy, earl of Northumberland : he married Joan daugh- ter of Richard Wydeville, or Woodville, Earl Rivers, and sister to Elizabeth queen of Edward IV., and to Anne wife of his next brother George de Grey, second earl of Kent. Sir Anthony died without issue during the life-time of his father. At Grafton Regis is a curious monumental effigy of the grandfather of these three distinguished ladies, Sir John Wydeville, A.D. 1392, engraved on a slab of alabaster. 1 The arms of Say are per pale azure, and gules, three chevronels, or, each charged with another humette, counter- changed of the field. Sir John Say was a privy councillor, Speaker of the House of Commons, and an esquire at arms to King Edward IV. He died A.D. 1478. These effigies are placed upon an altar-tomb, about the verge of which runs the follow- ing legend, strictly commemorative of Lady Say only ;— " >J< |tte l£t)Ctf) Dame 1Elt-nt>cti) Somtnmc torjf to Sir 3Jobn Sat) ISnigfjt, Daughter of Xaurencc CCftcprtcp lEsritnicr of dambrtggesbtre a aiRoman of noble hlottc antf most noble in gotle <1¥tan= ncrs tohicb tfcccsseB tbe XXtl) Ban of Scp= tembcr. W\t were of our ICorO & JTCX . eCffi©©. 1CXXEE3 anti entire^ in this dTImrch of ISrofccsborn abntiimg ©be boBrje of btr sain ^usbantr, toobose ftoules CSoXJ 13inng to CFberlasting blisse." A part of this legend has now been lost. The arms borne by Lady Say are quarterly or and sable, a bend lozengy, gules, for Cheyne, impaling two other coats ; first gules, a fesse dancette, between six crosses crosslet, or ; and secondly, barry of six, or and azure, on a bend gules three mullets of the first, pierced of the third. MILITARY BRASSES. 75 arming-points, the tagged extremities of which appear tied out- side : cuffed gauntlets, with flexible defences for the fingers, protect the hand and wrist. Under the tabard was worn a skirt of taccs, to which were appended tuilles and tuillettes r , which appear over the thighs and hips ; under these is seen chain-mail, being either a skirt worn under the faces, or more probably a narrow band of mail attached to them for greater security. Overlapping plates are affixed, both above and below, to the genouillieres, gussets of mail forming a safe-guard behind: the sollerets are pointed and flexible, the spurs long and rivetted to the heel under the edge of the jambers (jambarts.) The sword hangs diagonally in front from a plain narrow belt; the hilt and pommel have a tassel of fringe, the handle is fretted; a dagger is worn as usual on the right side." Lady Say is both richly and also characteristically attired. Over a sideless cote-hardi guarded with fur, she wears a long and flowing mantle emblazoned with her family arms; the mantle is closely fastened across the breast with a cordon having long pendent ends, displaying the tight sleeves of an under- kirtle, and the jewelled hands are uplifted in prayer : the neck is encircled by a gorgeous carca- net of gems ; and from the hair, which is drawn back into a rich caul, projects a veil of gauze ex- tended by slight wires, denomi- nated the " Butterfly head-dress." " The delicacy of the workman- ship is shewn from the upper part of the caul over which the veil passes, being engraved less deeply than the rest." The shoes are excessively sharply pointed : and at the right foot lies a small dog. In this brass the heraldic tinctures of the armorial insignia are expressed by fine enamels of red and blue, which are still almost as perfect as when first r The tuillettes in this figure are the small plied to the front tuilles themselves when tuilles on either side: the term is also ap- composed of several plates, or jointed. Head-dress, Lady Say, A.D. 1473 76 MILITARY BRASSES. inlaid s . Other fine brasses of about the same period are by no means of uncommon occurrence. One other, figured by Waller, is a truly magnificent specimen : it exists in the church of Little Easton in Essex, and commemorates Henry Bourchier, earl of Essex, and his lady, Mary, daughter of Sir John and Lady Say of Brox- bourne : its date is A.D. 1483, the 23rd of Edward IV. The earl wears the garter with the mantle of the order; and his head rests upon his coronetted and crested tilting-helm, the flowing contoise of which is powdered with his badge, the water-bouget. The cos- tume of the countess for the most part resembles that of Lady Say her mother ; with the exception that her proud brow is encircled by a coronet richly set with jewels : her head rests upon a diapered cushion supported by angels. Both figures wear the Yorkist col- lar of suns and roses; and to that of Lady Essex a white lion couchant, is attached as a pendant l . At the feet of either effigy is an eagle of large size. The brasses of William Berdewell, A.D. 1490, at West Harling, and of Sir Henry Grey, A.D. 1492, at Keteringham, Norfolk, both display several peculiarities in the armour and appointments of the period u . And at Isleham in Cam- bridgeshire is the brass of Sir Thomas Peyton, A.D. 1484, which furnishes an example of ribbed pauldrons, and also of the enor- mous and absolutely grotesque elbow-pieces sometimes worn. Shortly after the commencement of the next succeeding century, the sixteenth, round-toed and shapeless sabbatons superseded the pointed sollerets : a skirt of mail appears behind large and jointed s Sir William Say, the eldest son of this placcate which covers the lower part of the Sir John and Lady Say, is commemorated cuirass, and from which on the right side by an inscription sculptured upon the cor- a lance-rest projects ; the taces are three nice beneath the parapet of a chapel, on in number, and from the lowermost large the north side of the same church at Brox- tuilles depend : the sword hangs sloping bourne, where he was buried in the year behind the figure, at the left side. Sir 1529: — "Pray for the welfayr of Sir Henry Grey has seven taces, and a pair of Wylyam Say Knyght wych fodyd yis small pointed tuilles: his sword is girded chapel IN honor a ye Trenete the perpendicularly at his left side by a trans- yere of our Lord God, 1522." verse belt: his epaullieres consist each of 1 See p. 134. three large overlapping plates, over which u The paudrons of William Berdewell on the right shoulder is worn a pauldron : differ in form and size, and they appear to a lance-rest is attached to the cuirass; and join in front; immediately below their the gauntlets have but one joint at the back junction is a buckle for securing the demi- of the hand. MILITARY BRASSES. 77 tuilles, which when thus constructed are distinguished as tulllettcs : and the sword is again girded at the left side, and now having the blade crossing behind the legs. In some few instances this fashion appears to have obtained during the last years of the fifteenth century ; as in the brass of Piers Gerard, Esq., A.D. 1492, the 7th of Henry VII., at Warwick, in Lancashire : in this effigy we have an excellent specimen of a tabard of arms, worn over the armour". In Sabbaton, Piers Gerard, Esq., the same church, dated A.D. 1527, is the A D 149J Winwick - Laocasbire curious brass of Sir Peter Legh and his lady : the lady is habited in kirtle and mantle, the latter emblazoned with armorial insignia, and she wears the pedimental head-dress : the knight, who is armed, and has resting on his breast his shield of arms, has over his armour an ecclesiastical vestment, the chesuble, indicative of his having assumed the clerical habit towards the close of his life y . Between the figures is a rich heraldic achievement : and the entire composition is completed by a border-fillet, bearing a legend, and having at the angles the evangelistic emblems. A.D. 1507, the 23rd of Henry VII., at Wiverhoe, in Essex, is the remarkably fine brass of William, Viscount Beaumont and Lord Bardolfe : the bare head of this nobleman rests upon his tilting-helm, with its flowing contoise or mantling, and surmounted by the crest, a lion standing upon an orle or wreath. The armour throughout is cha- racteristic, very good of its style, and well expressed : at the feet is the Beaumont badge, an elephant with a howdah on its back : and above the figure are the remains of a double canopy of unusual magnificence. The same badge which is placed at the feet of the effigy, is also several times repeated, alternating with portions of the legend, on the border- fillet. The brass of Lady Beaumont, who subsequently married John, fourteenth earl of Oxford, but was buried by the side of her first husband, is equally fine with x This brass also retains the greater legend are three shields of arms; and part of a fine triple canopy of the highest below the centre one a very small figure merit ; and which, like the greater number of a boy. of canopies in similar circumstances, might y See note (n), p. 97. be very easily restored. Beneath the foot- 78 MILITARY BRASSES. that of the viscount. The brass of Sir Humphrey Stanley, A.D. 1505, in West- minster abbey, bears a general resemb- lance to that of Lord Beaumont; but here the cuirass, instead of its usual glo- bular form, is worked in front to a ridge, denominated the Tapul, and the paul- drons have Passe-gardes, — pieces rising from the shoulders to protect the neck: in this example the sword-belt is alto- gether omitted 2 . Another good example of each of these peculiarities occurs in the brass of Richard Gyll, A.D. 1511, at Shottesbroke, Berks; he was " Squyer and sergeant of the bakehous wyth Kyng Henry VII., and also with Kyng Henry the VIII. :" his brass and that of Sir Humphrey Stanley were evidently the work of the same artist. These figures have a singularly awkward contour, from the high-shouldered aspect produced by the passe-gardes of the pauldrons. Two other brasses, in all respects similar to ( those of Stanley and Gill, are preserved in the church at Luton a , Bedfordshire. At Hunstanton, in Norfolk, is the elaborate and ample brass of Sir Roger l'Estrange, A.D. 1506, the 22nd of Henry VII.; which also, in the several effigies placed in the niches of the canopy, commemorates the ancestors of Sir Roger, from John Le Strange, who flourished in the reign of Henry III. These figures are all habited in costume similar to that worn by the 1505 7 - Several instances of this omission occur; as in the splendid brass of Sir Thomas de Crewe, A.D. 1411, at Wixford, Warwickshire, &c. * It is impossible to name this once magnificent edifice, without a remark upon its present state of barbarous disfigurement, and shameful neglect. A church finer in general features, or more interesting in its diversified details, does not exist in the kingdom : and certainly there is none in a more grievous condition, a condition the less excusable from the comparative faci- lity with which it might be restored. The brasses referred to in the text severally commemorate John Acworth, A.D. 1513, and two wives, and John Sylan, A.D. 1516, and his two wives. MILITARY BRASSES. 79 principal effigy. Tabards of arms appear upon every figure ; and the hands are uplifted, thus displaying the mechanism of the under side of the steel-guarded gaunt- lets. From the helmet of Sir Roger, which stands erect above his head, a mantling of extravagant amplitude oc- cupies the entire space intervening between the upper part of the figure, and the elaborate triple tabernacle- / -jlI work of the canopy. Bearing date, A.D. 1529, at Or- Gauntlet, sir Ho^t 1' Estrange, A.D. mesby, Norfolk, the brass of Sir Robert Clere has but 1508 Hunstanton two taces, and these escalloped ; above them rises a demi-placcate to strengthen the cuirass, and below are tuilles, which cover the entire limbs from the knee upwards. From the middle of this century a series of further changes took place; all, however, tending towards the final disuse of armour, which its weight, and still more its insufficiency as a guard against fire-arms, gradually was bringing on. The general aspect of the warrior as thus again altered, is well exemplified in the brass of Sir William Molineux, A.D. 1548, at Sefton, Lancashire, who, at the battle of Floddon-field, " with his own hand took from the fiercely contesting Scots, two standards of arms:" here we see a coif or hood of mail again in fashion, while the taces have altogether dis- appeared, and ample tuillettes, with corresponding Culettes behind, are attached to the front and back pieces of the cuirass itself, thus forming a complete defence of overlapping and flexible plates from the waist to the knees. These skirts of steel were denominated Lamboys, and were first introduced and worn by the bluff soldiery of their no less bluff master, King Henry VIII., and they continued in use until the final abandonment of armour b . In this reign the armour was usually fluted, and the richer suits were elaborately engraved with various ornamental surface work ; it was generally worn uncovered by any species of surcoat. Many curious examples of the bearded and venerable looking knights of this period, with their multifarious defensive accoutrements, exist in Norfolk and Suf- b The abandonment of its use calls to fering injuries by the violence of others, it remembrance the characteristic remark of at the same time, by its weight and incon- our James I., that armour was in every venience, rendered it impossible for him to respect a praiseworthy invention, inasmuch inflict upon others any serious injuries as while it preserved the wearer from suf- himself. 80 MILITARY BRASSES. folk. In the latter county, at Wren- tham, bearing the date A.D. 1593, the memorial of Humphrey Brews- ter, Esq., is perhaps the best speci- men of this style of brass. Two others of these military effigies I cannot here pass altogether un- noticed : these are the brasses of Sir John Greville, A.D. 1546, and of Sir Edward Greville, A.D. 1559, both lords of Milcot c : these curious plates are preserved in the church at Weston near Stratford-on-Avon; and they are remarkable for their close resemblance, as well in the style and expression of their accom- panying legend, as the costume and general character of the effigies themselves. In connection with their knightly and civic lords, I have already no- ticed several examples of brasses commemorative of Ladies : to some few others I would now direct at- tention. Of these the earliest of which I am aware is the brass at Trotton in Sussex, the remarkable memorial of Margaret, Lady Camoys, who died in the year 1310, the 3rd of Edward II. The wimple, that strange covering for the throat, chin, and the sides of the face, is here very distinctly shewn ; and it is adjusted, after a fashion prevalent in the ear- lier part of the Edwardian era, in such a manner as to impart a triangular outline to the features' 1 . A single curl of hair appears Humphrey Biewster, A.D. 1593 Wrentiiam, Suffolk. g Dugdale mentions the elder as a worthy who enticed the unwary to his castle, in order to rob and murder them : we will hope that in this point at least that shrewd antiquary was in error. d Fine examples of the same arrange- ment occur in many sculptured female effigies of this period ; as in the effigy of BRASSES OF LADIES. SI on either side of the forehead, which is encircled by a narrow enriched fillet : and upon the head, and falling gracefully upon the shoulders, is a coverchef. The remain- der of the costume, with the exception of its heraldic decorations, is of the simplest character, but is expressed with great vigour and effectiveness. A super-tunic envelopes the entire person; it has no waist-cincture, and its sleeves are loose, and terminate somewhat below the elbow, thus displaying of the kirtle worn beneath no more than the tight sleeves, buttoned closely to the wrists ; the clasped and up- lifted hands are bare. Originally, nine small shields of arms were attached to the front of the figure upon the tunic e ; but these now have been abstracted, and that at a very recent period. A fine pedimental canopy with slender side-shafts and pin- nacles, eight shields of arms, the border fillets with the letters of the legend which they enclosed, and a profusion of small stars and other ornaments with which it once was semee, have in like manner but at a more distant period been abstracted from the marble slab. The border legend originally was as follows, written in Longobardic capitals : — J¥t?m ©a &"£&!£ : 3B1E : ©mj«©BS : ffi!3& : EffiE : ®T£V% : 3B3E : S^XjmiE : 1££© : JWTEH©! : 3l.ptl£$. Margaret, Lady de Camoys, A.D. 1310 Trotton, Susses. This legend commences without an initial cross. Ten years later only, at Cobhani in Kent, is the brass of Joan, Aveline, countess of Lancaster, A.D. 1269, in Westminster Abbey. The wimple thus adjusted may often be observed in the sculptured corbels which support the hood -molds of windows, &c. in churches, from about A.D. 1250 to about A.D. 1330. The wimple was evidently an imitation of the coif-de-mailles of the knights. e For a further description of this re- markable mode of decoration by means of shields of arms, see p. 131. M 82 BRASSES OF LADIES. daughter of John, Lord Beau- champ, of Stoke-under-Ham- den, Somersetshire, and first wife of Sir John de Cobham, who de- ceased A.D. 1320, the 13th of Edward II. The costume in this dignified effigy differs but little from that worn by Lady Camoys : the heraldic decora- tions are omitted from the kir- tle, and its full sleeves terminate in very short lappets. The pedi- mental or rectilineal canopy, the earliest form of this elegant ac- cessory, is here admirably ex- emplified 5 : it rises from slender shafts terminating in pinnacles, and is crocketed and crowned with a finial ; beneath, it is worked in a large and bold tre- foil, having the spandrels foli- ated. The Longobardic letters and narrow fillets of latten have been removed from the verge of the slab, to which this fine brass is attached : the inscription ran thus, — 3B"ETJS : Bl£ : SB : 31CJW16 ffiE& : JttTEiaffiE : HUE IK© ^FIR : X® : -aiEJtteB : ^BI= lEUm : QVW&ftV&VnE : 3©TJ1RS : BTE. : $aM©Uj&; : Joan, Lady de Cobham, A.D. 1320. Cobham, Ke nt f This is also the earliest specimen of a canopy known to be in existence in a monumental brass. * Gough describes this fine and interest- ing memorial as " the figure of a lady in a veil, with her hair on her forehead, the wimple up to her mouth, close mantle easy shape, neck-band open, sleeves ending BRASSES OF LADIES. 83 Another lady of this same family, Maud, wife of Reynold, Baron de Cob- ham, lord warden of the cinque ports, is portrayed in a second brass at Cob- ham church, the date of which is about A.D. 13G0, the 33rd of Edward III. : this memorial furnishes an early example of the Reticulated head-dress, so long fashionable with our fair ancestresses : by this arrangement, the hair was en- closed within a species of thin close cap which encircled the face, and was repre- sented by a series of zig-zag lines, pro- bably designed to express the delicate structure of the material of which the cap was composed : from this cap, in many examples, as in the present one, a part of the hair was allowed to escape, and falling on the shoulders, there was rolled up within other reticulated cover- ings. Lady Cobham wears a close kirtle or cote-hardi buttoned in front to the waist, and having a border at the foot ; the sleeves are tight, buttoned below, and continued to cover the backs of the hands : over this a mantle is thrown, which is con- fined by a heavy cordon crossing from shoulder to shoulder. The dog, upon which the feet of the effigy rest, is of a very large size, and has a collar garnished with small bells, a customary appendage to this animal when introduced at the feet of female effigies in these compositions. Ismena de Wynston, A.D. 1372, at Necton, Nor- folk, and the two wives of Sir John Foxley, at Bray, Berkshire, at about the same period, wear the reticulated head-dress, but without Maud, Lady de Cobham, c. A.D, 1360. Cobham, Kent, a little below the elbow, then close and buttoned to the wrist: the arch of the ca- nopy a large demi-quatrefoil with flowered spandrels, the pediment charged with oak leaves, surmounted by a bouquet, and sided by finials." Examples of female cos- tume at periods intervening between the brasses of the Ladies Joan and Maud de Cobham, have been previously described. 84 BRASSES OF LADIES. Head, Ismayne de Wynston. A.D. 1372. Nectou Church, Norfolk. having the hair falling from the cap upon the shoulders : they are attired in a close- fitting cote-hardi which reaches to the feet, where it is finished with a plain broad bor- der: from the sleeves, which terminate above the elbow, long and narrow lappets descend almost to the feet: thus all that is seen of the under-dress is its closely but- toned sleeves. These lappet-sleeves are ad- mirably shewn in the brass of Margaret Torrington, A.D. 1349, at Great Berk- hampstead*. Lady Elizabeth Felbrigg, A.D. 1380, at Felbrigg, Norfolk, wears the same head-dress, with the addition of a cover- chef falling down at the back of the head ; and in other respects is habited after the same fashion as Lady Maud de Cobham : and eleven years later, at Reepham, in the same county, Lady Cecilia de Kerdiston again repeats, with but slight difference, this ele- gantly simple style of dress. Somewhat earlier, A.D. 1364, Lady Johanne de Staple- ton wears her hair in broad heavy plaits on either side the face, and has a coverchef falling over her shoulders from the back of the head ; her head-gear is also encircled by a rich bandeau of jewels : the dress in this interesting figure 1 is a close-fitting cote- hardi with long pendent lappets, displaying the buttoned sleeves of the under-dress ; in front of the outer dress pockets are here . introduced k . At South Acre, Norfolk, l ^^^ h See p. 107. In illuminations, and also in such effigies as still retain their original colouring, these lappets are almost inva- riably represented as being white. 1 See p. 51, and note (i). k Similar pockets appear in the front of the super-tunic worn by one of the small figures in a compartment of the canopy of Robert Braunche at Lynn : and again in the figures of the canopy of Alan Fleming at Newark. The same arrangement also appears in the attire of one of the beautiful latten statuettes, or weepers, representing Blanche de la Tour, second daughter of Edward III., and now standing beneath a canopied side compartment of the altar- tomb of that sovereign in Westminster ab- bey(see p. 85): it is repeated twice in similar BRASSES OF LADIES. s:» Head, Lady Harsick, A D. 1381. A.D. 1384, Lady Har- sick wears the same heavy braids of hair, with a kirtle and man- tle, the kirtle being embroidered with her own and her husband's armorial insignia im- paled. In the fine brass of Lady Burton, A.D. 1382, at Little Casterton, Rutland, the braided hair has an enriched covering of net-work, and it is surmounted by a rich tiara of jewels : the costume of this lady is the customary kirtle and mantle 1 . Drawn Blanche de la Tour. A.D. 1372 f rom ^q braSS at Stoke Tomb of Edward III Fleming in Devonshire, A.D. 1391, Mr. Waller has figured the graceful effigy of Elyenore, grand-daughter of John Corp, frankelein : here the kirtle is the only portion of the attire which is exposed to view ; it is buttoned down the front to the waist, and the tight sleeves are also closely buttoned from the shoulders to the back of the hand ; this dress falls in full and well-delineated folds over the feet : the head-dress exhibits the hair enclosed in a netted caul, jewelled over the forehead, and at the intersections of the reticulation : over all a coverchef is represented Head, Lady Barton, A D. 1332. Head. Eleanor Corp, A.D. 1391. Stoke Fleming, Devon. figures (now mutilated) representing the children of Lady Montacute, on her tomb in Oxford cathedral, A.D. 1354. 1 See p. 62. 86 BRASSES OF LADIES. as waving in the wind. This figure stands upon a low pedestal, evidently to render it a more fitting pendant to the larger effigy beside it : the composition is completed by a canopy of bold and unusual design. Towards the close of this century, the fourteenth, that singular, but also singularly elegant dress, the sideless cote-hardi, which I have described 1 " as worn by Lady Halle, became a regular com- ponent of female costume. Lady Walsh, A.D. 1393, at Wanlip, Leicestershire, is thus attired; as also are Lady Anderne, A.D. 1465, at Latton, Essex, and Lady Vernon, A.D. 1467, at Tong, Salop. In the brass of Elizabeth, Baroness Camoys, A.D. 1419, at Trotton, Sussex, the cincture of the under-tunic is seen through the sideless cote-hardi, in the same manner as in the effigy of Lady Halle n . This same dress appears in the brasses before described, which commemorate Lady Bagot, A.D. 1407, Lady Say, A.D. 1473, and her daughter the countess of Essex, A.D. 1483. During this period, however, the simpler arrangement of kirtle, tunic, or cote- hardi, al one apparent beneath a mantle, continued in fashion, as may be seen in the beautiful effigies of the Ladies Halsham, A.D. 1441, at West Grinstead, Sussex ; and in those of Juliana Crewe, A.D. 1411, at Wixford, Warwickshire; of Lady Felbrigg,A.D.1413,at Felbrigg,and of Lady Leventhorpe, A.D. 1433, at Sawbridgeworth, Herts; and also of Elizabeth Fynderne, A.D. 1444, at Childrey, Berks. At the same period another, and that a no less simple dress, was also worn, consisting of a flowing robe, or super-tunic, closed by buttons up to the very chin, and at the M r rists displaying the extremities of the sleeves of an under-tunic, which are made so long as nearly to cover the hands. This super-tunic appears some- times to have been gathered in closely round the throat, as in the fine brass of Lady Cassy, A.D. 1400, at Deerhurst, Gloucestershire, and also in the effigy of the same date, of Ela Bowet, at Wrentham, Suffolk ; and sometimes it was finished with an open collar, an arrangement exemplified in the brass of an unknown female* . Head, Ela Bowet, A.D. 1400. c. A.D. 1400, at St. Lawrence, Norwich, wrenaiam.suabik. "' See p. 62. " See p. 62. BRASSES OF LADIES. 87 Brass. St. Lawrence Church, Norwich, 0. AD. 1400. and again at Northfleet, in Kent. Lady Cassy wears this dress without any cinc- ture : but the wife of Henry Nottingham, at Holme, Norfolk, about A.D. 1405, has the same style of dress secured by a girdle clasped in front : and four years earlier, at Shottesbroke, Berks, the brass of Lady Margaret Pennebygg exhibits the effigy of that lady in a similar habit, buttoned from the chin to the feet, and drawn in round the waist by a girdle of very rich workmanship, the end of which with a pendent jewel hangs in front of the figure. In almost exact conformity (with the exception of the head- gear) with the dress of Lady Peryent already described °, is the effigy of Agnes Salmon, A.D. 1430, at Arundel, Sussex P: this lady wears a super-tunic with falling collar and sleeves descend- ing nearly to the feet, which is confined in folds about the waist by an enriched girdle : beneath this an under-dress was worn, also having a falling collar, and the full sleeves of which are gathered into a broad tight band at the wrist. The hands are clasped and upraised : two dogs are placed at the feet : the throat is encircled by a necklace, and also by the collar of SS : the coiffure is that peculiar form of the horned head-dress, which may be distinguished as heart- shaped 41 . Another fine example of this stately costume occurs at Horley in Surrey : here the head-dress is peculiarly elegant, and indeed the whole figure is characterised by a dignified gracefulness of bearing. This brass has, at the feet of the effigy, an inscription evidently a sub- Seep. 61. P This fine brass in many respects has been grievously mutilated ; the figure of Thomas Salmon has been abstracted, and a rich canopy with the legend have partially shared the same fate : the figure of Agnes Salmon, however, remains entire. 1 A similar head-dress is worn with the usual kirtle and mantle, by Margaret Cheyne, A.D. 1417, in her fine brass at Hever, Kent. 88 BRASSES OF LADIES. stitution at some subsequent period for that which was originally engraved, and consequently it cannot now be correctly assigned'. At the same period we also find another variety in the super-tunic of common occurrence, in which the large full sleeve is gathered into a narrow band, often of fur, which hangs loosely over the wrist : this dress is, like the preceding, worn very short waisted, and having a small falling collar which, as well as the wrist-band, is often composed of fur : I may refer, for examples of this costume, to the churches of Hitchin and Wheathamstede in this county 8 . About the year 1480 we find the exterior dress made open at the top, and having a collar of fur, with large cuffs also of the same material. At this time the female effigies very commonly have the hands thrown back, in an attitude of painful inelegance: when clasped also, the position of the hands is usually forced and unnatural: Katharine, the lady of Sir John Fastolfe, A.D. 1478, at Oulton, Suffolk; the two wives of Sir Thomas Peyton, A.D. 1483, at Islesham, Cam- bridgeshire; Elizabeth Clere, A.D. 1488, at Stokesly, Norfolk; Lady Rouclyff, A.D. 1494, at Cowthorpe, Yorkshire; and Elizabeth and Jane the two wives of John Sylan, A.D. 1516, at Luton, Bedfordshire, will be found, amongst many others, to exemplify these peculiarities. During the earlier years of the six- teenth century, dresses of simple con- struction were worn by ladies, usually secured at the waist with massive cinc- tures, slung loosely about the person and having long pendent ends : a good ex- ample of this style of costume is pre- served in the church at Clippesby in Nor- Lady of Civilian, Clippesby Church., Norfolk, c. A.D. 1600. r The name on the present inscription is that of Joan Fenner, who died A.D. 1535. s For a further notice of the Wheatham- stede brass, see p. 108. BRASSES OF LADIES. 89 folk, the date of which is about A.D. 1500, the 15th of Henry VII. Thirty-live years later, we find the wife of Andrew Evyngar simi- larly attired, at All-hallows, Barking, London : in this brass the rosary takes the place of the pendent end of the girdle. Some- what earlier, A.D. 1512, the brass of Dorothea Peckham, at Wro- tham, Kent, and the corresponding figures of the wives of John Sylan, at Luton, exemplify a similar dress worn in connection with the angular or pedimental head-dress, with its pendent lappets. A.D. 1525, Emma Pownder, at Ipswich* wears a low super-tunic with large open sleeves, through which appear the comparatively tight sleeves of the under-dress ; this under-dress is buttoned close to the throat, and is partly covered by the Partlet, the prototype of the modern habit-shirt : from the waist-cinc- ture hangs down the ample rosary: and the head-dress is the horned form, shewn in profile, and closely resembling the coiffure of a mer- chant's lady, as engraved on her brass in the church of St. Swithin, Norwich. The six daugh- ters of Emma Pownder who kneel at her feet, are all habited after the same style as their Head of Merchant's Lady, c. A.D 1500. St.Swithin a Norwich. mother. With the female costume of the middle and the close of this century, and more particularly with that worn during the reign of Elizabeth, we are, I think I may venture to assume, sufficiently familiar to be able to assign to their proper period such brasses as may commemorate the fair cotemporaries of Anna Bullen and the virgin queen. Of the personal costume of " Good Queen Bess" herself, at once the type and the consummation of the fashion of her times, it seems, as Mr. Planche has happily remarked, an act of supererogation to attempt any description: "her great ruff rises up indignantly at the bare idea of being unknown or forgotten ; her jewelled stomacher is piqued to the extreme, and her portentous petticoats strut out with tenfold importance at the slight" thus " insinuated against their virgin mistress u ." Instead, therefore, of entering, or rather attempting to enter, into a disquisition upon 1 The brass here referred to, is the fine St. Mary Quay, at Ipswich. Flemish plate preserved in the church of ° Planclid's British Costume, p. 255. N 90 BRASSES OF LADIES. ruffs, and brocades, and farthingales, I proceed at once to complete my notice of that important item in the attire of ladies, the head- dress, and which is so pre-eminently characteristic of certain eras, in examples of medieval dresses and decorations. Lady Felbrigg, A.D. 1413, and Lady Crewe*, A.D. 1411, exemplify a modification of the reticulated head-dress, which was prevalent at that period : the hair in this arrangement is collected into a bunch on either side the forehead, and there enclosed in an en- riched caul, while the upper part of the head is covered by a close coverchef which Eead ' ^Zl^o^ ™ descends to the shoulders : the forehead is encircled, and the hair confined by a fillet enriched with jewels. This head-gear is also well exemplified in a brass, A.D. 1404, at Sawtrey, Huntingdon- shire. Lady Shelton, A.D. 1423, has her hair more widely plaited, and the front of the coverchef drawn forwards : thus affording an early indication of the mitred or horned head-dress, — a peculiar fashion long in high favour, notwithstand- ing the severe censures, lay as well as ecclesiastical, elicited by its extrava- gance y. This arrangement, in its complete state, is really but a developement of the last-named coiffure : for the side bunches of hair being gradually extended upwards, the coverchef or veil which was thrown over, sunk into the hollow between, and at last the raised hair was superseded by a wire frame ; the hair, in this case, was usually arranged within a caul of rich construction, on either side of the face. Lady Halle, c. A.D. 1420, and Lady Camoys, A.D. 1419 z , wear this head-dress, (see next page:) and with these and many others, the same fashion, variously modified, is also ex- Head Lady Shelton, AD. 1423. Great Snoring Church, Norfolk. x These brasses severally occur at Fel- brigg, Norfolk, and Wixford, Warwick- shire, as before specified. The brass of Lady Shelton is at Great Snoring, Norfolk. 7 The most extravagant specimen of this head-gear occurs in the sculptured effigy of Beatrice, countess of Arundel, at Arundel, who died A.D. 1439 : this monu- ment is figured by Stothard, and the head- dress is also given in their works on Cos- tume by Planche and Fairholt. * See pp. 62 and 86. BRASSES OP LADIES. 91 emplified in the brasses of Joan Skerne, A.D. 1437, at Kingston upon Thames a ; of Lady Cecilia Stapleton, 1438, late at Ingham, Head, Lady Shernbourn, A D. 1453. Shernbourn Church, Norfolk Head, Elizabeth, Baroness Camoys, A.D. 1424. Trotton, Sussex. Head, Lady Arderne, c. A D. 1465. Latton Church, Essex. Head, Lady Vernon, A.D. 1467. Ton£ Ch., Shropshire. Head in Wenlock Chapel, Luton, Beds. c. A.D. 1450. Norfolk; of Lady Fynderne, A.D. 1444, at Childrey, Berks; of Lady Shernbourn, A.D. 1458, at Shernbourn, and of Lady Grey, 1492, at Ketteringham, both in Norfolk ; and also of Lady Staun- ton, A.D. 1458, at Castle Donnington, Leicestershire, and Lady Arderne, A.D. 1465, at Latton, Essex. Lady Vernon, A.D. 1467, at Tong, Salop, wears simply a coverchef with a wimple ; a fashion repeated in a brass at Luton, Bedfordshire, of about the date 1450 : both these ladies were widows, and the latter, whose name is un- known, has her wimple plaited b . In some examples, this head- a Joan, wife of Robert Skerne, whose effigy accompanies that of his wife on their monumental brass, is said to have been the daughter of Alice Pierce, celebrated for her connection with Edward III. during the declining years of that great monarch's life. After the king's death she married Sir William de Wyndesore ; but whether Joan Skerne was his daughter is uncertain. h This brass is placed upon an altar- tomb in the Wenlock chapel in the church at Luton, and the effigy is surmounted by a fine triple canopy. 92 BRASSES OF LADIES. dress appears so arranged as to im- part to its upper outline a heart-like contour: good specimens of this pe- culiarity occur at West Grinstead, Sussex, in the brasses of Philippa, daughter and coheir of David Stra- bolgy, last earl of Athol of that name, who married Sir John Halsham j and of the lady of Sir Hugo Halsham, the son of this Sir John, who died A.D. 1421; the former Lady Halsham died A.D. 1395 : but it appears that both these brasses were executed at the same time; and that, subse- quently to the decease of Sir Hugo Halsham, A.D. 1441. In these brasses elegant canopies surmount the effigies. The next remarkable change com- monly apparent in brasses, I have already noticed when describing the Butterfly head-dress of Lady Say c . Of this strange example of the fan- tastic eccentricities of fashion, seve- ral modifications may be observed : as in the brasses of Lady Urswick and her daughters, A.D. 1479, at Dagenham, Essex ; of a lady of the Clopton family, c. A.D. 1480, at Long Melford, Suffolk d ; of Mar- garet Willoughby, A.D. 1480, at Ra- vennigham, and of Isabella Cheyne, A.D. 1485, at Blickling, both in Norfolk; and of Lady Roucliffe, A.D. 1494, at Cowthorpe, Yorkshire. The Philippa, Lady Halsham, c. A.D. West Grinstead, Susses. 1440 Lady of the Clopton family. Melford Church, Suffolk, o. A.D 1480. c See p. 75. d See p. 130. BRASSES Ob' LADIES. 98 Daughter of Sir T. Drswick, AD. 1479 six younger daughters of Lady Urswick are remarkable for having their long flowing hair surmounted by tall conical caps, rarely seen in brasses, but commonly delineated in cotemporary illuminations, and still retained in use by the peasantry of Normandy e . Of the head-dress generally worn during the latter part of the reign of Henry VII., and which continued in fashion for some time subsequent to the accession of his successor, we have characteristic specimens in the brasses bearing the dates A.D. 1514, 1516, 1527, and 1532, and which severally commemorate Margaret Pettwode, in St. Cle- ment's church, Norwich, Jane Sylan, at Luton, Bedfordshire, LadyLeigh, at Winwick, Lancashire, and the wife of Robert Goodwyn, at Necton, in Norfolk : this is the angular or pedimental head-dress, well known from its association with the various historical portraits of that important era : it was composed of velvet or embroidered cloth, and sometimes of lighter materials, and being pointed somewhat stiffly over the Head, Wife of Robert Goodwyn, forehead, descended in lappets upon the a d. 1533. Necton church, Norfolk. shoulders and back. To this succeeded the peculiar coiffure identi- fied with our reminiscences, and indeed with the very name, of / Jane Sylan, A D 1516. Luton, Beds, Margaret Pettwode, A.D. 1514. St Clement'9 Church, Norwich. e " The peasantry of Rouen, Caen, Caux, &c, to this day wear the identical steeple-caps with the butterflies' wings that, three hundred and sixty years ago, towered upon the heads of the gentle dames of Paris and London. The eva- nescent caprice of some high-born fair has given a national costume to the pay- sannes of Normandy, who have reverendly copied for nearly four centuries the head- dress worn by their mothers before them." Planche's British Costume, p. 208. 94 BRASSES OP LADIES. Head, Julian Clippesby, A.D. 1594 Clippesby. Mary Stuart, the hapless queen of Scots, — the small close cap of Parisian origin, designated the "Paris hede," but far better recognised as the Mary Queen of Scots head-dress : of this fashion the brass of Julian, wife of John Clippesby, Esq., A.D. 1594, at Clippesby, Norfolk, furnishes an agreeable specimen : and, in like man- ner, the broad-brimmed hat worn in con- nection with the Elizabethan ruff, is satis- factorily exemplified in the pleasing and well-executed little brasses of Cicely Page, A.D. 1598, in the church of Bray, in Buckinghamshire, and of Ann Sewell, A.D. 1609, at Coventry; both these figures are kneeling, the latter at a fald- stool, or small desk. I have described the wimple, gorget, or barbe, as it sometimes was denominated, as worn by Ladies Camoys, Cobham, and Northwode, and other ladies f : this exclusive and certainly most disguising article of dress made its appearance in England at an early period, probably be- fore the commencement of the first century in the era of brasses, the thirteenth : its use was, from first to last, restricted, or at least ordered to be restricted, to the upper classes g . In mourning, a species of wimple appears to have been worn by females of all ranks : it usually is depicted as having been plaited below the chin, and it is connected with a close cap apparently of linen, and covered with a flowing veil. In monumental brasses, widows are generally represented as thus attired : for examples I may refer to the memorials of Eleanor de Bohun, in Westminster abbey, and of Joanna Braham, A.D. 1519, at Erense, in Norfolk. The last- Cicely Page, A.D. 1598 Bray, Bucks. f See pp. 80, 82, and 44. s Among the sumptuary laws so fre- quently enacted, but, as it would seem, so little regarded by our ancestors and ances- tresses, in the 8th of King Henry VIII. it was ordained that " duchesses and coun- tesses, and all higher estates, may be barbed above the chin ; every one not being under the degree of a baroness may wear a barbe about the chin ; and all other gentlewomen beneath the throat-goyll," or gullet A.D. 1337 JOtb of Edward III. LAURENTIDS DE SANCTO MAURO, (LAURENCE SEYMOUR,) HIGHAM FERRERS CHURCH, NORTHAMPTONSHIRE. (See page 95. i BRASSES OF ECCLESIASTICS. 95 - named lady is expressly described as " vidua, ac Deo devota" in accordance with a practice by no means uncommon, for widows to retire into some religious house, and assume the veil h . I must not omit to mention another remarkable example of a female effigy wearing the plaited barbe, engraven to commemorate Elizabeth Hervey, abbess of Elstow, c. A.D. 1530, and now pre- served in Elstow church, Bedfordshire : this lady is habited in the ecclesiastical vestments of her order and rank, and has resting upon her right arm her pastoral- staff. The earliest example of the brass of an Ecclesiastic to which I can refer, exists in the interesting church at Oulton in Suffolk, and may be assigned to about the year 1310, the 3rd of Edward II. : this is the presumed memorial of some member of the Bacon family, possibly the brother of the cross-legged knight in the adjacent church at Gorleston'. This brass, which is of large dimensions, is in good general preservation; it represents the deceased as habited in the amice, alb, stole, mani- ple, and chesuble, and bears a strong general resemblance to the fine effigy of Laurence Seymour, (Laurentius de Sancto Mauro,) c. A.D. 1337, rector of Higham Ferrers, Northamptonshire. In both of . De Bacon, c. A. D. 1310. Suffolk Oulton, h In the broad crimped frill, still worn in some rural districts beneath the chin as an appendage to the widow's cap, a linger- ing relic of this medieval vestment may occasionally be discerned. ' The fine, but unhappily mutilated, brass of Archbishop Grenfeld at York, bears date 1315: possibly this and the Oulton brass may be precisely coeval, and so also the demi-figure in Merton college chapel, Oxford; (see p. 115;) and again, the small figure of Nichol de Gore, within a floriated circle, at Wood-church, and the demi-figure of Thomas de Hop, at Kem- sing, both in Kent, may possibly belong to the same era. 96 BRASSES OF ECCLESIASTICS. Head, Esmond de Bumedish c A.D. 1375. Brandish Church . Suffolk. this Er ' dof 3t °le, Priest of Shottes- broke , c. A.D. 1370. these figures the composition is very good, the draperies are well cast, and the engraving is spirited and effective. Of ecclesiastics similarly habited, amongst others, early examples occur at Shottes- broke, Berks; Brandish, Suffolk; and Hellesdon, Norfolk, in the respective brasses of an unknown individual, c. A.D. 1370, of Esmond de Burnedish, c. A.D. 1375, and of Richard Thaseburgh, A.Di 1389. These brasses are very similar the one to the other, and were very probably produced by the same artist. The peculiar wave of the hair, so characteristic of this period, is here strikingly exemplified K In the embroi- deries of the vestments worn by the Shot- tesbroke priest, the fylfot-cross k alter- | nates with a flower of four leaves curious device appears very distinctly upon the end of the stole. But few variations of costume occur in ecclesiastical brasses, the vestments worn by the priesthood before the Reformation having undergone but very little change. In place, therefore, of a detailed notice of particular brasses, it appears rather desirable here sum- marily to describe the several ecclesiastical vestments themselves ; this I shall endeavour to do in the simplest manner, as well as very briefly, leaving alike unnoticed the alleged figurative intention of the Roman Catholic vestments, and also the controversy concerning vestments which arose at a subsequent period. " The Amice," says Mr. Waller, " is an oblong piece of fine linen, having on one of its lateral edges an embroidered collar, which is turned over and brought round the neck, the ends of the amice itself being seen folded across where they meet in front." It is the collar of the amice which appears resting upon the chesuble, and encircling the throat of the priest in eucharistic habit. This vestment was introduced about the eighth century. In the earlier •• The long and flowing hair, particularly when it appears curling in profusion behind the ears, (which themselves are large and prominent,) is a special characteristic of the earliest ecclesiastical brasses: as the fifteenth century drew towards its close, the hair, which in the brasses of eccle- siastics had long been less flowing than at an earlier period, is represented as quite straight. k See note (f), p. 28. BRASSES OF ECCLESIASTICS. 97 brasses of ecclesiastics it was adjusted loosely about the neck, and with no inconsiderable degree of elegance ; but subsequently it is represented as if constructed of stouter materials, and worn after a fashion altogether devoid of the former gracefulness. The Alb, the most ancient of the vestments, is constructed of white linen, and envelopes the entire person of the wearer : it is not open in front, like a surplice, but is girded round the loins ; the sleeves also are comparatively tight. In front, at the foot, em- broidery, or Orfrey-work, usually square or oblong in form, is attached to the alb : and similar enrichments also appear at the wrists; these are the apparels of the alb. In the earlier examples, these apparels generally encircle the entire sleeve of the alb ; as in the brasses at Oulton, Suffolk, and Woodchurch, Kent; in the demi-figure at Merton college chapel 1 ; and again in the curious memorial of John de Grofhurst, c. A.D. 1330, at Horsmonden, Kent : about this last-named period, however, they first appear to cover only the upper part of the wrist, as in the brass of Lawrence Seymour, A.D. 1337, at Higham Ferrers 1 ". The same term ap- parel, or Parura, also denotes the embroidered collar of the amice, and the corresponding decorations of the chesuble. This vestment, the Chesuble, or Chasuble, in shape is nearly cir- cular, being slightly pointed before and behind : it has an aperture in the middle for the head, and its ample folds rest on either side upon the arms : it is worn over the other vestments, and is always constructed of rich materials n . The chesuble is recorded as having been an ecclesiastical vestment, as early as the sixth century : it generally appears in ecclesiastical brasses anterior to about the year 1425, after which period coped ecclesiastics predominate. Worn above the alb and over the shoulders, the Stole, a long nar- I See pp. 95, 115. they also form a border to the entire vest- "' See figures at p. 99. merit. The uppermost apparel of the che- II The chesuble commonly appears on suble, or the collar of that vestment, is brasses enriched with elaborate embroi- rarely apparent in brasses, being covered deries : those in the three Flemish eccle- by the amice : in the brass of Sir Peter siastical memorials at St. Alban's, Wens- Legh, however, at Winwick, Lancashire, ley, and Mimms, are truly splendid. These A.D. 1527, the chesuble being the only ec- embroideries, or apparels, are generally so clesiastical vestment represented as worn, arranged as to appear in front of the figure, the arrangement of its collar is satisfac- somewhat in the form of the letter Y ; and torily exemplified. o 98 BRASSES OF ECCLESIASTICS. row scarf of rich embroidery, usually displays its fringed ends from beneath the chesuble, one on either side of the front point of that vestment. It is crossed upon the breast, and passes beneath the girdle of the alb : this arrangement, though usually concealed by the chesuble, is clearly displayed in a brass of the 15th cen- tury at Horsham, in Sussex, which has been beautifully figured by Mr. Waller . The stole was originally called Orarium, from its primitive use as a kerchief to wipe the face. The Maniple, a short species of stole, is worn depending from the left hand, and was originally substituted for the purpose to which the stole itself had been applied. The Golden Legend says of St. Peter, that "he bare alway a Sudary (or maniple), wyth wyche he wyped the teerys y l ranne from his eyen" The maniple, like the stole, however, soon became a mere decorative enrichment of the costume : " it was accounted a badge of honour as early as the sixth century, in the ninth was common to priests and deacons, and conceded to the sub-deacon in the eleventh/' These constitute the ordinary eucharistic vestments, as usually represented in brasses of ecclesiastics. Of such brasses the annexed examples (see next page), from Broxbourne, in this county, and from Higham Ferrers, in Northamptonshire, may be regarded as fair specimens : both of these priests, in accordance with a prevalent habit, hold in their hands a chalice p . In connection with certain distinctive additions, these same vest- ments also form the costume of the hierarchy. Over the alb, but ° In the original, this brass is partially examples, considered in connection with mutilated. Another example of a crossed- certain other peculiarities of artistic treat- stole displayed upon the person of an eccle- ment : thus, in the earlier examples the siastic, occurs in the small brass of John apparels are continued round the sleeves of West, chaplain, at Sudborough, Northamp- the alb: the stole has its ends wider than tonshire, c. A.D. 1430. elsewhere, and so likewise has the maniple: p The Broxbourne brass is probably the the vestments appear to fit close to the memorial of John Merdwyn, who died A.D. person, as made of fine materials: the 1465 : Henry Denton, A.D. 1498, is the drapery is expressed with much graceful- ecclesiastic to whose memory the brass at ness : and the lines are boldly and deeply Higham Ferrers was laid down. Notwith- cut, and there is no shading, except in a standing the uniformity of costume in ec- few touches where the folds terminate : the clesiastical brasses of different periods, it hair also is long and flowing. In later will be easy to distinguish their respective brasses, all these peculiarities will be found eras by the style of engraving in the several to have undergone a decided change. o. A.D. 1430. 8th of Henry VI. A PRIEST, HORSHAM CHDRCH, SUSSEX. Engraved on wood, after their plate, by permission of T. G. and L. A. B. Waller, Esqnir (See page 98.) BRASSES OF KCCLBSIASTICS. 00 fynactt famvs Jeiiou quo^iu randW&eOfii qui obiit "b eraru) f um lilt Ttuttifis ffbtuatu?limobm Priest in Eucharistic Vestments, with the Chalice Broxbourne, Herts, c. A D. 1465. 97* A. Apparel or Parnra of the Amice. B. Stole. D. Chasuble or Chesihle. C. Maniple. E. Alb, with apparel at the feet. Henry Denton, Priest, A.D. 1493, Higham Ferrers. beneath the chesuble, ecclesiastics of episcopal and abbatical rank are represented in their engraven monumental effigies, as habited in a Tunic, Chimere, or Rochet, a robe somewhat resembling the alb, but shorter and open at the sides towards the bottom. Another vestment, the Dalmatic^, surmounts the tunic, from which it differs only in the greater width of its sleeves, and being in a trifling degree still shorter : like the tunic it is partially open at the sides, and it has a fringed border. The brasses of Abbot Esteney, A.D. 1498, at Westminster abbey, and of Bishop Goodrich, c. A.D. 1554, in Ely cathedral, exemplify the appearance of these vestments, as seen only at the lower part of the figure, beneath the ample folds of the chesuble. Abbot Esteney wears the stole beneath both his tunic i When worn without the other vestments, the dalmatic was the distinctive hahit of a deacon. 100 BRASSES OF ECCLESIASTICS. and dalmatic; but Bishop Goodrich places it betiveen them r . These are both curious and valuable specimens : in the former, the effigy is surmounted by a lofty triple canopy of most elaborate splendour : EPISCOPAL VESTMENTS. Bishop Goodiich, A T>. 1554. Ely. Abbot Esteney, A.D. 1498. Westminster. V and the latter is remarkable as exhibiting a prelate of the reformed Church in the full vestments of an earlier period. Over the chesuble archbishops alone wear the Pallium or Pall, a narrow scarf, composed of fine white wool, and embroidered with purple crosses patee fitchee : these crosses probably are derived from the series of small fibulae or broaches, with which the pall was originally attached to the chesuble 3 . The Mitre with its Infulce or pen- dents, the embroidered Sandals, the Gloves having jewels, and the Ring worn over the gloves, also form parts of the episcopal attire. The origin of the mitre is obscure: some derive it from the /->• j . _ . Pall, Brass of Archbishop Liaaris, a Persian head-dress with strings. It oaniey. ad .un. ' In the very fine brass of Archbishop Cranley, A.I).1417,at New College chapel, Oxford, the distinction between the tunic and dalmatic is unusually apparent, in consequence of the latter vestment being, contrary to the ordinary habit, considerably shorter than the former. The crozier-head of this prelate is remarkable as being a crucifix. The distinction above mentioned between the tunic and dalmatic is also very distinctly shewn in the brass of Bishop Bell, A.D. 1494, at Carlisle cathedral. 8 In the sculptured effigy of Archbishop Stratford, A.D. 1348, in Canterbury cathe- dral, the pall is represented plain, but at- tached to the chesuble by three pins of gold, one on the breast, and one on either shoulder. Care must be taken to distin- guish between the archiepiscopal pall, and the apparels of the chesuble which are sometimes arranged in the same form, but are in character altogether distinct. See note (n), p. 97. BRASSES OF ECCLESIASTICS. 101 began to assume the shape in which it is generally known early in the thirteenth century : at first it was low, and had its sides straight; subsequently it was made with a somewhat greater MITRES. Archbishop Grenfeld, York, A.D. 1315. Bishop Goodrich, Ely, A.D. 1551. Archbishop Harsenett, Cbigwdl, A.D. 1611. elevation; and at a still later period, it assumed the swelling or rounded outline still retained *. The brasses of Archbishop Gren- feld, A.D. 1315, at York cathedral, of Bishop Goodrich, A.D. 1554, and of Archbishop Harsenett, at Chigwell, Essex, A.D. 1611, exem- plify these several forms of the mitre. The Pastoral-staff of a bishop or abbot has a crook-head; but that of an archbishop is surmounted by a cross, and is properly called a Crozier. The staff itself is frequently encircled by pvlRoflmlig> JOHN TUBNEY. c. A.D 1430 most general occurrence. The annexed example, c. A.D. 1430, is drawn from the brass in Southfleet church, Kent, of John Tubney, h The mail in this plate is expressed in lines precisely resembling those in the brass of Sir Robert de Septvans, at Chartham. BRASSES OF DEMI-FIGURES. 1 1 5 rector, archdeacon, and chaplain to John Lowe, lord bishop of Rochester. By a singularly felicitous arrangement, these eccle- siastical derai-figures were often placed at the intersection of a floriated cross, in which case the figure appears as if resting upon the cross ; a fine and very early example of this arrangement once existed in the chapel of Merton college, Oxford, to the memory RICHARD DE HART, Merton College, Oxford, c. A D 1315 of Richard de Hart, c. A.D. 1315; of this brass the demi-figure remains, but the cross has long been lost 1 . The similarity between this demi-figure and the corresponding portion of the brass of the priest in Oulton church, Suffolk, is at least sufficient to identify these two early ecclesiastical memorials as the work of the same artist. In other examples the demi-figure is encircled by a flori- ated quatrefoil, which itself forms the head of the cross : of this latter arrangement a beautiful specimen occurs at Buxted, Sus- sex, to the memory of Britellus Avenel, " once rector of the church of Buxted," (see next page :) this is also an early brass, its probable date being about A.D. 1375. k At Rusper, in the same county, and also of about the same date, is the brass of John de Kygges- folde, a civilian, and his wife " Agneys," whose demi-effigies afford 1 See p. 95. A precisely similar brass abbey chuich of St. Alban. once existed in the south transept of tbe k Seep. 119. 116 BRASSES OF DEMI-FIGURES. S& I : 6e salme eft mcrcp . amen. One other specimen of these crosses is too beautiful to be omitted : it bears date A.D. 1400, and represents the cross rising between the kneeling figures of a civilian and his lady, and within the quatrefoil at the head it encloses the figure of St. Faith, crowned and with a nimbus, and holding a sword and a gridiron, the instru- ment of her martyrdom t . The field on which this beautiful figure is placed, is diapered, and in the two lateral foils are the words Sca Fides, and Virgo et mr. This brass is at Newton, in North- amptonshire u . At Woodchurch, in Kent, c. A.D. 1330, the effigy of Nichol de Gore, priest, habited in an alb and chesuble, appears within a qua- trefoiled circle, which itself is enclosed within the four points of a rich Greek- cross fleury. The circle is charged with a legend in Longobardic character. s See p. 45. very singular, lies in the church of St. ' The instrument of the martyrdom of Lawrence, in the city of Norwich, having St. Faith is properly a brazen bed, upon probably been removed there at the de- which she was burned to death towards the struction of the monastery at Horsham : close of the third century, during the per- the legend speaks of the prior as being secutions by Dacian, prefect of Gaul : in istius loci. The effigy in this composition that country the virgin martyr was born, remains, and is placed upon a low bracket, at Pais de Grave. Cotman has engraved u The Gentleman's Magazine for April, another beautiful figure of St. Faith, in his 1812, contains a description and an engrav- time forming a part of the interesting brass ing of another fine floriated cross containing of Galfridus Langley, prior of St. Faith's a figure, which now is covered by the pews priory, at Horsham: the brass, which is in the church of St. Michael at St. Alban's. MISCELLANEOUS BRASSES. 121 NICHOLAS AOiiBERDENE, c. A.D. 1350. R ~\9 9 MISCELLANEOUS BEASSES. In another form of arrangement sometimes found, the figures of the composition are placed upon a species of bracket, which is generally made to expand, so as to form a tall and slender stem rising from steps. A.D. 1405, at Upper Hardress, Kent, is a fine example of this species of brass : it is the memorial of John Strete, rector, who is represented in his cassock and hood, as kneeling at the base of the composition, while the figures of the Apostles St. Peter and St. Paul stand upon the bracket above. A scroll encircles the stem of the bracket, and below is a commemorative inscription. This is a very fine brass, remarkable for the high artistic feeling displayed, as well in the design as in its execution. In the brass at Bray, Berks, of Sir John Foxley and his two wives, the figures are placed on a wide bracket, which is based upon a fox. The brass of Joanna Urban, A.D. 1414, at Southfleet, Kent, is another elegant specimen of this mode of arrangement, (see next page). And again, in Merton college chapel, Oxford, is the brass of John Bloxham and John Whitton, A.D. 1387, members of that society, in which the two effigies are placed under an elegant double canopy, while at their feet is uncoiled a scroll, bearing a legend : here the foot of this beautiful cross-like composition is based upon a niche enclosing an Agnus Dei. In some examples the bracket has but a slight elevation, and has rather the character of a pedestal, as in the brass of Eleanor Corp, A.D. 1391, at Stoke Flem- ing, Devonshire : and again, A.D. 1524, at Norwich, in the church of St. John in the Maddermarket, in the singularly merito- rious brass of John Terri, merchant, and mayor of Norwich, and lettys terri, his wife, the figures are placed on low pedestals. In Norfolk and some other places, priests are frequently commemorated by an engraved chalice, accompanied by a brief inscription, usually placed beneath it on a fillet. The annexed example is drawn from the brass of William Curtes, at South Burlingham, A.D. 1540: here Chalice and Wafer for William Cartes, A.D. 1540 MISCELLANEOUS BRASSES. 123 j3°. Dtfjimq a°ftat gta&mr. qnag stag jiacT fig turn, ^s w jp tp nDp for laprei iflp § JOANNA URBAN, AD 1414 Southfleet Church. Kent. with the chalice the consecrated wafer is represented, ensigned with the sacred monogram. The device of a heart inscribed with a legend or monogram is sometimes found, as at Higham Ferrers. At Martham, in Nor- folk, on a similar heart are engraven the words, " post tenebras 124 MISCELLANEOUS BRASSES. spro luce : laus deo meo/' and be- neath on a fillet, is an inscription commemorative of Robert Alen, A.D. 1487. Scrolls with legends sometimes issue from hearts, as at Caversfield, Bucks, and Loddon, Norfolk. Figures also are occasionally represented hold- ing hearts : the brass of Sir Richard de Buslingthorpe is an example of this peculiarity : the brass of Robert Beau- ner, C. A.D. 1470, mOnk, at St. Al- Heart with Monogram, Higham Ferrers ban's, is another example ; the heart is here ensigned with drops of blood, and about the head of the figure upon a scroll are the words, " Cor mundum in me crea, Deus." At Broughton, in Lincolnshire, a knight and lady in their upraised hands each hold a small heart : their date is c. A.D. 1370. And in the brass of John and Joan Baron, A.D. 1437, at All- Hallows, Barking, above the figures is a heart inscribed with the word Mercy, and encircled by a scroll charged with the legend, — u * filt * Dei ♦ miserere • met • JWater • Dei • memento • met. The heart thus introduced is generally considered to be indicative of a vow accomplished ; but with what degree of accuracy I am unable to affirm. It sometimes is placed at an angle of the slab, to which a figure is attached; as in the memorial of the coped priest at Hitchin, in this county x . Another singular variety of brasses consists of emaciated figures and skeletons, usually represented as enveloped in winding-sheets. Several of these painfully truthful emblems of human nothingness occur in the church of the last-named town of Hitchin : and in other places they are by no means of rare occurrence. The skele- ton, as the figurative impersonation of death, is also occasionally introduced: thus, at Biggleswade, A.D. 1482, in the mutilated * See at p. 103, a figure of this brass: the heart at one upper angle of the slab remains, but the other is lost. MISCELLANEOUS BRASSES. 125 brass of Archdeacon Rudyng, the gristly image of the king of terrors, armed with several spears, with one of which he is pre- paring to strike, is holding a dialogue with his victim : the sen- tences of this dialogue are very curious, and are executed alter- nately in letters incised and worked in relief y. And again in the "death's-signe brasse" of James Gray, A.D. 1591, park- keeper at Hunsdon, in this county, the same form appears : the figure of a man is here depicted, as shooting with a cross-bow at a stag, while death at the same moment is striking the shooter with his shaft. Effigies in brasses are usually represented as recumbent, and in the attitude of supplication. Some few examples, however, are designed to convey the idea of standing figures : and again in the sixteenth century, it was customary to place the figures as if kneel- ing, and that for the most part at faldstools, or small desks. In this latter case, the principal personages generally appear face to face, instead of one beside the other ; and the children, in place of being arranged beneath their parents, according to the previous custom, are introduced behind them, the boys behind the father, and the girls behind the mother z . In accordance with a conven- tional habit of expression, children are uniformly represented of comparatively diminutive stature, even though themselves grown to maturity at the time of their parents' decease a . It will also be found that, where two or more families have been united, a dis- y Besides the skeleton figure and the in- of Waltham, who died A.D. 1475. In scription in this brass, one side of a border- altar- tombs, which are themselves sur- fillet with its legend remains, together with mounted by sculptured effigies, small a crescent on a roundel, and a strange de- figures of the children and friends of the vice of two angels bearing the head of the deceased are frequently introduced; they Baptist in a charger : all the other portions occupy niches worked in the sides of the of the composition have been torn from the tomb, and produce an admirable effect, slab, which is of unusually large dimensions. One of the children of Lady Montacute, z The children in the Flemish speci- upon her tomb in Oxford cathedral, is mens at All-hallows, Barking, and St. episcopally vested : and another wears the Mary's Quay, Ipswich, are exceptions to costume of an abbess, and holds a pastoral this general arrangement. staff. This is in strict accordance with the a In the brass of William Lucas and regular practice, to represent the children family at Wenden Lofts, Essex, c. A.D. of the deceased, as dressed in accordance 1450, one of the children appears habited with their several callings and stations in in episcopal vestments ; this probably was life, designed to represent John Lucas, abbot 126 CANOPIES. tinctive position is carefully assigned to the children of the respec- tive families. Where a husband and wife are depicted in the same composition, numerous examples occur in which the female, con- trary to the more regular usage, is placed on the right hand of the male effigy : this arrangement has been supposed to indicate that the lady was an heiress b . Brasses are occasionally found which exhibit the effigies of a husband and two wives, or even three : and sometimes the same wife appears associated with a first and a second husband. Brasses to the memory of children but rarelv occur : Cotman has figured three in his work : of these one repre- sents two infants, John and Roger Yelverton, A.D. 1510, at Roug- ham, Norfolk ; the figures are in swaddling-clothes, and are placed beneath a canopy, the whole being engraved on one plate c . At Woodbridge, Suffolk, is the brass of John Shorland, who died A.D. 1601, aged seven years. And at Blickling, Norfolk, a third brass commemorates Anna, the youthful daughter of Sir William Boleyn, aunt of the unfortunate queen who afterwards bore her name : the figure in this brass is simple and interesting, and the inscription curious from the circumstance of its specifying the exact age of the deceased to have been three years, eleven months, and thirteen days : she died A.D. 1477. The Canopies very commonly placed in brasses about the persons of the engraven effigies, exhibit an almost infinite variety of design, and abound in admirable details. The earliest specimens are pedi- mental in form, and without subdivision into compartments' 1 : they rise from slender shafts, and their inner foliation is bold and simple: but subsequently they appear double, triple, and even quadruple, with tall and slender pinnacles, and the outlines of the canopies themselves are adapted to the graceful sweeps of the ogee-arch; and at the same time, their foliation becomes more elaborate, and b In the fine brass of Sir Thomas and Norfolk, Ann, wife of Thomas Asteley, Lady Burton, A.D. 1382, at Little Cas- A.D. 1512, is represented as holding on terton, Rutland, the legend records the either arm an infant similarly enveloped effigy of the lady to be placed on the left in swaddling-clothes, side of her husband: "Dna Margeria d See figure of canopy of Joan, Lady uxor sua, in ejus sinistris." Cobham, at p. 82. c At Blickling, in the same county of The sides of this canopy are only partially represented, from want of space: in the original, the canopy rises, from the foot-legend, and completely encloses the figures. The shields of arms here introduced, are Camoys, argent, on a chief, gules, three plates : and Mortimer, azure, three bars, or, an inescutcheon, argent ; on a chief, of the first, two palets. between as many gyrons, of the second. CAN0P1KS. 127 Fragment of Canopy, Berkhampstoad, Herts Brass of R. Toriin£ion, A.D. 1319. the groined soffits of the un- der arches are often shewn in perspective. In these canopies, the crockets and finials and other details are usually characterised by great elegance. In place of finials, small figures were in some instances introduced : these may be generally regarded as representing the patron saints of the person comme- morated, or having some special allusion to the church in which the brass was laid down. Shields of arms were sometimes placed immediately below the finials of lofty canopies, and thus impart to the design great richness of effect : good exam- ples of this occur in the brasses of Brian Rouclyff, A.D. 1494, at Cowthorpe, Yorkshire, and of Humphey Oker, at Oakover, Staffordshire : the arms emblazoned on the shield here drawn from the latter brass are Oker, ermine, on a chief, gules, three bezants, impaling argent, a fesse and in chief three lozen- ges, sable. The brasses of Alianore de Bohun and Abbot Esteney, in Westminster abbey, and of the Swynbornes at Little Horkesley, afford beautiful examples of the clustered pinnacles in- troduced with such happy effect into these com- positions e : and, on the other hand, in the brasses of John Corp, A.D. 1391, at Stoke Fleming, Devon; of Sir William Calthorpe, A.D. 1420, at Burnham Thorp, Norfolk ; and of Dr. John Blod- well, A.D. 1465, at Balsham, Cambridgeshire, we have specimens of embattled canopies : and again in the fine brasses of Thomas Lord Camoys and his lady, at Trotton, Sussex, A.D. 1424, and of Shield of Arms on a Pinnacle, Oakover. e See p. 1. 128 CANOPIES. Thomas Cranley, archbishop of Dublin, A.D. 1417, at New college, Oxford, both varieties of canopy are introduced f ; in these compositions the embattled member of the canopy surmounts the pinnacles, which are clustered immediately above the effigies. Perhaps the canopy of most elaborate beauty known to exist amongst brasses of English workmanship, is that of Prior Thomas Nelond, A.D. 1433, at Cow- fold, Sussex; to which the fragments of the canopy of Abbot Stoke, A.D. 1462, in our abbey-church, bear, as far as they yet remain, so striking a resemblance : amongst the other enrichments of these admirable works of art, a species of arch- buttress springs with the happiest effect, from the outer to the interior members of the compositions. It must be borne in mind that canopies, like the effigies with which they are associated, are almost invariably designed to con- vey the idea of being placed in a recumbent position : and hence, as in the brass of Abbot Esteney of Westminster, they frequently occur without any basement. These canopies, indeed, are really engraven representations of the similar accessories, worked in relief about the heads and persons of sculptured recumbent effigies ; such as in the contract for the tomb of King Richard II. and his queen, are specified as "tabernacles, called hovels, with gabletz :" and these, though designed to serve the same purpose as erect canopies placed over statues, still so far differ from them, as to be intentionally adapted to the recumbent position of the monumental effigy. Fragment of Canopy of Abbot Stoke, A.D. 1462. Abbey churcn of St. Alban. 1 The canopy of Bishop Hallum at Con- stance exhibits another admirable example of the same beautiful arrangement. See p. 25. s Several other fine specimens of cano- pies will be found specified in the appended list of choice brasses. As in other particulars, a gradual de- basement is observable in the canopies depicted in brasses, as the fifteenth century drew towards its close : and in the century following they, for the most part, cease to possess any int erest or value. Arms of Grimston, A.D. 1099 MISCELLANEOUS DETAILS. 129 A shield of arms, or a monogram accompanied by an inscription, is frequently found to consti- tute the entire memorial : two good specimens of this style of brass occur in the church at Rishangles near Eye, in Suffolk, to the memory of Sir Edward Grimston, and Edward his son ; theformerwas governor of Calais when that town was captured by the French, and died A. D. 1599. Both of these inscriptions are very singular compositions' 1 . Monograms are commonly introduced into various parts of more elaborate compositions : sometimes they appear as personal decora- tions, as on the hip-belt of Sir Robert Swynborne ; sometimes they occur in the spandrels of canopies, and occasionally on separate shields or roundels. The shields of arms, personal devices, and official badges intro- duced into brasses, contribute greatly to heighten the effect of the engraven plates, as well as to augment their historical importance. These it will be well in all cases to study with especial care. Armo- rial insignia appear in monumental brasses, not only upon shields, but also emblazoned upon the surcoat, jupon, or tabard of nobles, knights, and gentlemen ; and, what certainly does seem somewhat These inscriptions are as follows : — EDWARD GRIMESTON THE FATHER OF RISANGLIS ESQVIER, DIED 17 MARCHE 1599. By twice two kings and qveenes his life was grac't, Yet one relligion held from first to last, Ivstice and trvth he lov'd, and common good, no lesse then th' issve of his frivat-bloode. His yeares more then himselfe, did others please, For covncell and discovrse of warre and peace, His life was rvle to lives, his death a mirror, One felt noe vaine care, nor the other terror. EDWARD GRIMESTON, THE SONNE OF BRADFEILD ESQVIER, DIED . 16. AVGVST 1610. The SONNE paied to his father's parts increase wlttie and wise he was, vsd lawe for peace What first he chvs'd for good he changed never, His care was temperate, his zeale fervent ever, And theise fayer gifts y 1 heaven his powers did give, Did make the father in the sonne to lyve Wher trvth hath writt that envie cannot blot, The name of Grimeston cannot be forgott. 130 MISCELLANEOUS DETAILS. strange, upon the dresses of ladies. In the latter case, the arms of the lady's own family were embroi- dered upon her kirtle, and those of her husband upon her mantle or outer garment : or, the two coats of arms were impaled upon the same garment, generally the outer. The example from Long Melford church, Suffolk, exhibits upon the mantle the arms of Clop- ton, a family for a long period the lords of Melford ; and on the kir- tle, those of Francis. And the brass of Elizabeth, wife of John Shelley, Esq., A.D. 1526, at Clapham, Sussex, exemplifies the impalement on the mantle of the arms of Shel- ley and Michelgrove: John Shel- ley himself bears upon a tabard his armorial insignia, sable, a fesse en- grailed, or, between three welk shells, argent, for shelley ». When shields of arms are introduced into the compo- sition of a monumental brass, it is a common arrangement to place each coat upon a separate shield, and also the same coats impaled or quartered upon other shields. The same shield is frequently repeated : and the arms of several branches of a family no less frequently associated with those of the individuals specially commemorated. The shields of arms in brasses are often so arranged as to appear suspended from the canopy, as in the noble brasses of Alianor de Bohun, in Westminster abbey, and of the Swynbornes at Little Horkesley k . Various devices were Lady of the Clopton family, Melford Charch, Suffolk, c. A.D 1480. 1 This is an instance of the class of arms called canting or allusive. The figure of the lady in this brass will be found en- graved in an advertisement appended to this volume. This brass, besides the two effigies and a very complete foot-legend, also contains a curious emblematical group, designed to indicate the blessed Trinity; and also four shields of arms. k See p. 1. MISCELLANEOUS DETAILS. 131 resorted to, with a view to render these heraldic accessories essen- tially component members of the main composition. From the brass of Margarete de Camoys, A.D. 1310, at Trotton, Sussex, a series of small shields have recently been abstracted, with which originally the robe of the lady in this most interesting and valuable memorial was semee : their loss is to be the more regretted, " not only because they were doubtless enamelled, but as a very singular specimen of costume; for this is the only sepulchral brass" known to have presented "this peculiar feature of ornament; and it would have been deserving of attention to ascertain whether the bearing thus introduced were her own arms (Gatesden), those of Camoys, her first, or Paynel her second husband." Mr. Hollis has figured in his work on Monumental Effigies, a sculptured effigy of a lady of the Clifford family, in Worcester cathedral, whose flowing mantle is thus semee of small shields, each bearing the arms of Clifford, chequy, or and azure, a fesse gules. The surcoat of William de Valence, earl of Pembroke, A.D. 1296, in Westminster abbey, was originally decorated after the same fashion with a profusion of small enamelled shields, of which now three only remain, though the situation and number of those gone may easily be traced. This appears to have been a mode of decoration commonly practised in French monuments, but rarely occurring in this coun- try ; or rather, here restricted to memorials of French design and workmanship. In the fine brass at West Grinstead to the memory of Sir Hugh Halsham and his lady, between the finials of the canopy which surmounts the effigies, were three banners of arms, of which the central one now alone remains ; it is charged with, quarterly, first and fourth, argent, a chevron engrailed, between three leopard's faces, gules, for Halsham ; and second and third, paly of six, or and sable, for Strabolgy, earl of Athol. Arms of rank or office also appear: thus, at Saw- bridgeworth, the Leventhorpes, as tenants of a royal manor, and servants of the crown, have the royal arms in connection with their own arms upon their brasses. And again at Twickenham, in Middlesex, M if Banner of Arms, A.D. 1441. 132 MISCELLANEOUS DETAILS. Richard Burton, A.D. 1443, chief cook to the king, also bears the royal arras. In the brass of Brian Rouclyff, A.D. 1494, at Cow- thorpe, Yorkshire, where several shields of arms are introduced, scrolls charged with the names of the bearers of each coat are placed above each shield. Crests generally appear, as they were actually worn, upon the helmet, which, in brasses, constantly forms the pillow of the recum- bent warrior. In some examples, however, they are placed above the shields of arms, especially towards the close of the fifteenth century, when regular achievements of arms, consisting of shield, helmet, mantling, and crest, were introduced, as in the brasses of Sir John Say, and Sir Peter Legh : in these achievements the shield is usually set diagonally. Besides the more regular heraldic insignia commonly found in brasses, the Marks of merchants form a curious series of personal cognizances, occupying similar positions. These marks, originally adopted as distinctive signs to be stamped upon bales of merchan- dise, were speedily assumed in place of armorial bearings, then refused to all persons engaged in commerce : they seem usually designed to convey some rude idea of a ship's mast and flag, in combination or connection with a monogram or initials : the ex- ample annexed is taken from the brass of Thomas Pownder at Ipswich. Two other shields, one or other of which generally accom- panies a merchant's mark, are those of the merchants of the Staple at Calais, and of the Merchants Adventurers or Hamburgh mer- Merchanfs Mark, Brass of Thomas Pownder, St. Mary Quay Church, Ipswich, A.TV mw i»i8gt Arms of Merchants of the Staple, Arms of Merchants Adventurers. Brass of John F. l.-i, A D 1474. Brass of Andrew Evyngar. c. A D. ^ Standon Church, Herts. 1536 All-hallows. Barking, London. chants : the former company were incorporated by Edward III., and MISCELLANEOUS DETAILS. 133 their arms, as in allusion to the naval supremacy of Britain, were barry nebulee of six, argent, and azure, on a chief, gules, a lion of England : the first incorporation of the Merchants Adventurers took placeA.D. 1296, the 24th of Edward I.; and this society subsequently obtained ample privileges from Queen Elizabeth, together with a confirmation of their original charter; they bore, barry nebulee of six, argent and azure, a chief quarterly, gules and or, on the first and fourth quarters a lion passant, gold, and on the second and third two roses of the third, barbed, vert. The arms of corporate towns, or of the London mercantile companies are also found : thus Pownder bears the arms of the borough of Ipswich, Evyngar those of the Salters' company ; John Clarke, at St. Andrew's, Norwich, has the arms of the Mercers' compan}'; and on the brass of another civilian at Luton, Bedfordshire, are the curious arms of the Mer- chant Tailors : and again at St. John's Maddermarket, Norwich, in the fine brass of John Terri, the arms of the Merchants Adven- turers are impaled with those of the Mercers' company, in the chief of the shield, while in base are emblazoned the mark and initials of John Terri '. Collars frequently occur in military brasses : they were worn by nobles, and knights bannerets ; and also by every officer of the rank of esquire in the royal household, whether employed in a military or civil capacity, previous to the reign of Henry VIII., when it was enacted that no person, unless he were a knight, should wear a collar of gold. Next to the Garter itself, the most celebrated knightly decoration of this class is the collar of SS. introduced by King Henry IV., apparently as a memorial of the success with which his aspiring ambition had been crowned : this letter S, repeated either in links of gold, or in gold embroidery worked upon a fillet of blue, is the initial of the word "Souveraine," Henry's motto, which he bore while earl of Derby, and which, as he afterwards became sovereign, appeared auspicious. It was in 1 Another shield in this brass is charged this company, incorporated A.D. 1394, with the ancientarmsofthe city of Norwich, the 17th of Richard II., bear, gules, a gules, a castle triple-towered, argent, in demi-virgin, her head dishevelled, vested base a lion of England. At Worstead, in and crowned, or, wreathed about the brows Norfolk, a merchant's mark appears im- with roses, and issuing from an orle of paling the arms of the Mercers' company: clouds, proper. 184 MISCELLANEOUS DETAILS. exact keeping with the heraldic usage of the time, thus to adapt the monogram of the king to the purpose of chivalrous decoration: nor was it less characteristic of the politic Henry, to render a deco- ration of honour a distinctive badge of adherence to the House of Lancaster. This collar appears to have been usually secured in front by an enriched trefoil-shaped clasp, attached to the collar itself by buckles : it is thus worn by Sir Thomas Swynborne m . Collar of S3. Sir John Drayton, A.D. 1411. Dorchester, Oxon. Collar of Suns and Roses . Countess of Essex, A.D. 1483. Easton , Essex. This decoration was worn by ladies of rank, as well as by their lords, particularly such as were personally attached to the court : it appears, for example, on the brasses of Lady Peryent at Digswell, and of Lady Bagot at Baginton n . Another collar, also worn by the distinguished of both sexes, consists of roses alternating with suns, in allusion to the well-known Yorkist badge, the rose-en-soleil, adopted by Edward VI. after the battle of Mortimer's Cross, A.D. 1461 : to the clasp of this collar, the white lion of the House of Marche was commonly attached. This collar appears in the brass of Sir Anthony de Grey, at St. Alban's ; and at Little Easton, Essex, it is worn, in their brasses, by both the earl and countess of Essex °. A third collar, composed simply of roses, in colour either m See p. 55. To the late lamented artist, Charles Alfred Stothard, we are indebted for the judicious remark, which assigned to the motto of Henry Bolinbroke the device dis- played in the Lancastrian collar of SS. Sculptured effigies wearing the collar of SS. are of frequent occurrence : in Mr. Stothard's noble work, are figured six effigies of knights, and three of ladies, thus decorated. The effigy of John Gower at St. Saviour's, Southwark, also appears with this same decoration, having hanging from the clasp a swan. " See pp. 56, 61. ° See pp. 73, 76. The suns and roses in this collar are fre- quently linked by some personal device of the wearer: thus, the oak-leaves of the house of Arundel appear used for this pur- pose in the collar worn by the countess of Arundel, in her sculptured effigy. The original usage, thus exemplified, of assign- ing knightly decorations to the ladies of knights, who themselves had received these insignia of honour, receives a further very MISCELLANEOUS DETAILS. 135 Collar of Mermaids, brass of Thomas, Lord Berkeley. A.D. 1417. Wotton. Gloucestershire. white or red, was worn by the respective partizans of the great rival houses identified with these badges. And so also collars of suns only were sometimes worn, as by Robert Colt, Esq., and his lady, A.D. 1475, at Roydon, Essex. Pri- vate personal badges were also occasion- ally adopted in their collars by knights ; as in the very fine brass at Wotton-under- Edge, Gloucestershire, of Thomas, Lord Berkeley, who wears over his camail a collar of mermaids, one of the cognizances of the Berkeley family p . Knights of the Garter appear decorated with the insignia of that most illustrious order. Thus with many others, Sir Simon de Felbrigge, A.D. 1413, at Felbrigg, and Thomas Baron Camoys, A.D. 1424, at Trotton, wear the garter buckled round the left knee : Sir Thomas Bullen, at Hever, A.D. 1538, is also habited in the mantle, collar, and hood of the order. Occasionally devices, expressive of some personal aenomiiiere and garter office or distinction, appear introduced in brasses : thus the small figure of a knight, of about the date A.D. 1480, exhibits a crown or coronet placed upon the left shoulder : this brass having lost its accompanying inscription, and being itself now removed from its original position which cannot be ascertained, it can only be conjectured that the person thus represented was a keeper of the regalia : and this conjecture is strengthened from the circumstance of a somewhat similar specimen having been observed at Slapton, Bucks; in this brass the effigies are those of a civilian and his two wives, and these are accompanied by an inscription which declares " James Tornay, late keeper of the crown to Kyng Henry VIIL," to have deceased in the year 1519 q . This remarkable illustration in the fine effigy of Margaret, wife of Sir Robert Harcourt, K.G., who died A.D. 1471, now preserved in the church at Stanton-Harcourt, in Oxfordshire : this lady about her left arm wears the garter ensigned with the motto, precisely in accordance with the fashion adopted by her present most gracious majesty, as sovereign of the order. p See p. 56. i In Sir J. Cullum's collection of rub- bings of brasses in the British Museum, is a third effigy of a crown-keeper, but with- out any notice of the place where the ori- ginal was laid down. 136 MISCELLANEOUS DETAILS. same badge again appears upon the shoulder of Thomas Noke, A.D. 1567, at Shottesbroke; and here the legend explains this appendage to have resulted from the said Thomas having been " made yoman of the crowne of England." I have already noticed r the brass of Sir Symon Felbrygge, A.D. 1413, who, in token of his office of standard-bearer to the king, bears the royal banner of England. The animals which so very generally are placed at the feet of effigies, whether sculptured in relief or engraven on plates of metal, represent, in many instances, personal badges of the families of the deceased : thus the brass of Lord Beaumont has the elephant, the earl of Essex the eagle, and the earl of Warwick the bear. And sometimes a rebus of the name is expressed : as by the rabbit on the brass of Walter Colney, late at Lynn, and the fox on the brass of Sir John Foxley. This explanation, however, has reference to but a few isolated specimens ; figures of a lion or a dog being those which occur in the great majority of examples. A knight has generally a lion, sometimes a dog : ecclesiastics have generally a lion : while at the feet of ladies a dog, with a collar of bells, or sometimes two dogs are placed. Cotman has recorded it as the opinion of Mr. Dawson Turner that the lion is here meant to be the type of strength and courage, qualities of course inherent in every true knight, and in like manner also under certain modifica- tions, in every faithful ecclesiastic ; while the dog indicates atten- tion and fidelity, virtues inseparable from the female character. In every case, the dog may also typify the same amiable and admirable qualities. There yet remain some few brasses which contain figures difficult, if not impossible satisfactorily to explain : such are the strange devices in the great Lynn and Newark brasses, and some others. Personal devices are sometimes introduced, emblazoned as charges upon shields, as sculptured accessories in canopy-work, or as ornaments of dress : thus, as I have before noticed, in the brass of Henry Bourchier, earl of Essex, at Little Easton, Essex, the mantling of the helmet is semee of water-bougets, — the badge of the Bourchier family : and again, in the remains of a brass to r See p. 63. MISCELLANEOUS DETAILS. 137 the memory of another member of the same family, Sir Hum- phrey Bourchier, A.D. 1470, in Westminster abbey, the Bonrchier knot is repeatedly introduced. Other accessories of a kindred nature are the Evangelistic Emblems, which commonly are placed within quatrefoils at the angles of brasses : these, the angel, the winged lion, the winged ox, and the eagle, are severally the em- F.MBLEMS OF EVANGELISTS, WALSOKNE BRA3S, LYNN, A.D. 1449. St. John. St. Matthew. St. Luke. blems of St. Matthew, St. Mark, St. Luke, and St. Jolm s . In place of these emblems, shields of arms are often introduced in late brasses at the angles of the composition : these shields are, like the emblems, usually encompassed by a quatrefoil. Another singular s The figures in these emblems usually hold scrolls, as if designed to be severally inscribed with the names of the evange- lists : this, however, is but rarely found to have been done, the scrolls being in most examples quite plain. In the brass of Provost Hacumblene, A.D. 1528, at King's college chapel, Cambridge, these scrolls are thus inscribed. As figures of the apostles often appear in brasses, either in canopies, or in the embroidered apparels of copes, it may be well here to insert the em- blems by which they may be severally dis- tinguished : — St. Peter, a key or two keys ; St. Andrew, a cross saltire (X) ; St. John, a chalice and serpent ; St. James the Great, a pilgrim's staff and wallet, &c. ; St. Philip, a Tau-cross (T) ; St. Bartholomew, a knife ; St. Thomas, an arrow or spear ; St. James the Less, a fuller's bat; St Matthew, a money-box for the receipt of tribute ; St. Matthias, a hatchet or battle-axe; St. Simon, a saw; St. Jude, a club. The emblems of St. Paul are a sword and book : he is generally associated with St. Peter in monumental engraving and sculpture. In allusion to his learning, St. Paul is usually designated "the apostle and doctor," — "doctor populor : " and St. Peter is apostrophized as " clavg celor," claviger ccelorum, because, says the Golden Legend, "he receyved of our lord y e keyes of y e kyngedom of heven." 138 MISCELLANEOUS DETAILS. Symbolical Shield. emblem which sometimes occurs, and is designed to indicate the doctrine of the blessed Trinity, is best ex- plained by the accompanying figure, drawn from the brass of Prior Nelond, A.D. 1433, at Cowfold. The same great truth is also typified after a manner far less objectionable, in a group consisting of an aged figure hold - ing a crucifix, over which a dove is hovering '. The sacred monogram I.H.C., or as, at a later period, it was written I.H.S., is also of fre- quent occurrence in brasses, in which it occupies very diversified positions, forming at one time an ornament upon the hilt of the knight's sword, or engraven on the brow of his bascinet, while at other times it appears worked upon the morse of the ecclesiastic's cope, or sculptured in the spandrels of a canopy. Founders and benefactors of churches are usually depicted as bearing a model of the edifice, which had been indebted to their munificence : interesting specimens of this no less appropriate than expressive usage occur in the brasses of Sir John Cobham, at Cobham, Kent u ; of Brian Rouclyff and lady, Cowthorpe, York- shire; and of a civilian, c. A.D. 1490, at North Creak, Norfolk. The circumstance of brasses being laid down to the memory of a deceased husband or wife by the survivor, sometimes produced curious results : for, in the original composition the figure of the survivor as well as of the deceased was almost invariably introduced, and in the inscription spaces were left for the purpose of being subsequently filled up with the date of the survivor's decease. Sometimes, however, it occurred that the survivor was buried in some other spot, and thus the engraved effigy does not mark the ' See p. 119, and note (q) at that page. Speaking of this same device, Mr. Bloxam remarks, (Gothic Architecture, edition 7, p. 277,) that " some of the symholical sculptures of the middle ages were intro- duced at a comparatively late period : for instance, the conventional representation of the blessed Trinity, in which the Al- mighty, He Whom eye hath not seen, is personified in the likeness of fallen man, (a practice which cannot but be con- demned,) in sculpture was not met with earlier than the fifteenth century, though in illuminations and drawings it appears so early as the twelfth." It must be noted that in the cut at the head of this page, the letters do not resemble those in the Cowfold brass. u See p. 53. MISCELLANEOUS DETAILS. 139 actual place of interment, and the legend remains incomplete. And occasionally, in consequence of a second marriage, the sur- vivor of the first marriage was depicted a second time in a brass laid down over the actual place of interment: a singular example of the existence of two brasses, each containing an engraved effigy of the same individual, and thus exhibiting the same person in the costume of two consecutive periods, is noticed in vol. ii. of the Archaeological Journal x . Anne, daughter of Sir Thomas Blener- 7(gF* ¥ '. WAV . c l Anne Duke, A.D. 1651. Anne Rede, A.D. 1577 haysett, the lady thus doubly commemorated, first married George Duke, Esq., on whose decease, A.D. 1551, her effigy with that of x Archaeological Journal, vol. ii. p. 21C. From this interesting article by the Rev. William Drake, the statements in the text are derived : and the two wood-cuts are also supplied from the same source by the kindness of the Committee of the Archaeo- logical Institute. 140 MISCELLANEOUS DETAILS. her husband was laid down in Frense church, Norfolk : here she appears in a long-waisted dress, with tight sleeves terminating in mitten-shaped cuffs ; a pedimental head-dress; and having attached to a girdle a rosary and an aulmoniere. Anne Duke afterwards married Peter Rede, Esq., whom also she survived nine years, and A.D. 1577, was buried by his side in the church of St. Margaret, Norwich, where her effigy appears upon an altar-tomb, accom- panied by a legend which sets forth her two marriages, and that she "Departed y s lyfe ye xvj day of Aprill in yere from Christes incarnacion 1577." " In this second brass she is re- presented not as a widow, but with the French-hood ; a small ruff appears round her neck, and little frilled wrist-bands under her sleeves, which fit closely to the arms, and are tied with a number of small bows of riband ; they are also padded and high-shouldered, according to an ungraceful fashion of the times of Elizabeth : and in front, as if appended to her girdle, appears an oval or- nament of rather disproportionate size, which was either one of those portable mirrors, termed Venice steel-glasses, or a box of goldsmith's work, intended to con- tain a pomander, or other perfumes. The difference in costume caused by a lapse of twenty-six years between the first and second effigy, is very remarkable, and it is a proof how closely the artist in such a case followed the fashion of the period at which the brass was executed." Figures of saints sometimes constitute the entire, or at least the greater part of, the composition in brasses : thus at Wyke, Hants, the figure of St. Christopher is en- graved to commemorate, with an accom- panying legend y , William and Agnes Com- y This legend is as follows : — lxxxxviij. Also this be y e dedis y l y e said Here lieth will'm Complyn, Agnes his will'm hath down to this Church of Wike wife, y e whiche will'm decessid y e xxj day y l is to say frest dedycacion of y e Church of may y e yere of oure Lord m.c.c.c.c- xl s and to make newe bellis to y e sam INSCRIPTIONS. Ml plyn, A.D.1498 : and at Upper Hardress, Kent, in the brass of John Strete, rector, A.D. 1405, the figures of St. Peter and St. Paul are introduced above the kneeling effigy of the rector himself. In some late examples also, representations of the resurrection of our Lord, or some other important events recorded in Holy Writ, are introduced; as at Alton Priors, Wilts, in the brass of Agnes Bul- ton, A.D. 1528. Personal peculiarities or bodily infirmities are occasionally com- memorated : thus, at Ingoldmells, on the coast of Lincolnshire, is the small brass of a civilian having by his side a crutch or walking- stick, and who, in the accompanying legend, is described as " Wil- liam Palmer wyth Y e stylt," who died A.D. 1520. At Berk- hampstead in this county an example occurs, in which the disease which proved fatal to the person commemorated is specified. Inscriptions, if not so interesting as the figures with which they usually are connected, are always valuable ; and that no less from their general characteristics of style, composition and letter- ing, than because of the direct information which it may be their special province to convey. The earliest inscriptions engraven to accompany incised monumental memorials in brass or latten, were worked in separate metallic letters, each inserted in a distinct casement or cavity, sunk in the face of the marble-slab, and so arranged between very narrow fillets also of metal, as to form an oblong border to the entire composition : the angles are quite plain; the language is Norman French; and the character Uncial or Longobardic. The usual form of inscription merely indicates the name and title of the deceased, with a brief pious ejaculation or consolatory sentiment, to which sometimes is added the year in which the person commemorated died ; and the whole is generally couched in rhyme. In the middle of the fourteenth century, the same cha- racter and style of record appear in Latin inscriptions, engraven upon and not between fillets of metal, which have at the angles the evangelistic emblems, and also are sometimes further enriched by Church x 1 also gave to y e halloyeng of y e Church vj s . viijd. on whos soules ihu haue grettest bell vj s . viij d . and for y e testi- mercy . Amen, monyall' of the dedicacion of y e sam 142 INSCRIPTIONS. shields of arms or monograms encompassed by quatrefoils. In the Newark and Topcliff Flemish brasses, the border legends are not written in capitals. And towards the close of this same century, the fourteenth, the Black-letter character is found generally to have superseded the more dignified Longobardic, and the legends them- selves, whether in Norman- French or Latin, convey after the name of the deceased a more detailed enumeration of his offices, and the precise date of his death; to which, as before, some invocation suc- ceeds. It is by no means uncommon for the date at this period to be expressed partly in capital letters, and partly at length in words : thus on the curious brass of Bishop Wyvil, in Salisbury cathedral, A.D. 1375, the prelate is recorded to have deceased Anno Dni Millio ccclxxv. Sometimes the dominical letter is added to the year : this occurs in the brasses of Ralph de Knevynton, A.D. 1370, at Aveley, Essex, and of John de Bettesthorne, A.D. 1390, founder of the chantry in which he lies buried at St. Michael- in-Mere, Wilts: these inscriptions severally conclude thus, — "Obitus idem die JOUIS ANTE FESTU SCI NlCHOLAI EPISCOPI ANNO DNI MILLMO ccc. lxx. Lra dmcal. F" ; and "qui obiit 6° die Februarii Anno Dni, m.ccc.lxxxxviij . Litera dominicalis, E, cujus an i me," &c. The computation by calends, &c, is also occasionally found : thus at Little Casterton, Rutland, A.D. 1382^ Sir Thomas Burton is recorded to have deceased, " Calendas Augusti." And again twenty years later at Hurstmonceaux, Sussex, in the very fine brass of Sir William Fienes, the form of expression, in specify- ing the date, is as follows: — "William Fienes Chevaler, qu MORAIT LE XVIIJ JOUR DE JaNEUIER if AN DE INCARNACON NRE Seigneur Jheu Cryst Mile ccccij, jist ycy, dieu de sa alme eyt mercie." Mr. Markland well remarks, that epitaphs " of early date, though often tinged with superstition, were striking and solemn, and flowed naturally from the faith they professed. They expressed also deep humility, a feeling that posterity would have done well to cherish 2 ." For example, we continually find at this period such * Markland's Remarks, Ed. 3. p. 141. INSCRIPTIONS. 143 sentences as follow, engraven upon that class of monumental me- morials now under consideration, — Dne • Deus ■ sedm ■ actu ■ mem ■ noli ' me ■ judicare. Pili Dei miserere mei. Suscipiat me Christus qui vocavit me. In sinu Abrahe Angeli deducant me. In the fifteenth century the inscriptions, invariably written in Black letter, are still more diffuse, while in many instances orna- mental devices are introduced between each word of the legend a : the letters are often cut in relief: and scrolls, each bearing some brief sentence, issue from the mouth of the figure, or are re- peated in various parts of the design b : the border-fillets sometimes are omitted, and the sole inscription is placed at the foot of the effigy ; while in other examples distinct inscriptions occur in both positions. Now the date is entirely conveyed in capital letters : the ordinary language is Latin, with occasional examples of Nor- man-French and also of English early in the century , which latter a These devices consist of leaves and words jesus and mercy, and they amount animals in the earlier examples ; but sub- to no less a number than thirty. Again, sequently heraldic charges were introduced at a later period, A.D. 1531, in the church in similar positions. The brass of Sir John of Yetminster, Dorset, the same enrich- Cassy is an example of this mode of deco- merit appears in the memorial of Sir John ration : so also is the fragment at St. Horsey and his lady. Alban's, figured at p. 148. The same c An early example of an English legend practice was continued in the succeeding occurs in the brass of Sir Thomas Walsh century, as appears from the brasses of and lady, A.D. 1393, at Wanlip, Leicester- Lord Beaumont, A.D. 1507, at Wivenhoe, shire; and again in the brasses of Robert Essex, and of Sir Robert Clere, A.D. 1529, Poyntz and Ann his wife at Iron Acton, at Ormesby, Norfolk : in the latter ex- Gloucestershire, A.D. 1420, and of Henry ample a shield of arms is introduced be- Hawles, A.D. 1430, at Arreton in the Isle tween each word in the border-legend. of Wight. At Northleach, Gloucestershire, b A remarkable instance of this repe- the brass of J. Fortey, A.D. 1458, has its tition of small detached scrolls occurs in marginal inscription in English, while at the brass at Wiston, in Sussex, to the the feet of the figure is a sentence in Latin, memory of Sir John de Brewys, A.D. 1426, And again, at Luton, Bedfordshire, occurs where the slab is powdered with these ac- an admixture of the two languages in the cessories : the scrolls bear alternately the same composition. 144 INSCRIPTIONS. language towards its close becomes more frequent ; and sometimes the Latin and English languages both appear upon the same me- morial : abbreviations occur in the lettering, particularly in the customary initiatory and concluding sentences, — " Orate pro anima," or "animabus," and "quorum anima," or "animabus propicietur Deus. Amen." — which are written "Orate ■ p • aia," or aibs, and "quo • aia," or "aibs ppiet ' Deu • Ame :" the legends, whether written in Latin or English, are frequently arranged in rhyme; and short sentential secondary inscriptions are of common occurrence a . Where two figures are represented in the same composition, one common scroll is often found apper- taining to them both : and it is thus arranged either by having a double commencement, or by each end of the scroll proceeding from the respective figures. In inscriptions of the sixteenth century, though the Latin lan- guage is retained in the brasses of ecclesiastics, the English tongue generally prevails : the legends set forth the names, titles, and fre- quently the family connections of the deceased, with great exact- ness and minuteness of detail : dates are given at full length in words, or more generally in figures ; and the year of the reign of the reigning sovereign is commonly added to the ordinary date, or sometimes, as twice at Berkhampstead, the year of the reigning sovereign is the only date specified e . A new, and somewhat fan- tastic form of character, the Tudor, supplants the Black letter, properly so called ; and sometimes the Roman character appears : abbreviations abound in all parts of the legends, which thus are occasionally rendered exceedingly obscure ; as a specimen I annex a fac-simile of the last syllable of the surname of Thomas Pown- d An example of such sentences is as to t C fe^ rm i g r qu i ofciit XFJBE *fe rWmtartt follows : — " Quisquis eris qui travsieris, sta, perlege, plora. ^ , g ^ mki -pp t tonqucgtt i XVM& bum quod ens, jueram que quod espro me precor ora. %" Knf jm€&®<&XXXlX. lEt H° rcgnt IRegts^cnriciTTP ©ut aie ppictct Be." e This custom is occasionally exem- plified at an earlier period ; as in the brass I m ^ here state that the letters M and of Edmond Ford, A.D. 1439,atSwainswick, N wiU be found ver y S enerall y ehded m Somersetshire, where the legend is thus abbreviated syllables : and also that capital expressed: letters, when used, are subjected to no _ general rule of appropriation, "©rate p aialEBmuDifforOe tie £toarmes= INSCRIPTIONS. 115 der from his Flemish brass at Ipswich. Scrolls besides appearing to proceed from the mouth of the figure, now are sometimes held across the person, as at King's college, Cambridge. Secondary inscriptions convey- ing sentential expressions, and devotional in- vocations, still continue in use. Metrical com- Abbreviation of the letter der positions are also of frequent occurrence. Inscriptions now com- monly begin thus, — " Here under lyeth buried Y e bodye of," &c. ; or "Op Y r charyte py for Y e soule of/' &c. : and conclude, "on whose sowle and all crysten soulis Ihu haue mercy. Ame." In the seventeenth century, the Roman letter was commonly used in such brasses as were then constructed : and the inscriptions partook largely in the general debasement of taste and feeling, so characteristic of the period f . As Mr. Markland has well observed, "A marked change in the composition of epitaphs, as well as in the designs of monuments themselves, took place in the reign of Henry VIII. They now bore a worldly or adulatory character, and all that was originally devotional in them," but too generally " ceased. The one composed by Sir Thomas More for himself, in 1532, and inscribed on his tomb in Chelsea church, may be adduced as one of the earliest instances of this change of style. It is a con- cise piece of biography ; comprising some notice of his family, and of the offices held by his father and himself, and is closed by twelve Latin verses ; poetry, about this period, being adopted as a favourite portion of an epitaph. Such also was the epitaph on Sir Francis "Walsingham's tomb, A.D. 1590, where we have somewhat of an angry remonstrance with our last enemy ; and a victory over death and the grave is sought to be achieved, not through the only source pointed out by the apostle, but by the agency of the sculptor and the poet s ." Inscriptions not unfrequently occur in brasses, which set forth the person commemorated to have been the builder or restorer of some part of the church, in which his remains are in- f A strange, but by no means uncommon English legend some expression in Latin, habit appears to have prevailed in inscrip- ° Markland's Remarks, ed. 3. p. 143. tions of this era, — that of adding to an U 146 INSCRIPTIONS. terred : these, particularly when accompanied by a date, are most valuable, from the evidence they afford illustrative of the various changes in both the constructive and decorative features of archi- tectural designs, and of the period when such changes had taken place h . When brasses are placed upon altar-tombs, the border legends generally are worked upon fillets of metal inserted in hollows prepared for their reception in the cornice of the tomb : and thus they are set sloping, an arrangement producing an excellent effect. The inscription of Alianore de Bohun, A.D. 1399, in Westminster abbey, is thus placed : it is a good specimen of late Norman-French monumental composition. It runs thus : — >J< ©g gist SlHanore De 23ofiun eisne fille et im Des fjeirs a honorable Seignour mons PJumpbreu lie 23oj)un ©ounte lie f^ereforDe Cesser et De Northampton et ©onestable Stengleiere jFemme a puissant et noble prince IZFIjomas De 22toDcsto&e fils a trescrcellcnt et trespuissant srignour lEDfoavD &or> Dengletcre puis le conquest treij, Due le OSlouceStre ©ounte Cesser et Dc 3tthiftpnJ)am et ©onestable Dengletere <&e mourist le tret? jour Boctobre Ian Du tace JM <&<&®%XXXM lie <&ug alme Dieu face mercg. amen. t%. This lady, the greatest heiress of her time in England, after the murder of her husband, retired to the nunnery at Barking in Essex, and there spent the remainder of her days. In many brasses, the legends will be found to be incomplete, the century perhaps being expressed, but the exact year and day of the decease of the person commemorated being omitted; or two persons being specified as commemorated by the brass, while there appears a record of the death of one only. These singular omis- sions arise, in the former case, from the work having been prepared during the life-time of the deceased, and never subsequently com- pleted ; while in the latter, the brass was executed by the survivor, on whose death the date, before necessarily omitted, was, as in the other case, suffered to remain unrecorded '. See Bloxam's Gothic Architecture, to have their own brasses prepared; and .Petition 7, p. 287. no less common is it now to find those 1 It was a common custom for persons portions of the inscription thus necessarily PALIMPSEST BRASSES. 147 A few brasses have been remarked in which the inscriptions appear reversed : at llever in Kent, in the brass of Sir Thomas Boleyn, A.D. 1538, an instance of this occurs, and here the inscrip- tion plate is fixed above the head of the effigy, and has its legend reversed : and again in the brass of John Symonds and family at Cley, Norfolk, 1518, this singular usage is thrice repeated k . To one of our vice-presidents, Mr. Albert Way 1 , we are indebted for the application of the term Palimpsest to denote those brasses which, from some cause or other having become detached from the monumental slab, are found to have been engraved on both sides of the plate. Of the limited number of examples, the reverse of which is open to inspection, a singularly large proportion appear to have been a second time engraven : the value of the metal, and that more particularly when in a form adapted for the operations of the engraver, doubtless rendering it highly desirable again to employ a cancelled plate m . I am inclined to consider that in the earlier palimpsests, the first engraving was generally rejected on account of some defect of design or workmanship ; but at a later period, beyond a doubt, we have in these brasses specimens of a secondary appropriation of former memorials of the dead. "A curious example," I quote from Mr. Way's letter in the Archseologia, of a second engraving " on the same plate occasioned by some imperfection in the first," occurs at St. Margaret's, Rochester, " where the representation of a vicar of that church," Thomas Cod, "who died A.D. 1465, is found on both sides of the plate, the only difference being some slight variations in the ecclesiastical costume; the first having evidently omitted in the first instance, left incom- similarly reversed. plete : thus the exact date is wanting in l The Director of the Society of Anti- the hrass of Bishop Young, A.D. 1526, quaries, and Secretary of the Archaeo- in New college chapel, Oxford. And logical Institute of Great Britain and what is still more remarkable, in the brass Ireland ; and a V. P. of the St. Alban's of John Balsam, A.D. 1410, at Blisland, Architectural Society. near Bodmin, Cornwall, the month and m Several twice-engraved plates contain year of his decease are both specified, but a on the reverse Flemish words : these evi- blank space appears where the day should dently had their original engravings can- be inserted. celled, for some cause or other, before they k The foot-legend in the brass of Brian were imported into this country. Rouclyff, at Cowthorpe, Yorkshire, is 148 PALIMPSEST BRASSES. presented some impropriety in that respect, for which it was cancelled, and the figure given in due form on the other side. It is described in the Gentleman's Magazine, De- cember, 1840. A similar ex- ample is afforded by the brass of an ecclesiastic, c. A.D. 1550, at Burwell, Cambridgeshire :" this very remarkable brass is engraven on the one side with the effigy of an abbot, proba- bly of Ramsey, c. A.D. 1500, while on the other side appears the figure of a priest ; and, as if to enhance its curiosity, the reverse of a portion of the ca- nopy exhibits a part of the figure of a deacon, of a date as early as about A.D. 1340. In our own abbey-church of St. Alban is a fragment of another palimpsest, scarcely, if at all, less interesting : it displays on the side of the plate first engraven the lower part of the figure of a female, having at her feet a dog with a collar of bells ; and on the reverse is the similar portion of the figure of an abbot in pontificalibns. The alb with its apparel at the feet, the stole, tunic n , and chesuble of the prelate are clearly depicted; Palimpsest fragment. Sea. St. Al'oan's Abbey, c. A.D. 1400. Palimpsest fragment, St. Alban's Abbey. n The dalmatic is omitted from the vestments depicted in this curious plate. P ALIM PS EST B K A S S I ;s . 149 and the staff of his pastoral office is encircled by the vexillura or scarf. Portions of the border-fillet, having between each word of the legend some strange device ; an evangelistic emblem, that of St. Luke ; and another legend cut in relief at the foot of the effigy, yet remain. The slab displays the casement or ma- trix, originally sunk to receive the plates of the entire compo- sition, in so perfect a state, that I have been induced to figure the whole, as well as the two sides of the palimpsest fragment . I have already noticed the curious heraldic blazonry which is ex- hibited on one side of another palimpsest fragment, formerly in r fatten MmDuttaiefoclt Wut Palimpsest fragment, late in Trunch Church, Norfolk Reverse of Palimpsest fragment, late in Trunch Church, Norfolk Trunch church, Norfolk, but now in private possession p. This plate appears originally to have formed a portion of some now lost large Flemish brass, coeval with the works of the first great artist of that school of brass engraving : and subsequently, towards the close of the fifteenth century, it appears a second time, bearing on its reverse some words of an inscription to the memory of Walter c The foot-legend runs thus : — HlC QUIDAM TERRA TEGITUR PECCATI SOLVENS DEBITUM : CUI NOMEN NON IMPONITUR IN LIBRO VITjE SIT CONSCRIPTUM. p See p. 40. 150 PALIMPSEST BRASSES. Beaumont and Melicent his wife. In the church of St. Martin in the plain, Norwich, is a stone from which a brass shield of arms Palimpsest, late in St. Martins Church, Norwich. has become detached, and thus on its reverse the drapery of a figure has become distinctly visible. This shield, thus cut from a larger engraven plate, is of unusual thickness, and was laid down the second time as the memorial of Jane, wife of Sir Philip Cal- thorpe, knight, and daughter of John Blenerhasset, Esq., who died A.D. 1550 : it is charged with Calthorpe, chequy, or and azure, a fesse, ermine; impaling Blenerhasset, gules, a chevron, ermine, between three dolphins, embowed, argent ; Lowdham, argent, three escutcheons, sable ; Orion, vert, a lion rampant, argent, crowned and armed, gules, and Keldon, gules, a pall reversed, ermine i. The present condition of this shield appears calculated to throw some light upon the ancient process of producing heraldic tinctures in brasses, and therefore it claims our special notice : the outline of the whole shield and of each quartering with its bearings appears raised, owing to the enclosed spaces having been sunk or depressed to receive the enamel, except the or of Calthorpe, and the argent and ermine as often as they occur. In the case of the or, the brass is left, and was probably covered only with a wash of gold, and burnished. According to general usage, the argent and ermine present a surface of lead or pewter, on which small fragments of a very thin white enamel are here and there observable, shewing q The same arms appear at Frense, Norfolk. PALIMPSEST BRASSES. 151 that the whole was originally thus covered over. Where other colours were to be represented, a bed composed of red lead mixed with wax or oil, fills the casement, leaving, however, room for the addition of a coat of enamel considerably thicker than the white just mentioned : of these enamels but very small portions now remain; while in two of the azure compartments of the Calthorpe arms the red lead has itself been removed, exposing the metal, quite irregular in its surface, below. I am not aware of any simi- lar instance of the preparation for the reception of the enamel, being so distinctly apparent as in this example. Mr. Way has noticed in the brass of Margaret Bulstrode, A.D. 1540, at Hedgerley, Bucks, another singular instance of an early plate having been made available for a secondary purpose. The inscription to this lady, at the feet of her effigy, having become loose, "it was found that the reverse presented a memorial of a period two centuries anterior to the date of its secondary appli- cation; and fortunately the piece of brass having required an addition of some inches in length, in order to receive the later inscription, the earlier has been preserved without mutilation. It consists of the following distich :" — TOTYNGTON THOMAS EdMUNDI QUI FUIT ABBAS HlC JACET ESTO PIA SIBI DUCTRIX VIRGO MaRIA, the simple and only known record of Thomas de Totyngtone, pre- viously sub-prior, and from A.D. 1301 to 1312, abbot of St. Ed- mund's Bury 1 '. This magnificent establishment was surrendered to the king, November, 1539; when the plate of Abbot Totyng- tone, it may reasonably be surmised, became part of the spoils : it was scarcely eleven months before the same plate, engraved again with the name of Margaret Bulstrode, was laid down in another county, so rapidly had the work of spoliation proceeded, and the spoil, even in its smallest details, been turned to profitable account ! This same term Palimpsest, is also applicable with equal correct- ness to all such brasses as have been a second time laid down, with- r Possibly the reverse of the effigy of Margaret Bulstrode may contain some further memorial of the abbot. 152 PALIMPSEST BRASSES. out reversing the plates of metal. It is possible that in this, as in the former case, the memorial may, from some now long-forgotten cause, have been rejected from fulfilling the original purpose to which it had been destined, and subsequently adopted to supply the requirements of some less fastidious personage ; still, it is diffi- cult to imagine that this species of palimpsests have not been dis- honestly and sacrilegiously perverted from their original design, and appropriated to the purposes of the occasion. Examples of effigies of one period now appearing in connection with inscriptions of considerably later date, occur in Norfolk, at Great Ormesby, in the brass of Alicia, widow of Sir Robert Clere, A.D. 1538, the very year of the suppression of the monasteries ; the effigy is a demi- figure holding a heart, and its real date is about A.D. 14.20. Again, at St. Peter's Mancroft, Norwich, Peter Rede, Esq. s , is commemo- rated by an armed effigy, at the feet of which an inscription in the Roman character bears the date A.D. 1568; but the armour be- longs to a period about a century earlier. Also at Laughton near Gainsborough, upon an altar-tomb, and beneath a rich triple canopy, is a brass effigy of a knight of about the date A.D. 1405, which is set forth as being the memorial of Sir William Dalison, who died the 37th of Henry VIII., A.D. 1543. This is a fine specimen of that most martial and picturesque period of armour, the close of the fourteenth and the commencement of the fifteenth centuries : and it somewhat resembles the brass of Robert Albyn at Hemel Hempsted, in representing the knight as wearing a narrow belt crossing his person transversely from the right hip, in addition to the broad and highly enriched horizontal belt of the period 1 . Another singular example of misappropriation exists at Howden in Yorkshire, " which purports to be an effigy of Peter Dolman, Esq., who died A.D. 1621, but is manifestly to be referred to the earlier part of the preceding century:" nor is this all, for "the plate on which the inscription is engraved has lines on the reverse, which prove it to have been a portion of a female figure, probably the wife of the knight whose figure now represents Peter Dolman"." s See p. 140. u See Archaeological Journal, vol. ii. t See p. 57. p. 189. PALIMPSEST BRASSES. I .").", The brass of Humphrey Oker, Esq., Isabel his wife, and their children, is remarkable as being an example both of the secondary application of early figures, and also of the reversal of a plate for the purpose of a second engraving. This composition consists of a rich triple canopy, having immediately below each finial a shield of arms x : under the central canopy is a figure armed after the style of the year 1450, but bare-headed and wearing a tabard : on the right a lady is represented in the ordinary costume of the same period : and on the left, upon what appears to be the reversed figure of a priest, thirteen children are engraved in three tiers, and above them is a shield of arms hanging from an oak-tree; these children are in the costume of the year 1525, the 16th of Henry VIII. From the pains taken to adapt it to its secondary position, the brass of Walter Curzon, Esq., and his lady, A.D. 1527, at Water- Perry, Oxfordshire, must occupy a prominent position in a series of palimpsests : these figures were originally engraved about A.D. 1450, and were adapted to their requirements by the execu- tors of Walter Curzon, by adding numerous small lines with the graver, altering the early taces of plate into tuilles worn above a skirt of mail, rounding the pointed sollerets, and adding a new head and shoulders : while the female figure was unhesitatingly divided, and the lower half altered to correspond with an entirely new upper, we can hardly consider it better, half; the only addi- tions to the lower portion of the original being the continuation of the chain attached to the girdle, and the hatching, or touches en- graved besides the lines which represent the folds in the drapery. The lines in which the old and new portions are joined are dis- tinctly^ visible in both figures. What completes the curiosity of this example is, that a portion of the border-fillet having become detached, a legend appears cut on both sides of the metal y. I again quote from the Archaeologia a notice of one other palimpsest, preserved at Bromham in Bedfordshire; this is the fine brass which represents "Thomas Wideville, Esq., who died about the x See p. 127. year 1845: and again in the Guide to the y This brass is figured in the Report of Churches in the Neighbourhood of Oxford, the Oxford Architectural Society for the published by that same Society. X 154 PALIMPSEST BRASSES. year 1435, and his two wives, in the costume proper to the times of Henry VI. These, by an extraordinary appropriation, have been employed a hundred years later, to supply a memorial for a descendant, in the fourth generation, of the sister of the individual for whom they had been originally designed, — namely, for Sir John Dyve, who died in 1537, his mother and his ivife." Brasses sometimes occur which, though altogether inconsistent with the period specified in their dates, still are not palimpsests ; having in fact been executed many years subsequent to the de- cease of the person commemorated, and, as was invariably the custom with medieval artists, in the style both of costume and legend appertaining, not to the times in which deceased had lived, but to the periods in which the plates were engraved 1 -. Thus in Stoke church, Suffolk, the brass of Catharine, widow of John Howard, duke of Norfolk, who died A.D. 1452, is in every respect characteristic of the subsequent period when the plate itself was laid down, that is, of about A.D. 1520 a . These palimpsest brasses necessarily weaken the generally re- ceived opinion of the fidelity of individual portraiture being as- cribable to incised monumental effigies : for, not only are these last described specimens in no respect portraits, but it remains un- certain how many other brasses would be correctly classified with them, were they unfixed from their monumental slabs. It is, however, possible that many of those may still be portraits, which are engraven on reversed plates : and perhaps we may conclude, with as exact a degree of accuracy as can be attained upon this point, that while the works of the better class of artists were gene- " To this habit of representing persons in whose time the drawings were executed, the costume of the times of the artist him- These figures, all of considerable merit as self we are indebted for being enabled to works of art, are every one dressed after fix, with a degree of accuracy very nearly varieties in the fashion of regal costume, approximating to the exact truth, the age prevalent in the days of Henry VI. This of brasses, the date of which is without manuscript forms a part of the Cotton col- other record. A singular but no less valu- lection ; it is numbered Julius E. 4. able example of this mode of artistic treat- a The fine brass of Philippa Lady Hal- ment occurs in a manuscript preserved in sham, (see p. 92,) at West Grinstead, the British Museum, which contains a Sussex, bears the date of that lady's de- series of full-length figures of the English cease, A.D. 1395, but the plate was evi- sovereigns from the time of the Norman dently engraved about the year 1410. Conquest till the reign of Henry VI., in SLABS DESPOILED OF BEAS8ES. 1 .).) rally designed to convey a representation of the features, as well as of the costume of the individuals commemorated, in many in- stances a spirit of sordid economy prevented the possibility of any attempt whatever at correct personal delineation 13 . Besides the brasses which yet remain attached to their monu- mental slabs, these Slabs themselves very frequently furnish subjects for curious and interesting research, in the casements or matrices from which engraven plates have been removed. On these despoiled stones, the witnesses of that sacrilegious violence and rapacity in times past, a full atonement for which we would fain anticipate from the better and more truthful spirit which now so happily has arisen, — on these brassless slabs it always is desirable to bestow careful attention, with the view to gather from the remaining matrices that information relative to their former occupants which, in a greater or less degree, they are generally able to convey. In our own abbey-church, the slabs from which brass-plates have been torn off, still indicate the splendid character of some of these lost engravings, and the curiosity and simple elegance of others. Six of these stones were once enriched with brasses of abbots, and two others retain but a few fragments of similar memorials. Eight other stones once had crosses in brass, some of them of great beauty and interest. Many fine examples may, in like manner, be traced in almost every church : thus the stones have already been noticed, upon which formerly existed the brasses of six other knights in the cross-legged attitude; two in Suffolk, at Lether- ingham and Stoke by Nayland; one at Peterborough; one at Emneth in Norfolk; and two others in Cambridgeshire. In his valuable history of the abbey-church at Dorchester, in Oxford- shire, Mr. Addington has figured a slab now existing in that in- teresting edifice, from which a brass, unlike any specimen known to be in existence, has been torn off and abstracted : the casement b It has been remarked that in the that in more than one instance, a family earlier brasses of priests, the countenances likeness may be distinctly traced between bear so strong a general resemblance, that the different members of the same family ; they cannot possibly be regarded as por- in a series of their brasses ; and also that, traits, as we now understand that term. when a stranger became associated with Very possibly, brasses of ecclesiastics were such a family, his brass presents features kept ready engraved. It is no less certain of a character altogether dissimilar. 156 INCISED OR ENGRAVEN SLABS. yet remaining in the stone shews it to have originally represented; between four small crosses, a hand grasping a pastoral-staff, the hand itself appearing as if uplifted from the grave below c : this is the memorial of John de Sutton, abbot of Dorchester, who died A.D. 1349 d . Many other valuable examples might be adduced, did the claim of these monumental slabs to attentive observation appear to require any further support e . From these slabs originally prepared to receive in hollows sunk below their surfaces plates of metal, I naturally pass on to notice another and still more important species of monumental stones, the Incised or Engraven Slabs, which very frequently supplied the place of the flat tomb inlaid with metal, and which were not less varied or elaborate in their design than the brasses themselves . though from the nature of the material employed they have in most cases become defaced and unsightly, and consequently they hitherto have attracted comparatively but little either of attention or regard. The difference of material is, apparently, the sole real distinction between the two varieties of monumental memorials : the character of the incised slab being in every respect analogous to that of the engraved brass, and both probably having repeatedly been produced by the same artists. "In England incised slabs do not appear ever to have existed in great number, the prevalent fashion being to use the brass : speci- mens, however, are not deficient in this country, and it is probable that more careful research regarding this kind of monument, would shew the frequent use of such memorials in England, of a character not inferior to works of the kind on the continent. When placed, as was usually the case, so as to form a portion of the pavement of the church, the design on the incised slab quickly became effaced ; c See note (k) p. 160. A portion of a Richard Bewforreste, c. A.D. 1520. Here monumental slab, yet remaining in Romsey also is an incised slab, representing in full abbey-church, exhibits another example of vestments Roger, abbot of Dorchester, this same device of a hand and pastoral- c. A.D. 1510. staff, as the emblematical memorial of e Of course the matrices of these slabs some departed abbot. can be faithfully as well as easily copied In this same church there yet remains by the ordinary process of rubbing with an interesting brass of another abbot, heel-ball. INCISED OK, ENGRAVEN SLABS. 157 its original beauty being destroyed, the slab was often turned over, when a renewal of the pavement or other cause occurred for its being disturbed, and the reverse was dressed to form a part of the new laid floor : occasionally, however, these works occur in fair preservation, either from having been placed upon altar-tombs, or affixed to mural tablets'/' The material employed for these incised slabs was either Purbeck or forest marble, or any of the more durable kinds of marble in ordinary use, or sometimes common paving, or even sandstone; in some examples also the alabaster of Derbyshire is found to have been employed. The lines being boldly and deeply cut, were filled up with some hard black compound which, when the slab was placed upon an altar- tomb, was raised above the face of the stone, thus imparting to the lines the appearance of having been worked in relief. Coloured compositions of a like nature were introduced into the armorial accessories and decorations ; and also, when requisite, into the dia- pered back-grounds and other ornamental portions of the various compositions. Their similarity in all points to corresponding effigies, legends, and devices in brass, renders superfluous any detailed or lengthy description of these engravings, thus wrought upon the monu- mental slabs themselves : I shall therefore here merely notice some few of the more valuable or interesting specimens of incised slabs. It is necessary, however, to remark that here and there occurs an example which forms, though certainly the connection is but slight, a connecting link between the flat engraved slab and the effigy sculptured in full relief. Such are the figures for the greater part expressed by incised lines, but having some portions of the design, as the head, hands, weapon or pastoral-staff, &c, wrought in low relief: this relieved portion is sometimes worked from the solid slab, and sometimes produced by the insertion into matrices sunk in the slab, of suitable pieces of a different kind of stone. The head, hand and sword-hilt of the Brading slab appear to have been originally thus constructed : while of the former style of slabs, there remains at Bitton, near Bath, a most curious exam- 1 See Oxford Glossary, edition iv. vol. i. p. 207. 158 INCISED OR ENGRAVEN SLABS. pie, being the effigy of a knight, cross-legged, and having the head, arras, and shield, cut in low relief; the lower part of the figure, the surcoat, and the animal at the feet of the warrior, being ex- pressed by incised lines. The position of the shield is very un- usual, covering, as it does, the breast and body of the figure : it is unsupported by any guige g . This has been considered to be the memorial of Sir John de Bitton, who died A.D. 1227, the 12th of Henry III. : and to this early date, the long flowing surcoat, the total absence of plate defences, and the general treatment of the figure in connection with important documentary evidence, induce me to in- cline 11 . The memorial of another cross- legged knight, represented altogether by lines incised in a slab of sandstone, is pre- served in the church at Avenbury, in Here- fordshire. Here also the armour is wholly of mail, but the skirt of the haqueton ap- pears beneath the hauberk. The shield, suspended by a very narrow guige, covers the left arm ; the surcoat reaches no fur- ther than a little below the knees; and the gesture is that of the warrior who, at the close of the conflict, returns his sword to the scabbard. The date of this slab is probably about A.D. 1260, or some few years earlier. A third memorial of a knight in the cross-legged attitude, en- graved upon a slab of stone, has recently Incised Slab, Avenbury, Herefordshire, c. A.D. 1260 s This may be merely an omission of the artist. Such omissions are common in brasses, particularly in belts ; thus Sir Thomas Crewe, A.D. 1411, is represented in his fine brass at Wixford, Warwick- shire, without any sword-belt whatever, though armed at all points, and in every other respect fully accoutred. h It is a singular circumstance in the execution of this effigy, that the figure appears to have been drawn somewhat too large to be completely expressed upon the face of the slab ; and thus the right elbow, the outer portion of the left arm, parts of the surcoat, and of the animal at the base of the composition, are engraved on the sides of the stone. d 1227 12° man. 111. J R Joblisis. Feci!- §11 JdDH^ ©E BITTdD^ Bitton Church Somersetshire. I Incised Slah. ) INCISED OK ENGRAVEN SLABS. l.V.i been discovered in the church of St. Bride's, Gla- morganshire : it is the memorial of Sir John de Botiler, and may be as- signed to about A.D. 1285. There is no indication in this effigv of the connec- tion of the hauberk and mail chausses. The ar- rangement of the surcoat about the shoulders, and the wavy ridge upon the blade of the drawn and uplifted sword, are very singular. The shield is charged with three covered cups, the heraldic bearing of Botiler or Butler ; and the same charge is twice repeated upon a small Cer- veliere, or scull-cap of plate, worn over the coif of mail. The spurs have rowels *. Other early and in- teresting slabs exist in the cathedral at Wells, to the memory of Bishop William de Byttone, or Bitton, A.D. 1274, a kins- man of the Bitton knight : at Morthoe, Devonshire, A.D. 1322, to William Tracey, rector of that place : to Adam de Framp- IVA Y, rti.1 y _. ,- . i Slab of Sir John de Botiler, c, A.D.U'bo. 1 For the accompanying admirable figure of this slab I am again indebted to the Committee of the Archaeological Institute. 160 INCISED 0E ENGEAVEN SLABS. ton, who died A.D. 1325, and Sybilla his widow, at Wyberton, Lincolnshire : to de Baldock and Agnes his wife, about A.D. 1365, at Tempsford, Beds. k : to William Villers, who died A.D. 1370, and his two wives, Johanna and Agnes, who severally deceased A.D. 1350 and 1400, at Brooksley, Leicestershire : to Sir John de Wydeville, the father of the queen of Edward IV., at Grafton Regis in Northamptonshire, who died A.D. 1392 ; this effigy is remarkable for being armed in plate, with taces beneath which appears a skirt of mail formed at its border to resemble the tuilles of a later period, of which it may perhaps be regarded as the prototype; a gorget or hausse-col of plate covers the upper part of the camail of the bascinet; and the head rests upon the tilting-helm 1 . At Newbold-on-Avon, Warwickshire, is the slab of Geoffrey Allesley, A.D. 1401, and his wife Alianore : at Mal- vesin Ridware, Staffordshire, is another fine slab to the memory of Sir Robert de Malvesyn, who fell at the battle of Shrewsbury, A.D. ]403. Another, and that a very richly ornamented and curious slab, lies in the chancel of Brading church in the Isle of Wight, to the memory of Sir John Cherowin, or Curwen, A.D. 1441, constable of Porchester castle : this elaborate work appears to have been designed by a Flemish artist; the canopy comprises a series of figures in niches, and rich tabernacle-work; the principal effigy is armed in plate with a gor- get of mail ; and a skirt or fringe of mail appears beneath the lowermost tace, from the centre of which also depends a single tuille; pauldrons de- fend the shoulders ; the spurs are of extravagant length; the sword is girded in front of the wearer JJL^aspurofsir John Cherowin, Brading. k This slab represents a civilian and lady which the slabs of altar-tombs were fre- in the usual costume of the period assigned quently appropriated. It is very probable to them in the text; and portions of a that the brass-despoiled slab of Abbot John legend in Longobardic character still re- de Sutton, now lying in the pavement at main at the verge. It is a singular circum- Dorchester abbey-church, (see p. 156,) stance that five small crosses, one in the originally was placed upon an altar-toml), centre, and one near each angle, appear and used for a like purpose, upon the engraved face of this slab : these ' This slab, from the style of the armour, probably indicate the slab to have been, at may with greater accuracy be ascribed to a some period subsequent to its being en- period fifteen years subsequent to the death graved, consecrated as a credence, a use to of Sir John de Wydeville. INCISED OR ENGRAVEN SLABS. 1G1 after a very unusual fashion ; and the head is unhelmed m . In the undercroft of the lady-chapel at Hereford cathedral, another in- teresting slab commemorates Andrew Jones, A.D. 1497, and Eliza- beth his wife, by whose pious exertions the building in which they are interred was restored. Again, at Darley in Derbyshire are no less than five incised slabs, of which two still continue in excellent preservation, and may be reckoned amongst the finest examples known to be yet remaining : they were laid down to the memory of two members of the old and distinguished family of Rollisley or Rowley, and their respective dates are A.D. 1513, and 1535. In the church at Selby, Yorkshire, are the incised slabs of Abbot Laurence, A.D. 1486, and Abbot John Barwicus, A.D. 1526. In our own abbey-church is the large, and though worn, still splendid marble of Abbot Ramryge, A.D. 1524. And in the neighbouring church of North Mimms, upon an altar-tomb, a slab of alabaster displays the engraven effigy of a lady, wearing an ample ruff, and otherwise attired in accordance with the fashion of the year 1584 : this example retains the black composition with which its incised lines were filled in, in almost as perfect a state as when the work at first was executed n . At Watton also is preserved another slab of alabaster, upon which have been incised the effigies of John Butler and his two wives, Elizabeth and Constance ; and here the lines of the engraving are similarly filled in. As a companion to the noble series of brasses at Cobham, in the very curious chapel at Malvesyn Ridware is preserved a collection of incised slabs, ranging from the time of Henry IV. till the mid- dle of the seventeenth century; and then again continued at a more recent period, by the addition of a considerable number of alabaster slabs arranged round the walls of the building. Representations occur in medieval MSS. of the artificers occu- pied in the process of fabricating such incised slabs of stone. The accompanying engraving has been drawn from an illumination of m This fine and valuable slab is figured parts of the effigy, which originally were by Mr. Waller in the first annual volume worked in low relief. of the Archaeological Association. I have n It is not certain whose effigy this may previously noticed (p. 157) the insertion be; possibly it is that of Margaret Beres- of portions of a different stone in some forde. 162 INCISED OR ENGRAVEN SLABS. Workmen making incised Monumental Slabs. this kind : it affords a curious illustration of the costume and habits of the period. One of the slabs represented bears the date A.D. 1316.° Notwithstanding the ravages made in modern times upon the con- tinent, from which but few monumental brasses have escaped, many- valuable examples of incised slabs yet remain ; and this is particu- larly the case in France, where not a single brass can at this day be pointed out. At Paris, Rouen, and in several of the cathedrals of France, and particularly in Normandy, some incised slabs of beau- tiful character, and in fair preservation, may still be found. Of these none is more beautiful as well as interesting, than the memorial in the church of St. Ouen at Rouen, of the two architects engaged upon the earlier and later portions of that splendid structure : the latter architect, Alexander de Berneval, also architect to Henry V. of England, died A.D. 1440. Depicted as placed in a double niche surmounted by a rich canopy, the two effigies stand side by side, habited in long loose tunics with full sleeves, and they respectively hold in their hands a mold for window tracery, and a ground-plan and compasses. In both of these effigies appears the cap with long depending scarf, placed upon the shoulder, precisely resembling the This design is taken from Addit. MSS. British Museum, 10. 292. f. 55. v°. The engraving originally appeared in the Archieological Journal, vol. i. p. 301. C A I ' 144 18° 6 I'll V VI I I ' ; ©FTEJR . • IE OIF ST QJJE1 . H 1 in- is< d Slab . Iii i an ''-'i L erL. mopiei ted INCISED OR ENGRAVEN SLABS. 168 similar appendage to the costume of the notary before described p. In Rouen cathedral is the slab of Etienne de Sens, archdeacon of Eouen, A.D. 1282. Other examples of dates as early as A.D. 1303, 1326, 1350, are at Dijon and Paris q : and at St. Denis, the slabs of two abbots, Adam and Peter, though not coeval with their decease, bear the early date of A.D. 1260. The slab of Nicholas, abbot of St. Ouen, at Rouen, about A.D. 1325, is another noble specimen. And again, considerably later, A.D. 1535, at Bocherville near Rouen, is another truly splendid incised slab of black marble, into which portions of white marble are inserted, to exhibit the head and hands of the figure, together with the crook of the pastoral-staff, and the roundels at the angles of the composition : this is the memorial of an abbot of St. George de Bocherville. This custom of inserting portions of stone of a colour and quality different from the re- mainder of the slab, and sometimes even of metal, appears to have prevailed no less in the incised slabs constructed in this country, than in those of the continent 1 . Besides these and other still existing foreign examples, in the Bodleian Library at Oxford is preserved a very extensive and valu- able collection of drawings of engraved tombs of both metal and stone, which have now been destroyed in France. These drawings, executed about A.D. 1700, form a portion of Gough J s collections: among them one represents the incised slab of Robert III., Comte de Dreux, who died A.D. 1223, and which formerly was laid down in the choir of the church of St. Yvod de Braine. This curious engraving bore the name of the artist by whom it was executed, as p Seep. 112. i The slab of a late canon of Poictiers and chancellor of Noyon, now at the Palais des beaux arts, Paris, is a truly magnificent specimen of this species of ecclesiastical memorial. The chesuble of this dignitary is embroidered through- out; the devices which appear most con- spicuously in the embroidery being lions, flowers, mermaids, and the cock of France. r To my friend Mr. J. A. Brandon, I am indebted for the sketch, from which the an- nexed engraving has been made ; it repre- sents a fragment of the monumental incised slab of a priest, in the church of Petit Andelys, dep. de l'Eure. Fragment of Incised Slab of Priest, church of Petit Andelys, Prance. 164 INCISED OR ENGRAVEN SLABS. appears from the legend " Letarous me fecit." In like manner, the brass of Bishop Philip, A.D. 1241, which once existed at Eureux, had the words " Guillaume de Plalli me fecit." I may here observe that, besides the few examples which I have already stated to remain in Flanders, and Aix-la-Chapelle, monu- mental brasses now form a class of memorials almost exclusively restricted to our own country. Denmark is said to contain some specimens : but these appear for the most part to have portions of the figure executed in very low relief, while the remainder, and that by far the greater portion of the work, is expressed by simple lines incised upon a flat surface. In Germany a great number of tombs formed of metal exist, which are throughout wrought in very low relief: these, with the Danish plates, form the two subdivisions of an intermediate class of monumental memorials, between the brass or slab and the sculptured effigy 3 . The attention at the present time bestowed in this country upon the brasses which com- memorate our forefathers, has naturally led to the partial revival of the long neglected art of brass engraving : several of these monu- mental plates have already been executed, and laid down in the churches where the persons thus commemorated were respectively interred. From the skill evinced in the execution of some of these brasses, considered in connection with their intrinsic superiority to every other class of monument, it may reasonably be inferred that no long period will elapse before the adoption of monumental brasses again becomes general amongst us *. Compartment of Canopy, Delamere brass, St. Alban"s. * Meissen cathedral is said to contain some brasses, properly so called : one may be seen in Spain, at Seville : the brass at Constance has been already fully described: and to these may be added a few other specimens at Funchal in Madeira, two at Dublin, and one at Glasgow. See also Appendix (B). ' See Appendix (D). RUBBINGS OF BRASSES. 165 Various methods have been devised for obtaining fac-simile im- pressions of brasses and other incised works of art. The first col- lection of these impressions, now in the British Museum, was made by Craven Ord, about the year 1780, when Gough was engaged in preparing his great work on sepulchral monuments. This primi- tive collection u was formed by filling the incised lines of the plates with printing ink, which was from them transferred by means of pressure to large sheets of paper previously damped. The impres- sions thus obtained were necessarily reversed": and besides this serious fault, this process is further liable to many objections. It was, however, soon discovered "that if paper of a moderate thick- ness were laid upon the brass, and any black substance rubbed over the surface of the paper, the incised lines would be left white, in consequence of the paper sinking into them, and offering no resistance to the rubber, whilst all the other parts received from that substance a dark tint : and although the effect of the ordinary impression is by this process reversed, the lines which should be black being left white, and the light ground of the design rendered dark, yet a perfectly distinct fac-simile is thus obtained with little labour, and great precision, in consequence of the progress of the work being visible throughout the operation v." Of all substances available for the execution of this process, (and it may be effected by any substance which by friction will discolour the paper,) none is to be compared with the preparation known as Heel-Ball, a compound of bees-wax and tallow with lamp-black, which is used by all shoemakers, and may be made of any desired consistence z . n Craven Ord was assisted by Sir John J See Mr. Albert Way's excellent paper Cullum and the Rev. Thomas Cole, in upon brasses in the Archaeological Journal, forming his collection, which now is of vol. i. p. 204. especial value in consequence of the de- * I cannot refrain from here animadvert- struction of many fine examples since his ing upon a system, prevalent in some time : this interesting series was purchased places where the churches contain fine at the death of Craven Ord in 1830, by the or curious examples of brasses, by which late Francis Douce, Esq., for £4:3, and by impressions, or rather rubbings of these himwasbequeathedtothe British Museum, memorials, are made regular articles of a where it was deposited in 1834. most exclusive kind of traffic. It may be, x Many of Gough' s engravings, having indeed, a great convenience to be enabled been drawn from these reversed " black- to procure from duly authorized and quali- ings," as they termed them, exhibit the effi- fied persons, rubbings of distant or very gies in reverse. elaborate brasses : still, such a demand 166 RUBBINGS OF BRASSES. This admirable material will, with the greatest facility, produce a fac-simile, which may be worked to any depth of colour, from a grey tint to a glossy black of the deepest shade : and it besides possesses the invaluable qualification of such decided permanence, as to be affected by no subsequent friction. Proficiency in the manipulation of heel-ball may speedily be acquired: it will be found desirable to continue the rubbing until there cease to be any distinct marks of the heel-ball, and the work presents an uni- formly smooth appearance. The most desirable colour is a deep grey, which can be obtained without obliterating any one of the finest lines of the composition, and at the same time produces the most agreeable effect. Of course it is indispensably necessary that the paper should not slip, or move in the slightest degree upon the brass: this may effectually be prevented by unrolling the paper over but a small part of the brass at one time, and keeping the spread-out portion steady by means of a few flat lead weights. The outline may be marked out by pressing the thumb upon the paper: and the left hand may be employed to guard the margin from being soiled by the rubber a . It is also an important preliminary to press the thumb or fingers upon the broader and bolder lines of the engraving, in order to cause the paper to sink slightly into these lines, and that thus they may be the less exposed to the action of the rubber; and, from being seen through the paper, their perfect whiteness may be the more effectually secured. Imperfections in the rubbing may be subsequently corrected : after surely might be met, without giving to be used for this purpose : or the rubbing these persons a species of control over the may be made without regard to the outline, brasses, to the exclusion of all others, who and subsequently cut out and mounted. In may not choose to pay some exorbitant fee using the heel-ball, the paper should be for their permission to make rubbings for rubbed in the same direction as that taken themselves. And the rubbings thus made by the main lines in the part under mani- for sale, — might not some place be found in pulation. In subsequent corrections of which their imperfections could be corrected, rubbings, any superfluous black may be without a systematic desecration of removed by the pen-knife : and the imper- the church for that purpose ? fections in the original may be remedied by To the almost universal courtesy and small pieces of heel-ball, or by lithographic kindness of the clergymen in those parishes, chalk, or by lamp-black mixed with gum- where brasses yet remain in the churches, water and laid on with a brush. A leaf of I gladly as well as gratefully bear testi- a dining-table reversed will be found an mony. admirable board for rubbing on, during the * Pieces of card or the lead weights may process of correction. RUBBINGS OF BRASSES. 1G7 which the paper should be mounted upon linen, and attached to a roller b . In place of heel-ball, a piece of leather of the same kind as the upper leather of a boot or shoe, will sometimes be found a valuable substitute : this is particularly the case where expedition, combined with careful accuracy in the expression of the minutest details, are required : these rubbings, however, though most excellent for the purpose of drawing from, will not stand j and indeed are from the very first but faint, and to a certain degree dim and unsatisfactory. Another process, still more advantageous where the sole object is to obtain a fac-simile for the use of the artist, without any reference to a collection of rubbings, is effected by means of rubbers of wash- leather, stiffened with paper, and primed with a thin paste formed of very fine black lead in powder mixed with the best linseed oil : tissue-paper of somewhat stronger substance than is commonly used, answers best for making rubbings by this method ; and this, like other qualities of paper, may be obtained of any size. I must repeat that where the sole object is to obtain an impression from a brass or other incised work, any material which may be at hand will be found available, as a lead pencil, a glove, or the bare hand; the latter, more particularly, if not at the time in the most delicate state of neatness c . Besides the heel-ball rubbings, a second process available for col- lections has been introduced by Mr. Richardson of Greenwich: this consists of a "Metallic Rubber" to be used upon a black paper, which thus produces impressions in fac-simile of the brass-plate itself, as well as of the design engraven upon its surface. These rubbings are cut out and mounted upon a stout grey paper, thus producing the complete effect of the original brass and its monu- mental slab. The process of manipulation with the metallic rubber b For the readiest means of procuring effected, the omission of certain details paper, rubbers, &c, see Appendix (E). becomes of comparatively trivial import- c In taking rubbings, it is always im- ance. In rubbing shields of arms which are portant to mark out any portions of the designed to be subsequently emblazoned in work which may have become mutilated, colours, a lead pencil or plummet of lead or may be lost; as thus alone the general maybe used with advantage; it being thus character of the complete original compo- easy to clean the paper as far as may be sition can be preserved. And this being required with Indian rubber. 168 MONUMENTAL BKASSES AND SLABS. is most effective, when rubbed across the paper : it requires a con- siderable exertion of strength, as "well as some dexterity, in order to produce an even and perfectly metallic surface, and at the same time to leave the lines of the engraving distinctly and purely black. In cutting out these rubbings, care must be taken always to leave at the edge of every portion of the work, a very narrow border of the black paper, as an outline from which the several lines of the engraved composition may be traced d . The effect of rubbings thus produced is greatly heightened by the introduction of colour into the various heraldic devices, which may form component parts of any brass. And indeed, a similar treatment of the heraldic acces- sories may be very satisfactorily adopted in heel-ball rubbings. Border, Delamere trass, St Albans. JJ " It is one of the most striking features of the human mind, observes Mr. Stothard in the Prefatory Notes to his admirable work on the Monumental Effigies of Great Britain, "that it invariably embodies and gives form to description, more or less strong and perfect, as the mind is gifted and cultivated : and it is from this property in man, that the study of antiquity, as con- nected with, and illustrative of history, is the source of some of the greatest intellectual pleasures we are capable of enjoying. By these means we live in other ages than our own, and become nearly as well acquainted with them. In some measure we arrest the fleeting steps of time, and again review those things his arm has passed over, and subdued, but not destroyed. The researches of the antiquary are worthless, if they do not impart to us this power, or give us other advantages : it is not to admire anything for its d Glue will be found preferable to paste solved over a fire. Care must be takeu to for mounting : a serviceable composition lay but a thin coating of this upon the back consists of half a pound of common glue of the rubbing, and also to keep it liquid soaked for twelve hours in a quart of hot till the rubbing be placed upon the mount- water, to which a dessert spoon full of ing-paper. See Mr. Richardson's adver- treacle is then added, and the whole dis- tisement appended to this volume. CONCLUDING REMARKS. 169 age or rust, that constitutes the interest of the object, but, as it is conducive to our knowledge, the enlargement of human intellect and general improvement. Among the various antiquities which England possesses, there are none so immediately illustrative of our history, as its national monuments, which abound in our cathe- drals and churches. Considered with an attention to all they are capable of embracing, there is no subject can furnish more various or original information." In concluding this notice of one of these, our " national monu- ments 6 ," I cannot refrain from pressing the search after this " information," not upon archaeologists alone, but upon every one who would desire to attain to a thorough acquaintance with history. Or rather, assuming, as I am persuaded I justly may assume, that archaeology is to history herself as a twin-sister, by the influence of whose faculty of graphic elucidation the written records of the past can alone be faithfully realized to the mind, — in now advoca- ting research into the subject of monumental effigy, to students of archaeology I would in some respect restrict my appeal, because an accomplished historian I cannot but identify with a sound archaeologist. And in conducting this research, it always is de- sirable, and indeed important, to associate the sculptured effigy with the engraven brass f . The study of our "national monu- ments," and the " information" resulting from that study, can then only be complete when carried out in all its branches. True, the once gorgeous marble may now at first sight, but too often, appear but little better than a mis-shapen mass of those modern barba- risms, house-paint, whitewash and plaster: but by trouble, and care, and labour, it may be disencumbered of these cases, and the beauty of the original, if not restored, may at least be distinguished. And this is a result well worthy of the trouble, and care, and labour incurred in bringing it about : for, the brass and the effigy, with but comparatively very few exceptions, " present the only existing e I have already remarked, p. 164, that, strong claim upon us, for attentive obser- so few are the examples now remaining in vation and diligent research, other countries, that brasses constitute a ' The author has in preparation a notice species of monumental memorial almost of sculptured Monumental Effigies, de- exclusively English ; and consequently signed to form a companion to the present they appear to have naturally a peculiarly volume. 170 MONUMENTAL BRASSES AND SLABS. portraits we possess, of our kings, our princes, and the heroes of ages famed for chivalry and arms •" and, with them, of other wor- thies no less distinguished in more peaceful callings. Thus con- sidered, these memorials become indeed " extremely valuable, and furnish us not only with well-defined ideas of celebrated person- ages, but make us acquainted with the customs and habits of their time. To history they give a body and a substance, by placing before us those things which language is deficient in describing." To the importance of such a pursuit, as the almost alone faith- ful illustrator of history, the great necromancer of chivalry himself bears undeniable witness : for, had he been a rubber of brasses and a studier of effigies, would Sir Walter Scott have armed his Ivan- hoe in a fashion, not known for more than two centuries after the victor at Ashby-de-la-Zouch had left to other lords the fair domains of Rotherwood ? Convinced, therefore, of the manifold advantages to be deduced from the study of monumental brasses, (to revert once more exclu- sively to this class of memorials,) and also practically conscious as I am of the progressive and deepening interest which accompanies that study, it is with sincere gratification that from the St. Alban's Architectural Society, and the many other similar Societies which now appear springing up on every side into vigorous exist- ence, I anticipate the continual accession of fresh strength to the already numerous ranks of the brass-rubbing fraternity; that term of course, including the no less skilful and enthusiastic, than fair sisters of the craft. I speak of Brass Rubbers the more particu- larly, because it may be taken as an axiom in this, as indeed in every pursuit directly connected with the professed objects of these Societies, that practice is everything. What Mr. Paley remarks of moldings, in his admirable essay on those most important archi- tectural members, is true of the entire study, of the length and breadth of archaeology. "The student," says Mr. Paley, "must not only observe; he must copy moldings, in order to understand them. Without the latter, his knowledge can never be otherwise than vague, partial, and imperfect : " — a passage which we now may thus render, — It will be of but little use to look at brasses, if you do not rub them. It is the rubbing brasses which leads to the CONCLUDING REMARKS. 171 understanding them. Without this, at best vague, partial, and imperfect must be our knowledge of the incised monumental memorials of the middle ages. At the same time, however, that I would insist upon the neces- sity of a strictly practical study of monumental art, as the most luminous and unerring of the illustrators of history, let me not be supposed unmindful of those more elevated and awe-inspiring asso- ciations which, in every rightly constituted mind, must, as I con- sider, be inseparably connected with thoughtful reflection upon the memorials of the dead. The roofs are hallowed which shelter those memorials, and the ground on which we tread when in search for them, is holy ground. Let nothing tempt us for a single moment to forget the reverence due to scenes and localities such as these. And, yet more, while seeking to augment our stores of information upon subjects, becoming indeed and most valuable, but which the very authorities we study proclaim to be changeable and evan- escent, — may we ever bear in mind that our monuments, and they too mouldering and ruinous, possibly may afford subjects of re- search and also of admonition to distant generations: the su- preme importance of erecting, if by any means we may be enabled to erect in other regions an imperishable memorial, thus will be impressed upon the mind; and that not the less convincingly, because in the already time-worn monuments at our feet, we recognise at once the origin of such a train of thoiight, and its most powerful corroboration. . nt • a p p e n 1 jc< / CIVILIAN. Compartment of Brass of Robert Braunche, Lynn Regis, A D. 1364 6J!l)«BBj»te 3S£E= Part of Canopy of Dr. John Blodwell APPENDIX (A). FF^ Balsham Church. Cambridge- shire, A D. 1465. & GDlassifiefc Hist of some fine examples of brasses, c&ronoIogicaUg arranged. A. D. 1315. / 1397. 1417. 1611. c. 1360. 1375. / 1478. 1496. 1554. I. BRASSES OF ECCLESIASTICS. (1.) ECCLESIASTICS IN EPISCOPAL VESTMENTS. Archbishop Grenfeld, York cathedral. Archbishop Waldeby, Westminster abbey. Archbishop Cranley, New college, Oxford. Archbishop Harsenett, (with a cope,) Chigwell, Essex. Bishop Trellick, Hereford cathedral. Bishop Wyvill, Salisbury cathedral. Bishop Boothe, East Horsley, Surrey. Bishop Bell, Carlisle cathedral. Bishop Goodrich, Ely cathedral. 176 APPENDIX (a). A. D. c. 1375. Abbot Delamere, St. Alban's abbey church. v 1498. Abbot Esteney, Westminster abbey. (2.) ECCLESIASTICS VESTED IN THE CHESUBLE, &C. c. 1310 De Bacon, Oulton, Suffolk. ■ c. 1330. John de Grofhurst, Horsemonden, Kent. 1337. Lawrence Seymour, Higham Ferrers, Northants. c. 1370. A priest, (unknown,) Shottesbroke, Berks. c. 1375. Esmond de Burnedish, Brandish, Suffolk. 1389. Richard Thasburg, Hellesdon, Norfolk. 1404. John Hunter, Clothall, Herts. 1407. A priest, (unknown,) West Wickham, Kent. 1410. John Balsham, Blissland, Cornwall, c. 1430. A priest, (unknown,) Monkton, Kent. 1432. William Byschopton, Great Bromley, Essex. 1487. Roger Clerk, St. Peter's, Southgate, Norwich. (3.) ECCLESIASTICS WITH A CHALICE. c. 1360. A priest, (unknown,) Wensley, Yorkshire, c. 1360. A priest, (unknown,) North Mimms, Herts, c. 1400. A priest, (unknown,) Standford, Notts. 1429. John Yslington, Cley, Norfolk. c. 1425. A priest, (unknown,) Brightwell, Berks, c. 1465. A priest, (unknown,) Broxbourne, Herts. 1478. Ralph Parsons, Cirencester, Gloucestershire. 1498. Henry Denton, Higham Ferrers, Northants. 1527. William Richardson, Sawston, Cambridge. 1535. Thomas Westley, Wivenhoe, Essex. (4.) ECCLESIASTICS VESTED IN THE COPE, &C c 1370. William de Fulbourn, Fulbourn, Cambridge. 1383. John de Campden, St. Cross, Winchester. CLASSIFIED LIST OP FINE BEASSES. 177 A. D. c. 1400. A priest, (unknown,) Hitchin, Herts. 1401. William Ermyn, Castle Ashby, Northants. 1401. John de Sleford, Balshara, Cambridge. 1403. Richard Malford, New college, Oxford. 1404. Henry de Codyngtown, Bottesford, Leicester. 1411. Thomas Pattesle, Great Shelford, Camb. 1413. William Langton, (kneeling,) Exeter cathedral. 1420. John Mapleton, Broadwater, Sussex. 1424. Thomas Harlyng, Pulborough, Sussex. 1425. John Mersden, Thurcaston, Leicester. 1428. William Mowbray, Upwell, Norfolk. 1436. William Prestwick, Warbleton, Sussex. 1465. John Blodwell, Balsham, Cambridge. 1471. Henry Sever, Merton college, Oxford. 1472. Thomas Tonge, Beeford, York. c. 1500. A priest, (unknown,) Winchester college chapel, Hants. 1517. Walter Hewke, Caius college, Cambridge. 1521. Christopher Urswick, Hackney, Middlesex. (5.) ECCLESIASTICS IN CANONICAL AND ACADEMIC HABIT. 1361. Archdeacon William de Rothewelle, Rothwell, Northants. 1427. John Lowthe, New college, Oxford. 1 433. Thomas Nelond, prior of Lewes, Cowfold, Sussex. 1437. Galfridus Langley, prior of Horsham, St. Lawrence, Nor- wich. 1441. Dr. William Hautryne, New college, Oxon. 1442. Dr. Richard Billingford, (kneeling,) St. Benet's, Cambridge. 1447. Geoffrey Hargreve, New college, Oxon. 1468. Thomas Hylle, New college, Oxon. c. 1480. John Darley, Heme, Kent. 1494. Thomas Butler, Great Haseley, Oxon. 1515. John Stodely, Over Winchendon, Bucks. c. 1520. Abbot Bewforreste, Dorchester, Oxon. 1528. Provost Hacumblene, King's college, Cambridge. 1534. Thomas Leman, (kneeling,) Southacre, Norfolk. a a 178 APPENDIX (a). A. D. 1558. Arthur Cole, canon of Windsor, Magdalen college, Oxon. 1578. Bishop Edmund Geste, Salisbury cathedral. 1615. John Wythines, dean of Battle, Battle, Sussex. (6.) ECCLESIASTICS SHEWING THE ADJUSTMENT OF THE STOLE. c. 1430. John West, chaplain, Sudborough, Northants. c. 1435. A priest, (unknown and slightly mutilated,) Horsham, Sussex. II. BRASSES OF KNIGHTS AND OTHERS IN ARMOUR. (1.) KNIGHTS IN MAIL-ARMOUR WITH GENOUILLIERES OF PLATE. 1277. Sir John d'Aubernoun, Stoke D'Aubernoun, Surrey. r 1289. Sir Roger de Trumpington, Trumpington, Cambridge. 1302. Sir Robert de Bures, Acton, Suffolk. 1306. Sir Robert de Septvans, Chartham, Kent. (2.) KNIGHTS IN MIXED MAIL AND PLATE ARMOUR. c. 1320. Sir . . . . de Fitzralph, Pebmarsh, Essex, c. 1320. Sir . . . . de Bacon, Gorleston, Suffolk. 1325. Sir John de Northewode, Minster, Kent. 1325. Sir John de Creke, Westley Waterless, Camb. 1327. Sir John d'Aubernoun II., Stoke D'Aubernoun, Surrey. 1345. Knight, (with cross, mutilated,) Wimbish, Essex. c. 1347. Sir Hugh Hastings, Elsyng, Norfolk. (3.) KNIGHTS OP THE CAMAIL PERIOD OF ARMOUR. 1354. Sir John de Cobham, Cobham, Kent a . 1361. Sir John de Paletoot, Watton, Herts. a This brass forms a part of the series of by none in interest and value. There is noble plates yet remaining at Cobham ; not perhaps a finer brass in existence than they comprise in all seventeen specimens, the memorial of Sir Nicholas Hauberk, and of these a large portion are surpassed A.D. 1407. A D 14 7 J R Johbirut . Fecit SIffi nich©ilas maw: Cot ham Church Kent . ( Canopy &c omitted ) CLASSIFIED LIST OF FINE BRASSES. 179 a. v. 1367. Sir Thomas de Cobham, Cobham, Kent. 1368. Sir Thomas Cheyne, Dray ton Beauchamp, Bucks. r 1370. Sir Ralph de Knevynton, Aveley, Essex. c. 1370. Sir John Foxley, Bray, Berks. c. 1375. Sir John de Cobham, Cobham, Kent. c. 1375. Sir ... . D'Argentine, Horseheath, Camb. c. 1375. Sir William Cheyne, Drayton Beauchamp, Bucks. c. 1380. Sir Roger de Felbrigge, Felbrigg, Norfolk. 1382. Sir Thomas Burton, Little Casterton, Rutland. 1382. Nicholas, Lord Burnell, Acton Burnel, Salop. 1384. Sir John Harsick, Southacre, Norfolk. c. 1385. Sir .... de Mauleverer, Allerton Mauleverer, York, c. 1385. A knight, (unknown,) St. Michael's, St. Alban's. 1387. Sir Robert de Grey, Rotherfield Greys, Oxon. 1390. Sir Andrew Louttrell, Iruham, Lincolnshire . 1390. Sir John de Wingfield, Letheriugham, Suffolk. 1391. Sir Robert Swynborne, Little Horkesley, Essex. 1392. Thomas, Lord Berkeley, Wottou-under-Edge, Gloucester. 1400. Sir George Felbrigge, Playford, Suffolk. c. 1440. Sir .... Harflete, Chartham, Kent. c. 1400. Robert Albyn, Hemel Hempsted, Herts. 1401. Sir Nicholas Dagworth, Blickling, Norfolk. 1401. Thomas, earl of Warwick, St. Mary's, Warwick. 1402. Sir William de Fiennes, Hurstmonceaux, Sussex. 1404. A Knight, (unknown,) Sawtry, Hunts. 1405. Sir Reginald Braybrook, Cobham, Kent. 1407. Sir William Bagot, Baginton, Warwick. 1407. Sir Nicholas Hawberk, Cobham, Kent. 1407. Robert, Lord Ferrers of Chartley, Merivale abbey, Warwick. 1408. Sir William Tendering, Stoke-by-Nayland, Suffolk. 1409. Sir William Burgate, Burgate, Suffolk. (4.) KNIGHTS IN CAMAIL AND TACES. 1401. Sir Thomas Braunstone, Wisbeach, Cambridge. 1403. Sir Reginald de Cobham, Lingfield, Surrey. 1425. Robert Hay ton, Esq., Theddlethorpe, Lincoln. 1^0 APPENDIX (a). (5.) KNIGHTS IN COMPLETE PLATE-ARMOUR, WITH TACES. (LANCASTRIAN PERIOD.) A. 11. 1407. Sir John Lysle, Thornton, Hunts. c. 1410. Sir John Wilcote, Tew, Oxon. 141 1 . Sir Thomas Crewe, Wixford, Warwick. 1412. Sir Thomas Swynborne, Little Horkesley, Essex. / 1413. Sir Simon Felbrigge, Felbrigg, Norfolk. 1414. Sir Geoffrey de Fransham, Great Fransham, Norfolk. 1415. Sir Thomas Peryent, Digswell, Herts. 1420. Sir William Calthorpe, Burnham Thorpe, Norfolk. /c. 1420. Sir Peter Halle, Heme, Kent. , 1423. Sir Ralph Shelton, Great Snoring, Norfolk. 1424. Thomas, Lord Camoys, Trotton, Sussex. 1425. Sir Baldwin Seyntgeorge, Hatley St. George, Camb. 1426. Sir John de Brewys, Wiston, Sussex. 1426. Sir Thomas L'Estrange, Wellsbourn, Warwick. 1426. Sir John Brooke, Easton, Suffolk. 1430. Sir Thomas Bromflete, Wymington, Beds. 1433. Sir John Leventhorpe, Sawbridgeworth, Herts. v 1434. Sir Lawrence Fynton, Sunning, Berks. c. 1435. Sir Thomas Wideville, Bromham, Beds. 1438. Sir Richard Dyxton, Cirencester, Gloucester. 1441. Sir Hugh Halsham, West Grinstead, Sussex. 1444. Sir Nicholas Manston, St. Lawrence, Kent. 1445. John Daundelyon, Margate, Kent. 1450. Walter Greene, Hayes, Middlesex. c. 1450. Sir John Peryent II., Digswell, Herts. 1457. Sir John de Harpedon, Westminster abbey. (6.) KNIGHTS WEARING A TABARD OF ARMS. 1424. John Waltele, Esq., Amberley, Sussex. 1444. Sir William Fynderne, Childrey, Berks. c. 1450. Humphrey Oker, Esq., Oakover, Stafford. CLASSIFIED LIST OF FINE BllASSES. 181 A. D. 1473. Sir John Say, Broxbourne, Herts. 