BANCROFT LIBRARY •O THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA Promts^ And an Exposure of the False Teach- ings of the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Ig a. N^mfag For Seven Years a Missionary of the Above Church. COEUR D'ALENE. IDAHO. JUNE 17. 1921 Dear Reader: This little leaflet comes to you as a fulfill- ment of a promise I have made thousands of times from the sacred stand, to the effect that if ever I found out the church I was represent- ing, was teaching doctrine out of harmony with the doctrine of Christ, I would leave them at once and denounce them to the world. And since, through the Providence of an all- wise God, I have found beyond a shadow of a doubt, that they are teaching false doctrine, and that Joseph Smith himself was responsible for the revelation of polygamy, and that he himself taught the doctrine of a plurality of Gods, and many other false doctrines, it now becomes my painful duty to my God and to my fellow man, to make these things generally known to the pub. lie. And as the Church has ignored my request to publish an account in their papers of my leaving the church and my reasons, etc., etc., I am send- ing forth this leaflet. li I also beg- to inform the public that I later on will ipublish a book, giving a history of my life, how I became affiliated with the above church giving a brief write-up of my labor dn the church, and how I found out from their own publications and the old church records and pa- pers, which apparently have been hid from the world, how I came in possession of the above records, together with a long correspondence with the leaders of the church showing how they tried to influence me to remain with them, and showing how they misrepresented things to lead me astray, and this all from their own writings. Also an apology to the sectarian churches at large for my misrepresenting them thinking I was doing right at the time, but have found out I was wrong and want the world to know it, as I realize I will have to meet it all at the Judg- ment Bar of God. ElcB tieff Those books will be for sale at 35 cents eao post-paid, all desiring them can send in the orders, and as soon as the books are off the press will be forwarded, which will be about the 15th of October next. If this little leaflet falls into the hands of every-one that ever heard me make the above promises I shall feel amply well paid for my time and trouble in sending this forth. Ever praying that the cause of Christ may continue to roll along and that the honest in heart of all churches may be gathered into the fold of Christ is the humble prayer of the writer. R. NEWBY No. 204 Garden Ave., Coeur d'Alene, Idaho. <={>o^ i Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2007 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation