Q OF H. F. BRIGGS V NO... DATE GIFT OF Dr. Horace Ivie EDUCATION DEFT A LEXICON ABRIDGED FROM Liddell & Scott's Greek -English Lexicon THE EIGHTEENTH EDITION CAREFULLY REVISED THROUGHOUT WITH AN APPENDIX OF PROPER AND GEOGRAPHICAL NAMES PREPARED BY THE REV. JAMES M. WHITON, PH.D. NEW YORK HARPER & BROTHERS, PUBLISHERS FRANKLIN SQUARE 1879 Copyright, 1878, by HARPER BROTHERS, GIFT OF DEPT MM ADVERTISEMENT. THE Abridgment of Liddell and Scott's Greek-English Lexicon is in- tended chiefly for use in Schools. It has been reduced to its present compass by the omission I. Of passages cited as Authorities, except where examples seemed necessary to explain more clearly the usage of a word ; II. Of discussions upon the Derivation of words ; III. Of words used only by authors not read in Schools, or of the particular meanings of words not in general use, such as medical or scientific teTms. But words used by Theocritus, the writers of the Anthology, Lucian, and Plutarch in his Lives, have been retained ; and especial care has been taken to explain all words contained in the New Testament. Words are printed in Capitals, when they are radical forms, or when no form nearer the original Root is known to exist. The Derivation, when it is certain, is placed before the English explanation : when this is not the case, some notice will be found at the end of the word. Many additional tenses and cases, mostly Homeric or Doric, have been inserted to give a clue to the simple word, when there seemed to be any difficulty or irregularity in the formation. All tenses and forms of words in the Gospels that presented any difficulty have been inserted in their place. The quantity of doubtful syllables has been marked, except in such tenses of Verbs, cases of Nouns, and words, as are regularly derived. In such forms the quantity ought to be known to young students from grammatical rules. For the sake of clearness, the parts of which compound words are made up have been marked by placing a hyphen between them, as, a7ro-/3aAAo>, aa, TO, indecl., first letter of the Gr. 5 alphabet. As numeral, a = cts, and Trpwros, but a t ~ 1000. In Ion. Greek a becomes 77, as ffotyia, ffofpirj. In Dor. Greek a is used instead of 77, as, d8vs for fjSvs : but the verbal term, aro is changed into rjro, as (Kvv^dro into 6Kvvf)TO. a, as prefix in compos.: I. a privativum, o, as trofpos wise, a-Go, (d0afcf)s) to be speechless. |s, es, (a privat., /3d^a>) speechless. , (a privat., ftaKxevoj) without Bac- chic frenzy, uninspired, joyless. d-pdirri(TTOS, ov, (a privat., ^a-nri^oi) not to be dipped, that will not sink, Lat. immersabilis. II. unbaptized. d-papT|S, fs, (a privat., &dpos) not heavy : not bur- densome. d-pao-dvurros, ov, (a privat., Paaavifa} not ex- amined by torture, unquestioned. Adv. -TCUS, without question or trial. d-paoriXcvTos, ov, (a privat., @a ( a <>T)Ti, Dor. -a-rC, Adv. (a privat., #odcy) uncalled, without surn^i^nc. d-p6r]TOS, -D,->-r. -arcs, or,- (a privat., Pocua) un- called. II. unmounted. dpoXiL), ~ 'i" TifioXtjj, to -i met. d-p. 77cra>, = ou 0ov\ofJiai, to be unwilling. d-j3ovXT)TOS, ov, (a privat., (3ov\opcu) unwilling, involuntary. Adv. TOJS. a,-{3ovAia, 17, ill counsel, thoughtlessness : from d-pouXos, ov, (a privat., &ovXrj) inconsiderate, ill- advised: Adv. -cas, superl. dfiovXoTara. d-povTT]S, ov, 6, (a privat., /3o!s) without oxen: hence poor. d-ppKTOS, ov, (a privat., ty>6X cu ) unwetted. d-j3pI0"rjs, es, (a privat., fipiOa}) without weight. dppo-pdTT)S, ov, 6, (dfipos, $aivoj) softly or deli- cately stepping. [j8o] dppo-'yoos, ov, (affpos, yoos) womanishly wailing. appo-8iaiTOS, ov, (d/3pos, Siaira) living delicately or effeminately : ro dfipodiairov effeminacy. dppo-KO|AT)S, ov, 6, (djSpos, KOf^rj} with delicate, luxu- riant hair or leaves. d-pp6}juos, ov, (a privat., Bpofitos) without Bacchus. d-ppo(jios, ov, (a copul., /3poyuos) noisy, boisterous. dppo-ireSiXos, ov, (dfipos, ireotXov) soft-sandalled. dppo-irXovTOS, ov, (djSpos, TT\OVTOS) richly luxu- riant. 'ABPO'2, d, 6v, also os, ov, delicate, pretty, dainty, soft, luxurious. (Akin to ij0r].) d|3pocnjvT|, rj, = app6Tr)s. dppoTd^co, f. aTos, ov, (a privat., pippuff/cca) not having eaten. II. pass, not to be eaten, uneatable. ov, (a privat., /3u. poet, form of dya.fj,cu, to admire. S, S, (d-yaOos, e?Sos) seeming good. ), contr. -oupYeco, to do good ; and , contr. -ovpYi, fj, a good or noble deed : good service. From aYaOo-epYos, contr. -ovpYos, ov, (dyaOus, tpyov) doing good : oi 'AyaOofpyoi, at Sparta, the five oldest knights, who went on missions for the state. dYo,0oiroico, = dya9o-fpyQ} ; and , -fj, = dyaOo-fpyia. From s, ov, (dyaOus, Troieca) - dyaOo-cpyos. , rj, ov, good in its kind, opp. to KOLKOS, bad: I. in Homer usu. of heroes, bravef noble : later in moral sense, good, virtuous. 2. of things, etc., good in their kind ; neut. rd dyaOd the goods of fortune, wealth, also good fare, dainties ; TO dyaduv, Lat. summum bonum. There are no regular forms of comparison. The Comp. in use are J3f\ria}v, also djjicivoov, Kpeiffffcav, KOJIOJV (Xcaow) : Ep. @e\T(pos, XojLTfpos, also (pfprcpos. Sup. @\TiaTOS, dptaros, KpariffTOS, Xoj'iffTos (A^O"TOS) : Ep. fitXraros, (pfpra- ros, (pepiffTos. The Adv. in common use is S, well. ayaQovpytoi, contr. form of dyaOofpyea. a.ya,Qvvu>, (dyaOos) to make good, exalt. II. to do good : Pass, to be of good cheer. , 17, (dyaOos) goodness, kindness. (ayrf) collat. form of dyapai, dyaopai, only in bad sense, to be angry .at : to envy. aYa-KXerjs, cs, (dyav, Ae'os) very glorious, famous, renowned : gen. dyatc\T)os ; shortd. poet, forms, ace. sing. dyaK\ea, pi. dyaxXeas, dat. sing. dyarcXti. os, rj, ov, = dyaKXffjS. , ov, (dyav, K\VTOS) like dyaKXirjs, Lat. inclytus. . o,Ya-KTt|Ji6VT], (dyav, KT'L^CO) a poet. fern. = evKTi^vij, well-built or placed. d-YaXaKTOS, ov, (a privat., yaXa} without milk, giving none. II. getting none, weaned, Lat. lacte depulsus. , ecas, 77, exceeding great joy. From - aaXXtd- , aor. -fiyaXXidaa : also as Dep. ojjiai, f. dffopai [a], strengthd. for dyaX\ofj,ai: to re- joice exceedingly. 'AFAAAI'S, ioos, 77, a plant, the iris or flag. 'AFA'AAfl, f. dyaXu : aor. ijyrjXa, inf. dyfjXai : = dyXaov Troto), to make glorious, glorify, honour, esp. a god: also to deck, adorn : mostly in Pass. trydA- XofMi, to glory, delight, exult in a thing, c. dat. Hence cryaXiJia, arcs, TO, that wherein one delights, a glory, delight, ornament : a pleasing gift, esp. for the gods : hence, 2. a statue in honour of a god ; the image ayoAjutaroTTOios ayyeA/xa. of a god as an object of worship. 3. any statue or image. dyaXjiaTO-iroios, oO, o. (dyaXfia, TTOtecu) a maker of statues, a statuary, sculptor. "AFA'MAI, ?. pi. dyaaOf Ep. dydaffOe, inf. dyaaOai Ep. dydaadai : impf. 1/yd/j.ijv, Ep. 2 pi. r^ydoOe : fut. dydffofMi [al Ep. dydcraofjai : the aor. I mostly in Pass, form -i]ydaOrjv, but also Med. i]yacrdpr)v (even in Att.), Ep. i]yaaad}iT]v, dyaaos, ov, (dyav, vipopajv, ov, gen. ovos, (dyavus, v, Dor. for 7776^-. dycv, Dor. and Ep. for kayrjaav, 3 pi. aor. 2 pass, from dyvvfjit : [a] 2. Ep. 3 sing, for 777617, impf. from orycu to lead. d-yVaX6yr)TOS, ov, (a privat., 761/60X0760;) without pedigree, of unknown descent. dycveia, 77, (dytvys) low birth : meanness. d-yeveios, ov, (a privat., yevftov) beardless, boyish. d-ycv^js, e'*, (o privat., 761/0$) unborn, uncreated: but usu. II. of no family, i. e. low-born, opp. to ayyeAo? ayei/eco. II. a-ycvi]TOS, ov, (a privat., yeveadai] unborn, un- created. II. not having happened, Lat. infectus : hence false, groundless. d-y6WT|s, 6's, = 0761/775 n. Adv. -vws. a-yevvrjTOS, ov, (a privat., yevvacu) unbegotten, un- born : without origin, born, mean. , Dor. for 777^0/^01. II. like 076^775 H, low- d-yepacrTOS, ov, (a privat., yepas) without a gift of honour, unrecompensed, unrewarded. dyepecrdai, Ep. aor. 2 med. inf. of dydptt). dyepOev, Ep. for ijyfpQrjaav, 3 pi. aor. I pass, of a.76tpa>. dyepovro, 3 pi. Ep. aor. 2 med. of dycip&. dyepoxos, ov, = dyepcaxos. dyepcris, tas, 77, (dytipoi) a gathering, mustering. ov, in good sense, brave, high-minded, lordly : in bad sense, overweening, haughty, fierce. Adv. -x^s- (Deriv. uncertain.) dy(TKOv, Ion. impf. of 070;. dye-o-Tparos, o, 77, (070;, arparos) leading the host. dyerqs, 6, Dor. for 7776x77$. d-ycvcTTOs, ov, (a. privat., yevopiai) not tasting : without taste of, c. gen. dyi] [a] 77, (dya/j.ai) in good sense, wonder, awe, reverence. 2. in bad sense, envy, hatred, spite : of the gods, jealousy. dyrj [a], ), (ayvvfjii) a fragment, piece, splinter. dytj, Ep. for 60777, 3 sing. Ep. aor. i pass, of ayvufti, to break. dyrjyepaTat, dyiiyepaTO, Ep. 3 pi. pf. and plqpf. pass, of dyeipca. dyif|Y6pKa, -epp-ai, pf. act. and pass, of dyeipca. dyfjXca, aor. I inf. of d"7oXXw. dy-TjXaT60), 770*0;, (0708, (\avvetf) to drive away pol- lution or a polluted person, Lat. piaculum exigere : cf. dv8p-T)\aT0). dyr|p,a, TO, (d'76;) Lat. agmen, a body or division of an army, a corps, esp. of the Lacedaemonians. dy-Tjvopcios, Dor. dyavop-, a, ov, = dyf)vcop. dy-i)vopia, 77, manliness, manhood, courage. dy-T|vcop, Dor. dy-dvs, (av: ace. sing, dy/jpcav or 077700): nom. dual, dyrjpoj, nom. and ace. plur. dyrjpws. d-yT|paTOS, ov, = dyfjpaos. d-yTJpoos, cuv, contr. for dyrjpaos. dyr]o-i-xopos, ov, (dyeo/Mi Dor. for -qyecpai, X C P^ S ) leading the chorus or dance. dyirp-fip, ?7pos, Dor. for fjyrjrrjp. [a] dyTf]TOS, 77, ov, (dyafj,ai} admirable, wondrous, [a] dyid^oj, (07405) to hallow, consecrate. dyiao-0T|Ta), 3 sing. aor. I pass, imper. of cryta^o;. dyiao-jjia, OTOS, TO, (0710^0;) that which is hallowed, a holy place, sanctuary. dyiacr|ji6s, ov, 6, (0740^0;) consecration, sanctification. dytaoTT|piov, TO, = dyiafffjia. f. Att. icD, (07405) to hallow, make sacred, Lat. dedicare. dyiV6co, f. 770-0; : Ep. pres. inf. dyivepfvai : impf. }yivov t Ion. dyiveff/cov : lengthd. Ion. form of 070;, aytoypafos ayAaur/xa. to carry, bring : Med. to have brought one. II. to bear fruit. ayLQ-ypdfyos, ov, (erytos, ypcujxu) written by inspira- tion : TO. dyi6-ypd, poet, for dva-KaXtM. ayicdXi], -fj, (dy/trj} the bent arm, mostly in plur. II. metaph. anything closely enfolding, as the arms of the sea, etc. [KCL] dYKaXiop,, poet, for dva-Krjpvo'ffo}. ia, 77, (dy/tiffTpov} angling. T), ov, (ayKio~Tpov) of or for -angling : TO dyKio~TpcvTiKov, angling. , TO, Dim. of dymaTpov, a small hook. SeTOS, ov, (dyKto~Tpov, 8y) with a hook bound to it, of a fishing-rod. dYKicrTpo-6i8r|s. fs, (dy/tiaTpov, floos) hook-shaped. (LyKia-rpov, TO, (akin to dyitos, d"y/ev\os) a fish-hook. dy-KXivco and dy-KXip-a, TO, poet, for dva-K\ivw, j, 77, (dyKv} poet, for dyndXij, used only in plur. the bent arms. II. metaph. anything closely enfolding; cf. dyKa\r). cVy-Kop,i(i), poet, for ava-KOftifai. d-y-Koviw, for dva-Kovi : aor. I rjyfcvplffa : (dyfcvpa) : to hook, catch as with a fish-hook. aYKVpiov, TO, Dim. of dytcvpa, a small anchor. ayKvp-ovxla, 77, (dytcvpa, tx^) a holding by the an- chor ; kv dyftvpovxio-is when safe at anchor. 'AFKfl'N, wvos, 6, like dyKaXrj, the bend or hollow of the arm, the bent arm, the elbow : hence II. any bend, as the angle of a wall, the bend of a river, a bay or creek of the sea ; also the curved horns of the lyre. Hence UYKO>VI|Jios, ov, (dyXaos, a)/*os) gracing the feast. 'AFAA^O'S, 77, ov, also os, ov, splendid, stately, beautiful, brilliant, bright : of men, famous, noble : c. dat. famous for a thing. Adv. -ws. (Akin to eu- yX-r), dyaXXofjuu.) dyXao-TpiaiVTis, ov, o, ace. -dv, (dyXaos, rpiaiva) the god of the bright trident. a,y\a,-&\\>, unros, 6, 77, (0,7X00$, city) bright-eyed : ge- nerally, flashing. , fs, (a privat., yXevKos) not sweet : sour, harsh. "ArAI"5, dyXWos, only used in plur. ayXWes, a head of garlic, which is made up of several cloves. , es, = d-yXevKrjs. Att. dyXcoTTCa, fj, dumbness. From tt. d-YXo>TTOS, ov, (a privat., yXtuff&a) without tongue : silent, dumb, Lat. elinguis. II. speaking a strange tongue, = fidpfiapos. cryixa, TO, (dyvvjj.i) a fragment. dyjios, o, (dyvvfu) a breakage, fracture of a bone. II. a broken cliff, precipice. d-YvojMTTOS, ov, (a privat., yvdfMTTO)) unbending. d--yvairros, ov, = sq. II. also not cleansed. d-Yva<|>os, ov, (a privat., yvaTTToS) of cloth, not carded, i. e. new. , 77, (dyvevQ}} purity, chastity. TO, (dyvevoj) chastity. f. (dyvos^) to observe scrupulously, make a point of conscience of, c. inf. : also simply, to be pure or chaste: c. gen. to keep oneself pure from. ayvL^o), f. Att. to; : aor. I ijyvura : (0:71/08) : to make pure, purify, cleanse, Lat. lustrare. II. to offer, burn as a sacrifice. efyvios, a, ov, (dyvos} made of withy or agnus castut. aYvi6r)Ka: Pass., aor. I rjyvorjOrjv : pf. 7/71/077^04: (as if from *a-7i/oos = a-j/oos) : not to perceive or know, to he ignorant, Lat. ignorare : in Homer mostly, OVK dyvoirjaev he perceived or knew well : Pass, not to be known. II. absol. to mistake, be wrong ; hence in part, dji/owv, by mistake. Hence TO, a fault of ignorance, oversight ; and , 17, ov, apt to err from ignorance. cLyvoia,, rj, (d^vota) want of perception, igno- rance. II. = 0.71/077 \M., a fault of ignorance. .[poet, sometimes devoid : cf. dVoia.] , poet., esp. Ep., form for djvoca. Od. 24. 218, 3 sing. aor. I opt. of but if written dyvoir^i, it is 3 sing. pres. dyvotca subj. , Adv., pres. act. part, of d/yyoeoi, igno- rantly. , ov, (d^vos, pca) pure-flowing. ov, pure, chaste, unsullied : holy, sa- cred. II. c. gen. pure from a thing. Adv. -vws. (Akin to a, f. rjffca, (dyvuiicav} to act without judg- ment, act ignorantly or unfairly. Adv. of dyvw^cav, senselessly. , fj, want of sense or judgment I. senselessness, ignorance. II. senseless pride, ar- rogance. III. unfairness, unkindness, Lat. ini- quitas : in plur. misunderstandings. From d~Yvu)jjicov, ov, ovos, (a privat., yv&fjnj') wanting sense or judgment : senseless, thoughtless, headstrong. II. unfeeling, unkind : unjust. d-Yvws, euros, 6, rj, (a privat., yvuvai) pass, un- known : obscure. 2. obscure, ignoble. II. act. not knowing, ignorant of a thing. Adv. of dyvos. , 77, (dyvws') a not knowing, ignorance. II. a being unknown, obscurity. uYvaxrcrao-Ke or dyvu)o~a, Dor. for dyopdfa. fas, 77, (dyopdfa) buying, purchase. , TO, (dyopdfa) that which is bought or sold : in plur. wares, merchandise. dYOpao-TT|S, ov, 6, (dyopdfa) the slave who had to buy provisions, the purveyor, Lat. obsonator. d-YopcurTtKos, 77, ov, (dyopdfa) of or for trafficking or trade: 77 dyopaffTifrf) (sub. TfX vr }} commerce, trade. dYopevo), impf. rjyopfvov, Ep. dy6pfvov : fut. -fvaca : aor. rjyopfvaa, Ep. dy- : pf. i/yupevrca : Med., aor. rjyopvrja,fji.r)v : Pass., aor. yyopfvOrjv : pf. (but in Att. the fut. in use is epo), pf. aor. flirov} : (dyopd) : to speak in the Assembly, to counsel : generally to speak ; Katcov or Kaitcus dyo- peviv Tivd to speak ill o/one. 2. to proclaim, de- clare : Med. to get a thing proclaimed. d/ycpr], Ep. and Ion. for a7opa. Hence o.YopTJ0v, Adv. from the Assembly or market ; and on ! quick ! (rypeios, a, ov, (dypos} of the country, rural, rustic : also, clownish, boorish, like dypoiKos. Hence aYpcioo-uvTj, 77, clownishness : the life of a clown or boor. "AFPEI^NA, rjs, 77, a harrow, rake. c.Yp6|*.ios, ov, (aypcC) taken in hunting. dYpetria, 77, = dypa, spoil taken in the chase. d'Ypevjxa, TO, (dypevw) that which is taken in the chase, booty, spoil. II. a net, toil. aYpevs, cus, o, (dypfvoj) a hunter. aYpvrf|p, Typos, 6, = dypcvrrjs. aYpVTT|S, ov, 6, a hunter, like dypevs. II. as Adj. used in hunting or fishing ; dyp. nvves, hounds; dyp. #aAa/nos a fishing-rod. a-YpevrtKos, r), Lv, fit for, skilled in hunting. From aYpcvci), f. evffca, (dypa) to hunt, take by bunting, catch : metaph. to hunt after, pursue eagerly. d/yp^o), Aeol. form of dypevca, to hunt after, pursue eagerly : see dypti, dypcire. aYpt], 77, Ion. for dypa. , f. dvw: aor. rjypidva: (dypios): I. intrans. 8 dypieAcuoj to be savage, provoked, angry. 2. causal, to make angry, provoke. aYpt-eAaios, ov, (dypios, lA.ata) of a wild olive : as Subst. dypi\aios, 77, a wild olive, oleaster. (ovos, ov, (dypios, T|, 77, = dypefyva. [t] , es, (dypios, e?5os) of a wild nature. , ov, (dypios, an//) wild-looking. , ov, 6, (dypos, /36Wa>) feeding in the field, dwelling in the country. aYpo-Y6iTa>v, ovos, o, (dypos, yeircav) a country neighbour, opp. to darvyfiTcav. ov, 6, (dypa, Si8cafj.i) a giver of booty. , Adv. of dy pas, from the country. ia, f], (dypoi/eos) boorishness, coarseness. II. country life, the country : pi. country houses. u YpoiKiop.v\a|j, &KOS, 6, (dypos, ("7X** AtoAtfi/) coming near: al- ways in neut. as Adv. o^X'' f*.o\ov e\6eiv or arrival to come or stand near; l d7x*/ ("7X veAw) a ready wit, shrewdness, Lat. sagacitas. ayxi-voos, ov, eontr. cryxt- vov s, oul/ > ready of mind, shrewd, Lat. sagax. ciy\iov, Comp. Adv. of 017x1, nearer. o-7X^- ir ^ oos OJ/ > contr. d-yxk-' n '^ ot 'S, ow, TrAovs) near by sea ; dyx- """opos a short voyage. o,YXt-' n ' ^ t s, poet. aYX^- 1 " ^, ecus, 6, fj, TroAts) near the city, dwelling in the land. ov, (dyxi, iropevopai) passing near; dyxwopoi flatterers at one's elbow. a.y\l-irro\\.s, poet ^YX l (d7X'0"Teww) nearness of kin, rights of kin, right of inheritance. vs, teas, o, (cfyxfcrra) the next of kin : the heir at law. ayxifncv'ji, f. et'ra>, (ay%iffTos} to be near to one, c. dat. : esp. to be next of kin, to be heir at law. u.YX l ' T T)P> W os , <5, poet, for cryxtGrrey rov irdOovs immediate author of the suffering. a,YX t(rT ^ vo s ^5 OJ/ > poet, lengthd. form of dy\iffros, close-packed, in a heap. uYX t OI/ > Sup. Adj. (ofyxO next or nearest: dyxtffTos y*v*i nearest of kin : neut. dyx i as Sup. Adv. most nearly, dyx^Ta toinas most nearly like; 01 ayx iaTa the next of kin: freq. c. gen. as ayx 1 ** TWOS, nearest to him. II. of time, last, Lat. proximus. ayxl- nigh at hand, c. gen. ], 77, (d'7xw) throttling, strangling, hanging : Kpfiaaov a~fx VT ) s worse than hanging; ayx^ vr } s TTfXas as bad as hanging; a.yx^ vr j Ka ^ ^ 7 ' 7r '7 anguish and grief. 2. a rope for hanging, halter. aYx6 vl S a, o*% (tryxwT?) ^ /or strangling or banging, u.y-\op^\iu>, poet, for d^a-xopf^ci;. a/yxoTaTOS, 77, or, Sup. Adj. (cryxt) nearest, next : mostly as Adv. (ryxoTarcy, like dyx iffTa , c. gen. ; 01 dyxoTaTca TrpoafjKovTfs the nearest of kin. a, ov, Comp. Adj. (ofyx*) nearer. 9 near, nigb at band: absol., or c. gen., also c. dat., cf. dyxi- , impf. ^y\ov : f. dyoo : aor. ?tfa : Lat. AN GO, to press tight, esp. the throat : to strangle, throttle, hang. , ov, (dyxi, o/iaAos) nearly ejual; dyx~ oj[j.a\os (taxi) a doubtful battle. Adv. dyx^pdXojs, also dyx^>fia\a, doubtfully, Lat. aequo Marte. Lat. AGO: impf. fjyov, Ep. dyov, Ion. fut. doj : aor. 2 ijyayov, inf. d/yo/yefi' ; less freq. aor. I 77^0, inf. dat Ep. dge/jiev or dt- fj.evai : pf. ^x a redupl. d-yfjoxo.. Med., fut. ao/#u: aor. I fidfj.t]v, aor. 2 Tjyay6fj.r)v. Pass., fut. dxOr}- aofMi, but also fut. med. aopai, with pass, signf. : aor. I pass. rjxQiJv - pf- ?iy 1*0.1 : verb. Adj. dfcreov ': Lat. AGO: I. Act. to lead, lead away, of persons, (ppiv being used of things ; dyeiv KOL e- peiv to carry off" the spoil of a land, both cattle and movables, like Lat. agere etferre: dyeiv els biKrjv or Sifcaffrripiov, or dyeiv em rovs oueaffrds, to carry before a court of justice, Lat. rapere in jus. 2. to lead on, lead towards ; dyzv Oavdroio reAocrSe led on to death ; c. inf., dyei OaveTv it leads to death : hence to lead, as a general ; to guide, as the gods, etc. 3. to bring up, train, educate, KaXws or fca- KUIS f/xQijvai. 4. to draw out in length ; rcfxos dyfiv, Lat. murum ducere, to build a wall. 5. like Lat. agere, to hold, celebrate, lopr^i/, etc. : also to hold, keep, observe, dprjvrjv, ffirovods, etc. : dyeiv fiiov, Lat. agere vitam, to lead a life, live. 6. like Lat. ducere, to hold, consider; kv ripy dyciv or to ta ^ e a thing into one's hands. UY ^WY uios, ov, (dycayrj)Jltfor leading by, of a dog's collar or leash. a.yu>ye.vs, ecas, o, (dyca to lead} a leader, one that draws or drags. II. that by which one leads, a rein, leash. ayuyf], 17, (dycu) a leading away, a carrying away or off: also in intrans. sense, a going away. 2. a bringing to or in, bringing before an assembly. 3. a leading towards a point, guiding : the leading of an army, guiding a state. 4. a training, educa- ting : and intrans. conduct, mode of life. aYcoYip-os, ov, (o/ycyj easy to be carried: rci dyu- yipa, things portable, a cargo of wares. II. (hat may be carried away : of persons, outlawed, or delivered into bondage. III. easily led, com- plaisant. 10 aycoytor abaa. dviivtov, TO, (ayoj) the load of a wagon. ayayos, v > (dyoj) leading, guiding: as Subst., dycayos, 6, a guide; dycayoi an escort. II. leading towards. III. drawing to oneself, eli- citing, c. gen. : attractive, TO cfyaryo?/, attractiveness. 'APri'N, a^os, 6, an assembly, like dyopd : esp. an assembly met to see games. 2. a place of assembly: a place of contest, the arena or sta- dium. II. the assembly of the Greeks at their great national games, as, dywv 'OAu/rtds, dywv 'O\vfj.mtc6s, etc. : hence the contest for a prize at their games. 2. generally, any struggle or con- test, dyajv iTfpl TTJS ipvxns. 3. a battle. 4. an M?/IO at law, trial. 5. metaph., IcmV d-ywi/ Xoyojv, fJidxrjs, etc., now is Afe fc'we /or speaking, fighting, etc. (rya>v-a,pXT]S, ov, 6, (dywv, dpx&) a president or judge of a contest. d-ytovui, 77, a struggle for victory. 2. gymnastic exercise, wrestling. 3. of the mind, agony, anguish. aYwvidio : impf. ijycoviojv : f. dffca [a] : aor. I -tjyca- vidffa : pf. f t y(uviaKa : to be engaged in a contest, to compete, like dycavi^ofMi. III. to strive eagerly, to be anxious about a thing. d-YcovtSaTai, v. dyajvifrfjuu. aY&>vio|juu, fat. iaop.ai, Att. YovfJiai, aor. I rjycuvi- adftrjv : for the pass, forms see signf. n. 2 : (dyuv}: to contend for a prize, esp. in the public games ; dyowifcadai ordoiov to contend in the foot-race; dy. iTfpi TIVOS to contend for a prize ; dy. nvi or irpos nva to contend with one. 2. to fight. 3. to contend for the prize on the stage, act. II. to contend against in a law-suit ; dy. oitcijv, ypatyr/v, to fight a cause to the last; dy. vi(rp.6s, 6, (dycavi^op-ai) rivalry. aYcovLo-TOv, verb. Adj. of dycavi&p.a.i, one must contend. a,YMVurr^|s, ov, 6, (dycavi^ofMii) a combatant, rival, esp. at the games : an advocate : also an actor; hence TTpaJT-ayuvLaTrjs, 8 *vTfp-ay caviares, etc. 2. a champion. aYwvicTTtKos, rj, 6v, (dy&viop.af) fit for contesting or striving: also fitted for winning: 97 dyowi- (sub. T6x vr )) the art of winning or prevailing. Adv. -KUS, dycaviffriKuis %X ClV to be disposed for combat. aY<>vo0T0, f . -fjaca, to be a judge or director of the fames : generally, to direct, promote, judge, decide. rom aYwvo-Oerrjs, ov, 6, (dyuv, riOrjfJLt) a president in the games : a judge. dSaYfxos, 6, Ion. for odaypos, an itching, sting. aSaTjfxovia or dSairjfJioo-iJvifj, f), ignorance, unskil- fulness in doing. From a-8aT|(JUi>v, ov, (a privat., Safjvai) unknowing, igno- rant of, c. gen. fJLaxrjs doarj/jLcav : but, dS. KO.KWV beyond the knowledge, i. e. reach of ill. d8aT|S, fs, (a privat., Safjvai') = foreg. unknowing, ignorant of, c. gen. also c. inf. unknowing how to. . d-8dir]TOS, ov, (a privat., oarjvai") unknown. d-Scuos, ov, (a. privat., Sai'os) Dor. for dS^i'os. d-8aiTOS, ov, (a privat., Satvu/xat) not to be eaten, unlawful to eat. a-Saicpt)s, v, gen. vos, (a privat., Sdicpv) dodicpv- ros i. II. = doditpvTos n. d-8aicpim, Adv. without tears. From d-8aKpi)TOs, ov, (a privat., oafcpvai) without tears : hence I. act. not weeping, tearless. II. pass, unwept. d-8d\T|s, 6S, Dor. for d-or)\7]Tos. d8afjidvTivos, ov, (dSd/ias) adamantine, of steel : hence, hard as adamant, stubborn. Adv. -vojs. dSajJiavro-ScTOS, ov, (dSci^as, Secu) iron-bound. d-Sdfjtas, avros, 6, (a privat., Set/zoo;) unconquer- able : hence I. as Subst. adamant, i. e. the hardest metal, prob. steel: also the diamond. II. as Adj. inexorable. d-8d(jLa(rTos, ov, (a privat., 8a/^cy) properly of horses, unbroken, untamable : metaph. inexorable. d-SdfJiaTOS, ov, Trag. form of foreg. : also of fe- males, unwedded. [a8a- : but also dS- as in a-Odva- TOS.] d-Sdiravos, ov, (a privat., Sanavrj") without expense, costing nothing. Adv. -vcas. d-8a, etc., v. sub d8r) e tc., to grant an am- nesty ; Iv doeirj fivai to feel secure ; per' dSetas with \ a promise of security. d-8iT|s, es, Ep. for d-ScT^s. d-SeijjiavTos, ov, (a privat., otipaivca) undaunted: c. gen. without fear for a person. Adv. -TCUS. dBciv, aor. 2 inf. of dvScivcu. d-Seurvos, ov, (a privat., SefTrvov) without food, unfed. d-8Ka(TTOS, ov, (a privat., 8e/icu) unbribed. Adv. -TOJS. d-86KaTVTOS, ov, (a privat., oeKaretca) not tithed. O-86KTOS, ov, (a privat., 8e;(;o/Ltcu) not received or believed. II. act. not receiving, not capable of^ TIVOS. d8Xc|>i, 77, Dor. doeXc{>eT], 77, Ion. for d d8X6i6s, d, Ep. for dSeAo-KTOvos, ov, Ion. for doe\^, f), fem. of dofXcpos, a sister. d8eXcj>i8cos, ov, contr. dScXcj^Sovs, ov, 6, (dScA^os) a, brother's or sister's son, a nephew. d8eXt8T], 77, Att. contr. for d8eX(piO(ij, (dSeAcpds) a brother's or sister's daughter, a niece. dSeXc^CSiov, TO, Dim. of dScA^ds, a little brother. d8eX4>ito, fut. Att. to), (dSeA^ds) to adopt as bro- ther. d8eXc|>iK6s, 77, ov, brotherly. Adv. -KWS. dSeXtjjo-KTovos, Ion. dSeXcjjeo-KTovos, ov, (doeX6s, (a copul., oeXeos, Ep. -(petos, o, a brother; in pi. ] doe\(f>oi brothers and sisters. II. as Adj. dSeA- ! , ov, (a privat., Se'cu) unbound : free. (s, (a privat., SeO/cos) not sweet, sour, bitter, Lat. acerbus. d-8vJ/T|Tos, ov, (a privat., Se^e'cu) untanned. *'AAE'X1, to please, obsol. pres., whence dvSdvcu has its fut., aor. 2, and pf. : v. dvSdvcu. *'AAE'fl, to be sated, obsol. pres., whence come aor. i opt. dSorjffeif or dorjffete, may he be sated; and pf. part. aSS^/coVes or dorjtcoTfs, sated. Cf. d'cu, satio. d-8Tj'ios, contr. d-Bvjos, Dor. a-8, f. 77O"cy, to be in great distress or anguish at a thing. . (Deriv. uncertain.) d8r](Jiovta, f/, great distress or anguish. d8t]v, Ep. d88-rjv, Att. aS-rjv, Adv. (*d56cy) Lat. SA TIS, enough, abundantly ; fopevat doSrjv to eat their Jill, of horses ; dorjv TroAejwoto enough of war ^ dSrjv ex*i.v TIVOS to have enough of a thing. d-8-qpis, teas, 6, 77, (a privat., orjpis} without strife. d-8ifjpiTOS, ov, (a privat., orjpiofjiai') without strife or battle, uncontested. II. unconquerable. d8rj(r6ic, aor. I opt. of d8ccu. d8if)cr) not torn asunder, unbroken. Adv. -TCUS. d-8idTpiTTOs, ov; (a privat., SiaTpeirca) immovable, headstrong. Adv. -TCUS. Hence d8iaTp4/Ca, 77, immovableness, obstinacy. d-8id^0apTOS, ov, (a privat., Stac/>0f/>o>) incorruptible. d8ta4>0opia, fj, freedom from corruption. From d-8idc}>0opos, ov, (a privat., 8ia<0etpcy) incorrupt, incorruptible. II. imperishable. d-8idopos, ov, (a privat., oia^pca') not different : indifferent. d-88aKTOS, ov, (a privat., 8rSdo-/y) of persons, un- taught, unlearned, rude. II. of things, not ! learnt : also, learnt without teaching. d-BiejjepYcwrros, ov, (a privat., 8ttg(pydoiMi) not to be wrought out or finished. d-8tego8os, ov, (a privat., Stco8os) without out- let. II. act. unable to get out. d-Siep-ycuTTOS, ov, (a privat., Step-yd^o/oit) not worked out, unfinished. d-8iep6tvT]TOS, ov, (a priv., Siepfwdoj) unexamined. d-8iT|Y T ] TOS oz/ > ( a privat., oirjyfofMi} indescribable. d-SuKaoros, ov, (a privat., SiKa^co) without judg- ment given, undecided. d8iK6ip.VOS, Boeot. for TySt/fT^cVos, part. perf. pass, of dSi/f ecu. impf. ifiirceov, Ion. tvv : f. 770-0? : aor. I pf. jjoiferj/ca, : Pass., with fut. med. ddiKrj- pf. rjoircTjiJiai : (d8tos) : to do wrong. II. trans, c. ace. pers. to do one wrong, to wrong, in- jure : c. dupl. ace., d8. nvd n to wrong one in a thing : Pass, to be wronged or injured. dSiKt]p.a, TO, (d8ttfcu) a wrong done, a wrong, in- jury, Lat. injuria : c. gen., dS. Tt^os a wrong done to one. verb. Adj. of dSiKccw, one ought to do wrong. d8tKia, 77, (dSi/tecS) a wrong, offence, = dSitcr)- (j.a. II. injustice. dSGiciov, TO, = d8i/tr)fj.a, an act of wrong. a-8licos, ov, (a privat., St/o?) of persons and things, doing wrong, unrighteous, unjust; ddifcos els TI unjust in a thing, irtpi nva in respect to a person : ddircos \6yos a plea of injustice ; dSt/mw x ei P& v dpai to begin lawless acts of violence ; dSiKos TT\OVTOS unrighteous gain. II. wrong, improper, ill- matched, as horses. III. dSifeos rj^fpa, i. e. dvfv SIKWV, a day on which the courts were shut, Lat. dies nefastus. Hence d8iKcos, Adv. without right or reason. dBivos, 77, ov, (018771') close, thick: hence I. crowded or thronged, close-packed. 2. vehement, loud, esp. of sounds: more freq. as Adv. dSivSis, also neut. dSivov and ddivd, vehemently, loudly; Comp. ddivwTcpov. [a] d-8ioiicirjTOs, ov, (a privat., Sioi/fecu) unarranged. d-8t6p0ci)TOs, ov, (a privat., oiopOota) not corrected: incorrigible. 4-8i) one who has gone to Hades. [0S] a8tov, Dor. for tfStov, neut. Comp. of ?)6vs. 0,801, 3 sing. aor. 2 opt. of avodvoj. d-8oKT]TOS, ov, (a privat., So/few) unexpected. II. inglorious. Adv. -r. d-86vrjTOS, ov, (a privat., Sovco;) not shaken. dSovts, tSos, T), poet, for dijdovis. [a] d-86^acrTOS, ov, (a privat., Soafo;) unexpected. II. not matter of opinion, i. e. certain. dSogeco, f. rjaoj, (d'8oos) to be of no reputation, stand in ill repute. II. trans, to bold in no esteem. Hence d8o|ia, 77, ill repute, dishonour. d-8oos, ov, (a privat., 8oa) disreputable, disgrace- ful. 2. obscure, ignoble. V AAO2, cos, TO, satiety, loathing. u8os, cos, TO, Dor. for T^Sos, joy. d-8oTOS, ov, (a privat., St8cv/it) without gifts. d-SoiAos, ov, (a privat., SouA-os) without slaves, un- attended, deserted. d-SovXcoros, ov, (a privat., oov\6ca) unenslaved. d-8ovin]TOS, ov, (a privat., 8ot>7reo>) noiseless. d8pdvia, Ep. d8paviTj, 77, inactivity. From d-8pS,vf|s or d-8pav7)S, ts, (a privat., Spaivoj) in- active, listless, feeble. 'ASpdo-reia, Ion. 'ASpTjo-Teta, 77, a name of Neme- sis, from an altar erected to her by Adrastus : later as Adj., epith. of Ne/ieats, not to be escaped, as if from oiSpdcrKOJ, cf. sq. d-Spaorros, Ion. d-Sp-rjo-ros, ov, (a privat., 8tS()do"*a') not running away, not inclined to run away. d-BpciTTOS, ov, (a privat., SpeVo;) unplucked. o!-Bpir]crTOS, ov, Ion. for d-Spaffros. 'ASpCas, ov, Ion. 'ABpCijs, ccy, 6, the Adriatic Sea. Hence 'A8piariKos and 'ASpvrjvos, 17, ov, of the Adriatic. d-Spijit/s, u, (o privat., opifivs) not (art or pungent. 'AAFO'2, d, 6v, properly stout, thick : hence full- grown, ripe : well-grown : stout, large, fat : gene- rally, strong, great in any way. Hence dSpoo-wr), 77, = sq. d8pOTT|s, ?7Tos, 77, (dS^os) stoutness : ripeness, ful- ness, esp. of the body. II. abundance. d8poc|a,ai, Pass, (dfyos) to grow ripe: to come to one's strength. d8ptjvS, without power, feebly, [u] d8tis, ea, v, Dor. for fjovs. d-8vTos, ov, (a privat., 3ixu) not to be entered: hence as Subst. dSvTov, TO, the innermost sanctuary or shrine, Lat. adytum : also dSvros, 6. oL5<), Att. contr. for ddbca, q. v. d8cjv, ovos, f], Dor. for dijSajv, the nightingale, [d] 'ABwvia, TO., the mourning for Adonis. 'A8a)vtd^co, to keep the Adonia. Hence 'AScovtacrjxos, ov, 6, the mourning for Adonis. "ABwvts, icos, o, Adonis. 2. ' ASuvidos KTJITOI, pots for sowing quick-growing herbs in. [a] a-BiopirjTOS, ov, (a privat., 3a'pe'oynai) = d'-cypos. d-8topo86ici]TOs, ov, (a privat., Sa-poSo/cec;) = sq. Adv. TOJS. d-SwpoSoKos, ov, unbribed, incorruptible. d-Stdpos, ov, (a privat., Swpov) without gifts, taking no gifts, unbribed: adcapa Sccpa gifts that are no gifts. II. giving no gifts, fruitless. d-Swnqs, ov, 6, (a privat., StSoyu) one who gives nothing. ae, Dor. for dd. [a] d-eBvos, ov, (a privat., ?oVa) undowered. a0Xvco, Ep. and Ion. for d0Aeixy. dcOXect), Ep. and Ion. for dflAeo; : Ion. impf. deflAeov. a60X7)TT|S, Ep. and Ion. for d0\r)Tr}s. deGXiov, TO, Ep. and Ion. for aO\ov : properly neut. from dc-GXios, ov, also o, ov, (d'eflAov) running for the prize; de'^Atos 'nrTros a race-horse ; d*0\iov {j.rj\ov the apple of discord. dcOXov, TO, Ep. and Ion. for aOXov. a0Xos, 6, Ep. and Ion. for o0Aos. de0Xo-(j)6pos, ov, Ep. and Ion. for u0Ao-) continually thrown. d.i-YVTT|S, poet. aii--yveTTjs, ov, 6, (dd, ~fcvia6ai) epith. of the gods in Homer, like allv ! : impf. ijeibov, Ep. dttbov, Att. rjSov : fut. deiaoftai, Att. acrobat, Dor. dafvpat ; rarely ddaca, Att. curou, Dor. oVo; : aor. I T^eto-o, Ep. deiaa, Att. 770-0 : Pass., aor. I yaBrjv : pf. 770-7001 : to sing : hence of all kinds of voices, to crow, twitter, croak, etc. also of other sounds, of the bow-string to twang, of the wind to whistle, of a stone to ring. II. trans.: I. c. ace. rei, to sing, chaunf, descant on. 2. c. ace. pers. to sing, praise. 3. Pass, to resound with song. dei-coos, ov, Att. contr. de-t>s, s, ) ever-flowing. 'AEIT^, Att. atpa) : fut. dpu> [a], contr. from depca : aor. I act. rjeipa, Ep. acipa. Med., fut. dpov- pai [a], contr. from depovpai : aor. i -q^ipd^v Pass., aor. I f,ep9rji>, Ep. deo^T/i/: pf. T^at : Ep. 3 sing, plqpf. aupTO : for the Att. forms, v. aipca : to lift, heave, raise up, hence to bear, carry : to carry off as plunder : but also, to hand, offer : Med. to lift up for oneself, i. e. bear off, win, take for oneself: Pass. to be hung up, to hang ; (j.dx ai P a va P^ fty* 08 fovXeov dojpro the dagger hung beside the sword sheath. 2. to raise or stir up ; deipaaOai rd Iffria to hoist sail : Pass, to raise up, arise. detora, Ep. aor. I of deiou. detom, part. nom. pi. fem. of drj/M. , TO, poet, and Ion. for afffjua, as ddSca for adca. i, 3 pi. ofdrjiu. fut. of deidoj. , es, (da, tyavrjvai) ever-shining or ap- pearing. ai-(J>povpos, ov, (act, (ppovpa) ever-watched or ever- watching, ever-wakeful. aei-fyvyla, r), (dei, (pvyrj} exile for life. dei-xpovios, ov, (dtt, xpuvos) everlasting. G.Ka6{A6vos, 77, ov, (dcKow} unwilling, resisting; sr&AA' dfKa6(jLVos, Virgil's multa reluctans. d-KT|Xtos, ov, for det/ceAtos. deia}Ti or dcKTjTi, (dc/rcwi') Ep. Adv. against the will, often in Homer c. gen.; aev dtKrjTi, Lat. te in- vito ; Oewv dtKTjTi, Lat. Diis non propitiis. ci-6Kovicrios, ov, also a, OP, Att. contr. dicoijvXXos, ov, (df^ca, (pvX^ov) making leaves grow, leafy. ai-(|>iiTOS, ov, (de^tu, (pvrov) making plants grow. 'AE'Sn, Ion. and poet, for AT'EH, avdv, f. r)ffto, to tread in air, walk the air. From dpo-j3a,TY]S, ov, o, (drip, 00-ivoa) one who treads in air. e.po-Stvf|S, Ion. r,po-8ivTjs, cs, (d{]p, diveai) wheel- ing in air. dcpo-BovTjTOS, ov, (d-qp, ficvioj) tossed in mid air, soaring. ucpoopojAcco, f. 770-0;, to traverse air. From d.po-8p6|j,os, ov, traversing air. depo-ctSTjS, es, (drjp, eTSos) like the sky or air, misty: see f](poidr}s. apo-Kopa|, aos, 6, an air-raven. \ depo-Kowov};, , Aeol. for deipoj. dcptri-icapirjvos, ov, (dfipoj, fcdptjvov} carrying the \ head high. \KO\ depcrt-TroTTjs, ov, 5, and Qepai-iroTTjTOS, ov, (detpcu, hovering on high. depoa-irovs, o, 77, irovv, TO, gen. irodos, (detpa;, TTOUS) lifting up the feet, brisk-trotting. depra^o, poet, form of detpcu, to /j# wp : impf. au), = deprafa : aor. I tjfpTrjaa. : pf. pass, rjep- des, Dor. for det. [a] decra, I pi. de'cra^uei/ and dffafjifv, 3 pi. deffav, inf. decrcu, aor. I prob. from an obsol. root de'cu, = evScy, /o s/ee/> : no other tenses in use. Akin to drjfjii, iavoj, dricj>po(ruvi(], rj, silliness, folly, in plur. decruppo- ovvai. From dco-i-cjjpcov, ov, gen. oi/os, (ddcu, 8t]s, es, (deros, etSos) eagle-like. [a] *'AETl, to sleep, v. aeaa. "AZA, 77, properly dryness, heat: also mould, (v. sub C U -) ddAeos, a, ov, (acw) pass, dry, parched: hence harsh, cruel. II. act. parching, scorching. ddvo>, (a$y) to dry or />arc up. dir]Aia, rj, freedom from jealousy : simplicity. From a-ir]Aos, ov, like d^Xcyros, unenviable, miserable : inconsiderable, mean. d-ifjA.a>Tos, ov, (a privat., ^A.ocu) o/ to be en-vied. d-^if)fiios, 01% (a privat., ^ijfj.ia) without loss, scot- free : not deserving punishment : Adv. -icus, with impunity. 2. not amounting to punishment, .. harmless. d^Tjrat, 3 sing. pass. subj. of acu. d-if|TT]Tos, ov, (a privat., fr/re'cu) unexamined. es, unceasing, excessive : more freq. as Adv. * s > unceasingly, beyond measure. II. hard, rough. (Deriv. uncertain.) d-^vyos, ov, =a-v, ill-matched: unmarried. d-i)p,os, ov, (a privat., fyfj.7)} unleavened : ra d^vfjui, the feast of unleavened bread. OL-V, vyos, 6, 57, (a privat., ^vyrjvai} tinyoked, un- paired : unmarried, unwedded. y AZfl, to dry, dry up, parch : Pass, to be parched up, pine away through grief. "AZfl, mostly used as Dep. aofj.ai, and only in pres. and impf. : to stand in awe of, dread the gods or one's parents : also followed by inf. to be afraid of doing ; or pr) . . , to fear lest : absol. to be awe- struck. f. crt/Sca. a-co, drjfu) light as air : little. d^nrj, 77, = 077x775. dT|TTjs, ov, 6, (doj, drjfu} a blast, gale, wind. drjTO, Ep. 3 sing. impf. pass, ofdrjfj.1. dijTOv, 3 dual pres. of dTjju. dirp-os, ov, an old word, only in II. 21. 395, prob. from drjfu, hence orig. stormy, and so violent, terrible; cp. aiijTos. difjTa), 3 sing, imperat. of dr]fj.t. d-0d\a(r(ros, Att. -TTOS, ov, (a privat., 6d\aaffa) without sea, inland. d-0o\d, (d^a^aros) to make immortal: Pass. to become or be immortal. II. to hold oneself immortal. 16 aOdvaros aOopvfi d-Odvaros, ov, also rj, ov, not subject to death, un- dying, immortal, opp. to Ovrjrus and Pporvs : hence dddvarot, ol, the Immortals, of the Gods, also of a body of troops that is kept at a certain number : of things, everlasting. d-0aiTTOS, ov, (a privat., 6dinSTOs, ov, impossible even for gods to tell, in- expressible : hence marvellously great, enormous. d-0T0, f. lycrcu, (&$(TO$) to set aside, disregard. d0err] o, (dOrjp, \oiyos) consumer of ears of corn, of a winnowing fan : cf. dOrjpu-ftpojTos. a,0-]p6-|3pa>TOS, ov, (dOrjp, fiiffpajaKoj) devouring ears of corn : dOr)pu(3pco: fut. (VOQJ: (dO\os): to contend for a prize, combat, wrestle. 2. to struggle, endure, suffer. d0Xe, f. 770-0; : aor. I r^Xtjaa : pf. rj6\r)Ka : (aO\os}: to contend for a prize. 2. to endure, suf- fer. II. to be an athlete. d0Xt]|jia, TO, (a0Ae'co) a contest, struggle. II. an implement of labour. d'OX-rjats, ccys, 77, (d^Aecu) a contesting : a struggle, hard trial. v(a) not made wo- \ pence. II. in plur. also = a0Aos, a contest, combat, manish : masculine. '''AOAOIS, o, contr. from Ep. ae0Aos, a contest either 'A0T]vd, as, 77, contr. from 'AOrjvda or 'AOrjvaia, Ion. in war or sport, esp. contest for a prize : a conflict, * A iifv* * A ... ^ T\ A/1' >A/I ' A 1 >A i L7- 'AOrjvrj, 'AOijvair], Dor. 'Addva, 'AOavaia, Aeol. 'A- Orjvda, Athena, Lat. Minerva, the tutelary goddess of Athens. 'A0T|va, Adv. to or towards Athens. From 'A0Tjvat, wv, at, the city of Athens, used in pi. like >77/?at, Mv/tfjvai, because it consisted of several parts. ^'AOTjvaiov, TO, ("Aerjvd') the temple of .Athena. 'A0Tf]vaios, a, ov, ('A^i/d) Athenian, of or from Athens. 'A0T)vT]0v or -06, Adv. from Athens. trouble. a.0Xco"uvT), 77, = a^Aos. a0Xo-6pos, ov, (aOXov, or d0poico: f. crca: aor. I rjOpoiaa: Pass., aor. I ffipoia&rjv : pf. jjOpoicr^ai : (dOpoos) : to gather together, collect, esp. to levy forces ; irvv{J.a dOpoi- fav to collect one's breath : Pass, to be gathered or crowded together : of armies, to muster : (pofios ijOpoi- arai fear has gathered, i. e. has arisen. &0poicrts, vs, 77, (dQpoifa} a gathering, levying. u0poicrp.a, TO, (d&poi^oj) that which is gathered, - gathering, collection. d0pourrov, verb. Adj. of dOpoifa, one must collect. d0poos, a, ov, old Att. aOpovs, ovv : Comp. dOpo- WTfpos, later ddpovcrrepos : (apa, 6p6os) assembled in crowds, collected together : dOpooi in crowds. II. all at once, once for all; TO dOpoov the whole body, the mass: collective; dOpua irdvr' direriaev he paid the penalty of all at once : Adv. dOpoov and dOpLtus, at once, suddenly. III. immense, vast : also con- tinuous, incessant. a 0pu?rros, ov, (a privat., OpvTrroj) unbroken, im- perishable. II. not enervated. d0v(XCi>, f. rjfftu, (ddv^ios) to be disheartened, to de- spond at or for a thing. d0iip.T]TOv, verb. Adj. of dOvpfca, one must lose heart. d0up.ia, 77, (aOv^os} want of bear t, faintheartedness, despondency. d-0vfAOS, ov, without heart or spirit, spiritless, faint- hearted. Adv., dOvfj-tus %x fiv t be despondent. d0up(xa, TO, (ddvpca) a plaything or toy : a delight. d0upp.aTiov, TO, Dim. of foreg., a little toy, a pet. dOCpo-yXcoTTos, ov, (aQvpos, y\wTTa} unable to keep one's tongue within doors : a babbler, chatterer. d-0vpos, ov, (a privat., Ovpa) without a door. ci.0tip6-crTOp.os, ov, (ddvpos, CTTOJM) babbling, of Echo. tt-0upo-os, ov, (a privat., Qvpaos) without thyrsus. 'A0T'Pn, to play, amuse oneself. II. c. ace. to play at a thing, do it in play. [aOv] d-0t>pojTOS, ov, (a privat., Ovpuca) not closed by a door. d-0tm>s, ov, (a privat., 6vri) unpunished, scot- free. 2. c. gen. free from the penalty of, d$caos n\rjyS>v. II. act. harmless. d-0uiiTUTOS, ov, (a privat., Q, to cry alai or ah ! to wail, and c. ace. to bewail. aiat, Exclam. alas ! Lzt..vae. alaKTos, T], ov, verb. Adj. of aidfa, lamentable. alavTis, Ion. aiTjvTjs, es, prob. from aifi, and so properly, everlasting, never-ending : hence wearisotne, irksome : then generally, dismal, horrible. AiavTiSirjs, ov, 6, (Ai'as, gen. -CLVTOS) son of Ajax. II. at Athens, a citizen of the tribe AlavTis, named after the Hero. aldvais, Adv. (alavrjs) for ever. Aias, avTos, 6, Ep. voc. Aiav, Ajax. alfBoi, faugh! exclam. of disgust or astonishment. at-y-aYpos, 6, (at, dypos) a wild goat. Alya.los,ov,Aegaean: Aiyaiov -n (\ayos the Aegaean sea, also called AIYO.ICOV, cuvos, 6. | atyaver], T), (a'() a hunting-i-pear, javelin. | ai-yetos, a Ion. rj, ov, (a'i) lengthd. for alyeos, of a goat or goats, Lat. caprinus: as Subst. alydrj (sub. I Sopd), r), a goat's skin. AITEIPO2, 77, the black poplar, Lat. populus : cf. Aevr?. , ov, o, (at, t\a\>voi) a goatherd, [a] , ov, 6, fjem. ?TL$, iSos, on the shore. From alytaXos, o, (diffaoj, ct'As) the sea-shore, beach, strand. aiYt-|3ocris, (us, T), (a?. /3oa(y) a goat-pasture. , ov, o, (ai'^, POTTOS) feeding goats. , ov, (a'lg, /3c'aa;) browsed by goats. al-yC-0a\Aos, 77, a bird, the tit, Lat. parus. ai'yt-Kvirjp.os, ov, (ai', fcvr]^rj) goal-thanked. alyi-Kopcis, ioiv, ol, (off, tcoptvvifj.i) feeders of goats, goatherds. aiyi-\u\t, liros, 6, 77, (o.i. \iir(iv) properly; deserted even by goats : hence steep, sheer. [71] ai-yiXos, 77, (cu) an herb of which goats are fond. al-yi-vop-os, ov, (ai', vfftoj) browsed by goats. 2. as Subst., alyovuftos, 6, a goatherd. 0,1^1-0x05, ov, (alyis, t\(a) aegis-bearing. alYi-iroS-rjs, ov, o, (ai'^, TTCVS) goat-footed. ai-yt-irovs, o, 77, irovv, TO, gen. irodos, = alytirodijs. al-yi-irvpos, o, (ai') a plant with a red flower, of which goats were fond. j cu-yis, iSos, 77, the aegis, or shield of Jupiter, described i in II. 5. 738 ; (from diaao}, to rush or move violently} : hence 2. later a rushing storm, hurricane, ter- rible as the shaken aegis. II. from af, a goat- skin coat. , o, Dim. of af, a little gcat. , Dor. for aly\r](ts. al-yXas, dvTos, contr. for aly\d(is. AITAH, 77, the light of the sun, daylight : any bright light, glitter, lustre, gleam, of metal. 2. metaph. splendour, glory. Hence 18 , ?ffa, ev, beaming, radiant. aiYXo-4>avT|s, (s, (aij\t], ^avrfvai} beaming: bril- liant, lustrous. aiyo-fioo-Kos, 6v, (ai, o07ttu) tending goats : as Subst. a goatherd. cu-yo-iccpcos, aw, gen. a, also alyoKcpcos, euros, 6, (ai', /repas) goat-horned. II. as Subst., 0:170- Kpos, 6, Capricorn in the Zodiac. , o, = alyivofj-os, a goatherd. s ' 6, 37, (a?, , o, = aiynrodrjs. aryo-irp6o-a>iros, ov, (ai'f, vpotreawov) goat-faced. al-yo-Tplxc>, f. 770-0;, (at, 0pt) to have goat's hair. alyvmos, 6, (yfy) a vulture, Lat. vultur. Ai-Yvirrid(>, f. CLOOJ, to speak Egyptian. Al-yvnTurri, Adv. -in the Egyptian tongue. II. like an Egyptian, craftily. AiY\mTO--y6VTjs, 4s, (AIJVJTTOS, yevos) of Egyptian race. Ai-yvrrros, o, the river Nile. II. Afyvtrros, 77, .Egy/tf : as Adv., AryuTTTovSe, to Egypt. aiy-ww^, vx os > > ^ (<" o^wf ) goat-hoofed. 'AtSas, Dor. for 'Aiorjs, "Aiorjs. alSeio, Ep. for ai'Seo, ai8ov, pres. imperat. of aloe- opai. AFAE'OMAI : fut. cu8eVo/zat, Ep. -tacropai : aor. I TJ8fffa.fj.rjv, Ep. imperat. cuSetrcrcu ; also in pass, form rjofffQTjv, Ep. 3 pi. ai'8ea0ev: Dep.: to/epa)v, ov, gen. ovos, (alScjs, , f. aura, to burn to soot or ashes : Pass, to lie in ashes. cu06, Dor. and Ep. for et'0e, O that! would that! Lat. utinam, aW o^eAes O that thou hadst . . , c. inf. ai06p-6p.j3aTo, (aiOrjp, l/i/Sareo;) to walk in ether. aiOspios, a, ov or os, ov, (aiBrjp*) of or belonging to the ether or upper air, as opp. to 7/fpiOs, and so I. high in air, on high. 2. ethereal, heavenly. al06po-paTw, (alQ-qp, jSarto;) = at0fpeju/3arcy, to walk in ether. ai0epoSpo|jiea), to skim the ether. From ai.06po-8pop.os, ov, (aiOrjp, Spajwea/) skimming the ether. al0t|p, epos, in Homer always 77, in Att. prose always o, in Pindar and Att. Poets common : (ai'0o>) : AWioirrjas ai[Loppo{u>. ether, the upper, purer air, opp. to drjp (the lower air or atmosphere) : hence the clear sky or heaven, as the abode of the gods. Cp. drjp. AiOioirfjas, irregular pi. ace. of AWioty. AlOi-ov};, OTTOS, 6, fern. Al0ioms, ioos, (aiOw, o^) an Ethiop, negro, properly Burnt-face. al0os, TO, and 6, (aiQw) burning heat, fire. ai06s, 77, 6v, (ai'0a>) burnt : -fire-coloured, fiery. ai0ov or -iaco, to be clear, of the sky. al0pio-KOiT&>, f. rjffoj, (aWpia, KOITTJ') to sleep in the open air. aidpios, ov, (aiOpr]) clear, bright, fair. II. in the open air : hence cold, chill. al0pos, o, = ai0prj : esp. the clear chill air of morn. Ar0TIA, f], a sea-gull or diver, Lat. mergus. alOuKTTjp, rjpos, 6, (aiOvaffdj) one that darts rapidly. al0ii(rBi]S, fs , (al^aaia, ?5os) like a fence or d'iKT|, 77, (aiaaca) rapid motion, a rush, Lat. im- petus. [F] diKT|s, es, poet, for dfiKT]s, contr. aiK-qs, unseemly. Adv. d'iKws, in unseemly fashion. aiKia [t], 77, Att. for the Ion. det/cctT?, injurious treatment, an outrage, insult, affront: oft. also in plur. blows, stripes. aiKio>, (aiKrjs) to treat injuriously, to affront, out- rage, esp. by blows, to plague, torment : mostly as Med. aiKiop.ai : f. iaofjiai, Att. lovpai : aor. I rjKi- cdfj.rjv : in same sense as Act. : Pass., aor. I IJKI- oOrjv ; pf. TjKiaiJ.a.1 : to be tormented. auacr|xa, arcs, TO, (alaifa) an outrage, torture. ai|xdos, ov, (af/t, pocpfca) blood-drinking. atjxaTOp-pvTos, ov, (a'p-a, pfoj) blood-streaming. aljxaTO-} bloody to behold. aip-viov, TO, (af/xa) a basin for blood. atp,o-pa<|>TjS, (s, (a'fui, Pdirrai) bathed in blood. alp.o-J36pos, ov, (alp.a, fiopa) greedy for blood. alp.6-8ivj/os, ov, (affj.a, S'uj/a) bloodthirsty. atjiop-pfiYTis, ts, (aifjia, payfjvai) bleeding violently. alp,6p-pavTOs, ov, (af;ua, paivca) blood-sprinkled. ai^oppoco), f. rjffcu, (aipoppoos) to lose blood: to have a discharge of blood. Hence atjJioppoia, 77, a discharge of blood. aljJiop-poos, ov, (alpa, pecy) streaming with blood. aijAOp-pt/ros, poet. aljJio-pVTOS, ov, (afpxt, pew) blood-streaming. ATMOiS, o, a thorn. al(io-6pvKTOS, ov, (alfj.a, ^>opvo~o*(y) defiled with blood. aijruAios, ov, (aip.v\os) flattering, winning, wily. [v] alp.vXo-p,TjTK]S, ov, 6, (aifj.v\os, peris') of winning wiles. AITMT'AOS, rj, ov, also os, ov , flattering , winning, wheedling, wily, [w] aip.cov, oi/os, o, = 8aip.cav, Sarjfjicav, knowing, skil- ful. II. (af/za) Woody. alji-cj-rros, OP, = aifMTcaTrus, bloody to behold. alv-apTr]S, ov, o, (ati/os, dper-f)) terribly brave. Alveias, ov, 6, Aeneas, Ep. gen. Aivcido or Alvciu. aivccris, ecus, 17, (aivetv) a praising, praise. aivcTos, r\, 6v, verb. Adj. praised, praiseworthy. From : impf. yveov, contr. rjvovv, Ion. aiveov : fut. }, Att. -eo*8T|S, cs, (aiVi-y/xa, ttSos) riddling, dark. alviYK-os, o, (aiviffffofMi) a speaking in riddles: mostly in plur. like tuvtyfta, alvi^op,at, Dep. = aiveoa. alviK-rrjpios, ov, (aiviffffojMi) riddling. Adv. -ta, riddlingly. aiviKTOs, 17, ov, expressed in riddles, riddling : from alvur pf- JT^TA" 1 "* to be spoken riddlingly. alvo-pCas, Ion. alvo-J3iT]S, ov, 6, (aivus, /3/a) fear- fully strong. , ov, (alvos, yafJieaj) fatally wedded. v6s, = e alvov, in the phrase aivus, from horror to horror, very horribly. alvo-0pvTTTOS, ov, (aiv6s, OpvrrTOfj.ai) dreadfully enervated. aivo-Xajiirr|S, cs, (alvos, Aa/iTrct;) horrid-gleaming. aivo-\KTpos, ov, (alvos, Xtttrpov} fatally wedded. alv606v, Adv. of ai aTvov to tell a tale : a fable, like Aesop's : generally, a saying, proverb. II. later, that which is said to one's praise, praise. AI'NO'2, r), ov, Ep. word = Sfivos, dread, dire : of persons, dread, terrible, esp. of Zeus : neut. pi. alva as Adv. terribly; Sup. aivorarov, most terribly. alvo-TOKta, T), as fern. Adj. (alvos, TOKOS) unhappy in giving birth, unhappy in being a mother. alvo-Tupavvos, 6, (alvus, rvpavvos) dreadful tyrant. AI*NTMAI, defect. Dep. used only in pres., and impf. without augm., like a'ipca, apvv^ai, to take, lay hold of, c. gen. : also to enjoy, feed on. cuvws, Adv. of cuVos, terribly, \. e. very much, ex- ceedingly ; aivfas mxpos terribly bitter. cu, atYos, 6, 17, dat. pi. aiytffiv, (diaaca) a goat; cu dypid or d'ypios, the chamois ; at i'aAos dypia, the ibex. , Ep. 3 sing. aor. of dtffaca. fut. of dfoaoj. , to shift rapidly to and fro : Pass, to change in colour or hue; o/jupatces aiu\\ovrat the grapes begin to turn, Lat. variegantur. aioXo-|3p6vTr)S, ov, 6, (atoAos, ppovrr]) wielder of forked lightning. aloXo-Owp-qjj, TJKOS, o, (aiuXos, Oupr)) with gleaming breastplate. aioXo-jxifjTts, :os, o, rj, (aioXos, JJ^TLS} full of various wiles. atoXo-iUTpT]S, ov, o, (atoAos, fitVpa) with gleaming belt (for it was plated with metal) ; cf. atoAoflw- pr). II. with variegated turban. aloXo-moXos, ov, (atoAos, rrcDAos) witt steeds. AI'O'AO2, rj, ov, quick-moving, rapid : of worms, wriggling : as epith. of armour, easily-wielded, ma- (euoAos, wcDAos) with quick-moving nageable. II. changeful of hue, gleaming, glancing ; ai6\r] vv spangled night ; aloKrj o~ap flesh discoloured from disease. III. metaph. I. changeful, shifting, varied. 1. wily, slippery. As prop, n., proparox. AioXos, ov, o, Aeolus, the god of the winds, properly the Changeable. aioXo-orojxos, ov, (atuAos, arofj-a) of various mean- ing, riddling. \pwrcs, o, fj, (aioXos, XP 5 ) with spangled skin. x os alms a noose hanging straight down. 2. headlong; aiirvs 6\eOpos sheer, utter destruction ; aiirvs \6\os towering wrath. 3. me- taph. hard, difficult ; alnv ol eaaetrai it will be hard work for him. alptcrt(xos, ov, (afpea>) that can be taken. aip [5] : aor. r^pa, imperat. apov, inf. apai : pf. fjpKa. Med., impf. ?jpo- \ti\v : fut. dpovjMi [d] : aor. I '/jpdprjv : aor. rjpofjtrjv, Ep. dp6fj.r]v : Pass., fut. apGrjaopjai : aor. I ijpOyv : pf. fyfjai. Act. to raise, raise or lift up, to carry; aipfiv TToSa to walk ; a'lp. arj^Tov to hoist a signal ; aipeiv vavs to get ships under way : hence 2. intrans. | to get under way, s'art, set out ; aipeiv rats vavaiv to set sail ; aipeiv T$ arpary to march : Pass, to mount up, ascend. II. to raise, exalt; a'ipeiv Ovpov to raise one*s courage, etc. 2. to raise by words, extol, exaggerate, Lat. toller e : Pass, to rise to a height, increase. III. to lift and take away, to take away, put an end to : later to kill. Med. to lift, raise for oneself: hence to carry off, win, gain. II. to take upon oneself, undergo, bear. 2. to undertake, begin. III. of sound, aipeo-Oai , f. rjffca, (aura) to give each his due or portion of a thing, hence to be ruler over, c. gen. Hence alos, tpyov) lewd conduct. alo-xpws, Adv. of aio-xpos, shamefully. atv "hi v i (c"o*xvVo;uat) bashful, modest. , rjpos, 6, (aiaxvvof) a dishonourer, a seducer. aurx vVTT lp6s> ^> & v * olff\vvrr)\6s, bashful. aio'X'uva) : f. ui/a), Ion. VVGQJ: aor. j rjaxvva: pf. rfffxvyKa. Pass., fut. med. in pass, sense, fjai; also alffx v v6r]0"oiJLai: aor. -fio~xvv6r]v\ pf. {Mi: (aTffxos}: to make ugly, disfigure, mar. 2. to disgrace, dishonour, tarnish, yevos aio'x' t i v *~ fifv. II. Pass, to be ashamed, feel shame : but more freq. to be ashamed at a thing, c. ace. rei : also c. ace. pers. to feel shame before one : c. part, to be ashamed at doing a thing : but c. inf. to be ashamed to do a thing. AITE'f! : impf. yreov, Ion. a'treov : fut. alrrjffo} : aor. I rJTrjaa. ; pf. -ftrrjita. : to ask, beg, usu. c. ace. rei, to ask, crave, demand something ; ooov alrctv to beg leave to depart : c. ace. pers. to ask a person; air. Tivd TI to ask a person for a thing ; c. inf. to ask one to do: Med. to ask for oneself, for one's own use or purpose, to claim, Lat. vindicare sibi : Pass, to have a thing begged of one. aiTTjjxa, arcs, TO, (atTtcu) that which is asked, a re- quest, demand. aiTtjjxi, Aeol. for atTtcu. diTTjs, ov, Dor. dtras, a or ceo, o, a favourite. aiTifjo-ts, fcas, f], (alrfoj) a request, demand. tuTTjTeov, verb. Adj. of CUTCCU, one must ask. aiTrjTos, 17, 6v, verb. Adj. of CUTCOU, asked for, begged. AI'TI'A, 77, a cause, origin, ground, occasion ; al- riav 7ra/)ex etl/ to give occasion. II. the occasion of something bad, a charge, accusation, blame, a fault, Lat. crimen : remonstrance, expostulation with a friend ; airiav ex ftv > -^at. crimen habere, to be ac- cused ; alriav virtx fiv to h' e under a charge ; (v at- ria %x eiv to hold guilty; T?)V alriav fTTi(f)fpfiv nvi to impute the fault to one; diroXveiv Tivd TTJS ahias to acquit of guilt. aiTidao-0, (aiTecu) to ask or beg for a thing, c. ace. rei : c. ace. pers. to beg, solicit. ainov, TO, neut. of aiVtos, = ama, a cause. amo?- aiTios, a, ov, more rarely os, ov, causing, occasion- [ age, generation, period, ing ; hence chargeable with a thing : but mostly in space of time, eternity. bad sense, causing ill, blamable, guilty: 6 OA.TIOS, \ of life, the party to be blamed, the culprit, Lat. reus : TO atTiov the cause of a thing. aiTtocovrat, Ep. 3 pi. pres. indie, of aiTidofj.ai. aiTiocpo, aiTiocpro, Ep. 2 and 3 sing. pres. opt. of 23 3. an infinitely long II. one's age or time auovios, ov, also a, ov, lasting, eternal. aitopa, 77, (dfipoj) a machine for suspending bodies : a chariot on springs. II. a hovering in air, oscillation. aicopeco, f. rjffoj, (dctpcu) to lift and hang up, let hang: airicro-a, Ep. aor. I of alTifa. and so to wave, or set waving. II. more freq. Airvaios, a, ov, of or belonging to Etna : of a ; in Pass, auopeop.au, aor. I rjojprjdrjv, to bang, to vi- horse, Etnean, Sicilian ; or big as Etna, enormous. \ brate, to wave or float in air, hover or flit about. 2. AI V 4*NH2, Adv. = dfpvca, atyvcas, on a sudden. ' metaph. to be in suspense, Lat. suspensus esse : but Hence aicapuaOai ev TIVI to depend upon a person, Lat. pen- at<)>viSios, ov, unforeseen, sudden, quick. Adv. -8tcws~ dere ab aliquo ; (tlcaptToQai virtp (teydXcuv to play for also -5iov, suddenly. dix^-qvat, aor. I pass. inf. of diaaca. ai\Q-f]Tr\v, 3 dual aor. I pass, of di'Gffca. aixp.du>, f. dffcu : aor. i Tjxi JLaaa ' ( throw the spear, to fight with the spear, arm with the spear. alxp-tiXcocria, 77, (a.ixfJ-d\ojTOs} captivity. a body of captives. a high stake. Hence alcup7]p.a, aros, TO, that which is hung up : a hang- I ing cord or halter. II. a being hung up, hover- : to ing: a hanging. II. to I auupTjTOS, ov, verb. Adj. of alcapeca, hovering. dica, (d/n7 2), Adv. = d/crjv, softly, gently. II. 'AKa8T|(X6ia, 77, also written 'AicaST][Jiia [t], a gym- nasium in the suburbs of Athens, where Plato taught : alxp.aXa>Tija), f. evcrcu, (alx^dXcaros^) to make pri- hence the Platonic school were called Academics, sorter of war. alxnaXarric0, f. icroj,=alxfJ-a\(UTCvct}: also Dep. in same sense : fut. tVo/xcu : aor. I alx|J.aXcmKos, 77, ov, (alxfJ-dXcaros) befitting a pri- soner. alxfxaXcoTCs, i5os, 77, a captive woman. From aixp.-dXcoTos, ov, (af'xA7, dAa/ros) taken by the spear or in war; of alx^d\6pos, ov, (at'xA"7, fyepoj) bearing a spear. AI'^PA, Adv. quickly, with speed, on a sudden. aliJ/Tjpo-KcXevOos, ov, (atyypos, K\evOos} swift- speeding. al\|/T]p6s, a, ov, (af^a) quick, speedy, sudden. *AI*iJ, used only in pres. and impf. cuov, to perceive, become aware of, esp. to hear : but also to see, observe, know, c. gen. and also c. ace. [a long or short, ace. to the metre.] 'Al^n [a~], used only in impf. &iov [a~\, = drj^i, to breathe. 2. = dio6(a, to breathe out, expire; pi\ov dtov ?JTop I breathed out my life. di'cov, oi/os, 77, Dor. for i]iwv. [dr] AITl'N, wvos, 6, also 77, sometimes with shortened ace. aiw: the Lat. AEVUM, a space or period of time, a lifetime, life. i. of longer periods, an \ in fight. ov, , poet, for aaos, guileless. a,Ka.KT|Ta, Ep. for aKatcr]TT)s,^dKaKos, benignant, gracious. uKa:H, 77, a nettle, Lat. urtica : the sting as of a nettle, [a/m] d-KaXXrjs, es, gen. cos, (a privat., dAAos) without charms. d-KaXXipT]TOs, ov, (a privat., KakXitptotf) not ac- cepted in sacrifice, ill-omened. d-KaXXwirioT-os, ov, (a privat., KaXXcoTrifa) un- adorned. d-KoXvirros, ov, (a privat., KaXvTTTp6vT]TOS, ov, (a privat., Karatypovioi) not dicavOo-XoYos, ov, (dtcavBa 3, Xeyca) picking out to be despised, important, Lat. hand spernendus. thorny questions, wrangling. aKartov, ru, Dim. of airfares, a light boat, esp. of "AKAN9O2, 77, Lat. acanthus, bear's breech, a pirates, Lat. actuaria. II. a small sail. plant, used in Corinthian capitals. | "AKATO2, 77. a light vessel, Lat. actuaria : esp. a aKav0-u)8i]S, s, gen. eos, (aitavOa, c?Sos) full of transport-vessel : generally, a ship. [O.KO] thorns, thorny. d-KairvicTTOs, ov, (a privat., Karrvl^oj) unsmoked. a-Kairvos, ov, (a privat., /tairvos) without smoke, not smoking, making no smoke. d-Kap8ios, ov, (a privat., KapSia) wanting the heart : metaph. heartless, Lat. excors. d-KapTjvos, ov, (a privat., reapiyvov) headless. d-Kaprjs, e's, (a privat., Kaprjvai) properly of hair, a-Ko/uoros, ov, (a privat., /cat'cu) unburnt. aKaxcCaro or -Tjaro, Ep. for r'jKaxrjvro, 3 pi. pass, of d^ccu. , redupl. fut. o.Kaxt\ara, Ep. for ?]/fax 7 ? , redupl. aor. 2 med. opt. of having waited a moment ; ovo' aicaprj not a bit : but also of things, d/cape's a morsel. a-Kapiatos, a, ov, (uKaprjs) momentary, brief. aKapiria, 77, (aicapTros) unfruit fulness. d-Kapirto-TOS, ov, (a privat., Kap-rrifa} = atcapirot}- ros, where nothing is to be reaped, unfruitful, of the sea. d-Kapiros, ov, without fruit, barren. II. act. making barren, blasting. Adv. -ircas. d-KapmoTOs, ov, (a privat., napTroca) not made fruit- ful, without fruit, fruitless: of an oracle, unfulfilled. , (d77 2) Adv. gently. Hence dicao-Kaios, a, ov, gentle, delicate. d-KaTa|3XT]TOs, ov, (a privat., warajSoAXcy) not to he overthrown, irrefragable. d-Kard'yvwcrTOS, ov, (o privat., KaTaytyvwffKca) not to be condemned, blameless. d-KaraKaXvirros, ov, (a privat., KaraicaXvirru) un- covered. , Ep. for TJicdxovTO, redupl. aor. ^ me-d. ttKiop.6VOS, Ep. part. pres. pass, ov, 6,-o.KfpaK6fj-rjS. , ov, (a pp'vat., Kf\tvcd) unbidden. ov, (a privat., Ktvreoj) ungoaded, need- ffo/jiai, Att. aKovfjiai : aor. ing no spur. d-Kvrpos, ov, (a privat.. ncvrpov} slingless. i: Ep. impf. aKeonrjv: f. dKf, and d-Kepcoros, ov, = a.Kf paras. II. act. without care or sorrow, Lat. securus. 2. heedless, careless. dKT|Koa, pf. med. of O.KOVU. d-KT|Xir]TOS, ov, (a privat., KrjXtoS) to be won by no charms, not to be charmed or won over, inexorable, unassuageable. aKT]p.a, TO, = OLK ffffJia, a cure, remedy. dKTjv, properly ace. of d/crj 2, but used only as Adv. stilly, softly, silently. d-KTjpdo-ios, ov, (a privat., Kepa.wvp.i) unmixed, pure : hence untouched, Lat. integer : generally, pure, fresh. , ov, (a privat., Kfpdvvvfjit) unmixed, pure, they" clear : of persons, incorrupt, undefiled, upright: c. gen. pure from, free from taint of . . II. unim- G.Kcra(r0e, aor. I imperat. aKecri-voo-os, Ep. dicecrcrC-, ov, (d/ceojuat, voaos) healing disease. uicecris, ecus, 77, (d/ctoftat) a healing, cure, remedy. aKeo-fjia, TO, (aweoyitcu) a remedy, cure. ax tcrofj.au, fut. of daco/iat. aK(rcr-, for words so beginning, v. sub d/ceo*-. aKecrTTjp, fjpos, 6, (d/ceo/nat) a healer, restorer, physi- cian ; diceffTTip xaAtz/os the rein that fames the steed. dK6pos, ov, (O.KOS, epa>) bringing a cure, healing. d,K(T-w8vvos, ov, (dfceo/jai, dovvrj) allaying pain. a-KJ>a\os, ov, (a privat., KetpaXr]) without a head: without beginning. aKov, aKeovcra, (d/CTyi/) in form a participle, used by Horn, as an Adv. stilly, softly, silently : mostly in sing. nom. even with a plur. verb, as dfcccav caivvaOe feast ye in silence: the dual dtttovrf occurs once, the plur. form never. Although fem. dtfeoucra is found, yet aKfojv stands also with the fem., as 'AOij- vaitj dfCfuv ?jv. 'AKH', 77, a Subst. said to have 3 senses : I. a point, edge, (whence diets, 6.K(a-)(rj, drcfArj, dixM, dfcuvr), dtepos, and Lat. acies, acuo). 2. silence, (whence dfcrjv, aKfojv, CLKO., afcacrfca). 3. healing, (whence d/ce'oftcu). d-KT|86crTOS, ov, (a privat., Kijoecj) uncaredfor, un- heeded : without funeral rites, unburied. Hence aKTjSecrTtos, Adv. of dtfrjSfffTos, but in act. sense, without heed for any one, remorselessly. dicT]8o, f. rjaoj : aor. i T/Kriorjaa, Ep. dKrjoeaa. : to neglect, slight, c. gen. From d-Ki]8Tjs, t's, (a privat., KTJOOS^ pass, uncaredfor: paired, in full vigour, fresh, unbroken. d-KT|pios, ov, (a privat., rcr/p) unharmed by the fates, uninjured. II. act. unharming, harmless. d-KT|pios, ov, (a privat., Krjp) without heart or soul, lifeless. II. without heart or courage, heartless, spiritless, Lat. vecors. aKTjpoTaTOS, Ep. for d.Kr]pa.rwro.ros, Sup. ofdtcrjpaTOS. aKir]pvKTi and aK-qpvKTi, Adv. without proclama- tion : esp. without a flag of truce. From d-KTjpvKTOS, ov, (a privat., Krjpvffcrca) unannounced : unproclai med ; dicTjpvKros TroAefios a war without an- nouncement, sudden, or, one in which no herald was admitted, implacable. 2. inglorious, unknown. 3. unheard of, sending no tidings. Hence aKTjpiJKTcas, Adv. = drerjpvKTi. d-KT|pa)Tos, ov, (a, privat., Ki)p6(u) not covered with wax, unwaxed. a,Kt]XSaTai or aKfjxcaTai, Ep. for i]Ki]\j]vro.i, 3 pi. redupl. pf. pass, of dxf. d.K7)X|Avos, Ep. for Q.Ka.yr\\}.ivQ$, part, of redupl. pf. pass, of dxfoj. d-KipSrjXos, ov, (a privat., Ki@8r)Xos} unadulterate, unalloyed, pure : also guileless, honest. aiu8vos, 77, ov, weak, feeble, faint, in Homer only in Comp. drciovoTfpos. (Deriv. uncertain.) d-Ki6dpis, i, gen. tos, (a privat., KiOapa) without the harp. uKiicvs, vos, 6, 17, (a privat., KIKVS} powerless, feeble. uKlva.Kt]S, ov, or eos, 6, Lat. acindces, a Persian word, a short sword. d-KtvSvvos, ov, without danger: hence shunning danger, cowardly. Adv. -yews. d-KCvT]TOS, ov, rarely 77, ov, (a privat., KIVCQJ) un- moved, motionless : hence idle, sluggish. 2. unal- tered, settled, steady. II. immovable, hard to move. 2. not to be stirred or touched, inviolable, like Lat. non movendus : not to be divulged, [t] d-Kios, ov, (a privat., KLS) without worms, not worm- eaten, sound: Sup. o-Kipos, 6v, a.Kiovos. diets, t'Sos, 77, (d77, Lat. acies} a point, barb, a pointed instrument : metaph. a sting; the stings of desires, [a] ov, (a privat., Ktx&vca) not to be reached, unattainable : of persons, not to be reached by prayer, inexorable. uKKi^opii, Dep. (U.KKW) to pretend indifference to a thing, to affect coyness : generally, to dissemble. UKKCO, 77, a bugbear : ace. to others a vain woman. dicXdpajTOS, Dor- for dicXrjpcaTOS. d-xXacrros, ov, (a privat., K\O.OJ) unbroken. d-xXavcrros or d-jeXavros, ov, (a privat., tfAcuo>) pass, unwept : without lamentation. II. act. un- weeping, tearless. d-iX6T|S, es, gen. os : ace. dAa, Ion. dAe^, poet. d/rAea : (a privat., ArAeos) : without fame, inglorious, ignoble : neut. dAees as Adv. ingloriously. ' i, 77, (d-tfA7s) ingloriousness. js, es, Ep. for dKXefjs : Ep. Adv. d/tActcDs. /, Ion. d-JcXT|io-TOS, Att. contr. d-KXr]- O-TOS, (a privat., *Aetcu) : not shut, not bolted or fas- tened. . dxXcws, Adv. of dtfA677, ingloriously. d-KXrjTjs, fs, poet, for dK\(rjs. dicXT|t) a darter, hurler of javelins. aKovTurriKos, rj, ov, (aKovri^oj) skilled in throwing the dart. aKovTicmJS, vos, 77, Ion. for O.KUVTLOLS, the game of the dart, a contest at throwing the dart. axovTO-86tcos, ov, (O.KOJV, exo/wat) watching the dart, \. e. shunning it. d-scoiros, ov, without weariness : I. pass, un- wearied, untiring. II. act. not wearying, easy. -2. removing weariness, refreshing. aKopco-TttTOs, most shameless, a Sup. either from d-Koprjs = duuptaros ; or shortened for ros, Sup. of d/f^pfaros, like fj.taaa.Tos, vearos. d-Kopecrros, ov, (a privat., Kopivvvfju) insatiate, un- ceasing : c. gen. insatiate of, unsated with. II. act. not satiating : not disgusting. d-Kopcros, ov, dtfopeo*Tos. d-Kop-qros, ov, (a privat., KGpkvvv\ii\ insatiate : c. gen. unsated with, ate. TTO\((J,OV, a.Trfi\wv. 2. (a privat., KopioS) unswept, untrimmed. d-Kopos, ov, = dicupr)Tos, insatiate: metaph. cease- less, Lat. improbus. V AKO2, cos, TO, a cure, relief, remedy, help, re- source for or against a thing, c. gen. : d'os repveiv to prepare a remedy. dicoo-jjLeto, f. 770-0;, (aKofffjLos^ to be disorderly, un- ruly : to be out of order, to offend. d-Kocrp,ir]TOS, ov, (a privat., KOO fj-tcu) unarranged, disorderly. i. unadorned, unfurnished. dxocr(jLLa, 77, disorder : extravagance : unruliness, offence. From d-Koa-ftos, ov, without order, disorderly : in moral sense, unruly, rebellious : Adv. -pois, without or- der. II. KOGUOS d'/f 007105 a world that is no world, like yafios ayapos, etc. dKocrTa.ci> or dico, only used in aor. I part. aKoarrjaas. well-fed, over-fed. From 'AKO5TH', 77, barley. dKOvdJojAai, Dep., like doixu, to hcarhn to, c. gen. II. to be called, bidden; SCUTOS doude- a6ov ye are bidden to the feast, like KaXtTaOai, Lat. vocari. CIKOVTJ, -f), Ep. for dnori, hearing; irarpos d/covr] tidings of his father : a sound. CLKpCLTlO-TOS. 27 d-KOvpos, ov, (o privat., tcovpos} childless, without male heir. II. (a privat., tcovpa} unshorn. uKOticrsiav, Aeol. form of aKovaatev, 3 pi. aor. I opt. of CLKoixa. , Desiderat. of d/cotw, to wish to hear. , ov, (aKotca, 0eos) heard of God. , 77, ov, (OLKOVQ}) audible. aKOtio-uos, ov, Att. contr. for dc*ouo"tos, unwilling, under constraint : Adv. -tews, unwillingly, or in an \ unwelcome manner ; Sup. aKovaiurara, most un- willingly. d'covorjjLa, TO, (d/coia;) a thing heard, a sound, strain. 2. a rumour, report, tale, [a] Hence aKouo-jxaTicv, TO, a little tale. \ a,KOvo-TOv, also aKOVo-rca, verb. Adj. of d/eovcu, one must hear or hearken to, c. gen. I aKOV(TTT|S, ov, 6, (dKovu} a bearer, listener. aKOucTTOs, 17, or, verb. Adj. of dtcoixa, heard, audible: tha' shotdd be heard. 'AKOTT1, f. d#ovo"o/tt)u : aor. I ffitovaa : pf. Att. dfirjKoa, Dor. aKovtca : plqpf. dfcrjKuciv, Att. aKijuotj : Pass., fut. drcovoOr)crofj.ai : aor. I f t KOvaOrjv : pf. TJKova/Mt : to hear, used both with gen. and | ace. 2. absol. to hear, give ear ; dftoverc \ea> hear, O people. II. to listen or give ear to, mostly c. gen. ; more rarely c. dat., hence to obey. III. to hear oneself called, be called, pass for ; with an Adj. or Subst., dtcovciv KOHLS, Lat. malus audire; or with an Adv. cv, Kaitws dicovfiv, Lat. bine, male audire. UKpa, Ion. ciKp-r), 77, (properly fern, of a/epos] the end, point, esp. the highest point, the top of the hill, peak, headland : a citadel, Lat. arx : rear* d'/cpTis Trep9fiv, Att. mar aKpas, to destroy from top to bottom, i. e. I utterly, Lzt.funditus evertere. ! dicpdavTOs, ov, = a.KpavTos, without result, unful- filled, fruitless, Lat. irritus. S, (a privat., Kpayciv} not barking. , contr. form of dtfpae'a, ace. masc. of aKpzrjs. aKp-a,T|S, fs, (a/epos, arjfju) of certain winds, blowing strongly, fresh-blowing. dKpaivf|S, fs, contr. from dfCfpaio-Qavys, (d/te- paios, (pavfjvai) unmixed, pure, sheer: hence II. unharmed, Lat. integer : c. gen. untouched by a thing. d-KpavTOs, ov, (a privat., Kpaivoj) unaccomplished, unfulfilled, fruitless, idle. II. endless. dKpacria, 77, (aKparrjs) the character of an incontinence, Lat. impotentia, opp. to d-Kpa,T6ia, 77, earlier form of fureg. [d] j dKpaT6, o, (d- Kpdros, TTiVcw) a drinker of unmixed wine. d-Kparos, Ion. a-KpTjros, ov : Comp. and Sup. aKpd- Tffrpos, -cffraros i (a privat., Kepdvvvfu) : un- mixed, pure, sheer, unadulterate : esp. of wine, O.K- paros (sub. olvos), 6, wine without water, sheer wine, Lat. merum ; metaph., aKparos vovs pure intel- lect. 2. untempered, icnrestrained, excessive: in- temperate, violent. d-Kpdrcop, opos, 6, = d-Kparr]S, without control. \jcpa\ dicpaTu>s, Adv. of aKparrjs, without control ; aKparws X IV to be incontinent. dxpaxoXco), f. rjaca, to be passionate. From dicpd-xoXos, Ion. dicpT|-xoXos, ov, (aKpos, ^oAos) quick or sudden to anger, passionate ; KVQJV aKpdxo- A.OS an ill-tempered dog. \jfpa] uKpe'|Aa)v, ovos, 6, (aKpos) the end of a branch or bough, a small branch, spray, twig. uKp-eo-rrepos, ov, (aKpos, 4o"7Tpa) at the beginning of evening, at eventide. dicp-T|j3T)S, fs, and aicp-T]{3os, ov, (d/cpos, 77/377) in earliest youth, very young. a-KptjTOS, ov, Ion. for aKparos, unmixed, pure. dicpT]-xoXia, a,Kpi?|-xo\os, Ion. for afcpaxoXia, etc. aicpias, ace. pi. of dicpis. dicpijBeia, f], exactness, accuracy, precision : perfec- tion. II. strictness, severity : parsimony, frugal- ity. From dicpij3T|S, 6s, exact, accurate, precise, perfect in its kind ; of thoughts, clear, definite, precise. II. of persons, exact, strict, scrupulous : also frugal, stingy. (Deriv. uncertain.) a.Kpl^o\oyto^a.i, Dep. (aKpi0o\6yos) to be exact, accurate, or precise in language : c. ace. rei, to weigh accurately. Hence , 7), precision of language. ov, (dKpi0r)s, Acfyos) exact in lan- guage. ^ aKpljSoa), f. waca, (aKpi@r)s) to make exact or accu- rate : to arrange precisely : but commonly, to examine or understand thoroughly : to express accurately : Pass, to be made exact or perfect. aKpij3J>s, Adv. of dtcpi/3r)s, exactly, accurately, pre- cisely. II. sparingly ; dxpifius KOI /*oAts, Lat. vix et ne vix quidem. a,Kpi8o-0TJKT], T), (aKpis, riOrjuC) a locust-cage. aKpis, tos, r), Ion. for aKpa, a hill-top, peak ; mostly in pi., dxpies t/vcfj.ufffffai the windy mountain-tops. 'AKPI'2, i'5os, -f), a locust, Lat. gryllus. aKpto-Ca, 77, (dffpiros} want of distinctness and order, confusion. II. want of judgment. dfcpiTO-SaKpus, v, gen. vos, (dttpiTos, odfcpv) shed- ding floods of tears. aicpiT6-[Ju}0os, ov, (dKpiros, fjiv8os) talking reck- lessly. II. hard to interpret. a-Kpiros, ov, (a privat., Kpivca) unarranged, con- CLKpoOiVLOV. 'fused, disorderly : countless. 2. lasting, unceasing: | of mountains, continuous. II. undecided, , doubtful. 2. unjudged, untried, of persons and things ; dttpirov nva /creivciv, to put to death , without trial, Lat. indicia causa : also not subject to j trial. III. act. not giving judgment. 2. not i exercising judgment, undistinguishing. \ o,KpiT6-<}>vXXos, ov, (dfcpiros, , (apo/3oA.os) to be a slinger, to skirmish. \ dicpoj3oXio}jiai, (d/fpojSoAca;) Dep. to throw or strike ! from afar : to skirmish. Hence aKpof3oXio-is, ecus, fi, a skirmishing. u,KpoJ3oXurp.6s, ov, 6, = d.Kpofi6\i(n$. aKpo|3oXtorTT|S, ov, o, dKpofi(>Xos. aKpo-|36Xos, 6, (aitpos, jSaXea/) as Subst. one that throws from afar, a slinger, skirmisher: but II. as Adj. proparox. d/cpo-/3oAos, ov, struck from afar. 97, (d/cpojSucuos, ov, and aKpo-KVT|S, es, (aKpos, ) at the beginning or end of night, in twilight, ov, (aKpos, KOfj-ri) with hair on the crown. II. with leaves at the top. dicpo-ic6piv9os, o, the citadel of Corinth. ciKpo-ieOfJiaToco, f. ouaoj, (aKpos, rcv^a) to float on the topmost waves. axp6-\l0os, ov, (aKpos, \iOos) with the extremities- of stone, epith. of statues of wood with marble head, hands, and feet. dicpo-Xiviov, TO, (aKpos, \ivov) the edge of a net. aKpo-Xoyfj), (aKpos, \tyca) to gather at top. a.Kpo/\o<|>iTT]S, [t], ou, 6, (dfcpos, Aoos, o, (aKpos, A.ocpo-At)Ta>, (aKpos, Aucu) to untie only at the end. UKpo-navY|S, fs, (aKpos, p.avrjvai) at the height of madness, raving mad. dcpo-n,6Xij33os, ov, (aKpos, ;io\t/35oj) leaded at the edge, epith. of a net. oicpov, ou, TO, neut. of aKpos, the highest or topmost point : I. a mountain-top, peak. II. metaph. the highest pitch, the height of a thing. III. pi. dupa, of persons, the chiefs. dKp-ovuxt, Adv. (aKpos, oVu) with the edge of the nail. dicp-6vi5xos, ov, (aKpos, 6Vu) = aKpwvvxos. aKpo-vuxos, ov, (aKpos, vv) at nightfall, at even. aKpo-TTv9ir|s, es, (aKpos, TrfvOos) exceeding sad. aKpo-iroSi]TC, Adv. (aKpos, irovs) on tiptoe, stealthily. aKpo-iroXis, ecu?, 77, (dtcpos, TroAts) the upper or higher city, hence the citadel, castle : in Att. esp. the Acropolis of Athens, which served as the trea- sury. II. metaph. a tower of defence. 2. the highest point. oxpo-iroXos, ov, (aKpos, 7ro\ecy) high-ranging : ge- nerally, high. oxpo-iropos, ov, (drcpos, im'pcu) boring through, piercing with the point. aKpo-irrcpov, TO, (a/)o?, 7rrepoV) the tip of the wing. aKpo-irroXts, 77, poet, for G.KPUTTO\IS. dxpos, a, ov, (a/07) at the end, i.e. either outermost, Lat. extremus, or at the top, Lat. summus ; dicpa xV> a/fpot TroSes, etc., the end of the hand or feet, etc. ; iro\i j d/eprj = a.Kp6iro\ts, the citadel ; vScap drcpov the surface of the water ; so also, ITT' a/fpots (sc. 5anTv- \ois) on tiptoe ; OVK air' d'/cpas os, ov, (aKpos, o*opos) high in wisdom. dKpo-o-ToXiov, TO, (aKpos, aXT|S, es, (d'/fpoj, a(pa\T]vai} apt to stumble. aKporaTT], fern. Sup. of aKpos. atcpo-TeXruTiov, TO, (aKpos, TeXevTrj) the fag-end of anything, esp. of a verse. aKpoTirjs, TfTos, 77, (dpos) a summit, height. aKpOTOp.ecd, to lop off or shave the surface. From aKp6-rop,os, ov, (aKpos, TejuctV) cut off" at the edge. dicp-ovxeoj, (aKpov, exiJOTOv, TO, (aKpos, , = aKTaivta. aKTaivco, seems to be a strengthd. form of dyca, to put in motion, or, if intr., to move rapidly. dicTatos, a, ov, (a.KT-q) on the shore or coast. II. ' A/n-ai'a (sc. 777) 77, Coast-land, an old name of Attica, also 'A/crr). 'AKTE'A, 77, the elder-tree, Lat. sambucus. d-KTuvos, ov, (a privat., KTtavov} without property. d-KTViv, ov, gen. ovos, (a privat., Krrjp.a) without dXa^ovevofiai, f. fvaopai, Dep. to swagger, use property, c. gen., dATT^/ia^ -)(pvaoio poor in gold. false pretensions. From dXau>v, ovos, 6, 7), (aAT?) a wanderer about the country, vagabond : hence, a false pretender, an impostor. II. as Adj. making fake pretences, swaggering, braggart, Lat. gloriosus : Sup. dAao- ve) a blind, i. e. use- less, careless watch. dXaoco, f. tyo-cy : aor. I inf. oAacDo-cu : (dAaJs) : to make blind. aXairaSvos, -fj, ov, (dXairdta) easily mastered, weak- ened : powerless, feeble. a-Xairaci>, Ep. impf. d\diraov : f. uAaTrafcu : Ep. aXa? aXe/xaroy. 31 aor. d\diTaa. : (a euphon., AaTra^a;) : to empty, | a\ytiv6s, r}, ov, (dAeycu) cf. d\ycivos) painful, drain, make poor : esp. to drain of power and grievous, troublesome : c. inf., i'mro* dA7eti'oi Safari- strength, overcome, slay. oXas, dVos, TO, = aAs, salt. dXao"ra>, (d'Aao*Tos) to be wrathful, bear bate. horses hard to break. o, only used in pres. and Ep. impf. ) : to trouble oneself about a thing, to care dXdcrropos, ov, (dAaarcup) wider the influence of for, mind, heed, c. gen. rei. an avenger. ) dXe-yuva), chiefly used in pres. and impf. : (dAe-you) : d-Xacrros, ov, (a privat., \avOdvofiai) not to be for- in Odyssey with oaira and Satras, to care for a meal : gotten, insufferable, unceasing : abominable, accursed, generally afterwards to prepare a meal for guests. Hence | d-XeYco, (a copul., A^ya;) only used in pres. to trouble d-Xdorojp, opos, o, (a privat., \avOdvouai) he who \ oneself, have a care, mind, heed ; mostly with the forgets not, the Avenging Deity, Lat. Deus Vindex, negat., OVK dXeyeiv to have no care, heed not; rarely with or without 5ai(j. : aor. I ?7A7wa. Pass, with f. med. d\yvvovf*ai : aor. I i*]\yvvOr)v : to pain, grieve, dis- tress: Pass, to feel pain, be grieved or distressed at a thing. dXSaivco : aor. 2 rj\oavov : to make to grow, nourish, strengthen; ?;A5ai/e yue'Aea she filled out his limbs: to increase, multiply. Only poet. (From *d'Aew, Lat.a/o.) dX&T|) hot, warm. dXeeivo, only used in pres. and impf.: , (dAca, 0X77) to shun, avoid, r), Ion. for dAea. dXeiap, aTOS, TO, (dAtcu) wheaten flour. d*Xei|jL|jLa, CITOS, TO, (dAft^cw) anything used to anoint with, an unguent, fat, oil. dXeiirrqs, ov, 6, (dAf ia, To,~d\i(pap. uXeiap, aTos, TO, (aAc/^aj) unguent, oil, used in funeral sacrifices. II. generally, anything for smearing with, pitch, resin. 'AAEI'^n, f. if/w : aor. 1 7/A6it//a, Ep. d'A- : pf. d\r f f \Y to anoint with oil (see AtTra) ; esp. of anointing for gym- nastic exercises ; 01 oXfKpu^voi the athletes. II. like eir-a\fidpjAaKOV, TO, a means of keeping off poison, an antidote. 'AAE'Hn : the tenses are formed partly from dAeecu, partly from dAe/y : fut. dAe^crcu ; 3 sing, aor. I act. opt. dAe770"ete ; fut. med. dAe^cro/xat : but also fut. dAecu ; aor. I r/Aea ; fut. med. dAeo- /xat ; aor. I fjXfgdftrjv : also an Ep. aor. 2 without augm. (as if from *dA/u) aXaXicov, inf. dAaAtfetV, j ffjLfvai, -ffjLfv, part. dXaXitwv ; whence again is formed a fut. dXaXK-fjaco : to ward or keep off; turn away or aside, hence to defend, assist, aid: Con- struct., c. dat. pers. et ace. rei separately, as, dAeetj/ rtvi to help one ; Zcvs roy' dAe^o-ete may Jove avert \ this ; but most freq. together, as, dX(fiv AavaoTs Kaitov ?jpap to avert the day of evil from the Danai : cf. dAaAtfe : Med., aAeea0cu nva to keep another off" from oneself, defend oneself against him, Lat. de- fendere: also absol. to defend oneself. II. in Med. also, to requite, repay, recompense. dXeofJUH, contr. dXtvp-at, also dXetiop,ai : 3 sing, opt. dAeoiTo : part. dAev/iei/os : but chiefly used by Homer in 3 sing. aor. I rjXtvaro or dAeuaTO ; imper. dAevat, dAeaa^e ; subj. d\(rjrai or dAeveTat ; opt. aAecuTo ; inf. dAeaa^at, dXevaoOai ; part. dAevd- fifvos : Dep. : (dAewu) : to avoid, shun, usu. c. ace. rei, dA. /SeAos, Odvarov, rarely c. ace. pers. : also c. inf. to avoid doing, omit to do : absol. to escape, flee, avoid : to neglect : cf. dAeO. dXccro-av, Ep. for ^Aeow, 3 plur. aor. I of dAew. oXereu., Ep. for aXrjrai, 3 sing, aor 2 subj. of oAAo- pai, to leap. dXeTT]S, ov, 6, (d\fca) a grinder; dXerrjs ovos a mill-stone. dXeros, 6, (dAecu) a grinding. dXeTpevco, f. euo"cu, longer form of dAecu, to grind, [a] dXe-TpCpavos, 6, (dAecu, Tpt/3cu) that which grinds or pounds, a pestle. dXerpis, <8os, 17, (dAecu) a female slave who grinds corn, Lat. molitrix. [a] dXev or dXev, prob. shortened for dAe'ou, imper. of dXfOfjiai, avoid! cease! dXet)d|XT]v, aor. I of dAeo^tcu. dXevpov, TO, (dAecu) wheaten flour, fine meal, mostly in plur. d'Aeupa, distinguished from d\a, dX-fjXififKU, Att. pf. act. and pass, of aXt]pxL, TO, (dAu) properly that which is ground, fine flour : metaph. a wily knave. d\T||Ji6vai, Ep. for d\fjvai, aor. 2 pass. inf. of et'Acy. d\T|jjiti>v, ovos, 6, 77, (dAdo^cu) a wanderer, rover. dX-qvau, aor. 2 pass. inf. of etXcy. d-Xtjirros, ov, (a privat., Xap-Pavca) not to be laid hold of, hard to catch: Comp. dXrjiiTOTCpos, less amenable. 2. incomprehensible. C AAH'5 or dX-fjs, , Ep. and Ion. Adj. = Att. aOpoos, thronged, in a mass, Lat. confertus. [a] aX^rai, 3 sing. aor. 2 med. subj. of d\\ofuu. dXijTcia, Dor. dXureia, 77, a wandering, roaming. From dX-r]Tvco, f. cvffca, (0X17x775) to be a wanderer, live a vagrant life. dXijTos, o, (d\foj) a grinding in the mill. dXT|njs, ov, o, (dAdoficu) a wanderer, stroller, rover, vagabond. 2. as Adj. vagrant, roving. 'AA0OMAI, Ep. impf. d\e6(j.r)v : fut. d\e-f]ffo/JMi : to become whole or sound ; aXOero \fip. dXia, Ion. dXu], 77, (aXrjs) an assembly, gathering of the people, Dor. and Ion. word for the Attic l- dXid, 77, (dAs) a salt-cellar. dXidSai, wv, ol, (dAs) seamen. dXi-dcTOs, poet. dXuaicTos, o, (dAs, deros) the sea- eagle, osprey. dXi-u.T|S, fs, (dAs, aTi/Ji) blowing on the sea, blowing sea-ward. aXt-av0T)S, fs, (d'As, dvOos) sea-blooming, i.e. purple. d-Xiacrros, ov, (a privat., Atdbfcat) unyielding, un- abating : neut. dXiaarov as Adv., incessantly. dXi-|3aTos, ov, Dor. for f,\i@aTos. dXi-ppKTos, ov, (a\s, fipex 01 *) washed by the sea. dXiyKios, a, ov, resembling, like< (Deriv. uncer- tain.) [a] dXi-8ovos, ov, (aXs, Soveca) sea-tossed. dXi-pKT|s, 6s, (dAs, (prcos) sea-girt, surrounded by the sea. dAicvs, gen. ecus, Ion. 7705, o, (aAs, aAtos) one who has to do with the sea, and so I. a fisher. II. a seaman, sailor : with another Subst. Iptras aAi^as rowers on the sea. dXtevTiKos, rj, ov, (aXievca) of or for fishing. dXievco, f. , f. iffo:, (d'\s) to salt, [a] aXt-^covos, ov, (a\s, (,WVTJ) sea-girt. aXiT], j), Ion. for d\ia. dXi-Tf]pT]s, fs, (a\s, fptffffoj) sweeping the sea. aXiT|Ttop, opos, o, poet, for aXtei;s. aXtrjcn, Ep. dat. plur. of d\ir]. 33 dXCOios, Dor. for // d-XtOos, ov, without stones, not stony. dXiKia, 17, Dor. for fjXiKia. dXi-xXvo-TOs, ov, (d\s, K\vfa) sea-beaten. dXi-KjitjTOS, ov, (d\s, tedfj-vca) wearied by the sea. dXiKos, a, ov, Dor. for fjXifeos. dXi-KTUiros, ov, (aAs, Krvirtoi) sounding in the sea, sea-beaten, of ships. II. act. roaring over the sea, of waves. dXi-Kvixtov, ov, gen. ovos, (d\s, Kvfj.a) surrounded by waves, [u] dXi-}icScov, OVTOS, 6, (d\s, niocav') lord of the sea. d-Xijievos, ov, (a privat., \i^v) without harbour, Lat. importuosus : generally, giving no shelter, inhos- pitable. Hence d-Xtp.ev6TT)S, "fj, the being without harbours. dXi-p.vpif|is, fcroa, v, (aXs, pvpoi) flowing into the sea, of rivers. dXivSw, aor. I rjXlffa, inf. dXTaai : pf. TJ\TKt. dXt-^avTOs, ov, (d'As, ^atvcu) worn by the sea. aXios, 6, Dor. for 77X40$, the sun. [a] dXios, a, ov, also os, ov, (dAs) of, from, or belong- ing to the sea, Lat. marinus. [a] tiXtos, a, ov, = fMTaios, fruitless, unprofitable, idle, erring : also in neut. as Adv. in vain, [a] (Deriv. uncertain.) dXu>-Tp4>T|S, cs, (d'A-tos, Tpevpos, ov, (dAs, Tropfyvpa) of sea-purple, of t deep purple dye. C 34 aXippayrjs aAAacrcra). s, (aAs, pdyrjvai) breaking the waves, against which the tide breaks. dXtp-pavTOS, ov, (aXs, paivca) sea-surging. dXip-pT]KTOS, ov, = dXippajrjs. dXip-p60ios, ov, also 77, ov, (aAs, podos) roaring with waves, sea-beaten. dXip-po0os, ov, = dXtppoOios. dXtp-pvTOs, ov, (aAs, ptoi) washed by the sea. "AAI5, Adv. (a\r)s) in heaps, crowds, swarms, in abundance, enough, Lat. satis : also c. gen., aAts dp- jvpov silver enough, Lat. sat argenti; aAts 4'xdvos, ov, =sq. dXi-aTT|s, cs, (aAs, ore^cy) sea-girt. dXi-) sea-resounding. dXioros, 77, ov, (dXifa) salted, pickled. dXi-o-Tpen-TOS, ov, (aAs, ffTpf^ca) whirled or rolled to and fro in. the sea, sea-tossed. dXiTCUvco, f. dXiTTjaca : aor. 2 rjXirov, inf. later also aor. i fjXiTrjaa. Med., aor. 2 3 pi. Ep. dXirovTO, inf. d\iT0~Ocu : see (01X77) : to sin or offend against, to transgress, err. d-Xtrdvexn-os, ov, (a privat., XiTavevca*) not to be moved by prayer. dXiTCiv, aor. 2 inf. of dXiraivca. dXt-TVT|s, $, (aAs, retVcy) stretching along the sea, and so level, flat. dXi-rep^Kov, ov, gen. ovos, (aAs, rtp/xa) bounded by the sea, bordering on it. dXiTirjjJia, arcs, TO, (aA.irf/) a sm, offence. dXtTT|p,vos, a part. med. of dAtTati/cu, with accent and signf. of pres., sinning, as if formed from dXtTrjfu. Compare nOrjfJLevcs, Ep. for riOfftevos. dXlT-Tjjxepos, ov, (dXiTfiv, ^/J-fpa) missing the right day or right time : hence untimely born. dXiTif|p,a>v, ov, gen. ovos, (dAiTetV) sinful, wicked. dXiT-ripios, ov, (aAiTefi/) sinful, laden with guilt: dXiTTjpios nvos sinning against him. dXtrovTO, Ep. 3 pi. aor. 2 med. of dXtraivca. dXtTo-^cvos, ov, (dAiTeii', ffVos) sinning against a guest. dXiTO-pocrvvT], fj, (dXirfiv, TJvai, aor. 2 pass. inf. of d\ei0opia, 77, shipwreck. From dXi-66pos, o, a pirate. dXKaios, a, ov, (O.XKTJ) strong, mighty. d\Kap, TO, only used in nom. and ace., (dX/rfj) a safeguard, bulwark, defence. dXicas, O.VTOS, 6, f], Dor. contr. from dAmcts, = aA- 77, (dAaA?z/) bodily strength, force, prowess, power, might: in plur. dXicai, feats of strength. II. spirit, courage. III. a safeguard, defence; and so help, succour. IV. battle, fight. dXKT|ts, c (dXXaffaw} a change : exchange, barter. aTos, TO, that which is given or taken in exchange, the price of a thing. dXXavTOirtoXeo), to sell sausages. From dXXavTO-ira)XT)S, ov, 6, (dXXas, TrcuAecu) a sausage- seller. aXXdcu, aXXaao-0ai, aor. I act. and med. inf. of dAAdacrcy. 06pos, ov, (dAA^Aow, (pOeipca) destroying one another. dXXi]\o, (dXXorpios, irpdaao}) to meddle with other people's business. Hence aXXoTpiOTrpuYia, r/, meddlesomeness. dXXorpios, a, ov, (d'AAos) of or belonging to another, Lat. alienus, opp. to i'Stos ; dXXorpiwv ^apiffaoOai to be bountiful of what is another's; d\Xorpiois ivaOpois ffXdv to laugh with a face unlike one's own, Horace's ridere malts alienis. II. foreign, Lat. peregrinus : hence strange, alien : also estranged, hostile. dXXoTpioTT]S, 77TOS, 77, (dAAoVpios) estrangement. dXXorpio-xpws, xparros, > *!> (dXXorpios, XP"' 5 ) of divers colours. dXXorptoco, f, wffca, to make strange, estrange, make hostile or ill-disposed : Pass, to become estranged, be made an enemy. II. to bring into another's hands: Pass, to fall into strangers' hands. Hence dXXorptws, Adv. of dAAoVptos, strangely; dAAo- rpiws ^x fiv * t> e estranged. dXXoTpCcotris, f(us, 77, estrangement. dXXov, Adv. elsewhere, in another place, Lat. alibi. dX-Xoos, ov, Ep. for d-Xo(pos. dXXo-pov>, f. rj(T(a, (d'AAos, (ppovtcu) to be of an- other mind : to give no heed to a thing. II. to think otherwise than as one should, to think wrong- ly. 2. to be absent or unheeding : also to be sense- less, lose one's wits. dXX6-4>i>Xos, ov, (d'AAos, ^vXr/) of another tribe, foreign, strange. dXXo-xpoos, ov, contr. -xpovs, ovv, (aXXos, xpod) of another colour, changeful of hue. dXXo-xpws, euros, 6, 77, dXXoxpoos, foreign. dXXvSis, Adv. (d'AAos) = aXXoffe, elsewhither: Horn, has it ouly with d'AAos, e. g. dXXvois d'AAos one hither another thither. dXXv, f. 170-0;, (d'Ao^os) to pay no regard to a thing, take no heed of it, Lat. rationem rei non habere. 2. to be out of one's senses. Hence oYici, 77, want of regard or esteem, contempt. II. want of reason, senselessness, folly. XoYurros, ov, (a. privat., Ao7t'oficu) unreasoning, thoughtless, silly. II. not to be reckoned. 2. not to be heeded, vile. d-Xo-yos, ov, I. without speech, speechless. 2. unspoken, i. e. unutterable, Lat. infandus. II. without reason, irrational. 2. not according to eason : contrary to reason, absurd. 3. not reck- oned upon, unexpected. 'AAO'H, 77, the aloe, a plant. dXotjTos, o, (dAodcu) threshing or threshing-time. ' dXoOcv, Adv. (dAs) from or out of the sea. dXoia, 3 sing. Ep. impf. of dAoidcu. dXoidco, poet, for dAodcu. aXol-qv, aor. 2 opt. of dXiaKOfjuai. d-Xoi86pT]TOS, ov, (a privat., XoiSopeca) unreviled: not to be reviled. d-Xoi8opos, ov, not reviling. aAoiT], 77, (dAet^cu) anything for smearing : hog's lard, grease : also anointing-oil, unguent : generally, ointment, varnish, paint. dXoKib>, f. aca, (d'Ao) to trace furrows, to write, draw. dXovTC [a], dual aor. 2 part, of dkiaKopai. "AAOH, oos, 77, a poet, form of auAo, never used in nom. sing., a furrow ploughed in a field : ploughed land, corn-land. 2. in the skin, a gash, wound. 'AXoo'-viSvt], 77, (dAs, vovijs) the sea-born : child of the sea, a name of Amphitrite and of Thetis. aXo-rpivj;, Yfios, 6, (dAs, Tpi@aj) a pestle for pound- in salt. dX-ovp-yts, tSos, 77, (dAoup7os) a purple robe. dX-ovp-yos, ov, and dX-otpYT|S, es, (dAs, purple-wrought, i. e. dyed with sea-purple, of a genuine purple : in pi., TO. aXovpyrj purple robes. aXoiis, dXovcra, aor. 2 part, of aXiaKopai. [a] dXouo-Ca, 77, want of the bath. From d-Xoinros, (a privat., Xovca) unwashen. d-Xo<{>os, Ep. dX-Xoos, ov, without a crest. d-Xoxos, ov, 77, (a copul., Aexos) the partner of one's bed, a wife. dX6, Ep. for dAaov, pres. imperat. of dAdo/zat. d'Xirvwrros, 77, ov, Sup. of obsol. aXitvos, sweetest, loveliest. "AA2, dXos, o, Lat. SAL, Engl. SALT: in sing, a grain or lump of salt; in plur. salt as prepared for use. "AA5, dXos, T), the sea. dXtro, S.XTO, Ep. 2 arid 3 sing. aof. 2 of aXXofMi. "AA2O2, eos, TO, a place grown with trees and grass, a grove, esp. a sacred grove : also a glade. s. dXvcncda>, strengthd. for d\vo~KO}, used only in pres. and impf. dXvo-Kavco, lengthd. form of aAiWa>. dXvcrKw : fut. a\vgu and dAvojwcu : aor. I fj\va, Ep.d'Ata: (dAe'a;) : to flee from, shun, avoid, forsake. dXvcrcrco, f. vcu, (dAua;) to 02 uneasy, have no rest. d-Xi/Tos, ov, (a privat., Avcu) no/ to be loosed or broken, indissoluble : continuous, ceaseless. d-Xvxvos, ov, without lamp or light. 5 A AT 'fl, Att. dXveo, used only in pres. and impf. : (a\T), dAdo/icu) : to wander, of the mind, to be ill at ease, be troubled, distraught : to be at a loss, like diropfca: more rarely to be beside oneself for joy. [u in Horn., v in Att.] 'AA^?A'NH ; aor. 2 fjXtyov, 3 sing. opt. dAdviv to incur envy. dX<|>tv, aor. 2 inf. of d\(f>dvo-i-|3ou>s, a, ov, (dAT]crTT|S, ov, 6, (d\(f>etv") always in phrase avopes dXtprjarai, gain-seeking, enterprizing, industrious men : esp. applied to trading, sea-faring people. dXcj>iT-d}jioip65, 6, (d\(f)iTov, dp-fii^oj) a dealer in barley-meal. V AA*ITON [i], TO, peeled or pearl-barley, Lat. po- lenta: sing, only in phrase d\(f>iTov d/my, barley-meal: elsewhere in plur. d\(pira, barley-groats, and the cakes or porridge made of it. 2. metaph. one's daily bread, one's substance: TrarpyadA^tTa one's patrimony. dXirov, atre'cy) to eat, live on barley-meal, or bread made of it. aXoi, 3 sing. aor. 2 opt. of dXfydvca. aXco, ace. of dAcus. dXw, aor. 2 subj. of d\ievs,'a>s, Ep. rjos, 6, (dAo^) a thresher, vine-dresser. 37 dXcinj, Dor. dXwd, poet, for Att. aAcus : I. a threshing-floor. II. any levelled plot of ground, a garden, orchard, vineyard, etc. dXtoT), Ep. for dAa>, 3 sing. aor. 2 subj. of dXiOKO- fj.ai. II. dXcpi], Ep. for d\oirj, 3 sing. aor. 2 opt. of same verb. dXcotn]S, ov, 6, (dAcy?)) a husbandman, gardener, [a] dX(op,vai, Ep. for dAcDvat, aor. 2 inf. of d\ioKO- fJMl. \(\ dXu>p.Vos, 77, ov, part, of dAdo/wzt. dXcov, (avos, 77, = dA, (dfJLaOrjs) to be ignorant, stupid. d-p,a0T|s, es, (a privat., iMOfiv) untaught, unlearned, stupid, drill: also coarse, rude: also without know- ledge of a thing. II. pass, not learnt, unknown. Hence dp,a0ia, f), want of knowledge, ignorance. dfjiddoeis, ofacra, oev, contr. ajxaOoCs, ovffaa, ovv, (d/j.a0os) = Ep. ijfMiOufis, sandy. "AMA0O2, 77, (dwos) sand, a sandy soil; see ifjdfj.fj.os. [ajwd-] d|x&6tiv(o, (dfJuaQos) to level with the sand, utterly destroy. d|xa0u>s, Adv. of dftaOrjs, ignorantly ; dpaQias ex etv to be ignorant. d-p,aip.aK6Tos, 17, ov, lengthd. form of dpa^os, ir- resistible, huge, enormous. dp,aXSvvb>, poet, for dfj.a\vv, only used in Ep. part. a.fj.aTpo\6(av, (dfj.a, rpex ^) to run together, run along with. Hence ajJuiTpoxta, 77, a run?iing together or clashing of wheels. dp,avpos, d, ov, dark, dim, faint, obscure. i. having no light: hence blind, sightless, dusky, gloomy. II. metaph. dim, uncertain. 2. 06- scure, unknown. (Deriv. uncertain.) Hence dp.avp6o>, f. wffca : aor. I r/ftarpoKra : pf. rjiJiavpaKa : to make dark or dim : mostly in Pass, to become dark or dim ; also to come to nothing. II. me- taph. to eclipse : to weaken, impair. Adv. of d'^a^os, without resistance. , ov, poet, for d^dxnros. a\i.8,\jrri, Adv. of dp.d\r)ros, without fighting. d-iidx^TOS, ov, (a privat., /tdxo^cu) not to be fought with, unconquerable. II. never having fought. dp,axi, Adv. of dp.a\os, d/xax^t. d-jjiaxos, ov, (a privat., pdxr]) without battle, and so I. with whom no one fights, unconquered : unconquerable, of persons : of places, impregna- ble. II. act. not having fought. 2. disin- clined to fight. contr. impf. Tjfjtow : f. dp^ou : aor. I : Pass., aor. i rjjj.r}()r]v : pf. TJfJ.ijfJi.ai : to reap, to mow : also to gather in, as a reaper does corn, to collect, [generally, d Ep. : a Att.] anJ3-, for dva@-, at the beginning of words. dp,j3aii], Ep. fordva0ai7), 3 sing. aor. 2 opt.of dvafiaivw. ctp,j 3aXXwfX60a, Ion. and Ep. for drajSaAA . dp.(3acris, 77, poet, for dvd-fiaffis. dp,pXicrK(o and d|o.j3X6co : f. dfj,{3\wffa} : aor. I 77^- P\caaa : pf. rj/j./3\, Att. -TTCO, (d///3Aus) to be dim-sighted or blind. dp,J3X-&>ir6s, ov, and dp.(3X-wvj/, OITTOS, 6, 77, (d/x/3Avs, wi//) dim-looking, dark, obscure. dp,-j3oXd8i]v, Adv., poet, for di/a-)3oAdS77i', (dva- /SdAAcu) bubbling up. II. (dra/SoAij) like a prelude. dp.-|3oAds, for dva-J3oXds, dSos, -fj, (dra/3aAAcw) yrj a.jj,@o\ds earth thrown up. dp,/3oXi-epYos, ov, (dz/aj8dAAcu, epyov) poet, for dva- /3oA., putting off work, lazy. dp,ppocria, Ion. -it], rj, (properly fem. of diiftpoaios) ambrosia, the food of the gods. dp,-J3p6o-ios, a, ov, lengthd. form of ap-fipoTOS, im- mortal, divine, of divine nature. II. of things belonging to the gods, ambrosial, divinely fair. dp,J3pOTiv, Ep. for d/jLapreiv, aor. 2 inf. of apaprava). dp,-|3pOTOS, ov, (a privat., fiporos) immortal, divine. dp,J3wo-as, Ion. for dvafforjffas, aor. I part, of dva- /Sodcu. dp,* or ap,, Dor. for 17/10$. d-p,Y a pToS, ov i ( a privat., (Afyaipca) unenvied, tin- enviable, unhappy : as a reproach, wretched, miserable : also horrible. dp,60v, of amethyst. From d-p.e'OiKTTOs, or, (a privat., /teflvoi) no/ drunken. II. as Subst. dfMfOvffTos, rj, or dp-eOvarov, TO, a remedy against drunkenness : I. a fo'nc? of herb. 2. the precious stone, amethyst. 'AMEFBH, Ep. impf. apcipov: fut. d/tet^cu: aor. I jj[j.fi\pa : I. Act. to change, exchange ; ^dAea Xpvffeiojv Tfvxfa dpfifieiv to exchange golden arms /or brasen : esp. of place, to change it, and so to pass, cross : like Lat. muto, either to ywzV a place, or to g"o to it. II. intrans. in part, kv d/j,ei(3ovTt = dp.oifia.ois, in exchange: dpeiftovrts ol, rafters that cross each other. III. Med. to change one with another, do in turn or alternately. 2. to answer, reply to. 3. to repay, requite, avenge. 4. like Act. to change, esp. of place, to pass either out or *' : metaph. to surpass. d-jii8T]TOS,ov, (apTiva.t.,fJ.fioa.Q}) not smiling, gloomy. d-p-ciXiKTOs, or, (a privat., ^iXiaaca) unsoothed : harsh, cruel. d-p.eiXixs, oi/, = foreg. harsh, severe: relentless, un- assuaged. dpctvcdv, ov, gen. oros, irreg. Comp. of dyaOos, better: of persons, abler, stronger, braver. d[XLv|fd|a.vos, dfieiif/affOai, aor. I med. of d/tet/Scu. ap.iv|ns, feus, fj, (apeiftca) exchange : succession. 'AME'ATn, f. ^cy, to M7L^, Lat. MULGERE. II. to />rm or squeeze out : metaph. to drain, exhaust. III. /o sip, drink. d|A\i, imperat. of djwcAecu, /*r mine?. Hence as Adv. by all means, of course. dp,\ia, ^, (d/teA^s) heedlessness, indifference. dp.\Tr]cria, 17, wa/z^ of practice or attention. From d-jju\T7)TOS, o^, (a privat., /ncXerdco) unpractised, unprepared. dp.e\co, f. i7^|S, 6S, = ap.p,TTTO$ II. dp,cp,(}>ia, fj, (dp.fp.(^-t]s) blamelessness, freedom from blame. dp,6vai, for depevai, Ep. inf. of do), to satisfy. d-p,VT]v6s, ov, (a privat., /xeVos) faint, feeble: weakly or sickly. Hence d-p,vrjv6ci>, Ep. aor. I dfj.fvrjvuaa, to make weak, deaden the force of. dp,epa, Dor. for fjp,(pa.. 'AME'Pm, f. cw, to pluck or pull, Lat. decerpere. dp,cp8cu, f. aca : aor. I fip.tpoa, Ep. dp.-: aor. I pass. ^fjLepOrjv : (prob. from a privat., yuepos) : to deprive of one's share, bereave one of: Pass, to be bereft of a thing, /os it. d-p.epip.vos, ov, (a privat., fj.fpifj.va) free from care, unconcerned. II. pa.ss.uncaredfor t unbeeded. III. driving away care. dp.epi.os, Dor. for f)p.pios. d-p,epurTOs, ov, (a privat., /*eptcy) undivided. ap.6po-KOi.TOS, Dor. for fip.epo-Koi.TOS. ap.epos, Dor. for rip.epos. dp,epcr, dp-epo-ai, 3 sing, and inf. aor. I of dpcpoco. dp.es or dp.es, Dor. for f)p.tTs. d-p,Ta06TOS, ov, (a privat., p.erari9rip.i) unchange- able: TO dfAerdderov, unchangeableness. d-p,TaKCvT]TOS, ov, (a privat., pfTafcivfOj) immovable. d-p-eTaKXao-TOs, ov, (a privat., p.raK\dos, ov, (a privat., fj.fTaa-pf(pca) unal- terable. d-p-eTaTpeirros, ov, (a privat., p-trarptitca) unalter- able. 40 d|XTepos, Dor. d-p,Tpir]TOS, ov, (a privat., fj-frpeoj) immeasurable, immense, Lat. immensus: unnumbered, exhaustless. d|ATpo-|3ios, ov, (dfitrpos, )3tos) of an immeasurable life. d(AeTpo-irf|S, 6s, (dfj.frpos, eVos) immoderate in words, unbridled of tongue. dp.Tpo-ir6TT)S, ov, 6, (dfj-frpos, Trorrjs) drinking to excess. d-p,6Tpos, ov, (a privat., perpov) without measure, immense, boundless, incessant. 2. immoderate. d-(j,Tp&>s, Adv. of dfj.crpos, infinitely. d[A6uo>, Aeol. for d/mj3p,opos,6,77, (a privat., ftT^r^p) without mother, motherless. II. unlike a mother. d|xi]xavw : impf. -fifirjxdvovv : fut. 770-0; : (dpr]x a ~ vos) : to be at a loss or in want. Hence djjnrjxavia, Ion. -nj, 77, want of means, helplessness, distress. II. hardship, trouble. d-p.T|X<* vo S, ov, (a privat., lMjx av fy without means or resource, helpless. II. more freq. in pass, sense, impracticable, irresistible : also inexplicable. djXTfjxavocixri, dfjnrjxo-vocov, Ep. 3 pi. and part, pres., as if from a.p.rj'xavaxo. d-plavTOS, ov, (a privat., fuaivoi) undefiled, pure. dp,i-06os, Dor. for T)fj,i-deos. ct-jjitKTOS, ov, (a privat., piyvvfti} unmixed,pure. II. not mingling with others, unsociable, savage. III. not to be mingled, irreconcilable : Adv. dft'iKTcas, Sup. dfj.iKrora.ra. "AMIAAA, 775,17, a contest for superiority, rivalry; generally, a struggle, conflict, [a] Hence d}JLi\\dop,ai, fat. TfOopai : aor. I med. rfp.LXXrjodiJL'qv and pass. -^iJ,i\\r)Or]V : pf. rjfj.i\\i]iJiai : Dep. : to com- pete, vie, or contend with one, Lat. aemulari. II. generally, to strive, struggle, exert oneself. Hence d(jLt\\T]TOv, verb. Adj. one must compete. d[ii\\Tj}Aa, TO, (d/LuAAao/xt) a contest, conflict. d|u\\T]TT)p, fjpos, (d/itXXao/iat) a competitor, rival. djiLjxirjTo-ptos, ov, (a/a/7Tos, /Sfos) inimitable in one's life. d-(jiC}jiT)TOS, ov, (a privat., jui/xeo/xcu) inimitable. dp,i|ia, Ion. -ITJ, 77, (d'/ziTos) a being unmixed, purity. 2. want of intercourse, unsociableness. fx-i/mr-os, ov, (a/ia, ITTTTOS) a/o;zg- with horses, i. e. ^?ee/ as a horse. 2. afj.nnroi, ol, infantry mixed with cavalry. 'AMI'S, i5os, a chamber-pot. d[xlcnf|s, cs, (a privat., p-iaos) without hatred, not hateful : Comp. d/j.t(reo~T(pos. djAtcrOC, Adv. of afJtiaOos, without reward. os, oy, (dfj.fj.os, rptyo?) growing in sand. djJtjjL-w8if]S, es, (dfj.fj.os, eiSos) sandy. 'Ap-fitovids, d5os, or 'Ap,p,covis, *8os, 77, ("Afi/nafl/) o/ or belonging to Jupiter Amman, i. e. African. dfJLvdp,cov [a], Dor. for dfj.vf]fjuav. dp,va(rra), d'p,vacrTOS, Dor. for dfjtvrjffT-. djjivtos, a, ov, (dfjivoi) of a lamb. d|xvT|, 77, fem. of dfivos, a ewe-lamb. d-p,vT]fJi6v6VTOs, ov, (a privat., jJivrjfJ.ovevQ}') unmen- tioned, unheeded. d|i,vnr]p,ov>, f. 770*0;: aor. I rifj.vijfj.(jvr)ffa: to be dfj.vr)fj,Q}v, be unmindful : to make no mention of, pass over. a|AVT}p,o6pos, should be pavvo-tpopos. diAoyrpu, Adv. without toil or effort. From d-p,6yT]TOs, ov, (a privat., payeca) without toil, un- wearied, untiring. dp,69cv, Att. dp.69ev, Adv. (d/xos) from some place or other. dfi60t or d|xo0eC, Adv. (d/*os) somewhere. d|xoi, Adv. (d/ios) somewhither. dp.oif3d8ios, a, ov, d/zotj3atbs. djxoij3aSis, Adv. (d/iot/??)) by turns, Dat. alternatim. dp.oiJ3a.ios, ov, also 77, or a, oi>, (dpoiftri) interchang- ing, alternate : of verses, amoebaean, answering one another. II. giving like for like, retributive : Adv. -, /o Aaz/e no sare m a thing. From u-fj.oipos, oy, (a privat., /j.oipa) without share in a thing, fore/5? of it. II. absol. unfortunate. dp,o\Yaios, a, oi/, (d(j,c\yaj') of milk, made with milk. d.\Lo\ytvs,cas,6, (dpe\yca) a milk-pail, Lat. mulctra. dfjLO\Yos, o, (d/j.eX.'yQj) the milking time, i. e. morning and evening twilight; the four hours either before day- break or after sunset, and so generally night-time. d-fiop.4>os, ov, (a privat., fMfjupjj) blameless. dp.op|36s, ov, 6, a follower, attendant. dfAopyivos, ov, made of fine flax. From dp,opYiS, iSos, 7), fine flax from the isle of Amorgos. d-fiopos, ov, (a privat., yuopos) without share of, de- stitute of. II. absol. unlucky, wretched. dp.opta, 7), z7/ s^a/>, deformity. From d-p.op4>os, oi/,(a privat., noprwne vz'/z^s. From , o, (d'/XTreAos, Zpyov) a vinedresser. , opos, o, (ajLtTrcAos, ^f>vcu) producer of the vine, a name of Bacchus. v, wvos, 6, (ctfiTreAos) a vineyard. v, Ep. for dvaveirahuv, redupl. aor. 2 part, of dj/arrdAAcy. dfXTrcpes, Adv. only found in compd. St-a/iTrepes, resolved, as, oici 8* dftirepes, for oiaftirfpts o. dp,iTTd an< ^ dp-ir-torxto : Ep. impf. dfj,irfx v ' fut. dfj./ round or ot/er, Lat. circumdare. See dp.ma\viopjai. , for , aor. 2 inf. of dpir-ex *' d/tirex /-"". 'o /*"' o> Lat. circum- induor. d(jnr(rx: aor. I pass. ijfjarvKdffOTjv: (afttrvg) : to bind the hair with a band : generally, to bind, wreathe. dfjnrvKTT|p, rjpos, 6, = (d'/i7rv) a band, fillet : also a borse's bridle. Hence d(X7TUKTT|pios, a, ov, of a horse's bridle or frontlet. dfxmji-, twos, 6 or 77, (dp-irex} a band or fillet for binding the hair, a head-band, snood. II. the "bead-band of horses : also a bridle. III. any- thing rounded, a wheel djjwroms, 77, gen. ecus Ion. tos, shortened from dvd- jroms (avamv8is, Adv. = d/xa, of Time, together, at the same time : oftener of Place, together. ' 'AMTAPO'5, d, 6v, akin to dpavpos, dark, dim, faint, indistinct. Adv. SpcDs: alsoneut.d/ifSpoi/asAdv. d-fj/urjTOS, OF, (a privat., fiveta) uninitiated, profane. d-p,x)0T]Tos, OF, (a privat., /xv0eo/u) ctf /o fe /o/J, inexpressible. d-fj/uKirjTOS, OF, (a privat., fj.vKaopai) without lowing or bellowing : of places, where no herds low. 'AfAt)icXata>, to speak in the dialect of Amyclae (a Laconian city). d-jxCXos, o, (a privat., p.v\rj} a cake of fine meal, so called from the meal not being ground at a common mill. ^ d-jjLVjxcov, OF, gen. OFOS, (a privat., fuu/zos) blameless, excellent. [a/xt>] u.|XTjvd0e, d|xxjvd06iv, 3 sing, and inf. poet. aor. 2 of qjjivvca. a\Lvv5.Qov, 2 sing. poet. aor. 2 med. of d/W>. dfXTjvat, dfjiijvacrOai, aor. I act. and med. inf. of afjivvca. 'Ap/uvias, ov, 6, masc. pr. n. used as Adj. (d/xuFcw) on its guard. ajivvov, aor. I imper. of djuwcu. djivvreov, verb. Adj. of dpvvaj, one must assist; so too &|j.wra. II. one must repel. d|xvvTT|p, 77pos, 6, (afjivvca) a defender. ^d|AWTT|pi,os, OF, (afj.i>vca}fitfor defending, defensive; anvvTTjpia oTrAa defensive armour. II. piov, TO, as Subst. a means of defence. 77, OF, (Q./J.VVOO) able to defend or avenge. djivvTcop, opos, 6, = dftvvTrjp, a helper : an avenger. 'AMT'NH, [u], Ep. impf. dfjLvvov : fut. d^w/a), Ion. Qj : aor. I r/fiwa, Ep. a^vva : poet. aor. 2 T)/XU- : to keep off, ward off, Lat. defendo : to de- fend, fight for, aid : rarely to requite, repay. II. Med. to keep or ward off from oneself, to defend one- self. 2. to avenge oneself on another, requite, re- pay, punish. dp/ui,s, ecus, 77, (d/j,va : aor. I fnjLva:to tear, scratch, wound: to tear in pieces. II. metaph., 6vfj.bv d^tu^ets x, f. oca : pf. ^p.variica : to drink deep, tipple. From ct-p/uo-Tis, tos and t5os, 77, a long draught of drink. II. a large cup, used by the Thracians. dpA>XT|, 77, = d'/u is. dp,(j>-, old and poet, abbrev. for dvatp- ; cf. afjm-. dp,-aYa7rd^-aYairda), = afjupayarrdfa. dfjL^-dYeipco, Ep. aor. 2 med. dfjKpaycpofiTjv : (aficpi, dyeipca) : to collect around: Med. to gather around. djid8ios, a, OF, (d'/z^)aSos) public, known : djjKf>a8ir]V as Adv. publicly, openly, Lat. palam. d|xa86v, Adv. publicly, openly, without disguise. From ap.-4>S8os, 77, OF, (dva-Qaivoj) public, notorious. d|x-aCvo>, poet, for ava--dio'(rop.at, Pass, (dfjupi, aiaaca) to rush on from all sides, flutter or float around. d(Ji4>dKir|s, Dor. for ap,av86v, Adv. poet, for ava--apd(3a), f. ?70"a>, (d/^t, dpafifa}) to rattle or ring about. used in pres. and impf., = d(Mp- , 77, poet, for d-Qaffia (with fj. inserted), speechlessness from fear, amazement, or rage. dp.4>d4>dacrdai, Ep. for d/z-a<|>cuo, and Med. dp.<|)-adop.ai, (dfjLi, d^dca) to touch all round, feel on all sides : to fondle : to handle. a^4>d6cjv, -ocacra, Ep. for dfjLcpapwv, uaa, pres. part. of dfjia6(DVTO, 3 pi. Ep. impf. med. of dfjupadoa. dp.-\iKT6s, OF, poet, for dfupi*\-, coiled round. dp., Att. -TTW, f. ioj, poet, for ap., (dfj.(pi, Ipe'^xxi) /o cover around. ap,<|>-pxop.ai, aor. 2 &fufrf}\v6av or dfj,(prj\6ov : Dep.: (dfj.pco, poet, for dvcupfpa}. d|A<|>6crTda% for dfJ.(peaTr)Ka.ffi, 3 pi. pf. of dfjup- 2. a gar- poet d[x4>(TTav, Ep. 3 pi. aor. 2 o d(ixavov, aor. 2 6f dfjupi'xo.ivca. dp.XiJ0ir]v [v], aor. I pass dp.(j>txtTO, 3 sing. Ep. aor. 2 pass, of dfjL-T|icT]S, es, (dfji(pi, O.KT]) two-edged, double-biting s~ of lightning, forked. II. metaph. that will cut both ways, false or ambiguous. djx<}>T|Xv06, 3 sing. aor. 2 of dp.-T]pT|s, es, (dfupi, epttyoj) covered all round, close-covered. dp.-T]pT|s, es, (ap.(pi, epeVao;) having oars on both sides. 2. (*apca) filled or joined on all sides, well- fitted. Hence dp,4>-r)piKos, 17, ov, worked by sculls, of a boat. dp,(|)-T]piaTos, ov, (dfj,r, Praep. c. gen., dat., et ace. : Radic. signf. on both sides, around. I. c. GEN. about, for, for the sake of a thing : about, concerning a thing, of \ it. 2. rarely of Place, about, around. II. ' c. DAT. I. of Place, about, around, round about: at, by, near, with. 2. not of Place, about, for, on account of, for the sake of: regarding, concern- ing. 3. by means of. III. c. ACC., of Place, about, around, on, at: near about: mostly with motion implied. IV. WITHOUT CASE, as Adv. about, around, round about, on all sides. V. IN COMPOS, about, on all sides, on both sides. djx-tdx<>, (d/j.(pi, Id^oj) to sound on all sides : to fly about shrieking, in irreg. pf. part. d[j.(piaxi-/3aivi-{3dXXa>, f. -/3aAa> : pf. -0(ft\r)Ka : Med., Ion. fut. -PaXevjMi : aor. 2 inf. -@a\(aOai : to throw or put round, esp. of clothes, etc., to put them on a per- son, Lat. circumdare : Med. to put on oneself, put on, Lat. accingi. 2. esp. to throw one's arms round, embrace : also to grasp. 3. to surround, encompass : but also to strike on all sides. II. intr. to go to another place ; so also in Med. dp.i(3ds, aor. 2 part, of dptfi-fiaivw. dp,(|>i|3d(ris, eo;s, 77, (d/jupifiaivQ}) a going round, en- compassing. dp,4> i(3X7] |j.a, aroe, TO, (dfj.i|3XT)i-|3oT]TOS, ov, (dftfpi, Podoj) noised abroad, far- famed. d|i<{>i{3oXia, 17, the state of being attacked on both sides. II. uncertainty, doubt. From ap.c}>ij3oXos, ov, (ap.t-povXos, ov, (dijupi, ^ovXrj) double-minded, doubting. dp.4>-|3pOTOs, 77, ov, also os, ov, (apty'i, Pporos) covering the whole man, of a large shield. djx<}>i-|3poxos, ov, (dp(pi, /fye'xo;) thoroughly soaked. cifj.i-{3a>p.u>s, ov, (dfj.i-YT)0o, to rejoice -around or exceedingly. dp.(j)i-Yvoa), impf. ij/j.^eyvoovv : f. dfj.(pLyvo^ffo} : aor. I ^fjLi-YOT]TOS, ov, (dfjupi, "yoacu) bewailed all round. 'A(juf>i--yirr|is, 6, (dft(pi, yvios) he that halts in both feet, the lame one, name of Vulcan. dp.i-8dKpvTOS, ov, (dfupi, SaKpvca) causing tears on all sides : all mournful. d[i4>i-8ai-8cai, at, (dfj.iSe5T]a, -88r|tv, pf. and plqpf. of d^Satcu. i-8ios, ov, with two right hands, very dextrous, Lat. ambidexter. 2. ambiguous, Lat. anceps: two- edged. 3. sometimes simply like dficportpos, djj.(f)i8eioi d/f/jLcd both hands. dp,<})i-8pKop,ai, pf. -SfSopKa, Dep. to. look round about one. d[i4>i-86TOS, ov, (dfjupi, Secu) bound all round. a p.i-8iaivco, to water around. dp.i-8iv(i>, f. rjffQ}, to wind or roll a thing all round : hence in pf. pass. dfj.(piSfSivrjfMii, to befitted close. dp,i-8oKv(o, f. evcro), to lie in wait for. dp.i-8ovea>, f. rjaca, to whirl round, agitate violently. dp.4>i8ogco>, to be doubtful: Pass, to be disputed. From dfjil, 5oa) of double sense, doubtful. d|x4>L-8opos, ov, (dfjuf)i, Se'pco) skinned all round, quite flayed. i-Sox|AOs, ov, (dfjupi, 8oxA7) as large as can be grasped. 44 dp.<|>i-Spo|xos, ov, (dfjupi, SpafjieTv) running round: encompassing. d(juJ>i-8pviTTOS, ov, = dfj,(f>i8pv(f)os. d(x<|>i-8pvi-8pt5os, ov,(dfJL(pi, Spv(f>rjvai) torn on both sides. d|xi-wupa and dp,c|>i-6wva> : fut. dfjupieffu, Att. dfj. : aor. I fjntyieaa, Ep. dp.(pi(0a : Pass., aor. I Tj(j.(pL((rOrjv : pf. ri/j.(pifafMi, poet. dpi-ir, poet, also d|A-irco : aor. 2 diKpienov and dfMpeirov : (djui6orav, djAc^iecravTO, Ep. 3 pi. aor. I of d/^>t- dp,-idva), (d/j.(pi, l^dvca) to sit around or on a thing, settle upon it, as dust does. [&] dfjuj>C-UKTOS, ov, (dp(pi, ^etfyz/u/it) joined from both sides. up,(j>L-0dXacro'OS, Att. TTOS, ov, (dp.i0aXY|S, s, blooming on both sides : hence flourishing, rich. From dp,(J)i,-0dXXo), pf. dfj.(piTf9r}\a, to bloom all round, to be in full bloom. dfjL^i-OdXirco, f. tyca, to warm on all sides, warm thoroughly. dfi,i0TOS, ov, (a^iriO-qfJiC) of a cup, that will stand on both ends, or with handles on both sides. d(A(j)i,-0Oj, f. Oevao/jiai, to run round about. dji^i-O-rj-yifis, es, = sq. dp,t-07jiTOS, ov, (dfxpi, Orjyoj) sharpened on both sides, two-edged. dn4>t-0piTTOs, ov, (djjupi, Tpetpaj*) clotted around, congealed, of blood. dp.i-KaXt7rTc0, f. if'ca, to cover all round, enfold, shroud. II. to put a thing round as a veil or shelter, to envelope in. dp.i-Kaco : Ep. aor. I part. d/xpiKfdffaas : to cleave asunder. dp.(})i-Kifxai, used as Pass, of dfMpiTiQrjfu, to lie close upon : to lean on. dp.(,-Keipo>, f. Kfput, to shear or clip all round. dp,iKcaXos, Ep. -KaXXos, ov, (dfj-tyi, Kecpa^) double-headed. ap-cju-Kieav, ov, gen. ovos, (dptyi, KIQJV) with pillars all round. [KI] dp,<|)(-KXacrTOS, ov, (apty'i, K\dca) broken all round. dn,, f. rjacu, to tend on all sides or carefully. ajxi-KO|AOs, ov, (dppi, Kop.r)') with hair all round, thick-haired : of trees, thick-leafed. dp,iKpavos, ov, (dfupi, Kapa)=df*i-Kpc[Jia|JLai, Pass, declined like Svvapai : Kpfjidvvvfj.i) : to hover or flutter round. Hence dp.^)L-Kp6^xT|s, 4s, hanging round one : hanging round the shoulder. djx4>LKpT]ucp7]vos, ov, Ion. for dfj-cpi/ipavos, surrounding the head. djxi-KTiovs, cav, ol, (dfjupi, KTI^CO) they that dwell round or near. Hence 'A|j,cj)t-KTUov6S, cuv, ot, the Amphictyons, a Council composed of deputies chosen by all the states of Greece. II. the presidents of the Pythian games. Hence 'AjxiKTvovtKos, 17, oV, of or for the Amphictyons or their League. 'AjjuJjiK-ruovCs, i8os, rj, fem. of 'AfjKpiKrvoviteos : I. (sub. TroXts), a city or state in the Amphictyonic League. II. a name of Artemis at Antbela, the meeting-place of the Amphictyonic Council. dp,i-KiiXivSci>, f. -KvXiat-Ktiir6XXos, ov, (dfjupi, KvireXXov) in Homer always with Soros, a double cup : cf. d^iOfros. \y\ djx<{)i-XdXos, ov, (apty'i, \d\os) chattering everywhere. d|i(j>i-Xai, XafieTv) far-spreading : hence generally wide, large, vast: also excessive, violent. dp,t-XaxO'tvco, to dig or hoe round. d|zi-XeY, f. 0;, to speak on both sides, dispute. Hence dp,<}>iXeKTOS, ov, discussed on all hands, doubt- ful. II. act. disputing, captious. dp.4>iXo-yia, 17, dispute, doubt. From ap,(j>i-Xo'yos, ov, (apty'i, \fyoj) disputed, questionable, doubtful. II. act. disputatious, contentious. dp,i-Xo<|>os, ov, (df*i, Ao^os) encompassing the neck. dp.i-XtKT) vt|, rj, (dfji(pi, \VKIJ, Lat. lux) the morn- ing-twilight, gray of morning. [iJ] *d|xi-|JidTOpS, Dor. for d^t-^TOpfs. d[jii(JidxTfiTOs, ov, contended for, contested on both, hands, [a] From : Dep. : to fight round: I. to attack. 2. to fight for. [a] djx4>i-p,\as, atra, &>, black all round, wrapt in darkness. d|i4>ip.fxtK, 3 sing. pf. act. of d^i-|Apiop,ai, Pass, to be completely parted. d|Ai-p.TjTopes, 01, at, (dfxpi, iu)Tt]p) brothers or sisters by different mothers. dp.i-|Ju)Kdo|juu, pf. act. fiefiwfa : Dep. : to low or bellow around, properly of cattle ; odircdov d^t/xe- (tvtce the floor echoed all around. ip.i-v6iicT|s, ts, (dfjL(pi, j/ef/fos) made an object q contest, eagerly wooed. dp.<|>i-viKT]TOS, ov, (dfjKpi, veifffca) s= dfttpiveiKos. dp.<)>i.-v|Jiop.ai, Med. to dwell round about, in- habit. d(Ai-o, f. 6(Tcy, to smooth or polish all round. dp.ioos, ov, contr. up,<$>ious, ovv, (dfit-'TraXTOS, ov , (d/i0t, Tra\\oj) reechoing. afKJH-TraTaoxra), f. i-TT8os, ov, (dp-tyi, ireSov) surrounded by a plain. dp.^t-'ireXop.ai, Dep. to be all round, hover around. dp,i-7rvo|jiai, Dep. to be busied about, take care of, pay heed to. d(jKJ>i-7rpucTiovS, on/, the dwellers round about. dp.i"TrptirXeY87]v, Adv. (dfjupi, ittpnrXtKu} twined round about. dp.t-irpia>, to put round as a crown. djxdto, to keep turning round about or in every direction. d|Ai-iT6piTp'ua>, to chirp or twitter all round. d|j.<|)u-Tr6pt-<})0ivt)0a>, (dficpi, ircpi, i-mdo>, f. di-mirTG>, f. ireffovjMi, to fall around, embrace eagerly. ^ dp,4>t-mTVG>, = dfifpi-TTiTTTO}. dp.i-irXKTOS, ov, (d/jupi, irXfKca) twisted on both sides, intertwining. dp.<|>C-TTXT]KTOS, ov, (afMpi, ir\rjffffo}) beating or dash- ing on all sides. dp.c|>i-irXT|j;, 7770$, 6, f], (dfMpi, ir\.r)(Tt7ro\6s) to be an attendant: be busied about, take charge of: of slaves, to serve, to minister to. dp.4>L7roXcci), = afJKpnroXeva). dp.cja-'rroXis, poet. dp-^C-irroXis, o, 17, (afuj)i, TroAts) around a city, pressing a city on all sides. 2. as fem. Subst. a city between two seas or rivers. dfJK^C-iroXos, ov, (ap.i-iroTaop.ai, Dep. to fly or flutter around. dp.i-irp6crt0iros, ov, (d/*0t, irpoacanov') double-faced, Lat. bifrons. dp.i-irr'u, f. o>, to clasp around. Hence a\L^nr'n\i\, "hi a clasping round, embrace. dp.i-irvXos, ov, (dfJKpi, itvXr]) with two entrances. dp.t-iri3pos, ov, (dfjKpi, irvp) surrounded by fire, with fire all round. djju|>t-pvTOs, 77, ov, poet, for d|x<|>ip-pVTOS, ov, (dfjL(f)i, ptoj) flowed around, sea-girt. 'AM^I'S, as Adv. I. on or at both sides : hence 2. apart, asunder; 'ydiav Kal ovpavov dfju^ls fX flv t keep heaven and earth asunder. 3. gene- rally, around, round about. II. more rarely as Prep. c. gen. around: apart from, far from. 2. rarely c. dat. like dfMpi, round about. 3. c. ace. about, around, when it always follows its case. dp,(|>i-craXtiop.(u, Pass, to toss about, like a ship at sea. djjtur-pT]T&> : impf. rjiJ.(pia(3r]Tow, or with double augm. r)p.(p farrow : so, aor. i JifjupifffirjTijffa or 77^1- tyfGp-fjTrjcra : Pass., fut. med. in pass, sense dft(piffl3i]- TrjffofMi : aor. I fjfJ.tyto'fiTjT'fjOijv or rjjjupeafi : (dfjupis, firjvai aor. 2 of /ScuVcu) : to stand apart, and so to dispute, differ, argue : Pass, to be the subject of dis- pute. Hence dp.<|>iur|3if|Tr]0-is, ecus, f), (d(j.ii-, to fold about another : Med. to fold round oneself, deck oneself in. dp.i-CTT6(j)av6o|Aat, Pass. (dfj,i-o'T<{)T|S, ts, (dfxjii, ffTfcpca) placed round like djx-umr](xt, to place round: Pass. with the intr. act. tenses, aor. 2 dfJ.(pfOTr]v, pf. tGTTjKa : to stand around. d|x4>C-(rrop.os, ov, (djj.(f>i, CTOIJLO) with double mouth or opening : double. djx{{)t-o-TpaTdo|jiat, 3 pi. Ep. impf. dfJ-fpfffTparocavro : Dep. (d/i^t, GTparos) : to beleaguer, besiege. dp.c})i-(rrpe<|)T|S, 4s, (d/J.i, arpefyQj) twisting round, turning fill ways. dp.4>iTo0is, aor. I pass. part, of ajjupirdvca. dp.<})i-Tdp.va), Ion. for d/z^t-Tc/xvo;. dp.t-Tavua), = dfMpi-Tcivct}. dp.<|>i-Tapdcrcrc0, to trouble all round. d|A(|)iT0is, aor. I pass. part, of dfj.(f)iTi0Tjui. dp.i-Tivu), to stretch out and throw round. 46 djA^t-retx^s, fs, (dfjupi, rtixos) encompassing the walls. dp.i.-Te|Jiva>, Ion. -Tajxvco, to cut off all round, to intercept. dp,4>i-ri0T]p,i, irnperat. -riOei : f. OrjOoi: aor. I fOrjKa: aor. 2 dfj,(peOr]v : aor. I pass. dfxfXTtOijv : to put round, to put on : Med. to put on oneself. d|Ai-Tivdo-, f. dca, to shake around. d p,4>i-TiTTti|3tc>, to twitter around. dfjuj>i-r6|AOS, ov, (dni-TOpvos, ov, (d/j.(f)i, ropvcoj) well-rounded. d|Ai-Tpf|JUi>, to tremble all over. dpxju-rpex 40 * to run round, surround. dp,i-rpT|S, ?7Tos, 6, 77, = dfjUpiTprjTos. d)At-Tp'T)TOS, ov, (dfjupi, *rpdca Root of Terpaivca) bored through, with double entrance. d(x<}>t-Tpo|X(o, f. 170-0;, (dfj.(f>i, rpf/j.0)) to tremble for. dp.i-4>deivo>, (dfj.i, i-cj>d\os, ov, with (pd\oi all round; see (pd\os. d[JiavT|S, fs, (d/j,opeop,ai, Pass, (d^i, ipofifca) to fear or tremble all round. d|Ai-i-4>pdo|icu, Med. to consider on all sides. dfKJH-xO'iva), aor. 2 df^-fx&vov : to yawn round, threaten to swallow : to yawn wide. f. x&(a : aor. I dfMp(x fa ' Pass. aor. I [v] : Ep. 3 sing. aor. 2 pass. dfj,(f)exvro : pf. -KfxvfMi : to pour or shed around : Pass, to be poured around : to embrace. dp.^i-xope'uco, f. o*cy, to dance around. 5, ov, (dfjLtpi, xpvGos) gilded all over. , aor. I pass. part, of dnTOS, ov, (d/i^tx^ ) poured around, heaped up around. d[jiXos, ov, lame in both feet. d}i-o8ov, TO, (dp(pi, 686s) part of a town with streets round it, a quarter of a town, Lat. vicus. dfjii, ooos) a road round, a street. d)i-4>op6vs, coos, o, shortened form of dfupt-tpopevs, ajar, also a cinerary urn: as liquid measure, = 1-^ Roman amphorae, or nearly 9 gallons. dp,OTpTj, as Adv. (dfAfporepos) in both ways, Lat. utrinque. up.cj>6Tepos, a, ov, (dfupaj) Lat. uterque, both : Kar' dfj.(f)6r(pa on both sides, Lat. utrinque; tir* djj.OTep(o0v, Adv. from or on both sides, Lat. ex utraque parte : from both ends. d[i,4)OTpco0i, Adv. on both sides. dp,(J>oT'pcos, Adv. in both ways. And d|x4>OTepto-ou8is, Adv. (d[j.pdffaairo, 3 sing. aor. I opt. of dvatypa^op-ai. d|x-c{>va>, poet. dvaa>f3o\os, o, (dfjupi, o^oXos) a double spit. dp,-WT]S, 6s, (d/j.(pi, ous) two-eared, two-handled. ap.4>-oms, t8os, f), (dp,(pi, oSs) a two-handled pail. djjus, Att. djjLws, Adv. from the absol. d/*os = TS, esp. in compd. d/jLcaff-ye-Trus, in a certain manner. V AN, a conditional particle, used like the Ep. and Lyr. particle KC, KCV. A. WITH INDICAT. dv makes an assertion, instead of being positive, dependent on circumstances : hence dv cannot be joined wiihpres. or perf., because that which is, or has been, cannot be made so dependent. I. WITH INDIC. : with fut. (only in Ep. poets) dv ex- presses that which certainly will happen, if something else happens first : with imperf. dv expresses the frequent repetition of an act under certain circum- stances, what would always happen ; \eyev dv he would say (whenever he had an opportunity) ; Acu- COKCV dv he would keep on weeping : with aorists dv expresses what would have happened on a particular occasion; el-rrev dv he would have said. II. WITH OPTAT. it turns the wish, which the mood expresses when alone, into a conditional assertion. III. WITH SUBJUNCT. dv belongs rather to the particle on which the verb depends, than to the verb it- self. IV. WITH INFINIT. dv is used in cases where the indie, or optat. would be joined with it. dv never begins a sentence, and regularly follows the word whose signf. it limits, as eTx ov dv : but when words dependent on the verb precede it in the sen- tence, dv may follow any of them, because, in sense, they follow the verb, as irp6(paaiv dv eTxov = eix ov dv dv, Conj.= (dv, with subjunctive, [a] dv or dv, shortd. Ep. form of dvd. [a] dv, shortened from dva, for dv^ffrrj (like li/t fof ei/et>, f. aca, (dvd, Ba^/ros) to rouse to Bac- chic frenzy. 2. intr. to break into Bacchic frenzy. dva-pdXXa>, f. -/3a\o) : pf. -00Xr)Ka : to throw or /oss up. II. to put back, put off: Med. to lift up one's voice, to make a prelude, begin to sing. III. to put off, delay ; in Act. and Med. IV. in Med. to throw one's cloak around one. dva-|3aiTTi&>, f. aca, to dip repeatedly. dva(3ds, daa, dv, aor. 2 part, of dva(3aivea. dvdpacris, ecus, 77, (dvaftaivai) a going up, mount- ing. 2. an expedition tip from the coast, esp. into central Asia, like that of the younger Cyrus. 3. the rising of a river. II. a way up, the ascent of a mountain, etc. dvaj3aTT]S, poet. d|x|3dTr|S, ov, 6, (dvafiaivoj) one who is mounted, a horseman, [a] dva^aTtKos, 77, 6v, (dvafiaivaf) skilled in mounting. dvaj3ar6s, poet. djA|3aT6s, 6v, (dva-ffaivca) that may be mounted or scaled, easy to be scaled. dva,pe|3T]Ka, pf. of dvafiaivoj. dva|3|3pi3x 6v ) pf- f an obsol. dva(3pvca, to boil or bubble up. dvdptjOi, dvap^vatjaor. 2 imper. and inf. of avaftaivca. dva-|3i|3djo) : fut. med. /3tj8dcro/icu, Att. /3t/3cD/it : aor. I dvefiipaaa, med. -acrdfjirjv : Causal of dva- fiaivca, to make go up: i. to mount one on horse- back. 2. to draw a ship up. 3. in Med. to put on board ship. 4. to bring up to the bar of a court of justice. Hence dvaj3i(3as, 77, (dva0iuoj~) recovery of life. avaf3uo, aor. 2 dvcfj.o\ov, to go up or back. dva-J3ocico, fut. r]a/3aAAcu) that which is thrown up, a mound of earth. 2. that which is thrown around one, a cloak. II. a lifting up of the voice, a prelude. 2. a putting off, delaying. ava(3oXa, poet. d(i{3-, 77, (dva@o\7)) delay. ava-|3pd, only found in 3 sing. aor. 2 dve@pax(v, q. v. *dva-f3pox<>>, aor. I dv0poa, opt. dvaf3poia, pf. dva@e(3poxa, to swallow again, gulp down : also aor. 2 pass. part. dva-0pox*is, tiaa, ev, swallowed back, swal- lowed down again. Cf. dva-j3pvdco, aor. I -f@pvaa, to shout aloud for joy. dva-ppi)xdo[juu, Dep. to roar aloud. Ion. for dvafiorjaai, aor. I inf. of dva- dvd-yaiov, TO, = dvu-yaiov. dv-aYYeXXo), for the tenses see dyye\\u : to carry back tidings of a thing, report, Lat. renunciare. dva-YcXdo>, f. daopjai [a] : aor. I -e-yeAacra : to laugh aloud. dva-YVvda>, f. "fjaca, to beget anew, regenerate. Dor. for dv-TjffOfMii. f. aca : aor. I dveyfvaa : to give to taste. later dvaYivuxrKo> : f. dva-yvajao^ai, aor. 2 dveyvcav : dvtyvca/ca : to know accurately. i. to know again, recognise, own, Lat. agnoscere. 3. to distinguish, discern : hence to read. II. in Ion. Greek the aor. I dveyvcacra is used in causal sense to persuade; and aor. I pass. dveyvuaOrjv, pf. dvi- , to be persuaded. f. daca : pf. r/fd-ytfam : (dra-ytfr?) : to force, compel : to constrain, esp. by argument : also to force by torture, and so to harass, annoy. 2. to prove of necessity, to demonstrate. 3. with double ace. to force a person to do a thing. , 77, Ep. and Ion. for dvdyKrj. , a, ov, also os, ov, (dvdjKrj) of or with force: I. Act. constraining, forcing, pressing: dvafKaTov the day of constraint, i. e. slavery. 48 forcible, convincing. 3. of things, requiring to be done. II. pass, forced: hence painful. 2. necessary : T& dvaytcaia, necessaries : also absolutely necessary, barely sufficient. 3. connected by neces- sary or natural ties : as Subst., dvayicaToi, of, Lat. necessarii, relations. dvctYKaiws, Adv. of dvayttatos, of necessity, per- force ; dvayKaicus *x ei ** * s necessary : Sup. dvay- Kaiorara. dvaYKaorlov, verb. Adj. of dvayicdfa, one must compel. fl, 6v, (dvayKa^cu') compulsory. rj, ov, verb. Adj. of dvayfcdfa, forced, constrained. 'ANATKH, Ion. and Ep. dvaYKaCrj, 77, Lat. ne- cessitas, force, constraint, necessity : often in dat. dv- dyfcr) as Adv. perforce, of necessity, also forcibly, by force. 2. necessity, natural want or desire, such as hunger. 3. actual force, violence : hence bodily pain, suffering. II. like Lat. necessitudo, the tie of kin, relationship. dva-Yvdp/rrrco, f. ^ ov > ( a privat., 071/05) impure, unchaste, generally unholy, guilty. dva-Yvo>pia> : f. i ffca, Att. to) : to know again, re- cognise. Hence dvaYvwpio-ts, ecus, 17, recognition. dvaYvcocris, ecus, 17, (dvayv&vat) a knowing again, recognition, owning. II. reading. dvdYvcocrfia, ftaros, TO, (dvayvuivai) aor. 2 of dva- yiyvwffKQj) a passage read aloud. dvcryopeuo-is, ecus, 17, a crying aloud, proclamation. From dv-OYOpevcd : the Att. fut. is dvepu, aor. 2 dvcnrov : to cry aloud, proclaim publicly : Pass, to be pro- claimed : to be generally called or surnamed. avdYpcnrros, ov, (dvaypd^ca) written up or out, registered. dvaYpa4>vs, ecus, 6, (dvaypda>, f. i//cu : aor. I dveypaif/a : to write up, generally to enter in a public register or record. II. to describe, [ypa] dva-Ypv5 w strengthd. for ypvfa, to mutter. dv-dYo, f. dvdca: aor. 2 dvrjyayov: (dvd, dyca) : I. to lead up from a lower place to a higher, but in Homer dyca, to conduct, carry. 2. dvdyeiv vavv to put a ship out to sea ; and then dvdyciv or dvdye- aOai, absol. in same sense. 3. to lead up into the _ interior of a country. 4. to lead up, raise up, con- duct, hence to celebrate. 5. to bring up, edu- cate. II. to bring back : to refer. III. in- trans. (sub. IctvToV) to withdraw, retreat. ecus, o, (dvdyoj) properly one that leads up : hence anything by which one leads, a rein, thong, etc. dvaYWY'Hj "hi (dvdycu) a leading up : a putting to sea. 2. a leading back, referring. dv-dYtY s ov -> ( a P r J yat M dycayrj) without guidance or education, ill-bred: of horses and dogs, unbroken. dv-aYtovuTTOS, ov, (a privat., dycwio(j.ai) without contest, never having contended for a prize. dva-8aico, to divide anew: generally to divide or apportion a conquered land. dva-8at(o, poet. dv-Satco, = dvareaia}, to light up. dva-BdtracrOai, aor. I med. inf. of dj/aSaTfo/wzt. avaSacrjAos, 6, (dvaodaaaOai) a re-distribution : ge- nerally a distribution, division. dvdSaoTos, ov, (dvaodaaaOaC) divided anew, redis- tributed: generally, distributed. civa-8aTO|juu, f. -8dcro/icu: aor. I dveb'affdfjLrjv: to divide again, re-distribute. dvaScSpopa, pf. 2 of dvarpixta. dvaSe'-Yp-a, fnaros, TO, a means of shewing forth : a mouth-piece used by criers. dva-86iicvt)p.i and dva-8tKvvo> : fut. -Sci^cu, Ion. -8ecw: to lift up and shew, shew forth. II. to make public, declare. Hence ava8ii,s, ecus, 17, a shewing forth, display : a pro- claiming, election. dva-8cKop.ai, Ion. for dva-Sexo/wu. av-a.8\4>os, ov, (a privat., dSeA^os) without brother or sister. dvdSepa, poet. avSep-a, arcs, TO, (uroSecu) a head- band. dva-8f^at, Ion. for di/a5efcu, aor. I inf. of dva- dva-SepKO[xai, aor. 2 dv-iopaKOV : to look up, to open the eyes again. dva-Se'pco, f. 5epa>: to draw of the skin, esp. to strip oj^the scar of a wound, Lat. refricare ulcus : hence to rip up old sores. dvdSco-is, ecus, 17, (draSecu) a binding on. dvaSeo-jjn], 77, and dvd8eo-p.os, 6, (di/a8ecu) a band or fillet for women's hair, a headband. dvaSeros, ov, (di/aSecw) binding up. dva-86va>, to dye, imbue. dva-8XP' au f ut - me( l- -5ef o/xat : aor. but Ep. aor. 2 pass. dve5fyp.rjv : pf. Dep. : to take up, receive : also to take back. II. to take upon oneself, submit to. 2. to undertake, promise to do ; also to be surety to one. dva-Seco, poet, av-8o : f. -Srjffta : aor. I cStjffa : pf. pass. SfSffMi : to bind up, bind round ; dvaSfiv nva evayye\ia to crown one for one's good news. II. dvadfjaai tavrovs es nva to trace up one's family to a founder. III. Med. to fasten with a rope to one- self; dvafiovfJievos f\K(iv (sc. vaus), to take a ship in tow. dv&0f]\ia, poet. dv8i]jJia, CTOS, TO, (di/aSecu) a head- band. dva-8t8do-Kco, f. afu, poet. dvSiScopa : f. -owffca : to give up : to give forth, esp. of the earth, to yield. 2. intr. of springs, fire, etc., to burst forth. II. to give round, distribute : also to give back, restore. dvd-8iicos, ov, (dvd, SIKIJ) tried over again. dva-8nrX6a>, f. WOTOJ, (dvd, SiirAot/s) to make double. dvd8oTOS, ov, (dvaoiSufu} given up or to be given up. dvdSov, for dmSoao, aor. 2 imper. of dvaoiSwfJu. dvaSovvat, dvaSovs, ovo-a, aor. 2 inf. and part, of dva8i8ojfjLi. dvaSoijvTCH, dva8otp,vos, 3 pi. and part. pres. med. of dvaSfca. dva8o)(T|, 77, (dvao\ofw.C) a taking up, acceptance : dvaSo^n irovcav the undertaking of labours. dvaSpajxeiv, aor. 2 inf. of dvaTp\w. dva8pdp.op.ai, poet, for -ovpai, fut. of dvarp^x^- dvaSuvai, aor. 2 inf. of dvaovopai. dva-8\)va>, to come to the top of the water. dva-8top.at, f. Svao^ai : Dep. with aor. 2 act. dvt- ovv, pf. dvaSedvKa : (dvd, 8ua>) : to come up, rise, esp. from the sea : but absol. of the sun, to rise, of springs, to gush forth. 2. to draw back, retire: c. ace. to shun : c. inf. to delay to do, avoid doing. dvaSwv, Att. pres. part, of dvaoeo}. dv-dcSvos, 77, (a privat., eoVof) without presents from the bridegroom, without bridal gifts. dvaeipai, aor. I inf. of dvafipa}. dv-aeipco, (dvd, dfipca) to lift or raise up. dv-dcXiTTOs, ov, (a privat., eA-Trojuat) unhoped, un- lookedfor. dv-acprdo), lengthd. for dv-acipoa. dva-^dw, inf. dva^rjv : f. 770-0; : to return to life. dva.-^vyv\j\L\, and -vw, f. fvoi}, to yoke or harness again : hence to prepare to go away again, esp. with an army, to break up, move off: and so of ships, vrjas dv. to set sail again. 2. intr. (sub. arparov, etc.) to march off". Hence dvd^ev^ts, fcas, 77, a marching away. dva-o, f. ^effca, to boil or bubble up. dva-if]Ta>, to search into, examine, Lat. anquirere : to search out, discover. Hence dvaif|Tr](ris, ecus, 77, investigation. dva-^wypeo), to recal to life. dva-a>vwp.i, f. fyo, to light up again: Pass, to gain fresh life. dva-0dXiro>, to warm again. dva-0apo-0, Att. -0appo, to regain one's courage. dva-0apcrtivo), Att. -0appijva>, to fill with fresh courage. II. intr. = dvaOapfffw. dva-0ivat, dva-0is, aor. 2 inf. and part. ofdvaTidijui. dvd06p,a, OTOS, TO, (dva.Ti0T](u) anything devoted or accursed. Hence dva-0p.STia>, to make accursed, to bind by a curse. ava-0epp.aiva>, to warm or heat again. dvaOcreov, verb. Adj. of dvariOrjui, one must refer : one must defer. dva-Gcto, f. -OfvffOfMLi and -Oevarov/jLai, to run up or back, return. dva-dccopeo), to look at or observe carefully ; to view or observe again. dva-0Tj\d), like dva-0d\\ca, (dvd, 6rj\vs) to grow green, bloom, or sprout afresh. dvd0T](jLa, O.TOS, TO, (dvaridrj^i) that which is set up, esp. as a votive offering : in Homer only used of a delight or ornament. Cf. ayaXfja. dva-0XC|3, poet, and Ion. dv0pwcrKa> : fut. dva- Oopovfiai : aor. dvtdopov, inf. dvaOopeTv : to spring up, bound up, rebound : to spring upon. dvaiSeia, Ep. and Ion. dvcuSeu], 77, (dvaiorjs) shame- lessness, assurance, effrontery. dv, (dvd, aWa/) to set on fire, to Inflame. dv-aip.a,KTC, Adv. of sq., without bloodshed. dv-aip.aKTOs, ov, (a privat., alftdaffoj) bloodless, un- stained with blood, Lat. incruentus. dv-aip,oiTOS, ov, dvaiftos. av-aip.os, ov, and dv-aijxcov, ov, gen. ovos, (a privat., aTfJLa) without blood, bloodless. dv-aip.coTi, Adv. like dv-aifMKTi. [rf] dvaCvop.ai: impf. Tjvaivoprjv, Ep. dvaivo^v : fut. dvavovfMi (not in use) : aor. I ijvrjvdfjirjv, inf. dvrjva- oOai, subj. dvrjVTjrai : Dep.: to refuse, reject, spurn: c. inf. refuse to do: hence to excuse oneself from a thing, renounce, disown : to repent, be ashamed of doing a thing. (Deriv. uncertain.) dvai^as, aor. I part, of dvataffoj. dvatp0TJv0r)v. pf. dvaiai[Mo/j.ai: (a priv., aiaipos, the simple alaip.uca being never used) : an Ion. Verb, = Att. dvaXiaKca, to use up, use; of time, to spend; of food, to consume. Hence dvaurip,b>p,a, CITOS, TO, that which is used up, = Att. Sairdvrj, expenditure, outlay. dv-aur, Att. dv-^'o-o-co, dv-gVra) (dvd, aiaaca) : to start up, rise up quickly, spring or burst forth : c. ace. to leap upon. [avd-~\ dvai, (dvaiffx vvTOS ) io be shameless, behave impudently. dvaio-xvvTia, 77, sbamelessness. From dv-aicrxvvTOS, ov, (a privat., alaxvvrf) shameless, impudent : of things, abominable, detestable. dv-ai-nrjTOS, 77, ov, (a privat., cttTw) unasked. dv-, to clear thoroughly : Pass, to become quite clear. dva-xadici>, to set up or upright: Med. to sit up. II. intr. to sit down again. dva-Kaivico, f. iffca, Att. to), to renew. dva-Kcuvovp-yo, to restore anew. dva-Kaiv6b>, (dvd, /caivos) to renew, restore. Hence dvaicaivcocris, fus, 77, renewal, restoration. dvaicaiov, TO, a prison. dva-Kauo, aor. I dveitavaa, to kindle, light up : Med. to light oneself a fire : metaph. to fire, rouse, encourage : in Pass, to burn with anger. dva-KaXco), poet. a,Y-KaX0 : fut. ccra; : to call up, esp. the dead. II. to call upon or call again and again, and so to invoke the gods. 2. to sum- mon. 3. to call by a name. III. to call back, recal, esp. from exile. civa-KaXiJTTTa\ai6cd, f. wffca, (avd, /fe^aAiJ) to compre- hend in a summary, sum up. dva-KTjKico, to spout up, gush forth : also, to throb violently, [i Ep.] dva-KUpvcro-ca, Att. -TTCO, f. vca, to publish, to pro- claim, esp. to proclaim as conqueror: to offer by voice of herald: and so to put up to auction, which was done by proclamation of the ttrjpvg. dva-KivSwcvco, f. aca, to rush into danger again, to run afresh risk. dva-Kivcw, to move upwards, to sway to and fro. 2 . to rouse, awaken, Lat. suscitare. Hence dvaiavTjo-is, (CDS, 17, a swinging to and fro. 2. excitement, emotion. [KI~\ dva-Ktpva[xai, Dep. = dva-Kfpdvvvfit. ava-icXafco, f. -K\dyoj : aor. 2 dvtK\d^ov : to cry aloud, scream out : of a dog, to bark, bay. dva-K\ato), f. -K\avffofj.ai, to weep aloud, burst into tears, also to weep for, to bewail. dva-K\da), f. -K\daca [a]: aor. I dveKXaaa : to break upwards or back, to break in pieces. dvdicXT)crts, ecus, fj, (di/a/faA.ecu) a calling on, invo- cation: a summoning. II. a recalling, esp. from banishment. dvaK\i0T|crop,cu, fut. pass, of dvaK\ivca. dvaicXivOeis, later dvoxXiOets, poet. aor. i pass, of dva-K\tvo>, poet. [i] : fut. -K\IVU> : aor. I dvK\Tva : to make to lie back, to lean one thing against another: Pass, to lie, sink or lean back. II. to push or put back a trap-door, and so to open it. dvdicXiTOS, 77, ov, (dvaicXivu} leaning back. dva-KOYX^Xid^u), f. aw, (dvd, Koyx 1 ]) to open and counterfeit a seal. dva-Kotvoco, f. ajffoj, to communicate or impart some- thing to another : to communicate with another, con- sult him. Med. with pf. pass. -Ke/toivcafiai, to commu- nicate what is one's own to another : to impart. dva-KOipavo, to rule in or over. dva-KoXird^a), f. ffca, (dvd, KG\ITOS) to gird up into a fold (Lat. sinus} : absol. to gird oneself up. a.vaKop.l8if|, 77, recovery of a thing or from an illness^ From u.va-Kop.Cco, poet. d-y-KO|Aia> : f. -/crco Att. -to) : aor. I dvetcofjuffa : to carry up : esp. to carry up or against stream : Pass, to go up. II. to bring back, recover : Med. with pf. pass, to bring back with one: to recover one's own: to bring to pass again : Pass, to go back. dv-aicovTiico, f. iffoj, Att. to), to lift or raise up: Pass, to be lifted up, lightened in spirits. Hence ava\va). 51 dvaKoucjrfcris, ecus, 77, a lifting up, lightening : relief from a thing. dva-Kpdo>, f. dgopai : aor. 2 dveKpayov : to cry out, lift up the voice. dva-KpdOcis, aor. I pass. part, of dvaKepavvvfti. dvaKpcicrLs, ecus, 77, (dva.Kepdvvvp.C) a mixing up. dva-KpKcp.at, Dep. to begin to play : of a bird, to tune its voice. dva-Kpejtdvvvfii, poet. dy-tcpep.- : f. -/fpe/xdacu : aor. I dvfKpefjiaaa : to hang up upon a thing : Pass, to be hanging up : metaph. to be in suspense, Lat. sus- pensus esse. dva-Kpivo) [i] : (for the tenses, v. Kpivca) : to exa- mine well, search out. II. to examine before- hand : Med., dvaKpivfffOat irpbs laurovs, to question one with another. Hence dvaKpuris, poet, dyicpuris, ecus, 77, an examination, inquiry. dva-Kporeco, f. 77xc'U(i>, f. oca, to hold back, stay, esp. of ships, to keep them riding at anchor: but dv. TOV TOVOV TWV o-nXcav to keep up the tension of the ropes, keep taught. 2. intr. (sub. lauroi') to keep still. From |, 57, incorrect form dvoXa(36iv, aor. 2 inf. dva-Xdop.ai, Dep. to take again. dv-aXaXd, f. -Af^o/wit : aor. 2 dvf\a&ov : pf. dvei\rj : f. dvd\ajffoj : aor. I di/TfAcuo'a or dvd- Acu : f. -\vavai) not taken, not to be taken, impregnable. dva-p,ai|idw, to rage through or throughout. dva-p,av0dva>, f. -fJiaOrjaopai, to learn again or anew, learn differently: to inquire closely. av-Sp,aevTos, ov, (a privat., d/zaeua>) impassable for wagons. dv-ap.dprr]TOS, ov, (a privat., dpapTeiv) without mis- sing or failing, unfailing : in a moral sense, faultless. Adv. -TCUS, without fail. dva-p.acrdop.aL, Dep. to chew over again, Lat. ru- minari. i), Att. -TTCO: f. -/*d Adv. pro- miscuously. ava.-\Jiiyvv\JLi an d -, f- -P-i-i' aor. I dve^a, to mix up together, to mingle. II. Med. to have social intercourse, join company. dva-pap.vT)crKco : if. avapv-fjaca. poet, dfifja/rjffca : aor. I dvffj,vrjffa : to remind one of a thing : c. inf. to re- mind one to do : also to recal to memory, make men- tion of: Pass, to remember. dva-p,i|xvco, poet, for dva-/j,evo). dva-[ju, (dva^iyvvni) Adv. mixed up, pell-mell. dvdfuijis, ecus, fj, (dva/J,iyvvfu) social intercourse. ava-p.ury<>, poet, and Ion. for dva/j.iyvvfj.1. dvap-vi) (rOcts, part. aor. I pass, of dva^ip.vrjffKa}. dvd-p.VTjcris, ecus, 57, (a.vap.ip.vriaKca) a calling to mind, recollection. dva-jxoXeiv, inf. aor. 2 of dvapXaatco). dva-jxopp,vpto,^o roar loudly, foam up, of the sea. [u] dva-p-oxXciiw, (avd, /zoxAos) to lift with a lever: to force open. dv-ajxirXdicTjTOS, ov, (a privat., erring, without wandering. dva-p/ux(Kop,ai, Dep. to groan deeply. dv-ap,LXoYOS, ov, (a privat., d^iXo^os) undisputed, undoubted. dv-a|iio-pT|nriTOS, ov, (a privat., d/j,(j)iff@r)Tr)Tos) undisputed, indisputable, about which there is no dis- pute. II. act. without dispute or controversy. dvavSpia, 17, unmanliness, cowardice. From dv-av8pos, ov, (a privat., dvrjp), i. = dvev dvSpos, without a husband : without men desolate. II. unmanly, cowardly, unworthy of a man. dv-av8p6co, f. wffca, to deprive of a husband. Hence dvdvSpcoTOS, ov, widowed. ava-V6ab>, f. dercy, (avd, vtos) to make young again. ava-vejjwo, poet. dvvep,w, to divide or distribute anew. II. Med. to count up, recount: to rehearse. dva-vOp,at, poet. dvvcop.ai, Dep. to mount up, rise. dva-veoojjtai, f. wffofjuu : aor. I dvfveooffd^v, poet, inf. dvvfdoaaadat : Dep. : to renew, revive. dva-vtto, f. aca, properly to throw the head back in tokc of denial: hence to deny, refuse. dvavi)co, f. J^cu, to become sober again, come to one's senses. 2. trans, to make sober again. dv-avra, Adv. of dv-dvrrjs, uphill, opp. to ndravra. dv-avTaYwvKrros, ov, (a privat., dvTa^cavi^opjai) without a rival, without a struggle : undisputed. dv-dvTT)S, s, (avd, avrdca) up-hill, steep, opp. to KO.T- dvrrjs : hence like Lat. arduus, difficult. dv-avrCppijTOs, ov, (a privat., avrtpSi) not to be gainsaid. Adv. -(as, without contradiction. "AN A3,, dvaitTos, 6 : Ep. dat. pi. dvaKreoi : a lord, king, applied to all the gods, esp. to Apollo. II. any earthly lord, prince, chief, king : also of the sons or kinsmen of kings, and generally, the chief persons of a state. 2. so too the master of the house, Lat. herus. 3. generally, one who is lord or master over anything, as Kajinjs dvaKTfs : cf. \fip-wva. dva-aiVG), to rub or irritate afresh. dvajjacrOat, aor. I med. inf. of dvdaao}. dva-"r)paivo>, f. avu : aor. I -^-rjpdva, poet. inf. dy- gTjpdvai : to dry up. dv-dios, ov, also a, ov, (a privat., d'ios) unworthy, not deemed worthy, c. gen. : absol. worthless. 2. undeserving of evil. dvai-6p|xi-y, 47705, o, -fj, (dvdacrca, , f. vaoi \y] : aor. pass, dvegvadrjv : to scrape off. dvd|w, fut. of dvdffffca. dv-aotYJ, f. cu, poet, for dv-oiyca. dva-iratSciJto, to educate afresh. dvairaiCTTOS, ov, (avairaio}) struck back, rebounding: &v air a I co av GOTO Aeo> . 53 as Subst. dvdiraiffTos (sub. TTOI/S), o, an anapaest, i. e. a dactyl reversed. dva-iraito, f. ercu, to strike again or 6ae&. dva-iraXtv, Adv. back again. II. over a- gain. III. reversely. dva-irdXAo), poet. dp/rraXXG) : fut. avairaXG) : aor. I dveTTT]\a : Ep. aor. 2 part. dfjureTra\wv : to swing to and fro, to put in motion : Pass, with Ep. aor. 2 dv- tiraXro, to dart or spring up. dva-ird, f. dffca, to scatter upon. dvdiravXa, r?s, 77, (dvairavca) rest, repose, ease from a thing : of watches, tear' dvairav\as dirjprjaOai to be divided into reliefs. II. a resting-place. dvdiravcris, poet. ap.Trav, (for the tenses, v. iravca) : to make cease, stop from a thing : lter to gir~rest or relieve from a thing. II. Med. to cease, leave off, desist from a thing: absol. to take one's rest, sleep: also to die. 2. to stop, bait, rest. 3. to regain strength. dva-irciOco, f. irtiaoj : aor. i dveirficra : to bring over to another opinion, to persuade against one's will: also in bad sense, to sedtice, mislead. dva-ircipdojiai, f. rjao/jtai, Dep. to try or attempt again, to make trial of. II. as a military and naval term, to exercise, practise. dva-impa), f. -irp(a : aor. I dvfireipa, Ep. part, dfjt- irfipas : Pass., aor. 2 dvcirdpr)v [a] : pf. dvairfirappai, poet. d^.TTirapiJ.ai : to pierce through, spit. dvaireicTTTjpios, a, ov, (dvatrtiQca) persuasive. dva-Trep.irda> and -dop.ai, to count over again. dvairep.Trw, poet, djjnrcjjnrw, f. ^cu, (for the tenses, v. vefJ.Troj) : to send up or forth: Med. to send up from oneself. II. to send back. dvaireTrrajJievos, pf. pass. part, of dvaircravvv^t. dvaireoreiv, dvairco-wv, aor. 2 inf. and part, of dva- dvd-irr)pos, ov, (dvd, irrjpos) maimed, crippled, halt. dva-iriSvoj, f. vffca, to make to spring up. dva-iri|AirXir][Xt, f. -Tr\r)(jca : aor. I dvfir\r]ffa : to Jill up, Lat. explere: to fulfil, accomplish. II. to Jill up, appease. III. to Jill full of a. thing, esp. with the notion of defiling : whence in Pass, to be infected. dva-iriiTTCo, f. -TTfffovfM.1 '. aor. 2 dvfire vov : pf. dva- TTCTTTcu/ca : to fall back. i . to fall back, give ground: hence to slacken, lose heart, Lat. conctdere animo. civa-mTvr]p,i, poet, for dva-vfravvvfju. - dva-TrAaaoxj, Att. -irAa-Trio, f. -ir\a.a : to sail upwards, to sail up stream : also to put out to sea. II. to sail the same way back again, sail back ; of fish, to swim back. dvd-irAews, cav, gen. Tl v a'! pf- of dvatpalvoj. dva-Trr)Yvv(xt or -vto, to transfix, spit. dva-mjBdo), poet. d(X7nr)Sd(o : f. rjcro/Mii : (v. irrf^aca) : to leap, spring up or forth, start up; ov. tv epyov to jump up to work : of springs, to gush forth. II. to spring back. dvdirXoos, contr. dvdirXovs, o, (dvajrXeca) a sailing upwards, esp. up stream : also a putting out to sea. dv-airX6o>, f. waw, to unfold, open. dva-irXa)O), Ion. for d^aTrAecu. dva-irvi, Ion. dp,irvia>, Ep. for dvairvfa. dvairvvo-i, 3 sing. aor. I opt. of dvairvcca. dvaTTvevo-is, ecus, T), (dvanveoj) a breathing again: respite, rest from a thing. II. a drawing breath. dvdirvevoTOS, ov, poet, for airvevaros, without draw- ing breath, breathless. dva-irvew, f. irvfvffofMi : aor. I dvfirvcvffa : to breathe again, have a respite, rest oneself from a thing : (for the forms afjiirvve, afj-irvvro, dp-trvvvOrj v. sub vocc.) II. to draw breath, breathe, Lat. respiro. III. to breathe forth, send forth. dva,TrvoT|, poet. dp/rrvoT|, 17, (dvairvfoa) recovery of breath, rest. II. a drawing breath, Lat. respiratio. dvdirvve, poet. pres. imperat. of avmrvfoj. dv-airoSeiKTOs, ov, undemonstrated, indemonstrable. dva-iroSCJo) : f. iaoj, Att. fa) : aor. I dveirodiaa : (dvd, irovs) : to make to step back, call back and question ; dvaTroSifav tavrov to correct oneself. II. intrans. to step back. dv-o/nmvos, ov, (a privat., diroiva) without ransom or reward : neut. dvdiroivov, Adv. without recompense. dva-iroXtco, poet. dp-iroXtw, properly to turn up the ground again, plough up : hence to go over again, to repeat, reconsider. 54 5, ov, (o privat., dnoXoyeofnai) in- defensible, inexcusable. 2. act. unable to defend oneself, without excuse. dvairop,irf|, ?), (draire^ircu) a sending up; 6r], fut. VQJ : Pass., aor. I avfiTTv^O-qv, ' aor. 2 dvfirTvyijv [i5] : (v. tnvaaca) : to unfold, undo, esp. of rolls of books ; and so, like Lat. evolvere, to unrol for reading : hence to unfold, bring to light, Lat. explicare. II. as military term, rfy ], to spit up or out : absol. to sputter. dv-dirrco, f. ^co : aor. I dvfjif/a : to hang up to, fasten on or to a thing ; dyd\fMTa dvcunTfiv, = dvaTiOfvai, to hang up votive gifts ; \JM\LOV dvdtiTfiv to fasten disgrace upon one: Med. to fasten for one- self ; dvdiTTfa'Oat vavv to fasten a ship to oneself and tow it away : Pass, to be fastened or fasten oneself on, cling to. II. to light up, light, kindle : me- taph. to inflame. dva-iruv0dvo}jiai, f. -irtvffOfMi : aor. 2 dvtirv06fj.r}V : Dep. : to search out, inquire into : also to learn by inquiry. Hence dvdirucrros, ov, searched out, ascertained, notorious. dvdircoTis, shortened dp/ircons, gen. ecus Ion. tos, 17, (dvairivca) a being drunk up : of the sea, the ebb-tide, returning of the waters. dvap-, in compds. of dvd with words beginning with p the p is usually doubled, as in dvap-paifa, etc., though in poets and Ion. Greek it is sometimes single. dvapcupTjKtos, Ion. for dvrjprjKujs, pf. part, of dvaipfca. dv-dpyvpos, ov, (a privat., dpyvpos) without silver : without money. uv-ap0pos, ov, (a privat., dpOpov) without joints : dis- jointed, nerveless. 2. of sounds, inarticulate. dv-api0}ico, f. Tjaopxu, to count up, enumerate. dv-api0fJU]TOs, ov, (a privat., dpi6fJ.r)Tos) = sq. dv-dpi0fios, ov, (a privat., dpiOfws) without number, countless : without bounds in a thing : c. gen. taking no account of a thing. dv-apKTOS, ov, (a privat., dpx&) not governed or subject : not submitting to be governed. dvapjjtoo-Tia, f), unsuitableness : discord. From dv-dpp,ocrTOS, ov, (a privat., dp/iocu) unfit, incon- gruous : of sound, inharmonious : of persons, ab- surd. 2. unfitted, unprepared. dvapiraYTi, 17, recapture. From dv-apiraco : fut. djca, Att. daa> or daojwi [a] : aor. I dvrjpTraaa : to tear up, snatch up. II. to hurry along, to carry off, to drag by force, esp. before a magistrate, Lat. rapere in jus. III. to take by storm, and so to plunder, generally, to treat with vio- lence. Hence dvapiracrros, ov, also r/, ov, torn away, carried off, esp. into Persia, treated with violence. dvap-pcco, f. -pfvffofjiai, (dvd, pica) to flow back or to the source. dvap-pTj-yvtipx or tico : f. -prjfa '. aor. I dvepprj^a : to break up, break through or open. II. to make break forth ; dvappjjgat. firrj, like Lat. rumpere voces .-Pass, to burst forth. III. intr., like Pass. to burst forth. dvap-pTrjO'fjvafc, aor. I pass, of aor. 2 act. dveitrew. dvappT||as, aor. I part, of dvapprjywiu. dvap-piirrco or ceo : f. ptyw : aor. I dveppiif/a. : to throw up ; dvappiirTcw a\a irijb'cp to throw up the sea with the oar. II. dvappiirTfiv KIVOVVOV to run the hazard of a thing, run a risk : also without KIV- OVVOV, els arrav TO virdpxov dvappiirTeiv to throw for one's all, stake one's all. dv-appixdojjiat, impf. dvcppixw^v : fut. dvapplx^- ffofMi : aor. I dvfpplxfjffo-^v ' Dep. : to clamber up with the hands and feet, to scramble up. dvdppoia, rj, (dvappeca) a flowing back, reflux, ebb. avap-poij3Seco, to swallow back, gulp down again. dvdp-pCcris, ecus, 97, (dvd, pvca=epvca) a snatching away, rescuing. 2. the second day of the festival 'AnaTovpia. avap-pa>wvp,i and -vto, fut. -puffcu : aor. I dvfp- pcaaa : to strengthen again: Pass. to regain strength or spirit. dv-dpcrios, ov, also a, ov, (a privat., apffios) not fit- ting together : hence hostile, unpropitious, implacable : of things, untoward, strange, monstrous. dv-aprdco, f. 770-0; : aor. dvripTrjffa : to hang up or upon, to attach to, make dependent upon. Med. with pf. pass. dvrjpTT]fj.ai, to attach to oneself: also to sub- due : Pass, also with pf. dvrjpTrjfjLai, to be dependent upon; OT(O irdvTa fls tavTov dvrjpTrjTai who has everything dependent on himself; but dvrjpTTjTai, c. inf. to be prepared to do. dv-dprtos, ov, (a privat., a/mos) uneven, odd; cf. d/mos. dv-apxatco, f. , to make old again. dvapxCa, ?J, the state of a people without government, anarchy. From ._! dv-apxos, ov, (a privat., dpx'n} without head or chief. 2. without beginning. dva-crcipd^o), f. daw, (dvd, affya) to pull back with a rein, draw aside. dva-, to move upwards : Pass, with Ep. aor. 2 dveaavfj.rjv, 3 sing. dveaavro, to spring up or forth. dva-aKaiTTW, f. i/w, to dig up. dva-o-KeiTTOfjiat, see di/a-a07recu. dva-, to tear up. dvdo-irao-TOS, ot, dragged up, esp. from onfs country up into central Asia. 2. of a door, drawn back, i. e. opened. From . dva-trirdco, poet, dvcnrdco : f. airdaa) [a] : aor. I dvta-ndaa : to draw or pull -up : to draw a ship up. 2. to draw or suck up : to draw back. II. rds 6, Att. for dvataaca. dvatTTa, for dvdarrjOi, aor. 2 imperat. of dviaTijfj.i. dvao-raSov, Adv. (dviarr]p.C) upright. dvaords, dvao-Trjvat, aor. 2 part, dvdorfioas, gen. ecus Ion. tos, 57 : I. causal (dylffnjju) a making to stand up, awakening. 2. a making to rise and leave their place, removal : usu. in bad sense, laying waste, destruction. 3. a re- building. II. pass. (dvicrrafMi) a standing or rising up, esp. in token of respect: dvaaraais ! vrrvov an awakening : the Resurrection. dvaoTarrip, rjpos, 6, (dviffTrjfJit) a destroyer. dvacrTaTT)S, ov, o, Q.V aararr]p. 5d IdvdcrraTOS, ov, (dvia7a.fj.ai) made to rise up and , depart, driven from one's house and borne : hence laid waste, ravaged. Hence dvacrraToto, f. diaca, to ruin, put in confusion. dva-tTTavpoco, f. uaca, to impale or crucify, like dra- aKo\onica. II. to crucify afresh. ava-(7T\Aa>, f. -areXu (for the tenses, v. are AA, f. a, dvaortvo). dva-trrvdxto, to groan aloud over, bewail aloud, [ax] dva-o-Tevco, to groan aloud. 2. to bewail aloud. dva-OT, to fix on a firm base. dvao-TT)o-6ia>, Desiderative from dvaoTrjao) (fut. of dviaTT}/j.i), I desire to set up. dvaa>, f. if/ca : pf. dveaTpa.fj.fj.ai : to turn up- side down, to turn up by digging. II. to turn back, around or about ; dvaaTpffpfiv ird\iv to repeat : to rally. 2. intr. (sub. laurci/), to turn back, re- turn. III. Pass, with fut. med. -0rpeif/ofj.ai, to turn oneself about in a place, tarry there, like Lat. versari ; yaiav dvaaTp^ofMi to go and dwell in" a land. 2. to be busied in a thing. 3. to re- volve. 4. of soldiers, to rally. Hence dvaT|, 77, a turning back or about, a return : a turning about in battle, whether to flee or rally. 2. a turning about in a place, dwelling in a place : hence the place where one tarries, an abode. ava-CTTpoxJtdo), poet, for dva-aTp((pd\X(o, f. -a(p&\> : aor. I dvia^Xa : to re- cover from a fall, recover. dva : fut. -rapd^u : to stir up and trouble : hence to excite, rouse to pbrensy : pf. pass. part. dvarcTapayftevos, in confusion. 56 dva-rd, f. refj> : (for the tenses, v. re/my) : to cut up, cut open : to cut off". dvuTi, Adv. = dvarei. dva-ri0T]fU, f. dva.0j]co, fut. -&pty(a : aor. I dveOpeif/a : to bring up, nourish, educate. dvo-rpex", fut. dvaOpego/jai and dvaSpafj-ovfjiai : aor. 2 dveSpa.fj.ov: to run back. 2. to start up. 3. to go straight up; draSeSpoy^e ireTpr) (pf. with pres. sense) the rock runs sheer up. 4. to run up, shoot up, of plants: thence of cities. dvd-TpTjtris, ecus, 17, (dvd, rerpaivoj) a boring through. dva-Tpi|3a>, f. fyca, to rub well, rub clean. II. to rub in pieces : Pass, to be worn away, [t] dvaTpoinf|, 97, (ararpcTrcu) an overturning, upset. dva-Tvp|3dJ;, f. dffca, to stir up and confound. dv-aTjytjTOS, ov, (a. privat., avyf]) rayless. dv-a/u8ir)Tos, Dor. -a/ros, ov, (a privat., avodca) un- utterable, Lat. infandus. 2. speechless. dv-o/uSos, ov, (a privat., auS^) speechless, voiceless : preventing speech. II. unutterable. dv-avXos, ov, (a privat., auAos) without the music of the flute : hence joyless, sad. *d-vavs, gen. dvdos, 6, TJ, (a privat., vavs) without ships; vdfs dvats ships that are ships no more, Lat. naves nenaves. dva-4>o,Lvco, poet. dp,<|>aiv, f. dvas, aor. I part, of dvacpaivca, having made to appear, having come in sight of. [avSd, Adv. (dvacpaivoj) visibly, openly. dvaav86v, Adv. = foreg. dvaavis, aor. 2 part. pass, of dvapco, poet. dp,<{>lpco : f. dvoiaca : aor. I 01/17- veytca, Ion. dvriveifca, also avcaoa : to bring or carry up, esp. into central Asia : Pass, to rise up : Med. tg carry up for oneself or what is one's own : dvavci- KaaOai, absol. to heave a deep sigh. i. to lift up, | praise. 3. to uphold, take upon one. II. intr. to rise, as the stars. III. to bring or carry back: I. to bring back tidings. 2. to bring back from exile. 3. to throw back upon another, refer something to him : absol. to refer to a person, consult him. 4. to bring back to oneself, restore: intrans. and in Pass, to refresh oneself, recover. dva-4>iry<>, f. -(pfvgofMi, to flee back, escape. dva4>fjvai, aor. I inf. of dvacpaivca. dv-a<}>T|S, fs, (a privat., $>?}) untouched, not to be touched. dva-0YYF l(U 9 Dep. to call out aloud. dva-0ipop.ai; Pass, to be undone, perish utterly. dva-^\tyXijco, to bubble up like boiling water. dva-o{30>, f. Tjffca, to frighten away. uva<|>opd, as, 17, (di/aepcu) a carrying up, rais- ing. 2. intr. a rising. II. a carrying back : I. a referring, a reference. i. a giving way, respite, remission. 3. intr. a going back : a means of recovery. dva-opo, = dva(f>epct}. dvdopov, TO, (dvatyfpai) anything to carry with ; a yoke or beam for carrying. dva-<|>paonai, f. acrobat, Med. to observe again, recognise. dv-a4>p68iTOs, ov, (a privat., 'A.povi>, f. rjffoj, to come back to one's senses, come to oneself. dva$\>y(\, "h* (dvcupfvyoj) a fleeing back, escape, re- lease from. II. a retreat. dva-4>vpco [u], pf. pass. -irf(pvpfMi, to mix up, con- found, defile. dva-<}>v, f. 770*0;, to breathe up or forth : Pass. to be puffed up or arrogant. dva-4>i)o-ida>, to blow or spout up, like a dolphin. dva-v, f. vffca, to make to grow up, to produce. Med. with aor. 2 act. dvetpvv, pf. dvarre(pvKa, to grow up : to grow again. dva-<}>covectf, f. 770-0;, to call aloud, proclaim. Hence ava4>covT||j.a, CETOS, TO, a proclamation. dva-xd&>, f. aero;, to make give way, drive back: mostly used as Dep. dva-xdo[xai,, f. daojMi, Ep. aor. I di'excto'crd/^T/i/, to draw back, retire. dva-xptco, f. taw, Att. to), to make to go back or retire. dva-vJnr]i(ris, ecus, 77, a putting to the vote again. dvdvj/vj-LS, ecus, 77, (dva\f/t>xoj) a cooling, refreshing. dva\|/ijXT|, 77, a cooling, refreshing. II. recovery from a thing : rest. From dva-v|;ijx w fut. i/^cu : Pass., aor. I dvetyvxQrjv : aor. 2 dvefyvxnv \y~\ ' (dvd, ^Gxos) : to revive by fresh air, to cool, refresh : generally, to cheer : vavs dvafyvxtw to overhaul the ships, make them sound again : Med. to breathe fresh air again, revive. [t>] dv-8aCco, poet, for di/a-Satcu. dvSdva) : impf. rjvbavov, Ep. krjvoavov, Ion. kdvbavov: fut. dorjau : aor. 2 %&oov, Ep. ev&Sov and adov [a] : pf. dSrjKa, also edSa, Dor. eaSa : (the Root is 'AA-, which appears in aor. 2 and fut.) : to please, delight, like rj8o/Mi : in Homer and Herodotus always c. dat. pers. dvSdvd not : impers., dvodvfi poi TTOKIV, like Lat. placet. 57 dv-Sep-a, poet. avStjpov, r6, mostly in plur. avorjpa, quasi avOrjpa, rd, a raised border, flower-bed : any earth dug or thrown up. dv8Tj, f. 77crcu, (dvrjp, dyaOos) to be or behave like a brave man. Hence dvBpaYaOCa, f), the character of a brave good man, bravery, manly virtue. Hence avSpdydOi^ofxat : f. ro/xat, Att. tovfjuti : Dep. : to act bravely, honestly, play the honest man. ** av8p-ST]S, es, (ai/opairoSoi', elSos) slavish, ser- vile, Lat. servilis, opp. to eAevflepos. dv8pdptov, TO, Dim. of d^p, a manikin, [ap] avSpdcrt, dat. plur. of dvrjp. dv8p-ax0T|S, e's, (dvrjp, dx&os) loading a man, as | much as a man can carry. dv8peia, Ion. -^MI, 77, (dv77p) manliness, manly spirit, j courage, Lat. virtus, fortitudo. j dv8p-iK\ov, TO, (dvrjp, eie\os) an image of a man, ' a statue. II. a flesh-coloured paint. dv8pios, a, ov, Ion. avSptjios, rj, ov, (dvrjp') of or belonging to a man, manly, masculine : neut. TO dv- fyeiov, manliness. II. rd drSpefa, the public meals of the Cretans, also the older name for the Spartan (pfioiria. Hence dv8p6i6T7)S, 77TOS, T), = dvSpda. dvSpei-cj)6vTr]S, ov, 6, (dvrjp, *voi) man-slaying. dv8pio)v, wvos, 6, poet, for di/SpeW : see dvSpwv. av8peop,(u, Dep. dv8petov, cuvos, o, Ion. for dvbpwv. dv8pir]tT], Ion. for dvdpfia. dvSptjios, ij, ov, Ion. for dvSptios. 58 dv8p7]\aTo, f. T^cra;, to banish from home. From dv8p-T]\dTi]s, ov, 6, (dvrjp, kKavvoi) he that drives one from his home, the avenger of blood in cases of murder, [a] dvSpia, late form of dvSpeia. dvSpiavTOirmeto, (dvopiavTorcows) to be a statuary. Hence dvSptavTOiroua, 77, statuary, sculpture. dvSpiavTO-iroios, ov, 6, (dvoptds, rroifoj) a statue- maker, statuary, sculptor. dvSpids, dvros, 6, (dv/jp) the image of a man, a statue. dv8ptb>, f. iffca, (dvrjp) to make a man of: Pass, to become a man, to think and act like a man. dvBpiKos, 77, ov, (dvrjp) of or for a man, masculine, manly : also of things, strong, stout : Adv. dvSpucuis, like a man; Sup. dvopiKaiTara. II. composed of men. dvSpiov, TO, Dim. of dvfjp, a manikin. dvBpurrov, verb. Adj. of dvopifa, one must play the man. dv8picn-C, Adv. after the manner of men. dv8po-J3pus, SJTOS, 6, 77, (dvrjp, fiifipwffKa}) man- eating, cannibal. dvSpo-Yovos, ov, (dvrjp, yeveaOai) begetting men. dvSpo-Ytivos, ov, (dvrjp, yvvrj) a man-woman, her- maphrodite : a weak effeminate person. II. as Adj., of baths, used both by men and women. dv8po-8diKTOs, ov, (dvrjp, 8atcu) man-slaying, mur- derous. dvSpo-Sdp-as, avros, 6, r), (dvrjp, Saftdcu) man- taming : man-slaying, [a] dv8po-86icos, ov, (dvrjp, 5e'xo/u) receiving men. dvSpo-0ea, T), (dvrjp, 0ed) the man-goddess, i. e. Minerva. dv8p606v, Adv. (dvrjp) from a man, from' men. dv8po-K|AT|s, rjTos, 6, 77, (dvrjp, Kdfj.vca') man-weary- ing : man-slaying, murderous. dv8po-KfJtt]TOS, ov, (dvrjp, Ka.jj.va}) wrought by men's bands. dvSpo-KTao-ia, 77, (dvrjp, KTeivoj) slaughter of men. dv8pOKTOveci>, f. ijaia, (dvSpoKTOvos) to slay men. Hence | dv8po-4>a.Yos, ov, (dvrjp, (pdyeTv) eating men: oi 'Av8po<]>dyoi, Cannibals, mentioned in Herodotus. dv8po-(j>06pos, ov, (dvrjp, (pOfipca) man-destroy- I ing. II. pass. dvopotyOopos, ov : hence af/xa ! dvSpofyOopov the blood of slain men. \ dv8po-c()6vos, ov, (dvrjp, *$eVa;) man-slaying : fern. 77 dvopoK6, poet, for dvtScaicc, aor. I of dvaotSaofu. dv-c|3ir]v, aor. 2 of dvat3aivtv. dv-epTjcrsTO, Ep. 3 sing. aor. I med. of dvafiaiva). dv-6J3pax, 3 sing. aor. 2 with no pres. in use, of I armour, to clash, ring loudly; of doors, to creak or ' grate loudly. dv6J30Tjv, aor. I act. and pass, of dv8po-KTovos, ov, (dvrjp, KTtivca) man-slaying. dv8p-o\Tipa, 77, (dvrjp, o\\v/ju) a murderess. dv8po-jidxos, 77, ov, (dvrjp, /zdxo^at) fighting with men: hence the prop. n. Andromache, [a] avSpofxeos, a, ov, (dvrjp) of man or men, human. dv8po-(XT)KT)s, cs, (avrjp, fjLTJKOs) of a man's height. dvSpo-irais, 6, (dvrjp, rrais) a youth near manhood. dv8po-7r\T|06ia, 7), (dvrjp, Tf\r)0os) a multitude of men. avSpo-o-tvts, iSos, 77, (dvrjp, aivofMt) hurtful to men. av8p6-ar<|>iY, o, (dvrjp, 2aYc>,f. rjo-ca, to eat men. From , dveyvcov, pf. and aor. 2 of dvayiyvwffKOJ. dv8Y|Ji0a, I pi. Ep. aor. i pass, of dvaSexofMU. dveSei^a, aor. I of dvaoeifcvvfti. dv-eSirjv, Adv. (a.vi'qp.i} let loose, without restraint : carelessly. II. without more ado, simply. dvcSpaKev, 3 sing. aor. 2 of dva.8epKOfj.ai. dveSpajjiov, irreg. aor. 2 of dva.Tpt~x.ca. dveStJcrcTO, Ep. 3 sing. aor. I of dvaovo^ai. dvcepYw, impf. dvefpyov, old Ep. form of dvepyw, dvcipyca. dv^if]ora, aor. I of dva^dca. dv-0\-qTOS, ov, (a privat., IfleAoj) unwished for: melancholy. dv-e07)v, aor. I pass, of dvirmi. 2. aor. 2 act. of dvedrjv, opt. aor. 2 act. of dvirjfju. dv-t\6L0vta, 77, (a privat., El\fi0via) without the aid of Eileithyia. dv-6i\d>, f. rjcrca, (v. ci'Ao;) to wind up or roll together : Pass, to crowd or throng together. civi\ir]<}>a, dvt\T|jJi|xai, pf. act. and pass, of dva- avelX ov di>e e dvctXov, -6|XT)V, aor. 2 act. and med. of dvaipeoj. dvtp.vo>s, Adv. of dveifj.4vos, pf. pass. part, of dvi- ijfu, let loose, carelessly : without restraint. dv-i|xi, (dvd, elfu ibo) to go up: to sail out to sea: but also to go up inland. II. to approach, as a suppliant. III. to go back, go home, return. dv-ijitov, ov, gen. ovos, (a privat., cfyta) without clothing, unclad. dv-euretv, (dvd, etTretV) aor. 2 with no pres. in use : aor. I pass. dvfpp-fjOrjv (as if from dvap-peca] : pf. | dvftprjftai (from dv-cpfeu) : to say aloud, proclaim, give notice. dv-eipyw, f. a), to keep back, ward off, in poetr impf. dvccpyov. dveipTjjxat, pf. pass., v. dvenreiv. dv-tpop.at, Ep. and Ion. dvpo(xai, (dvd, efpo/jcu, epoftai) : to inquire of, inquire about. dv-eipvco, f. vaca [v], poet, and Ion. for dv-epvca, to draw back. dv-eipoj, (for the tenses, v. c/'ptu) to fasten on or to : to wreathe together. dveCs, part. aor. 2 of dvirjfju. dv-Ka0ev, (dvoj, lds) Adv. of Place, from above : cf. dyKa6ev. II. of Time,/rom the first. dv-icds, Adv. (dvca, eras) upwards, on high, Lat. sursum. dv-ic{3aTOS, ov, (a privat., fK&aivoj) without outlet. dv-ic8iT]-yT]TOs, ov, (a privat., ftcoiTjyeofj.a.t') inde- scribable, extraordinary. dv-K8po[jios, ov, (a privat., !/epa/*tV) without es- cape, inevitable. dv-K\dXir)TOS, ov, (a privat., K\a\Oj) unspeakable. dv-K\LTTTOS, ov, (a privat., K\t'nrca) unfailing. dvK\i07]v [i], aor. I pass, of dvatcXivQ). dvK\iva, aor. I act. of dvaKXivca. dv-eicmjJi,TrXT]}u, fut. -fKTrXrjaaj, to fill up or again. dv-6KirXir]KTOS, ov, (a privat., eKirXr/aaoj) undaunted: TO dveirXijtcTov dauntlessness. CLvetcpayov, aor. 2 of dvaKpdfa. dv-6KTOS, ov, verb. Adj. of dv^ofjiai, to be borne. dveKTOS, ov, later 77, ov, (dj/e'xo^ai) bearable, toler- able : Adv. dveKTws, so as to be borne. dv-Kpa(TTOS, ov, (a privat., etetypdfa) unutterable, indescribable. dv-\YKTOS, ov, (a privat., c\eyx^) sa f e from being questioned : not to be refuted, unrefuted. dv-6\6T|p,a)v, ovos, 6, 77, (a privat., eA-CTy/iou/) un- merciful. dv\iv, dv6\o-9ai, aor. 2 act. and med. inf. of dvaipea. dv-tXcos, ov, (a privat., eAeos) unmerciful. 7^, (dvektvOfpos) illiberalify. TJTOS, fj, = dve\vOfpia. From ov, illiberal, slavish, Lat. illiberalis : in money matters, niggardly. dv\T|<|>0T|v, aor. I pass, of dvaXapPdvcu. dv-cXicrcroj, Att. -TTO>, f. gca, to unroll, like Lat. evol- vere, of books in rolls, and so read and explain. i. metaph. dve\iafftiv fiiov to pass one's life. 59 dv-XKw: f. dveXoj, but in Att. dveXtevffaj [y], with aor. I dvfiXKvaa, pf. pass. dvfi\KvfffMi (as if from dv-eXKvca) : to draw up, to bold up : esp. to draw up a bow to its full stretch: dve\KvKT]S, s, (avfj.o$, UKVS) swift as the wind. dvep.u)Xtos, ov, (dv(fj.os) windy, i.e. vain, fruitless. a.v\nu>VT\, r), (avisos) the wind-Jlower, anemone. dv-evSerjs, fs, not in want. dv-evScKTOS, ov, (a privat., IvSc'xo^O inadmissible. dvcvciKa, poet, for dvr}vfiKa, aor. I act. of dva: dvcveiKaro, aor. I med., dvevfix^' 15 a o r - I P ass - P art dvvt|vo06, see IvrfvoOt. , aor. 2 part. pi. of dv-trjiu. etiTTOS, ov, (a privat., (a\d(jxu) indelible. , ov, (a privat., iffXeyx 03 ) not P ut to the proof, not convicted or refuted : impossible to be refuted : irreproachable. dv-e|6p6VVT]TOS, ov, (a privat., l^epewdoj) not to be searched out, unsearchable. dv-e^tracrros, ov, (a privat., !eTacu) not searched out, not inquired into. II. ySt'os dvfeTaaros *. [ life without inquiry. 60 not to be dv-^vipTOS, ov, (a privat., found out. dvei-Ko,Kos, ov, (avex* KO.KOV} enduring evil : for- bearing. dv-tx v " xo ' TOS ov, (a privat., tgixvidfa) not to be traced out. dv-eo8os, ov, (a privat., 4o8os) with no outlet, without return, Lat. irremeabilis. dv/) not examining, inattentive. II. pass, not considered. dvcmerrrjpxxnjvii], 17, ignorance, inexperience : want of skill or science. From dv-cmo-T^jJuov, ov, gen. ovos, (a privat., 47n0ovos, ov, (a privat.^ cirityOovos) without envy or reproach : not invidious. . Adv. -vcas. dveirvcvo-a, aor. I dveTTTdfxiqv, dv7mr]v, aor. 2 med. and act. of cmTT- Tajucu ; cf. dva.TreTojj.ai. dv-cpdojxai, aor. I dvijpdadijv, Dep. (dm, Ipdcu) to love again. dv-pa, aor. I dvdpirvffa (as if from dvcpirv^ca) : j to creep up. I dv-eppco : aor. I dvrjpprjcra, : to come or go away, with notion of bad luck : dveppe, away with you, Lat. abi in malam rem. dv-pv0ptdco, f. dffca [d] : to begin to blush. dv-epvco, Ion. dv-iptiu> : f. vffoj [u] : to draw up. dv-epxojAai, fut. dve\evcrofjiai : aor. 2 dvrjXvOov or : dvfj\6ov : pf. dveXrjXvQa : to go up, of trees, to grow up : of the sun, to rise : of fire, to blaze up. II. to go or come back, return : recur to a thing. 2. f/Ls nva dvepxeaBai to be referred to or made depen- dent upon one. I dv-epcoTao), f. 'fjffca, to ask again or repeatedly. avecraip.1., Ep. aor. I opt. of dvir][JU. \ civeo-av, 3 pi. aor. 2 ofdvi-rjfu. T]V [a], aor. 2 pass, of dvarpetyo}. dvv, Prep, with gen. without ; dvtv Ofwv, Lat. sine Diis, without divine aid ; dvev rov /tpaivovros, Lat. injussu regis. 2. away from, far from. 3. in prose, except, besides. [ dv-evdco, to honour with cries of evae ! dvv0, before a vowel dvev0v, (dvtv} : I. Prep. I with gen. without. 2. apart from, far from. II. : Adv. far away, distant : out of the way. dv-v0Tos, ov, (a privat., eufleros) not well placed, ! inconvenient. dv-ev0i)vos, ov, (a privat., tvQvvrj) not having to render an account, irresponsible : hence guiltless. 61 , Ep. 3 pi. aor. I pass, dvo> or dvco, see dvecas. dvx>Y a > Att. pf. of dvoiyca, part, dvfayws, always intr. dvecp-yov, impf. of dvoiyca. dvccojja, aor. I of dvoiyca. dvewvTeu (not dveovrai), for dveivrai, 3 pi. perf. pass, of dviijfu (as if from dv-cocu), they have been dv-UKTOs, ov, (a privat., tv\ofjiai) not wished given up or devoted. for. II. act. not wishing or praying for. dvecos, gen. T][Aeco, f. rjaca, to cry out, (v(pr)fj.ei, eixprj^ftrf : estate, to shout aloud with joy. dvi\yayov, aor. 2 of dvdyca. dv-v>xH uu Dep. to recall a prayer. d-veXos, Ep. dvvtc^eXos, ov, (a privat., ve ( a privat., txeyyvos) unwarranted. a.v-t\-r\(Ti, v. sub sq. dv-Xdos, to hold up a light ; esp. in phrase dVex* , irdpcx* <, f. cu, (d^d, TJKOJ) to reach up to. 2. to GXM V: ~ properly/ o hold oneself up, and so to hold have come up to a point, Is rd ntyiara dvrjKCiv: to up against a thing, endure, allow, hold out, last : so refer or pertain to a person or thing, in part., dvexopfvot tptpovai they bear with pa- \ dvqXdXaov, dvt]XaXaa, impf. and aor. I of dva- tience. 2. di/e'xeo~0at dvovs to allow the presence \a\dfa. of guests, and so to receive them. II. to hold up dviqXaTO, 3 sing. aor. I of dvd\\o(iai. what is one's own; hands to fight. X^tpas to hold up one's dv-T|XiKos, ov, (a privat., ijA.t) not yet arrived at III. rarely, to hold on by one mans estate. another. dveijaa, 77, fem. of dveif/ios, a female cousin. avcij/iaSoOs, ov, 6, a first-cousin's son. From 'ANEIO'2, o, a first cousin, a cousin. Hence , 77x05, 77, cousinship. dv-T|Xtos, ov, (a privat., 77'A.ios) sunless, gloomy. dvT|Xiiros, Dor. dvdXtiros, ov, (a privat., T^At^ a kind of shoe) unshod, barefoot. dvT|Xvo-is, ecus, 77, (dvepxopa.i') a going up. 2. a coming back. dvT|Xeo(7a, aor. I of dvaXiGKOi. dv-T|p.eXicTOS, ov, (a privat., d/zeA/ycy) unmilked. dv-T|p.epos, ov, (a privat., ijfj.fpos) not tame, wild, savage : of plants, wild. dvir|vacr0ai, aor. I inf. of dvaivopai, of which tense dvrjv&TO is 3 sing, ind., dvrjvrjTaj. 3 sing. subj. dvT]vep,ia, 77, a calm. From dv-T|V6p.os, ov, (a privat., dvcfJLos) without wind, calm; dvrjvffjLos \tnuavcav for dvev dvepov xtiuwvuv, without the blast of storms. dvifjvo06, Ep. pf. 2 intr., with pres, signf. : Homer has it twice, aipa dvrjvoOev wTfiXrjs blood gushed from forth the wound ; Kviar} dvfyoOev steam mounted up. (Formed as if from a Verb *dv60oj.') dv-T|vuo-TOS and UV-TJVVTOS, ov, (a privat., dvvoi) not to be accomplished, endless, aimless. dv-T|va>p, opos, 6, (o privat., dvrjp) unmanly, dastardly, like dvavopos. dvfjmrai, 3 sing. pf. pass, of dvdina). dv-t]irua>, f. aoi, to cry aloud. 'ANH'P, 6, gen. dvopos, dat. dvopi, ace. dvopa, voc. dvfp : plur. dvopes, -dpwv, -opdffi, -Spas. Ep. also gen. dvtpos, etc., dat. pi. dvopecrffi : a man, as opp. to woman, Lat. vir (not homo). II. a man, as opp. to God, iraTrjp dvSpwv re 6eu>v Tf. III. a man, as opp. to a youth. IV. a man, emphatically, a man indeed, opp. to dvOpooTros ; TTO\\OI fj.\v dvOpcuiroi, oXiyoi 8e dvSpfs. V. a husband; aiywv dvfjp, Virgil's vir gregis. dvf|p, Att. crasis for 6 dvrjp. dvrjpe0ir]v, aor. I pass, of dvatpfo). dv-T|pi0p.os, ov, poet, for dv-dpi6^os. dvr)p6p.7]V, aor. 2 of dvepofxti. dv-T]pOTOs, ov, (a privat., dpocy) unploughed. dv/]pTT]jJUH, aor. I act. and pf. pass, of dvqtrov or awrjTOv, TO, Ion. for dvijOov. dv-TjoxnrjTOs, Att. d-Y|TTT]TOS, ov, (a privat., unconquered, unconquerable. dvif|Tivos, rj, ov, Dor. for dvrjOivos. dvrjTOv or dvvT]TOv, TO, Dor. and Aeol. for dvrj9ov. dv-T|TTi]TOS, ov, Att. for dv--qo"at]TOS. dv-Ti4>atcu0Tos) without real flre ; irvp dvij^aiaTov, i. e. the fire of discord. dvf]4>0t]v, aor. I pass, of dvdinca. dvfj(j)0w, 3 sing. pf. pass, imperat. of dvdiTTO}. dvT)x0Tiv, aor. I pass, of dvdyca. dvfjij/a, aor. I of dvdirT(u. dv0-aipop,at, f. rjaopjai : Dep. : (dim, alpfoi) : to choose one thing instead of another : to prefer, choose instead. II. to dispute, lay claim to. dv0-dXio-KOp,at, f. -ahajaofwi, Pass, to be caught or killed in turn. dv0ap-i.XXdop.at, f. ^erojucu, Dep. to vie with another, be rivals : to race one another. From dv0-dp,tXXos, ov, (O.VTL, afuAAa) rivalling. av0-v, wvos, 6, (dvOeca) the chin, Lat. mentum. dv0ptKir), fj, and dvGepiKos, 6, = dv8*pi, a stalk. dv0eptg, IKOS, 6, (dOrjp) the beard of an ear of corn, the ear. 2. a stalk. dv06pia, wv, Ta, the Anthesphoria, a festival in honour of Proserpine, who was carried off while gathering flowers. From dv06cr-, f. iffoj, (dv9os) to strew with flowers : to deck as with flowers ; and so, to dye with colmirs : Pass. to bloom: to be dyed; part. pf. ^v9ia^vos, metaph. of one whose hair is sprinkled with white. dv0ivos, 77, ov, (avOos) of flowers, blooming, fresh. dv0-itnT, f. rjcroj, to bestrew with flowers : Pass. to have flowers showered upon one. From dvOo-poXos, ov, (dv0os, fiaXXoi) garlanded with flowers. dv0o-8taiTOS, ov, (avQos, Siaira) living on flowers, I dv0o-8oKos, ov, (dvOos, Sexoficu) receiving flowers. \ dv00KOfAi>, f. 770-01, to produce flowers. From dv0o-Kop.os, ov, (dvQos, /co/iecu) bearing flowers. dv0o-KpoKOS, ov, (dvOos, KptKca) woven or worked with flowers, partly-coloured. dv0oX<>Y0, f. 770-0?, (avOoXofos) to gather flowers. ' Hence dv0o\o-yia, 77, a flower-gathering : 'AvOoXoyiai were collections of small Greek poems, which one editor made up (as it were) into a nosegay. dv0o-XoYOS, ov, (avOos, A. 670;) gathering flowers. dv0-op.oXoYop,ai, Dep. (dvri, ufjioXoyeo^ai) : to make a mutual agreement or compact, 2. to con- \ fess or give thanks in turn. dv0ovop.o, to feed on flowers. From dv0o-vojios, ov, (dvOos, vepofMi) feeding on flowers. dv0-oirXa>, f. to"o>, to arm against : Pass, and Med. to be armed, arm oneself against. dv0ope, poet, for dveOope, 3 sing. aor. 2 of dvaOpuff/eca. dv0-opfxo>, f. 770-01, to lie at anchor, be moored oppo- site one another. V AN@O2, (os, TO, that which buds, a young bud or ; sprout ; a flower ; the bloom of a flower : also of things, the froth or scrim on water : dv9os o'ivov, Lat. flos vini, the crust on old wines. II. metaph. the bloom or flower of a thing, 77/3775 dvOos the bloom of youth : generally, grace, pride, honour : also the height of anything, bad as well as good. 2. brightness of colour, brilliancy, as of gold. dv0-o4>opia, rd, = 'AvOfffcpopia. From dv0o-(j>6pos, ov, (avOos, trr|s, f$, (dvOos, <>U77 ) of the nature of flowers, bright-coloured. dv0patcV3, os, 77, (avQpa) a charcoal-burner. Hence dv0paKija), f. aca, to be a charcoal-burner : to burn to a cinder. uvOpaKid, as, Ep. dv0pa,KiT|, 775, 77, (a.vQpa.) a heap of coal or charcoal, hot coals. 2. blackness as of coals. dv0paKoop.ai, pf. ^vOpaKca/jiat : Pass. : (dvOpa) : to be burnt to cinders. V AN0PAS, O.KOS, u, coal or charcoal, mostly in plur. dv0p-r]8u>v, ovos, 77, a wasp or hornet. 'AN0PH'NH, 77, a wild bee : a bee or wasp. Hence dv0pTjviov, TO, the honeycomb of a wild bee : a wasps' nest. dvOpco-jr-dpcaKos, ov, 6, (dvQponros, dpeffKca) a man- pleaser. irdpu>v, TO, Dim. of dvOpanros, a manikin. dvOpamlt], contr. dv0pcoirf] (sub. oopd), 77, a man's skin. dvOpunmos, a, ov, Ion. dv0pamT|ios, 77, ov, (dvdfxu- TTOS) of or belonging to man, befitting mans nature, human : Adv. -o>s, by human means, in all human probability. ~*dv0pcoiTT|ios, 77, ov, Ion. for dvOpdmeios. dv0pu>mco, f. iaoj, (dvQpomos) to behave like a man : Pass, to become man. dv0po>mKos, 77, 6v, of or for a man, human. dv0pomlvos, 77, ov, (avOponros) of, from or belonging to man, human; irdv TO dvOpcumvov all mankind; TcL dvOpwTTiva the fortunes of man. Adv., dvOpcnrivus ajjLapTavfiv to commit human, i.e. venial, errors. dv0pwmov, TO, Dim. of dvOpamos. uv0pooiTU7Kos, o, Dim. of dvOpuiros, a little man % manikin, Lat. homuncio. dv0po)Tro-8ai|jLa)v, ovos, o, 77, (dvOpcairos, Scu^iorc/) a man-god, i. e. a deified man, hero. dv0pcimo-i8T|S, k s, (dvOpomos, c75os) in the shape of a man. dv0pa>iro-KT6vos, ov, (avOpomos, KTfivoj) murdering men, homicidal. II. proparox. dvOpanro-KTovos, murdered by men; jSopd dvOp. a feeding on slaughtered men. dv0pcoiroiroua, 77, a making of man. From dv0pa)iro-Troi6s, ov, (dvOpcuiros, irotfai) making man. "AN0PniIO2, 6, man, Lat. homo (not vir) : plur. 01 dvOpanrot, men in general, mankind ; so, fj-dXiffra or T]KiaTa dvOpuTTcav most or least of all men. Like dvrjp, it is joined to another Subst., as dvOp&nros o8iT7]S a wayfaring man. As opp. to dvrjp, it expresses con- tempt, as Lat. homo opp. to vir : used in addressing slaves, cD dvOpame. The fem. dvOponros, 77, (like homo fern, in Lat.) a woman. av0pcoiros, Att. crasis for 6 dvOpcairos. dv0peoiro-(r4)aYt>, f. T^O-O;, (dv6panros, ffaYta, 77, an eating of men. a,v0p<0iro-dYOS, ov, (dvdpanros, (payftv') eating men, cannibal. dv0pa)iro-4)i5T|S, es, (avSpomos, , poet, and Ion. for dva-OpwaKca. dv0-vppi|;co, f. to-o>, to abuse one another, abuse in turn. dv0-uira,Ya>, to bring to trial or indict in turn. ij a mutual yielding. dv9-VTTOKpvojJiai, fut. -Kplvovpai : Dep. : (dvri, VTTO- Kpivojjiai.) : to dissemble or make pretences instead, or in answer. [ZV] dv0-vir6fxvi)p,u, f. -o/*o, (avri, vTroirrfvcu) to suspect mutually. dv0-virovp-yo, (avri, virovpylca) to return a kind- ness. Hence dv0virovpYT|p.a, arcs, TO, a kindness done in return. \ dv0-vaip0, (avri, ixpaiptoS) to take away in return, j dv0-v(, aor. I fjviaaa, to grieve, distress. II. intr. to be grieved or distressed, feel grief, sorrow. [P] dv-ldopuu, fut. dffofMu [d] , Dep. to cure again, restore. dviapos, a, 6v, Ion. and Ep. dvw]pos, 77, ov, (dvtdoj) grievous, distressing : irreg. Comp. dvlrjpfcrrepos. II. grieved, distressed. Adv. -pus. [In Homer dvlrjpos, later also dvi-.~] dv-iaros, ov, (a privat., idojucu) incurable : of men, incorrigible. dvido>, fut. dffca [a], Ion. ^(ra>: aor. I fjviaffa, Dor. dviaaa : pf. ?}i/ida : Pass, with fut. med. dvidffoiMi : aor. I fjvidOrjv : pf. fjvidpai : (dvi'a) : to grzew, <#s- /r*ss : Pass, to be grieved, etc. ; dvidoOai rovro to be vexed at this : Homer has Ion. aor. I pass. part. dvirjOeis, as Adj. a joyless, melancholy man. \l in Hemer always, later also ,] dvtSciv, aor. 2 inf. of a pres. *dv-(iTOs, ov, (a privat., ifyocw) not thrown into a sweat, not exerting oneself. dvieis, dvCet, 2 and 3 sing. impf. of dvirjfu. dviets, i sing. pres. of dvirjfu. dvUp.ai, Pass, and Med. ofdvirjpi. dvicvai, pres. inf. of dv-irjfu, to send up. 2. pres. inf. of dV-ei/zi (ef/ut ibo) to go up. dv-tepos, ov, (a privat., fcpos) unholy, impious. [ T] dvio-K6, Ion. impf. of dvirjiu. dv-CJcu, aor. I dveicra, (dvd, ifa") to set up. dvu]0eis, Ion. for dviaOtis, aor. I pass. part, of dvida). dv-i]p,i, impf. dvirjv ; also 2 sing. pres. dviefs, 2 and 3 sing. impf. dvifis, et ; Ion. 3 sing. dvicaKc (as if from dvitoj) : fut. dvtio, f. ffoj, to trace back, of a hound. dvicpa/TO, Ion. for dvidoivro, 3 pi. opt. of dvidofj.ai. dv-veifiT), poet. aor. I subj. of dva.vffj.ca. dvvciTai, poet, for dvaveirai, 3 sing, of dvavcop,ai. dwe(j>\os, Ep. for dvefyeXos. dwcuo-ao-Oai, poet. inf. aor. I of dvaveoofMi. poet, for dva-frpaivca. f. ^cw, (ova, oOTjytco) to guide back. dv-o8os, ov, (a privat., oSos) having no road, im- passable. dv-o8os, 57, (dvd, oSos) a way up : esp. into central Asia. II. a way back. dv-o8vpop.cu, Dep. to set up a wailing, [y] d-voT|p,o)v, ov, gen. ovos, (a privat., vofca) senseless. d-voTjros, ov, (a privat., j/oeo>) not thought on, not to be thought on. II. act. not understanding, foolish : unreasonable, Lat. amens dvoia, Ep. dvoiT), 77, (dj/oos) want of understanding, folly. r dv-oiYvvpa and dv-otYW, Ep. dva-oCyo) : f. dvoica : with double augm., impf. dvfwyov, Ion. dvaoiyeffrcov : aor. I di/ecua, Att. tfvoiga, Ion. avoiga. or avx a > P 1 - 2 dvecaya. : Pass, dvoiyvvjjiai : fut. dvoixdrio'o/j.ai, fut. 2 dvoiyr)ffofj.ai, fut. 3 dvfdgofMi : aor. I dvfa>x.0ijv, inf. dvoixOrjvai: (dvd, 0170;): I. to open, undo. 2. metaph. to lay open, disclose. 3. as nautical term, absol., to get into the open sea : Pass, to be open. dv-oiyci), f. a>, v. foreg. dv-oi8atvco, (dvd, oloaivca) : fut. dvoiSrfffoj : pf. dvy- 8rjKa : to swell up : to swell with passion. dv-oiKico, fut. iaca, Att. to), to rebuild. II. to make a person change his dwelling, to remove him from his abode: Pass, and Med. to migrate. 2. dvoiKi^iv iro\iv to dispeople a city. HI. in Pass. to be built up the country, away from the coast. dv-oiKoSo(icb), f. i]KTi, Adv. of dvoipuKTus, without wailing: also without need to wail, i. e. with impunity, [t] dv-oificoKTOS, ov, (a privat., ot/io;fa>) unmourned. aor. I inf. of dvoiyvvfjit. ecus, f), (dvoiyvv/ju) an opening. dvot(TTOv, verb. Adj. of dvapca, one must report. dvoioros, Ion. avwurros, 77, 6v, (dva^fpca) reported, referred for decision. dv-oucTTpea), f. TIOOJ, (dvd, ofcTTpos) to goad to madness. dvoLcrcu, fut. of dvaXT|, 17, (dv-oKQ)X a P^ of dv-exoi) a cessation of arms, armistice. II. a hindrance. , 77, the state of an avo\@os, misery. s, ov,=avo\@os. , ov, (a privat., oA^3os) unblest, wretched. dv-oXcOpos, ov, (a privat., 6\cOpos) not ruined. dvoXi, va), (dvd, 6\o\vfa) to cry aloud, to shout with joy. i. to wail or bewail loudly. II. Causal, to make one shout. dv-oXovpojiai, Dep. (dvd, 6\o(pvpofiaC) to break into loud wailing, [y] dv-op,|3pos, ov, (a privat., o/tj3pos) without rain. dvop.co>, f. rjaca, (dVo/tos) to act lawlessly. dvop.ia, Ion. dvop,tTj, 77, (dvofios) lawlessness. dv-o|JiCXTiTOS, ov, (a privat., 6/xfAu) having no in- tercourse with others, unsociable. dv-6p.p.3TOS, ov, (a privat., o(j.(Jtd) without eyes. dv-6|j.oios, ov, also a, ov, (a privat., o/xotos) unlike. dvop,oi6Trjs, Tt]Tos, 77, (dv6fj.oios) unlikeness. dvofxoioo), (dvofjLoios) to make unlike : Pass, to be so. dvo|JiOiO)(ris, fcas, 77, a making unlike : unlikeness. dv-ofi.oXo-ytop.ai, f. i\ao\uti : pf. dvcufJioXoyij^ai : Dep. : (di/d, opoXoyeca) : to agree upon a thing. dvop.oXoYOvp.6vos, 77, ov, (a privat., oftoXoyeoj) not agreeing, inconsistent : not admitted, not granted. d-vop,os, ov, (a privat., j/o/tos) without law, lawless, impious. Adv. -fjuus, without law. II. (VO/JLOS n) unmusical. dv-6vTiTOS, Dor. dv-ovaros, ov, (a privat., 6vivr)fJ.i) unprofitable, useless : neut. pi. dvuvrjra, as Adv., un- profitably, in vain. d-voos, ov, contr. dvovs, our, (a privat., voos) with- out under standing, foolish. dvoirata, Adv., either (from a privat., o^o/zat, fut. of opdca), unnoticed; or (from dvca} upwards, up in the air. dv-oirXos, ov, (a privat., oirXov} without the large shield which distinguished the hoplite, not heavy- armed: generally, unarmed. dv-oirros, ov, (a privat., 6i//o(Mi) unseen. dv-opdros, ov, also d-oparos, (a privat., opdcu) = foreg. dv-opySvos, ov, (a privat., opyavov") without instru- ments. dv-op-yiaoros, ov, (a privat., opytdfa) attended by no orgies. II. in whose honour no orgies are held* D 66 avopea dvopca, lon.-i\vopiri,^,(dvr}p}manhood,courage. [a] | dvopeos, a, ov, (dvrjp) manly, courageous, like dv- Sptios. [a] dv-op06a>, f. wffca : with double augm., impf., tywp- \ Oovv, aor. I ^vwpOaxra: to set upright again, restore: to set straight again, set right. dv-op|xos, ov, (a privat., op/zos) without harbour, in- hospitable. dv-opcvM, f. ovffa : aor. I dvopovffa : to start up, leap up : to mount swiftly. dv-6po<|>os, ov, (a privat., opocpos) roofless. dv-opTaXio>, f. iffca, (dvd, opraXi^oj) to flap the wings end crow, to strut. dv-opvaxrw, Att. -^rrco : fut. feu : (dvd, opvffffoj) : to dig up what has been buried ; dv. rdtpov to break open a grave. dv-opx0(xai, f. rjffojMii, Dep. to jump up and dance about. dv-6o*ios, ov, or a, ov, (a privat., offios) unholy, wicked, Lat. prof anus : dvoaios vfKvs a corpse with all the rites unpaid. Hence dvocrioTTjs, rjros, 17, unholiness. d-vo, (dvd, brorot) to break out into wailing. dv-ovaros, ov, (a privat., ovs) without ear : without handle. d-vovs, contr. for a-voos. d-vowos, ov, Ion. for d-voffos. dv-ovroTOS, ov, (a privat., ovraca) unwounded. dv-ovnrjTi, Adv. of foreg., without wound. \l\ dvox"T|, 17, (dvtx *) a holding back, stopping, esp. of hostilities, an armistice. II. (di/exo/u) long- suffering, forbearance. dv-ox|Atto>, f. dffca, to hold up, lift up. dvora, Ep. shortd. imperat. for dvdara, dvdcrrrj6i. dvords, dva"rr|(Jicvat, Ep. for dvaffrds, dvaffrrjvai : aor. 2 part, and inf. of dviffrijfj.1. dvo"TT|, Ep. for dvaffrrjao}, fut. of dviffrrjfju. dv Ep. for aor. 2 inf. act. and imper. med. of avex 03 - dv-o-x^ros, Ep. for dva-(rx f Tos. dvra, (dvri, dvrrjv) Adv. over against, face to face, Lat. coram. II. as Prep. c. gen., over against; dvra irapeidcav before the cheeks, of a veil : confronted with : most freq. in hostile sense, against, dvra Aios iro\(fjii(iv. d.VT-d.yopa t speak against, reply : to con- tradict. dvT-aYa>vio(Avt, Att. -TTO>, fut. 00 : aor. I - ri\Xaa ; to give or take in exchange : Med. to take one thing in exchange for another. dvr-dfjiij3o|jLai, f. if/opai, Med. to give or take in exchange, to exchange. 2. to give punishment in exchange for ill-conduct, to requite, punish. 3. to give words in exchange, answer. Hence dvTap,Li}/is, ecus, 17, an exchanging. dvT-anvvop,ai, Med. to defend oneself against an- other, resist. 2. to requite. dvT-ava{3?pda>, to make go up in turn. avT-avdyw, f- <*>, to lead up against^ esp. to put out to sea against : generally to attack. 2. to bring up instead. dvT-avaXio-KO), f. -avaXwffa), to destroy in return. dvT-avap,Vft), to wait instead. dvT-avairifjnrXifjixi, to fill in turn or in opposition. dvT-avairXK, f. wow, to put in as a complement. dvT-dvcijJii, (dvri, dvd, dpi ibo) to go up against. dvT-avio-Tquu, I. Causal, in pres. and impf., fut. and aor. I, to set up against or instead of. II. intr. in Pass., with aor. 2 and pf. act., to rise up against. dvr- agios, a, ov, worth just as much as, equivalent to. Hence avragioo), f. wffa), to demand as an equivalent or in turn. dvT-airaiTa>, f. rjffca, to demand in return. dvT-a < Trap.eij3op,ai, Med. to obey in turn. avT-aircpiiKCo, to keep off" in turn. dvT-airo8iKvu|Ai, f. -Set^cw, to prove in return or ,answer. dvT-airo8CSo)jit, f. -ouoca: aor. I dvraiTfScaKa: to give back, repay. II. to render, i. e. make, so and so. III. intr. to answer, correspond with. IV. to deliver in turn : to explain in turn. Hence avraTToSofjia, aros, TO, requital, recompense. And dvTcnroSoo-is, eo;s, 77, a giving back in turn, repay- ment : reward. avraTToSoOvai., aor. 2 inf. of avrairooioca/M. dvT-airoKptvojjuu, Med. to answer again. avT-airoKTCiva), f. -Krfvia, to kill in return. avT-airoXajApdva), f. -\.rj^ofj.ai, to receive in return. dvT-airoXXiJjJii, to destroy in return : Pass, and Med., with perf. 2 act. -6\ca\a, to perish in turn. dvT-airoTtvto, f. -rioca, to requite. avT-airoaiva>, f. -cpavu, to shew on the other hand. avT-dirrofxai, Ion. for dvO-dirropai. dvr-apKfo), f. fffca, to hold out against : to hold out. avT-ao-iraop.(n, f. doo/tat: Dep.: to greet in turn: to receive kindly. avravycta, f. 770-0;, to reflect light, to reflect. From dvT-avYT|S, es, (dvri, avffj} reflecting light. dvT-avSdu), f. 770-0;, to speak against, answer. dvrcico, Ion. avrew, f. 770-0; : aor. I -rjvriyoa : (avra, dvri) : of persons, to come opposite to, meet face to face : also dvrrjoai fiaxys, oairos, etc., to meet with, take part in, partake of. ,, aor. i of dvn0o\ca. , f. o"o;, to accuse in turn. dvT-6iKaa>, f. doopai : aor. I -rj.faoa : to compare in return. dv-TCtvo), poet, for dva-reivca. dvT-iirov, aor. 2 without any pres. in use, to speak ogainst or in answer, gainsay. Cf. dvr-epia. dvr-6ipop,ai, Ion. for dvr-tpopai. dvr-icrdY<>, f. ^o;, ^o introduce instead, substitute. dvT-6ter4>pa), f. -aooioca, to pay or contribute for another: cf. flocpopd. II. to substitute one thing for another. >, f. fa, to steal away in return. j, f. tyca, to knock out in return. dvT-KTTp,irco, f. i[/ca, to fend out in return. dvT-eKirXco), f. -Tr\evaofja,i, to sail out against. dvT-6KTCvci>, f. -e/cT(v2>, to stretch out against: hence to compare one with another. >, f. -fKOpdfj.ovfMii, to sally out against, r, aor. 2 med. of dvn\afj.0dvca. dvreXXoura, Dor. for dvff\\ovoa, part. fern, of d.var\\co. dvreXXco, poet, for dva-rt\Xca. dvT-eXiri^co, fut. iaca, Att. to), to hope instead. dvT-p,pdXXa>, f. -f/^/3dAtt, intr. to make an inroad in turn. ttVT-|A|3lf3cia>, f. do"o;, to put on board instead. 3 sing. aor. 2 pass. subj. of sq. f. -fj.-nr)ca, to stick right in. dvT-6p,irLirpT]p.i, f. -ffj.npr)OQ}, to set on fire in return. dvT-evSiStojjLi, f. -(vStuoca, to give way in turn. >, f. dca, to export instead. 67 dvT-aiTo, f. 170-0;, to demand in return. , (tlpi ibo) to march out against. , Dep. = dvTifj.i. |a>, f. oca, to try one by the standard of an- other : Med. to measure oneself against another. so, f. oca, to ride out against. fcas, 77, (dvri, lo/>/xdo;) a sailing out against. avT-eirdyco, f. 0;, to lead or (intr.} to advance against. dvT-6iratv0), f. eoca, to praise in return. dvT-iravaYOp., f. rjoca, to help in return. dvT-irifjiX0|Aai, fut. med. rfoopai : aor. I pass. : Dep. : to give heed in turn. , f. oca, to take the field against. dvT-6iriTd, f. ioca, (dvri, epavos} to contribute one's share in turn : Pass, to be repaid. dvTpcurrf)S, ov, 6, a rival in love. From dvT-cpdco, to love in return : to rival in love. dvT-ptSo>, f. o-oj, to set firmly against, to plant firm. II. intr. to set oneself steadfastly against. I Hence dvTpi or dvT-(crx<>, f. dv9fca : (dvri, eyo) or i'oxw) ' to hold against; x ( ^P a K P a -Ts dvrex fiv to hold one's hand so as to shade one's eyes. II. intrans. to hold out against, withstand : absol. to hold out: hence to suffice, be enough. III. Med. to hold out against something : later, with gen. only, to hold on by, hold to, cleave to. ;, ov, (dvri, 77'Atos) opposite the sun : i. e. D2 looking east, eastern ; Saiftoves dvrrjXioi, statues of II. like the sun. 2. face gods facing the sun. dvTtco, Ion. for dvrdoj. dvnjv, Adv. (dvr'i) against, face to face, to face, openly, before all. 3. dvryv (pxf^Oai to go straight forward ; dvrrjv fidXXtaOai to be struck in front. dvT-T|vwp, opos, 6, 57. (avri, dv-qp) instead cf a man. dvr-ir)pTTf)S, ov, 6, (avri, eptrrjs) one who rows against another : generally, a rival. dvr-T|pT)S, fs, (dvr'i) set over against, opposite; nXrj- 'yal crrfpvojv dvrrjpcts blows aimed straight at the of, c. gen. rei breast. dvrqpCs, i5os, ij, (dvrfpf&ca) a prop : a beam to dvTt{3iT]v, Adv. against, with force to force. Properly ace. fem. from dvTi-ptos, a, ov, also os, ov, (dim, @ia) opposing force to force ; avTiftiois eneeffffi with wrangling words : neut. dvri&iov, as Adv. = dvriftirji/. dvTt-jBXeiro), f. ifxa, to look straight at, look in the face. dvTipXevjas, ecus, fj, a looking in the face. dvTi-pcn]0G>, f. -fjaca, to help in turn or mutually. dvTipoXeco, f. 7)0QJ : aor. with double augm. 7jvre06- Xrjffa, Ep. di/TC/3- : (dvrifidXXaj) : to meet by chance, hit upon, esp. in battle. II. to meet with, partake III. to meet as a suppliant, en- I treat, c. ace. pers. Hence dvTip6Xir], Dor. -axw, f rjffca, to re-echo. 'ANTI', Prep, with gen. : orig. sense over against: I. of Place, opposite, before. II. to denote worth, value, put for, for, Lat. pro, instar ; dvrl iroXXwv Xaa/v ton, he is worth many people: hence I. in re turn for. 2. for the sake of. 3. instead of, for. 3. to mark comparison; tv dvO' kvos one ! as law-term, properly the answer put in by the de- set against the other, compared with it. 5. with fendant ; but also of the plaintiff, an indictment. verbs of entreaty, like Trpos with gen., by, Lat. per. I dvTrypaos, ov, copied: hence as Subst. avriypatya, P eri "' with pres. sense, to return a cry. f. rjffoj, to rival in pedigree. dvTi-yvcojAoveco, to be of a different opinion. From dvTt~Yvu)|xtov, ov, gen. ovos, (avri, ^vup-rf) of a dif' ferent opinion. dvTLYpa6ts, ci>, f. if/of, to write against or in answer, write back : Med., with pf. pass. dvriy(ypafj.^tat, to put in as a plea, to plead against : cf. dvriypatyrj. dvTt-SdKvo), f. -o^opai : pf. pass. -5edrjyfj.at : to bite at or in turn. dvTi-Sc^ioojjiat, Med. to give one another the right hand, to greet in return. , Dep. = avripXtiroj. f. ojucu, Dep. to receive in return. , f. rjffca, to rival as a demagogue. a,VTi-8ia|3aiva>, f. /3r)aofj.ai, to cross in turn. dvn-SiaTi07][JU, f. -Brjaoj, to dispose or arrange in turn: Med. to set oneself against others, offer re- sistance. dvTi-8t8dcrKaXo8, o, mostly in plur. of poets who bring rival plays on the stage : cf. sq. dvTi-8i8d, f. rjaca, to seek in return. dvTi-wyp&>, f- J}ff&, to save alive in turn. dvTi-0dirTC>, f. tf/ca, to bury opposite. dvTi-0OS, 77, ov, godlike, equal to the gods. a.vri-Qtpa.Tctvu), f. aca, to take care of in return. dvTi0ors, teas, f), (dvTiridrjfii) opposition, antithesis. avTi-0o, f. OevaofMt, to run against : to run a race with. dvTi-0vpos, ov, (avri, Qvpa) opposite the door : as 'Subst. dvTi0upov, TO, the inner part of the house oppo- site the door. dvTi-ica0co|juu, fut. -KaOeoovfJtai : aor. 2 -KaOe6- jji7)v : Med. : to sit over against. dvn-ica0 / uS, to set opposite : Med. = dvriKaOe&fMti, fo sit opposite. dvTi-icadicrnr]}u, Ion. dvTt-KaTicmr)p.i : f. -ita.ro.- arrjaca: I. Causal in pres., impf., fut. and aor. I, to lay down or establish instead: to set against, op- pose: to set up again. II. intr. in Pass., with aor. 2 act. dvrtarrjv and pf. dv8earrjKa, to be put in another's place, to succeed, supersede. 2. to resist. dvTi-KaKOvp-yew, to injure in turn. dvri-KaXa>, f. caca, to call or invite in turn. dvTi-Ka,Ta0vT|cnca>, aor. 1 -eOavov, to die in turn. dvTi-KaTaXXdaao), Att. -TTW, f. , f. aca, to flatter in turn. a.VTi-Kop,iw, f. iaca Att. to), to bring back in reply. dvTi-KoiTTG), f. fyca, intr. to resist, oppose. dvTi-icop'uo-o-ojjuu, Dep. to take arms against. dvTi-KpaTa>, f. rjaca, to hold instead. avriKpovo-is, teas, rj, a striking against : hence, a hindrance, sudden check. From dvTt-Kpovu), f. aca, to strike or push back, stop, hin- der. 2. intr. to be a hindrance, stand in the way. dvTtKp-u and dVriKpvs, Adverbs, (dvri, avrrjv} have generally distinct meanings : I. dvriKpv, over against, right opposite. 2. in Horn. also = di'T- ffpvs, straight on, outright, entirely. II. avrlicpvs (never in Homer), straight, right. i. outright, thoroughly, without disguise or reserve. 3. of Time, straightway. dvTi-KTOvos, ov, (avri, Krtivca) killing in return. dvTi-KTVTTi>, f. fjacu, to clash against, re-echo. dvTi-KVpw [t>], f. Kvpaca, to hit upon something, meet. dvTi-KO>|xcp8eo}, f. ijaca, to ridicule in turn. dvTiXfipTi, 57, (dvTi\afj.0dvca) a handle, Lat. ansa. dvTV-Xa/yx^v ** fut. -\7)ofjiai: pf. dvrei\r}xa: to draw lots for, obtain in turn. dvTi-Xo.Jo(jiai and -Xd.vp.ai,, Dep. to receive in turn. 2. to holdfast by : to take a share of. dvTt-XaKTia>, iaca, to kick against. d,VTt-Xan,{3a,va>, f. -Xtyopai : pf. dvTfi\rj, to speak against, gainsay. Hence , verb. Adj. one must gainsay ; and ov, questionable, to be disputed. dvTi-Xctov, ovros, 6, (dvri, \tcav) lion-like. dvTt-XijiTTeov, verb. Adj. of dvn\an0dvofuii, one must assist or take part in. II. one must check. dvTiXT]v|;is, ecus, T), (dvnXanfidvca) a receiving in turn. II. (from Med.) a laying hold of, seizure : hence a claim to a thing. 2. a hold, support: help, succour. 3. an attacking, attack, objection. avTiXoyew, f. rjaca, dvTi\cyca. avTiXoyia, 17, (dvnXtfcu) controversy, discussion, Lat. disceptatio : generally, opposition, resistance. dvTt-XoY^ofjtai, Dep. to calculate on the other hand. dvriXo-yiKos, 17, 6v, (ai/TtAc7, f. -naOrjaofjai, to learn instead. , f. -i&xnaopai, Dep. to fight against. 70 to drag to the opposite side. dvTi-fX0t, f. rjffQ}, to set oneself against. From dvTi-oos, ov, Ion. avTi-Sjous, ovv, (avri, geca) pro- perly scraped against; hence opposed to, hostile : rb dvrioov opposition. dvrCov, Adv. of dvrios ; see dvrios. dvrtov, TO, (avri} a part of the loom. avTi6o|u.ai, fut. med. waoyuai : aor. I pass. ijVnu- Qi]V : Dep. : to meet in battle, to resist, oppose. dvrios, a, ov, (dvr'i) set against, and so, I. over against, opposite: c. gen. meeting, confronting. II. opposite, contrary. III. as Adv., dvria and dv- riov, like dvrrjv and dvra, opposite: against, straight at. 2. against one's will. dvTi-oxeVop.cu, Pass, to drive against. dvTio-crTaTj>, poet, for dvOiara^ai, to oppose. dvrioco, dvTiooov, -oesxra, dvTiowvTcov, see dvndoj. dvTi-ira0T|S, fs, (dvri, Tradftv) in return for suffer- ing. II. of opposite feelings or passions. dvTi-iraC, to hold side by side, com- pare closely. f. cAcD, to countermand, to order in turn. II. to compete for a public office. ayri-Trapa/yctf, f. , f. 0(vffoiJ.ai, to run past against: to outflank. dvTi-TrapaKaXeo, f. eacu, to summon in turn or con- trariwise. dvTi-irapaKXevop.at, Dep. to exhort in turn or to the contrary. avTi-irapaXvireo), f. rjaaj, to annoy in turn. dvTi-irapairXcco, f. TrAevcro/wu, to sail along on the other side. avTi-irapcuTKevaJopxH, f. dffofiai : Dep. to prepare oneself in turn : to arm on both sides. Hence avTi-irapacrKVT|, f), hostile preparation. avTi-Trapardcro-co, Att. -TTW, f. a> : to draw out against, in order of battle : Pass, to stand in array against. dvTt-Trapa,Tt0ii]p,i, to set side by side against, com- pare closely. dvTi-irdp6ijji.i, (elfj.1 ibo) to march parallel to. dvTi-irapepxojxai, = dvrnrapcifj.i. dvTi-irapXti>, to supply in turn. dvTi-irdcrxG), f. -Tretcro/xcu : pf. -trtirovBa : to suffer or endure in turn : rb dvriireirovdos, neut. part, pf., retaliation. , f. rjaca, to clatter against. f. ^, f. wcrca, to man ships against. 2. to Jill up by new members. dvTi-irvea), f. irvei>aop.ai, to blow against. Hence dvTiirvoos, ov, contr. avxtirvovs, ovv, blowing against, caused by adverse winds. dvTi-TT00cco, f. -fjata, to long for in turn. , f. rjcrca, to do in return, opp. to dvri- (IVTIITOIVOS- I. Med. to lay claim to : to contend with one for a thing. dvru-iroivos, ov, (avri, iroivf)} in requital: as Subst. dvriiroiva, rd, = aiToiva, requital, retribution. dvTt-iroXeji&), f. rjoca, to wage war against one. dvTi-iroXepaos, ov, dvrnroXfUos. dvTt-iroXejios, ov, warring against : ol dvrnru\eu,oi enemies. dvTi-iroXtopKcco, f. 170-0;, to besiege in turn. dvTi-Trop6 i uo|Aai, Pass., with f. med. -tvffOfj.ai : aor. I pass. dvrTropev6r)v : to advance against : march to meet another. dvTi-irop0i>, f. rjffoj, to lay waste in return. dvTi-'rropOp.os, ov, on the opposite side of the straits. dvTi-iropos, ov, on the opposite coast, over against. avrt-TTpdo-cro), Att. -TTO>, Ion. -irpT|(rcra) : fut. gca : to act against, oppose. dvTV-'irp6p&>, f. irpoaoiaca, to bring in turn. dvrt-irpoo'Cij'n'os, ov, (avri, irpuacairov) with the face towards, face to face. dvtu-TTpOTtvo), f. -revw, to hold out in turn. a,VTi-irpa>pos, ov, (dvri, trpwpa) with the prow to- wards, prow to prow: hence fronting, face to face. dvTi-irvXos, ov, (dvri, TivXTj} opposite the gate. , ov, like a tower. ), f. wffo}, to build a tower over against: dvr. iro\iv to build up a city as a rival. avTip-peiro), f. \fs, f. dffTir]S, ov, 6, one of the opposite faction. dvTicrraTa>, f. fj, f. rjcrca, to stand opposite in rows : to be ranged opposite. From , ov, ranged opposite in rows: standing wer against. avTi-crrpaTcvofJUU, Dep. (dvri, arparevoi) to take the field, make war against. dvTL-o-TpaTTj-yos, o, a rival general, the enemy's general : also the Rom. Propraetor or Proconsul. dvTi-orpaTOircBetKo, and Med. -T|, f/, (dvriffrp(po)) a turning back or about. II. in the dance of the chorus, the anti- strophe or returning of the Chorus, answering to a pievious orpotyfj, except that they now danced from left to right instead of from right to left. dvTio-Tpo4>os, ov, (dvriarpffpQ}') set over against: TO avriarpotpov the opposite of a thing, or its coun- terpart. Adv. -(ftcas, contrariwise to. avTi-awavrdto, f. TJOOJ, to meet face to face. dvri,-cr<{>aipico, f. iaw Att. ia> : (avri, a, Att. -Tdrrw, fut. rdoj,to range in battle against another : Pass, to be ranged against. dvTi-Tivci>, f. -TfvS>, to offer in return, repay. II. intr. and Med. to strive against, counteract, resist. dvTi-T6ixt<">, * build a fort against. Hence dvTtT6ix.crp,a, arcs, TO, a counter-fortification. dvTi-T6p.va>, f. -Tfj.u> : aor. 2 avrera/jiov : to cut against, i. e. provide a remedy or antidote. dvTt-TXvdon, f. 770-0;, to punish in return : Med. to revenge oneself on in turn. dvTi-rCvttf, f. riff a, to pay or suffer punishment for a thing. II. Med. to exact or inflict it in turn. dvTi-roAjjidci), f. 'fjact), to dare to stand against an- other. dvTi-ToXjjios, ov, (avTi, roXpa) daring against, over-bold. dvTiTOp,os, ov, (di/TiTa/ictV) cut as a remedy for : as Subst. dvTiTOfj.ov, TO, a remedy, antidote. dvTirovos, ov, (dvTiTciva)) stretched contrariwise, well-strung. dvri-Toevc0, f. ffo}, to shoot arrows in turn. dvTi-TOpeco, f. 770-0;, to bore right through. CIVTITOS, ov, for dvd-TiTos, (dvarivca") requited, re- venged ; dvTiTa cpya works of revenge. dvTt-Tpco, to maintain in turn. dvTi-Tvyx&voj, f. -Tevgofjai : aor. 2 -trv^ov : to meet with in return. dvTt-TViros, ov, (dvri, Tvirrjvai) struck back, echoed; TVITOS dvTiTviros blow against blow : answering to, correspondent : as Subst., avrirvirov, TO, an antitype, exact representation. II. act. striking back: hence resisting: stubborn, obstinate: adverse; dvTiTviros Aios the adversary of Jupiter. dvTi-ruiTTco, f. tyw, to beat in turn. dvTi4>ptco, (dvTKpepou) to set oneself against, match oneself with : to fight for a prize with. dvTi-<|>pvos, ov, (dvTi, epco, f. dvoiacu, to set against: Med. and Pass. dvTit;Ya>, f. -0YYK'a' t , f. -(polygonal, to return a sound, re-echo. II. to contradict. Hence dvTi00YYS, ov, echoing, imitating. dvTi-4>i\o>, f. 770-0;, to love or kiss in turn. dvTi-tXov6iKco, to strive zealously against. dvTi-cj>i\pov0(ji\yco, f ^^ f light up so as to meet. dvTi-4>ovos, ov, in return for slaughter. II. QOVO.TOI dvTiovoi deaths by mutual slaughter. dvTt-<|>opTiop,ai, f. iaop-ai, Dep. (OVT'I, (popros) to import in exchange for exports. dvTi-4>pdt5\aKT|, 77, a watching against one. dvTi-cj>ij\a, CLKOS, 6, a watch posted to observe an- other. \v] avTi-cj>iiAdcrcrco, Att. -TTCO, f. o, to watch in turn : Med. to be on one's guard against. dvTKJxovcco, f. 770-0;, to sound- in answer, reply. From dvTi-4>covos, ov, (dvTt, (pwrj) returning a sound, re- sponsive to. 2. disagreeing with. dvTi-xctCpco, to rejoice in turn. avTi-xaplojJuu, fut. iffOfj.ai Att. lov/J.a.1, Dep. to shew kindness to in turn. avTi-xetpOTOveco, f. 770^0;, to vote against. < * VTt X o PTY" l> ^ be a rival choregus. From dvTi-xopTjYOS, 6, a rival choregus. dvTt-xpa-to, aor. I dvTexpijaa, to be sufficient. dvTt-xpwrTOS, o, antichrist. dvTi-\jJrtt\\(o, f. -\[/a\w, to play a stringed instrument in accompaniment. Hence dvTuJ/aXjxos, ov, responsive. dvTi-\j/7]4>os, ov, voting against. dvTi-vj/vxos, ov, (dvTL, tyvxn) instead of life, given for life. dvTXeco, f. 77*0-0;, (aVrAos) properly, to bale out bilge- water, bale the ship: generally, to draw water. II. metaph. to drain, use to the last, exhaust, of resources: of toil, etc., to drain, i. e. bear to the last, like Lat. exantlare, exhaurire : but also to squander. dvT\TjjJta, arcs, TO, (dvT\i(a) a vessel to draw water with. dvT\Ca, 77, (ai/TAos) the hold of a ship. II. bilge- water, filth. dvT\iov, TO, (dWA.os) a bucket. V ANTAO5, o, the hold of a ship where the bilge- water settles, Lat. sentlna. II. the bilge-water itself ; O.VT\OV 8exr9ai to let in water, leak ; dvT\ov cipjeiv Lat. sentinam exhaurire, to pump it out : poet, the sea, sea-water. dvT-oiKTtpco, to pity in return. dvT-oiiCTico, f. ffca, = dvTOiKTeipo}. avToX-q, 77, poet, contr. for dvaToX-fj. dvTOjjuu, Dep. only used in pres. and impf. : (avTa, dirt) : to meet or light upon. II. = dvTtdfa, to approach with prayers, entreat. dvT-ojJLwjjLt, fut. -o/.waca and -ofiovfjiai : aor. I di'To;- /xoo"a : to swear in turn. II. as Att. law-term, to swear in answer, take an dvTcu^offia. dvT-ovo[juico, f. dao;, to call by a new name. II. to speak in tropes. dvT-opvo-o-to, f. vgca, to dig against, dig a countermine. dvT-o<|)t\(o, f. -o0aXp,to, f. 770-0;, (O.VTL, 60aA/zos) to look in the face, withstand, bear up against. dv-rpira>, poet, for dva-Tpirca. dvTptds, d5os, 77, (avTpov) of or belonging to a cave; NvfKpai dvTpiddes grot-Nymphs. dvTpoOc, Adv. from a cave. From V ANTPON, TO, Lat. antrum, a cave, grot, cavern. v ANTTS,u-yos, 77, properly any rounded body, and so in Homer, I. the rim of the round shield. 2. the rail round the front of the chariot, sometimes made double : it rose in front to a point, on which the reins might be hung : after Horn., in plur., the chariot itself. 3. the frame of the lyre. 4. the orbit of the planets. aVT-VTTOK plVOfJLCtl 73 avT-viroKptvop,ai, dvT-tnrovp-yi>, Ion. for dvO-vn-. j dvucrros, 6v, (dvvca) to be accomplished, possible ; dvT-a>S6s, ov, (dvTi, dotSos) singing in answer to, responsive. dvT-to|jLO6\eto, f. rjaca, to benefit in turn: Pass, to derive benefit in turn. dv-tt^purros, ov, (a privat., v@pica) not insulted. II. not insolent, decorous. dvuBpia, 77, want of water, drought. From ffiyrj els dvvarov as silently as possible. dvvriKos, 77, ov, = dvvcrtfjios, dvuro, Dor. for TJVVTO, 3 sing. impf. pass, of dvvfjii. dvvTco or dvtiTO [t/], Att. form of dvvca, only used in pres. and impf. dv-vaivo>, (dvd, v(paivca) to weave anew. dv-in|/6a>, f. 4Jyu>, see dvcaya. dv-o>8vvos, ov, (a privat., t>ovvrf)free from pain. II. act. allaying pain. dvcoOcv, Dor. dvco9a, Adv. (dVp.OTOs, ov, (a privat., 6p.vvfu) unsworn, not bound by oath. II. not sworn to. dv-c0v6p.ao-Tos, ov, (a privat., 6vofjidai, aor. I inf. of avSiyoj : see dvojya. dvwco, fut. of dvuyca : see dvojya. dvcopia, 77, untimeliness ; dvcopia rov ZTOVS the bad season of the year, i. e. winter. From dv-copos, ov, (a privat., &pa) like d-capos, untimely, unripe, Lat. immaturus. dv-coptiop,ai, Dep. (dvd, wpvo^juai) to howl aloud. dvtpom, Ion. for dvoiffai = Att. dveveytcai, aor. I act. inf. of dvaTpov, Comp. Adv. (avca) higher up : above. dvcorcpco, Comp. Adv. of dva), higher up, above. dv-toc|>eXXif]TOS, ov, (a privat., wtpeXeai) fruitless, un- profitable. 2. worthless. dva>x9i, dvwx^a), 2 and 3 sing. Ep. pf. imperat. of dvcaya : avci>x9e, 2 plur. of same. dat, aor. I inf. of dyvvp.i, to break ; aavro, 3 pi. med. dao-0e, aor. i imperat. med. of 0*700, to lead. "A-^ivos, ov, Ion. for dgevos, II. "Agfivos (sc. TTOI/TOS), 6, The Axine or Inhospitable, a name altered (for the omen's sake) to Evgeivos, the Euxine. d||X6vai, d(jp.6v, Ep. for dgeiv, fut. inf. act. of dyca. d-^evos, Ion. d*-|eLvos, ov, (a privat., eVos) inhos- pitable : uninhabitable. d-T|YT]TOS, Ion. diaiTT|Y'j ov, (agios, d(j>r]yo- fjfti) worth telling. di-iraivos, ov, (agios tiraivfQ}) praiseworthy. ajji-epaoros, ov, (agios, epajucu) worthy of love. d^LVTj, 77, (dyvvfjLi^) an axe, esp. for hewing wood : a battle-axe, [t] dio-|3uoTOS, ov, (agios, )3tocu) worth living for. dio-epY6s, ov, (agios, epyov^) capable of work. d^io-0a / ujxao'TOS, ov, (agios, Bavjmfa) worthy of wonder, marvellous. , Ion. -TJTOS, ov, (agios, flcdojwai) worth i, ov, (agios, Oprjvos) worthy of lamentation. dgio-KTi]TOS, ov, (agios, Kraopai} worth getting. di.6-XoYos, ov, (agios, Xoyos) worthy of mention, remarkable. Adv. -7a;s. d^io-jAaicdpio-TOS, ov, (agios, fMKapt^ca) worthy to be deemed happy. djji6-p.axos, ov, (agios, fjid^ofjuai) a match for in battle : Jit to give battle. djjio-|jiurf|s, es, (agios, /if-o-TpaTr]Yos, ov, (agios, ffrparrjyvs) worthy of being general, worthy of a great general. dio-TeKjjuipTOs, ov, (agios, rfKfMipoj) worthy of being brought in evidence, credible. (d'tos) : to think or 75 doiBo-TOKos, ov, inspiring song. d-oiicrjTOs, ov, (a privat., oiKioi) uninhabited: house- less, without a home. d-oiKos, ov, (a privat., of/cos) houseless, without home or country. d-otvos, ov, (a privat., olvos) without wine: not III. like dtos, with gen., worthy of worshipped with oblations of wine : of men, drinking no wine, sober : of a place, having none. doles, a, ov, Aeol. and Dor. for 77010$. d-OKvos, ov, (a privat., OKI/OS) without fear or hesi- dio-4>Xi)TOS, ov, (agios, s, *&v, gen. * : (dios, \ptos} worthy of a thing, and so worth considering, considerable, remarkable. 2. serviceable, sufficient. II. with inf. able, suffi- \ dent to do. a thing. dioo>, f. ojffca: pf. Ty^towa : Pass., fut. but also in med. form d^ujjaopat : pf. worthy of a thing : of tation, untiring, restless. Adv. -VQJS. things, to value at a certain rate : also absol. to : doXXea, doXXtas, ace. sing, and plur. of doAAiJs. esteem, honour. II. but mostly with inf. to think one worthy to do or be : hence I. of others, to think fa, expect, require, Lat. postulare ; diw KO\I!I- doXXr|8T)V, Adv. of do\\r)&, in a body, together. doXXt|S, fs, (a copul., ei'AAcy) all together, in throngs, shoals or crowds. Hence eo*0at I think I have a right to receive : absol. to make \ doXXio>, f. iaca, to gather together : Pass, to come a claim. 2. of oneself, to think Jit to do or be; together, assemble. diu Oaveiv I consent to die ; aiu -npdaoeiv I dare, \ d-o-irXos, ov, (a privat., oirXov) without armour, un- determine to do : esp. to design, condescend to do : so armed. in Med., diovaOai fj.4\ftv to deign to care for. 3- to think, suppose; to lay down, maintain. Hence dcjioofxa, arcs, TO, that of which one is thought worthy, and so, esteem, reputation, rank, Lat. dignitas. II. that which is thought Jit, a decision, a purpose. 2. in philosophy, a self-evident proposition, an axiom. dib>s, Adv. of agios, worthily, as becomes. d|ui>, f. -eAw, Ion. -f\f, -dyca, to strangle, throttle: Med. to bang oneself; to be ready to choke. dir-ava), f. dca : (for the tenses, v. a'-ycw) : to lead away, carry off: Med. to take away for one- \ self. II. to take borne. III. to return what j one owes, pay. IV. as Att. law-term, to bring before a magistrate and accuse. 2. to^lead away to death. V. to lead away, perplex : to divert from a thing. VI. as if intr. (sub. eavrov), to make off", go away, esp. in imperat. amrye, q. v. Hence aTraywyi], rj, a leading or dragging away. II. a taking borne. III. payment of tribute. IV. as Att. law-term, a bringing before the magistrate. diraSeiv, -eiv, Ion. for d f. dffca, (airo, alOpia) to drive away [clouds], and make fair weather. d-ir-atvvjjiai, Ep. diro-aivvjAai, Dep. (O.TTO, a'lvvfjiaC) : to take away, withdraw : pluck off. diraivi/TO, 3 sing. impf. of foreg. d-rraioXdaj, to cheat : to perplex, confound. From dir-ai6X'T], "f), (dtro, alcAos) cheating, duping, any means of cheating. diraioXtjiAa, aros, TO, a knavish trick. diraipe0eb>, Ion. for dfyaipeGta, aor. I subj. pass, of ,)!>, Ion. for d-aipeca. dir-atpo), Ep. lengthd. dir-acCpa) : Ion. impf. aTral- peffKov : fut. dirapu : aor. I direct : pf. dirrjpKa : to lift off: hence to carry, take away. II. to lead away an army or fleet; hence, as if intr. to sail away, march away: generally, to set out, depart: also c. gen., diraipfiv x^ovos to depart from the land. o-rrais, dVcuSos, 6, T), (a privat., Trafs) childless : c. gen., oTrats epffevos yovov without male heirs. dir-atcrcrco, Att. -c0, f. if/ca: pf. dir-a\.r]\i<>,?7, (dira\6s, Opig} with soft hair, part, take or send away. II. Pass, diraviarapjai, 'AIIA'AO'S, 77, 6v, soft, tender: gentle : delicate. Hence aTvaXoTTjs, TJTOS, 77, softness, tenderness. diraXo-Tpiris, cs, (aTraAos, Tpefpcu) well fed, plump. diraX6-4>p&)V, ov, (drraA.os, pr)v} soft-hearted. diraXd-xpoos, ov, contr. -xpovs, xpovv, (dira\6s, Xpoos) soft-skinned: also with heterocl. gen., dmtAo- Xpoos, dat. -"xpoi, etc. diraXvvco, f. vvu>, (dn-aAos) to soften. dir-ap.aX8t)Vo, to destroy utterly. uir-ap,da>, f. rjffw, to cut off". u7r-ap.|3XiJva>, f. vvS)\ Pass., pf. dn-Ty^Au/z/zai. To blunt, dull the edge of a thing : Pass, to be blunted, lose its edge. dirap,ppoTiv, inf. aor. i of dtpaftapTdvco. dir-ap.6i|3op,ai, f. -apftyofAai : aor. i -rjfj.ds, 57, (diravrdca) a meeting, encoun- tering. dir-avTtKpv, Adv. (diro, dvrlKpv) right opposite. dir-avrCov, Adv. (diro, avriov) right opposite. dir-avrXeto, f. rjcrw, to draw off" like water from a ship's hold : hence to lighten, lessen. dir-dvTOp.at, = d-n-avrdoj. dtr-avva), f. vcra [u], to accomplish or finish entirely: diravvfiv [sub. 68oi/] to finish a journey. "AIIA3, Adv. once, once only, once for all, Lat. semel. II. without any notion of number, after Ijrct, ws, etc., like Lat. ut semel; ws &ira ijparo when once he began. ds, aaa, av, mostly in plur. all at once, all -' \ . j_ L 2 / ^ T~ f n . together : in sing, every one. aira|-aTrXws, Adv. in general, upon the whole. air-ata, ij, (aTro, aios) unworthiness. dir-d|ios, ov, (dirb, dtos} = dvdgios, unworthy of. dTT-a|i6co, f. waca, to deem unworthy of one: to dis- claim as unworthy, disown, Lat. dedignari. dirdopos, ov, Dor. for dirrjopos. d-Trair-Tros, ov, (a privat., TraTTTros) with no grand- gen. of dv-fjp) : to become a man. dir-avv0e and -0ev, strengthd. for dvfvOf, Adv. afar off, far away. II. as Prep, with gen./ar away from: aloof from: but also out from. dir-avT|vaa0ai, aor. i med. inf. of dr dTr-av0co, f. -fiaca: pf. dirr]vOr]ica : to leave off\ d-irapaiTrjTos, ov, (a privat., irapaiTfcu) not to be air-aTTTco, Ion. for d-TrapdpaTOS, ov, (a privat., TrcpajSatVcu) not trans- gressed. II. act. not passing over to another : not passing away, unchangeable. Ion. pf. pass. part, of d0ir]TOS, ov, (a privat., Trapa/xi^eo/icu) not to be persuaded : hence incorrigible : also inconso- lable. II. not to be entreated, inexorable, [y] d-irapd[A\)0os, ov, = dirapanvOr)TOs, inexorable : un- bending, stubborn, savage. [Aesch. dirapa-, like aOd- dirapai, aor. I inf. of diraipoj. dirdpajja, Ep. aor. I of dirapdaaca. d-irapao-Kcvaoros, ov, (a privat., irapao-fcevafa) = sq. d-'irapdo'Kevos, ov, (a privat., irapao~Kevr)) without preparation, unprepared. du-apdo-o-o), Att. -TTW, fut. w : aor. I dirripaga : to strike off: to sweep off, Lat. decutere. dir-apo-Kto, f. -apecrw, to displease, be disagreeable to. 2. Med. with pass, sense, ov vepfa-qrov 0am- \Tja dvSpa dirapeao-acrOai one must not take it ill that a king should be displeased. Hence diraprs, 77, a counting over. air-apico, f. co~ca, to suffice, be sufficient. II. intr. to be contented, acquiesce. dir-apvojjwu, fut. med. qffouat : aor. I pass, dirrjp- vrjOijv : Dep. : to deny utterly, deny : fut. dirapvr)- BrjfffTai in pass, sense, it shall be denied. dir-apvos, ov, (dno, dpj/eo/xcu) denying utterly; dirap- vos fffn JUT) vocrfiv he denies that he is sick ; c. gen., dnapvos ovSfvos Ka.Qiaro.ro she denied nothing. II. pass, denied, refused. dir-apTaco, f. rjaca : Pass., pf. -rjpTrjfJiai : properly, to hang from : to hang, strangle. II. to take away and hang up : Pass, to be in suspense. III. to remove, part : then, seemingly intr. (sub. eauToV), to remove oneself, go away. air-aprt, (aTro, d'pTtos) Adv. completely : in numbers, exactly, just. II. just the reverse, quite the con- trary. IH. of time, = dwo dpri , for aTro TOV vvv, from now, from this time : just now, even now. a.ir-apTia>, f. iffca Att. LCJ, to get ready, complete : Pass, to be completed, exactly made up. dir-apTl-Xo-yLa, T), (drro, dpTios, \o-yos) a round, full, even number or sum. aTrapTwrjjLos, o, (aitapri^, to struggle convulsively. , 77, a fasting, fast. From , (a privat., wdo/xcu) not having tasted. Dep. to have no leisure. , f. Tjaca : aor. I fj TraTijaa, Ep. dir- : pf. ^wd- TTjfta: (dnaTT)) : to cheat, trick, outwit, beguile : like Lzt.fallere tempus, to beguile the time : Pass, to be deceived, mistaken. dir-aTp06 and -06V, Adv. (diro, artpOt) far apart, aloof, all alone. II. Prep, with gen. far from, away from. diraTeto, Ion. for awards. diraTCwv, wvos, 6, a cheat, rogue. From 'AIIA'TH, 77, cheating, trickery, fraud, guile, deceit: in a less bad sense, cunning, craft: a stratagem in war. Hence dirfiTT|Xtos, ov, deceitful, wily. dirSTTjXos, 77, ov, = aTraTTj\ios. dirdT7jp,o, arcs, TO, (dwaTao;) a deceit. diraTK]TiK6s, 77, 6v, (awarda}) fallacious. d-TraTijTOS, ov, (a privat., waYe'cu) untrodden. dir-aTi|xdo), f. data, = dnaTtfjido}. dir-aTifidta, f. T^CTCO, strengthd. for aTip-do), to dis- honour greatly. 'Airarovpta, (uv, rd, the Apaturia, a festival at Athens in the month Pyanepsion, lasting three days, during which the Athenians had their grown up sons enrolled among the citizens. (Piob. derived from nar-fjp or (pparpia, with a euphon.) d-irdrajp, opos, 6, 77 (a privat., irarrip) fatherless, orphan : disowned by the father. dir-avydfw. f. ai\u, to fail a friend: also to faint, sink; diravodv tco-nca to faint with toil. dir-av0a8i^ojxat, f. iffofjiat : Dep. to speak or act boldly, speak orit. dir-av0T]iJi,6pta>, f. iffoa, Att. To), (diro, avOrjfJLepos} to do a thing on the same day, to go and return on the same day. dir-aupdci), only found in impf. with aor. sense, dirrjvpow, dirrjvpds, dmjvpd, to which must be added the aor. I part. act. and med., dirovpas, dirovpdfj.f- vos : (avpdca the simple is not found) : to take away from, wrest from, rob of, nvd TI. II. to receive good or ill, to enjoy or suffer: (but wherever this sense occurs, dirrjvpa, etc., should be altered into kiravpfT, etc.) a-iravi(TK&>, fut. dira07]V, aor. I pass, of diroSpviTTca. dirT|o-iv, Ep. for airy, 3 sing. pres. subj. of dirfifii (fifj.1 sum). dir-6iir, Ep. 3 sing, indie, of dirctirov. diTpY, 3 sing, imperf. of dirotpya). dir0avov, aor. 2 of dirodv^ffKca. dir-eiSov, inf. dmSetv, aor. 2 without pres. in use, serving as aor. to d, f. 770-0;, (diro, fl\fca) to press hard: Pass., 79 dirfi\rj6ds Is dTTOpirjv, Is dvayfcairjv driven into great straits. direiXcco, f. 770-0;, (dirctA^) to threaten, Lat. minari : c. inf. to threaten to do. II. to make boastful threats : to boast, brag, Lat. gloriari. III. to assure, promise, vow: Pass, to be terrified by threats. direiXirj, 77, mostly in plur. dirctXai, threats ; also boasts, braggart words : in sing, a threatening. (Deriv. uncertain.) [a] a/Tr-6iXT]0ls, aor. I pass. part, of dir-ci\0} (diro, dimXirjp.a, aros, T6, dir-tXir]fjiVos, pf. part. pass. of a7r-tA.eo)(a7ro, tA.eoj). dir-CXi]p,fJiat, perf. pass, of diro\a^dvoj. , Ep. for fjirft\*iTr)v, 3 dual impf. of diriXirjTT|p, 77pos, o, (aTreiAeo;) a threatener, boas'ter. Hence diri,XT]TT|pios, a, ov, threatening, menacing. dlTl,XT]TT|S, OV, 6, = direi\T]TT]p. direiXijTiKos, T), 6v, = dirci\r)Trjpios. dimXii<{>a, perf. act. of diroXappdva}. dir-6i|Ai, fut. dirfaofMi, (dir6, fipi sutn) to be away from : absol. to be away or absent : of things, to be wanting. Horn, mostly uses impf. dirrjv, Ep. dirftjv, 3 pi. direffav, and Ep. fut. dirfffo'ofjiai. dir-i|xi, (diro, fTfjti ibo) to go away, depart : the pres. mostly as fut. I will go : imperat. diriOi, part. dmdw. dimirep.ev, = dirfiircTv, v. sq. dir-eiirov : inf. dirftirciv, Ep. dirofiirfiv : also aor. I direiira, med. dirfnrdfji.r)v : fut. dirfpw, pf. dirtiprjica : the pres. being supplied by dir6(pr)fj.i, dirayopfvo} : to speak, say, or tell out, tell plainly. II. to forbid, foil, by fit/i with inf.; direiirov avrbv /zr) iroictv 1 forbade him to do : TO direipijfjievov, a forbidden thing. III. to renounce, disown, give up; direiiracr- Oai TOV vlov to disown his son; dirfiireiv 6if/iv to avert a vision by offerings. IV. to deny, refuse. V. intrans. to give up, be worn out, fail : c. dat. pers. to fail or be wanting to one ; direipijKevai , in Herodotus mostly dir-pY, Ep. also diro-pY<> '. f. 0} : aor. I dtreipa. : poet. aor. 2 dirfip- yaOov, Ep. dirotpyaOov : Pass., pf. direipyfjiai, Ep. drrtpyfiai : to keep away or shut out from : part from: to keep or hinder from, to keep back: of a river, dircpypfvos, shut out from its old course. II. to part, divide, and so to bound, of seas and rivers, etc. III. to shut up, confine. d-impecruos, a, ov, and os, ov, lengthd. form for dweipos. II. boundless, endless, countless. 80 , inf. direiprjietvai, perf. of d-rrfTirov. dir-ipT|p,(u, perf. pass, of anciirov. d-7reipTT]TOs, ov, also 77, ov, (a privat., 7rapdo/xm) without trial, and so I. act. without making trial of, or absol. making no attempt : also without experi- ence of, inexperienced or unskilled in a thing. II. pass, untried, unattempted. direipta, 77, (dneipos i, Tretpa) opp. to e(j.TT(ipia, want of skill, inexperience. II. (airfipos n, irepas) infinity. d-irciptTOS, OP, Ep. for diretpcaios. dimpo-SaKpus, u, gen. i>os, (direipos, Sd/epv) weeping to excess. dimpo-Spoeros, ov. (d-rreipos, Spucros) unbedewed. diretpo-KaKOS, ov, (atrcipos, itaicos) inexperienced in ill : TO aireipoKcutov simplicity. II. unused to evil. dimpoKaXia, 77, ignorance of the beautiful, want of taste : in plur. vulgarities. From dircipo-KaXos, ov, (dirfipos, /caXos) without taste, coarse, vulgar. Adv. -Acus. dimpo-Xcx^js, es, (atrftpos, Ae'^os) unmarried. dirtpo-p,(ixT]S, ov, Dor.-jxdxcis, a, 6, (aircipos, ^o.\Tf) untried in battle, [a] a-impos, ov, I. (a privat., trftpa, irftpa.oiJ.ai) without trial or experience of a thing, unused to it : ignorant of: hence absol . inexperienced, ignorant. II. (a privat., irfipas, irtpas) like dtreipfffios, boundless, endless, countless. 2. of garments, etc., endless, i. e. without end or outlet. d-TTCipotruvT), 77, = direipia, inexperience. dircipo-TOKOs, ov, (dnfipos, TOKOS) without expe- rience of childbirth, not having yet brought forth. d-ircipcov, ov, gen. ovos, (a privat., -rrefpap, Ep. for irepas) =diretpos n, boundless, endless, countless. II. (a privat., Trefpa) aTrcipos i, inexperienced. aiT-cis, Ion. for d<-ets, aor. 2 part, of d or -Svw, f. ovaoi) [D], to strip clothes off" from another. II. Med. direKSvopwu, fut. -ovoo- pai [v] : aor. 2 act. dircgeow, perf. aTre/fScSv/ca : to strip oneself; to put off one's clothes. Hence direicSt/cris, ecus, 77, a putting off the clothes. aiTKi6, a Dor. aor. I (as if from *o.Tto-Ki\(a) dire- /SaAf, he lost. dir-eK\av9dvojjLai, Med. to forget entirely: P^p. aor. 2 med. imperat. ane K\f \dOeo~0c Odpfifos forget entirely your surprise. d7T6K\\d0cr86, v. foreg. dir-6Kpp,aTa, aor. i dir-ejcravov, aor. i of diroKTfivoj. diT-KTaTO, pf. pass, plqpf. d-ireicTTjTOS, ov, (a privat., Trc/frecu) uncombed, un- kempt. dir-Xaviv6A.-, aor. 2 med. inf. and part, of d. dircXcvOcpCa, 77, (aTreXevdcpos) the enfranchisement of a slave. direXeuOepucos, 77, ov, in the condition of afreedman. From air-eXevScpos, o, an emancipated slave, afreedman, Lat. libertus, libertinus. Hence dir-cXevOepoco, f. ujaca, to set free, emancipate. direXif|XaKa, pf. of d-rrtXavvoj. a.TT\-f]\vQa, perf. of direpxofJ.ai. , aor. 2 act. inf. of dirfp-)(piJ.ai. , Ion. for d(p-\KQj. w, Laconian for KK\rjffid^ca. i^o), fut. iaca Att. to), to drive to despair. 2 . v diru TLVOS to hope from one. direXov, 3 sing, old Att. impf. of diroXovo} (formed from djro\oo;). a7r-6fji0), f. fffca, to spit up, throw out. d, < n - e|xvTjO'avTO, 3 plur. aor. I med. of ditoiJU.}j.VTjaic, shortd. for dir-eir\caffe, which is Ion. for dir-fir\fvfff, 3 sing. aor. I act. of dTroir\fca. dTTTrv6vcra, aor. i of diro irveca. dTrTrrdjji,T]V, aor. 2 of diroireTOfjiai. d-ireiTTOS, ov, (a privat., ireffffo}, f. Tre'^cw) uncooked, undigested. airp, neut. pi. of oawfp, q. v. In Att. oft. used as Adv. =&crir(p, as, so as. d-irepavTos, ov, (a privat., TTfpaivoj) boundless, infi- nite, endless. dir-ep'yd^ojiai, f. daopai : pf. direipyaajMi used both in act. and pass, sense : Dep. : to work off, finish off; pf. part. direipya(rfj.evos, completely finished: of a painter, to fill up with colour, to represent per- fectly : generally to form, create. 2. to finish a contract. Hence direp-yacria, fj, a finishing off, completing : a creat- ing, causing. dir-pYw, Ion. for dirfipyo}. dir-epSco, f. cy, to bring to an end, finish. direp-ei, Adv. = uffirfpfi, from airfp. aTT-epctSa), to fix firmly : Med., fut. direpeiffoftai, aor. dirfpfiCfdpriv, but pf. pass. dirfpripfifffJLa.1 : to fix oneself fast upon, i. e. to support oneself upon a thing: to dwell or insist upon, also to settle in a particular part : absol. to lean or bend away. diTepcCo-Los, ov, poet., = dTTfipfffios : in phrase aTre- peiffia diroiva, a countless ransom. aTr-6pT]p.6c), f. woo}, to make utterly desolate. d-ircpiXaXijTOs, ov, (a privat., TreptAoAecu) not to be outdone in talking, [a] d-TreptXirjTrTOS, ov, (a privat., Trepi\ap.$a.voj) uncir- cumscribed. d-TT6pi[xepip.vos, ov, (a privat., irepi, p.fpifj.va) care- less. Adv. -vojs, carelessly. d-irepioirros, ov, (a privat., irtpifyopai) unregard- ing, reckless of. d-Trepio-KeiTTOS, ov, (a privat., irfpicrKeTTTOfMi") in- considerate, thoughtless, heedless. Adv. -TCUS. d-Trepunrao-TOS, ov, (a privat., irfpio"ndca) undis- tracted. Adv. -rws, without distraction. d-Tr4puro~os, Att. -TTOS, ov, (a privat., irfpio~o~6s} without superfluity, simple. d-TrcpurrdTos, ov, (a privat., IT fpu0Tafj.ai) defenceless. d-7rpiTp.irjTOS, ov, (a privat., irfpiTfpvoj') uncir- cumcised. d-ircpiTp OTTOS, ov, (a privat., irfpiTpema) not return- ing : also not heeding. dirppif)0T]v, aor. I pass, of dirfpSi. direppiYao-t, 3 plur. perf. 2 of d-rroppiyfaj, [t] dir-eppw, to be gone quite away : imperat. away, begone, Lat. abi in malam rem. d-ir-pv0pLda>, fut. dcrca [a], to put away bhishes, be past blushing. dir-epvKco, f. o), (d-no, fpvfccj) to keep off, scare away: Med. to abstain, desist, [v] dir-epvco, f. vata [C], to tear off from. dir-tpxofjiai,, fut. -fXfvaofMi : aor. 2 -r)\vdov, -fj\0ov : 81 ' pf. -e\rj\vOa:to go away, depart from; dirfpx*o~0ai els.. , to go from one place to another. dir-epco, Ion. direpeco, fut. without pres. in use : pf. dTTfiprjKa. : fut. med. dirfpov/Mi : aor. I pass, dnepprj- 6r)V : (see dirtitrov} : to speak plainly out. II. | to forbid ; dtrtpta ore pf) irpdrTfiv I forbid thee to do. III. to renounce, disown. IV. to deny, re- -fuse. V. intr. to give up, sink, fail : see in dirfiirov. . dirpcoijs, fcas, 6, one who thwarts. From dir-pco(i), f. r)a(a, to withdraw from. aTr-cpcoTj, 57, a drawing back. II. a hindrance. i_dirpcoT), ovs, 97, (airfifAi abibo) Ion. noun, a being away, absence : see fueoTw d-TTTir|Xos, ov, (a privat., TreTTjAoi') leafless. a/TreTpaTrov, aor. 2 of drrorpfiroi}. d-TTV0T|S, fs, (a privat., irvvOdvofMi) not inquired into, unknown, Lat. ignotus. II act. not in- quiring, ignorant, Lat. ignarus. dir-V0x>va> [u] , f. vv&, to make straight again : to set up again: metaph. to restore: to guide, rule; X*P as Seoy/cfs aTrcvOvvfiv to guide the arms with chains, i. e. bind them. dircvKTOS, 6v, (aTrev^o/xai) to be deprecated, abo- minable. dTr-vvd<>, f. acrca, to lull to sleep. dir'UX TO S, ov, = dirfVKTos. From air-v\o\}.ai, f. oftcu, Dep. to wish a thing away, to wish that it may not happen, Lat. deprecari. dir-, f. -ap> : aor. I drrfjx^ r ]P a ' ' ^ a ^ e utterly. II. to make utterly hateful. dir-6X0dvo[xat, f. -6^^77, Ion. for aa- , I pi. impf. of dircifu (fipi, sum). din]p,o f- iffojMu Att. lovftai : Dep. : to oppose or resist stoutly. dir-tcrxo), poet, for direxa, to keep far away. dir-iTov, verb. Adj. of dirfifja, one must go away. dir\aico, dirXaKia, etc., see dpirXaKea), etc. d-irXavT|S, S, (a privat., 7rA.ai/do/xcu) not wander- ing : fixed. d-irXaerTOS, ov, (a privat., trXdaaoj) not moulded: hence genuine, sincere. II. (a privat., 7reA.do>) shortened for dirfXaaros, unapproachable, terrible. d-irXttTOs, Ion. d-'irXTjTOS, ov, (a privat., ireXaca, poet, for 7reA.a.fa>) shortened for dTrcAaros, unap- proachable, terrible. a-irXeKTOS, ov, (a privat., IT\KOJ) unplatted. d-irXeros, ov, collat. form of dirXaros or of dirXr}- aros, only used in the sense of immense, extraordi- nary. d-irXevo'TOS, ov, (a privat., 7rA.et$, f. firjcrofjiai : Ep. 3 sing. aor. I dirffiri- ffcro : aor. 2 dirc(3rjv : pf. diro@4@r)Ka : to step off, dismount, alight or disembark from. 2. to go away, depart. II. of events, to issue or result from : absol. to turn out, end or issue in a certain way, Lat. evenire ; TO dirofiaivov the issue, event; rci diroffai- vovra, rd. dirofidvTa the results ; rcL diro^rjao/jifva the probable results : also diropaivtiv alone, to turn out well, succeed. 2. also of persons and things, with jin Adj., to turn out, prove or be so and so, Lat. eva- der e ; diroffaiveiv KOLVOI to prove impartial. 3. of conditions, etc. ; aTrofiaivciv fis n to come at last to, end in. B. Causal, only in aor. I dirf@t)ffa, to make to dis- mount, disembark, land. diro-|3dXX : f. @i/3dffaj Att. -j3r/3o> : Causal of diro- j8atV, f. iffca ; aor. I dirf@\?ffa : to cut out the comb from the hive, take the honey : metaph. to steal. diro-pXtiJa?, f. oo}, to spirt out ; diro0\vciv oivov to spirt or slobber out some wine. diro(3oX^|, rjs, 7), (diro@a\\a)) a throwing away, losing, loss. diroj3oXifJiaios, ov, (dirofidXXoj) apt to throw away. II. pass, apt to be thrown aside. diro-p6, f. few, to sleep without waking, go sound asleep. diro-pp\i)((o, to bite off from. 84 d7ro-j3a>|juos, ov, (diro, godless. airo-yaios or diro-Yetos, ov, (diro, 777) from land, coming off land. aTTO-yi, to make jut out like a coping or cornice. diro-YV>co, f. ecu, to make another taste of a. thing : Med. to taste of it oneself. d-rro-Y(J>vp6a>, f. waca, to furnish with a bridge or with dykes. d-iro-yrjpacrKOj, f. daop.ai, to grow old. diro-YiYvop,ai, late Att. -YIVOJJUU : fut. -yevrjcropai : aor. 2 dTreyfvuiATjv : pf. diroyey(vrjfj.ai : to be away from, have no part in. II. absol. to be taken away, and so to depart life, die : of d-noytvopevot the dead. c-Tco-yiyvuxTKut, ^ a ^ e Att. -ylvtaartui) : fut. -yvuaopjai : aor. 2 aTreyvcav : pf. aTreyvcuKa : to depart from a judgment, give up an intention of doing, c. gen. : to resolve not. 2. to despair. II. c. ace. to give up as useless. III. as law-term, to refuse to re- ceive an accusation : hence to acquit. , f), (dTroyiyvd>ffKT|, 77, (airoypaco, ^ W > * writ 6 W A copy, es P- to enter in a list, register : Med. to have a thing registered by others, or to register for one's own use. II. Att. law-term, I. diroypd os vos an appointed place. 3. to shew by argument, prove. II. to shew forth a person or thing as hence, I. bring forward, shew, produce, publish as a and so, hence, I. to appoint, name, create. 2. to make, render. 3. to represent as. 4. to prove that a thing is. 5. c. inf. to ordain a thing to be : Med. to shew forth something of one's own ; d-rro- SeigaaOai yvw/j,r]v to deliver one's opinion; a7ro8eta- aOai dperds to display high qualities. aTro-BctXidco, f. daca [d], to be a coward, shrink from danger. diroScilis, Ion. -8is, ecus, 17, (dTToSeiKvvfii) a shewing forth : hence 1 . a setting forlh, delivery, publication. 2. a shewing, proof, demonstra- tion. II. (from Med.) a display, achievement, performance. diro-ScLirvtStos, ov, (a-no, Ser^oi/) without supper. diro-SeipOTOjJiea), f. rjaca, to cut off by the neck, be- head. Ion. for aTro-oepo}. f. diaaj, to pay tithe of. II. to take tithe from, nvd. dTTO-8KO|xai., Ion. for dTro-Sexofjiai. airoBcKTeov, verb. Adj. of a7ro5e%0juat, one must re- ceive or accept. diroScKTTjp, ijpos, 6, (aTroSe^o/iOi) a laker from, re- ceiver. diro8KTOs, ov, (ttTToSe^o/^aO acceptable. d,7roStao-0av, aor. I inf. of cbroSe vo/icu. 2. Ion. for d-rroSfigaadai, aor. i inf. of dTrobeiKwiu. dir68|ts, 6 : f. -5epa> : aor. I direSeipa: to flay or skin completely ; drrodepfiv TTJV Kec^aXrjv to scalp. II. to fetch the skin off one's back by flog- ging. Ion. aor. I part. pass, of diro8ei/cvvp,i. ' I n - -8KO|xat : f. -8eo/u : aor. d-ne- Se^aiJ.'rjv : pf. -StdfyjjLai : Dep. : to accept in full, accept gladly, be content with. 2. to accept as a proof: to admit, allow, approve. 3. to accept as a teacher, follow : d-rr. nvos to receive from another, agree with him. 4. to take or understand in a cer- tain sense. II. to receive back, recover. diro-Setd, f. -Srjaoj, to bind fast. diro-Seto, Ion. fut. -Scrjcrcu : to be wanting, to lack: impers. diro-Ofi, there lacks. diroS^p-ea), f. -/joca, (a7roS?//zos) to be away from home, to go abroad, dirofyjjieTv els erraAtW to go and live in Thessaly. Hence diro8T)p.ir]TT;s, ov, 6, one who is abroad. diro8ir]fjiia, i), a being from home, a going or being abroad. From diro-BTjjJLOS, ov, away from home, abroad. diro-StcuTaco, f. 97O"cu, to decide for a person in an arbitration. diro-StBdo-Kco, f. 5tacy, to teach not to do, Lat. de- docere. d7ro-8i8pdo-Ko>, Ion. -8i8pTJcrKa> : f. -opaffofMi, Ion. -SprjffofuiL : aor. 2 direoptjv, part, dirofipds : to run away or off, flee from, esp. by stealth. 2. in prose also c. ace., to flee, shun. diro-8i8cop,i, f. -owaca: aor. I aTreSowa: (ogive back, restore : esp. to give back what is due. 2. to ren- der, yield, of land. 3. to grant, allow. 4. to render or make so and so. 5. to deliver over, give up, e. g. as a slave : also to deliver a letter, Lat. red- dere. II. intr., t TO opoiov dirobiboi es aijgrjffiv [sc. T) AryvTTTOs], where it seems to. be = (irioiScufjii : Med. to give away of one's own, sell ; also to let out for hire. diro-8iKda>, f. daw, to acquit, opp. to KaTaSi/tdfa. diroBiKciv, inf. of direSiKov, poet. aor. 2 without pres. in use, to throw off: to throw down. diro-8iKo>, f. 770*0), (diro, St'/cr?) to defend oneself on trial. diro-Stveoj, f. 770*0;, to turn or whirl violently about. diro-Siopuu, Dep. (OTTO, bi(a) poet, for d-rrooiuKOJ. diro-8iopia>, f. iaoi, to mark off, distinguish. utro-SuoKco, fut. oiajgofMi, to chase away. diro-8oK6i, impers., (diro, 5oeo>) mostly with \JLT\ and inf., dirtooge ff(pi fir) irpaTTCiv it seemed good to them not to do : absol., &s ff(pi dirtoogf when they resolved . . . diro-SoKijAaiX f. do*o;, to reject on proof or trial, generally, to reject. Hence diroBoKijAcurTeov, verb. Adj. one must reject. diro86crp,os, ov, (dirooiocafu) meet to be restored. air-oSos, Ion. for d-ooos. diroSoo-is, f(as, 77, (dirobibajni) a giving back, resti- tution, return : repayment, payment. d7ro8oTov, verb. Adj. of diroSiSwfu, one must give back, refer. diro8ovat, aor. 2 inf. of dirooidojfu. diroSoxTj, T), (aTroSc^o/iat) a receiving back, opp. to aTToSoo-is : reception. II. praise, approbation. diro-8ox{Aoo, f. waca, to bend backwards or sideways. diro8pS06iv, aor. 2 inf. of dtrobapOdva). diroBpds, aor. 2 part, of d-nobibpdoKQ}. diroSpdcrts, Ion. diroSpTjo-is, (.(as, 77, (dirodlSpdffKQ}) a running away, escape. diro-8pTrTOp,s, aor. 2 part, of dirodvo}. a7ro8tnnf|piov, TO, an undressing room. From diro-Bvo), I. trans, in fut. d-noovao), aor. I dire- 5vaa, to strip o^the arms from the slain : c. ace. pers. 85 to strip another of his arms, etc. II. intrans. in Med., with aor. 2 act. dir&bvv (formed as if from aTro- ovfjii\ and pf. dirobtbvKa : to strip oneself, undress : diroSvfffOat npos TI to strip for a thing, to strip and get ready for. 2. metaph. to put away. d-iro-eiKto, f. cy, to withdraw from. diro-ei/irov, es, e, Ep. for dtrtiirov, aor. 2 without pres. in use. dTro-p - Ya-0, 3 sing. poet. aor. 2 of d7rep-ya>, direipyca, to keep far away, keep off" from. diroep-yw, poet, for direp-yca, direipyoa : partic. aTro- diro-epo-e, an old Ep. aor. I only found in 3 pers., to hurry or sweep away, of running water; subj. drro- (pffrf, opt. dnofpacie. (Deriv. uncertain.) d/Tro-dco, f. ^Tjcrca, to live off; oaov diro^v enough to live off. diro-iryvu|ju and -vco, f. -tv(a: to unyoke, part: Pass, to be parted from, TIVOS : absol., Scvp' dirt v- yrjv Tiooas on foot did I start and come hither. diro-ew, f. -fff(a, to boil off, throw off by fermenting. diT-o^w, fut. -o^rjaco, to smell of something. II. impers., aTrd^et rrjs 'Apafiirjs there comes a scent from Arabia. diro-0dXX, Ion. diro-Ocojid^w, f. dffca, to wonder at a thing : absol. to wonder much. diro-0io(jwu, Ep. for diroOecafMi, diroOwjjtat, aor. 2 med. subj. of djroTi0T]p.i. ciTro-0i6w, f. woo}, poet, for a^oOfou. diro06v, Adv. (d-no) from afar. II. afar off. dir6-0os, ov, far from the gods : hence godless. diro-06co, f. waca, to deify. diro-06pib>, fut. to*o; Att. to), to cut off like ears of corn. diro0cr0ai, aor. 2 med. inf. of diroTi6r)[u. dir60o-is, ecus, 77, (diroTiOr]iJ.C) a putting off or away : a putting away, laying up in store : exposure. dir60, f. iooj, to treasure or board up. diro-0Xipa), f. tyoj, to press hard, crowd upon, [t] diro-0vr|vojji,, f. ffcu, to break off or from : Pass., 0,770- OpavcaOai rrjs evicXeias to be broken off from, i. e. lose all, one's fair fame. d-iro-Optd^o), f. o-cu, (diro, QpTov} properly, to cut off fig-leaves : generally, to cut off, curtail. diro-Opvirro), f. if/a, to crush in pieces : Pass, to be broken in spirit, enervated. d-Tro-OpwcTKco, f. -OopovfMi : aor. 2 direOopov : to spring or leap off" from. II. to leap up from, rise from : absol. to rise sheer up, of steep rocks. diro-6vp,tos, ov, (dtro, Ovp.6s) not according to one's mind, unpleasant, hateful. diro-0vo), f. vffca, to offer up. d-iroiT)Tos, ov, (a privat., irotccu) not done, undone : not to be done. diroiKcco, f. 170-0;, (a-noiitos) to go away from home, to settle in a foreign country, emigrate. II. to dwell afar off, generally, to live far away : 77 KopivOos e epov fMKpdv dTrcLiKeiTO Corinth was inhabited far away from me, i. e. I settled far from Corinth. III. c. ace., = airoiKi cu, to colonise. Hence diroiKia, 17, a settling away from home, a colony, settlement. dir-oucla>, f. low Att. IS) : Pass., aor. i dirajKiaO-qv : pf. -yKifffMi : to send away from home, trans- plant : generally, to send or carry away : Pass, to be settled in afar land : to emigrate. II. to colo- nise a place. diroiias, t'Sos, 77, fem. of airoiitos : 77 diroiKi$ (sc. itoXis) a colony. dir-oiKoSojJieco, f. fjcfa), to cut off by building, to wall off, wall up. CLTC-OIKOS, ov, (0,716, of/cos) awayfrom home^ abroad : hence as Subst., i. of persons, a settler, colo- nist. 2. of cities, arroiKos (sub. TTOA.IS), 77, a colony. dir-oucTtfo(juu, fut. -lao/icu Att. -toO/wu : Dep. : to complain loudly. d-irotfiavTos, ov, (a privat., irotfjiaivoj) unfed, un- tended. dir-oi}j.ci>, fut. -oifj,wo[Mi, to bewail loudly. dirovva, cav, rd, only used in plur., (a copul., iroivrf) a ransom or price paid, either for life or liberty. II. generally, compensation, repayment : reward. Hence diroivdw, f. riG, fut. of diro(ppo} : cf. and aTro-icaOicrTrjjJit, fut. -Karaari)- ffca : I. Causal in pres. and impf., fut. and aor. i, to reestablish, restore. II. intr. in Pass., with aor. 2 and pf. act., to be restored. diro-KaiviijjLai, Pass, to surpass, excel. diro-Kaipios, ov, = dfcaipos. diro-Kaiw, fut. -KO.VGU, to burn off: also of intense cold, to freeze off. diro-Ka\co>, f. fffu : (for the tenses, v. a\ecu) : to call back, recal from exile. 2. to call away. II. to call by a name, esp. by way of abuse. III. to warn off. diroKaXtiirTO), f. \f/ca, to disclose, uncover : Med. to reveal oneself. Hence diroKaX'uvJ/i.s, ecus, 17, revelation. diro-Kd(xva), f. KafJLOvfJLai : (for the tenses, v. a- fjLvoS) : to grow quite weary, to flag utterly : c. inf. to cease to do. II. c. ace., diroKafji.viv TTOVOV to flinch from toil. diro-icd|jLTrTto, f. \fsca, intr. to bend off, turn aside. 2. trans, to turn aside from, shun. Hence diroKap-vJ/is, ecus, 77, a turning off the road. airo-Kairua), Ep. aor. I -efcdtrvffaa : (airo, KCLTTTO}) : to breathe out ; dtroKairvciv tyvxrjv to give up th ghost. , to expect earnestly. Hence , 17, earnest expectation. diro-KapTp&), f. 170-0), to kill oneself by fasting. diro-KaTaXdcro'O), Att. -TTCO, to reconcile again. diroKaTdo-Toio-ts, fcas, 77, (dnoKa6i(rrr]iJi.i) a complete restoration, re establishment. diro-KaTifjjJiai, Ion. for a.Tro-Kd6rjy.ai. airoKau\ia>, f. iata Att. to) (duo, au\6s) to break short off". diroKavcris, fas, T), (diroKaica) a burning off. aTr6-Kip,ai, fut. -tcfiffoftai : used as Pass, of dirori- 07)iu, to be put away, be laid up in store : hence to be kept in secret, be in reserve: impers., dTro/mrai TIVI it is in store for one. diro-Kipco : fut. -/eepS> Ep. -Kpa] From diroKiv8vvvw, f. au, to make a bold stroke, make a CLTTOKLVOS aTTOKTet^O). venture : Pass., with paullo p. fut. diroK(Ktv8vvevffo- IMI, to be put to the uttermost hazard. diro-Kivos, 6, (aTTo, Kiv(a) a comic dance : dirofcivov evpe find some way of dancing off, escaping. diro-K\d^u), f. -K\dyca, to ring or shout forth. dir-OKXd^ca, f. dffw, (diro, 6Aa^u) to bend one's knees, and so to rest, like Kdfj.nTiv yovv. d-rro-K\aioj, Att. dirOK\do> [aa] : fut. -KXavaofJuai : to weep aloud : c. ace. to bewail much, mourn deeply for. II. to cease to wail. G.iTOK\aco, diroK\, f. waca, to choose by lot from among a number, to elect by lot. diroicXuvOeis, later diroicXtdcCs, aor. I pass. part, of diro-xXtva) [F] : fut. -tcXwca : aor. I d-rrK\iva : pf. -Ktc\ifca, pass. -tfe'tfAfyicu : to turn off or aside: to turn back. II. intr. to turn aside : metaph. to turn off to something worse, fall away, decline. Hence diroKXtoas, ecus, 77, a turning away : of the sun, sinking. diro-KXv, f. 770-0;, to sleep away from one's post. From diro-KOiTOS, ov, (aTTO, KoTros) sleeping away from. diro-KoXvp,8dto, f. rjao}, to dive and swim away. diro-Kop.i8T], 77, a carrying away. II. (from Med.) a getting away or back. From a.Tro-Kop.ia>, fut. law Att. to), to carry or conduct away : Med. to carry off with one : Pass, to take oneself off, get away. 87 aros, TO, (diroKoirraj') a piece cut or knocked off", a splinter, chip, shred. diro-KO(xirda>, f. daw, to break with a snap. diroKoiTT|, 77, (a-noKoirrca) a cutting or knocking off: diroKoiTT) xpfSiv = Lat. tabulae novae, a cancelling of all debts. diro-Koirro), f. ^o>, to cut off, hew off, knock off. II. to beat off from a place. III. Med. to smite the breast in mourning, hence, to mourn for. cliro-Kopvc^oco, f. wa, f. jjffoj, to clear away, so as to restore diro-KOTTaJ3ta>, f. iaios, ov, bidden; kv diroKpv(J>(u in secret. II. obscure, bard to understand. d-rro-KTap-cv, -KTajivcu, Ep. for -KTdveiv, aor. t, inf. of diroKreivoj. diroKTajjievos, Ep. aor. i pass. part, of dirottTfivo). diro-KTivo), f. -KTCVW : aor. I d-nfKTfiva : aor. 2 dir- , poet, dirc/crav, as, a. ; Ep. also in pass, form 88 dirfKTd(Jir)v : perf. aireKTOva, more rarely d airKT&Ka, and dnffCTayita : to kill, slay : of judges, to condemn to death; of the executioner, to put to death : metaph., like diroKvdeiv, to weary to death, Lat. enecare. diroKTvvco, later form of d ), f. riaca, to bear young, bring forth, , f. KvXicroj [t], to roll away. diro-Kvimo, f. if/ca : pf. -ttetcixpa : to stoop away from. diro-KcoKvo), f. vffQ} [y~], to mourn loudly over. diroKwXiio-is, ecus, f], a hindrance. From diro-KcoXvco, f. vow [u], to hinder or prevent from a thing : c. inf., to prevent from doing : absol. to keep off. wv, -Xaf36fivos, aor. 2 part. act. and med. diro-\cryxQ' v&) > f- -Xrjgofiai : aor. i direXaxov : to obtain a portion of a thing by lot ; diroXax*w fitpos TWOS : generally, to obtain. dTro-Xd^t/jxai, Dep., poet, for diro-Xa/JL^dvo}. diro-Xa.KTia>, f. icrca Att. to), to kick off" or away, shake off: generally, to spurn. Hence diroXaicTio-[i6s, o, a kicking away. diroXaXew, f. rjaca, to chatter much. diro-Xa|Apava), fut. -Xrjif/ojj.ai, in Herodotus -Xd/M//o- (tai : pf. dirdXrjtya, pass. aTreiXrj^fMi : for the aorist, we have in act. only aor. 2 dirt\a(3ov, in pass, only aor. I dir\r)(p07)v Ion. dirfXapfpOrjv. To take or receive from another : absol. to receive what is one's due. 2. to carry off. 3. to hear or learn, like Lat. acci- pio. II. to take back, regain, recover. 2. to have a thing rendered to one. III. to take apart or aside. IV. to cut off as by a wall : to stop, arrest, Lat. deprehendere, esp. of contrary winds. diro-Xap,irpiJva>, to makefamous : Pass, to become so. diro-Xafxiro), f. ipw, to shine forth, to reflect light, to flash ; alxfJ-TJs dirfXafj-ire (sc. 0a)s) light beamed from the spear-head. diro-Xairrto, f. if/ca, to lap up like a dog. diroXavcris, ecus, 17, (diroXavoj) enjoyment : c. gen. enjoyment or advantage derived from a thing. diroXavo-TiKos, 17, 6v, of or for enjoyment. From airo-Xa/ua), f. diroXavGopai : impf. direXavov, aor. I d-jrfXavcra, sometimes written dirrjXavov, dirrjXavaa : to take of a thing, enjoy : also to get something from or by another, e. g. dyaOov diroXavtiv TWOS. 2. ironical, to come finely off, profit, whence also in bad sense, to get harm or loss by a thing. (The simple Xavca is obsolete. No doubt the Root is Xav-, i. e. Xaf-, Aa/3-, which is also the Root of Xafjifidva}.) , aor. 2 inf. of dnoXayxdvu. , f. o> - pf- pass. diroXtXeyiMi or dirciXfy- : to pick out from among, choose : Med. to pick out for oneself : Pass., diro\f\ey/jLfvoi picked men. diro-Xi|3a>, f. if/ca: aor. I aWA-d^a : to let drop off, pour a libation : Pass, to drop or run down from. diro-Xetirco, f. i//o> : aor. 2 d-netairov : to leave over or behind. II. to leave behind one r i. e. lose. 2. to leave behind, as in the race, to distance, to sur- pass. III. to leave utterly, forsake, abandon : of things, to leave alone, leave undone. IV. intrans. to be wanting, to be away or absent: of rivers, to fail, j sink. 2. to be wanting of or in a thing; (foro recrat- i pew irrjxe&v aTroXciTrajv rpeis 8a.KTvXovs wanting three fingers of four cubits. 3. with part, to leave off doing. 4. to depart from. V. Pass, to be left behind, inferior to. 2. to be parted from, be absent l from,c.gen.; iroXv rrjs d\r)Gr]i'r)s dTro\(Xeifi,fj.evoi being i far distant from the truth : to be deprived of. 3. to be wanting in a thing, also c. gen. diro-Xeix 10 ! f- ^^ to lick off, lick up. dirdXenj/is, ecus, 97, (aTroAcnra) a leaving behind, forsaking. II. intr. a failing, deficiency. diroXeKTOS, ov, (d-no\f~fOj) chosen out, picked. diroXIXvjAat, pf. pass, of ciTroAv'cy. d-iroXefJios, poet. dirT6Xep,os, ov, unwarlike, unfit for war : peaceful. II. not to be warred on, in- vincible. III. 7roA.ejKos airoAejUos a war that is no war, i. e. a hopeless struggle. diro-X^Trco, f. \//ca, to peel off, take off the skin : pf. part. pass. diroXeXffj./jLtvos. diroXeo-Oat, aor. 2 med. inf. of a7roAAu/. diroXrK6TO, Ep. for d-nuXfro, 3 sing. aor. 2 med. of diruXXv/jLi. diro-XYjYQ), poet. diroXXTiY 01 *. f. ca, to leave off or desist from a thing : c. part, to cease doing. diro-X'Tjpea), f. rjaca, to chaffer at random. aTr6Xir]4as, ecus, rj, (d-noXap-^dvca) a taking from : taking back, recovery. II. an intercepting, cut' ting off. diro-Xip, f. a>, to drop off. diro-XiYaiva>, to make a great din, talk loud. diro-Xtjji'ira.vco, Ion. for diro-Xeiirca. a-iroXis, neut. t : gen. tSos, also 6cus, Ion. tos : dat. dwoAt : one without city, state, or country, an out- law. II. TroAjs diroXis a city that is no city, a ruined city. dir-oXi, f. -oXicrOrjffca : aor. I -ojXiodrjffa : aor. 2 -diXiaOov : to slip off or away from. diro-XiTapY^w, f. iaca Att. to), to slip off, pack off. diro-Xix^a.ofji,at, f. rjcfo^ai, Dep. = aTroAe/^cy, to lick off. diroXXTiY 10 * Ep. for diroX-fjyo}. dir-6XXi)(At or dir-oXXvco : impf. dirwXXvv or dirwX- Xvov : fut. diroXfffo}, dnoXeaffa}, Att. diroXSf, Ion. diroXcca: aor. I d-nuXtcra, Ep. diroXfacra; pf. diru\cKa, Att. diroXwXeKa : to destroy utterly, kill, slay : of things, to demolish, to lay waste. II. to lose utterly. Med. dTTuXXv/jiai : f. diroXov/jiai, Ion. aor. 2 dircaXofJ.r)V : perf. diroXcaXa : plqpf. or dircaXwXftv : to perish, die : also simply to fall into ruin, to be undone. II. to be lost, fall away, fail. III. to be ^retched or miserable. 'AiroXXcov, cavos, o : ace. (ava or a> : voc. "AiroXXov: Apollo, son of Jupiter and Latona. 'AiroXXwvsiov and 'AiroXXwviov, TO, a temple of Apollo. drro-XoY^op-ai, fut. rjffo/Mi : aor. I med. 776X0777- aa.fj.rjv, pass. drrXoyr}Orjv : pf. drroXeXoyr) pat : Dep. : (OTTO, Xo7os) : to speak in defence : also to speak in defence of a fact. 2. a7ToXo7efa#cu TI to defend oneself against a charge. 3. d7roXo7?a0cu Sifcrjv 6o.va.Tov to speak against sentence of death being passed. Hence diroXoY'HP-a'* CITOS, TO, a plea alleged in defence. d/noXoYia,, 77; (aTtoXofeopai) a speech in defence, defence. diro-XoYiop,ai : f. iaofjuai Att. IOV/MI : aor. I -eXo- yio~a.fj.rjv: pf. -X(X6yi(Tfj.at : Dep.: to reckon up, give in an account, Lat. rationes reddere. II. to give a full account of, recount fully. 2. to calculate or consider well. Hence diroXoYio-pos, o, a giving an account, a statement of facts or reasons. ei/TTO-XoYOS, 6, a story, tale; drroXoyos 'A.XKIVOV proverb, of long stories, from that told by Ulysses to Alcinous in Od. 9-12. II. a fable, like those of Aesop, an apologue. oLTroXotaTO, Ion. for aTroXotPTO, 3 plur. aor. 2 opt. med. of drroXXvfj.i. dir-oXoXijfa), f. a>, to utter a loud cry. d.TroX6p,evos, aor. 2 med. part, of aTroXXw/zt. ci.TroXoOp.ai, fut. med. of drr6XXvfj,i. diroXovo-is, ecus, 77, a washing off", ablution. From drro-Xova), f. Xovaca, to wash off": Med., aXfJ-rjv wfj.oiv drroXovcrofMi I will wash the brine from off my shoulders. II. c. ace. pers. to wash clean. dir-oXovpopai, f. -vpovpai, to bewail loudly. 2. to cease from wailing. diTO-XiJp.aivopai, f. -fiaVoCftat : Dep. (drro, XvfJta) : to cleanse oneself by bathing. dTroXt)p.avTT|p, rjpos, 6, (drro, Xvfia/o/icu) a de- stroyer, waster. diroXiio-ip,os, ov, (drroXvca) deserving acquittal. diroXtio-LS, ecus, 77, (aTroXua;) release, deliverance : c. gen., KaToi TT)V drroXvaiv TOV Qavarrov as far as ac- quittal from a capital charge went. diroXtmKos, 77, uv, (drroXixa) disposed to acquit. Adv., drroXvTiKuis fx fiv * be disposed to acquit. diro-XvTpoco, f. ajffca, to release on payment of ran- som : Med. to redeem for money. Hence diToXiJTpcoo-ts, fcijs, 77, a releasing, redemption. Q.Tro-X'uw, f. -Xvaca [i>] : aor. I aTreXuo'a : pf. XVKO. : to loose from : to set free or release from ; drroXveiv aiTirjs to acquit of a charge : absol. to acquit. 2. in II. always = ciTToXvTpocu, to release a prisoner for ransom; and in Med. to ransom him, Xpvaovfor gold. 3. to disband an army : to dis- charge a debt. II. Med. to release for oneself, redeem. i. drroXveaBai oia(3oXas, etc., to do away with calumnies against one, like Lat. diluere : hence absol. to defend oneself. 3. to get free, de- part. III. Pass, to be released, let free from. i. to get clear : to depart, go away. dTro-XcoJ3dop,ai, f. rjaofjat, Dep. to insult grossly : aor. I dTrcXcafirjOrjv in pass, sense, to be insulted. diroXajXa, pf. med. of drroXXvfu. a,Tro-Xa>Ti, Att. -TTW, fut. cu, to wipe off, to wipe clean : Med. to wipe one's hands. 2. to sweep off or level corn with a strickle; Kevedv aTro/ia^at (sc. XOIVIKO) to lose one's labour. II. to make an impression of: Med. to stamp or impress something on oneself, copy from another. , f. waoa, to scourge severely. !w, f. iou, (drro, paTaios) to behave idly or unseemly. aTro-pdxop.ai, f. -iMLXfffOfJLai, contr. -fjtaxovfMi '. to fight from, as from a fort ; Tet'xea iicavd. drrofJidxf- oOai strong enough to fight from. II. aTro/idx*- aOai TI to fight off a. thing, decline it. III. d?ro- fidx f o'6ai Tiva to drive off" in battle. IV. to finish a battle, fight it out. dTr6-p,axos, ov, (drro, fidx*?) not fighting : unfit for service. dTTO-p.cCpop.ai, f. -fj-fpovfjai, Dep. to distribute. 2. Pass, to be parted from another. a,Tro-p,cpCa>, f. iffca Att. tcD, to give a share of, dis- tribute. II. to distinguish from a number. a,Tro-p.epp,i]pCG}, fut. iaoj and t'o>, to slumber and forget one's cares. airo-p-co-Toco, f. waca, to fill to the brim. diro-pcTptco, f. 770*0;, to mete out, distribute. aTTO-p.TjK'uvca [u], f. vvS), to prolong, draw out. aTro-p,T)vCo>, f. iffca [t], to be very wroth. d.Tro-p,Ipop,ai, f. rjaoj^ai, Dep. to copy after, to re- present faithfully. dTro-p.ip.viqo'Kop.at, Pass., with fut. med. -fivrjoofjijai, aor. I drrcfivrjadnijv : pf. a7TOft'/ /7 ?/ lt : to recollect, remember. aTTo-pio-Oos, ov, like ap.iados, without pay : de- frauded of pay. II. paid off, i. e. past service, Lat. emeritus. o,Tro-p,ur06co, f. wffca, to let out for hire, let: c. inf., drrofjiiaOovv rroiciv TI to contract for the doing of a thing, Lat. locare aliquid faciendum. 90 a7rojaz;aojLtai- diro-jjivdojjiai, Ion. for diro-fiifJivrjo-KOfMi. \ diro-vo, f. vrjffca, to unload: Med. to throw off a dirojjLVTj|x6v6V[j(,a, TO, mostly in plur. a narrative of load from. sayings and doings, memoirs, Lat. Memorabilia, as dirovT|[Avos, aor. 2 med. part, of dirovivrjfji.1. those of Socrates by Xenophon. From dirovyjTt, Adv. of dirovijTos, without fatigue. d-rro-|jLVT)p,ov6V0, f. ffoj, to remind. II. to relate dir-ovrjTO, Ion. for dir-uvrjTO, 3 sing. aor. 2 med. of from memory, recount: hence to remember, bear in , dirovivrjpi. mind. 2. diro/jLvijfj.oveufiv nvi TI to bear some- j d-irovrjTOS, ov, (a. privat., Trovtca) not worked or thing in mind against another, owe him a grudge. wrought. II. without trouble, easy : Sup. dirovr)- diro-n,vT]o-i,KciiC&>, f. 770-0;, to bear a grudge against, rorctra with least trouble. 2. without sufferings. d,Tr-6p,vvp,i or dTrofivvco : 3 sing. impf. dirdj/j.vv : fut. j dirovia, 77, (dirovos) freedom from toil, laziness, dirofiovfjiai : (v. 6fj,vvfj,i :) to take an oath against j diro-vi(e, f. -viifica (as if from diro-viima, which is doing a thing, swear that one will not do. 2. to a. late form) : to wash off: Med. to wash off from swear one has not done : to deny with an oath, dis- oneself. 2. to wash clean : Med. to wash oneself claim upon oath. II. strengthd. for o^vvfu, to clean, take a solemn oath. \ d-rr-ovivrjiu, f. -ovf)G0Op.at, f. rjffofMi, Dep. to dissuade. f. rjaopai, Dep. to bellow loud. dirovota, 77, loss of all sense, folly, madness : esp. desperation. d-TTOvos, ov, c. irreg. Comp. and Sup. dtroveffrepos, diro-jAVKTCov, verb. Adj. of dirofjuvaaop.^, one must -fffraros, without toil or trouble, untroubled: gentle, wipe one's mouth. \ easy. 2. of persons, not toiling, lazy. 3. of diro-jjiticroxo, Att. -TTGJ, f. 0;, to wipe a person's things, pass, done without trouble, easy, nose : hence to sharpen his wits ; comp. Horace's vir diro-vooreco, f. 770-0;, to return home. Hence emunctae naris : Med. to blow one's nose. dirovocmjoTS, eo;s, 77, a return home. dirovaio, 2 sing. aor. 2 opt. med. of dnovivijiju : and diro-v6cr<}>i, before a vowel -4>iv, (diro, voa, obsol. pres., whence aor. I act. dirtv&ffa, away from, mostly following its case. Ep. dirivaaaa : (diro, vdca) : to remove one to an- a,Tro-vo(rl<>, f. ia : f. iffca Att. to) : Pass., aor. dircavvxi- aor. I pass. dirovao~07)vai, to be taken aivay, depart ffOrjv : pf. dirojvvx^^t (O.TTO, ovv\i^(a} : to pare the from a place. nails. II. to tear with the nails. III. to diro-vjAt and later -ve^aca : aor. I d-rre- try or examine by the nail ; d/tpiP&s dircavvxiff^vos, veifj.0. : to portion out, distribute, assign severally : Horace's ad unguemfactus, closely tried by the nail, to impart : Med. to assign to oneself, take. 2. to diro-vom^a), f. to*o; Att. to), to make turn his back feed on or off. II. to part off, separate. and flee : Med. to turn the back and flee. d.irovevoT]n,va>s, Adv. pf. pass. part, of dirovofofiai, diro-|vos, ov, like devos, inhospitable. 1. 0:770- desperately. cvos 7775 far from a country. diro-vop,ai, Dep. to go away, to go back, return, airo-ijcvoco, f. ojaca, to drive from house and home, Ep. word, used only in pres. and impf. [a Ep.] generally, to estrange or banish from : Pass, to live diroveo-TCpos, -raros, Comp. and Sup. of OLTTOVOS. away from home, be banished, migrate. diro-veva), f. o"o>, to bend away from other objects diro-ea>, f. -*ffQ}, to shave off": crit off. towards one, hence to incline towards; cf. diro- diro-^tjpaivco, f. avu>, to dry up, drain offz. river : @\firoj. II. to refuse by shaking the head, Lat. Pass, to be dried up, to become dry ; hence Ion. part. abnuere. pf. dir-ovvo> [0], f. ui/u), /o bring to a point, make taper. diro-jjiipdci), Ion. -o, f. rjaca, to shave clean. diro-vpco, = dirogvpdaj : Med. to be clean shaved, [v] diro*iia), f. vaca [y~\, to shave or scrape off ; hence to strip ojHike skin. diro-iraiTTaiva> : f. iravTavw, Ion. -ecu : aor. I part. dnoTraTTTrjvas : to look about one, as if to flee. diro-7raTCi>, f. rjaca or i'jffojj.ai, to retire from the way. From diro-iraTOS, 6 or 77, a going out of the way : els airo- irarov to ease himself. diroiro/ucrts, ccas, 77, (aTroiravoj) a stopping, binder- ance. II. (from Med.) a ceasing, end. diro-iraija), f. oca, to stop or hinder one from a thing : c. inf. to hinder from doing : c ace. only, to stop. II. Med. to leave off" or cease from a thing. diro-impa, 77, (cnro, Tretpa) a trial, venture. diro-ireipdjco, f. acroo [a], rarer form of sq. diro-ireipdojAat, with fut. med. affOfAai [a] : aor. I pass. d-rrfTrfipdOijv, Ion. -rjOr^v : Dep. : to make trial, essay, or proof of a person or thing. Rare in Act., diroTTfipdaai rov Ucipaeojs (aor. I inf.) to make an attempt on the Peiraeeus. diro-TTcXcKdco, f. 77170;, to hew ojfwith an axe. diro-'ire|jL'iro), f. tyca, to send off" or away, to dismiss ; also in bad sense, to drive off. i. to escort : of things, to give back : Med. to remove from oneself, get rid of: of a wife, to divorce her. Hence diroireijuj/is, ecus, 77, a sending away : a dismissal, divorcing. dfro-Trpdo>, f. dcrca Ion. rjacu, (d-rru, -ntpdoj) to carry over. diro-iTepSofjiai : fut. TraplrjffofMt : Dep. with aor. 2 act. -firapdov : to break wind, Lat. pedo. diroirecrrjcri, Ep. 3 sing. aor. 2 subj. of diromirTO}. diro-ireTOjxat, fut. irTrjaofiai : aor. 2 dTrenTd^rjv, part. diroiTTdf^evos, and act. a.Ttt-mT]v : to fly off or away. dTro-irf|Y vv F ll '> f- Tffj^oj, to make to freeze or curdle : Pass., fut. -irayi'jaopcu, of men, to be frozen : of blood, to curdle. d-rro-irqSdei), f. rjffca and rjaoftat, to leap off from : to turn away from. diro-mnTT\T]p,i and -m[JurXd, poet, also -mirX-rip-i, -iriTrXdo) : fut. -TrXrjcroj: aor. I a.-nir\r)aa: to Jill up, Jill to the brim : to fill up a number. II. to satisfy, fulfil : to appease, Lat. explere. diro-mv, to fill quite full, satisfy, Lat. explere. II. to fulfil. diro-TrXif|(r(rti), Att. -TTCO : fut. a) : Pass., aor. I -firXTj-^Orjv : aor. 2 -fTrXrjyrjV : pf. -TreVA^'y^iat : to \ strike to earth, disable in body or mind : Pass, to lose one's senses, become dizzy, be struck by apoplexy. tiTro-irXicro'op.ai, Att. -TTOJJWH, fut. ojuat, Dep. to trip off. diroTrXoos, contr. diroirXovs, o, (aTTOTrAeo;) a sailing away : an outward-bound voyage. diro-TrXwa) [u], f. Ci/o), to wash off or away: Ion. diro-irXuco, Ion. for diro-irXica. diro-irveco, Ep. -irvcia) : f. -irvevcrofMii : aor. I dne- irvevffa : to breathe forth ; 6vp.bv or $v)(T)V diroTrvfij/ to give up the ghost, Lat. expirare animam. 2. to blow from a particular quarter. 3. to breathe or smell of a thing. diro-irvt'yw, f. -irvioj or -irviofj.at , to choke, throttle : Pass., f. -irvijrjaofMi: aor. 2 -e-rrviyr^v [t] : pf. -TreV- viyjj.ai : to be choked : to be drowned : to be choked ! with rage. diro-TroXejjieco, f. rjaoj, to fight off or from. diro-iroXis, poet. diro-TrroXis, t, gen. t6os and eo>s, far from the city, banished. d/rroirop/iTTi, 77, (aTroTre^TTo;) a sending away, getting rid of. diro-iTOved), f. 77, to soften down. diro-irpia, f. -Te^icu: aor. 2 -erap-ov : to cut off from ; VWTOV diroirpoTafJi&v having cut off a slice from the chine. f. -(vofjtai, to flee far away. d-iroirra|i6vos, 77, ov, aor. 2 part, of dTroTrero/tat, as if from d(piiTTafMii. aor. 2 inf. of diroirtTojuat, as if from diroppavTTjptov, TO, (diroppaivctt) a vessel for holy diro-irroXis, poet. diroirros, ov, (diroif/ofMi, fut. of d(popdoj) seen or to be seen from a place. 2. seen at a distance, hence far away from; e d-rr6irTOv from afar, opp. to eyjv- Oev : hence II. dimly seen. diroirrverros, ov, spit out; loathed, detested. From dTTOp-pdiTTCi), f. ^o>, to sew up again. dTrop-pav|/a>Sco>, f. 770*0;, to utter like a paipyfius, to speak in fragments of Epic poetry. dirop-plco, f. -peuo'o/xcu or -pvrjffofjiai : aor. 2 pass. direppvTjv : to flow away from, run off from : absol. to stream forth, of blood. 2. to fall off, as fruit, etc. 3. to melt away. dirop-pT|Yvvjxt or dirop-pTj-yvvo) : f. -pr^o;: to break off, snap asunder : Pass., aor. 2 direppdyrjv [a], to diro-irruo), f. vffo) [u], to spit out or up; of the sea, be broken off or severed. d\os dxvrjv vomits forth its foam : hence to loathe, spurn, Lat. respuere. diro-irw0dvo|jiat, f. Trtvcrofjuii : Dep. to inquire or ask of. dir-opdb) and air-op o, Ion. for dtpopdcy. diro-piro>, f. if/a, to slink away. and d-iroppT)0-rjvai, aor. I pass. part, and inf. of dirfpui. diroppirioas, ecus, 17, (aTr-epoD) a prohibition. 2. a refusal : renunciation. diroppijTOS, ov, (a7r-pa;) forbidden ; ret, diropprjTa forbidden exports. II. not to be spoken, that should diropea), f. 770*0;, (dVopos) to be without resource, to not be spoken; diroppijTov, TO, a state-secret: hence mys- be at a loss, not know what to do, be in doubt, mostly tical, sacred, diropprjTov irotuaOat to keep secret. 2. followed by a Conjunction, diropciv o-rrcas SiatBrjffCTai rd dTropprjra things unfit to be spoken, to be at a loss how he shall cross : c. inf. to be at a loss dtrop-pi-ytw, f. 770*0;: pf. dirtpplya: to shrink shiver- how to do : OVK diropetv to have no doubt. II. ing from a thing, shrink from doing it. Pass, to be made matter of question : also to be left un- \ dirop-plirTCtf, poet. diropCirTco, later also dirop- providedfor. 2. c. gen. rei, to be at a loss for, in piirrew : fut. diroppiif/o} : aor. I dirtppiif/a : to throw want of, e. g. Tpo, f. 770*0;, to shriek forth. diroppo(j>d(i) or -u), f. 770*0;, to gulp down, swallow - ^ - ^ apart of. diropia, 77, (dVopos) of places, difficulty of passing: diroppvTOS, ov, t=>dir6ppoos, flowing from; diroppvTO. of things, difficulty, straits : of questions, a dtffi- j ffTa&fJLa stables with drains. dirop-pVTjo'ojjuu, fut. of dirop-peca. dirop-ptnjvau, aor. 2 pass., with act. sense, of d-jroppfoj. dir6p0<0ors, co)s, 77, a setting upright, restoring. culty. II. of persons, difficulty of dealing with or finding out. 2. want of means or resource, em- barrassment, hesitation. 3. dnopia TIVOS want of a thing : absol. need, poverty. iro, 6pvvp.i) Pass, to start from a place. d-iropos, ov, without passage, and so of places, im- passable, trackless : of things, hard to see one's way through, impracticable : rd diropa difficulties, straits, ev diropois eivai to be in great straits. 2. hard to get, scarce. II. of persons, hard to deal with, un- manageable, impracticable : c. inf., diropos irpovcpfpt- ffOai impossible to deal with. 2. without means or resources, and so at a loss, not knowing what to do. 3. poor, needy. dir-opoxia), f. aoa, to leap off", dart away. diropp-, p is doubled in Att. in all compds. after OTTO, but in Ion. it remains single. dirop-pa0ij(x'co, f. -fjaoj, to neglect from carelessness : to leave off in despair. airop-paivco, f. -pavu>, to spirt or shed about. dirop-paia), f. aca, to bereave of; r^rop diroppaieiv TWO. to deprive one of life. o,iroppu), 0)708, 6, 77, (diropprjyvvfj.i} broken off, abrupt, steep. II. as Subst. fem. a piece broken off or divided from anything; ^Tvyos vSaTOS diroppwg an off-stream of the Styx. dir-op<}>avtop,cu, f. iffofMi, Pass, to be taken away like an orphan from, to be torn away from. dir-opxop,at, f. rjffofMt, Dep. to dance a thing away, i. e. lose by dancing. 5,iros, cos, TO, = KafiaTos, weariness. diTO-o-aXetio), f. (vffca, to lie to in the open sea or offing : metaph. to keep aloof from. diro-0), f. 770"cy, (UTTO, aatprjs) to make clear. or -o-pevvvra> : f. -a^cffoo : to extin- guish, quench : to destroy, blot out : Pass, with fut. med. -fffirjffoiMi ; intr. aor. 2 act. direffffriv, pf. act. d-nto^TjKa : to go out, vanish, die. diro-o-euo, f. oca, to shake off: Med. to shake off from oneself; of a horse, to throw his rider. diro-crep,vvva>, to extol pompously : Pass., with f. med. diroff(fj.vvvovjwu t to give oneself airs. diro-o-cvto, to chase away : Pass, to dart away, aor. | 'vOrjv [u] ; 3 sing. Ep. aor. 2 pass, dirtaavro. \ >, f. avw, to announce by signs, to give notice : to give a sign, to confirm or prove by a , sign. II. difoffrjp.aiveiv ei's nva to allude to him. III. Med. to seal up as confiscated, to con- fiscate : of persons, to proscribe. diro-o-Tjirco, f. \pirda>, f. rjcropai, to be silent after speaking, be quite silent. II. trans, to keep secret. Hence dirocriwinrjcris, eo>s, 77, a becoming silent. i. a rhetorical figure, when the sentence is broken off, as in Virg. Eel. 3. 8, Aen. I. 139. diro-tTKdiTT, f. tyu, to cut off or intercept by trenches. diro-(TKe8dvvi)p,t, : f. -ffKcodaco [a] contr. -GKfdw : to scatter abroad : Pass, to be scattered, straggle away. dirocrKv|/o|j!,ai, fut. of d-jroffKorrcoJ. aTro-, f. do*o;, to pack and carry away : Med. to pack one's baggage, prepare for a journey. dirotrKTjveco, f. 770-0;, to encamp apart from. From dir6-, f. o-o;, to cast a shadow. Hence diro, f. iff (a Att. iw, to strip off" the scalp like the Scythians, to scalp : metaph. to shave bare. diro-, f. 0*0;, to plunder and carry off. to, f. f ofMt, to banter, rally. ), f. &}, to deceive : aor. 2 pass. part. s, being deceived. diro-, to let fall drop by drop. intr. to fall in drops ; /xaz/tas otivbv d-noard^t pevos the fury of madness is trickling, is ebbing away. diro, f. do-o;, to uncover, unroof. aTro-cTT 1 Y f- &> to shelter from : to shelter, keep safe. II. to keep off water, and generally to keep off, as, 6~)(Kov irvpyos diroaTfyfi. diro-oTCtvoco, poet, for diro-ffTtvow. d < iro- ' f- w : aor - 2 direffTfyov : to go away, esp. to go back. diro-crrtXXa), f. -o*TAcD: aor. I aTreoTetAa: pf. -eo-TaA/ca : Pass., aor. 2 aTreo'Ta^i' [a] : pf. -(, to chase away by force. in want of. II. impers., diro<7T(pet p.* there diro-crijcdci>, f. daca, (UTTO, OVKOV) to squeeze figs, to /a//s we, I lack. Hence diro C^ 7 ? owirywylj) />/ OM q/^ Afo synagogue. diro-crijpia>, f. dTTO>, f. ca : (for the tenses, v. afo>) : /o cut the throat ; diroafpdfav nvd Is ayyos, so that the blood runs into a pail : generally, to slay : Med. to kill oneself. aTro-&KXC<0, f. ioca, to have one's limbs mortified: ing one of his interest. d7rocTTpT]Tpis, ioos, f], v. sub. diroffTfpijTrjs. diro-(7TpicrKto, ~ diroarepfoj. diro-crrqpi^w, f. , f. if/ca, to be bright with. diro-o-rXg-yY^, f- fo> Att. to), to scrape with a strigil : Med. to scrape off sweat from oneself; pf. to die of mortification. pass. part. dTrearXfyyia p.tvoi, scraped clean, Lat. lauti. aTro-orpaivo>, f. -oa^p^aca, to make to smell. ', to speak from memory or off-hand. II. to put diro-crxaXtSoco, f. taaca, to prop nets on poles. Hence aros, TO, a forked piece of wood tt7roT]Xi6, aTrocrpt]Y-, f. to"cy Att. to) : to seal questions to, so as to require an immediate answer. dir-otrrpoxico, f. iaca Att. to), to banish by ostracism, for propping hunting-nets. , or Dep. airoo-TpaTOircSetiojjuu, to encamp away from ; diro(TTpaToirc8fvaOai. to encamp at a distance. diro(TTpaw, rjs, f), aor. 2 pass. subj. of diro-ci>, f. ifica : 3 sing. Ion. aor. I tyaGKe: Pass., aor. 2 direaTpa(pT]v : pf. JMII. To turn back, either to turn to fiight, or to turn back from flight ; ir6Sas teal \(ipa.s diroffrpe- pt)TJ, 37, a turning away, averting. II. (from Pass.) a turning oneself. 2. an escape, or a place of refuge from a thing, resource ; dir. KO.KWV a refuge from evil ; voaros diroffrpotyri a resource against the want of water, a means of getting it. diro-crTpoos, ov, (d-rroarpccfxa') turned away, averted. airo-crTTrysto, f. -OTVOJ : aor. I eaTvyrjaa and -, f. iff a Att. lS>, to wall off", I. so as to fortify. 2. so as to blockade. Hence diroreixio-is, ecus, 77, the walling of a town, block- ading. And diroTixicr[Jia, TO, walls built to blockade, lines of blockade. diroTC\VTato, f. 17*10;, fo bring quite to an end. 2. intr. to come to an end, cease, eis n*in a thing. diro-TcXeco, f. -TeA.e : fut. -rffiw : aor. 2 dtT(:Tafj.ov : pf. diroreTfj,rjKa : to cut off"; UTTore- pveiv TLVUS to cut off part of a thing. 2. to separate or cut off from : Med. to cut off for oneself, esp. with view of appropriating. diTO-TY]Kco, f. o>, to make to melt away : Pass , esp. in aor. 2 dneTatcrjv fa], to melt away. diro-TTjXoi), Adr./ar away. a-iroTujSaTOS, ov, Dor. and poet, for d-irpoffftaros. aTro-Ti0t]jjLi, f. -Orjata, to put away: to stow away: Med. to put from oneself, put off; lay aside. 2. to put by for oneself, stow away. 3. aTrori&eaOai ds avOis to put aside for another time. diro-TiXXo), f. -TI\OJ : aor. I -irlXa : to pluck out. Hence diroTiXp-a, arcs, TO, that which is plucked, a shred. diro-TijJidG>, f. -qaca, not to honour, to slight. II. to value, fix a price by vacation; dipveajs dirori- fjirjadfjLfvot having fixed their price at two minae : hence III. as Att. law-term, Act. to mortgage a property according to valuation : Med. to lend on mortgage : Pass, of the property, to be pledged or mortgaged. Hence diroTCjjiTjfjia, TO, a sum settled by valuation. d-rro-Tip-os, ov, (diru, TifArj} = dn/jios, dishonoured. diro-Ttvdcroraj. Att. -TTOJ, fut. fa>, to shake off. diro-Tivip,ai, Dep., poet, for diro-TtVoyucu. diro-Tivo), f. -riaoj [f], to pay back, repay what is owing : Med. diroTivoftai, f. -Ttcro/zcu, to get paid one, exact; dnoriaaaOai riva to avenge oneself on another : absol. to take vengeance. diro-TjATiYw, f- &, Ep. for diro-TffJvoi, to cut off from; K\ITVS air. to cut up or plough the hills. diroTjJiT|^i, 3 sing. aor. I opt. of aTTOT/^-ya;. d-iroTp-os, ov, unhappy, ill-starred. diro-ToXjxuo), f. Tjcrca, to make a bold venture. II. absol. to be fearless, bold. diroTOp,T|, 77, (diroTepvo}') a cutting off. diroTOjxia, 77, steepness, severity. From dir6roji,os, ov, (d-noT^vca) cut off, abrupt, precipi- tous. 2. meiap\i.barsb,rough: Adv. -pus, sharply. d-rro-To^vw, f. oca, to' shoot off arrows : to aim at a thing. , ov, (a privat., TTOTOS) not drunk, not drink- able. II. act. never drinking : without drink. dirOTpaY^lv, aor. 2 inf. of diroTpwyw. diro-TpeTra), f. \fj(a, to turn away from a thing; and so to hinder or dissuade from. 2. c. ace. only, to turn away or back : to avert evil. 3. also to turn away from others at one, hence to aim at. II. Med. and Pass, to turn from a thing, to desist from. 2. to turn away. 3. to turn one's face \ away, like Lat. aversari. fut. -6p{ofjiai, also -Spa/ioC/icu : aor. 2 (from obsol. 8pe/io>) : to run off or away. airo-Tpi|3<0 [t], f. i^a>, to rub or scour clean; dirorpi- &iv innov to rub down a horse. II. to rub off: Med. to rub off from oneself, get rid of. diroTpoTraios, ov, turning away, averting, esp. of the gods that avert ill, Lat. Dii averrunci. II. pass. that ought to be averted, ill-omened. From diroTpoirf|, 77, (diroTpeirca) a turning away, avert- ing. 2. a turning off of water. II. a hinder- ing. III. (from Med.) a desertion of one's parly. diroTpoiros, ov, (ditorptitca) turned away, banish- ed. 2. from which one turns away. II. act. turning away, averting. diro-Tpoos, ov, (diro, Tptxprf) reared away from one's parents. dir-OTpuvci), f. -orpvvS), to excite. diro-Tpvto, f. vffca \y], to rub away, and so lose. II. to vex, harass; so in Med., dirorpveffdai yfjv to vex the earth. a.iro-rpu>Y, f. -Tpuo[wi : aor. 2 direrpayov : to bite or nibble off. diro-Tptoird&>, poet. Frequent, of dirorpfirta. diro-TUYX ava) f. -revgopat, to fail in hitting, miss, lose. II. absol. to be unlucky, fail : to miss the truth, be wrong. diro-TU|Airavt, f. iaca Att. tu>, to beat or cudgel se- verely. airo-runTO), f. ifita, to cease beating : Med. to cease beating oneself in sign of mourning. dirovpas, Ep. aor. I act. part, of diravpda), to fake away : part. aor. I med. dirovpdftfvos ii\ pass, sense occurs in Hesiod. air-cup io>, f. iaca, Ion. for ddY6tv, aor. 2 inf. of dirfffOioj, to eat up. diro-4>ai8pw&> [u], f. vvw, to make quite bright. diro-av&), f. -tyavw : aor. I diretprjva : to shew 96 oVctya forth, display : to shew by word, declare. i . to shew by reasoning, shew, prove. II. like dTrodeiKvvfu to shew, and so to make or render : Med. to shew forth something of one's own, to make a display of oneself; dtrotpaivfaOai yvujfjir,vto declare one's opinion: Pass, to be shewn or declared. III. to appear, come to light. dir6ao-ts, foos, f), (dir6r) pi) a denial, negation. dir6aars, aTU<6s, 77, ov, (dTTor}fjLt) denying, negative. diro-epj3o|iai, Dep. to feed off or on. diro-po), f. diroiaoj : aor. dirrjvfyKa, Ion. dnevfiKa : (v. (pepo)} : to carry off or away. II. to carry or bring back : hence 2. to report. 3. to pay back, return: generally, to pay what is due. III. to deliver in, give in an accusation, etc. IV. intr. in imperat., like dirayf, dir6(pfpe, begone : Med. to take for oneself, gain, obtain. diro^dj-yco, f. -0uo/ : aor. 2 dirctyvyov : to flee from, escape. II. as law-term ; diroevis, ecas, 17, an escaping, getting off. dir6-4>ir)jJLt, f. -tprjorca, to speak out, declare plainly. 2 . to say no, to deny : also to refuse. diro-0'YKTOS, ov, = atyOeyKros. airo0Y|ia, OTOS, TO, (dirotpOeyyofJiai) a thing ut- tered: esp. a sententious answer, a terse saying, an apophthegm. d-rro-<{>0eip&>, f. -(pOfpui : pf. dire0Cvco : Ep. aor. 2 act. dirtfyBWov : also as in Ep. aor. 2 pass. d-rre^Oifj-rjv [t], part. dirofpOipevos : to perish utterly, to die away. II. Causal, in fut. diro0i0opd, 77, (dirofpOfipaj} utter destruction. diro-<|>Xavpia3, f. iaca Dor. IQJ, to treat very slight- ingly, make no account of. diro-<})Xoi6a),f.a;(ra;,(dTro,^)Xotos) to strip off the rind. a,Tro-oiTdovos, ov, murderous. diro<|>opd, 77, (a,Tro(p(pea) a carrying away. II. a bringing what is due,paying : also that which is paid, tax, tribute. diro-opTiojAcu, f. iffo/jiat, Dep. to unload oneself, to unlade. diro-<|)pdYvi)|J,i- and -tia>, fut. -pais, ys, 17, a fencing off, blocking up. diro-^pds, aSos, 17, (diro, paaj) properly not to be spoken of, like Lat. nefandus, unlucky, ominous : dirotypaofs ri(*(pai, Lat. dies nefasti, days on which no assembly or court was held, opp. to KaOapal diro-(J)pdcrv|-is, v. sub dir6<)\ios, ov, (OLTTO, o^cXos?) empty, vain, idle, Lat. irritus. diro-xd^ojjiai, f. xacfofMt, Dep. to withdraw from. diroxaXao-jtos, 6, a slackening. From diro-xaXdw, f. aavvu|ju, f. x'0' to dam up, bank up the mouth of a river, etc. diro-x^P ( ) f- fa'cu or rfffo/jiai, to go from or away from, c. gen. 2. absol. to go away, depart : to re- treat. 3. dirox&p*ii / (.K . . , to withdraw from a thing, i. e. give it up. II. to pass off, esp. of the humours of the body. Hence diroxwpT)cris, foos, 77, a going away or off, retreat : a place or means of safety. diro-xwpia>, f. iaca Att. to), to part or separate from : to set apart. diro-ij/dco, inf. dnoi^rfv : impf. dirtif/ijv : aor. I dire- if/qffa : to wipe off. 2. to wipe clean : Med. to wipe off from oneself. 3. to wipe one's nose. d7ro-4ri]opdoj. faxh) ' ' haw off breathing, to faint, swoon. 2, ace., diroif/vxtiv tyvyi]v to breathe out life : absol. to expire, die. II. (drro, if/vxos} to cool, refresh : Pass, to be refreshed, recover, revive : Med., iopwra direifsvxovTo they got the sweat dried off". III. impers. diroi//6xei, if grows cool, the air cools. \., Ep. contr. for dirotrffjaf/ei. i, Adv. of dirpd'yfj.cav, easily. j, 77, freedom from business, public af- fairs and law-suits: love of ease, Lat. otium. 2. easiness, supineness. From dirpaYp-wv, ov, gen. ovos, (a. privat., irpay//a) with- out business, free from business, state-affairs or law- suits (irpdynaTa) ; ruiros dirpdyp^v, a place free from law and strife. 2. of things, not troublesome orpain- Jul. II. pass, got or to be got without pains. dirpaKTo, f. rjffca. to do nothing, to be idle. 2. to gain nothing. From d-irpaKTOs, Ion. d-irp^KTOS, ov : I. act. doing or effecting nothing, unprofitable, idle ; dirpaxros vte- aOai to depart without success, Lat. re infecta : Adv. -TOJS, unsuccessfully. II. pass, against which nothing can be done, unmanageable, incur- able. 2. not to be done, impossible. 3. p.av- TIKT/S atrpaKTos vfuv, unassailed by your divining arts. Hence dirpa^ia, -f], inaction : ill-success. II. a being at a loss, embarrassment, helplessness. 97 ci-irpaTOS, ov, (a. privat., ir^nparai, 3 sing. pf. pass, of TTinpdaKca) unsold, unsaleable. d-irpiTT|S, es,(a privat., irpfvca) unseemly, unbecoming. dirpcma, 17, poet, for dirpeirfia. d-irp-rjicTOS, Ion. for dirpaKros. d-irpavvTOS, Ion. dirprjvvTos, ov, (a privat., irpavvca) implacable. a.7rpia.TT)v, Adv. without price or ransom, [err] From d-irpiaros, rj, ov, (a privat., trpiapai) unbought. d-irprySo-) prob. = dirpt. dirpiKTO-irXTjKTOS, ov, (dirpig, TrA.^cro'eu) struck un- ceasingly. (i-Trpil;, Adv. (a copul., irpica) prrperly with closed teeth, like 6od, LsLt.mordicus: metaph. importunately, ceaselessly. d-irp6|3ot;Xos, ov, without previous design, unpreme- ditated. Adv. -\ ov, (a privat., trpoo"f)yopos) not to be spoken to, stern, savage. II. act. not accosting, not greeting. d-irpocrtKTOS, ov, (a privat., irpoffifcveofjiai') not to be reached or won. d-irp6o - iTOS,OJ',(a privat., irpoff-ei /it) unapproachable. d-Trp6aTOS, ov, (a privat., irpotprjui) unforetold. d-irpoTOS,oz',(aprivat.,7rt;Aoft>) not closed by a gate. d-irvpYOS, ov, without tower and wall, unfortified. d-mjpY<)TOS, ov, (a privat., irvpyou) not girt with towers. d-rrCpos, ov, (a privat., Trup) without fire, in Homer only of tripods, that have not yet been on the fire, i. e. new ; dirvpos olrcos a cold, cheerless house ; xP vffos dirvpos unrefined, opp. to dirf>6os ; ifpd dirvpa sacri- fices in which no fire was used, but also not offered by fire, and so like=d0UTa, unoffered: dir. dpSis a sting not forged by fire, i. e. of the gadfly. Adv. -ps, ov, (a privat., wupocy) not yet exposed to fire. d-iruoros, ov, (a privat.,7rw0dj'o/*cu) of which nothing has been learnt, unknown. II. act. having learnt nothing, ignorant : c. gen. ignorant of. dtnJTrjs, 6, Dor. for ffirvTTjs. [dTrv-] dirvco, Dor. for I'/TTVOJ. *AIIT'5 or dir4>vs, gen. vos, 6, a term of endear- ment used by children to their father, papa, Hebr. Abba. dir-T(pos : diroaTaTO), Sup. Adv. of dirwraros. dp, Ep. before a consonant for dpa. V APA, Ep. f>d (which is enclitic), and before a con- sonant dp : I. EPIC USAGE : I. then, straight- way ; &s (pdrca, Pfj 8' dp' 6vipos thus he spake and then the dream proceeded : then, next in order, ol 8' dp' 'AOrjvas cl^w. 2. explanation of a thing going before ; o VTT l s 5 ou > ^> ^ or 'Apyo-fpovtvTTjs, (^Apyos, (povfVQ}') slayer of Argus. dpYXo<|)oi,, cuv, of, the feet of a sheepskin : gene- rally, offal, refuse. (Deriv. uncertain.) dpYw6s, rj, ov, Aeol. and Dor. for dpyus, while, mostly of sheep. dpY 60 " 1 " 1 ^ ^> o, (dp-yos) white. II. paroxy- tone, dpyiarrjs, ov, 6, epith. of the South wind, clear- ing, brightening, like Horace's Notus albus, detergens nubila caelo. 2. later, from being the epithet of Ze(pvpos, it was the north-west wind, the Athenian dpYra, poet. dat. and ace. for dpyrjTi, dp- from dpyrjs, white. dpytoi, f. rj's, rrovs) swift-footed or white-footed. upYp-a, TO, (dpx, f. IO-QJ, to take the part ofArgos. From 'ApYoXts, tSos, rj, Argolis, a district in Pelopon- nesus. 2. as Adj. 6, r), of Argolis, Argolic. "ApYos, cos, TO, name of several Greek cities, of which that in the Peloponnesus is best known : in Homer it is also put for the district Argolis, or even for the whole Peloponnesus. 'APrO'2, rj, ov, shining, bright, glistening; rr68as dpyoi as epith. of dogs, swift-footed, because rapid motion is accompanied by a kind of flickering light. dpYos, ov, contr. from dfpyos, (a privat., tpyov) not working, esp. not working the ground: hence doing nothing, idle, lazy : c. gen. rei, idle at a thing, free from it, dpyus TTUVQJV : of land, lying fallow. II. j pass, not done, Lat. infectus : unattempted. 100 (apyvpos, d'7Xo-.8ir|s, e's, (apyvpos, efSos) like silver. dpYtipo-TjXos, ov, (apyvpos, ^\os) silver-studded. dpYvpo-Koiros, o, (apyvpos, Koirrca) a worker in sil- ver, silversmith. dpYupoXoYo, (dpyvpo\6yos) to levy money : c. ace. to lay a country under contribution. Hence t, T), a levying of money. 5, ov, (apyvpos, \eyca) levying money. 77, (apyvpos, irefa) silver-footed: also dpYupo-ire^os, ov. dpYvpo-iroios, 6, (apyvpos, Troieca) a worker in silver. dpYvpo-irovs, o, 77, now, TO, gen. TroSos, (apyv- pos, irovs) with silver feet. ov, 6, (apyvpos, pea) silver-flow- ing, [pi/] dpY-^pos, o, (dpyos, white) like Lat. arg-entum, the white metal, i. e. silver, first in Homer. 2. silver- money, money. dpY*Jp6-roos, ov, (apyvpos, roov) with silver bow, epith. of Apollo. dpY'upo-<{>6YY"n s > * s (apyvpos, (peyyos) silver-shining. dpY^poco, f. waca, (apyvpos) to turn into silver. 2. to reward with silver : Pass, to be so rewarded. , es, = dpyvpofiSrjs. 2. rich in silver. fj,aros, TO, (dpyvpacu) silver-plate. >, ov, (apyvpos, wveofjai) bought with silver. dpY'i4 >O S, a, ov, (apyvpos) silver-white, [t;] dpYV<(>os, ov, = dpyvcpfos, epith. of sheep. 'ApYaTOS, ov, CApys, irftparai 3 sing pf. pass, of *(pvca) slain by Ares, i. e. slain in war. 2. later generally ='Apetos, martial. dpeuov, o, 77, -ov, TO, gen. ovos, better, stronger, braver : it serves as Comp. of dyaOos. (On the deriv., see "Aprjs.) d-peKTOS, ov, poet, for appcKros, undone. opfojxai, Ion. for apa.op.aL. dpco-ai, dpesracrOaL, aor. I inf. act. and med. of apianca. dpeo-dcrOcD Ep. dpco-o-daOto, 3 sing. aor. I med. imperat. of dpeateo}. dppevas aifiaros they sated their heart with blood : Pass, to be contented, ac- quiesce. II. c. dat. pers., to be pleasing to, gra- tify, please, flatter, ravra. dpfa/coi fj,ot ; dpeaKfiv rpoirois nv6s to conform to his ways: impers., ijpfae. a(pi ravra irotfiv it pleased them to do so. dpeo-ros, 77, ov, verb. Adj. of dpeaKca, pleasing, grateful : acceptable, approved. Adv. -rcas. dperdco, f. 170-0;, (dpfrr}) to be Jit or proper, to thrive, prosper. dpeTT), 77, goodness, excellence, of any kind ; but in Homer, like Lat. virtus (from vir), manhood, prowess, valour: also manly beauty, dignity, etc. 2. in Prose, of the virtues of land, fountains, etc. 3. excellence apr\ apurreia. 101 in art or workmanship, skill. II. in moral sense, goodness, virtue : also character for virtue, reputa- tion, merit. (For deriv. see "Aprjs.) dpT|, 77, Ion. and Horn, for apd. upT]ai, Ep. for dpy, 2 sing. aor. 2 med. subj. of aipoj. dpT)YocrtivT), rj,=dpr)is. 'APHTfl, f. ca, to help, aid, succour in war, c. dat. 2. absol. to be of use, be Jit; crifdv dprjyfi it is meet to be silent. II. c. ace. rei, to ward off, prevent, dprjyciv dXaxTtv : also, dprjyfiv nvi n to ward off from one, to avert the capture, as (povov TCKVOIS dpTjyeiv. (Same Root as dpKtoj, Lat. arceo.) dp-rjYwv, 6vos, 6, -fj, a helper, aid. 'ApTj-0oos, ov, ("Api]s, 0oos) swift as Ares, swift in war. 'Apiji-KTafxevos, rj, ov, ("Apijs, KTCIVQJ) slain by Ares or in war. 'ApTjl'os, 77, ov, Ion. for "Apfios. 'Apir)i-<|>aTos, ov, Ion. for 'Apei-cparos. 'ApT|i-tXos, o, f], also 77, ov, (*Ap??s, cptAos) dear to Ares. dpT||j.6vai, an Ion. infin., prob. for dpdv, to pray, an act. form of dpdaOai (from dpao^ai}. dpii]p,evos, rj, ov, distressed, harassed, /3eA.a/z- fitVos. (Origin uncertain.) dpt]is, tews, 77, (dprjycu) help, succour. II. c. gen. rei, help agaittst a thing, means of averting it. d'pTjpa, pf. med. of dpapioKoj : plqpf. dpif|piv. dpTjptp-tvos, pf. pass. part, of dpapiafcoj. dp-f|pOKa, dpT)pop,ai, pf. act. and pass, of dpoca. dpijpojjLtvos, pf. part. pass, of dpooj. "APH2, 6 : gen. "Apeos or "Apetas (never "Apovs) : dat. "Apa, Att. contr. "Apei, poet. "Apr? : ace. "Apjj, also "Apijv and 'Apea, : voc. "Apts: Ion. and Ep. de- clension "Aprjos, T)i, r\a. Ares, Lat. Mars, son of Jupiter and Juno, the god of war and destruction, the spirit of strife, plague, famine. Hence often used to denote war, slaughter, murder, etc. (Akin to dpp-rjv, dpffrjv, as the Lat. Mars to mas. From the same Root come dpfrri, dpi-, dptiow, dpiaros, the first notion of goodness being that of manhood, bravery in war: cf. Lat. virtus.) dpTpnf)p, fipos, 6 : fem. dpTJTetpa, (dpdofMu) properly cne that prays : hence a priest, priestess, [a] dptjTos, Ion. for dparos. dp0ets, aor. I pass. part, of aipca. ap0ev, Aeol. for r/pGrjoav, 3 pi. aor. I pass, of cupo;. dp0p.eco, f. rjaoj, (dpOp.os} to be joined together. apOfjuos, a, ov, joined, united: at peace wi'h another : as Subst. dpOfua, (-, strengthening the notion conveyed by its compd. : of same root with dprjs, dpeiojv, dpiaros. upt-Yvws, WTOS, 6, i7, = dpt''yj>cuTos. dpi--yvcoTOs, 77, ov, also os, ov, easy to be known, well-known : in bad sense, notorious, infamous. upi-Saicpvs, v, gen. vos, (dpi-, 6dpu) much weep- ing, very tearful. dpt-8aXos, Dor. for dpiSrjXos. dpi-8eiKTOS, ov, (dpi-, Sfitcvvfjii) much shewn : hence famous : Homer also uses it as a Sup., dvopCjv most renowned of men. dpC-8if)Xos, ov, very clear or conspicuous, far-seen, of mountains : manifest, much known. dpi-fijXos, ov, also 77, ov, Ep. form of dpi5r)\os, very conspicuous or manifest. Adv. -Acus. dpi-T|Xo>TOS, ov, very enviable. dpi0p.aros, ov, Dor. for dpiO^ros. dpi0|i6-0vri, Dor. for dpiOpowi, 3 pi. of dpi6fj.foj. dpi0|u.e'co, f. 770-0;, (dpi6fji6s) to number, count, reckon up : to count out. 2. to reckon, count. dpi0p,T|0T)jjLevcu, Ep. for dpi6 ^rjOijvai, aor. I pass. inf. of dpi6fj,f(a. dpi0[rr)p.a, arcs, TO, (dpi6fj.e is, ((as, 77, a counting or reckoning up. dpi0p,K]TtK6s, 77, ov, of or for numbering or rec- koning, skilled therein : 77 -Krj (sc. rc^vi)'), arithmetic. Adv. -KWS, arithmetically. dpi0|njTos, 77, ov, easily numbered, few in number : OVK dpi0fj.TjTos, not counted, held of no account, Lat. nullo in numero habitus. dpi0p.6s, o, number, a number, Lat. numerus. 2. amount, size, etc.; TroAvs dpiO/tos -xpovov. 3. num- ber, as a mark of worth, rank, etc. ; per' dvfyuv i'fe- o-Oai dpiOfj.y to sit in rank among men ; OVK kv dpiOp.? elvai, like Lat. nullo esse in numero, to be in no ac- count. 4. mere number, quantity, opp. to qualify or worth ; \6yojv aptQ/tos a mere set of words ; so of men, OVK dpiOfjios oAAcws not a mere lot, like Horace's nos numerus sumtts. II. a numbering, counting; dpiO/jiov iroi(TaOai rijs arpanrji to hold a muster of the army. 2. numeration. d-piv, = dppis. "Apios, a, ov, old word. for, MrjSiKos, Median. dpi-irpeinfjs, fs, (dpi-, ty>^r t/?rv *ejn$irJicibT,$ plain or manifest. ' ' -..-.>* * \ dpicTT-a0Xos, ov, (dpiffros, aO\ov) victorious in the contest. dpio-T-apxos, ov, (dpiaros, apxos) best-ruling. dpi-T;Xos, ov, (dpi-, ar&(pv\r)) rich in grapes. dpwrrda), f. 770-0; : pf. itfiar^Ko., ^syncop. I pi. i}pi- ', syncop. inf. ^piffrdvai : (dpiarov} : to take the morning meal, Lat. prandere : generally, to take any meal, cf. dpiarov. dpicrreia, T), (dpiffrtvo}) the feats of the hero that 102 aptcrreia won the meed of valour (ra dpiartia), any great, heroic action. Single books of the Iliad were so called, in which the deeds of some one hero are de- scribed, e. g. Book 5 is AiofJirjSovs dpiareia. dpuTTCia, ra, always in plur., (dpiarevca) the prize of the bravest, meed of valour. dpuJTCpos, d, ov, left, on the left ; ITT' dpiarepd to- wards the left ; e dpiarepcuv on the left. 2. 77 dpi- oTepd (with or without X f ' l P\ &e left hand. 3. metaph. boding ill, ominous, because to a Greek au- gur, looking northward, the unlucky signs came from the left. 4. of men, left-handed, clumsy, like French gauche. (Deriv. uncertain.) dpurretis, ecus, 6, (apiaros) the best man : in Homer mostly in plur. dpiarrjes, Lat. optimates, tbe noblest chiefs, princes. dpi%, I 4jpi$T^^icas, ^^o^^bi-, tetctiv) bearing the best children. dpurro-xcip, fipos, o, 77, (apiaros, x 'p) with the best band; dywv dpiarox^ip a contest won by the stoutest hand. dpwrr-wSlv, ivos, o, 77, (apiaros, clSts) bearing tbe best children. dpt-crpa5T|S, es, (apt-, vXa, aKos, 6, (d'p/rros, ) a driver of chariots, charioteer. ov, (ap/za, chariots. app-aTO-irrj-yos, 6v, (dp/xa, TTT^J/U/ZI) making chariots; ap/xaroKTiwoy J APO',Q. ) rattling with 103 s, 6, a wheelwright, chariot-maker. dpp.aTO-Tpo, f. rjaca, (dp/xa, rpetyca) to keep cha- riot horses, esp. for racing. Hence dpp.aTorpO(j)ia, 77, a keeping of chariot horses. dpp.aTO-Tpoxid Ion. -ITJ, 77, (dp/xa, rpo^os) the course of a chariot, wheel-track. app-eva, ^a, the tackle or rigging of a ship : any /oo/s or implements, like OTrAa. (From same Root as dp/xos, dp/xocu.) app-evos, 77, ov, Ep. aor. 2 pass. part, of dpapiaitoj. dpp.68ios, a, ov, also os, OP, (dp /xo^'w) fitting together: hence well-fitting, agreeable. dpp.6u>, Att. dpp,OTTU>, Dor. dpp.6cr8a> : f. aor. i rjpfj.ooa : pf. ijpjjioKa : Pass., aor. I pf. rjpfj.offijai : (dppos, dpw) : to fit together, join, esp. of joiner's work: Med. to join for oneself , put together : to prepare, make ready. 2. of marriage, to give in marriage : Med. to marry, take to wife : Pass, to be married to. 3. to bind fast. 4. to set in order, arrange, govern. II. intrans. to fit, fit well: to be adapted, fit ft III. impers., *i it is fitting, Lat. decet, c. inf. ; atydv av dp/xoo dpp,ot, Adv., = d/m, just, newly, lately. an old dat. of dp/xos.) (Properly , f. rjcro}, (dp/xos, A-f'-yo/) to join together. dpjxovia, 7), (dp/j,6w) a fitting together : a joint. II. a union between persons, covenant. III. an ordi- nance, decree ; hence fate. music, harmony, concord. IV. as a term in 2. in Rhet. the intona- yvvaifcuv ppova. womans skilled in music : rd tion of the voice. 3. generally, harmony, agree- ment, etc. ; ovarpoiros perverse temper. dpp,oviKos, 77, ov, dpfj-ovi/cd the theory of music. dpp.6s, 6, (d for a/Mi, dpca) a joining, a joint; dp/xos ^cOynaTOS XiOoairaorjs a joint or opening in the tomb made by tearing away the stones. dpp.6cr8co, Dor. for dp^o^a;. app.oap.a, aros, TO, (dp/io^iiw) joined work. dpp.ocrTT|p, J7pos, o, = sq. : poet., also dpfjioarcap, a commander. dpp.otTTT|S, ou, o, (dp/xocu) one who arranges or governs, a governor: esp. a harmost, the governor of the Greek islands and towns in Asia Minor sent out by the Lacedaemonians during their supremacy: also the governor of a dependent colony. dpp.oTTO), Att. for dppofa, q. v. apva, ace. with no nom. in use, dual apve, plur. dpves, etc.; v. sub dpvos. dpvaKis, t'Sos, 77, (apj/os) a sheep's skin. apvcios, a, ov, (dpvos} of a lamb or sheep; dpvcios slaughtered sheep. dpveios, 6, (dpvus} a young ram: but as Adj., dp- fids ois a male sheep. dpvco-OoCvTjs, oy, o, (dpi/os, Ooivdw) feasting on sheep. 'APNE'OMAI, fut. rjaofjLai : aor. I pass, but also aor. med. I f,pvr)opta), f. rjaca, (dporpov, (dpndfa} a hook for drawing up a bucket. 2. a rake, Lat. harpdgo. apTraYJJ-a, fiaros, TO, (dprrdcw) that which is seized, booty, plunder. apTrcryp-os, 6, (dpird^ca) robbery. 2. anything that is seized, plunder. 'APIIA'Zn : fut. dpirdgoj, Att. dpndaca or apirdao- fAai : aor. I T]piraa, Att. ijpnaaa : pf. ijpiraKa : Pass., aor. I fjpirdxQrjv or rjprrdaOrjv : aor. 2 ^pnd^rjv [a] : pf. qpirayiMi or ijpirafffjiat : to ravish away, to carry off"; in part., dpirdas (pepeiv, Lat. raptimferre. 2. to grasp hastily, snatch up : also to grasp with the mind, apprehend. 3. to seize and overpower. II. to plunder. Hence dpiraicrfip, 6, a robber. Fern. apTrdicrapa. apiraxros, 17, 6v, (apud^ca) seized in haste. apira\os, a, ov, and os, ov, (dprrdfa) grasping, greedy: also attractive, pleasant. Adv. -ecus, eagerly. Hence dpira\ico, f. toa>, to catch at, seize upon, receive. apirajj, tr/os, 6, 77, (dpird^iu) robbing, rapacious, Lat. rapax. II. as Subst. apira, 6, a robber, plun- derer. 2. apira, rj, robbery, rapine. dpireSovT], 97, (apird^ca) a rope, cord, for snaring game : the twist or thread of which cloth is made : also a bow-string. apirt), 17, (dp7rdo>) a bird of prey, a kind of fal- con. II. a sickle : a scimetar. apiruuu, at, (dpjrda>) the snatcbers, i. e. whirlwinds. In later mythology they appear as winged monsters who snatched away food from table. 'APPA"Bn/N, wvos, 6, earnest-money, caution- money : a pledge, earnest, Lat. arrhdbo, arrha. dp-pa(J>os, ov, (a privat., patpfjvai) unsewed, without seam or suture. dp-p6KTOs, poet. d-pKTOS, ov, (a privat., /5ea>) undone : unfinished. dppeviKos, 77, ov, (apprfv) masculine, male. dppcvo-irais, -naioos, 6, 77, (dpprjv, Trafs) of male children. 2. with a boy. dppev-amos, ov, (dpprjv, <5^/) masculine-looking, masculine. dp-p-rjicTOS, ov, (a. privat., /yfiyvvfjii) unbroken, not to be broken or wounded : metaph. untiring. Adv. rcas. *APPHN, 6, 17, dppev, TO, gen. cvos : old Att. dp- onrjv: Ion. tpo-rjv : male, opp. to Ofj\vs : hence mas- culine, manly, strong : as Subst. dpprjv, 6, the male. dppT]vf|S, 4s, (apprjv) fierce, savage. ap-p-qros, ov, also 77, ov, (a privat., pijOrjvai} unsaid, Lat. indictus : not divulged, untaught. II. not to be told, secret, mysterious; StSa/crd T' dpprjTa TC things that may be published and must not be told. 2. that cannot be told, horrible, shocking, Lat. nefandus; dpprjT' dpprjTcav things most horrible. 3. shame- fid to be spoken; fard KO.I dpprjTa, Lat. dicenda tacenda. dppir]opci>, f. 770-0;, (dpprjcpopos') to carry the peplos of Pallas. Hence dppt](f>opia, 77, the procession with the peplos in honour of Pallas. dppY)-4>6poi, at, (appr]Ta, (pcpoj) at Athens, two maid- ens who carried the peplos and other holy things (dp- prjTo) of Pallas in the Scirophoria. dp-pCyriTOS, ov, (a privat., plyeoj) not shivering from cold or fear. dp-ptos, OJ/j ^ a privat., ptd) not rooted. dp-pis, Ivos, 6, 77, (a privat., pis) without nose, with- out smell. "APPIXO5, 6, Att. 77, a basket, [t] d'p-pv0|xos, ov, (a privat., pvOpos) without rhythm or proportion : in undue measure, unsuitable, not Jilting. Adv. -peas, out of time. dp-pimScoTOS, ov, (a privat., pvTis) unwrinlded. dp-pu|, 01708, 6, 77, (a privat., ^o) without cleft, unbroken. dppcocrTea), f. 7700), (appcao-Tos) to be weak or sickly. Hence dppco, fut. of dpapiffKca. apra/jr], 77, a Persian measure, artaba, = I medim- nus + 2 choenices. dprap-cw, f. 770-0;, to cut in pieces, cut up. From "APTA W MO:5, 6, a butcher, cook. dprdvT] [a], rj, (dprdo)) that by which something is hung up, a rope, halter. dprdw, Ion. dpreaj : f. 77001 : pf. r/prrjKa : Pass., aor. I -fjpT^drjv : pf. fjpTr]p.ai, Ion. 3 pi. dpreaTai : (same Root as dpaptatca}} : to fasten to, hang one thing upon another : Pass, to be hung upon, hang upon, eft TIVOS : hence to depend upon, Lat. pendere ab aliquo. II. Pass, to be fitted, prepared, made ready. aprlarai elffi, 3 pi. t, Ion. for TJprrjvTai or pf. pass, of d/rrdcu. dpTp.T|S, ts, (dpTtos) safe and sound. Hence dpT6[Aia, 77, safety, soundness. "APTEMI5, gen. toos, ace. ti/ or t8a, 77, Artemis, the Roman Diana, goddess of the chace, daughter of Zeus and Leto, sister of Apollo. In Homer women who die suddenly and without pain are said to be slain by her dyava /3e\ea, as men by those of Apollo. Hence 'ApTCfito-uov, TO, a temple of Artemis. 'ApTfjucn,os, <5, a Spartan month, answering to part of Att. Elaphebolion. dpTtp-cov, ovos, 6, (dpTaoj) the foresail; or top-sail, suppdrum. dpT, f. daw, (dprtos) to play at odd and even, Lat. par impar ludere. II. to count. dpridias, Adv. (dpnos) an even number of times. dpTi-J3pXT|S, ts, (dpn, />e'xaj) just steeped. dpTt-YajAOS, ov, (dpn, ydfj.os)just married. dpTi-Yvios, ov, (dpn, yevciov) with the beard just growing. apTi-YWTjTOS, ov, new-born. dpTi-YXv^Tjs, ts, (dpn, yXvcpoj) newly carved. dprC-Yovos, ov,just born. dpn-8aT|S, fs, (dpn, Sa^i/cu) just taught. dprC-SaKpvs, v, (dpn, 8d/fpv) just weeping, ready to weep. dprt-Bopos, ov, (dpn, 8fpca) just stript off". dpTieima, 77, pecul. fern, of dpTi-irir|S, es, (dpnos, ITTOS) ready of speech, glib. dpTi-tryiO', 17, (dpn, fyyos) a late union; dvdp&v apn^vyia newly-married husbands. dpTio>, f. iaoj, (dpnos) to get ready, perform. dpTi-0a\T|S, fs, (dpn, 6a\iv) just blooming. dpTi-0avT)s, 6s, (dpn, Oavtiv) just dead. dpri-KoXXos, ov, (dpn, Ko\\doj) close-glued, cling- ing close to. II. meiaph. fitting well together; fls dpTiKO\\ov in the nick of time, opportunely. dpri-KOfA-qs, ov, 6, (dpn, Kop.d(o)just having got hair or leaves. dpTi-Xo-yos, ov, (dpn, \^oi) speaking readily. dpn-XoxevTOS, ov, (dpn, \oxaW|s, fs, (dpn, poDv, ov, gen. ovos, (dpnos, pr]v) sound of mind, intelligent. dpTi-<|>irf|s, es, and dpTtc^vros, ov, (dpn, o,Yos, ov, 6, (dpTos, (pa^fiv) bread-eater. dpTvp.a, TO, (dpTvvoj) seasoning, spice. dprvvas, 6, (dprvvoj) a magistrate at Argos and Epidaurus, like dpfjioffT^s. dpTtivft) [0] : fut. dpTvvu), Ep. dprvveca: aor. I T#>- Tvva : aor. I pass. r^TvvOrjv : also dprvo) : fut. dp- Tvaca [v] : aor. I ijpTvffa. : pf. rjpTVKa, pass. ijpTv^ai : (same Root as dpapian ir^ovroi) enjoying ancient wealth. dpxtras, 6, Dor. for dpxerrjs, (apx^) & leader, prince. II. as Adj., dpxeras $povo$ a princely throne. dpx-rvirov, TO, (dpxf-, TVTTOS) an archetype, pattern. model. apucrcrto apx.' apx^TJO), f. aoj, (apx^) to command, lead. dpxe-X Ps, ov, (dpx*; XP S ) leading the chorus or dance. 'APXH', 77, a beginning, first cause, origin ; KO.T' apXs in the beginning, at first ; If dpx^s from the first; absol., dpxiqv at first; OVK dpxfjv not at first, i.e. n^ver at all, not at all, like Lat. omnino non. 2. a first principle, element. 3. in plur., i firstlings. 4. the corner of a sheet. II. supreme power, sovereignty, dominion, Aios dpxrj ; c. gen. rei, dpx^l TTJs 'Affias power over Asia : also an empire. 2 . in Att. prose, a magistracy, office in the government: they were mostly obtained in two ways, x l P OTOVr l ra ' 1 by election, KXrjpojrai by lot. < *PX i rY V 'n s ' "' ("PX' ' ~ftvkaQa.C) causing the first beginning of a thing. 1 *) f- ffoj > to be a leader or ruler; and , f. rjaoj, to make a beginning. From ou ' f em - apX T ]Y* TLS ' l ^ os ' ^ ut ^ at - dpxrjyfTi : Dor. dpxSYfTTjs : (dpxn, rjjfojjiai) a leader : the founder of a city or family. II. a first leader, prince, chief. dpx-t]Y s > D r> dpx-uYos, ov, (dpx'n, fj^eopai) be- ginning, originating. II. as Subst. like apx^- yerrjs, a leader, founder, Lat. auctor ; a first fa- ther, i. a prince, chief. dpxfjOev, Adv. (dpxn)from the beginning. dpx"f|V'ov, TO, Ion. for dpxftov. dpxtiv. Adv., v. dpxrj i. 'APXI-, insep. Prefix from apx^J, like dpxe-. TO, Dim. of dpxrj, a little office. ?;, ov, (dp^tepevs) belonging to the Chief Priest. , CQJS, 6 : Ion. nom. dpxiepecos, fcu J a 'so , whence ace. pi. dpxiptas : (dpx3, o, Ion. for dpxifpevs. dpxi-o-vvaYcoYOS, o, (dpx.i-, ffvvayojy^~) the ruler of a synagogue. dpx-TKTOvcco, f. 770*0;, to be a chief builder or archi- tect : to construct, contrive, Lat. struere. From dpx<--TKTo>v, ovos, 6, a master-builder, director of works, architect, engineer: generally, an author, con- triver. dpXL-TsXwvrjs, ov, 6, a chief collector of taxes, chief publican. dpXL-TpiKXivos, o, the president of a banquet or triclinium, so called because the guests reclined on couches placed along three sides of the table. dpxos, 6, a leader, chief, commander. From "APXn, f. dp-Qj : aor. I 7;pa : pf. 5px a : more commonly in Med. apxojxai, : fut. dptopai : aor. I Tjpdfj.r]V. pf. 77p7/*cu: Pass., fut. dp^rjao^ai: aor. I ijp\0r]v. I. of Time, to begin : c. gen. to make a beginning of a thing, dpx^iv TroAe/ioto : with inf. or part., dpx^o~0at o{/fo5o/ue*V to begin to build; 77 0fX^ dpx*Tai diroKfiitovaa, the soul begins to sink. 2. to begin from or with; apx^oBai Ai6s, to begin from Jove, Lat. a yovs principium. 3. c. gen. rei et dat. pers., dpx^iv 0cofs SCUTOS to make preparations for a banquet to the gods : Med. also in a religious sense, like dirdpxfC'0ai, apx^adai /zeAeo/ to begin a sacrifice with the limbs. 4. c. ace., apx^iv 6S6v nvi, to shew him the way: imperat., dpx* begin! part, dpxopevos, at first. II. of Place and Sta- tion, mostly c. gen. to rule, be leader of: more rarely c. dat., dvopdatv dpx^tv : c. ace. cognato, dp- \eiv apxty to bold an office. 2. Pass, to be ruled or governed : ol dpxup-tvoi, subjects. dpx^v, ofTos, o, (properlv part, of dpx&) a ruler, captain, chief, king. 2. 01 "Apxovrcs, the chief magistrates at A thens, nine in number, the first being called emphatically o 'Apx^v or "Apx^v the second o BafftAevs, the third o remaining six oi e&(j.o0Tai. * V AP!1, a f orm assume( j as the Root of dpapiffKca. dpw [d], fut. of dcipca: but dpca [a], of a'ipca. dpcoYT|, 77, (dprjyca) help, succour, protection; dparyr) voffov help against disease. dp(OYO-vavTT)s, ov, 6, (dpcayos, vavrrjs) helper of sailors. dpcaYos, ov. (dpriyca) helping, aiding, propitious; c. gen. useful in a thing. II. as Subst. dpoj-yos, 6, a helper, defender, an advocate before a tribunal. v APflMA, TO, any seasoning, spice. dpcop.a, TO, (dpoca) corn-land, Lat. arvum. dpup.evai, Ep. for dpovv, contr. from dpoefifvai, pres. inf. of dpoca. dpcopaios, Dor. for dpovpaios. as, as or as, Aeol. and Dor. for teas, till, until. as, Dor. gen. for rjs, from os, 77, 6. acrai, contr. for dao-at, aor. I inf. of ddca, to hurt. om, aor. i inf. of dca, to satiate. contr. for dciaai, aor. i inf. of deiSca. xi, aor. I opt. of dca, to satiate. 5, ov, (a privat., aaTos) not trodden down. >S, ov, (a privat., SaAa^tus) not having been at Salamis, no true seaman. [/] d-traXcvros, ov,(a privat., o-aAevTos) unshaken, calm. ^ I plur. aor, 2 of dca, to sleep. 107 aeia, r), indistinctness. From a-o-a4>T|s, e's, (a privat., aa^rjs) indistinct, dim, faint, uncertain, obscure. Adv. -(pias, indistinctly. do-deo, f. rjvca, (darf) to surfeit, cloy, satiate : Pass. dcrdop.ai, with aor. I pass, darjdrjv, and med. dffd- l^rjv, to feel loathing or nausea, to be disgusted or vexed at a thing. d-o-jSecrros, ov, also 77, ov, (a privat., ajSeoros) un- quenched, not to be quenched : endless, cease- less. II. as Subst., dafifffros (sub. r'navos) ; r), unslaked lime. 2. asbestus, a mineral which resists the action of fire. "A5BOAO2, r), rarely o, also do-p6XT), r), soot. cure, for aoxre, 3 sing. aor. I of ddca, to hurt. d&tfifia, 77, (da(@r)s) impiety, profaneness. do-J3toj, f. 770-0;, (daffies) to act profanely or impi- ously, sin against the gods. Hence d, f. dVo>, (do-flei/T/s) /o weaken. do-0evws, Adv. of da6vr]s, weakly, feebly, slightly. acr0^a, OTOS, TO, (d'o>, to blow} hard-drawn breath, panting, gasping from toil. II. a breath, breathing. dcr0p.ai.va>, (aofyta) to breathe hard, gasp for breach. 'Ao-i-apx^S, ou, 6, ('Aata, a.p\ca) an Asiarch, the highest religious official under the Romans in the province of Asia. 'Aoxds, dSos, 77, ('Ao-tct) fern. Adj. Asiatic: 17 'Acn'as (with or without Ki6dpa), the lyre as improved by Oepion of Lesbos. 'As, 77, slime, mud. do-iTi>, f. 770-0;, (curiTos) to go without food, to fast. curtTia, 17, want of food, fasting. From d-arlTOs, ov, (a privat., airos) without eating, fasting. d) unhoed, undug. d) inconsiderate : Adv. -TO>S, inconsiderately. II. unconsidered, unobserved. d-Xida>, f. Ota, to dance as at the Ascolia. d(Jia, ctTos, TO, (daos) the leather padding of the hole which served for the row-lock, put there to make the oar work easily. acrp.a, TO, (aScw) a song, lay. ^'o-|jiaTO-KdjjnrTTjs, ov, 6, (afffia, Kdp-trr^s) twister of song. dorjjLcvos, 77, ov, as if for fjopivos, perf. pass. part, of ijdofjiai : well-pleased, glad : often in dat., daptvca fj.oi av f'lrj it would be to me well-pleased, glad should I be of it : Comp. afffj-wwrepos, earfpos and -CUT- pos. Adv. vcas, gladly, readily. 9, Ion. impf. dfftraipfaKov, (a euphon., airai- pQ}) to pant, gasp, struggle convulsively. dcrirdXaOos, 6, a sweet-scented shrub. d T[s, TJTOS, 6, (dams, diro@d\\Q}) one that throws away his shield, a runaway, coward. do"rrl8T]-os, ov, (dan is, (TT/>eTT)S, o, (dams} shield-bearing, a warrior. d) a. shield-bearer. dp|ji,a>v, ov, gen. ovos, (dams, tytpPw) liv- ing by the shield, a warrior. a-crmXos, o, f), (a privat., am\os~) without stain, spotless, pure. 'A5nT5, ioos, f], a round shield, Lat. clipeus, made of bull's hide, overlaid with metal plates, with a boss (6piStTis, loos, 77, fem. Adj. consisting of raisins. [57] From d-crraCs, 180$, 77, (a euphon., aratyis) a raisin. ro-iv, dat. pi. of , vos, o, (a euphon., ardxvs} an ear of corn. , ov, (a privat., areyd^ca) uncovered, of a ship, undecked ; 8icL TO dareyaffTov from their hav- ing no shelter. ddvo>ros,o/, (o privat., are(pavuca) not crowned. do-T-fj, f), fem. of darus, a female citizen. d'-(TTTi\os, ov, (a privat., 0^77X77) without tombstone. 'A2THT, o, gen. epos: dat. pi. darpaai, Lat. ASTRUM, a star. 2. any luminous body, a meteor. 110 d-OT^ipiiCTOS, ov, (a privat., ffrrjpi^oai) not firmly fixed, unsettled, unstable. d-cTTijSifis, fs, (a privat., arfifioj) not to be trodden, holy. 2. untrodden, solitary. cwmicos, 77, ov, (darv) of a city or town, opp. to country : rd darned Aiovvaia, like rd Kar' darv, the Dionysia celebrated in the city ; cf. sub Aiovvaia H : also native, opp. to (VIKOS foreign. II. = a7]vai) untwisted, straight. ], 77, Ion. for darpdyaXos in. ;, o, one of the vertebrae of the neck. II. the ankle bone, Lat. talus. III. mostly in plur. darpdyaXot, oi, dice, which at first were made of the ankle-bones, Lat. tali : hence the game of dice. They had only 4 flat sides, whereas the Kvfioi had 6 : they played with 4; the best throw was when all came different, 'AtppoSirrj, Lat. jactus Veneris ; the worst, when all came alike, tcvow, Lat. canis. 'A2TPAnH.',r),afiash of lightning, lightning, [air] dcrTpairTj<|>op(i), f. T^Va;, to carry lightnings. From dcrrpai-nrj-^opos, ov, (darpair^, , f. rjaaj, and dcrrpovofjii^oj, f. iooi, to be an astronomer, study astronomy : and do-Tpovojxia, rj, astronomy. From dos, ov, (a privat., arpecpoj] without turning round, Lat. irretortus ; darpocpos kX&tiv to go without turning the back. dcTTptjios, a, ov, (darpov} of the stars, starry. dcrrp-aMTOs, ov, darcpwTTOs. d-o-rpcoTOs, ov, (a privat., arpuvvv^i) without bed or bedding : unsmoothed, rugged. "A2TT, TO : gen. eos, contr. ovs, also ccas : a city, town : the Athenians called their own city "Affrv, as the Romans called theirs Urbs ; though ao"TV also de- noted the Upper Town, as opp. to Peira>eus. doTtj-dvajj, O.KTOS, 6, (aarv, dva") lord of the city. dcrTi3-|3owTr]S, ou, 6, (aarv, j3oaa>) crying through the city, epith. of a herald. dXiKTOS, ov, (a privat., arvtpeMfa) unshaken. d-6Xos, ov, (a privat., arvcpe\6s} not rocky. d-v > ov, (a privat., avyyvw/j-cav) without forgiveness, relentless, merciless. d-dvn]TOS, ov, (a privat., avKotyavrfco) not calumniated. dirvXatos, a, ov, (d-av\ov} of an asylum. d-avXTp^os, ov, (a privat., o*t>Aaopos, ov, (a privat., ffvficpfpca) inexpedient, useless : prejudicial, like Lat. inutilis. Adv. -peas. d-v, Att. d-uvf|p,<0v, ov, gen. ovos, (a privat., ffvv'tT)jj.i} without understanding. d-ir]Xos, ov, vile, dishonoured : also dishonouring, reproachful. (Deriv. unknown.) dcruxia, dtnixiH-os, acruxos, Dor. for fidXT|S, cs, (a privat., ffdAA.aAoys, in sn/"a\cs safety. Hence dcr<{>aXico, f. zero; Alt. i), to secure, guarantee. ao-^aXio-Gfjvai, aor. I pass. inf. of dcr^aAi^cu. acraXTtTT]s, ov, 6, fem. -ins, f], of asphalt, bitu- minous : \ipvij 'Aff(f)a\TtTis, Lat. Lacus Asphaltltes, the Dead Sea. [t] From Ill , ov, 17, asphalt or bitumen, forming in lumps on the surface of water near Babylon, where it was used as mortar.. (Foreign word.) d&Xws, Ion. -os, Adv. of da(pa\ris, firmly, se- curely : Comp. dff(pa\f(rTepov, Sup. -effrara. d-3pa-Yi>, (a euphon., acpapaytaj) to ring, resound. aa-fyapayos, 6, (a euphon., a, Aeol. for ff6SeXos, 6, asphodel, a plant like the lily. II. a-Adj.,dcr^)o56A.os \eifjiuv the asphodel meadow, which the shades of heroes haunted. (Deriv. unknown.) dcrxoXdw, only used in pres. : Ep. 3 sing. do^dAda, 3 plur. dff^oXu. To be vexed, grieved, c. part., daxa\dav fifvcav to be vexed at waiting ; da\a\a.v nvt to be vexed at a thing ; c. ace., d(txdA.- \fiv Qo.va.rov to feel a horror of death. (Deriv. uncertain.) d-o-xeros, ov, (a privat., , to behave unseemly, act indecorously ; and do-xtip-oo-vvt], -fj, deformity, indecency. From d-axTlp'WV, ov, gen. ovos, (a privat., (r^Ata) shape- less : unseemly, shameful. Adv. da-)^p.ovcas. do-xoXia, fj, occupation, industry, business. II. want of leisure : a hindrance from other things; d.a\o- Xiav irapx fiv r <- v ' L to be a hindrance to one. From d-o-xoXos, ov, (a privat., s. dcrxoXowv, do-xoXoucri, Ep. pres. part, and 3 plur. d-p,aTOS, ov, (a privat., ow/na) without body, in- corporeal. do-wTia, 17, prodigality, dissoluteness. From a-oxoros, of, (a privat., au^oi) not to be saved: aban- doned, profligate, Lat. perditus. Adv. -TOW, disso- lutely. draKTcco, f. /jffca, to be undisciplined or disorderly. 2. generally, to lead a disorderly life. From d-raKTOS, ov, (a privat., rdaata) out of order, not in order of battle, not at one's post. 2. undisciplined, disorderly, irregular, lawless. Adv. -TOW. d-TaXaiirwpos, ov, (a privat., raXa'mojpos} not toiling patiently, careless, indifferent. d-rdXavros, ov, (a copul., raXavrov) equal in weight, equivalent or equal to. draXd-ipcov, ov, gen. ovos, (dra\6s, fprjv) tender- minded. draXXw, only used in pres. (draXos) to gambol, sport about. II. trans, to bring up a child, rear, foster : Pass, to grow up, wax. drSXos, 17, ov, (akin to aTraAc's) tender, delicate. aTaX6-4/vxos, ov, (dra\6s, ^vxn) soft-hearted. ttTa|ia, i), (draKTos) a want of discipline. disorder, confusion, licentiousness. 'ATA'P, Ep. avrdp, Conjunct, but, yet, Lat. at, to arapCLKTOS aTiju<rjs still thou didst say : it often stands for 8e after pev. d-rdpaKTOS, ov, (a privat., rapcuraca) without confu- sion, cool, steady. Hence d,Tapaia, 77, freedom from passion, calmness. a-Tap|3T|S, fs, (a privat., rdp/3os) fearless ; drapes rrjs Of as having no fear about the sight. d-Tdpp-rjTOS, ov, (a privat., Tapfifca) undaunted. drapmTos, 77, Ion. for drpamros. drapiros, 77, Ion. for drpanos. draprripos, ov, Ep. for drrjpos, mischievous, baneful. dracrOdXCa, 57, (drdo-flaAos) blind folly, prasump- tuous sin, recklessness. drcwrOaXXw, to act presumptuously. From drdaOaXos, ov, (drdca, dreco) presumptuous, reckless. d-ravpwTOS, ov, also 77, ov, (a privat., ravpos) un- wedded, virgin, pure. d-ra4>os, ov, (a privat., ratyrjvai) unburied. drdco, f. 770-0), (OITT;) to hurt, harm : Pass, to suffer, be in distress. arc, ace. plur. neut. of offrt, used as Adverb, like &irfp,just as, as if, so as. II. only in Prose, inasmtiqh as, seeing that, Lat. quippe, utpote. d-reyKTOS, ov, (a privat., rcyyco) unwetted, not soft- ened : hard-hearted, relentless. d-Tipif|S, es, (a privat., Tfipca) not to be worn away : untiring, unwearied : also stubborn, unbending : wearisome. d-Tctxioros, ov, (a privat., Tctx'C , f. icroj, to look at intently, gaze at. "ATEP, Prep. with. gen. without, except, besides. II. aloof, apart, away from. d-Tpa(xvos, ov, (a privat., repafjivos) unsoftened, un- feeling, inexorable. d-Tepdfjiwv [a], ov, gen. ovos, Att. for drtpafjivos. ciTepOe, before a vowel drepOfv, = drcp. d-Tpp,(ov, ov, gen. ovos, (a privat., rep/ia) without bounds : having no outlet, inextricable. | arepos [a], ov, Dor. for trfpos, ov. 2. drfpos | [a], Att. contr. for 6 erepos, gen. Bdrepov, dat. Odrtpy, Oarepa etc., or with mark of crasis, Bdrfpov, etc. d-Tp-irT|S, fs, (a privat., rfpiroj) unpleasing, joyless, sad. II. not enjoying a thing, nvos. d-Tpiros, ov, = drepirrjs. d-revxTJS, cs, and d-Tvxf]TOS, ov, (a privat., reuxos) unarmed. j tt-rcxvos, ov, or d-TXVT)S, , (a privat., rex 1 ' 7 /) with- out art, unskilled, rude: of things, inartificial. II. ; without art or cunning, simple. | d-rx v ws, Adv. of drcxvrjs, and d-rcxvcos, of drex* vos, without art or skill, rudely. II. really, abso- lutely, utterly, Lat. plane, prorsus, in which sense it is mostly written dr^xvc^s ; as drexv^is eV, f. dffca: aor. I ^rifMo-a: pf. r/TifJia/ca: Pass., aor. I ^Tifidadrjv : pf. 7 ? /Tt/iao'/K : (a privat., To esteem lightly, dishonour, slight : Pass. II. II. 113 to suffer dishonour or insult. II. legal sense, to deprive of civil rights, dTip,ao-TOS, a, ov, verb. Adj. of drifidfa, to be de- spised. 2. drifiaaTtov, one must dishonour. aTip-aerr?|p, ijpos, 6, (driftdfa) a dishonourer. 3, ov, (dTi/*d(y) dishonoured, despised. f. -haw : aor. I rrrifj.rjo'a : pf. Pass., aor. I ^Tifj,r]0r)v : (a privat., npaca) : to insult, slight, dishonour. Hence , ov, unhonoured, despised. II. in in droXpaa, 77, want of daring, cowardice. From d-roXp-os, ov, (a privat., roA/za) wanting courage, cowardly. 2. not over daring, retiring. d-rop,os, ov,(a privat., rourj) uncut: unmown. II. not able to be cut, indivisible; v droa^i in a moment of time. d-rovos, ov, (a privat., rtivcu) not stretched, slack, lan- guid, Lat. remissus. II. (TOI/OS) without accent. d-rojjos, ov, (a privat., TOOI/) without bow or arrow. aroma, 17, strangeness, oddness, absurdity: unusual legal sense, not estimated; 8iKrj drip-ijTOS a cause in | nature: unnatural conduct. From which the penalty is not assessed in court, but fixed d-roiros, ov, (a privat., TOTTOS) out of place, out of by law. , strange, marvellous, odd. 2. absurd, Lat. ineptus. 3. unnatural, disgusting. Hence droiros, Adv. absurdly. &TOS, ov, contr. for aaros, insatiate, c. gen. drpaiOTOS, o, and 77, a spindle. II. also an i, 77, (d-n/ios) dishonour, disgrace. i. at Athens, the loss of civil rights, Lat. deminutio capitis. d-Tip-os, ov, (a privat., TtftT/ i) unhonoured, disho- noured: c. gen. without the honour of. 2. at Athens, of a citizen deprived of his privileges either arrow, cf. T^Aa/fdr??. (Deriv. uncertain.) totally or in part, Lat. capite deminutus, opp. to eiri- \ d-Tpamr6s, Ep. drdpiriTOS, 77, a path, rifios : cf. drift'ia. II. (jifjurj n) without price or value. 2. unrevenged, unpunished. Hence drl\i.o(jL>, f. waa), to dishonour : Pass, to suffer dis- honour. 2. in legal sense, to punish with loss of justice, uprightness, from civil privileges (drifua'), Lat. aerarium facere. 'ATPEKH'2, ts, real, true, drip,cov, Ep. impf. of drifMca. d-Tip,copir]TC, and d-Tip,copT]Tt, Adv. of d-rpair6s, Ep. d-Tapir6s, 17, (a euphon., rptiroj) a path that does not turn, a path, way, road. drpK6ua, f), reality, strict truth, accuracy. II. From exact. II. strict, just, upright. and before a vowel d-rpejxas, Adv., (a privat. without trembling. 2. quietly, , calm, gentle; , ov, (a privat., rifjuupeofjun") unavenged, unpunished. 2. unprotected. Adv. of aripos, disgracefully. 5, ecus, 77, (d-n/wcu) a dishonouring, [rf] >, aor. i Ion. drtT^Aa: (draAos): to rear, foster, tend : generally, to cherish. d-Tiros, ov, also 77, ov, (a privat., ry) unhonoured, dishonoured. 2. unavenged. II. unpaid. d-rCo>, (a privat., rt'o;) not to honour, not to re- venge, [q 'ATXu,--yVT|s, cs, ("ArAas, ~ftvos) sprung from Atlas. 'ArXavTts, iSos, 77, daughter of Atlas. From "A-rXas, ar'Tos, o, (a euphon., rXrjvai) Atlas, one of ferent. the older gods, who bears up the pillars of heaven: j Q.-^pe, not to tremble or move, to keep still or quiet. From u-rpp.T|S, e's, (o privat., Tpefjuu) not trembling, un- moved, calm: Adv. aTpcjxC, quietly. drpepia, 17, (drpff^s) a keeping still : calmness. a>, f. iaca Att. ii, (drpe^s) /o ee/> yw/>/: drpe/Jiifav to be restless or unquiet. ov, (a privat., rpeiru) unmoved, indif- also one of the Titans. Mount Atlas in West Africa. to be unable to bear, be impatient. From d-rX7]TOS, Dor. d-rXaTOS, ov, (a privat., rXfivai) not to he borne, insufferable. II. not to be dared. d.T|AT|, 77, = dr/Ltos, smoke, heat. d-rp,T]Tos, ov, (a privat., rfj.vca) uncut: of a coun- try, unravaged, not laid waste. 2. of mines, un- opened. drp-ifto, f. iffoj, (dr/zos) to smoke : of water, to steam. drp-is, t'Sos, 77, (oca, arjfjii) steam, vapour, [f] drp-os, o, (ocu, d?7/it) smoke, Lat. vapor. d-roixos, ov, (a privat., Torsos) unwalled. d-roKos, ov, (a privat., T6/) never having had a child. II. without interest, of borrowed money. d-r6Xp,ir)TOS, ov, (a privat., ToA/zdeu) not to he dared: also not to be endured, insufferable. d-TptatcTOS, ov, (a privat., rpidfa) unconquered. a-rpt{3ai>, f. rjffca, to pine away. From 114 d-rpo a ^ so 7 7' ov i ( a privat., Tpu-ydcw) un- fruitful, barren : generally, waste, desert. d-Tpvyns, fs, (a privat., Tpvytj) not gathered. d-TpvjMov, ov, gen. ovos, = drpvTos, c. gen., dTpvfiow KO.KWV not worn out by ills, [i)J d-TpvTos, oj/, (a privat., Tpixa) not worn down, un- abating : of a road, wearisome. 'A-rpvTwvTj, the Unwearied. (Lengthd. form from aTpvTT], as 'AiScavevs from AiSijs.) a-rpcoTOS, ov, (a privat., TiTpojo"Kca) unwounded. aira, Att. for Tivd, aira for aTiva, v. dWa, affffa. V ATTA, a salutation used to elders, father; cf. oWa, a7ra, TTaTTTra, [TO:] aTTayds, a, o, Lat. attagen, prob. /$ godwit. aTTttTai, a cry of pain or grief: sometimes pro- longed, aTCtTTaTaf, etc. : also used ironically. dTT6\a|3os, Ion. aTT6\|3os, o, a kind of locust without wings. 'ATTIKI^W, f. iffw Att. icy, ('ATTIKOS) to side with the Athenians, Atticize : later, to live like an Athenian, esp. to speak Attic. Hence 'ATTiKicr-jios, o, a siding with Athens, attachment to her. II. an Attic expression, Atticism. 'ArnicCcov, Dim. of 'ATTIKOS, a little Athenian. 'ATTIKOS, rj, ov, (d/rr^) Attic, Athenian : rj 'ATTIK-/) (sub. -y?}) = 'AT0ts, Attica. 'ATTIKCOVIICOS, 77, ov, a comic alteration of 'ATTIKOS, imitated from the form of AaKowcKos. <5,TTOv, Att. for affffov, nearer. os, ov, (a privat., Tixpca) not puffed up. o.Tt}xw, f- J]<*xtj|Aa, OTOS, TO, a misfortune, mishap. d-rt5x'n s i * s ( a privat., Tv\fiv) luckless, unfortunate, unsuccessful. Adv. x^s- a.Tv\ia,, 77, (aTv^oj) ill luck, bad fortune. II. a miscarriage, mishap. AT T , Adv. of Place, back, backwards, Lat. re- tro. II. of Time, again, anew, afresh, once more, Lat. denuo. III. further, moreover, besides, Lat. porro. 2. on the other hand, in turn, Lat. vicissim. avatvb), impf. avaivov: f. avavta: aor. I pass, avdv- OTJV : (avca) : to dry. 2. to wither or parch up ; 0iov avaiveiv to waste life away: fut. med. avavovpai in pass, sense, 7 shall wither away. avdXcos, a, ov, (avos) dry, parched, withered: of hair, rough, squalid : of eyes, sleepless. Avacris, 17, ="Oao*ts, the name of the fertile islets in the Libyan deserts. avaTa, Aeol. for aTtj, calamity, mischief; to be pro- nounced apaTO.. auyd^a), f. dffca : aor. I rjvyaffa : (avyrj) : to see distinctly, discern, behold : so also in Med. II. intr. to shine. AYTH', 77, a bright light, esp. of the sun, and so in plur. the rays, beams of the sun ; UTT* avycis f/f\ioio under the light of the run, i.e. still alive; avyds Aeuo*- o*f iv to behold the light, i. e. to be alive ; K\vtiv Trpos avyds to rise surging towards heaven. 2. any light, esp. of the eyes ; OJJLIMTOJV avyai and avyai alone, like Lat. lumina, the eyes. 3. any gleam on the surface of bright objects, sheen. I avSd^ojxai, f. do/*ai : aor. I r)voadfjir)V : Dep. : (av8r)) : to cry out, speak. | avSd(i>, impf. rjvStuv : f. rjffoi Att. aaca : aor. I T?U- 8770*0;, Ion. 3 sing. avdrjffao'Ke : pf. rjvSijKa: also av/8dojxai, as Dep. : to talk, speak : c. ace. rei, to ! speak, say a thing: of oracles, to utter, proclaim. 2. to speak, to address. 3. c. inf. to tell, bid, order to do. 4. to call by name; avoaipai vrafs 'AxtAAcccs 7 am called Achilles' son. 5. like \zyfiv, Lat. dicere, to mean. From AT'AH', f), the human voice, a voice, tone : metaph. any other sound, e. g. the twang of the bowstring. 2. a report, account. Hence auSirjeis, ecraa, fv, speaking with human voice. a/u-p'u&> (i. e. au lpw0dSicr}jia, OTOS, TO, (au^d57?s) an act of self-will, wilfulness* au0d86-tTTO[Jios,oj/, (avOdorjs, O*TO/I) wilful or proud of speech. axiO-atpav, ov, gen. ovos, (avTos, aipa) of the same blood: as Subst. a brother or sister, near kinsman. au0-aipTOS, ov, (UVTOS, alpaca) self-chosen, self- elected. II. taken upon oneself, self-incurred: ', voluntary, optional. Adv. -TCUS. at>06VTa>, f. 770*0;, to have power over. From aiu0-VTT)S, ov, 6, contr. for avTOVTr/s, (O.VTOS, %vT(d) an actual murderer : esp. of murders done by those of i the same family : also a self-murderer, suicide. 2. an absolute master or ruler. II. as Adj., av&fVTrjs I ves irovTiot the sez-straits, i. e. the Archipelago. I avX-wms, iSos, fj, (avAos, &if) epith. of a helmet, with a tube (auAos) to hold the plume (Ao^os). AT'HA'N^ or AT'SH, poet, dcga): f. av^on: aor. I 77^770*0 : pf. rjv^r/Ka : Lat. AUGEO, to make grow, increase : to promote to honour, exalt, ex- tol. II. Pass., with fut. med. avrjffOf*ai and pass. avgrjOrjffOfjiai : aor. I r)vr]0r)v : pf. r)vr)fjuii : to grow, wax, increase : of a child, to grow up : of the wind, to rise; r)vav6fj.rjv dtcotojv I grew taller as I heard. III. intrans. in Act. to grow, wax. Hence -r|0is, aor. I pass. part, of avdv|w, ovs, 77, (avgdvca) the goddess of growth, called to witness in an Athenian citizen's oath. avo>, v. sub avdvo). auovf|, 77, (avos) dryness, withering. attos, 77, ov, (avcw) dry, dried, of fruit ; avov dvTfiv to ring dry and harsh, of metal. i. withered, parched. 3. drained dry, exhausted. dvuvCa, 77, sleeplessness. From av-irvos, ov, (a privat., virvos) sleepless, wakeful; VITVOS dviTVOs a sleep that is no sleep. avpa, Ion. avpt], 17, (*cuy, drjui) air in motion, a breeze, esp. the fresh air of morning, Lat. aura. avpiov, (from avws, Aeol. for r/ws) Adv. to-morrow; Is avpiov on the morrow, next morning or //'// morn- ing: fj avpiov (sub. fipfpa), the morrow; also, fj I* avpiov fiufpa, o avpiov ypuvos. dvcrau, aor. I inf. of avco to shout. aOo-ios, Dor. for Trjtaios. poet. dt5erraXo3, a, ov, (avos) sun- burnt, shrivelled, parched, Lat. siccus. autrrrjpos, a, 6v, (*dcu, ava, dfa) making the tongue dry and rough ; rough, bitter. 1. metaph. like Lat. austerus, stern, harsh, austere. Hence avorrjporris, rjTOs, fj, roughness, rough flavour. 2. metaph. harshness, sternness, austerity. 116 avr-ciYY Xos, ov, (avros, dyyeAAw) carrying one's own message : bringing news of what one has seen. aur-aYpcTOS, ov, (avros, dypfoji) self-chosen, left to one's choice. II. act. choosing for oneself. auT-d8Xos, ov, (avros, d5e\(pos) related as brother or sister : one's own brother or sister. avT-av8pos, ov, (avros, dvrjp) with the men them- selves, men and all. atrr-avcvJHos, a, (avros, dvfiftios") an own cousin, cousin-german. aurdp, Conjunct., Ep. for drdp, but, yet, however, still, besides, moreover. Like drdp it always begins a proposition. aurdpiccia, 77, (avrdpKTjs) sufficiency in oneself, in- dependence. aur-dpKT]S, fs, (avros, dpntoj) sufficient in oneself, independent of others ; TroAts avrdpfcys a country that supplies itself, that wants no imports ; c. inf., avrdp- KIJS dvayfcdfciv fully able to compel. atire, Adv., I. of Time, again, over again. II. to mark Sequence, again, furthermore, like Lat. an- tem. 2. however, on the contrary. aur-CKfJiaYfJi.a, aros, TO, (avros, (KftdoffofJiai) an exact impression, true portrait. auT-eJ-ovo'ios, ov, (avros, fovo~ia) in one's own power : rb avregovaiovfree power. aur-cirdYYeXros, ov, (avros, fnayy^\\o^ai) offer- ing of oneself, of oneself, freely, Lat. sponte. auT-CTrtovijjios, ov, (avros, ITTOWU^OS) of the same surname. aur-epenjs, ov, o, (avrus, epfrrjs') rower and soldier a! once. dvT(u, Ep. impf. dvTw, only used in pres. and impf., to cry, shout : also in Act., to call, [y] From duTTj, 77, (at/a;) a shout, call, esp. a battle-shout, war-cry, hence also the battle itself, [y] auT-Y|KOOs, ov, (avros, dicoixa) one who has himself heard, an ear-witness. avr-TjiJiap, Adv., = avOrjiJi,fpov, on the selfsame day. auTi-Yevqs, f$, Ion. for avOiyevrjs. auriKa [t], Adv. (avTos) forthwith, straightway, im- mediately ; avr'iKa Kal (jLcrfirftra now and hereafter : presently, directly, Lat. mox. II. for example, just to give an example ; avr'iKa ydp dp^fi Sid riv' 6 Zeus ; for example, by what means does Zeus rule the gods? auTis, Ion. and Dor. for avdis. diJTjjiT|, (*dca, avca, to blow} breath : the blast of a bellows. II. a scent, odour. avro-j3oi, Adv. (avros, ^017) by a mere shout; av- ro(3ofl e\iv to take without resistance. cu>TO-|3ov\os, ov, (avros, (3ov\r)) self-willed. avro-YVvirjTOS, ov, (avros, yevvdca) : KotfirjfJiara IMjrpus avr. a mother's intercourse with her own child. auroYV(op,ov0), f. TIGOJ, to act of one's own will or judgment. From avro-Yvwp,cov, ov, gen. ovos, (avros, yvw/Jirj) acting of one's own will or judgment. Adv. /j,6vcas. auro-YVWTOS, ov, (avros, yiyvduffKO}) self-resolved, self-chosen. atiro-Yvos, ov, (avros, yvrjs} : dporpov avroyvov a plough in which the *yvr]s is of one piece with the eAu/ia and io~ro{3ofvs. avro-8aT|S, es, (avros, Sarjvai) unpremeditated. avro-SdiKTOs, ov, (avros, Sa'/^cu) self-slain or mutu- ally slain. a-ur-o8d, Adv. (avros, o5a) with clenched teeth: hence stubborn. avro-ScKa, (auros, 8e'a) just ten. atiTO-SirjXos, ov, (avros, Sr^Aos) self-evident. avro-8i8aKTOS, ov, (avros, oi8do~K(a) self-taught. auro-SiKOS, ov, (avros, oiKrf} with one's own law- courts : conducting one's own suits at home. auroStov, Adv. (auros) straightway. awo-IXiKTOS, ov, (avros, lAttracu) curling naturally. avTO-evrqs, ov, 6, avOfvrtjs, a murderer. avTO-6TT|S, fs, (avros, cros) in or of the same year : Adv. avroeres, in the same year, within the year. avTO-OeXel, Adv. of avroBfXrjs, voluntarily. auro-OcXTjs, fs, (avros, 0eAa;) of one's own will, voluntary. atrroOev, Adv. (avrov) of Place, from the very spot where one is,from hence, from thence, Lat. illinc. II. of Time, on the spot, at once, Lat. illico. aviToOt, Adr. for avrov, on the very spot, there. auTO-KatrtYVTjTOS, o, and -TTJ, 77, (avros, Kaaiyvrj- TOS) an own brother or sister. atrro-KaraKpiTOS, ov, (avros, KaraKpivca) self-con- demned. avro-KcXcvOos, ov, (avros, #e'Aet;0os) going one's own way. avro-KeXctKTTOS, ov, (avros, Kf\evo}) self-bidden, of one's own accord. avTO-KeXT|S, es, (avros, K\O[ML) = foreg. ttvro-KXirjTOS, ov, (avrits, aAe'a;) self-called, i. e. un- called, unbidden. avro-KO|xos, ov, (avros, #0^77) with natural hair, shaggy. II. hair and all. avTO-KpaTT|s, c*, (auros, Kpdros} riding by oneself, having full power, absolute : TO avro/cpares free will. atiTO-Kpdrcop, opos, 6, rj, (avros, Kparica} one's own master: I. of persons or states, free and inde- pendent, Lat. sui juris. 2. of ambassadors, etc., possessing full powers. 3. of rulers, absolute : peremptory. auro-KTiTOS, ov, (avros, Krifya} self-produced, made by nature. auTOKTOveto, to slay themselves or one another. From aviTO-KTOVOS, ov, (auros, Kreivca} self-slaying. II. slaying one another; Odvaros avroitrovos mutual death by each other's hand. atiTO-Ki/ScpyfiTTis, ov, 6, (avros, Kvft(pvd, f. icru, to act of one's own will, to act of oneself, and so to act unadvisedly. From atiTO-p-oiTOS, r), ov, also os, ov, (avros, p.p.aa, pf. of *p.aoj) acting of one's own will, of oneself, unbidden ; esp. self-moving; TO, avro^ara self-moving machines, automatons. 2. of plants, growing of themselves, spontaneous. 3. of events, happening of them- selves : without cause, accidental ; aitb rov avrofM- TOV, naturally or by chance. Adv. TCUS, Lat. ultro, sponte sua. auTOjxoXeo), f. rfOca, (auro/ioXos) to desert. Hence avrop,6Xif]o-is, ecus, 77, and aurop,oXCa, 17, desertion. aviTO-jJioXos, ov, (avTos, fJ.o\eTv} going of oneself: as Subst. a deserter. auTOvop.cop.ai, Dep. (avrov op.os) to live by one's own laws, be independent. avTOvojxia, 17, independence. From avro-vojxos, ov, (ai/ros, i/e;ua/) living by one's own laws: independent. II. (vfiJ.ofj.ai} feeding at will. a\rro-vv\i, Adv. (avros, j/u) that very night. atiTo-ijtiXos, ov, (avTos, v\ov) of mere wood. auTo-irais, iraiSos, 6, rj, (avros, THUS) an own child, son or daughter. auTO-irf)p,a>v, ov, gen. ovos, (avros, TTTJ/J.O) for one's own woes. auTO-nmos, ov, (avros, Trot ecu) self -produced. avro-iroXis, vs, 6, (avros, iro\is) self-administered, independent. Hence auTOiroXmrjs, ov, 6, a citizen of a free state, [t] atnro-TTOVTjTOS, ov, (avros, Troi/ecy) self-wrought, natural. avr6-irp|Avos, ov, (avros, irpe/jivov} together with the root, root and all; auTonpe/m/os o\\vo~9ai to perish root and branch. atrro-irpocrwiros, ov, (avros, trpoaojirov) in one's own person. a,\n-6rrTr\s, ov, 6, (avTos, oipojjai, fut. of opactj) see- ing oneself, an eyewitness. auTO-'irwXirjs, ov, u, (avrus, muAeco) selling oxe's own goods. avrop-pios, poet, auropi^os, ov, (avros, /5t'a) self- rooted. II. with the roots, roots and all. atiTop-ptn-os, poet, avro-pvros, ov, (avros, fieca) self-flowing. AT'TO'5, axiTT), auro, reflexive Pron., self, Lat. ipse: in oblique cases often for the person. Pron., him, her, it: with artic. 6 avros, rj avrrj, TO avro, the same. I. self, myself, thyself : i. oneself, i. e. the part properly called self, as the soul, opp. to the body ; or oneself, as opp. to others, e.g. the king to his sub- jects : hence it is used emphatically for a master, as in the Pythag. phrase AUTOS 6a, Lat. Ipse dixit. 2. 117 of oneself, of one's own accord. 3. by oneself, alone, = p.6vos ; avroi toptv we are by ourselves. 4. in dat. with a Subst., together with ; dvopovaev OUTT? avv i , avrov, and the reflex. Pron. avrov, avry, avrov, v. sub tavrov. III. with Article, 6 avros, 17 avrri, TO avro, Att. contr. duTos, avrr), ravro and ravrov ; gen. ravrov, etc. ; Ion. wvros, rcavro : the same, Lat. idem. It | freq. takes a dat., like o/xotos, etc., 6 auTOs r> \i6, avroavBpomos, etc. 5. just, exactly, as in avro- oeKa. 6. rarely, with reflex, sense of OUTOU and d\\r}\(uv, as avOfvrrjs, avroKTOveoj. 7. together with, as in avroroKos young and all. 8. alone, by oneself, as in avroaKijvos. avTOO-6, Adv. (avrov} to the very place, Lat. illuc. atiro-orBtjpos, ov, (avrus, aiorjpos) of sheer iron. avT6o--cri;TOS, ov, (avros, aevopjai) self-moved. avro-oraSta, fj, (avros, tara^ai} a stand-up fight , close fight. j avro-crroXos, ov, (avros, (TTtAAo/xat) self-sent, going of oneself . \ auro-OTOvos, ov, (avTos, arevw} sighing for or by oneself. auTO-o-4>aYT|S, es, (avros, a, (auros, TOKOS) young and all. auTO-Tpa.Yi.KOS, ov, (auras, rpa-yt/fos) arrant tragic. auTO-Tpo-n-Tjo-as, aor. I part, as if from avTorpotiao), (O.VTOS, Tpftroj) to turn straightway. avrov, Adv., properly gen. neut. of euros, at the very place, there, here, on the spot, Lat. illico. atrrov, Att. contr. for laurou. auroup-yia, 77, a working with one's own hand ; au- Tovpyia i, avr6iv, Ep. gen. and dat. sing, and plur. of auros: in-' avrotpi or trap' auro^i on the very spot ; air' avrotpi from the very spot. curro-<|>Xoios, ov, (auros, 6vos, ov, (auros, *) self-murdering, murdering one's own kin. auTO-6vrr|S, ou, 6, (auros, *opTOS, ov, (auras, (pupros) bearing one's own baggage. auro-<|>VT|S, fs, (auras, (pvoi) self-growing, self-exist- ent. 2. of home growth or production. 3. na- tural, opp. to artificial ; avTofyvtis \6uci4S, Adv. naturally. auro-TOS, ov, (auras, (opos, ov, (avros, (pup) caught in the act of theft; ITT' avro(pwpa) \afi&dvfiv to catch in the act; fir' avTO(pu>p(t} aXwvai to be caught in the very act. avnro-xeip, pos, 6, rj, (auras, x 6t V) working with one's own hand: c. gen. the very maker or worker of a thing. II. absol. one who kills himself or one of his kin: a murderer, homicide. 3. as Adj. murderous. Hence avroxipC, Adv. with one's own hand. avTOXtpCa, 57, (avroxfi />) a doing with one's own hands ; Lat. avroxeipia with one's own hand. avro-xOovos, ov, (avros, xO&v) country and all. ^ avrro-xOwv, ov, gen. ovos, (aura's, x^i') of the land itself, Lat. terrigena : avroxOovcs, ol, like Lat. Abori- gines, Indigenae, of the original race, not settlers. avTO-x6\&m>s, ov, (avros, xoAo'cw) angry at oneself. atiTO-xocovos, ov, lengthd. for avroxoavos, (ai>Tos, Xodvrj) rudely cast, shapeless, of a quoit. auTo-xpTlp-o,, Adv. (avros, xpVt* -) indeed, really : at once, plainly. aimos, Adv. of auros with Aeol. accent, even so, \just so, as it is; yv/ivw euvra, avrcas, being unarmed, just as I am. 2. just so, no better; often joined with other words implying contempt ; vrjirios CLVTQJS a mere child. II. just as before, as it was; XCVKGV eV auVatt still white as when new. atrxevico, f. iffca Att. to), (avxnv) to cut the throat of, behead. a^xevios, a, ov, (avxnv) belonging to the neck; av- X^VLOI TfvovTts the sinews of the neck. aiXjoa: like fcavxaoftai, to boast, pride oneself: c. inf. to boast that: generally, to protest, declare. From AT'XH', 77, boasting, pride. av\t]\i.a, CLTOS, TO, (auxe'cu) a thing boasted of, the pride, boast. II. a boast: a]so = avxr), boasting. AT'XH'N, evos, 6, the neck, throat: metaph. a nar- row passage, a neck of land, isthmus ; also a narrow sea, strait : the narrow bed of a river : a defile. at5xT)O~is, fcws, 77, (avxew) boasting, exultation. o, f. rjaoj, (au^os) to be squalid, Lat. squalere. a, ov, (avxfJ-tw) dry, parched, dusty, squalid, Lat. squalidus. 2. impoverished, needy. auxfJios, o, (acu, avca, awos) drought : dearth. atrx|A-a>8T]S, fs, (avxfJ-os, tldos) looking dry and dusty ; TO ai/xf^Sfs drought. AT V H, Att. avb>, to dry, wither : also to singe, set on fire. AY J L, f. avow. aor. 771)0-0: to shout out, shout, call aloud: also of things, to sound, echo: c. ace. pers. to call upon. axiws, 17, Aeol. for aws, T)WS, morning. d-a,YvifG>, f. ioo) Att. tw, to purify : Med. to de- vote oneself with purifying offerings. d4>-aipco> : f. 770-0; : pf. cKprjprjKa : Pass., aor. i d(prjp6r]v : pf. dcprjpTjfMi : from the Root 'EA- we have aor. 2 d^efAoi/, fut. med. d<^eXo!/iat : (drro, aiptoj). To take from, take away from another; c. dupl. ace., afyaipflv TWO. TI to rob of a thing ; d(pai- peiv TIVOS to take from a thing, hence to diminish : to let off, pardon. II. Med. more freq. than Act., to take away for oneself, bear off: acpaipeiaOai Tivd TI to bereave, deprive, rob of a thing, always with the notion of taking for oneself. 2. followed by fj.7) and inf., to prevent, hinder from doing. III. Pass, to be robbed or deprived of a thing. daio-TOS, Dor. for"H0ato"Tos. d-d\Xojjuu, f. 6,a\os, ov, without the dp.apT, Ep. 3 aor. 2 of foreg. d4>a|xapTO-eirf|S, e's, (d-avBdva>, f. -adrjffa : Ion. aor. 2 inf. diraoeetv : (O.TTO, dvSdvoj) : to displease, fail to please. d-dvia, 77, darkness, obscurity. II. disappear- *ance, utter destruction. From d-4>avT|S, es, (a privat., (pavrjvai) unseen, invisible: inscrutable. 2. vanished : hidden, secret : hence > unknown : rb agaves uncertainty. 3. dfpavrjs '. ovcria personal property, which can be secreted, opp. to Qavfpd, real, as land. Hence d4>avtavuru.6s, o, = dfydviffis. d-avTOS, ov, (a privat., (paivopai) invisible, for- gotten : obscure, secret. 2. unloosed for. d-dirTOj, fut. ^cc : pf. pass, d^p.p.a.i : (airo, anrca} : to fasten from or upon; dap, Adv., I. straightway, forthwith: at once, quickly. II. thereupon, then, after that. III. continuously, without intermission. a-<|)apKTOS, ov, old Att. for acppaitTos. a<|>-apiTda> : f. daj, Att. daca or rather dffopai : Pass., aor. I -rjprdadrjv : pf. -rjptrafff^ai : to tear off" or from: to snatch away: to snatch eagerly. d^xxprepos, a, ov, Comp. Adj. of dtpap, hastier. d-<}>acrLa, 77, (d'^aros) speechlessness. ddcroxo, f. ddcrco: aor. I r/aTOs, ov, (a privat., -avaiva>, fut. pass. avav6r)(TOfJLai, = davpos, d, 6v, weak, feeble. (Deriv. uncertain.) d-atjo>, (diro, avoo) to dry up, parch, Lat. torrere : < Pass, to become parched, to pine away. dcfxiu) or d<{>da>, (amoj, d-Spuv, GJVOS, 6, (airo, e'Spa) the draught: a privy. dfl, Ep. for d(f>r), 3 sing. aor. 2 subj. o: d7]Ka, Ep. for dfprjita, aor. fut. pass, o: us dt8cGTTpov, Comp., d<}>i8iSif|s, es, (a privat., efSo//cu) unsparing, lavish: bountiful. 2. unsparing, cruel, harsh. Hence dei8Ca, 17, profuseness. 2. harshness, severity. di8ws, Ion. -cos, Adv. of aQeitys, lavishly. diT], 3 sing. aor. 2 opt. of dtpirjfii. ,jx6i\ov, -6(jnr)v, aor. 2 act. and med. of damped). d6ip,ai,, pf. pass, of atyirjiu. dirjiJ.i. de\6iv, d\Tjs, es, (a privat., -e\KO), f. eAcu: but the usu. fut. is a.aei\Kv\6-n]s, rjros, 17, (d^eXiJs) smoothness, evenness: hence simplicity, sincerity. d4>Xa>v, aor. 2 part, of dtpaipeca. d\(os, Adv. of dvos, TO, wealth, abundance. a<|>-pKTOS, ov, (dTreipyoj) shut out from. a-epireo, f. ^a>: but aor. I dtpfipirvva (as if from d^fpTTv^y) : to creep of, steal away. a-4)pros, ov, (a privat., (ptpoi) insufferable. d(J)S, 2 imperat. aor. i of dcpirjfu. 'A<}>eors, ecus, 17, (aupiiiiu) a letting go, setting free : a quittance, discharge: remission, forgiveness: a starting of horses in a race, the starting-post itself. afccr-raii], shortened for dQfffrrjKoi, 3 sing. pf. opt. of d(f)iffTr}fj.i. a6T6s, ov, (dfiTjfu) let loose, freely ranging, esp. of sacred flocks that were free from work : hence dedicated to some god. CC-<>6VKTOS, OV,=d(pVKTOS, q. V. d4>-t>o>, aor. I atytvaa (without augm.) : pf. pass. faevfwi :to singe off. 1. to toast, roast. d-e|/o), Ion. dire'vj/w : fut. dftitfau :to boil off, boil down. II. to boil free of all dross, to refine, purify : to boil young again. deo)Ka, Dor. for a4>efa, pf. act., and d^twvrai, Dor. for dtpfivrat, 3 plur., pf. pass, of dfiijiu. aT|, 17, (aTTTcu) a fastening, joint: i. a Hgh'ing, kindling. II. (airropan} a touching, handling : the sense of touch. a-T]Y0|Acu, f. -rjjriaofjiat, to lead away, lead off: generally, to lead the way, go first. II. to tell, relate, explain. III. the perf. a.T)Y T lH- a I n - tive : and dT|YT]cri.s Ion. dinriYT]o-ts, ecus, 17, a telling, narra- ting ; diov dirr)yr]ffios worth the telling. owjnjKa, aor. I of dtyirjfu. d-TJ\i, Ion. dir-TjXi|, IKOS, 6, 37, beyond youth, elderly: mostly used in Comp. and Sup. d(f>r)XiKe- ffrfpos, -tararos. a4>-T)p.at, Pass, to sit apart. d4>TJpT)fca, pf. of d-if|Ta>p, opos, 6, (d(pirjfjiC) the archer. d4>0apora, ff, incorruption, immortality. From a-0apTOS, ov, (a privat., 0Y KT s, ov > ( a privat., (pOtyyofjLai) speechless : not to be spoken of; kv dtyOeyKTca vdiret in a grove luhere none may speak. a0T], Ion. and Dor. for rj(pOrj, 3 sing. aor. I pass. Of dlTTOJ. a-0iTos, ov, later also 77, ov, (a privat., 0OYYS, ov, (a privat., (pOeyyoftai} voiceless. d0ov06vK]TOS, ov, (a privat., (pOovfaj^ unenvied. d<}>0ovia, 17, freedom from envy, readiness : more often of things, plenty, abundance. From d-0opta, 17, incorruption, purity. From a-4>0opos, ov, (a privat., 0e/pcy) uncorrupt, chaste. d-i8pvco, f. vffoa [u] : Pass., aor. I -vOrjv [y] or -vvdrjv : pf. d(f)i8pvfj.ai : to place elsewhere, to remove. d-icp6ci>, f. ducrca: pf. pass, dcpiepcafjai: to purify, hallow. d<|>-u]p.i : impf. (as if from d(pieass, neglect. IV. /o to, sz^r, permit to do or to be done. V. seemingly intr. (sub. (TTparov, vavs, etc.), to break up, march, sail. B. Med. to sewo? /or/ /row oneself, to send forth. 2. to loose oneself from : freq. in Att., c. gen. only, dtpov TCKVOJV let go the children. d-iKovo), = d(piKVOfMi, to arrive at. d4>iKeor0ai, aor. 2 med. inf. of diKco, Dor. for dtyiKov, 2 sing. aor. 2 of sq. d-ncv0p,?y/zai : Dep. : to arrive at, to come to, to reach ; diKop.evos, aor. 2 part, of dtyiKveofjiai. a-t,A.-a,Yci0os, ov, (a privat., (pi\os, dyaOos) un- friendly to good men. d-i\T)TOS, ov, (a privat., (f>i\eoj) unloved. di\o8o^Ca, f], want of ambition. From a-iX68o|;os, ov, (a privat., (pt\os, 8oa) not ambitious. d-i\os, ov, of persons, friendless. 2 . of persons and things, unfriendly, disagreeable, hateful: Adv. \cus. ci(f>Ujts, Ion. dmts, ecus, f), (d(piKveofj.ai) an ar- rival. II. a going home again, departure. d<|>iiriretJ(o, f. fvaca, (atyitnros) to ride off, away, or back. d^uiriria, 17, bad riding. From dfn"iros, ov, unsuitedfor riding or for cavalry. II. riding badly. d!x0vei6s, ov, also 97, ov, (cifptvos*) rich, wealthy : also rich in a thing, c. gen. d4>veos, d, ov, collat. form of dipveios. "A^Nri, Adv. unawares, of a sudden : also dtpvcas. d-6pT)TOS, ov, (a privat., (pofitofjuai) fearless, with- out fear of, c. gen. d-4>o|3os, ov, (a privat., op6-oi|3avTos, ov, (a privat., -op,oi6a>, f. cuaoj, to liken, make like. II. to compare. III. to portray, copy. d4>-OTrAia>, f. iaca, to disarm, strip o/ arms : Med., d-opdo>, impf. d6pir]Tos, ov, (a privat., opia, 77, (atpopos) a not bearing, dearth of a thing. II. barrenness. dopt6i, 3 sing. fut. act. or 2 sing. fut. med. of d-opto>, f. iffca Att. to) : aor. dtywpiaa. : pf. pass. dtpdipiff^ai : to mark off by boundaries : to part off", determine, define : Med. to mark off for oneself, appropriate. II. to set apart, ordain : also to reject, banish. d-opjji,dopp,T|0el6v, 3 pi. aor. I pass. opt. of u-oppuop,ai, Med. to unmoor ships from harbour. d-6p[xiKTOS, ov, (a privat., (pop^'ifa} without the lyre. d-opfju>s, ov, (dno, opp.os} without harbour in a place. d-<|>opos, ov, (a privat., (j>(pca) not bearing, barren. d-4>6pv/KTOS, ov, (a privat., (popvaacu) undejiled, un- stained. d-ocri6a>, fut. cuaoj, (diro, oaivs) to purify or liberate from guilt: Med. to purify oneself from sins of negligence; doti, aor. 2 imper. med. of dtyirjpi. a6a>VTa, Ep. for d(pu>vra, pres. act. part. ace. of atpdca. d4>paSta>, f. rjffoj, to act without sense. From d-4>p3SY|S, fs, (a privat., 0pdbjucu) thoughtless, silly: of the dead, senseless. Adv. dqpdotojs, foolishly, sense- lessly. Hence d4>pS8ia, 77, felly, thoughtlessness, silliness. d-pd8(juov, ov, gen. ovos, = dpaivco, (a-(pppaKTOs, old Att. a-<|>apKTOS, ov, (a privat., typaaata) unfenced, unguarded. II. off one's guard. d-pdpacrTos, ov, (a privat., S, Adv. unexpectedly. d4>po, f. 770-0), (<%>ds) to foam: c. ace. to cover with foam. dpT)-A6YOS, ov, (dcppus, \4yca) gathering frofh, skimming. dpTjo-TT|s, ov, 6, (dtppeca) the foaming one. dpT)To>p, opos, 6, Ion. for dtppdrcap, (a privat., pio>, f. iffca, d(ppca, to foam. dpiois, 60"o-a, ev, (dpo-yV6ia, 77, the foam-born. From d4>po-Y6VT)s, cs, (cuppus, ytveaOai} foam-born. 'Apo8io-uxs, dSos, fern. Adj. sacred to Venus. 'A4>po8urios, a, ov, also os, ov, belonging to Venus. ^ II. 'Apo8iTT] [r], 77, (d^pos) Aphrodite, Lat. Venus, the goddess of love and beauty, born from the sea- foam. II. as appellat. love, desire: also beauty. dcj)pov{TTpos, -eo-raros, Comp. and Sup. of dpova>, f. 770*0;, (apa>j/) to be silly, to act foolishly. dpovTierrca>, f. 770-0;, to be heedless: to have no care of a thing. From d-p6vTrros, ov, (a privat., (ppovTifa) thoughtless, heedless: so inAdv.,d^poi/Ti'o-ro;s ex iv tobe thought- less. II. pass, unthought of, unexpected. d-()>p6va>s, Adv. of dfppojv, foolishly. 'A^PO'5, 6, foam, froth. d<})poo-vvif], 77, (dpovpos, ov, (a privat., (ppovpd) unwatcbed. dpo-4>VTis, es, (dtypos, po)v, ov, gen. ovos, (a privat., Qprjv) senseless, wit- less, foolish, crazed, silly, Lat. amens, demens. Comp. and Sup., d(ppovfaTpos, -tararos. d()>-vSpaCv(i), (aTTo, vSpaivca) to wash clean: Med. to wash oneself, bathe. d$v-r\, 77, a sort of anchovy or sardine. d-<|)i>T|s, es, (a privat., ^1^7) without natural talent, dull : naturally unfit for a thing. II. in good sense, simple. CL-'UKTOS, ov, (a privat., v\aKTa>, f. 770-0;, to be off ones guard : c. gen. to be careless about, neglect. From d-v\aKTOS, ov, (a privat., ^>v\daaoj) unguard- ed. II. of persons, unguarded, unheeding ; dtpv- \aKTov Tiva \afj.(3dviv to catch one off bis guard. Adv. -TOW. Hence dv\aia, 77, want of vigilance, unguardedness. d-v\ia>, f. to-o;, (duo, v\ica) to strain off. d-<})vXXos, ov, (a privat., tiiv, fut. inf. of d-virvi&>, f. iffca, (diro, VTTVOS) to wake from sleep. d-v-irv6co, f. wool : aor. I wpvirvwoa. : (diro, vnvota) : to wake or rouse from sleep. II. to fall asleep. dvo"yTOS, 6, (dtyvaaca) the mud and dirt which a j stream carries with it, rubbish. 'A*T'22fi, fut. dfpvgaj Dor. -o> : aor. I fjQvaa Ep. afyvaaa : aor. I med. ijfpSffdfjLrjv Ep. d(f)vaadfj.r]V : to rfraw liquids ; iriOcuv rjtyvaotro olvos wine was drawn from the casks: Med. to draw for oneself, to drink, quaff. 2. to pour in a heap, to pile up, nXovrov dcpvgeiv : Med., vca$ 6%eiv to have no natural talent. d-<}>d;vir]TOS, ov, (a privat., dxuvecu) unspeakable, un- utterable. II. voiceless, speechless. dcjxovia, 77, speechlessness. From d-4>wvos, ov, (a privat., $s, ov, (a privat., x^X ^ 8 ) without a farthing. Hence dxa\Ko, to be without a farthing. a-xaXic6im>s, ov, (a privat., x -^^ ^ not forged of metal. d-xa\KOS, ov, without brass, esp. without brasen arms ; d'xaA/fos daniScav = dvev dcrmdow -)(aKKwv. d-xdXKtoTos, ov, (a privat., "xaKKoca) d^aXK euros. dxdvi] [ax-], 57, a Persian measure, = 45 fj.e8ifj.voi. d-xaviqs, , (a privat., x av " / ) not opening the mouth. II. (a euphon.) yawning, vast. d-xopaKwros, ov,(a privat., \apaKuTOS, ov, (a privat., x^pooj) not trained by the hand. II. unconquered. 'AxXcos, poet. 'AxcXcotos, o, Acheldus, name of several rivers ; the best known ran through Aetolia and Acarnania. II. as appellat. any running water, as in Virgil, Acheloia pocula. "AXEPAO5, 17, more rarely 6, a wild prickly shrub, used for hedges : the wild pear. 'AxepovTios and 'Ax^povo-ios, a, ov, of or belong- ing to Acheron: fern, -ids, d5os. dxepG>iS,f'Sos,^>e white poplar, supposed to have been brought by Hercules from the banks of Acheron. 'Axpwv, OVTOS, 6, Acheron, a river in Hades. (De- rived from dxos, as K.UKVTOS from KCCKVOJ.) dx^Tas, ou, 6, Dor. for 77x^7/8, (d^ecy) sounding: esp. the male cicada, from its chirping. dxva>, (axos) to mourn, be sad, nvos for one. dx>, (d'x s ) to mourn, be sad, only used in part., KTJP dxfojv sorrowing in heart. II. from the same Root 'AX-, came I. Ep. redupl. aor. 2 -JJK&- x ov > m causa l sense, to make to grieve, vex, distress : so also redupl. fut. daxi7crcu, aor. I dKd\rjaa (as if from dxi>). 2. Med. and Pass, to grieve, subj. ditdxTjTai, opt. dfcdxoiTO, impf. 3 pi. dKd\ovro : pf. pass., dicdxtJfJ-ai, Ep. 3 pi. dKr)X.ta.ra.i or ditr)X* a ~ rai (for dicrjX' r ] VTat } > 3 pi- P^ dKaxfiaro (for d/fry- ; inf. dtfdxrjffOai ; part. d/taxTy^evos, Ep. also 1 eo> [a], Dor. and poet, form for ^x^- Dor. for ryx^a. 'AXH'N, eVos, o, 77, /)oor, e^_y. [a] Hence dxtjvCa, 77, weopecj, f. 770-0;, to bear burdens, to bear as a burden. From dx0o-c{)6pos, ov, (dxOos, >, 77, Dor. for T^X^- d-xwpto-TOS, ov, (a privat., x^p' " 7 "^) not parted. II. (a privat., \wpos) without a place assigned one. "A, Adv. of Place, backwards, back, away from, away. 2. of actions, again, over again. duVdfxcvos, aor. I med. part, of dirrofMt. d-4/avo-ros, ov, (a privat., $0.1x0) untouched. II. act. without touching. d-v|/os, ov, (a. privat., \f/uos) = afyotyriTos. d-v|;vKTos, ov, (a privat., V^x ") unco l e d> warm. dvj/vxta, 77, cowardice. From d-i|/i)xos, ov, (a privat., ^vx 7 ?) lifeless, spiritless, fainthearted. *'An, root ofdrjfu, to blow; cf. dfr, av, dovos, 77, Dor. for -ffioiv. pi, Adv. of dcapos, at an untimely hour. d-copia, 77, (d'cupos) untimely fate or Jea^, an unsea- sonable time : in ace. as Adv., dwpiav IJKCIV to have come too Zate. [a] d-wpios, ov, = dcupos. dcopo-WKTOS, ov, (d'cupos, vv} at midnight, Lat. in- tempesta nocte. d-copos, ov, (a privat., wpa) untimely, unseasonable, Xtifiuv, ddvaros. II. before the time, unripe. III. misshapen, ugly, [a] dwpro, Ep. plqpf. pass, of detpcu. 'Aws, 17, Dor. for 'Hws, "Ecus. Hence 'Aoxr-4>6pos,o, = 'Eojffcpopos, the bringer of light, the morning-star, Lat. Lucifer. dorreio, f. 77, pacing, Lat. />ecfe- tentim, opp. to quick running. II. marching on foot, opp. to riding. III. gradually, Lat. ' From II. metaph. : fut. Att. lovpai, later to) : aor. I pf. 0(3d8iKa : (jSaSos, /Sati/co) : to g-o on foot, to walk: to go slowly, pace: generally, to g'o. Hence , fcas, 77, a walking, going. EOV, verb. Adj. of fiaoifa, one must go. paSitrrfjs, ov, 6, (jSaSi^cu) one that goes on foot, a walker, goer; raxvs fiaoiGT-fjs a quick goer. EIOTTIKOS, 17, ov, (/3aStcu) good at walking. 05, 6, (fiaiva}) a walk. r Zfl, f. fid) that on which one stands, a base, pedestal: foundation. 2. a step or set of steps, the round of a ladder: in plur. ladders. 3. a threshold: metaph. an edge, verge. 4. a bench, seat. -a'yKTjs, fs, (@a9vs, d'-y/cos) with deep vales. , ov, (fiaOvs, @ov\r)~) deep-counselling. Ion. paOvyeos, ov, Att. paMyecos, av, , 777) with deep soil, fruitful. Pa0t-'yr|pa>s, otv, (ffadvs, yfjpas) in great old age, decrepit. paOv-YAuirros, ov, (@a6vs, yXvTrroj} deep-carved. pa0v-8lvT|LS, 0"0"a, cv, (0a6vs, Sivdcu) deep-eddying. Pa0v-8ivrjs, of, 6, (/3a0fs, 5ivr]) deep-eddying, [t] pa0ti-8o^os, ov, ((3a6vs, Su^d) far-famed. Pa0v-covos, ov, (fiaOvs, wvr)) deep-girded, i. e. not under the breast, but over the hips, so that the gown fell over the girdle in full folds ; esp. of the Ionian dress : cf. @a9vKO\iros. Pa0v-0pi|, rpixos, o, 77, ({ia6vs, 6pi) with thick hair: of sheep, with thick wool. paOu-Kap-TTTis, es, (fiaOvs, Ka\i-m(a) strongly curved. pa0v-KT|Trjs, fs, ((3a0vs, tcfjTos} very deep. pa0u-icXi]S, 6s, ((3aOvs, ArAeos) far-famed. paOv-KoX-rros, ov, (@a9vs,K6\iros') deep-bosomed, with the dress in deep, full folds, like @a6vfavos. 2. with swelling breasts. II. of the earth, with deep valleys. pa0ii-KpTj(Jivos, ov, (fiaOvs, Kprj/i,v6s} with high cliffs. pa0v-KpticrTaXXos, ov, with thick ice. pa0u-KTtavos, ov, (@a6vs, tcrtavov) with great pos- sessions, esp. of flocks and herds. Pa0ii-Xip,os, ov, and pa0v-XifJLtov, ov, gen. o^os, ((3a6vs, \eii*uuv} with rich meadows. pa0u-XT|ios, ov, (fiaOvs, \rjLov) with deep, thick crops. pa0v-jiaXXos, ov, (fiaOvs, ftaXXus) thick-fleeced. pa0v-(jnf|TTjs, of, 6, also pa0vp.f|Ta, (fiaQvs, /i^Tts) deep-counselling. Pa0v-voos, ov, contr. Pa0v-vovs, ovv, ({3aOvs, voos) profoundly wise. Pa0vvu> [D], fut. paOvvw: pf. pepdOvjtca: (0a6vs): to deepen, hollow out, excavate ; fiaQvveiv TTJV ) = Padvppoos. pa0vp-pT]vos, ov, (Pa&vs, prjv} with thick wool. Pa0vp-pios, ov, (Pa6vs, /5ta) deep-rooted. Pa0vp-poos, ov, contr. Pa0-up-povs, ovv, (PaOvs, ptoj) deep-flowing, with deep, full stream. BA-0T'2, /3a0efa, Ion. a0ea, /3a0u : Comp. paOv- repos, poet. Padicuv, Dor. pdaaow : Sup. paOvraros, poet. pdOiffros. Deep or high, Lat. altus. 2. deep, thick, luxuriant, as of the hair and beard : generally, large, abundant : of the voice, deep : of thought, deep : then in various senses, of time, age, etc. ; @a- 9vs cpOpos morning-prime; PaOv yrjpas great old age ; Pa9fid (pd\ay a column deep in file. pa0v-o-Ka-cnrepvos, ov, (PaOvs, artpvov) deep-chested; fiaOvffTfpvos cua deep-bosomed earth. pa0v-pa>v, ov, gen. ovos. (PaOvs, (pprjv) deep-coun- selling. (3a0v-'u\X.os, ov, (PaOvs, v, ov, gen. ovos, (@a&vs, \0, f. aca, to lean on a staff. From , TO, (*Pdca, Pipdfa) Lat. baculus, a staff. irpoo-aiTrjs, ov, 6, (Pdnrpov, irpocraiTijs) one who begs leaning on a staff. , (^Bax os ) to rave with Bacchic frenzy. affat, to raise the strain Bax, to invoke Bacchus. Ca, 7), (Ba*xos) Bacchic revelry. v, TO, the temple of Bacchus. II. ov, (Baxos) Bacchic, belonging to Bacchus or his rites: like a priest of Bacchus, inspired, frenzied. , aros, TO, (Ba/fxvcw) Bacchic revelry. ecus, 6, = Ba/cx os - Hence ov, Bacchanalian, frenzied. , ecus, 77, (Ba/fx 6 ^ 00 ) Bacchic revelry. 6a>, f. tvffca, (Ba/fxos) to keep the feast of Bacchus. 2. to speak or act like one frantic, Lat. bacchari. II. causal, to inspire with frenzy. BO.KXTI, fi, (Bax os ) a Bacchante. II. any in- spired or frenzied woman. Baicxios, a, ov, and Bacxus (sub. 0eos), the Bacchic god, i. e. Bacchus. | BaKxts, iSos, T/.^Ba/fX 7 ?- BaKXtwTTjs, ov, 6, (Bci/fX' os ) a Bacchanalian. BA'KXOS, <5, Bacchus, the planter of the vine, god of wine and inspiration, and particularly of dramatic poetry. The same word with "laK^os, and so from . tdx, f. era, to wait upon a person at the bath : generally, to serve, wait upon. |3dXdvT)-dYOS, ov, (pdXavos, 6pos, ov, (QdXavos, epa>) bearing acorns or dates. J3dXdvio>, (0dXavos) to shake acorns from a tree. j3dXdvi' uiftois fidXXccrOai to throw over one's shoulder. 3. to lay a founda- tion, @dXXfaOai aarv to found a city. (3aXourai, Dor. for jSaAoSaat, aor. 2 part. nom. pi. fern, of ySoAAcu. |3aX6s, ov, 6, Dor. for firjXos. * "i, fut. ind. and aor. 2 subj. of ftdXXca. {3dp.a, TO, Dor. j3ap,J3cuvco, to chatter with the teeth: to stammer. (Formed from the sound.) (Bdp.es, Dor. for @w(j.ev, I pi. aor. 2 subj. of fiaivca. |3dp,|xa, OTOS, TO, (^SaTTTcy) that in which a thing is dipped, dye : see fidiTTQj. pdv, Ep. for Zfiav, efiijaav, 3 pi. aor. 2 of Paivca. Pdvaucria, 77, (fidvavaos) handicraft, the life and habits of a mechanic : hence vulgarity, bad taste. Hence j3dva/uv, of or for mechanics; Tfx vr ] $ a ~ vavffiKT) a mechanical trade, Lat. ars sellularia. pdv-avr)V [d] : pf. fiepawai. I. transit, to dip, dip under, Lat. immergere. 2. to dye, colour, steep : proverb., fidTrreiv nvd ^dp.p.a ^apdiaviKov to steep one in Sardian dye, give him a bloody cox- comb. 3. to fill by dipping in, draw. II. \ intrans. to dip, sink ; vavs tficufev the ship sank. pdpaOpov. Ion. (Bepedpov, TO, (akin to fidOpov, (36- Opos) a gulf, cleft, pit : at Athens a cleft behind the Acropolis, into which criminals were thrown, = Spartan KfdSai : hence, II. metaph. ruin, perdition. Papj3dpio>, f. iacovos, ov, (@dpf3apos, , f. ucrca, (/3d/>/3apos) to make barbarous BA'PBITON or foreign : Pass, to become barbarous : to be inar- ticulate. BA'PBrTON, TO, and pdpptros, o or 17, a musical instrument of many strings, like the lyre : used also for the lyre itself. pdpSurros, rj, ov, by poet, metath. for fipaSiffros, Sup. of fipaovs : so Comp. fiapovrepos for jSpaSuTepos. Pspfcu, (/3apos) intr. in Ep. pf. part, fiefiaprjws, weighed down, overcome, oi'va) Pefiaprjores. cos, Adv. of fiapvs, heavily, grievously; /Sapecws Lat. aegre ferre, to take a thing ill ; /3ap ecus dfcovftv to hear with disgust. Pdpts, tSos, Ion. ia>) loud-roaring. Papv-Ppa>s, WTOS, 6, rj, (/Sapus, QiPpoucrKoj) greedily eating : gnawing, corroding. papv-YSoviros, ov, (0apvs, SoCn-os) heavy-sounding, loud-roaring, thundering. papu-YotivaTos and Papv-Yovvos, ov, ()3apt;s, ^ovv) with heavy knees, loitering, lazy. Papv-Yvios, ov, (/Sapus, 7trov) weighing down the limbs. pa pvBaLfjioveco. f. 170*0;, (^SapuSat/^wv) to be possessed by an evil genius : generally, to be unlucky. Hence papvSai|xovia, 17, a heavy fate, ill luck. papv-8ai|xojv, ov, gen. ovos, (fiapvs, Satjucyv) pressed by a heavy fate, unlucky. ipij-SaKpvs, v, (/3apus, Sd/cpv} weeping grievously. ipv-8iKos, ov, (@apvs, oiKrf) taking heavy vengeance. )v-8oTipa, 17, (Papvs, oorrjp} giver of ill gifts. ', = fiapvySovTros. 5, ov, (@apvs, fj\os) exceedingly jealous. 5, es, (fiapvs, ^x os ) heavy-sounding. papvQ\>\iia,, ff, sullenness. From Papv-0i)fios, ov, (/3apys, OV/JLUS) heavy in spirit : in- dignant, sullen. Papv0u, (fiapvs} to be weighed down: to be heavy, dull, sluggish. [v~\ ov, (fiapvs, KOfi,irQj) loud-roaring, ov, (fiapvs, KOTfQ}) grievous in wrath. ov, (y3api;s, KTVTT60}') heavy-sounding , loud-thundering. papv-XatXaxj;, a?ros, o, 77, (jSapy's, AatXa^) loud- storming. papti-XoYos, ov, (/3api's, Xo7os) vexatious of speech; QapvXoya cx^ca hate vented in bitter words. 127 papv-p,T|vios, ov, and Paptijjnjvis, i, gen. tos, (0apv's, ^vts) exceeding wrathful. Papti-^wr0os, ov, (/Sapvs, fjnaOus") exacting heavy ov, tpi, /*o X os wry /ozsowapaY<>S, o^, (fiapvs, fftpapayos) loud thun- dering. \ Papvrqs, 77x05, ^, (/3apus) weight, heaviness: impor- tunity: harshness, oppression ; gravity of manners. [C] I Papv-Tipios, OK, (Papvs, np.-ff} of great worth: vener- able, costly. papv-TX-qTOS, ov, (jSapus, T\rjvat aor. 2 of *T\pwv, , to be king, to rule : in aor. I @affL- ! Xcvffat, to be made king. II. c. dat. to rule over a people : Pass, to be governed by a king, to be under a king. pao-iXijtr], T), Ion. for QaffiXcid. (3a, f. aco, ((SaaiXevs') to be of the king's party. pacriXucos,?;, ov, like 0aai\eios,royal, of a king. 2. of or for a king, princely. II. as Subst., /8a) fern. Adj. for mounting. 3arta, 77, = ftdros, a bush, thicket. SariSo-o-KO-n-os, ov, (0dns, aKo-rreoj) looking after roaches or skaits, greedy for them. Paris, ioo$, fj, (jSaTos) the prickly roach or the skait. pSro-SpoTros, ov, (fidros, 8peVa>) pulling thorns off or up. BA'TO5, 77, a bramble or any prickly bush. PO.TOS, 6, the Hebrew solid measure bath. Pares, 77, ov, (^Scuvcy) passable. Parpdxcios, ov, (fidrpaxos) of or belonging to a frog : J3arpdxeiov (sub. xPP- a }> frog-colour, pale green. Parpa\is, loos, and ioos, 77, afrog-green coat. From BA'TPAXOS, 6, a frog, Lat. rana. 2. the frog of a horse's hoof, [a] parrapi^co, fut. Att. to), (B: fut. ftatca'. to cry @av, @av, "to bark : hence to wail, mutter : to reproach. II. transit, to cry aloud for. pa/uKaXis, ioos, 77, a wine-cooler. Pavivos or PCLVVOS, o, (auT|, 77, (/SaTTTcy) a dipping, as of red-hot iron in cold water. II. a dipping of cloth in dye, dyeing: also the dye itself. Pa4>t]vat, aor. 2 inf. pass, of fidirrca. Pdij;is, ecus, fj, (Qdirrca) a dipping, dyeing. BAE'AAA", 77, a leech, Lat. hirudo. pStXvYP-o,, TO, (j85Avo-o*(y) an abomination, esp. of idols. , 77" , ov, ((3e\vffffoj) disgusting, abominable. OTTOS, ov, (fibeXvitros, Tporros) = foreg. BAEAT^PO'^, d, ov, abominable, disgusting. Hence pScXvo-ao), Att. -TTU) : fut. ca : to cause to stink, make loathsome. II. mostly used as Dep. P8- XvTTOfjwu, with fut. med. and pass. &8eXvofMi, /35e- aor. I med. and pass. e@8f\vdfJiT)V, to feel disgust at, to detest, have a BAE'll horror of. But all these forms, as well as perf. l/35e- Xvyftai occur in pass, sense, to be abominated. BAE'Jl, f. Potaaj, to break wind : to stink. , = P8(Q} : c. ace. to be afraid of. i, Ep. 3 pi. pf. of fiaivca. Pepcuos, a, ov, also os, ov,(/3cttvcu) firm, steady : stead- fast, trusty, sure, safe: TO fitfiaiov certainty. Hence pepaioT-qs, 77TOS, 77. firmness, steadfastness, safety. pej3cu6o, f. diffcu, to make firm, establish : Med. to establish for oneself, to confirm, secure. Pepaicos, Adv. of /3e/3aios, steadfastly, firmly. Pepaicoo'is, ws,t7, a making fast or sure, establishing. pcpdjj-cv, pepdvai, Ep. syncop. forms of @ inf. of Paivca. [a] Ptpajj.p.ai. pf. pass, of PCLTTTOJ. Pepdp-qws, weighed down, Ep. pf. part, o pepdcrav, Ep. 3 pi. plqpf. of Paivca. Att. contr. from Pcpdacri, Ep. 3 pi. pf. of 5, Pcpama, Ep. for PfprjKus, pf. part, of Paivca. P^p-qica, pf. of Paivca. P<=pT)K6iv, Ion. for @c@r)K(iv, plqpf. of Paivca. PpT]Xos, ov, (Paivca, prjXos) allowable to tread, permitted to human use, like Lat. prof anus, opp. to sacred. II. of men, unhallowed, profane, unholy. Hence pep^Xoo), f. waca, to profane, to pollute. pcpCao-jxat, pf. pass, of fiidfa. pe|3iT]Ka, pf. of (3 idea. jica, pf. of PXaardvca. ppXd(}>a, pJ3Xu|xp,ai, pf. act. and pass, of PXdirrca. i, fut. 3 pass, of pXatrrca. >a, pepXcp-fxai, pf. act. and pass, of PXfirca. Irjai, 2 sing. pf. pass, of PdXXca. liqaTO, Ion. 3 plur. pf. and plqpf. , pf. act. and pass, of /3aAXcu. , Ep. plqpf- act. and pass, of ppXT]TO, 3 sing. pf. and plqpf. pass, of pf. TO, 3 plur. plqpf. pass., and P|3oXT]|AVOS, pf. pass, part., of fioXfca for /SoAAcy. pf. of &OV\OJMI. , pcpovXevp,ai, pf. act. and pass, of PPpacr[jLat, pf. pass, of Ppdffffca. l0a, pf. of fyiOo}. , pf. part. pass, of /3/>OTo. , Att. contr. of ftepaws, Ep. pf. part. f Paiyca. 129 PT], 2 sing, of PeofMii, Ep. fut. of Paivo). pctojjuai, Ep. for p-fjcrojMi, fut. of cuva;, / //// /a# or live. Pea>, Ep. for /3<2, aor. 2 subj. of Paivca. pcKKe-o'eXTjvos, ov, (Pck'us, otXrivrj) old-fashioned, out of date, dotard: simple, silly. PEKOS, TO, bread : said to be a Phrygian word. PXp,vov, TO, poet, for /SeAos, a dart, javelin. pcXovi], 77, (jSeXos) an arrow-head: point of a spear: a needle. P*Xovo--n-a>Xif]S, ov, 6, (pe\6vr], iruXfOfMi) a needle- seller. peXos, cos, TO, (/3dAAa/) like Lat. jaculum (from jacio), anything thrown; a bolt, arrow, dart. 2. metaph., djavcL /3eAea of Apollo and Artemis are used of sudden, easy death; 8vao(j.(3pa @f\rj the arrows of the storm ; 6/j.fj.aTcav fte\os glances shot from the eye. peXrcpos, a, ov, = fifXricav, poet. Comp. of dyaOus, better. Hence also a rare Sup. peXraTOS, 77, ov. , 77, ov, Sup. of d^a^os, best, ov, gen. ovos, Comp. of dyaOos, better. ', (0f(j./3i) to spin like a top. 3e[ij3iKtt0, f. iaca, (Pepfiig) to spin as one does a top, to set a going. BE'MBIH, CATOS, 77, Lat. turbo, a top. pevSCSciov, r6, the temple ofBendis, (a name of Diana). BE'NOOS, cos, TO", (poet, for pdBos, as ire'vflos for TTO^OS) the depth of the sea, Lzt.fundus; fievOoads to the bottom ; fievOea V\TJS the depths of the wood. pevTUJTOs, a, ov, Dor. Pop,ai, Ep. for firjaofwt, fut. of Ppe0pov, TO, Ep. and Ion. for fidpaOpov. 3pe, f. dffoj Att. 0i0w, Causal of Qaivai, to make to go up, lift up, exalt. , acra, dv, part. pres. formed as if from a verb , ovffa, ov, part. pres. of a ver fiaiv(a, to stride; paicpa PipaffOow long-striding. Pij3dcj, poet, collat. form of fiaivaj, to stride ; ireXwpa /3ij3dV to take huge strides; part. &i@wv, fiifiwffa. Pipxdpiov, TO, Dim. of /3t/3Aos, a little book or scroll : so also {3i.pXapiSiov, TO. BCpXivos olvos, 6, Biblian wine, from Biblis, a hill in Thrace. ), 77, (@i0\iov, OrjKij} a book-case: library. TO, Dim. of /StjSAos, a paper, scroll. , ov, 6, (ftifi\iov, TTcuAecy) a bookseller. 'BAOS, 77, the inner bark of the papyrus. II. the paper made of this bark : hence a paper, book. BIBP,fl/5Kfl,, fut. Ppwffo/Jiai : aor. I e&poaaa : aor. 2 6/3pcw : perf. fie&pcaica, part, fiefiputcus, by syncop. Pass., fut. PpcaOrjaoiMii : fut. 3 0f(3pu>ao/j.ai : aor. I (&ppos, ov, (@ios, Swpov} life-giving, bounteous. 6, poet, for |3uo-0dX|Jitos, ov, (fiios, OaXXca} lively, strong, hale. |3Lo-0p(jL[JLcov, ov, gen. o^os, (fiios, Tpe^cu) support- ing life. BI'OS, 6, life, the course of life: lifetime. II. manner or means of living : one's living, livelihood. BIO'2, o, a bow. pio-oTepT|S, ts, (/Stos, ffrcp(oj) robbing of life or means. II. pass, in want of means. f), (Piorevaj') a way of life, livelihood. f. aca, (/3io-<|>i8T|s, fs, ()8tos, 06t5o/uat) stingy, sparing. 3ioa> : f. ftiwoopai, later Piwaca : aor. I e@iojoa : aor. 2 tflicav (as if from a verb /3u/) ; 3 sing, im- perat. )3twT(u ; subj.jSta;; opt. fii&rjv; inf. (Biuvat ; part. fitovs : (&ios, Lat. vivo) : to live, esp. to live hap- pily : Pass., ftiovrai one lives, Lat. vivitur. PIOCOVTCU, PIOCOVTO, Ep. 3 plur. pres. and imperf. med. of jStdcu. Pupa/To, for ffiaivTo, 3 pi. pres. med. opt. of /3tdcu. PWOTJV, aor. 2 med. opt. of /Stow. {Buovai, inf. of /Stoco. |3uocrip.os, or, (j3tda>) to be lived, worth living, pos- sible to live. PICOCTLS, f as, rj, (^i6ca) a living, manner of life. Puoa-K0|jiai, Dep., causal of fiitxu, to quicken, make alive : 2 sing. Ep. aor. I l&iwaao. PUOTIKOS, rj, ov, (pioa) fit for life, lively. II. of or pertaining to life. PUOTOS, rj, ov, = (j3to8T)S, es, (jSAa, fldos) lazy, sluggish. BAA'H, /3Aaos, o, 77, (akin to paXaKus) lazy, in- active, sluggish. Irreg. Comp. /3Adto"Tepos or /3Aa- KWTfpOS. BAA'TITH: fut. jSAd^cu: Ep. aor. I /SAd^a: pf. /3e'Aa6r)V, more usu. aor. 2 /3Adj7i> [o] : pf. /3oaoo. 131 <6f /3Aa/*/*cu : to hinder, weaken, stop ; c. gen. to hin- der from; fiXafifvra Xoicr9icav opofjiow arrested in its last course; j3Acu0eis tv ofo caught in the branches. 2. of the mind, to blind, deceive, mis- lead. 3. to harm, damage, hurt, mar. pXaordvo), fut. fiXaOTrjaoj : aor. 2 tfiXaffrov ; later aor. I 4j3Ado"T777]|u,*co, f. 770*0? : pf. $j3Aao"77/i77/fa : (@\da- tprjfj.os') : to drop profane words, speak pro- fanely. 2. to speak ill or to the prejudice of one, to defame: to blaspheme. Hence pXacr4>7]|Aia, 77, profane language. 2. evil-speak- ing, blasphemy. pXdo-4>T]nos, ov, (/3Aa, ^77/^77) speaking pro- fanely. 2. evil-speaking, slanderous. BAAY'TH, 77, mostly in plur. /SAatmzt, wv, at, a kind of slippers or sandals, Lat. soleae. pXauriov, TO, Dim. of fiXavrij. aor. I pass. part, of ftXairTQ}. d, Dor. for fi\axrj. Ep. for eySAa^a, aor. I of /SAaTTTO). pXdijus, ecus, 77, (/3Aa7TTpo>v, ov, gen. ovos, (jSAaTrra;, i(pp6vcos, madly. pXtto, 2 sing. Ep. aor. 2 med. opt. of fiaXXta. >, (ftpepai) to vaunt or be proud of a. thing; itaivow exulting in his strength. L, CTOS, TO, (jSA7Tcu) a look, glance : the eye. i, Dor. for /3A7rouo"a. /, verb. Adj. of fiXtiro}, one must look. 77, ov, (^AtTTw) of or for sight. >, 77, ov, seen, worth seeing. From f. ^cu ; aor. I ejSAr^a : pf. 0eftXf(pa : Pass., aor. I ^\f(p6r)v : pf. /3e/3Ac/i/X : to look, see : to look on, look at : also c. ace., "Apr/, tf>6(3ov /SAeVetv to look fury, terror ; in Comedy, ttapSapa, VOLTTV @\fiTfiv to look cress, mustard, i.e. to have a sour or bitter look. II. to look in a particular direction, to turn towards : esp. of aspects ; oitcia irpos fj.dos, hence, to live. IV. to look and long after a thing, c. inf. i. to take care of, look to or to beware of a thing. PXc^apis, iSos', f), an eyelash. From f3Xeapov, TO, (/SAeTrcu) an eyelid. II. in plur. the eyes : apepas /3Ae'$apov, eye of day, i. e. the sun ; VVKTUS (3X(papov, i. e. the moon. pXTjTcu for j3\r]r)Tai, Ep. aor. 2 pass. subj. o: AOJ, (3X.r/Tai. is, aor I pass. part, of &aXX. , Ep. aor. 2 pass. inf. of ySoAAo;. , Ep. fut. of )3dAAo>. , oi/, verb. Adj . of /3aAAiV ^ Dor. YXdtcwv : pennyroyal. Hence pX-rjxwaas, v > <5 prepared with pennyroyal. BAI'TTH, Ion. /3Xi: f. /3A/ov) : pf. nfj.@\Qjtta (for /z^oAewa) : /o come Podypiov, TO, a shield of wild bull's hide. From Po-crypos, 77, (0ovs, arfpios) a wild bull. Poa-0oos, Dor. for fioyOoos. P6ap.a, ctTos, TO, (^Sodcu) a shriek, cry: a loud strain. Pod-rrjs, ov, o, fern, poans, iocs, rj, (jSodcu) crying, creaming. \a\ p6-avXos, o, p6-avXov, TO, ()3oi5s, auAV?) an ox-stall. POCUU, Ep. 3 sing. /Soda, 3 pi. /Soocwnv, part. 0o6ojv: '. 0orj, Att. fiorjaopai, Ion. contr. /Swao}, ftwaopai: .or. i ,80770-0, Ion. efiojoa: pf. eo7;/m: Med., .or. I f@or)ffdfj,rjv Ion. I^Scuo-ajwryv : Pass., aor. I 00T7077V Ion. \$(aaQi}V. pf. &f@6t}iJiai Ion. ^ca^ai: >f things, to thunder, roar, howl : to echo. rans., c. ace. pers. to call to one, call on : to call to jid. 1. to demand in a loud voice. 3. to noise abroad, proclaim. F 2 132 , 77, ov, (#ous) of or for oxen; {evyrj poeitca wagons drawn by oxen. poeios or POCOS, a, ov, (jSoCs) of an ox or of oxen, of ox-bide : 77 jSoeta or j6ox, contr. &OTJ, (sub. Sopa), an ox-hide, a shield of ox-hide. POCUS, ecus, 6, (0ovs) a thong or cord of ox-leather. POT}, 77, contr. from #0677, v. /3oeios. BOH', 17, a cry, shout, whether of joy or grief: the battle-cry, the battle itself; fiorjv dyaOus, good at the battle-cry or in battle : also of the roar of the sea. II. = /3o?7#eta aid called for, succour.' Poir]-Yv'f)s, es, (jSoCs, yeveaBai) born of an ox. j3ou]8pop,a>, (@oT)Op6fJios) to run on hearing a cry, haste to help, succour. BoTj-Spojjuwv, Sivos, u, the third Attic month, in which the Eor]Spu/Jua were celebrated, in memory of the conquest of the Amazons by Theseus ; answering to the latter half of September and beginning of October. j3oi]-8p6(AOS, ov, ($077, opufjLos) running to aid: as Subst. a helper. Po-f|06ia, 77, (jSoTjflos) help, aid, rescue, support. II. an auxiliary force. J3oT]0ij, Ion. Pa>0eco, f. rjffa), (^OT/^OS) to assist, suc- cour, come to the rescue. Hence poTf]0Tf]TOv, verb. Adj. one must assist. {3oir]0T]TiK6s, i], ov, (tSorjOeoj) ready or able to help. poir]-06os, ov, (#077, 0ecu) hasting to the battle-shout, warlike ; Porjdoov ap/ia a chariot hasting to the battle. |3cir]06s, ov, contr. from fiorjQuos : as Subst., fioijOos, 6, an assistant, auxiliary, ally. poTjXacrio, 77, a driving of oxen, cattle-lifting, cattle- stealing. II. a place where oxen feed, a pasture. From j3o-T]\a.TTis, ov, o, fem. j3oT)\ a drover. POTJS, ov, <5, (/3oda>) a crier. POTJCTIS, ecus, Ion. POTJTUS, vos, 77, (/3odcu) a crying, shouting : esp. a cry for assistance. BO'0PO2, &, a pit or hole dug in the ground, a trench, Lat. puteus. 0uvos, 6, = 060pos. tSdpiov, TO, Dim. of jSous. , TO, Dim. of jSoSs, a young cow or ox. , f. rfffta, to be a Boeotarch. From s, ov, 6, (BOIOJTUS, ap-)(ca) a Boeotarch, one of the chief magistrates of Boeotia. Hence BowoT-apxCa-, 57, the office of Boeotarch. BoiwrCa, f), Boeotia, so called from its rich cattle- pastures. Hence BoiuTidJco and Bouortfa), to be like a Boeotian : to be heavy, dull ; to speak Boeotian. II. to side with the Boeotians. BoiamSiov, TO\ Dim. of Eoicar6s, a little Boeotian. BOUOTOS, ov, 6, 'a Boeotian. ' BouoTt-oypYns e ' s? (Botcurta, ep^oi/) of Boeotian work. BOABO'5, o, Lat. BULBUS, a bulb, bulbous root. PO\T[, 17, (jSaAAo;) a throw, stroke, the wound of a mis- sile : metaph. a glance : Po\al rj\iov sun-beams. PO\I^O>, f. 0*0?, (j3oA.i$) to heave the lead, sound. PO\IS, tSos, 77, (jSaAA.aYLa, etc., = @ov-. poo-\i.os,ov,((:!Tpv86v, Adv. (Corpus) like a bunch of grapes, in clusters. BoTpvios, a, ov, (Corpus) of grapes. 3orpv6-8u)pos, ov, (/SOT/JUS, o&pov) grape-producing. 3oTpvois, fffffa, tv, (J3urpvs) clustering. Jorpvo-irats, iraidos, 6, rj, (fiorpvs, Trafs) child of the grape. poTpvo-xaii-qs, ou, 6, (fiorpvs, X at ' T7 ?) w ^ cluster- ing hair ; or with grapes, in one's hair. BCXTPT5, vos, 6, a cluster or bunch of grapes, Lat. racemus. II. = fioTpvxo$, fiuarpvxos, a curl. , es, ((Borpvxos, efiJos) like curls, curly. cs, (PuTpvs, fioos) like a cluster of grapes. POV-, a form of /Sous used in compos, to express something monstrous, e. g. fiov-irais, Pov-tydyos ; as we say horse-chestnut, horse-radish, etc. BOT'BA'AIIS, ios, r), an antelope. BOT'BA-AOS, o, Lat. bubalus, a buffalo. POV-POTTJS, ou, 6, (&ovs, /3oao;) feeding cattle : as Subst., )8ou)3oT7/s, o, a cowherd. , ov, (jSovs, /3oaXas, gen. a, name of the horse of Alexander the Great. POUKOA&O, f. i\aXY]IS, to~o~a, fv, (ftovXrj) of good counsel, sage. povXijOcCs, part. aor. I of fiov\op.ai. j3ovXif)p,a, O.TOS, TO, (jSouAoywcu) a will, purpose. jBovXirjarts, teas, 77, (/3ovAo/u) a willing : will, pur- pose. fiov\T\6pos, ov,(0ov\rj, tf)fpoj) counselling, advising. |3ov-Xip,Ca, 77, (/3ot>-, \iftus) ravenous hunger. Hence pot>Xl|Jua,u>, f. aaoj, to suffer from ravenous hunger. PotJXlOS, OV, ({BovXr)} = @OV\VTIKGS. BOT'AOMAI : impf. e0ov\6/j,r)v, Att. also rjfiov- \6fjirjv : fut. &ov\r]0ofj.ai : aor. I 0ov\.rjOr]v, Att. also r]@ov\'f)OTjv : pf. &&ov\rip.ai, in compos, also med. jSc/SouAa (TTpo) : Dep. : to will, wish, be willing: usu. c. inf., but also c. dat., Tpwecraiv l/QoyXero vitcrjv be willed victory to the Trojans, or in full, Tpueffffiv tftov\(TO KVOOS optgai. BouAet or fiovXeaOe, with the subj. adds force to the demand, /SouAei fypaacu would you have me tell ; 6 @ov\6(ji(vos, Lat. quivis, the first that offers, any one that lilies. II. to have rather, choose, prefer, mostly with 77, as, fiovXofj.' 7& \aov aoov eppfvai, 7) airoXecrdai I bad rather the host were saved than lost. pouXo-fJiaxos, ov, (@ov\ofi,aL, ftax 7 ?) strife-desiring. povXvo-ios, ov, Jit for unyoking the oxen, [v]. From POV-XVTOS, o, (/3oOs, X.VQJ) the time for unyoking oxen, evening : in Homer only as Adv., fiovXvruvSe towards evening, at eventide. , o, (/Sous, dfj,f\yca) cow-milking. , ov, 6, (/3otWs) a dweller on hills. POV-VOJAOS, ov, (0ovs, v^ai) cattle-feeding. II. POV-VOJJIOS, grazed by cattle ; dyf\ai &OVVOIMI herds of grazing oxen. BOTNO'2, 6, a hill, mound. Poij-irais, iraiSos, 6, ()3ov- f irais) a big, lubberly boy. 2. of bees, born of the ox; see Virg. Georg. 4. 281. poti-TraXts, caw, o, r), (/Sou-, 7raA.7i) hard-struggling. POV-TTO,}JHOV, ov, gen. oi'os, (/SoSs, irfTrd/jiai pf. of Trdo- jwat) r/c^ m cattle. s, OF, (fiovs, ir\i]KTpov} ox-goading. , 7770$, 6, 77, (@ovs, irXrjaaco) an ox-goad: an axe for felling an ox. pov-irotjjLT]v, cvos, 6, (jSoGs, TTOI^TIV} a herdsman. Pov-iropos, ov, (fiovs, irdpca} ox-piercing ; fiovirupos 6/3eAos a spit that would spit a whole ox. Pov-irpcppos, ov, (/3o5s, Trpcfpa) with the face of an ox. BOT'5, 6 or 77 : gen. @6os, also poet. @ov : ace. fiovv, Ep. @u>v, poet, also /3oa : pliir., nom. )3ocs, rarely contr. ftovs : gen. &owv, rarely contr. /Swif : dat. (iovai, poet. @6eaai, rarely /3ort : a bullock or cow, fl o^; in plur. cattle. II. jSoys, T), a covered with ox-hide. III. proverb., fiovs tirl y\6>o~a"r) fitprjKf, /Sous firl yXwcraqs enifiaivei, like vs tirl OTofta, of people who keep silence from some weighty reason, from the notion of a heavy body keeping down the tongue. PO(JS, contr. from /Boas, ace. pi. of foreg. pov-oTaOjAOv, TO, (/SoCs, crra0/ios) an ox-stall. Pov-cnrdcris, cais, 77, = foreg. pov-a-Tpo<|>T]86v, Adv. ((3ovs, (jTpo(prj) turning like oxen in ploughing: of the early Greek manner of writing, which, went from left to right, and right to left alternately. So Solon's Laws were written. Pou-os, ov, (@ovs, arpdYCi>, (/Sous, ffovcco, f. 770-0*, (0ov(p6vos) to slaughter oxen. Povovia (sub. if pa), TO,, a festival with sacrifices of oxen. From POV-(J>OVOS, ov, (/Sous, oppeco, f. 770-0), (/3ouop/3os) to tend cattle. Pov6ppia, aw, TOL, a herd of oxen. From Pov-4>opp6s, ov, (jSoOs, <6pj3a>) ox-feeding : as Subst. Pov<|>opp6s, 6, a herdsman. , ov, (/Sou-, (popTos) with a great load. ;, S, (&ovs, x av ^ av(s} } holding an ox. poti-xiXos, ov, (/Sous, %iAos) rich in fodder. POWV, contr. part, of jSodcu. 2. gen. pi. of /Sous. PO-WVTJS, ov, 6, (/Sous, wvco/xat) one who buys oxen for sacrifice. PO-WTTLS, tSos, 77, (/Sous, &\f) ox-eyed, \. e. with large, full eyes. PO, f. 170*0;, to plough. From Potonrjs, ov, o, (/Sous) a ploughman. II. Bootes, a name of the constellation Arcturus. 77, (j3pa/3evo;) the office of judge or umpire, presidency of the games : generally, arbitration. Ppapeuov, TO, (jSpa/Scuo;) a prize in the games. BPA W BET'2, 4cas, 6 : Att. ace. sing. Ppapfj, nom. plur. fipafifjs : the judge who assigned the prizes at 'he games : generally, a judge, arbitrator, umpire : a chief, leader. , f. 0*0;, (/3/>a/3eus) to be a judge or umpire: to arbitrate, direct, govern. TO, a kind of plum or sloe. the tree which bears /3/>d/?vAa. BBATXO5, o, hoarseness, sore throat. Hence 77, ov, hoarse. Adv. of (3pa8vs, slowly. PpaStvos, d, ov, Aeol. for paSivus. PpaSiuv [t], pp contr. Ppdxn, (Ppa- Xvs) shallow, stagnant pools, Lat. brevia et syrtes. , ov, (ppa\vs. j8a)Aos) with few clods, x^P ffOS a narrow piece of land. ov, gen. ovos, (jSpa^ws, ^vw^rf) of small understanding. Ppaxv-Spojtos, oi/, (fipaxvs, fy>o/*os) running a short way. Ppa.\\}\oyLa, 77, brevity in speech. From Ppaxv-Xoyos, ov, (fipaxvs, \t-yca) short in speech, of few words. Ppax^vco, f. vvSi, to make short. From BPA"XT'5, fia, v: Comp. Ppaxvrfpos and /3pa- XtW: Sup. Ppaxvraros and PpaxiVTos : of Space and Time, short ; of Number and Degree, few, little : &pa.\v, a little, a short time or distance; kirl fipaxv for a short distance ; Kara, fipaxv little by little ; iv /3pax r shortly, briefly ; 8iaxw in few words, Lat. brevibus, paucis ; SicL PpaxuTarcav or kv rdrois, Lat. quam brevissime. Ppax^-o-CS^pos, ov, (fipaxvs, (riorjpos} : aK aiorjpos) a dart with a short, small head. Ppaxv-YYtnis, ov, o, (Ppaxvs, ^6770$), giving a short or scant light. [?] 135 Ppaxii-4>v\Xos, ov, (ftpaxvs, (pv\\ov~) with few leaves. *BPA'Xn, only used in 3 sing. aor. 2 e/3paxc or /3pdx ^ rattle, clash, ring, roar. ppe-yp-a, aTos, TO, (J3pc'x<) the top of the bead, Lat, sinciput. PpKCKt, sound to imitate the croaking of frogs. BPE'MH, only used in pres. and impf., the Lat. FREMO, to roar, of the wave or wind ; to clash, of arms; to roar, clamour, of a crowd. Also in Med. BPE'NOOS, 6, an unknown water-bird, of stately bearing : hence II. arrogance. Hence _Pp6v0top,, = @pna}, to buzz, hum, of gnats. ppop.taop.at, D ep- to revel like Bacchus. From ppopaos, a, ov, (/3/>o/zos) roaring, boisterous : hence o Bpo/xtos, the boisterous god, a name of Bacchus. 2. = B(ixeios, Bacchic. Bpop,i-u8ir]s, cs, (Bpo/xos, c?5os) Bacchic. Pp6p,os, o, (QpffM) Lat.fremitus, any loud noise or roaring, as of fire, etc. 136 ppovTcuo, f. 770-cw, to thunder: f3povra, impers., it thunders, Lat. tonat. From BPONTH' , 77, thunder. II. the state of one struck with thunder, astonishment. PpovTi]p.a, arcs, TO, (PpovTaca) a thunder-clap. BpovTTis, ov, 6, (fipovrr)} Thunderer, name of one of the Cyclopes, who forged the bolts of Zeus. Ppovnrpi-Kfpawos, ov,(PpovTao}, Kcpavvos) sending thunder and lightning. PpovT-wStjs, fs, (Ppovrrj, ftSos} thundering. Pporetos, ov, also a, ov, Ep. Pporcos, 77, ov, mortal, human. So also pporT|crios, a, ov. PpOTO-pdjAwv, ov, (jSpoTos, firjua) trampling on men. [a] Pporo-yqpus, v, gen. vos, (/3poTos, yrjpvs) with hu- man voice, of a parrot. POOTOSIS, eacra, ev, (/SpoTos) bloody, gory. PpOTOKTOveco, f. 7;o"cy, to murder men. From PPOTO-KTOVOS, ov, (/SpoTos, tfTetVcu) man-slaying. PpOTO-Xou-yos, ov, (/3poTos, Xofyos) bane of men. BPOTO'2J, o, a mortal, man, opp. to dOavaros or 0eos : as Adj. mortal. BPOTO2, o, blood from a wound, gore. PpOTO-o-Koiros, ov, (fiporos, ffKOTTfoj") watching men. ^pOTO-CTTvy{]s,fs,(^pOT6s,aTvyfca) man-hating. II. pass, hated by men. PpOTO-YYTlS * s > (Sports, (peyyos) giving light to men. PpOTO- T t a roaring : and PpOxirjTTjs, ov, 6, a bellower, howler. PptX<-os, ov, also a, ov, (@pv~)from the depths of the sea, fipvxia TI\U an echo/rom the deep, [y] BPT'Xn, fut. fipvgca : aor. i %ftpv\ov : Pass., aor. : the same as jSpv/ccy. [v] BPT'H, mostly in pres. and impf. ; rare in fut. Ppvaa) : to be full of anything, swell or teem with. II. trans, to cause to burst forth. Ppu|xa, arcs, TO, ($i$piaoKp.aop.ai, aor. I l/3paj^7/adju?;i/ : Dep.: to bray like an ass, Lat. rudere. , 57, (PiPpuffKca) , ov, (/3po)eris) eatable, solid. wcris, cws, 97, (PiPpwaitca) meat, opp. to iroffis (drink). II. fl/z eating into, corrosion, rust. Pp, f. to-cy, (&vOos) to sink in the deep, immerse. Pii0tos,a, ov, ()3u0os) in the deep, sunken, deep. II. of the deep ; fivOia (sub. faJa) water-animals, [v] p00tTr]S, ov, 6, pv0iTis, ioos, 77, = /3v0tos. BT W @O'5, 6, the depth, the deeps of the sea. PUKT^S, oy, o, (fivca) masc. Adj. blustering: Ep. gen. pi. PVKTOCOV. P0vo>, Att. for fivca. BT'P2A 77, the skin stripped of, a hide. pup, (jSyo'o'os, Soyuecy) to build in the deeps : hence to meditate deeply. Pucrcr606v, Adv. (fivaffos) from the bottom. pvorpo}v, ov, (Rvaavs, , aor. 2 act. subj. of fiu>0c, Ion. contr. for 3a>KoXiao-8w, -aXdicios,a, ov, (/3a)Xa) forming clods, of rich loam. 3w\a{-, OKOS, T), = /3a)Xos, a c/orf of earth. JwXiov, TO, Dim. of /3o)Xos, a c/orf. BrTAOS, T), Lat. GLEE A, a clod of earth: a piece of land, ground, soil : generally, a lump or mass of anything : so even of the sun. pcoXo-rop-os, ov, (0w\os, Tfpiv) clod-breaking. PDL>P.IOS, a, oi/, also os, oi/, (/3o>/*os) on or ctf A& altar. P(op,is, i5os, 17, Dim. of Papas : a step. pa>p.oX6xei>p.a, arcs, TO, a ribald jest. From pcop.oXoxoJop.ai, Dep. to practise coarse buffoonery, indulge in ribald jests. From Pwp,o-X6xos, ov, ((3ojf*6s, Xoxoj) lurking about the altars, for the scraps that could be got there, a starve- ling, beggar : hence a low flatterer, ribald jester, buffoon. PCOJO-OS, o, (ftaivta) any raised place for standing on, a stand, Lat. suggestus: a raised place for sacrificing, an altar; later also a funeral mound, cairn, Lat. tumulus. PWV, Ep. for POVV, ace. of fiovs : also contr. gen. plur. Puxras, contr. for ftorjffas, aor. I part, of fiodoj. P>O-I, 3 plur. aor. 2 sub], of fiaivcu. Poxrrpcco, ()8oao>) /o ca// o, /o ca// /o azW. Pan-as, Dor. for fiovTTjs. ptoTi-dveipa, 77, (fiuaKu, avrjp) man-feeding, nurse of heroes, [a] PWTG>P, opos, 6,=@OTrjs, a herdsman. 1 , "y. *yoLp-M- a indecl., third letter in Gr. alphabet : as numeral 7', = three, third : but y *y = 3000. Before the palatals 7 x anc * before , 7 is pronounced like in , as 01770$ dyitos dyx i d'7o>. For the digamma, v. sub o". Homer uses 7 as an aspirate before some words, as afa 7000, SOVTTOS ySovTros : so also in Att., before \ and v, e. g. A.17JW77 y\rjfj.rj, vtyos yvotyos. In Dor. S is sometimes put for 7, as 5a ovotpos for 777 7J/oapov y\((papov ; but in Att., /3 for 7, ~f\'fix tav &^"hx> v '> a ^ so f r ^j yvairra) KvdjrTQ} '. and for A, yfj'iov \rjiov. ya, Dor. for 7^. ya, Dor. and Aeol. for 777, earth. ya-yYap/r], r), or -yotYYaixov, TO, a swa/7 rownJ /. Ya-yypaiva, 77, (7pao;, yfaivtu) a gangrene, an eating sore ending in mortification. ytA.a | a ov > TO, (ydfa, q>v\a.Kij) a treasury, Lat. aeranum. yaOtoj, Dor. for yctia, 77, gen. yaias, Ep. 704775 (but not 70177 in nom., 137 except in late Poets), like aTa, poet, for 777, earth, ground, soil: one's country. yauaoxos, ov, Dor. for 701770x0*. ycmrj-y^vfis, fs, poet, for 77776^77*. yanqios, 77, oj', (7afa) sprung from Earth. Yau^|-oxos, ov, (yaia, ex 40 ) poet, for 777oDx os earth- upholding, earth-surrounding, epith. of Poseidon : of other gods, protecting a country. < yai'os, ov, Dor. for 777405, on land. FAI'il, only used in partic., Kudfi yalojv exulting in his strength. ' TA'AA, gen. 70X0/0-05, TO, milk. (Lat. LAC ap- pears in gen. 7o-Ao/f-Tos). yaXa07]v6s, ov, (70X0) sucking, infant. yaXaKTivos, 77, ov, milky, milk-white. yaXaKTO-iraYT|S, es, (70^0, 7707771/04) like curdled milk. yaXaKTO-TroTTis, ov, 6, (70X0, Tre-TroTot, 3 sing. pf. pass, of TriVcu) a milk-drinker. yaXava, ya^otvos, Dor. for 70X77^77, 70X771/05. FAAE'H, T;S, contr. ya\i\, fjs, T), the marten-cat or polecat, Lat. mustela. yoXcpos, o, ov, cheerful. Adv. -pus. YfiXcwTTjs, ou, o, (70X677) a ^zfl? o/ spotted lizard. yoX'fj, T), contr. for 70X677. ySXrjvaios, a, OP, = yaXrjvos. ySXTjveia, Dor. yaA.avcia, T), = sq. FA'AH'NH, 77, stillness of wind and wave, calm t ya\r)VT]V eXavveiv to sail through the calm : gene- rally, calm, tranquillity. Hence yciXirjvidw, Ep. part. fern. ya\Tjvi6caffa, to be calm. yaXrjvos, ov, (70X771/77) calm, still, serene : esp. of the sea, in neut. pi., 70X771/0 a calm, ya\r)v' 6pu> I see a calm. TdXAos, o, a priest of Cybele : a eunuch. yoX-ovp-yecd, -ovpyos, -ovx, -ovxta, = ya\aKT~. FA'AOnS, "h, gen. 70X00;, nom. pi. 70X00) : Att. yctXcos, gen. 70X01, a sister-in-law: the corresponding masc. is 8077^. [d] yap.ai, Dor. for yrjfjiai, aor. I inf. of 70^601. Yap.ppos, o, (yafjLfca) any connexion by marriage, Lat. affinis : I. a son-in-law. 2. a brother- in-law. 3. a father-in-law. II. in Dor. and I Aeol. a bridegroom. ydp-ev, Dor. for fyrjfifv, 3 sing. aor. I o y, f. iaca, (ydpos) to give in marriage. Ya^iKos, 77, ov, (yd/tos) bridal; TO, yafu/ed a wed- ding, Lat. nuptiae. Adv. -KWS, as at a wedding, --yafj-ifa. > v i (y&fJ-os, K\TTT(a) adulterous : as Subst. an adulterer. Ya-p,6pos, o, Dor. for yrjfiopos. FA'MOS, o, a wedding, marriage : also wedlock, matrimony : in pi. a marriage-feast, Lat. nuptiae. Yap-6-oToXos, ov, (ydfj.03, areXXca) preparing mar- riage. Yap,tjXaC, tuv, at, (yafj.if/6s, yvapirTtts) the jaws of a beast ; the beak of a bird. Yajiv|;6s, 77, ov, (i:djj.Trr(a) bent, curved, crooked. yav, Dor. for yfy, yaidv. Yfivato, (ydvos) to si ',ne, glitter, gleam : to look bright and fresh, Lat. nitere : metaph. to be cheerful. FA'NOS, cos, TO, brightness, sheen: beauty, a charm, delight, [a] Hence y&voto, to make bright or shining : pf. pass. part. yeyavoj/j-evos, glad-looking, joyous, Lat. nitidus. Yctvocov, oWa, Ep. part, of yavdca. yavv\iai, Ep. fut. yavvffaojwi : Dep. : (ydvos) : to . brighten up, be delighted at a thing. Hence Yavuo-fjia, CTOS, TO, = ydvos. Ya-ircBov, TO, Dor. for yrjireSov. [a] Ya-irTT|3, yH-TTovos, yd.-troTOS, Dor. for 77777-. FA'P, Conjunction, for, Lat. enim, and like it placed after the first word in a sentence. Its chief usages are I. to introduce the reason : when the reason precedes that of which it is the reason, it may be rendered by since or as ; 'Arpddr], iro\Xol yap TeOvdaiv 'Ax&tot, since many Achaeans are dead, etc. ; j so in parenthesis, as /fat, rjv yap 6 MapaQwv eiriTT)- SewTaTov, etc., and, since Marathon was the fittest place, etc. II. to strengthen I. a question, like Lat. nam, Engl. why, what, ris ydp ae fjteev why \ who hath sent thee ? 2. a wish, Hondas ydp lo- ' Aoto O that you might perish! in Homer usu. at ydp, Att. 6t or eide ydp, Lat. utinam, that! so also irws ydp, would that ! *, f. apw, (ydpyapd) to swarm with. t. for yayya\iaj, (ydpyahos) to tickle. Hence ov, o, a tickling. 6, a tickling, itching, [a] Ta, heaps, lots, plenty. yapvco, Dor. for yrjpvca. Yao-TTjp, gen. yaarepos syncop. yaarpos, dat. plur. yaffrpdai [a], 17: the paunch, belly, Lat. venter; ya- arr)p dcrmSos the hollow of a shield. 2. the womb, kv yaarpl tytpeiv or txtiv to be with child. 3. me- taph. appetite, in a bad sense, gluttony. Hence , Ion. yd.a"rp'r\, 77, the belly of ajar, etc. , TO, Dim. of yaffrrjp, yaffrpiov. co, f. iaoa, (yderpis) to fill one's belly. II, to hit on the belly, a trick in boxing. Yacrrpi-jJiapYOS, ov, (yaorrjp, pdpyos) gluttonous. Ycwrrpiov, TO, Dim. of yaarrjp. Yatrrpts, tos, o, 77, (yaarrjp) pot-bellied : a glutton. Ya,idpe ye irpos Qiav against even Amphiaraus' will. YCCL-OXOS, ov, Dor. for yairjoxos. yey&a,, Ep. for yeyova, perf. of yiyvofuu, to have been born, to be, live: pi. yeyap.ev, yeyddre, yeyd- dai : but yeydp-ev [a] inf., for yeyatvai, Dor. 7^70- Kfiv [a] : part, yeyauis, dojffa, Att. contr. 7670;$, -waa, like Pefiaus, @e/3cus. Dor. for yeyrjOa ; pf. of yrjOeo). D r - pf- m f- f yiyvojjiai : see yeyaa. , yeyd.it.fv, see yeyaa. yeyd\M]Ka, pf. of ^ P ass - yeyj]Qa, yeyi\Qeiv, pf. and Ep. plqpf. of yr]Qt ver b. Adj. of yeyowtoj, one must pro- claim aloud. , lengthd. pres. for yiyawa, to proclaim. ov, Adj. from part, yfyoovws, (like dpapus, ov, from dpapajs}, loud-spoken, loud-sounding. Y^YWS, Swtt> *>, Att. part. pf. of yiyvoftai, for yf- yovdis, ytyaws, see yaw. Tccvva, 77, Heb. Gehenna, i. e. the valley of Hinnom, in which the corpses of the worst malefactors were burnt : hence as a name for bell-fire, bell. YCTJ-TTOVOS, etc., v. yearn-. Yi-apoTT|S, ov, 6, (777, dpocj) a plougher of earth. yeivdjxevos, aor. I part, of yewofMi. Yivcu, Ep. for yeivrjai, 2 sing. aor. I med. subj. of , Pass, to be begotten, be born. II. the aor. I eyeivdpijv, yeivaaOcu is always used in causal sense, = yevvdcu, of the father, to beget ; of the mo- ther, to bear, bring forth; ol yeivdpevot the parents. Yio-p,6pos, etc., yfca/j-opos. Yeu>-6pos, ov, (777, (pepcv) earth-bearing. FEFSON or y&ararov, TO, anything projecting so as to shelter, the eaves of a roof, the cornice, coping : the hem of a garment. (Of Cariari origin.) YiTvtacris, *<^s, 77, neighbourhood : the neighbours. From o, (ydrcav} to be a neighbour, to border on. and yenovtw, = yetTVido}. ov, neighbouring, near. From , ovos, 6, 77, a neighbour. III. as Adj. neighbouring, bordering ; metaph. akin to, like. s, Aeol. for ye\daas. Dor. for y\aaas. ris, es, (ytXaca) laughing, cheerful. Dor. for ye\wvri, dat. part, of yfXdca. and Y^Xtvcra, Dor. for 7eA.aot;0'a. YcXacra, Dor. for yf\wva, fern. nom. part, of yfXaca. YXao-ico, Desiderat. of ye\dca, to like to laugh, to be ready to laugh. YcXao-p-a, aros, TO, (yeXdoj) a laugh; KVfidTcav dvr}pi0jj.ov y&aa/M 'the many-twinkling smile of Ocean.' YeXao-TTjs, ov, 6, (y(\dct}) a laugher, sneerer. YeXao-Tos, 77, vv, laughable, laughed at. From TEAATl, Ep. Y^Xow, Ep. part. pi. yc\6(WTfs, ye- s, or ye\oicavTfs : Ep. impf. yt\ois, Troiecu) exciting laughter: as Subst., Y^XtoTO-iroios, ov, 6, a jester. YeXucpv, Ep. impf., YeXaxovrcs, Ep. part, of ycXda. YC^I^W, f. law, Att. to), (yfp.oj) to fill, load or freight with a thing : Pass, to be freighted. Y^JAOS, Tu, = y6p.os, a freight. From rE'Mn, used only in pres. and impf. to be full of a. thing, to be full. Yved, as, Ion. Y VTJ, 775, 77, (*ytv ejjd. III. a gene- ration, Lat. saeculum; otca yeveal nfpoiruv dv&pu- TTCOV. IV. offspring, descendants. YevdXoY f em - Y 6V1 ' TIS or -cans, loos, (yevads) bearded. , f, T^OW, = ytvtidfa, to get a beard. 140 ytvtiov rETflL YVtov, TO, (yews} the part covered by the beard, the lower part of the face, the chin. Yv0, Ep. for eyevov, 2 sing. aor. 2 of yiyvopai. Yvr0ai, aor. 2 inf. of yiyvopai. ycvecrios, ov, = yeve&\ios. II. Ts, Adv. of yevvoios, nobly: Sup. yevvaiorara. Y6WO.Q), f. 170-0;, (yevva) to beget, of the father ; to bear, bring forth, of the mother ; ol yevvfjffavTes the parents. II. to generate, produce. Hence Yvvrjjjia, aros, TO, that which is produced, a child : any product. II. one's nature. III. a begetting. YewTjcrts, ecus, 77, a begetting, producing. YCVVTJTTJS, ov, 6, (yevvaca} a parent, Lat. pater- familias. cwrjTos, 77, ov, (yevvdoj) begotten or born. , 77, 6v, = yevvaios, brave, spirited. Adv. us. Yevoiaro, Ep. and Ion. for yevoivro. Yvolp,av, Dor. aor. 2 opt. of yiyvopai. Y^vos, cos, TO, (*-ycj/cu) race, descent: freq. in ace. absol. ^eVos, as 1^ 'WaKrjs y4vos ei/it I am of Ithaca by descent; so in dat., yevfi voXirrjs a citizen by birth. II. a descendant, a child, as Virgil's Divi genus. III. a race in regard to number, a na- tion. 2. a race in regard to time, an age, gene- ration. IV. sex : gender. V. kind, genus, opp. to c?5os, species. Yevro, he grasped, = \a@tv, 3 sing, of an old Verb, only found in this form : prob. Aeol. for e\cro, y representing the digamma. II. contr. for eytvtro. FE'NT 2, 77, gen. ytvvos ; dat. ycvvt : plur., dat. yevvffi, Ep. yevvafft ; ace. yevvas, contr. yevvs. The under jaw; yevvcs, both jaws, the mouth : hence also the cheek, chin. II. the edge of an axe, a biting axe. *rE'NH, obsol. pres., Root ofyiyvo/Mt. Ypa, Ep. contr. from ye pea, pi. of yepas. Ycpaios, a, ov, (ytpwv, yrjpaios') old: venerable. Comp. yepairepos; ol yepairtpoi, the elders, Lat. senatores. Sup. yepairaros. Ypaio-<{>Xoios, ov, (yepaios, (p\oios} with wrinkled skin. yepaipto, f. yepapai : aor. I eyeprj^a, inf. yepapai : aor. 2 eyepapov : (yepas) : to honour or reward with a gift : generally, to honour. YpaiT6pos, -raros, Comp. and Sup. of yepaios. TE'PA'NO^, r), Lat. GRUS, a crane. Y^paos, 77, 6v, = yepaios. Ycpapos, a, ov, (yepaipoj) reverend, stately; yepapoi priests, yepapai priestesses. FE'PAS, aos, TO, nom. pi. yepara, Ion yepea, Ep. contr. yepa : a gift of honour, prize, generally, a gift, honour ; metaph., yepas OavvvTa.'v the last honour of the dead. II. a privilege, prerogative. Hence yepacrp-Lcs, ov, honouring. II. honoured. rcpdo-Tios, a Spartan month. Ypao--(j>6pos, ov, (yepas, epca) winning honour. , Ion. nom. pi. of yepas. , f. 770*0;, to guide an old man. From (yepojv, dyca) guiding an old man. 77, Lacon. for yepovaia. , TO, Dim. of yepojv, a little old man. Yepov6poi, 01, (yeppov, (pepoS) troops that wore wicker shields : v. foreg. rE'PHN, OVTOS, 6, an old man, Lat. senex : ol ye- povres the Elders or Chiefs, who with the King formed the chief Council: hence the Senators, like Lat. Patres, esp. at Sparta, where they were 28 in number. II. as Adj. yepcw, ov, but almost al- ways with masc. Subst. as yepcav \6yos : yepov OO.KOS however occurs in Homer. aTos, TO, (yevoi) a taste of a thing. aor. I med. inf. of yetca. TET'Il, f. yevaTPA yiyvopai. 141 Y < f 1 0v, Adv. of 777, out of or from the earth. YT|0o, f. ^ffw : aor. eyjjOrjaa, perf. 7677760, Dor. 76- ydOa (\ised in pres. sense): plqpf. fyryrjQeiv: aor. I lyfvffdfirjv : with pf. pass, yeyevpai : to taste or eat of a thing ; 3 pi. plqpf. (yeyevvro, they had tasted, eaten : hence to try, make proof, have experi- ence of; oovpbs yfvffaoOat to taste, i. e.feel, the spear : to be delighted, to rejoice, to enjoy. FE'^T'PA, 77, a mound of earth to dam or bar a stream, or a bridge to cross it, used by Horn, always in plur. : in Horn, also, tro\^.oio yvpav ^cvyvvvai or yetyvp 1 } cvyvvvai Trorap,ov to build a bridge over a river, Lat. ponte jungere jluvium. Hence Y<|)tip6(o, f. waca, to make passable by a bridge, to \ bridge over; yfcpvpuae Trorafjtov [the tree] made a \ bridge over the river ; y&pvpcafff K*\vOov made a j bridge-way : Pass., eyecpvpd/Or) 6 iropos the strait ground, had a bridge made over it. YtoYpaia, "h, geography. From Y6co-Ypd(j>os, ov, (777, 7/>a) earth-describing: as Subst., Y^YP^ 05 * ov * a geographer. Y6w-Xoos, o, (777, Aoov, TO, and , f), (yrjOeoS) joy, delight. yrjGocrvvos, TJ, ov, (yrjO^ca') joyful, glad. FH0TON, TO, Lat. gethyum, a kind of leek. YTj'ivos, ov, and yrfios, ov, (777) of earth or clay. yT]t-rr]S, contr. Yrj'i-qs, ov, 6, (777) a husbandman. yf|-Xo<|>os, 6, = yfa\o(pos, a hill. yr\\iai, Y^H-as* yi]\JLa.) to possess land. (777, 7T6'5oi/) a plot of , 6$, (777, ireativ} falling to earth. YTJTTOVOS, o, = yeujtrovos. YTJ-TTOTOS, Dor. Y^TTO-TOS, ov, (777, TTf-irorai 3 sing, pf. pass, of TTIVOJ) to be drunk up by Earth. YT)pai6s, a, ov, (yijpas) old, aged. and ^o-Xios a ov YecujiTpo>, f. TjffoJ, to measure land, to measure. From ! yv]pa.vai, aor. 2 inf., or Yfjpavcu, aor. I inf., of Yd>-p.Tpir]s, ov, 6, (777, fjLTpfca) a land-measurer, | yr\pavTe poet, for yypaios. YewjjieTpiKos, 77, ov, of or for land-measuring, geo- "y^p&s, aor. 2 part, of yrjpdaKQj. metrical: 77 Y6co(XTpiKT| (sub. re^vr]}, geometry: ya- \ FH~PA2J, TO, gen. yrjpaos, Att. contr. yrjpcas : dat. fj.(TpiKos, ov, 6, a geometrician. Adv. -KWS. I yfyai, Att. contr. 777^9: oW a^e, Lat. senectus. Hence Ycu{xopia, 7), a division of lands : tillage. From y-^piSurKU) or Y^pa-co : fut. dffoj Att. daopat [a] : aor. Yco-pi6pos, also Y'H'M-^P 05 ' Y a ~P-P os ' anc ^ Y to " J C7^pao"a : aor. 2 kyfjpav, inf. yrjpdvai [a], part. 777- p.6pos, o, 77, (777, [jicipofAai ) a sharer in the division pds (as if from a verb in -ftt) : pf. yeyrjpdKa : to become old and infirm. II. in aor. I i, Causal, to bring to old age. YT)poj3ocrKa>, f. 770*0;, to feed and cherish in old age: Pass, to be cherished in old age. From YT]po-|3ov, (777, Hpyov) tilling the ground : as , ov, 6, a tiller of the earth, husbandman. <), f. 770-0;, to dig or trench the earth. From Y-o)pvxos, ov, (777, vpvaata} trenching the earth. [0] Yo-r6|xos, ov, (777, T6/?i/) cutting the ground : ploughing. FH~, 77, contr. for 760, ^ar/i, land ; yfjv KOI vScap Sidovai to give earth and water as token of submission ; Kara, yrjv on land, by land, opp. to KOTCI OdXaoaav ; rustic. Subst., age ; esp. of one's parents. YTjpo-Kojjios, ov, (yfjpas, Kopeca) cherishing the old. YT,ptip.a, aTos, r6, (yrjpvoj) a voice, sound, tone. , vos, 6, a voice : speech. Hence , Dor. yapvoj ; f. voca \y] : aor. I lyripvaa. : Med., fut. vffofiai : aor. i kyrjpvadfjirjv, but also in same sense pass. fyrjpvOrjv [v] : to utter, speak, say, sing, cry, Lat. garrire. YT|p by apocop. (yvojcrdijv. yXrjxw- pennyroyal, Ion. for fiXrjx 01 *'- To perceive, gain knowledge of, mark, and so to yXtcrxp-avTiXoY-e^eirtTpiirTOs, ov, comic word in know, of persons and things : to be aware of, under- Aristophanes, a greedy pettifogging knave. (yXi- stand: sometimes c. gen. instead of ace., to know of. . , o*x/>os, dvTiXoyia, egeTTiTpnrTos.) yva> x } l jl * vov 9 h e knew that he was angry : rarely FAI'^XPO J, a, ov, gluey, clammy, slippery. II. also c. part., eyvwv TjTTT)fj.evos I perceived that I was metaph. sticking close to, importunate. 2. close, beaten. II. to examine, to form an opinion, de- greedy, stingy. 3. of disputations, quibbling, petty. cide upon, determine, decree, yvuvai Tci Sircaia. yivojiai, Ion. and in late Greek ylvwo-Ktu, Ion. and in late Greek (7X0705) to be milky, juicy. >6s, d, ov, (yXdyos\full of milk, milky. yXoyocis, cacra, ev, (yXdyos)full of milk, milky. yKayo-TT-i]^, 77705, o, 77, (7X070$, irrjyvvfjii") of or for curdling milk. FAATO5, cos, TO, poet, for 70X0, milk. yXaKTO-^dyos, ov, (ydXa, fyayclv} contr. for 70- XaKTOfpdyos, living on milk. FAA'MH, 77, XrffAt], humour in the eyes. v, ov, gen. ovos, (yXdfiij) blear-eyed, [a] -), (yXavKos) only found in Ep. part. 7X01;-' sweet, fai ', ovos, 6, (yXiffxpos) a niggard. Adv. of 7Xtaxpos, importunately : scan- tily : also pettily. FATXOMAI [?], Dep.,only used in pres. and impf., to strive after a thing, struggle for it, c. gen. 2, yXixecQai Tttpi TIVOS to be eager about or for a thing. FAOI'A or yXotd, 77, glue. Hence yXoios, o, anything sticky or clammy, as oil and dirt. II. as Adj. 7X010$, d, 6v, slippery, knavish. FAOTTO'2, o, the rump : plur. the buttocks. yXtJKatvop.at, Pass, to become sweet. 6s, d, 6v, = yXvKvs, sweet. , euros, o, 77, (yXvKfpus, XP^ S ) with yXvKios, a, ov, yXvtcvs. [u] v, gen. vos, (^ y\vKvs, odnpv) causing Kiixav, glaring with the eyes. FAATKO'-S, 77, ov, Aeol. yXavKOS, a, ov, gleam- ing, glancing, bright-gleaming. II. with no- sweet tears. tion of Colour, pale-green, bluish-green, gray, Lat. | yXvKii-Scopos, ov, (yXv/tvs, Iwpov} with sweet gifts, glaucus, of the olive, of the willow, and also of the vine. III. of the eye, light blue or gray, Lat. caesius : of persons, blue-eyed. Xpoos) gray-coloured, gray. , t5os, 77 : ace. o, 77, ace. yXavreoxpoa, (y\avKos, (s, (yXvKvs, i/x*^ sweet-sounding. , 77, benevolence. From yXvKV-0xi|xos, ov, (y\vtevs, 6vp.os) sweet-minded. II. act. charming the mind, delightful. nng. XOP) a sweet-apple. . but also iv: (yXav- KGS, oaf/) epith. of Minerva, with gleaming eyes. yXauK-toij;, uiiros, 6, 77, = yXavKwiris. yXaijg, Att. yXcu}(j, KUS, 77, (7Xauos) the owl, Lat. noctua, so called from its glaring eyes. Proverb., yXavK' 'Aftyvafa yXavK els 'AOrjvas, like our ' carry coals to Newcastle : ' Athenian coins were called 7X01;- Kfs AavpiQ}Titcai,from the stamp of the owl on them, 'fair offspring. yXdv, TO", (7X0^0;) a hollow, cavern, [a] - 1 -"* '-i, 7), smoothness, polish. From yXvKv-jxdXov, Aeol. and Dor. ov, (yXvKvs, f^ei\ixos) sweetly win- , TO, Dor. for yXvfcvjjirjXov (yXvKvs , f. 770-0;, to speak sweetly. From , (yXvfcvs, fjivQos} sweet-speaking. , cuSos, 6, 77, (y\VKvs, Trafs) having a , (yXvKvs,irap6vos) a sweet maid. yXvicv-micpos, ov, (yXvKvs, wiKpos) sweetly bitter. rAYKT'2 143 TATKT'2, efa, v, sweet to the taste, sweet: metaph. sweet, delightful: of men, dear, kind. Comp. and Sup. yXvicicav [t], yXvKiffTos: also yXvKVTfpos, -TUTOS. y\vKVTi\s [tfC], IJTOS, 77, (yXvKvs) sweetness. YXvjTTTjp, rjpos, 6, and YXvimrjs, ov, u, (yXv(pot}) a carver, a sculptor. YXvirros, 77, ov, verb. Adj. of y\vTTO-CTTpo<|)co, f. r)ecy) to ply the tongue. FAriXI'N or YXo>xs gen. fi/os, 77, any projecting point : the end of the yoke-strap. 2. the point of an arrow : the arrow itself. Yva0|xos, o, the jaw, poet, form of yvdOos. FNA'005, 77, the jaw, mouth : properly the lower jaw. II. like yfvvs, the point or edge of a weapon, [a] Yvap/irros, 77, ov, curved, bent : supple, pliant : me- taph. bending, yielding. From FNA'MIITn, f. ipca : aor. I tyvaftil/a. : to erook, bend. YvaiTTos, 77, 6v, (yvdiTTai) carded, fulled. FNA'TITH, yva.TrT(ap : yvafytiov, -^evs, -<()Trrt- KOS, -4>va>, -os, -\|/is,v. sub KVCLTTTO:, etc. YVT|(rios, a, ov, syncop. for yeveaios, belonging to the true race, legitimate, opp. to j'otfos: genuine, true; yvrjffiai yvvatfcfs lawful wives, opp. to TraX\aKi8cs ; yvrjfftoi "EXXrjves true Greeks; typovfiv yvrjaia to have a noble mind. Yv-qcricos, Adv. of yvrjaios, lawfully, really, truly. YVOITJV, 775, 77, aor. i opt. of yiyvdxTKot}. YVOIJA6V, Ep. for yvoirjfj,v, i pi. aor. 2 opt. of 71- I Y vo< l ) ' t ^5T]S, fs, (yvotyos, fTSos} darksome, dark. YVV|, Adv. (yovv) with bent knee; yvii tptrrew to fall on the knee. \ yvG>, Ion. for Zyvca, 3 sing. aor. 2 of yiyvdufffea}. yvS>, as, cf, aor. 2 subj. of yiyvwo~Kca. i Y*'"^ 1 ) yv)T(a, aor. 2 imperat. of yiyvduff/coa. yva^OL, O.TOS, TO, (yvwvaC) that by which a thing is known, a mark, token, like yvwfj.ojv. II. judgment. , Ep. for yvcavai, aor. 2 inf. of yiyvwffKO}. , (yvuvai) a means of knmving, a mark, token. II. the mind, the judgment ; yvwfjir) TIJ dpio-rri to the best of one's judgment. 2. will, pur- pose ; d' tavTov yvd>fj,r]s of his own accord. 3. a judgment, opinion; yvuprjv dirofaiveaQai to deliver an opinion; also a mistaken judgment, fancy ; yvwfjuii the opinions of wise men, maxims. 4. a purpose, intention, resolution : a vote, decree. Yvo)|Ai8iov, TO, Dim. of yvd>fj.r), a fancy. a, 77, (yvwtJ.rj, XeyoJ) a collection of , 77, 6v, (yvwij.ojv'} fit to give judgment : experienced or skilled in a thing. II. of or for sun-dials. yv(i3\io|io-TviTOS, ov, (yvwfj,7j, Tvnfiv) maxim-coining, sententious. YVWJJWDV, ovos, o, (yvwvai) one that knows, a jttdge, interpreter. II. the gnomon or index of the sun- dial. III. ol yvwfj,ovfs the teeth that mark a horse's age. IV. a carpenter's rule, Lat. norma: hence a rule or guide of life. , Ep. for Zyvcav, aor. 2 , aor. 2 inf. of yiyvwOKca. , Ep. for yvwfj,tv, I pi. aor. 2 subj. of Yvctis. aor. i part, of ytyvw TNO'^02, 6, = ov6(t>os, darkness. ifco, f. iffoj Att. iu> : pf. fyvwpiKa : to make \ known, declare. 2. to discover, detect : to acknow- ledge, recognise. 3. to be acquainted with. From Yvobpijxos, ov, rarely 77, ov, (yvojTus) well-known : as Subst., yvupifj-os, o, an acquaintance, a friend, Lat. familiaris. II. ol yvajpipoi the notables, Lat. optimal es. YvcopijJKos, Adv. of yvwpifj.os, so as to be known, in- telligibly, familiarly ; yvajpi/j-cas fX CLV " TIV ' L to ^ e on friendly terms with him. vvwouris, (oos, 77, (yvcapi^oj) acquaintance : know- ledge. | yv&pia-pa, OTOS, TO, (yvcapifa} that by which a thing is made known, a mark, token. Yvcopitruos, ov, 6, (yvofyifyj) a making known. YvwpioTiKos, 77, ov, (yvojpifa^) capable of making known. YVWS, 2 sing. aor. 2 subj. Yvtoo-0T|o-ojxat, fut. pass, of 3 pi. aor. 2 subj. , f. T7<7cu, (yv&ffts, paxopaC) to dispute 144 yvuxns FopyoS. ones own opinion, i. e. to confess oneself in the wrong, change one's purpose, give way; yvcaanjua-^fiv /XT) elvai opoiov to confess that one is not equal. yvJxris, feus, 77, (yvwvai} a seeking to know: a judi- cial inquiry, Lat. cognitio. II. knowledge: wisdom. 2. acquaintance with a person. 3. a i, fut. of yiyvuxr/tca. rjpos, 6, (yiyvwff/eca) one that knows or warrants the truth of a thing, Lat. cognitor. yvwv, also cs, oV, (71/0^04) known, well- known : as Subst. a friend, kinsman, brother ; yvca- o, a large wedge-shaped holt or nail, for shipbuilding : any bond or fastening: in pi. the cross-ribs of the Egyptian canoes. Hence Yojx, f. faaca, to fasten with bolts or nails; cop,a, pares, TO, framework. YO|A6oj) one that fastens with bolts or nails, a ship-builder. yovcvs, ecus, 6, (*yvoj) a father, ancestor : in pi. the parents. Yovf], 77, (*7eVa>) that which is begotten, offspring, a race, family. II. the seed. III. generation, childbirth : the womb. IV. birth, descent. V. a generation. ov, also 77, oj', (70^05) productive, fruitful ; yovifjios a poet of creative powers, of true genius : hence genuine, true. rot rf yvcarai T brothers and sisters. YVUKO, Ep. for yvia, aor. 2 subj. of yiyvd/fficca. YVCOCOOTI, Ep. for yvuiat, 3 pi. aor. 2 of yiyvwaitca. Y<>da(7Kev, Ion. for 700, 3 sing. impf. of 7000;. Yodoeiv or Yodcoev, 3 pi. opt. of yodca. Yodovru, Dor. for yodovai, 3 pi. of 7000;. FOA'Xl, Ep. inf. yorjfievai ; Ep. part, youcav, ocaaa : Ep. impf. Hyoov, also yodaaKov : fut. yorjaofjiai, later 70770*0;: aor. I 670770*0: Pass., aor. I kyo-fjOr/v: (700$) : pliant; avrfcrOai, \iffaeaOai nva irpas yovdrcav to to wail, groan, weep. II. c. ace. to bewail, mourn, entreat one by clasping his knees ; 701/1; rcdfnrTfiv to weep for. | bend the knee, i. e. sit down, take rest, but also to FOFFT'ZIl, f. aca, to mutter, a word formed from bend the knee in running, to run; nOtvat rd yovara the sound. | to kneel down ; 6f&v kv yovvaai fceirai it lies on the , ?), and yoyyvXls, iSos, 77, (70771^0$) a knees of the gods, i. e. depends on their will and plea- sure : metaph. from warriors stricken down, Is yovv &d\\etv, K\tvfiv, piirrciv, to throw on the knee. YOVOS, 6 or 77, (*7eVo>) that which is begotten, a child, offspring: also the young of animals, the fruit of plants, the produce of anything. II. race, birth, descent. III. a begetting. FO'NT"', TO, gen. yovaros, dat. pi. yovacri : Ion. yovv, yovvaros, etc. ; Ep. yovv, yovvus, yovvi, pi. yovva, yovvcav, yovveaffi : cf. Sopv : Lat. GENU, knee ; dif/aadat yovvcav to clasp the knees as a sup- turnip. yoyyv\\a>, to round, round off. From FOFFT'AOS, 77, ov, also yoyyvXios, a, ov,= CToyyvXos, round, spherical. [v~\ 5, 6, (yoyyvfa) a muttering. ov, 6, (yoyyv^o)) a mutterer. , 77, 6v,=yop6s. a > t> v -> (yod'jj) lamentable, mournful: of persons, lamenting, mourning. FO'H, 7), = 7005, KaraeiSovres 70770-4 Tip av^ca charming the wind with howls. YOT||jLvat, Ep. for yodv, pres. inf. of 7000;. YOTjfjwov, ov, gtn. oi'os, = yoepos. YOTJS, 77TOS, 6 : dat. pi. 70770-4 : (7000;) one who howls out enchantments : a wizard, sorcerer : a juggler cheat. YOT|orofji,ai, fut. of 7oat6-8otJTros, ov, (yofjtcpiot, doviros) rattling against the teeth. YO|xios, o, (yu^upos) a grinder-tooth, Lat. molaris, opp. to trpoaOios. II. the tooth of a key. YO(xcj)6-8TOs, ov, (yonfyos, Secy) nail-bound. 5, es, (yontyos, vayfivai) nail-fastened. n. the knee or joint of grasses, such as the cane, Lat. geniculum. Yovv-KpOTOS, ov, (yuvv, KpOTeca) knock-kneed. YovuiT6TD, to fall on the knee : yovvtreTtiv nvt or nva to fall down before one. From Yow-TT6TT|S, e's, (7oVu, iTtotiv} falling on the knee; (8pa yovvirfT-f]s a kneeling posture. YOOV, Ep. for eyoaov, 3 pi. impf. of 7ocuy. FO'OS, o, a weeping, wailing, groaning. YOOCOV, tjcaaa, Ep. part, of yodca. FopYios, Att. FopYeios, a, ov, (Topyu) of, belong- ing to the Gorgon. FopYO-\64>as, ov, 6, (TopySi, \66vos, ov, (Topyoj, *fytvwv, cavos, 6, (ypdnfj.ara, Kvirrta) one who p~>res over musty records. Ypap.p.T|, 77, (ypatyQ)) a stroke in writing, a line : 77 fM/cpd the long line of condemnation, drawn on the tablet of the dicast. II. the line across the course, 145 to mark the starting or winning place. III. the middle line on a draught-board called 77 lepd ; ruv d-no ypap.p.rjs KLVtTv \iOov to move a man from this line, i. e. try one's last chance. Ypao-o-6|3ir)S, ov, o, (ypavs, aofiet>s, ecus, 6, (ypbtyoj) a painter. II. = ypap.p.arevs, a clerk. YpaT|, 77, (ypd(po}~) representation by means of lines : drawing, painting; oaov ypatpfj only in a pic- ture. 2. writing. II. a painting, a figure, shape. III. (ypdfpofjiai} as Att. law term, an in- dictment for a public offence, prosecution, opp. to SIKTJ a private action ; darpareias ypatyr) an indictment for neglect of service. YpacJHKos, 77, 6v, able to draw or paint : 77 ypatpiK^ (sub. rexvrj) the art of painting. 2. suited for writing. Ypacjus, ioos, 77, (ypdfpca) a style for writing on waxen tablets. II. embroidery. rPA'tn, f. y/Q} : pf. yeypatpa, later yeypd8T|S, es, (ypavs, eiSos] of or belonging to an old woman, Lat. anilis : silly, trifling. YpTjYopeo), to be awake, be watchful, a late pres., ! formed from the pf. eyrjyopa. YpT|i)s, 77, Ion. for ypavs, poet, also yprjvs. Ypiircvs, ecus, 6, (ypirros) a fisherman: whence fern. | Adj., ypnrrj'is re^vr] the art of fishing. rPFnO5, 6, a fishing-net. YpiTrwv, 6, = ypnrevs, a fisherman, [f] rPrIK)2, o, like yptrros, a fishing-net or basket, made of rushes. 2. anything intricate, a dark say- ing, riddle. 146 . es, (7pf(/>os, etSos) riddling. rPO'23?O5, 6, a kind of javelin. FPT", a grunt, like that of swine ; ovot ypv d-rro- Pass, /o or Med. -cofjuu, to be gymnasiarch : supplied with gymnasiarchs. From and Yup-vacri-apxos, o, (yvjjivdcriov, KpivaffOai not even to give a grunt ; ov5e ypv not even apx or YP^S 01 ' (ypv\\os or ypv\os) to were practised, the gymnastic-school; IK Of/fJ.fTcpov grunt. I yviivaaiov from our school. II. in plur. bodily YpvXXos or YP^Xos, o, (ypv) a pig, porker. exercises, [a] , o, (ypvty, deTos) a kind of griffin or j Y' u l Avao " T * ov verb. Adj. of yv^vd^ca, one must dragon. rPT'IIO'2, 77, 6v, curved, esp. hook-nosed, with an aquiline nose, opp. to aip-os. Hence xJTroTTjs, tyros, 77, hookedness of the nose, io, f. wffaj, (ypvTros) to curve or bend. gen. ypviros, 6, (ypvnos) a griffin, hippo- practise. Yvp-vao-TT|s, ov, o, (yvfjivdfa') the trainer of the ath- letes. Hence 77, oV, fond of athletic exercises : f) (sub. Tx vr ]) gymnastics. Adv. -KWS, like an athlete. Yup,vT|s, T^TOS, 6, (yvpvos) a light-armed foot-soldier . ], 77, a cavern: a kneading trough. Y v F v T T '" aJ t Q be light-armed: to go naked. From FY'A, 77, a piece of land, field. Y v l Jtv ^ TT l s ' ov > &> ^ em - ^V^TITIS, iocs, 77, = ' Yucua, TO,, (yva) cables made fast to land. yv\ivT]TLa, 77, (yvftvfjs') the light-armed troops. FT'A W AON, TO, a hollow; in Homer, 0wpr] yvdXoi- ; Y V F LV7 1 TI ' K S > *!> <>v, (yvfj,vr)s)for a light-armed sol- ffiv dprjpws the body-armour composed of back-piece dier. and breast-piece, joined under the arms : any hollow: yv^viKos, 77, ov, (yvjjvos) of or for gymnastic exer- TTfTpas yvaXov a cave, grot ; KpaTrjpos yvaXov the cises ; yvjj,viKOs dywv a gymnastic contest. hollow of a bowl : in plur. hollow ground, vales, a yv\nv-n6V(a, = yv^vijTfvQj. valley. yv\LVO-rr(u&ia, ?}, (yvp/os, iraioia') mostly in plur., a FT1I2, ov, o, the curved piece of wood in a plough, yearly festival in honour of those who fell at Thyrea, to which the share was fitted, the tree, Lat. bu- at which naked boys danced and went through gym- ris. II. = yva, afield. \nasticexercises. YW-apKT|3, es, (yviov, dpecu) strengthening the limbs. | FTMNO'5, 77, ov, naked, unclad: unarmed, defence- YUio-pap^s, cs, (yv?ov, /3apos) weighing down the less : of things, yvfivov TOOV an uncovered bow, i. e. limbs. j out of the case : c. gen. stripped of a thing, yvpvos Yvi-oJ36pos, ov, (yvTov, jSopct) gnawing the limbs. \ oirXcav: yvpvos often meant lightly clad, i.e. wearing YUto-8 *vos, 6, 77, (yv\ios, av-^fiv) long-necked. FT'AIOiS, o, a long-shaped wallet or knapsack. yv\i.va.fa, f. dS, 77/77, TOUS TrarSas TTOKI'V to train them to do a thing : Pass. ! T^'OK, (yvvf]) of or belonging to women, feminine, Lat. to practise gymnastic exercises: then, generally, to ; muliebris. 2. as Subst., 77 yvvaiKT)tr) = yvvatKwv, practise or exercise oneself. the women's part of the house. II. womanish, YUJJLVO.S, d8os, properly fem. ofyvfj.v6s, naked. II. ! effeminate. trained or exercised. j yvvawifa, f. iffca Att. iw, (yvv-ff) to be womanish, i, 77, (yv(jivdca) exercise. \ play the woman. yuvatKo-jBouXos, ov, (yvvaiKos, @ov\r}) devised by a woman. ywaiKO--yir|pVTOS, ov, (yvvr), yrjpvoj) proclaimed by women. ywaiic6-0iJ|Aos, ov, (yvvaiKos, dvfiijs) of womanish mind. yvvai!co-Kpao%a, 77, (yvvrj, Kpdais) a woman's temper. yuvaiico-KTjp'uieTOS, or, (yvvaiKos, Krjpvffo'co) pro- claimed by women. yuvaiKO|Aave>, to be mad for women. From Yuvaico-p,avT|s, e's, (yvvaiKos, fj.aLvofj.ai) mad for women. YuvaiKo-jAifJios, ov, (yvvaiKos, fiifj.fofj.ai) aping wo- men, womanish. vvvaiic6-piopc}>os, ov, (yvvaiKos, ftopcpr}) in woman's shape. YuvaiKO-7rXT]0T|s, es, (yvvaiKos, TrXrjOos) full ofwo- YuvaiKo-iroivos, ov, (yvvaiKos, TTOIV //) woman-aveng- ing. yiivaiKos, gen. of 7WJ7, whence derivatives are formed. ywauco-^iX^s, ov, Dor. <(>iXas, a, (yvvrj, (piXtca) loving women. yvvaiKo-4>po5V, O v, gen. ovos, (yvvaiKos, (>vos, ov, (yvvaiKos, (pcavr}) with woman's voice. ywaiKtov, wvos, 6, (yvvaiKos) the women's part of the house, opp. to dvopwv. -yuvat-|jLavT|s, es, = yvvaiKopavfjs, mad for women. yvvaiov, TO, Dim. of yvvr}, a little woman. yvvaios, a, ov, of or belonging to a woman. From FT W NH', 77, gen. yvvaiKos, ace. yvvaitca, voc. yvvai ; pi. yvvaiKes, yvvaiKwv, etc., (as if from yvvai) : a woman, Lat.femina, opp. to man : vocat. yvvai, a term of respect, mistress, lady : Homer often joins it with a second Subst., 717/77 Tapir}, SeWotz/a, etc. II. a ivife, spouse. III. a mortal woman, opp. to a goddess. IV. the female, mate of animals. yvwis, tSos, 6, (yvvr}) a womanish man, weakling. yyirdptov, TO, Dim. of yvrrr), a nest, eyrie, cranny. f, dat. pi. of yvif/. |, r), (71^) a vulture's nest : generally, a hole, cranny. Hence yvmds, 77, fern. Adj. vulture-haunted. yupTj-rojAos, ov, (yvpos, Tfj.civ} tracing a circle. T1TPI2, cws, r}, the finest meal, Lat. pollen. rT~PO'2, d, ov, round, Lat. curvus; yvpos (V ufj.oiffi round-shouldered. TT'PO2, 6, a ring, circle. FT" 1 ?, 7V7TUS, 6, a vulture, Lat. vultur. FT'YOS, 77, chalk. 2. later, gypsum. Hence yvfyooi, f. diaoj, to rub over wifh chalk. yuiv, Ion. for yovv, as wv for ovv. rriNI'A, 77, a corner, angle. II. a joiner's square. Hence 147 o, a squaring (be angles; tTrwv~fcavia.aiJ.6s nicely-fitted, well-finished verses. , fs, (youvia, cfSos) angular. o or 77, a bow-case, quiver. A. 8, SeXTa, indecl., fourth letter of the Gr. alpha- ibet : as numeral, S' = Te'cro-apes and Terparos, 8 = '"^.ooo. Changes of 5 in the dialects : I. Aeol. into /3, as o/SeAos into oSeAos. II. Dor. into 7, as 777 yvocpos into Sa 8v6os. III. Ion. into f, as Zeus, fa- into Aevs, 8a- : while Dor. changes into o"8, as (i\ipdff8o- p.ai ; sometimes into 88, as yvfj.vdfafj.ai into yvfj.vd8- ; Softat. IV. into K, as Satcu Kaica. V. into A, ar SaKpv lacryma, Saavs Xdffios. VI. into a, as 68jU77 60-^77, also with another consonant added, as jSaSos jSacr^os, e'Scu lo-^tcu. VII. sometimes 8 is inserted to give a softer or fuller sound, as dvepos dvopos. VIII. at the beginning of some words 8 is added or omitted, as in 8etAr7 6iA77, 877 77, SICUKOJ WUKOJ. 83-, intensive prefix, = fa, as in Sa-ovctos. j 8d, Dor. for 70, yr), mostly in voc. : ace. SoV. , TO, Dor. for 8r)yfj.a. us, uSos, 77, a waxen image, used in magic rites, a puppet. (Thessal. word.) [u] 8a8ouxo, f. 770-0?, to be a torch-bearer, esp. in sacred processions. From 8a8-oxixos, ov, (Sas, e'xopeco, f. 770*0;, to bear torches. From 8a8o-. 8a-f|fXvai, Ep. for 8077^01, aor. 2 pass. inf. of *8do>. 8aT]p.o)v, ov, gen. ovos, (Sa^rat) knowing, experi- enced in a thing. Sdrjvcu, aor. 2 pass. inf. of *Sdo;. AA"H'P, fpos, 6, voc. Saep, a husband's brother, bro- ther-in-law, answering to 7aA.o>s, 77, a daughter-in-law. 8a-f|o-op,ai, fut. of *Sda;. 8dirjTai, 3 sing. aor. i med. subj. of Sato; (A). 8ai, (877) used after interrogatives, expressing wonder or curiosity, Tt Sat ; what then ? TTO)S Sat ; how so ? Sot, Ep. apocop. for SaiSi, dat. of Sots. [?] 8>, used only in pres. act. ; but pass. aor. I f8ai8d\9rjv, pf. SeSat'SaA^at : (Sat'SaAos) : to work cunningly, work with curious art : to deck out, embel- lish. Hence ; AAI'n. SatvO, Ep. for tSaivv, 3 sing. impf. of Saivv pi. 8aivu', Ep. for (Saivvo, 2 sing. impf. med. SaivuaTO, for (Saivvvro, 3 pi. impf. med. of 8aivv/jn. ScuviJT), 2 sing. pres. med. subj. of SaivvfjLi. 8awi|ju, also 8tuvxiu> : Ep. 3 sing. impf. Saivv : fut. Saicroj : aor. I eSaiaa : (gat's) : to give a banquet or 148 8ai8a\|J.a, arcs, TO, a work of art 8ai8a\ois, co"o*a, fv, = SatSaAeos. 8ai8a\o-6pYos, ov, (Sat'SaAos, fpyov") curiously working. AAI'AA'AOS, 77, ov, Adj. cunningly or curiously wrought; SaiSaXa iravra all cunning works. II. as prop, n., Aat'SaAos, 6, Daedalus, i.e. the cunning feast; Saivv SaTra yepovai he gave a feast to the worker, the Artist, of Cnossus in Crete, contemporary elders ; Saivveiv nvd to feast a person. II. Med. with Minos, mentioned by Homer as the maker of a 8aivvfwi, fut. 8aiaofj.at: aor. I (8aiaa.fj.rjv : to have a Xopos (q. v.) for Ariadne. \feast given one, to feast : also c. ace. Safra, Kpta, etc., 8ai8dX6-X6tp, eipos, 6, f), (8aiSa\os, X 6 *P) cunning to feast on, consume, eat : to eat, burn like poison. of hand. 1 Saivvo, Ep. for eSaivvao, 2 sing. impf. med. of Saivv fu. 8ai8a\6o>, = 5ai5aAA A) : afire-brand, pine-torch, Lat. taeda : pine- joined with masc. Subst. heart-cleaving. I wood, such as torches were made of. II. war, 8cup.ova.co, (8aifj.Q)v) to be subject to an avenging j battle, 17, mostly in apocopate dat. Sat and ace. Scuv. deity ; Saipovq Sopos KarcoTs the house is plunged by I 8ais (B) gen. SatTos, f], (Saio) B) a meal, feast, ban- 2. c. ace., Saipovdv axn to \ quet, Lat. DAPES. the divinity in woes. have griefs decreed one. II. absol. to be possessed by an evil spirit, be driven to madness. SaijjLovi^ojjiai, Med. (8at/xa;i/) to have an allotted fate. II. Pass., with aor. I part. oaifJioviaOets, to be possessed by a devil. 8aip.6viov, TO, (properly neut. of 5ai/ioVios) the Deity, Divinity; or divine operation, Lat. numen. II. the Saifiovia were an inferior race of divine beings, demons, opp. to Oeoi. 2. the name by which So- crates called his genius. 3. in N.T. an evil spirit. 8ai|xovios, a, ov, also os, ov : Saiuuv} : I. used by Homer only in vocat. oaipovie, in good sense, 2. meat or food itself. 8 B) a carver, distributer. Hence 8ai/rpocrtivTr),77, the art of carving: a helping at table. 8aiTt5|Ju)v, ovos, 6, (oais B) an invited guest. 2. in plur. guests who bring each his own provisions. noble sir; but more freq. as a reproach, unhappy j 8aiT\s, vos, fj, Ion. for oais, a meal, man, wretch : in Att. mostly ironical, my fine fellow I j 8&i-p&)v, ov, gen. ovos : (Sai's, (pprjv} : of warlike my good sir! II. of things proceeding from the \ mind, eager for the fray, bold. II. (oafjvai} of ' '" ' knowing mind, prudent, though'ful. SaixOeis, aor - I part, of 5ai'o>. A AI'H (A\ = Kaica, only used in pres. and impf., to light up, kindle; oaie of CK teopvOos irvp, she (sc. Deity or from Fate; fi \i.r\ n oaifj,6viov fir) were it not a divine intervention; ra oaip.6vta divine visita- tions. III. of persons, divine, godlike. 8at|xovi-w8i]S, s, (oai{j.6viov, cidos} devilish. 8aip,ovia)s, Adv. of 8aifj.6vios, marvellously, strangely. 8ai[juov, ovos, 6, -q, (Saioj) a god, godde, Minerva) made fire blaze from his helm : Pass., aor. II. j i part. SaiffOeis: pf. part. 8e8avpfvos: to burn,blaze; the Deity, Lat. numen : fate, destiny, fortune, good or Saierai ooce the eyes sparkle : to this also belong pf. bad; irpos Saipova against fate; avv 8aifj.ovi with the 8e8r]a, plqpf fSeSrjeiv, poet. 8e8r)(iv ; ir6\fj.os StSrjf favour of the gods, non sine diis ; in Trag., death, like war blazes forth; oooa. ScSrjet the report spread like Lat. sors. III. one's genius, one's lot or for- wild-fire. tune. IV. 8aifj.ovs was a name given to the AAI'H (B), to divide, part out, distribute ; in Act. souls of men of the golden age, who formed the con- sense Satfa is used, but in Med. and Pass. 8aiofJ.ai ; necting link between gods and men : hence later, de- Med., Kpeq Saiopevos distributing portions of meat ; parted souls, Lat. manes, lemures. V. an evil Pass., Saierat. ^rop my heart is divided; Ep. 3 pi. spirit, devil. 8atjjuiiv, 6, as j., = Sai7/xow, skilled in a thing. j 8e8aiarai. But e'Scuo~a, tSa.iGa.nriv belong to Saivv pi: I Saaoftai, e8affafit]v, SeSaoyxcu to ar. 8dK6-0v|xos, ov, = 8r)i9vfjios, heart-eating. Sdxe, Ep. for t'Sa/ce, 3 sing. aor. 2 of Sd/cvo). SaKeiv, aor. 2 inf. of Sdtcva}. SttKcrov, TO, = Sdtfos, a venomous animal. 8o,Kvdco, poet, for Sdavca : Pass, to be sore vexed. AA'KNXl, f. 8r]oiJ.ai : pf. 8e8r)xa ' aor. 2 eSa/coj/ : Ep. inf. Safcteiv: Pass., aor. I iS^ffyi/: pf. 8f8ijyfj.ai : to bite, esp. of dogs and gnats ; OTO/J.IOV Sdfcveiv to champ the bit; Sd/tveiv eavrov to bite one's lips for fear of laughing. II. metaph. to bite, sting, prick: Pass., rtapdiav 8e'87?7/iat I was vexed at heart. 8n.Kos, fos, TO, (5a#efi/) an animal whose bite or sting is dangerous, any noxious animal. AA'KPT, vos, TO, poet, for Sdttpvov, a tear, Lat. LACRYMA. II. a drop, as of gum. SaKpvSiov, TO, Dim. of Sdupv. SaKpvp,a, aTos, TO, (Sa/fpucu) that which is wept for, a subject for tears. II. a tear. SaKpvo-yovos, ov, (8aKpv, *IVGJ) author of tears. Saicpiioeis, eercra, ev, (8dffpvov~) tearful; of persons, much weeping; of things, calling forth tears: 8a/pv- ov -yeAdo-cu, as Adv., to smile through one's tears. AA'KPT V ON, TO, = Sd/cpt; : Ep. gen. pi. 8a/cpv6(pi. Saicpv-irXcoo, (8d/cpv, TrAeV) to swim with tears. SaKpvppoeo), f. rjaca, to melt into tears. From 8aKpvp-poos, ov, (8dfcpv, /5ecu) melting into tears. 8aKpv<7a, Ep. aor. I of 8a#pwu. 8aKpvo-t-0-TO,KTOS, ov, (8dtcpv, ard^oj) dropping with tears. SaKpvorw, Dor. for 8aKpvo~aj. Saicpth-os, 77, ov, verb. Adj. of SaKpvoo, wept over, tearful. 8aKpv-xdpTjS, fs, (Sd/cpu, ^atpcy) rejoicing in tears. 8aKpv-xcov, ovaa, ov, a participial Adj., (8d/epv, X" ) shedding tears, weeping. SaKpuo) [u], fut. vaca : aor. I eddfcpvffa : pf. SeSd- KpvKa: (Sctcpfj): to weep, shed tears: pf. pass. StSdrepv/Mi, to be tearful, be all in tears ; part. SeSa- Kpvpevos, all in tears : c. ace. cognato, Saitpveiv yuovs to utter tearful groans. II. transit, to weep for a thing, lament : Pass, to be wept for. III. 8. j8At'd.Yos, ov, (8a/M\r), (pa^eTv*) beef-eating, epith. of Hercules. SdfidXi^co, f. iffca, poet, form of 8a[M, Dor. for Sajudfa;. 8dfJiaaip,-j3pOTOS, ov, (Sa/^dcu, jSpoTos) man-subduing. Sdixdcr-iiriros, ov, (8afj.du, tViros) horse-taming. Sdp.dcris, ecus, 77, (8a/ida>s, CUTOS, 6, 77, (Sajudcu, ^cus) man-subduing. 8d|JidTEipa, 77, fern. Subst. a tamer. Adp,uTep, Dor. vocat. from Ar)fj.rjTr)p. AA'MA'H, Ep. 3 sing. Sauda, 3 pi. Sapocaffi : fut. 8audao} [jud], Ep. 8ap,daaoj : aor. I ISd/xdaa Ep. c8d- : fJLaaaa, 8dfj.affaa : pf. Se5d//a/fa : Pass., aor. I fSfirjOrjv, part. SprjOfis ; aor. 2 f8dfj.ijv, inf. 8S.prjjJ.fvat, part. 8afj.fis : pf. 8f8p,r]fj.ai : another aor. I part. 8afiaa0is, \ pf. part. SeSctyuaoTieVos are found, as if from Sapafa. . To tame, to bring under the yoke, subdue, over- power. II. of maidens, to yoke in marriage, give to wife: also to force, lie with, Lat. subigere. III. generally, to subdue, conquer, esp. in war : Pass, to \ be subject, to obey. 2. to slay, kill. 8dp,iTjv, aor. 2 opt. pass, of 8aficy. 8dp.ito, Ep. for Sa/xo), aor. 2 pass. subj. of Sa/idcu: 2 and 3 pass. Sap-f^s, -f\r\, Ep. for Sa/irjs, Sa/xp : 2 pi. Sap.iT, for 8afj,r}T. 8d|A6v, Ep. for eSdfjirjffav, 3 pi. aor. 2 pass, of Sa~ 8dp/f|p.vcu, Ep. for SapTJvai, aor. 2 pass. inf. of Sdjjiva, Ep. for fSdpva, 3 sing., impf. of 8d/ii/r;/zt. 8ap.va, 3 sing, of Sa/^i/dcu; also 2 sing. pres. Med. of 8dfj.vijfj.i. 8ap,vdca, = Sa/xdcw, only in pres. and impf. 8d(Jivir]|Jii, = Sa^da : Pass, and Med. 8dp.vafJ.at. Sdfjios and 8up.6crios, a, ov, Dor. for 8?7/i-. 8dp.6(jiaTa, rd, (Sayuos) hymns sung in public. Sdv, Dor. for Srjv, ^TJV : ov Sdv, No, by earth I 150 AANAOI' AANAOI', of, the Danaans, subjects of Advaos, king of Argos ; in Homer for the Greeks generally : Aavai'Sai, wv, of, (be sons or descendants of Da?iaus : Aa.va.i8es, at, his daughters. Hence a Comic Sup. Aa- vatuTaros, oldest of the Danaans. [Aa] Savico, f. ciaca : pf. oeodveitta, pass. oeodvfifffjLai : (odvos) : to put out money at usury, to lend: Pass., of the money, to be lent: Med. to have lent to one, to borrow. 8dveiov, TO, (Sai/os) money lent or borrowed, a loan. 8dveicrp,a, arcs, TO, (Savdfa) = odvciov. 8avier|ji6s, 6, (Savfifa) money-lending'. 8aveurrTjs, ov, 6, (oaveifa) a money-lender, usurer. 8avi, f. 'QGOJ : Pass., aor. I a.Tra.vriQr)V, pf. 5e- 8aTrdvij/jt.ai, both used also in med. sense : to spend ; Sairavdv ets TI to spend upon a thing : Med. to spend of one's own. II. Causal, oanavdv TTJV iroXiv to put the state to expense, exhaust the state. From AATIA'NH, f], cost, expense, expenditure. II. money spent : also money for spending. III. ex- pensiveness, extravagance. [TTO] 8aTrdvif][JLa, O.TOS, TO, money spent, expense. Sairavrjpos, a, ov, (oandvr)) of men, extravagant: of things, expensive. Adv. -p&s, expensively. Sdiravos, ov,=^5aiiavr)p6s, extravagant. Sd-iTcSov, TO, (5a-, ireSov) land, soil : the floor of a chamber : in pi. plains, flat country. AATII2, LOOS, rj, = Tcnrr]s, a carpet, rug. [a] 8airrp.6v, Ep. for ddirreiv, inf. of ddirrca. AATETfl, f. Sd^cy, to devour. AdpSavos, o, Dardanus, son of Jupiter, founder of Dardania or Troy. As Adj., AdpSavos dvrjp a Tro- jan, mostly in p!ur. Adpoavoi : AapSdvios, a, ov, Trojan : AapSavis, ioos, 77, a Trojan woman : Aap- 8ava, 17, Troy : Aap8aviSr]S, ov, 6, a son or de- scendant of Dardanus : AapSavtwves, of, sons of Dardanus. 8ap8dirT&>, lengthd. form of odirrca, to devour. 8apiic6s or Sapsixos o-TarT|p, 6, a Persian gold coin, = 20 Attic drachmae : so that 5 = a mina, 300 = a talent. (Said to have been first coined by Darius, but prob. derived from Persian dard, a king, cf. Ad- pfios, like our sovereign.) Adpetos. 6, Darius, ace. to Herodotus = Gr. ep^et^s, q. v.: a Greek form of Persian dard, a king. 8apr|(TO(jLat, fut. i pass, of oepaj. AAP0A'NH: aor. 2 ZSapOov, poet. topa.0ov:to sleep, Lat. DORMIO. Cp. tcaraoapedvoj. 8apo-|3tos, ov, orjpo&ios. Sapos, a, 6v, Dor. and Trag. for orjpos. Sapu, fut. of oepoj. 8915, gen. oqoos, r/, Att. contr. for 8a'/'s. SdaacrOai, aor. I med. inf. of oaTtojiai ; Ion. 3 sing. indie. oaaaff/ttTo ; I pi. opt. oacraifAfOa : oafffirai is fut. Dor. Cf. irdaaoOai. from irareojMti. Bacrecos, Adv. of oaavs ; oaaeus ex eiv to be hairy. Sa-aicios, ov, (oa-, CTKIO) thick-shaded, dark. 8dopcca, f. rjaca, to pay tribute : Pass., 5ao"/xo- (f>opf?rai rive tribute is paid one. From 8acrp.o-6pos, ov, (oaafius, (pepoi) paying tribute, tributary. 8d(7op,ai, fut. of SarfOfjiai : cf. odffaaOai. 8a [5], f. vvw, (caffvs) to make rough or hairy : Pass, to become rough or hairy. 8acru-7rovs, TTOOOS, 6, (8ao"us, TTOVS) hairy-foot, i. e. a hare or rabbit. 8a(ru-irwYvatos, a, ov, of or belonging to a laurel. From AA'4>NH, 17, the laurel or bay, sacred to Apollo. 8cu}>VT]<|>op0, f. 770*0;, to bear laurel-boughs. From 8a<|>VTj-6pos, ov, (8d(f)V7), (pca) planted with lau- rels. II. bearing laurel-boughs. Sacpvioucos, T), uv, (ftdtyvrj) belonging to a laurel. 8avo-yr)0t|S, es, (Sd^vjy, yrjOtaj) delighting in the laurel. Sa(f>v6-Kop.os, ov, (cd(j)vrj, Kofjitf) laurel-crowned. 8aoivos ; tlpa oaoiv6s, ov, (Sa-, . II. to learn : fut. 8a-f}ffOfj.ai (l/*et! 8a?70-etu /ow wilt learn from me) : pf. SeSarjKa, part. oedaTjKws, StSaws, also pass. SeSa^jueVos : aor. a ISa??!', subj. Sao), Ep. Saeta;, inf. Sarjvai, Ep. 5ar)/j,vai, part. Saets : from SeSaa, is formed a pres. med. inf. 5e5aap.ev, I pi. aor. 2 pass. subj. of *8dca. AE', but : conjunctive Particle, with an opposing or adversative force. It answers to jueV, esp. in Prose, when it may be rendered by while, on the other hand, see p.tv. 2. it often serves merely to pass from one thing to another, when it may be rendered, and, further. II. Se' properly stands second in the sentence, but it is also found third or fourth, when the preceding words are closely connected. -8e, enclitic Particle ; joined I. to names of Places in ace., to denote motion towards, as if it were an enclitic preposit. ; ol/e6v8e home-wards, OuAu/x- TroVSe to Olympus, 6vpae (for 6vpaa8f) to the door ; more rarely repeated with the possess. Pron., oVSe 86fjiov8f ; and sometimes even after ets, as els aAaSe : in Att. often added to the names of cities, 'Adrjva^e, @77/3ae (for 'A0r)vaa8e, @?7/3ao-5e) : sometimes it denotes purpose only, /-cTjrt 6@ov8' dycpeve speak naught tending to fear. II. to the demonstr. Pron., to give it greater force, oSe, TotoVSe, etc., such a man as this, Att. 681, etc. 8ed, 77, Dor. for Oca, Lat. dea. __ r , , , __ t 8earo, Ep. for eSe'aro, 3 sing. impf. of an obsolete i BcSpdpirjKa, pf. 151 , StSciyjAat, pf. act. and pass, of Sti 868efca, 8eSep,ai, pf. act. and pass, of Sew, to bind. 8c5e|o, imperat. pf., and 8e5e^op.ai, p. p. fut., of exofAai. 8e8cTO, Ep. 3 sing plqpf. pass, of oeca, to bind. Ion. for SeSeypevoi ciai, 3 plur. pf. of , pf. pass, of oaicvca, , 88-r]ei, 3 sing. pf. and plqpf. of Saica. 88if||jLvp,ai, pf. pass, of SrjpevQ}. e0Ti, Dor. pres. formed from SeooiKa= SeiSca. 8e8oKi]|xai, pf. pass, of 5o#ecu. oeSoKTjpLevos, Ep. pf. part, of Sexo^wcu, with sense of pres., waiting for, lying in wait. SeSoKtu-acrpuu, pf. pass, of SoKipdfa. ScSofjuu, pf. pass, of SiScuyttt : poet. 3 pi. SeSovrai. 8e86vaTO, Dor. for eoeoovijTO, 3 sing, plqpf. of dovtca. 8e8opKa, pf. of SepKo^at, with sense of pres. 8e8otma, pf. of Sovireca. SeSpaYjJievos, pf. part. pass, of Spdaaca. 8e8pdKa, pf. of SiSpdanca, also of Spaa. pf. pass, of Spdca. (formed from *Spa/j.eca). (formed from 8eSpopa, poet. pf. of 8e8vcrnJXT pf- of 8eeXos, 77, ov, resolved form of Sfj\os. 8eT]0T]Te, 2 pi. aor. I subj. of Se'o/xat. 8ei]|xa, aros, TO, (Se'oyuat) a prayer, entreaty. 8et]crLS, ecus, 77, (Se'o/iat) an entreating. S6-f;oPO|xai, fut. med. of Secw, to want. AEF; subj. Se'77 contr. Sf? ; opt. ^8e'ot ; inf. Sttv; part. SeW Att. 8civ : imperf. eSet Ion. eSee : fut. Sef]0(i : aor. i fSerjac. Impers. from Se&, to bind : I. c. ace. et inf., Sef riva -rroifjaai it is binding on one to do a thing, one must, one ought, Lat. oportet, decet ; so, Sef riva OTTOS iroirjaei. II. c. gen. there is need of, Lat. opus est re; iroXXov Sef there wants much, far from it ; 6\iyov Set there wants little, all but ; ir\vvo$ Sef it is still further from it : with the person added, Sef p.oi rtvos, Lat. opus est mihi re. 152 8etyju,a S 8eiYp.a, arcs, TO, (SetKvv/it) a sample, proof, speci- men, Lat. documentum. 2. a place in the Peirseeus, where merchants set out their wares for sale, as in an Eastern bazaar. Hence 8ei*yp.aTia>, f. (Tea, to make a show of. SeCSeKTO, 3 sing, plqpf. of Sdnvvfu, in sense of impf., to welcome : BeuSexa-Tai,, for SfSey^evoi elffl, 3 plur. perf. : BeiSexaro, 3 pi. plqpf. 8et8T|iJUov, ov, gen. o^os, (SctScy) cowardly. BeiSia, as, , like ScSta, pf. of SfiSca with pres. signf., I fear ; plur. 8etSi//ei/, Set'StTe ; imperat. otioiOi ; inf. Sctoiftev ; part. 8ei5ta;s, dual SetStoVe : SeiSwrav, 3 plur. plqpf. SeiSicrKOjiai, Dep. (Sfi/nvvfju} to greet with out- stretched hand, to welcome, bid hail; 8i8iVTO, 3 pi. Ep. impf. med. of SfiKavata. SeiiceXoy and BeiKirjXov, TO, (Set'/tf/u/w) a representa- tion, exhibition. 8iKvu, Ep. shortened form of Seitcvvffi. 8euKvijp,v, -v\Levai, Ep. for SeiKvvvai. [u] AEI'KNTMI and 8iicviJto, imperat. Sei/tvv or 8ettfi/ue: fut. Sfigca Ion. 5ecw: aor. I c'Set^a Ion. 4'8ffa: pf. SeSeixa ' Pass., fut. Sctx^o-o/xat, and fut. 3 8c- 8eiofj.ai : aor. I kofix^v Ion. (Sfx^W- P 1 - SeSci-y^uat; on the forms SetSexaTcu, SctSf^To, see below n : to sfow/, point out, Lat. monstro; impers. Seigfi, time will shew ; otucvvvai eis nva to point towards a per- son. 2. to bring to light, display; 8ebs rjiuv 8efe repas the god shewed us a marvel : Med. Sdrcvvf^ai, to set before one. 3. to point out by words, to tell, explain, teach: to shew, prove ; 8eiav eroifJLOi ovres they shewed that they were ready. 4. of accusers, to inform against. II. pres. part. SfiKvvjtfvos = pf. X ar o \ois Scgiovftevos, welcoming, greeting : 3 pi. , 3 sing, and pi. plqpf. SetSc/CTO, 8ft8e- are used in the same sense ; TOUS [lev KVTTC\- o they pledged them with the cup; oiffi they greeted them with words. 8etKTeos, a, oi/, verb. Adj. of bfiKWfjLi, to be shewn. II. SCIKTCOV [!TTI], impers., one must shew. SeiXaios, a, 01% lengthd. form of 8ei\6s, fearful : and so wretched, sorry, paltry, miserable. SeiXaxpuov, oivos, 6, properly, a coward, but mostly in addresses, poor fellow I From 8eCX-aKpos, a, ov, (SetXos, afcpos} very pitiable. AEI'AH (sub. &pa), 17, properly, the time when the day is hottest, i.e.- just after noon; then generally, afternoon, efffftrai T) T)WS T^ 8ei\rj 77 /jifaov qftap', 8(i\.i] irpcaia and 8ei\r) tyia early and late afternoon; after- wards Set'A^ alone stood for the later part of the afternoon, evening; 8i\r)s or 8ei\r]v, as Adv., in the evening. 8eiXCa, 77, (SetXos) timidity, cowardice; 8fi\iijv o, only used in pres. and impf., to be afraid, to be alarmed: c. ace. to fear a thing. , a, ov, (Scf/xa) timid. II. horrible, fearful. 8ei|xas, aor. I part, of 8e/u. 3 sing. aor. I med. , eaaa, cv, (beifjLo) frightened. SeifJiaroco, f. caeca, (SeTf^a) to frighten. 8eifJi.op.ev, Ep. I pi. aor. I subj. of Sffica. 8et.ji.6s, o, (8fos)fear, terror, Lat. timor. Setv, inf. of 5ecu. II. Att. for otov, part. neut. of Sef, as ir\fiv for TrXeoi/. AEFNA, 6, 77, TO, gen. Setvos, dat. 8eivi, ace. 8eiva, such an one, a certain one, whom one cannot or will not name ; also pi. 8eiv. Seivo-OeTTjS, ov, 6, (Seivos, riOrjfJ.i') a knave. 8eivo-Xo-yeop,at, f. ^o-o/wtt, Dep. (8eiv6s, \eyoi} to complain loudly. 8eivo-Tra9e'a), f. 770*0;, (8tiv6s, irados) to complain loudly of suffering. Setvo-irovs, o, 77, irovv, TO, gen. iro8os, (8eivvs, TTOUS) terrible of foot. Seivos, 77, oV, (Se'os) : I. terrible, fearful, in milder sense, awful : later, TO oeivuv danger, suffer- ings; ovStv Seivoi, p.?) airoffTfuffiv no fear of their revolting ; Scivbv iroitTv or ironTaOai to take ill, Lat. aegreferre. II. implying Force or Power, mighty, powerful, for good or ill. 2. wondrous, marvellous, strange ; TO avyytves TOI 8fiv6v the ties of kin have strange power. III. the sense of powerful wondrous, passed into that of able, clever, skilful, as in phrase Seivos re real oofyos ; often c. inf., Setvos Xf^eiv clever at talking; also c. ace., Seivos rrjv T*x vr l v skilful i n his art. Hence Setvos, gen. of 5efi/a, 6, 77. SeivoTTjs, T^TOS, 77, terribleness : harshness, stern- ness. 2. natural ability, cleverness. Seivooo, f. waoj, (Seti/os) to make dreadful or formi- dable : to exaggerate, enhance. SCIV-WJTOS, ov, (Stivos, aty') terrible to behold. Seivuis, Adv. of Seivus, terribly : marvellously, ex- ceedingly. Seivcoors, ecas, f}, (8av6oj} exaggeration. SeCv-anj;, OJJTOS, o, 77, = Setz/ajrros. 8ei|ja>, fut. of 8fifcvvfJ,i. 8eios, TO, Ep. for 8eos,fear. 86Lirve\)vTS, Dor. for denrvovvres. 8ewrvea>, f. rjaca : pf. 8e8tiirvr]Ka, Att. pf. 2 SeSetTrra, inf. SeSctTTi/ai/at : (SefTn/op) : to make a meal, dine; in Att. always to take the chief meal : c. ace., deitrveiv apTov to make a meal on bread. Hence 86t/rrvT]) a supper-room. 8iirvT)TTjs, ov, o, a supper guest. Hence 8iirvT]Ti,K6s, 77, 6v, of or for dinner. Adv. -/teas, like a clever cook. 8iTrvC&>, f. iffca Att. to), (deiirvov) to entertain at dinner. Sciirvo-Xoxos, 77, ov, (Stnrvov, Xoxaou) fishing for invitations to dinner, parasitic. Seiirvov, TO, a meal or meal-time, sometimes = dpi- ffTOv, the early meal, sometimes = Supirov the late one : in Att. the chief meal, answering to our dinner, Lat. coena; CLTTO Seiirvov straight from, i. e. just after, dinner. 2. generally food, provender. 86urvoiTOi0, to prepare a meal : Med. to dine. From 8eurvo-iroi6s, ov, (dcnrvov, troieca) preparing dinner. 8eipds, d5os, 77, (Seiprj) the ridge of a chain of hills, like Ao0os, Lat. jugum. II. = dcip^, the neck. 8eipas, aor. I part, of 8epcu. AEIPH', Att. 8c P t], -fj, the neck, throat. II. = Sfipas, the ridge of a hill. 8ipo-TOp.o, f. 770-0;, (oeip-rj, Tffj.vca} to cut the throat of a person, behead him, Lat. jugulo. AEITn, Ion. for Stpaa. 86to--T)vwp, opos, 6, 77, (teitiao, av-f^p] fearing man. 8acn8ai|AOvta, 77, fear of the gods, religion. 2. in bad sense, superstition. From Scio-i-SaCpxjv, ov, gen. ovos, (Sc/Scu, tiaip.cav} fearing the gods : in good sense, pious, religious. 2. in bad sense, superstitious, bigoted. AE'KA W , of, at, r/i, indecl., Lat. DECEM, our TEN, Germ. ZEHN : ol SfKa, the Ten, Lat. Decemviri: ol Sa [CTT;] dopos, ov, (Se'/ca, d^opevs) holding ten dfji- 0opefs, i. e. about ninety gallons. 86Ka-iraXvXos, ov, (oeKa, pt5YOS, ov, more correct form of SeKopyvios. 8e/\eaa), f. aaca, (SeAcap) to entice by a bait: to al- lure, entice, catch. II. c. ace. cognato, VUTOV vos SeA.edeti/ to put the chine of a pig as a bait. AE'AEAP, arcs, TO, a bait, Lat. esca. 8\-dpira|, 0705, o, 77, (8e\eap, dpTrd^a;) greedy of the bait, biting freely at it. 8e\caa.Kiov, TO, a sucking-pig, Dim. of oe\a. 8XaKoop.ai, Pass, to grow up to pighood. From AE'Aoi, ot, the inhabitants of Delphi, Delphians. AETMA2;, TO, used only in nom. and ace., the body, esp of man; properly the living body, awp.a being the corpse ; fj-iKpus Sc/ms small in sta'ure. II. as Adv., like oi/e-qv, Sefjas irvpus alOo/j.voio in form or fashion like burning fire, Lat. instar ignis. 8jiviov, TO, (8e'/y) a bed, bedding ; mostly in plur. 86fivio-TT|pT|S, s, (oc/jtviov, TTjpta}} keeping one to one's bed; poTpa. oepviOT-fiprjs a lingering fate. AETMfl : aor. I act. e'Set/^a, med. fSeipaprjv : pf. Of8fj.rjKa: pf. pass. Sc'o/x^/iat. To build; Med., ISet- fw.ro OIKOVS he built him houses : generally, to con- struct, make ; oefjifiv 686v Lat. munire viam. SevSiXXw, to give a glance at, so as to make a sign. ScvSpeov, TO, Ion. for devopov, a tree. Hence 8v8pu>v, wvos, 6, (Sti/Spoi/) a grove. 8v8pT)6is, 06pos, ov, (SeVSooi/, , 5eto/^at, fut. act. and med. of ofiKvvfjLi. SiOjAcu, to m/, K/a/z^, as&; v. sub Stcu (B). Scov, OJ/TOS, TO, Att. 8eiv, part. neut. of the impers. 5f, /#a/ which is binding, needful, right, proper; p.d\\ov TOV Sfovros more than needful; kv oeovri (sub. fcaipv), in good time, Lat. opportune; ds TO 8fov for needful purposes. II. used, absol. it being needful ; ovotv 5eW there being no need. 8eov, Ion. for eSeoi/, impf. of ota, to bind. Seovrcov, 3 pi. imperat. of Secy, to bind. AE'O2, gen. Seovs, TO : poet. 8eios : fear, alarm, affright. II. awe, reverence. III. a terror, means of inspiring fear. AE IIA2, aos, TO : nom. pi. 87ra ; poet. dat. pi. and otTiaoo-i : a beaker, goblet, chalice. ]* ^7, C^V 7 ?' "TX ") a collar. , es, (Stp?;, dyx ^ throttling. Scpcuov, TO, (Sep?;) a necklace: a collar. Sepaio-ireSirj, 77, (Stpaiov, WST?) a collar. 8cpas, CCTOS, TO, poet, for Sep^ua, s&m, fo'Je. 8epds, dSos, 77, 6", f. 77 o-ios) = f 8v\a, &KOS, o, 77, (Setr/nos, p.a, aTos, TO, a fetter. ', TO, (SeoYtoaj) a prison. , ov, 6, (8eff/j.6oj) a prisoner. 2. as A*3j. in chains, fettered : fern, oca pur s iSos. 8, f. 6avos, ov, (ScaTTOTTis) of or belonging to the master, arbitrary. II. as Subst. = Offfnorrjs. 8ecriroTto>, f. 770-0;, = Seo-Tro^o; : Pass, to be despot- ically ruled. AE2IIOTH5, ov, 6, voc. oeairord: Dor. nom. Beo-iroras : Ion. ace. sing, and pi. oeairorfa, -fas, but prob. these are incorrect : a master, properly of slaves: hence a despot, absolute ruler, whose subjects are slaves. II. generally, an owner, master, lord. Hence SccnroTiKos, T), ov, of or for a master. 2. fit to be a master : inclined to tyranny, despotic. SeairoTis, iSos, 77, = Seairoiva. SccnroTuricos, o, Dim. of oeffnoT-fjS, little master. 8TT| (sub. A.a/^7rds), 77, sticks bound up to make a fagot, a fagot. Fern, of 8TOS, 77, ov, verb. Adj. of Secu, bound. 8evcncov, Ion. impf. of Sevcy, to wet. , fut. med. inf. of oevoj, to want. , O.TOS, TO, (ofvoj) that which is wet, soaked; Kpcwv boiled flesh. 8voia.TO, poet, for otvoivro, 3 pi. pres. opt. of oeva (B). 8evop,ai, v. Ofita (B). 86tipi, Att. strengthened form of Ofvpo. AET"PO, Adv. of Place, hither, come hither ! SfvTe is used with plur. II. of Time, until now, up to this time, hitherto; oevp' det continually up to this time. Aevs, Acol. for Zeus. 156 6 VT aro 9 brjloa) . 8evraTOS, 77, ov, the last, Sup. of fevrepos. 8VT, Adv., plur. of 8evpo, hither ! Come hither ! 8VTp-aYwvi / want little, i. e. am near ; iro\\ov Seca I want much, i. e. am far from ; 6\iyov Seca Sa/tpvffai I want little of tears ; Svoiv 8eovTa TeoaapaKOVTO. forty lacking two, like Lat. duodeviginti. II. for SfT impers., and 8iov, see the words. III. Dep. SeojxaL : fut. Scrjaofiai : aor. I eSerjOrjv : pf. ScStijfiai. To stand in need of, want, c. gen. : hence, to long or strive after, wish, beg for : c. dupl. gen. to beg a thing from a per- son. 2. absol. to be in want or need, mostly in part., as tcdpTa Seopevos. AH', Particle, properly of Time, now, already; OKTU) 8rj TTpotrjKa . . oiffTovs already have I shot ; TroXXaKi 8r), Lat. jam saepe: with imperat. and fut. now, forthwith, directly. II. marking Connec- tion, then; in summing up numbers, yiyvovTai 8rj OVTOI xtAtot these then make up a thousand ; KOI 877 marks the thing meant to be emphatic, (Is AlyvirTov CUTIKCTO. . , fcal 8r) /cat Is 3dp8is, he reached Egypt, and what is more Sardis also ; also to put a supposed case, KOI 8r) Sc'Se-y/xcu well suppose I have accept- ed. III. belonging to the word which it follows, with Verbs, d'-yc 8rj, <]>epf 877, do but come, only come; with a Sup., peyiaTos 877 the very greatest. 2. in ironical sense, Lat. scilicet; darj'yajf TOS tTaipi8as 877 he brought in the pretended courtesans. 3. with Pronouns, HJJLC 877 o)Se SiaOeivai thus to use a man like me ; ait 8r) . . fTu\UTjaas ; you of all per- sons. 4. with other Particles, 877 adds explicitness ; ws 877, iva 817, that [it may be] exactly so, just so ; also us 877, are 877, oia brj in that, inasmuch as. 8rj- fJYF ia aTos, TO, (8d/wa>) a bite, sting. 8T]0d, = 877^, Adv. long, for a long time. 8tj0 and 8tj0cv, Adv. (877) perhaps : I suppose : mostly iron., like Lat. scilicet, to wit, forsooth : with us, as if forsooth ; us a.'ypqv orjOfv pretending it was game. 8T|0iJvo> [v], f. vvu>, (8r)6a) to tarry, be long, delay. Si]uxacricov, Ep. impf. of 877400;. 8i]i-a\a>TOS, ov, (orjios, dAaij/at) taken by the enemy, captive. STJ'I'OS, 77, ov, Ep. for Sdi'os, hostile. Hence Siq'ioTT|S, 77x0$, 77, battle-strife, battle. S-rji'ow, Att. STJW, inf. 8r)ovv: part. 8jja)i/ Ep. 87710^: impf. tfirjiovv Att. efirjovv Ion. tdrJvv Ep. orjovv : tut. 8j7a;oo;: aor. kSrjttoffa, Att. eorjajaa, part, oyajaas: pf. Scor^Wa : Med., Ep. 3 pi. impf. dniouvTo : aor. i fSvcaffdiJirjv : Pass., aor. I (oyujOnv, part. orjcaOeis : pf. otSrjcJ/jiat: (otyos} : to treat as an enemy: to cut down, slay, rend, cleave. II. to waste or ravage a country. 8-qxTTipios, ov, (SaKvco) biting, torturing. 8i]icTt.K6s, 77, ov, (8a.Kvo}} biting : pungent. S-r]Xa-ST|, Adv. (S^Acs, 877) clearly, plainly, of course: iti answers, yes plainly. S-qXavvw, collat. form of STyAeo/zcu. AHAE'OMAI, fut. rjcrofjiai: pf. 8eori\r)fJiai, inf. 8edT]\r)a0ai in pass, sense : Dep. : to hurt greatly, do a mischief to, destroy, Lat. delere : absol. to do mischief, be hur'ful : of things, Kapirov 8r)\-f]ffa(rOai to waste the fruit ; optcia 8r)\'f)ffao'6ai to break oaths. Hence L, Yia, 77, the conduct or character of a public leader : and , *7, ov, fit for a popular leader. From 5, 6, (877^08, a-yo;) a popular leader, a mob-leader, demagogue. 8-rjjxaKt8iov, TO, a comic Dim. of 8rjpos. 87j|i-apu,Tos, ov, (8rj[i.os, apaopai) prayed for by the people : prop. n. of a king of Sparta. Srjfiapxew, f. 770-0;, to be demarch or tribune. Hence ^Ca, 77, the office of demarch, tribunate; and 5, 77, 6v, tribunician. From 157 j 8irj|X-apxos, 6, (orjfj.os, apx^) a * Athens, the president of a ofjftos, who kept the registers, a demarch : at : Rome, a tribune, Lat. tribunus plebis. \ STJIACIKTIS, foos, 77, confiscation. From 8if]|jieija>, f. o"o;, (Sr^/jos) to declare public property : to confiscate a citizen's goods, Lat. publicare. 2. gene- rally, to make public. 8"r)jJiT]Yopa>, f. 770-0;, (877 fjtrj'Yopos} to be a public orator; to harangue the people, Lat. concionari. 8ir|[JiT]Y6pia, 77, a deliberative speech : a speech in the public assembly ; and SirjjjiirjYoptKos, 77, ov, of public speaking, qualified for it. From 87]p,-7]YPS, o, (oTJpos, ayopfvca) one who harangues the people, a public speaker, Lat. concionator. 8ir]jji/T]Xacria, 77, exile. From 8i]|Ji-TjXaTOS, ov, (orj/Jios, (Xavvca) publicly exiled. At]-p.T|TT)p, 77 : gen. Tepos and Tpos : ace. rfpa or rpa, also AijprjTpav : (877 for 777, firjTrjp} : Demeter, Lat. Ceres, goddess of agriculture, mother of Proser- pine. 8Tf]jxC8tov, TO, comic Dim. of STJJUOS. [iS] Si]}j.ia>, f. iffcu, (8fjpos) to affect the popular fide, cheat the people. 8Tf]jjLi6-irpdTa, ra, (877/^0$, irnrpaffKca) goods seized by public authority, confiscated goods. STYLOS, ov, Dor. 804x108, a, ov : (877^05) : belong- ing to the people ; 8rjpioi aiffvpvrjrai judges elected by the people: as Adv., Srjpia, irivfiv to drink at the public cost. 2. Srjpios, 6, as Subst., the public exe- cutioner. 8t)|JiiovpYo, f. 770-0;, to be a workman, to work ; and 8ir)|xiovpYia, 77, workmanship, work; and STJIXIOVPYIKOS, 77, ov, of or for a workman. Adv. -KOJS, in a workmanlike fashion. From Stjfjii-ovpYos, poet. 8T]p.io-pYos, uv: (Sfjpos, Zpyov) : working for the people : as Subst., Snpiovpyos, 6, a workman, handicraftsman : generally, a maker, author : metaph., opOpos Snpiofpyus morn that calls man to I work. 2. the Maker of the world. II. name of a magistrate. 8t)fxo-p6pos, ov, (8rjpos, fiopa) devourer of the people. SijfJio-Ytpwv, OVTOS, 6, (Srjpos, yepow} an elder of the people ; generally, an elder, chief: in plur., the nobles, chiefs, like Lat. senatores. 8i]p,606v, Adv. (877^05) at the public cost. II. by deme or birthplace. 8-r)no-0poos, ov, contr. -0pcvs, ovv (8rjpos, 6p(6vos death by public stoning. 8-qp.6op.cu, Dep. (SjJ/ios) to talk popularly, to jest. 8T)p.o-m0i]KOS, o, (ofjfios, 'iridr^Kos^ a mob-monkey, charlatan. 8n]|jiop-pu|>T|s, fs, (SfjfJ.05, piiTTca] hurled by the people. AETMO2, o, a country-district, opp. to iro\is ; lv OTjfjua 'IdaKijs ; fj.d\a iriova OTJ/J-OV, etc. II. the commons, common people, plebeians, Lat. plebs, STJ/J.OV dvrjp, opp. to @affiXevs ; also 8rjfj.os fdiv being a com- moner. III. in democratical states, esp. at Athens, the commons, the people, the citizens : hence 2. a .popular constitution, democracy. IV. OTJ/JIOI in Attica, townships or hundreds, Lat. pagi, subdivisions of the <>uAat ; in the time of Herodotus, 100 in num- ber, 10 in each (pv\rj. AHMO'5, 6, fat. 8ir]p,o, f. wow, = 8r)/j,evta, to confiscate. 87]p^o-T6\T|s, f's, (S?7;uos, TeAos) at the public cost, public, national. 8ir)p,6Tepos, a, ov, (SrJ/zos) common, vulgar. 8T)p,oTT]S, ou, o, (Srjfj.os) one of the people : a com- moner, plebeian. II. a member of the same 8rj}j,os, a fellow-citizen. 8ir]|xoTtK6s, 77, 6v, (Sfjpos) suiting the people, com- mon: public. II. of the populace, one of them, Lat. plebeius. III. on the democratic side, Lat. popularis : generally, popular : Adv. -tews, affably, kindly. IV. at Athens, of or belonging to a deme, Opp. tO 877/ZOO"OS. 8T]p,-ot)xos, ov, (8^/j.os, ex) protecting the people, tutelary, of divinities : as Subst., Srjftovxoi yas guard- ians of the land. 8irj|jio-8ir]S, fs, (8rj/j.os, ?Sos) like the people, popular, common. 8V, Dor. 8dv, (87}, r)'8r/) Adv. Lat. diu, long, for a long while, this long time : long ago. Hence 8Tfjyaios, Dor. Bavatos, d, 6v, long-lived : aged, ancient. Sirjvdpiov, TO, a Roman coin, not quite = Gr. being about 8d. AT A'. AH'NEA, rd, counsels, plans, arts : only in plur. 8ir)(;t-0t)jju>s, ov, (SaKvoj, Ovp.6s) heart-eating. 8T)o}JUU, fut. Of OO.KVQ). STJOVV, inf. of 877400; : but STJ'OVV, Ep. impf. 8TJ-1TO06V, indef. Adv. from any quarter, Lat. unde- cunqtie; oirodev SrjiroOfv from some quarter or other. 8r|-iroT, Dor. 8T|-iroKa, indef. Adv., often written 877 TTOTf, at some time, once, once on a time : fl SrjiroTf, Lat. si quando : ri oijirorf ; Lat. quidnam f | STJ-TTOV, indef. Adv., often written 877 TTOU, perhaps, ! it may be : doubtless, 7 suppose, Lat. scilicet, nimi- . rum. II. as interrog. implying an affirm, answer ; rrjv alxfJ-dXurov tcdroiaOa OTJTTOV ; you know the cap- tive woman, I presume? 8if|-irov0v, indef. Adv., = Srjirov. \ Sr]pido|jiai, Ep. 3 dual SrjpidaaOov, 3 pi. Srjpiocavro, j inf. SrjpidaaOai : Dep. : (8f}pts) : to contend, fight : I to quarrel, wrangle. 8ir]pi,v0ifiTT)v, v. sub sq. AETPI2, tos and ecus, f], fight, battle, contest. 8T]pl-aTOS, ov, (orjpis, (j>dw) slain in fight. 8t]pio>, aor. I (S'fjplaa, ~ Srjpidoftai : Med. Srjpio^ai, fut. SypiaofAai [t] : 3 pi. aor. I med. drjpiaavro ; also 3 dual aor. I pass. orjpiv$r)rrjv, as if from drjpivofMu. 8-r]p6-J3u>s, Dor. Bapo^io^ov^Srjpos^ios^longlived. Btjpos, d, ov, (877^) long, too long : in bad sense, neut. Srjpov as Adv., all too long. 8T)crao-KTO, Ep. for IS^o-aTo, 3 sing. aor. I med. of 8i]ere, Ep. for I8r;o-c, 3 sing. aor. I of Stcu, to bind : also Ep. for ISeirjcre, aor. I of 8ecu, to want. 8-fyra, Adv. (877) certainly, to be sure, of course ; in answers, yes certainly ; ov 8rjra, certainly not. In questions, ri orjTO, ; what then f 8TJX061S, 8T)X0TJvai, aor. i pass. part, and inf. of odtivo). 8r|wcras, SrjwOeCs, aor. I part. act. and med. of AHTl, I shall find: pres. with fut. sense. At]cu, ), gen. oos, contr. ovs, = Ai][j.r)Trjp, Lat. Ceres. STJWV, contr. for Srjioow, pres. part, of dr]i6oj. Airjcpos, a, ov, (Ar/w) sacred to Demeter (Ceres). 8i[|&)cr(o, fut. of orjiuo}. AC, contr. for Au, dat. of Zeus ; v. *A/s. AIA', poet. 8uaC, Prep, with gen. and ace. Radic. sense, right through. WITH GEN., I. of Place or Space, through, out at; 81' jjfpos aiOtp' i'tcavev quite through the lower air even to the ether ; c/nr/)e7re /cal Sid -navrcav he stood out from among them. 2. of Intervals of Space, 8ia iroXXov at a great distance ; 8id irevre arao'tow at a distance of 5 stades ; Sid 6e'/x eTraX^ecui/ at in- tervals of ten battlements, i. e. at every tenth battle- ment. II. of Time, through, throughout, dur- ing, and, of the past, since; Sid yjpuvov after some j time. 2. of Successive Intervals; Sid rpirrfs rjniprjs every third day ; 8td n^vrc ITUIV every five ! years. . III. arising from, through, by means of, by, Lat. per ; Si' dyyeXov Xeyeiv, etc. : hence of the Manner in which a thing is done, Sid airovSijs with earnestness. WITH ACC. of Place, through, throughout ; Sid Swfj.a throughout the house. 2. of Time, during, by ; Sid vvttra by night. II. with a view to, on ac- count, for the sake, by reason of; Sid iroXXafor many reasons. WITHOUT CASE, as Adv., throughout. IN COMPOS., I. all through, across, as in Sia- Paivo}. 2. to the end, as in Sia-@i6, f. iffca Att. iu, to go across. Sia-|3aCvco, f. -firjao/Aai : aor. 2 -ffirjv, part, pf. -/3e(3rjKa : I. intr. to make a stride, stand with the legs apart, and so to stand firm, of warriors. II. c. ace., to step across, step over : also absol., to cross over, like Lat. trajicere. 8ia-j3dXXco (for the tenses, v. fidXXca), to throw over or across, carry over or across : seemingly intr. (sub. favrov, ffrparov, etc.) like Lat. trajicere, to pass over, cross over. II. to accuse falsely, slander, calum- niate : to acciise a man to another. III. to mis- lead, impose upon. 8taJ3ds, aor. 2 part, of Siafiaivca. 8id|3a(rts, ecus, 77, (Siafiaiva) a crossing over, pas- sage. 2 . a means or place of crossing. 8ia{3dcrKco, Frequent, of Siafiaivca, to strut about. 8ia-j3acTTda>, f. dffca, to iveigh in the balance. 8ta-|3aTos, a, ov, verb. Adj. of Siafiaiva}, that must be crossed. 8taj3arT|ptos, ov, (oiapaivoS) with a view to afortu- ' nate passage : Sia^arrjpia (lepd), rd, offerings for a happy passage. 8taJ3aTos, 77, ov, verb. Adj. of Siafiaivu, to be crossed or passed, fordable. 8ia-{3e{3ai6o|xai, Dep. to maintain strongly. SiajSep-rjKa, pf. of Siaffaivca. 8ia{3ej3uoKa. pf. of Siafiiooj. 8ia,pJ3Xir]Ka, pf. of StafidXXca. 8uapT|fjivai, Ep. for 8ia0r)vai, aor. 2 inf. of StajScuW 8iaj3ir]cro|jLat, fut. of Siafiaivu. 8iaJ3T|TT]s, ov, u, (8m/3aiVa;) a pair of compasses. 8ia-|3ido}A(u, f. daofj-ai, strengthd. for ySid^o/iat. 8ia-|3i|3dco : fut. -/3i/3dcrKco, f. -fipuffofjiai : pf. pass. to devour. 8ia-(3i6o>, f. -wffo/jiai : aor. 2 -6)QtW, inf. -ftiwvat (as if from a pres. Sia-@ioD/j,i) : to live through, pass. 2. 159 absol. c. part., /zeAcrcDi/ SiaffffiicaKevai to spend one's life in practising. 8ia-J3Xirco, f. ifjopai, to look through: to look straight before one. 2. to see clearly. 8iaj3XT]0eLS, aor. I pass. part, of SiapdXXcv. 8ia(3odo>, f. rjffOfMi, to shout or cry out, proclaim, publish : Med. to contend in shouting. StajBoXiq, 77, (SiapdXXca) false accusation, slander, calumny. Sia^oXCa, 77, = SiaffoXr}. ..StdpoXos, ov, (SiafidXXai) falsely accusing, slander- ous, calumnious : -as Subst., SidfioXos, 6, a slan- derer; esp. 6 Sid&oXos, the Slanderer, the Devil. Adv. Sia|36Xci>s, invidiously. 8iaj36pos, ov, (SiafiifipduffKOj) eating through : c. ace., voaos Siaficpos iroSa a sore that eats through my foot. II. Sidfiopos, ov, pass, eaten through, con- sumed. 8t,a-{3ovXeiJO(xai, Dep., to deliberate well. 8ia-|3pX<), f. cu, to wet through. Hence Sidppoxos, ov, very wet, wet, moist* 2. soaked, steeped ; vavs Sidfipoxoi soaked, i. e. rotten ships. 8iaj3pb>cro|ji.ai, fut. of Sia&iPpwfftcca. 8ia-j3wo, 8ta-ptJvo, 8ia-pvco, to thrust through : Pass, to be thrust or passed through. 8iaj3w, ?Js, 77, aor. 2 subj. of Siaffaivca. 8ia-YaXir]vi^a), f. iooj, (Sid, yaXrjvr)} to make quite calm. 8i,-aYYtXX(o, f. -fXS) : aor. I SirjyyeiXa : to send as a message : generally, to give notice, notify, proclaim : c. inf. to order to do : Med. to pass the word of com- mand from man to man, inform one another. Si-aYY^Xos, o, a messenger between two, Lat. inter- nuncius : a go-between, spy. 8idY, Dor. for Sifjyt, 3 sing. impf. of Std-ycw. 8taYY VT lH l ' al P^ ot Siayiyvofjiai. 8ta-YXdco, f. daofjiai [a], to laugh at, mock. 8ia,YVT|crK(i> : f. -yvwoofj.ai : to discern between two, to distinguish, Lat. dignoscere. II. to re- solve finally, determine, vote to do so and so. 2. as Athen. law-term, to give judgment, decide. 8iaYivo}juu, Ion. and in late Greek for Siayiyvopai. BicryrvuxTKco, Ion. and in late Greek for SiayiyvwaKca. 8i-o,YKtiXiop,ai, f- iaofJMi, Att. iov(j.ai, Dep. : (Sid, dy/tv\T)) : to hold the javelin by its thong ; pf. pass, part. Siyy/cvXiapevos, with the thong ready fastened, ready to throw or shoot. 8ia-YXa&>, f. jsa), aor. I 8ify\ai//a, to hollow out. 8td-YXv7TTOs, 77, ov, (Sid, y\vp,T], 77, a final decree, resolution. From 8iaYvwvcu, aor. 2 inf. of StayiyvuffKca. Sia-Yvcopi^to, f. iffca Att. tu), to inquire accurately. 8idYvtocris, ecus, fj^SiayiyvwcrKco) a discerning between 160 two, distinguishing, discrimination ing, deciding. II. a resolv- 8ia SidSfjfjLa, aros, r6, (StaSecu) a band or fillet : esp. the blue band worked with white which went round the fut. of SLayiyvwffKQ}. turban (ridpa) of the Persian king : a diadem, f. oca, to mutter, murmur. \ 8ia-St,8pdcncco, f. -Spaffopai (a) : Ion. 8ia8i8pT|arK:, (for the tenses, v. dyopevco) to speak -8pr)ffOfj.ai : aor. 2-eSpa.v: pf. -8e8paa : to run off, plainly, declare. II. to speak of. i escape, get away. 8iaYpap,jJia, arcs, TO, (8taypd(pca) that which is Sia-Sioop-i, f. ScuffoJ, to give from hand to hand, pass marked out by lines, a figure, form, plan : a geometri- on, give over, Lat. trader e. i. to distribute, as- cal figure, diagram. 2. a register. 3. an edict, sign. 3. to spread about, publish. 8iaYpac}>Ti, 57, (Siaypdcpai) a marking out by lines : j 8ia-8iKda>, f. daca, to give judgment in a case : c. a diagram. j ace. rei, to decide, rule : Med. to go to law : to plead 8ia~Ypdc})a>, f. ^a, to mark out by lines, draw one's cause. out. II. to cross out, strike off the list, Lat. cir- cumscribere ; 8. SIKIJV to strike a cause out of the list, cancel, quash it : in Med., Siaypdif/aaOai oiicrjv to cross 1 puted claims. 8ia-oiKai6a>, f. wffca, to hold to be right. 8ia8iKcurCa, 77, (SiaSt/fdfa;) an ^action to settle dis- 8ia-8i(j>pvca, f. oca, to run a chariot-race. 8ia-8oK4idco, f. data, to test closely. 8ia8o0eis, aor. 2 part. pass. SiaSos, oTia, aor. 2 imperat. 8id8ocris, teas, 77, (SmSiStu/xt) distribution. StaSoiivai, aor. 2 inf. of Siaoiooj/j.i. 8ia8ox"n, 77, (StaSexo/tfu) a succession or KO.TO, Siaooxnv in turn. 2. a relief on guard, life, like Lat. degere : also to delay, put off: c. part. oidSoxos, 6, 77, (StaSexoftat) succeeding ; as Subst. one's own cause out, withdraw it. Sia-YPTYP>>> f- r](To}, to remain awake. 8i-aYpiaiva>, to be much provoked. 8i-aYpvirvo, f. 170*0;, to lie wide awake. 8i-dYX w > ^ 7^. to strangle to death. 8i-aY<, f. dcy : aor. 2 oirjyayov : to carry over or across, take across. II. of Time, to pass, spend ; fiiov, etc. : but often without fliov, to live, pass V. to continue, go on doing. tinue, keep, support. IV. to entertain. to keep, celebrate. Hence BiSYODY'H* *7 a carrying across. II. a passing of life, a course of life : also a way of passing time, amusement, pastime. Si-aY&>vCop,at, Dep. to contend or fight against. II. to str Jiggle earnestly : to fight to the end. 8ia-SaiTT(), f. t^a>, to tear asunder, rend. 8ia-8ST60[xai, fut. -5ap, opos, <5, (StaSexoftat) as Adj. inherited. 8ia-8tios, ov, (Std, Sf^ios) of right good omen. 8ia-8cpKO|j,ai, aor. 2 (SpaKov : Dep. : to see a thing through another ; ou5' av vSt'i Siafyd/toi he would not see us through it, sc. the cloud. 8id8TOS, ov, (5iaSeo>) bound fast ; x a ^ iv i SidSeroi ycvvcav iinretcav firm-bound through the horse's mouth. I Sia-Sexofjiat, f. -8eo/xi : pf. -SfSfyfMi : Dep. : to receive one from another, Lat. excipcre : to take up : \ /.rat : to sing for a prize. c. dat. pers. to succeed to, relieve on guard : hence in i 8ta-eijjivos, pf. part. pass, pf. part. 8ia.8t8eyfj.4vot, in turns, by turns, Lat.w'a'ssz'w. Sia-eumv, 8ia-6wrjjLv, Ep. inf. of fitftirov. 8ia-8o, f. Srjffoj, to bind round, bind fast : generally, 8ia.-do>, inf. Sia^rjv : impf. 8i(r)v : fut. to bind on, fasten. to live through, pass: absol. to live: c. part, to live 8ta-87i\eop,, F. 570-0;, to search through : to seek out, invent. 8ida>p.a, aTOs, TO, that which is girt, the waist. II. that which girds, a girdle. From 8ia-a>vvi)|ii or -va> : fut. fyaca : to gird round : Med. to gird oneself with a belt, etc. 8ia-a>a>, Ion. for 5ta-ao>. 8i-dt]jAt, Ep. 3 sing. impf. Sidei, to blow or breathe through. 8ta-06ao|xai, f. affopai [a], Ion. -rjff0fj.ai : Dep.: to look through, look closely at, examine. Sia-0ioco, f. wffca, to fumigate. Sid0cris, co;s, 77, (8iaTi0r)fju) a disposing in order, \ arrangement. 2. = 8ia0rjKr). II. (from Pass.) a disposition, state, condition. 8ta0erqs, ov, 6, (8iaTi0r)fJLi) one who disposes in order, a regulator, arranger. 8ia-0Ci>, f. -BevaofMi, to run about: cf reports, to \ spread. StaO-fjKT]. 77, (oiaTiQri pi} a disposition of property by will ; a will and testament : also a covenant. 8ia-0optij3co, f. 770-0;, to confound utterly. 8i-a0pci), f. 770-0;, to look through, look closely into, examine closely. 8ia-0poM, f. 770-0;, to spread a report, give out. 8ta-0pvXc, f. 770-0;, to spread abroad : Pass, to be the common talk, be commonly re- \ ported. II. in Pass, also to be talked deaf; pf. part. 8iaTf0pv\riiJ.6VOS. 8ia-0piJTrT(i), f. ijjQ} '. aor. 2 pass. 8ifTpv(pfjv [u] ; to break in pieces, shiver. II. metaph. to weaken, enerva'e: Pass, to be broken down, enervated : to live riotously : Med. to be affected, give oneself airs. 8iai0pid&), f. ao"o;, to be quite clear and fine. From 8~ai0pos, ov, (8ta, aidpa) quite clear and fine. 8i-ai0vcr, f. 770-0;: aor. 2 8i(i\ov : Pass., aor. i Sirj- pe0r]v : pf. diyprj/Mi : - to divide, part or cleave in twain : to cut open, to tear away, pull down. II. to divide, distribute : Med. to divide among them- selves. III. to determine, put an end to : to de- fine, interpret. 8i-aCp, f. -aica : Att. 8i-qi, -O.TTOJ, fut. a'a> : aor. i oif : a : to rush through or across : of sound, to shoot through the air. 161 Si-aicrroo), f. uiffoj, (Std, aioTos) to make an end of. AI'AIT A , 77, life, a way of living, mode of life. 2 . a place for living, a dwelling. II. at Athens, ar- bitration. Hence Siatrdoj, f. 770*0; : impf. fSiaiTwv or Strjrcov : aor. r ISmtTTjo-a or oirfTrjaa : pf. ScSiyTrjKa : plqpf. eficSir)- TrjKfiv : Pass., aor. I SirjTjfj0r]v : pf. Scb'iTJTijftai : to maintain, support : Pass, to lead a certain course of life, to live. II. to be arbiter or umpire : gene- rally, to regulate, govern. Hence , f. -KaOnpw, and Sia-Ka0apico, f. to), to cleanse or purge thoroughly. 8iaKa0apiei, 3 sing. fut. of SianaOapifa. 8ia-ica0ia>, fut. -t^rfaca and -to), to make to sit apart, set apart. 8io-Kaic>>, f.-Kavffca : pass. pf. SiaKfKavjJiai : to burn through, set on fire, heat to excess. 8ia-Kavd, aor. I 8iCKavaa, of liquid, to run gurgling through. (Formed from the sound.) Sia-KapTcpeco, f. 770-0;, to endure to the end, last out. 8ia-KaT6\fyx w > impf. med. SiaKarrj\yx^l JI ''n v to confute utterly. 8uxKavp.a, OTOS, TO, (Siatcaicu) burning heat. Sia-Kainad^co, (#awos) to determine by lot. 8ia-Kedco, f. aacu, to split asunder. 8id-Kifxai, inf. -KtiaQai : fut. -Kflffofiai : used as Pass, of SiaTi0t^fii, to be disposed or to be in a cer- tain state : to be disposed or affected in a certain manner ; often with Adverbs, S oiaKfioOat to be friendly disposed; VTTOTTTOJS 8iaKeiff0ai to be suspi- ciously disposed ; KO.KUIS oiafcefoOai to be in a sorry plight, etc. II. of things, to be settled, fixed; roL tiiafffifteva certain terms. 8ia-Keipo> : fut. -epa> and -Kfpff, to carry off" by stealth. II. to save by stealth : Med., with aor. 2 pass. Siftc\d- j rrr)v [a], to steal away, get safe off. III. to keep back by stealth. 8ta-KXT)poco, f. wow, to assign by lot, allot. 2. to choose by lot : Med. to cast lots. Sia-KXivo), to turn away, retreat. Hence SuxxXuris, 6o>s, rj, a turning away, retreat. 8ia-cXva>, f. t'o-o; [v], to wash thoroughly, wash. 8ia-Kvata), f. -fcvaiffoj; Pass., fut. SiaKvaiffOr}ffofj.ai : pf. SiaKCKvaifffMi : to scrape or grate to nothing: to wear away : to crush in pieces : Pass, to be worn away, destroyed; TO xp&pja SiaKfKvaicrptvos having lost all his colour. Sia-Kvtw, f. aoj, to pull to pieces. Sia-KOipavco), to rule through or over. 8iaKOp.i8"f|, 77, a carrying over or across. From 8ia-KO|j.ta>, (for the tenses, v. K0fj.ica) to carry over or across : Med. to carry over what is one's own : Pass, to pass or cross over. SidKoycco, Ion. 8iT)Kovo : f. 770-0; : impf. eSidfcovovv ' and Sirjtcuvow, aor. I eSidieovrjffa and SirjKovrjaa : pf. SfSidKuvrjKa, : Pass., aor. I eSidKovriOrjv : pf. ScSidteo- vrjfM.1 : (Sidtcovos) : to wait on, serve : to furnish, ! supply : Med. to serve oneself. Hence SiuKOvia, r), service, business. 2. attendance on a duty, ministry. 3. the office of a deacon. SIUKOVIKOS, 77, ov, (oiaicovtu) serviceable. 8ittKovos [a], Ion. 8iT|i, f. tyo), to cut in two, cut through: to break asunder, break through. II. intr. to break through, burst through. 8ia-Kopo and -Kopcvw, (Sid, tttprj] to ravish. 8ta-KOpKOpijY>> f- 770-0;, to rumble through. 8ux-Kt>pos, ov, (Sid, Kopkvvv\iC) satiated, glutted. Bt-uKOCTLOi, Ion. StTjKocriot, at, a, (Sis, 1/faTcV) two hundred, Lat. ducenii : in sing, with noun of multi- tude, iirrros Sia/coaia two hundred horse. 8ta-Koo-p.co, f. 770-01, to divide and arrange: to mus- ter : Med. to set all in order. 8iaKO(T}xif]0i(jiv, Ep. for oia.Koap.rjQtirmtv, I pi. aor. I opt. of SiaKo, to cry aloud: to scream against another. , f. cy, to strike the strings of the lyre. 8ia-Kpi}v6, f. tvw : (for the tenses, v. Kpivca) : to separate, divide : to part combatants : Pass, to be parted or dissolved : to disperse. 2. to distinguish, tell one from another. 3. to set fie, determine, decide a dispute; Sia/tpiveiv ai'pfffiv to make a choice : Med. to get a. dispute decided: Pass, of persons, to come to a decision : but also of a thing, to be decided. II. to make a distinction : set apart for holy pur- poses. III. in Med. to doubt, hesitate. Hence SiaKptoas, (cus, 77, a separating, parting. 2. a deciding, judgment : the faculty of distinguishing. 8iaKplTOv, verb. Adj. of SiaKptvca, one must decide. 8iaKptros, ov, (Stcw/wVcy) distinguished: excellent. SiaxpOTeco, f. 770-0;, to strike or break through. Siaxpovaas, us, 77, a driving away, putting off. Sia-Kpovco, f. ffoj, to try or prove by knocking. Med. to drive from oneself, to put off, get rid of, evade or elude by delays. SiaKTOpos, ov, or 8taKT, (KV&OS) to play at dice together. 8i.a-KtiKcuo, f. 770-0;, to mix together. Bia-KV-irroj, f. tyca, to stoop and creep through : to peep through, pry into. StaKtoXvrfjs, ov, 6, a hinderer, obstructer. From 8ia-K, f. vffoj, to hinder, check : to prevent. 8ia,Ki>XT|, incorrect form of Siofcaxn- 8ta-Xa'YX < i v< ' ) > f- -^-Tj^ofiai : aor. 2 Sif\a\ov : to divide or part by lot : to tear in pieces. SioXoOeiv, aor. 2 inf. of Sia\avddva>. oia-XdKeco, f. i\a, f. ia, f. 770-0;, to talk over with. 8ia-Xap,|3av, f. \rjipofjiai : aor. 2 -tXa&ov: pf. -fi\rj(pa ; pass. -ciXijfJifjiai or Sia\f\r)^p.ai, Ion. -Ae- Xannai : to take or receive separately. II. to grasp with both hands, embrace, Lat. complecti : as Gymnastic term, to clasp round the waist. 2. to grasp with the mind, comprehend. III. to sepa- rate, divide, Lat. dirimere: to distinguish: also to in- terpret. 2. to cut off, intercept. 3. to distribute. 8ia-Xip.T had been left. 2. intrans. to be placed at intervals; TO oiaXtiitov a gap. II. to leave off, cease: c. part, to leave off" doing. 2. of Time, to intervene, elapse. o\.a-\*i\oi, f. *& art f debating or arguing. SU&XCKTOS, 77, (StaAeycu) discourse, conversation: de- bate, argument. II. speech, language. 2. /fo language of a country, technically a dialect. SiaX^XqOa, pf. of oiaXavOavca. SiaXcXtjfJifjiai, pf. of 8ia\afi0dvo). 8vaXXvKa, 8iaXXvp,av, pf. act. and pass. of StaAtfcw. SiaXeXufJia, fut. of oiaXavddvca. StaXiTrelv, aor. 2 inf. of 8taA7ro;. 8iaXXayT|, 37, (8iaAAdYio-y.6s, o, a settling of accounts. II. 163 calculation, consideration, reasoning. 2. discourse, conversation. 8idXoyos, o, (8iaAe-yo/ii) a conversation, dialogue. Sia-Xoi8opeo(jiai : aor. I pass. 5ie\oi5opr)0i]v : Dep.: to abuse, rail at. 8taXt0fjvai, aor. I inf. pass, of StaAixw. Dep. : to maltreat shamefully. SidXtscns, f(us, 77, (StaAvcy) a loosing one from any- thing, parting: a breaking up, destroying. II. an ending, cessation : cessation of hostilities, peace. 8iaXvtXos, ov, (StaAycy, <>iAos) love-dissolving. 8ta-XvTTis, ov, 6, (SiaAwu) a breaker up, dissolver. 8iaXvr6s, 77, ov, (StaAyo)) dissolved: capable of dis- solution. 8ia-Xuw, f. vff6rjv [u] : pf. -\f\vfjjai : to loose one from another, to part asunder : to break up, dismiss, dis- band. 2. to break off", put an end to. 3. to re- concile. 4. oiaX\>iv diafioXyv to do away with false accusations : also to pay off, discharge. II. to relax : to make supple and pliant. 8i-aX4>iTo&>, f. waoj, (Sid, aXtpirov") to fill full of barley-meal. 8ia-X(o|3do(jiai, pf. -XeXwjSTjjJiai (in pass, sense), Dep. to maltreat outrageously. 8i-ajxa0ijva>, to grind to powder, raze to the dust, utterly destroy. 8ia-p.avreuo|A], f. vpovpai, Dep. to call solemnly to witness, to protest solemnly : also to ab- jure solemnly : to asseverate. II. to beg earnestly of, to conjure. 8ia-|xd Att. -TOO, fut. (w, to knead thoroughly, knead well up. fut. pja\f, fut. 770-0) : aor. 2 oi-fjiujca (Sid, d/ttxeo) : to mow or cut through. 2. to scrape or clear away; so also in the Med. 8ia-p.e0iT)pA, to leave quite off: to give up. 8i-ap.eCpco. f. ^cu, to exchange. H. Med. to change oneself from one place to another : to pass through cr over. 2. absol. to change, alter. Siap.ivai, aor. I inf. of SiaucVw. G a 164 8idfAuJas, ecus, 77, (8ta/m'/3o;) an exchange. 8to-}X\aCvci>, f. avu>, to make quite black. Sia-jAcXeto-Ti, Adv. (Sid, jueAos) limb by limb, piece- meal. 8tafi\XT]o|jLai, Dep. to blame exceedingly. Sia-ftcvfa), (for the tenses, v. \i.evu) to remain by, continue with. 2. to be constant, persevere. 3. to continue, last, remain. 8ia-]u.epico, f. ioca Att. 'iia, to divide : metaph. to cause dissension : Pass, to disagree. Hence Siap,epurp.6s, o, division : dissension. 8ia-p,Tpa>, f. 770-0;, to measure through, measure out or off": to measure out in portions: Med. to have measured out to one, receive as one's share. Hence 8ia-|XTpTjTos, 77, ov, measured out or off. 8id}ji6Tpov, TO, Lat. dimensum, a portion measured out, a soldier's rations. From 8id-p,Tpos, f), (Sid, /j,fTpov) a diameter or diagonal line. 2. the rule for drawing the diameter. 8ta-}jn]xavao(iai, Dep. to bring about, contrive. Si-dy,iX\do|j,ai, f. rjaof^ai : aor. I SiijiJ.i\\rjOTjv : Dep. : to contend furiously. 8ia-ji.t|xvT] : aor. I -e/4toTDAa : to cut up piecemeal. 8ta-[xvT]}xovva>, f. oca, to call to mind, remember: hence to record, mention. Sia-jxoipdco, (Sid, p.oipa) to divide, rend asunder. 2, Med. to portion out. 8tAp.7ra|, Adv. right through. Si-ajxircpls, (Std, dvairtipco} Adv. of Place, through and through, right through : all in a piece. 2. of Time, throughout, for ever. 8ia-jjLv8aXcos, a, ov, drenching. 8ia-}ju}9oXoYco, f. 770-0;, to tell by word of mouth, to zpzak, converge. Sta-fivXXatvco, f. avu>, (Sid, //vAAa;) to make mouths (in scorn or mockery). Si-ajju|>t8tos, ev, (Sid, dju, f. oca, to nod, beckon to. 8ia-vo, f. -vcvcroiMi, to swim across: swim through. ^ia-vi]\o[iLa.i, Dep. = Siavfco. 8ia-vCco, f. viif/sa, to ivasb out, rinse. 8ta-vio-crop.at, Dep. to go through. 8i-avio"TT]iAV, fut. 8iavaoTT)Oca : to set up, make to stand. II. Pass., with act. aor. 2 -4oTijv, pf. -iorrjna, to stand aloof from, depart from. 8ia-vo0|xai, fut. -vo-fjoojMi : aor. I -fvorjOrfv : pf, -vfvdrjfjLai : Dep. : to think over, intend, purpose, Lat. meditari. Hence 8iav6t]na, CITOS, TO, a thought, notion. 8iavoT|TiK6s, 77, 6v, (Siavofo/jiai) intellectual. Sidvoia, also Siavoid, T), (Siavofofj-ai). I. thought: the intellect, mind. II. a thought, intention : a notion, belief: the sense or meaning of a thing. 8i-avoiY&>, f. 0; : to open : hence to explain, expound, 8iavC5ojjiai, Dep. (5m, *^>os) to fight to the death. Bta-iraiSetlojjLat, Pass, to go through a course of education. 8ia-irSXaCo>, f. oca, to go on wrestling. 8ia-irdXT|, 7), a hard struggle. Sia-irdXXw, f. -TTaAo), to distribute by lot. 8ta-TraXiJvco, f. vvia, to shiver, shatter. Sia-iravros. Adv., = Std iravros, throughout. 8ta-irairTatv. f. ow, (Std, irapdevos) to deflower. Sia-TracroxiXciJaj, Att. -iraTraXevaj : f. oca : (5td T 7rao"<7aAos). To stretch out by nailing, e. g. of a hide/or tanning : also to fasten the extremities, as in crucifixion. 8ia-ird, f. -Trepa), to drive through. 8ta-rr|Am0, f. ^cu, to send about in different direc- tions. II. to send over or across. SiairetracTfJiai, pf. pass, of biairdaou. 8iairiT6ipup.ai, pf. of Sia.ir6ipdo/j.ai. 8iair6'TroX|jnf|crop,ai, fut. 3 of Siano\fj.eca. 8tairTru, f. dffca [a] : to go over or across, to pass : to pass through. 8ia-iTp0a>, f. irtpaca : aor. 2 Ste-trpadov, Ep. inf. Sia- npaOfciv: aor. 2 med. SifvpdQfTo, in pass, sense: to destroy utterly, to sack, waste. 8iawpaai, aor. I inf. of Starr epOca. 8vaircaj3do-0ai, pf. inf. pass, of diatyoifiafa. 8ia7rcpa8a, pf. of dia, f.-f), f. avu, (Sid, Trtcwv) to make very f of. 8ia-iri|XTrXir)|J,i, f. -ir\r)aca (for the tenses, v. irifj.- ir\ijiu), to Jill full of: Pass, to be quite full of. 8ia-mvco, f. -itiopa.1, to drink against one another, challenge at drinking, [t] Sta-miTTO), f. -TreaoCyuat : (for the tenses, v. TT/TTTOI) : to fall through, fall off or away, escape: to fail utterly, go quite wrong, turn out ill. 8ia-mcrrvc>, f. aca, to entrust in confidence : Pass. to have a thing entrusted one. Sia-ir\Ka>, f. aj, to interweave, weave together. II. to weave asunder, i. e. unweave ; 8iair\ct(eiv TOV fiiov to end the web or tissue of one's life. Sia-irXetio-as, aor. I part, of 8ia-rrAo>, f. TrAeucrojuat, to sail through. 8ia-ir\ir]KTiop, Att. -^rra>, f. QJ, to break in pieces, split, cleave. StairXoos, contr. irXovs, o, (StaTrXc'a;) as Adj. sailing across, passing over. II. as Subst., oidirXovs, 6, a voyage across, passage. 2. a channel. 165 8t-aTrX6co, f. wffct}, (Sid, ebrAoos) to unfold. 8ia-irvCi>, Ep. -irvia> : f. itvcvaofMi : aor. I St- irvvoa : to blow through, refresh, revive. II. to breathe at intervals, revive. III. Pass, to evaporate. Sta-irotKiXXo), f. TAa), to variegate, adorn. 8ia.TroXep.tci>, f. T), f. rjeca, to work out with labour, Lat. ela- borare : to practise : Pass, to be administered : also to be troubled. I!, intr. to work hard, toil. 8id-Trovos, ov, having gone through many labours. 8ia-7rovTios, ov, (Sid, TTOVTOS) beyond seas, foreign, Lat. transmarinus : going beyond seas. Siairovcjs, Adv. of didtrovos, laboriously. Sia-iropcvco, ffca, to carry across. II. Pass., with fut. med. -evao/zcu, aor. I pass. SifiropevOrjv : to go through, pass along. 8i-a7rope'c0, f. rjaw, and Dep. Siairopeofxai, aor. I 5iT)iropT]6T)v : to be quite at a loss. 8ia-irop0o>, f. rjffu, = SiairepOca, to ruin utterly. 8ia-irop0p.etia>, f. aeiv iroTafJ.6v, of ferry- boats, to ply across a river. 8ia-7rpaYp-oT'uojji,ai, Dep. to treat of thoroughly. Sia7rpa0eeiv, Ep. aor. 2 inf. of cia-rttpOo). 8ia-irpd : f. ^a) : to accomplish, Lat. conficere : intr. to accompli fh one's way across. i. to bring about, effect : Med., to effect for oneself, gain one's point. 3. to make an end of, slay. 8iairpirirjs, is, eminent, conspicuous. From 8ia-7rpirci>, to be eminent, conspicuous, or distin- guished above others. 8iairp67rais, Adv. of Siairpeirris, conspicuously: Sup. SiairprneaTaTa. 8ia-irpcrpevop.cu, Dep. to send embassies to different places. Sta-trpTitro-co, Ion. for Siairpdffaoj. 8ia-irpui> [f] : fut. irpi.ovp.ai : pf. pass. -7T7rpiay/cu : to saw through or in two : to cut to the heart ; Siairpifiv roiis oSovras to gnash the teeth : Med. to gnash with the teeth. 8unrpo, Adv. thoroughly. Sia-irpvcrios, a, ov, (Siairepdaj} going through, pene- trating, piercing, thrilling, of sounds : neut. SiaTrpv- criov, as Adv. piercingly, thrillingly. 2. far-stretch- ing ; irpuLv itcoioio SiaTrpvffios rfrv^rjKws a hill ruu- ning/ar into the plain. 3. manifest. 2 inf. 166 8ia-irroi>, f. 770-0) : Ep. aor. i StcirToir)ffa : to scare away, startle : to strike with panic. Sua-TTTvo-o-o), f. o), to unfold, disclose. 8ia--JTTi5xTl, ?7, (Sid, itTvxn} a fold, folding leaf . 8ia-irrua>, f. vffoa [u], to spit upon, despise utterly. 8ia-iruKTV(0, f. aca, to box or fight with. Sia-irvvOdvojxai : f. -TTfvffofjiai : pf. -ire-jrvfffjiai : aor. 2 -eirvOonTjv : to search out by questioning. 8td-iri)pos, ov, (Sid, irvp) red-hot: hot, fiery. Hence Siairvpoco, f. wo~(a, to set on fire. 8ia-mi>\(0, f. 770-0), to sell publicly. Sidpcu, aor. I inf. of Siaipca. 8io.paipTjp.cu, Ion. for Sirjpijfjuti, pf. pass, of Siaipeca. 8i-apd, to break through, strike through. 8i-dpy6p-os, ov, flecked or spotted with white. 8i-ap0poco, f. waca, (Sid, dpOpov) to divide by joints, to articulate. 2. to complete in detail, describe distinctly. 8i-apifyjuco, f. 77*0-0), to reckon or count up : also to distinguish, Lat. enumerare. 8i-apK6>, f. caw, to have full strength : to endure, hold out, prevail. II. to nourish. Hence 8iapKT|s, S, sufficient: lasting. Adv. KWS, Sup. effrara, in complete competence. 8i-app.6a> or -TTCO, f. aca, to distribute in various "places, to dispose. Siap-n-ayT), fj, plunder. From Si-apird, f. ffft> : aor. I Sieppaiffa : to destroy utterly. 8iap-po, f. -pvffo/jiai : aor. 2 pass, (in act. sense) -tppvrjv : pf. -fppvTjtca : to flow through: to slip through : absol. to leak : pf. part. SifppvrjKOJS, gap- ing. II. to fall away like water , waste away. Biap-pTj-yv^P- 1 . f. -p^(a (for the tenses, v. p^yvv^i) to break, rend in twain, cleave : Pass, to burst. 8iappTj8-r]v, Adv. (Siepfa, SiappTjOjjvai) expressly, dis- tinctly. 8iappT)as, aor. I part, of Stapp-fjyvvfjii. 8idp-pip.p.a, OTOS, TO, a casting about. From 8tappuirrao-KV, 3 sing. Ion. impf. of Siappiirroj. 8uap-pi'irT>, only used in pres. and impf., = 5mp- piTTTo). II. intr. to throw oneself, plunge. 8iap-pCirra>, poet. 8iapCirra>, f. i//aj, to throw, fling, hurl, dart about. Hence 8idppiv|;Ls, co)s, 77, a throwing about, scattering. 8iappoir], 77, (Siappfca) a flowing through, a channel or pipe to flow through. 8iap-po0ea>, f. 770-0), to roar or rustle through. 8uxppoia, r), = oiappo-q, a flowing through : esp. as Medical term, diarrhoea. 8iap-poicci>, f. 770-0;, to whizz through. SiappvSav, Dor. for -vorjv, Adv. (oiapplo)) melting away, vanishing. SiappvTJvau, aor. 2 inf. of Siappeoj, 8iappvT|o-op,ai, fut. of oiapptca. Siappuj, coyos, 6, 77, (diappriyi/v/ju} rent asunder. 8i-apTa(xeco, f. 770-0;, to cut in pieces. 8i-apTcuo, f. 770-0;, to suspend and interrupt. Bui-oraCvw, to fawn upon. 8ta-cra(po), pf. ataripa, to grin like a snarling dog. 6ia-o-a\aK(i>vi<0, strengthd. for aaXaitowifa. BwjicraorOai, aor. I inf. med. of oiqoo>, f. 770-0, (did, eatyrjs) to makequite manifest. 5ia-cracf)T]vi5o), f. o, f. avw, to mark or point out: to make known, explain. 8id-a-r)p.os, ov, (Sid, aij/jut) quite clear, distinct. Aido-ia, rd, (Atos) the feast of Jupiter at Athens. 8ia-ora>irdco, f. Tjaoftai, to remain silent. 2. trans, to pass over in silence. Sia-KavSiKi^o), f. eta, (Sid, aieavoi) to dose with wild chervil, in allusion to Euripides. 8ia-, f. ^o), to dig through, make a breach in. 8ia-o-KcSdwt)|Ai: f. ovteoao-o) [a], Att. ancSca: aor. I -effKSaaa : to scatter abroad: to dissipate: t& disband. Siao-KeSctcreiev, 3 sing. aor. I opt. of foreg. 8ia-o-K6t>, f. ow, to scatter abroad. 8ia-irr<0, f. wif/(a, to jest : Med. to jest one with another, pass jokes to and fro. 8ia-crp,a.a>, Ion. - : f. 770-0): to wipe out, to rinse, clean. 8ta-, to cleanse by rubbing. 8ia-o-o(J>Lo|jiai, f. ioop.a.1, Dep. to act or speak like a sophist. 8tacriTapaKT6s, 77, ov, torn to pieces. From 8ta-, f. cpw, to sow, scatter or spread abroad: to squander. II. to separate. 8iacnropd, 77, (StacrTretpo;) dispersion. St-aVtro), SiaTTta, Att. for oiaifraoj. 8ia-o-Ta0p,dop.ai, f. r)ffofj.at, Dep. to order by rule, regulate. 8iacrrds, 8iao"r?]vai, aor. 2 part, and inf. of Stt'OTTijut. 8id, f. -crrcXa), to separate, to distinguish, determine. II. to command, give orders. 8iao"nr]|Aa, aros, TO, (oiaarrjvai} an interval. 8iao>, f. if/a: (for the tenses, v. arpe^cw) : to distort : to turn aside : to pervert : Pass, to be dis- torted, to have one's eyes distorted: to squint. Hence Sido-Tpoos, ov, distorted : metaph. perverted. Sia-o-upo, pf. -atavpfca, to tear in pieces : to worry, disparage. 8ia-o*dci> Att. -aTTco, f. cu, to cleave asunder, to slaughter. 8ia-tr<|>atpia>, f. iaca Att. iw, to throw about like a ball, to toss about. 8ia-d\Xa>, to foil or overturn utterly. 8iad, dyos, f], (5taffv8ovdco, f. 170-0;, to scatter from or as from a sling : Pass, to fly in pieces. 8ia-T|ic6op.cu, pf. -eatyrjKojfAai, Pass. (Sid, ff(f>T)) to be compressed at the waist like a wasp. Sia-o-x^, f- /lff(a > to deave asunder : Pass., aor. I fita\iaOriv , to be cloven asunder, to be parted. 8tacrxwv, aor. 2 part, of 5tt;(W- 8ia-cru>a>, f. auaca: (for the tenses, v. aw^oj) : to keep safe through, bring one well through: also to keep in memory: Med. to preserve to oneself: Pass. to come safe through; o'iacrdi(crOai els . .or irpos.. , to come safe to a place. 8ia-o-a)Trdop,ai, f. aao/Mi [a], Dor. for Staff uyffaco. 8ia Taiyewa, f. aw, (Sta, ra*yos) to arrange. 8ia.Tfi - yT|, ^s, T) (SiarayTjvai^) a disposition. Stara-yfjvai, aor. 2 inf. pass, of Siaraffaoj. cs, TO, (diardaaw) a commandment. 167 8ia-Tap,vo), Ion. 8id,Tais, fo>s, 17, (StaTaffo-o;) disposition, arrange- ment ; esp. of troops in order of battle. 8ia-Tapdcra > co, Att. -^rra), f. 0;, to throw into great confusion, confound. 8ia-Ta.oxr<> Att. -TTOJ : f. o> : Pass., aor. i fTa^d-qv, aor. 2 -fTajrjv [a] : pf. -TCTayfMi : to arrange : to set in order, draw up in order of battle : also to draw up separately. 2. c. ace. et inf. to appoint one to do or be : Med., aor. I part, in pass, sense 8taTod- fifvoi posted in battle order : Pass, to be in battle -wder. II. in Med. also, to order by will. 8iaTax06is, aor. I pass. part, of Stardo-ffo;. 8taT0pvp,p,ai, pf. pass, of SiaOpvirTca. 8io-Ttvw, f. Tvu : Pass., aor. I -eTaOrjv [a] : pf. TeTa/xat (for the tenses, v. reivoj) : to stretch out, stretch to the full : Med. to strain oneself: to exert oneself, strive hard : to maintain stoutly. 8ia-T6ixw, f. fata, Att. iu : to cut off and fortify by a wall : to draw a wall across : to divide as by a wall. Hence 8iaTtxio-p,a, aTOs, TO, a place walled off. 8ia-T6Kp.aipop.ai, Dep. (Sid, TfKfMp) to mark out. 8ia-T\VTd, f. -TTpavS>, Ion. -TCTpai/ecw and -Tprjaoa : to bore through, make a hole in. 8ia-TT|KCi>, f. , f. rjcrca, to honour greatly. 8ia-Tvvdo-o-a>, f.a>, to shake asunder, shake to pieces: fut. med. Tivdop.ai is used in pass, sense. 8ia-Tiv0a\OS, a, ov, = Tiv9a\os. 8ia-TjJiif|-yco: aor. I -eT^a : aor. 2 -(Tfiayov, pass. -fTfMLyrjv, Ep. 3 pi. 8i6Tpay(v : Ep. for oia.Ttp.vca, to cut in twain, divide, sever; SieTfiayfv (v tpiXoT-rjTi they parted friends : absol. they were scattered abroad. 8iaTp,T|5ai, aor. I inf. of SiaTf/j,vo). 8ia-To|eua>, f. aca, to shoot through or across : Med. to contend in shooting with. 168 biaropos b II. Sia-ropos, ov, act. piercing : of sound, thrilling. Stdropos, ov, pass., pierced. 8taTpaY6iv, aor. 2 inf. of Siarpcoya). Sia-rpeiro), f. tyta, to turn, divert, dissuade : Pass, with fut. med. -rpe^o/xat, aor. I med. -eTpatrourjv, aor. "2 pass. -fTpdirrjv : to turn or be diverted from a thing. 8ia-rp|>a>,f. Optyca, to maintain, support throughout. 8ua-rpX<<>, f. dpf^o/MLi : (for the tenses, v. rpe^a;): to run through or over: metaph. to exhaust. II. intr. to run about, Lat. discurrere. 8ia-rpo, f.fao},to run trembling about, flee all ways. 8iarp tprj, fj, a wearing away, a spending of time. 2 . a pastime, amusement. 3. serious employment, study : a discussion, argument. 4. a way of life, living, time, delay. II. in bad sense, a waste of time, loss of From 8ta-rpt{3a> [t] : f. j//a> : Pass., aor. 2 5ierpi0r}v (Y| : pf. SiaTeTpifAfiai : to rub between ; X f P a 'i 5iarpii//as : to rub away, consume : to waste, destroy. II. metaph. to spend time, live. 2. to busy, employ oneself. 3. to waste time, delay. III. to put off by delay, thwart, hinder. Hence SiaTpiirriKos, rj, ov, dilatory. 8ta-rplxa, Adv. in three ways. 8ua.-TpO'rros, ov, various in dispositions. 8ia,Tpo<|>T|, 77, (8iarpf(pca) sustenance, support. 8ia-rpoxda>, f. oca, of a horse, to trot. Sta-rptlyios, ov, (Sid, Tpvyrj) planted with vines, ripening one after the other. Scarp ije is, aor. 2 part. pass, of oiaOpvirrca. 8ia-Tp<>Y, f.-rpwo]j.at : aor. 2 Sierpayov: tonibble, gnaw through. 8i-, f. acu, to shijie through, dawn. 8i-avyi]S, es, (Sid, avyrj') transparent, radiant. 8iavXo-8pop.T]s, ov, 6, (StauAos, SpojJios) a runner in the race. 8i-av\os, 6, (Sis, auAos) a double pipe or channel : in the race, a double course, where the runner ran to the furthest point of the oraSiov, turned round the post, and ran back by the other side: metaph., Siav\oi KVfj.dToJv ebb and flow, Lat. fluctus reciproci. II. a strait. 8ia4>aYiv, aor. 2 inf. of SieaOiw, to bite through. 8ux4>dv8T)v, Adv. openly. From 8ia-atva>, f. - : (for the tenses, v. (paivai) : to shew through, make to shine through. II. Pass., aor. 2 -((pdvrjv [a], to be seen, appear through. 2. to glow, to be red-hot. 3. metaph. to be proved : to be conspicuous among others. III. intr. in Act. to dawn. 2. to be transparent. Hence 8ia4>dvT|s, fs, seen through, transparent. 2. glow- ing, red-hot. II. metaph. well-known, manifest: illustrious : Adv. -vws, manifestly. 8ia-4>avo-Kco, Ion. -4>u>cncio : (Sid, YYT|S, (S, (Sid, Qeyyos") transparent. 8(,a4>6povTO)S, Adv. pres. act. part, of SiaQtpoj, dif- ferently from : especially, extremely. 8ia-4>e'pco : fut. Sioi&aj and Sioiffopai, formed from *oi'cy : aor. I Sirjveyiea, Ion. Sirjvtt/ca ; aor. 2 SITJ- veytcov formed from *fveyKO}; (v. VY<>, f. -cvya : (v. ) : to flee through, get away, escape. 'Hence 8idugis, fcas, rj, an escaping, means of escape. Sia-T]}Jiici>, f. tcra>, to make known, publish. 8ia-cj>dipa> : f. -0(peofiai : aor. 2 -ffpddprjv [a] : ish : pf. f9opd, 6, destruction, ruin, death. i. in moral sense, corruption, seduction. 3. l^vaiv SiatpQopd a prey for fishes. Hence 8iacj>0opevs, ecus, 6, a corrupter, seducer. 8t-a4>nrNJU, f. i\ao), to dismiss, disband. 8ia-oiJ3dco, f. aoj, to drive mad : Pass, to rave. Sia-4>oiTcud Ion. -ea>, f. TJOW, to wander abroad, run about : to get abroad. 8icuf>opd, p, (Siacptpai) difference, distinction. 2. variance, disagreement. II. distinction, excel- lence. III. advantage, profit. 8ia-(f>oplco, f. rjffca, to drag about, spread abroad. 2. to carry off" as plunder, to plunder : also to rend in pieces, destroy. II. to carry through or across. Hence Sia4>6pi]cris, feus, 77, a plundering. 8ui<|>opos, ov, (Siatyfpca*) different, unlike. 2. differing with another: at variance with. II. superior, excellent. 2. advantageous, profit- able. III. as Subst., Sid6pci>s, Adv. of 5tapaY(J.a, arcs, TO, (SiaQpdffffca) a partition- wall. II. the membrane which divides the lungs from the stomach, the midriff. 8ui-<|>pa,Yvv[Ai, 8ia-4>pdpdoxTa), f. feu, to separate by a fence. '' 8ia-4>peu>, f. -(pprjaca, (Sid, pecu) : to lei through, let out. Tj, 17, (8ta^vyw) a means of escape. 8iatiT), 57, (SKX^IKU) a_y natural partition, as Afe Corn's in bodies : a cleft, division, as in nuts. 8ia-t}Xdcr(ra>, Att. -TTOJ, f. few, to watch vigilantly, preserve : keep, maintain. Sia-cjnia'dco, {.rjvta, to blow or breathe through. II." to Wow/ away: Pass, to fo scattered to the winds, vanish. 8i-a'J3'crci>, f. eo: aor. I Si-fjcpvaa : to draw out, draw off". II. to tear #/>, rend. 8ia-4>v&>, f. , to g"ape wide, yawn. Siax^oti, aor. I inf. of 8ia\ca. 8ia-xefcfJida>, f. aa, f. tVco Att. to), to ave z acwr different ways : to pour out, dissolve : of metals, to soften, melt: also to disperse: metaph. to co/z- found. II. Pass, to 60 poured from one vessel into another: to be melted: to fall to pieces : metaph. to be relaxed. 8ta-xXevdco, to mock greatly. 8ia-x6a>, old form for Siax&vrvfU', in inf., oiaxovv TO XU/J.CL to complete the mound. 8ia-xpdo|j,ai : f. rjffo^ai, with Dor. 3 sing. Sia\pr)- ffeirai : to use constantly: also to meet with, suffer under. II. c. ace. pers. to destroy, slay. 8ta-xp0|xai Ion. for f jreg.: Staxpe'aytcu, Ion. subj. 8ia-xwvvu|xi, f. ywa, f. law Att. lw, to separate. Sia-vj/aipco, to sweep away, blow away. 8ia-4/evSo> or -vJ/evSopxu, to deceive utterly. II. Sm-^fvSo/xai also as Pass., aor. I 8ifipfva9T)V : pf. 01- tif/evafjiai : to be deceived, mistaken. 8ia-4nr]4>iop.av: f. iaop-ai Att. tov/zat: Dep.; to vote with pebbles : decide by votes. Hence 8ia\j/i]4>icris, fcas, r), a deciding by vote. 169 8ia-v|;vx w 5 f. fa>, to cool, refresh : of ships, to haul high and dry : to make water-tight. 8t-poXos, ov, (Sis, aA\cra, OTOS, TO, (SiSdaKca) a lesson. 8t8dKKK], Dor. for StSdovcei. SiSaKTiKos, 77, ov, (SiSdffKQj) apt at teaching. SiSaKTOs, 77, ov, (SiSdaKw) of things, taught: that can be taughf : that ought to be taught. It. of persons, taught, instructed. 8l8du>, fut. of 8t5do~K. 8i86|Xv, SiSojAcvai, StSoCvai, Ep forms for SiSovai, inf. of Si8a>fj.i. 8i8ov, 2 sing imperat. and Ep. 3 sing. impf. of SiSojfju, formed from *StSooj : 8i8ovv inf.; 8i8otio-t 3 plur. SiSpdo-Kco : fut. SpdaofMi [d] : pf. ScSpdKa : aor. i eSpdv, inf. Spavai, part. Spds, imperat. Spa^t, subj. SpcD, opt. opairjv: Ion. 8iSpT|orK|JL-dva)p, opos, o, 17, TO, (SiSvpos, dvrjp) touching both the men. [d] 8i8vp.a-Toicos, ov, Dor. for SiSvfj-rjTuKos, (SiSvfj.cs, TfKfiv) bearing twins. 8i8vp,do)v, ovos, d, 77, (8i8v//os) a twin-bro'her. [a] 8(8vp.vos, poet, for SiSvfj.os. 170 Tis, s, (8i8vjjios, *ytvta) twin-born. SiSi/jJios, t], ov, or os, ov, (Si's) double, twofold; 8i- ovfjios KaaiyvrjTOS a twin-broihei ; SiSiyxot (wins. 8iScpT]v, = 8i8oiijv, opt. of 8i8ojfj.i. 8i8co0i, Ep. for 818061, imperat. of 8i8ojfj.i. SiScofJii : fut. Swffa) : aor. I e5oa ; aor. 2 ZScav : pf. SeScoica : Med., aor. 2 t86fj.r)v : Pass., fut. So0r)Oo- uai : aor. 2 koodrjv. pf. 5e5o/ : (*5ocu) : to give, give freely, present : in pres. and impf. to offer. 2. of the gods, to grant : so of the laws, to permit or sanction. 3. to devote, offer to the gods : to give up, surrender, in good or bad sense. 4. of parents, to give their daughter to wife. 5- 8i86vai kavrov TLVI to put oneself in his power. 6. SiSovcu SIKIJV, v. sub S'IKIJ. II. in vows, to grant, allow, cause that; 5os /ze rlaaaOai give me to avenge my- self. II. seemingly intr. to give oneself up, de- vote oneself. 8i8wv, part, of St'Sojut, formed from *8i86ca. 8i8o>o-co, Ep. for 8wcro), fut. of SiSu^i. 8ie, vocat. of Sfos, godlike. 8ie, poet, for cSte, 3 sing. impf. of Stew. SiJ3ir)V, aor. 2 of oiaftaivca. Siepioov, aor. 2 of StajStocy. , aor. I pass, of StajSdAAcy. , f. rjffca, to give bail for : Med. to take bail for : Pass, to be bailed, set free on his se- curity. 81-eyetpco, to arouse : Ep. aor. i pass. Sifypero, be was aroused, awaked. aor. I pass. part, o 8iYvo>v, aor. 2 of Siayiyv&ffKw. 8i8acrs, Adv. pf. pass. part, of StaAa/i^Sd^w, distinctly, precisely. 8ii\T]4>a, pf. of 8taAa/z/3di/> : to keep asunder or apart : to keep off". II. intr. to lie between. 8ieCpT]Ka, used as pf. of 8tenretv, to say clearly. 8i-ipop.cu, poet, for Si-epopai, to question closely. 8t-tpvw, Ion. for Si-epva}, to draw across. Si-Eipco : aor. I 8ifcpaa : perf. SieTpaa : to pass or draw a thing through. 8i-ipwv6-evos, ov, (Std, f'lpow, gevos) dissembling with one's guests. 8i-K, before a vowel 8u-4, Prep, right through. 8iKavaa, aor. I of Sta/cai/dcrcra;. 8iEKCxpiTO, 3 sing, plqpf. pass, of oiaKpivo}. 8iKXdin]v [a], aor. 2 pass, of diafcXtirTca. 8i-K / irpatvo), f. avSj, to bring quite to an end. Si-eKircpaw, f. TJOOJ and dffca, to pass out through. II. to pass by, overlook. 8i-Kir\o, L-if\vco, aor. I -eirXa- oa : to sail out through : to sail out. II. in naval tactics, to break the enemy's line by sailing through it. Hence 8i6Kir\oos, contr. SiescirAovs, o, a sailing across or through. 2 . a breaking the enemy's line in a sea-fight. Si-KTrXwa). Ion. for bitKirXtw. 8i-icpi0v, Ep. for 8t6KpiQr)ffav, 3 pi. aor. I pass, of Scafcpivou. 8i-Kpoos, 6, (Sid, !ptcu) a channel through. 8i\a0ov, aor. 2 of SiaXavOdvca. BieXfio-is, fcos, f], a driving through. II. a charge or exercise of cavalry. From 8i-6\awa> : fut. StfXacroj, Att. SteXcD: (for the tenses, v. IXaui/cu) : to drive through or across : to thrust through. II. intr. to drive or ride through. , aor. 2 inf. of Staipeoj. , plqpf. pass, of 8ia\f'nr0a\- fj,ovs. 2. to pull through. 3. to keep on drinking. 8tXiJ0T)v [u], aor. i pass, of 8ia\voo. 8iXi)|jia,v0ir]v, aor. I of SmAv/mo'o/icu. AI'EMAI,Pass. (as if from* 811}^ to speed, press on. 8ic[JtapTiJpo) [v], 2 sing. aor. I of 8iafj.apTvpo/jLai. 8iep.6i.va, aor. I of Siaftevo). 8i-ep.-iroXaca: fut. rjaoj; pass. pf. Strj^iroXTj/jjai: to make merchandise of, sell, dispose of: hence to betray. Si-cvcYKai, Ion. -6V6UCCU, aor. I inf. of Siafpepca ; 8l6VYX^ vctl ' aor ' I m ^' P ass - 8i-ev0vjjiO|xat, Med. to think within oneself. 8t-vuuma>, f. 'urea, (Std, Inauros) to live out the year. 3 pi. of St^uat. 8.-cvTp6V|xa, arcs, TO, (bid, Zvrtpov) a looking through entrails : Comic word for sharp-sigbtedness. 8i-6ai(rrc> contr. -(jicroxa Att. -drrw : fut. a'cu : to rush or spring forth. SI-ECI|U, (Sta, ef/) to go out through: to pass through : hence to count over, to number. 8i-6^\avva> : f. t\d, f. 770-0;, to examine closely. -eAuo'o^at: aor. 2 -ijKQov : pf.-eA.i7- )' ^ " ou * through, pass through : get to the end of. 2. to go through in order : to set forth, recount in full. II. intr. to be past, gone by, of time. 8i-6^T]Yojxai, strengthd. for l^-yeo/iat. 8t-J-iT)}u, f. 770-0;, to let go through, give free passage. II. intr. (sub. tavroV), of a river, to empty itself, Cic-i|j.evai, Ep. inf. of Siegfipt. 8i-coSos, 77, a way out through, a passage, outlet : the issue or event of a thing : also the sun's orbit. II. a full account. Si-u<{>aiva>, f. avoj, to finish the web. 8i-opTaco, f. aw, to keep the feast throughout. 8iTriravvTO, 3 pi. plqpf. of oianavca. 8iEiripd0T]V [a], aor. I of diairftpdofj.ai. 8iE7rpaico0i]v, aor. of Siairfpaioca. Sieircpdo-a, aor. I of oicarfpdo}. 8i6ire(j>pSov, Ep. aor. 2 of oiatypdfa. SuirAefja, aor. I of oiair\fKOJ. 8itr\vo'a, aor. i of oiair\ca. 8iirv6vcra, aor. I of oiairvica. 8iiropij0T]v, aor. i of diairopevofjuit. 8teirpd0ov, -O|U.TJV, aor. 2 act. and med. of oiairepOca. 8i6irTa.p.T]V or -6\ir\v, aor. 2 of StaTrera/iat. SicirrotTjara, Ep. aor. I of oiairToea). 8tirrua, aor. I of SiairTvcraca. 8iin596jJLT]v, aor. 2 of SiairvvOdvofiai. 8i-ir&>, f. i//, Ep. and Ion. for Sieipjoj. Si-epeCSw, f. oca, to prop up : Med. to lean upon. 8i-pcr : fut. otfpfaca : aor. I oirjpeaa, poet. 6477- pecraa : to row about, x e P"' oipao(tv to swim : to swing about. 8i-pwda>, Lr)0(a,to search through, examine closely. Hence 8ip6wrjTTis, ov, o, a scout or vidette. Sipjju]VVTT|s, ov, 6, an interpreter. From Si-pp.T]Vviu>, f. aca, to interpret, expound. Ep. for 171 AIEPO'2, d, 6v, moist, fresh, juicy : metaph. of men, fresh, quick, active : later, wet, liquid. 8i-epiro>, f. tyca, to pass through. 8ippT]ga, 8icppu>Y&> aor. I and pf. of Siappnyvvfju. 8ipptn]ica, Sicppvrjv, pf. and aor. 2 of oiappeoj. Si-epxofjuu : fut. -t\evaojMit : aor. -ij\6ov : Dep.: to go through or across, pass through. 2. to come to the end, arrive at. II. intr. to pass, of time : to go abroad, prevail, of a report. III. to go through, narrate. * Sipu>, used as fut. of Sitiirov. 8t-6pwTda>, f. 770-0;, to cross-question, to question con- tinually. 8tecr0cu, inf. of SiefMit : also pres. inf. med. of Stew. 8i-eo-0LO), fut. StcSo/zcu, to eat through. Si6crKc8ao-a, aor. I of oiaaiceodvvvfjti. 8icrK)jL|xai, pf. of oiaaKOTTfa) : hence 8i-eir]Kb}p.vos, pf. part. pass, of Siaff f. 770-0;, (Std, evTv\7]s) to continue pro- sperous, to prosper throughout. 8iavT]v [a], aor. 2 pass, of Siacpaivoj. 8i-0dpaTO, Ion. for Sif(j>6app.evoi ^aav, 3 pi. plqpf. of Siatpdftpca. 8i60dpir)v [a], aor. 2 of 8i-(J>0opa, intrans. pf. of ^ov, aor. 2 of 8ia(p< ', f. Sicu, to keep apart, divide. II- 172 AI'ZHMAI bLKCLLOKpKTia. intrans. to go quite through : to stretch across, reach. 2. to stand apart, be distant : of time, to intervene. AI'ZHMAI, Ep. 2 sing. Sifrjat : Dep. : to seek out : to seek after, try for a thing. II. to seek the meaning of. III. c. inf. to demand or require that. 8C-t>Y<>s, ov, and 8ifv, vyos, 6, 17, (Sis, doubly-yoked, double. Al'Zfl, Ep. impf. 8iov, to be in doubt, at a loss. 8t-o>os, ov, (Sis, ^off]) amphibious : living twice over. 8i7]po\Ca, ?}, Ion. for Smj8o\ta. 8|Y<*Y OV aor - 2 f 2*0170;. 8i-?iYY 6t ^ a ' aor - * OI " 5ta77AAa;. 8t T]Yop.cu, Dep. o describe or narrate in full. 8iT|YT] " l 'S, ecus, 77, (Snjyfofjiai) narration, the state- ment of the case. 8i-T]pu>s, OP, Ion. for Siacpios, through the air. 8i-7]0co>, f. 970-0;, /o sfram through, filter, sift. 2. to wash out, cleanse. II. intrans., of the liquid, to filter through, percolate. 8vr]Kovb>, SITJKOVOS, Ion. for Sm/f-. 8n]ic6vouv, SnjKovTjo-a, impf. and aor. I of Sta/covea}. SLTJKOCTIOL, at, a, Ion. for oiatcoatoi. Snj'yicvXtcrp.tvos, pf. part. pass, of SiayuvXifa. 8iT)YicvXco|ji6vos, pf. part. pass, of Siayicv\6, f. ca, to go through, extend along or be- tween. II. to pervade, fill. 8i/f|XaT|S, fs, (Sid, d\ixkra, aor. I of $iaaa(a. 8u-0, to direct by steering straight. 8i-ucvco|juu, fut. -fo/H ; aor, 2 -iKufirjv : Dep. : to go through, in telling a story. II. to reach. Au-TTTTis, es, ( Atos, * TTCTOJ, Root of TTtTTTw) fallen from Zeus, i. e. from heaven, epith. of streams swollen by rain : later, heaven-sent, divine, holy, pure. Au-ifTir)S, es, (Atos, TTCTo^at) hovering in air. 8iUTTov, verb. Adj. of StetSeVat, one must inquire. *8t-to-T7i(Jii, f. SiaaTrjffca : aor. I Si iorrjaa : to set apart, divide, distract. 11. Pass., with aor. 2 act. cffTrfV, pf. 6ffTT]Ka, plqpf. -fOTTjKfiv : to stand apart, to be divided: hence 2. to differ, be at variance, quar- rel. 3. to part after fighting. 4. to stand at certain distances or intervals. II. aor. I med. 8icrTijffd(j,rjv is used trans., to separate. 8i-urxvpiop.ai, Dep. to lean upon, rely on. 11. to affirm confidently. 8ux0ai, perf. inf. of SiiKveofJiai. 8lK : aor. I tSittaffa : Pass., f. SifcaaOrjffoiJiai, f. 3 SeSiKaaofj.ai : aor. I ISr- KdaOtjv : pf. ScSiKaapai : (Si/frj) : I.e. ace. rei, to judge, adjudge : to decide, determine. 2. c. dat. /o decide for a person, judge his cause. 3. absol. to be judge : to give judgment : generally, to come to a decision. II. Med. to plead, speak before the judges : absol. to go to law. III. Pass, to be brought before the judge, to be accused. 8ucaia, 17, poet, for 81/07. SkxaieCv, Ion. for Sinaiovv, inf. of SiKaioca : 8ucai- eo-i, Ion. for Smaiovai, 3 pi. pres. 8lKaio-KpurCa, 77, (SiKaios, Kpivu) just judgment. Sixaio-iroXis, eaw, 6, 77, (Sfcaios, TroXts) just in pub- lic dealings. SIKCUOS, a, of, also os, ov, (Sinrj) observant of right, righteous, just. II. equal, even : strict, exact. III. right, lawful, just. 2. fair, mode- rate In phrase Siteaios tifu, with the infin., / am bound to do, / have a right to do. SiKcuootivt), T), justice, righteousness. Sucaioco : fut. awa; and cuffofMi : Pass., aor. I 48i- tcaiwOrjv : (Sixatos) : to make right : to think right r to consent: also to claim as one's right: c. inf. to desire one to do. II. to judge: to condemn: to punish. III. to make just, bold guiltless, justify. Hence BiKauujjia, aros, TO, an act of justice, the making good a wrong. i . an acquittal, act of justification. II. a plea of right, just claim. SIKCLICOS, Adv. of OLKaios, justly, rightly. SiKcuaxris, etas, f], a setting right, doing justice to : punishment. 1 1 . a claim, demand of right. III. judgment^ good pleasure. SIKO.V, contr. for 8tfcds, gen. OJTOS or as) two-horned. AI'KH, f), right ; the orig. sense was custom, usage, manner; f) yap biKrj ktJTl yep^vTwv for this is the manner of old men ; ace. SIKTJV as Adv., in the way of, after the manner of. II. order, law, right. III. in plur. judgments : generally, a sentence. IV. an action at law, law-suit : pro- perly, a private suit or action, opp. to ypatpri (a public prosecution). 2. a trial. 3. the satis- faction or penalty awarded by the judge ; Sitcrjv or ditcas 8t8uvat to give satisfaction or suffer punish- ment, Lat. poenas dare ; di/cas \ap0dveiv, = Lat. sumere poenas, to inflict punishment ; SIKTJV (pevyav to be the defendant in the trial, opp. to OIKTJV SIUKCIV to prosecute. 8iKTj-6pos, ov, (SiKT), ci>, (SiKr), pdnTCt}) to get up a law-suit. 8i-Kopi/<|>os, ov, (Sis, KopvXa>, f. rjffa), to cast the net. From 8tKTv-J36Xos, ov, (SiKTVov, (3d\\ca) casting nets : as Subst., oiKTvf$6\os, 6, ajisherman. SiKTues, ol, unknown animals of Libya. AiKTvva or Aiienwa, 77, (O'IKTVOV) epith. of Arte- mis the goddess of the chase. SiKTVo-icXaxn-os, ov, (SiKTvov, K\w6o}) woven in meshes ; ff-ncipai SIKTVOK\OJOTOI the net's meshy folds. AI'ICTT'ON, TO, any net-work, a Jishing-net : a hunting-net. Hence 8vKTu6op,at, Pass, to be caught in a net. 8iKo>iTo, f. 770-0;, to ply a pair of sculls : generally, to work double-handed ; and 8iKO)iria, 77, a pair of sculls. From 8i-K (8t, ^-oTX 7 ?) wifo two s P ears ' double- pointed, twofold. 8i-Xoos, ov, (Sis, Aoos) with two crests. Su-jJivaios, a, ov, Att. 8i-fJtvcos, cav, (Sis, //ra) of or worth two minae; Sipvaiovs diroTif^rjaaodai to value at two minae. 8i|j,oipia, 77, a double share : double pay. From St-jxotpos, ov, (Sis, fiotpa) divided between two; as Subst., Si/j-oipov, TO, a half-drachma. 8tvov, Ep. impf. of Slvew. 8tvvp.a, aTos, TO, anything whirled round : a whirl- ing, dancing. From 8iv6ija>, f. vo~w, aor. I fSlvfvffa ; and 8ivco>, f. 770*0;, aor. I fSivrjaa: Ion. impf. Sivcveauov : Pass., aor. I tSivqQijv, pf. SeSivrjuai : (Sivy} : to make whirl or spin round : to drive round a circle. II. intr. and Pass. to whirl about in the dance: generally, to roam about. AI'NH, 77, a whirling : a whirlpool, eddy : a whirl- wind. Hence 8lvY)us, eo-o-a, ev, whirling, eddying. II. rounded. 8ivn0f l vai, aor. I pass. inf. of Sivtca. 8ivrjTos, 17, ov, verb. Adj. of Sivtca, whirled round. AFNO2, o, like 8/1/77, a whirl, eddy. 2. also the circular area where the oxen trod out the corn, a thresh- ing-Jloor. 3 . a large round goblet. Stvow, f. waoj, to turn with a lathe, to round. Sivco, (Sivos) to thresh out. 174 SIVUTOS, 77, ov, (oivoca] turned on the lathe, rounded : worked round. Sigos, 17, ov, Ion. for Sto-o-os, double. Ato- or 810- in compos, means sprung from Jove (Ais, Aios) or from the gods, hence excellent, god-like. 8v-6, Conjunct, contr. for Si' o, wherefore, on which account : therefore : with enclit. added, SioTrcp, Lat. propter quod, propterea. Ato-j3o\os, ov, (Ais, jSaAAco) hurled by Jove. Ato--yevTcop, opos, 6, (Ais, yevercap) giving birth to Jove. AIO-YCVTJS, cs, (Ais, *yevoi) Jove-born. Ato-YVTjTOS, ov, contr. for AioytvrjTos, = Atoycv^s. Aio-yovos, ov, Aioycvrjs. 8i-oSeva), f. ffoJ, to travel through* St-oSourop&o, (Sia, oSoiTropos) to travel through. 81-0805, 77, (Sia, 68os) a way through, thoroughfare, passage : the orbit of a star. 2. permission to pass, a pass-port, safe-conduct. Ai60v, (Ais) Adv. sent from Jove. 8i-oi-yvup.t or 81-0170), f. -oicw, to open. oi-oioa, pf. of SifiSov, to know the difference, distin- guish, decide. St-oiKco), f. 770-0; : impf. SIOJKOVV : aor. I Sif,'Kr]ffa : pf. Si'fKrjKa : Pass., aor. I Sia>Kr)Or)v : pf. 8iuKrjfj.ai, but also irreg. ScSia'/nyjuai : to manage, direct : to conduct the affairs of a state : to treat or feed in a certain way. II. to inhabit distinct places : Med. to live apart. Hence 8u>iKT|OTS, CMS, 77, house-keeping : management, go- vernment. II. a government : a province, a diocese. 8i-oiKiu> : f. iooj Att. icD, to make to live apart, to disperse : Pass, to be scattered abroad. 8t-otKo8o|Ao>, f. 770-0;, to build across, wall off". 8ioicrT6OV, verb. Adj. of Sia^epa; (f. Sioicra;) one must move round. Si-ot, f. ffca, to shoot an arrow through. SLOICTCD and SioCo-op-cu, fut. of Sia, f. o*cu, to be always even-minded. Aiop,6i-a\av, ovos, 6, (Aio^icia, dA.afwi') the brag- gart of'the detne Diomeia. SI-OJJLVVJJII,, fut. -ofJLovfMii : aor. I med. -o;yLioo*afi77i/: to swear solemnly : to declare on oath. 8i-ojAoXoY. Auovvo-ia (sub. If pa), TO., the feast of Aiovvaos or Bacchus, esp. at Athens : four distinct feasts in four consecutive months : viz. I. ra Kar' aypovs or [uicpa, in Poseideon (December). II. TO. kv Aipvais or Arjvaia (in the Aifivai, where the Arfvaiov stood), in Gamelion (January). III. ra 'AvOe- (TTTjpia, in Anthesterion (February). IV. TO. fj.eydha, rci O.OTIKO., TO. HO.T' affrv, or simply ra Aio- vvffia, in Elaphebolion (March), the most famous of all. Hence AuovvcriaKos. T], ov, belonging to the Dionysia, or to Dionysos. Auovvo-os, 6, and poet. Aiuvvffos, Dionysos, Bacchus, god of wine, vineyards, and dramatic poetry. (Deriv. uncertain.) Ato-irais, TraiSos, o, (Ais, irais) son of Jove. Si-oircp, v. sub 5io-. SIOTTCVCO, to be in charge of a ship's cargo. From Sioiros, o, (8iTTQ}} a director, ruler; a person in charge of a ship's cargo. 8i-oirT6Vo>, f. aca, (Sid, oi//ofj.at) to watch acerbately, spy about : to gaze upon. 8t-oirTTjp, 77pos, o, (Sio^o^iai) a spy, scout. Si-oirrrjs, ov, 6, (Sio^o/^ai) a looker through. 8i-opda), fut. Sioi^o^iai, to see through, discern. Si-opYvtos, ov, (Sis, opyvid) two fathoms long. 8i-op0eva), f. aoj, to judge rightly of. 8t-op06ct), f. haw, to make straight : to set right : to make good, amend, correct, make amends for : to tell aright : so also in Med. Hence 8iop0cop.a, OTOS, TO, a making straight, correction : amendment : and 8i6p0o)cris, feus, 77, a making straight, correcting, amending of a fault : reformation. 8i-opio>, Ion. -ovpijco : f. io"cy, Att. lot : to divide by limits, separate. 2. to distinguish, determine, de- fine: to ordain. II. to carry abroad, banish, Lat. ex-terminare. III. intr. to pass the boundaries. 8i-6pvi;fiat, Pass, to hurry through. 8ioptryrjvai, aor. 2 pass. inf. of oiopvffffQ}. Si6piryp.a, OTOS, TO, a through-cut, a canal. From 8i-opvcrora), Att. -TTO> : f. A'fl. 175 Castor and Pollux. II. the constellation named from them the Twins, Lat. Gemini. The Dioscori were tutelary deities of sailors, cf. Hor. Carm. I, 3, 2. Hence Au>o--icoijpiov, TO, the temple of the Dioscuri. SI-OTI, Conjunct, for Stct TOVTO on . . ,for (be rea- son that, since, Lat. quocirca, qnamobrem. 2. in- direct, wherefore, for what reason. 3. interrogat. wherefore ? 1 1 . = on , that. 8io-Tp<}>T|S, fs, (A/s, rpefyoj) cherished by Jove. 8i-ovpiu>, Ion. for Siopifa. 8i-ox\co, f. r), f. daw, to double. From SurXdoaos, a, ov, Ion. 8iirXir|crios, rj, ov, (Sis} double, twice as much, as many, etc. : TO 8nr\.d, f. cuffoj, (StTrAoos) to double, bend double. II. to repay twofold. 8t-ir68if]S, es, (bis, iroCs) two feet long, broad, etc. Ai-iroXeta, rd, contr. of AuVoAta, (A/s, iro\is) an ancient festival of Jove at Athens. Hence AtiroXi-(i)8T]S, fs, (Anr6\fia, e?Sos) like the feast of the Dipoleia, i. e. obsolete, out of date. 8C-iroXos, ov, (Sis, TroAeco) twice ploughed. 8i-iropos, ov. (Sis, irupos] with two passages. St-iroTafios, ov, (Sis, TTOTO^OS) lying between or on two rivers. 8i-irovs, TToSos, o, f], (Sts, TTOi/s} two-footed, Lat. bipes : as Subst., Siirovs, 6, a Libyan kind of mouse, the jerboa. II. two feet long, broad, etc. 8u-irp6ora)iros, ov, (Sis, irpoaonrov} two-faced. Si-irTept/Yos, ov, (Sis, vTfpvg} two-winged. 8t--irriix o s 5 ov, (Sis, TTTUX^) folded together, doubled; SITSTVXOV Se\riov, a pair of tablets. II. = 5to-- o"os, twofold, two, Lat. geminus. SC-iriiXos, ov, (Sis, -nvXr)} with two gates or entrances. SC-irtipos, ov, (Sis, -nvp} with double lights. 8ip-pvfjios, ov, (Sis, pvfjLos} with two poles. 8Cs, (5uo) Adv. twice, double. -Sis, inseparable Suffix, like -8e, signifying motion to a place, as in d'AAuSts, ot/eaSis, x a f*d5ts. " *AI'2, an old nom., = Zeys, which appears in the oblique cases Aios, Au contr. At, Am, and the Lat. Dis, Diespiter, Dijovis. 8i) in pairs, two together. 8t-orofAOS, ov, (Sis, o-To/ua) double-mouthed, with two entrances, double. II. of a weapon, two-edged. 8i-o-t)XXapos, ov, (Sis, AAa/3?7) of two syllables. 8ur-xtXiou [xt], at, a, two thousand: also in sing., St^xiAtos, a, ov, with collective nouns, as, 'iiriros Sia- \i\ia 2000 horse. Si-rAXavros, ov, (Sis, rdXavrov} worth or weighing two talents. SI-TOKOS, ov, (Sis, TfKfiv) twin or twice bearing. SITTOS, etc., v. sub Sto-tr-. Si-vypos, ov, thoroughly wet : melting. 8i-x>XCa>, (Std, v'A?;) to strain or filter thoroughly: to strain off. 8t-i)irvico, f. iffca Att. To), to wake from sleep : so also in Med. 8t(}>do-ios, a, ov, twofold, double, Lat. bifarius : in Ion. used also for Svo. Ar4>A'fl, Ion. -o>, to dive after : seek after, hunt for. Hence 176 8lT)Ttop, opos, 6, a searcher after. 8i0cpa, 77, (S0ptvos, 77, ov, of tanned leather. 8i-06pis, iSos, 77, = 8i(/>0epa. 8t-00YYs, ov, (Sis, (f>Otyyop.aC) with two sounds: as Subst., SicpOoyyos, 77, and SicpQoyyov, TO, a diphthong. 8i~4>6pos, ov, (Sis, (pepw) bearing fruit twice in the year, Lat. biferus. 8t(j)pa|, &KOS, 77, poet, for Sicppos, a seat, chair. 8ipGa, 77, (8t(/>pevcy) chariot-driving. 8i4>p-XaTipa, 77, fem. of OHpprjXaTrjs. 8uj>p6VTT|s, ov, 6, a charioteer. From 8ipv&>, f. oca, (Sifppos) to drive a chariot. 8i(j>pT]Xapir]XaTtf, to drive in a chariot. From 8ip-i]XdTrjs, ov, 6, (Sipu>s, ov, (Sicppos) of a chariot: neut. pi. Sicppta as Adv., at the chariot-wheels. 8i({>ptcrKos, o, Dim. of Sicppos. 8C-(f povrts, tSos, 6, 77, (Sis, (ppovTis) of two minds, distraught in mind. Steppes, 6, and later 77, (contr. of Stcpopos, bearing two), in plur. of Sicppoi or TO, Sicppa: the chariot- board, on which two could stand; the war-chariot : a travelling-chariot. II. generally, a seat, couch, stool. 8i4>p-oiAicu, f. TJO-CU, (Sicppos, f\Kcu) to draw a chariot. 8uj>poopo>, f. T)O(a, to carry a chair or litter : Pass, to be carried or travel in one. II. to carry a camp-stool, as the female LLZTOIKOI had to do for the Athenian women in processions. From 8uf>po-inf)S, es, (Sis, uu>s, ov, (Sis, , f. aoo), to cleave asunder, disunite, make to disagree. 8C-xaXicov, TO, a double x a ^ffovs, a copper coin. 8t-xuXos, Dor. for Si-xijXos. 8ixij, Adv., = St'xct, in two : in two ways. 8C-Xf]Xos, ov, (Sis, X 7 ?^- 1 ?) cloven-hoofed. as Subst., SixyXov, TO, a forceps, pincers. 8iXT|pTjs, s, (8ixa) divided. 8ix0d, Adv., poet, for Sixa, like Tpi\0a for in twain. Hence 8tx0dSios, a, ov, double, divided. [] 8tx0ds, aoos, 77, fem. of SixOdSios. Sixo-povXos, ov, (Sixa, @ov\r]) adverse. 8txo-YViop,ova>, (Sixa, yvaj^rj) to differ in opinion. Stx60ev, (Sixa) Adv. on cr from both sides. ^) holding 2 \oivtKes, i. e. doubly enraged. OS. in the middle of the II. Sl-xoiviKos, ov, (Sis, ) nearly 3 pints. Si-xoXcoros, ov, (Sis, SIXO-JATJVIS, iSos, 6, 77, i 8tx6-p,Tjvos, ov, (Sixa, /J.-TJV] month, at or of the full moon. 8ix6-[iv0os, ov, (Sixa, fjLvOos) double-speaking. 8txop-paYT|S, ts, (Sixa, payrjvat) broken in twain. 8txop-poiros, ov, (Sixa, ptitca) wavering. Adv. -ncas, doubtfully. Bixoo-rao-Ca, T), a standing apart, quarrel, dispute : dissension. II. doubt. From 8tx-oTdTa3, f. rio ffTrjvai) to stand apart, disagree. 8tXO-S, OV, (8fX a 5 OTOpa) OlOTOfJLOS. 8tx-T|Ji>, f. jjacy, (Sixa., T^HVOJ) to cut in two, cut asunder. 8txov, Adv., = 8ix a - 8ixo-p&)v, ov, gen. ovos, (8tx a > tf'P 7 ?' 7 ) opart in mind, at variance, discordant, disagreeing. 8ixws, Adv., like St'xa, doubly, in two ways. AI'A, 77$, 77, thirst. Hence 8i\|;aXeos, a, ov, thirsty, dry; and 8(.i)/ds, dSos, 77, fem. of Styios. 8uvj/d(o, f t s, rj, inf. 8iif>^v : impf. fStyrjv, rjs, 77 : fut. oi^-ffooj : aor. I eStytjaa: pf. SfSiifrrjKa: to thirst: of the ground, to be dry, parched. II. metaph. to thirst after, long earnestly for. 8tij;tos, a, ov, (Stya) thirsty, athirst, dry, parched. Slxjsos, fos, To, = oi\pa, thirst. 8i-vj/vxos, ov, (Sis, ^ux 7 /) double-minded, wavering. Am, an Epic verb : in Act. always intr. to run away, take to flight, flee : to be afraid. II. in j Med., subj. Stajfj-at, SirjTai, oicavTai, opt. SioiTO, inf. 8irOcu, mostly trans., to frighten away, chase, put to flight : to drive: to bunt : but 2. also, like Sica, , to be afraid, [i] I 8ui>Yp.a, OTOS, TO, (SIWKOJ) a pursuit, pursuing, chase. II. that which is chased, ' the chase.' \ 8to>Yp.6s, 6, (Stuff ca) the chase. II. persecution, harassing. 8i-w8vvos, ov, (Sia, dSvvrj) piercing with anguish. 8i-(i)0co, fut. -caOfjooj and -woca : (for the tenses, v. uOfco): to push or tear away : Med. to push asunder 'for oneself, break through. 2. to thrust away: Med. to push from oneself, push away : to repulse, drive back. 3. to reject : to refuse. 8lo>Ka06iv, poet. aor. 2 inf. of SIUKOJ. 8uoK[XV, 8ia)Kp.vai, for Si&KCiv, inf. of SIWKQ}. SupKijKa,, 8ib>KT|p,ai, pf. act. and pass, of SioiKfca. 8tKTos, a, ov, verb. Adj. of SKJJKOJ, to be pursued, I aimed at. 8io>KTTjp, rjpos, 6, and SIWKTTJS, ov, 6, a pursuer. From , f. o> or ouat : aor. I (Siduga : poet. aor. 2 : Pass., aor. I e8iwx& r ] v ' P^- SeSicoyftai : (Sioj) : I. to pursue, chase, bunt : of persons, to seek after, follow closely : Med. to chase. II. to drive on drive away, chase away : to expel, to banish : SiwKfiv apfjia to drive a chariot ; hence seemingly intr. to drive ; also to speed, haste. III. as law-teim, to prosecute, bring an action against ; 6 SIWKQJV the pro- secutor, plaintiff, opp. to 6 (pfvycuv the defendant. 8t-o)Xtvtos, ov, (Sid, wAeVTj) with outstretched arms. SicoXecra, aor. I of 5toAAv//t. 8uofJioo-dfiT|v, aor. I med. of Siofivv/jii. 8i-w[ioTOs, ov, (Si6fj.wiJ,i) on one's oath, bound by oath. Auvr], 77, Dione, mother of Venus (Jove being the father). II. daughter of Dione, Aphrodite. 8oK<=tJco, f. ftao}, (Sex /* 04 ) to watch closely, to lie in wait for. AOKE'H ; but many tenses are formed from pres. *8o/y : fut. Soicrjaca and 8oew : aor. I (ScKijffa and cSo^a : pf. SfSoKrjiea: Pass., aor. i fSoKq&rjV : pf. SfScKn/j.ai and M&ryftat : I. to think, suppose, expect, imagine. II. intr. to seem, appear: esp. in 3 sing. 8otc( f, e'8oe, it seems good, seemed good : as Att. law-term, 4'So^e TTJ /3ovAf?, T$ 77^0;, it was decreed or enacted by.. : but also in I pers., OOKUI poi, I seem to myself, methinks, Lat. videor mihi; cSo^d methought. 2. to appear to be something, to 8i-a>vt5|xos, ov, (Sis, ovvfj.a = ovofjia) with two names: j be of repute ; ol SOKOVVT(S t>vai n men who are held named together. \ to be of some account. 3. aor. I neut. part. Sogav, Suoi.-KX6v0os, ov, (Siojfeoj, K\cv0os) urging on used absol., and plqpf. 868o7ju'oi', it having been re- the way. Suojj-iinros, ov, (SiwKoj, tWos) hcrse-driving. 8io>is, feus, 77, (8t wKoa} a chasing : chase, pursuit. 2 . as law-term, prosecution. Suopura, aor. I of oiopifa : Suupio-fjicu, pf. pass. i, pf. pass, diopiffata. , ov, more correct form of Sicpyvios. 8u>>pu, vxos, 6, 77, (StrpiWcu) dug 01 cut through: Swpv (sub. 777) 77, a trench, canal; ttpvirrfi 8ia>pv a covered passage. Stujcra., aor. I of SicaOeoj. 8fJLT)0is, aor. i p.ss. part, of Sanaa: 8(ATj0T|TW, 3 sing, imperat., may he be prevailed upon. 8jju}o%s, feus, 77, (Safj.dca) a taming, breaking in. 8p.Y|Tipa, 77, a tamer, subduer; fern, of sq. SIATJTTJP, ijpos, 6, (8a/*aa>) a tamer, breaker. 8p.w, dual nom. of S/^ws. 8p.(oT|, 77, (Safj-aca) a female slave taken in war : ge- nerally, any female slave, Lat. ancilla.^ 8|juoios, a, ov, (S/jtdis) in servile condition. Sp.b)is, t'Sos, 77, = 8/^0^7. 8[xu)s, ouus, 6, (5a(taa>) a slave taken in war : hence any slave. 8voiraXi, to swing or fling about. 8vo<|>pos, a, ov, dark, dusky, murky. From ANO'*O2, o, = KV, oos contr. ovs, 77, = SuKiyffis, an opinion. SoXepos, d, oV, (So'Aos) deceitful, treacherous. 8oXio-p,if)Tis, tSos, o, 77, (SoAtcs, /LtT^Tts) crafty-pur- posing. 8oXto-irovs, o, 77, now, r6, gen. TroSos, (ScAtos, Trot's) of stealthy foot. 86Xios, a, ov, and os, ov, (ScAos) craf'y, deceifful, treacherous, wily. 8oXio-4>pcov, 6, 77, gen. ovos, (SoAtos, fprjv) crcffy of mind, wily. SoXCx-avXos, ov, (SoAtx c/s Q-vXli) with long tube or socket. 8oXlx-avixT]v, f vos, 6, 77, (8oAtxt>'s, awx^) long-necked. ov, (8oAtx c s> fpfT/ics) of a ship, long-oared : of persons, using long oars. 80X160), f. wau, (SoAtos) to deal treacherously. > (8oAix os ypatfu) prolix writing. 178 AOAIXO' AOAI W XO'2, 77, ov, long : of Time, long, weari- some. II. as Subst., SoAtxds, > the long course, in racing, opp. to the course of the o-TaStoi-. SoXixo-o'K'-os, ov, (SoAixds, CKIO) casting a long shadow; or 8oXtX'0" Klo S> (8oAixX oo*xos) with long shaft. SoXoeis, fffffa, cv, (SdAos) subtle, wily. II. of things, craftily contrived, artful. 8oXo-p,Tj8T)S, es, gen. 60S, (SoAos, /^Sos) wily, crafty. 8oXo-p,Tj-rrjs, ov, o, and 8oA6-[rr]Tis, t, gen. tos, (Sd- Aos, firjTis) crafty-minded, wily. 8oXo-|AT|xci vo S, ov, (SdAos, nrjxavn) contriving wiles. 8oX6-p-v0os, ov, (SdAos, fivOos) false-speaking. 8oXoTrXoKia, 77, subtlety, craft. From SoXo-irXoicos, ov, (SdAos, 7rAe'/o) weaving wiles. SoXo-iroios, ov, (SdAos, TroifQ}') treacherous. 8oXoppacj>Ca, 77, artful contrivance, subtlety. From 8oX6p-paos, ov, (SoAos, pairrco) contriving wiles. 86Xos, o, (from AEA-, the Root of Se'Aeap) properly a bait for fish : then a piece of deceit, any cunning contrivance: craft, cunning, treachery, Lat. dolus. 8oXo-6vos, ov, (SdAos, *pa8T|S, e's, (SoAos, (ppa^ai} wily-minded. 8oXopovecov, ovaa, ov, (SoAo^pcui/) craft-devising. 8oXopoo*-uvT], T), subtlety, wiliness. From SoXo-^pcov, ov, gen. ovos, (SdAos, , f. wffa), (SdAos) to beguile, ensnare. II. to counterfeit, adulterate, disguise. Hence 86\oj[xa, OTOS, TO, a trick, deceit. 86Xcav, cavos, 6, (SdAos) a small sail. II. a dagger. 8oX-a>ms, i8os, 77, (SdAos, an/;} artful-looking. SoXuoas, ecus, 77, (SoAoctj) a tricking, ensnaring. 86p.a, arcs, TO, (SiSayu) a gift. Sojiatos, a, ov, (Sejucu) of or for building. 86p.vai, 86p.cv, Ep. aor. 2 inf. of StSw/ju. 86|j,ovSe, Adv. home, homeward; oVSe 56fJ.ovSe to his own house. From 86|xos, o, (Se/zcu) Lat. domus, a house : also the household. II. a part of the house, chamber, room. III. anything that is built up ; Sia Tpirj- Kovra dofj.os, ov, (8dra, y\vco-Tp6(|>os, ov, (Sdj/a^, rpetyca) reed-producing. 8ovaic6-xXoos, ov, contr. -xXovs, ow, (56va, x^da) green with reed 1 ;. 86vafj Ion. 8o{)va| Dor. 8u>va, &.KOS, 6, a reed, Lat. calamus, arundo. II. anything made of reed: a dart, arrow. 2. a flute, shepherd's pipe. 3, a fishing-rod or limed reed (see Soi/ct/rdecs). 4. tbt bridge of the lyre. From AONE'H, f. 770*0;, to shake, stir : to excite, agitate : drive about : Pass., 77 'Affiij ISove'cTO Asia was in commotion. Hence 86vi]p.a, OTOS, TO, agitation, waving motion; and BOVTJTOS, 77, t>v, verb. Adj. shaken. Sevres, nom. pi. of Sovs, aor. 2 part, of St'Soyw. 86^5, 77, (So/feW) a notion, opinion, Lat. visum : ex- pectation. 2. a sentiment, judgment : esp. a philo- sophic opinion, Lat. placitum. 3. mere opinion, as ' opp. to knowledge. 4. a fancy, vision. II. the opinion others have of one, one's reputation, Lat. existimatio : good report, credit, honour. 2. glory, splendour. Hence Soao>, f. ao"a>, to hold an opinion, think, believe, judge. II. to glorify, extol. Hence 86curp.a, CCTOS, TO, an opinion : a fancy. 8oooma, 77, love of popularity. From 8oo-Koiros, ov, (8da, KOITTOJ) seeking popularity. 8o|o-p.avrjs, es, (Sd^a, ftavrjvai) mad after glory. Hence 8oop.av(a, 77, mad love of glory. 8o|-o-p.aTai6-cr<>4>os, 6, (Sd^a, paraios, crowds) a would-be philosopher. 8o|o-ao<}>os, ov, (8oa, ffoQos) wise in one's own conceit. 8o6co, f. wffcu, to give one the character of being so and so : Pass, to have such a character. 86co, fut. of So/feo.' : 86p, opos, 6, (Scpv, ^arcap) master of the spear. Sopi-iraXros, ov, (Scpv, irfzAAa;) wielding the spear; Xflp oopviraXros, i. e. the right hand. 8opi-irTT|S, es, (Sdpv, *7TeTco Root of TT/TTTCU) fallen by the spear. 8opi-iTXTjKTOS, ov, (Sdpv, jrX'fjaffca) stricken by the spear. Sopi-Trovos, ov, (Sopv, TroVos) toiling with the spear, bearing the brunt of war. 8opi-avos, ov, (Sopv, ffTffavoi) crowned for bravery In war. Sopi-rivaKTOs, ov, (Sipv, Tivdffffca) shaken by battle. 8opi-T|XT]TOs, ov, (Sopv, TJJLVOJ) pierced by (be spear. Sopi-roXfJios, ov, (Sopv, ToA/xa) bold in war. SopKaXiS, ioos, 77, = 8opK, f. rjact}, (Sopirov) to take supper. Hence SopirrjcTTos, v, supper-time, evening. Aopiria, 77, (Sopirov} the first day of the feast Apa- turia ; TTJS oprrjs rrj Sop-nia on the eve of the feast. AO'PIION, TO, the evening meal, Lat. coena, the chief meal of the day, dinner or supper. AOTT W , TO : gen. ooparos, Ep. Sovparos Sovpus, in Att. poets also oopus : dat. 8cpan, Ion. bovpari 8ovpi, in Att. poets also Sopzi or 8opi. Ion. dual oovpe. Plur. nom. Sopara, Ep. Sovpara Sovpa, in Att. Poets also Soprj: gen. Scpcav, Ep. Sovpcav: dat. Sopacri, Ep. Sovpaffi Sovpfffffi. The stem of a tree, but only down : timber for hence like Lat. trabs, a ship. II. the wood or shaft of a spear ; hence the spear Itself: a hunting- spear : since the spear was held in the right hand, km Sopv meant to the right hand, opp. to CTT' dffniSa to the left. 8opv-dXo>TOs, false reading for SopidAorros. 8opv-6apo"r|s, es, (Sopv Oapfffca) daring In war. 8opv-vos, o, 77, (86pv, gwos) a friend at the spear, an ally In war : or a friend made In war. Sopv-ijoos, ov, contr. -ovs, ovv, (Sopv, ^ecy) spear- polishing : as Subst., Sopvgoos, 6, a maker of spears ; also 8opv6s, 6. Bopv-ira-yns, e's, (Supv, Trayrjvai) built of beams. 8opv-ira\TOs, -ir6Tif|s, -TrX-qKros, v. Sopiir-. 179 BOCTKOV, Ep. aor. 2 SoTcipa, 77, fern, of 8orr]p. 8oTos, a, ov, verb. Adj . of 8t6aj//, to be given. II. 8oTov, one must give. 8oTT)p, rjpos, 6, (8i8cafju) a giver, dispenser. SOTTJS, ou, o, = Sorrjp. 6ovX-dYcoY0, f. 770-0;, (8ov\os, dyca) to bring into slavery; SovXayojyetv TO aw pa, to mortify the body. SovXdptov, TO, Dim. of 8ov\os. SovXeia Ion. 8ov\T]iT), 77, (SouX5cu) servitude, sla- very, bondage. II. the body of slaves, the bond- men, servile class. 8ovXios, a, ov, or os, ov, (8ov\os) slavish, servile. 8otXevp,a, aTos, TO, (8ov\evca) a service. II. a slave, Lat. mancipium. 8ovXetico, f. aca, (SovAos) to be a slave: generally, c. dat., to be a slave to another, be subject to, to serve, obey, Lat. Inservlre allcui. SovXtj, 77, fem. of 8ov\os. SovXijtfj, Ion. of SovXeia. 8ovXia, 77, poet, for 8ov\*ia. 8ouXiKos, 77, 6v, = 8ov\ios. Adv. -KWS, like a slave. 8otXios, a, ov, (SovAos) slavish, servile; 8ov\iov 8opv-o-0VY|s or 8opt-cr0vt]S, es, (8opv, aOevos") mighty with the spear. 8opvcr-cr6T)S,77TOS,(5,masc.Adj., 8opvfftroos, warlike. 8opvo--o-6os, ov, contr. Sopvcr-crovs, ovv, poet, also Sopii-croos, (8opv, aevca} brandishing the spear. 8opv-avos, 8opv-TivaKTOs, v. 8opi-. ships, a beam, plank, \ ^fJ-np the day of slavery, i. e. a slave's lot or life. 8ovXix6-8cipos, Ion. for 8o\ix68fipos, Seipr]') long-necked. 8ovXixois, eaaa, cv, Ion. for So\ix6fis, poet, for 8ovXo-Trpeirr|s, cs, (SovXos, TrpeTTcy) befitting a slave: low-minded, mean. AOT~AO5, 6, a slave, bondman, properly a born slave, opp. to dvSpdiroSov (a slave taken in war). II. as Adj.,5o5Aos, 77, ov, slavish, enslaved, subject; Comp. SouAoYepos, more of a slave. SovXoo-vvi], 77, (SouAos) slavery, slavish work. 8ovX6, f. waca, (SouAos) to make a slave of, en- slave : Med. to subject to oneself. Hence SotJXcocris, o>s, 77, enslaving, subjugation. 8oOvai, aor. 2 inf. of SiSufAi. 8ovva, SovvaKocis, Ion. for Sovag, Sova/tofts. , f. 770-0; : Ep. aor. I Sovirrjffa : pf. SfSovira : : to sound heavily, of the heavy fall of a 8opv4>opeco, f. 770-0), (Sopvcpopos) to attend as a body- corpse : generally, to fall in battle. guard : to keep guard over. Hence 8opvopia, 77, a keeping guard over. 8opv4>opiKos, 77, 6v, (8opv6pos, ov, (Sopv, ) spear-bearing, Lat. hasfatus; ol 8opv(p6poi the body-guards of kings, who were distinguished by carrying a spear. 86s, aor. 2 irrperat. of 8'iSca/j.i. 8oo-i8tKos, ov, false reading for ScaaiSiKos. Socris, ca's, 77, (SiSufjii) a giving. II. a gift, present : a bequest. III. a portion : a dose. 8ovirT|To>p, opos, o, (SovTrfOj) a clatterer. AOT"IIO5, o, any dead, heavy sound; Soviros dfccv- TOJV the hurtling of spears ; the sound of soldiers marching ; the hum of a multitude ; the din of war ; the roar of the sea. 8ovpara, syncop. So-Opa, Ta, Ep. plur. of 8tpv. Sovparcos, a, ov, of planks or beams. Sovpariov, Ion. for SopaTiov, a dart. 8ovptos, a, ov, = SovpaTfos. 8ovpeo-cri, Ep. dat. pi. of Sopv. 8ovp-T|V6Kes, (Sopv, evcyKtiv") Adv. a spear's throw off" or distant. 180 8ovpi-dXu>TOS, ov, Ion. for oopidXaros. Bovpt-icXeiTos, ov, Ion. for oopt-KXeiros, (oopv, itXei- TUS) famed for the spear. 8ovpi-icXt)T6s, 77, t>v, Ion. for oopi-KXvros, (56pv, KXvr 6s) famed for the spear. 8ovpi-KTT]T6s, Sovpi-X-rjirTOS, Sovpt-jxav-qs, Ion. for 5opi-. Sovpios, = doipeios. Sovpt-irXirjKTOS, ov, Ion. for oop'nrXrjKTOS. 8ovpu-TtiiTif|S, cs, (oopv, Tvnro}) wood-cutting. 8ovpo-8oKi], 77, (oopv, 80^77) a stand for spears. 8oupo-0T|KT], 77, (56pv, OrjKT)) a case for spears. 8ovpo-p.dvifjs, , Ion. for oopifjiavrjs. 8oiis, aor. 2 part, of oiocafju. 8oxiov, Ion. 8oxTj'iov, TO, (Sex /* 04 ) a holder. 8oxT|, T), (Se'xo/wu) reception, entertainment. II. a receptacle. SOXJATJ, 37, a measure of length, a span. 86xp-'-os, a, ov, (oo\nos) across, sideways, aslant. 8oxp.6Xocj>os, ov, (ooxfJ-os, \6(pos~) wearing one's plume aslant, with nodding plume. AOXMO'5, 77, ov, slanting, sideways. Hence 8oxp.6op,cu, aor. I eooxjuu0r)v, Pass, to turn sideways or aslant. Spd'YlA-a, OTOS, TO, (SpdffffOfMii) as much as one can grasp, a handful, truss, sheaf, Lat. manipulus. 8pa-yp.aTT]-, f. opavw, (opdw) to be going to do. 8paK8ifjs, es, (opaKcav, eTSos) snake-like. 8pdKuv, aor. 2 part. act. of o(pKojj.ai. ^pd,K(av,ovTos,6,(opaK(Tv) a dragon: later a serpent. 8pdp.a, aTos, TO, (Spaa;) a deed, act, acting : a busi- ness, duty. 2. an action represented on the stage, a drama. 8pdp.elv, aor. 2 inf. of Tpex} a worker : servant. 8paiipov a scythe-armed car. 8pirdvo-i8T|S, es, (Iptiravov, e?8os) sickle-shaped. 8pirdvov, TO, (Zpeirca^ Epeirdvij, a sickle: a curved scimitar. 8pTrdv-ovp-yos, o. (opeiravov, *pyca) a sword-maker. 8pirTo>, poet, for cptirw, to pluck, cull. APE'Iiri, f. if/cu: aor. I Zcpcfa: aor. 2 '^pairov: Med., Dor. fut. cpttytvuai: aor. I kop^dp.^: Pass., aor. I eopftydijv : to break off, pluck: Med. to pluck for oneself, cull, gather : metaph. to possess, enjoy. 8pT]iTTT)S, v, o, Ion. for opaireTrjs. 8pT]crp,oo-x)vT], 57, = dp-rjaToo-vvrj. 8pir]O'Tr)p, rjpos, 6, (8iEpdo~KQj) Ion. for Zpaorrfp, a run-away. 8pT]aKTOv, r6, and SpuaKTOS, 6, (Spus) a railed wood, thicket, brushwood. I fence, railing, paling: at Athens the bar of the courts APOITII, 17, a bathing tub, a bath. \ of law or the council-chamber. 8ptj4>-qv(u, aor. 2 pass. inf. of OOVTITQ). Sptnj/a, Ep. aor. i of opvirrca. Sptivj/ia, rd, (SpuTTTcu) scraping, parings. 8puoip.i, Ep. for Sp-?/it, lengthd. opt. of lpd, to bedew: pf. pass. part. Spop.aios, a, ov, or os, ov, (Spores) running at full speed, swift, fleet. Spop.ds, dSos, 6, (5pa/ze?i/) running, whirling. 8pO|Xt>3, ea>s, (Spa^efi/) a runner. 8p6|jiT][Jia, aros, TO, = 8pdfj,rjfj.a. 8p6(j.os, 6, (SpafJLftv*) a course, race, running : flight : a fleeing, escape ; f)p.ipr)S opopos a day's running, i.e. dewy. 8po8ir]S, cs, (Spoo-os, etSos) dew-like, dewy. Apvds, dSos, TI, (Spus) a Dryad, a wood-nymph whose life was bound up with that of her tree. AT'H, 97, woe, misery, anguish : toil, pain : bard usage. \y] 8vr|V, (as if for SWT/I/), aor. 2 opt. of Su^t. 8itt]ird0iT], 77, misery. From 8vTj-ira0os, ov, (OVTJ, itaOeiv} suffering woe. 8i)0t, aor. 2 imperat. of Sucu. 8ii'ios, a, ov, (Sur?) miserable. Striven-, Svfjicv, Ep. for ovvai, aor. 2 inf. of Sucw. Sxifxi, assumed as a collat. form of Su. 8vvat, SVVT], Ion. 2 sing, of Svi/a/icu. 8uveaT(u, Ion. 3 pi. of SvvafMU. 8wt| : gen. and dat. Svoiv, in later Att. Sveiv : plur. only in Ion. and late Att., gen. Svwv, dat. Svai Ion. Suofcri : sometimes indecl., e. g. TUV Svo ftoipdow: Lat. DUO, our TWO; avv Svo two toge- ther, by twos ; els Svo two and two. 8uo-Kai-Seica, ot, at, rd, twelve, Lat. duo-decim. 8uoKai8eKd-p.T]vos, SvoicaiScKas, 8voicai8eKaTQS, see 8caSetcd-iiT)vos, ScaSctcds, etc. 8v6&xriv, Ep. for Sv&aiv, 3 pi. of Svdoa. Svpojjuu, poet, for 68vpofj.ai. Stkr-, insepar. Prefix, opp. to ev, like our un- or mis in un-lucky, mis-chance, always with a notion of hard, bad, ill, etc., destroying a word's good sense or increasing its bad sense. 8vs, Svaa, Svv, aor. 2 part, of 8vca. 8vo--aY<6(jito > TOs, 8v{r-aYcpiTos, poet, for Svff-avatc-. 8iicr-aYvos, ov, (Sva-, dyvus) unchaste, impure. 8v, f. rjffca, to have bad hick in fishing. Sucr-dSeXcJjos, ov, unhappy in one's brothers. 8vo--u,T|s, es, (8vff-, a^/^t) ill-blowing, stormy, ad- verse ; Svffa-fjojv Ep. gen. pi. for 8vaaeojv. 8u(r-a0\ios, a, ov, also os, ov, most miserable. 8uo - -aidvTjs, s, most direful, most horrible. 8vo--aC0pios, ov, (Svff-, aiOpa) not clear, murky. 8uo--atcov,cyi/os,6, 57, miserable in life, most miserable. 8v, f. 77(70;, (8vv- } avaax^os} to bear ill, to be unable to bear. Svo--ava.Tpirros, ov, (8va-, dvarpeiroj) hard to overthrow. 8vo--aveKTOs, ov, (8va-, dvex^ hard to bear. 8uo--dv|.ios, ov, Dor. for 8vff-r)V/ji.os. 8vcr-avTtp\irTos, ov, (Sva-, avTifaeirca) hard to look in the face. 8uo-avro, for kSva-, 3 pi. aor. I med. of 8vca. 8vcr-dmoTOs, ov, very disobedient. 8u TaKTOS, ov, (Svff-, ftaffTd^a)) grievous to be borne. 8tKr-(3aTOS, ov, (Svff-, jSaiVw) hard to pass, impass- able; TO SvffftaTov difficult ground. 2. trodden painfully. 8vcr-f3di5KTOS, ov, (Svff-, ^a'v^oj) full of wailing. 8vcr-|3iOTOS, ov, (Svff-, /SIOTOS) making life wretched. 8vo-|3ovXta, 77, ill counsel, folly. From 8t "h> difficulty of knowing. From 8vcr-YV (Svff-, cf/xa) meanly clad. 8tKr-eio-poXos, ov, (Svff-, dffpd\\ca) hard to enter or invade : Sup., -uraros, ov, most inaccessible. 8vo--K0vTOS, ov, (Svff-, l/f^ucy) hard to avert by sacrifice. Sucr-eKXirros, ov, (Svff-, !XiW) hard to undo, inex- plicable: Adv. -revs, indissolubly. 8vo--6K-irepdTOS, ov, (Sva, tKtrepdof) hard to pass from, hard to escape. 8i>'uicTOs, ov, (Sva-, fKfpcvyoj) hard to escape from. 8vo--eXtva, T), ill-starred Helen. 8ti, f. rjaw, (Sva-, riQrjiu) to be in bad case : | Med. to take a thing ill, Lat. aegreferre. 8vcr-0vT|, = ovaBavarioj. | 8v, = 8va6vfj.fQ). 8ucr0iJp,Ci>, f. rjaco, to be down-hearted, despond: Med. to be melancholy, angry. From 8v(r-0vfji.os, ov,(Sva-, Ovpos) down-hearted, dispirited, Responding, anxious. \ 8vcr-iaTos, ov, (Sva-, idojjiai) hard to heal or cure. /, (Svo), BdXaaad) dipped in the 8uo--Xe-yKTOS,oJ/, (Sva-, leA67xa>) hard to refute. 8vo-i-0dXa<7O-os, 8v) hard to unfold sea. or explain. i Svcr-frnros, ov, (Sva, Times) hard to ride in ; TO 8vcr-e|jif|vu -6pis, t, gen. iSos, (Sva, cpts) most contentious, 8vcr-Kp6vrjTOS, ov, (Sva, KaTcuftpovtca) by no hardly loving, insensible to love. means to be despised. 8iios, ov, (Sva-, {art]) most wretched. 8v) hard to bend; ovaicoXoicap-Trros Kap,irrj an intricate flourish in ill-sounding : hateful to singing. SvcTKO\6-Konos,ov,(SvaKoXos, KOITIJ) making one's 8vs, Adv. of SvaKoXos, peevishly; SvaKu\cas to be peevish. fy bad temperament. From 184 bvo-Kparos bva"n:apvvos. 8vw, f- "flos, ov, (ova-, Koxpos) stone deaf. 8ti(r-X6KTOS, ov, (ova, \tyca) ill or hard to tell. Svtr-XoYurros, ov, (8va-, Ao7os, ov,(8va-,\6(j)os) hard for the neck, hard to bear. II. impatient : Adv. -Qcas, impatiently. 8ticr-XvTOs,oi/,(8t>cr-, A.UCU) hard to loose, indissoluble. 8u, f. 7780?, to be slow at learning. From 8ucr-jjia9T|S, Is, (ova-, fia9tiv) hard to learn, diffi- cult. II. act. slow at learning, dull : Adv. -6T-}JiSx os OI/ s (Svff, fj.dxofta.1,) hard to fight with, unconquerable : generally, hard, difficult. 8uo-|A6vaivia, 77, badness of form, ugliness. From 8vo--jxop4>os, ov, (ova-, fj.op, f. 77 -voos, ov, contr. -vous, ovv, ill-disposed, ill- affected, disaffected. 8t)o--voevTOs, ov, (ova-, vvp., to be sad, anxious : Med. to be afraid. (From 8vs, and o'i alas I, as ot/xw^o; from ot/ioi.) 8vo--oiKi]TOS, ov, (8va-, ot'tfe'cy) bad to dwell in. 8 / u (Sva-, Traprjyopeca') bard to console or appease. 8vicr-irap0evos, r), an unhappy maiden. A tier-Trap is, tSos, 6, ill-omened, ill-starred Paris : cf. Alvoirapis. 8vcr-irdpiTOS, ov, (ova-, iraptipi to pass by) bard to pass. 8vcr-TTi0T|s, fs, (ova-, irfidofj,ai) hardly obeying, self-willed, stubborn : ill-trained. Sticr-Tmo-Tos, ov, (ova-, irciOoj') bard to persuade, stubborn, disobedient. Adv., SverirdaTajs X* lv to be incredulous. Svcr-TreXacTTOs, ov, (ova-, 7reA.de\os, ov, (ova-, 7T/*Tros, ov, (Sva-, irpoaanrov) of ill aspect. Bvcr-piYOs, ov, (Sva-, piyos) unable to bear cold. Sx/'crcrejSeia, "fj, impiety : a charge of impiety : and 8vcr, f. rjaca, to be impious : to act impiously. From 8u, f. rjao}, to speak evil of. From 8iJ-crTO|jios, ov, (Sva-, brou.a) evil-speaking. II. of a horse, hard-mouthed. 8v-)bard to turn or direct: stubborn, wayward. 8vcrrvx, f. rjaoj : pf. SfSvorvx^a : (Svorvxhs) : to be unlucky, unhappy: of things, to fail. Hence SvcrTvxtjjxa, arcs, TO, a mischance, a failure. 8vcr-TvxTjS, , (Sva-, rvxri unlucliy, unfortunate. Adv. x 40 *- Hence 8vo-Tvxict, 77, ill luck, ill fortune. 8vcr-i)TroicrTos, ov, (Sva-, vnoiaap,os, Dor. for Sva(f)r)fJ.os. SIJCT-^STOS, ov, (Sva-, r)p.'i) hard to tell, unspeak- able, horrible, Lat. infandus. f. rjaoj, (Sval\T)S, S, (ovff-, 0tA.a>) hateful. 8vopco, f. Tjffca, (ovfffyopos) to bear ill, to be grieved, Lat. aegreferre ; to be discontented. Hence 8vor4>6pT]TOS, ov, hard to bear. Sucr-^opfii/Y!, 47705,6,77, ill suited to the lyre, mourn- ful, melancholy. 8iio--opos, ov, (ovff-, (j)fpoj) hard to bear, oppress- ive, heavy : insufferable, grievous : Adv., 8vff(p6pcas fX eiv t be intolerable. II. (Svff-,(p(po[Mi} moving with difficulty, slow of motion. 8vcr(J>p6vcos, Adv. of ovffpopo>v, ov, gen. ovos, (8vff-, (pprjv) heavy in heart, sorrowful. II. ill-disposed, hostile. III. senseless. 8vo r -vAaKTOS, ov, (8vff-, (pv\affffoi) hard to watch or keep. II. hard to keep off. 8vo--xifJipos, ov, (8vff-, \tTiM) very wintry, stormy. 8v(r-Xipwp.a, aros, TO, (8vff-, \fipota) a thing hard to subdue, a hard conquest. 8var-X6ipcoTOS, ov, (ovff-, xipocu) hard to subdue. 8v(rx6paiva>, fut. avw, to bear with a bad grace, Lat. aegreferre : to be discontented, displeased. II. to make a thing hard, to make difficulties ; pri^ara Svox^pavavra (aor. I part.) vexatious words : and 8vcrxpeta, ?), difficulty. II. annoyance, trouble. 2. of persons, peevishness, ill-temper, moroseness. From 8vp(a, T), (8vff-, x&pos} difficult ground. 8v(r-u>8T]S, fs, (ovff-, oa>) ill-smelling. 8vor-a>8ivos, ov, (ova, w8iv) causing grievous pangs. Sutrtoveco, f. rjffoj, to beat down the price, cheapen. From 8vo--a>vi]S, ov, 6, (8vff-, fofoflOi) one who buys with difficulty, a hard customer. 8ucr-a>vvpLOS, ov, (8vff-, oVojwa) bearing an ill name, bearing a name of ill omen, such as A/as. 8vor-coiT(o, f. rjooj, (8vff-, o;^) to put a person out of countenance, to be importunate : Pass, to be ashamed, shy, timid. 8vo--u)peop,ai, f. riffo/jiai : Dep. : (Svff-, wpos} : to keep a troublesome, painful watch. 8vtr-a>pos, ov, (ovff-, wpa) unseasonable. 8i)T, 2 pi. aor. 2 imperat. of oicu. 8vmr]S, ov, 6, (ovca} a diver. 8vo>, Ion. for 8vo, two. AYTl or 8wo> : fut. bi/ffca [y] : aor. I act. eStaa : Med., ovofjai : impf. tovop.T]v : fut. ovffofJLai [v] : aor. I e5vffafJir)v, with Ep. 2 and 3 sing, tbvffto, eSvcreTO, imperat. Svffeo, part. ovffofjLfvos used in pres. sense : with the Med. the aor. 2 and pf. act. agree in sense, j aor. 2 Zovv, vs, v, dual fovrrjv [v], pi. 5u/iei/, fSvre, fdvffav Ep. e8vv; imperat. ovOt, ovre, subj. ova ; opt. Sviijv or SVTJV ; inf. ovvai, part, ovs : pf. otovrca. : I. Causal in fut. and aor. I , ovffca, e'Suja, to put clothes | on another. II. intr. in all other tenses of Act., and in Med.: I. of clothes, to put them on oneself, put on ; metaph., (JLTJ ffv 76 ovffeai aXK-qv if thou wilt not put on strength. 2. of places, to enter, make one's way into ; bvvai KU\TTOV Oa\affffr)S to sink into I the lap of ocean : TTOX^HOV bvvai and SvffaffOat to plunge into the fight ; fj.vrjffT7]pas GvffaoQai to go in j among the suitors. 3. to come over or upon; KO.- IMTOS yvTa Sfdvfte weariness came upon his limbs ; KparepT) I \vffffa SedvKf madness came over him. 4. absol. to sink in : to dive : to set, of the sun and stars. Suw-ScKa, ol, al, ra, poet, for 5d>8ftca. 8uco5eKa-|3oios, ov, (dvudetta, fiovs) worth twelve beeves. 8uui86Ka.-Spop.os, ov, (SvduSetea, Spd/j.ftv') running twelve courses. 8vco8Kd-|jn(]vos, os, (8vu5eKa, p.r)v) twelve months old. BvcoSeKa-fjioupos, ov, (SvwStica, fj.otpa') divided into twelve parts. SucoSeKaraios, ov, twelve days old. 8ucoBxaTOs, ov, poet, for ScaocKaros. 8vo)KaiLKO(rC-p.Tpos, ov, (Svco KOI e'tKoffi, holding two-and-twenty measures. 8t) a leader of twelve. 8b)8Ka-8b>pos, ov, (cuofKa, owpov n) twelve palms long. 8coOK-de6\os. ov, conqueror in twelve contests. ScoScKa-eTTjs, es, (8w8e/ca, tros) of twelve years : but, 8&)86KacTT)S, ov, 6, twelve years old. 8co8Ka,Kis, Adv. (5a;5fa) twelve times. 8co8KS6Ka-Xlvos, ov, (otuSeKa, Xivov) of twelve threads. 8(o86Kci-jx7)Vos, ov, (ouSffca, fj.rjv') of twelve months. ea. 187 BcoScKa-pTjxaVos, ov, (owocrca, twelve arts. 8co8Ka-irais, -TraiSos, o, 77, with twelve children. ScoSeKd-iraXai, Adv. twelve times long ago, i.e. ever so long ago. 8co8Kd-iTT]X'us, v, twelve cubits long. ScoSeKa-iroXis, , gen. tos, formed of twelve united states. 8co8K-dpXT)S, ov, 6, = ocaotK-apxos. 8u>8eKas, dSos, 77, (SouoeKo) the number twelve : a number of twelve, a dozen. 8co8cKd.-crKaXp.os, ov, twelve-oared. ScoSeKa-cncvTos, ov, made of twelve different coloured pieces of leather. ScoSeKaratos, a, ov, on the twelfth day. From ScoStKaros, 77, ov, (8d>8Ka) the twelfth. ScoSeKd-4>uXos, ov, (8o;5e/z, T)cri, Ep. 3 sing. aor. 2 subj. of oidufu. 8&5r)V, Ep. for 801771', aor. i opt. of oiocafu. SwKa, Ep. for cSowa, aor. I of oiScvfii. StoXos, Dor. for 5ov\os. Stop,a, CITOS TO, (Se/zcw) a house, dwelling. II. a part of the house, a chamber, room. III. a house, household. 8cop.aTLOv, TO, Dim. of ScD//a. 8cop, f. T^CTO;, (Sa)/xa, (pOetpca) to ruin house and home. 8cop,aroco, f. uffca, (ocufjia) to house. 8top,dco and 8cop.dopai, Dep., (8t/xcu) to build. 8tova, Dor. for o6va, dovvag. 8toop.6v, Ep. for 8cD/ni', I pi. aor. 2 subj. of diSca^i. Scoped, Ion. -6T|, 77, a gift, present : Ace. Scapeav used as Adv., as a free gift, freely, Lat. gratis : hence undeservedly, in vain. From Scopeio, f. rjaca : or 8copeop.ai, Dep., f. riffofjtai : to give, present : to present one with, Lat. dono. Hence 8copT]p.a, aTos, TO, that which is given, a gift. ScopijTos, 77, 6v, (oojpeoj) open to gifts or presents, to be appeased by gifts. II. freely given. Acopidco, f. aaco, = Acapifa. Acopievs, eo)S, 6, (AcDpos) a Dorian: in plur. the Dorians. AcopCco Dor. CcrSco : f. LOW : (Acvpos) : to imi- tate the Dorians. 2. to speak Doric Greek. 3. to dress like a Dorian girl. AcopiKos, 77, 6v, and Acopias, a, ov, (Aa>pcs) Doric, Dorian. AcopCs, tSos, 77, (AcDpos) fern. Ad]. Dorian: I. (sub. frj) the Dorian land, i. e. Peloponnesus. 2. (sub. Koms) a Dorian knife used at sacrifices. AcopCcrSev, Dor. inf. o AcopCtrSco, Dor. for AcopicrrC, (AcDpos) Adv. in Dorian fashion. 8copo8oKcco, f. 770-0;, (SojpoSo/cos) to accept as a pre- sent, to take as a bribe : Pass, to have a bribe given ! one : c. ace. to receive as a bribe. Hence | ScopoSoKijp.a, OTOS, TO, a bribe. 8copo8oKir](rTi, Adv. (ocupoooKtu') in bribery fashion, with allusion to the Dorians. 8copo8oKia, 77, (ocapoSoKcoi) a taking of bribes, open- ness to bribery. 8copo-8oKOS, ov, (Swpov, Ofxo/j.ai) taking presents cr bribes. 8copo-86TT]S, ov, o, (owpov, oioojfu) a giver of presents. 8upov, TO, (oiooufu) a gift, present : a votive offering to a god ; Swpa fooV gifts of or from the gods. II. the breadth of the hand, the palm. 8copo-tf>d,Yos, ov, (oupov, opeco, f.rjffoj,to bring presents or bribes. From 8copo-c|>6pos, ov, (8u>pov, ^>epo)) bringing presents : hence tributary. 8copvTTOp,peo/xat. 8cos, 77, Lat. dos, = Soffts, only in nom. 8co/. 8tocri-8iKos, ov, (oidw/jLi, SIKIJ^) giving oneself up to justice, abiding by a sentence. 8cocrco, fut. of didojfu. Scocrcov, Dor. for Scuff wv, fut. act. part, of ot'Sw/xi. 8coTT|p, T^pos, o, (SiSoj/xt) a giver. ScoT-qs, ov, 6, = SOJTT/P. 8(orlvdf co, f. dcro>, to receive presents. From ScoriVT], 77, (5/8o>^t) a gift, present : ace. oojrivrjv as Adv., as a free gift, freely, like Swpeav. [t] ScoTCop, opos, d,=*dcaTr)p. 8(6(0, Ep. for ota, aor. 2 subj. of StSwyut. E E, , called I tyiXov, the fifth letter of the Gr. alpha- bet: as numeral e' = irVTf and W/^rros, ^ = 5000. When in the archonship of Euclides (B. C. 403) the Athenians adopted 77 from the Samian alphabet to re- present Ions; e, the Gramm. introduced the name of $i\6v, f without the aspirate, because E was one way of writing the rough breathing. , him-, her-, or it-self, Lat. se, ace. sing, and plur. reflexive Pron. of 3rd pers., without nominat., and always enclitic. A rarer Ep. form is , never en- clitic. II. without reflexive sense, for avruv, avTTjv, CLVTO, him, her, it. See ou, Lat. sui. i, exclam. of wonder or displeasure: Lat. vabl i, for ('id, 3 sing. impf. of ldo>. efi, Ion. for ^v, i sing. impf. of et/xf sum. 188 eu e/3ucra. a\ lengthd. Ep. tda, 3 sing. pies, of idea. Idav, lengthd. Ep. inf. of eda;. tay a, pf. of dyvvui with pass, sense. Idynv [fi], aor. 2 pass, of dyvv/ju. a8a, pf. of avodvoj. laSov, aor. 2 of dvodvw. dXir} or IdXi] [a], 3 sing. aor. 2 pass, of ei'Acy. IdXuica [a], pf., IdXwv [ w d], aor. 2 of aXiaKopai. dv, Conj. (properly ei dV), if haply, if so be that, in case that, followed by Subjunctive, whereas et is fol- lowed by Indie, and Optat. : Homer uses for it et #e or at K : the Att. contract it into fjv and av. II. with Verbs of seeing and inquiring, it answers to Lat. an, if, whether ; OKuirti fdv ifcavuv 77 see if or whether it be enough. III. kav /cat even if, granting that ; kdv fir] if not, except, unless ; kav dpa /j.rj if perhaps not. IV. after relat. Pronouns and Particles kav stands for av ; os kav whosoever ; OTTOV kav whereso- ever ; but only in very late writers. lavov, TO, v. sq. luvos, 77, ov, (eVi/u/it) used of all things fit for put- ting on or wearing ; and so, generally, fine, light ; favus Kaaairepos tin beat out thin and made fit for wear. II. as Subst., kavuv (sub. ef/za or iudnov'), TO, a rich state-robe. o|a for 7^a, aor. I of a-yvvfu. y EAP, 4'apos, TO ; Ep. flap, eiapos; contr. -rjp, tfpos: Lat. VER, spring ; e'apos veov iarautvoio in early spring ; metaph. of anything early or fresh, the prime or first bloom of a thing ; yfvvojv tap the first down on the chin. apG-SpTTTOS, ov, (cap, SpeVcy) plucked in spring. apib>, f. iffa) Att. tu>, (eap) to pass the spring. &pivos Ep. elapivos Att. iqpivos, 17, ov : (cap) : Lat. vernus, of or belonging to spring. apo-Tp6(J>T|s, es, (eap, Tpe'(pcu) spring-nurtured. eas, Ep. for s, 2 sing. impf. of et/it sum. eacra, Ep. aor. I of kata. eacrv, Ep. for flat, 3 plur. of dpi sum. JECUTKOV, Ion. for etW, impf. of kaca. eSrai, Ion. for rjvrai, 3 pi. of ^/zat. care, Ep. for ^TC, 2 pi. impf. of dui sum. 4aros, a, ov> verb. Adj. of eda>, to be suffered: to be let alone. ttro, Ion. for fjvro, 3 pi. impf. ofrjfjtat. 1-avTOt), ^s, ov, pi. eavrcav, etc.; Ion. ICOVTOV, etc.; Att. contr. avnrofl, etc. : (e, q.v., aiirov) : Reflexive Pron. of 3rd pers., o himself, herself, itself, etc., used in gen., dat., and ace. sing. 40T], Ep. for T^fl?/, 3 sing. aor. I pass, of airrw. 'EA'il, contr. kSt, Ep. eta) : impf. eiW, Ep. without augm. cav : fut. edcrw [a] : aor. I ei'do-a, Ep. eaaa : pf. et'd/ca : Pass., f. med. in pass, sense, kaoopai : pf. e'iapa.i. To let, suffer, allow, permit : with notion of carelessness, to leave alone. II. to let go, let alone, let be: heed not. 2. to let alone, let be; Oeus TO plv Bwffei, rb 5' edo-et he will give one thing, the other he will let alone, i. e. not give ; kav x a ' l p (lj/ to let alone. III. Med., kaaOai nvi n to give up a thing to another. cdcov, Ep. for trjcav, gen. pi. of !i5s. -|3a\ov, aor. 2 of ^SdAAcy. e|3av, Ep. for Zffrjaav, 3 pi. aor. 2 of {Saivof. epdo-Kirjva, e'|3acrKdv0i]v, aor. I act. and pass, of fiafftcaivca. e{3d0t]v, lpv, aor. 2 of @i6a, pf. of fiXa-nTO). J3Xirrjv, aor. 2 pass, o X<|)0ir]v, aor. I pass, , Ep. aor. 2 pass of )3dAA(y. aor. I of ftXioaoj. aor. I of /3Avcu, but f|3Xvo-a of jSAi^a;. irjv, aor. i act. and pass, of J3oviXTi0'T]v, /3ovX6fJniv, aor. I and impf. of (3ov\o(i.ai. 'EBPAFOS, a Hebrew : 'Eppais, i'5os, fern. Adj. (sub. 5tdAeTos), the Hebrew dialect. Hence 'Eppaurri, Adv. in the Hebrew tongue. c|3pct. aor. I of 0picu. aor. i of &piO a ' ov > a l so Y"Y tos " (^ 7*7) * n or Q/" /e land, native. II. of property, in land, con- sisting of land. III. in or beneath the earth, like X#oi/tos. ty-yfyaa, Ep. pf. of (yyiyvopat. YY*Y^ /u H l l JLai ' P^ P ass - of (yyhv oi; ^> a mocker, scorner. From a.v, f. dcrofjiai [a] : for the tenses, v. 76X00; : to laugh at, mock at one : absol. to mock, jeer. CY-Y^VTJS, es, (li>, ytvos) in-born, native, innate, na- tural ; eyyevefs Ocol gods q/" the race or country. II. 6or of the same race, kindred. ty-yrip&a-KO), fut. aaop.ai [a], to grow old in a place. *Y'Yty vo l JLat f ut - -7J"7 ov > Sup. of 189 II. of II. (kv, y\vKvs) to have a sweet taste. f. tyca, (|j/, y\v ^> (* v > yoyos') a grandson : descendant. iy-ypa^xa, f. if/ca: for the tenses, v. ypafyQ): to mark in or on : to paint or write on : Med. and Pass. to have written on ; eyyey pap/twos n having it writ- ten on, as in Virgil, inscripti nomina. II. to enter in the public register, to set down : also to indict. iy-yvd,\i(o, f. o> : Ep. aor. I kyyva\^OS, ov, (eyyvr]') giving surety or 6az7. as Subst., = eyyvTjrrjs, a surety. 'EITr'5, Adv. I. of Place, near, nigh at hand, absol. or c. gen. II. of Time, nigh at hand. III. of Numbers, nearly. IV. coming near, like, akin to. Comp. kyyiojv, ov, and tyy\>- Tfpos, a, ov ; Adv. fyyvrtpca, nearer : Sup. cyyiaros and 77t;TaTOS ; Adv. '4yyiara and fyyvrara, as near as possible : see kyyiojv. iy-y, f. ra> Att. to), to bring into harbour : Med. to rwrc mto harbour. cy-Ka0u{3pi<0, f. ra; Att. t, to riot to excess in a thing. ey-Kawa, rd, (4i>, /ratvcs) a feast of renovation or dedication. Hence 6yKaivla>, f. cra>, to renovate, dedicate, consecrate. y-Ka(w, f. -Kavffca, to burn or foa/ *. II. to y-KdXo, fut. (yKa\tmo}ji(u, Pass, to />n'cfe oneself in a thing. Hence tyicaXXwmoTia, arcs, TO, that of which one is proud: an ornament, decoration. yKaXup.p,6s, o, a wrapping up. From ty-KaXviTTW, f. if/a, to veil in : to wrap up : Med. to hide oneself, esp. one's face : hence to be ashamed. y-icdjjiirT, f. \fjoi, to bend in. y-K(ivdo", f. a>, to pour gurgling in ; aor. I im- pefat. 6y/cdvaov. (Formed from the sound.) y-Kavdxdop., to go down into : to put oneself in. |-KaTayT]pdo-Ko> : f. aaop.ai [a] : to grow old in. y-KaTa8>, f. orjcra), to bind fast in, involve in. y-KaTa8viv(0, to creep down into. Y-kaTat>yvvp,i, f. -fva}, to associate with, adapt. iyKa.T6.Qono, 3 aor. 2 med. opt. of kyKaTO.TiQrjp.1. ey-Kardim^ai, Pass, to lie in : to lie down. Y~ KaT a-KAivu>, to lay down or put to bed in a place: Pass, to lie down or go to bed in. cY-Ka.TaKoi(j.dop.ai, Pass, with fut. med. -rjao^at, to lie down and sleep in. Y-Ko.TaKpova>, f. G o}, to beat in; tyfcaraKpoveiv \o- peiav to tread a measure or dance among. eY-KaraXajxpavto, fut. -Xtyopai, to catch in a place : to catch and holdfast, to bind or trammel. Y-KaTa\Yw, f. cy, to lay in or build into a wait II. to reckon among : to enlist soldiers. eY-KaTaXeCirco, f. ^a>, to leave behind: to forsake: Pass, to be left behind in a race. 6YKaTa\T]i|/iS, ecus, 77, (iyraTaXa/u/Sai'w) a catching and holding fast : a being caught in a place. eY-KaTajxiyvvp-i, f. -/xtcy, to mz'^c up in. Y-KaTairifjYVtip,i, f. -ir-f], f. -irX^w, to m srweave, entwine. cY-KaTappAirrco, f. ^a>, to sy m. Y-Ka-Tao : of epidemics, to break out among. II. trans, to hurl down upon. Y-KaTao-aTTto, f. cu, to slaughter in. Y-KaTaTi0T]p,t, f. -Qi]a ^ .powr besides. > aor - 2 pass, of ly/ , aor. 2 of fyKaTaX aor. l , Ep. for cyKardOov, 2 sing, imperat., and YiaT0TO, for ejKarf&fro, 3 sing, ind., aor. ^ med. ey-KaTtXXwiTTco, f. ^ew, to scoff" at. y-icaTOiKa), f. ?7cr, f. rjcro}, to build on a spot, abo 2. to 6tt/W m, immure. y-Ki|jiai, Pass, with fut. med. Ktiaopau, to lie in, to be wrapped in. II. to press upon, urge, im- portune, attack : to be vehement against : to press one hard. '2. to be devoted to. y-Ktpa>, only in pf. pass, part., eyKCKapfAtvy fcdpa with shorn head. yKCKavp.ai, pf. pass, of ly/ttucw. yKKa<)>a, pf. of fyKdirrca. pf. of eyKa\6, f. rjffw, to mock at. y-KeA.os), I. the brain. II. the edible pith of young palm-shoots. eyKxaXCva)|Aai, pf. pass, of 4' yKxpT)|xvos, pf. part. pass, of ey-Kt0apw, f. iacu, to play the harp among. y-KCpvTf]jxi, = fyKfpdvvvp.1. >, f. ff(a, to shut in, confine within. to shut to, shut fast. "YK\Tj06is, aor. I part. pass, of kyKaXtca. Ion. for kyKXfico. arcs, TO, an accusation, charge, com- plaint : a bill of indictment. YKXTjp.oav, fjiovos, 6, (kyKaXeca) censorious. Y-K\Tjpos, ov, (kv, KXfipos} having a lot or share in an inheritance, an heir, heiress. Y-KXTJa>, Att. for kyK\eiaj : aor. I part, eyKXrjaas. v, Adv. (kyicXivoj) leaning sideways, aslant. >, f. -KXlvw: pf. -KtKXlica, pass. -#e/cA.tyicu : to bend, incline to or towards, Lat. inclitiare : Pass. to lean over or on, weigh upon one. II. intr. to bend, incline. 2. to give way, flee, Lat. inclinari. f. ai/a), to hollow out, scoop out. , ov, (kv, KoiXos) hollowed out, hollow. Y-Koijjidojji,at, Pass, with fut. med. Tycrofiat, to sleep in. 6Y-Koip.Ca>, f. iota, to lull to sleep in a place. Y-Kourtip6a>, f. woo), (kv, Kotcrupa) hence pf. part. pass. kyKfKoiffvpojfjLtvr], as luxurious as Coesyra (a female name in the Alcmseonid family). IY-KGI/TOS, aSos, fj, (kv, KotTrj) serving for a bed. tY-KoX-r]|3d(i>, f. oo}, to gulp down like a KoXXaftos, swallow. Y-KOvea>, f. Tjffca, to hasten, be quick and active. Hence !Y-KOVT)TI, Adv. in haste, diligently. Y-KovCop,ai, Med. (kv, /coVis) to roll in the dust or sand, sprinkle sand over oneself. 97, (lyxorijrtu) a hinderance. aor. I inf. pass, of kyicouTOJ. ov, (kyKOTrrjvai} wearied. ), f. $QJ, to knock in: metaph. to hinder, eyKAetco eyprjyopa. II 191 w :ary. f. rjffoj, (kv, KcpovXij) to wrap up in coverlets : pf. part. pass. eyKfKopdvXrjfjicvos. Y-Ko, f. \fsca, to hide or conceal in. tyKpvfyiafa, f. daca, (lyitpvfyios) to keep oneself hid- den : to act underhand. YKpuias, d5os, ^, fem. Adj. hidden or baked in the ashes, of loaves. From , ov, (ejKpviTTca) hidden in. , Dep. with fut. tyKTrjaofwu, pf. eyKKTrj- ;uat, to acquire possessions in a foreign coun'ry. Hence YKTr]|jta, arcs, TO, property held in a foreign country. tYKTrpis, cws, 17, (eytcTaofMi) possession of property in a foreign country. , f. rjffca, to mix up in. s, v , (kv, KVKXoi) circular, rounded. II. revolving in a circle, periodical, going round in suc- cession : hence general, common. Y-KVKXos, ov, (kv, KVK\OS) circular. Y-KUKX6o>, f. wooj, (kv, KVK\OS) to move about in a circle : Pass, to go round about, and in trans, sense, to surround, encircle. ty-K\>\Lv, ov, gen. ovos, (kjf, KV^JLO. n) pregnant, ov, (kv, KVQJ) = fyKvpajv. ^^ / o stoop and peep in, to pry into. Y-Kvpo>; impf. kvfKvpov: fut. kytcvpao): aor. i tvt- Kvpaa : to fall into or upon, light upon, meet with. iyKvpcrai, aor. I inf. of ky-Kiptu. YKi5ra, TO., Lacon. of ZyKaTa. Y~Kco}iidci>, fut. dffca and aaofMi : pf. eyKKojfj.iaKa : Pass, aor. I kvfKcafudaOrjv: pf. cyKK(ufj.iaafJiai: (the augm. tenses are formed as if the Verb were a compd., and not derived directly from lyKWfJLtov) : to praise, laud. Yiop.iov, TO, see kyuwp-ios n. 2. Y-KWJIIOS, ov, (kv, Kui/jtrj) at home, of the same vil~ lage. II. (kv, tfcu/ios) belonging to a Bacchic festival or revel : in which the victor was led home in procession. 2. as Subst. kyKw^iov (sub. CTTOS), TO, a hymn in honour of the victor : a song of praise, panegyric. pf. pass, of y\v(pca. , Yva>o-|xcu, pf. act. and pass, of yiyvuaKca, , cos, cu, aor. 2 of yiyvuoKca. , aor. I pass, of yiyvuffKO). kffca, to scrape. [a], aor. 2 pass, ^of ypdp,os, ov, (tyeipa), /D/tos) stirring up to revelry. YP*TO, 3 sing. Ep. aor. 2 med. of kydpcu; imperat. Zypfo; 3 sing. subj. eypri ; inf. kypioQai. 6YpT|YP a to t> e awake, watch, intrans. pf. of lye'ipa, whence part, lypyyop-jus, 2 pi. imper. typrjyopd* (Ep. 192 for eyprjyopaTe}, inf. eypr/yopdai (Ep. for eyprjyope- I vai) : plqpf. eyprjyoprj, 3 sing, eypr/yopei. Homer uses the Ep. form eyprjyopOa in 3 pi. eyprjyupOaffi. ^ 'YP T lYP aJV ' Ep- part., as if from a pres. eyprjyopaca, formed from eyprjyopa, watching, awake. typT\yopri, (eyprjyopa) Adv. wakefully, awake. from eyprjyopa, to be awake or watchful. >, 3 sing. Ep. aor. 2 med. opt. of eyeipca. , Ep. aor. 2 med. part, of eyeipca. ty -\dXlv 6, f. -xeffca also -x*' aor. I evexfiprjffa: (ev, x 6f 'p) : to take in hand, undertake. Hence ctTos, TO, an undertaking : and Hptjo-is, ecus, 77, a taking in hand, an undertaking. r, verb. Adj. of eyx e ipea), one must un- dertake. *YX 1 P 7 1 T T| S ot;, 6, (7Xtpw) one who takes in hand: an adventurer. YX l PT rtK S, "hi ov > (*"YX l P* a ') enterprising. 6Y-XipiSios, ov, (kv, x f ' l P) i n the band. II. as Subst., eyxeipiStov, TO, a hand-knife, dagger. 2. \ a manual, hand-book. ey-Xipi6pos, ov, (eyxos, povTi5os eyxos weapon of thought. YX ovcra > "hi ayxovffa, q. v. Yxpatvco, = sq. IY-XP^ and lY"XP a ^ w to dash against; evexpavev Is TO irpoffcarrov TO ffKrjTTTpov he dashed his staff in his face. The pf. pass, also occurs, e(U Dep. to expectorate. ^Y'XPTI^* * to want, have need; TO. eyxprjovTa ne- cessaries. *Y~XP^H /TT " T&> f- r j } ' aor - T ^vexpi^o. part, ^as; Pass., aor. I evexpifJ-fpOijv part. to bring near to, to strike or dash against; ey- XpifJ-rrTeiv TT]V Papiv TT? yr) to bring the boat to land : absol. to come to land : hence to approach : also to attack, press hard. II. also intr. both in Act. and in Pass., to fall upon, attack, pursue. ty-\piTTT(a, coll at. form of eyxpi^rca. y\pi(TTOS, ov, applied as an unguent. From *Y~XP"> to rub in, to anoint. II. like 7xptAtTTCu, to attack, assail. long about a thing, tarry, delay. *Y"X VT P^ 0) - ' ffQ} > to expose in a pan or pot. iy-\(apeu), f. 170*0;, to give room for doing a thing : to make way for, yield: to concede, allow, admit. 2. impers. eyxia>, f. taco Att. to), to make level : to level with the earth. From c8a<|>os, cos, TO, the bottom, or base of anything : the ground: eSatpos vrjos the bottom or hold of a ship: also the ground-floor, pavement : level ground. (From the same root as 8cnr-fdov, TGbr-Tjs.) Ep. for toeiaa, aor. I of SdScu. , Ep. aor. 2 of Sexoyucu. , Ion. for e8e5>TO, 3 pi. plqpf. pass, of Sea;. , plqpf. of Sex ^ 1 - 48e8T|Kiv, plqpf. of Secy, to bind. eSeSwrav, 3 pi. plqpf. of SetScy. 8e8p.T|aTO Ion. 3 plur., and ISeSjxTjro 3 sing., plqpf. pass, of oefiQ}. tSeSoixecrav, 3 pi. plqpf. eS6S6|JU]v, plqpf. pass, e8e8a>Kiv, plqpf. of 8t5o>/. 8eT|0T]v, aor. I pass, (in med. sense) of oia), to want. c8cT] r]a i a, aor. I of 8eu, to bind: also Ep. aor. I to want. eBijTvs, vos, fj, (eScu) meat, food. [i5] 8T|x0Tjv, aor. i pass, of Safcvoj. 8iaiTir]x0T]v, aor. I act. and pass, of SIUKCU. c8p.vai, Ep. pres. inf. of eSa;. 8p,T|0iriv, aor. I pasr. of Sa/Lido;. c8vdop.ai, Dep. = eSi/oa;. From "EANA, Ep. eeBva, rd, nuptial gifts, I. from the suitor to the bride. 2. from the suitor to the bride's father. 3. a portion or dowry, given to 4he bride by her parents, also (pepp?; or 7rpoi. 4. wedding presents to the wedded pair from their guests. Hence iSv6(i>, f. ojffoj, to promise or betroth for presents. Hence ISvwTTjs Ep. eeSvcoTTJs, ov, 6, a betrother, of a father who portions a bride. 4860TJV, aor. I pass, of Siocufu. c8oKev|XS, Dor. for ISo/fou/xer, I pi. impf. of So/c&y. 8oKTj(rd, aor. I of SOK eoi. Soici|JULcra, 8oKip,acr9T]v, aor. I act. and pass, of 8o|iai, fut. of c'Scy and effdica. '8op,6v, eSore, eSoo-av (Dor. c'Soi/), aor. 2 pi. eSovrt, Dor. for tdovai. c8o|a, aor. I of 8oy. 68o^o)07]v, aor. I pass, of 8ooo;. <=8os, cos, T<$, (e^o/iat) a thing to sit on, a seat. 2. a seat, abode, esp. of the gods. 3 . a foundation, base, the pedestal of a statue: also the statue itself. II. the act of sitting; oi>x cSos eo*Tt 'tis no time for sitting still. cSoOjJUU, fut. Of 6^0/ZCU. ?8pa Ep. and Ion. 28pi], TI, (e^o^at) any seat, a chair, bench, etc. 2. a seat, abode, esp. of the gods, a temple, altar. 3. a foundation, base. II. a sitting still, being idle or inactive, delay; OVK eSpas dfcftrj it is not the season for sitting still. 2. a sitting, session. III. the seat, fundament. eSpaOov, poet, for ZdapOov, aor. 2 of dapdavca. IBpaios, a, ov, (5pa) sitting, sedentary. II. steadfast, firm, constant. i8pai6a>, f. cyo"cy, = I5ptap.a, 0T]v, aor. I act. and pass, o Si|xos, ov, eatable : ra cScuSt/za provisions. ISwica, aor. I of oidcapt. cSwXiov, TO, (?Sos) a seat, dwelling, abode. II. in a ship, the seat of the rowers, a rowing-bench, Lat. transtrum. ?e, poet, for ?, him, ace. of o5. eeSva, eeSvocu, -&>TT|s t Ep. for S(5j>a, 4Si/o. tetKOo-d-fJoios, ceiKOcri, eeiKccropos, ceiKoaros, Ep. for 61K-. ccCXcov, Ep. for ti\tov, impf. of el\0). tciira, as, 6, Jfeiirov, es, 6, Ep. for tlira, elirov. ?is, Ep. for efs. tetcrao, CCUTO.TO, 66urdcr9T]v, Ep. 2 and 3 sing., and 3 dual., aor. i of e?^t *6o. ccuraTO, eeio-dpevos, Ep. 3 sing, and part. aor. I of *6i5cu. 66\Bop,at, 44\80T)V, aor. i act. and pass, 0dvov, aor. 2 of QVTJGKOI). c0ds, dSos, 6, 17, (e#os) accustomed, used. 0ai|/a, 0d, f. dtrcy, to wear long hair. c0cipco, to tend, take care of, till. (Deriv. uncertain.) 0\ir]p.6s, ov, (eOe\ca) willing, voluntary. 0\-[jo-0a, for d(\7)s, Ep. 2 sing. subj. of e0t\co. 40\TjTos, 17, ov, (l^eA-cy) willed, voluntary. 0\^a, eOtXx 1 !^ aor - l ac t- an d pass, of flcA/ycy. 0\o-, in compos., signifies voluntarily or gladly. 06\6-8ov\os, ov, a willing slave. 0\o-0pT](rKCa, 77, (fOe\o-, Oprjaittvuj) will-worship, superstitious observance. c06\OKaKCi>, f. rjaa), to be slack in duty, play the coward purposely : to be beaten on purpose. From &\6-K&KOS,ov,wilfully bad, neglectful of one's duty, esp. in war, cowardly. 0\ovTi]86v, (f^cXcti) Adv. voluntarily. 06\ovTT|v, (IflfAcu) Adv. voluntarily. 0e\ovTT|p, ?7pos, 6, (eOc\o}) a volunteer. 0\ovTTjs, ou, o, (40Acy) a volunteer. 60\OVTt, Adv. = 0\OVT7)86v. e0\ovri, Dor. for (OcXovai, 3 pi. of tOtXa. 406\oirovia, T), love of work, diligence. From 606\6-irovos, ov, (eOe\o-, TTOVOS) willing to work. 0e\o-irp66vos, ov, (e8e\o-, irpogcvos) one who voluntarily charges himself with the office of irpogevos (q. v.) to a foreign state. 0cX-ovpY6s, ov, ((9f\o-, ^cpyca) willing to work. 606\oiio-i.os, a, ov, (04\, f. tercy Att. to): aor. I fiOiffa : pf. tiOiKO.'. Pass., aor. I elQioOrjv : pf. et0ier/*at : (e'0os) : to ac- custom, use: Pass, to be accustomed or used to. Hence 0uo-TOV, verb. Adj. one must accustom. tOXacra, aor. I of 0\aca. c9XuJ;a, aor. I of 6\i&ca. 0v-dpXT|S, ov, 6, (eOvos, dpx>) & ruler of a nation : prefect : an ethnarch. cGvLKos, 77, ov, national. II. foreign: gentile: Adv. -/}$, like the Gentiles. From V E0NO2, fos, TO, a company, body of men. 2. a race, tribe. 3. a nation, people; rd edv-rj the nations, Gentiles, i. e. all except Jews and Christians. 4. a particular class of men, a caste. 0opov, aor. 2 of Gpcuff/ea). *E@O2, cos, TO, custom, usage, manners, habit. cOpatKTa, aor. I of 6pav*X0ir)v, aor. I pass, of Tpe- Oeiv Ion. (tuOea as impf. : to be wont or accustomed, to be in the habit: part. flcuOojs as Adj., accustomed, customary, usual; TO deaOos one's custom. El', a conditional Particle, Dor. and Ep. al : Lat. Sf, if: with optat. or indie. : see d yap or at yap, and i-0e. 6i, Att. 2 sing, of efyut ibo. ia, and trisyll. eta, Interj., Lat. eia, on! up! away! also come on then ! eta vvv, well now. id, 3 sing. impf. of lacy ; also 2 sing, imperat. pres. id0T]v, eiujxai, aor, l and pf. pass, of lacy. 6iS}jL6VT|, 77, a river-side pasture, meadow. (Deriv. uncertain ) el dv, Ep. and Ion. ef c, contr. into loV, r\v, and dV. elavos, 17, ov, Ep. for la^os. lap, cifiptvos, Ep. for cap, eapivos. lap6-|JLac-0os,oi/, (flap, paaG6s)witbyouthful breasts. 6ius, 2 sing. impf. of Ida;; eidora, aor. I of the same. etao-Kov, Ion. for f'l'wv, impf. of Idcy. eich-ai, etaro, Ep. for Ion. carat, earo, which is for ^jat, fjvTo, 3 pi. pres. and impf. of i^/xat. tiaro, Ion. for elvro, 3 sing, plqpf. med. of tvvvfti. EI"Bn, Ep. form of Aft/3cw, ^o drop, let fall in drops : Med. to trickle or run down. t Y^P' f or tf'> an ^ expressing a wish, O if .. I O that . . ! would that . . ! Lat. utinam ! ci-ye, if at least, if then, Lat. si-quidem. 6t YO-UV, if at any rate, implying that the thing is unlikely. 195 el 8* cLye, used in cheering, on then, eome on ! The phrase is elliptic, and would be in full, d 8' (Octets, dye. i8dXi(xos, 77, ov, (cfSos) shapely, comely. II. like, looking like. 6i8ap, CTOS, TO, (toco) food, meat, victuals for men: fodder for cattle : a bait for fish. 6i8eiT]v opt., and elSevcu inf. of oTSa; v. *c?8cu B. el 8^ (AT|, elliptic for d 8e /*>) TOVTU tan, if otherwise, Lat. sin aliter. elSco), for etSo), subj. of otda ; v. *e?8o> B. el STJ, if now, seeing that, expressing conviction: also in indirect questions, whether now. 6i8-r|fJi(i>v, o^os, o, 77, (*8a>) knowing or expert in a thing. 6i8ij B. 6i8if|, fut. of *et8cy. 6i8op,6s, Dor. for fioo/iev, I pi. aor. 2 of *et8o>A. 6t8ov, aor. 2 of *et8a> A. 6i8os, tos, TO, (*aSa>) that which is seen, the form, shape, figure, Lat. species. II. generally, a form, sort, particular kind : a particular state or plan of action. III. species, opp. to genus. 6i86Xeiov, TO, (ei'ScyAoi/) an idol's temple. i8c0X6-0tiTOS, ov, (tioQjXov, Oven} sacrificed to idols ; as Subst., TO dooj\6QvTov meat offered to idols. elScoXoXarpCa, 77, idolatry. From clSwXo-XaTptjs, ov, 6, 77, (t'ibcaXov, \drpis} an idol- worshipper, an idolater. i8o>Xov, TO, (efSos) a shape, image, spectre, phan- tom ; fiporwv fi'ScwAa fcapovrojv the phantoms of dead men. II. an image in the mind, idea : a vision, a fancy. III. an image, portrait, esp. of a god : hence an idol, false god. i8u>s, part, of olSa, pf. of *ei'5o; B. iev, Att. for f'trjffav, 3 pi. opt. of dpi sum. tev, Particle, well, good, proceed, Lat. esto, tT]v, opt. of dpi sum. CLTJV, aor. 2 opt. of 'irjpi. et0ap, Adv. (eu0us) at once, forthwith. t-0e, Dor. and Ep. , f. dffca : aor. I rjtcaffa Ion. dieaffa : Pass., aor. ir)iedo~0r]v: pLyfcaffpai lon.e'lfcaffpai: (el/eos): to make like to, represent by a likeness : Pass, to be like, resemble. II. to liken, compare: to infer from comparison, to conjecture, guess. eiKS0ov, poet. aor. 2 of eittca to yield ; subj. difdOca ; inf. dtcadfiv ; part, dtta&ujv. eiKatos, a, ov, (dKrf) without purpose : random, kasty. II. common, worthless. LKas, doos, 77, (fiKoffi} the twentieth day of the month (sub. rjpfpa). elicoa-ia, 77, (dad^oj) a likeness, image : a conjecture. iKacrp,a, OTOS, TO, (td^a;) a likeness. iKoap.6s, ov, o, (drcdfa) a conjecturing. iKacrTT|s, ov, 6, (dtcdfa) one who conjectures, a guesser, diviner. elicao-Tos, 77, 6v, (dftdca) to be compared, like. iKart, Dor. for ('tKoffi. LK6\-6veipos, ov, (eitce\os, oVctpos) dream-like. "^ 77, ov, (ft/cos) like, after the fashion of. , ov, (IK\OS, cavr}} of like voice. , Att. for eoiKfvat, inf. of eotwa. EI'KH~, Adv. without plan or purpose, heedlessly, rashly, at random, Lat. temere. EIKOVICO, f. oca, (ditwv) to mould into form. Hence ciKovicrp.a, paros, TO, an image, copy. CIKOS Ion. OIKOS, OTOS, TO, neut. part, of Zoifca, Lat. veri-simile, like truth, likely, probable, reasonable, fair, equitable; irapa. TO dicos unreasonable. eiKocrd-poLos, Ep. iKOcrd|3ou)s, ov, (dfcoffi, /Sous) worth twenty oxen. 6lKO, to be like; 3 sing. impf. fltce, Att. TJ/ef, it was like or likely, seemed good : but the pf. ZoiKa, plqpf. ecarteiv were used for the pres. and impf. ; see eot/ca. Ef KJfl, f. cu : aor. i d*a : poet. aor. 2 ewaOov : to yield, give way to, draw back, retire. 2. to submit to, obey, follow; y Ovpy f'igas following his own bent; treviri ftKcav urged by poverty: hence to yield to another in a thing, to be weaker or inferior. II. trans, to yield up, abandon, resign : to grant, allow. III. impers. it is allowable, possible. iKc6v, 77, gen. ovos, ace. ova : Ion. gen. dfcovs, ace. dtjj, ace. pi. dreovs : (*eiKoj, coirca) : a figure, image, likeness. II. a semblance, phantom, wraith. 2. a simile. eiKcos, part, of oixa, pf. of *e?/y, to be like. iXa8ov, Adv. (2Xg) = i\T)Oov, in a troop. iXairivato, (ftAaTrtV??) only used in pres. to feast in a large company, to be a boon-companion. Hence 6iX, lengthd. form of ci'Acu. i\Tj, rj,=i\i), a troop, company. iXt], 77, the sun's warmth: warmth; see fXrj. iXT)Y|x) 6y coiling round. iXifjXov0a, clXirjXoijOeiv, Ep. for (\r]\vOa, iXrjXv- &iv pf. and plqpf. of Hpx.ofAai : elXifjXovOjxev, Ep. for (XrjXvOanev, I plur. pf. 6iXT]jJLp,ai, pf. pass, 6tXT]c|>a, pf. of Aa/*/3dVa>. elXiKpiveia, 77, pureness : sincerity. From iXl-KplvTjs, (1X77, KpivoS) examined by the suns light, tested: hence, I . unmixed : pure, uncorrupted, Lat. sincerus. 2. distinct, palpable, sheer. 3. Adv. -vSjs, of itself, absolutely. iXiKTO, 3 sing, plqpf. of eXiaaca. elXiKTOs, 77, oV, Ion. for tXiKTos. tXi|, Ion. for 6\i. iXt-irovs, o, 77, -trow, TO, gen. -irooos : (f'Xca, irovs] : trailing the feet heavily in walking, with rolling walk, epith. of oxen. tlXioroxo, poet, and Ion. for eXicracj. lXi,-Tvirjs, e's, epith. of the plant dypojarcs, (from \os, Teu'cu), stretching or spreading through marshes. elXCxaro, Ion. 3 pi. plqpf. pass, of kXiaau. iXKVau), = clXvoj, to roll along. II. intr. to roll oneself along, whirl about. iXi)aa>, = el\V(fxi^6) : Ep. part. elXvfpoojv. EI'AT'Il Att. elXtico : f. vffw [y] : pf. pass. ci\vfj.ai : to wrap round, enfold : Pass, to be wrapt or covered; esp. in pf. part., dXvpevos apAOca buried in the sand. II. in Pass., also, to wind, creep, or crawl along. ETA&, ci'XXco, or tXXco ; also ctXcu Att. eiXcco : from cl'Xco are formed aor. I e\aa, inf. 4'Aaat Ep. ee'Ao-at ; Pass., aor. 2 taXr)V [a] ; inf. dXijvai Ep. d\rj- f.ievai ; part. dActs, iaa, ev : Ep. pf. ceA/xat : from iXo are formed impf. e'tXcov, Ep. 3 sing. JetAct ; fut. (L\T}(TOJ : aor. 2 fiXrjaa : Pass., aor. I flX-f]9rjv : pf. eiXr]}j.ai There are also Ep. impf. 3 sing. eoAft, etpu. 197 plqpf. eeXrrro. I. Act. to roll or twist tight tip, to press hard or close : to force together: to coop up or shut up in a place. 2. to drive violently along, smite, strike ; vrja KepawQ fXaas having struck the ship with a thunderbolt. II. Pass, to be rolled up together : to be shut or cooped up in a place, to throng together, assemble, crowd thickly together; dXlv vSwp water collected: also to draw oneself together, crouch, cower; 'AxiXrja. dXels ptvev collecting himself he waited the attack of Achilles. 2. to go to and fro, go about, Lat. versari. 3. to turn or whirl round, revolve, like eiXiaaca, 777 flXXopivrj (or iXXopevrj) the earth turning on its axis. EiXcos, euros, o, and ElXo>TT]S, ov, 6, fern. EtXcorCs, t'Sos : a Helot, i. e. a serf of the Spartans, employed in agriculture and other unwarlike labours. (From "EAos, a town of Laconia, whose inhabitants were en- slaved.) EtXcoTia, 77, the condition of a Helot, slavery. From ElXcoTija>, f. o-cu, (riXwTijs} to be a Helot or serf. lp,a,aros, TO, (ieV, I pi. of dpi sum : but efyus, Dor. for eTrat, inf. of dpi sum. ip,, Aeol. ep-jxi (from Root *"Efl, sum, esse) ; ft Ep. els, Ep. and Dor. eaffi ; eo"Tt Dor. evTi ; plur., (ffpfv Ep. and Ion. et/ieV Dor. et/tes ; lo"re ; i\ias, Si' %x- 6pas, Sid iro\f(JLov, etc., to live in friendship or enmity with any one ; xp s "VaTO it went through the skin ; c. inf. fut., ffiada6rjv av\r)X S, as Adv., (fvvta, vv) nine nights long. lvds, dSos, fj, poet, for tvveas n, the ninth day. tvd.TpS, at, brothers' wives, sisters-in-law. etvaros, ij, ov, poet, for evvaros, the ninth. civEKa, 6ivKv, Ion. and poet, for HVCKO., on account, because of, c. gen. ivt, Ep. for the Prep, ev, in. elv-oStos, 77, a, and ov, poet, for fvoSios. lvo7)fj.i, \6yca, or d-yopevca, the fut. and pf. by epto*, epu, fiprj/ta. euirovTO, 3 pi. impf. of cTro/mt, to follow. i-iroT, Adv. if ever, if at all, Lat. si-quando. II. indirect, if or whether ever. el irov, Adv. if anywhere, Lat. si-cubi. i iro>s, Adv. if at all, if by any means. eipdvr], Dor. for fiprjvij. cipyaQov, poet. aor. a of e/ipjoj. ipya.ara.\it]V, aor. I med. of epydfrfMii, used in act. sense : ip - yt>\a|, aos, o, (elpypos, , f. 770*0;, to make peace. From eipT]vo-Troi6s, ov, (flprjvr), iroifoj) making peace: as Subst., flprjvoirotos, 6, a peace-maker. ipijvo-c}>vAa, a/cos, d, 77, (flprjvrj, Tea), Ep. and Ion. for fpcardca. EI'2 or "E2, PREP. WITH ACC. ONLY. Radic. sense : direction towards, motion to, in or into. I. OF PLACE, the oldest and most freq. usage ; but also of persons, with all Verbs implying motion or direction, and so with Verbs of looking, as, els Siira ISeaOai to look in the face : sometimes in Att. with the notion of hostile direction, Lat. contra, adversus, = vpos. 2. in pregnant usage, joined with Verbs which express rest, when a previous motion is implied, as, Is fifyapov Kart9rjKf he brought it to the house, and put it there : so, trapcivai els roirov to go to and be at a place : esp. in phrase, ffw^eaOat els TOTTOV. 3. ellipt. c. gen., (is 'Ai'Sao [So^oy], Att. e/s "AtSou, to the abode of Hades ; cs 'AOrjvairjs [iepov] to the temple of Athena, es Upidfjioio [o?oi/] etc. ; so in 199 3 rose, els Arjprjrpos to the temple of Ceres, etc. ; as n Lat. ad Apollinis, Casloris (sub. aedem). II. OF TIME, I. until, Is r}o>, Is rjf\tov KaraSvvra, els oTf till the time when . . , till morn, till sunset ; Is o until ; Is /*e up to my time. 2. to determine a Deriod,/or, els tviavrovfor a year, i.e. a whole year ; Is Ofpos, Is oirwprjv for the summer, etc. ; els dfifor ever ; els r)/tas /> /o our time ; els Tpirrjv fj^.fpa.v to the third day, h e. in three days or on the third day. III. OF AN END OR PURPOSE, f'ureTv els dyaOov to speak for good, with a good object ; Is Oooprj^ofMiL I will arm me for war. IV. WITH NUMERALS : Is yu.O.V (SC. $OV\T)v) &OV\fVfiV tO resolve one way or unanimously ; els eV epxeo-ftu to agree together ; with plurals, up to, els /typious as many as ten thousand ; els 5uo two deep ; also of round numbers, about, at most. V. to express RELATION, Is o in regard to which, i. e. wherefore : fls ri ; for what ? why ? hence for Adv., Is raxes for Els is sometimes parted from its ace. by several words, as, els dfjL, f. -epo) : for the tenses, v. dyfipca : to gather into a place. elcr-dyou, f- , f. lycra;, to look into, descry. cler-aipa), f. -apa>, to lift or carry in. elo-atcraxo, cler-ao-oxo, f. -acu, to dart into. euraiTO, 3 sing. aor. med. opt. of *et'8cu. lo--SicovTta>, f. iffQJ Att. to), /o r/ javelins at : absol., to dart or spout up, of blood. eur-fiKovw, f. troftat : aor. I 'fjKovffa : pf. aferjKoa : to listen, hearken to ; and, simply, to hear. II. to obey, comply with, give heed to. elar-aKTeov, verb. Adj. of dcrdyca, one must bring in. OLcr-aXXop-ai, f. -aXovjjiai : aor. I r}Xdfj.r]v : Ep. 3 sing. aor. 2 lardXro : Dep. : to leap or spring into : also to leap upon. Ei(r-ap.6ij3a>, f. \jj, f. to force into, constrain. io--avdY&>, f. , Att. for dcraioaca. ur-auYda>, f. oca, to look at. clcravOis, Adv. for ets avOis, hereafter. euro/up 10 v, Adv. for ets avpiov, on the morrow. 6icr-avTis, Adv. Dor. and Ion. for daavOis. 6Li'r]fJU, f. -acprjaca, to send into : to let in. icra4>iKcr9ai, aor. i inf. lor-a(J)iKvtojJiai, f. igoftai, Dep. to come or go into, to arrive at. i, f. ftrjcrofJLat : aor. 2 t$r\v : pf. /3e)3^a : to go into: esp. to go on board ship, embark. 2. impers., flfffiaivei poi it comes into my head. II. Causal in aor. I elatfirjaa, to make to go into, to put into : see fia0t(3doj, which serves as pres. in this sense. icr-|3a,\\a>, f. -J8a\a): pf. -PffiXrjfea, pass. -fitfiXr]- fj.ai : to throw into : Med. to put on board one's ship. II. (sub. kavruv or arparidv\ to throw oneself into, make an inroad or incursion into, invade: also (sub. vavv) to enter port, Lat. appellere. 2. ! generally, to go into : of rivers, to empty themselves into, fall into. 3. also to come to, fall into acci- dentally. eio-pSo-is, ecus, 77, (etcrjSaiVcy) an entrance, way of entering : embarkation. , -f), 6v, (daftaivca) accessible. '. dffoiMi, Dep. to force one's way into. ;, f. -0i(3daoj Att. H3i/3<2, Causal of etV- ', to make to go into, put into. , f. tf/ca, to look at, look upon. lo-poXif|, fj, (dfffidXXw n) a throwing oneself into : an inroad, invasion, attack. 2. a way of entering, an entrance, pass : in plur., also, the mouth of a river. 3. an entering into a thing, a beginning. 6i(o, f. if/oo, to write in, inscribe : Med. to have oneself written down or inscribed; daypdcpeaOai Is TOS arrovods to have oneself written or received into the league. elo--8epKOjj.ai, Dep., with aor. 2 act. dffeSpa/fov : to look at or upon, behold, observe. ur-8exop,cu, Ion. }ju, used intr., of rivers, to flow into. 6urSoxT|, 77, (etaSexo/xat) reception. LO-8pa|Xiv, aor. 2 inf. of dffrpex^- 6icr8po[jLT|, 77, (dffSpaueiv) an onslaught, assault. 6i9aXfj.ovs etVet/xt / will come into his sight ; dpxfjv datevai to enter on an office. II. as law-term, to come before the court. III. metaph. to come into one's mind. eio-eiceXo-a. aor. I of daKeXXca. 6io-6KijXi0-a, aor. I of dffKvXivSu. 6io"-6Xatvto Ep. eXdoa: fut. -eA.d<7cu [3] Att. -e\a): for the tenses, v. iXavvca : to drive into or in. II. (sub. iitirov or vavv) to row into a place, like Lat. appellere. elo-eXOeiv, aor. 2 inf. of dfffpxo/MLi. 6ur-eXica> : f. tXca: aor. I dXicvaa: to drag into. 6icr-p,paivco, aor. 2 dfffV@rjv, to go on board. 6UT6V6YK6LV, aor. 2 inf. of dfffpepoj. 6tO--VT|VOXa', pf. Of dff(f)fpQ}. 6io-ev0a)fjis, Dor. for datXQca^v, I pi. aor. 2 sub}. clerevoTjcro, aor. I of elavoew. elo-tiraio-a, aor. I of elairaio}. 6iorirtTa, Adv. for els eireira, henceforward. eloreirraTO, 3 sing. aor. 2 of io"irTOp,ai. eur-ep'yvvpA or -ua>, to shut up into, enclose in a place. eurepptnqv, aor. I (in pass, form) of elapeo). ur-ppo>, aor. I elarjpprjffa : pf. elarjpprjKa : to go into, get in. io--pvo>, aor. I part, elaepvaas [u], to draw into. ur-pxop., f. 170-0;, to inject by a syringe. ur-T|Ka>, f. r]oJ, to be come in : to come in. io-Kc0, aor. -eOopov, to leap into or in. t, f. , f. ~fte\0, f. Kv\iffoj [fj : to roll into. cuTK, to look into. 6Lo--p.atop.ai, aor. I elaep.aadp.rjv, Ep. 3 sing, eae- fidaaaro Dor. -daro : Med.: (els, f^daaca}: to touch to the quick. II. to put in the hand to feel. eur-veop-cH, Dep. to go into. 6io*-vo, f. -vevao/J,ai, to swim into. io--vo0), f. 770-0;, to perceive, remark. 6ur-o8os, 77, (els, -686s) a way into, entry. II. a coming in, entrance, esp. of the Chorus into the Orchestra : a visit : a right of entrance. io*-oiKet6b>, f. waoj, (els, oi/cefos) to bring in as a friend : Pass, to become friend to any one. ur-oLKo>, f. 770-0;, to dwell in, settle in. Hence 6io-oiK-f|o-is, ecus, r), settlement : a dwelling. ur-oiKia>, fut. iao) Att. to), to bring as a colonist into a place : Pass, to settle oneself in a place. 6io--oiKo8op,, f. 770-0;, to build into. 6uroixvvo-a, Aeol. for elaoixyovai, 3 pi. of io--oixvi>, f. 770-0;, to go into, enter. elo--6K6 or -v, Dor. ur-6Ka, (els o *re) until such time as : so long as. eixropxu, fut. of *6t5o> B : eureai, Ep. 2 sing. II. Ep. fut. of elpi ibo. to-ov, imperat. of elaa. io--6irtv, (els, OTTJS) Adv. hereafter. elo'-omo'a), Adv. in time to come, hereafter. turoiTTOS, ov, (elaoi^ofMi) looked upon : to be seen, visible. euroTrrpis, ioos, i), = e/ifforrrpov. io--oirTpov, TO, (elaoiftofuu) a looking-glass, mirror. elcr-opaco, Ep. part, elaopocav, inf. med. eiaopdaaOcu : the fut. elauifjopai and aor. 2 elaeTSov are supplied from other Roots (see opaw) : to look at or upon, view, behold : also to look on with admiration, revere, respect : to look at eagerly : to gaze upon steadily ; also of the gods, to visit, punish, behold. ur-opp,aa>, f. 770^0;, to bring forcibly into: Pass, to force one's way into. io*-opp,ib>, fut. iffoa Att. ?o>, to bring into port : Pass., with aor. pass, and med., to run into port, ur-opova>, f. aca, to rush in. io-os, 77, ov [r], Ep. lengthd. form of 7o-os, alike, equal, used in these phrases : I. Sals etarj the equal banquet, i. e. equally shared. 2. vfjes eiaai the equal or well-balanced ships,. 3. dartls irdvroa 1 202 iVo're J EK. eiar) the all-wen shield, i. e. quite round. 4. , f. -trcaovpcu : aor. i -tirfffov : pf. -ire- TTTcafta : to fall or rush into : to be thrown into. II. to fall upon, attack. ur-mTVCD, poet, form of elamtrro). i, f. -Tr\(vffofjuit, to sail into, enter. Hence eixrirXoos, contr. eunrXovs, 6, a sailing in of ships. II. the entrance of a harbour. eltr-irvea), f. irvdjffOfMi, to breathe in, inhale, Lat. inspirare. II. to breathe upon. Hence lo"irvT|\as, o, one who inspires love, a lover. elo--iroi6to, f. TT>CU, to put into the hands of, to give (a son) to be adopted by another : Pass, to be adopted. II. to introduce. Hence unroiif]TOS, 77, ov, adopted. ur-iropt&), f. , f. ff : fut. 8pa.(jiov[j.ai : aor. 2 eSpafjiov (from To run in or into, to run upon. iepci) : fut. -oiffca (from *oy) : aor. I and pf. -1/171/0 x< (from *lv(*fK(a) : cf. ep6/)cu) a carrying into. II. a bringing in, contribution : at Athens, a property-tax, raised to meet the exigencies of war. iopcco, f. fiffca, = dacjtfpoj. cicr-(j>pe(i>, fut. -peia, f. ia ^ stream in. i, more rarely 4'trcu, Adv. ((Is, 4s) into, within, c. ace., ovvai bi>p.ov v Ai'8os ('icrcu : also c. gen., ir6s, 6v, (ds, wif/) in face, in front of; (lacairol (ylvoi'To v(S>v they came in front of the ships. EFTA Ion. etrcv, Adv. of Time, then, after, there- upon, Lat. deinde. II. like Lat. ita and itaque, and so then, and then: also in ironical questions, Lat. itane ? itane vero ? is it so f ay really f indeed f elrai, 3 sing. pf. pass, of tvvv^i. i-T6 . . , i-T . . , Lat. sive . . , sive . . , either . . , or . . , whether . . , or . . ; so that several cases are al- ways put : in Homer the first (IT( is sometimes an- swered by v) Kai The Trag. sometimes leave out the first (IT(, or put 6i instead. IT, for 6LTJT6, 2 pi. pres. opt. of of (1/j.i sum. iTv, Ion. for (Ira, like en-etrei/ tor lirctTO. iw, Ep. for kaoj. eiw, Ep. for cos (ffffi thou comest of me by blood. 2. of the materials of a thing, as mD/ja 4/c gv\ov a cup of wood. 3. of Motive, Occasion, Means, (tc 6(6aXas, ov, o, (SKOLTOV, KefyaX-q} ; and ov, (ttcarov, Kpavov): hundred- ov, (fttarov, Xfip) hundred-handed. ov, (fKaruv, fryov) with IOO benches headed. for rowers. , uvos, 6, the month Hecatombaeon, the first of the Att. year, answering to the last half of July and first half of August. From 203 ,17, (ttcarov, /3ovs) properly an offering of a hundred oxen : but commonly a great public sacrifice, not always of oxen, nor to the number of a hundred. Kar6fJi-pouos, ov, (knarov, jSovs) of or worth a hun- dred oxen. , (ItfaroV, TTOVS) loofeet long. 5, ov, = (KarufjiTroXis. i, gen. ecus, (e/carov, iruXis) with a hundred cities. jEKaToji-iravs, 6, 77, irovv, TO, gen. iroSos, (titaTov, irovs) hundred-footed. iKarofA-iniXos, OF, (itfaroV, TrvA?;) hundred-gated. 'EKATO'N, of , at , rd, indecl. a hundred, Lat.centum. KdTOVTa-TT|s, es, (ctfaroV, eros) o/a hundred years, a hundred years old. | iKttTOVTa-Kdptjvos, Dor. -Kapavos, ov, (l/caroV, tca- prjvov} hundred-headed : cf (KaToytcpavos. iKa-TOv-rdXavTOS, ov, (1/faroV, TaXavTov) worth IOO 1 talents ; ypacp^ (KarovrdXavTos an action where da- mages were laid at that sum. KaTOVTd-irXa, f. fi-fjcrofMi : aor. 2 (0r)V : pf. K@(- &r)Ka : /o ste/> out of, go or come out of: to step out of a. ship, to disembark. 2. to go out of, depart from. 3. metaph. to come out so and so, to turn out, Lat. evadere. 4. to go out of due bounds, to 1 digress. II. in fut. act. ffefirjffa}, aor. I IfejSrjaa, i Causal, to make to step out of, put out of a ship, etc.; 6K-J3dKxevw, f. GO), to excite to Bacchic frenzy, to make frantic : Pass, and Med. to be frenzied, rage. i, aor. 2 imperat. of (K^dXXw : also Ep. for , 3 sing. ind. -, f. -0aXw: aor. 2 -fftaXov; pf. -Pe@\r)fca: to throw or cast out: to disembark, land; but also to carry out to sea. 2. noXfcas eitpdXXfiv to cast ' out of the country : and so to drive out, banish. II. I to strike out, Lat. excutere ; Sovpa fitfidXXeiv to fell trees, properly to cut them out of the forest. III. metaph., Ziros ttcfiaXXeiv to let fall or drop a word; 1 so, (K&dXX(iv ddttpva. to drop or shed tears. IV. 204 to throw away, depose, reject: to hiss off" the stage, [gone by, elapsed. 2. impers. fKytyvfrai, like Lat. explodere. 3. to break open. V. to send fan, it is allowed, it is granted, out, get rid of, lose. VI. (sub. tauToV), of a river, to empty or discharge itse 7 f. aor. 2 inf. of eK/3d\\) a going out of a ship, a landing. II. a K>y out, egress : an escape. CK-J3da>, Dor. for Cfe-Paivca. K-f36(3oa6o>, f. wffoj, to confirm. tK-J3lda>, to force out : to wrest from. K-ptpda>, f. -j8tj8do-a) Att. /3t/3a;, Causal of !- f$aiv ow/ q/: esp. to put out of a. ship. tK-(3i{3pu>) thrown out: rejected, de- spised, despicable. K-J3Xa>crKa>, aor. 2 f-(p.o\ov, to go or come owA K-j3odu>, f. rjffofjjat, to call or cry o. K-|3oT|0ia, 77, a marching out to aid. From K-|3oTj0o, f.rjffca,to march out to aid: to make a sally. K-J3oXf3ia>, f. iaoj Att. to), (l/f, /3oA/3os) to />ee/ q/f /rom, as the skin q^an onion; l/c/3oA/3iti/ rti/d TO)I/ KQjoiojv to peel one q/ his stolen skins. 6Kf3o\T|, 17, (l/f$dAAc<;) a throwing out, throwing overboard, esp. of goods in a storm. II. a cas/- ing out, banishment. III. a shooting forth ; l- /SoA?) airov the time when the corn shoots or comes ttcyovos, ov, (l/ryei/eaflat) sprung, descended from any one : as Subst., trcyovos, 6, any descendant, son, grandson ; rcL H/cyova offspring, posterity. K-Ypdo>, f. \l/, Ion. -Setpcd : f. -8ep>: to skin, flay, strip off" the skin : hence to cudgel soundly. K-8cTOS, ov, (ctfoect)) fastened to or upon. K-8XOp.ai, Ion. -8KOp.at: f. -8eo//eu: aor. I te- ofgafj.7)V : Dep. : to take or receive from : to take up. 2. eKOt\eaQa.i rty a.px"f]v to receive the rule into ear. IV. an outlet, Lat. exitus ; fK0o\-r) from another: absol. to follow, succeed: of countries, the mouth of a river; fK/3o\al opovs a defile j to come next. 3. to wait for, expect, Lat. exci- pere. 4. to receive at a feast. tK-8o. f. -orfao}, to bind from, i. e. to bind on or to : leading out of a chain of mountains ; 1/fjSoA?) \6yov a digression. V. (from Pass.) that which is cast out ; fK@o\j) 8iKe\\r)S earth cast out by a mattock ; ovpfia K@o\rj children exposed on the mountains. eKpoXos, ov, (4tf/3aAAcu) cast out, exposed, of a child: abortive. II. as Subst., e/3oAos, o, a ca/e, />ro- montory. 2. e/fjSoAa, TO, cas ojf relics. K-j3pd, f. to-w Att. to), to give away in marriage: Pass, to be given in marriage, marry. f K-Ya(xLCTKop.ai, Pass, to be given in marriage. K-Youp6op.s, eteyeyavid. eK-YeXdo), f. dao/nai [a] : for the tenses, v. ye\dcu : to laugh out, laugh loud, burst out laughing : me- taph. of a liquid, to gurgle out. eK-YW}s, es, (l, yivos} put out from one's family, without kith or kin. fK-yiyvo\jio.i,fut. -yevrjaopai: aor. 2 egeyevofjLrjv: pf. ficyfyova, poet. fKytyaa (q . v. ) : Dep. : to grow out of, spring from : to be descended from, born of. II. to have gone by; -^povov tKyeyovoros time having Med. to bind a thing to oneself, hang it round one. K-8Tj\os, ov, very manifest : conspicuous. 6K-Sir]jAo, f. 77, (tftfS^os) to go abroad, travel : to be abroad, or on one's travels. Hence KSt]p.ia, 17, departure from home or from life. K-8i)fJios, ov, ((K, STJ/JLOS) from home, abroad. K-8ta|3aiva), f. -Prjffofiai : aor. 2 ftediepijv : to go throitgh out of, pass over. K-8i, Ion. -8i8pT|o-Ka> : fut. -Spdaofjiai [a] : aor. 2 ktopav : to run away from, escape. K-8i8o>p,i, f. -Swaca: aor. I fgtSaiKa: pf. aor. 2 med. fe86fjir)v : to give out, give up, Lat. redder e: to surrender. 2. to give out of one's house; tKOioovai or (KoiSoaOai 6vyarepa to give away one's daughter in marriage. 3. to give out for money, farm out, let out for hire : to put out money to interest, lend out. II. (sub. lauroi/) to issue forth from a place ; of a river, to empty itself. K-8nr)YOjJwu, Dep. to tell to the end, recount, in full. K-8iK, f. vca, to decide by giving judgment, of a judge. II. to avenge. Hence ic8iKaorTT|s, ov, 6, an avenger. eicSiKCb), f. 77(70;, (e5tos) to avenge, punish; enoiKfiv nva diro nvos to avenge one on another. Hence t K8iKT]cn.s, 6pexl oj. f. oca, to throw from the chariot. cK-8iu>Kb>, f. f ofjjai later fo>, to drive away, banish. K-8ovo, f. rjaca, to shake out, confound. eicSoo-is, fcas, 77, (e5t5cu/zt) a giving up, surrender- ing. 2. a giving in marriage. K8a>cro|Acu, fut. med. of Koibcap,i. K8oTov, verb. Adj. of l5t'5cu/tt, one must give in marriage. icSoTos, ov, (!/cSt5a;/) given up, betrayed. i<8ovvai. aor. I inf. of eKoiScafu. K8oxT|, ^, (l/5exo/xat) a receiving from another, succession. K-8paKOVTOop.ai, Pass, (l/f, SpaKcav) to become a serpent. cic8pcip.eiv, aor. 2 inf. of !#Tpxa>. t:c8po|j.T|, 77, (eKSpa/j-etv) a running out, sally, charge : also a band of skirmishers. cK-8po|xos, 6, one that sallies out, a skirmisher. K-x^ipCa, 77, (e\ca, X 6i/ P) a holding of hands, a i cessation of hostilities, armistice. ' K-eco, f. -feVeu, to boil out or over : c. gen., evAw \ lee, f. 77, /o search out. K-wTrt)p>, f. 77, to ftgvfo &/> again, rekindle. io)a, Ep. aor. I of naica. Ki]poXia, 77, a darting from afar, archery. From KT)-|36Xos, ov, (las, /3aAAa>) far-darting, far-shoot- ing, epith. of Apollo in Iliad. Kt]Xos, ov, collat. form of VKIJ\OS, at one's ease, quiet, Lat. securus. II. metaph. of things, as of a field lying at rest or fallow. "EKHTI Att. cicari, Prep, with gen. by means of, by virtue of, by the grace or help of. II. later = ! fvf/ca, on account of, for the sake of. 2. as regard*, as to, Lat. quod attinet ad. 6K-0dXiro), f. if/a, to warm thoroughly. K0ap,(3eo>, f. 77(70;, to amaze, astonish : Pass, to be 1 amazed, astonished. From eK-0ap,|3os, ov, (etc, Odpfios) amazed, astounded. tK-0a|j.vico, f. era;, (eK, Od^vos) to root out, extirpate. K0avov, Ep. for egeOavov, aor. 2 of eKdv^aKca. ;<-0edofjicu,, f. dffofjiai, Ion. rjaoftai, Dep. to see out, see to the end. K-06aTpCco, f. aca, (eK, eedrpov} to make a spec- tacle of. K-0eida>, f. aca, (e/t, 0eiov} to deify. K0p,evai or eK0ejjiv, Ep. for eteOeivai, aor. 2 inf. of CX061S, (Taa, ev, aor. 2 part, of eKriOrj/J-i. eK-0pCo>, f. iaca Att. to), to mow completely: to cut down. lx-0p[xaiv(>, f. avw, (eK, Oeppits) to warm or heat thoroughly. 6:<0cr0ai, aor. 2 med. inf. of itfrtyjU. K0o-is, ecus, 77, (eKTiOr)f4i) a putting out, exposing. K0eros, oi/, (eKTiOrjfu) pat out, exposed. !*-00, f. -Oevaofjai, to run or sa//y o/. 6K-0T]p, f. ^w, to press, squeeze out: metaph. to crush, oppress. 206 K-0vq-TKa), fut. -Odvovpai : aor. tgeOavov : to oe dying, oe at the last gasp ; ye\.&) or ycXcan tfcdaveiv to be nigh dead with laughter. cK-0oivdop,ai, f. 770*0 juat, Dep. to eat up, feast on. cK0ope, for ee0opf, 3 sing. aor. 2 of " cK-0pir|vc&>, f. 770*0;, to mourn out or aloud. K-0p(oo-Ka>, fut. -dopovfMi : aor. tgeOopov : to leap out of, leap forth from. K-0vp,id(d, f. ao*o>, to burn as incense. cK-0vp.os, ov, (!, Qvpos) very spirited, ardent, eager : also frantic, like Lat. amens. CK-0uci>, f. vaca [u] : for the tenses v. 6vca : to offer tip, sacrifice : metaph. to destroy utterly. 2. Med. to atone for, expiate by offerings; of a god, to propi- tiate, appease. CKIXCIS [t], 2 sing. impf. of /"X^A" f eTtflcis from TlOlJfJil. CKIXTJV [t], impf. of Kixrjfu. CK-Kayx**?^ f. 0, f. -KaOapw : aor. I igfit&fhipa : to cleanse out, clear out : to clear away, get rid of. cK-Ka0cuS, to uncover, reveal: Med. to unveil oneself. cK-Kap.v(o, f. -KafJLov/jiai : aor. 2 egtKcifJLOv : to be tired out : c. ace. to grow weary of a thing. K-Kapmop.ai, Med. (ktc, Kapiros) to yield as fruit. CK-Kapir6op.ai, Med. (etc, Hap-now) to reap or enjoy the fruit of: metaph. to derive advantage from. "K-KaTi8ov, aor. 2 of k^opaca, to look down from. CK-KavXCci>, f. 0*0), (CK, Kav\6s~) to pull out the stalk: metaph. to destroy root and branch. CK-Kauxdop-ai, f. rjaopai, Dep. to vaunt aloud. CK-KO.&), Att. for c##ato). CKKeas, aor. I part, of e/cata, cKKCKOp,p.ai., pf. act. and pass, of 4- KOTTTQJ. cKKKo>4>T)Ka, cKKCKcb(f>o)p,ai, pf. act. and pass, of - je j, -6o>. cK-Kv6o>, -KCIVOCO, f. wffu, to empty out, desolate. K-KVTo, f. 770*0), to prick out. II. to pierce, stab. cK-Kcpaici>, f. o*o), to pillage : to cut off root and branch. cKKcx^p-ai, pf. pass, of kK\f(a : whence cKKX^p : to proclaim by a herald, declare publicly. II. to banish by public proclamation. CK-KIVO, f. 770*0), to move out : to put up, rouse. K-KXd, f. -K\dyaj, to cry aloud. CK-KXdco, f. -K\dffw [a], to break off. CK-KXcui> Ion. -KXirjia) Att. -KXrfa): Att. fut. fteK\rj- o*o>: to shutout: metaph. to exclude or hinder from. cK-KXciTTo>, f. if/ca, to remove stealthily, purloin. CK-KXrjto), Ion. for f/(K\fioj. KKXirjo-Ca, 77, (fKtc\r)Tos) an assembly of the citizens summoned by the crier, the legislative assembly : at j Athens, the ordinary assemblies were called ftvpiai l- K\i)ffiai, four in each irpVTavfia : the extraordinary GirfKXrjroL. II. the Church. Hence CKKXijo-id^to, f. o*o> : impf. T)KK\r)(riaov or KK\r}- aiafrv, but also ^6K-\rjaia^ov (as if the Verb were a compd. and not derived from eKKXrjaia') ; so aor. i le/fA?70*tao"a : to bold an assembly, debate therein : j absol. to debate. II. to sit in assembly. III. i to summon to the assembly. ' eKKXfl'o-tO, Att. fut. Of KK\flO). 1 IKKXTJTOS, ov, (f/f/faXeo)) called forth, Lat. evocatus: selected to arbitrate on a point. 6K-KXivco, f. -K\IVU>, to bend aside : to bend down, of stakes. II. intr. to turn away from: absol. to give ground, retire. 2. to decline or degenerate into. CK-Kvaico, f. ao), to wear out: metaph. to tease to death, like Lat. enecare ; Dor. 3 pi. fut. (tcvaiaevvri, CK-KVCUO, f. 770*0), to rub or cut deeply. cK-Kopo.XiKctiop.ai, Dep. (!, o/?aAa) to cajole or cheat by juggling tricks. cK-KOKKi Att. toj, (kic, KoKKos) to take out the kernel: to pull anything out of its place, dislocate; ttcKOKtcifav ff(f>vp6v to put out one's ancle; CKKOKKI^IV ; TCIS TToActs to empty the cities. cK-KoXdirrco, f. tyoi, to scrape out, erase, obliterate. CK-KoXvp.pd(i>, f. 770*0), to swim out of. cKKOp,tT|, 77, a carrying out or off. From cK-Kop.(, f. iooj Att. To), to carry out : to carry to a place of safety; eKtconifav nva \K irprjy paras to keep one out of trouble. II. to endure. K-KOp,irdfu>, f. o*o>, to utter vauntingly. K-KopAj/t)op,ai,, Dep. (l#, KOftifsfvoj) to set forth in plausible terms. j CK-KOTTTO), f. ^o>: pf. KfKotya: Pass., aor. 2 ftic6- i 7777^: pf. (KKKo^fji,ai,: to cut out, knock out: Pass., i l6 07777 Taj(f)da\fj.aj he had his eyes knocked out. 2. ! to cut down, fell : to cut off, destroy, Lat. exscin- \ dere. 3. to beat off from a place, repulse. K-KOp6a>, f. uaoj, to sum up shortly. cK-Kp|xd|xai, Pass, to hang upon, listen attentively to. K-KpjAdvvup,i, f. Kpf/^daoj [a] : to let hang from or by: Pass, to hang from or upon, cling to. Hence eKKpep.T|s, es, hanging from or upon. K-KpT|jjLva(Jiai, poet. Pass, of tKKpejjLovvviJU. K-Kptv, f. IvSi, to choose or single out, select. 2. to expel, reject. 3. to separate, secrete. Hence JiKKpiTOS, ov, picked out, chosen ; (Kftpirov as Adv., above all, eminently. cKtcpoiKTis, ecus, 77, a beating out, driving away: and KKpovcrTOs, ov , beaten out: of embossed work, worked in relief. From K-Kpoij(i>, f. aw, to beat or dash out. 2. to drive back, repulse : to hiss an actor off" the stage, Lat. ex- ploder e. 3. to put off, adjourn. tK-ici5|3i.o-Tda>, f. rjffca, to tumble headlong out of. 6K-KVo, f. rjffca, to bring forth. tK-KvicX0, f. rjffa}, to wheel out by means of the \K- KVK\t]fML (q. v.): Pass, to be brought to sight by this means; dXX' eKfevfcXrjOrjTi come, wheel yourself out! I. e. shew yourself ; cf. fiatcvtcXeoj. Hence KicuK\i]|xa, aros, TO, a theatrical machine which disclosed the interior of the house to the spectators : Cf. dffKVK\Ca. K-KvXiv8o>, f. -KvXlffca : aor. I kgeicvXiaa : Pass., aor. I eeKv\i(T0r)v : to roll out or off: Pass, to be rolled or thrown out ; etcv\ia0r) e/c Sicppov he rolled headlong from the chariot : also hence to extricate oneself or escape from. K-KiJfxa(vco, (fK, KV/M) to undulate : to be uneven. CKKUVCCO, (etfKvvos) of a hound, to quest about. K-Ktivr]'yTa>, f. ^acw, to hunt down. 6K-Kwos, ov, (etc, Kvojv) of a hound, questing about, not keeping on one scent. K-KV7TTG>, f. ifjo}, to peep out of: to get out. K-Ko>|jidco, f. ffca, to come forth in the festive proces- sion : to rush madly out. t!<-Kco(J>a>, f. r]ffQ}, and K-Kco4>6co, f. ojffca, (tic, Kcaipos) to deafen, stun : metaph., fKKeKuxpcoTai i(pr) the swords grew blunt. eKXayov, aor - 2 of K\dfa. KX, f. iffca Att. to), to kick out : metaph. to spurn at. K-Xa\ca, f. riffca, to speak out, divulge. cK-\ap.j3avco, f. -Xfyofjai : aor. 2 l^eXajSov : for the other tenses, v. \a/i/3ai/, f. if/(a: aor. I t^eAa/x^a : to shine or flash forth. II. trans, to make to shine, light up, kindle. 207 K-Xav0dvo), aor. 2 i(\(i0ov, to escape notice ut- terly. II. K-Xit]0dv&>, with aor. I ee\7)ffa Dor. -fXdfftt, Ep. redupl. aor. 2 kicXeXaQov, Causal of 4/r- XavOdvoj, to make quite forgetful of a thing : Med. /cXav0dvofjiai., with Ep. redupl. aor. 2 (K\f\a0ea0at: pf. pass. fKXfXrjfffjiai, to forget utterly. co, f. cu, = eaXa7rdcu, to cast out from. [a], aor. 2 pass, of /fXeVTcu. (K\a\)cra, aor. I of K\aia). , f. if/ofMi, to lap up : to drink off. ^ cic-Xeyco, f. cu : for the tenses v. X^ycu : to pick out, single out: Med. to choose out for oneself, choose. 2. in Med. also to pick out, pull out one's gray hairs. II. to collect tribute. K-Xiiro, f. \f/oj : aor. 2 k^Xlrrov : pf. ffcX^Xonra : to leave out, omit. 2. to forsake, abandon, quit. 3. et TIS 4eXt7re rbv dpiOpov if any one left the number incomplete. II. of the sun, to be eclipsed; in full, 4tfXereti> TT)I/ 4/c TOV ovpavov III. intr. to leave off", cease, stop. Hence , ecus, 77, a forsaking, quitting. II. a disappearance of sun or moon, an eclipse. KXKT6s, 17, ov, ((KXcyca) chosen out, selected; of K\KToi the elect. KXcXa0iv, -r0ai, Ep. redupl. aor. 2 act. and med. of etcXr)0dvo}. eKXeXftfJiai, pf. pass, of etfXucu. (K\O, Ep. for 4/fXeeo, 2 sing. impf. of Xecu. eK-Xfirco, f. ^-cu, to free from the shell, to hatch. K-Xif|Y<>, f. , f. -\T\aca, see kicXavOdvca n. 6KX^|0T]v, aor. i pass, of aXccu. , eKXtjo-ts, ecus, 77, (knXavOdvop-aC) forgetfulness : for- getting and forgiving. eK-Xip/rravo), poet, for 4Xei7rcu. KXiv0T]p.S, Dor. I pi. aor. I pass, of K\IVOJ. K-XiTratva>, f. avu>, to fatten : Pass, to grow fat. eKXiimv, aor. 2 inf. of K\eiirca. eKXtirrjs, es, (ItfXtTretV) failing, deficient: f]\iov \K- Xi7Ts rt eyevtTo = ZtcXeiifjis, there was an eclipse of the sun. II. omitted. efcXoyTi, 77, (tfcXfjca) a picking out, choice, election : a levy of troops or taxes. II. a choice selection, as of extracts from authors. 6K-XoYtop,cu, Dep. to compute, reckon, calculate : to consider, reflect on. eKXojxTjv, aor. 2 of rceXofMi. K-XotJco, f. o"cu, to wash out. eK-XoxeiJca, f. ffoJ, to bring forth : Pass, to be born. KXv0w, aor. I subj. pass, of e/cXucu. eKXvoris, ecus, 77, (f/fXvcu) a release, deliverance. eKXvTT|ptos, (e/cXvcu) able to release; TO K\vTrjpiov a means of delivering, a release, an expiatory offering. eicXiiTOs, ov, let loose, discharged. From K-Xve), f. updop,ai, Dep. to sustain grievous injuries. K-XamCco, f. oca, (fit, \wiros) to lay bare. eKjiayeiov, r6, (fKfjLay^vai) the impression of a seal, a seal; (Kfjuvyetov irfrprjs a counterfeit of rock, said f a hardy fisherman. Kp,ay?ivcu, aor. 2 pass, of (Kftdaaca. K-p,atv, f. HOLVW : aor. I effjir)va : to drive mad with any passion ; iroOov CK/j-rjvai to kindle passionate desire : Pass, with aor. 2 fgepdvrjv : intr. pf. act. !- fj,ffj.T]va : to go mad with passion : to rave, be frantic. eKuaKrpov, TO, (l/f/ttxcrtrcu) an impress, image. K-|iav0dvb>, f. -fjuiOrjaofMi : aor. 2 If ^tafloi' : pf. l/c- fjLffjidOrjica : to learn thoroughly, to learn by heart : in past tenses, to have learnt thoroughly, and so to know full well, perceive. II. to examine closely, search out. K|o,avo>, aor. 2 subj. pass, of etepaivofjiai. K}j,das, aor. I part, of eKfjidaaca. Ix-p-up-you, f. waca, (fK, fjidpyos) to drive raving mad : Pass, to go raving mad. K-[xapTvp0), f. rjaca, to bear witness to a thing. tK-|xdcro-a> Att. -TTO) : fut. few : aor. I If e/^afa : Pass., pf. l/c/ieyucry/icu : to wipe off: Med. to wipe away one's tears. II. to mould or model in wax or plaster, to take an impression of: to imprint an image. K-jAa, f. aca, to search out. K-p,0vrKa>, to make quite drunk. K-|XEipO|jicu, Dep. to have a chief share in a thing ; If e/^iope, Ep. perf., used only in 3 pers. sin^. cK-fjLeXerdco, f. rjaca t to train carefully : to practise diligently. K}X(jLd0if]Ka, pf. of fK/^avOdvca. K(jL[j,T]va, pf. med. of (Kfiaivca. K-|jLETpco, f. r}aca, to measure out : Med. to mea- sure out for oneself : to take measure of. K-p.rpos, ov, (fK, neTpov) measureless, boundless, Lat. immensus. cicp/fivai, aor. I inf. of Itf^atVw. K-p.T]vos, ov, (ef , (Jirjv} of six months, half yearly : as Subst., fK^rjvos, 77, a space of six months. K-p.t]puop,cu, Dep., of an army, to defile out of. K-|Aiaiv, to pollute. c>c-}up.op,ai, Dep. to imitate faithfully. CK-p.ur06, f. -fiaca, to suck out. K-p,VKTT)ptcO, f. aca, (fK, fJLVKT^p) tO tUTH Up One's nose at, mock at. 6K-vaco, f. aw, (f/t, vfos} to grow young or fresh. lK-vcp.op.ai, Med. to feed off, Lat. depasci. 2. to go forth to feed, go forth. KVEVlKT]Ka, pf. of (KVIKOM. K-vEvpib>, f. aca, to cut the sinews : Pass., pf. l- vfvfvpiafjiai., to be unnerved. IK-VCVCO, f. aca : aor. I (tvevaa : to turn aside, turn away. II. to sink down. III. to give a nod or sign to do a thing. K-vo, fut. vfuaofMi. : HOT. I tgevcvaa: to swim out or away, escape by swimming : generally, to escape. K-vr|4>ci>, f. if/ca, to sleep off a drunken jit, become sober again. !K-VICO, f. vtyca (as if from ffcviirrca) : aor. I If eviif/a: to wash out or away. K-VLKGLCO, f. rjaca, to conquer completely: to achieve by force. II. intr. to prevail, grow into use; errl rb fiv8wOs (KveviKijKfvai to win its way to the fa- bulous. 6sc-v6p,tos, ov, (ffe, vo^os} unusual, unwonted, strange. Adv. icas, Srp. (Kvofjuwrara. K-vop.os, ov, (fK, vopos) unusual, unwonted: un- lawful : Adv. [teas, discordantly. |K-VOOT&>, f. r}aca, to return from, to return. K-voifop,at, Dep. to take for oneself. Kvv-fjTO, Dor. 3 sing. impf. of Kvv^dop.ai. Kop,Ld, f. aca, to persuade, over-persuade. K-impda>, f. daca, to tempt. K-ireipdo)jiai, fut. -irfipdaofjiai [a] : aor. I If firei- pdOrjv [a] : Dep. : to make trial of, prove, tempt. 2. to inquire of another. K-irXto, whence impers. (Kir(\t, it is allowed. K-irp/nxo, fut. tyca : aor. I If irfjuf/a : to send out or forth from : of things, to export. 2. to call or 5 e/cinWa). 209 fetch out, send for : Pass, to go forth, depart. II. to dismiss, drive away : to divorce. Hence KirfJii|/i,s, ecus, 77, a sending out or forth. KireirTacrTai, 3 sing. pf. pass, of l/CTreToWu/tt. *KirtTT\T] i y\i.a.i, pf. pass, of Kir\r](Tffca. KiT6iT6vT][Jicu, pf. pass, of tuirovttu. Kirir6p0f)|Ji, f. avai, to bring to an end : Pass, to be fulfilled. KTTepu|j.a, CTOS, TO, a passing out. From 6K-iTpd<0 : f. do*o) [a] Ion. 770*0) : Ion. aor. I If 7Te- prjffa : to pass through or over : metaph., to accom- plish. ttc-irepBiKifto, f. iffoj Att. to), (l/f, TrepS'f ) to escape like a partridge, fly away. K-7Tp0aj, fut. -Tre/xro), to destroy utterly. K-ir6pii|Ju, to go all round. cx-rrepo-at, aor. I inf. of I K1T6(T6, Ep. for IfeVeo'e, 3 sing. aor. 2 of eKiro-6iv, for ltfrreo*6tV, aor. 2 inf. K-irTap,at, f. -iTTTjcrofiai : aor. 2 both in med. and act. forms IfcTrrd^y and (^TTTTJV : to fly out, forth or away. 4K-irTdvvrJ(Jii, f. -ireTaffaj [a] : Ep. aor. I If 7TeTao*o~a : to spread out, unfurl, spread : to stretch out. KiT6Tiqt)i)UH, pf. part. pi. fern. nom. of K, f. "fjaop,ai, to leap out or forth : esp of a beseiged force, to sally forth. 2 . to leap up. Hence 4KTnrj8irifJi.a, OTOS, TO, a leap out or forth. K-irr)vi&>, f. iffcti Att. To), (l, irrjviovy to reel off", wind out: fut. med., \K-nrfvitiaQai ri TIVOS to wind something out of a man. K-Trl8vop,at, Dep. (l, mSvca) to gush forth. eic-mp,irXT]|JU, f. -TrXfjao) : aor. I If eVA^o-a, pass. If e- irXrjaOtjV : to fill ^lp, fill full of. 2. to sati- ate. II. to fulfil. III. to finish, complete. K-ITV(I> [t] : f. -iriofMi ; aor. 2 If kmov : for the other tenses, v. trivca : to drink out or off, quaff, drain. II. metaph. to empty out, drain. K-mirpd, to sell off. K-irtiTT(o, f. -iifaovfjiai : aor. If trrfffov : pf. l7re- iTTojKa : to fall out of or down from. 2. to fall from, be deprived of, lose, Lat. excidere. 3. to be driven out of one's country, be banished. 4. to be cast ashore, to be wrecked, Lat. ejici. 5. of actors, to be hissed off the stage, Lat. explodi. 6. to come out or forth, sally out: to get out of, escape: to de- part from. 7. to issue, result in. 6K-TTiTV&>, poet, for fKirinro}. tKirXdyfyai, aor. 2 inf. pass, of ^KTtX^aao). =KirX60pos, ov, (<0, f. irXwffoi : to sail out, go out of port ; c. ace., I7T\6(V ras vavs fls rty tvpv^wpiav to outsail the ships into the open sea. cK-irXccos, ojv, Att. for & , Ep. aor. 2 pass. ! KirX-r]KTiK6s, 77, ov, (cKirXrjffffca) striking with terror, astounding. Adv. -K&S, in amazement. icirXir||ts, fas, -f), (kKirX-fjaao)} panic fear, consterna- tion ; (KirXrjgts KaKOJv terror caused by misfortunes. j K-irXi]p6a>, f. uaca, to fill quite up. 2. of ships, ! to man completely. 3. to fulfil. II. f/cirXr)- povv Xifj.eva to cross over the harbour, Lat. emetiri spatium. 4jc-irXT|o-o-o) Att. -TTO) : fut. few : aor. i f^irX^a : to strike out of, drive away : to frighten out of one's senses, scare, astound. II. Pass., mostly in aor. : 2 f^firXdyrjv [a], Ep. 3 sing, and pi. #77X77777, efcirXr)- \ "yfv: later also aor. 1 If tirXfj\Orjv : to be panic-struck, amazed. licirXoos contr. liorXous, 6, (iKirXeoj) a sailing out, I leaving port. \ K-irXvvw [u], to wash out. Hence j KirXtiTos, ov, to be washed out. ] CK-irXowo, Ion. for (KirXfca. K-irvco Ep. -irvcito , f. irveuffofjiai or ov/tat : aor. i If firvevaa : to breathe out or forth. 2. ftiov l/fiTi/etV to breathe one's last, expire ; and so !*- irvfo) alone. II. intr., of the wind, to blow out or outwards : to burst out. Hence. CKITVOTJ, 77, a breathing out, expiring. 4K-iro8wv, Adv. (l, rrootav') out of the way ; l/CTroSoV laraaOat to stand out of the way ; (Kiroouv \(aptlv nvi to get out q/his way. Opp. to efiiroouiv. K-7rot6to, f. T^tro; : aor. I feiroir)0a : to put out a child, give him in adoption, II. Med. to pro- \ duce, bring forth. III. to make completely, finish 1 off. Hence I 6KiroiT)o-is, ecus, 77, a putting forth, emission : and I eKiroC-riTOs, 77, ov, put forth, given in adoption. ' eK-iroKiJco, f. iffca Att. to), to pull out wool or hair. 1 Ix-TroXcufa), f. 770*0), to excite to war, make hostile. i lK-iroXe|ji6co, f. cucrca, to make hostile, involve in war: \ Pass, to become an enemy to. eK-iroXtopKo, f. 770*0), to take by siege, Lat. expugnare. 6KTrofJLTTT|, 77, ((KTTffJ.no}') a sending out or forth. eK-Troveco, f. rjacu : aor. I If eirovijaa : to work out, finish off", execute, bring to perfection, Lat. elabo- rare : Pass, to be brought to perfection ; airos ' 210 irovrjfJLcvos corn prepared for use ; fKireirovrjffdai TO. awfMTa. to have their bodies in good training. II. to work hard for, to earn by labour. III. to pre- vail on by importunity. IV. to search out. V. of food, to digest by labour. eK-iropevo), f. oo), to make to go out, fetch out : Med. and Pass., fut. -TropevffOfMLi, aor. I egetropevOrjv, to go out or forth, to go away, march out. 6K-irop0i>, f. fjffo}, = fKirepOca, to pillage : metaph. to undo. II. to carry off" as plunder. Hence K-Trop0T|T(op, opos, 6, a ravager, destroyer. 6K-irop9jjiiJO), f. oca, to carry away by sea. K-iropia> : f. iffca Att. to) : aor. I egcTropiffa : to invent, contrive. II. to find means for doing a thing, to provide, furnish, supply : Med. to provide for oneself, procure. CK-iropveiico, f. ffca, to be given to fornication. 6K-iroTaop.au, Ion. for (te-ireTOfMi : Dor. pf. 4/nre- TroTdfiai : Dep. : to fly out or forth : metaph. to be lifted up or elated. 6K-TTpdo-0-co Att. -TTO> : f. 0; : aor. I fgerrpaga. : to do completely, bring about, achieve, Lat. effi- cere. II. to make an end of, kill, Lat. con- ficere. III. to exact a fine : to exact punishment for, to avenge. 4c-irpavva>, to soothe, mollify. iC7rp6irf|S, 5, (eKirpfTToa) distinguished out of all, pre-eminent. II. (l/f, TrpeTroi/) unseemly, unbe- coming. eK-irpe-iro, to be pre-eminent in a thing. Kirpir(os, Adv. of fKirpe-jr/js H, unreasonably. K-irpT|O'o > o), Ion. for fKirpaaaca. K-irpio>, f. -irpiovfjiai. : aor. i egfirpiov: to saw out. K-7rpo0up.op,ai, f. -fjaofjuii : Dep. to be very zealous. K-irpotT]ju, f. rjaca, to pour forth. K--n-pOKa\op.ai, f. fffojMi : Med. to call forth to or for oneself; Ep. aor. I part. Kirpoiea\ffadfJ.evos. Kirpoicpi0eis, aor. I pass. part, of K-irpoKpiva>, f. tepivw, to select in preference. ic-trpo\Ciro>, f. tyca, to forsake ; aor. 2 part, (ttirpo- \iiruv. tK-irpOTifJiao), f. rjffca, to honour above all. 6K-irpo<}>iJYO), f. -p6o>, f. waoi, to burn to ashes, consume. Hence CKTrupcocris, e|jia, aros, TO, (eicnivca) a drinking-cup. eK-ircoTaojjiat, poet, for tKnoraofiai, e/CTTTOfiai. tfcpdavOev, Ep. for (KpavOrjaav, 3 pi. aor. I pass, of Kpa'tl/Q}. , f. ffca, to drive out with a rod. , aor. 2 inf. pass, of fKp-fjyvvfj.i. , fut. 2 pass, of ftcprjyvvfu. , aor. 2 of rtpafa. Kpa0Tjv [a], aor. I pass, tKpaiaivov, Ep. impf. of Kpaivca. eK-paCvio, f. avu : aor. i egeppava : to scatter out from. 6Kp|Xb>, for Kpfjuao, 1 sing. impf. of Kpffj.af.iai. K-pcb>, f. -pevffofMt : pf. fgfppvrjKa : aor. 2 pass, (in act. sense) egfppvrjv : to flow out or forth. 2. of feathers, to fall off. 3. to melt or fa II away. II. trans, to shed, let fall. K-pT(Y vu J JLt or K-pT|o - o i to : fut. -pfyca : aor. i - epprja : Pass., fut. 2 etcpaffjcrofuii : aor. 2 fgfppa- JTJV : to break out, break off: Pass, to snap asun- der. II. in Pass, also, to break or burst out, to break forth. III. also intr. in Act., to break out or forth. K-pi6co, f. 6joo3, to root out. KpC0T]v, aor. I pass, of Kpivca. 6K-piiTTO), f. if/ca : aor. I i*ppiif/a : to throw out, cast forth. Kpoos, contr. eicpovs, 6, (l#pe'o>) outflow, outfall. (K-po({>ci>, f. rjaw, to gulp down. eKpvpTjv [vj, aor. 2 pass, of Kpinrrca. K-pxJo|j,at, f. -pvffOfMi, to rescue, deliver. 6Kpv<|)0i]V, aor. I pass, of Kpvirroj. K-, f. waca : aor. I t^odcaaa : Ep. for (fcaufa. K-o~i : aor. I l^eo'ettra : to shake out. e:<-creijo(a,ai : pf. egeaavftat : plqpf. (in aor. sense) egeacrvfj.r]v : Pass. : (l, fffvcu) : to rush forth from, flee away from. 6K-o-]puuvci>, f. avw, to signify, denote. IK-O-IYOXO, f. rjffofiai, to put to utter silence. CK-crKoXevb), f. oca, to rake out, pull away. K-<7K68Awt)jJi.i, f. -ffrceSdffo} [d], to scatter abroad. , f. G, f. -airfiffo}, to pour out as a libation. K-o-irti8a>, f. ffoj, to hasten out. K-, aor. I et ffreiXa : to send out : to deck out. K-o-Ta>, f. if/ca: nor. I !e'0T//a : pf. pass. l^- ffTCfjLfj.ai : to deck out with garlands. tK-o-Tpareia, fj, a going out on service. From K-(rrpaTU(>, f. oca, to march out : to take thefleld. f. etiffoiMti : pf. Dep. : to encamp outside. K-crTp<}>o>, f. tyo} : aor. I e orpe^a : to turn aside, overturn. II. to turn inside out : metaph. to change entirely : to pervert. K-o-vpia-o-o) Att. -TTO), f. a>, to whistle or hiss off" the stage, Lat. explodere. fc- : Pass, to be shut out from. o>, f. O~QJ : aor. I l^eercytra : to keep safe, pre- 211 assiduously : II. 6KT6vws, Adv. earnestly, zealously, Comp. fKTevfOTpov more earnestly. IKTCOS, a, ov, verb. Adj. of excu, to be held. neut. KTfov, one must have or o/rf. KT6TT]Ka, intrans. pf. of (KTrjKca. KTTlXp.CU, pf. paSS. of CKTl\\0}. feus, 6, (eVros) ^>e sixth part (sextarius} of , = 8 choenixes. xcu, f. T\GO\UU : aor. i f^fTfx v f)ffo-iJ.r)V : Dep. : to contrive, devise. K-TTjKo>, f. , Ion. for ?KTav, Ep. 3 pi. aor. 2 eKTavov, aor. 2 of KTfivo). K-ravuco, f. vaoj : aor. I f^cravvcra, Ep. -vffcra : aor. I pass. k^ravvaQrjv : poet, for (KTeivca, to stretch out in the dust, lay low : Pass, to lie outstretched. K-rapdcror&> Att. -TTO>, f. cw : aor. I ttTapaa : to disquiet, confound, agitate. K-Tioxra> Att. -TTO>, f. ca, to draw an army out in order : Med., of an army, to draw up in line. eKTtaTO, Ion. 3 pi. plqpf. of Krdofjiai. 6K-T60pajxjxai, pf. pass, of (KTp, fut. -Tfvw : aor. I ceTiva : pf. 1/rreTct/ra : Pass., aor. I e^rdOrjv : pf. eKrcrafMi : to stretch out, to stretch along, esp. of a corpse : hence, to lay low : Pass, to lie outstretched, lie along : metaph. of Hence away. II. Pass., also, to slip from the mind, opp. KTT]p.ttl, for KfffTfJfMl, pf. K-rf|o-a>, 2 sing. aor. I of / K-rC0T][Ai, f. -drjffca : to set out, put outside : to put out, expose. II. to set up, exhibit. 6K-TiKTG>, f. recu: aor. 2 ffctrtKov: to bring forth. K-TiXXo>, f. TiXo) : pf. pass. 6KTtTi\jj.ai : to pluck or pull out: Pass., Kofjuyv ItfTCTfA/weVos having one's hair plucked out. K-ri(xdo>, f. rjffoj, to honour highly. K-rifxos, ov, (fK, rifj.rf) without honour. K-Tivd, f. , f. oo), to wind quite off, to bring to an end. KTOp,iJS, fojs, 6, (iKTtnvo)} one that cuts out : fem. 6KTO|XIS, iSoS. 6KTO(jiT|, 77, ((KTffivoi) a cutting out : castration. the mind, to be on the stretch, on the rack. II. to stretch out, extend, prolong. III. to strain to the uttermost. IIC-TCIX^W, f. iffca Att. to), to fortify completely : to build from the ground. K-T\6VT, f. 7) [0], f. vvw, to make rough. K-Tpira>, f. i/'W, to turn off or aside, divert : metaph., to turn aside, dissuade : Pass, and Med. to turn aside from, to avoid. K-Tp4>a), -0pif/(a: aor. I e0pe^a: to bring up from childhood, rear up: Med. to rear up for oneself. K-TpX<"> f- -0pfo(jai and -SpftfJiovfjLai (from *Spe- /i, f. ^cy : aor. I l^rpt^a ; Pass., fut. 2 fte- Tpi07)croiMi : pf. (KT6Tpifj./MLi : to rub out; irvp fte- Tpi@eiv to produce fire by rubbing. II. to rub bard. III. to destroy by rubbing, destroy root and branch ; ftiov fKTpifteiv to bring life to a wretched end. !YaY6iv, to eat up, devour: only used in aor. 2, the pres. in use being f((T9ica. ic-aiSpvvo> [y], f. vvw, to make quite clear. K-<|>aivo>, f. -(pavw : aor. I l^e^T/ra : to shew forth, bring to light : to betray, make known ; fftffxiivfiv tro- Xe/jiov to declare war : Pass, and Med., f. -tyavovpai and -(f>avrj(Tofiat : aor. I cavT|S, fs, shining forth, manifest. Adv. -vws. Kdrjfjii. KaTOs, ov, (ftciprjfjLi) beyond power of speech : Adv. K(f>drcas, expressly, plainly ; or, beyond words to express, i. e. impiously. (c-4>a\)Xico, f. iaoi Att. To), to depreciate. l<4>epp.ev. Ep. for (Ktyepetv, inf. of (Ktytpoj. K-<(>pci), f. toiaca : aor. I and 2 (r]vtyKa, k^rjv- tyicov : fut. med. !ot'vya>, f. -(f>evop.ai and (^fv^ovfiai : aor. 2 !c- (f)vyov : pf. KirewYa : to flee out or away, escape : to flee out of, escape from; &e\os Ztttyvyc xeipos. 2. to escape from danger; esp. to be acquitted. to speak out, speak : aor. 2 inf. med. IK K-()>0eCpco, to destroy utterly : Pass, to be undone ; iniper. (KcpOeipov, begone ! aor. 2 part. K(p0apds. K-4>0ivavXifa. !c-XY\(a : to set on fire. K-<|>oj3o>, f. rjaoj, to frighten out or away, affright : Pass, to be affrighted. K-4>oivioiTO,o), Ion. -ceo, fut. rjffo}, to go out or forth. K<|>opd, 17, (4-0fpcy) a carrying out of a corpse to burial. 2. a blabbing, betrayal. II. (from Pass.) of horses, a running away. cK-c(>opCi>, = 6/t(f)(pa), to carry out a corpse for bu- rial : Med. to take out with one: Pass, to move forth. II. to carry quite out. III. in Pass., to be cast up on shore, Lat. ejici. K4>6piov, TO, ((Ktyfpoj) that which is brought forth, fruit, produce ; also rent, tithe. eK<|>opos, ov, (f/c^epcu) to be carried out, export- able. II. to be made known. K-(J)opTC^o|Aai, Pass., to be sold like merchandise: hence to be betrayed. K-pda>, f. daw, to tell in full. K-po poet. K<(>peud : f. rjffo/jiai, also rjffca : (!, pcu which only occurs in compos., v. oia-(ppipovTiJo), f. iffca Att. iw, to think out, devise, in- vent, Lat. excogltare. ?K-<|>pcov, ov, gen. ovos, (!#, t/Y, Ep. for f(pvy(, 3 sing. aor. 2 6K-t5Xacri)to>, I. Causal in pres., in f. fKvo- jjiai : to be produced or born from, grow from, c. gen. : absol., Xd\T](*a (KiretyvKos a born tattler. K-4>o)VO), f. 17(701, to pronounce aloud. K-X Ep. X e ua : pf- * K ~ Kfx^ fea ' to P our out > Lat. effundo : to pour forth in vain, lavish, squander. II. Pass., aor. I t^xuOrjv [t>] : pf. l/ftfexu/tt" : Ep. forms, 3 pi. plqpf. f^Kexwro, aor. 2 fexvT or ZKXVTO, part. fKxv^tvos : /o 6e poured out, to stream out or forth : generally, to spread out or abroad: to give loose to passion, Lat. effundi in. . . K-xopeuo>, f. aw, to break out of the chorus. II. CKxopeuopxu, as Dep., to drive out of the chorus. 6x-Xpdo>, Ion. xpo, like a.iroxpdo) ' to suffice, be enough for : only used as impers. eKxpfati, ^^XP 1 l cre t it will be, was enough or sufficient for. CK-xpao), f. 170-01, to declare as an oracle. K-xpTip.a.Tio|juu, Dep. to squeeze money from, levy contributions on. 213 tXauiv, aVos, o, (eAcua) an olive-garden, olive-yard, Lat. olivetum : as prop, n., the Mount of Olives, Olivet. IXaKt]Ka, ?XaKOv, ao. i and 2 of XdaKu. eXd|X({>6T]v, Ion, for (\T}tfo> : pf. pass Itftfex&'O'Aicu : to raise by heaping up soil : to silt up, of a river. K-xb>pcb>, f. rjaaj, to go out and away, depart from. 2. to slip out of: hence of a joint, to be dislocated. 3. to give way : to give place to. K-vJ/tx<>, f. gca, to give rip the ghost, Lat. exspiro.- "EKXVN, fKovaa, kicov, willing, voluntary, of free will. II. often in phrase 4cl/ clvat (where the inf. seems to be pleonastic), willingly, purposely. Xda, Alt. for cAcua. eXdav, Ep. for (Xdv, inf. of fXavvu. c'Xapov, aor. 2 of XafjL&avca. Xa0ov, aor. 2 of XavOdvoj. "EAAI'A Att. \da, 17, the olive-free, Lat. olea, oliva : proverb., tyepeaQai CKTOS TWV t\awv to run beyond the olives, which stood at the end of the Athe- nian racecourse, i. e. to go too far. II. the fruit of the olive-tree, an olive. Hence eXaiTJcts Att. -deis, (ffffa, fv, of the olive-tree. eXuiveos, a, ov, and tXai'vos, 17, 6v, (lAata) of the olive-tree, of olive-wood. cXato-XoYos, o, (lAam, Xeyca} an olive-gatherer. IXaiov, TO, (lAata) olive-oil, oil, Ljft. oliviim. eXaios, b, (kXaia) the wild-olive, Lat. oleaster. tXaio-4>cpos, ov, (lAata, (f>fpaj} olive-bearing. eXato-ijTis, fs, (lAa/a, (f>va}} olive-planted. Xai6-trros, ov, (lAa/a, tpvca) olive-flanted. cXats, iSos, rj, = lAat'a : Att. pi. i\aoes. cX-avSpos, ov, (f\fiv, avrip) man-slaying. cXacra, Ep. for ^Aatra, aor. I of kXavvca : Xci- , f. waw : aor. I Att. TjAar- Tcaaa : Pass., fut. f\aaa(a6^aofj.ai, but also f. med. e\aff, fut. of cXavvoj. [a] I 4XaTov, verb. Adj . of tXavv, f. rjaca, (tXaaacav} to have less, have too ] little, be lacking. eXdrrcov, Harrow, 4\aTTOJ|Aa, Att. for fXaaff-. 'EAAT'NH : fut. kxdaca [*J, Ep. f\doau, Att. iAw, inf. f\dv, Ep. also kXuca : aor. i act. ij\aaa, Ep. Aa- ! aa, ^Aoo-o-a : pf. e\T)\a/ta: Med., aor. I ijXaad^v, Ep. 2 sing. kXdamo, part. tXaoadpfvos : Pass., aor. r'l\d0r)V and -^XdnOrjv : pf. ^A7/Aa/it and lA^Aas-^ai : plqpf. 3 sing. rjA^Aaro, Ep. \TJ\O.TO : v. Aaa> : to drive, drive on, set in motion, e?p. of horses, chariots, ships. 2. seemingly intrans., to ride, drive, sail, row; iXavvovTts the rowers : in this sense it some- 214 times took a new ace., yaXrjvrjv fXavvciv to sail on a calm sea ; TTOVTOV eAdrcus eXavveiv to urge the sea with oars : then really intrans., to advance, proceed, push on, go on ; Is TOGOVTOV ijXaaav they proceeded so far. 3. to drive away, carry off, Lat. abigere, properly of stolen cattle; but Att. also fivffos, f^iaa/j-a, ayos fXavvciv to drive away pollution. 4. to drive into narrow compass, press in battle : Att. also, to harass, trouble, annoy. II. to strike, to cut, wound by cut or thrust; c. dupl. ace., SIJJLOV fXaweiv Tivd to wound him on the shoulder. 2 to thrust, drive through : Pass, to go through. III. to beat out metal, Lat. ducere ; dffiriba fXavvciv to make a shield of beaten metal. 2. to draw out, to draw; tXavvciv opxov dfjnrcXiSos to draw a line of vines, i.e. plant them in line: hence generally, to plant, produce. 3. KoXyov fXavvciv to prolong, keep up the brawl. cAdEios, ov, (eAcu^os) of or belonging to deer. eXatjnjpoXta, 77, (lAa^jSoAos) a shooting of deer. eXaT]j36Xia (sub. tcpd), TO., a festival of Artemis. Hence eXa4>i]{3oXia>v, uvos, 6, the ninth month of the Attic year, in which the Elaphebolia were held, answering to the last half of March and first half of April. XS4>Tj-{36Xos, ov, (tXatyos, /3dAAcu) hitting or shoot- ing deer : as Subst. a deer-hunter. cXfitjxj-KTOvos, ov, (fXa(f>os, KTfivca) deer-killing. V EAA"4>O5, 6 and 77, a deer; whether male, a hart or stag, or female, a hind. cX&opia, 77, lightness : thoughtlessness. From 'EAAPO'2, d, ov, and ds, ov, light in weight, Lat. LEVIS : metaph. light, not burdensome, easy, fv fXa- s, irT(pvy} short- winged ; of fishes, short-finned. 'EAA'XT'2, fia, v, small, short, little : Ep. word, whence kxdoaow, kXd\iOTOs are formed. cXdco, rare poet. pres. for tXavvca; Ep. inf. eXdav, impf. eXaov, eXow. "EAAOMAI, 4eXSop.ai, Dep. to wish, long: to wish for, strive after, covet, desire. Hence (fXScop, ieXScop, TO, indecl. a wish, longing, desire. IXe, Ep. for efA6, 3 sing. aor. 2 of alpeca. t Xeaipco, poet, for lActeu, to take pity on. 'EAEA"2, O.VTOS, 6, a kind of owl. XeyeCa, 77, = fXeyos, an elegiac poem. /, TO, (fXcyoi) a distich consisting of a hexa- meter and a pentameter, the metre of the elegy : in plur. = tXfyda eXryos. , a, ov, (f \fyos) of the elegy, elegiac. , Dor. for tXtyov, i sing. impf. pass, of Ae'7cy. , ecus, rj, (lAe'yx^) a refuting, reproving. , o, a song of mourning, a lament, at first without reference to metrical form, later always in alternate hexameters and pentameters. cXe-yX 6 "]' V> (^TX^) a reproach, disgrace. eXc'yX'n 5 * * s (*^- e 7X s ) liable to reproach, shameful, esp. cowardly : irreg. Sup. e\yx iffTOS - t'Xs-yxos, TO, (lAe7xaipo|a,ai, Dep. to cheat with empty hopes : hence generally, to trick, overreach, destroy. eXecjxiVTivcos, a, ov, and fXe^avrtvos, 77, ov, (lAc- ^>as) of ivory, ivory, Lat. eburneus. Xe<}>avT6-8Tos, ov, (eXffpas, 8e'a>) inlaid with ivory. eX6avTO-p,axtei, 77, (tAe^as, /ia^o/wit) a battle of elephants. 'EAE'*A2,ai/Tos, o, the elephant, Lat. elephas. II. the elephant's tusk, ivory, Lat. ebur. f'XcvJ/a, aor. I of Xtiroj. eXtj, T}, = f'iXr), dAea, the heat or light of the sun. Xfl, 3 sing. act. or 2 sing. aor. 2 med. subj. of eupc'eo : and IXiqai, Ion. for fXrj, 2 sing. aor. 2 med. subj. Xt|XaKa, Xif|Xa}Jiau, pf. act. and pass, of eXavvcu. X-f|XaTcu, -TO, 3 sing. pf. and plqpf. pass, of eXavvu. 215 , pf. pass, ot Xi]X8aTO, for fXrjXavro, 3 pi. plqpf. IXTjXtYjJLai, pf. pass, of 4A ' ~~ eXiriXi50a, pf. of Ip^o/tdi. XTj(|)0T]v, aor. I pass. X0, -Tca, aor. 2 imperat. IX0tv, Ep. iXOejxcv, -c^evai, aor. 2 inf. of v, Adv. (lA/o"o-cu) whirling, spinning. ,, fMiTos, TO, (tAto"ffcy) that which is rolled : a ', ringlet. i/y^os, o, (fXiffffoi) a rolling, twisting, winding, Tsp. of a winding passage. round the hair. IXiKO-j3X<|>apos, ov, (e'At, 0Xf or tXtvvico, f. vaca [C] : aor. I kXivvaa : Ion. Verb, to rest, keep peace, enjoy leisure: to sleep. II. to be lazy. =Xi, i/cos, 6, 77, (4A(O-o"cu) Adj. rolled, twisted, wind- ing, spiral: epith. of oxen, probably from their twisted, crumpled horns. e'XU; poet. ctXi, twos, 77, (kXiacfca] anything twisted or spiral : an armlet or ear-ring : a whirl, eddy, whirlwind, Lat. vortex ; %Xitces o~Tpoirfj&, flashes of forked lightning : the tendril of the vine or of ivy : the coil of a serpent : a curl or lock of hair. 4Xi6-Kp, (?A/cos) to be sore from a wound. 4XK, Tre'irAos) trailing the robe, long-robed. 4XKe-xtTCJV, cavos, 6, (eA/ca 1 , \(TIJJV} trailing the tunic, with a long tunic. 216 !Xic(i>, f. rjffoj, strengthd. for \KOJ, to drag about, tear asunder : to maltreat, treat rudely. Hence IXiojSov, Adv. by dragging, pulling : and cXKT)6p.6s, o, a being carried off, rough usage. cXKi](xa, aTos, TO, (fXKfca) that which is dragged away, a prey. Xi, f. r]cf(a, (fv, Ao-yos) to reckon in: to impute. 6X-XoYt|A(>s, ov, (kv, Xoyos) whatever comes into ac- count, worth reckoning, notable, famous. cXXomevci), f. aca, (e'AAo^) to fish. C EAAO'5 or IXXos, o, a young deer, fawn. 'EAAO'2, 77, 6v, mute, epith. of fish. 4XXo-tv(a) fawn-slaying. !X-Xo)(i&>, f. iaca, (lv, Ao^os) to lie in ambush. cXXovjr, OTTOS, (lAAos) mute, epith. of fish. tX-X'ux vi ' ov T ^> (* y Avx^os) o lamp-wick. Xa, poet, for tlXa, aor. I of eAcy. cXis, ecas, fj, (e'Acy) a drawing, dragging : attrac- tion. II. a draught. IXoCfJiav, Dor. for lAot'/^f, aor. 2 opt. med. of cupe'w. tXoijAi, aor. 2 opt. act. of aipeca. IXotcra, Dor. for kXovaa, aor. 2 part, of aipea). e'Xov, IXop-Tjv, poet, for cl\ov, fi\6jjiijv, aor. 2 act. and med. of aipeca. "EAO2, cos, TO, low ground by rivers, a marsh- meadow, marsh. i\o\>\Lv, I pi. old Att. impf. of Aovcu. eXo-uo-a, aor. 2 part. fern, of at/>ea>. j IXovro, 3 sing. Ion. and old Att. impf. med. of Xovta. cXoaxri, Ep. for f\d, aor. 2 subj. of aipio}. i'Xcov, impf. of 4Ado> : but IXwv, aor. 2 part, of alptca. e'Xcop, TO, only used in nom. and ace., (eAetV) booty, spoil, prey. II. pi., HarpijK\oio \capa diroTiveiv to pay for leaving Patroclus a prey to all dishonour. IXupiov, TO, ==eAoy>. cp.d0ov, aor. 2 of pavOavca. tfjidvirjv [a], aor. 2 of //aiVo/xat. fjiapvdcr0T)v, 3 dual impf. of fj.apvafjia.1. |ActpvaTO, 3 sing. impf. of papvapai. [A-avTov, f[i-avT7)S, Ion. ffjL-fcuvrov or eft-cavTov, rjs, (Ifiot), avToC) : reflexive Pronoun of first person, of myself, Lat. mei ipsius : only used in gen., dat., and ace. sing., both masc. an*, fern. : in plur. separated, TI\JMV avTwv, etc. cfji(3a, for efj.0T)6i, aor. 2 imperat. of I c(if3dSov, Adv. (kpfiaivoo) on foot, by land. [A-paiva>, f. -jBrjaofMii : aor. 2 fvefirjv : pf. f/J./3e- 0T)fca, Ep. part. l/^3e/3ao>s : /o step in : to step on, go on. 2. to step into, to go into, go on board, embark : to mount on : to be fixed upon. 3. to tread upon. 4. to enter upon, embark in a thing. II. Causal in aor. I eveftrjaa, to make to enter, bring in or into : cf. ffj.0i(3afa. IjA-piXXw, f. -0aAo> : pf. -0el3\r)Ka : aor. 2 fv-(3d- \ov :to throw, lay, put in; Kuirais tpfiaXtfiv (sub. Xefpas) to lay oneself to the oar ; also without KU>- irais, to lay to, pull hard. 2. to put into the mind of another : Med., epQaXXfaQai n Ovp$ to lay a thing to heart. 3. lyujSaAAtti/ e?s n to throw one into a thing, involve in. 4. to threw at another. II. intr. to break, burst, rush in : to fall on, encounter, run against, Lat. illidi, esp. of a ship that falls on another with its beak : cf. fft(3o\os. f , QTOS, TO, sauce, soup. From ), f. if/at, to dip in. 217 , aSos [a], ^, (ej//3cuVa>) a kind (f felt shoe, used by the Boeotians; also by old men and poor people. |xpds, aor. 2 part, of efipaivca. e|x-j3fiorlXija), f. oca, to be king among or over. c'uP&ais, ecus, f], (I nfiaivoi) a going in or upon : a going on board ship, embarking, II. that on which one goes; efj.(3aais nodus a shoe, like 1/ijSas. 2. the sole, foot, hoof. tjjL-pacrTa^o), f. ffca, to bear on, carry. 6|xj3aT6vo), f. evaca, (l/xjSaT^s) to step in or on, stand *n : hence to dwell in, frequent, haunt : also to pro- tect, watch: c. gen. to set foot upon. II. to enter on possession of property. !|x|3aTo, f. 770-0), (e/x/3aT7/s) = l/^Sen-fwy. p,paTT|pios, ov, (lyw/3aTeu(u) of or for marching : fj,pa.Trjpiov (sub. fi\os~), TO, a march-tune, march. ep.|3a,Tif]S, ov, 6, (l/ijSatz/cu) he that goes in or upon, esp. on board ship, a passenger. II. a kind of boot, cf. ffJL^ds. [a] e^SacJHOs, ov, (enfiaTTTw^jitfor dipping in or into: TO ejj.ftd(f)(.ov a flat vessel, [a] ep-jjcpaws, -via, Ep. pf. part, of l/ij8aiVo> : p.j3e|3a- crav, Ep. 3 pi. plqpf. |A|3ir], Ep. 3 sing. aor. 2 of (jj.pa.ivct} : e^pijTOv, 2 dual : |xpT)T), for l/ij8rj, 3 sing. subj. fji-pi|3aa> : f. -Pipdau Att. -/3iw : Causal of !ju- jSati/oi, /o Tna^e to step m or w/ow : to put on board ship : to lead or guide to. e'}j,j3Xep.}Jia, aTos, TO, a looking straight at. Fr@m 6jjt-pXira>, f. ^a>, to look in the face, look at : simply, to look. tfx-podco, f. rjffo/jLai, to call upon : to shout aloud. ep.j3oXVS, ews, 6, (l/zjSaAAa;) a dibble for putting in plants. t|j.poXTr|, 77, (iyw)3dAAa;) a throwing in. II. in- trans, an inroad into an enemy's country, an invasion, foray. 2. the charge made by one ship upon another, an assault ; c/^SoAal xa^o) anything put in, a wedge. 2. the brasen beak of ships of war. jx|3paxv, Adv. (Iv, /Spax^s) in brief, shortly. |x-ppp.ofjiai, Med. to roar or bluster in. p,-ppos, ov, kv, fipetyos) boy-like.^ fx-ppI0Tis, fs, (kv, PpWos} heavy, weighty. metaph. grave, stately, dignified, important. 2. in bad sense, heavy, grievous, oppressive : of persons, violent, savage, fierce. III. Adv. -Ocus, firmly. tp,-|3pi0oj [t], f. iffca, to weigh heavily upon. cp.-/3pip.dop.ai, f. rjffonai : Dep. : to snort with rage. 218 of horses : of men, to be sore vexed, be indignant, Lat. commoveri : to charge strictly, censure. }i-|3povTa,, f. rjaca, to strike with lightning : to strike dumb. Hence , ov, thunder-stricken, stupid. |, 17, (ev, jSpo^os) a noose, halter. , ov, (cv, fipvov, oiKfQ}) dwelling in sea- we |A|3pCov, TO, (I v, PpvaS) the fruit of the womb before birth, the embryo, Lat. foetus. 2. a thing newly born : a lamb or kid. e}A-f3v0i,os, a, ov, or os, ov, (kv, fivQus) at the bottom. c|ji-j3iJa>, f. vaca [y], to stuff in, stop up. lp,, ace. of 670;, enclit. p.YT)pa, aor - |At0v, old poet. gen. for ejjieC, Dor. for kp.e, as ret for TC (o"e). |Aiva, aor. I of pevca. t|Aio, cfJico, Ep. gen. of 70;. p.\\T]o-a, aor. I of pe\\co. tjj,(j,T)Kov, Ep. redupl. aor. 2 p.[xiKTO, 3 sing, plqpf. pass, of fj.iyvvfj.1 TO, Ion. 3 pi. plqpf. pass, poet, for 0jj.ev, I pi. of et/*i swm. t|j-6v, coeval, Ep. for eZicai, inf. of ei/zt S <=|AV, eleven, Ep. for f fi/at, aor. i inf. ?}i6vos, aor. part. med. of iijfju,. p.TLKos, i], 6v, provoking sickness. II. one who uses emetics. From fjieros, 6, (ffi(a) sickness, vomiting. ep,v, Ep. for Ijuov, enclit. p,v : Dor. l/icws. *EME'fi, impf. ?7/Ltow : f. l/neo-cu Att. l/io) and l//o5- ftcu : aor. r^taa. Ep. c/iccraa : pf. l/xiyfcc/ca: Lat. VOMO, to vomit, throw up : absol. to fo szc& ; mae oneself sick with a feather. , Ion. for ffiavrov. p.T|craTO, 3 sing. aor. I o p,tyr]v [i], aor. 2 pass, , 3 sing. Ep. aor. 2 pass, ja, aor. I of iMt^vvfju. aor. I pass, of n'tyvvfji ,tv, poet. Dor. for ffj.oi, dat. o , Ep. for tfjiaOov, aor. 2 o p,-p.aCvo|jiai, Dep. to be mad at. Hence p.p.avT|s, s, mad, frantic, raving. Adv. vws. jjL[xa-rr(us, Adv. forthwith, immediately, hastily. (Deriv. uncertain.) p,-|jiacr(r&>, f. cw, /o impress upon. jA-p.axo|Acu, f. -fj.axto~ofiai, Dcp. tojigbt a battle in. cp.-p,i5i,da>, f. dcrcy [a], ^o smz'/e a/. c(xp.c\6ia, ^, (l^i^eAiys) a ytmrf of dance, accompanied by mus-ic : the tune of this dance. p.-p.6\Taco, f. 170-0;, to exercise in a thing. Hence jAH6\Tr||jLa, /xaros, TO, an exercise, practice. |A-p.6\T|S, fs, (fv, fj,f\os) in tune, well-timed, har- monious, melodious : generally, regular, agreeable : elegant, graceful: well-bred. Adv. 1/x^eAws, Ion. is, via, 6s, pressing eagerly on, eager, hasty, ardent : pf. part, with no verb in use. cp.-p.tp.ova, pf. with no pres. in use, to be lost in passion. <=p,p,6v, }A|jLvau, Ep. inf. of fifti sum. (ip.6VT|S, fs, abiding in : neut. f/z/xei/es as Adv., un- ceasingly. Adv. /j.fj.fvu>s, Ep. and Ion. -ecus. From |x-p,tvci), f. ftevw : aor. I tvefjieiva : to abide in : to abide by, stand by, cleave to, Lat. stare ab aliquo : absol. to continue. [A-|jLETpCo, f. i}a(a, to measure in or by. p,-p,Tpos, ov, (ev, perpov) in measure, measured, moderate. II. in metre, metrical. p.-p.T)vos, ov, (ev, firjv) in a month, lasting a month. II. occurring every month, monthly. }xp.C, Dor. for ft/it sum. ep.-p.C'yvvp-i or -VCD, f. -p.i^u, to mix or mingle in. II. intrans. to encounter, meet. }x-p.ip-vo), poet, for 4/*-/zeV, f. * return. IV. TO , f. ca, to hand over, put in one's power. p.-mis, Ion. and Ep. tji-injs, Adv. (properly kv itdoi) altogether, at all events. II. on the whole, nevertheless, still. III. joined with irtp, however much, ever so much. IjA-irdcrcra) Att. -TTO> : fut. daca [a] : aor. I evf- vaffa : to sprinkle in or on : metaph. to weave in, embroider. |A-7rciTi>, f. r]ff6j, to tread in, walk into. }jLiT86-p,ox0os, ov, (Zfnreoos, /*ox#os) ever-painful. tjjLireS-opKeco, f. rjar, f. aca : aor. I fvcireXaaa : to bring near or c/ose to : also intrans. to come near. II. Pass. to be brought near, approach. *\nrfirr]ya., pf. intr. o s, pf. part. pass, o pf. pass, of /i7ro8t, poet, for t^mnroa, to fall upon. cjjLirXaKTjvat, aor. 2 inf. of tsfj.ir\eKca. IjA-irXdo'O'o) Att. -TTCO: f. doiroXT|, 77, (kv, TTOJAco)) merchandise : traffic. II. gain made by traffic, profit. jxir6XTj[ia, OTOS, TO, (1/zTroAao)) matter of traffic, a cargo : in plur. wares, merchandise. 6p/nroXir|T6s, TI, ov, (l/HTroAao)) bought and sold. 4A-iroXis, eo)s, 6, 77, (kv, iroXis) in the city or state : o e/iiroAis nvi one's fellow-citizen. 4ji-iroXiTtja>, f. CTOJ, to be a citizen in a state, hold civil rights in. 4}iiroX6osvTO, 3 pi. Ep. impf. pass, of kp.iro\ao}. t[iir6pet;(j.a, aTOS, TO, an article of commerce. From |AiropetJO|Acu, f. -cvffofjiai : aor. i kveiropevdrjv: Dep.: (e/XTropos): to be on a journey. II. to travel on business, be a merchant, to trade, traffic. 2. c. ace. to trade or traffic in a thing. Hence ejiiropetrreov or ea, verb. Adj. one must go. [jnropia, 77, (e/^TTopos) traffic, trade, commerce : a trade. II. goods trafficked in, merchandise. IjAiroptKos, 77, ov, (e/J-iropos) of or for traffic, mercan- tile, commercial ; ^pi]\ia.ra kp.ifopiua imported goods. cjiiropiov, TO, (k/ATTopos} Lat. emporium, a trading- place, factory, mart. II. k^iropia, ra, merchandise. From e'ji-iropos, ov, (kv, Tropes) a passenger on shipboard, Lat. vector. II. a traveller, wanderer. III. one who travels on business, a merchant, Lat. mercdtor, imtitor ; metaph., epTropos /3tov a trader in life. p,-iropirato, f. 770-0), to fix on with a brooch or buckle : Pass., e'ljMra fveiropirearo (Ion. for -rjvro), they wore garments buckled on the shoulder. "E}jurot;cra, 77, Empusa, a hobgoblin assuming various shapes. (Deriv. uncertain.) |xirpaKTOs, ov, (k^-npaaao}} practicable. p.Trp6irr|s, e's, conspicuous in or by a thing. From ejA-irpeiroa, to be conspicuous in or among. II. to be conspicuous for. eji-irpTjOw, f. o*o), to blow up, inflate. II. = !/*- iriirpT)/j.i, to burn to ashes. p,irp7j, f. uo*aj [i/], to spit upon. 6p,-irvcdc>, f. dffca, to wrap tip closely : Pass., voos ol tp.TreiruKa.aTai his mind is veiled, wrapt in mystery. \L-TTVOS, ov, (kv, TTt5oi/) discharging matter. . jA-iri5pva), f. aca, (tv, itvp) to set on fire. fy-Trvpi-p-tyrqs, ov, 6, (kv, irvp, Pa'tva) standing on or over the fire, of a tripod, opp. to drrvpos. ep.-irvpos, ov, (kv, irvp} in or on the fire. II. scorched, burnt. III. of sacrificial fire ; ffjiirvpos the art of divination by fire : as Subst., ra [if pa] burnt sacrifices or omens from burnt sacrifices. p,tKov, aor. 2 of fjLVKaofJtai. [A-4>ay6iv, aor. 2 with no pres. in use (see eaOioi) : to put in and eat, to eat up : to eat ztpon. }x-4>atv&>, f. -avtjvcu, aor. 2 pass, of fjtavTis, cs, (kfj^avrjvai) appearing in, visible, plain, manifest. 2. open, in public. 3. palpable, real, actual. Hence p.4>avta), f. to"o> Att. to), to shew forth : to make clear, explain. ^4>avd>s Ion. -ews, Adv. of l^a^s, visibly, openly, Lat. palam. p.4>do-is, eo>s, 77, (l/z^atVo^tat) an appearing in, re- flexion : outward appearance. t[jipeia, 57, resemblance. From l|ji.(j>epY|s, es, resembling, similar. Adv. -pws, simi- larly, just as. From tjji-cj>tpa>, f. kv-oiaca, to bear or bring in. II. to object to one, cast in one's teeth. JJL-XY W ) f- <*>> to light up in. e'|x-<}>Xo, o-yos, 6, 77, with fire in it. p.-opos, ov, (kv, (pofios) fearful, terrible. II. puss. frightened, afraid. u-4>op{3i6a>, f. a;o*oj, (kv, (popfficC) to put on the flute- player's mouthpiece. jjL-4>opa>, f. rjaca, like e^f'po), to bear or bring in : Pass, to be borne about or on. II. in Med. and Pass, to take one's fill of a thing, to make much use of. III. to inflict on. 6|A-c|>ao-crpovpos, ov, (kv, vXios, lov, (kv, ijs, aor. 2 part, of efjupvoj. t^-4>\jo-aco, f. rjcfoi, to breathe in or into : breathe upon. p.VTOS, ov, inborn, innate. From eji-^va), f. vffoj [D] : aor. I tvetyvffa : in these tenses trans, to implant. II. intr. in Med. efJKpvofjLac, with act. pf. (fj.TT(f>vfca, aor. 2 eveu>vos, ov, (ev, os, ov, noisy, sounding. ejA-vj/vxos, ov, (ev, $vxn) having life in one, alive, living. ejx-iJnJXoco, f. wffo), (epi//vxos) to animate. tv, Dor. and Aeol. for fls, into. 'EN poet. IvC Ep. elv, elvi, PREP, with DAT. 7^V: I. OF PLACE, in, at; tv 'AOrjvpai, tv Ipoiy. 2. on, upon ; ev ovpeffi on the mountains, etc. 3. of clothing ; ev eaOrjTi, in (i. e. wearing) a garment ; ev OTT\OIS in or under arms. 4. in the number of, amongst ; ev TOIS irptaroi among some of the very first: in presence of, before. 5. within one's power, in one's hands; VIKTJS Trfipar' ex VTai ev dOav- droio-i Oeotffi are in their hands; ev e/j.oi 4 Sfjoai to bind with a bond. III. OF TIME, within ; ev TOVTW T$ xpovca within this space ; ev $ (sub. xpovy) while, during the time that; ev fipaxet in short time. IV. ELLIPT. in such phrases as ev 'A\KL- vooio, elv 'Aioao Att. ev "AiSov, etc., where oittw or oopois is understood. V. WITHOUT CASE AS AD- VERB, therein, thereat, thereby, moreover: espe- cially. VI. POSITION : ev sometimes in Ep. follows its dative, but most freq. in the form evi, then written tvi. VII. IN COMPOS., I. with Verbs the Prep, retains its sense of being near, at or in. 2. with Adjs. it expresses either a modified degree, e. g. efi-iriKpos, ev-\evKos, rather harsh, whitzs/b, etc. ; or else the possession of a quality, e. g. ev-aipos, with blood in it. 2. in compos, ev- becomes I/*- be- fore n IT (p if/ ; ey- before 7 K x 5 &- before \ ; and in a few words ep- before p. ?v, neut. of r ; and eva, ace. masc. ev-a(3px!vop., f. iooj Att. iw, to offer sacrifice to the dead, Lat. parentare. Hence eva.yi. tv-a, to lead in or into, lead on, urge, per- suade. 2. c. acc. rei, to propose, suggest. v-aYttvtojjuxi, Dep. to contend or fight among: of a place, evjj.evr)S evaycavi^faOai favourable to fight in. ev-aywvios, ov, (ev, dfoav) of or belonging to a con- test, fight or game. 2. evayuviot Oeoi the gods who 1 presided over the games, esp. Hermes. i 6v-a0\i>, f. Tjaca, = dO\eca ev, to contend in or among. 6vai(j.T)LS, eaaa, ev, = evaifj.os. v-ai[AOS, ov, (ev, af/i) with blood in it. 4vaip|ji6V, Ep. for evaipfiv, inf. of evaipoj. -vaipo> Ep. cvvaipo): fut. evapu>: aor. 2 TJvapov,ipoet. also evapov : aor. I med. evrjpdfjLrjv, Ep. 3 sing, tvjj- 1 paro : (evapa) : to slay, kill : also of things, to make away with, destroy. v-aicrip.os and 6v-ai, f- cj, f. \^ca: pf. pass. i/aX^A(/zftat : to anoint: Med. to anoint oneself or for oneself. v-aXiYKios, ov, like, resembling. ev-aXuos, a, ov, and os, ov : Ep. and Lyr. also elv- dXtos : (li', aAs) : in, on, of the sea, Lat. marlnus. IvaXXaY^vai, aor. 2 inf. pass, of eva\\dffffoj. cvoAAdg, Adv. crosswise: alternately, Lat. vicissim. From ev-aXXdo-cro) Att. -TTO> : fut. pf. -TyAAaxa, pass. -^\\ in exchange : also to divert from one thing to an- other. II. Pass, to be changed, to differ from. 2. to have dealings with. v-dirT(a. tvairTjKC, Ion. for evafprjrce, 3 sing. aor. I of evacpirjfjii. v-airo8iKvi)Lu, to display in a thing : Pass, to be distinguished or manifest. v-airo0vT)tTKco, f. -a.rto6S.vov pat, to die in. v-airoKXdco, f. -K\daoj [Si], to break short off" in. tv-airoXciirco, f. ^a>, to leave behind in. 6v-air6XXvju and -vco : fut. -o\ea, f. a>, to give up the ghost, expire. cv-dirrco, f. iffca, to bind or tie in, on or to : Pass. I and Med., pf. evrjufjiai, to be clad in. II. to kindle, I set on fire : Med. to get oneself a light. "ENA-PA, CUT/, Ta, used only in plur. the arms of a \ slain foe, Lat. spolia; booty, spoil. ev-apapio-Kco, aor. I tvijpaa, to fit or fasten in. II. I intr. in pf. ev-dprjpa, to befitted in. vdpYi, Dor. for kv-fjpyei, 3 sing. impf. of evepyeca. IvapYTjS, es, (ev, dpyos) distinct, visible, in bodily form. 2. bright, brilliant. 3. of words, dis- tinct, plain. Hence cvap-yJis Ion. -ecos, Adv. distinctly, visibly. ^vapces or cvdpits, of, a Scythian word, = Greek dvopoyvvot. evapTjpcis, via, os, part. pf. 2 of evapap'iff/tu. vap-rj-4>6pos, ov, (evapa, (pepco) wearing the spoils. vdpico, f. oiTis, loos, J], (kv, auAa, (poiTaca) roaming in the fields. v-av\ifa>, f. iaca Att. to), to dwell or lodge in : Med. to take up quarters for the night in. Hence vav\UTTT)ptos, ov, to be dwelt in, habitable. tv-avXov, TO, (ev, av\r)) an abode. ev-avXos, o, as Subst., I. (f v, auXos) a hollow channel: a water-course, a torrent. II. (|j>, auA-Ty) a dwelling, shelter; haunt. ev-avXos, ov, as Adj., I. (fv, auAos) on or to the flute : still ringing in one's ears, fresh. II. (iv, av\rj) dwelling in dens : of men, in one's den, at home. v-avava>, f. -avr)ffdTrra>, f. i//ca, to fasten up to a thing. lv-a(j>ii]jjit, Ion. v-air- : f. -a, to kindle in : Med. to burn in. v-8a,Kv, f. vaca [0], to weep in. IvSamos, a, ov, (evoov) native of the country. v-8aTOjxai, Dep. to divide, distribute, esp. in speak- ing : hence II. to speak of; either in bad sense, to upbraid, reproach, revile: or in good sense, to tell of, celebrate. v8e8pr]|jiai, pf. pass, of evoefjua. evSeSvfjitvos, pf. part. pass, of evovoj. v866s, Adv.Comp. of evoews, in a less degree. v8eTj, fut. of evSeca, to be in want. v86Tjs, es, (evoeca) in need of, wanting or lacking in : inferior to : absol. in want, in need, deficient, poor, weak : TO evoees lack, want, defect. Hence tvSeia, 77, want, lack of a thing : absol. need, Lat. egestas : in plur. wants, needs, deficiencies. cvSciYfia, OTOS, TO, (evoeiKvvfu} a proof . V-8eiKviJ}ju or -vco : f. -Sc/^cu : aor. I eveSeiga. : Pass., aor. I eveoeixOrjv : pf. li/SeSei-y/wu : to mark out, Lat. in-dicare : as Att. law-term, to inform against. II. Med. to declare oneself: to display, make a show of a thing. 2. to shew, give proof of. Hence v86tis, ccys, 17, a pointing out : a token, evidence, proof: as Att. law-term, a laying information against 223 one who undertook an office for which he was legally iroiptves fj.jj\a kvoidaoKov (Ep. impf.) shepherds let disqualified. i their sheep out into the air, i. e. to feed. !v-8Ka, 01, at, ra, (tv neut. of fis, 8fKa) indecl., j v-8l8tj, = kvovtu, to put on : Pass, to wear, eleven. II. ot evSe/ea, the Eleven at Athens, i. e. j v-8i8&>|Ai, f. -Swffw : aor. I tvtSoj/ca : to give into the Commissioners of police. 4v8Ko.-injx v s, v, gen. fos, eleven cubits long. one's hands, surrender: to give up as lost, throw up. II. to afford : also to allow, grant : to IvScKa-irovs, 6, 77, TTOVV, TO, gen. TroSos, eleven feet cause. III. to shew, exhibit, give proof of. IV. long or broad. \ intr. to give in, give up, give way : to flag, fail : of IvSeicds, aSos, 77, (tv-Sena) the number eleven. j things, to cease. V. of a river, to empty itself. lv8KaTOS, 77, ov, (eV-8e/ra) the eleventh. ' 6V-8ii)|At, (1^, Situ) fonnd only in 3 pi. impf. kvoieaav, lv8cK-6TT|s, ov, o, fern. -TIS, t8os, eleven years old. to chase, pursue. v-8KOp.at, Ion. for kvokx !* -!-- ' "^v-SiKOS, ov, (kv, 81/07) f things, according to right, v8\XT|S, es, continual, constant. Adv. fvoftex&s, fair, right, just : legal. II. of persons, righteous, constancy. just, upright. 2, possessed of right. III. Adv. tvSejxa, TO, (fvofoj) a thing bound on, band. kvo'iKus, with right, with justice : Sup. kvoiKwrara. tv-Sfp.0), f. /za>, to wall up : to build in a place. j ev-8tva, rd, (evoov) the entrails, Lat. intesfina. ev-Se^ioojjiav, Dep. to grasp with the right hand, v8ivtVTt, Dor. for kvoivovffi, 3 pi. of evoivfca. clasp, embrace. j v-Blvcco, f. 770-0;, to revolve in. v-8ios, a, ov, on or towards the right hand, from JfvSlov, TO, a seat in the air: a seat. From left to right; neut. pi. kvofia as Adv. i. pro- : v-8tos, ov, at midday, at noon. II. in the open pitious, favourable; kvoeia ainio.ro. right, good air. (From kv, Aios genit. of Zcvs, Lat. sub divo or omens. j dio, Horace's sub Jove.) v8TOs, ov, (ei/Se'o;) bound to a thing, entangled in. v-8exojA(u, Ion. -oeKOpai ; f. -5fofjat : Dep. : to take upon oneself, Lat. suscipere. II. to ac- cept, admit, believe : also of things, to admit, allow of : hence 2. tvocx*Tat, impers. it may be, it is possible ; OVK (voex Ta i it ' s not possible ; ra ei/Sexo- fj.va things possible; e# TWV (vdexf ji * vfav y every possible means : Adv. (voexopevcas, possibly. 4v-8cco, f. -OTjapios, ov, (kv, oi, = kv SotTj flvai, to be in doubt, at a loss : to waver : of things, aor. i inf. pass. kvooiaoOrjvcu, to be matter of doubt. Hence evSoicurros, 77, 6v, doubtful. Adv. rSis, doubtfully. cvSo-jAdx^ls, ou, 6, Dor. ~X a s, (tvoov, fiaxofjua-i) 'fighting or bold at home, epith. of a dunghill cock. v-8a>, f. -oerjaca, to be in want of: also to be want- \ ev-Sojxtjo-is, (cos, f), (kv, So^os) a thing built in, a ing, to fail. II. impers. kvoei, there is need or building, structure. want of: there is a deficiency ; iroAAoV k vtofi avrcj} \ v86-p.i5xS, ov, (evSov, /tv^os) in the inmost part of he was in want of many things. in want or need of. evSews, Adv. of fvofrjs, insufficiently. v-8ir]\os, ov, (kv, 877X05) manifest, clear :- Adv. ivorjXcas, clearly, Sup. -6ro.ro.. v8irjjjia), f. 770"a;, (cj/8?7/xos) to live in or at a place. cv-Sir)p,os, ov, dwelling in a place : esp. at home : native, opp to evos: attached to home : of war, civil, intestine. II. of or belonging to a state. v8uxacrKov, Ion. impf. of tvoidca. v-8ta,Ya>, f. a>, to pass one's time in. lv-8ia0pvirrojAai, Pass, to play the coquet with, trifle tuith. III. Pass, to be a dwelling. cvSov, Adv., and Prep, governing gen., (kv) within, Lat. intus : at home, Lat. domi : in one's own coun- try ; ol evoov those of the house, esp. the domestics; TO, voov household affairs. ev-8oos, ov, (kv, 8oa) held in repute, honoured. i. of things, glorious. Adv. -QJ$. v86crijji,os, ov, (fvoiocufu') sounding the key-note: TO kvooaipov (sub. fj.e\os) a key-note, v8oTpos, a, ov, Comp. formed from evSov, inner : Sup. 4v8oTaTOS, 77, ov, inmost. V-8oimea>, f. 770-0;, to fall in with a heavy sound. v-8pofi0), f. 770-0;, (kv, Spofj-os) to run in, fall into. v-Stairiop,at, Ion. -tojjwu, f. rjffofjiai, Dep. to live 4v-8pojxts, ioos, 17, (ev, Spo^os) a thick cloak worn by or dwell in a place. | runners after exercise, for fear of cold. ?v-Spo(Tos, ov, (kv, cpoaos) dewy, dank. 4v-8iaTa [i], f. if/oj,to spend or consume in a place: which the yoke is fixed to the pole (iaroftotvs). absol. (sub. xpwov) to spend or waste time in : also to dwell upon. v-Sidw, (evotos} to rest in the open air: to linger in The place. II. trans, to let go into the open air, Pass, to acquire streng'h. v8vKos, Adv. zealously, heartily, earnestly. Adj. tvovrcrjs is not found. (Deriv. uncertain.) v-Swd|Ji6a>, f. cuaa), (i/, 5tVayis) to strengthen: 224 II. v-Svva, f. rjaca, to be unlucky in or with. v-8trrY|p, Tjpos, 6, (tvovoj) as Adj. fit for putting on. v8i5TT|pios, a, ov, (fvdvta) = fvdvrrip. ev-StiTOS, 6v, put on : as Subst., kvovrov, TO, that which is put on, a garment, dress. II. clad in. From v-8tci>, f. vffcu [t>] : aor. I evfovaa ; in these tenses, trans., to put on another ; kvovafiv nvd TI to put on one, clothe one in. II. intr. IvBtivco and in Med. v5vofj.ai, with aor. 2 act. eveSvv, pf. -SeSinta: to put on oneself, put on, wear. 2. to go in, enter ; CLKovTiffrvv fvSvfffai thou wilt enter the contest of darting. 3. to implicate oneself in a matter: also to insinuate oneself into. V6J3a\ov, aor. 2 of l/*j3aAAo>. V6J3i)V, aor. 2 of e^aivoj. fveyeypatrro, 3 sing, plqpf. pass, of eyypcKfxu. !vyicai and VyKiv, aor. I and 2 inf. of aor - * tveyvt]o-a., eveYVTjKO,, eveYvcov, see V68eix0T]v, aor. i act. and pass, of kv- VSir]ara, aor. I of fvdfca, to bind in. Iv-eSpa, -fj, a lying in wait, ambush, Lat. insidiae. IvcSpevoj, f. (tcy : (derived from fvfdpa : but in the augm. tenses, fvrjSpfvov, fvrjSpfvcra, vij8pfv6rjv, fvrj- Spev/MU, as if compd. of fv, iSpeucy) : to lie in wait for, lie in ambush, Lat. insidiari : Pass, to be caught in an ambush : to be ensnared. II. to place in ambush : Med. to set an ambush : Pass, to be set in ambush. ev-eSpov, TO, = fvfSpa. v-8pos, ov, (If, (-Spa) an inmate, inhabitant. IveSucra, V8vv, aor. I and 2 of kvovoi. ev-eop,tu, f. -fSovfMi, Dep. to sit down in t abide or reside in : cp. kvrj^ai. V7]ica, Ep. for (vrJKa, aor. I of kvirnu. vTjy, Ep. for tvrjv, impf. of eveifu. 4v60i)p,T|9ir]v, aor. I of (v9vfJLeofM.i. 4v-i8ov, aor. i with no pres. in use, its place being supplied by evopdca : to see or observe in : absol. to observe, remark. Cf. tloov. evened, Ep. for r/veia (Ion. for rjveyKa), aor. I of (f>fp, f. ^o;, to wrap up in. evei|xa, aor. I of vtfio). , Ep. for tvcfffj.v, i pi. ofevti-fu: but II. , 3 sing. aor. I of vfpca, t, f. tvfffoiMi, (tv, et'^t sum) to be in a place, to be within : to be in or among. II. to be pos- ible; impers., fveari TIVI it is in one's power, one may r^can: part. neut. tvov used absol., it being possible. i v-etpo> ; pf. pass. evepjMi : to entwine, interweave. , fvfiaa, aor. 2 part, cvKa, Ion. and Ep. eveicev, poet, also CLVCKO,, civc- Kev : Prep, with gen., put both before and after its case, on account of, for the sake of, for, Lat. gratia, causa. II. with respect to, as far as regards, as for; evcKa cfiov as far as depends on me. III. by means of; rex vr ] s ffvfKa by force of art. 4vK(i\tJvJ/a, aor. I ev6K6tp/rjv, impf. , aor. I , aor. 2 , aor. I of eyfcpvi 4vKvp, f. ca, to roll or wrap up in, Lat. involvo. V6[Aa^o,p,if]V, aor. I med. v[jL6tva, aor. I of ffj.fj.cvca. v6p,6(To-a, Ep. 3 sing. impf. of i//*eaacu. v-p.ca>, f. faca, to vomit in. V6jjnf|0T)v, aor. I pass, of v(fj.oj. Vp,VT|9i(]v, aor. I pass, of efj.fj.vfo}. vVvov, impf. of fvvfvca. Vvif|KOVTa, ot, at, ra, indecl., (tvvfa) ninety. VCVIIT, 3 sing. Ep. redupl. aor. 2 of tv'mTca. evcvwKttcrt, Ion. for evtvorjrcaffi, 3 pi. pf. VVO>TO, Ion. for evfVorjTo, 3 sing, plqpf. pass, of fVVOfit). ve|op.ai, fut. med. (with pass, sense) of fvfx' Iveos or cwcos, a, ov, dumb, speechless : deaf and dumb. [a], aor. 2 pass, of ffj.7rrjjvvfj.i. aor. I pass, of fjiiraifa. Vira|a, Dor. for evfTrrjga, aor. I Vira(r : aor. 2 tvifftrov, inf. evi- airfiv : fut. fvio"nrjaoi or tvtyca : to tell, tell of, de- scribe, relate. 2. to speak to, address, accost. 3. simply, to speak,,say. 4. c. inf. to bid. fut. , f. ffca, to push in, to thrust in. tv-pevyfi), aor. 2 (vrjpvyov, to belch on one. =vp0, before a vowel -0ev, from beneath: be- neath. II. c. gen. beneath. 2. below, in the power of. From jfvepoi, Tjv[a], 6veppa\{;dfAT]v, aor. 2 pass, and aor. I med. of evpdirTQj. evepors, ews, 77, (li/etpou) a fitting or fastening in. eveprcpos, a, ov, Comp. of fvfpoi, deeper, lower. vcrav, Ep. for tvr\aa.v, 3 pi. impf. of ei/et/zt. tvecria, fj, (tvirjfu) a suggestion, counsel. evTOs Ion. for tvfffTWTos, gen. of (V0Tws (for tvearrjKus), pf. part, of (viffTijfu. cvecTTT|piCTO, 3 sing, plqpf. pass, of kvarrjpifa. ev 3 sm g- aor - 2 m ed. (in pass, sense) of fve^ca. evTo.0T]v [a], aor. I pass, of fvreivca. VTeiXd|AT)v, aor. I med. of li/reAAa;. vTT|, T), (fvirjfu) a pin, brooch. tverpayov, aor. 2 of evrpwyoj. T]v [a], aor. 2 pass, of (VTpfpaa, aor. i of tp^paaao}. v4>v(ra, 4v<|)vv, aor. I and 2 of efMpvca. cvc^iidTjcra, aor. I of ffjupvffda). , Ep. vxva, aor. I med. of eyx* *- aor. I of yx fl P* u ' , Ep. aor. I med. of ky\io}. fut. pass, of (pcpa. 0iT]v, evcxQw, vX0-nvat, aor. I pass, imperat., optat., subj., and inf. of (pfpca. Vxvpd^&), f. aaca, (tv^xvpov) to take a pledge from one. 2. c. ace. rei, to take in pledge: Pass., tvtxv- paepT), f. avS}, (kv, Oepp.6s) to heat : Pass., kv- reOfpiMvrai iroOa> has been heated by passion. ?v0etris, us, 17, (fVTiOTjfii) a putting in. II. a piece put in, a mouthful. v-0ero, Ep. for kvedero, 3 sing. aor. i med. of kv- riOrjfU. v9cTOS, ov, (kvriOr]p.i) put in, implanted. v96\)Tv, Adv., Ion. for kvrev&ev. v9rj, v9t|s, v9oi, tv0o), Iv9wv, Dor. for e\0rj, e\6ijs, t\0oi, etc., aor. i of fpxof^o-i. 2v-0T)pos, ov, (kv, Orip}full of wild beasts. II. metaph. savage, wild, rough, untended, undressed. v-9vT|GTKw, f. -Oavov/jai, to die in : to grow rigid or torpid in. tv9ope, Ep. for kveOope, 3 sing. aor. ?, v9ot), Att. aor. 2 imperat. med. of kvriOrj/jLi. v-0ovcridG>, f. daoj, or v-9ov, f. rjcrca, contr. fvdovs) to be inspired. v9pi|;a, f. , f. -Oopovpai : aor. 2 kveOopov Ep. ZvOo- pov : to leap into, upon, among. ev-0i)|i0jj,ai, f. rjaopai : aor. I (veOv/j.'fjOrjv : pf. kv- TeOvfJiijiMi : Dep. : (kv, Ov^os) : to lay to heart, con- sider well, ponder. 2 . to take to heart, be concerned at. 3. to form a plan. 4. to infer, conclude. Hence cv0u|jit]|xa, arcs, TO, a thought : invention, device, stratagem. II. an argument in Rhetoric an- swering to the Syllogism in Logic : and v9t)|X'qoris, ecus, 17, consideration, esteem. v9i)|jiCa, f], (kvQvfJicoiMi) consideration : suspicion. v-9vjxios, ov, (kv, Ovuos} taken to heart, weighing upon ths mind; evOvjJLiov kari /tot, Lat. religio est mihl, I feel a scruple. v9i)fJUcrT6s, 17, 6v, v9v/juos. v-0(i>paKio), f. iff (a, to array in armour : pf. pass, part. kvT(0Qjpa.Kiff/j,vos, armed in mail. tvi, poi't. for kv. II. IvC, dat. of efs. evt, for fVfffri, it is in : also it is allowed, possible. Vtavcnos, ov, a!so a, ov, (kviavros) of a year, one year old. II. yearly, year by year. III. for a year, lasting a year; kv. /Se/Sws gone for a year. eviauros, o, (fvos) a year; KO.T kviavrov yearly, every year. 2. any complete space of time ; CTOS tfkOc irfpnr\oiAfva)v kviavrwv as times rolled on the yea.r came. Vwi\Ko, f. -lavaca, to sleep in or among. via)(Tj, Adv. (eViot) in some places. vt-}3dXXcD, 4vi-j3XdirTCo. Ep. for kf*-f3d\\ca, etc. yi0Xa9eis, Ep. aor. I pass. part. v-t8iv, inf. of aor. 2 tveioov. v-t8poci), f. uffta, to sweat in, labour at. Iv-tSptiva), v-i8pvo), f. VGU [y], to set, settle, or found in a place : Med. to found for oneself. ivt-^cvyviJixu or -wo, poet, for kv-. tv-ifa, f. -ifyaca, (kv, i'^cu) to sit in or on. !v-u]|ju, fut. rjffca : aor. I -TJKO. Ep. -erj/ta : pf. -ef/ca, pass. -ef/Zi : to send in or into : to implant, inspire: generally, to throw in or among : of ships, to launch into the sea : metaph. to urge on, incite to do a thing. 2. to send in secretly. II. rarely intr. to enter. evu0p|;as, poet. aor. I part, of fVTpeo). 4vi-KaTaTL0ir)|ju, Ep. for kyK- : hence kviKardeo, Ep. aor. 2 med. imperat. for kyKaTaOov. VL-K\do), f. affcy [a], Ep. for kyit-, to break in, break off", Lat. infringo. vi-K\eta>, Ep. for ey-K\ci(a. Ivi-vaierdao'KOv, Ion. impf. of kv-vaifraca. evi-oi, at, a, (from Zvi o'l flalv oi', as evtoTf = fffTiv ore) some, Lat. ali-qui. vi-OT, Adv. for vi OTf = eariv ore, at times, some' times : Dor. vt-oKa. vr-Tnf|, f), (kvi-mca) a reproof, rebuke : abuse. evi-irXeios, ov, Ep. for tfjnrXeos, filled. vi-ir\T|o-ao-0at, -Tr\T]o-9f|Vat, Ep. for ljit-7r\-, aor. I inf. med. and pass, of finr'nr\i]fu. vi-irXT|(;(0|jiv, -ojert, Ep. I and 3 pi. for ifj.-ir\-, aor. i subj. of f^-nXrjaffoj. ev-nrirvc), f. OQJ, to ride in, on or among. cviirpfj tVGTTa}, to tell of, announce. Vi-cricT|'jrTc0, 6vi-, collat. form of kviirrw, to reprove, reproach : also to maltreat, ill-use. ev-io-Tirjjxi, f. -arrjaca : aor. i -eaTrjva : also fut. and aor. i med. -OT-f]aop.ai, -farrjaap.'rjv. Causal in these tenses, to put, set, place in. 2. to begin. II. intrans. in Med., with aor. 2 act. kvkarrjv ; pf. kve- ffrrj/ca ; plqpf. kveiffTrjKfiv : to be set in, to stand in or within. 2. to be appointed. 3. to be upon, be close upon, to be at hand; rov kvfffrSiTos fj.rjvos in the present month : of circumstances, to arise, occur; ra (VfffTijKuTa present circumstances. 4- ^ PP se J resist, object. ev-ttrxvco, f. vaca [y], to strengthen. II. intr. to gain strength. vt-Tpt{)to, vi-xpL[Airra>, Ep. for kvr and evLxpi-|Jic}>9eis, Ep. aor. I part. pass, Iv-Xa|fuo, f. aw, to carve in or upon. vva6T"f)p, jjpos, ?], (Iweucw) an inhabitant : fem. s, ov, , , . !wa-Ti?|s, s, (kvvta, CTOS) nine years old : neut. S, as Adv., for nine years. "ENO2. 227 v-vSlTqs, ov, 6, ev-vafrrjp. tvva-Tis, iSos, 77, fern, of evvaerrjs, nine years old. v-vaCw: Ep. fut. med. twaaaopai, aor. I evevao- ffdfirjv : to dwell in : inhabit. vvdias, Adv. (evvea) nine times, Lat. navies. vvax6cruoi, v. evaKOff-. wds, ov, (evvea, opyvia.) nine fathoms long. vv6os, false form for eveos. v-vo Att. -TTCVCO, f. ffca, to make a nest or batch young in : c. ace. to hatch. evvt-irw, poet, lengthd. for evena. Woua, 77, see eveaia. ^v-vevco, f. ffoa, to nod, beck-on or make signs to. vv-a>pos, ov, (evvea, upa) nine years old or long. wY|KOvTa, Ep. for evevrjKovra, ninety. u\Xos, ov, poet, for ivoaity-, (evoffis, v\- Xov} with quivering leaves. wox\is, poet, for tvox^fis, 2 sing vvvp.t or tvvvco, from root fE'n, = f E20H, Lat. VESTIO : f. effoj Ep. effffca ; Ep. aor. I eaaa : Med. evvvfj.ai : fut. effofiai : aor. I \aaivr\v Ep. effffa.fji.rjv, 3 sing, eeffffaro : Pass., pf. eTfJiai, elaai, eirai, but Ep. also effffai, effrat : plqpf. fTfj.'rjv, but i sing. f clothes o* another : Med. c. ace. rei, to put on one- self, clothe oneself in, put on : Pass, to be clad in, to wrap or shroud oneself in ; \ai'vov effffo \irwva tbou hadst been clad in coat of stone, i. e. been buried. , 3 sing. impf. med. of evvvfjii. etiw, f. ffca, (ev, vv) to sleep or lodge in. 4v-vtxu>s, a, ov, or os, ov, (ev, vv) nightly, in the night, by night. II. dwelling in Night, of the dead. J-v-vuxos, ov, = evvvxi os. wJj, fut. iffca Att. ia>, to make to dwell in a place : Pass, to be settled or take up one's abode in. ov,(f.v, oftfos) in the housekeeping at home. , f. 770-0;, to build in a place. II. to build up, block up. ev-oucos, ov, dwelling in : as Subst. a dweller in, an inhabitant. II. pass, dwelt in. v-oivoxoeoi, f. 770-0;, to pour in wine. vov, part, neut.of 4V6t^i,used absol.,zV being possible. 6voTrf|, 77, (eveirca) a cry, scream, voice, sound : esp. a war-cry, battle-shout. 4v-6ir\tos, ov, (ev, oir\ov) in or with arms : 6 \v- oTrAtos (sub. pv9^6s) the tune/or the war-dance. Iv-oirXos, ov, (ev, oirXov} in arms, armed. i'voirrpov, TO, (evuif/ofiai) a mirror. v-opdo> Ion. -o> : f. er/ctyo/xcu (supplied from obsol. 1 evoTrTOfiai) : aor. i eveioov, q. v. '. to see or observe in a person or thing. II. to look at or upon. cvopicios, ov, = evopKos. i'v-opKOS, ov, (ev, opKos) bound by oath, sworn. II. that to ivbicb one is sworn ; evopuov elireiv TI to speak on oath. v-op[AiTT)S [i] , ou, 6, (ev, opfjios) one who is in harbour. v-6pvt)p.t, fut. evupaca : aor. I evwpffa : 3 sing. Ep. aor. 2 pass. evSjpro : (ev, opoj, opvv/xt) : to arouse or stir up in : Pass, to arise in or among. cv-opovto, f. ffcu, to leap in or upon, assail, attack, ov, 6, and ev-opx^s, tos, o, f], evop\os. , ov, (ev, op^ts) uncastrated, entire. ENO5 or ?vos, o, Lat. ANNUS, Subst. a year: i hence eviavros dtpevos, oievos, etc. I "ENO2 or ?vos, rj, ov, Adj. a year old, last year's ; j evos /capnos last year's fruit : generally, old, by- I gone. II. evrj ical vea (sub. TJfie'pa), the old and It 228 new day, i.e. the last day of the month, so called because this %oth day consisted of two halves, one belonging to the old, the other to the new moon. 2. in oblique eases of fern. : gen. evrjs Ep. evvrj) a shaking, quake. 'EvocrC-xOwv, ovos, 6, (evoais, \0ajv) the Earth- shaker, a name of Poseidon or Neptune. IVOTTJS, TITOS, 77, (efs) unity, concord. cv-ovpdvios, ov, (ev, ovpavos) in heaven, heavenly. cv-oupeco, f. 770*0), to make water in. 4v-6xXo, f. rjffaj : the augm. tenses take a double augm. impf. ijvcaxXovv, pass. t'jVcaxXovnijv ; aor. I T)v6j'x\r)0'a : pf. ffVwxXrjKa : to trouble, disturb, Lat. molesto : absol. to be an annoyance .-Pass, to be troubled or annoyed. evoxos, ov, (evf%o[Mi) held in, bound by, liable or subject to a penalty : liable to be accused of a crime. ev-pdimi), f. ifrca, to sew up in. V-piYo, aor. I eveffKijXa, to dry up : Pass., with pf. act. eveajtXrjKa, to be dried up. v-crKvdu>, f. do*o>, to get ready, prepare : Pass, to be dressed or equipped : Med. to dress oneself up. v-o-KT|imo, f. \pea: Ep. VUTK-: to burl, dart, launch in or upon. II. intrans. to fall in or on. ev-o-Kijjumo, f. if/ca : Ep. VUTK- : poet, form of ev- ffKrjirTQ}, to dash in or upon : Pass, to stick in. 4v-, f. -.ffirepaj, to sow among : Pass, to be sown or spread among. v-o-iTOvSos, ov, (ev, ffirovorj) included in a treaty : in alliance with : under truce or safe-conduct. v-(rrdf(o, f. o>, to let drop in. v- 5 = evoTafa. ev, f. -o*TeAcD: to dress in; Pass., iirirdoa OToXty eveaTaX^evos clad in a horseman's dress. v-o), fut. \fjoj, to turn about in; Pass, to turn or move in. 2. c. ace. loci, to visit. v-crpa,Yta> Ion. v-pif)Y-, to impress on. VTa0TJvav, aor. I inf. pass, of evTeivoj. evTaKTJvcu, aor. 2 inf. pass, of evTfjKQ). IvraXjxa, ctTos, TO, (evTeXXoi) an injunction, precept. v-rSvw0, f. vffoj : aor. I inf. evTavvaai : poet, for kvreivoj, to stretch or strain tight : to bend or rather \ to string a bow : also to stretch on or over a thing : to extend, prolong. \ Iv-rdo-o-o) Att. -TTO), f. o>, to enrol, register in : Pass, to be posted in battle. VTa00a Ion. evGavra, Adv. (ev) = ev6a : I. of Place, here, there, Lat. hie : also hither, thither, Lat. hue. II. of Time, at the very time : then, now. 2. like Lat. deinde, thereupon, then. Hence VTida>, f. o"o>, (evTaios, ov, (ev, Tacpos} o/or used in burial. II. as Subst., evTa, fut. ia, mostly in Med., ev-TeXXo^ai, to enjoin, command : Pass., li/TCTaA/xtVa commands. 4vTXoO[iai, fut. med. of foreg. v-TjjLvo) Ion. -Tdp.vw : f. -TC/XW : to cut in, en- grave or inscribe upon. II. to cut in pieces, to sacrifice. 2. to cut in, shred in. evrcpov, TO, (evTos) a piece of gut : in plur. the guts, intestines, entrails, bowels. Hence evTepoveia, 37, timber for the ribs of a ship, belly- timber. evreoa-epYos, 6v, (evrea, epyov) working in harness. 6VT6TaYH-vos, pf. part. pass, of evTaaoo}. 4vTTaXjjiVos, pf. part. pass, of evTeXXca. 4vTTa|Avos, pf. part. pass, of evTeivca. Hence VT6Tap,vo>s, Adv. vehemently, strongly. 4vTTO,TO, for (veTeTaTO, plqpf. pass, of cvTeivca. vr, to cause to melt in, to pour in while molten : Pass, with aor. 2 fafTa/crjv [a], and pf. act. farTi]Ka, to be melted in, to sink deep into one ; /zuros < Jeeep turning round, keep looking back. p.oi ; faraKrjvai rcf (pt\tiv to be wholly given up to love. vrt, Dor. for cffri and elffi, from ft/ sum. ev-Ti0T)|JU, fut. fad-qao) : aor. 2 faeOrjv, Ep. inf. fa- 6efj.fv : to put in, Lat. imponere : metaph. to inspire, instil : Med. to put in for oneself, store up, lay by : also faOeadai TI/^TJ to hold in honour. v-riKTO), f. -Tegopai : aor. 2 falrficov : to bear or produce in : to create or cause in. II. pf. part, intr., fareroKus, inborn. v-rlXda>, f. rjaca, to squirt upon. 6v-Ti|Adco, f. faca, to value in or among. ev-rijjiosi ov, (fa, TifjtT]) in honour, honoured, prized: TO. Ofwv tvTifM. what is honoured in the sight of the gods, their ordinances or attributes : Adv., farifjuas (X eiv or ay 64 * 7 TiI/< * to hold him in honour. VTp.T)p.a, aros, TO, (faTffjLVOi) a cut, incision, notch. tvro, 3 pi. aor. 2 med. of typi. IvToXT), 77, (farfXXca) an injunction, command. vTOfiOS, ov, \kvTfpvca) cut in pieces, cut up ; evrofjia voieiv to offer as victims. IVTOVOS, ov, (farcivo}) strained: intense, earnest, eager, violent. Adv. -VQJS, violently. V-Tomos, ov, = ZVTOITOS. V-roiros, ov, (fa, TOTTOS) in or of a place. VTOS, Adv. (fa) Lat. intus, intrinsecus, ifCTos : I. of Place, in, within, inside Prep. c. gen., faros fjj.avrov in my senses. 2. on this side, Lat. citra, c. gen. II. of Time, within, in less than, c. gen., faros eticoffi fiptpuv within 20 days. Hence vroo-0 and before a vowel -0ev, Adv. from within, within. aor. 2 inf. of farpuyca. i, aor. 2 inf. pass, of farpeiroj. cvTpairf|o-onat, fut. 2 pass, of farpiiro}. v-Tpiro), f. -Tptyw, to turn about : metaph. to re- prove, make ashamed : Med. and Pass, to turn one- self, turn towards a person : to give heed to, listen to, respect or pay deference to : feel shame or fear. 6v-Tpo>, f. -6ptyca, Tp(f)6} fa, to bring up or train in : of habits, etc., to grow up with, become natural to, c. dat. V-Tpx w f- -Opto[tai or -SpapovfJiai (from obsol. optpaj) : to run in, to move freely in. II. to slip if i, enter. i, aor. I inf. pass, of faTpifio}. Hence opp. to also as 229 vrpi|3if)s, fs, rubbed in : metaph. skilled, versed in. v-Tpij3co [t], f. \fjQ), to rub in unguents : Pass, to have rubbed in, to be anointed, painted. II. to rub away, wear by rubbing. v-rpiTa>via>, f. io~os, ov, (farpcfpoj) brought up in, living in, among, or with ; farp. rivos a nursling. v-TpvXXCa>, f. iata, to whisper in one's ear. v-Tpvdw, f. 7700;, (fa, rpvfpri) to revel in, play in : absol. to be luxurious. ' II. to make sport of. ev-Tp(i>Yco, f. -rpw^ofjLat : aor. 2 faerpayov : to eat up greedily, to devour. cv-TUYX, to roll or wrap up. tv-Tvvov, Ep. impf. of farvvta ; but also aor. I imperat. VTtvco [u] : f. farvvu : Ep. aor. I evrvva : (evrea) : to equip, deck out, get ready, furnish, prepare : c. ace. pers., farvvfiv nvd to make one ready, urge him on : also c. inf. to urge to do a thing. V-ri5iras, Adv. (fa, TVVTOJ) of Priam, farviras fa X^aivy KfKa\vfj,fj.faos covered with his mantle so as to shew, the shape of his limbs. v-rim6, f. ouffca, (fa, TVTTOS) to stamp, engrave. V-rv<})a), f. -Ovif/a), to smoke, [v] VTVO), Ep. impf. VTVOV, = VTVVO}. 'EvvdXios, 6, (favca) the Warlike, epith. of Ares or Mars in the Iliad; but, in later authors, different from him. II. as Adj., warlike, furious. [5] 6v-x>ppio>, f. iaaivo), f. &VQJ, to weave in as a pattern : Pass. to be inwoven. Hence evti<|>avT6s, ov, inwoven. 'ENTfl,', oos, contr. ovs, >), Enyo, goddess of war, answering to the Roman Bellona. 230 v, o, leader of an evca^oria. vo>p,OTia, 17, (li/cuyLtoTos) properly, any band of sworn soldiers : a division of the Spartan army, being a sub- division of the \6xos and containing 32 men. 4v-a>p,OTOS, ov, (ev, ofjLWfju) bound by oath : a con- spirator. Adv. OTCUS, on oath. evomoSuas, Adv. to one's face. From v-coirf|, 17, (ev, anf>) the face, countenance: dat. i>- euTrjj as Adv. before the face, openly, Lat. palam. evioma, ow, rd, the inner walls fronting those who enter : properly neut. of evojmos. evcomov, in the presence of, Lat. coram. From cv-comos, QVi (ev, ar/*) in one's presence, face to face. cvcopcra, aor. I of fvupvvfu. evJjpTO, 3 sing. Ep. aor. 2 pass, of cvopvvm. evwcra, Ion. for evoijffa, aor. I of votoj. vu>Ttop,cu, Dep. (ev, ovs) to hearken to. 'E3, Lat. EX, put for 4 before a vowel. ' "EH, ol, at, rd, indecl., Lat. SEX, our SIX. /, aor. 2 inf. of (dya). fj, information sent out to the enemy. From ij--a.yyf\\u), f. e\S>, to tell out, publish, report : esp. to send out information to the enemy : Med. to pro- mise to do : Pass, to be reported as doing ; impers., iayye\\frai it is reported that. Hence e^-aYY^-OS, o, 17, a messenger who brings news out : esp. an informer. II. on the Greek stage the ayye^os came to tell neius from a distance, but the tdyye\os told what was going on behind the scenes. I\TOS, ov, ((ayyf\\ca) told of , discovered. <>, f. iffca Att. ia>, to drive out as a pollution. Ion. for fdy, (e, dy/cow) to nudge with the elbow. ejj-aYvvpu, f. -acy, (!, ayvvp.i) to break and tear away, to rend. |--aYopdco, f. dooj, to buy from: to redeem. e|-aYopva>, f. act), to speak out, publish, divulge. 4|-aYpi6&>, f. cuorou, (l, dypios) to make wild or waste : of living things, to make savage, exasperate. ejj-aYco, f. -dca: aor. 2 -r]yayov : to lead or carry out of or away from. 2. of things, to carry out, ex- port ; TO, k^ayofjitva. exports. 3. to draw out from, set free from. 4. to drive out, expel. II. to bring forth, produce: to call forth, excite. 2. of persons, to lead on, excite, rouse: also to lead on, tempt. III. intr. (sub. eavrov) to go or march out. Hence eaYfc>YT|, "%> a leading out, drawing out : exporta- tion : hence 3Y"Y L P <0 5, ov, carried out; rd igayuytfja exports. -aYcoviop,ai, f. Att. tov/j.ai, Dep. to struggle hard. cjjaS-apxos, ov, (4ds, d'px&O leader of a body of six. <-a'8w, fut. -acrobat, to sing away ; ea8eiv rov fiiov to sing away one's life, end it in song, as the swan : to sing away a spell. II. to sing of, descant upon. -Seipco Ion. for , t s, gen. eos, (e, eros) six years old: fern. tjjatris, t8os. Adv. (dfT(s,for six years. |-a0poCo|xai, Med. to collect oittfrom. (j-aida>, strengthd. for aidfa. |-aip.acrcTVT)S, Adv. on a sudden. 6Jj-aKco[jiai, fut. fcroftai: Dep.: to heal completely, apply a cure; x^ ov e^a/reVaatfat, to appease it; ev- deias eafeeoa06ai to make tip for deficiencies. Hence ta,Kcris, ecus, 17, a thorough cure. 4aicis, Adv. (6^) six times, Lat. sexies. Hence e^aKicr-xtXioi, six thousand ; and f|aKL, f. eycrcy, to make accurately, finish care- fully. II. to inquire accurately. III. Ifa- tcpiJ3ovv \6yov to speak distinctly. '-aicpifG>, f. iffca Att. to), to reac^> / top of; Ifa- Kpifciv aiOepa to skim the upper air. |aKTOV, verb. Adj. of If dyca, one must march out. '-aXa6co, f.cycrey, to WMW/ utterly; b(peaXp.ov IfaAa- cycra to />w^ out his eye. -aXairafco, f. fey, of a city, to sack, storm : gene- rally, to rw/w, destroy : to exhaust. e^dXaro, Dor. for IfrjAaro, 3 sing. aor. I of IfdA- Ao/icu. dXaa0ai,, Ep. aor. I med. inf. of IfaAe'o/wzt. dXeurTpov, TO, a box for ointment. From -aX6i4>a>, fut. ^cy : aor. I TyAet^o : Pass., pf, If- TjkiUfMi Att. If aX-f]\ifj.ij.ai : to anoint thoroughly, plaster over. II. to tf (p OM/, erasg : metaph. to destroy utterly, blot out; fgaXficpfiv rivet, f/c rov KO.- raXoyov to strike his name off the list : Med., If- aXftyaaOai ndOos , only found in aor. I part. IfctAtcras [I], pf. If riXiKa : to roll out, roll well ; dVa-ye TOP tmrov IfaAiVas oiftaSe take him home i^iew you have given him a good roll (see aAti'ST^pa) ; ef rjXiteds /ic I* Tcyi/ iyJuv you have rolled, tumbled me out of my all. cJ-aXXa-yTI, T), a changing : difference. From $-aXXd Att. -TTW : fut. fey : aor. I -r^AAafa : pf. -TyAAaxa : Pass., aor. I and 2 -rjXXdxOrjv, -T]XXd~fr)v : pf. -TjAAtry/xcu : to change utterly or gwi'te. II. to withdraw or remove from. III. /o tar another way ; iroiav [686v~\ If aAAdf cy which way s>&a// 7 /afe; a\\dffffeiv KfpKioa to ply the shuttle to and fro. 4|-dXXofxat, fut. -aAoC^at : aor. i -rjXanrjv : Ep. aor. 2 part. IfdA/^ei/os : Dep. : to spring out of or forth from; !fdAAf down from it. II. to /#/> w/>; of horses, to rear. |-Sp.apTdvco, f. -auaprr}ffo/j.ai: aor. 2 -rjitaprov: /o mistake utterly, err greatly, commit a fault against: Pass, to be mismanaged^ wrongly treated. Hence ca|iapTia, 77, an utter mistake, error. g-a|xacj, fut. rjffca or "ffffo^ai : pf. pass, (frifiriuai '. to mow off, finish reaping : metaph. to cut off, de- stroy : Pass., jfvovs airavros pifav erjfJLri(j.evos hav- ing the stock of all the race cut off. c^-ajipXocu, f. -a/z/3Acy, fut. ipta : aor. I -rjf-ifiipa : to exchange, alter : hence to put off", lay aside : Med. to take the place of, follow close on. II. of Place, to change 231 one for another, pass over from one place to another, withdraw from : Med. to pass out. III. in Med. also, to requite, repay. efj-afilX-yei), f. fey, to milk or suck out. II. to press, as cheese. cg-ajxeXeco, f. rjffca, to be utterly careless of. 4d-(XTpos, ov, (ef , perpov) of six metres : Ifafte- rpos (sub. ToVos), 6, the heroic or hexameter verse. 4d-|rr]vos, ov, (iff, ft^v) lasting six months, Lat. se- mestris : as Subst., (gdfjirjvos, 6 or 77, a half-year. [^ |-ap,Tjxav6u>, f. TyVcy, to */ OM/ o/ a difficulty, eX' tricate oneself from it. c ap.iXXdop.eu, f. rjffopai : aor. i med. -rffJuXXr/ffd- prjv, pass. -T)fj.i\\r]dr]v : Dep. : to struggle vehe- mently ; cfyuAAas Ifa/ttAA^flets having gone through \ desperate struggles. II. to drive out of: to drive out of one's wits. III. as Pass, to be rooted out, of the Cyclops* eye. e-ap.wop.ai, Med. to ward off from oneself, drive away, [v] Q-8.vayK&a>, f. dcrey, to force or com^/ utterly. II. to force out, drive away. Q-avdyu, f. afcy : aor. 2 -avfjyayov : to tVzwg 1 cwf o/or up from : Pass, to /* ozrf to sa, set sail. j c-ava8iJoji OM* o/. : eij-avaicpoijco, f. cris, teas, f), (favaXiffKca) exhaustion. -ava/TTVi>, f. -Trvevaopai, to breathe again, revive. -avdirTO>, f. ipca, to hang up a thing from or by : Med. to attach oneself. II. to rekindle. -avapirdfo>, f. fey and co, f. J^ey, to crown with wreaths. 4!ava<7Tf], ^avao-rfjo-ai, fut. and aor. I inf. of 4-avao-Tpe&>, f. i//ca, to turn upside down : to hztrl headlong from. Ig-avare'XXco, to make spring up from. II. intr. to spring from. ^-ava<|>av86v, Adv. quite openly. 4-avaej>pa>, f. avoiffca, to bring up from the water. II. intr. to emerge from : to recover from an illness. -avaxwpi>, f. rjffca, to go out of the way, withdraw^ retreat. If. c. ace. to evade. 6'-avSp3iro8iu>, and Med. 'av8paTro8t6fiai, f. 232 Att. -favfMi : (t, dvopairooov^) : to sell for slaves, reduce to utter slavery : the Att. fut. fav8pa- irodtov/Mi is also used in pass, sense, as are aor. I -r)vopairo5i(r&r)v, pf. ijvdpairooiafjiai. Hence av8p3Tr68uris, ca}S , *7 a selling for slaves, cf-av8poop.ai, pf. ^TjvSpcaiJ.ai : Pass. : to come to man's years; \6\os 686vrcav Zxptos fr)vopcaiJ.evos a band having grown to men from the dragon's teeth. ^-avYipw, f. cyepu, to excite, stir up. t|avei\6jJLT)v, aor. 2 med. of favaipe, f. wffai : aor. I -^vffuaaa : (t to inflate : puff up. II. to scatter to the winds bring to nothing. -tjo-a, pf. and aor. I o avrrpajjijjuu, pf. pass, of (avaffTp(, f. 570-00 : pf. ~^v6r)Ka : to put out flowers. 2. to bloom with, to be covered with, to break out with, of sores. 3. metaph. to burst forth, break out, flourish. -av0i&>, f. iaca Att. tw, (!, avQos) to deck as with flowers, adorn, paint. Jj-avCir]p,i, f. -avrjaca or -avrjcrofjiai : aor. I to send out or forth, let loose : c. gen. to send forth from. 2. to let go, dismiss. 3. to slacken, loosen. II. intr. to slacken, relax, Lat. remittere. c^-avurrrjfu, f. -avaaTrjcro), aor. I -aviarrjaa : in these tenses Causal, to make rise from one's seat. 2. to remove from a settlement : make to emigrate, ex- pel. 3. to depopulate, destroy. II. Pass, and Med., with aor. 2 act. -avioTrfv, pf. avtaTrjfca, plqpf. eiffTrjieeiv, intrans. to rise from one's seat or sta- tion. i. generally, to arise and depart from a place : to be driven out from one's home. 3. to be depopulated. -avoiY, to lay open. -avop06co, f. uffQ}, to set upright, restore. |-avT\c0, f. rjata : aor. I rjVT\rjaa : to draw out, Lat. exbaurire. II. metaph. to endure to the end, see out, Lat. exantlare. -avveo Att. !-avvrci>, f. vffoJ [v] : aor. T etrjvvaa : to accomplish, fulfil. 2. to dispatch, kill, Lat. conflcere. 3. of Time, to bring to an end, accom- plish : hence to finish one's way to a place, arrive at it. 4. c. inf. to manage to do, Lat. efficere ut ... 5. Med. to finish for oneself. ov, (?, ir&XaiffTfy of six hands- breadths. e-airaXXd<7 Att. TTOJ, f. cu : aor. I -anrj\- \aga : to free from, remove from : Med. to remove oneself from, get rid of. cg-airSTao), f. r^cru : aor. I -rjirarrjaa : to cheat or deceive thoroughly : to seduce : Pass., with fut. med. -rjcrofMi, to be utterly deceived. -a-Trd,TT|, 17, a gross trick or deception. 6-airaTT]TT|p, rjpos, 6, (t^avaraoj) a deceiver. ^-SiraTvXXo>, Comic Dim. of l^aTrardcy, to cheat a little, impose upon. 6-air5CoiTO occurs in act. sense. Igd-ireBos, ov, (c', TTOVS) six feet long. tjj-a/TKiSov, inf. eamoeiv, aor. 2 (with no pres. in use), to observe from afar. Cf. fT8ov. 4(jd-irr|xvs, v, (?, irrjx vs ) s * x cubits long. ejjdmva, Adv., later form of egatrivTjs. 4amvviot,o$. From tljct'iriVTjs, Adv., collat. form for (ais,a, ov, Ion. -irXif|o-tos, 77, ov, (?) sixfold. e|d-irX60pos, ov, (ef , irXtOpov) six trXcOpa long, i. e. 1 200 feet long. 6|-airX6a), f. cktrcy, #o unfold, roll out : to explain. ^-a7ro|3aCvto, f. -firjffofiai, to step out of, e^-airoStojjiai, Dep. to chase away from. ^-airoS'uva>, to put off". Q-a.iroQvr\, to be just on the point of death. Igd-iroXis, v$, rj, (c, rroAts) a league of six cities. ^-air6XXi)(Jii, f. -aTroAeVco Att. -anoXw: to destroy utterly : Med., with perf. 2 act. !airoA.cuA.a, intr. to perish utterly : to perish out of. -airovop,cu, Pass, to return out of. 6-airovico, f. vtyca, to wash thoroughly. i%-airo\>vfa, to sharpen well. --airopi>, also Med. Ijj-airopeojjuu, to be utterly at a loss, be in great perplexity. cij-a-rrocrreXXco, to send out or away : to divorce. Jj-aTroTiva>, f. -aTroriaca [t], to atone fully. c-airo4>dipa), to destroy utterly. |-dirT(o, f. ^cw : aor. I egrjtya : to fasten from or to : c. dat. to attach to. II. Med. to hang from, cling to a thing. 2. to fasten about oneself, wear. Jjapaipir]|JUU, Ion. pf. pass, of $aip Att. -TTW, fut. cu: aor. I crjpaa: to dash or knock out, shatter: metaph. to assail fiiriously. f. ?7ai. abound in, be content with: c. part, to be satisfied with doing. III. to assist, succour. Hence apKT|S, fs, enough, sufficient. ^apKovvTO)S, Adv. pres. part, of Ifaptfeo;, enough, sufficiently. 6^-apvO}xai, f. TiffofMi : aor. I rjpvr]crdfj.r]V and -rjpvrjdrjv : to deny strongly. Hence lapvr]TiK6s, 77, uv, good at denying or disowning. tijapvos, ov, (Ifapi/eo/xcu) denying, disowning. -apTrda>, f. -qprraf a; and apirdaoj or -apndffofjiai : aor. I -r/pTra^a Att. -rjpiiaaa: pf. pass. rjpiraaiMii : to snatch away from : to rescue from danger. tjj-apTaco, fut. 770x1;, to hang from or upon. II. Pass., with fut. med. fgapTrjaopai, pf. egrjpTijftai, to be hung upon, hang upon. 2. to have fastened to one, be equipt with : cf. If aTrro;. 3. to be exposed to view. ij-apTici>, fut. iaca Att. to), to complete, finish : Pass., pf. frjpTicr/j.a.i, to be completely furnished. ^-apTVco, f. vaoj [v], to get ready: to Jit out, equip: Med. to get ready for oneself, fit out: to prepare, set about : Pass., pf. If^TDficu, to be got ready. f^dpxc, Dor. for fijpx i 3 sing- inipf. of edpx, to begin, lead off; Ifdpx 6tl/ Tsaiavd nvi to begin a hymn to one, address it to him : and reversely, tdp-x*iv nvd \6yois to address one with words : so also in Med. Jjdpxo|A(U. e-curK, f. daca, to dishonour utterly, -a'Tra>, Att. contr. for (aicraca. ^-avaiv&), aor. fgrjvrjva : to dry up, parch up. cij-avSdco, f. Tjaaj, to speak out : also in Med. -avAta>, f. rjaoj, to wear out by piping. e-avXio}juu, f. ffopcu, Dep. to leave one's quarters. -avrf]s, Adv., for If avr^s [rrjs wpas], at the very point of time, at once. t^-axms, Adv. for f-avdis, (If, avns) over again, anew. II. of Place, back again, backwards. 5-avTO[xo\co, f. 77*70;, to desert from. -avxa>, f. 770-0; : aor. I f^rjvxrjffa : to boast loudly. cfj-auoj, aor. I e^rjvaa, to scream or cry out. c(j-a4>aipcci>, aor. 2 -aumr][xt,, to put away : Med., with aor. 2 act. -fffrrjv, pf. -tarrjKa, plqpf. -earrjiceiv, intrans. to de- part or withdraw from. g-a<|>pio|jiai, f. iffofMi, Med. (1^, apos) to foam away from oneself, Lat. despumare; ea.(ppifcrOai fiivos, to foam or fret away one's strength. 233 , f. vffca [y~\ : aor. I -^ %> a giving bail or surety. 6^-c-ycipw, f. -eyepw, to awaken : to raise from the "clead : generally, to arouse, excite : to kindle : Pass. with Ep. aor. 2 c^rjypofjirjv, inf. -typtaOai, and pf. act. igeyprjyopa, to be aroused, to wake up. , aor. 2 of (Kypdpfva>v out of one's senses, II. of omens, in a bad quarter. fut. of cf, f. 770*0;, Lat. evolvere, to unfold. If t'AAcw. , 6^L\6jjiT]V, aor. 2 act. and med. of laipOJ. t-6i|jit, 2 sing. eio6a (for efct), inf. IfttVctt Ep. If ifj.eva.1 : impf. fgrjeiv : (e, (1/J.i ibo) : to go out, come out : esp. to march out with an army ; to come forward on the stage. II. of Time, to come to an end, expire; orav rb Katcvv If 177 when the pain ceases. ti;-ip.i (t(/u sum}, only in impers. f fffrt, q. v. e^eiv, fut. inf. of ex*'- inf. of f eart. 15 234 e-iirov, inf. igeureiv, to speak out, to utter, avow : also, to betray : cf. elnov. 6J|ip6TO, 3 sing. impf. of lepo/zcu. ^tpC : f. -fXaffoj Att. -fXS> : pf. - also poet. pres. efeXdco, inf. (tXdav : to drive out, chase out. 2. to beat out, hammer out, of me- tals. II. (geXavveiv arparov to lead out an army : hence (sub. arparuv} intrans. to set out on an expedition, march out. aor. 2 of e/cXa-yxai/fy. , poet, for eeiXe, 3 sing. aor. 2 act. of egaiptca: also 2 sing, imperat. clj-eXeYX 01 ^ f- ^ to search out, bring to the test : to convict, expose, confute : of things, to be proved against one. 2. ov TOVTO -y' eeXeyxf J - ai I am not to blame in this. ejjeXetv, eeXtcr0ai, aor. 2 act. and med. inf. of (gaipeca. ejjeXtirov, aor. 2 of (K\fiiro). c|-X6v0po<7TOfjieu), /o 6 very free of speech. !J;X'uo'op,ai, e^eXOeiv, fut. and aor. 2 inf. of t(px~ pat. f. of fe\avva>. i, pf. pass, of ef\yxw. Att. -TTO), f. gca, to unroll, unfold: metaph. to explain. II. = Lat. explicare, to ex- pand the front by bringing up the rear men. , verb. Adj. one must drag along. From f. -f\Kvff(a [{/], as if from -tXtcvca: to draw or drag out. 2. to draw out from, rescue from. II. to drag out, prolong, protract. aor. I of fK\iicu. , aor. 2 of kKp.avOa.vca. [#], aor. 2 pass, of ( aor. I of ^K^aaaca. , aor. i pass, of f ec|jia tQZiTTa^a. e|f'p,a|a, i^oi^v [5], aor. I act. and aor. 2 pass, of fKftdffaca. ; Ep. for Ifefi'at, aor. 2 inf. of cir}fjii. , Ep. for c^cii/, fut. inf. of ex* - w, f. -efj-eaca : aor. I (geneva : to vomit forth, disgorge. 2. absol. to be sick. aor. i |fJLfJLOp, 3 Sing. pf. l|-jjiir86o), f. wacy, to keep fast or strictly, observe. Ion. -o, f. ^cro;, to traffic ; KepSos to drive a gainful trade ; pf. pass. e^rjfj.Tru- \rjfMi, I am bought and sold, betrayed. II. to sell off. ejj-evaipo, aor. 2 inf. egevapeiv, = (gevapifa. g-6vapico, f. tcw, to strip or spo*7 a foe : to slay in fight. T, 2 pi. aor. I imperat. of fKfpepw. , to speak out, proclaim. aor. I of CKVfvca and also of l/cve'cu. 4^v0ois, gev0a)v, Dor. for ee\0ois, ce\0wv, aor. 2 opt. and part, of l^epx /* '- vCi, f. -irqffofj.ai, to charm away : Pass., ef- iraSeffOai cptxriv to be charmed out of their nature. 4(;-6ira(pco, f. -firapui, to stir up, elate. e|irat, f. euro; [a] : aor. I f(paffa : to vomit forth, Lat. evomere. 2. metaph. to disgorge, get rid of; e(pav ras ^/rj, -6p0oj, streiigthd. for (peOifa, fpeOca. j--fp6iiro, to strike or hew off. II. intr. in aor. 2 t-r)plhrov, inf. egepiireiv, and pf. t^Tjpiira : to fall to earth; x a ' iTr l C f1 - r Y^ 1 ] s fcpiirovffa the mane streaming downwards from the yoke: to fall down. e-eptryojwu, Pass, of rivers, to empty themselves. -6pwda>, f. riocu, to search out, examine. cg-cpcb) Att. contr. -ep>, (e, Ipecy) fut. without any pres. in use, I will speak out, proclaim: hence pf. act. fgeiprjKa ; 3 plqpf. pass. e(ipT)TO ; and fut. f et- pTjo-CTcu in pass, sense. The pres. in use is (gayopeva), the aor. itiTrov. cg-cpco), Ep. for ffpo(j.at, to inquire into: inquire of. J--6pT)}Ji6ci>, f. ojaw, to make utterly desolate, desert utterly. -po>, f. iooj, (t, epts) to be contumacious, resist. ^pnriv, aor. 2 inf. of (gfpeitra}. pi- mi(a) : to creep out of: absol. to creep out. [a], aor. 2 pass. o cppctva, aor. c aor. I o , aor. I of (Kpiirroj. pf. of l/cpecw. aor. 2 pass, (in act. sense) o c|-cppo>, (e, cppo;) /o^-o out: only in imperat.,eepp ^at'as away out of the land. 6-pvica>, to ware? o^ repe/. [i>] ^-6pt>a>, f. vacu [D] : aor. I egdpvcra. Ep. itpvffa and tflpvffffa : to draw out of, snatch out of, wrest from : to tear out. -PXF lal ' Dep. with fut. -tXevaopai : aor. 2 -17X1;- ^oi/ contr. -^A^oi': pf. -e\r)\v6a: to go out, come out of, march off: to go through: to stand forth. II. of Time, to come to an end, expire. III. of pre- 235 phecies, etc., to be accomplished, come true: generally, to reach its end. cg-6pci>u>, f. 770-0;, to swerve from the course, to shy. -pa>rd&>, f. rjaoj, to search out : to question. ce, collat. form of foreg. Iberia, 77, (lt7;//t) a sending out, mission. e^Q'r\v, aor. I act. and pass, of fKffwfa. J|-T(xa> : f. f^trdoca Att. (erSj : aor. I frjTaoa Dor. er)Taa: pf. fgyrafca: Pass., aor. I (^rdaOrjv: pf. (r)rafffjiai : to examine well or closely, to scruti- nise: hence to question, esp. by the torture : of things, to search out, to inquire into, sift closely. 2. of troops, to inspect, review. II. to prove clearly, to test: hence to estimate, compare: Pass, to be proved, to stand the trial : to be examined. a], aor. I pass. a], aor. 2 pass, of e/ aor. 2 of fKTt Ep. aor. I 4eTavti, (!, fv/Miprjsyto make easy, lighten. II. Med. to ## raiafy, prepare, Lat. expedire. JjvpOTS, ecus, 77, (tgcvpiatcoj) a searching out: a finding out, invention. leupt)}j.a, arcs, TO, a thing found out, an invention, contrivance. From -vpurKa>, f. fvprjffca, aor. 2 cvpov : to find out., discover : to invent. 2. to seek out. 3. to find out, win, secure. Jj-VTpmo>, to prepare. |j-vxo|Acu, Dep. to boast aloud, proclaim. II. to pray for. ^6<}>aav0ir]v Ep. for Jje<{>av0T]v, aor. I pass, of tKfpaivw. |avrjv [a], aor. 2 pass, of e/e0ap|jLvos, pf. pass. part, of (KtyOeipca. J-0ivTcu, 3 pi. pf. pass, of fK0iTO, 3 plqpf. pass, of fKiir)Hi, mostly used in Med. ejjc^Ccjicu, to enjoin, urge, bid. cgt^iryov, aor. 2 of fK(pev^ca. 6J-ii(ra, Qffyvv, aor. I and 2 of eKfpvw. Ep. ^x Va aor - T f eic-xeo). , aor. l med. , aor. I of %K\pa aor. I o if\\tva,, aor. I o 4|-|;o>, f. -etyrjffcu, to boil thoroughly. jj-Tj{3os, ov, (l/c, ^/3?/) />as/ o/ze's youth. *|JT|Y a "Y ov ' aor. 2 of aor - J act> an P ass - L, fut. -rjffofjiai : pf. -^yrjfiai : Dep. : to be leader of, c. gen. pers. 2. c. ace. pers. to man- age, direct, govern. II. to g"o 7?rs, lead the way: 2. ir)ytTa0ai nvt to shew one /& way in a thing ; and so to guide : also to teac& ; to com- mand. III. like Lat. prae'ire verbis, to prescribe a form of words : to expound, interpret. IV. /o /// a length, narrate, describe. Hence ' ^ a g u ^de, director, counsellor: gene- rally, a deviser. IF. an interpreter of oracles or sacred rites, Lat. interpres religionum. r, aor. 2 med. of cy(ip&. v, pf. pass, of fgfiKafa. of, of, ra, indecl. (e') swofy, sexaginta. l|T]KOVTa-TT)S, cs, (tgrjKovTa, eTos) sixty years old. l|T)KOVTa,Kis poet. -a,Kt, (CT)KOVTCI) Adv. sz'jc/fy times. !i]KOVTa-TSXavTia, 77, (k^rjKovra, ToXavnov) a sum of sixty talents. ^K]KovTtcra, aor. I o: , 17, 6f, (f^KOvra) sixtieth, sexagesimits. -T|Kti>, f. 17^0;, to have arrived at a point : of Time, to have run out, expired: of prophecies, to have turned out true. J;T|\acra Ep. ^T|\acrcra, aor. I of QeKavvu. eif|XaTOS, ov, (l^eAatW) beaten out, hammered. ^TjXeYX^Vj aor - I pass, of cc\f'yx ca : ^TflXeyiCTO, 3 nng. plqpf. e];T|\ivJ;a, aor. I of ega\ft(p, f. dffca, (4^, ?;\tos) to set in the sun : to hang in the open air. ^TjX\a^a, aor. I of (gaXXaffffca : T[XXaYp,ai, pf. pass. 6^TjXtiioKQ}. , f. ffcu, to cheat utterly. , aor. I of ecupcy. , pf. pass, of grjpaivoj. |T|pdv0ir]v, aor. i pass, of t]paiv(v. ^Tjpa|a, aor. I of egapaaaoj. ^qparo, 3 sing. aor. l med. of lat/>. ^TjpTto-fi.ai, pf. pass, of la/mcy. |T|p-ri)p,ai, pf. pass, of f^aprtxa. 4|t|pXTO, 3 sing. impf. med. of Qapx- T|pa>T|0-a, aor. I of fgfpojeca. e^-rjo-K-qo-a, aor. I of laxow, aor. I and impf. o Ep. e^rj^voxra, aor. I of (a(p f. 77(70;, to sound forth, publish. ^Tj, f. a>o"o>, to make swell out; fj.r)Tepa TCKJXV , i'Stos) to make one's own, to Zgoy/covv to honour her by raising a tomb : Pass, to U>e swelled out : metaph. to be piffled up, elated : ab- -tSpvco, f. vffoj j_D], to place in a resting posture : Med. to establish oneself. lvai, inf. of 4'^e t/ exibo ; but 4ivat, of fgirjfu. efj-iTjfJu, f. 770-0;, to send out, dispatch, in Ep. aor. 2 inf. ffj,ev for feivai : of a sail or cable, to let out or loose : to throw out or forth: to take out of: Med. to put off from oneself, get rid of. 2. to send from oneself, divorce. tij-iOiivo) [u] , to make quite straight. ^-iKTeuo>, f. a, f. , to unravel, disentangle. II. to keep out from, bar from. i(jivcu, for eifvai, inf. of 4'fetynt exibo. <-Iir6co, f. axjoi, to press out, pre*s heavily. <-iirr64JUU, later form of tKTreTOp.ai. is, o;s, ?), (eo; fut. of e'xcu) a beitig in a certain state, a permanent condition or habit, of body or mind. -unrjs, Adv. for ( 'iarjs (sub. /io/'pas), equally; also -io-ou (sub. peTpov). ^l-io^oco, f. wffca, to make equal or even, Lat. exae- quare : Med. tomake oneself equal: Pass, to beequal, to be a match for. 2. to put on a level. II. intr. to be equal or like. -um]}Ju, f. (feaTrjffca, aor. I tffrr), f. 7700;, to inquire into : inquire of. , f. vaoj [v], to be quite able. tX a} ' trans, to put forth: intr. to standforth. sol. to sivell, rise high. Hence !|6-yici)jAa, aros, TO, anything raised up : a mound, barrow, cairn. |-o8do>, f. 770-0;, (e^oSos iv) to sell. 4-o8ta, 77, (e^oSos) a marching out, expedition. 4-68ios, ov, (4'^oSos in) of, belonging to an exit; to the finale of a play. II. as Subst., TO fodiov (sub. /xe'Aos), the finale of a tragedy. At Rome, exodia were burlesques acted after other plays, or travesties on the subject of the play itself, like some modern epilogues. cg-oSotiropcco, f. 770-0;, to go out of. t-o8os, 17, a going out. 2. a marching out, military expedition : a sally. 3. a solemn proces- sion. II. a way out, Lat. exitus. III. also like Lat. exitus, an end, close : the close of life, de- cease. 2. the end of a tragedy. 3. a piece of music played at any one's exit. IV. an outgoing, payment of money: hence tfcooaca. , f. 97, f. r}act}, to build up, build from the ground, finish a building. -(H}Juoa>, f. -oi[Mvojjai, to wail aloud. 4|-ouv6op.ai, pf. igcfvojpai, Pass, to be quite drunk. eij-oio-Tcos. a, ov, verb. Adj. of fxtyepai, to be brought out. II. toiffTeov, one must bring out. ^-oio-Tpdaj or -epcj: med. eoto-ojjuu also in pass, sense. |-oixvco, f. 770-0;, to go out: Aeol. 3 pi. (goixvtvffi. e-oixop,ai, Dep. to have gone out. ejj-OK\Xw, aor. I -WKfiXa, to thrust out of the sea ; to run a ship aground: intr. of the ship, to run aground. II. metaph. to run a person aground, bring him into difficulties : Pass., Scvpo the thing is brought to this pass. aor. I inf. of (o\\vfu. 238 4-oXur0dva>, fut. -oXtaOrjaca : aor. 2 -wXiaOov : to slip off, to glance off. II. c. ace. to slip out of, elude. ^-6XXi)fJLi and -vAa, to perish utterly. |-oXo0piico, f. (ro>, to destroy utterly. J--oXoXijfc0, f. fo>, to oitf/ aloud. co|j.cu, fut. med. of ex "- , eos, 77, a demand of hostages. From >, f. aca, to bind by taking hostages : Med. to take as hostages. -op,lXo, f. ijao), to have intercourse, associate, live with. II. Med. to be away from one's friends, to be solitary. Jj-6p,lXos, ov, away from intercourse with others: foreign, strange. e^-ofijjiaToco, f. caaca, (If, o/^ia) to give sight to : Pass, to be restored to sight. 2. metaph. to make clear or plain. II. also to bereave of sight. e-6}Jivv|AY>, f. 770-0), and as Dep. cJ-ojioXo-ytopxa, f. fjaopai, to confess in full, admit. 2. to agree, promise. II. to make full acknowledgment for : praise, celebrate. Jj-0[ji,6pYvvp.i, f. -o^opfa), to K>Z/> off from. II. Med. to K///> off from oneself: hence to impart to an- other : to wipe out or purge away a pollution. e6v, part, from the impers. cfeart. -ov6i8i, to arm completely, accoutre : Pass, and Med. to arm oneself , go forth armed. 2. gene- rally, to prepare; pf. part. pass. egcair\iap.tvos, all ready. Hence ^oirXt, fut. iaoi Att. w, to enrage : -Pass, to be furious. e-op0Ki(>, f. aca, to lift up the voice, to cry aloud. 5-op06o>, f. uaca, to set upright : Pass, to stand upright. 2. metaph. to amend, restore. l-opio>, f. iffoj Att. iiw : aor. i f^upicfa : to send beyond the frontier, banish : to expose a child. II. dhXr]!/ air' d\\r]s egcpifciv iroXiv to wander from one city to another. III. Pass, to be an exile: also to pass the bounds, come forth. Hence |-opivu) [i], to exasperate. |-6pio-TOS, ov, expelled, banished. -opKico, f. iaoj Att. , to swear a person, admin- ister an oath to him. II. to exorcise, i. e. banish an evil spirit. Hence ^opKW7TTjs, ov, o, one who administers an oath. II. an exorcist. c'jj-opKos, ov, bound by oath. Ig-opKoct), f. ojffQ}, to make one swear, bind by oath, c. ace. pers. : c. ace. pers. et rei, to make one swear by, egopfcovv nva rb Sru-yos yScup. Hence 4jj6pKa>, f. rjata, to set out or start from : of pain, to break out. II. trans, to send forth; t^opfj,dv TTJV vavv to start the ship: generally, to excite, stir up: Pass, to set out, start. e-op}ii, fut. iaca Att. la>, to bring out of harbour; ^opp.i^iv Is ITOVTOV to let down into the sea. t'-opp.os, ov, sailing from a harbour. 6^-opovco, f. oca, to spring, leap forth. -opii, f. wow, to dedicate, devote. -oeXAo>, to increase exceedingly. c-60aX}J.os, ov, with prominent eyes. !J-oxT|, 77, (If f x&>) standing out, prominence : me- taph. eminence ; ol /ear' If oxnv the chief men. *X s > OI/ > (If^X 00 )^ 07 ^*^ out, prominent: metaph. eminent, excellent : c. gen., ef GXOS 'Apfticav eminent among or above them. Adv. neut. egoxov and c. gen., cfoxct iravTorv far above all. *|-xjppo>, f. iffca Att. to), to break out into insolence, run riot, wax wanton ; v&pi(tv ei's ro5e to come to this pitch of insolence ; (v(3pifiv iravroia to commit all kinds of violence. egwfJKa ruvf]Ka, for gvvfjfca. ffwrjua, aor. I with dupl. augm. of ffvvitjfjLi. 6^-viravicTTr]p,u, to make to start up. II. Pass., with aor. 2 act., intrans., ap.S}Qi [ifTatypevov If vTrape- arrj a weal started up from under the skin of the back. -iiiTp0e, Adv. (If, vnepOe) from above. |-vm]p6Tco, f. rjaca, to assist to the utmost. e-vimo>, f. iffoj, (If, virvos) to rouse from sleep. ejj-virvos, ov, (If, virvos) awakened out of sleep. !virn.ao>, f. acu, to turn upside down. cvpei|rr]v, aor. I med. of vpca. |vpi]jjLat, pf. pass, of vpaiva), f. avw, to finish weaving, Lat. pertexere : metaph. to complete, perfect. Hence j;\j4>acr}Aa, arcs, TO, a finished web. |-'U(|n] < yop., Adv. (If, as iffca from ets) without, on the out- side, Lat./om. II. of Motion, outwards, away out of the country, Lat./oras. III. like ITOS, with gen., outside of, out of reach of; efcw @\u>v out of shot : Proverb., cfa; TOU irrjXov TroSa %x fiv to keep clear of difficulties. 2. without, except. IV. of Time, beyond, over. ?w, fut. of X, without. J;-a>0i>, f. wOrjaca and -a>o"cy : aor. I I f Xeia, %, utter destruction. From 4j-u>\T)s, s, (If oAcuAa) utterly destroyed, ruined. 2. act. most destructive, ruinous. II. of persons, abandoned. |&)|Jii8o-iroua, 77, (Trotecu) the making of an Ifcy^us. >, f. tra;, ^o 6ar^ z// ^o the shoulder. From , tSos, f), (e, a)/^os) a wa's vest without sleeves, leaving both shoulders bare, or with one sleeve, leaving one shoulder bare. -o>vop.ai, Dep. to buy off: generally, to buy. ej;-a>mos, ov, (ef, wif/) out of sight of, away from. 6a>irAio'|Avos, pf. part. pass, of foTr\ifa. -u>pidu>, (If, wpa) to leave out of thought, neglect. cj-upura, aor. I of If opifa. cu>piii<7cu, 2 sing. pf. pass, of If oppifa. l^-wpos, ov, (If, wpa) untimely : superannuated. i%S>pro, 3 sing. Ep. aor. 2 pass, of If 6pvvfj.i. e|w. ^wo-rr]S, ov, 6, (Ifwfo'a;) one who drives out : IfcD- (TTO.I dvep.01 winds which drive ships ashore. 239 |(OTaTOs,7/,oi',Sup. of 4'f<{>e\Aov, impf. of If o^tAAcu. eo, Ep. for ov, gen. of 3rd pers. Pron. his, of him ; O.TTO to away from him. eol, Ep. for of, dat. of 3rd pers. Pron. ov, to him. JEOI, Ep. for e7, 3 sing. opt. of ei/xi swm. , syncop. for lota/xei/, i pi. of lot/fa. , as, f, etc , pf. with pres. sense, from CIKOJ, to I be like (see CIKOJ}, Att. I pi. faffifv (for loiaa/itr), fao"t (for koLKaai) ; Ep. 3 dual &KTOV (for lot'/fa- "TOJ/) ; inf. eoircevai Att. eiKfvai ; part. eoiKws, via., us, lengthd. pi. nom. eloncvidi ; Att. dttdis, (ircvTa, drcos, is also used by Horn.: Ion. olica, as, e, part. OIKWS : plqpf. kyKfiv, Ep. 3 pi. eoi/teffav ; of the plqpf. there is also an Ep. pass, form 3 sing. rjiKro, and without augm. e'iKTO. I. to 6* or too /z'/te. II. to 6e ^/ : Homer has 3 sing, toi/ee as impers., it is fit- ting, right, seemly. i. Homer also uses part, lot- KWS as an Adj. meet, fitting, right; foiKon Kfirai 6\e8pa> he lies in fitting ruin; fiuvTa O.KOITIS a suitable wife, ' a help meet for him.' III. Att. to seem likely, seem ; eoifce it seems ; us ZOIKC, as it seems, as is fitting. ioncoTcos Att. etKOTCos Ion. OIKOTOJS, Adv. of part. (oiKws, elKus, O'IKWS, similarly, like: reasonably, fairly, as was to be expected. coijxi, cots, cot, Ion. for firjv, tirjs, firj. toto, Ep. for tov, gen. of eos. lots, dat. pi. of ios. j-ois, Ep. for fiijs, 2 sing. opt. of et/ sum. eoura, Dor. for louo'a, oi/aa, part. fem. of efyu sum. toXira, poet. pf. with pres. sense of f\n\imv. ov, Ep. for fjv, impf. of elfii sum ; but eov Ion. for ov, part. neut. eov, nom. or ace. neut. of 4os. JEOVTU, Dor. for fieri, 3 pi. of dpi sum. JfopYd, poet. pf. of e/>5cu ; 3 pi. Zopyav for eopyaffiv ; part, fopyws : Ion. 3 sing, plqpf. eopycc. loprd^o) Ion. oprd^w, f. a aTOS > T O on announcement, promise. , f. -ayepw, to gather together, collect : Pass., of men, to assemble. Hence ira,Ypcris, (cos, 77, a gathering, assemblage. 7r, Ion. for kitayca, to bring to. lir-a-yXai^, f. iff& Att. to), to honour still more :* Pass, to pride oneself on, exult in a thing. f. 770*0;, to watch or brood over. , f. o> : aor. 2 eirrjyayov : to bring or lead to, bring upon. 2. to lead on, to set on, let loose : hence to instigate, impel : metaph. to bring one to a thing, lead one on. 3. to lay on ; stray civ nevrpov to lay on, apply the goad; eiraye yvdOov lay your teeth to it. 4. to bring in, supply, call in aid. 5. to bring in a bill or lawsuit, propose. 6. to bring in over and above : to add or intercalate days in the year. II. Med. to bring to oneself, procure for oneself : metaph. to devise, contrive. 2. to bring on oneself. 3. to bring in as allies : in writing, to adduce, quote, cite. Hence ttrdi'^fayi], f], a bringing on, to or in : an invasion, attack. II. in Logic, the bringing a number of particular examples, so as to lead to an universal con- clusion, the argument from induction. ttriiywyos, 6v, (emr/cu) bringing on, productive of. II. tempting, seductive. ir-3Y&>viop,ai,, f. tvios, ov, (eiri, ay day) presiding over the games. cir-aSto Ion. and poet. liraeiSco : f. -ao-o/wu : /a sing to or over. 2. to lead the song. II. to ting to, so as to charm : hence to use charms or in- cantations ; part. cirafiScav, by incantations. 4ir-astpa>, Ion. and poet, for eiraipfa. ir-ao>, to make to grow, enlarge. c'iraOov, aor. 2 of TtaG\, f. oca, to assemble besides. -G), f. : fut. cffca Att. or -aVrto : fut. -a'ica Att. -aor. to rush at or upon: to assail, assault, attack: Med., eiraia.ffOai df6\ov to rush upon, seize the prize. II. tTraaofiv trooa to move the foot hastily: Pass., X f ?P fS firatffaovTai the hands move violently. ir-durTOS, ov, (e7Tai'o>) heard of, discovered, [of] ir-, f. 770-0;, to ask in addition : to solicit. 6ir-aiTtdo|Jiau, f. aaofjLai [a], Dep. to bring a charge against one, accuse : to lay to one's charge. Tr-aiTios, ov, (ITTI, atria) blamed for a thing, blam- able, culpable. 67T-ULOJ contr. 6TT-qua : f. iffca : to hear, perceive, feel. 2. to understand. 3. to profess, be a pro- fessor. Tr-aici>ptw, f. 770-0;, to keep in suspense : Pass, to be buoyed up or float upon : also to overhang, threaten. Tr-a!coXoi>0ea), f. 770*0;, to follow close upon, follow after: to pursue as an enemy. 2. to follow in one's mind, understand. 3. to follow, obey. Hence 4iraKoXov0T)[xa, paTos, TO, a consequence : and eTraKoXov0T|cris, eas, r>, a following. CTraxovos, ov, ((iraKova}) listening to, attentive. lir-aKOva), f. -aKovjOftai : aor. I tirrjtcovGa : to listen or attend to. II. to listen to, obey. Tf-aKpta>, f. era;, to reach the top of a thing ; alpa.- TOJV ftrrjKpifff he reached the highest point in deeds of blood. crr-aKpod.O}xcu, f. ao*o/^a/i [a], Dep. to hearken to. iraKTTip, ripos, o, (eTra-yoj) a hunter, a huntsman. ir-aKTtos, a, ov, (kiri, d/rrr}) on the strand or coast. liraicTos, ov, (iTra^o;) brought on or in from abroad, imported. 2. foreign, strange, alien, adven- titious. tiraicTpts, toos, 77, (iTrcr/a;) a small row-boat, skiff. Tr-aXaXati>, f. (a>, to raise the war-cry. 6TraXaXKjxV, Ep. aor. 2 inf. of cTraAf^o;. ir-aXdo|xai, aor. I tTraXrjOrjv, Dep. (o wander about, through, over. ir-SX(trTco, f. 770*0;, to be troubled at a thing. TT-aXYo, f. 770-0;, to grieve over. 7r-aXCc{)a, f. tyo3, to smear over : to stop up by anointing. iT-3\it-a>, f. grjffu, to defend, aid, help. II. to ivard, keep off": aor. 2 inf. 47raAaAe?i', Ep. -c/^ej'. iraXT)9eCs, aor. I part, of cir-a\ao/j,ai. 6Tra\T)9ir), 3 sing. aor. I subj. of eir-aXdofiai. eir-aX-rjOevco, f. oca, to prove true, verify. Tr-a\TjS, es, (tiri, dAea) open to the sun, sunny, [a] TT-aXKT|S, es, (lirt, dAtfj?) stout, strong. GTraXXayh, f], (iTraAAdcrcra;) interchange, exchange. cir-aXXd, Adv. = e^aAAa^, crosswise, alternately. I iT-aXXa : fut. dcu : pf. rjXXa.'xa : . Pass., aor. i -r]\Xd)(0rjv, aor. 2 -r]\\dyijv [a] : pf. -r/AAa-y/ucu : A> change over, interchange ; iro\fj,oio TTfipap eira\\davT(s making the tug of war go now this way, now that, i. e. fighting with doubtful victory : Pass, to be closely joined. eir-dXXir]Xos, ov, (tfii, dAAiyAcuy) one upon another : continuous. Tr-dX|ji,6vos, ov, syncop. aor. 2 part, of lpco, for firava, f. -prjaofuu : pf. -@f0T)Ka : to get upon, mount on horseback. II. to go up inland. e-rr-avapdXXco, f. -jSaAu) : pf. -@{&\7)Ka : to throw on or over : Med. to put on. II. in Med., also, to put off. delay. -n--avo.J3i!3aci>, f. -j3i/3d, f. rjaoftai, to cry out at a thing. liravayayeiv, aor. 2 inf. of liravdyca. tTf-a.va.yK'ifo, f. daca, to compel by force. TT-5,va.yKT)S, es, (tiri, dvdyttr)) only used in neut. e-rrdvayKts (sub. eo"ri), it is necessary. 2. neut. also as Adv. on compulsion ; cirdvayKfs /co/icDj/res wearing long hair by law. tTf-a,v&yopV(a, to proclaim publicly : v. evaveiirov. tTf-avayto, f. dca : aor. 2 av/jyayov : to bring up, stir up, excite. 2. to exalt, elevate. II. to lead or draw back: to bring back, to refer to one. III. intr. to withdraw, retreat. IV. to put ships out to sea : Pass, to put to sea against. V. Pass, to be carried to a place. Hence irtavaiydtyi], 77, a sailing out against, a naval at- tack. II. a recall, return. ir-avci8nrXda>, to redouble, reiterate questions. 4-jT-avaOedojJiai, f. daopai [a], Dep. to see again. ir-avaipG>, to lift up : Med. to lift one against the other : Pass, to rise up. 4ir-avdicin,cu, Pass, to be laid upon as a penalty. TC-a,va.KXa,yya.v(&, to give tongue again and again. TT-avaKpovo>, to drive back: Med. to draw back. lir-avaKviTTCi), f. i^cw, to have an upward direc- tion. eir-avaXajxpdvw, f. -Ar^oficu, to take tip again, re- sume, repeat. etr-avaXi, f. -avaXuffoj, to consume besides. 67r-ava|Ava>, f. juei/a), to continue waiting, stay on. II. to wait for one. TT-ava[JufivT|O'Ka>, f. fj.vr)aca, to remind one of, men- tion again to one. -ir-avavoto, f. waw, to renew, revive. lir-avcvTravw, f. aw, to make to rest upon : Med. to rest upon. ir-avaiTT|8d, f. 770*0) or rjaofiai, to leap upon. eir-avairXco), f. -irAeuaojucu ; Ion. tiravairXww, f. TtXwooj: to sail up against. II. to float upon the surface. ; firavairXufi vp.lv eTrea Kaitd ill language floats up, rises to the tongue. III. to sail back again. eir-avappiinrco and -o, to throw up in the air (sub. favrov) to spring high in the air. iravd, f. oca, to lift up and shake, to brandish. iiravdoToa-ts, ecus, T), (tiraviaTrjfjii) a rising up against, an insurrection. iravaa>, f. \[/, f. -TCVOJ, to hold up towards ; iirava- Tfivfiv (Xirioas to hold out hopes. (ir-avareXXo), f. -avareXw : aor. I -avtreiXa : to lift up, raise. II. intr. to rise up, rise, of the 242 sun ; fvavTf\\(vv xpwos the time which is coming to light, the future. ir-avaTC0Tfi|Jii, f. -e-fjffca, to lay upon. ir-ava4>ep(i> poet. eir-ap.<|>epa>, to throw back upon another, ascribe or refer to. 2. to put into the ac- count. 3. to bring back a message. II. Pass. to be borne up, rise, as an exhalation. ir-ava<|>ij(rda>, f. rjaoj, to play on the flute in accom- paniment. eir-avaxa>po, f. Jj ffoj > to g back again, retreat, re- turn. Hence iravaxwpT]cris, f&s, "n, a return, retreat. lir-dveifu, to go back, return. II. to go up, arise. irav6ivai, firaveis, aor. 2 inf. and part, of firavirjfJLi. irav6tirov, aor. 2, to proclaim or promise openly : the pres. in use is firavafopfva}. ir-avipo(xat, Ion. for knavfpofjiai. -nav\0iv, eirav\0a>v, aor. 2 inf. and part, of fir- ^ir-avepo|j,ai Ion. eipojxai, to question again and again : generally, to question. cir-avepxofxat, f. -f\fvffoiMii : Dep., with aor. 2 act. -rj\6ov, pf. -f\rj\vOa : (cf. cpxofMi) : to go back, return : to go over, pass over. II. to go up, as- cend. ir-av"fjK, f. 170-0;, to bloom, be in flower: metaph. of a salt crust forming upon a surface, or of down on the cheeks : generally, to be upon the surface, appear plainly. ir-av0Cco, f. iffca Att. to), (firi, dvOos) to deck with flowers : generally, to make to abound, to cover over with. irav0paict86s, , f. ojoca, to make equal, put on a par. ir-avwm]|ju, f. -arrjffQ}, to set up again: to make to rise. II. Pass., with aor. 2 act. -avfarrjv, pf. avfffrijKa, intrans. to stand up after or at the bid- ding of another : generally, to stand up, rise ; of things, to be high, elevated. 2. to rise up against one, revolt. ir-avop06o>, f. woo) : augm. tenses with double augm., impf. firrjvdupOovv, aor. I fm)vpOajffa, etc.: to set up, set upright : to set up again : generally, to amend, improve. Hence eirav6p0&xris, ecus, 77, a correcting : amendment. ir-avTA\a>, poet, and Ion. for firavaTf\\ca. wr-avTirjs, (s, (firi, dvra) up-hill, opp. to KardvTrjs. ir-avTida>, f. daw, to fall in with, meet. 7r-avT\(), f. -qaca, to pump over : to pour over : Pass, to be overflowed or filled. ir-avT;w, f. vaca [C], to complete: Med. to procure for. dvw, Adv. (firi, dVcu) above, on the upper side : e naprva) with Art., 6 firdvea irvpyos the tipper tower. II. of Time, before. Hence irdvc>0v, poet. -06, Adv. from above, above: ol lir. men of former time. 7r-d|tos, ov, and a, ov, (tiri, d'tos) worthy, deserv- ing of, c. gen. : absol. worthy, meet. 2. worth men- tioning : Adv. -taw. Hence cir-ai-ioo), f. wffca, to think worthy, think right, c. inf., Lat. dignor. II. to expect, believe. ir-a(j6vios, ov, (Ifft, d(uv) upon an axle. 6Tnieo, Dor. 2 sing. aor. I med. of irr)^vvp.i. iiraotS-fi, 57, (iTraetScu) poet, and Ion. for iira>5rj. eirdoiSos, 6, poet, for CTrcySos. 6ir-3iriAc0, f. -fjffca, to hold out a threat to one : to add threats, to threaten besides. ir-airo8vop,, to choke besides : aor. 2 pass, iir- airfirviyrjv [t]. ir-, f. k-ndpaca : aor. I firijpffa, : to fit to or upon, fasten to. II. intr. in pf. med. cirdprjpa, to fit well: part, k-naprjpws, close-fitting: so also 6ir- dpftevos, T), ov. etrdpas, aor. I part, of (ira-ipa. eTT-apdcro-w Att. -TTCO, f. ^cy, to dash to. eirdparos, ov, (iTrapdo/iat) laid under a curse. lir-dpYjJios, ov, (km, dpyepos) of the eye, with a white speck over it. II. metaph. dim, obscure. ir-dpY^pos, ov, (firi, dpyvpos) overlaid with silver. ir-apTjYo>, f. cu, to come to aid, help. Hence eirdpTj^is, ecus, 17, help, aid. eirapT]pa, -etv, intr. pf. and plqpf. of (irapapiffKOJ. ir-apio'Tpos, ov, (firi, dpiortpos) on the left hand : left-handed, awkward, French gauche. irdpK60TS, coos, 17, aid, help, succour. From ir-apKea), f. faca : aor. I inrjpurjffa : to ward off", rtvi TI something from one. 2. c. ace. rei only, to hinder, prevent. 3. c. dat. pers. only, to help, aid, protect. II. to supply, furnish, impart. III. absol. to be sufficient, enough. Hence eirapicoiJVTtos, Adv. pres. part., sufficiently. irdpp,evos, Ep. aor. 2 part. pass, of (irapapiffKQ), well- fitted, well-prepared. ir-dpovpos, ov, (Irrt, dpovpa) on the soil, attached to the soil as a serf, Lat. adscriptus glebae. lir-apTcuo, f. rjaoj, to hang on or over : Pass., ^>o/3cs fitrjprrjrai fear hangs over, impends. ir-apTT|S, es, (firi, dpTfca) ready, equipped. lir-apTVO) and -aprvvco, to fit or fix on. II. to get ready, prepare : Med. to prepare for oneself. 7, a prefecture, province. From eir-apxos, ov, (km, dpx*?) a commander: a governor of a country, prefect. 7r-dpx<>, f. a>, to be an (irapxos, governor of a province. 2. to rule in addition to one's own do- minions. II. Med. eirdpxofj.ai, to begin anew, afresh ; kirdpgaaOai Seirdeaoiv to begin with the cups again : generally, to supply, distribute. cirapwyos, <* (kirapij^oi) a helper, aider. cirapco'vovv, impf. of irapoivta. 6TTao-dp]v, aor. I of irareoficu. 6ir-ao-K6o>, f. rjao) : aor. I -fjaferjffa : to labour at, finish carefully. II. to adorn. III. to prac- tise, practise oneself in, cultivate. 6tr-a, Att. for 67TcuWa>, q. v. eir-avSdo), f. -fjaoj, to say besides : Med. to call upon. 6iraij07]v or iraiJcr0T]v, aor. I pass, of Trat'cw. 6ir-auXo, f. rjaoj : pf. pass. eirr]v\r]fj.ai : (km, avXos) : to play the flute to, accompany : Pass, to be played on the flute. ir-avAio}iai, f. IffOfUU, Dep. to take up one's quar- ters at a place. ir-avXis, ecus, 77, (km, auAts) a place to pass the night in : quarters. 6ir-avAos, o, (kiri,av\r)) plur. HiravXoi, of, and eirav\a, rd, a fold for cattle : generally, a dwelling, home. eir-av|dva> or lir-aula), f. avgrjaca, to increase, en- large, augment : Pass, to grow, increase. eiravpeiv Ep. -}Av, aor. 2 inf. 6ir-avpo, = eiravpicrKOfJiai. cir-avpeo-is, fas, 77, (kiravpiffKOfJiai) the fruit, result of a. thing: enjoyment, fruition. eir-atipiov, Adv., for kn' avpiov, on the morrow. ir-avpupiv, Lat. in ipso furto, in the very theft or very act. ir-avxvios, ov, (km, avxty} on or for the neck. ir-avxi>, f. 170-0;, to boast of, exult in. ir-oiJfc>, f. -avow [0], to shout over or upon. 243 6ir-a4>avcHvo(Juu, Pass, to be dried up, worn out. eir-adcj, f. 770-0;, to touch on the surface, stroke. 6TraT|, 77, (kifafydoj) a touch, handling. ir-atT]|xt, f. -atprjaa}, to throw at a thing : to let loose upon. 6-Tr-a(j>pi<>, f. aoj, to foam up or on the surface: me- taph. to babble, divulge. 6Tr-cuj>p68lTOs, ov, (km, 'A, f. if>ca, to snap up, devour. , f. o*eu, to give an order or signal to others. 3 sm g- , aor. 2 o aor - 2 P ass - , see k-jreyfipca n. -n-6Ypop.evos, Ep. aor. 2 part. pass, of ki 6( ^ to P our * n upon or in addition. Ion. for kire5(ia, aor. I aor. i irB60T]v, aor. I pass, ir8pajxov, aor. 2 act. cireBpT), 77, Ion. for eirtSvv, aor. 2 of emSvca. ire0ir]Ka, aor. I of kmriOrjui. lirei Ep. also 6iriT|, (km) Conjunct. : I. OP TIME, after that, when: from the time when. II. OF CAUSE, since, seeing that, for that. III. kirel dp, 7Tt apa, when then, since then. 2. 67m ovv when then. 3. kvd irep since really. 'EIIEITn, f. ca: impf. 777764701' Ep. firciyov: aor. I 77Jreta : Pass., fut. med. kirfiofjiai (in pass, sense) : aor. I qireixQ'riv ' to press upon, weigh down : Pass. to be weighed down. 2. to press bard, press upon, in pursuit. It to drive on, urge forward, hasten, hurry on : Med. to urge on for oneself: Pass, to haste to do: also absol., to hasten, hurry, speed: part. tirfiy6fjLvos as Adj., swift, impetuous, eager. III. intrans. = Pass, to make haste. 6TTi8-dv, Conjunction (kirtiSf) dv) whenever, so soon as, after that. 244 tirsL-8T|, (ffrci or)) Conjunction, I. of Time, since, after that, Lat postquam. II. of Cause, seeing that, since, because : so 7r<-i8T)irep, since really, since now. cir-eiSov, inf. emSftv, aor. 2 without pres. in use (t(popd(u being used instead), to look upon, behold, see. 2. to continue to see, to live to see : to ex- perience. liriT| or CTrel 77, Adv. since certainly. 7T61T), 3 Sing. Opt. Of , f. aca, to make like to a thing ; odfJiapTa T7)vo' circiftdfav Kvpai ; am I right in supposing her his wife? II. generally, to conjecture, infer, con- clude; us or off' eireiKdffal so far as one may guess. 6TTIKV, 7TIK, Or 1Tl K6V, TTl K, Ep. for firrjv. iriXija, -ijjjifjuu, pf. act. and pass. lir-eujJii, inf. (ireivai : impf. ITTT^J/ : fut. (eTTt, etyiu sum} : to be upon or at. II. to be j upon, be fixed upon : of rewards and penalties, to be \ imposed. III. of Time, to be hereafter : to be \ coming on, to impend. IV. to be set over, Lat. \ praeesse. V. to be added, be over and above. eir-cifju, inf. IrrteVat : Ep. impf. firrjia, as, e, 3 pi. /, eirf,ffav : fut. emciao^ai : aor. I med. part. 1 : (Iff/, ftfit ibo} : to go or come to or towards: to come upon: absol. to come near, ap- proach. 1. to come against, attack; ol entovrcs the invaders, assailants. 3. of events, to come upon one, overtake. 4. to come on the stage. II. of Time, to come on or after, to follow, succeed; 77 firiovffa. rjnepa the coming day ; o emwv, like 6 rvywv, the first comer: TO imov what occurs to one. III. to traverse, pass ovfr. I V. to go over, i.e. count over. Tr-iviJjJii, Ion. for ecpevvv^i : inf. med. eiretvucrOcu, Ion. for (pvvva0cu. eirei-Trep, for tvfi irep, Conj. since really, seeing that. ir-iirov, aor. 2 without pres. in use, to say besides: to say of another : inf. eireiireiv, part. (Treiirojv. eircipa, aor. I of irfipca. CTmpOjjUU, Ion. for eirfpofMi. CTr6tpu(ra[ievos, Ion. aor. I part. med. of firepvo}. impa>a, Ion. for tlKpCaTCiQ}. cir-eipwTTjpia, TJCTIS, Ion. for eirfpwTTjfia, -rjais. imY i n, ^> (*?" flffdyca) a bringing in be- sides. II. a means of bringing or letting in. tir-sioxiKTOS, ov, (fTT/, flffdyoj) brought in from ! abroad, alien : imported, foreign. ir-6io-paiv(i>, f. firjaofjuai, to go into upon: to enter. tr-6to-j3aXXo), f. -/3aAa>, to pour into besides. II. intr. to invade again. eTreio-pdTrjs, ov, o, (iTrcia&aivca) an additional pas- senger, supernumerary on board ship, [a] ir-6ia-6ip,i, to come on besides : to come on the stage. e-n--urepxop,ai, Dep., with aor. 2 act. -rjXOov, pf. -t \rj\vOa : to come in upon or over : to come in after. 2. come into or enter besides : of things, to be imported. TTLO-, f. trairjaca, to burst in. ir-6io"inrj8a,a), f. foca or rjaofjtai, to leap in upon. eTT-cicrirCiTTa), f. -TrcaoGfiai : aor. 2 -eireaov : to fall or burst upon : to burst in. lir-eunrXeo), f. -TrXevaopai, to sail in after : to sail at, attack. ir-6iox|>ep&>, f. -oiffa), to bring in besides or after: to entail upon : Med. to bring in for oneself. -rr-6ur4>pa>, f. rjffca, to introduce besides. ir-tTa, Adv. (eiri, ira) marks the Sequence of one thing upon another : thereupon, thereafter, then, Lat. deinde. II. when a clause precedes it is emphatic: I. when a partic. of Time goes be- fore, then ; eTretS?) Gtyaipr) ireiprjaavro, djpx*ia6riv 877 6JifiTa when they finished playing at ball, then they danced. 2. after et, then surely ; ci 8' crfdv of) dyopeveis, ! apa or) TOI etrcira Oeol pco, f. -oiffoj, to carry out far. ir-6KXwpo, f. -qaoj, to advance next or after. 6TT\aJ3eTO, 3 sing. aor. 2 nied. of e ireXa06p/r]v, aor. 2 med. of ku eireXao-is, ecus, 77, an attack, assault. From ir-eXativa> : f. -tXaaca Att. eAcu : aor. I - pf. -c\r}XaKa : Pass., pf. -eXrjXauai : 3 sing, plqpf. eirf- ATfAaro: to drive upon: to lead on or against. ' 2. seemingly intr. (sub. arparuv}, to march against: also to sail against : to charge. II., to beat out thin upon, as a plate of metal on a shield. 7rcAeiJ3ov, impf. of emXeipoj. tTT\\etiTTO, 3 sing, plqpf. pass, of iri\fiirci}. Tr\T|KOV, impf. of f1Tl\TjKf(a. TT\T)XaTO, 2 sing, plqpf. pass, 1T6\T|Xv0a, pf. Of (TTfpXOfJ-ai. eireX-rjo-a, aor. l of finXrjOdvct}. 6Tr6X0iv, aor. 2 inf. of tTre ir-eXtcrcra>, *Tr-t\Ku>, Ion. for poet. aor. 2 ^w, f. oca, to bring to hope, buoy up with hopes, cheat with false hopes. II. to hope, = f \irifa. 4ir-6Xirop.au Ep. Tri-cXirop.ai, Dep. to have hopes of, to hope : generally, to expect. en-ejxdvifjv [a], aor. 2 of eTrt/xcuVo^cu. Tre|jidcr, f. fey, to slay one upon another. eirevdxeTO, Dor. 3 sing. impf. of ciri.vrjx o l- Lai - ir-6v8L8a)|xi, f. -buiaoj, to give over and above. tircvSirrrjs, ov, u, a tunic morn over another, an outer or over tunic. From 245 ir-6v8iva>, to put on over : Pass, to have on over. irViKo>, f. vata [y], Ep. for fircvrdvo:, to stretch upon, bind fast to. ir-VTiv, to stretch upon or over; part, aor. I pass. tn^vraQds stretched upon his sword. II. intr. to press on : to gain ground, of a report. cir-cvreXXw, to command besides. ir-VTUto and -evruvto, to get ready, equip: Med. to train oneself for a thing. ir-d,Yco, to lead out an army: intr. to march out. Hence , a drawing out against, lengthening. inf. -cgifvai : impf. fir(yeiv : to go out against an enemy. II. to proceed against, pro- secute. III. to go over, traverse, go through : hence to detail. 2. irfievcu rifjuupias jj.eiovs to go through with, execute greater vengeance. tir-c^eXavvo) : f. egfXdaca Att. -eeAw: pf. -feXrj- Aaa : to drive on against : intr. to ride on against. 7re^X0iv, aor. 2 inf. of eir tp^o/iai. 6ir-66pYao}Ji,at, f, daoftai, Dep. to effect besides or in addition : to consummate. 2. to slay over again. f. X(vffo(j.ai, Dep. with aor. 2 act. , pf. -ff \rjXvOa. : to go out against an enemy. 2. to proceed against, prosecute, to go over, traverse. 2. to execute, accomplish. 3. to discuss, detail, investigate. III. to proceed to an extremity ; cD5' t-neepxfa&ai Opaavs to reach such a pitch of boldness. ir-6^6TS(ris, ecus, 77, a review over again. ir-e^vpto-K&>, f. -cvprjacu, to invent besides. ir-6^T]s, Ion. for t^-fgrjs. ir-eiaKxda>, (firi, , f. (o, f. \f/ca, to cover with a roof. eirepTipcurjJuu, pf. pass, of eirepeidoj. ir-pojjio'avTO, 3 pi. aor. I of kitippwofJtai. irppwo-0T]v, lircppcoo-fxai, aor. I and pf. pass, of fJTlppWVVVfJll. irepuTacd Ion. c-rrcip-, fut. rjffcu, to consult, in- quire of, question, ask about a thing : Pass, to be questioned, asked. Hence irepu>Tt]|xa Ion. e-rrcip-, arcs, TO, a question: and ir6pa>TT](Tis Ion. limp-, ecus, ?), a questioning. Jfireora, rare aor. I of irirrTca. ihrecrav, Ep. 3 pi. impf. of eTreifJu (dpi sum). ire, = fireiajSaivcv. ir) throwing words about : rash-talking, scurrilous. tir-60-010), f. e7re'8o/xcu, to eat after or in addition to. iTo-Kj;d|jn)v, aor. i of eirccrKiao-p-ai, pf. pass. TT6(7Ov, aor. 2 of -ni-nroj. eirccrirov, aor. 2 of efpeirca. iro-o-Tpco, Ion. for cir^icr^epca. Tr-6s, ov, = irfTios,from year to year, last- ing the whole year. eireTOv, Aeol. for eireffov, aor. 2 of iriirroj. ireTOcr0Tjv, Ion. aor. I pass, of kiriTpitro). irT'uxov, aor. 2 of eiriTvyx /ai/a} - eircv, Ion. for 'iirov, imperat. of tiro^ai. cir-v0vva>, to guide straight, direct. -rr-UpicrK(o, Ion. for ((p-cvpiffKoj. 4iT-vavTO, 3 sing, plqpf. pass, of (paivca. irvov, Ep. redupl. aor. 2 of *6pJ3ei, 3 sing, plqpf. of pa8ov, Ep. redupl. aor. 2 of (ppdfa. 7rc})pdcra), 2 sing. aor. i med. of tTTKppdfa. irj>paKTO, 3 sing, plqpf. pass, of (ppdaaca. ireiiKOV, Ep. for tircaf or oW upon or to, see t Truxo.ro : to hold, keep : Pass, and Med. to keep bold of. II. to hold out, present, offer. HI. hold towards, to keep aiming at ; roov OKOirip ITTC- X f w to aim the bow at the mark; ri poi <5' firex^ts; why thus launch out against me? c. ace., \-ntytiv TOVS Ifyfrjras to front them, face them. 2. fire- \ew (sc. TOVS d(pda\fJLOvs, rov vovv) to turn one's eyes or mind to, to intend, purpose : to attend to, be intent upon. IV. to keep in, hold back, check: to stop or hinder from. 2. intrans. (sub. lauroV) to stay, stop, wait, pause, and then to leave off doing : c. gen. rei, to cease from. V. to reach or extend over a space : Pass, to be stretched, stretch oneself out, lie at length. VI. to have power over, com- mand : of a wind, to prevail, continue. t7T-T]pda>, Ion. for ( or -o, to say against, object to one. irqev, Ep. 3 sing. impf. of ciretfjii (flpi sum). ir-ir]6Tav6s, ov, and 17, 6v, cireTfios, but always used in a general sense, sufficient, abundant, plentiful; (TTijeTaval rpix^s thick, full fleeces. irf|iv, Ep. 3 sing. impf. of cVei/xt (elfu ibo), be went after, followed upon : e-rrrjiaav 3 plur. iTir)i(ra, aor. I of f-rraioj. iTT|icro-ov, impf. of titti'iaoo). tirfjKav, Ion. for !-, 3 pi. aor. t of vTO, 3 pi. impf. of 67ra/rpocio/u. m]\a, aor. I of iraXXca. Tr-qX0ov, aor. 2 of errepxofiat. ir-ir]X'UYa.fjo), (tiri, favyi]), to overshadow: Med., fyofiov TTij\vya^aOai to throw a shade over one's own fear, disguise or conceal it. iTTi\t)9ov, Ep. for errf]\$ov, aor. 2 of iTTf'pxo/zat. irq\v, tiyos, u, 17, (c Trr)\v*yafa) overshadowing; rty TTfrpav firrjXvya \a@(w to take the rock as a shelter. eirrjXiis, v8os, 6, rj, (firfj\v6ov') one who comes to a place: an incomer, stranger, foreigner. ir-T|X'uo - ia Ion. it], 77, (nrj\vOov) a coming over : a bewitching. cir-T|Xvo-is, (us, 77, an approach, assault. lir-irjXvnrjs, ov, o, = firr)\vs. [t;] Trr]p,a|6Vp.VOs, pf. part. pass, of (irapagtvo}. cir]p.oip6s, ov, (e7ra^et/3cu) in turn, alternate; X l ~ To)j/6s (Tnj/j,oi0oi changes of raiment. 247 )&, f. vaca [5], to bend or bow down. TTT|V Ion. eircdv late Att. irav, Conjunct, (ftrd, av) whenever, Lat. quandocunque. ir-f)Vp.ios, ov, (firi, dVe/ios) windy. 2. vain. lirrfveov, Ep. impf. of eitcuvtca. lirrjvco-a Ep. eiripvTjo-a, aor. i of \ita.ivka). irf|v9i, 3 sing. impf. of firavOeca. liTTjvwpOovv, impf. with double augm. of eiravopOtca : so, inr]vcra, -a)0tjv, aor. I act. and pass. ; TT- TjvwpOcojxat, pf. pass. Jhnjija, acr. I o irr]^t, f. ?7T|S, 6s, (tiri, ipfQw) covering, shading. II. pass, covered, sheltered. irif|p0ir]v, aor. i pass, of eiraipca. irqpK(ra, aor. i of eirapKfO}. tTrf\para., aor. I of eirapapiffKca. 4-irTJo-av, Ep. for tirrjiaav, 3 pi. impf. of (ireifii (dpi ibo). inr]a0erv, Ion. 3 pi. aor. I opt. of I^Soficu. TTT|vo-a, aor. I of eitatyvaaca. eir-tjxcw, f. 770"' vfjifiojv by yourselves, alone; f(p' tavrov, !' tavrwv by himself, by themselves ; TO povfiv kiri TIVI to be proud at or of a thing. VI. of any condition upon which a thing happens ; k irl TOVTOJ, k as in 4iri-/Jt, poet, for 4(/>ai/S-, to please, gratify. ir-laij(o, to sleep among. eir-ua-xw [a], to shout to, cheer : to shout aloud. irt|3a, for tiri0r)0i, aor. 2 imperat. of mt3aiv6J. ciri-paOpa, 77, (knifiaivca) a ladder or steps to ascend by : a scaling-ladder : a gangway. irCpa0pov, To,(ciriftaiv(a) a roosting-place, perch. II. (67Ti/3aTi7s) a passenger's fare, Lat. naulum. iiri-patvto, fut. fi-rjaofjiai : pf. -@@7)Ka : aor. i ITTC- firjv: aor. I med. eir,8r)ffdfj,r)v (Ion. 3 sing. fTre&rjcreTo, imperat. eiri@r]ffeo) : I. c. gen. to set foot on, tread or walk upon, to be or lie upon. 2. to get upon, mount : to arrive at, come to a place : metaph. to arrive at, reach unto; (TTijSaiveiv cvirffiias to take one's stand on piety. II. c. dat. to mount upon, get on board of: also, to set upon, attack, as- sault. III. c. ace. to light upon, Hipir]v ITTI- fiaivfiv, of gods descending upon it : simply, to go to. 2. to attack, like kirfpxofjiai. 3. tnifiaiveiv eirl i'lrirov to mount a horse. IV. absol. to step forward or on, advance : to get a footing. B. Causal in act. fut. \tti$i\a : aor. 2 -f0a\ov : I. to throw or cast upon : to put on : affix. 2. to lay on, apply : to lay on, impose, as a tax or fine. 3. to add : to add to, increase. II. inlrans., firi- @d\\fiv TIVI (sub. ectirrov), to throw oneself upon, go straight towards. 2. to fall upon : to attack. 3. (sub. vovv\ to give one's attention to, think on, apply one's mind to; aor. 2 part. knifiaXwv, absol., when he thought on it. 4. to fall to one, come to one's share : TO emftd\\ov [sc. pfpos] one's proper portion ; also impers. it falls to one to do a thing. III. Med. to seize upon a thing, grasp at it. 2. to put upon oneself, put on : metaph. to take upon oneself, incur. IV. Pass, to be placed upon ; TOOTCU (Tri(3f(3\rj(j,voi having their arrows on the string. !m-|3apco, f. "qau, (tiri, tBapvs) -to weigh heavily on. iripds, aor. 2 part, of einpaivca. iripdcrts, ecus, 77, (l7rt/3cuVcy) a stepping upon or up- wards. 2. metaph. a step or approach towards a thing ; et's Tiva irotetffOai eiriftaffiv to make means of attacking one. m-J3a,cnca>, poet. Causal of tii-&a.ivo), icanwv (iri&a- ufas 'AX&I&V to lead them into misery. a>, f. aca, to bear or weigh in the hand. , f. aca, to take one's stand upon, to lay claim to, usurp. II. to be an tmfidTrjs, passenger or soldier. From !m|3aTr]S [a], ov, 6, (firipaivoi) one who mounts or embarks; ol lirtjSarot the soldiers on board a ship, the fighting men, as opp. to the rowers and seamen : a passenger. 2. the warrior in a chariot. m|3aT6s, 77, ov, (knifta'tva}) that can be climbed, ac- cessible. lirCpSa, as, ?), the day after the festival, Lat. repotia : proverb., epireiv irpos rpa^lav eiripoav to come to a hard reckoning, on the day after the feast. (Deriv. uncertain.) iripej3T]ica, pf. of emPaivca. mj3cu>[X6v, Ep. I pi. aor. 2 subj. of firi0aiv(a. Ep. aor. 2 inf. /3ctiVcu. , Ep. imperat. aor. I med. O, Ep. for -a.ro, 3 sing. aor. I med. of ITN- II. of male animals, e. g. a boar. em-ptpdJX f. -ftipaaca Att. -/3, f. -/zo\ov/zt : aor. 2 firepoXov : to , come upon, befall. Im-podw, f. -fiorjffojjiai Ion. -jSaxro/ww : to call upon or to, cry out to. 2. to utter or sing aloud. 3. to cry out against. 4. to call upon, invoke ; call to aid : so also in Med. m|3oT|0ta, 17, a helping, coming to aid, succour. From m-poi)0> Ion. -|3oa0a>, to come to aid, succour. arcs, TO, ((iriftodca) a call to one. Ion. -|3oaTOS, ov, (I7rtj3oaa>) cried out against, ill spoken of. mpo\T), f], (irt(3d\\6}) a throwing or putting on ; irifto\ai irXivOojv layers or courses of bricks. II. an infliction, penalty. III. a setting upon a thing, an attempt, enterprise : a hostile attempt. m-pop,pfa>, f. 7)00*, to roar in answer. cirt-p6(TKO), f. fioaKT]0ca, to feed cattle upon : Med. of cattle, to graze or feed upon. iri-j3ovKoXos, 6, an over-cowherd, herdsman. cmpovXevjxa, arcs, TO, (!irt/3ovA.ifeu) apian against, a plot, attempt, scheme. iripov\6VTT)s, ov, 6, one who plots against, a plot- ter. From em-povXcija), f. ffca, to plan or contrive against one ; (mlov\(vfiv Qa.va.rov nvi, c. dat. rei, to lay plots for, to aim at : Pass, to have snares laid for one. Hence iripov\T|, 97, a plan against another, a plot; ( Im- (3ov\jjs by treachery. 249 tm-po>0o, Ion. for iiri-(3or)6eca. ~ em-pcojjuo-o-TaTto), f. rj|juos, ov, (lirt, @ca/j.6s) on or at the altar. 7n.pa>crop,cu, Ion. fut. of firiPodcu. m-pa>, Ion. and Dor. for lin&oaca, to shout to, call upon, clamour for. m-pam>s, Ion. for eiri@6r)Tos. m-p, f. oca, (titi, yap-Ppos) to marry a a widow as her husband's next of kin. em-Yap,a>, f. -yaptffca Att. -yapta : to marry be- sides ; cmyafjietv TCKVOIS fjuyrpvidv to marry and set a j stepmother over one's own children. Hence 6m-Yfi|Aia, 77, an additional marriage. II. in- termarriage, right of intermarriage, between states. m-Yci}AOS, ov, (4 in, yd/Jios) marriageable. m-Yaup6o|Aat, Pass, to exult in. 4iriY-8ovir6(i), Ep. for firi-dovneca. emYYP a l x l jLCU ' P 1 "- P^ss. of fmypdfpca. eirC-Yios, ov, (7rt, 7ea = 7^) o or of the earth. liri-YcXdca, f. daofjLo.1 [a], to laugh to or with, to laugh in approval, to smile upon : absol. to laugh. cm-Ycpaipw, to give honour to. m-Ytio|Aai, Med. to taste of. m-Yt]0co, f. Tfaca : pf. emyeyrjOa. :to rejoice or triumph over : to exult in. iri-YiY vo l xat f u *' -y^viiffOfj.ai : aor. i -eycvo^rjv : pf. -yeyova or in pass, form -ytyevrjuat. : to be born after; eapos emyiyvfrai &prj the season of spring comes next ; of e-niyiyvofj-evoi posterity; \puvov TTI- yivop-tvov as time was going on. 2. to come upon, fall upon : in good sense, to follow, ensue I upon : also to fall upon, attack. 3. to happen after, come to pass. iTr\,-y\,yv, f. iaca [t], to be heavy upon, weigh down. II. metaph. to press heavily. mppureiav, 3 pi. aor. I opt. of (niPpiOcD. m-ppovTT)TOS, ov, = ffji-PpovTjTOS, thutiderstricken. iiri-ppiJO), f. vffca [y~\, to burst forth, as water : of flowers, to sprout, burst forth. 7Ti-pv&), f. vffca [u], to stop, caulk light. Att. -TrAop,at : fut. Dep. : (firi, y\u>aaa) : to vent reproaches against, to upbraid. tirt-YvajJiirTos, 17, i>v, curved, twisted. From em-Yvap.irT, fut. iaca Att. ^ (fviyiyvdaffKCti) full knowledge. , Ep. 3 pi. aor. 2 subj. 250 Imyovos, ov, (iiriytveaOai) born after: generally, offspring, posterity : ot 'Eniyovoi, the Afterborn, sons of the chiefs who fell in the iirst war against Thebes. eiri/YOtiviSios, ov, on, set upon the knee. From cm-yowis, iSos, rj,(m, yovvaros, Ion. gen. of y6vv) the region above the knee, the thigh. liriYpapSijv, Adv. (kmypatpca) scratching the surface, grazing. e'mypap,p,a, aros, TO, (tiriypacpcti) an inscription, as of the name of the maker on a work of art, or of the dedicator on an offering. 2. an epigram, a poem of a few lines, mostly in Elegiacs. emYpa^cvs, fojs, o, (finypcKpoj) an inscriber : esp. at Athens a clerk who registered property, etc. tiriYpST|, 17, (firiypafc>, f. $u ', pf- -ytypacpa, pass. -yfypafj-ftai : to mark the surface, graze; firiypaifiai K\rjpov to put a mark on a lot. II. later, to write upon, inscribe: Pass., of the inscription, to he inscribed upon. III. to enter in a public list or register : esp. at Athens, to register the citizens' property: iriypd(piv TinrjfM to lay the damages at so much : Med. to register oneself: but, irpoo~TaTr)v eiriypa.- if/affOai to enter the name of a patron in the public register, as all neroi/coi at Athens were obliged to do. em-Ypviros, ov, somewhat hooked : somewhat hook- nosed. cm-Sa(o|j(,ai, Dep. (firi, 8cua> B) to distribute, offer. m-8ai, f. vac*) [y], to weep over or for. m-8tt|Aos, ov, Dor. for l/rt'-S^/ios. m-8ai|;iX6tJop.7, ov, fit for display; firio'eiKTiKol \6yot speeches for display, set orations, such as were frequent among the Athenian rhetoricians. emSciv, aor. 2 inf. of firtTdov. cmSci^ai, aor. I inf. of iri8fiKvvjj.i. cmScigis Ion. cmSegis, ecus, 77, (kiri^fiKW-JLi) an exhibition, display; Is firibfigiv nvos airiKfaOai to come within one's view, to his knowledge. 2. a pattern, example, Lat. specimen. tiri-Sciirvco), f. 170-0;, (t-niotnrvov} to eat after din- ner. II. to eat as a second course, eat as a dainty. em-Sciirvios, ov, (liri, dfiirvov') at or after dinner. eirl-Sei/rrvov, TO, an after-meal, second course or des- sert. one in ten, a tenth, tithe. eiri-SejiVtos, ov, {tiri, Otfjiviov) in or on the bed. m-8etos, ov,from left to right, towards the right, tsed chiefly in neut. pi. tirtSc^ta as Adv., which there- fore also means auspiciously. 2. = 5ejos, on the right hand; Tamofia the right side. II. of per- sons, dexterous, skilful. em-Sefjis, Ion. for firi8eiis. cm-8epKO|juu, Dep. to look upon, behold. irt-8ecrjAiJco, f. oca, (km, Ofap.os) to bind up. m-86(rp,6s, > (^ 7r ' So"/xos) a band, bandage. I 6irt8(r(ji,o-xSpT|s, ts, (firibecr^os, "xaipcu) bandage' loving, epith. of gout. j tm-SecnTofw, f. oaca, to be lord over. 6m-8evT|S, fs, poet, and Ion. for lirtSc^s, in need or want of, lacking. II. lacking, failing in a thing, c. gen.,@ir)s firiSfVfss failing in strength: also a compar. in sense, jSt^s firi8fvfs 'OSvarjos inferior to Ulysses . in strength : absol., iro\\bv 5' CTrtSevc'es fjnev far too weak were we. From j ciri-Beuojiai, poet, for eTrtSeo/^at (eTTiSto; B) to be in , want of, to lack : to need the hety of. II. to be lacking in a thing, fail in it. m-8v (B), f. -Sei^ffo;, to want or lack so much of j a number : impers. ImSf?, there is need of besides : j Med. to be in want of, cf. eTnSevojucu. j irC-Si]Xos, ov, quite evident, manifest: open. 2. [ distinguished. II. like, resembling. ! em-STjixetJco, f. ffca, to live among the people. Froifi m8t]p,6&), f. r)0~ct}, (tiriSr) ^tos) to be at home, live c.t home : to sojourn among people, stay at a place. II. to come home, from foreign travel. Hence iri8Tf]{xCa, 17, a staying at home, stay at a place. 7n.-Bifj|juos, ov, (firi, 877^05) among the people : dwell- ing at home; iru\fuos firiSrjfuos civil w*r ; (iriSrjfuoi c/i7ro/joi native merchants. II. sojourning at a place. m-8T)niovpYoC, uv, ot, magistrates seat annually by Doric states to their colonies. m-87]}jios, ov, (iriorjfjLios, of the people, popular. in-Sia{3aiva>, fut. -@rjo~op.ai, to cfoss over besides or after another. cm-Sta,YiY vt k" Kpop,ai, Pass, to go across after. iri-8i8do-Kco, f. cu, to teach besides. cm-SiScoLXU, f. -OWO-QJ, to give besides, give freely : to give with, give in dowry. II. km8i8ovai eav- TOV TIVL to give oneself up or devote oneself to a thing. III. intr. to increase, advance : also to improve, prosper. IV. Med., 6tovs cmcaj^Ba let us give or take the gods as witnesses ; cf. TTfpidi- Sojfii n. 4m-8ii]L!.ai, Dep. to seek or ask further : to seek for or demand besides. m-8iKaco, f. aw, to adjudge to one : Med. of the claimant, to sue for a thing at law, lay claim to. Hence em-8uKd(ruLios, disputed at law : generally, much contested. iri-SlvCi>, f. rjaca, to whirl or swing round, of one in act to throw : Med. to turn over in one's mind, revolve : Pass, to wheel about, as birds in the air ; fmSivrjdevTe, aor. I part. dual. em-Siop06 or -oifto, (km, 5nr\6os) to redouble. 6m-8u4>puds, dSos, 77, (km, ipos) the rail in front of the chariot-board (dipuos, ov, (km, b'uppos) sitting on the car. m-8ixa, Adv. for km oixa. cm-8iu>Ka>, f. a>, to pursue after : follow up : as legal term, to prosecute again. iri-8oK0), f. -SoKrjffa} and -Sogca, to expect. cir-iSovres, aor. 2 pi. nom. part, of kirttoov ; but em-Sevres, of km8iSojfj.i. m-8oos, ov, (km, 8oa) likely or expected to do a thing ; kmSogos yeveaBai likely to prove so : of things, likely, probable. II. well-known, illustrious. m-86pmos, ov, (km, ouprrov^for or of the banquet. m8o CTriSpajxeTqv, 3 dual indie. 7ri8poLtT|, 77, (emSpafttiis} a running over. II. a sudden inroad, raid, or attack. III. a place for ships to run to, a landing-place. em-SpojAOS, ov, that may be run over or upon ; ref- \os kmopop.ov a wall that may be scaled. m-8vco and -8tVj>, f. taca, to go down or set upon. m-8wp.e9a, I pi. aor. 2 med. subj. of (mSiSuju. CTr-i8a>v, part, of kirtioov. i, fut. Of fTTLOidoj/J.1. 77, (kmfiicrjs) likelihood, reasonable- ness. II. fairness, clemency : also natural mild- 251 ness. i. equity, the spirit as opposed to tie letter of the law. t'm-tKeAos, ov, = ef/ffAos, like. -m-iKTis, es, (km, tiicos) fitting ', meet, suitable; us emfiftes as is meet; ov K' tmeiKts difovfiv whatever [word] is meet for you to hear. II. in Att./azV, reasonable : also plausible : of persons, fair, kind, mo- derate. 2. opp. to dircaios, not insisting on strict justice, equitable. em-ciKTOs, 77, 6v,(fm, ei'/Ky) yielding ; ov/e ImtiKTos that will never yield, unyielding ; irivQos OVK tmfiKTuv itflcea&ng woe. 7riiKws Ion. ecus, Adv. of km fLK-qs, fairly, tolerably, moderately. 2. probably, reasonably. meip,vos, rj, ov, Ion. for I ai5fir)v clad in strength, sliamelessness; x a ^- KOV kmkarai (3 sing, pf.) it was covered in brass, bad brass upon it : Med. to put ott oneself besides : gene- rally, to cover or shroud oneself in. mJcraLiV, I pi. aor. I of kmivvviu. tiruorau, 3 sing. pf. pass, of kmevvvfu. m-apo, = kmfiapew. 4m-a(J>eXos, ov, (km, *a(j)f\os from fa- intens.) vehement, violent: Adv. kmfa(pf\ws (as if from Im- fa(p(\r)s}, vehemently, furiously. cm-d<0, f. -Crjffu, to outlive, survive. em-^v-yvtip.!, and vvpu>s, ov, sq., epith. of Italian Locri. m-cvpos, ov, lying towards the west. tiru-^w, f. -{fact}, to boil up or over ; 77 vforrjs kirf- eaf fjioi my youthful spirit boiled over. II. act. to make to boil, heat. eiri-^TjXos, ov, subject to envy : fortunate^ prosperous. em-jT|p,ios, ov, (km, &]p.ia} bringing loss or penalty upon, hurtful. II. liable to punishment. Haece em-T]p.i6ci), f. wa, f. Tyacy, to seek for, seek after .find wanting : to beat for game; ol km^rjrovvrfs the beaters. eiru-^vvvp-u, f. -&ao), to bind or gird on: Pass., pf, part, kirf.faap.kvoi, with their cloaks girt up. m-wir)iJ.i. iruTjv8av, Ep. 3 sing. impf. of fcpavoava:. 7ru-T]pa, TO, (kni, f^pa) things acceptable, pleasing gifts. tiru-T|pavos, ov, (emrjpa') pleasing. II. warding | off, assisting, governing. 52 ^ irtjpos, ov, only in neut. pi. eiriijpa, q. v. 4iri-0oXdp,u>s, ov, (km, 0aAa/ios) belonging to a bri- dal, nuptial; TO (iri0a\d/juov (sub. /*eA.os), the nuptial song, epithalamium, sung in chorus before the bridal chamber. m-0&Xa, = sq. m-0aXd Att. -0apptvto, f. vvu, to cheer on. 4m-0av|idw, f. o*o>, to pay respect to, to compliment with a fee (Lat. honorarium). irt-0idjo>, f. ao*o>, (cm, 0eos) to call upon in the name of the gods, to adjure. Hence eiri0iao-|Ji6s, 6, an appeal to the gods, adjuration. m-0CT)v, -0ivai, aor. 2 opt. and inf. of iriTiOrjiJ.i. 4m06is, -OfTaa, aor. 2 part, of kirni6r)fjn. lm-0iT, for -6dr)Tf, 2 pi. aor. 2 opt. of ITTI- iri-0epSiT6va>, f. ffca, to court or serve studiously : to work zealously for. iri-0es, -0TW, aor. 2 imperat. of emriOrjiu. ir(0cns, fcas, 77, (ktnriQrj^i) a laying on, imposi- tion. II. (from Med. ) a setting upon, attack. m-0, f. ffoj, to prophesy upon. Tri0TiKos, 77, ov, (iTrtTt^cfiat) ready to attack : en- terprising. m-0TOS, ov, (firiTiOrjui) added, annexed: far- fetched, foreign. II. as Subst., liriOeTOv, r6, an epithet. iri-0i>, f.-6evaofiai,to run upon or at: to run after, chase, pursue. m0Yjia], f), (emridrjfjii) an addition, accession: some- thing given in or over in a bargain. cm-0Tjp.a, aros, TO, (Imrt^/it) anything put on, a cover, lid. m-0o, f. rjffQ), to shout in token of approval. 6m-0pa Att. -TTCO, contr. for eniTapdaau. m-0patKi>, f. oca, to break besides. iri0p^as, aor. I part, of emTpexw- m-0pwcni>,f.-0opoi;^cu : aor. 2 t-rrfOopov: to spring or leap upon, c. gen. : c. dat. to insult over : absol., Toffffov firiOpuffKovffi so far do they bound. m-0v|A&>, f. rja'Q}, ((iri, 6vp.6s] to set one's heart upon a thing, lust after, desire eagerly. Hence iri0v(jnr]p,a, arcs, TO, the object of desire ; and iri0u(xir]OTS, (us, 77, a longing desire; and eiri0vjjnrjT^|s, ov, 6, one who desires : a lover ; and irt0iJp,TjTiK6s, rj, 6v, desiring, coveting. Adv. -K>S. 6TTL0xi|XLa, 7), (tm0v/j.0j) a desire, yearning, longing: in bad sense, desire, lust. m-0iip,ta|jia, arcs, TO, an incense-offering : from im-fcjjuAtt, f. daca [a], to offer incense. Tr-t0vv, to aim straight at : to direct, govern. irt-0tiw, f. -Ovaca [v], to offer sacrifice upon or after : to offer sacrifice, offer. !m-0vo>, f. -Ovaoj [0], to rush eagerly at. i. c. inf. to strive vehemently to do, desire or long to do, (v. 0LGJ 15.") m-0, f. ca, to shout or call out. 4m-i8jAcov, ovos, 6, = iiruartop. cm-io|i, f. to*o), to set upon. II. intr. to sit upon. m-K, f. ) a bend: the angle of a building ; eitiKafjnrrjv iroiciaOai to draw up the wings so as to form angles with the centre. iriKap,iTT|S, ts, curved, curling. From iri-KdjjiirTa>, f. i/w, to bend into an angle : Pass. to wheel round the wings, so as to take the enemy in flank. em-KajAiruXos, ov, bent forward. irC-Kap, {firi, tcdpa) Adv. head-foremost. tiri-Kapo-ios, a, ov, ((ir'tKap) properly on the head, head forwards. II. opp. to opOios, crosszvise, at an angle ; TCL tiriKapffia. the country measured along the coast, opp. to TO. opOia (measured inwards at right angles to the coast) : c. gen., Tpirjptis TOV HOVTOV eiriKapffiai triremes forming an angle with the current of the Pontus. em-Ka/Tapalvco, f. -770*0 /zat, to go down to or upon a place. II. to go down after or against. tiri-KaTapdXXco, f. -&a\w, to let fall down. em-KaTa'yw, to bring down to land besides : Pass. to come to land with or afterwards. cm-KaTa8ap0dv, f. -oapO-fjffopai : aor. 2 -< to fall asleep at or upon. siri-Ka,TaicAva>, f. -vffca, to overflow besides. irt-KaTaKOtjJia,o[jiat, Dep. to sleep at or upon a place. m-KaToAap.|3dva>, f. -\r)\f/ofMi, to catch up, overtake. m-KdTap,vo>, f. -fjifvu, to stay yet longer. tm-KaTamirTco, f. irtaovfjai, to throw oneself upon. em-KaTapa,TOs, ov, yet more accursed. m-icaTappiiTTo> and -TCO, to throw down after or upon. em-Ka,TaA<> and -TTO>, f. ca, to slay upon or over. m-KaTaij;ij8op,ai, Dep. to tell lies in addition. emKdTtSapOov, aor. 2 of ciritcaTaoapQavaj. cm-KaT6i8ov, inf. -Kariottv, aor. 2 with no pres. in use, to look down upon : cf. Hoov. cm-K, f. -Kcpw Ep. -Kfpffoj : to cut down, mow down. II. metaph. to cut short, baffle. mKKA6p/r)v, aor. 2 of tmKt\oftai. cmKK\i|iVos, pf. part. pass, of firite\ivaj. cm-iceAaScu), f. rjcroi, to shout in applause, to cheer. eiriKeAevcrus, fcas, 77, cheering, exhortation. iri-K6\va), also in Med. em-K\to|ji.ai, to exhort and encourage, cheer on. irt-K\Xo), fut. K\ffoj : aor. I 7re6A(7a : to run \ aground or ashore, of ships. 2. intrans. to come to land, come ashore. eTn.-KeAop.cu, Dep. to call to or upon, invoke. ein-KevTpia>, f. oca, to apply the spur. em-KpavviJn.i, f. -Kfpdaca [a] : aor. I iirftcepaaa Ep. -Kprjcra : to mix in, pour in again. cm-KepSia, cav, rd, (kiri, Ktpoos) profit on traffic. cm-KpTO|x0, f. 17(70;, to jeer at, insult, teaze. ciriKccrdai, Ion. aor. 2 impf. of ZcpiKveofJiai. em-KiJ0a>, f. ffca, to conceal, bide; ov a' eiriKtvffo) I will not hide it from thee. , ov, (eiri, KrjSos) of or at a burial. , 17, (kirtKrjpvfcfvof^ai') the sending a herald or embassy to treat for peace. iriKTjpvKvp.a, aros, TO, a message or demand by herald. From e7ri-KT]pvKiiofjiai, Dep. to send a message by a herald : to make proposals for a treaty : generally, to proclaim publicly. m-K-r]piJcro-a> Att, -TT, f. -/cXd-f^u, to send forth a sound in answer. m-KAato> Att. -KAdai : f. -/cAavero/u : to weep upon or responsively. Hence tmicAavTos, ov, tearful. m-icAd, Att. for firi/cXaia). [aj im-KAT|S, fs, (km, KXios) famous. (A), f. -KXfiao}, to shut up, close. (B), (cm, KAeos) to extol or praise the more. lm-KAir]ito contr. -icA-rjfeo, Ion. for (iri-KXeia) (B). e'irticAirjp.a, aros, TO, (l7n#aAy) an accusation. em-KAijv, Adv. (eiriKaXfca) by surname or name. irt-KAi]pos, ov, succeeding to a patrimony: as Subst., eiritc\r)po$, 77, an only daughter and heiress, who must by law marry her next of kin. m-KAf)p6fa>, f. waca, to assign by lot. emKATjcrts, eo>s, 77, (Ijrt/caAeo;) a surname or addi- tional name, and generally, a name : absol. ace. tiri- KXrjow by surname, by name ; but also in name only, nominally. II. a reproach, imputation. eiriKAtjTOS, ov, (7n/faAt>) called upon, called in as allies. 2. specially summoned. siri-KAtvrjvai, aor. 2 inf. pass, of firiK\iv, to stir up to commotion. cm-KAoiros, ov, (km, K Xonrj) given to stealing, thievish, wily: c. gen., k-n'tKXo-nos pvOcuv cunning in speech. m-KAvfa>, f. vaca, to overflow, flood : metaph. to overwhelm, ruin. Hence tiriKAfaris, cas, 77, an overflow, flood. m-KAv&>, to listen to, hear. iri-KAw9o>, f. a;<70J, to spin to one, assign to one as one's destiny, of the Fates : so also in Med. 6m-Kva|iirra>, Att. for fjri-yvdfinTQ}. m-Kvdu>, inf. -/cvfjv, to scrape or grate upon a thing. Tri-Koup,dojjiai, Pass, with fut. med. -jjffopai, to fall asleep over. tm-Koivos, ov, (7n, KOIVOS) common to many, pro- miscuous : neut. pi. kmKoiva as Adv. in common. tm-Kotvtovew, f. 77(70;, to communicate with. _ 2. to share in common with. 254 iri-Koji/ird<>, f. crca, to boast besides , add boastingly : to boast or exult in a thing. . m-KO}Jt,irc0, f. rjffiu, to add boastingly : to boast of. irticoiros, ov, (Im/fOTTTcy) cut short, lopped. cm-KOTTTco, f. ^cy, to strike upon, to knock down : Med. to smite one's breast and wail for another, Lat. plangi. tirtKos, rj, 6v, (|TTS) Epic, cf Epic poetry ; ol em/rot the epic poets. irt-[, f. ?7pios, ov, o, ('EmKovpos') an Epicurean, a follower of the sect of Epicurus. eTriKOvptoj, f. rjffca, (kmKovpos) to come to aid, to help in war : generally, to help at need; c. dat. rei, voffots firiKovpfiv to aid one against them; tmKovpuv rivi TI to keep off from one. Hence irixo'upT)fJia, aTos, TO, help, protection; and ImKOvp-rjcris, fas, 77, aid, protection. CTrucoupia, 77, (fmKovpeoj) a defence or protection against, aid, succour, assistance. II. an auxiliary or allied force. erriKovpiKos, 'fj, vv, auxiliary, allied. Tri-Kovpos, ov, (firi, Kovpos) helping, aiding, assist- ing: as Subst. an ally: ol firiitovpoi the auxiliaries or mercenary troops, opp. to the national army. m-KOv<|>i, f. iaoj Att. to), to lighten : to relieve of a burden. II. to lift up, support. 2. metaph. to lift up, encourage: in bad sense, to puff up, elate. m-Kpao>, f. a>, to shout to or at. Im-Kpaivw Ep. -Kpcuaivco : f. tepavui : aor. I ITT- ffcpdva. Ep. eKpyva, -efcprjrjva : to bring to pass, accomplish, fulfil; vvv pot To5' (mKprjrjvov f(\5, f. 170-0;, to rattle on or over. em-KpoTOS, ov, trodden hard, beaten. em-icpovw, f. O~QJ, to hammer upon or in. II. to strike or smite upon. iri-xpiJirTa), f. ^cu: ?.or. 2 -eKpvtyov: to throw a covering over : Med. to disguise : Pass, to conceal or disguise oneself. Hence irt-Kpv4>os, ov, hidden, secret. m-icp&> jo>, f. ooj, to caw or croak at one. 6m-KTa,ojJuu, f. -rjcof^ai, Dep. to gain, win besides; to gain additional territory. iri-KT6tv.f.7yo~a;, to make a noise upon; eiriKTVitHV roiv TToSoiv to stamp with the feet : to resound with. m-Ki)8T|s, es, (kni, KVOOS) glorious : brilliant. em-Ktno-KGJ, to impregnate again : Pass, to become doubly pregnant. m-KVK\a>, f. JI&Q}, to come round in turn to. em-icvXiv8o, f. -Kv\iffca [t] : aor. i -Kv\laa : Pass., aor. I -cKv^iffOijv : to roll down upon. Tri-KV|Aaiv : f. -tcvprjaoo and -ttvpaoj : aor. I -eKvprjo-a and -tuvpffa : to fall or light upon, fall in with : c. gen. to have a share of, partake in. em-Kvpoo), f. u>aoj, (eiri, Kvpos) to confirm, ratify: to determine. in.Kvpieuto, f. vcfca [u], to lament over. t-rriKoAvcris, fo*s, f), a hinderance. From eirt-iccoXvco, f. vaca [u], to hinder, keep in check. m-ica>|Jiaci>, f. aaca, to make a riotous assault upon. Tri-fccijjLtos, a, ov, (kiri, /ccD/ios) of or for a festal procession. 2. laudatory. irt-KtoiTOS, ov, (tiri, Kwirrj) at the oar, a rower. 2. of a weapon, up to the very hilt. m\a|3cr0cu, aor. 2 med. inf. of tiriXaufcavca. mXa|3T|, r), (eiriXa^dvoj) a taking hold, grasping: a handle. m\a|36|Ji6vos, aor. 2 med. part, of kirtXafj-^avo}. em-XaYXavw, f. -ATyfo/itat, to receive by lot after- wards. II. to fall to one by lot, come afterwards. m-Xav|A, to escape notice, be hidden. II. 7n.\T)0av&>, f. -\r), to smootbe over; aor. I part., lTTi\frivas TT)I/ Hepecu yvajjjiTjv having smoothed over the opinion of Xerxes, i. e. making it plausible. 6m-XY<0, f. a>, to say in addition, to add fur- ther. 2. to call by name. II. to choose, pick out, select: so also in Med.: Pass., fm\f\y^voi or firftXeyufvoi chosen men. III. in Med. also, to read. 2. to think over, consider. tTTt-XcCpco, f. tyca, to pour upon, make a libation over. Im-XeiTrii), f. i//ca : aor. 2 6ir\iirov : pf. (m\\oiira: Pass., 3 s : ng. plqpf. fTreXeXenrro : to leave behind one. II. to fail one, like Lat. deficere ; vScap fj.iv fvf AtTre the water failed him ; fviXeinfi fee 6 xpovos time fails me : of rivers, tm\(iiT(iv TO peeOpov, to have their stream failing, to be dried up ; and so without ptfOpov, to fail: zbsol.tofail, lack, be want- ing. Hence , ecus, f}, failure, lack. ov, (e-rriXfjca) chosen, picked; ol lui\fK- TOI picked soldiers. mXcXi]crp,ai, pf. pass, of eiriXavOdvca. Im-XtTrw, f. tf/ca, to peel, strip of its bark. eiTL-XevTo-to, to look towards, see before one. 6irt-Xir]0avco, see f-rriXavOdvca n. irtXT)0os, ov, (firiXavdavoi) causing forgetfulness. m-Xir|0o}juu, poet, for kniXavddvo^ai, to forget. m-X-r|is, t8os, fj, (ciri, \fia) obtained as plunder. irt-XTT]Kecj), f. T}) caught, detected. TuXT]cris, fees, rj, (tiri\av&avoiwC)forgeffulness. cmXT|crp,ovT|, 77, (fniXavOdvofjuti) forgetfulness. einXT|O'p.ojv, ov, gen. ovos, ((irt\.a.vQdvo{jai}forgeffttl, having a bad memory : Comp. eTii\r)0~iJ.ov6ffT(pos : irreg. Sup. (iriXrjfffjioTaTos. iriXT|, (km, i'AAos) to wink with the eyes, to make signs by winking. tiTi-\oyL^o^La,i'. fut. iffofJicLi Att. Yovfjiai : aor. I f\o- yiadfJLijv and -eXoyioOrjv: pf. -\f \6yia fj.ai : Dep.: to reckon over, think on, consider: to make account of. crriXoYOS, o, (4m Ae'7cu) a conclusion, inference. II. the concluding speech of a play, epilogue : the perora- tion of a speech. ^hrt-XoYxs, ov, (4m, Ao^X 7 /) barbed. eirCXouros, ov, (fm\e'nrca) still left, remaining: of Time, to come, future. Tri-XovTpov, TO, the price of a bath. eiri-Xihreco, f. rjaca, to trouble, grieve besides. Hence emXvma, 97, trouble, grief. Im-Xthros, ov, (km, Xvirrf) troubled, grieved. iriXvcris, feus, 77, (kmXv, f. oca, (4m, Xw&r)) to mock at. m-p,dios, ov, (km, /ia^os) at the breast. 6m-p,aivojxat, Pass., with aor. 2 -ffj.dvrjv [a], aor. I med. -ffji.r)vdfj.r)v, pf. act. fjte/jirjva : to be mad after, dote upon : to be passionately in love with. m-p.auo(o.at, fut. f(dcro/xai Ep. -fjido~(TO[*ai : Ep. aor. I -f/j.ao'a'dfj.rjv : Dep. : to strive after, endeavour to obtain, aim at. II. c. ace. to lay bold of, grasp : also to touch, feel. 7Ti-|JidXXov, Adv. for tm paXXov, still more. cmjjiavSaXoTOV, r6, (eiri, /uai/SaAcuTos) a wanton kiss. in-|jiav0dvco, i.fj.aQrjGQjJt.ai, to learn besides or after. 6Trt-}jiapTvp0), f. -fjaca, to bear witness or depose to a thing. Hence emp-apriipCa, 77, a witness, testimony. 4iri-p.apTvpop.ai, Dep. to take to witness, to call on as witness, appeal to : absol. to call witnesses, call in evidence. 2. to call on earnestly, to conjure, Lat. obtestari. 3. to declare before witnesses. Hence Tri-|A, f. w, to knead again: Med. to s'roke. eiri-fjiao-TiSios, ov, (km, fmo-ros) at the breast. cTTLjxacTTOS, ov, (emfMioiMii) seeking after or for. 7np,axtco, f. rjaoj, (4m'/ix os ) to fight for one. Hence (TTi\i3,\ia, 77, a defensive alliance. tm-p,axos, ov, (km, ftdxo^at) that may easily be at- tacked, assailable, open to attack. tTrip.eiSid.co, f. dcra> [a], and -p.eiSd.cj. f. 770-0;: to smite at or upon. irip,ivat, aor. I inf. of kmnlvoi. tirtp-cXeia, T), (fmfj.f\rjs} care, attention, diligence; errifieXftd nvos attention paid to a thing. m-jxX0|A Kvpca eyeveTO it was a care to Cyrus ; errifj.e\es fj.oi eart I have to care for it; TO entfj.e\es TOV SpcafJ-evov the charge of the execution of orders. em|A6XT]Teov, verb. Adj. of emfJ.e\eofjai, one must take care of, pay attention to a thing. iri}AXir]TT|s, ov, 6, (emfj.e\eofj,at) one who is in charge, a manager, overseer, superintendent. em-jJieXo|xai, Dep. = enifj.e\eofj,ai. eirt-p-eXirto, f. tyca, to sing to. mp.eXtos, Adv. of emfj.e\r}s t carefully. m|xcfJiVT]p.o[jiat, f- ^ofiat, Dep. to impute to one as matter of blame, to object against one as matter of blame : c. dat. pers. to blame : absol. to find fault, complain. Hence cmp,p,i|;is, ecus, 77, blame, complaint. !m-|Avw, fut. -fjLevS}-. aor. I enefj.eiva: to stay on, to abide still. 2. to continue in a pursuit. 3. to abide by. II. to wait for, await, c. ace. m-|jiTa'Tr|nroy,ai, Med. to send for besides, send for a reinforcement. iri-|ATp0), f. 770-cu, to measure out to, assign to : Pass., 6 erfifJ.eTpovfJ.evos atros the corn measured out. II. to measure out or pay in addition. m-jiTpov, TO, something added to the measure, excess. m-p,T|8op,s, fas, 6, (em, prjoos) Epimetheus, i. e. After-thought, brother of Prometheus or Fore-thought. m-p.ir]6T|S, es, (em, /x^Sos) thoughtful. TSm-p/TjXtScs, iocav, at, (eni, fj.rj\d) Nymphs protec- tors of flocks. em-jjiT|vios, ov, (eni, fj.r}v) monthly: TOL emiJtrjvia. (sub. iepa) monthly offerings. lin-jjiTjvtco, f. iffca [I], to be angry at or with. 6m-|At)x3v, f- fJ.vr)ffoj, to put in mind of. II. Pass, and Med. eni-fj.ifj.vr}aKofJ:ai, fut. -fj.vrjffofja.1 and fJ.vrj, poet, for emfj,evu. TTIVLKLOS. , Adv. (emfj.iyvvfj,i) mixedly, confusedly, in- discriminately. mp.tia Ion. -ITJ, (emfj.iyvvfj.i') a mixing with others, intercourse, dealings, Lat. commercium. iri-|Jii^s, ecus, fi, = emiJ.iia. irt-|jiicrY&), poet, and Ion. for eiri-fj.iyvvfj,i, to have dealings with one ; in hostile sense, to be brought in contact with, clash with : absol. to associate together. TrufJivdop.ai, -p,vwp,cu, Ion. for emfUft.vrjafeofj.ai. m(JivT], f. ffca, to commit adultery besides. iTTt-jxoXciv, aor. 2 inf. of em&Xwaicctj. Hence liri-fjioXos, ov, approaching, invading. irifxo(ji<|>T|, 77, (emfj.efj.fyofj.ai") blame, reproach. m|a.o|ji4>os, ov, (emfj.ejj, Att. -TTCO, = emfj-vfa, to mutter. 4m-p,t)(0, f. -fj.vao} [u], to close the eyes at a thing : to wink at, in token of assent. tm-fuop-aofjiai. Ion. -eojxat, Dep. to find fault with. Hence iri(juo(jiT)T6s, 77, ov, blameworthy, blameable. irL-fxcop,os, ov, blamed, blameworthy. e-m-ficoojjiat, Dor. for emfj.aiofj.at. irt-vdxo|jiai, Dor. for emvrjxofMi. em-veiov, TO, (erri, vavs) a sea-port for the navy, arsenal. m-v|xo>, fut. -ve/jica and -vefj-rjoo} : aor. I -eveifia : to allot, assign, distribute. II. to turn cattle to graze on another's land: Med., of cattle, to feed over the boundaries, to go on grazing : metaph. to spread over; irvp emvefieTat TO aarv the fire spreads over the town ; so, rj voffos erreveifjiaTo TCS 'AOqvas. iriV6VTjcr|jivos, pf. part. pass, of emveca. eirt-vcvo-op.ai, fut. of emveca. TTi-vva>, f. aca : aor. I evevffa : to nod for- wards. II. to nod to, in token of command or approval, to nod assent, to make a sign to another to do a thing : to promise by nodding. III. to in- cline to or towards. iri-v<|>Xos, ov, (em, ve(pe\r/') clouded, overcast. iri-vpC8ios, ov, (em, vetypos) upon the kidneys. m-vo (A), f. vrjoca, to spin to, esp. of the Fates. m-vo (B), = emvrjveca, to load with a thing: pf. part, pass., emvevrjafj-evos piled up with. Im-veto (C), f. -vevffofjai, to swim, float on the top. m-vifjios, ov, (em, vavs} on board ship. lirt-V7)V0), (em, veca) to heap or pile upon. em-vf|4>a>, to be sober at or for. m-vf|XFwu f. -vriofjai, Dep. to swim upon : to come to the top, float on the surface. 2. to swim to or over to. 4m-vCKios, ov, (Ijrt, viitr)) of victory. II. as Subst. TO \itivlKiov (sub. qfffJia or /zeXos), a song of victory, triumphal song or ode. 2. (sub. Ovfia), a feast in honour of a victory. m-viKOS, ov, (iTiviKios. 4m-vio-crop.cu, fut. -viao/Mi, to go over: come upon. irt-vic|>(a, to snow upon, [yt] m-vo(i>, f. rjcrca : aor. I (irevorjo'a, but also with aor. I pass. firevorjOrjv in same sense : to think on or of, contrive. i. c. inf. to purpose, intend. 3. absol. to form a plan, design. Hence -irivoia, 77, a thinking of or over a thing, thought : power of thought, inventiveness. 2 . a purpose, de- sign. II. after-thought. irivoftes, Dor. I pi. impf". of mVcw. emvopAa, T), (In-ii/e^to/iou) a grazing on another's lands : a right to 'pasture on each other's lands, of the citizens of two neighbouring states. irivo[ios, ov, (7rti/f/io/xt) dwelling in the : coun!ry. m-vuKTios, ov, (kiri, vv) by night, nightly. -in-vv}Ji<})i8tos, ov, (k 7T( , vvfj.(pa) of or for a bride, bridal. m-vijcr<7a> Att. -TTCO, f. 0;, to -prick on the surface. m-vuo-Ta}jLa.&>, f. 770-0;, to bring or apply to. II. to distribute, assign. cm-v(imSu>s, ov, (TTI, VUTOV) on the back. 7n-va>Tioj, f. o*o>, (tiri, VWTOV} to put on the back of, to cover with. m-vamos, ov, (firi, vSirov) on the back. m-av0os, ov, inclining to yellow, tawny, of hares. iri-^tv6w, f. dxro}, Ion. and poet, for iirigevoaj. 4m-jj6v6a>, f. wcroj, (liri, evos) to. enter tain as a guest: Pass, to be so entertained, to dwell abroad. 2. Med., tmgevovnai ravra I claim these offices as a stranger. m-i>, f. -eo-o>, to scrape on the surface. 4m-|-rjvov, TO, (tni, 771/05) a chopping-block, like eiriKoiravov : the executioner's block. wv (iriovpos chief svf'me-berd. 257 , -fj, part. pres. fem. of etreifu (tlfjii ibo), the coming day (sub. fjp.fpd). Hence mot)orios, ov,for the coming day, sufficient for the day ; ciriovaios dpros daily bread. 6m-6v|/o|juu, poet, for (ir6if>of^ai. iirl-ira.yxy, Adv. entirely, altogether. m-ird\Aa>, to brandish at or against. em-TrdfJicov, ov, gen. ovos, (km, TrcTra/iai pf. of rrdo- HO.L) Dor. for firiK\7jpos, falling to one's share. m-irav, Adv. upon the whole, generally, on the average. , to heap up ; besides. em-irapaoTK6vda>, f. o"o;, to prepare besides : Med. to provide oneself with besides. m-irdpip,i, inf. -rfivai,to be present at or near. II. to be present besides or in addition to. m-Trdp6ip,i, inf. -itvat, to come upon in flank, to march alongside of. II. to come on to assist. III. to come forward to speak. eirv-irdtrcrco Att. TTO> : fut. -7rdo*o; [a] : to sprinkle upon or over. Hence tirC-iracrros, ov, sprinkled on or over : TO kmTiaarov a kind of cake with comfits upon it : also a plaster. firi-Tra-rayta), f. 770-0;, to make a noise at. em-ireSos, ov, (eiri, ireSov) on the ground, or on a level with it, level, flat ; tv eiriirtda) on a level : irreg. Comp. (irnrfSeffTfpos. !mim0T|s, fs, obedient, compliant. From 6m-iri9ojjLKa, pf. of eirnriirrca. pf. of.imirivo). begin to turn dark, of grapes ripen- ing. iri-jTpKvos, ov, somewhat dark, properly of grapes ripening ; then of the colour of hares. miro-o{)p,, f. rjao^ai, to spring upon, rush at. Tri-ip]X v S, v, (firi, trrjx v5 } above the elbow. 7U-7rlu, f. o"a;, to press upon. 258 Dep., used only in pres. and impf., to approach, come near. Tri-irLjxirXt]p.t, f. -irXrjaa}, to fill up with a thing. TTi-mvc0, f. -THO/ZCU : pf. -TreVawa : aor. 2 -eiriov ; /o , f. -irXaaa) [a] : to spread a plaster on, smear over. Hence ImirXao-TOS, ov, plastered over -.feigned, false. firnrXa-yx^iS. aor - * P art - P ass - f ttfiTAdCo;. CTrt-irXeiov, Adv. = emirXfov. cirt-irXcLos, ov, Ep. for eiriir\eos. 7ri-irXio)V, ov, gen. ovos, still more. irt-irXKo>, f. o>, to plait in f o a chaplet. Im-irXeov, Adv., for eirl irXeov, still more. m-irXOs, a, ov, Att. ^iriTrXews, cav, (firi, TrAcos) quite full of a thing. CTUirXcvo-us, fu>s, 77, a sailing against; eiriTrXevffiv *X flv t nave the power of sailing against, to have the weather gage. From 7ri-irX0), f. -irXevaopai : Ion. emirXcbco, f. -TrAo;- c3v, Att. for TriirXfos. cm-irXTjpoco, f. duffca, to Jill up; Med., fTrnrXrjpovffOai TT)I/ vavv to fill up one's ship's crew, to man her afresh. tTTi-irXrio-o-co Att. -TTO>, f. o>, to strike at : of words, to rebuke, reprove : to cast a reproach upon : to cast in one's teeth. m-irXoa, ra, fuller form of eiTitrXa : properly neut. of firiir\oos, ov, an Adj. formed from kiri, as airXoos from a/ia, 8tTr\oo$ from Sis. TrtirX6jxvos, Ep. for Imrr t Xopfvos, aor. 2 part, of ciriirXoov, TO, (fTriirXfcu) the caul of the entrails, Lat. omenlum : also firiirXoos, 6. emirXoos contr. emirXovs, 6, (lirnrXeaj) a sailing against the enemy, bearing down upon him, the attack of a ship or fleet. 2. a naval expedition against a place. tTrt-rrXwco, Ion. and Ep. for ftwrXia). Im-irXtos, part, of tTreirXojv, Ep. aor. 2 of (TriirXeca. Im-irXuo-as, Ion. aor. I part, of (iriirXtoj. , Ep. for tmtrvfoj. w Ep. -irvcCoj : fut. -irvevffofiai : aor. I eirc- : to breathe or blow upon, so as to revive : metaph. to excite, inflame : to blow favourably, to favour, Lat adspiro. lm--nviY&>, to choke, stifle. lirtirvoia, 17, (eirnrvfw') a breathing upon: inspiration. !iri-ir68ios, a, ov, (kiri, irovs) upon the feet. 4iri-iro0a>, f. -rjffQ}, to yearn or long after, regret greatly, Lat. desidero. Hence eirnroOijo-is, ecas, rj, a yearning after : and Triir60T)TOS, ov, longed for, earnestly desired ' and 4m-iro0ia, 77, kimrodrjais. lirt-iroiiJiTiv, 6, 7), an over shepherd or shepherdess. -miroXaco, f. ffoj, ((iwroXr]) to be at the top, lie on the surface. II. to rise to the top : metaph. to be uppermost, to prevail. 4m-ir6Xauos, ov, on the surface : prominent, project- ing. 2. superficial, ordinary. From cm-iroX'f), 77, (km, irtXoj) a surface: gen. firnro- Xrjs, as Adv., at the top, atop : c. gen. on the top of, above. II. at 'E7rt7roA.at, a piece of ground with a sloping surface near Syracuse. em-iroXios, ov, growing hoary, grizzled. irt-iToXos, = irpoairoXos, an attendant. Im-iroXti, Adv., for eirl iroXv, generally. liri-Troveta, f. rjooi, to toil on, persevere. 4-irC-irovos, ov, painful, toilsome : wearisome : of per- sons, laborious, pains-taking : of omens, portending toil and suffering. Adv. ITI-WTOI/OW, Lat. aegre, with toil and trouble, Sup. firiirovwraTa. eiri-iropevojiai : f. med. -Tropevaofiai, aor. I pass. -TropevOr)v: Dep.: to go, march to: to march over. cm-iropirajjia, fwros, TO, (lirt, iropnaoj) a mantle buckled on the shoulder. eiri-irorciofjiai, Dep., lengthd. for firnrtTOfjiai, to fly to or hover over. Im-Trpeirto, to be conspicuous. 2. to beseem, be befitting. em-irpeo'pcijofjiai, Dep. to go as ambassador any whither. 2. to send an embassy. iru-'rrpTji5va), Ion. for iiri-irpa.vva}, = irpavv(j. Im-trpuo [tl, to grind [the teeth] at a thing. Im-irpopAXXco, f. -fiaXw, to throw forward. Imirpoerjica, Ep. aor. I of eTrnrpolrjfj.i. m7rpO(jiv, Ep. aor. 2 inf. of eTrnrpoiij/M. iri--irpoi(iXX.co. f. aXu : aor. I -irpoirjXa : to set out or place before one. 2. to send out one before or after another. m-irpoiir]fH, fut. -irporjffca: aor. I -irpofJKa, Ep. -erjfta: to send forth towards or at: to shoot at. II. vfaoiffiv eiriirpoftjKe [vavv~\ he steered, made for them. 4m-irpocr0V, rarely -0, Adv. of Time and Place, before : also in preference to. 6m-irpo (B), f. 770-0;, {km-npoaOfv} to be before, be in the way ; tmirpoaOfTv rots irvpyois to be in a line with the towers, so as to cover one with the other. 6irt-'irpoxw, f. -\tw, to pour forth over: to pour forth. em-irraCpco : aor. 2 eire-rrrdpov : to sneeze at ; vlos ot tirtiTTapf irafftv eireaaiv my son sneezed as I spoke the words, a good omen : hence of the gods, to be kindly to, favour. TTt7TTor0ai, aor. 2 inf. of firnrfTOftai. imrrvx"n> 17, (ewt, -nrvaoo}) an over-fold, a flap. m-ira>\o}ji,ai, Dep. to go about, visit, Lat. obire : of a general, to inspect, review : of an enemy, to recon- noitre. Hence miru>\T)cn.s, ecus, ?;, a going round, visitation. m-pa|38o4>op>, f. ^crcw, of the rider, to urge a horse by shaking the whip ; or of the horse, to gallop. 7rip-pa0v|ji6c)j f. 77(70;, to be careless about a thing". irtppava>, to sprinkle upon or over. Imp-pa/mxa, f. ifica, to sent, stitch on. tmp-pdo-crco Att. -TTCO, Alt. for firLpprj&Ga). mp-pea>, f. a>, to offer sacrifices at a place ; tTrtp- ptGKov Ion. impf. 2. to sacrifice afterwards or besides. cmppernqs, s, leaning, inclined towards, Lat. /ro- clivis. From cmp-pe-Trw, f. i/'W, /o /ea# towards, of the balance : to fall upon. II. trans., (mppeireiv raXavrov to force down one scale: hence /o w?/gv& OM//O one, allot. fcTTLppe-TTws, Adv. of (iripperrfjs, favourably inclined. 4-irip-pco) : f. -ptvffofjiai : aor. 2 pass, (in act. sense) 4irfppvr)v : to flow upon the surf ace, float atop. 2. to flow to or into : of men, to stream on or towards ; ovmpp&av x?^ vos onward-streaming time, i.e. the future. 259 lirip-pv^o), f. w, (firi, pvs, ov, (empptoj) flowing in or /o : coming in upon, adventitious. 2. metaph. overflowing, abundant. II. overflowed, moist. mp-pa>wi5|Ai and -vo> : fut. -pwaoj : aor. I -pp, f. -paa; : to dash against, force upon or to ; Ion. impf. eirip- prjaaeaKov. 2. to rend at or on hearing a thing. II. intr. to burst forth, of lightning. mp-pir)TOpe i ua>, f, , (tiri, pfjTojp) to speak as an orator to or over, mp-pT)Tos, ov, cried out against, infamous. mp-piKvos, ov, shrunk up. cmp-ptTTTw and -i> : f. \f/ca : aor. I eppiif/a : to east at or upon. 2. metaph, to commit to, give up to. II. intr. to fall upon. mppcrf|, f), (fTTippcoj) an afflux, influx, a flood. irvppo0>, f. rjffaj, to roar at, of the waves : to echo or answer to a sound : to shout applause at a thing : to repeat or setond a prayer : but also, to inveigh against. Hence mp-po0os, OK, hasting to the rescue, aiding: gene- rally, helping in need, giving aid against. II. firtppoOa KQ.KO. reproaches bandied back and forwards, abusive language. emp-poipStto, f. ^oxu, to forebode rain by croaking. Hence 'mppoiJ387)v, Adv. with noisy fury. emp-poifo>, f. -f)(rci), to croak to or at : c. ace. cog- nato, ITT. tyvyds TIVI to shriek or bode flight to one. mppvis, aor. 2 part. pass, of tmppfo}. eiricra, aor. I of irimaKoj, to make to drink. tmcra-yiJw*, O.TOS, r6, (tmffaTTO}) a pack-saddle : me- taph., eiriaayfia voffrjfJLaros a burden of disease. m-, f. ^cy, to pile a load upon. II. to load or saddle a horse. TTi-o-iei> Ep. cmo-creto) : f. crew : to shake at or i against. 2. to wave or beckon on : hence to set at or upon one. Im-crerio) Ep. mo-(Tva> ; to put in motion against one, set on. II. Pass, to hurry, hasten towards : in hostile sense, to fall upon, rush at, attack : esp. in pf. firtoavfAai as pres., and plqpf. firfffavfjnjv as impf. or aor. 2, part. fTTfaffttfievos, to rush on, hurry, hasten; lirff, to set a mark or sign upon : Pass, to be marked, bear a mark. II. to give a sign of approval : Med. to give one's approval to a thing. 4-iri-OTjp.os, ov, (firi, erj^a) having a mark on it, bearing a mark or inscription : of money, stamped, i coined. 2. distinguished, famous, remarkable, Lat. I insignis : also in bad sense, notorious. II. tiri- | arjp.ov, TO, as Subst. any mark of distinction, a de- I vice : a device or bearing on a shield : the ensign or \flag of a. ship.- ir-i, to set on, as a dog. ir(-o-i|Jios, ov, (firi, ert/xos) somewhat flat-nosed. m-o-rp,6c>, f. cuaoj, to turn aside one's course. cm-o-tTCw, f. iaoj Att. iw : to furnish with food : Med. to furnish oneself with food, to forage: c. ace., TO o-rpaTfu/ia to provision the army; apiffTov to provide oneself with a meal, ecus, f), and eiriaiTwrfjio, r<$, = sq. , o, (trrtcrtTt^Qj) a furnishing oneself \ with provisions : a stock of provisions. K 2 260 m-, f. ^, to cover over. m-(TKi)dci>, f. dffoj, to get ready: to equip, Jit out: emaKfvdffai rd xp^ara to pack the money upon. II. to equip anew, repair, restore. Hence eTTKrKeuao-Tfjs, ov, 6, one who restores. 6m-o-ivT|, T), a repair, restoration : materials for repairs, stores. TTICTKVJ/IS, US, T), (TTl(rKirTOfMll') a looking at, IH- spection. 2. consideration, reflexion : inquiry. m-o r KT)vos, ov, (kiri, ffKTjvr)} at or near a tent. em-o'KTjvow, f. wacy, to lodge in a tent : generally, to stay, abide at a. place. iri-(TKT|irToj, to make to lean upon : .make to light upon, impose upon : intr. to fall upon, like lightning: Med. to lean upon, rely upon. -II. to enjoin solemnly upon, lay a strict charge upon, to com- mand one to do; rooovrov a' emff/trjuTca thus much/ command thee. III. to prosecute or indict. m-(TKid<>, f. dffca : pf. pass. eTrecr/ctacr/xai ; to throw a shade upon, overshadow, Lat. obumbrare : Pass., XaOpdiov op.}i eircaKiaffiAfvr) keeping a hidden watch. Im-crKios, ov, (CTTJ, ffKid) overshadowed. 2. act. shading, c. gen. m-(TKOTra>, f. -ffKeif/oftcu (from ), an overseeing : the office of an over- seer or bishop : also 2. visitation, punishment. m-cncoTros, o, (fftcoiros i) an overseer, watcher, guardian : esp. a public officer sent by the Athenians as inspector er overseer of a -subject state : a bishop. II. a scout, watch. ^m-o-KOTTOs, ov, (ffKoiros n) hitting the mark : suit- able to, coming up to : neut. pi. tmaKoira, as Adv., successfully, with good aim. m-crKOTa>, f. 770-0;, (Irrt, OKOTOS) to throw darkness or a shadow over. 4m-o-Kvo|Aat, Pass, with fut. med. -aftvffofj.ai, to be indignant at, brood over. m-, f. 'iota Att. to), to ply with drink like a Scythian. m-Trda>, f. acrcy, to look savage. m-, f. ffnfiffca, to pour upon or over: absol. to make a libation. II. Med. to make a fresh treaty. cmcrirepXTjS, , hurried, eager: Adv. xcSs. From Im-o-irepxto, f. , f. oca, to urge on, promote, further. II. intr. to hasten onward. !mo"jr6p.6vos, aor. i part. med. of etyitrca. m, Ep. for irioftca, fTTifffvca. m, f. -araca, to make to drop upon a thing: (irio~Taciv xaptv to shed delight or honour. iri-o-Ta0jJLdop,ai, Dep. to weigh well, ponder. irC-(rra0(Jios, ov, at, belonging to a lodging or station. ir-t(TTa|Jiau, 2 pers. 7r/cn?.a, f. o*oj, and 6m, f. ^a>, to. tread upon, stand upon. m-crrix w to ^o 'o, along, or over, o approach. iri- or -Tjs, es, crowned to the brim; Kprjrrjpas em- GTcfytas oivoio goblets brimming over with wine. m-o), f. \fjca, to surround with or as with a chaplet : Med., KpTjrfjpas firevTat, Ion. 3 plur. subj. of firiffrafwi. *iri, f. ca, to make to lean upon : hence to confirm, establish : Pass, to lean upon a thing. (irwmjTos, 17, cV, (eTr/OTa/tcu) that can be scientifi- cally known. m-aTi\|3a>, to glisten on the surface. IT-I, f. aca, to march against, go on an expedition against : in Prose mostly in Med. m-<7TpSTT)ii), Ion. for kiriarparfia. 7rt-orTpaTOiT8\J(i), f. act), to encamp over against. mels, aor. 2 part. pass, eiriarpi^xa : cm- f|Vai, inf.: (TriffrpcKpca subj. eirloTpe-irTOS, ov, (tniaTptfyca) to be turned towards or looked at : hence, to be admired. m-crrp4>T|s, cs, turning towards: attentive, careful, sharp, shrewd. Adv. tntarpf^ws Ion. -cus, earnestly, sharply. From m-co, f. ^cw : aor. I t-niarpefya. : to turn or direct towards. 2. to turn about, turn. 3. to turn or convert from an error, to correct, amend. 4. to curve, twist, make to writhe. II. Med. and Pass. firiffTpecpo/Aai, aor. 2 -(arpcKptjv [a] : to turn one- self round : to go backwards and forwards, to range or wander over : to visit. 2. to be turned or con- verted : to repent. 3. to look towards : hence to pay regard or deference to: c. ace. to allude to, mean. III. intr. in. Act. to turn oneself in any direction-: to return. IV. pf. part. pass, fire- aTpa.fjLfji.tvos, 77, ov, = 6mffTped8T]v, Adv. (ImcrTpe'c/xw) turning both ways, turning right and left. mos, ov, (tiriaTptQca) conversant with: con- cerned with or in. 4m-vviip,i, shortened form of (iriffTopevvvfit. em-orpoxjxico, f. T^crcu, Frequent, of (iriaTpf, to gather together again, collect and bring to a place. Hence mda>, f. cu, to slaughter over or besides, im- molate. m-aXT|S, e's, (km, aQaXfjvai} prone to fall, un- steady, precarious. 4m-o i d,TTto, f. cu, later form of e7no*c/>dcu. ), f. "ycu, to bind tight, fasten. G>, f. io, to put a seal on, seal up. 2. to confirm, ratify. Hence emo"4>pdYicrrT|S, ov, 6, one who seals or signs. em-v, aor. 2 part, of eVexo;. iri-6pov the arrangement of the tribute. m-rapdo-cro> Att. -TTCO, f. cy, to trouble or disquiet yet more. iriTdppo0os, o, lengthened for tirippoOos, a helper, defender, ally. , ecus, -f), (lirtTcivoj) a stretching, straining. co Att. -TTti), f. 00: aor. I -eTda : Pass., aor. I -tray6r\v : pf. -TeTcry/^at : to set over, put in command. 2. to enjoin, order : Pass, to be under orders to do a thing ; of things, to be ordered one ; TO. emTaffffu^fva orders given. II. to place be- hind or in reserve : also, to place next or beside. em-rdu>s, ov, (km, Tacpos) on or over a tomb; \6yos kmTcupios a funeral oration spoken at Athens yearly over the citizens who had fallen in battle ; such as that of Pericles in Thuc. 2. 35 sqq. em-rax vvttf, f- vv &i to hasten on, urge forward. TriTiXai t aor. I inf. of eTrtTeXXcu. Im-rcCvco, f. -Ttvw : Ion. impf. kmTfivfffKov. Pass., aor. I -eraOyv [a] : pf. -TeVajueu : to stretch upon or over. 2. to draw tight; to increase, heighten: to urge, excite : Pass, to be stretched as on the rack : generally to be tortured, to be on the stretch, strained to the uttermost : to endure. em-Tixico, f. iaoj Att. iw, to build a fort or occupy a fortified place against one, esp.in the enemy's country: c. ace. loci, to occupy with such a fort. Hence !irtTixtaT, f. cu, to make for. 4iri-T6Xvdo(ji,ai, Dep. to contrivejor a purpose. II. to contrive against. Hence iriTexvT]tris, ecus, 77, contrivance for a purpose. -iriT-/|8ios, o, ov, Ion. emTTjScos, 77, ov, (kmTrjSts) made for a special purpose, fit or adapted for it, con- venient. II. useful, serviceable, necessary; TO. , the necessaries of life. 2. of persons, serviceable, friendly, well-disposed : as Subst., an in- timate friend, Lat. ?iecessarius. 7TiTT)Sei6TT|S, 77Tos, f), fitness, suitableness, conve- nience for a purpose. TiLTTj8io)s Ion. -os, Adv. of tiriTrjfifios, suitably, serviceably. m-TT]8S, later cirC-rqSes, Adv. formed from eirl rd5e,/or a special purpose, for the purpose : on pur- pose, advisedly, Lat. consulto : designedly, artfully, iriTT)8vp,a, arcs, TO, (fTUTT/Sewy) that which one pursues, one's pursuit in life, business, custom, prac- tice, Lat. studium, institutum. 6irtTTj86V(Tts, feus, 77, attention to a pursuit or busi- ness : the practising or studying of a thing. From iriTT]8ija>, f. oo}, (fmrrfifs) ; but the tenses are formed as if it were a compd. of km with rrjSeta} (which does not exist), aor. I fTrerrjSevffa, pf. tTnreT^Seiwa : to pursue or practise a thing, make it one's busi- ness, Lat. studere rei : also to invent : c. inf. to take care to do : Pass, to be practised, done with pains and care. liriTTjKTOs, ov, melted or luted to, overlaid: metaph. superficial, counterfeit. From em-mr|Kco, f. oj,to melt upon, pour upon when melted. m-Tqpi), f. rjaoj, to look out or watch for. iri-Ti0T]}u, f. -6rjo~Q} : aor. I eOijtca : pf. redeiita : to put or lay upon. 2. to set upon, turn or in- cline towards. II. to put to, close, as a door or covering ; rip.lv avaitXlvat TTVKIVOV vetpos r}5' (TriOet- vai both to roll back the thick cloud and put it to. III. to put to besides, to add. IV. to put on, as a last touch or finish. V. to lay upon, impose, inflict, esp. a penalty : also to give a name. VI. to give an injunction or message: to send by message. VII. Med. iTrmfle^cu, aor. 2 eOefjiTjv: to put on oneself or for oneself. 2. to set oneself to, apply oneself to, engage oneself in. 3. to set upon, make an attempt upon, attack. cm-TijAdw, f. rjcro} : to lay a value or set a price upon, Lat. aestimare : to value, honour, shew honour to. 2. to raise in price: Pass, to rise in price. II. to lay or estimate the amount of a penalty, to appraise. i. to object to one as blame- able: to blame, reprove, find fault with. Hence iriTifnjo-is, ecus, -f), a reproving, rebuking : and mTifAT]TT|s, ov, 6, an estimator. II. a punisher, chastiser; kmTip.r]T^s epyajv an appraiser or examiner of what has been done. Hence cmTi(i/r)Tiic6s, 77, oV, censorious. ImTip.'fiTttp, opos, 6, (tmTip.au) an avenger. cmTi|ua, i), (67rm/*os) the enjoyment of civil rights and privileges. II. rebuke : punishment. cm-Tifuos, ov, (!TT/, riftf)) done in one's honour. II. TO fmTifJLiov or TO. tmTip.ia, as Subst., the value or estimate of a thing: the honour due to a person. 2. the assessment rf damages, penalty; Ta.TnTip.ia Trjs fivcraffifias the wages of ungodliness. IT(-TIHOS, ov, (tTn, Tip-ij) in honour : in possession 263 of one's full rights and privileges as a citizen, opp. to a.Ttp.os. em-TiT0ios,oy,(f7Tt,TtT077)s/z7/ at the breast, sucking. 6m-riTpa>o'K, f. 77(70;. to submit or endure to do. CTTITOVOS, ov, ((TTiTfivoo) stretched, strained. II. as Subst., (TT'ITOVOS (sub. fyids), 6, a rope or cord with which a thing is stretched or tightened, the back-stay of the mast. m-Toi|do}x : f. I//QJ: aor. I -frptifa, aor. 2 -fTpairov: Med., f. Ion. -Tpatyopai : aor. 2 -fTpairofirjv : Pass., Ion. aor. I* CTpa(p0r)v : aor. 2 -(Tpdiryv [a] : to turn to or towards : Med. to incline to. 2. to give over, commit, entrust to one's charge : to put into another's hand, entrust oneself to : Pass, to be entrusted ; o>, f. Opeif/oj, to bring up, maintain: Pass. to grow up after : generally, to grow up. em-Tpcx ^ fut. I -6p(ouat, acr. I -(0pfa : also (from Root (irtSpe/juu) fut. -^pap.ovpai, aor. 2 -edpa- p.ov : pf. -SfEpdurjfea, pf. 2 (moffipoua : to run at or upon : to assaidt, attack suddenly. II. to run over a space : to graze as a lance does a shield : to overspread, be shed abroad, be diffused. 2. c. ace. to overrun, as an army does a country. 3. to run over, treat lightly of, Lat. oratione percur- rere. III. to run after : to grasp at, seek for. ', iriTp*|/ai, aor. I imper. and inf. of . irt-Tpij3u>, f. fa : aor. 2 pass, krerpl&jr [r] : to rub on the surface: to grind down, afflict, destroy: Pass, to be utterly destroyed. Hence 'iTtTpiirTOs, ov, rubbed down, worn away : metaph. worn, practised, hackneyed. irl-TpiTOS, ov, one f and one-third, I + -g-, or $ : iiri- TpiTov (sub. Savctau.a') was a loan at the rate of % of the principal, i. e. 33^- per cent, per annum. em-Tpoiraios, a, ov, (e-n-iTpoirr)} entrusted, delegated. eiriTpoireta, 77, (cTnTpOTreu'a;) guardianship. m-Tp6-TTvcns, teas, rj, = tnnpoireia. Hence 264 dian. , 77, ov, Jit for the office of guar- iJio, f. ffca, (ktiirpoitos) to be in charge, to be guardian, trustee, governor. tiriTpoiTT), 77, (tirirpeirca) a reference of a thing to another: a charge entrusted to a person. 2. absol. an arbitration. liruTpoiros, o, (tiriTptifca) one to -whom a charge is entrusted, a trustee, steward : esp. a guardian. mTpoxa8ir]v, Adv. (tmrptx} runningly, fluently. tmrpoxos, ov, (ljrtTpx cw ) running easily : metaph. voluble. 6iri-Tpijc>, to murmur beside or over. m-Tpu>YW, f. -Tpuo}Jiai : aor. 2 -frpayov : to eat to, with, or after, esp. as sauce or sweetmeat. em-rvYXttvo), f. revgofiuu : aor. 2 -frvx ov ' * light upon, fall in with, meet with : c. gen. rei, to hit, reach, attain to : c. part, to succeed in doing : in aor. 2 part., 6 tiriTvx&v , like 6 rvyjav, the first one meets, i. e. a common, ordinary person, any one. m-TV(ji|3C8i,os, a, ov, (tiri, Tv/zjSos) at or over a tomb. II. of the crested lark, with a crest or top-knot. em-TV)j,J:Ji,os, ov, = eirirvfji.@i5ios. TTt-rvaY6iv, aor. 2 inf. of tirtaOio}. tm-(J>atva>, f. -(fiavui: aor. I -ftprjva: to shew forth, display. 2. intr. (sub. (peas) to shine upon. II. Pass, and Med. to shew oneself, come into light, shine .forth, appear. Tri4>dv6ia, r), the appearance, manifestation. II. the surface, outside, of anything. tirKJjdveCs, aor. 2 pass. part, of iri(paiv(a. mav6o-Tpov, -etrraTa, Comp. and Sup. of ITTI- (pavias, iru|>avTJV(u, aor. 2 inf. pass* of frrKpaivca. Hence mavf|s, e-s, (firKpavrjvai) coming to light, appear- ing, conspicuous, open, manifest. II. metaph. famous, Lat. illustris : of things, remarkable. m-dvia (sub. Ifpa), cav, ra, (ttrKpavrivai), the fes- tival of the Epiphany, the Manifestation of Christ to the Gentiles. m-avTOS, ov, (lirKpaivopjai) visible, alive. iri4>avus, Adv. of (irifpavrjs, openly. iri-a,Tvt8ios, ov, (eiri, aij(i>, f. acu, (eiri, ^>aos) to shine upon. cm-pco : f. -oiaca : aor. I -rjvcyKa : aor. 2 -rjvey- KOV: (see (pf pea): to bring, put or lay upon; liri^e- peiv irokenov, Lat. helium inferre, to make war upon : absol. to attack, assail. 2. to throw a charge upon one, to impute to. 3. to confer upon, also in bad sense to inflict or impose upon : also to offer : Med. to bring with oneself, bring as dowry. 4. Pass., .i TIVI, to rush upon, attack, assault, pursue: absol. to ensue, follow upon, come after, to happen after. e / jri-rjfJ.T)) to utter words of omen to one, to promise in accordance with an omen. Hence TTL(J)T]|jLLcr|xa, TO, a word of good or bad omen. m-<|>0, f. daca [a], to arrive at, reach first. mc{>0a,s, aor. 2 of em(f>6avca, as if from tirityOrjfu. em-^OeYYOfwu, f- -$0f'7o/*ai, Dep. to utter after or in accordance, join in -what is said. m-<|>0ova>, f. 770-00, to grudge or withhold from jea- lousy. II. to bear hate against. liri-06vo>s, Adv. so as to provoke envy. II. at enmity. Im-^Ot^w, to spit at : Dor. part. fern. finQOvoSotaa. m-i\oirov0[xaL, Dep. to labour willingly at. iu-4>AeYa>, f. a>, to set on fire, burn up. 2. me- taph. to inflame, excite : also to make brilliant or /7/7/s- trious. II. intr. to blaze up, be brilliant. 6m-oi,Toia>, f. rjffca, to come constantly to, go regu- larly to, visit periodically: of foreign goods, to be regularly imported. mopd, 77, (eiri(pfpca) a bringing to or upon: gene- rally an addition. ciri-(j>ope(i), f. TjVcu, = firupepca, to bring and put on. Hence m4>6pT]fJLa, arcs, TO, mostly in pi., that which is served up in addition: dessert. iri<|>opos, ov, (tiTKpepca) carrying towards. II. of ground, sloping. III. prone or inclined to a thing. e'm-paa>, f. oca, to say after or besides. II. Med. and Pass., fut. -(ppaffofMi : aor. I -e(pp5.oa[jir)v, and aor. -etypaffOrjv : to think of doing, be minded to do. 2. to reflect upon, devise, contrive. 3. to notice, observe, to recognise, take notice of. mpao-crataTO, Ion. 3 pL aor. I med. opt. of em- irt-poo-i)v>], 17, (tir'uppcav') tboughffulness. irt-pp"f)v) thoughtful. m-v\ios, ov, (em, \r)) distributed to tribes. m-vXXls, ioos, r), (kiri, v\\ov) the small grapes left for gleaners : a term applied by Aristophanes to poetasters, whose names are not mentioned until the list of true poets is exhausted. m-vTv, f. ffca, to plant over or upon. iri-va>, f. vffca [0] : to make to grow upon. II. Pass., with act. aor. 2 lirc^w, pf. tmTrtc0VW, f. 770*0;, to tell of, mention. irt-, (Iff/, x a ^- a &) * shower bail upon. m-xaXda>, f. aaca [a], to rXK6vci), f. (Tcu, to forge upon an anvil : to work over again. 2. metaph. to forge to one's purpose. s, ov, covered with copper, coppered aor. 2 inf. pass, mx5pr|S, fs, (Inixaipca) gratifying, agreeable. 4m-xapio|xai, f. iaopai Att. lovftat: Dep. : to grant freely besides, to oblige with a present: aor. I imperat., titLxapiTTai (Dor. for Imxapiffai) TOJ eVo> be gracious to the stranger. m-x3pis, tros, o, ff, neut. Incept, pleading, agree- able, winning : giving pleasure : the Comp. and Sup. are kirtxapiTurepos, -nuraros, as if from TOS, ov. Dor. aor. I imperat. for t, O.TOS, TO, (f Trixatpca) an object of malig- nant joy : a feeling of such joy. emxo-pTOS, ov, (e7nxa/pa>) to be rejoiced at, delight- ful. II. to be exulted over ; ex#pofs firixopTO. matter of triumph to enemies. iri-Xi\T|S, es, (eiri, xAos) full to the brim. 4m-xe4idt>, f. , f. rfcrca, (em, x ( ' l p} to P u ^ one's hand to a thing: to set to work at, make an attempt upon, endeavour to do. 2. to set upon, attack. Hence emxetpijixa, aros, TO, an undertaking, attempt: and Trtxipif]cris, ys, 77, an attempt upon, attack: gene- rally, an attempt : and mxipir]Tov, verb. Adj. one must attempt. mxtp7]TY|s, ov, 6, (mx*ipeca) an enterprising, ad- venturous person. m-xtpov, TO, (eiri, X 6t '/0 on ty use< 3 in pi. wages of manual labour. i. generally, wages, pay, guerdon, in good or bad sense, reward or -punishment. m-XipOTOvG>, f. -qaca, to ratify a proposed decree, strictly, by show of hands. Hence emXeipoTovia, fj, a decree passed by vote of the people, esp. by show of hands. emxeuai, Ep. for fmxeai, aor. I inf. 4m-x>, f. -x e , aor. I -fX a: Ep. pres aor. I X va i inf. ~x f vai : to pour over or upon: shed upon. II. Med. to pour or spread over oneself or for oneself. 2. to have poured out for one to drink. II. Pass., pf. KfxvfMu, plqpf. Kf- Xv^-rjv, Ep. 3 pi. aor. 2 iTrexwro, to come as a torrent, to stream or flock to a place : to spread over like a flood, inundate. m-x06vi.os, ov, or a, ov, (im, x&t'i') upon the earth, earthy: as Subst., ^mx&oviot, of, men on earth. m-xoXos, ov, ((iri, x ^) producing bile. Trt-xopvo), f. aca, to dance to or in honour of a thing : to come dancing on. 265 4m-xopT)Yc>, f. 770W, to furnish or supply besides : generally, to supply: to aid. Hence *iri\opi(]yla, 77, a supply in addition. iri-xpcuva>, to stain, colour. m-xpda>(A), only used in aor. 2 kirexp a ov, to attack. m-xpdo> (B): f. -xprjffca: aor. I -txprjaa : to lend besides. II. Med. cmxpaop.ai, Ion. -xptojxat, f. -xpr}ffofjuaii to make use of, esp. to have dealings, be friends with one. em-xpenirrofjuu, Dep. to s^zV upon or atf. cm-xpuo, f. iffca [i], to anoint, besmear: Med. to *bnoint oneself. m-xpu(ros, ov, overlaid or plated with gold. m-xpwwt>[Ai and -vw, f. -xp^aca, to rub or smear over : esp. to stain, colour. mxt0is, aor. I part. pass, of eirixew- cmxvcris, teas, 17, (CTUX&H) a pouring over : an over- flow, flood. m-xpida>, f. aaca, (eiri, x^p' 10 ^ t visit often, to be in the habit of coming to, Lat. ventitare. em-xwpios, a, ov, also os, ov, (fni, x^P a ^ 2W > G fi be- longing to the country : of CTrtx^ptot the people of the country, the natives; TO tirix&piov the custom or fash- ion of the country. Adv. -icas, in the fashion of the country. m-xj/aKdo>, old Att. for kmif/fKa^ca. iri-ij;dXXci>, to accompany on a stringed instrument. em-vj/aua), f. oca, to touch on the surface, glance over : metaph. to touch lightly on, Lat. strictim attingere. m-i|/icd old Att. -vj/aKcia> : to pour drop by drop upon. em-xJ/evSoixai, Dep. to lie still more. m-v(;T)<}>ico, f. iffca Att. to), to put to the vote, put the question: Med. to confirm or decree by vote: Pass, to be appointed by vote. iri-i}/o-yos, ov, exposed to blame, blameable. II. act. blaming, censorious. cir-toyyai, wv, at, (eni, f 0*777) places sheltered from the wind, roadsteads. emwv, part, of eneifjii (clfu ibo}. TrXd i yx0 T J v 5 aor ' I pass. irXd0i]v [a], aor. I pass. eirXacra Ep. irXaa, f. rjffoj, to go as settler or colonist to a j o^o^at) : to look over, watch ever, take charge of: place: to settle in a place, inhabit it. II. to occupy j to visit, punish. II. to become an ITTOTTTTJS, against for offensive operations. Hence ir-ou, to have compassion on. ir-, f. -oi/Mjofj.ai, to wail over, Tr-ot, fut. of TTi(p(pa}. , Dep. /o g"o towards, ap- initiated into the greater mysteries, used proverbially 1T-OIXO}ACU, f. -( proach : to draw near to. of attaining to the highest earthly happiness. ir-oirrr)p, ^pos, o, = kn6irrr]s, of tutelary gods. ITT-OITTTJS, ov, 6, (fnoipofjiai) an overseer, guardian, watcher. II. one initiated at the greater mys- teries. ir-opAw, Ion. for l, Ion. for ftyopdca. Tr-op0idG>, f. ffca, (lirt, opdtos) to set upright : intr. (sub. , Ion. for tfopttifa, to adjure. set about; larbv ZiroixfffQai to ply the loom, Lat. per- currere telam. 3. to go over, traverse. ir-opjxa), Ion. for ir-6pvvjjit and-vw: fut. -opaca: aor. i -u>po~a: (lm, ir-oiccXX, to run a ship ashore : of the ship, to opvv/u) : to stir up or rouse against : to stir up, ex- run ashore. cir-OKpioeis, fffffa, cv, uneven, rugged. ir-oXwr0(ivu, f. -oXiaQrjaoj, to glide upon. v^ca, f. o), to raise a cry of triumph at. to follow, Dep. from enca, q. v. eto, Tjffoj, to rain upon; and , 17, abundance of rain or moisture : wet weather, opp. to avxfJ-os (drought). From ir-o(ji|3pos, ov, (In-t, ofjifipos) rainy: wet. ir-6jjivi)(i,t and -lico : fut. op.ov^ai : aor. i -wp.oaa : cite : Pass, to rise against, assault, fly upon one. eir-opovo), f. oca, to rush violently at : of sleep, to come suddenly on. ciropcreuav, 3 pi. aor. I opt. of (iropvvfjLi, Jhropo-ov, aor. I imperat. of fir6pvvfj.i. ir-opx0jiai, Dep. to dance to a tune. ^EIIOS, fos, TO, a word ; icar' CTTOS word by word, accurately. II. generally, that which is spoken, ut- tered in words, a speech, tale : also a song. III. it is used also of I. a prophecy, an oracle: later to swear to or upon; kiropviivai rovs Ofovs to swear also a proverb, maxim. 2. the meaning, substance by the gods : c. ace. rei, to swear to a thing : aor. I j of a speech. 3. tnrj in pi. meant poetry in heroic part., with another Verb, kiro^aas tlire he said with verse, epic poetry, opp. to ^\rj or lyric poetry: then an oath, upon oath. irop,6, to throw reproaches upon. Hence Trovi8iCTTOs, ov, to be reproached, disgraceful. II. act. reproachful. Adv. -TCUS, shamefully. cir-ovop-d^u), f. ffca, to give another name to, to sur- name : generally, to call by a name; transferred- to elegiac verse; and thence generally to verses, poetry. iroTicra, aor. i of TTOTI^O;. eir-OTOTV^w, f. aca, to yell out, utter lamentably. lir-orpuvQ), f. vvw, to stir up, urge on : to stir up against : Pass, to hasten on. ^TT-ovpatos, a, ov, (fm, ovpd) o the tail. ir-ovpdvios, a, ov, (kiri, ovpavus) in heaven, hea- venly. 2. in plur. as Subst., = 6(oi. eir-ovpt) writing epic poetry : as Subst., IwoTTOids, 6, an epic poet. , f. 770-0;, to roast besides or after. towards a point. II. intr. to sail with a fair wind. c'lr-ovpos, ov, (Irrt, orpos) blowing favourably. ir-oi\o>, to remain a debtor, continue in debt. tTT-ox^TCvo), f. aca, to bring water by a channel to a place, Lat. derivare. , f. rjcro}, (CTTO^OS) to carry towards or upon: Pass, with fut. med. k-no")(r]aop.ai, to be carried upon, ride upon. 6ir-ox(K8ios, a, ov, (lirt, on the mountains. ir<>xov, TO, the saddlecloth, housing. From iroxos, of, (lirex0XXiov, TO, Dim. of eiros, a versicle. . I "EIIIl, poet. impf. cirof : f. tif/ca : aor. 2 Zairov, inf. o*7reff, part, avuv : Med. firofj-ai : impf. eiirofjiTjv i Ep. (iro^rjv : fut. e^o/xat : aor. 2 with aspirate eo-iro- 1 /iTif , imperat. airou Ion. aireo Ep. o-Trefo, inf. ST|, 77, contr. from 7raot877 (eTraSa;) a so^g" oz/fr: a/z enchantment, in&antation, charm, spell. ira>8iov, TO, Dim. of eirwSrj. e-nrcpSos, of, contr. of IrraotSos, (lira'Sa)) singing to or over : using songs or charms to heal with: c. gen. acting as a charm for or against. 2. sung or said after. II. Subst., IjrcuSos, o, 77, o/z enchanter or enchantress, wizard or witch. III. ITTO^SOS, 77, a /yrz'e ^om m couplets, commonly of Iambic Trim, and Dim., but of any longer and shorter measure, except Elegiac ; used by Horace. 6ir-u>8iivos, of, (|TTI, 68uf7?) painful. ir-u>fco, (ITU, cD) to wail over. 6ir-o)0o>, fut. -ajffu and -aiO^ao}, to push upon or into. irwK6tXa, aor. I of ciroKf\\(a. lir-wXevios, of, (eni, u\6vrj) upon the arm. 6ir-a>p.d8ios, of, (crrt, a>/ios) on the shoulders. eir-wjiis, t'Sos, 77, (errt, wpos) the upper part of the shoulder : the neck and shoulder. 2. the highest part of a ship. iru>p,oou, aor. I of Ivro/if vp.i. 268 irajjxoTOS, ov, (fTTOfj.vvfJLi'} on oath, sworn. pass, sworn by, invoked by oaths, of Gods. ircovi)jjua, rj, (CTTWVV p.os) a name given after some person or thing, Lat. cognomen ; fircavv/jiiav ex 6ir * 7r * TIVOS to have a name after one : but, (ircavvfjLiav (f^ew x^P as to have the naming of it, have it named after one. 2. a name significant of fate, II. generally, a name. irvt)(ios, ov, (kiri, ovvpa Aeol. for ovofjid) named after some person or thing ; oVo/xa irwvvfj.ov a name given in commemoration or remembrance of some- thing ; 'AXievovrjv KaXecffttov firajw^ov Alcyone they called her by name : generally, surnamed, called. .II. act. giving one's name to a thing or person : at Athens the first archon was called ap^cav CTTCJVVJJLOS, as giving bis name to the current year. eirwirdeo, to look over, observe. From 4ir-coirT|, f], (km, aty) a spot which commands a wide view, a look-out place. IITUTTTCOV, impf. of iTroTrrcuy. tmopa, Ion. for !a, 3 sing. impf. of etyopaoo. Trwp6\G>, f. r)eXia, 77, (|7rxaTO, 3 pi. Aeol. and Ion. plqpf. pass, of l-n^ca, irdcrai yap [Trv\at~\ kirdt^aTO a ^ were shut to. TTpx6p,ir]v, impf. med. of e-rroixo^ai. *'EPA, 77, the Lat. terra, earth : only found in Adv. , f. ffca, (epai/os) to ask for contributions : to collect by way of contribution. II. to give a con- tribution. III. to combine. Hence epavurrf|s, ov, 6, a contributor to an tpavos or club. epawos, 77, ov,- (tpdca) lovely, pleasant. tpavos, 6, a meal to which each contributed his share, also avu&oXr], Lat. symbolum : generally, a feast, fes- tival. 2. any subscription or contribution : gene- rally, a kindness, service. 3. a club or society. epacrSe, Dor. for cpa^f. IpatrC-fjtoX'rros, ov, (epda), ^oK-n-fi) loving song. 6pa<7t-xpT|p.aTOS, ov, (epacu, xprjuara) loving money, covetous, avaricious. epdcr|xtos, a, ov, also os, ov, (cpdca) lovely, beloved. <-pa, f. aoj, = fpaca, to love, desire. patTTTjs, ov, 6, (4'pa/icu ) a lover : metaph. an ad- herent, partizan. cpaoTos, Tj, ov, (Ipticy) beloved, lovely. ros epyvvw II. epaTiv6s, 17, ov, (epaoa) lovely : welcome. IpaTi^a), = epaa;, to desire extremely, be greedy for. eparos, 17, ov, poet, for Ipacrros, beloved : lovely. Iparo-xpoos, ov, contr. xpous, ovv, (Iparos, XP^' a ) of face or complexion. IpaTUco, Dor. for IprjTvca. "Eparu, ous, r), (Iparos) Erato, Lovely, one of the nine Muses. 2. one of the Oceanides. "EPA'ifl, only found in pres. and impf. with aor. I pass. tipaaOrjv used in act. sense: see tpap.ar. to love: of things, to long for, desire passionately: absol., kpSjv a lover; 77 epajfJLevrj the beloved: Dep. cpaofjuu in same sense is very rare. lpYao|juu, fut. ipyaffonai Dor. tpyagov/JLat : aor. I elpyaadfj,r]v : pf. ipyafffj.at Ion. HpyaafMi, both in act. and pass, sense : but epyaaOrjaofMi, aor. I dpjd- aOrjv always in pass, sense : Dep. : (epyov} : to be busy, to work, set to work, esp. of husbandmen ; TO Xpj?// epydfcrai the matter works, i. e. goes on. II. trans, to work, do, perform, carry out, accomplish. 2. to work at or in; epyd^eaOai xpvffov to work in gold. 3. to earn by working. 4. to make, build : also to produce, cause. III. to work at a trade, drive a trade. (pyaQov, Ep. for e'ipya9ov, poet. aor. 2 of eipyca', inf. fypaOftv. 6pY CITOS, TO, = Zpyov, a work, deed. aTos, TO, ('ipyca, tp/cos} a fence, enclosure. and -vvijxi, poet, for (Tpyca, epyoj, to enclose. 269 pYo-SoTi]S, ov, o, (epyov, 8t'5, to contract for the doing of work ; ip- yo\a@eiv avopiavras, Lat. statuas conducere facien- das. From pYQ-Xdpos, ov, (cpyov, \a@fiv) contracting for work to be done : as Subst., *pyo\a&os, o, a contrac- tor, Lat. conductor, redemptor. [a] epYov, TO, (*cpyca = ep5aj) work; a man's business, , TO, a stirring up, exciting. *EPE'0ll, like tptQifa, to stir to anger : to raise, increase. 'EPEFAfl, f. epeiaca : aor. I ijptiffa. : Pass., aor. I fipeiff67)v : pf. eprjoeiaftat : 3 sing, plqpf. rjprjpeiaro : to make one thing lean against another : hence to press, urge, force against; fpeiSciv ir\r}yrjv to inflict employment ; roi ffavrrjs Zpya, teofiifc mind your own a severe blow. 2. to prop, stay, support, strengthen: business. 2. in the II. mostly epya, works or deeds of generally, to fix firm, plant. 3. to press hard war; but in the Od. works of industry, works of bus- upon. 4. to dash, hurl. 5. of wagers, to match, bandry: tilled lands ; epya 'WaKrjs the tilled lands of set one pledge against another, Lat. deponere. II. Ithaca : Hpya fiowv the fields which the oxen plough ; intr. to lean against, withstand ; o.\Xr)\riffiv tptioov- so Virgil bourn labor es; tpya yvvaiftwv women's work, aai crowding one another : in Att. to set upon, press handiwork, esp. weaving: of other occupations, as, hard on. 2. to go to work; cpficf fall to (to OaXavffia pya fishing or, generally, maritime pur- eat). III. Pass., and Med. to prop or support suits: later of all kinds of works, e.g. of mines t like oneself on a thing, lean on: absol. in aor. I med. part., our iron-works, etc. 3. a bard piece of work, a se- fp(iaa/j,vos having set himself firm, taken a firm vere work. 4. often in Horn. opp. to tTros, deed, stand ; ovSe'i \atrai eprjptdaTai (3 pi. pf.) the hair not word; in Att. often opp. to Ao7os. II. rested on the ground. 2. to be fixed firm; Aat the following pecul. Att. phrases occur : epyov effri, fprjpfoarai the stones were firmly set. 3. in Med. c. inf. it is hard work, troublesome ; abv cpyov fffri, to strive one with another, contend. c. inf. it is your bztsiness to do ; epya -nap^LV rivi, \ 'EPEI'KH, ^, heath, heather, Lat. erica. like Trpdyfjiara to give one trouble. 'EPEFKQ, f. , Ep. forms for Att. rend; fpfiKoptvos irtpl Sovpi rent, pierced by the ipY : fut. (paj or cip^w : aor. I (Tpa : pf. spear : generally, to dash. II. intr. in aor. 2 eepyftai, 3 pi. i, v. sub "Epefios. 'EP_E'BIN0O2, b, a kind of pulse, vetch, Lat. cecer. (epefios, OKpdaf) to grope about in darkness. pe{360v, Adv. from Erebos. From pi : f. iaca Att. to) : aor. I r t ptdioa, I tpe^a, aor. I of ptfa. later -ia : (IpiQca) : to rcws* to anger, provoke, ir- j tpeojxat, Ep. and Ion. form of cpo/xat, to as. 270 i, Dep. used only in pres. and impf., to feed on. (Deriv. uncertain.) p6irra>, = (pe, to roof over : to crown. Ipepurro, Ep. 3 sing, plqpf. pass, of epeiiro). peo-0cu, aor. 2 inf. of fpo/j.at, 'EPE'SSfl. Att. -TTCO: fut. IpeVw: aor. i TJpfffa*. to row. II. trans, to urge by rowing ; metaph. of birds, -rrTfpvjoJV fperp.o'iGiv fpfacro/j-evoi sped on- ward by the oarage of their wings, Virgil's remigio alarum. 2. generally, to ply, urge: Pass, of a bow, to be plied, handled. pTrjs, ov, 6, (ipe'cro-a;) a rower. eperp-os, 6, or -IpCTfiov, TO, (epeffffca) Lat. remits, an oar : in pi. only the neut. IpeT/xd is used. Hence 6pT|xoa>, f. wffcu, to equip with oars, set to row. IpCTTW, Att. for cpfffaca. *EPETTOMAI, f. (pevgofMi, Dep. to spit or spew out, to disgorge, Lat. eructare : absol. to belch, Lat. ructare. i. metaph. of the sea, to splash and foam against the land, break upon the beach. II. in aor. 2 act. ijpvyov, inf. epvyfiv, part, fpvywv, to bel- low, roar. 4p6u08avov, TO, madder. From Ipcvdeco, f. rjffca, to be red. From ) an inquiry, search. Hence pevvdto, f. r)aca, to seek or search for, search after : to search, examine. 2. c. inf. to seek or attempt to do. Hence pewir]TOV, verb. Adj. one must search. tpevcrai, aor. l inf. of (pevOca, 'EPE'^n, f. if/oj : aor. i ijpcif/a : to cover or roof in a building. II. to cover with a crown, wreathe with garlands : Med. to crown oneself. ip*\Q, f. oca, (Ip^fios) to be left lonely, go alone: Ion. impf. (pijfjLa^effKov. ep7]|j.a.ios, a, ov, poet, for (prjfjios. p-r][ua, 77, (ep?7/zos) a solitude, desert, wilder- ness. II. solitude, loneliness : of places, a being laid waste, desolation, Lat. vastitas : of persons, de- solateness, destitution. 2. generally, want of, ab- sence : also exemption from evil. p7](xtds, dSos, 77, a solitary devotee. epTjp,o-K6p/r]s, cs, (epr)fj.os, Kopij) destitute of hair. 4pi]jAO-XdXos, ov, (ep^yttos, AdAeeu) chattering in the desert. ( 6pi][x6-iroXis, t, gen. loos, (eprjfJios, iroAts) reft of one's city. epT]fjio-v6|JLOS, ov, (eprjfios, vffjLOJ) haunting the desert. 'EPHTMOS, ?;, ov, also os, ov : Att. pi]p,os : of places, lonely, lone, desert : of persons, /one, solitary, desolate, also destitute, helpless. 3. c. gen. reft of; destitute of, abandoned by; ore-yew v , (fp t- loud-bellowing. 4pt-|3wXa^, &KOS, 6, 77, and 4pC-f3XT]S, ov, d, (Hpiov, Tica\(ca) a wool-dealer. Hence cpio-moXiK&s, Adv. //ie a wool-dealer, cheatingly. epio-irwXtov, TO, A&e wool-market. pi6-o - TTTTOS, ov, ((piov, G7('uXos, ov, (fpi-, v\r)) largC'dustering, rich in grapes : of wine, made of fine grapes. cpiorrjs, ov, o, (l/)t'CapaYos, ov, = (piffpapayos, loud-roaring. pi-Tip.os, ov, ((pi-, Tt/zi7) highly prized, precious. picj)tos, ov, (epfyos) of or belonging to a kid. 4pi(j>iov, TO, Dim. of (pityos, a goat, kid. [t] "EPF*O2, d, also %, a young goat, kid. ' II. (pi((>oi, ol, Lat. hoedi, a constellation which brought storms ; (ir' (p'upois in stormy weather. cpl&Xt), 17, a whirlwind, hurricane, tornado : Aristo- phanes gives a fanciful derivation from fptoi' and oAAv/it, wool-consumption. . cpKeios Att. cpKeios, ov, and a, ov, (Jfp/cos) belonging to the court or enclosure in front of the house ; Zei-s 'EpK(?os, the household god, because his statue stood in the S?p#os ; epKdoi irv\ai the gates of the court. cpKiov, TO, (tpitos) a fence, enclosure. cpKos, cos, TO, ((pya>, ("pya)) an enclosure, hedge, fence, wall : mostly of the wall round the court-yard, and so a court-yard : dyy(cav (pftea, periphr. for ayyr) ; a/*' oSvvdoav, of a sharp arrow, the foundation, i.e. cause, of pangs. III. (pfjiara, earrings, akin to opfj-os : generally, a neck- | lace, band : a chain. cpp-aiov, TO, ('Epfj.r)s) a windfall, godsend, lucky dis- covery, Hermes being the reputed giver of such gifts, as in Latin Hercules. TEpp-atos, a, ov, Att. "Epfiaios, ov, ('Epprj*) of or from Hermes. II. "Ep/zata (sub. tepd), TO, a fes- tival in his honour. Ipp-drC^w, (cp/xa) to ballast. *Epp.-a4p68lTos, 6, ('EpfjLrjs, 'A^poStT?;) an Herma- phrodite : an effeminate person. 'Epp.awv cuvos, o. poet. esp. Dor. for 'Ep/i^s. [a] *Ep|ji,as, d, poet, for 'Ep^s, dat. 'Ep/ia. ' 'ie -fica ; , d, Ep. for 'Ep^s ; gen. 'Ep/iefao, dat. 'Ep/if t'a ; ace. "Eppdav ; voc. 'Eppdd. Ipjn^veia,' r), ((pp.r}v(vYXt}4>iK6s, 77, 6v, of or for a statuary : 77 4p//o- y\v(pt/cr) (sub. T6\vrj), the art of statuary. lp|AO-YXvos, o, = fpjj.oy\v, fut. of *pjoj, = e'pScy. cpocis, 0-0*0, tv, (epos) lovely, pleasing. Ipoi-qv, for epoifu, pres. opt. of Ipccu. "EPOMAI Ion. eipo|Acy (cf. t\Kcu, ci'\Kvffa) : the Lat. SERPO, REPO, to creep, crawl, move slowly : of men, to creep, glide, slink about : epTrovra creeping things. 2. metaph. to creep on, spread, as in Lat. serpit rumor. e'pmo|jis, Dor. I pi. pres. subj. of tpTrcy. Ippdyrjv [], aor. 2 pass, of prjyvvfjii. IppaBdrai, Ep. 3 pi. pf. pass, of paiva : IppdSaro, Ep. 3 pi. plqpf. cppaji^cvos, pf. part. pass, o cppairwra, aor. I of pam^ca. cppeOev and eppTjOirjv, aor. I pass, of epe'o;, rp;D. eppi]a, aor. I of prjyvvfu. eppi-ya, pf. 2 (with pres. sense) of piyeca. ppiyr]cra,, aor. I of piytoj. Ippt^torat, 3 sing. pf. pass, of pt^ocy. cpptu|j.vos, pf. part. pass, of P'LTTTOJ. tppiij/a, aor. I of piirTca. IppvrjKa, pf. of [>(u ; ppvr]v, aor. 2 pass. fp-pti9p,os, ov, in rhythm, time or measure. "EPPIl, fut. kpp-fjao} : aor. i ijppr)o-0ai, pf. inf. pass, of pd>wvfj,t. eppcocro, eppcocrGe, pf. imperat. pass, o epo-rj Ep. p, aor. j epiOijva, poet, for tpvOpaivcu, to redden, make to blush : Pass, to become red. Hence pv0Tjp.a, OTOS, TO, redness on the skin : a flush, blush. pv0paCvo), f. avS), (cpvQpos) to .dye red : Pass, to become red, to blush. p\j0pidco, f. affca [a], (epvOpos) to be apt to blush. pv0po-{3aT|S, s, (epvQpos, patprjvai) dyed red. pv0po-irovs, o, r), gen. TroSos, (tpvGpos, TTOVS) red- footed : the name of a bird, the red-shank. ! EPT0PO'2, d, 6V, red, Lat. RUBER. II. *Epv0pT) Oakaaffa, the Erythraean sea, our Indian ocean. , Ep. aor. 2 of lpu/u, inf. fpvKdfctciv. , poet, for (pv/cw, to restrain, confine. Ep. for epvKavaxn, 3 pi. of epvtcavaa). cpOKavto, poet, for epvKcu, to restrain, [a] pvK&>, f. Tos, ov, with impenetrable back. pujJLvos, 77, 6v, (epvo/j-ai) fenced, fortified. Hence epvp-voTirjs, 77TOS, 77, strength, security, of a place. cpvvro, 3 pi. aor. 2 of pvo^ai. tpvaraiaro, Ion. 3 pi. aor. I opt. med. of epixu. pv<7-ap|iaTOS, ov, (tpvca, ap/xa) chariot-drawing: Ep. heterocl. pi. epvffdpfj.arfs, -ras. ptkrt-0pi, Tpfyos, o, 77, (epwu, Opi ) /or drawing through the hair, epith. of a comb. pt/o-i-VT]is, i'Sos, 77, (epvofjiai, vavs} preserving ships. cpvo-t-TTToXis, o, 77, ((pvopai, iroXis} protecting the city. eptioas, eojs, 77, (epyoi) a drawing. tpvo-p-os, o, (*puo;uat) a safeguard. epvoxraaOai, Ep. aor. I inf. med. of epuo>. pv. 'EPT'H Ion. eipvu: fut. epvo*o> or epuo;: aor. I efpi5o*a Ep. Cfjpwtra or epvaa: /o draw, drag; vetcpots or V/tpov epveiv, either of the friends, /o (/rag- the corpse awajy, rescue it, or of the enemy, to drag it off for plunder, ransom, etc. : /o drag about, treat roughly: hence to drag away, carry off violently; to tear off or down xA a " /7 ? s fpveiv nvd to pull him by the cloak. II. Med. epvojxav Ion. ipvop.at: fut. inf. fpvfoOai, but Ep. fut. also (pvocrofjiai: aor. I flpvadfjnjv Ep. tlpwrofyajv or cpvaad^v : the foil, forms are pass., pf. ('ipvfMi both in med. and pass, sense, Ep. 3 pi. eipvarai ; 3 sing, plqpf. (with sense of aor. 2) e^pvro or eptJTo, 3 pi. f'l'pwro or elpva.ro : to draw to one's own side ; itpos (pveaOai to draw one's sword ; ipv- caaQcu roov to draw one's bow to, to string it ; tpvcaOai vrjas to launch one's ships, but in pass, sense, of the ships, to be hauled ashore. 2. from the sense of drawing ont from the press of battle, comes the sense to rescue, deliver, and hence to protect, guard. 3. to keep off, ward off; 77 5' OVK eyx os e'puTO it kept not off the spear : hence to check, thwart, repress. 4. to keep guard upon, watch, to keep carefully, conceal : also to maintain, assert, hold in honour ; OejjLiaras flpvarai they maintain laws. cpxarcu, Ion. 3 pi. pf. pass, of e'p7o>, e/'p-yo; : TO (or pX, o, (ep7o>) a fence, enclosure, hedge. JVTO, Ep. 3 pi. impf. of IpxctTao/iai. aor. I part. pass, of ep7: fut. (\fvcro^ai : aor. f/\vdov, syncop. ?i\Qov Dor. rjvOov ; later also aor. i TJMa : pf. e\r)\vea Ep. d\ri\ovea, I pi. ct^Xov^ei/, part. d\rj\ovOus: 3 sing, plqpf., Ion. f\rj\v0e Ep. ei\r)hovO(i : to come or go : to come back, return : in Homer with cognate words, as, 656v or Ke\fvdov f\6eii/ ; also poet., d-yyf\irjp tXOeiv, to go on a mes- sage. 2. c. gen. loci, iredioto cA0?i/ to go through or across the plain. 3. with fut. part., epxofta: oiffopcvos fyx os I come to fetch a spear : like an auxiliary Verb, (pxopai Iptcav I am going to tell, Fr. je vais dire. II. later phrases : els \6yovs ep- "Xeaflcu TIVL to come to speech, have an interview, converse with. 2. tirl vdv (\6eiv to try every- thing. 3. irapct fjiiKpov \6eiv, c. inf., to come within a little of, be near a thing. 4. with 8ta and its case, periphr. for a Verb, as, 5ioL pax^s nvl cpx(- aQai for iM\a6ai nvi, 8td TroAe/iov epxtaOai for TTO\ffJLlV, etC. lpi|/fc>, lp\|/otip.s, Dor. I sing, and pi. fut. of Zpiraj. tpcp, dat. of epos, love : see Upas. 'EPfl" Ion. and Ep. epeo>, fut. (fprjpi, Xtyct} and dyo- peiiO) being used as pres. and flrrov as aor. 2): from the same Root come pf. ipr]Ka, pass, ("prjfjiai, plqpf. pass. elprifjLrjv ; aor. I pass. (ppriOrjv and (pptOrjv, inf. ^77^77- vai ; fut. pass. firjOrjaoftai, fut. 3 flprjooftai : 7 will say, speak. 2. / will tell, proclaim, announce : hence 7 will promise. 3. 7 will tell, order him to do; t'ipijTO ol, c. inf., it had been told him to do. II. Ipeo; occurs sometimes in Horn, as a pres. = epofj.a.t, eipo/wu, to ask for or after. 'EPHAIO'2, 6, the heron or hern, Lat. ARDEA. epweiTCo, 3 sing. pres. imperat. of cpco (from epos), ace. epow, for regular dat. ZpaJTi, ace. eporra : (epos) : love: desire for a thing. II. as prop, n., the god of love, Eros, A mor : in plur. eporres the Loves. Hence epcoTapiov, TO, Dim. a little Ctipid. cpcorda) Ion. ip-, f. 770*0); aor. I r/pd}Tij II. to question a person. to ask, solicit, beg. Hence pum]p,a, arcs, TO, a question ; (pwrrjpa rov vv0rj- paros the asking for the watchword, the challenge of soldiers. epon-rjo-is, eojs, 77, (eporracu) a questioning. p, f. rjffoj, (epaw, ir\6os) to sail on love's ocean. p, v. dadyoj. 4, 6o--aKovTio>, Icr-axova), v. sub ef0ev, 3 pi. aor. I pass, of aaoca, Ep. for ccrdoxra, aor. I of aaoca, Ep. for awca. 4o-paiT]v, aor. 2 opt. of da@aivia , v. (r86p,6voi, lo-ou)fji0a, Dor. for l (Tai, eo-erai, poet, for Zfffi or eery, effra:, 2 and 3 sing. fut. of dpi sum. Arfl) : ^e Lat. EDO, to eat : me- taph. to devour, consume, like fire or an eating disease ; fffOieiv tavrov to vex or annoy oneself ; faOifiv TTJV \fXvvrjv to bite the lip : Pass, to be eaten ; OIKOS ecr- Oicrai the house is eaten up. 'E2OAO'5, 77, 6v, Dor. r\6s, a, 6v, = ayaOus, good of his kind : brave, stout : also noble, wealthy : kind, good. 2. of omens, good, lucky. 3. as Subst., kaOKd goods : absol., eaQXov good luck. tr0\6Tpos, -O/TOS, Comp. and Sup. of eaflAos. , V. lffOpOJffKOJ. r0(0, Ep. inf. 4ffOe/jifvai, impf. fjaOov, poet, form of eaOica, to eat, devour : metaph. to eat up or consume one's means. (a-iyd.Qt]v [a], Dor. aor. I pass, of ffiydca. eaiSeiv, for dffiSuv, inf. of dffdSov. , v. dcfff-. iot -ydAatfTos streams of milk. lo-p-o-roKos, or, (Icr/ios, rftcfw) producing siuarms of bees. , V. 610"-. CO-DITTOS, v. fiffonros. Hence OTOirTpOV, V. , v. flaopdca. tcropujfxes, 'Dor. for ctrovjjiai, Dor. for effofjuu, fut. of ei/w s#m. eoxjvj/op.ai, fut. of effopdca, daopdoj. o-Tra6T)|Acu, pf. pass, of ffiraOaoj. 0"irapjxat, pf. pass, of airfipoj. eo-imo-a, aor. I of ffirevSa}. ESHE'PA, 77% Lat. VESPERA, fern, of the Adj. fairfpos: I. (sub. pa), evening; tarrepas (gen. of time) a/ 7/e ; d?ro fvirepas after evening, at night- fall ; fls or TT/>OS ecnrtpav towards evening : in plur. //be evening hours, eventide. 2. (sub. x^P )* ^ e wes/, Lat. occidens ; TO trpos tffircprjs the wes/ country. Hence lo-ireplvos, 77, 6v, = totTepio$. O"irpj.os, a, ov, and os, ov, (?[juH, for eo-o^at, Ep. fut. of cfytt s?/w : but II. tcro-ofjicH, Ep. fut. med. of evvvfu. o-a6op.ai, Ion. for rjffffdofAai : impf. fffffovftrjv : aor. i IcrawOrjv: pf. tWoytcu : Pass.: ( k 0*o*cwj', Ion. for ijaacav) : /o 6e beaten. 275 , pf. pass, of aetcu : IO-O-IJJXTJV, plqpf. with sense of aor. i. cro-ti|ji,evos, r), ov, part. pass, of acvca (in sense and accent a pres., but redupl. as if pf.), driven, hurried on, vehement : eager, yearning for : hence Adv., la- avfjLfvws hastily, vehemently. eoravo, eaavro, 2 and 3 sing. Ep. plqpf. pass, of fffvca, with sense of aor. 2. cro-w0TJvai, Ion. for fjaa-qQrivai, v. tffaoca. eao-o), Ep. fut. of fvvvfjLi. eao-cov, Ion. for ijaacw. *o-Taa, pf. 2 of iffrrjui with intrans. pres. sense, to stand: only in the following forms, dual tiordTov, plur. (aTafJLfv, eoTare, karaai ; inf. taravai Ep. kardp,fv, fardfjLfvai ; part. ICTTCK&S Att. contr. karws Ion. lo-Tfcus and koTrfws, fem. korwaa. eo-rai, 3 sing. fut. of dpi sum : but II. COTCU, 3 sing. pf. pass, of 'ivvvfju. eo-TaXaro, Ion. 3 pi. plqpf. pass, of ariXXca. o-Ta\Tjv, aor. 2 pass, of ffrfXXo} : eo-roXKa, pf. !o-T, f. 770*0;, to be matter of a house. From , ov, 6, (IffTta, ap%cy) master of a bouse. 276 Icrrtacris, eaw, 77, (lortcia)) a feasting, banqueting. ItTTtdw impf. flariwv : f. 4o*Ticura; [a] : aor. I eiff- ridaa : pf. eform/ea : Pass., f. (in med. form) loTta- oofjuii : aor. I eiffTidOqv : pf. flarid^ai : (lor/a) : to receive into one's home, to entertain hospitably, to feast : Pass, to be a guest, be feasted: c. ace. rei. to feast on; fffriaaOai fvvirviov to have a visionary feast. (TTI-OVXOS, ov, (lo*T/a, ex 00 } guarding the bouse or state. 2. having an altar or hearth. 3. on the hearth or altar. loTioa), f. dxrct}, (ItrTta) to found a hearth or house: Pass., oSifta fffriovrai the family is established. i'ortxov, aor. 2 of T|v [d], aor. 2 pass, of ff-rpfcpoa. 4cr-TpCs, (Is, rpis) Adv. until three times, thrice. OTpcop.evos, pf. part. pass, of Grpduvvvfu. carrptoo-a, -0T)v, aor. I act. and pass, of arpuv- VV[U. TO, 3 sing, plqpf. pass, of ffTpwvwp.1. 0-Tt5yov, aor. 2 of arvyeoj. eoTcop, opos, 6, a peg or nail at the end of the pole, on which the ring, KP'IKOS, for fastening the harness was fixed. (Deriv. uncertain ) ICTTCOS, -waa, syncop. intr. pf. part, of iffTrjfu ; v. fffraa. a-yjJi.at, pf. pass, of ffaCp'a)TO, 3 sing, plqpf. pass, o-({)a\T]V [a], aor. 2 pass, of ff(pd\\o). a\jJLat, pf. pass, of a,|a, aor. I of a(pda}, Gtya (r-ep(i), v. clff-cpepca. eT|KG>VTO, 3 pi. impf. pass, of ffa}. o-T]\a, aor. i of a(pd\\ca. ecr-4>opa), v. ctcr-^opecu. crLV, Ep. gen. and dat. sing, of fffx^pa. ecrxacra, aor. I of axdfa. be at the edge ; only used in eraipoy. Ep. part., ! J Ep. o*x^~ Qov ; imper. aytQtTw; subj. axe'tfo;; opt- o^kQomi; inf. o"xe^"/ Ep. -ii/ ; part. ox^Oojv. for tiffx* *- ^X 1 !^ 011 ' Pf- act - an( ^ P ass - f ^X w - , aor. I of o-xt'C^- , aor. J pass, of TaTos, 77, ov, Sup. Adj. from 4'o*cw, innermost, Lat. intimus. Adv. iawTaro;, v. lacw. 0T]v, Ep. aor. I pass, of rtpttfa. ras, acc. pi. of erys. TO,TV}jios, Dor. for eTTyVvyuos. Ta4>T]v [a], aor. 2 pass, of ddirrct}. CTdx0T)V, aor. I pass, of rdaaoj. T0a.7rro, 3 sing, plqpf. pass, of Odnroj. 4TC0TJV, aor. I pass, of ridrjfjLL. tTcOrjirca, Ep. plqpf. of reOrjira. T0tnro, 3 sing, plqpf. pass, (in med. sense) of 6vca. Tios, a, ov, (eros) yearly, annual. II. of one year, yearling. TKov, Tic6fJU]v, aor. 2 act. and med. of riitrca. T\i6TO,Ep. for IreAefTO, 3 sing. impf. pass, of reAe'cu. 6T\cr0Tf]v, aor. i pass, of Tf\eoj. eTcXcorcra, Ep. aor. I of rcAecy. CT6JAOV, aor. 2 Of repVO). 'ET0-Kpir)T3, of, (Ireot, Kp^Tes) /rg Cretans. 'ETEO'2, a, oy, (perhaps from eijjii sum) true, real, genuine : in neut. Zrtov as Adv., in truth, in sooth, really, truly, verily, Lat. revera : Att. in ironical questions, TeoV ; so! indeed! Lat. itanef Ion. dat. fern. Ter) is also used as Adv., in truth. cTp-a\KT|S, e's, (crepes, dXtcr)) giving strength to one of two; AavaoTffi ywax^s ertpaA/cta VIKIJV Sovvat to give victory in battle decided in favour of the Da- naans; viKrj ercpaA/c^s a decisive victory; Sijfjios ere- pa\(crjs a body of men which decides the victory. II. inclining first to one side then to the other, doubtful, Lat. anceps. cTcp-Tjjiepos, ov, (ercpos, 77/pa) on alternate days, day and day alternately. Tpfl<|>i, Ep. dat. fern, of crcpos. crcpo-YXucrcros Att. -TTOS, ov, (ercpos, of other tongue, i. e. of foreign, strange tongue. Ircpo-yvados, oi/, M///^ one side of the mouth harder than the other, of a horse. lT6po-8t8ao-Ka\0), (ercpos, StSaovcaAos) to teach other than the truth, to teach errors. Tep6-8oos, ov, (ertpos, 5oa) of another opinion, differing in opinion. 2. of other than the true opin- ion, heterodox. 277 Tp6-i]Xos, ov, (erepos, (fiXos) zealous for one side, partial: Adv. Acws, unfairly. II. devoted to another pursuit. Tpov-yo, f. 770-0;, to be yoked with an animal of a different kind : be at variance with. From Tp6-t5YS, ov, ('erepos, vy6v) unevenly yoked: different. 2. unequally balanced. Irepoios, a, ov, (erepos) of a different nature or kind. Adv. -oiojs. Hence cTpoi6a>, f. uaoj, to make otherwise, alter: Pass, to become changed, alter. T6po-icXiVT|s, es, (erepos, K\iVT)va.i) leaning to one side : of ground, sloping. !Tpo-jjnrjKir)S, es, (erepos, {JLTJKOS} with unequal sides, oblong, rectangular. T6po-|AT|Ta)p, opos, 6, f), (ercpos, p.T]rrjp) born of an- other mother. Tp6-irXoos, ov, contr. -irXovs, ovv, (erepos, TrAc'cu) lent on the security of a ship and her cargo, with the risk of the outward, but not of the homeward, voyage, of money. 4Tpop-pinr|S, e's, and frcpop-poiros, ov, (erepos, fitirca) inclined to one side ; erepoppewris Zevs who makes now one side and now another pre- ponderate. "ETEPO2, a, ov, Lat. ALTER, the other, one of two; \fipi fyepeiv ereprf to carry in one of his hands; erepot erepcav dpxovai the one rule the other ; erepos Totovros another such; ere pa roaavra, as many more, Lat. alterum tantum; Sevrepos trepos yet a se- cond. 2. also like Lat. alter, for Stvrfpos, second; 77 erepa (sub. ^/xe'pa), the second day, i. e. the day after to-morrow. II. put loosely for aAAos, Lat. alms, opp., not to one, but to many. III. other (than usual), different : of other kind, like dAAofos ; other (than good), Lat. sequior, evil. IV. as Adv. in dat. fern., TTJ ertpq, Oar f pa. (sub. oS) otherwise, in another way, place, or manner; also (sub. x e 'pO VJlt ^> one ^> an d, i. e. with the left hand; and (sub. rj^fpa) on the next day. 2. also neut., TO erepov, rd erf pa, as ITT* Odrepa one or the other way ; kit rov em Odrepa from the one side, opp. to fls rd em Odrepa to the other side. [The Dor. used arepos [a] for erepos: whereas in Att. arepos [a] \*as (by crasis) for 6 erepos : gen. Oarepov, dat. Oarepca, acc. OdrepovJ] tTcpo-rpoiros, ov, (erepos, rpoVos) of different sort or fashion: of different turn or temper. II. turn- ing another way : uncertain, inconstant. Tp6-4>covos, ov, (erepos, ((pwvr)) of different voice or speech, barbarous. Tpo-TO, 3 sing. impf. of repffo^at. eTp<|>0T]v, aor. I pass, of repiroj. IrtpwOev, (erepos} Adv. from the other side. II. on the other side, opposite. Tpo)0i, (erepos) Adv. on the other side: elseiuhere: erepcaOt rov \6yov in another part of my story. II. at another time. , Adv. of erepos, differently, otherwise. 278 Tpcocr6, (eTepos) Adv. to one side, to the other side : hence to another place. trepwra, Aeol. for trfpatfi, at another time. TTa\TO, 3 sing, plqpf, pass, of TcAAcy. T6T6vxa-TO, Ep. 3 pi. plqpf. pass, of Tux0T)v, Ion. aor. I of Tpc'mu. Tpaov, CTpd^irjv, aor. 2 act. and pass, of Tpetpw. Tp0T]v, aor. I act. and pass, of nrpuoKu. Tt0Tjv [u], aor. I pass, of Ovcu. TVp,o-\OYCa, ^, (cVu/ios, Ao'yos) the true account or analysis of a word : its derivation., etymology. tTVjxos, ov, rarely 77, ov, (CTCOS) /n/e, real, actual : neut. pi. eVvjwa, truths, the truth : neut. (rvfj.ov is used as an Adv. like CTCW, indeed, of a truth, truly, actually. Tuinrjv [C], Dor. aor. 2 pass, of TVTTTO;. 6Tv4>i]v [C], aor. 2 pass, of TiKpoj. TU0T)v, aor. I pass, of TL'TTTCU. TVx T l " a > eTiixov, aor. I and 2 of TU7x< /a; ' , aor. I pass, of TCUX^. oi/, (iTWffios, Hpyov} working in vain. TU>OTOS, oi/, (CTOS, Adv.) fruitless, idle, useless. t Ep. also v, Adv., properly neut. of !i5s, well, opp. to KO.KUS ; tv KOL kTTiaTapxvws well and know- ingly: sometimes, luckily, happily: fv \uv or TJKCIV to be well off, c. gen., c3 ^cti/ TOU @lov to be we/Z off for living : cS 'yeyovws well born. II. as Subst., TO cS good luck : but also the right, the good cause; TO cu VIKO.TOJ may the right prevail. III. in Compos, it commonly implies greatness, abundance, or easiness. ev, Ion. for ou, gen. of reflexive Pron. of 3rd pers. f. tao^.ai Att. lovpat, Dep. (tvdy- TV-TJpVCTlS, CCWS, "ETNO2, cos, T soup, pudding. eroifjid^o), f. ao"a>, aor. I "fjroipaGa : (!TO?;OS) : to make or get ready, prepare : Med., with pf. pass. ^TOi/xao"/*at, to prepare for oneself, make one's ar- rangements, get oneself ready : c. inf. to make one ready to do. Hence 6TOijxa ov , or os OJ/ > at gospel : so also in Act., and then in Pass., to have hand, ready, prepared ; c CTO//ZOU immediately, off the gospel preached to one : in Pass, also of the hand. II. TCI cVot/za, I. Lat. quae in promptu gospel, to be preached, sunt; ITT* TCI eVot/ia i*d\\ov Tptnovrai betake them- j vaYYXu>v, TO, (cvct77Aos) the reward of pood. tidings : Att. always in plur., fvayyf\ia orfQavovv or dvaSrjacu nva to crown one for good news brought; uayyeA.ta Ovfiv to offer a sacrifice for them. II. ins, the gospel. 5 ^> ^> (fvayyf\io(juu) a bringer of good tidings : an evangelist, preacher of the gospel, i . esp. a writer of one of the four Gospels. \)-&yyt\os, ov, (fv, a-yycAAcu) bringing good news. o-aYo, f. rjffca, to be pure, holy. From ti-a-yT|S, fs, (fv, 01705) guiltless, pure, undefiled, Lat. castus, of persons and actions : poet. Adv. fvayfojs. t\i-ayr\s, fs, (crya>) moving well, nimble. u-a,YT|S, fs, = fvavyrjs, far-seen, conspicuous ; fopa fvajrjs arparov a seat in full view of the army. ov, = fvdyr]s, bright, clear, [a] , ov, (fv, d^KaXif) easy to bear in the arms. , fs, (fv, afy/fos) with fair valleys or glades. Dor. for fvrjyopfca. ua,Yp6 or vidu>, (eya) /o cry tva in honour of Bac- chus : also in Med. cva^opat. u-ttT|S, 6s, (ev, d'j7)Ui) with a good breeze, airy. II. act. blowing fair : metaph. prosperous, favourable. \5-a0Xos, of, (ev, aO\os) successful in contests. u-aivrjTOS, ov, (fv, alveo}) much-extolled. u-aCp6TOS, ov, (e5, alpeca) easy to be taken. u-ata)v, cavos, 6, f], (fv, alwv) of happy life, gene- rally, happy; fvaicav vnvos blessed sleep. u-o,KO>, euciKOos, Dor. for evrjn-. eu-dXaKaros, ov, Dor. for fvrj\. u-a\8T|S, ts, (fu, d\Saivoj) well-grown, luxuriant. eu-dXios, ov, Dor. for et^Atos. [a] 6u-dX<})iTOS, ov, (fv, d\cf)iTov) of good meal. ' u-dXa)TOS, ov, (fv, dXojvai) easy to be taken, [a] ev-ajiircXos, ov, (fv, d'/xjreAos) with fine vines. udv, evanl a cry of Bacchanalians, like fva, fvoL u-avaKXir)TOS, ov, (fv, dvaKaXfca) easy 'to call back. etiavSpia, 17, abundance of men, store of good rnen. II. manhood, manliness, courage, spirit. From v-avSpos, ov. (fv, dvrjp) abounding in good men and true. II. prosperous to men. u-avep.os [a], ov, Dor. for (v-fjvf/tos. v-dv0jios, ov, (fv, avOfpov} with fair flowers, flowery. euav0rca, f. rjaca, to be flowery or blooming. From u-av0Tjs, ts, (fv, dvdos} blooming, budding. II. rich in flowers, flowe ry : metaph. flowery, gay. 2. also blooming, fresh. cv-dvtos, ov, Dor. for evrjvios, [a] 279 eu-uvopta, T), Dor. for fvrjvopia. 6v-dvrr]TOS, ov, (dvrdca) easy to meet, gracious. eti-dvcop, opos, o, 77, Dor. for fvrjvojp. [a] v-airdXXaKTOS, ov, (fv, dira\\daff(a) easily got rid of : easy to dispose of. u-airaTT)TOS, ov, (fv, dirardca) easily cheated. vi-airif|YTros, ov, Ion. for fva.(f>f)yr)Tos. 6v-air6(3aTOs, ov, convenient for disembarking. eV-aTTOTlXI'O'TOS, OV, (fv, dlTOTflxifa) eaK y * ^ e walled off" or blockaded. et)apecTTco, f. 770-0;, to be well-pleasing. From 6v-dp}) easy to be counted. 6\5-apKTOs, ov, (fv, apx) well-adapted, accom- modating. II. well-tuned, harmonious. ev-apvos, ov, (fv, dpvos gen.) rich in sheep. eu-apoTOS, ov, (fv, dpoa;) well-ploughed, easy to be ploughed. t5-apxos, ov, (fv, apx^lMi) beginning well: making a good beginning. etids, dos, 6, 77, (fva} Bacchic, Bacchanalian. cvao-jjia, a-ros, TO, (eud^a)) a Bacchanalian shout. 6iacr|ji,6s,6,(euaa;) the cry of fva, a shout of revelry, esp. of Bacchic revelry. vidorTtpa, 77, fem. of fvaffrrip. uaT|Y'nTOs Ion. euairriYT 1 " ?, ov, (fv, easy to describe. u-dxT|S, u-dxif)TOS [a], Dor. for CVT/XT^S, i ev-pdcrraKos, ov, (fv, /fao-Tafaj) easy to carry or bear. e\5-(3aTOS, ov, (fv, )3aTos) accessible : passable. eu-pXecjiapos, ov, (fv, fiXftpapov) with beautiful eyelids. Eu|3ota, as Ion. rjs, 77, Euboea, now Negropont, an island lying along the coast of Boeotia and Attica. 6tij3oXo, f. 770-0;, to make a good throw. From cv-|3oXos, ov, (fv, /toAefi/) throwing luckily. Adv. fv@6\ojs, luckily; fv06\a>s f"x flj/ to t> e we ll ff- \j^oa-ia, 77, (fvfioros) good feeding. tu-poerrptixos, ov, with beautiful locks. v-j3oTOS, ov, (fij, Qua/ecu) feeding well, with good pasture. II. well-fed, thriving. u-p6TpCos, ov, and 6\5-{3oTpvs, v, gen. vos, (fv, &o- rpvs} rich in grapes. zvfiovXLa, 77, good counsel : prudence. From v-pov)Xos, ov, (fv, (3ov\r)} well-advised, prudent. \i-povs, ovv, gen. oos, (fv, /3oCs) rich in cattle. u-|3poxos, ov, (fv, Ppoxos) well-knit. ev-Yd0Tis, fs, and eu-Ya0T]TOs, ov, Dor. for fvyrjd-. 280 fv-\e, Adv. for fv yf, Lat. euge I well done I well said 1 capital ! bravo ! et)-Yios, ov, (fv, 777) of or with good soil: fertile. UYvia, T), (eu7V77s) nobility of birth, high de- scent. II. nobility of soul, generosity. u-Yv6ios Ep. T|V-, ov, (fv, yfvfiov) well-bearded. U-YVTT)S, OV, O, = SQ. U-YVT|S Ep. W]-Y6VT|S and T|V-YVT|S, fS, (fV, 76VOS) well-born, of noble race, of high descent : also deno- ting nobility. II. noble-minded, generous. III. of animals, high-bred, noble. eu-Ycvia Ion. -IT], T), = fvjfvfia. v-YO)S, o>v, (fv, 77}) Att. for fvyfios. u-YT]0*]S, 6S, and v-yf\QT\TOS, ov, (fv, yrj6f(a) joyous, cheerful. UYT|pta, 77, (fvyrjpcas) happy old age. t5-YT)pus, v, siueet-sounding . \5-YT]pcos, o>v, (fv, yrjpas) happy in old age. (eu. 7X070$) abounding in milk; irreg. dat. #7X071, as if from eu-7Xa. 6u-YXvirros, ov, and u-YXt>(j>irjs, s, (ev, 7X1^0;) well carved or engraved. euYXcocro-ia Att. -TTIO,, ^, fluency of speech. From {5-YXaxrY|xa, arcs, TO, (fvxofJ-at') like cSxos, a ooas/. II. = ci>Xr), a prayer. 6v-Y va f A ' n ' TO S Ep. VYV-, ov, (fv, yvdfiirTOj) well-bent, easily bent. UYV{ojjtO(riJVT], 17, good feeling, candour. From u-YV(*>[xcov, ov, gen. OTOS (eu, 7^0;^?;) of good feel- ing, indulgent, fair, charitable. II. sensible, prudent : Adv. evyvoojjLovcas, prudently. CU-YVWCTTOS, ov,(fv, yifvuff/coj) well-known, familiar. \5-Y<>jJi({>os, ov, (ey, 70^0$) well-nailed or fastened. eoYovia, rj,fruitfulness, fertility. From 6i5-Y<>vos, ov, (fv, yovrf) fruitful, prolific. u-Ypajxp,os, ov, (fv, ypa/jLfj.7)) well-drawn. ei-Ypo4>TjS, cs, (cv, ypaipoj) well painted. II. act. writing or drawing well. cu-Ywvios, ov, (fu, ycavia) well-cornered, regular. u-5ai8a\os, ov, beautifully wrought. uSatp.ovw, f. 770*0;, (euSat/xav) /o 6 prosperous, well off or happy. Hence euBai[x6vT||jLa, arcs, TO, a piece of good fortune. u8aip.ovia, fj, (fuSai/jLovfca) prosperity, happiness. u8aip,ovi^a>, f. aca, (fvSaiftojv) to account happy. etiSaijjioviKos, 77, ov, (evoa.ifj.cav) of or tending to hap- piness : of persons, happy. Adv. -KWS, happily. euSaijjLovws, Adv. of evSaifjicav, happily : Comp. and Sup. evdaipovt err epov, fffrara. tr-8ai(xcov, ov, gen. ovos, (*5, oalfj.ojv) with a good genius or destiny, fortunate, prosperous, Lat. felix : also wealthy, like Lat. heatus : happy. eu-Sdicpvros, ov, (fv, Sa/cpua;) much to be wept, la- mentable. u-8i\os, ov, (fv, dtcXos for 577X04) very dear, far-seen. , ov, (fv, otTirvov} honoured with rich feasts. II. evSaiToi Safrcs luxurious feasts. 6{i8c(jivai, Ep. inf. of tvou. eu-SevSpos, ov, (fv, oevbpov) abounding in fair trees. euSccricov, Ion. impf. of fvoca. ev-S-qXos, ov, (fv, orj\os) very clear, ma?iifest. fvS-QcrQa., Ep. 2 sing. subj. of eu8cy. u8ia, 77, (fvolos) fair weather : metaph. tranquillity, prosperity. u-8idpaTOS, ov, easy to be crossed, practicable. u-8iaiTpos, a, ov, irreg. Comp. of fvSios. u-8iairos, ov, (fv, oiaira) living temperately. 6u-8tdvos, 17, ov, fvoios, warm. 6u8ia.a>, f. 770*0;, (fvSia) to be calm. u-8iKia, 77, (fv, o'iKrf) righteous dealing : justice. u-8ivT)TOS, ov, (fv, olvcoj) easily turning or turned. i5-8ios, ov, (fv, Atds gen. of Zcvs) calm,flne, clear: genial : of persons, cheerful : irreg. Comp. and Sup. fvStfffTfpos, -fararos ; also fvStaiTfpos. 6v-8p.T]TOS Ep. *i)8-, ov, (fv, 5e/io;) well built or fashioned. u-8oKo), f. 770*0; : aor. I fvoonrjaa : (fv, ooKtoj} : to be content or well pleased, to approve of or acquiesce in a thing : c. inf. to consent to do. Hence u8oKia, 77, satisfaction, approval. ti8oKijji(d, f. 170-0;: impf. and aor. I TjvooKifjiovv, rjvooKip.Tjcra, but often without augm. fvo- : (fvou- tcifJLos) : to be of good repute, be in esteem, famous, popular ; fvooKip-tlv fv TIVI to be distinguished for a thing. Hence euDOKljiia, 37, good repute, credit. ov, in good repute, highly esteemed. , f. 770^0;, (fvoogos} to be in good repute, be thought well of, be famous. Hence cuSojjia, 77, good report, a good name, credit, glory. ei;-8oj-os, ov, (fv, 8o^a) of good report, glorious. u-8paicT|S, fs, (fv, opaftftv} sharp-sighted. eu-Spoo-os, ov, well-bedewed, abounding in water. ET'AH, impf. rjvdov Ep. fvoov : fut. fvr), f. 77(70;: in the augm. tenses, sometimes evrjpyeTovv, evr)pyeTj]o~a, sometimes evepy- with no augm. : (evepyeTijs) : to do well, do good. II. ' to do one good, shew kindness to, confer a benefit \ upon : Pass., evepyeTelaQal TI to have a kindness done one. Hence UpYn]n.a, O.TOS, TO, a good deed, a service, kindness. ev-epYeTTjs, ou, o, (eu, *'epyoi) a well-doer, a bene- factor : a title of honour of such as had done the state service. II. as Adj. beneficent. v, verb. Adj. of evepyeTeoj, one must do or shew kindness to. vepY6TUc6s, T), ov, (evepyeT-fjs} disposed to do good, j u-6pYTts, tSos, fern, of evepyeTrjS. u-pY"f)S, e's, (eu, *epyo}} well-wrought, well-made, \ well-built: of gold, well-wrought, refined. II. well- done : hence in plur. evepyea, good deeds, benefits. eu-cpYOS, ov, (eu, *epyca) doing good, upright, vir- \ tuous. II. pass, well-wrought, well-tilled: also ' easy to work. v-pKT|s, e's, (eu, epitos) well-fenced, well-protected: \ shutting close : of cities, well-guarded. u-epKTrjs, ou, o, poet, for evepyeTrjS. t-epvT|S, e's, (eu, epvos) sprouting well, flourishing. ev-epos, Att. for eveipos. V-, ous, 77, (eu, el/j.1 sum) well-being, prosperity. UTT)pCa, 77, (eu, eros) a good season. evr-6Tia, 77, eveTrjpia. u-vp6TOS, ov, (eu, ci/piffKoj) easy to find. u-e4>o8os, ov, easy to assail. eu-^tjXos, ov, emulous in good : Adv. -(^Acus. CV-^VYOS Ep. UVYOS, ov, (ev, fryov in) of a ship, well-benched. v-v, ijyos, 6, 77, (eu, evyvvp,i) well paired or matched. u-o>d, Dor. for eu^wi'a. v-wvos Ep. ua>vos, ov, (eu, tyvrj) well-girded, of women. II. girt up for exercise, with one's j loins girded, active, as in Horace alte praecinctus : j unencumbered, Lat. expeditus. 281 u-o)pos, ov, (eu, o>pos) quite pure, unmixed, of wine : Comp. -fapoTepos, also irreg. -eorepos. UTj-Y6VT|S, Ep. for evyevrjs. v-r\yp, opos, 6, rj, (ev, dvrjp} giving manhood, in- spiriting. . II. of cities, abounding in brave men. u-T|paTOS, ov, (eu, epaftai.) much-loved, lovely. u-TipTp.os, ov, (eu, eper/ios) well fitted to the oar : well-rowed, well-pulled. u-T|pT]S, es, (eu, dpapeiv) well-fitted or put together : well-poised, easy to handle. u-T|Tpios, ov, (eu, rJTpiov) well-woven. II. act. weaving well. u-T|Xir)S, es, (eu, Tx os ) well-sounding, tuneful. vi-T)X' r l TO S> ov, well-sounding : loud-sounding. ti-0dXa, older form of evQ-qveo). u-0epdTT6VTOS, ov, (eu, QepatrevoS) easily healed. II. easily won by kindness or attention. 282 v0TCi>, f. 770-v, ov, gen. ovos, (fv, TiOrjfu') well-arranged, well-made. II. act. orderly, setting in order. V0T]V&> and u0vo, to be well off, thrive, flourish : to abound in : so also in Pass., aor. I cvdrjvrjOrjv. Hence 6u0i]vCa, 77, abundance. u-0Y|pa,TOS, ov, (fv, 0Tjpdca) easily caught or won. i5-0Tjpos, ov, (fv, Orjpa) lucky in the chase. II. (Orjpfs) abounding in game. u-0Y|cravpos, ov, well-stored, precious. v-0vT|cri[jios, ov, (fv, Qv-fiGKOj) with easy death. u-0oivos, ov, (fv, Qoivrj} with rich banquet: copious. vi-0opv|3T)TOS, ov, (fv, Oopvfifoj) easily confounded. \5-0ptYKOS, ov, (QpifKos) with good coping or cornice. v-0pi Ep. u-0pi, -Tpi\os, 6, 77, (fv, 6pi} with fine hair : of horses, with flowing mane : of birds, well- plumed. II. made of stout hair, of a fishing-line. cv-0povos Ep. i50povos, ov, (fv, Qpovos) with beau- tiful seat or throne. v-0poos, ov, (fv, 0poos) loud-sounding. v0ii, neut. of fudvs, used as Adv. u0-u-YXworo-os Att. -TTOS, ov, (fv9v, y\wffffa) of straight tongue, honest of tongue. v>0C8iKta, 77, an open, fair trial. From t,-0ii-SiKOS, ov, or 77, ov, (fv0v, oitcr)) judging righ- teously. u0uSpo|j.Ci>, f. 770-0;, to run straight: of ships, to sail in a straight course. From cu0v-SpO|jios, ov, running a straight course. v0v-ep-yT|S, fs, (fvOv, ep-yov) accurately wrought. u0v-|xa.XT]S, ov, o, and 6u0v-p.S)(os, ov, (fvOts, fj,d- XOfJiai) fighting straightforward, fair-fighting. t0i)[jLco, f. 770-cu, (fv9vfjLos) to be of good cheer. II. trans, to make cheerful, cheer : Pass. fv0vjj.foiJ.ai, to be of good cheer. Hence u-0up.ir)TOv, verb. Adj., one must be cheerful. eti0trp,ia, 77, (fv0vfj,eoj) cheerfulness, festivity. \5-0iip.os, ov, (tv, Ovp.6s) well-disposed, generous, kind. II. of good cheer, cheerful: of horses, spirited. III. Adv. fv9vfJ.o:s, cheerfully; Comp. -oTtpov Sup. -orara. \500va, 77, but mostly used in pi. \50i)vou, at, (fvOvv0vvas Sioovai to give them in, submit to a scrutiny ; fvOvvas tyXflv to be bound to do so. II. correction, chastisement. Hence <50i)vos, o, an investigator, auditor, who examined and passed the accounts of magistrates : at Athens there were ten. II. a corrector, chastiser. vi0wnfjp,?7/>os,6, (fi9vvoj}a director, corrector. II. as Adj., fvOvvrfip ota the guiding rudder. v0wrT]pia, 57, the part of a ship wherein the rudder was fixed: fern, from et)0wrf|pios, a, ov, (fvOvvai) directing, ruling. 6VI0VVTTJS, OV, 6, = fvOvVTrjp. eu0xivco, fut. vvw, (u^ys)=the Homeric Wvvoa, to guide straight : to steer straight. 2. to direct, go- vern. 3. to keep straight, preserve. II. to make straight, as a bent piece of wood : metaph. to rectify, revise. III. at Athens, to call to account, scruti- nise the accounts (fvOvvai) of a magistrate : Pass, to be called to account, and so to be corrected. ti0ij-irvoos, ov, contr. TTVOIIS, ovv, (fvOv, irvfoj) straight-blowing. u0ij-irofjiiros, ov, (fv0v, TreVflw) guiding straight. u0i;iropa>, f. 770*0;, to go straightforward; TTOT^OS fvOviropwv unswerving, inflexible fate: c. ace. cognato, fiOviropftv 8p6fJLov to go a straight course. From u0v-iropos, ov, (fvOv, Tropevo/zat) going straight : metaph. straightforward, plain-sailing, honest. v-0vppoav, ov, (fvdv, typrjv) right-minded. vi0t)-a)pos, ov, also a, ov, (fvdv, wpa) in a straight direction : neut. fvOvcupov as Adv., = fvOvs n. 6v-0a>pK], TJKOS, u, 77, (ev, Owpag) well-mailed. euid^co, v. fvdfa. euuiKos, 77, ov, (eutos) Bacchic : fern, cuids, dSos. v-Cepos, ov, (fv, ifpcis) very holy, hallowed. Emos, 6, Evius, epith. of Bacchus, from the cry cva, euof. II. fvios, ov, Adj. Bacchic, inspired by Bacchus. ev-iiriros, ov, of persons, delighting in horses, having fine horses : of places, famed for horses. ev-urTOS, ov, (e5, iffT}/j.i) of good knowledge. v-urxios, ov, (fv, loxiov} with beautiful hips. u-Ka0aipTOS, ov, (fv, Ka.Oa.ipfQ}) easy to overthrow. u-Kcx0CKTOS, ov, (fv, KaTf^ou) easy to keep down. f. T^acu, (fircaipos) to have good opportu- nity, have leisure : fvKaipfTv el's n, to devote one's leisure to a thing, spend one's time in it. euKdipid, 77, g ood season, opportunity, leisure. II. prosperity. From {i-Kdipos, ov, (fv, Kaipus) in season, seasonable, well- timed, opportune : cf places, convenient. Adv. fvnai- pws opportunely : ct leisure ; Comp. -orfpov ; Sup. 5, cv-KuXia, Dor. for t/-Ka|xaTOS, ov, (fv, icd.uc.Tos] of easy labour, easy. 2. well-wrought : won by noble toils, [a] u-Kdp.-irT|S, fs, (fv, KayatTfa) well-bent, curved. u-Ka,p8ios, ov, (fv, ftapSid) good of heart, stout- hearted, Lat. egregie cordatus : of a horse, spirited, of good courage. Adv. leas, with stout heart. \5-Kdpiros, ov, rich in fruit, fruitful : prolific. ti-KdTO,XXaKTOS, ov, (fv, /caTaAAaffcroi) easy to ap- pease. u-KdTa.Xi)TOS, ov, (fv, KaTaXvca) easy to overthrow. u-KdTd4opos, ov, (fv, KaTa(pfpofj.ai] prone towards, Lat. proclivis. u-KdTd4>povr]TOS, ov, (fv, KaTaK\fd, pi. fvfcXtas Ep. fv- KXfias : (fv, KXfos) : of good fame, glorious, noble. Hence evicXeia Ep. luKXeii], and in late Poets cuKXctTj, 77, good fame, renown. Hence etiKXciJto Ion. tiKXi]ic0, f. ffca, to praise, laud. evKXeiTjS, c's, Ep. for fVK\fr)s : Adv. ci)AetcJ)s. ev-icXeivos, ov, much-famed. v-KXif|ts or eij-KXTjis, t5os, ?}, (cv, /cAe/cu) well-closed, close-shutting. vKXt]pto, f. rjffca, to have a good lot. From t5-KXi]pos, ov, with a good lot or portion. eu-KXco, f. r/crea, to keep distinct and in order. From u-KpivTjs, es, (fv, Kpivca) well-separated, distinct, regular : well-arranged, in good order. Adv. -veas Ion. -vfeas. eu-Kplros, ov, (fv, tcpivca) easy to judge or decide : easily discerned, plain, manifest. ti-Kp6raXos Ep. etJKp-, ov, (ev, KporaXov} accom- panied by castanets, lively, rattling. eu-KponrjTos, ov, (fv, KpoTfca) well-welded, well- wrought, of metal. \5-KpV7rTos, ov, (fv, KpvitTQ}) easy to hide. cvKTdtos, a, ov, (fv\opaC) of or for prayer, votive: TO, fvKTaTa, wishes, prayers, vows : of the gods, in- voked in prayer : of things, prayed for. v-KTfavos, ov, (ev, KTfavov) with fine possessions. U-KTT|HXdJ3tT], 77, discretion, caution, cir- cumspection. 2. fear of the gods, piety. From u-Xd|3Oji.di, fut. med. -rjcro^iai or pass. -rjOrjcrofMii : aor. I pass. yv\a!3r]0T]v or fv\- : Dep. : (eyAa^s) : to be cautious, circumspect, discreet : to have a 284 care, beware, fear. II. c. ace. to beware of. 2. to watch for, await quietly. 6ti\a|3T|0T]Ti, 2 sing. aor. i imperat. of foreg. v-XaJ3-f|s, fs, ((3, A.a/3efj/) taking in band cautiously, cautious, circumspect, discreet. 2. fearing the gods, pious, devout. u-Xa{3tif], see fv\a@cta. tuXdJ3u>s, Adv. of (vkaprjs, cautiously : Comp. -earepcas. euXda>, f. cy, old Dor. Verb, to plough. u-Xai'Y, 4770$, 6, TJ, = ev\iOos. euXdica, 77, old Dor. word for a ploughshare. u-XaXos, ov, (ev, AaXccu) sweet-spoken. eu-Xdxavos, ov, (ev, Xa^ovov} fruitful in herbs. cu-Xeijjios, ov, and cu-Xetjxcov, ov, gen. ovos, (tv, \cifiwv) with fair meadows. v-XcKTpos, ov, (ev, \eterpov) blessing marriage: happy in marriage. u-Xeis, i, (ev, Aets) with good choice of words. u-XXT|S, e's, (ev, Ae'xos) well-wedded, blessed in one's marriage-bed. ET'AH', 17, a worm, maggot. v-Xif]KTOS, oz>, (ev, ATTACK) soon-ceasing. cv-XijirTOs, OP, (ev, \afj.@avca) easy to take hold of; easy to be taken, seized, conquered. Adv. evXrjirrcas, so that one can easily take hold: Sup. -ora.ro.. evXtjpa, cav, ra, old Ep. word for rjvia, reins. u-Xi(i6VOS, oi/, (ev, \lp.f)v) with good harbours. euXo-yeto, f. 770-a> : in augm. tenses, impf. ev\6yovv or ijv\-, aor. I (v\6*y7)o~a or ^vA : (evAo7os): /o speak well of, praise. 2. to bless. Hence cuXoyrjTos, 77, ov, blessed. cvXo-yCa, 77, (evKoyeoj) good-speaking, fair-speak- ing. II. praite, eulogy : glory. 2. blessing or a blessing, bounty : also almsgiving. u-XoYUJTOs, ov, (ev,\oyiofwi) easy to reckon. II. rightly reckoning, prudent. ev-Xoyos, ov, (ev, Affyos) reasonable, sensible : rea- sonable, probable, fair : TO ev\oyov a fair reason : Adv., evXojcas *x* iv to be reasonable ; Comp. -care- peas. u-XoeT6ipa, 57, (ev, \ovrp6v*) with fine baths. <5-Xoos, ov, well-plumed. v-Xox<>s, ov, (ev, \oxeva)} helping in childbirth. u-Xtipir]S, ov, Dor. exiXvpas, a, o, = ev\vpos. ev-Xiipos, ov, (ev, \vpd) with beautiful lyre, playing beautifully on the lyre. eu-Xvros, ov, (ev, A.VCU) easy to untie, easy to loose. 2. metaph. easy to dissolve or break. v|id06ia, fj, docility. v-p.a0T|S, es, (ev, paOeTv) ready or quick at learn- ing, Lat. docilis : Adv. evpaOus, readily : Comp. earepov. II. pass, easy to learn or know, intelli- gible : well-known, familiar. ti-|jia6ta Ion. -IT), 77, = evfidOeta. u-(xaKir)s, Dor. for evfj.r)Kr)s. \5-fJiaXXos, ov, of fine wool. eu-jxaXos, Dor. for evjj.ij\os. u-|j.dpa0os, ov, (ev, fj.apaOov) abounding in fennel. eufjidpeia, 77, easiness, ease, convenience; ev^peia Xpf)o~6cu to be in comfort, but also = Lat. alvum exone- rare, to ease oneself. From ii-(AapT|S, es, (ev, pdprj = x*ip) eas y, convenient, with- out trouble. 2. rarely of persons, easy, gentle. v-\L&plr\, Ion. for evftapeia. cup-apis, t^os, 77, but ace. ev^apiv, an Asiatic shoe or dipper. (Foreign word.) vp.dpus poet. -(os, Adv. of ev^aprjs, gently. ti-ji-ye0TiS, es, (ev, neyedos) of good size, well-grown. 6v-|xcXdvos, ov, (ev, /-le'Aaj/) well-blackened, inky. tv-\if\.r\, noXtrq) sweetly-singing. Eup,op4>ia, fj, beauty of form, symmetry. From il-n,op(j>os, ov, (ev, f^opcpr}) fair of form, comely. evijAOua-ta, rj, accomplishments. From ev-jAOVo'os, ov, (ev, MoGaa) skilled in the arts of the Muses : accomplished in poetry, music, and dancing : musical, melodious. \5p,<>x0os, ov, industrious, laborious. 6t5-p/u8os, ov, well-spoken, eloquent. CV-JJUJKOS, ov, (ev, fjLVKaofJiai') loud-bellowing. uvda>, f. dcrca : in augm. tenses, aor. I evvaffa or r)vv~, pass. evvdaOrjv or TJVV-: (evvrj): to lay in bed, put to sleep : also to lay in ambush : of animals, to lay their young in a form : of death, to lay asleep. 2. nietaph. to lull to sleep, soothe, assriage. II. Pass, to go to bed, lie asleep, sleep : of birds, to roost. III. intr. in Act. to sleep. 6u-v(ueT&a>v, ovaa, ov, (ev, vaierdca) well-peopled or well-situated. u-vai6[Xvos, 77, ov, (ev, vatoi) well-peopled or well- situated. cuvatos, a, ov, (ZVVTJ) in one's bed or couch ; evvaTos \ayws a hare in its form ; evvaidi Trre'ptryes wings over the nest. 2. wedded. 3. of pain, making one keep one's bed. II. (evvr} n) of or for an- chorage : hence steadying or guiding a ship. uvacri}jios, ov, (eiivd^oj) convenient for sleeping in. uvavaTY]p, euvdreup, Dor. for fvvrjr-. tiva.TT|ptov, TO, a bed-chamber. evvdco, f. 770-0; : Pass., aor. I evvrjOrjv: pf. evvrjfMit : (rvvrf) : to lull to sleep : also to lay in amb'ush. 2. metaph. to lull to sleep, soothe, assuage. II. Pass, to go to bed : go to sleep : also to be bedded with : of storms, to be lulled, assuaged. tivTT]S, ov, 6, (evvr]) = evvacrrrjp or evvrjTrjp. ETfNH', T), a bed, any sleeping-place : the lair of a deer, -the seat or form of a hare, the nest of a bird : also the grave. 2. the marriage-bed, wedlock, mar- riage. II. in plur. evvai, stones used as anchors, and thrown out from the prow, while the stern was made fast to land; e 8' evvds tfiaXov Kara, 6 e irpv- u.vi\Gi torjaav. evvTjOets, aor. I part. pass, of (vvdca. uvT[0v, (eivr]} Adv. out of bed. evvrjO^vai, aor. I inf. pass, of fvvdi, -<})tv, Ep. gen. sing, and pi. of fvvr}. \)VLS, o, 17, gen. tos; in pi. cvvtfs or ewtScs : reft of, bereaved of. II. absol. bereaved, desolate. t)vis, iSos, 77, (evvr}} a bedfellow, wife. vv-VT]TOS, Ep. for fvvrjros. 285 vvoD,f. 770-0;, (evvoos) to be well-disposed or friendly: Pass, to be kindly treated. evvoiS, 77, poet, also evvoiu Ep. evvott), (ewoos) goodwill, kindness; in pi. kindnesses, kind feelings : KO.T' evvoiav out of kindness, favourably ; so, per' evvotas, vn' evvoias, evvoia. Hence u-votKos, 77, ov, of kind, benevolent character. Adv., evvo'iKws e\eiv to be kindly disposed. evvo|Jieo|X(u : f. med. evvo^rjffofjiai : aor. I pass, evvo- fj.r}Or]V : (evvopos) : to have good laws, enjoy a good constitution, to be orderly. Hence **uvojua Ion. -Cij, 77, good order, order. From CV-VOJAOS, ov, (ev, v6(JLos) under good laws, well- ordered, orderly. ev-voos, ov, Att. contr. cv-vovs, ovv, pi. euVot : (ev, voos, vovs) : well-minded, well-affected, kindly, bene- volent : Comp. evvovcrrepos Ion. -oearepos ; Sup. Vff . to, f. iffa), to make an eunuch of. From evrv-ovxos, 6, (fvvr}, ex^) an eunuch : employed in Asia as chamberlains (whence the name, of T^V evv^v XVTts, guardians of the bed}. etlvra, Dor. for loi^Ta, ovra, neut. pi. part, of 'ftpi sum. v-vcl>p.as, ov, 6, (ev, voifmo}) swiftly moving. ev-vcos, Adv. of evvoos, cvvovs, kindly. V)at|XT]v, aor. I opt. of eu^o/wit. 6i)-^avTOS, ov, (fv, ^aivoj) well-carded, of wool. cu-^cvos Ion. \5-^ivos, ov, (fv, Vos) kind to stran- gers, hospitable ; dvSpuv v(vos the guest-chamber : TTUVTOS fvgfivos the Euxine, now the Black sea, called, before the Greek settlements upon it, a-fvos the in- hospitable. u-(rros Ep. ue) = Att. for tco, f. 770-0;, (tuoSos) to have a free passage, of running water. Hence evoSia, 77, a good journey, fair voyage. v-o8|xos, ov, (fv, 05/177) sweet-smelling, fragrant. 6<5-o8os, ov, (ev, 68os) easy to travel through : with free passage : Sup. evooduTaros. Hence u-o86o>, f. wao) : Pass., f. -ootoOrjaofJiai : aor. i -ojowOrjv : to put in the right way, help on the .way : Pass, to prosper, be successful. 6vioi, Bacchanalian exclamation, Lat. evoe ! \5-o\pos, ov, (ev, oA/3os) wealthy, prosperous. etioirXco), f. 770-0;, (euoTrA-os) to be well-equ'tpt. euoirXia, 77, the being well 'armed, a good state of arms and equipments. From ev-OTrXos, ov, (ev, oir\ov) well-armed, well-equip*. e\)Opyt\(ria, rj, gentleness, mildness of temper. From eu-opYTTOS, ov, (ev, f'pT 7 ?) good-tempered, free from passion. Adv. -TO;S, with good temper. evopicco, f. 770-0;, (evoprtos) to swear truly, take a true oath, to keep one's oath. Hence 286 vopKT)o-Ca, 77, an abiding by one's oath, good faith. euopiaa, 77, (evopKfca) = fvopKijaia. From ev-opicos, ov, (eu, op/cos*) true to one's oath : of oaths, 6/j.vvvai tijopKO. (as Adv.) to swear truly ; (vopftov [eari] 'tis according to one's oath. Hence euopiccoua, aros, TO, a faithful oath. etiopiccos, Adv. of euop/cos, according to one's oath. CV-OPJAOS, ov, with good anchorage : of ships, safe at anchor. v-opvis, Wos, o, 77, (eu, opvls) of good augury, au- spicious. II. abounding in birds. 6u-6po<}>os, ov, (eu, e/>ec/>o;) well-roofed. u-60aXp.os, ov, with beautiful eyes. II. pleas- ing to the eyes. III. specious. \5-o4>pvs, v, (eu, btppvs) with fine eyebrows. u-oxo, f, 770-0;, (eu, e'x, to be in plenty. From ei5-ox0os, ov, with goodly banks, fruitful, rich. ev-7rdYT|S, e's, (eu, irayfjvai) well put together, com>- pact. vird0ia Ion. eumi0iT], 77, enjoyment of good things, the being in good case, comfort : in plur. enjoyments, luxuries ; tv fviraOiyo'i dvat to enjoy oneself, make merry, [a] From vira0ea>, f. 770-0;, to be well off", enjoy oneself, make merry, live comfortably. From v-ira0T|S, es, (eu, iraOeiv) well off, in good case, comfortable. ti-tra0iTj, Ion. for euTrdtfeta. evijraiBia, 77, a goodly race of children. From ev-irais, TTcuSos, o, 77, (eu, Trafs) blest with children, with many or good children ; yovos euVcus, a noble son. i5-iraKTOS, Dor. for CVTTIJKTOS. v-irdXap.os, ov, (eu, TraAd^) handy, ingenious : in- ventive. v-irapdYc0Y s ' ov > ( 6 ^ '""opd'yo;) ea *y t lead away. eu-irdpuos, ov, Dor. for euTrdpetos, -770$. v-irapdiTurTOS, ov, easily led aside. ev-irdpcSpos, ov, constantly attending on, devoted to. eu-irdpeios, ov, (e5, Trapeid) with beauteous cheeks. -u-Trdp0evos, ov, famed for fair maidens. II. (virapOevos AipKtj Dirce, happy maid ! cvt-irapoi-WTOS, ov, (eS, irapovvos,oi', (tu, napvtyrj) with a handsome border. u-iraTpeia, 77, (eu, ira.Trjp') daughter of a noble sire : belonging to a noble father. u-TTaTpCBif]S, ov, 6, (e5, rra father, of noble family. II. at Athens, the Eu- ira.Tpi8ai, Lat. Optimates, were the first class, the the second, the Srjuiovpyoi the third. ev-irarpts, tSos, 6, 77, (eu, iraTrjp) born of a noble sire. eu-irdrwp, opos, o, 77, = finrarpis. u-7Ti,0Tis, es, (eu, TTei6ofMi) ready to obey, obedient, tractable. II. act. persuasive, convincing. eti-ircurros, ov, (eu, ireidopai) easily persuaded. eu-ircpnrcXos, ov, (fv, Tre/XTro;) gently leading. v-Trev0cpos, ov, with a good father-in-law. tv-TreirXos, ov, beautifully attired. , ov, (ev^epia-yoj) easily turned round. = foreg. , ov, (eu, TrepiTrareo;) easy to walk on. ctr-irepurrracrTOS, ov, (eu, Trepio-Trdcu) easy to pull off". eii-irepurraTOS, ov, (eu, nfpuaTap.ai) easily besetting. eu-TrcpLTpeirTos, ov, (eu, TrepirpeVo;) easily turned round, changeable, inconstant. v-iTTaXos, ov, (eu, irfTa\ov) with beautiful leaves. 6iu-irTia, 77, ease; Si' euTreretas easily. 2. easi- ness of getting or having, Lat. copia. From exj--irTfjs, es, (eu, Treo'efi') falling well or easily : hence easy, without trouble, Lat. facilis : abundant, plentiful. u-7rTpos, ov, (eu, TreVpa) of good, hard stone. euirTws Ion. os, Adv. of euTreTTjs, easily, amply: Comp. euTrereo'Tepoi' and -pus. eu-TnjYiQS, es, (eu, irrjyvv[j.i^ well-mads, stout. v-inr)KTOS, ov, (eu, ir-r^vv /) well put together, well- built, compact : of cheese, well-curdled, solid. cv-ir-qXi]^, JJKOS, 6, 77, with beautiful helmet. eu-Trrjvos, ov, (eu, ir^vr)) of fine texture. v-inr]xvs, u, with beautiful arms. u-m8a^, &KOS, 6, f), abounding in fountains. VTrt0i> r =eu7ret0e'o;. From 6u-m0Tis, es, = cvirt6r)s, obedient, submissive. eu-uto-TOS, ov, easy to believe, trustworthy, credi- ble. II. act. easily believing, credulous : Adv. -TOJS. u-irTOS, ov, (eu, TrAaOo;) favourable to sailing. euirvota poet. CUTTVOITJ, 77, easiness of breathing. II. of good or noble fragrance. From eu-irvoos Ep. i5-irvoos, ov, contr. eu-irvovs, ovv, (eu, Trreo;) breathing well or freely : good to breathe through. II. sweet-smelling, fragrant, Comp. fVTTVcuTfpos. also irreg. 1 , 77, (euTTous) strength or speed of foot. etnrotirjTtKos, 'f], ov, (eu, Trote'o;) disposed to be kind, beneficent. ev-iroujTOS, or, also 77, ov, (eu, Troieo;) well-made, well-wrought. cu-Troua, 77, (eu, iroitoS) beneficence. or, (eu, TTOtKi\os) much-variegated. 'PI'SKfl. \5-iroiacrurros, ov,(ev, -rrpo^a.ai^op.ai) with a good pretext, excusable, plausible. eu-irpvjJLVos, ov, (ev, irpvfj.va~) of ships, with handsome stern. eu-irpcopos, ov, (eu, Trpalpa) of ships, with handsome ow. \5-irTepos, ov, (cu, irrcpciv} well-winged, well-plumed: metaph., fvwrepoi yvvaiKes high-plumed dames of quality. ov, (fv, nrfpvg} = cvrrrfpos. , ov, finely branching. \-TrvpYos, ov, with goodly towers. u-iro>Y uv ov i g en - wyos, well-bearded. eu-ittoXos, ov, with fine colts : breeding fine horses. vipa,|jiT]V, aor. I med. of cvpca. eupd|, (eupos) Adv. from one side, sideways. II. evpa irarag, an exclamation to frighten away birds. cupca, ace. masc. or neut. pi. of evpvs ; also Ion. fern. vip0Tjv, aor. I pass, of cvpiffKoa. evipeiv Ep. ci)pc|X6vai, aor. 2 inf. of fvpifftcca. vpTOs, a, ov, verb. Adj. of fvplaKca, to be disco- vered, found out. tpTT|s, ov, 6, fern, cvperis, tSos, (fvplfffcca) a finder, inventor, discoverer. evpcro, 3 sing. aor. 2 med. of evpiff/co). eiipcros, rj, 6v, verb. Adj. of fvpiafcoj, discovered: to be found out or discovered. upT)ica, vipT)[Jiai, pf. act. and pass, cf cvpifffcca. fvpr\\ia, O.TOS, TO, (fvpiffKoi) that which is found, an unexpected gain, windfall : hence generally, a gain, advantage. i. of a child, a foundling. II. a?i invention, discovery : a remedy. evpfjv. Dor. for cvpeiv. vpif]o-t-einf|s, e's, (cvpiffrcoj, CTTOS) inventive of words, fluent : wordy, sophistical. vipT|-piTros, 6, (cv, piirify) any strait of the sea, where the tide is violent : esp. of the strait which separates Euboea from Boeotia ; the ancients believed that this ebbed and flowed seven times a day. t5-pis, Ivos, 6, 77, (cv, pis, piv) with a good nose, keen- scented : metaph. keen at tracking out a thing. ET'PI'SKQ: fut. fvpfou: pf. evpijica. or rjvp-: aor. 2 cvpov or rjvpov, imperat. ftpc, inf. fvpfTv : Med., f. cvprioofMii : aor. 2 cipofjLijv or rjvp-, later aor. I vpa.fj,T]v : Pass., fut. cvptOrfvonai and (in same sense) med. cvprjaop.at : aor. I fipcOrjv or ijvpcOrjv : pf. cvpijfMi or t]vp-. I. to find, find out, dis- ] cover : c. ace. cognato, cvprjfjia cvpiffKfiv to make an 288 unexpected discovery or gain. vent. II. to find, gain, get, win, obtain : Med. to find or get for oneself, procure, obtain. i. of merchandise, etc., to fetch so much money: hence, to be worth, to sell for. upOo>, f. rjcrca, (evpoos) to flow well. II. me- taph. to flow or go on well. III. to be fluent. v-poiT]TOS, ov, (ev, potato;) loud-whizzing. evpoeoo eweTrro?. 2. to devise, in- \ evpv-irpwKTOS, ov (evpv, trpooKTos) lewd, obscene: also an adulterer. evpv-Trv\T)s, es, (evpv, TrvA.??) wzY wide gates. vpv-pee0pos, ov, (evpv, peeOpov) with broad channel. eupv-pecov, ovaa, ov, (fvpv, peoj) broad-flowing. ET'PT'5, evptia, evpv: gen. evpeos, etas, eos: ace. sing, evpvv, and sometimes evped Ion. fern. nom r | evpea '. wide, broad, spacious, far-reaching, wide- evpot}AT]v, eupoi|ju, aor. 2 opt. med. and act. of ev- ' spread : Comp. evpvTfpos ; see evpv. es, (evpv, cantos) with broad shield, [a] upv-dpCTpif]S, ov, o, (cvpv, (papeTpa) with wide quiver. vpv-tiT|S, ^s, (evpv, T|S, Ep. for evppcKpT/s, (ev, pdiTTOj) well- stitched. eup-p-f|S, es, Ep. gen. ei/ppefos (for evppeovs), fair- flowing. tup-poos, Ep. for evpoos. eupii, neut. of evpvs, often used as Adv. evpu-cryvios, a, ov, (evpv, dyvid) with wide streets, epith. of great cities, in II. usually of Troy and Athens. eupv-aixp-as, o, (evpv, al\p,-f]) with stout lance. eupv-J3las Ion. and Ep. -jSiTjs, ov, 6, (evpv, jSt'a) ruling widely, of far-extended power. eupv-0ep,0Xos P ^*- -0ep.6i\os, ov, (evpv, 9efj,eO\ov) with broad fottndations, spacious, extensive. evpv0p.ia, 77, good time or proportion : orderliness, gracefulness, graceful. From eu-pu0}ios, ov, in good time or measure, rhythmical, Lat. numerosus : of persons, orderly : well-propor- tioned, graceful. eupt)0p.(i>s, Adv. of evpv9fj.os, in good order, gracefully. evipv-KoXiros, ov, with spacious bosom. eupv-xpeicov, OVTOS, 6, wide-ruling. eupv-Xeip,cov, ov, gen. owos, with broad meadows. eupu-p-eScav, OVTOS, 6, wide-ruling. eipti-jjieTcoTros, ov, (evpv, /xeVomw) broad-fronted. evpiivai, aor. I inf. of evpvVcy. eupvvco, f. vvui, (evpvs) to make wide or broad; ev- pv^at dywva to make room for the dance ; TO p.eo~ov piety, religion, Lat. pietas, 2. credit or character ov, shortened Ep. for evpv\capos. 17, free space, plenty of room ; ev evpv- in the open sea. From 6upt>-x<>pos, ov, (evpv, x^P a ^ foomy, spacious. u-pa>YT)S, (ev, pu} rich in grapes. eupw8ir]s, es, poet, for evpvs. eupwets, eaaa, ev, (evpvs) mouldering, dank and dark, squalid; O'IKIO. evpouevra, Virgil's loca senta situ. evpoSv, ovo"a, ov, aor. i part, of evpifftcoi. ETTn'IIH, rj, Europa, Europe, as a geographic name first in the Homeric hymn to Apollo. , 17, 6v, = evpvs. ETTH'2, WTOS, u, mould, dank, decay, Lat. situs, squalor. 6tip, f. 770-0;, to be strong, healthy. From 6v-or0VT|S, fs, (t/, ffOtvos} stout : strong, firm. U-O-ITOS, ov, (fv, aiTTva) with full pantry or larder. vi-o > Kav8i|, IKOS, 6, 77, abounding in chervil. -u-, to be well equipped. From eu- bowels of compassion, compassionate. \5-criropos, ov, (fv, critfipoj) well-sown: rich in seed. i5cr-o'6Xp.os, Ep. for ei/crcAjuos. uu>s, ov, poet, form for fvaTfT|S Ep. UaXiY, 47705, 6, 77, well-curled, curly. \5-OS Ep. 6t5) easy to infer by comparison, easy to guess. 6u-n,|3-, ov, (fv, avjji@o\r)) easy to infer by comparison, easy to guess. II. easy to deal with, honest, upright. 6tr-vpos Ep. V-, ov, (Its, ffCT|S, is, (fv, Taicrjvai) easy to melt. 6tiraKT60), f. 770-0;, to be orderly, behave well. From ev-raKTOs, ov, (fv, raoaoi) well-ordered, well-behaved: of soldiers, well-disciplined. Hence t>Ta,KTios, Adv. in good order. trraia, T), (euraTw) good order, discipline. v-rap(ros, ov, delicate-footed. evrf, Adv. of Time, a poet, form of orf, when, at the time when : seeing that, since. II. fvr' dv, like orav, so often as, whensoever, in the case that. 6U-T61XT1S, fS, i-TlXOS, OV, and V-TtxTlTOS, OV, (fv, Tftxos} well-walled, well-fortified, strong. 6UTKVoj, (fvrfKvos) to have good or fine children. eureKvia, T), the having good or fine children. V-TKVOS, ov, (fv, TfKvov} having many or fine chil- dren, blest with a goodly progeny ; fvrftevos fvreqpfr a pair of fair children. Ion. eurcXii], T), cheapness, Lat. vilitas: s e 290 irpos evTe\irjv cheaply; x^l v * s *vTe\eiav vos a goose painted on cheap terms. II. thrift, frugality, economy ; eirl evreXeia for economy. u-TXifjs, es, (ev, TeAos) easily paid for, cheap, Lat. vilis. II. mean, paltry, worthless. III. thrifty, frugal. euTcXu], 77, Ion. for evreXeia. fvreXws, Adv. of evreX-fjs, cheaply, at a cheap rate. v-Tpirf|S, e's, (ev, repirca) delightful, charming. u-TXVT]TOs, ov, (ev, Te^ciojucu) wrought with skill, i, 77, skill in art. From ;, ov, (ev, rexvif) skilful, ingenious. v, ov, gen. ovos, much-enduring, steadfast. \5-rp/T]TOS Ep. euTji-, ov, (ev, refj-voj) well-cut. euTOKeco, f. 770-0;, (euro/cos) to bring forth easily. Hence eu-TOKta, 77, an easy childbirth, happy birth. t>-roicos, ov, (ev, retcetv) bringing forth easily. eu-roXfxew, f. 770-0;, (evro\/j,os) to be daring. Hence uroX|Aia, 77, courage, boldness. v-ToXp,os, ov, (ev,r6\fJLd) brave-spirited, courageous. \$-TOVOS, ov, (ev, reivoi) well-stretched, well-strung, sinewy, nervous. Hence ur6va>s, Adv. with main strength. V-TOOS, ov, (ev, rogov) with good arrows. u-r6pvUTOS, ov, (ev, Topvevoj) well-rounded. ev-ropvos, ov, well-turned, round. u-rpdiT6os, ov, (ev, rpaire^a) with a good table, hospitable, luxurious, sumptuous. eurpS-rreXCa, 77, wit, liveliness, politeness, Lat. urba- nitas. 2. coarse jesting, ribaldry. From etHrpdircXos, ov, (ev, TpeVo,') easily turning: hence versatile, ingenious, clever. 2. witty, lively, Lat. facetus. 3. tricky, dishonest. u-Tp3T|s, e's, (ev, rpacpijvai) well-grown, thriv- ing. II. act. nourishing. u-rpirf|S, es, (ev, rperrca) ready to turn, prepared, ready. Hence u^rpmco, f. iffa) Att. tew : Pass., pf. rjiiTpetrifffjiai : to make ready, get ready, prepare: to make friendly, conciliate: Pass, to be ready: Med. to get oneself ready. 5, ov, easily turned, changeable. 5, Adv. of evrpeirris, in a state of prepa- ration. u-rp<}>T|S Ep. evrp-, e's, (ev, Tpecpw} well-fed. eu-rpijTOS Ep. 4uTp-, ov, well bored or pierced. eu-TpCcuva, Dor. for -t]S, o, (ev, Tpiaivd) with goodly trident. u-rpiXS, nom. pi. of ev6pi. tu-Tptxos, ov, = ev9pi. eurpo-iria, 77, versatility, Lat. versutia. From ev-rpoiros, ov, (ev, rpeirca') easily turning, versatile. u-rp6xciXos Ep. eiJTp-, ov, (ev, rpe^oj) running well, quick-moving. 2. (ev, rpoxos) well-rounded. eu-rpoxos Ep. i5rp-, ov, (ev, rpoxvs) well-wheeled or well-rounded. II. running easily. etJ-rvKOs, ov, rare poet, form for evrvKros. , ov, (eS, revx, f. 770-0;: in augm. tenses, impf. evrvxovv or IJVT-, aor. I evTvxnoo. or rjvr, etc. : (euru^s) : to be lucky, to he well off, to succeed. 2. of things, to turn out well, prosper : pf. pass, impers., evTvx_r]Tai nvi things have gone well with him. Hence , Ion. for euTU^cos. a-ros, TO, a piece of good luck, success. es, (ev, TVX*W} well-off, successful, lucky, fortunate, prosperous. eviTvxia, 77, (evrvxeoa) success, good luck, prosperity: in plur. successes. euTtJxws Ion. etos, Adv. of evTvxns, with good for- tune, successfully: Comp. evrvxeffrepov, Sup. earara. ev-tJaXos, ov, (ev, uaXos) with or of good glass. v-v8pos, ov, (ev, voojp) well-watered, abounding in water : of a river, with good water : Comp. evvopo- repos. v-vp,vos, ov, celebrated in many hymns. t-V(j>T|s, es, (ev, ixprj) well-woven. cv-ap,ia, \5-(j>a|jLos, Dor. for eixprjfji-. u-dpeTpif]S, ov, 6, Dor. -as, a, (ev, (paperpa) with beautiful quiver. u-6Y'Y i n s **j ( ^, T]|jiea>, f.rjaco, (ev(pij/j.os')to use words of good omen or to abstain from words of ill omen: hence I. to keep silence, to observe a solemn silence; in im- perat. eiKp'/jpet, evT)p,ia, 77, the use of words of good omen or the avoidance of words of bad omen: hence I. solemn silence during religious rites. II. praise, worship: in plur. songs of praise. et5-4>T]|jios, ov, (ev, ^77^177) of good sound or omen, auspicious : of persons, using only words of good omen or avoiding words of ill omen : hence, I. religiously silent. II. interpreting favourably ; I Trpos TO evlXf|S, es, (ev, (piXeoi) well-beloved. II. act. loving well. eu-tX6-7rais, traiSos, 6, 77, (ev, cpiXeca, Trafs) fond of children, or pass, beloved of children. 6<5-4>XKTOS, ov, (ev, (pXeya) easily set on fire. vopo>, f. 770-0), (ev(popos) to bring forth abun- dantly. ev-c|>6pir]TOS, ov, (ev, (popeca} easily borne, tolerable. 6ti-6p|JLi'Y^ tyyos, 6, 77, with beautiful lyre: playing beautifully on it. ev-<}>opos, ov, (ev, (pepca) well or patiently borne. 1. easily worn, convenient, manageable. II. act. bearing well, hence of a breeze, favourable : of the body, sound, healthy. e{i-opTos, ov, well freighted or laden. ev4>6po)s, Adv. of fvopos, patiently, readily. 6upd8ia, 37, (fvpa8r)s) correctness of language. u-4>pa8*r|S, fs, (fv, (ppa^ta) speaking well or elo- quently : Ep. Adv. 6tic}>pa5ccos, in set terms, elo- quently. -j4>pa8iT], fj, poet, for fvpaivco Ep. eu<(>p-: f. fv(ppdvu> Ep. ftxppavfca: aor. I fV(ppdvaEp. fijfpprjva: Pass., f. fv^pavOrjaoftai, but also with f. med. fiKppavovftai in same sense, Ion. 2 sing, fvfpavfai : aor. i fvpaivfTai is rejoiced at seeing. Hence vi-4>pavTic6s, 17, ov, cheering, delightful to. t\j$pr\vai, Ep. aor. I inf. of fixppaivo). u-^povo)v Ep. \j<})p-, participial Adj. (fv, Qpovtoj) well-meaning, well-judging, kindly-disposed. u-(j>p6\nr], TJ, (fixppcav) the kindly time, i. e. night, euphemism for vvg. Hence eu<}>povt8ir)s, ov, 6, son of Night. eupovios, Adv. of fv(f>pojv, with good cheer: gra- ciously. u-<|>popa>v Ep. 4i5c})p-, ov, (fv, tppfy) cheerful, glad- some, merry, light-hearted. 2. act. cheering, mak- ing glad or merry, comforting. II. well-minded, well-disposed, gracious. 6u-<|>tJT|s, fs, (fv, (pvrj) well-grown, shapely, goodly : graceful. 11. of good natural parts : clever, witty ; also of good disposition. Hence ti(J>uta, 17, goodness of shape. 11. goodness of disposition or good natural parts, cleverness. vi-v\Xos, ov, (fv, (pv\\ov') with thick foliage. uuuis, Adv. of fixpvrjs, cleverly: Comp. -vfarfpov. u, f- '*l aca > to be thankful, return thanks : hence to requite. Hence vXapio-Tta, f/, thankfulness, gratitude. 11. a giving of thanks, thanksgiving : the holy Eucharist. eo-xapio-TOS or -ITOS, ov, (fv, x a p' l ^^ ai ^> winning, agreeable, pleasant. II. grateful, thankful, Lat. gratus : Adv., fi/xapiffrous otatcfiaQai irpus rtva to be gratefully disposed towards him. cu-Xtp, fipos, 6, f], ready of land, handy, dexterous. eu-XtpcoTOS, ov, (fv, xf'poai) easy to overcome. 291 , ^, readiness of hand, dexterity, readiness, skill. 2. proneness or inclination for a thing. 3. in bad sense, recklessness. From v-xcpT|s, fs, (fv, X 'P) quick or ready of band, handy, dexterous, expert. 2. in bad sense, reek- less. II. easy to handle or manage, manageable. Hence cuxepws, Adv. readily: recklessly. uxTxos, fos, TO, (fvxofM-i) a thing prayed for, vow, Lat. votum. 2. a votive offering. 11. one's boast or pride. u-xpT)o-TOs, ov, (fv, xpaofJiai) easy to make use of, serviceable. Adv. -TOJS. , f. rjaca, to be of a good complexion. From fs, poet, for fvxpoos, of good complexion. ev-xpoos, ov, contr. -xpovs, ovv, (fv, XP^ a ) f complexion, fresh-looking, healthy : Comp. Tfpos or -ovffTfpos. ov, rich in gold. , ojv, fv \poos. UX vow, Lat. votum. II. boasting : a boast, vaunt, matter of boasting. Hence uxwXtp.aios, a, ov, bound by a vow. i>\J;ap,a9os, ov, with good sands, sandy. ux|;i>x0, f. riSr]S, fs, (fv, oocaoa pf. of oa>) sweet-smelling. Hence eticoSta, 77, a sw/e/ smell, fragrance. 6Ufe>Su>0T]V, aor. I pass, of euo5oo>. u-o>\vos, ov, (fv, wA-ei/T?) fair-armed. eu-covvfjios, oj/,(ev, ovo/j,a] of good name, honourable: of good omen. II. euphemistic for the ill-omened word dpiffTfpos, left,, on the left band or side; e tucavvpov (sub. ^etpos) on the left hand. u-u>ms, toos, fern, of fuo^, fair-eyed or fair-faced. ev-coiros, ov, (eS, <&-) fair to look on, friendly. eu-(i>X0>, f, rjaca, (e5, ex* ) * ^ rec( ^ we//: /o entertain hospitably, feast : Pass., with fut. med. rjaopai, aor. and pf. pass., fvcaxrjdrjv, -rtfiai, to be well entertained, to be regaled, fare sumptuously ; c. ace., /cpect fixaxov make merry on your meat : generally, to relish, enjoy. Hence \>(a\ia,, 77, good cheer, feasting. ev-cavj/, cDvros, 6, T), (cu, w^/) fair-eyed or fair-faced, goodly. a, Dor. 3 sing. impf. of (prjfu. ladv0T)V, Ep. aor. I pass, of -a|3os, 4c|>apu<6s, Dor. for t(pT)&-. l^-aYKTTCvw, f. aoa, (km, cryos) to perform sacred rites over a thing. 4-a-yvi<>, f. urcy Att. iG),to make offerings on a grave. 4>aYOv, aor. 2 of kaOica : see (fxfyfiv. 4>-aipeop,ai, Pass, to be chosen in addition or in succession to another. -4Xios, ov, (Ifft, a\s) = e(/>aAo$. * 4>-d\Ao|jiai, fut. -a\os, ov, (irrt, aAs) on or by the sea. cbaX6co, Dor. for td[jiav [a], Dor. for k^a^v, aor. 2 med. of fyrjfd. (|>-ap.a^vo), (km, a^ta^a) /o c?nW wains over: Ion. pf. part. pass. irr)fj.a^tvfj.fvos traversed by wains. t'cjmp-eptos, --av8dvoj, impf. -aj/oi/, to please, be grateful or wel- come to : Ep. also ImavSavco, impf. (irirjvoavov. 4>dvT]v [a], aor. 2 pass, of (paivu. iv0Tf]v, aor. i pass, of cuVcy. eavro, 3 pi. aor. 2 med. of ^/tt. -dira^, Adv. once for all: at once. 4>-aTrX6o), f. WGOJ, to fold or spread over. -AirTa> Ion. Trd-ap|ji6ci>, f. aco, to fit on or to, to suit, coincide ivith. II. trans, to fit one thing on or to another, to adapt, accommodate. 44>ap)x6apn6fav. e4>ap|j.6crcrei, 3 sing. Ep. aor. I opt. of !ct/),iiocy. -app,6TTyuocw. e4>apap.T]v., cavro, 3 sing, and pi. aor. 2 med. of ty^n'i. (|>-c8pa Ion. eircSpt], f], a sitting at or by : a siege, blockade, Lat. obsessio. ecj)-cBpdo), f. 77(70?, (kiri, I5pa) to sit or res upon. (j>-eSp6ia, 77, a sitting upon. II. a /y/^ m n/af/, Lat. insidiae. From c4>eSpv-eoijiai, fut. -eSov/zai; Dep. : to sit upon. 2. to sit by or near. eT]ica, Ep. aor. I of ttyirjiu. cj>6U]V, rjs, 77, aor. 2 opt. of 44>i|Jivos, pf. pass. part, of !vai, aor. 2 inf. of ^( EicrdfjiT]V, aor. i of (pf eia>, rjs, ]7, Ep. aor. 2 subj. o C-KTOS, OV, (firi, tKTOS) I + = . TO/COS Z-\ieXK-ucrcu [y], aor. I inf. of ((pc\KQ). (j>-\KvcTTUK6s, 77, ov, drawing on, attractive. From -\KCI> Ion. ire\Kco : fut. eei\Kvcra (formed from *l e trailed along the spear (which was stuck in his foot) ; c(p\Krai avSpa aiSrjpos iron draws men after it, i. e. attracts them, tempts them ; tcp.cv, Ep. for (tyeivai, aor. 2 inf. of tyirjpi. -ewvn,i, = more freq. cirifvvvfju. -fjs Ion. ir^TJs poet. l^LT]S, Adv. (firi, tX /" ") zw order, one after another, in a line. II. of Time, successively : thereupon. 4>6ijis, e-iro) : impf. ityfiTrov Ep. etyfTrov Ion. fut. k-T)|3os Dor. ca|3os, ov, (*TTI, 77/377) arrived at : to go after, foil drive on, urge on. 3. to follow a pursuit, busy ' manhood oneself about, manage. 4. to seek out, search, tra- eighteen, vsrse. 5. iroTftov kmffireiv, Qa.va.rov Kal iroTftov kjriOirtiv, OavfiV Kal TTOT/XOJ/ kirtairttv to seek out one's fate or death, bring it on oneself, incur it. II. Med., impf. kfyentup.'qv : fut. etyof*ai : aor. 2 !<>e- (TTTojirjv, inf. kmairtaQai : to follow, pursue : to ac- company, attend upon : to obey, comply with. -pirua>, late form for kfyeprra}. -p7r, f. f^ep'/'cw: aor. I kfyfipwiiffa, inf. - ('formed from kepira>v advancing time. e(J)S, aor. 2 imperat *- J or man's estate, which was, at Athens, Hence e<|>ir]8oo"uvT), 17, the age of an (f>rj0os, manhood. <|>-T]-yeo|A-T|8ojjuu, Pass, to exult over. eT]Ka, aor. I of -T|Kci>, to have arrived at : to extend or reach to. 4<{>-fjXt, IKOS, 6, 17, = f(pr)0os. 4>-T]X6&>, f. uffoj, (km, rj\os) to nail on, nail firmly : to- j"!netaph. in Pass., // is fixed or determined. 4>-rjjjuu, Pass, to sit on, at, or by. 44>T)|Jipia, 17, a daily order or course. From -T||jUpios Dor. c4>a|ji-, ov, also o, ov, (km, ' ' N for or during the day, the whole day through ; (-T|tupos Dor. cd}j,- Aeol. irap,-, ov, (em, fjlJifpa} lasting or living but a day, short-lived. II. daily. <|n]fji.oT|va, aor. I of T}ITTr)s, 2 sing. aor. 2 ot cj>T|cra>, fut. of tyiijpi. (j30aa, Dor. for ZtyOaffa, aor. I of (f>0avaj. 1 4>0apn,cu, pf. pass, of (f>deipoj ; 3 pi. k^aparai. 0aora, aor. I of fyQavo). <|>0Yl aTO 3 sing- aor - * c(j>0apa, aor. I of 7, a suit, in which there was the right of appeal to another court. From e'4>--o-ord}i6vos, Ep. aor. i part. med. (J>-o-Tios Ion. 7rio-Tios, ov, (em, coTta) by one's own hearth or fireside : having a hearth and home : with Verbs of motion, towards home. 2. sitting at or by the hearth, of suppliants; ktyeffTios Sopcov a suppliant inmate of the house. II. of the house or household: hence, kfytanov Ion. kmanov, TO, a household, family ; Oeol ((pecrTioi the household gods, i e0-T)|X4tpT|s, (lirrd, fjfJUfJLfp-fjs} containing seven Lat. Lares or Penates : also of gods, presiding over halves, i. e. 3^: esp. in metre, of three feet and a half, hospitality. as the first 3^ i -6-(TTpCs, iSos, 17, (e(f>fvvvfj.i) an upper garment, wrapper, cloak, mantle. s, for ((peaTTjKws, pf. part, of eT7js, ov, o, (k(pirip.L) a commander. II. of kerjjiT|, 77, (e^/T^/ii) a command, behest. eet>a, aor. I of 6vp6TT|S, ov, u, an inventor, contriver. From 4-vpi(7Ko> Ion. ir- : fut. ku>paTO, 3 sing, plqpf. of teu>pcov, Ion. impf. of ((f>opaco. *$-i]fta,(>>, f. 77*70;, to come to man's estate. ^T)|36ia, 77, (f(f)rjl3(v(a} manhood, man's estate. S, a, ov, (7)0os) youthful. as the first 3^ feet of a Hexameter or Iambic Tri- meter : cf. irevOrjfJUfjifp'fjs. 07jv, aor. 2 of (pOavoj (as if from 0iv, 3 sing. impf. of <}>6i0iTO, 3 sing. Ep. aor. 2 med. of 6iva}. ccj>0opa, pf. med. of 06s, 17, o^, verb. Adj. of fya;, boiled, dressed. v Dor. icr8 : impf. tffff-T]|At, fut. ftyrjffca : aor. I kfyrjKa, Ion. and Ep. t(f>er]Ka. : aor. 2 imperat. &/>, Ep. subj. kdca : there is also a 3 sing. impf. tiei (as if from *l0io>) : /o sir)J3iK6s, 77, ov, Dor. e4>a(3iKos, a, ov, o_/" or for a ktpitvai VOOTOV TIVI to permit one a return. young man : TO (tyrjPiKov the body of youth. From ; to let go, loosen : metaph. to give a rein to : to give 294 up, yield : also intr. (sub. lavroV), to give oneself up to. 2. to permit, allow. III. to put the male to the female, Lat. admittere. IV. as law-term, to refer to a higher judge, to appeal ; cf. eeais. V. Med. -iKvcop.cH Ion. ITT- : fut. f(j>lofiai : aor. 2 elKo- PTJV: pf. (ipiyftai: Dep. : to come w/> to, reach, attain to, c. gen. : of things, to &V exactly : metaph., efyin*- o, vz'szV, c. ace. ; kiriKtaOai (Ion. aor. 2 inf.) fi.aaTi'yi tr\r]yas TOV 'E\\r]airovTov to wszV the Hellespont zw'/ blows. Hence e(j>iKTos, 17, 6v, verb. Adj., easy to reach. C\a0v, CXacra, Dor. for i\aTO, 3 sing. Ep. aor. i med. iXi(]0v, Ep. 3 plur. aor. I pass, of -C[Xpos, ov, (firi, i'fj.epos') longed for, desired : de- lightful, agreeable, [t] c|>t.|ju)0T]v, aor. I pass, of (fiifioa}. <}>-Cirmos, ov, (tiri, i-rnros) of or for a horse or riding: TO ((f>iiririov (gub. arpMjM}, Lat. ephippia, a saddle-cloth, a horse's harness. <{>-nrTros, ov, (Irrt, ZWos) on horseback; K\VOQJV t7T7ros a rushing wave of horses. (j>-tirrajJLat, late form 4cj>-tcrSavo>, 4(j)-io-8(o, Dor. for -io"n]jju Ion. 6TT- : A. Causal in pres., impf., fut., and aor. I eireaTrjaa : to set or place upon : to impose. 2. to set one person over another : to ap- point to an office. 3. ((piffravai TIVI ayuva to found or institute games in honour of a. person. II. to set by or near. III. to c/&ec, ma&e a//. IV. $\aSov, aor. ?. of (pXafa. 6J3ir]0v, Ep. 3 pi. aor. I pass, of , f. , (em, 656s) to visit, go the rounds, patrol: also of an officer who visited yearly at Satrapies of Persia : generally, to superintend, watch over. e(f>-68tct, TO., see l^oSiOS. !<)>oSi.da> Ion. IIT-, f. aoca, to furnish with supplies or stores for a journey : Med. to supply oneself with or receive for one's supplies. From 6<|>-6Sios, ov, (fTrt, 6Sos) q/ or for a journey : as Subst., e-o8os, fj, (7Tt, 6Sos) a way towards, approach : a means of reaching, access. II. an onset, attack. e4>-o8os, o, one who goes the rounds, an inspector. -o8os, ov, (firi, 686s) accessible : Sup. -wraros. l4>oiTT), Dor. 3 sing. impf. of oiTaca. 4>6\Kaiov, T(5, (fo\Kis, 17, (e^eAtfo;) a burdensome appendage. ecfsoXKos, ov, (k-op.apTco, f. rjcroj, to follow close upon. 4>-oirACci>, f. aca : Ep. aor. i inf. topaTiKos, 77, 6v, looking over, watchful of. From -opaco Ion. ir- : impf. fwpwv Ion. 3 sing. ITT- wpa : f. kfioif/ofjiai Ep. emoif/ofjiai : aor. 2 ttrtioov : to look over, oversee, observe. 2. generally to look on, view : Pass., oaov tyf&paTO Trjs vrjaov as much of the island as was in view. 3. to look out for, choose. ope(a, "fj, (ttyopfvai) an overlooking: the office or dignity of fyopos, the ephoralty. 6op6iov, TO, the court of the epbori. From eopev:a>, f. ffca, = ((popaca. II. (e^opos) to be an ephor. 44>opiKos, 17, ov, (c^opos) of or for the ephori. t(|)-6pios, a, ov, (im, opos) o the frontier. -op(j,aivco, to rws^ on. 4>-op[xaco Ion. eir- : f. 170*0; : aor. I -dupfiijaa : to s/z'r w/>, rouse against one, wrg*e o, set in motion. 2. intr. to rs w/>on, attack. II. Pass, and Med., aor. I f(f>a}pfj.T}0afJLr)v and ((fxupn^Oijv : to ie stirred up, roused: to rush furiously on: to hurry, rush for- ward, i. to make a dash at. 4((>-opp.ecd Ion. eir , f. i7-opjjn?|, 77, (lirt, opp-yf) an entrance, access. II. an attempt upon a place, attack. e4>op|ju]06Lev, 3 pi. aor. I opt. pass, oi k6p[AT)cris, eo;s, 17, (ecf)opfj.(oj) the lying at anchor so as to blockade an enemy, a blockade. -opp.i-opiJLOs, ov, (ttri, oppos) at anchor. -opp.os, o, c([)6pfj.r](ns, a blockade. eopos, ov, (f(f>opdw) overseeing. II. as Subst., topos, 6, an overseer, guardian, ruler. 2. at Sparta, ot %-6' oaov, in so far as. pacrd}J.av, Dor. aor. I med. o paa, aor. I of (ppdaaca. 4>pi^a, aor. I of (ppiffGca. ec^pua^a, aor. I of pv^a, aor. I of (ppvyca. 6-vpptjco, f. iffca Att. to), to insult over one, add insult to injury : also in Med. f, aor. 2 of -u8pos Ion. tiT-, ov, (cTTt, i;5a;p) we/, rainy, bring- ing rain. 1. abounding in water. -vp.Vo>, f. 770"cy, to sing or chant after : to chant over. 11. to sing a dirge or mournful strain. 111. to sing of, descant on. =vv, aor. 2 of vcrav. 6-\TTp0, before a vowel -0v, Adv./rom above: above, on atop, over. 'E*T'PA Ion. -pt], 7), Epbyre, old name of Corinth. c4>upv-tjo>, f. vo*cu [v], (Ifft, uo>) to ra/ upon : Pass, to be rained upon, exposed to the rain; pf. part, ftyvapevos. 4>' co, c{>' core, i. e. 6-jrl TOVTCU &-upios, of, (iTrt, &pa) in season, ripe, mature. cxaSov, aor. 2 of x av dvca. cX^ivov, aor. 2 of x a ' ivo} or X^- aor - 2 pass. pass a or. I of x, (lxpovc, (4x t '^ ) P a " / ) 'o 6e sensible or shrewd. Xpo P COV OI/ g en< OI/OS (^X 67 ' < } ) P'Q V ') sensible, shrewd. XTI"0 a Ep. 2 sing. subj. of xa>. x0aipo>, f. Ix^P^'- aor - J tfx0 r lP a: f ut - m povfj.ai in pass, sense: (ex^ s ) : ^ ^a/^, be an enemy to : c. ace. cognato, ex^os ex^ a 'P iV to bear hate : Pass., 6x0aipe00a-t * TWOS to be bated by one. V EX&. 295 , a, ov, verb. Adj. of ( xOaipca, to be bated. Adv., = x$f s > yesterday. , TJ, ov, irreg. Sup. of 4x#pos, formed from Subst. lx^ os ) as tepSiffTos from retpoos : most hated, most hateful : as Subst. one's bitterest enemy. X0">v, ov, gen. of os, irreg. Comp. of cxfyos, formed from Subst. ex#os, as tcfpdicov from Kfpoos : more hated : more hostile. 4x0o8oircco, f. rfcrct), to cause hatred. From 6X0o8oir6s, 17, ov, (ex#os) hateful, hostile. "EX0O5, fos, TO, hate, hatred, enmity, Lat. odium; TIVOS hatred for one. II. a hated object. Ion. f\Qpi(\, 17, hatred, enmity ; e'x^pa TLVOS hatred for one; 6V e'xfyas juoAeff or dtyifceaQai TIVL to become a/ enmity with one. X0paivo>, f. dVa), (ix#pos) to a/e : to 6ea/ enmity with. cx0po-8aip,(ov, of, gen. ovos, (kx^pos, SaifMav) hated of the gods : ill-fated, miserable. ex0po-^vos, ov, (4xfy>os, e'fos) unfriendly to guests, inhospitable. X0pos, a, ov, (fx^os) hated, hateful. 11. act. hating, hostile, at enmity with. 111. as Subst. x6p6s, 6, one's enemy, Lat. inimicus. Besides f^Opj- Tepos, txQpuTaTos, the irreg. Comp. and Sup. tx' icai '* cX&o" TOS , were in common use. y EX6t, to bate : Pass, to be hated, hateful. Only used in pres. and impf. Xt8va, 17, (ex ts ) a vip er , adder. Hence extSvatos, a, ov, of or /z'fo a vz/>er. 'EXTNAI, o>f , at, islands in the Ionian sea, after- wards called 'ExivdSfs. exivees, 01, a kind of mice with rough bristling hair, in Libya. (Deriv. unknown.) T3XTNO2, o, the urchin, hedgehog : also the sea- urchin. 2. the shell of the sea-urchin, often used as ajar : hence, II. like Lat. testa, a jug, pitcher, vase, Lat. echinus. 2. the vase in which the notes of evi- dence were sealed up. III. part of the bit of a bridle, studded over with points to make it severe. "EXITS, tos and fcas, 6, a viper, adder. cxp-a, OTOS, TO, (exp~iwv sup- porting towers. , Dor. for X vffa - , impf. of x oo} ' see X^ }VVV I U ' aor. I of xp a ' iv(a - XP'H ' a aor ' l f XP^ 03 ' XpT|cr0T]v, aor. I pass, of xpdofjia.1. expicra, aor. I of XP i ' cu> Xt0i]v [i/], aor. i pass, of xT(pov. impf. flxov Ep. 296 tgca, or (in the sense of holding} ff\rjaca : pf. Ep. c^awa (in compd. owox&woTe) : aor. 2 imperat. cr^ts, subj. GX&, opt. ffxoirjv, inf. G\eiv Ep. ax inf. to wife : to have in one's house, to entertain : c. ace. loci, to dwell in, inhabit : ev yaarpl %x eiv ( su b. /Spe'^os), to be pregnant, be with child. 3. of a State or Condition ; yrjpas fx fiv * have reached old age, = the simple Verb ^TjpaffKfiv, etc.; so, \v aro- HO.TI exeiv to be always talking of. 4. to imply, infer ; alffxvvrjv ex fiv t imply disgrace. 5. like Lat. teneo, to know, understand, comprehend. II. to hold, keep : to holdfast : to keep with one, retain, detain : to hold tight, grip, grasp, of the hold of wrestlers. 2. to hold up, bear up, sustain: hence to hold out or bear up against, to resist, in which sense Homer uses fut. C\T\G(.(.V an ^ med. axn^^^o-i-- 3- to direct to, aim : to guide, steer : in fut. axh ffoj an< ^ aor. s or /ra- o)s X f i, Lat. bene, male se habet, it is going on well, etc. ; a gen. modi is often added, fv ex iv TWOS to be well off for a thing, abound in it ; KO.XWS %x ftv T *) s HeOrjs to be pretty well off for drink. 2. to be so and so, be; \6yos e'x" the story goes, prevails. 3. to keep one's ground, stand fast or firm. 4. to stand up, jut out, rise, project ; Kioves vif>6a' ex VTes pillars rising high. 5. to point towards, glance at, be directed towards ; fx^P a fx ovffa * s 'A.0rjvaiovs enmity directed towards the Athenians : of Place, to extend, reach unto : also, ex fiv a-P^pi or ircpi n to be about, busy, occupied with. 6. in Att., tx 03 ' s joined with aor. part, of another Verb; fX ova <- for tteitpv 2 P ass - of ifrvx' "E^H : impf. fyov (Ion. tyiav as if from 4^e'o>) : fut. tyriffca: aor. I rf^rjaa: Med., fut. tyrjcrofMi I- Pass., aor. I iji^fiQrjv : pf. jjif/rfpai: to boil, seethe, opp. to birraea : of metals, to smelt, refine : metaph. to cherish, nurse. 0), Ion. for a;, pres. subj. of ei/it sum. oi, contr. for lacy. to), contr. for laot, 3 sing. opt. of t&ca. 4w, dat. of 4os. , Ion. for tD, aor. 2 subj. oftrjfu. i>, gen. and ace. sing, of ecus, the dawn. pY pf. 2 of o'lyvvfjLL, to open. tcpYp-cu, pf. pass, of o'iyvv/j.1. ?o)6a, 4udea, Ion. pf. 2 and plqpf. of eO(a. ?co06v Dp. TJW06V, Adv. (eo}s)from morn, at earliest dawn, at break of day. 00fv6s, 17, o^, (ecus) m ^e morning, early; TO (a9i~ v6v as Adv. ar/y in the morning; If tw&ivov = tcaOev. o>0ovv, impf. of wdfca. ICOKCIV, plqpf. of 0iiea. ccoXo-Kpdo-ta, 6, (ecwAos, Kpaats) a mixture or com- pound of dregs of wine : metaph., ecaXoKpaaiav Trjs irovrjpias KaTaaKfS&aat TWOS to empty the stale dregs of his villany over one. ecoXos, ov, (ys) a day old, kept till the morrow: of food, stale : hence out of date, obsolete. ewXirct, 3 sing, plqpf. of %\irco. 4iop.V, in II. 19. 404, eirei x' fwfJiev iro\ffj.oio, when we have enough of war: commonly considered as aor. 2 subj. of iripi, but sometimes referred to i>*= da), to satiate. u>|jieY, contr. from Idoficv, I pi. of Icicu. <2fJLl (J-OTOS. 297 contr. from (aoiju, I sing. opt. of toco. cSv, Horn, and Ion. for wv, pres. part, of (ipi sum. u>vt]p,(u, a, aor. i of oiyvv/u. pyi, for (vpyet, 3 sing, plqpf. of*pyca. ccopco), collat. form of cuwpe'cu, whence aor. I part, fern., cwprjaaaa Tovftov o/jifja. having raised aloft mine eye. Iwprafov, Icbprao-a, impf. and aor. I, with irreg. augm., of copTafa. ecopro, for ijopro, 3 sing, plqpf. pass, of acipoj. lojpcov, impf. of opdca. o>s, Att. for Ion. jfis, morn. "EH2 Ion. and Ep. cuos Ep. etos: I. as Con- junction, while, so long as, Lat. donee, properly rela- tive to the antec. rtoas Ep. re teas. 2. = Teajs, for a time. 3. till, until, -until such time as. 4. = d>s, ovcas, tva, that, in order that. II. as Adv., ecus ore, Lat. usque dum, till the time when : so too, lews ov ; ecus wore; Lat. quousque f how long f 2. with Advs. of Place, teas Side, teas ecrcy or ecv, up to this point, till within, etc. ecocra, caxrd|j.i]v, aor. i act. and med. of clfle'cu. ecocn,, Ion. for Sxri. 3 pi. pres. subj. of ej/*t sum. iuxri, contr. for edovai, 3 pi. pres. of eacu. ccoo-pai, pf. pass, of uOtca. oo--n-6p, strengthd. for ecus, et/erc wft7. o--<}>6pos, ov, (ecus, , ff s, fr) ; imperat. 77 or f^t ; opt. yr]v ; inf. faeti/ contr. tfjv : impf. l^i/ (as if from C^^t)' e C 7 ?^ ^C 7 ?. but 3 pl. eow : fut. f^aw and faffofiai: aor. I eC^aa: pf. efafca : /o //ve, breathe ; ffiv alive : fjv diro TWOS to live off" or o a thing, cf. aTro&v : c. ace. cognato, TJV 6r)v, jSt'ov. II. metaph. to be in full vigour: to be fresh, strong, efficient: part. uv, as Adj., active, powerful, efficacious. -fe.insepar. enclitic Particle, denoting motion towards a place, f being written for ff8, as, 'AOrjvafa, 0vpae, for 'A^i/acrSe, OvpaaSe. ^eycpies, a Libyan word, a kind of m/ce. ZEIA', 17, z^a, a sort of grain, used as fodder for horses, prob. a coarse wheat, spelt. ei-8o>pos, ov, (fcta, 8a;pfo^at) zea-giving, fruitful. ^eipd,i7, rt w/zWe upper garment, girded about the loins and falling over the feet. (Foreign word.) Zjciio, poet, for fecu, as Trvetcu for rrveoj. 3Jcrtipos, o, Zephyrus, the west wind, or properly the north-west. (From oos, darkness or the West, as Evpos from loss, morn or the East.) ZETl, fut. {taw : aor. I ecaa Ep. ^eo-Q-a : to boil, seethe : generally, to boil up, esp. of hot springs : also simply to be hot, throb with heat; x^ v C ce the earth was hot : metaph. to boil with passion, like Lat. fer- vere. II. trans, to make to boil, heat. (ft, JfiOi, imperat. of Cw. frjXaios, a, ov, (77X05) jealous. i)Xif||Jia}V, ov > g en - ovos, (r)\fs, T), (77X00;) emulation, imitation. JijXtoTqs, ou, o, (77X001) a rival, zealous imita- tor. 2. a zealot. fT)Xo)r6s, 77, ov, (77X^0;) to be emulated, worthy of imitation. 2. enviable, happy, blessed. ir)|jLia, 77, loss, damage, Lat. damnum, opp. to Ktpoos; Qavepa 77/^10; a clear /oss. II. a penal'y, esp. in money, a fine ; Odvarov ^jjfjLiav irponOevat to make death the penalty. (Deriv. uncertain.) Hence T)|ju6a), f. woca, to cause loss to one, do one damage or hurt: to punish; esp. in money, to fine : Pass., with fut. med. fyfj-iuaofjiai or pass. ^r]fj.ioj9r)aoiMii,, aor. I (fafuwOrjv, to be fined. *ZT\V, 6, gen. Z77VOS, pret. for Zeu's, q. v. Zfjvo-SoTTjp, 77/30$, 6, (Zrjv, oiSa}fj,i)=Zr]v6. JTJTCVO), poet, for fyjrtoj. ZHTE'fl, f. 770-0;, to seek, seek for, seek after. 2. to search out, inquire into, examine, investigate : c. inf. to seek to do. 3. to have to seek. Hence t|TT]fJia, OTOS, TO, that ^ubicb is sought: an inquiry, question. < rjTT|O't}xos, ov, (fart o>) to be searched; TO, rjTr)ffi/Jicds, d5os, 77, = oopKas : also 6p, fypteus, 77. op6s, 6v, (6os) dark, dusky, murky, gloomy. ZO'^O5, o, darkness, dusk, gloom : esp. of the nether world : hence the land of darkness, the nether world itself: Homer divides the world into a light and dark side, where 66ci), f. ouoca, to darken : Pass, to be dark. ^ot^-wS-qs, , (66pos, oy, poet, for vyo(p~, bearing the yoke. t>Y l s, a, ov, (vyov) of or for the yoke ; tfyios in- TTOS a draught-horse, wheeler. VYITT]S, ov, 6, (ftryoV) on* o/ the rowers who sat on the second of the three banks or benches, those on the lowest being OaXap.irai, those on the highest OpaviTcu. [t] vyo-Se(T\iLOv, TO, (fryov, Seff/ios) a yoke-band or band for binding the yoke to the pole. tjyo-p.axiv, Ep. gen. of vyov. Cy6co, f. uaoa, (fyyov) to yoke a pair, join together: metaph. to bring under the yoke, subdue, tame. fryco0pib>, to lock up. From , TO, (fry ooj} the bar or bolt of a door. 77, ov, (vyo, f. wo-o;, (C^;) 'o leaven, make to ferment. o>aYpia,a/, Ta, (^cfos, d'7pa) a reward for life saved: also like Opcirr-qpia, a reward for nursing and rearing one, offerings to Aesculapius for recovery from illness. Jtodypios, ov, ((o>os, ay pa) for saving life. cpdpiov, TO, Dim. of $ov, an animalcule, [a]. a>-apKT|s, ts, ({or?}, ap/teca) maintaining life. a>Ypac|>G>, f. 770-0;, (faypcupos} to paint from life. arypa(j>ia, 77, the art of painting, painting. &)Ypac|>iK6s, 77, 6v, skilled in painting. From (o-Ypi<|>os, ov,(({)ov, ypaYpci, o>YpiT6, pres. imperat. of w-Ypco, f. 770-0;, (o;os, dypfvca) to take alive, take prisoner in war, to give quarter to. II. to restore to life and strength, revive. Hence o>Ypic^Ion. -ITJ, T), a taking alive, taking prisoner. coSiaic6s, 77, ov, (cfSiov) of or containing animals; o faoiaKos (sub. KVK\OS} the Zodiac. ^J^Stov, T(5, Dim. of cpov, a small figure, painted or carved. cojj.6v, (oe|jivai, for uciv, inf. of $w*$&Vk a>eo-KOV, Ion. impf. of {ao;. fan) Dor. wa Ion. and poet. OT] Aeol. ota, 77, (ao>) a living, means of living, subsistence, goods, property. II. life. u}-0aXp.ios, ov, (C^t 0aXXo;) giving vigour of life. a>ucos, ?/, ov, (&OV) of or for animals. u>p.a, aTos, TO, (wvvvfu) that which is girded: the girded tunic worn under the armour : the armour girded by the ^caarrjp. II. also = {uvrj, or o>- OT77p, a girdle, belt. o>p.6i;p,a, OTOS, TO, broth, soup. From a)|xevco, f. 0*0;, (fo;/xos) /o boil for broth, seethe. a>p.C8iov, TO, Dim. of ^co/ios, a /zW/e sauce. a>p.6s Dor. S(op.6s, o, (C^) tro/A, so/>, esp. sawc* to eat with other dishes. o>VT], 77, (^wi/yv/tt) a belt, girdle, properly the lower of the two girdles worn by women, the man's belt being faffr-Iip ; wt>(rKTO, Ion. 3 sing. impf. med. of uvvvfu. o)o-Y\v4>os, ov, (faov, yXvcpca) carving animals t as Subst., faoy\vOYOvc&>, f. 770-0;, to produce, propagate ani- mals. II. to preserve alive. From JCOO-YOVOS, ov, (faov, yfivo^ai) producing animals: life-giving. fcdo-Ypdos, ov, poet, for ory-. <)Ov, TO, properly contr. from wfov, a living being, animal, Lat. animal. II. the figure of an animal, but also any figure or image ; o;a ypcupftv or ypi- fyfffdai, for faypacpuv, to paint: and in Herodotus, with a second ace. of the thing painted, as, om ypfyacOai TT)V fcviv rov Eoairtpov to have the pas- sage of the Bosporus painted. 300 a>o-irotW, 770-0;, (faos, troitca) to make alive, quicken. 6pos, ov, (fwos, 0fpoy, (pepoj) bearing animals ; b faotpopos (sub KVK- Aos) = o faoiafcos. Joxx^VTeco, f. 770*0;, to put forth live shoots. From Jcoo-(j>i5TOS, ou, (faos, (pvoj) producing plants. Jco-TTOveco, f. 770-0;, (C, f. 770-0;, to kindle into flame : metaph. to set on fire, provoke. From -iTCpov, TO, (&os, Tfup) a spark, a piece of hot j coal : a match to light a fire with. c0poiroTo>, f. 770-0;, to drink sheer wine. (opo--iroTf|S, ou, o, (fwpds, irivca) drinking sheer ! wine, drunken. copos, ov, sheer, unmixed, of wine without water : ! as Subst. copos (sub. oivos\ 6, or as neut., fapov, \ TO, Lat. merum, sheer wine: Homer uses only Comp., j {capoTepov Ktpaif mix purer wine, i. e. pour in less j water. As the Greeks used to dilute their wine with j water, fapoTepov mveiv came to mean not only to drink purer wine than common, but generally to drink j bard, be a drunkard. (Prob. for (/ucpos from faos.) Jus, neut. dV, gen. os. uom, aor. I med. imperat. of tyvvvpi. Jtoo-nrjp, 77005, 6, (&wu/*i) the warrior's belt or baldric, which secured the body-armour, favrj being the woman's girdle : but later, any belt or girdle. Juxrrpov, TO, (favvvpi) a belt, girdle. Jwfticos, 77, 6v, (dca) of or for life. II. full of life, lively, vivid, Lat. vivax : of works of art, true \ to life; TO ^CJTLKOV v4>LOv, TO, Dim. of tiTOS, ov, (Caws, (pvca} producing plants, fruitful. ua>, Ep. and Ion. for do;, to live. H fj, TJ, iqTa, TO, indecl., seventh letter of the Greek alphabet ; as numeral 77' OKTOJ and 07800$, but t rj = 8000. The uncial form of Eta (H) was a double 3, an d prob. it was so pronounced, as S^Aos, C^Aos, from SecAos, ^'cAos. The old alphabet had only one ' sign (6) for the sound of e both long and short, till the long vowel 77, with (a, was introduced from the Samian into the Athenian alphabet in the archonship of Euclides (B. C. 403) together with ta, , ip. The sign H, before it represented long f, was used for the rough breathing, as HO2 for os, which usage remains in the Latin H. When the same H became a vowel, it was divided, so that F represented the rough -I the smooth breathing, whence came the present signs for i the breathings. 77 was most in use among the Ion. ; in the Attic dialect, it often passed into a, as Ion. Trprjaaa}, Oaprjg are in Att. irpdcrffoa, Qwpag. In later Att., ci and 77? were not seldom changed into 77, e. g. K\ei<9pov KXrfipov, NrjprjiScs NTypjjSes. r\ poet. ifje, Conjunction with three chief signfs., dis- junctive, interrogative, comparative: I. 77 DISJUNCT- IVE, or, Lat. aut ; and doubled, r/ . . , 77 . . , either . . , or. . , Lat. aut . . , aut ... II. 77 INTERROGATIVE : in indirect questions in a subjoined clause, dirt 77 . . say whefher . . ; and doubled 77 . . , tf . . , whether . . , or . .? Lat. utrum .. . an . .? 2. also with direct ques- tions, like Lat. an; TITTT c!\r)\ovdas ; 3) tva vftpiv 'tor) 'Aya/jiefjivovos ; why hast thou come ? is it that thou may'st see . . ? III. 77 COMPARATIVE, than, as, like Lat. quam, after a Comp. Adj. : also after positive Adjs. which have a comp. force, d'AAo TI 77 . . , some other thing than . . ; evdvTtos 77 . . , con- trariwise than . . ; ovo' oaov 77 . . , not so much as . . ; so after Verbs, ^SovAo^tat 77 . . to wish rather than . . ; (fiQdva ij . . to come sooner than ... 2. 77 some- times joins two Comparatives, when they both refer to the same subject; TTCLVTZS K dprjaataT fXcuppoTfpoi TToSas eti/at, 77 dtpvetoTtpoi all would then pray to be light of foot rather than rich ; Ta^vTepa 77 o~o(puTepa more quickly than wisely. [When 77 ou, T) ou# come together in a verse, the two words coalesce into one syll. : so too /XT) ou.] 4), an exclamation, to call one's attention to a thing; 77, 77, ffiuira what ho, be silent ! fj, Adv., with two signfs., strengthening and ques- tioning : I. TO STRENGTHEN or CONFIRM, in truth, truly, verily, of a surety ; ^ P-ty, Ion. ^ pev, intro- duces the very words of an oath, to give greater so- lemnity. II. in INTERROG. sentences, = Lat. num ? sometimes it may be rendered, what ? pray ? or can it be? T^ ou . . ; Lat. nonne . . ? , for e(p7), 3 sing. impf. of T//U. , for r\v, i sing. impf. of dp.1 sum. , 3 sing. pres. subj. of dfu sum. , fern, of Artie. 6. , fern, of relat. Pron. o*, 77, o, who, what? , dat. fern, of possess. Pron. os, 77, ov, his, her. dat. sing. fern, of relat. Pron. 6s, 77, o : also used adverbially: I. of Place, which way, -where, whi- ther, in or at what place. 1. of Manner, how, as ; y Oe/jiis fffTi, as is lawful and right. 3. joined with Sup., 77 fjid\iffTa or 77 SvvaTov f^d\tOTO, as much, as far as possible ; 77 Ta^to-Ta as quick as possible. TJa, TJev, Ep. for jjv, I and 3 sing. impf. of cl/ju sum. i^a, contr. of jji'a, for rjftv, Ep. impf. of eT/ ibo. r\aro, Ion. for ^TO, 3 pi. impf. of r][J.ai. rjpaios, a, ov, Ion. for /3euo*, little, small, poor, slight : mostly with a negat., ov of Zvi Qpevfs, ouS' 7//3atcu no sense is in him, no, not the slightest : in neut. as Adv., ovo' rjftaiov not in the least, not in the slightest degree; without a negat., ri&a.ibv dirb ffVfiovt a little from the cave. f||3dcrKa>, Inceptive of 77/800;, to come to mans estate, come to one's strength, Lat. pubescere. Tjpdco, f. 770x0 : aor. i ijfyaa : pf. r/Prjfca : (77)877) : to be at man's estate, to be in the flower or prime of youth, Lat. pubescere ; dvrjp paXa 77/80)1' a man in the full vigour of youth ; so of plants, r)/iepts fjftwcaaa a young, luxuriant vine. II. metaph. to be young, fresh, vigorous : also to be full of youthful joy, to be full of passion. "HBH, 77, man's estate, manhood, youth, Lat. puber- tas ; also the strength and freshness of youth : as a legal term 77/877 was the time just before manhood, at Sparta fixed at 18, so that ol 8(Ka dcp' ijPrjs were men of 28, ot TfTTapaKovra d(p' rjf$r)s men of 58. 2. metaph. freshness, vigour, youthful passion, fire, spirit. 3. a body of youth, the youth, Lat.juven- tus. II. as fern. prop. n. "K0TJ, Hebe, wife of Hercules, cup-bearer of the gods. Hence ?iPif]B6v, Adv. in the manner of youth. 2. iravrts fj^TjOov all from the youth upwards. f|j3T]TT|p, fjpos, o, -f|pifjTT|S, ov, 6, (i)ftaTiv, Att. opt. of 7)/3ao;. f)|3aijjii Ep. Yj|3cl)ouji.t, opt. of 77/800;. Tjj3wo)V, Ti{3a>coo-a, Ep. part, of 77,800;. T|Ydacr0, -rj-Yajiifjv, v. sub aya/iai. TjY a Y v 1 QY a YF l ' l l v ' aor - 2 act - an d me< l. of dyca. TjYaOcos, 77, ov, (dyav, 6eus) hallowed, most holy. rj'yavov, TO, Ion. for r^yavov. , Dor. for t]ya.Trojv, impf. of 0.707700;. , 3 sing. aor. I of dydo^ai. aor. I of dyy(\\ct). - act - an d pass, , aor. I act. and pass, of (fyvau. , impf. of eyyvaoj. , aor. I of dydpw. TO, (rj'y(fjiovevQJ) a leading : a leader. ^S, gen. tojs Ep. T?OS, 6, poet, for ^yf^wv. t)a), f. aca, (fjyffj.wv) to go before : to lead the way, guide on the way. II. to lead in war, to rule, command, c. gen. pers. : absol. to be ruler. TiY 6 J JLOV ^ a ^ (r/Yf/^oV) a leading the way, going first. II. chief command, sovereignty : the su- premacy of one state over a number of subordinates ; ^ye^ovia TTJS 'EAAaSos the supremacy of Greece. T|Yp.oviKos, 77, 6v, (rjyffjiwv) fit for guiding, ready to guide. II. fit for rommanding, chief, leading, Lat. princeps. TIY^JIOVIOS, o, ov, (^-ye/ioV) of or belonging to a guide : 6 -fjyefjiovios, name of Hermes, as the guide of departed souls. 301 , 77, ov, belonging to a leader : ra 7)76- (sub. If pa), thank-offerings for safe-conduct. , ovos, o, a leader, Lat. dux : I. a guide to shew one the way, rfrc/uwi/ 65ov ; generally, one ! who does a thing first, Lat. princeps, auctor ; Tjyefii&v yiyveoOai rtvi to be one's guide or authority. 2. the leader of an army, a commander, captain, chief. From | T\yeo[nai, f. 77777, to be ga- thered together, only in 3 pi. pres. and impf. rjyfpe- Qovrai, -fjyfpedovTO. TjYpOp,ai, Ep. form of dyeipofiai Pass., to gather, come together, only in pres. inf. -qyepffaOai. i]Y P^ V Ep. 3 pi. aor. I pass, of dyeipo}. i\y-f]\Q.^<>), Ep. form of fjyeopai, to guide; also, like Lat. agere , KUKOV fjiopov jjyrjhdfav to lead a wretched life. i]Y'nH' a| 'j pf- f 777o/u. f] YT]Tov, verb. Adj. of fjytonai,one must lead. II. one must suppose. yiTT^P' W os > > ^Y 1 ! 1 ^ 5 . v> o, TjYTlTwp, opos, o, (?77o/uat) a leader, guide. 2. a leader, com- mander, chief; rjyrjTopes 7}5e ftcSovrts chiefs in field and council. ' pf. part. pass, of 07*0^0;. , impf. of d^yti/eo;. crd|xir]V, T|Y K ^ lo "H a or. I impf. of 070;. qYpaao-06, -OO>VTO, Ep. lengthd. for f/yopdoOc, -WVTO, 2 and 3 pf. impf. of dyopdo^uu. -riyop&o-a, pf. and aor. I o , T|YopV. aor. I of dypvn vt vto 'F wu aor - f- P ass< Y|-Se, (77, 5e) awa* : if Kai follows ^5c, it takes the sense also, e. g. rj8e Kai and also. II. when it answers to -fj^v it means, as also. TjSc, fern, of ode. TjSea, Ion. resolved form of 77877, plqpf. of *6?8a;. flSeiv, cis, ft, plqpf. (with impf. sense) of *t8cu: 3 pi. ijoeiaav or T^Seorai/. gSeo-dn/qv, aor. I of cu'Sto/im. q8cr0T)v, aor. I pass, of fffOica. r]8aad) sweet-tongued. T)8v-Yva>(Jia>v, ov, gen. oj'os, (778^8, 'yva/^) of plea- sant mind, of kindly sentiments. T)8v-Trf|s, fs, (778^5, C'TTOS) sweet-speaking : sweet- sounding : poet. fern. TjSvtircta. Yj8t)-0poos, ov, contr. -0povs, ow, (r)8vs, Op6o$) sweet-strained. Tj8ti-\T]iTTOS, ov, (^8vs, \a{j.@dvcu) taken with pleasure. fjSti-AoYos, ov, (i)0v$, \fyca) sweet-speaking : flat- tering, fawning. TjSv-XvpTjs, ou, 6, (778^5, \vpa) singing sweetly to the lyre. f|8t;-p,XT|S, e's, (7781;$, //cAos) sweet-singing. i]8i5-p,Xi-<})00YYos, ov, (7781;$, /^eXi, (pOoyyos) with honey-sweet voice. , e's, (7781^5, fjurfvai) sweetly-mixed. f|8i)|jios, ov, poet, for 7)8vs, 'sweet, pleasant. T|8vv : aor. I ^bvva : (778^5) : to sweeten, season. f|8v-oivos, ov, (7781;$, olvos) producing sweet wine. Tj8voA(s) dear to the people. T|8v"7r6TT)S, ou, (T^SUS, TrtVco) fond of drinking. TjSv-iroTOs, ov, (fjOvs, Ttivoj) sweet to drink. f|8vs, JjOfia, fjQv ; Ion. fern. T^Se'a Dor. aSea ; Dor. ace. sing. dSca, for fjSuv: Comp. 77810^, Sup. T^SIOTOS: later, also, "fjovrtpos, fjOiiraros : (7780/^01) : sweet to the taste, smell, or hearing : metaph. sweet, plea- sant. II. of persons, pleasant, welcome, dear, glad. TJ8vp.fiTOS, ov, (7781;$, aayxa) of sweet form. T|8v-<|>aT|s, es, (7781/8, 0dos) sweetly-shining. f|8v-<|>pcov, Tis. v\fv, Ep. 3 sing. impf. of ct/u sum. f|-irp, poet, for TJircp. T|pa, Ion. and Ep. ace. of drjp. '(\tptQo\Lai, lengthd. form of deipo/jLai Pass., to hang floating or waving in the air: metaph., oTr\OTpuv pfves Tjfpedovrai young men's minds are flighty. T|ep0T|v, aor. j pass, of deipca. iqcpi, Ion. and Ep. dat. of 01770. qepios, a, ov, Ep. for dtptos (drjp) early, at morn, at day-break, when all things are yet wrapt in mist (drjp). 2. high in air. 7]epp,ai, pf. pass, of dfipo). T|epo-8iVT]S, s, (ci77p, Siveoj) wheeling in mid-air, [f] TJcpo-eiSrjs, cs, Ion. and Ep. for dcp-, (drjp, elSos) of cloudy look, clouded, dark, murky : cloud-capped, of hills : dim, gray. fjepoeis, cffoa, cv, Ion. and Ep. for dep-, (drjp} clouded, dark, murky. T|p606v, Adv., Ion. and Ep. for dcp-, (dr)p)from air. rjtpos, Ion. and Ep. gen. of drjp. rjpo-{j)oiTis, LOOS, T), fern. Adj. (drjp, (poirdca) walk- ing in darkness. T|p6-4>o>vos, ov, (dr/p, , to sift or strain. TJ01KOS, 77, vv, (fjOos} of or for morals, ethical, moral, opp. to intellectual (oiavorjnicus'). II. expressive of moral character. r\Q\t]Ka, r\Q\j]a-a, pf. and aor. I of dOXecu. Ti0fios, o, (rjOea}} a strainer. ?j0os, 6os, TO, (4'0os) an accustomed place : hence in plur. rjQta, seats, haunts, abodes, first, of beasts, but afterwards of men. II. custom, usage, habit: in pi., like Lat. mores, the disposition, temper, character. rfiov, imp. of aiOca. TJ0poura, aor. I of dOpoifa. T|0pour0i]v, TJ0poio-p.au, aor. I and pf.pass.ofd0poia>. 4ya contr. TJO., rd, (rj'ia, contr. 770, impf. of fTpi ibo} provisions for a journey, Lat. viaticum : generally, food, meat. II. chaff, husks, [i] Tji'a, Ion. for. rjfiv, impf. of ef/ut ibo : 3 sing, ij'if, 3 pi. i'jiov or rj'ioav. T|'i06os Att. contr. rjOeos, o, a youth come to man- hood, but not yet married, a bachelor, answering to the fern. irapOtvos: rarely in fem. fy'Otr], a young girl. TJIKTO, 3 sing. Ep. plqpf. of coi/ra (as if from tjiyf^r} v}. fji'jja, aor. I of diffaaj. T|iois, 6o-aa, f v, (7,'iwv) with high, steep banks. r\'iov, Ep. 3 pi. impf. of dpi ibo. TJ'tos, 6, epith. of Phoebus, from the cry 77, 77. T]i'orav, Ep. for rjfaav, 3 pi. impf. of ?/ut ibo. TJtCTKOV, impf. of (IffKOJ. f]icro - ov, impf. of dtaaoj. f|iX0Tlv, aor. i pass, of cdaaoi. r HI II 'N Att. TJWV Dor. (li'cov, 6vos, fj, a sea-bank, the shore, beach : also a river-bank, [t] TJICOV, ovos, T), (dtcu) a hearing, report. CLTO. 303 S HKA, Adv. of Sound, low, tranquilly. II. of Motion, slightly, a little : softly, gently. III. of Sight, smoothly, sleekly, [a] TJKO,, aor. I of irjfu. rjx:aov, Att. impf. of eludfa. T|Kaipela06, 2 pi. impf. of dKatpfOfiai. TJKdo-0Tr)v, Att. aor. i act. and med. of , Att. pf. pass, of tiKafa. 3 sing. aor. 2 of d^ca. r\Ki(ra.TO, 3 sing. aor. I of d/feo/icu. Tj-Ko-TOs, 77, ov, for d-KfffTos, (a prlvat., unloaded : free from labour. qKT|, 77, Ion. for dfcrf, duojKrj. n'-cio-djnjv, aor. I med. of ai/cifa. TJKICT0TIV, -r[icL(Tp,at, aor. I and pf. pass. I]KIO-TOS, 77, ov, Sup. Adj. from the Adv. ijfca, gent- lest, slowest. ?]Kurros, 77, ov, Sup. of Comp. jjaffcav, the worst, least, poorest, meanest : Adv. tjtciffTa, least (KCIKUS or /ut- Kpos is used as positive). TJK|o.ci(Ta, aor. I of d>efj.daj. TjKoXovOTjo-a, aor. I of d/coXovdta}. Y|KovTto-a, aor. I of dKovrifa. Tj-Kov, Ion. and Dor. for ^trov. JJKOvo'a, aor. I of dttova>. TjKOvcrjjiai, pf. pass, of aKovca. iqKpocojjujv, T|Kpoao-dfjiTjv, impf. and aor. I of dxpo- dop,ai. TjKpwTTjpuao-a, TjKptoTTjpiao-jJiau, aor. I act. and pf. pass, of dfepa}TT]pidfa. "HKX1, impf. ?JKOV: fut. 77^0;: properly 7 have come, am here, Lat. adsum ; the impf. taking a plqpf. sense, 7 had come, was here, Lat. aderam : then loosely to come. II. to have come to, reached a point ; ets TOUTO roXprjs ij/ceiv to have reached this pitch of au- dacity. 2. with gen. and an Adv., cv r\Ktiv TIVL.S to be well off for a thing, "have plenty of it. 3. to have come to, to relate or belong to. f|Xd07]V [o], aor. I pass, of eXavvca. fjXaivo), Ion. and poet, for dXatvoa, (dXdo/uat) to wan- der, stray : to wander in mind, be mad. r\\&Kdira, cav, rd, the wool on the distaff. f|XSK, Ep. form of oAdo/uat, aAcuV0i)v, aor. I act. and pass, of dXfiST|s, *s, (ijXeKTpov, 0dos) amber-gleaming. f|XKTp, opos, 6, the beaming sun: as Adj., ^Aera;p 'firfpiojv beaming Hyperion. (Deriv. uncertain.) TjXcos, 17, ov, (^Aos) wandering in mind, distracted, crazed. II. act. distracting, crazing. f|XfiaTOS Dor. dX-, ov, (77 Aeos, j^Aos) distraught, silly, trifling, vain. TJXeera, aor. I of dAy, to grind. qXevaro, Ep. for fjXfvaaro, 3 sing. aor. I med. of a\vofuii = dXfOfMi. f|Xif|XavTO, 3 pi. plqpf. pass, of e\avv, = TjXLOO}, (jj\ios) to warm in the sun. II. Med. fjXid&fjiai, to sit in the court 'HXiala. YjXiaCa, 17, (a\r)s, dAta) at Athens a hall in which the chief law-court was held : the Heliaea or supreme law-court. T|Xidei, Dor. 2 sing. fut. of ^Xidfrfjiai. f|XiacrTT|S, ov, 6, (?)Atdb/^at) a juryman in the court Heliaea, a Heliast. Hence fjXtao-TiKos, 17, ov, of or belonging to a Heliast. qXipaTOS, ov, steep, abrupt, precipitous : high, huge, enormous. II. like Lat. altus, deep, profound. (Deriv. uncertain.) TJXl0a, Adv. (aAts) enough, sufficiently : abundantly. T|Xl0ida>, to speak or act idly, foolishly. From qXiOios Dor. dXi0-, a,ov,(i)X6s, ^Aeos) idle, trifling, vain, foolish, silly. Adv. -taw. Hence T|Xi9i6(D, f. &0) sun-burnt. TjXi,o-KeLir|S, S, (fjAios, /caw, cuov, the land of darkness or West ; so also Herodotus opposes Trpos j r ?j& Tf Kal ijAj'ov dvaroXas to Trpos fcrireprjv. 2. day, like Lat. sol. 3. of ^Atot the sun-beams, like Lat. soles. II. as prop. n. Helios, the sun-god, who after the time of Aeschylus was identified with Apollo or Phoebus. qXio-orepTis, cs, (^Aios, ffTCp(ca) shading from the sun. ?|Xio-crTlf3T|s, fs, (ij\ios, o-Ti/3efj/) sun-trodden, ex- posed to the sun. fjXioto, f. waoj, (^Atos) to warm in the sun : Pass, to bask in the sun, be lighted and heated by the sun. TJXt}. fjXtTOv, aor. 2 of dXiraivca. iqXiTO-epYos, ov, (dXiraivca^pjov) missing the work, failing in one's end or aim. T|XtT6-|Ji7]vos, ov, (dAtTcuVcy, (J.r]v*) missing the right month, untimely born. T|XiT]v [{"], aor. 2 pass, of dAet^cy. ^HAPP, TTTOS, 6, said to be a Dorian shoe. f|Aoyr) [C], T), (i^Auf) shadow, darkness: metaph., S'IKTJS fiXv'yr] the darkness or obscurity of a law-suit. fjXtiOov, Ep. for -qXQov, aor. 2 of HpxofAai. rjXv^, vfos, 6, darkness, only found in compd. eirfj (Formed from Xvyij, with a prefix.) i]Xva, aor. I of dXvOKca. 'HXiiavTOS, ov, (fjfitpa, (paivofiai} appearing by day. f]p,epo-<|>vXa, afcos,6,(^fj.pa, v\ag) watching by day. f|fjip6-a>vos, ov, (fiptpa, (pcavecu) epith. of the cock, herald of day. f]p.epoa>, f. aero), (jjjjLfpos) to tame, make tame, re- claim : of trees, to cultivate. 2. metaph. of men, to soothe, conciliate : also to tame by conquest, subdue. Tjfj.es, Dor. inf. of clfj.i sum. f|p,T6ptos, a, ov, = 'fjfj.edairos. f|p,eT6pos, a, ov, (rjpfts) our, Lat. noster; ets jjiifTf- pov (sub. 8o)fia) to our bouse. f|p,a)v, Ion. and Ep. gen. pi. of eyw. ijjjujv, rare Att. form for fjv, impf. of clfit sum. TJfjLTjv, impf. offjfuu. f\\iL, the same as 0os, ov, (?7/-, eif>ca) half-boiled, half-cooked. fjjjit-0aXif|s, es, (Jim-, Oa\ftv) half-green. Y|p.i-0avr|S, fs, (f)iu-, OavfTv) half-dead. f|ju-0os Dor. d[A-, o, half a god, demigod. Tjfjii0vif|s, ?7Tos, 6, rj, (fjfjii-, OavfTv} half-dead. f||At-0pauo-TOs, ov, (rft^t-, Opavca) half-broken. TjjiC-Kaxos, ov, a rogue by halves, half a villain. Tjjjti-KXT|piov, TO, (fjiu-, K\r)pos) half the inheritance. f|(jiC-Kpaipa, 77, half the head or face. Y|p.L-XTTTOs, ov, (fjiM-, XfTTOj) half-peeled, half- hatched. TjjjLt-XeuKOS, ov, half-white. Y||juXXT|0T)v, i]UL\\7]|jLai, aor. I and pf. of d/ztAAdo/im. ?jM,i-jjLavT|s, fs, (^/*t-, ftai/T^vat) half-mad. T|p.i-jjiapavTOS, ov, (>)/^t-, ywapati'o/iat) half-withered or faded, [a] ?|}AU-|X0T|S, fs, (r)iu-, UtOr]) half-drunk. vjjjiL-[jivaios, a, ov, (^A f^vcf) of, amounting to a half-mina : fuJLiiwaiov, TO, as Subst. a half-mina. TJJJUV or T||xtv, dat. pi. of 70;. fjfit-^Tjpos, ov, half-dry. ?]}iioXia (vavs}, rj, a light ship with one and a half bank of oars. Fern, from f]p,i-6Xios, a, ov, (17/^1-, o\os) one and a half, half as much again ; r)[u6\iai TOV TOTC K&OfffTUTos peTpov half as large again as the customary size ; rjiuoXiov ov irpjTepov %v half the ships; ao also, ijfuavs \6yos half the tale ; ijfuav Tfixos half the wall ; neut. sing. TJftiffv as Subst. a half, half, THJUGV Tifj.rjs. Tjp,t-Ta\avTOv, TO, a half-talent, as a weight ; rplrov f)luTa\avTOV two talents and a half(d. Lat. sestertius); but, Tpia 17 fjLnaXavTO. three half-talents. 7]p,iT\ia, 17, (^treXiJs) a remission of half . fjiAt-TeXecrTOS, ov, (?7)Wi-, TeAea;) half-finished. T||xl-TeXTjs, s, (fip-i-, TcXos) half finished, half- accomplished, half-perfect; 5o/ios ^/LttTeAi^s a house but half complete, i. e. wanting its master. T)H,I-TC>H,OS, ov, (TIIJI.I-, Ttpfiv) half cut through : cut in two : TO rjn'iTOfJiov a half. f|p,iTv|3tov, TO, a strong linen cloth, towel, napkin. (Prob. an Egypt, word.) i]p,i-di?|S, fs, (fip-i-, aos) half-shining. qp,i-AXaKpos, ov, half-bald. ?j|ju-a'uXos, ov, half-knavish. f||jii-4>XKTOS, ov, (fip.1-, (pXfyca) half-burnt. f]}U{3oXiaios, a, ov, worth half an obol. From Tjfju-a>p6Xuov or -poXov, TO, (fiiJ.i-, ojScAos) a half-obol. T|jjLt-a)ptov, TO, (rjfjn, wpa) a half-hour. TJ^JUU, pf. paSS. Of CtTTTCU. TJJJIOS Dor. a|JLO5, poet. Adv., relat. to TT/^OS as oVe to TOTC : when, while, so long as. fujLirecrxojjnjv, aor. 2 med. of ajj.irf\ct}. i ]fxos, rj, ov, Aeol. dp.6s, for ^/iteTfpos. T]}AOVV, impf. Of f}JLfO}. Tjp,ire8ovv, impf. of !/X7re8ocy. TUJLiroXTjKa, -T]. T]jjLirXaKov, aor. 2 of d.fj,irXa.Kio~K(a. r\\J(.vva, aor. I of afjLvvo). Tuxtje(rj3T|TOvv or T|p.4>ur-, impf. o iqp.o-pTiTT]ora or T[p,io--, aor. I of ri\i^icra., aor. I of d/x^ucWuyut. T|(jLieo-jxai, pf. pass, of dfjifpievvvfu. Tifjicov, contr. impf. of dp-dca. Tijxcov, ovos, 6, (ITJUI) a thrower, darter, slinger. r\v, contr. from Idi/, conditional Conj., always fol- lowed by Subj. if, in case that ; r/v pr) utiless : in in- direct questions, if, whether. 307 f\v, Interject, see ! see there ! Lat. en t r\v, I and 3 sing. impf. of efyu sum. fjv, impf. of r'jfjLL = cra, TjvaXcoKa, later forms for dz/ccA-, aor. I and pf. of dvaXiaKa). nvapov, aor. 2 of evalpu, T]v8avc, 3 sing. impf. of dvSdvo). T|vSpair68ura, -Co-0T]v, -tcrp.au, v. dvSpairoSifa. Y|vavTua)0ir]v, -tojjtat, aor. I and pf. pass, of fvavrtuo}. T|vapicr0T)v, -ucrp.au, aor. I and pf. pass, of evapifa. r\veyKa, aor. I of (ptpcu. fjv6YKOv, aor. 2 of . f)V6TO, 3 sing. impf. pass, of avca. TjvX0i]v, aor. I pass, o T|vp-ya, A .t. pf. fjvTjLiau, pf. pass, of aiveco. r|vir]vd(jn)v, aor. I of dvaivoftai. TjVTjcra, aor. i of alveoj. T|v0icrp.vos, pf. part. pass, of dvdifa. T]v0op,S, Dor. I pi. aor. 2 of fpxofuu. JjvOov, Dor. aor. 2 T|v0paKcop.(U, pf. o TJVI, Interject., = ijv, cf. 7yj/i8c. T]via, 3 sing. impf. of dvidca. qvia, icav, rd, the reins : Homer uses this neut. form only, and always in plur. : cf. ijvia, 5). 'HNI'A, 77, a bridle, a rein : metaph., -^aXdoat rds i,vias TOIS \6yois to give a free rein to one's words, Lat. immittere babenas. II. any leathern thong, a shoe-string. Jiai, pf. pass, of aiviaoo(j.a.i. e, Interject., (r\v, ?Sc) see I see there ! fjvtKa, Adv., relat. to rrjv'uca or ror^viKa, when, at which time, at the time when ; c. optat. whenever. n'v^djjnjv, aor. I of cuVtWo^cu. fjvioiTotciov, TO, a saddler's shop. From fjvio-rroios, 6, (-fjvia, iroifca) a bridle-maker, saddler. fjvtocTTpoCj, f. rjaoj, to guide by reins, to drive. From ijvio-crTp6os, ov, (ty'ia, arpftpca) guiding by reins : as Subst. a charioteer. fivi-oxciJS, ecus Ion. 7705, poet, for fjvioxos. Tjvi-cXtico and -o, to be charioteer, hold the reins, drive. II. to bridle, govern, control. From f|vi-oxos, o, (fyia, exw) holding the reins, a driver, charioteer, who drove while the warrior fought. 2. metaph. one who guides or controls. qvCiraTre, 3 sing. aor. 2 of kviirrca. ?jvis, tos, T), nom. pi. tfvls, (Iros) a year old, yearling. [ace. T^vti'.] nvixOrjv, aor. I pass, of aiviffaopai. T]vov, impf. of avu. Tjvopca Ep. and Ion. -TJ, 77, (a.vrjp') manhood. TJVOIJ;, OTTOS, 6, 77, in Horn, always in phrase, ijvo-m Xa\Ky with glittering, flashing brass. (Deriv. un- certain.) f|VTe{36X'r]O'a, aor. I of dvTi@o\ta}. T]VTOV, Ion. impf. of avrdca. Tivriajov, TjVTtScro, impf. and aor. i of dvndfa. T|VT\T)Ku>s, pf. part, "MVTO, 3 pi. impf. of rtvvKa, r\ vvcrjji.au, pf. act. and pass, of dvvca, di/tra. T]vvcrTpov, r6,(o.vii(ti) thefourth stomach of ruminating animals, in which the digestion was completed. 4]vt5TO, 3 sing. impf. pass, of aw pi. T|vo>Y6CU, Ion. plqpf. of dvcaya. T|vwY etv P^qpf- (with impf. sense) of dvarfa. T|vwp0ovv, impf. of dvopOuoj. T|va>xXirjKa, T|Vo)xXT)cra, pf. and aor. I of kvo\\ica. T|va>xXow, -otiLnjv, impf. act. and pass, of ei/ox^e'cy. f||a, aor. I both of ofyy to lead, and dyvvfjn to break. jja, aor. I of aaaca (contr. from aiaata). fj^ets, TJ^W, Dor. for ^ets, TJQ}, fut. of ^KOI. Tj|uo>Liau, pf. pass, of dic/*/za- -)(ia alliance with a military power, opp. to vavrtfcr) ^vfjLfjja\ia. II. of or on the mainland of Asia, Asiatic. TJiripamic6s, 17, ov, (fjirfipuTTjs) of or for the inha- bitants of the mainland, continental. n-Trcp poet. tie-Trap, Conj. (77, rrcp) than, than even. Tj-irap, Adv., properly dat. of offirep, in the same way \ as, just as. fj-Trepoiravs, gen. fcas Ion. f}os, o, = fjirfpoiTfVT'fjs. T|TrpOTrVTT|S, ov, 6, a cheat, deceiver. From f|TrpOTT6ta>, f. ap,K]v, impf. of dpdopai. T|pa>ov, TO, the temple or shrine of a hero: neut. from ?)pa>os, a, ov, contr. of rjpwios, of or /or heroes, heroic : 6 rjp$os (sub. pvQ fj.6s~), the heroic measure, hexameter. From rjpcos, o: gen. fipcuos Att. ijpca: dat. tfpoji contr. ?;pa contr. fjpcu : pi. nom. and ace. r/pcues, rarely contr. ^pcus : a hero : in Homer not restricted to warriors, but applied to all free men of that age, as to the minstrel, the herald, the leech, etc. II. Hesiod makes the Heroes the Fourth Age of men, who fell before Thebes and Troy, and superior to the pre- sent race. III. Pindar represents them as a race between gods and men, demigods, rjfiiOfoi, whether those born of one divine parent, as Hercules or Aenaeas, or those who, like Theseus, had done great service to mankind. IV. the heroes were in later times inferior local deities, patrons of tribes, cities, etc.; as at Athens, the tfpojfs firuvv^oi were the heroes after whom the ten v\ai were named. The 'founders of a chy were worshipped under this name. TJS, Dor. for rjv, 3 sing. impf. of dpi sum. ncra, Att. aor. I of adca. TJcra, aor. I of TJ8ca. Tjo-ai, 2 sing, of ^at. Tjo-av, 3 pi. impf. of dpi sum. f|crav, Att. for rjotffav, 3 pi. plqpf. (in impf. sense) of oida. II. for ijioav, 3 pi. impf. of e?^t ibo. TJO-CLTO, 3 sing. Ep. aor. i o T). , for iJTfjv, 3 dual impf. of el pi sum. T^crTirjv, Att. for rjddTrjv, 2 and 3 dual plqpf. cf *et'cy. T|xos, still, quiet, at rest. T|cri5xatTpos, a, ov, irr. Comp. of jjavxos, rjovxatos. Dor. ao-^xa, Adv. of ijavxos, quietly, gently. Dor. atrvx , fj, (ijovxos} stillness, quiet, peace; fjavxio-v dyeiv or fx fiv ^ keep quiet, be at peace or at rest. i. rest, leisure, Lat. otium. TJ ? v > rarely a, ov, poet, for "H2TXO2 Dor. aatixos, ov, still, quiet, at rest; %X' tfffvxos keep quiet. 2. quiet, gentle. II. Comp. and Sup. were irreg. ^avxairepos, -airaros ; but also -wrepos. III. Adv. -x ws and neut. pi. ijavxa as Adv. [y] , pf. of alffx^voa. , pf. pass, of ai(rxvvKr}} : in pi. ijrpia, a thin, fine cloth: hence, tfrpia &v$\- ; v. sub et>-. ipS'ijo'a, TruSirjica, aor. I and impf. of avSdu. T)v8oKlp,OVV, impf. Of CVOOKlfJLfd}. TjvScov, Att. impf. of avoaa}. ijt>avov, impf. of avfavaj. t)v\t](ra, aor. I of av\ttu. TjvXifjT]Ka, Tj{i|t)aurTU>s, a, ov, ("Haiorr6-TVKTOs, ov, and "HtjxucrTO-TCVXTis, e's, , Tfvx&) wrought by Vulcan. i, Dor. 3 sing. aor. I pass, of ctTrrcy. Ep. for y. for dir)fj.t (as if from dvo'/xfcu) clear-sounding, chirping, epith. of the grasshopper : as Subst. the chirper, i. e. the grasshopper, Lat. cicada. D r - ax* * [ fi ] : f- '7' sound, ov, 6, and T|X 1 1 TIK S > "hi oi', = 7yX* T7 7 s - TJX I > Ep. for 77, Adv. where. r\\Qsro, 3 sing. impf. both of d\Bo^w.t and 4'x^o/^at. 'x0T]jjiai, pf. pass, of e'x^o/nat. ', aor. I pass, of dyca. , aor. ] aor. f T|X<*> Dor. dx^, T), gen. -oos contr. ovs, 7/x 1 ?) rt reverberated sound, an echo. II. as prop. n. 'Hx^, Echo, personified as an Oread. T]4/a/TO, 3 sing. aor. I of anrofMii. T]vj/T]]&$) from morn, from peep of day, at dawn. i|oi0i, old Ep. gen. of fjws, -ffSiOi irpo before dawn. n'wv, oj/os, o, Att. contr. for '? t iwv. qwos, a, ov, at morn, at break of day. II. east- ern. From TLQ'2, 77, gen. r/oos contr. root's : dat. r/oi' contr. ?}of: ace. r/oa contr. r}w : Att. Sfcos, gen. eca, ace. ?u or ectfl/ : Dor. dws : Aeol. dvws : the day-break, dawn, morning, opp. to fJLfffov fjnap mid-day, aivd oti\rj evening ; ace., T/O) the whole morning long; d/*' ryofat day-break. 2. the East, opp. to 6(pos. 3.. as the Greeks counted by mornings, i]ws came to mean a day: also the light of day. II. as prop, n. Hods, Eos, Aurora, the goddess of morn. 9 0, 0, 0fjTa, TO, indecl., eighth letter of the Greek alphabet : as numeral & =- tvvta, Zvvaros, but ft **= 9000. In Doric, 6 was often changed into o-, as Lacon. otTos 'Acrdva ad, Ep. for Odffffoj, to sit, only in pres. and Ep. impf. Odaaaov. 0aeiTO, 3 sing. impf. of Dor. OaeofjLai. 0deo, imperat. of Odoftai. 0aco(.iai, Dor. for Att. Ofdopat Ion. Qrjeofjiai. Hence Odt]p.a, TO, Dor. for Ota/jia, a sight, spectacle. 0dTf]TOS, 77, ov, Dor. for Orjrjros, Qtaros. 0ai|xaTia, crasis for TO, l/Jidria. 0AIPO'5, o, the hinge of a door or gale. 0uKc, f. Tjcrcy, (6>a/ros) to sit, esp. as a suppliant,!* take a seat : c. ace. cognato, edpas iraynparfis 0aKiv to sit on imperial throne. Hence 0dio]fjia, arcs, TO, a sitting as a suppliant : a seat. OaKTjats, eojs, 17, ($citfy) a sitting, seat. 0O.KOS, o, (Oaffaca) a seat : Ion. QSiKos. 0dXdp.a, OLKOS, 6, = 0aXafj,iTT)s. 0dAd|Jivp.a, aros, TO, = 0dXafJtos, a dark chamber or dwelling-place. 0dXdjJU], 97, (^aAa^os) a lair, den, Me. [a] 0dXdjAT|ios, 77, ov, (0dXafji.os') of or for a chamber or dwelling : Jit for building one. 0a\a}Ai)-ir6Xos, or, (0d\afj.o$, TroAeo/Licu) waiting in the lady's chamber. II. as Subst., daXap.rjvoXos, o or T), a bridegroom or bridesmaid. 0dXdp,u>s, a, OP, (0dXafJLOs) belonging to the chamber. As Subst. : I. QaXdfJiios, 6, = 0aXafj.irr}s. II. daXafjiia Ion. -77 (sub. KWTTTJ), the oar of the 0aXa- fjLiTrjs. 2. (sub. 67777), the hole in the ship's side through which this oar worked, the port-hole. 0aXap,tTT]S, ov, o, (0aAa/zos) one of the rowers on the lowest bench of a trireme, who had the shortest oars and the least pay : cf. ^VYITIJS, Opavirrjs. [i] 0dXap,6v8e, (OdXapos) Adv. to the bed-chamber. 0A'AA~MO5, o, an inner room or chamber : I. the women's apartment, inner part of the house. 2. a bed-room, bride-chamber. 3. the storeroom. II. any chamber or abode : a fold, pen for sheep. IH. the lowest part or hold of the ship, in which the 0a\a- /xtrcu sat. 0dXacr, f. 770-0;, (Od\aaaa, Kpartaj) to be master of the sea. 0aXacr, poet, for 0d\Xca, to bloom, flourish. 0dAeia, 77, blooming, luxuriant, bounteous, IP atari OaXciri at the bounteous feast. It is fem. of an obsol. Adj. 0dXvs, derived from 0aXeiv. II. as prop. n. QdXfia, 77, one of the Muses, the blooming one : later esp. the Muse of Comedy. 0aXeiv, aor. 2 inf. of 0dAAey. 0dXcpos, d, 6v, (0a\(tv) blooming, fresh : vigorous, active. II. luxuriant, copious, large, abundant. 0dXp-wms, ioos, 77, (0aXep6s, aty) with bright eyes. , 0uXo, Dor. for QrjXtca, dXTJs, o, gen. QaXeca, dat. 0aAf?, ace. QaXrjv : but also QaXrjros, rjri, ijra, and a\ov : Thales of Mile- tus, one of the Seven reputed Wise Men of Greece. 0dXia, 77, (0aAe/>) bloom : metaph. good cheer, wealth, plenty : in plur. festivities, a feast. 0aXXT|6pos, ov, (0aXX6s, ^tpcu) carrying olive- branches, as the old men did at the Panathenaea. 0A'AAH, fut. 0aXw: aor. 2 e0aXov: pf. rt0rj\a (in pres. sense), part. T607)Xws, Ep. fem. rtQaXvla; 3 sing, plqpf- re0r)Xfi : to bloom, flourish, to shoot out, to swell, be rich in a thing : the part. rdrjXws is used stbsol. as Adj. swelling, rich, abundant. i. metaph. to bloom, flourish, prosper : to be at the height. 0A'AO5, cos, TO, like 0aXXos, a young shoot or branch, twig, esp. an olive-branch : metaph. a child, scion, Lat. stirps. 0aXmda>, Ep. part. 0aXirioow, (0dXirca) to be or be- come warm, warm oneself. 0aXirv6s, 77, 6v, warming, fostering. From dXiros, eos, TO, (flaATro;) warmth, heat, esp. summer- beat ; T: aor. I Z0aXif/a: Pass., aor. I *0dX0r)v: pf. inf. re0dX(f>0ai: to warm, heat. II. metaph. to heat, inflame. 2. to foster, cherish, warm in one's bosom : in bad sense, to cheat. Hence 0aXirojp'T], 77, a warming : metaph. a comfort. OdXtmpos, d, ov, (OdX-nu) warm, glowing. 0SXvo-ia (sub. lepd), icav, rd, (0aXtTv) the firstlings of the harvest, offering of first-fruits, [v] Hence OaXvo-uis, doos, -f), fem. Adj., of or for the offering of first-fruits. 0ap,d, Adv. (a^a) together in crowds, close, thick. II. of Time, often, oft-times, frequent. djJidKts, Adv. = Band n. 0ap,paCvco, to he astonished at. From 0a|ji{30, f. rjcra) : pf. Te0dfj.&7]Ka : (Qd^os) : to It astonished or amazed : c. ace. to marvel at a thing. 0dp.{3os, eos, TO, astonishment, amazement, Lat. tin- por. (From Root TA*-, see Tt-07]na.) , ol, at, dat. Oap.iai, ace. Oaptas, (0a/i) 312 poet. pi. Adj. (with no sing. Oap.v$\ crowded, close, thick. 03}ii6s, d, ov, (Oafja) crowded, close, thick. 03p,C, f. ffca, (Oap.d) to come often, Lat. frequen- tare : to be often or constantly engaged with a thing, c. dat. : to be wont to do, c. part. 03jjiivd, neut. plur. of Oap-ivus, as Adv., = Qap.d. 03}Jiiv6s, 17, ov, = Oapeios. 0a|xvos, 6, (6aiiivos) a bush, shrub. 03p.do-lp.os, ov, (QdvaTos) deadly: Adv. -fjuas, with deadly blow, mortally. 2 . of, belonging to death. II. pass, subject to death, mortal : also dead. 0avard(o, Desiderat. of Ovrjff/coj, to wish to die. 03v3Tt]4>opta, 77, a causing of death. From 03v3rT]-4>6pos, v, (QdvaTos, (pfpca) death-bringing. 03vaTtda>, Desiderat. of OvrjffKca, to wish to die. 03v3ToLS, 0"o*a, ev, (Odvaros) deadly. 0dvaTov-86, Adv. to death. 0dvaTOS, 6, (Oaveiv') death; OdvaTOV KaTayiyvwfffcetv TWOS to pass sentence of death on one : pi. ddvaToi, kinds of death, usually of violent death. II. as prop, n., dvaTos, Death, the twin-brother of Sleep. III. a corpse. 05v3TOtioaa (sub. Ifpd), icav, TCI, (QdvaTOs) a feast of the dead. Svarooj, f. <;o-a>, (OdvaTos) to put to death: metaph. to mortify. II. to condemn to death. 0dvov, Ep. aor. 2 of 9vrjaKs, with confidence. 0apo-e\)o-a, Dor. fem. part, of Oapffeca. 0apae(o Att. Gappeco : f. 770-0) : (Odpaos) : to be of good courage, be of good cheer, be confident, assured; Qdpaei take courage] be of good heart I in bad sense, to be over-weening, presumptuous: c. ace. rei, to feel confident about, have no fear for : c. inf. to believe confidently that. Hence 0apo"t]crt3, ecus, 77, confidence in, reliance on. 0AT2O2 or 6PA'2O5 Att. 0dppos, TO, courage, boldness, confidence: in bad sense, over-boldness, dar- ng, presumption : in pi., rd Odpffrj grounds of con- fidence. Oapo-ovvTCJS Att. 0appovvTcas, Adv. of pres. jpart. of apffeca, boldly, courageously. 0apo-uv6v, Att. for Odaatav. 0avp.a Ion. 0covp.a or 0up;a, aros, TO, (^ao/xat) a wonder, marvel, wondrous thing; Bavpa iofcrOai a wonder to behold ; so, dav/Mi dnovcrai, fJaOeiv : TcL Oav/MTa jugglers' tricks, strange gambols. II. wonder, surprise, astonishment. 0a/up.da> Ion. 0u)i5(x- or 0a>(j,- : fut. daofjtai Ep. -daffOfMi, later in act. form -daca: aor. I kOav^aaa: pf. TtOavfjarea : Pass., fut. QavfjuKfOrjaoijai : aor. I k&av- fjjdaBrjv : (Bav^ua)'. to wonder, be astonished. 1. c. ace. to wonder at: like Lat. mirari, to regard with wonder or esteem, to admire. 3. c. gen. to wonder at. II. Pass, to be looked at with wonder: c. part., OavftdfriJiai /XT) irapuv my absence is wondered at. 0au|xcuv) wondrous, wonderful, marvellous : admirable, excellent. Adv. -teas, marvellously. 0avp,acri-ovpYo>, f. rjffo}, (Oav^daios, Hpyov} to work wonders, perform curious tricks, of jugglers. 0axjp,dtro-ojjiai, Ep. fut. of Oavfjdfa. 0av[xa, f. 770-01, to do wonders. From 0avp,STO-7roios, ov, (Oavfj,a,iroifdj) wonder-working: as Subst. a conjurer, juggler. 0avp.aTos, 77, 6v, Ep. for dav/jaffTos. Qa,v\La,TOvpyt(ii, f. -fjffca, davfMTOiroifO). From 0avp,aT-ovpY6s, ov, (Oavpa, *6pycu~) = 0avnaTOiroi6s< 0dvj/au, aor. I inf. of danTca. 0dv)/tvos, rj, ov, yellow-coloured, sallow. From 0dv(/os, 77, a plant or wood used for dyeing yellow, from the island of Thapsos. *0A'fl, Ep. for the prose 0r)\dfa: aor. I inf: 0rjffar. to suckle, feed : Med., pres. inf. 0rja0ai, to suck, milk, firrjfravbv yd\a OffaOai milk to milk the year round : 3 sing. aor. I , Orjaaro fui6v he sucked the breast. *0do>, Lacori. ffdoi, to see : see 0dct>fwt. 0ed, 77, fern, of Of 6s, a goddess: rd 0fd (Att. TW 0eaj), in dual, are always Ceres and Proserpine : of afpval Ocai the Eumenides or Furies. 06u. 77, (0edo/xcu) a looking at, view. II. a thing seen, sight, spectacle. 06u0fjvai, 77, aor. i inf. pass, of Ofdopai. 0eaivd, 77, poet, for Ofd, a goddess. 06-aiT7)TOs, ov, (Of us, atTfoj) asked of the gods. 0edp.a Ion. 06T)[xa, OTOS, r6, (^cdo/xat) a sight, 06dfio>v, oi/os, 6, 77, (OfdofMi) a spectator, [a] 0ao|xat : f. Ofdaopai [a], Ion. Q^ao^ai : aor. I fBcdadjATjv: pf. rfOfdfjuai : Dep. : (fldo/xcu) : to view, gaze at, behold; of 0cujj.cvoi the spectators in a theatre : aor. i iOtdO-qv in pass sense, /o 6e se^n. See OdofJLai, Qrikoyuai. 0eup6s, o, Dor. for 0ccap6s. 06aTT|s Ion. 07jTT|s, ov, 6, (0fdofjiai) a spectator. 06ar6s, 77, ov, (0aofMi) to be seen. 0ea,Tptco, f. aw, (Otarpov} to bring on the stage: to make a show of, hold up to ridicule or shame. 0arpov Ion. 0tT]Tpov, TO, (flcaoyuat) a place for seeing, a theatre. 2. collectively, the spectators, the audience. 3. = 0ea/#i, the piece represented, a show, [a] 0e-6iSif|s, fs, (0f6s, tToos) = 0eoi5ris. 06iov, TO, poet, for 0aov, brimstone. 0tos, 77, ov, Ep. for 0fios, divine. 0iovTai, 3 sing. pres. pass, of 0ci6, Ep. for 0ei6oj, to smoke with brimstone. 0. 0tj, 77, Ion. for 0a. 06T|tos, 77, ov, Ion. for 0feios, 0efos, divine. 0c-TjXoTOS, ov, (0cos, kXavvcS) driven or pursued by a god. 2. sent, caused by a god. II. built by a god or for the gods. 0et]|jLa, TO, Ion. for 0ea/za. Qer]-\L3.xia, rj, Qei\-\La.\o<&, ov, poet, for 0cop-. 06T|jjuov, ofos, o, 77, Ion. for 0edfuov. 06T]-iro\6a), 0T|-7roX6s, ov, ptiet. for 00ir~. 06Tjo-6ai, Ion. 2 sing. fut. of 0edo/xcu. 0T](rt, Ep. 3 sing. subj. of 06ca. 0T]Tf|S, ov, 6, Ion. for 0a.Tr)s. 0TjTos, 0T]Tpov, 0T|Ta>p, Ion. for 0car-. 0ia, T), fern, of 0eios, one's father's or mother's sister, aunt, Lat. amita and matertera. 0tdf;aj, f. ffca, (0etos) to practise divinations. Hence 06ia : aor. I fOfiva : aor. 2 0evov, only in imperat. 0tvf, subj. 04voj, inf. Ofvfiv, part. 0fvwv : to strike, dash. 0LO-8o[AOS, ov, (0fTos, df/taj) god-built. 0eio(X6v, Ep. for OfwjjLfv, 0wfj.fv, i pi. aor. 2 subj. of ""0610V Ep. 06iov, TO, (0e?os) brimstone, Lat. sulfur. 06iov, TO, neut. of OfTos, used as Subst., the Divine Being, Deity. II. rd 0fia, the acts or attributes of the gods. i. religious observances. 06ios, a, ov, (Of 6s) of or from the gods, Lat. divinus sent or caused by a god, appointed of God. 2. in honour of a god, holy, sacred. 3. godlike, super- human, extraordinary, excellent. 0EI~O5, o, one's father's or mother's brother, uncle, Lat. patruus and avunculus : fern. 0eia. 06iOT6po>s, Adv. Comp. of Oficas. 061OTTJS, T7TOS, 77, (0efos) divine nature, divinity. 061,6-xpoos, ov, contr. -xpous, ovv, (Ofiov, brimstone-coloured. 06ioo) Ep. 066i6ca : f. wffa) : (0etov) : brimstone, fumigate : hence to purify. 06is, 0era, aor. 2 part, of Ti0r)fju. 061T6, Ofiaav, 2 and 3 pi. aor. 2 opt. 061TO, 3 sing. aor. 2 opt. of riOrmi. 06io>, poet, for 0ca, to run. 06io), Ep. for 0(0), 0w, aor. 2 subj. of ri0rjfju. 06io>s, Adv. of Ofios, by divine providence : Comp. 0fioT(pa)S, by more special providence. 06i-uST)s, fs, (Ofiov, 6?5os) brimstone-like, Lat. sul- fur eus. 06XY60-i-p.iD0os, ov,(0(\ya), fjiv0os) of soft, persuasive to smoke with , Ion. impf. , TO, (0f\yca) a charm or spell. OE'ATH, f. cu: aor. I 60eAa: Pass., aor. I 16(\- X0r)v : to stroke with magic power, to charm, en- chant, spell-bind, Lat. mulceo : to cheat, cozen. OcXeos, ov, (0fAcy) willing, voluntary. Q(\r\\La, O.TOS, TO, (0e\ca) will. 0X-r|po)v, ov, gen. ovos, (0f\yoj, , f. wo-oj, /o /ay the foundation, found firmly : Pass, /o have the foundations laid. Gefxev 06[ji.6VCH, Ep. for Oeivai, aor. 2 inf. of rftty/w. 06JJ16VOS, aor. 2 med. part, of riOrj^i. 06jj,epos, ov, (ri0r]fii^ grave, serious, steadfast. 06|j.6p-b>iris, toos, 57, (0efte/>os, wif/) of serious counte- nance, honest. 06|xio), (0e/s) to regulate, punish, control : Med., poet. aor. I OtpiaaaaOai to regulate for oneself, control. 06p,i-ir\KTOS, ov, (0fjils, TrXfKoj) woven of right; 0efjiiirXKTOS arc(pavos a well-earned crown. E'MLS, 57, Ep. gen. 0fjuaros, ace. 0(fuv: in Homer as prop. n. @jiis, e'^itTTos, ace. 0e'/, f. oca, (0fjLiffTos) to give law, lay down ordinances, give oracles : to order, govern. 0ep.urrov, Ep. gen. pi. of fleets. 0fxio-TO-Tr6Xos, ov, (0efJ.is, TToAccy) ministering law and right. 0|Jii<7T6s, rj, ov, (0f/j.t^Q}) sanctioned by law, lawful. 0p,lTOS, I?, OV, Ep. for 0ffUffTOS. EMO'fl, an Ep. Verb only occurring once in aor. I, vfja 0fio}ff ytpoov iK^oOai he forced the ship to come to land, or set it so as to come. -0v, insep. Particle, affixed to Nouns denoting motion from a place, opp. to -5e, as, o^Ko0v, ov- pav60ev, from home, from heaven : more rarely affixed to names of persons, as Ai60v, 0t60tv, from Zeus, front the gods. Originally -9tv was the genit. termination, as appears from tptOev, af0tv, '40(v. 0fvap, apos, TO, (0evQj, 0fivo)) the part of the band with which one strikes, the flat of the hand : d\os 0t- vap the surface of the sea. 00, Ep. 2 sing. aor. 2 med. imperat. of ridrj^t. 0o(3Xdf3ea>, to sin against the gods. From 060-pXapTjs, fs, (0os, pxa&rivai} stricken of God, visited with judicial blindness, reckless. 060-Y6WTJS, e's, (0e6s, yevva) begotten of a god. 06o-YXw(7(ro ( s, ov, (0os, yAcDo'cra) with the tongue of a god. 060-yovia, 17, the generation or genealogy of the gods, the title of a poem of Hesiod. From 060-YOVos, ov, (06os, *yevca) born of God. 0O-8eYp,(ov, ov, gen. o^os, (0tos, 8e^o/iai) receiving a god. ^ 060-8if|XT|TOS, ov, (J0f6s, oqXeofJiai) hurtful to the majesty of the gods. 0eo-8i8aKTOS, ov, (0f6s, oidaffKca) taught of God. [r] 06o-8fJiT)TOS, ov, Dor. -SfAaros, a, ov, (0eos, Sc/ua;) god-built, made or founded by the gods. 0c6-8oTos, ov, = 0(6aooTos. 0o-i8r|s, es, (0eos, ctBos) divine of form, beauteous as the gods, godlike : irreg. Sup. 0eai80'TaTos. 00-eiKXos, ov, (0f6s, ei'/ceXos) godlike. 0OX0pia, 57, a being hated by the gods. From 0c6-6x0pos, ov, (0f6s, Ix^pds) hated by the gods. 06006V, old gen. of 0eos, used as Adv., from the gods, Lat. divinitus. 0owra, Dor. for 0eovaa, fern. part, of 0ecu. 060KXi;T6o>, f. 170-0;, to call the gods to aid, to invoke divine vengeance : to call on, conjure. From 060-KXvros, ov, (0eos, K\v(a) calling on the gods. 06o-KpavTOS, GJ/ V (0eos, Kpaivca) wrought by the gods. 06o-KplTOS, ov, (0eos, Kpivco) judging between gods. 060-KTurros, ov, and 06o-KTiTOS, ov, (0eos, Krifa) created by God. 060-p,avT|s, es, (Of os, navrjvat) maddened by the gods; Xvffffa 0(O[Aavr)3 madness caused by the gods. 060-jJiavTts, ecws, 6, (0e6s, ^avris) one who has a spirit of prophecy. 0op,ax<>, to fight against God: and 060|xaxLoi, 17, the battle of the gods, as certain books of the Iliad were called, esp. the igth. From 0eo-|xdxos, ov, (0eos, juaxo/xeu) fighting against God. 060-p,TioT(op, opos, 6, (0f6s, jjirjffTajp) like the gods in counsel. 060-p,urfjs, e's, (0eos, /xtaccy) hated of the gods. 060-p.opos Dor. Q\)\I-, ov, (0os, nopos} destined or allotted by the gods. II. blessed by the gods. 06o-fxop4>os, ov, (0eos nopfyrf) of form divine. 060-p.vo-Tis, es, (0os, fivffos) abominable before the gods. 060-irats, ira:8os, o, 17, (0eos, iraTs} child of the gods. Oeo-TrejjnrTOS, ov, (0eos, Tre^Trcu) sent by the gods. Oeo-irvevoTOs, ov, (0(6s, nvfca} inspired of God. 060iroic(i>, to make into gods, deify. From 0OTTOIOS Oeplfa. 315 060-rroios, ov, (Of 6s, 7rote'6pijTOs, ov, (Of 6s, (pop fa) inspiredbyagod. II. act. carrying a god or goddess. 0eo-(j)6pos, ov, (Ofos, 0epw) bearing a god. II. 06O7rpoirCa, 77, or -lov, TO, a prophecy. From 06o--Trp6iros, (0eos, TrpeTra;) prophetic, boding, divin- ing : as Subst., Ofoirponos, 6, a prophet. II. a />6/ze messenger sent to inquire of the oracle, cf. flecupos. , ov, (Ofos, ire/i7Tcu) god-sent. 0O-ir6vT]TOS, ov, (Ofos, irovfca) wrought by a god. 0O-irpTnr|s, es, (Ofos, TrpeVa;) befitting a god. Adv. 0edcpopos, ov, borne or possessed by a god, inspired. s. | 00-4>pa>v, ov, gen. ovos, (0eds, zws. 0oo>, f. wo-o;, (0eds) /o raerfo into a god, deify. OepcuTcuva and -vCs, t'Sos, ), fern, of Ofpdirojv, a waiting-maid, handmaid. Oepaircia Ion. -TJITJ, 77, (Ofpairevca*) a waiting on, ser- ^vice, attendance; Ofpaireia Of&v divine worship, 2. 5, ov, (Ofos, iTTvoJ) abhorred by the gods, a fostering, nurture : tending in sickness, medical 0e6-Trt)pos, ov, (Ofos, -rrvp} kindled by the gods. | treatment. 3. a courting, paying court. II. a 0e-opros, ov, (Ofos, opvvp.at) sprung from the gods, body of attendants, suite, retinue. 0EO'2, 6, Lat. DEUS, God: in Homer either God, Oepairevjia, /WITOS, TO, (Ofpairtv(u) service done, aN as, 0eos owfffi God will grant ; or, 0eds Tts a god, \ tendance, nurture : medical treatment, some particular god: later the Deity, like TO OfTov : j 0pairVTov, verb. Adj. of Ofpaircvca, one must cul- ffvv Ofy, ovv Ofois, OVK dvfvOf Ofov, Lat. non sine \ tivate : also one must cure. diis, by the will of God ; virep Ofov against his will : 06pairVTT|p, %os, 6, and 0pairvr?]S, ov, (Ofpa- as an oath, 7rpo"s Ofaiv by the gods, in God's TTCWU) an attendant, servant. 2. one who attends to name. II. fern. Ofos, for Ofd, Ofaiva, a goddess : anything : a worshipper of the gods : a physician. Oeoj, the two goddesses, i. e. 1 epaircvTiKos, 77, ov, (Ofpairfvca) inclined to serve, III. as Adj. in Comp. attentive, obedient: courteous. 2. able to cure; 77 OfpaTTfvTitcf) (sc. Tfxvf}) the healing art. 0epaireu(i>, f. o*a>, (Ofpdiroav) to wait on, attend, serve : to be an attendant : to do service to the gods, to wor- ship : to serve, attend, pay observance to. 2. to esp. in Att. phrase Ceres and Proserpine. Of&Tfpos, more divine. 0ocr-8oTOs, ov, (Ofos, StScu/it) given by the gods. 0e6s, 77, ov, Ion. and poet, for OfparrevTiKos. 060-o-riiYTis, e's, (Ofos, OTv~jfca) hated of the gods or 0ponrvT], 77, poet, for Ofpairaiva, a handmaid: and, of God, abominable. II. act. hating God. 00-(TTt;YT]TOS, ov, hated of the gods. 060-O-VTOS, poet, also 0OO--xT|s, e's, (0eos, rpe'^a;) feeding the gods. 0ov8eia, 77, the fear of God, holiness. 0ov8T|S, es, (0eos, Ofos} fearing god, godly. Hence 0o-dvi.a (sub. fepa), T d, (0eos, (pavffvat) a festival at Delphi, at which the images of the gods were shewn fOpiaa: Pass., aor. I fOfpiffOrjv : pf. rank, as Patroclus was the Ofpdiroav of Achilles ; so, kings were Aios OfpdirovTfs, warriors OfpdnovTfs "Aprjos, poets Movffdwv OfpdirovTfs. II. in Chios, the OfpdirovTfs were slaves. 0epa\|;, 6, rare form for Ofpdirtav, only found in ac- cus. Otpaira, nom. pi. Otpairfs. Ocpeios, ct, ov, (Ofpos) of, belonging to summer, in summer; avxfJ-os 0. summer-drought; T) Ofpfia, Ion. Ofpfir) (with or without &pa), summer-time, summer. 0pea>, Ep. for OfpSi, aoi. 2 pass. subj. of Ofpca. f. ioo) Att. to) : aor. I iOfpiaa syncop. to the people. 0eo-i\T|s, e's, (0eos, iv, Ep. gen. and dat. sing, and pi. of 0eos; esp. in phrase, Qt6-iruX, only used in pres. imperat. and in impf. (Of pea) to warm, heat, make ho(: Pass, to grow hot. 0pos, TO, (Of pea) summer, summer-time : summer- heat: TO Ofpos, absol., during summer; TOV Ofpfos in the course of summer. II. a harvest, a crop. )E'Pn, fut. Ofpffea, to warm, heat : Homer uses only Pass. 0pop.cu, with fut. med. Ofpao^ai, aor. 2 fOfprjv in subj. Ofpfca for Ofpia : to become warm, grow hot, warm oneself; irvpbs OfpeffOat to be burnt with fire. 01s, aor. i imperat. of riOijfjii. 06-Tr6Xos, ov, (Oeff/Aos, TroAeo;) conversant with laws or customs. 6ecrp,6s Dor. T0p.6s, o : irreg. pi. Ocffpa, TO. : (ri- Or)fj,i) : a law, rule, ordinance, Lat. institutum: a rite, form, institution. 2. at Athens, Draco's laws were called Offf/j.oi, because each began with the word Oeapos ; Solon's laws were named v6fj,oi. Hence 06pia,on',ra.,(OefffjLO(p6pos} the Thesmophoria, an ancient festival held by the Athenian women in honour of Demeter ff/j,oopi(ia>, f. ow, to keep the Thesmophoria ; al QfafjLotpopid^ovffai, a play of Aristophanes. 06o-p,o6piov, TO, the temple of Demeter 0eo7*o- (popos. 0crp.o-cf)6pos, ov, (Offf/Jius, (pfpaj) law-giving: epith. of Demeter, Lat. Ceres, as the goddess of tillage and civilised life ; ret. Ofa/j,o6pca Ceres and Proserpine, who were worshipped together at the Thesmophoria. 0tiXa, &KOS, 6, mostly in pi., Oefffj.o-(pv\aKfs, like vofJio-(pv\aKcs, guardians of the law, a magistracy atElis. [v] 0o--iro-tos, a, ov, also os, ov, (Oeos, tTTos) of the voice, divinely sweet. II. more than mortal or human : unspeakable, ineffable, and generally = OfTos, divine : dat. fern. OcaTreair) (sub. ^ovAfj) as Adv., by the will of God. 2. wondrous, marvellous, excel- lent. 3. of anything sent by God, and so, awful, fearful. Hence 06(nr(ruos, Adv. in divine manner; Oeffirefficas c : fut. iaoj Att. to), Ion. inf. Ocairifeiv: aor. I fOfffiriaa Dor -ta : (Ot, f. 77aTT)-XoYos, ov, (0ff(f>a.TOS, \eyca) prophetic. 0cr-4>aTOS, ov, (0*6s, (j)rjiJ.i) spoken by God, decreed, appointed, destined, Lat. fatalis : as Subst., rd, oracles. II. like 0efos, made by God, divine. cTiSciov, TO, the temple of Thetis. From 0ens, tSos, o, Thetis, one of the Nereids, wife of Peleus, mother of Achilles. 0TO, Ep. 3 sing. aor. 2 med. of Ti0rjp.i. 06TOS, 77, 6v, verb. Adj. of riOrj pi, placed, set. II. adopted as one's child. 06i), Dor. and Ion. aor. 2 imperat. med. 0ev-p,opos, ov, Dor. for Ofopopos. 06tis, o and 7), Dor. for 0eos, a god. 06vcrop.ai, / will run, fut. of 0eca. 0v-opCa, 77, Dor. for 0eofj.ev, i pi. aor. 2 subj. of ri- 0T)/M. 0(opeb>, f. 770-cu, (flectpos) to look at, view, behold, ob- serve : esp. to be a spectator at the public games and festivals. 2. of the mind, like Lat. contetnplari, to contemplate, consider. II. to be a 0eapus or state, ambassador to the oracle or at the games. III. Causal in Soph. O. C. 1084, Otupriaaoa rovpov oppa having made my eyes behold; but see (upta. Hence 06wpi]p.a, aTos, TO, a sight, spectacle. II. a thing contemplated by the mind, a principle deduced: in Mathematics, a theorem. 0o>pir]TT|ptov, TO, (0ecy/>fa>) a seat in a theatre. 0cop-r|Tiic6s, 77, ov, (flecupc'cu) of or for speculation, theoretic. 0wpia, 77, (eecapcca} a looking at, viewing, beholding, observing; faupias eivftefv for the purpose of seeing the world : esp. the being a spectator at the public games. 2. of the mind, contemplation, reflec- tion. II. the sending of 0(o}poi or state-ambas- sadors to the oracle or games : also the body of 0eca- poi themselves. 2. the office of 0ecap6s. ' III. pass, a sight, spectacle' 317 77, oV, (0cojp6s) of or belonging to spec- tators or to the sacred ambassadors (Oewpoi). II. rd 0fQ}pifcd (sub. xpiipara) the money, which, from the time of Pericles, was given from the treasury to the poor citizens, to pay for their seats at the theatre (at 2 obols the seat), but also for other purposes. Occopis, ioos, 77, with and without vavs, a sacred ship which carried the 0ecapoi to their destination; used also for other state-purposes. From Oecopos, 6, (0f6s, &pa) a spectator, observer, one who <-avels to see men and things. II. an ambassa- dor, sent by the state to consult an oracle: the Athenians sent 0e Qrjftayfvris : and 0ir]|3ai6t>s, (us Ion. cos, epith. of Jove, Theban : so 0qpatos, a, ov, and 0rj|3aiK6s, 77, 6v, Theban. 0i]pats, loos, 77, (077cu) the Tbebais, i. e. territory of Thebes. II. the Theba'id, a poem on the siege of Thebes. 0Tjpa, = #7770;. 0HTX1, f. 0r)(a: aor. I e0r)a : Pass., pf. Tt- 0r)y pat : to sharpen, whet : Med., Scpv 0r]aa0ai to whet one's spear. II. metaph. to sharpen, provoke, irritate. 0Tj6iTO, 3 sing. impf. of Orjtopai. 0T]cop,ai, f.ijaopai, Ion. form of 0t dopai : Dor. 0a- op.at : to look on, gaze at, obierve, admire: impf., 3 sing. 07)iTO Ep. Orjfiro, Ion. 3 pi. 0rjfvvTO Ep. 0rjfvvTo; (0rjfvpecr0a Ion. I pi.; 0rjvfj.fvos Ion. part.: 07}r), fut. dffca Dor. oo; : (#77X77) : to give suck, suckle. II. of the child, to suck; OijXdfav sucking. 0T|Xea, Ion. fern, of OfjXvs. 0T|Xca> Dor. 0dX4a>, f. rjcrtu, (0r)\r)} to flourish, abound; 0T,v, an Ep. enclitic Particle, rare in Att. Poets, surely now; fi 0r)V in very truth; ov 0r]V surely not. 0ir]^do'0co, 3 sing. aor. I imperat. med. of 9rjy6}. 07)0io, Ep. for 0eo, 2 sing. opt. of 0r)co(j.ai. 0H'P, 0r)p6s, Ep. dat. pi. 07)peaffi, o, a wild beast, a beast of prey : joined with a Subst., as 0rjp Xecav. 2. any monster, as the sphinx ; often of the centaurs : also satyrs. 0T)pa Ion. 0T|pTj, 77, (Orjp} a hunting, pursuit of wild c. gen., XfifJiuvf s tov fjSe aeXivov 0rj\fov the meadows beasts, the chase : eager pursuit of anything. II. were rich with violets and parsley. II. to make in collective sense, the beasts, the game, quarry. 0T)p-a-ypTT]S, oy, 6, (0'fjpa, aypevca} a hunter. 0T)pa|a.tt, CTOS, TO, (0?;pda>) that which is caught, prey, to bloom. 0i)XT|, 77, (Te077\a) the part of the breast which gives suck, the teat, nipple. 0TjXtKy6vf)S, es, (0T)\vs, yevo~0ai) of female sex. 0T)Xv-YXaxros, ov, (0rj\vs, noptyii) woman-shaped. 0-qXiJ-voos, voov, contr. 0TjXiivovs, ovv, (0rj\vs, vovs) booty. 07]pao-ip.os, ov, (0rjpdo}) to be caught or won. 0T)paT60S, a, ov, verb. Adj. of Orjpdoi, to be caught or won. II. 0r)paTtov, one must catch or win. 0T)pa,TT|S, ou, o, (0r)pdoj) a hunter, hunter after. 0T)paTiKos, 77, ov, of or for the chase, devoted to hunting ; TO. Qr)paTiKa TWV (piXoiv the arts for winning friends. 0t|paTpov, TO, (0r]pdoj) a thing to catch with, a net, trap. 0T)pdto, f. data or 6ijpdffoiJ.ai : (O-fipa) : to hunt wild beasts, to chase, pursue, catch. 2. metaph., like Lat. venari, to hunt after a thing, pursue, seek it eagerly. II. the Med. Orjpufjiai is used in Act. sense, to hunt after, seek for: also in Pass, to be hunted, pursued. 0fjp6, dual. nom. of 9rjp. 0Tjpeios, ov, (0r]p) of, belonging to wild beasts, Lat. ferinus : 0r]peia fiia, periphr. for o 077p, the centaur. of womanish mind. ' 0T}pe.Q. t aTo$,T6,(Qriptvpcov, ov, (9rj\vs, (pprjv) of woman's mind. 0T|Xi5-xiTcov, gen. QJVOS, 6, 77, (0rj\.vs, woman's frock or dress. [Y] 6rjfipa, by era sis for TT? T 0T|p,6Tpov, by crasis for TOV 0T]p.io-u, by crasis for TO TJ^LGV. OTJJJICOV, tavos, 6, (Ti0rjfj.i') like 08ir)S, fs, (Orjplov, ci5o$)full of wild beasts, in- fested by them, Lat. belluosus. II. brutal in manners or nature, wild, savage, Lat. bellulmts. 0T]po(3oXCi>, f. rjffca, to strike or kill wild beasts. From 0T)po-|36Xos, ov, (Orjp, /3d\\ea) killing wild beasts. 0i]po-{3oTOs, ov, (Orjp, &6(TKca) fed on by wild beasts. 0Tjpo-0t)(Jios, ov, (Orjp, Ovfios) with brutal mind, brutal. Oiripo-KTOVOs, ov, (Orjp, KTfivea) killing wild beasts. 0r]p-oXTT]S, ov, o, (Orjp, 6'A.Xv/zt) a slayer of beasts. 0T]po-v6[xos, ov, (Orjp, vffj.ea) feeding wild beasts. 0T]po-os, ov, (Orjp, Tpeepca) feeding wild beasts. II. proparox. OrjpoTpo6vos, ov, also 77, ov, (Orjp, *(f>evca) slaying wild beasts. 0t)po-C, dat. pi. of Orjp. 0T|p&iov, crasis for TO rjpQov. 0H'2, OrjTus, o, a serf or villain, who is bound to the soil, Lat. ascriptus glebae : also a hired labourer. They formed the last of Solon's four tribes, the other three being the irfVTaKOffio/j.cdifj.voi, Inrrei's, evyirat. This class took in all whose property in land yielded less than 150 medimni : they were generally excluded from public service, but were employed as light-armed troops and seamen, and, in case of need, as heavy- armed. II. fern. 0TJ(rcra Att. 0TJTra, rj, a labour- ing girl. 2. as Adj., Ofjffffa Tpdirefa a menial's fare. 0^cr, f. iaea, (Orjffavpjs) to store or treasure tip, lay by: of fruits, to lay up in store, preserve. Hence 0T](ra'upi(rfjLa, OTOS, TO, a store, treasure. 0, fut. of TiOrjfJii. 0T)T6(a, rj, (OrjTevea) hired service. 0T]Teva>, f. aca, (Orjs) to be a menial, serve for hire. 0TjTi.rc6s, rj, 6v, (Orjs) fit for menial service, menial. 0-fyTTa, Att. for Orjava. 319 [ -01, insep. affix, added to several Nouns, denoting the place at which, as, aypoOi, oiicoOi, in the fields, at home. Like -Oev, it was originally a genitive termi- nation, as in 'I\ioOi irpo, rjcvOi irp6. 0iacr-dpXT]S, ov, 6, (Oiaaos, apxu) the chief or leader of a sacred band of revellers. 0iao-ia, rj, revelling. From 0;aj-etKo, (0/ao-os) to honour with sacred revelry : Pass., OiaaeveTai ipvxdv be has his soul imbued with Bacchic revelry. *0I'A5O5, o, a company or procession of persons dancing and singing in honour of a god, esp. of Bac- chus, a band of Bacchic revellers. 2. any company or troop. Hence 0tacr6co, to make into a festive company. 0idcrcos, Dor. ace. pi. of Oiaaos. OiaorwTTjs, ov, 6, (Otaffoca) the member of a company of revellers ; c. gen., Oiaff>Tai TOV "Epearos worship- pers or followers of Love. fayyavto, lengthd. form of Root If (which, ap- pears in aor. 2 and in te-tlgi, pf. of tango) : fut. Oio- fjuai : aor. 2 eOiyov : to touch lightly, just touch, less strong than arrTOfJiai ; then generally to toutb : to touch, attempt : to reach, gain. 0ryiv Ep. 0iYjAv, aor. 2 inf. of Oiyydvca. , IMLTOS, TO, (Otyfiv) a touch. i, fut. of Oiyydvea. '., gen. Olvos, Ep. 6, later fj : a heap of sand on the beach : hence the beach, shore, strand : in pi. Oivcs, sand-heaps, sand-banks : then any heap ; Oivfs vetcpiav heaps of dead; 6ffTf6, (0oos) trans, to move quickly, ply rapidly, dispatch. 2. intr. to move oneself quickly, hurry along. ll. = 0daaca, OcaKeoj, to sit. 0oip,aTC8uov, by crasis for TO iLtarioiov. 0olp.o,Ttov, by crasis for TO Ipdnov. 0oivdo>, (Ooivr)) = Ooivaca, to feast. Hence 0oCva|xa, aTos, TO, a meal, feast. 0oiva.TT|p, fjpos, o, (Ooivdoj) afeaster. 6otvaTT)pios, ov, (Qoivaca) of or for a feast. OoivariKos, 77, ov, (doivdoi) of or for a feast. 0oiva,TO)p, opos, o, = Ooivarrjp. [a] OoLvdoj, f. 770-0;, to feast on, eat. II. to feast, entertain : hence in Med. or Pass., with tut. med. 6oiva.aop.ai, aor. I pass. eOoivrjOrjv, pf. TtdoivaLUii : to feast : to feast on, eat. From OOI'NH, 77, a meal, feast, banquet, dinner : gene- rally, food, provender. OotvrjTwp, o, Ion. for Ooivdrcap. 0oivib>, f. oca, (doivrf) to feast, entertain. 0oiTO, for 0e?TO, 3 sing. aor. 2 opt. med. of riOrjp.i. 0oXep6s, a, ov, (0oAos) muddy, thick, troubled, Lat. ttirbidus, properly of water. II. metaph. troubled by passion, turbid, agitated. 0oXa, 77, (06\os) a round hat to keep the sun off. @O'AO5, 77, a dome or circular vault : generally, any round or vaulted building. 2. at Athens, the round chamber in which the Prytanes dined. OAO'5, 6, mud. II. the dark juice of the cuttle-fish (sepia), which it emits to hide itself, Lat. loligo. Hence GoXoco, f. ajffoj, to make muddy, turbid : metaph. like Lat. perturbare, to trouble, disquiet. 0oos, 77, ov, (0eo>) quick, active, ready; Oof) vv quick- ly-passing night ; 6or) Sais a hasty meal. II. sharp, pointed, of rocky islands or headlands. Oooco, f. wffca, (Ooos) to make sharp or pointed. 06pe, Ep. 3 sing. aor. 2 0opciv, aor. 2 inf. o 06pvup.ai and 0opvvo(jiai, Dep., collat. form, of 6pc!j(TKO}, to leap, esp. to pair, mate, couple. 0opos, 6, (Qoptiv) the semen genitale of the male. 0opo{5fjtat, fut. of OpojffKcj. 0opup{)v, aor. 2 part, of OpwffKca. 0ov, Att. imperat. aor. 2 med. of TiOrjfM. 0o{j8(op, 0ox58aTOS, by crasis for TO voap, TOV vSaros. ovpto-[xaVTis, ca-'S, 6, (Sovpiov, P.O.VTIS) a Tburian prophet, generally a soothsayer. 0ot)pis, toos, 77, fern, of sq. 0opos, o, (OopeTv) leaping, rushing, impetuous, eager : fem. 0ovpis, toos, mostly as epith. of d\/trj, impetuous might ; 6ovpls dffms shield of impetuous warrior. 06a^) of or belonging to the Thracians, Thracian. 0puveu&>, f. aoi, (Opdvos) to stretch on the tanner s board, to tan : 6pa.vfvffop.ai, fut. med. in pass, sense, to be tanned. 0pavtov, TO, Dim. of Opdvos, a small bench, stool. 0pdvtTT]S, ov, 6, (Opdvos) one of the rowers on the topmost of the three benches in a trireme, who had the longest oars and most work; cf. {vyiTijs, 6aXap.i- rrjs. [I] 0pdvirts, LOOS, 77, fem. of 6pavirrjs. BPA'NOS, o, a bench, form : esp. the topmost of the three benches in a trireme. paij, pq.Kos, o ; Ion. p-f]t, QprjiKos, poet. p7]^, pr)Kos, a Thracian. 0pa|, fut. cu, Att. contr. from TC- pdaa'oj, to trouble, disquiet, disturb. 0po{ru-Yvios, ov, (dpaavs, yviov~) relying on strength of limb. 0pSa-v-K-(iT]8T|s, fs, (Opaffts, fjirjSos) bold of device, daring, resolute. 0pacrt)-|JLTjTis, LOOS, o, 77, (Opacrvs, /.t^Tts) = 6paffvfj.r)07fS. 0pacrt/-p,T]X vos Dor. -p-a-xavos, ov, (Opaavs, p-q- X av 'n) bold in scheming or contriving. 0patru-|xv0os, ov, (dpaavs, pvOos) bold of speech. Opacruvo), f. vvSi (Qpaavs) like dapavvoj, to make bold, encourage : Pass, arid Med. to be bold, ready, courageous ; OpaavveaOai TIVI to rely on one. Opdcrti-'iroXcfxos poet. OpacnmToAcjxos, ov, (Opaavs, iroXf/Aos} bold in war. 0pacru-irovos, ov, (Opaavs, TroVos) bold at work. 0PA"2T'5, fid, v, bold, spirited, resolute: in bad sense, rash, venturous, presumptuous. II. of things, causing confidence, safe. Opao-v-o"ir\aYX v s 5 ov, (Opaavs, air\djx vov ) bold- hearted. 0pao-voTOjjLco, to be over-bold of tongtie. Hence 0pacnjn]S, rjros, 77, (Opaavs) over-boldness, rashness, audaciousness, [fl] 0pacrv-xip, xfipos, 6, (Opaavs, x 6t/ />) 7 ?> bold of hand. 0paTTa, Att. for pzaaa. Opa-TTCo, Att. for Opdaata. 0pavcr-dvTu, vyos, 6, 77, (Opavca, O.VTV) breaking wheels. 0patJe'x0Tjvai. aor. I pass. inf. of Tptfpca. ptij/o-j poet, for tOptif/a, aor. I of Tpeca. 0pvj/ato, 2 sing. aor. I med. opt. of rp(pc}. 0pei}/(o, fut. of rptfyoj. 0PETi, only used in pres. and impf. med., to cry aloud, shriek out, wail, lament. 0pt]iKi7], 77, Ep. for QpaKTj. 0pK]iKtos, r t , ov, Ep. for Qpymos, patcios. 0pfji|, IKOS, 6, Ion. for pfj, pj.. ' 0pTiior(ra, 77, Ion. for pr t craa, Qp-jaaa. ], 77, Ion. for QpaKij. Hence , Adv. from Thrace: and e, Adv. to Thrace. 321 0pflKios, 77, ov, Ion. for Qpqttios, Thracian. 0pT]V(o, f. rjaca, (Oprjvos) to wail, lament, mourn : doiSijv Oprjvfiv to sing a dirge or lament. Hence 0pT)vrjji.a, OTOS, TO, a lament; and 0pT]vr]TT|p, fjpos, 6, 0pi]VT]TTiS, ov, a mourner, wailer. 0pf,vos, 6, (Opeco) a wailing, lamenting: a funeral- song, dirge, like the Gaelic coronach. 0pf,vvs, vos, o, (Opdvos) a footstool. 2. a bench; Oprjvvs firTaiTuSijs, the seven-foot bench, the seat of the helmsman or the rowers. J0pi)|, yxus, o, Ion. for pag. 0pt]o-Kia Ion. -T)tr), 77, (OpijaKevct)) religious wor- ship, service, observance : religion. 0pTjo-Kcvo), f. act), (OpfjaKos) to observe religiously t hold scrupulously. 0pt], a hymn to Bacchus : also a name of Bacchus. II. used to express the Roman tri- umphus, a triumph. 0pryKiov, TO, Dim. of OpijKos. 0PIFKO'5, 6, the coping, eaves, cornice, which projects beyond the rest of the wall ; Opiy/cos tevdvoio a cornice of blue metal : metaph. the coping-stone, last finish. II. generally a wall, fence. Hence QpiyKou), f. wffca, to surround with a coping ; av\rjv eOpijKcaaev dx^poca be fenced it at top with thorn-' bushes : metaph. to build up even to the coping- stone, to put the finishing stroke to. Hence 0pCyKO}p.a, TO, a coping, cornice. 0PI'AAH, a/cos, 77, lettuce, Lat. lactaca. [r] 0pijco, poet, synrop. for Oepifa. 0piv-aKia Ep. -ITJ, 77, and 0piv-aKpCs, ioos, 77, (fyt"- j/a) the trident-land, sub. 777 or vrjaos, an old name of Sicily from its three promontories, Lat. Trinacria. 0pivaj, S.KOS, 6, (for Tpivag, from Tpls) a trident, three-pronged fork. 0PI'H, 77, gen. Text's, dat. pi. Opii: the hair, both of man and beast : sheep's wool : also of the beard :- Proverb., Oplg dvd ptaaov only a hair's breadth off. 0PICTN, TO, a fig-leaf. II. a kind of omelette, so called because it was wrapped in fig-leaves. 0PI'O2, o, one of the reefs or little ropes on tht} lower part of the sail, used to take it in. 0ptir-T|8t/3o>) a wood-worm. 0pOo>, f. 77^0;, (Opoos) to cry aloud, shriek forth : generally, to speak, declare. II. to frighten : Pass, to be frightened or troubled. 0PO'MBO2, o, a lump, piece, Lat. grumus: a clot or gout of blood. 0po(j.|3-w6T]S, (s, (OpopPos, elSos) curdled, clotted* 322 0p6vov, TO, only in plur. Gpova, flowers or patterns embroidered on cloth. II. later, Opova are flowers or herbs used as charms. (Deriv. uncertain.) 0PO'NO2, 6, a seat, chair. II. a chair of state, throne : the chair of a judge, teacher, etc. : in pi. the king's estate or dignity. 0poos Att. contr. 0povs, o, (Qpeca) a confused noise, tumult, murmuring. II. a report, Lat. rumor. 0pvaXXC8i,ov, TO, Dim. of 0pva\\is. 0PT W AAAI'5, ioos, 77, a wick. 6pvXcco (vulgo 0pv\\(o}) : f. 770-0; : pass. pf. re0pv- \rjfMi : (0pv\os) : to make a noise, to keep bab- bling. II. c. ace. rei, to keep talking about a thing, make a great talk of: Pass, to be the common talk, TO 0pv\ovfjLevov or reOpvXijfJLevov what is in every one's mouth. 0pi)XCa> (vulgo 0pvX\ica), f. iffco : (0puXos) : to make a false note in playing on the cithara. 0pvXC(ro-o(M,i : aor. 2 erpv(pr}v [u] : pf. re0pvfjiiMi : to break in pieces, crush : Pass, to be broken, crushed. II. metaph. in Pass, to be enfeebled, enervated. III. in Pass, also, to be affected, give oneself airs, look languishing: generally, to be conceited ; 0pvirTCff0ai nvi, to feel pride in a thing. Hence 0pvi|ns, co;s, 17, a breaking in pieces. II. me- taph. softness, weakness, effeminacy. 0pwcrKco, lengthd. from the Root 0OP-, which ap- pears in fut. and aor. 2 : fut. Oopovnai Ion. 0opeo/zat : aor. 2 0opov, inf. 0opeiv Ep. Qopeeiv : to leap, spring, as the arrow from the string, or the lot from the hel- met. 2. foil, by Prep., to leap or spring upon one, to attack, assault. II. trans, to mount, impregnate. 0pcocrp,6s, 6, (Opajffteoj) a springing or rising, as of a hill from the plain. 0vppwxs, aSos, 77, and 0v/3pis, ioos, 77,= QVH&-. TTA'THP, 77, gen. 0vyar^oos contr. 0vyarpos, dat. 0vydTfpi 0vyarpi, ace. 0vyarfpa Ep. 0vyarpa, voc. 0vyarep : a daughter. Hence 0vyaTpi8f], 77, a daughter's daughter, grand- daughter. 0iry a Tpt8oiJs, ov, Ion. -i8cos, eov, 6, a daughter's son, grandson. ', r6, Dim. of Ovyar-qp, a little girl. (0iV) a mortar. Hence TO, Dim. of 0vfia. ff, (0voj) a storm, a hurricane, whirlwind, tempest ; trvpbs 6ve\\at storms of lightning; dri]s Ove\\ai storms of woe. 6v0)v, gen. pi. of dvos. 9vTj-86xos, (Ovos, Se'xo^ai) receiving incense. 0vTjis, raa, ev, (6vos) smoking with incense, fra- grant. OihjXT], 17, (Ovoi) the part of the victim burned: a burnt-offering or sacrifice. OvijiroXectf, f. 770*0;, to busy oneself with sacrifices : Pass, to be filled with sacrifices. And OxnrjiroXia, 77, a sacrificing. From Othrj-iroXos, ov, (Qixa, TroAeo;) busy about sacrificing; sacrificial : as Subst. a sacrifice, a priest. 0ih]-d-yos, ov, (Ovos, (po/yctV) consigning offerings. 6 via or 0va [u], o, (from Ovca to smell) : a sweet- scented African tree, perhaps a kind of cedar. 0UUH, uv, ai, = 0via5fs. 0-uids or 0i;as, gen. aoos, 77, (6v(u) a frantic or in- spired woman, Bacchante. 0vivos, rj, ov, made of the wood of the tree Ovia. 0via>, = OvXi)[Aa, TO, that which is offered ; 6v\rjfMra cakes, incense, etc. [u] 0v[xa, aTos, TO, (6vo?) a sacrifice, offering; Tray- icapira Ovpara offerings of all fruits. Gup-aivco. f. avSj, (Qv^os) to be wroth or angry. vjJL-aXY 1 ^ 8 * * s (Qvf*- 05 , o,\yeco) heart-grieving. eujxdXwi};, OJTTOS, 6, (riKpoj) a piece of burning wood or charcoal, a hot coal or ember. OiJp.apcco, to be well-pleased. From 6iJjj.-a.piqs [a], es, (Ovp.6s, ap-apftv) suiting one's mind, well-pleasing. 0TMBPA, r), a bitter herb, savory. Ovp-pp-em-Setirvos, ov, (Ovpfipa, kiti, oeirrvov) eat- ing the herb savory, living poorly. 0i)[x|3piaYos, ov -> (Ov^Ppa, tyayftv*) eating the herb savory; Ovfj.fipofya.'yov @\CITT(IV to look as if one bad eaten savory, make a wry face. 0vp,fXif],i7, (6v, f. affca, [a] : Ion. aor. I 0vfAirjaa : (0vfJia, 0v(a) : to burn so as to produce smoke : to burn as 323 incense: Pass., Ion. 3 sing. Ovfurjrai, for -aTai, to l 0wvco-Kcir>, f. 770*0;, to watch for tunnies. From be burned. 0v|At8uov, TO, Dim. of 0vp6s. [13] 0v|itT]}xa, Ion. for OvpiapM.. 0tip.filTau, Ion. 3 sing. pres. pass. 0t)(xtijTTipiov, TO, Ion. for Ovp.iaTripiov. Outlives, 77, ov, (0v{j.os) made of or with thyme, [u] 0t5fi(Tt]s, of, 6, (0v/j,os} seasoned with thyme. 0vji,o-pap*f|s, s, (0v[j.6s, /Sapos) heavy at heart. 0v|jioj3opa>, f. '/jo-Q}, to gnaw or vex the heart. From 0i)}ji,o-p6pos, ov, (OvfjLus, @if3pajo~Ka)) heart-eating. 0x5p,o-8aicif|s, fs, (0vfj.6s, 5ac/) biting the heart. 0vjAO-i8Tis, 6*, (0v{j.6s, elSos} high-spirited, coura- geous, Lat. animosus. II. hot-tempered, passion- ate : of horses, restive, wild. 0vjio-\(ov, OVTOS, 6, (Ovp.6s, \fcav) lion-hearted. 0vjxo-jJiavTvs, fcvs, o, 77, (Ovp.6s, P.CLVTI.S) of prophetic soul. 0tifjLO-|ji,5xo, f. 77o"cy, (0vp:6s, pa-xopjai) to fight with all one's heart and soul. 0vjjLO-ir\T]0T|s, fs, (0vfj.6s, n\TJ0os) wrathful. 00}jio-pfii'o-TifjS, ov, 6, (Ovfios, paioj) life-destroying. "" ', o, (Ovoj) the soul; also, the life, breath, Lat. anima ; QVJJLOV oupf\e uc6s, 77, 6v, of or like a man of genius, clever. From 0v(i6-o-oos, ov, (BvfjLos, ffo(f)6s~) naturally clever, a man of genius. 0djj,o4>0opcco, f. rjffoj, to break the heart. From 0vjxo-4>06pos, ov, (Ovpos, 06pa fyapiMKa. poisonous, deadly drugs : of persons, heart-breaking, most irksome. Ovpij Kara-naKTT] a trap-cfoor. II. generally, an entrance, access, door, a frame, raft. III. boards put together like a Hence 0v|x6b), f. woo), (QvjJLos) to make angry : Pass., with i scutum. 0vpae, for Ovpaaof, Adv. to the door, outside the door : then like Lat. foras, out ; 4 fjirjpov oopv wo'e Ovpafc he wrenched the spear out of his thigh. 0upa0V Ep. -i]0, (Ovpa) Adv. from without, with- out, outside; ol 6vpa0tv foreigners, aliens. 0t'patos, a, ov, also os, ov, (Gvpa) outside the door, abroad; Ovpaws ol\veiv to go out of the door; Ovpaios tXBfiv to come from abroad; avopes GvpaToi stranger men ; oA/3os Ovpaios the good fortune of other men. 0vpacrt, -, f. 770-0;, to break a door open. From 0vpo-Koiros, ov, (Ovpa, KoitToi) knocking at the door, esp. for alms. 0vp6to, f. wco}, (Ovpa) to furnish with doors, bar close, M 2 324 0vp, Lacon. inf. OvpaaoSoav, (Ovpaos) to bear or brandish the thyrsus. 0upcro-|iavif|S, es, (Ovpaos, u.avr]vai) raving with the thyrsus. 0tipo-os, o, with heterog. pi. Ovpaa, TO., (Ovca) any light, straight shaft: commonly the thyrsus, a wand wreathed in ivy and vine-leases with a pine-cone at the top, carried by the devotees of Bacchus. 0vpo-o4>opo, f. 770-0;, to bear the thyrsus ; 0. Oidaovs to assemble companies with the thyrsus. From 0vpcro-6pos, ov, (Ovpffos, \i.a, O.TOS, TO, (Ovpoca) a room with doors to it. II. a door with its. frame. 0tipwv, uivos, 6, (Ovpa) the door-way: a hall, ante- chamber, Lat. atrium, vestibulum. 0tipcopos, o, 77, (Ovpa, aipa) a door-keeper, porter. Qv&ai, aor. I inf. of Ova}. 0i5o-avo6ts Ep. Outran, effffa, cv, tasseled, fringed. From 0vcravos, 6, (Ovca) a tassel, tuft, or tag: in pi. tassels, fringe : esp. of the aiyis. [iJ] 0i5o-ava)Tos, 77, ov, (Ouaavoca) tasseled, fringed. 0vcr9Xa, cav, TCI, (Ovca) the sacred implements of Bac- chic worship : Bacchic worship. 0vtria, 77, (Ovca) sacrificing, the mode of sacrificing: in pi. Ovaiai, sacrifices: II. the victim itself. 0Ccri,aoTT|piov, TO, (Ovaia) an altar. 0tio-t[Jios, ov, (Ovca) flt for sacrifice, [t] 0u(rcrav66is, faaa, fv, Ep. for Ovaavoets. 0v, aor. i inf. and fut. of Tvtpca. 8T'il (A), fut. Ovaca []: aor. I cOvaa: pf. TfOvita: Med., fut. OvffofMi, also used in pres. sense: Pass., aor. i (TiOrjv [y~\ : pf. TfOvjMi, also used in med. sense: to offer, sacrifice, slay a victim : also absol., Ovtiv Oeois to sacrifice to the gods : later, to celebrate with sacrifices, ya.fj.ovs Oveiv; evayy(\ia Qveiv Z/taTov fiovs to acknowledge the good news by sacrificing a hun- dred oxen. II. Med. to have a victim slain: hence to take the auspices. T'fl, (B), f. Ova, Oys, Of), aor. 2 subj. of TtOrjfJU. 0WT|, 77, (T,iOr}fj.i ) a penalty ; OUT) 'A.~)(a.iuv a penalty imposed by the Achaeans. " >, Ion. for .0ay, to sit. From 0WKOS, Ep. lengthd. 06Kos, o, Ion. for OO.KOS, a seat, chair. II. a sitting, assembly ; OwKovde to the sitting. 0u|xa, 0, f. ca, to whip with small cords, scourge. 0p,uru, by crasis for TO ijfjtiav, the half. 0o>p,6s, o, (riOrj^i) a heap. 0coireia, 77, (Ocarrevo}) a flattering, flattery. 0u>TT6V|xa, OTOS, TO, (Oamfvca) a piece of flattery, a caress. 0anrV(id.TU>v, TO, Dim. of Ouirevfj,a, a bit of flattery. OcairciJco, f. aca, (Owij/) to flatter .fawn on, cajole, wheedle. 0comKos, 77, ov, (0pdKeiov, TO, (Oupa) a breastwork. 0, f. (aca, (0oupa) to arm with breast- plate. II. generally, to sheath in armour, cover with armour. Qtop5.KO-iroi6s,6v,(Owpa,iToif a) making breastplates. 0(opdKO-<|>6pos Ion. 0{j)pT]K , ov, (0wpa, (pepca) wear- ing a breastplate, a cuirassier. 0o>pag, dos, Ion. 0a>pir], IJKOS, 6, a breastplate, cui- rass ; SiirAoos 06jpr] a double cuirass, consisting of breast and back piece joined with clasps, Lat. lo- ! rlca. 2. the part covered by the breastplate, the chest. II. the breastwork of a wall : also the strong, outer wall. OcopT)Ko-4>6pos, ov, Ion. for Qcapaicofycpos. 0copTjKTT|S, ov, 6, (Oa;pr)aaca) armed with breastplate or cuirass. 0copir), rjKos, 6, Ion. and Ep. for 0wpa. Gcopfj^ai, aor. inf. of sq. 0cop^ofjiev, i pi. fut. of Oojprjaaca ; but also Ep. for Ocaprjgcafj.tv, aor. I subj. 0o)pT|(r, (Qwpa) to arm with a breastplate or cuirass, generally, to arm, harness :- Pass. Ocaprja- vp,d^(i>, 0(avp,dorios, 0covfxd(TTr]S, 0a>v|Jia- O-TOS, less correct Ion. forms for QWU.O., Oca/j.aca, etc. 0coi5, f. ca, of a dog, to bark, bay, growl ; of a gnat, to buzz, hum : generally, to cry aloud, sbotit out : c. ace., to call on, call. ', gen. Ownos, 6, a flatterer, fawner, cajoler. I I, I iwra, TO, indecl., ninth letter of the Greek alpha- bet. As numeral, t'= 10, but / = 10,000. The i subscriptum was always adscriptum or written by the side, not under (as rwi, not T), till the I3th century. In Capitals it is still so written, as THI. t was easily exchanged with et, whence forms like ft\oj i\\ca, ciXr) i\r) : i was sometimes exchanged with e, as effria larirj : but more frequently it is in- serted to lengthen the syll., as in flv els eivos fteivos 8iai nopal for kv Is ei/os Kfvos Sid irapd. The Quantity of t varies. -C, iota demonstr ativnm, is attached to all cases of demonstr. Pronouns in Attic, to strengthen their force, e. g. ovroffi, avrrfi, rovri, Latt. hicce, haecce, bocce, (Ktivoai, dot, rovroyi, etc. : also demonstr. Advs., as oirrcuffi, w8i, evOabi. Those that end in ai take the v c(f>f\KvariKov before a vowel, as ovrooiv, fKfivoffiv, ovTQjffiv. In all these, the last syll. is long, and takes the accent ; a long vowel or diphthong in penult, is shortened, e. g. avrrjt, ovroii. IA' Ion. Wj, 17, = /Sojy, a voice, cry. ia, ITJS, ifj, tav, old Ion. fern, of el's for pia, /x/as, etc. Id, TO,, irreg. pi. of 16s, an arrow, [t] ia, rd, pi. of tov, a violet. lat, exclam. of triumph. ld0T|crofuu, fut. pass, of ia.op.ai. iatJ3oi, strengthd. form of al0oi, to express disgust. 'lAI'NH, fut. lavu: aor. I irjva: aor. I pass. Idvdrjv: to -warm, heat. 2. to melt, soften by heat : me- taph., 8vp.ov laiveiv to melt the heart. 3. to warm, cheer, refresh, recruit : c. dat. to take delight in a thing. 'IaKxd, f. rjff Ion. u]X-, f. iaoj, (la\fp.os) to bewail. Hence taXepioTpia Ion. trjX-, 17, a wailing woman. IdXejjios [a] Ion. iTjXcjios, o, (la) a wail, lament, dirge. II. as Adj. melancholy, plaintive. tdXXco, f. taAcD : aor. I ir)\a, inf. irj\ai : to send forth ; ITT' bvtia.ro. xetpas ia\\ov they put forth their hands to the dishes; wept X CI P^ Seaffa or 8id\cKros), the Ionic dialect. i'do-f, 3 pi. pres. of ef/ ibo. ias, 77, (fdoftcu) a cure, remedy. v IA5Iir5, (5os, 77, a precious stone, jasper. 'laori, Adv. ('Ids) in the Ionic fashion or dialect. 'Idcrto, gen. oos, contr. ovs, 77, (IdopaC) Idso. the goddess of healing and health. IdTTjp Ep. lirjTTip, fjpos, 6, poet, for larpos, a cbirur- geon, surgeon, leech, physician, [t] idro, 3 sing. impf. of tdo/xat. Idropia, T), (taTcyp) the art of medicine. Idros, 77, ov, (idopjai) curable. idrpeiov, TO, (larrjp) a surgery. tarpiKos, 77, 6v, (larpos) of or for the art of healing: 77 larpiKTf (sub. Tfx vr ))> surgery, the art of healing. larpo-jxavTis, ea;s, 77, (larpos, p.dvns) the physician- seer, of Apollo and Aesculapius. larpos Ion. lijrpos, o, (Idopjai) = lar-fjp, a surgeon, leech, physician : metaph., larpos Katcwv, opyfjs, etc., a healer. laTpo-Texvrjs, ov, 6, (larpos, Tex vr f) a practiser of the healing art. laTTarai, laTraTaid^, Interj. ah, woe is me ! idrcop, opos, 6, Ion. Irjroap, poet, for larpos. [id] lav, a shout in answer, ho ! holla ! lavot, exclamation of joy, ho ! ho ! [t ] lava), f. oca : aor. I "iavaa : (avoJ) : to sleep, to pass the night : hence to dwell in a place : laveiv iruoa to rest the foot. l-aen]S, ov, 6, (los, d^irjfii) an archer, [t] ld0T]v, aor. I pass, of Idirrca. laxo-ios, a, ov, (tax^) glad-sounding. lax>, f- TyfTcu, = idx, /o, fo- hold. [t] iSc, Ep. 3 sing, of tloov, aor. 2 of *d8ca. [t] ISea Ion. -j, 77, (i8aV)/orm. 2. generally, the look or appearance of a thing, as opp. to its reality, Lat. species. 3. a nature, kind, sort; a way, man- ner, fashion. [t] ISetv Ep. ISceiv, inf. of tloov, aor. 2 of *6tSw. I8cr0cu, inf. med. of eldov, aor. 2 of *e?Sco. iSeo-icov, Ion. for flSov, aor. 2 of *ftdca. [?] IScco, Ion. subj. of el8ov, aor. 2 of *eioca. iS-qai, Ep. 2 sing, of i8op.r]v, aor. 2 med. of *ei'So;. [t ] l8T]. [r] 18191, v. sub i'Sios. ISuurepos, i8iaiTO,TOs, Comp. and Sup. of iSios, formed from I8ia. i8io-J3ov\uto, f. aca, (t'Stos, #ovAevcu) to follow one's own counsel, take one's own way. 'IAIO5, a, ov, Att. also os, ov: one's own, personal, private, Lat. privus, privatus : opp. to public (877^0- (Ttos). 2. one's own. opp. to dAAorpios; TO i'Stoi/ or ra idia private property or concerns. 3. jtectt- Jmr, separate, distinct : hence strange. II. dat. tSt'ct is used as Adv. privately, opp. to SrjfJioaiq ; t8ta (ppevos away from one's senses. 2. on one's own account. III. irreg. Comp. and Sup. idtairepos, iSairaros (formed from iS/a). i8io-o-VYKptcria, 77, (iSios, ffvyitpivca) a peculiar tem- perament or habit of body, idiosyncrasy. ISto), f. iota [i] : aor. i i'67. iSotcro., Dor. for tSoucra, aor. 2 part. fern, of *6t5a;. iSov, Ep. for ftSov, I sing, and 3 pi. aor. 2 of 'IAO5, cos, TO, sweat, perspiration. 2. violent heat. I8o, imperat. med. of (TSov. II. as Adv. written I8ov, lol behold! see there! in giving a thing, there! see there! 2. well! as you please ! 3. ironically in repeating another's words, ISov 7' aicparov, yes to be sure, sheer wine. ISpeia Ion. i8p6LT] or i8pi7] [t], 77, (i'Spts) knowledge, practice, skill ; iSpeirj iro\t poio skill in war. i8pis, gen. 'idpios Att. ifyecus, 6, 77, neut. iSpi, (fS^f- vai, = flSevai) experienced, skilful: as Subst., i'Spts the provident creature = jjLvp[j.r], the ant. I8pos, o, poet, for fS/ws. [?] Hence LSpoco, f. wcoj, to sweat, perspire, generally from toil, but also from pain or fear. This Verb, like piyoca, is contracted into v\iov I8pv(rai to give footing to, introduce, intestine war : pf. pass, ffipvpai, to be placed, situated; ISpvaBai ris TUTTOV to settle in a place : Med. to found or establish for oneself. ISpw, I8p$, Ep. for iSpura, tSpwTt, ace. and dat. of r C P t 1 V ' P t ' f *5pO(W. I8pu>s, O/TOS, 6 : Ep. dat. and ace. f5p Ep. i8o>jjLi, aor. 2 subj. of *e?8cu. iSuv, t8ouo*a, aor. 2 part, of *6?8o>. ie, lev, Ep. 3 sing. impf. of ef/xt ibo. lei, 3 sing. Ion. and Att. impf. ofiij/ju (as if from ti, (ifpos) to offer, sacrifice. 2. to kill, slaughter. II. intr. to be a priest. leprj, 77, ttpfia. Up-rjiov, TO, Ion. for ifpfiov. lepia, 77, Att. poet, form of tepeta. Upo-yXve^tKos, 77, ov, (ifpos, y\v(f)cu) hieroglyphic, expressing ideas by sacred symbols instead of letters. Upo-YpajijtaTevs, fas, 6, (ifpos, ypaiu.iJa.Tfvs) a sa- cred scribe, one of a lower order of the Egyptian priesthood. Upo-8oKos, ov, (ifpov, Sf^ofMii) receiving sacrifices. Up6-0vTOS, ov, (ifpos, Otca) sacrificed to a god; if- poOvTos Ka-rrvos smoke from the sacrifices. Upo-XoYew, (tepos, ^.70;) to discuss sacred things. Upo-Xo-yCa Ion. IpoXo-ytti, 77, mystic language. Upo-jxirjvia, 77, or Upo-p,T|via, TO., (ifpos, ^irjv or WVTJ) the holy moon, or the holy-day of the month. lepo-p,vTi[Jia)V, ovos, 6, (ifpos, fJLVTjftcuv) mindful of 327 sacred things. II. Subst. the sacred recorder sent by each Ampbictyonic state to their Council along with the irv\c lepov, TO, v. Ifpos n. Upo-vCicT)S, ov, 6, (If pus, viKaca) conqueror in the games. Upo-iroios, ov, (ifpos, iroifca) managing sacred rites: at Athens, the Ifporroiot were ten officers, one from each tribe, who saw that the victims were without blemish. Upo-irpeirTis, fs, (Ifpos, irpfirca) beseeming a sacred 'place, person or matter : holy, reverend. 'IEPO'5, a, ov, also os, ov : Ion. and Ep. also Ip6s, 77, ov. of or relating to the gods, Lat. sacer. 2. holy, hallowed, consecrated, of any place, person or thing under the protection of a god ; Ifpos ) robbing temples, sa- crilegious : as Subst. a sacrilegious person, Lat. sa- crilegus. iepovpyeu), f. 770-0;, (ifpovpyos) to perform sacred rites; ifpovpyfiv TO cvayyf\iov to minister the gospel. Hence lepovpyia Ion. IpofpyLj], 77, religious service, worship, sacrifice. lep-ovp-yos, ov, (ifpos, fpyov) sacrificing : esp. as Subst. a sacrificing priest. lpoavT0, f. ijacy, to be an initiating priest. From lepo-dvTTjs Ion. lp-, ov, 6, (ifpos, ) one who expounds sacred things: an initiating priest. Hence UpoavTiKos, 77, ov, of or for an initiating priest. Adv. -KUS. lcpo-ijXa, O.KOS, 6, (ifpos, (pv\a) a keeper of a temple or of the sacred vessels in it, Lat. aedituus. [u] Up6-x0o>v Ion. lp-, 6, T), (ifpos, xflw") of hallowed soil. Upoco, f. wa, (iC, iTrjXefuoTpia, Ion. for iaXcfj.-. , TO, = ia/xa. t, {'775, fyo-t, 3 pi. tao-t or tefo-t; imperat. t'et; subj. to) ; opt. Uiijv ; inf. ferai Ep. iepevai or te/ici/ ; part. lets : impf. 1771', Aeol. 3 pi. 'lev : fut. 770*0; : aor. I rjfca Ep. T]Ka : aor. 2 %v, of which the ind. is only used in compds. ; imperat. es, subj. cD, opt. firjv, inf. fTvai, part, ti's : pf. ef/ra : plqpf. (i'fceiv. Pass, and Med., pres. tejuat : impf. itfJLrjv: aor. i pass, c^v, also ct6r)v : aor. I med. rjKau.rjv : aor. 2 med. fi'urjv or ^v : pf. pass. el/Mi : plqpf. ei/tf/i/. Causal of etjwt (z&o), to make to go, set agoing : hence I. to send, send away, let go, dismiss. 2. of sounds, to send forth, utter, emit. 3. of things at rest, to set in motion, send, let fly, throw, hurl : c. gen. pers. to throw at one: the ace. is often omitted, so that 177/11 is seemingly intr. to throw, shoot. 4. of water, to let flow, let burst forth : and without ace., irorafjibs 67Ti yatav i'rjfftv the river flows over the land : of tears, to let fall : metaph., fca8 8e Kaprjros ^K /co/wzs she let her hair^otf down from her head. 5. ge- nerally, to put, place. II. Med. to feel an impulse towards a thing, long for, yearn after ; part, te/*ej/os, longing for : c. inf. to desire to do. 2. the 3 pi. aor. 2 med. &/TO is used by Homer only in phrase tirtl iroffios /rat fSrjrvos 4 epov tvro, when they had put away, i. e. satisfied, desire of meat and drink. i/rjva, aor. i of laivo). 'Iir)-iraiT|ci>v, ores, d, epith. of Apollo from the cry IT) iraidv: also a hymn sung to him. Hence u]-irauovi, f. tercy, to cry ty iraiwv or iraiav ! Itjo-acrOai, Ion. aor. I inf. of IdofMi. trjat, Ep. for ir}, 3 sing. pres. subj. of elfJLi ibo. ITJO-I, 3 sing. pres. ind. of fy/w. iT|, f. vvSi: aor. Wvva: Pass., aor. I WvvOrjv: Ion. and Ep. for cvOvva, to make straight, straighten, ' direct, rule : Pass, to become straight or even ; TO; 8' WvvOrjTijv they ran even with one another. 2. to guide in a straight line, to direct or steer straight, to send or shoot straight; Wvvfiv ITTITOVS, to drive the ! horses straight : Pass, of a boat, to be guided, ' steered. 3. to guide, rule : of a judge, to rectify, i correct : also to chastise. I UHj-iropos, ov, (Wvs, TTOpevofJLai} going straight on. i0v-irTia>v, uvos, 6, 77, (t6>ys, ircTO/*at) straight-flying, of an ashen spear-shaft. [T?] I0Y'5, iOfia, Wv, Ion. fern. Witt: Ion. and Ep. form of the Att. fvOvs : of motion, straight, direct, | going straight : in moral sense, straight, upright, I just, true : Comp. and Sup. Wvrfpos, Wvraros : in Adverbial usage, ace. fern. rr)v Weiav (sub. oSoV), straight on, Lat. recta via: so, 4/c TTJS Weirjs, straight- forward, openly. II. as Adv., Wvs or Wv, straight at, straight towards; Wvs pax^oaaOai to fight fair, openly and aboveboard. 2. of Time, straightway. Hence I0tis, vos, ?), Homer only in ace. Wvv, an impulse, purpose, plan, undertaking, endeavour : but also av Wvv, = av' opOov, straight upwards, [i] l0v-TVT)S, , (Wvs, TCtVo;) stretched out, straight, [t] 10V-TOVOS, ov, (Wvs, Tfiva}) = WvTcvr]s. l0v-TplxS, of, at, plur. from Wv6pt. I0va>, f. vao) : aor. i Wvaa : [u] : (Wvs) : to go straight, press right on : c. gen., t'0vo"e vcos drove right against the ship. II. to be eager to do, bent upon doing : hence to desire, purpose. iK&vos, 77, ov, (iK-taOai) befitting, becoming: I. of persons, sufficient, competent, able to do a thing ; itcavus larpiKrjv sufficiently versed in medicine : absol. 329 considerable, respectable, tolerable. II. of things, sufficient, enough : large or long enough ; IKOVOV Xpwov a long time ; TO l/eavov \a.(Jiftdv6iv to take security or bail, Lat. satis accipere. Hence iKavoTYjs, TITOS, 77, sufficiency, fitness. IKCLVOCO, f. ouffoi, to make Jit, make sufficient, qualify. IKO.VCO [a], Ep. lengthd. for IKCU, = Ifcvtofjuu, only used in pres. and impf., to come : to come to, arrive at, reach : also Med. iKavofAai, iKavois, Adv. of IKCLVOS, sufficiently, Lat. satis; fa- vus X f w to be sufficient : Sup. iKavwrara. 'Lcdpios, a, ov, ("I/fapos) Icarian, name of that part of the Aegaean sea which is between the Cyclades and Caria, where Icarus the son of Daedalus was said to have been drowned. uceXos, 77, ov, poet, form for ciKf\os, like, [i] Hence iKcXoco, f. toffoj, to make like, iKcorOai, aor. 2 inf. of iKVfOfJtai. iK, 3 sing. aor. 2 imperat. of itevcopai. iKeaia, 77, (iKeTijs) the prayer of a suppliant. II. as fern, of ifceaios, a female suppliant. IKCO-IOS, a, ov, also os, ov, (iK^rrjs} of, for or presid- ing over suppliants, epith. of Zeus. II. suppliant, supplicating. iKTa-8oKos, ov, (l/ffTrjs, Sexo/wu) receiving or pro- tecting suppliants. iKereia, 7), = iKfaia, q. v. icTetiu.a, arcs, TO, (Iteerf uu) a mode of supplication. IKTVTOS, a, ov, proper to be supplicated. From iKTvw, f. ffoj : aor. I iietrevaa [l Att., i Ep.] : (iKTr)$) : to approach as a suppliant, to supplicate, entreat, beseech. tKTT|pios sync. iKTT)pios, a, ov, (itcfTTjs) of or fit for suppliants. II. 77 tK(Tr)pia (sub. tAata), the olive branch which a suppliant held in his hand. iKTtjs, ov, 6, (iKtffOai) one who comes to seek pro- tection, a suppliant or fugitive. II. the protector of the suppliant. Hence ixTT|O'ios, a, ov, protecting the suppliant, of Zeus. IKTUS, t5os, T), fem. of l6T7)S. iKTjat, Ep. for IKTJ, 2 sing. aor. 2 subj. of iKVtopai. iK(Aao> and iKp,aivo>, to moisten. From TKMA'2, a5os, 7), moisture of any kind. ucfJievos or iKp.evos, only in the phrase MfAfvos ovpos a fair breeze, (from lnveofjiai), a following and so favourable, wind, Lat. ventus secundus. lengthd. from "IKfl [i] : fut. i^o/iat Dor. aor. 2 iKop-Tjv : pf. ?y/xcu, part, iynevos : to come : to come to, arrive at, reach. 2. to come as a suppliant (iKerrjs) to one, to beseech, entreat him. 3. impers. in pres. and impf., it becomes, be- fits, beseems; TOVS fioAtera iKvUrat whom it most concerns ; TO iKVfvfJLtvov that which is fitting, proper. iKvevvrai, Dor. for lavovvrai, 3 pi. of tKveofMi. IKVOV|JLVCOS Ion. iKveop,-, IKVCVJA-, Adv. part. pres. of IKV to p.a.i, fittingly, aright. , Dor. for licoifj.rjv, aor. 2 opt. y IKPIA, TO, the half-deck of an Homeric ship: generally, a boarded platform, scaffold, benches. focrap, Adv. (inca) at once, close together. II. of Place, close to, hard by, c. gen. IKTTIP, 77/>os, 6, (I'/fcw) a suppliant. II. Zcvs iKTrjp, the protector of the suppliant. iKTT|ptos, a, ov, syncop. for iitfTrjpios. ucrtSeos, a, ov, (IKTIS) of a weasel, of weasel-skin, in Homer /mSeos. II. as Subst., iKTiota, contr. m877 (sub. oopa), 77, weasel-skin. TKITNOS, o, a kite, Lat. milvus. , 77, the yellow-breasted marten-cat. IKTO, 3 sing, plqpf. of /weo//cu. "IKI1, impf. Iteov: aor. 2 lov: root of IreveofMi, a form used in Ep. poetry: to come: to come to, arrive at, reach a certain point, whether of Place or Time ; TO, act. ~fovva tKo^fBa we come to thy knees, in token of supplication (cf. iKveofMtc 2, iKfrrji) : metaph. to reach, arrive at, manhood, old age, etc. ; vfipis Tf /Sir] T6 ffid'/jpeov ovpavov i'Kfi violence and force are reach- ing even to heaven. 2. conversely of circumstances, conditions ; xP ei lKfl A* necessity is upon me ; virvos, yrjpas, Ifcdvei ftc come upon or over me. iKo>[j.cu, aor. 2 subj. of itcveofjiai. i\a, Dor. for i\ij. [t] IXaSov, Adv. (1X77) in troops, in bodies, in companies, ' Lat. turmatim : in abundance, [t] tXS0t, pres. imperat. of i'\ijfu. tXdo|xai, Ep. for tAaao/it. "IAAO5, ov, Att. tXews, ) a spinning round: a swim- ming in the head, Lat. vertigo : a swoon, [t J !Xi/y(;, 47708, T), (?AAo>) a whirling, whirlpool. 'IXi60v, Adv. ("IA,tos)/rom 7Vo.y. 'IXt60i, old Ep. gen. of "IXtos, Adv. at Troy. 9 IXtop-paioPTT|s, 6, ("I\tos, /oatco) destroyer of Troy. 'IXioi, old Ep. gen. of "lAios. V IAIO5, ov, T), or v IXtov, TO, ///as or Ilium, the city of Ilus, also called Troy. IXXds, dSos, T), (i\\ca, etXou) a rope, band. IXXos, o, (i'AAaj) squinting. 'TAAIl, v. sub ci\ds, IfMaaca) the thong or lash of a whip, generally a whip, [t] . t|A(x, fut. Ifjidaoi [a] : aor. I i/Miaa : (t/^ds) : to flog, scourge : also to smite. IjASTiSdpiov, TO, Dim. of 1/j.dnov. [t IjAaTtStov, TO, Dim. of Ifjidnov. lp,aTia>, f. iaoi, (Ifidnov) to clothe : pf. part. pass. IfjiaTiapevos, clothed. IjjiaTio-KdirqXos, o, (lfj.dnov, KairrjXos) a dealer in clothes. Ip-aTtov, TO, in form only a Dim. of efyta, an outer garment, cloak or mantle worn above the \ITWV, an- swering to Homer's x^- a " /a j l^dna, rd, generally, clothes. II. a cloth. l|xdTi-vXaK^a>, f. 770-0;, (ijMLTiov, tyvXafttoj) to take care of clothes. , 6, (IfMTifa) clothing, apparel, [i] Aeol. ifxeppa), (i'/Licpos) to long for, yearn for or after, desire; c. inf. to long or wish to do. More freq. tp.eipo|xai as Dep., with aor. I med. Iftfipanrjv, pass. i(J.p9r)v. ip.ev, I pi. of e?//t Ibo. i'p,V, ip.vai, Ep. for i'eVai, inf. of cf/it zoo. t|A6po-5epKif|s, es, (t'/nepos, Sepao^iat) looking long- ingly. ^ tp,Epoeis, eo-o-a, cr, (i'//epos) exciting lo^e or desire, lovely, charming. t|Xpo-0ttXTjs, es, (fyfpos, TcOrjXa) Dor. for l/jLcpoOr)- \r)s) sweetly growing or blooming. C 'IMEPO5 [t], o, a longing or yearning afters, per- son or thing, Lat. desiderium : absol. Zoi>e, desire. tp.eppco, Aeol. for Ipe'ipo}. IfjiepTOS, 17, oj/, (t/ietpcu) longed for, lovely. i'fjip.Evai, poet, for i'/zei/at, t'eVat, inf. of ct/zt z'&o. Ijxcwd, T), (, Lat. ubi, in what place, where ; iv' frpdtycv ijo' eyevovro where they were bred and born : c. gen. loci, iva 7775, x&ipas, etc., Lat. ubi terrarum. 2. = oiroi, Lat. quo, to what place, whither ; iv' oix^rai whither he is gone. IvSdXXopiai, Dep., only used in pres. and impf. : (fl5d\ifj.os, flSd\\ofMi) : to appear, to appear like; with double dat., tVSdAAcTO o-(/>uri Ur]\fiojvi he seemed to them like the son of Peleus : absol. to ap- pear, seem. 'IvSiKos, 77, 6V, ('Ivoos} Indian. IvS-oXeTTjs, ov, 6,('Iv56s, bXeaOai) the Indian-killer, epith. of Bacchus. 'INAO'3, 6, an Indian:**. Adj.='Ii/5ios, In- dian. II. the river Indus. 'IvSuos, a, ov, = 'IvdiKos. tves, pi. nom. of is. Ivtov, TO, ("s) the muscles at the back of the neck : generally, the back of the head, nape of the neck. \lv~\ *INI2, o, a son, child. 'Ivw. oos, contr. oSs, 77, Ino, daughter of Cadmus, afterwards worshipped as a sea-goddess by the name of Leucothea. Iv-w8i]s, cs, (fs, efSos) sinewy, fibrous. [?] iaXos, ov, (from atffffu, as if contracted from aia- Xos) epith. of the wild goat, bounding, springing. tcr0) one who uses birdlime, a fowler. to|iopvs, ecus, o, (ios, pca) bearing misseltoe. 'IST'2, vos, 77 : dat. tvi' contr. tuf : /fo waist. 'I6-j3aicxos, o, (tcy, #dxe) Bacchus invoked with the cry of la} : a song beginning icu Bax f ! lo-p\apos, ov, (tov, fiXftyapov) violet-eyed. iof3oX>, f. rjffo}, to shoot arrows. From to-J36Xos, ov, (16s, /3aAAa>) shooting arrows. lo-jSoo-Tpvxos, ov, (lov, /3oer7j>vxos) dark-haired. lo-SeTos, ov, (lov, 8y) violet-twined. to-86icos, ov, (tos, 5txo(Jia.i) holding arrows. lo-i8T|S, cs, ('lov, fioos} violet-coloured, of the sea. toeis, eacra, fv, (t'oi/) violet-coloured, dark. IOITJV, Att. for toifu, opt. of ft/it ibo. touroi, Dor. for lovaai, part. fern, of flfj.1 ibo. tofiev, Ep. for ica^fv, I pi. subj. of flju ibo. io-jjuyf|S, 4s, (16s, (jLi^fjvaC) mixed with poison. 16-ficopos, ov, (lov, fiopos) dark-fated, miserable. *ION, r6, the violet, Lat. viola, [t] tov, Ep. form of impf. of eTfU ibo. lovOds, aSos, 17, shaggy, hairy. From tovOos, o, the down on the 'face. (Deriv. uncertain.^ [i] 'lovtos, a, ov, ('Iw) of Jo; 'lovios KV\TTOS the Ionian sea, the sea between Epirus and Italy, at the mouth of the Adriatic sea, across which she was said to have swum, not to be confounded with the Ionian sea. l6vTs, part. pi. of flfu. lo-irXoKdjios, ov, (tov, TrXoKafJios) with violet locks, dark-haired, [t] 16s [i], 6, with irreg. pi. la, (ievcu inf. of ft/it ibo} an arrow. , o, rust, verdigris, Lat. aerugo. 1O'2, 6, poison, esp. of serpents. tos, ta, Ep. for fls, pia ; dat. to; for fvi. lo-o*T64>fivos, ov, (tos, arefyavos) violet-crowned. IOTTJS, T^TOS, 77, will, resolve ; mostly in dat., orrjTi by the will or pleasure of the gods. lo-rtjirris, (s, (16s, rvirrfvai) struck by an arrow. tov, a cry of woe, Lat. heu ! seldom, like Iw, a cry of , f. ov, ot, (linrevs, dycipca) three officers at Lacedaemon, who close 300 youths to serve as lir- Trefs or body-guard for the kings. OS, ov, (ITTTTGS, ayaf) carrying horses : lir- t (sub. vavs) at, transport-ships for horses. opai, fut. affofjai Dep. (tTrTros) to drive or guide a horse, to drive a chariot : later, to ride ; lit- jra^taOai \wpav to ride over a country. II. as Pass, of a- horse, to be driven or ridden ; also to be broken in. tirir-cux|ios, ov, (imros, alxpf)) fighting on horseback. tirir-aXeKTpijwv, oVos, 6, (tTnros, dX(KTpvwv) a horse- cock : a gryphon, dragon. tiriraXi8as, ov, 6, poet, form for lirncvs. iirirairaC, (tTTTros) cry of the knights to each other m comic imitation of the seaman's cry fivTrirairai. iirir, f. 770*0;, to be a general of cavalry, to command the cavalry. Hence tirirapxia, 77, the command of the cavalry. iirrrapxiicos, *7, ov, of or for cavalry. From iirir-apxos, and lirir-dpXTjS, ou, o, (iiriros, apx *) ruling the horse, epith. of Neptune. II. a gene- ral of cavalry ; at Athens there were two. tiriras, d8os, 77, fern, of iirmftos; iiriras aroXrj a riding-dress, horseman's cloak. II. as Subst. (sub. rdts), the order of knights : the knights' tax. tiTirao-Ca, 77, (tTrTrd^o^at) riding, horse-exercise. i. chariot-driving. lirrrauip-os, 77, ov, (i-mrd^ofjiai) fit for horses or for riding : easily ridden. iirirao-rqp, T^pos, and tiriracrrf|S, ov, 6, (tV7rab/zai) a horseman. II. as Ad], fit for riding. lirireta, T), (iirireva}) horsemanship, riding, driving, esp. racing. II. cavalry. tirimos, a, ov, (tTnros) of a horse or horses ; X6(pos a crest of horse-hair. 332 iiTTT-cpos, o, (HTTTOS, epos) love for horses, a horse- fever. t7riTU}J.a, CTOS, TO, (iTTTTCvo;) a ride on horseback, expedition in a chariot. iirirTJS, us Ion. 7705, 6, (ITTTTOS) in Homer, either a driver of horses, charioteer, or the warrior fighting from the chariot. 2. a horseman, rider. II. at Athens the 'nrireis Att. lirirqs, Horsemen or Knights, were the 2nd class, according to Solon's constitution : they were required to possess 300 medimni and a horse : see irtvTa.icoffiofjie8iiJ.vot. 2. at Sparta, 300 chosen men, who formed the king's body-guard, but did not serve on horseback ; see tirnaypfTai. liriT6vrf|p, rjpos, 6, and iTireuTifjs, ov, 9, a rider, horseman: from tirirevaj, f. 0*0; : aor. I iirirevffa, : (iirrrtvs} : to be a horseman, to ride: metaph. of the wind, Ztcpvpov irvoais iirirtvffavTos when Zephyr rode with his gales, as in Horace, Eurus equitavit per undas. II. to serve on horseback. linrf]as, Ep. pi. ace. of iirirevs. lir7TT]S6v, Adv. (ITTTTOS) like a horse. II. like a horseman. iirinf|fTcrt, Ep. for iTTirevffi, pi. dat. of iTTirevs. linr-ir|Xd{rios, a, ov, (ITTTTOS, eXavvoj) fit for riding or driving ; 'nnrrj^affia 686s a chariot road. lirir-ir|XdTa, o, Ep. form for iirirr]\dTr)s. lTrTTT|X$Ta), f. 770*0;, to ride or drive. From lirir-i]XdT7j3, ov, 6, Ep. lirmjXdTa, (i'/nros, t\avv, o, (ITTTTOS, fiovitoXos) a horsekeeper. , 04, (i'lriros, y(pavos^) crane-cavalry. of, (tWos, 7^) vulture-cavalry. liriro-BajAos, ov, (ITTTTOS, Sap.6.os, ov, (ITTTTCS, Xoc^os) with horse-hair crest. iTnro-jjiavTis, es, (tTTTTo, ftavTJvai) mad for horses : luxuriant. II. as Subst., ITTTTO paves, cos, TO, an Arcadian plant, which makes horses mad. 2. an, excrescence on the forehead of new-born foals, used as a charm : also a humour which falls from mares. Hence linro-|jiavia, 17, a mad love for horses, racing, etc. lirirop.ax&>, f. 170*0;, (f jriro/iax os ) ^ fight OH horse- back. Hence tinro(j!,axta, 17, a horse-fight, skirmish of horse. liriro-jjidxos, ov, (fmros, ftdxo [tat} fighting on horse- back : as Subst., 'nnrop.a\os, o, a trooper. tiriro-vtojAas, ov, 6, (nnros, z/o>/idu) driving horses. unro-iroXos, ov, (t'7T7Tos,7ToAtofiai) busied with horses: as Subst., tVTroTroXos, o, a rider or driver of horses. iTriro-iTOTcifxos, o, (tTTTros, TroTa/zos) the river-horse of Egypt, hippopotamus: iu Herodotus, I'TT , 6, 57, a horse, mare, Lat. equus, equa : the pi. iTTirot is the pair of horses in the chariot, and hence also the chariot itself; d^' 'iirirow from the chariot ; Aaos re Kal ITTTTOI the foot-soldiers and those who fought in chariots ; i'ntroi KOI ire^oi horse and foot. II. 77 iirnos, the horse, cavalry, Lat. equitatus, always in sing., as, X'^-"? " r * ros > a thousand horse. III. i'lriros nordfjiios the hippopotamus. IV. in Compos., any- thing large or coarse, as in our horsechestnut, horse- laugh, v. iirno-KpTjjjivos, etc. liTiro-o-oas, ov, 6, (i'lriros, aeuca) driver of horses. * iTrrro-croos, a, ov, horse-driving. tn-Tro-crrao-is, caw, 77, (ITTTTOS, ardors) a stable : me- taph., 'AcA/ou wttpaia lirirooTaais the dark stabling- place of the sun, i. e. the West. lirrroorivi], 77, (i-rnros) the art of driving or, later, of riding : the art of horsemanship. II. the horse of an army, cavalry. 77, ov, iirinK6s. Ep. for ITTITOTIJS. , ov, 5, (tWos) a driver or rider of horses, a horseman, knight: Homer always uses Ep. form nr- TToVa, esp. of Nestor. II. as Adj., \cus I'TTTTOTTJS the horse-folk, horsemen. liriro-To^oTTjs, ov, 6, (ITTTTOS, TO^GTIJS) a mounted bowman, horse-archer. iiriroTpoc|>i>, f. 770*0;, to breed or keep horses. And lirrroTpoia, 77, a breeding or keeping of horses, esp. for racing. From i7rjro-Tp64>os, ov, (tmros, Tpe) horse-feeding : breeding or keeping horses. iinro-Tti4>ia, 77, (ITTTTOS, rv(pos) excessive pride. Tirirov-KpTjVTj, 77, Hippocrene, the horse's well on Helicon, sacred to the Muses, said to have sprung out where the hoof of Pegasus struck the earth. tirrr-ovpis, i5os, r), (ITTTTOS, ovpa) fern. Adj. decked with a horse-tail, with crest of horse-hair. iinro-6p/3tov, TO, (i'lriros, (pep/Sea) a stable. II. a troop of horses. Iirrro-<}>opf36s, ov, (iiriros, Qtpfya) a horse-keeper, trainer. iTrtro-xapjxTjs, ov, 6, (tWos, xap/^^ t7rrr-BT]S, fs, (iiriros, e?5os) horse-like. ITTIWOV, uivos, 6, (tTTTTos) a place for horses, a stable : a halting-place, station. liriTtoVfia, T], a buying of horses. From lirircova>, f. rjaoa, to buy horses. From lirrr-toVT)S, ov, 6, (ITTTTOS, cWo/zat) a buyer of horses. a late form for TTC'TOJUCU, to fly. i, f. fyofjiai : (?TTOS) : Dep. : to press hard, oppress : generally, to hurt, barm. tpd, TO., Ion. for tcpa. tpag, O.KOS, o, contr. for Upa , a hawk. ipa.op.ai, Ion. for ifpao/Mt. tpcia, Ion. for itpeta. tpV6o-Kov, Ion. impf. of Ifpfto}. tpevs, fjos, 6, Ion. for Itpevs. ipev(o, Ion. for 333 IpTji'ov, Ion. for Ifpfiov. lpT|v, fvos, 6, Ion. for ciprjv. i'pTj, rjKos, 6, Ion. for lepaf. tpia, Dor. for icpeia. tpts, i8os, fj : ace. ipiv as well as 'ipiSa : the rain- bow, in Homer, as in the Bible, a sign to men (repas fjif-poircav dvOpwircav). II. impersonated *Ipis, i8os, 77, ace. *1piv, voc. *Jpi, Iris, the Rainbow, as a mes- senger of the gods, esp. from the gods to men : Hesiod makes her daughter of Thaumas (the Wonderer). tpicrorv, Ep. for ipiaiv, dat. pi. of ipis. Ipo-Spoftos, 6, (tpos, pafj.(iv) Ion. for ifpofy-, run- ning in the sacred races, [f] Ipo-cp-yiT], Ion. for tepovpyia. tpov, TO, Ion. for lepov. [f] Ipos, 77, ov, Ion. for Ifpos. [F] lpo-c|>dvTT|S, 6, Ion. for Ifpotp-. ipwoiOT], Ion. for Ifpwovvr), priesthood. "15, T), gen. Ivos, ace. Iva : pi. nom. Tvcs, dat. ivcffi Ep. ivfffffi : Lat. VIS, strength, force, nerve, tbew and sinew : very freq. in periphr. like J3iij, as, is Trj- XffjLdxoto the strong Telemachus. II. a muscle : the neck. [F] ura, i, f. dffoa, to attend the Isthmian games. ' , 77, ov, (iffOpiov) of the Isthmus. 334 'Icr0p,wxs, aSos, pecul. fem. of "lafyuos: at (sub. eoprat), the Isthmian games. Icr0p,iov, TO, (io"0fios) a necklace. X lcr0p,ios, a, OP, also os, OP, (tafytos) of the Isthmus, Isthmian. 'Io-0p.60v, Adv. from the Isthmus; and 'Icr0p.60i, Adv. o the Isthmus ; and 'Icr0p.ot, Adv. on the Isthmus. From icr9jJi6s, ou, 6, (ef/ z'6o) a neck : any narrow pas- sage. 2. a neck of land between two seas, an isth- mus : esp, as prop. n. the Isthmus of Corinth. lo-0|x-o>8ifjs, fs, (iffOpos, efSos) like an isthmus. 'lands, dSos, fem. Adj. of or belonging to Isis. From Tlcris, 17, gen. "IffiSos Ion. *Iffios : dat. "Iffl : ace. *Icrip : Isis, an Egyptian goddess, answering to the Greek Demeter, Lat. Ceres. or cto-KO), to make like; iffKe ^evSea iro\\a trvpoiffiv 6p,oia speaking many lies he made them like truths. II. to hold or think like ; l/^ ffol ifftcovres thinking me like you: absol., iffKfiv ttca- crros dvrjp each man imagined or supposed. III. in late Poets, 'ifftce, iaieev, eAe-yep, he spake, said. 10-JA6V, I pi. of oT8a, for which Homer always uses iSfj-fv ; v. fiSca B. icro-(3apT|S, fs, (iffos, jSapos) of equal weight. itro-8a|icov, ov, gen. ovos, (iffos, Safytcup) godlike, equal to a god. II. egwa/ in fortune or happiness. Icro-StaiTOS, op, (t'o*os, Statra) living on an equal footing. la-o-lvyi\s, fs, (iffos, v7?7Pcu) equally balanced: equal. icro-06os, ov, (iffos, 0os) equal to the gods, godlike. icro-KivSiJvos, OP, (t'o-os, .vtVSupos) equal to the danger. iapia>, (Tffos, tptpw} Ep. Verb only used in pres. to match oneself with, cope with, vie with ; iffo(papieiv nvl tpya to vie with one in accomplishments : gene- rally, to be equal to. lapi6pos, ov, (iffos, (pfpca) bearing equal weights, equal in strength. icro-xi\T|S, s, or loro-x^iXos, ov, (iffos, x e ^ s ) level with the edge or brim. lo-6-xvoos, ov, (iffos, x"<>os) equally woolly with. uroxpovtco, f. 770*0;, to be contemporary with. From uro-xpovos, ov, (iffos, xp^Vos) equal in age or time. tia, 17, equal right to vote. From !a-6-\J/T]c}>os, ov, (iffos, ^770os) having an equal num- ber of votes. II. having an equal vole with others, equal in deciding : of states, equal in fran- chise. III. equal in numerical value, of words the letters of which make up the same sum. ur6-ij/iix o s, ov, (iff os, ^vx 7 ?) of equal spirit or soul: Kpdros Iff6\//vxov power of like spirit with men. uroco, f. wffoj, (iffos) to make equal; iawaas rd(pfffei Tos, ov, (iffriov, pdirrca) sail-patching : metaph. a meddling, cheating fellow. lo-Tio-4>6pos, ov, (lariov, tpepca) carrying sails. IO-TO-POCVS, gen. -eo>s Ion. -T}OS, 6, (iff TVS, /Sous) the plough-tree or pole. urTO-f36ir), 57, = foreg. urro-SoKT], 77, (IO-TOS, Se'xo^at) the mast-holder, a rest on which the mast was laid when let down. lo-rov, 2 and 3 dual pf. of *6?8o>. urTO-ir8T], 17, (fo-Tos, wOT)) a hole in the keel /or fixing the mast in. IO-TO-ITOVOS, ov, (iffros, Trovfoi) working at the loom* i, f. 770-0;, (iffrojp) to learn by inquiry : to in- quire of, question, c. ace. pers. : of things, to inquire about something. II. to narrate what one has learnt, narrate historically. Hence loropta, 77, a learning by inquiry : knowledge or in- formation obtained by inquiry. II. a narration of what one has learnt, historical narrative. tcrros, o, (i'ffTJifu) a ship's mast; larbv ffrfjffai or ffrr)ffaff6at to set up the mast : generally, a rod or pole. II. the web-beam of the loom (which in ancient looms stood upright), the loom ; larbv ITTOI'XC- o-0cu to be busy about the beam, and so to weave. 2. the warp that was fixed to the beam : the web. IOTO-TOVOS, ov, (faro's, rcivca) stretched on the web- beam. lo-r-ovpYw, f. 170-0;, (iffTGS,*fpyca) to work at the loom. UTTO), 3 sing, imperat. pf. of *ci'8o;. ? -, Dor. gen. of foTos : but IOTW, dat. of the same. or i(7Twp, opos, o, TI, knowing, acquainted 336 with, versed In : as Subst. one who knows law and right, a judge. IXis, tSos, 7), (icrxas, wcwXeo;) a woman who sells figs. lo-x-aujtos, ov, (t'0"x, f. 1. for laxvaivoa. lax&Xcos, a, ov, poet, for Iffxvos, dry, dried. wrxavda, Ep. 3 sing, of Iffxavdca. I(rx5vd<0, Ep. lengthd. form of Iffxdvoi, to"; hold back, check, hinder : Pass, to check oneself, wait. II. intrans. to hold on by, cling to a thing, and so to desire eagerly. i, = iffxavdo}, to check, hinder : c. gen. to keep back from a thing. [5] wrxds, aSos, 77, (Iffxvos) a dried fig. lpiyu>vTa Qvpov IffXvaivfiv to bring down the proud stomach. urxvo-irdpcios, ov, (Iffxvos, irapfid) with withered cheeks. urxvos, 77, ov, (itovos ' ov, (Iffxvos, (pcavr)) with thin or weak voice. II. stuttering, stammering. urxvpion. Hence laxvpws, Adv. strongly, stiffly, exceedingly, Lat. vehementer : Sup. Iffx^porara, most certainly. io"Xts, vos, 77, (t's, o*x) strength, force, might, esp. bodily strength. 2. d force of soldiers. lo-Xtito, impf. 'iffxyov: f. Iffxvffoj: aor. I 'iffx vffa [^] : (IffXvs) : to be strong, mighty, powerful : to have one's f till powers, be in health and strength. ierx&), a form of exT % .'_ T__ _^ ^^ Italy, [first syll. long in hexam.] , ov, 6, poet, for 'I 'IraXtKos, 77, ov, ( v lTa\os) Italian. TraXis, iSos, pecul. fern, of 'IraXiKos. 'iTaXtwTTjs, ov, 6, an Italiote, one of the Greek in- habitants of Italy : fern. 'IraXiuTis, idos, Italian. 1TA W AO'5, o, an Italian: as Adj. Italian. tra^JLOs, "f), ov, (irrjs) headlong, hasty. ITE'A Ion. -er\ and -CITJ, 77, a willow, Lat. sa- lix. II. a wicker shield, a target. Hence Ireivos, 77, ov, of willow, made of willow, wicker. ITOV, verb. Adj. of efyu ibo, one must go. ITTJV, Ep. 3 dual impf. of e?/ ibo. iTT]S, ov, 6, (ef/ ibo} hasty, impetuous : impudent. ITOS, 77, ov, (cTfJ.i ibo) passable. Irpivcos, a, ov, like honey-cake. From trptov, TO, a cake, made of sesame and honey. iTTto, Boeot. for iarca, 3 sing. pf. of *ei / S(w; i'TTOi Zfvs, Zeus be witness ! V ITT"5, vos, rj, the edge or rim of anything round, the felloe of wheels : the outer edge of the shield : the round shield itself. trto, 3 sing, imperat. of etyit ibo. ITO>V, 3 dual and Att. 3 pi. of efftt ibo. lvyt\, 77, (twC^) a howling, shrieking, yelling. Ivyp-os, o, (ivfa) a shouting, shout of joy : also a cry of pain, scream, shriek. ivy!- or tvy|, 'tvyjos, 77, (Iv^oj) the wryneck, so called from its cry : the ancient witches used to bind it to a wheel, which they turned round, believing that they drew men's souls along with it and charmed them to obedience ; it was used to recover unfaithful lovers : hence metaph. a love-charm, witchery: strong de- sire. TT'Zfl, fiit. ivoj: aor. I iva: to shout, holla: also to howl, shriek. (Formed from the sound.) lvKTT|S, ov, o, (lv&) one who shouts or cries : a singer, whistler, piper, [t] icj>0Lp,cs, 77, ov, also os, ov, (fyi) strong, mighty, stout, stalwart : of women, goodly, comely. T I1>I, Ep. Adv. strongly, stoutly, with might or force, valiantly : old poet. dat. from i's. < I4u-y* vt <*> ^, (fy>f , ytvaj) Iphigeneia, Agamemnon's daughter, called by Homer 'Ifyiavaffaa. UJHOS, a, ov, (raYos, ov, = IxQvotyayos. [a] iX0v-a>ST]s, fs, (l\evs, flSos) = Ix0voior)s : full of fish. a, ov, (tx^os^ following on the track. , fj, (tx^etcu) a casting about for the scent. iXv-eXdnrjs, ov, 6, (IX^QS, eXavv, contr for tdou, imperat. of la.op.ai. iw, /o / O ! an exclamation of joy, as in Lat. j'o tri- timphe ! but Att. also of fear, sorrow, etc., oh ! lei, lo>v, iuya. and luvya, Boeot. for 70;, kyuv, and |, 77, (t'eVat) shelter; BopXl*S> i= iuKrj,'av' icaxpw in chase, pursuit. K K., K, Kdirira, TO, indecl., tenth letter in Greek Al- phabet. As numeral ic' = 2O, but ^ = 20,000. K is near akin to 7 and x 5 hence the older Att. changed into KVOOS, yvairrca into KvdirTca, ptyx 01 m to ; so the Ion. X IT ^ V m to KiOwv, o^xo^ai into , etc. 7 before K, as in ay/caQtv, is pro- nounced like our ng. KOL, Dor. for the Ion. tee, = the Att. av. Kd0j3a\, Ep. for Karc0a\, aor. 2 of KaraftaXXw. Ka,pj3ds, poet, for /tara^as, aor. 2 part, of na.ro.- fiaivoj. Kdpipot, 01, the Cabeiri, divinities worshipped by the Pelasgians in Lemnos and Samothrace : they were represented as dwarfs, and were called sons of He- phaistos or Vulcan, as being masters in the art of working metals. K&y, Ep. for Kara before 7, as #0*7 yovv. KayKSvos, ov, (ftaioj^fitfor burning, dry. Kay\a.d>, fut. a(Ta), = Kaxafa. Hence Ka-YxaXdw, to laugh aloud, Lat. cachinnor ; Ep. 3 pi. KayxaXowaiv ; Ep. part. /ca7xaA.ocyj/, ov, cuvos, 6, (Ka8/zos) a descendant of Cad- mus, Theban. Ka8p.riios, 77, ov, Ep. and Ion. for Kao>*fos. Ka8p,T]is, toos, Ep. and Ion. fern, of KaS/Ltffos. Kd8fios, 6, Cadmos ; son of the Phoenician king Agenor, brother of Europa, founder of Thebes in Boeotia, who brought from Phoenicia the old Greek alphabet of sixteen letters, hence called Ka5fJ.r)'ia ypafi- fjara, which was afterwards increased by the eight Ionic, 7;ew0, f. a>, (KOTO,, alp-a.aa(a) to make bloody, stain with blood. KaO-aifxaroco, = KaOaipAffffco. Ka0aipecris, teas, fj, (/cadaipeca) a putting down, de- stroying : a pulling down, demolishing. Ka0cup6Tos, ea, cov, and KaOaiperos, d, 6v, verb. Adj. of KaOaipeca, to be put down : to be accomplished. Ka0aipTT]s, ov, 6, a destroyer. From KaO-cuptco Ion. Karaipcco : fut. rjffca: fut. 2 KaOe\a: aor. i KaOet\ov, inf. KaOt\fiv : to take down; KaO- f\ftv IffTia to lower the sails ; otyOaXp-ovs KaOcteiv to close the eyes of the dead ; KaOaipetv aeXrjvrjv to bring down the moon, Lat. coelo deducere lunam: generally, to take down anything hung up ; hence Med., KaOai- peiffOai TO, roa to take down one's bow from the peg. 2. to take down by force, pull down, over- power : also to demolish, destroy : also to humble, re- duce ; esp. to depose : of a decree or resolution, to cancel, rescind it : as law-term, to condemn. 3. to bring to an end, accomplish, achieve: Med., Karai- pteffOai /j.eyd\a Trpa.yp.aTa to achieve great feats. 4, like aipfiv, to take and carry off, seize. Kadcupco, fut. tcaOapu): aor. I ffcdOrjpa : Pass , aor. I fKaOdpdrjv : pf. KfKa.9app.ai: (KaOapos): to make pure or clean, cleanse : in religious sense, to cleanse, pu- rify, purge : Med. to have oneself purified. II. to purge off, wash away, to cleanse away, atone for, expiate. Ka0-d\Aop,ai, fut.-aXot/juat : aor. I KaOrjXaurjv : Dep. : to leap down, Lat. desilire: of a storm, to rush down. Ka0a(j,p,a, arcs, TO, (tfa0a7rra>) anything tied, a knot, KdOap,p.a Xveiv \6yov to untie a knotty point. Ka0-avva>, Att. for Karavvca. Ka0-aira, Adv. once for all : altogether. KaOa-Trcp Ion. Kardirep, Adv. = tfa0a with enclit. irfp, even as, just as. KaOairros, rj, ov, fastened on or to ; KadarrTos oopats clad in skins. From KaO-aiTTw, f. \f/ca : aor. I KaOrjif/a : (Kara, aitrca) : to tie or fasten on : Pass., &pc>x KaOrj^evos (pf. part.) fastened or attached to a noose. 2. = KaOdir- rouai, to lay hold of. II. Med. KaOd.Trrop.ai, fut. -dif/ofJLat : to lay hold of, fas fen upon, esp. to accost one. 2. to assail, attack, upbraid. 3. to ap- peal to one as witness, claim as a witness, Lat. antestari. Ka0apVTov, one must keep clean, be pure, TIVOS from a thing ; verb. Adj. from KaOapevco, f. oca, (KaQapos} to be clean or pure : esp. to be clear or free from guilt. Ka0apio>, fut. icrcy Att. iu, = KaOaipca, to cleanse, purify, make clean. KaOapios, ov, (Kadap6s) cleanly, neat. Hence Ka0apuoTTjs, 77Tos, i), cleanliness, neatness. KaOapio-jj-os, o, (Kadapifa) a cleansing, purifying. K(0ap|xa, CTOS, TO, (KaOaipca) that which is thrown away in cleansing : in pi. off-scourings, defilement. II. metaph. a worthless fellow, castaway, outcast. III. a space purified with proper rites ; fvrus KaOdpuaros within the purified ground. Ka0-app,6, f. a the hare's seat or form. II. a sitting still, loung- ing, delaying. KttMgoftoi: impf. Kade6p,r)v, but also (as if the Verb were not a compd.): fut. aor. I part. KaOeaQfis : Dep. : to sit down, sit still, to linger, tarry: to sit as suppliants : of an army, to sit down in a country, take up a position. Ka0T)Ka : (aTa, fi'pyoo) : to shut up, enclose, confine. Ka0-ts, for Ka.0' (Ts, one by one, one after another; also efs KaOfTs, for efs Ka6' tva. Ka0icra, Ep. aor. I o Ka0KTos, 77, dV, (/XTXA>) to be held back. icadeXciv, aor. i inf. of KaOaipeca. KaO-cXicTCTco, f. , f. -\aj or - \Kvaoj (as if from -6\tftxy) : aor. I Ka6ei\Kv) f# order, in succession. Ka0eis. ecus, f], (aTe'^cy) a holding, keeping hold of. Ka0ea>, fut. of Karf^ca. Ka0-ep(xa, aros, TO, ^ara, tpfM) a necklace. Ka0-pira>, f. -cpirvcroj (as if from -(ptrvca) : aor. I KaOfipirvffa : (/card, C^TTO;) : /o erfe/> or stea/ down : metaph. of the first down, to steal down the cheek. KO.0ES, aor. 2 imperat. of KaOirjfu. Ka0, fut. 3 of KaOiffrrjfj-i, with intr. sense. Ka06 : Impf. Ep. Kadctioov, Att. also KaOrjvoov and e/caOcvSov: fut. KaOfvorjaa): to lie down to sleep, sleep, slumber : metaph. to rest, be at rest. Ka0-6Upio-K(i>, f. -prjoca, to find out, discover. Ka0-i|;idofiai, f. -faofjiai, (Kara, tytao/LUu): Dep.: to mock at, deride; Ep. 3 pi. Karfipiowvrai. Ka0-\j/, f. t/crcy, (Kara, ?)8v7ra0ecu) to squander in luxury. Ka0YJKa, aor. I of KaOirjfu. Ka0-f ( Ko), f. a>, (nara, T^A-CU) to come or go down, go down to fight. 2. to come down to, come or reach to, extend to. II. to reach as far as, to suffice or be enough for a thing: to be meet, proper. 2. part., TO KaOrjKov, ovros, and T, f. uffca, to dedicate, consecrate, devote, hallow. Ka0-idv(o, (Kara, t'^cw) to sit down. Ka0teo, Dor. for KaOifrv, med. imperat. of sq. Ka0-i) : I. Causal, to make to sit down ; dyopas KaOiffai to make an assembly be seated, i. e. open one : generally, to set, appoint, constitute. 2 . to place or settle in a place, establish. 3 . to place one in a certain condition, make one so and so. II. intr. to sit down, be seated, sit, esp. to sit at meals : of an army, to sit down in a country, encamp. Ka0-iT]|Ai, fut. KaOrjffoJ: aor. I KaQfJKa Ep. Ka8tr)Ka: pf. KaOeiKa, pass. KaOftfMit: (Kara, i'rjfjii) : to send down, let down, let fall, Lat. demitto; KaOifvai rrjv dyKvpav to let go the anchor; KaOievai Karaireiprj- rrjp'njv, to let down a sounding-line, hence absol., Ka- Oievai to sound: metaph. to put forward, attempt : Pass, to be carried down, reach or stretch down sea- wards; KaOtTro ra rdx*] the walls were carried down to the sea. II. to send down into the place of contest, enter for a contest. III. intr. to come down upon, attack. Ka0iKo, 2 sing. aor. 2 of KaOiKvtonai. Ka0-iK6Tia>, to intreat earnestly. Ka0-iKVOp,ai, fut. -igojjiai : aor. 2 iKOfJ.ijv : (Kara, iKVfofMi) : Dep. : to come down, come to, reach to : hence to touch, probe. Ka0-ip,do>, f. 770-0;, (Kara, tftdcu) to let down by a rope. Ka0igas, Dor. for KaOiaas, aor. I part, of Kadifa. Ka0i-g, Dor. for Ka6iay, 2 sing. aor. I of KaOifa. Ka0-iTrirdop,ai, f. -aaopat : Dep. : to ride down, overrun with horse : generally, to trample down. KaQ-irtTtevd), f. aw, to ride down, trample underfoot. Ka0ura, Att. aor. I of KaOifa. KaOurraor-TT], for KaOiaradi, imperat. of KaOiarrjfM. Ka0-io-Tdvw and Ka0-ioTaw, forms of the pres. KaO- 340 Ka0-iorrip,t : I. in Causal sense, pres. KaOi- arrjiu, impf. KaOiarrjv, fut. Karaar-qaw, aor. I Kare- ffrrjffa : so also of the Med., pres. KaOiffrdpat, impf. KaOicrrdfirjv , aor. I Kareffrrjcrdfjirjv : to set down, put down : bring down to a place and set there ; icara- arrjaai vrja to bring a ship to land, put in. 2. to settle, ordain, appoint, establish, put in train : gene- rally, to set in order, arrange: also to restore: Med. to appoint for oneself, choose : to make or render so and so, bring into a certain state. II. Intrans. in aor. 2 Karearrjv, pf. KaOearrjKa, plqpf. KaOearrjKfiv, and in all tenses of Pass. : to be placed, set down : to settle oneself. 2. to be set, established, ap- pointed. 3. to stand quiet or calm; irvevfta KaO- earjjKos a calm : of persons, to become calm and com- posed. 4. to be in a certain state; eu Karaarfjvai to come to a good issue. 5. to be usual or custom- ary ; to be or become : KaOeffrrjKtas Ion. Kareffrews, existing, established; ret KaOeffrwra existing laws, customs, usages. Ka0i : f. Kar6\pofj.at formed from KaroirroiJLai : pf. KaOeopaKa : aor. 2 KareTdov, inf. KanSetv (cf. ?- 8ov~) : to look down. II. trans, to look down upon: generally, to view, see, behold: to perceive, observe. Ka0-opp.do>, f. 7i i6&>, f. waot, (Kara, offios) to offer sacrifice : so also in Med. to offer on one's own part. Ka0-6ri, used as Adv. for KaO' on, in what manner. Ka0oC, for KaOeffo, aor. 2 med. imperat. of KaOirjfj.i. Ka0-vj3piu>, f. iffoj Att. iw, to treat despitefully, to insult wantonly. 1 1. absol. to wax insolent. K, f. iffca, (Kara, vnep-aKovriaf) : to shoot beyond another, excel in shooting. Ka9-vTrep0, before a vowel -0cv, (Kara, virepOe} Adv. from above, down from above. 2. on the upper side, above; c. gen., KaOvirepOe Xiov above Chios. 3. of Time, before. KaO-tmeprepos, a, ov, Comp. of KaOvirepOe, upper, higher, above : of persons, having the upper hand, superior. Sup. KaOuirepraTOs, 77, ov, highest, up- permost. Ka0-vmcrxveo|juH, Dep. to promise earnestly. ', Kai K6. Ka0-tnrv6a>, f. cuff (a, to be fast asleep : also in Med. Ka.0-V7roKpivop.cu : Dep. (Kara, vTroKpivoftat) : to deceive by false appearances. II. c. inf. to pretend to be other than one is, personate some person or thing. Ka0-v<|>iT|m, fut.-vcprjaoj: (Kard,v(pii](J.i): let loose, let go, hence to give up, betray. i. intr. to slacken one's exertions. 3. Med., KaOvcf)icffOai nvi to give way, yield : also to slacken in one's exertions. icd0cop,cu, subj. of KaOijfMi, KO.0WS, Adv. (Kara, ws) according as, as. KAI', Conjunct., and, also. I. joining words and sentences, like Lat. et, while enclit. re answers to Lat. que : when in Prose two words or clauses are closely combined, re Kai are often used, dpKroi re KOI \eovres bears and lions, both as creatures of one kind ; Oavfjid^ovrai ws aotyoi re Kal evrvxefs yeyevrj- p.evoi they are admired both as wise and fortu- nate. II. also, used to make a single word or clause emphatic, etreird pe Kal \iiroi alwv then let life also forsake me. 2. with Participles or Adjec- tives, Kai may be rendered by though, although, al~ heit, as, "E/cropa, Kal uepauira, fiax 7 ? 8 ffxn fffff ^ at ^'H Hector will I keep away, how much soever or although he rage. 3. even, to increase or diminish the force of words, esp. with a Comp., as, Oeos Kal apeivovas lirttovs Scaprjffairo ; Kai is often used in this way be- fore ovros ; with neut. pi., Kal ravra and that, and besides, especially; ri yelp Seivurepov SiKaarov, Kal ravra yfpovros; for what is worse than a judge, and that an old one (i. e. especially an old one). 4. so also in diminishing, lep.evos Kal Kairvbv aTroOpduffKovra vofj- ffai he longs to see even the smoke rising, i. e. were it but the smoke, only the smoke ; oTs r)ov Kal \eyftv with whom 'tis sweet only to speak. III. as, after opoios, 7xd$ to offer strange, new-fangled prayers. Kcuvo--jra0Tis, cs, (KO.IVOS, Traflefi/) newly suffered, never before suffered. Katvo-Trqyfis, es, (Kaivos, ir^yvv^ii) newly fastened, new-made. Kaivo-Tnr|p.ti)v, ov, gen. ovos, (Kaivos, irfjfJid) newly suffering, new to suffering. Katvo-iroico, f. rjacu, (Kaivos, iroieca) to make new, renew : in Pass., ri KaivoiroirjOtv \6~yeis ; what new phrases art thou using? Hence Kcuvoiroi,T)TT|s, ov, 6, an inventor of new pleasures. KAINO'2, r], ov, new, fresh, Lat. recens ; Kaivol \6joi news ; tK Kaivijs (sub. dpx^ s ) anew, afresh, Lat. de novo. II. newly introduced, new-fangled, strange ; Kaivol Oeol strange gods. Kaivo-Tacj>os, ov, (Kaivos, raipos) of a new tomb. Ka.ivon]'s,T]Tos,fj,(Kaiv6s) newness freshness : novelty. KaivoTOjxeaj, f. rjaoj, (Ka.ivoTop.os) to cut fresh into ; in mining, to open a new vein : metaph. to begin something new, institute anew ; to make innovations in the state, Lat. res novas tentare. Hence KcuvoTOp.ta, f], a cutting anew : innovation. Katvo-TojJios, ov, (KO.IVUS, Tepefy) cutting newly : be- ginning something new, innovating. KaivovpYo, f. TJCTCU, (tcaivovpyos} to make new. II. to innovate, make innovations. Hence itt, 17, innovation. os, 6v, (Kaivos, *(pyoi) making new, inno- vating : TO Kaivovpyuv a novelty. KG.IVOCO, f. tuffca, (Kaiv6s) to make new, innovate : Pass, to become fond of novelty or innovation. II. to devote anew, consecrate, dedicate. KCU vii K, and now perhaps. KAI'NTMAI, impf. kKaivv^v [v] : pf. (in pres. sense) Kticaap.a.i Dor. e/<:a5jucu, plqpf. (in impf. sense) fKfKafffJirjv, formed as if from Kafa : to surpass, excel; fKaivvro (pv\' dvOpwnouv Kv^fpvijffai he sur- passed mankind in steering ; eyx f ' l V (ffKaaro Uav\- \r)vas he excelled all the Greeks in throwing the spear ; so in part., 8u\oiffi fceKaaptvos surpassing all in wiles; but Kenaa (ttvos also well-furnished. ical vuv, and now, even now. KAI'Nn, fut. K&VU : aor. 2 tttavov, inf. Kavttv : pf. tcetcova. : to kill, slay, slaughter. KaC-irep, (/cat Trep) although, albeit. Kal irws ; and how ? but how f when a thing is sup- posed to be impossible : only interrog. KCU pa, Ep. and then, and so. Kaipios, a, ov, also os, ov, (/mipos) : in season, sea- sonable, happening at the right or critical time, Lat. KdKia. 341 opportunus : also lasting for a season. II. of Place, in or at the right or critical place ; of the parts of the body, vital ; tv Kaipiq> or Kara. Kaipiov in a vital part : of wounds, deadly, mortal ; Kaipia (sub. TrXyy-fj') a mortal wound: generally, ret, Kaipia acci- dents. Hence Kaipuos, Adv. seasonably. II. mortally. KAIPO'5, o, due measure, right proportion, fitness ; Kaipov irepa beyond measure, unduly. II. of Time, the right season, the right time for action, the 'critical moment, Lat. opportunitas : generally, conve- nience, advantage, profit ; irpbs Kaipov, or absol. Kai- pov, at the right or proper time, in season, opportunely; kv Kaipta TIVI flvai or yiyvcaOai to suit one's conve- i nience, be of service to him ; Kara Kaipov in due | season, Lat. dextro tempore ; but, diro or avev Kaipov | or irapd Kaipov, out of season, Lat. alieno tem- \ pore. III. of Place, the right point, right spot : also a vital part of the body. I KATPO2, o, the webbing or thrums to which the I threads of the warp are fastened. Hence i Kaipocrov, a gen. pi. in Od. 7- IO7> Kaipoaeow L6o- \ vfcav diroXeiBtrai vypov %\aiov from the close-woven | linen-cloths trickles off the liquid oil. It seems to be I for Kaipoeffaow, gen. pi. fern, of Kaipocis. Kaipo-vXaKu, f. "fjaoi, (Kaipos, tyvXaK-fj) to watch for the right time, Lat. tempora observare. Kal rara, and that, and besides, especially. Kai TOW or KaC-roi, and indeed : and yet, although. KAI'H Att. Ka [a] : impf. tKaiov Att. tKtiov Ep. KfTov : fut. Kavffca : aor. I wavaa, Att. also 4'tfea, Ep. tKrja or c/ma (or without augm. Krja, Kfia) : Pass^ aor. I kKav6t]v : aor. 2 Kdrjv : pf. KeKavpai : I. to burn, kindle, set on fire: Med. to kindle fires for oneself: Pass, to be set on fire, take fire, burn. II. to burn up, consume : to scorch, shrivel up. K (aa, d'yyeAA.ft;) caused by ill tidings ; KaKayyeXra d^n tne sorrow of ill tidings. KdK-aYopos, Dor. for KaKrjyopos. KaK-avSpia, 57, (KUKOS, dvrjp) unmanliness, coward- ice. KCIKCI, by crasis for Kal fKft, and there, there also. KCIKCIVOS, KaKivov, by crasis for Kal (Kfivos, etc. KfiK-co-Tw, o?s, ^, (KO.KOS, tlpl sum), ill-being, opp. to fvfffTuj well-being. , -fj, (KUKOS) badness, baseness : cowardice. , f. T), f. iffca Att. to), (aos) to make or think bad, to abuse, blame, reproach. II. to make cowardly: Pass, to behave basely, play the coward : to be worsted. KOLKLO-TOS, 77, ov, irreg. Sup. of fcareos. KdKiuv, ov, gen. ovos, irreg. Comp. of ftattos. [t" Ep., t in Att. poets.] 77) the Lat. cacare. i, Ep. for KaraKftai, aor. I inf. of KaraKaioi. >, Ep. KaraKeiovTfs, part, of Kara/teica. Ka,K-Kec{>d\fjs, better divisim KOLK KcfaXys, Ep. for Kara KC^aXrfS. KA'KKH, 77, human ordure, dung. KaKK-fjai Ep. KaraKYJai, aor. l inf. KaKKopu9a. KaKKOpuT|v, better divisim KO.K Kop- Ep. for Kara tcopvOa, Kara teopvtprjv. KttK-icptiirrco, Ep. for Kara-Kpvtrro). KaK-KtVT]YTis, iSos, TJ, for KdKo-ptos, ov, (fcaftos, /Stos) living badly, living a hard life, faring hardly. KCLicopouXe'uop.ai, Med. to act unwisely. From KdKo-povXos, ov, (/caKos, fiovXr)) ill-advised, unwise. KdKO-Y6iT(ov, ov, gen. ovos, (ra/ros, ye'irans') a bad neighbour, or a neighbour in misery. KdK6--yXcocrcros, ov, (rca/tos, yXwaaa) ill-tongued; /3or) KaKoyXooo-aos a cry full of misery. i. slan- derous. KdKo8, (KaKoXoyos) to speak ill of, rail at. Hence La, ^ ? evil-speaking, railing, abuse. , ov, (/ca/f os, Xe'ycw) evil-speaking, railing, slanderous, abusive. , teas, 6, 77, = aos fiavris, prophet of ill. S, ov, (/fa/cos, /^eAos) ill-sounding. KctKO(a,6Tpco, f. r)ffos, ov, (tcafeos, vvfjuprf) ill-wedded. II. as Subst., KaKovvfxpos, 6, a bad or unhappy bridegroom. KaKo-jjevos Ion. -gcivos, ov, (Katcos, eVos) having ill guests : irreg. Ep. Comp. KaKotivwTpos. II. unfriendly to guests, inhospitable. KaKO-trvTOS, ov, (KOKOS, gvveros} wise only for evil. KdKOird06ia, 77, (KaKoiraO^s) ill plight, distress. KdKOird0a>, f. fata, to suffer ill; to be distressed. From KdKO-rra0T|s, es, (/ca/ros, iraOeTv) suffering ill, dis- tressed. K, f. 770-0;, (/ca/fos, poOos) to speak evil : to speak evil of a person, abuse, revile him. Kaicop-pthros, ov, (#aos, pvtros) foul and filthy. KA~KO'2, 17, ov, bad, ill, evil, bad in its kind, worth- less: ugly, as opp. to fca\us. 2. bad at one's trade; \ KO.KOS a\7)TT)s a bad beggar : cowardly , faint-hearted ; cf. fcaitr). 3. of low birth, mean, vile. 4. in a j moral sense, bad, evil, wicked. 5. of things, bad, evil, mischievous : of omens, unlucky, ill-boding : of j words, evil, abusive, foul. II. as Subst. KO.KUV, j TO, evil, ill. mischief: also woe, distress, loss : also bodily ill, injury. 2. in moral sense, evil, vice, wickedness ; KO.KQV TL fpoeiv to do evil or ill to any one. III. Degrees of Comparison: irreg. Comp. /taKiew, ov, Sup. KCLKLOTOS, 77, ov: but Xfipojv xdpiGTos, TJcraouv ijfciffTos are also used as Comp. and Sup. of KaKos. IV. in Compos, it sometimes expresses the fault of excess, and so = ayav, Lat. nimis : but commonly it gives a collat. notion of hurtful, unlucky, = ova-, as in Kcuco-ffivos : sometimes it marks defect of a property, as in ao- iriffTos : sometimes it is used like the simple Adj., as I KaKO-i\ios for rcarfbs *IAtos. Kaico-xn) unfortunate. Kdxovpycco, f. 770-0;, (rcaKovpyos) to do evil or mis- chief, to be an evil-doer : c. ace. to do evil to one, to damage, hurt, harm : to ravage a country. Hence Kaxovpyta Ep. KaKoepyu] [i], ^ the character of an evil-doer, wickedness, villany. From KaK-opyos Ep. Kcuco-epyos, ov, (raos, *lp7oA doing ill, knavish, villanous : as Subst. an evil-doer, knave : an offender, criminal. II. doing harm to one, damaging, hurtful. KaK-ovx0, f. 170-0;, (icaKos, ex) io treat *^ wrong, hurt, injure. Hence ill-treatment, ill-conduct ; the devastation of a country. i|>aTis, loos, T), (KaKos, (parts) sounding ill, ill- omened. Kao-cJ>pa5T)s, es, (/fa/cos, 0pdo/*cu) devising ill, thoughtless, foolish. Hence Ka:pdSia Ion. -l-q, 77, folly, thoughtlessness. KaKo-p(ov, ov, gen. ovos, (tfa/fos, Tpos, Ep. Comp. of KaKos : cf. KaKicuv. KaXaOterKos, o, Dim. of Ka\aOos, a small basket. KA'AA"0O2, o, a basket, a wicker hand-basket, 344 II. a cooling-vessel, cooler : also Lat. calathus. a kind of cup. KaXd'ivos, T), ov, coloured like the KaXais, between blue and green, of changeful hue. From KaAais, 6, a precious stone of a greenish blue, the topaz or chrysolite. KaX&|Juua, 77, (fcaXafitj) a kind of grasshopper. KaXajjLevTTjs, ov, 6, (waXa^os) a reaper, mower. II. fl angler. KAAA'MH, 97, a s/a/& of rm/ or com, Lat. cala- mus, stipula : a fishing-rod. II. stubble : metaph. the residue, remnant, remains : of an old man, KaXdprjv ye a' oi'ofjtai flaopoojvra yiyv&ffKeiv thou may'st still, I ween, perceive the stubble (i. e. the relics) of former strength. KaXap,T)Top,Ca, "h, a cutting of stalks, reaping. From KaXajvq-TOfAOS, ov, (KaXapr), re^eiv) cutting stalks, reaping. KS\afjn]-(})d-yos, ov, (KaXd^rj, ^ayefi/) devouring stalks, mowing or cutting them. KaXa|XT]-4>cpO5, ov, (KaXdp.r), epoj) carrying reeds or canes. KS\ap,iv9t], r), (ftaXos, jjuvOa) mint. Hence KaXap.iv0ios, 6, Minty, name of a frog. KaXdjjiivos, 77, oi/, (tfdAa/itos) raacfe 0eyyopai') played on a reed. , KaXdaipis, tos, 77, a long Egyptian garment with a border of tassels or fringe. (Egyptian word.) KSXo/Gpox};,07ros,77,a shepherd's staff or crook, thrown so as to drive back the cattle. KoX&o-Kov, Ion. impf. of KaXeca; Ep. 3 sing. impf. med. KaXeo-KTO. KaXeovrt, Dor. for KaXtovoi, 3 pi. of Ka\(apos, ov, (icaXXt-, (SXeQapov) with beau- tiful eyelids or eyes. KaXXi-(36as, ov, 6, (aAAt-, 18017) beautiful-sounding. KaXXi-(3oTpvs, v, gen. vos, (/caXXt-, fioTpvs) with beautiful clusters. KaXXC-f3a>Xos, ov, (aaXXi-, /ScDAos) with rich soil. KaXXi-YaXifjvos, ov, (icaXXi-, yaXrjvi]') sweetly-tran- quil. KaXXi-Yfi^os, ov, happy in marriage. KaAXi-yeveia, 17, (aAXt-, yevos) bearer of a fair off- spring, mother of beauteous things, the name by which Ceres was invoked in the Thesmophoria. KaXXt--yvivai|, gen. UIKOS, 6, fj, (aaXXt-, yvvrj) with beautiful women or maidens : the nom. seems never to have been used. [iJ] KaXXt-SivTjs, ov, 6, (/caAXt , 8ivr)) flowing with beau- tiful eddies. [67] KaXX-8i<|>pos, ov, with beautiful chariot. KaXXi-86va, O.KOS, 6, with beautiful reeds. KaXXu-eXeuos, 6, (KaXXt-, eXaia) the cultivated olive, opp. to dypifXaios. KaXXt-6ir Ion. KaXX-ipea), f. rjffca, (ica\Xi-, Ifpuv) : to have favourable signs in sacrifice, Lat. litare, perlitare : c. ace. to sacrifice with good omens. 2. of the offering, to give good omens, be favourable, propitious. KaXXi-^tiyTjS, es, (iraAAi-, {vyfjvai) beautifully-yoked. KaXXi-TOS, ov, (teaXXi, Ova) with beautiful or auspicious sacrifices. KaXXC-icapiros, ov, with fine fruit, rich in fine fruit. KaXX(-Kp&)s, CUTOS or oj, o, fj, (/rtzAXt-, /fepas) with beautiful horns. KaXXi-KoXwvt], f], Fair-hill, a district near Troy. KaXXi-Ko[A7]S Dor. -fxas, 6, 77, and KaXXiKop.os, ov, (ica\Xi-, Koftr)) beautiful-haired. KaXXi-KpTj8c|j,vos, ov, (/caAAt-, Kprjoeftvov} with beautiful fillets or hair-bands. KaXXt-KpT]VOs Dor. -Kpavos, ov, (tcaXXi-, Kprjvrj} with a beautiful spring. KaXXt-XajxirTT)S, ov, o, (/caAAt-, Aa/rcu) beautiful- shining. KaXXi-Xoyew, (itaXXi-, Xeya}) to express a thing ele- gantly : Med. to give a fair name to a thing. KoXXC-|jiop4>os, ov, (aAAt-, p.op(prj) beautifully shaped. KaXXtfjios, ov, poet, for KaXos, beautiful. KaXXi-vaos, ov, (aAAt-, vdca} beautifully flowing. KaXXi-viKos, ov, (aAAt , vimf) with glorious vic- tory, triumphant. II. crowning or ennobling victory ; TO KaXXivinov the glory of victory. KaXXiov, neut. of KaXXiow, Comp. of aAos : used also of Adv., more beautifully. KaXXu-oirrj poet. KaXXi-oima, 7),(aAAi-, o^) Cal- liope, first of the nine Muses, the beautiful-voiced. KaXXi-irats, iraioos, 6, 7), with beautiful children. II. = KaXr) Trais, a beautiful child. KaXXi-irapTjos, ov, (aAAt-, irapeid) beautiful- cheeked. KaXXi-irdpOcvos, ov, of, with beautiful maidens or nymphs. KaXXlirov, Ep. aor. 2 of KaraXfiirca: inf. Ka\Xtiriv. KoXXi-ircSiXos, ov, (tfaAAt-, Tre'StAoi') with beautiful sandals. KaXX-irirXos, ov, beautifully robed. KaXXi--ireTT]Xos, ov, (aAAt-, irtrrjXov') with beauti- ful leaves. KaXXi--m]X v S> u g en - fcas , with beautiful elbow. KaXXi-irX6icap.os, ov, with beautiful locks. KaXXC-irXovros, ov, adorned with riches. KaXXi-iroXis, ccws, 77, beautiful city. KoXXtirov, Ep. for KarfXiirov, aor. 2 of KaTaXfiirca. KaXXt-irovos, ov, beautifully wrought. t, ov, of beautiful rivers. 345 KaXXC-irpcopos, ov, (/raAAi-, irpcapa] with beautiful prow, of ships : metaph. of men, wi'h beautiful face. KaXXi-irvXos, ov, (KaXXi-, irvXij] with beauteous gates. KaXXi-irupYos, ov, with beautiful towers, towering. KaXXi-irupYWTOS, ov, (/axAAt , irvpyua}*) built with beauteous towers. KaXXi-moXos, ov, with beautiful steeds or colts. KaXXc-p0pos, ov, (/caAAt-, peeOpov) beautifully flowing. KaXX-ipo, Ion. for feaXX-ifpeoj. KaXXt-poos, poet, for naX\ip-poos. KaXXCp-poos, ov, contr. KaXAip-povs, ovv, (aAAt-, pew) beautifully flowing, KaXXurra, Adv. Sup. of KaXus, most beautifully. KaXXi-a-raBtos, ov, (naXXi-, ffrdoiov) with a fine race-course. KaXXtaTiov, TO, (Ka\\iffTfvca} the prize of beauty or excellence : in pi., = apiarfia, the meed of valour. KaXXio-TCVfjia, TO, the prime of beauty : the first- fruits of beauty, the offering of choicest beauty. KaXXwrrevo), f. o"vpos, ov, (tta\\i-, afyvpov} with beautiful feet or ankles. KaXXC-Toos, ov, (aAAt-, TOOV) with beautiful bow. KaXXiTpix a acc - pl- f tca.\\i0pt. KdXXi(|>', for Ka\\iirf, Ep. for KartXiire. KaXXi-^e-yyns, 6S, (ica\\i-, ^6770$) beautiful- shining. KaXXi-(|>00YY S, ov, (/caXAt-, Xo|, , f. iffoj Att. to), (tfaAAos, aty) to make the face beautiful, to beautify, embellish, give a fair appearance to a thing : Med. to adorn oneself, to pride oneself, glory in a thing : absol. to make a dis- play. Hence KaXXcomcrp.a, OTOS, r6, embellishment; and KaXXs %X IV Ttvos to be well off' for a thing. < 2. = irdvv, right well, altogether, entirely. 3. in answers, well said ! bravo ! Lat. euge : but also to decline an offer, thank you ! like Lat. benigne. KA'AilS, o, gen. KaXca, ace. KaXcav : Ep. and Ion. KaXos, ov, o : a rope, a cable ; UTTO KaXca TrXctv to sail at a cable's end, i. e. to have the ship towed : KaXcav KaTctvai to let down a sounding-line: also a sail-rope, reef; proverb., irdvTa KaXcav fgidffi they are letting out every reef, i. e. are using every effort. KaX(d-crTp64>os, 6, (KaXcas, ffTpetyca) a rope-twister. Kdp., Ep. for KaTa before p., as K&fj. fifv for KUTCL fiev. Kap.aKivos, ov, made of brittle wool. From KA'MAH, &KOS, 77 or 6, a pole, stake, a vine- prop. II. the shaft of a spear. KAMA'PA, 77, Lat. camera, anything with a vaulted or arched covering, a covered carriage. [/ro/xa] Kap.ao-f,Vs, of, a kind offish. a, 6v, toilsome, troublesome, weari- II. pass, broken down, worn out. From o, (Kafivca) toil, trouble, labour. 2. wea- riness, distress. II. that which is hardly earned; jj/jifTepos Ka.fj.a.TOS our bard-won earnings. [aj Kap,aT-u)8-r|S, es, (d/xaTos, efSos) toilsome. Kap.-j3aivco, Ep. for KaTafiaivca. Kap.e, Ep. for Kafj.f, 3 sing. aor. 2 of Kauvca. Kup.e, crasis for Kal l^te. Kajxeiv, aor. 2 inf. of Kafivca. Kap.tTai, 3 sing. fut. of Kdfj-vca. icdp.T]Xos, o and 77, a camel : 77 KafirjXos, like 77 tV- iros, the camels in an army. (From Hebr. Gamal.) Kap.rvUTT]p, rjpos, 6, (Kafuvos) one that works at a furnace; avXtis Kafj.ivevTr)pthe pipeofa smith's bellows. Kap-ivevrris, ov, 6, = Kafj-ivfvTTjp. KapAvoi, dat. of Kafuvca. Kajjuvos, 77, (icaica) an oven, furnace, or kiln. Hence Kajxlvii, ovs, dat. of, 77, a furnace-woman. Kap.p.v, or better Kor >arJ at, to bestow labour upon. 2. to work out, earn by toil; in aor. 2 med., vijaov eKafwvro they worked, tilled the island for themselves. K0is, Kap.<|>0TJvai, aor. I pass. part, and inf. of KO.jJ.1TTQ). KO,|jivJ;p.v, Ep. fut. inf. of Kafiirroj. KajAvJ/i-irovs, o, 77, irovv, r6, gen. irodos, (/ra/^Trra;, TTOt/s) bending the foot, swift-running. Kappas, (us, 77, (red/JUTTO}} a betiding, curving. Kdfxuiv, aor. 2 part, of Ka^vca. Kav, crasis for KOI dv: also for Kal rjv, and if, even if. KO.V, crasis for Kal Iv, and in. K(iv,Ep. for ara before i/,as Kavvo^ov for Kara vopov. KavaOpov or K(ivva0pov, TO, (#01/77) the body of a wicker carriage : a cane or wicker carriage. Kavavirrjs, ov, 6, Syriac word, of which the Greek Zr)\Q}rr)s, Zealot, is a translation : not to be con- founded with XavavaTos, a Canaanite. KAN A '5211, f. QJ, to make a gurgling sound with water. (Formed from the sound.) Kavaerrpov, TO, (/tavv) a wicker basket, Lat. cani- strum. II. an earthen vessel, dish. Kavd-<}>6pos, Dor. for 347 w, f- ijcra;, to ring or clash, clang, of metal : to plash, of water. From KavoxY), 77, (tcavdoooi) a sharp, ringing sound, esp. the ring or clash of metal; also of the tramp of mules ; Kavaxri oSovrcav the gnashing of teeth ; jeavaxol av- \uv the shrill sound of flutes. Hence Kavax^Sa, Adv. with a sharp, ringing noise. KavaxT|S, cs, (Kavdoow) making a sharp, ringing noise : of water, plashing. KavdxT]o-, Ep. 3 sing. aor. I of /cavaxfoa. * Kavax i Ep. 3 sing. impf. of Kavaxifa- Kavax^w, f. iffca, = icavax^o}' KavSvs, vos, 6, a Median garment with sleeves, also Kavov/crj. (Median word.) Kdveov Ion. KO.VCIOV Att. contr. Kavovv, TO, (/Kavvrf) a basket of reed or cane, a wicker basket : a bread' basket, Lat. canistrum, used esp. for carrying the sacred barley (ovAat) at sacrifices. Kavciv, aor. 2 inf. of Kaivca. KO.VTJ, 77, a rarer form of icdvva. [a] Kav-qv, Dor. for KaveTv, aor. 2 inf. of /caiva). KavTj(j)opw, f. 770-0;, to carry the sacred basket in procession. From Kavi]-4>6pos, ov, (/cdveov, (pfpca) carrying a basket : fj ~Kav7](j)cpos the Basket-bearer, in Athens a maiden who carried on her head a basket containing the sa- cred things in processions at the feasts of Demeter, Bacchus, and Athena. KA'N0A W PO2, o, Lat. cantharus, a kind of beetle, worshipped in Egypt. II. a sort of drinking- cup, Lat. cantharus. III. a kind of Naxian boat. IV. a mark or knot resembling a beetle, on the tongue of the Egyptian god Apis. KavOiqXia, QJV, rd, Lat. clitellae, a pack-saddle, or the large panniers of a pack-saddle. Kav9if|\tos, o, a large sort of ass for carrying bur- dens, a pack-ass. KavQoiv, on/os, o, (/tdvOos) = tcav&ri\tos, a pack-ass. KA'NNA or Kavvi], 775, 77, a reed or cane, Lat. canna : hence anything made of reeds, a reed-mat, a reed-fence. icawa|3ivos, 77, ov, hempen, made of hemp. From KA / NNA"BI2, 77, gen. tos, ace. tSa, also gen. ecus : hemp, Lat. cannabis. II. anything made of it, tow. Kavvevcras, Ep. for Karavtvaas. KctwofAOv, better KO.V vopov, Ep. for tcard. vopov. K&VOVIS, Toos, 77, (KCLVOJV) a ruler. KavovMrjxa, TO, poet, for /tavwv, a rule : also a ruler. Kavovv, Att. contr. of tcdveov. Kfivctv, aor. 2 inf. of tcaivca. K&VU, fut. of Kaivca. Kdvo3J3os or KO.VCOITOS, o, Canobus, a town in Lower Egypt, notorious for its luxury. Kfivwv, ovos, 6, (Kavrj, /cdvva) any straight rod or bar : in Homer, Kavoves are tiuo rods running across the hollow of the shield, through which the arm was 348 KA'PAAMON. passed, to hold it by. 2. a rod used in weaving ; the shuttle or quill by which the threads of the woof (vijviov) were passed between the threads of the warp (/TOS). 3. a carpenter's rule : metaph. a rule or level ray of light. 4. the beam or tongue of the balance : pi. the keys or stops of a flute. II. me- taph. like Lat. norma, a rule or standard of excel- lence: so, the old Greek authors were called KO.VOVCS, rules or models of excellence, classics; and the books received by the Church as the rule of faith and prac- tice are called the Canon or canonical scriptures. Kavcbv, aor. 2 part, of Kaivca. Kdvcoiros, 6, see Kdvajftos. Kajj, crasis for KOI !. Kdir, Ep. for Kara before rr or for KCLimra, by crasis for teal eirftra, and then, and next. KaireTOS, rj, (ffKairroj, for ffKaireros) a ditch, trench, Lat. fossa : a vault, grave : generally, a hole. KA'IIH, TJ, a crib, manger. KairrjXeiov, TO, the shop of a KairrjXos, a tavern, Lat. caupona. From KamqA.ewo, f. crew, (/ramyXos) to be a retail-dealer, drive a petty trade : metaph. to hawk about, higgle in ; KairrjXcveiv pax^y to make a trade of war, Ennius' helium cauponari : also, to adulterate, give out as genuine, palm off. KaiTTjXiKos, -f], 6v,(Kairr)\os) of or like a petty trader: tricky, knavish. Adv., KamjXiKws ex fiv * P^ a y ro ~ guish tricks. KairrjXCs, t8os, fem. of KdmyXos, Lat. copa. KainrjXos, 6, (ct7TTCt>) a retail-dealer, petty trades- man, huckster, higgler, Lat. caupo, opp. to fpnopos : esp. a tavern-keeper. II. a cheat, rogue, knave. Kam, by crasis for Kal eni. Kam0T], 97, (a7TT, f. to*a> Att. to), (Kairvos) to cause smoke: to make or light a fire. II. to smoke, blacken with smoke. Hence KairvLcrjjia, {MLTOS, TO, a smoke-offering : incense. Kairvtcrcrav, Ep. 3 pi. aor. I of Kairvifa. Kairvo-SoxTj Ion. -Soici), fj, (/tamos, ocxo/jtat) a smoke-receiver : a hole in the ceiling or roof for the smoke to pass through. KAIINO'2, o, smoke, Lzt.fumus. Hence Kdirvoco, f. wffca, to turn into smoke : Pass, to be burned into smoke, burnt to ashes. Kctirv-to8i]s, , (Kairvos, efSos) like smoke, smoky : generally, dark, dusky. Ka-rroi, Dor. for ftrjiroi. Kairos, 6, Dor. for 7?7ros. Kdirira, TO, v. sub K. Ka-mraSoKi^o). f. aca, to favour the Cappadocians. II. to play the Cappadocian, i. e. play the rogue. From Kairira8o, oos, 6, a Cappadocian. , Ep. for KCLTM-, aor. 2 , ov, (Kauita, (fiip6vos, ov, (Ka-rrpos, *d\apa, for KO.TCL cpaXapa. K, (Kapoia, Acu) to draw the heart out of a victim at a sacrifice. KapBoiKiov, TO, the cover of a kneading-trough. II. a muzzle. From KATAOIIO2, f), a kneading-trough, any trough. Kdpeo-cri,, dat. pi. of Kap. KapT), Ipn. and Ep. for Kapa, the head. KapTjaTOS, KapTjaru, Ep. gen. and dat. of Kapa. Kotpi]|BdpEia Ion. -ITJ, 77, heaviness in the head : top- heaviness. From KapT]{3apu>, f. 770-0;, to be heavy in the head, top- heavy. From Kapn]-|3apTjS, es, (Kaprj, /Sdpos) heavy in the head. Kapt]-KO|x6faVTS, or better Ka.pr\ KOJIOCOVTCS, ot, with hair on the head, long-haired, of the Achaians, opp. to the Abantes, who wore their hair only at the back of the head, and so were called 6iri0V KOfj-oowTes. Ko/j,6oJVTes is Ep. part. pi. of K0fj.dca ; but there is no Verb KaprjKO/J.da}. Kapfjvat, aor. 2 pass. inf. of Kcipca. Kapijvov, TO, mostly in pi. Kaprjva, (Kaprf) the head; uvopwv Kapr)va, dv8pfs; f$owv Kaprjva so many head of cattle. II. metaph. a mountain-top, peak, crest of a hill : also of a town, the citadel. Kapjyn, Ep. gen. and dat. of Kaprj. p-ytis, es, (Kept/cos, Zpyov) of Carian work. KdpiKos, 77, uv, (Kdp) Carian: KaptKi) uovaa, -f), a kind oi funeral song, a wail or dirge. KAPI'5, gen. toos or t'Sos, 77, Dor. also Kovpis or Kcapts, a shrimp or prawn, Lat. squilla. [o] KapKaipco, to ring or quake, of the earth. (Formed from the sound.) KAPKI'NOS, o, with heterog. pi. KapKiva, Ta, a crab, Lat. cancer : also Cancer, the Crab, as a sign in the zodiac. II. a pair of tongs. [F] KcipKivo-xeipes, a)I/ pi- Adj. (KapKivos, X 6 'p) Wlt ^ crab's claws for hands. K A'PNEIA or Kdpvea, TCL, a festival held in honour of Apollo Kdpvfios by the "Spartans, during nine days of the Attic month Metageitnion, hence called Kap- vcios fJirfv. Kapos, Dor. for Krjpos. KdpiraOos, 77, an island between Crete and Rhodes, called in Homer KpaTraflos. Kapiraia, T), a mimic dance of the Thessalians. KapirdXtp-os, ov, (dpirdfy, Lat. carpo) tearing, swift, rapid. Adv. Kapira\ifJMs, rapidly. KAPAI'A Ka/moros. 349 Kap-rratros, 77, with heterog. pi. Kap&aaa, ra, a fine flax grown in Spain, Lat. carbasus. (Eastern word.) Kapmco, f. iffaj Att. to) (ftapirus) to pluck or gather fruit : Med. to enjoy the fruits of, reap the re- turn. II. to make fruitful, fertilise. Kapmp.os, 77, ov, (Kapiros) bearing fruit, fruitful. Kapiro--yV60\os, ov, (Kapiros, yeve0\r)) producing fruit. Kapiro-Sco-fJia, cav, ra, (Kapiros, Seer/ios) chains for the wrists or arms, armlets. Kapiro-irotos, 6v, (Kapiros, iroteaj) producing fruit. KAPIIO'5,'o,./r7^V; Kapiros dpovpijs, corn, but also of wine; ol Kapiroi the fruits of the earth, corn. II. metaph. the fruits, produce, returns, profit of a thing. KAPIIO'5, o, the joint of the arm and hand, the wrist, Lat. carpus. Kapiro-TXT|S, fs, (Kapiros, rcAccu) bringing fruit to perfection : fruitful, prolific. Kapiro-roKOS, ov, (Kapiros, rfrcew) bearing fruit. Kapiro-4>d-yos, ov, (Kapiros, (payeiv) eating fruit. KapiTO-4>06pos, ov, (Kapiros, (pOfipu) spoiling fruit. Kap7Tocj)opco, f. rjaoj, to bear fruit. From Kap-rro 4>6pos, ov, (Kapiros, (pepca) fruit-bearing. Kapiro-vXa|, O.KOS, o, (Kapiros, vo>,Ep. for KpaTvvoj, to strengthen; aor. I med., tKapTvvaTo (f>d\ayjas they strengthened their ranks ; hands. e/tapTvvavTO they strengthened or armed their sister, [a] Kacro-iTeptScs, cav, at, the Cassiterides or tin-islands. KA52I'TEPO5 Att. KarrCrcpos, 6, tin, Lat. stan- KaaaLTepoio a plating of tin. Att. KO.TT-, aTos, TO, anything stitched or KSpva/TiScs, cav, at, (Kapueu) the women of Caryae sewed, the sole of a shoe or sandal : generally, a lea- KA ISI'A Ion. -Ctj, 77, cassia, an Arabian spice, an inferior kind of cinnamon. Ka 3 sing. Ep. aor. 2 of: Kao-wptov, TO, a brothel. From Kao-topis, t'Sos, $,=Kao-d\pi], a harlot. KATA', Prep, with gen. and ace. : A. GE- NIT. : I. denoting motion from above, down from. in Laconia. II. in Architecture, Caryatides are ! ther sole or shoe. From female figures used as bearing shafts, [d] j KA22T'Xl Att. Karrvco, to stitch, sew together. KapuKT], 77, a rich Lydian sauce made of blood and ; metaph. to stitch up, i. e. to concoct, a plot, [u] rich spice. [t>] Hence KapuKivos, 77, ov, of the colour of. KapvKij, blood-red. Kopvico-iroic0, f. 770*0;, (KapvKr), iroifca) to make a rich savoury sauce. Kapv, Dor. for terjpvg. KA'PTON, the nut; K. IlepfftKov the walnut; K. Evfioi'Kov the chestnut ; K. HOVTIKOV the fiber d. Kaptio-vauTrjs, ov, 6, (icdpvov, vavTijs) one who goes to sea in a nutshell. Kapucro-o), Dor. for lerjpvffo'Q}. Kap4>d\os, a, ov, (dp^xo) dry, parched : of sound, hollow. Kap^Tj, 77, (dp0a>) a dry blade of grass. Kapcjnjpos, a, ov, (tfdp^os) of dry straw. KapcJHTT]s [F], ov, 6, (/xp0os) built of dry straw. Kapcj>os, eos, TO, (tfdp^cu) any dry particle, a dry stalk or chip, Lat. palea : dry twigs, straws, bits of wool, such as birds make their nests of: in pi. husks, chaff, Lat. quisquiliae. 2. the dry sticks of cinna- mon were also called xdp^rj. KATP^fl, f. Kapif/ca, to make dry or withered: Pass. to wither away. icapx&Xcos, a, ov, (tfdpxapos) rough in throat with thirst, Virgil's siti asper. Kapxap-68ovs or -68, Dor. for Kijpai. Kas, by crasis for KO! els or Kal 4s. KdcraX|3a,^a), f. oca, to abuse in harlot" s language. From Kav\a, KaTa QprjTpas by tribes and clans; KaTa fas by themselves ; so, of time, KaT iviavTuv year by year; and of numbers, KaT' oAryovs few at a time. III. of object or purpose, ir\eiv Kara npfj^iv to sail on a business; 7rAaeo'#cu KaTa \r)'i'8a to rove in search of booty. IV. of fitness, ac- cording to, answering to ; KaTcL OVJJLOV according to one's mind; so, KaO' rj/j.t:T(pov v6ov after our liking; KUT' avQponrov according to the capacity of a man; TO, . 351 as far as concerns you; Kara, rovro in this way; Kara ravrd in the same way. V. of num- bers, nearly, about ; Kara egnKuffia crca about 600 years. VI. of Time, throughout, during, in the course of; Kara ruv iro\e/j,ov in the course of the war; Kara *Af.iaa-yftv. Kara as a Prep, was shortened by Poets into Kay before 7, KO.K before K, Kap. before p, KO.V before v, Kair before IT or (p, Kap before p, KO.T before r or 6. In compd. Verbs, Kara sometimes changes into Ka&, Ka\, Kap, Kar, as Ka@0a\G, Ka\\tire, Kappeovo~a, scdrOave. Kara, Ion. for KaO' a. Koka, crasis for at clra, and then. , for Kard@T)0i, aor. 2 imperat. of Kara(3aiv(a. Adv. (/earajScuVa;) going down : below, down-stairs, opp. to avafiaorjv. [/Sa] KaTa(3a0p,6s, 6, (Kara&aivta) a descent: the name of the steep slope which separates Egypt and Libya, aor. 2 opt. of ), f. -firjaofjiat : pf. -/Se/fy/ta ; aor. 2 Kar- (0r)v, Ep. I pi. subj. Kara/3 eiofjiev, for Kard0a imperat. (for Kara/3rjdi} : aor. I med. ffdfj,r]v, Ep. 3 sing. Karf&r)(rero, Ep. imperat. Kara@rj- ffeo : to go or come down, Lat. descenders : c. gen. to go down from ; Karaftaivetv di(f>pov to come down from a chariot : c. ace. to go down to; OdXapov KO.- rf@7]ffaro she came down to her chamber ; but also, K\ipaKa Karafiaiveiv to come down the ladder ; and absol. to come down stairs. 2. to go down to the sea. 3. to go down into the arena, to fight, con- tend. 4. metaph. to come to a thing, arrive at, e. g. in speaking. II. rarely in Pass., iiriros Kara- the horse :s dismounted from. axxioopwu, Pass. (Kara, BaKXioca) to be full of Bacchic frenzy. KaTa-pdXX&), fut. -/3aAw : aor. 2 KarefiaXov, Ep. 3 sing. #a/3/3a\ : pf. -&(0\r)Ka, pass. -@(@\rjiJiat : to throw down, cast down, overthrow, lay low ; Ko.ro.- (3d\\(iv els yuvv to throw on the knee, of wrestling : to let fall, drop down-: also to lay or put down. i. to strike down, and so to slay. 3. to bring or carry down, esp. to the sea. 4. to put down, pay down : hence to pay off, discharge. 5. to put down into a place and leave there : Med. to lay as a founda- tion, ground, found. KaTa-pd-rrrto, f. if/a, (Kara, /SOTTTO;) to dip down or into. icaTa-f>apea>, f. -fja, to bark or bay at, nvus. Kara-Pepaioopxu, Dep. to affirm positively. KaTa.pp\T]|juvos, pf. pass. part, of Kara&d\\oy*cu : to eat up, devour. Kara-plow, f. -wffojjiai : aor. 2 Kartfiicav : to bring life to an end, pass life. , f. acu, to treat carelessly, mismanage. f. fiXdif/w, to damage. 17, t>v, (Karafid\X, aor. I Kar((3poa, opt. Karaftpogeia, to gulp or swallow down: cf. dva@p6xu- Kara-ppo\Qi, f. iffo) Att. iw, (leard, PpoxOoi) to gulp down. [u], f. a>, to bite in pieces, eat up. 352 KaTa|3pa>crop,(H, fut. KaTa-0upo-6w, (Kara, fit/pact) to cover over with bides. KaTa{3a> denounced, betrayed. , Att. for Kardyaios. Ka,Ta-YXa, 77, (Kara, ye\6 > f- ' IOC>} > (Kara, yiyaprov) to take out the kernel : metaph. for stuprare. KaTd-YtYvopxu, * -y^v-f]aop.ai : to stay or reside at : also to busy oneself about a thing. Ka.ra.-yiyv(jicrK, Ion. for reaOaytfa. KdT-aYivTTicr|Aa, TO, a wanton kiss. Kar-aYp-a, arcs, TO, (fcardyoj) wool spun out : a piece or Jlock of wool. KaTa-Yvap/TTTO), f. I^QJ, to bend down. Ka,Ta,YvoiT|v, aor. 2 opt. aor. 2 part, fut. Karate*)', aor. I Kareaga, part. tcardgas : pf. (in pass, sense) Karedya Ion. feartrjya : aor. 2 pass. Karedyrjv [a], inf. Karay^vai : to break in pieces, shatter, shiver: to break, weaken. II. , in Pass., and in pf. act. Kareaya, to be broken ; /ear- eayevai or Karayrivai TT)V Ktos, ov, engraved, embroidered. From KaTa-YpcLd>, f. ipoj, to mark or scratch deeply : to engrave: to paint over, fill with letters. II. to write down : to register, enroll. Kar-aYpeco, f. 770-0;, to catch, overtake. KaTa-Yup.vac0, fut. ao*a>, to exercise constantly. Kar-aYco, f. -d (fardyoj) a place to lodge in, rest- ing-place, inn. Kar-S.yv, ovaa, better divisim, Kara odtcpv X*w, shedding tears. j Kara-SaKpva), f. aca, to bewail or lament bitterly: ; absol. to weep bitterly. Kara-Sap,ab>, f. daoj : aor. I inf. med. Karaoap-a- ffaa6ai : to subdue utterly. KaTaSap,vap,, f. -odga : aor. I aT-e'5e^a Ion. e8ea : to shew clearly, point out, make known : c. inf. to shew how to do : to establish, prove. f. aaca [a] : to shew signs of fear or cowardice. Kara8cai, Ion. aor. l inf. of KaraoeiKvviu. Ka.Ta-8top.ai,, f. -Se^ero/wu, Dep. to want or need very much : to intreat earnestly, Lat. deprecari. Kara-BtpKOjjiai., aor. 2 act. KareSpaKov, and in same sense pass. KarcoepxO-rjv ' Dep. : to look down, to look down upon. Kara,-ecr\JiOs,o,atieoTband: a magic knot Jove-knot. Kara-Scvco, f. era), aor. I KarfSevaa, to wet through : to water. Kara-Scxopiai, f. -Se^o/nat : Dep. : to receive, ad- mit. 2. to receive back, take home again. Kara-Seaj (A), f. -orjaca, to bind on or to, bind fast : Med. to bind to or for oneself. i. to put in bonds, imprison. 3. metaph. to convict of a. crime. II. to tie down, shut up, close, check. Kara-Beco (B), f. -8c7)oca, to want, lack, need, be lacking in a thing, esp. of numbers : KaraSei, impers. there is need. KaraSeus, Adv. of /raraSciJs, in defect: Comp. KO.ro.- dcfffTfpcas x ctz/ * be very ill off. KaTa-8-qXos, ov, very plain or manifest. KaTa-8ir}|ji,o{3oped>, f. rjaca, (KOTO, 8ijpo0vpo$} to con- sume publicly. Kara-Slai/rdd), f. rjffca, to decide as arbitrator against, to give arbitration against, nvos. KaTa-SiaXXdoxTd) Att. -TTO>, fut. -acy, to reconcile again. KUTa-oi8cop.i, f. cwffca, of rivers, intr., to flow or empty themselves into. KaTa-SlKao), f. acrcy : Pass., aor. KarfSiKarrOrjv : pf. fcaraSf Sitcaa yuai : to give judgment agai?ist, pass sentence upon, nvos : absol. to condemn : Med. to get sentence given again t another, procure his con- demnation : Pass., KaraoeSiKafffjifvos one who has judgment given against him. KaTa-8iKT), 77, (Kara, 5t/n?) judgment given against one, condenmation, sentence : a fine. [?] KaTKa>, f. ca or o(jiai, to pursue closely. KaTa-8oKd>, f. -Sogca, to suppose a thing against or to the prejudice of another, to suspect : to think, sup- pose : also in aor. I part. pass. Kara8o^9fis being sus- pected. Kara8odd>, fut. dffo}, = KaraooKfa). Kara-BovXoo), f. wata, to reduce to slavery, enslave: also as Dep., with fut. and aor. I med. -Sov\waofMii., -8ov\caadfj,r]v, pf. pass. -8(5ov\ca[Mi. Hence KaraBovXeoo-is, fas, 7), a reducing to slavery, en- slaving. KaTa-8ovTro, f. -fjffaj, to fall with a heavy sound. KaTa-8otnrm, : f. acrobat : rarely -daw : to sing to, to charm by singing, Lat. occinere : absol. to sing a spell, charm. II. to deafen by singing. Kara-8d)po8oKed), f. rjffca, to accept presents or bribes. Kar-actSd), Ion. for Kardoca. Kara-eijAtvos, pf. part. pass, of KaQivvvp.i, clothed, clad, covered. II. pf. part. pass, of tcaOirjfJLi, let down, hanging down. Karacivvo-av, 3 pi. impf. of reaOevvvfjii. KaracCcraro, Ep. for KaBeiffaro, 3 sing. aor. I med. of Ka9(a). Kara-evviifAv, poet, for Kadevvvfii : impf. /earaflvvov: to clothe, cover, overspread. Kar-aatvd) : Ion. aor. r Kara^fjvaffKOV : (Kara, afaivQ}, aiu) : to make quite dry, parch up. Kara-dd>, inf. Kara^rjv, to live one's life out. Kara-iryvi)jxi and -lio), f. -(v(a : to tie or yoke together, yoke : Pass, to be bound fast, straitened : to be imprisoned. KaraT|va, f. -^wffca, to gird fast : Med. to gird oneself, KaraOfiveiv, aor. 1 inf. of Kara9vr)ffK(a. KaTa-Odirrd), f. if/w, to bury, inter. Kara-0apo"uvd>, to embolden or encourage against : Pass, to take courage, behave boldly, [v] Kara-Ocdofiat, f. dffonai [a], Dep. to look down upon, watch from above, observe. KaraOeivai, aor. 2 inf. of KarariOrjut. KaTaOeio, 2 sing. aor. 2 opt. med. of icarariOt]^. Ep. for -Of, to subdue by charms. Hence Karo-Ka>, f. -9opovfJ.ai : aor. 2 tcareOopov, inf. Oopftv : /o /ea/> or jump down : c. ace., KaraOpu- ff/ceiv rty alfwairjv to leap down from the wall. Kar-a0ii(ji6(o, f. 770*0;, (Kara, d#u/) to lose all heart, to be very much dejected. Kara-0t)(uos, ov, also 77, ov, in or upon the mind, at heart ; fj.r)0e ri roi Qdvaros Kara9vfuos carca let not death sit heavy at thy heart. II. according to one's mind, welcome, well-pleasing. Kara-0v&), f. vaca [y], to sacrifice: to offer, dedi- cate. II. Med., Kara9vea9ai nva to compel one's love by magic sacrifices. Ka.Ta-0wpu,Kia>, if. iffca Att. to), to covsr with a coat of mail, arm at all points. Karai-pao-is, ecus, i), poet, for Kara^acns. KaTau-pXT7js, ov, o, poet, for KaTa^drrjs, (/cara- fiaivca) one who comes down or descends, of Zeus descending in thunder and lightning : also of the thunder-bolt, hurled down, descending. 2. epith. of'A.x(p, f. a>, of motion, to float or "hover over ; irXo teapot vwrov KaraiOvoaov his locks floated down his back. Kar-ai0o>, to burn down, burn to ashes. 2. to light vp, ignite, illumine. Kar-aiK(a>, f. iffca Att. to), to wound severely: to ill-treat, disfigure. Kar-aiveo), f. o", (Kara, aipoj] : to take or put down. 2. intr. to put into port : of birds, to go down to a place, light upon it. KaT-ai(r0avojjtai, L-aiaOrjffofjiai, Dep. to comprehend fully. Kar-aCo-ios, ov, (Kara, aiatos} righteous. KarawrxvvTT|p, Tjpos, a disgracer. From KaT-atcrxvvio, f. vv>, to shame, disgrace, dis- honour. III. Med. to feel shame before another, to reverence. Kara-urxco, poet, for Karia^oj. Kar-atrtaofxai, f. do"o//at [a], Dep. to accuse, ar- raign, blame, find fault with : c. ace., to lay to one's charge, object to one : impute. II. the aor. I part. KaraiTiaOfis occurs in pass, sense, accused, put on one's defence. Karairv, ijjos, T), a low helmet or skull-cap without a crest. (Deriv. uncertain.) Kar-auopcofjuu, Pass. (Kara, alojpfoi) to hang down. Kara-Kay \a^u>, f. aaca, to laugh loudly at. KaraKaTJp,V, Dor. and Lacon. for Karaicafjva.i, aor. 2 inf. pass, of Kara.KO.ioj. KaraKaifjiV, Ep. for KaraKaieiv. Kara-Kama, fut. KavS) : aor. 2 KO.rf.Ko.vov : like KararcTeiva}, to slay. Kara-Kaico Att. -KO.G) [a] : fut. -Kavffa : aor. I Kart- Kavaa Ep. KarfKrja : aor. I pass. KarfKavOrjv, aor. 2 Kareffaijv : to burn, burn down, consume by burn- ing . Pass., Kara nvp fKarj the fire had burned down or out. Kara-KaXeco, f. fffca, to call down, summon, in- vite. II. to call upon, invoke. Kara-KaXvirro, f. tyta, to cover up, envelope : Med. to veil oneself. Kara-Ka,p.Trra), f. -Ka.fj.if/cj, to bend down : to bend or turn by entreaty ; KaraKa^irreiv e\m8as to bend down, break down hopes. Kara-KOD, to dry up, parch: Pass, to wither, fall into the sere. KaraKaveras, aor. I part, of /caraKaica. Kara-Ko.'U)(a o p. ai ' f. rjffofiai, Dep. to boast against, exult over, vaunt at. KaraKelai, Ep. aor. I inf. of KaraKaioj. KaraKi(jiv, Ep. pres. inf. of KaraKa'uu. KaraKeCcre, 2 pi. of Karaite'ia). Kara.-Kijxat, f. -Kfioopai, Dep. to lie down : to lie hid: to lie stored up, to be laid by. 2. to lie sick. 3. to recline at meals. KaraK6top,v, another form of Karafrf)0/j.ev, q. v. : but also Ep. for KaraKica/j.v, pres. subj. of KaraKtio). , f. -Kfpw, to cut down, waste, consume. Kara/ceio) >, Desiderat. of Karcucciftai, to wish to lie down : KaKKtiovres, Ep. part, for KaraKfiovrfs. KaTttKKXicro, 2 sing, plqpf. pass, of KaraKXivoj. KaTaKKpaKTi]S, ov, 6, (icaraKpafa} a brawler. KaTa-KeXcvw, f. , f. avu or r\a, f. -fjaoj, to rail violently: to mock at. KaTaKTjp,v, Ep. pres. inf. of KaraKaioj. KaTa-KirjXcco, f. rjffta, to soothe by charms : to enchant. KaTaKTjop.cv, Ep. for KaraK-qoi^v, i pi. aor. I subj. of KaraKaioj. Ko/ra-K-qpou), f. wffoj, (Kara, Kijpus) to cover with' wax. KaTa-KTjpxio-o-a) Att. -TTW, f. v [a] : fut. -KXavaojjai : to bewail or lament loudly : absol. to wail aloud. KaTaKXa'acrOau, Dor. aor. I inf. med. of KarauXfia. KaTa-KXdco, f. ao~a; [a] : aor. I KartKXacra : Pass., aor. l KareKXaaOrjV : to break down, break short off, snap. II. metaph. to break down, overcome, enfeeble, of sorrow, fear, or illness. KaTaKXaxO'tivai, Dor. aor. I pass. inf. of KaraKXfioj. KaTa-KXdu), Att. for KaraKXaioj. [a] KaTaKXeis, i5os, Ion. and Ep. KaTaKX-q'is, ijtSos, 77, a fastening for doors. Ion. -KXi}tu) old Att. -KX-rfa) : f. -At- oca Dor. -Aaa; : Med., aor. I Kar(KX(iadfj.7)v Dor. KarfKXqgaftrjv : Pass., aor. KarcKXeia0r]v Ion. -euXT)- tadrjv Dor. -fKXaxdrjv (not -K\do0j]v) : to shut up, shut fast. 2. to shut up in a fortress, to blockade. KaTa-icXirjpoSoTcci), f. ijo'cy, (KXrjpos, St'oVu/^) to dis- tribute by lot. KaTa>KXir]povop,4co, f. rjff(u, to inherit, obtain by in- heritance. KaTa-KXTjpovxo, f. rjffoj, to receive as one's allot- ment. II. to assign to another as his lot, give to inherit. KaTaKXi0TJvav, aor. 2 inf. pass, of KarajcXiv0es, at, (KaraKXwOca) the weird women who spin thread, a name of the goddesses of Fate, MoTpai, Lat. Parcae. KaTa-KXu0(o, f. -KXuao), to spin out, of the Fates. KaTa-Kvdeo, f. -KV/jffca: aor. I KartKvrjaa : to scrape or grate down : to cut piecemeal. i^co, f. iaca : aor. I /care/cvlffa : to pull to pieces, Lat. velllco : Pass, to itch. Kara-K0i(xda>, f. rjffca, like KaTateoipifa, to put to deep, lull to sleep : aor. I inf. pass. KaTaKot^rjOfjvat, to go to sleep, fall asleep, sleep. II. to sleep through, sleep out; KaraKOijJirjoai TJ)V v\aicr)v to sleep out the watch. KaTa-Koip,io>, f. iffa, = KarafcoifMoj, to lull to sleep. Kara-KOivcoveo), f. 170*0;, to make one a sharer, give one a share. Ka,T-aKoXov0o, f. jjffoj, to follow closely. KaTa-KoXirl^co, f. iaoj Att. tcD, (Kara, /roATros) to run into a bay or gulf. KaTa-Kop,t8T|, 17, a bringing down to the sea-shore, exportation. From Ka.Ta-Kop,ia>, f. iaca Att. iw : to bring down, esp. to the sea. 2. to bring to land or into harbour : to bring into a place of refuge. KaTO.-KOp.os, ov, (Kara, KufJiTj) with falling hair. Kar-aKOva, 77, (Kara, aKovrf} destruction. Ka.Ta-KOv8t5Xio>, f. tcrcw, to buffet severely. Ka.T-aKOVTtco, f. iaoj Att. to), (Kara, UKOvrifa) /o strike down with darts. Kara-KoirTO), f. if/cu : aor. I KarKoif/a : Pass., p. post f. KaraKfKo\f/ofJiat : aor. 2 KareKoirrjv : to cut in pieces, cut up : to kill, slay. II. to stamp with a die, coin into money. Ko,Ta-Kocr|Ac'co, f. rjffoj, to arrange, set in order; iirl Vfvprj KaraKoffpftv to Jit the arrow on the string : ge- nerally, to furnish, adorn. Kar-aKOvto, f. -aKovffofj.ai, to hear and obey, be sub- ject to. II. to hearken to, give ear to, hear plainly. ica.Ta-Kpa, fut. -KCKpdofj.ai, to cry down, outdo in crying. Ka,Ta-KpaTo, f. r/ffo}, to prevail over, subdue : absol. to prevail, become master : to become current. Kara-Kpcp.ap.ai, Pass, to bang down, bang suspended. Kara-Kpcp-avvvp-t or-vco, fut. -Kpcp,aaca [a] : aor. I KarfKptfAaaa : to bang to or upon, hang up, attack to or by. Kara-KpovpYw, f. r\aT|, r), a hiding : metaph. a subterfuge. 5 KaTa-Kpu, inf. KaraKrdfj,fv, -dfj.e- ; vat, part. Kararcrds : pf. fcareicrova : Pass., aor. I KaTeKrdOrjv: Ep. aor. 2 KarfKrdfj.ijv,pa.rt. Karatcrdpz- vos : 2 pi. fut. med. (in pass, sense) KaraicrfveeoOe : to kill, slay, put to death. KaTa-Kvj3evw, f. oca, (Kara, *cu/3os) to lose by the dice, gamble away. Kara-KvXtvSo), f. toca [t] : Pass., aor. i -cKvXiaOrjv: pf. -KfKvXiOfAai : to roll down : Pass, to be rolled down or off". KaTa-KtmTco, f. i/'cu: aor. I KarfKinf/a: to bend down, stoop : to stoop and peep into. Kara-Ki)pivXT|, incorrect form for /caroKfax^. KdTaXajSeiv, aor. 2 inf. of KaraXafJ.@dvca. KaT-aXa^ovevofxai, (icard, dXa&v) Dep. to boast or brag largely. . Kara-XaXcco, f. 170-00, to babble, chatter, talk or rail at, slander. Hence KaraX&Xia, r), evil report, slander : and KardXaXos, ov, slanderous. KaTa-Xa|a,pdvcL) : f. Xrji^ofMii Ion. 2 KareXafiov : pf. KareiXrj(pa Ion. Pass., aor. I KareXf}Qr)V Ion. KareXdfj.([>9r)V : to seize upon, lay bold of, take possession of: to seize : Med. to seize for oneself: to preoccupy. II. to hold \ in, keep down or under, check : hence to put an end j to, stop : to settle, conclude. 2. to bind by j oath. III. to catch, overtake, come up with : hence to discover, detect, Jind. 2. of events, to come upon, befall, happen to one : impers., KaraXap.- fidvft it happens to one ; rd KaraXaftovra = rd ovfj.- f3avra, what had happened, the circumstances of the case. Hence 3, a, ov, verb. Adj. to be checked. II. to KaTa-Xdp,Trco, f. -Xa^ca, to shine upon : to shine. Kar-aXytfa, f. rjffcv, to suffer greatly, be in great pain. KaTa-Xc^yo), f. -Xea> : aor. I pass. Kar^X^\6rjv, aor. 2 KaTeXtyrjv : to lay down, put to bed, make lie down : Med., with aor. I KaTeXfgd/jiTjv, to lie down, sleep : in this sense occur KareXfKro, 3 sing, of Ep. aor. 2 pass. Kar^Xf^^v, inf. /caraAexfc", part- #ara- Xfypevos. II. to pick out, choose out of many, to choose as soldiers, levy, enlist, enrol. III. to tell or count up, recount, reckon up : to go over, re- peat, detail, e. g. a pedigree. KaTa-Xi|3co, f. fiu, to pour down, let drop : to shed tears : Pass, to run or drop down. [ca-ruXeip.p.a, r6, (/caraAetrrw) a remnant, residue. KaTdXefirros, ov, (KaTaXfi^ca) anointed. Kara-XfCiroa, f. ifsai : Ep. forms, pres. KaXXeiTOj, fut. KaXXetyca : aor. 2 /caXXiirov : to leave behind, leave as an heritage, bequeath. II. to forsake, abandon : to leave or give up to another. III. to suffer, allow. KaTa-X.TOvpYo, f. r/ffftj, to spend one's substance in bearing public burthens. KaT-dX6i(j>co, f. \pca, to smear on or over. Ka/raXej-w, Dor. for K(naXtai, fut. o Kara-XeirToXo-yco), f. you, to wear away by fine distinctions. Kara-Xetia), f. oca, (Kara, Aeva>) to stone to death. Kara-Xx6at, Ep. aor. 2 inf. pass, of KaraXeyca. Kar-aXeco, f. eoca, to grind down. i^t ' leave off, stop, cease. , Pass, to forget utterly. , 17, 6v, (tcaTaXanfidvca) able to grasp or check, able to keep down. KaTaXtjirros, 77, 6v, verb. Adj. of KaTaXauPdvw, to be grasped or seized, within reach, attainable. II. act. seizing upon. uaTaXTjij/is, ecus, 37, (KaTaXapfidvca) a grasping, seiz- ing, winning. II. an attacking, assaulting. KaTa-Xl0aco, f. doca, (Kara, Xi6os) to stone to death. KaTa-Xiirapa), f. rjaca, to entreat earnestly. KaToXXa-yi?], ?7, exchange, profit made on ex- change. II. a change from enmity to friendship, reconciliation, mostly in plur. From Kar-aXXdo-o-co Att. -TTCO : f. dca : aor. I uar-fjX- Xaa : to change : Med. to exchange, give in ex- change. II. to change from enmity to friendship, reconcile: Pass., with aor. I ffarrjXXd^Orjv, aor. 2 KarrjXXd'yTjv [a], to become reconciled. KaT-aXod&), f. ijaca, to crush in pieces, destroy. KaTa-Xo'yio[Ji,ai, fut. -ioofMi Att.-fovfJ.ai: Dep.: to count up, reckon, consider : also to impute a thing to one. II. to count or reckon among. KardXc-yos, 6, (KaraX^yca') a counting up, enrolment: the catalogue or list of persons liable to serve in the army; ol IK KaraXoyov those on the list for service. Kard-Xoiiros, ov, left, remaining. KaT-aXoKico, f. ioca, to cut into furrows. KaTa-Xowo>, f. crtu, to wash completely: Med., Ka.ro.- \ovfiv TOV fiiov to spend one's life in bathing. Kara-Xod8ta, Adv. = /card \6, f. ff(u, to distribute into troops. Hence KaraXoxifjAos, o, distribution into troops. Kara-Xoco, old Att. pres. for Ka.TaXov) an inn, lodging. Kara-Xdp-atvofjiai, Dep. to ravage, destroy. KaTaXvcri|AOs, ov, (/raraAita) to be made an end of. KardXtja-is, ews, 77, (tfaraAwy) a dissolving, putting \g down, making an end of: of an army, a disbanding: ' KaTaXvais TOV TTo\fj,ov an ending of the war : gene- rally, a conclusion, finishing. II. a resting, lodging: also = Ka.Ta\v(j.a, a resting-place, inn. Ka,TaXt;TT|s, ov, one who lodges in a place. From Kara-Xtiw, f. -Xvooi: aor. I tcaT(\.vdto, f. yaw, to rest from a thing. Ka.Ta.-\j.ayfV(o, f. o, f, iaca Att. iw : to make soft or effeminate : Pass, to be or become so. KaTa-p.3Xdcro-to Att. -TT : f. i\G, f. 7700;, to bear -witness against: Pass, to have evidence given against one. KaTa-|ido-crofxai, Med. to wipe off. Kar-ap-dco, f. rjaw, (/card, dficww) to pile up, heap up: Ep. aor. I med. KaTap.^aap.rjv. $caT-ojx|3Xvva>, (/card, d{j,p\vv(a*) to take the edge off", make blunt or dull. Ka/ra-fAeOixrica), f. -fj.f9vooj [i/], to make drunk with sheer wine. Karajxeivai, aor. I inf. of KaTa/j.4vca. KaT-ajjicXtoj, f. Tjffoj, to give no heed to, neglect : ab- sol. to be heedless : Pass, to be neglected. KaTa-[AXtTOojjun, f. - fte [AipofMii : aor. i med. -ffj.fj.- tydfj.7)v, pass. -fJL(fj,(p$r]v : Dep. : to blame, accuse, find fault with. Hence Kc.Ta[X|j.vj;Ls, ecus, 77, a blaming, finding fault, ac- cusing. tcaTa-|juva>, f. -pevu, to stay behind: to remain, con- tinue in a state. KCLTavrjcrai. 357 Ko,Ta-[jiepicj, f. iffta Att. tw, to cut in pieces : to dis- tribute. t Ka.Ta-[A6Tpea>, f. rjaca, to measure or mete out to : to measure. KaTa-(XT)X6co, f. wa, f. vo~os, ov, (/rctTa///(/>o/ttu) faulty. Kara-fxovas, (/rard, HOVQS} Adv. alone, apart. KO.Ta-\iovo\ia\( and -ajjiiuo'xw, to encompass, cover. KarajAv^aTO, 3 sing. Ep. aor. I med. of KaTajj-vaaca. KaTdjxticris, (ws, 77, (ara/;cy) a closing of the eyes. KaT-o|JLVo-o-o) Att. -TTCO, f. ^cu, to tear, scratch, rend. KaTa-p.VTTO)T'u&), f. ffu, (fcaTa, fjLVTTWTov} to make mincemeat of. f. TLKJ&} \y] : aor. I KaTepvaa, poet. inf. : to shut or close the eyes: to nod, drop asleep, dose : also to die. KaT-avcryKd^w, f. daoj, to force down into a place. II. to overpower by force, constrain, confine: coerce. KaT-avd0p.a, aros, TO, a curse. Hence KaTavaOcfxarCJco, f. iata, to curse. Kara-vauo, to make to dwell, settle: only used inEp. aor. I act. Ka.Ttvo.Goa med. KaTfvacradiJLijv : Pass, to take up one's abode, dwell, only in aor. I KaTfvdadrjv. Kar-avaXio-Kti), f. -avd\wa, {.-vfvffojMi: Ep. aor. I part. Kavvevoas: to nod assent, opp. to dnovfvo}; vTrtffx TO * a * Kar *~ vevfffv he promised and confirmed his promise by a nod : to make a sign by nodding the head. >o>, f. wffoj, to overcloud. Ion. -VTJW, f. -1/770-0;, to heap or pile up. . aor. i inf. of Ka.ro.vko). 358 KdT-dv0paKico, f. iffa), and Ktvr-avOpaKoco, f. -w (Kara, dV0paf ) : to burn to cinders : Pass, to be burnt to ashes. icaTa-vCcj)co, to snow upon or over: impers., Karav'upei it snows ; Karevitye x tovi T *l v Pq Kr 1 v snow f e ^ a ^ over Thrace. KdTd-voto, f. fjffo}, to remark, observe, perceive : to understand, learn, know : to consider. KdT-dvo|Adi, Pass. (Kara, avca) to be used up or wasted. The Act is supplied by Karavtca. KdTd-voTico, f. iffca Att. to), to bedew. KctT-avTct, Adv. of Kardvrijs, downwards. KdT-dVTaco, f. rjaca, to come down to, arrive at. KaT-dvrr)S, cs, (Kara, dvra) down-hill, opp. to dv- dvrrjs. KdT-dvTTjcmv, Adv. (Kara, avrdca} opposite. KdT-avTticpv, (Kara, dvriKpv} straight down from. II. over against, right opposite, facing. " 2. absol. orit- right, downright. \_i of the penult, long in Horn., short in Att.] KdT-dVTiov, Adv. over against, opposite, fronting. KdT-dVTiirepdS, Adv. right over against, opposite. KdT-avTXeco, f. 770-0;, to pour upon or over. KdTdvuis, teas, 77, stupefaction, slumber. From KdTd-vvcrcrco Att. -TTCO, f. a>, to prick : Pass, to be pricked at heart. II. in Pass, also to lie in a deep sleep, to slumber. KdT-avvio Att. -VTCO : f. vffca [u] : aor. I Karrjvvffa : to bring to an end, finish a journey: to arrive at a place ; c. gen., ) : to carry on one's back. KdTa-divto : f. -f av, f. o;o"o;, (Kara, ei/os) to receive as a guest, entertain. kdT-dtos, ov, quite worthy of. Adv. -teas. Hence KdTdjjioco, f. wffoj, to deem worthy, esteem, ho- nour. II. to bid; Tro\\d Yoljpcu' vu(popais ica- raiu I bid a long farewell to calamities. 2. to resolve or determine on a thing. KdTd-|vco, f. vcrca [v] : Pass., pf. -tfcvcruai : to scrape down, to scratch or mark. KdTaopos, Dor. for Karpopos. KdTdiraicros, 77, ov, (nara-nri^vv^L) fastened down or downwards ; Kara-naKrri dvpa a trap-door. KdTd-ird\dico, f. aca, to throw in wrestling. KdTd-irdXXco, to shake down : Pass., in 3 sing. Ep. aor. 2 KariiraKro, to vault or leap down. ^KdTd-irdcro-co Att. -TTCO, f. -Trdffca [a] : aor. I Kar- (irdffa: to besprinkle: to sprinkle or strew over. Hence ov, besprinkled with, embroidered. , f. 770-cy, to trample down, trample under foot : metaph. to trample on. KdTdirdVjXd, aros, TO, a check, hindrance; and KdTdirdvcris, fcas, 77, a putting a stop to, putting down, deposing. II. (from Pass.) a calm. From KdTd-Tfdvco poet. Kdir-iTdvco : f. ovcov, part, of aor. 2 Karcirctyvov. , 3 sing. aor. I subj. of Kara-ntoaoj. and -vco : fut. -7777^0; : aor. I Kar- to stick fast in (he ground, fix firmly : Pass., with intr. pf. act. Kara-Treirrjya, 3 sing. Ep. aor. 2 KareirqKTO, to standfast or firm in, be firmly fixed in. KdTd-irrjSdco, f. r]ffofj.ai, to leap down from. KdTd-mp/irXTjpa, f. 77X7700), to fill quite full. KdTd-TTCp,irpT||jU, f. -irprjaca, to burn to ashes. KdTd-mvco, fut. -iriopai : aor. 2 Kariiriov Ep. /rair- mov : to gulp or swallow down, absorb. 2. metaph. to drink in, imbibe. 3. to swallow up, use up, consume. , to sell outright. , fut. -irfaovjMi : aor. 2 Kareircffov Ep. : pf. -iTfirrcuKa : to fall down : metaph. to fall, sink, subside. KdTd-m, f. ca,to entwine, plait: metaph. to im- plicate, entangle. 2. to finish twisting, and so to bring to an end, finish. KdTd-irXcos, ov, also a, ov : Att. -irXcws, &" / > gen* cu : (Kara, irAeos) : quite full of a thing : soiled or stained with it. KdTd"TrXo, f. 7rAeuo*o^eu : aor. I KarfirXcvaa : Ion. pres. -irXcoco : to sail down, as, to sail from the high sea to shore, put into port, put in: to sail down stream. II. to sail back. KaTd-irXecos, cav, gen. cu, Att. for KardirXcos. KaTa.irX7], 7770$, 6, 77, (KaraTr\T)ffffca) terror-stricken. KaTdirXirjIis, fcas, 77, amazement, consternation. From KdTd-irXT|o-: aor. I KareirXrja: Pass., aor. 2 Kareir\dyrjv [a] Ep. KarfTrXrjyijv : pf. TTfirXr]yfj.ai : to strike down : metaph. to strike with amazement, astound, confound: Pass, to be panic-stricken, be amazed. KdTd-TrXoos contr. irXovs, 6, (KarairXeca) a sail- ing down to land, a putting ashore, putting into har- bour. II. a sailing back, return. KdTd-n-XovTifco, fut. iaca Att. iw, to make very rich, enrich. KdTd-irXxivco [u], to bathe with water. Hence icdTairXtiaris, ecus, 77, a bathing in water. KdTd-irXaxo, Ion. for KaratrXtca. KdTd-irvcico, Ep. for Karanveca. KdTa-irvC0, f. -nveuaop.ai : aor. I Karfirvevffa : to breathe upon or over. 2. to inspire, instil. Hence KdTdirvoT|, 77, a breathing or blowing. KdTd-ir68d and KdTd-ir68dS, Adv., for Kara, TIOOO., Kara. TroSas, upon the track, quickly, straightway. KdTdiroO-f], 3 sing. aor. I subj. pass, of Karamvca. KdTd-'iroXcp.eco, f. rjffca, to war down, wear down or overcome in war, Lat. debellare. KdTd-iroveci), f. 770*0*, to wear out by toil or suffering. KdTd-irovTtco, f. iaca Att. to), (Kara,, irovros) to throw into the sea, plunge or drown therein. Hence KdTdirovTmr|S, ou, 6, one who throws into the sea, of pirates. KdTd-irovToco, f. wffoa, = KaranovTi^ca. KdTd-iropvevco, f. tvaca, to prostitute. KdTd-Trpdcro-co Att. -TTG>, f. -irpdgca, to effect, ac- complish, achieve : Med. to achieve for oneself. KdTd-7rpT)VT|s, c's, head foremost, with the forepart downwards ; \eipl Kara-rrpTjvtt with the hand moved downwards, i. e. with the fiat o/the hand. Hence KdTdirpT)v6o>, f. cuo-cu, to throw down headlong. KdTd-irpiw [t] : aor. I Karenplffa: to saw up or in pieces : to cut or tear in pieces. KdTd-irpo8t8a>p.i, f. -npodwffca, to betray. KdTd-7rpouro-op,di, f. -TT/>O/OJU Att. ir/>oto/mi : to do for nothing, i. e. with impunity, always with ' negat., and in bad sense : i. absol., ou Karairpot- (ff0ai ccprj he said they should not get off free, with impunity ; ov Karairpoigti you shan't do it for no- i thing. 2. also with part., ou Xca^rjad^vos efj.% Karairpoi'gtrai he shall not escape for having thus in- sulted me ; ou itara.ifpoi(.i rovro Spcav thou shall not escape or get off for doing this. 3. c. gen. pers., i ffifi) 8' (Keivos ou Karairpo1'erai he shall not use me ill for nothing. KdTd-irpcoKTOS, ov, = KaraTTvycav. i" KdTdirTfiKwv, oi/Tos, aor. 2 part, of Karairrr)ff, f. cy, to dash down, smash, break in pieces, to hurl down. Kardparos, ov, (KarapaofMi) accursed, abominable. i KaT-ap-yo>, f. 770*0;, (Kara, dpyus) to leave unem- ployed: hence to make barren. II. to make use- less or void : Pass, to be abolished : to he set free. Kar-apyifa, f. iaca, (Kara, dpyos) to make to tarry. KarapYH-a, aros, TO, (KardpxofMi) : in pi. ra Kardpypara, the beginnings of the sacrifice, introduc- tory rites. KdT-ap-yvpoa), f. waca, to cover or plate with sil- ver. II. to buy or bribe with silver. KaT-dp8a>, f. dpaoj, to water : esp. metaph. to be- sprinkle with praise. j KaT-apeop-ai or -&MMU, Ion. for Karapdo(j.ai. i KaTa-pr-yTjXos, 77, cV, (Kara, ptyeaj) making one shudder, horrible. 360 KaT-5pt0[Ao, f. T)G, Ion. for KaOap-. Kar-apveojxai : Dep. with fut. med. -apvrjffofjiai, aor. I pass. -r)pv7)6r}V : to deny stoutly. KaT-5p6a>, f. -apoffca, to plough up. Ka/Tappayfjvai, aor. 2 pass. inf. of Karapp^yvv^i. KO,Tap-pa0i)jJi.>, f. rjaca, to lose or miss from care- lessness: Pass., pf. part, TO. KaTppq0vf*rjfJ.6va things carelessly lost. II. intr. to be very careless or idle. Karap-pSicoa), f. wffOJ,, (Kara, pantos) to tear into shreds : Pass., pf. part. KaTeppaKcapevos, in rags or tatters. KarappAKnjs, ov, (KaTapprjyvvfj.i) as Adj. broken, precipitous. II. as Subst., KarappaKTi^s, 6, a waterfall, Lat. cataracta. Karap-pdiTTO), f. if/a), to stitch up, to cover over : me - taph. to plot, devise, compass. Hence KaTappacJ>os, ov, sewn together, patched. Ka,Tap-peto, f. &} : Ep. aor. 1 Kartpe^a : to pat with the hand, to stroke, fondle, caress : Kappeovaa, Ep. for Karappefrvffa. KaTap-piro>, f. if/ca, to make to sink or fall. KaTap-po, f. -pevffofJiai and (in pass, form) -pvrj- ffofiai: pf. cppvrjKa: aor. 2 in pass, form Kareppvrjv: to flow down : c. dat. to run down or drop with a thing: metaph. to rush down. 2. to fall or slip down: aor. 2 part. pass. Karappvds, fallen. 3. to come to, fall to the lot of. II. to run down with wet ; and in Pass, to be wet with a thing. KctTap-pT|'y v ^t ja an d vo> : f. -prjaj'. to break down. 2. to tear in pieces, rend : Med., /tarap- prjavTO TOVS KiQtavas they rent their coats. 3. to break up, put to confusion, of armies. II. Pass., esp. iu aor. 2 Karfppayrjv [a], to fall or rush down: to break or burst out, gush forth: so also intrans. in pf. act. Kareppcaya to break out, burst forth. KO/rap-pivdo or -eto, f. r]ffca, to file down : Kareppi- vrj^ivov n \eyeiv to say anything polished or well- turned. Karap-piTTTco, f. ifxa, to throw down, overthrow. Kardppoos contr. icarappous, ov, 6, (/carappea;) a running from the head, a catarrh. KdTdp-pocj>Ci>, f. 770*0;, to gulp or swallow down. KdTapptnjVdi, aor. 2 inf. pass, of KarappfQ}. Hence KarappiiT|s, is, flowing dowti, falling away, ebbing. KardppvTOS, ov, (Ararappea/) overflowed, watered, irrigated. II. carried down by water : formed by depositions from water, alluvial. KaT-dppco&a>, f. rjcra}, Ion. for KdTapptoij, 0)705, o, f), (ftareppajya) broken, rugged. Karapcrts, ecus, 77, (/cara/pa;) a landing-place. KdT-apTaco, f. r)a(a, (KOTO., apraoj) to fasten, attach, or adjust fitly ; xp^a KaTrfpr^^vov (pf. part, pass.) a well-adjusted, fit, or convenient thing. KaT-apTia), f. tata, to adjust, put in order again, re- store, repair: to settle by mediation, reform. II. to furnish completely: KaTtjpTiff^vos (pf. part, pass.) well furnished, complete. Hence KardpTicris, feus, f], a restoring, restoration : a making perfect, educating. KaTapTurrT]p, Tjpos, 6, (tfaTapTtcy) one who adjusts: a mediator, reformer. Kar-apTiKo, f. vaoj [iJ] : pf. -rjprvfca pass, -riprvftat : aor. I pass. r}prvOrjv [u] : to prepare, dress : to ar- range, put in order : Pass, to be trained or disci- plined. II. KaTTjpTVKcus, pf. part. act. iu in- trans. sense, of suppliants, having performed all the rites. Kard-ptiTOs, ov, poet, for KardppvTos. KdT-apxds, Adv. for /tar' dpxas, in the beginning. Kar-dpxw, f- w, (/card, ap^oj) to make a beginning of a thing : c. gen., oSou fcardpxc lead the way : c. ace. to begin a thing; Kardp^fi-v TOV Xo-jov. 2. Med. to begin the rites of sacrifice ; Necmup ^pvifia r' ov\o\vras re narTjp^ro Nestor began [the sacri- fice] with the washing of hands and sprinkling the barley on the victim's head : later c. gen., fcardpxe- (jQai TOV lepfiov to make a beginning of the victim, consecrate him /or sacrifice by cutting off the hair of his forehead : to sacrifice, immolate. 3. to lead the dance in honour of one, to celebrate, honour. KaTa-, to pant or snort against. Kara-crl-ydo), f. rjaofMi, to become silent. Kara-criKcXi^co, f. eri?is, es, dug down, deep-dug. KaTa-crK8dvvvp.i and -vw, f. -aK&dau [a] : aor. I : to scatter upon or over : also in bad. sense ; Karaa/eeSaaai ffiwv TWOS to spread a report against one. Kara-o-KcXXo), to parch up. II. Pass., with pf. act. KaTffK\rjKa, to wither away. Ka,Ta-, f. daca, to prepare, furnish, equip again or anew. 2. to get ready, build : Med. to build, construct a house : Pass, to be furnished or provided with a thing. 3. to put in a certain state, render so and so : Med. to prepare oneself for doing, be ready to do. Hence KaTa(TK6ua(rp,a, arcs, TO, a contrivance, device : and KaTa, f. 'fy(rQ),=KaTaffKr)v6oj. Kara-o-KTjvow, f. cWcu, (Kara, ffKijvrj) to pitch one's camp, take tip one's quarters, encamp : to rest, settle. Hence KaTa, f. if/o), to rush down or fall upon, light upon, be hurled down upon : of lightning, of sudden attacks of sickness, etc. II. \nais Ka.raaKr\TtTtiv to assail or importune with prayers. Ka/ra-(TKiaa>, f. aKtdaoj, to overshadow, cover over. KaTa-, poet, for KaraffKiafa. Kara-aKiSva^iat, used as Pass, of KaTaGKeodvvvfJU. Kard-crKios, ov, (Kara, o"ta) overshadowed. II. overshadowing. KaTa-cncoireco (tenses formed from /caTa-o*6irTo/zat): f. -ffK\pofjt,ai : aor. I caK\f/dfj.rjv ; pf. -0"e/z/u : to view closely : to spy out : to reconnoitre. Hence KaTa, f. u ' to burn with a slow fire : Pass, to smoulder away. KaTa-cro4>iop.ai, {.-irrofjuii Ait.-iovfj.ai, Dep. to con- quer by trickery, circumvent, outwit : also as Pass, to be outwitted. KaTa-o-irapdcroxo Att. -TTCO, f. w, to pull to pieces. Kara-criraTaXdco, f. rjaca, to live wantonly. KdTa-criraa), f. daca [a], to draw or pull down ; icara- oirav nva TWV rpix&v to drag one down by the hair : of ships, to haul down, set afloat. II. to quajf or swallow down. f. -cD : aor. I Kareffireipa : to 361 sow or plant thickly : metaph. to beget. II. to besprinkle. Kara-o-irv8co, f. -aireiaca : aor. I KaTtairftoa : pf. (GTTfiKa: Pass., aor. I eairciffOrjv: pf.eairfifffjiat: to pour as a drink-offering or libation : absol. to pour drink-offerings : generally, to pour upon one. II. to honour with libations. Kara-o"Trpx, f. ca, to urge on, stimulate. KaTa-o"7To8o, f. rjff(a, (teard, atroous) to throw down in the dust, make bite the dust. KaTa-crirov8dofjiai, Dep., with aor. I pass. fairov- odoQrjv, pf. fairovSaff fj.ai ; (Kara, airovodfa) : to be- earnest about a thing : absol. to be very serious. Kara-CTTda>, f. cu, to let fall in drops upon, pour upon : to let drop, shed. II. intr. to drop down, trickle; voaca KaraGTa^eiv iruSa to have one's foot running with a sore. 2. to bedew, wet, moisten. KaTaoraOets, aor. I part. pass, of KaOiffTrjfM. Karaords, aor. I part, of KaOiffTrjfjii. KaTa-, f. daca, to cover over. Hence Karao > Try ao 'H' a > O-TOS, TO, a covering. KaTOL-aTe-yos, ov, (Hard, aTtyr)) covered in, roofed. , f. \fj(a, to tread on. , aor. I inf. of KaraaTfXXoi. , f. -oTtAu), to put in order, arrange : clothe, dress, array. 2. to keep down, check. KaTa-, to sigh over or lament, c. ace. 2. to sigh for or about one, c. gen. KaTa-(TT6av6o>, f. waoi, to crown. KaTacrTT|s, S, wreathed, crowned. From KaTa-a>, f. if/ca : aor. I KaTtaTefya : to wreathe, crown. KaTa-, f. aca, (Kara, 0^77X77) to expose one to infamy by posting up his name. KaTdo-rrjfJia, OTOS, TO, (KaOiaTijfAt) a state, condition. KaTa-, f. tcu, to support, prop, sustain. KaTao-TTJo-ai, KaTao-TTjo-ov, aor. I inf. and imperat. of Ka&iffTijfu : KaTaarf|, f. , to behave insolently towards. KaTacrTpo4>T|, 77, (tfaTaoTpe^cu) an overturning, overthrowing. 2. a subduing, reduction. II. a sudden turn : an end, close : in the drama, the catastrophe or turn of the plot. KardaTpwfAa, arcs, TO, that which is spread upon or over : in a ship, the deck. From KaTa-orptovvviJii. and -tico, f. -aTpujffca : aor. I Ka.Ti- aTpcaaa : = Ka.Ta.ffTopevvvfj.1. KaTa-eXos, ov, very hard or rugged. KaTa-(TTa. or -cr<}>d,TTeo : f. cy : aor. 2 pass. -ffpa.Yifa), f. iff Att. to), to seal up, put under seal : pf. part. pass. xaTeacppa'yifffj.evos, sealed up, se- cured. ). ctv, poet. aor. 2 inf. of Karty&. /, aor. 2 inf. of Ko.T6.\ca. 5, ftus, 77, (tfare'x- vov TI Ka,Ta, to draw up in order, arrange: to put in its proper place, classify, di- gest. 2. to appoint. KO.Ta.TtQva.it], 3 sing. pf. opt. KaTaT9vws and TJCOS, Ep. gen. cDros, pf. part, of KO.TO.QVT]OKOJ. KaTaTC0vr)Ka, pf. of Kara6vr)ffKca. KaTa-Tivw, fut. -rtvta : pf. -reTa/fa : to stretch or draw tight : metaph. to strain, force : also to strain or exert. II. intrans. to stretch or strain oneself: to stretch or extend towards, Lat. tender -e in . . . 2. to strain or exert oneself, strive earnestly. KaTa-T(jLvco Ion. and Dor. -TCtjAvo) : f. -reyucD : aor. 2 KarfTa.fJi.ov : pf. Kararer^ica, pass. Karar^r^rj^at : to cut in pieces, cut up; KarartfAVfiv riva itarrv- fMira to cut him into strips ; KararfTfj,r]VTO rdcppoi trenches had been cut. Kard-rexvos, ov, (Kara, Tt~)(yrf) artificial. KaTa-TT|Ka>, f. cu : aor. I KareTrj^a : to make melt away, to thaw : to dissolve, make liquid. II. Pass., with pf. act. KaTaTeTrjKa, to melt or be melting away, to thaw : to pine aivay. KaTa-ri0T)ju, f- -Q^aa : pf. -TfOrjica : aor. Ep. pi. KarOefJ-ev, KdrOfre, KarOeoav ; Ep. subj. for KaTaOwfJitv ; Ep. inf. Kardefiev; and in Med., Kar96{ji,6a, KaTaO^aO^v, /carOe^voi, Ep. for narcOefifv, etc. ; KaTaOfiop.ai, Ep. subj. for Ka.TO.6ia- fjiai : to place, put or lay down ; /caraOewai de6\ov to put doiun, propose a prize. 2. to pay down : generally, to make good, to perform. 3. KaraOnvai Tiffi TI fs fieaov to communicate a thing to others, give them a common share of it. II. Med. to lay down for or from oneself, put down, lay aside : to put away, get rid of. 2. to deposit, lay up in store : metaph., tcaTariOeaOai Xeos to lay up a store of glory ; x^P lv tcaTariOfaOai TLVI to lay up a store of gratitude/or oneself with one. 3. to lay up in memory. Kara-TiXdco, f. T/O'CU, to befoul, Lat. concacare. KaTa-Ti/rpuHTKO), f. -rpwaca, to cover with wounds, wound mortally. KaTaro|XT|, f], (/caraTefM/cu) a cutting into : outward, fleshly circumcision. Kara-ro^cvco, f. o Ion. -Tpa>p,aTico ; f. fan Att. iSj : to cover with wounds, wound all over : of ships, to disable utterly, cripple. Kara-Tptx^j f- -8pa.fJ.ovft.ai : aor. 2 tcaTe8p3.fj.ov (formed from obsol. Speuoj) : to run down : of a ship, to run into port. H. to run down upon, at- tack. III. to run over : to overrun, ravage, lay waste. KaTa-Tp|3a), f. ipoj : aor. 2 pass. tTpifirjv [r] : pf. -TCTpifj.fj.ai : to rub down, wear away with rubbing : of persons, to wear out, weary, exhaust : of property, to waste, squander : Pass, to be worn out. 2. of Time, to wear away, get rid of it, Lat. diem terere : Pass., esp. in pf. -TfrpififJiai, to spend Ofie's life, live- one's whole time, [f] KaTa-rpo>, to squeak, scream shrilly. KaTa-Tpox, f. i/aw, to chatter against. Kara-Tpvxco, to rub down, wear out, exhaust, [v] KaTa-Tpu>Y<>, fut. -Tp(jyofMt. : aor. 2 KarfTpayov: to gnaw in pieces, eat up. KaTa-rpcojAaTt^o), Ion. for KaTarpavfj.-. Kara-TV YX av, to dry, parch, or wither up. ^ Ka.T-a.vya.fa, f. daca, to illumine or light up : Med. to gaze at. Kar-avBcuo, f. 770-0;, to speak aloud, declare. Ka.T-a.vQi, or better icar' av0i, Adv. on the spot. Kar-avX^co, f. -qadY6iv, aor. 2 inf. of KaTeaOica, to eat up, de- vour. 2. to consume in eating. Kara-aiva>, f. -(pavw, to make visible. II. Pass. to become visible, appear. 2. to be clear or plain. KaTa4>dVf]vai, aor. 2 inf. pass, of fearafpaivoj. Hence KaTaap(Ji.dKvco, f. o-eu, to anoint with drugs : to charm, bewitch. KaTa-4>apfj.a,oxra), f. feu, to poison. KaTa-avXco, f. crcu, to depreciate. KaTa6pTjs, es, (KaraQepofjiai) sloping, slanting; fvre av KaTafpfpTjS yiyvijTai 6 ij\ios when the sun is near setting. II. inclined to a thing. Kara-<|>pa> : f. mroiffQ) or Karoiao/Jiat : aor. I #0x77- veyKO. : to bring down : Pass, to be brought down, as by a river : to be weighed down by sleep. II. to bring down from the high sea, bring to land: Pass, to be carried or driven down to a place. Kara-(j)vYo), f. f ojuat : aor. 2 fcare(pvyov : to flee for refuge or betake oneself to, to have recourse to. Hence Kara-vis, ecus, r), flight for refuge. 2. a place of refuge. Kard-<|>T]ni, to say yes, assent to. KaTa-, f. acu and feu, to spread a report, an- nounce, proclaim. Kara-<|)0dTco|jLai, Dep. (Kara, (p9aT(ca or 0ardo; = (p6dv0ip&>, f. -, to bring to nothing, ruin. 363 , = KaTa(pOio}. [6] Kara-4>0Lvco : aor. I fcarffpOivrjaa : pf. Ka.Tf0ito, I. Causal in fut. KarafpOiffcu [i], aor. I KareOifj.T)v [r], inf. -0opd,77, (Kara(p0fipca) destruction, ruin, death: metaph. confusion, distraction. KaTa-4>tX(o, f. 770-0;, to kiss tenderly, caress. KaTa-XY, f. fo;, to burn down, consume. Kara<})X6^i-iroXis, o, 77, (Ka.TaXis, fojs, 77, (rca,TaoJ3j>, f. 7700;, to strike with fear or dismay: Pass., with fut. med. (poprjffofMii, aor. I tcaTecpoftr]- Orjv, to be afraid of. KaTa-oiTaa> Ion. -&>, to come down regularly. KaTa-oveuco, f. aca, to slaughter, butcher, slay. Kara-pa,co, f. aca, to declare. II. Med., with fut. -pdo- Att. -TTCO, f. feu, to cover, fence in. KaTa-pova>, f. 770-0;, to think slightly of, disdain, despise : to scorn, contemn. II. to fix one's thoughts upon, think of: also to aim at, Lat. affec- tare. III. to think arrogantly, to presume: and simply to think, suppose. Hence KaTa4>povr]p,a, arcs, TO, contempt of others ; //r) (ppovrjfjLa p-uvov, d\\d Kara(pp6vr]fj.a not only spirit, but a spirit of disdain : and KaTapovT]TT|S, oO, o, a despiscr : and KaTapovif]TiK65, 77, ov, contemptuous, disdainful. Adv. -KWS, scornfully. Kara-^povTi^to, f. iooj Att. to), to think or study a thing away. KaTa-ptY<>, f. feu, to burn away. aor - 2 m - KaTa(p(vyo}. Hence |, "h, a refuge, place of refuge. Kara-vXacrvXXopOO), f. 770-0;, to shed leaves : to decay. Karo)Tua>, f. iaoj Att. to), to illuminate, light up. a), f. -xap^ffw, to exult over one. 364 KdTd-x<*Xddco, f. i\Go)> also xpwvvujxt and -vw : f. -x/wo", f. iaca Att. tcD, to set or place in, establish in a place or spot. KdTdxuo*di, aor. I inf. of KaTax&vvvu,i. KdTd-\j/dK, Att. for KaTaipfKafa. KdTd-vj/dw, f. ifsTjcroj, to stroke with ths hand. KdTd-vj/6Kda> Att. -v|/dKda>, f. dffo), to drop down on, bedew. KdTd-i|/!j8op.di, f. aofjuii, Dep. to feign, invent; vaTaif/fvSeaQai TIVOS to tell lies against one : to say falsely, pretend. KdTd-x|;t8ofjidpTvpco, f. 'fjffca, to bear false witness against : Pass, to be borne down by false witness. KdTdx|/vio|Adi, fut. ioofjuit Att. lovpai, to vote against or in condemnation of: as Pass, to be con- demned. KdTd-vj/Tix 40 . f- -^?ft>, t( > rub or grate down: Pass. to crumble away. II. metaph. = aTa^dcu. KdTd-i|/vx w , f. a>, to cool, refresh, [t>] KdTftt-yd, pf. of Ko.Ta.'yvvp.i : KaTf.dyr\v [a], aor. 2 pass. KdTea-yucriv, 3 pi. aor. 2 subj. pass, of KaTayvvfiL. KdTtdd, aor. i of KaTdyvv/jiL. KdTdgco, late fut. of KaTdyvv/Jti. KdredTdi, Ion. for KdOrjvTai, 3 pi. of KaOrji^ai. KdTtdTO, Ion. for etcdOrjVTO, 3 pi. impf. of KdOrjjJiai, KdTc|3d, Dor. 3 sing. aor. 2 of KaTaffaivoj. KdT|3dv, for KO.T e&rjffav ', 3 pi. aor. 2 of KaTafiaivca. KdT(Jr]v, aor. 2 of KaTafiaivca. KdT6pT|o-6TO, Ep. for -oTo, 3 sing. aor. I med. of , Adv. pf. pass. part, of /mra/3A.a- KCVOJ, slothfidly, sluggishly. KdT-CYY^dto, f. 7700; : (/card, fyyvtj} : to pledge, be- troth. II. as Att. law-term, to make responsible, compel to give security or bail. K(n-eyyvT\, 77, bail, security given. KdTYA., f. dffca, to liken to : Pass, to be or be- come like. II. to guess, surmise, conjecture : of evil, to suspect. Kar-i\o>, f. TJGOJ, to force into a place, coop up : Pass, to be cooped up. KaTt\Tj4>a, KaTi\T]p.|xai, pf. act. and pass, of Kara- >, Ion. for ), Ion. 3 pi. plqpf. pass, of KaQeXiaao). * KaT-ctXiJw, f. vaa) [p], to cover up, wrap up. Ko.T-6i.p-i: Ep. aor. i med. KaTafiad/jiTjv : (Kara, eifu ibo} to go or come down : to go down to the sea ; but also, to sail down from the high sea to land : of a river, to flow down : of a wind, to sweep down. II. to come back, return : of exiles, to return home. Ko/mvcu, Ion. for KaOtivai, aor. 2 inf. of KaOiijfJLt. KaT-6ivtijjii, Ion. for KaOtvvvfjii. KaTCiiTQ, aor. I = Ka/Ttiirov. Karciirov. inf. Karenrctv, without any pres. in use : (Kara, cfnw) : to speak against, to accuse, charge. II. to speak out, declare, tell plainly. 2. to denounce, tell, to inform of. /, poet. aor. 2 med. of /caTeipyoj. Ion. pY&>, f- &, to shut in, enclose, con- fine : to press hard, reduce to straits. II. to hinder. Ka,T-tpix>, Ion. for Karepvca. KaT-ipa)veviop.ai, Dep. to use irony towards, banter : to dissemble. Kar-eia-ayu, f. a f- / y 0T]v, aor. i pass, of KaTaXap.fiav<>). KaTX06iv Ep. -0fiv, aor. 2 inf. of KarepxofJiai. KaT-eXtorau), Ion. for KaOfXiaaoj. Kar-cXKiJO), Ion. for KaOf\Ktoj. Kar-eXiri^co, f. iaca, to hope confidently. KaT|j.v, Ion. I pi. aor. 2 of /caOirjfii. KaT-vaipo|Aai, Dep., with aor. i med. fcarfvrjpd- p.7)v, and also aor. 2 act. Karrjvapov : to kill, slay, slaughter. 365 Kar-evavriov, also Kar-tvavri, Adv. (Kara, evavrios} over against, opposite, fronting. Ka/T-vapio>, f. cu, strengthd. for tvapifa, to kill. KaTvacr, f. daca, to exercise authority over. Ka.r-firayyf\\o\ia,i, Med. to make a contract or en- gagement with one. Kar-eiraYw, f. dca, to bring down upon, bring one thing quickly upon another. Ka,TirdXfJL6vos, Ep. aor. 2 part. KaTciraXro, 3 sing. Ep. aor. 2 pass. Kar-eirciYco, f. cy, to press down, oppress. 1. to urge, impel, stimulate, hasten; TO Karcireiyov urgent necessity. II. intr. to hurry, make haste. KaT / TT(rov, aor. 2 of Karair'nTTQ}, KO.T6TTCrTT]V, aor. 1 Of KaT((picTr)fjll. KaT6iT<|>vov, redupl. acr. 2 of Karafytvoj. KaTe-mrjKTO, 3 sing. Ep. aor. 2 pass. KaTirr]a, aor. I of Kara-nriyvv^i. KaT7rXacra, aor. I of KarairXdaoca. KaTeirXeucra, aor. I of Kara-nXtta. KaTeirXT)Y'n v aor - 2 pass, of KarairX Ka,Tirru, f. ifioj, to throw or cast down : to de- molish, dismantle, lay waste. II. intr. in aor. 2 KaTrjpiirov, pf. KaTfprjpiira, to fall down, fall in. Ko,Tpa, Ep. aor. I of Karappefa. , f, o>, to belch at or upon. 366 >w, f. cu, to cover, roof: Med. to roof over for oneself. cco, Ion. for fcarfpS), serving as fut. (with pf. , of the aor. tca-rei-nov : to speak against, accuse, c. gen. : also c. ace. to denounce, impeach, ar- raign. 2. to say plainly, speak out : Pass., tcarei- prjfffTai it shall be declared. KaTp-f|pliro, intr. pf. of KaTfpf'nra). KaT-pT]TUco, f. vffoj [v] : to keep in, detain, confine. KaTeppCj3i]v [?], aor. 2 pass, of Kararpi^o}. KdTtppcoYd, intrans. pf. of Karapp^yvv^i. KdTpvKdvo>, poet, for KarepvKca. [a] KdT-epvicto [u] ; f. co, to hold back, detain. KdT-eptiw Ion. -fipvw : f. vaca \y] : aor. I Kareipvffa : Pass., pf. /cardpvffnai : to draw or haul down : of ships, to draw down to the water, launch, Lat. dedu- cere naves. Ka,T-6px o H-cu, fut. KaTeXcvffOfjiai : aor. 3 Karr^XvOov contr. KaTT)\0ov, inf. Karf\0eii/ : Dep. : to go down, esp. to the coast : of things, to fall down : of a river, to flow or run down. II. to come hack, return : of exiles, to return home. Karepto, v. sub Karepeoj. KdT, f. rjffca, to put to sleep, compose to sleep : Pass, to fall asleep. KaTewqcraipii, aor. I opt. of Karevvdca. KaT-VTpmw, f. opaivco, f. avw, to gladden or delight much. Ka,Tvx'), "f], a wish, prayer, vow. From Ka,T-6'ux o [ JI ' a ''> f. -o[*ai, Dep. to pray earnestly : to pray to one: absol. to make a vow, pray. 2. to pray for evil on one, invoke a curse. II. to boast. KaT-6VioxOjiai, Pass, to feast, make merry. KO,T<|>aYov, used as aor. 2 of KareaQio). Kar-6<})dX\ojjiat, Dep. to spring down upon, rush upon; KaTCird\p.evos, Ep. aor. 2 part. KaT4)0iTO, 3 sing. Ep. aor. 2 pass, of KaTatyOia). KaT-6<|>ieaT7]Ka, to rise up again. , aor. 2 of tcaracpfvyoj. , 3 sing, and pi. Ep. aor. 2 pass. uo, f. /rareSo/ww : pf. KaTeSrjSoKa Ep. KO.T- : pf. pass. KaTeorjSfajJLai. : to eat up, devour, prey upon. Korfaieaufiai, pf. pass, of Karaa/cair. KdT6(TKeiJdaTO, Ion. for Kartarpan^voi %aav, 3 pi. plqpf. pass, of KaraaTpftpoJ. Kareo-Tpcacra, aor. I of Karaffrpuvvvfu. Kcnto-Tuyov, aor. 2 of Karaarvy^ a>. KaTT, f. vvSi, to make straight, set right ; to guide, direct, conduct. Ka,T-ewdfa>, fut. affoj, to lull to sleep : Pass, to lie down to sleep ; Aeol. 3 pi. aor. I . KaOcgca and feaTaaxn ffca ' aor - 2 KaT ~ poet. -, Ion. for KaOrjttca. KaTfj\0ov, aor. 2 of Karfpxof^at. Ka,TfjAu|/, tyos, 77, the upper story of a house : a stair- case or ladder. (Deriv. uncertain.) KaTT)\Xax0T]v, KaTrj\XaYT]v [a], aor. I and 2 pass. of Kara\\daoca. 367 ), f. 170-0;, (Kara, Xcryos) to make of small account, slight, despise. KaTT|Xv0ov, uncontr. form of Karrj\0ov. Hence Ka,TT|Xikn,s, ecas, 77, a going down, descent. KaT7)|j,at, Ion. for Ka.0rjfj.ai. KaTT]p,6\7]p.4vos, pf. part. pass, of naTa/j.c\t0ir]v, -cojiai, aor. I and pf. pass, of KO.T^ i, aor. I of Karavvoj. Ko/TT|opos or KOTTjopos, ov, Dor. -dopos, (card, al- ojpfoj) hanging down : hanging on or to. Kor-irjmda), f. daw, (rcard, ijirios') to soothe, assuage : Ep. 3 pi. impf. pass. KarrjmocavTO. Ko.Tr]pup.VOs, pf. part, of Karapdofuti. KaTTjpdo-o) [a], 3 sing. aor. I of /carapdofiai. icaTTjpaTO, 3 sing. impf. of Karapdop.ai. KOT-7]pp,ia>, f. taw, to calm, appease, quiet. KaT-t]p6Tjs, es, (Kara, fpetpca) covered over, over- hanging, overarched; Sdfpvricri. Karijpffpes oversha- dowed with laurels ; Karrjpecpr) Trooa riGtvai to keep the foot covered by the fall of the robe, of one who stands still, opp. to opOov 77080 nOtvai. 2. c. gen. covered with, laden with. Kar-r\pr\s, fs, (Kara, dpapetV) fitted out, furnished, supplied : of ships, furnished with oars. KaTT)pi0p,T]p.evos, pf. pass. part. KOTT|ptirov, aor. 2 of Karfpei-nta. Kcm]pTura>, 2 sing. aor. I med. o Karf|pTurp.ai., pf. pass, of Karapri Karr\a>, f. 770-0;, to be downcast, struck dumb. From KaTT]-4>T|S, es, (Kara, (pdos) with downcast eyes, de- jected, downcast, struck dumb. Hence KaTTjcjxov, uvos, 6, one who causes shame, a disgrace. KOT-ir]X*f>, f- i\G, Ion. for /earfvOvvoj. KaT-tKT6ta), Ion. for KaOitctrfvco. Kar-iXticj, f. voo) [y], (Kara, l\vs) to fill with mud or dirt. , Ep. inf. of Karfifu (dpi ibo). JoiAat, Karipow, KaTtcrTT]p.i, Ion. for KaQ-. KaTicr0t, 2 sing, imperat. of /edroiSa, v. *Kardoca. KOT-wrxvaiva), to make to waste away, bring down. KO.T-I, f. i;o"o; [u], to have power over, prevail against, overpower, c. gen. II. intr. to come to one's full strength, be in full vigour. KdT-urxco, collat. pres. form of Kar^o}, to hold back, hold in, restrain, Lat. detineo : Med. to keep by one. II. to possess, occupy. III. to guide or steer for a place. IV. intr. to light upon ; at- Xas icaTtcrx f t * ovpavov the light comes down upon the place from heaven. Kcmwv, ovffa, 6v, aor. 2 part, of fcdrcifu (elfJ.i ibo}. Ko,T-o8os, Ion. for ndOobos. Kdr-ou8a, pf. of *KaTfiSca. Kar-onccco, f. 170-0;, to dwell in, inhabit: Pass, to be dwelt in, inhabited: of persons, to be settled in a place. 2. of a state, to be administered, regulated. Hence ( cus, 77, a settling in a place : dwelling. a, ov, (/ttZTOt/teo;) fit for inhabiting; (sub. \capiov\ TO, a dwelling-place. , 77, (tcaroiKfoj) a dwelling, habitation. II. a colony. KaT-otKifw, fut. iff, f. iaoi Att. to), to have compassion on another : Med., with aor. I pass. KaTa>, fut. -op.ai. to bewail, lament. KaT-oivos, ov, (feard, olvos} drunken with wine. Ka.To(o-op,ai, fut. 368 L KaroSraro?. t, Dep. to have gone down; ol KaroixofJifvoi, the departed. eo), f. 770-0;, to shrink from doing a thing. a being possessed, posses- sion. Hence KaroKuxip-os, ov, held in possession, detained. II. capable of being possessed, frantic. KaT-oXta>, f. vgca, to shriek over. Kar-oXo<{)vpo|jtai, Dep. to bewail, lament, [y] Kar-op.|3pca>, f. rjaca, (Kara, opPpos) to rain upon : ' Pass, to be rained upon : to be wet as with rain. KdT-6n,vi5|jii and ijco: fut. ofj.ovjMii: aor. i -ajjiocra: to swear to, confirm by oath. 2. c. ace. pers. to call to witness, swear by. 3. c. gen. pers. to take an oath against, accuse on oath. KaT-ovCvrjjxi, fut. ovr/aca, to be of use, profit, advan- tage : Med. to have the benefit of, enjoy, [i/i] Ka,T-6vo|Aai, Dep. to blame, slight. KO,T-OVS, 6ta, v, (Kara, ogvs) very sharp, piercing. Ka,T-oirda>, f. aaca, to follow after. Kar-omv, Adv., = KaroTTiffOe. KaT-6m, Ion. for KaOopdca. KaT-opYavta>, f. iffco, to sound with music through. Kar-opOoo), f. wffcu : aor. I Karcupdcoffa : to set up- right, erect. 2. metaph. to keep straight, set right: to direct or manage well: absol. to be right in a thing : Pass, to succeed, prosper : also to he well de- termined or purposed. II. intr. to be successful, go on prosperously. Hence KaT6p0co}j,a, arcs, TO, that which is done rightly: a right action. 2. a success. Kar-opoixo, f. Att. TTG> : f. cu: fut. I pass, -opuy- 6r](rofj.ai, fut. 2 -opuxnaoftcu: to bury, inter: to hide in the ground. Kar-opxeojiat, f. --fjcrofMi, Dep. to dance in triumph over, Lat. insultare : hence to treat despitefully, in- sult. II. to charm by dancing. KOT-6, to waft with a fair wind. II. intr. to sail before the wind, come safe to port. Kar-ovpoa), f. uaca, = Karovpifa. KaT-o4>pu6o|JicH, (Kara, d'icr)pv, u^os, o, 77, (KaTopvffffca) imbedded in the earth. II. buried, hidden in the ground, under ground. III. as Subst., Karwpv, 7), a pit, cavern. KaTurraros, rj, ov, (Karca) the lowest. Karcoraro) KEFMAI. 369 , Adv. Sup. of Kara, at (be lowest part. Ka,TWTpos, a, ov, (#ctTcy) lower : of Time, later. Ka,Ta>Tpa>, Adv. Comp. of /caret;, lower than, fur- ther downwards. KaTG>-a-yas, ov or a, o, (KCLTQJ, cpayftv) glutton, the name of a bird in Aristophanes. KaTpT|s, es, (Karca, (ptpopaC) hanging down- wards, precipitous. Ka.T-&>xpat>, f. r)0ca, (Kara, WXP^S) to turn ver y P a ^ e - ' Kava|(us, for Kapfagais (with the digamma), 2 singj Ep. aor. I opt. of Kardyvvfit. KavXivos, 77, ov, made of stalk or stick. From KATAO'5, 6, a stalk, stem. 2. a handle, shaft : spear-shaft : the hilt of a sword. Kavfxa, arcs, TO, (Kaica} burning heat, as of the sun; i Kavnaros, absol. in the heat. II. feverish heat. \ Hence KaufJtaTL^co, f. iaca, to scorch, wither by heat. Kavvdio]s, ov, 6, a Persian garment, [a] (Foreign word.) KATNO'5, 6, a lot. Kauo-Ca, 77, (Kaica} a heat-shade, name of a broad- brimmed Macedonian hat. Ka/ucrijj,os, ov, (Kaica} Jit for burning, combustible. Kati, f. daca, to sear with red-hot iron: metaph. in Pass, to be seared in conscience. From Kavrf|piov, TO, (Kaica) a branding-iron. KCUJTTJS, ov, 6, Kavrrjp. Kavros, by crasis for KOI avros. Kavx) ill harbourage. icdxpiis, vos, ij,=- Kay xpvs, parched barley. Kax-viroinros, ov, (KaKos, UTTOTTTOS) suspecting evil, meanly suspicious. KA'M'A, 17, a box, chest, case, Lat. capsa. KCLW [a], Att. for Kaica, to burn. KE, and before a vowel KV, Ep. and Ion. for dv, Dor. KU: dv Kf, KCV dv, are sometimes found together: K is always enclit. Kcdo>, f. daca : aor. I eKeaaa Ep. (Keaaaa, Keacra, and Kfaaaa : Pass., aor. I (Kfdadrjv Ep. KedaOrjv : (Kca, Kfica) : to split, cleave : of lightning, to shiver, shatter: generally, to sever, separate, divide forcibly. Kcap, apos, TO, Lat. cor, the heart: contr. KTjp, q. v. Ktas, part, of Att. aor. I of Kaica. Keacra, Ktacrcra, Ep. aor. I of Kfd^ca. Kcaro, Ep. and Ion. 3 pi. pres. and impf. of , for Kav^a, 2 sing, of Ka\>\j], fi, = Kavxr)cris, a boasting, vaunting. Ko/uxT] p.a, OTOS, TO, (tfau xdofMit} a vaunt, boast. 2 . a subject of boasting. Kavx"r||Acov, o^os, o, 97, (Kavxdofjiai) boastful. KavxT], f. dca Dor. afa), to laugh loud, Lat. cachin- nor : to laugh scornfully. (Formed from the sound.) j KaxacTfAos, o, (Kaxd^ca) a loud or mocking laugh. Kax-tratpeia, 17, (KOKUS, fraipos} ill company. Kax-T)p-pos, ov, (KaKos, i7//e'pa) living sad Jays, | wretched. Kax\aco, f. daca, redupl. from x^C^j ^ dash, plash, bubble, of the sound of liquids. Ka-xX-r]^, rjicos, o, a pebble: collectively, gravel, shingle. (Akin to Ke(3\Tj or Kcp\-f|, 17, contr. for Kf(pa\ri, the bead. K6J3Xif|-irupis, (e/3Ai7, wCp) a bird called the redcap. K YXP ta ^ os > a > ov i (. K *7Xp s ) of the size or shape of a grain of millet. K YXP^ T7 ]S [t], ov, 6, fem. -ms, tSos, (7XP OS ). Hke millet, full of small grains. K YXP ~PoXos, ov, (t'7xpos, (3d\\ca) scattering millet. KETXPO2, 6, and ^, millet, Lat. milium : hence any small grain : also the spawn offish. K YXpa ) f JiaTa > cav, rd, (KtyxP os ) things of the size of millet-grains : eyelet-holes in the rim of the shield. KeSdvvufju : f. KfSdacu : Ep. aor. i Keoaas, in that way. Keios, o, (Kcws) a Ceian, a man from the island Ceos : see Xfos. Kcipao-6ai, aor. I inf. med. of Ketpca. KCipia, 77, (icfipoj') a bandage, roller, a swathing- band. II. the cord or sacking of a bedstead. KcipuXos, o, for fcrjpv\os, a kingfisher, [u] KEI'PH : fut. Ktpw Ion. /cepeca Ep. Kepffcti : aor. I 6K6ipa Ep. ffffpaa: Med., fut. nepovftai: Pass., aor. I Kfp9rjv : aor. 2 etcaprjv [a] : pf. KfftapfMii : to clip, cut short, esp. the hair : Med. to cut off one's own hair or have it cut off: Pass., Keitapdac ras KC- tpahas to have their heads shorn. 2. to cut out, hew off. II. to ravage, waste a country, esp. by cutting down the fruit-trees. 2. generally, to cut up, devour, waste, consume, destroy. KIS, contr. for real (Is. E, Adv., Ion. and Ep. for l#efo*e, thither. i, Dor. fut. of K(Tfj.ai. Keto-o, Kicr6o>, 2 and 3 sing, imperat. of /eei/Mi. Keurojjiai, fut. of KfTfjiai. K6ia>, Ep. Desiderat. of Kftfjtat, to wish to lie down or sleep; (3rj Kfiojv he went to lie down. KEI'H, to cleave, radic. form of Kfdfa. KKa8Ti. K6K\T]Ka, pf. of KaKeoJ. KK\T][JLai, pf. pass, of KoXeca : opt. KeitXrj^rjv, -f& -TJTO : inf. KtK\f)(T0a.i : part. KtKXrjfjitvos. K6K\T|[jLat, Att. pf. pass, of K\eioj, K\T)&>. KK\T|. Kic\t>dXos, o, (fcpviTTOj) a woman's bead-dress, made of net, to confine the hair, Lat. reticulum. II. the pouch or belly of a hunting-net. III. part of the headstall of a bridle. KCKpijiarai, Ion. and Ep. 3 pi. pf. pass, of KpvirTO}. KKTT]p.d.i, pf. of tfrdo/icu : inf. KeKTrja9ai. KKudcocri [6], Ep. 3 pi. redupl. aor. 2 subj. of Kvdoj. KKvXicr^,ai, pf. pass, of KvXivSaj. Keicvi<|>a, pf. of KVTTTOJ. KeXdoeivos, 77, ov, Dor. KcXaScvvos, a, ov, (eAa5os) murmuring, noisy, boisterous : also clear-toned. KeXa8i>, f. rjcroj also rjao/Mii : Ep. aor. I Kf\dor]aa : (6Aa8os) : to murmur, roar, like the rushing of water. 2. to utter a cry or sound. II. trans. to sing of, celebrate loudly: to call to, invoke. Hence KcXdST](ia, arcs, TO, a murmur, din, roaring. KXa8i)TT|S, ov, 6, fem. -TITIS, toos, (/fcAaScw) loud- sounding, vocal, harmonious. KE'AAAOS, 6, a noise, as of the wind or of rush- ing waters : the din or tumult of battle, a shouting : rarely of the sound of music. Hence KeXdSco, = Kf\ao(oj, to murmur, roar, esp. of water. KeXaiv-eYX^S, cs, (KfXaivos, f~YX os ) with dark, bloody spear. K6Xai-v6aT|S, cs, (/teXatvos, 0dos) dark-shining, murky. Ke\aiv6-pcov, ov, (xeXaivos, <}>pr]v} black-hearted. KcXaivo-xpws, WTOS, 6, 77, (tceXaivos, XP^*) black- coloured. KcXaivoco, (tefXaivos) to make black: Pass, to be- come black. KeXj) gives the time to the rowers, a boatswain. KeXevcrros, 77, ov, (/feAcvcu) ordered, commanded. KfXfim^M, Frequentat. of K e\evcu, to be continually bidding or urging on. KeXeirto, f. oca : Ep. aor. I tce\fvffa : (/ceAAco) : to urge on : to exhort, bid, command, order : to beseech urgently: of the Kf\fvaTr)s, to give time to the rowers by his call. II. c. dat. pers. to call to, order. KeXecov, o, obsol. sing, of Kf\eovTS. K\.J\S, TJTOS, 6, (/feAAfij) a courser, race-horse, driven or ridden singly. II. a fast-sailing vessel, with one bank of oars, Lat. celes, celox. KeX-r)cro|xai, tut. of K\ofuu. iceXir)Tico, f. iffw, (K(\T)S) to ride a race-horse, gene- rally, to ride : esp. of a man who rode two or more horses leaping from one on another. KeX^Tiov, TO, Dim. of Kt\r)s. KE'AAIl/f. /ceAcrcy : aor. I eeAo"o : I. trans. of seamen, to drive on, push ashore ; vrja. K&\ffai to run a ship ashore. II. intr. of ships, to run ashore, put into harbour: generally, to reach a haven. KcXojjiai, f. KfXrjffofMi : aor. 2 KfK\6p]v and Kf- K\6[j.T)V, 3 sing. KeK\fTO, KfK\(TO, part. KK\ufj.evos: (6AA(u) : poet, for K\fvca, to urge on, exhort, cheer on, command. II. also like Ka\eos, fos, TO, a husk, rind, pod, shell : metaph. of old oiKaarai, dvrojfJLOffiuiv KcXv(prj mere afhdavit- bnsks. (Deriv. uncertain.) KE'AHP, a-pos, o, a son. K6(ias and KjjLp,ds, dSos, -fj, a young deer. 372 KV, before a vowel for KC. Kev-o.'YY'ns, es, (#6j/os, a-yyos) emptying vessels, breed- ing famine, hungry. KcvavSpia, 77, lack of men, dispeopled state. From Kcv-av8pos, ov, (Kevos, dvrjp} empty of men, dispeopled. K6v-avxT|S or KV-auxT)S, es, (ictvos or iteveos, ai>xn) vain-boasting, braggart. K6veJ3pios, ov, dead: in pi., KevtPpeia, rd, carrion. (Deriv. uncertain.) KV-p.j3aT(0, f. TJffa:, (/{(Vug, hole, stumble. K6V6os, 77, 6v, Ion. for KCVOS, empty. Kveo-4>pa>v, ov, (veveos, (pprfv) empty-minded. to step into a KVTO, Dor. for e/feAeTo : cf. yfvro, ?jv6ov. KVTO, f. waca, to furnish with a sting : Pass, to be so furnished. 2. to strike with a goad. KVTp0), (fetvus, TOCOS') to honour with a cenotaph. Kvo-Tiov, TO, (KCVOS, rcupos) an empty tomb, cenotaph. Kv6-pcov, ov, (KCVOS, (ppTrjv) empty-minded. Kvo<{xi>vla, 77, vain talk, babbling. From Kev6-4>covos, ov, (itfvos, (powrj} empty - sounding , prating. K6v6co Ion. Kcivoco : f. waca, aor. I efcevcaffa :- Pass., aor. I fKfVwOrjv : pf. (/cej/os) : to empty to make void or of no account : Pass, to become vain, of none effect. . Kevoxu, Ep. aor. I act. inf. of KCVTfw, as if from *cv- TCW. II. also aor. I med. imperat. of Kfvreca. KtvTacre, Dor. 3 sing. aor. I of Kevrtaj. KsvTavpetos, a, ov, (KeVTavpos) Centaurian, of or for Centaurs. KsvTa/upiSijs, ov, o, (Kei/Tavpos) descended from Centaurs. Kcvravpiicos, 77, ov, (KeWavpos) like a Centaur: savage, brutal. Adv. -KWS. K6VTaVpO-TT\T]9T|S, 6S, (K.6VTttVpOS, TT\r)9os) full of Centaurs. Kv-Tavpos, 6, (KfVT, f. tffo), later tfou : aor. I to lay waste, ravage. II. of persons, to kill, slaughter : to disable ships. Kepdts, t5os, T), (pas) a worm that eats horn. KepdiarTTjS, oO, 6, (/cepai'a>) a ravager, robber. Kcpaico, Ep. for Kfpdaj, the Root of Kepavvvfu, to mix; fapoTfpov tcepaif mix the wine stronger. K6pd(X6iKos, 77, ov, (/ctpa/ios) earthen. KepdfJLeiKos, 6, (/cepa/xevs) the Potters' Quarter in Athens, where two places were called Cerameicus, one within and the other without the Thriasian Gate. Kcpd[xeios, a, ov, (/pa/ios) of clay, earthen. Kepdjxevs, ecus, 6, (epa^os) a potter : proverb., Kt- pa/j.evs tfepa/xe? KOTCCI potter envies potter. Kepap-evco, f. oca, (Kepap.os) to be a potter, work in earthenware : metaph. to botch or patch up the state. Kepdpqios, 77, ov, Ion. and Ep. for .. KpafiT]is, i'8os, pecul. Ep. fem. of ftepd/j-fios. K6pd(.uvos, rj, ov, and KepajxiKos, 17, ov, = of earthenware or clay. Kpd(j,tov, TO, (K epa/ios) an earthenware vessel, a pot, \jar, pipkin, Lat. testa. , TSos Att. t'Sos [t], 17, (Kfpapos) a /z'fe: also KE'PA V MO2, o, potters earth, potters clay. II. ay earthen vessel, a pot, jar : also in collective sense, earthenware, pottery. III. a tile ; collectively, A&e rifes; T Kfpaftaj @d\\fiv to strike w/z'z'vb /z'zVs, never iu plur. IV. xa\K: fut. Kfpdffca [a] : aor. I fKfpaffa Ep. Kfpaaaa : Med., Ep. 3 sing. aor. I Kfpdaaaro ^ Pass., aor. I litfpdaOijv and fKpdOrjv [a] : pf. ee- paafj-OLL and Kficpdp-ai : (Kepdu) : to 7nz;c, mingle, often of diluting wine : more freq. in Med., as, Kpijrjjpa Kf- pdcraaOai to mix oneself a bowl; Pass., KV\I 'iaov toy KfKpaftevr) a cup mixed half and half. 2. to temper or cool. 3. metaph. to blend together, tem- per, regulate, tone down. II. generally, to mix, compound, Lat. attemperare. Kepao-6os, ov, (Kfpas, fc'a>) polishing horn, working in horn ; esp. for bows. Kepdos, d, 6v, (Kfpas) horned. II. made of horn. Kcpa-o-Oxos, oi', (\ca) tccp-ovxos. Kcpas, TO ; gen. /cepdros Ep. Kepaos Att. contr. /ce- pa>s ; dat. Kfpdri, Kfpai, Kfpa : dual Kfpae ; Ktpd, gen. and dat. Kfpdoiv, Kfpyv : plur. Kfpaa, Wpa ; gen. Kfpdcav, Kfpwv; dat. Kfpdai Ep. ncpaffi and Kfpdfaai: Ion. declension /cepas, Kfpeos, Ktpt'i: (akin to Kapa):the horn of an animal: hence or;z, as a material for working. II. anything made of horn; esp. a bow : later, a #or# for blowing : also a drink- ing-born, or a goblet in the shape of a horn. III. a or or guard at the end of a fishing-line, to pre- vent the fish from biting it. IV. an arm or branch of a river, so called from its shape. V. the wing of an army or fleet; firl Kfpas Att. ITTI Kepus, in single file, in column, i.e. one after another, not abreast. VI. the sail-yard of a ship. VII. any projection or elevation, as a mountain -peak, horn. Kepacro-c, Ep. 3 sing. aor. I of Kfpdvvv/J.1. K6pa(rrr|S, ov, o, (Kfpas) horned. Kcpacrros, 17, uv, (Kfpdvvvni) mingled, tempered. os. ov, (epas, epcy) horn-bearing. ea or -la, 17, (pas) /fo locust-tree : its fruit was Kfpdnov. Kcpdrtvos, 77, oi/, (Kfpas) of horn, made of horn. cepo/nov, TO, Dim. of epas, a /*'/// ^or/z. II. f he fruit of the Kfparea or locust-tree. Kp-av\Tjs, ou, o, (Kfpas, atA.cu) a horn-blower. Kepavvcios, oi/, (Kfpavvos) thundering. Kepavvios, a, ov, also os, ov, (Kfpavvos) of a thunder- bolt. II. thunder-stricken. KepavvopoXeto, f. 770-0;, to hurl the thunderbolt : to strike with thunderbolts. From Kpawo-|36Xos, ov, (Kfpavvos, @d\\(a) hurling the thunderbolt, smiting with it. Kcpavvo-Ppovrrjs, ov, d, (Kfpavvus, PpovTaoj) the lightener and tbunderer. 373 Kpat>vo-|AaXT]S, ov, 6, (Kfpavvos, |td^0fwn) fighting with the thunderbolt. KEPATNO'2, 6, a thunderbolt, thunder and light- ning, Lzt.fulmen : thunder by itself was fipovrr), Lat. tonitru, and the flash of lightning darfpoirf), artpOTrr), Lat. fulgur : plur. Kfpavvoi, thunderbolts. KEpavvo-aT]S, 6S, (Kfpavv6s, (pdos) flashing like the thunderbolt. Kcpavvoco, f. ucrca, (Kfpavvos) to strike with a thun- derbolt. KEPATl, Ep. Radic. form of Kfpdvvvfju, to mix. KepfJepos, o, Cerberus, the dog which guarded the gate of the nether world ; ace. to Hesiod, the fifty- headed son of Typhaon and Echidna ; later, repre- sented with three heads. KepSaivo), f. KfpSavw Ion. ea> : aor. I fKfpSava Ion. fKfpSrjva : fut. also KfpSrjcraj, KfpSrjao/jai : aor. I fKfpSrjcra : (KfpSos) : to jgain, make gain or profit from: absol. to gain advantage, be benefited. 2. hence to traffic, make merchandise. II. in bad sense, like aTroAava;, to gain a loss. KEpSaXeos, a, ov, (KfpSos) with an eye to gain, crafty, cunning : shrewd. 2. of things, gainful, profitable : Adv. Kfp8a\fcas, to one's profit. Kp8rt\e6-(f>pcov, ov, (KtpSa\fos,(ppr)v) crafty-minded. KepSavrjs, 2 sing. aor. I subj. of KfpSaivoj. KcpSurros, 77, ov, Sup. of KfpSiojv (with no Posi- tive in use), formed from KfpSos, most cunning or crafty. II. most profitable. KepSicov, ov, gen. ovos, Comp. (with no Positive in use), formed from KfpSos, more profitable. KE'PAOS, fos, TO, gain, profit, advantage : desire of gain. II. in pi. cunning arts, wiles, tricks. Kp8o, oos contr. ovs, 77, (KfpSos) the wily one, or the thief, name of a fox. Kep8o>os, o, ov, (KfpSos) bringing gain. Kpea, Ion. for Kfpaa, Kfpara, pi. of Kfpas. KEpeco, Ion. for KfpS>, fut. of Kfipca. K6pKiaj, f. iffca, to close the web with the KfpKis. From KEpKis, tSos, 77, (KfpKQj, KpfKca) = airdOrj, a staff or rod to make the web close : the weaver's comb : the shuttle containing the spindle, Lat. radius. II. any taper rod, of wood, ivory, etc., as the ' quill with which stringed instruments were struck, Lzi. plectrum. 2. a measuring-rod, Lat. radius. KE'PKOS, 77, the tail of a beast, Lat. cauda. Kepicovpos or KcpKOvpos, o, a boat, pinnace. KcpKvpa, 77, the island Corcyra, now Corfu : hence KcpKvpcuos, o, a Corcyraean: Adj. KepK^paiKos, 77, vv, nf or for Corcyra. , rarer collat. form for KptKaj. , OTOS, TO, (Kfipca) a slice : in plur. small coin, small change : small wares. Hence Kcp|x&Tib>, f. iota Att. i) having horns, horned. Kepo-4>6pos, ov, (Kfpas, $epcy) horned. Ktpcras, Ep. aor. I part, of /ceipca. Ktpcre, Ep. 3 sing. aor. I of Kfipo}. KepTOp-eco, f. rjcfcu, (epTO/tos) to taunt, to mock or jeer at a person : absol. to sneer, scoff. Hence ecus, Tj, jeering, mockery. 77, Kfpr6fjir)ffis. and Kp-ro|jios, ov, (#eap, refivoi) heart- cutting, stinging; tceproftia tirr) or absol. Kfprofjiia, stinging, reproachful words. II. mocking, delusive. Kpxvt], 77, (/cepxfcu) a kind of hawk, so called from its hoarse voice, the kestrel. Kpxvir)is, rji'dos, and Kcpxv^s, yoos, 77, collat. forms of Kp X vrj. KE'PXNJft, to make rough or hoarse. II. intr. and in Pass, to be hoarse, of the voice. Kpw, fut. Of KflpCt}. Kpuv, part, of Kfpdvvvfj.1. Kepuvrai, Ep. 3 pi. subj. pass, KS, v. sub teds. KncTO, Ion. 3 sing. impf. KCCTTOS, 77, ov, (KtVTfca) worked, embroidered; tce&ros lfj.ds of the girdle of Venus : hence II. as Subst. tfeoTos, 6, a girdle, Lat. cestus. K, poet, for feevOca. KeOOjJLa, O.TOS, TO, and Kevdp.os, 6, = KevOftuv. Kv0jxwv, wvos, 6, (tctvOca) any secret place, hole, hiding-place, den ; the lair of a beast. 2. of the nether world, the abyss. 3. = dovrov, the inmost place, sanctuary. K6ij9oura, Dor. for KfvOovffa, part. fem. of acvdca. Kv9os, cos, TO, (Kv0aj) = K^vQ\ioJv \ in pi., KfvOfa fairjs the depths of the earth. KET 0n, fut. Kfvaca : aor. 2 ZtcvQov, Ep. redupl. subj. //fi;0cu : pf. KfKfvBa : plqpf. \KtKtvQtiv Ep. e- Kevdeiv: ^ cover up, hide, conceal, shrowd : Pass. to lie hidden. 2. to keep hidden or secret, conceal, disguise : with dupl. ace., Kfvdeiv nvd n to keep a thing concealed from one. 3. the pf. KCK(v9a is used as pres., 7 keep concealed; and plqpf. as impf., J concealed, contained. II. intrans. to be concealed, lie hidden. KecjxxAa, Dor. dat. of KcfyaXri. K6{j>dXaios, a, GJ/, (itd\ai6a>, f. uffQ}, to bring under heads, sum up, stale summarily. II. to smite on the head, slay. K4>a\ai-a:8T]S, fs, (6^>aA.77, ct8os) principal, capital. K4>a\aia>|jia, OTOS, TO, (e^>aA.ato(u) the sum total. K64>a\-a\YTjs, ts, (e^>aAe, d'A^os) causing pains in the head. Hence Ke<{>a\aXYia, 77, head-ache. KE^A'AH', 77, the head, Lat. caput; 4s TroSas l/f ic^aXffS from head to foot ; tirl KftyaXrjv head fore- most. 2. the head, as the noblest part, for the whole person, just as Lat. caput is used : esp. in salutation, (f)i\rj tee l ' KaXis, i5os, 77, Dim. of tte(pa\rj, a little head or bulb. II. a head, chapter, division. KccfxiXXTjv, TTVos, o, a Cephallenian : hence KaXXir)vta, 77, Cephallenia, an island in the Ionian sea, now Cefalonia. pf. pass, of x a ^- aoj - , pf. of -^av^dvca, whence part. neut. pi. K- TO., 3 plqpf. Ep. Ktxdvod. os, pf. part. pass, of xapaaffcy. pf. of xtps, Ep. pf. part, of \alpca. Kexapio-pJvos, pf. part, of x a p' l Cf Jia ^ agreeable, winning, charming : Adv. K^xapia^vfas, charmingly, gracefully. , 3 sing, plqpf. of xapi^o s, pf. part. pass, of , agreeably, ^velcome. Kexapp,at, pf. pass, of xcupctf- Kexfipoiaro, Ep. for Kf^apoivro, 3 pi. Ep. redupl. aor. 2 med. opt. of \alpoj. KxdpovTO, 3 pi. Ep. redupl. aor. 2 med. of \aip to gape. Hence I, cur/, ot e , Gapers, comic for 'AOrjvatoi. KexXd8a>s, pf. part, of x^C " : there is also an ace. pi. K^x^O-SovTas, as if from /cex^^a;, ras from KfK\ijyd>s. KexXuvyKa, pf. of xAtcuVa;. KxXl8cos, pf. part, of \\i(a. KexoXw, Ep. collateral form of Kfio). Kos Ion. Kcos, Ceos, an island in the Archipelago. KCOJJUU, SUbj. Of KflfMLl. KT), Ion. for 77-77 (interrog.) : but KTJ enclit. for nij. KT,V, Dor. for a.ya>, L e. KOI *yci;. KTjSeta, 77, (KrjSos) care for the dead : obsequies. II. affinity, connexion by marriage. KTjSetos, ov, (Krjoos) cared for, dear, beloved. 2. careful for. II. of or for a funeral, sepulchral. K-i]8e[xoveiJS, ecus, 6, (/n/Sfcu) = Krjofjjuitv. KT]8p.ojv, oVcs, o, (Kyoto)) one that has charge of a person, one who cares for the dead, a mourner : a protector, guardian. II. a relation by marriage, Lat. affinis. Kt)8os, ov, = KrjSeios. KT)8e, f. wffcu, (/fj/Xts) to stain, sully : metaph. to stain, dishonour, disgrace. KHAI'5, tSos, 17, a stain, spot : a blemish, disgrace. KH'AON, TO, the shaft of an arrow : an arrow. KTjXcov, cavos, 6, (^Aoi/) a swipe or machine for drawing water from a well. Ion. -T[i'ov, To, = Kr}\cav. v, Dor. by crasis for KOI efJiavTov. , Dor. by crasis for Kal ffjie. KHMO'2, o, a muzzle or halter, put on a led horse. 2. the funnel-shaped top to the voting urn (KO.QOS) in the Athenian law-courts, through which the ballots (^^>oi) were dropped in the urn. KT]|x6o), f. &ff(u, (/f?7/ios) to muzzle a horse. KTJV, Dor. for KUV, i. e. KOI \v : but KV\V for ical dv. KT)V06, Dor. by crasis for Kal r^vOe (i. e. Kal ? t \0t). K^VOS, Aeol. for Kfivos, CKCIVOS. KTJVO-OS, 6, the Lat. census, an assessment : tribute. KH'S, KrjKos, fj, a sea-gull, sea-mew. KTjop,tv, Ep. for KrjcafJLfv, I pi. aor. I subj. of xaica. , Dor. by crasis for Kal fiirf. t, KTJirsiTa, Dor. for Ka-rrei, KaireiTa, i.e. KOI IT-. -a, OTOS, TO, (Krjirficu) that which is reared in a garden, a garden-herb or flower. KTJ1T6VS, tfus, TO, (^JTos) a gardener. K^ireuca, f. oca, (KTJITOS} to rear in a garden : me- taph. to tend, cherish, foster. Ki|irt, Dor. for KO.TTI, i. e. Kal firi. KT)irov, TO, Dim. of KTJTTOS, a small garden, par- terre : metaph. a decoration, ornament. KTjiTO-XoYOS, ov, (KrJTTOS, Xe'-yct)) teaching in a garden. KH'IIOi; Dor. Kdiros, o, a garden, an orchard or plantation ; also the enclosure for the Olympic games : of 'Aocuvifios fcrjmi, cresses 2nd other plants grown 376 KrjTrovpos- quickly in pots : hence proverb, of amusements and pastimes. KT)ir-o'up6s, o, (itrjnos, oupos) a gardener. KH'P, 77, gen. KrjpvS, ace. Kr/pa, the goddess of \ herald : to make proclamc death or of fate : hence doom, death, destruction. 2. \ convene as herald. 2. i KHPT'5211 Att. -TTW: f. &>: pf. Pass., fut. Kr]pv)(6r](TOfj.ai, but also fut. med. Krjpv^ofj.ai in pass, sense : pf. Kftfripvypai : to be or act as amation as a herald, summon, impers., Kqpvaaei (sc. o Kr)- the goddess of mischief or evil : hence bane, mischief, \ pt>) notice is given, proclamation is made. evil itself. II. any evil fate ; disease; and, of moral evil, disgrace. KITP, TO, gen. KTjpos, ace. /trip, contr. from /ceap, the heart, Lat. cor. The dat. Krjpi is in Homer freq. used as Adv., like KrjpoOi, with all the heart, heartily. KTjpaivco, f. avw, (Krjp, 77) to harm, hurt, destroy. KTjpaivco, f. ai/u), (#%>, TO) to be alarmed, disquieted. K-r]p66pir]TOS, ov, (Kr/p, ) borne on by the K.r)pe$ or fates. KTjplVOS, 77, 0V, (KrjpOS) of WOX, WOXBH. KTJptO-lcXeirTTJS, 0V, 6, (Kr)p'iOV, K\TTT) born to die. kT]po-8eTT)S, ov, o, Dor. KijpoSeras, = KrjpoofTos. KT)po-8TOS, ov, (xfjpos, 0oj) bound together by wax. KT]po-8op.co, f. 170*0), (Krjpus, Sejuoi) to build with wax. KTjp60v, Adv. (KTJp^from the heart. KTjpoOi, Adv. (icrjp) in the heart, with all the heart, heartily. KTjpo-ira'YT|S, es, (/o?pos, irayrjvai) fastened with wax. Kt]po-irXaos, ov, (tfT/pos, Tp6(po>) wax-producing. KT)po-)(tT()v, cavos, 6, 77, (Kijptis, \nojv) clad with wax. KTjpoxvTeco, f. 170*01, to mould in melted wax : to make waxen cells. From , ov, (/crjpos, x&w) moulded of or in wax. , OTOS, TO, (Krjpvaaco) a proclamation by he- rald, public notice; tK K^pv^fjuaros by proclamation. KtjptJKatva, T], fern, of Kr]pv, a female herald. KT)puKcia Ion. -i]iT], r), (%u) the office of herald. K7]pvKiov Ion. -TJIOV, TO, a herald's wand, Lat. ca- duceus. [D] Properly neut. from KT)piJKios, a, ov, (%>u) of or for a herald. [0] KTjpvKiJia, aTos, TO, (Krjpo6vos, ov, (KTJTOS, *is, eaaa, ev, only as epith. of Lacedaemon, KoiXrj Aa.Kr)8aifj.cav KrjTweacra, either (from KTJTOS as implying hugeness) vast, spacious; or (from Krjros as if = itaiaoas, a gulf, abyss) sunken, hollow. by crasis for KOI fv. , VKOS [u], o, (?7) a sea-gull. KTJ4>a, Dor. by crasis for KOI (prj. KH^H'N, fjvos, 6, a drone-bee, drone, Lzt.fucus: metaph. a drone or lazy fellow, who will do nothing for his bread ; also of an old, decrepit person. Kt|4>TJvS, of, Cephenes, old name of the Persians. KT]4>0d, Dor. by crasis for Kal tf) fragrant, sweet-scented. KT)iois, raa, v, = itrjuorjs, fragrant. KidOo), Att. lengthd. for to, to go. [a] Ki|38T)Xevco, f. aca, (Kif3or/\os) to adulterate, alloy. II. metaph. to pass off", palm off". Kij38i]Xia, 77, (Ki@or)\os') alloy, base metal : metaph. fraud, dishonesty. KiJ3oT]Xos, ov, (/ftjSSos) adulterated, spurious, base. II. metaph. of men, base, false. 2. base- born, bastard. 3. deceitful, ambiguous, of oracles. KTBAO5, 77, dross, alloy. Kt{3urus, T), a pocket, wallet, scrip. Kipwrapiov and Ki|3u>Tiov, TO, Dim. of Ki(3, f. aoj, to be daring, venture into danger, Ki0ap-aot86s contr. -a>86s, o, (KiOdpa, doiSus) one run a risk, hazard. 2. absol. to make a venture, who plays and sings to the lyre or harp, a harper : j do a daring thing : so with ace. of the danger, K . Sup. KiOapaoiooTaTOS. [a] ! Kivovvevpa to venture the risk. II. from the no- Ki0apiu, f. icro) Att. to), (KiOapis) to play the lyre or i tion of running a risk, KivSvvevca c. inf. comes to lute : it is also used of the (popfiiyg and \ipa, so that mean, to run a risk or chance of doing, be likely to do the Kiddpa, \vpa, and (pcppiyg must have been nearly i so and so; KivSvvevovai ol dvOpainoi OVTOI yorjTts dvat the same. I they run a risk of being reputed conjurers : hence KIV- Kiddpis, tos, r), ace. KiOapiv, = KiOdpa : also music?} Svvevft as impers. it seems to be, is likely: Pass, to harping, playing. \ be hazarded, exposed to danger. From Ki03pu7TT|s, ov, 6, (KiQapifa) a player on the lyre | KTNAT~NO2, o, a danger, risk, hazard, venture, or harp, a harper. Hence KiOfipwrrpis, iSos, T), fem. Ki6dpurrvs, vos, fj, (KiOapifa) a playing the lyre or harp, the art of playing it. Ki0apo>8uc6s, 77, ov, of or for harp-playing. From Ki0ap-a>S6s, o, contr. for KiOapaoiSos. KiGcov, wvos, 6, Ion. for \ITWV. , inf. of a poet. aor. 2 HKIKOV ; see KIKU. II. the berry of the KpoTcav, La.t.periculum: an experiment, trial; KLVOWOV iroiGiv, Lat. per iculum facer e, to make an experiment. KIVCV, Dor. for KIVOV, pres. imperat. pass, of Kivk, poet, redupl. form of Ka\(.oi, to call, summon, invite: to call on, invoke: also in Med. II. to accost, address. III. to name, call by name. Kbxpaco, Dor. for K^pavvvjj.1, tcipvdaj. K3TKT5, 7/, strength, vigour. *KI'KX1, a verb only found in aor. -2 ZKIKOV, inf. KiKeiv, and Dor. aor. I (Kia, med. (Kidfj.Tjv : to make to go, move, toss. (Akin to KIOJ and ouctw.) KiXiKios, a, ov, Cilician. From K\i|, IKOS, 6, a Cilician. [i'] Hence KCXurcra, 775, 57, a Cilician woman. 2. as Adj., fem. of Ki\itcios. KiXXu-^as, avros, 6, a trestle, stand or support for anything, esp. for a shield. (From KI\\OS, ass, fiaivca : so Germ, esel, our easel and horse.} \l~\ KTAAO2, 6, an ass. (Dor. word.) Palus Maeotis. KtjJUdXCa (7^), f], Cimolian earth, a kind of white clay, like fuller's earth, from Cimolus in the Cyclades. KTNA'BPA, 77, the rank smell of d goat. Hence Klvaflpdoj, to smell like a goat. KivaBos, eos, TO : vocat. Kivaoe, as if it were masc. : Sicil. word, a fox: metaph. a wily fellow, a cheat. i:iva0io-p.a, OTOS, TO, a rustling motion, rustling. (From KivaOifa, - Kiveca.) [i/a] Kiv-ax^pa, 77, (Kiveoa, dxfyov) a kind of bag or sieve for bolting flour. , arcs, TO, a risk, venture, enterprise; and (Formed from Kio-Kpdvov, TO, = KiovuKpavov. Kiop-ev, Ep. for Kiuntv, I pi. subj. subj. of KIOJ. KIOV, Ep. for Ztciov, impf. of /tica. Kiovo-Kpdvov, TO, (KIGW, fcpaviov^) the capital of a column. Ktocri, dat. pi. of KIQJV, a pillar. KipK-rj, 77, Circe, an enchantress who changed 378 KipKTJAaros KAAI'42. Ulysses' companions to swine, v. Odyss. lib. 10, HOT. Epist. i. 2, 23. KipK-T|\aTOS, ov, (KipKos, (Xctvvco) chased by a hawk. KITKO2, o, a kind of hawk or falcon, which flies in wheels or circles. 2. a circle, ring, mostly in form KP'IKOS. Hence Kiptcoco, f. uffca, to hoop in, secure by rings. Kipvaca and -t)p.i, poet, forms of Kepavvvpi, to mix wine with water : from Kipvdca comes 3 sing. pres. Kipva, 3 sing. impf. kxipva : from tcipvrjfu, Ep. 3 sing, impf. Ktpvrj, part, rtipvds. KI'5, 6, gen. KHJS, ace. KLV, a worm in wood or in corn, the weevil, Lat. curculio. Kurrjpis, fojs, 77, (KIS} the pumice-stone, Lat. pumsx. Kri^A" Att. KITTS, 77, a chattering bird, the jay. II. the longing of pregnant women, a crav- ing for strange food. Hence . Kuro-aJ3io> Att. Ki/rraJ3Ca>, f- **>, to scream like a jay. Kicrcrao) Att. KiTTcIco, f. 770*0;, (ttiffffa n) to crave for strange food : generally, to long or yearn after. Kto - o*T|pT]S, es, (Kiffffos) ivy-clad. Kurorjpis, ecus, T), = Kia"r}pis, q. v. Kio-crivos, 77, ov, (maaos} of ivy. Kunro-Serrjs, ou, o, Dor.-SeVas, (Kiffffos, Sea;) bound or crowned with ivy. Kunro-Kop/ris, ou, 6, (KIGVOS, Kofirj) ivy-tressed, crowned with ivy. KI25O'2 Att. KITTOS, 6, ivy, Lat. hedera. Kto-o-o-o-T^avos, ov, and Kto - o-o-o'Teavos, arfcpca*) ivy-wreathed. Kio-o-o<)>opco Att. KITT-, to be decked with ivy. From Kurcro-<}>6pos, ov, (Kiao6s, fytpca) wearing ivy, ivy- crowned : luxuriant with ivy. KIO-CTOOJ Att. KITT-, f. wffca, (teiffffos} to deck with ivy. Kuro~uJ3u>v [u], TO, (/ti0"o*(js) a drinking-cup either made of ivy-wood or with ivy-leaves carved on it. KIO-O-COTOS, 77, ov, (tciffffoo}) decked with ivy. KF2TH, 77, a box, chest, Lat. cista. Kto-Tis, <5os, 77, Dim. of Kiffrr), a little chest. KITPE'A or KiTpta, 77, the citron-tree. KtTpivos, 77, ov, (jwrpor) of citron. KtTpov, TO, the fruit of the Kirpfa, citron. KlTTd, KlTTSptJa), KLTTaiO, Att. for Klffff-. KITTOS, 6, Att. for Klffff. Kixdvco [a], used only in pres. and impf. indie., in inf. Kixdveiv, and Med. Kixdvopai : most of the other moods and tenses being formed as if from K'I- Xn^ 1 - '> Ep. subj. Kix^ioj, opt. Kix*' lr l v i m f- Kixfyai Ep. Ktxni^fvai, part, /c^ets and Med. Kixnf^^os : so impf. eKtxrjv, 2 sing, e/ct^ets (as if from KIX^^)', I P^- Kixn^v, 3 dual KiXTrjTrjv: fut. Kix^ffofMi: aor. 2 e'/a- Xov Ep. KIXOV, part. Kiywv : aor. I med. Att. Kiyx<* VO} [o], q- v.: to light upon, find : to arrive at. /, opt. of Kixdvos. is, pres. part, of MX^U, = Kixdv&). /, Ep. for KIX&} [a] : f. tc\avffoiw.i Dor. Xau- aovfj.ai : also K\airj(joj Att. K\d^aca : aor. I %K\avaa Ep. K\avaa : Pass., paullo-p. fut. KfKXavarofj,ai : pf. te(K\av/Mi and KtK\ava p.a : to weep, lament, wail : hence Att. phrase, K\avfffrai he shall weep, i. e. he shall repent it, have cause to rue it : so, KXaicav at KAETlTO. 379 your peril, to your sorrow; KXdtiv ffe Xcyca, Lat. plorare te jiibeo. II. transit, to bewail, mourn, deplore: Pass, to be mourned for or lamented; also KficXavfj.vos bathed in tears, weeping. K\a', O.KUS, f], Dor. for ttXfis, a key. Xaw, Dor. fut. of KXeica, to shut. KXairrjvai, aor. 2 inf. pass, of K\fnrXa, a/cos, o, f), (/cAacu, j6a)A.a) clod-break- ing. icXdo-is, fas, TI, (tfAacy) a breaking, [a] K\a,(rp,a, O.TOS, TO, (K\dca) that which is broken off", a fragment, piece, morsel. icXdo-cre, icXdo-craTO, Ep. 3 sing. aor. I act. and med. of K\da). KXa, f. daca, (/cAaa>) to prune a vine, Lat. pam- pinare : metaph. to bring down, humble. icXacrTos, r], ov, (Aaa) broken in pieces. icXao-a), Dor. for K\dffaj, tut. of Ada;. tcXavOp-os, <5, (/fAafV), a weeping, wailing. Hence KXaij0fjLijpia>, f. aca, to make to weep. Hence , o, a crying like a child. s, TO, (K\aioj) a weeping, wailing. II. a trouble, misfortune. icXavo-apa, by crasis for /cXavaei apa. [aa] icXcu)o-, Ep. 3 sing. aor. I of /cXaica. icAa/ucridco, (K\avais) to wish to weep; TO 6vpiov (pOeyyopevov d'AAcws icXavaia the door is like to weep, i. e. shall suffer, for creaking without cause. icXavo-i-YcXcos, caTos, and eu, 6, (KXaica, yeXus) smiles and tears. [?] KXav Att. KX-{)8-, to hold the keys, have the charge or custody of; K\fioov\e?v Ocas to be priestess of a goddess : Pass, to be watched. From KXi8-oxos Att. KXrjS-, ov, (K\IS, 6X0 holding the keys, having charge or custody of: of a goddess, tutelary. icXi8o-vXa, d/fos, o, TI, (tt\eis, <^uA.a^) = foreg. KXei^a), f. KXftfa Dor. for K\TJQJ. KXciOpov Att. KX-rj9pov Ion. KXrjidpov, TO, (Aeta;) a bolt or bar for closing a door. icXavos, 77, 6v, (rc\(os) famous, renowned, illustrious. KXci^ai, aor. I inf. of K\ftfa, Dor. for K\r)fa. wXeis, 17, gen. K\fio6s : ace. K\tt8a Att. K\fiv : pi. nom. K\e78e$, ace. Aef5as contr. K\fis : Ion. KXrjts, gen. K\r)?Sos, ace. K\rjiSa : old Att. K\-fls, gen. K\TI~ oos, ace. \f)Sa: a thing to close the door with: I. a key, by which the bolt (oxevs) was shot or unshot from the outside : if the door was fastened on the in- side, there was a latch (i/uzs) by which the bolt was made fast to the handle (Kopuvrj). 2. a bar or bolt, commonly of wood, drawn across the door. 3. metaph. of silence, K\TJS ITTI y\wcrar) a key on the tongue, as if from some weight pressing it down ; Ar]Sas %X ttv i 1'ke K\rjOov\fiv, to watch, have the charge of. II, the hook or tongue of a clasp. III. the collar-bone, Lat. jugulum ; K\T)*IS airotpyei av^va Tf oTTJ6us Tf locks the neck and breast together. IV. a bench for rowers. V. a narrow strait or pass, such as we call the key of a country; mostly in pi., as, KXerSes TT}S Kvirpov. KXets, contr. nom. and ace. pi. of K\ds, K\eious. KXeurros, old Att. icX'jjo'TOS, Ion. KXiqurTOS, 17, tv, to be shut or closed. (cXeicTTpov, TO, (A.ei. Lat. CLA UDO, to shut, shut up, close, keep fast : to con- fine : Pass, to be $but up. icXcia) (B), poet, foi fcXa: Pass., aor. i tKXtyOijv: aor. 2 380 fK\a.TTr]v [a], inf. KXaTnjvai : pf. Kic\c(j.fj.ai : to steal, filch, purloin : of women, to carry off : part. KXfTTTow, ovaa, ov t thievish; K\TTTOV J3\eiri he has a thief s look. II. to cozen, cheat, beguile, deceive: hence to mislead. III. to withhold, con- ceal, keep secret, disguise. IV. generally, to do a thing stealthily or treacherously : so c. part., K\tir- TOJV rroii he does it secretly. K\6^/C-pcov, ov, gen. ovos, (/eAeTray, prjv) of de- ceptive mind, dissembling. K\eiJH-xwAos, ov, (tfAcTTTcy, xoA(>s) disguising lame- ness, [tj K\x|/-t;8pa, 77, (/fAe/mu, vSup) a water-clock, with a narrow orifice through which the water trickled, (in- stead of sand, as in our glasses) ; used to time speeches in law-courts. KAE'fl Ep. K\euo (#Aeos) = tc\rjfa, to tell of, cele- brate, glorify, extol: Pass, to be famous. II. = /caAeot), to call. K\fj8cs, Att. for K\fiSfs, nom. pi. of K\ys. K\Y)8ir]V, Adv. (/raAe'cy) by name. K\T|86vur|Jia, OTOS, TO, (tcXrjowv) a sign or omen. \Tj8-ovxos, Att. for /fAetS-. i, f. iffoj, Ion. for /cXfica, to shut. KArjfJia, aTOS, TO, (tfAacy) a shoot or twig broken off to be grafted on another tree, a slip, cutting : esp. a vine-twig, Lat. palmes. Hence K\T]p,a,Ttvos, 77, ov, made of vine-twigs. K\Tj(jiaTis, tSos, 77, Dim. of tcXfjua : mostly in pi. brushwood, fagot-wood. K\t\pLov, TO, Dim. of KXijpos, a small portion. K\7]povo^a), f. 770-0;, (tf\r}povojj.o$) to obtain a por- tion or lot : to receive a share of an inheritance, to inherit. Hence K\i)pov6|Jiir)p,a, aTos, TO", an inheritance : and KAir]povojua, 77, (K\rjpovo(J.f(a} an inheritance, patri- mony : generally, possession, property. K\T]po-v6fios, ov, (tc\Tjpos, vffj.ojMii) receiving one's portion : as Subst., K\rjp6vof4os, 6, an inheritor, heir. K\L}JidKlOV. es, (K\rjpos, TraAAw) distributed by ! shaking the lots. ! K\fjpos Dor. icXapos, ov, 6, a lot: twigs, potsherds, or even a clod of earth was used for the purpose. In Homer each hero marks his own lot, and they are [ thrown into a helmet : the first which came out was I the winning lot. 2. a casting lots, drawing I Jos. II. an allotment, portion, often of con- | quered land : an inheritance, estate, property : gene- rally, lands. III. the clergy, as opp. to the ! laity. K\TjpovxW, fut. 770-0), (KXr)povx os ) fo possess or hold by allotment, to have allotted to one. Hence K\tjpovxCa, 77, the allotment or portioning out of ^ land in a foreign country among the citizens of a I state. 2. the body of citizens among whom it was divided. An Athenian K\7jpovxia differed from a colony (atroiKia), in that the K\T)povx l were still citizens of the mother-country, instead of forming an independent state. K\T)pouxiK6s, 77, oV, (fcXrjpovxia) of or for a /cXr]- povxia or apportionment of land. KXirjp-otixos, ov, (fc\rjpos, cx^) holding or possessed of an allotment of land ; esp. of land in a foreign | country portioned out among the citizens : as Subst., | KXrjpovxos, 6, a portion-holder. 2. metaph., TroA- ; AoV TWV K\rjpovx os possessed of many years, i.e. ad- ' vanced in years. K\T]p6a), f. wa a wooden vessel washed or coated with wax. KX001, aor. 2 imperat. of KXvoj. KXup.evos, 77, ov, (icXvca) = K\VTOS, famous. [tJ] iYP-6s, o, (Ao>a;) /fo whistle or S07/c? which a rider uses to his horse. KAn'Zn, f. K\uV, gen, K\cavos, 6, (K\doj) = K\doos, a young shoot, sprout, twig, Lat. surculus. icXtovlov, Dim. of K\WV. icXcpos, Att. for K\OIOS. KXtoireiio), f. crij/, K\QJTTGS, 6, (fcXetrToj) a thief, Lat. fur. KvaCco, = Att. Kvdoi, like Koio) for Att. /cdcu, etc. Kvdicwv, cavos, 6, Dor. for KV^KQJV, the goat: see KVTJKOS. Kvdfia, Dor. for Kwr]\vr}. Kvap.6s, Dor. for KVIJIJIOS. Kvd|jnrTG>, old Att. for yvdpirTca. Kvairrco or -yvdiTTaj : f. ^a>: (rcvdca): to scratch: esp. to tease, card or comb wool, to full cloth, from the tea- sel or comb (KVCL^OS) which was used. II. me- taph. to mangle, tear, lacerate. Kvdcraio, i sing. aor. I opt. med. of tcv&ca. Kvacroj, Kvaom, Dor. for Kvrjffca, /cvfjaai, fut. and aor. I inf. of Kvaca. Kva4>6iov Ion. -Tjtov, TO, (KVCLTTTCO} a fuller's shop. Kvaijs or -yva^cvs, ecas, 6, Lat. fullo, a fuller, cloth-carder or dresser, clothes-cleaner. Kvati(o, f. ercu, (itvatyevs} to full or card cloth. KvaTji'ov, Ion. for rcva(pfTov. KVO,<|>OS, b, (KVOOJ} the prickly teasel, Lat. spina ful- lonica, a plant used by fullers to card or clean cloth : hence also a car ding-comb ; also used as an instru- ment of torture. KNA'fl, Att. 2 and 3 sing. Kvf,s, rcvrj, inf. Kvfjv ; impf. 3 sing, (tcvr) Ep. KVTJ (used in the sense of aor. 2) : fut. KVT\aaios, a, ov, also os, ov, (KI/^OS) dark, gloomy, murky. 2. in the dark, either at nightfall or be- fore daybreak. Kv4>5s, TO, Att. gen. Kvfyovs; dat. ttvffpq poet. KVf(pft : (vos) darkness, dusk at nightfall, also the morning twilight or dawn, Lat. diluculum. II. to KVTJ, Ep. for ffcvrj, 3 sing. impf. of Kvdca. KVTJ00), f. Kvrjao}, (tcvdca) to scratch, tickle : Pass, to itch. KVTJKICIS, ov, 6, v. sub KVTJKOS. KNH~KO5, 77, Lat. cnecus or cnicus, a plant of the thistle kind. KVT)KOS, -f), ov, Dor. KVUKOS, d, ov, (KVTJKOS} pale yel- low, whitish yellow, hence the goat is called o ttvaftcav, and the wolf 6 KvrjKias. icvT^-ap-ycs, ov, (wfiprj, dp-yos) white-legged. KNH'MH, 17, the part of the leg between the knee and ancle, the leg, Lat. tibia. KVT)(xl8o-6pos, ov, (Kvrjfj.ts, : f. Kviaca : aor. I effviaa Dor. %/cvita : Pass., aor. l eKviaOrjv : (itvdca) : to scrape or grate, rasp. II. to make to itch : hence metaph. to nettle, tease, chafe, vex : Pass, to be teased, chafed, fretted. KVITTOS, ov, (KviCfa) scraping, niggardly, miserly. KNriSA Ep. KVIOTJ, rjs, fj, Lat. nidor, the smell or savour of a victim, steam of a burnt sacrifice. II. the fat-caul, in which the flesh of the victim was wrapped : the fat itself. Hence Kvltrdets, facra, fv, Dor. for uviffrjcis. Kvio-dvTt, Dor. for Kviffdcvn, dat. of nviffdfis. Kvurda>, f. 77^0;, (itvicra) to Jill with the steam or sa~ vour of a burnt sacrifice. II. intr. to raise the steam of sacrifice. KvCcrSw, Dor. for Kvifa. KVIO-TJCIS Dor. Kvio-deis, cffcra, fv, (icvia) full of tie steam of sacrifice, steaming. Kvicrjxa, TO, (fcvifa) that which is caused by itching: a scratch, scraping. KVKTJJLOS, o, (ttvifa) an itching of the skin, tickling, irritation, fretting. Kvuro-SiwKTTjs, ov, 6, (tivTaa, OIUKU} hunting after the smell of roast meat, name of a mouse. Kvicrcra, Kvicrcrd.is, less correct forms for Kvica, KVIOXOTOS, r), 6v,(fcviff6ca) steaming with burnt sacrifice. /, o, also 17, gen. Kvlrros, pi. KVITTCS, (itvifa) a kind of emmet, which gnaws figs. KVUO, contr. for Kovofa. Kvudop.cu and -Op,ai, Dep. only used in pres., to whine, whimper, of a dog ; also of children. (Formed from the sound.) Hence >, o, a whining, whimpering. Kvu6a>, f. waca, to disfigure, make dim and dark. Kvtia), f. va8aXov, TO, any dangerous animal, a monster, least. (Deriv. uncertain.) Kvw8o>v, OVTOS, o, (o8ovs) a sword: pi. KVovs dirr\oi KVUJOOVTCS a cross-hilted sword. KNil'2;5n, only used in pres. to nod, slumber, sleep. Kod\p.os, o, a stupid fellow, booby, [a] Kod, Comic word formed to imitate the croaking of frogs (3pfKKKeg KOCL Kod. KOOICO, V. KOfCU. , TO, a knavish trick. From cuco, to play the kttave. From , o, an impudent rogue, an arrant knave : neut. Adj. Ko@a\a, knavish tricks, rogueries. (Deriv. uncertain.) KOTXH, r), a muscle or cockle, Lat. concha : also a muscle-shell. II. the case round a seal attached to documents : (hence avaKoyxyXia^oj], to unseal). KOYXS, o, also fj, = Koyx^i a muscle or cockle. K6yx r l- [y] Hence (sub. XiOos), ov, 6, a shelly marble, [a] , TO, (Koyxv\rj) a muscle or cockle: also its shell, generally, a bivalve-shell. [v] KoSpdvTqs, ov, u, Greek form of the Lat. quadrans, = | of an as, about |d. English. KOE'fl or Kodco contr. KOW, Ion. for voccu, vow, to mark, perceive, hear, observe. Ko0ev, Ion. for itoOfv. KoOopvos, 6, Lat. cothurnus, a buskin or high boot, covering the whole foot and reaching to the middle of the leg, laced in front, and with thick soles. 2. the KoOopvos was worn by tragic actors : thus it became the emblem of Tragedy, as the soccus of Comedy. 3. since the buskins might be worn on either foot, o KoOopvos was a nickname for a trimmer or time-server in politics. Ko0ovpos, ov, = Ku\ovpos, without a sting. KO!*, sound to express the grunting of young pigs. KOL0aX}ios, ov, (/fofAos, bt^QaXfios) hollow-eyed. KOtXo-xeiXirjs, es, (KotXos, xAos) hollow to the rim. KOiAoco, f. wffo}, (KOI\OS~) to make hollow. KoiX-wBijs, fs, (KOI\OS, e?8os) hollow-looking. KOiXa>|xa, jjiaTOs, TO, (/coiAocu) a hollow. KOiX-wvu^, VXGS, > "hi (KOI\OS, ovv) hollow-hoofed. KOiX-tiirrjs, ov, o, fern. KoiAwms, iSos, = #otAcu7ros. KOtX-wiros, ov, (KOI\OS, aty') hollow-looking. KoijxaTO, Ep. 3 sing. impf. pass, of KoifMca. Koi|jicia> Ion. -, Ion. for KOLfJLao). Koipi7]0T|vai, aor. I inf. pass, of Koifjdca. Koifjujp-a, TO, (KoifJidcu) sleep; Koifj.r}iMTa avToyev- vrjTa intercourse of the mother with her own son. , Ep. 3 sing. aor. I med. of Koifidca. , f. iffca Att. iS>, = Koifjd.oj, to put to sleep: to lay asleep, of the sleep of death. 2. generally, to lay to rest, to quench; to appease, assuage. Hence K, (KOIVOS, @ov\r}) to deliberate in com- mon. Kot,vo-J3o>|jLia, r), (KOIVOS, Pojfj.6s) community of altars, of gods who are worshipped at one common altar. Koivo-XeicTpos, ov, (KOLVUS, \(KTpov) having a com- mon bed, a bedfellow, consort. Koivo-XXT)S, es, (KOIVUS, Aex os ) sharing the same bed, a paramour. , Dep., with fu{. med. -rjffo/jiai, aor. I 384 KoivonXoos KoXXa. med. eicoivoXoyr)ffd/j.7]v and pass.' -rjOrjv : pf. KCKOIVO- ' nest. II. sleep, the act of going 'to bed; Trjs KO'L- XoyriLiai : (KOIVUS, Xuyos) : to take common counsel TTJS &pr) bed-time, with, to consult together. KOivo-irXoos, ov, contr. -irXovs, ovv, (KOIVOS, 7rAeo>) Sailing in common : making a joint expedition. KOIVO-ITOVS, 6, 77, irovv, TO, gen. TroSos, (KOLVOS, TTOUS) with common foot, coming together. KOITOS, 0, = sleep. Hence 2. a going to bed: sleeping KOITWV, oVos, 6, = (/fotT77) a bed-room, bed-chamber. KOKKIVOS, 77, ov, scarlet, Lat. coccineus. From KO'KKOS, 77, a kernel, a berry: esp. the kermes- KOINO'2, 77, ov, also os, ov, common, shared in berry used to dye scarlet, common. II. common to all the people, public ; j KOKKt), properly of the bird's cry, cuckoo: hence a TO KOIVOV ayaOov the common weal. 2. TO KOIVOV j cry or call to a person ; KUKKV, /ne#efre, quick, let go. the state, Lat. respublica ; dirb TOV KOIVOV by public \ KOKKI}CO Dor. KOKKVO-SCD : f. vaoj : pf. authority, on the part of the state: also the public \ (KOKKV): to cry cuckoo: of the cock, to crow, treasury ; Ta Koivd the public moneys, public af- to cry like a cuckoo or cock, give a signal by such cry. fairs. III. of persons, impartial, affable, acces- sible. 2 . of common origin, kindred. IV. of forbidden meats, common, profane. Hence KcavoTijs, TITOS, fj, a sharing in common, fellow- ship. II. affability. KOIVO-TOKOS, ov, (KOIVUS, Tc/ctiv) born of common parents. KOivo-4>tXr|S, es, (KOLVOS, (piXtoj) loving in common. Koiv6-p&>v, ov, gen. ovos, (KOLVOS, (pprjv) like-minded. KOIVOCO, f. Qjffoj : Dor. fut. Koivdaoiiai, aor. i 4/cot- vacra : (KOIVOS) : to make common, communicate, im- part : to make a sharer in. 2. to make common or unclean, to pollute : Med. to deem common or un- clean. II. Med. to communicate, like the Act. 2. take counsel, consult. 3. to be partaker or sharer in a thing, c. gen. : also c. ace. rei, to take part or share in. III. Pass, to hold communion, have intercourse with. KOivo>v, dVos, Dor. KOIVO.V, dvos, 6, = Koivvir]|jia, LiaTOs, TO, a communication : and Koivama, 77, communion, fellowship, intercourse. KOIVOVIKOS, 77, 6v, communicative, social. From KOIVWVOS, o, also 77, (KOLVOS) a companion, partner, fellow, associate. II. as Adj. = KOIVOS. KOivuis, Adv. of KOIVOS, in common, jointly: by com- mon consent. 2. publicly. KOIOS, 7/, ov, Ion. for Trofos, a, ov. Koipdvco, f. 770*0), (Koipavos) to be lord or master, to rule, command. i. c. ace. to lead, arrange. Hence KOipavia Ion. -ij, 77, lordship, rule. KOI'PA'NO5,o,a ruler, leader, commander, either in war or peace : generally, a lord, master. Koicrupoopuu, Pass. (Koiavpa) to live like Coesura (wife of Alcmaeon), i. e. live a gay, fashionable life. KoiTO,ti), (icoiTr]), to put to bed : Med., with Dor. aor. i KoiTad[j.r)v, to go to bed, sleep. KOITCUOS, a, ov, (KOITTJ) lying in bed, abed, asleep, 2 . as Subst., TO KoiraTov the lair of a wild beast. KOtTT), 77, (KCL/ML) a place to lie down in, bed, couch: the marriage-bed; KOLTTJV %x fiv ^ ^ e pregnant; KOITO.I in pi. lewdness. 2. of animals, a lair, den, , vyos, 6, (KOKKV) a cuckoo, from its cry. Sco, Dor. for KOKKV&. KOKKCOV, cavos, 6, (KuKKos) a pomegranate-seed. KOKvai, ot, ancestors. (Deriv. uncertaia.) KoXa, 2 sing. fut. med. of /roAaa>. KoXd^co f. KoXdacu : aor. i loAao*a : also in Med., fut. KoXdaoiiai, Att. contr. KoXwiiai, KoXa : aor. I (KoXavdfJLrjv : Pass., fut. KoXaaOrjaofJiaL : aor. T ZKO- XdaOrjv : pf. KfKuXacr/j.ai : (KuXos, akin to KoXovoj) : to prune, retrench : metaph. to hold in check, keep in, confine : then to chastise, correct, punish : Pass. to be punished. KoXaivis, ioos, 77, epith of Artemis. (Deriv. and meaning uncertain.) KoXaiceia, 77, (K oXaKevca) flattery, fawning. KoXaKevfjia, TO, (KoXaKfLca) a piece of flattery, [a] KoXaKeweos, a, ov, verb. Adj. of KoXaKevca, to be flattered. KoXaKVTiKos, 77, ov, (KoXaKtvfa) flattering, fawning. KoXSsccvco, f. aoj,(KoXa) to flatter, fawn on: Pass. to be flattered. o, (oAa, 6vop.a) parasite-named, Comic distortion of a real name Kleonymos. KO'AAH, O.KOS, 6, a flatterer, fawner. KoXairrifjp, ijpos, 6, a chisel, graver. From KOA A'TITIl, f. I/MO, to hew, cut, chisel : of birds to peck. KoXScris, eaw, 77, (/foAa^cu) a pruning: a checking, punishing, correction, chastening. KoXacrfxa, TO, (/roAa^cu) chastisement, punishment. KoXC^a), f. icrca Att. to), (/coAa^os) to give one a box on the ear, buffet, cuff. KoXa4>os, o, (KoXaiTTca) a box on the ear, cuff. KoXcov Ion. KovXcov, To, = KoXf, f. cuaoj, to dock, curtail, shorten KoXoi-upxos, ov, 6, (KO\OIOS, apx ") a leader of jack- daws, a jackdaw-general. KoXoidw, f. data, (#oXoios) to scream like a jackdaw. KoXoios, o, a jackdaw, Lat. graculus : proverb., KO\OIOS iroTi KoKoiov = ' birds of a feather flock to- gether.' KoXoicaa-Ca, 17, or KoXoKao-iov, TO, the colocasia or Egyptian bean, a plant resembling the water-lily, found in the marshy parts of Egypt. KoXo-Kvjxa, TO, (/foAos, Kvp.a) a large heavy wave before it breaks, the heavy swell before a storm. KoXoKvv07] or -KvvTi), tjs, f), the round gourd or pumpkin, Lat. cucurbita. Hence KoXoKvvGtds, ados, fj, food prepared from pumpkins. KoXoKvvOivos, T], ov, made from pumpkins. KoXov, TO, (he colon or lower part of the bowels. From KO'AOS, ov, docked, curtailed, stunted,L,a.t.ct^rtus; KU\OV 86pv a spear broken short off: esp. of oxen, etc., hornless, short-horned. KoXooxros, o, a colossus, gigantic statue; also simply a statue. The most famous Colossus was that of Apollo at Rhodes seventy cubits high, made in the time of Demetrius Poliorcetes. KoXoavpTos, o, a rabble or noisy crowd: uproar. KoXovco, f. aca: aor. 1 K6\ovaa: Pass.,-aor. I (KO- \ovOrjv and -ovaOrjv : pf. KvcoXov pat and -ovfffMi : (#oAos) : to dock, clip, curtail, cut short, abridge : metaph., erros fjifacrrjyv KoXoveiv to cut short a word in the middle, Lat. praecidere, i.e. leave it unfinished; Swpa KoXovfiv to abridge, limit jpfto: also 2. like ./foXafw, to check, restrain, put down. KoXo<}>wv, GJVOS, o, a top, finishing, end. KoXirCas, ov, o, (reoXiros} swelling in folds. KO'AIIOS, o, the bosom, lap : later also the mo- ' ther's womb. II. the lap or fold formed by a loose | garment, sometimes used for a pocket. III. any lap or hollow; 6a\daar)S KU\TTOV viroovvai to go under the lap of ocean, i. e. the deep hollow between two waves. 2. a bay or creek of the sea. It cor- responds in all senses to the Lat. sinus. Hence KoXiroco, f. wffca, to form into a lap or fold: to make *sail belly or swell. KoXTT-wSTjs, 6s, (O\TTOS, floos} embosomed, embayed. KOATMBA'Xl, f. rjaca, to dive: to swim. Hence KoXi^pT)0pa, -fj, a place for diving, a swimming- bath : and fip, ?7pos, o, and KoXvjji,pT]TT)S, oO, 6, (KO- a diver, swimmer. , i8os, 17, (Ko\viifia(a) a sea-bird, a diver. KoXv[ji|3os, o, (icoKv p.fia.(a) a, diver, swimmer. II. KoXxos, 6, a Colcbian : hence Adj. KoXxi-K6s, 17, ov, Colchian ; pecul. fern. KoXx^S, tSos. KoXcadu Ion. (o, f. 170*0;, (/foXoyos) to brawl, scold. KoXufievos, Att. contr. fut. part. med. of /foXd^cw. KOAfl'NH, 77, a hill, mound: esp. a sepulchral mound, barrow, cairn, Lat. tumulus. KoXcovta, T), the Lat. colonia, a colony. KoXwvos, 6, (KO\WVT)~) a hill; KO\OJVOS \iQow a heap of stones. II. Colonos, a demos of Attica lying on and round, a 'hill, sacred to Poseidon, the scene of the Oedipus Coloneiis of Sophocles. KoXcoos, ov, 6, (oXoios) a brawling, wrangling. KO'MA"PO2, 6, and 17, the strawberry-tree, arbutus. icop.apo-c}>(ryos, ov, (tcdpapos, (pdytiv) eating the ' fruit of the arbutus. I Kop.au Ion. -co, Ep. part. KOfjibaw : fut. 770*0; : aor. I fKoprjaa. : (ofi7j) : to let the hair grow long, wear ! long hair: as long hair was a sign of birth, it meant to plume oneself, to be proud, haughty, arrogant; OVTOS efc6fj,r}fff ~irl rvpavviSi be aimed at the monarchy. Originally the Greeks seem generally to have worn their hair long, whence dp77 KOfjLuojvrcs 'Axatot in Homer. At Sparta the citizens continued to wear long hair ; but at Athens it was worn only by youths until the iSth year. II. of horses, to be decked with manes. III. metaph. of trees, .plants, etc., to have leaves or foliage. KO|xc(TK, 3 sing. Ion. impf. of /fo/xeoj. KOME'n, f. 170*0;, to lake care of, attend to, tend. KO(xea>. Ion. for KOfJidca. KO'MH, 17, the hair, Lat. coma; KfipaaOai Koprjv to have one's hair cut close in sign of mourn- ing. II. .metaph. like coma, the foliage, leaves, of trees. Kop,TjT-ap.i;vias, ov, 6, (/fo/^TTjs, 'AfJ.wias') Coxcomb- Amy nias. Kop.T|T7)S, ov, o, (xopdoj} long-haired ; los KOfJiTfTrja a feathered arrow. 2. leafy, grassy. II. a comet. Kop.l8r|, jj, (/co/it^o;) attendance, attention, care: also 386 the management, care of a garden. II. a bringing or carrying of supplies, a procuring of supplies, Lat. commeatus frumenti, a gathering in of harvest: also provisions, stores. 2. (from Med. o/xtb/#zj) a carrying away for oneself, a rescue, recovery. 3. (from Pass. ttonifrfMi) a going or coming: a return, msans of getting back. KO|At8fj, dat. of KojutSr] used as Adv., wi'h care, care- fully, exactly : wholly, altogether : absolutely, quite : in answers, KOfJiiSfi p.\v ovv very much so indeed, just so, ay and more than that. KO|xuv}xe0a, Dor. for Kojjuovjj,f6a, I pi. contr. fut. med. of Kop-i^oi. K0ixico : f. iffQJ Att. tw: aor. I fKo/j,iffa. Ep. fKuf^iffffa, and Kopiffaa : Med., Att. fut. Kofjuov/J.ai : Ep. aor . I kico- ^to"<7a/X77i> and Koniffffdf^rjv : Pass., f. KOfJLiaOrjffopjaL : aor. I effo^iaOrjv : pf. KfKojjLifffiai : (K0fifca~) : to take care of, provide for, supply : Med. to receive hospi- tably. 2. of things, to take care of, take heed to, mind; ra a' avrrjs Hpya /co/xt^e mind thine own affairs. II. to carry away, in order to save ; veKpov KOfiifav to carry away a corpse : Med. to carry with one, rescue, save, cf. Ipuo/zcu ; Kop.io~ai yue convey me away, rescue me. 2. to carry off or away, bear off: Med. to carry off as a prize : also to get, gain, receive. 3. to bring to a place : to ^gather in corn : to introduce, import. 4. to con- duct, escort. 5. to fetch back, redeem : Med. to get back, recover. HI. Pass, to be carried, to convey oneself, journey, travel, voyage: to betake one- self. 2. to come back, return. Kop,iov|j,ai, Att. contr. fut. med. o Koplacuo, 2 sing. aor. I med. opt. KOjjLura and KopAtrcra, Ep. aor. I KO}itvTi, Dor. for Ko^wai, 3 pi. of /contact). KO[A,Traa), f. dffca, (K6fj.7ros) to vaunt, boast, brag: c. iv \6yov to speak big words; ace., to boast one's art : Pass, to be made a boast, be renowned. Ko|nraaK6Xop-pTi|Xuv, ov, gen. ovos, (KO^LTTOS, a- KeXos, pfjf^a) pomp-bundle-worded, epith. of Aeschylus, because of his long compound words. Kop.-ir-coSirjs, es, (/fo/iiros, eiSos) boastful. icojjLijjeia, rj, (K0fj,i//fv(a) elegance, refinement : affec- tation. KOfjuJ/'evpliUKuis, Adv. (KO/J.I//OS, Eu/JiTrtSj/s) with the prettiness or affectation of Ettripides. KO|xt]/6tKd, f. oca, (KOfjfyos) to make elegant, refine; Kofjtt^evc rr)v 8oa.v refine on your suspicion, like Lat. argutari : Med. to refine overmuch : Pass, to play the exquisite. KojixJ/o-irpeirfis, es, (KO^US, irptirca) dainty-seem- ing. Kop.xj/6s, 17, ov, (KOfifca) well-dressed, neat, fine, Lat. comptus : hence a pretty fellow, Lat. bellus homo. 2. of words and things, elegant, pretty, clever, witty, ex- qiiisite, affected. Hence Kop.v|/us, Adv. prettily, exquisitely: Comp., /co/i^OT- pojs ex f w to be better in health. Kovaj3eo>, f. ifffo}, (/rova/iJos) to resound, clash, ring: to re-echo. Hence Kova|3T}86v, Adv. with a clash, ringing. Kova|3tco, f. iaca, Kova(3(, f. iffca Ep. iffffta, (Koirpos} to dung, manure. Koxrpo-XoYOS, ov, (/COTT/JOS, \6yopo, f. Tycrof, to carry dung : to cover with dung or dirt. From Koirpo-<}>6pos, ov, (Koirpos, epo>) carrying dung; KOfpivos Koirpo(p6pos a dung-basket. * Koirpciv, uvos, 6, (Koirpos) a place for dung, privy. ic6irTOio-a, Dor. for Koirrovaa, part. fem. of KOTTTCJ. KOTTTOS, 77, 6v, (KOITTQJ) beaten, bruised, pounded. KO'IIT^l : KOI/SQJ : aor. I etcoif/a : pf. K(tco, a mistaken form, originating in the wrong forms tKoviaaa, KCKoviff^ai ; see ttovica. Kovi-opros, o, (KOVIS, upvvjjii) dust stirred up, a cloud of dust : Kovioprus v\i)s KfKavfJLevrjs a cloud of wood- ashes, II. metaph. a dirty fellow. KOVIOS, a, ov, (KOVIS) dusty. KC/NI5, tos Att. ea?s, T) : dat. KOVI for KUVU : = rco- via, dust. II. the dust of ashes, ashes. III. the powder with which wrestlers were sprinkled after being oiled, cf. aovia ', metaph. of toil. [F] KovicraXos [F], o, (KUVIS) dust, a cloud of dust. KOVUO; fut, iffca [F] : aor. I tttuvlffa: Pass., pf. tfeftovl/Mi ' Ep. 3 sing, plqpf. KCKOVITO : (KOVIS) : to make dusty, cover, fill with dust: Pass., KCKOvifAfvos all covered with dust, i. e. in the greatest haste : so j to strike, smite, cut. 2. to knock down, fell, in Med., KOVIGQ.I \a(3wv make haste and take. 2. J slay. 3. to cut off, chop off; Sfvopa Kuirrftv to to sprinkle or cover as with dust, strew over. II. cut down, fell trees; hence absol., ftoirrfiv rrjv \6jpav intr. to raise dust, make haste, speed. to lay a country waste by cutting down the trees : to KOVVCO, contr. KOVVW, mvuoKtu. damage, hurt ; (ppevwv Kfjco^fj.vo&, deprived of KO'NNOS, 6, the beard. 2. Kovvos, as the pr. n. sense or reason. 4. to hammer, forge : also to of an insignificant person; Kuvvov tyrjcpos, proverb, of stamp, coin money, Lat. percutere nummos : Med. something worthless. \tocoinoneselfmoney. 5. KOTTTCIV rty Bvpav to KOVTOS, ou, o, a pole, esp. a punting-pole, Lat. con- knock or rap at the door, Lat. puhare. 6. to cut tus. 2 the shaft of a pike. small, chop up. *]. of birds, to peck at, strike with KOVTO-6pos, ov, (KOVTUS, (ptpaj) carrying a pole or the beak: of a horse, to jolt, shake : also, to tire, stun, pike : hurling a pike. I deafen. II. Med. Koirrofj-ai, to beat or strike KO'NTZA contr, Kvvfa, rjs, 77, fieabane, pulicaria. oneself, in sign of grief, like Lat. plangere : also<* Koira.a>, f. aff, f. two), to weary : Pass. = Komaoj. Koirira, TO, a letter of the ancient Greek alphabet, KO'PAH, OKOS, 6, a raven or crow: Proverb., A.CV- ot KopaKfs, like ' black swans,' of anything unusual ; tppe ($ KopaKfs, or s Koparcas alone, like Lat. pasce corvos, go and be hanged ! /SaAA' 4s Kvpaicas hang him ! hang it ! II. anything hooked like a ravens beak, as, I. an engine for grappling ships. 2. a hooked handle of a door, like Kopdn/r). 3. an in- strument of torture. Kopdcriov, TO, Dim. of Kapvj, a little girl, damsel. Kopavva, f), a barbarism for Koprj. KopjBdv, o, indecl., Hebrew word, a gift offered to God, a consecrated offering. 2. the treasury of the Temple. Kop8aK(co, f. I'OTO, (*op5a^) to dance the /a/>5a. KOpSdKurjAos, o, the dancing the Kupoa. KO'PAAH, OKOS, o, the cordax, a low dance belong- ing to the Old Comedy ; ttopoaKo. e\Kvaai to dance which was not received into the later Athenian alpha- the cordax, from its slow, trailing movement bet: its sign was ^ , cf. Koirirarias. In the alphabet j KOPAT'AH [u], 77, a cudgel, truncheon: also a Koppa stood between TT and p, like the Lat. q, and swelling. II. a covering for the head, head-dress; was retained as a numeral = 90, as were also o"Tau (yKfKop^vXijfJi.fVos wrapt or rolled up. and o"a//7rt, qq. v. Hence Kopeet, Ep. 3 sing. fut. of Kopevvvju. KoirrraTtas, ou, o, ITTITOS, a horse branded wish the Koptvviifju: f. Koptaoj Ep. Koptca: aor. I (KL,peaa Ep. letter Koppa ( ^ ) as a mark. Cf. o~afj., f. 770-01, to carry dung. From and Kopeff8Tjs, fs, (Kopu/3as, ct-5os) Corybant-like, frantic. KopvfJus, -CLVTOS, o, a Corybant priest &f Cybele in Phrygia. [v] Aids. II. a puppet, doll, Lat. pupa. 2. the -aXAs, -aXXos, = rcopvoos. KopvSos, 6, and KopvSos, 17, (opys) the crested or tufted lark, Lat. alauda cristata. pupil of the eye from the small images seen in it, j Kopva, rjs, 77, (fc6ppr), /copvsi) a cold in the head, a Lat. pupa, pupilla. III. a long sleeve reaching over the hand. Koprj Ion. Kovpt), 17, was the name under which Proserpine was worshipped in Attica, the Daughter (of Demeter) ; hence the two are often mentioned together, as rrj Mr/rpl teal Ty Koipy. KoprjOpov, TO, (Koptca) a besom, broom. KopTjpxL, TO, (itop6, (^KupQvs) to lift up, raise, shew its crest : Pass., rcvfj.a KopOvcTai the wave is lifted up, rears its crest. KOPI'ANNON, TO, coriander, the plant or seed. KopCSiov, TO, Dim. of Koprj Kopaaiov. Kopi^ofiat, f. -taofiat, (Koprf, Kupiov}: Dep. : to fondle, caress, coax. KoptvOios, a, ov, also KoptvOiaxos, 17, 6v, and fern. KopivOids, aoos, 77 : Corinthian. From Kopivflos, 17, Corinth, the city and country: anciently Adv. Kopiv669i, at Corinth. Kopiov, TO, Dim. of Koprj, a little girl. KO'PIS, tos Att. -ecus, o, a bug : pi. / KOpio-Ktov, TO, Dim. of Koprj. KOpKOpos or Kopxopos, o, a poor vegetable, growing wild in the Peloponnesus, a kind of pimpernel. riv. uncertain.) (De- 77, the rumbling or grumbling of the empty bowels : any hollow sound, din, tumult. (Formed from the sound ) K0pp,6s, o, (Kfipar) the trunk of a 'tree with the boughs lopped off, a log. KO'PO2, ov, 6, one's Jill, satiety, surfeit, 'Lat. satie- tas; Kopov %x fiv TIVOS to have enough or too much of a thing: in bad sense, satiety, surfeit: hence II. insolence, petulance ; Trpus Kopov insolently. Kopos, ov, o, Ion. KoOpos Dor. Kupos, (/cpcw) a boy, lad, youth, stripling. .2. with genit. of pr. names, a son. Cf. Kor. running at the nose, catarrh, Lat. pittilta. II. metaph. drivelling, stupidity. Hence Kopvaa>. to have a running at the nose, to have a cold. KopvOa, Kopvdas, ace. sing, and pL of fcopvs. Kopv^-d'C^, IKOS, (rcopvs, atoaw) belmet-sbaking, with waving plume, [a] Kopt?0-ai6Aos,o)p, (fc6pvs, afoAos) with glancing helm. Kopvp.pos, o, pi. Kopvp-^a as well as Kopv^oi : (KO- pvs, Kopvfjtr]) : the top, peak, summit ; Kupv^a vrfiav the high poops of the ships. II. the cluster of the ivy flower : generally, a cluster of fruit or flowers. KOpwaco, f. Tjffoj, to put forth knobs or buds. From KopvvTj, 77, (Kopvs) a club, often shod with iro for iighting. a mace : also a shepherd's staff, [y ] KOpt5vrjTT]S, ov, o, (Kopvvcaa) a club-bearer, one who fights with a club or mace. KOpi/VT]-<6pos, ov, (Kopvprf, w, to butt with the head. From , vdos, rj, ace. K^pu6a and Kopvv, (ctpa) a hel- met, helm, catque. II. the head. Hence KOpvoxra), fut. Kopvcu: Med., aor. I fKopvff(rdfj.r]v, part, ffopvcrffafj-fvos : Pass., pf. KfKopvO/Mii : to arm with a helmet: generally, to arm, equip, array: Pass, and Med. to arm oneself ; -fo do battle, fight : also of things, dovpe KtKopvQueva xa\K$ spears headed with brass. 2. generally, to furnish, pro- vide. II. to make crested ; Kopvaere Kvfta the river reared his wave to a crest : Pass, to come to a crest or head, rear its head, as a wave does. Hence Kopwrqs, ov, o, a man armed with a helmet, an armed warrior. Kop4>ata, 77, (icopv^} the "head-stall of a bridle. Kopvalov, TO, the upper rim of a hunting-net : strictly neut. from sq. K0pv<{>aios, a, ov, (t{opvaios the foremost man, leader, chief; in the Att. Drama, the leader of the chorus. KOptkj>T). T), (n>6pvs) the head, top, summit: the crown or top o/ the bead. i. the top or peak of a moun- tain. 3. metaph. the highest point, acme, prime. KOpt/4>6cj, f. waos, (Kopvcprj) to bring to a head, make peaked: Pass., Kvpa KopvtyovTai the wave rises to a crest. II. like tf(pa\ai6os) to order, arrange : esp. to set an army in array, marshal it; and in Med., KOO- fjLtjaafjivos irohirrras having marshalled his country- men ; ouptrov KOGftfiv to arrange a repast. II. to order, rule, govern. III. to deck, adorn, trick out, embellish. 2. of persons, to honour them, adorn, be an honour or ornament to. IV. in Pass. to be assigned to, be classed under. f, Aeol. 3 pi. aor. I pass, of KofffJifQ). f, Dor. inf. of Koafifp, opos, 6, (Kofffios, KpaTfoj) ruler df this world, [a] Koo-jJLO-irXoKOS, ov, (KLXTJJ.OS, ir\fjQj) framing or holding together the world. KOCTJAOS, ov, o, (/cofieco) order ; ard Kufffiov or K{XJ- fjLQ) in order, duly; ovofvt Kuofjua in no sort of order. 2 . good order, good behaviour, decency. 3 . a set form or order : of states, government. 4. the mode or fashion of a thing. II. an ornament, decoration, dress, raiment: plur. ornaments. 2. an honour, credit. III. the world or universe, from its perfect arrangement, Lat. mundus. Koos Att. KOTT-, o, a blackbird. Koraivo), = KOTGOJ, to bear hatred against. KOT and KOT, Ion. for TTOTC and iroTf. Korepov, Korepa, Ion. for iroTfpov, irorfpa. KOTO, Ep. aor. i KOTcaa: Ep. pf. part. KCKOTTJUS: Med., KOTfopxu : Ep. 3 pi. impf. KOT^OVTO, Ep. fut. KOTfff-ffoftai : Ep. aor. I (KOTtaaajArjv, KOTfaad/jiTjv : (KOTOS): to bear a grudge or spite,, bear malice against, envy, Lat. invideo: proverb., Kepafj.fvs Kfpa- fj,t KOTtet, cf. Kepaftfts. KOTT|ts, fffcra, ev, (OTW) angry, wrathful, jea- lous. KOTivi]-<(>6pos, ov t (KUTIVOS, tpipca) producing wild olive-trees. KOTTNOS, o or r), the wild olive, Lat. ole- aster. KOTivo-rpdyos, ov>, (KOTIVOS, Tpayeiv) eating the wild olive. Koropvos, o, Ion. for Kudopvos. KO'TOS, ov, 6, a grudge, spite, rancour, ill-will : also, anger, wrath : later, envy, jealousy. KOTTa|3ta>, f. iffca Att. tu>, (/forra/Soi) to play at the cottabus. KOTTafJos Ion. and old Att. Koos, ov, (Kovpos, Tpefyco) rearing boys : so Ithaca is called dyaOi) Kovporpotyos a good nursing- mother of boys. Kovo-TtoBia, -fj, the Lat. custodia, a watch, guard. Kovio>, fut. iaca Att. tw, (KOVPOS) : I. intr. to be light. II. trans, to lighten : to lift up, raise : Kov(f>i(iv a\pa to make a light leap. 2. metaph. KPAI'N. ' to lighten, assuage, relieve: of persons, to relieve them ''from burthens. Hence KotKJHcris, tws, 77, a relief, alleviation. j Kouicrp.a, OTOS, TO, (Kovcpifa) that which is lifted up. 2. a lightening, relief. KOvfyoKo-yia, 77, light talking. From Kov(j>o-X6-yos, ov, (KOVPOS, A^cu) lightly-talking. KOT^OS, 77, ov, light, nimble : neut. pi. Kovcpa as Adv., lightly. 2. metaph. easy, light : empty, vain, idle. Hence Kova>s, Adv. lightly : Comp. Kovfyorfpov, more lightly, with lighter heart : Sup. Kovfyorara, most lightly. KO'*FN02, o, a basket. KoxXCas, ov, o, (/co^Aos) a snail with a spiral shell, Lat. cochlea. II. anything twisted spirally, a \ screw : a spiral stair. I KoxXtov, TO, Dim. of KOX^OS, a small snail. | KO'XAOS, ov, 6, a shell-fish with a spiral shell : \ the shell itself, sometimes used as a trumpet, like Lat. concha. KOxtiSeto, Ion. impf. KoxvoeffKf : to stream forth copiously. (Reduplicated from \t(a, xvorjv.) KOXIl'NH, 77, dual Kox&vd, the bams. KOV|KITO, Ep. 3 sing. aor. I med. of KOTITQ}* KOIJ/IXOS, 6,-=K6aav(^os, a blackbird. KoiovSe, Adv. (Koojs Ep. for Ko)s) to Cos. Kpdaros, tcpda/n, Kpdara, lengthd. forms of Kparos, Kpdn, Kpdra, gen., dat., ace. of Kpds ndpa, a head. Kpa.pp8.TOS,6,acoucb,~Lat.grabatus. (Maced. word.) Kpa-yov, Adv. (Kpdfa) with loud cries. KpdSaCvo), (/cpaSdcw) to swing, brandish, shake : Pass. , to vibrate, quiver. KPA'AA'n, to brandish, shake. KpdSr], 17, (ffpaodoj) the light quivering spray at the \ end of a branch : generally, a branch, esp. of a fig- tree : hence a Jig-tree, [a] KpaSCa, 77, Dor. for Kpabirj, napdia. KpaSitr), 77, Ion. and Ep. for KapSia. KPA'ZH : fut. Kpda}, but Att. in paullo-post form KfKpaofji.ai : aor. I Kpaa : aor. 2 tiepayov : pf, with pres. sense KtKpa*ya, I pi. contr. tccKpaynfv, j imperat. rteKpax&i, part. Kttcpd^us, inf. KeKpdyevai : to croak, properly of the raven : generally, to scream, screech, cry : hence c. ace. to call out or clamour for a thing. Kpddeis, aor. I part. pass, of Kfpdvvvfjii. . KPAI'Nn, fut. Kpavu : aor. I efcpdva Ep. eKprjva : Pass., fut. KpavOrjaofj-ai, but also Ep. fut. inf. in pass, sense KpavUaOai : aor. I tKpdvdijv : Homer mostly uses the Ep. form Kpaiaivta, 3 sing. impf. eKpaiaivev : aor. I imperat. Kprjrjvov Kpijrjvare, inf. Kprjrjvai : 3 sing. pf. pass, teetcpdavrai, and plqpf. Kf/cpdavro : to accomplish, bring to pass, fulfil, execute : Pass, to be accomplished, brought to pass ; ov pot Sotceft rf.Se 7' oSoi KpavefvOai it seems to me that it will not be accomplished by this journey; Kenpavrat \fsT]v, (Kpd^oj) clamorous. KPA'MBH, 77, cabbage, kail, Lat. crambe. KPA'MBO5, 77, ov, dry, parched, shrivelled. 2. metaph. clear, loud. Kpa.p.J3o-c|>d'yos, ov,(KpdfJi^r],p0v, ov, gen. ovos, (Kparcpt>s, hearted, dauntless. hand. KpaT6p-wvv|, v} stout" ^ovt of 6, 77, (Kparfpos, ovv) strong- Kprcai', dat. Kpaai Ep. Kpdrefftpi : in Horn, also a lengthd. gen. and dat., Kpdaros, rcpdart, pi. nom. Kpd- ara : the head : metaph. a top, peak, height. Kpdo-is, ecus, 77, (K(pdvvvfu) a mixing, compounding, blending. II. the temperature of the air, climate, hoofed, solid-hoofed : of lions, with strong claws Kparcpws, Adv. ofapartpos, strongly, stoutly : sternly, roughly. KpaT : (Kpdros} : to be strong and f nighty: to rule, hold sway : c. dat. to rule among, dvSpdffi KOL Oeoiffi Kparciv. 2. c. gen. to lay hold of, become master of, to be lord of, rider over ; also to conquer, subdue : absol. to prevail, get the upper hand; of re- ports, to prevail, become current. II. c. ace. pers. to prevail against, vanquish, master : also to surpass, III. c. ace. rei, to hold fast, seize, IV. to order, command: Pass, to excel. secure. obey. Kpu,TT|p Ion. KpijT^p, T^pos, o, (Kfpdvvvfj.i} a mixing vessel, a bowl, in which the wine was mixed with Lat. temperies. III. in Gramm., crasis, when the | water, and from which the cups were filled ; Kprjrrjpa consecutive vowels of two words melt into one, e. g. ; KepdcaoQai to mix a bowl. II. any hollow, a TOVVOJM for rb OVOJM, dvrjp for 6 dvrjp. j basin in a rock : the mouth of a volcano, crater. 392 Kparr), f, aca, (Kpdnaros') to be best, most ex- cellent, supreme : to excel. KpanerTOS Ep. KapTurros, rj, ov, and as irreg. Sup. of dyaOos, being formed from Kpdros, as KepSiffros from Kfpbos : strongest, mightiest, fiercest. 2. best, most excellent. The Comp. in use is Kpeia- aojv. [a] KPA TO2 poet. Kapros, cos, TO, strength, might, prowess : force, violence ; iro\iv t\eiv Kara Kpdros to take a city by open force, by storm ; also, Kara Kpdros with all one's might ; so also, dvd Kpdros up to one's full power, with all one's might. II. generally, might, power, rule, sway, dominion : c. gen. power over. III. mastery, victory. Kpuros, gen. of Kpds. Kpariivo) Ep. Kaprvvco : f. vva : (/rpcrros) : to strengthen, confirm : Med. to strengthen for oneself, (Kaprvvavro (pd\ayyas they strengthened their ranks : Pass, to become strong, be strengthened. 2. to harden. II. to rule, govern, c. gen. 2. to become master, get possession of: to conquer, [v] icpaTUS, masc. Adj., only found in nom., (/cpcrros) strong, mighty, [u] Kpcuryda>, fut. dao), (Kpavyrj} to scream, shriek. KpavyaaiS'rjs, ov, 6, (Kpavyrj} Croaker, name of a frog. Kpauyf|, 57, (Kpdfa) a crying, screaming, shrieking. Kpe-dypa, 6, (Kpeas, dypeca) a flesh-book. Kpe-aypis, ioos, 77, = Kpedypa. KpedSiov, TO, Dim. of apeas, a slice of flesh. Kp6u.vop.ea), f. rjaoj, (Kpcavofj.os) to distribute flesh, to divide the flesh> of a victim amongst the guests : Med. to divide among themselves. Hence Kpeuvop.ua, 77, a distribution of the flesh of a victim amongst the guests, Lat. visceratio. Kpeu.-vop.os, ov, (peas, vffj.ca*) distributing the flesh of victims : as Subst., Kpeavofios, 6, a carver, Lat. dis- pensafor. KPE'AS Dor. Kpfjs, TO ; gen. Kpicas : plur. pt'a : gen KpewvEp. Kpeiwv; dat. Kpeaai Ep. Kpeeatri -.flesh, a piece of meat-, meat. 2. a carcase : a body, person. Kpetj-SoKos, ov, and xpeio-Soicos, ov, (peas, St'xo- [tai) containing flesh. Kpctov, TO, (/cpeas) a meat-tray, dresser. KpeCoucra, fern, of Kpz'uav, q. v. KpurA, (tcpeovpyoi) to cut up meat like a butcher : to butcher. Hence Kpcovp-yTjSov, Adv. like a butcher : in joints or pieces : and Kpcovp-yta, 77, a cutting up like a butcher, butchering. Kp-ovpYos, ov, (fcptas, epyov) cutting up meat : as Subst., npeovpyos, 6, a butcher or a carver : Kpcovp- a day of feasting. , ov, (npeas, (payftv) eating flesh, carni- vorous. + Kptcrcrcov, ov, gen. ovos, Ion. for Kpfiarcrcw. Kpeojv, ovros, Kpdow. Kpcwv, gen. pi. of Kptas. ov, good, agreeable. II. true, real. Dor. Kpd-56p.vov, TO, (itdpa, 6ea>) a sort of bead-dress, like a i/7 or mantilla with lappets. II. metaph. in plur. the battlements which crcwn the walls. III. the lid of a vessel. KpTjfjVat, aor. I inf. of Kpaiaivw, Ep. for Kpaivca. KpTj-rjvov, aor. I imperat. of rtpaiaivca, Ep. for Kpaivca. Kpf|06v, Adv. (ttpS.s)from the head, from above. Kpt)|Jivds, part, of Kprjuvrj^i. KpTjp.vdco and KpTj|xvr]|jLL, = KpffJ.dvvv^ii., to let down from a height, cast down, hang down : Pass, ftpr}- fj.vap.ai, to hang down, be suspended : to float or hover in air. Kp"qp.V7], for Kprj[j.va0i, imperat. of Kprffj.vr)fJii. Kp^jjLvo-pdnjs [a], ov, d, (fcprjiJiVus, Paivcu) haunter of the steeps. KpTjjxvo-iroios, ov, (Kprnjtv6s,iroifa}} talking precipices, using big rugged words, of Aeschylus. KptjjjLvos, o, (/cpcfjuivvviJLi) an overhanging steep, a beetling crag : also the steep bank or edge of a river or trench. KpT]|Av-a>B7]s, fs, (Kprjfwus, ctSos) precipitous, steep. Kpfjvcu, aor. I inf. of tcpa'tva. Kp-qvcuos, a, ov, (Kprjvr)) of or from a spring or fountain ; itprjvaiov vcojp sprifig water. KPH'NH Dor. Kpdva, 77, a well, spring, Lat. fons : in pi. water. II. a source, fountain-head. Hence KpTjVTjOev, Adv. from a well or spring ; and KpY|VT]v86, Adv. to a well or spring. Kpiqvids, aSos, 97, pecul. fem. of icprjvaibs, of or from a well or spring: Dor. Kpaviadts, Nymphs of a spring: so too KpxviSes. cpTjvts, T5os, rj, Dim. of ftp'fjvr). [t] Kp-qvov, aor. I imperat. of Kpaivca. KPHIir.5, ?5os, %, a kind of mans boot : in Theo- critus, KpTjmots poet, for booted men. II. gene- rally, a groundwork, foundation, basement, of a temple or altar : metaph., 77 tyKpareia aperies Kprjiris self- command is the foundation of virtue. 2. the side of a river with a coping to it, a quay, Lat. crepldo ; generally, an edge, [t] Kptjs, Dor. for reptas. Kpr|s, 6, gen. Kprjr6s : pi. Kprjrfs, gen. KpjjTwv : a Cretan : fem. Kp^o-aa. Hence Kprjo-ios, a, ov, Cretan, o) KPI'NIL , Ep. for Ktpdffai, aor. I inf. o TO, a place of refuge or security, retreat, resort. KpT|nf), 77, the island Crete, now Candia. Hence KpT|TT]0v, Adv. from Crete; and , Adv. /o Cr^/e. , Ep. for par^p : dat. pi. Kprjrrjpffi. o), f. aca, (Kprjs) to lie like a Cretan. Kp-rjTiKos, rj, 6v, (KprjTij) Cretan, of the island of Crete: Adv. -/cuts, in Cretan fashion. II. tcprjTiKov (sub. ifjidnov}, TO, a garment of Cretanfashion. III. KprjTiteus (sub. irovs\ o, a metrical foot, e. g. 'AVTI- , f. aw, (itpiOr)) to feed with barley. KpiGtvos, 77, ov, (itpi0r]) made of barley. KptOo-TpaYOS, ov, (KptOrj, Tpa-yfiv) barley-eating. Kpi0a>, aor. I subj. pass, of Kpivo). KpiKE, Ep. for enplite, 3 sing. aor. 2 of Kpifa. KpiKos, 6, = Kipicos, a ring, circle: also an eyelet- hole, a deadeye, in the corner of a sail. Kpt|xa, not Kpijxa, aTOS, r6, (itp'iv) ram-slaying. Kpio-Trpoo-oairos, ov, (Kpios, Trpoacunov) ram-faced. KPI'OCS, o, a ram, Lat. aries. 2. a battering- ram, because it butted like a ram ; generally finished in the shape of a rams head. Kpto-a, 77S, T), Crisa or rissa, a city in Phocis, not far from Delphi : Adj. Kpurcuos, a, ov, Crissaean. Kpio-is [i"l, 60)8,77, (Kpivf) & separating, putting apart: hence a picking out, choosing. 2. a deciding, de- termining; a judgment, sentence. 3. a trial. II. a dispute, quarrel. III. the event, issue, decision. KpiTT|piov, TO, (KpiTrjs) a means for judging or try- ing, a standard, test. 2. a court of judgment, tribunal. KpiTY]s, ov, o, (Kpivca) a discerner, judge, arbiter: at Athens of the judges in the poetic contests. i. Kpirjjs kvvnvicav, an interpreter, expounder of dreams. Hence KpmKos, 77, ov, able to discern and decide, critical. Kptros, 77, ov, verb. Adj. of Kpivca, picked out, cho- sen : choice, excellent. Kpoaivco, Ep. for Kpovca, of a horse, to stamp or strike with the hoof. i, heterocl. ace. sing, of KpuKrj. ], Jf,*z/cp6KT) ii : in pi. the sea-shore, beach, strand, [a] KpoKeos, ov, (Kpoaos) saffron-coloured. 5, at, heterocl. nom. pi. of KpoKij. ], T), with heterocl. ace. KpoKa and nom. pi. s, as if from a nom. Kpu : (KpticcS) : the woof or weft, Lat. subtemen, opp. to arr]p.ojv the warp : generally, a thread : in pi. wool. II. a rounded stone or pebble. KpOKT|ios, 77, ov, poet, for KpuKfOs, saffron-coloured. KpOKO-jSaiTTOS, ov, (KpuKos, jSaTTTcu) saffron-dyed. KpOKO-j3a$T|S, es, (KP/JKOS, fiafprjvai) crocus-dyed, of crocus-hue, i. e. purple, red, not yelloiu (see /cpo/cos). KpoicoSeiXos, o, a lizard. II. name given by the lonians to the crocodile or alligator of the Nile : in full, 6 KpoK68fi\os 6 irordfuos, called by the na- tives \d/j,if/a. Kpoxoeis, ecrcra, (v, (KpuKos) saffron-coloured. II. as Subst., KpoKotis (sub. 7reVAos) o, a robe of saffron. KpOKO-TnEirXos, ov, (KpoKOS, TreTrAos) saffron-robed. KPO'KOS, ov, 6, the purple crocus. II. saffron (which is made from its stamens). Kpoicvs [y], vSos, 77, (KpcKij) the flock, nap, pile of cloth: generally, apiece or flock of wool. icpOKcoTiSiov, TO, Dim. of xpoKojTos, a short, saf- fron robe. icpOKtoTos, 77, 6v, (KPOKOCO) saffron-dyed or co- loured. II. as Subst., KpoK&Tos (sub. TreTrAos), 6, a saffron-coloured robe for state occasions, as for the festivals of Bacchus. KpOKo>TOopeco, f. 770-0;, to wear a saffron robe. From KpOK&>TO-<|>6pos, ov, (fcpoKOJTos, ^epcu) wearing a saffron robe. Kpop.jxi;-o|v-peY|Aia,, 77, (Kpo^^vov, oos, epevy/io's) a belch of onions and vinegar. KPO'MT'ON or Kpojxpvov, TO, an onion. KpoviBijs, ov, 6, patronym. from Epuvos, son of Cro- nos or Saturn, i. e. Zeus : *cf. Kpovicuv, Kpovos. [i] KpoviKos, 77, ov, (Kpovos) old-fashioned, antiquated, out of date, cf. sq. Kpcvios, a, ov, (Kpitvos) of Cronos or Saturn; ra Kpuvia (sub. tepa), Ta, his festival celebrated at Athens on the twelfth of the month Hecatombaeon ; Kpovicav ofciv to smell of old times, to smack of anti- quity. Kpov-nnros, o, (Kpuvos, tWos) an old fool, old dotard. I Kpovuov, o, gen. iovos [t], but also Kpovicavos, patro- j nym. from Kpuvos, son of Cronos or Saturn, Zeus. Kpovos, 6, Cronos, Lat. Saturnus, son of Uranos and Gaia, husband of Rhea, father of Zeus : his time was the golden age. II. a name given at Athens to a superannuated dotard. KPO'22AI, oV, at, battlements on walls. 2. the courses or steps in which the Pyramids rose from bottom to top. KpoTdXi(0, f. iaoj, (KporaXov) to rattle castanets : generally, to make to rattle. icporaXov, TO, (tfpoTeoj) a rattle, castanet. II. metaph. a rattling, chattering fellow. KpoTaos, o, (/fpOTe'ai) the side of the forehead : in pi. the temples, Lat. tempora : also the sides of the face. 2. metaph. the brow of a mountain. KpOTo>, fut. 770-0; : (/cpoTos) : to make to rattle or clash. II. to knock, beat, strike : of a smith, to hammer or weld together, forge: Pass, to be worked with the hammer, welded, forged ; cvOvs TO Trpdy/jia KpoTfiffOca, let the matter be struck at once, i. e. 'strike while the iron is hot.' 2. to strike together, clap the hands,, in token of applause : absol. to clap, to applaud. III. intr. in Act. to rattle, make a clatter. Hence Kponrjo-p-os, o, a striking, beating. KpOTTjTos, 77, ov, verb. Adj. of KpOTeca, stricken, smitten, sounding with blows. 2. rattled or whirled rattling along. 3. played with the plectrum. Kporos, ov, 6, (icpovca) the sound of striking; Kporos %eipwv a clapping of hands : generally, a loud rat- tling or noise. Kporwv, wvos, o, a tick, Lat. ricinus. II. the KTtCLVOV. 395 palma Cbristi or ricinus, which bears the castor-oil berry. Kpovp.a, aTOS, TO, (Kpovcti) a beat, stroke. 2. a sound produced by striking a string, a note. Kpoijvicr(xa, ctTos, TO, a gushing or stream. From KPOTNO'2, ov, 6, a spring, well-head: in pi. streams: metaph. a torrent of words. Hence Kpovvo-xuTpo-\T|paios, o, (Kpovvts, x vT P a > a pourer forth of weak, washy twaddle. Kpovo-u-5T]p,(D, f. 770-0;, (Kpovca, oijuos) to play upon*, covert. Adv. -QJS. the people, impose upon them. Kpot>a, Adv. (fcpvirroj') secretly from, without the knowledge of, like KpvftSa, c. gen. [C] KptiTJ Dor. -<|>a, Adv. (Kpvirrca) secretly, in secret. KpC07], Ep. 3 sing, aor. I pass, of /tpvirrta. Kpvios, a, ov, also os, ov, (tcpvnTw) secret, bidden, clandestine. [C] Kpt56s, 6, (KPVJTTOJ) concealment, obscurity. Kpvco, late form of ttpvirrca. Kpt)\j/ai, aof. I inf. of Kpii-moj. Kpvvj/i-^tTCi>iros, ov, (KpviTTQj, ^rctiitov} biding the 2. to strike Kpwj/t-voos, ov, contr. -vavs, ovv : (/ipvirroa, j/oos): any instru- ^ hiding one's thoughts, reserved, dissembling. Kpvvj/is, o>s, 77, (KpviTT(a) a hiding, concealment: the art or means of concealing. KPnBY'AO2, o, a roll of hair gathered to a knot icpv/BSa, Adv. (Kpvirroj) without the knowledge of; on the crown of the head. II. the crest on a hel Kpvfida At os, Lat. clam Jove. Kpvj38ir]v Dor. -8av, Adv. (KpvitT8if]S, fs, (Kpvfj.6s, cfSos) icy-cold: frozen, icy. Kpvocis, crara, ev, = Kpvtpos, icy-cold, chilling. KPT'02, TO, icy cold, chill, frost: metaph. an in- ward chill, shudder, horror. tcpinrrdSios, a, ov, also os, ov : (tcpvnrdS) : secret, bidden, clandestine. Kpvirrd) a created thing, creature. KTicraa, Ep. aor. I of KTIQJ. KTumrjs, ov, o, (/fTt^ity) a founder, establiiher. KTMTTUS, vos, 77, Ion. for Kriais. KTlCTTtOp, OpOS, 6, = KTlffTrjS. KTLTTJS [r] ov, 6, (tcrifa) afoundcr, colonist: gene- rally, an inhabitant. KTtmeco, f. 770-0;: aor. I ffcrvurjaa poet. Krvwrjaa: aor. 2 ZKTVTTOV Ep. KTVTTOV : (KTVTTOS) : I. intr. to cras, as trees falling : to ring, resound, echo. II. trans, to make to resound: Pass to ring, resound. Hence KTtnrrjjjia, OTOS, TO, a sound, a crashing: a clapping of the hands, [u] KTUTTOS, ov, o, (TVTTTCU) any loud noise, the crash of thunder, rattling of chariots, clash of arms. [C] Kvddos, o, (KM) a cup for drawing wine out of the Kparrjp or bowl. II. an Attic measure holding two ic6yx ai , about -^ of a pint. III. a cupping- glass. , 77, 6v, (Kvap.ei>(a) chosen by beans, i. e. by lot. f. oca, (tfta/ios) to choose by beans or lot. , a, ov, (Kvapos) of the size of a bean. KT'A'MOS, o, a bean. ' II. the lot by which public officers were elected at Athens; o rcvdfj.a> Ka-^wv an officer chosen by lot,=K\r)paJTu3. Ktop,o-Tpo>, 01705, o, (Kvafios, Tpuyoj) bean-eater. KtJdp.o-dYLa, f), (Kvaftos, (paytiv) eating of beans, a bean-diet. Kvav-aiY^s, i8os, fj, (Kvavos, alyis) with dark Aegis. KTaT6tpa, 77, fern, of KredTrjp, she that puts one in possession of. [a] KTearrjp, 7?pos, o, (KTO.OPML) a possessor. KTart, f. iffca, to comb : to curry horses : Med., KrevifeaOai Kufj.as to comb one's hair. KTCVtov, TO, Dim. of KTCIS, a small comb. KTVidpos, ov, (Kvavos, @\f(papov} dark-eyed. Ktidvo-6i8Tjs, es, (KVOVOS, ddos) dark blue, deep blue. Kikiv6-0pi, rpi\os, o, 77, (KVO.VOS, Opi) dark-haired. Kvdvo-irc^a, 77, (KVO.VOS, TT^O) with feet of cy anus. Kvdvo-ireirXos, ov, (icvavos, TreTrAos) dark-veiled. [KV-, metri grat.] Kvdvo-Trpcopeios and icvfivo-TTptopos, ov, (Kvavos, irpcopa) with dark blue prow, dark-prowed. Kvdvo-inrepos, ov, (/evavos, trrepov) with dark blue or black feathers, dark-winged. KT'A*NO2, ov,6,cyanos,a dark blue substance, used in the Heroic age to adorn works in metal, perhaps blue steel. II. the blue corn-flower. Kiidvo-o-ToXos, ov, (ffvavos, aroXr}} dark-robed. Kvdv-64>pvs. v, gen.vos,(tcvavos, 67n]S, ov, 6, (tevavos, w$) dark-eyed: fem. , Adv. (KVITTOJ] withtheheadforwards, stooping. Kvj36ia, 17, (Kv&evoj) dice-playing, dicing, gambling: hence sleight, trickery, deceit. KtipeXi), 77, Cybele, a Phrygian goddess, worshipped throughout Asia Minor, also at Greece, and later at Rome, under the name of the Idaean Mother. KTTBEPNA'H, fat. rjao), Lat. guberno, to steer : metaph. to hold the helm of the state, guide, govern. Hence KvppvT], f. rfffca, (revTTTaJ) to throw oneself head- foremost, tumble headlong : to plunge headlong into water, dive : to tumble, turn heels over head, turn a summerset, of mountebanks. Hence Kt/3um]|jia, arcs, TO, a summerset. 397 KtPTTT]Tf|p, ripoSj o, (tcvfiiffrdca) a jumper headfore- most, a diver: a mountebank, tumbler. KT'BO2,6,Lat.ctt6ws,a solid square, a cube. II. a cubical die, marked on all six sides for the game of dice : the Greeks threw three dice ; rpls e @a\fiv to throw three sixes, i. e. to throw the highest throw, have complete success ; Kpiveiv n tv Kvfiois to decide a thing by the dice, i. e. by chances. Kv8d|o>, no fut. in use, (icvSos), to revile, abuse : dark,* Pass, to be mocked, insulted. (t>8do; is used in bad, KvoaivQ} in good sense.) KvSaivco, f. ava>: aor. I (KvSdva Ep. KvSijva: (S5os): to honour, do honour to, glorify, praise : also of the outward appearance, to beautify, adorn : to glad- den by marks of honour. II. seldom in bad sense, to flatter. See Kvfidfa. KuSdXip.os, ov, (tfi)5os) glorious, renowned, famous; Kvod\ifiov Krjp noble heart. KuSdvco [a], = KvSaivca, to honour, hold in ho- nour. II. intr. = *vStd, to swell like a quince. From KtiBwvios, a, ov, (Kv5afl>) Cydonian, i. e. Cretan ; fj.rj\ov K.v8u>viov the quince. II. metaph. swell- ing like a quince, round and plump. KVOJ, older form for KVOJ, impf. i/cvow: fut. Kvrja ffrjfjia round about the monument ; and c. gen., KVK\O> TOV crpa- ToireSov. II. any circular body : as, l . a wheel. 2. a place of assembly : also like Lat. co- rona, a crowd of people standing round, a ring or circle of people. 3. the vault of the sky : the moon's disk. 4. the circle or walls surrounding a city, e?p. of Athens. 5. a shield. 6. in pi. the balls of the eye. III. any circular motion, or- bit or revolution. Kv:rX6(re, -Adv. (KVK\OS) in or into a circle, around. KtixXo-o opeco, f. rfffoj, (KVKXOS, o"o/3eco) to drive .. , . r I round in a circle, whirl round. ): a mixture, a mixed drink, refresh- \ KVKXo-repTjs, fs, (KVK\OS, Teipai) made round by ing draught, tankard, compounded of barley-meal, j rubbing or turning, circular ; KVK\OTepls TOOV eret- grated cheese and wine. KVKT)0Ti<7av, 3 pi. aor. I pass, of Kvfcdoj. he bent the bow into a circle. KuicX : 6aj, f. uau, (/cv/cA.os) to encircle, surround ; but in this sense mostly in Med. and round, whirl round. II. to drive rottnd III. to form into a circle: Pass, to form, a circle, be bent round; also of a fleet wheeling into a crescent shape. KvicXco|jLa, arcs, TO, (KVK\OO}) anything made into a circle, as a wheel. i. fivoaorovov KVK\Q>JM a circle with hide stretched over it, i. e. a drum. KvicXtoimos, a, ov, (Ku/fAo^) Cyclopean, of or be- fitting the Cyclopes, commonly used -of the ancient architecture attributed to them (also called 7, ov, of or like the Cy claps. Adv. -K&S. KvicXaJiriov, TO, Dim. of KvK\oxf/. KvicXwmos, a, ov, = Kvic\wireios: pecul. fern. K.VK- XWITLS, t5os. KvKT]0pov, TO, (KVKau) a ladle for stirring: metaph. a turbulent fellow, agitator, [y] id5icir]ai-T<|>pos, ov, (tcvKcua, Tfos, ov, (KVICVOS, fwprj) swan-shaped. KT'KNO^, o, a swan, Lat. cycnus. II. me- taph. from the swan's dying song, a poet. Kwv-ovjris, feus, 6, 17, (KVKVOS, oif/is) like a swan. KT'AA, cuv, TO., the parts under the eyes. KvXivSco), f. 7700;, late form of KV\ivSo>. Hence KvXtv8r,0pa, f}, = dXivSrjOpa : and (cvXCvStjo-LS, f(us, -ff, a rolling, wallowing. 2. ex- ercise, practice. KT'AI'NAH : fut. KVX'HTQJ [f] : aor. I IrtvXiaa., inf. aor. I pass. tcv\ioOr)v : older form of KV- KrAlH a ship at sea : to roll or wallow in the dirt. 2. to be circulated, be much talked of, like Lat.jactari. 3. to be employed on a thing, like Lat. versari. KT'AIS [vj, IKOS, fj, a cup, drinking-cup. KuXicr0T], 3 sing. Ep. aor. I pass, of KvXioj. KvXicr|Aa, aTos, TO, (Kv\iv5oj) a roll: also a place to roll in. [v] ], fj, (KV\I) a small cup. Hence /, TO, a little cup or box. [t], late form for KvXivSoj. KvXXao-ris Ion. KtiXX-rjoms, tos, 6, Egyptian bread made from bXvpa. KvXXiq, fj, see ArvAA.cs. KvXXTjvij, f), Cyllene, a mountain in Arcadia : whence Hermes was called KvXXt|vtos, o. KvXXo-iroSCwv [i], ovos, 6, (/cvAAos, TTOVS) maimed of foot, halting, Ep. name of Vulcan. KvXXos, rj, 6v, crooked, crippled, halt. 2. KvXX?i X f/l p is the hand with the fingers bent to make a hol- low for alms; c'/x/3aAe /cvAAp (sub. X et pO P u ^ ^ m * the hollow of the hand. KvX-oi8id\i.a,TO-ayi\s, ts, (Kvpa, dyvvpi) breaking like waves, stormy. KtJfxdTocis, fffffa, cv, poet, for KVfMTias. Kx)fJidTO-irXT|, ^70$, o, fj, (Kvp.a, TrXrjoaoj) wave- beaten. KiJfidTOb), f. ouaoj, (KVfj.a) to drive the waves over: Pass, to rise in waves, to swell, of the sea. K\nt.ar-(ay{], f), (Kv/J.a, dyvvfju) a place where the waves break, beach, strand. KV|AJ3d\ico, f. iaoj, (Kvfj(3a\ov) to play the cymbals. K\jp.pdXov, TO, (KVH&OS) a cymbal, Lat. cymbalum. Ktfi|3axos, ov, (KVTTTOJ) head-foremost, Lat. pro- nus. II. Kvp.fta\os, 6, as Subst. the crown or top of a helmet, in which the plume is placed. KT MBH, d, a hollow vessel : i.a drinking vessel, cup, bowl. II. a boat, Lat. cymba. Hence Kvp,|3iov, TO, Dim. a small cup. Kvp,iv8is, Ion. name of the bird \a\Kis, the night- hawk ; x a ^ K ' l ^ a KtKXfjaKovai 0eot, dvSpes Sc KV- Kt)p,ivva), f. oca, (KVIJH.VOV) to strew with cummin. KT'M1~NON, TO, cummin, Lat. cumlnum. Kt5|Aivo-irpt (, K vojv, dyxf* ai } cynanche, a bad kind of sore throat. II. a dog-collar. KTJV-cfytiryos, 6, (KVCDV, dyca} a dog-leader, huntsman. Kvv-aXujir)(|, CKOS, $, (KVOJV, aXanrT^) a fox-dog, mongrel between dog and fox: applied as a nickname to Cleon. Ktivd-jAvia, 17, (KVQJV, ftvia) dog-fly, shameless fly. KtJvdpiov, TO, Dim. of KVOJV, a little dog, whelp, puppy, [a] KVVO.S, ados, fem. Adj. of a dog, Lat. caninus. II. as Subst., KVVCLS (sub. 6pi),ri, dog's hair, of a bad fleece. Ktfvdco, f. rjao}, (tcvow) to play the Cynic. Kvve-r), Att. contr. Kw-q, (properly fem. of Kvveos, sub. 5opd), 17, a dog^s skin, a leather cap or bonnet, a soldiers cap : a helmet of any kind : a bonnet. Kvvci, Ep. for etcvvfi, 3 sing. impf. of KWfca. Kvvetos, a, ov, also os, ov, (KVOJV) of a dog. KVVCOS, a, ov, (KVOJV) of or like a dog: metaph. shameless, unabashed. KvvS, nom. pi. of KVOJV. KT w NE'fl : fut. Kvvrjffofjiai, but also Kvaca [y], poet. Kvoffoj : aor. I eitvaa Ep. Kvoa, ftcvooa, Ktaaa : to kiss : of doves, to bill. 2. to intreat, beseech. K$5vt], fj, Att. contr. for Kvvfij. Kvvr]Ycriov, TO, a hunting establishment, huntsman and hounds, a pack of bounds. II. the hunt, chase: a hunting-ground. III. that which is taken in bunting, the game. From KvvT]-yTQ), f. -fjooj, to hunt : to chase, pursue. 2. to persecute, harass. From Kt5v-TjYTr)s, ov, o, Dor. Kvva-yfras, (KVOJV, rftfOfMi): a hunter, huntsman. Hence , rj, ov, of or/or hunting. i5os, 17, fem. of KvvTjftTijs, a huntress. , -fj, a hunt, chase. From Kinnrj-yos, v. sub Kvvayos. Kx5vi]86v, Adv. (KVCW) like a 'dog, greedily. KWiqiroSes, ol, (KVOJVVI, irovs) the fetlocks of a horse. KvvOos, o, Cynthus, a mountain in Deles, birthplace of Apollo and Artemis ; whence Apollo is called Kvv- 6105, Cynthian, and Kw0o-Yvrjs, Cynthos-born. KtiviStov, T6, Dim. of KVOJV, a little dog. KVVIKOS, T], uv, (KVOJV) of or like -a dog, Lat. caninus. KvvitTKT], f), (KVOJV) a bitch-puppy. KVVICTKOS, o, (KVOJV) a young dog, whelp, puppy : metaph. a little Cynic. Kvvo-8pojico, f. 170*0;, (KVOJV, Spap(Tv) to run down, chase with dogs : metaph. to hunt after. Kvvo-0apcrf|S or -Opacnqs, e's, (KVOJV, Oappeoj) impu- dent as a dog. 400 Kvvo-Ka\os, ov, (KVOJV, Kf, f. 770*0;, (KVOJV, KOITTOJ) to beat like a dog. Kuvofxma, = Kvva.fj.via. Kvvo-irp6ptov, ov, gen. ovos, (KVOJV, , f. dffca, (akin to Kvpiffacu) to butt with the horns : generally, to strike. Hence Kt5p7]j3aoaa, 77, a butting : fighting. KTTH'BIA, ojv, ra, chaff, busks, bran. KvpTjvatos, a, ov, rf Cyrene. From KvpT|vrj, 77, Cyrene, the name of a Greek colony in Africa, famous for its breed of horses. Kvpia, 77, the mistress, lady. Kvpiaicos, 77, 6v, (Kvpios) of, belonging to a lord or master; esp. belonging to the LORD (CHRIST): hence 77 Kvptaia] (sub. T^/xtpa), the Lord's day, dies dominica : TO KvpiaKov, the Lord's bouse, whence our kyrk, church. Kvpicvco, f. ffoj, to be lord or master of. From Kvpios, a, ov, also os, ov, (Kvpos) : I. of men, having power or authority over, lord or master of, c. gen. : Kvpios el/At c. inf., I have the right or am en- titled to do. II. of things, decisive, valid : cri- tical. 2. authorised, ratified. 3. of times, fixed, appointed, regular : at Athens, Kvpia tKKXrjaia an ordinary assembly, opp. to ffvjK\rjros \KK\rjaia (one specially summoned.) 4. principal, chief. 5. esp. of language, strict, literal. III. as Subst., Kvpios, 6, a lord, master: an owner, possessor : 2. o Kvpios = H.ebr. JEHOVAH, THE LORD: inN.T. of CHRIST. Hence KvpioTtjs, 77TOS, 77, power, rule, dominion. Ktipioxrco Att. -TTW, fut. IQJ, (Kopvs) to butt with the horns : also to strike or dash against, of floating bodies. Kvpioos, Adv. of Kvptos, like a lord or master, au- thoritatively. 2. rightfully , fitly . KVpicavcico, rare form for fcvtcavaca. KVp|i.a, arcs, TO, (Kvpca) thai which one lights upon, a godsend, booty, prey, spoil. KT"PO5, fos, TO", supreme power, authority. II. validity, security. III. as pr. n. Kvpos, o, Cyrus, the founder of the Persian empire. Hence tcvpoco, f. ouaca : aor. I eKvpcaaa : Pass., aor. I tuv- pwOr)v : pf. KCKvpca/^ai : to make valid or sure, LaL ratum facer e : to se'tle, accomplish : to confirm, ra- tify: Pass, to he ratified, fixed, settled; c. inf., ZKCKV- POJTO -aYcY s > "> (Kvos, 17, ov, (Ketcv(pa, pf. of KVTTTQ}) bent or bowed forwards, stooping. Hence Kv4>wv, cavos, 6, a crooked piece of wood, esp. the bent yoke of the plough. II. a sort of pillory in which animals were fastened by the neck. 2. one who has been in the pillory, Lzt.furcifer. KVi}/\T], 77, (icv-trr]} any hollow vessel : a chest, box, bin (whence Cypselus was called). Kuvl/eXtScu, of, the descendants of Cypselus. KT'H, to hold, contain : i c. ace., like /a/ecu, to carry in the womb, Lat. gestare. 2. absol. to be big with young, be pregnant, conceive: metaph. to be 401 in labour with a thought. II. Causal in aor. I act. cKvaa, of the male, to impregnate, make to con- ceive : but in aor. I med. (Kvcrap,T]v, to conceive. KT'XIN, o and 17, gen. KWOS, dat. KVVI, ace. Kvva, voc. KVOV : plur. nom. KVVCS, gen. KVVOJV, dat. Kvai Ep. Kvvcaat, ace. KVVO.S : a dog or bitch ; KVVCS Tpa- nc^fjcs house-flfog-s, that fed while their master was at table ; KVVCS OrjpcvTai hounds, of which the Laconian breed was famous, and later the Molossian. II. a dog, bitch, as a word of reproach, to denote shame- lessness or audacity. III. this term is often ap- plied to \\\Q faithful or watchful servants of the gods ; so the eagle is Atos ITTTJVOS KVOJV ; the griffins also are Zrjvbs KVVCS. IV. a sea-dog. V. the dog- star. VI. the fetlock-joint of a horse. KCO, Ion. for ircu. was, later contr. KWS, TO : irreg. pi. nom. and ace. dat. Kojcai : (cf/zcu) : a soft fleece, sheepskin. KwSdpiov, TO, Dim. of KwSiov. [a] KcbSeia, 77, the bead : the head of a poppy. KwStov, TO, Dim. of Kutas, a fleece, sheepskin. K-Q'AflN, OJVQS, 6 Att. 77, a bell : in fortified towns a bell was passed round at night from sentinel to sen- tinel to secure their being at their post ; TOV KuSojvos irapcvcxQ* vros as the bell went its rounds. 2. an alarm-bell: metaph. a noisy rattling fellow . II. the mouth of a trumpet : also the trumpet itself. Hence KoScovia>, f. iffa Att. iG), to try or prove by ringing. KcoScovo-KpoTOs, ov, (KuSoJV, KpOTtoj) ringing or jingling as with bells. Kb>Sb>vo-aXap6-ir(oXos, ov, (KwSS(ovo-({)Op(i>, f. 770-0;, (KwSojv, viov, TO, Dim. of KuOcav. KonXos, a, ov, Aeol. for KOI\OS. KaJ'ios, a, ov, contr. Kwos, q. v. KcoKaJfxa, aTos, TO, (KOJKVOJ) a shriek, wail, lament. KtoKvros, 6, (KOJKVOJ) a shrieking, wailing. II. as pr. n., KOJKVTVS, 6, Cocytus, the river of wailing, one of the rivers of hell. KflKT'Il, f. vaoj [0] or vaopai : aor. I CKUKVOO. Ep. KWKvaa : to shriek, cry, wail, lament. KwX-aYpeTrjs or -aKptTijs, ov, 6, (so called CK TOV dycipeiv TO.S cuXas) : the collector of the fragments at a sacrifice, name of an ancient magistracy at Athens, originally entrusted with the charge of the finances : afterwards they only had to see after the public table in the Prytaneium, and the payment of the dicasts. KcoXdpiov, TO, Dim, of KOJ\OV. KtoXtj, 77, contr. from KOJ\CCL or /ccwXea, (tt>XoJ/), the thigh-bone with the flesh, hind-quarter, bam. 462 /, T/TTOS, f), (tewXov, KcaXf]} the "hollow or bend of the knees. KcoXids (sub. d'tfpa), d5os, 77, 'Colias, a promontory of Attica, with a temple of Venus there. KfTAON, TO", a /zra&, member of a body. II. generally, a member or /w/ of anything. I. of a building, the side or front. 2. one limb or half of the race-course. 3. a member or clause of a sen- tence. KwXiJfxa, arcs, TO, (tfaAvcu) a hindrance, obstruction, Lat. impedimentum. II. fl defence or precaution against a thing. KO>Xti[AT], 7), = KojXvfia, [y] KwXtio-i-Bpojtos, 77, oi', (KcaXvca, Spoyuos) checking the course. KtoXvTeov, verb. Adj. of tecaXvoj, one must hinder. KO)Xvrif|S, ov, 6, (ct;A.va;) a hinderer. KwXvnicos, 77, 6v, (fcuXvca) hindering, preventive. KGoXvco [v] : f. vtroa [y] : aor. I tfcojXvaa : Pass., fut. KO}\vOrj(ro/j.ai, but also f. med. ttcaXtxrofMi in pass, sense : aor. I kucaXvOrjv : pf. KKajXvfjiai : (tfoAos) : akin to /eoXovca, to cut short : hence to let, hin- der : i.e. inf. to hinder one from doing, forbid to do. 2. c. gen. rei, to let or hinder one from a thing. 3. c. ace. rei, to hinder, prevent a thing. 4. absol., esp. in part., 6 KQjXvffov one to hinder, a pre- venter ; TO KcaXvov a hindrance ; also ov rtcuXvei there is no hindrance. II. Pass, to be hindered. Kwp,a, OTOS, TO, (/ce?/z{, KoifJidca) a deep, sound sleep, Lat. sopor. 2. a lethargy, a trance. Ko>p.da> : fut. aaw or aooyuai : aor. I (tcwfj-aaa : pf. : Dor. pres. Kcop,acrSa>, f. atopai, aor. I : (/ccD/ios) : to go about with a company of revellers, revel, make merry. 2. to celebrate a Kwp.os or merrymaking, in honour of the victor at the games, to join in these festivities : to honour or cele- brate in or with the tcwpos. 2. generally, to visit or break in upon in the manner of revellers : to burst in, force a way in. Kcoji-apx^s, ov, 6, (Kw/jir), dp^a;) the head of a village. Kcop.dcrS&>, Dor. for teoj^a^oj. Ka>p,aiJ.r), TTOA.JS) a village-town, a town built in a straggling way. , ov,o,(Kwu.rj) a revel, carottsal, merrymaking, Lat. comessatio, with music and dancing : it ended in the party parading the streets with crowned heads, and with torches, singing and dancing : there were also KWJJLOI, festal processions, in honour of several gods, as Bacchus, and also in honour of the victors at the games. II. the band of revellers ; metaph. any riotous band or company. III. the Ode sung at one of these festive processions. KCdjjuoScto, f. T^crcy, (#cy/wt;8os) to represent in a come- dy : to ridicule, caricature : Pass, to be so satirised. K(>>p,a>8Ca, 77, (fcoj/MuSfo}) a comedy : a mirthful spec- tacle or exhibition. There were three periods of Attic Comedy, the Old, the Middle, and the New. Hence KcojjuoSiKos, T;, ov, of or for comedy, comic. Kcap.u>S6--y6X|xa>o-'Ypdos, 6, (/ujua;8os, ypdcfxo) a comic writer. Ka>u.cpSo8t8acrKaXia, T) ; the rehearsing a comedy with the actors : generally, the comic poet's art. From K(i>p.o>So-5i8dcrKfiXos, o, (KwftcaSus, SidaffnaXos) a comic poet, because he had the charge of teaching and training the actors, chorus, etc. Ko>p,cpDc-Xoixw, f. 77|ji-a>66s, o, (fcwftr), dotSos) a comedian : I. a comic actor. 2. a comic poet. Ko>|xa>8o-Tp&ya>SCa, r), (cu/ia>5os, rpay^oia) a tragi- comedy. KH'NEION, r6, hemlock, Lat. cicuta. -2. hem- lock juice, a poison by which criminals were put to death at Athens. KCOVLOV, TO, Dim. of KWVOS, a small cone. KtovtTT]S [I], ov, 6, fem. -ins, t8os, extracted from pine-cones. KfTNOS, ov, o, a pine-cone, fir-cone : as fem. a pine or fir tree. 2. the cone or peak of a helmet. Kcovo-(f>6pos. ov, (KCJVOS, 0epcu) cone-bearing, as pines, etc. : also of the thyrsus, which had a pine-cone on the point. Kcovooimov, TO, = KoorcoTrediv, Lat. conopium. KWVWTTCUV, Givos, 6, (Kajvaxp) an Egyptian bed or litter with mosquito-curtains. K!VNn, QJTTOS, o, a gnat, Lat. culex. Kwos, a, ov, of, from the island Cos, Coan. II. o Kaios, often written KUOS (sub. /SoXos), the highest throw with the dice, taunting six, opp. to X?os, which counted one : hence the proverb, Kcpas Trpos Xtov. Kwirevs, e'cws, o, (/fUTTTj) a piece of woodfit for an oar, a spar for an oar. Kameiico, f. oca, (ftuirrj) to propel with oars. 2. to fit out with oars. KtoTTT], 7), (from Kairrca, caplo, as Xa&rj from Xap.- fiavoj) any handle, as the handle of an oar : then, the oar itself. 2. the handle or baft of a sword, the hilt, Lai. mamibrhun. 3. the handle of a key. the handle or haft of a torch. Hence KayiTT|is, fffffa, fv, hilled. KG)TnrjXaTi>, f. 770-0;, to row : to move like an oar, move backwards and forwards. From Ktoir-TjXaTirjs, of, 6, (Kwirrj, f\avvoj) a rower, Lat. remex. K(OTT-T|pT]S, es, (fcdrrnj, dpaptiv) furnished with oars. II. holding the oar. Kwmov, TO, Dim. of icunrr), a small oar. * Kupa, Dor. for Kovprj, tcopr). Ktjptov, Dor. for fcovpiov, tcupiov. Kupos, Kwpos, Dor. for Kovpos, Kovprj. KJVPT'KOS, o, a leathern sack or wallet with pro- visions : also a large stujfed sack or bag for tilting at, like the quintain. Ko>pvKos, 6, Corycus, a promontory of Cilicia, with a famous cavern ; there was another at Delphi. Kws Ep. Kocos, 57, g en - Kw, the island Cos, in the Aegaean sea, opposite Caria. KU>S, Ion. for mt>s: but enclit. KU>S, Ion. for irws. KomXXoio-ai, Dor. part. pi. fern, of AromAAcw. KmTAAfl, to prate, chatter, Lat. garrire : to wheedle, coax. II. trans, to chatter to, talk over. Hence icamXos, 77, ov, chaffering, prattling : of a swallow, twittering. II. coaxing, wheedling. [?] KOXJMUO, f. aaca, (tcajcpos) to make deaf or dumb. II. to dull, blunt. Kox}>6s, 17, ov, (KOITTCO) blunt, opp. to ovs. II. of the senses, 1. dumb, Lat. mutus ; tccaipov fcvfta. a noiseless wave, before it breaks; of men, dumb, mute, speechless; also insensate, unmeaning. 2. also dull of hearing, deaf, Lat. surdus. 3. dull of mind, stupid, obtuse. Kcpx^ro, by crasis for KOI oj)(fro, impf. of oi^ofjtai. KWVJ/OV, by crasis for xal fyov. A, X, Xdp-J35a or XdJ38a. TO, indecl., eleventh letter of the Greek alphabet : as a numeral A' = 30, but y A = 30,000. The Lacedaemonians bore A upon their shields, as the Sicyonians 2, the Messenians M. Changes of A : 1. Dor. into v, as r/v6ov (piv- raros for r}A0oi/ (pi\Ta.Tos : whereas the Att. prefers A, as, \irpov tr\(vfj,ow for virpov irvev^cav. II. Ion., A beginning a word is dropped, as fifiu for \fi@oj, atyrjpus for Aat^pJs. III. Ep. poets use AA for A, esp. after the augment, as cAAa/Qe for e'Aae ; and in compds., where the latter part begins with A, as in rpi\\i(TTOS. IV. Att., A is sometimes changed into p, as Kpi&avos for K\i$avos, vavfcpapos for vavfc\rjpos. V. Aeol , 8 is sometimes changed into A. as Lat. lacryma corresponded to odtcpvov, olere KOOTrrJet? Aayao?. 4- 403 to ofciv, 68-cu8eVat. VI. in some words 7 and A are interchanged, as in jafys and /wAts. VII. v before A becomes A, as in truAAa/^Sapcu na\i\\oyos \\firrca. AA~, insep. Prefix with intensive force (like Aat-, At-, 8a-, C a -).'e. g. in Aa-/iaxos very warlike, Aa-ar- dparos much accursed. AA"A2, 6, gen. Aaos, dat. Aai', ace. Aaai' : plur., gen. Aaav, dat. \deai Ep. Adeo- oovvai to give one a grip or hold, me- taph., to give one a handle, something to lay hold of, Lat. ansam praebere. II. ^e ac^ of grasping, a taking, acceptance. TJV, Dor. for \a0ftv, aor. 2 inf. of Xa^dvca. , Ep. 3 sing. aor. 2 subj. of Xap.&a.vca. Xapoios) a sea-wolf. Dep. (Aa)3pos) to talk boldly, brag, vaunt. Xa-Pp 0-17681] s, ov, o, (Ad^pos, Trots) rapid of foot, impetuous. Xa,ppoiroTa>, f. 170-0;, to drink hard. From XajSpo-iroTTjs, ou, 6, (Aa/Spos, IT'IVO)) a hard drinker. AA'BPO2, ov, furious, boisterous, bluster ing, vehe- ment. 2. of persons, boisterous, furious, turbulent: aho gluttonous, greedy. Xaj3pooTO|Ai), (Aa/3poo"To/ios) to talk boldly. Hence Xappocrro[xa, 17, bold, rash talking. Xapp6-8T]S, es, (\al3vpiv0os, f?5os) like a laby- rinth, intricate. Xaf3co, Xa|3u)v, aor. 2 subj. and part, of \ap.&av, AcwTt'fc;) = Adf , with the heel. Xdyctos, ov, also a, ov, (Aa^yos, Aa^ws) of or from a hare. 404 Xa-YT]S, ov, Dor. Xayerryy ;, a, o, (Aacs, fjyeo^aC) AATHNO5, o, a flagon, Lat. lagena. XaYivos, 77, ov, (Xayws~) of or from a hare. X&yiov, TO, Dim. of Xayus, a leveret. XaYvcCa, lewdness, lust, desire. From AATNO2, ov, lewd, lustful. ^ XaYO-8, ^ "n ffQ} i f kill hares. From A ATO'2, ov, 6, collat. form of Act7o>s, a hare. X(ryvvos, o, also r), = Xdyrjvos. [Later also v.] AAFXA'Nn : fut. Xrjgo/jiai Ion. Aao/icu : aor. 2 \axov Ep. \\&xov : pf. ciAr^a poet, XeXoyxa ' Pass., aor. i \r)x^ T ] v ' P^ Xi77/M : to obtain by lot or fate : generally, to obtain, get possession of: c. ace. cognato, irdXov \axeiv to have a post assigned one by lot. 1. to have assigned to one, to have for one's share; esp. of the gods, KT)O Adx* yeivoftvov Fate had him given over to her at his birth : hence to protect as the tutelary deity of a place : also of men, to obtain for one's share: later, to obtain by in- heritance, succeed to. 3. absol. to draw lots : to obtain an office by lot, to cast lots for : c. inf., o Aa- Xo-(36Xos, ov, (\aya>6$, /SaAefi/) hitting hares. AATXIO'5, ov, 6, Ep. for Aa7cus, Atryos, a hare. XaYwos, a, ov, contr. for Ao^amos, (Aa7a>s) of or from a hare : ra Xayaja. (sub. Kpea) hare-flesh, roast hare, and generally, dainties, delicacies. AATfl'2, 6, gen. Atryo;, ace. Xaywv and Aa7cO : Ep. nom. XfiY"6s, ov, Ion. also Xcryos: Lat. LEPUS, a hare. XdSavov, ro,Xr]^avov. Xde, Ep. 3 sing. impf. of Aaw, to see. Xdc, dual nom. of Adas a stone. \d.0OYYOS ov, (XaOfTv, v, aor. 2 subj. and part, of XavOdvca. Xat-, insep. Prefix, with intens. force, like Xa- or Xt-, found in few compds., as Xai-fj.apyos. XdiYS, 4770$, f), Dim. of Adas, a pebble. XaC0-apYos, ov, = XrjOapyos. XaiKa^a), f d(rofj.ai, (XijKca} to wench. XancaS, ov, (Xaiftvs, reu.eiv} throat-cutting. II. Xaivtos pass. Xaip,6Top,os, ov, with the throat cut, severed by the throat. Xatveos, a, ov, = Xaivos. [F] Xdi'vos, 77, ov, (Aaas) of stone, stony; Xaivov taao Xiruva thou hadst put on coat of stone, i. e. thou hadst been buried in stones, stoned to death. Xaiov, TO, Dor. for Xrjiov. Xaios, a, 6v, left; Acuas \fipos on the left hand; so irpos \aia x P >l > * 7 Aatou on the left. Xaio-T0|xcci>, f. 770*0), (\aiov, Ttftetv) to plough land? XaKTTjtov, TO, (Aco~ios) a shield or target lighter than the dams, covered with raw hides. AAFTMA, T(5, the deep sea. AAT~"O5, TO, a tattered garment, generally, a garment : also a piece of cloth, a sail. AauJnrjpo-Spojios, ov, (Xaiif/rjpos, Spapeiv) sw'ft-run- ning. Xanjnrjpos, a, ov, (Xai-, tyaipca) light-footed, swift. XaKaco, = Aa/re'a;, XdaKca, to shout, howl. Aduaiva, 77, fern, of Aaiccav, Lat. Lacaena, Laco- nian. 2. (sub. yvvrj), a Laconian woman. AdKaivciv, Dor. gen. pi. of AaKaiva. XdicdvTj, late form for XtKavrj. Xd-KaraTrvYsuv, ov,(Xa-, KaTairvycav) very lustful, [u] XaK6, 3 sing. Ep. aor. 2 of XaaKca. AaiceEatjJLCuv, ovos, 77, Lacedaemon, the capital of Laconia ; also Laconia itself. Xttxetv, aor. 2 inf. ciXaaKca. 77, (AaATcu) one that cries ; Xattepv^a KO- a cawing crow ; \aK(pva KVOJV a yelping dog. XilKtco, Dor. for XT] K tea. XaKTjcru>, fut. of XaaKca. XaKii[a>, f. LOOJ Att. to), to rend, tear. Xanis, ioos, 77, (XaGKca) a rent, tearing, rending; Xanioes irtirXcav ragged robes, tatters. XaKio-jxa, OTOS, TO, (XaKi^oi) that which is torn : in pi. rags, tatters. Xaxicpros, 77, Lv, (Xarci^ca) tern, rent ; fiupos XaKLO~Tos death by rending. XaKKo-irpcoKTOS, ov, (\O.KKCS, wpcaKTus} a lewd per- son, an adulterer. XcUCKO-TT'UYOS, OV, (XflKKOS, 771/777) = XoLKICultpCaKTOS. A A'KKO5, 6, any hollow, a bole, pit : a cistern, tank : also a cellar, storehouse : a pond : also a stew for water-fowl, Lat. vivarium. Xdtcos, wrong form of XO.KKOS. XaK-iroLTTjTOS, ov, (Aa, TraTta;) trampled under foot, trodden down. [Vet] XaKTi^w, f. tVcu Att. iu, (Ad^) to kick with the heel or foot, stamp or trample on ; XatcTifciv TOV irfaovTa to trample on the fallen. 2. absol. to kick ; \atc- Tifav Trpus Kevrpa to kick against the pricks : also to struggle convulsively, throb. Hence Xd.KTi(rp,a, TO, a kick : a trampling on. Xaicrio-Tf|S, ov, o, (AaTt'(y) one who tramples; \aKTiaT7js \r]vov a treader of the wine-press. ACLKCOV, ojvos, u, a Laconian or Lacedaemonian; and as Adj. Laconian: fern. AaKaiva. Hence 405 o), f. iota, to imitate the Lacedaemonians in manners, dress, etc. : hence to speak laconically. II. to be in the Lacedaemonian interest. Hence AaKcoviKos, 77, ov, Laconian; TO AatccaviKov the Laconian people : 77 AatecaviKr], I. (sub. 77^), La- conia. 2. (sub. fcprjitis), a kind of man's shoe. AaKcovis, tSos, fern, of Aarccuvifcus, I. (sub. 71^17), a Laconian woman. 2. (sub. 777), the Laconian land. AaKomajJios, o, (Aaa>j/i^u) the imitation of the La- cedaemonians in manners, dress, etc. II. a being in the Lacedaemonian interest, Laconism. AaKtovuTTTjs, ov, 6, (Aafccavifa*) one who imitates or takes part with the Lacedaemonians, a Laconizer. AaKa)vo-|Aavd, (Ad/ccuv, ^avijvai) to be mad after the Lacedaemonians, to have a Laconomania. XaXayc'CvTes, XaXaY^vvTi, Dor. for AaAcryoCi'TCs, \a\ayovffi, pres. part, and ind. of AaAcryeo;. XaXaycw, f. rjffca, (AaAc'cu) to prattle, babble: of birds, to chirrup, chirp. Hence XaXd,YT)jxa,aTos,To, (AaAcrye'cu) a prattling, babbling. XaXa(o, to prattle, babble, of water. From X. AA~AE',Q, f. 770-0;, to prate, chatter, babble : of birds, to twitter, chirp: properly, to make an inarticulate sound, opp. to articulate speech : but also, generally, to talk, talk of. Hence XdXT]|jLa, TO, talk. II. a talker, prater. XaXi]TOS, a, ov, verb. Adj. of AaAtcw, to be talked of. XaXtjTTjs, ov, 6, (AaAe'cu) a talker, prater. XaXijTiKos, 17, ov, (AaAta;) given to talking. XaXt]Tps, iSos, 77, fern, of AaA^TrJs, a gossip. XaXia, 77, (AaAea;) talking, chat, gossip. II. a form of speech, dialect. XdXios, a, ov, poet, for AaAos. XaXXai, at e , (AaAea;) pebbles, from their babbling in the stream. XdXos, ov, (\a\(a) talkative, chattering : of wings, flapping. Irreg. Comp. \a\iaTepos, Sup. AaAi'aTaTos. Xa|xd, Heb. for what? why? Aa|jiax-tirmov, TO, (Aa^taxos, litniov) name Lr Lamachus, little jockey Lamachus. Xd-p.dxos, ov, (Aa-, ^"X 7 ?) very warlike, name of an Athenian general. XajjiJ3dvco : fut. \rji//o^ai Ion. Xap.\^op.ai Dor. Xaif/ov- pai, -evyuat : aor. 2 \a.lov Ep. e\\a0ov Ion. Acie- GKOV, imperat. Aa^c, inf. \a0eiv, part. Xafiwv, ovaa, 6v : pf. fi\rj(pa Ion. XeXafirjKa. : plqpf. d\^(peiv : Med., aor. 2 kXa^ojjLrjv, Ep. redupl. inf. Xf\a@(aOai : Pass., fut. \Tj(f>9r)yo/jLai : aor. I iXrj(p8T]v Ion. i\dfj.(p- Orjv : pf. ei\r)fi/Mii poet. XeXrj fJ.fJ.ai Ion. Ae'Aa^/wu. To take, take hold of, grasp, seize ; when this action refers to a part, the part is put in genit., as, TTJV TTTC- pvyos \a@ev he caught her by the wing : metaph., (ppevl \a@(iv to grasp with the mind ; also, absol. to understand, comprehend : Med. to keep hold of, grasp tight : also to get hold of, make one's own : metaph., XafitaOai rwv vpwv to take to the hills. II. 406 a AAO'S. to catch, come upon, overtake: of things, to take away, carry off. 2. Att. to meet with, find, find out, de- tect. III. to take in, receive hospitably, enter- tain. IV. to gain, win, procure, acquire. V. Xafi(3dvfiv riva op/tioifft to bind one by oath. VI. metaph. to take a thing in a particular sense. VII. to have given one, receive, get : in Med. to have to wife. 2. of a woman, to conceive. 3. oiKrjv AajSetV to receive, i. e. exact, a penalty, Lat. sumere poenas : but also in the opposite sense, to suffer pun- ishment, Lat. dare poenas. Xdp,|38a, TO, indecl., v. sub X. AajJiia, f], (Aa/*o$) a fabulous monster said to feed on mans flesh, a vampire, a bugbear to children. Xap,ira8ir]-Spo|ji.ta,i7, (Xafjnrds, Spupos) the torch-race, an Athenian ceremony at the festivals of Prometheus, Vulcan and Minerva, in which the runners carried lighted torches from the joint altar of these gods in the outer Cerameicus to the Acropolis. After the Persian war Pan received a like honour. Xa|Aira8ir]opia, 77, a carrying of torches, = Xa/J.ira- SrjopofjLta. From Xan/rraST]-(|>6pos, ov, (Xafinds, (ptpu) torch-bearing : as Subst., XapiraoTjcpupos, 6, a torch-bearer. XofAirdSiov, TO, Dim. of Xafj-irds, a small torch. II. a bandage for wounds. Xan/jraS-ovxos, ov, (Xapirds, ex 6 ') torch-carrying, bright-beaming, flashing. Xajiiras, aSos, 57, (Adfwrcu) a torch : also a light, lantern, lamp. 2. the torch-race, like Xa^Trabr)- Spofj.ia. II. as Adj., poet. fern, of \afjnrpus, gleam- ing with torches. Xdp/irco-Ke, 3 sing. Ion. impf. of Aa/rcy. Xap,iTTaco, poet, for Xdfj.iroj, to shine, flash, only in Ep. part. Aa^nreToow. XajjLTrtTirjs, ov, 6, fern. Xa^ireTis, toos, (Adjinra;) the lustrous one. AA'MHH, -fj, the scum or coating which gathers on liquors left to stand. Xcr p,irr)8a>v, ovos, 77, (Xafj-iroj) lustre. Aap-iros, o, (Aa/my) one of the horses of Morn, Bright. - Xdp,ir-ovpos, ov, (Aa/ii77(y, ovpa) bright-tailed : as a dog's name, Firetail. Aap/rrpos, d, 6v, (Xdftirca} bright, brilliant, radiant; Xapirpov vowp limpid water. -2. of the voice, clear, distinct. 2. of the \v'md,fresb, keen. 3. metaph. evident, clear, manifest. II. of men, illustrious, brilliant, magnificent^, splendid. Hence Xap/irpoTijs, T^TOS, f], brilliancy, splendour. II. metaph. distinction^ splendour : munificence. Xap/irpcxjxovta, 77, loudness of voice. From Xap,irpo-<|>a>vos, ov, (Xapirpos, (poavrj) loud-voiced. XajAirpvveo, f. ijvca : Med., aor. I kXa^-npvvd^v : Pass., 3 sing. pf. \c\dftirpvvTai : (Xa/j.irp6s*) : to make bright or brilliant. II. Med. to pride one- self on a thing : to distinguish oneself in. III. Pass, to become bright; Aa/r/>i;W0at op/waiv to be- come clear-sighted. 2. to be or become clear, evi- dent, notorious. Xap/rrp&s, Adv. of \afJLirpus, brilliantly : Sup. Aa/i- irpoTara. XajATTTtos, ov, Ion. for A^irrt'os, verb. Adj. of Aa^- fiavaj, to be taken. Xajjurrrjp, fjpos, 6, (\dfjnroj) a stand or grate for burning wood in: a beacon-light , watch-fire : a torch, lamp. Xajjiimr)p-ov)(Ca, 17, (Xafjmrrjp, ex 6 ') a holding of torches; \afj.irrrjpovxiai the beacon-watches. XajjiTTTfjp{Kjvai, Ion; aor. I pass. inf. of \apl3dva}. Xapuj;o|juu, Ion. for Xfaofuii, fut. of Aa/i^my. XavOdvo) or AH'Ofl, whence the tenses are formed : fut. X^aca Dor. Xaou) : aor. 2 eX&Oov : pf. XeXiyOa : plqpf. (XeXrjOeiv : to escape or elude notice, to be unseen, unnoticed; c. ace. pers., Adtfei' "Eitropa he escaped the notice of Hector. 2. with part., Xav- ddvei KXtirruv he escapes notice while stealing, i. e. he steals without being seen, (where XavOdva is best expressed by an Adverb, unawares, secretly} : also with a pass, part., as, JWT) oiatyOapds XdOy lest he perish without himself knowing it; also with the ace. of the pers. pron. added, as, e'cus GCLVTGV Xd6r)S diap- payeis until, thou mayest not observe thyself having burst in twain, i. e. mayest burst without being thyself aware of it. II. Causal, in pres. XtjOdvo), aor. I Xrjaa, redupl. Ep. aor. 2 XeX&Oov, subj. AeAci0j7 : to make to forget : hence, III. Med. and Pass, Xav6avop,ai or XT|0op,cu : fut. A^cro/xat Dor. Xaatv- fj.ai paullo-post fut. X(Xrjcrofji.ai : aor. 2 med. eAa#o- fjirjv : aor. I pass. kX-qaOrjv : pf. Ae'A^o-^at, Ion. and Ep. XcXaofjLai part. AeAao"//eVos : to forget, lose the memory of. Xavos, Xavw, Dor. for Xrfvus, Xrjvov. AA'H, Adv. with the heel or foot ; Aa -nartiaQai to be trodden underfoot. XaijcuTos, 17, ov, hewn in stone. From Xa|6vla>, (Aas, ea>) to cut stones : to hew in stone. Xais, (Aao/mi) an allotment of land. Xa|is, tos, 6, Dor. for Xfjis, cessation. Xao|Aat, Ion. for Xrjgofjiai, fut. of Xayx avo} - Xdo-8dp,us, avros, 6, (Aaos, Sa/zdcw) man-subduing. Xao-^oos, ov, (Aaas, ^e'w) stone-cutting : as Subst., Aaooos, o, a sculptor. Xuo-ira0T|s, e's, (Aaos, -rraOeiv} suffered by the people. Xao-iropos, ov, (Aaos, irvpos] conveying the people. AA'O'5, ov, o, Ion. XTJOS Att. Xcws : the people : in the II. the soldiery, host, army ; also a land- army opp. to a fleet ; also the common men opp. to their leaders. II. in plur. Aaoi, the subjects of a prince. Xdos, irreg. gen. of Adas, a stone. Xu.o-o'epYjs, es, (Aaos, ae'/3o/zat") revered by the people. Xdocr-aoos, OP, (Xa6s, o"6i/a>) rousing or stirring j nations. Xuo-TKT(ov, OPOS, o, (Adas, TfKTOJv) a worker in ' stone, mason. Xdo-TtvaKTOS, OP, (Adas, Tipdao"cu) stirred by a stone. | Xdo-Tp6os, OP, (Aaos, Tp(oj) nourishing the people. Xdo-Tuiros, OP, (Adas, TyTTTcu) cutting stones : as Subst., AOOTVTTOS, o, a stone-cutter, stone-mason. Xdo-06pos, OP, (Aaos, (pOfipca) ruining the people. Xdo-^>6vos, OP, (Aaos, *0tpcu) slaying the people. Xdo-(j>6pos Att. Xa>-6pos, OP, (Aaos, 0tpcu) bear- ing people ; Xaotyupos u86s a road, highway. Xdird^a), f. feu, = uXairdfa, to plunder, spoil, pillage: also, to carry off. Xairdpd Ion. -pi], 77, the soft part of the body be- tween the ribs and hips, the flank, loins, Lat. ilia. Properly fern, of Xairapus. Xairdpos, d, OP, (Aa7rda>) slack, loose, relaxed. AA'IIH, T), phlegm, Lat. pitulta : metaph., dvyXiy Xdira in sunless damp, cf. Virgil's loca senta situ, [a] Xdirfjvat, aor. 2 pass. inf. of AaTTTW. Adm0cu, ol, the Lapithae, a Thessalian people in the heroic age, conquerors of the Centaurs. [("] Xdirro), fut. ifju: aor. I 4'Aa^a: pf. Xe\&(pa : to lap \ with the tongue, like Lat. lambo : generally, to drink, drain, suck. (Formed from the sound.) Xdpivos, 77, OP, (Xapos) fatted, fat. XdpCs, t5os, 77, = \dpos, a gull. Adpiaa Ion. Atjp-, 77, Larissa, name of many old Greek cities, esp. of one in Thessaly. Hence Adptcratos, a, OP, Larissaean, of or from Larissa. AapiciSiov, TO, Dim. of Xdp/tos. [/cf] AATKO2, o, a basket for charcoal, a coal-basket. AA'PNAB, CLKOS, 77, a coffer, box, chest: a cinerary urn : an ark. AATO2, o, a ravenous sea-bird, the gull, a cormo- rant, [a, except in one passage.] AA PO'2. d, OP, dainty, sweet, pleasant : irreg. Sup. Xapwraros : but the reg. Comp. Xaporfpov oc- curs as Adv. >, (Acpu7f) to scream, screech. Att. fut. iw, (Aap7f) to bawl, bel- li, to outdo in shouting. IS ~ - c ,j . , low. AA'PTFH, gen. vyyos, 6, the larynx or upper part of the windpipe : also the gullet, throat. Xds, Ados, o, a stone, Att. contr. for Adas. AA'2A"NON, TO, always in pi. a trivet or stand for a pot, a gridiron. II. Lat. lasanum, a night- stool. [A3] XdcrSco, Dor. for Adbv, imperat. of Ad^o/iat. Xu.a-6vip.cu, Dor. for \rjaofj.at, fut. med. of Ka.vda.vu : I pi. Xacr6V(Xo-0a, for \rj) born of Latona. AdTop.eu>, f. 77o~a>, (AOTO^OS) to quarry stones. Hence AdTOfiia, 77, a stone-quarry. Xd-TOp-os-, 6, (Ads, reftvoj) a stone-cutter, quarry-man. Aarpeia, 77, (AaTpevcu) hired labour, service, servi- tude : esp. the service of the gods, worship. Xdrpevp-a, TO, hired service, servitude: esp. service paid to the gods, worship. II. a slave. From XarpctKO, f. GO), (Xdrpis) to work for hire or pay. 2. to serve, be bound or enslaved to, c. dat. pers. : but also c. ace. pers. to serve. / i. to serve the gods, c. dat. Xdrptos, ct, OP, of a servant or service. From Xdrpis, tos, 6 and 77, a hired servant, Lat. latro : generally, a servant, slave. AA'TPON, TO, pay, hire; Xdrpcav drfpOf without rent or quittance. Aavixdvu], 77, Xai/j-os, the throat. (Deriv. uncer- tain.) AAT'PA Ion. Xavipi], 77, an alley, lane, narrow passage between bouses : also a pass between rocks, ravine, defile. II. a sewer, drain. Ad4>t>Yp.6s, o, (XaQvaacu') greediness, gluttony. AA'^T" PA, rd, spoils taken in war, Lat. spolia. Kafyvp-ayuiyta), f. 770*0), to make booty of. From Xa^up-aYWYDSjOp^Ad^vpa, ayai) carrying off booty. Xa4>vpoiT(>>Xeci>, f. rjaca, to sell booty. From Ad(j>vpo-moAi]S, ov, u, (\dvo-cra> Att. -TTG>, fut. feu, (AOTTTCU) to su'allow greedily, eat up, devour: of men, to eat gluttonously, gorge, Lat. helluari. Hence Xac|>ijo-Tios, a, OP, gluttonous. AA'XAI'Nn, f. apa) : aor. i lAdx^pa : to dig. Xaxavevaj. f. o-cu, (Aaxapop) to plant with potherbs: Med. to gather herbs. , OP, (Aaxapop, Xi^ta} gather ing herbs. 408 . (Xa-^avov] to gather herbs. Hence Xaxavurp,6s, 6, a gathering of herbs. \d\oivov, TO, (Xa.'xa.Lvoj) mostly in pi. Xax^-va, ra, garden-herbs, opp. to wild plants, potherbs, vegetables, greens, garden-stuff, Lat. olera. 2. rd \dxava the vegetable-market, the green-market. Xaxfivo-irwXir]S, ov, 6, (\dxavov, TrcuAecu) a green- grocer: fern. XSxSvo-irtoXT|Tpia, and i8os, 77, a woman who sells garden-stuff. Xdx Ep. for e'Aaxe, 3 sing. aor. 2 o Xdxeia, either for lAax eta feni. of tXaxys, small; or fem. of an Adj. \a\vs (from Xax.a.iv(a) well-tilled, fertile. Xdx^iv, aor. 2 inf. of \ayxdvca. Adx^ons, gen. ecus Ion. tos, 77, (AayfH') Lachesis, one of the three Fates, the disposer of lots. II. lot, destiny, fate. ^XT], ?7, (AaxcuVcw) a digging. Xaxvatos, a, ov, woolly, hairy, downy. From AA'XNH, fj, soft woolly hair, down : the soft nap or pile on cloth : sheep" s-wool. Hence Xaxviqeis, fffffa, fv, woolly, hairy. Xaxvo-yvtos, ov, (Xdxvri, yvlov} with hairy limbs. Xa-xvos, 6, = Xdxvrj, wool. Hence Xaxvoca, f. uffoj, to make hairy: Pass, to grow downy. Xaxv-wS-rjs, es, (Xa\vrj, tloos) like down, downy. XSxoC-qv, Att. for Xaxoip.i, aor. 2 opt. of Xayxdvca. AA'XO2, TO, (AaxftV) one's lot, fate, destiny. II. the portion obtained by lot, a lot, share, portion, [a] Xaxwv, aor. 2 part, of \ay\dvca. Xai|;v|juu and XGUJ/OVJACU, Dor. fut. of Aa///3aVcu. Xdij/ajv, fut. part, of Xatrro). Xcuj/n, Dor. 2 sing. aor. I med. subj. of Xap&avoj. A.A.'l, @\iraj, to see, behold, look at; old Ep. word used by Horn, in part. Xawv and Ep. 3 sing, impf. Xde. [a] *AA'fl, = QtXo), to wish : see AcD. Xeaiva, 77, fem. of XCGJV, a lioness. Xcaivto, f. Aeaz/w Ep. \ciavcca: aor. I (Xtrjva Ep. Xtrjva : (Acfos) : to smooth, polish, work smooth ; Xcaivfiv KtXtvOov to smooth the way. II. to rub smooth, bray or pound in a mortar : to de- stroy. III. metaph. to smooth away, smooth or soften down. Xedvreipa, fj, fem. of Xfavrrjp. XeavTTjp, 77pos, o, (Xfaivca) a polisher. Xtprjs, T^TOS, o, (Aei'/8a>) a kettle, caldron. II. the basin in which the purifying water (xtp^t^) was handed round : but also, a sort of basin which was struck like a cymbal at the funerals of the Spartan kings. III. a cinerary urn. Xe-yecov, wi/os, o, Gr. form of the Lat. legio, a legion. Xfyop^s, XYOVTI, Dor. for Xcyopev, Xifovai, I and 3 pi. of Xeyfu. AETH, f. Ae'cu: aor. I \^a: rf. aXoxa: Med., fut. Xtoiw.i : aor. I lA^a^i/ : Pass., fut. Aex^o- ; ftai: paullo-post fut. AeAefo^tai: aor. I pass. (Xexfyv, \ Aio'r/7?. aor. 2 (\eyr)v: Ep. aor. 2 pass. tXeyprjv, 3 sing. XfKTO : pf. ciXey/jtai or Xf\cyfj,ai : I. Act. 7'O Zr-4J r , /o /ay asleep, lull to sleep: Pass, and Med. TO LIE, to lie down. II. to lay in order, ar- range, and so to gather, pick up : Med. to gather for oneself: hence to choose, pick out. III. to reckon, count, tell or reckon up. IV. to recount, tell, relate : hence to speak, say, utter : also of ora- cles, to say, declare : it is used later to express any communication by word of month; Xeyeiv Kara TIMS to accuse one : c. inf., \eyeiv riva TTOKIV ri to tell, bid, command ; Xcyeiv ri, to say something, i, e. to speak to the purpose; opp. to Xtyeiv ouSeV, to say nothing to the purpose: also, like Lat. dicer e, to speak of, mean, refer to, as, ei'acu Kop.iov ov, Kacrdvdpav \fyoj, go thou within, 7 mean Cassandra : Pass. Ae- yerai, it is said, on dit ; T<) Xfyoftevov, absol. as the saying goes. Xe-qXao-Ca, 77, a driving off" booty, pillaging. From Xc-qXarcco, f. 770*0;, to drive away booty, drive cattle, to make booty : hence to plunder, despoil. From Xc-T]XdTqs, ov,. 6, (Aet'a, cXavvca} one who drives off booty, a plunderer, marauder, [a] AEI'A Ion. XTJIT], 77, booty, plunder, esp. of cattle ; hence what can be driven off as booty. Xeiaivco, fut. Aetai/6a>, Ion. and Ep. for Xeaivca. AETBH, ^cy: aor. I e'Aet^ct : to pour, pour forth: mostly like OTIZVOOJ, to pour a libation. II. to let flow, shed: Med. to flow, run, trickle; \ei@e- aOat Satcpvois to melt into tears : hence to melt or pine away : Pass, to be moistened, bedewed. Xeiop,cu, Ion. and poet, for \.rjtofMi. Xeiijvav, Ep. 3 pi. aor. 1 of Xfiaivcu. Xenqvas, Ep. aor. I part, of \faivca. Xet|xa, a/cos, 77, ^Xei^wv, a meadow : a garden. Xeip-jAa, aTOS, TO, (Xeiirca} a remnant, remains. Xcip-civ, avos, 6, (Aet/3a;) any moht grassy place, a meadow, mead, Lat. pratiim. , aSos, poet. fem. of Xeifjuuvios; vvfityrj Aej- meadow-nymph. os, a, ov, (AetjudV) of a meadow. Xeijjiams, t5os, poet. fem. of Act/idVtos. XeijAwvoOcv or -0e, Adv. (X(i[Mvv, p-o-x^f} poet, for XCOVT , a lion-flghter. XetovTO-TrdXirjs, ov, o, (Xeow, rraATy) poet, for Xtovr , wrestler with a lion. AEFO2, a, ov, or os, ov, Lat. LAEVIS, smooth: of the ground, smooth, level, flat; of the sea, smooth: c. gen., Aefos -rrerpdeuv level and free from rocks. 2. with a smooth chin, beardless. 3. metaph. smooth, soft, gentle. XCIOTTJS, ryTos, 77, (Acfos) smoothness. Xeiovcri, poet, for Xtovai, dat. pi. of Xtcav. Xciirreov, verb. Adj. of \fiiroj, one must leave. AEI'IIIl, f. Affycu: aor. 2 act. (Xfrrov, inf. (aor. I tXeufia only in late writers) : pf. \e\onra : Med., fut. XetyofMi in pass, sense : Pass., fut. Aei<- OrjaofMi, paullo-post. fut. AfAcfyo/wu : aor. l t\d(f>- OTJV: aor. 2 I \iTnjv []: pf. AeAet/i/ucu: plqpf. \\eif*- firjv : Lat. LINQUO, to leave, leave remaining: of dying persons, to leave behind, bequeath : so in Med. to leave behind one, bequeath, leave as a memo-' rial. 2. to desert in danger, abandon, for- sake. II. Pass, to be left, left behind, left re- maining. 2. to be left behind in a race: pf part. AcAetyu/zeVos, left behind, lingering behind, inferior to: absol. to stay behind. 3. c. gen. to be left without: to come short of..,be inferior, worse, weaker than another. 4. to he wanting or lacking. III. intr. in Act. to he gone, fail, .disappear : to be want- ing, cease, Lat. deficere. Xeipioeis, eoaa, tv, (XeLpiov) of or like a lily, lily- white, delicate. AEI'PION, TO, a lily, the white lily, Lat. lilium. Xeicrros, see XrjiaTos. Xtiros or XCITOS, ov, (Xaos, \eus~) of the people, Ion. for Att. 5r)/j.uo~io$. \6iTOVp"Yw, f. rjffQ}, (XfiTovpyos) to perform public duties, to do the state service : at Athens, to serve public offices at one's own cost: cf. \cirovpyia. II. to minister as a priest, officiate. Hence X.etTOVp'yia, 77, a public service: at Athens a liturgy, i. e. a burdensome public office or charge, which the richer citizens discharged at their own expense, properly in rotation, but also voluntarily or by appointment. II. divine service, whence our word Liturgy. XeiTOvpyiKos, rj, 6v, performing public service, mini- stering. From XciT-ovp-yos, 6v, (\iros or Aefros, tpyov) perform- ing public drtties, serving the state. II. a priest, minister of God. AEIXH N, 771/05, o, a tree-moss, lichen. II. hence a lichen-like eruption on the skin, scurvy : of the ground, a blight, canker. AEI'Xfl, f. cy : aor. i eAftfa : Lat. LINGO, to lick : to lick up : hence irreg. pf part. AcAetx/ioTes. XtuJ/as, aor. I part, of Xeifica. XeiuVavij-XoYos, ov, (Xetyavov, Xtyca) gathering remnants. XeuJ/avov, TO, (Ae/Trw) a piece left, remnant, relic, wreck : in plur. remains, remnants, Lat. reliquiae. Ai\|/-ij8ptGv, TO, (Ae/TTcy, {/8cup) an ill-watered dis- trict near mount Fames in Attica. Xeicov, o, poet, for AeW, hence Ep. dat. Xeiovffi. XcKavr], 77, (Ae'/cos) a dish, pot, pan. [a] Hence XeKavCs, 77, XeKiiviov, TO, XcKdvicrKi], 77, Diminutives of \(Kavri : a little dish or pan, platter. XeKtOo-ireSXirjs, ov, 6, fem. -iro>Xis, tSos, (\etti6os, TTcaXeoj) a pulse-porridge seller. AE'KT0O2, o, pulse-porridge. 409 AE'KOS, tos, TO, a dish, plate, pot, pan. XCKTIKOS, 17, dv, (Xeyoi) good at speaking, fluent, eloquent. II. suited for speaking. XKTO, 3 sing. Ep. aor. 2 pass, of Xiyo>. XeXfa>j3i]|i.ai, pf. in pass, sense of Xv) of a lion : lion-like. XeovT6-Su|>pos, ov, (Aecyv, 5taXos, ov, (AeW, KftpaX-rf) lion-headed. XCOVTO-TTOVS, o, 77, TTOVV, TO, (Aecwv, TTOVS) lion-footed. XOVTO-OVOS, ov, (\fcav, *epca) lion-bearing. XOVTO-4>w|s, t's, (Ae'cuv, (}>vr)) of lion nature. XcovTO-xXcuvos, ov, (Aea>v, xAafva) clad in lion's skin. AE'IIAANON, TO, a broad leather strap or band, fastening the yoke round the neck, and passing be- tween the fore legs to join the girth (fjLaaxa\iarrjp}. Xciraios, a, ov, (AeTras) of a scaur or crag: craggy. Xeir-apyos, ov, (AeVos, dp-yos) with white skin or feathers. Xeiras, TO, (AeVa>) a bare rock, scaur, crag. Xeiras, a5os, 77, a limpet, Lat. patella, from its cling- ing to the rock (AeTras). Xira, ov, Att. XcirTO-'yecos, ^|S, cs, (ACTTTOS, iKpaivof) finely woven, [u] XeiTTO-\|;a,p,aOos, ov, (Af TTTOS, ^a^a^os) with fine sand. XCTTTVVCO, f. ww, (AeTTTos) to make thin : to thrash, beat out : Pass, to grow lean. Xcirrws, Adv. of AfTTTos, slightly : subtly. Xeirtlptov, TO, Dim. a small husk, thin rind. From Xeirijpov, TO, (AeTros) a shell, husk, rind. AEU&, fut. \Jjca : aor. i 4'Ae^a : to strip off the hiisks or rind, to peel or bark. Aepva, 77, Lerna, a marsh in Argolis, the abode of the Hydra : hence Acpvatos, a, ov, Lernaean. Ao-{3iaco, to imitate the Lesbian women. From aSos, 77, (A0"^os) a Lesbian woman. AecrBtos, a, ov, (Aeo*/3os) Lesbian of Lesbos. A6S. AeuKO-0i, 77, (XfvK-f), Oed) the white goddess; the name by which Ino was worshipped as a propitious sea-goddess. XUKo-0pi|, Tp?xs, o, r), (XCVKOS, 6pt) white-haired. Xuico-04ipa, a/cos, o, 77, (Aetwos, Ooupa) with white cuirass. XevKo-tov, TO, (XfVKus, 'iov) the stock or wall-flower. XcvKO-scupxov, ov, gen. ovos, (Atuos, u/xa) white with waves, surfy. [0] XcuKo-Xtvov, TO, (\fv/cov, \ivov} white flax for ropes and rigging, used bv the Phoenicians. XevKO-Xocfxis, ov, o, and Xev(co-Xoc})os, ov, (Acu/cJs, Ao(/)os) white-crested: XevKoXo^ov, TO, a white hill. XcuKO-oircopos, ov, (Acutfos, oTiwpa) with white au- tumn fruits. XeuKO-irdpeios Ion. -irdprjos, ov, (\VKOS, irapeta) fair-cheeked. XcvKo-ireirXos, ov, (Afu/cos, 7re;rAos) white-robed. XcuKo-inrjX'us, v, gen. ecas, (Aer/fos, TTT^XVS) white- armed. Xevico-7rXir)0T|s, cs, (Aey/fus, irXriQos) filled with whi!e or with persons in white. XeVKO-TTOUS, O, T), TTOW, TO, gCIl. TToSoS, (XfVKOS, TTOl^S) white-footed : barefooted. XeuKO-irpeinqs, (s, (Aeu/cos, TrpeTia;) white-looking. XcuKo-iTTepos, ov, (Afiwos, TTTCpdi/) white-winged. Xevicd-ircoXos, ov, (Acv/fos, 7ra)Aos) with white horses : riding a white horse. AETKO'5, 77, ov, light, bright, brilliant, clear: of water, bright. II. white, gray, hcary: of the skin, white, fair, but also, blanched, pale, wan. i. Xtv- KOS \pvo~6s, pale (i. e. alloyed) gold, opp. to airctyOos or refined. 3. metaph. fair, happy, joyful, gay. 4. of sound, clear, like Aa/nrpo's. XVKo-if|S, es, (Aeiwos, i)pos, ov, (XfVKus, ffcpvpov} white-onkled. Xsv!c6-Tpo4>os, ov, (Aetwus, Tpe^w) white-growing. Xcvico-pvs, v, (Aetwos, 6(f>pvs) white-browed. XeuKO-xtTtuv, (uvos, 6, 77, (Xevfcos, x' T ^" / ) white- coated, [r] XevKo-xpoos, ov, contr. -xpovs, ovv, (XfVKos, xp^'a) white-coloured : heterocl. ace. Aev/foxP oa - XevKo-xp^S^Tos, 6, 77, (XfVKos, xpws) white-skinned. XeuKoco, f. waca, (XCVKOS) to whiten : to paint white : Med., XcvKovoOai oirXato whiten their shields. II. \fVKovv TTuSa to bare the foot. XVK-U>XVOS, ov, (\(VKOS, wX(vrj) white-armed. XevKcop,a, TO, (Aev/cos, Aeu/coa;) anything whitened: a white tablet, for public notices, Lat. album. Xevpos, a, ov, (Aetos) smooth, level, even. II. smooth, polished. *AET'2, o, = Aaas, a stone : hence Xcvo-tjios, ov, stoning ; \cvPYOS, ov, (Adv. Xecas, tpyov) all-daring, auda- cious : as Subst., Xecvpyos, 6, a knave, villain. Xeu>s, u, 6, Att. for Aaos, nom. pi. Aeff6pos, ov, (Xetjjs, i Aw) wish, will, purpose : in good sense, spirit, courage: in bad sense, pride^ arrogance. X-q|j.aAOs, a, ov, (AlJ/iT;) bleared, purblind, of the eyes, Lat. lippus. Xir)ji,oTtao), (A^/za) to be spirited or resolute. \-r\\La,u), (Ai7/i?;) to be bleared: to be purblind. AH'MH, 77, Lat. gramia, a humour that gathers in the eye, rheum : at \r)i*ai, sore eyes. Afi^j-ta, TO, ((i\ijfjifj.ai) anything received, income, receipts : gain, profit, Lat. lucrum. Aif|p,vios, a, ov, of Lemnos, Lemnian. From Afjp,vos, 17, Lemnos, an island in the north Aegaean sea, sacred to Vulcan, because of its volcanic fires. ATJVOIICOS, -fj, ov, (A'fjvaia) belonging to the Arjvaia. Xi]vaios, a, ov, (\rjvos) belonging to the wine- press : i. A^afos, Lat. Lenaeus, epith. of Bacchus as god of the wine-press-. 2. A^i/ato (sub. if pa), rd, the Lenaea, an Athenian festival held in the month Arjvatwv in honour of Bacchus, at which there were dramatic contests, esp. of the Comic poets. 3. Arjvaiov, TO, the Lenaeum, or place at Athens where the Lenaea were held. ATJVU.ITTJS, 'ov, 6,=Ar)vaiKos. Aiqvauov, wvos, 6, old name of the Att. month Ta- W\iajv in which the Athenian Lenaea were held, the latter part of Jan. and former of Feb. : the seventh month of the Attic year. AHNO'IS Dor. Xdvos, ov, rj or o, a trough, Lat. alveus : I. a wine-vat. 2. a trough for water- ing cattle. 3. a kneading-trough. AH"NO5 Dor. Xavos, eos, TO, Lat. LAN A, wool. aor. I opt. of \rjyc*}. , ecus, 97, (A^YCW) a cessation, end. , feus, fj, (\T]ofiai appointment by lot, allot- ment. II. as law-term, a written complaint lodged with the archons, a plea or accusation. 2. \rjis TOV K\rjpov an application for one's lawful inheritance. Xifj^O|iai, fut. of Actual/a;. XTJOS, rare Ion. form for Aaos. Xt]irr>s, a, ov, verb. Adj. of Aa/z/3-W, to be taken. II. neut. \rjirrfov, one must take hold: one must take or accept. XIJTTTOS, 17, ov, verb. Adj. of Aa///3aj/ce, to be taken or ; comprehended. Xir]p(), f. 170-0;, (\rjpos~) to be foolish or silly, behave foolishly; Xrjpe? c^cw he keeps on acting foolishly. AHTPO2, o, idle talk : frivolousness, nonsense. Xvjpos, ov, 6, a small trinket, Lat. leria. Xfjs, 2 sing, of *Aao>, Aa>. Xn, f.'ffca, (AtjSds) to let fall m tf*ro/>s : Med. to run out in drops, trickle. Xij3dvos, o, the frankincense-tree, producing Xiftavo)- TOS. II. = Xiftavwrus, frankincense. Xi|3avo-<}>6pos, ov, = \i@avTO-<}>6pos, ov, (At/3aj/ 3 s i n - E. aor. I 413 , ov, contr. -Opous, ovv, (Xifvs, 6 poos) clear-singing. 5, ov, (Xtyis, fioATrj}) clear-singing, ov, (Xiyts, pvdos) clear-speaking. XlYV-1TVUDV, OVTOS, (Xl^VS, Tiviw) sbHll-bloU'ttlg, whistling, rustling. , , ov, (Xiyvs, 771/0177) = \iyinrveicav. ov, (Xiyvs, 7TTe'pu) chirping with the wings, of the cicada. f. oca, (Xtyvpus) to sing loud or clear, d, ov, (Ai^vs) shrill, sharp, piercing, of sound : also clear, sweet, clear-toned. II. later, pliant, flexible. ! XiYfcpws, Adv. loudly, clearly. [ AITT'5, Atyefa, At7u, of sound, clear, sharp, i piercing, shrill : also clear-toned, sweet : also of grief, clamorous : and of the nightingale, thrilling, [t] AIYVS, vos, o, fj, a Ligurian, one who lived in Ligu- clear-voiced, fjs, es, (\ijvs, t'lxfi) clear-sounding. ria (north of Genoa). XiYt-4>00YYS, ov, (Xiyvs, clear-toned. XIYV-<|>C)VOS, ov, (Xiyis, , f. 770-0;, to pelt with stones, stone. From Xl0o-{36Xos, ov, (/3aAetV) throwing stones, pelting with ! stones; ol Xi0o(36\oi stone-throwers, slingers. II. XiOofioXos, ov, pass, struck with stones, stoned. Xl0o-YXiJ(J>os, ov, {XiQos, yXv(poj) carving stone ; as Subst., Xi0oy\v(pos, 6, a sculptor. \y] Xt0o-8pKTjs, s, (XiQos, StpKOfMi) with stony look, looking one to stone. I Xi06-8p.T]TOS, ov, (\i6os, 0fj.ca} stone-built. I Xi0o-86p.os, ov, (Xidos, otp-oi) building with stone : j as Subst., Ai^oSo^to*, o, a mason. Xl0o-pYos, ov, (Xidos, *e/>7cu) turning to stone. Xt0o-KoXXT]TOS, ov, (XiOos, /coAAdoi) wrought with stone, inlaid with precious stones : bard as stone. Xt0o-KTOvia, fj, (Xidos, tcreivopc(i>, f. 770"o>, to carry stones. From Xi0o-6pos, ov, (XiOos, (pfpca) carrying stones. Xi0-wSt]s, fs, contr. for XiOoetS'fjs, (XiOos, elSos) like stone, stony. XiKj.taios. a, ov, of or for winnowing. From XiK[j.dco, f. rjffaj, (Xtfcntca) marsh-born. Xifxv-wSTjs, fs, (Xip.vrj, cfSos) like a marsh, marshy. Xi^,o-0vTjs, 77Tos, o, 77, (Xifji6s, OvqaKco) dying of j hunger. ! AITMO'2, ov, o, also 77, hunger, famine. I XifjLO-cjjopeiJS, o, (Xtfios, pi], TJKOS, 6, 77, Ion. for Xivo0wpa, (Xivov, Oajpa) wearing a linen cuirass. Xlvo-KXaxTTOS, ov, (Xivov, KXtijOca) spinning flax. Xtvo-KpOKOS, ov, (Xivov, KpfKca) flax-woven. AI'NON, TO, anything made of flax : a flaxen cord : metaph. the thread spun by the Fates. 2. a net, fishing-net. 3. linen, linen cloth : in pi. sail-cloth ; linen garments. 4. the wick of a lamp. II. the plant that produces flax, lint,L,a,t.linum; Xivov oirtpp-a. lint-seed. [i~\ Xlv6-irirXos, ov, (Xivov, irenXos) with linen robe. Xivo-iropos, ov, (Xivov, TTopeveu) sail-wafting. XivoirTdo|xai, Dep. (Xivuirr^s) to watch the nets. Xtv6-irTpos, ov, (Xivov, irrfpov) sail-winged. Xlv-6iTTir]S, ov, o, (Xivov, oif/opai) one who watches nets to see whether anything is caught. Xlvop-pfi<{>ir|s, S, (Xivov, pdirrca) sewed of flax; So^tos Xivoppa(pr]S a ship having her sails of linen. Aivos, ov, 6, Linos, a minstrel, son of Apollo and Urania. II. as appellat., Aivos, 6, the song or lay of Linos ; in Homer sung by a boy while the vintage is going on. Cf. atXivov. Xivoorao-ta, ?), a laying of nets. From Xivo-06pos, ov, (Xivov, (pOeipoj) linen-wasting. Xtira, TO, an old word used by Homer in the phrases and dXftyacOai X'nr' eXaio), probably used as an Adv. unctuously, richly. (Cf. AMTOS.) 415 Xtiraiva>, f. avu. (At?ras, Anros) to oil, anoint : me- taph. to make fat, enrich: Med. to anoint oneself. XiTr5p-aniru,i5/fos, 0,77, (\inap6s, a'fi7rv) with bright fillet or tiara. Xlirapcco, f. 170-0;, to persist, hold out, persevere ; c. dat. to persist in a thing. II. to beg or pray earnestly, to be importunate, ask pertinaciously : c.inf., \urapets Ttn^etV thou art earnest to obtain. From AITII ATH'5, 4s, persisting' or persevering in a thing, earnest, pertinacious. II. earnest in praying, im- portunate. XiirapT)TOv, verb. Adj. of Xiirap4oj, one must be im- portunate, beg hard. Xiirapia, 77, (\nraptoj) perseverance, importunity. Xtirapo-Jcovos, ov, (Xnrapos, favij) bright-girdled. Xiirapo-Opovos, ov, (Xnrapos, Qpuvos) bright-throned. Xtirapo-icpif|86p,vos, ov, (Atirapos, tcp'qSffj.vov) with bright head-band or fillet. XiirSpo-rrXiicafJios, ov, (Apropos, irXoKafios} with shining locks. Xlirapos, a, ov, (X'nras or AiVos) oily, shining, anointed ivith oil : later fat, greasy. II. of the skin, shining, sleek, in good case, Lat. nitidus : me- taph. sleek, conformable, easy. III. of things, bright, brilliant, costly : ample. IV. of soil,/rt/, rich. Xlirapo-xpoos, ov, contr. -xpous, ovv, and -Xp^s, euros, 6, f), (AtTrcpos, XP^ a > XP^ S ) with sleek, shining body or skin. Xtirap&s, Adv. of \tirapus, sleekly, comfortably. Xlirapws, Adv. of \liraprjs, earnestly, importunately. AI TEA'S, aos, TO, = Xiiros,fat, oil. [t~] Xlir-avyf|S, /s ' (Xiireiv, avyf)} deserted by light, blind. Xtirdw, (AtTras, AtVos) to be fat and sleek. Xtire, Xiircv, Ep. 3 sing. aor. 2 of AetVo;. Xiimv, aor. 2 inf. of \eiiroj. Xl.1TpVTlTT]S, OV, 6, fem. -TJTIS, l8os, (\ITTCIV, , Xtiro-jATiTtop, opos, u, 77, (XLTTCIV, A"?Tr7p) without a mother, orphan. Xliro-vavs Dor. also Xtiro-vus, 6, fj, (XnrtTv, vavs) leaving the ship, deserting the fleet. XiTro-vavTTr]S, ov, 6, (\iirew, vavrrjs) leaving the sailors. Xliro-rraTpis, i5os, o, r), (\iireiv, irarpis) causing to forget one's country. Xiiro-TraTcop, epos, o, r), (\iirtiv, 7raT77p) a deser'er, fprsakef of one's father. Xliro-irvoos, ov, contr. -irvovs, ovv, (\iireiv, scant of breath, breathless, dead. AI'IIOS, TO, grease, whether animal, as fat, lard, tallow; or vegetable, as oil : metaph., \inos ai'^aros a clot of blood. Xtiro-o-apKTjs, es, (\nreiv, oap) wanting flesh, meagre. Xliro-(rTeavos, ov, (\iireiv, Gretyavos) falling from the wreath. Xiiro-aHrpaTia, 77, and Xtiro-crTpATiov, TO, (\nrftv, arpaTtd) desertion of the army. Xt7ro-ra|ia, f], and Xtiro-ri^uov, TO, (Xiireiv, ranis') a leaving one's post, desertion. Xiiro-rpiXTis, 4s, (\nreiv, 6pi) scant of hair, bald. Xtiro-vJ/t)xa>, f. 770-01, (\nreiv, ^ux 1 ?) ' be lifeless i. e. senseless, to faint, swoon : to die. II. to lack spirit. Xlrrocov, Ep. part, of \iirdo}. XiTTTOfjuu, Dep. with pf. pass, \4\ifjtfuu : (formed from prefix At-) : to be eager : c. gen. to be eager for, long for : in pf. part., \e\ifji/j.4voi fJ-dx r J s ea S er for battle. Xurwv, o5o"a, ov, aor. 2 part, of \dir, to dig, hoe ; (pvrov \iffrpevfiv to dig round a plant. From Xtorpov, TO, (Ai(jo*os) a tool for levelling or smooth- ing, a shovel, spade, hoe. XiTa,Ta, in Homer, smooth, plain clothes; v.sub Xis n. XiTCUvca, (Xirrj) to pray, entreat : supplicate. XiTavtKrop,v, Ep. for -cafj.ev, aor. i subj.of \travfict}. Xiravcvw, f. acu : the augm. tenses are used in Ep. with AA metri grat, impf. \\irdvvov, aor. i lAAt- Tavfvo-a : (Xirrj) : to pray, entreat, beseech, conjure, supplicate. Xtravos, 77, ov, (Xirrj] praying, suppliant : as Subst., Xirava, rd, = Xnai, prayers. XtrapY^w, f. O(a, to hasten, run, hurry. From XiT-ap-yos, ov, (At-, dpyus} running quick. XtrtcrOau, aor. 2 inf. 416 Airi? Aoyo?, XITT|, 17, (\iffffoftai") a prayer, 'entreaty, supplica- tion. II. AITCU, Prayers, personified as goddesses, in II. 0. 502, sq. XiTOiprjv, aor. 2 opt. of XioffOfjuai. XiTO|Aai [i"], rarer pres. for \io~aofjjai, to pray. XITOS, 77, ov, (\fios) smooth, 'plain, Lat. simplex. XITOS, 77, ov, (\iaaofj.ai) praying, supplicatory. Xlrpa, as, 77, Lat. libra, a pound: as a weight, = 12 ounces. Hence Xirpaios, a, ov, worth a \lrpa. XiTpov, TO, Att. for virpov. AiTijtpoTjs, ou, 6, Dor. -. Xopos, ou, o, (\67ra;) the lobe or 7ow/r />ar/ of the ear : the lobe of the liver. 2. a pool. XoYaBTjv, Adv. (A-o^ds) picking out, esp. of stones picked out for building, without 'being squared, [a] Xo-yas, aSos, 6 and 77, (\eyQj) gathered: picked, chosen, esp. of soldiers. Xoydco, (Acxyos, A 670;) to be fond of talking. Xcryeiov, TO, (Xcfyos) a speaking-place : in the Att. theatre the front of the stage occupied by the speakers or actors, Lat. pulpitum. Xo-yia, 77, (\fyoj) a collection for the poor. , TO, Dim. of ^070$, a little fable, [t] i, f. iffopai Att. lovpai : aor. I med. lAo- , pass. t\o*yiff0T)v : pf. \e\6y iff pat : Dep. (A.o"yos) : to count, reckon, .calculate, compute ; atro Xfipos \oyifcaOai to calculate off hand. II. to take into account, consider : c. ace. to count or con- sider as so and so. 2. c. inf. to count or reckon upon doing. 3. to calculate, reason : also, to con- clude by reasoning, infer. III. the pres., and the aor. I and pf. (\ofia6rjv, \c\6y 10 pat, are also used in pass, sense, to be computed or calculated. Xo-ytKos, 17, 6v, (Ao-yos) belonging to speech or speak- ing. II. belonging to the reason, rational. 2. fit for reasoning: hence T) \OJIKT] (sub. TC'X^), Logic. X6yip.os, 77, ov, also os, ov, (Ao-yos) worth mention, remarkable, considerable. \6yiov t TO, a declaration, oracle : neut. of \6yios. , a, ov, (\vyo$) skilled in words : I. learned, esp. learned in history : as Subst., \6yios, 6, a ivriter of annals, chronicler, prose-writer, as opp. to iroirjTrjs. II. eloquent. Xoyio-ixos, 6, (Xoyifrfjai) reckoning, -computa- tion. II. consideration, reasoning^ reflexion : a conclusion. Xo-yiorn'js, ou, 6, (Xoyiop.ai) a calculator, com- puter. II. in pi. auditors : at Athens, a board of ten, to whom magistrates going out of office sub- mitted their accounts. Xo-yurTiKos, 77, oV, (\ojiffTr)s) skilled in calculat- ing. II. skilled in reasoning or arguing. Xo-yc YpS4^ a > ^ prose-writing, opp. to poetry. From XoYo-Ypaos, ov, (\6yos, ypcupoj) writing prose : as Subst., \oyoypa(pos, o, a chronicler, 'annalist. II. writing speeches, esp. for others to deliver. XoYo-Xco-XTjs, ou, o, (\6yos, Aco-x in pretence, opp. to epyo) in reality. 2. a saying, expression : an oracle, maxim, proverb. 3. conversation, discussion ; els \6yovs e \0fiv, to have a conference or interview. 4. a speaking or talking about a thing ; Ao7ou aios worth talking of, worth mention : a report, rumour ; \.6yo& tori or e'xfi, so the story goes, Lzt.famafert. 5. a tale, story, opp. both to mere fable (juuflos) and to regular history (tffropia): a. fictitious story, fable, such as those of Aesop. b. a story, narrative, mostly in pi., history, chronicles : in sing, one part of the narrative. 6. Ao70t, prose-writing, prose, opp. to TToirjais, a book. b. at Athens, speeches : a speech; the power of speaking, oratory, eloquence. 7. the right or privilege of speaking, Lat. copia dicendi, \6jov rivl Sioovai to give one the right of speaking, i. e. a hearing. 9. like p^/xa, the thing spoken of, the subject of the \6yos. II. Lat. ratio, thought, reason; Kara Xoyov agreeable to reason : reflexion, deliberation : \6yov cauTo; dioovai to allow himself reflexion, i. e. to think over a thing. 2. account, consideration, esteem* AQTXH 417 regard; \6yov TroieiaOai nva to make one of ac- count ; Xoyov TIVOS %X IV * make account of a per- son ; opp. to tv ovoevl \6yw iroieiaOai nva to make one of no account; tv avSpus Xuyw e'x etf/ lo regard in the light of a man. 3. calculation, reskoning: the account or reckoning : Xoyov 8i86vai to give an ac- count. 4. relation, proportion, analogy. 5- a reasonable ground, a condition, esp. in the phrase eirl TO; \6ya> or cm TO?S \6yois upon condition ; 6 Xoyos alpfi il stands to reason that. Lat. ratio evincit. III. in N. T., 'O AOTO2, the LOGOS or WORD, comprising both senses of Word and Reason. AOFXH, 77, a spear-head, javelin-head, Lat. spicu- lum: in pi. the point with its barbs. II. a LANCE, spear, javelin, Lat. lancea. III. a troop of spearmen. XoYX'^P 1 ! 5 ) cs > (A^X 77 ) pape') armed with a spear. \oy\Lbiov, TO, Dim. of Xoyxrj. XoYXty 08 ' OI/ (^^TX 7 ?) / or "^ fl -sjtertr. Xo-yxo-inHos, 6v, (Xoyxij, TTOtetu) making spears. ^'YX O ~4 > P OS > ov i C^TX 77 ' . XocTpov, Xoerpo-xoos, oldest form of Aoirrp-. Aoeco, Ep. form of Aova>. Xotpt), 77, (Aeij3a>) a pouring: a drink-offering, liba- tion, Lat. libatio. Xoi-yios, toy, (Aoi7os) pestilent, deadly. AOJTO'5, ov, 6, ruin, mischief, dea.'h : plague. XoiSopeoj, f. 770-0;: aor. I (\oi8oprjaa: Med. and Pass., f. -Tjoofjjai : aor. I f\oi8opr]ad^.r]v and lAot- SoprjOrjv. (Aot'Sopos): to rail at, abuse, revile: against the gods, to blaspheme: Med. to rail at one another; but the med. and pass, forms are commonly used in same sense as Act, Hence Xot8opT]o-p,6s, oG, o, a railing at, abusing. XoiSopia, 77, (Xot8o/)cu) railing, abuse, reproach. XoiBopos, ov, railing, abusive. AOIMO'2, ov, o, a plague, pestilence, Lat. pestis. Xoiiros, rj, ov, (AfiTro;) remaining, sitrviving, Lat. reliquus ; rov \oiirov (sub. \povov), for the rest of the time, henceforward; ol AOITTOI all the rest, Lat. ceteri ; TO \OITTOV the remainder, Lat. quod superest; TO, \oiira the rest, residue, Lat. cetera. Xour9r|ios, ov, Ep. for \ola9ios, \o?a9os; XotaBfy'ov ti(6\ov the prize/or the last in the race. XourOios, a, ov or os, ov, XoiaOos. XourQos, ov, (AotTTos) left behind, last: Sup. \oiaOo- TOTOS, last of all. XOKKT] (not \6tcrj), 7), a cloak. AoKpis, ioos, fern. Adj. Locrlan. II. as Subst. (sub. 777) Locris. From AoKpoi, ot, the Locrians : the Opnntian Locrians opp. Euboea ; the Epicnemidian, eft the Maliac Gulf; the Epizephyrian, in the South of Italy. Aojjias, ou, 6, epith. of Apollo, from \eyeiv, \6yos , as being the Interpreter of Zeus. Xoo-paTT)S, ov, o, (Ao^c's, jScuVtu) walking sideways. AOHO'2, 77, ov, slanting, crosswise, Lat. obliquus : \oov or \oa /SAeVctj/ TIV'I to look askance at one, Lat. limis oculis spectare; av^fva \ouv (X CIV t hang down the head, Lat. stare capite obstipo. * Xo|o-Tpox-S, tScs, fern. Adj. (Aoos, rpe'xcu) oblique- running. Xoov, Ep. 3 pi. impf. of Acveu. XoTra8-apiraYt87]S, ov, o, (AOTTOS, apirafa') a dish- snatcher. Xoir(i8i,ov, TO, Dim. of AOTTOS, a little dish, plat- ter. [a] AOIIA'2, a5os, 77, a flat dish, plate or platter. XOTTIS, ioos, f), = \firis. Xoiros, ov, or XOITOS, ov, 6, (\tiroj) a shell, husk, bark, peel. Xov(o, Ep. for Aovcw. Xovjxai, Att. for \ovop.ai, Pass, of \ov6pos, ov, (\ovTpov, o"a Ep. AoOo*a : Med., f. \ovffofj.ai : aor. I e\ovoap.rjv, Ep. 3 pi. Xovaavfo: Pass., aor. I (\ovaO-rjv: pf. Ae'Aov/zcu. From the uncontr. form Xoo come the Ep. impf. Aoeoi', aor. I inf. and part. Aoccro'at, Aoe'o"- ffas: Med., fut. AocWo/nat : 3 sing. aor. I ind. and part. \o4ffffaTO, Xofaadpevos. Several forms also come from Xoco, Ep. 3 sing, and pi. impf. Aof, \6ov ; Ion. and old Att., pi. impf. iXovpfv (contr. from Xo- oftfv), pres. med. Xovpat, XovvTai ; impf. kXoino, \OVVTO, inf. XufffOai, \ova6ai. To wash, esp. to. wash the body: Med. and Pass, to wash oneself, bathe; c. gen., AcAov/uVos 'ClKeavoio (of a star just risen) fresh bathed in Ocean. II. to wash off or away. Xo(j>aci>, f. rjaoj, (Aoos) to have a crest. 2. to be sick, ill of a crest. Xo<{>eiov, TO, (Aoos) a crest-case: any case, P 418 Xoli Ion. -IT|, 77, (Ao$os) the mane of animals, esp. of horses, the bristly back of boars ; dvrl Aoou 77 XoiT|TTjs, ov, o, (X6(pos) a diveller on the hills. Xovis, iSos, ?), (ACTTOJ) a torch of vine-bark. Xoo-nm6s, ov, (Ao0os, iroi(ca) making crests : as Subst., XotpoiTOios, 6, a crest-maker. AO'O2, ov, o, the back of the neck, the neck, esp. of draught-cattle : metaph., viro vy& Xotyov cx il/ to have the neck under the yoke. II. a ridge of ground, the brow of a hill, Lzt.jugum, dorsum: a bill. III. the crest of a helmet, Lat. crista, com- monly of horse-hair. 2. a tuft of hair on the crown : the crest or tuft on the head of birds, Lat. crista, a cock's comb. X6cocris, 77, (X6(pos~) the wearing a crest : the crest itself. Xox-aYTT)S, ou, o, Dor. and Att. for XoxrjyfTrjs, = Xoxayos, q. v. XOX^LY o>, Dor. and Att. for Xoxijye&, (Aoxcc7os) to lead a Aoxos or company. Hence XoxolYta, T), Dor. and Att. for Xoxqyia, the rank or office of Aox^'yos. Xox-aY s ' ov > > (^oxos, dyoj) Dor. and Att. for Aox777os, the leader of a Aoxos, the captain of a com- pany, Lat. centurio. , f. -770-0; and -77 o*o/iat : aor. I c\6xrjffa : 3 pi. Ep. pres. Xoxoojffi, part. pi. Aoxo "h* (A"xos) a thicket, lair of wild beasts : generally, copse-wood, a coppice. Hence , ov, also a, ov, dwelling in the coppice. 2. as Subst., Xoxp.ia, rd, a thicket, coppice. XoxfJt-wStjs, cs, (XoxfAT), e^Sos) overgrown with copse- wood, bushy. X6xov8, Adv. to ambush, for ambuscade. From Xoxos, o, (Ac'ycu i, A^oftat) a place for lying in wait, ambush or ambuscade: the lair of wild beasts. 2. the act of lying in wait or the men that form the ambush; Xoxov elaai to place an ambuscade; Ao- Xovdc Kpivfiv dVcpas dpiarfjas to pick out the best men for an ambuscade. 3. any armed band, a company, commonly reckoned at loo men: among the Spartans a Aox* wa s the fourth or fifth part of a fj.6pa (q. v.) : generally, any body or company of people. II. a lying in : child-birth, like XOXOCOVTGS, Xoxo&xri, Ep. pres. part, and 3 pi. ind. of Aox, = Xovca\ from it come several Ion. and old Att. forms ; v. Aovcu. Xva, 77, (Avo)) dissolution : faction, riot, sedition. ACaios, o, (Ava)) the looser or deliverer from care, epith. of Bacchus, Lyaeus ; cp. Lat. Liber. XvyS-qv, Adv. (Xvfa) with sobs. XvyBtvcos, a, ov, and XvYStvos, 77, ov, of white mar- ble. 1. white as marble, dazzling white. From ATTAO2, o, a dazzling white stone, white marble. ATTH, 77, shadow, darkness, gloom, [v] \vylfa: f. icroj Dor. Xvytgw : Pass., aor. i pass. eAt/- / y( / X^ 7 7 I/ ' pf- XcXvyiffpai : (Atryos) : to bend, twist, to throw in wrestling. II. Pass, to bend or twist oneself, to writhe. 2. to be thrown or mastered. Xiryivos, f), ov, (Xvyos) of willow or wi'hy, Lat. vietus. Xvyietv, Dor. fut. inf. of Xvyifa. \ijyi * s (Xvyos, TCI/X, f. iffoj, (Avoos) to imitate the Lydians. AvSios, o, ov, (AuS/s) Lydian; 77 AuSia XiOos, a stone used to test gold, like fidaavos. AuBwTTC, Adv. (AvSos) in the Lydian tongue on fashion. AvboiraOrjs A Ai)8o-iTS0Tis, ts, (Avoos, iraOeiv) luxurious as a Lydian. AvSos, ov, 6, a Lydian. AT'ZH, f. 0v, Aeol. and Ep. 3 pi. aor. I pass, of Xvca. II. aor. I part. neut. pass, aor. I pass. inf. of Xvo). 419 bits of hard-mouthed horses, Lat. lupi, lupala, from their resemblance to the jagged teeth of a wolf. Xt)ic6-a)S, euros, o, (Xvfcrj, fyws) twilight, both of morning and evening, the gloaming, Lat. diluculum. , f. caaaj, (\VKOS) to tear like a wolf: Pass, to be torn by wolves. I Aup.a, JMTOS, TO, filth or dirt removed by washing : 1 also the dirty water, washings, offscourings. II. Av0pov, TO, or Av0pos, o, filth, defilement, esp. of jnoral defilement, disgrace, infamy. III. an aban- blood: gore, impure blood. (Akin to Xv^rj.) ' doned man. (From \ovca, Lat. luo.) Av0pu8i]S, fs, (XvOpov, ciSos) like gore, defiled with Ax5p.aivop.av, f. Av/xdVov/#u : aor. I f\v/jLrjvdfjirjv: also gore. i aor. I pass. tXv/j,a.vOijv : pf. XfXv^aapjai, but 3 sing. AuKa-{3as, a?Tos, o, (*\t>Kr), Paivai) the path of light, XeXvpavTai: Dep.: (Av/7) : to treat with indignity the sun's course, the year. II. as Adj. making up or contumely, outrage : to maltreat, maim, mutilate, the year, XvnaftavTidfs wpai. spoil, destroy : also, to persecute. II. the pres. AvKaiva, 77, (Avos) a she-wolf, [v] AvjuatVo/ttit, with aor. I and pf. pass, are sometimes AiiKaiov, TO, Mount Lycaeus in Arcadia. used in pass, sense, to be maltreated, destroyed. Hence AvKatos, a, ov, Lycaean, Arcadian, epith. of Ju- j Avp-avrfip, 77pos, o, a spoiler, destroyer : and piter. II. as Subst., AvKaios, o, or Avicatov, i At)p.avrr]pios, a, ov, injurious, destructive : c. gen., TO, a mountain in Arcadia. 2. Avmta (sub. ifpa), ruining another. Ta, the festival of Lycaean Jupiter: also the Roman Avp.avnf|s, ov, 6, Lupercalia. I Avjiao-is, 77, = XV/JLIJ. [v] AvKaovvoTi, Adv. in the Lycaonian language. j Avp-etov, wvos, o, (\vp.ij} a destroyer, spoiler. AvK-a\ryif|s, es, (*XvKrj, 011777) of or at the gray twi- AT'MH [v], 77, outrage by word or deed, an affront, light : as Subst., Xiwavyes, TO, early dawn. \ disgrace : generally, maltreatment, maiming, mutila- AvKotav, ovos, 6, a Lycaonian, inhabitant of Lyca- tion, destruction; IJTI Xvp.rf for the sake of insult, onia, in the South of Asia Minor. Avp/rjv, Ep. aor. 2 pass, of Aucw. AVKJ, Att. contr. KvKr\ (sub. 8opa), rj, a wolfs-skin: Avp.T)vdp.evos, aor. I part, of Av/wnVo/rat. a helmet of it, cf. Kwitj. AVVTO, 3 pi. Ep. aor. 2 pass, of Aiw. A\jKiov, TO, the Lyceum, a gymnasium with covered ; A\ITCI>, f. rftjoi, (AVTTT;) to give pain to, to pain, efts- walks in the Eastern suburb of Athens, named after tress, grieve, annoy : of light troops, to harass, an- the neighbouring temple of Apollo Avxeios. I noy : Pass., with f. med. Xvirrjaopai, to be sad, to be AVKCVOS, a, ov, (Awfos) epith. of Apollo, of doubtful grieved. meaning, either, I. from \VKOS, wolf-slaying, like j AT'IIH [if], 77, pain, either of body or mind, Lat. XVKOKTOVOS ; 2. from Avicia, the Lycian god, like dolor : grief, distress, suffering, sad plight. \VTn][La., aTos, TO, (AvTrto;) pain, distress. AVTT-QV, Dor. inf. of \vneos) epith. of Apollo, poor, sorry. II. painful, distressing. AT'PA [v], 77, Lat. lyra, a lyre, a Greek musical in- or, 3. from *Au77 (light), the god of day. ACief], ?), Att. contr. for XVKT). *AT'KH, light, an obsol. Root, whence come XVKO- /3as, \vKutpajs, \fvKus, Lat. luceo, lux, etc. AvK7]-YVT|S, s, Lycian-born. XuK-rjSov, Adv. (AVKOS) wolf-like. AvKia, 77, Lycia, in the South of Asia Minor: Av- Ki7j0v, Adv. from Lycia : AvKujvSc, Adv. to Lycia. Atiiao-cpYTis contr. -ovpY^js, 6*, (AvKia, Zpyov) of Lycian workmanship. s, (\VKOS, epyov} wolf -destroying, Lat. Xvpiteos, 6, a lyric poet. strument of seven strings, like the KtOapa an Xvp-aoi86s, o, (Xvpa, doious) one who sings to the lyre. Avpvu>, f. iota, (Xvpa) to play the lyre. Avpiicos, 77, 6v, (Xvpa) singing to the lyre: as Subst., lupos conficiens ; irpu{3o\oi \vKOfpyets javelins for frilling wolves. XvKO-0apo-t|S, cs, (\VKOS, Oapvoi) bold as a wolf. X^KO-KTOVOS, cv, (\VK os, #Ti/XJ3Tis, e's, (Xvca, (pXty) opening the veins. Xi}crt-(j>pcdv, ovas, o, T), (Xtca, x va > T ^> i rre g- 1 Xvxveiov or Xvxviov, TO, XtJXv^wv, wvcs, 6, (Xvx^os) a place to keep lamps in, f], (Xvx v os) a lamp-stand. >v, TO, Dim. cf Xvxyos, a small lamp. Xvxvo-sca'l'a, 77, (Xv\vos, Kaica) a lighting of lamps, illumination, a festival at Sais in Egypt in honour of Minerva, like the Chinese Feast of Lanterns. Xuxvo-irmos, ov, (Xvxvos, iroitca) making lamps or lanterns. Xvxvo-iroXis, 77, (Auxi'os, TroAts) city of lamps. Xvxvo-irwXTjS, ov, 6, (Xvx v os, TrcaXtca) a dealer in lamps or lanterns. AT'XNO2, o, pi. Xvxvoi and Xvxva, a light, lamp; TTfpl XTJXVMV dcpds about the time for lamp-lighting, \. e. at dusk. Xvxvoopo, f. rjo-w, (Xvxvo(pfpca) carrying a lamp, AT'fl, fut. Xvffco [u], aor. I tXvaa : pf. XfXvtta : Pass., fut. XvOrjcropat and paullo-post. fut. AeAvcro/iai [] : aor. I (\v9rjv [v] : Ep. aor. 2 pass. Xv^rjv [y], 3 sing. AUTO, 3 pi. XVVTO: pf. XeXvfMt, plqpf. eAeAv/^Tj^ [iJ], 3 sing. Ep. opt. AeAuTO, for XcXvoiro. To loose: to loosen, unfasten, untie, slacken; Xveiv ocppvv to un~ bend the brow; A. crro/wc to open the mouth; etc.: Med. to loosen or undo for oneself. 2. of horses, to unyoke, unharness. 3. generally, to loose, re- lease, set free. 4. to release a captive on receipt of ransom, to hold to ransom, release : Med. to re- lease by payment, ransom, redeem. . II. to loosen, weaken, relax; Xveiv yvia, ycvvara to loose the limbs, knees, i. e. unnerve, enfeeble, and often in Homer, to I slay, kill. III. to- dissolve^ break up. 2. to | break down, lay low, demolish. 3. generally, (o i undo, do away with: of disputes, to put down: cf laws, to repeal, annul; Xveiv airovods to break a treaty. 4. to dismiss, assuage, calm. 5. to undo, atone, make up for, Lat. lucre, rependere ; so Xvetv dfjiaprtas. IV. in Att., Te'AT7, p.iaOovs Xveiv to pay rates or taxes : hence, 2. Xveiv reXr) = Au- fftTeAefi^, to profit, avail ; ov Xvei reXrf it boots not ; also Xveiv, absol. without reXrj, to profit. Xoi, contr. from Aacu, 7 will, wish or desire, a Doric defect. Verb, only used in sing. Aoi, Ars, AT;, 3 pi. XOJVTI ; subj. ATJS, AT? ; opt. Aaj?7 ; inf. AT^ ; also part. dat. Tip XcavTi. XcoJ3do|xcu Ion. -eopxu : f. -rjaopai Dor. Xta&daov- fj,ai: aor. I med. eXcafirjcrdfirjv: (but aor. I fXca/3r]Orji< and pf. AeAtt/37?jucu in pass, sense) : Dep. : (Xwfirj) : to treat despitefully, to i?isult, maltreat: to maim, mu- tilate: to dishonour. , 2. absol. to act outrageously or despitefully. II. pf. part. AeAaj/3??/zeVos, it) pass, sense, mutilated. ATl'BH, 77, ill-usage by word or deed, despiteful treatment, outrage, contumely, indignity: mutilation, maiming. 2. of a person, a disgrace, opprobrium. Xcdp7]0f,vou, aor. I inf. of Ao;/3dofiai. Xa>|3ir]TT|p, Tjpos, 6, (Acu^Sdofiai) one who treats despite- fidly, afoul slanderer: generally, a destroyer: muti- lator, murderer. II. pass, a worthless wretch. grace to his trade. XO>PT)TOS, rj, 6v, (Aa>/3doftai) ill-treated, outraged, dishonoured. II. act. insulting, abusive: baneful. Xco|3T|Ta>p, opos, 6, = \a)@r]T7)p. Xwia, XcoiTCpos, v. Aa>iW. Xcotwv, oi/os, o, 77, \wiov, TO: Att. contr. X^cov, \(aov : neut. pi. Acutova, syncop. Awta : (AcD to wish) : more desirable; better : Sup. AcOiaTos, 77, ov, contr. Xwaros. There is also a second Comp. AcfiTfpos, ov. AH'MA, aTos, TO, the hem or border of a robe. Hence Xo)p,o.Tiov, TO, Dim. a fringe, flounce. XWVTI, 3 pi. of Dor. verb Ao), to wish. XwiTK], 77, (Aevrcy, Aoiros) a covering, mantle. 2. Xwmci>, f. to-ft;, (Aa;7T7/) to cover, wrap up. Xa>Tro8t)Ta>, f. 770*0;, to steal clothes : hence trans, to rob, plunder. From Xo>iro-8vTifjs [w] , ou, 6, (\WTTOS, ov(u) one who slips into another's clothes or strips him ofthem,aclothe&'Stealer: generally, ft thief, robber, footpad. Xwiros, o, = \wirrj. AOJCTTOS, T?, oi/, Att. contr. from \UICTOS, Sup. of Xojicav, most desirable, best. i, Ion. ace. neut. pi. of A&rroeis. co, f. t'a-Tp64>os, ov, (AO;TOS, rpdu> Ion. _o, f. 170-0;, (\.6cpos) to rest from toil, take rest: c. gen. to have rest, abate from. 2. to abate, of a disease or of wind. II. trans, to lighten, relieve, release. Xco<|>T|o-i, 3 sing. aor. i opt. of \cacpdoj. Xwcjxqo-is, f), (\w(f>dca) rest from : remission, ces- sation. Xw'uv, neut. \$ov, Att. contr* for \, A?. p-a/ydSi-ov, TO, /fo bridge of the magadis. [a] From p,dYa,Sis, f), gen. tSos : irreg. dat. (.laydSi : ace. fid- 7081^ : the magadis, a harp with twenty strings. p,a.YYav6Vp,a, TO, a piece of jugglery : pi. juggleries, mountebank's tricks : and \nayy5.v\}Tr\'s, ov, 6, a juggler, mountebank. From fJLaYYCtvevoj, f. o*a>, (ftdyyavov} to cheat by sleight of hand: to bewitch. 2. intr. to play tricks. MATTA'NON, TO, any means for tricking or be- witching, a philtre, drug: a juggler's apparatus. II. ydyyap.ov, a bunting-net. jj-ayeia, 77, (fia7eucw) the religion of the Magi. 2. magic, art. p,a,Yipiov, TO, (fidycipos) a place for cooking, a cook-shop. II. Maced. a pot-, ke!tle. 422 , 77, 6v, ([tdyetpos)fitfor a cook or cookery : 77 fj.a'yfipiKr) (sub. rexvr}), cookery. Hence p-ayeipiicws, Adv. m a cook-like way, artistically. jjurycipos, o, a cook: also a butcher. (From p.dacfoj, fj-dfa, because the baking of bread was originally the chief business of the cook.) (jid'YEvp.a, TO, (/iefyeww) a piece of magic art : in pi. charms, spells. p-ttYetKi), f. ecu, (Mcryos) to be a Magus or a magi- cian; fjayeveiv f*&rj to sing incantations. II. trans, to enchant, bewitch, charm. Md-yvrjs, rjros, 6, fern. Md-yvujcro-a, a Magnesian, a dweller in Mayvrjaia in Thessaly : also MaYVTj-njs, fem. WlayvrjTis. II. \lOos MayvTjrts, 77, ^e mag- net, also called A.&OS 'H/w/fAeta. MATO2, ov, o, a Magus, Magian, one of a Me- dian tribe. II. one of the wise men or seers in Persia who interpreted dreams. III. any en- chanter, wizard : magician : in bad sense a juggler, quack, [a] jigyo-^ovta, TO., (WLdyos, 6vos) tie slaughter of the Magi, a Persian festival. Ha/ywrcpos, a v, Comp. Adj. formed from fj.dyos, more magical. p.a5apos, a, uv, (/*a5dcy) of flesh, flaccid* loose: of the head, bald. jxaBdco, f. 770-0), (juaSos) to be moist or wet, to melt away : of hair, to fall off, Lat. defluere : hence to be bald. pdSSa, Dor. for /iaa. *MAAO'2, 77, w, the Root of fwoda>, etc., = paoapos. }xda, T), (fMaaoj, to knead) barley-bread, a barley- cake, opp. to apros, wheaten bread ; /ta^av /xt/zaxws having baked him a cav, aor. 2 part, of fj.av6dvoj. MAI~A, 77, good mother, dame. II. a nurse, foster-mother, mother. III. a midwife. Maia, 77, Maia, daughter of Atlas, mother of Her- mes : also Maids, dSos, 77. MatavSpos, o, Maeander, a river in Caria noted for its windings. jxateuojiai, f. copai, Dep. (/tata in) to serve as a midwife : trans, to hatch. MaijjuiKTTjpiwv, wvos, 77, the fifth A ftic month, an- swering to the end of November and beginning of December, so called from the festival of Zeus Mcu- held in it. , ov, 6, (fAaipaffffco) epith. of Jupiter, the boisterous, stormy, in whose honour the Maemacteria were kept at Athens in the first winter month, as being the god of storms, etc. p.aip.dcrcrco, = naifja}, as irat- (pdaaca from , fut. iaoi Att. i>, (/ifl/cap) to call or esteem _ happy : to bless. (xaKapios, a, ov, or os, ov, collat. form of fid/rap, blessed, happy, fortunate : in Att. one of the upper classes : Comp. and Sup. fJLaKopiurepos, -TCLTOS. p.aKapicr|a.6s, ov, o, (paKapifa) a pronouncing or esteeming happy, a blessing. fxaKapio-Tos, 77, ov, (fmieapi^oa) deemed or pronounced happy by others : absol. enviable. Adv. -Teas. jxdKapiTTjs [t], ou, 6, like /zd/rap HI, one in a state of bliss, i.e. one dead: fern. fjL&KapiTts, ioos. p-axapTos, 17, cy, = paKapiffTos. p.aKeSvos, 17, cV, (yu^/cos) tall, taper. MaKcSovtJco, f. era;, (MatcfSajv) to be on the Mace- donian side : or, to speak Macedonian. MaK86vios, a, ov, and -OVIKOS, 77, 6v, Macedonian. From MaKeBojv, cVos, o, a Macedonian. (idiceXXa, poet, also p.aK\T), f], (pia, ni\Xo), as 8tK\\a from 67s, eAAcu) a pick-axe with one point. p.a.KtXXov. TO, Lat. macellum, a slaughter-house, shambles, market. H,uK0"rr|p, 7;pos, o, (/iaos) used as Adj., /i00os /zct- Kfffrrjp a long, tedious tale. MfiKTjSwv, oVos, o, poet for f/LcuceSuv. p.dKvs, cav, gen. dptJ-y^, vyy os "> ^' (fxucpus, XvapT|TT)S, ov, o, (ftaKpos, TaTa. |xaXa Att. TTCO, fut. , f. ca, = fj.aXa.aoca, to soften, soothe : Pass., [JLa.XQa.'xQ : Qva.i vnvty to be unnerved by sleep. JJLO.XIVOS, a, ov, Dor. for p.rjXivos. fxdXiov, TO, (/xaAAos) hair, a lock of hair, [a] MaXts, tSos, 77, Dor. for Mr;Ats, (paXov, = fj.rj^ov') a nymph who protects the flocks (p.r)Xa\ jxaXicTTa, Adv., Sup. of ^idAa : v. /xdAa in. p,dXXa, by crasis for ^177 dAAd, nay but. fiaXXo-Seros, ov, (ftaXXus, 8ta;) bound with wool. p-dXXov, Adv., Comp. of paXa. : v. fta\a n. , MAA AO'2, ov, 6, a lock of wool, the wool of ihcep, I a fleece : of men, a lock or braid of hair. j.iaA6j3a6pov, v. paXapaBpov. p,a,Xov, Dor. for fj.f]Xov B. |xaXo-irapT)OS, ov, Dor. for fJ,r]Xoirapyos. p.dX6s, 77, ov, white. (Origin uncertain.) fjiaXo--. (.tdp-fxa and p.d[X|JiT), 77, a child's attempt to call to its mother; like dinra, a.ir(pa, arra, irainra. II. [irjTrjp, mother. Ill later a grandmother. Map,p.aKv0os, 6, proverb, word for a blockhead. p,ajxp.cLv alreiv, to cry for the mother's breast, of young children before they can articulate. fxap-^ta, 77, (^d/x^a) a molher. Majxp-covas or Majjicovas, ov, o, Mammon, the Sy- rian god of riches, = Greek IIAovTos: hence generally, wealth, riches. p.dv, affirm. Particle, Dor. and old Ep. for iity. MA'NAPA, 77, a fold, byre, stable, Lat. mandra : also 2. the setti?ig of a seal, Lat. pala,funda. p-avSpayopas, ov, 6, mandrake, a narcotic plant. p-avcts, efaa, kv, aor. 2 part, of /icuVo/zat. Mavepws, o, Maneros, only son of the first king of Egypt : also a national dirge named after him, iden- tical with the Greek AtVos. |xdv6s. Dor. for pfjves, pi. of px)v. p.avf,vai, aor. 2 inf. of paivopjai. M AN0A'Nfl : fut. fj.aOrjffoiJ.ai Dor. /ia^cv/wti : aor. 2 cfj&Oov, in Homer either without augm. ftaOov, or with double ft, (fj.fj.a9es, e/jifjutOf : pf. fj.ffj.d6TjKa : to learn by inquiry, to ascertain : in aor. to have learnt, i. e. to understand, be acquainted with. II. of th attempt, to ask, inquire about. III. to perceive, understand, comprehend, like Lat. teneo ; pavGdvets ; do you understand? Answ., irdvv iiavOdvca, perfectly I -c. part., pdvOave uv, know that you are. IV. (JLCLVLO. JJidpTTTLS. in Att., ri (j.aQu)v; comes to mean wherefore? properly, having ascertained what? for what fresh reason? almost = T'L vaOuv ; jiavta Ion. -it), 77, (fiaivoftai) madness, frenzy. II. generally, mad passion, rage, fury. III. enthu- siasm, Bacchic frenzy. jidvids, d5os, (fiaivofjiai} fern. Adj. frantic, mad, frenzied: joined with a neut. pi. Subst., pavidaiv \wf- 8i]s, fs, (ftavia t ef8o) mad-like, mad: TO (jMviSioes madness. MA'NNA", 77', a morsel, grain. 2. manna. MA'NNOii or jxdvos, o, Lat. monile, a necklace, collar. |xawo-4>6pos, ov, (udvvos, (pfpca) wearing a collar. MANO'2, 77, ov, Lat. rarus, thin, loose, slack, flac- cid. II. cff number, few, scanty. See pavus. (lavTcta Ion. -TJITJ, 77, (pavTtvopai) prophesying, power of divination: also the mode of divination. II. an oracle, prophesy. |iavTtov Ion. -TJVOV, TO, (fiavris) an oracle, i. e., I. an oracular response. II. the seat of an oracle. jjLavretos, a, ov, or os, ov, loti. -nfjios, 77, ov, (fj,dvn s) oracular, prophetic. jAavTvp.a, arcs, TO, an oracle. From p,avT>JOp,cu, f. ffopai : aor. I ffj.avTCvffdfj.r)v : pf. fj.ffj.dvTfVfjLai : Dep. : (fj.dvTis) : to divine, prophesy, deliver an oracle. 2. to presage, forebode, surmise: of animals, to scent. 3. to seek divinations: to con- sult an oracle. II. aor. I fja.VTfv9rj, inipers. in pass, sense, an oracle was given : and pf. part. TO. fj.e- jMVTevfj.(va, the oracles delivered. Hence H,avTUTOV, verb. Adj. one must divine, prophesy. |xavTVTOs, 77, ov, (fJ,avTtvofjai) foretold or ordained by an oracle. ], -Trjiov, -TTJIOS, Ion. for fMvrda, etc. voc. of fjavris. 77, ov, of or for a soothsayer or diviner, prophetic : as Subst., fjavTifcrj (sub. Te-^vrf), T), the art or faculty of divination. Adv. -KWS. jjtavTtTToXfo), f. rjffa), to prophesy. From jtavrt-iToXos, ov, (fj.dvTis, 7ro/\cu) inspired, frenzied. jjidvTis, o, gen. ecus Ion. tos : (fj.aivop.aL) : a diviner, soothsayer, seer, prophet: also as fern., a prophetess. 2. metaph. aforeboder. II. a kind of locust or grass- hopper. jiavrocnjvT|, 77, the art of divination, divining, [u] jxavrocrCvos, 77, ov, (/zciims) oracular, prophetic. jtavrwos, a, ov, fiavrtios. [xdvvco, p.avxrnf]S, p-dvx)crts, Dor. for fujv-. p.ava>s, Adv. of fjavos, rarely : comp. less often. 425 p.dop,at, see p.aTTiv, Ep. aor. 2 inf. (xdpayva, 77, = fffidpayva, a lash, whip, scourge. p-dpSdov, TO, Dor. and Att. form of ftapaOpov. MATA0PON, r6, fennel, Lat. maratbrum. [>a] MapaGcbv, wi/os, 77, Marathon, a plain on the east coast of Attica, celebrated for the defeat of the Per- sians, so called from its being overgrown with fennel (papaOov). Mapa0cs)vo-|ici.XT)S, ov, o, (WlapaOdw, /xd^ofiai) one who fought at Marathon : hence a brave veteran. MA"PAI / Nn, f. dvS> : aor. I ffidprjva Att. -ova. : Pass., aor. I ([Aapdvdrjv : pf. /xe^tapa/i/xat or fj.CfMpaa- (Mu : to put out, quench, extinguish : Pass, to die away, burn low. II. metaph. to quench : to weaken, make to waste or pine away : Pass, to die away, waste away, languish. |xapdv d9d, Syriac, the Lord cometh, sc. to judgment. p,apYatvo), only in pres., (/j.dpyos) to rage furiously. p,apYapiTT)S [t], ov, d, a pearl, Lat. margarita. |iapYdco, only in part., (fj-dpyos) to rage furiously. Map-yiTTis [f], ou, o, (/iap^os) Margites, hero of a mock-heroic poem ascribed to Homer. MA'PFOS, 77, ov, or os, ov, raging mad, Lat.furi- osus. 2. greedy, gluttonous. 3. lustful. Hence jiapYOTTjs, 77Tos, 77, rage, madness. 2. greedi- ness, gluttony. 3. lust. MA'PH, T), = x f ip, a hand. (Hence tv-fiaprjs.) MATI'AH, r), the embers of charcoal, [t] p.aptXo-ir6TT|S, ov, 6, (fMapiXrj, nO- Root of some tenses of irivca) gulper of coal-dust. MAPMAI'Pn, only in pres. and impf., to flash, sparkle, glisten, gleam, mostly of metal ; o/tytctTa HapfjiaipovTa sparkling eyes. Hence |j.app,dpos, a, ov, (fjapfMipw') flashing, sparkling, glistening, of metals : also of the sea. p,ap|AapLvos, 77, ov, (fidpfj.apos) of marble. fJiapiJidpeos,brigbt,gIeaming. udp|xfipos, ou, 6, (fMpftaipcv) any stone or rock, with sparkling crystals in it : also as Adj., irtrpos fj.dpjj.apos a sparkling stone. II. fj.dpfj.apos, 77, Lat. marmor, marble : also a work in marble, a slab or tablet of marble. \i.ap\Ld.pTjy-{], 77, (fJiapnapvffffQj) a flashing, sparkling : of any quick motion, fiapftapvyal vodwv the quick twinkling of the dancers' feet. p.ap [xap-omos, ov, (fj.dpjj.apos, a;^) with sparkling eyes. MA'PNA'MAI, aaai, arai, imperat. fidpvao, subj. fj.dpvojfJ.ai, opt. fj.apvoljj.rjv, inf. fj,dpvao~6ai , part. (Jop- vdfievos ; impf. kfj.apvdp.rjv, ao, aro, dual ffiapvdaOrjv: no other tenses in use : Dep. : to fight, do battle, contend : of boxers, to contend, encounter. i. to quarrel, wrangle. 3. metaph. to struggle, strive. fiapvajxtvouv, Ep. part. gen. dual of fidpvafjai. jiapvaro, ji-apvavTO, Ep. 3 sing, and pi. impf. of fiapvafjuu. , o, (ftdpiTToj) a seizer, ravisher. P5 426 , fut. fjdp-poj: aor. i fyccp'/'a: Ep. re- dupl. aor. 2 pfftapirov : and a shortd. aor. 2 efj.ti.Trov, inf. fiaireciv, whence 3 pi. opt. fj-ffjid-jroiev : pf. part. penapirujs : to grasp, bold, catch : to lay hold of, seize : to embrace, clasp : to reach, overtake, catch. MA'PSriTO^, a bag, pouch, Lat. marsupium. MA'PTTTP, vpos, 6 and 17, Aeol. for pdprvs. Hence }j,apTtpca>, f. -qyca : Pass., fut. I fj,o.pTvpr)9^ffofj.ai, but also f. med. in pass, sense, [MprvprjaofMi : aor. I ffMLprvpfjOrjv : pf. f*,f*apTvpr)nai : to be a witness : to bear witness : [taprvpfw nvi to bear witness in favour of another : c. ace. rei, to bear witness to a thing, testify to : c. inf. to testify or declare that a thing is : Pass, to have witness borne to one. II. later, to be or become a martyr. Hence jJiapTvpir)p,a, arcs, TO, testimony. jActpTupia, TJ, (juaprfpea;) a bearing witness. 2. witness, testimony, evidence. fiaprupiov, TO, a testimony , proof : in pi., (MpTvpia, TO., evidence, [u] From (iapTtipo}jwu [t>] : f. vpovfjuti : aor. I efjLapTvpa.fj.Tjv : Dep. : (fidpTvs) : to call to witness, invoke . absol. fiaprvpofMi, I call witnesses, I protest. jidprupos, 6, Ep. form of fidprvs, a witness. MATTT W 5, 6 or 77, gen. pdprvpos, ace. fidpTvpa, as if from fj.dpTVp, but also ace. fidprvv : pi. frnprvpes, dat. pdpTvai poet. fidpruo*cn : a witness. jAxpuKdop,cu, p.apvxif)}xa, Dor. for {J.r)pvK. |xapvop.ai, Dor. for fj.rjpvofjtai. (idpij/cu, aor. I inf. of fj-dptnoj. p,acrdop,ai, f. ^ffofj.ai, Dep., (fidca, fj-daffca) to chew. jida-acrOcu [a], aor. I inf. of Root *fj.doj, to touch. p,dcr8a, p,acr86s, Dor. for ftafa, fjia^os. lidcrOXir), f), = ljMffO\r), a leathern thong. Hence 1X0,0-0X1)5, TITOS, 6, a leathern thong. II. metaph. a supple, slippery knave. p.a, to mumble, of an old man. (Formed from the sound.) jjidcrTipa, 97, fem. of [MaTrjp. jma-TtiJco, f. ffoj,=^fMTfvo), to seek: to seek or en- deavour to do : to seek or search after. p.acrTTjp, rjpos, o, (*fccia)) a seeker, searcher. Hence fjtao-TTjpios, a, ov, searching. fjuurrlY M, false form fAacTTlY^as, ov, o, (fj.daTi) one who deserves whip- ping, a worthless slave, sorry knave, Lat. verbero. jjtaoTtYO-6pos, ov, (f4.daTi,(pep'j}) carrying a whip : as Subst., fJiaaTiyotyopos, 6, a sort of constable. fJUKTTiYoco, f. uadi : pf. aor. I ffjLaaTiyojffa: Pass., fut. med. in pass, sense fj-aaTiywaofj.^ : pf. p.e fjuaaTiy QJ- fjMi : (fj.daTig): to whip, flog, beat. Hence |xa(TTiYwcrip.os, ov, that deserves whipping. p-ao-riY^TCOS, a, ov, verb. Adj. of fj.aaTiyooj, to be luhipped, deserving a whipping. f. ca : aor. I f^dffTt^a Ep. pdaTi^a : to whip, flog. , opos, o, (ftao-Ti^cu) a scourger. , lyos, 77, (fJ-dca, fj.daa(a} a whip, scourge ; "ITT- TTOV ftdaTig a horse-whip. II. metaph. a scourge, plague ; pdaTig UaOovs the lash of eloquence. fJiacrTtocov, Ep. part, of fiaaTica. fido-Tts, tbs, 77, Ion. for fj,d(TTi ; dat. fj-dori. p,acrTicr8&>, Dor. for fjiaaTifa. [xacrTixdo), (ftdcrTa^) to gnash the teeth, only in Ep. part. dat. fJLaaTt\6ojvTi. p.acrTio), collat. form of fMtffTifa, to whip, scourge, beat, lash : Med., fj.aaTiTai irXfvpds ovpy [the lion] lashes his sides with his tail. |jia,, f. aw, (^acrrpoTros) to be a pander, play the pander : c. ace. to seduce. jAatrrpoiros, o and 77, (f-idoj, fj.aaTrjp} a pander, pimp, Lat. leno, lena. ,77. (ftaA-T/) the armpit, Lat. ala, axilla. [x&] ',<>), f. iff, (fj.dTtjv} to act unmeaningly or foolishly. p,uTaid<0, (/mTcuos) = fjucnd^o}. jxaratoXoYia, 77, idle talking. From fidraio-XoYos, ov, (ftaTaios, A.e7) idly talking. [xdraios [a], a, ov, or os, ov, (/LUZTT?) idle, foolish, un- meaning, trifling. II. thoughtless, rash, wanton, profane. Hence |iaTcu6TT|s, TITOS, T), folly, vanity. [xaraios, Adv. of /LICITCUOS, idly, without reason. M A"TA'H, f. rjao}, (;uaT77) to be idle, to loiter, linger, lag; ov fJiaTa Tovpyov the work lags not. II. to be in vain, fruitless. jxarevw, f. aca : aor. I e/j-dTcvaa : (*fj.doa) : to seek, search : to seek to do. 2. to seek or search after : to search, explore. p.dT(o>, rare form for funfiio). of iraTfca. to tread on. MATH, 77,-/uaT/a, a folly, a fault, [a] Hence I p.a,TT|V Dor. p-arav [a 1 , Adv. in vain, idly, foolishly, Lzt.frustra. 2. senselessly, at random, Lat. te- mere. 3. idly, falsely, Lat./a/so. Originally ace. of fJ.drr), hence ts fj.drr]V at random, [a] p.a,TTjp, Dor. for fJtrjTTjp, Lat. mater, [d] uaTJJs, Dor. for fj,ara.s. p-dria Ion. -ITJ, 77, (/ictTT/i') a t/am attempt. [xaTp-aSeX4os, jxarpo-Soicos, etc., Dor. for fMjrp-. jjLaTTUTj, 77, a rich, high-seasoned dish, Lat. mattea and mattya. (Foreign word.) p,a,TTVO-Xoixos, ov, (/KZTTt'a, Ae/x 6 ') licking up dainties. p.a.TTO), f. ca, Att. fjr fidffffoj. |xavXis, tSos or tos, 17, a knife. p.aup6a>, like dfMvpooj, to darken : metaph. to make powerless, to make obscure or forgotten : Pass, to become dark or obscure. jxaxcLipa [jwa], 77, a large knife, worn like a dirk next the sword-sheath. II. as a weapon, a short sword or dagger : a sabre or scimitar, opp. to icf>os (the straight sword). III. a kind of rasor; otir\TJ ij.dxo.ipa scissors. Hence |xdxa>ipt8iov, TO", Dim. a short sword or dagger. |xdxa-pis, <5os, 77, Dim. of fj.dxo.tpa, a small knife. 2. a small rasor. /, TO, a sword or "knife factory. From >, ov, (fj.dxatpa, rrotecy) a cutler. y.dxcupo-(j>6pos,oi', (p.a.xo-tpa,(pfpoj)weari?ig a sabre. Dor. for p.ax'r}T"fjs. Maxicov [a], ovos, 6, Machaon, son of Aesculapius. os, Ep. part, of fj.dxofjat, Ion. for fj,dxofjo.i. 3', Ep. part, of fj.dxofjo.1. 3 sing. Ion. impf. of fj.dxofj.ai. ), Dor. for p.dxov, pres. imperat. of paxo/xti. MA'XH [d], 17, a battle, fight, combat ; properly an engagement between armies, but also, a single combat; fj,dxr]v VIKOV to win a battle ; but paxy vtudv rtvd to conquer one in battle. II. a quarrel, strife, wrangling. III. an amicable contest, as tor a prize in the games. IV. a mode of fighting, way {j.eyaXauxj]Tos. II. Aeol. form fia-xop-at Ion. 427 of battle. warlike. ot force. V. afield of battle. Hence ov, gen. ovos, warlike. ov, 6, (pax 7 !) a fighter, warrior ; as Adj. Hence , 77, ov, of or for fighting, pugnacious. 77, ov,(fj.dxr)} disposed for battle, warlike: or TO fj.dxifJ.ov the soldiery, the effective fs, (ftdxtfJtos, ftdos) warlike, conten- tious. (xaxXas, doos, poet. fern, of ^ax^os. MA'XAOS, oj/, /ewe?, lustful : wanton. Hence |xaxXocrt>VT], 77, lewdness, lust, wantonness. Ion. for IM^OIVTO, 3 pi. opt. of [d], Ep. part. fj.axftdfj.fvos | and fj.axeovjj.fvos : fut. fja.xfffOfj.ai Ep. fja.xfffo-ofjat or fj.axrjffofj.at Att. fjo.xovfj.at : aor. l ffjo.xfffdfj.rjv, Ep. Dep. : (/-tax 7 ?) : to fight, contend in battle ; c. dat. pers. to fight with, i. e. against ; but, ffvv rivt with the sanction of; Kara, a, f. TIOOJ, (ftfya\r}yopos) to talk big, boast. Hence \Ltya\t\-yopia,, f), big talking. |XYO\-T|Y P OS ' "> (f**y as > dyopv&J) talking big, vaunting, boastful. \Lty8Xf]vopl(L, fi, manliness, courage. 2. in bad sense, haughtiness. From jxY^" i n va) P> P s i 'hi (p-ty - 5 , dvrjp) heroic, high- minded. 2. in bad sense, haughty. ji,6Y^-' i n TW P P OS > o %> (/"7 as 7JTop) great-hearted: magnanimous. ufiY&XC^co, (fieyas) to magnify : Pass, to be exalted, to bear oneself haughtily. [iGYaXoYva>|AOcrvvr], 77, loftiness of sentiment. From jjieYaXo-Y vu>\uav, ov, gen. ovos, (ftfyas, yv&fMj) of lofty sentiments, high-minded. |AYaA6-8oi-os, ov, (peyas, 8oa) very glorious. (MYfiXoScopia, 77, munificence, liberality. From |AYpos, OI/ (P-*y as > ScDpov) making rich pre- sents : munificent. H.CY&X-OITOS. ov, (p.yas, oiros) very vjretched. |AYaXo-icv0T|S, ts, (/x^yas, KtvOca) concealing much : hence capacious. [A6Ya\o-KpaTT]S, es, (fJttyas, Kpdros) far-ruling. |AYpovcos, Adv. of fjLcyaXocppcov, generously, proudly. ^6Ya\o<|)pova), f. 170-0;, (/z7aAo^pcov) to be high- minded : in bad sense, to be proud, haughty. Hence fXYaXo(}>pocrvvT], 77, greatness of mind: in bad sense, pride, haughtiness. |A6YaX6-4>p(ovCa, 77, big talking, vaunting. From p,6YaX6-4>covos, ov, ((ttyas, , (fifyas) to make great or powerful : Pass, to be exalted. II. to extol, magnify. 2. to exaggerate or aggravate a crime. jjLCY^'^^P- 05 ' ov i (l j '*y a& i ovofia) giving a great name, conferring glory. p.Y&Xs, Adv. of [tfyas, greatly. \ifySXcrvvT], 77, (peyas), greatness. peyav, ace. masc. of p.tyas. [AY-avwp, opos,<5,77, (peyas, dvrjp} manly, heroic, [a] MtYapa, , f. iffoj Att. tea, to take part with the Megarians, speak their dialect : cf. AaKowifa. 6s, 77, ov, (Meyapa) Megarian. , 180$, fern. Adj. Megarian: as Subst. (sub. 777), the Megarian territory, Megarid. ', Adv. (M67crpa) from Megara : and L, Adv. at Megara. , TO, (/i7as) a large room or chamber, the hall. 2. a woman's apartment. 3. a bed- chamber. II. a house, mansion, mostly like Lat. aedes, a house in plur. III. the sacred chamber in the temple at Delphi, the sanctuary, shrine : in this sense always in sing., like Lat. aedes, a temple. Hence \icya,p6vSe, Adv. homewards, home. META W 5, ptyd\7] [d], ^fya : gen. fifydXov, 77$, ov : dat. p.cyd,K(a, rj, ** (/**7 a *> avx*, f. ata : aor. I ficQrjpftoffa : to dispose differently, to correct, reform : Med., with pf. pass. jj,f0fipfj.off{jiai^ to alter one's way of life ; fj.t0apfj.oaat (aor. i imperat.) vtovs Tpuirovs adopt new habits. jji0er|Ka, Ep. for fj,f0r]Ka, aor. I of fj.f0iTjfu. fi0eiT)v, aor, 2 opt. of nt0ii]fu. jj.60eiA.ov, aor. 2 of fj.t0aipfQj. fjLeGeivcu, jxeOeis, aor. 2 inf. and part, of fj.f0ir)fj.i. fi0eico, Ep. for ^ie0u, fj.t0ui, aor. 2 subj. of fj.t0ir]fj.t. jji60KTov, verb. Adj. of fj.tTt\(a , one must share in. jx0Xe(TK, Ion. for fitOfiXf,^ sing. aor. 2 of fj.f0aiptaj. |AC-0{iv, Ep. for fitOfivat, aor. 2 inf. of fj.t0irjfj.i. |X0v, Dor. for ifj.t0fv = fj.ov, gen. of eyda. |xe0'^ojxai, fut. 429 I p,0-iro>, impf. (j,f0tiirov Ep. fitOfrrov : fut. fj.f0tyaj: poet. aor. 2 fj.tTtarrov, inf. fjitTaairtiv, part. fj.tTao~irwv'. aor. 2 med. fj.fTf5vpdfj.fvos fj.t0tT)Kf having wept and bewailed be left off. [t in Att.; t in Ep., except metri gratia.] |ie0-icrTdv, f. aca, (/j.0ooos) to wcrk by method: hence to deal craftily with. p,e0-oBos, 77, (fj,fTa, o5os) a following nfter: a scien- tific inquiry or treatise : method, system. IJ.60-op.rXca>, f. ?70-a;, to associate with, mix with. p.60-6ptos, a, ov, (fj.Ta, opos) bordering on, forming a boundary ; rci fj.f06pia (sub. ^wpia), the borders, frontier. . p.0-opp,ua>, f. 770*ey, (/*Ta, o/>/zacw) to -urge in pur- suit : Pass., aor. I fj.f0Q}pfi^0r]v, to follow closely, pursue eagerly ; fj.f0opfj.rj0f is following close. p.60-opp,Co>, f. io~o) Att. iw, to remove ships from one anchorage to another, properly trans., but often intr. with vfas omitted : metaph. to remove from one place to another : Pass, to sail from one place to another. ME'OT", vos, TO, wine, Lat. merum. p.e0-v8puis, aSos, T), (^CTCI, vSap) of or from the water, epith. of Nymphs. M0-vSpu>v, TO, (fJ.fTa, vSct'p) a place be'ween waters, 3. place in the heart of Arcadia, whence the waters ran different ways : cf. Lat. Interamnia. p,0v-TTi8a, O.KOS, 6, 77, (fjLf0v, TT?6a) gushing with wine. p.0v-irXT)|, 7^705, 6, 77, (fj.t0v, iT\T)acrca} wine-struck, drunken. p.60-viro8Op,at, Med. (JUCTO, vTrooeofJuu) to change shoes, put on another person's shoes. . p,0vcrts. 77, (fj.60va)) drunkenness. p.60vcn, f. vaca (v), aor. I l/ie^u(ra : Causal of fj.f0ica, to make drunk with wine, to intoxicate: Pass., in pres. to get drunk; in aor. I ffj.f0vff0tjv, to be drunk. p.0i5o-o-KOTTaj3os, ov, (fjitdvo-os, KoTTaQos} drunk with playing at the KOTTa0os. p.0vp-os, 77, ov, also os, ov, (fifOv} drunken. p.0-vos, ov, (fJ.f0v, Tpffpca) producing wine. H,60va>, only used in pres. and impf., the other tenses being supplied by the Pass, of ftfOvaitca : ({j.f0v):to be drunken, be given to drinking. II. metaph. to be drenched, steeped in any liquid. 2. to be intox- icated with passion : to be stupefied with blows. fjL60oii|ji6v, I pi. aor. i sub. of /J.t0i7}fti. [ACi-oYwyew, ^ ff (A t " )I/ > d'ycu-yos) to bring too lit- tle ; fifiayaiyetv rr t v rpayudiav to weigh tragedy by scruples, weigh scrupulously : see peTov. MEIAA'Xl, f. 770"^ : aor. I e fjieifirjaa. Ep. fj.fior}o~a : to smile : for 'SapSaviov ftfioTJcfat, see IZapodvics. Hence |xei8T](j,a and |Xt8Cufxa, O.TOS, TO, a smile, smiting. (X6i8i(i.a), f. dffca [a], collat. form of fj.ci8act), to smile : Ep. part. fjtfi5i6(av. , Adv. of [Kifav, in a greater degree. , later form for fj.fi^cav. , ov, irrcg. Comp. of fieyas, greater. Ep. for dat. of /xe'Aas. (JieiXia, i&iv, TO., '(peiXiaffca) anything that pacifies or pleases, bridal gifts, a bridal dowry. [A6iAiYP- a . O.TO.S, TO, (fAfiXiffaoj) anything to soothe cr gladden; /mA-ry/iara dvpov scraps to appeals hunger. 2. in pi. a propitiation offered to the dead, Lat. inferiae. 3. a fondling, darling, Lat. deli- ciae. 4. a soothing song. p,i\iKTTjpios, ov, (p.ei\iaaca) able to soothe, propitia- tory; p-fiXiKriipia (sub. if pa), TO., atonements. fxtCXivos, rj, ov, poet, for ft\ivos, ashen. p,uXCcro - (i), f. 0; : (^fXt) : to make mild, to soothe, please: to treat kindly; to appease, propitiate : Pass. to be soothed, grow calm : Med. to use soothing words; ^r}8f ri p' aiSofjievos ftftXiafffo JWT/O" eXtaipfw extenuate not aught from respect or pity. |XiXixia /Ion. -i-q, T), (fiet'Atx os ) mildness, gentle- ness : but also backwardness, lukewarmness in battle, [AetXixios, a, ov, also os, ov, (juetA.tac'aj) mild, gentle, soothing : in neut. pi., Tpoaavoav fj-fiXix'toiGt (sub. to address with soothing words : cf. KtpTo- II. of persons, mild, graciotts. -YTjpvs, v, (nd\ixos, ^rfpvs) soft-voiced. p.iXix6-8ajpos, ov, (/mAtx s Sa)po') giving plea- sing gifts. jjieiXixos, ov, ([tciXicraai) mild, gentle, kind. jxeivai, aor. i inf. of /ieVcy. ftctvav, p.6ivc, Ep. 3 pi. and sing. aor. I of n^vta. IACIOV, ovos, TO, neut. of pf'tow, less, too small. II. pei'ov, T6, name of the lamb which was offered at the Athenian Apaturia; since, if not of a certain weight, it was rejected as pftov, too light ! see ftfi- p,iov-6KT0, f. -rfffo), (jUfFov, ex'") to have too little, to be poor : c. gen. rei, to be scant of a thing. Hence p,eioveCa, i), disadvantage. fiiova)s, Adv. of /xe/eov, in a less degree; pfdvcas tX*tv to be too mean. P.CIOO), f. wata, (ftficuv} to make smaller, lessen, di- minish. 2. to lessen in honour, degrade. 3. to extenuate. II. Pass, to become smaller, to de- crease. 2. to become worse or weaker; c. gen. to fall short of. p,tpaxt-6fairaTT]S, ow, o t (pftpaKiov, (-airaTa(o) a boy-cheater, [a] |i6tpaKii5o|j.ai, Dep. (/fpa) to 2 a oqy: to be idle r mischievous, Lat. adolescenturire. jieipdiciov, TO, Dim. of /*eipa, a 7aa*, stripling. p.Lpa!a) /o oe a iqy or /aa 1 . fieipaKicncT), 77, Dim. of fj.et~pa^, a little girl. p-eipaKio-KOS, o, Dim. of flfipat, a lad, stripling. p.ipaicuXXiov, TO, Dim. of fj.ei'pag, a mere lad. MErPAH, o, and rj, a feqy or girl, lad or /ass. MEI'POMAI: pf. efj.fj.opa pass, cfyappai : Dep. I?* in pres. /o receive as one's portion or due ; c. ace., T)fj,i(Tv fj.(ipeo Tifj.r)s take half the honour as thy due. II. in pf. efji.fj.opa, to have or obtain one's share of a thing ; c. gen., efj.fj.ope TI/XT/S fo a/ gotten bis share of honour. III. the pf. pass, is used as impers. eifj-aprai, it is allotted or decreed by fate ; plqpf. e'ifj.apTO it was so decreed: also in part, elfjiap- jj,evos, r\, ov, allotted, decreed; $ elfj.apfj.evrj (sub. fioipa), that which is allotted, destiny, like rreTrpojfj.evr) from irfTrpcarai. jxis, o, Ion. and Aeol. for nty, a month. p,ei(0|xa, aTos, TO, (/.icioa;) a diminution : a fine. , neut. /aefov gen. ftfiovof, used as Comp. of and oAryos. * p-eXd-y-Y^tos, ov, and (xeXdy-Yews, *w, gen. cy, (/xeActs, 'yaFa = 777) w/z'/jb Wac& so/7, loamy. jwXaY-Kcpws, gen. a;, (/jeAas, Kepas) black-horned. HAay-K6pC<|>os, o, (fj.e\as, tcopvcprj) with a black bead : as Subst., (j.e\ayreupva) black-cloaked: ol M.f\dyx\aivoi a Scythian nation. p,XaYXXdo), (/xeAa7xoAos) /o be jaundiced or rae- lancboly. jiXd.Y-XXos, ov, (/ic'Aas, x ^ 7 ?) w^ jaundiced. II. dipped in black bile. H,6Xa-y-XP ot T|S, e's, (fj.\o,s, \pota) jxcXayxpoos, ov, contr. ~XP OV S, ow, (fte\as, black-skinned, sun-burnt, bronzed, swarthy: there is an irreg. nom. pi. fj.f\dyxp es - p-eXa^-Xp^S, turos, 6, %, (fj.e\as, Xpoos. \t.\aQpov, TO, (pt\ai) the cross-beam or rafter in a room, so called from being 1 blackened with smoke, hence the ceiling : also the projecting beam outside a house, the cornice. II. generally, a roof: in pi., like Lat. tecta, a house. tteXa0p6(j>iv, poet. gen. of /J,\a0pov. (leXaivco, f. ai/a) : Pass., aor. I i fj.e\av6r]v : pf. jj.e- fj.\aafMii : (fj.c\as} : to blacken, make black : Pass. to grow black or dark, turn black. , e's, (p.i\a$, fiddos) deep in darkness. 431 p,Xap,-{3a(J>T|S, es, (fj,e\as, f3aT]vai) dark-dyed. HcXdjA-pcoXos, ov, (fj,e\as, /3a)Aos) with black soil. \jLf\a\JL-iT(iyi]3, (s, Dor. for fj,e\afj,TrrjyTjs, (fj.e\as, black-clotted : generally, black, discoloured. , ov, (fj.eX.as, 7r7rAos) black-robed. , ov, (fieXas, ireraXov) dark-leaved, ov, (fJ.eXas, Trrepov) black-winged. |iXa}A-<}>arjS, es, (fj.eX.as, YT|S, t's, (fj.e\as, avyr)) dark-gleaming. jxeXdv-SeTos, ov, (fj.e\as, Secu) bound or mounted with black ; adicos /-teAavScTov an iro?i-rimmed shield. ov, (fj.e\av, SexofMi) holding ink; Kio~T7) fj.e\avouKos an m^-stand. jxeXdv-Spuov, TO, (fj,e\as, 8pvs*) heart of oak. }jieXav-6i(j,wv, ov, (fj,e\as, ef/ua) with black raiment. jj.<=Xdv6L or (AeXavel, a 3 sing, without any other part of the Verb in use, either to make dark (from fj.eX.dvoj = fj.e\alvQj\ or to grow dark (from /j.e\aveca). HX-av6ir)S, , (fJ.eX.as, dvOos) with black blossoms : generally, black-coloured. jxcXSvia, ?), (/zcAas) a black cloud. p,6Xavo-v, 1)708, 6, T), (/ueAas, {evyvvfj.i} with black benches. (xeXdvo-KapSios, ov, (fj,e\as, Kapoia} black-hear led. jieXav-ojijiaros, ov, (fj.eX.as, o/u/xa) black-eyed. jieXavo-vcKvo-eCjxwv, ov, gen. ovos, (fj.e\as, viavs, elfjia) clad in black shroud. p-cXSvo-irrepos, ov, and p-eXSvo-irrcpv^, vyos, o, ), (fj.e\as, Trrepov, Trrepv} black-winged. jxeXdv-ocrcros, ov, (fj,e\as, oaae) black-eyed. p,eXdv-o p,Xe, as a familiar address, my friend, my dear: voc. from an obsol. nom. /utAos, or contr. from fj.e\eos, for fj,t\ee, as rjXe for 7^Ac6. p-cXeSaivco, (/^cAtu) to care for, be cumbered or anx- ious about, c. gen. II. to tend, attend upon, c. ace. Hence 432 II. O.TOS, TO, care, anxiety, concern. the thing cared for. Hence jAeXeBTjjJLtov, ov, gen. ovos, caring for, anxious about. II. busy. >vos, f, ji\8a>vvs, 6, poet, for /zeAeScyvos. peXeSdbvT], 77, like ficXfSujv, (pf \e8aivai) care, sorrow. fxeXeScavos, o, and 77, (fieXeSaivw) one K//JO ta&es care o/, a guardian, steward : a keeper or tender. jxeXei, impers., see (JLtXo). p-eXeio-Ti, Adv. (fie Act feu) limb from limb. p-cXco-irSOris, s, (fitXeos, iraflefv) suffering misery. jwXeo-rrovos, ov, (/-te'Aeos, 7rovos) labouring in misery. jxcXeos, a, or, also os, or, (^icXo;) fruitless, vain, empty: neut. /Xeov as Adv. m vam. 2. - happy, wretched. [xeXeo-cjjp^v, ovos, 6, 97, (/xeXeos, ^>p?7v) wretched in mind. , ov, (fJifXos, irrcpov) singing with its i, 3 sing. pres. med. of /xeXcy. p.6XT, f. 770-0;: /o care for, c. gen. II. c. ace. /o study, prosecute diligently, Lat. excolere : to court: to practise, exercise; fieXtTctv aoQtav to prac- tise wisdom ; also c. dat. rei, //cXeTav TO o> to /rac- zse >zV the bow: absol. to practise, exercise oneself; kv TQ> (JL^f fj.fXfTuvn (dat. part, for inf.) by want of practice: absol. to take heed, take thought. 2. c. ace. pers. to exercise or train one. From jxeXeTt], 77, (/ieAo/zi) care, attention 2. practice, exercise. II. can?, anxiety. {xeXeTr][jia, aros, TO, (/xeAeTaa;) practice, study. jxeXeTTjpos, d, ov, (/^cAtTacy) practising diligently. |XXTrjTOV, verb. Adj. of /icXeTacw, owe mws/ practise, (jLeXcrup, opos, 6, (/Lie'Xa;) oe tffo cares /or, a guardian, avenger. cov, ovos, 17, = fj.f\e Sd>v, p.f\^wvrj. , TO, (/xeAaj) a o&/>c/ o/ care: a be- loved object. II. a charge, duty : care, anxiety. |XXijo-}Xv, Ep. for peXrjfffiv, fut. inf. of jueAcu. jxcXirjo-Cn-ppOTOS, ov, (/j.6\rjffis, /3/JOTos) cared for by men. MXT]TC8i]s [t 1 " 1 , oy, 6, proverbial name at Athens for a blockhead, as if patronym. from MeA^Tos. ME'AF, fros, TO, Lat. MEL, honey. jxeXCa Ion. -i-q, j), ^e as^, Ltt. fraxinus : from its toughness it was used for spears. II. a spear. jJicXt-poas, o, (^e'At, ^SoiJ) rwVA honey-tone. p.6XL-j3pop.os, oy, (/^e'At, j8/)6/u) honey-toned. , ov, (fteXi, SOVTTCO;) sweet-sounding. Dor. --yapvs, uos, 6, ?), (^tc'Xi, yfjpvs) honey-voiced, musical. |XXC--yX(ocrcros, ov, (/ie'At, yXwffffa) honey-ton gued. |X\LY|J.a, OTOS, TO, (/ieAtfcu) son^ : fl ^>z/e. {xeXC^co Dor. (JieXicrSco, (fj.eXos) to modulate, warble, play: so also in Med., with Dor. fut. fJ.(Xio{JUii. 2. trans, to sing o/, celebrate in song. (A6Xt-Tj8if|S, 4s, (///Xt, ^8us) honey-sweet: metaph. sweet to the soul, pleasing. jxeXi-Opcirros, ov, (/Xt, rpe^ca) honey-fed. p.6Xt-0poos, ov, contr. -8povs, ouv, (f^fXt, Opoeca) sweet-sounding. jjLeXC-KTjpov, TO, (^teAt, Ktjpos') a honeycomb. p,Xt-KO|xiros, ov, (fJifXi, KOfjnreoj) sweet-sounding. |JLXt-KpdTOS Ion. -KpTjTOS, OV, (/if'Ai, KfpaVVVfAl) mixed with honey : fifXi-fcprjTov Att. rcparov, TO, a drink of honey and milk offered as a libation. |AfXucTT|S, ov, Dor. p-eXi-KTas, a, o, (//eX/fa;) a singer, player, esp. a flute-player. fjLcXt-Xtorov, TO, also fxeXC-XwTOS, 6, (neXi, Xorros) melilot, a kind of clover, so called from the quantity cf honey it contained. MEAI'NH, fj, millet, Lat. panicum : in pi. millet- fields, [r] fieXtvos Ep. jAetXivos, 77, ov, (fifXia) ashen, Lat. fraxineus. MXtvo-(j>aYOt, ol, (fJieXivrj, s, not fj-eXifffftos, a, ov, (^Xiaoa) of, be- loning to bees ; peXioaeiov mjpiov a honeycomb. , ov, (jifXtaora, fiuaKoo)fed on by bees. ,ov,(p.Xtffaa,vefJ.oi}') keeping bees. II. i. 2 ) a priestess. jxcXicro-o-Trovos, ov, (fj-fXiffffa, irovica) tending bees. jieXicro-o-o-oos, ov, (/ifXio"o"a, <7oos) guardian of bees. fjteXtcro-6 -TOKOS, ov, (/icXto-Q-a, TeKetv) produced by bees, honied. p,eXuro-o-Tp64>os, ov, (/icAtcro'a, Tp^oj) feeding bees. p.eXio-o-oov Att. [teXiTTwv, cDvos, o, (/LteXto"(ra) a bee- house, apiary. es, (/^eXt, arayrjvai) dropping honey, p,eXtT6ia, 77, (fieXt) a herb, banlm, Lat. apiastrum. p,Xt-TpirT|S, s, (fJifXt, TepTToj) boney-sweet. MeXtTiSTjs, false form for McXrjTiSifS. p-eXiToeis, fffcra, ev, (/xeAi) ho?iied, sweet. II. made of honey: as Subst., fifXtrofaaa Att. p.tXnovrra (sub. /iafa) ), a honey-cake. p,XiTO-irwXT]S, ou, o, (ftcXt, irttiXcQj) a dealer in honey. p,eXiTOVTTa, v. ftcXiToets. f. uffct}, (/xeXt) /o sweeten ^vifh honey. , 77, Ait. for fj.\t(raa, a bee. TO, Dim. of fifXirra, a small bee. p.XLTTO-Tp6<}>OS, Att. for 'W, -ovpYia, ), Att. for fif- \KTff-. (X6XtT-u)8Tf]S, 6s, (fteAos, fioos) like honey. O.TOS, TO, (fteAtToo;) a honey-cafe, [t] YOS, OK, (/'At, ^07777) honey-voiced, sweet-toned, honied. p,cXC-<|)pa)v, OKOS, u, 77, (fteAt, vpTOS, OK, (/xeAt, tpvpca} mixed with honey. * p,eXC-xXa)pos, OK, (/ie'At, x^-ft'/ 3 "*) yellow or pale as honey, tawny. |jisXi-xpoos, OK, contr. -xpovs, OUK, (ftc'At, X?" a ) honey-coloured, tawny. 5, es, (fj.\ixpovs, 6?5os) yellow as honey. 5, OJTOS, o, 77, (fj,f\i, XP^ 8 ) = fifXixpoos. p.cXXirjjji,a, OTOS, TO, (/it'AAo;) a delay: in pi. de- lays. fxeXXijo-a, Ep. for ffJ,f \\rjffa, aor. I of /-te'AAo). p.6XXt](ns, 77, (fte'AAo;) a being about to do, intending or threatening to do : an intention. II. an un- fulfilled intention, a delaying, delay. jAAXir)T6ov, verb. Ad j . of p.f\\, ovs, 77, poet, for fj.f\\rjffis. >ia, 77, song-writing. From OK, (fif\os, ypd, ov, u, = fj.t\oiroi6s. 433 jxeXo-iroios, OK, (jueAos, iroifca) making lyric poems : as Subst., /xeAoTTOtos, 6, a lyric poet. ME'AO2, cos, TO, a limb; KO.TCL fj.f\fa limb by limb. II. a song, strain; plur. ^^77 lyric poetry, choral songs. 2. the music to which a song is set, an air, melody. p-cXo-TVireco, f. 770-0;, (//e'Aos, TVTTTCU) to strike up a strain, chant. jxfXirqOpov, TO, (/zeATnw) the song and dance, fes- tivity, sport; fif \irrj0pa KVVWV a sport for dogs. MeXirop-evif], 77, Melpomene, the Songstress, the Muse of Tragedy. From [AtXirw, f. if/a) : aor. I ffj,\if/a : (/*eAos) : to sing, celebrate. 2. intr. to sing. II. so also jicX- irojjLai, fut. -^o/xat, as Dep. ; fJLf\irfaOcu ictGapifav to sing to the harp ; fitXirfaOai to dance in honour of Mars, i. e. to fight bravely. 2. c. ace. to sing, celebrate. jxeXuSpiov, TO, Dim. of /tcAos, a ditty. ME'Afi, fut. fj.f\rjffo} : to be an object of care or thought; -ndcri fj-fXca I am a care to all. 2. mostly in 3 sing. /xeAet, impf. fftf\f, fut. fj.f\rjfffi, pres. and fut. inf. fj.f\fiv and fifXr/cffiv : something is a care to me, an object of thought, anxiety, Lat. curae est mihi ; of a pursuit, /icAet p.oi iro\ffj.os war is a care to me : so in inf., o"ot XP*7 "rdSf fj.(\fiv it is right that these things shoidd be a care to thee. 3. p.fXfi is often impers. ; fic'Aet ^ot Tovbf there is a care to me for this, I care for this. II. pres. and fut. Med. at, fj,f\r}0fTai, are also used in 3 sing, for fj.f\fi, et ; as e/^ot 5c e TavTa. fj.f \rjfftTat but these things shall be my care. 2. pf. act. fif(j.r)\f with pres. sense, for Att. fiffjif \rjKf , and the plqpf. with impf. sense, to be a care, be thought of; AoTct tpya carefully tended works. 3. Ep. pf. and plqpf. pass. fiffj.0\fTai, fj.f/j.0\fTO, shortd. for ftffif- \ijTai, ffj.ffj,f\T)TO, also occur in pres. and impf. sense; 77* vv TOL ovKfTi p.tp.^KfT ' A.xi\\fvs surely Achilles is no longer a care to thee ; fj.ffj.f3\fTO of Ttfxos the wall was a care to him. HI. the Act. (j.t\u, Med. /ic'Ao/ttit are also found in trans, sense, to care for, take care of, tend, c. gen., p.fXfiv fipoTtuv to take care of mortals ; so in pf. part., wToAe/zoio fiffj,rj\us busied with war : also in aor. I pass. fj.f\r)6r)vai, to care for, take care of. eo), f. 770-0;, (^e/\o;5os) to sing. Hence . 77, a singing. p-eX-wSos, OK, (fj.f\os, 0)877) singing, musical. p-ep.aa, pf. of *fiao; : 3 pi. fiffiddoi. p.6|jid07]Ka [ftfi], pf. of p.ai p.c-p.aicvia, Ep. pf. part. fern. ucuaixev, Ep. for fj.ffjd.ofj.fi/, I pi. pf. of * JJ.CLOJ. p.e(xu.vT||jLai [y^a], pf. of ftatVo/iat, formed as if from p.p,a,oTS, pf. part. pi. of */xao;. fjLp,dirotv [/*a], 3 pi. Ep. aor. 2 opt. p.ep.apTr(os, pf. part, of pap-moj. T6, Ep. for fj.ffJ.dfTf, 2 pi. pf. of 434 p. f p. axoi, pf- o p-ep-aws, \L\iavla, pf. part, of *^ao;: |Xfxaurcs, }X- fiauras, lengthd. for fj.ffj.aoTts, {j.efj,a6ras, nom. and ace. plur. t, p,cp.|3XeTO, Ep. for , 3 sing. pf. and plqpf. pass, o , pf. of. 0\wffKi>oco. , 77, 6v, (jj.4/j.(j)oi^ai) to be blamed, blame- worthy, contemptible. II. act. blaming, hearing a grudge against. [if ;jiiJKtt, pf. of fJVKa.ofj.ai : also of fjvuo). ME'M^OMAI, fut. fj.fj.i/sofj,ai : aor. i med. ef^ffJ- $dfj.r)v, pass. k^^(pOt]v : Dep. : to blame, upbraid, reproach, find fault with, c. ace. pers. or rei ; c. gen. rei, to complain of a thing ; c. ace. rei et gen. pers., o naKiara fiffjupovTai r)fj.uv which is the chief com- plaint they make against us. II. c. dat. pers. et ace. rei, to object a thing to another : reproach him with it : c. dat. pers. to find fault with. Henvj/i-p,oipos, OI/ > (/J/J.(f>onai, ftofpa) complaining of otters fate, repining, discontented. p.ep.\|;Ls, ecus, rj, (fj.ffj.fpo/jat') a blaming, reproach, re- proof. 2. a complaint. ME'N, conjunctive Particle, used to distinguish the word or clause with which it stands from something that is to follow, and commonly answered by 8e in the corresponding clause. Generally, }j.(v and 6e ME'NOS. may be expressed by on the one hand . . , on the other; as well . . as, while ; fj,ev, like 8c, can never stand first in a clause : jj.fv is not always answered by 8^, but by other Particles, as by a\\a, drop, eVetra, avrf, avdis; also by pevroi, fira. MeV is often found without 8e expressed, as, djs jj.lv Xeyovcrt as they say, (but as I do not believe). Mtv was orig. the same as P.TJV, and rj jj.V is retained in Ion. for 7) pr\v as a form of protestation. II. jj.fv before other Par- ticles : I. jj.lv dpa, Ep. jj.fv pa, accordingly, and so. 2. JAW 76 or jj.lv .. 76, yet at least, certainly, Lat. certe. 3. jj.lv 877 however. 4. fj.lv ovv or fj,vovv, Lat. imo vero, ay indeed: rather, nay rather : so too, fj.lv ovv 76 or jj.fvovvy, yea rather. 5. jjfv TOI Ep., Att. jj.fVToi, certainly, at any rate. b. to recall what has gone before, now. c. to mark an objection, or exception, yet, however, still, never- theless. p,vaixp-T|S, ov, 6, (jj.(v, only used in pres. and impf., (fj.^vos') to desire earnestly, to be bent on doing : c. gen., fj.fv- aivfiv jJ.axr}s to long for battle. II. to be angry, rage, be furious : to be convulsed in death. jjiev-eYX 1 ! 8 ' S > (A ^ I/CU > ^7X OS ) steadfast in fight. jjLV6-Sif|ios, ov, (fj-fvca, 877105) standing one's ground against the enemy, staunch, unflinching. |AV6T,vap.ev, Ep. I pi. aor. I of jj.fv(aivtu. Meve-Xuos, Att. McvtXccos Dor. MevcXas, o, pr. n., (jj.voj, Aaos) Menelaus, i. e. withstanding men. p-evc-irroXc^os, ov, (jj.evca, ir6\ffj.os) staunch in battle, steadfast, resolute. M6V6(r0vs, ecus, Ion, 7705, 6, (/icycu) Menestheus, i. e. the Abider. [16V6T6CV, verb. Adj. of jj.vo}, one must abide. p,6VTos, 77, 6v, (fj.4voj) standing one's ground, stead- fast: also patient, long suffer ing ; ol Kaipol ov jj.everoi opportunities will not wait. H,V-e|>vXoms, tos, 6, 77, (p.fvca, , 3 sing, pevoivaa : Ep. aor. I pfvoivrjoa, 3 sing. opt. p.tvoivfjatie : (nfvoiv-f)} : to desire eagerly, long for, to strive for. i. to purpose, intend. |AVOIVT|, 77, eager desire. ficvcavoxo, Ep. for fievoivaa). ME'NOS, eos, TO, force, strength of body, prow- ess. 2. of animals, strength, fierceness, spirit. 3. of things, strength, might, force : hence of the blood as giving strength ; p.t\o.v fj-tvos a flow of black blood. II. spirit, ardour: fttvei, dat. -with fury, violently. 2. wish, bent, purpose. 3. generally, temper, disposition. III. fj.tvos is also used in fjLevovv /jteo-oAa/3?/?. 435 pcriphr. like pirj. 'Is ; as Icp^v pevos 'AXrcivuoio the sacred Alcinous himself. jicvovv, p.tvToi, etc , v. sub fj.lv n. 4, 5. ME'Nfl : Ion. impf. /ueVeovfov : fut. p.ev>, Ep. un- contr. /JKveo} : aor. I e/mva : pf. p.f/j.6vr]tca. : to stay, /a:V, Lat. MANEO : to abide, sland ones ground. 2. to stay at home, tarry. 3. to stay behind, linger, dally. 4. of things, to be lasting, to remain, stand. 5. of condition, to be unchanged, continue? bold good. 6. to abide or stand by an opin- ion. II. tians. to await, expect, abide, await steadfastly: to await for; fji&vov 8' (trl tairfpov (\0iv they waited for evening's coming on : also to watch for. p.pico, f. iffoa Att. ia>: Dor. p.picrBa>, f. a>: (ftfpis}: to divide into parts. II. to divide, distribute : - Med. to divide among themselves. p.c'pip,va, f], (jj.fpis, /-ifpt^cy) care, thought : anxious eare or though f, trouble, disquietude. II. the thought, mind. Hence p.epip,vd, f. -rjcro}, to care for, be anxious about, think earnestly upon ; iroXXct. fj.epipvdv to be cumbered with many cares. Hence p.pt|jLV7]jia, arcs, TO, anxious thought, care : and p.pip.VT]TTjS, ov, o, one who is careful about things. p.ptp.vo-TOicos, ov, (fjLepifAva, Te/cetJ') giving birth to care. fiepi[jivo- and -aw, to pass the noon, Lat. me- ridiari. p-6o-i]p-pptv6s, 17, ov, commoner form for pios, (^leo'Ty/xjSpta) belonging to noon, noontide; noonday heat. II. southern. s, ov, = ncffr)nl3piv6s. p.6 f ^ e inferior. p-ecro-Sp-t], 77, (//6a\os, ov, (ptaos, 6ptya\us) in mid-navel, central, midmost, of Apollo's shrine at Delphi, from the prevalent notion that it was the centre of the earth. ji(rov, TO, see peaos in. (jiecro-vuKTLos, ov, (fj,taos, vv) of or at midnight : neut. peaovvKTiov as Adv., at midnight. jxco-o-iraYTls Ep. p,6axroir-, es, (peaos, irayrjvai) driven to the middle. p,6 '*'" until, c. gen.; peaty' 7/oCs //// morn : peaty' OTC until. i |xccro>s, Adv. of peaos, middlingly, moderately. META', poet, p-trai, Dor. ireSd or ircSa : when placed after its Subst., it is written pera : Prep, with gen., dat., et ace. WITH GEN. in the midst of, among, between. II. in common with, with the help or favour of; peT' 'AOijvairjs with the help of Athena. III. with, by means of; as peT' dperfjs irpodreveiv. WITH DAT. only poet, properly of persons, among, j in company with: sometimes, besides, over and above; Twparos peTci ofs eTatpoiaiv last over and above his companions. 2. of things, in the midst of, with, as, peT& vrjvai, Kvpaat, darpdai ; so also, peTcL irvoi?,s dvepoto in company with the winds. WITH ACCUS. of motion, coming into or among, as peTO. tyv\a Oeuv, peTO. \auv : generally, after, in quest or pursuit of, either in hostile or friendly sense: hence with a view to, looking to; ir^Xepov ptTa datprjaaovTo they armed for the battle. II. of Place, after, next after, behind; perd KTI\OV eaneTO pf}\a the sheep followed after the bell-wether. 2. of Time, after, next to; perd TavTa thereafter: also, peO' r/pe- pav in the course of the day, Lat. interdiu. 3. of order of Rank, next to, next af.'er, after; tcd\\iaTos dvf)p peT' dpvpova Hij\eiojva the fairest man after the son of Peleus. III. after, according to ; pfTd aov icat epbv fcfjp as you and I wish. IV. among, j in, between, as with dat. ; peTd irdvTas apiaTos best i of all, among all. AS ADV. among them, with them. II. and then, next afterwards. III. thereafter, afterwards ; \ peTd yap Kal a\yeai TepveTai dvrjp one feels pleasure ' even in troubles afterwards. McVa is often used for peTeaTi, q. v. IN COMPOS. peTa. implies community or participa- tion, as in p(Ta-5iScupi. II. interval of space or time, between, during, as in peT-aixpiov. III. succession of time, as in peT-avTiiea. IV. to- I wards, in pursuit, following, as in ptTa-SiuKOj, per- j oixopat. V. letting go, as in pe6-irjpi. VI. 1 after, behind, as in peTa-typevov. VII. back- wards, back again, reversely, as in peTa-Tpeiroj, pera- aTpetyca. VIII. most freq. of change of place, condition, mind, etc. as in peTa-ffaivoj, pTa-@d\\(a, peTa-ytyvwaKQ}, etc. (jLcrapa, for peTdfirjOi, aor. 2 imperat. of peTa0atvoj. |ATa-J3atvo>, f. -ffrjaopat: aor. 2 peTefirjv: pf. pe TO.- PfftTjica : to pass over, to pass on: generally, to pass from one place to another. II. Causal in aor. I p.cTt07)ffa, inf. fAerafirjaai, to carry over or away. jxcra-pdXXco, f. -/3aAa; : aor. 2 p.fTtfia\ov: pf. /^era- /3t^A7?/fa, pass. -/3e/3A?7/xcu : to tarn quickly or swc?- denly ; nsrafiaXXtiv yrjv to turn, i. e. plough, the i earth, Lat. novare. 2. to turn about, change, alter, \ reverse ; fj,Ta@d\\tv TO. iioara to change the course ! of the water; fj,Ta@d\\fiv diairav to change one's diet J or way of life. II. intr. to undergo a change, be- I come changed, alter: to change one's purpose. III. I to, pursue closely. II. intr. to follow close after. Med. to change for oneself, exchange, traffic. 2. to p,6Ta-8oic0, f. -Soa : aor. i -eSo^a : pf. pass. -Se- turn oneself, turn about: to change one's mind or pur- doyfjat : to change one's opinion : impers. 437 HTO,-ST|[JUOS, ov, (fj.erd, ST^OS) in the midst of or among the people : hence, native, at home. p,Ta-8iaiTda>, f. 7700;, (jwerd, St'cura) to change one's way of life. p,Ta-Si8c0ju, fut. -Swau, to give part of, give a share. II. to give after. jiTa-8Co|Acu, Dep., = fjiTa8icijKQj. p,6Ta8tcoicTOS, ov, chased, overtaken. From i, f. -diajofMii later -8iduca, to give chase post 3. to turn one's back, turn or wheel round. f. ifica, to change by dyeing : to stain, dye : metaph. to change one's complexion. p.Ta,pds, do-a, dv, aor. 2 part, of p-trafiaivoj. jjLTdf3acri,s, 77, (fj-erafiaiva}") a passing over, shifting, changing. II. change, alteration. p.erd(3if]0i,, aor. 2 imperat. of p.Ta0aivca. jA6To|3Tfjcro|jiai, fut. of p.tTa.paivaj. |AeTa-J3ij3d&>, f. -0i@d, Causal of ftcra/Sati/cy, to carry or convey over, bring into another place. |ATaj3oXT|, 77, (fjLera@d\\aJ) a change, changing: in plur. changes, vicissitudes; but c. gen. change from a thing, as fjtfTa@o\r) /caftuiv : change to another party, /Ta/3oA?) fs TOVS "EAA77i/as going over to the Greeks. 2. fj,fra0o\r) TTJS ^^prjs an eclipse. ), or as Dep. jj.Ta{3oi;XiJO}ji, Ion. and in late Gr. -yivwo'Kto : pf. -yi'ujaofj.ai : aor. 2 jueTt-yi/on' : to ascertain after or too late. II. to change one's mind : c. ace. to alter, repeal a decree. 2. to repent : c. ace. to re- pent of a thing. , 17, = yuerdVota, repentance, remorse. fa>s, r), (nfTayvaivat) change of mind. i^cu, to K/rzYe differently : to alter, cor- rect : also, to interpolate, falsify. 2. to translate: Med. to g"e a letter translated. ' \iT-a.yd), f. -dcu : aor. 2 fifT^yayov : to convey from one place to another. II. seemingly intr. to change one's course. liCTa-SaCvvju, f. -Saro/zai, Dep. ?o share the feast : generally, to partake of. fieraSeSoyfJiai, pf. pass, of fjifraSoKca}. |ATa-Si>, f. -Srjcra), to tie differently : to unite. one changes, one changed one's plans or purpose : absol. in pf. pass, part., fteTaSfdoynei/ov p.oi P.T) ffTparfveaOai my purpose is changed so as not to march. fACTa-Sopmos, ov, (p-erd, Sopirov') during supper, or after supper. jjieraSos, aor. 2 imperat. of ficTaSiScuf^t. p-crdSoo-is, T), (^CTaSi5o;/xt) the giving a share, im- parting. |XTa8owai, aor. 2 inf. of /xeTa5tcu/. [xcrd-Soviros, ov, (//era, SOUTTCCW) falling between, useless. p.cTa-SpojjidS'rjv, Adv. (jucrd, 5po/zos) running after, following close upon. |A6Ta-8pop,T|, r), (juerd, 5pa^e/) a running after, pursuit, chase. |iTa-Sp6[AOS, or, (fj.rd, 5pap.fiv) running after, pursuing, hunting down, taking vengeance of. Adv. (^crd) afterwards. Y vv | JLl f- -frvoj, to unyoke and put to an- other carriage. p,TCL06O'is, 17, (ftTaTi6rjfu^ transposition : change of opinions, a going over. II. the power or right of changing. p-era-Otco, f. -Oevffofjiai, to run after, chase. jiTaC, poet, for nerd. p,Ta-ia>, poet, for ^Oi^ca, to take one's seat beside. p.Tai[jas, aor. I part, of ptTaiaaca. jiT-aCpo), to lift up and remove ; if/rifyiffna /zercu- petv to repeal a statute. II. intr. (sub. kavrov) to go away, depart. |X6T-cucrcra>, f. , f. 770*cXai&>, f. -K\avo~ofjLai, to weep or wail after- wards. 2. to weep for. p.Ta-icXda>, to break and so change. jiera-KXtva), f. -K\.IVU>, to turn in a new direction : Pass, to take another course, set the other way. jiTa-jcoi|Aia>, f. , f. iffQJ, to transport, carry over. |iTa-KiiXiv5w, f. rjffca, to roll away ; fj.eTaKv\ivotiv avTov to roll oneself over. [xeTa-KVjjLtos, ov, (fttrd, D^a) between the waves ; dras fifTaKv/Mov between two waves of woe, i.e. bring- ing a short lull or pause from woe. [u] jjLTa-XaYX^ va) > f- ~^- 1 ? o / xat > to get a share of. p.Ta-XajJLJ3dvca, f. -Aij^o/xcu : pf. -ti\rj Att. -TTCO : f. 0; : aor. I fj,T7)\.\aa : to exchange, to change, alter. 2 . to change to, take in exchange. 3. to change from, leave, quit. 4. intr. to undergo a change, change. p.6T-dXXa,TOS, Dor. for /xerdAAT/Tos. jx6T-aXXdo>, f. rjffca, (^CT' d'AAa) to search after other things, to explore, inquire curiously: to question : also to ask about, ask after. Cf. /zeraAAoi/. H-eraXXeva}, f. oca, (^eraAAoi/) to produce by mining to dig mines. II. = /ieTaAAacu, to explore. p.TaXXfjo-at, aor. I inf. of /ieraAAdo;. HTdXX-r]TOs, ov, verb. Adj. of jw=TaAAaa>, to be searched, sought out. (xeraXXiKOS, 77, civ, of or for mines. From p,T-aXXov, TO, a mine, quarry; aXus ptTaXXov a \%\\-'htt fsalf-'M7;*' mriCtlir \r\ T\\ **M,rm >**) ? t f**.,J nrn /xcraAAa gold and silver mines. (From ^er' oAAa, in quest of other things; cf. ^eraAAdcu.) p.TaXX6-xpti0'OS, ov t (^eraAAoi/, ^pucros) contain- ing gold ore. p.6TaX[ievos, Ep. aor. 2 part. pass, of /i60dAAo/zi. HTa-p,dios, ov, (/werd, pa^us) between the breasts : fj.eTaf*diov, TO, the part between the breasts, chest. | p.era-jjiaio|xai, Dep. to search after, chase. |XTa-[xa,v0dvo>, f. fjta,0'f)0o}M3.i '. aor. 2 /iCTe/^aflov : | tu learn differently : to unlearn one thing and learn ! another, Lat. dediscere. p,6T-ajJ,tpa>, f. fa, to exchange, aryaBuv KO.KOV good for evil ; also in Med. 2. to change, re- move. II. Med. to change one's condition, escape from ; fj,eTa/j.ei@6(iievoi in turns. |XTa-jjLXet, fut. -jjifXrjfffi: aor. I /^6T6/ueAr;(T : I. impers. it repents me, rues me, c. dat. pers. et gen. rei, jucTdfteAet ftoiTov irtTrpa.'YiJ.tvov,Lzt.poenitctmefacti; also, fj.Tajj.e\6i pot OVTOJS a.TroXoyr]aap.iv(a I repent of having so defended myself: absol., /iera/ueAet /*oi it repents me ; and in part., /zera/ieAoi/ p.oi, Lat. quum poeniteat me. 2. also with a nom., TO; 'A.p'io~T6o|xai, Pass. (/iTa, p.opfy'r]) to be trans- formed : to be transfigured. fiT-a}x4>idJo), f. o-s, ov, (p.fTa, dVcywos) borne by the wind : vain, idle, bootless; (ttTauwvia, &dttv to talk idly. |X6T-avo,Yi.YVwcrKco. to persuade one to change his purpose : Pass, to be changed in purpose. jJLTa-vai6Tdu>, to dwell with. p.Ta-vaiT7js, ov, 6, (ficrd, ycu'cu) a settler in a nen place, a wanderer. p-eT-avcurracrts, 57, (/icravtcrTa^at) migration. p,Ta-vdo-rqs, ov, 6, (fj.Ta,vaioj) one who has changed his home, a wanderer, emigrant, opp. to an original inhabitant. Hence fjLTavdcrTtos, ov, like a wanderer, wandering. jicravdo-Tpia, fern, of flfTavdffTrjs. (jLTav6Yvuicr0T]v, aor. i pass, of fteTayiyvwfffcca. p.T-ave, f. i7, to educate differently. lACTa-iratiop.ai, Pass, to rest between times. Hence |A6Ta-iravi, f. aca, to change by persuasion, win over. jATa-impdo|Aai, Dep. to try in a different way. p,6Tairp/jrTOS, a, ov, to be sent for : and jjiCTaTrejATTTOS, ov, sent for : verb. Adjectives from |i,6Ta-irejjLiro), f. i//o>, to send for, summon, Lat. ar- cessere : the Med. is more frequent in same sense. jjLTa-irtTOfJiai, f. -irTrjaoftai : aor. 2 tirrdfjujv : Dep. to fly away. p,Ta-in]8da>, f. rjffopai, to leap from one to another. \ UeTd-TTLTTTO}, f. 71 eaOV fJittl '. 3.OT. 2 CTTfOW '. pf. 7T6- irTcatca, : tofall differently, undergo a change, change suddenly. 2, of votes, to change sides. 3. of conditions, to change for the worse, to decline : but also to change for the better. p,Ta-Tr\dcr, f. it\daco [a], to mould differently, remodel. jjiTa-iTOtea), f. ijcroi, to remodel, cast anew, alter: Med. to pretend to, make pretence of a thing, c. gen. p,Ta-irotvu>s, ov, (/xeTa, 11011/77) punishing after- wards. fut. med. -fvcroftai : aor. T pass. Dep. : to "0 q/fer or ywes/ of: to follow up, punish. II. to emigrate. (jLCTairpciTYis, cs, distinguished among. From jjLTa-Trpira), only used in pres. and impf. to be con- spicuous or distinguished among. p,TairT, (ftcrcpatos, Ae'ax^s) to /a/A- o /o//y subjects. Hence jiCTapcrioXeo-xtO', 17, a talking on lofty subjects. jxcTaporos, ov, also a, ov, Dor. ircBapoaos : (fte- raipca) raised aloft, high in air : metaph. scattered to the winds. 2. floating in air, unsteady : also airy, empty. II. like fjifrecapos, out a' sea. Hence [ATapoa6a>, f. woca, to raise aloft, lift up. |ATa-o-6vo|xai Ep. p,6Ta06is, aor. I pass. part, of fieTaarptyo). p,Ta-crrpc4 >f ) f- ty&, to turn about, turn round: Pass., aor. I fj,(TCTTpf(p0r)v, aor. 2 nfreaTpdtyrjv [a], to turn oneself round, whether to rally or to flee ; often in aor. I part. /jifTacrTpffyOeis. 2. to turn round upon, retort. 3. to change, alter. intr. to change one's course. 2. to care for, regard, c. gen. 3. to turn round upon, to visit with ven- geance. p,Tas, 17, (/Tex a O a participation, shar- ing in. p,Ta-crxir)tiaTtco, f. icca Att. to), (perd, erx^a) to change the form of, alter, transform. p,Ta-Ta Att. -TTO>, f. aca, to change the order of, arrange differently : Med. to change one's order of battle : to go over to the enemy. p.Ta-rC0-rjp,t, f. -Orjaw : aor. I nertdrjiea : to place among. II. to place differently, change, alter: Med. to change for oneself: to change one's opinion, retract; fjLfrariOeoOat TT)V yvdu^v to change to a new opinion. |xTa-TtKTco, f. -T(o/jiai, to bring forth after. , f. ^o>, to turn round : Med. to turn 440 oneself round, turn back. 2. to turn and look after, to care for, regard, take care of. jAera-rpcx 00 * f- -6pfopai : aor. 2 /xc-reSpajwoi' (from obsol. 5pe/ipa), f. fjLfToiffca, to carry from one place to another, transfer. 2. to change, alter : to pervert : Pass, to change one's course. p.Ta-cJ>T]p,i, impf. or aor. 2 pfTctprjv, to speak among. |A6Taopd, 77, (fieTatycpca) a carrying from one place to another. II. in Rhetoric, a transferring to one word the sense of another, a metaphor, trope. (ji6Ta-<{>pdo|j(.a!,, f. pevov, TO, (peTa, ovc>, f. rjffo}, to speak among, address. H,Ta-X6iptc0, f- iov, or more often as Dep. Xeiptojjiai., f. iffopai Att. lovpai': aor. I adurjv : to have in ones hands, handle. 2. to take in hand, manage, Lat. administrare ; fnfraxfi- pi^ecrOai Trpaypa to conduct an affair. 3. to have in hand, pursue, practice, Lat. exercere. 4. to handle, treat in a certain way. v [Asra-xpovtos, a, ov, = fifTaxpovos. II. in Poets, = peTapffios, aloft, on high. [Acrd-xpovos, ov, (/WTO, xp6vti) after the time, done afterwards. |XTa-x, to brush against. |j.6TcaKa, aor. I ItCTceiirc, |A6T6iirov, Ion. and Ep. for ficrfi^rf, etc. H.TT)a, -t)[ip,ai, pf. act. and pass, t, f. Ep. -r]/j,i : (ftcTa, fiTrov} : to speak among. 2 . to speak thereafter, afterwards. p,6T6ts, Ion. for fjifOeis, aor. 2 part, of pfOirjp.1. [jiTurd|ivos, Ep. aor. i part. med. of /^Tet/u (st/u f'&o). p,TUs>, Ep. for fjLCTU}, subj. of fieTfifu (flfJ.i srtm). p,T-Kpaivo>, to step out of one thing into another. p,6T6KLaOov, impf. p,6T\a|3ov, aor. 2 p,6T\axov, aor. 2 p.eT6\'U(rop,ai, fut. of fj.eTcpxof.iai.. p.T6\0, p.T6\0wv, aor. 2 imperat. and part, of |tT- p.6T|xaOov, aor. 2 |X6T-[Ji|3aLva), f. -firjaof/ai, to go on board another ship. [ji,T-6[jif3ij3dco, f. -f3if3affQ} Att. -/StjSw, Causal of fj.fTf/j.0aiva}, put on board another ship. , p,T6jjtc\T]o-c, impf. and aor. I of Ep. pres. inf. of fHfTfif-d (el pi sum). jA6T-e(ji<|>iiTOS, ov, (fj.eTa, fj.fyvoj') engrafted afresh. p,T-v8iJC!>, f. Svcroj, to put other clothes on a per- son. II. Med., with aor. 2 fiZT-evtovv, to put on other clothes. |XTVTivoxa, Att. pf. p,6TvioxrTO, 3 sing. impf. pLCT-cvvcira), to speak among. p.T-6cupeopxu, Med. to take out and put elsewhere. p.eT-^aviTj, 3 sing. impf. or aor. 2 of fjifrdcprnju. p,T-exw, f. /xe#fc, f. i<7o;, (^i6Tecf/30s) /o ra/s to a height, raise, lift up : Pass., fttTCoapioOcls ev rca ireXayei keeping out on the high sea. II. metaph. to buoy up or excite : to buoy up with false hopes. |4.Teopo-KOir), f. Tjcroj, (/iCTt'cypos, KviTTOj) to prate about the heavenly bodies. JlTi>pO-\CrXT]S, OV, O, = ft(:T(QJpO-\6yOS. (i^TecopoXo-yeo, f. rjaca, (//eTtcupoAc/yos) to talk of high things, or of the heavenly bodies. Hence p,TG>po\o-yia, rj, a treatise on the heavenly bodies. p,Ta>po-X6'yos, ov, (pfTecapos, Ae^a;) talking or treating of the heavenly bodies. |XT-copos Ep. p,T-T|opos, ov, (yueTa, tupa. or alwpa) suspended in mid air, aloft, raised on high, high in air. 2. of a ship, on the high sea, out at sea. II. metaph. of the mind, excited, in suspense, Lat. spe erectus : hence wavering, fluctuating. III. TO, HfTcwpa, things in the air, the heavenly bodies, mete- ors, natural phenomena ; generally, abstruse, lofty speculations. p.Ta>po-icrTT|S, o, a meteorological philosopher. jA6Tcopo-<|>va(;, aos, o, a meteorological quack. jienfiYaYov, aor. 2 of /jLtTayoj. \i.err\\Qov Ep. fJi6TT|XiJ0ov, aor. 2 of fJLTtpx,of^at. p.nf|XXaa, aor. I of ptraXXaaoca. p,T-i]Vjjtios, ov, (fifrd, ai/c/zos) swift as the wind. p.T-"f|opos, older Ep. form for fteTecupos. |ATfjpa, aor. I of fj.fraipoj. p.TTjtr, f. iaoj Att. tea, to lead to another abode : Pass, to be led to another country, to emigrate. ILETOIKIKOS, 17, ov, (/^e'rot/cos) of or for a ptToiicos : TO fjLfToiKiKuv the list of fjLtroiKoi or aliens. [xeroiKiov, TO, the tax of twelve drachmae paid by the HCTOIKOI at Athens. From 441 p,tr-oiKos, ov, (/xTa, olKOs} changing one's abode, settling elsewhere. II. at Athens, piroiKos, 6 and 77, a foreign settler, an alien who was suffered to settle in the city on payment of a tax (/xfTot'/cioj/), yet without enjoying civic rights, Lat. inquilinus. H,TOiKO-vXa, &KOS, 6, rj, the guardian of the utr- OIKOI or aliens at Athens. p,T-oixofxat, f. -otxrjaofjiai, Dep. to have gone after, to be gone in pursuit. 2. to have gone among or through. |A6Toi, f. aca, to keep shifting one's knees, of a coward crouching in ambush. jxT-ovo|Aa.o>, f. aw, to change the name, call by a new name : Pass, to take a new name. p,T-6mo-06, and before a vowel -Oev, Adv. of Place, from behind, backwards: of Time, after, after- wards. II. as Prep, with gen. behind. jx6Toiro)piv6s, 17, ov, of or like the end of autumn, verging on winter, autumnal. From ^T-oircopov, TO, (/xtTci, dirwpa) the season after onajpa, late autumn ; cp. (pOivuirupov. |A6T-opp,to>, Ion. for i*.eOopp.ifa. jiT-6pxiov, TO, (/^Ta, opxs) the space between rows of vines. p,T-ov, f. ia f. aw, (perpios') to be moderate : to be of an even temper, be calm, unruffled. II. trans, to moderate. ji6Tpioird0ea), f. rjooj, to be moderate or merciful to- wards. From |ATpio-ira0T|S, (s, (fjifrpios, ira9e?v) bearing mode- rately. (icTpio-TroTTjs, ov, 6, (^eT/>ios, HO- Root of som tenses of nivoo) a moderate drinker, moderate in po- tations : Sup. 442 jxtrpios, a, ov, also os, ov, (/teVpoi/) within measure, moderate : of Size, of average or ordinary height. II. of Number, few. III. of Degree, holding to the mean, moderate : of middle condition or ra : TO fj.(Tpiov the mean. 2. tolerable. 3. of Persons, moderate, temperate : also /0/r, reasonable. 4. suitable. The neut. pfrpiov, ptrpia are often used. Adv. =fJifTpioJS. p,6Tpiws, see perptos. jjteTpioTt]S, 77TOS, 77, (/ieYptos) moderation. p,erpuos, Adv. of ficTpios, moderately, in due limits or measure. 2. modestly, temperately: on fair terms. Comp. fieTpiuTcpov, Sup. -wTaTa. ME'TPON, TO, a measure or rule; a standard. 2. the contents or thing measured, as well as the measure itself. 3. any space measured or measurable; p.e- Tpov oppov the size of the harbour ; fifTpov 77)8775 the full measure or prime of youth. II. the mean between two extremes, proportion, due measure : fit- ness. III. metre, opp. to /teAos (tune) and pvO- IJLUS (time). jxercpKitra, aor. I o jxT-coviip.Ca, 77, (/zeTa, ovofia) change of name : in Rhetoric, the use of one word for another, metonymy. |AT-a)Tnrj86v, Adv. (/xeTcunw) with the forehead fore- most, fronting : of ships, in line; opp. to irl Kfpcas, in column. p,Twm8ios, ov, (fjiCTcarrov) on or of the forehead. p,6T-mov, TO, = fj.(Ta)irov, the forehead. p,T-co-jrov, TO, (/*CTa, aty) the space between the eyes, the forehead, front. II. the front or fore part of anything : the front or face of a building : the front of an army. p,6TWjro-o - a>4>pc0v, ov, gen. ovos, (HGTOOTTOV, awtppcav) with ingenuous countenance. |At, Ep. and Ion. gen. of tydj. ME'XPI", rarely p.xpis even before a vowel : I. Prep, with gen. until, unto, to a given point, I. of Place, ftexP 1 Qa\dffffrjs as far as the sea. a. of Time, TO /zexpts until when ? pe xp is v ' P*XP IS offov ; until when ? how long ? f*fXP l r <- vus for a space ; /-texP 1 ^ouSe w^7 now. II. in Ion., o\> is sometimes followed by another gen., as, o5 OKTCJ TTiipyojv, as far as eight towers, instead of fj.eXP ls " otfTcu TTvpyoi daiv. III. Conjunct, until, with indie., f^-fXP 1 ^ ais *7*v fT o till morning came ; with dV and subj., fJ-fXP 1 av T v TO ioca/J-cv till we see this : also, pexp 1 v m same sense. MH , Adv. not, used where the Negation depends on some Condition, either expressed or implied, while ou denies absolutely : 7x77 expresses that one thinks a thing is not, ou that it is not : hence 7^77 always fol- lows d, lav, ijv, oTav, eireiodv, ecus av, because these speak of a thing not as a fact, but as a supposition : whereas irfi, tireiorj are joined with ou, because they refer to a fact. 2. 7-177 also is used after the final Conjvnctions iva, o>s, onus, uffTf, because these are in their nature contingent, as, ws 7*77 . . oXcavTai that they perish not. 3. with infin., as, TO /UT) irvGe- aOai fj.' dXyvveiev av the wo/-knowing would grieve me. 4. with the Participle, as, /UT) dirfvfiieas = d 7^7) dirrjvfiKe, if he had not carried away. II. 7x7) is freq. in INDEPENDENT clauses containing a com- mand, when, like Lat. ne, it stands first in the sen- tence : I. with the pres. imperat, 7x77 \eye. 2. with the subjunctive aorist, /XT) Ae^T/s. 3. with the optat. aor. to express a wish, fur) yap oy' f\0oi dvrjp O that he may not come ! B. p,Tj, CONJUNCTION, that not, lest, Lat. ne : I. with aor. subjunct. subjoined to a Verb in pres. or fut., as, 6fiijv I fled lest I might be caught. III. after Verbs expressing/ear, as, otooifca (JLTI ytvrjTai, Lat. vereor ne fiat, I fear lest it happen, i. e. I fear it will happen. For this subj., the Att. also use indie, fut. IV. 7^77 is used with inf. after vehement negations or affirmations ; OTTO; Zeus 7x7) [lev \fip J (ireveiftai Jove be witness that I have not laid on hand : so after negat. wishes, Sos 7-177 'Oovaorja O'IKOO' iittaOai. V. 7^77 is used after all Verbs which have a negative sense, such as apveioOai, KQ}\veiv, cipyeiv, (fifvyfiv, as, dpvtTaOat TO 7^77 -noitlv to deny the doing a thing ; also after Nouns of like sense, as Kw\vp.a ; or Adverbs, as ffnroowv. C. As INTERROGAT., in direct questions, where a negative answer is expected, 7^ 7^77 TTOU . . TroT6, 'Adv. not yet at any time, never yet. (jttjS-ercpos, a, ov, (fj.r)0, tVepos) neither of the two. jiTj8-Tptxr, Adv. to neither side. 8r), nay do not. f. oca, (MTjSos) to imitate the Medes in manners, language, or dress: esp. to side with the of the flocks cr of the fruit-trees. 2. nymphs of MH'KHN Dor. P.O.KWV, awes, TJ, the poppy. 1. the head of a poppy. 3. poppy-seed, prepared for food. jju]\a, 77, (/iTyXoi/) an apple-tree, Lat. malus. jiifi\6tos, ov, also a, ov, (fj.rj\ov) of or belonging to a sheep. M-qXtaKos, 77, 6v, of or for Melts or Malta. or M-rjXCSTjs, at, (prjXov A or B) nymphs Medes, opp. to 'E\\T]vifa. M-rjSiKos, 77, ov, (M^Sos) Median : rcL Mrjottea (sc. Trpdyfiara) the Median affairs, esp. the great Median or Persian ivar. II. Mrjoittri iroia, herba Medica, a kind of clover, lucerne. M-rjSts, iSos, 77, fem. of "NLr/oiKus, a Median woman. Mi]Surp.6s, o, (Mrjoifa) a leaning towards the Medes, the being in their interest. MrjSo-KTovos, ov, (M^Sos, KTC'IVOJ) Mede-slaying. jiT]5o}jiai, f. fj.rjffofj.ai: aor. I cfj.rjo'afArjv: Dep.: (pr}- Sos) : to devise, resolve, counsel, advise. 2. to plot, scheme, bring about, contrive. jjnj8-oiroTpos, a, QV, (fj.rj8f, oirorfpos) neither of the two. METAO2, fos, TO, only used in plur. prjSea, coun- ! v*T\\o-Q\m\s, [u ], ov, 6, (i^Kov, Oia>) a sacrificer of sels, plans, schemes: cunning, craft. 2. like pr}- sheep, a priest; j3s, a, ov, of or from the island of Melos, Melian. MijXCs, ioos, 77, with or without yrj, Melis or Malia in Trachis. fjnrjXo-poTTip, ?7pos, o, and p,T]Xo-p6Tr|S, ov, 6, Dor. -ras, (/M77\oi/, POO-KCD) a shepherd. (jujXo-poTOS, ov, (pfjXov, @6aKa)) grazed by sheep. |XTjXo-8oKos, ov, (fj.rj\ov, Se^ofiat) sheep-receiving. |XT]XoX6v0if], f), a kind of beetle or cockchafer. MIT AON, ov, TO, (A) a sheep or (sometimes) a MlT]8o-<}>6vOS, OV, = M^SotfTOJ/OS. goat : dpfffva fj.rj\a rams, wethers : the pi. means flocks of sheep or goats, small cattle, opp. to MIT AON, ov, TO", (B) Dor. MA~AON, Lat. MA- LUM, an apple; generally, any tree-fruit, as, p.i]tf.s, neut. fjLTjvev, a later torm tor prjoeis, prjoev. LuM, an apple; generally, any tree-Jrutt, as, prj^ov MHKA'OMAI, Dep., with aor. 2 part, fjiaftajv: Ep. Kvodiviov the quince, fj.rj\ov HfpaiKov the peach, pi}- pf. with pres. sense, fj.fj.r)Ka, part. pf^rfKus, shortd. \ov MrjoiKov the orange or citron. II. metaph. in fem. fifj.a.Kvia (so QelBpvxa, pep-vita from fipvxaofiat, pi. of a woman's breasts; or of the cheeks, Lat. malae. fj.VKa.onai): also impf., formed from pf., k^i^Kov : i p/rjXo-vojjiciJS, eojs, or fi.TjXo-v6p.Tjs, ov, Dor. -jias, a, to bleat, of sheep : of fawns and hares, to scream, o, (pr}\ov A, vefioj) a shepherd, goatherd, herdsman. shriek, cry. , aSos, r}, em. Adj. bleating, epith. of she-goats : as Subst. a bleater, she-goat. fjLTjXo-v6[ios, ov, (fj.fj\ov A, vffjLca) feeding sheep or goats. jjnjXo-irApcios, ov, Dor. [xaXoirapTjos, (^77X0^ B, \Li\K-tri, Adv. (^77, eTt) no more, no longer, no further, irapfia) apple-cheeked, ruddy-cheeked. P.TJKICTTOS, 77, ov, Dor. and Att. ^aiao-TOS, [al, a, ov, \ jx-riXo-o-Koiros, ov, (pr]\ov B, anoireaj)fit for watch- (/xT7os), Sup. of paicpos, but formed from pfJKos, as ing sheep from. a'iax iffTOS from aTo~xos, the longest, tallest, or gene- | p,-qX6-o"iropos, ov, (fjr}\ov B, air(ipoj) planted with rally, greatest. II. neut. prjKiO-Tov, pi. p.f)Ki0Ta, fruit-trees. as A.dv.,for a very long time or in the highest degree: p.TiXoor-o'oos, ov, poet, for prjXoauos, (f*.fj\ov A, acxYos, ov, (nr}\ov A, ffos, ov, (HTJ^OV A, rptyaj) sheep-feeding. p,7]X-o-Oxos, o, (prj^ov B. 11, f^ca) a girdle that con~ 444 ji-T]Xo-6vos, ov, (ifqXov A, *(p(V(t}) sheep-slaying 1 . p/r]\o<|>opo, f. 770-0;, to carry apples. From fjut]X.o-<}>6pos, ov, (fj.TJ\ov B, tyepoj) bearing apples. p,T]\o-4>vXa|;, a/cos, o, and 77, (/x^Aoy A or B, i|;, OTTOS, 6, 77, (/^A.oi' B, w^) looking like an apple, yellow, golden. pnrj JJLO.V, nay verily. JXTJ p,4v, Ion. for /) /mi/. JXT|V, Dor. and Ep. JJLCIV, a Particle strengthening affirmation, yea, indeed, verily, truly, in sooth; ^ H.TJV or ?i p.dv, in very truth, yea verily, used at the begin- ning of an oath : Kal firfv, Lat. et vero, and yet, nay more : dA.A.a furjv- yet truly, Lat. verum enimvero : ov prjv assuredly not, so too /XT) nty ; ri fjirjv ; what then f i. e. of course. H.^pivroi, however. WLrjv was orig. the same as fjiev, but after the introduction of the long vowel 77 it became the more emphatic form : but jj fj.cv, p.^i \n.kv, were retained in Ep. and Ion.,= Att. ?i wv, IJL^I IJ-TJV. MHN, 6, gen. /ZT/I/OS: dat. pi. fJ-rjai, Aeol. and Dor. jxcis: Lat. MEN-SIS, A MON-TH : Kara firjva, month by month, monthly. In earlier times the month was divided into two parts, p.i\v la TO, [twos, the month rising, and ^v QOivcov the month waning. The Attic division was into three, nty lardficvos, peawv, (pOivoiv. the last division was sometimes reckoned backwards, as /tt/j/os TfrdpT-r) 0ivovros the fourth day from the end of the month ; sometimes onwards, as rrj rpirr) tir' ditdoi on the three-and-:wentieth day of the month. II. = [iTjvio'Kos n. jrqvds, ados, 77, f^rjvrj, the moon. jxTjvaro, Ep. 3 sing. aor. I med. |ATjV(ri, corrupt form of fjtrjai, dat. pi. of p.rjv, firjvos. JJLTJVTJ, 77, (/iT^v) the moon, Lat. luna. Hence p/rjviatos, a, ov, monthly. |j.T)VL0(j,6s, ov, 6, (/j.rjvio)') wrath. (jLT)vlp,a, aros, TO, (^vtcu) the cause of anger; fj-rji/ifjia &ea>v the cause of divine wrath. 2. guilt of blood, blood-guiltiness. MHTNI2; Dor. (idvis, ws, T), Att. gen. nrjvioos, wrath, anger .* also, malice. P/TJVUTKOS, o, Dim. of ^rjvrj. a crescent, Lat. lu- nula. II. a crescent-shaped body, to protect the head of statues. (.iTjvio) Dor. [xavico : f. p.rjvia(a [f] : aor. I k^vloa : (/j.rjvis') : to cherish wrath, be wroth against: also to declare one's wrath against a person. (AT]vo-t8if|s, cs, (^771/77, fiSos] crescent-shaped, Lat. lu- naius : of the sun and moon when partially eclipsed. p/qvujjia, arcs, TO, (^vvoj) an information. |ATjvi>TT|p, 77pos, u, (^ijvvcu) an informer, guide. p.i]vDTTjs, ov, 6, (fiTjvvQj) masc. Adj. bringing to light. II. as Subst. an informer, Lat. delator. p.-f|vvrpov, TO, (//7?iaV) the price paid for informa- tion, reward: almost always used in plur. opos, o, = ftT)i'VT7]p. [i>] From MHNTTl Dor. [xavvor : f. ^.rjvvao} \y\ : aor. 1 (^177- vvaa : Pass., aor. I efirjvvOijv [u] : pf. p.^fJLT)vvp.a.i : to disclose, reveal, make known : betray. II. at Athens, to inform or lay public information against another : impers. in Pass., fjLrjvverai information is laid: but in Pass, also of persons, to be informed against. p,Y| OITWS (an ellipse for /^T) viro\a^T}Tf OTTCHS . . ), followed by d\\a, do not suppose that .., but . , ; not only not so . . , but . . . p,T| OTU, = /XT) OTTOS, followed by oAAa, not only not so . . , but . . ; not to mention that . . , let alone, Lat. ne dicam. \i-t\ ou, are joined I. with the subjunctive, after Verbs of fearing, doubting, and the like, as OfdoiKa. /XT) ov yfVTjrai I fear it will not be, opp. to Se'Sot/ca /*T) yei/TjTai I fear it will be. Here both negatives have their proper force : but, II. with the Infinitive, after Verbs of denying, doubting, etc., as ovSfis Js) the thigh- bones, which by old usage they cut out from the leg (l/f fj,rjpia rdftvov}, and wrapped in two folds of fat (Wpia, Kviay (KaXvfav, dinrvxa TrorfaavTCs} : they were then laid on the altar and burnt. II. 1*7)- poi, the thighs. ^.t]ptatos, a, ov, (^tTipys) of or belonging to the thigh, Lat. femoralis : rj prjpiaia, the thigh. p,T|piv0os, ov, 77, (ftijpvca) a cord, line, string; pro- verb., 77 fjirjpivdos ovotv eo"7rao*e the line caught nothing, i. e. it was of no avail. MHPO'2, ov, o, the upper part of the thigh, the ham. p,Tjpo-Tpacj)iqs, e's, ((Arjpus, Tpaijvai) nursed in the thigh, epith. of Bacchus. p.Tjpo-Ti5irT|S, e's, (nypos, Tvirrivai) striking the thigh. p.ir)pvKdop,ai, Dep. to cheiv the cud, Lat. ruminare. MHPT'OMAI MHPT'OMAI, f. -vaofJLai [u] : aor. i (fnjpvadfjnjv : to draw up or furl sails: to draw up an an- chor. 2. in weaving, KpoKa. fv arrj^ovi fjtrjpvcra- oOai to weave the woof into the warp. II. fj.T)pvo/jai is sometimes used as Pass., Kiaa^s TTfpl x c ^ r l i y y * s twined around the edge. p/noxxo, jjiT|o-aTO, Ep. 2 and 3 sing. aor. r o |iT|crcai, Ep. 2 sing, of /j-rjaofMii, fut. >, Ep. 3 sing, contr. aor. 2 capos, 6, (/zT/Sojuat) an adviser, counseller; ^X 7 ? 8 the adviser or leader of battle. p.if]-T, = TTJ T, and not. II. repeated, firjTf . . HT)T, neither . . nor. MH'THP Dor. MA'THP, 77, gen. prjrtpos, contr. fjLijTpos : ace. pijTepa, pi. prjTfpas : Lat. MA TER, MOTHER : of animals, a dam : metaph. of lands, ! p."r)Trjp ftr)\a,63 or [XT]Tp-dS6X4>os, 6 and 77, Dor. jiarp-, (fn'jTrjp, d8e\(p6s) a mother's brother or tister, an uncle or aunt. ^Trp-aXoias or p.t]Tp-aXeoas, ov, o, (HTJTTJP, d\ot- o.ca) striking one's mother, a matricide. p.ifrpT), 7), Ion. for firjTpa. jiTjTpids, dSos, 77, pecul. fern, of yur/rptos. p.T)Tpt8ios, a, ov, (ftrjT 'pa) fruitful, prolific. jitjTpo-BoKos Dor. ixoTp , ov, (/tT/TTjp, ot)(op.Q.i\ re- feived by the mother. 445 from the [jn]Tp60ev Dor. ftarpoOcv, Adv. mother, by the mother's side. jxT]Tpo-Kao-iYVT|TT), f], (pTjTijp, KaffiyvijTr)} a mother's sister. p/rjTpOKTOveoa, f. r)6vos, ov, also 77, ov, (prjTrjp, *(}>fvca) mother- murdering, matricidal. (iT]Tpo-<|)6vTif]S, ov, 6, (fJLrjTijp, *, ov, o, poet, for fj.ijx av ' r }' T "n s - >, ov, 6, (/7X ai/1 7> 8icuu) inventing contrivances or artifices, ingenious. , (At^X aj/5 7) inventive, ingenious. /, (/7xc>77, TTotea;) making machines: as Subst., fj.r)xavoiroi6s, 6, an engineer, maker of war- engines. p/T]xavopp(K:j>a>, f. 770*0', to contrive craft, deal subtly, craftily. From H-r)Xavop-pd<}>os, ov, (fjujxarf, pdirrca') contriving devices, crafty-dealing, craft-contriving. |XT)x5v-ovpY6s, ov, (fj-iyxavfl, fpyov^) = pr)x avo ~ iroios. II. pass, cunningly contrived. -WVTO, 3 pi. pres. and impf. of 7x77- LOV. > = A"7X OS a means, contrivance. O2, TO, a means, expedient, contrivance. jiia, $ ; gen. /was Ion. fufjs ; dat. /a, ^477 ; ace. fjiav : fern, of els, one. MIAI'NH, f. fuavw: aor. I efiiijva. Att. ffj'iava: pf. fj.fnia.yKa. : Pass., aor. 1 I fudvOyv : pf. ^ffiiaapai or -apfjai : /o paint over, stain, dye, colour, Lat. vio- lare. 2. to stain, defile, soil. 3. metaph. to taint, defile, pollute. p.iai, (fwatovia, 57, bloodguiltiness. |Aiai-4>6vos, ov, (fj.ta.ivca, *(vca) blood-stained, bloody: defiled with blood, blood-guilty: Comp, -urtpos ; Sup. -wraros. jxidv0T]v, Ep. for ffj.iavOr)v, aor. I pass, of piaivw. fjitapia, 77, (fuapos) brutality. II. defilement. (jLiap6-Y\ars, brutally. |j.ia(rp.a, aros, TO, (fuaivca) a stain, defilement; of persons, a pollution. |xta(T|ji6s, ov, 6, (/j,iaivca) pollution. p.idcTT(op, opos, 6, (/ija/Vai) a guilty wretch, one who brings pollution, Lat. homo piacularis. II. d\d- , an avenger of such guilt. xiya, Adv. (/w-yvu/) mixed or blended with. i, Dep. poet, for piyvvfjai. , o, 17, (/i/^a) mixed up, promiscuous. |j.i-ya and p.iYSi]v, Adv. promiscuously. , aor. 2 opt. pass, of f-dyvvfu. aor. 2 part. pass, of fj.iyvv/j.i. p.tYv, for epiyrjaav, 3 pi. aor. 2 pass, of (j-tyvvfJii. |UYTjp.vai, Ep. aor. 2 inf. pass, of fiiyvvfj.i. p,iYT]vai, aor. 2 inf. pass, of piyvvni. jxiYJAa, aros, TO, (piyvvfju) a mixture, compound. ^MITNTMI and -vw, also Ml'Sm : f. fufta : aor. I 4'/xict, inf. (j.iat : Med. and Pass. fj.iyvviJ.ai and fii- oyopai : fut. med. /x/^o/uai, fut. I pass. f. 2 fj.tffjaofj.ai, f. 3 ju/zt'o/!u : aor. I ffj.l^Orjv, aor. 2 fj.iyrjv [f] ; 3 sing. Ep. aor. pass, ffju/cro, IJ.IKTO : pf. fj.(fj.iyfjai: Ep. 3 sing, plqpf. f.ie/j.iftTo: Lat. MIS- CEO, to mix, mix up, mingle, properly of liquids, e. g. olvov /cat vdcop. 2. generally, to join, bring together, bring in contact with. 3. to make ac- quainted with, unite with : also, fJ.Tai rtva avdeai to cover one with flowers. II. Med. and Pass, to be brought into contact with, to be mingled with, to reach ; K\iair,ai myTjvai to reach the tents : to come to, to be present at: hence to meet, live, associa'e with : but also in hostile sense, to encounter : more rarely piayeaOai es 'Axcttovs, to go to join the Achae- ans. 2. to lie with: to have intercourse with, to be united to. jj,tif|VT), 3 sing. aor. I subj. p.iT)-4>6vos, ov, = fj.iai(p6vos. P.IKKOS, d, ov, Dor. for fJitcpos, little. |xucp-avXag, a/cos, o, 77, (fj,iKpos, auAa) with small furrows : hence small, scanty. (jLtKp-}Airopos, 6, ((j,ifcp6$, fyiTopos) a pedlar. p.lKpo\OYco|xai, f. rjoofjai, Dep., (fitKpo\6yos) to examine or discuss with extreme minuteness. Hence , 17, minute discussion, frivolity. , ov, (fj,ifcpL>s, \eyca~) reckoning trifles : caring about petty expenses, penurious, mean. 2. cavilling about trifles, captious. jxiKpo-iroXtTtjs [t], ov, 6, fern, -ins, LOOS, fj, (futfpc/s, TToAiVr/s) a citizen of a petty town or state. MTKPO'5, Ion. and old Att. o*|xiicp6s Dor. JIIKKOS. a, 6v, small, little : petty, mean, trivial, insignificant: of Time, little, short. II. Adv. usages : gen. fj-ixpov (sub. oei) it wants but little, almost : dat. fj.ittp

iXoTi|J.ia, 17, petty ambition. From IxlKpo-c^tXoTipos, ov, (fj.iKpus, (pi\oTifj.os) ambitious of petty distinctions. fAtKpoiJriJxia, o, littleness of soul, meanness of spirit. From fJUKpo-iJ/vxos, ov, (fUKpos, tyvxn) little-souled, nar- row-minded, paltry. JJ.CKTO, 3 sing. Ep. aor. 2 pass, of fj.iyvvfj.t. (jiiKTOs, 77, ov, (fj.iyvvfj,t} mixed, compound. fjuXo, &KOS, 77, Att. for o>uAa, the yew-tree. II. a convolvulus. MlX-f|rjvaL} painted red. p-iXro-irdpTjos, ov, (fj.i\Tos, irapeid} red-cheeked: of ships, with the bows painted red. MTATO2, 77, red earth, red chalk or ochre, ruddle, Lat. rubrlca. II. vermilion, Lat. minium. p,iATO-4>vpTjs, es, (fj.i\Tos, (pvprjvai} smeared with ochre. (AiX/TOCo, f. wffoj : pass pf. fJ,efj,i\T(t}fj.ai ; (f.u\TOs}: to colour with ochre, paint red ; oyoiviov fj.efj.L\TOJ- fj.(vov a rope smeared with red paint, with which they swept the Agora at Athens, and drove the idlers to the Pnyx. |xi\T-u)87]S, es, (fj,t\Tos, eldos) of the nature or colour Of fJ.l\TOS. uijxapKvs, T), a kind of hare-soup. (A foreign word.) MijJias, avTos, 6, a rocky promontory of Ionia. MI~ME'OMAI, f. -rj'jop.ai : aor. I kfJHLnjaa.Ln.riv : pf. fj.efj.LLiTjfj.ai : Dep. : to imitate, mimic, copy : pf. part. fj.fLUftTjfj.4vos, in pass, sense, made exactly like, made in imitation of. II. of the fine arts, to re- present by means of imitation. Hence p.(.iT)\6s, 77, ov, imitative. , aTos, TO, (fj.ifj.fOfj.ai} an imitation, copy. >, 77, (fj.Lfj.4ofj.aL} imitation. , a, ov, verb. Adj. of Liiiifofjiai, to be imi- tated. II. fJ.ifj.Tj7fov, one must imitate. jxi|Air]TT|s, ov, o, (fj.ifj,fOLJ,ai} an imitator, copyist. jjLip,TjTiKos, 77, ov, (fj.ifj.cofj.ai} imitative. >, 77, uv, (fj.Lfj.eofj.ai} to be imitated or copied. ', Frequent, of fj.ifj.vcij, fj.fvoj, to keep staying, to stay, remain. II. trans, to expect, await. |lt|JLVT|CrKCD, fut. fJLVTJffOJ '. 2.OT. I ffJ,VT)ffa '. (fJ.VO.0}} '. to remind, put in mind. 2. to recall to the memory of others. II. Med. and Pass. fj.ifj.vtj(7KOfj.ai, with the older form MNA'OMAI, fj.vwfj.ai, whence the tenses are formed : fut. med. fj.vrjaon.ai, f. I pass. fj.VTjaOrjo-ofj.aL, f. 3 fj.ffj.vij a OLW.L : aor. I med. ffj.vTjaa- LITJV, pass. ffJ,vrja0Tjv : the pf. fj.ffj.VTjfj.ai is both med. and pass.,^in Att. with pres. sense like Lat. memini, 2 sing. (JLfLjLvrj, shortened from LiffivrjaaL ; imperat. IJ.ffj.VTjao Ion. fj.ffj.veo ; subjunct. )U/ii/cu/zat ; optat. fj,ffj,vrjfj.Tjv, but also fj.ffj.vciifj.Tjv, (f>o, CVTO, Ion. fj.efj.vf- WTO : infin. fj.LivTjaOai : Ion. 3 pi. plqpf. efj.efJ.vfaTO : to remind oneself, remember : c. gen. U.\KTJS fj.vrj- ffaaOai to bethink one of one's strength: also, c. part., fj.efj.VTjfj.ai f\6s, a, ov, Ep. Mivvfjtos, of the Minyans. | MI~NT'@n [u], Ion. impf. LiivvOeaitov, Lat. minuo, to diminish, lessen, curtail, weaken. II. intr. to decrease, decline, fall away, be wasted. Hence ftivvv0a, Adv. a little, very little: of Time, a short time. Hence p,lvuv0d8u>s, a, ov, lasting a short time, short-lived: Comp. fj,LVVvdaoiojTfpos. Hivupia>, f. iffca, (iiivvpos} to moan, whine : also to I hum, chant in a low tone, Lat. minurire. Hence | jxivvpto-p-a, aros, TO, a warbling, humming. p,lvvpurp.6s, 6, (fuvvpifa} a moaning : warbling. p.tvvpo[xaL, Dep. = fuvvpifa, of the nightingale, to warble : generally, to bum a tune, chant in a low tone, [v] MI W NT W PO'2, d, ov, complaining in a low tone, moaning, whining, whimpering. plvu-coptos and jjiivv-copos, ov, (jLtivvGo), &pa} short- lived. Mivus, o, Minos, king of Crete : gen. MtVcwos and Mtfcy ; dat. MtVaw, "Mivca ; ace. Mivcva, also Mmu and MiVcw : hence Adj. Mlvw'ios Att. Mivwos, a, ov, of Minos. p-ifjai, aor. I inf., p.iecr6at,, fut. inf. med. of iiiy- VVLU. JAL^IS, ecas, 77, (f*i(u fut. of fjlyvvfj.i}, a mixing, min- gling. II. intercourse or commerce with others. luo-|3dppSpos, " (A"^ f ut - f fuyvvfu, &ap0apos} half barbarian half Greek. fjit|6-0T]p, 6, 77, (f*i, fut. of fj.i-yvvfju. p,t, f. 770*0;, (fj.io~6apvos) to work or serve for hire, receive pay. Hence xio-0apvta, T), a receiving of wages, hired service. |At, f. 770*0), to pay wages. From Aiopd, 77, (fj.tff9o(p6pos') receipt of wages: wages received, wages, pay, salary. [juo-9o4>opco, f. rjcra}, (ftiaOoffwpos} to receive wages, to serve for hire : c. ace. rti, to receive as pay. ' Hence xtcr0o<})opT]TOv, verb. Adj. one must keep in pay. jjLt<70o-}>opta, 77, (/mCT0o(popeo;) service for wages or pay, hired service. j.r0o-4>6pos, ov, (fticrOts, c^cpco) receiving wages, serving for hire; of fjue0oi poi hireling soldiers, i mercenaries; fiiaOocpf'poi Tptrjpfis galleys manned with mercenaries. p,icr06a>, f. wffca : aor. I tpiaQcaffa. : pf. fifpioQuKc. : (ftiffOos) : to let out for hire, farm out, Lat. locarc: c. inf., lUoOovv rov vrjov rpirjKoaioJV ra\avron> ((p- ydffaffOai to let out the building of the temple for 300 talents, Lat. locare aedem exstruendam. II. Med., f. fiia6ajffofj.ai : aor. i f^taOcaad^rjv : pf. (in med. sense) p.ep.iaOcafia.1 : to engage or hire at a price, Lat. conducere : to retain, as an advocate or physi- cian; fuoOovffdai nva ra\dvrov to engage his ser- vices at a talent ; c. inf., /JuaOovoOai vrjov ZgoiKodo- p,TJaai to contract for the building of th; temple, Lat. conducere aedem aedificandam. III. Pass., aor. I f/uoOwBrjv : pf. (in pass, sense) p,ep.ia6capai : to be hired for pay. Hence |Ai(j0a}p,a, CTOS, TO, that which is let for hire, a hired house. II. the price agreed on, the contract- price : rent. jua0u>\\ as IJLV r] (rreva) . 449 fuo-o-o-uXXos, ov, o, (piffos, 2v\\as) hating Sylla. jxuro-TUpavvos, ov, (jufcros, rvpavvos] tyrant-hating. |xrC\iiriros, ov, (piaos, &i\nrTros) bating Philip. fjito-o-xptpTOS, ov, (fJiffos, xprjaros) hating the good. |*,icro-iJfevST)s, fs, (fJ-iffos, ^eOSos) hating lies. MI5TT'AAfl,,f.rXa), to cut up meat before roasting. jxiTO-epyos, 6v, (/J.ITOS, *epyoj) working the thread. p.iTop-pd4>Tis, fs, (fj.iTOS, fkuprjvai) sewn with thread,' having meshes of thread. MI'TOS, ov, 6, a thread of the warp, Lat. tela : generally, a thread : a web. [?] Hence p.iToto, f. wa6pos, ov, (fiirpa, <*/><) wearing a (Jtirpa, whether girdle or head-dress. jjurpo-ScTos, ov, (fj-irpa, oQj) bound with a fJiirpa. p,iTpoopa>, f. TjffQ}, to wear a fjiirpa. From JJUTpO-<}>6pOS, OV, = fJ.lTpr)(f>6pO$. MFTT W AO5 or P.IJTI\OS, rj, ov, Lat. mutilus, cttr- tailed, esp. hornless. [t~\ fs, (fjiros, eTSos) like thread, of linen. i, aor. I inf. pass, of piyvvai. ), Ep. 3 sing. aor. I pass, of fuyvvfM. )p-vat, Ep. aor. I pass. inf. of fuyvvfu. BfNA .loa. \nvea, f); gen. pvaa; nom. pi. (Wat: the Lat. MINA, I. a weight, = 100 drachmae = 15 oz. 83! grs. II. a sum of money, also = 100 drachmae, =4/. is. .^d.: 60 ^oTmade a talent. jivajjia, |xvafitov, |jLva}xoo-vvTj, Dor. for f^vrjfi-. MNA'OMAI(A), contr. jivwfjai, used in the c forms 3 sing., i and 3 pi, fnvarai, fivwfjLf imperat. 3 sing. nvaaOca ; inf. fj.vdp0) Dor. -p,vdp,evos, part, of pvaopai, to woo. p,voivTat, 3 pi. of fj.vdofj.ai to woo. fiva)6|Avos, Ep. part, of fjwa.op.ai, to remember. JXVUOVTO, Ep. 3 pi. impf. of p.vaop.at A and B. pwryepos, a, ov, of persons, labouring, dislressed, wretched : of things, toilsome, grievous. From fioyetu, f. r]ffcij, (p.u'yos) to toil, labour, be in trouble or distress: pres. part. fj-oyecav /J.UJLS, with trouble, hardly; poyecav diroKivrjaaaiKf with much toil he moved, hardly he moved. II. to labour at. p,o-yl-XaXos, ov, (fj.6yis, AoAecu) speaking with diffi- culty^ stammering or dumb. p,6yt3, Adv. (fj.6yos. fioyeca) with toil and trouble : hardly, scarcely : like the later /xoAts. Hence MOTO5, ov, 6, toil, trouble : hardship, pain, sorrow. , (jLoyooroKOS, ov, (fj.6^os, TC/?I/) helping women in hard travail. p.68ios, o, a dry measure, Lat. modius,=-fr of a me- dimnus, = 2 gallons. MO'@O5, o, battle, the battle-din ; fJiuQos ITTTTCDV the noise or trampling of horses. \Lo9w, ojvos, 6, at Sparta, a name for the child of a Helot : such children being brought up as foster- brothers of the young Spartans. 2. from their insolence, p.pos, one's fate, doom. 3. that which is one's due ; generally, that which is meet and right ; Kara, fioipav ceiTres thou hast spoken fitly, rightly ; p.oipav vfj.av TIV'I to give one his due : hence 4. due reverence, cojisideration ; tv p.oipri dyfiv nva to hold one in proper respect. Moipa, as prop, n., Moira, the goddess of fate : later there were three, Clofho, Lachesis, Atropos. (xoipaco, f. ao-cy [a] Ion. rjaca : (p.oipa) :to share, distribute : Med. to share among themselves. p,otpKj-YVT|S, h, (fJ-oipa., 7/os) fated from birth. ov, also os, ov, (fjiotjKi) allotted by fate or doom, destined, fated, Lzt.fatalis. jjiotpo-KpavTOs, ov, (poipa, Kpaivw) ordained by fate, fated, destined. Moura, 77, Aeol. for Movcra : Mourav, Aeol. for Movffuv, pi. gen. Moicraios, a, ov, Aeol. for 'M.ovffeios. \LOi\-d.ypia, rd, (p.ot\os, a-ypa) only in pi. the fine imposed on one taken in adultery. [xotxaXCs, i8os, f), irreg. fem. of fjioix^s, an adul- teress, Lat. moecha : as fem. Adj. adulterous. fjWHX^s* d8os, 77, fem. of P.OLXOS, an adulteress. \t.oi\d,T|, T), (//<^, f. cw, (fj.uvos) to be alone, live in solitude. jiovajAirvKia, 77, for o /iovdjU7rv, race-horse that runs single. p.ov-d|Airu(j, v/cos, 6, 77, (//ovos, afjiirv n) having one frontlet ; /xova/iTrv/ces ircaXoi horses Afotf rwtt single, racehorses : also of a bull, having no yokefellow. p,ovapxc(i> Ion \iow- : f. T^aw : (yitoVapxos) : /o 6e monarch or sovereign; ITU TOVTOV powapxeovTos in this king's rg-n. Hence (jtovapx^a Ion. JAOW-, 77, absolute rule, sovereign'y, monarchy. jxov-apxos Ion. JAOW-, ov, (/icWs, apx^) ruling alone, sovereign. P.OVOIS Ion. jjiowds, dSos, 77, (/iJvos) properly a fem. Adj., solitary, single: also masc. of a man, alone, by oneself. II. as Subst., /uovds, 77, a unit. jAOvaxfj, Adv. properly dat. fem. of /^ova^us, in one way only : singly or alone. jxovaxos, 77, c'v, (/uoVo*) solitary; as Subst. ^uova- X;os, 6, a monk. p.ov-ep'lTTjs Ion. p,ovr-, ov, o, (/uovos, spirrjs) one who rows singly, a sculler. JJLOVT|, 77, (ntvQ}) a staying, abiding, tarrying. 2. a place to stay in, mansion. jj.ov-T|jxpi) walking alone : of metre, consisting of one foot. [/3a] p.ovo-'yajxos, ov, (/xcvos, -ya/xea;) marrying one wife. p,ovo--yveia Ion. p.ovvo-y-, 77, pecul. fem. of sq. p,ovo-YVT)s Ep. and Ion. JIOWOY-, 4s, ()uovos, Y*VOS) only-begotten : born from one and the same mother. jjiovo-YX^vos, ov, ((*6vos, y\rjVT}) one-eyed. |xovo-8aKTuXos, ov, (povos, 8drvA.os) one-fingered. p.ovo-8s, cav, gen. -/ceptu, ace. -Kfpcav, (^tovos, Kfpas) one-horned : as Subst. a unicorn. [xovo-KXavTOs, ov, (^tcVos, /fXa/cu) with one mourner. (xovo-KXtvov, TO, (novas, KXivq) a bed for one only, a coffin. |Aovo-KOiTo), f. rjaw, (fj.6vos, KOITCOJ) to sleep alone. p,ovo-KpY|ms, loos, 6, 77, (/xovcs, Kprj-nis) with but one sandal. p,ov6-KpOTOs, ov, (ptovps, KpoTtta) wiih one bank of oars. (AOvo-KcoXos Ion. y.ow-, ov, (/xcvos, KwXov) with but one limb : of buildings, with but one room : irfpiooos (MVOKW\OS a sentence consisting of one clause. jiOvo-Kcoiros, ov, (/Ltcvos, KWTTTJ) with single oar : with a single ship. fxov6-Xi9os Ion. jxow-, ov, (povos, \itios) made o.v/ of one stone. jAOVo-|Aa,T&>p, opos, Dor. for p.ovofj.7]rwp. [a] jjiovo|jLdxw Ion. p,ow-, f. 77O"o;, (/iovo/id^os) to fight in single combat: of the Athenians at Marathon, P.OVVOI (jtovvofjaxfjffo-VTes TW H^paiy having fought single-handed with the Persian. Hence jAovojiaxta Ion. |jiovvo[jLaxiT], T), single combat. P.OVO-JJLOIXOS, ov, (/iovos, pA\opxiC) fighting in single combat : wielded in single combat. jiovo-prp-wp, opos, 6, 77, (fjtovos, fArjTrjp*) left alone by one's mother, deprived of one's mother. jxovo-wxi Ion. fxow-, Adv. (/JLOVOS, vt') in a single night. jjLOv6-i5Xos, ov, (/-IG'VOS, vXov] made from a single log. II. made of wood only. jiovo-irais, -fraiSos, o, 77, (/zcvos, Trafs) act. having but one child. II. pass. = /IcVos Trafs, an only child. jjLOvo-irdX7)S Ion. JJLOW-, ov, o, (/xcvos, ^0X77) one who conquers alone in wrestling, [a] fiovo-ireXp-os, ov, (povos, WAjua) with but one sole. |j.ov6-irirXos, ov, (jucvos, TT^TrAos) left without a robe, clad ift a tunic only : v. aTreTrAos. (JLOVO-TTOVS, O, T), -HOW, TO, gen. -TToSoS, (fiUVOS, irovs) one-footed. jjiovo-ircoXos, ov, (juovos, irwXos) with one horse. p.ov-opvxT]S 5 ov, o, (p.6vos, cpvyffVai) digging wiih one point, [v] MO'NOS Ion. ]iovvos,r),cv, Dor. p,u.vos,a,ov, alone, left alone, forsaken : c. gen., //ovos aov reft of, de- prived of thee. II. alone, only : often with gen., added, /zovvos TTOVTCOV avOpwirow alone of all men. III. like Lat. units for unicus, standing alone, single in its kind, unique. IV. Sup. p.ovu- raros, the one only person, one above all others, cf. avToTctTos. V. neut. p.vvov as Adv., alone, only, merely ; ptivov ov, Lat. tantum non, all but, well nigh. p,ovo-ert8T|pos,ov, (^ovos, aiSrjpos} made of iron only. p.ovoo-iTo), f. 77as) consisting of one verse. |xov6-0"ro\os, ov, ((Jiovos, oroXri) going alone : ge- nerally, alone, single. fjiovo-crropOvyl;, vyyos, 6, fj, ([Jiovos, 0Top$vy) carved out of a single block. fiovo-(ruXXa|3os,oi/,(/*oVos, avXXaprj') of one syllable, dealing with monosyllables. p,ovo-TKVOS, ov, (fj.6vos, Tffcvov} with but one child. p,ovo-Tpaireos, ov, (fj.6vos, Tpairtfa) at a solitary board, eaten apart. [iovo-rpoiros, ov, (fiovos, TpjTros} solitary, unsocial. jiov-ovaros, ov, (fj,6vos, ovs) one-eared: with one handle. |iOvo-4>a.Ys, ov, (p.6vos, (payeiv) eating alone or once a day : irreg. Sup. /j.ovo9aXjxos Ion. p,ow , ov, (fioVos, o^flaA.juo's) one-eyed. ju>vo-povpos, ov, (/JoVos, pcov, ov, gen. ovos, (ftoVas, pqv) single in one's opinion, standing alone, single. jiovo-4>t}f|S Ion. |xouv-, f's, .(/ttoi'os, fpvrj) of simple nature : made of one piece. \iOvo-\-r\\05 Dor. -xaXos, ov, (p.6vos, X 1 ^) solid- hoofed. jxovo-iJ;T)<|>os Dor. -v|;a4>os, ov, (povos, $fi(pos) voting alone : singular in one's vote or purpose. |xov6co Ion. ftovv-: f. wata : aor. I efj-uvcacra Ep. ftovvojffa. : Pass., aor. I tf^ovuOrjv, Ion. part. fJLovva}- Oels : pf. fjLCft&Wfttu Ion. fj.fj.ovvcafjiai : (jutivo*)'. to make single or solitary ; ^ovvovv ytuefjv to give an only son in each generation : Pass, to be left alone, to be forsaken : also to he taken apart, without wit- nesses : c. gen., f^.ffj.ovvSeb>, f. rjffca, (fj,ovtu86&) to sing alone, to sing a monody. Hence (xovcoSia, 77, a song sung alone, a monody, solo, opp. to the song of the chorus. "ios, ov, (p,6vos, cyo-fj) singing alone. aor. I pass. part, of novvaj. 5, Adv. of fiovos, only. p.ov-u>\|; poet. |xow-,, WTTOS, o, f], (fJiovos, &f) one-eyed. fiopa, fi, (/jieiponai)=[ioipa. 2. one of the six divisions of the Spartan infantry. fxoptai (sc. iXatai), at, the sacred olives in the Aca- demy, so called because they were supposed to be ! parted or propagated (fifipofievat, /te/zopy/zei/cu) from j the original olive-stock that grew in the Acropolis. Hence Zei>s Mopios as the guardian of these sacred olives. II. nopia [f\, = f*uapia, folly. }x6pt(ji,os, ov, poet, for p.6paip.os. ftopiov, TO, Dim. of popos, a small piece, generally, a piece, portion. fxopios, o, ov, poet, for nopffiftos. For Zeiis M.vpQ}, of water, to roar, boil, Lat. murmuro. MOPM,Q', gen. oos, contr. oCs, 97, a hideous she- monster, to frighten children with. ; a bugbear, hob- goblin. II. in Aristophanes, a mere exclamation, fj,op(Aca rov Opaffovs a Jig for his courage ! jjicpoeis, cffaa, ev, skilfully or richly wrought; or glistening, shining. (Deriv, unknown.) MOTON, TO, the black mulberry. |xopos, o, (fjittpofMi) like p.oipa, one's ap.pointed lot, fate, doom* destiny ? vntp p.apov beyond one's doom, against fate. 2. esp. an unhappy lot, ruin, death, Lzt.fatum, in Homer always a violent death. p.6pcri[jios, ov, (/iopos) appointed by fate, doomed, destined, Lat. fatalis : foredoomed, destined to die : hence p.6paip.ov fjiMip the fated day, the day of doom : TO }i6pcri[j.ovfate, doom, destiny. MOPT'52fl, to soil, stain, defile, sully : pf. pass, part. nejjiopv'Y/j.tvos, soiled, defiled. jo.opc}>a, p,op4>dv. Dor. for yuop^r?, |xopd^a), (/j.opcf)-/]) to make gesticulations. jj!>op(aa>, f. ^acy, (yuo/x/>^) to shape, fashion, mould. MopTjet,s, effaa, ev, formed, fashioned, shaped : well- shaped, comely, L,at.formosus. jiopcjjvos, ov, (epith'. of the eagle) of colour, dusky, dark, op(f>v6s (from opfyvrj}, Lat.furvus. [xcp(j>6o). f. daaca, (/iop^) to form, give shape to. Hence jx6po)}Jia, CTOS, TO, form, shape, figure : the outline of a figure. p,6p4)u>, a calf -skin. , f. ffcu, (f^6(Txos} to plant a sucker, propagate. , TO, Dim. of ^ocr^os, a young sucker. [Y] p,ocrxtos, a, ov, (puffx 05 ) h'ke /too'^ejos, of a calf. jiocrxo-iroiew, f. rjaca, (/noo"^;os, iroitiu) to make a calf. p,6 Adv. to Munychia : and Mowuxtuot, Adv. at Munychia. Mowvxvcov, >vos, 6, Munychion, the tenth Attic month, in which was held the festival of Munychian Artemis, = the latter part of April and beginning of May. jxowo)06ts, Ion. aor. I part. pass, of JJMVUO). jjLOW-u>i};, Ion. for fAovanft. MOr~2A, 77*, Aeol. Mourn Dor. Mwou Lacon. Mwa, as, T), the Muse, goddess of song, music, poetry, dancing, and the fine arts. There were nine Muses, Clio, Euterpe, Thalia, Melpomgne, Terpsicho're', Erato, Polymnia or Polyhymnia, Urania, and Calliope. II. later, music, song: also eloquence; and in pi. arts, accomplishments. Movo--a-yT7]S, ov, <5, Dor. for MOVGTJJ-, (Mouda halls resounding with lamentations ; povaeTa \fKib6v, a singing- girl. jiovl\os, ov, (/xowra, x0<">, f. T)0&, (ftoxQos) to be weary with toil, be sore troubled or distressed, to suffer greatly : c. ace. cognato, /iox^etV n6xQovs, TTOVOVS to undergo hard- ship, toils; /jioxOeiv /za^/mra to toil at learning. Hence jjtox^Tjjia, ares, r6, toil, hardship. fjioxOiripta, 77, wretchedness, poor condition : mostly in moral sense, badness, wickedntss. From |iOx0T)pos, a, ov, (ftox^, f. 770-07, (/ivSos) to be damp, wet, drip- ping. II. to be damp or clammy from decay. MT'AQ2,o,cfa7tt/>: clamminess, decay, Lat.sfaws. [v] p.v8poKTihra>, f. 77^0;, to forge red-hot iron. From p,v8po-KTuiros, ov, (yuvSpos, KTvireoj) forging or welding red-hot iron. MT'APO2 [iJ~], o.fltwy red-hot mass; ftvSpovsaipetv Xepotv to lift masses of red-hot iron in the hands, as an ordeal : also any lump or mass o/" metal. pAJtXivos, ?;, OP, (/iveAos) = fj.vf\6fis. p-vcXocvs, eaffa, ep, (ftveXos) full of marrow. MTEAO'2, ov, o, Lat. MEDULLA, marrow: me- taph. of strengthening food, as wine and barley, which are called /ivf\6s avEpwv. 2. the marrow of the skull, the brain. 3. generally, the inmost part, core, [y in Horn., v in Att.] p,ueu>, f. 770-0; : aor. I fftvijaa. : Pass., aor. I l/zi/- fyOTjv : pf. fjujfjivijfjuii: (p-voi) : to initiate into the mysteries. Pass, to be initiated; c. ace. cognato, pvfioOai ra KajSe/paw cpryta to be initiated in the mysteries of the Cabiri ; fj.vf?aQai rci /ic-yaAa to be initiated in the great mysteries. 2. generally, to instruct. |ivo>, f. fAvat, (/*5) to murmur with closed lips, moan : to mutter. II. to drink with closed lips, to suck in. p.tJ0co|juu, Ep. 2 sing. fivBetai, contr. for nvGffat, and omitting one 6, pvOfai : 3 pi. Ion. impf. pvOt- GKOVTO : f. fjLvO/jffofjtai : aor. I k^vOiqaap.^, Ep. 3 sing. fjivOrjffaTo : Dep. : (/x0os) : to say, speak, teU, name. II. to say over to oneself, like pao/u, con over, consider. (jLuOexi, Dor. for fivdov, imperat. of /*u#eo^ Dor. -CaSw, later form for pvOeoiiai. |A,i)0iK6s, 77, 6v, (pvOos) mythic, legendary. }ix;0icr8(d, Dor. for /zv0t'a>. jxi)0o-XoYvo>, (pv6os, \tyoS) to tell word for word. l*.vQo-\oyfSTOS, ov, (fjv\ij, TTtfpafJLat pf. pass, of *^>eVo;) bruised or crushed in a mill. p,iiXtdco, (fj.v\r/) to gnash or grind the teeth. pCXiKos, 77, ov, (p.v\rf) of or for a mill ; \idos (tv- XIKOS a millstone. j p,vXXco, (fivXrj) to crush, pound, Lat. molere. \ luiXo-edirqs, ts, (fti/Acs, e?5os) like a millstone* , o, (/J.V\T)} a millstone ; Ep. UVLK^S. [v] |AtJXa>0pos, o, (p-v\rj) a miller, a master miller. jxvXwv, avos, o, a mill-house, mill, Lat. pistr'inum ; (3d\\fiv els fj.v\wva, Lat. detrudere in pistrinum, to condemn [a slave] to work the mill. fxvvi], 77, (ULIVVU) an excuse, pretence, pretext, [v] |xvvop.ai, Dep. (LLVVIJ} to make excuses : to put off". p.vga, rj, (pvfa, p.v(ti) the discharge from the nose, mucus, phlegm. p.vija>TT|p, rjpos, u, = fj-VKT-fip, nose, nostril. IAVO-KTOVOS, ov, (LIVS, KTfivoj) mouse-killing . (xvpaiva, 77, (fj.vpos) Lat. muraena, a sea-eel or lam- prey : also a sea-serpent. [iiipidKis, Adv. (iivpios} ten thousand times. p.i)pi-a,p.4>opos, ov, (iivpios u.fj.(poptvs) holding ten thousand measures (aLupopfis). jivpi-dpXTjS, ov, o, and p/upi-apxos, o, (pvpios, ap- Xcu) a commander of 10,000 men. p-vptds, aoos, 77, Att. gen. plur. /.ivptaSuiz/, (/tvpt'os) Afe number 10,000, a myriad: when iivpias, fjLvpi- d8fs are used alone of money, opa-^Liiav must be sup- plied ; when of corn, fjLfSi^ivoJv. jxi)pi-TT)s, (s, gen. fos, (iivpios, cros) lasting ten thousand years : of countless years. o), f. iacu : pf. pass. p.fp.vpLffp.a.1 : (iivpov} : to or charming. 455 , , (fjitpioi, rtS^bt) with ten thousand armed me ft. jjtvpio-cj)6po5, ov, (iLvpioi, (ptpca") of ten thousand talents burthen. jiiipio-4>6pTOS, ov, = fj,vpio(p6pos. p.vpi6-4>vos, ov, (fj.vpios,(j>ojvf]) with countless voices. jivpi-irvoos, ov, contr. -TTVOVS, ow, (jiipov, TTJ/CCU) breathing of unguents or essence. ov, (iivpios, &f/) with countless eyes. , as, i), (Livpiir)) an ant's nest, ant-bill. jxvpjjnjKtas, ov, 6, (f*vpLiT)) got from ant-hills. MTTMHS^tfos, 6, the ant, Lat. FORMICA. II. a beast of prey in India. III. a sunken rock on the Thessalian coast between Sciathus and Magnesia. Miipp-tBoves, ol, the Myrmidons, a warlike people of Thessaly, subjects of Peleus and Achilles. H,vpo-j36(rrpvx os > ov, (itvpov, ^oarpv^os) with per- fumed locks. p/upoeis, cffffa, cv, (ptpov) anointed, scented. jrupopai, v. sub iiip-jj. \y] MT'PON [v], TO, sweet oil extracted from plants : generally, sweet oil, an unguent, perfume, bal- sam. ' II. the place where unguents were sold, the perfume-market. III. metaph. anything sweet anoint. MTPrKH [T] , -f], Lat. yr Jca, />&5 tamarisk. Hence jxvptKiveos, a, or, of the tamarisk; and , 17, ov, of the tamarisk, [i] w/zVA (pvpios, thousand 57, (fivptos, ooovs) having puipi.6-{3oios, oxen. p.vpt-68ovs, immense teeth. p-vpio-Kdpiros, ov, (ftvpios, Kapirus) bearing count- ies fruit. }jLvpio-icpavos, ov, (ftvpics, Kpiwov} with numberless heads, many-headed. }jLVpi6-\6KTOS, ov, (pvpios, \tyoj) mid ten thousand times. jjLVpio-p.op4>os, ov, (pvpios,Liop(p7])ofcoun'less shapes. jxi)pi6-p,oxOos, os, (Livpios, LLU\OOS} of endless toil. \i.vpi6-vavs, aos, o, f], (Livpios, vavs) of numberless ships. p,i)pi6vT-apxos, ov, = fjLvpiapxos. jivpto-irdXai, Adv. (iivpios, ira\ai} time out of mind. ji^pio-irXoo-Lajv, ov, gen. ovos, (itvpios) ten thousand fold : infinitely more than. jjLvpto-irXi^OfjS, t$, (fjLvpios, wA^^os) of infinite num- ber, countless. MTPI'OS, a, ov, numberless, countless, of Number mostly in pi., but often in sing., as pvpLov aipa, \a\- i(6s, e"c. 2. of Size, huge, vast, immense, infinite; &X* Livplov infinite sorrow. 3. of Time, endless, infinite. II. as a definite Numeral in pi., Livpioi, at, a, ten thousand: in some phrases the sing, may be used, as, eWos iivpirj 1 0,000 horse, [v] p.vpioV, (^vpios} the io,oooth. fivpio(rrvs, vos, rj, (Ltvpioi) a body of ten thousand. jAVpo-irvoos, ov, contr. -irvovs, ow, (pvpov, breathing of unguent. |Avpo-7rwXif]S, ov, o, fern. -irtoXis, toos, fj, (iiipov, iroj\f(a) a dealer in unguents, a perfumer. fivpop-pavTOS, ov, (itvpov, paivoj) wet with unguent. p,tipo-<})YYTqs, es, (itipov, (peyyos') thining with un- guent. }Ai)p6-xpio"TOS, ov, (fj.vpov t \piGTiis) anointed with sweet oil. jxvpoco. f. a/o"p.a, aros, TO, (iivpota) plaster. MT~2, o, gen. fcvos, ace. LI.VV, voc. LIV, a mouse, Lat. MUS : uvs dpovpaios, a field-mouse. II. a muscle of the body, Lat. musculus. , aTos, TO, (Ltvaarro/jLai} pvaos. [vj, Ep. 3 pi. aor. I of LIVU. 456 , a, 6v-, (fivffostyfoul, loathsome, abominable, Lat. impurus : TO fjLvcrapov an abomination. p,v, (/xus, woAca;) to run about like a mouse. |AVTVO>, f. aca, to make into mince-meat. From MTTTflTO'5, 6, a mess of cheese, honey, garlic beaten up together, mince-meat. , 77, ov, irreg. Sup. of //ux tos i formed from s, as fifffaTos from /*eo*os. [y] f. aoj, Dor. pvux^to'Sw, (^ucy) to breathe hard through the nostrils, to snort or moan from pas- sion. 2. to make mouths at, sneer. Hence , 6, a snorting : sneering. > a., ov, (fj-vxos) inward, inmost, most retired, Lat. intimus : irreg. Sup. ^i/xotraros. P.VXH-OS, 6, (/xvCcy) moaning, groaning. \ift\o9ev, Adv. (/wxos) from the inmost part of the house, from the women's chambers. rj, ov, (/w^os) irreg. Sup. of /iux tos > c he sat in the farthest corner. Adv. O^X" 5 ) to tie far corner. , ov, o, (/ivcw) the innermost place, inmost nook or corner, a recess, Lat. sinus : the inmost part of a house, the women's apartments, Lat. penetralia. 2. a bay or creek running far inland. MTTt, f. \wa[neva>, f. 0*0;, (/noi/tos) /o blame, chide, find fault with. p.o0p,T)Tos, 77, (5^, (^tcy/iao/*at) blamed, blamable. p,u|jios, ou, (5, (///0o/icu) blame, censure, dis- grace. II. personified, Momus, the god of |xuv, Adv., Dor. contr. for /ZT) o5^, used in questions to which a negative answer is expected, it is not, is it? Lat. num. f e. g. fjuav kffTi . . ; Answ. ou orjTa. Some- times however it asks doubtingly, Lat. num. forte ? and may be answered in the affirmative. IJUOVQS, ct, ov, Dor. for ftouVos, p,ovos. \i.S>-vvi-, vxos, 6, r), (fiovos, ovvg) with single, solid, uncloven hoof, Lat. solipes, epith. of the horse. p.o>paivo>, f, avcD : aor. I cuupdva : (pwpos) : to be silly, foolish, to play the fool : c. ace., irctpav /ttypcu- vfiv to make a senseless attempt. II. to make foolish, convict of folly. 2. to make tasteless: Pass. to become so. p,copav0is, aor. I pass. part, of pupa'tva. |jicopta, r), (/ta)pos) silliness, folly, absurdity. fxcjpoXo-yta, T), a speaking foolishly, idle talk. From Hwpo-Xoyos, ov, (papas, \jca) speaking foolishly. MfIPO'5, a, ov, dull, heavy: generally, stupid t silly, foolish. 2. tasteless, insipid. |j.a)p6-croc}>os, ov, (ficupos, aopios, y- tcu. II. into /z before the labials /3, TT, 0, /^, if/^ as avfA-fttos, ffvfi-iroTrjs, avfj,-. IV. into p before p, as ovp-pdirrca. V. into o" before a, as (fvff-ffiros. VI. i/ is inserted in aor. I pass, of some pure Verbs, as iopvv6r)v from iSpvca. The vv ((pekKvcrriKuv or final v is found with dat. pi. in ffi, as dyopao-ti/ for dvSpdcri; 3 pers, pi. of verbs in ffi, as cl\r](f>a(Tiv for (i\r)vrj} of dwarfish stature. Ndios, a, ov, (Naos) from the isle of A T axos . Na^tot, ot, the Naxians: Nat'a \idos or irerpa a kind of whetstone, Lat. cos Naxia. Nai-ovpyf|S, s, (Na^ios, fpyov} of Naxian work. Nd|os, fj, Naxos, one of the Cyclades, anciently called Dia, vdo-iroXos Ion. v-rjo-iroXos, ov, (vaus, iroXtoj) dwell- ing or busied in a temple : as Subst., vaoiroKos, o, the keeper of a temple, Lat. aedituus. vuos Ion. VTJOS Att. V6u>s, o, (vaica) the dwelling of a god, a temple, Lat. aedes (in sing.). II. the inner part of a temple, the cell, the shrine in which the image of the god was placed. vuos, Dor. and Att. poet. gen. of vavs. vairatos, a, ov, (ydir-rf) of, in a wooded vale or dell. NA'IIH, 77, a woody dell or glen, Lat. saltus. [a] vdiros, TO, later form of vdirr). NA~IIY, vos, ro, = ffivaTri, mustard. vap8o-\iinf|S, es, (vdpoos, At'ffos) anointed with nard-oil. vdp8os, 57, nard, spikenard, Lat. nardus. II. nard-oil. vap0T]ico-7r\T|pG>TOS, ov, (vdp0r), TrXrjpuc)) filling the hollow of the vdp9r) or reed. vap0T]KO-<}>6pos, ov, (vapOrjg, ) carrying a staff of reed (vdpOr)\^6vpv, (ydoS) flowing, liquid. vds, 17, Dor. for vavs. vdcr0T], Ep. 3 sing. aor. I pass, of vaio:; v. vaica n. 2. vdcriuTas, Dor. for vrjaiajTrjs. vacrp.6s,o, (vaca} a flowing current: a stream, spring. vuo-os, Dor. for vdo-o-a, Ep. for eVaaa, aor. I of vaica. vd(rcra, Dor. for vrjaaa, vfjrra, a duck. vdcmaTO, Ep. for fvdaaro, 3 sing. aor. I med. of vaica : v. vaica n. 2. , f. vdca : aor. I tvaa : pf. pass. CL5 458 yaoros i or vevayfJiai : to press or squeeze close, stamp down, compress : to pile up. vatrros, 77, t>v, (vaffffaf) close-pressed, firm, well- kneaded. II. as Subst., vaaros., 6, a well- kneaded cake. vdrrw, Att. for rao-o*o;. vavdycco Ion. vavrjy- : f. 770*0;: (vavayos}: to suffer shipwreck, be shipwrecked: to crash, smash, of cha- riots. Hence vo/uCiyCa Ion. vavrjyii], 77, shipwreck, wreck. vatidyiov Ion. vavf|ytov, TO, a piece of a wreck, wreck ; vavayia iirniKa the wreck of a chariot. From vav-dyos Ion. vatnrjyos, ov, (vavs, ayvvfj.i) ship- wrecked, stranded, Lat. naufrdgus : generally, ruined, wrecked. vavapxo>, f. 170*0;, (vavapxos*) to be admiral of* a fleet. Hence vavapxta, 77, the command of a fleet, office of admi- ral. 2. the period of his command. vav-apxos, o, (vavs, apx^) the commander of a fleet, an admiral. vaudrTjs, ov, 6, poet, for vavrrjs. [a] vav-pd-rrfs [a], oa, 6, (vavs, fiaivca) one who embarks in a ship, a seaman. II. as Adj. nautical, of sailors. . vati-Bcrov, TO, (vavs, 0(ca} a ship's cable. vatnrjyos, vainrjyeoi, vainjyia, Ion. for vavdy. vavjcXirjpeco, f. 770*0;, (vavtc\r)pos) to be a ship-owner, master of a ship, II. metaph. to manage, govern. Hence vavjcXTjpia, 77, the life and calling of a master of a ship, a seafaring life, 2. poet, a voyage : gene- rally, an enterprise. 3. also a ship. vavKX-fjpiKos, 77, uv, (vavK\rjpos) of or for the master of a ship. vav-icXT|pos, 6, (vavs, n\rjpos} the owner or master of a ship, who carried goods or passengers. 2. poet, a seaman. vav-Kpupos, d, the same with vavitX-qpos. II. at Athens, the member of a division (vavfcpapia) of the citizens : in Solon's time there were I 2 in each of the 4 tribes, 48 in all : when Cleisthenes increased the number of the tribes to 10, there were 5 vavKpapoi belonging to each tribe* 50 in all. vavicp&Ta>, f. 770*0;, to have the mastery at sea, to command the sea : Pass, to be mastered at sea. From vav-KpaTTjs, eos, 6, 77, (vavs, Kpar4ca) having the mastery at sea, commanding the sea. vav-KpaTwp, opos, 6, 77, (vavs, Kparfoi} commanding the sea. II. as Subst. the master of a ship, [a] vavXos, 6, or vavXov, TO, (Vai/s) passage-money, fare, Lat. naulum. 2. also a freight. vavXox0, f. 770-0;, (vav\oxos) to lie in a harbour or creek : to lie in wait, so as to sally out upon ships passing : c. ace. to lie in wait for. vav-Xoxos, ov, (vavs, Xo^os) affording safe an- chorage, having a good roadstead. II. as Subst., s, 6, with irreg. pi. vav\ox<*, an anchorage, Lat. statio navium. f. 770*0;, (vavfuix 05 ) to fight in a ship, to fight by sea : generally, to fight or contend with. Hence va/up.axa, T), a sea-fight. vav-jxaxos, ov, (vavs, pjaxofMi} of, for or suited to a sea-fight ; vffTa vavpa,\a boarding pikes. vavTnjy,a>, f. 770*0;, (vavirrjyos) to build ships : Med., vavs vavirr)ytto0ai to build oneself ships : Pass, of the ships, to be built. vavin]yT|6pT]TOs, ov, (vavs, (poptoj) carried in a ship, going by ship. vav-0opos, ov, (vavs, fyOtipca) shipwrecked; vaviv, Ep. gen. and dat. pi. of vavs. vati-paKTOS Att. vav-4>apKTOS, ov, (z'avs, vai) newly caught, [a] v-avOTjs, S, (vfos, avd(ca) new-budding, blooming. vcdvias, ov, Ep. and Ion. VCTJVITJS, ceo, o, (veos) a young man, youth: often with another Subst., as, dvopes vcriviat, irats veqvirjs. II. as masc. Adj. youthful : fresh, vigorous, impetuous. veavicvojxai, Dep. (vfavias) to be a youth: to act like a youth, behave wilfully or impetuously, to make youth* ful boasts. veavLKos, 17, 6v,(veavias~) youthful: fresh, impetuous, vigorous. 2. high-spirited, noble. 3. in bad sense, hasty, wanton, insolent. 4. generally, great, mighty, strong. VKIVILKWS, Adv. of vcaviKvs, vigorously* 459 vcdvis Ion. vefjVis, gen. iSos, ace. vedviSa and vedviv, fern, of veavias, a young woman, girl, maiden. II. as Adj . youthful : new. vedvurKeuop.ai, Dep. (veaviffftos) to he in one's youth, he a stripling. veavio-icos Ion. verjvio-icos, o, (veavias) a youth, young man, so called till the age of 40. ve-aoi86s, uv, (veos, dotSos) singing youthfully. veapos, a, ov, (veos) young, youthful : fresh, new, recent, late. vapo-aT)s, , (veapos, , f. ffca, to wear a fawn-skin, to run about at the feast of Bacchus. From | ve|3pis, L8os, 77, (vefipos) a fawn-skin, worn at the ' feasts of Bacchus. ; NEBPO'5, ov, 6, the young of the deer, a fawn. vs, Ion. and Ep. nom. pi. of vavs. V6cr, veiKiT)cri, viKi, Ep. aor. i vfiKeaoa: (vet/cos): to quarrel* 460 wrangle, dispute with : also c. ace. cognato veiKeiv: part, veuttcav, holding 1 out obstinately, con- tentiously. II. trans, to vex, annoy, esp. by word, to taunt, upbraid, to accuse, criminate. VetKT], f),= VCIKOS. NEI KO2, TO, a quarrel, wrangle, dispute: strife: esp. railing, a taunt, reproach. 2. a strife at law, debate, dispute before a judge. 3. also, battle, fight. II. the cause of strife, matter or ground of quarrel. NeiXaievs, o, (NciXos) a native of the Nile. NeiXaios, a, ov, (NetXos) of or from the Nile. NiXo--yevTjs, e's, (NeiAos, ytve, f. yaw, to conduct the dead. From '6s, 6v, (vfKpos, a-ycw) conducting the dead. Tjjxeta, 77, (yercpus, ' 'AjtaSrj /*eia) a school of the dead. vcKpiKos, 77, 6v, (vtKpus) of or for the dead. vcKpo-papTjs, ts, (vfKpus, &apos) laden with corpses. vKpo-8YP-wv, ov, gen. ovo$, (vetcpus, St'xo/iat) re- ceiving the dead. vcpo-86Kos, Ion. for Att. -86x<>s, ov, (vcKpos, Sc- Xo/tfu) receiving the dead. Hence vKpo-8ox6iov,To,a receptacle for the dead, cemetery. vKpo-0T|KT], 77, (vtttpos, Orf/cr)) a receptacle for a corpse, cojffin. os, ov, (vcrcpos, ire^Troj) conducting the dead, ferrying the dead over the Styx. veKpos, ov, o, (yfKvs) a dead body, carcase, corpse. corse : in pi. the dead. II. as Adj., veitpos, a, ov, dead. veKpo-) just or de- j Vo-yvT|S, es, = vfoyv6s. served indignation, anger at anything unjust, right- ! Vo--yv6s, ov, contr. for veojovos, new-born, fous resentment. 2. indignation at undeserved ' v6-*yovos, ov, (veos, yeveaOai) new-born, good fortune : jealousy, vengeance* esp. of the gods : i vto-ypairros and veo-Ypa<}>os, ov, (veos, of nien, grudging, envy. II. that which causes ; newly painted or written. or deserves just indignation, the object of just resent- i veo-^ymos, ov, (veos, yviov} with young, fresh limbs. jtisnt ; ov vep,eo~is [cart] there is not cause for indig v0-8u|JLa>8T]S, es, a Spartan word, lately made one of nation. III. in one's own person, a sense of sin, \ the people (veos, odfj.os = or}fj.os), newly enfranchised : remorse. hence those Helots were called NeoSct/wSets, who Nu.6crts, v, as prop, n., voc. Ne//eo*t : Nemesis, ! were set free in reward for services in war. veo-Sapros, ov, (vfos, beptij) newly stripped off", newly pcrsonified as the goddess of Retribution, who brings down all immoderate good fortune, v[Acr{j,ev, Ep. I pi. aor. I subj. pass, of ve- , rj, ov, Ep. for vefieorjTos. V|i6 an< ^ Vo-tryos, ov, (veos, nnvly yoked : metaph. newly married. V6o-v, iryos, 6, 77, = veo^vyrjs. V0-6dXTjs, es, Dor. for vfoOrjkrjS. , Adv. (veos) anew : newly, lately. vo-0T]\T|s, ', (veos, sprouting: metaph. fresh, cheerful. fresh budding or use. 2. also to dwell in, inhabit, occupy. III. Jater also in Act. to hold, possess : Pass, of places, to be inhabited. 2. to sway, manage, wield, con- trol. 3. like vofjiifa, to esteem, consider. B. vefjua, of herdsmen, to pasture, drive to pas- \ hire, Lat. pascere : more freq. in Med. t/epfaOai, of | cattle, to feed, go to pasture, graze, Lzt.pasci: hence \ lished or settled. to eat, feed on : metaph. of fire, to feed on, devour, \ VO-KT]8T|S, es, (vfos, KTJOOS} having afresh grief, consume : also Pass., irvpl x&lp vefj.erai the land is \ vco-KXijpovop-os, ov, having lately inherited. vc6-0T]\os, ov, = veo-0T|, v^yos, 6, ^, (veos, Orjyw) newly sharpened. V6O-0\i|3T|s, s, (veos, 0\ifirjvai) newly pressed. vtoiT], i), (veos} poet, for veorrjs, youthful spirit. ve-oiKOS, ov, (veos, oiKeoi} newly built on. vO-Ka,Ti\os a newly made friend. vco-KTtcrros, ov, also T], ov, (veos, KT'L^OJ) newly founded or built : new-made. veo-KTOvos, ov, (veos, KTeivu) just killed. vo-Xaia, T), (veos, \aus) a band of youth, the youth of a nation, Lat. juventus. vso-Xovros poet. veoXXouros, ov, (veos, \ovofj.ai) \jiist bathed. v0-yVT]S, es, (vtos, jeveadat) new-born. | NE'OMAI contr. vevfMi, i and 3 sing, veiai, vei- veoyi\6s,T},6v,riezi'-born,youKg. (Deriv. uncertain.) TO.I : inf. veeaOai contr. veiaGai : Dep., only used in 462 pres. and impf. : to go or come : commonly with a tut. sense, to go away or back : also to go to the war: of a stream, to flow back. veo^fxirjvta contr. vovjjn^vta, 77, (veos, i*r)v} the time of the new moon, the beginning of the month. v0-ira9irjs, e's, (veos, iraOetv) suffering from a late calamity. vco-ircvO^s, es, (veos, Trevdos) fresh-mourning. II. pass, lately mourned. vO- < in]Y'f|S, es, (veos, irfyyvvni) newly congealed or frozen. veo-irXovros, ov, (veos, TT\OVTOS) newly enriched, vainglorious, ostentatious ; opp. to dpxaioir\ovros. vco-irXuTOS, ov, (veos, ir\ivca) newly washen. veo-iroicos, ov, (veos, ireteoj) newly shorn. vco-irpioros, ov, (veos, irpio}) fresh-sawn. Neo-irroXcp-os, ov, (veos, irroAe/ios) New-to-war, surname of Pyrrhus son of Achilles, because he came late to Troy. vco-iTToXis, 77, (veos, TTTO\IS) newly founded. veop-pavTOS, ov, (veos,paivefos. Hence vsos (sub. 777), rj, fresh land, fallow, Lat. novale. vcos, Ion. gen. of vavs. v6o-(7iY&Xos, ov, (veos, aFyaAoeis) new and spark- ling, glossy. veo-o-KvXcvros, ov, (veos, aievXevai) newly plundered. vo-(TjJLT)KTOS, ov, (veos, CT/o^aj) newly cleaned. v60-o-TrSS-f|S, e's, and veo-o-rrds, aSos, 6, $, (veos, ffiraca) newly plucked or gathered. veo-triropos, ov, (veos, ffireipcu) newly sown. voor Att. veoTrevw or VOTTCVW : f. aca : (ycoff- ffos) : to batch; pf. part. pass, vevoaaevjievos. veoo-o-id Ion. -i-q Att. VCOTTIO,, 77, (veoaaos) a nest of young birds, a nest : the brood of young birds. veoo-criov Att. VCOTTIOV or VOTTIOV, TO", Dim. of veoaaos, a young bird, nestling, chicken. voSYTjS, es, (veos, a^a^vtu} newly slaughtered. vcoTtis, arcs, 77, Dor. for VCOTTJS. V6O-T6s, ov, (veos, rc^eiv) fresh cut or ploughed; veoro^io. ir\rjyfja,Ta blows newly inflicted. II. fresh cut off, plucked. v0-rp(|>T|S, es, (veos, TpeQca) newly reared, young. VeOTTeVO), VOTTui, VCOTTtOV, V60TTOS, Att. for veoe-o*-. VOTTO-rpoeo>, (reorro's, rpeotTOs, ov, (veos, (poiTaoj) newly trodden. Vo-ovos, ov, (vios, *$evoj) lately killed : fresh-shed. V6o-iiTOs, ov, (veos, ipvoa') newly planted. II. a new convert, neophyte. veo-xapaKTOs, ov, (veos, xapao'ffa') newly impressed or imprinted. veoxp-os, ov, (v, f. taao), (veos) to renew, renovate, change. veiro&es, (uv, ol, children ; an old Epic word. vep9e and vep9ev, Aa.v., = evep0e, under, beneaJh: &\sofrom below. II. c. gen. under, beneath. veprepios, a, ov, (veprepos*) underground, Lat. in- fer us. vpTpo-Spop.os, ov, 6, (vepTtpos, Spo/xos) the courier of the dead. veprepos, a, ov, = eveprepos, lower, nether, Lat. in- ferior, a Comp. without any Posit, in use : but also ; as a Posit. = veprepios, nether, infernal, underground; ol veprepoi the dwellers in the nether world, the gods below or the dead, Lat. inferi. NETTO2, o, a bird of prey. vV|xa, aros, TO", (vevca) a nod or sign : a command. vet>|xai, Ep. and Ion. contr. pres. for veopan. NETPA' Ion. vevp-fj, 17, a sinew, tendon. II. a string or cord of sinew ; I. a bow-string. 2. a musical string or chord. vcvpeiT), 77. poet, for vevptz. vipT|, 77, Ion. for vevpd. v6upTJ4>u., vvpr,<|>iv, Ep. gen. and dat. of vevpfj. charge of a temple. vfvpoXdXos z^yperoj. Vt>po-XdAos, ov, (vevpov, \a\eca) with sounding strings. NETTPON, TO, Lat. nervus, a sinew, tendon : esp. iu pi. vevpa, the tendons of the feet ; vevpa re^veiv to hamstring, disable. 2. metaph. strength, vigour, nerve. II. a string, cord, lace made of sinew : hence 2. a bowstring : also cord of a sling. 3. a musical string or chord. vupo-ir\KT|s, 6*, (vevpov, TT\(KQ}) plaited with sinews. veupoppa<)>ca>, f. 770*0?, to stitch with sinews : to mend shoes. From Vvpo-pd4>os, ov, (vevpov, /5a7TTO>) stitching with sinews : as Subst. a cobbler. vevpo-(nra8if|S, es, (vevpov, airaca) drawn or strained back with a sinew or string; vevpoaira^s drpafcros the arrow drawn back with the string, i. e. just ready to fly. r vvp6-criraoTOS, ov, (vevpov, crirdca) drawn by strings; dyd\fjuiTa vevpoo-navra puppets moved by strings. v6vpo-rVT|S, es, (vevpov, reivca) stretched by sinetvs. vvpo-xapi]S, es, (vevpov, -^aprfvai} delighting in the bowstring. ve-uo-ojjuu or vv\T), 77, (ve6\o-KVTavpos, b, (veXo-KOKKVY l6 ^S, o, citizen of Cloud-cuckoo-town. v<^6\6u, f. uaw, (vc(pf\ij) to make cloudy. Hence V6\a>r6s, 77, ov, made of clouds. Vpvcav a cloud upon the brow. 2. metaph. also, a cloud or dense throng of men, birds, etc. ve<}>pms, ioos, (vftypos) fern. Adj. of or in the kid- neys ; r) v((f>piTis (sc. voaos), a disease in the kidneys. NEVT)TOS, ov, (veos, wveo/tfit) newly bought. ve-toprjs, 4s, (v4os, &pa) new, fresh, late. vc-wpuov, TV, (vfwpos) a place where ships are over- hauled, a dock-yard, arsenal. yews, tu, 6, Att. for vaos, a temple, like \c&s for Xa6s. vews, Att. gen. of vavs. V6WO--OIKOS, 6, (vews gen. of vavs, oto) literally a ship's house, a slip or dock in which a ship was built or repaired : a store-house, being a part of the vewpiov. vewo-rt, Adv. of veos, lately, just now, recently. vura, Adv. of veos, Aeol. for veuo*, vewre, next year, for next year ; also, els veorra. vewraTOs, 77, ov, Sup. of v4os : Adv. veurara, most recently. Vo>Tpio>, f. iffw Att. to), (j/eo;T6/)os) to make changes or alterations : to make innovations or revolutionary movements. II. trans, to change entirely; veTpo-iroi.6s, ov, (ve&rcpos, iroieai) innovating, revolutionary. va>Tpos, a, ov, Comp. of veos, younger : newer, fresher : in bad sense, strange, unusual ; ra vewrepa or veurepa Trpdy/^ara, revolutionary movements, Lat. res novae. Adv. veasrepcas, more recently. vi)-, insep. Prefix, being a strengthd. form of di/a- privat., as in vrj-irevOrjs ; cf. Lat. ne- in ne-fas, etc. NH', Att. Particle affirming strongly, with ace. of the person invoked ; rr) Ata or VT) rbv Ata, also rr) fj,a rbv Am, yea by Zeus ! vfja, v-fjas, Ion. ace. sing, and pi. of vavs. VTJYO.T60S, 77, ov, (for vetjyaTos by transposition of and 77, from veos, yeyaa,) new-made. vTj-Ypcros, ov, (vij-, eyetpca) unwaking ; VTjyperos VTTVOS a sleep that knows no waking, a sound deep sleep : later also of death : neut. as Adv., without waking. 464 vijSvia, (ov, ra, (vrjbvs) the entrails, bowels, Lat. in- tastina. VT]8vtocj)Lv, for vrjSvu, ov, Homeric epith. of vrrvos : either like s, soutid, deep sleep ; or from r)dvs, sweet, de- lightful, as if for fj8v[Aos. NHAT'5, vos, 77, the stomach, or the belly, paunch : the womb : also the bowels, entrails ; leAetV rr)v vrj- Svv to take out the entrails, disembowel. VTJSOV, Ep. impf. of vneca. vt]6S, nom. pi. of vavs. vYjO-(rt, Ep. dat. pi. of vavs. vrjew, fut. vrjrjaoj, Ion. and Ep. for vtco, to heap or pile up. II. to pile, load. vY|Tjcrav, Ep. 3 pi. aor. I of vrjeca : VT]Tja > d, (vca c) to spin. VTjt, Ion. dat. sing, of vavs. Ni]ids, a5os, i), Ion. for Naias. VTJIOS, 77, ov, Dor. vd'ios, a, ov, also os, ov, of, be- longing to a ship ; 56pv vrjtov ship-timber. NTJIS, t'Sos, 77, Ion. for Nai's. vqis, tSos, o, i), (vrj-, IdeTv) unknowing, unlearned : c. gen. unskilled in a thing. VTJLTTJS, ov, o, (i^aus) of or belonging to a ship, con- sisting of ships. [F] VTT]-K^>ST|S, s, (vrj-, KfpSos) without gain, unprofit- able. vfj-Kepws, arros, o, 77, Ep. vrj-Kepos, ov, (vrj-, epas) not horned, without horns. VTJ-KCCTTOS, ov, (vrj-, aKfOfMi) incurable. vq-xovcrreto, (vrj-, O.KOVQJ) to give no heed to, dis- obey : Ep. aor. I vrjKovarrjaa. VT)-\T|s, (s, dat. and ace. vrj\i, vrj\ea, as if from vrj\rjs, (vrj-, eAeos) without pity, pitiless, ruthless, re- morseless ; vrjXtts r^mp the ruthless day, i. e. the day of death. II. unpilied. vrj\iT)s, e's, Ep. for vrj\frjs. Adv. vnXfia/s. VT]\66-0T5}Jios, ov, (vrj\erjs, Ovfj.6s) of ruthless spirit. VTjXeo-iroivos, ov, (vrj\erjs, Ttoivrf) punishing ruth- lessly. vijXecos, Adv. of vrjXfris, without pity. VTjX'qs, es, see vrj\er}s. vij\C'iro j us. o, 77, --now, TO, gen. -ira8o$, = c.v-~]\irrovs, unshod, barefooted : hence needy, abject, [f] vrj-XiTT|S, cs, (vrj-, dAiT6') guiltless, harmless, unoffending. VTJJJUI, CTOS, TO, (vico to spin) that which is spun, thread, yarn : the thread of a spider's web : the thread of the Fates. \nr)-fX6pTT|S, es, (vrj-, a/j.apTtw) unfailing, unerring, infallible;- vrjfjLepres tviairtlv, vrjp.(pria. tiirctv to speak infallible truths. vrjv|jLia Ion. -ITJ, r), stillness in the air, a calm : ya\r}vrj trr\tTo vrjvffj.irj there was a calm and perfect sfilhiess. From vrj-ve^-os, ov, (vrj-, avefj.os) without wind, breezeless, calm, tranquil. vnrjv0, = vrjioj, Ion. and Ep. for via, to heap. vfjvus, tos, 77, contr. for veavis, a girl, maiden. vf,is, ecus, ?), (vri*x6pos, ov, (vavs, tpipca) bearing thips. \ VT l~6xS ov, (vavs, exTi.c6s, 77, 6v, of or for an island or an islander; TO vnffioJTiKLiV insular situation. vqo-o-jjLaxta, ??, (vfjffos, A^X 7 ?) fln island-fight. * NH"2O2 Dor. vdcros, oG, 97, an island, Lat. insula: also, fl peninsula, applied to the Peloponnese. vfio-cra Att. vrJTra, 97, (ykca to swim) a duck, Lat. anas. vrjtro-dpiov Att. VTJTT-, TO, Dim. of v^craa, a duckling. VT)(7T6ia, 17, (vTjo-Tfvo}') fasting, a fast. vrjcrretJoj, f. aoj, (vf)o~Tts) to fast ; vrjffTfvfiv TIVOS to fast from, abstain from a thing. VT| to heap) heaped up, piled up. VTJTOS, 17, OK, (vfca to spin) spun, twisted. VrjTTO,, 17, VTJTTaplOV, TO, Att. for Vljffff-. vK]s, 77, Ion. for vavs. vrjvtrt, Ion. dat. pi. of vavs. pTjTOs, ov, v. vavffi-irtparos. , ov, (vrj-, dvTfj.r)') breathless. vt]dXios, a, ov, also os, ov, (vr/cpo)} of persons, drinking no wine, sober : of drink, without wine ; vr]ocri, poet, for vr), f. rjffca, (viicr)} to conquer, prevail, get the .upper hand ; ra \(peiova viKa the worse prevails ; TO 6u VIKCLTOJ let the good prevail ; vindv nvi to win in the judgment of another. 2. of opinions, to 465 I prevail, carry the day ; 77 vireuffa yvdupT] the prevail- ing opinion, vote of the majority. 3. as law-term, to ivin in a suit, gain a cause. II. trans, to con- quer, vanquish, overcome, overpower: Pass., vi/cda0at to be vanquished, overcome by another : to be inferior to, give way to. III. c. ace. cognato, VIKTJV VLKO.V to gain a victory j vavfM^iav va.'jpa'Vf.Tv to win a sea- fight. VIKSIOS, ov, (VIKOS) victorious. NI'KH [i], 77, victory, conquest, Lat. victoria: the fruits of victory. VIKT], Aeol. and poet, for \vina., 3 sing. impf. of viKdoi. viKTjeis Dor. viiccUis, co-era, ev, (vittrj) victorious, conquering. viKTjOeCs, aor. i part. pass, of vifcdca. vuojfxi, Aeol. for vifcaaj. [t] viKiT)o-ep,6v, Ep. for ViKrjfffiv, fut. inf. of viKaoj. VIKTJTCOV, verb. Adj. of vitcdaj, one must conquer. viKT|TT|p, fjpos, 6, like viKTjTTjs, a conqueror. Hence vucrjTT|pu>s, a, ov, belonging to a conqueror or to victory. II. as Subst. vi/crjrrjptov (sub. a^Ao^), TO, the prize of victory. 2. viKrjrrjpia (sub. If pa), rd, a festival in honour of victory ; ViKijrrjpiov kandv to celebrate the feast of victory. VIKTJTTJS, ov, o, (viKaoj) a conqueror. viKT|Tiic6s, 77, 6v, (viKaca) likely to conquer, conducing to victory. vt*T|TC>p, opos, 6, poet, for viKT]Trjp, a conqueror. viKT)<|>opo, f. Tjaoj, (yifcr)(p6pos) to carry off as prize, win. Hence vtKT]opia, 77, a conquering, victory. viKt]-<|>6pos, ov, (viKij, fp(v) bringing victory. II. bearing off" the prize, conquering, victorious. viKo-povAos, ov, (ytKaca, (3ov\r]) prevailing in the Council. viKO-fjiaxas, ov, o, (yucdoj, p^d-^rf) conqueror in the fight. VIKOS, eos, TO, later form for vi/cij, victory. vtK&icv, Att. contr. for viudofiv, 3 pi. opt. of vncdca. viv, Dor. and Att. enclit. ace. of 3rd pers. Pron., for avrov, avrr)v, avro, him, her, it; never used reflex- ively : of all genders, both sing, and pi., but the pi. is much more rare : Horn., and Ion. writers use p.iv. viiTTT|p, fjpos, 6, (via}) a washing vessel, basin, laver. vtirrpov, TO, (vi fa) water for washing: mostly in plur. vCirrco, later form for vifa. vicrcro|jiat, f. viaop.ai [t] = vtop.ai, to go, to go away. NI'TPON, TO, in Herodotus and Att. Xirpov, car- bonate of soda, soda. vi<}>a, Tf]v, snow, irreg. ace. of vit})ds, as if from a nom. *vty. vtcfxis, doos, T), (y'upca) a snow-flake : in pi. snow- fiakes, a storm of snow. 2. generally, a shower : metaph., vityds -noXtp-ov the storm or sleet of war. II. as Adj., fern, of vupufis, snowy, snow-capt. vi(j)jiv, Ep. inf. of vi(f>ca. Vidros, ov, o, (v'upca) a shower of snow , a snow-storm. vl4>6-(3oAos, (vicpa, /SdAAcu) snow-beaten, wintry. 466 vuj>6eis, fffffa, ev, (via) snow-covered, snoiv-capt. vt<|)o-crri/3Tjs, fs, (vi, f. verjffu : Ion. vdjffo} : aor. I evorjffa. Ion. ei/cuo-a : pf. vevorjKa Ion. vfvaiea : Med., Ep, 3 sing, aor. vorjffaro Ion. part, vcuadfjifvos : Pass., aor. I fvorjOrjv : Pass., aor. I evorjOrjv : pf. vtvorjp,ai Ion. vivtapjai : Ion. plqpf. fvevwftijv : (voos) : to see so os to remark or discern, distinguished from merely seeing, as, rov 5e I8wv evorjae when he saw him he perceived who he was : to notice, remark. II. to think : absol. to be minded : hence, to purpose, in- tend : c. inf. to intend to do a thing : in part, votcov, discreet, thoughtful. i. of words or expressions, to mean, imply, have a certain sense. III. to think out, devise, contrive. IV. to think or cfeem that a thing is so and so. voT]p,a, OTOS, TO", (voea>) /ia/ which is thought, a thought. II. a purpose, design, resolve. III. generally, thought, understanding, mind. Hence VOTJJJWOV, ov, gen. ovos, thoughtful, sensible : also in one's right mind, opp. to itapcuppovtow. voi]s, 77, (vofca) thought, intelligence. VOTJTIKOS, 77, ov, (vo(ca) intelligent. VOKJTOS, >7, ov, (yofca) perceptible, intelligible. vo0a-y6V"f|S, s, Dor. for voOrjyevrjS, (yuOos, yfve- oQai) base-born. vo0o-Ka\Xo(ruvT),7), (yoOos, d\Xos) spurious charms. NO'0O5, 77, ov, Att. also os, ov, illegitimate, born out of wedlock; voOos vlos a natural son, opp. to yvrjffios, La{. legitimus. II. generally, spurious, counterfeit, adulterated. voiSiov, TO, Dim. of POOS, vovs, a little thought, a notion. vop.aios, a, ov, (j/o/zos) roaming, roving, ranging. v6|xatos, a, ov, (J/O//GS) customary, conventional: rcL vofMia, like vo/ufjtn, customs, usages, Lat. instituta. vop,-Apxif]S, ov, 6, (yofjLos, apx*) the chief of an Egyptian province (pottos) : also among the Scythians. vop.ds, d8os, 6, 77, (i/o/zos) roaming, ranging, wan- dering from one place to another : No/idScs, of, pas- toral tribes that roved about with their flocks, Nomads; and as prop. n. Numidians, Lat. Numidae. II. grazing, feeding. v6p.6U|ia, OTOS, TO, (vofj-fvoj) that which is put to graze, a flock or herd. vojicus, teas Ep. 770$, 6, (vffjuu, vopos} a shepherd or herdsman. II. a dispenser, distributer. III. plur. vofAfs = fyKoi\ia, are the ribs of a ship, i, dat. pi. of ro/zeys. Dor. for vop.evo~(a, fut of vofjifvoj. vo>, (vofifvs) to pasture,feed, drive afield; &oval VO/JLOVS vofifveiv to feed down the pastures with oxen, Lat. depascere. vop,T), 77, (vfjua) a pasture, pasturage : fodder, food. 2. a feeding, grazing. II. division, dis- tribution ; esp. of an inheritance. vojjifjes, Ep. for volets, nom. pi. of vop.evs. VOJXL^O) : fut. vofAiffco Ion. vo^ikta Att. vo/j.iS> : pf. vevofutca : Pass., aor. I kvop.iaQr]v : pf. vcvo- fj.iff}JLai : -(vofios) : to hold or own as a custom or usage : said of things recognised by convention or prescriptive right; vopifav TOWS 0eous to recognise the gods acknowledged by the state ; but, vofufav Oeovs to recognise the existence of the gods gene- rally : Pass, to be in esteem ; vofjii^crai it is the cus- tom, is customary, is usually recognised; T& i/o/o/*era or vfvofufffteva, customs, usages, laws, Lat. insti- tuta. 2. to adopt, practise a custom or usage ; "EXXrjves air Alyvmiosv ravra vevofUKaat the Greeks have adopted these customs from the Egyptians. 3. to own, acknowledge, recognise as ; rovs Karcovs XP 7 ?" arovs vofii^eiv : in Pass., TOU 6ewv vopiferat ; to which of the gods is it held sacred ? 4. absol. to be accustomed. 5. Pass, to be governed after old laws and customs. II. c. dat., like -^fjaOai, to be accustomed to a thing, practise it ; hence to make common use of, use ; and in Att., to use as a current coin. III. c. ace. et inf. to expect that a thing will be. VO|XIKOS, 77, ov, (vofj-os} of or for the laws : resting on the authority of law. II. learned in the law : as Subst., vopiKos, o, a lawyer. vop.tp.os, 77, ov, (v6fj.os) conformable to usage or law: hence I . conventional, prescriptive. i . lawful, legal. 3. in neut. pi. v6fJLifui, usages, customs; v6fj.ifjLa itoieiv, of funeral rites, to pay the customary offices, Lat.justafacere. II. of persons, observant of law. Hence vop.ip.cos, Adv. according to law : Comp. vofuftu- Tfpov. vojjuos, a, ov, also os, ov, (ro/tos, ^0/07) belonging to shepherds, pastoral. v6p,uris, T), (vo/xtfcu) usage, prescription : also, a mode of esteeming. vop.icrp.a, arcs, TO, (ro/i(^y) anything recognised by established usage, viz., I . the current coin of a state, Lat. nummus : cf. vopifa, fin. 2. an estab- lished weight or measure, legal measure. 3- an y institution or custom. vop,o-Ypd<)>os, ov, (vofios, ypatpoj) writing laws : as Subst., vofJioypcKpos, 6, a lawgiver. vojio-ScCKTTjs, ov, o, (vofios, SeiKvvfju.} an explainer of the laws. vop,o-8i8do-Ka\os, 6, (vopos, 5iSd6/u) a pasture, place for cattle to graze; VO/AUS V\TJS a woodland pasture. 2. pastur- age, herbage: generally, food. 3. metaph., In-eW vofj.6s ample pasture, a wide rattg-0 for II. abode allotted to one, a district^ journey ; VOO~TOS (popfifjs a journey to bring food home, i.e. in search, in quest of food. vocr4>i, before a vowel or metri grat. voia>, f. ioca Att. voatop,cu, words. department, province, satrapy, Lat. praefectura. vop.08, ov, o, (vefioj) anything assigned or appor- tioned, viz., I. a usage, custom, convention : a positive enactment, law, ordinance, Lat. institutum ; vofjioj, conventionally, opp. to (pvfffi, naturally : at Athens v6fj.oi was the name given to Solon s laws, in contradistinction to those of Draco, which were called QfGfjLoi. 2. x l P&v vopos the law of force or might, opp. to oiKrjs vop.os; tv \fipZv vojjifa oia(pOeipco"Qai to die in the fight or scuffle ; (s \tipwv vofiov airiKeo~6ai to come to blows. II. a musical strain : a song, ode; v6fj.oi iroXf^iKoi war-songs. vojto-t>Xa, OKOS, TO, (VOJJLOS, 6pos Ion. vow-, ov, (yoaos, , contr. for Vfofffffvcu, to hatch. voo-eria, 77, and vocro-Cov, TO, Att. contr. for veoffff-. vooro-Cs, ioos, -fj, Dim. of voaaos, Att. contr. for veoaats, a little bird : also a young girl. vo0xro-Tpo4>i>, contr. for , f. 170-0;, (J/OO-TOS) to return, come, or go back, to one's home or country. 2. to return safe after danger. 3. generally, to go, come, travel. 467 voo. voof voaTea). vooTtjAOS, ov, (voaTos) of or belonging to a return; voaTip-ov 7^/iap the day of return. 2. returning, that will or may return, surviving, safe, Lat. salvus. VOO-TOS, ov, o, (p&poi) a return home or homeward: c. gen. loci, return to a place. 2. generally, travel, f. -iaofiai : aor. I med kvoa^iaa^v Ep. Ep. part, voa^iffaafj-fvos : aor. I pass. tvoffcpiaOrjv : to remove oneself, withdraw, retire: and in act. sense, to leave, forsake, abandon. Z. metaph. of the mind, to become estranged or alienated. III. act. to abstract, steal : c. dupl. ace., to rob one of a thing : Med. to appropriate. 2. to make away with, kill, despatch. voicr06ts, aor. I part. pass, of 'vofftyifa. vour, f. iaca, (VOTIOS) to moisten : Pass, to be wet. VOTIOS, a, ov, also os, ov, (VOTOS) wet, damp, rainy ; vifjov o' kv VOT'IO> Trjv y wpfuffav they moored her [the ship] far from land in the sea, opp. to the beach. II. southern, southerly. VOTIS, tSos, 77, (VOTOS} moisture, damp, wet. NO'TCXS, ov, o, the south or south-west wind, Lat. Notus. II. the south or south-west quarter. VOTTVCd, VOTTIOV, etc., COntr. for VfOTT . VOV-PVO-TIKOS, 17, ov, (vovs, /3vo;) choke-full of wit, crammed with cleverness, clever. Adv. -KWS, cleverly. vov0rta,i7, a warning, admonishing: reproof. From vov-0Tca>, f. rjffai, (yovs, T(d-rjp.i} to bring to mind: to remind, warn, advise, admonish, chastise. Hence vov0Trjp,a, arcs, T<$, an admonition, warning. vov0TT)Tos, a, ov, verb. Adj. of vovOtTtoo, to ba warned, advised. vov0TiKos, 17, ov, (vovOcTfcu} admonitory. , Att. contr. for vfof^rjvla, the new moon: the time of the new moon, the first of the month. vovv-tx 7 ! 5 ) **> (vovs, xw) having understanding, sensible, discreet. Adv. -x^s, discreetly, prudently. 468 vovs NT'MH. vovs, o, contr. for i/oos, mind. vovcpos, ov, Ion. for v vv, see vvv, vvv. v\ry8f]v, Adv. (vvaofa) by pricking, Lat. punctim. vti-yets, aor. 2 part. pass, of vvaaoj. vuKTpi(ru>s, ov, vvKT(pl]aios, nightly. WKT-pTY]S,ot>, 6, (pt^, (peaffca) onewhorcwsby night. vVKTepevrtKos, 17, oV,.^ /or watching by night, fit for hunting by night. From vvKTCpcvo), f. aoj, (vvKTfpos) to pass the night : to keep watch, mount guard by night, bivouac : also to hunt, fish, etc., by night. vvKT6pT|o-ios, ov, (vvKrepos} nightly. vvKTpiv6s, 77, 6v, (vv) nightly, by night, Lat. noc- turnus. WKT6pis, ioos, 77, (yv, vviCTfpos*) a night-bird, a bat, Lat. vespertilio. vvKTepos, ov, (vt') nightly. vvKTep-coiTos, ov, (vi>KTpos, wifi} jiight-faced, dusly. vuKT-ir]Yopi> or in Med. vvKT-TjYOpeojjiai, (yv, ayopd) to assemble by night. Hence WKTT]-yopa, fi, a nightly assembly or discourse. vuKT-Tjpet^S, fs, (vv, 4pe) shrouded by night, gloomy. WKTi-J3pojJu>s, ov, (vvg, ISpefica) roaring by night. WATl-yiipos, OJ/ ' (*^ 7 a /*& w ) marrying by flight or clandestinely. VVKTl-K\-irTT)S, OV, 6, = VVKTOK\TJT7)S. WKTt-Kopa^, O.KOS, 6, (vv, #tpa) the night-jar, goat- sucker : also the screech-owl. WKTl-Xa0paio-a / yttv) eating secretly by night. vvK-rt-XdXos, ov, (vv, \aAca;) nightly-sounding, se- renading. WKTi-Xa}Jiirf|s, fs, (yv, \ap.iro^) illumined by night alone, i. e. gloomy, murky. VUKTIOS, a, ov, (vv) nightly. vvKTi-irSTai-'irXa.'yi.os, ov, (vv, irarcoa, irAa-yios) roaming about by night, [a] WKTi-irXa-YKTOS, ov, (vi$, irXa^ca) making to wan- der by night, disquieting, disturbing: also 2. pass. vvKT'nr^.ayKTos evv?) a bed from which one wanders by flight, a restless bed. WKTL-irXavT|s, fs, and WKTi-irXavos, ov, (vvg, irXa- vaoj) wandering, rambling about by night. WKTi-iroXos, ov, (yv, -noXfoi) roaming by night. WKTL-O-CHVOS, ov, (vv, fff^vcs) solemnised by night. vuKTi-4>avT|s, ts, (vv, tyavrivai) shining or appear- ing by night. WKTt-avTOS, ov, (vv, (patvoftat} appearing by night : nightly. WKTi-<}>pot)p7)TOs, ov, (vvg, typovpico) keeping night- watches. WKTO-0T|pas, ov, u, (vv, Orjpaaj) one who hunts by flight. WKTO-KX6TTTT]S , ov, 6, (vv, K\TTTu} a thief of the night. WKTO-jjigXw 5 f- i?o-a>, (vv, paxy) to fight by night. Hence a, 17, a night battle, a battle in the dark. vuKTO-TrepurXdvirjTOS, ov, (vi/, TrcpnrXavdoj) ram- bling about at night. vwroiropi), f. 770*0;, to go or travel by night. From v-UKTO-iropos, ov, (vv, Tropes) travelling by night. WKTO-<|>air|S, es, (vv, vXaKca, f. rjffa, to keep guard by night, to be a night-watch. From | vuKTO-r>Xa, cwos, 6, 77, (vv, (pv\ag} one that keeps watch by night, a warder, Lat. excubitor. VUKTWOV, TO, (Nv) a temple of Night. VVKT-COITOS, 6v, (vv, w$) with the look of night, i. e. murky, obscure. vvKTcop, Adv. (i'vf) by night, Lat. noctu. vvp,(|>S, poet, for vv^uftij, in voc. vvfj.(pa a, Dor. for vvfAfyrj. vvjjir}, dyoj) the leader of the bride ; esp. one who leads her from her home to the bridegroom's house: the friend of the bridegroom. I vvpxjxuov, TO, a temple of the Nymphs, Lat. Nym- phaeum. From vvjxaios, a, ov, (vvpfpij} of or sacred to the Nymphs. vvp,av, Dor. gen. pi. of vvfjupa. vv|j}>ios, a, ov, (yv/J.(f>r)) belonging to a bride, bridal, nuptial. II. as Subst., vvfA(p(Tov (sub. Swjua), TO, the bridechamber. 2. vvjjKjxla (sub. ifpa), TO, nuptial rites, marriage : but, also, the bride herself. vvyi$v\>.a, TO, (vvfj,VTTfipios, a, ov, (vvfjKpcva}) bridal, nuptial. vvp,<()tiTTjs, ov, 6, (yv ntic0, f. o~ai irfrpaiai. 2. the Muses are ' often called Nymphs : hence all persons in a state of | rapture were said to be caught by the Nymphs, vv^ 6\r)iTToi, Lat. lympbati. III. the chrysalis or pupa of moths. vu^uJnSios, a, ov, (vvfxpr)') of or belonging to a bride : bridal, nuptial. V\}\L$IKOS, 7), 6v, = vvfupidios. vvjjuj>ios, o, (vvp.(f>rf) a bridegroom, husband. II. as Adj , vvjjujnos, iov, newly-ivedded : bridal. vup,r], /cAcu'a;) deplored brides or wives. vvp.<}>OKO|ji.co, f. 770-0;, to dress oneself as a bride. II. to dress a I ride, lead home as bride. From vi^io-Kop,os, ov, (vvfjupij, Koptoj) dressing or taking care of a bride : bridal. vvjA(j>6-XT)TrTOs, ov, (vvfjuprj, Xanfiavoj) possessed by Nymphs, i. e. rapt, entranced, Lat. lymphatus. vt>|Ao-o"roA.o, f. T/ffo), (vvfjL(f)r], ore A Aw) to escort the bride. vv|A6-Ti|jios, ov, (vvfj-tftr], Tijuacu) honouring the bride ; H(\GS vv^oTifj-ov the song in honour of the bride. w[Acj>a;v, wvos, 6, (vvfjup-rj) the bridechamber. NT~N, enclit. vw Ep. vv, Adv. now, at this very time, Lat. mine ; ol vvv avOpooiroi men of the present day; o vvv xpovos the time present. 2. with the Article, TO vvv or TO, vvv, rovvv or ravvv, as to the pre- sent, i. e. at the present moment, a stronger form of vvv. II. vvv also denotes the immediate follow- ing of one thing upon another in point of Time, then, thereupon. 2. also an Inference, then, therefore ; /XT) vvv pot vtfJLfarjO-cre now do not, do not then, be wroth with me. 3. in enclit. form vvv, used to strengthen a command, as, Scvpu, vvv quick then ! , fut. aaca and agca : to nod, esp. in sleep, hence to slumber, sleep : also to be sleepy, drowsy, Lat. dormlto : also to hang down the head. Hence vv Ion. aor. I med. part, and inf. of votw. 470 rcorctycoyeo) I v<0T-S-yY* a> > f- "fl ffQ} > (VUTOV-, d^oryos) to carry on the back. vtov-aKjAcov, ovos, 6, 77, (VWTOV, a/f^aw) with mailed back. voxrtatos, a, ov, (VOITOV^) of or belonging to the back; vuTiaia dpOpa the joints of the back, the vertebrae. vomo>, f. iffca, (vSirov} to make to turn the back, put to flight. II. intr. to turn one's back, turn and flee. III. to cover the back of another : TTOVTOV vcariaai to skim the sea. vo>TO-|3, f. 77O"cy, (VWTOV, ^alvca) to mount the back. II. to walk on the back or ridge of. NJTTON, TO, rd, the back, Lat. tergum ; the pi. VWTO. often used for the sing., like Lat. terga, e. g. rci vura Sovvai to turn the back, flee, like Lat. dare terga; KarcL VOJTOV from behind. II. metaph. any wide surface; evpea VWTO. OaXdacfrjs the broad back or surface of the sea : also large tracts of land, plains. 2. any back or ridge. vo>ro-4>6pos, ov, (VUTOV, xe\ia Ep. -Cij, 77, laziness, sluggishness. 3 A , , l, TO, indecl. , fourteenth letter of the Greek alphabet : as numeral ', 60, but , 60,000. It was a double consonant, compounded of 70", KG, xo*. In Att. Greek, came in with the Samian alphabet (see H, 77) ; before this it was represented by x ff - H. in Aeol. and Att. is interchanged with K and o*, as, KOLVOS vvo$; and Dor. fut. and aor. /fAaw for K\-yaoj, vaigai for irataai, etc. III. also is often inter- changed with aff or TT, not only in the fut. of Verbs in -o"0"cy and -TTCU, e. g. dvdffaoj, dvd^ca, but also in words like oiaaos rpiavos Ion. 8ios rpi6s. was most. freq. in Dor. and old Att. dialect. [Vowels be- fore are always long by position.] BAI'Nil, f. av u : aor. I tfrjva : Pass., aor. I e- dvOrjv : pf. ^ap.fjuaa. : to scratch, comb : esp. of wool, to card, so as to make it fit for spinning. 2. of cloth, to full, clean. II. metaph. to treat as in fulling, to thresh, mangle, lacerate. av0as, Dor. for gavOrjs, fern. gen. of av6os. av0tco, f. iaoj Att. tw, (gav96s) to make yellow or brown : to roast or fry brown. gdv6ur|i.a, arcs, TO, (ai/0tcu) that which is dyed yellow. av06-Ycos, (av, (av06s, 777) of yellow soil. |av06-0p<|, Tprxos, o, T), (avOt>s, epi^} yellow-haired. ^av0o-Kojjn]s, ov, 6, (av&6s, Ko(ji.r)) = av060pig. ^av06s, 77, 6v, yellow of various shades, golden or pale yellow; also red-yellow, chestnut, auburn, Lat. flavus ; av6al Tp'^s golden hair; av6cls i'mrovs chestnut mares. II. S'dvdos paroxyt., as prop, n., I. a stream of the Troad, so called by gods, by men Scamander. 2. a horse of Achilles. |av0o-iJTjs, cs, (ai>06s, , ^CIVO-SOKOS, ov, Ion. for cj/o8 . ;tvo-KTOVto, Ion. for gevoKTOveca: jcivos, 77, ov, Ion. for ivos. Hence ;ivoo"uvir), 77, Ion. for gevoffvvij. ;6tvoci>, Ion. for gevooo. |v-aYTT]s, ov, 6, (evos, ayeTtjs) one who takes charge of guests. vaY6to, f. rjffct}, (gevayos) to be a guide of strangers: Pass, to be conducted to see sights. II. to levy or lead mercenary troops. Jjev-a-yos, ov, (evos, ijyeofjiai) conducting strangers or guests. II. as Subst., gevayos, 6, the leader of a body of mercenaries. v-airaTT]S ov, o, poet. etv-, (tvos, dirardta) one who deceives guests or strangers, [a] 6v-apK"qs, es, (eVos, dpKsoS) aiding strangers. evr], 77, fem. of givos: j. (sub. yvv-fj}, a female guest: a foreign woman* II. (sub. x&P - or 7^) a foreign country. ievrjXao-Ca, 77, at Sparta, a measure for keeping foreigners out of the country. From ^v-T]\aTco, (gzvos, lAawcu) to banish foreigners. (jcvCa Ep. i-evit] Ion. ^etvCir], 77, (^tVos) the state or privileges of a guest, hospitality: hospitable reception, entertainment. 1. a friendly relation between two princes or states. II. the state or rights of a foreigner, as opp. to a citizen : tvias (pevyfiv (sc. ypatyrjv) to be indicted as an alien for usurping civic rights. vio> Ion. ivto> : fut. eviff, (/os), or 6viTvop,ai as Dep., to be <&, foreigner: to be a mercenary in foreign service. vo-8SiKTr]S, ov, b, (eVos, Sa'ifa) a murderer of a guest. vo-8aCTT)S, ov, 6, (Vos, Sato;) a devourer of guests or strangers. gcvo-SoKelov and -x^tov, TO, a place for strangers to lodge in, an inn : from evo5oxo Ion. JjeivoSoKtu, (/o8oxos) to entertain, lodge guests or strangers. Hence 6vo8oxa,77,/fo entertainment of a guest or stranger. j-vo-S6xos, ov, Ion. ivo-86icos, ((vos, 8ext* ai ) entertaining guests or strangers : as Subst., fivo- SOKOS, 6, the host, opp. to e/os, the guest. evo-8a>TT]S, ov, o, (evos, 8i8cafj.i) the Lost. |vo6is, eo-cra, cv, (g(vos)full of strangers. ICVOKTOVCCO Ion. ICIVOKT-, f. 770-0;, to slay guests or strangers. From (jsvo-KTovos, ov, (evos, KTfivw} slaying guests or strangers. SE'NOS Ion. getvos, o, a guest or host, Lat. hospes: either as I. the friend, with whom one has a treaty of hospitality : in this sense both parties are eVoi, and the relation was hereditary. II. in Homer mostly the guest, as opp. to the host. 2. any stranger, as being entitled to the rights of hospi- tality. 3. later, a) tv, O stranger, was a common term of address. 4. from meaning a stranger *'- i/os came to signify a hireling, who entered into foreign service, a mercenary soldier, e. g. of the Greeks in Persian pay. 5. simply for @dp(3apos a foreigner. As Adj. vos, rj, ov, Att. os, ov, Ion. Jsivos, 77, ov, foreign, strange. 2. c. gen. rei, strange to a thing, unacquainted with, ignorant of it. v6-o-TS6&>, f. 770-0;, to entertain or maintain guests : esp. /o maintain mercenary troops. From ^vo-rp6os, ov, (Vos, rpf^ca) entertaining guests : esp. maintaining mercenaries. voc|>ovo, f. T^o^oj, to murder guests or strangers. From ^vo-6vos, oi/, (/os, *, (eVos) /o make or raz/ as oe's guest: to entertain. II. Pass., with fut. med. evuoopai : aor. I itvwQr)V ; /o enter into a 471 treaty of hospitality with one. 1. to be lodged as a guest, to be entertained. 3. to be in foreign parts, to be abroad : to go into, banishment. evs, Adv. of evo$, strangely : evcas %x flv to be strange. gtvoxrts, 77, (evoca) estrangement : innovation. BEPO'5, d, ov, Ion. for fopos, dry ; ITOTI (p6v to dry land. gc) that which is smoothed, polished : hence = oavov, a statue or image. , Ep. for c^efff, 3 sing. aor. I of f y. o-rr]S, ov, 6, a liquid and dry measure, corrupted from the Lat. sextarius, nearly = a pint English. georos, 77, oV, (eo>) scraped, planed, smoothed, polished. SE'Ii : f. f fffoj Ep. ((ffffca : aor. I e^co-a Ep. Wa : /o scrape, to polish by scraping or planing. II, /o carve or w/or& in wood or stone. fjTjvas, part. aor. I of aivca. |-r]paiva>, f. avw : aor. I t^pava. : Pass., aor. I 77- pdvOrjv : pf. fg-rjpaa [tat or fgrjpafiftai : (r)p6$) : to parch up, dry up : Pass, to become or be dry, parched. 2. to empty, drain, dry, Lat. siccare. T]p-aAoi4>co>, f. 770-0;, (yp6s, a\eiaY>, f. 570-0;, (i]p6s, Qajfiv') to eat dry food. |i-T|pT)S, fs, (i(pos, dpapfiv) armed with a sword, sword in hand. i<|n]-4>6pos, or, (i(8u>v, TO, Dim. of io-8T|AT]TOS, ov, (i(pos, SrjXeofiai} slain by the sword : of wounds, inflicted by the sword. IO-KTOVOS, ov, (iUKTOVOS, ov, pass, slain by the sword. to-p,os, jj.dxaipa) a sword slightly curved, between a straight sword and sabre : cf. sq. [a] EI'^02 Dor. -ovXic6s, ov, (i(pos, f\Kai) drawing a sword. l4>-ovpYOS, OF, (i(pos, epyov} making swords. 6avov, TO, (w) an image carved of wood : the statue of a god. oavo-iroua, 77, (foaFOF, -noiioj} a carving of images. jjots, i'Sos, 77, (eo>) a sculptor's chisel. ov06-iTT6pos, OF, (ou0os, TTTfpov) having dusky wings. 5OT0CX2, 77", OF, akin to gavdus, a colour between av96s and nvppus, yellowish, tawny, dusky, mostly of colour; but also of sound, shrill, thrilling; TTTI ov0a AaAoV the cicada with its shrill note. f-, for all words so beginning, v. sub avy-f-. (us, 77, old Att. for avyK\fiais. f. 770*0;, old Att. for avyK\fioj. j-vt\\T], 77, (vcui) = KvrjaTis, a tool for scraping or filing wood, a plane or rasp. II. a curved dagger, .used by the Spartans. t;XT]Y<>, f- ?70"tt>, to carry wood or timber. From gtiX-TjYos, OF, (I>AOF, 0170;) carrying wood. |vXto(jwu, Dep. (UAOF) to carry or gather wood, Lat. lignari. IvXivos, 77, OF, (fuAoF) of wood, wooden, [u] vXX-, for all words so beginning, v. sub o-vAA-. |vXo-K OTTOS, OF, (fvAoF, KOTTTQj) hewing, felling wood. 2. as Subst., V\OKUTTOS, 6, a wood-cutter. vXov, TO, (vo>) wood ready for use, firewood, timber, etc. : in pi., uAa F7/ia ship-ifzw6er. II. a slick or />z'ec o/ wooa 1 : a s/c/t, cudgel. 2 . a collar of wood, put on the neck of the prisoner to confine him, Sfjaai riva kv v\cp : the irevrfavpiyyov v\ov con- sisted of a wooden collar with stocks to confine the arms and legs. 3. a bench, table, esp. a money- changer's table. 4. -npMTOv uAoF, the front bench of the Athenian theatre, and so nearest the act- ors. III. later, a tree; cp. e'ipiov. jjvXo-Tojxos, OF, (vAoF, Tt/xtfF) cutting wood: as Subst., gv\.oT6fi.os, o, a wood-cutter. vXovpY">, f. 770*0;, (t>Aovp7os) to work wood. Hence vX-oupYto>, 57, ^e working of wood. gt)X-ovpYos, OF, (f uAoF, epyov) working in wood : as Subst., gv\ovpy6s> 6, a joiner, carver of images. i)Xoxiop,ai Dor. gvXoxicrSojjiat, Dep. to gather wood. From jjvX-oxos, 77, (^I/AOF, (X ^ a thicket, copse : hence the lair of a wild beast. vX6u), f. oVa;, (^uAoF) to make ofivood. Hence IvXcjo-ts, 77, the wood-work, framework of a house. vp,pai7j, 3 sing. aor. 1 opt. of y/z/3cuFo;. 'ujxpXT|p,evat,, Ep aor. 2 pass. inf. cf. o"u/x/3aAAo> ; gvjjipXirjTo, gvp.pXiriVTO, 3 sing, and pi. Ep. aor. 2 pass. ind. gvjAp, -, for all words so beginning, v. sub avfj.fi-. 3T'N, used in old Att. for the later and more com- mon avv; vv seldom occurs in Homer. For all compds. of w-, v. sub avv-. Ep. for avvyyciparo, 3 sing. aor. I med. of avvayfipoj. vvav, CIFOS, o, = vvdow, vvrj(av, q. v. vva'.ov, OFOS, o, Dor. for gvvrjav. [a] ^wea^a, aor. I of avvdyvvfjii. IVV-CCIKOO-I, Ep. for gvveiKoai, avvd/toai, (VF, ei- Kaai) twenty at a time, twenty together. vvT|Ka, Ep. for gwijtca, aor. I of ^vvirjfjLi. jjvveiXT)Ov, old Att. impf. of avjK\dca. aor. I inf. of vvf\avv(a. aor. 2 imperat. of vvir)fj.i. , wvos, 6, Ion. for gvvrjcav. vvfj, Adv., = otFr}, in common, properly dat. fern, of UFOS. ^WT|tos, 77, OF, Ep. for vveios, (^VFOS) public, com- mon : as Subst., gvvrjia, rd, public property. jjuvfjica, aor. i of ^vvirj^i. ^UVTJCOV, OFOS, o, Dor. ^vvdcov [a], Ion. ^wecov Dor. |i)vdv : (UFOS) : a joint oiuner, part proprietor, part- ner : d\s gvvdow, the salt on the common table. vvi, pres. imperat. of vvir)[jii, as if from *vvio}. ^iivCet, pres. imperat. of gvvirjfu, as if from^wtto;. [t 1 ] ij-uviov, Ep. for gvvicaav, 3 pi. impf. QfCfwiiffU. [u] ^wos, 77, OF, (^VF) =KOLVUS, from which it only dif- fers in dialect, common, public, general, belonging to all in common; gvvci \eyftv to speaks/or the common good: dat. fern. ^UFTJ as Adv. = icoivr}, in common, so too neut. pi. uFa. Hence t)v6-<|>pa)v, OFOS, o, 77, (VFC'S, f^prjv') like-minded. ^\Jvo-xapT|S, , (^UFOS, \c.p7Jvai*) rejoicing with all alike. (wcovia, 77, = Koivcavia, partnership, fellowship. ^Oov, Ep. for e'woF, impf. of vca. jjtipaco or -o>: f. 770*0;: (vp6v}: to shave; proverb., vpfiv IF xPV to shave to the quick. Med., with pf. pass. tvpr)fj.ai: to shave oneself or get oneself shaved : also c. ace., gvpeiaOai KttpaXrjv to shave one's head or get it shaved. iip-T?licT|S, es, (wpoV, d/7) keen as a rasor, with a rasor's edge. II. close-shaven. (jt5po-S6CT) and |vpo-8oXT], ?), (vpov, Sex /* 01 ) a rasor-case. ^tipov, TO, (vopeco, f. 770-0), (vpov, (pipca) to carry a rasor. i-vpp-, for all words so beginning, v. sub avpp-. |iipco, = vpdw : aor. I med. (vpdp.r)v. Ijvaai, aor. i inf. of vca. |vcr06is, aor. i pass. part, of vca. vo-p,a, p.aros, r6, and ^VCTJJLT|, 77, (^to>) that which is scraped or planed off", filings, shavings. vo-T7ip, fjpos, 6, (^vo;) a graving tool, Lat. scal- prum. VO-TS, tSos, Att. ^vcrris, t5o, 77, (v) the polished shaft of a spear, in Ho- mer once mentioned as twenty-two cubits long. 2. like 56pv, a spear, dart, javelin : generally, a pole, shaft. (Properly neut. of the Adj. u6pos, ov, (VO~TGV, ) a tool for scraping or rubbing off, the scraper or strigil used after bathing. SY'vQ : impf. Zvov Ep. vov : f. vo-/xat : to scrape, plane, smooth or polish. 2. generally, to make smooth or fine, to work finely or delicately. 3. v(rai diro yfjpas oAotoV to rub away, get rid of sad old age O vJ, o, o (UKpov, little, i. e. short o, (in opp. to o great, i. e. long and double o, oj being for oo) : fif- teenth letter in the Greek alphabet : as numeral o', 70, but o, 70,000. O came very near to diphth. ov, as appears from their frequent interchange ; as in Aeol. @6\o p.ai for /SovAo/wzi, and Ion. ftovvos vovcros for fj.6vos voaos. ! Aeol., o is often changed into v, as ovvfjua fj-vyis for ovofM p6yis. II. Dor. often for ot, as dyvoitoa VTOifu irvoid for dyvoica TTTOCCW irvod. III. like a, o is often rejected or prefixed, as #tAAo> 6/ceAAcu, ovpopai bovpopai. IV. in compds., esp. Adjec- tives, o, if it comes before the second member, is changed by Poets metri grat. into a long vowel, usu. 77, as Oeoyfvrjs Otoooitos i(pO(p6pos, into Ofrjyfvrjs (Dor. Bfdyevris) OfTjdvKos tdfj.rjv ae irepl i\ovs iroiftadai to make the friends one does make. Peculiar usages of the Article. I. it may stand with prop, names, as o 'ScaKpdrrjs ; but not when some attribute with the Article follows, as ^ojKpdrijs 6 pov(tv to hold the sentiments of the Athenians, i. e. be on their side : so, with neut. of possess. Pron., TO epov, TO aov 474 o oy/xo?. what regards me or thee, my or thy part, often put for 70;, ffv, etc. ABSOL. USAGE OF SINGLE CASES ; I. TJJ of Place, there, that way, here, this way, Lat. hac. 2. with a notion of motion towards, thither. 3. of Manner, rftirfp in this way, thus. 4. repeated rfj u.tv . . , T{? 5c . . , of Place, here . , there . . : also on the one part .. , on the other ... 5. relative, where, for rj, only Ep. II. ry, dat. neut., therefore, on this ac- 2. thus, so, in this wise, only Ep. III. 6pptp,o-ira,TpT], f), (o(3pi(*os, nar-qp} daughter of a mighty father, epith. of Minerva. V OBP1"MO5, ov, also 77, ov, strong, mighty. 6-ySoas, aSos, 77, (6/crw) the number eight. o"ySo contr. copi(o, f. aca, to converse familiarly, hold converse with. Hence 6api(rp,6s, ov, o, familiar converse, fond discourse. oapi, /], tv, (67/CGG/) heaped up. f. -ciffca, to trace a straight line, of ploughers, reapers, or mowers ; of an army, to defile, a weigher of &yp.tvov avrw they were marching in file before him: metaph., oypfixiv crifiov to trail one's weary way, of a lame man. From , o, (ayca) anything traced in a straight line ; 6j3oXocrTaTa>, f. 770-0;, to practise petty usury. From opoXo-O-TOLTIflS, OV, 6, (ojQoAOS, i'ffTT]^ obols : a petty usurer, pawnbroker, [a] "OBPIA, rd, the young of animals. 6j3piK&Xa, rd, = ofipia. [t ] oppijAO-epYos, ov, (o[$pip.os, epyov) doing deeds of a furrow in ploughing ; a swathe in reaping : a row violence or wrong. ; or line: a path; esp. the path of the heavenly 6j3pt|A6-6v}Jios, ov, (oftpipos, 0v/*os) strong-minded, bodies. "OrXNH, 77, a pear-tree. II. a /*ar. oS-a/yos, o, Dor. for 0877708. o8cuos, a, ov, (ubos) belonging to a way or jour- ney. II. odaid, TO, goods witb which a merchant travels, merchandise. 68d, Adv. (boiKvca with o euphon.) with the teeth, by biting, Lat. mordicns. Hence 68do> or as Dcp. 68do[jicu: impf. u>Sa~ov: pf. pa wba.'yuai : to feel a biting pain, feel irritation. II. in act. sense, to bite, nibble, sting. 68do), f. rjffct), (oSos) to export and sell, traffic in : Pass, to be carried away and sold. o-8s, ij-oe, rt-be, demonstr. Pron., formed by adding the enclit. -5e to the old demonstr. Pron. 6, 77, TO, and declined like it : Ep. dat. pi. masc. and fem. roiaSeaffi, ToTaotaaiv, as well as TofcrSe : Att. more emphat. obi, rj8i, root, etc. [I] : ode, fjSe, ruSe is much the same as euros, this, but is more emphatic, this one here, Lat. hicce, haecce, hocce: as opposed to OUTOS, 6'Se marks what is to follow, while euros refers to what has been before mentioned. II. it often seems to stand, like Lat. hie, as Adv. of Place, here, there, but always agreeing with its noun, as, ejx os fj.lv roSe #efrat ITTI \0ov6s here lies the lance upon the ground: 'AxtAAeus tyyis oSe K\ov6cav here is Achilles nigh at hand routing. 2. with a pers. Pron., o5' f.lp,i, ob' 670; rj\vQov here am I. 3. with rts, rts oo Nauert/cda eVerctt ; who is here following Nausicaa? 4. also with Verbs of motion, like Sevpo, hither. III. to Advs. of Place and Time this Pron. adds precision, just, very ; avrov TWO' Vi brifj.0! here amid this very people. IV. ob' euros, stronger form for o avrus, the very same, this very ; rovo' avrov \vKaQavTos this very year. V. in Att. dialogue, the masc. and fem. Pron. often refer to the speaker, 06" 1/770, or o5t alone, this man here, the man before you, i. e. myself, emphatic for (fdi, VI. ellipt. with gen., es rude xpovov to this point of time. B. absol. usage of some cases : ryot of Place, here, on the spot, Lat. hac. 2. of the Way or Manner, thus. II. ace. neut. ro5e, hither, to this spot. 2. therefore, on this account. III. ace. neut. pi. root, on this account. 2. thus, so. IV. dat. neut. pi. Totaof, roiaioe on this wise, after this fashion ; also, with these words. 6Se\6s, o, Aeol. and Dor. for o/2eAo's and o#oAos. oSevrrjs, oO, o, a wayfarer, traveller. From ), f. oca, (u5cs) to go, journey, travel. f. 'NOJ, to l ea d one upon his way, to shew one the way, guide, act as guide. From 68-TjYos Dor. 68-ayos, o, (uous, dyoi) a guide. 68C, fjdi, Tool. Att. for oSe, tf8e, roSe, q. v. [t] oSios, ov, (6o6s) belonging to a way or journey : auspicious for the journey. oSiorjxa, ares, ro, (o5os) a means of passing, way. 68iTrjs, ou, o, (oSos) a wayfarer^ traveller : Dor. ace. ooiTdv. [t] 475 68fXTj Ion. 6cr}iT|, -f), (o : impf. w8onri.povv : f. rjaca : pf. wSoi- * 'iroprjKa : (uSonrupos) : to be a wayfarer, to travel, journey, walk. Hence cBouropia, 77, a journey, way : a journey by land, opp. to a sea-voyage. oSoiiropiKos, 77, Lv, of or for a journey. Adv. -KMS, like a traveller. oSoiiropiov, TO, provision for a journey. From oSoi-iropos, ov, (68os, TTt'pos) travelling, journey ing : as Subst., oSotircpoSjO, a wayfarer, foot-traveller: also, a fellow-traveller or guide. 686vTd, oSovras, ace. sing, and pi. of obovs, 68ovTO-c})6pos, ov, (oSovs, (pfpoj) bearing teeth; Koff- fws 08. an ornament consisting of strings of teeth. 68ovTO-4>i5tjs, s, (68ous, (pica) sprung from teeth. oSovTow, f. waia, (oSot's) to furnish with teeth. Hence oSovrcoTos, 77, 6v, furnished with teeth. oSoiroteco : impf. wboiroiovv : f. waca : pf. pass. w8o- ircirjiMi : (oSoTroios) : to make or level a road : to make a path for oneself: Pass., of roads, to be made fit for use. 2. to make practicable or pass- able. 3. to put one in the way, guide, to set forward on a journey : Pass, to make one's way t advance, Lat. progredi. oSoiroua, 77, road-making, the ditty of a pioneer. From 68o-iroios, v, (oSos, iroifca) making roads : as Subst., oSoiTTOtos, o, a road-maker, pioneer : a road- surveyor. 686s, ov, 6, Att. for Ion. ovous, a threshold. 'OAO'5 Aeol. oti86s, ov, 77, a way, path, road, high- way: a track, pathway : an entrance, approach : the course, channel of a river: the path of the heavenly bodies: irpo uoov further on the way ; KO.T' 68oV by the way. II. a travelling, journey, or voyage : also a march or expedition : olcavwv oboi the flight of birds ; hoyiwv 68us the way, i. e. meaning, of the oracles. III. metaph. the way, means, or man- ner of doing a thing. 2. a way or method: also, a way of thinking, mode of belief, esp. used of the Christian Faith. 68-ovpos, ov, (oSos, ovpos) watching or guarding the road: as fem. Subst., oSoGpos, 77, a conductress. 'OAOT'2, in Ion. Prose 68wv, o, gen oSovros: dat. pi. o8oCo-i : a tooth, Lat. dens ; tpicos OOUVTCOV, see tp/eos. 6So-v\ag, o;tfos, o, (oSJs, 0uAa ) a watcher, patrol of the roads. \y\ c86b>, f. wff0f 0po- TOVS (ppovtiv he guided mortals to be wise; also to 476 bring, send: Pass, to be brought on the way, ad- vance, succeed. oSuvdom, for dovvq, 2 sing. pres. pass, of oovvaw. oSvvdo), f. 770-0), to cause pain, to pain, distress : Pass, to feel pain, suffer. From 'OATNH, 77, Lat. dolor, pain of body, but also, 2. of mind, grief, distress. [y~\ 68wqp6s Dor. -apos, a, uv, (dovvrj) painful. 2. grievous : distressing. Adv. -pus. o8iHnf)-aTOS, ov, (o5vvrj, ire] Hence oSupros, 77, 6v, mourned for t lamentable : oovprd, as Adv., lamentably. o8vo-avro, Ep. for uotffavro, 3 pi. aor. I of dova- 'O8v. 68co8T|, 77, (ocw) smell, scent, odour, also the sense of smell. oSioSvarcu, 5 sing. pf. (with pres. sense) of oStV- aofj.ai. oScov, ovros, o, Ion. for ooovs, a tooth. o8o>r6s, 77, ov, (o56o>) passable : practicable. 6tcr(ri, Ep. dat. plur. of oi's, oTs. 6o\os, a, ov, (obs) branching. 6if|f(w he recked not that he was doing : c. gen. pers., oi5' oOofjai Koriovros I do not heed him when he is angry. 'O0O'NH, 77, mostly in plur., fine white linen : a fine linen veil, a linen garment : also, sail-cloth, a sail : also, a sheet, linen cloth. Hence oOovlvos, 77, ov, made of linen. 606vuov, TO, Dim. of 606vrj, a piece of fine linen, in pi. linen bandages for wounds, or lint. o0-ovvKa, for OTOV, fveKa, because : sometime also for OTI, that, Lat. quod. 6-0pi, gen. orptxos, poet, for 6fji6-0pi, 6, 77, (3/iou, 0pi) with like hair. OI", exclam. of pain, grief, pity, astonishment, oh ! ah ! Lat. heu or vae : sometimes c. nom., oi 70! : mostly c. dat., oi poi. oi, nom. pi. masc. of Art. 6. oi, nom. pi. masc. of relat. Pron. os. oi, dat. sing, of third pers. Pron., masc. and fern., for avrcp avrfj, to him, to her : more rarely used in the reflexive sense himself, as the Ep. !o? is always used ; often also oi avru>, to himself. The Nom. is wanting, gen. ou, ace. \. ol, relat. Adv., properly dat. of relat. Pron. os, whither, how far, Lat. quo : often c. gen., ol teaiewv to what a height of miseries. oluKib> Ion. OIT)K-, f. o"o>, (oi'a) to steer, manage. oiaKio-^a, TO, (olaKi^oi) the act of steering or g'O- verning. [a] oiaKO-vojjLOS, ov, (ota^, vfftu) holding the helm, steering : as Subst. a pilot, ruler. olaKoo-TpocJKaj, . 770-0), to turn the helm, steer. From otaKo-a-Tp6({>os, ov, (oia, orpi^xa} guiding the helm, steering. OI*AB, a/cos, Ion. OIT|, 77 /cos, 6, the tiller, handle of the rudder, the helm. 2. pi. oitjKfs, the rings of the yoke, through which pass the cords for guiding the oxen. OIO.TIS vopos, a pasture in the Attic deme Ofo. oi'yvu|u or -ti, v. e?5ai B. ol8dv(i> [a] or olSaCvai, (olSeo;) to make to swell, ot^as oiK7/Va>/3>. 477 swell, Lat. tumefacere : Pass, to be swoln, swell, Lat. tumere. II. intr. otSas, 2 sing, of ofSa, for the Att. ofatfa. olScco, f. rjaoj : aor. I qjSrjaa : pf. aiSrjKa. : (o?5os) : intr. /o swell, swell up, become swoln, Lat. tumere, turgere ; ot'Sefi/ T.O> iraSf to swell in the feet, i. e. to have swollen feet. II. metaph. to be inflamed or troubled; irpdy^aTa oiofOVTU, unsettled, disordered -*gard, circumstances. Hence 0181] jia, TO, a swelling, tumour. Ol8i-ir68i]s, ov, o, properly patronym. of Ot5iVovs, so or descendant of Oedipus : but commonly poet. for Oioiirovs, Oedipus himself. Ol8i-irovs, irooos, 6 : ace. -iroSa and -irovv : voc. -TTOUS, more rarely -irov : (oi'Secu, TTOVS) : Oedipus, i. e. the swoln-footed : poet. OtSiiros, ov, 6. [i"] ot8p.a, aros, TO, (oi5t>) the swell of the sea, a wave, billow. II. the swelling of the wind. OPAO5, TO, a swelling, tumour. oleos, a, ov, (ofs) o/" or from a sheep ; $ 04677 ( su b- Sopd) a sheepskin. otccro-i, Ep. dat. pi. of ots. ol--nrjs, es, (o/zos, t TOS) contr. for 6fJ.otTT]s, equal in years, of the same age : cf. oOpi. 6it5os, ov, b'ii>p6s. 6'ivpos Att. olupos, a, 6v, (6i'us) woful, pitiable, miserable, woe-begone : of things, toilsome, dreary, painful : also sorry, wretched, poor. Ep. Comp. and Sup. ol^vpojTfpos, -wraros, for 6repos, -OTOTOS. 6ivs Att. olus, vos, 7), as dissyll.: contr. dat. oi'y? for 6ivi : (ot) : woe , misery, distress, hardship, [y in trisyll. cases, in dissyll. 0.] Hence 6iuo> Att. oit/uw (as trisyll.) : f. vffca [y] ; aor. I vi^vva : to wail, mourn, lament. II. c. ace. rei, to suffer : absol. to be miserable, or to suffer. oujOfjvai, aor. i inf. of oi'o/zat. OITJIOV, TO, = o1r], om, a rudder, helm, [f] oor]Kia>, Ion. for oiaicifa. oiT](j, ?;/fos, Ion. for oi'a, a/cos. otT)(rop,ai, fut. of o'io}iai. otts, t'Sos, 77, poet, for 6't's, a 5^fp : ace. oi'ioa. otKa, as, c, Ion. for fOiKa... oiKaBt Dor. oiKaSis, Adv. (ol/fos) = o7oj/Sf, /o one's house, home, or country, home, homewards. II. = ottfot, a/ home. otKcaTcu Ion. tor wKtjvrai, 3 pi. pf. pass, of ot/cecy. oiKeios, a, ov, also os, ov : Ion. OIKTJIOS, 77, OP, (otos) : belonging to a house OT -household affairs, domestic: roL oiitiTa household affairs, a household; also, household goods, Lat. res familiar is. II. belong- ing to a family, akin, intimate, Lat. familiaris ; ol oiKtioi friends, relations, connexions ; Ion. Sup., of oinr]iwraToi TIVOS one's most intimate friends : rb oiKiov relationship. III. belonging to one's bouse or family, one's own, private: so of possessions, one's own, peculiar; 77 olKeia T) 04/07177 (sub. 777), one's own land, one's country : hence of corn, home- grown, opp. to imported. IV. proper to a thing, fitting, suitable : naturally suited to a thing : TO ol~ To Ko&rJKOV, what is suitable, befitting. oiKi6rr]s Ion. olier]i6Tif]S, 77$, 77, relationship: in- timacy, friendship : also marriage. oiKciob) Ion. OIKTJLOO) : f. ojffca : (ot/fU)s) : to make one's own : hence to make a person one's friend : Med. to make a person one's friend, win his re- 2. to make one's own, appropriate : Med. to claim, reckon as one's own. oiKio)S, Adv. of o'tKfios, in a friendly manner, fa- miliarly; olKciajs X (IV vp 05 Tiva to be intimate with one. 2. as if it was one's own. 3. properly, naturally : dutifully. oiKcico, poet, for olieeca. oiKico, f. iaroj Att. i0opta>, f. 770-01, (oiKo4>0opla, 77, ruin of a house or family. oiKO-06pos, ov, (OIKOS, 66pos, 6, a prodigal. ouco-c|>tXa, a/cos, 6, 77, (OIKOS, (pv\a) a house-guard. olxT6ipi]p,a, TO, and oiKTtpT|O-ts, t], pity. From oiKTeipco: impf.a^T6tpoj/Ion.oiTCipoj/: fut.oiKTfow: aor. I wtcreipa, (O!KTQS) :to pity, have pity or com- passion upon, commiserate, c. ace. pers. ; OLKT. nva TIVOS to pity one for or because of a. thing. oucTia>, t. iaca Att. iw; aor. I cuKTiaa: (ot/CTOs) : to grieve for, pity, commiserate : Med. to express grief, mourn : to bewail, lament. otKTtpp,6s, ov, o, (olxTttpoa) pity, compassion. oiKTipfAcov, ov, gen. ovos, (olfcreipca') merciful. oiKTto-p,a, aros, TO, (o!/cTta>) lamentation. oucTurjios, ov, 6, (O'IKT'I^OJ) lamentation. oiKTtorTos, 77, ov, irreg. Sup. of oiKTpos (formed from CIKTOS, cf. aiffxpos, at'ax iffTOS ' but the Comp. is olfCTpijTCpos} : mot pitiable, miserable, lamentable : neut. pi. oiKTiara. as Adv. most miserably. OI'KTO2, ov, 6, pity, compassion. 2. the ex- pression of pity or grief, weeping, wailing. otKTpo-J3ios, ov, (oiKTpos, /Sios) leading a pitiable life. otKTpos, a, ov, (CIKTOS} pitiable, lamentable: piteous, mournful. Comp. and Sup. oiVrpJrepos, oiKTpjraros, also irreg. Sup. oi/tTiffros. otKTpo-)(oo, (oiKTpiis, x^) ^ pour forth piteously, otKTpws, Adv. of oiKTpos, piteously : Sup. oiKTpjrara. olxtos, via, us, Ion. for foitcws, part, of touca. ottc-co4>6\T|s, 4s, (OIKOS, cleA.fV) profitable to a bouse. otKcocjjeAia Ion. -ITJ, 77, (oiKoxpfXrjs) profit to a bouse: hence thrift or carefulness in household matters, of a home-life, as opp. to the life of a warrior. oijia, arcs, TO, (*ot'epa/) an impetuous attack, the spring of a lion, swoop of an eagle, Lat. impetus. oip.at, Att. contr. from oi'o/za/. oijxdco, f. 770*0;, (ol^a) ttpfjuxoj, to dart upon, to pounce or swoop, of a bird of prey. OFMH, 77, = o?fios, a way, path: metaph. the course of a tale or poem : the tale or poem itself. ol'p.oi, exclam. of pain, fright, pity, anger, surprise, woe's me ! OIJJLOI is used with a nom., as, oi'fioi iyw ah me ! woe's me ! or with a gen., as, oipoi TUJV KCLKWV alas for my misfortunes ! OI7MO2, ov, 6, a way, road, course, path. 2. a stripe, layer. 3. a strip of land. 4. metaph. Ike otftr), oipos doiorjs the course or strain of song, a song, lay. ol\tM>yT], T), (ot^C w ) properly a crying oifioi, weep- ing and wailing, lamentation. oi\jL, fut. OIHW^O[JLO.L later ot/iw^o; : aor. I cjj(j.caa: (oi'/xot): to cry oi'/zoi, (as aid^cu to cry ai, at), to wail, lament; oifjoj^f, as a curse, go howl! plague take you ! Lat. abi in malam rem ! so, OVK oifj.wgcTa.1 ; shall he not have to cry out? i. e. shall he not rue it? II. trans, to pity, bewail, c. ace. otptwKTOS, 77, 6v, (oifAwfa) to be pitied or bewailed. oip.cote, 3 sing. Ep. aor. I opt. of olpufa. oiv-ctvOi], r), (oivr),dv6ij) the first shoot or bud of the vine: then, like Lat. pampinus, the vine-stock, the vine. 2. the down of the vine-leaf: metaph. the down on the cheek, Lat. lanugo. 479 otv-av9Cs, iSos, 77, = oivav9rj. otvdpov, TO, = oivapov. otvaptci>, f. act}, (o'Lvapov} to strip off" vine-leaves. otvdpiov, TO, Dim. of olvos, weak, poor wine. oivapov, TO, (00/77) a vine-leaf, Lat. pampinus. OI V NH, 77, the vine, Lat. vitis. 2. = olvos, wine. oivrjpos, d, ov, (oivos} of wine, addicted to wine, Lat. vinosus. II. containing wine. III. of coun- tries, rich in wine. otv-ifjpvio-is, f), (olvos, apvcu) a vessel for drawing wine. olvtci>, (olvos} to smell of wine. II. Med. to procure wine by barter, buy wine. olvo-f3aptcov, 6, an Ion. participial form (as if from oivo(3apr)s. From f,s, S, (olvos, /Scrpvs) heavy or drunken with wine, Lat. vino gravis. olvo-J3pXT|S, t's, (olvos, /Spe'x^) soaked in wine, i. e. drunken. otvo-BoKOS, ov, (olvos, c 1 exA {a O receiving or hold- ing wine. otvo-SoTTjs, ov, Dor. -Boras, a, o, (o^os, oiSajfu} giver of wine, epith. of Bacchus. otvoeis, -oeaaa, ofv, contr. olvotis, oiffffa Att. -ovTTa, -ovv, (olvos) made of or with wine. II. as Subst., oivovTTa, 77, a cake or porridge of pearl- barley, water, oil and wine, esp. for rowers. otv6-p,Xu, ITOS, TO, (olvos, fif\i} honey mixed with wine, mead. olvc-irtSif], 77, and otvo-ireBov, TO, (oivos, ?reSoi/) land fit for growing wine, a vineyard. otvo-iTcSos, ov, (olvos, TTcSoi/) jit for the growth of the vine, abounding in wine. olvo-TTiravTOS, ov, (olvos, irfiraiva}) ripe for making wine. otvo-mirr|S [t], ov, 6, (olvos, uiriirTCv and otvoirOTco), (OIJ/OTT^TTIS) to drink wine. otvo-TTOTT|p, Typos, 6, and OIVO-ITOTTJS, ov, o, fern. olvo-iTOTis, iSos. (olvos, HO- Root of some tenses of TTiVoi) a wine-drinker, wine-bibber. 01^02, ov, 6, Lat. VINUM, wine; Iv o'ivu, I* o'tvw, -nap' otvct), over wine, Lat. inter pocula. 2. the'fermented'juice of apples, pears, etc., cider, perry: oivos fK KpiQwv \>zi\ty-wine, a kind of beer : palm- wine, lotus-wine, also occur as distinguished from grape-wine (oivos d/tWAtJ/os). oivo-rp6os, ov, (oTvos, rpt6Vyaa,, 77, (olvos, (payttv} a consuming of wine. otvo4>Airy t a > 77, a love of drinking, drunkenness. From otv6-<|>Xti, 1/708, o, T), (o^o*, 6pos, ov, (olvos, ) wine-coloured. oias, aor. I part, of oiyvvftt. olo, Ep. for ov, 0en. of possess. Pron. #s, bis, her. oi6-p&TOS,ov,(oios,@aivQ}) walking alone: lonesome. oio-povic6\os, ov, (olos, POVKO\OS) herdsman of a single cow. olo-p&mis, 6, (clos, (36fftc(u) one who feeds alone ; pevos oio0(aras feeding his mind apart, self-willed. olo-yafxos, ov, (olos, japea) married only to one. olo-a>vos, ov, (olos, wvr))with one girdle, i. e. single- banded, alone. ol60cv, Adv. (olos) from one side alone, hence gene- rally, alone ; oloOev olos all alone. OI'OMAI Ep. 6io[Acu: impf. foprjv, Ep. 3 sing. uifTo : fut. olrjcrofiai : aor. I Ep. uia&rjv part. b'CoQfis, Att. (pT]&r]v inf. olr]6r)vai part. olrjOeis : Ep. aor. I med. , olaa.ro, etc. : only the act, | TC kari and ofa re ecm, it is possible." 2. absol. pres. ofcy has sometimes I* in the middle of the verse.] olov-eC, for dlov el, as if: Dor. ofo^ at. olo-vop-os, ov, (olos, vf/xt}) feeding alone : lonely. olo-vojxos, ov, (ols, vffjxu) feeding sheep : as Subst. a shepherd. otov-T, possible; oi/x olovrf impossible: v. ofos in. OIO-TTOKOS, ov, (ols, irfKca) shorn from a sheep. oloiroXeoj, f. 170-0;, to roam or haunt alone. From olo-iroXos, ov, (olos, 7re'A.o/ttu) being alone : lonely, solitary. B. (ols, iroXeca) tending sheep. olop, Scyth. for dvrjp. Hence olop-irara, Scyth. word in Herodotus, = dvSpOKTovoi. OI T O5, o'irj, olov, alone, by oneself, lone, lonely : it can often only be rendered by an Adv., alone, only ; strengthd., efs o?o$, pia. oirj one alone, one only: also in dual, 8uo o'lca, and in pi., Svo oi'ous. 2. c. gen-., TWV olos left alone by them ; ofos dewv alone of all the gods ; o?os 'Arpeiduv apart from the sons of Atreus. II. singular, peculiar of its kind, unique, Lat. unicus. otos, ot'a Ion. ofy, olov, (os) such as, vf such sort, manner or kind as . . , Lat. qualis ; relat. Pronoun, answering to Trofos interrog. and indef., and to de- monstr. rotbs; offffos olos Tf, Lat. qualis quantusque: c. ace., ofos dperrjv what a man for. virtue : often only to be rendered by an Adv., as, ofos ^eTeto"t TTO- Ae/zoVSe how he rushes into war. Ofos in an independent sentence often expresses astonishment, being often strengthd. by 5?;, olov 8^ TOV IJ.V00V eetTras what a word hast thou spoken ! the neut. ofo^ is often used as an Adv., olov 877 vv Ofovs fipOTol aiTiooJvrat how do men now find fault with gods ! II. implying a Comparison, the anteced. rofos or rotoVSe being often omitted; ofos do~T^p flffi like as a star wanders ; and so as an ex- clam., of dyopeveis what art thou saying! ofa ^ cop-yets what hast thou done to me ! 2. ofos often introduces a reason for what has gone before, 817 being sometimes added to express certainty ; ofos 877, olov 817, such as all know. 3. if the Comparison is general, Homer uses olos re, in some such way as, ofos re TreAwptos 6/>x6Tcu "A.pr]s some such one as Ares ; so, ofos TIS the sort of person. 4. when a Comparison involves Time, ofos ore is used, like as ivhen. 5. ofos is used in many brief Att. expres- sions, as, ovo\v olov drtovciv avrov TOV v6fj.ov there's nothing like, i. e. so good as, hearing the law itself: it adds force to the Superl., \x olov TC kari it is \m-possible. IV. ofos is in Att. often repeated in the same clause, as, of tpya Spdaas ola Acryxdi/ft Katfd having done what kind of actions, what kind of sufferings he receives ! o'iav avO* oi'ojv 6v- P.O.TQJV x^P tv what thanks, for what offerings ! V. as Adv. in neut. sing, oiov, also in pi. ola, how ; also with Adj. olov ffparjeis how fresh. 2. in Comparisons, as, like as, just as : oiov ore as when. 3. as, like, for instance. 4. about, hard upon, Lat. quasi, olov Sem ffraSiovs about ten stades. olos, 6'ios, gen. of ofs ois. ol6-pcov, ovos, 6, 77, (otbs, <$>pr}v) single in one's opinion : generally, lonely. OIO-XITCOV, on/os, 6, 77, (ofos, x iT & v ) w ^ nothing but a tunic on, lightly clad. oloto, (ofos) to leave alone: Pass, olooftai, Ep. aor. I olw9rjv, to be forsaken. *OI"2, a and 77, gen. oi'os ace. oiV ; plur., nom. oi'es gen. bi'cav, dat. oi'eat Ep. bi'cffai shortened oeffffi', ace. oi'as ; contr. nom. and ace. pi. ois : Att. nom. ols gen. Oi'os, dat. oli ace. oiv : pi. nom. ofes gen. oiwv, dat. oio*t ace. ofas ; nom. and ace. pi. also ofs. Lat. OVIS, a sheep, whether ram or ewe; though some- times the gender is marked by a word added, as, ois upvfios or apffijv a ram ; ois 6rj\vs a ewe. ouro/TO, 6'urap,vos, Ep. aor. I med. of o'lopai. [I] oto- -Td>, -T, fut. imperat. of . orp,v, ourep.v, to be borne. 2. neut. oiareov one must bear. 6urT6UTT)p, 77pos, o, and 6iOTvrr]S, ov, o, (oi'o*Tevo>) a bowman, an archer. 6uTT6uco, f. o~Q}, (oi'oros) to shoot arrows : aor. i part, biarfvffas. II. trans, to shoot with an arrow. 6io-TO-8eYP- 0)V ov , g en - ovos, (oi'o*Tos, 5e'xo/xt) bold- ing arrows. OIO-TOS, 77, ov, (ouroi) that must he borne, endurable. O'UTTOS Att. OIO-TOS, ov, 6, (oi'o*a>, fut. of ) driven by the gadfly, driven mad. 481 arcs, TO, (olffTpdaj) the smart of a gad- fly's sting : a fit of madness, raving. olo-Tpo-J3oXa>, f. 770*01, (ofo*Tpos, fia\tiv) to strike with a sting, esp. of love. olo - Tpo-8ivTjTOs, ov, (offfTpos, Stj/6a>) driven round and round by the gadfly : driven wild. oio-Tpo-SovijTOS, ov, and -Sovos, ov, (olarpos, So- ' *i/eai) driven by the gadfly : driven wild. olo-Tpo-TrXTj^, 77705, 6, T), (oTarpos, 77X770*0*01) stung by a gadfly, driven mad. OF2TPO2, ov, 6, the gadfly, hreese, Lat. asilus, an insect which infests cattle : in Poets of the fly that tormented lo. II. metaph. a sting, goad, any- thing that torments : the smart of pain, agony. 2. any vehement passion : madness, frenzy. olorpo-^opos, ov, (plarpos, <'poj) maddening. OI'ST'A, 77, a tree of the osier kind. Hence oicruivos, 77, ov, of osier, made of wicker-work. owruirr], 77, = 010*7777. olo-vmjpos, a, ov, (cto*v77os) greasy, dirty, esp. of unwashed wool, Lat. /aa succida. ourimos, o, (ofs) = 0*0*7777, olavirrj. ol'crco Dor. olo-w, fut. of , from Root *ot;; whence is formed Ep. imperat. ofo*e, inf. oiafjutv, OFTO5, ov, 6, fate, lot, doom: in Homer ill fate, doom, ruin, death ; /taitbv olrov 07r6\\vaOai to die a sad death. Olroo-vpos, o, the Scyth. name of Apollo. olxop.ai, = 01x0^0,1, q. v. oixvco, Ion. impf. otx / 60*oj/, = oixopai, to go, come ; of birds, to fly : generally, to walk, live. OI V XOMAI, Dep.: impf. ai'xo/iT/j/: fut. olx^ffofjiai: pf. (-yx^A 10 * I n - ot'xT/^ai : also pf. med. - fj.evos the departed. 3. pf. a>xo>/fa, like oAa>Aa, to be undone, ruined. II. of things, as of darts, etc., to rush, sweep along. 2. of strength, to be gone, lost, vanished. oio) and oto), used by Ep. Poets for oto/x(. *oid>, see cpepo>. ouj0t)v, aor. I pass, of oioca. ouovifojxai, Att. fut. iovfMi : Dep. : (oto/rcs) : to take omens from the flight and screams of birds, Lat. augurium caper e. II. to look upon as an omen, forebode, Lat. augurari. olo>vicrp.a, OTOS, TO, (oicwifrnai) divination by the flight or cries of birds, Lat. augurium. ola>vio"nr|piov, TO, (oi'o>vi'o^at) a place for watching the flight of birds, Lat. templum augurale. II. the omen or augury itself. R 482 olo>vi anc * ^' (dowos, fidvTis) an in- terpreter of the flight and cries^ of birds, an augur. olwvo-iroXos, ov, (olcavos, 7roAa>) observing the flight and cries of birds: as Subst., olcavoiroXos, 6, an augur. olcovos, oG, 6, (otos) a solitary bird, esp. a bird of prey, such as a vulture or eagle. II. a bird of omen or augury, because the greater birds of prey were observed for the sake of omens ; and so dis- tinguished from the common birds, opvtOes. III. an omen, presage, Lat. auspicium or augurium ; els olcavos aptffTOS, dfj.vveo~0ai irepl iraTpijs the one best omen is, to fight for one's country; olcavol dyaOoi good omens. oicdvoorKOirlo), f. Tfcrca, to watch the flight or cries of birds, to take auguries, practise augury. From OUOVO-O-KOTTOS, ov, (olcavos, ffKoneca) watching birds, taking omens from their flight or cries : as Subst., olcavoffKOTTOS, 6, an augur, soothsayer. oicos, Att. Adv. of ofos, oFos wv o'icas fX eis > being such a man in what a state art thou ! OKS poet. OKKS, Dor. for OT, when. 'OKE'AAfl, aor. I wKtiXa, inf. 6/ter\at, = eAAa\f]S. 6 icXaBias (sub. S'uppos), ov, 6, (t>K\dfa) a seat with folding joints, a folding-chair, camp-stool. 'OKAA'ZIl, f. aca : aor. I wK\ao~a : to sink on one's knees, to crouch down, cower: generally, to bend, sink down : to sink from weariness, to sit down to rest. 2. to leave off through weariness, to flag, slacken, abate. II. c. ace. to let sink, to bend, lower. QKvSXeos, a, ov, (OKVOS) poet, for oKvypus. OKveio), poet, for oKveca. OKVCCO poet. oKveiio: impf. WKVCIOV: f.rjffw: (OKVOS): to shrink from doing, scruple or hesitate to do a thing. 6icvi]p6s, d, 6v, (OKVOS) shrinking, hesitating, un- ready. II. of things, grievous, troublesome. V OKNO5, o, a shrinking, hesitation, unreadiness : cowardice. OK00V, OKOIOS, OKOO-OS, OKOTC, OKOTCpOS, OKOU, Ion. for oiroOfv, onoios, etc. oKptdco, (oKpLs) to make rough or jagged : metaph. in Pass, to be exasperated. oKptocvs, 60-o-a, ev, (oKpis) rugged, jagged, of un- hewn stone. OKpiocovTO, Ep. for oKpiwvTO, 3 pi. impf. of oKpidcd. OKpts, tos, 77, like aKpis, aKpa, a jagged point, a rag. II. as Adj. oKpis, tSos, o, 77, rugged, jagged. OKpttoeis, ecrffa, ev, (Kpvoeis, with o euphon.) K^V- epos, cold, chilling : fearful, dreadful, horrible. oKTd-|3Xo>(Jios, ov, (OKTW, PXcapos) consisting of eight mouthfuls ; OKTaftXca/jios dpTos a kind of loaf which was scored in' eight equal parts. riiXos, ov, (OKTW, 8aKTv\os) eight-fingered. pos, ov, (OKTW, fjfAepa) for eight days : on the eighth day. oicrdKis, Adv. (OKTW) eight times, [a] OKTfixio'-jx'upioi, at, a, eighty thousand. OKTOKtcr-xiXtot,, at, a, eight thousand: it is also Used in sing., 'itrnos OKTaKiffx^XiTj = oKTaKiff^iXioi iinrfls, ' 8000 horse.' oKTd-Kvif]p.os, ov, (OKTW, Kvrjfjiij) with eight spokes. oKTSicoo-ioi, at, a, (OKTW) eight hundred. OKTa-p/qvos, ov, (OKTW, fJirjv) eight months old, in the eighth month, [a] oKTa-ircSos, ov, Dor. for oKTairovs. OKTairXdcrios, a, ov, and 6KTaTrXao*(cbv, ov, gen; ovos, (OKTW) eightfold, Lat. Octuplus. OKTa-iroSTjs, ov, 6, (OKTW, irovs) eight feet' long. OKTa-TTOVS, 6, 77, TTOVV, TO, gen. TtoSoSj (oKTW, TTOt/'s) eight-footed. II. eight feet long. oKTdp-pios, ov, (OKTW, pifa) with eight roots: of a Stag's horns, with eight points or tynes. oKTdp-p\)p.os, ov, (OKTW, f>vfi.6s) drawn by eight pairs. OKrd-rovos, ov, (OKTW, Teivw) eight-stretched; e\tK(s OKTCLTOVOI the eight arms which the cuttle-fish stretches out to catch its prey. 'OKTrV, ot, a.1, Td, indecl: eight, Lat. OCTO. OKTto-8dKTt5Xos, ov, with eight fingers. OKTO-jcaC-Beica, ot, at, Ta, indecl. eighteen. oKTcoKaiSetcd-Spaxp-os, ov, (oKTcuKaideKa, weighing or worth eighteen drachmae. OKTKcu8KaTOS, 77, ov, the eighteenth : of KO.TTI (sub. fjucpa), the eighteenth day. 6KTcoKai8K-TT]s, ov, 6, (oKTcaKaiSeKa, eros) eighteen years old: fern. oKTO)Kai8K-Tis, t8os. oK\eu>, poet, form of o^eca, to bear, convey, carry. OKXOS, o, poet, form of o^os, a chariot. OKCOS, Ion. for oirws. , old pf. of ex^j whence the compd. dual , f. law Att. iw : aor. I w\0ioa: Pass., aor. I w\@Lo~0r)v : pf. wX^io'p.a.i : (oA)3os) : to make happy : to deem or pronounce happy, like fJt&Kaplfa and fv5aifj:0vi^w. 6X(3u>-8at(Juov, ovos, 6 and 77, (oXftios, oaip.v, (oX/3tos, Zpyov) making happy. 6X|3t6-p,oipos, ov, (oA/3tos-, poipa) of happy fate. 'OAITOS. 483 6X|3ios, ov, or a, ov, (oAjSos) happy, blest, esp. with worldly goods, prosperous, wealthy, rich, Lat. beatus : generally, happy, blessed : Homer only uses neut. pi., as oA)3ta Sovvai to bestow rich gifts ; ScDpa oA/Sta Troifiv to make gifts blessed : so in Adv. oX0ia fyciv to live happily. Irreg. Sup. vX&taTOS, ij, ov, formed directly from oXfios, as afo^oros, /cepStaTos fron^ aiax os > fffpoos: the reg. Sup. oA/Sift/raros also occurs. Adv. -teas. 6Xpi6-4>po>v, ovos, 6, TJ, (oX(3ios, (pprjv) leaning to- wards the rich. oX{3i6pos, ov, (oXflos, (p(pca) bringing bliss. 6Xco6ai, Ion. for oXfiadai, fut. med. inf. 6X6, fut. of oXXvfj.i. i, 77, fern, of oXeTrip, a murderess. 6XTT|p, Tjpos, 7), (oAAu/xt) a destroyer, murderer. oXTjcu, oXtjTai, 2 and 3 sing. aor. 2 subj. med. of 5, Adv. (oXiyos) but few times, seldom, [a] 5, ov, (bXiyos, a/iTTfAos) scant of vines. io, (oXiyavopos*) to be scant of men. Hence 6XtYa-v8pia, T), fewness of men. 6XiY-av8pos, ov, (oXiyos, avrjp} scant of men. oXiYavOpwirCa, 77, scantiness of people. From 6XiY-a.v0p&)iros, ov, (oXiyos, avOponros) scant of people. o\iy-ap\eo\i.ai, Pass. (oXiyoi, dpx "h* an oligarchy, government by a few families or persons. Hence 6XiYttpX tK o s > "hi " v > oligarchical: inclined to oli- garchy. oXiY-cfOXa^, a/cos, 6, 77, (6At7os, auAa) having few furrows, having but little land for ploughing. 6XiYax60v, Adv. (oXiyos) from few parts or places; c. gen., oXiyaxoOev Trjs 'Aairjs from few parts of Asia. 6XiYTjireXi>v, 6ovo"a, (participial form, as if from a pres. oXiyrjireXeca), having little power, powerless. From 6XiYT)-irXT|s, fs, (oXiyos, TrcAo^at) powerless. Hence 6XiYT]ireXia Ion. -Li\, fj, feebleness. oXtYTlpios, ov, = oXiyos, small, little. U],T), (6Xiyos,dpoais) want of arable land. , ov, (oXiyos, atTTt'a) with a small corn- bin : with little corn. oXiYtoros, 77, ov, irreg. Sup. of oXiyos, least. 6XiYOY v ^ a > ^> scantiness of produce, barrenness. From oXiYo-YOvos, ov, (oXiyos, *ytvcu) producing little, unfruitful, barren. 6XlY8p3vcov, covcra, participial form, as if from a pres. 6At7o5pai/ft>, able to do little, feeble, powerless. From 6XiYO-8pavr|s, cs, (oXiyos, opaivca) of little strength, powerless. Hence 6XtYo8pavia, TJ, feebleness. 6XtYo-Trjs, f s, (oAryos, eros) of few years. Hence 6XtYOTia, 77, fewness of years, youthfulness. oXtY^'i^Xos, ov, (oXiyos, vXov) with little wood. oXlYO-irurros, ov, (oXiyos, mo~Tis) of little faith. 'OAITO2, 77, ov, of Number or Quantity, few, little, opp. to TroAvs. The governing body in Oli- | garchies was called ol oXiyoi, the Few, opp. to TO TTXTJ&OS or of rroXXoi (the Many, the People). 2. c. inf. too few to do a thing. II. of Size, small, little, opp. to ptyas : the neut. oXiyov as Adv., little, a little, in a small degree : so also dat. 6Xiya>. III. special phrases : oXiyov Sfi there wants but little, i. e. almost ; c. inf., oXiyov f8er)a( Ka.TaXa0ftv it wanted but little to overtake, all but overtook : hence oXiyov alone (Sti being omitted), within a little, all but, nearly, almost. 2. Si' oXiyov, at a short distance; or of Time, after a short space, shortly after : but 6t' bXiycav in few words. 3. V dXiyy, in a small compass ; and of Time, in short, briefly : also, like oXiyov, almost. 4. Is oXiyov, = Trap' oXiyov. 5. ! KO.T oXiyov by little and little : but the Adj. is often ; put in the gender and number of its Subst., as, OVTOJ KQ.T" oXiyovs yiyvupevoi kp-a-xovro these fought form- ing themselves into small parties. 6. Trap' bxiyov, within a little, all but, almost. IV. Degrees of Comparison : /xetW, ov, gen. o^os, as also kXaacw, R 2 484 o\iyoos, ov, (0X4705, Tpetyco) giving little nourishment. 6XiY<>-<|>iXta, 17, (0X4705, -/u'Xos) fewness of friends. 6XiY<>-xp6vios, ov, also a, ov, (0X4705, xpos) last- ing but little time, of short duration. 6XiYoiJ;vxo (6\iy6if/vxos), to be faint-bearted. Hence o\iyo^\>\ia, 17, faint-hear 'tedness. 6XiYo-\|;iix o s, ov, (0X1705, tyvyfj) faint-hearted. 6XiY-wXa, &KOS, 6, 77, = oXiyavXag. 6XiY, f. 770*0;, (oXt7cypos) to regard lightly, make small account of, c. gen. Hence oXtycopta, 77, a regarding lightly, slighting, contempt. 6XtY-wpos, ov, (0X4705, upa) little caring, lightly re- garding, slighting, despising: contemptuous. Hence Adv. carelessly ; 6\tywpcas 6X 6tI/ or & a ~ to be careless, heedless, [i] Adv. of 0X4705, a little. oXiarOdvco and later -a(vp,ovo (oXto'^ew', yvup.if), to make a slip or error in judgment. 'OAI3OO2, o, slipperiness : a slip. 6\(cds, a5o$, 77, (f\Kca, 6\Kr)) a ship which is towed, a ship of burthen, merchantman, trading vessel. O\K-(\, 77, (e'Xtfcu) a drawing, trailing, dragging. II. a being drawn towards a thing, attraction. oXtcos, 77, ov, (f\Kcu) attractive. oXKos, ov, 6, (\Kca) as an Instrument, that which draws or hauls ; O\KOI machines for hauling ships on land. 2. a strap or trace for drawing. II. a track made by drawing, a furrow, track, Lat. sul- cus : the trail of a serpent. III. periphr., 6\uol 8dvrj$ drawings of laurel, i. e. laurel-boughs drawn along. ^OAAT~MI and oXXvw: impf. tfXXui/: f. oXcVcwEp. oXfffffw Ion. 6XeXe/z : Med. oXXtyxcu, Ion. fut. oXeo/xat Att. oXovpai: aor. 2 cl;Xo>7i/: pf. 2 oXpo)v, ovos, o and 77, (6X06*5, (pprjv) meaning mischief, baleful. II. crafty, sagacious. oXoirTO), f. if/CD, to pull, pluck out : to strip off. (Akin to Xoiros, XtTr-u.) "OAO2J Ep. ovXos, 77, ov, whole, entire, complete, Lat. solus, solidus; rcL oXa one's all. 2. entire, utter; oXov apapTrjfjia an utter blunder: in neut., as Adv., o\ov and TO oXov altogether. II. whole, i. e. safe and sound, Lat. integer. oXo-o-^ijpirjTOS Dor. -oxJnjpciTOS, ov, (6'Xos, ovy8wv, ovos, 77, (oAos, v8vos, T^, 6v, (6\o(f)vpoiJ.ai) lamenting, wailing: neut. pi. 6\o(pv5vd, as Adv., miserably. 6Xovpp.6s, ou, 6, a lamenting, lamentation. From 'OAO^TTOMAI [u], Dep.: f. b\ovp/rta, 77) from Olympia. *OXvp,mds, dSos, 77, pecul. fern, of 'O\v/j.irios, Olym- pian, epith. of the Muses : generally, a dweller on Olympus, a goddess. 2. 'OAi/iirids eAeua the olive- crown of the Olympic games. II. as Subst., i. the Olympic games. 2. a victory at Olympia (sub. vi/fr)) ; 'OAv/iTTidSa dvaiptiaOai, vi/cdv to gain a vic- tory in the Olympic games. 3. an Olympiad, i. e. the space of four years between the celebrations of the Olympic games: the first Olympiad begins 776 B.C. 'OXvjjnrittcru, Adv. ('OAv/XTTia, 77) at Olympia : cf. Ovpdfft. 'OXvjjnrtdcn [a], dat. pi. of 'OAv/wnds. 'OXvp-mciov or 'OXvumciov, TU, ('OAv/XTTtos) the temple of Olympian Zeus. 'OXvp,mic6s, 77, ov, ("OAv/XTros) Olympic; o 'OAr/x- iriicus dyuv the Olympic games. 'OXvp-irio-vCKTjs, ov, 6, ('OAv/ma, VIKCLQ)) a con- queror in the Olympic games. \yl\ 'OXujxmo-viKos, ov, ('OAufiTrta, viKaca) conquering in the Olympic games. 'OXvtjJimos, ov, ("OAu^tTfos) Olympian, dwelling on Olympus, epith. of the gods above, esp. of Jove, who 485 is called also simply 'OAu/nrios; 'OAu/ma Sahara the mansions of Olympus. *OXvp,irov8 Ep. O3X-, Adv. to or towards Olympus. "OXvp/iros Ep. and Ion. OvXvjiiros, o, Olympus, a high wall on the Macedonian frontier of Thessaly. It was believed to be the abode of the gods, and that the approach was guarded by a thick cloud. "OATN0O2, o,afig which grows during the winter, but seldom ripens : an untimely fig, Lat. grossus. "OATTA", 77, mostly in pi., a kind of grain, spelt, mentioned as food for horses along with barley (/fpf); used in Egypt for making bread. oXcoios, collat. form of oAoos, oAotos. oXcoXa, pf. med. of oAAu/it. 6Xa>XcKa, pf. of oAAv/xi. oXcos, Adv. of oAos, wholly, altogether, on the whole: in short, Lat. denique : oi>x oAas not at all, Lat. om- nino non. 6fia, Adv. Dor. for ofirj. 6;xd8eco, f. 1)00), (o/taSos) to make a noise cr din. ofxaSos, o, (o/zos) a noise, din, made by many voices together. II. a tumultuous crowd, throng. III. the din of battle, the battle-throng. 6fj.aip.Los, ov, related by blood, kindred. From o(x-ai(j.os, ov, (bfJios, alpa) of the same blood, related by blood, akin, Lat. consanguineus : as Subst., o/Mipos, 6, 77, a brother or sister. Hence 6p.(U}iocruvT], 77, relationship by blood. c|j,-ai}jLcov, ov, gen. ovos, = opaipos : Comp. o/zcu- fiovearfpos, more nearly akin. 6p.aixp.ia, 77, a fighting together : a defensive al- liance, league. From oj-t-aixp-os, ov, (6fj.6s, at'xf"?) fighting together : as Subst., ofjuuxpos, 6, an ally. 6p.a\T)S, fs, (o/zaAos) even, level: rcL u^aXr) level ground. oLtaXiaj, f. a : impf. ufjidpTOvv Ion. fvv. f. opapTtjo'ca'. aor. I wpdpTijaa : (o^ov, dprdca) : to meet ; I . in hostile sense, to meet in fight : Med. to attack in fight. 2. to walk together, esp. in part., firjaav unaprrjffavTfs they walked in company : to keep pace, equal in speed: c. dat. to walk beside, accompany. 3. to pursue. ofiap-rv] or 6jiapT{j, Adv. together, jointly, another form of apapTTj, d/zapTrJ. ojiaprrj, Dor. for o/zdpret, 3 sing. impf. of ufMtpreca. op-apTTitravTO, Ep. for a;/*-, 3 pi. aor. I med. of 6}iapTT)6pos, ov, (ofJiBpos, (pepo>) rain-bringing. 6p,iT 7 7> (vpu s i a,yvpis) an as- sembly, meeting : a throng, company. 6p,i)Xucia Ion. -C-q, 77, (op.f)\i) equality of age : as Collective Subst. those of the same age, one's friends, playmates, comrades. II. of a single person, = 6p,-T]Xi, T/cos, 6, 77, (op,ov, T^At^) of the same age, esp. of young persons : as Subst. an equal in age, comrade, playmate. II. of like stature. 6p.T|pia, r), (6p.r}pevca) a giving hostages or securities : a security, pledge. 'Op,ir|p6ios, a, ov, ("O^77pos) of Homer, Homeric. 6p,Tjpevo-ai, Ion. for op-ypovacu, part. fem. pi. of op/qpeuo), f. oca, (op.rjpos) to be a hostage, serve as a pledge or hostage. II. trans, to give as a hostage, pledge or security. 6p,i]pco, f. 770-0), (op.r}pos) to meet. 2. metaph. to accord, agree. 'Op/ripi8Tjs, ov, 6, mostly in plur. 'O^piSai, of, the Homerids, a family of poets in Chios, who pretended to trace their descent from Homer, and recited his poems : generally, the admirers of Homer. op,-tipos, ov, (6fj.ov, upcrpetV) joined together, united, wedded. II. as Subst., ofirjpos, 6, a pledge to preserve peace, a surety, security, hostage. 6p,iXS86v, Adv. (ofu\os) in groups, bands, Lat. tur- matim : in crowds. 6p.lXcco, f. 770-0) : aor. I ufj.i\r)cra : (6'/Aos) : to be together or in company with ; p.tT 'Axatots opiXfiv to associate with the Achaeans ; |j/i irpcaTolaiv 6fj.i- \eiv to be in company among the foremost ; Trepi v- upov dfiiXeiv to throng about the corpse. 2. absol. to come or live together. II. in hostile sense, to meet in battle, encounter: absol. to meet one an- other. III. of social intercourse, to hold converse : to live familiarly with, associate with: to have deal- ings with. 2. absol. to befriends. IV. of pursuits or business, to be conversant with, engaged in, attend to. 2. of things, to be present to one, to be at hand. V. of a place, to come into, be in : to haunt, frequent a spot. 6p,lXT)86v, Adv. = ufu\a5uv. 6p,lXT|o-6iv, fut. inf. of o/itAto). op-iXtir-fis, ov, 6, (6/itAco)) a scholar, hearer. 6p,iXir]T6s, 77, ov, (d/itAeo)) to be conversed with ; oi>x 5fii\TjTos unapproachable, savage. oplXCa, 77, (o^uAos) a being or living together, inter- course, converse, dealings with another ; 77 ffir) 6p.i\ia converse with me ; o/ztAm x^ ov ^ s intercourse with a country. 2. instruction. II. a meeting, as- sembly ; vaos ofJuXia ship-mates. op.-lXos, o, (ofiov, 1X77) an assembled crowd, a throng of people, mob, multitude. II. the throng of battle, tumult. op-ixeo). f. fiaca, 6fiix"fipr)s the light of happy tidings. IV. metaph. anything dear or pre- cious. V. periphr. of the person, op-pa TreAet'as for irfXfia, op,p.a vvp. : pf. pass. wp.paTcapai : (op.pa) : to give eyes to : Pass., (f>p^v wp.pa.Tcap.evrj a mind V OMNTMI quick of sight. II. metaph. to make distinct, explain. "OMNT~MI or ojivtia), imperat. opvvOi or ofivv, 3 pi. ofjLvvvrcav : impf. wp.vvv or wpwov : fut. ft, firai, inf. op.fia0ai, later fut. ofMoaca: aor. Ep. ofj-oaa, ofioffffa : pf. bpw^oKa : plqpf. o Pass., aor. I ufj.uff9r)v or wfjitjOrjv : pf. 6/ia>/ioffffd) speaking the same tongue or language with. 6p,6-YVios, ov, contr. for ujjioyevios, (op.ov, yfvos} of the same race. II. presiding over kindred; dp.6- 71/401 Ofoi gods who protect a race or family, Lat. Dii gentilitii. 6p.oYvcop.ovco, f. 770-0;, to be of one mind, to league together : to agree with, assent to. From 6p,o-Yvwfxtov, ov, gen. ovos, (o/xov, 71/00/177) of one mind, like-minded. Adv. -fiuvcus. 6p,6-Y<>vos, ov, (ufjLov, 701/77) of the same family. 6p.6-Ypap-p.os, ov, (ufjLov, ypawr)~) of or with the same letters. 6p.6-Sdp.os, Dor. for ofioSrjfjios. ojio-Sep-vios, ov, (OIJLOV, Sffiviov} sharing one's bed. 6p,6-8ir)p,os Dor. -8ap,os, ov, (o/xos, ST}/XOS) of the same people or race. 6p,o8oo, to be of the same opinion, to, agree. From 6p,6-8oos, ov, (6fj.ov, Soa) of the same opinion. 6p,6-8ovXos, ov, (o/iov, SoiA.os) a fellow-slave. 6p.o-8pop.Ca, 77, (o/iov, fyo/xos) a running together or meeting. 6p,o-( 0VT|S, (s, (o^ov, tOvos} of the same nation. 6ji6-t/Yos, ov, (opov, frfrjvai} yoked together : as Subst. a yoke-fellow. II. yoked in wedlock, married. 6p,o-T|0T)s, ts, (uftov, rjOos') of the same character. 487 6p,o-i}Xi, Tos, o, 77, (<5/ioG, 77X4^) of the same age, ,at. aequalis. 6p,60v, Adv. (o/ios)/rom the someplace, of the same origin : 6 dfjioOev a brother. II. from near at band, hand to band: close upon. 6p,6-0povos, ov,(6fj.ov, dpovos) sharing the same throne, partner of one's throne. 6fxo0vp,a86v, Adv. with one accord. From 6p,6-0vp,os, ov, (ofiov, Ovfj,us) of one mind, unani- mous. 6p.oida>, f. ffoj, (ofjioios} to be like, resemble. 6p.oCl'os, Ep. for o/iotos. [i Ep.] 6p,oio-KaTaXTjKTOS, ov, (ofj-oios, KaTaXrjyca) ending alike, of verses. 6}ioiOTra0, f. rjcroj, to be in like case, to be similarly iffected, sympathise. From. 6pxHO-ir30Tis, 6, (ofjioios, irddos) being in like case, having like affections, sympathising. 6p,oto-Trpirf|s, ts, (opoios, trpeirca) of like appearance with. op-oios, a, ov, Ion. and old Att. 6p.oios, 77, ov, Att. also os, ov ; Ep. op-oClos, ov : (o/uos) : like, re- sembling, Lat. similis : Proverbs, us aitl TOV opotov Oeos ws TOV ofjLoiov ' birds of a feather flock to- gether;' TO ofjioiov avTairoSiSovai, Lat. par part re- ferre, to give like for like, pay tit for tat. 2. shared alike, common, mutual. 3. equal in force, a match for one, Lat. par. 4. in unison with, agree- 5. 7) ofjLoia. (sub. 5/^77 or \apis), TT)V ofjioiav ., airob'ib'ovai to pay any one like for like, to make a like return ; TT)V opo'iav ioaj) a making like, likening. II. a becoming like. 2. a likeness, image. ojAO-xXapos, Dor. for 6p.oKXrjpos. 6u,o-K\aa>, 3 sing. impf. o/io/fAd, = bfJ-OK AeYoup,vcjs, Adv. pres. part. pass, of 6//oAo*yeoj, agreeably, conformably to : confessedly, avowedly. 6p,o-jjiao-TiYtas, ov, o, (o/xoS, /mcm) one flogged with another, a fellow-slave. 6n,o-p/f|Tptos, a, ov, (opov, ^r/TTip) born cf the same mother, an uterine brother or sister. 6|Ao-VKpos, ov, (o/iou, vticpos) companion in death. ofAOvocci), f. rjcroj, (6/ioi/oos) to be of one mind, agree together, have sentiments in common. Hence OJAOVOTJTIKOS, 77, ov, conducing to agreement. ojxovoia, 77, sameness of mind, agreement in senti- ments, unity, Lat. concordia. From OJAO-VOOS, ov, contr. -vovs, ovv, (<5/iot5, 1/00$) of one mind, agreeing in sentiments, unanimous, Lat. concors. Adv., 6(j.ov6cas, unanimously. 6n,o-ira0T|S, es, (UJJLQV, iraQos) having the same passions . ojio-irarpios, ov, (op.ov, Trarrjp) by the same father. 6p,o-irXKT|s, 's, (o/xoC, 7rAecu) inter-laced. 6p.6-irXoos, ov, contr. -irXovs, ovv, (6fj.ov, sailing together or in company. 6fx6-iroXis poet. ojxoirToXis, ecus, u, 77, (o/iou, from the same city or state. ono-iTTCpos, v , (o/iov, iTTcpov} with the same plum- age : of like feather, akin, alike : generally, ol o/io- Trrepoi birds of the same feather, comrades ; vdes 6fj.6- irTepoi consor/-ships, i. e. that sail in company. 6p,6--irToXis, poet, for 6>oVoAts. oj-iopYO-^o), = ofJiopyvvfJU, to wipe off. 6p.6pYw, Ep. for u/j-opyvv, 3 sing. impf. of 'OMO'PrNT'MI, fut. 6/ic'p^cu: Med., aor. i tb^op- afjLi]V : to wipe, to wipe off, dry up : Med. to dry for oneself ; Satcpva oftopgaaOai to dry one's tears. 6p,opdp.gvos, aor. I part. med. of bp-opyvv^. Ofiopcoj Ion. 6p.ovpcco, to have the same boundaries with, to border on. From o|A-opos Ion. o|xovpos, ov, (o/zcu, opos) having the same borders, bordering on,L,a.t.flnttimus : as Subst., ofJLOpos, 6, a neighbour, borderer : TO opopov neigh- bourhood. 6p.oppo0(i>, f. -fjffoj, to row together : generally, (o agree with, agree together. And 6p.opp60ios, ov, rowing or swimming together. From 6|iop-po0os, ov, (6fj.ov, poOfca) rowing together : ge- nerally, acting together. 'OMO'IS, 77, ov, one and the same : belonging to two or more jointly, common, joint, Lat. communis. (Akin to apa : hence o/xotos, o/xws, op.(as, 6fj.ov, 6fj.rj, opuOfv, OfJLOfff.) 6p.6o-ai, ojjLocras, aor. I inf. and part, of ofj.vvni. '6p,6os, ov, (of^ov, ra^os) buried together. 6p.6-Txvos, ov, (opov, rfx vi l) practising the same I craft: as Subst., o/xorexi'os, o, a fellow-workman. 6p.6-rlp,os, ov, (o/*ou, Tt/7) equally honoured, held ; in equal honour : ol o/zortfiot among the Persians, the \ chief nobles who were equal among themselves, the* peers of the realm. 6p.6-Toix<>s, ov, (ofiov, Torsos) baling one common wall, separated by a party wall: metaph. hardly different from, ojAO-TpdireJos, ov, (o/xou, rpdirc^a) sitting or eating at the same table with. 6p,6-Tpoiros, ov, (ufj,ov, rpoTTos) of the same habits : oftuTpoira -ijOea like habits : as Subst., opuTporros, 6, a comparison. 6p,6-Tpoos, ov, (ufjiov, rpffpca) brought up or bred together with ; oporpoQa rotat avOpuiroiai Orjpia beasts brought up with men. 6|j,oC, Adv. (properly neut. gen. of o/ios), together, of Place : also together, at once ; yaiav opov fcal TTOVTOV earth and sea together. 2. together wi f h, .along with; c. dat., O/JLOV vKvfffffi with or among the dead. 3. near, hard by : nearly, almost. 4. 6fj.ov KOI, in like manner as, just like as, Lat. aeque ac. 6p.o-0p.at, fut. of ojj.vvfj.i. 6p.oupto, op,ovpos, Ion. for o^opeco, opopos. 6p,6-4>oiTOS, ov, (bfjLov, (poirdo}) going together with: as Subst., ofiocpoiTos, b, a companion. 6|xo(|>pov0), f. rjffa, (o/xopocrvvr], f], a being of the same mind, unity. From 6p.6-<|>pcuv, ovos, 6, 77, (6fj.ov, vT|s, , (bfjLov, (pvr)) of the same age or nature. 6p.6-vXos, ov, (o/xou, ci>v(i>, f. rjffca, to speak the same language with. 2. to chime in with. From 6|xo-<|)O)vos, ov, (ufJLov, (pcavri) speaking the same lan- guage with. 2. agreeing in tone, in unison with. 6|AO~xpoia, r), (ufjLov, xpoa) sameness of colour. II. smoothness of surface : the surface, skin. 6p.oxpovw, f. rjffa}, to keep time with. From ojioxpovos, ov, (opov, xpovos) of the same time with. 6}Ji6-xpoos, ov, contr. -xpo^s, ovv, (opov, \poia) of the same colour. op.6-4n]4>os, ov, (oftov, ^rjos} voting with. II. having an equal right to vote with. 6p.6(o, f. waca, (o/ios) to join together, unite : Pass., aor. I wp.w6r]v, to be united. "OMIINH, r), corn, food. 6(j.TrviaKos, 77, ov, = op.irvi.os. ojxirvtos, a, ov, (o^irvrj) of or from corn, nourishing, thriving, large: 'Ofjurvia [a], -f), a name of Ceres, as the mother of corn. 6p.c}>aKias, ov, o, (op.(pa^) wine made from unripe grapes. II. metaph. as masc. Adj. harsh, austere, bitter, crabbed. 6p,4>aKo-pd, a7os, o, 77, (op(pa, pa^) with sour or unripe grapes. 6p.cj>aXios, ov, (o^aXos) belonging to the navel as Subst., 6{jupa\iov, TO, = o/u^aAos. 2. having a boss, like a boss. op.({>aX6eis, fffffa, tv, (o/i^aXos) having a navel or boss ; affirls ofj-tyakoeffffa a shield with a central boss. 'OM*A* AO'5, ov, 6, the navel, Lat. umbilwus. II. anything like a navel: the raised knob or boss in the middle of the shield, Lat. umbo. i. a knob on the horse's yoke to fasten the reins to. 3. the centre : so Calypso's island Ogygia is called o/x- T), 77, a divine voice, opp. to 01*877 : a prophecy, oracle, warning voice: any token conveying divine intimation : later, tuneful voice, melody. II. fame, report; CTT) 6fj.(pr) the report about thee. op.cdO'qvcu, aor. l inf. pass, of o/uocu. 6p,-wXo|, a/eos, 6, 77, = ofMv\a. 6|X(U|jU>Ka, pf. of OfiVVfjLl. 6p.aip.ocTp.ai, 3 sing. ofJtdjfjtoTai, pf. pass, of o/xrwftt. 6p.-covup.ios, a, ov, and 6p.-uvvp.os, ov, (o/*ps, cvo^a) having the same name : as Subst., o^uiu/i^os, 6, 77, a namesake. II. ambiguous, equivocal. 6p,-o)p6<)>ios, ov, and 6p.-upoos, ov, (6fj.ov, 6po(prj) living under the same roof with. 6p.u>s, Adv. of oftos, equally, alike, in equal parts, Lat. pariter. 2. like 6/j.ov, together, at once, alike. II. c. dat. like as, equally with, Lat. pariter ac ; e\6pos ofuJus 'Atdao irv\rjffi hated like the gates of Hell. op.cos, Conj. (upas) nevertheless, notwithstanding, yet, still, Lat. tamen; ofJicas prjv or fjtevroi but still, for all that : ofJMS is in Att. often joined with a part., Lat. quamvis, K\vOi /*ou voawvofuas hear me although thou art diseased. 6p.-o>x'n)S, ov, 6, (opos, cx^) holding or dwelling together; Oeol biuaxtTOi gods worshipped in the same temple. ov-ayos, o, Dor. and Att. for ovrjyus. 6v-aYpos, o, (wos, dypios) the wild ass. 6va(p,ir]V, ovaio, ova.no, aor. 2 med. opt. of ovivrjfju. "ONA^P, r6, a dream, vision in sleep, opp. to a waking vision (virap) : only used in nom. and ace. (oveipos and ovttpov being used in the other cases): proverb, of anything fleeting or unreal, arias ovap the dream of a shadow. II. in Att., ovap was mostly used as an Adv., in a dream, in sleep ; ou5 ovap not even in a dream : often opp. to virap, ovap 77 virap fjv to live in a dream or awake. ovdpiov, TO, Dim. of ovos, a young ass. 490 (Wet "ONOMAI. ovouret, Dor. for ovrjffei, 3 sing. fut. of ovivrjju. ovacrOai, aor. 2 med. inf. dvivrjui. ovaais, Dor. for cvyffis. 6'veiap, TO, gen. oveiaTos, (ovivrjfJii) anything that profits or zs helpful, advantage, succour: a refresh- ment, refection: plur. ov tiara, food, victuals. ovciSeios, ov, (oveiSos) reproachful : disgraceful. 6viSCb>, f. iaca Alt. iw : aor. I wveioiffa : pf. wvei- SiKa : Pass., with fut. med. dveiStovfjiai : (oveiSos) : to throw a reproach upon, cast in one's teeth, object or impute something to one, Lat. objicere. 2. to reproach, upbraid. 6viSur|i.a, TO, (6vi8ioj) a reproach. 6vet8tcrp,6s, 6, (oveiSi^oj) a reproaching: reproach. 6vi8urrf|p, 77005, 6, (oveiSifa) a reproacher, up- hr aider : as masc. Adj. reproachful. "ONEIAO2, TO, any report or character, whether good or had, like Lat./ctma : but commonly, reproach, blame. 2. matter of reproach, a reproach, disgrace. oveios, ov, (ovos) of an ass ; oveiov yd\a ass's milk. oveipara, ra, used as pi. of oveipov. ovcipetos, a, ov, (oveipos) dreamy, of dreams; tv oveipeir)o~i irv\rjffi at the gates of dreams. oveipo-KpuTTjs, ov, 6, (oveipos, Kpn-fjs) an interpreter of dreams. oveipo-fJiavTis, ecus, 6, ?}, (ovcipos, jtavTis) an inter- preter of dreams. oveipov, TO, collat. form of oveipos, a dream : the pi. mostly in use is ovfipara, -enow, -aai : and from these a sing. gen. and dat., oveiparos, -art were formed, as if from a nom. oveipap. oveipoiroXcco, f. ^ercy, to be absorbed in dreams : c. ace. to dream of, as, ITTTTOUS of horses. II. to cheat by dreams. From oveupo-iroXos, ov, (oveipos, TroXtcu) versed in dreams : as Subst., bveipoiroXos, 6, an interpreter of dreams. "ONEIPO2, o, a dream: also the subject of a dream: cf. ovap, oveipov. 2. as prop. n., "Oveipos, god of dreams. ovcipo-o-KOTTOS, ov, (oveipos, cvcoTreoj) an interpreter of dreams. 6v6ip6-<|>avTOS, ov, (oveipos, (paivojMii) appearing in dreams, haunting one's dreams. 6vip6-(f>pa)v, ovos, 6, -q, (oveipos, ovaio TOV yevvaiov x ( *P LV bless thee for thy noble spirit : so also in phrase laBkos poi So/cef eivat, bvrj- fjievos (sub. e'irj or 4'o"T Ion. ouvo|i(ico : fut. bvop.aaca Aeol. 6vv~ //ctcy : aor. I uvopaaa : pf. uvojjiaKa : Pass., aor. I wvop.aaOr)v : pf. uvop.aap.ai : (6vop,a) : to name, speak of, call or address by name. 2. to name or speak of, as opp. to doing, as ovofia opp. to ep- yov. 3. to call one by a name, ovopafav nvd n; also ffocpiarrjv 6vouaovaiv TOV avSpa elvai they call the man a sophist by name: 6vofjAeiv airo or c TIVOS to name or call from or after another; so also eni nvos or TIVI : Med. to have one called by a name, name : Pass, to be called by a name. "ONOMAI, 2 sing, ovoaai, 3 pi. ovovrai ; imperat. ovoffo, 3 sing. opt. OVOITO : fut. bvoaopuai Ep. bvoa- ffofw.1 : aor. I wvoaa.p.f]v, opt. bvoGaip.rjv, aio, ano, Ep. inf. bvoaoaaOai ; also aor. I pass. divoaOrjv : Homer has also Ep. 2 pi. pres. ovveaOe, 3 sing. aor. I uivaTO : Dep. : to blame, reject, find fault, be discontented with, scorn : c. gen., ovS' us o*e eo\ira ovoffffeaOai KaKoTTjTos not even thus do I fancy that thou wilt be discontented with thy ill fortune. ovopxuvto: fut. bvoj.La.vS) Ion. oivo/jLaveoj: aor. I wvo- fjLrjva Ep. ovo^rjva : (6Vo/m) : poet. for. ovoftafa, to name, call by name, Lat. nomino: also, to give a name to, call by a name. i. to promise to do. 3. to name, appoint. 4. to pronounce, utter. 6vop,a-K\T|8if]v, Adv. (ovofta, KaAe'cu) calling by name, by name, Lat. nomination. ovojAd-icXtiTos, ov, (oVo/m, A:\UTOS) of famous name, renowned. II. act. celebrating. 6vo[Aacnri, Adv. (opJ36s, ov, (ovos, , 6vvp,aCvo), Aeol. for ovofj.-. ovu^, t>xos, 6, dat. pi. ovvi Ep. bvv\(oai : I. in pi. the talons of a bird of prey: also in sing., of beasts of prey, a claw; of human beings, a nail, Lat. unguis; of cattle, a hoof; ovv\as ITT' aKpovs ffrfjvai to stand on tiptoe, Lat. summis digitis. 2. l airaXwv bvvx^v, Horace's de tenero ungui, from a tender age. II. a gem streaked with veins, an onyx : also any vessel made of it. 6v\)\f(T(Ti, Ep. dat. pi. of ovv. 6-dX|j,T), T), (oos, aXfjLT]) a sauce made of vinegar and brine. 6ea, Ion. for of efa, fern, of ovs : 6^s, Adv. of ovs, sharply. 6t]p6s, d, 6v, (o^os) of or for vinegar ; Kepapos ogrjpos a jar for vinegar. o^tvrjs [t], ov, 6, (6'os) sour, of wine. 2. metaph. sour-tempered, crabbed. 6ts, iSos, 77, (oos) a vinegar-cruet, Lat. acetabu- lum. II. a sort of shrimp. 6os, cos, r6, (6ts) sour wine: vinegar, Lat. ace- 491 OHT'A or 6|iiT], 77, a kind of 6^c^. II. a spear- shaft made from its wood : generally, a spear. 6|t5-pd, f. Tjffa), (6i>6viJ.os) to be quick to anger, quick-tempered: also as Pass, to be provoked. Hence 6v0i)jjua, 77, quickness to anger, cboler. 6v-0tip,os, ov, (ovs, OvfjLcs) quick to anger, quick- tempered, passionate, choleric. 6ti-KapSios, ov, (ovs, Kapoia) quick-tempered. 6v-Kivr]TOs, ov, (ous, Kivtof) moved quickly, [t] 6^v-Kop,os, ov, (6vs, Kofj-rf) with pointed hair: of plants, with prickly leaves. 6|t5-Ks, ov, (6vs, offrpaitov) with a sharp fagged shell. , ts, (ogvs, Ttayijvai} sharp-pointed. s, (s, (6ts, irfVKr}) sharp-pointed. o, 77, TTOVV, TO, gen. irodos, (ovs, TTOVS) swift-footed. o^ti-irpcopos, ov, (ovs, irp^pa.} having a sharp prow: generally, with a sharp front or point. 6i5-p6irT|S, e's, poSt. for ogvppcirrjs, = 6vppoiros. o^vp-poiros, ov, (6vs, ptir a7U7- fj.vov brought to a point ; rb 6v Afe sbarp point or i/erta* of a triangle. II. of impressions on the senses, sharp, keen, piercing; of the sun, like rapidus sol in Virgil, dazzling. 2. of sight, keen, piercing; 6vTa.Tov SfprcfaOai to be most keen of sight ; ov dtfovfiv to be quick of hearing. 3. of sound, sbarp, shrill, opp. to fiapvs. 4. of taste, sharp, pun- gent. 5. of pain or grief, sharp, piercing. III. quick, sharp, keen, hasty, esp. quick to anger. IV. of motion, quick, swift. Besides Adv. 6eo;s, the neut. 6u, and pi. 6ca, are often used as Adv. sharply, etc. 6u-(7TOp,os, ov, (6vs, aro/Mi) sharp-toothed; of the gad-fly, sharp-stinging ; of a sword, keen-edged. 6(jv-T6VT|s, es, (ovs, reivca) = OVTOVOS. o|vnjs, I}TOS, 77, (6vs) sharpness, pointedness. II. of sound, highness of pitch or /owe. 2. of taste, pun- gency. III. metaph. sharpness, cleverness. 2. of action, quickness, haste. of-v-TOp-os, ov, (6vs, Tf^eH/) sharp-cutting, keen. OIJ-TOVOS, ov, (ogvs, TWOS) stretched to a point: sbarp, piercing : violent. II. having the acute accent, i. e. accent on the last syllable, oxytone. 6|t)-Topos, ov, (ogvs, Tfipca) piercing, pointed, prickly. 6 jv-4>0OYYOS, ov, (6vs, (pOoyyos) = ogtxfxavos. 6|v-pwv, ovos, 6, 77, (ovs, (pprjv) sharp-witted. 6ii-a>vos, ov, (ovs, <5> %, (ovs, X"P) quick of hand. 2. ovxeip KTVTTOS a sound of quick-beating with the hands. 6t>-xo\os, ov, (6vs, xoAos) quick to anger. oj-tJ-wirris, fs, (6vs, &ty) sharp-sighted. oov, Ep. for o5, gen. of os or o. OTTO,, Dor. for 07777. oiraSeco, oiraBos, Dor. for oT^St'co : oirrjSos. an at- tendant. 'OIIA'Zn, f. oiidaoj Ep. oiraffffca: aor. I wiraffa Ep. oiraffffa: Med., Ep. fut. OTrd(TCfo}iai, Ep. aor. I oiraa- odfj.r)v : to make to follow, give as a companion or follower ; iro\vv Xaov oirdfctv nvi to give him much people to follow, i. e. make him leader over many : Med. to make another follow one, take as a com- panion or follower. II. of things, tcvSos oirafciv nvi to give him glory to follow : to add, attach, annex to : generally, to give, grant, bestow ; epyov Trpbs dffiriSi oirdfciv to put a work of art on the shield. III. to follow, pursue, press hard: absol. to force one's way : Pass., x^i^dppovs OTra^6/j.vos Aios 5/x/3po; a torrent forced on (i. e. swoln with) the rain. oiraios, a, ov, (67777) W2/ ^ a ^ e or opening : as Subst.,^67rafoi/, TO, a hole in the roof. omiviKa, Dor. for oirrjvtKa. oirdo-aijA^, aor. i opt. of 67rd$y. oirao-o-6, oirdo-o-aro, 3 sing. Ep. aor. I act. and med. o 'OET'S 6mos. 6ivdo'v, (avos, 6, Ion. for oirdojv. 'OIIH', T^S, 77, an opening, hole : a bole in the roof, for a chimney. oirtj Ep. o-n-irrj Dor. oira Ion. OKTJ, Adv. of Place, by which way, Lat. qua, and so where, like OITOV, Lat. ubi : also like oVot, whither, Lat. quo. 2. c. gen., 07777 T* s > Lat. quo terrarum ? to which part of the land ? also like Lat. ubi terrarum ? where f II. of Manner, in what way f how f o-mjSeo), Dor. 6-naoea}, to follow, accompany, attend^ go with another. From 6inrj86s, ov, Dor. oTraSos, (bitafy)) accompanying, attending : and as Subst. 67777808, 6, an attendant. oirqviica, Adv. when, at what time. II. since, Lat. quoniam. omas, on, 6, (o77os) cheese made from milk curdled with fig-juice (OTTOS) : in full rvpos omas. 6iri^op.ai, f. -iaop.a.i : Dep. : (oVis) : to have re- spect for, care for, regard: to stand in awe of, dread t fear : also to reverence, honour, obey. 6m06 and omOcv, Adv., poet, for oTria9e, oTncrdev. 6irl06p.-|3pOTOs, ov, poet, for oiriaOonfipoTos, (oiri6c, /SpoTos) coming after a mortal; 6iri86fj.@pOTov o.\)\r]\w. the glory that lives after men. 'OmicoC, ol, the Opicans, an ancient people of Italy: Adj. 'OirtKos, 77, ov, ancient, barbarous, Gothic. oirwrretKo, f. ecu, (*o7TTo^ai) to look around after, gaze curiously at : generally, to observe, watch. orris, (Sos, 77, ace. OTTIV or oViSa, (o^) regard paid to a person or thing; I. in bad sense, vengeance, punishment; 6ms Ot&iv the vengeance of the gods. 2. in good sense, reward, favour, regard. 3. awe, ve- neration, respect, Lat. reverentia. 6mo-0a, Adv., Aeol. and Dor. for omffOf. 6ma0e, and before a vowel oirurOcv, Ep. 6'm0, 07T106V : (oTTts) : Lat. pone : I. of Place, after, behind, opp. to npoaOf in front ; ol omaQs those left behind; of omaQs \6yot the remaining books; TO or T& omaOfv the hinder parts, rear, back ; (is rovm- os, ov, (oViafo, ypdvXafia, 77, the command of the rear. 6mo-0o-c{>t>Xa, areas, 6, 77, (omoOt, $uAa) one who watches behind : of 6irio~do, f. iaca Att. iw : aor. &w\iaa Ep. SnrXiaaa : oirXorepos, a, ov, and oirXoTaros, ij, ov, Comp. and Sup. without any Posit, in use: poet, for vewrfpos, Vfuraros : (oir\d) : those more or most capable of bearing arms, the youth, the men fit for service, opp. to the old men and children : then, generally, of age, oTr\oTfpos yevefi younger by birth, Lat. minor natu : also, avfycs o-nXorepoi men of later days. 6TrXoopca>, f. 570-0;, to bear heavy arms, be a heavy- armed soldier : Pass, to have a body-guard. From 6irXo-<|>6pos, ov, (oTrXa,

o;) bearing arms, Med., Ep. aor. I ajrr\icradfjLr}v : Pass., aor. I wtrXi- armed: as Subst., 6ir\0(p6pos, 6, an armed man, a cOrjv, Ep. 3 pi. oirXiaOfv: pf. &TT\IO [MI : to make or warrior. II. one of the body-guard, get ready : of meats, to dress : so in Med., Svpnov 6iro8Siros, 17, ov, (iroSairos) relat. Adj. what sort oirXi&aOai to prepare one a meal: of horses, to get of a person, esp. of what country, Lat. cujas. ready, harness : of soldiers, to equip, arm, harness : i 6ir60v Ep. 6irir60v Ion. OKO0cv, relat. Adv. whence, also, to train, exercise. 2. to arm as oTrXirai. II. from what place. 6ir60l Ep. 6irir60i, relat. Adv. (TTO^J) where. oiroi Ion. OKOI, relat. Adv. of Place, whither, thither where; oiroi TTOTC whithersoever; p-(XP l OITOI up to what place, how far. 2. c. gen., oVoi 7775 whither in the world, Lat. quo terrarum. II. of Manner, for O'TTOW, how, how far. OTTOIOS, a, ov, Ep. oirirotos, 77, ov, Ion. OKOIOS, 77, ov: (TTofos) relat. Adj. of what sort, kind, or quality, Lat. qualis. II. the correlat. of oTrofos is Tofos ; Tofos . . OTrofos such as ; orriroluv K' iirr,o~6a /tiros, TOWV K' firaKovaais such word as thou hast spoken, such shalt thou hear again. III. oirofos TIS refers to a special subject ; OTrofos Tts 77 what manner of man was he. IV. OTrofos ovv of what kind soever, Lat. full armour; OTTXITTJS orpaTos an armed host. II. qualiscunque. V. Adv. oiroicos : also in neut. as Subst., 6ir\iTrjs, ov, 6, a heavy-armed foot-soldier, pi oTrofa, like as, Lat. qualiter. who carried a pike (Sc'pu), and a large shield (o-rrXov}, \ 'OITO'2, ov, b, juice, esp. of trees or plants, the milky Pass, to get ready, be ready: to arm, prepare for battle. Hence oirXi, to be an brrXiTrjs, serve as a heavy- armed soldier. From [i] , ov, o, (OTT\OV ii. 2) heavy-armed, armed in 494 OTTO'S OTTO)? juice, resin, or gum : the acid juice of the Jig-tree : metaph., ovos TJ&TJS tbe juicy freshness of youth. OTTOS, gen. of oi//. oTTOo-dids, Adv. (oiroaos) as many times as .. , as often as ... [a] oTTOcra\i\, Adv. (oiroffos) at as many places as ... 6ir6o- Ep. OTTTVOO-C, Adv., poet, for OTTOI, whither. 6iroo-os, T], ov, Ep. o-mroo-os, oiroaro-os, oirirocro-os Ion. OKOO-OS: (HUGOS): relat. Adj., I. of Number, as many, as many as . . , Lat. quot. II. of Space, as large, as large as . . , Lat. quantus. oiroT-Sv Ep. oinroT-Sv, for ovor' dv, (TTOTC): Conj. followed by subjunctive, whensoever, Lat. quando- cunque. OTTOTC Ep. oiriroTe Ion. oKore, relat. Conj. when, Lat. quando. II. in causal sense, for that, because, since. o-rroTcpos, a, ov, Ep. oiriroTepos, 77, ov : (vorepos) : which of two, whither of the twain, Lat. ^lter : also which of us two, which of you two. 2. onorfpo- ffovv and oirorcpos orjirorf, whichever of the two, Lat. utervis, uterlibet, utercunque. 3. neut. oirorepov and oTTortpa as Adv., for oitoriposs, in whichever of two ways : also for irorepov, whether, Lat. utrum, when there is choice of two things. II. one of two, Lat. alteruter. Hence oiroTtpoaOe, -coOev Ep. OTTTTOT-, relat. Adv. from which of the two, from whether of the twain. relat. Adv. in whichever of two ways. , relat. Adv. (drroTepos) to which or which- ever of two sides ; in which of two ways. oirov Ion. OKOV, relat. Adv. where, Lat. ubi. 2. also c. gen., OITOV -y^s where in the world, Lat. ubi ter- rarum. 3. ead' OTTOV there are places, where. . , i. e. in some places, somewhere, as Lat. est ubi . . , for ali- cubi. 4. ovov dv or onovirep dv, wherever : ovovovv, ovovoTj, oirovorjvoTC, wheresoever, Lat. ubi- cunque. II. of Time, like Lat. ubi, when, at tbe time when. III. of Manner, how. IV. Cau- sal, because, since, Lat. quando, quoniam. (Really gen. of an old Pron. *OTTOS.) oirira, Adv. poet, for ova, Dor. for 07777. oirirara, Dor. for 6fj.fjuj.Ta. oinrt\, Adv., Ep. for oirt]. 6irir60v, oTTTroOt, Ep. for 6v60cv, 6v60i. oirirotos, oiriroo-e, Ep. for OTrofos, ovoffc. oiriroKo, Dor. for OVOTG. oiriroo-os, 77, ov, Ep. for ovoffos. OTTiroTav, oiriroT 5 dv, Ep. for oirorav, onor' av. OTrrroTe, Ep. for oTroTe. oiriroTepos, 6iriroTpco0ev, Ep. for oiror . oirtrtos, Ep. for oncas. oirraXeos, a, ov, (OVTOLOJ} roasted: also baked. oirrdviov, TO, (oTTTao)) a kitchen. oiTTao-ia, 17, (o^/o/xat) a sight, a vision. 'OIITA'fl, impf. farrow : f. dirrrjaca : Pass., aor. I WTTTrjGrjv : pf. tinrTrjfMi : to roast or broil meat ; opp. to tif/a), to boil. 2. to bake bread ; also of pottery, to bake or burn. 3. to bake, harden by exposure to the sun. 4. metaph. of love, to scorch, burn. 6iTT6ti}ivos, Dor. for o-m&ntvos, pres. pass. part, of OTtraca. otTTCtiw, = opda), to see. 6irTT|p, fjpos, 6, (fytyMu) one who looks after a thing, a spy, Lat. speculator. oiTTTipios, a, ov, (fyo/iac) of or belonging to sight ; TO, oTTTrjpta (sub. 6a)pa), presents made by the bride- groom on seeing the bride without tbe veil: generally, presents upon seeing or to see a person. oimXos [r], 6, (o^o/iat) the eye ; Dor. also birriXXos. *o-TTTOp,ai, obsol. pres. whence the tenses of opdca are formed : see opdcu. oirros, r], ov, (bnrdfo) roasted : generally, prepared by fire, baked; ttyQa nal oirrd boiled meats and roast: also of pottery, etc., baked or burned. 'onrrn AM. omjo), f. vow \y] . i. Act. of the man, to marry, wed, take to wife, have to wife : oirviovTcs married men, opp. to the unmarried (?}t- 0cot). II. Pass., of the woman, to be married, become a wife. oirwira, Ion. pf. med. of opdca : Dor. 3 sing. oiruTrrj. dirwirTj, ~f), (oVcyTra) poet, for oifjis, a sight, view, vi- sion. II. sight, power of seeing. OTrtoTTrjTrjp, TJpos, 6, (oircaird) a spy, looker out. 'OHQ'PA Ion. 6Tra>pTi, 77, properly the part of the year between the rising of Sirius and of Arcturus, the end of summer : it was the rainy and stormy sea- son. II. from being the fruit-time, oirupa also means the fruit itself, esp. tree-fruit. III. metaph. the vigour of life, ripe manhood. o7rwpi{ivTS, Ion. for dTra-piovvTes, part. Att. fut. of oircapifa. oTrcopi^to, f.tVeuAtt.io), (ovwpd) to gather fruits. II. to gather fruits off a. tree. oTrcoplvos, r), 6v, (oTTcl'pa) of or at the time of early autumn, autumnal; affrfp 6irapiv6s the summer-star, dog-star, also 'Stipios, whose rising marked the begin- ning of oirdipa. [t is long Ep., when last syll. is long.] 6ircopoopcG>, f. 7]6pos, ov, (oirupa n, ^e'pco) bearing fruit. oircds Ep. oirmos Ion. OKOIS: relat. Conj. of Man- ner, how, in what way or manner, Lat. quomodo. 2. sometimes put for ofos, as, roiuv /xc edrjKfv, OTTOJS cOe\ft, for olov edt\ft, he has made me such as he wills. 3. OTTOJS exs fJLrj, = the Conjunction fj,rj : generally used only with aor. 2 subj., or with indicat. fut. opdas, Ep. for opa*, 2 sing, of opaca. opujjia, ro, (opda>) that which is seen, a view, sight. opapvos, 6, later form of opooapvos. opucris, ecus, 77, (opdo;) seeing, the sense of sight. opttTos, 77, 6v, (opdcu) to be seen, visible ; ra upa.ro. visible objects. 'OPA'fl, impf. Att. ewpojv: Ion. opeco impf. wpcov: Ep. also 6p6o>: pf. fupdKa later ewpaKa, pass, copa/tat later i>pd>ai. Other tenses are supplied from the Root *OIIT-OMAI, fut. oif/ofjiai, with a rare aor. I : Pass., fut. wpdr), f. affca: aor. I wpyaaa: pf. (opydoj) : to soften, knead, mould, Lat. subigo. opyaivco, f. dVa) : aor. I wpydva : (opyrj} : to angry, enrage. II. intr. /o TOK> or be angry. op-yavuov, TO, Dim. of opyavov, a small tool or in- strument. opYavov, TO, (Zpyov) an instrument, implement, tool, engine; XatVea 'Apcpiovos opyava, the stony wonfo of Amphion, i. e. the walls of Thebes. II. a musi- cal instrument. III. the material of a work. IV. Ate tt/or, product itself. opYavos, 77, oi/, (*p7os, o, (opyia) a priest. 6pYT|, 17, (op&yoS) impulse, feeling: the temperament, disposition, temper, esp. in pi., 6p7ai aorvvopoi social dispositions. II. ay violent emotion or passion, anger, wrafh ; opyri \paa6ai to indulge one's anger; opyfjv dfcpos prone /o anger, passionate: op7jj as Adv. in anger, in a passion : so also 6V opyrjs, rear' opyrjv, fjter opyrjs, npos bpyqv. 2. Tlavos opyal panic passions, terrors. opYttt, LOJV, ra, (epyov) only used in pi., secret rites, secret worship, practised by the initiated alone at the secret worship of Demeter at Eleusis : also the rites of Bacchus, orgies. II. any rites, worship, sacri- fice. 2. any mysteries, without reference to reli- gion. Hence 6pY"la>, f. aaca, to celebrate orgies. II. to so- lemnise or celebrate any sacred rites. opY^a), f. icroj Att. to) : aor. I wpyiva : (opyjj) : to make angry, provoke to anger, irritate. II. Pass., with fut. med. opyiovfjiai, but also pass. 6^71- aOrjffofMi : aor. I wpyiaOrjv : pf. upyiffpcu : to grow angry, be wroth. 6pYL\os [r], 77, ov, (bpyrf) prone to anger, passionate. 6pYio-dvTTjs, ov, o, (opyia, , to roam the mountains. From 6pt-|3dTT]S, ou, 6, (opos, fiaivca) mountain-ranging. opeiSpOfua, ?), a running wild over the hills. From 6pei-5p6fxos, ov, (opos, Spapftv) running on the hills. 6pei-vop,os, ov, (opos, i/e/w*) feeding on the moun- tains, mountain-ranging. opeivos, i], 6v, (opos) mountainous, hilly. II. on or of a mountain : as Subst., opetvos, 6, a moun- taineer. opsto-vop.os, ov, opfivopos. 6'peios, a, ov, also os, ov, Ion. ovpeios, (opos) moun- tainous, hilly : also, living on the mountains. 6peio-xapT|s, cs, (opos, x a /"7" a O delighting in the hills. opi-ir\o/yicTOS, see opiirXayrcros. 6p6i-Ttiros, ov, (opos, TVTTTOJ) working in the moun- tains, i. e. felling timber, or quarrying stone. 6pt-. opc^ts, ecus, jj, (opeycu) a longing or yearning after a thing, desire for it. 6peo-xo|j.os, ov, incorrect form of opecaKofios. opcovro, 3 pi. Ep. aor. 2 med. of opvvfu. opeoiroXco), to haunt the mountains. From 6peo-ir6Xos, ov, (opos, iroXew) mountain-haunting. 6p6or-rpoos, ov, (opos, 7pt(pa)) mountain-bred or reared, epith. of the lion. ope-o-Kios, ov, (opos, ffKia) shadowed by mountains. opetr-icoos Ep. 6peo*-Ko>os, ov, (opos, Kfi/MLt) lying on mountains, mountain-bred, wild. 6pt, f. aw, (opOpos) to rise, wake early. 6p0pivos [~], 'fj, 6v, (opOpos) later form for opOpios. 6p0plos, a, ov, also os, ov, (opOpos) at daybreak, at I dawn, in the morning, early : irreg. Comp. and Sup. 6p0o-iraXT], rj, (opOos, ird\rj) wrestling upright, [a] ; opOpiatTfpos, -atraros : Neut. TO opOptov or opOptov, as Adv. in the morning, early. 6p0po-p6as, ov, 6, (opOpos, /Soacu) the early caller, Chanticleer, i. e. the cock. 6p0po--y6i), 17, (opOpos, yodca) early-wailing, of the 6p06-irXoos, ov, contr. -irXovs, ovv, (bpOus, sailing straight before the wind: generally, suc- cessful. , 6p9oiro8o, (opOoTTOvs) to walk straight or uprightly. 6p06-7roXis, ecus, o, 37, (bpOos, iroAts) upholding cities. \ swallow. op06-irovs, o, 77, -ITOVV, TO, gen. -TroSos, (opOos, irovs) 6p0po-XdXos, ov, (opOpos, XaXe'cu) early-twittering, with straight feet : standing upright. II. uphill, "OP0PO2, 6, the time about daybreak, dawn, early steep. morn; TOV opOpov, absol., in the morning ; so, opOpov *OP@O'5, rj, ov, straight, Lat. rectus : in height, yevopfvov at dawn ; and apa opOpta, Is opOpov, KCLT" upright, standing erect. II. in line, straight, .opOpov, irfpl opOpov; but Trpos opOpov towards dawn: straight forward, in a straight line ; opOos &VT' 'qt- opOpos fiaOvs early morn. \ioto TfTpa.iJ.fj.evos turned straight to front the sun ; I 6p0po-oiTO-aVTO-8iKO-T4Xaiir(opos, ov, (op- bpObv TToSo TiOevai to put the foot straight out, as in Opos, 06is, aor. I pass. part, of bpOooj. prosperous. 2. right, true, exact; 6p9' drcovfiv to be rightly called : 6pO> \6yca in strict terms, in very truth: so Adv., opOws \eyeiv to speak true. 3. true, genuine, real. 4. upright, righteous, just, Lat. rectus; KO.TO. TO bp6uv 6iaeti/ to judge right- eously. 5. on tiptoe, in eager expectation, Lat. ! restorer. 6p0-covv|JLOs, ov, (6p6os, ovofMi) rightly-named. 6p0tos, Adv. of 6p66s, rightly : uprightly, justly : truly, really. 'Op0(o : fut. bpiaca Att. 6piu> : aor. I wpiaa. Ion. ou- Adv. Sup. of opOws. picra : pf. (apiKa. : Med., fut. bptovpjai : aor. I wpiad- , ?7TGS, 77, (opOus) straightftess, upright pos- \ pip : Pass., fut. bpiaOriaopaa : aor. I &piaOrjv : pf. ture. II. metaph. rightness, fitness : the right wpiajMi (sometimes used in med. sense) : (bpos) : sense. to divide or separate one part from another, to divide 6p0o-ro}ii>, (bpOts, Tefj.v, f. wffca : aor. I wpOoacra : Pass., aor. I &pOw- and Neuris : Pass., of a country, to be bounded. 2. Orjv: (6p0os) : to set straight : I. in height, to opifciv TLVO. dirb yr)s to part, banish one from the set upright, set up: of buildings, to raise, restore, land. II. to mark out by boundaries, lay down, repair : hence, bpOcaOeis raised up, set on one's legs mark out : to limit, define : Med. to mark out for again : Pass, to stand or sit upright. 2. in a line, , oneself, set up, dedicate. III. generally, to deter- 498 opt/cos op/xt^c mine, appoint : to settle. 1. to define a word. 3. to assign, bpifav tyrityov to give a vote. IV. intr. to border upon. opiKos, 77, ov, (opevs) of or for a mule. 6piv06iT]V, aor. I pass. opt. of optvoj. opivco : aor. I wplva Ep. oplva : Pass. 3 sing. impf. wpivero : aor. I &>piv8r)v Ep. opivOrjv : (opvvjju} : to stir, raise, Lat. agitare : metaph. to move, excite, af- fect the mind : Pass, to be stirred, roused, disquieted: to be affrighted, thrown into confusion. opiov, TO, = opos, a bound, goal: opia, TO,, bound- aries, borders, frontier. opios, ov, (opos) of or presiding over boundaries. opurp.a Ion. ovp-, TO, (o/ua>) a boundary: in plur. the borders, frontier. opurrfjs, ov, b, (opi^cu) one who marks boundaries : one who determines. 6pt-rpo<|>os, ov, (opos, Tpe) mountain-bred. opicdvT], 77, = epftdvr), ep/fos, from epyu, e'lpyca, an en- closure, fence : a trap or pitfall, [a] opK-SiraTTjs, ov, 6, (op/cos, dirardoj) an oath-breaker. [a] 6pKico, f. iff 03, (op/cos) to make one sivear, adjure. opxiov, TO, (op/cos) an oath : also a pledge, surety. II. mostly in plur., opfcta, rd, things sworn to, articles of a treaty, a treaty ; opKia mcrra rap-tiv to conclude a binding treaty, Lat. foedus ferire, icisse foedus : of two parties, in Med., opKia. TapveaOai to make a treaty between them ; op/tia Srj\^ffaffOai, vir^p opKia drjXrjaa- ffOai to violate a solemn treaty: so too, opKia avy- i, opKia if/evaraaOai, opp. to op/aa (pv\daff(iv or 2. the victims sacrificed on taking these solemn oaths, like tepd. opicios, ov, more rarely a, ov, (op/cos) of or for an oath : sworn, bound by oath. 2. that is sworn by, adjured as witness to an oath ; opKtot Otoi the gods invoked at an oath ; t, f. -fjaca, to take an oath, swear ; oprcoj- liOTfiv Otots to swear by the gods. From 6pK-a>JA6TT]S, OV, 6, (opKOS, OfAVVfJll) = VpKOJT^S. opKwr-fis, ov, b, (bptctaj) one who administers an oath. 6pp,a06iv, an aor. 2 form of opfMai, to rush, whence subj. bp/JLaBu: but 6pp.ci.Gfj is Dor. for bpfj-rjOrj, 3 sing. aor. I subj. pass, o 6pp.a06s, ou, 6, (op^tos) a row, chain, cluster or string of things hanging one from the other. 6pp.ai.vco : impf. up/Mivov: aor. I to move or stir violently; to turn over or revolve a plan in the mind, to ponder or muse upon it : to de- bate, consider. 2. to long for, desire. II. later, I. trans, to drive, urge on: to excite, in- flame. 2. intr. to hasten, hurry, be impatient. f. 770-0; : aor. i wp^rjaa : pf. upfjnjKa : I. trans, to set in motion, urge on, rouse : to stir up. II. intr. to hurry or rush on : c. inf. to be eager to do, to start or essay to do : absol. to be eager or foremost. 2. to rush headlong, esp. at one, c. gen. III. Pass, with fut. med. bpfjL-f]- aofjai ; aor. I med. op^TjaaaOai and pass. bpfj.r)0rjvai ; pf. pass. wpurjfMii : in same sense as intr. act.: I. to hurry, hasten, start off" eagerly : generally, to be eager, to long or purpose to do. 2. to set off or proceed from a place, to begin from; of a general, to make a place his base of operations : drr' \ao~ffuv(uv bpfj.wp.tvos setting out from or beginning with smaller means. 3. absol. to rush on, make a desperate attack, to be eager : generally, to make a start, go ; b \6yos upfj.r)Tai the report flies abroad. 6p|Ao,TO, Ion. for &PJATJVTO, 3 pi. plqpf. pass, of op/wicy. opfxeid, 77, = opfud. 6p|xevos, aor. 2 part. med. of opvvfju. 6p|xe : aor. I &p- fMffa : (op/ios) ; to bring to anchorage, bring into harbour, to moor, anchor. 2. generally, to make fast or sure. II. Med., with fut. med. aor. I med. wpfjiiffdfj.T]V and pass. cJjpfjuffOrjv : pf. pass. wpfuffftai : to come to anchor, anchor ; bpp.iecrQa.i irpbs irtSov to come to a place and anchor there. 2. metaph. to be in haven, to reach the harbour, i. e. to be at rest; opu'ifeaOai 4' TIVOS to be dependent on a thing. 6pp.nr]-p6Xos, ov, (6pfj.id, fta\\ca) throwing a line, ' angling. + 6pp.o-8oTT|p, Tjpos, o, (opfios, oiScofjii) a bringer into harbour, a pilot. oppx>s, o, (t'ipu) a cord, chain, necklace, collar ; ore- (pdvcav opfj-os a string of crowns. 2. a kind of dance performed in a ring. II. a roadstead, anchorage, Lat. statio navalis : the inner part of a , harbour, as opp. to \if*/)V. 2. generally, a haven, place of shelter or refuge. opvu/iTCTiov, TO, Boeot. for opvfov. opvcov, TO, = opvis. II. TO, opvea, the bird-market. 6pv6o-oiTOS, ov, (opvcov, (ponadj) haunted by birds. 6pvi0-apxos, o, (opvis, apxos) king of birds, [t] 6pv0ios, a, ov, also os, ov, (opvis) of or belonging to a bird ; upta opviOfia birds' flesh. 6pvi0evTT)S, ov, 6, a bird-catcher, fowler. From 6pvi0v&>, f. aca, (opvis) to catch, net, snare birds. 6pvl0tas, ov, (opvis) masc. Adj., a name given to the north wind in spring, which brought the birds of passage ; x ei ^ v opviOias a storm of birds. cpvI0iKos, 77, ov, (opvis) of or for birds. 6pvi0iov, TO, Dim. of opvis, a little bird : a nestling, chicken, [j/t] 6pvI06-Yovos, ov, (opvis, *~ffvca) sprung from a bird. opvlQo-Qr t pa.s, ov, 6, (opvis, Orjpaca) a bird-catcher, fowler. 6pvl0o-X6xos Dor. opvix-, o, (opvis, \oxdca) a bird- catcher, fowler. 6pv!0op.avo, f. 770-0;, to be mad for birds. From 6pvi0o-p.avif)s, es, (opvis, (jia.VT)vai) mad after birds. 6pvt0o--iT8if], 77, (<"pvis,Tre8r}) a snare or gin for birds. 6pvi0os, gen. of opvis : Ep. dat. pi. opviOeacri. 6pv!0o-o*K6iros, ov, (opvis, aKoirtca) observing the flight and cries of birds, Lat. augur, auspex; OO.KOS cpviOoaKoirGS an augur's seat, Lat. templum augurale. 6pvl0o-Tpo4>ia, T), (opvis, rpfffxu) bird-keeping. opvtos, ov, also os, ov, poet, for opviOtios. "OPNI2, o, but also 77 : gen. opviOos, etc. : ace. sing. opvWa and opviv: pi. cpvWes, etc.: Att. pi. opveis, gen. cpvfcav, ace. opveis : Dor. forms, gen. opvixos, pi. opvlx^s, etc., as if from a Nom. opvif : a bird: often added to the names of birds, as cpvis arjowv, opvis TT(poi, the nightingale, the partridge. II. also like oloivos, a bird of omen, opvis KO.KOS a bird of j evil augury : hence, like Lat. avis for augurium, the omen or prophecy taken from the flight or cries of birds: in bad sense, an omen, fateful presage. III. j in Att., cpvis, 6, a cock; opvis, 77, a hen. IV. in pi. sometimes the bird-market, cf. opvcov. V. poet. Movawv L'pviOes, the birds of the Muses, i.e. poets. VI. proverb., cpviOcav ya\a ' pigeon's milk,' i. e. any marvellous good-fortune. 499 opvtxos, -xa, Dor. gen. and ace. of opvis : poet. dat. opvt0i, vrca, pres. imperat. of opvvfM. 6pvvp.v, 6pvvp.Evai, Ep. for opvvvai, pres. inf. of opvvpi. 6pvvp-vos, rj, ov, pres. med. part, of opvvfjii. it or opvvco [y~\, lengthd. form of Root **OPfi : imperat. cpvvOi, VTW, etc. : impf. wpvvov : fut. cpaw : aor. I Sipffa, part, cpaas, Ion. 3 sing, opaaaice : 3 sing, redupl. aor. 2 cpcapf : Med. opvvpai, imperat. opvvffo, \io~0o), vaOe, part. cpvvfj.vos : impf. wpvvfMijv, 3 sing, and pi. wpvvro, wpvvvro : fut. opaopai, also opovfMi, 3 sing. 6pirai : aor. 2 upof^rjv, 3 sing, wpfro contr. wpro, 3 pi. without augm. opovro also opeovro ; 3 sing. subj. oprjrai ; imperat. opoo or opfffo Ion. contr. opfffv ; inf. opOai, contr. for opcaOai ; part, opfjifvos, 77, ov, for cpofjifvos : pf. opoopa, in intr. sense 3 sing, subj. op&pfl : 3 sing, plqpf. opwpei, also upwpei. I. Act., to rouse, stir, stir up: to set on, let loose upon : Med., with pf. cpwpa, to move, stir oneself; fiffotce IJLOI : Ep. impf. opoOvvov : also aor. I imperat. IpoQvvov : like opvvfjii, to stir up, rouse, urge on. opoi-TUiros, ov, = dpcirvtros. opop.cu, Dep. (ovpos a guard') to watch, keep watch and ward, be on guard. 6po-p.u\C8es, al, (opos, nr)\ov) Dor. for 6pof*r)\i8es, a kind of wild apples. 'OPO'5 or oppos, 6, whey, the watery or serous part of milk, Lat. serum. 2. the watery parts of the blood. V OPO2 Ion. ovpos, f os, TO, a mountain, hill : a range or chain of bills. "OPO5 Ion. ovpos, ov, o, a boundary, limit, frontier, border : esp. a land-mark. 2. ovpoi, plur., are marking or monumental stones bearing inscriptions, tables set up on mortgaged property, to serve as evi- dence of the debt. II. a rule, standard, limit, measure. III. the definition of a word. 'Opoo'A'YY al '' '> Persian word for the Benefactors of the King, = (vep~f(TCU. opovw, fut. aca : aor. I opovaa : (cpu/xt) : intr. to 500 Gp(f)VlVOS. rush violently on or forward, to hasten, dart or start forward. opocjrf), ?), ((pf(pca) the roof or ceiling of a room : the roof of a house. 6potj-T|-6pos, ov, (opoipr), tas, ov, 6, living under a roof; nvs 6po(f>ias the domestic mouse, opp. to p.vs apovpaios (the field mouse) ; opocpias 6s, 6 : a sapling, young shoot or plant : a rod or pole : a lance. II. metaph. a scion, descendant. oppavos, 6, Aeol. for ovpavos. oppo-ir\>Yu>v,To, (oppos,irvyrj) the tail or tail-feathers of birds. 2. the tail-fin offish. 3. the tail or rump of any animal, [t)] "OPPO2, 6, the end of the os sacrum : the tail, rump. 'OPPO'S, o, = ops, whey, serum. oppcdSco) Ion. dppcaS- : f k 170*0; : to shudder at, shrink from, dread, Lat. horreo, c. ace. : c. gen. rei, to fear for or because of a. thing. Hence oppcoSia, 77, a shuddering at, shrinking from, affright. operas, aor. I part, of opvvp.i. opos) cloud-raising. opat-iro-us, -wooos, o, f), (opvvjju, TTOVS) raising the foot, light-footed. opcro, Ep. for opaai., aor. I med. imperat. of vpvv^i, bestir tbee ! up ! arouse thee ! opo-o-ffvp-q, T), (opvvfJLi,6vpa} a raised door approached by steps, [y] opo-oXoiretico and -o, to provoke, attack: Pass., Gvpos 6pffo\OTTiTai my heart is troubled. From opaoXoiros, ov, provoking strife, turbulent, (Deriv. uncertain.) opo-os, Lacon. for opdos* opo-o-rpiatvqs Dor. -rpiaivas, a, 6 ; a poet, nom, -^rpiaiva: (opw^i, rpiaiva): wielder of the trident. o'pcrco, fut. of opvvfii. opra^o), Ion. for foprdfa. opTaXis, /5os, -fj, (opvvp.i) the young of any animal, Lat. pidlus : a young bird, a chicken. Hence 6pTfi\ixevs and opriXtxos, o, a bird, fowl : a do- mestic fowl, chicken. opTTj, fj, Ion. for (oprrj. 'Oprv-yia, f), (oprv) properly Quail-island, the an- cient name of Delos : also part of the city of Syra- cuse, called also Naaos or the Island. oprti-yo-icoiros, ov, (oprvg, JCUTTTW') playing at knock- ing down quails. A t1 7 T7 7p) a &*rf which mi- grates with the quails : applied to Leto the Ortygian mother : cf. 'Oprvyia. V OPTT3, vyos, o, the quail, Lat. coturnix, -ids. opvyfjvcu, aor. 2 inf. pass, of opvaaca. 6pvYp.a, TO, (opvaaca) a place dug out, a pit, ditch, \ hole, trench, Lat. scrobs : a mine, tunnel : at Athens 0dpa0pov, the pit into which criminals were thrown. IL = opvgis. 6ptryp.a86s, o, late form for opvfJtaySos. opVKTOS, r), ov, (bpvaao)) dug, formed by dig- ging. II. dug out, quarried, mined. | opup-a-yBos, 6, a loud noise, rumbling, roaring, any tumultuous sound, not of the human voice. 6pv, vyos, 6, (bpvaaGo~: fut. bpvoj\ aor. I wpvga I Ep. opva : pf. opupvxo- ' plqpf. wpwpv-^fiv : Pass., ': aor. I wpvxOr}v : pf. op&pvynai : plqpf. wpojpvyfujv : | to dig, Lat./ocfc'o. 2. to dig up : Med., \iOovs I opvgaadai to have stones dug or quarried : Pass., 6 bpvaaop-tvos xovs the soil that was dug up. 3. to dig through, make a passage through, burrow. 4 . to bury. 6p<(>dvev|jia, TO, orphan state. From 6p4>av6Tja>, f. aca, (6p(pavos) to take care of orphans, tend, rear them : Pass, with fut. med. -evaojuu, to be an orphan, be in an orphan state. opcjjdvta, 17, (bpfyavos) orphanhood: generally, be- reavement, destitution. I 6pcj>avicu, f. acu,.(op(pav6s) to make orphan: to be- reave, deprive : Pass, to be left an orphan. 6p4>avlKos, 77, ov, (oppavos) orphan, fatherless; ?jp.ap optyaviKos the day which makes one an orphan. I 6p<|>dvu>s, ov, bpfyaviK6s. 6pavioTTjs, ov, 6, (opavo-c|>iiXa|, SLKOS, 6, (oppavos, $vXa} the guar- ! dian of an orphan,, [jD] I 6p((>av6(o, f. (aata, (bpfyavos) to make orphan : Pass. to be bereft of a thing. "Op<|>ios, a, ov, of Orpheus. From 'OpiJs, ecus, 6, Orpheus, a famous Thracian bard. | 6p4>vcuos, a, ov, (6pNH Dor. opviTT]S, ov, 6, (opipvrj) dusky. [f\ 2 Att. 6p4>o>s, o, a kind of sea-perch. , (upxos) the first of a row, a file-leader, fugle-man : the Coryphaeus or leader of the chorus. opxTOS, o, -=opxos, a row of trees. II. a piece of land enclosed and planted, Milton's orchat, an or- chard, garden. (From opxos, like necaros from /xeaos.) 6pxop-cH', f. Tjffofjiai : aor. i ujpx r l cf ^-l jir l v : Dqx : (opf- X s ) ' t Q dance : c. ace. to represent by dancing or gestures; opx^ioOai KvttXcana, Lat. Cyclopa moveri, to dance the Cyclops. 2. to leap. 6pxir]86v, Adv. (opxos) one . offer another, all in a row, man by man, Lat. virilim. oRXI^P-os I n - opX^^K-os. u> ("PX^ /^ 01 ) fl dancing, the dance. opxtlJAa, TO, (opXfOfjLai) a dance, dancing. opx^o-is, 17, (opx(0fj.ai) dancing, the dance : panto- mimic dancing. 6pXT|crfji6s, o, Att. for opx^Oftos. opX'qo'TYjp, rjpos, 6, and opX'HO'Tiqs, ov, 6, (of x* /* 6 ") a dancer. Hence 6pXf]O"rtic6s, 77, oV. of, fit for dancing. opXTjo'TO-SiSaarKaXos, o, (opx^ofMii, 8ioa0Jta\os) a dancing-master. 6pxT] irtoov) the testicles, Lat. testiculi. V OPXI5, LOS and ecus, o, pi. op\fMS or opx^ 5 I n - P~ Xtfs, a testicle, the testicles. 'Opxop-evos, 77, the name of several Greek cities, the most famous of which was 'Opx^fJ-fvos Mivvfios in Boeotia. "OPXO2, u, a row of trees ; cf. ijp\aros. opcopa, pf. of opvvp,i. opwpck, 3 sing. Ep. plqpf. of opvvfu. opajperai, Ep. 3 sing. pres. pass, of opvvfJ.i T equiv. to opcapf : subj. opwp-qrai. i, Ion. 3 pi. pf. pass, of uptfca. , Ion. 3 pi. plqpf. pass, of opt-ycu. , 3 sing, plqpf. pass, of opiWcy. i pf. of opvaaw. "O5, ij, o; gen. o5, ?js, ov, dat. y, rj, &; ace. ov, r\v, o: pi., nom. o'i, at', o ; gen. uiv ; dat. ois, als, ols ; ace. ovs, as, a. There is also an Ion. gen. oov, fem. erjs ; .and Ep. fem. dat. pi. T/S and -gai. A. RELAT. PRONOUN, who, which or that, Lat. qui : the Relat. Pron. often takes the case of the Anteced. 501 by attraction, as, TT^S ycvffjs, r)s Zeus OUIKC, for f t v Zeus OWKC : the neut. o is used to refer tp sentences where no antecedent is expressed, as, o 8t irdvTwv p.fyiaTov, o ok iravroav oeivorarov, etc., but what is greatest of all, what is most strange of all, etc. The Relat. Pron. also stands for iva, as in Lat. qui for ut, to express an end or intention, as, efyycA.oi' fjfeav, os dyyci\(ic yvvaiKi they sent a messenger to tell, Lat. nuncium miserunt, qui nunciaret. The Relat. Pronoun is used absol. in some cases : 1. gen. sing., of Time, l ov (sub. xp vov } from the time when, since : also ov alone, when ; ZO~TIV ov, some- times, at times. i. of Place, of which place, i. e. where ; fanv ov in some places. II. dat. sing, fem. 17, of Place, Lat. qua, at which place, where : later, of motion to a place, whither : in full TTJ, 77 . . there, where . . , thither, whither ... 2. of the Way or Manner, like oir, Dor. for ocu. 6o--Tj^epau, Adv., for cffai rjfjifpai, as many days as are, i. e. daily, day by day, like Lat. quotidie for quot dies. ocria Ion. -(TJ, 77, properly fem. of oVios, divine law, the law of nature, answering to Lat. /"as: hence oi>x 00/77 At*' VX "< 7 '/ a > c - inr M it i g against the law of nature to do ; iro\\r)V baiav TOV TrpdyfJiaros vopicai to hold the full lawfulness of a thing. II. the service of God, rites, offering; oairjs (iri@7jvai to perform the due rites. III. proverb., oatas tvoca 502 ocri noifiaOai n to do a thing for form's sake, for the sake [ of the propriety o/the thing, Lat. dicis caussa. [t] oo-ios, a, ov, sanctioned or approved by the law of , nature, opp. to Sliauos (established by human law) ; TO, offia KOI oitcaia things of divine and human ordi- ' nance. 2. as opp. to If pus (sacred, reserved to the j gods), oo-ios means what is not so reserved, i. e. ap- propriated or permitted to man's use ; if pa. KOI oaia j the property of gods and men, Lat. sacra et prof ana ; \ offiov xupiw a place not set apart to the gods, lawful for man to enter, and so = &f&r]Xos, Lat. prof anus. II. more rarely of persons, pious, devout, scrupulous, re- ligious ; c. gen., tfpojv irarpcacav offios scrupulous in discharging the sacred rites of his forefathers ; oaiai X f ?P fS Pure, clean hands. OO-IOTTJS, ?7Tos, 77, (oaios) observance of divine law, religiousness, piety, holiness. ooaoco, f. waca, (oaios) to make holy, to hallow, purify, make atonement for, Lat. explore: Med., arofM 6ai- ovaOai to keep one's tongue from evil. oaicos, Adv. of oo-ios, religiously, piously : Comp. offiwTfpov, Sup. -ctmiTa. 6o-(Jiao|juu, Dep., like bdfjidofjiai, to smell, scent : ge- nerally, to perceive. From OO-JJL^I, 77, (o' '6aov. 5. | with Comp. and Sup., oaov 0affi\fvTfpus fan so far as, inasmuch as he is a greater king. 6. oaov rdx os as quick as possible : more usu. offov rdxiffTa. J. offov avTiica, also, oaov ova 77877 all but now, instant- ly. 8. oux oaov not only not, Lat. ne dicam. HI. oo" fj.aXXov the more since, especially since. i. ooiiTjs, cs, (oaTfov, vfj) of bony nature. oo-rpaicevs, teas, o, (varpaKOv) a potter. ocrrpaKi^cu, f. laoj Att. to), (oarpaitov} to banish by potsherds, ostracise; see barpa.KiaiJi.6s. oorpfiicCvBa, Adv. (oarpaftov^ played with potsherds, of a game in which potsherds black on one side and white on the other were tossed up, as in our ' heads or tails.' ocrTpotKivos, 77, ov, (oarpafcov} like earthenware : earthen, made of clay, Lat. testaceus. 6crTp,aKter[Ji6s, o, (oaTpaKtfa) banishment by pot- sherds, ostracism, which was practised at Athens to get rid of a citizen whose power was considered toa. great for the liberty of the state. Each person wrote on a potsherd the name of him who was to be banished. oerrpoKo-Scpixos, ov, (oarpa.Kov, 8ep/*a) with a skin or shell like a potsherd. oarrpaKoeis, ecrcra, cv, poet, for barpaKivos. "O2TPA V KON, TO, a piece of earthenware, a tile, potsherd, Lat. testa : the earthen tablet used in voting. 2. a sort of castanet made of earthen- ware. II. the hard shell of testacea, as snails, tortoises. ocrrpaKo-xpoos, ov, contr. -xpovs, ovv, (oarpaKov, Xpoa) with a hard skin, shell or rind. 6tTTp6io-'Ypa,cj)T|S, fs, (oarpeiov, ypd(poj) purple- painted. oorpcov or -eiov, TO, (ocrreoj/) an oyster, Lat. os- trea. II. a purple used in dying, Lat. ostrum. ocrT-cuB-rjs, es, (oarsov, efSos) like bone, bony. fut. aor. 2 clo"c/>po/z77i>, 503 in II. often answered by d'AAoTf, as, OT /*ei> Katcos, ore, neut. of ocrre, also Ep. and Ion. masc. of oare. OTCOICTIV, Ep. for oianaiv, dat. pi. of oans. crew, Ion. for ovnvos, gen. of oans. OT0>, Ep. for (Snvi, dat. of oo-Tts. oTecov, Ep. for uvnvcav, gen. pi. of oans. ort Ep. Girt, Conjunction, that, being originally neut. of oans, as Lat. quod, that, of qui. II. Att. em is used like our that in quoting another's words : and especially in the N. T., often introduces the very words of a speech, when it need not be rendered in English. III. em in Att. often represents a whole sentence, as in olo' on (sub. OVTOJS cx 6 I know that it is so ; so olaO' on, ia9' on : so also SyXovon as Adv., manifestly, for of)\ov on ovrcas fx l " W- on fjiij, unless, except, except that, Lat. nisi, nisi quod, like et ^77. V. ^7) 6Vt . . . ctAAei . . , like /*T) OTTOJS and (JLT) tva, not that so and so is the case . . , but . . ; not only so, but . . , Lat. non modo non . . , sed ne quidem . . . VI. /XT) on alone, without an answering elAAd, Lat. ne dicam, not to mention that .. , not to say that . . . B. on, as a Causal Particle, for that, because, Lat. quod. 2. in Ep. sometimes for rovvcrca, there- fore. II. with Sup. of Adv. in Ep. OTTI part, otrtypopevos : Dep. : (ocy) : to smell, scent, I as quick as possible, Lat. quam celerrime. 2. in. track by scent, c. gen. : c. ace. cognato, 6apavTT|pi,os, a, ov, smelling, that can be smelt. II. act. able to smell, sharp-smelling. 6er(j)pecr0ai, aor. 2 inf. of 6apaivofMt. 6pT]cris, ecus, 77, (6cr<^>peV0at) a smelling, sense of smelling. 6erc}>p6nvos, aor. 2 part. med. of oatppaivoftai. ocrpovTO, 3 pi. aor. I med. of 6apaivofJ.ai. 3 O2*T'2, vos, ace. oacpvv and 6a, f. -fvffca, or orXtco, f. ijcrcw, to suffer, endure. From 6-rXos, 6, suffering, distress. (OT\OS is formed from T\T]fu, with o euphon.) oropeco, f. 170x0, to sound loud, sound wildly. From OTo{3os, any loud, wild noise, the din of battle : the rattling of chariots : also of the sound of the flute. conjunctive force in two corresponding clauses, ore fj.4v . . , OT 5e . . , now . . , now . . ; sometimes . . , sometimes . . ; at one time . . , at another time . . ; but | orprjpos, nimbly, actively, zealously. orpirjpos, a, ov, (orpvvaj) quick, nimble, busy, zealous. 6rpixs, nom. pi. of oQpi. 504 . drpvvai ovbtLS. erpvvcu, aor. I inf. of brpvvca. orpviveia, Ep. aor. i opt. of orpvvca. oTpvve^v, Ep. pres. inf. of orpvvoi. OTpvvo-Kov, Ep. impf. of orpvvu. OTpweco, Ep. and Ion. fut. of brpvvo). oTpWTiJS, vos, 77, Ion. for orpvvais, a stirring -up, rousing, encouragement. From 'OTPT'Nfl, [v] : impf. wrpvvov Ion. drpvveffKOV : fut. vvw Ep. and Ion. vvkta : aor. I wrpvva : to stir up, rouse, prompt, cheer, urge on, encourage : to rouse from sleep, wake up : Pass, to rouse oneself, bestir oneself, to hasten. 2. of animals, to spur, goad, cheer on. 3. of things, to urge forward, quicken, speed. OTTO,, -f], Att. for offffa. oTTeo contr. OTTCV, Ep. for ovnvos, gen. of offrts. oTTl, Ep. for on, that. o TTI, Ep. for o TI, neut. of Sorts. OTTopeco, oTToftos, wrong forms for oTO/3e ^tov, nowhere, in no place : c. gen., ovdapoOi TT^S Ev- pd)irr)s in no part of Europe. ou8-ap.6s, 77, ov, for ovSe upas, not even one, i. e. none. , Adv. (ov5a^o) to no place, no way. ouSdp.O'G, Adv. of ovSa^tos, nowhere : c. gen., ovSa- /xov yrjs in no part of the earth ; ovSa^iov \tyeiv, or ovSafJiov TrottitrOai nva to esteem, as naught, Lat. nullo loco habere. II. of manner, in noway, not at ail. ou8a|jku>s, Adv. (ovoanui) in no wise. OT T AA2, TO, gen. ovoeos, dat. ov5, ovSft : the surface of the earth, ground; ov8a* oSa f\eiv to bite the dust; ovSdaoe to the ground, to earth. 2. the floor or pavement in houses. Proverb., ITT' ovSei' KaOifav nva to bring a, man to the ground, strip him of all he has. ou-Se, Adv. (ov, Sc) but not, and not, nor, connect- ing two whole clauses. 2. doubled ovSc . . , ovo4 . . at the beginning of two following clauses, not. even . . , nor yet . . ; as, KOI HT)V ov6" r) kmreixicns ov5e TO vavnKov aiov o@r)6fjva.i and so not even their build- ing forts, nor yet their navy, is worth fearing : ovSe often follows the simple negat. ov . . , as, ovKen pe- vos ffiirfSov ovSe Tts d\K^. II. strengthening the negat., not even ; which is always the sense when attached to a single word or phrase ; Homer joins it with Advs., as ov5' rifiaiov, ovSe rvrOov, ovS^ p,ivvv9a, etc. not even a little, not even for a short space. ovS-eCs, ovSe-/ita, ov~fv, gen. ov5(vos, ouSc/itas, ov- 8ei/6s, etc. declined like (is, u.ia, ev : (ov5 cfs) : and not one, i. e. no one, none, no, as Lat. nullus for ne ullus : the neut. ovoev is used as Adv., in nothing, by no means, in no wise. 2. in plur. ovSeves, gen. ovSfVcav, dat. ov8fo~iv, for ouSa/xot, none. 3. 6 and 17 ovSev (sub. u>v, ovffa), a good-for-nothing, worth- less person : so in masc. ovSds, a nobody, one who goes for nothing. 4. ouSei/ o TI ov, Lat. nihil non, every, all; so in masc. ovSets offrts ov, Lat. nemo non, every one. ovSe-KOTe, Ion. for ovoeirorc. ov8voo--copos, ov, (oiiSets, wpa) not wortb notice or regard, contemptible. ovof m], Adv. in no wise, by no means. ov8-iroT Ion. ov8-KOT6, Adv. and not ever, not at any time, never. ov8-irti>, Adv. and not yet, nor as yet, not yet. ov86-irs, Adv. ofovSfTfpos, in neither of two ways. oti8-Tpa>5S on the threshold or verge of old age. ovBos, 57, Aeol. for 68us (77), a way. OT'0AP, arcs, TO, properly of animals, the UD- DER : later of women, the breast. ~ II. metaph. fruitfnlness, milkiness, exuberance; ovOap apovprjs the most fertile land, Lat. uber arvi. ovQara, neut. pi. of ovOap. ovOdnos, a, ov, (ovOap) of the udder. ov0-is, ov0-ev, later form for ovSds, ovoiv. ov 0Tjv, surely not, certainly not. OVK, for ov before a vowel with smooth breathing, and in Ion. (for oux) before a rough breathing. OVK, crasis of 6 !. OVK dpa, so not, not then : surely not. OVK-TI, Adv. no more, no longer, no further. OVKL, Ion. Adv. for ou^t, = OVK. [t] OVK-OVV, Adv. not therefore, so not, Lat. non ergo. 2. in interrog., not therefore? not then? and so not? like Lat. nonne ergo ? is it not ? OVK-OVV, Adv. therefore, then, accordingly, Lat. ergo. When the word has this accent, the negat. sense vanishes, and the force of ovv only remains. ov-Kb) or ov Kto, Ion. for OVITQ}, not yet. OVK-OJV, OVK-UV, Ion. for ov/eovv, OVKOVV. OV-KWS or ov KIDS, Ion. for ovircas, by no means. ouXai Att. 6XaC, at, bruised or coarsely-ground barley, which was sprinkled on the head of the vic- tim before the sacrifice, like the mola salsa of the Romans. (Commonly derived from ouAos, oAos, as if ov\ai or oAat were the whole, unground barley- corns.) os, ov, o, (fj'Ae'a;) a band or throng of warriors. 505 OT'AH', 17, a wound healed or scarred over, a scar, Lat. cicatrix. ovXios, a, ov, (ouAos, oAefj/) baneful, deadly. ovX6-0pi, -rptxos, 6,-fi, (ouAos,fyu') with curly hair. ovXo-KapTjvos, ov, (ouAos, Kaprjvov) with thick, curl- ing hair. ovXojjievos, 17, ov, properly an Ep. form of 6\6fJievos, aor. 2 med. part, of oAAu/ ; but commonly used as Adj. destructive, baneful, deadly, fatal. OT'AON, TO, mostly in plur. ouAa, the gums. ovXo6s, 77, ov, Ep. for oAoos. OT 9 AO2, 77, ov, Ep. and Ion. form of oAos, whole, entire, perfect, complete, Lat. integer ; ouAos dpros a whole loaf. 2. of full force, able, substantial. 3. of sound, continuous, incessant; ovKov KfteXrjyovTfs screaming incessantly. 4. of sight or touch, fine, thick, fleecy ; ouActt Kopai a thick head of hair : later, twined, crooked. II. Ep. Adj. of oAAu/, = ouAo- pevos, ouAoos (for 6\6{j.cvos, oAoos), destructive, bane- ful, deadly, fatal. ovXo-xvrai, at, (ouAat, x^) bruised or coarsely- ground barley sprinkled over the victim and the altar before a sacrifice ; ouAoxuTa* KarapxeffOai to begin the sacred rites by sprinkling the barley. OuXv{Airos, 6, Ion. for y OAu/ZTros : OuAujUTroi/Se for y OAu/roV8e, to Olympus. ovXo>, (ouAos i) to be whole or sound, to be hale or well: imperat. ouAc, as a salutation, like x a *P*> health to thee, hail, Lat. salve. ov jJidv, Dor. for ou p-ty, in truth not, assuredly not. ov (Aev, no truly, nay verily ; old form for ou i^v. ov |XV 8if|, in truth not, nay verily. ov-|iv-ovv, for ou fj.tv ovv, then not. ov p,v irtos, like OVTTOJS, by no means, in nowise. ov (xev-TOi, not however. ov p,T|, in independent sentences often used to strengthen the simple negative, mostly with indicat. fut., also with aor. 2 subj. : I. when used with fut. indie., the clause must be interrog. II. with aor. subj. there seems to be an ellipse of Sfivov tffri or the like, as, ou fj.r) \rj(pdu> I shall not be taken, i. e. ou oeivov kan, /) \rj(f>du> there is no danger lest I be taken. ov p-Tjv, indeed not, surely not. ov JITJV dXXd, also ov JITJV dXXd KaC, nevertheless, notwithstanding, yet still. ov p,Tjv y e after a negat., no nor even yet, Lat. nedum. ov p-^v ovSe, nay not even. ovp.6s, by Att. crasis for 6 l/tos. OT 7 N Ion. wv, Adv. then, denoting the sequence of one clause upon another. II. therefore, accord- l ingly, consequently, to mark the result or conse- i quence of what has been said, as at the end of a speech. 2. when a speech has been interrupred, ou^ serves to resume. 3. in repetitions ovv implies the truth of what is repeated, surely, of a truth, as, et 8' ZffTiv, &o~ir(p ovv ton, Oeos if he is, as he surely 506 is, a god : dX\' ovv introduces an objection, certainly, but . . , but still ... 4. attached to a relat. Pron. or Adv., ovv makes it less definite, as, offTis whoever, offTiaovv whosoever ; oircas how, oircaffovv howsoever. ovvexa, before a vowel ouveicev, Adv., for ov eVe/ro, on which account, wherefore. 2. the anteced. rov- VCKO. being omitted, therefore since, for that, be- cause. 3. after certain Verbs, so far as, how or so that. 4. that, like on. II. OVVCKO, (in this sense never ovvcicev), Prep, with gen., equiv. to fveita, on account of, mostly following its case. ovvevQt, Ion. for oveaOe, 2 pi. pres. of ovopat. ovvojjia, OTJvofxd^ci), ovop,cuva>, ouvojjia(rT6s, Ion. for ovofjia, dvofidfa, etc. oti, contr. for 6 l. ot>to>v, by crasis for 6 tiuv, part, of e/ exibo. ovira, Dor. for ovirta. ov irep or ov-rrep, Adv. t>y no means. ov in], Adv. nowhere, in no wise. ov iroOu, Adv. nowhere. ov-iroT Dor. ov-iToica, Adv. not ever, never. iOvirov];, by crasis for o eiroi//. ov-ira>, Adv. not yet, tat. nondum. ov-irw-iroTe, Adv. o yet at any time, never yet. ov-mos, Adv. no how, in nowise, by no means. OT'PA' Ion. ovp-f|, 77, the tail, Lat. cauda. II. generally, the hinder parts, the after part of anything ; of a ship, the stern. 2. of an army, the rear-guard, rear : the rear-rank ; /car' ovpdv in rear, behind ; b war' ovpdv the rear -rank-man; eirl or ar* ovpdv to the rear, backwards. otipa, TO., for ovpoi, opoi, boundaries : see ovpov. ovp-a-yos, ov, (ovpd, tfyfopuu) leading the rear of an army: as Subst., ovpdyos, 6, leader of the rear-guard. oupatos, a, ov, (ovpd) in or of the tail ; rpix^s ov- paiat the hairs of the tail. 2. generally, hindward, hindmost, ovpa?oi irodes the hind ,feet ; TO, ovpafa the hinder parts. Oupavia, 77, (ovpavos) Urania, i. e. the heavenly one, name of one of the Muses, the Muse of Astro- nomy. II. epith. of Aphrodite or Venus, the heavenly. OvpaviSijs, ov, 6, (ovpavos) son of Uranus : generally, a dweller in heaven, Lat. coelicola, like Ovpavioav. oupdvios, a, ov, Att. also os, ov, (ovpavos) heavenly, of or in heaven, dwelling in heaven; Oeol ovpdvioi, or ovpdvioi alone, like Ovpavicaves, OvpaviSai, Lat. coelites, coelicolae, the dwellers in heaven, heavenly beings. II. coming from heaven, of rain. III. reaching to heaven, high as heaven. 2.,metaph. enormous, awful, stupendous; ovpdvtov offov, like 6av- OVVKa OVplOS.. ovpavo-SttKTOS, ov, (ovpavos, 86iKvvjj,i) shewn from heaven, shewing itself in heaven. ovipav60v, Adv. of ovpavvs, from heaven, down from heaven : properly an old gen. of ovpavos, and therefore used with Preps., ait ovpavuOtv, ( ovpav- 60fv. ovpav60t, Adv. of ovpavos, in heaven, in the hea- vens : but ovpavoOi irpo is ,for irpb ovpavov, where ov- pavoOi is gen. for ovpavov, as 6pfoiTas, dSos. OVp0-l-j3OITOS, ov, = ovpeotyoircs. otlpevs, 7705, u, Ion. for opevs, a mule. ovpo>, impf. eovpovv: f. ovprjaoj or -rjcojjiai : aor. I fovprjffa: (ovpov) : to make .water. ovp-fjas, Ep. ace. pi. of ovpcvs: ovp-fjov, gen. pi. ovp-rjo-cio), Desiderat. of ovpeo;, to want to make water. ovpijTidw, = ovpTjfffica. ovpiaxos, o, (ovpd) the hindmost part, Iqwest part ; e-yX 60s ovpiaxos the butt-end of a spear. ovpi-pdras, ov, o, poet, .for 6pet/3aT77S, mountain- walking. ovpi^co, Ion. for opifa, to bound, limit. ovpi|.iwv, ov, (ovpavus, yvuvai) skilled in the heavens. fair wind : to speed on the way, guide prosper- ously. II. intr. to blow fairly, give a fair passage. OVpl-0p1TTOS, 77, OV, (ovpOS, TO, Tp(pQ}) poet. ,for opfiOptTTTOS, mountain-bred. ovpios, a, ov, also os, ov, (ovpos) with a fair wind, Lat. vento secundo, esp. of a ship. 2. of a voyage, prosperous, fair : generally, prosperous, successful : neut. plur. as Adv., ovpia Otiv to run before the wind : but ovpiuv Spapeiv (sub. irvVfj,dTcav), to run with a fair breeze. II. prospering, favouring, propiti- ous. 2. ovpia. (sub. Trvorj), T), = ovpos, a fair wind. ovpio-orTdrrjS, ou, o, (cuptos, i'cTTT/jiu) standing pros- perous or secure, [a] oupioco, (ouptos) to give to the winds, let flow. oiipurjAa, arcs, TO, Ion. for opiapa, a boundary line. otipvis, by crasis for o opvts. OTTON, TO, Lat. URINA, urine. oupov, TO, poet, for oupos, opos, o, a boundary ; found in three places of Homer; (i) oaa Siaieov ovpa TT\ovTat as far as the boundaries of the quoit reach, i. e. the distance of a quoit's throw; (2) oaaov T' ev vciy o&pov TT\ei fjyuovoiiv Toaaov vireKirpoOecw . . iKfTo; and (3) oaaov T' cirl ovpa ir\ovrat TJ/JUOVW, in which two passages, a certain distance is expressed by ovpov fjiuuvoiiv and ovpa rjiuuvuv, and the distance meant is that by johicb mules would beat oxen in ploughing a furrow of given length in a given time. oupos, ou, o, (fipca) a trench or channel for hauling up ships onshore and launching them again. OT T PO2, Ol ^ ^ a fair wind, right astern; ovptoorarrys .ovrco?. 507 ovrepos, Ion. for o Jrrepos : neut. rovrepov.. ouT7]0eis, aor. I pass. part, of ovraca. oiJTif|, Adv. of OUTOS:, in this way or manner, so thus, Lat. sic. II. with a qualifying power, so, only so, simply, no more than. III. in wishes, with optat., i yap eyuv OUTO> -ye Aios TTCUS f'lrjv would I were the son of Jove so [truly] as. . . 1. in protestations, as, eyorf ov- Ta's vvaifJLTjv TWV TtKvcav, fjuata TOV avopo. I, so help me my children, hate the man. IV. OUTori story, OVTOJ TTOT' qv /zCs KOI yaXfj so there were once upon a time a mouse and a marten-cat. OVTCiMTl, OVTOXTtV, = OUTOJS. [t] C, Adv. for ov, not. [i] O Y , by crasis for ov, 6, fem. 6iXeTis, t5os, 77, (6(pciXca) a debtor. 66t\T|, 17, (6si\-r][JLa, TO, (6(iAcu) /a* K/&C z's o/eJ, a debt. 'O^EFAfi, impf. wtyeiXov : fut. 6(piXr)ffoj : aor. I &f\' 'Apyovs /it?) oiatrTa- ffBai aitcupos would that the Argo had not sped through: also with us, &s of\> : aor. I wQeiXa, Aeol. 3 sing, opt. 6e\\fiv nvcL TI/LITJ to raise one in honour, Lat. bonore auger e : generally, to help, make to thrive : Pass, to wax, grow, thrive, increase. oe\ov, Ep. aor. 2 of dtyeiXa). 6\os,To, (6f\os ovoev whose use was nothing, i. e. who were of no use ; so, o n o0a\|jLia, ?), (bty6a.Xp.6s) a disease of the eyes ac- companied by the discharge of humours, ophthalmia. 69aXp.id,(o, (6(f)Oa\fJLia) to have the ophthalmia, to have sore eyes. 60aXfiC8tov, TO, Dim. of 60a\^os. [t] 6<|>9a\(i,o-8ov\6Ca,i7, (6(J)Oa\fj.6s, SovAei'a) eye-service. 6(|)9a\p.6s, oC, 6, (o^Orjvat) the eye; Is otyOaXpovs TWOS before one's eyes or face; cv 60a\fj.bs vrpands the flower of the army, as we say, the apple of the eye. III. in Persia, btyOaXp-ol fiacriXecas, the king's eyes, were confidential officers, through whom he beheld his subjects. 6<|>0aXp,6-TYK TO S, ov, (b0a\[A-wpvxos, ov, (60aX}Acos, Dor. for b0Cs, aor. I pass. part, of opaoa. 64>0fjvai, aor. I pass. inf. of dpaot. 60Tj(ron,ai, fut. pass, of opaca. 6lrcri, Ep. for cxpiai, dat. pi. of otyis. 6<|>io-j3oXos, ov, (ofyis, @a\f?v) serpent-slaying. 64>l6-irovs, woSos, (ofyis, TTOVS) with snakes for legs. V O^I W 5, gen. feus Ion. tos, 6, a serpent, snake. 6t-u>Si]S, fs, (6(f)is, fiSos) of serpent shape, snaky. 6<}>X6iv, aor. 2 act. inf. of btyXiffKovo}. 6(j>Xi]p.a, OTOS, TO, (6(pX(iv~) a debt or a fine incurred in a lawsuit, damages. 64>XTjcro), fut. of bfyXionavQ). 6(J>Xi, fut. 6Xfiv to bring laughter or shame on oneself, incur them : so also, 8ei\iav 6Xu>v, oGo-a, oV, aor. 2 part, of dQXiffttavo}. "O*PA", Conjunction, marking end or intention, that, in order that, to the end that, Lat. ut. II. Adv. of Time, like Lat. donee, so long as, while : until. opxm, 17, Ion. for otipvs, the brow or edge of a hill. [C] 64>pti6cis, fffffa, tv, (btppvs) on the brow or edge of a rock, beetling. i. metaph. towering, pompous. 'O"IPT'5, vos, 17 ; ace. btypvv later btypva ; ace. pi. ! btypvas, bpCs, contr. for txppvas, ace. pi. of 6i, - lv Ep- f r o'x f o-t, dat. pi. of TO 6'xos. o\*Tev(ii, f. o"cy, (OX^TOS) to carry off by a ditch or channel : to divert by a canal or aqueduct : Pass., v8(up 6xTevojuei/oi/ water carried off by a canal. o\T-T]y6s, ov, (OXCTOS, 070;) drawing off water by a conduit or canal. OXCTOS, ov, 6, (6xH) a conduit, ditch, canal, aque- duct, dram : any channel for water, the bed of a river. 2. metaph. a channel or means of escape. ox^vs, gen. ecus Ion. TJOS, 6, (e'x&O any fasten- ing: i. the hand or strap for fastening the helmet under the chin. 2. in pi. the clasps of the belt. 3. a bolt which fastened the door within. oxeuTTjs, ov, 6, (oxeixy) a stallion: a lewd person. oxevco, f. aw, (oxw) to ride: of male animals, to cover. 6x, f. rjcro;, (6'xos, 6) collat. form of \(a, as ope'cu of (pepca, to bear, endure, support, hold; (ppovpdv ox^iv to keep watch. i. to let ride, mount. II. in Pass., with fut. med. oxrjcrofjiai, to be borne or car- ried; Kvpaaw, vqvolv, iTriroifftv 6x*?09ai to be carried by the waves, by ships, etc. : hence without any Subst. after it, like Lat. vehi, to drive, ride, sail ; tv dyttvpas ox^ioOai to ride at anchor. ox'qct, Ep. ace. of 6xvs : ox^s, nom. pi. oX^K -. , (ox 6/,=nox\eva}, to heave or move by a lever: Pass, to be rolled, roll along; ^^fS^s diraaai 6x~ Xfvvrai (Aeol. for oxAowTcu) all the pebbles are rolled or swept away by the water. 6xX->, f. 770-0;, (oxAos) to disturb by a mob or tu- mult ; generally, to trouble or importune, c. ace. : ab- sol. to be troublesome. , d, 6v, (ox*-" ) troublesome, importunate. 509 , f. iffoj, = oxA.6o, o"x\tvQ}, to move or heave by a lever, generally, to move a great weight, roll it away by dint of strength. 6xXtcr, f. wffca, (6xvp6s~) to make fast, fortify, Hence o\vp, f. iaoi, (o^) to do, go or come late : to be too late in doing : Pass, to be belated, benighted. OXJ/I-KOITOS, ov, (o^e, Koirri) going late to bed, late watching or wakeful. 6i|/i|jia6cci>, f. rjffv), to learn late or too late. From 6vj/i-|xa0Y|S, fs, (o^, ftaOew) late in learning, late to learn, Lat. serus studiorum : too late or too old to learn, c. gen. ovj/ijios, ov, (o^e) poet, for o^tos, late, slow, tardy: repas oif/ipov a prognostic late of fulfilment. 6u/i-voos, ov, (o^e, voos] late of thought, inobservant. O^/LOS, a, ov, (o^e) /ate, Lat. serus, opp. to irpuios. Att. Comp. fyiairepos, a, ov, Sup. tyiairaros, 77, oy : Neut. oif/iairfpov, -rara, Adv. as Comp. and Sup. of 6^6. The forms 6if/icffTfpos and o^ifffraros also occur. ovjns, gen. oY<), f. foca, (6i//oaYta,, 77, dainty living : eating delicacies. 6\j/o-<^a.Yos, ov, (fyov, <>, ov, (iras; \atcw) all- lamented, most woeful. II. act. all-tearful. iraYK\ir]pia, 57, a sole inheritance, full possession. From /, (iras; K\T)pos*) held in full possession. ', (iras, KOivos) common to all. 3, ov, 6, (iras, Ko'n-rj) giving rest to all; OdXapos ira~fKoiTrjS the chamber in which all must rest, i. e. the grave. traY-KoviTOS, ov, (iras, KOV'KO) covered all over with dust; ae#Xa irayfioviTo. prizes gained by all kinds of contests. iraY-KpaTTjs, fs, (iras, ArpoTos) all-powerful, all- mighty, all-ruling: all-conquering. TraYKpoTida>, f. 0U', to perform the exercises of the pancratium. iraYKpanov; TO, (irayKpaTrjs} a complete contest, i. e. an exercise which combined both wrestling (770X77) an< ^ boxing (iru-yjui}), the pancratium. iraY-KpOTWS, Adv. (iras, KpoTos) sounding all at once, of rowers who keep good time. TTCIYOS, o, (-rra.yijvai) a firm-set rack : a peak, crag, rocky hill: o "Apeios irdyos the Areopagus at Athens, [a] nraYos, 6, (irayfjvai} anything stiffened or hardened : frozen water, ice, frost, [a] Trd-Y-ovpos, o, (Trayfjvai, ovpd) a kind of crab. mxY-xdAeiros, ov, (iras, xa^Tros) very difficult and dangerous. Adv. -TTOJS. iraY-X^ K s and TrciY-Xo^KOS} v , (was, x a ^-^ s ) all-brasen, all of brass. /Tr > Y"XP T l o " r0s ov i (was, XP^O'TOS) good for all work. irdY-Xp lo "TS. ov, (iras, xpto"Tos) all-anointed; Trdy- \pLarov ireiOovs the all-anointed of persuasion, of the robe anointed with the blood of Nessus, to be used as a love-charm. >Tra 'y~Xpt |O ' eos i ov, and TTCLY-XP^OS, ov, (iras, XP V ~ ffus} all gold, of solid gold, [u] iraYXv, Adv. (iras, iraV) Ion. for iravu, quite, wholly, entirely, altogether. TT&yS), aor. 2 subj. pass, of irfiyvvfu. ira8dco, Dor. for 1777800;. ird0 [5], Ep. for eira0, 3 sing. aor. 2 of irdo"xo). irS0iv Ep. Trfi0tv, aor. 2 inf. of irda-)(.ca. Hence ird0T] [a], 77, anything that befals one: suffering, misfortune. Trd0T|(xa, OTOS, TO, = itdOos, a suffering, misfortune ; TCL iraOr^Juna iM.OTjp.ara sufferings are lessons to learn by. ird0T]o0a, Ep. 2 sing. aor. 2 subj. med. of irdio*x. f. 0*0;, to chant the paean, sing a song of triumph. Ilaidcdv, ovos, 6, Dor. for fLairjcav. [a] iraiYfJia, aTos, TO, (irat^'o;) play, sport; \OJTOV ir. fiutt-playing. iraiYvid, 77, (irato>) play,sport, a game, pastime. II. a feast, festival. iraiYvia-Ypd<|>os, ov,(iraijvid,ypd(po}) writing sport- ive poetry. , ov, gen. ovos, (iraiyvidjfondofajoke. , TO, (irat^cu) a plaything, toy : impl. of a person, like Lat. deliciae, a darling. II. in Theocritus, the Egyptians are called /tana iraiyvia, roguish cheats. III. a sportive poem : merry noise. , ov, (iraiyvid) sportive, droll, done in play. iraiYVi-cj87|S, es, (iraiyvid, ?8os) playful, sportive, merry ; rb iraiyviwSes playfulness. irat8-aY<>Y 6 ^ ov ' T( ^ (watSa^ayyos) a school-room. ira.\&yu>'ye) love of boys. irai8(r, f. 0*0; : aor. I 7rai8euo*a : pf. irfiraiSevKa : Pass., aor. I firaidevOijv : pf. ircnaiSfVfjLai : (Trafs) : to rear or bring up a child : usu. 2. to teach, educate, instruct; 6 irtirai8ev/j.fvos a man of educa- tion, opp. to aTratSeuTos: Med./o have any one taught or educated, applied to parents. 3. to accustom or inure to a thing. 4. to correct, chasten. iraiBriios, 77, ov, Ion. for iraiSetos. Trai8ii, as, 77, (itai^oi) child's play, sport, pastime : a game. iratSia, 77, worse form for muSeta. iratSiica, >v, ra, a darling, love, relating to a single person, Lat. deliciae. II. iratSi/ca (sub. /LieA.??), songs to or about a beloved boy. Neut. from muSiKos, 77, ov, (Trafs) of or Jit for a boy, childish, boyish, Lat. puerilis. 2. playful, sportive. II. belonging to a beloved youth. Trai8i606v, Adv. from childhood, from a child. From rraiBiov, TO, Dim. of Trafs, a young child. II. a young slave. iratSwrKapiov, TO, Dim. of rraiSiffKij, a little girl. iraiSio-KT], 7), Dim. of Trafs (77), a young girl, maiden, damsel. II. a young female slave : a courtesan. iraiSurKos, o, Dim. of o Trafs, a young son, boy, lad. iratSvos, 17, ov, also 6s, 6v, (Tratfo;) childish, silly, playful. II. as Subst. iraiSvos, 6, = 6 Trafs, a boy, lad : iraiovrj, 77, a girl. Tr, (Trafs, tfo/iecu) to take care of a child. iraiSo-Kopaj;, areas, o, (Trafs, o/>a) a boy-raven. irai8oKTOVO), f. 770*0;, to murder children. From TraiSo-KTovos, ov, (irais, Krfivca) child-murdering. irai8-oXTT|p, %>os, 6, and TraiS-oXercop, opos, o, (Trafs, oAAv/u) a child-murderer : fern. iratBoXe- reipa and ircuSoXeTis, tSos, a child-murderess. Trai8o-Xt)|Aas, ov, 6, 77, (Trafs, \vfjir)} destroying chil- dren, [y] ir, to teach boys wrestling : generally, to train, exercise, practise. From irco, f. 770*0;, (irai8oTpuCa, 77, the rearing of children. irai8o-Tp6<}>os, ov, (Trafs, rptfpca) feeding or rearing children : as Subst., iraidoTpu^os, 77, a mother. TOs, ov, (Trafs, TirpcuffKO}') wounded by children ; of wounds, inflicted by children. iraiB-ovp'yta), f. 770*0;, (Trafs, ep-yoi/) iratdoiroiea). Hence iraiSovp-yta, 77, a begetting children : also of the wife herself. iraiSocJuXeco, f. 770*0;, to be fond of boys. From irai8o-<}>CXir]S, ou, 6, (jrais, i\ca) fond of boys. ircu8o-<}>6vos, ov, (Trafs, *tpV(u) killing children ; avfjKpopd Trai8o6vos the calamity of having killed a son ; naiSocpovov af/ia the blood of slain children. irai8o-<|>opca>, (Trafs, : f. Trai^o/xat or iraiov[Aai, rarely Traica : aor. I iraicra and cTrat^a : pf. TTfiraiKa : Pass., aor. i (Traixdtjv: pf. TreTTaiff/JLai, also TreiratyiJiai: (irafs): to play like a child, to sport, play : to jest, joke, be merry : to trifle. 2. to dance : also, to sing. 3. to play at a game ; crQaipri or atyatpav Traifeiv to play at ball. 4. to play (on an instrument). 5. to make sport of, mock at, to jest upon a thing. 6. transit, to treat jocosely. IIaiT)6vtos, a, ov, also fern. Ilai^ovts, tSos, (Tlairjcav) healing. / iraiif|'Ta), fut. of Trato; to strike. IIaiT|iov, ovos, 6, Ion. for Haiav, Tlaiuv, Paeon, the physician of the gods. II. Trairjcav as appellat. for iraiav, a festal song ; cf. TIaidv. ITaiY-cov, ovos, 6, 77, as Adj. = nai7?6ViOs. TralKTrjs, ou, 6, (Trat^a;) a dancer or player. iralop,ai or iraiovp,(U, Att. fut. of Trat^cu. iranrdXir], 77, (redupl. from TraA77 or 770X77) the finest flour or meal, Lat. pollen: any fine dust : metaph. a subtle rogue, [a] Hence TraiirdXirjixa, OTOS, TO, a subtle fellow . iraiiraXoets, eo*o*a, fv, an old Ep.word, steep, craggy, rugged. (Deriv. uncertain.) IIAIvS, TratSos, 6 and 77 ; gen. pi. iraiS&v Dor. Trat- ou>v dat. pi. -jraiffi, -rraiSeaai : the Ep. preferred the dissyll. nom. Troi's, vocat. Trai': I. of Descent, a child, a son or a daughter; Trafs TraiSos a child's child, grandchild. 2. periphr., AvSajv iratSfs sons of the Lydians, i. e. the Lydians themselves. II. of Age, a child : trots, 6, a boy, youth, lad; Trafs, T), a irais TraXao-o-o) . 513 maiden, girl : l/c iratSos, IK ira/Scoi/ from a child, from childhood. III. also like Lat. puer, o or fj, a slave, servant. ird'is, 6, Ep. for irais. iratcraT, 2 pi. aor. I imperat. of irat^o;. iraurSa, Dor. for iraioa, ace. of Trafs. iraio-So), Dor. for Trai^cy. Trat4>dcro-&>, (redupl. from $A-, the Root of fyaivca) to look wildly, stare wildly about ; later to quiver, pal- pitate. ITAI'fi, fut. iraiaoj and irairjffa) : aor. I Ziraiffa : pf. irenaiKa : Pass., aor. I eiraiaOTjv : pf. ireira.tap.ai : to strike or smite a person : Med., firaiaaro rov [irjpov he smote his thigh. 2. to strike a weapon against a person. 3. to drive away. 4. to hit hard in speaking. II. intr. to strike against, to dash against or upon, Lat. illido. Ilauov, wvos, o, like Haidv, Paeon, the god of medi- cine, of Aesculapius : generally, a physician, heal- er. II. like iraidv, a solemn song or chant. III. in Prosody, a paeon, a foot consisting of three short and one long syll., with four variations, w w o, o \j *>, ^ w o and v \j \j . ITaionads, aSos, fem.of Tlaidjvios, medicinal, healing. iraia>via>, f. o*cu, = iraiavifa, to raise the Paean. Ilauovios, a, ov, (Tlaiwv) belonging to Paeon or medicine, medicinal, healing. II. as Subst., Uaioj- via, fj, Haicavids, ados, 77, and Haicovis, iSos, fj, with and without Ttyyi], f ^ e healing art, medicine : rcL Uaiajvia a festival of Paeon. irawovtajios, 6, iraiaviajji.6s, a chanting of the paean. iraKTa, iraKTis, iraKTos, Dor. for irijKTr), etc. iraKTOco, f. WGQ}, (naKTus) to fasten, make fast or close; 5a)/ia irafcrovv to make fast the house. 2. to stop, to stop up, caulk. 3. to bind fast. nA'AA'OH, f], a sort of cake made of preserved fruit, mostly of figs melted together. [Aa] IIA'AAI, Adv. long ago, in olden time, of old. II. formerly, erst, before: also of time just past, opp. to the present : also TO ira\ai. irdXai- - Y6VT|s, fs, (irdXat, yeveaOat) born long ago, aged, full of years. irdXaC-yovos, ov, (ird\ai, yevfo~0at) = 7raXaiyvr]S. irdXaip.ovi>, f. 77*70;, = iraXaio), to wrestle, Jight. , es, = ira\aiyvr]S. , ov, = ira\aiyovos. Dor. -jidrcop, opos, 6, (naXaios, fi-f)- rrjp) ancient mother. iraXaio-irXovTOS, ov, (iraXaius, TrAoCros) =ap\aio- itXovTos, rich of old, rich in hereditary wealth, opp. to v(uir\ovTO$. iraXaiop-pios, ov, (iraXaius, pta} with aged roots. iraXtuos, a, ov, (irdXat} old, aged. 2. ancient, rf olden time ; ol ira\aioi the ancients ; iraXaios xp"~ vos time long past : TO ira\aiov, as Adv., anciently, formerly : IK iraXaLOv from of old. 3. of things, in good sense, ancient, time-honoured, venerable : in bad sense, antiquated, obsolete, out of date. II. regul. Comp. and Sup. iraXaiorepos, iraXaiuraTos ; more often iraXairfpos, iraXairaros, formed from the Adv. iraXai : l/c iraXantpov from the older time. Hence iraXaioTKjs, TITOS, 77, age, length of time, antiquity : old-fashioned ways : also dotage. , iraXaio-^pwv, ovos, 6, 77, (iraXaios, aTOS, ov, (irdXai, ) wrestling, Lat. lucta ; generally, a struggle, contest. ird\T], 17, (irdAA.a>) A& finest meal or jffowr, Lat. pollen : hence iraiirdXrj. iraX-fjvai, aor. 2 inf. pass, of iraXXca. irAXT] (irdXiv, ytveffis) a being born again, new birth, regeneration. II. resurrection. iraXiY-yXworo-os, ov, (irdXiv, yXSiffffa) double- tongued, contradictory, false. II. of strange or foreign tongue. jraXfyKSTTjXciJa), to sell over again, sell by retail. From iraXiy-KdinriXos, 6, (traXiv, /cdinjXos) one who buys and sells again, a retailer, petty dealer, huckster. irfiXiYKOTOS, ov, (itaXiv} properly of wounds, break- ing out afresh, Lat. recrudescens. II. metaph. malignant, spiteful, inveterate ; waXiyrcoTos TVX.IJ ad- verse fortune ; ol -rraXiyKoroi adversaries. irSXi-y-KpcuTrvos, ov, (iraXiv, Kpanrvos) very swift. ir5XiXXoY>>, f. -qaoi, to say again, reiterate. From iraXtX-Xoyos, ov, (irdXiv, Aeycy) collected again. jraXi[A-j3ap,os, ov, (ndXiv, fiaivca) going backwards. iriXtp.-pXao'Tifis, fs, (jrdXiv, j8\ao"re?z/) shooting up again. iroXifJiJiJoXCa, 17, change of mind, repentance : in bad sense, fickleness. From iraXCjt-poXos, ov, (iraXiv, fidXXoo) throwing back again: metaph. changeable, fickle. TraXift-p/fiicYjs, ,fs, (irdXiv, ^.rJKos) as long again: generally, very long. iraXCp.-irais, iraiSos, 6, ^, (iraXiv, trots) one who is a child again, in one's second childhood. , cs, (iraXiv, DET- Root of mirroi) fall- Pass. (iraXiv, is : to wander back. , (ifdXtv, irXavrf) wandering to ng back : neut. iraXifATreres as Adv. back, back again. TrSXCjjLTrXaYKTOS, ov, tost to andfro, wandering back again. From irSXijji-irXcifonai, Pass. (iraXiv, irXd^ojuai) aor. I part. iraXifJiTTXa'y iraXip,-irX3vf|s, andfro. n-aXtji-irXttTOs, ov, (iraXiv, itXvvcu) washed again, vamped up. II. act. vamping up old wares. iraXijx-iroivos, 77, ov, (TTO.XIV, TTOIVTJ') requiting, re- venging : TO TraXifj.TToivov requital, retribution. iro\|x-irovs, irooos, 6, f), (irdXiv, TTOVS) going back, returning. TraXi|A-irpvp,VTj86v, Adr. (vdXiv, trpv^vr]') stern foremost. dis- iraXC|ji-a(Jios, ov, (naXiv, sonant, discordant. iraXi|ji-t>T|S, . 515 ioos, T), fem. Adj. (Tras, pwrrjs) all-feed- ing, all-nourishing. irap,-p,dTaios, ov, (irds, /ndratos) all-vain, all-useless. irdjA-fJuxxos^j'^Tras, paxr}} all-conquering, triumph- ant. II. = iray/epariaaTrjs. ira|i-}ilY as -/"T^ 7 ?' -A* c 7 a (vds, ptyas} very great. ira|A-p,Y0T]S, fs, (irds, peyedos') of enormous size. irafjL-p,Xas, aiva, av, (irds, fitXas) all black. ira[x-nT|KT|s, fs, (irds, fjifjfeos] very long, prolonged. ird(x-p.Tjvos, ov, (irds, IJLJJV} through every month, through the live-long year. ira|ji-}jiT|Tipa, 77, = ira^rjTcap. Tra(AftTJTis, iSos, 6, "fj, (irds, p.rjTis'} all-knowing, all- planning. altogether a mother, a very mother. , ov, (irds, niapos) all-abominable. , fs, (irds, ijuyfjvat) all-blended, all-con- founded, promiscuous. Trdp.-jAtKpos, ov, (irds, fiiKp6s} very small. irdft-fiiKTOS, ov, = irafifjiiyrjs. 7rd|ji-|xopos, ov, (irds, ywopos) all-hapless. iraiA-p/ikrapos, a, ov, (irds, p.vo~os) irafj.f^lapos. irdp-trav, Adv. (TTOS) like TrdVv, quite, wholly, alto- gether ; ov irdfJLirav not at all, by no means. S, (irds, irfiBca) all-persuasive. ', Adv. (Tras) like irdp-irav, entirely, totally. irap,-m)(ria, 77, (TTOS, ireirdiMLi') entire possession. Tra(JiTrXTf]06t, Adv. with the whole multitude. From ira|A--7rXT]9T)S, s, (TTOS, irXrfQos') of or with the whole multitude. II. very numerous. III. neut. ira/j.irXr]Oes as Adv. entirely. ird|x-irXTjKTOs, ov, (irds, irXrjffffot}) in which all kinds of blows are inflicted. irapL-iroCKiXos, ov, also 77, ov, (irds, iroittiXos") all- variegated, of rich and varied work. TrdfA-TroXt-s, fcas, 6, 77, (Tras, TroX(s) prevailing in all cities, universal. irdjJi-iroXvs, 7roXX77, -TroXu, (TTOS, iroXus) very much, very great, and in pi. very many: neut. ird^iroXv as Adv. very much. iraji-Trovirjpos, ov, (irds, irovr]p6s) all-depraved, ut- terly base or bad. TTaji-ir6p<{)t;pos, ov, (irds, iropcpvpd) all-purple. irap.-iTOTVua, 77, (irds, irorvia) all-venerable. irajx-TrpCTTTOS, ov, (irds, irpfircu) all-conspicuous, fplendid, refulgent. irajxirpoo-Otj, corrupt word in Aesch. Agam. Trdix-irpaJTOS, 77, ov, (irds, irpuros] the very flrst, first of all : ird^irpcarov and ird^irpojTa as Adv.,j$rst of all. irap,-<|>5T|S, fs, (irds, tpdos) all-beaming, all-blazing ; also transparent, translucent. Adv. -Sis. Tra[JLdp|iaKOS, ov, (irds, cpdp/xa/coi/) skilled in all charms or simples. iran.-c|>eYY"ns, e's, (was, $6770$) all-shining, resplen- dent. irdp,-<}>0apTOs, ov, (was, X6KTOS, ov, (was, (pXtyca) all-burnt, all-blazing. Trd(A-oppos, ov, also 77, ov, (was, (pop/377 ) all-feeding. ira[i-<}>6pos, ov, (was, cpc'pcy) all-bearing, all-produc- tive. II. bearing all things with it. -irdp,-i)Xos, ov, (was, fyvXri] of all tribes or sorts. irdpxjxovos, ov, (was, l, Adv. (was, ^(pos) with all the votes. irdu,vln}xS ov, (was, '/'VX'?) ^ ^^ ^/^> * n full pos- session of life. irdv, neut. of was. Ildv, gen. Udvos, 6, Pan, an Arcadian rural god, drawn with goat's feet, horns, and shaggy hair : at Athens the worship of Pan did not begin till after the battle of Marathon : plur. Tldvrjs, = Lat. Fauni. irdv-a|3pos, ov, (irds, djSpos) quite or very soft. irav-aYT]S, e's, (irds, cryos) all-hallowed, Lat. sacro- sanctus. irav-dYperos, ov, (was, dypca}) all-catching. Trav-crypevs, ecus, o, (was, dypeoa) one who catches everything. irdv-trypos, ov, (irds, orypa) catching all. irav-aYpvirvos, ov, (was, dypvirvos) quite sleepless, wakeful, watchful. irav-aYupis, Dor. for iravriyvpis. IIav-a0Tivaia (sab. fepd), rd, (was, 'AOrjvrj) the Pa- nathenaea, two festivals of the Athenians, rd peydXa and rd ftiicpd, in honour of Athena or Minerva. Hence IIova0T]vaiLK6s, 77, ov, of or for the Panathenaea, Pa- nathenalc. 7rav-d0Xios, a, ov, (was, aOXios) all-wretched. irav-aiYX-qets, eo-o"a, ev, (was, 017^77) all-shining. irdv-ai0os, T/, ov, (was, ai'^cw) all-blazing. irav-aioXos, ov, (irds, atoXos) all-variegated, glitter- ing, glancing. II. metaph. manifold. irdv-aicrxpos, ov, (irds, atcrxpos) utterly ugly or shameful: Sup. warato"xto"ro.s. irav-aiTios, ov, (irds, atria) the cause of all : to whom all the guilt belongs, opp. to (terainos. irav-diecta, 77, (was, d'os) a panacea, universal re- medy : also iravdxir), 77, irav-aXdcrTwp, opos, o, (was, dXdarcap) an all- avenging genius. irav-dX-r]0T|s, ts, (was, d\7]6r)s) quite true: all too true. Adv. -6ws, all truly. irav-aXKTjs, e's, (was, aXicf]) all-powerful. irav-dXtoTOs, ov, (was, dXcuros) all-catching, all-en- compassing, [a] irav-d|A6pos, -ap,pios, Dor. for irav-^fj.fpos, -r)/J.e- pios. irav-dp,p.opos, ov, (was, apropos') without any share in. II. all-luckless. Trav-djAcojAos, ov, (irds, d>a;/tos) all-blameless. irav-aoiStp-os, ov, (was, uoiSifjio$) sung by all. irav-diraXos, ov, (was, dwaXos) all-tender or deli- s, (was, a privat., irtvOos) wholly without grief, sorrowless. irav-aTrf|(xo)v, ov, gen. ovos, (was, aw77//0iTOS, ov, (was, dtpdiros') all-imperishable. irav-d^VKTOS, ov, (was, deptwros) all-inevitable. irav-d<}>vXXos, ov, (was, d9os, ov, (irds, etyQus') quite boiled : of metals, quite refined or unalloyed. Trav-T]-yvpici>, f. aw, (iravrjyvpis} to keep or attend a public festival ; iravr)yvpitiv fs iruXtv to go to a city to attend a festival there. II. to make a set speech in a public assembly, to deliver a panegyric. irav-TjYvptKOS, 77, 6v, fit for a public festival or as- sembly; solemn, festive > u iravrjyvpiKus (with or with- out Ao7os), a festival, oration, a panegyric, eulogy. Adv. -tfcDs, pompously. From irdv-TiYtyHS Dor. iravd-yupts, fcas, 77; Ion. nom. and ace. pi. iravriyvpls : (irds, ayvpis Aeol. for a7opd) : an assembly of a whole nation, esp. for a public festi- val, a high festival, a solemn assembly ; iravrjyvpis iravrjyvpi^dv to hold such festivals. 7rav-Tj(iap, Adv. all day long, the livelong day. iravTjn.p6vco, f. oca, (iravrj/j.fpos) to spend the whole day in a thing. irav-7]p,epios, a, ov, (irds, T^e'pa) lasting all day, doing a thing all day ; vrjvs iravrjfj.(pir) a ship which s.ails all day ; iravrj^pios xpoi/os all the day long : neut. iravrifj.epi.ov as Adv., all day long, the livelong day. i, ov, (irds, T}/j.(pa) doing all the day 517 long; ira.vrifj.epos fioXfiv to be a whole day in coming: neut. iravrjiMpov as Adv., all day long or every day. irav-0AicTT|p, 7/pos, 6, fern. -Kreipa, 77, (iras, OfXyoj) charmer of all. Trav-OtjX-fis, 6S, (iras, TtOrjXa) growing of all kinds, esp. shooting with all sorts of trees. IIA'NOHP, 77pos, o, a panther, Lat. panthera. irav-6t)p,a86v, Adv. (iras, 6vp,6s) in high wrath. irdv-0uTOS, ov, (irds, Oixu) celebrated with all kinds of sacrifices. HavuKos, 77, 6v, (Udv) of or fit for Pan : Tlavueov (sub. 8ef/xa), TO, panic fear, such fear being supposed to originate with Pan. Trfiv-ijjiepos, ov, (irds, ipcpos) all-lovely, all-de- sired, [i] irdvicrSop.ai, Dor. for tnjvi^ofjKti. I Ilav-uivtov, TO, = irdv 'Iwviov, the whole body or | community of lonians : their place of meeting at Mycale, their common temple. II. Ta Tlaviwvia (sub. if pa), the festival of the united lonians. rrav-Aa>f3T]TOS, ov, (iras, Aa;/?do/Lxt) all-disfigured, hideous. irawvxo>, f- ffoj > (iravvvxis} to celebrate a festival by night. II. to watch or do anything the live- long night ; iravvvxifav TTJV vvrtra to spend the live- long night. iravvvxiKos, 17, 6v, (iravvvxis) of or for a vigil. 7rav-vt>x to s a ov, Att. also os, ov, (irds, vvg) all night long, lasting or doing something the whole night; iravvvxiij VTJVS ireipe KeXvOov the ship con- tinued her course all night long. irav-vtixfej tSos, 77, (iras, i/v) a night-festival, vigil, Lat. pervigilium. II. a watching, keeping awake all night. irdv viixos, ov, = iravvvxtos : neut. pi., iravvvx - <*s Adv., the livelong night. irav-oSupros, ov, (iras, o8vpo/u) all-bewailed, all- lamentable. irav-otvs, v, gen. vos, (irds, olvs) all unhappy, most melancholy. 7rav-oiKi and -OIKI, Adv., =irai/ot/aios, o, (iras, 0^77) author of all ominous, ' voices, all-oracular. i irSvoTrXta, 77, (Trai/OTrAos) the full armour of a \ heavy-armed soldier, i. e. shield, helmet, breastplate, greaves, sword, and knee, a full suit of armour, pa- noply ; iravoirXirj in full armour, cap-a-pie. Hence irav-OTrXiTTjs, ov, o, a man in full armour, [t] rvv. 518 irdv-oirXos, ov, (was, oirXov) in full armour, ' with all his harness on.' irav-6irrr)S, ov, 6, (irds, 6^>ou.ai) the all-seeing. n-dv-opjjLOS, ov, (was, opjuos) always Jit for landing. mivos, o, Aeol. for (pavos, ((paivca) a torch, beacon. iravoupYeco, f. rjtrca, (iravovpyos) to play the knave or villain, act like a rogue ; oaia vavovpyeiv to do a holy deed in an unholy way. Hence CTOS, TO, a knavish, roguish act. }, (iravovpytoj) villany, knavery, trickery : in plur. knavish tricks. irdvovpY-i''n"nupxt8as, ov, 6, (iravovpyos, a captain of rascals : or = iravovpyos knave Hipparchides. irov-O'CpYOS, ov, (rrdv, epyov) ready to do anything: mostly in bad sense, ready for all crimes, unscrupu- lous, knavish, villanous, treacherous : as Subst., irav- old, enfeebling all. ovpyos, 6, f), a knave, villain, rogue ; iravovpyov, TO, \ iravTO-6aT|S, es, (was, *Saa>) all-knowing. ^iravovpyia. Sup. iravovpyoTaTos, most rascally. I iravToBairos, 77, ov, (was) of every kind, of all sorts, Adv. iravovpyas, villainously ; Sup. -orara. manifold. Adv. wcDs, in all kinds of ways. , Adv. (was) in all ways. Trav-rcXirjs, es, (was, rA.os) all-complete, all-perfect: entire, absolute. 2. fully accomplished. 3. com- prising all, the whole, Lat. universus. II. act. all-accomplishing. Hence iravT\u>s Ion. -os, Adv., also mwTcA.es, com- pletely, entirely, absolutely : outright. iravTecrcn., Ep. for iraai, dat. pi. of was. irav-revxtci, f], (was, TCU^OS) = wav-owAta, complete armour ; vv or kv iravTfvxia, in full armour. irdv-Tcxvos, ov, (was, Te'xi/Ti) assisting all the arts. iravTir) Dor. iravra, Adv. (was) everywhere, on every side, every way. II. in every way, by all means ; ov irdvTr) not quite. irdv-Tip,os, ov, (was, Tt^w?) all-honourable. , ) all-surveying. irdv-cro(|>os, ov, (was, aotpos) all-wise, very wise. Trdv-orcpjjios, ov, (irds, airepua) composed of all sorts of seeds. irav-dYOS, ov, (irds, (payetv) all-devouring. iravTo-<|>vpTOS, ov, (irds, tpvpca) all-confused, com- mingled. irdv-Tpoiros, ov, (irds, Tpeira) utterly routed. irav-Tp6<}>os, ov, (was, Tpe^cu) all-nourishing. irdvTtos, Adv. (was) wholly, altogether: ov irdvTus in nowise, by no means, not at all, Lat. omnino non. II. in strong affirmation, at all events, at any rate, at least : in answers, yes, by all means. irdvv, Adv. (was) altogether : at all, in all, Lat. omnino. 2. very, very much, exceedingly. 3- o irdvv with some Adj. omitted, the well-kno^vn, the thorough ; ol irdvv TWV aTpaTiojTaiv the thorough sol- diers, i. e. the veterans ; 6 irdvv Ilfpi/fA^s the famous I Pericles. II. in answers, yes by all means, cer- \tainly. [a] . 519 irav-trcrctpoxos, ov, (was, iwe/po^os) eminent above is used like uwo, Lat. a or ab, by, with pass. Verbs to all. irav-tiTrepTaTOS, 17, oy, (was, virfpraros') uppermost; highest of all. Tray-vcTTO/rios, ov, and irav-xjo'TdTOS, rj, ov, (was, i/oraTcs) /as/ of all. Travto\60pa, fj, utter destruction, litter ruin. irav-ioAeOpos, ov, (was, o\(6po$, oAAu/zt) utterly ruined, destroyed, undone. 2. in moral sense, ut- terly abandoned. II. act. all-destructive, all- ruinous. irav-oiXijs, cs, (was, oAXu/xi) utterly ruined, de- stroyed. 2. in moral sense, utterly abandoned. II. act. all-destructive. irav-a)7TT|eis, epa) in every season. 7rd, Lat. pax ! hush ! still ! iraijai, ird^aip.1, Dor. for irrjgai, wr;fafit, aor. I inf. and opt. Lat. apud and coram ; irap' fpoi, Lat. mejudice, YroniC'fore me ; wapd Aapeicp Kpiry before Darius as judge ; denote the agent, as, wapd nvos TvtyQrjvat to be struck by any one. II. WITH DAT. by the side of, beside, alongside of, by, both of Places and Things, as also of Persons, nap' cowry at one's home, Lat. apud se. III. WITH Accus., I. of Place, running along, beside. 2. of Motion to, to, towards, mostly of persons. 3. going by, leaving on one side; wapd rty Ba/SuAcDya irapievai to go past Babylon : metaph. going by, beyond or beside the mark ; wapd ovvapiv beyond one's strength : contrary to, against ; wapd fjioipav contrary to destiny ; wapd doav contrary to opinion. 4. beside, beyond, except ; OVK tori wapd ravr' d'AAa besides this, there is nothing else ; so, wapd tv TraXaLfffjua copajut VLKO.V 'O\v(ATrid8a he was within one conflict of winning the Olympic prize ; wapd [u- IIA'OMAI, f. TrdaofJiai [a]: aor. I kiraad^v. pf. j npov, irap' b\i^ov within little, i.e. well-nigh, almost; Treira.fj.ai, inf. Trfira.a6ai : Dep. : to get, acquire, Lat. potior : the pf. is also used as a pres., to possess, to have in possession. Trairat, Inter), of suffering, Lat. vae! oh! alas! II. of surprise, ah ! iraTraid^, lengthd. for irairai. Ilairatos, o, a Scythian name of Jupiter. TrairaTrairai, an exclam. of surprise. TraTTTrd^co, (TraTr^as) to call papa, as a child : to coax or wheedle by calling papa. , ov, o, papa, childish pronunciation of ^ta, mamma, of (ji-fjrrjp. iraiTTratas, ov, o, Dim. of TraTTTras, dear little papa. iraTrrrtBiov, TO, = TraTTTrtas. [r 6, a grandfather. iraTrirwos, a, ov, (irdiriros) of or for one's grand- father, appointed by him. -rrdirpal, aos, o, a fish found in the Thracian lake Prasia. (Foreign word.) iraiTTavoi(ra, Dor. for vovaa, part. fem. of IIAIITAI'Nn, fut. avu: aor. I iTraTTTT/i/a: to look cautiously or timidly round, to peer about : to look eagerly. II. c. ace. /o look round for, look ear- nestly after. iraiTTT|vas, aor. I part, of Trairraivca. Trdirvpos, 6 and rj, the papyrus, a kind of rush, of wapd wo\v by much; wapd roffovrov by so much; Trap' oaov by how much, Lat. quatenus ; so, wapd furepdv rjXOev diroOavfiv he came within a little of dying; wapd TOffovrov Kivdvvov f\0eiv to come within so great a nearness of danger, i. e. to escape danger by so little. 5. in comparison with; avros nap' iavruv himself compared with himself; Trap' ouSeV Irrri it is compared with (i. e. as) nothing; Trap' ovoev ffteioOai to consider as nothing: also, Trap' jjpepav day as compared with day, day by day ; Trapd TO, aAAa qa wairep Oeol ol avOpcanoi fiiortvovcri men as compared with all other animals live like gods ; 7/apd rovs aA- \ovs irovetv to labour in comparison of all the rest, i.e. more than the rest. II. of Time, during; Trapd TUV TroAf/ior in the course of the war. Ilapd may follow its Subst. in all three cases, but is then written irdpa : so also when it stands for xrdp- fifu or Trapcan. Ilapd absol., AS ADV., near, together, at once. IN COMPOS., irapd retains its chief usages as Prep., I. alongside of, beside, as in irapd-Keipjai, II. from one to another, as in Trapa- Trap-ex '. ^- passing by, as in irap-fpxo- p.ai, Trap-ot'xo/tat. 2. metaph. swerving aside, i.e. amiss, wrong, as in irapa-fiaivca, Trap-attovca : also, contrary to, against, as in irap-aiffios. IV. of alteration or change, as in , irapa-irfiOcu. which writing-paper was made in Egypt by cutting irapapa0Tjvat, aor. i pass. inf. of irapafiaivo}. its inner rind (8v@\os) into strips : it was also used j irapa-paivw, f. -Prjffofiai : pf. -p{@7]Ka, part. -/3f- for making ropes. @ws Ep. Trap/3 e/3ao;s : aor. 2 irapeprjv : to go by or irdp, poet, abbrev. for Trapd. II. it is also used ; by the side of: to stand beside, c. dat. II. to for Trapa in sense of Trap cart. | pass beside or beyond, i.e. to overstep, transgress; HAP A' Ep. irdp, irapai, Prep, with gen., dat., et wapa/3ds the transgressor : Pass., with aor. I wop- ace. : Radical sense, beside : I. WITH GENIT. from beside, from alongside of, whether of Place or Person : metaph. issuing, derived, proceeding from ; wap' eaurou SiSuvai to give from [a], pf. irapa-@@as, a, ov, and irapajSX^Tos, rj, ov, verb. of a staff. Adj. of rrapafiaXXca, comparable. rrapd-^aKXOs, ov, (irapd, Bd/^xos) like a Bacchanal. \ irapaJ3Xa>v|;, aVos, 6, 17, (irapafiXiiT, f. -/3aAa> : aor. 2 rrapefiaXov : pf. -e- ways or askance, squinting. PXrjfea : Pass., aor. I -efiXrjOrjv : pf. -pe@Xr){Mi : j irapa-JBodco, f. -0o-f]ffoiMi, to call or cry out to. to throw beside, put before, as fodder before horses, f. 170*01, to come to help another : Lat. objicere, projicere : to hold out as a bait: also absol. come to the rescue, to object or cast in one's teeth, Lat. objicere. II. j irapaJ3oXvop,ai, Dep. (rrapd(3oXos), to expose one- to set side by side, to stake one thing against self to danger, run hazard. another, as in games of chance; then generally, to irapa|3oXT). 57, (rrapafidXXca n) a placing beside, coin- venture, hazard, stake : Med. to expose oneself to parison : illustration, parable. danger; ffJ.^v \fjv^T)v -napa^aXXo^tvos iroXen'i^fiv irapd,J3oXos, ov, (7rapa/3aAAo/*cu) staking, risking: setting my life upon a cast in war ; so, rrapa/BaXXc- hazarding : of persons, venturesome, reckless. 2. cOai TO. Tfttva to stake one's own children. 2. to set of things, hazardous, perilous, side by side, so as to compare one with another : mtpa-jBouXttiop.ai, Dep. to shew disregard. Med., irapal3a\X6uevoi vying with one another: Pass., ! irapdj3vo-TOS, ov, (rrapaflvoj') stuffed in. drrdra o' drrdrais rrapa^aXXofjLeva one piece of irapa-j3va>, f. o*o>, to stuff" in, insert. [D] treachery set against another. III. to bring to irapayoLytiv, aor. 2 inf. of irapdyca. the side of: esp. in Med., rrapa&dXXtoQai rr)v &KO.TOV \ irapaYY^Xta, f), a command issued to soldiers : the to bring the boat alongside; and absol. in aor. 2 word of command. 2. the summoning one's parti- imperat. rrapafiaXov, put to land. IV. to throw sans. 3. instruction, doctrine. From or turn sideways; o/x/xa 7rapa/3aAAeti/ to cast one's eye ' irap-aYY^XXu, f. -ayyeXw : aor. I iraprjyyeiXa : pf. askance ; rrapapdXXeiv TUJ o<0aA/zcu to cast both eyes rraprjyyfXfca : pass. rraprjyy(Xfj.at : to pass an an- sideways, i. e. to squint. V. to deposit with one, nouncement from one to another. II. as military entrust to him. VI. to deceive, betray. VII. term, to give the watchword, which was passed from intr. in Act. to come near, approach. 2. to pass man to man, Lat. imperium per manus tradere : over by sea, like Lat. trajicio. also to give the word of command, give orders : irapaj3ds, ao*a, dv, aor. 2 part, of rrapafiaivu. then 2. generally, to recommend, charge, exhort. irapdpacrts Ep. Trapalj3a(ns, ecus, 77, (rrapafiaivca) 3. c. ace. rei, to order; rrapayyf\\eiv ffiria to order an overstepping, transgression. II. the para- provisions, like Lat. imperare frumentum : rd~ irapay- basis or digression, a part of the old Comedy, in yeXXopfva. orders given. III. also to encourage, which the Chorus came forward and addressed the cheer on. IV. to summon to one's help, to summon audience in the Poet's name. j one's partisans or clients. Hence irapapaTTjs [a], ov, o, (napa&aivca) one who stands \ rrapaYY^Xjia, CCTOS, TO, an announcement passed beside : the warrior or combatant who stands beside from one to another. II. an order, word of corn- the charioteer. II. a transgressor, in poet, form mand. III. instruction. Trapd.YY'jX'Tis, f), (irapayyeKca) an announcing. II. in war, a giving orders, giving the word of command. irapa- Yevco, f. o*o>, to give just a taste of a thing : Med. to taste slightly of a thing. 7rapa-Yt]pda>, f. daop.ai, to be the worse for old age. irapa-YiY v F uu later -Yivopxti [?] : fut. ywrjao- : aor. 2 irapyev6iJ.7)v : to be at hand, by or near, irapfiaTTjs. poet. p/Bares, rj, ov, (irapa fiaivca) II. to be gone beyond, sur- transgressed, passed. irapa|3e{:Ja:rp,ai, pf. pass, of rrapa/3aivca. Trapap|3aor0ai, pf. inf. pass. 7rapa|3T]vai, aor. 2 inf. irapa-ptdop,ai, f. daoftai : Dep. : to do a thing be present : to stand by, to second, support. by force contrary to law. 2. to use violence towards things, to be at hand, to come, happen, belong to. II. any one, to constrain, compel. to come to, arrive at : absol. to arrive at one's desti- irapa-jSXeirto, f. ^o>, to look aside or askance, take a nation. 2. to come to maturity, side look ; irapa&\tTrfiv Oartpip to wink with one I irapa-YiYvwcrKco later -YIVCOCTKOJ : fut. yvwao^ai : eye. 2. to see wrong. \ aor. 2 irapeyvcav : to decide beside the right, i.e. to irapaj3XT)ST]v, Adv. (napa^dXXca) thrown in by the decide unfairly, err in one's judgment, side : metaph., irapa^X-f)8rjv dyoptveiv to speak with irap-aYKaXio-fJia, OTOS, TO, (rrapd, ayKdXrf) that a side meaning, i. e. maliciously, invidiously. ! which is taken in the arms, the object of one's embrace. irapapX-qfAa, aros, TO, (irapafidXXta) something irap-aYKana^ofjiai,, Dep. (rrapd, dy/cwv} to put h aside hung beside, a curtain or skreen used to cover the with the elbows, elbow. sides of ships. | irapaYvovs, irapaYvwvai, aor. 2 part, and inf. of f. -poXovpai : aor. 2 -nap^oXov : pf. Trapa/'/*/3Aawa Ep. irapf^f^Xojfca : to go beside, \ irapcrypcip-p-a, arcs, TO, (TropaypaT|, 17, (irapaypatyiu) any thing written beside, a marginal note. II. an exception taken by the defendant to the indictment (ypatyrj). -irapa-Ypd<{>a>, f. \f/oj, to write beside, to add, subjoin, annex a clause or codicil. II. Med., with pf. pass, irapayeypafj.fj.ai, to have a thing written by the side : to have a person registered. 2. irapaypatyfiv* "concede. ypatprjv to take an exception to an indictment (ypa((T0ai to demur : cf. irapaypatyr). irapa-YV[jiv6a>, f. djffca,to lay bare at the side: metaph. to lay open, disclose. irap-a.yYT|, *7 a leading by or past, carrying across. 2. of soldiers, a wheeling from column into line. 3. a sliding motion of the oars so as to make no splash (TT/TI/XOS) in coming out of the water. II. a leading aside or away, misleading : a fallacy, quibble. III. an alteration, change, variety. irapa-Saicpuo), f . vffoi [y], to weep beside or along with. mipa.-8ap0avcu, f. -oapOrjaofiai: aor. 2 irapeSapOov Ep. irapfSpadov, inf. irapaSpaOffiv : to sleep beside or by. TrapaSeiYP-a, TO, (irapa8fiKvvfj.i) a pattern, model, plan, Lat. exemplar: a copy, representation. 2. a precedent, example ; cirl irapa8fiy paras by way of example: also an example, lesson, warning. 3. an illustration, proof from example. Hence TTapa-Set-YH-aTiJco, f. aoj, to make an example of, make a show of, put to shame. 7rapaSei-y|JLaT5-r]S, es, (irapaoeiypa, ?5os) like an example. Trapa-Seifcvufu and -vo>: f. -8', f. wata, to disclose by a side hint. irapa-SiuKove'w, f. rjaoj, to attend and serve. Trapa-8taTptj3i'i, fj, useless disputation. irapa-BiStoju, f. -Suffca, to give or band over, Lat. trader e : to commit, consign. 2. to give into another's hands as an hostage, Lat. dedere, to deliver up, surrender: to hand over to justice: also to betray. 3. to hand down, transmit to posterity. II. to grant, bestow, offer : c. inf. to grant, allow, Trapa8o0u>, 775, 77, aor. I pass. subj. of irapaoiScafu. irapa8oo-\oYia, 77, (irapa5oos, \6yos) a strange story, marvel. irapd-8o|jos, ov, (irapd, Sofa) contrary to opinion, unexpected, strange, marvellous. Adv. cws. Trapd8ocris, 7), (irapa8i8ojfj.i) a handing down, be- queathing, transmission. 2. a giving up, sur- render. 3. the transmission or handing down of legends, doctrines, etc., tradition: also that which is handed down, a tradition. -rrapaSoTCos, a, ov, or irapaSoros, 77, 6v, verb. Adj. of irapaoidcafjLi, to be handed down, etc. : neut. irapa- SoTfov or Sorea (plur.) one must give up. irapaSovs, aor. 2 part, of irapa8iSa> : fut. -Spdffca : to be near as a servant, to serve. TrapaSpo(jiT), 7), (7rapafy>ajuV) a running beside or by ; l/c irapa8pofi,fjs cursorily, by the way, Lat. obiter. Trapo.8pop.os, ov, (irapaSpapfiv) running beside. II. that may be run through ; ra irapa.8pofjta spaces for getting through, gaps. Trapa-Spwco, Ep. for irapa.8pa.aj. irapaSvp-evai, Ep. for irapaSvvai, aor. 2 inf. of ira- pa.8vo). irapa-8i5vao > T i ua>, f. ffca, (irapa, SvvaffTTjs) to govern or reign with one. irapa8v0|xai, Med., with aor. 2 act. irapeSvv, inf. irapa8vvai Ep. irapa8vfj.(vai : to creep or slink past. 2. to creep in underhand, slink or steal in. Desiderat. of irapaSidafu, to be dis- posed or ready to deliver up. Trap-aeCSco, f. act), to sing beside or to one. irap-aipa> contr. irapaipco (irapa, dfipca contr. afpai), to lift up and set beside : Pass, to hang on one side ; Ep. aor. I pass. iraprjfpOrjv Att. irapatpOrjv. irapa-fevYVVftt and -vo>, f. -eucw, to yoke beside, couple : to set beside : Pass, to be joined side by side, coupled together. irapa-jTjAow, f. waca, to provoke to jealousy. jrapa-fto>wvp,i and -liw, f. -{davca, to gird to the side, hang to the girdle. irapa-eaAao-oriSios Att. -rriStos, ov, = irapaOa\da- ffios. irapa-OaXao-o-tos Att. -TTIOS, a, ov, also os, ov, (irapd, QaXaoaa) beside the sea, lying on the seaside. S 5 522 7rapa-6a\7rw, f. \p later -0appvvo>, to embolden, cheer i Lat. deprecari, to avert by entreaty, beg off. on, inspire with confidence. irapa0iV, 3 pi. aor. 2 opt. of -rrapaTtOrjiJii. II. like Hence jrapatTTjcns, f), an obtaining by prayer : earnest supplication. II. a deprecating. III. an irapa0is, irapd0es, aor. 2 part, and imperat. of ira- \ interceding for, begging off. a.TiQr)\ii. Trap-aiTtos, ov, also a, ov, (-napd, ama) bet fig in , f. cu, to soften, assuage, soothe. part the cause : accessory to. ' a Trapai-4>djivos, 77, ov, Ep. for -napadp.tvos, pres. exhorting, encouraging irapa-06p|xaivo, to heat or inflame to excess. irap 0.060-i.s, ecus, T), (7rapaTi0?7/) a putting beside, med. part, of juxtaposition, comparison. II. suggestion, advice, j irapai-^So-is, 17, poet, for irapd(pa, f. -fleucrojuai, to run beside. II. to \ encouragement, persuasion : also, a beguiling, run to one side of, deviate from. III. to run j irapai-(j>povu>, poet, for irapatypoveca. beyond, outrun. " \ 7rap-aiojp4a>, f. rja, f. ca, to whet or sharpen upon : metaph. to encourage. irapa0T)icT|, 17, (TTapaTiOnfjii} anything lodged with one, a deposit : of persons, a hostage. irapa0T|) thrown in by the way, sneering, malicious : see irap-ai0vo < o r o>, f. fa>, to stir up, kindle. II. intr. of words, to fall from one by chance. < jrapaiva/iTe'j3aAe, 3 sing. aor. 2 of TTa.pa.KaTa.p6.XXQ}. irapaKaOeJecrOat, aor. 2 inf. med. of vapaKaOifa. Trapa-Kci0T)[xaL, inf. -KaOrja&ai, Dep. to sit beside or near. irapa-Ka0t&>, f. -KaOityffQJ Att. -KaOtS), to set be- side or near. II. Med., fut. -Kade8ovfJ.ai : aor. 2 -fKaOt^ofMjv: also aor. I eieaOiadfjiTjv : to szV down beside. Trapa-Ka0iT]p.i, f. -KaOr}ffa), to let down by the side: so also in Med. irapa-KaBiepai. irapa-Ka0to'T'r]p.i, f. -KaraffTrjao}, to put, place, set down beside or near. II. in Med. and intr. tenses of Act., aor. 2 -KarfffTtjv, pf. -KaOeffrijtca, to stand beside or near. irapa-Keupios and irapa-icaipos, ov, (wapd, Kaipus} untimely, ill-timed, unseasonable. \ irapa-Kaico, f. -Kavaca, to light, kindle, burn beside or near. ! irapa-KaXIa), f. -tcaXw later -KaXfffoJ: pf. -KfK\t]tca, pass. -KfKXr]fj.ai : to call to one, i. e., I. to call -irapaipEO-is, 77, a taking away from beside, a with- to aid, send for, summon, Lat. arcessere : to call as drawing of, curtailing. From j witness, to invoke the gods : to invite. II. to call Trap-cup eo>, f. 770-0;: aor. 2 irapftXov: pf. Trapr/pyrca: to, cheer on, encourage, exhort: to excite. III. Pass., aor. I irapripfOr}v : pf. rrap^prj/jiai : to take to demand, require. away from beside. 2. to draw aside on one, to , irapaKa\vp.p.a, TO, a covering : metaph. a cloak, divert to ; Trapaiptiv dpav tis ircdda to draw aside the veil. From curse on thy son. II. Med. to draw off or irapa-KaXvimi), f. if/ca, to cover by hanging some- au >ay from, draw over to one's own side, detach. 2. thing beside, to veil, cloak, disguise. generally, to take away from : also to lessen, damp. \ irapa-KaTafBdXXo), f. -/cara/SaAa; : Ep. aor. 2 Ttapa- Hence Ka@J3aXov for TrapaKa.Ttfta.Xov: to throw or put down irapa(pTf]|xa, CCTOS, TO, that which is taken off from beside ; TrapafiaXXfiv fyvrjv Tivi to put a girdle beside the side, the selvage of cloth : generally, a band, strip, one, i.e. gird it around one. II. as law-term, irap-aCpco, contr. for poet. Trap-afipea. \ to make a deposit, pay a sum into court. Hence irap-aur0oi,vo|ji(u, f. -aioQr)aopa.i : Dep. : to hear \ irapaicaTa|3oXi?), 77, money deposited in suits for of by the way. \ recovery of an inheritance, to be forfeited in case of irap-aierios, ov, (rrapd, aioios) of ill omen, ominous, failure, Lat. sacramentum. portentous. \ -n-apaKaTa0T|K7], r), (7rapaaTcm077/u) anything n-ap-ato-a-ci), f. f a> : Ep. aor. I Troprjiga : to dart lodged in one's hands, esp. a deposit, trust. P 03 *- | Trapa-KO,Ta0vT|, f. -KaTaOavovpai: aor. 2 -/rr- irap-atTop.ai, f. -rjaop.ai : pf. TraprJT7)f*ai : Dep. : Oavov Ep. -Ko.TQo.vov : to die beside or near, to beg of or from another : i. c. ace. rei, to obtain j irapa-Ka,Ta.Kt\.p.a.i,mf.-KaTaKfi'(T8ai,Pa.ss.toltebeside by prayer or entreaty. i. c. ace. pers. to move by or near, esp. to sit by at meals, Lat.juxta accumbere. entreaty, obtain leave from : also to intercede with, beg \ irapa-xaTaicXCvw, f. ivw, to lay down beside. TrapaKpe/iacraj. 523 '. P ass - ' ^ down be- side, to lie with: Ep. 3 sing. aor. 2 Trap/fare Ae/cro. irapa-KaTaXeiiro), f. ^aj, /o /az/ behind in one's hands. irapa-KaTairf)Y vv | xt > f. -KaTairrj^cu, to fix or drive in alongside. irapa-KaTa.Ti0T]}JU, f. KaraOr]ffa}, to deposit or lodgf* in a person's hands : Med. to deposit one's property with another, give it in trust, entrust to his keeping. irapa-KaTX&>, f. -Ka6fca, to keep back, restrain. irapa-KaToiKifw, f. o~aj, to make to dwell beside : Med. to settle another near oneself. irapa-KaTTvo), Att. for Trapa-Kaffovo), to sew on or to: metaph. in Med. to set all straight. irapo.-K6ip.ai, inf. -KeivOai : 3 sing. Ep. impf. irapf- KfffKfTO : Pass. : to lie beside, near or before : ge- nerally, to be ready, lie close at hand: metaph. to be presented or proposed to one ; rd irapa/cd^fva things before one or present. jrapaKcXcujjia, fj.aros, TO, = irapaK eAeuo"jwa. irapa-KcXcvoixai, Med. to exhort, advise, recom- mend, prescribe. II. to exhort, encourage, cheer on by shouting: 3 sing, plqpf. irapaKeKe\vaTo is used in pass, sense, orders had been given. Hence irapaKeXcvo-us, 17, a calling out to, cheering on. TrapaKC\vap.a, arcs, TO, (TrapatfeAevo/xat) an ex- hortation, encouragement. TrapaKe\eucrp.6s, o, = irapaKf\evffis. irapaKeXcvo'Tos, 17, ov, (Trapa.Ke\evojj.ai) cheered on, summoned. irapa-K6\T]Tia>, f. ffca, to ride by or past. irapaKiv8x)VVo%s, 17, a desperate venture. From Trapa-KwSvveva), f. oca, to make a rash venture, to dare recklessly : c. ace. rei, to -venture or hazard a thing : c. inf. to have the hardihood to do : absol. to venture, run the risk, stand the hazard: in Pass., (TTOS wapcucfXiv&wtVfUvov a. hardy, venturous phrase. irapa-Kivew, f. 170-0;, trans, to move aside : to excite, disturb violently, Lat. commovere. II. intr. to shift one's ground, alter. 2. to be impassioned : to be distraught, mad. 3. to raise troubles or commo- tions. irapa-Kico, to pass by. irapa-KXaia), f. -K\avffofj.ai and K\avffovfMii : to weep beside or at. irapa-KXeico Ion. -K\TJUI>, to bar or shut out. irapa-K\7TTa>, f. i/w, to steal from the side or in passing , jilch underhand. irapaKA.T]0T|o-op.ai, fut. pass, of 7rapa/coAu. 7rapa-K\ir]iti), Ion. for Trapa/cAetcy. irapaK\T]cris, 17, (7rapa/raAw) a calling to one, sum- mons to assist. 2. a calling upon, imploring. 3. exhortation, encouragement. irapaKXir]Tos, a, ov, = irapa.K\rjTos: neut. irapa.K\r)- Tfov, one must call on. irapaKXirjTLKos, rj, 6v, (Trapa/raAc'cu) of or for ex- horting, hortatory. jrapaKX-rjTOS, ov, verb Adj. of irapaKa\foj, called to one's aid, esp. in a court of justice, Lat. advocatus : as Subst., irapaK\r)Tos, 6, an advocate. 2. generally, a helper; hence in N. T., o Hapa/cA^TOS the Helper, Coniforter. irapaK\t86v, Adv. (Trapa/fAtVcu) bending sideways, turning aside, averting. irapaKXCvrcop, opos, d,^irapaK\irrjs. From irapa-KXivw [t], f. -K\LVU, to turn or bend aside; trapaK\ivfiv rr t v Bvpav to set the gate ajar. l. metaph. to make to swerve, distort; d\\rj irapa.K\i- vovffi SiKas they turn righteous judgments aside. II. Pass, and Med., aor. 2 ira.peK\iOr}V [r] : pf. 7rapat- tfAifiai : to lie down beside, lie near, esp. at meals, \^z\..juxta accumbere. III. intr. in Act., to turn aside, slip away, escape. Hence TrapaKXiTT)S, ov, 6, one who lies beside at meals, [f] irapa-icXiJCi), to hear beside or amiss : to hear wrong. iTap-aK(j.aa>, f. aaxu, to be past the prime : to b6 faded, withered. irapa-KooLco, Ion. for irapa-vo(Q). irapaKOTj, fj, (irapaKovo}) hearing amiss : unwilling- ness to hear, disobedience. Trapa-Koiva.op.ai, Med. (trapa, KOIVOS) to take counsel with another, Lat. communicare. Trapa-KoiTTjs, ov, o, (irapa, aKoirrjs) one who sleeps beside, a bedfellow, husband. irap-ciKoiTLs, fos, i), ace. TV : Ep. dat. irapaKoiTi : (irapd, anonis) a wife, consort. irap-aKoXov06to, f. 170-0;, to follow close or hard upon one : to attend studiously : of rules, to hold good throughout. II. metaph. to follow in one's mind, to understand. irapaKOp,l8T|, 17, (napaKOfj.ifa') a carrying across, transporting, conveying. II. (from Pass.) a going or sailing across. Trapa-Kop.ia>, f. iffoj Att. i, f. 770-0;, to pat, touch on the side. irapdfcpovCT'is, 77, (jrapaKpovca) a striking beside, striking a false note : an error. II. a cheating, fraud. irapa-Kpovco, f. ffca : pf. rrapaKKpovKa : Pass., aor. I irapfKpovaOrjv: pf. TrapaKfKpova^ai : to strike beside, esp. to strike a wrong note in music. II. to lead aside, mislead, deceive. irapa-KTaop,CH, f. rjaopjai, Dep. to get over and above : in pf. TrapatetKT'rjiMi, to have over and above. irap-aiCTiSuos, ov, and 7rap-dKTios, a, ov, (impd, O.KTT\) on the seaside, on the shore. irapa-Kvirra), f. ifxa : aor. I nape/tvi/so. : to stoop aside, put one's head on one side affectedly. 2. generally, to take a side glance at, look carelessly at. 3. to lean forward and peep out of a door, window, etc. : also to peep in. TTapa-Aa,[Jij3dva) : f. -X-fpf/ofuti Ion. 2 -eXafiov, inf. AajSetV : pf. tiXrjtya, pass. i to receive from another, to succeed to an office or to property. 2. to take possession of, to take in pledge: also to take by force, seize forcibly. 3 % /o take to oneself, as to wife : to produce or bring for- ward as a witness. II. to receive or entertain as a friend, to invite. III. to receive by hearsay or tradition, to learn, hear, Lat. accipere. IV. to take upon oneself, undertake, Lat. suscipere. V. to wait for, intercept, Lat. excipere. irapa-XY&>, f. 0T|o-o|juu, irapaXTjvj/ofxai, fut. pass, and med. of irapaXa^dvca. TrapdXT)4) : to change or alter a little. 2. to leave on one side, pass by : hence to exceed, excel. II. Med. to pass beside, pass by : outrun. 2. to pass over, omit, make no mention of. 3. of Time, to pass, go by. 4. to change for oneself. 5. to lead aside from the road. Trap-fifj.eXcco, pf. -ijneXrjKa : Ion. 3 sing, plqpf- Ta- pr)ne\T]Kfe : (rrapd, dfieAccu) ; to pass by and disre- gard, pay no heed to. irapa|ifxvT]}xat, pf. of irapafJ.ifj.vr}ffKOfJLat. irapa-fiwo, f. -fj.evu> : aor. I irapeficiva : to stay beside or near, stand by. II. absol. to stand one's ground, standfast. 2. to stay at a place, stay be- hind. 3. to survive, remain alive : of things, to endure, last. Trap-d|jipos, ov, Dor. for iraprjfiepos. [63] Trapa-[iTpi>, f. 770*0;, to measure one thing by an- other, to compare. II. to measure out. 7rcip-ciLiX)o Dor. = irapau.eiQoj i ^led. irapau.eveff0at. nvos fJ.op(prj to surpass one in beauty. irapa-fjnrjpiSios, ov, (Trapa, firjpos} a Afo sz'ofe of or along the thighs : TO, irapafj.rjpidia armour for the thighs, cuisses. irapa-fiiYvufu and -vto Ion. p,io"yo> : f. fJ-i, poet, for irapafievca absol., to tarry, stay. irapa-jJit, Ion. for irapa f*iyvvfj.t. irapa-jJLvdo|jtat, Ion. for irapajioXciv, aor. 2 inf. TrapapovL^tos, ov, also 77, ov, (irapafj-evoj) abiding by, lasting, steadfast, faithful. Neut. irapfiovt, p.ov, as Adv., steadfastly. irapd-|AOvos poet, Trdpjjiovbs, ov, (irapafievca) lasting. irapd-jAOvaos, ov, (irapd, Movaa) averse to the Muses or music, discordant with : hence harsh, horrid. irap-ajjiircxw or -ap,iri(TXcd : f. irapafj.(pea} : aor. 2 irapr] flirt ffxov (ita-pd, dfiiffxca*) : to cover with a cloak or robe ; hence to cloak or disguise. irap-ap,irvKi(i> Lacon. -irvKiSBw : (irapa, to bind the hair with a fillet or head-band. irapa-p.'uGeop.at, f. -rjffofiai : aor. I -efj.vOr)ffdfs.rjv : Dep. : to address with soothing or cheering words : to encourage, exhort, advise. 2. to console, appease. Hence irapojivOCa, 77, encouragement : also persuasion. irapapjGiov, TO, (irapa ft.vdeofj.ai} an address, ex- hortation. 2. a consolation, relief, assuagement. irapa-jJLVKaojxat, f. rjffoftai, Dep. to bellow beside or irap-avcryi.'yvwcrKoo later -avaYivwo-KQ) : f. -ava- yvwaop-ai : (rrapd, dvajijvuffKO}) : to read beside or near : to read side by side, compare, collate. Trapa-vaiTaa>, to dwell beside or near. irap-fivuXiCTKO), f. -avaXuaca, to spend beside or amiss, to waste, lavish. irap-avaT\\a>, to arise beside or near. irapa-vc-co, f. -vfvcrofjiai and -v(vaovfj.ai, (?rapa, j/e, f. iaca, to scrape beside: to graze in passing. irap-a6vios, ov, (irapd, acjv) beside or near the axle : napaovia, rd, as Subst. rapid whirlings. irapa-j-vw, L-vffOJ\y], to shave at the side: metaph. to graze, keep close beside. irapa-irato), f. irair^ffo}, to strike on the side. II. intrans. strike aside : to fall aside, fall out from, Lat. excidere ; irapairaieiv pevwv to wander from one's senses, lose one's wits. irapa-irdXXco, to hurl beside: Med. to vault or bound aside. irapd-Trav, Adv., for irapa, irdv, on the whole, alto- gether, absolutely: in reckoning, tm otrjuoffta TO vapd- irav up to two hundred altogether, on the average. irap-5Tr, f. jjffca, to mislead, cajole. / irap-aTra, f. -ir\dy^ca: aor. I irapeir\aya: Pass., aor. I irapiT\dyxOr)v : to make a person wanderfrom the right way, lead astray, to drive out of the course : Pass, to wander, go astray, wander away from. II. metaph. to mislead: Pass, to be misled, err, be wrong. irapa-irXcvpiSia, rd, (irapd, Tr\fvpd) covers for the sides of war-horses. irapa-irXea) Ion. -irXtoco : f. -TrXevffofJtai and TT\( v- aovfjtai : 3 sing. Ep. aor. 2 TrapfTr\ca (as if from a Verb in -/) : to sail beside, near or alongside : to sail along a coast : to sail past. irapairXfjyas, ace. pi. of TrapaTrAr/^. TrapdirXtjKTOs, ov, (irapair\.rjao-ca) stricken aside : metaph. frenzy-stricken. irapairXT|(;, 77705, d, 77, (jrapairX-ri 0*0*0;) struck side- ways ; rjioves TTapairXrjyes a shelving beach, on which the waves break obliquely, and not directly (as against a cliff). II. metaph. = irapaTr\TjKTos, mad. irapa-irXT|, to strike on the side: Pass, to be stricken on one side, to be pahied, de- ranged, frenzied. irapaivXojJievos, 77, ov, coming to a place, Ep. syncop. part, from an obsol. pres. Trapaire\o/*ai. irapdirXoos contr. -irXovs, 6, (TrapaTrAecu) a sailhig beside. 2. a passage over the sea, Lat. trajectus. irapa-irXwo), Ion. for 7rapa7rAt>. irapeirXw, 3 sing. Ep. aor. 2, as if from a Verb in -/JLL, irapairveuo-as, aor. I part, of irapa-nvioj. irapa-Trveo), f. -TTVCvaof^at, to blow beside or by the side, to escape by the side. irapa-ir68ios, poet. irapir68ios, ov, (irapd, TTOVS) at the feet, close by, present. \ irapa-iroieo), f. rjcrca, to make falsely : Med. to make falsely for oneself, get a thing made falsely. | irap-a/TroXXun-i, f.-airoXcaaj Att. -airoXw, to destroy, j ruin beside: Pass., with fut. med. -aTroAoGjucu, pf., -aTroAcuAa, plqpf. -o\w\civ, to perish beside or near. irapairop/irfi, 77, (TrapaTr^irw) a convoying, procur- ing. 1 1 . that which is procured, supplies, provisions. irapa-irovrios, ov, (Trapd, TTOJ/TOS) by the sea. irapa-iropvop,, Act. and Med. to execute an em- bassy faithlessly or dishonestly. irapdirpto-jxa, arcs, TO, that which falls off in saw- ing, saw-dust. From irapa-irpico, f. -irpiovnai, to saw beside or gently. [F] Trap-dirrco, f. tyca, to fasten beside, near or alongside: Pass., TrapaiTTOfj.va x P a ^ wAaTa the oar grasped by the hands : Med. to touch beside or at the side. irapdirrcojia, OTOS, TO, (TrapamirTca) a fall beside : metaph. a transgression. Trapa-irvOua, rd, (irapd, nvOia") a sickness which prevented one from being victor at the Pythian games 7rapa-p0vjJLo, irapa-paivco, etc., v. irapapp-. irdp-dpos Ion. irdpTjpos, ov, like irapyopos, (trapd, delpca") deranged in mind. irdpapos, ov, Dor. and poet, for irapyopos, distraught. irap-apird^o), fut. daca, later dca, to take away from the side, filch. irapap-pdirraj, ^cu, to sew beside or along : Pass. to be sewn on as a fringe or border. iropap-ptco, f. -pevffopai : pf. irapfppvr]Ka : aor. i in pass, form Trapfppvtjv : (jrapd, piw) : to flow beside, by or past, c. ace. 2. c. dat., -rrapappftv nvi to slip off" it. II. to slip away, to slip from one's me- mory. III. to slip in unawares. f. -pi?f\ty a vein has burst put from his. foot. Trapap-p-qros, T], 6v, (irapd, PTJTC>S) of persons, that may be moved by words. II. of words, persuasive. Ttapap-plyou), (irapd, piyoca} to freeze beside or near. irapap-piTTTOJ and-eco, to throw beside, esp. to throw I down one's stake : hence to run the risk of doing a* thing. II. to throw aside or away, reject. TrapappveiTjv, aor. 2 opt. of irapappea}. irapdp-pvOjxos poet.irapapti0|jios, ov, (irapd, pvQp.us) out of time or tune : discordant. irapappvp-a, OTOS, TO, anything drawn along the side for shelter : a curtain stretched along the sides of ships to protect the men. From irapap-pvofuu, Dep. (irapd, /5vo/iat) to draw along the side. irap-aprdw Ion. -o : f. 770-0; : pf. pass. iraprjpT-q^i : to hang or attach alongside or upon. II. Ion. irapapTfOfjiai, I. Med. to flt out, equip, get ready. 2. Pass, to be or get ready, hold oneself in readiness. Hence irap-dpTT]p,a, TO, anything hanging at the side. TTapao-a.YY'ns, u > o, aparasang, the Persianyarsaftg% a measure of distance equal to thirty stadia. irapa-craTTeo, f. 0;, to stuff or cram in beside. irapd-crcipos, ov, (irapd, O(ipd) fastened beside with a thong or cord; irapdafipos i'mros a horse fastened 527- dis irapcfffcfvaffTO when preparations had been made ; TraptffKeva.Sa.TO roTs "E\\r)0t preparations bad been made by the Greeks. Hence irapa(TKija, to seal by the side : Med. to seal for oneself, seal up : to counterseal. irapd-, f. 170*0;, (irapdairos) to eat at another's table, to be a parasite. II. to have a seat at the public table. irapa-criTiKos, 17, ov, of or for a parasite or flat- terer : 17 irapaffiTtKT) (sub. rexvrj}, the trade of a para- tion, provision : preparation, practice : diro or e irapaffKevfjS, of set purpose, Lat. ex instituto; 6V 0X47775 irapaffKfvrjs with short practice, i. e. at short no-, tice. 2. a plan, scheme, plot, intrigue. II. that which is prepared, furniture, garniture, Lat. ap- paratus : pomp. 2 . of warlike preparation , a force, power, equipment : generally, means, resources. irapa-crieT]ve&>, f. 170-0;, (irapd, OKTJVTJ} to pitch one's tent beside or near. 7rapa-(TKT|via, TO., (irapd, aKrjvr]} the space at the sides of the stage, the side scenes ; or, the side entrances to the theatre. irapa-CTKi]v6o), f. wau, (irapa., aitrjvq) to throw over one like a curtain or tent. irapa-ca, to light or fall beside or near. irapa-cnap-nixo, f. 170*0;, to leap beside or near. -irapa-cTKOirca), f. -ae^o/iat, to look aside from, miss the sense of. irapa-iTTa>, f. ^a>, to jeer, jest beside or indirectly. Trapa-cnraa>, f. aaca [a] , to wrest aside, distort : > Med. to draw off or away from a thing : to detach 0), f. io*o;, (irapd, dam's) to bear a shield beside, to fight or stand by another. Hence irapacrm, f. 0*0; : aor. I irapfffnevaaa. : Pass., pf. irapfaKdvaap-ai : Ion. 3 pi. plqpf. irapaOKvdSaTo: to get ready, prepare : to hold ready; also to pro- cure, provide, furnish. 2. to make or render so and so. II. Med. to get ready, prepare or furnish for oneself: absol. to make preparations. 2. to procure by fair means or foul, as witnesses, partisans, etc. : to manage : absol. to form a party : to bring over to one's party. III. Pass, to get oneself ready, prepare : in pf. irapfaKcvaafMii to be ready, be prepared. 2. of things, to be got ready, prepared, irapdo-Tacris, eo;s, 17, (irapi(rrrjp.i} a putting aside,, banishing. II. (irapi, f. 170*0;, to stand by or near. From trapacTTaT-qs, ov, o, (irapiaTafJiai) one who stands by or near: in line of battle, one's comrade on the flank, as irpoaTciTTjs is one's front-rank-man, ciriaTaTrjs one's rear-rank-man : generally, a comrade in battle. Hence trapa-crraTis, tSos, 17, a helper, assistant, ally. irapa-o-Tixa), aor. 2 irapearixov, to go by, past or beyond, pass by : pass into. 528 jrapa-crrfjvai, -OTTJcrai, aor. 2 and I inf.ofiraptcrTT/^t. I < irapa-(i>, f. ipa, to turn or twist aside. 2. to turn aside, prevent, divert. Trapa-crvYYptJfcM 40 ' f- "fj ffQ} > (irapa, avyypaQ'f]') to break contract with. irapa-trv\\ yopai, Pass, without Act. in use, to as- semble beside or with others. irapa-crupo [u], f. avpta, to drag or sweep away, hurry along, as a flood. 2. irapaaipeiv CTTOS to drag, force a word m. irapa-crdXX, fut. -ffws or /rws q^ sideways : make to glance or s/z'cfe q^V of an arrow, to make miss or swerve aside. irapdcrx, erco, aor. 2 imperat. o f, poet. aor. 2 inf. ). irapa(rx*t jl ' sv > aor - 2 mr ^ of Trapex* - irapa-crxia>, f. -a\iao}, to rip up lengthwise. irapacrxov, aor. 2 part. neut. of irapex.^, used absol., see Trapexcw iv. irapdrajjis, ^, a arranging soldiers in order of battle: an army in array; e/c vapardgfajs in battle- array. From irapa-rdcrcrco Att. -TTCO : f. a> : aor. I irapcTaa : Pass., pf. irapaTfTayfiai : Ion. 3 pi. plqpf. pass, irapa- TerdxaTO : to post beside others, esp. in order of battle : Med. to draw up one's men in order of battle : Pass, to be set or posted beside in array : to be drawn up in order of battle. II. Med. to meet one another in battle : absol. to stand side by side in battle. irapa-TeCvco, ftit. Ti/cD: aor. I iraptTfiva : pf.irapa- TfTdKa : Pass., aor. I irapeTdOqv : pf. irapaTtTap.ai : to stretch out along, beside or near : to stretch out in a line; irapaTeiveiv Tcuf>pov to draw a long trench. 2. of time, to protract, prolong, wear out by delay. 3 . to stretch on the rack, torture : Pass, of a corpse, to be laid along, lie dead; iroXiopKia irapaTfivcadat to hold out to the last in a siege. II. intr. to stretch out, extend along, run along. irapa-Teixicrjjia, arcs, TO, (irapd, TCtxtCw) a wall or fort built beside : a side or cross wall. irapa-T6KTaivo(Juu, aor. I irapeTCKTrjvdfirjv : Med. : to work into another form : generally, to fashion anew, transform, alter. 2. to alter from the truth, falsify. irapa-Tjiveo, f. Te/xcD poet. -Ta/xw : to cut off at the side, cut off. irapaTerdxaTO, Ion. 3 pi. plqpf. pass, of Trapa- raaacu. irapa-nr|pi>, f. -fjaoj, to watch closely or narrowly : to observe superstitiously. Hence irapaTTjpirjcris, "n, an observing closely, observation. irapa-TiOijuv, with 3 sing. pres. irapanOfi, and 2 and 3 sing. impf. Traperiflets, -< (as if from Traparifleo;) : fut. -Orjffo} : aor. I irapeOrjrca ; Med., aor. 2 irapfOf- H-rjv : Pass., pf. irapaTtdei/jiai : to place beside or be- fore, set before : generally, to provide, furnish, sup- ply. 2. to lay before one, represent,- declare : to allege. 3. to place side by side, compare. II. Med. to set before oneself, have set before one: esp. to take to oneself. i. to deposit in a person's hands, to commit to his charge. 3. to venture, stake, hazard. irapa-TiXXto, f. -TtXai, to pluck the hair off: Med. to pluck hairs from one's own person: Pass., pf. part. irapaTTi\fjifvos with one's hair plucked out. frapdrovos, ov, (irapaTeivca} stretched out beside or along, hanging down by the side. | irapaTpSYeiv, aor. 2 inf. of iraparpwyo}. 1 irapa-rpemo, f. -rpci^aj, to turn aside, to turn from the right way, mislead; iroTa/Jiov irapaTptirciv to di- I vert a river from its channel, Lat. derivare : metaph. to pervert, falsify : generally, to alter. 2. to turn one from his opinion, to mislead: Pass, to let oneself be diverted from a thing. irapa-Tp<|>, f. -Qptyca, to rear beside or with : Pass, to live with or at the expense of another. irapa-TpX, f. -OpQopai or opajuou/xat : aor. 2 irapedpapov : to run, rush by or past : c. ace. to escape. 2. to outrun, overtake, run down. 3. to run through or over. II. to run up to, run \ quickly to. irapa-Tpeto, f. Tpeercy, to star/, swerve aside from fear. '. irapa-Tppco, f. ^ XP vff $ ( sc - f ' ts ^dffavov} to rub pure gold by the side of other gold on the lapis Ly- diuis and see the difference of the marks they leave ; I Pass, to be rubbed beside baser metal and, so tested, [t] irapa-Tpoir!>, = irapaTpeirca, to turn aside, turn from the right way, mislead. \ iraparpoirr), TI, (irapaTpeiroS) a turning off or away, averting, means of averting. j irapaTpoiros, ov, (irapaTpeirca} turned aside, turned from the right way. II. act. turning away or averting a thing. irapa-Tpoxda>, poet, for irapaTpixca. irapa-TpwY", Iu ^ Tpaivo> poet. irap4>- : f. -: to shew or make appear beside : to produce, present; irapafyaiveiv TOV aufjLaTos to give a glimpse of the body. 2. to shew a light at the side, to light one to a place. II. Pass, to shew oneself or appear beside. irapd<}>acris poet. irapai(|>aaoTS, 77, (irapdfyr) pi) a speaking to, an address, consolation, assuagement. 2. allurement, persuasion. irapa-<|>p&>, f. rrap-oiaca : to bear, bring or carry along to : to hand to, serve up : Pass, to be set on table. 2. generally, to bring forward, produce : to allege, mention ; irapaQepciv vofiov to propose a law. 3. to turn aside or away : to avert. 4. to carry away : Pass, to be carried away. II. to carry past or beyond : Pass, to be carried past or round: metaph. to go past or beside the truth, to err. III. intrans. in Act., like Pass, to go past, pass, of Time. 2. to be beyond, be over and above. ira.pa-$fvy(ij, f. -cei;o/u and ovp.ai, to flee close by, past, beyond. 7rapd-0dp,vos, aor. 2 med. part, of trapatpOdvca. irapa-4>0dvaj [a] , f. -0ds: to anticipate, overtake, be beforehand with, surpass. irapa-<}>0YY o F Lat > & -<0e-yo/xat, to say beside or by the way. irapa-4>0TjT|O'i, Ep. for irapatpOfj, aor. 2 subj. of ira- Trapa4>opd, 77, (Trapafpfpofiai) a being carried aside, distraction, madness. 7rapa4>op(i>, = TrapcKptpu, to bring forward, produce, present. irapd(j)Opos, ov, (Trapafytpaf) carried aside or out of the way; reeling, staggering. irapd,4>paYp.a, arcs, TO, (napacppdaoa}) a fence, breastwork: a low screen: in a ship, the bulwarks. Trapa-povo, f. TJCTOJ, to be beside oneself, to be dis- traught. Hence 529 irapap6vir](ris, ecus, 77, irapapovia, 77, and irapa- 4>poo"uvir], r), (irapdfppcov) derangement of mind. irapa-4>p6vip.os, ov,=napd(ppcav. jrapa-pvKTo>p6tio[juu, Dep. (irapd, typvKTwpus) to make signals to the enemy underhand. irapd-pa>v, ov, gen. ovos, 6, 77, (irapd, (pprjv} beside one's right mind, out of one's wits. 2. false, foolish. Trapa-^vXacroxo Att. TTO>, f. ca, to watch or keep guard beside, to watch narrowly. 7rapa-\wrda>, f. 770-0;, to puff up. irapa-4>t)G>, f. -, f. xD : aor. I 7rapex ea : pf- -KX VKOL ' to pour in beside, pour in : to heap up beside. irapa-xop8Cu>, f. aw, (irapd, xopSry) to strike beside the right string, to strike a wrong note. irapa-xpdojxai, f. rjffofjai, Dep. to use amiss, abuse, misuse : to act wrongly or ill : to disregard, neglect, slight: absol. in Ion. part. irapaxpewfJ-tvoi, regardless of their lives, fighting desperately. irapa-xpTjp-a, Adv. for rrapcL TO xp^jf^ a -, on the spot, forthwith, straightway; 77 uapa\pfipa dvdyKr) the im- ! mediate necessity; !# TOU irapaxpTjfM off-hand, on the spur of the moment. irapa-xpoos, ov contr. xpovs, ovv, (napd, x/^a) changing its colour, colourless, faded. irapa-xwwtip.i, f. xwcrcy, to throw up a mound near or beside. irapa-xpa>, f. 770-0;, to go aside so as to make room, to give place : to retire or withdraw from a place. Hence ov, verb. Adj. one must give way. , a cooling, refreshment, comfort. From to cool, refresh, comfort, [v] irap-f3d,Tr]S, ov, 6, poet, for irapa&dTrjs. [j8a] TrapjBcjBaus, poet, for irapafiefiaws, pf. part, of ira- paftaivoj. HATAAKO2 [a], ov, wet, damp. TrapSaXtTj Att. contr. irapSaX-f] (sub. Sopd), 77, a leopard-skin. From irdpSaXis, eo Ion. tos, 77, = TrdpSos, Lat. pardalis, a pard, leopard or panther. irapSaXtoTos, 77, ov, (irdpdaXis} spotted like the pard. irapSeiv, TrapST|crop.ai, aor. 2 inf. and fut. of nfpSca. IIA'PAOS, u, like irdpoaXis^dvOrjp, a pard, leopard or panther. rrdpSo), aor. 2 subj. of irfpocj. iraptuo-t, Ep. for trapeiai, 3 pi. of irdpeiiju (ftpi sum). irapepdOijv [a], aor. I pass, of Trapaftaivoj. irap|3aXov, aor. 2 of irapapd\\a, f. r]GQ}, to hand on to one's neighbour ; irapeyyvdv TO ^vvOrjpa to pass on the watchword or word of command. 2. to command suddenly, to exhort, encourage. 3. to pledge one's word to another. II. to hand over, commit or commend to another. Hence irap-6YY^T|, ?), and irap-eyyv^cns, 17, a passing on the watchword or word of command. irap860T)v, aor. I pass, of irapadiSca/jii. irapf8pa0v, 3 sing. aor. 2 of Trapaoapddvoj. iraptSpajAOV, aor. 2 of iraparp^ct). irapcBpexia), f. oca, (jrdpeopos} to sit constantly beside, to be ever with or by, Lat. assidere. II. to be an assessor (mipeSpos) to one. irop-cBpta, ?), (trdpcSpos') a sitting beside. II. the office or dignity of assessor. irap-sBpos, ov, (trapd, eSpa) sitting beside : gene- rally, beside, next to, near. II. as Subst. Trdpeopos, 6, an assessor, assistant: in Prose, the assessor or coadjutor of a magistrate. irapeScoica, irap8cov, aor. I and 2 of irapaoidcafjii. irap-cop,ai, f. -e5oC/xat, Dep. to sit beside: but irap- e'eo, irap(6jjievos are aor. 2 med. imperat. and part. ,, aor. I pass. inf. of Trapi^fii. , aor. I of TTapaTiOrjfJii. i, 77, (irapd) the cheek, used by Homer always in plur. ; in fcing. he uses Ion. form iraprjiov. II. the cheek-piece of a helmet. Trapeuas, ou, o, = irapwas. irap-i8ov, aor. 2 with no pres. in use, Trap-opdca being used instead, (irapd, (ISov) to observe by the way, to remark, notice. II. to overlook, disregard. irapi0T)V, aor. I pass, of irapiijfu. irap-iK: poet. aor. 2 TrapeifcaOov, inf. -aOeiv: to yield on one side, give way : to permit, al- low. II. impers., Trapeircei /xot it is in my power, allowable; 07777 irapiKoi wherever it was practicable; KaToL TO dei iraptiKov as it was practicable from time to time. irap-iXier, poet, for irapetp-at, pf. pass. Trdp-ip,t inf. -napcivai : impf. iraprfv : f. napeffofJiat : (irapd, flfii sum) : to be by, to be present. 2. to be by or near one, c. dat. : also to be present in or at. 3. to be present to help, to stand by, like Lat. adesse. 4. to have arrived at a place. 5. im- pers., -napecrTi IJ.OL it is in my power: absol. it is possible, it may be done, it is allowed: part, irapuv Ion. Trapeov, it being possible, since it is allowed, Lat. quum fieri possit. 6. TO. irapovra present circum- stances, the present state or condition ; also TO" irapov. irdp-et(u inf. irapifvai: impf. irapyw. (irapd, ci/jti ibo):to go by, beside or near, to pass: to go alongside. 2 . to pasj by, overtake, surpass. 3. of Time, to pass on, pass. II. to pass on towards, to go to or near, enter: absol. to approach. III. generally, to come, put oneself forward, present oneself. irapeivcu, inf. of irdpcijjii (et/xt sum). irap-etirov, (rrapd, nrw) aor. 2 with no pres. in use, irapd-(pr) \ii being used instead : c. ace. pers. to talk over, persuade : hence to overreach. [In Horn., part. Trapfiirwv, irapenrovffa, metri grat.] irap-eipvco, Ion. for irapfpiica. irap-eipto, (irapd, tipoj) to fasten or attach beside, in- sert; vupovs Trapdpuv seems to mean adding observ- ance of the laws. irdpcis, 2 sing, of irapeifu (dpi sum). irapets, fTcra, ev, aor. 2 part, of Trapirjfti. irap-eicrdYto, f. a>, to bring in beside : to bring for- ward, introduce, exhibit. II. to introduce secretly. Hence irapiepco, to bring in beside; Trapeiatpepfiv vo- fj.ov to introduce a law inconsistent with another. II. to add or apply besides. irapeirai, 3 sing. pf. pass, of irapirj^i. irap-K, before a vowel irap-eg, (irapa, IK) as Prep., I. c. gen. outside, before: besides, except, exclusive of. 2. c. ace. out along, beyond, along- side of; trapete voov out of reason, foolishly; also, irap( 'AxtA.7}a without the knowledge of Achilles. II. as Adv. of Place, out beside, out and away. 2. me- taph. beside the mark, senselessly, foolishly. 3. be- side, except, ttapeK r) oaov.. , except so long as .. Trap-KJ3aivo), f.-ftfftr)ao^ai,tostepoutpastorbeyond, to deviate from: to overstep, transgress a rule: absol. to deviate, to make a digression. Hence rrapK|3doTS, T), a stepping out beyond, deviation; also a digression. 7rap-6K8vop,ai, Pass./o slip out by the side, steal away. irapeKtCTKCTO, 3 sing. Ion. impf. of 7ra/>a/t^icu. irap-eKKXivto, to turn a little aside : to deviate. irap-cicXeYco, f. ca, to collect covertly, to embezzle. irap-K / 7Tpo=xa>, one must furnish. irap-CKTOs, Adv. (napd, ttcros) out of, without, be- sides. irap-eKTpira>,f.^a>,to turn aside, divert from the way. Trap-KTpX&>, to run out past. n-apeXa/Sov, aor. 2 of irap-cXaww : f. -t\d or irap\Kvff(t} [u] : aor. I Trapi\Kvffa : pf. pass. TrapetA/fucr/xat : (napa, tA.ai) : to draw; aside or to Ate s/cfe : Med. to draw aside for oneself, intercept. 2. to lead alongside, of led horses ; of boats, Trapf\Kciv \K ^rjs to tow from the bank. 3. to distort, twist. II. to spin out, prolong, put off: intr. to cfe/oy. irap-c^paXXaj, f. -e /z/3aAa>, toput in beside or between, interpolate: hence to throw in by the way, insinu- ate. II. to cfraw up troops in battle order, to encamp. irap-cjJipX^'Tra}, f. ^a>, to look askance. Trap|Apo\-Tj, fj, (TrapffifiaXeiv) a putting in beside, insertion, interpolation. II. a drawing up in battle-order: an army so drawn up, a regular camp : hence any fortified place, a castle, camp. irap-6p,|3t>a>, f. vaca [D], to push or stuff in. irapepijjicvai, Ep. inf. of irdpeifti (elfii sum). irap-jA,mirXir)p.t, f. -e/XTrA.i70"cu, to fill secretly frill of. irap-|A'rri'jrTa>, f. -f^TTfaov^ai, to fall in by the way, creep in. irap-cfjnroXdo), f. rjffo}, to traffic underhand in a thing, to smuggle in, bring about fraudulently. irapp,ir6pevp,a, arcs, TO, an article of small value. From Trap-cjjLiropciJojxat, Dep. (rrapd, (fj-iropos) to traffic in besides. II. metaph. to yield or afford besides. iTap-|Ji'uop,ai, Pass, to grow in beside, hang upon. irapVYK6iv, aor. 2 inf. of 7rapa, f. rjffca, to wear out with playing upon : pf. pass. part. irape^rjv\rjiJLfvos worn out by being played upon, generally, worn out, exhausted. , aor. 2 inf. TrapefieVcu, (irapd, 6fei/) to ^o ow^ beside, pass by or alongside. 2. to overstep, trans- gress. -TTap--ip, f. aercy, to search out by comparison. -irap-e^cvpio-Kco, f. -egtvprjaoj, to find out besides. irap-e|lT)[ju, f. -ef rjaw, to let out beside : of Time, to let pass. irapei|A6v [T], Ep. inf. of irapt et/ (efyi ibo). irap-^Co"njp,t, f. -eKorrjaca, to remove aside, change: Pass., with intr. tenses of Act., to undergo a change. / irapot, to guide one from the right ivay, to constrain. \y\ irap-VKT)Xa>, f. rya-aj, (Trapd, fvKrjXos) to calm, soothe. Trap-6vvdop,av, fut. -dcro/xai, Med. to lie or sleep beside. irdp-cvvos, ov, (Trapd, fvvrj) lying beside or with. irap-vpurica>, f. -fvprjffca : aor. 2 -tvpov : to find out or discover besides : to invent. jrap-6VTpirt<0, f. iaca, to put in order, arrange. 2. to arrange amiss, neglect. irapexov, part. neut. of irapex 03 used absol., see irapcxovTi, Dor. for Trapex<>yi> (used absol. like irapov, (ov, etc.), it being or having been in one's power, Lat. quum liceat or liceret. VI. absol. in imperat., irdpex' & get yourself out of the way. B. Med. Trapexo/*t, f. Trapeo/n or irapaaxn 1 pf. irapeax r }l j - ai : to offer or supply of oneself or from | one's own means: to produce or display on one's own part; irapfx ff ^ a '- Twa pdprvpa to bring forward as a I witness. II. generally, to have as one's own, pro- duce as one's own; -rrapfxeffOai nva dpxovra to acknowledge as one's general ; of an ambassador, Trap^x^ffOdi iruXiv fj.cyio'Trjv to represent the greatest city. III. to make or render so and so. IV. of Numbers, to make up, amount to, give the sum of. irap-Tjpdoj, f. rjao), to be past qne's prime, to be verg- ing towards old age. irap-i]pos, ov, (Trapd, 77)877) past one's prime. / irap^|YV 6U ^ a ' aor ' * or> ira-po:yye\\6). irap'fJY ov impf. of vapdyca. trapT]Yop0, impf. Traprjyupovv, rarely ziraprflupovv : f. 170-0; : aor. I Traprjyoprjoa : (irapriyopos) : to ad- dress, exhort, encourage : to advise, exhort. II. to console, comfort, soothe. The Med. iraprjyGp4ofj.it is also used like the Act. Hence irapT)YOpta, r), an addressing, exhortation, persua- sion. 2. a consolation. irap-T|Y P os ' ov i (napd, ayopcva) addressing, en- couraging, cheering. 2. consoling. TrapT], to have come alongside : to lie be- side, stretch along. i. to reach or extend to or towards. II. to come forth, appear. III. of I Time, to be gone by, past. Trap"f|Xaa > yos, ov, (-jrapOevos, otpayrjva^from the to the side of another : metaph. to come over to his sacrifice of a maiden. opinion : absol. to come to terms, surrender, sub- irap0ev6-xpws, arros, o, 7), (irapO^vos, XP^ S ) f m ^- 4- ^ come i n * one's bead, suggest itself to maidenly, delicate colour. one. 5. of events, to take place, occur, happen : so Trap0eva>v, wvos, 6, (irapOevos) the young women's too in fut. med. ar-f]Gop.ai. 6. to be in one's power, chamber, in a house, mostly in plur. II. the hence absol., pf. part, irapfffrijtcos, = vapov, tov, it temple of Athena Parthenos in the citadel at Athens, the Parthenon, rebuilt by Pericles. Trap06v-coTr6s, uv, (irapOtvos, , to place or make to sit beside. 2. intrans. to seat oneself beside, sit beside, but this sense is more common in Med. irapi^ojMi, aor. 2 irap*6fjiT)V t inf. t, fut. TrapTjocj : aor. I iraprJKa : pf. irapettea : Med., aor. 2 napfi^ijv ; Pass., aor. I irapeieijv, inf. irap-lTi)TOv and -ca, verb. Adj. of irdpctfu iboi), one must approach or go. irapKarcXeKTO, Ep. aor. 2 pass, of as if from TrapaKar(\tj^r]V. TrapKtifJicvos, Ep. part, of trapaKeiftai. irap-K\vu>, Ep. for irapaK\ivw. irap-KtnrTO), Ep. for irapa/cviTTca ; Dor. part, fern, TrapKVTTTOKTa, for irapaitv-nTovaa.. mipp.|a.pXa>K, Ep. 3 sing. pf. of irapa&\wofXT|, T), (Trape^cu) Att. redupl. form into the orchestra, which was made /row the side. irap-ot-yvvfju and -irap-otYco : f. -oicu : aor. I -to;a : to open at the side or a little, set ajar: c. gen., 7rcrpoias T?7S Ovpas having opened a little of the door. and before a vowel -Oev, (irdpos) Prep, with a furnishing. irap-oXicr0dvo>, later -atveo: fut.-oXia^o-cu: to slip in secretly. Trap-op.oido>, f. dffca, to be like, to resemble. Trap-6p,oios, ov, also a, ov, (napd, o/iotos) nearly like, much alike: nearly equal. gen. before, in the presence of, Lat. ante, coram. 2.J irapov, oVros, TO, pres. part. neut. of irdpeifu (ct//i of Time, before. II. Adv. of Place, before, in ' sum), used absol., see irdpeifu 5. front. 2. of Time, before this, erst, formerly, here- tofore ; irapoiQe irpiv, Lat. priusquam. irap-oiKcco, f. rjao), to dwell by, beside, or near. II. to sojourn. Hence irapotKT](rta and irapoiicrjois, 77, a dwelling beside or near, neighbourhood. TrapoiKia, 77, (jrapoiKos} a dwelling in a place as irdpoifcos, sojourning. irapoiKia>, f. ia, to build beside or near, build a wall along or across. II. to keep off by a wall or bank. irdp-oiKos, ov, (irapa, oitw) dwelling beside or near, neighbouring. II. as Subst., irdpoitcos, 6, a neigh- bour : also an alien, foreigner, who dwells in the land, a sojourner, Lat. inquilinus. irapoijiCa, 77, (irdpoifj-os) a by-word, proverb, adage, saw. 2. a parable, in St. John's Gospel ; elsewhere in N. T. called irapa0o\rj. Hence irapoip.ia.K6s, 77, 6v, proverbial : as metrical term, irapoifjiiaKos (sub. ffrixos), 6, a paroemiac, an Ana- paestic dimeter catalectic, mostly at the end of an Anapaestic system. irdp-oijAos, ov, (irapd, o?/zos) by the way-side. 7rap-otvco : impf. eirapojvovv and aor. I tirapyvrjaa, iTapo\}VTiK6s,r),6v,jitfor inciting, provoking. From Trap-owa>, f. vva>: aor. i irapwvva : to make keen for a thing : metaph. to urge, prick, or spur on : to provoke, irritate, excite. Hence , o, irritation : a provoking, inciting. irapopacns, 77, (itapopaoS) an overlooking : careless- ness. irap-opao), f. irapo^ofMi : aor. 2 irapeidov (v. sub opacy) : to look at by the way, notice, remark. II. to look past, overlook: to slight, make light of. III. to look sideways. dt, f. iffca, to provoke to anger : Pass, to be or be made angry at. Hence Trapopyurn-os, 6, provocation to anger. Trap-opia>, f. icrca, to pass one's own boundaries, en- croach on a neighbour. Hence Trapopumf|s, ov, 6, an encroacher. Trap-op}xdb>, f. 770"cy, to put in motion, urge on : Pass., with fut. med. -rjcrofjiai, to pass rapidly, rush at. irap-op}j.ici>, fut. to"cu Att. -to), to bring to anchor side by side. irap-opvis, t#os, o, 77, ill-omened, with evil auspices. irap-opvcro-w Att. -TTOD : f. f cu : aor. I Trapwpvja : to dig beside or along. II. to dig one against another, as was done in training for the Olympic games. with dupl. augm. : pf. rreirapwvrjKa, with augm. and Trap-opxtop,at, f. -rjffo/Jiai, Dep. to dance amiss, redupl. : so in Pass., aor. I enapajv^Ojjv : pf. ire-Trapy- dance the wrong dance. vqiMi : (Trdpoivos) : to behave ill in one's cups, play ITA'POS, Adv., I. of Time, before, erst,for- drunken tricks. II. trans, to maltreat one in merly : also with the Att., TO wdpos or Toirapos,for- drunkenness: generally, to maltreat and abuse, like a merly. 2. with inf., like ?rptV, Lat. priusquam, drunken man. j trapos fy yaiav iKtaQai before he should reach his II apio own land. 3. irapos, followed by irpiv 76 as relat., Lat. prius . . , quam, rather . . , than. 4. too soon. 5. rather, sooner. II. of Place, before, in front. B. Prep., poet, for rrpo, before, both of Time and Place. II. before, rather than: also for, ij^ stead of. ITapios, a, ov, of the island of Paros, Parian; Udpios \idos Parian marble. From Ildpos, 77, Paros, one of the Cyclades, famous for its white marble. irap-OTpvvo), f. vvu>, to urge or excite to mischief. irap-ovo-ia, 77, (rrapwv, irapovaa) a being present, presence; dvSpwv irapovcria = dvSpes of irapovTfs ; irapovaiav X flv = ira P f ? vai ' 2 - arrival. II. like ret. irapovTa, present circumstances. irap-oxTva>, f. ffca, to turn off into a side channel: metaph. to turn off or divert an inquiry. 7rap-ox>, f- 77(70;, (irapd, o^eo;) to carry by or be- side : Med. to sit beside in a chariot. irapoxT), 57, (Trapex, f. iffca, to move aside with a lever, remove. irdp-oxos, 6, (irapd, 6'xos) one who rides beside in a chariot. irap-ov|/Cs, ioos, rj, (jrapa, otyov) a dainty side-dish. irapoxJ/ojAcu, fut. of irapcpdca, formed from obsol. irap-ovj/ajveco, f. 970-0;, to buy a dainty dish to set be- fore one. Hence irapoiJ/awTjiia, arcs, TO, an additional dainty set be- fore one : metaph., irapo^wv-rjua rrjs xAtS^s a fresh relish to the pleasure. irapiremOwv, redupl. aor. 2 part, of irapaireidoj. irap-pijcria, 77, (irds, pijais} freedom of speech : in bad sense, licence of tongue. Hence irap-pTjatdJojjiai, f. aao^ai, Dep. to speak freely. Trapcrfvos, Lacon. for irapOevos. irapo-TaiTjv, iraptTTao-a, Ep. for irapaffTairjv, trapa- araffa, aor. 2 opt. and part. fern, of vapitrrrjfu. , Ep. for irapaaTf]Tov, 2 dual aor. 2 subj. irapTajjieiv, poet, for iraparap.fiv, aor. 2 of irapa- , poet, for ci, poet, for irapdTiOfi, TrapariOrjaiv. , f. ava) : pf. pass. irapv(pafffjiai: to weave beside or along, attach to the side or hem : metaph., oVAa irapvipaafifva armed men hemming in a crowd. irapatv6, poet. pres. imperat. of 7rapa0a/Vo>. irap4p,vos, irap(J)dorOav, poet. aor. 2 med. part, of la, 77, poet, for Trapacpaffia. irdp-<{)dcris, 77, poet, for Trapd(paois. i, poet, for -rrapcKpfpofJiai. , poet, for Trapcupvyf'ii/, aor. 2 inf. of 535 irdpTJKTGs, ov, poet, for irapdcpVKTOS, verb. Adj. of irapacpevyct), to be avoided. Trdpwas, ov, 6, (irapcaus) a snake of a colour betiveen red and brown, sacred to Aesculapius. irapcoSCa, 77, a burlesque, parody. From irap-a>86s, ov, (0)877) singing a song in a different style, burlesquing a song. II. intimating ob- scurely. irap-vijp.os, ov, (irdpa, ovvpa. Aeol. for oVo/xa) formed by a slight change from a word. uapcoos, ov, reddish brown or bay, of horses. irap-oipciTrjs, ov, 6, (irapd, opos) one who dwells on a mountain-side. irdp-opcs, ov, (irapd, wpa) out of season, untimely : neut. pi. irdpoipa as Adv., unseasonably. irap-a>po<|>ts, ioos, 77, (irapd, opofyr)) the part of the roof stretching beyond the wall, the eaves, cornice. irapC{>x 6TO 3 sing. impf. of irapoixofAat. irapa>XT]|Aai, pf. of irapoixopai ; part. irapci>-)(r)p.evos. T1AC2,, irdaa, irdv: gen. iravTos, irdaijs, iravTos: gen. pi. masc. and neut. irdvT(uv, fem. irdafav Ion. irdaea'v, Ep. also irdadojv : dat. pi. masc. and neut. irdci poet. irdvTeffffi, fem. irdaais : all, Lat. omnis : of one per- son or thing, the whole, entire, all; of each of a number, every ; in plur. all : 77 irdaa f$\dftr) she who is all mischief; 4s irdv ttattov to the uttermost of evil: oVot, not 01, properly follows irdvTes as relat., trdv- Tes, offoi . . , Lat. omnes quicunque . . , all whosoever! ?ras TIS every one taken one by one, every single one : TTCLVTOS fjid\\ov more than anything, above every- thing. II. with Numerals it marks an exact num- ber ; TO. irdvTa oe/ta ten in all. III. in dat. pi. masc. irdai, in the judgment of all ; o irdai K\etv6s the renowned in the judgment of all. 2. irdai as neut., in all things, altogether. IV. the neut. is used in various senses : irdvTa yiyvcaOai, like irav- TO?OS yiyveaOai, to become all things, to try every expedient: but, irdvTa elvai TIVI to be everything to one. 2. TO irdv the whole, and as an Adv. alto- gether ; ov TO irdv, not at all; so also els TO irdv, em irdv, on the whole; es irdv Hanoi) to 'every ex- tremity of evil ; rrepl iravTos iroieiodai Tiva to esteem one above all. 3. irdvTa as Adv. for irdvTus, en- tirely, utterly, wholly : but, TCI irdvTa in every way, by all means. 4. Sid iravTos continually, always. tracrdv, Dor. for iraaaiv, gen. pi. fem. of TTCIS. irdaaaOat [a], aor. I inf. of ira.Teop.ai. irdi, old Ep. gen. and dat. of irdffGaXos. iracros, ov, for -navaofyos. Tratr-erCSct, ira(r-crt;8iT], Adv. for travffvo'ei, etc. IIA'22n Att. irdTTO) : f. traaoi [a] : aor. I eiraffa: Pass., aor. i cirdaOrjv : pf. ircirafffMU : to sprinkle upon: metaph. to sprinkle in or upon, interweave, work in embroidery. II. to besprinkle with a thing. irdtroxDV, ov, gen. ovos, irr. Comp. of iraxvs, for naxvTfpos and ira\ioiv, like "yXvaauv from ^\VKIS : thicker, broader, stouter. irao-rds, aSos, 77, shortened from napaords (q. v.) a porch in front of the house, a colonnade, Lat. por- ticus. II. a mwer chamber : a bridal chamber. 7ra(TTOS, a, OK, verb. Adj. of irdaffou, to be be- sprinkled. iraa-TOS, <5, = iraffras, a bridal chamber or bridal bed: a shrine. Ildcr^a, r6, indecl. the Passovsr, paschal lamb : also the time or feast of the Passover. (Hebrew word.) IIA'2Xn, fut. irciffofjuu : aor. i eiradov : pf. ire- novOa, i pi. ireirocrOf, Ep. for ircirovOare : fern. part, pf. ittiraOvZa, Ep. for TrenovOvia : to suffer or be affected by anything whether good or bad, opp. to acting of oneself ; ei n iraOoip.i or f]v TI iraOu z/ aught were to happen to me, Lat. si quid mihi accident, was used to imply death : ri irddoj ; what is to become of me f so, ri iraax 03 T * ^a^X 648 > what is the matter with me or you ? so in part. TI iraOwv ; implying something amiss, TI iraOovre \\a 'iirirca that ye be not in the same case with the horse : so, of Things, to be liable to certain affections ; iraaxtiv ravrov oirep d'AAot to be liable to the same as others ; so, Trdcrxet TOVTO KOI Ka.p8a.ua this is just the way with cress. irard, Scythian word, = KTfiveiv. , f. jjacu, (irdrayos) to clatter, clash, crash, of the noise caused by the collision of two bodies : of the waves, etc., to dash, plash: hence to chatter, scream, as birds. IIA'TATOS, 6, a clattering, clashing, any sharp noise made by the collision of two bodies ; 7raTa7os 686vTojv a chattering of the teeth ; Trdrayos KV^MTCUV the plash of waves. (Formed from the sound.) ndraiKoi or IlaTaiKoC, ot e , Phoenician deities of dwarfish shape, whose images formed the figure-heads of Phoenician ships. irard^at, irard^as, aor. I inf. and part, of iraTCuro-w, f. , f. iaoj, (irarrjp) to say, call father. iraTcw, f. 170-0;, (TTOTOS) to tread, walk, step. II. trans, to tread on, tread ; iroptyvpas irarciv to walk on purple carpets. 2. to tread constantly, frequent, traverse a place: metaph., like Lat. terere, to thumb with using, as, irartw Aiacuirov to be always thumbing Aesop. 3. to tread underfoot, trample on. nA w TH'P, 6, gen. Trarepos contr. irarpos, dat. ira- Ttpi contr. irarpi, ace. irarepa : in dual and pi. 6 is re- tained, except that in gen. pi. iraTplav is used as well as irarfpow, and dat. pi. is always Trarpaffi [a] : a father; irarpos Trarrjp a grandfather. II. among the gods Jove is emphat. called Trarrjp. III. ira- rrjp is used like dircpa, drra, as a mode of address to an older person. IV. in plur., forefathers, an- cestors. iraTTjcrcts, Dor. for irar'fjfffis, 2 sing. fut. of irareo}. irarrjo'iJios, o, (Trartca} a treading on. irdrvT], f], Dor. for (pdrvrj. IIA'TO2, 6, a trodden or beaten way, path, [a] iraTpa, as Ion. irdrpt], TJS, f) : (narrjp} one's father- land, native land, country, like irarpis. II. a body of persons claiming the same race or descent, a house, clan, Lat. gens. iraTp-aSeX^eos, 6, poet, for Trarp-do't\os. irarp-dSeX^os, 6, = Trarpbs u8eX6vos, ov, (irarrjp, *6vTr]S, ov. u, (irarrjp, *, dat. cu, ace. cua and cav : s, iraTpdoe\XaY(ov, cVos, 6, a Paphlagonian. Tra4>\\a.~Ywv . Hence irdXacr(jia, aros, TO, a frothing, foaming, of the sea, etc. II. metaph., irafyXda p.ara spluttering words. nd4>os, ov, 77, Paphos, a town in Cyprus celebrated for its temple of Venus. , irreg. Ep. form for -rra^vrfpos, thicker. , TO, (Tra^us) poet, for Trcryos, thickness. 538 , 3 sing. aor. I pass. subj. cf Dor. for , 77, ov, irreg. Sup. gen. ovos, irreg. Comp. of Tracts. ], 77, (irrijvvfj,i) hoar-frost, rime, Lat. />rw- ina. 2. metaph. clotted blood. Hence iraxvoto, f. wa'cu, /o cover with hoarfrost or nVne : Pass, to be so covered. II. metaph. to strike chill, to freeze ; firdxvojyev [0], f. vvu : aor. I f-naxuva : pf. pass. TTC- nayya \juai : to thicken, to fatten: also to make dull or gross of understanding : Pass, to become thick : to grow fat, to be swollen : also to look large, of objects seen in a mist: metaph., oA/3os d-yav ira^vvQ^is wealth ' when it has waxed fat.' irdxvs, Dor. for TT^X^S. IIA~XT'5, efa, v, thick, large, stout; iraxvs \aas a large heavy stone : of linen, etc., thick, coarse. 2. of the consistence of a mass, thick, curdled, clot- ted. 3. later, stout, fat, Lat. pinguis. 4. gene- rally, great, large, considerable. II. ot Traxs, opp. to STRUGS, the men of substance, the wealthy. III. thick-witted, dense, stupid, Lat. pinguis. IV. Comp. ', oi/ : also irax'tow, ov, gen. ovos : Sup. ird- : later the regul. iraxvTfpos (Ep. 7rax 6TOS ) an d 5, 77TOS, 77, (Traxvs) thickness, of the skin, etc. : the sediment or lees of liquor, [u] ireSa, Aeol. for pcrd. -ireSaa, Ep. 3 sing. pres. ircSdao-Kov, Ion. impf. Aeol. for /x6Ta/pcu. ;, ov, Aeol. >, Aeol. for fj.fTafj.ei(3ca. ireS-dopos, ov, Aeol. for fierrjopos. [a] ircB-dpcTLOS, ov, Aeol. for fitrdpaios. TreB-auYa^w, Aeol. for fierawydfa. Tr68d-pcov, ov, gen. ovos, Aeol. for fj.fTd, f. 7700; : Ep. aor. I ireSrjcra : (jredrj) : to bind with fetters, to bind fast, make fast : generally, to shackle, trammel, constrain. TTcS-epxofjiaL, Aeol. for ir8-X" ) > Aeol. for ire8o, Ion. for TTC ) ^ C^C ) a fetter, Lzt.pedica, compes ; {evyos a pair of fetters. II. a mode of breaking in a horse. ov, o, (TreSdcu) one who fetters: a hinderer. .as, d5os, fern. Adj. (ireSiov) fiat, even, level ; 77 TreStds (sub. 777), the plain country. II. on a plain or level country : ^07x77 TreStds the spear (i. e. battle) on a fair field. fcas, 6, (TreSiOJ/) a man of the plain. , es, (trfoiov, dpapeiv) abounding in plains. ireSiXov, TO, (jTfSr]) mostly in plur. sandals, a pair of sandals. II. any covering for the feet, shoes, slippers ; also boots, brogues. III. a tie for cows at milking time. IV. metaph., Acwpto; vreS/A.^; , to go on fool. 2. to go by land. From ;, ov, (irf6s, 7TOpei5a>) going on foot, walk- ing. 2. going by land. iT6s, 77, 6v, (7Ta) on foot, walking; -ne^oi foot-soldiers, opp. to Imrfis ; so, TTC^OS arparos is sometimes foot-soldiery, opp. to cavalry ; but also a land-army, opp. to a sea-force ; o ire6s, and TO" TTC <>,. are also so used. II. on land, going or travelling by land ; Dat. fem. 7ref5 as Adv. (sub. o8w), on foot or by land ; ireffi ir(o~9at to follow by land. im, Dor. for irrj, TTOV. im0-dvcop Ion. im0Tjvo>p, opos, o, r), (irfidofjiai, dvrjp') obeying men, obedient. TreiOapx&tf, f. rjaca, also Med. -OJAT]iJua.ai to bribe one. 3. to impel, stir up. . 4. c. dupl. ace., Tret- Ofiv rivd TI to persuade one of a thing. 5. c. ace. rei only, to argue a point. II. Med. and Pass. to be won over, prevailed on, persuaded to comply. 2. li TIVI to listen to a person, obey, comply with ; X TTfiOfadai to yield to old age. 3. TreidtaOai nvi to believe or trust in a thing ; also c. neut. ace., ravr' eyw ffot ov ireiOopai I do not take this on your word; c. ace. et inf. to believe that .. . III. pf. med. irtTToiOa, inf. ireiroiOtvat, to trust, rely, have con- fidence in. IV. pf. pass. ireircifffMi to be fully persuaded, believe, trust: of things, to be believed. Hence IIei0u>, oos contr. ous, 77, Persuasion personified as a goddess, Lat. Suada, Suadela. II. tbefacul/y of persuasion, eloquence, persuasiveness. i. a per- suasion in the mind. 3. a means of persuasion, inducement ; dat. ireiOoi by fair means, opp. to @iq by force. 4. obedience. HEI'NA or TTCIVT], 77 , hunger, famine, Lat fames. 2 . metaph. hunger or longing for a thing. Hence ircivdXcos, a, ov, hungry, empty, [a] Treivd(Xs, Aeol. for Treiv&fjLcv, I pi. of irfivdca. ircivavTi, Dor. for irfivuvn, dat. pres. part, of im- vdca : also for irfivwffi 3 pi. pres. ireivdoD contr. TTCIVW, f;s, f} ; inf. ireivrjv Ep. 539 jAcrui. ; fut. TreivrjffO}, later ireivdota [d] : (iretva) : aor. I TT(ivijffa, later -doa : pf. ireircivrjKa : to be hungry, suffer hunger, be famished. II. c. gen. to hunger after: metaph. to hunger after or for, crave after. ireiv(i>, Ion. for ~" ireiv-qv, inf. of irtivdca; Ep. imvT|}Xvai. HEI'PA, 77, a trial, attempt, essay, experiment : hence experience ; ireipav fX flV to have experience, to make proof of ; ITTI ireipa by way of test or trial. II. an attempt, plot or design against one. III. gene- rally, an attempt, plan, enterprise. TTeipa, Ep. for fiTfipa, aor. i of irfipoj. impel, T), (ireipoa) a point, edge. ireipd^o), f. daw : Pass., aor. I firfipdaOrjv : pf. TT- TTfipafffMii : like ircipdca, to make proof or trial of one : to tempt, make trial of, seek to seduce. II. to attempt a thing. Iltipcuevs or Ilapucvs, 6, Peirceeus, the most famous harbour of Athens, from which it was distant about five English miles : gen. Tleipaiecus or -aiws ; dat. -ate?; ace. -ata. Ileipaioi, Adv. at or in Peirceeus. impaCvco, f. avS) : aor. I (-rrfiprjva : (ireipap') : to bind, tie on or to, fasten on by a knot ; ffeipfjv c au- TOV irfipr)vavT tying a rope from or to it. II. lengthd. for ircpaivca, to end, complete, finish; in Pass., TTOVTO. TreirdpavTai (3 sing, pf.) all has been completed. ircipav, Ep. 3 pi. aor. I of irc/pcy. IIEI'PAP, aros, ^o, poet, for irepas, an end ; in plur., irfipara ^airjs the ends of the earth : the ends of ropes, knotted ropes. II. the end or issue of a thing : the furthest point, the utmost verge; the chief or most important object. III. act. that which finishes ; a goldsmith's tools are called irdpara 7tx vr l s > the finishers of art. TreLpao-is, 17, (7ret/>da>) a trying : an attempt. iripa, f. 770-0;, (ireKca) to shear, clip. HE'Kn Ep. ireiKo>: f. Trtci): aor. i med. eirfd[j,r/v, part. irfd(ji.evo$ ; aor. I pass. ktit^rfv : to comb or card wool, Lat. pectere: med., ^airas Treafj.fVT] hav- ing combed her hair. 2. to shear, clip. ircXayi^to, f. iaca, (irc\ayos) to form a sea or lake : of a river, to overflow: of places, to be flooded, swamped. II. to be out at sea. ireXdyi-os, a, ov, also os, ov, (ireXayos) of, on or by the sea : living in the sea, Lat. marinus : out at sea, on the open sea. ireXaYiTirjs [t], ov, 6, fem. -Ins, t8os, (ireXayos') of or on the sea. IIE'AATO5, (os, TO : Ep. dat. pi. the sea, the high sea, open sea, the main, Lat. pelagus : any large expanse of water is so called : metaph. of anything huge or excessive, as, ire\ayos tcatcwv a ' sea of troubles.' irXd : aor. I cireXacra Ep. 7TfAao-a, ITT e Xaffffa and TT f \aaaa : aor. l med. eTreAct- ffdfj,r/v : Pass., aor. l fireXdadr/v poet. firXdOrjv [o] : Ep. aor. 2 pass. e-n\rifj.r}v, 3 sing, and pi. TTA^TO, ir\rjvTo and ir\r/VTO : pf. pass. irfir\r)fj.ai part. 7T7rA7?- fAtvos : irf\daj, TreXdBoj, ir\d6&> are collat. forms : (TreAas) : I. intrans. to approach, draw near to any point: absol. to come near, draw near or nigh. II. trans, to bring near or to, make to approach or draw nigh ; 7reAaeii/ vtvpty fja^w to draw the bowstring to one's breast : metaph., irfXdfav Tivd bovvrjoi to bring him near to anguish ; so, eVos Ipeo;, dodnavn TreXdaaas I will speak a word, having made it firm as adamant ; (pvya fj,' OVK(T' dir' avXicav TreAaTe (sc. vfj.iv) no more will ye draw me after you in flight from my cave : c. gen. pro dat., Trdpa treXdaai ) the woodpecker, the joiner-bird. II. the pelican. ircXcKdoj, f. 170-0;, (-rreXfKvs) to hew or shape with an axe, rough-hew, Lat. dolare. ireXcKiiJoa, f. iffca, (jrf\Kvs) to strike with an axe, to behead, Lat. securi percutere. 7T\Ktvos, 6, = irfteKdv ii, a water-bird of the peli- can kind. ir\KKT]o-, for eneXcKrjcTf, Ep. 3 sing. aor. I of , TO, (ire\fKvs) an axe-handle. , 6 "AAd fal TTfXcKeot to fight not with spears only, but also with axes, i. e. not soldiers only, but every man. TreXcpA^w, fut. feu: Ep. aor. I irf\((j.ia: aor. I pass. firf\fj.ixOrjv: (jraAAcu): to swing, shake, to make to shake, quiver or tremble: Pass, to be shaken, to tremble, quake : to be driven away, flee trembling. , Ep. for kTreXfp.i'xOriv, aor. I pass, of , Ion. and Ep. 2 sing. impf. of , Ep. 2 sing, imperat. of iteKopai. -as, aSos, rj, Ion. for TrcAcms. ireXiSvos or ireXirvos, 77, ov, (ne\ios} livid. ircXios, d, ov, (jre\6s) of the body, discoloured by a bruise, livid. IIE'AAA Ion. irlXX-rj, rjs, 17, a wooden bowl, milk- pail, Lat. mulctra. II. a drinking-cup. HEAAO'2 or ircXos, 17, ov, Lat. PULLUS, dark- coloured, blackish, dusky. irXo|AS, Dor. for irc\ofj.ev, I pi. of 7r=Acy. ITeXoirovvTio-toi, ot, the Peloponnetians. IleXo'Trovvifja'io'Ti, Adv. in the Peloponnesian (i. e. Dorian} dialect. From neXoirov-VTja-os, rj, = Uf\.oiros vrjaos, the Pelopon- nesus, now the Morea. ircXos, 17, ov, v. ir(\.\6s. He\o\\t, OTTOS, o, (irf\6s, uif/) Pelops, i. e. dark-face, son of Tantalus, said to have migrated from Lydia, and to have given his name to the Peloponnesus. TrtXra^w, f. oca, (II\TT)} to serve as a targeteer. iT\TacrTT|S, ov, o, (ire\Ta(a) one who bears a target or light shield (TT\rrj) instead of the large shield (6V\oi/), a targeteer, Lat. cetratus : they held a place 541 between the oirXirai or heavy-armed infantry, and the if/iXoi or light-armed troops. Hence ircXTao'TUKos, 77, ov, skilled in the use of the target : TO TTf \TaffTiKov, = ol TrfXraoTai, the body rf targeteers. ITE'ATH, 77, a small light shield without a rim (iVus), orig. used by the Thracians. 2. a body of targeteers (IT f \raaTai), as dairis for damaTai, oir\ov for oTrAtreu. II. a shaft, pole. III. a horse's ornament. , ov, (irfXrij, fytpoj) hearing a target. HE' An, more common as Dep. -ircXo^ai, only used in pres. and impf., which latter is used in syncop. forms, as 3 sing, impf., act. en-Aei/ for tirf\fv ; 2 sing, impf. med. cTrAeo, frrAcv, for ttrtXov ; 3 sing. ir\tTo for IrreAeTO : the impf. is also lengthd. Ion. in 2 and 3 sing. ireXeffKeo, ir\fo~KTO : imperat. ireXcv : the pres. part, is syncop. in the compds. tmir\6]ji,evos, Treptir\6fAvos, for (nnrf\6fj.vos, irfpiireXo/jifvos, but does not occur in the simple form :_orig. to be in motion, to go or come, rise ; K\ayyfj irf\t ovpavoOi vpo the cry goes up to heaven ; yrjpas real Oavaros ITT' dvOpdutroio'i ireXovTai old age and death come upon men. II. to be, implying continuance, to be used or wont to be : to become. ITE'AflP, TO, undeclined, a monster, of anything huge, but mostly in bad sense. Hence ireXcopios, a, ov, also os, ov,=ire\upos, monstrous, huge, immen.se; ra -nplv IT f \wpia the mighty ones of old. ircXwpov, TO, = TreXcap, a monster; ir(\, f. aaca, to count on the Jive fingers, count by fives : generally, to count. From 7Tp.iras. aSos, 77, Aeol. for Trevrds, the number Jive: a body of jive. TTjjiiracrTT|s, ou,o, (irffjurdfa) one who counts by Jives : generally, one who counts, pipia. irepiraaTrjs reviewing by tens of thousands. rrep/Trc, Aeol. for irvre,Jive. TTfjnrp.vat. Trejiirejiev, Ep. for ir(fj.irctv. Treji-irTaios, a, ov, (irefjiirTOs) in Jive days, on the fifth day. Tr6p.-TrT-dp.6pos, ov, (TT^TTTOS, ^p.ipa) Dor. for itfvQ- , of Jive days. eov, verb. Adj. of irffjurca, one must send. , 77, ov, (Wi/Te) the fifth ; 77 irffarTij (sub. the fifth day. , 77, ov, verb. Adj. of irejjnro), sent. fut. TTf^cu : aor. I fircftfia, Ep. iriptya. : pf. TTfTTOjU^a : Pass., aor. i fafoplhyif. pf. 542 3 sing. ircTre/zjrrat : to send, despatch. II. to send off or away, dismiss, send home; XP^I *w v napeovTO. fyiXtiv, (Of \OVTO. oe irfnireiv ' welcome the coming, speed the parting guest.' -2. of things, to throw from one, of missiles, to shoot, dart, dis- charge. III. to convoy, attend, escort, conduct; 6 irefjurow the conductor, of Mercury; TTOfJurriv irfnirfiv to conduct a procession. 2. to send with one, esp. to take on a journey. IV. to send up: of the earth, to produce. V. Med., 7re/reo-0at Tiva, to send for one. 2. to send one's own or in one's own service. , TO", (rre/re, 60o\6s) a five-pronged fork. 7TfAi|;Las, 2 sing. Aeol. aor. I opt. of Trcfwra;. TT6[ji\|;p,vat, Ep. for irc/jopetv, fut. inf. of ire/iTra;. irejjujns, caw, 17, (rrf/iTrcu) a sending : a mission. irep.v|/a>, irejixj/et., Dor. for ire fja//ca, ireppti. TTVT]S. irvoor: c. gen., like Lat. egens, irevqs xprj^a- TOJV poor in money. Comp. irtvearepos, Sup. treve- (JTOTOS. , ov, (irevrjs, K0fifs, ov, (vtvTf, TVXOS) consisting of Jive books in one volume : as Subst., tr^vrarfv^os (sc. /3i/3Aos), ij, the Jive books of Moses, Pentateuch. -rrevTS-^v-qs, fs, (TTCVTC, , pf. pass, of 7rie, Ep. fut. of ire'iOca. irirt0ov, Ep. redupl. aor. 2 of ireiOca ; Treiri pi. subj.; TreiriOoifj.ev, itemQoiev I and 3 pi. opt.: inf. rrcmOeiv, fem. part. TremOovaa. irTrXavT)Hva>s, Adv. pf. pass. part, of wXavdca, roaming, wandering. irirXa Ep. redupl. aor. 2 act. and rhed. of TrXrjaoca. ir'7rXi]Y t * )S ) P^ P ar t. of irXrjffffoj. TrirXi]|Jiai, pf. pass, of TreXafa. IIETIAO2, o, in Poets also with irreg. pi. TreTrAa, TO, Lat. peplum, any woven cloth used for a covering, a sheet, hanging, curtain. II. a large full robe or shawl worn by women : esp. the robe of Minerva, which was carried in procession at the Panathenaic festival. III. also a man's cloak or robe, of the long Eastern dress. irTrXtip.at, pf. pass, of TrXvvca : inf. ireirXvaOai. irirX(op,a, arcs, TO, (TreVAos) a flowing robe, gar- ment. Treirvijp,ai, poet. pf. pass, of Tri/ecu, used as pres., to have breath or soul; metaph. to be wise, discreet, prudent, sage ; 2 sing. ireirvvaai. ; inf. irfirvvaOai : 2 sing, plqpf. Treirvvao : part. Treirvvfjievos used as Adj. sage, wise, prudent. 7Tirvi)u,evos, part, of TTfTrvvfj.ai. TTiroi0a, perf. med. ofirdOoj, to trust, rely on. Hence iTiroi06a, Ep. for firfTroiOfiv, plqpf. med. of TreiOoj. iriroC0T|o-is, 17, trust, reliance, boldness. TriTOi0oiTjv, opt. of ireiroiOa. TT6iTOi0ojxev,Ep. for TTfrroiOcafJKV,! pl.subj.of7T7rot0a. 1T61T, Subj. Of TTfTTOlOa. >, Ep. 3 sing plqpf. pass, of 7roAto>. i, pf. pass, of TTIVOJ. TTSTTOVTJTO, Ep. 3 sing, plqpf. pass, of trovis, Ep. for TreirTrjKws, pf. part, of frightened, timid, shy. irirTO>Ka, pf. of ir'nrTca. ireiTTws, Att. pf. part, of mirrca. irtiTTco, see ireaoca. irTTX)0oiTO [v], 3 sing. Ep. redupl aor. 2 opt. of TTVV- Odvou.ai. ireirvKacrp-evos, pf. pass. part, of irvKdfa. TreTrvtrucii, pf. of TrvvOdvofj.ai : inf. TTfTrvo'Oai, ireirvo'TO, Ep. 3 sing, plqpf. of TrvvOdvopai. ireircoKa, pf. of irivo). IIE'IinN, ov, gen. ovos ; Comp. and Sup. irTrai- Tfpos, raros : of fruit, ripe, mellow, Lat. mitis, maturus. II. metaph. soft, tender, gentle : also softened, assuaged : often used in addressing a per- son, w TTtirov, as Subst., oh my friend: so, Kpie Trf-rrov my pet ram : in bad sense, <3 TreVores ye weaklings, ye dastards. IIE'P, enclit. Particle, adding force to the word to which it is annexed : much, very, often with an Adj. and the part, of fifti, firci fj.' ere/fes ye [uvvvOddiov TTfp fovra. since you have given birth to me all short- lived as I am: also with an Adj. only, Kparepus irep strong as he is ; or with an Adv., fiivvvOd ircp, for a very little time; oXiyov irep little as it is. 2. to call attention to something objected to, albeit, though, however ; so, Xiyvs Trep euv dyoprjT-fjS however loud- tongued a talker he be. 3. also to strengthen a negation, ovoe rrfp, no, not even, not at all, where, as in Lat. ne . . quidem, ovSe is divided by one or more words from Trep. II. to call attention to one or more things, however, at any rate, yet, as, d\\ovs TTtp (\eaipe pity others at any rate. III. irep is often attached to a relat. Pron., Adj. or Adv., as ov- TTp, TJTTtp, OlUTTfp, &0TTep, CtC. Trtpa, Adv. beyond, across or over,further,"Lat. ultra; fj-expt TOV jj-eaov irepa 5* ov as far as the middle, but ho further. II. of Time, beyond, longer : c. gen., t f e/ T J'JJ ITT Trepa /j-ecfovcfTjs Tj/jitpas beyond midday. 111. metaph. beyond measure, excessively : c. gen., irtpct beyond all justice. IV. absol. expressing something greater; dinara Kal irepa K\VOJV hearing things incredible, and more (ban that. TTCpaav, Ep. for irepdv, pres. inf. of irepdoj, iTpaacrK6, Ion. 3 sing. impf. of irepda}. irepuOcv Ion. irepTjOev, Adv. (irepa) from beyond^ from the far side. irepatvco : aor. I eirepdva : Pass., aor. I eirepdvOrjv : pf. ireirepa.fffj.ai, inf. ire-rrepavOai : (irepas) : to bring to an end, finish, complete : to bring about, accom- plish : Pass, to be brought to an end, be finished ; to be fulfilled, accomplished. 2. irepaiveiv \6yov to end a discourse : hence absol. to conclude, come to an end. II. intr. to extend, reach, or penetrate. 7Tpatos, a, ov, (irepav) being or dwelling beyond, esp. beyond the sea or river. II. 77 irfpairj (sub. yrj or X^pa) as Subst., the country beyond the sea or river : the country over against or opposite. Hence irepaioo), f. waca: aor. i eirepaiejaa: Pass., f. irepaio}- 0r](TOfj.ai : aor. I eirepaiwdrjv : pf. ireirepaicj/j.at : to carry or convey to the opposite country or bank, carry over or across : Pass, to pass over, cross. II. intr. in Act. to cross, pass over. iTpatTcpos, a, ov, Comp. of irepa, beyond, further ; uool irepairepai roads leading further : Adv. irepai- repaj: also neut. irepairepov, further, beyond. irepav Ion. and Ep. ircpfjv, Adv. (irepa) on the other side of, across, Lat. trans, c. gen. 2. absol. over, to or on the opposite side; irepav els TT)V 'Aaiav oia/3r)vai to cross over into Asia. II. over against, c. gen., as, XaA.tSo5 irepav. III. sometimes = irepa, out beyond. irepavTiKos, ^. "" (Trfpaivca) conchtsive. srep-dirTO), Acol. for irepidirrct). irepas, aros, TO, (irepa} an end, extremity : an end, issue, termination : as Adv., at last. 2. in a race- course, the goal, Lat. meta. II. metaph. accom- plishment, the power of accomplishing. ircpdo-iftos, ov, (irepdca) that may be crossed or tra- versed, passable, [a] irepcuris, 77, (irepdca) a going beyond, passing ; fiiov irepaais passage from life (to death). irepaTOS, 77, ov, (irepa) on the opposite side, Lat. ul- terior . II. 77 trepan] (sub. 777 or x^P") as Subst., the opposite country, also the opposite quarter of the heavens, esp. of the west, as opp. to the east. irepuTos Ion. ircpijTos, 17, ov, (irepdca) like irepdffi- ftos, that may be crossed or passed over. ircpdo) (A), inf. irepav Ep. irepdav : Ion. impf. irepd- afficov : fut. irepaau [a] Ion. ircprjaa), Ep. inf. irfprjae- fievat : aor. i eirepdffa Ion. eireprjffa : pf. ireirepd/ca (irepa) : I. trans, /o rfrwe h^f& across or through. 2. to pass across or through, to pass over, cross, traverse; rdtypos apya\erj irepdav a ditch hard to pass; metaph., rcivdvvov irepav to pass through a danger ; irepdv optcov to go through or recite the terms of an oath. 2. to let go through. II. intr. to penetrate or pierce right through : to extend, 545 reach. 2 to pass right across or through, pass, traverse, go through, or over. 3. c. gen. to exceed, go beyond in. irepdw (B) : fut. irepdaca [a] Ep. irepafffftu Att. nepSj : aor. I etrepdffa Ep. eirepacraa : pf. pass, ireire- prjfjun : (irepd) : to carry beyond seas for sale, hence. to sell, mostly to sell as slaves ; irepdv TIV& A.f)jj.vov to sell one to Lemnos. nep-yap,ta, 77, = Ilepyafjios. IlepYfijAOs, T), Pergamos, the citadel of Troy : also in pi. Ilepya/ia, rd. II. irepyafta, rd, as appellat., like dfcpoiroXis, the citadel of any town. HE PAIH, IKOS or IKOS, 6 and T), the partridge, Lat. perdix, -Ids. IIE'PAOMAI, Dep., with act. aor. 2 enapoov, pf. ireiropda : to break wind. irep6|X|ie'vov, Aeol. for irepieifj.evov, pf. pass. part, of irepievvvfu. ireprjQev, Adv., Ion. for irepaOfv. irpT]v, Adv., Ion. for irepav. Ep. for ireprjffciv, fut. inf. of ircpdca. , 17, ov, Ion. for irepdros. , Ep. aor. 2 pass. inf. of irepOa). IIE'P0n, fut. irepaca : pf. veiropOa : aor. I eirepaa : aor. 2 eirpaOov, inf. irpaOeiv Ep. irpaOeeiv : Pass. with fut. med. irepaofj.ai : Ep. aor. 2 inf. irepdai, like Se'x^ai from 8ex/ ' ^ w^ste, ravage, sack, rase. 2. of persons, /o destroy, kill, slay. 3. of things, /o destroy. II. /o gvf 6y plunder. IIEPI', Prep., with gen., dat., et ace.'. Radio, sense, all around, about. WITH GENITIVE : I. of Place, around, about, near. II. Causal, about, concerning, on, of; irepl voffrov drcovaa I have heard of his return ; \eyeiv irepi TIVOS to speak of a. subject. 2. about, for, on account of; fiov\eveiv irepl (povov to lay plans for the slaying. 3. of contending for an object ; irepl OO.VOVTOS for the dead ; Oeiv irepl 0vx*7 s * run f or one's life ; ^dx^oQai irepl irroXios to fight for the city. 4. of the motive; irepl eptSos p.dpvaaOat to fight for very enmity's sake. 5. with a Subst., as to, in reference to, with regard to, about; dpiOfiov irepi as to number. III. like Lat. prae, before, above, beyond; irepl irdvTav efj.fj.evai d\.\cav to be above or before all the rest : in this sense, the Prep, is often divided from its gen. IV. the following phrases are of common occurrence: irepl iro\\ou eoriv fiiMV, it is of much consequence tq us ; nepl TroAAou iroieiadat or rjyeiaOai n, to reckon a thing worth much; irtpl irXeiovos, irepl o\iyov, irepl ovSevus iroiecaOai to reckon a thing of more, of little, of no consequence. WITH DATIVE of the object, about, or near which a thing is, around, about : I. of Place, around, round about ; irepl xpot close round the skin ; x e 'P irepl eyx*i * ne hand round, grasping the spear; dairaipetv irepl Sovpi to quiver round or on the spear. 2. hard by, near, always of several, as en- 546 compassing round about one. II. Causal, of an object for which one fights ; pdxeffOai ire pi olfft XTeaTeffffi to fight for one's own possessions. 2. of anxiety, care, or confidence about a thing, for, about, on account of. 3. by reason of, like Lat. prae : irepl (pofiafor fear; Trepi xap/xan /or joy. WITH Accus. of the object round about which a thing goes or moves : I. of Place, about, around, near, by; 77 Trepi KviSov vavfjiaxia the sea-fight off Cnidos ; Trepi TO. eXea oifceovffi they dwell all about the marshes; TrAeuces Trepi ?ra many round about one, many to one. II. of persons who are about one, as attendants, comrades, like ol djJKpi Tiva ; Td irepi TI all that belongs to a thing. III. of the object with which one is occupied, esp. of the place ; Trepi Sopira iroveTaOai to be busy about supper : metaph., 77 , like Lat. per- in per-multus, per-gratus. QUANTITY. Though i in Trepi is short, yet it is not properly elided before a vowel. irept-aYY^XAw, f. -ayye\u, to announce by a message Kent round: absol. to send or carry a message round. II. c. dat. et inf. to send round orders for people to do something ; TT. irapaa/cevd^eaOai to send orders round to make ready ; TT. vavs to order ships. TT6pi-iiYT|S, es, (wepi, edya} broken in pieces. II. Dor. for nepirjyrjs. tfep\,-&yv\nn\, and voj, f. -dca, to break all round, break in pieces : Pass., o^ irepidyvvTai the voice is echoed all round. irept-dYaJ, f. -aw, to lead round, drive round; c. ace. loci, irepidyovai TT)V Xi^vrjv KvitXw they drive round the lake in a circle. 2. to lead about with one: so also in Med. 3. to turn round : also to twist or wrench round. II. iiur. to go round; ircpidyeiv Tas iroXeis /o #o round the cities, [a] Hence irepiaYc>Yt)s, ^ a machine for twisting round, a tourniquet. , (irepidyoj)a turning round, revolution. irptaipT6s, 77, ov, .able to be taken off. From irepi-aipeco : f. trepiaiprjcroj : aor. 2 irepieiXov, inf. irepieXeiv : to take away all round, as the walls of a city, or the earthen mould in which gold has been cast : generally, to take off or away : c. gen. pass, to strip a thing off" one. II. Med. to take off from oneself; irepiaipeiaQai Kvverjv to take off" one's helmet; $ifi\iov irepiaipeo/jievos taking the cover off one's let^ ter ; but it is often used just like the Act. III. Pass, to be stripped off or taken away from one : also to have a thing taken away from one. vfpi-a.\yi(a, f. 170-0;, to be greatly distressed. irepi-a\i<|>a>, f. if^ca, to anoint or smear all over. ircpt-dXXos, ov, (irepi, aAAos) beyond or before others : neut. pi. irepia\\a as Adv., before all: exceedingly. ircpi-aXovpYOSjOi/, (rrepi, aXovpyus) dyed with purple all round: metaph., Karcois irepia\ovpyus double-dyed in villany. TrepLa|xp.a, arcs, TO, (irepiairTQj) anything fastened round one, an amulet. irepi-ajjL'Trtxco, f. -afxpegca: aor. 2 irepLrjfJLirecrxov: to put round about: Med. to put around one, to put on. II. to cover all round. irepi-ajAiritrxco, impf. -rj^iriffx.ov, = irepia.^^ *' irepiairros, ov, hung about or -upon: as Subst., irepiaiTTOv, r6, = irepiafj.fMi. From ircpi-airTO), f. if/ca, to fasten about, attach to : Med. to put round oneself, to gain for oneself. IT* pt-app,6a> Att. -OTTCD, f. 6aca, to fasten or jit on all round: Pass, to have fastened round or fitted on. jrcpi-atrrpdirrw, f. \fjca, to lighten or flash all round. irept-curxoXtco, f. rjffca, to be busy about a thing. irept-avxvios, ov, (irepi, ai>xnv) worn round the neck; as Subst., irepiav^i'iov, TO, a necklace. irepCaxov, Ep. for irepuaxov, impf. o irepi-jSatvco, f. -@r)ffo[j.ai: aor. 2 irepieftrjv : pf. trepi- 0e@\r)Ka : to go round about or to bestride one who has fallen, so as to defend him : c. gen., irept^rjvai dSeXcpeiov Krapevoio to stand over his slain brother : of sound, to float around. , f. -0a\u>: aor. 2 irepie&aXov. pf. irepi- o throw round, about, or over, put on or over, invest with; irepiftakXeiv TLVO, xo.XKevfMi.Ti to fix him round a sword, i.e. to stab him. 2. Med., with pf. pass. irepi@ef3\rifj,ai, to throw round or over oneself, put on : to throw round oneself for defence, enclose around: c. dupl. ace., rer^os irepi&dXXeaOai TTOXLV, to build a wall round a city. II. metaph. to put round or upon a person, invest with. 2. to attribute or ascribe to a person. 3. to surround, encompass, enclose with a thing : metaph. to involve or implicate in evils, etc. 4. c. ace. only, to em- brace, encompass, surround; irepi/3d\\ei fj.e GKOTOS darkness encompasses me. 5. of ships, to fetch a compass round, double. 6. to frequent, be fond of a place. III. in Med. to embrace for oneself, to compass, aim at, Lat. affectare : pf. pass, to be in possession of. IV. to throw beyond: beat in throwing : generally, to beat, excel. iTpi-|3dp8S, at, (irepi, /3apis) a sort of women's shoes. T7fpi-j3apvs, v, gen. cos, exceeding heavy. irpu{3ds, affa, av, aor. 2 part, of irepi&aiva}. irepip/3\T)|Ji,cu, pf. pass, of irepi@dh.Xa>. ], Ep. for irepiefiij, 3 sing. aor. 2 of irepifiaivca. i, aor. 2 inf. of irepifiaivta. , ov, (ire pi @ \eircu) looked at from all sides, gazed at, notable. Trepi-pXeirci), f. i//ca, intr. to /oo& round about, gaze around. II. trans, to look at on all sides, look much at : hence to gaze on, survey, admire : Pass. to be looked at, admired, looked up to. Trpi|3\T]Tos, ov, (irpi@a\\ca) put round or on. / ireptpoT)TOS,oi', (irepifiodaj) noised abroad, notorious, in good or bad sense: hence either famous, extolled: or exclaimed against. II. act. with loud cries. irepi.p6\aiov, TO, (irepi@a\\ot)) that which is put round one, a covering, garment. n-epi{3oXif|, 17, (7re/>t/3aAAcy) anything thrown or put round ; ir(pi@o\r) i Ion. and later form --yCvojxai [t] : fut. -"fevrjcrofj.ai : aor. 2 eyev6iJ.7jv : to be over or above : I. to be superior, prevail over, over- come, excel : to be better or more adcantageous, c. gen. II. to live over ; to survive, get over, escape from. 2. of things, to remain over and above. 3. also to remain as a result or consequence, to result or proceed from : cf. irepieip.1 (elfj,i sum). irepi-YXaYTiS, es, (irepi, y\ayos} full of milk. TT6pi-Y\Tivdop.ai, Dep. (irfpi, yXfyr)} : to turn round the eyeballs, glare around. irpi-Y\a>o-t6etos, using both hands alike, Lat. ambi-dexter. II. generally, very dex- terous, versatile, or expert. Trepi.-8epKop.ai, Dep. I. intr. to look round about, gaze about. II. trans, to look earnestly at. irepi-Bcco, f. -&fiaoj,.to bind, tie round or on: Med. to bind round oneself, put on. -rrcpt-BTjpiTOS, ov, (irepi, S^pto;) fought for, disputed. TTfpi-8t8o>[xi, Ion. 2 and 3 sing. -StSofs, -StSof : f. -Sajffca : to give round. II. Med. ire ptS'tSo fiat, fut. -S&ffOfuti : aor. 2 eoofj-rjv : to stake or wager, c. gen. rei; TpiiroSos irepib&fJieOov let us make a wager of a tripod ; epeOev ireptowGopjai avrrjs I will wager for myself, i.e. pledge myself; 7re/)iSt'5o/iai irepi TTJS Ke, f. -tVcy, to pull off" from around, strip off. T 2 548 7rpiSa>ne0ov, T ^ ua ^ aor - 2 mec *' su k> f **P*88wftt. TTCpi-eBeSeTO, 3 sing, plqpf. pass, of ircpiotoj. irpu-a)(rp.(H, pf. pass, of -rrfpi^duvvvfj-i. ircpi-ctSov, aor. 2 with no pres. in use, Trepiopdca being used instead : to look about for, await. 2. to overlook, neglect, disregard, hence also to let pass, allow, suffer. II. pf ircpioioa with pres. sense ; plqpf. TreptrjSeiv with impf. sense, Att. ireptrfdrj ; inf. -rrepifiSfvai Ep. Tre/wSftcrat : to know or understand better; JSovXr) trfptiofjifvai aXXcuv to be better in counsel than others. -rrepitiXds, dSos, 77, (vfpid\oj) wound round, en- circling. ireptetXov, aor. 2 of irepiaipeoj. TTEpt-eCXXco or -eiXcco, to fold or wrap round : Pass, to be wrapped round. 2. to wrap up. irpC-t|Ai, (irtpi, et/u sum) to be around ; rcl irfpi- cvra circumstances. II. to be better than or su- perior to another, surpass. 2. to exceed in number, outnumber. III. over-live, outlive : absol. to sur- vive : of things, to be extant. 2. of property, to be over and above, to remain in hand. IV. to re- main as a result or consequence, come about, ensue : cf. irepiyiyvofj.ai. irepi-eipA, (7re/H, tlfu ibo) to go round or about, fetch a compass. 2. c. ace. to go round, compass; irepiifvai (pv\aitds to go the rounds of the guards. II. to come round to in turn. III. of Time, \povov TTpu6vros as time came round. irpi-ipo>, to insert or fix round, irept6Kpj3ev, 3 sing. aor. 2 act. or 3 pi. aor. 2 pass. , (us, 77, a driving or riding round : a place for driving round. From irept-eXaiJvco, fut. eAatrcu : aor. I --r^Xacra : pf. fX^- Xatca : to drive round, push about, of caps. 2. to drive about, harass, distress. II. (sub. o,p\ta, tir- TTOV, etc.) to drive or ride round. irepieXciv, aor. 2 inf. of Trcpiaipeca. rrcpi-eXio'O'to Att. -TTG> Ion. -eiAto-aco: f. o>: to roll or wind round : Med. to roll round oneself. irepi-eXicctf, f. -f \Kvaca [u], to drag round or about. ircpi-evVvjAi, to put round: Med. to draw round one. irpiira,TT|K6i, 3 sing, plqpf. of TrcpiiraTco}. irpiir 0v\a.Kq> aOai (pf. inf.) that they had overdone it with their ' sack' (i. e. need not have used the word). 2. to meddle, interfere, be officious. , ov, (irepi, f'pyov} over-careful, taking needless trouble: rd ircpiep'Ya curious arts. 2. meddling, interfering, officious. II. pass, over- wrought, elaborate, expensive. 2. superfluous. Att. -ipY, f. ft>, to enclose all round, encompass. irepi-eppiiirjv, aor. 2 pass, of TTfpippeoj. irepi-eppw, to wander or ramble about. trpi-pxo|xai, impf. trepirjpxo/Jirjv : f. eXevffoftai '. aor. 2 -rfXBov : pf. -eXrjXvOa : to go round, go about: esp. to go about canvassing, like Lat. ambire: c. ace. loci, to go round, visit in succession. 2. of Time, to come round. II. to go round and re- turn to a spot, to come round to; 77 riffis TrepifjXOe TOV Tiaviuviov vengeance came at last upon him. III. c. ace. pers., like Lat. circumvenire, to come rot;nd, overreach, cheat. irepi-ecrOtw, f. eSo/^at, to gnaw round about. irspitrK6p,p.ai, pf. pass, of irfpiffKoirfa}. oiTO, 3 sing. impf. pass, of irepiffiraca. pf. part. irepio-xov, aor. 2 of ireptex^- ircpi-ecrxaTOS, 77, ov, about the last. irpt-0os, ov, (irfpi, 4<0os,) thoroughly boiled. irepi-tx* : f- irtpiffa and -rrfpiffxriaca : aor. 2 TTfpit- ffX v > inf. irepiffx f w aor. 2 med. Trfpteo'xo/"?*'. inf. TTpiax* ff Q ai ' to hold around, encompass, embrace, surround: of a city, to beleaguer or blockade. II. like irepififti (flfjLi sum) n, to be superior to, surpass, overcome : esp. to outnumber, to outflank. III. Med. to clasp round, and so to take charge of, to pro- tect. 2. to holdfast on by, to cling to, cleave to. 3. to be pressing, urgent with. irepi-^ajjLevws, Adv. (Trcpi, fafjifvrjs) very powerfully or violently. irpi.-0 poet, -ft ia>, f. -^ff(U, to boil round about. irepi-ftryos, ov, also trepi^v^, vyos, 6, 77, (jrcpi, v- yov} over and above a pair, more than a pair : so, of horses' harness, TTpivya are spare straps. 7rpio)p,a, arcs, TO, an apron. From irepi-^tovvijjjit or VCD : f. -wffca : to gird round : Med. to gird round oneself, put on as a belt or apron. Hence 7T6picoo-ap.vos, aor. I med. part. ir*pt-axrTpa, 77, (irfpi, ffiffrpov) a girdle, apron. irpt-ir} < Yeo[xai, f. -rjaop.ai, Dep. to lead round about, shew the way round. Hence iT6pfr]-yT)S, e ' s> (TTepidyoj) drawn round, lying in a circle, forming a circle : circular. irepnr)yr]O'i'S, ecus, 77, like irepiypa, f. cw, to have come round to one, to have arrived at last : c. ace., Tcfc ere irfpirj/covTa that which has come round to thee, fallen upon thee. irepiTJXOov, aor. 2 of ircpiepxf>iJ.ai. irepi-qXtio-is, 77, (nfpifpxofJiai) a coming round, re- volution. irfpi-Tf)|XKTo>, f, rjfftu, to be greatly aggrieved or* disconcerted at a thing, e. dat.: c. gen. pers. to be greatly aggrieved at or with him. (The deriv. of ijfj,(KT, f. "rfioj, to go round and observe, irpi-0jios, ov, (Kepi, Qvfj-os} very wrathful. Adv., t.v to be very angry. t, f. \fjoj, to wound all round. ], to ring around, re-echo : Ep. 3 sing, impf. iTcpiaxe [t] for irtpiiaxf. irepuSciv, inf. of aor. 2 irepie'iSov. irepuSfACvai, Ep. for irepifioevai, inf. of ircpioiSa. irpi-Cofj.ai, Dep. to sit round about. -irepi-urrrjju, f. irfpio~TT)ffaj : aor. I fGrrjaa; to place or set round a person or thing : metaph. to bring round to a certain state. 2. aor. I med. TTfpifaTTjaafjtrjv is also trans., to place round oneself . II. Pass., with intr. tetises of Act., aor. i iarrjv : pf. -eaTijKa : plqpf. tOTr\Kiv : to stand round about: to encircle, surround, encompass. 2. to rowze round to, devolve upon : of events, to come round to be so and so, turn out, esp.for the worse. 3. to go round so as to avoid, to shun. Iff pi- ICTXW, = ITfplfX^' irepiudv, ovffa, 6v, aor. 2 part, of Trepidfu (ft^u) iT6pi-icd0ap(jia, CCTOS, TO, an ojfscouring, defilement : hence a polluted wretch. irepi-Ka0eop.cu, Dep. to sit down round about, esp. to invest, beleaguer a town. jrpi-Ka0T][A, to put round as a covering, throw as a veil over. II. to cover all round, cover completely. Trepi-Ka.Ta.'YvvjAi, f. a, f. ~\r)if/ofj.ai, to embrace all round. 2. to overtake. 3. to constrain, compel. 540 , f. -pev&ofjutt, to fall down all round, go to ruin. irepi-Ka,TappT|Y vC H' l > f. -pr)(a, to tear down round about, rend off: Med. to rend one's own garment. ir6pt-KaTt]|Aat, Ion. for irepiKa0r)fj,ai. irepi-icdco, Att. for irtptKaia}. [a] TT6pi-Keip,at, inf. -KftoOai, used as Pass, of Trcpiri- Oijfu, with f. med. Kfiaofiai : to be put round, to lie round or so as to embrace : absol., Ttf^os -nepiKfi- r}, to shear or clip all round:' Med., ircpLKfipcffdai rpixas to clip one's hair. DS, Ion. pf. pass. part, of TTfpiK\fiu. , r), (ire pi, Kf : f. -KXfiffol or K\f t ffw : (rrcpt, /cXc/cu) : to shut in all round, en- close, environ : to surround, of ships. ircpt-icXv^to, f. -tffoj, to wash all round: Pass, to be washed all round, of an island. Hence irepiKiXvo-Tos, 77, ov, Att. also os, ov, washed all round by the sea, sea-washed, sea-girt. ircpt-icXiiTos, 77, 6v, heard of all round, famous, renowned, Lat. inclytus : of things, excellent, noble, glorious. ircpi-KViBiov, TO, a stalk or sprig. irepi-Kvi^co, f. -iaa), to scratch all round: Med., poet. aor. I 7r(piKvi^afjnjv, to gnaw all round. irepi-KOKKiifco, f. crw, to cry cuckoo all round. Trpi-KOfii&), f. tcrcu, to carry round: Pass, to be conveyed round, hence to go round. n-epdcojjijjLa, TOS, TO, (irfpiKoirroj) that which is cut off all round, the clippings, trimmings; TrfpiK6fj.fj.a.7a eic oov ffKevaaca I will make minced meat of you. 7ri\ep,ac0, f. ciffa), to go about with a party of revellers (Kojp.os) : to carouse around. irepi-K&>vi>, f. rjffoa, (jrepi, KWVOS) to smear all over ivith pitch ; irepiftoweTv rci efj.0a.8ia. to black shoes. ircpi-XaX&o, f. rjffca, to chatter on all sides or beyond measure. Trepi-XajJLJBavw, f. -Xrjif/ofnai : aor. 2 irepif\alBov : to seize around, embrace. 2. to encompass, sur- round : hence to get possession of, catch, secure : Pass, to be caught. II. to comprehend, take in. III. to constrain, compel. 7rpi-Xdp.ir, f. tyca, to shine or beam round about. TTpi-X6uf3op,cu, Pass, to be shed all over. Trepi-Xeiirw, f. ipa, to leave remaining : Pass, to be left remaining, survive. ircpi-Xeixw, f. ) circumlocution. jTpi-\ira), f. if/Q}, to strip off" all round. irpi-Xe, to dwell round about or near. 2. in pass, sense to be inhabited. irfpivaicTijs, ov, 6, a neighbour. From irepi-vaico and Med. -vcuop.ai, to dwell round. ircpi-vec^eXos, ov, (irfpt, v f ^ e country round : also the suburbs, outskirts. irepi-oiicoSop.ta), f. 17*70; : pf. pass. -, f. ~o\iad^ffoj, to slip about. Trepiovra, part. neut. pi. of irepieifju (dpi sum). Trepi-oirreos, a, ov, verb. Adj. of irepiopdca (see rre- ), to be overlooked, suffered or disregarded. seen from II. neut. irepi-oiTTeov, one must overlook or suffer. m all sides : admired, admirable. irep i- DITTOS, ov, irepi-opaa) : impf. irfpifwpcw Ion. -rrcpiajpuv : pf. TTC- pieopd/ta or -ewpafta: pass. ircpieopdiMi: f. TTfpifyo- fj,ai, from an obsol. verb trepioirTOfMi ; whence also aor. lpzss.irepiuj(p0r)v, pf. vepiwfifMii : (for aor. 2irepi- tiSov, pf. nepioiSa, see irepi-fiSov} : to look around for, wait for. II. to overlook, to disregard, suf- fer to be or do. III. Med. to look about before doing a thing, to be circumspect, delay, wait: to shrink from. 2. c. gen. to look about for, Lat. respicere. TTCpi-opYns, es, (ircpi, 6,9777) very angry, wrathful : Adv. -yus, very wrathfully. ircpi-opOpov, TO, (irepi, opOpos) daybreak, dawn. "ircpi-opifjw, f. (Tcy, to mark out by boundaries. Hence irepiopurpos, ov, 6, a marking out by boundaries. irepi-op}ico>, f. 770-0;, to be moored or anchor round so as to blockade. irepi.-op|ii, f. iffca, to bring round a ship to anchor: Med. and Pass, to come to anchor round. irepi-opvo-cro) Att. TTO>, f. ca, to dig round. Trcpiovoaa, 77, (Trepietfj.i) that which is over and above : a surviving. 2. that which remains over and above, the residue, surplus, abundance, plenty. 3. superiority, advantage. Hence Trpio\i Att. -TTCO : f. -Tre-^oj : aor. I pass. fTT(pOrjv : to bake all round : metaph. to crust or gloss over: to cajole, aor. I pass. part. ircpnrf, to twine round about. 2. to intertwine, interweave : Pass., aor. I -7rAex077f, pf. -7Te'7r\67/zi : to fold oneself round, cling to, clasp, c. dat. ; terra) irfpnr\(x^ fis f ^ ec ^ roun d the mast. irepi-irXevpos, ov, (irfpi, ir\fvpa) covering the side. irfpnrXfxQ'*]* Ep. 3 sing. aor. I pass, of ir(piir\fK, f. --nvevffofJLai, to breathe round. irpi-ir60T]TOS, ov, (iff pi, TroOeca) desired on all sides, much beloved. irepi-iroio, f. 770-0;, to make to remain over and above, to preserve, keep safe, protect. 2. to save up, lay by : to lay up in store, procure. II. Med. to keep or get for oneself, to compass, acquire, gain pos- session of. Hence irepnrotir](ris, ecus, 77, a keeping safe : an acquiring, gaining possession. irepiiroX-apXTjS, ov, or apxos, ou, 6, a/>X cy ) & superintendant of guards or patrols. irepi-iroX^oj, f. 170-0;, to go round, wander absut, range about. 2. c. ace. to traverse. 3. to walk round, as a patrol. irepi-TToXiov, TO, a station for irepiiro\oi, a guard- bouse. From irspt-iroXos, ov, (irepi, TroXecy) going round, going the rounds. II. as Subst., I. TTfpiiro\oi, of, the patrol: at Athens young citizens between 1 8 and 20 who were employed on home service, to guard the fron- tier, Lat. publici custodes. 2. generally, irfpino\os, u, an attendant, follower. irpi-ir6vir]pos, ov, very villainous. irepi-irop^upos, ov, (irepi, irop, f. -x f &'- a r. I -f X 6a: P^ -K*xyKa: to pour forth round or over: Pass. aor. I part., Zpos Ovfjibv irfpiirpoxvQels ISa/wiao-e love gushing forth over his soul overcame it. irepuTTUTjia, aros, TO, a husk, skin. From irepi-irrlcro-Gj, to strip off the husk or skin : pf. pass. part. irtpienTifffjievos free from chaff", clean win- nowsd. iTpLTTTUY|Aa, aros, r6, (rrfpurTvcrffoj) anything folded round, a covering. ircpnrTv^as, ao~a, av, aor. I part, of irfpntTvffffa). n-epi-TTTUo-o-co, f. w: aor. I Trepterrrv^a : to enfold, enwrap, enshroud : to clasp, embrace : as military term, to outflank. II. to fold round: Pass, to be folded round, coil round. Hence 57, something enfolding, a cloak, fence ; TrpniTvxp.i the fence or circuit of walls ; 'AXO.IUIV vav\oxoi ircpniTV)(ai the naval fence or bul- wark of the Achaeans. 2. an enfolding, em- bracing. (irfpuTTvffffoJ^) folded round; s fallen round (i. e. upon) his sword. Trpu-irra>(r TOV AeAra irepipprj- yvvTai 6 Ne?A.os at the apex of the Delta the Nile is broken round it, i. e. breaks into several branches. ireptpp'qS'qs, es, (TrepLppfQ}) falling round or upon. irspippoT|, r), (jrfpippeaj) a flowing round about. irepippoos, ov, contr. -ppovs, ovv, (irepippea}) like irepippVTOS, surrounded with water. irpCppi/TOS, ov, also 77, ov, (Treptppeo;) surrounded with water, sea-girt. 2. act. flowing round, c. gen., TreSm ircpippvTa 2iKe\ias the waters that flow round Sicily. irspi-traivo) Ep. irepKr-traivco, to wag the tail round, fawn upon. ircpi-o-cio) poet, irepwro-cioj, f. ffoj, to shake all round: Pass, to be shaken all round, wave about, float upon the air. irept-, f. rjffca, to rattle all round. Trcpi-o-jitiX"* to consume by a smouldering fire, [u] ir6pi-icfjiai, Dep. to overreach, trick. irepu-a-irdco, f. aaca [a], to draw off from around, strip off: Med.Vo strip oneself of a. thing. II. to wheel round. III. Pass, to be drawn different ways, distracted. irepio-irctv. aor. 2 inf. of irfpif-rrca. ircpunrcpxtw, = TrepiffTTpx^s eijj.i, to be very indig- nant. From jrcpi-cr'TrfpX'ns, fs, (ire pi, oirfpxca) very hasty or hur- ried ; irepiaircpx^s TraOos an over-hasty death. irepi-cnrAaYXvoSj ov t (j re P /l } 0'fl'Ad'yx 1 ' 01 ') great- hearted. irepur-jj-aivw, Ep. for trepicaivca. TrepuTcrcta, f), (irfpiffffeva) superfluity, abun- dance. II. superiority, preeminence. irepicr-acLco, poet, for ircpKTeio). ircpio-o-evp-a, TO, superabundance : that which is left or is over, a remnant. From irepi later Att. -TTCTJ&J : impf. tirepiffffevov : (ircpiaffos} : to be over and above, outnumber, be too many for, c. gen. II. to be more than enough; rcL irfpiTTfvovTa what remains over, the surplus ; TOffovrov r<2 Ilepttf Ae? tirfpiaaeve such an abundance of reason had Pericles. 2. in bad sense, to be over- much or superfluous. III. to have more than enough of a thing, c. gen. IV. later in causal sense, to make to abound. ircpioxro-Xo-yia, ^ (ir^piaous, \6yos) useless talking, wordiness, verbiage. irepio-o-cs later Att. irspiTros, 17, ov, (irepi) above measure, more than the average, above the common : uncommon : c. gen. beyond, greater than ; itepiGavs a.\\cav irpos TL beyond others in a thing. 2. strange, unusual : in bad sense, monstrous ; in good, extraor- dinary. II. more than sufficient; TO Trepiff- auv a surplus, residue ; irfpiaaal aK-rjvai spare tents. III. in bad sense, superfluous, excessive ; iifpiao'ai opavto be over-busy; irfpiaaa (ppoveivto be over-wise. 2. of speeches, over-subtle, refined over much : artificial. IV. of numbers, odd, uneven, Lat. impar, opp. to dpnos. irepurcroTiris later Att. ircptTTOTTjs, rjros, 17, (irfpia- ffos) superfluity, excess. iTpicrcr6-4>p()v, ovos,6,rj,'(irfpiffff6s, , f. ca, to drop or trickle round about. irepicrTaOif], Ep. 3 sing. aor. I pass. ofirfpuaTTjiJ.i. [a] Trepurr(U7]v, aor. 2 opt. of irepdaTrjui. irtpicTTas, -orciffa, arav, aor. 2 part, of irepiiffTrj/jit. ircpi-crTaTOS, ov, (Trfpii, to cram full all round : Pass, to be crammed full. II. to groan around. ircpCo-Te-rrros, ov, (Tre/woT^cy) crowned, wreathed. HEPI5TEPA', 17, a dove, pigeon. irpicrTp6(o, f. i//cy, to surround as with a crown, en- wreathe. ircpumjaav, Ep. for ircpitffTt], to groan all round. TTpi-a>, f. ^o>, to whirl round, of one preparing to throw a stone ; Pass, to be turned round, to spin round. Hence 7T6purrpoY|, rj, a turning round : an orbit or revo- lution. 7repi-a.(0, f. rjffca, to turn round often : Pass. to go round about to; -nepiGTpctxpujfjievos TravTa. TO, XpT]aX"qs, fs, (irepi, G(pa\rjvai) very slippery. Trcpi-trcjnjpios, ov, (irfpi, Gtpvpov} round the ankle : i as Subst., ireptff(pvpi6v, TO, an anklet. jT6pt-ert5pos, ov, = irfpiGcpvpios. ircpi.o-xep.6v, Ep. for irepiGxw, aor. 2 inf. o , Ep. for TreptGxov, aor. 2 med. imperat. of w, f. iffca, to slit all round, cut off. II. Pass., of a river, to split into two branches, so as to enclose a space. ircpi-o-xoivijco, f. iGQ}, (irepi, oxoivos) to part off by a rope, as in the Athenian law-courts, to keep the judges apart from the people. 7repi-co, f. aca, to save alive, save from death : Pass, to escape with one's life. Ion. for ircpi-TCK^peiJO), f. GO}, (irepi, retypes) to dig a trench round, surround with a trench. 7T6pL-Ttv(o, f. -Tfvw, (iTfpi, Tflvoi) to stretch all round or over. irepi-T6ixia>, f. iaca, to wall all round, fortify. 2. to build a wall round, invest, beleaguer, blockade : Pass, to be built round. Hence irpiTixtcris, 17, a walling round, an investing, be- leaguering. irpi,T(xicr(Aa, TO, (jTfpiTcix^o}') a watt built round, blockading wall. 7TpiT6ixicrp.6s, o, (TrepiTfixifa) a walling round, blockading. , irepi-TeXeo), f. CGOJ, to finish completely. irpi-T\\op.ai, Pass, (irfpt, TtAAcu) to go or run round ; of Time, to revolve. irepi,Tp,iv, inf. fut. of irepirefjiva). iT6pi-Tep,veo Ion. and Ep. irepiTajjiva) : f. -Tf*>: aor. 2 -TCfj.ov : to cut round, clip round about : Med., TO, alSoTa to practise circumcision ; Ppax'iovas to make incisions all round one's arms. II. to cut ojf'ihe extremities : Pass., 7rfpiTffj.v(G0ai yijv to be curtailed or cut short of cer- tain land. III. to cut off, intercept ; Med. to in- tercept for oneself: Pass, to be cut off or intercepted. irepi-Tepfxcov, ov, (irfpt, Tf'p/xa) bounded all round. irepi-Tex v 'no'is, f], (irtpi, T^x vr f) eminent art or cun- ning. TTps.-Ti0T](.u, f. -Brjffca : aor. I -tBrjita. : aor. 2 -eOrjV, imperat. -dfs : to place round about, put round or bestow or confer upon, invest with : also to impose upon. ircpi-TiXXco, to pluck or strip all round. irpt-Tlp,T|6is, eaaa, cv, (irfpi, TI^TJ) much honoured. TrpiTOp,T|, 77, (TrfpLTf/Mxa) circumcision. ircpi-Togevo), f. aca, to overshoot, outshoot. TT6pi-TpaxT|Xtov, TO, (iTfpi, Tpaxn^os) a necklace. irepi-rpeTrco, f. Tpeif/Qj : aor. I -erpe^a : to turn round about, to turn upside down, to overturn. II. intr. to turn or go round, revolve. TrcpCrpeo-av, 3 pi. Ep. aor. i of TrcpiTpecu. irpi-Tp<{>(0, f. -6pe\l/ca : aor. I -eOpfif/a : to make to congeal around : Pass, to congeal or stiffen round about. irpi-rpX<>>, f. -0peo/*at : other tenses formed from , f.-5pafj.ov/j.ai: aor.2-f8pafj.ov: pf. -5t- on : Med. to put round oneself, put bpop.a : to run round, spin or whirl round. c. ace. to run round about, make the circuit of: to run round in quest of. 2. metaph. to come round, overreach. f. -Tpfffoj, to tremble round about. es, (irfpiTptfirjvai") worn all round. From TT6pi-Tpi|3a>, f. fa : aor. I -eTpifa : Pass., aor. 2 -fTpi(3r)v [r] : pf. -TfTpiftfiai : to wear down all round. Hence ircptTpifJijjLa, arcs, TO, anything worn smooth by rub- bing : metaph. a practised knave. irepi-Tpop.cco, (irfpi, Tpefica} to tremble or quiver all round : Pass., Gaprces TrepiTpofJitovTO fj.e\fGGtv all the flesh quivered on his limbs. irepi-Tpoircco, Ep. collat. form of irfpiTpfiroj, intr. to turn oneself round ; of Time, to revolve. 3. c. ace. to drive about, harass. irpiTpoirT|, 17, (TreptTpeTraj) a turning about, revolu- tion ; kv irepiTpoirr) or l/c irfpiTpoTTTJs by turns. , ov, = irepiTpoxos ; neut. pi. as Adv., KfipeG&ai to have one's hair dipt round about. ircpt-rpox&oj, collat. form of irepiTpex ** * run round : to crowd round about. ireptrpoxos, ov, (irfpiTpfx) running round, round. ircpi-Tptoyo), f. -Tpw^ofjLai : aor. 2 -fTpayov : to gnaw round about, nibble, carp at : to nibble off, purloin. irpiTTija>, ircptTTOs, etc., later Att. for irepiafffvca, TrcpiGGos, etc. f. -Tfvgofjtai : aor. 2 -ZTVXOV : pf. : to happen to be about, at or near : to light upon, fall in with, meet with, encounter : also to happen to one, befall. jrepi-Tiijjij3i.os, ov, (irept, TVfJifios} round about the grave. iTpi-v|3pL^a), f. IGOJ, to treat with great insult, to in- ult very wantonly : Pass, to be wantonly ill-treated. -TTpi-aivop,ai, Pass, to be visible all round; tv fpi(paivop.fva} (sc. xwpai) on a spot seen far II. to I around. TTp4,Avia, 77, a "being seen all round : full know- ledge, notoriety, [a] From jrpi-ovws, Adv. of Trfpitpav/js, manifestly. iTpi-<}>i8o|jipeia, 77, a circumference: a round figure. From iT6pipT[s, es, (Trepupepo}} carried round about : re- volving, rolling : surrounding. 2. surrounded by. 7Tpi-<|>epa>, f. rrepioiaa} : aor. I irepirjveyKa: to carry round or about : to carry about with one. 2. to move a thing round in a circle : to band round. II. ov /xe 7T6ptvy\otos, ov, (-rrfpi, $Xo{os) with bark all round. TTCpt-^X-UO) [D] , = TTpl(p\fVQJ. n-pt-4>op0|uu, Pass, to fear greatly. ir6pi-<>pos, ov, (irfpi, ovTos, ov, (nepi, opd, 77, (7repi) a carrying or handing round: also the meats handed round. II. (from Pass.) a going or turning round, circuit, revolution. irpt-(|>op&>, Trfpi(f>fpQ}. Hence irptopif]T6s, ov, carried about. II. going or ranging about. III. notorious, infamous. <7T6pLpaST|s, cs, very thoughtful, very careful, con- siderate. Adv. -Seas, carefully. From n-pi-pdop.pdo-cra> Att. -TTO>, f. cu, to fence round. irepi-pov0), f. rjaa}, to compass in thought, speculate about. II. to have thoughts above or beyond, to contemn, despise. irpi-povpU), f. 770-0;, to guard on all sides, blockade. TT6pi-pa)V, ovos, 6, f], voc. irfpicppov, (trfpi, (ppr/v) very thoughtful, very careful. II. like haughty, overweening : c. gen. despising a thing. irepi4>tryT|, 77, (irfpKpwyeiv) a place of refuge. irepujws, vaa, vv, aor. 2 part, of irtpupvco. irpi-4>vcrqTos, ov, (rrfpi, tyvaaca) blown upon from all sides. irpi-(})ijo), fut. -fjjvffo) [y] : aor. I -ec^utra: trans. to make to grow round or upon, make to cling , to or 555 adhere. II. intr. in Med. irfpi(pvofj.ai : fut. - Att. -TTCO, fut. , f. aa>, (irepKus) to turn dark, of grapes ripening. TTfpKt], 77, the perch, Lat. perca. IIEPKNO'2, 77, ov, dark-coloured, of grapes ripen- ing : dark, dusky, name of a kind of eagle. TTfpKOS, 77, OV,=1TCpKv6s. irepva, 77, a bam, Lat. perna. irpvr)p.i, 3 pi. Trfpvdcn, part, irfpvas : 3 sing. Ion. impf. irfpvaatcc : (Trepaw) : to carry beyond seas for sale, to export, sell : Pass, to be offered for sale. 556 irep-oSos, T), Aeol. for irfpioSos. irp6va}ia, -arpis, Dor. for Trepovrjua, -r)rp\s. Trepovdca, f. 770"cy, (Trepoz/T?) to pierce, pin : Med., ^Xaivav TrepovrjffaoOai to pin or buckle one's cloak. 7Tp6vT), 77, (jrc'ipo), irepacu) anything pointed for piercing : a large pin for fastening a cloak, a buckle, brooch, Lat. fibula. II. the small bone of the arm or leg, Lat. radius, fibula. ir6p6vT]|ia Dor. -ajxa, OTOS, To, = TTfpovT]TpLS. TrepovtjTpts Dor. -arpts, i8os, 77, (irfpovaaj) a robe fastened on the shoulder with a buckle or brooch. ircpovts, ioos, r}, = irep6vr}. Tr6ptrpvop,ai, Dep. to boast or vaunt oneself, be a braggart. From nE'PIIEPO2, ov, vainglorious, braggart. irepp-oxos, ov, Aeol. for irepioxos. irepo-a, Ep. for eirepffa, aor, I of irepOca. ircpcre-iroXis poet. irepa-eirroXts, ecus, o, 77, (irepOcj, TroXts) destroyer of cities. II. (Ilepcrat, TTOA.IS) Persepolis, the ancient capital of Persia. Ilepcreus, tews Ep. 770$ later Ion. eos, o, Perseus, son of Jove and Danae, one of the most famous Grecian heroes. Ilpcr6<|>6vT], 77, poet. IIepo-4>ovta also Ilepcre^ao-- cra : Persephone, Proserpine, Lat. Proserpina, daugh- ter of Jupiter and Ceres. Pluto carried her off, and as his consort she reigned in the lower world. Ilepo-qs, ov, 6, ace. Htparjv or Ilepcrea, voc. Ile'po-a or IIepo-77, a Persian, native of Persis. (The Greeks derived the name of the people from Perseus.) Il6poTa>> f. aw, (Hepffrjs) to side with or imitate the Persians. 2. to speak Persian. Ilepo-LKos, 77, ov, (ntpffrjs) Persian : hence I . af YlepffiKai a sort of thin shoes or slippers. 2. TlepcrtKos opvis the common cock. 3. TO Hepaucuv a Persian dance. 4. o IlfpfftKos or TO Tlcpaitcuv (sub. fjLri\ov'), the peach. Ilepcris, <5os, poet. fern, of TlfpffiKos, Persian. II. as Subst. I. (sub. 777), Persis, Persia. 2. (sub. ^vvrj), a Persian woman. 3. (sub. x^- " 7 ^)* <* Per- sian cloak. nepcrio-Ti, Adv. (Ilepa/^a;) in Persian fashion, in the Persian tongue. IIcporo-StciJKTTjs, ov, 6, (Tltpffrjs, Siwicca) pursuer of the Persians. IIepcro-vo{jLop,ai, Pass, to be governed by the Persian laws or by Persians. From Hcpcro-vojJtos, ov, (IIepcr7?s, vffj.ca) ruling Persians. irepticri or -tv, Adv. (Trepas) a year ago, last year ; 77 irepvai Kca/jiwoia the comic play of last year. Hence ircpvo-lvos, 77, 6v, of last year, last year's. IIp : f. ireraffo} [a] Att. TTCTO): aor. I eTreVaaa Ep. 7reTao"a and irtraaaa : Pass., aor. eireTaffOrjv Ep. TreraaOr]v : pf. TreTreVao-fiat Ep. -neirTa- /zat : Ep. plqpf. fireTTTa.fji.Tjv, ird-rrra^riv : to spread, stretch out, unfold, unfurl, expand: metaph., 6vp,w Treraffai to open one's heart : pf. pass. xreVTa^at, to be spread on all sides, to be widely extended; part. Tre- irrafjitvos, rj, ov, spread wide, opened wide, of folding doors. irercwrc, Ep. 3 sing. aor. I of irfravvvfii. TreTao-jjia, arcs, TO, (wrrdwv/tt) anything spread out : in plur. hangings, curtains, carpets. ircTao'o'as, Ep. aor. I part, of Treravvvfii. irer-avpov or irer-cvpov, TO, (irtoavpos Aeol. for (J.