1477. John Feld, Esq., Standon, Herts. 1492. Piers Gerard, Esq., Winwick, Lancashire. 1501. Robert Baynard, Esq., Lacock, Wilts. 1506. Sir Roger L'Estrange, Hunstanton, Norfolk. 1526. John Shelley, Esq., Clapham, Sussex. c. 1 546. Sir Ralph Verney, Aldbury, Herts. (7.) KNIGHTS IN COMPLETE PLATE-ARMOUR, WITH LARGE TUILLES AND COUDIERES, PAULDRONS, &C. (YORKIST PERIOD.) 1451. John Bernard, Esq., Islesham, Cambridgeshire. 1459. Sir Thomas de Shernbourn, Shernborne, Norfolk. c. 1460. Henry Parice, Esq., Hildersham, Camb. 1462. Sir Thomas Greene, Green's Norton, Northants. 1467. Sir William Vernon, Tong, Salop. 1471. John Goston, Swinbroke, Oxon. 1475. Robert Colte, Esq., Roydon, Essex. 1480. Sir Anthony de Grey, St. Alban's abbey church. 1480. John, Lord Strange, Hyllingdon, Middlesex. 1483. Henry Bourchier, earl of Essex, Little Easton, Essex. 1484. Sir Thomas Peyton, Islesham, Camb. 1492. Sir Henry Grey, Ketteringham, Norfolk. (8.) KNIGHTS IN ARMOUR OF THE 16TH CENTURY. 1505. Sir Humphrey Stanley, Westminster abbey. 1507. William, Lord Beaumont, Wivenhoe, Essex. 1511. Richard Gill, Esq., Shottesbroke, Berks. 1529. Sir Robert Clere, Ormesby, Norfolk. 1531. Sir John Horsey, Yetminster, Dorset. 1546. Sir John Greville, Weston, Warwickshire. 1548. Sir William Molineux, Sefton, Lancashire. 1559. Sir Edward Greville, Weston, Warwick. 1593. Humphrey Brewster, Esq., Wrentham, Suffolk. 1594. John Clippesby, Esq., Clippesby, Norfolk. 182 APPENDIX (a). III. BRASSES OF LADIES. c. 1310. Margaret, Lady Camoys, Trotton, Sussex. 1320. Joan, Lady Cobham, Cobham, Kent. / 1325. Lady de North ewode, Minster, Kent. 1325. Lady de Creke, Westley Waterless, Camb. 1345. Lady, (with cross, mutilated,) Wirnbish, Essex. 1349. Margaret de Walsokne, Lynn, Norfolk b . v" 1349. Margaret Torrington, Berkhampstead, Herts. 1360. Maud, Lady Cobham, Cobham, Kent. 1364. Margaret and Letitia Braunche, Lynn, Norfolk. I c. 1370. Wives of Sir John Foxley, Bray, Berks. 1372. Ismena de Wynston, Necton, Norfolk. ^ c. 1380. Lady Felbrigge, Felbrigg, Norfolk. 1381. Albreda Curteys, Wyraington, Beds. 1382. Lady Burton, Little Casterton, Rutland. V 1384. Lady Harsyck, Southacre, Norfolk. 1385. Lady Margaret Cobham, Cobham, Kent. 1391. Lady Cecilia de Kerdiston, Reepham, Norfolk. 1391. Eleanor Corp, Stoke Fleming, Devon. 1391. Lady of Thomas de Topclyffe, Topcliff, York. 1392. Lady Berkeley, Wotton-under-Edge, Gloucester. 1393. Lady Walsh, Wanlip, Leicestershire. 1395. Lady Margaret Cobham, Cobham, Keut. ^1356. Richard Torrington, Berkhampstead, Herts. 1361. Alan Fleming, Newark, Notts. 1364. Robert Braunche, Lynn Regis, Norfolk. c. 1370. A Frankelein, (with anlace,) Shottesbroke, Berks. 1381. John Curteys, (with anlace,) Wimington, Beds. 1391. John Corp, (with anlace,) Stoke Fleming, Devon. 1391. Thomas de Topclyffe, (with anlace,) Topcliff, York. 1400. Sir John Cassy, Deerhurst, Gloucestershire. 1401. William Grevel, (with anlace,) Chipping-Camden, Glou- cestershire. 1409. Edmund Cook, (with anlace,) Berkhampstead, Herts. 1419. Judge Lodyngton, Gunby, Lincolnshire. 1425. William Chichele, Higham Ferrers, Northants. 1429. Roger Thornton, (with anlace,) Newcastle. 1431. Nicholas Canteys, (with anlace,) Margate, Kent. / 1436. Judge Martin, Graveney, Kent. 1458. John Fortey, Northleach, Gloucestershire. 1465. Sir Peter Arderne, Latton, Essex, c. 1475. A notary, St. Mary Tower, Ipswich. 1477. John Feld, alderman, Standon, Herts. 1479. Sir Thomas Urswick, chief justice, Dagenham, Essex, c. 1490. Civilian, (unknown,) founder, North Creak, Norfolk. 1524. John Terri, mayor, St. John's, Maddermarket, Norwich. 1525. Thomas Pownder, St. Mary Quay, Ipswich. 1536. Andrew Evyngar, All-hallows, Barking, London. c The engraving upon this fine brass is now nearly obliterated. CLASSIFIED LIST OF FINK MKASSKS. 1 S5 V. DEMI-FIGURES d . (1.) ECCLESIASTICS. A. D. c. 1320. Thomas de Hop, Kemsing, Kent. c. 1340. Richard de Belton, Corringham, Essex. ' c. 1350. John Verreu, Saltwood, Kent. ' c. 1360. Walter Frilende, Ockham, Surrey. / c. 1370. Ralph Peichehay, Stifford, Essex. c. 1375. A priest, (unknown,) Berkhampstead, Herts. 1380. Alexander Chelsege, (with chalice,) Chinnor, Oxon. c. 1380. Robert Levee, Hayes, Middlesex. 1382. Adam Ertham, Arundel, Sussex. c. 1390. Adam de Aldebourne, Lewknor, Oxon. 1391. William Lye, Northfleet, Kent. 1398. Roger Campedene, Stamford-in-the-Vale, Berks. 1417. William Tanner, Cobham, Kent. 1419. John Desford, (with chalice,) New college, Oxford. c. 1430. John Tubney, Southfleet, Kent. 1445. John Kyllingworth, Merton college, Oxford. c. 1450. William Carbroke, Wymington, Beds. 1457. John Bradford, St. Michael's, Lewes, Sussex. / 1458. John Bradstane, Ewelme, Oxon. 1478. Ralph Vawdrey, chaplain, Magdalene college, Oxford. c. 1500. A priest, (unknown, with chalice,) Merton college, Oxford. 1507. John Frye, (with chalice,) New college, Oxford. (2.) KNIGHTS AND LADIES. c. 1290. Sir Richard de Buslingthorpe, Buslingthorpe, Lincoln. c. 1310. A knight (unknown) in banded mail, Croft, Lincoln. d At Beddington, Surrey, is a brass demi-figures of her children. It is a good containing, beneath the full-length figure as well as a curious specimen. of a lady of the Carew family, thirteen 186 APPENDIX (a). A. D. 1380. Sir Esmond de Malyns and wife, Chinnor, Oxon. 1402. Sir Ralph de Cobham, Cobham, Kent. 1424. Sir John Framingham and lady, Debenham, Suffolk. 1435. Sir William Arnold, Battle, Sussex. (3.) CIVILIANS. c. 1375. John and Agnes de Kyggesfolde, Rusper, Sussex. c. 1395. A civilian, (unknown,) Temple church, Bristol. VI. MISCELLANEOUS BRASSES. (1.) FIGURES ON BRACKETS. v^c. 1370. Sir John Foxley and wives, (canopy destroyed,) Bray, Berks. 1387. John Bloxham and John Whytton, (with double canopy,) Merton college, Oxford. 1405. John Strete, rector, (with figures of St. Peter and St. Paul,) Upper Hardress, Kent. V 1414. Joan Urban, Southfleet, Kent. 1420. Robert Wyutryngham, priest, (with canopy,) Cotterstock, Northants. c. 1420. Reginald Cobham, priest, (small, with canopy,) Cobham, Kent. 1437. Galfridus Langley, prior of St. Faith's, (canopy destroyed,) St. Lawrence, Norwich. (2.) CROSSES, &C. c. 1310. Richard de Hart, priest, (demi-figure upon a cross, which now is almost entirely destroyed,) Merton college, Ox- ford. CLASSIFIED LIST OP FINE BRASSES. 187 A. D. c. 1320. Nicliol de Gore, (Greek cross fleury, with full-length figure,) Woodchurch, Kent. /c. 1325. John de Bladigdone and wife, (demi-figures with cross- fleury, much mutilated,) East Wickham, Kent. c. 1330. A priest, (unknown, with mutilated cross,) Chinnor, Oxon. c. 1345. A knight and lady, (unknown, with much mutilated cross,) Wimbish, Essex. c. 1350. Nicholas Aumberdene, civilian, (with fine floriated cross,) Taplow, Bucks. c. 1350. A priest, (unknown, with mutilated cross,) Merton college, Oxford, c. 1 370. Brittellus Avenel, priest, (demi-figure, with fine floriated cross,) Buxtead, Sussex. 1400. Thomas Chichele and wife, (plain cross, with emblems,) Higham Ferrers, Northants. 1400. Figures with floriated cross, Newton, Northants. c. 1400. Fine floriated cross with effigy, (under the pews,) St. Mi- chael's, St. Alban's. 1408. John Lumbarde, priest, (with fine floriated cross,) Stone, Kent. 1408. Robert Parys and lady, (with fine floriated cross and sacred emblem,) Hildersham, Camb. 1416. William Bacon, (cross fleury,) St. Mary's, Reading. c. 1420. Robert Cheyne, (cross fleury,) Cassington, Oxon. c. 1440. Richard Tooner, (cross fleury,) Broadwater, Sussex. c. 1500. Plain cross, Royston, Herts. 1516. Thomas Burgoyne, (plain cross,) Sutton, Beds. c. 1530. Thomas Bullayne, (small plain cross,) Penshurst, Kent. .... Cross-fleury, Beddington, Surrey. VII. CANOPIES. The Flemish brasses of the civilians at Lynn, Norfolk, and at Newark ; of Abbot Delamere at St. Alban's ; of the ecclesiastic at North Mimms, Herts ; and of the civilian at Newcastle, all afford 188 APPENDIX (a). splendid examples of elaborate canopies. Amongst many others, fine canopies also occur in the following brasses : A. D. c. 1320. Joan, Lady Cobham, Cobham, Kent. c. 1330. John de Grofhurst, Horsmonden, Kent. 1337. Lawrence Seymour, Higham Ferrers, Northants. 1347. Sir Hugh Hastings, Elsyng, Norfolk. 1354. Sir John de Cobham, Cobham, Kent. c. 1365. Sir John de Mereworth, Mereworth, Kent, c. 1370. A priest and frank elein, Shottesbroke, Berks, c. 1370. William de Fulbourn, Fulbourn, Camb. 1381. John Curteys, Wymington, Beds. 1382. Sir Nicholas Burnell, Acton Burnel, Salop. 1382. An ecclesiastic, Cottingham, York. 1390. Sir Andrew Loutrell, Irnham, Lincoln. 1391. John Corp, Stoke Fleming, Devon. 1394. Margaret, Lady Cobham, Cobham, Kent. c. 1395. Sir Edward Dalyngrugge, Fletching, Sussex. / 1397. Archbishop Waldeby, Westminster abbey. 1398. Walter Pescod, Boston, Lincolnshire. c. 1398. A civilian, (unknown,) Boston, Lincolnshire. 1399. Eleanor de Bohun, Westminster abbey. 1400. Sir John Cassy, Deerhurst, Gloucester. 1401. John de Sleford, Balsham, Camb. 1401. Sir Thomas Braunstone, Wisbeach, Camb. 1402. Sir John de Fiennes, Hurstmonceaux, Sussex. 1404. Henry de Codyngton, Bottesford, Leicester. 1405. Sir Reginald Bray brook, Cobham, Kent. 1407. Sir Nicholas Hawberk, Cobham, Kent. 1411. Sir Thomas de Crewe, Wixford, Warwick. 1412.) Sir Robert and Sir Thomas Swynborne, Little Horkesley, 1391. J Essex. 1414. Sir Galfridus de Fransham, Great Fransham, Norfolk. " 1416. Sir George de Felbrigge, Felbrigg, Norfolk. 1417. Archbishop Cranley, New college, Oxon. 1419. Sir John de Lyndwode, Linwood, Lincoln. 1420. Sir William Calthorpe, Burnham Thorpe, Norfolk. CLASSIFIED LIST OF FINE BRASSES. IS!) A. D. 1424. Lord and Lady Camoys, Trotton, Sussex. 1425. William Chichele, Higham Ferrers, Northants. c. 1425. Canopy, (figure gone,) Stoke, Suffolk. c. 1430. A lady, (unknown,) Horley, Surrey. 1432. William Byshopton, Great Bromley, Essex. 1433. Prior Nelond, Cowfold, Sussex. c. 1435. Sir Thomas Wideville, Bromham, Beds. 1436. Prior William Prestwick, Warbleton, Sussex. 1438. Sir Richard Dyxton, Cirencester. 1441. Sir Hugh Halsham, W r est Grinstead, Sussex. c. 1441. Lady Halsham, West Grinstead, Sussex. 1444. Sir William d' Etchingham, Etchingham, Sussex. 1444. Sir William Fynderne, Childrey, Berks. 1447. John Fortey, Northleacb, Gloucester. 1448. Nicholas Dixon, (figure lost,) Cheshunt, Herts, c. 1450. Humphrey Oker, Oakover, Stafford. 1458. Sir Robert Staunton, Castle Donington, Leicestershire. c. 1460. Henry Parice, Hildersham, Camb. c. 1460. Merchant and wife, Cirencester. 1462. Abbot Stoke, (mutilated and figure gone,) St. Alban's abbey church. 1465. John Blodwell, Balsham, Camb. 1472. Robert Ingylton, Thornton, Bucks. 1484. Sir Thomas Peyton, Islesham, Camb. 1492. Piers Gerard, Winwick, Lancashire. 1494. Brian Roucliffe, Cowthorpe, York. 1496. Bishop Bell, Carlisle cathedral. 1498. Abbot Esteney, Westminster abbey. 1506. Sir Roger L'Estrange, Hunstanton, Norfolk. 1507. Lord Beaumont, (mutilated,) Wivenhoe, Essex. VIII. CURIOUS BRASSES. Of these it will be sufficient to specify : c. 1400. Fragment of an abbot, (palimpsest,) St. Alban's abbey. 1426. Sir John de Brewys, (slab, semee of small scrolls,) Wiston, Sussex. 190 APPENDIX (a). A. D. c. 1450. William Lucas and family, (one of the children in episco- pal vestments,) Wenden Lofts, Essex. 1494. Brian Roucliffe, chief-baron, and lady, (holding model of a church,) Cowthorpe, York. c. 1500. An abbot, (unknown, palimpsest fragment,) Burwell, Camb. / c. 1510. Small Flemish plate to a knight and lady of the Compton family : late in Netley abbey-church, but now in pri- vate possession. 1527. Sir Peter Legh and lady, (armour worn beneath a che- suble,) Winwick, Lancashire. 1527, ^ Walter Curzon and lady, (palimpsest,) Waterperry, c. 1450.) Oxon. Note. It will be borne in mind that the foregoing list contains only a selection of fine specimens of brasses : it does not by any means pretend to comprise every fine or remark- able brass. CIRCA A .11. 1319. AJLTBMEGHT Y , WQHKNhQ In Scot bha ; Irurch J.R. Jobbing Ft< l tJ<. APPENDIX (is). 191 APPENDIX (B). Slabs sculptured in low relief occur in many parts of Germany : of these the three specimens here introduced afford interesting and valuable additions to a series of incised monumental figures, and at the same time they satisfactorily exemplify that peculiar species of memorial, which occupies the middle place between the effigy sculp- tured in full relief and expressed by engraven lines a . In the leading essentials, no less of general treatment, than of armour and costume, these monuments exhibit that resemblance to English effigies, which might naturally have been expected in pro- ductions of the same class and era ; while, at the same time, they possess several highly characteristic features peculiarly their own. The earliest of these three monuments is the memorial of Albract Hohenloe, a German knight, who died A.D. 1319, and lies buried beneath a slab of sandstone engraven with his effigy, in the church of Schonthal. The knightly equipment here depicted will at once call to remembrance the brasses of Sir John d'Aubernoun II., and of Sir John de Creke, and the noble effigies of Prince John of Eltham, and Humphrey de Bohun, earl of Hereford, though in many respects it differs from the accoutrements of these knights. The chief peculiarity, however, in this figure, and that which re- ■ These effigies have been drawn from mental Art, published at Manheitn by an admirable German work on Monu- M. de Hefner. 192 APPENDIX (b). quires special notice, is the Nasal b , or defence for the face, which in the present instance consists of a strip of mail, represented as hanging down below the chin, over the camail : this strip, at the pleasure of the wearer, could be raised and secured to a small stud or rivet, attached for that purpose to the front of the bascinet; and thus it could cover the greater part of the face, without materially- affecting either the sight or breathing. The second slab bears date A.D. 1377, and commemorates Hew- nel Landschaden and his lady : it is preserved in the church of Neckarsteinach, Heidelberg. This knight wears plate-armour on the limbs, with a bascinet, camail, hauberk, and jupon ; the latter having short sleeves of peculiar construction, which partially cover the armour of the upper arms. Chains are attached to the hilt of both the sword and misericorde ; and a third chain is led over the left shoulder of the knight, in order to be attached to his tilting-helm, which with its crest is represented as standing erect between the heads of the two figures. The lady wears the flowing reticulated head-dress, with a kirtle and mantle. The figures are surmounted by b This curious arrangement for protecting the face is also exempli- fied in the anuexed admirable cut, drawn from the same German work, for the sixth part of the Archaeo- logical Journal, and from thence transferred to this place. The figure is that of Ulrich Landschaden, knight, who dying A.D. 1369, was interred in the same church with Hewnel Landschaden at Neckarstei- nach. Besides the nasal this effigy is remarkable for the form and ar- rangement of the jupon, and the evi- dent absence of any defence of plate- armour from the person of the knight. CTRCA A. D L3 7 7 THE KNIGHT HEKWEL CJ Kl'A A D. 1 107. MIL ©F i urch. ■is iudomini do, cant'ie, canterice cely, F. celui doi, J ces, F. ses d'n'm, dominum cheyffe, chief d'n'o, domino chor', chorus cl nus, 1 , > dominus cis, F. six d'n's, J c'lc'i, clerici co'i, communi dom', 1 j , V domus do us, ) com', comitatu done, F. donne cowched, couched, buried dowghter,") Crysten, Christian , r daughter dowter, J y crwll, cruel duquil, F. duquel cui, -j cuj', > cujus E. cu's, J cy, F. ici ecc'e, ) 7 . v ecclesice eccl le, J D. eccl'a, ) 7 . v ecclesia eccl la, j dagust, F. d'Aotit einne,) , > F. «foe eisne, ) d'e'a, dicta de', ) ^'XF.ait eit, J ds, > deus d'us, ) deceb'r, december ei', 1 . ej', 1 9« dec'b's, decembris Elyn, Ellen decessid, deceased ep'atus, episcopatus ded « \did dede, J ep'i, episcopi ep'o, episcopo del, F. du ep'us, episcopus dept'd, ) dep'ted, > departed dept'yd,) erchdiakn, archdeacon e'te't, i/stew£ ev, ever deu, -\ eyre, AezV, heiress du, / ' I F. dieu F. deux, C dieux, J Devemchir, Devonshire face '"lF./a*7 feat, J CONTRACTIONS, AND VARIED ORTHOGRAPHIES. 20.'$ ^'X father fad', y feme, F.femme fest, Y.f&e fieux, J fitz, V F. fils fiz, \ fist, F. fit fleache, flesh fu, F.fus fykell, fickle G. ' y F. grace, Van de grace r'e, J 'ce "I re, / y g g g g'd, £rood gen'osi, generosi gere, F. guerre gison , » j, ^rj 5ew ^ gisount, J gist gyst gl'ia, gloria gl'iam, gloriam gram'cy, grammercy gr'ia, gratia i8t ' X F. git yst, f ?'tus, J genitus H. halud, hallowed he', for hem, £fom her, Meir h'of, hereof heyre, Aeir hole, whole huj, Am/ms I.J. i', in iadys, V.jadis Ih'u, Jesu Ioh, } Iohes, > Johannes Iohiis, 5 ' I Johannis lohls, J Iohfie, Joannes Ion, JoA« ipm, ^j9s«m ist', istius jur, Y.jour kalii, kl ?} K. calendarum kechyn, kitchen ke, ) „ kynne, Aiw L. lalme, F. I'dtne lamur, F. F amour latt, late leaten, letten, let lendmayn, F. lendemain lez, F. leurs lithe, lyeth lour, 1 1°'. J ^F. /ear lumi'e, lumine ly, F. ?tu lyne, lie lyttyl, little M. maden, made ma s'> 1 , > maqister magr, J 204 LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS, mag'ri, ) , . > maqtstri mn, j * maist', master maistris, masters malme, F. mon dme ma'tis, majesty's mat'nis, maternis m'cator', mercatorum m'cer, mercer m'ci, ") ' V mercy mc'y, J me', meus mens', mes, mess, mere', mercator M'get, Margaret m'iam, misericordiam m'ie, misericordice mig'vit, migravit \ I militis milis, J mill'mo, millesimo misere, miserere mort', mortis morrult, morust, murult, murt, moys, F. mois m'r, mater, master m'r'ia, misericordia mu'du, mundum N. no'ie, nomine nove'b', novembris noun, F. name n'ri, nostri n'ris, nostris n'tre, F. notre nup', nuper o. tis ■F. mourut o',\ or, J our or, before o'is, omnis om'e, omne om'es, omnes om'ia, omnia o' ni', omnium oueke, F. avec m '\ F. pardon p, pro pais, F. pays pardoun, pardun, pasith, passeth passets, F. passez pasun, passion p'batus, probatus p'bend, J p'camina, precamina p'centor, precentor p'cor, precor p'dc'a, prcedicta p'dc'am, prccdictam p'dc'i, prozdicti p'dc'or', prmdictorum p'dc'us, pradictus p'didi, perdidi p'don, ) p'do', ^ pardon pr'dn, ) p'egit, peregit penltm, penultimo p'ennis, perennis p'entum, parentum pep'it, peperit pessoner, F. poissonnier p'fata, prafata p'fessor, professor CONTRACTIONS, AND VARIED ORTHOGRAPHIES. 205 phecez, F. pe'ches q'ru, ^ quorum q'm, / quarum que, jm« P ' I periculum piculu, J p'ish, parish qwos, whose ppicietur, "j qure, jwire, cAoiV ppciet, ppiciet, >propicietur qy, F. ywa' ppiet, R. plasis, places raing, mV/« p'lege, perlege rey, F. roi plys, F. plus redecion, redemption pmo, primo pochial', parochialis S. p'petuye, perpetuity sa', sancti FF » ipropriis p'rys, J sac', sacer s'ccii, saccarii p'pter, propter sc'a, sancta priets, F.priez sc'e, sancta prim', primus sc'i, sancti prische, parish sc'is, Sanctis psbiter, > , .. r y presbiter psbr, S sc'or, sanctorum se', ) pson, ) r \ parson psone, ) se'du, > secundum secudu, 5 lite \ prkst p'va, parva se'da, secunda se'de, ) , v secunda se'ce, J pur, F. pour se'di, secundi p'y, pray se'do, secundo seint, ) Q. seynt, > saiw£ q, F. qui seyt, * qatre, F. quatre septante, seventieth q'd, quod seriets, F. sere.? q'dam, quondam sez, F. sia? q'dem, quidem sisme, F. sixieme qe, F. qui sov'aine, sovereign qestoit, F. qui ^toit soubs, F. sows qi, F. qui sowlys,^ q's, cujus soulis, / , y. souls " ' > quondam q'dm ) saulys, f sauleys, J 206 LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS, &C. sp'avi, speravi vil', villa sps, spiritus vintz, vingt sqyr, squire v'ra, vestra sr, sir stap', stapula W. stapull of Caleys, staple of Calais weche, which stepull, 1 . , n r steeple stepyll, ) su, F. suis, also sum whos, \ whoos, ( 7 > whose wo, j su'tyme, sometime woys, J sup', super Will'ms, Wilelmus, Gulielmus suster, 1 . . y sister systyre, J ' I William Will'm, / s'vant, servant sy, F. ici ^ ' V which wyche, J wyf, wife T. thred, third thyrde, thread thyke, think wyffis, ") J \ wives wyvys, j wy'n, within tiers ' X F. the third tierce, J trespassa, F. trepassa, died X. ' > Christi Xti,J troiscenz, F. trois cents Xro, Christo twey, two Xtan, Christian tweyn, twain Xte, Christe Xtus, Christus U. ulti'o, ultimo Y. unzisme, F. ouzieme ux', uxor ux'is, uxoris ye, Me yer, year V. yi, My .'IF. vigil of a saint's veille, J day yr, yowr ys, this, his verray, F. vrai yougen, upon A GLOSSARY OF TECHNICAL TERMS. The figures of reference indicate the pages at which the several Terms will be found fully explained and illustrated. Achievement of arms, brass of Sir William and Lady Say, Broxbourne, Herts. A.D. 1473. 12th Edw. IV. Ailettes or Alerons Alb . Almuce, Aumuce, or Almutium Amice . Anlace Apparel, or Parura PAGE 31, 32 97 105 96 107 97 208 A GLOSSARY OF TECHNICAL TERMS. Banded Ring-Mail ..... Barbe : see Wimple ..... Bascinet ...... Baudrick, a belt so adjusted as to be worn over the shoulder ...... Bifid, double-pointed. Brassarts ...... Butterfly Head-dress ..... Camail ....... Camail Period ...... Canting Heraldry ..... Caputium, or Capuchon .... Casement, a hollow sunk in the face of a slab of stone or marble, to receive the plates of a Brass : or any similar indent. Also a hollow moulding. Cerveiliere Chain-Mail Chapelle-de-fer Chasuble, or Chesuble Chausses Chimere Coif-de-Mailles Collar of SS. . Contoise Cope Cote-Hardi, a close-fitting garment or tunic : the term is alike applicable to both male and female attire. Coudieres ..... Coverchef, a kerchief worn upon the head : see cuts at Crozier, the official staff of an Archbishop Cuirass Cuir-boulli Cuissarts Cuisseaux Culettes Cyclas . Dalmatic PAGE 39 94 40 108 49 75 40, 78 54 53, 130 103 159 28 47 97 28 99 28 133 76, 77 103 37 81,82 101 59 43 49 34 79 39 99 \ GLOSSARY OF TECHNICAL TERMS. 209 Demi-Brassarts ..... Demi-Placcate ...... Diaper, ornamental surface-work, whether carved in low relief, or worked in colour, or in some cases both carved and coloured. It was a common prac- tice with medieval artists thus to enrich the heraldic tinctures of shields of arms. The shield of William De Valence in Westminster abbey is a splendid specimen of this usage. Epaulieres Evangelistic Emblems . Fillet, a narrow strip of metal, or other material Fylfot . Gadlyngs Gambeson, or Wambeys Garde-de-brass Gauntlets, armed gloves. Genouillieres Gonfanons Gorget . Goussettes, or Gussets Greek Cross, one in which the stem, head, and two arms are all of equal length. Guarded, bordered, as with fur : see cuts at Guige, a shield-belt Gypciere, a large purse, worn appended to the girdle : see cut at . Haqueton Harness, armour, or any defensive equipment Haubergeon Hauberk Hausse-col Haut-de-chausses Heel-ball Heraldic crest, some device worn erect upon the helmet : it always rises from either a coronet, cap of mainten- PAOE 37 G9 49 137 28 49 39 68 27 32 45 49 110 28 110 35, and note (d) 39 48 27 45 45 1G5 e e 210 A GLOSSARY OF TECHNICAL TEEMS. ance, or wreath ; and when represented without the helmet, may thus be distinguished from a badge, which has no such accompaniment Horned Head-dress : a most extravagant specimen of this head-dress occurs in a brass of an unknown lady at Ash PAGE 50 /i TTn> Head, brass of a lady. Ash. Kent, c. A.D. 1460, in Kent, c. A.D. 1460 . . 89, 90,91 Incised Slabs . 156 Infulse 100, and note (t) 101 Jamb arts 37 J upon . 48 Just-au-Corps . 48 Kirtle, a term best explained by stating it to be synonymous with the modern word gown. Lamboys ... . . . Lames .....•• Laminated ...... Lance-Rest, a kind of hook attached to the cuirass on the right side, for supporting the lance in the 79,80 37 81 charge Latten . Mameliere Maniple Mantelet Mantle, an outer robe, or cloak. Mantling, or Contoise . Matrices, indents or casements. See Casement Mentoniere, a steel gorget or defence for the throat and lower part of the face : it was secured to the cuirass, and also to the bascinet. A brass at Whissonsett inNorfolk, furnishes a curious specimen of a mentoniere worn without the bascinet. Merchant's mark see cut at 73 5 42 98 42 76, 77, 78 Eead of knight, Whissonaett Norfolk. Misericorde 132 50 A GLOSSARY OF TECHNICAL TEEMS. 211 PAOB Mitre ....... 100 Mitred Head-dress ..... 90 Monogram, an abbreviation, initial letter, or some similar device. Morse . . . . . . . 50, 103 Nasal, a defence for the upper part of the face, or in some instances for the nose, mouth and chin : the earlier form of the nasal is shewn in the annexed cut from the Painted Chamber, Westminster; and for a description and illustration of a later variety of this defence, see Ap- nasal. Painted Chamber. pendix ^ Nimbus, a glory surrounding the head of a Divine or sainted personage. Nimbed, having the head encircled with a nimbus. Orfrey, or Aurifragium .... 97 Orle or Wreath, a roll of cloth, silk, or velvet, of two colours, encircling a helmet, and supporting an heraldic crest : also any wreath ... 60 Palettes .... 37, and note (z) 59 Palimpsest ...... 147, 151 Pall, or Pallium . . . . . 100 Panache ...... 31 Partlet ...... 89 Parura, see Apparel. Pass-gardes ...... 78 Pastoral-staff, the official baton of a bishop, abbot, or abbess ...... 101 Pedimental Canopy ..... 82 Pedimental Head-dress ..... 93 Placcate ...... 68 Plastron-de-fer ...... 42 Pounced, studded, or ornamented with a repetition of some device. Pourpoint ...... 48 212 A GLOSSARY OF TECHNICAL TERMS. Pourpoi uteri e ...... Pryck-spurs, spurs having a single sharp point: see plates at 31, 35, and Frontispiece. Rerebrace, or Arriere-Bras . Reticulated Head-dress . PAGE 45 Ring-Mail Rochet ...... Rouelles ..... Roundels ..... Sabbaton ..... Sideless Cote-hardi ..... Sollerets, pointed shoes, composed either of mixed mail and plate armour, or entirely of plate Stole ....... Studded-mail ...... Super-Tunic, a dress worn above another; and so con- structed and worn, as to display some portions of the under garment. Surcoat, any garment worn over defensive armour : the term, however, is more generally applied to the long and flowing drapery of knights anterior to the introduction of plate-armour. 49 83 32 99 39 37, note (z) 59 47, 77 62, 8G 37 97 51 Surplice . • 104 Tabard . ■ • •• • • 68, 71 Taces • • . 59 Tapul . • • ■ • • 78 Tilting-hel m • • * . 31 Tuilles • • • 67 Tuillettes • • • • 75, 77 Tunic, see Rochet. Vambrace or Avant-Bras • • 37, 43, 49 Vervelle • • ■ 40 Vexillum . • • • . 26, 101 Vizor • • i • 45 Weepers . . 84 Wimple • • • 80 INDEX. A.D. 1208. 1242. 1246. 1247. / 1277. 1279. 1280. • 1289. 1290. 1297. 1298. 1301. 1302. / 1306. c. 1310. c. 1310. c. 1310. 1312. f 1315. 1315. 1320. c. 1320. c. 1320. c. 1320. 1325. / 1325. 1325. v' c. 1325. 1326. 1327. 1330. c. 1330. I. CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX OF BRASSES NOTICED IN THIS VOLUME. PAGE Simon De Beauchamp, St. Paul's, Bedford, (lost) . . 5 Jocelyn, Bp. of Wells, Wells Cathedral, (lost) . . 5 Abbot Richard, Westminster Abbey, (lost) . . 6 Bishop Bingham, Salisbury Cathedral, (lost) . 6,118 Sir John D'Aubernoun, Stoke D'Aubernoun, Surrey . 27 Bishop Gravesend, Lincoln Cathedral, (lost) . . 6 Simon Flambard, Rector of Much-Hadham, Herts, (lost) . 6 Sir Roger De Trumpington, Trumpington, Cambridgeshire . 30 Sir Richard De Buslingthorpe, Buslingthorpe, Lincoln- shire .... 22,30,33,53,113,124 Bishop Longespee, Salisbury Cathedral, (lost) . . 6 Elias De Beckenham, Botsford, Cambridge, (lost) . . 6 Simon De Walpole, Rector, Pulham, Norfolk, (lost) 6, 1 1 8 Sir Robert De Bures, Acton, Suffolk . . .33 Sir Robert De Septvans, Chartham, Kent . . 33, 34, 43 Margaret, Lady Camoys, Trotton, Sussex . . 80, 131 De Bacon, (Priest), Oulton, Suffolk . . 95, 97, 1 15 Demi-figure in mail, Croft, Lincolnshire . . 28,114 Abbot Thomas De Totyngtone, Hedgerley, Bucks . .151 Archbishop Grenfeld, York Cathedral . . 95, 101 Richard De Hart, Priest, Merton College, Oxon . 95, 97, 115 Joan, Lady Cobham, Cobham, Kent . . .82 Sir .... De Fitzralph, Pebmarsh, Essex . . 37 Sir .... De Bacon, Gorleston, Suffolk . . 33, 36, 95 Thomas De Hop, Kemsing, Kent . . . .95 Sir John De Northwode, Minster, Kent . . 24, 42, 53 Lady De Northwode, Minster, Kent . . 24, 44 Sir John and Lady De Creke, Westley, Cambridge . 38 John De Bladingdown, East Wickham, Kent . .117 Abbot Hugo D*Eversden, St. Alban's Abbey, (lost) . 1 1 Sir John D'Aubernoun II. Stoke D'Aubernoun, Surrey 39, 41 Nichol De Gore, Woodchurch, Kent . . 95, 97, 120 John De Grofhurst, Horsmonden, Kent . . .97 214 CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX OF BRASSES. / / C. c. c. c. c. c. c. c. c. c, c, c A.D. 1335. 1337. 1342. 1345. 1347. 1349. 1349. 1350. 1351. 1356, 1360. 1360. 1360. 1361. 1361. 1361. 1364. 1364. 1365. 1368. 1370. 1370. 1370. 1370. 1370. 1372. 1375. 1375. 1375. 1375. 1375. 1375. 1375. 1375. 1375. 1378. 1380. 1382. 1382, 1383. 1384. Abbot De Wallingford, St. Alban's Abbey, (lost) . Lawrence Seymour, Higham Ferrers, Nortbants Abbot Michael De Mentmore, St. Alban's Abbey, (lost) Knight, Lady, and Cross, Wimbish, Essex . Sir Hugh Hastings, Elsyng, Norfolk Abbot John De Sutton, Dorchester, Oxon, (lost) Adam and Margaret De Walsokne, Lynn, Norfolk Nicholas Aumberdene, Taplow, Bucks Symon De Felbrigge, Felbrigg, Norfolk, 106, and Appendix (F) 1349. Richard and Margaret Torrington, Berkhampstead, PAGE . 11 95,97 . 10 . 119 23,45,119 156, 160 9, 14, 137 . 120 84, 106 . 83 9, 20, 97 9, 20, 97 . 51 9, 19, 84 24, 105 9, 16, 84 Herts Maud, Lady Cobham, Cobham, Kent Priest, Wensley, Yorkshire Priest, North Mimms, Herts Sir John De Paletoot, Watton, Herts Alan Fleming, Newark, Notts William De Rothwelle, Rothwell, Northants Robert Braunche and wives, Lynn, Norfolk Sir Miles and Lady De Stapleton, Ingham, Norfolk, (lost) .... 51, 55, 84 A Burgher, Bruges Cathedral Sir Thomas Cheyne, Drayton Beauchamp, Bucks Sir Ralph De Knevynton, Aveley, Essex Sir John Foxley and wives, Bray, Berks Knight and Lady, Broughton, Lincolnshire Ecclesiastic, Shottesbroke, Berks Frankelein, ibid. .... Ismena De Wynston, Necton, Norfolk Britellus Avenel, Buxtead, Sussex John and Agnes De Kyggesfolde, Rusper, Sussex Esmond De Burnedish, Brundish, Suffolk . Sir John De Cobham, Cobham, Kent Sir .... D'Argentine, Horseheath, Cambridge Fragment of Abbot, (Flemish, in private possession Abbot Delamere (died 1396), St. Alban's Abbey Sir William Cheyne, Drayton Beauchamp, Bucks Bishop Wyvill, Salisbury Cathedral Robert Attelathe, Lynn, Norfolk, (lost) Sir Roger and Lady De Felbrigge, Felbrigg, Norfolk Nicholas, Lord Burnell, Acton Burnell, Salop Sir Thomas and Ladv Burton, Little Casterton, land . . . 55,62,85,126,142 John De Campden, St. Cross, Winchester . . .104 Sir John and Lady Harsyck, Southacre, Norfolk . 55, 85 . 25 . 53 , 46, 51, 142 83, 122 56, 124 96, 107 ibid. . 83 . 115 . 115 . 96 53, 138 . 53 . 10 9, 11,97 . 53 102, 142 10, 19 . 84 . 55 Rut- CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX OF BBA88EB. 215 A.D. PAGE c. 1385. Knight, St. Michael's, St. Alban's . . .55 i c. 1385. Sir .... De Mauleverer and Lady, Allerton Mauleverer, York ..... 50, 57 1387. John Bloxham and John Whytton, Merton College, Oxford 122 1389. Richard Thasburg, Hellesdon, Norfolk . . .96 1390. John De Bettesthorne, St. Michael in Mere, Wilts . . 142 1391. Lady Cecilia De Kerdiston, Reepham, Norfolk . . 84 1391, 1361. John and Eleanor Corp, Stoke Fleming, Devon 85, 108, 122, 127 1391. Sir Robert Swynborne, Little Horkesley, Essex 1, 55, 127, 129 1391. Thomas De Topclyffe and Lady, Topcliff, York . 9, 20 1392. 1417. Thomas Lord Berkeley and Lady, Wotton-under-Edge, Gloucester ..... 56, 135 1393. Sir Thomas and Lady Walsh, Wanlip, Leicester . 86, 143 1397. Archbishop Waldeby, Westminster Abbey . 61, 67 1399. Eleanor De Bohun, Westminster Abbey * 22, 94, 127, 130, 146 1400. Sir George Felbrigge, Playford, Suffolk . . .68 1400. Sir John Cassy and Lady,.Deerhurst, Gloucester 65, 86, 108, 143 1400. ElaBowet, Wrentham, Suffolk . . . .86 1400. Thomas Chichele and wife, Higham Ferrers, Northants . 117 1400. Cross with Figures, Newton, Northants . . . 120 \J c. 1400. Robert Albyn and Lady, Hemel Hempsted, Herts 49, 57, 152 c. 1400. Cross with effigy, St. Michael's, St. Alban's . . 120 c. 1400. Lady, unknown, St. Lawrence, Norwich . . .86 c. 1400. Ecclesiastic, Hitchin, Herts . . . 103, 124 c. 1400. Abbot St. Albans Abbey . 143, 148 1401. William Ermyn, Castle Ashby, Northants . . 104, 105 1401. Sir Thomas Braunstone, Wisbeach, Cambridge . . 60 1401. Sir Nicholas Dagworth, Blickling, Norfolk . . .68 1401,1406. Earl and Countess of Warwick, Warwick . . 73 1401. Lady Margaret Pennebrygg, Shottesbroke, Berks . . 87 1401. John De Sleford, Balsham, Cambridge . . . 104 / 1402. Sir William De Fiennes, Hurstmonceaux, Sussex . .142 1403. Sir Reginald De Cobham, Lingfield, Surrey . . 59 1404. Knight and Lady, Sawtry, Hunts . . . 63, 90 1405. John Strete, Upper Hardress, Kent . . 122, 141 1405. Henry Nottingham and wife, Holme, Norfolk . . 87 1407. Sir John Lysle, Thornton, Hunts . . . .62 1407. Sir William and Lady Bagot, Baginton, Warwick 56, 68, 86, 1 34 1407. Lord and Lady Ferrers of Chartley, Merivale Abbey, Warwick 55 1407. Lady Margaret Bromflete, Wymington, Beds . . 65 1407. Sir Nicholas Hawberk, Cobham, Kent, Appendix (A). 1408. Sir William Tendring, Stoke, Suffolk . . ,55 1408. Robert Parys and Lady, Hildersham, Cambridge . .119 216 CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX OF BRASSES. . r, PAGE A.D. 1410. John Balsham, Blissland, Cornwall . . .147 1411 1418. Sir Thomas and Lady Crewe, Wixford, Warwick 67, 78, 86, 90, 158 / 1411. Sir John Drayton, Dorchester, Oxon . . 65,134 1412. Sir Thomas Swynborne, Little Horkesley, Essex 55, 60, 127, 134 1413. Sir Simon and Lady De Felbrigge, Felbrigg, Norfolk 63, 67, 86, 90, 135, 136 1413. William Langton, Exeter Cathedral . . .102 1414. Sir Galfridus De Fransham, Great Fransham, Norfolk . 66 1414. Simon Bache, Kneb worth, Herts . . - -104 > 1414. Joan Urban, Southfleet, Kent .... 122 1415. Sir Thomas and Lady Peryent, Digswell, Herts . 61, 134 1416. Robert Hallum, bp. of Salisbury, Constance Cathedral 25, 128 1417. Archbp. Cranley, New College, Oxford . 100, 104, 128 1417. Margaret Cheyne, Hever, Kent . . • -87 / 1418. John Lumbarde, Stone, Kent . • • • I 19 1420. Sir William Calthorpe, Burnham Thorpe, Norfolk 66, 127 J 1420. John Mapleton, Broadwater, Sussex . . -104 1420. Robert and Anne Poyntz, Iron-Acton, Gloucester . . 143 c. 1420. Sir Roger Cheyne, Cassington, Oxon . . .118 c. 1420. Sir Peter and Lady Halle, Heme, Kent . . 55, 62, 90 1421. Richard Delamere, Hereford Cathedral . -13 1423. Sir Ralph and Lady Shelton, Gt. Snoring, Norfolk 71, 90 / 1424. John Wan tele, Esq., Amberley, Sussex . . .71 1424. Sir John and Lady Framingham, Debenham, Suffolk . 114 1424. 1419. Thomas, Baron Camoys, and Lady, Trotton, Sussex 55,86,90, 127, 135 1425. Robert Haytpn, Esq., Theddlethorpe, Lincoln c. 1425. William Mowbray, Upwell, Norfolk 1426. Sir John De Brewys, or Braose, Wiston, Sussex 1426. Sir John Brooke, Easton, Suffolk . 1428. John Norwich, Esq., Yoxford, Suffolk 1429. Roger Thornton and family, Newcastle 1430. Sir Thomas Bromflete, Wymington, Beds . 1430. Henry Hawles, Arreton, Isle of Wight * 1430. Agnes Salmon, Arundel, Sussex c. 1430. A Priest, (unknown,) Horsham, Sussex c. 1430. A Lady, (unknown,) Horley, Surrey c. 1430. John West, Sudborough, Northants c. 1430. John Tubney, Southfleet, Kent 1431. Nicholas Canteys, Margate, Kent 1433. Sir John and Lady De Leventhorpe, Sawbridgeworth, Herts .... 65,67,86,131 1433. Prior Nelond, Cowfold, Sussex . . 104, 128, 138 . 104 47, 65, 143 . 66 . 66 . 22 . 65 . 143 . 87 . 98 . 87 . 98 . 114 . 108 CHRONOLOGICAL rNDKX OF BRASSES. 217 A.D. c. 1435. f 1437. 1437. / 1437. 1438. 1438. 1439. c. 1440. c. 1440. c. 1441. 1441. 1442. 1443. 1444. 1444. / 1445. ,- 1450. c 1450. c 1450. c. 1450. ' 1457. 1458. 1458. 1459. c . 1460. 1462. 1465. 1465. c . 1465. 1465. c 1465. 1467. l' 1470. c . 1470. 1471. 1473, 1473. c . 1475. 1475. 1477. 1477. 1478. l'AGE Hugo and Margaret Bostock, Wheathamstede, Herts . 108 Robert and Joan Skerne, Kingston, Surrey . 91, 108 Galfridus Langley, St. Lawrence, Norwich . .120 John Barron and wife, All-Hallows, Barking, London . 124 Sir Bryan and Lady De Stapleton, Ingham, Norfolk, (lost) 65, 91 Sir Richard Dyxton, Cirencester, Gloucester . . 69 Edmond Ford, Swainswick, Somerset . . .144 Civilian and wife, Hitchin, Herts . . . .108 Richard Tooner, Broadwater, Sussex . . .118 Lady Halsham, (died 1395,) West Grinstead, Sussex 86, 92, 154 Sir Hugh and Lady Philippa Halsham, West Grinstead, Sussex .... Dr. Richard Billingford, St. Benet's, Cambridge Richard Burton, Twickenham, Middlesex . Sir Nicholas Manston, St. Lawrence, Kent Sir William and Lady Fynderne, Childrey, Berks John Daundelyon, Margate, Kent . Walter Greene, Hayes, Middlesex . Sir John Peryent, Digswell, Herts Lady, (unknown,) Luton, Beds Wm. Lucas and family, Wenden Lofts, Essex Sir John De Harpedon, Westminster Abbey John Fortey, Northleach, Gloucester Sir Robert Staunton and Lady, Castle Donington, Leicester- shire Sir Thomas De Shernbourn, Shernbourne, Norfolk Henry Parice, Hildersham, Cambridge Abbot Stoke, St. Alban*s Abbey Church Thomas Cod, Rochester Sir Peter and Lady Arderne, Latton, Essex Priest, Broxbourne, Herts . John Blodwell, Balsham, Cambridgeshire Henry Parice, Hildersham, Cambridgeshire Sir William Vernon and family, Tong, Salop Sir Humphrey Bourchier, Westminster Abbey Robert Beauner, St. Alban's Abbey Church Warden Sever, Merton College, Oxon c. 1375. Walter Beaumont, Trunch, Norfolk Sir John and Lady Say, Broxbourne, Herts A Notary, St. Mary Tower, Ipswich Robert Colte and Lady, Roydon, Essex John Feld and son, Standon, Herts Anna Boleyn, Blickling, Norfolk Sir John and Lady Fastolf, Oulton, Suffolk 86, 92, 131 . 102 . 132 . 67 71,86,91 . 70 . 70 . 69 . ! 1 . 125 . 66 . 143 70,91 73,91 . 119 . 128 . 147 86, 91, 110 . 98 104, 127 . 73 73, 86, 91 . 137 . 124 . 104 . 149 47, 74, 86, 132 . 112 73, 135 111, 132 . 126 . 88 Ff 218 CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX OF BRASSES. A.D. 1478. \ 1479. 1480. 1480. , c. 1480. c. 1480. 1482. 1483. 1484. 1485. 1487. 1488. 1490. 1490. c. 1490. 1492. 1492. 1494. PAGE . 102 92, 110 73, 134 , , 92 # . 135 92, 130 • • 124 1494. 1496. 1498. 1498. 1498. 1500. 1500. 1500. 1500, 1505. 1506. 1506. 1507. 1510: 1510. 1511. 1512. 1512. 1513. 1514. 1516. 1516. 1517. Bp. Boothe, East Horsley, Surrey Sir Thomas Urswick and family, Dagenham, Essex Sir Anthony De Grey, St. Alban's Abbey Church Margaret Willoughby, Raveningham, Norfolk Knight with coronet, in private possession Lady Clopton, Melford, Suffolk Archdeacon Ruding, Biggleswade, Beds Earl and Countess of Essex, Little Easton, Essex 47, 76, 86, 134, 136 Sir Thomas Peyton and wives, Islesham, Cambridgeshire 76, 88 Isabella Cheyne, Blickling, Norfolk . . .92 Robert Alen, Martham, Norfolk .... 123 Elizabeth Clere, Stokesby, Norfolk . . .88 William Berdewell, West Harling, Norfolk . . 76 William Curteys, Holmhale, Norfolk . . .113 Civilian, (founder,) North Creak, Norfolk . . .138 Sir Henry and Lady Grey, Ketteringham, Norfolk 76, 91 Piers Gerard, Esq., Winwick, Lancashire . . 77 Brian Roucliffe and Lady, Cowthorpe, York 88,92, 110, 127, 132, 138, 147 Bishop Bell, Carlisle Cathedral . . . 100, 101 Louis De Corteville and Lady, Museum of Geology, London 27 Abbot Esteney, Westminster Abbey . 99, 101, 127, 128 Henry Denton, Higham Ferrers, Northants . . 98 William and Agnes Complyn, Wyke, Hants . .140 Civilian and Lady, Clippesby, Norfolk . . 88,111 Lady, St. Swithun's, Norwich . . . .89 A Notary, New College, Oxford . . . .113 c. 1550. Ecclesiastic, Burwell, Cambridge . . 148 Sir Humphrey Stanley, Westminster . . .78 Sir Roger L'Estrange, Hunstanton, Norfolk . 72, 78 A Notary, Church of St. Mary Tower, Ipswich . .113 Lord Beaumont, Wivenhoe, Essex . . 77, 143 John and Roger Yelverton, Rougham, Norfolk . .126 Sir .... Compton and Lady, in private possession, Appen- dix (E). ).}:>. Richard Gill, Shottesbroke, Berks .... Thomas and Dorothea Peckham, Wrotham, Kent . Anne Asteley, Blickling, Norfolk .... John Ackworth and two wives, Luton, Beds Margaret Pettwode, St. Clement's, Norwich John Sylan and two wives, Luton, Beds Thomas and Eliz. Burgoyne, Sutton, Beds . Walter Hewke, Caius College, Cambridge 2*> 78 . 89 . 126 . 78 . 93 78, 88, 89, 93 . 118 104, 105 CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX OF BBA.SSE8. 219 A.D. PAGE 1518. John Symonds and family, Cley, Norfolk . . .147 1519. James Torney and wives, Slap ton, Bucks . . . 1 .'35 1519. Joanna Braham, Frense, Norfolk . . . .94 1520. John and Elizabeth Heyworth, Wheathamstede, Herts • 1U8 1520. William Palmer, Ingoldmels, Lincolnshire . .141 c. 1520. Ecclesiastic, King's College, Cambridge . . .145 c. 1520. A Notary, Cathedral of St. Sauveur, Bruges . .113 c. 1520, c. 1450. Humphrey Oker and family, Oakover, Stafford 127, 153 c. 1520. 1452. Duchess of Norfolk, Stoke-by-Nayland, Suffolk . 154 c. 1520. Abbot Bewforreste, Dorchester, Oxon . . .156 1521. Dr. Christopher Urswick, Hackney, Middlesex 104, 105 1 524. John Terri and wife, St. John's Maddermarket, Norwich 122, 133 1525. Thomas Pownder and family, St. Mary Quay, Ipswich 23,89,111, 125, 132, 145 1526. Bishop Young, New College, Oxon . . . 147 1526. John Shelley and wife, Clapham, Sussex . 72, 130 1527. Sir Peter and Lady Legh, Winwick, Lancashire 77,93,97, 132, 133 1527. c. 1450. Walter Curzon and Lady, Water Pery, Oxford 153 1528. Agnes Bulton, Alton Priors, Wilts . . . .141 . 137 . 23 . 143 . 95 . 143 . 93 . 106 . 27 1528. Provost Hacumblene, King's College, Cambridge 1529. Margaret Saunders, Fulham, Middlesex 1529. Sir Robert Clere, Ormesby, Norfolk c. 1530. Eliz. Harvey, Abbess, Elstow, Beds 1531. Sir John and Lady Horsey, Yetminster, Dorset 1532. Wife of Robert Goodwin, Necton, Norfolk 1534. Thomas Leman, Rector, Southacre, Norfolk 1534. John Bollart, Canon, Cathedral, Aix-la-Chapelle 1537. c. 1435. Thomas Widville and two wives, Bromham, Beds 154 1536. Andrew Evyngar and family, All-hallows, Barking 29,89, 111, 125, 132, 133 1537. William Layer, St. Andrew's, Norwich . . .111 1537. Alice Wyrley, Flore, Northants . . . .118 1538. Sir Thomas Bullen, Hever, Kent . . 113, 135, 147 1538. c. 1420. Alicia De Clere, Ormesby, Norfolk . . 152 1539. Henry Bures, Esq., Acton, Suffolk . . .34 1540. William Curtes, South Burlingham, Norfolk . . 122 1540. Margaret Bulstode, Hedgerley, Bucks . . . 150 1543, c. 1405. Sir William Dalison (?) Langton, Lincoln . 152 1546. Sir John Greville, Weston, Warwick . . .80 Vc. 1546. Sir Ralph Verney and Lady, Aldbury, Herts . . 72 1548. Sir Wm. Molineux and two wives, Sefton, Lancashire . 79 1550. Shield of arms, late in St. Martin's Church, Norwich . 150 c. 1550. RalfRowlatt, St. Alban's Abbey Church . . .111 1551. Anne Duke, Frense, Norfolk .... 139 220 CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX OF BRASSES. A.D. 1554. Bishop Goodrich, Ely Cathedral 1559. Sir Edward Greville, Weston, Warwick 1563. William Norwich, St. George Colgate, Norwich 1567. Thomas Noke and wives, Shottesbroke, Berks 1568, c. 1460. Peter Rede, St. Peter's Mancroft, Norwich 1577. Anne Rede, St. Margaret's, Norwich 1591. James Grev, Hunsdon, Herts 1593. Humphrey Brewster, Wrentham, Suffolk 1594. John and Julian Clippesby, Clippesby, Norfolk 1598. Cicely Page, Bray, Berks . 1599. Sir Edward Grimston, Rishangles, Suffolk . 1601. John Shorlond, Woodbridge, Suffolk 1608. John Burton, Burgh, Norfolk 1609. Ann Sewell, Coventry, Warwick 1610. Isaia Bures, Vicar, Acton, Suffolk . 1610. Sir Edw. Grimston, II., Rishangles, Suffolk 1611. Archbishop Harsenett, Chigwell, Essex 1621, c. 1500. Peter Dolman, Howden, York 1638. Sir Edw. Filmer and family, East Sutton, Kent PAGE 99, 101 . 80 . Ill . 136 . 152 139, 140 . 125 . 80 . 94 . ib. . 129 . 126 . 106 . 94 . 34 . 129 101, 104 . 152 . 23 II. TOPOGRAPHICAL INDEX OP BRASSES NOTICED IN THIS VOLUME. Bedford . Biggleswade Bromham Elstow Luton Sutton Wymington y • . I'll i ' i i 1 1' ' 1 l (I I M I 1 JlLM ^ J " X GJ 63,67 , 86, 90, 135, 136 Fransham, Great . 1414. . Sir Galfridus De Fransham 66 Frense 1519. . Joanna Braham 94 1551. 1490. Ann TiiikP 139 Harling, West .Win. Berdewell i • !OC7 76 Hellesdon . 1389. . Richard Thasburg . 96 Holme- by-the-Sea 1405. .Henry Nottingham and wife s . 87 Holme-Hale 1490. .Wm. Curteys, Notary 113 Hunstanton 1506. .Sir Roger L'Estrange . 72, 78 Ingham 1364. . Sir Miles and Lady De Stapleton,(lost) 51 ,55,84 1438. .Sir Bryan and Lady De Stapleton, (lost) 65,91 • Ketterinyham 1492. .Sir Henry and Lady Grey . 76, 91 Lynn Regis 1349. .Adam and Margaret De Walsokne 9, 14, 137 1364. 1378. 1487. . Robert Braunche and wives .Robert Attelathe, (lost) .Robert Alen . 9, 16, 84 . 10, 19 123 Martham Necton . 1372. .Ismena De Wynston 83 1532. . Wife of Robert Goodwin . 93 Norwich : — St. Andreiv's 1537. .Wm. Layer 111 St. Clements 1514. .Margaret Pettwode 93 St. George Colgc ite 1563. .Wm. Norwich 111 St. John's Mad- dermarket ] 1524. . John Terri and wife . 122, 133 St. Lawrence c. 1400. . Lady, unknown 86 1437. . Galfridus Langley . 120 St. Margaret's 1577. .Ann Rede . . 139, 140 St. Martin's 1550. .Shield of Arms 150 St. Peter 1 s Manor ifl 1568, c. 1460.. Peter Rede 152 St. Swithin , s c. 1500. .Lady, unknown 89 Ormesby . . 1529. . Sir Robert De Clere 143 . 1538, c. 1420.. Alicia De Clere 152 ' Pidham . 1301. .Simon De Walpole, (lost) . 6, 118 Raveninyham 1480. . Margaret Willoughby 92 Reepham . . 1391. . Lady Cecilia De Kerdiston 84 Rougham . . 1510. . John and Roger Yelverton 126 Shernborne 1459. . Sir Thos. De Shernbourn . 73, 91 Snoring, Great 1423. . Sir Ralph and Lady Sheltoi i . 71,90 Stokesby . 1488. .Elizabeth De Clere 88 Gg 226 TOPOGRAPHICAL INDEX OF BRASSES. South Acre v Trunch Upwell A.D. 1384. .Sir John and Lady Harsick 1534. .Thomas Leman . 1473, c. 1375.. Walter Beaumont . c. 1425. .William Mowbray Northamptonshire. PAGE 55,85 106 149 104 Castle Ashby Flore Higham Ferrers . 1401.. Wm. Ermyn . 1537.. Alice Wyrley 1337. .Lawrence Seymour . 1400. .Thos. Cliichele and wife . 1 498.. Henry Denton 1400. .Cross with figures . . 1361 . .Wm. De Rothwelle c. 1430. .John West 104, 105 118 95,97 117 98 Newton Rothivell . Sudborough ■ KS\J 120 24, 105 98 Northumberland. Neivcastle . 1429. .Roger Thornton and family Nottinghamshire. 22 Neivark 1361 . .Alan Fleming Oxfordshire. 9, 19, 84 Cassington . Dorchester c. 1420. .Sir Roger Cheyne . . 1349. .Abbot John De Sutton, (lost) 1411 . .Sir John Drayton . c. 1520. .Abbot Bewforreste . 1 315.. Richard De Hart . . 9 1387 . .John Bloxham and John Whytton 1471 . .Warden Sever . 1417. .Archbishop Cranley . 10C c. 1500.. A Notary . . 1526. .Bishop Young . 1527, c. 1450. .Walter Curzon and lady 118 156, 160 65 134 156 5,97, 115 122 Oxford : — Merton Coll. 104 Neiv Coll. 1, 104, 128 113 • X J. *-* 147 Water Perry 153 Rutlandshire. Casterton, Little 1382 . .Sir T. and Lady Burton 55, 62, 8£ Shropshire. , 126, 142 Acton Burnett Tong 1382. .Nicholas, Lord Burnell . 1467 . .Sir Wm. Vernon and family Somersetshire. 55 73, 86, 91 Swainswick Wells Cathedral . 1 439.. Edmond Ford 1242. .Bishop Jocelyn, (lost) Staffordshire. 144 5 OaJcover c. 1520, c. 1450. .Humphrey Oker and family 127, 153 TOPOGRAPHICAL INDEX OF BRASSES. 227 Acton • • B nitidis h . c, Debenham Easton Gorleston . c, Ipswich : — St. Mary Quay St. Mary Tower c. Melford . Onlton Playford . Rishangles Stoke-by -Nayland Woodbridge Wrentham Suffolk, a.d. 1302 . . Sir Robert De Bures 16 1 0. .Isaia Bures, Rector 1 375 . . Esmond De Burnedish 1424. .Sir John and Lady Framingham 1426. .Sir John Brooke 1320. .Sir . . De Bacon TAGE 33 34 96 114 66 33, 36, 95 I Yoxford Horley Horsley, East Kingston . Ling field . Stoke IT Aubernoun 1525. 1475. 1506. 1480. 1310. 1478. 1400. 1599. 1610. 1408. 1520, 1601. 1400. 1593. 1428. 95, .T. Pownder and family 23,89,111,125, .A Notary . . A Notary . . Lady . . Clopton . . . . De Bacon, Priest .Sir John and Lady Fastolf .Sir George Felbrigge .Sir Edw. Grimston .Sir Edw. Grimston II. .Sir \Vm. Tendring 1452 . .Duchess of Suffolk . .John Shorlond .Ela Bowet . . Humphrey Brewster .John Norwich Surrey. c. 1430. .A Lady, unknown . . 1 478.. Bishop Boothe . 1437 . .Rob. and Joan Skerne . 1403. .Sir Reginald De Cobham 1277. .Sir John D' Aubernoun 1327 . .Sir John D' Aubernoun II. v Amberley . V Arundel . v Broadwater . Buxtead Clapham . Cow/old . Grinstead, W. Horsham . Hurstmonceaux Sussex. . 1 424.. John Wantele . 1430. .Agnes Salmon . 1420. .John Mapleton c. 1440. .Richard Tooner c. 1375. .Britellus Avenel 1526. .John Shelly and wife . 1433 .Prior Nelond . 1441 . .Sir Hugh and Lady Halsham c. 1441. . Lady Halsham, (died 1395) c. 1430. .A Priest, unknown 1402 . . Sir William De Fiennes . 132,145 112 113 92, 130 97,115 88 68 129 ib. 55 154 126 86 80 66 87 102 91, 108 59 27 39,41 71 87 104 118 115 . 72, 130 104, 128, 138 86, 92, 131 86, 92, 154 98 142 228 TOPOGRAPHICAL INDEX OF BRASSES. A.D. PAGE Rusper Trotton Wiston c. 1375. .John and Agnes De Kyggesfolde . ] 15 c. 1310.. Margaret, Lady Camoys . . 80,131 . 1424, 1419. .Thomas, Lord Camoys and Elizabeth his lady . 55, 86, 90, 127, 135 . 1426. . Sir John De Brewys . 47, 65, 143 Warwickshire. Baginton Coventry . Merivale Abbey Warwick . Weston 1407. . 1609. 1407. 1401, 1546. 1559. 1411, .Sir Wm. and Lady Bagot 56, 68, 86, 134 .Ann Sewell ... 94 . Lord and Lady Ferrers of Chartley 55 1406 . .Earl and Countess of Warwick 57 . Sir John Greville ... 80 . Sir Edward Greville . . ib. 1418. .Sir Thos. and Lady Crewe 67, 78, 86, 90, 158 Wixford . Wiltshire. Alton Priors St. Michael-in-Mei Salisbury Cathedra 1528. •e 1390. 1 1247. - 1297. 1375. .Agnes Bulton .John De Bettesthorne .Bishop Bingham, (lost) .Bishop Longespee, (lost) .Bishop Wyvill 141 142 . 6,118 6 102, 142 Yorkshire. Allerton Mauleverer c. 1385. .Sir .. De Mauleverer and lady . 50,57 Cowthorpe . 1494 ..Brian RouclifFe and lady 88,92, 110, 127, 132, 138,147 Howden . . 1621, c. 1500. .Peter Dolman . . 152 Topcliff . . 1 391.. Thos. De TopclyfFe and lady . 9,20 Wensley . c. 1360. .A Priest . . .9,20,97 York Cathedral 1 31 5. .Archbishop Grenfeld . . 95,101 Brasses in private possession. c. 1375. Fragment of Abbot, Flemish . c. 1480. Knight with coronet c. 1510. Knight and Lady of Compton family, Appendix (C). 10 135 Aix-la- Chapelle Bruges Constance . Foreign Brasses. 1534. .John Bollart, canon . . 27 . 1 365.. A Burgher . ... 25 c. 1520.. A Notary . . . .113 . 1416. .Rob. Hallum, bishop of Salisbury 25, 128 CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX OF INCISED SLABS. 229 III. CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX OF INCISED SLABS NOTICED IN THIS VOLUME. A.D. PAGE 1223. Robert III., Comte De Dreux, St. Yvod De Braine, France, (lost) ..... 163 1227. Sir John De Bitton, Bitton, Somersetshire 158 c. 1260. Abbots Adam and Peter, St. Denis, France . 163 c. 1260. Cross-legged knight, Avenbury, Hereford 158 1274. Bishop William De Byttone, Wells Cathedral 159 1282. Etienne De Sens, Rouen Cathedral 163 c. 1285. Sir John Botiler, St. Bride's, Glamorganshire 159 1322. William Tracey, Rector, Morthoe, Devon ib. 1325. Adam and Sybilla De Frampton, Wyberton, Lincoln . 160 c. 1325. Abbot Nicholas, St. Ouen, Rouen 163 c. 1365. and Agnes De Baldock, Tempsford, Beds 160 1370. Wm. Villers and wives, Brooksley, Lincoln . ib. 1392. Sir John Wydeville, Grafton Regis, Northants . 74 160 1401. Geoffrey Allesley and wife, Newbold-on-Avon, Warwick ib. 1403. Sir Robert De Malvesyn, Malvesin Ridware, Stafford . ib. 1440. Two Architects, Church of St. Ouen, Rouen 162 1441. Sir John Cherowin, Brading, Isle of Wight . 47, 157 , 160 1465. John Butler and wives, Watton, Herts 161 1486. Abbot Lawrence, Selby, York ib. 1497. Andrew and Elizabeth Jones, Hereford Cathedral ib. c. 1510. Abbot Roger, Dorchester, Oxon 156 1513, 1535. Members of the Rollisley family, Darley, Derbyshire 161 1524. Abbot Ramryge, St. Alban's Abbey Church . ib. 1526. Abbot John Barwicus, Selby, York . ib. 1535. Abbot . . . . , St. George De Bocherville, near Rouen . 163 1584. Margaret Beresforde (?) North Mimms, Herts . 161 • • * • Canon of Poictiers and Chancellor of Noyon, Paris 163 • * * a Fragment of Priest, Petit Andelys, France ib. 230 TOPOGRAPHICAL INDEX OF INCISED SLABS. IV. TOPOGRAPHICAL INDEX OF INCISED SLABS NOTICED IN THIS VOLUME. Bedfordshire. A.D. PAGE Tempsford c. 1365. . and Agnes De Baldock . . 160 Derbyshire. Darley . . 1513, 1535. .Members of the Rollisley, or Rowly family ..... 161 Devonshire. Morthoe . . 1322. .William Tracey, Rector . . .159 Glamorganshire. St. Bride's c. 1285. .Sir John Botiler . . .159 Hampshire. Brading, Isle of Wight 1 44 1 .. Sir John Cherowin . . 47, 1 57, 1 60 Herefordshire. Avenbury . c. 1260. .Cross-legged Knight . . . 158 Hereford Cathedral 1497. .Andrew and Elizabeth Jones . . 161 Hertfordshire. North Mimms . 1584. .Margaret Beresford, (?) . . . 161 St. Albaris Abbey . 1524. .Abbot Ramryge . . . ib. Watton . . 1465. .John Butler and wives . . . ib. Lincolnshire. Brooksley . . 1370. .William Villers and wives . . 160 Wyberton . . 1325. .Adam and Sybilla De Frampton . ib. Northamptonshire. Grafton Regis . 1392. .Sir John Wydeville . . 74,160 Oxfordshire. Dorchester c. 1510. .Abbot Roger .... 156 Staffordshire. Malvesin Ridware . 1403. .Sir Robert De Malvesyn . 160 Somersetshire. Bitton . . 1227.. Sir John De Bitton . . .158 Wells Cathedral . 1274. .Bishop William De By ttone . .159 TOPOGRAPHICAL INDEX OF INCISED SLABS. 231 Warwickshire. a.d. Neivbolcl-on-Avon . 1401 . .Geoffrey Allesley and Wife Selby 1486. 1526. France: — St. Denis c. 1260. Paris . Rouen Cathedral 1282. St. Ouen, Rouen c. 1325. 1440. Yorkshire. .Abbot Lawrence . Abbot John Barwicus Foreign Slabs. .Abbots Adam and Peter , Canon of Poictiers . Etienne De Sens . Abbot Nicholas .Two Architects Bocherville near ) Rouen j St. YvodDe Braine 1223 Petit Andelys .... 1535.. Abbot .Robert III., Comte De Dreux . Fragment PAGE 160 161 ib. 163 ib. ib. ib. 162 163 ib. ib. V. CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX OP SCULPTURED EFFIGIES NOTICED IN THIS VOLUME. A.D. 1269. c. 1270. 1296. 1302. c. 1310. 1312. 1317. c. 1320. 1321. 1323. c. 1325. 1334. 1336. 1337. 1343. 1348. c. 1350. 1354. 1372. PAGE Aveline, Countess of Lancaster, Westminster Abbey . 81 Sir Richard De Montfort, Hitchendon, Bucks . .31 William De Valence, Earl of Pembroke, Westminster Abbey 131 Brian, Lord Fitzalan of Bedale, Bedale, York 31, 33, 36, 43 Lady .... Clifford, Worcester Cathedral . .131 Sir William De Staunton, Staunton, Notts . . .31 William, Lord De Ros, Temple Church . . 36, 43 Sir .... De Pembridge, Clehongre, Hereford . 31, 42 Humphrey De Bohun, Earl of Hereford, Hereford . 39, 50 Aymer De Valence, Earl of Pembroke, Westminster . 47 Sir John D'Ifield, Ifield, Sussex . . . .39 Prince John of Eltham, Westminster Abbey . . ib. Charles, Comte D'Etampes, Royal Catacombs, St. Denis . 43 Sir Roger De Kerdiston, Reepham, Norfolk . . 30 Sir Oliver DTngham, Ingham, Norfolk . . . ib. Archbishop Stratford, Canterbury Cathedral . . 100 Sir John Blanchefront, Alvechurch, Worcester . . 42 Lady Montacute, Oxford Cathedral . . 85, 125 Blanche De La Tour, tomb of Edward III., Westminster . 85 232 CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX OF SCULPTURED EFFIGIES. A.D. PAGE 1375. Sir Arthur Basset (?), Atherington, Devon . . 42 1375. Knight, carved in wood, Bamberg Cathedral . . 51 1394. Anne, Queen of Richard II., Westminster Abbey . . 58 1402. John Gower, St. Saviour's, Southwark . . .134 1439. Beatrice, Countess of Arundel, Arundel, Sussex . . 90 1471. Sir Robert and Lady Harcourt, Stanton Harcourt, Oxon . 135 1474. William Canynges, St. Mary Redcliffe, Bristol . .112 VI. TOPOGRAPHICAL INDEX OF SCULPTURED EFFIGIES NOTICED IN THIS VOLUME. Buckinghamshire. Hitchendon A.D. 1270, . Sir Richard De Montfort Atherington . Devonshire, c. 1375. .Sir Arthur Basset, (?) Gloucestershi re. Bristol : — St. Mary Redcliffe 1474. .William Canynges Herefordshire. Clehongre . c 1320. .Sir .... De Pembridge Hereford Cathedral 1321 . .Humphrey, Earl of Hereford . Kent. Canterbury Cathedral 1348. .Archbishop Stratford Middlesex. St.Saviours, Southwark 1402. .John Gower . Temple Church, Londonl3l7 . .William, Lord De Ros Westminster Abbey . 1269. .Aveline, Countess of Lancaster 1 296.. William De Valence . 1393. .Ay mer De Valence 1334. .Prince John of Eltham 1372. .Blanche De La Tour 1394. .Anne, Queen of Richard II. . Ingham Reepham Norfolk. 1343. .Sir Oliver D'Ingham , 1337. .Sir Roger De Kerdiston PAGE 31 42 112 31,42 39,50 . 100 . 134 36,43 . 81 . 131 . 47 39 . 85 . 58 30 30 TOPOGRAPHICAL INDEX OF SCULPTURED EFFIGIES. 233 Staunton Oxford Cathedral Stanton Harcourt Arundel Ifield Nottinghamshire. A.D. 1312. .Sir William De Staunton Oxfordshire. . 1354. .Lady Montacute . 1471 . .Sir Robert and Lady Harcourt Sussex. 1439. .Beatrice, Countess of Arundel c. 1325.. Sir John D'Ifield Worcestershire. Alvechurch . c 1350. .Sir John De Blanchefront Worcester Cathedral c. 1310. .Lady .... Clifford . Bedale Yorkshire. 1302. .Brian, Lord Fitzalan Foreign Effigies. PACK 31 85, 125 . 135 90 39 42 131 St. Denis . . 1336. .Charles, Corate D'Etampes Bamberg Cathedral c. 1375. .Knight carved in wood 31, 33, 36, 43 43 51 Foreign slabs carved in low relief. Germany: — Necharsteinach Schonthal Wertheim 1369. .Ulrich Landschaden 1377. .Hewnel Landschaden and Lady 1319. .Albrecht Hohenlohe 1407. . Johan, Graaf von Wertheim 192 ib. 191 193 Hh 234 INDEX OF SHIELDS OF ARMS. VII. INDEX OF SHIELDS OF ARMS EMBLAZONED IN THIS VOLUME. SHIELD 07 ARMS : SHIELD OF ARMS : Eijomas JBt aaoo&stocft, Suite of Gloucester. Sofiun. BRASS OF ELEANOR DE BOHUN, AD. 1399. BRASS OF ELEANOR DE BOHUN, A.D. 1399. WESTMINSTER ABBEY, WESTMINSTER ABBEY. PAGE King Edward the Confessor . 64 King Henry V. . . 67 King Henry V., when Prince of Wale s . ib. King Richard II. . 63 Beauchamp . 57 Blenerhasset . 150 Botiler, or Butler . 159 Braunche . 17 Calthorpe tS . 150 Camoys,^/ see Cut op posite page 127 Cheyne <_/ . 74 V D'Aubernoun ^ . . 29 De Bures \y . 34 De Creke ^ . . 40 De Northwode . . 43 De Septvans ^ . . 35 De Trumpington \s 31, 32 v Felbrigge V/ . 64 Ferrers of Chartley 1/ . 57 Fynderne . 71 Grey of Groby . 74 Grimston . 129 Halsham . 131 Hastings . 46 Heyworth . 108 Keldon . 150 INDEX OF SHIELDS OF ARMS, 235 PAGE Lowdham . 150 Mercers' Company . 133 Merchants Adventurers . ib. Merchants of the Staple . 132 Mortimer, see Cut opposite page 127 Norwich, City of . 133 Oker . 127 Orion . 150 Paletoot . 53 , Say . 74 V Shelley . 130 Strabolgy, Earl of Athol . v Wantele . 131 . 71 ST. GEOKGE, BRASS OF SIR NICHOLAS HAWBEKK, COBHAM CHDRCH. KENT. A.D. 1407, 8 HENRY IV. OXFORD J PRINTED BY I. 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