- Tecupos) a pole or perch for fowls to roost on. ircreuvos, 77, 6v, Ep. -irereeivos, Ion. TTCTTJVOS and iTT6T]v6s, able to fly, winged, fiying : irtTiyvd, we- Te^ya winged creatures, fowls of the air. 1. of young birds, fledged. irTvpov, TO, = -/TfTavpov. irtTTjXov, TO, Ion. for ireTotom, Dor. for irfaovffai, aor. 2 part. nom. pi. Of TrtTTTO). IIE'TOMAI : impf. lireTofj.^ Ep. irfToprjv : f. TTC- rrjaop.at, shortd. irTJjaofMt : sync. aor. 2 CTTTO^I/, inf. TTTenQai, part, TTTufjLfvos ; also firTa.iJ.rjv, Ep. 3 sing- subj. TTTTJTCU for Trrarcu, inf. Trrdaflcu, part. Trra/iei/os*. Dep. : but there is also an act. aor. 2 tirTTjv, inf. TTTrjvat, part. TTTOS, as if from iimjfj.1 : there is also a present TTtray-ai : TTOTa.ofj.at, Trorrdo/tcu are lengthd. forms : to spread the wings in flight, to fly : of any quick motion, to fly, dart, rush, speed: imperat., Tre- rov fly ! i. e. make haste. II. metaph. to be on the wing, flutter, Lat. volitare ; opvis TTCTO/UEI/OS a bird ever on the wing. 2. to fly abroad, be bruited abroad. TrerovTco-oi, Aeol. and poet, for ireffovffi, aor. 2 part, dat. pi. of triiTTQ}. IIE'TPA Ion. irfrpir], 57, a rock, crag, Lat. rupes, scopulus ; irtTpos being a stone, Lat. saxum : a ledge or shelf of rock (in the sea), \eios Trtrpaojv free from rocks : pi. ircTpai, masses of rock : oiffTOftos -nirpa. a rock or cave with double entrance. Hence ircrpatos, a, ov, rocky, of or belonging to a rock, living among the rocks. jT6TpT]--yvif|s, , (ircTpa, y(vf) over-arched with rock. iT6Tpif|pT]S, , (Trerpa) of rock, rocky. 7T6Tpt8iov, TO, Dim. of TreVpa. [f] iTTptvos, ij, ov, (irtrpa) of rock, rocky. TT6Tpo|3o\ia, 17, a stoning. From TT6Tpo-p6Xos, ov, (vfTpa, J3a\ftv) throwing stones. TTTp6-KOiTOs, ov, (ireTpct, Ko'iTT]) sleeping on rock. 7TTpop-puj>T|S, fs, (TTCT/JO, fixprjvai) hurled from a rock. IIETPOS, o, a piece of rock, a stone ; cp. Tre'rpa. TTCTpo-rojAOS, ov, (7reTpa, T/xtiV) cutting or hewing stones : as Subst., irfTpoTofios, 6, a stone-cutter. jrTp6(i),{.(iio~aj, (TTcrpos) to stone: Pass, to be stoned. 7reTp-a>8Tjs, fs, (irirpa or TTC'T/JOS, cTSos) like rock or stone, rocky, stony. irtTptojia, arcs, r6, (trfTpoco) a piece of stone or rock. II. a stoning ; Xfvaifiy TTfTpwfJ,a.Ti daveiv to die by stoning. 1T6TTia, 7T6TT6VW, TTCTTOS, Att. for TTfffff-. trtTTO), Att. for ireacroj. IIET'OOMAI, poet, for the prose irvv6dvofj.ai : impf. iirfv0ufj,r)v. Hence a), ovs, f), tidings, news. , Dor. for VVKrjeis. [a], ij, ov, lengthd. Ep. form of irvKiv6s (cf. \vyaXfos, Xvypus), vuhe, prudent. rrevKeSdvos, 17, ov, (TTCVKT]} keen, piercing. IIET'KH, ^, theflr, Lat. /)/cdv0ai, pf. pass. inf. of avTT|o-op,ai, poet, paullo-p. fut. of fioofjiaj.. 7T6(j)l8^|orop.ai, Ep. paullo-p. fut. of l8oCp.Tjv, Ep. aor. 2 opt. of t\oijjL6vos, Dor. for iretpiXrjiJLfvos, pf. pass. parL ir6V6, TT6<|>VC[I.6V, 1T6<})V(i)V, etc., V. Sub *<(>&(*). ir4>oj3TjaTO, Ep. 3 pi. plqpf. of opTio-p,6vos, pf. pass. part, of (popTifa. ire<})pa'Yp.ai, pf. pass, of pa8feiv and ire(f>paoiJ,ev. ir(|>piKa, pf. of typiaGQ) : poet. part. irccppiKOVTSs. irc^-uatrt, Ep. for 7revy|Xvos, ij, ov, pf. pass. part, of (ptvyaj. ir6v6T6S, Ep. for irecpfvyuTes, nom. pi. pf. part, from pres. *vKco, Ep. pres. formed from pf. ireipvKa: Ep. impf. TTtipVKOV. irevAa-yiAvos, ij, ov, pf. pass. part, of (pvXa.ffO'ca : Adv. irf(pv\ayfjicv(us, cautiously, guardedly. iT<}>vpjJLVOS, pf. pass. part, of vKv?a, pf. part. fem. of aor. 2 eirdyrjv [a] : pf. irTT7jyfj.ai, but the pf. med. 776777770 is mostly used in this sense : to stick or fix in, make firm or fast in: of plants, to set or plant : aKrjvfjv Trrjyvvvat to fix or pitch a tent ; and Med., ffK-rjvds -nrjgaodai to fix their tents : Pass. to be fixed : of persons, to be impaled. 2. to stick or fix on : metaph. to fix or fasten upon. II. to fasten together, put together, construct, braid: Med., a,fj.aav -nrj^aaQai to build oneself a wagon. III. to make solid, stiff: to congeal, freeze : Pass, to be or become stiff, be frozen. IV. metaph. to make fast, fix, Lat. pangere ; op/cos 7707645 a sure and steadfast oath. irqYos, 77, ov, (irruvvfu^firm, solid: compact, strong. inr|Y^Xis, 4'Sos, 77, (777771'u/iti) covered with hoar-frost, frozen, icy. irrjSdXiov, TO, (7777801') a rudder : a Greek ship had two, hence mostly in pi. 777780X40 : they were moved like large oars or sweeps ; and the two were often joined by cross-bars or rudder-bands (^57X04 or &v- K-rrjpiai) : the upper part with the tiller being called o<*a. 2. metaph. of a horse's reins or bridle, [a] IIHAAf!, Ion. inf. irrjofeiv : fut. 770*0; or -rjcro/Aai: aor. I iirfjSrjffa :to spring, bound, leap : of things, to dart, . spring : c. ace. cognato, 7777877/^0 7777801' to take a leap ; hence 7777801' pei&va (sub. to take a greater leap : but TreSm TTTJOCLV to bound over the plains. II. to leap, throb, beat, esp. of the pulse. infjSTijAa, aros, TO, (^Saa;) a leaping, bounding : a beating or throbbing of the heart. IIHAO'S, 6, or HIT AON, TO, the flat or blade of an oar : an oar. TTTJKTIS, tSos, 77, (irrjyvvfjii} an ancient sort of harp with twenty strings, mostly used by the Lydians, also called ftaydSis. 2. a shepherd's pipe. irrjKTOs, 77", ov, verb. Adj. of irrjyvvfu, fixed or fas- tened in : of trees, planted. II. well put toge- ther, compact. 2. /) irrjKTr) a sort of cage to catch birds. 3. TO, TrrjKrd (Dor. Tra/crd) TWV SafMTcw the barriers of the house, the door. III. solid, thick, congealed, curdled: fj irrjKTfj Dor. ira/fTa, tfra*z-cheese. ir-qXai, -Tnf)\as, aor. I inf. and part, of TraAAcy. 1TT]X, Ep. for Tir)Xf, 3 sing. aor. I of TraAAcu. IIir]XC8if]s, ov Ep. ecu and ao, o, patronymic of Ity- \ts, son of Peleus, Achilles. ITr]\ici>v, ojvos, 6, the same as YIrj\cioT]s: Adv. Tii\- XciuvdSe, to the son of Peleus. irrjXetis, fojs Ep. 7705, o, Peleus, son of Aeacus, husband of Thetis, father of Achilles, prince of the Myrmidons in Thessaly. IIir]XT]ia8ir)S, ea>, o, Ep. for Ilr]\eior)s. ITrjXTjios, 77, ov, Ep. Adj (1177X7705, Ep. gen. of Tlrj- \evs) of or belonging to Peleus. TTTjXirj^, rjicos, rf, (ir^\ai) a helmet, casque. ItuXtatcos, 77, ov, of Mount Pelion. Il-qXids, aSos, 77, (UTJ\IOV) of or from Mount Pelion. TrrjXiKos [f], 77, ov, interrog. of TT)\IKO&, -fjX{KO&,how great f how much ? how old ? Lat. quantus ? , 77, ov, (7777\os) of clay, earthen, Lat. luteus. , TO, Pelion, a mountain in Thessaly. Hence , ov, 6, fern, -torus, iSos, of or from Pelion. TrT)Xo-pdTT]S [a], ou, o, (7777X0$, @aivca) mud-walker, name of a frog. inr]Xo8o|Aa>, f. 770*0;, to build of clay. From TTTiXo-Bofjios, ov, (7777X0$, Se/xa;) clay-built. irrjXo-irXaftos [a], ov, (7777X05, ir^daoca) moulding clay : as Subst., Tnj\oir\d6os, 6, a potter. IIHAO'5, o, clay, such as was used by the potter, Lat. lutum : also mud, Lat. coenum. TTTjX-ovpYos, ov, (7777X05, pyov) working in clay: as Subst., TT7]\ovpy6s, 6, a worker in clay. Trr)Xo<{>opa), f. 770*0;, to carry clay. From iTTjXo-(J>opos, ov, (7777X05, (pzpca} carrying clay. TnrjXo-xvTOs, ov, (7777X05, x e/U ) cas * i n c l a y> earthen. inrjX-&)8T|S, ts, (7777X05, efSos) like clay, clayey, of the consistency of clay. Trfjp.a, aTos, TO, (irriffOfMii, fut. of 77arx, f. ucroj, (irfjpos) to maim, disable : metaph. to incapacitate. Tnrjcrop.at, Ion. fut. of 7rao*x<^. TTTjxt'a.ios, a, ov, a cubit long. irrjx'u vop.au, Med. to take into one's arms. IIH~XT2, ecus, 6: gen. pi. ir^-^etav : the fore-arm, from the wrist to the elbow, Lat. ulna: generally the arm. II. the centre-piece, which joined the two horns of the bow. III. in pi., trr)x fS are the horns or sides of the lyre, opp. to fryov the bridge. IV. as a measure of length, the space from the point of the elbow to the end of the little finger, Lat. cubitus, a cubit, orig. containing 24 5a.KTv\oi, or about 1 8 inches : the Tret's (3a, f. aaw and ago) : aor. I part, iriagas : Dor. form of -nil fa, to press : to lay hold of, apprehend. TTiaCva), f. ai/a) : aor. I tmava, pass. eiridaBrjv : pf. pass, -rrfiriaafjiai : (iricav} : to make fat, fatten ; of the soil, to fatten, enrich: metaph. to increase, en- large. 2. metaph. to make wanton : Pass, to be- come fat, wax wanton. Trtd^as, Dor. aor. i part, of 7nacy. map, TO, indecl. (TTIOJV) fat, tallow, suet : also oil, cream : hence fatness : metaph. the fat of the land, the cream of a thing, the choicest, best. 559 TtTSpos, a, ov, (map) fat, rich. macrp.a, TO, (maiva}} that which makes fat or rich, an enricher, fattener, of a river. mSciKiTis, i8os, 77, (TrtSaf) of the spring or fountain. irlSaKoeis, o~aa, ev, (ni8a^) gushing. m8aic-u)8Tf]s, cs, (Tri8a, (iSos*) like a fountain, gush- ing with, spring-water. Ill' A AH, a/cos, 77, a spring, fountain. Hence m8if)is, eaaa, ev, rich in springs. TTlSvKD, tO gush OUt. me, Ep. 2 sing. aor. 2 imperat. of viva : but also Ep. for erne, 3 sing, indie. m6iv, Ep. for irieiv, aor. 2 inf. of irit8dKVTj, 77, (77t^os) a wine-cask, wine- jar.^ Tri0dKOS, Dor. for iriOrjKos, an ape. Tft9dvoXoYw, f. rjaoj, (jntiavo\6yos) to use probable arguments. Hence mOavoXo-yia, 77, the use of probable arguments. irif avo-Xo-yos, ov, (mOavos, \eyoj) speaking persua- sively, using probable arguments. mflavos, 77, ov, (ireiOca) act. calculated to per- suade : I. of persons, persuasive. 2. of man- ners, winning. 3. of reports, plausible, credible : hence reasonable, likely. 4. of works of art, pro- ducing illusion, natural. II. pass, easy to per- suade, credulous. 2. obedient. Trl0avws, Adv. of -rnOavus, persuasively : Comp. m- Oavwrfpov, more persuasively. Trt0(T0at, aor. 2 med. inf. of TreiOoj. Trt0ecov, wvos, 6, (iriOos) a place for casks, a cellar. m0T|Kia>, f. law, (iriOrjKos) to play the ape. Hence Tri0T|Kto-p.6s, 6, a playing the ape, aping. m0T)KOS Dor. Tri0aos, 6, (rreiQca) an ape, Lat. si- mius: hence, one who plays ape's tricks, a jackanapes. m0T]KO-4>a-yw, (-rriOrjKos, ^xryefi/) to eat ape's flesh. Tri0T)KC-v, oCaa, oV, aor. 2 part, of irdOa). mKpaCvd), f. a^a), (mnpos) to make sharp or bitter: metaph. to embitter, anger : Pass, to grow angry. iriicpCa, 17, (rnupbs) bitterness : of temper, bitterness, malice, venom, spleen. iriKpo-'ySp'OS, ov, (irtKpos, -ya/iccu) embittered in mar- riage, unhappily wedded. mcp6-YXcocropuc6s, rj, 6v, used to wear a felt-bat. From mXo-6pos, ov, (m\os, e/>cy) wearing a felt-hat. mX6, poet, for vifJ-itX-rjiu, impf. iwr\ov, to fill. Trtiriri^aj, f. iaca, to chirp like young birds. (Formed from the sound.) irlirpdcrKw Ion. mirpTio-Kw, redupl. form pf. W/rpd/ra : Pass., fut. I irpdO^aofMi, paullo-p. fut. ireTTpdaofj.ai [a] : aor. I pass.enpdOrjv [d] : pf. ireirpdnai Ion. -t]fMi : (Trepdoj) : to sell beyond seas, like trtpdaj: generally, to sell : Pass, to be sold : metaph. to be bought and sold, i. e. betrayed. m-TTTco, for m-irtTO), redupl. from Root I1ET- : EJJ. impf. Tfimov : fut. irfaovfj-ai Ion. irfafo/j.ai : aor. 2 eireaov, inf. ireativ : pf. irfjiTOJita, Ep. part. ireirTr^ws and irevTfus, -fojTos Att. ireirTws,-wTos, syncop. from irfnTOJK(i>s : to fall, fall down; c. ace. cognato, TUTr- Ttiv iTTWfjiaTa, irfffrjfiaTa : absol. in pf. ireirTOJKa, to befallen, lie low. II. Special usages : iriirTeiv fv TIVI to fall upon a thing violently, to attack. 2. nijTTfiv UK TIVOS to fall out of or lose a thing, Lat. decidere de . . ; etc 6vp.ov irinTtiv TIVI to fall out of or lose one's favour. 3. trirrTfiv peTo, iroffal yvvaiKos to fall between the feet of a woman, i. e. to be born. 4. to fall in fight. 5. to fall, sink, leave off; dVc/zos irffff the wind fell. 6. irinTfiv vrto TIVOS to fall by another's hand, to be overthrou'n, overcome ; o ffTpaTos avTos vir' COJVTOV ireff the army failed of itself, Lat. mole sua corruit. 7. to fall short, fail : of a play, to fail, Lat. cadere. 8. of the dice, to fall in a certain position ; TO* 8co"rroTUJV (v irff6vTa QrjaofMi I shall count my master's throws lucky: generally, ev or mXws iriTTTfiv, to be lucky: so also, to fall, turn out, happen. irtpeojjus, an Egypt. word = aAos KayaOus, noble. Tricrtvos, 77, ov, (TTUTOS) made of peas, CTVOS iriaivov pea-soup. III'ISOS, a kind of pulse, the pea, Lat. pisum. [i] mtros, TO, (TJ'IGOJ fut. of irnriafeoj') only in nom. and ace. pi. iriafa, moist lands, meadows. IH'52A W Att. irirra, 77, pitch, Lat. pix : proverb., /j,(\dvT(pov r/iiTC triaaa blacker than pitch. mcronfjpTjs, fs, (Triaoa) of or like pitch, pitchy. irio-o-ivos Att. iriTTivos, 77, ov, (iriaffa) pitched over, coated with pitch. -irwrcroto Att. TTITT-, f. OKTCU, to pitch, cover with pitch. m, f. ffoj, (triffTis) to believe, trust in, put faith in, confide in, rely on a person or thing : absol., x- \nov iri|ji,a, OTOS, TO, (mo-Toa;) an assurance, guar- antee, pledge. 3. yr]pa\ea niaTWjJ.aTa=^- povTes, as iriffTa Hfpawv is used for mffTol morws, Adv. of iriffTos, faithfully : persuasively. mo-TuxravTO, Ep. 3 pi. aor. 1 med. of mo-Tocy. maiij'os, 77, ov, (wfiOoj) trusting on, relying or de- pending on, confiding in, c. dat. mo-Cpcs, of, of, iriffvpa, TO, Aeol. for TeVtrapes, T*os, ov, (irirvs, Tp((pca) growing pines. iriTiJpov, TO, (-nriaaca) bran, the busk of corn: gene- rally, refuse, Lzt. furfur, furfur a ; mostly used in pi. III'TTIS, vos, ?), poet. dat. pi. irirvaaiv : the pine- tree, Lat. pinus : proverb., ITITVOS oiKrjv (ferpifieadai to be destroyed like a pine-tree, i. e. utterly, because the pine-tree once cut down never grows again. irtTU-(TTTrTos, ov, (nirvs, ffTf(pca) pine-crowned. mcJmvcrKa), (redupl. form of ) act. he that leads astray, a misleader. 2. pass, a wanderer, rover. irXayxTos, 77, ov, also 6s, 6v, (irXdfa) wandering, roaming. II. metaph. wandering in mind, dis- traught, unsettled. Hence ), 77, a wandering, roaming. , fut. med. of itXdfa. -0is, aor. I pass. inf. and part, of irXaSapos, a, 6v, wet, moist. From IIAA'AOS, 6, moisture. HAA'Zfl, : Ep. impf. nXdov : f. ir\dy Dor. -d, f. acu, (irXarvs) to beat the water with the blade of an oar : to splash about : metaph. to make a splash, splutter, swagger. irXdTii-Xea'X'ns, ov, 6, (irXarvs, \tffxr)) a babbler. irXaruvTeov, verb. Adj. of trXarvvu, one must widen. 563 irXdrilva), f. wa>, (TrAaTuV) to make broad, widen, extend: Med., TrXaTvvfaQat TTJV yr}v to widen one's territory. 2. to open wide: 3 sing. pf. pass. TT- TrAaTWTCu has been opened. irXdrii-vajTOS, ov, (jrXaTvs, VUTOS) broad-backed. irXaTiip-poos, ov, contr. -povs, ovv, (jr\aTvs, ffcu) broad-flowing. IIAATY'5, fa, v, Ion. fem. -nXaTta-.flat, wide, broad: metaph., ir\a.Tvs aaTaytXcas flat mock- ery. 2. as Subst., 77 irXaTua (sub. oSos), a street: also (sub. x 6 ) the flat of the hand. II. salt, brackish, because irXaTv vdojp was originally used of the sea. III. Comp. and Sup., irXaTvTepos, TrAa- TUTdTOS. irXdTVTTjs, 77Tos, 77, (TrAaTus) breadth, width: gene- rally, size, bulk. [i5] rrXeas, ace. of TrAe'es, q. v. irXrySrjv, Adv. (7rAea>) in plaits or braids. irXeYtia., O.TOS, TO, (irXfKca) anything twined or plaited, a net : in pi. wreaths, chaplets. , ol, ace. TrAcas, Ep. for ir\fiovfs, Comp. of more : Dor. contr. irXfis. , a, ov, of the size of a Tr\&pov. IIAE'OPON Ep. ire'XcOpov, TO, as measure of length, a plethron, being 100 Greek or IOL English feet, the sixth part of a stade. 2. a race-course or race of this length. II. as a square measure, 10,000 square feet, about 37 perches. IlXeids, dSos, 77, in plur. ITXeidSes Ion. IlXirjidSes, at, the Pleiads, seven daughters of Atlas and Pleione, who were placed among the stars. irXeCp/Yjv, (To, tiTo, aor. 2 med. opt. of irifjnrXrjfU. irXeiv, Att. for irXeov, like otiv for oeov, more. 2. inf. of ir\fca to sail. irXcios, 77, ov, Ion. and Ep. for ir\eos,full. irXeiorepos, 77, ov, Comp. of TrXtTos, fuller. irXeio-Taias, Adv. (TrAeraTos) most times, mostly, very often. irXi<7T^|pT]S, 5, (7rAefo"TOs) manifold ; airas ir\i- OTTjptjs \puvos the whole extent of time. Hence irXiv, neut. of TT\OJV, more: also neut. of irXfos,full. irXeova^w, f. dffca: pf. irenXfovatca: (irAtop) : to be more than enough, to go too far, take or claim too much : to presume on, c. dat. II. to exaggerate, overstate. irXcovaius, Adv. (irXecw) more frequently, oftener : too often, [a] irXeov-6KTti>, f. rjaoi or rfffop-ai, = irXfov ex * h ave or take more than another, to have or claim a larger share; to claim more than is one's due, to be grasp- ing : to gain some advantage. 2. c. gen. to have or gain the advantage over another: Pass, to be overreached, defrauded. 3. c. gen. rei, to have a greater share of a thing ; irXzovtKTtiv \Lvx v ^ to bear more cold. Hence irXovKTi]|xa, CITOS, TO, an advantage, gain : in pi. gams, successes. irXcov-efcrqs, ov, o, = o TrAeW 4'xcoi', one who has or claims more than his share, hence greedy, grasping, selfish: also as Adj., Ao7os irXfoffKTTjs a grasping, overbearing speech. And rrXcoveKTiKos, 77, ov, disposed to take more than one's share. From irXeovcijta Ion. -IT], 77. a disposition to take more than one's share, a grasping temper, greediness, covet- ousness, a claiming more than one's share. i. ad- vantage, superiority; irXtoi>eia TWOS advantage over another ; eni n\eoveiq for one's advantage or gain. irXeovcos, Adv. of irXecw, too much. IIAE'CXS, a, ov, Ion. irXetos, 77, ov, Att. irXa>s, f'a, foav ; pi. irXca), rrAea (for irAeat), TrAca '.full, filled, c. gen. : hence satisfied, cloyed : of Time, full, com" plete. Comp. irXeioTfpos. TrXero, poet, for cTrAeTO, 3 sing. impf. of ireAo/zat. irXevv, Ion. and Dor. for ir\iov: so irXevvos, irXev- ves, for irXfovos, irXeovfS, etc. irXcvvws, Adv. Ion. for -nXcovus, too much. IIAETPA', as, 77, a rib, Lat. costa : in pi. the ribs, the side or sides. II. later, the page of a book. irXt;ptTis, tSos, 77, (trXevpa) pain in the side, pleurisy. irXevpoOcv, Adv. (trXfvpa)from the side. irXcvpo-KO-ircci), f. r](r, (wXevpd, KOTTTOJ) to smile the ribs. ILAETPO'N, TO, a rib, an older poet, foim of irXevpd : in pi. the ribs, the side. irXevpo-TtiTrTjs, es, (irXtvp6v,TvirTa}) striking the sides. TrXevpCDfjia, aTos, TO, like irXevpuv, the side. irXevcrojjiai or irXverot)|jiai, fut. med. of irXtoj. irXevcTTcov, verb. Adj. of irXeoj, one must sail. irXevcrTiKos, 77, ov, (TrAeco) fit for sailing, fair. IIAE'n Ep. irXctco: fut. TrAeuVo/ieu or rrXfV(TovfJi.ai: aor. I eirAevo'a : pf. ireirXfVKa ; Pass., aor. I firXfv- ffOijv : pf. ireirX(vo-fj,ai : cp. the Ion. form irXwco : to sail, go by sea; c. ace. cognato, iypd ictXevQa. irXtTis to sail the watery ways: to swim, float; metaph., itXtiv KCIT' 6p06v to go on prosperously. TrXcco, Att. nom. and ace. neut. pi. of itXtcav, more. irXcoov, neut. irXtov, for irXeicav, q. v. irXews, irXed, irXeoov, pi. TrAco;, TrAea (for TrAeat), irXd,full, Att. for TrAfos. irXTjY^iS, fo*a, ef, aor. 2 pass. part, of irX-qaaoo. TrXiry^, T), (irX-fjaooj) a blow, stroke, stripe: also a wound, Lat. pldga : also a beating or fighting with clubs : metaph. a blow, stroke, shock. irXij-yfia, CTOS, TO, = irX^rj. irX^Oos, cos, TO, (triftirXi]fj.i} a great number, a mass, throng, crowd : the greater part, the mass, main body; [ hence the people, the commons : also the government I of the people, democracy. II. number or qnan- i tity : also magnitude, size, bulk. III. sometimes 1 length, duration of Time. -rrX-rjOvvto [u], f. vvu, (wA^Js) to make full : to in- crease, multiply : Pass, to increase (intr.), to be com- ' pleied; of persons, to be fully resolved. II. intr. vos, 77, Ep. dat. it\ij6vT, Ion. for irXrjOos, a ' throng, crowd. ir\T}Q\>u>, (irXrjOvs) to be or become full ; dyopfjs 77X77- ! Ov< vffrjs when the market-place becomes full : of , livers, to swell, rise. 2. to abound: to increase in number : to spread, prevail ; 6 irXr]6vajv Ao-ycs the current story. TvX-qOco, pf. TTfrrXrjOa : (TrXeos) : to be or become full ; irXrj6ovffa aeXrjvt) the moon at the full : of j rivers, to be full, to swell, rise. 2. to complete a space of time. ir\Tj0upir], 77, (irXrjOca} fulness : satiety. -ir\TjKTTjs, ov, 6, (jrXrjcraaj) a striker, brawler, quar- relsome person. ir\T]icTiop,ai, Dep. (T!Xf]aff(a) to fight, combat. II. to beat one's breast for grief, Lat. plangere. III. to engage in dalliance. irXirjxTio'jjLos, o, (wA^tfT/^o/zai) dalliance. ir\TjKTpov, TO, (TrXrjaaoj) an instrument to strike with, an instrument for striking the lyre, Lat. plec- trum. 2. a spear-point. 3. a cock's spur, Lat. calcar. 4. a punting-pole or paddle. ir\T|KTCop, opos, 6, (77X770-0-0;) a striker, brawler. irXT|p,vos, Ep. aor. 2 pass. part, of m^TrXrjui. tvXirjp.jjieXeia, r), (TrXrjfJifAtXrjs} a mistake in music, false note : generally, a fault, error, offence. irXT)jJ4xeXca>, f. 170-0;, (TrXrj^fXrjs') to make a false note in music : to err, offend: Pass, to be neglected, to be ill-treated or insulted. Hence 7rXT]|XJJLA7)p.a, O.TOS, TO, = 77X77 ///Xfta. irXi]n-p,XT|S, es, (irXrjv, fitXos) out of tune, making a false note: generally, erring, faulty, offending : of things, unpleasant, harsh. Adv. -Xo)s. irXT[p.p.T], ?;, = 77X7707*77. irX-f|p.p.vpa, 77, = irXT)Hjj.vpis, flood-tide : a flood. Hence irXir](xp.vpa>, f. 770*0;, to overflow. TT-X-rjunvpCs, t'Sos, 77, (77X77^77) the flow of the sea, the flood-tide ; TrXijfj.fivpls e ITUVTOIO the flood setting in towards land : generally, a flood, deluge. \y Ep., D Att.] TrXTifJiVT), 77, (77X7700;) the nave of a wheel. irXiqv, (properly contr. from ir\(ov, more than), be- yond : I. as Prep., with gen. except, save. II. as Adv. besides, unless, save, except ; 77X7/1' oaov ex- cept so far as : it is often followed by some conjunct. ; irXriv OTO.V save when ; TrXr/v on. except that ; irXi^v cl or tdv, Lat. nisi si, only if; etc. ; when apparently followed by an ace., there is an ellipse, OVK olda irXrjv iv (sc. o?5a) I know not, only one thing (I know). irXTJvro, 3 pi. Ep. aor. 2 pass, of 7rifj,ir\T)[u. II. 3 pi. Ep. aor. 2 pass, of ireXafa. irXijlja, Ep. for (TrXrjta, aor. I of TrA.Tjcra'cu. irXTj^-iiriros, ov, (rrXrjaaa}, tWos) striking or driving horses. irX-cipeSvTes, -cvp.evai, Ion. part. act. and pass, of irXrjp6oj. fs, gen. cos contr. ovs, (7T\eos) full of, c. 565 gen.; rarely c. fat. filled with: absol. full, fitted to the brim. i. generally, full, complete, sz/$?- cient. 3. of persons, satisfied, satiated, cloyed with a thing. irXir)po-, f. 770-0;, (77X77^778, />o;) to bring full confirmation, to fulfil : Pass, to be fully assured: 6*f things, to be fully believed. Hence TrXt]potJ>opia, 77, full conviction, certainty. TrXTjpow, f. waca : pf. ircTrXrjpoJKa : fut. med. TrXr/paV aofiai mostly used in pass, sense : fut. pass. irXrjpuOr)- aofiai : (TrXrjprjs) : to fill, make full : irXrjpovv vavv to man a ship : irXrjpovTe Oapafceid man the walls. 2. to fill full of good, to satiate, satisfy. 3. -nXrjpovv TT)J/ xP f ' iav to supply the need. II. of numbers, to make full, -complete, make up. III. to fulfil a duty: generally, to perform or discharge a task. IV. intr. to be complete. Hence TrXr|pa>p,a, CITOS, TO, that which fills up, a full mea- sure, complement : of the men in a ship, a ship's complement, her crew : of number, the sum. II. a filling up, completing. irX"r|paKris, 77, (jrXijpoai) a filling up, filling : tfe completing a number : the manning a ship. irX-rjo-aiaTO, Ep. for irXrjffaivTO, 3 pi. aor. I med. cpt. irXT|a-as, aor. I part, of irifjnrXr]iJ.i. irXr,(rOev, Ep. for eirXrjaOfv, 3 pi. aor. I pass, of irXT]o-0T|o-0(jiat, fut. pass, of iriiJ.irXr]iJ.i. irXtjo'tdfo), f. aaca : pf. irfTrXrjaiaKa : (TrXtjatos') : to bring near : Pass, to be brought near, approach. 1 1 . intr. to be near : to approach : c. dat. also, to be al- ways near, associate with. irXT]criaiTpos, -atTaros, Att. Comp. and Sup. of irXijffios : Adv. Comp. nXrja'iaiTfpo}, nearer. irXir](TicrTpos, -eo-Tcn-os, Comp. and Sup. of 71X77- aios. TrXtjaCos, a, ov, (TreXas, TreXa^a;) near, hard by, close to. II. as Subst., irXrjaios, 6, a neigh- bour. III. Adv. TrXTjoiov, near, nigh, hard by ; o irXqaiov (sub. wv) one's neighbour : so Dor. 6 TrXd- riov. IV. Comp. TrXrjaitaTfpos, Sup. -evTaros, also irX7)fft,aiTpus, -airaros, nearer, nearest. irX-rjcrio-xwpos, ov, (vXrjaios, x^P a ) near a country, bordering upon, Lat. finitimus : as Subst. one who lives near, a neighbour. irXir]o--tcrTtos, ov, (-nip.TiXr]}ji.i, Iffrtov) filling or swell- i?ig the sails. TrXTjo-jjLi], 77, (77/^77X77^4) the swelling or rising of a river. jrXi]a-p.ovT), 77, (irifjarXrjfu) a filling up or being filled up, satiety : generally, fulness, repletion, plenty. IIAH'22n Att. -TTCO : f. , he came near. irXtvOevco, f. ffca, (irXivOos) to make into bricks. 2 . absol. to make bricks. II. to build of brick. irXiv0T]86v, Adv. (rrXiv6os) in the shape of a brick. irXtvOtvos, 77, ov, (rrXivOos) made or built of brick. irXtvOCov, TO, Dim. of irXivOos, a small brick. irXivOis, idos, T), Dim. of irXivOos : a whetstone. 7rXiv0o-iTOia>, f. 770-0), (irXivQos,iroica) to make bricks. TrXCvOos, T), a brick, Lat. later; TrXivOoi oirrai baked bricks ; irXivdovs \Kvffai or dpvffai Lat. ducere late- res, to make bricks: So/iot irXivQov layers of brick. 2. anything shaped like a brick, a plinth, an ingot of metal. 3. the plinth of a column. irXivOoupYew, f. 770*0;, to make bricks. From TrXivO-ovpyos, ov, (irXivBos, *cpy6pos, ov, (tr\ivOos, ) carrying bricks. irXiv06co, t. uffcu, (irXivdos) to make of brick : Med. to build for oneself. irXiv0-ti4>T|s, es, (irXivOos, ixpaivca) brick-built. IIAI'SSOM AI, f. irXiofMi : pf. TreirXiyfjiai. : Dep. : to cross one's legs in walking : to walk briskly, trot. irXo-q-roKOS, ov, (rrXoos, reiecTv) producing naviga- tion. irXouipiov, TO, Dim. of irXowv, a skiff, boat. irXoiov, TO, (TrAeo;) a floating vessel, a ship of any kind ; TrAofa AeTrra small craft ; TrAofa iTriraycaya transport-vessels ; TrAofa /za/cpa ships of war, Lat. longae naves; TrAofa aTpoyyv\a ships of burthen, Lat. naves onerariae : as distinguished from vavs (a ship of war), irXoiov was a merchant-ship or trans- port. irXoKoifus, ?5os, 77, (TrXoKapos) a braid, lock, or curl of hair : also curly hair, [f ] irX6icap,os, 6, (irXfKCtJ) a braid, lock or curl of hair: in pi. the locks, the hair. II. a twisted rope. irXoKT|, 77, (irX(Kca) anything plaited or woven, a web: metaph. a web of deceit. irXoKos, 6, (-rrXf/cca) a lock or curl of hair. II. a wreath or chaplet. irX6jivos, Ep. syncop. pres. part, of Tre\o/H. irXoos Att. contr. irXovs, o, plur. TrAof, irXiav, etc. : (irXtca) : a sailing voyage : time or tide for sailing : i proverb., Sevrtpos irXovs the next best way. irXov0-i>Yi6ia, 77, (TTAOUTOS, vyifia) health and wealth. irXoOs, o, Att. contr. for TrAoos. irXovo'tos, o, ov, (irXovros) rich, ^vealtby : c. gen. rei, rich in a thing, Lat. dives opum. II. ample, abundant. III. Adv. -icas, like a rich man. f(us, 77, poet for H\OVTOJV. f. 770-0*, (TTAOUTOS) to be rich, wealthy : c. gen. to be rich, abound in a thing. Hence irXovrinpos, ov, enriching. irXovTi jco, f. iffca, (TTAOUTOS) to enrich, make wealthy. ir\ovro-ya.Qi\<5, cs, Dor. for TT\ovToyr]OrjS, (TT\OVTOS, yrjOfOj) delighting by or in riches. irXoTJTO-BoTqp, 77/>os, 6, and irXovTO-8oTT)S, ov, 6, (TT\OVTOS, SidcafjLi) giver of riches. TrXovTO-KparCa, T), (TTAOUTOS, icpartoj) an oligarchy of wealth. IIAOT'TO5> 6, wealth, riches. II. as masc. prop. n. Plntus, god of riches, represented as blind. TrXovr6-x0t>v, oi'os, 6, T), (TTAOUTOS, ~xQwv} rich in the treasures of the land. IIXoiJTcov, QJVOS, o, Pluto, god of the nether world : a name of "AiSijs, derived from ir\ovros, because corn, the wealth of early times, was sent from beneath the earth as his gift. irXoxp-os, ov, 6, (TT\KCO) mostly in pi. locks, hair. irXvvav, Ep. for eirXvvav, 3 pi. aor. I of irXvvca. -irXwco-KOv [u], Ion. impf. of irXvvca. -rrXwos, o, (TrAwcy) a trough or pit to wash clothes in : a washing trough or tub. irXwTT|pios, ov, (rr\vvca) of or for washing : ra HXvvrrjpia (sub. tepd) a festival at Athens, in which the robes of the statue of Minerva were washed. IIAY'NI! [v] : fut. TTXvvu Ion. ir\vveaj : aor. I Ep. TrAwa : Pass., aor. I tirXvvQriv : pf. TT*- : to wash clean, esp. linen, opp. to Xovoftai (to bathe), or vifya (to wash the hands or feet). i. to wash o^fdirt. II. metaph., TrXvvciv nvd to give him a dressing, to beat or cudgel. Hence 'irXvo'is, fojs, 77, a washing, [u] TrXcodSj aSos, (7rAea>) fern. Adj. floating. irXa>tco, f. oca, (irXwoo) to sail on the sea, use ships, practise navigation. TrXwifAos, ov, (TrX6joj)flt for sailing: of a ship, flt for sea, sea-worthy, serviceable. 2. of the sea, to be sailed over, navigable : in neut., TrAcutfuuTepafl' 76- vofj,evojv or OVTCOV as circumstances became or were more favourable to navigation. irXwoajxos, ov, = TrXwifnos, to be sailed over. TrXa>TT[p, 77pos, 6, (irXwca) a seaman, sailor. II. a swimmer. irXwros, 77, ov, (irXwca) sailing, floating, swim- ming. II. that can be sailed on, navigable. irXaia), f. wffoj : aor. I c7rAcwo"a : pf. TreTrAawa : Ep. and Ion. for TrA&u, to sail, float : there is also (as if from a Verb in fit) an Ep. aor. 2 frrXuv, cas, ca, part. TrXdis, gen. irXwvTos. irveto), Ep. pres. for irveca, to breathe. irvri|Aa, aTos, TO, (irvtca) wind, air. II. breath, Trvfvfjia (3iov the breath of life ; irvtv^a. atyifvai to give up the ghost: spend one's spirit, life. 2. spirit, inspiration. III. a Spirit, spiritual Being : Tlvev^a and ayiov Uvfvfjia the Holy Spirit, Holy Ghost. Hence irvevjjiaTiKos, 17, ov, belonging to wind or breath. II. o/ Ate spirit, spiritual : A3v. -ws, spiritually. irvcup-aTow, f. tOaw, (Trt'cG/^a) to turn into wind or air : to inflate. i , to agitate with wind. * irveijjxtov common Att. irXevp-tov, ovos, o, (TIT ecu, irvevfja) used both in sing, and pi. the organs of breathing, the lungs. irvucrop,ai., fut. of tviot. TINE'ri Ep. irvcuo : f. irvfvffofjtai and later irvfvffta: aor. I em/cvaa : Pass., a or. I pf. TT6ifvvfjia.i, part. TreTrvvfifvos (v. sub. irf-nvvfjiai) : /o Wow, breathe, of the wind. II. /o breathe, send forth an odour, exhale : c. gen. rei, to smell of a thing, be redolent of; rarely c. dat. rei, to smell with it. III. of animals, to breathe hard, pant, gasp. IV. to draw breath, breathe : to live. V. metaph., c. ace. cognato, fj,evca irvfiovres breathing spirit ; "Apea irvtiv, Lat. Martem spirare ; fjieya in/fiv to be of a high spirit. VI. to breathe favourably or graciously on one, Lat. aspirare alicui. ITVIYCUS, ous, 6, (irviya)) an oven: or 2. a cover or damper put on coals to smother the flame. irviYiqpos, , w, (Tri/fyu) choking, stifling, of throt- tling or heat. i, CITOS, TO, (irviyoj) a choking. i, 6, (rrviyoj) a choking, stifling heat. ITVLYOCIS, eaB-a|3p6s, ov, (TTOVS, djSpas) soft of foot. TToB-aYos, 6v, Dor. and Att. for -noOTjyus, guiding the foot : as Subst., irodayos, o. a guide, an attendant. 567 rj, (TTOVS, dypa) a trap or snare for the feet. II. gout in the feet, opp. to x l P^ L yp a (g out in the hands). Hence iroScrypaco, to have gout in the feet. iroBaYpticos, 77, ov, (iroddypa) liable to gout, gouty. iro8(ryp6s, ov, (TroSa^pa) gouty. iro8a-vfirTT|p, rjpos, 6, (TTOVS, vi, f. iffoj, (TTOUS) to bind the feet, tether: Pass., of horses, to have the feet tied, be tethered. iroSt-KpOTOS, ov, (rrovs, ttpor fca) fixed on or to the feet. TroSio-TTjp, rjpns, 6, (irooifa} reaching over the feet ; TTiT\os TrooicfTrjp a long garment that entangles (he feet in it. TroSCo-Tpa, rj, (TTOOI^OJ) a strap or snare for the feet. iToSoiiv, Ep. gen. and dat. dual for TTOOOIV. TroSo-KTVirT], 37, (TTOVS, Krvutca) a dancing-girl. TvoSop-paYTis, fs, (TTOVS, payrjvai) bursting forth at a stamp of the foot. iro8o-o-TpdpTj, 77, (TTOVS, arpd^rj) a snare or trap to catch the feet. iro86-t|/T]crTpov, TO, (TTOVS, if/dco) a cloth to rub the feet on, afoot-cloth, mat. jroSwKeia, 77, swiftness of foot, fleetness. From Tro8-a>Kt]S, f s, (TTOVS, WKVS) swift-footed, fleet of foot : generally swift, quick. TTOT], 77, Ion. for Troa, grass. < iro0o'K, 3 sing. Ion. impf. of ir 568 Tro0av6s, 77, ov, also QS, ov, (irdOeai) longed for, de- sired, missed, regretted : hence mourned for. a person one's son, i. e. to adopt him as son ; iroiia$ai TI to make a thing one s own , generally 7r606v Ion. KO06V, interrog. Adv. whence ? from what bold, reckon, esteem a thing as . . , av/j.(popav troitTaOai place ? Lat. unde ? ris, wodev els dvdpav ; who, whence '. TI to take, reckon a thing for a visitation ; dftvuv art thou of men ? iruOfv rrjs ^pvyiijs ; from what part j trottiaOai ri to esteem it a grievous thing ; irepl iro\- II. in Att. to express surprise, I \ov rroifiaOai, Lat. magnifacere, to esteem a thing of of Phrygia? II. in Att. to whence can it be ? how possibly ? III. for irou ; where ? iro0v, enclit. Adv. from some place or other. TTO0-epTra>, Dor. for Trpoffepira). iro0-(7Trpos, ov, Dor. for rrpofftffnfpos. Tro0\)vT6S, Dor. and Aeol. part. pi. of iroQioi. iTO06\)vTU, Dor. 3 pi. of iro9eca. Tro0co, fut. itcQri ric ^ * n grass. iroiTj[jia, CCTOS, TO, (TTOJ ecu) anything made or done : I . a work, piece of workmanship. 2. a poetical work, \ poem. 3. an act, deed. iroiir]|jia,Tuov, TO, Dim. of iroijjfui, a little poem. ironrjpos, a, ov, (TTOIT/) grassy. 7roiT|criav, 3 pi. Aeol. aor. I opt. of iroifoi. irotTfjo'is, ecus, 77, (TTotecu) a making : a forming, cre- ating. II. the art of poetry. 2. a poem. TTOLTJTOS, a, ov, verb. Adj. of iroiecu, to be made or done. II. neut. iroir)Teov one must make or do. iroujT^oi), o, (iroi6ca) onewhomakes,amaker. II. a maker, i. e. a poet. TTOfrjTiKos, 77, 6v, (TTOie'cu) capable of making, pro- ductive : poetical : T) iroirjTiKrj (sub. Tf^rf) the art of poetry, poetry. Adv. -KOJS. iroujTos, 77, 6v, (irotecu) made, fabricated, worked. II. irot, interrog. Adv. whither? Lat. quo? c. gen., Trot made by oneself, invented. -a,/e tn ,,i,r,t c-hnf ^f ^ortVi 9 i fnr /ii T.ot iroiTj-, (voir), (payfiv^) to eat grass. TTOUKiX-avios, ov, Dor. for iroiKi\-7)vios, (iroiftlXos, f t via) with broidered reins. irouKlX-Lnajv, ov, gen. ovos, (iroiKi\os, ef/xa) with party-coloured robe, with spangled garb. iroiKiXta,?), (ITOIKL\OS} an embroidering, embroidery: a piece of embroidery : metaph. cunning. to what spot of earth ? 2. for TTOU ; Lat. ubi ? where? II. to what end? Lat. quorsum? iroi, enclitic Adv. somewhither. iroCa, 77, Dor. for Troa, grass. 7roi6iJ|JLvos, Ep. pres. med. part, of rrotecy. 1TOI61JP.TJV, Ep. impf. med. of Troieoj. iroicwra, Dor. for irotovvTa, pres. part. ace. of IIOIE'fl, f. T^crcy : I. to make, produce, execute, esp. of works of art : Med. to make for oneself, of bees, oiKia troirjcraaOai to make themselves houses : ery. 2. to bring to pass, iroiKCXXco, f. iXu) : Inot/ctAa : Pass., pf. (7TOt/Aos) : to broider, work in embroid- II. to embroider : to diversify, vary : me- also to have a thing made. i. to bring to pass, ! taph. to trick out with fair words, embellish. Hence bring about, cause, effect; iroietv ipa, Lat. sacra \ TrciKiXp.a, CTOS, TO, anything wrought in various facere, to do sacrifice, perform the rites of sacrifice ; colours. 2. broidered work, broidery. TTOtetVlo-fyita to celebrate the Isthmian games. 3. j iroiKtX6-|3ouXos, ov, (iroi/tiXos, $OV\TJ) of changeful to make, shape, create : to beget : of corn, etc., to ' or subtle counsel. produce, grow, raise : also to make or render so and j iroiKiXo-Y'rjp'us Dor. "ycipus, wos, o, 77, (iroi/a'Aos, so : Pass, to be made so and so, to become : Med. ; yrjpvs} of varied voice, many-toned, to make so and so for oneself, troitTaQai Tiva eTaipov \ irouciXo-Seipos, ov, (TTOIKI\OS, Ofipa) with variegated to make him one's friend : iroieicrQai Tiva vlov to make neck. 569 ov, gen. OKOS, (nomiXos, with spotted or dappled skin. TroiKiXo-f p-yos, ov, (iroiKiXos, epyov) of varied work. TTOlKlX6-0pl, -TptXOS, O, T), (TTOlKlXoS, 6pi) ivith spotted hair, spotted, brindled. TroiKiXo-|jiT)TT)s, ov, 6, and TrouclXo-p/rjTis, tSos, o, T)* (rrotKiXos, prJTis) full of various wiles. TfOiKlXo-p,-f)x3 v S, ov, (noiKiXos, fujXpvfyfoU of va- rious devices. TroiKiX6-[Jiop({>os, ov, (iroittiXoSy fjiop^T]) ofvariegated form, variegated. iroi,iciX6-|ji/00os, ov, (iroiKiXos, fj.vOos) of various dis- course. TcoiKiXo-vcoTOS, ov, (iroiKiXos, vcDros) with back of varied hues. TTOlKlXo-TTTCpOS, OV, (irOlKl\OS, TTTepoV) With Wtng of changeftd hue. HOIKI'AOS, T;, ov, many-coloured, spotted, pied, dappled. II. worked in various colours, of vary- ing colour ; rcvx^a. iroiKiXa x a ^ K V arms inwrought with brass. III. generally changeful, various : hence of various art, elaborate, inlaid, variegated. 2 . changeful, varying, intricate, riddling, ambiguous; hence artful, cunning. TrotKiXo-(rav8aXos Aeol. -pcov, ovos, 6, f], (iToiKtXos, (pprjv) with manifold counsel, ivily-minded. TroiKiXTiqs, ov, o, fern. rroiKiXTpta, 77, (iroiKi\X(a') one who embroiders : a broiderer. TroiKiX-cp86s, ov, (iroiKiXos, worj) of riddling- song. TroiKiXcos, Adv. of iroiKiXos, variously ; irotKiXcos fX. Clv to be different. iroijjLatvco, f. avw, (iroifjirjv) to feed, tend, Lat. pas- cere : absol. to keep flocks, be a shepherd. 2. me- taph. to tend, cherish, foster: to guide, lead, govern: also to soothe, lull, beguile, like Lat. pascere : hence to deceive. II. Pass, to grase, Lat. pasci : to range over in grasing, to stray ; irds ircrroifj.avTai roiros every place as been ranged over, traversed. Trot|Aa.v, o, Dor. for votftjjv. Trotp,uv6piov, TO, (irotfjidvcap) a herd: metaph. an army under its leader. Troi(xavoj, fut. of rroifjiaiva. iroijjLavcjp [a], opos, o, (iroina.iv, to avenge, punish : Med. to avenge oneself on one. From TrotVT|, 77, a ransom paid for the shedding of blood ; generally, a price paid, redemption, requital: also the price exacted, vengeance, penalty, Lat. poena ; av\e- ffOai Troivfjv rfjs tyv)(r)s to take vengeance for his life: iToivijv riaai sepgr) TUIV Krjpvtcow airoXofjievojv to give Xerxes satisfaction for the death of his heralds: often in phrase, iroivds 8ovvai, like oiKrjv dovvai, to suffer punishment, Lat. dare poenas ; iroivas Xappdveiv to inflict it, Lat. svnere poenas. 2. in good sense, recompense, rew&rd. II. personified, IToCvrj, T), the goddess of vengeance, vengeance. TroivTjTTjs, ov, 6, fern. -iJTis, loos, one that punishes or avenges, an avenger. Troivi|Aos, ov, (iroivrj) avenging, punishing. TroioXoyeco, f. rjffa}, to gather herbs : also to put up corn in sheaves. From Troio-Xoyos, ov, (irola, \ffca) gathering herbs. TTOIO-VOJJIOS, ov, (iroia, vffjua) feeding on grass or herbs. II. Troi6-vo(jios, ov, (iroia, vop,rj) with grassy pastures. nCMTOS a, ov Ion. Kotos, 77, ov, interrog. Adj. of what nature ? of what sort ? Lat. qualis f in Homer expressing surprise and anger ; ITO?OV TOV [jivOov eet- Tres ! what manner of speech hast thou spoken ! II. in Att. also with the Art. when it stands alone, o Trofos ; III. fem. dat. iroia Ion. KV'IJJ (sub. oSy) ; as Adv., = 7ro>s ; Lat. quomodo ? bow ? in what manner f TTOIOS, d, ov, indef. Adj. of a certain nature, kind or quality. TTOIOTTJS, ?7Tos, 77, (irofos) quality. Troiirvija), f. vffoj [u], (redupl. from trvtoa), to be out of breath ; hence generally, to hasten, hurry, bustle : also to work hard, be busy. iroi<|>vYHa, ctTos, TO, a blowing, snorting. From Trotc^xitrcrco, f. ^a>, (redupl. from ) to blow, puff, snort. II. to blow out, pitff up. Troi-co8T]S, fs, (iroia, floos) like grass, grassy. TroKot or TTOKO, Dor. for irure or TTOTC. TroKas, aSos, 77, (ITOKOS) wool, hair. TTOKI^CO, f. iau Dor. t'cu, (TTOOS) to shear wool: Med. to shear or clip for oneself. TTOKOS, o, (ircKca) wool uncombed, a fleece : also a flock or tuft of wool. II. a sheep-shearing. III. an irreg. pi. act. occurs in the proverb 6ts 6Vou TTO/OZS, to an ass-shearing, i. e. to a place where nothing is to be got. Hence iroKoto, f. waca, to cover with wool: Pass, to be covered or clothed in wool. TTOKIOS, Dor. for ITUKOVS, ace. pi. of TTUKOS. TroXees, (.ow, ffffffi, t'as, Ep. plur. of iroXvs. 570 , Dor. for iroXffJirjboKos. eiov, TO, the Polemarch's residence: and jroX6p,apx>, f. 170-0;, to be Polemarch. From jroXfjJi-apxos, o, (iroXffj-os, ap\ca) one who begins or leads the war, a leader, chieftain. II. at Athens the Polemarch was the third arcbon, who originally commanded in battle ; he was present at the battle of Marathon : later he presided in the court in which the causes of the pfToiKoi were tried. 2. in Sparta the commander of a division or popa. 3. at Thebes it was the name of two officers of chief rank after the Boeotarchs. -jroXcp-eo), f.rjffca: Pass., aor. I erroXffJi^Orjv : (iroXc- pos) : to be at war, wage war with : also to fight, give battle : generally, to quarrel, dispute with one. II. c. ace. to make war upon, treat as an enemy, attack : Pass, to have war made upon one ; so fut. med. iroXf^aofjiai in pass, sense. III. in Pass, also of war, to be waged or carried on; oaa (iroXf/j.-qOrj whatever hostilities were committed. iroXep/q-SoKOS Dor. iro\(jia-86KOS, ov, Sexoywat) undertaking war : warlike. iroXcjiTjios, ov, Ion. form of TroAefietos, warlike. II. hostile. iroX*p/T]cr6i<>, Desiderat. of iroXepfoJ, to wish for war. iroXcjxTf]TOv, verb. Adj. of iroXfp.0), one must go to war. iroXepa> poet. TTToX- : fut. iffca Dor. to> : (iru\e- fj.os) : poet, for iroXffifca, to wage war, fight with or against one ; /*era nvi in conjunction with another : later to quarrel, wrangle, dispute. II. trans, to make war upon, fight with. rroXepAKos, 77, 6v, (7-oAe/ios) of or for war, warlike; TO. TToAe/iitfa, warlike exercises, warlike usages, the art of war : so, 37 iroXcfjiiKr) (sub. Texyrj}, the art of war, war. 2. TO iroXepiKov the signal for bat- tle. II. hostile : also causing hostility. Hence iroXe[Aiicws, Adv. in hostile fashion ; woXcfuucas X (IV to be hostile. iroXepAos, a, ov, also os, ov, (ir<5A.f/ios) of or belong' ing to war; TO, iroXffiia the business of war. 2. rarely like iroXfp-iKos, warlike. II. hostile : as Subst., iroXfutoi, ol, the enemy. 2. T) TroAf/wa (sub. 777, ywpa), the enemy's country. 3. rd noXffJiiov, hostility. iroX6|jucTT, f. 770*0;, (rroAf/iios, Trotto;) to stir up war. IIO'AEMOS Ep. irroXejAOS, o, a battle, fight : ge- nerally, war; iroXefj.ov aiptoOai TLVI to levy war against one. II. personified, War, Battle. TroX(xo-4>06pos, ov, (rroAc/ios, OtipoS) wasting by war. iroXp.6co, f. ajffeu, (TroAe^tos) to make hostile, make an enemy cf: Pass, to be made an enemy of. TroXc-uco, (TroAos) intr. to go or range about, Lat. versari. II. trans, to turn up, till, plough. iroXeco, (TroAos) to go about, range, haunt. II. trans, to turn up, to turn the soil with the plough, to plough. TioXccov, gen. pi. of TroAts : but iroXcoov, Ion. for iroXXwv, gen. pi. of iroXvs. iroX-qcs, car, as, Ion. for 7roAs, rroAfts, plur. of TTO- Ats : Ion. gen. and dat. sing. ituXrjos, jroXm. TToXiaivofJiai, Pass. (-roAtos) to grow gray or white. iroXid-oxos, ov, Dor. for 7roAi770xos, TroAtouxos, q. v. iroX(-apxos,o, (iroAts, ap\o}] prince of a city or state. IloXtds, aSos, 77, ( TroAts) guardian of the city, epith. of Athena (Minerva) in her oldest temple on the Acropolis of Athens, as distinguished from 'Adrjvd HapOevos and 'Adrjva. Hp6fj.axos. iroXies, TroXieo-cnv, Ep. nom. and dat. pi. of Tr6"Ats. iroXC^to, f. ioos, ov, (iroXios, poTa^>os) with gray hair on the temples, growing gray. iroXt-opKo, f. 770*0; : aor. I ffroXiopKrjffa : Pass., fut. noXiopicr)Or]ffOfj,ai, and in med. form iroXiopKrjffofj.aL : aor. I iroXiopKT)0r]V : (TroAts, ('ipyaj, or ep/fos) : to hem in a city, blockade, beleaguer, besiege; metaph. to besiege, importune. Hence TroXi-opKijTcos, a, ov, verb. Adj. that must or can be taken by siege. iroXiopKia, 77, (iroXiopKtoi) a beleaguering or besieg- ing a city, a siege. IIOAIO'5, a, 6v, also os, 6v : gray, white ; of hair, gray or hoary ; at iroAtat (sub. Tptx^s), gray or white hair ; a/xa rafs iroAtars Ka.Tiovaa.is as the gray hairs come lower down (i. e. from the head and temples to the beard) : troAtos absol. a gray-beaded man. II. metaph. bright, serene. III. metaph. hoary, venerable. , ov, (iruXis, e'xo;) protecting a city. , OITOS, o, 77, (TroAios, XP^ S ) with white skin : white. TroXi-ir6p0i-]S, ov, (TroAts, TtipQoi) sacker of cities. IIO'AIS Ep. TTToXis, ecos, -7 ; Ion. gen. itoXtos Att. poet, also TroAeos Ep. TroAr?os, iroAevs : dat. TroAet Ep. j TroA77i : ace. iroXiv, but Ep. ace. TroAr?a also occurs : i Plur., nom. TroAees Att. TroAets Ion. TroAtes : gen. TTO- i \LOJV : dat. TroAto*i Ep. TroAteo~o*t Dor. TroAttcrt : ace. TToAtas, TroAfts Ion. TroAts : a city: TroAts aKprj, ' aKpoiroXis, the fortress of the city, citadel, which aTJ Athens was sometimes called TroAts, while the rest of . the city was called doTV. II. a whole country, j state. III. when TroAts and GUTTV are joined, Tro- Ats is the body of citizens, dffTV their dwellings: hence TroAts the state, the citizens who form the state, a free , state, republic. 2. the right of citizenship. TroXtcrjJLa, aTos, TO, (TroAt^a;) a collection of build- ings, a city, town. TroXtcrao-v6p,os, ov, (TroAts, i/e'/tcu) managing or ruling a city. TToXur-crcos, ov, (TToAts, craicu) guarding a city. iroXurcr-ovxos, ov, poet, for rroAfot/xos. jroXiT-dpX'ns, ov, 6, (iroXiTrjs, cpx^) a ruler of citi- zens or a state, a chief magistrate. TroXiTcia Ion. -TjC-rj, 77, (rroAtTevcu) the relation of a titizen to the state, the condition and rights of a cifi- | zen, citizenship, Lat. civitas. 2. the life of a citi- j zen. II. the life of a statesman, government, \ administration. III. civil polity, the condition of\ a state, a state, constitution. 2. a commonwealth: ' a republic. iroXiT6vp,a, aTos, TO, (TroAtretV) a measure of go- j vernment, political act. II. a state, community. TToXiTCvw, f. ooj, (TroAtTTjs) to be a citizen or free- j man, live in a free stale. 2. to have a certain form of government, have public affairs administered in a \ certain way: Pass, to be governed. II. Dep. j noXiTfvo/MLi, fut. med. woAtTtvo'o/ttit : aor. I med. firoXiTfvadfjiijv and pass. CTToAtTetflrp : pf. pass. Tre- TToAiTev/jat : to be a free citizen, have the qualifi- cations of a free citizen : generally, to live in a state. 2. to take part in the government. III. trans, to administer or govern : absol. to conduct the government. TroXiTTji.T], 77, Ion. .for TroAtTetct. TroXtrrjs [t], ov, Ion. TroXiTjrrjs, fca, 6, (n^Ats) the member of a city or state, a citizen, freeman, Lat. civis. 2. also a fellow-citizen, fellow-countryman: also used with another Subst., 0eoJ TroAmu gods our fellow-citizens, gods of the city. TroXiTiKos, 77, ov, (TroXiTTjs) of or for a citizen, be- fitting a citizen, like a citizen, constitutional, Lat. civilis : TO iroXniKov the body of citizens, the coin- mitnify. II. belonging to or befitting a statesman : as Subst., TroXiTiKos, 6, a statesman. III. be- longing to the state or its administration, concerning the body politic : TO iroXiriKuv the commonwealth ; but r) TroAtrt/7 (sc. Tcxytj) the science of politics ; TO, rro\iTind, state-affairs. IV. generally, public, as opp. to private. TroXiTiKws, Adv. of TroArrttfos, in a manner befitting a citizen, constitutionally, Lat. civiliter. 571 , fj, (TroAt*) a small town. ', TO, Dim. of iro\i\vrj, a very small town. iroXXdicis poet. iroXXaKt [a], Adv. (TroAvs) many times, often, oft. II. in Att. et TroAAats perhaps, perchance, Lat. si forte ; /rr) iroAAd/as Lat. ne forte. iroXXairXdo'ios, a, ov, also os, ov, (TroAvs) many times as many, many times more, many times larger; followed by 77 . , 7;7rep . . , or by a gen. : neut. pi. TroAAaTrAao"ia as Adv. iroXXaTrXaaiwv, ov, gen. ovos, = TroAAairAacrtos : Adv. -IOVQJS. TroXXcnrXTicrios, rj, ov, Ion. for TroAAa7rAao*tos. iroXXax'H, Adv. (TroAvs, TroAAr;) many ways, many times, often. II. in various manners. iroXXax60V, Adv. (TroAts, no\\ri)from many places or sides : for many reasons. iroXXaxoOt, Adv. (TroAt's, woAATj) in many places. iroXXax6os) much-praised. 2. full of wise discourse. iroXi>-di, itcos [t], (TroAts, d'iaaoj) with many shocks, impetuous ; KapaTos TroAtat weariness caused by im- petuous onsets. TroXt5av8pG>, to be full of men, to be populous. From iroXv-avSpos, ov, (TroAvs, dvrjp') of places, with many men, full of men, thick-peopled. II. of persons, numerous. TToXti-dvOejJios, ov, (iro\vs,dvdcfj.ov) rich in flowers. iroXi5-av6Tjs, f's, (TroAvs, dvOfoj) much-blossoming. iroXtiavOpcoTrCa, T), a large population, multitude ff people. From noXC-Tros,oi/, (iro\vs,av6pctrrros}full ofptop!:, populous : crowded. 572 iroXiJ-civtop [a], opos, o, i}, (iroXvs, dvrjp) = iroXvav- opos : much frequented. II. of many husbands. iroXC-dpY^pos, ov, (rroXvs, apyvpos) rich in silver. iroXv-dpijTOs Att. -dpa-ros, ov, (rroXvs, dpdo/tcu) much prayed for, much desired. iroXv-apKTjs, es, (rroAvs, dp/cecy) much-sufficing, sup- plying many, abundant. iroXv-dpjxaTOS, ov, (rroXvs, apfjia) with many chariots. iroXv-apn-ovios, ov, (rroXvs, dpp.ovia) many-toned. iroXv-apvos, ov, irreg. dat. -rroXvapvi : (rroXvs, dpvos) : with many lambs or sheep : with many flocks. iroXvapxta,77, (TroXvs,apxu) the government of many. n-oXti-ao-TpA-yfiXos, ov, (noAvs, ao-rpcryaAos) with many joints. iroXv-aa-Tpos, ov, (noXvs, aorpov) with many stars, starry. jroXv-dtrxoXos, ov, (TroXvs, aerxoAos) much-busied. n-oXu-avXa^, aos, 6, i), (iroXvs, auAa) with many furrows : ivith broad acres, spacious. jroXv-a/ux ev S ov, (noXvs, avx^v) with many necks. iroXC-pac^Tjs, ts, (TroArs, /Sa^i/at) deep-plunged, drowned. 7roXi5-pv0T|S, es, (-rroXvs, (3evOos) very deep. iroXv-j3o, vos, 6, T), (iroXvs, Corpus) with many clusters, abounding in grapes. iroXiJ-povXos, ov, (noXvs, /SOI/AT)) much-counselling, exceeding wise. >, ov, o, (TroAvs, /Sous) rich in oxen. , ov, (iroXvs, fipo\os) with many nooses. iroXv-Yd0T|S, es, Dor. for TroXvyrjOrjs. TroXt5-YT]0T|S, Dor. -Ya0T|s, es, (rroXvs, yrjOeaf) much- cheering, delightful, gladsome. iroXv--yT|peos, -KcrTOS, ov, (noXvs, KCOTOS) much-wrought with the needle, well-stitched. , iroXi5-KT]8ifjS, es, (iroXvs, Kudos') full of care, grievous. iroXv-KT]pios, ov, (woXvs, Krjp} very deadly. iroXv-KiqT'rjs, (s, (iroXvs, Krjros} full of monsters. iroXtJ-KXauo-Tos or -icXavros, ov, also 77, ov, (troXvs, much deplored or lamented. es, (TTO\VS, /tXeos} far-famed. ov, also 77, ov, (troXvs, KXfiros') far- famed, of great renown. iroXu-KXrjeis, foaa, ev, (iroXvs, Xe'os) = iroXvKXeiTos. iroXv-KXT|is, toos [t], ), (jroXvs, Aets) with many benches of rowers, with many hanks of oars. 'n-oXv-KXijpos, ov, (TroXvs, nXrjpos) with a large lot or portion, rich in land. 573 , ov, (rroXvs, rcaXeoj) called from many a land. -rroX-u-KXvcTTOS, ov, (iToXvs, KXvfa') much dashing or swelling. II. pass, washed by many a wave. TroXv-KpvirjTos, ov, (iroXtis, Ka^VQ}") much-wrought. 2. later, laborious. iroXtJ-KVT]fJLOS, ov, (troXvs, Kvrjpos) with many shoulders, of mountains : mountainous. iroXiJ-Koivos, ov, (rroXvs, Koivos) common to many. iToXi/KOtpovta Ion. -it], 77, the rule of many. From iroXv-Koipavos, ov, (iroXts, Kotpavos) wide-ruling. iroXv-KoXvfxpos, ov, (iroXvs, KoXv^aoi) oft-diving. iroXv-Kpavos, ov, (iroXvs, Kpdvov) many-headed. n-oXv-KpaTiqs, e's, (iroXvs, Kpdros) very mighty. iroXv-KpOTOS, ov, also 77, ov, (iroXvs, porea)) ring- ing loud or clearly. iroXvi-Kpo-uvos, ov, (noXvs, /cpovvos) with many springs. iroXv-Kreavos, ov, (iroXvs, KTtavov} = noXvKT-qp.&v. iroXv-KTTjjjwov, ov, gen. ovos, (TroXvs, KrfjiM) wiih many or great possessions, very wealthy. iroXv-KT7]Tos, ov, (TroXvs, KTaofJLat) = TroXvKTr]iJcav. iroXv-KTOvos, ov, (iroXvs, KTeivQ}) much-slaying, murderous. iroXtj-KvBio-TOS, ov, also 77, ov, (rroXvs, Kvdio~TOs) held in highest honour, most glorious. iroXti-KiJfJLwv, ov, gen. ovos, (rroXvs, Kvfia) swelling with many waves. 7ToXi}-Ku>KVTOs,*oi', (troXvs, KOJKvoi) much-lamenting, very plaintive. iroXti-Kcofjios, ov, (itoXvs, o)^os) much-revelling. TToXiJ-KWTros, ov, (iToXvs, KojTrf]) of many oars. iroXti-KcoTiXos, ov, (TroXvs, KcariXos) much-chatter- ing, much-warbling. iroXv-Xiquos, ov, (iroXvs, Xijtov) with many corn- fields. iroXiiX-XiGos, ov, (itoXvs, XiQos) very stony. iroXvX-XuTTOS, ov, (iroXvs, Xiaaop.ai] much implored or entreated; vrjos TroXtiXXiaros a temple where many prayers are offered. iroXvX-XiTOS, ov, (noXvs, Xiropai) iroXvXXiffros. iro\v\oy\.a, 77, much speaking, much talk. From TToXxi-Xo-yos, ov, (iroXvs, Xoyos) much-talking, talk- ative. 2. much talked of. iroXv-p,a0T|s, e's, (TToXvs, ftaOftv} having learnt much, knowing much. Adv. -Ows, in a very learned way. iroXv-p.avif|s, es, (TroXvs, p.avr}vai} very furious. iroXv-p-dxTiTos, ov, (rroXis, /id^o/xai) much or often fought for. [a] iroXv-jxe0Tis, es, (iroXvs, niOrj] very drunk. iroXv-p.6XT|S, es, (TroXvs, u.eXos) with many limbs or members. II. many-toned, musical. iroXv-jJiepTJs, es, (iroXvs, fj.fpos} consisting of many parts. Adv. -pus, in many ways. iroXii-jjiCTpos, ov, (rroXvs, u.frpov) holding many measures : generally, abundant. TroXv-jjLTjKas, ados, 6, (iroXvs, u.r)Ka.onai) mucl- bleating. 574 iroXv-|ATjXos Dor. -piaXos, ov, (rroXvs, J.LTJXOV} with many sheep : rich in flocks. rroXv [JU]Vis, ws, 6, 77, (rroXvs, fj.r}Vis} very wrathful. iroXv-p.i]Tis, tos, o, 77, (TroXus, fj.fjris} of many coun- sels or expedients, ever-ready. iroXtJjjLTjxavia Ion. -Ctj, 77, fertility of resources, in- ventiveness, readiness. From iroXv-|AT|X<* vos ov > (^oXvs, wxavfj) fertile in re- sources, inventive, ever-ready. iroXtj-p,i-yT|S, e's, (TroXus, fJ.ifrjvai} mixed of many parts, motley. iroXv-jxlonfjs, es, (TroXus, juf<:Xos, ov, overcast ivith | IIoXt>irr||jLovlSir]S, ou, 6, sow of Polypemon, in allu- sion to the meaning of the word ; v. rroXvnr}/jiOJV. iroXt}-ir?i}Jiajv, ov, gen. oi'os, (TroXus, 77777x01) causing manifold woe, baneful. iroXiJ-irT|Vos, ov, (woXus, rrrjvrj} close-woven. iroX'8-irl8a|, aos, 6, 77, (TroXus, m5ag} with many j springs or fountains. TroXv-'iriKpos, ov, (rroXvs, iriKpus} very keen or bit- ter; neut. pi. iroXvmKp'3. as Adv. very bitterly. iroXii-mvTjs, es, (TroXus, rnvos} very dirty. iroX'u-'irXaYicTOS, ov, (rroXvs, irXaofj.ai) much-wan- dering, roaming far a-Jield : much-erring. II. act. (TroXus, TrXafcu) leading far astray : metaph. beguiling, delusive. iroXv-irXavif|s, es, (TroXus, -rrXavaofiai} roaming far or long ; iroXvrrXavrjs Ktffffos the wandering ivy. 2. much-erring. iroXu-irXavijTOS, ov, (rroXvs, irX8.vdofJ.ai} far- or ofi- clouds, very cloudy : there is also a Dor. form iro\v- wandering : of blows, showered from all sides. vte\as, gen. a. TroXtJ-vtKTjs, ov, 6, (iroXvs, viKaT|s, cs, (TToAvs, vityoj) deep with snow. iroXv-^civos, ov, Ion. for sq. Ion. -[jcivos, ov, also 77, ov, (iroXiis, iroXv-irXSvos, ov, rroXvrrXavfjs. iroXv-irXao'ios, a, ov, = rroXXarrXaffios. troXv-irXtOpos, ov, (rroXvs, rrXfOpov} many rrXtBpa in size: generally far-extending. iroXv-irX.KTOS, ov, (rroXvs, TrXe'cu) closely -twined. iroXv-irXoKap-os, ov, (rroXvs, rrXoKafios') with many f persons, entertaining many guests, \ locks : of the polypus, with many feelers, very hospitable. II. visited by many guests. iroXvirXoKta, 77, intricacy, cunning, craft. From iroXtJ-letrros, ov, (rroXiis, Jon. irp-qYixovto), f. rjffo}, (iroXv- Trpayfj.cav} to be busy about many things, to be very busy : to be meddlesome or officious : to meddle in public affairs, intrigue. iroXvirpa'YIJLOO'tivir), 17 (jroXvirpdyfjicuv') officious inter- ference, meddling: a meddling, active character. From iroXv-irpaYlAcav, ov, gen. ovos, (iroXvs, irpdo~o~-Trpuos, ov, (iroXvs, Trpaos) very mild. TroXv-irpnYJAOvea), Ion. for iroXvnpay^ovfca. iroXv-irpoparos, ov, (rroAvs, irpuparov) rich in sheep or cattle : Sup. troXv-npo^arwraros. iroXv-irpiTurros, 77, ov, = iro\v irpajriffros. iroXv-irroTjTOs Ion. TrrotirjTOS, ov, (iroAvs, TTTOCOJ) much-scared, timorous. ircXiJ-irTVX S, ov, (iroXvs, TTTWX'? folds : with many glens or valleys. iroXv-irtipYos, ov, (iroXis, iripyos} with many towers. iroXiJ-TTxipos, ov, (iroXt-s, uvpos) rich in corn. iroXvp-pairros, ov, = TroXvppacpos. iroXvp-pa<|)OS, ov, (iroXts, pairroi) much-Worked, highly-wrought. *TroXup-pT]v, rjvos, 6, 17, (iroXus, */5i7^ = d/xi/os) rich in sheep or flocks: only found in nom. pi. iroXvpprjves, never in nom. sing. iroXvp-pijvos, ov, = *iroXvppijv. iroXtip-pi^os, ov, (iroXvs, ta) with many roots. iroXvp-poBos, ov, (TroXvs, fruoov} abounding in roses. / *r ^ --^ I - , f - , ., ^ - ~ . more commonly (even in Att.) irovXv-irous, ov, b^i iroXXr) dvayKrj strong necessity. 3. of the Value the many-footed one, the sea-polypus ; gen. irovXviro- of a thing ; iroAAov agios worth much ; voXXov TTOI- (taOai n, Lat. magni facer e, to reckon of much con- sequence. 4. c. gen., as iroXXol Tp&av for TroAAot TpcDes ; iroXXov aapicos for TroAA?) o~ap. 5. TroAts is often joined to another Adj., iroAtes re mi to~d\oi many men and good. 6. in Att. with the article, ol TroAAot the many, a majority ; so also, rb iroXv ; els l/rt rd TroAu for the most part. 7. TroAts is often joined with a Partic. and elfJii, as, iroAAos fjv Xiaau- fjifvos he was urgent in his entreaties. II. of Space, large, far, wide ; iroXXr) b56s a long way. III. of Time, long. As Adv. in neut. sing, and pi., TroAu Ion. TroAAcV, TroAAd, much, very : also many times, oft-times, often, often strengthd. by p.dXa : of Space, a great way : of Time, long: of Degree, far, very much. 2. troXv is joined with a Comp. Adj. to increase its force ; TroAu or iroXXvv dfifivow much better : with Comp. Adv., iroXv /iaAAor much more : with Sup., as TroAu irpcDros much the first. 3. TroAAd many times, of or with many | often : ra TroAAd mostly, usually. 4. with Preps. ; ITTI TToXv for long ; firl -noXXov far. Comp. irXcicav Att. irXeow ; Sup. TrAefo"ros. iroXiJ-Ta0pos, ov, (iroXvs, aaOpos) very rotten. iroXtf-0'apKta, r), (TTOA^S, adp} fleshiness, plumpness. as, oi/, (TTO\VS, af^aari.s} most august. , ov, (itoXvs, o~tp.v6s) very venerable. iroXC-p, opos, b, (TioXvs, ff7}fj.aivaj) a ruler over many. iroXC-; ace. TroAwi', rro\XrjV, iroXv: Ion. nom. TroAAos, TroAATj, iroXXov, ace. itoXXbv, iroXXriv, TtoXXov : ' the Ion. declension is retained by the Att. in all cases, except nom. and ace. sing., masc. and neut. j The following are Ep. forms : sing. gen. TroAcos, pi. I II. high-fed, full of meat. , ov, (rroXvs, aKaXpos) many-oared. iroXti-orKap9(AOS, ov, (troXvs, aitaipaj} far-springing, swift : bounding. iroXv-tTK-qTrTpos, ov, (iroXis, afcfjirrpov} wide-ruling. iroXti-omos, ov, (iro\vs, aifia) very shady. iroXv-cncoireXos, ov, (noXis, ffKoneXos} very rocky. iroXv-o"iTa9Tis, (s, (iroXvs, airdOrj) thick-woven. TToXv-o"irpTjs, fs, (noAv's, aneipca) wide-spread, scat- tered abroad, numerous. iroXt)-0-iTXaYX vo s, ov, (noXvs, ffn\d'yx vov ) of great mercy or compassion. 7roXv-o"iropos, ov, (voXvs, GTTfipoj) much-sown, nom. itoXffs contr. iroAffs; gen. iroXecav; dat. iroXiai, fruitful. iroXfOffi, iro\eeao~i ; ace. TroXtas contr. woAefs ; also iroXv-crTatJjvXo?, ov, (iroXvs, GracpvXff} rich in gen. plur. fem. noXXfcav and TroAAdo;^ [o]: irouXvs, ' grapes. neut. irovXv, are also Ep. forms. iroXv-o-Taxvs, t', gen. vos, (iroXvs, I. Of Number, many, opp. to oXiyos few : also of ] ears of corn, yielding rich crops. anything often repeated ; TroAAoi' ?)V TOVTO TO erros [ iroXv-crTeXcxos, ov, with many stems. rich in 576 5, ov, (rroXvs, arevafa) deep-sigh- ing, miserable. iroXv-o-T4>avos, ov, with many wreaths. iroXv-CTTrjs, es,(iroXvs, artfyoj) crowned with many a wreath; rro\vffTf^>r]S 5d) much-spotted, dappled. iroXf crrixCa, 77, a number of lines. From iroXv-, to speak much. From iroXv-OTOjAOS, ov, (jtoXvs, aTopa) many-mouthed. iroXv-orovos, ov, (iToAus, aTevoo) much sighing, mournful, melancholy. TroXv-o-Tpoejua, 77, a turning oneself to and fro. From iroXiJ-o-Tpoos, ov, (iroXvs, ffTpeoj) much-twisted : pliant, versatile. iroXC-o-vXXaJ3os, ov, (iroXvs, av\\a0r]) of many syllables. iroXv-o-<|>6v8uXbs, ov, many-jointed. TToXv-crxio'TOs, ov, (TTO\I;S, ffX'-C^ S P^ i* 1 * many parts, branching. TToXv-crxotvos, ov, (iroXvs, o"x^vos) many-corded. iroXTJ-o-wpos, ov, (iroXvs, acapus) yielding large heaps of corn. iroXv-raXavTos, ov, (no\vs, raXavTov} weighing or worth many talents. iroXv-TappT|s, fs, (iroXvs, rdpjSos) much-frightened. iroXti-TKVOs, ov, (iro\vs, re/cvov) bearing many children. iroXtrr\.ia, 77, (iroXvreXrjs) great expense, costli- ness, expensiveness. iroXv-T6XT|s, es, (TTO\I;S, reXos) very expensive, cost- ly : of persons, siimptuous, extravagant : Comp. and Sup. iroKvTeXtarepos, -(araros. iroXvreXcos, Adv. of iro\vT\7js, expensively: Sup. TT oXvr (Xeffrara, in the costliest manner. iroXti-Tfp7rT|S, (S, (iro\vs, rfpnoj) much-delighting. iroXv-rex^ 5 ' ou o, or iroXv-rexvos, ov, (iroXvs, Tex vr ]} one skilled in many arts. iroXv-Tip.T)Tos, ov, also 77, ov, (TTO\US, rl^aoj) highly honoured or revered. II. of high value, costly. iroXti-TtjJLOs, ov, (iroXvs, TifJ-r)) much revered. II. of high value, costly. iroXv-TLTos, ov, (rroXvs, rica) held in high honour : also worthy of high honour. [I metri grat.] iroXvi-T\as, avros, o, (iroXvs, T\rjvai ) much-enduring. TToXv-rXTJixajv, ovos, 6, 77, (rroXvs, T\r}jJ.cav) much- enduring, very patient. n-o\ij-T\ir]Tos, ov, (TTO\I;S, rA^vat) having had much to endure, hence unfortunate. iroXiJ-T|ATr)Tos, ov, (rro\vs, T6/ivapp.a!cos, ov, (iroXvs, apfjiaKov} knowing many drugs or charms. rroX'u-aTOs, ov, (TTO\I$, (f>r}fj,i) much spoken of, very famous : also in a high strain. iroXt-<|>T)|Aos Dor. -<})a|jios, ov, (iroXvs, iXTpos, ov, (jroXvs, (plXrpov) suffering from many love-charms : deeply enamoured, love-sick. tro\\)-fy \oia|3os, ov, (iroXvs, op|3os, ov, also, 77, ov, (TToXvs, (ptp^op.aC) feeding many, bountiful. 7roXi5paSif|S, ts, (TTO\VS, typafa) very eloquent, wise, sagacious. iroXi>4>povTis, iSos, 6, 77, (iroXvs, p6vTio-TOS, ov, (itoXiis, (ppovTifa) much- thinking, thoughtful. iroXv4>poo-vvTj, 77, fullness of understanding, great wisdom or understanding. From iroXiJ-pcov, ovos, 6, f), (TToXvs, typ'fiv) much-thought- ful. very sagacious : also ingenious, inventive. iroXv-xoAicos, ov, (iro\vs, x a ^ K s } abounding in copper or brass : hence rich in copper vessels or money. II. wrought of solid brass, all-brasen. iroXv-xavBi^s, es, (rcoXvs, x avoava} } wide-yawning. iroXiJ-xcipfJios, ov, (rroXvs, x / ^ L Pt Jir ]} ver y warlike. iroXiJ-Xip, xapos,6, 57, (TTOA.VS, x et 'p) many-handed, with many hands ; also with many hands or men. Hence iroXt}-X-piO' ) 5?, a multitude of hands or work- men. iroXv-xpSos, ov, (TToAvs, XP^) many-stringed : hence many-toned. troXvxp'np.aTia, 77, possession of great wealth. From iroXv-xpT)fittTOS, ov, (TroAt's, ^pr}/xa) very wealthy. iroXv-xpovios, ov, (jroAvs, xpuvos) existing a long time, of the olden time, ancient. iToXv-xpCo-os, ov, (rro\vs, \pvoos} rich in gold, adorned with gold. troXiJ-XtoOTOs, ov, (TTO\IJS, \UVVVIJLI) high-heaped. troXv-\J;d(X&0O5, ov, (iro\vs, ^a/xa^os), and iroXv~\|/a|ji)xOs, ov, (iro\vs, ^a/z/^os) very sandy. iroXvi|ni4>ta, 77, number or diversity of votes. And iroXv-i}/T|c}>is, tdos, 6, 77, with many pebbles, pebbly, of the beds of rivers. From iroXv-x|/T)4>3S, ov, (TTO\VS, i//fjs, unrj) with many boles or cells, close-meshed. iroXi/-(op6a>, (TTO\VS, upa) to pay much regard or attention to, to esteem highly. iroXiJ-ax^cXtjs, es, (iro\vs, 6s, ecus Ion. T}OS, o, (irofjiirus) one who attends or escorts, a guide, conductor. 2. one who goes in procession. irop,irija), Ion. impf. Tro/nrf vffffcov : f. ata: (ttop- 7TT7) : to attend, escort, guide, conduct. II. to lead a procession : to swagger or strut : to abuse with ribald jests, as was customary in processions (see TTO/XTTCta). irojxiTTi, 77, (7re/z7rcu) a sending, despatching, escort- ing : guidance, conduct, escort. 2. a sending away, a sending home to one's country. II. a solemn procession, Lat. pompa. III. an inter- vention, suggestion, guidance. 5, TJas, nom. and ace. pi. of irofjurtvs. 577 irofJitrtKds, -/I, ov, (TTO/ITTT)) of or for a solemn pro- cession : showy, stately. iropyirtjxos, ov, also 77, ov, (TTO/ZTTT?) conducting, es- corting, guiding : homeward. II. pass, sent, ^brought. | -JTOJATTOS, o, (TTffjnrca) one who attends or escorts, an \ escort, guide: plur. tropiroi attendants, guards. 2. a messenger. II. as Adj. conducting, leading; irvp TTOfiiruv the signal or beacon fire. iroiATro-OToXeco, (TT^TTO;, oroAos) to conduct a fleet or ship. Tfo^^oXvyo-ira^Xao-^a, TO> (TT the noise made by bubbles rising. iro[i4>oXv<0, f. o>, (rrofJKpo^v^) to bubble or boil up: to gush forth. , vyos, 77 > (irojjupos) a bubble. , ov, 6, a bubble, blister. irovVfXvos, Aeol. for TTOVOV^VOS, part. pass, or med. of iroveo). irovew, (TTUVOS) used by Horn, mostly as Dep. iro- vop,ai, with fut. med. -77(70/101 ; aor. I med. errovrj- ffa^tjv and pass. crrov^Orjv; pf. pass, irfirovrjfiai : I. ! absol. to toil, work hard; irovfea0ai KaTct. vapivrjv to toil in the fight; hence to be worn out, exhausted. 2. \ metaph. to be in distress or anxiety, feel pain of I mind. II. c. ace. to work at, work bard at, to 1 perform zealously. | . After Horn, the Act. TTOVCW is more freq., f. -irov- 770*0; : aor. I eirovrjffa : pf. irejrovrjKa : Pass., aor. I firovr)8r)v : pass. iriruvrjfjiai : I. e. ace. pers. to I cause toil or pain to another. 2. c. ace. rei, to \ gain by toil or labour, to work out : Pass, to be won j by labour and pains. II. intr. to toil, suffer pain or hardship : c. ace. cognato, iroveiv irovov^ ftoxQovs to undergo, endure labour. Hence ! irovi]jia, O.TOS, TO, thai which is wrought out, ! work. irovT|pvjJia, aTos, TO, a knavish trick. From rrovK]p6vo(jiat, Dep. (irovrjpos) to be evil or wicked, to deal wickedly. ) irovnrjpia, T), (Tfovrjpos) badness, ill condition, wicked- ness, knavery, Lat. pravitas : also cowardice. irovr)p6s, a, ov, (irovfcu) causing pain or hardship : hence, i. painful. i. distressed, in sorry plight : of things, bad, sorry : useless, in bad state or condition ; tiovrjpci -npa.yfJta.Ta a bad state of things. 3. in moral sense, bad, worthless, villain- ous, knavish, wicked. Hence irovr)pu)S, Adv. ill, miserably ; irovrjpws exciv to be /// off, be in a sorry plight. irovT], f. iffca, (noVTOs) to plunge or sink in the sea, Lat. mergo : Pass, to be drowned. TTOVTUKOS, 77, ov, (novTos) of,from or in the sea: esp. of the novTos Eveivos or Black Sea: cf. TTO^TOS. II. from Pontus, Pontic; HOVTIKOV StvSpeov the tree from Pontus, the hazel. TTOVTIOS, a, ov, also os, ov, (novTos) of, from or in the sea : ruling the sea. irovTKTjJia, CITOS, TO, (novTifa) that which is cast into the sea. irovTo0ev, Adv. (TTOVTOS') from or out of the sea. irovTO-0Y|pT]S, ov, 6, (TTOVTOS, Orjpdcu) one who fishes in the sea. irovTO-jieSuv, OVTOS, 6,(novTOS, /Lie'Scw) lord of the sea. iroVTOvSe, Adv. (novTos) into the sea. IIovTOTropeia, 77, (nwTOTropos) a Nereid, the Sea- passer. TrovTOTropcva) and iropeco, to pass over the sea. From TTOVTO-rropos, ov, (TTOVTOS, Trc'pos) passing over the sea, sea-faring. IIovTO-'n i oiv, Ep. gen. of TTO^TOS. iroTrdvevjjia, aTos, TO, = Tronavov. TToiravov, TO, (ntnTOj) anything halted, a fiat cake, used at sacrifices. ir6ira|, an exclamation of surprise, akin to -no-not. iroirds, aSos, 77, = Trojrai'oi'. TTOTTOI, the cry of the hoopoe. TTOTTOI, exclam. of surprise, anger, or pain, oh ! fie I shame I akin to nanai ! also a; TTOTIOI. iroiroiro, cry of the hoopoe. TTOTTTrija> Dor. iroiTTrucrSco : fut. 7roTr?Tvo*a> : aor. I e7ron-uo*a : Pass., aor. novnvaOr]v : to whistle with the lips compressed : to cry hush ! also to make a hissing sound in playing the flute, to play ill. Hence iroirni;Xia(i> Dor. -ao-8co, = nonnvfa. TTOTnruo-Sco, Dor. for nonnvfa. iroTnrvo'ixa, O.TOS, TO, and < Tro7nruo'(i6s, ov, 6, (TTOTT- nvfa) a whistling, esp. in applause. TropSaXis, o, 77, older form of TiapSaXts. iropSTj, 77, (nepdca) crepitus ventris. Trope, Ep. for en-ope ; see *7T(5pcu. iropeia, 77, (iropevcu) a walking, mode of walking, gait, Lat. incessus. II. a going, a journey, pas- sage : a march. 2. a crossing beyond seas, cross- ing a river. EIS, iropv0f,vat, aor. I part, and inf. of TTO- Tropevp,a, OTOS, TO, (nopfvo/jiai) a passage, way; TTO- pev/j.a fipoT&v a place where men resort. 2. a means of going, carriage, conveyance. Troptio"t(xos, ov, also ij, ov, (nopevca) that may be crossed or traversed, passable. TropevTeos, a, ov, verb. Adj. of Ttoptvopai, to be traversed or travelled over. II. neut. TropeuTeoz', one must go. iropevTos, 77, 6v, also 6s, 6v, (Tropevo^at) travelling, journeying. iropevco, f. -evffoj : (nopos) : to bring, carry, con- vey, esp. to ferry or convey across a river. 2. of things, to bring, carry : to furnish, supply. II. Pass, and Med. Tropeuo/mi, fut. med. -evaofjuit, aor. I pass. tnopev6j]v : pf. ireTropev/xat : to be carried or carry oneself, to go, walk, march, travel. 2. c. ace. loci, to pass over, traverse. iropOeco. f. 770*0; : pf. pass. nerropOijiJiai: collat. form of 7re'p0cu, to destroy, ravage, waste, plunder : to be- siege a town: of persons, to slay, kill, destroy: Pass. to be ruined, undone. Hence ir6p0T|[jLa, fMTOs, TO, (nopOfca) ravage, plunder. Trop0T|oris, ecus, 77, (tropOeca) the sack of a town. irop0TjTT|S, ov, o, (nopOfca) a ravager, plunderer. irop0T|TCOp, opos, 6, poet, for nopOrjTrjS, a ravager. irop0p,iov Ion. -fyov, TO, (iropOfJicvQ}) a place for crossing, a passage over, ferry. II. a passage- boat, ferry-boat. III. the fare of a ferry, Lat. naulum. Tr6p0|jL6V{xa, CCTOS, TO, (nopOjJitvca) a crossing over, passage. iropOfjie'Us, ecos Ion. 770$, 6, (nopOfjLtvai) a ferryman, boatman, Lat. gortitor : a seaman. Trop0jjLiJco, f. oca, (nopO^os) to carry or ferry over a strait, river, etc. : to carry over, carry, convey : Pass. to be carried or ferried over, to be transported from place to place. II. intr. in Act., like Lat. tra- jicere, to pass over, cross over. Trop0p,T|iov, TO, Ion. for rrop0fif?ov. Trop0jjis, i5os, 77, (TTopfyios) a ferry; a strait. II. a ferry-boat, passage-boat. irop0|x6s, o, (ireipca') a ferry: a strait, frith. II. a crossing by ferry, a passage. Tropco, f. io~ca Att. to) ; aor. I tiropiaa : Med., f. TToptov/xai : Pass., f. TropiaOrfffofiai : aor. i cnopioOrjv: pf. ntiropifffjat : (nopos) : to bring, conduct, fetch., convey. II. to furnish, provide, supply : to bring about, contrive, devise: Med. to furnish for oneself, provide, procure, get : Pass. 7ropteTcu, impers. it is in one's power to do ... Troptjjws, ov, (nopos) able to provide or supply : wealthy, rich. II. full of resources, inventive: c. ace., tropt/ios dVopa fertile of resource in difficul- ties. III. of things, practicable. iropts, tos, 77, poet, form of nopris. 7ropicrji6s, o, (nopifa) a procuring: a means of acquiring : also profit, gain. Tropurnf|s, ot), o, (nopifa) a provider, purveyor: at Athens, the nopiffTai were a financial board to raise ways and means. 3. purveyors, conveyancers, as pirates called themselves. Hence TTOptOTUOS TLo(Tlb&V* 579 iropurruc6s, 17, 6v, fit for purveying: able to procure. IIO'PKHS, ov, d, a ring or hoop, which ran round the part where the iron head of a spear was fastened to the shaft. iropveta, 77, (iropvevoS) fornication : prostitution. iropveiov, TO, (iropvevQ}) a brothel. iropvciico, f. (tea, (iropvos) to prostitute : Pass., of a woman, to be or become a harlot. iropvrj, ), (irepvdca) a harlot. iropvCStov, TO, Dim. of iropvr]. [yi] iropviicos, 17, ov, (iropvij) of or for harlots. iropvopoo-Kcco, f. 770-0, (iropvopotfKos) to keep a brothel. Hence iropvopcxTKia, f), brothel-keeping. iropvo-fJoo-Kos, o, (irovpij, 0o, f. lo-oj, (iropirag) to grasp by the handle, to hold a shield by the handle. iropirajjia, aros, TO, (iropirdtu) a garment fastened with a buckle or brooch. iropira, O.KOS, 6, (Tropirrf) the handle of a shield. TTOpirdco : f. daca [d] Ion. "fjaca : to fasten with a buckle, to buckle or clasp down. From iropinr], 77, (rrfipoj') like irfpovij, the pin or tongue of the buckle, a buckle or brooch. iropinjiACU, O.TOS, TO, Ion. for iropirafM. iroppw, Adv., Lat. porro, Att. for irpoffca,far,far off": see iroppurtpoo, -cuTcmy. Hence iropptuOev, Adv. from afar; and iroppcoOi, Adv. far. iroppumiTOS, rj, ov, Sup. Adj. (iroppoj) furthest. -jroppcortpo), -oDTdrco, Adv., Comp. and Sup. of rroppca, further on or off, furthest off. Tvopo-oiva), = iropavvw, to offer, give : hence to at- tend to, cherish : to manage, arrange. itopo-tov, -jropcnoTa, Adv., Comp. and Sup. of rropaca or irpoffoj, further, furthest. iropo-uvco [0] : Ep. fut. iropavvfu contr. -vvSi : (*TTO/XU) : to proffer, offer, give, present, furnish : fern. part, fut., fceivov iropavvtovoa. Ae'xos to prepare his bed. II. generally, to make ready, provide : Med. to provide for oneself, get ready. 2. to exe- cute, order, arrange, adjust. III. of persons, to treat with care, to cherish, tend : also to esteem. iropcrctf, Adv., = iroppca, irpocrcu: see iropffiov, irop- , a/cos, 77, = irupris, a calf. -iropris, tos, 57, a young heifer, calf: any young ani- mal : metaph. a young maiden, girl, L,a.t.juvenca. iropTi-rp64>os, ov, (jropTis, rpe^tu) breeding calves. iropvpa Ion. -vpt) [C], 57, (iroptyvpca) the purple- fish, Lat. murex. II. the purple dye obtained from it, purple. III. in plur. purple clothes or robes. irop<|>t)peos, rj, ov, Att. contr. irop^vpoOs, a, ovv : (jrop(pvpa) : Lat. purpureus, purple, dark, first of the sea: nopcpvpcij ve^fXtj a dark cloud. 2. dyed with murex or purple-fish, purple, red. 3. rosy, bright, beauteous, like Lat. purpureus. ' irop4>i3pvis, vp6vriKos, 17, ov, of or for a purple-dyer. iropi5pls, ioos, TJ, (iropipvpa) a purple garment or covering. II. a red-coloured bird. Tropt5puav, cavos, 6, (nop(pvpa) a red-coloured water- bird. irop<|>tfpo-ei8iF|s, es, (iropQvpa, dSos} purpled, dark. Trop^Cpo-irwXTjs, ov, 6, fern. -irwXts, ioos, (Troptipo'0s, a, ovv, Att. contr. for iroptyvpeos. irop<|>vpa) [>], a redupl. form of (pvpoj, (as ^.opuvpoj of fJivpoj), to grow dark, esp. of the sea ; ws ore irop- \ as when the huge ] sea grows dark with its dumb swell (i. e. with waves that do not break, opp. to iro\if) a\s] : metaph. to be troubled, disquieted, Tro\\cL oe ol KpaSirj iroptyvpe much was his heart troubled. II. to grow purple. *IIO'PI1, obsol. pres. of the aor. 2 tvopov, and pf. ireirpwfuu : I. aor. 2 Hiropov Ep. iropov, part. jropuv : to bring to pass, contrive : to give, offer, bestow, grant; fvxos iropeiv to fulfil a wish. II. pf. pass. TT(Trp(Ufjuai, to be given or assigned as one's portion or lot, only used in 3 sing. pf. pass, ireirporrai, and 3 sing, plqpf. irfwpoiTo, it has, had been fated, and part, ireirptv^vos, 77, ov, allotted or fated to one: hence, 77 ircirpcafttvr), an appointed lot, Fate, Destiny; so also TO ireirpwfjifvov. *IIO'5, assumed as the interrog. Pron., answering to the relat. os, whence Troy, iroi, "nrj, ITU, also, irvOev, \ irodi, irofff, iroTf, and the Adj. iroVepos. irocrdKis Ep. iToo-o-aKi [a], Adv. (troffos} bow many times f how often f Lat. quoties ? iroo-e, Adv. (*TTOS) whither ? Lat. quo ? IlotmSciv and IIoTCuSav, dvos, 6, Dor. for Uoae lotuv. IToo-eiSdvios and -aovios, a, ov, Dor. for Ilotrei- Sduvios. Iloo-eiSeiov, r6, a temple of Neptune : neut. from IIov [a], dcavos, ace. doiva, voc. IIoo'i5aoj' : Dor. IIoTi8dv or IIoTiSdv, dvos : Ion. IIocrciSecDv, cwos: Poseidon, Lat. Neptunus, son of Cronos and Rhea, brother of Jupiter, god of the sea. U2 580 IlocrciSwvios, a, OP, sacred to Neptune : TCI Uoaet- (sub. if pa), the festival of Neptune. [, f), membrum virile. /, typos, o, (iroaOr}) a little boy. iro f ) p,ap, Adv. (TTOO*OS, ^ap) in how many days ? within how many days ? ircxrcrt or -iv, Ep. for iroo*i, dat. pi. of rrous. iroo-o-t-KpOTOS, OP, (irovs, poTe6p'T]Tos, op, (iTOTa/ios, (^opeoj) carried away by a river. troravos, a, ov, (Trorao^iat) Dor. for TTOT^POS, winged, flying, furnLhsd with wings. iroTecojiai, poet, for ireTOftai, to fly : fut. med. iro- T"f}0o}ji.at : aor. I pass. firoTrjOijv Dor. -dOrjv : pf. ir67roT77/icu Dor. -a/iat (with pres. sense), Ep. 3 pi. nfvoT-fjaTai : 3 sing, plqpf. ireiroTrjTO : to be upon the wing, hover, flit about. TTOTSTTOS, -fj, 6v, = iroSavos. Adv. -irws, iroT-avXea), Dor. for irpoffavXfca. iroT-ttwos, a, op, Dor. for irpoffrjyos. 1TOT6 Ion. KOT6, (*7ros) interrog. Particle, when f at what time f II. irore, enclit. Particle, at some time, at any time, once, erst. In answering clauses, ITOTC p.ev . . , TTore 8c . . , at one time . . , at another . . ; sometimes . . sometimes; Lat. modo .. modo . . : in questions it strengthens the interrogation, TI irore ; Ep. TtTrre ; how ever ? how possibly ? IIoTi8av, apos, Dor. for TLoffeiooav. iroTCjJtd^aro, Dor. for irpoffefjiagaTO^ 3 sing. aor. I med. of Trpofffjtdffao}. ITOTG(JUU, Ep. for iroTaoftai, to fly. TTOTCOS, a, ov, verb. Adj. of irivca, to be drunk, drink- able. II. iroTtov, neut. one must drink. iroT-epco, Dor. for irpofffpifa. irorepos, a, ov Ion. Korepos, rj, ov, (*iro, fTfpos) whether or which of the two-? L*t.utert z. the neut. ir6Tepov or voTCpa is freq. used as Adv. at the beginning of an interrog. sentence containing two contrary propositions, itoTfpov . , , r\ .. ; like Lat. utrum . . , an . . f whether . . , or . . ? II. without interrog., like ojroVepos, either of the two, Lat. alteruter: iroT-tpxofjtai, Dor. for irpoffpxofj.ai. irOTepwOu, Adv. (iroTepos} on whether of the two sides . . ? on which of two sides ? at which of two .places? iroTtptos, Adv. of irorfpos, in which of two ways ? Lat. utro modo ? iroT, f. iffca Alt. iSi, (TTOTOS) to give to drink : to water. -iroTi0i, Dor. for irpoafcs, aor. 2 imperat. of irpoaTi- Dor. for irpofftcfK\-, 3 sing. pf. pass.- iroTi\eaTO, Dor. for irpoo~\ea.TO, 3 sing. aor. I med. of irpoff\fy, Dor. for irpoffmvo~ffct}. ), Dor. for norifa. Dor. for irpo-arafa. , Comic Sup. of -nor-qs. iroTi-Tepmo, Dor. for irpoaTcpircj. anm-Tpoiraios, ov, Dor. for irpoarpjiraios. jrOTi-4>&>vY|i,s, ffoa, fv, Dor. for irpofffpcuvrjeis. iroTjios, o, (TrtTTTcu) that which befalls one, one's lot, destiny : one's evil destiny ; death. iroTva, rj, Ep. for noTvia. TTorvia, 77, a title used in addressing females : as Subst. lady, mistress, queen : c. gen., irorvta Orjpwv queen of wild beasts: as Adj. revered, august, a,wf ul : only found in nom. and voc. ITOTVIO,, ace. iroTvtav, except that nom. pi. VOTVIOJ. is used of Ceres and Proserpine. iroTviaSes, at, (TTOTVIO) the shouting, screaming ones, cpith. of the Bacchanals. 2. also as pi. to irorvia, awful, used of the Erinyes. iroTviaop,cu<, Dep. to call out VUTVIO, iroTvia, to a deity : to invoke ivitb loud cries, cry aloud, shriek. jroT-oSBco, Lacon. for upoaL^ca. ITOTOV, TO, (HO- Root of itivoj) that which one drinks, a drink, draught; aira xal irord meat and drink. 2. a spring of fresh water, a well : generally, water. iTOT-oirTaJX Dor. for irpoff-oirrdfa. TTOTOS, rj, ov, verb. Adj. from Root IIO- (v. vivaj) for drinking, drunk. ITOTOS, o, (nO- Root of irivcu) a drinking, a drink- ing-bout, carousal. iroT-6, Dor. for vpocrofa. TTOTTO, TTOTTOV, ITOTTu), ITOTTWS, TTOTTCIV, CtC., Dor. for TT/)JS TO, irp;js TUV, irpijs TGV, irpos TOVS, irpss Trjv,etc. iroT-<^Kt, Dor. for irpoff-faKei. irov ; Ion. KOV ; interrog. Adv. : (*TTO*) where ? Lat. tihi ? c. gen., trov yfjs ; irov ^9ov6s ; where, in what part of the world? Lat. nbinam terrarumf 2. bow? in what manner? II. TTOV as enclit., anywhere, somewhere. troiAti-iroSTjs, Ion. for iroXvnudrjs. irovXv-irovs, TrovXviros, Ion. for iroXvirovs, iro\vnos. 581 s, neut. TTOV\V, Ep. for ;roXi;s, iro\v. 17, Ion. for troXvfioTeipa. es, Ion. for iro\vira6r)S. 7rovXu-irXAvTjTOS r ov, Ion. tor iro\vir\dvrjTos. HOT'S, o, gen. TroSds : dat. pi. iroai Ep. iroaoi, ir68faar. Ep. gen. and dat. dual iroSouv: Lzt.PES, afoot: in plur. also a bird's talons or claws; the arms or feelers of a polypus: v\ivos irovs a wooden, artificial foot : in plur. also afoot-race, irii . . r/5c iro- Stoffiv in boxing and in the foot-race ; iroalv tpifciv to race on foot : but, Is iroSas \K Kf(f>a\rjs from head to foot. 2. of close proximity, irpuaOcv iroSos or itooojv, irpoirdpoiQe iroduiv just before one's feet, i. e. before one ; so also, kv iroai, irapa TTOOUS, npo -aoous, irapoL TToSt, close before or beside one; irapa noSos straightway, at once : hence, TO. ev iroai and rd vpu ITOCUIV what lies before one, anything obvious, com' mon; cp. f^iroSajv, fKiroduv* 3. in various phrases: em irdoa. backwards, with one's face forwards ; ciri irooa avaxvpeiv to retreat without turning one's back, at one's leisure : /card. iroSas with all the power of one's feet, at full speed, on the track or trail, Lat. vestigio; f] ftarci iroSas rjfj.fpa the very next, following day : ws iroowv x l as he is off for feet, i.e. as quick as he can : ! e * ssue f tne oracles. II. a doing, acting, action, opp. to ird6os, suffering. III. intr. a doing (well or ill), a certain state, condition. IV. the exaction of money or of punishment : revenge. irpdovcos, Adv. of Trpaos, formed from obsol. irpdcw, temperately. IIPA O5, neut. irpdov : the fern, in use is rrpat ?a, from irpavs (Ion. irprjiis), which is also used in masc. and neut. of all the singul. cases : in plur. both irpaot and irpafis in nom., irpdois and irpafai in dat. : neut. nom. and ace. is irpafa, rarely irpaa : mild, soft : of persons, meek, gentle : of animals, tame : of sound, gentle, low, soft. 2. soothing, taming. Comp. irpaoTfpos or irpavTfpos Ion. irprjvTepos. Hence TrpaoTrjs, T/TOS, TI, mildness, meekness, gentleness. IXPATIldg, tSos, 17, mostly used in pi. vpaniSfs, af, = pV(s, the midriff, diaphragm : then, since this was thought to be the seat of the understand- ing, 2. like (pplvfs, the understanding, mind: also the heart, [f] irpadYos, 6, Ep. for IJpaffo-tydyos, (irpdffov, \ irpdv-jn]Tis, tos, 6, 77, (npav's, HTJTIS) of gentle counsel. irpavvcris, fcas, 77, a softening, appeasing. From irpdiSvco Ion. TrpT]i5v&> [u] : fut. irpavvta : aor. I | firpdvva: Pass., aor. I cirpauvOrjv : pf. irfirpavo'fj.ai : (irpavs): to make soft, mild or gentle, to soften, soothe, calm, tame: Pass, to become gentle, calm down ; of passion, to abate. irpdv-irdOcia, 77, (irpavs, itdOos) gentleness. irpdvs, Trpaaa, rrpau, Ion. irpi]i5s, = Trpoos. Hence irpdijTrjs, 77x05, 77, mildness, gentleness. irpacas, Adv. of irpdos, mildly, gently. irpep-voOcv, Adv. from the stump, root and branch, utterly. From IIPE'MNON, TO, the lowest part of the trunk of a tree, the stump, Lat. caudex : generally, the stem, trunk. irpciTovTCos, Adv. part, of Trpetrw, in fit manner, fitly, meetly, beseemingly, gracefully. irpeTTTOs, rj, 6v, (irpfvca) distinguished, eminent. nPETIfl : fut. irptyca : aor. I fnpf^a : no pf. is found ; to be clearly seen or heard, be conspicuous : to be distinguished in or by a thing : generally, to be \ plain or manifest. II. to be like, resemble. III. to become, beseem, suit; c. dat. pers., 6v(nd OvaToTai Trperm mortal things beseem mortal men. 2. im- pers. irpfirfi, Lat. decet, it is fitting, it beseems, suits, \ becomes, c. dat. pers. et inf. : when the ace. follows alone, this depends on an inf. omitted, as, TiaaaOai OVTOJ, us tKfivovs [riaaoOai] -npt-nft to avenge our- selves, as it is fit [to avenge ourselves upon] them : rarely c. gen. pers., irpeirov r^v Saipovos TOV '/xo To5e this were well worthy of my evil genius. 3. part, neut. TO tipfirov, TOV irpenovTos, that which is seemly, fitness, propriety, Lat. decorum. irpcir-wS-Tjs, fs, (irpeirw, fiSos) fitting, becoming, suit- able, proper. irpQ-pa, 775, 77, old Ep. fem. of irpfff@vs, the august, honoured. , 77, (irpfafievcu) age, seniority; KCLTCL -npfff- by the right of the elder. II. rank, dig- \ nity. III. as ambassadors were usually old men, an embassy, embassage, the body of ambassadors. irpeo-pciov, Ion. and Ep. -T|iov, TO, (jrpeff^cvca) a gift of honour, such as was offered to an elder; mostly j in pi. privileges, prerogatives. irpecrpetos, a, ov Ion. -ifjios, 77, ov, (irptGfivs) vene- rable. 583 rrpefffia, fem. of -npta&vs, the august, venerated. irpto-pcujjia, aTos, TO, (Trpco-^eitu) one sent on an embassy, an ambassador. TrpO-pv, f. (vff(a : pf. ntirpiofitvKa : (trpia&vs} : intr. to be older or eldest. 2. to take place of others, properly, by right of seniority, to take prece- dence, c. gen. : hence to rule over, sway, c. gen. : ab- sol. to be best. II. trans, to place as oldest, first, to put first in rank : hence to pay honour or worship to : Pass, to be first or foremost, hold the first place : also to have the advantage, have the best of it, Lat. antiquior esse. III. to be an ambassador, treat or negotiate as one : Med. to send ambassadors : also to go as ambassador : Pass., pf. part. T pv < yvia, ^ } seniority of birth. From trp co-pii- YVTJS, es, (irptffftvs, yeveffdai) eldest-born. IIPE'2BT5, vos and us, 6, an old man, poet, for irpfffftvTrjs : hence, as from an Adj., come the De- grees of Comparison, see irpffffivrfpos, irpfff&vTaTos, irp6v. , Ion. for irpdyfjia. , Ion. for irpayiMTevofM.1. 584 TTptiyopetoV- Yl PO'. "r'ir-r ' or '"'P' r lY P" v ' ^ os " ( V P> aydpoj) the crop of a bird, so called because the food is there col- lected before it passes into the stomach. irpTj0-fjvai, Ion. for irpaOijvai, aor. I pass. inf. of , f. faca : aor. I eirprjffa : no perf. in use : (see 7rt/t7rp77/) : to blow up. swell out by blowing ; eirprjffev 8' dvf^ios pfffov loriov the wind swelled out the middle of the sail. 2. to blow out, force or 'drive out by blowing. trpTjKT^p, fjpos, 6, Ion. for irpaKTrjp. TrpujJiaCvw, (rrp^aj) to blow, blow bard. IIPHNH'2 Dor. irpavT|s, fs, gen. eos contr. ovs, Lat. pronus, bent forward, bead-foremost, opp. to ijnnos. 2. down-bill, downwards, opp. to opOios (up-hill). Hence irpTjvijco, f. ffca : aor. I pass. firpqvixOrjv : to throw headlong: Pass, to fall headlong. irpf|(;s, $, see trpiaris. -rrpTjo-o), fut. of irprjOco to blow. 2. fut. of irtft- vprjfu to burn. irpi]TT|piov, TO, Ion. for npa.T'rjpiov , a market. irpii]v-vo[Aos, ov, Ion. for irpaiivofjios, (irprjvs, vopos) of gentle manners, gentle, meek, [y] , Ion. for irpaiiva) : [v] From , fia, v, Ion. for irpd'vs. [u] irpTjv-Tevuv, OVTOS, 6, (irprjvs, Ttvav) with tamed neck. [y] irp-rjwv, Sivos Ep. ovos, 6, = irp, to sing before, make a prelude. irpo-a.i8cop.ai, Dep. with fut. med. -6o"o/#u, aor. I pass. irporiOa6r)V, pf. pass. Trpo^SrjfJLat, Ion. 3 Trpo- TjSearo for -771/7-0: to owe one special respect, be under great obligations to one. irpo-cupop,ai, v. sub irpoaipfca. irpoaipeors, (us, f], (rrpoaipeofMii) a choosing one thing before another, deliberate choice, purpose ; \K 7T/>oatpeo-6o>s, Lat. ex institute, of set purpose, advisedly; Kara irpoaipcaiv, in same sense. 2. irpoaipeais 0iov a purpose or plan of life. 3. irpoaipfcris iro\iTias a mode of government, a policy. irpo-atpTOv, verb. Adj. of irpoaipeoftai, one must choose or prefer. irpoaip6TtK6s,77,oV,(7r/)oa/peo/*ai) disposed to prefer. TT/>O irpoaTreijui. 585 TTpoatperos, 17, ov, chosen before, preferred. From irpo-aipcu, f. 170-0; : aor. 2 rrpoftXov : pf. irporjprjKa : to take away before or first. 2. to bring forward or forth, produce publicly. II. Med. Trpoaipeo/jLai : f. -TjaofAai : aor. 2 trpoei\6fj.i)v : pf. pass, (in med. sense) irpoijprjfjLai : to take or choose before or sooner than another, prefer one thing to another. 2. ab- sol. to choose deliberately, prefer. 3. to purpose or intend a thing : to determine previously ; to un- dertake. irpo-aior0Avopiav, Dep. with fut. med. -aiaOrjffofJiai, aor. 2 riaOo^v, pf. pass. irpoyaOrjfjLai : to perceive, learn or observe beforehand. 2. to learn before. TTpo-atTiaojiai, f. -daopMi, Dep. to accuse before- hand. Trpoaicr|Koa, pf. of irpoaK ovca. irpo-aKovriJo), f. icrca, to throw a javelin before- hand : Pass, to be darted before. irpo-SKovu), f. aKovaofJuii : pf. -ajtrjKoa : to hear beforehand. irpo-a\T|s, 6, (-npo, a\Ao/zt) springing forward : overhanging, abrupt. irpo-aXiorKop.ai, Pass., with fut. med. (in pass, sense) -aXwaopai, and (in same sense) aor. 2 and pf. act. -eaAoX -6aAamt : to be taken or convicted before- hand. -irpo-dp.apTa.vco, f. -dfJiapTTjffoiMii: pf. rjfJidpTijKa: to fail or sin before. TTpo-ttp.TJvop.ai, f. -apvvovfjiai, Med. to ward off or repeal beforehand : absol. to defend oneself. Trpo-ava|3aivto, f. ^aofjat, to go up to or mount before, so as to preoccupy. 7rpo-avaj3u.XXop.ai, Med. to sing or play by way of prelude (01/0)80X77). irpo-ava,Y&>, f. o>, to lead up before ; irpoavdyeiv vavv to put out into the high sea before : Pass, to put to sea before. 7rpo-av, f. 770*0;, to remove before. irpo-avaicrip-oco, f. uaca, to use up, spend before : Pass., (Ion. part. pf. irpoavaiffifj., f. 770*0), to stir up before. -rrpo-avaXio-Kto, fut. -araXaVo; : aor. I -avdXtvaa : to use up, spend, consume before : Pass, to throw away one's life before. irpo-avapirdfo), f. -daofjiai, to arrest beforehand. 7Tpo-avaxwpw, f. 770-0;, to go away before. Hence irpoavax<*>pT]0'is, 77, a former departure. f- <*>> to hold up before. 1. intr. to jut out beyond. Trpo-uvvrw [y] and -avvco : f. -avvau [v] : to ac- complish or complete first. irpo-aira-yopeija), f. acu, to give in or fail beforehand. irpo-airaXXao-o-w Att. -TTW, f. a>, to remove before- hand : Pass, to depart or die before. irpo-airavraa), f. 770-0;, to go forth to meet, meet be- forehand, be beforehand with. irpo-dimpA, to go away first. U 5 586 irpo-aimirov, aor. 2 with no pres. in use (cp. irpo- ayopfvoj) : pf. TTpoairfiprjKa : Med., aor. I Trpoairfi- irdfirjv: to renounce first. , f. rjoca, to bewail beforehand. irpo-airoicXT)p6a>, f. hao), to assign away beforehand. irpo-airoKTctvco, f. -KTCVCU, to kill beforehand. rrpo-airoXavoj, f. aofjuai, to enjoy beforehand. irpo-airoXetirco, f. ^a, to abandon beforehand. II. intr. to fail before or first. irpo-airoXXityu., to destroy first : Pass., with fut. med. -oXovfiat, pf. 2 act. -6X(u\a, to perish first. irpo-a'rro'Trep.'niC), f. ^cy, to send away, dismiss or dis- bandfirst. irpo-airoo-nlXTlvat, aor. 2 inf. pass, of airoaTtXXco. irpo-airooTeXXo), f. -airoffTeXw, to send away or ^despatch in advance : Pass, to be sent in advance. irpo-airo<5. w > f. , f. tyta, to turn away beforehand: Med. to turn oneself away from, to leave off doing. irpo-airoxcopo, f. rjaof^ to go away before. TTpo-apirdJo), f. acu and daofjiai, to snatch up first. irpo-aoreuov Ion. --fjuov, TO, (irpo, affTv) the space in front of a town, a suburb, the environs, Lat. pomoerium. ITpO-dorTlOV, T(5, = TTpodffTClOV. irpo-avBdco, inf. irpcuvbdv, contr. for irpoavfidv, f. ficro), to declare before or first. irpo-avXtov, TO, (irpo, avXif) a place before a court, vestibule, porch. II. (irp6, av\6s) a prelude on the flute. irpo-a<{)T]Yf op-ai ^ on> '"'p oaiiri lY~ ^ -^0"^* ' Dep. : to relate, detail, or explain before. irpo-aiKveo|jiai, f. -o-Ta[juit, Pass., fut. med. -airoffTrjffofMi, aor. 2 and pf. act. -aitfOTrjv, -cupcffTrjita : to revolt beforehand. II. to desist before. irp6{3a, for irpo^rjOi, aor. 2 imperat. of npo^aivca. irpo|3d8if]v [a], Adv. (rrpo)8aij/cy) as one goes along: going on, straightforward. 'TTpo-j3aivo), fut. -0r)ffOfjLai: pf. -0e&r)Ka: aor. 2 Trpo- f@r]v contr. irpovprjv, inf. irpoprjvai, part, irpoftds : Ep. pres. part. irpo/3i0d$, daa, ov (as if from irpofti- /3?;//t),and irpo&l&tjv -WVTOS (as if from 7rpo/3(/3o)) : to step forward, go on, advance, make progress ; daTpa. irpofieKrjKf the stars are far gone; irpo&rjvai troppca (j-oxOrfpias to be far gone in knavery: of Time, to go on, wear away, r) vv irpopaivd the night is wearing fast ; but also, to be gone by, past. 2. / go before, hence to be before, be superior to an- other. II. Causal, in fut. irpo(3r)aa), aor. I -40r)0a, to move or put forward, advance, promote. III. the pres. and aor. 2 are sometimes used with an ace. of the instrument of motion, as, irpo&a.iveiv ir6oa, to advance one's foot or leg. , Ion. for 7rpo/3a^ctos, (irpo, |8a- leader of the Bacchanals. irpopdXecncov, Ion. aor. 2 of trpofiaXXu. irpo-pdXXco, f. /SaXcD : aor. 2 irpovfiaXov : pf. $t'- &Xr]Ka., pass. -0e^\rjfJiai : to throw or cast before, throw to: to put forth beyond. II. to throw forward, throw away. III. to expose or give up to a thing; npopdXXtw kavrov to give oneself up for lost. IV. to put forward, put in the foreground : to propose: also hazard, venture, stake, pledge. 2. to put for- ward an argument : also to allege, plead an excuse. Med. to throw before one, throw away. II. to throw beyond, beat in throwing: hence, to surpass, excel. III. to set before oneself, propose to one- self. IV. to put forward, propose for election, Lat. designare : also to bring forward, cite, quote, produce on one's own side : to quote as an example : to use as an excuse or pretext. V. to hold before oneself, to put forth as a shield or defence : absol. in Pass, to stand on guard: hence also, 7rpo/3dA- XeoQat aviniayiav to put forward the plea of an alliance : so in pf. pass, part., trpo0f@\r)nevos TWOS put before another s a cover or shield; Trpo@((3\r)- fjifvos, 77, ov, defensive. VI. to denounce or accuse of a thing : Pass, to be publicly impeached. irpoj3dXoi|ju, [a], aor. 2 opt. of irpo&dXXca. 7rpo(3, f. iaca, to try or torture before. / irp6|3a<7is, 77, (TTpofiaivai) a stepping forward, II. as a Collective noun, things that walk, cattle. TrpopSrcCa, f), (irpofiaTevca) sheep-keeping, a shep- herd's life. TrpoparevTiKos, rj, 6v, suited to the breeding of cattle : 17 -KT] (sub. Tex 1 ' 7 ?)* the art of breeding or keeping cattle, esp. sheep, Lat. pecuaria. . From irpop&TCveo, f. ao/3aAAcy. i, pf. 2 of irpo0ov\onai. 7rp6j3t](Jia, aros, TO, (Trpofiaiv : f. -pifidaca Att. -/3r/3a> : Causal of irpofiaivcu, to make to go forward, bring forward. H^ to carry on further, to lead on, induce. jrpoJ3ij3a.s, Ep. pres. part, of irpofia.iv, f. 0o, Ion. for irpofloijOeQ). p,ios, ov, (irpo, jScy/no*) at or in front of the altar : as Subst., irpofiufua, TO,, the space in front of I an altar. \ irpo-Yap, opos, o, a forefather, ancestor. irpo-YtYvojjuu, Ion. and later YCvop.au [t] : f. yevrj- ffo/MLi : aor. 2 irpovyevo^v : pf. 2 act. irpoytyovo. and pass, irpoyeytvrjuai : Dep. : to come forwards : pre- sent oneself before. II. of Time, to be, happen, : come to pass before or earlier ; of irpoyeyovores men j of former times; rd, irpoyeywrjfjieva things that oc-. curred of old. irpo-YiYV" " 1 " * Ion. and later irpoylv- : f. -yvwoofMi : \ pf. act. irpoeyvuKa, pass, irpotyvcaa p.ai : to know, per- j ceive, learn or understand beforehand: to fore- know. II. to judge or decide beforehand. i irpoYvwo-is, -r), (irpoyiyvuaKco) a perceiving before- j hand, foreknowledge. irpo-Yovos, ov, (irpo, yeveaOai) earlier born, elder, older : as Subst., irpuyovos, o, an ancestor ; of irpo- yovoi forefathers, ancestors. II. irpoyovoi are early lambs, cp. fjifraffaai. irpo-Ypap,|Jia, OTOS, TO, (irpoypafpca) a public procla- mation or notice, programme. irpoYpttT|, 77, (irpoypdfpa)) a public notice, advertise- . ment. 2. also used for the Lat. proscriptio. jrpo-Ypa, f. affcu, to exercise beforehand. irpoSacts, aor. 2 pass. part, from Root irpoodcu : see irpooarjvai. irpoBa-qvai, aor. 2 pass. inf. of irpovoarjv with act. signf., from the root *6do;, to know beforehand. 588 irpoScScoKa, pf. o TTpo-SctBa), f. ffca, to fear or dread beforehand. irpo-BcieXos, ov, (irpo, SetcAos) happening or doing before evening. nrpo-BeCicvvjjit and -vto : f. -8eicw Ion. -degcu : to shew beforehand, point out, esp. by -way of example: to make known or publish beforehand: toforeshew. II. to point before one ; aKrjirrpy irpooeiKvvvai to feel one's way with a staff: also c. ace. to put out before one. III. ~x.ep&l irpooeuevvvai to make a feint with the hands, Lat. praeludere : also in war, to make a demonstration. irpo-Sctfjiaivaj, to fear or dread beforehand. irpo-BeiCTWp, opos, 6, Ion. for irpooei/CTcup, (irpofiei- Kvvfu) one whoforeshews : aforesbewer. irpo-8pKop.ai, f. -o(j,ai, Dep. to see beforehand. irpo-SiqXos, ov, (irpo, 877X0$) clear beforehand; Itf irpo5r)\ov manifestly. Hence. irpo-8ir]X6ci}, f. duffo), to make clear beforehand. irpo-SiajiJalvto, f. -^-fjaofjuai : pf. -ptprjKa : to go across before others. irpo-Sia|3dXXco, f. -&a\Gj, to raise prejudices against beforehand. irpo-8iaYi/Yvw, f. -yvouffofjuii, to understand or know thoroughly beforehand. II. to resolve or decree beforehand. irpo-StaiToio), f. rjffo), to prepare by diet. Hence irpo8iaTT), to jeer or ridicule beforehand, [v] irpo-Sia6eipco, f. -, f. Tjcrcu, to regulate, order, manage be- forehand. TTpo-Stwtcw, f. o>, to pursue further or to a distance. irpoSoOets, fiaa, iv, aor. I pass. part, of irpooidcafu. irpo-SoKcco : pf. pass. irpoof8oypai, 3 sing, plqpf. irpovSedoKTO : to think beforehand: only used in Pass., irpovOfSoKTo ravrd pot this was my former opinion ; ra irpo8e5oy/j.fj/a previous resolutions. irpo-8oKT|, 77, (irpo, Se'xoAtai) a place where one lies in wait, a lair, ambush; irtrprjs kv irpodouyaiv in the lurking holes of the rock. irp6-8ofjLos, 6, the fore-house, i. e. the room entered from the court (av\rj), the hall, vestibule. irpo-SofJios, ov, being before the house. irpo-8ojj, f. daca, to form an opinion beforehand. n-poSoo-Ca Ion. -it), 77, (TrpoStScyfii) a giving up, be- trayal, treachery, treason. trpoSocrts, 77, (irpooiocafu') payment beforehand. II. a giving up, betrayal. irpoSoTTjs, ov, 6, (irpooiStuiii) a betrayer, traitor : one who abandons in danger. Fern. irpoSons, i5os, a traitress. Hence irpoSoTiicos, 77, ov, disposed to betray, traitorous. irpoSoTOS, ov, (irpooiocajjii) betrayed, abandoned. irpo-8ovXos, ov, serving for a slave. irpo8ot)v, f. aoi, (irpoeSpos) to be president; irpo- eSpevfiv TTJS ftovXys to be president of the council. irpoeSpta Ion. -C-rj, 77, (TTpoeSpevcu) the seat or dignity of president (irpotopos), the first seat, presidency. 2. the privilege of the front seats at a theatre; at Athens a public honour. 3. the front seat itself, chief place: at Athens, the seats of the irpofSpoi in the Ecclesia. irpo-cSpos, ov, (irpo, e'Spa) sitting in front or in the first place. II. as Subst., TrpoeSpos, 6, a president : in the assembly (*KK\r)aia) at Athens, nine of the irpvravcis in office were so called ; see irpvTavis. Trpo-pYco, Ep. for irpodpyca, to stop by standing before, to obstruct. irpoT)Ka, Ep. for wporjiea, aor. I. of irpotrjfu. irpo-6t<>, f. iffo), to accustom or inure beforehand. irpo-6i8ov, aor. 2 with no pres. in use, irpoopcua being used instead, part. irpoiStav, inf. wpo'Cofiv : to hok forward, keep a look out ahead: to see from afar : to foresee. II. to have a care for, provide against. irposiXon/rjv, aor. 2 med. of irpoatpt ca. irpo-ini, (irpo, (Tju ibo) serving in Att. as fut. of ?rpo LTTOV Ttpo tpva-o-a. i, to go forward, go on, advance; irpo'i- I to lead out before: intrans. to move out before or in \puvov as time went on : to go first, go front : Pass, to go out first, [a] OVTOS TOV in advance. 2. to go forth. 3. irpo'i fvat (is TI to pass on to, proceed to another thing. 4. also of a thing, to go on well, succeed. irpo-etirov, aor. 2 with no pres. in use (irpoayopevca being used instead), inf. irpoiir(iv, part, npoeiirwv : to foretell, say before : to premise. II. to order or irpo-6aio- Att. -, f. fey, to dart out before. , to fail, do wrong before. irpo-JjaviarTa|A(u, Pass, with act. aor. 2 - bid beforehand, proclaim. III. to proclaim pub*. licly, give notice or warning of a thing. irpOtpT]Ka, see irpotpfca. irpo-iopd, f), money advanced to pay the property- tax (eropa) for others. TTpo-cicOtco, f. -BfvffofMi, to run out before, rush hastily on. irpo-Kicojua>, f. a > f> -K\CQ}: pf. pass. ef tiXeyfiai '. to collect money or taxes in advance, TO, irpoti\eyfieva taxes collected in advance. irpo-Kirp/jrco, f. ^cy, to send out beforehand. Trpo-6KirXo|3a>, f. Tjfftu, to terrify before. Hence 7rpoK, f. -fjcfca, to set out or start beforehand. irpo-eira-yycXXco, f. eAo), to announce before : Med. to promise before. irpo-eiraivca), f. (, f. ffa), to raise the hand against be- fore : generally, to set in motion before. irpo-eircuJnTjjii, to send forward against. irpOiriroTTTO, 3 sing, plqpf. pass, of Trpoiroieo). irpo-ciripovXevo), f. oca, to plot against beforehand. irpo-mevoop,, f- "noca, to undertake or attack before. irpo-6pY, f. rcy, to row forwards. irpo-epevvdco, f. 770^, to search out before : Med., 01 irpo(pvvwfj,evoi iirntts the horse reconnoitring in advance. Trpo-cpeo) Att. contr. irpocpu, serving as fut. to itpofiirov, (the pres. in use being irpoayopevo} : from the same root come pf. irpo-ftprjKa, pass, -fiprjpai ; aor. I pass, irpofpprjdrjv contr. irpovppridrjv : to fore- tell. II. to order beforehand or publicly, give public notice: pf. pass. part, trpociprjfj.evos, fore" ordained, appointed. irpopv pf. of irpoayct). irpo-0tt\T|S, cs, (npo, OaXeTv') growing, flourishing before the time, precocious. irpo06is, tioa, eV, part. aor. 2 of irporiBrifJU. irpo-0eXv|j,vos, ov, (irpo, &e\viwov} by the roots; irpo$t\v]j.vovs f\KTO x a ^ TCLS he tore his hair out by the roots ; irpo0e\vfwa x^fMi /3aAe oevSpfa he threw to earth trees uprooted; but, erd/ros Ga/cci irpoO^XvfjLvcsi paavr(S fencing shield upon shield close-compact; Of\vfj,va being the several layers or coats of the shields ; and so vpo$f\vfJLvos means, with layer upon layer. irpoOeors, TI, (irporldTjfJci) a placing before, setting forth ; dproi TIJS irpoOefffats the bread of the setting irp06TOV, verb. Adj. of irpottjiJii, one must throw ' forth, i. e. the sbew-brezd. II. a purpose, resolve, of away, throw up. design. ', (irpoi'r}[J.i) disposed to throw away, irpo-0r|juos, a, OP, (irp6, Offfpos) laid down before, lavish, prodigal. appointed, fixed : T) -npoO^Ofjiia (sub. ly/xepa), a rfa po-TOi|xa5&), f. affo), to get ready before : Med. \fixed for anything, a limited period, within which . r _ ___ J* ____ -i.l to prepare for one's own use. irpo-6va > yY M o | JLat Dep. to bring glad tidings beforehand, esp. to preach the gospel beforehand. irpo-cvXSpeojJiai, fut. med. ifaojwcu, aor. I pass, irpo- cvXa&rjOrjv : Dep. : to take heed, be cautious before- hand. irpO contr. irpov)(a> : f. npoe, f. -Oavovfiai, to die before. ' II. to die for one. irpo0opo>v, aor. 2 part, of irpoOpojfffcoj. irpo0pvXo>, f. 770*0;, to bruit abroad beforehand. irpo-OpucTKO), f. -OopovfMti : aor. 2 irpovOopov, inf. irpoOopftv, part. irpoOopwv : to spring before or for- ward, to dart in front. irpo-0vXXa, 77, a storm the harbinger of another. irp60vjAa, arcs, TO, (irpoOwj) a preparatory or pre- liminary sacrifice. : Att. impf. irpov&vf J tovfir}V : fut. med. also pass. -npoOvp-rjOjia ofJiat : aor. 1 Dep. : (irp66vfj.os) : to be ready, wil- ling, eager to do a thing : c. ace. to be earnest for a person or thing, desire eagerly : absol. to be earnest, zealous, shew zeal. Henee irpo0vn,ir]Tcov, verb. Adj. one must desire eagerly. irpo0v(ji(a Ion. -Crj, 77, (irpoOvpos) readiness, willing- ness, zeal, earnestness ; aa.arj irpoBvp.ia with ail zeal. H. good will, ready kindness. irpo-Ovfxos, ov, (irpo, 0vjuos) ready, willing, eager, zealous, earnest : c. gen. rei, eager for. II. bearing good will, wishing well to one, well-dis- posed. III. Adv. irpo9vf*ctjs, readily, actively .- Corap. -6repov, more readily : Sup. ora.ro., most readily. irpo-0vpatos [i/], ov, (irpo, Ovpa) before the door : ra irpoOvpaia the fpace before a door. irpoOvpov TrpoKaXvTTTO). 591 irpo-0t5pov, TO, (ffpo, 6vpa) a front door. 2. the space before a door, a porch, Lat. vestibulum. irpo-0vi>, to sacrifice before or first. II. to sacri- fice in behalf of. irpo0ojp,cu, aor. 2 med. subj. of vporiOijfJii. irpot, Adv. (^rpo) = irpcat. trpo-idXXa), to send forth or away, dismiss. II. to (/ before. irpo-idirrw, f. ^, /o s/ or />/acg Sf/or* : Med. to stV before, take the first seat. irpo-iT]}U, 3 sing, irpoi'ct and opt. vpo'i'ot (as if from irpo-icy) : Att. impf. irpo'i'fiv, fis, ft : fut. aor. I irpoTjita Ep. irpoerj/ca : aor. 2, 3 pi. imper. Trpow, Trpoerca, inf. npoffjitv, Ep. for irpocivat : Med., aor. 2 Trporj/ra/^i/ : aor. 2 opt. Trpoei/JLtjv or vpooifJLTjv : Pass., pf. irpofifMi : plqpf. irpoeinqv : to Wttrf before, send on or forward; generally, to a/oy, squander, lavish ; \6yovs irpotffOai to throw words away : also to let go, let slip. 3. to g"/v e over to one. 4. to drive forward, force on. 5. to a/fo/ or suffer a person to do a thing. III. Pass, to 6e thrown away, be neglected. , Dor. for irpoirjai. Adv. freely, gratis : properly ace. of irpoi . irpotiCTqs, ov, 6, (irpo'i') one who asks for a free gift, a beggar. irpoi Att. irpoil, 7), gen. irpoiKus, dat. irpoi/ci, ace. vpoiKa : a gift, present; irpoifcos ytveadai to enjoy a free gift : hence gen. irpoifcus is used as Adv. freely, without return. Lat. gratis : also with impunity ; so also ace. trpo?Ka. II. later a marriage-portion, dowry, Lat. dos. From nPOr^SOMAI: f. irpoi$of*at Att, irpo'^ofjiai: Dep. : to ask a gift, to beg. irpo-ioTqfii, f. irpoffrrjaoj : aor. I irpovffTtjffa, inf. irpoarTjaai, part, -npoar-qaas : aor. 2 irpovar^v, inf. irpoffrrjvai, part, irpoaras : aor. I pass. irpoeffTaOj]}/, irpovaraOrjv, part. irpoardOfts, fiaa, eV : pf. Trpo- (arrjKa, Ion. 2 pi. irpo far tart, part. TrpofOTtjKws Ion. vpofffrews or irpofarws. I. Causal in pres., impf., fut. and aor. I, to stf ^ore or in front. 2. so also in Med. irpoiara^ai, aor. I irpo(?TT], f. -f)a, f. 6o~(u, to call forth, call on : Med. to call forth to one : to call out to fight, challenge, defy, Lat. provoco. 2. to invite beforehand. II. c. ace. rei, to offer or propose. III. to call up or forth, rouse. irpo-KaXi^ojiat, Dep. only used in pres. and impf., = irpotca\0[iai, to call forth, challenge, defy. irpo-icSXivScG), to make roll forward or in front : Pass, to fall prostrate before another. irpOKaXvp.p.a, aros, TO, anything hung in front to cover: a covering, curtain : metaph. a screen or blind. From irpO'KoXvirTco, f. \f/v, ovffa, 6v, aor. 2 part, of irpotcdfjivoj. irpo-KcLpifjvos, ov, (irpo, Kaprjvov) bead-foremost. trpoKcis, d5o$, 17, = irpo, the roe-deer. irpo-KaTaYY^*> fo announce or declare beforehand. irpo-KttTaYeTts, toos, 17, Ion. form, (irpo, /ca07770juai) a woman who goes before, a female leader. irpo-tta,TayiyvuxrK : f. -yvuaofjLai : pf. eyvcafca : to vote against beforehand, condemn by a prejudgement : tip. , f. -KdTfSopai, to eat up beforehand. irpo-KaT, Ion. for irpo/caOifa. jrpOKaTotJfOfjLai, fat. of irpo/caOopaa). irpo-iceifjuu,, impf. irpovKfifj.rjv, Ion. inf. irpotcfeoOai : fut. -Keiaofiai : used as Pass, of irporiQrjiJLi, to be set before, lie before or in front of : to stretch forward, jut out. II. to be set before one : metaph. to be proposed or laid before one, mooted ; irpoKftrat irepl fforrrjpias the question is concerning safety ; aed\os irpo/ceincvos a task proposed; TO irpouelfjievov 7173777- A* the matter in debate. III. to lie before one, lie exposed; to lie dead, 6 irpoKeifJicros the corpse. ^ IV. to be held out, set forth. irpo-K\eu9os, ov, (irpo, Kt\evQos) forerunning. -TTpOKVTfTO). irpo-iceXevo-ixaTtKos, o, (wpo, K\vfffj.a) a proceleu- smatic, a foot consisting of four short syllables, e. g. irpo-Kv6w, f. wffca, to empty beforehand. irpo~KT|8op, Att. -TTW, f. fey, to proclaim by herald, proclaim publicly. irpo-Kiv8i)vv Att. -icXouo, fat. -K\avtrofj.ai, to weep beforehand or openly. II. trans, to bewail before- hand. irpoicXY]0Cs, aor. I pass. part, of -rrpo/eaXeca. irpoKX^cris, gen. ecus Ion. los, 17, (Trpo/faXecu) a calling forth : a challenging to combat ; fKirpoK^rj- ffios in pursuance of a challenge. II. an invi- tation, proposal. III. as Jaw-term, a formal challenge offered by either party for the purpose of bringing disputed points to issue. irpo-KXivw, f. -K\tvSj, to lean forward. irpoicXvTOS, ov, heardformerly : legendary. From irpo-KXvco, to bear or learn beforehand. irpo-KoXmov, TO, (irpo, tco\iros) a robe falling over the breast. irpo-Kop,Cfo>, f. iffaf, to bring forward. II. to carry on before: Pass, to be carried away. irpo-Kopxov, TO, (irpo, Hop-!]') the front hair : the forelock of a horse. irpoKoirT|, i), progress on a journey. II. metaph. progress, advancement, improvement. From irpo-KOTTTO), impf. irpovKotrrov : f. \fjoj, to cut away before one, or clear the way in front : hence to for- ward or promote a work : Pass, to advance, thrive, prosper. II. intr. in Act. to make one's way for- ward, to make progress : of time, to be far gone, far advanced. irpoKpifia, OTOS, TO, preference, partiality. From irpo-icpCvco [t], f. -Kptvw : to choose before others, pick out, prefer before : Pass, to be preferred before, or be superior to others. II. to judge beforehand^ decide. irpoKptros, ov, (irpoKpivta) preferred. irp6-icpop.tos, ov, (irpo, KUDOS') before the festal revel : TO irpoKWfMOV vpvov the prelude of a hymn. Trpo-KCOTros, ov, (irpo, Kwirt]) grasping the hilt, sword- in-hand. II. pass, grasped by the hilt. 7rpo-XaYX avttf > to obtain by lot beforehand. , rrpo-Xdt5p.ai, Dep. to receive beforehand. irpo-XaX0, f. 77001, to prate before. Trpo-Xap,pdva>, f. -Ai/J/'o/xat : aor. 2 irpovXafiov : pf. -d\r](pa, pass. -fi\r)iJ.(j.ai : to take beforehand : to receive as an earnest or deposit. 2. to take before or sooner than another : to take away before. 3. to obtain first, procure. II. to outstrip, get the start of; irpo\an0dvfiv TT}S 68ov to get a start on the road. 2. to be beforehand with, anticipate, claim or take before the time : hence to prejudge. III. to repeat from the beginning. irpo-XY&>, f- <*>' pf- pass. irpo\e\fy[Mi : to pick out or choose before others, prefer. II. to say beforehand : to foretell, prophesy, of an oracle. 2. to tell publicly, proclaim : to warn : to profess, de- clare : to order. irpo-XeiTrw, f. tyca: pf. irpoXf \oiira : to leave by going forth, to leave behind, forsake ; pfJTis o"6 irpo- AeAotire prudence forsook thee : also to quit before- hand; x^P av irpo\e'nr(iv to abandon one's post. 2. to omit to do a thing. II. intr. to cease or fail beforehand: absol. to faint, fall into a swoon. irpo-XcKTiicos, 77, 6v, (irpo\tf(ti) foretelling, pro- phetic. TrpoXeXoiira, pf. of irpoXd-rraj. irpo-Xeo'X'nvcvop.ai, pf. pass. irpo\\co~xn vfv f jLat ' Dep. : to converse with one before, arrange by word of mouth before. , ov, (irpo, \fffxfj) prating, chattering. >, to see before or in front. /, aor. 1 inf. of irpoKfiiroj. TTpoXiirwv, ovaa, ov, aor. 2 part, of irpo\dirca. irpoXo-yos, 6, (irpoXeyoj) a prefatory speech: in Trag. and old Com., the prologue was all of the piece that came before the first chorus : after Euripides, it was a narrative of facts introductory to the main action, opp. to eTT/Ao-yos. irpo-Xoxio>, f. iffoJ ' pf- pass. irpo\\6xi, f. a>, to soften beforehand. Trpo-p.av0dva>, f. -naOrjaoa : aor. 2 trpovn&Oov : to ascertain or find out beforehand. irpo-p.avTia Ion. -TJITJ, r), the right of consulting the oracle first. From irpo-p.avT6vop.at, Dep. to foretell, prophesy. Trpo-p.avTTjiT|, 77, Ion. for irpofJtavTfia. irpo-p-avTts, gen. feus Ion. MS, 6, T), a prophet or prophetess : 77 irpofjiavTis was the title of the Pythia or Delphic priestess. II. as Adj. prophetic, pre- saging. irpo-p.aprupop.ai, Dep. to witness beforehand, [v] Trpo-p.aTo>p, opos, 77, Dor. for Trpop.ax!!>v, aVos, o, (irpufjAxofJiai) a bulwark, ram- part, Lat. propngnaculum. Trpop.&'xi a> > f- ffto * (irpopjaxos) to fight before or in front of: also to fight with another as champion. Trpo-p.dxop.aL : f. ftax7/o*o/xt Att. fjL&x o ^f iai ' Dep. : to fight before, fight in the front rank, fight in the van. II. to fight before or in defence of. irpo-pvaxos, ov, (irpo, fidxo/iat) fighting before,fight- ing in front : as Subst., mostly in plur., the foremost fighters, champions. II. fighting for, TIVOS. irpo-p.XTaci), f. 770*0;, to practise beforehand. IIpop,6vcia, 77, name of a prophetess of Dodona. Trpo-p,6ptp.vdco, f. 770*0', to take earnest thought be- forehand. Trpo-p.6To>m8ios, ov, (vp6, utrcairov) worn or being on the forehead. II. as Subst., irpofj.fTcairio'iov, TO, the skin of the forehead. 2. a front-piece, frontlet for horses. Trpop.T|0ia Dor. irpop.d0ta [a], T), (irpofjirjd^s) foresight, forethought : consideration. ITpop.Ti0i,a, TO, (Upop.r]0vs) the festival of Prome- theus. IIpop.T|0tos, a, ov, of or from Prometheus. Trpop.T|0op.ai,fut.med.-/i77077cro/xat: aor. I pass.Trpou- fjiT)6r)OT)v: Dep.: (irpofirjOrjs}: to take care beforehand, to provide for : to shew forethought for, Lat. cavere : c. ace. pers. to shew regard or consideration for. IIpop,T]0vs, gen. ws Ion. 770$, o, (irpofjir)9f]s*) Pro- metheus, Forethought, son of the Titan lapetos, brother ofEpimetheus or Afterthought: inventor of many arts, esp. of working in metal and clay, whence he is said to have made man from clay, and to have furnished him with the VTex vov "nvpi stolen from Olympus. II. as appellat./ortf/iow^fo, caution. irpo-p.T)0T|S Dor. irpop.a0T|S, e's, (irpo, pfJTis) fore- thinking, cautious, wary : caring about a thing. Trpop.T)6la Ion. -ITJ, rj, = irpop,r]0fi.a. Trpop.T)0tK6s, 77, 6v, (irpofJLi]6r)s) inclined to fore- thought, wary. Adv. -KUIS, warily. irpo-p,T]vvto, f. vaca [v], to inform of or denounce beforehand. irpo-p.T|T&)p Dor. irpop.dTO>p, opos, r), (irpu, iai]Tr}f) the first mother, ancestress of a race. Trpop.lYTJvcu, aor. 2 pass. inf. of irpofAiyvvfj.i. irpo-p,tYvvp,i, f. ft/cw, to mingle beforehand : Pass., aor. 2 inf. irpofj.tyT)vai, to have intercourse with before- hand. Trpo-p,io-06o>, f. wff, f. 77<7fcJ, to work beforehand. irpo-vaos or irpo-vdios, a, ov Ion. irpo-vrjios, 77, ov, (irpo, vaos) before or in front of a temple : as Subst., I. irpovrjcov, TO, the court before a tem- ple. II. Upovaia Ion. Upovrjtr), 77, a name of Minerva at Delphi, because she had a chapel or statue there before the great temple of Apollo. III. irpovaos, 6, tbe hall or vestibule of a temple, through which was the way to the temple itself. irpo-vavp,ax<">, f. rjffca, to fight at sea for or in defence of, TIVOS. irpo-vljtw, f. -vefJiSf, to assign beforehand: to hold forth, present. II. Med. irpovf^ofuii, of cattle, to go forward in grazing : hence to gain ground, spread. -n-po-vcvco, f. oca, to nod or stoop forwards. irpo-VT|tos, 77, ov, Ion. for irpovatos. irpo-vrjorevco, f. o~ca, to fast beforehand. irpo-vlicd. f. o-a>, to travel before. irpo-oSoirouco, f. 770*0;, to prepare the way before, pave tbe way. II. metaph. to prepare before- hand. irpo-oSoi7rop(o, f. 770-0;, to travel before. Trpo-o8os, ov, (irpo, 686s) going before or in advance: as Subst., irpoooot, of, a party of soldiers in advance. irpo-oSos, T), (7rp<5, 686s) a going on, advance. irpo-oiSa, inf. irpoft8evai, part. irpoeiSdis : plqpf. irpo-rjofiv : fut. irpofiffofMi : (with no pres. in use) : to know beforehand. Cf. irpoe'i8ov. irpo-oip.ido|Ji.ai Att. contr. <|>poi}udo|juu, f. -do-o- jmt : Dep. : to make a preamble or prelude : the pf. ire(ppoi(jiiafffjiai is used in pass, sense, to be stated by way of preamble. From irpo-oijAiov Att. contr. poip,iov, TO, (irpo, o7fj.os) an opening or introduction to a thing : in Music, a prelude, overture : in speeches, a preface, exordium : of laws, a preamble : metaph. any beginning. 2. a hymn. irpo-oCxojAcit, fut. oixfiffofMi'. Dep.: to have gone on before. irpo-6p.vi;jjit and -vo>, to swear before or beforehand: to testify on oath before. irpooirreov, verb. Adj. of irpoopaw, one must look beforehand, take care of: cf. sq. -rrpooirros Att. contr. irpotiirTOs, ov, verb. Adj. of irpocpdoj (as if from *7rpoo7TTO/icu), foreseen : manifest. Trpooparos- irpoopuTos, 77, ov, verb. Adj. of irpoopdca, foreseen, to be foreseen. TTpo-opdcu, f. irpooi/sofjiai : aor. 2 trpoeTdov : pf. Trpo- fvpdKa: to foresee: absol. to look forward, be pro- vident. 2. to look forward at, see before one : also to see from afar. 3. c. gen. to provide for a person or thing. II. also in Med. irpoopdopai, to foresee. 2. to look before one. 3. to pro- vide for, to provide, Lat. cavere. ^ irpo-opifw, f. aca, to mark out beforehand, to pre- determine. irpo-opjxdo), f. rjaca, to drive forward or onward: Pass, to rush or start on. II. intr, in Act. to start forward. irpo-op(juo>, f. iao), to moor before or in front. 7rpo-o4>6iXci> Att. contr. irpoui\ci> : f. otpeiXrjaca: to owe beforehand : Pass, to be due beforehand or before, to remain as a debt. irpo-ovj/ts, ccas, 77, (npo, o^ts) a foreseeing. II. a seeing before one. nrpo-oij/ojAcu, fut. of npoopdca (as if from *jrpooiTTo- irpo-TrS-yriS, es, (irpo, irayfjvai.} fixed in front, pro- minent. irpoiraOetv, aor. 2 inf. of irpoir6.a~xca. irpo-TraiSevco, f. aca, to teach beforehand. irpo-iraXai, Adv. very long ago. irp6-irap, (irpo, irapd) Prep, with gen. before. II. Adv. before, sooner. irpo-irapa|3dXX<>, to put beside or along before- hand. irpo-irapa, f. daca, to prepare beforehand: Pass, to be prepared beforehand. irpo-irapexo), to supply beforehand : to offer before. irpo-rrdpoiOe and before a vowel -0v : Prep, with gen., before, in front of; irpoirdpoiOe irooiav before one's feet, close at hand ; irpoirdpotOe Ovpdcav before the door. II. Adv., I. of Place, in front, forward, before. 2. of Time, before, formerly. irpo-irtts, -irdaa, -irdv, (irpo, irds) strengthd. for irds, npu-rrav ^/J.ap all day long ; vijas npoirdaas all the ships together: neut. trpuirav as Adv. utterly. irpo-irdcrxo), f. -irfiaofjuii, to suffer before or before- hand : to be ill-treated before. irpo-irdTCOp, opos, 6, (irpo, na.Trjp) the first founder of a family, forefather : in plur. vpoirdropes, ol, an- testors, forefathers. irpo-iTt0o>, f. oca, to persuade beforehand. irpo-ireipa, 77, a previous trial or venture ; trpoirei- pav irotfiaOai, Lat. experimentum facere, to make a trial. irpo-impdw, to attempt beforehand: also as Dep. irpo-impdop.ai, with aor. i and pf. pass, irpofireipd- irpo-irp.ir, f. i//avTai, 3 sing. pf. pass, of irpocpaivta. irpoirpaSp.VOt, 77, ov, pf. pass. part, of irpocppdfa. irpo-ivTjBdo), f. rjaopai, to spring out before : to spring forward from. irpo-irr]XaKia>, f. iaca Att. to), (irp6, mjXvs) : to cover with mud: to treat with indignity, t& abuse foully : also to throw in one's teeth, reproach one with. Hence TrpoiTTjXuKicris, cojs, 77, and Trpoir7]XciKio'|xos, o, contumelious treatment. irpo-irivu) [T], impf. irpovmvov : f. irpoiriofMii : aor. 2 irpoviriov : pf. act. irpoireircaKa, pass. irpoTr^iro^iai : to drink before or to one, to drink to another's health, pledge him, Lat. propinare, because the Greek, as also the Roman, custom was to drink first oneself, and then pass the cup to the person pledged. 2. as the cup was often given as a present, irpoiriveiv came to signify to give away, make a present of, to compliment away: irpoirivciv TT)> tXfvOepiav'&iXiirirca, to pledge away liberty to Philip : so, -report tiroTai TO. TTJS iruXecas irpdyfjara the interests of the state have been complimented away. irpo-irtiTTco, f. ireoovnai : aor. 1 irpovircaov, inf. irponcafiv: pf. irpoirfTTTcaKa. : to fall or throw oneself forward : to rush forward, rush headlong. irpo-mo-Tevco, f. aca, to trust or believe beforehand. irpo-mTVO), poet, for irponiirTca (v. irirvoi): to fall down before, fall prostrate, of suppliants. irpo-frXtw, f. -irXfvaofMit, to sail before. Hence TTpo-irXoos, ov contr. -irXovs, ow, sailing before, in front or at the head. Trpo-TrXwox, Ion. for irponXfca. -irpo-TroSijYos, 6v, going before to shew the way, guiding. irpo-iroSi^o), f. iaca, (irpo, irovs) to put the foot for- ward, stride forward. irpo-irouo), f. rjffca, to do beforehand, take the first step : Pass, to be made or prepared beforehand. irpo-iroX6p.o, f. rjaca, to fight before or in front of. irpoiroXe'up.a, arcs, TO, service rendered. From TTpoiroXcvoj, f. aca, (irpoiroXos) to serve as a priest. irpo-iroXes, o, 77, (np6, iroXfca) a servant that goes before one : an attendant, minister : a rower. 2. one who serves a god, a priest or priestess : a temple- servant. II. as Adj. ministering to a thing, devoted or dedicated to it. 596 TTpOTTOJUTn} FIFO'S. irpoirofiirrj, 57, (Tr/>orre/i7r, f. tjffw, tc work or take pains before- hand. II. to labour for or instead of another. III. c. gen. rei, to work for a thing, i. e. to obtain it. IV. c. ace. rei, to obtain by previous labour : hence in pf. pass, part., TO. irpoirtirovrmtva. things formerly pursued with zeal. V Med. irpoirovio^ai, to grow weary or tire too soon. irpo-irovos, ov, very toilsome, exceeding toilsome. IIpo-irovTis, iSos, f], (irpo, ITOVTOS) the name of the Sea of Marmora, so called because it leads into the Pontus or Black Sea. irpo-iropevw, f. aca, to conduct forward : Pass, with fut. med. -iropevffopai, and pass. -iroptvO'fjffoiJai, to go before or forward. irpo-jropia>, f. iffoa, to provide beforehand : Pass. to be provided beforehand. irp6irov], contrd. TTOT. WITH GENIT., I. of Place, from forth: hence from or on the side or quarter of; irpbs NOTOV on the side q/the South, i. e. in the direction of the South ; <^v\aKal irpbs AlOioircav garrisons on the side of, i. e. against, the Ethiopians ; "Afidrjpa iSpvrai irpbs TOV 'E\\i)airovTov, /ji,dX\ov f) TOV ^rpv^ovos Abdera is situated on the side of the Hellespont rather than of the Strymon, i.e. is nearer to it. 2. metaph., irpos irarpos on the father's side : also on the part of, at the hand of, tx fiv Tt/t^y Trpos Zrjvos to have honour at the hand of Jove : so, irpos Aios etcrt eivoi T max ' 1 T* strangers and the poor are sent by Jove. 3. in presence of, before, whence its use in oaths and protestations : fidprvpot irpbs Oewv, irpus dvOpwiTOJV witnesses before gods and men : in which case the Att. insert ae between the prep, and ace., irpos ae Oeuv euro) I beseech thee by the gods, Lat. per te deos oro. II. with a passive Verb = u7ro, as, 81- SdaKfaOai irpos nvos to be taught by one ; drifjuifc- o9ai irpos nvos to be dishonoured by one. III. from the local sense on or from the side o/comes the sense suiting, becoming ; ov irpbs TOV anavTOS dvSpos not befitting every man ; irpbs O'LKTJS agreeable to jus- tice ; irpbs yvvaiieos %OTI it is like a woman. WITH DAT., generally, hard by, near, in the presence of, at, on ; @d\\ftv iroT\ yairj to dash upon earth ; ?rpos d\\rj\rjaiv cx fo ^ at to cnn g c ^ ose to cac ^ otner - II. in addition to, besides ; irpbs TOVTOIS in addition to this ; irpbs rofs aAAots KUKOIS in addition to all other evils. III. of close engagement in a thing, 'yiyveffdai irpbs T< anoirtiv to be employed upon con- sidering. WITH Accus., it expresses motion, I. of Place, towards, to, upon ; irpbs TJ& towards the East; KXaitiv irpbs ovpavov to cry to heaven. 2. in hos- j tile sense, against : in the titles of speeches, irpos TIVO. in reference or reply to, in answer to, Lat. adversus ; not in accusation of, which is properly ara with gen., Lat. in. 3. without hostile sense, flirtlv irpos Tiva to address oneself towards or to one. II. of Time, towards, near, hard upon. III. generally, of Relation, with a view to, in regard or relation to; vpbs TavTa. in regard to this, therefore ; r& irpbs TOV iro\fjiov things relating to war ; rd irpbs TOVS 0fovs our relations to the gods. 2. according to, suit- able to, at, upon ; irpbs TT\V , TO, the eve of the Sab- bath. co, f. f\u>, to announce : to denounce, cas, T), an addressing. From irpocra-yopevTeos, a, ov, verb. Adj. to be called or named. From irpo, f. ertw: aor. ~Tjy6pfvffa : pf. rjyop- CVKO. : but the Att. fut., aor. and pf. are irpoafpu, irpoatTirov, irpoadprjKa : to address, accost. II. to name, call by name. irpoor-o,Y&>, f. o>: aor. 2 irpoarj^ayov, rarely aor I. irpoa7)a : fut. med. in pass, sense irpoffd^ofiat : to bring to or upon: to supply, furnish. 2. to put to, add. 3. to bring to, move towards, apply, employ. 4. to bring in, introduce. 5. to lead on, induce. II. intr. to draw near, approach; npoffaye, come on! III. Med. to attach to oneself, bring over to one's side. 2. to embrace, salute. 3. to induce to do a thing. 4. to get for oneself, procure, import : hence in Pass., T& itpoaa-xQtvTa imports. Hence irpoo-aY<>Yvis, fas, 6, one who brings to, an intro- ducer. irpoY'n> %> (noffdyoj) a bringing to or towards : acquisition. II. (from the intr. sense of irpoaa- 70;) approach or access to, the privilege of entrance. irpocra'yco'yos, 6v, (irpoffdyca) bringing to, attractive, persuasive. irpoo--q[8a>, Dor. f. 7roT-aeto*o/zai : to sing to; TIV 7TOTaeto"o/ > at, Dor. for Att. --jo-oxo, f. cw, to spring or rush to : to come quickly upon or over. TTpO(r-aiT0), f. 77 ffoj, to ask besides : to demand in addition. II. to continue asking, to beg of one: absol. to beg hard. Hence irp, f. > f. ivvtifjit, Att. fut. -a/tcpta), to put on over. irpocr-ava(3alva>, f. -firjaofwu, to climb up to : of riders, to mount besides. Hence irpocravafiJoais poet. irpoo-dp,|3-, 77, a going up to, approach ; At/zaos Trpoo"a /j3do*ets approach and as- cent by means of a ladder, i. e. a scaling-ladder. TrpocravdpTjOi,, aor. 2 imperat. of irpoaava@aiv, f. 770*0;, to lift up besides : Med. to take upon oneself or undertake besides. II. of an oracle, to give an answer besides. irpo, f.aVo;, to spend or consume besides. TrpocravaKXip-a, TO, that on which one leans. From irpoo"avaicXivo|juu, Pass, to lean on. [t] Hence irpcxravdKXuris, 77, a leaning or lying on. irpo<7-avaXa|i{3dv(i>, f. -AT^o/tat to take up or re- ceive besides. 2. metaph. to recruit or refresh besides. irpocr-ova.XC(rica>, f. -avaX&Gca, to spend or consume besides : aor. I part. irpoffavdXwaas. irpoo--avaTrXTjp6o>, f. waca, to fill up by pouring into, fill up the measure of. irpo, f. 770*0;, to bang up besides or upon. irpoo'-avaaTeXXo), to hold in check besides. irpoo-avareXXo) poet. irpo-ravT-, to rise up towards. irpo, to enslave besides. TTpoo--dvi^t (di/d, flfii ibo), to go up to. irpo, to report besides. irpotr-airaYopctJa), to forbid besides. irpoo--airatTti>, f. r\o, f. aca, to enjoy besides. irpocr-airoAAxiiJU and -vco : f. -oAccrcu : to destroy, despatch, kill besides : to lose besides : Med., with pf. 2 act. irpoaair6\os\a, to perish besides or with others. irpoo--airoire|Aira>, f. \fsca, to send away or off besides. irpo, f. -areAcD, to send off besides. irpo, f. rja, f. rjoca, to value or estimate besides. irpoar-airo<|>epto, f. -airoiffca, to cany off besides: to return or report in besides. irpoo'-dirra) Dor. irpOTi-dirra), f. ^/ Att. -TTCO, f. , f. c, to lend sufficient aid, to succour, help, assist, c. dat. II. to afford, yield, present, c. ace. rei. Trpocr-app.6^0) later Att. -app-oTrw : f. offca : pf. pass. -ripfjLoatMi : to fit to, put or attach closely to : metaph. to adapt. II. intr. to suit or agree with a thing. irpo, f. -avgrjoa}, to increase besides : Pass, to grow or wax larger. irpoatpa>, f. rjaca, to take away besides : Med. to take away for oneself besides : Pass, to have a thing taken away besides. irpocr-a4)iKVOp,au, f. -a0i'o/icu, Dep. to arrive at. irpocr-a : Causal of irpoo-0aivca, to bring or convey to : metaph. to bring over, persuade. irpoo--p\ciro>, f. \pu, to look at or upon. Trpotr-pXajaxw, f. fioXovfiai : aor. 2 ffj.o\ov : to come or go to, to reach, arrive at : to approach. TTpoo--poa0cco, f. Tjacu, to corn's to aid, come up with succour: to bring succour or support to. irpocrpoXT|, 77, (7Tpoo73aAA.cw) a putting to or upon; applying. II. a falling upon, an attack, assault; irpoffftoXr) 'Axaii's an attack of the Achaeans. 2. generally, a going towards, a means of approaching : an approach. 3. of ships, a place to touch at, harbour. TTpocr-Yeios, ov, (irpos, 7^0 = 777) near the earth: near land. irp6, f. -aaofJtai [a], to look with a smile upon, to gladden, Lat. arridere. irpocr--yiYVO(ji,ai,, later irpoo--^- [t] : fut. -ycvrjao- fj.ai : pf. yyfvrjfj.at : Dep. : to come or go to, attach oneself to. 2. generally, to be added, accrue, Lat. accedere. 3. to arrive: of things, to come to, happen to. Trpoc0, f. tyca : pf. yeypacpa, pass, -yzypa/j.- pai : to write besides, annex a clause or codicil; TO. irpocrye'YpaiJ.fjLeva conditions added to a treaty. irpoo"Ytip,vdo>, f. daca, to exercise at or with. irpO(r-8av6Ca>, f. crew, to lend in addition to : Med. with pf. pass. irpocoeSdveia/jiai, to have lent one, bor- row in addition. irpo, f. r/ffu, to spend besides. rrpoo-SeYfAa, arcs, TO, (irpoaSexo^tcu) reception. Trpcxr-Sei, impers. there is still wanting. 1. c. gen. there is still need of. irpoo--8Kop.ai, Ion. for irpoaotxofMLt. irpo(T-8eo[iat Dor. poet. ircm-Sc'uojjiai : f. -87o"a> ; aor. I pass. tSffjOrjv : Dep. : to be in want of, stand in need of besides : absol. to be in want. II. to beg or ask of another : to beg one to do. Trpoo'-o'epKOfjuH. Dor. iroTi-BepKOjjuu: fut. med.-8ep- o/*cu : aor. I pass. -cSf'px^" 5 ail d in same sense aor. 2 act. -tSpatfov, pf. -SeSop/ca: Dep.: to /oo& a/, hfo&f. irpocrSeros, ov, (irpoo~otco) tied to a thing. irpocr-Bcvojiai, poet, for irpoaot 0^0.1, Dor. iroTi8-. Ion. 7rpo (A), f. -8770-0; : pf. pass. irpoffdcScfMi : to tie, bind, or fasten to or on. Trpotr-So (B), f. -otrjaca, to need besides. jrpo, to calumniate besides. II. to insinuate besides. irpoo--8uup0fjiai, Dep. to distinguish further. irpoo--8ta\YO|jiai, aor. i pass. -SieA.ex^i', Dep. to converse besides with. irpexr-SiafJiapTtip&o, f. 170-0;, to testify in addition. irpoo--8iave|xo), to distribute: Med. to divide among themselves. irpocr-8iairacra - d\vci>, to fasten to with nails. Trpoo--8tairpa(Tcro), f. ca, to achieve or accomplish besides : Med. to achieve for oneself besides. 7rpocr-8tacj>0ipa>, f. - : pf. -e<0ap/x, pass. -f(f>6apfjiai i aor. 2 pass. -f>0dpr)V [a] : to destroy besides : Pass, to perish besides. irpocr-8iSa>n,i, f. -Suva, to give besides or in addition. 7rpopi&>, f. ffca, to define or specify besides. irpocr-8id>ic0, f. o>, to pursue besides. irpo : aor. I -e'8oa : to seem or be thought besides. -rrpocrSoKTjTOS, ov, (irpoaooKao}) expected. irpocrSoicCa, 57, (TrpoaooKaa}') a looking for, expecta- tion, anticipation, whether of good or bad; irpbs TTpoffSoKiav according to expectation. irpoo-SoKifios, ov, (irpoaooKau') expected, looked for, 599 or to be expected ; lirt VLt\r)rov irpoaooKifios expected to come against Miletus. irpo fo bring near. II. intr. to approach, draw near. irpoYY*'do}Jiai, f. -jyaojuat, Med. to become surety besides. irpo, f- tffoj [i] /o smear on besides :*to be- smear or bedaub besides. irpocr-c8a<{>iu>, f. ffcu, to fasten to the ground: ge- nerally to make fast. TrpocreSpeia or -ta, 17, a setting by or near: esp. a sitting down before a place, besieging, blockade, Lat. obsessio. 2. close attention to a thing, Lat. assi- duitas : esp. a sitting by a sick-bed. From irpoo-eSpevco, f. aw, (jrpuaeSpos') to sit beside or near, be near to, Lat. assidere. 2. to attend constantly. TTp ocre8pia, 77, = irpoffeSpfia. irpotr-eSpos, or, (irpos, eSpa) sitting or abiding near; irpoffeSpos \iyvvs the surrounding smoke. irpoo-ecwrc, Ep. for irpoocint : irpoo-eO-rjica, aor. I of irpoffTiOrjfJii. r irpo, f. aw : aor. i -faciaa : to make like to, liken to, make to resemble : Pass, to be like, re- semble. II. metaph. to compare. irpoo'-eiKcXos, TJ, ov, also os, ov, somewhat like. irpoa, tXt]fi(xai, pf. act. and pass, of irpoff- \afj.j3dv7A*aTa or 600 TCL irpoffi6vra alone, the public income, revenue, Lat. reditus. irp6(r-ci|JLi, inf. irpoffcivai: impf. irpoafjv: (irpos, elpi sum) : to be at, near or by, to be against. II. to be added to, attached to : to belong to, be in : absol. to be there, be offered. irpocr-ciirov, inf. vpoaenrew : aor. 2 without any pres. in use (Trpoaayoptvca being used instead) : to speak to one, to address or accost : to salute. 2. to call so and so : to name. irpo, f. o>, to exact payment of besides. irpo-o-eCw, f. aa>, to hold out and shake; trpoafieiv Xeipa to shake one's hand with a threatening gesture-' to hold out as a bugbear, menace one with. irpoo--KpdXXto, to cast out or expel besides. irpo, f. ^o>, to send away besides. rrpo, f. aw, to ridicule besides. irpoa-eXavvw, f. fXaaca [a], Att. -eAa): aor. I -lyA.- aaa: to drive towards. II. intr., I. (sub. ITTTTOV or ap/Mt), to ride towards, ride up to, Lat. adequitare. 2. (sub. arparov), to march up, proceed, arrive. irpoo-eXeKTO, 3 sing. Ep. aor. 2 pass. irpoo-eXtu), false form for irpovcreXeoa. irpocreXOciv, irpocreXOwv, aor. 2 inf. and part, of , f. \a) or t\Kva, f. if/ca, to be still wanting. irpo, f. -en^rjaofj-at : aor. 2 fvf0rjv : to step upon : to trample upon, Lat. insultare. irpo, f. tyca, to look into besides. irpoo--6p,irtKpaCvojjiai, Pass., with fut. med. -avovpai, to be angry with besides or further. irpopT|S, fs, resembling. 7rpoo--evax, Dor. for irpoa-wrjxe, 3 sing. impf. of irpo, f. aw, to seize as an additional pledge for payment. irpoo--6v0vp,op,ai : fut. med. -v9vfjL^ao^ai and pass. -evdvprjOriffoiMii : Dep. : to think on or take into consideration besides. irpoa-ewc'iro), to address, accost. 2. to intreat or command to do, c. inf. 3. to call by name. irpocr-cvvocto, f. -fjao), to think on or observe besides. n-poo--6VT6iv(o, f. -TCI/W, to inflict besides. irpocr-VTXXojji,ai, Dep. to enjoin or command be- sides. irpocr-|;, f. aoj, to examine, search into besides. Trpoo--eevpicnca>, f. -fvprjaca, to find out besides. irpo, f. e icw'TrTti>, f. ^a>, to jest at besides. irpoo'-eirurTap.ai, fut. med. -firiarrjaojjuii, aor. I pass. -TjTTiarrjOrjv : Dep. : to understand or know besides. irpo, f. are\S> : to notify, enjoin, charge besides ; esp. by letter. irpopa-yto|iai, Att. fut. -toO/xat : Med. : to set one's seal to besides : hence to confirm or ratify besides. irpoo--C7riT6piTOnai, Pass, to enjoy oneself besides or still more. irpoo--emTpOTrtico, f. aca, to act as guardian to one further : Pass, to be subject to as guardian, be the ward of another. irpoo--em4>o>v&>, f. ^70-0;, to say by way of addition. Trpocr-e-rrLxapL^OLiai, f. -tcro/xat, Dep. to gratify be- sides. [a], aor. 2 of TrpoaircrofMi. f. daofjLai : pf. eipyaafMt : Dep. : to work or effect besides. irpoo'-ep-yos, ov, (irpos, epyov) industrious. irpoo--pVYOfJiat, Dep. to vomit forth against : me- taph., Kvpara Trpoafpfvyfrai irfTptjv the waves break foaming against the rocks. irpo Att. contr. irpocrepw, fut. to irpoo-fi-rrov : to speak to, to address. 7rpo, to strive, vie with or against. irpo : aor. I irpoffeip- Evaa : to creep or steal on, approach, draw nigh; 6 irpoffepircav xpovos the coming time-, TO irpoafpvov the coming event, the future. TrpoT]v, 775, 77, aor. 2 of irp6ff, f- f < : aor. 2 irpoaiaxov : pf. Trpoo"- fffx r ) Ka ' to have besides or in addition. II. to hold to, bring to or near; irpoaexfiv vavv to bring a ship to port or to land; and without vavv, to put in or touch at a place ; vpoa\eiv TJJ -yjj, TJ) 1/770*0; to touch at : to land : sometimes also' vaval irpoa- fX flv - HI- -Tpoff(x tv T v vovv, to turn one's mind, thoughts, attention to a thing, Lat. animum advertere : also without TOV vovv, to attend ; irpoa- (X flv eavT$ to give heed to oneself. 2. to devote oneself to a thing. 3. to pay court to. IV. Med. to attach oneself to a thing, cling, cleave to it : also to devote oneself to the service of any one. V. Pass, to be held fast by a thing : to be implicated in. irpoo--wos, ov, (irpus, eus) towards dawn or morn- ing. irpoa--t\>yv\>\i.i, f. -evoj, to yoke or fasten to : Pass, to be bound or yoked to. T,-p6,f.770U',(7r/>oo'T77 P os ) to address kindly: to console. Hence Trpoo-rjYopTjiJi-a, OTOS, TO, the object of an address. irpocnr)Yopta, 77, (irpoariyopfca) an addressing kindly, friendly greeting. II. a naming, name. irpoo--T)YOpos, ov, (irpus, dyopftxu) addressing, ac- costing; at irpoarjyopoi opvfs the speaking oaks : c.gen., fvyfj.a.Tcav TIa\\d8os irpoarjyopos addressing prayers to Pallas . generally, affable. II. pass, addressed, accosted: as Subst. irpoarjyopos, 6, an acquaintance. / n - pO(TTf]8d<})io'jJLat, pf. pass, of irpoaeoatpifa. irpO(TT|i, f. aval : aor. I irpoea^fj.'rjva : to give previous or public intimation : to foretell, an- nounce. II. to proclaim, publish. irpoo/z'tts ; trpoaQev airo- 6aveii> r\ . . to die sooner than . . . irpoo'deotTO, Ion. for irpoffOetro, aor. 2 med. opt. of irp6o-0es, aor. 2 imperat. of irpoffTiOrjfu. < rrp6v, verb. Adj. of TrpoffriOrj^i, one must add: also one must teach. irp6, to sit by or near. II. to be always near, cleave to, follow close, Lat. instare. irpo, to ride up to, charge. i, f. -ffrrjffca : to place near, bring near. II. Pass. irpoaiaTanai, with intr. tenses of Act., aor. 2 fffTijv, pf. farrjKa : to stand near to, beside or at: also to come to, arrive at. 2. metaph., irpoffiffTarai ri poi something occurs to me. 3. to set oneself against : hence to offend, give offence to. , f. 'fjffoj, to narrate besides. 7Tpocrex, aor. I -fcaOei\Kvcra, to haul down, besides. irpo, f. ffoj, to sit down by or near : also c. ace. cognato, OO.KOV TrpoaKaOi^fiv, to sit on a seat. irpo, f. acw, to arm or equip besides. irpocr-Kaipos, ov, lasting but for a time, transitory. irpoo--K, f. rjaca, to persevere in a thing. 2. to adhere jftrmly to a man. Hence irpoo-Kaprep-qcrts, i), perseverance. irpotr-icaTapaCva), f. -0r)ffofj.ai, to go down to besides. irpocr-KaTapdXXco, f. -/SaXa), to pay so as to make up a deficiency. Hence TTpocrKCLTapA'rip.a, arcs, TO, that which is paid in addition, a sum paid to make up a deficiency in the revenue. ifpoa--Kara,yiyv, f. 770*0;, to count besides. Trpo, f. Srjoca, to gain besides. irpocr-KecJxiXcuov, TO, a cushion for the head, pillow : also a cushion for sitting on, a boat-cushion. irpoo--KT]8T|s, fs, (irpos, tcrjSos') attached to, affec- tionate. II. akin to, allied with. irpocr-icripvKetiojiai, Dep. to send a herald to one. Trpo Att. -TTO>, f. eu, to summon by herald. irpo, f. doca [a] , to shatter or shiver against. irpocr-KXirjpoo), f. uaca, to assign by lot : Pass, to be associated with. irp6o-icXT]o-is, 77, (irpooftaXeco) a judicial summons. irpocr-icXCvco, f. -K\W> : pf. pass. irpoaKtK\'TiMi, Dor. 3 sing. ITOTIK eK\irai : to make to lean against, to put to or against : Pass, to lean against, to be turned towards. Hence irp6cncXun.s, fojs, 77, inclination, bias, partiality. irpo, f. vaoo, to wash with waves : to dasb against, of the waves. irpoo--Kvdo>, f. -Kvrjoca, to rub against: Med. to rub oneself against. jrpoo--Koifjuo|jiai, Pass, to go to sleep beside. irpocr-Koivooa, f. WOQJ, to communicate to, give a share of a thing to another. irpo, f. -fjoca, to glue on or to : Pass, to be fastened to, to cleave to. irpoo--KOp.ia>, f. iffca Att. iw, to carry or convey to a place : Med. to bring with one, bring home : to import. irp6o-Kop.p,a, arcs, TO, (irpooKoirroi) a stumble : an occasion of stumbling, cause of offence or sin. irpo-, f. -KvXioca [t] : aor. I -/cv\tffa : to roll to or against. irpo, f. 770*0; ; with three irreg. tenses, impf. irpoofKvpov, f. irpooKvpoca, aor. I irpoofKvpoa : to reach, arrive at, c. dat. : to be at or near : to befall, betide : c. ace. to meet with. irpo, f. 770*0;, to talk to or with. irpocr-Xa|a.pd.va>, fut. -\-r}\f/ofJiai : aor. 2 -f\a(3ov : pf. -ci\T)o. irp6r\7]vj/ts, 17, (Trpo, f. rfff&f, to persist or persevere in. II. /o importune, c. dat. Hence irpocrXiirdp-qo-is, 17, importunity. irpo, f. -fj-aOrjaofUti, to learn besides. irpotr-jiapTvp o, f. 770-0;, to bear witness besides, bear additional witness : to confirm by additional evidence. irpo, f. , f. fifvu, to abide or wait still longer ; irpofffjifveiv rivi to remain or wait for some one. II. trans, to await, c. ace. : to abide one in battle, stand one's ground against. irpocr-jtTa,ireji,irop.ai, Med. to send for besides. irpoo--p,i)xavdo}jwu, f. rjaofj.ai, Med. to contrive be- sides for oneself, II. Pass, to be cunningly fas- tened to. irpo, Ion. form of Tfpofffjti'yvvfjii. irpo, to let out for hire or interest besides : Med. to take into one's hire, hire. irpoa-jtoXciv, aor. 2 inf. of TTpoa&\, f- rjffca, to build ships in addition. irpoo--vaxo> [a], Dor. for vpoovrjx^' irpocr-vp,a>, f. -vffiu : aor. I -evfipa : to allot, assign, devote or dedicate to ; to add : Pass, to be assigned : Med. to grant on one's own part, to de- vote, dedicate. 2. irpoavep.LV itoi^vas to drive flocks to pasture. irpoo'-vea), f. -vevffofjtai, to swim to or towards. irpoa-vTix 4 ^ also as Dep. irpoa-VTixoimi, to swim towards. II. of water, to dash upon. , f. rjffo}, to dwell by or near ; of towns, to lie near or next. II. trans, to dwell in or near a place. irpoYo, f. 170-0;, to concede or grant be- sides : to acknowledge a. further debt. 2. to pro- mise besides. 3. to give in, surrender, come to terms. Hence irpocr-ojxovpos, ov, adjoining, adjacent. irpotr-ovojjKi^aj, to call by a name; irpocrovofia^dv Oeovs to give them the name Ocoi. w Dor. TTOT , poet, for irpoaopcua. Trpoo-opaco Trpoo-TroXe/xo'to. irpocr-opcuo, f. -6\f/ofiat : aor. 2 ^fTSov : to look at : so also in Med. Trpoaopa.op.ai. irpoo'-opc-yop-ai, Med. to reach out after : c. dat. to be urgent or pressing with. irpo, f. O-QJ, to mark out besides : Med. to mark out for oneself besides ; Trpoo~opi(o~6ai oiKtav to have a house marked in proof of a mortgage. irpocr-opjit^o), f. oca, to bring to anchor at or near a place : Pass, and Med., f. -opjuoviMii, aor. I -iap- fjLio~afj.r]V and -o:pfj.io"Or)V, to come to anchor near a place. Hence irpoo-opjjilo'is, f], a coming to anchor or to land. irpoo--oti8io>, f. O-QJ, (rrpos, ovoas) to dash to earth. irpoo--oupa>, f. 770-0;, to make water upon. -rrpoor-ovpos, ov, Ion. for irp6o~opos, (jrpos, opos) ad- joining, bordering on, adjacent ; rci irpoffopa the ad- jacent parts ; "iv avros tfv rrpoffovpos where he was his o^vn neighbour, i. e. lived in solitude. irpO(r-o4>6iXa>, f. rjaca, to owe yet more, be in debt besides : Pass, to be still owing, be still due. irpo\urKava>, f. -ofpXrjaca : aor. 2 -uxp\ov, inf. -o(p\fiv : to owe besides, to incur as a further debt : generally, to incur or deserve besides : as law-term, to lose one's suit and incur a penalty besides. irpoor-ox6iw, f. ffca, to be wroth with : to be offended at. irp6on: sudden, new, fresh, recent: e/c irpoairaiov as Adv., suddenly, newly. irpo, f. aca, to wrestle or struggle with one. irpoco, to write beside or in addition. nrpoo'-'irapaKa.Xca), f. e', f. aca, to prepare besides. irpocmrapSeiv, aor. 2 inf. of irpoairtpooj. irpo, f. ipw, to send to: conduct or convoy to. trpo, to lay by or preserve besides. Trpo poo--iriJ0ofjLai, poet, for irpoffirvvOavofxu. *" 7rpo, f. -TTTJ^O}, to fix to or on : affix to the cross. rrpo XdTOS, ov, (TrpooirXa^ta) approachable. Trpoa>, Ion. for TrpoffTrAecu. irpoo--iTv0 Ep. -irveiw : f. -nvtvaopa.i : to blow or breathe upon, inspire : impers. with gen., irpoorrvei fj.oi Kpfwv there is a smell of meat. irpo, f. 7}o~o}, to carry on war against, be at war with : aLo to attack or harass in war. irpoo--iroXejioa>, f. ouffoj, to make hostile besides : Med. to go to war with besides. 606 -TrpocnroAeo) -TTpoararrj?. irpo -iropi, f. iarca Att. to), to procure besides. irpocr-TropiraTos, "h, ov, (irpos, iropirdo}) fastened on or to with a pin, close-fastened. jrpoo'-'Trpiiio-o-op.ai, f. -irpa^of^ai : aor. I -eirpaga- Itrjv : Med. : (irpos, irpaaffo)) : to exact or demand besides. irpoo-rrraurjAa, aros, TO, a stumble. From irpoo'-irTauo, f. a, f. cy, aor. I tTrrva : to em- brace. II. as Dep., irpoo--irTvo-, f. -pevaofMii : aor. 2 pass, (in act. sense) -cppvrjv : to flow to or towards, flow in a stream to, hence to gather, assemble. irpoo-pT)YVV|u, f. -pr]ca; aor. I -eppr)a: to dash or beat against. irpocr-pTjiAa, aros, TO, an address, salutation : a name, designation. irpocr-pTjcrus, 17, an addressing, accosting : a name. irpo, irpoffprjyvvfjii. irpocr-pi'irTW, f. ijjca, to throw to. irpoa-o-aiva), to fawn upon, of dogs : metaph. to wheedle, flatter : of things, to please, Lat. arrideo. irpcxr-crepco, to worship or honour besides. irp6, to pant for a thing. irpoar- Dor. TTOTI-, to drop on, shed over. irpo<7-o-Tavp6co, f. waoa, to draw a stockade along or in front of a. place, c. ace. irpoo--o-TtX(o, aor. 2 -eVrrxoi/ : logo to or towards. irpocr-OTcXAco, f. -ffTf\a>, to compress in small com- pass: pf. pass. part. trpoo'ffTa\^evos, tight-drawn, tucked up, Lat. adstrictus. II. to fit to : Med. to keep close to. irpocr-crvKCKjxtVTea), f. fjaoi, to slander besides. 'irpoo'-crup.pdXXofxat, Med. to contribute to besides or at the same time, c. gen. Trpoor-(rvvicrrr]p,i, f. -ovaT-fjaoj, to recommend fur- ther. -irpoa-crvvoiKeco, f. ffaca, to settle with others in a place, make a joint settlement with. irpo, Adv., poet, for -rrpoaca. irpcxr-oxopeva), to heap up besides. irpoo-TaKeCs, irpoorSK-qvat, aor. 2 pass. part, and inf. of TrpoaTrjKQj. irpotrraOets, aor. I pass. part, of TrpotffTijfu. irpoa-- or -aTT, f. f a>, to slay at or near. Trpoo-TcryiAa,, arcs, TO, (irpoaTaffffai) an order, com- mand; ! TrpoffTaypaTos by command. irpo(r-Ta06is, aor. I pass. part, of irpoaTfivca. -irpoo-raKTCOv, verb. Adj. of wpoffTaffffoj, one must order. irpo, f. fiffo}, to persist or persevere stillfurther. Trp6f f- o"fc>, to add to a wall, include withiff the walls. irpo-orcixo), to advance, go before. irpo(r-TKTaCvop,at, Med. to add of one's own device. irpoar-T6\^(i>, f. fffca, to pay or spend besides. Trpo-OTeXXo), f. -o*T6\a), to guard or cover in front, \ person, Lat. homo piacularis : as Adj., irpoaTpoiraiov shelter : Med., irpoffTf\\f, f. , to sigh or grieve beforehand. TTpo-OTepviSios, ov, (irpo, ffTepvov) before the breast: as Subst., trpoffTepviSiov, TO, a covering or ornament for the breast of horses. irpo-o-TCpvos, ov, (irpo, aTcpvov) before or on the breast. irpoo-Tpiro> Dor. iron-repino, to delight beside. 5, pf. pass. part, of irpoaTaffato. i, Dep. to devise besides, f. gca, to melt into besides. II. intrans. in pf. act. irpooTtTrjKa, aor. 2 pass. irpoacTa- KTJV [a], to stick fast to, to cleave to. irpo-, f. 170*60, to live together before. irpocr-vir> f. -v(i>, f. -Opfya, to bring up in. irpoo-TpdYiov, TO, (irpos, tpa^fiv) anything eaten with other food : something to eat. irp6-aYp,a, OTOS, TO, that which is sacrificed to or before, a victim. 2. a sacrifice, slaughter. From irpo-o-4>aa> later -TTCO, to sacrifice beforehand. II. to sacrifice for or in behalf of . 7rpotr-oTOS, ov, (irpos, irtyaTai 3 sing. pf. pass, of *0eVo>) lately slain, fresh-slaughtered: generally, fresh, new, late, Lat. recens : neut. irp66pT|S, (s, (irpoatpfpoj) brought to or near, ap- proaching, 2. like, resembling. ll. = Trp6a- pa) : f. irpoffoiffa : nor. I pass. 7rpoo"-'7x^ 7 7 I/ I n - -fvcixOrjv : to bring to, near or upon : to apply to, lay to or upon, 2. to 608 present, offer : also to set before one, offer meat or drink : and in Med. to take meat or drink to oneself. 3. to give besides, to add. 4. to bring forward, produce as authority. 5. to contribute to, to bring in, yield. II. Pass., with fut. med. irpoffoiffopai, to be borne or carried towards : of ships, to put in. i. to rush against or upon, attack, make an onset: to rush. 3. to approach, converse with, to have dealings with. 4. absol. to behave or bear oneself. 5. to come near, be like, resemble: cp. irpoatyfprjs, ffjitYo>, f. -VKTov, verb. Adj. one must be defendant in an action besides : cf. Tj}i.t, to speak to, address : impf. or aor. 2 irpoffffprjv, rfs, 77 ; inf. med. irpoa06YYl JI ' ai Dor. TrOTU-c}>0YY P' at : H^*Y" gofMii : Dep. : to call to, address, accost, salute. II. to call by name, call. Hence irpoo--<}>0etpo|xai, Pass, to be ruined besides : to go to ruin, meet in an evil hour, esp. in aor. 2 part. irpoaQOaptis. irpotr0YKT6s, 6v, addressed, saluted. II. act. saluting. irp6or(j>0Yp.oi, OTOS, T<$, (7Tpoo*0e'y70/xcu) an ad- dress, salutation; in plur. words, accents. Trp6o-00YYs, ov, (Trpoa0ov^ci>, f. rjact}, to oppose through envy. irpoT<}){\ia, 77, (Trpoa^tXr/s) kindness, good will. irpooxjuXeo-Tepov, -COTO/TO,, Comp. and Sup. ofirpoff- irpotr-<|>t\.T|S, es, (irpos, ^tXecu) dear, beloved,friendly : of things, dear, pleasing, grateful, L,nt.gratus. II. of persons, kindly affectioned, grateful. irpocr-<{>iXocro<|>tci>, f. 770*0;, to study philosophy besides, to speculate further upon. irpocr4)t\ws, Adv. of irpoaQi \rjs, kindly; Trpoff4>iT, f. 770-0;, to go regularly to, as to a school, to shops, and the like : see (poiTaca. irpooxj>opopi>, =irpoaopos Dor. irorCcj)-, ov, (irpofftyepta) service- able, useful, profitable. 2. convenient, suited to, fit or meet for: c. va.fit or meet to do : rci irp6a- <{>opa what is Jit or meet, fitting service ; rci irpuff- tpopa as Adv., fitly. irpojr^vetos, Ion. Adv. of irpoffipvrjs : see irpoacpvus. irpoo-i)T]S, fs, (Tipoavvo{Mi) a growing to or upon, a clinging to. 7rpoijc0, f. -tyvGca \ aor. I TrpoGftyvffa : to make to grow to or upon, to hang upon, fasten to. II. Pass., with intr. tenses of Act., viz. aor. 2 rrpoattpw, part. irpoavws Ion. -eo>s, Adv. ofTrpoffcpvrjs, with natural fitness, suitably, ably. irpoo-4>covi), f. ijcro), to call or speak to, address, accost. 1. to call by name, to name, speak of. 3. to address or dedicate a thing to another. irpoo^covfjcis Dor. TTOTK^-. fffffa, fv, (irpoffcpcavea}) addressing, capable of addressing. irpocr^wvTjua, OTOS, TO, (Trpoafywvtca) that which is addressed to another, an address. irpoa>vr|us, f(us, 77, (Trpootpoivita) an addressing. 2. a dedication. iTpoa--\a., f. -xavovpai ' aor. 1 irpoffex% vov ' pf. (in pres. sense) TrpoaKx r l va ' to g a P e r stare open-mouthed at one, Lat. inhiare. irpo-axe0tv, poet, for irpoaxew, aor. i inf. of irpoex ' pour to r n - aros, TO, (rrpoc'x, f. 770-01 : Ion. to require or desire besides; 7rpoo'xp'7/C a ' W OcaOai I desire you also to obey. irpoo-xtio'ls, 7), (trpoox* *) a pouring upon. irpoa > -xwvvi)(ji,i and vcu: f. -xft>o*o> (frc aor. I Trpoo-exoxra : to heap up besides : of water, to \ deposit mud, silt, etc. ; irpoax JVV ^ vai X^p' 10 - fo fo rm new lands by deposition. 2. to choke up with mud, j silt up. II. to throw earth against: Pass, to have earth thrown against. j irpo(r-x<>p&), f. rjaoi or fiffofiai, to go to, approach, ' c. dat. II. to come or go over to, join another: ! to surrender, give oneself up to. i. to accede, as- sent or agree to : to concur in : to believe. 3. to approach, be near to, agree with, be like. 4. to put faith in, believe. irpoo'-xwpos, ov, (irpos, x&P -) ty n g near, adjoining, adjacent : as Subst., irpoto|Acu,, f. -tao/u Att. -tov/zcu : Dep.: to vote besides : to grant by a majority of votes. irpocr-x|H6vptfw, f. a : aor. I -cTaa : pf. II. c. gen. far towards or to ; irp6ao) TOV TroTa/xotJ j -T6T&x a : Pass., aor. I -CTaxOrjv : pf. -rtrayfuu : far into the river ; irpo0aiviv iroppca TTJS poxOTjpias I to place or post in front : Med., irpocTaaTO TTJS (pd- to be far gone in wickedness : far from, ov irpoaa) \ayyos TOVS iiririas be posted bis horse in front of the 'EAATjo-TTtWot; not far from the Hellespont. 2. of \ phalanx: Pass, to be stationed first, take the lead; Time, irpoffoj TTJS WKTosfar into the night. Comp. TO irporax^fv or ot irpoTfTayfj-fvoi, the front ranks, and Sup. irpoacarfpoj, -emu. van. II. generally, to determine or arrange beforehand. irpo-T6ivco, f. -TCVQJ i aor. I -fTeiva : pf. -TtTa/ca : Pass., aor. I -eTddrjv [a] : pf. TTa/zi : to stretch irpoo--a>8ia, 77, (irpos, tuSrj) a song sung to or accom- panied by music. II. the tone or accent of a syllable. irpocr-a>86s, ov, (irpos, ffirj) singing or sounding to, in harmony with. irpoo-coOcv Adv. Att. iroppco0V Ep. iroppoQev (irpu- o~cu)from afar. II. from long ago. irpoo--o)VOfi,at, f. -r)Oofjuai, Dep. to buy besides. irpoo-wirara, rd, Ep. plur. of irpoaornov. irpocrwiretov, TO, (irpuaomov^ a mask. irpo'Tro-\T|'jnnr]S, ov, o, (Trpoaonrov, \f\TjTTTat 3 sing. pf. pass, of Xanftdvca) a respecter of persons. irpocrwiroX^ij/ia, ij, (irpoffcairoXrjiTTfoi) respect of per- sons. irpotr-co-jTOV, TO : pi. irpoaanra. Ep. irpoawirara, Ep. dat. irpoff&iraai : (irpos, w\fs) : a face, visage, coun- tenance; Kara irpoacairov in front, face to face. II. also one's look, countenance, Lat. vultus ; TO abv irpoaojirov, periphr. for ffv. IlI. = irpoaanrfTov a mask, Lat. persona : hence like , show, outward appearance. IV. later, a person. irpo-o-wpevco, f. a, f. rjao}, to help or assist besides, con- tribute one's help to : absol. to be of use or assistance. Hence irpoo-(ocXT]iia, CTOS, TO, assistance in a thing: and n-poo-Xi}0-i.s, -fj, a helping, aiding, advantage. irpoaxj4>XT]TOv, verb. Adj. of irpoffoxpfkeaj, one must assist. irpoTaiCTOV, verb. Adj. of irpoTaaffca, one must place or post in front. 2. one must prefer. irpo-TSjueva), (irp6, Ta/as) to lay in beforehand. irpo-rajjiva), Ion. for irpoTfuvcu. , aor. 2 med. opt. of irpoTffj.voj. , aor. 2 part, of irpoT/j.v, f. aca, to salt or pickle beforehand: generally, to preserve or prepare for keeping. Trporao-is, ^, (irpoTfTaaai, 2 sing. pf. pass, out, put forward: to expose to danger. 2. metaph. to bold out, put forward as a pretext or excuse. II. to stretch forwards or forth, hold out, as a sup- pliant. 2. to offer, tender, proffer : also to bold out, show at a distance, Lat. ostentare. III. Med., fiioOov TTpoTfiveaOai to claim or demand as a reward. IV. intr. to stretch or project forward. irpo-T6ixf<>, f. ffot), to protect by a wall. Hence irpOTcCx 10 "^ 01 , TO, an advanced work, outwork. irpo-rcXeios, ov, (irpo, TeAos) before a solemnity or religious rite. II. irpoTeAeia (sc. Ifpa), TO., sacrifices or rites usual before any solemnity; \cia ydfuuv the sacrifice before the marriage-rite; Ovfiv TCL TrpoT\fia to perform an initiatory sacrifice in behalf of. 2. irpoT(\fia, generally, a beginning, outset. irpo-reXeco, f. fffca, to pay as toll or tribute, give, pay, or expend beforehand. irpo-reXCfto, f. iff(u, (irpo, TtXos) to present as a pre~ vious sacrifice or offering, esp. before marriage. irpo-rf[i6vitrp,a, CTOS, TO, (Trpo, Tfftevos) the pre- ' cincts or entrance of a Tfptvos or sacred place. irpo-Tjxva>, f. T/D : aor. 2 irpovT&fjiov : to cut up beforehand. II. to cut off in front, cut short, Lat. praecidere. III. to cut forward or in front of one : hence, in aor. 2 med. opt., 6t 5>\Ka SnjvfKfa npoTanoifJirjv if I were to cut a long furrow in front of me. jrpoTv0v&), f. aca, to pick out the dainty bits before" hand, to help oneself first to anything. From. irpo-TV0ir]S, ov, 6, one who picks out dainty bits be- forehand, a gourmand, epicure. ' (Deriv. uncertain.) irpoTepaios, a, ov, (frpoTfpos) on the day before, like SfVTfpafos, TpiTatos, etc.: 77 irpoTtpaia (sub fjntpa), the day before; TT) rrpoTfpaia, Lat. pridie,on the day before; c. gen., TT; TrpoTfpaiq. TTJS KaTaoTaaios on the day before the audience. irpOTepaCrepos, a, ov, Comp. of irpoTfpaios, for irpuTfpos, very long before, much earlier. irpOT6po, f. 770-0;, (irpoTtpos) to be before, in front, at the head; irporcpfiv TT}S 68ou to be forward on the way. 2. of Time, to be beforehand, get the start. irporepos, 77, ov, Comp. without any Posit, in use (the Sup. being irpwros), answering to Lat. prior: of X 610 Place, before, in front, forward; iroSes irpoTpoi the /ore-feet. II. of Time, before, sooner, earlier, older ; in full, irporfpos yVffj elder in age ; irporfpoi Trporepo) irpov\a(3ov. children by a former marriage; rrj (sc. ^/j.epa), on the day before, like irporcpaia. 2. as Comp. c. gen., l/xco irporfpos sooner, earlier than I. 3. the neut. trporepov was used as Adv., before, sooner, earlier ; irporepov 77 or ijtrtp, Lat. priusquam : also with Artie., TO irporcpov : irpOTfpov is often put between Art. and Subst., e. g. o irpoTepov ftaaiXevs the former king. III. of Rank or Precedence, superior. irpOTcpw, Adr. of irporepos, further towards, fur- ther, forward. irporepwo-e, Adr. (irporepoj) towards the front, for- ward. irpo-revxco, f. , Dor. for irpoffpaffffQ}. irpo-Tl(jida>, f. rjffco, to honour before or above another, to prefer to another. 2. to prefer in honour : to hold in esteem or regard: Pass, to be preferred in honour; irpOTi^aaOai Is rd KOLVCL to be preferred to public ho- nours. 3. c. gen. to take heed of, care for. 4. c. inf. to wish rather, prefer : also to wish greatly, wish much. Hence irpOTtjjiTjtrts, f), a preferring in honour, preference. irpOTv,ji/T]TOS, a, ov, verb. Adj. of irporindca, to be preferred. 7rpo-Ttp,iov, TO, (irpo, rt^) money paid in advance, earnest-money. irp6-Ti|j.os, ov, (rrpo, Tirf*) honoured before, worth more than. irpoTi-(Ju)0Op,ai, Dor. for ), f. rjffa}, to help beforehand orjfirst : Med. to revenge oneself before. irporC-oirTOS, ov, Dor. for irpoff-otrros. irpOTi-oo-o-ojxat, Ep. Dep., only used in pres. and impf. ; (irpori Dor. for irplis, 6000^0.1} : to look at or upon, behold. II. of the mind, to foresee, forbode, presage. irpo-Tto), f. -riffca [t], to honour before another, prefer ; Trporietv nvcL rafyov to deem one more worthy of the honour of burial than the other. 7rpOT(JiT], f. aca, to haul up with ropes. From irpoTOVos, 6 (irpoTfivaJ) a rope from the mast-head to the bow of a ship, theforestay of the mast. 2. a halyard. irpo-Tov, for irpo TOV, = irpb TOVTOV, formerly, before now, erst. irpo-TpSirecrOai, aor. 2 med. inf. of irpoTpfiroj. irpOTpciTOKos, 17, ov, fitted for urging on, persua- sive. Adv. KWS, persuasively. From irpo-rpcirco, f. ^o>, to turn or urge forwards, urge on, exhort or persuade to do a thing: so too in Med., to persuade, exhort to: also c. dupl. act., ra /caroi TOV 1e\\ov irpoeTpeif/aTO 6 ZoXuv TOV KpoTaov Solon prompted Croesus to inquire as to what concerned Tellus. III. Pass., with aor. 2 med. irpovrpa- irofJiTjv in pass, sense, to turn forwards, turn in head- long flight: metaph., d\ci irpoTpairfadai to give one- self over to grief. 7rpo-Tpxov, for irpoeypatpov, impf. of irpoypaffxa. irpot)8i8d|aTO, irpovSwKa, trpDvOero, for irpovQriKf, for TrpoeOrjfte, 3 sing. aor. I irpovi0i)jjLT|0T]V, for irpoeO-, aor. I of TrpovQv\Lovp.T]v, impf. of irpoOvneofiai. irpovKafJiov, for Trpoenafjiov, aor. 2 of irpoKap.vo}. irpovXajBov, for rrpo(\-, aor. 2 TTpOVKLTO TTpO^TrjS. irpoGicaTO, irpovKivSvveve, for -rrpoup-aOov, for irpofp-, aor. 2 of irpofMivBdva). irpoup.T]0T|0Tjv, for irpofft-, aor. I of irpojj.T]deofMi. irpoujioXov, for irpoffioXov, aor. 2 of irpo0\wffKO}. irpouvoir), for irpof(p(vvdiep,at, for irpoe((pi(fM.i. irpo-i)irdYw, f. aiv6, for irpof(f>aivc. f. rjcca, to withdraw from one before. , for irpooti\(a. irpoi5xc), Trpovxovo-i, irpovxovTO, for irpofx-- 7rpo-4>aivo), f. -({>avw: aor. I -ftprjva: to bring forth to light, shew forth, manifest, display. i. to shew forth by word, to declare : Pass., aor. 2 irpoixpdvrjv [a], part. rrpoaveis, eiaa, (v, to be shewn forth, come forth and appear, come into sight, come to light ; KTVTTOS the sound was clearly heard. II. *p shew beforehand, foreshew : metaph. to hold out a prospect beforehand, promise : Pass, and Med. to 611 in. shew itself or appear before, be revealed before. intr. to shine forth : bold a light before. irpo4>avTJvcu, aor. 2 pass. inf. of irpo(paivavTOS, ov,(irpo(paivoj) shewn or seen from afar, far-famed. II. foresbewn, disclosed beforehand. irpoaario|juu, impf. Trpovcpaai^ofJLrjv: f. iaofjuai Att. tovfjLai : aor. I TrpoiHpaaiadfjirjV : Dep. : (vp6aaTos, ov, (irpodTTjs [a], Dor. for irpopT|s, ts, placed before or in front, preferred, excellent : Comp. and Sup. irpocpc>, f. irpooiaa): aor. I irpo-/)V(yKa : aor. 2 irporjveyKov : to bring before one, bring to, pre- sent. 2. of words, to throw in one's teeth, bring forward, object to one, Lat. objicere, exprobrare: also simply to utter, assert, declare: to bring forward, quote, produce. 3. of an oracle, to propose, com- mand. II. to bring forward, display; iro\(fj.ov Trpo(j)(piv to declare war. III. to bear on or away, to carry or sweep away. IV. metaph. to put for- ward, further, assist, Lat. prof err e, promovere ; irpo- (j>cpeiv rivd ooov to further one on the road. V. intr. to surpass, excel. irpo-i>Yc>, f. -T]Tia, 17, (itpod.Tr)S : (npocprjim) : one who speaks for another : an interpreter of the will of a god, Atos Trpo^TTjs tori Aot'cts trarpcs Loxia* JV 2 612 is the interpreter of his father Jove: so Poets are called Movffa/v irpo0dva>, f. -(pOaaca and -(pOrjcrofjLat : aor. 2 irpov- 0i(ji6vos, 77, ov, dead or killed before, [r] irpo-(j>op60), f. rjtrca, to frighten beforehand: Pass, with fut. med. rjffojJiai, to fear beforehand. irpo-<(>opo), to bring forward : Med. Trpopdco, f. ffca: pf. pass. -7re0pao>ai : to foretell. irpo^patma, irreg. Ep. fem. of Trpoippasv, having forethought, thoughtful. irpop6va>s Ep. ->s, graciously, willingly, readily, gladly : Adv. of Trpocppoav. irp6-p(ov, ovos, 6, 77, (irpo, tpp^v) with forward mind, i. e. earnest, hearty, kindly, willing, ready to do a thing. Trpo^yciv, aor. 2 inf. of Trpoiryor6a, Ep. for irpoipvyois, 2 sing. aor. 2 opt. of TrpotiXaKTJ, (TrpO(pv\affffoj) a guard in front, out- post, advanced guard: at irpovXa|, a/fos, o, an advanced gtiard. [u] irpo-4>i/Xdv\d(r0(iv en-t TIVI to keep guard over a person or place : absol. to be on guard, be on the look-out, keep watch : Med. to guard oneself: to guard against, be on one's guard against, Lat. cavere, c. ace. irpovp, f. dffoj [a] : pf. pass. irpoirei5T6ua>, f. aca, to plant before: metaph. to pro- duce, give birth to. irpo-via>, f. ffea, to generate before. II. Pass., with aor. i act. irpof(pvv, pf. itpoirtQvKa, to be born before another. irpo-, f. rjaca, to utter or declare before- hand. II. to command publicly. irpo-x, to rejoice beforehand: 3 sing, imperat. vpoxaipcro), far be it from me ! away with it ! cf. \aipt, xcupfTca, sub xaipo). irpo-xaXKvw, f. a, f. iaea Att. to), to put into the hand, deliver up: Pass., aor. I part. TrpoxdptffOeis, and pf. irpOKCxfiptaufvos, to be taken in band, un- dertaken : also to be arranged, made ready before- hand. II. as Dep. irpoxejp/fo/zai, Att. fut. -tou- fjiai, to take into one's hand, to make ready, make ttse of. 2. to choose, select, appoint. -irpo-xcipos, ov, (irpd, X ( ' 1 P) at hand, close to, conve- nient : handy, ready. 2. easy, common. 3. of persons, ready or inclined to do. irpo-xiporovio, f. rja(a, to elect before. rrpoxcCpws, Adv. of irpuxfipos, offhand, readily : Comp. -or t pus. irpo-xcco, f. -X f & ' aor. I Trpoex* - ' pf- -Kfx^ Ka ' Pass., aor. I -npo^vQrfv [i5] : pf. -6xv/iat : to pour forth or forward: Pass., metaph. of a crowd of men; Is TTcSiov TTpoxeovro they poured or streamed on to the plain. irpoxvC, Adv. (irpo, yovv) kneeling, on one*s knees ; irpoxvv u\fffdai, to perish in a kneeling state, i. e. in wretched plight. irpoxorj, 17, (Trpo\f(a) a pouring out or forth : in plur. irpoxoai, the mouth of a river. irpo-xo'i's, t'Sos, T], Dim. of irpoxoos, a pot. irpoxoos Att. contr. -xovs, 17 : irreg. dat. pi. irpo- Xovffi : (irpoxv)' a pouring or spreading out; irpoxvaiv irot?a0ai ov\as itptOwv = trpo\tiv ov\as KpiOwv, to pour forth the sacrificial barley : also a deposit, alluvial soil. irpoxvTai (sub. KpiOai), at, properly fem. pi. of irpo- XVTOS, the barley cakes thrown forth at the beginning of a sacrifice. irpoxt)Tr]S, ov, 6, (Trpox&u) = itpo^pos, a jug or pitcher : an urn, vase. \y\ irpoxtfros, r}, ov, (-rrpo^Xos, ov, very lame or halt. -Trpo-xtopew, f. i7, f. -caOr]ffca and -wffca: aor. I irpolcaaa : to push forward, push or urge on; irpocaOeTv avr6v to urge oneself on, rush on. II. to push off or away, in wrestling. irpo-wXtjs, cs, (irpo, oXXv/xt) ruined beforehand. irpowpicra, aor. I of TTpoopifo. irpo-wpos, ov, (jrpo, wpa} before the time, untimely. 7Tpo&x|)t\6}jiT]v, impf. pass, of TrpootpdXca. irpv\S, \r)v fjerdjjiveiv to cut off the wood at the root. Sup. irpvfjtvoTaTos, at the lowest end. irpvjiv-oOxos, ov, (irpvjjLva, cxvA.^] fTTpvrdvfvf, 3?aivnrnos l-ypa/i/wzTei/e, Ni/cmS^s ITTC- ffTarfi, ' the tribe of Acamas were irpirraveis, Phae- nippus was secretary, Niciades was chief -president' See TrpvTavda, irpvravctov. irpu> or irpw, Adv., Att. for upcai. irptoijv Dor. irpcaav, (rrpcut) lately, just now, not long ago, Lat. nuper. II. the day before yesterday ; proverb., /'x/n ou irpurjvre /cat x^<* till yesterday or the day before, i. e. till very lately. irpo>0-T||3T)s, ou, 6, (irpa>To$, ij&ij) a youth in his first bloom. irpwO-tjj3os, ov, also rj, ov, (irpwTOS,rj&r)) in the bloom or flower of youth. n-pwi [/], Att. shortd. irpw : Adv.: (irpo) : early, early in the day, at morn, Lat. mane : c. gen., irpui Ti rrjs fip.pi]S still early in the day ; jy/xcpas TO trpojl the early part of the day ; a/*a irpcai at early morn ; dirb vpcaifrom morn. 2. generally, betimes, early, in good time, Lat. mature, tempestive. II. Comp. irps, ov, (irfxa't) early. irpcoivos, 77, 6v, = irpwios. [If] irpwios Att. irpwos, a, ov, (irpcui) : early, early in day, at morn; 8d\r) irpwia the early part of the after- noon, opp. to 8d\r) 6if/ia, the latter part; irpcaias, absol. as Adv., early. II. early in the season ; irp-Tja TWV KapntfjiOTpas tcoivos a'las the jutting committing the first murder. ridge of the sea (i. e. the bridge) which joined both Trpoyro-icucuv, 6, (irpuros, KVOJV} the first dog, i. e. the lands. chief of the Cynics. trpuos, a, ov, Att. for irpwios. irpcoro-Xeia, ra, (irpwros, Aaa) the first spoils in rrpwpa, as Ion. rjs, 77, (TT/JO) the fore-part of a ship, war, the firstfruits : as Adv. in the first place. a ship's head, prow, bows, Lat. prora: also (as if irptoroXoYia, 77, the right of speaking first. From from an Adj. Trpiwpos) VTJVS fpyprj the prow of a ship, irpcoro-XoYos, ov, (jrpturos, Aeycy) speaking first. like VTJVS irpvpvr) ; Tjrev/xa rovic trpupas a head-wind, TrpcoTO-jjiavTis, ecus, 6, (irpuros, ftavns) the first pro- opp. to irvfvfjia Kara irpviJi.vT]v, a stern-wind. II. '< phet or seer. generally, any front : hence a head, face. | irpwro-jiopos, ov, (irpwros, fj.6pos} dying or dead irpcopu0ev, or before a consonant -0, Adv. (npypa) first, from the ship's head, from the front. | irpcoTO-ir3Yif|S, es, (irpcaros, ira^vai) first put toge- irpo>paTv&>, f. aca, to be a look-out man, look out ahead. From Trpcpp&TTjs [a], ov, 6, (irpypa) a man who stood at the ship's head to give signals to the steersman, a look-out man. jrpwpevs, ois, 77, (irpc^pa) = irpyparijs. irpppT]0V, Adv., Ion. for irpcvpaQzv. irpuoxu, irpcocras, Ttpwcrov, contr. for irpo-uaai, etc., aor. I inf., part., and imperat. of Trpocoflecu. n-pwra, neut. pi. of irpwros, as Adv. first of all, in the first place. irpcor-aYos, ov, 6, (trpwros, ayai) leading in ad- vance; of irpcarayoi, the vanguard. the chase. trpa>T-fiY Cl>vtcrTi ns> , ra, (rrpwros, dypa) the first-fruits of front. 2. neut. pi. ra irpwra (sub. a#Aa) the first prize ; ra irptara (ptpeadai to carry oft the first prize; (irpcaros, ayowtarrji) one who plays the first part, the chief actor, Lat. primarum partium actor; the other two actors being called re- rpiraycaviar^s : gene- spectively rally, the chief personage. ov, (irpuros, apx 03 } first-beginning, primal, originating. -irpwreiov, TO, (irpcortvca) the chief rank, first place : esp. in pi., rcL irpoaTtta the first prize or place. irpcorcvco, f. oca, (TrpwTos) to be the first, to excel, be preeminent. to, c. gen. irpcor-Tjporrjs, 2. to be the first among, be superior ou, d, (wpwros, dpoTrjs) one who ploughs earliest or first. irpomoTOs, 77, ov, also os, ov, poet. Sup. of irpwros, the first of the first, first of all, very first; neut. TT/W- narov and -ra as Adv.,^rs/ of all. irpTo-fu, v-yos, (irpwros, vyf)vai) newly married. irpo>r6-0povos, ov, filling the first seat : irreg. pi. irpcoruOpoves (as if from TrpcaroOpcav). ' , (vpuTos, Kadefya) the first seat, chief pl ther, i. e. newly made. irpwTO-TTTifJuov, o^os, 6, 77, (irpaiTos, TT^a) hurting first: the first cause of ill. irpcoTO-irXoos, ov, Att. contr. -irXovs, ovv, (irpcaros, TrAoos) making the first voyage, going to sea for the first time. II. sailing first or foremost. irpa>TOp-pios, ov, (irpwros, pia) being the first root or origin. irpwTOS, 77, ov, Sup. of irpo, as if contr. from Trpo- TOTOS, Trpoaros, Dor. irparos (the Comp. being Trpo- Tepos): -first, foremost, front, of Number or Place; of Time, first, earliest, Lat. primus ; evl irpuroiai, perk Trpuroiffi among the fi\ rst 'ers, i. e. in Is ra irpojra to the highest degree : of persons, ra Trpura run/ 'Eperpiecav being the first or foremost man among the Eretrians ; ra irptara rrjs ftcei I*.O\OTJ- pias the chief of the rascality there. 3. rty irpw- rrjv, as Adv., first, at present, just now : so with eivai, T7)f irpiiiTrjv flvai, like IKWV tlvai, at first. 4. neut. sing, and plur. irpwrov, trpura as Adv., first, in the first place, Lat. primum : first of all, above all. 5. after a Relative, irp&rov means once, once for all, as, ovnva trpwrov hdfiuffiv aeAAai whom storms may catch for the first time, i. e. once for all. 6. tv Ttpwrots, Lat. in primis, among the first, chiefiy, espe- cially ; fv rots Trpcaroi, as if shortd. for ev rofs trpw- rois irp&roi, first among the first. II. irpuros is sometimes found as a Comp. c. gen., before, sooner than: also irpwrov 77. . ,=-irplv 77.. , Lat. priusquam. TrpoiTO-aTropos, ov, (irpwros, aireipca) first sown or begotten. ov, 6, (irpwros, iffrafiat') one who stands first, the first man on the right of a line : but also, 01 Trpcaroararai the front-rank men. II. a chief, leader, [a] irptoroToicCa, 77, a bearing her firstborn : and , ra, the privilege of the first-born, birthright. From irpoTO-TOKOs, ov, (irp&ros, rettCM} bearing her first- born. II. proparox. irpcaroroKos, ov, pass, first- born. irpuTOTopos mTAON. 615 irpWT6-TOp,os, ov, (irp&Tos, TfJ.fiv) first cut or cut off. irpcoTO-(j>vTOS, ov, (irp&Tos, v8dv, contr. for irpo-avSav, inf. of irpoavddcv. irpwwv, ovos, 6, Ep. lengthd. form for irpajv. irraioKTa, Dor. pres. part. fem. of irraioi. nTATPQ, f. itrapu: aor. I lirrapa: aor. 2 firrapov; to sneeze; iik*f cvrapf be sneezed aloud, which was taken for a good omen : metaph. of a lamp, to sputter. p,ai, Dep. =irraipca, to sneeze. irras, part, of eirrrjv, aor. 2 act. of irerofuii. irracrOai, aor. 2 inf. of ircra/iat. irraTO, Ep. for eTrraro, 3 sing. aor. 2- of TrcTa/icu. HTEAE'A Ion. -lij, 77, the elm, Lat. w/mws. irrcplvos, rj, ov, also os, of , (irrepov) made of fea- thers ; irrepivos KVK\OS a fan of feathers. II. feathered, winged. mrepts, T8os, T), (TTTfpoj') a kind of fern, so called from its leaves being like feathers. HTE'PNA Ion. -VTJ, #, /i &e/. II. =irtpva, a ham. IlTpvo-YXt<|)OS, o, (iTTtpva, y\v6pos, ov, (irTfpov, (f)cpo}) feathered, winged; irrfpotpopa (pv\a the feathered tribes. irTpo-vico, (irrep6v,(f)voj) to grow feathers or wings. nrcpoo), f. ojffca, (irrep6v) to furnish with feathers or wings, to feather ; irrfpovv (3i@\iov to tie a letter to a feathered arrow and shoot it off: Pass, to be fea- thered, i. of ships, to furnish with oars. irreptYcr, f. iaca, (TIT tpv)tQ flutter or flap the wings. n > Tpt>Y>'Ov [u] , TO, Dim. of rrrepv^, a little wing. II. anything like a wing, as, a turret or battlement; or, a pointed roof, a pinnacle. irTpi5-y-c>KT|s, * s > ( 7rT *P v f &KV$} swift of wing. ">], ov, (irrepvyooj) fledged, winged, , 6, (irTfpva, ) Ham-eater, name of a mouse in the Batrachomyomachia. iTTpo-86vT]TOS, ov, (irTfpov, Sov(oj) moved with flap- ping wings : metaph. high-soaring, high-flown. irrepoeis, taoa, ev, contr. fem. itrfpovaaa, gen. irrfpovvTOS : (TrrepoV): -feathered, winged: also light as a feather : used by Homer mostly in phrase eirea VTfp6evra, winged words. riaOai) a feather, mostly in 2. wings ; viro irrfpois fTvat to be wing-shaped. irTpv, vyos, fj, (trrepov} a wing. II. anything like a wing, as I. a rudder. 2. in plur. the skirts of a coat of mail. 2. the wing of a build- ing. III. anything that covers or protects like wings, a fold, flap or cape. IV. metaph., irri- pvyfs yucav the wings, i. e. the flight or flow, of grief. TTTepvcro-Ofiai, f. o/iat, Dep. = Trrtpvyifa. irTpo)p,a, CITOS, TO", (Trrepocy) A&a* /&ci is feathered, a feathered arrow. irreptixris, ?), (irTfpo'aj) a feathering, plumage. irrcpcoTos, 97, 6v, also os, <^r, (TTTepoo;) feathered: winged. irrlcrOai, aor. 2 inf. of TreTO/xaz. inf. of firrijv, aor. 2 act. of irfrofiai. ens, t5os, T), (irTijvos, oAAu^i) bird-killing. im]v6s, 77, of Dor. inravos, a, Of, (Trr^ai) fea- thered, winged: irrijvd, ra, fowls, birds. II. of young birds, fledged. III. metaph., trrrjvol nvOoi, like trrta irrfpofvra, winged, passing words ; irrijvai k\iriofs fleeting hopes. irrfjcu, aor. I inf. of irrrjffffa}. irrrjo-ts, T), (TTTt^J/at) a flying, flight. iTTT|a > o(iai, fut. of irfTOfMt. IITH'52n, fut. TTTr)t, irroiTjcris, TTTOITJTOS, v. sub Trroecw. iTToXp.Cci>, irroXcjucrTTis, etc., Ep. for TToXeju . TTToXejJios, 6, Ep. for iro\cfj.os, war. irToXt-apxos, ov, Ep. for iroXiapxos. nroXCcOpov, TO, Dim. of TrroAts, but used like TroAts, a city. TTToXC-iropOos and irroXt-ir6pu>s, ov, (TTTO\IS, nepOca) sacking or wasting cities: also TTToXi-iropOTjs, ov, 6. irroXis, Ep. for TroAts. 7TT6Xi ^> (irrvffffu) : anything in folds, a fold, leaf, layer, plate, irrvxts ffdffeos plates forming a shield. II. of the clefts or breaks in the side of a hill, which at a distance look like/o/Js ; a cleft, dell, coomb : so also of the sky, folds or clouds. III. in form TTTV\^, a folding tablet. IV. in Comedy, wrinkles. TTTUOV, TO, Ep. gen. irTvopoints, to be folded or bent back. 2. to fold or cling round or to. III. Med. to fold round oneself. Hence iTTC)(T|, ?), see TTTV. IITTTi, f. TTTvyca [y] : aor. I firrvaa : pf. pass. ZirTWuai : to spit out: to spit, Lat. spuo. II. to disgorge, cast out, throw up, vomit forth. III. metaph., 7TTvo*as having spat, with an expression of disgust; TTTvaas irpoffcaira) with loathing in his face. irrwicds, dSos, %, (TTTW, TTTuaata) shy, timorous, fearful. , aTos, TO, (TTIITTOJ, TrenTum} a fall : a mis- fortune, calamity, disaster, Lat. casus. II. that which has fallen, a corpse, carcase. irrco, 6, 77, gen. TTTOJKOS, (TfTwaaoJ] the cowering animal, i. e. the bare. irn(7i|ios, ov, (TTITTTOJ, TrcTTTcaKO,} fallen, slain. irrwons, fo-Kda>, poet, for -nrwaao}, to crouch for fear. IITn'55n, like TTTrjCffca, intr. to crouch or cower from fear : also to go cowering about, like a beggar, to visit like a beggar. 2. to flee affrighted : c. ace. to flee from. irrwxefa Ion. -T)TJ, 77, (TmuxeiV) begging, beggary. iTTWXC'uw, Ion. impf. irTO}x fvf ' KOV ' f- ffoj ' (jfTca- Xs) : to be a beggar, beg. II. trans., I, c. ace. rei, to get by begging. 2. c. ace. pers. to beg or as& an alms of. "fj, 6v, (TTTCUXOS) of or for a beggar, bfg- garly. , irreg. Comp. of TTTUXOS. , ov, (TTTCUXOS, noifoi) drawing beggarly characters, of a poet. irro>x6s, 17, ov, also 6s, ov, (irrwaaoS) one who crouches or cringes; as Subst., irrcaxos, 6, a beggar: also iTTcaxos dvrjp a beggarmzn. II. as Adj. beg- garly, mean, sorry: later also poor. Comp. and Sup. TTTooxorepos, -oraros ; irreg. Comp. VTOJ^I- arepos. IIi;avi|;ia (sub. tfpa), rd, (irvavo&, e^a>) the Pyan- epsia, an Athenian festival in the month -nvavtipiuv, in honour of Apollo : said to be so called from a dish of beans then eaten. Hence IIiiav6i|;iLa>v, cuvos, 6, the fourth month of the Attic year, so named from the festival Hvavtyia : corre- sponding to the latter part of October and former of November. , a bean. , a, ov, (TTU^) of or on the rump : TO trv- yaTov a-Kpov the tip of the rump. irvY- a PY s ov > C 77 "^ 1 ?. dpyos) white-rump, name of a Libyan antelope ; also of the sea-eagle. ', 775, r), the rump, buttocks. Hence , TO, Dim. a thin, narrow rump, [r] Ol/ ' (wy^r] n) about a foot long or tall. II. nwyjucubt, of, the Pigmies, a fabulous race of dwarfs on the upper Nile, said to have been attacked and destroyed by Cranes. iruyp'tiX" > f. 770*0;, to practise boxing, be a boxer. And iriryp.3xa, 77, boxing, Lat. pugilatus. From Trvy-p-a-xos, ov, (Trvy^rj, pdxofjiai) fighting with the fist : as Subst., Tnfy/xaxos, o, a boxer, Lat. pugil. iTVY|XT|, 77, (TTU^) a fist, Lat. pugnus : also a battle with fists, boxing-match ; Trvy^v VIKO.V to be con- queror in the contest of boxing. II. a measure of length, the distance from the elbow to the knuckles, = 18 8aKTv\oi, about I ft. i inches. III. TTVyOOTo'AoS TTUKVOTTJS. 617 vvyfj.fi, dat. used as Adv., either = rrua, often, fre- quently ; or up to the elbow. irijYo-oroAos, ov, (rTvyij, OToA.77) with sweeping train, with trailing robe. iriryovo-ios, a, ov, about 15 inches long. From irrTfi'N, ovos, rj, the elbow. II. as a measure ot" length, the distance from the elbow to the first joint of the fingers, = 20 O&KTV\.OI or 5 iraAaoreu, about 15 inches. rrvSSpifa), f. tffo), to hop, jump, dance. HT'EAOS, i), a tub, trough or vessel for feeding animals : a bathing-tub : a vat, boiler, copper. IIvOaYopas, ov Dor. a,o,the philosopher Pythagoras. Hence , f. iff0ta (sub. tfpd), rd, neut. pi. of TlvOios, the Pythian games, celebrated every four years at Pytho (see Tlv6w) in honour of Pythian Apollo. IToOias, dSos, pecul. fem. of Hv&ios ; Iliads )3oa a song to Apollo. II. (sub. Trcpt'oSos), a Pythiad, period of four years, after which the Pythian games were celebrated, like 'OAv/mds. 2. the celebration of the Pythian games. IlitfiKos, 17, ov, (HvO&) of or for Pytho, Pythian, Delphic. ITvOiov, r6, the temple of Pythian Apollo at Delphi. IT00io-viia[)S, ov, 6, (UvOta, VIKOLCO) a conqueror in the Pythian games. IIvOio-viKOS, ov, (UvOia, VIKCLOJ) of or belonging to a victory in the Pythian games. IIiJ0io$, a, ov, (Uv6dtj) Pythian, of or belonging to Pytho, Delphian. II. HvOioi, ol, at Sparta, four persons whose office it was to consult the Delphic oracle on affairs of state. iri)0|JLT|v, vos, 6, (fivOos) the hollow bottom or stand of a drinking-cup, Lat. fundus ; irvOpty 0a\daarjs the bottom of the sea : metaph. the base or foundation of anything : in pi. the depths, foundations. II. the bottom, root of a tree : generally, a root : metaph. the original stock or stem of a family. IlvOot, Adv., properly dat. of TIvOw, at Pytho or Delphi. iri50oia,TO, Ion. 3 pi. aor. 2 opt. of TrvvOdvofiai. IItJ0ot86, Adv., = nvBujoc, to Pytho or Delphi. Hii06-KpavTOS, ov, (TlvOd}, Kpaivu) confirmed by the Pythian god: ret. UvOoKpavra the Pythian ora- cles. IIv06-p.avTis, fas, o, f], (TlvOw, fiavris) a Pythian prophet. II. used as Adj., of the Pythian prophet; IIv()6fJiavTis fffria the prophetic hearth of Pytho. IIi)0o-xpT|v, Sivos, -f), older form for TlvOfa. IIv0o>v60V, Adv. , = nvew9ev, from Pytho. irfKAr, poet. Adv. from same Root as irvmvos, irvKv6s, thickly, frequently. 2. wisely, prudently. ir"UKO. old Dor. curSco : f. dffoj : aor. I Ep. irvfcaaa. : Pass., aor. I tTTVKa.G9rjv : pf. fj.ai : (TTVKO) : to make thick or close, cover up closely, enwrap; irvrcd^ctv pcov, ovos, (irvKiv6s, prjv) wise-minded. Adv. of VVKIVOS ; see ITVKVOS v. , neut. pi. used as Adv. of ITVKVOS; see TTVKVOS v. ITVKVITTJS, ov, d, = TrvvKiTrjs, (Hvvf) assembling in the Pnyx. [I] TTUKVOV, neut. used as Adv. of VVKVOS : see TTVKVDS v. irvKvo-irrepos, ov, (TTVKVOS, irrcpov) thick-feathered. iruKvop-pa|, -pd^os, (TTVKVOS, pd) or iruKVo-pco^, -oryos, 6, T), (irvKv6s, pug) thick with berries. ITVKVOS Ep. lengthd. iriiKtvos, 17, ov, (irv^ : close, compact: of substance, close, solid: thick, close- packed, dense, crowded : of foliage or plumage, thick, close. 2. frequent, thick, rapid, Lat. creber,fre- quens ; irvKiva /3eAea a thick shower of darts. II. well put together, well made, compact, fast, strong : hence well-concerted : well-guarded. III. great, excessive. IV. metaph. of the mind, close, guarded, cautious; hence shrewd, discreet, wise. V. besides the regular Adverbs TTVKVWS and TTVKIVUIS, Homer also uses neuters TTVKVUV and irv/cvd, TTVKIVOV and truKivd as Adv., I. closely, firmly, fast. 2. much, often, excessively. 3. wisely, shrewdly. ITVKVOS, gen. O(TTVV. TTUKVO-CTTIKTOS, ov, (TTVKv6s, o"ncu) thick-spotted, dappled, brindled. -irvKvorns, TITOS, rj, (TTVKVOS) closeness, thickness, X5 TTVKVOO) Tru 618 denseness. II. frequency. III. metaph. wisdom, shrewdness, discretion. irvKVoto, f. uffca, (irvtcvos) to make close or solid : to pack close, roll into small compass, condense ; Pass, to be filled out with a thing. Hence n"uicvco|Jia, arcs, TO, a close covering, veil. iruKvcos, Adv. of ITVKVOS : see UVKVOS v. irvKTaXC^o), f. X-T]Y6p7)s, ov, 6, Ion. for TIvXay6pas. irvXtj-BoKos, 6, (irvXr), St^o/xai) watching at the gate. irttXts, iSos, 77, Dim. of irvXrj, a little gate, postern. TlvXoQfv, Adv. (n^Aos) from Pylos. IlijXoi-YevTjs, es, (IIvAos, yevtaOai) born or sprung from Pylos. IltjXovSe, Adv. (IIvAos) to or towards Pylos. irvXos, o, = irvXij, a gate. IIviXos, 6 or 77, Pylos, a town and district of Tri- phylia in Peloponnesus, where Nestor ruled : there were two other towns of the same name in Elij and Messenia. [v] irt/X-oupos, o, (irv\r), ovpos) a gate-keeper. irt'Xoco, f. WGOJ, (TtvXrj) to furnish or enclose with gates : Pass, to be furnished with gates. irtiXtofxa, aros, TO, a gate, gateway. nvXcov, wvos, 0, (irvXT]) a gateway, gate-house : also a porch or vestibule. irvXojpeco, to be a gate-keeper. From irtiX-topos, o, (vvXr), &pa) a gate-keeper, warder. -irti|JiaTOS, 77, ov, (irvOp.-f)v) the hindmost, uttermost^ last : irvfjLarov and irv^aTa as Adv. at the last, for the last time. irvv8a, O.KOS, 6, (mdfi^v) the bottom of a vessel. iruv0uvop,ai, lengthd. from irfvOo/jLai : f. irevffofiai Dor. irfvaovfjiai : aor. 2 firvOufj,rjv, imperat. irvOov Dor. irv6ev, inf. irvOecQai, Ep. ^ sing. opt. irtirvOoiTO : pf. -n^TTvapjai, 2 sing. Tifirva'ai Ep. -n^irvaaai : plqpf. eTrcirvffjjiijv, Ep. 3 sing, irtirvaro, Ep. 3 dual TrsrrvaOrjV : to ask, inquire, hence to learn, ascertain by asking or inquiry: to hear, learn, understand: c. gen. to hear of, hear news of: also c. ace. to inquire about : c. inf. to hear or learn that . . . IIT'H, Adv. with clenched fist; Triig dyaOos good at the fit t, i. e. at boxing. iruijtveos, a, ov, and iruivos, r], ov, (TTVOS) made of box-wood. IIT'EOS, $, Lat. BUXUS, the BOX-tree: also its wood. TITO'S or TTVOS, <5, the first milk after the birth, Lat. colostrum. Trvirirad, an exclamation of surprise, bravo ! HTTP, irvpos, TO, fire ; irvp Atos the fire of Jove, i.e. lightning. II. metaph. fever-heat, also feverish hope. III. to express things terrible ; Kptiacrov d/j-ai/j-aKtrov irvpos stronger than invincible fire ; Sia irvpos ttvai to go through^re and water. Hence irtipd, wv, Ta, watch-fires, only in pi. irijpa, as, Ion. wvpiq, rjs, 77, the place where fire is kindled : a funeral-pyre : also a burial-place. 2 . an altar for burnt-sacrifice : also the fire burning upon the altar. , 57, (irvp, dyptoi) a pair of fire-longs. , (rrvpd, aiOoj) to light a watch-fire, keep it burning. iri5p-a,KT6a>, f. Tjaca, (irvp, ayoi) to turn in. the fire, to harden in the fire, char. irvpajxtvos, r/, ov, (jrvpos) = -nvpivos, of wheat, wheaten. injpajjits, tSos, 77, a pyramid: an Egyptian word. n"53pa(Aovs, OVVTOS, 6, contr. for Trvpaftofis, (irvpos} a cake of roasted wheat and honey; given as a prize to him who kept awake best during a night-watch : generally, the meed or prize of victory. irvp-avYT|s, es, (irvp, avyrj) fiery bright. irupYt]86v, Adv. (TTI^OS) like a tower. II. of soldiers, in masses or columns, in close array. irvpYT]p0, f. -fjarea, to shut up in a tower : Pass, to be beleaguered, besieged. From Trvpyripil s Tivpo co . , (s, (irvpyos, dpapeiv) shut up in a tower, beleaguered : besieged. , TO, Dim. of irvpyos, a turret. , rj, ov, (uvpyos) strong as a tower. TO, Dim. of irvpyos, a turret. irvpYo-8diKTOs, ov, (rrvpyos, c"ai'cu) destroying towers, [a] irup-yo-jiax>, (irvpyos, /id^o/tat) to assault or batter towers. IIT'PrOS, o, a tower : in plur. walls and towers : generally, any fortification, a fortress, castle : also a moveable tower for storming towns. 2. metaph. a tower of defence, rampart, bulwark ; irvpyos OavaTow a bulwark against death. 3. the highest part of any building. III. a division of an army drawn up in close order, a column : see irvpyrj86v. irvp-yo-4>6pos, ov, (irvpyos, tpcu) tower-bearing. irt)p < yo- : fut. irvpf^oj : aor. I Irrvpefct : (irvpeTus) : to be feverish, be sick of a fever. orvperos, ov, 6, (nvp) burning heat, fiery heat. esp. feverish beat, a fever ; irvpCTos Tftnaios, Ttzfos a tertian, quartan fever. irvpcijs, ecus, 6, (irvp) a fire-proof vessel. irvpTj, fjs, f], Ion. and Ep. for vvpd. iri5pT|tov, TO, Ion. for irvpelov. irirPH'N, ijvos, 6, the stone of stone-fruit, as olives, dates, pomegranates, etc. irvp-Tjvejios, ov, (irvp, dVffios) fanning fire. irup-q-TOKOs, ov, (irvpus, Te/cefv) wheat-producing. iTi3pir]-<{)ATos, ov, (irvpus, ir(opos, ov, poet, for uvpotpopos, (jrvpos, (pfptu) wheat- bearing. iri/pta, f), (irvp} a vaponr-bath, consisting of an air- tight covering, within which fragrant substances were thrown on hot embers to produce steam. irtipiaTT] [a], 77, (TWOS) a pudding made with beest- ings, i. e. the first milk after calving. n"upiu,TT)ptov, TO, a vapour-bath. From irupido), (irvpid) to put into a vapour-bath. jrvpt-(3\T]TOs, ov, (nvp, /3aA\eu) striking with fire. II. 619 , ov, 6, irvp i--yVT|s,fs, (irvp, ycveaOai) born of fire: wrought or forged by fire. irtipl-Yovos, ov, (irvp, ytvfaOai} fire-producing. irCpi-SaiTTOS, ov, (irvp, SaTTTco) devoured by fire. TTVpCSiov, TO, Dim. of irvpos. ^- irvpl-T|KT)s, s, (irvp, d/flj) pointed in the fire, Lat. praeustus. S,=irVplKaVffTOS. Trvp(-Kav{rTOs, ov, (irvp, atcu) burnt in the fire. irvpi-KoCTT)S, cs, (irvp, KOiTr]) wher ein fire lies asleep. Trvpi-\afJiirT|S, es, (irvp, \dp.iraTOS, ov, (itvp, irc^aTat) slain by fire. IIi>pi-<}>XYOcov, OVTOS, 6, (irvp, (pXeyco) one of the rivers of hell, literally Fireblazing. irupt-<})\Y"ns, es, and irupt-^Xeywv, OI'TOS, o, (nvp,- XKTOs, ov, (irvp, 6pos, ov, (irvp, s, 77, ov, (irvp, iraXdfJLrj) wrought of fire. iTVp-irvoos, ov, (irvp, irvcoa) fire-breathing. irupTToXeco, f. T/Va;, (irvpir6\os) to light or make a fire, esp. to keep up a fire, watch a fire ; irvpnoXfiv TOVS dvOpafcas to stir up or fan the fire. II. to waste with fire, burn to the ground, burn down. Hence irupir6XT|[Jua, aTos, TO, a watch-fire, beacon. irvp-iroXos, ov, (irvp, iroXeoi) busied with fire : wast- ing with fire, scorching. irvppd, f. aca, (irvppos) to be fiery-red. irvppCas, ov, 6, (irvppos) name of a slave, used of the red-haired slaves from Thrace. iruppiXT] (sub. opxrjais), T), the Pyrrhic dance, a kind of war-dance, a violent movement or contortion : proverb., irvppixrjv @\eireiv ' to look daggers.' (Called from Ilvppixos, the inventor.) [*"] " , ov, (irvppixios) in the Pyrrhic metre. , f. to", (7rupo-os) to set on fire, light up with beacon-fires. II. to kindle torches (irvpaot), make signals by torches or beacon-fires. m;po-o-J36Xos, ov, (irvpaos, @a\(?v) fire-shooting. irvpcro-Kojtos, ov, (irvpaos, Kofj-rj) red-haired. irvpcro-vwTOS, ov, (irvpaos, vSiros) red-backed. irupo-os, ov, 6 : irreg. pi. irvpcrd, rd : (irvp) : afire- brand, torch. II. a beacon or signal-fire. iruptros, 77, 6v, old Att. and Dor. for irvppos. TTUpo-o-roKos, ov, (irvpaos, TCKfTv) fire-producing. irvpopcj, f. 770*0;, to be a torch-bearer : to set on fire. From .Trvp-<|>6pos, ov, (irvp, <^6pu) fire-bearing, charged with fire : 6 Hvpcpopos the Fire-bringer, name of Prometheus in a play of Aeschylus ; irvp^opoi olaroi arrows with combustibles tied to them. II. Ocos nvfxpopos the fire-bearing god, i. e. who produces plague or fever. III. irvp, fut. of irvOca. irvTl, f. iaca, (irrvw) to spurt out water from one's mouth. irimvcuos, a, ov, plaited with willows. From HT'TI'NH, 77, afiask covered with plaited willow. twigs, [i] irvTwrfia, arcs, TO, (wrtfo) that which one spits out. ira> Ion. KO>, enclit. Particle, up to this time, yet, ever yet, hitherto, mostly with negat. II. irw ; Sicilian for TTOU ; as interrog. where f IXflTnN, twos, 6, the beard; iruycav irvpos a beard or tail of fire. Hence iHoyeovtas, ov > o, bearded; dffr^p ircayowias a bearded star, i. e. a comet. ircoyaiviov, TO, Dim. of irwyow, a little beard. ircoYO)VO-6pos, ov, (iruyajv, 0e/xw) wearing a beard. ircoea, rd, pi. nom. of iruv. ircoXcta, 77, (iroj\fvca) a breeding of foals. ir(oXcop,ai Ion. ircoXeGpai, whence part. iruXevfjievos, impf. ncaXfiifji'rjv ; also Ion. 3 sing. impf. ifcuXefficfro : fut. 7TO>A^o-o/ttu : Dep. : Frequent, of iro\sXir]TT|s, ov, 6, (iruXeoj) a seller, dealer. II. at Athens the iraj\r)Tai were ten officers, who used to let out (kiruXovv, Lat. locabanf) the taxes and other revenues to the highest bidders. ivwXtKos, 77, ov, (iru\os) of foals or fillies: generally, of or for horses ; d-rr^vrj vwXitcrj a chariot drawn by horses. II. poet, virgin, maidenly. moXCov, TO, Dim. of TrwXos, a pony. ir-iroT, (my, irort) ever yet, mostly with a negat. ircopivos, rj, ov, (mDpos) made of tufa or tuff-stone. Trujpos, o, tuff-stone, Lat. tophus, Ital. tufa, friable and porous. iKopou), f. uaca, (mDpos) /o petrify, turn into stone. II. generally, /o harden, make cal- lous. III. metaph. in Pass, /o become hardened or callous, of the heart. mopojcris, 6o>s, 17, (irajpuca) a turning into stone: metaph. from Pass, itcapoo^tai, hardness of heart, cal- lousness. irws Ion. KWS, interrog. Adv. how? in what way or manner ? Lat. quomodo f in Att. sometimes c. genit., ircDs dyuvos ijitoficv; how are we come off in the con- test? II. at the beginning of a speech, How now? ircas ydp ..; as if something had gone before, How should that be, for it cannot be that . . f so also irws Sri ; TTWS yap 8rj ; III. mDs ov with the opt. ex- presses a wish, O how might I . . ? would that I could 1 iruJs av 6\oifj.Tjv ; would that I could pe- rish ! IV. KOI Treys ; introducing an objection, yet how can that be ? but how ? V. ircDs ov ; Lat. quidnif why not? certainly. VI. TTO/S SOKCIS; how think you ? i. e. you cannot think how. irTT]p.a, aros, ru,fiight. Ilfi'T", 60s, TO, pi. irwea, rd, a flock of sheep, with or without oiuv, opp. to fiouv (fye P, p, pw, r6, indecl., seventeenth letter of Greek Alphabet : as numeral p' 100, but y p = 100,000. 621 Dialectic changes of p: I. Aeol. at the end of words a passed into p, as, ovrop pdprvp for OVTOS fidprvs: so in Lat. arbor arbos, honor bonos. II. in later Att., the Ion. and old Att. pa passed into pp, as dpprjv Odppos, for dparjv Odpaos. III. Att., p was often put for \, as /cpiftavos vavicpapos ai-yrjpos, for K\i0avos vavK\r)pos aiyr]\6s. IV. in Poets, p is transposed, as /tdpros Ep. for Kpdros, Odpaos for Opdaos. V. p is doubled after a Prep, or a privat., and commonly after the augment, as dirop-piirrca, dp- pcaaros, eppiifie. VI. p at the beginning of a word sometimes makes a short vowel at the end of foreg. word long by position, as, ifivxpf) viro pnrijs, aircvofiv dir3 pvrrjpos. VII. p was called by the ancients littera canina, irritata canis quod ' rr ' quam plu- rima dicat, Lucil. d, enclit. Particle, Ep. for dpa, q. v. [a] TA" or pa, Adv. easily : see /5ea, fxta. pa|3|3i, 6, indecl., Hebrew word, Rabb-i, i. e. my master : so also pafB|3ovi or paf3j3ouvi. o, Rabb-oni, my master, a term of higher honour than Rabb-i. pa|35ia>, f. a, f. rjaca, to sit as umpire. From pa|38o-v6(Jios, ov, (pd(38os, VfJM) holding a rod or wand: as Subst., paf38ov6fj.os, 6,^fia@dovxos, the Roman Lictor. 'PA'BAO5, f), a rod, wand, stick, switch. 1. a magic wand, as that of Circe or Hermes. 3. a fish- ing-rod. 4. a spear-staff 01 shaft. 5. a wand or staff of office: a sceptre. 6. in pi. pdfidoi are the fasces of the Roman lictors. pap8ovxo, f. 770-0), (/5a/38o!xos) to carry a rod or wand of office. 2. to carry the fasces, to be a lictor: Pass, to be attended by lictors. Hence papBoux^, r), the office of lictor. fap8-o3xos, ov, (pd(38os, 6X6pos, ov, = pa(38ovx 5 - ^apScords, 77, ov, (pd(38os) striped, streaked, Lat. virgatus. pa-yds, aoos, ff, (payfjvai) a rent, chink. paynvai, aor. 2 pass. inf. of prjyvvfju. paySatos, a, ov, (pdaaoj) tearing, furious. pHyi, f. iaca, (/5d) to gather grapes. ^dYo-Xoyos, ov, (pd, \eyoj) gathering berries or grapes. pa8ivdKt], 7), Persian name for a black ill-smelling petroleum found at Ardericca near Susa. TA'ATNO'5, r,, 6v, Aeol. |3pa8iv6s, a, 6v, slender: taper, slim, delicate, tender. pd8tos, a, ov, Att. also os, ov, Ion. pTjiSios, 77, ov [r], or prjStos, 77, ov (^a, pla, peia), easy, easy to make or do ; oifjios prjiSirj an easy road : c. inf., rdfypos irepijaat a trench easy to cross: also ligbt t 622 simple, little-heeded. II. of persons, easy, ready, willing to oblige, complaisant, affable, Lat. facilis, commodus. 2. in bad sense, heedless, reckless. The degrees of Comparison are irreg., being formed from the Root /5a: Comp. pqcav, neut. pqov Ion. pnicav, prjiov Ep. pijircpos contr. pqrepos: Sup. pq- GTOS, i), ov Ion. prjiaros Dor. pd'iffros Ep. prjiraros. paSiovp-yeaj, f. 770"cu, (pqdtovpyos} to do with ease. II. in bad sense, to act thoughtlessly, reck- lessly: to misbehave. 2. to lead an easy, lazy life. Hence po.8iot)pY'r]|xa, TO, a thoughtless, reckless action: and paSioupYio,. 17, doing or acting easily, a ready way of doing a thing, facility. II. in bad sense, reck- lessness. 2. indolence, laziness. pg,8i-ovpYos, ov, (pqoios, Zpyov) doing things easily, ready. II. in bad sense, acting lightly or care- lessly, thoughtless, reckless. paSius Ep. and Ion. pTjiSicos, Adv. of fta'Stos, easily, lightly, readily; fiqoicas (pipeiv to bear lightly, make light of a thing. pa0ap,iY, 17705, 77, (paivca) a drop. II. of solids, a grain, bit. pa9u,-iruYio>, (pdffffca, 771/777) to slap one on the back. paOxifxea), f. 770*0;, (pqdvfjtos) to be easy-tempered, thoughtless, careless. II. to slacken work, be idle. Hence paOufxia, 77, easiness of temper : thoughtlessness, care- lessness. II. a taking things easily, indifference, sluggishness, laziness. III. relaxation, amuse- ment, pastime. ^9i-0i)(xos, ov, (pqotos, 0t//ios) easy-tempered, thought- less, careless. II. sluggish, lazy, slothful. Hence pa0v|j,cj0s, Adv. with easy temper, carelessly; pqOvfjtcas (pepetv to take easily, to shew indifference to a thing. paif36-Kpavos, ov, (patfios, fepdviov) crook-beaded. TAIBO'5, 77", ov, crooked, bent, bandy., pcu{3o-(TKXT|s, es, (pcuftos, trAfeAos) crook-legged. pdici> Ion. pY]ico, f. taca, (pqoios) to grow easy : to find relief, recover : to take one's rest. TAI'NH, fut. pavca : aor. i Zppava, Ep. 2 pi. im- perat. fidffffare (as if from */5a, f. ffca, (paivca) to sprinkle, moisten : hence to cleanse by sprinkling. ftaVTicrjAos, o, (pavri^ca) a sprinkling, purification. d.(|, gen. payus, 77, a grape ; cp. Lat. racemus. dor, = pqdvjj.f<*}, to be idle, listless. From paorcovT] Ion. PTJO-TWVTJ, 77, (paaTOs) easiness ofi doing anything, facility. II. easiness of temper, goodnature, Lzt.facilitas ; \K prjarwvrjs rfjs AT?/*O- , KrjScosfrom kindness to Democedes. III. relief, j rest, cessation from a thing: absol. rest, leisure, ease: indolence. parepos, a, ov, irreg. Comp. of pdStos, more easy. pac|>avlS6a>, (patpavis) to punish as an adulterer. pacj>avLS, iSos, rj, the radish, Lat. raphanus. From TA'*A-NO2, f}, cabbage, [pa] pd4>evs, ecus, o, (pdirTco) a stitcher, sewer. II. metaph. a plotter, contriver, planner. pdT|, 77, (pdirTOj) a seam ; pafjvcu, aor. 2 inf. pass, of pdirrot}. pai8vs, e'cus, 77, = pa (pdaaoi) like firjyftiv, the break- ing of the sea on the shore, breakers, surf: the flood- tide, opp. to dfj.TT(DTis the ebb : generally, a high tide, flood. II. an edge of the sea, the beach, on which the waves break. 2. a mountain-ridge. fca.\iu>, f. iffw, (pdxis) to cut through the spine : to cleave in twain, hew in pieces. pux i s [&], gen. tos Att. ecus, 77, the back of men or animals, the chine: also the backbone, Lat. spina dorsi; vird pdxiv nayr}vai to be impaled. II. anything like the backbone, a mountain-ridge. paxos Ion. f>ir)X s ^ "hi a thorn-bush, briar. 2. a thorn-hedge. 3. a thorn-stick, a twig. pdvj/at, aor. I inf. of pdirrca. pmJKpSecd, f. 770-0; : (pa\f/caS6s) : to recite poems : Pass, of the poems, to be recited. 2. to repeat by heart or rote, declaim : to reiterate, keep saying that ... II. c. ace. pers., to sing of one. Hence pax)/<08Ca, 77", recital -of Epic poetry : Epic composi- tion, opp. to Lyric. pa\)/-(oS6s, o, (pd-rrro}, qjorj) one who stitches or strings songs together : one who recited Epic poems, a rhapsodist ; sometimes of the bard who recited bis own poem, but mostly of a class of persons who got their living by reciting the poems of Homer : hence the poems of Homer came to be divided into certain lengths called rhapsodies, i. e. lays or cantos, which were recited at one time. II. the Sphinx is called patyaioos KVOW, from proposing her riddle, pacov, ov, irreg. Comp. of fidSios, more easy. pea, Ep. Adv. for pa (whence pdoios), easily, lightly. [o w, but also contr. as one long syll.] Tea, r), Ep. and Ion. Tet-q or Tn, Rbea, wife of Saturn and mother of Jupiter, (l)eriv. by transpos. from epa, Earth f) TETKQ, f. /5yo>, to snore : of horses, to snort. (Formed from the sound.) 'PETO2, os, TO, = pfjyos, a fug, coverlet. , 77, a wagon, from the Lat. rheda. peeOpov, TO, Ion. and poet, for ptiQpov, a stream. TE'Zn, Ion. impf. /5ee nvd to mal- treat one. II. l(pd /5eeii> 0e to fulfil or ac- complish a sacrifice to a god, Lat. sacra facere: hence to sacrifice : but also absol. to do sacrifice, like Lat. operari, facere. TE'005, eos, r6, a limb. II. the face, coun- tenance. ^ta, another Ep. form of /oea, Adv. of pdSios, easily, lightly, carelessly. Tefrq, 77, Ep. and Ion. for 'Pe'a. peiOpov, TO, Att. contr. from Ion. pefOpov, (/5u) a river, stream. 2. later, the bed of a river : also a channel, stream. petcreipa, rj, fern, of pKrr}p. pKTY|p, rjpos, 6, (peeu) a doer, agent. pep.)3op.ai, Dep. to roam, rove, roll about: to act at random. f>eai, pegas, aor. I inf. and part, of /5e'a>. peos, TO, (/5e'a;) a stream. TE'IHl, f. ipcu, properly of the descending scale, to incline downwards, to sink, fall, verge, Lat. ver- gere, inclinare : hence simply to fall or turn down- wards. 2. of one of two parties, to preponderate, prevail, outweigh. 3. of persons, to incline towards a thing. 4. of duties, to fall or devolve upon one. 5. of events, to incline, fall, happen in a cer- tain way: to incline, conduce towards ... II. trans, to make the scale incline one way or the other : hence in Pass., cocas peirtoOai to be equally balanced or poised. >eptmp.evos, pf. pass. part, of pvnooj. pevp-a, arcs, TO, (/5ea;) that which flows, a flow, stream, a river : also a stream of lava : metaph. a stream, flood or tide of men. 2. a flood. t petKropxu, fut. of ptca, to flow. pexOeis, aor. I pass. part, of /5e'o>. *TETi, to say, root of some tenses given under epe'co, ernw. i TE'fl, f. pcvaofjiai : Att. fut. fivTjffonat and aor. 2 (ppvriv, in pass, form but with act. sense: pf. tppvrjKa : to flow, run, stream, gush ; ptev at/xoTi i yaia the ground streamed with blood : also c. ace, | cognato, pfiro) x&>P a yd^a, p.t\i let the land flow ivitb milk, honey; ptftv diro x i ^ vos to fl ow ^ rom melted snow. 2. metaph. of a flow of words, to stream, run glibly. 3. to fall, drop off. 4- * 'flow or melt away. II. trans, to let flow, make i stream, pour. 624 OTOS, TO, (prnvvpt) a fracture, breakage, crash, downfall. p-rfyyiiv or -(us, gen. Tvos, o, (p^yvvfj.t') the sea breaking on the beach, or the edge of the shore on which the sea breaks : the breakers, surf. 2. me- taph. the verge or edge of a thing. THTNTTVU or -vco : 3 sing. impf. p-fjyvvffKf, Ion. for (pprjyvv : fut. firj 01 : aor. I lpp7f a : pf. 2 tfpparya (in the sense of the Pass.): Med., f. pfj^ofMi: Ep. aor. I firjafji7)v : Pass. : fut. 2 ^dyrjffofjiai : aor. I (pprjxOijv, more usu. aor. 2 tppayrjv [5] : pf. epprjy- fiai : to break, burst, break asunder or in pieces, shiver, shatter: of garments, to tear, rend, esp. in sign of grief. 2. as a term of war, to break a line of battle ; rb fjiecrov prjai to break through the centre : also in Med , ftyacrOai ori\as to break oneself a way through the ranks: also absol. both in Act. and Med., ffiai, p^aaOat, to break or force one's way through. 3. to let break loose, to unchain, let loose ; pf)at (fxavrjv to let loose, give utterance to the voice, properly of persons speaking for the first time; then to speak freely, speak out, like Virgil's rumpere vocem : so, ffiai Ppovr^v to let loose the thunder ; pi}ai Satcpva to burst into tears. 4. in form priaaca, absol. to beat the ground, to dance. 5. of boxers, to fell, knock down. II. Pass, to break, burst : to break asunder : to break open, yawn, as the earth in an earthquake. 2. to burst forth, like light- ning. 3. of ships, to be wrecked, shattered. III. intr. chiefly in pf. epparya, to break or burst forth : of a river, to break its banks : metaph. to burst or gush forth. pTYyvufTKf, Ion. for tpprjyvv, 3 sing. impf. of prfyvvfjii. THTOIS, os, TO, a rug or blanket, used as a cover- let for a bed, for a seat, or as a garment. pfjSios, 77, ov, Ion. contr. from firjiSios, easy. pi]Q*is, aor. I part. pass, of \pkoi, epta : pijOfjvat inf. pT]iSios, 77, ov, Ion. for fiaSios, easy. p" TjurTos, 77, ov, Ion. for paaros, Sup. of fiq,dio$. 7, ov, Ep. Sup. of pqSios. 5, 77, ov, Ep. Comp. of /5aSios. PTJKTOS, "fj, ov, (frfjyvv/j.i) broken, rent : to be broken or rent, vulnerable, made of penetrable stuff. PTJJJLCI, aTos, TO, (*/5eco = Ipa)) &a which is said or spoken, a word, saying, expression, phrase. 2. also /e /&' spoken of, a thing. II. in Gramm. a Verb, opp. to ovofjta (a noun). f>T]p,ATiov, T O, Dim. of pfjpa, a little word, a pet phrase. C PH'N, 7), gen. favos, ace. /JTTVa, a sfoe/>, 7am6. t -Sopctis, o, (p^, 0epcw) wearing sheepskin. pT|as, aor. I inf. and part, of prjyvvfu. ), might to break through ranks of war- riors. From pT]5-T|vo)p, opos, o, (p/jyvvfjii, dvrjp) breaking through ranks of warriors. pT)t-KtXevQo$, ov, (fr/iyvvfjii, Kt\vOos") forcing a path, clearing the way. ^TJ|I-VOOS, ov, (prjyvvftt, v6os} breaking the spirit. p-q^ts, ecus, ), (firiyvvfu') a breaking. II. a rent, cleft. 2. a bursting or breaking forth of the en- trails of victims. ffjns, gen. (us Ion. los, 77, (*pf(u = (pu>} a saying, speaking ; a word, speech; rcaTatr\cai rrjv pfjaiv to bring one's speech to an end. II. a tale, le- gend. III. an expression or passage in an author, a speech in a play. >TJ, rarer collat. form of fi'/jyvvfii ; prjaativ rvfi- irava to beat drums. 2. absol. to strike the earth in dancing, to dance, Lat. tripudiare. , ), Ion. for pqaruvT]. coy, verb. Adj. of */5w, one must say. , 7}pos, 6, (*pea) = tp>) like p^roup, a speaker. o), f. fftu, (pTjTGop) to be a public speaker, practise oratory, speak in public : Pass., of a speech, to be spoken. ^TjropiKos, 77, ov, (prjTwp) fit for a public speaker or public speaking, oratorical, rhetorical : 77 prjropiK^ (sub. rex vr l}i rhetoric, the art of speaking. >i]T6s, 77, ov, verb. Adj. of *pT|Tpa Ion. fT|TpTj, T), (*peoj = epSi) a word, saying, maxim. 2. an unwritten law, whence the laws of Lycurgus were called pijTpai. 3. a verbal agree- ment, covenant. ^Tjrojp, opos, 6, (*/5y = !po)) a public speaker, plead- er, orator, Lat. orator. II. a rhetorician, Lat. rhetor. Adv. of prjros, in express terms. , Ion. for 77, 6v, or 6s, ov, making one shudder, chilling ; fiiyeSavf) 'E\(vrj Helen at whose name one shudders. From pry>, f. 770"cy : aor. I fppiyrjffa Ep. piyijcra : pf. 6p- piya, Dor. 3 pi. eppiyavn (for -dai), Ep. 3 sing. subj. tppiygai, Ep. dat. part, (ppiyovri, in pres. sense : (/5?yos) : to shiver or shudder with cold: metaph. to shudder with fear or horror : c. inf. to shudder or fear to do a thing. 2. to grow cold, cool, slacken in zeal. II. trans, c. ace. to shudder at anything. Hence , ov, making one shiver, chilling. , Comp. Adv. formed from ptyos, more chilly. II. metaph. more horribly. p'tyurros, 77, ov, Sup. formed (like Comp. Adv. pi- yiov) from piyos, most chilly. II. metaph. most horrible. xi]S, ov, o, (fi^os, /-laxo^cu) fighting with, frost or cold, [a] 'PITO2, cos, TO, Lat. FRIGUS, frost, cold. II. shivering from cold, shuddering, Lat. horror. t-yoco, f. o>o-cy, (ptyos) like pi^tca, to be cold, shiver from frost or coW, fee chilled. This Verb sometimes 'PI'ZA 'Po'6o?. 625 contracts into ca instead of ov (as if it were as, part, piffav, piftaaa, dat. pfywvTi ; also opt. fiiywrjv. TI'ZA, a root: in plur. the roots: metaph. the roots of the eye; the roots or foundations of the earth, of a mountain, etc. II. that from -which any- thing springs; metaph. a root, stem, stock of a family,* Lat. stirps : a race, family. 2. the root or origin of anything. f>ttov, TO, Dim. of pifa, a little root. pi606v, Adv. (pi^d}from the root or roots. pio-rojji,6s, 6v, (/5tia, Te/xetV) cutting roots, esp. for purposes of medicine or witchcraft. f>ioco, f. waca: pf. pass, ippifafjiai: (pia) : to make strike root, plant: metaph. to plant, fix firmly ; rv- pavvls fppiojfj.evij a. firmly rooted tyranny : Pass., of trees and plants, to take root : also to be rooted or made fast. II. in Pass, also, of a place, to he planted with trees. p(cop.a. arcs, TO, (/5to(y) a root: II. metaph. a root, stem, stock, race, lineage. p" i-o>pi5X os > ov > (p' l fa> opvucv-fa>8ir]S, fs, (fiiKvSs, e7Sos) shrivelled-looking. ptpi4>a, Adv. (/otTJTOj) lightly, swiftly , fleetly . pip.(j>-dpp.aTOs, ov, (pip-tya, appd) of a swift chariot; pifj.dpiJ.aToi afu\\ai swift racing of chariots. plv, f), later form for pis. pivdco, f 170-0;, to file down or off: Pass, to he filed off: to be the result of filing. From TI'NH, 77, a file, rasp, [i] fdvqXfiTtco, f. 770"o>, to track by the nose, follow by scent, hunt down. From piv-TjXdrrjs, ov, o, (pis, lAatW) one who tracks by the nose or scent. ivo-poXos, ov, (pis, &a\\a}') forced through the nostril, snorting. pivov, TO, a hide, skin. 2. an ox-hide, a shield. 'PINO'5, oG, 6 and r), the skin of a man. II. the hide of a beast, esp. an ox-hide : a wolf's skin. i. an oxhide shield. ^ivo-ropos, ov, (pivos, ropfoj) piercing shields. PI'ON, TO, the peak of a mountain. 2. the end of a promontory, a headland, foreland. >tire(rims, rSos, 77, (/5t7T77) a fan for raising the fire, used for bellows. i. a lady's fan. pCmo-pa, twos, TO, (pliriiiTT6a>, a form of p'nrTca, used only in pres. and impf. to throw or toss about. f)fnT6s, 17, ov, verb. Adj. of piirrca, thrown, cast, hurled ; piitros pupos death by being thrown down a precipice. Trimi f. fityu: aor. I tppafia Ep. fya: pf. tp- pltya: Pass., fut. I pupdrjaopcu, fut. 2 pt^Tjaop-ai, paullo-p. fut. epptyofiai : aor. I (pptyOrjv, and aor. 2 eppi0eCs, pixels, aor. l and 2 pass. part, of piirroi. 'PI', ^ g fin ^j- ir ^ tj m at-work of osiers or rushes, wicker-work : a mat, or wicker hurdle, Lat. crates. p' iv|/a, Ep. for eppiifta, aor. I of fi'urTaj. fr Cvj/-aii|;is, fcas, 77, (/5/TTTcu) a throwing: a casting. II. a being thrown, falling. p\x|/o-Kv8i3vos, ov, (pitrroj, nivSwos") running need- less risk, foolhardy; see piinu f. f>CxJ/-oirXos, ov, (ftLTTToj, OIT\OV) throwing away one's arms, panic-struck. f6a, f), see poia. po8dvT], 77, the thread spun, woof, weft. From poSdvos, 77, 6v, (/cpaSaco) waving, quivering. poSta contr. f>o8r], 77, (poSov) a rose-bush, rose-tree. poSeos, a, ov, (poSov) of roses, Lat. roseus. ^oS-f), T), contr. for /5o5e'a. f)68tvos, 77, or, (^o5oi/) ntatfe or twined of roses. T68ios, a, ov, ('PoSos) Rhodian, of or from Rhodes. o8o-8a,KTOXos, ov, (potiov, 8dfCTV\os) rosy-fingered. poSo-ei8r|s, es, (p65ov, ttoov) rosy-like, rosy. po86eis, fo86-irvoos, ov contr. irvovs, ow, (poSov, irvfca) breathing of roses. 'P68os, ov, 77, the island of Rhodes, Lat. Rhodus. 626 po86-xpo>s, OTTOS, 6, 77, (p68ov, XP^ S ) rose-coloured, of rose complexion. poSiovia, 77, (/5o8op) a rose-bed, garden of roses, ro- sary, Lat. rosarium. pot) Dor. >od, 77, (/Sea;) a river, stream, current, flow; d>7Te'A.ov 077 the juice of the grape ; metaph., poai streams of events, the tide of affairs. po0toj,f. 770-0), (poOos) to dash, plash, esp.of the stroke of oars. 2. to murmur, sound hoarse or loud. po9idb>, f. daca, (poOios) to dash with the oar. 2. of pigs eating, to make a guttling noise. podids, dSos, 77, poet. fern, of poOios, roaring, dashing. podiov, TO, a dashing wave, a breaker : surge, surf. 2. a loud roar or shout of applause : gene- rally, a tumult, uproar. Properly neut. from podios, OP, also a, op, (/5o0os) rushing, roaring, dashing. 'PO'OOS, o,a rushing noise, the roar or the dash of waves, the dash of oars ; l IPOS poOov with one stroke, all in time. 2. a hoarse or tumultuous noise, din. II. a rushing motion. (Formed from the sound.) poid or 60, Ion. ou), f), a pomegranate-tree. II. the fruit, a pomegranate. poip8eo>, f. rjyo}, (/5of/35os) to swallow greedily down: also to make rustle. poi(38T|o-iev, 3 sing. Aeol. aor. i opt. of poifiofo}. ^oipSirjO'us, 77, (f$0/38e&>) a whistling, piping. poi|38os, o, any rushing noise or motion, the whirring or flapping of wings, the rushing of the wind. poiacn,f.770-a>, (/5otos) to make a whistling or rushing sound, whistle, hurtle, whiz, Lat. stridere. Hence jioi^rjSov, Adv. with a rushing noise or motion. poir]|Jia, OTOS, TO, (potea>)a rushing noise or motion, the flapping of wings. TOrZOS, o,Ion. 77, any whistling or rushing sound, the whizzing of an arrow, the flapping of wings, etc. (Formed from the sound.) 'POIKO'5, 77, OP, crooked. pop.j3ir]T6s, 17, OP, (/5o/ij8ecy) spun round like a top, whirled about. p6}j.j3os, 6, (/oe/ij8o>) anything that may be spun or whirled round: a top, Lat. turbo. 2. a magic wheel, Lat. rbombi rota. II. a spinning, whirling motion; pop.fio$ alfTov the eagle's wheeling flight. III. a rhombus, i. e. a four-sided figure with all the sides, but only the opposite angles, equal. po|xj36o), f. wata, to make into the shape of a rhombus. pop.{3u>T6s, 77, OP, (pop.fi6o, f. riffoftat, (polos'), to sup greedily up, gulp or bolt down. 1 PO'4O2, 6, a swallowing or gulping down. 2. that which is gulped down. poxOcw, f. 770" A.c$cts) with an elephant's trunk. pVyxiov, TO, Dim. of pv^x 03 , a snout, muzzle. pxYXs, eos, TO, (pvca) a snout, muzzle, of swine : of birds, a beak, bill, neb. t)8Tjv and C86v, Adv. (pfui)flowingly, abundantly, copiously. pveis, aor. 2 pass. part, of pew. pvq, f. too} : pf. pass. (ppvOp.iap.ai : (pv0p.6s} : to bring into measure or proportion, to set to time. II. generally, to order, arrange, control, train; cDS' eppvd p.ta /tat thus have I been controlled. pv0|xos Ion. f>vcrp.6s, ov, 6, (pfoai) measured motion, time, Lat. numerus, rhythm, in Prose as well as Verse; kv pvOpty in lime, Lat. in numerum; pvOp-ov virayciv to keep time; QO.TTOVO. pvOfJibv eirdyctv to introduce a quicker time (in playing). II. proportion or symmetry of parts: hence form, shape. III. gene- rally, proportion, arrangement, order, method. 2. the state or condition of anything : of a man, temper, disposition : the manner or fashion of a thing. TT'KA'NH, T), a plane, Lat. runcina. [a] vp,a, aTos, TO, (*pvct) = (pvca) that which is drawn, a drawing ; TOOV pvp-a the drawing of the bow, i . e. men that draw the bow (the Persians), opp. to hoyx 7 ) 3 IVTTTCD, f. if/vv(rt-8i4>pos, ov, (pvofjiai, 8i(f>pos) preserving fbe chariot. nj, f. daw, Frequentat. of *pv(a = (pico, to drag along violently, drag to and fro; TroAXa pvard- ^ea/fc (3 sing. Ion. impf.) irfpl trrj^a he dragged it many times round the grave of Patroclus. Hence pverraKTtis, vos, fj, a dragging violently : generally, violent treatment or behaviour. pv, dycaytvs) (be rope of a horse's halter. >vrf|p, ijpos, 6, (*fiv(a = fpva)) one who draws or stretches. 2. a rope to draw with, a trace : the thong by which one holds a horse, a rein; cwro pvrrjpos with loose rein, at full speed. II. (pvo^ai) a saver, defender,, rescuer. pCTi86-\oios, ov, (fivris, t}Tos, TI, ov, also os, ov, (pf) fem. Adj. rent, ragged; p'orycLs irerpa a cloven rock. 'PwjxatKos, 17, 6v and 'Pcop.atos, a, ov, ('Pw/ijy) Ro- man : as Subst., a Roman. Adv. -KUS, in Roman fashion. Hence 'PoojjwSiort, Adv. in the Roman or Latin language. pup.a\eos, a, ov, (pup.rj) strong of body : generally, powerful, mighty, strong. fxo(iT), ^, (pwop.ai) bodily strength, might : generally, strength, force. II. a force, i.e. army. III. 'PwfJLr), 17, Roma, Rome. puivvvpA or vco, f. pwa> jj, gen. /5, aor. I pass. part, of pwvvvp.1. , ou, 6, (/5o>) like prjyua, a cleft; yairjs a gutter or channel worked out in the earth. < PH' t P, -f), gen. puir6s, a low shrub, bush; in plur. underwood, brushwood. r6, indecl., eighteenth letter of the Gr. Alphabet : as numeral a' = 200, but p = 200,000. The final a was written s. This s must not be confounded with r,sta#,whichwas in fact thedigamma, f, vau, and occupied the sixth place in the old Greek alphabet: hence ' = 6. There was another form, son or sanpi, ~^, which was retained as a numeral, = 900. Changes of a in the dialects : I. Aeol., Dor. and Ion. into 8, as 65/iiy 'iSfitv for 007*17 'iff^-tv. II. Dor. into 0, as ffios dyaffos irapfftvos for Oe6s dya- 66s irapBevos. III. Aeol. and Dor. into T, as in TU re ctTi for ffv fff (pijffi. 2. also in later Att., as /tcT-auXos rr]fj.(pov TVKOV for fjieff-av\os ff-fypfpov ffvKOV : so S, o, (2aos) a Phrygian deity, afterwards taken as a name of Bacchus himself. crfijBti.K'rrjs, ov, 6, (, (ffayrjvt]") to enclose fish in a drag- net : metaph. of men, to sweep as with a drag-net. SA^TH'NH, 77, a large drag-net for taking fish, a seine. a-3. i fr\vo-$b\os, ov, (ffayrjvrj, jSaActi/) throwing the drag-net : as Subst. a fisherman. 6pos, ov, (ffdtcos, <})(p(ii) shield-bearing. aSxCov, = ffaKKtov. oraKiras, a, Dor. for ffr/KiTTjs, ov. aaKK(o, (ffdtetfos) to strain, filter. Att. aatciov, TO, Dim. of OO.KKOS or ffdxos, a small bag. craKKO- < Yveio-Tp64>os, ov, (aaKKOs, yeveiov, rptcpoi) cherishing a large beard. 2ATCKO2 or o-dicos, 6, a coarse cloth of hair, esp. of goats' hair, Lat. cilicium : sackcloth. II. any- thing made of this cloth : I. a sack, bag. 2. a sieve, strainer. III. a shaggy beard. OXLKOS, 6, v. sub adiacos. (TOKOS, o, Dor. for dvn]S, ov, 6, (OCLKKOS, v(paivca) a weaver of sackcloth or canvas, a sailmaker. v [a], wvos, 6, (o~a\do~o~co) one who walks in a swaggering fashion, a swaggerer, roysterer. (raXcticoweuo), f. : f. cy : pf. pass. tfeadAcry^at : (adAos) : to cram full, stuff. , f. apovCjj, o-do-4>po0-vvT], pb>v, poet, for ocacppov ecu, ocacppoovvrj, ooMppow. o-aow Ep. O-UKO, = crwfa, to save : 3 sing. pres. crao?, 3 pi. ffaovfft : 3 sing. impf. iadoj Ep. ado; : 2 sin^. imperat. adou or adca : fut. aauaca : aor. I act. Icraw- oa, pass. foauOrjv : fut. med. o~c.uaofj.ai. 630 , aor. 2 pass. opt. of O^TTO;. , aor. 2 pass. part, of arjirca. ipos, 17, the sapphire or the lapis lazuli, a precious stone. IScvn-^co, ovs, vocat. Soir^of, 7), Sappho. Hence 2Sair4>u>os, a, oi/, of Sappho, Sapphic. trSirwv, aor. 2 part, of arjiroj. o-apyavT), 77, like rapydvr), wickerwork, a basket: a plait, band, [a] aapBdvios, a, ov, (craipca) in phrase aapodviov [sc. yeA-cuTd] -yeA-oV, to laugh a bitter laugh, laugh bit- terly, from anger or secret triumph ; /j.fi5r)af 5e OvpSj ffapSdviov fM\a roiov but he laughed in his soul a very bitter laugh. It was also written aapoovios, a, ov, as if from aapooviov, a plant of Sardinia (2ap5cu), which was said to distort the face of the eater. 2ap5eis, cow, Ion. 2dp8ifs, iojv, at, Sardis, the ca- pital of Lydia : hence Adj., SapSuIvos Ion. -ITJVOS, and SapSidviKos, 77, 6v, of or belonging to Sardis ; fidfjLfjia "SapoiaviKov a Sardinian, i. e. scarlet, dye, hence, of a sound thrashing. crapSivTj [t], 77, or arapSivos, 6, (be sardine. crdpSiov, TO, (SdpSeis) the Sardian stone. O5, a, ov, ^apScoviKos, rj, ov, 2apocovi.os and SapSovios, a, ov, of or belonging to Sardinia, Sardinian. 2JAPA,n'N, ovos, 77, the upper edge of a bunting-net. o-dpicrcra or rather adpio-a, 77, the sarissa, a long pike used in the Macedonian phalanx. o-apK ci^o), f. ffca, (ffdpt) to rend off flesh like dogs. crapKafrjjio-mTvo-KdijnrTTjs, ov, 6, (ffapicdfa, irirvs, Ka.p.irT(u) sneering-pinebender. o-apKifa>, f. act}, (ffapg) to strip off the flesh ; aapiti- eiv TO depfta to draw off" the skin, to flay. o-apxiicos, T], ov, (ffdp) of flesh. II. fleshy, of the flesh, carnal, sensual, opp. to irveviMTiKos. o-dpKivos, 77, ov, (o-dp) of flesh. II. fleshy, fat. o-apKO-Xiirfis, fs, (aapl,\nrelv}forsalien by flesh, lean. crapKO-iraYTiS, es, (aap,irayf)vai) with compact flesh. GrapKOdYcco, f. 770-0;, to eat flesh : devour. From o-apKO-^ayos, ov, (adpg, aff, intr. to be a satrap. II. trans, to rule as a satrap, c. ace. or gen. From o'aTpd'injs, ov, 6, a satrap, Lat. satrdpa, title of a Persian viceroy or governor of a province. (Persian word.) , fut. a, poet. Adv. of o~a a4>O'Tpos, -arcs, Comp. and Sup. of 0arjS. o-acj>fcos, Ion. for aa-ir]Yopls, i5os, fern. Adj. (ffda, ayopevai) speak- ing truth. T)via>, f. to), (aar)vris) to make clear or plain, to explain, clear up. T)vcas, Adv. of aaH'5, 6s, gen. eos contr. oOs, clear, distinct, plain, sure, certain ; TO aatpts the truth : of seers, sure, unerring. Comp. and Sup. aa(peaTfpos t -co*Ta- TOS. us Ion. ora$eci>s, like ad6pos Ion. 6pos, ov, (aeipd, tpipoo) having a rope attached, led by a rope : 6 a(ipa6pos (sub. iWos), the horse which draws by the trace only, an outrigger, whereas the fyyioi drew by the yoke or collar : metaph. a partner, coadjutor. A quadriga (rtOpiinros*) had four horses abreast, two fyyioi in the middle, and two afipa) scorched by the heat of the dog-star. acipios, a, ov, (aeipos) hot, scorching : epith. of the heavenly bodies which cause this heat, adpios daTrjp the sun : but, 6 2,ipios (sub. daTTjp} the dog-star, Lat. Sirius, also called KVOJV adpios or Kvaiv. 2EIPO'5, a, ov, hot, scorching, of summer-heat. o-eipo-6pos, ov, (acipd, (pfpca) = aeipatyopos. acio-aro, Ep. 3 sing. aor. I med. of oeia). aicr-dx06ia, 17, (aeica, axQos] a shaking off" of bur- dens, the name given to the disburdening ordinance of Solon, by which all debts were lowered, answering to the Lat. novae tabulae. crciat-xOwv, o^os, 6, (ae/a>, \6wv} earth-shaker. creLo-jjios o, (o*etcu) a shaking, shock : the shock of an earthquake, an earthquake. o-ctoTTos, rj, ov, (o-et6pos, ov, (ffe\as, (rYOS, ov, (creXts, tpayfiv) devouring leaves of books. 2E'AI"NON, TrJt, a platform, scaffold. , f. wffoj, (acpvos) to make grand or pompous, to dignify : esp. in a tale, to embellish, amplify. os, o, a small winged insect, a gnat or ant. ia-p.vtos, Adv. pf. pass. part, of ffo co > ci)<|>povi(rp.ev(i)S, Adv. pf. pass. part, of aotypovi- o>, temperately, soberly. 0f is, aor. i pass. part, of at&QJ. , f. -affcu, (arjitos) to drive into open, coop up, shut up. , Ep. 3 pi. aor. I pass, , i'5os, 77, ((777*05) a housekeeper, porteress. O-TJKITTJS, ov, 6 Dor. o-aic-, (a-qicos} a stall-fed animal : aarcirav apva a house-fed lamb. orjKO-icopos, ov, (arjKos, Kopeca) cleaning a stable or pen : as Subst., arjKOKopos, 6, a herdsman. 2HKO'2; Dor. craKos, o, a pen or fold, for sheep 633 : fut. -avw Ion. -aveca: aor. I fa^firjva or inf. arjfirjvai : Pass., aor. I ecrr]fj.a.vdr)v : pf. but 3 sing. o~eaT)fJ.avTai, inf. aeaijf^dv- 601 : (arjfjut) : to shew by a sign or token, point out: absol. to give a sign or token. II. to give a sign or signal to do a thing : hence to bear command over, rule : absol., ar)t*aiv ayyos, 77, (aaipo), fftarjpa) a hollow rock, a cleft, cave hollowed out by the sea. orjplicos, 77, ov, (2?7p) Seric : silken. , (24'/3vXXa) to play the Sibyl : metaph. to be like a Sibyl, i. e. credulous or silly. 5i(3vXXucrTT|S, ov, 6, a believer in the Sibyl, diviner. SrBTTNH, ?), s, WTOS, 6, 77, (aioypos, pifipwOKof) iron- eating, epith. of a whetstone. <7i8T|po-8d,KTi5Xos, ov, (aiSijpos, Sd^rvXcs) iron- fingered. at8T|p6-8TOS, ov, (aiorjpos, Seo;) iron-bound, shod with iron. op0, f. rjffaj, to wear iron arms, wear arms : so also as Dep. -ojjuu. From p&)v, ov, gen. o^os, (aidqpos, typfy) of iron heart. vios and SlOovios, a, ov, Thracian : 2i0a>v, oVos, 6, a Sitbonian ; and 2i- 0ovis, t5os, 77, a Sithonian woman. SiKdvia, 77, Sicania, properly a part of Sicily near Agrigentum, used generally for the whole of Sicily. SIKUVOS, ov, o, a Sicanian (see ^S,i/cavia) : Adj. 2t- KUVIKOS, 77, ov, Sicanian. aiKapios, o, the Lat. sicarius, assassin, [a] 2iK\Ca, 77, (2ieAos) Sicily : Adj. SuctXiKos, 17, ov, Sicilian. Hence 2iK6Xio>, f. ioq, T), a fruit like the cucumber or gourd, but eaten ripe. II. a cupping glass, from its shape, Lat. cncurblta. [y] atKvos, o, the common gourd or encumber. , wvos, 77, Sicyon, a town and district on the north of the Peloponnesus : Adj. SiKuwvtos, a, ov, Sicyonian : Adv. 2tKvu)vo9t, of or from Sicyon. uoTos, 17, ov, prepared with silpbium. crt|x(3A6vco, f. ao), (a//x/3A.os) to form or grow in the hive, of honey. 5I / MBAO2, o, a bee-hive: metaph. any store or hoard. evrCs, t'Sos. 2rMO'2, 77, ov, snub-nosed, flat-nosed : generally, flat. II. of other things, steep, up-hill, Lat. ac- clivis ; trpos TO ffifj.ov 8id>Ktiv to pursue up bill. 2. bent in, hollow, concave. O-IJXOTTJS, TJTOS, 77, (vt/ios) the shape of a snub-nose; flatness. 2t|xovs, -OWTOS, <5, contr. form of Si/ioets. o-ijjtoco, f. o/crcu, (aifjios) to turn up the nose, bend up- wards. Hence (rC)juop,a, OTOS, r6, anything bent upwards. From o-Lvap-copew, f. ?70", ovs, ), Att. for ffivouv. crtvSwv, uvos, i), sindon, a fine Indian cloth, mus- lin. II. a garment or napkin made of this cloth. , f. a6pos, ov, (ffiffvpva, cu) wearing a at- ffvpva or cloak of goatskin. 2retos, a i ov t f Sisyphus, Corinthian : fem. also 2tort)(J>s, t'Sos. From 2i-crv4>os [i], ov, 6, an ancient king of Corinth, pu- nished for bad faith in the shades below. (Redupl. from ffoQos, the Wise or Cunning.'} crtra, TCI, irreg. pi. of OTTOS. vi'T&ydyytu), f. 170-0;, (acrayojy6s) to transport corn to a place. Hence cri'T&'yaiyia,, 17, conveyance of corn to a place. criT-SYwyos, ov, (OTTOS, ayco) transporting corn to a place ; aiTayarfa TrAofa vessels engaged in convey- ing corn, corn-ships. ovr, f. rjffo), (OTTOS) to feed : Pass. orrto/icu, Ion. 3 pi. impf. airfffKovro : fut. med. airrjaofjiai : aor. I pass. (7iT"fj0rjv : to be fed, to eat, take food : to feed on, eat a thing, c. ace. oTTrj'yea), f. ijaoi, (ffirijyos} to convey or transport corn : to import corn. Hence o-tTTj-yia, 17, the conveyance or importation of corn. ov, verb. Adj. of ffirifa, like fftrevrus, fed, fatted: as Subst. a fading. , f. i7cr Pass, to be provisioned or victualled. From (rlTO-8oTT]S, ov, o, (crrros, oiSaifu) a furnisher of corn. criTo-p-trpiov, (crrros, /iCTpecw) a measured allowance of corn. 6pos, ov, (OTTOS, (f>epca) carrying corn. criTO-t>XaKs, ot, (ffiros, (pvXag) corn-watchers, corn-inspectors, Athenian officers, originally three in number, but afterwards ten in the city and five in Peiraeeus, who superintended the importation and sale of corn. aiTTa and ovrTe, a cry of drovers to their flocks, st ! when clmS follows, to drive them off; when TT/WS follows, to call them on. oaT-wvijs. ov, o, (OTTOS, wv(op.ai) a buyer of corn. eriTOivia, 7), (ffiTuvrjs} a buying of corn, purchase of corn. 2IAO'2, 17, 6v, crippled, maimed: also lame, limp- ing ; of the eyes, blind. Hence KX6o>, f. tadta, to malm, cripple: to hurt, confound, ruin : ai\uaeit, 3 sing. Aeol. aor. i opt. 2i4>vios, a, ov, of or from Siphnus, Siphnian. From 2uj>vos, ?), Siphnus, one of the Cyclades. u>v, (uvos, 6, a reed, straw, any tube, esp. the siphon, used to draw wine out of the cask. 2. a sucker, as of a pump. Hence o-i4>covi, f. aca, to tap a cask with a siphon, to draw off" wine. o-uimdcj, fut. -ijero/wu : aor. i eaiwirrjcra : pf. afaiw- mjKa : to be silent or still, to keep silence ; aicandv TIVI to keep silence towards one : imperat., aiwira bush ! be still ! II. transit, to keep in silence, keep secret, Lat. tacere ; Pass, to be kept silent or se- cret, Lat. taceri. From 2iniIH/, 77, silence, a being silent : dat. fficairrj, in silence. 2. silence, stilbiess, a calm. criLto7nr]X6s, t, ov, (ffionrdoj) silent, still. tbe left hand. II. western, westward, for the Greek auspex turned towards the north, and so had the West on his left; 2atat irv\ai the Ttos/-gate (of Troy). 2. unlucky, ill-omened, because birds of ill-omen always appeared on the left of the Greek auspex, or in the West ; birds of good omen on the right, or in the East ; (cf. 8etos). III. metaph. like French gauche, left-handed, awkward, clumsy, uncouth. Hence SdvOov KaXfovffi Oeol dv5pts ISKafMivSpov : Adj. 2ica|xdvSpios, a, ov, Scamandrian; whence Hector called his son ^Kapdvopios. o-Kuvd, Dor. for fficrjvf). crKavBdXtjOpov, TO, the stick or support in a trap on which the bait is placed, and which, when touched, makes the trap shut, the trap-spring : metaph., aitav- 5d\T)Op' Icfrds eircuv setting word-traps, i. e. words which one's adversary will catch at, and be caught himself. (Deriv. uncertain.) , f. aw, to make to stumble, give offence or scandal to any one, throw difficulties in his way. From o-icdvSaXov, TO, = ffKav8d\i]0pov, a trap laid for an enemy : a stumbling-block, offence, scandal. crKavSlKo-TTwX'qs, ov, 6, (aitdv8i, 7Tio-(xos, 6, a scratching or scraping up: ffteapi- (pianoi \rjpos, d, = K dpfjvcu, aor. a pass. inf. of GKatrroi. iov, Dim. of , Att. fut. of fftcfSdvvvfM. , f. dffca, (GKftras) like aicfTrdca, to cover, shelter, screen. Hence Ep. O-KCTTOW, to cover, shelter. 2KETIH, 77, like ffKfiras, a covering, shelter : me- taph.,^1/ cre7T77 TOU iroXffiov under shelter from war; tv ffKcnrf TOV cri, Ep. for ffitfTr&ffi, 3 pi. pres. from aKfirdca. , (ffitfp0o\os') to scold, abuse, revile. From to remove one's goods and chattels. From (TKtv-& i yy6s, ov, (ff/eevos, dyaj) conveying or mov- ing one's goods and chattels : as Subst., ff/etvaycayos, d, the officer who looks to the baggage, baggage- master. , f. dffca : aor. I IffKfvaffa : Pass., {Mi, Ion. 3 pi. kffKfvdoaTcn Ion. 3 pi. plqpf. dSctTO : (ffKfvos, OKfvrf) : to prepare, make ready : esp. to prepare or dress food : generally, to provide : Med. to prepare for oneself, to procure, de- vise. II. of persons, to furnish or supply with a thing. 2. to dress up, disguise: pf. pass. part. fffKfvafffjLfvos, dressed up. orKCvdpiov, TO, Dim. of ffKfvos or o~Ktvf], a trifling part of one's dress or equipment. [5] , f. rjffca, (ffKevonows) to make arms or implements, to manufacture. Hence o-KevoiroCirjfjia, fMTos, -TO, the dress of an actor. o-KSuo-uoios, ov, (ffKfvos, TiWcu) making arms or implements : making masks and stage-dresses. 2KET"O2, fos, TO, a vessel or implement of any kind. 2. in p!ur. ffKfvrj, Ta, implements, tools: the baggage of an army, Lat. impedimenta : the trappings of horses ; the tackling of ships, naval stores : the dresses of actors. II. the body, as the vessel or instrument of the soul. <7Kuo4>opea>, f. 77o"a>, (ffKfvotyopos} to carry baggage : Pass, to have one's baggage carried. crKvo4>opiKos 77, ov, of or for the carrying of bag- gage ; @dpos ffKfvo6pos, ov, (ffKfvos, vXaKi>, f. ijffo}, to watch the baggage. From o-Kvo-t>Xa, a/cos, 6, (GKCVOS, (j)v\a) a storekeeper. pT][i.a, arcs, TO, a cunning trick. cncewopia, 17, (Tvcu/3eo//at) care in looking after baggage : great care, diligence. II. cunning, knavery. o-Kv-a>pos, oV, (ovfeuos, &pa) looking after baggage. os, ov, (anrjvr], patjXa, S.KOS, 6, fj, (fiK-r\vi], ^>vAa) a guard or watcher in a tent. CTKTJVOCO, f. wffca, (GKIJVOS) to pitch tents, encamp. II. to live or dwell in a tent : generally, to lodge, take up one's abode. o-K-qvtiSpiov, TO", Dim. of OK rjvrj. crKT]vcop.a, CITOS, TO, (ffKrjvuca) a tent, tabernacle : a habitation : in pi. soldiers' cantonments. o-KTjirdviov, TO, = aKjjirrpov, a sceptre, staff. oncirj'TrTO-pdp.wv [a], ov, gen. ovos, (GKriiTTOv o'Kr)- Trrpov, /ScuVou) sitting, perched on the sceptre. oxfjirrov, TO, = GKTfTrrpov, only in Dor. form 6pos, ov, *= atcrj-rrrpo-tpopos. cncTjirrpov Dor. oPKairrov, TO, (ate-qTrTcu) a staff" or 'stick to lean upon : a walking-stick. II. a staff or baton, as the badge of command, a sceptre, borne by kings, chiefs, and heralds : speakers on rising re- ceived a aKrjirrpov from the herald. 2. the scep're, to express royalty or kingly power. o-KT)iTTpo4>op6a>, f. rjoca, to bear rule over. From 6pos, ov, (a 'KTjTTT pov ', (pfpoj) bearing a sceptre, kingly, princely. SKH'irm, f. if/ca : aor. i ZffKrjtya : I. trans. to prop, support, stay : hence to let fall upon, burl, shoot : also in Med. 2. intr. to fall or dart down, light. II. Pass, and Med., to prop or support oneself by a staff 1 , to lean upon : metaph. to depend or rely upon. 2. fftcrjirrcaOai c. ace. to put before oneself as a prof or support, to pretend, allege by way of excuse : c. inf. to pretend to be. 3. absol. to excuse or defend oneself; (TKrjirTff6ai irpos nva, to excuse oneself towards another. ), (ovfTjTTTOj) a pretext, excuse, pretence, reason alleged. 5KIA', as Ion. CTKIYJ, T;S, r), a shadow, shade : the shade or ghost of one that is dead, Lat. umbra : of things, a mere shadow, phantom, spectre. 2. the shade of trees ; irfTpairj OKirj the shade of a rock ; Iv ffKiq. indoors. 3. a shady place. a>, f. rjffct), (aKiaypdia, 77, (o'/fta'ypac^ta;) painting in light and shade, rough painting. os, ov, (ffKid, ypd(p(u') painting in light and shade (without colours), [ypa] criudSeiov, TO, (oKia.) anything that shades: an um- brella or parasol. <7Ki&8i(TKT], 77, = ffKidSfiov, an umbrella, parasol. , f. OKidao) Att. afciui : aor. I tatc'iaoa : (erjd) : to shade, overshadow, darken : to throw a shadow on. II. to cover, veil. orKLd-p,ux&> Ion. crKMjTp-, f. 770-0;; (aicid, Tp6iov, TO, a gambling-house. From os [t^j, o, a dice-box. i. metaph. trickery, cheating. (Deriv. uncertain.) SKvptrai, ot, the Scirites, a division of the Spartan army, consisting of 600 foot : they came from the Arcadian district 2fttpiTis. 2KTPON [r],To, like ffKtdoetov, the parasol borne, at Athens, by the priestesses in a festival of Athena 2/rtpds, thence called TGI 2tpa or T6pia, Ta, (atcipov, opici>v, cavos, 6, (2,Kipo(p6pia) Scirophorion, the 1 2th Attic month, answering to the latter part of June and former part of July. 2KIPTA'fl, f. r)i<>, Dor. for upify. crKttjjos, TO, Dor. for ^t<^os, a sword, [r] CTKi-coSirjs, fs, = ffKiofi5'/]s, shady : gloomy. s) hardness, harshness, roughness. o-KX-rjpo-TpdxTiXos, ov, (oKXrjpos, Tpdxrj^os) stiff- necked, [a] [D], f. vvu>: aor. I fffKXrjpwa: pf. pass. fffK\r)pvpfMt : (aitXripos) : to harden, esp. to harden the heart : to make thick, gross, stupid. cncXTjpuis, Adv. offfK\r)pos, in hard or rough fashion. o-Kvl-iraios, a, ov, (/tvefpas) of or in the twilight. o-KoXi6-0pi|, -Tplxos* o, ij, (o~KO\t6s, 0pi) with curled, twining hair or leaves. o-KoXiov, TO, neut. of CTKO\WS (sub. /^eXos), a song at banquets, sung to the lyre ; said to have been in- troduced by Terpander, and so called from the ir- regular way it was passed on : each guest who sung held a myrtle-branch (fj.vppivr]') in his hand, which he passed on to any one he chose. 2KOAIO'2;, a, ov, crooked, bent : twisting, wind- ing. II. metaph. crooked, tortuous, unjust. crKoXiSs, Adv. crookedly. o-icoXoireom, Ep. dat. pi. of ffKo\o\f>. o-KoXomo>, f. aw, (cfKo\oif) to impale. SKO'AO 1 ?, OTTOS, 6, a pale, stake : in plur. O~KU\O~ ires, ot, pales, a palisade, stockade : in Persia, used for impaling or fixing heads on, whence aitoXoiri^cj, dvaaKoXoirifa. II. a tree. 5KO'AT"MO2, 6, an eatable kind of thistle : an artichoke. 2KO MBPO2, o, a kind of fish, of which the Ovv- vos and Trrj\ap.vs were varieties. , to look about or spy from a watch-tmuer: generally, to spy, explore. II. transit, to spy out, search out, discover. cncomdo), later poet, form for ffKoiridfa. crKoiriT|TT]S, ov, 6, (ffKoiTido}) a spy, scout. II. a mountaineer, epith. of Pan. o-KOTri-G>peo[Aai, f. rjffofjiai : Dep. : (ffKomd, wpa) : to spy or observe from a look-out place. OXOTTOS, o and 77, (a/ceTT-TOjuai) one that watches or looks out : in bad sense, one who lies in wait for an- other. 2. of gods, the guardian, protector, tutelary god of a place. 3. a look-out man or watcher in war, Lat. speculator; also one who marks game: a spy, scout : a messenger. II. the mark or object on which one fixes the eye, a mark, Lat. scopus ; diro ffKOTTov away from the mark. <7Kop8ivdo|ji,av Ion. -op,ai : f. rjffonai : Dep. : to stretch one's limbs, yawn, gape, feel tired or lazy. (Deriv. uncertain.) cTKopoS-aXjiT), 77, (ffKopooov, a\fj.rj} a sauce or pickle composed of brine and garlic. $. aKOTiq., 77, (OKOTOS) darkness, gloom, dusk. , f. iffca, (aKoTos) to make dark : Pass, to be dark, darkened. O-KOTIOS, a, ov, also os, ov, (ff KOTOS) dark, dusky : in the dark: of love, secret, stolen. , f. dffct), (GKvQpos) to be angry or sullen. 2KT0PO'5, a, ov, angry, sullen, gloomy. aKvOpcoird^o), f. acrcy, (afevdpcairos) to look angry or sullen, be of a sad countenance. ir6s, ov, also rj, ov, (ffKv6p6s, w\f) sullen, angry-looking : of a sad countenance. Adv. OKvOpoj- TTGJS %x eiv ^0 be of a sad countenance. o-KvXdicatva, 77, fern, of ov/Aa, a she-whelp. 6pos, ov, (GKV\OV, co. f. aw, (GKVTtvs) to be a shoemaker. SKT'TH Dor. O-KVT&, 17, the neck. cncvrlvos, rj, ov, (GKVTOS) leathern, made of leather ; TO" GKVTIVOV a leathern ornament or appendage. O-KVTOS, TO, (/euros, whence Lat. cutis) a skin, hide esp. a dressed or tanned hide, leather. II. any- thing made of leather, a whip, thong. cTKVTOTOjjieiov, TO, a shoemaker's shop. From TO-Tpa'YG>, (ffKVTov, TpayeTv} to consume leather. cricv4>os, ov, o, and O-KXXJXJS, cos, TO, (akin to fcvne\ \ov t Kirmj) a cup, beaker, can, flagon. , ov, (ffiw\T), QiPpwaKO)) eaten of worms, worm-eaten. 2Kn'AH3, TJKOS, o, a worm, Lat. lumbricus. , o, a pointed stake : a thorn, prickle. CTOS, TO, (aKwiTTaj) ajest,joke, gibe, scoff. o-KeojAjxaTiov, TO, Dim. of o-/ca)/x/xa, a petty joke. (TKajirT6XTf]S, ov, o, (GKWTTTOJ) a mocker, jester. SKiynTil, fut. CKw-^o^ai \ aor. I Zff/taflfa : aor. i pass. effKwcpOrjv : to mock, jeer, scoff at, jest at : absol. to jest, joke, be in fun. , TO, gen. GK&TOS, dung. JI};, o, gen. CTATCUTTOS, nom. pi. ffKuvts : (from , as K\aj\p from KXiirrca) a kind of owl. s, o, epith. of Apollo, from SpivOr) a town in the Troad, the Sminthian. trp-ivuK], rj, a two-pronged hoe or mattock, Lat. bi- dens. , Adv. -pus, poet, for fioyepos, -pus. , aor. i inf. of ff/jLt/xca. Ion. -VTJ, fj, (pvppa) myrrh, the resinous gum of an Arabian tree, used for embalming the dead. Hence cr/jtii pvaios 643 o-jjiupvaios, a, ov, of myrrh. II. ~Sfji.vpva.ios, a, ov, of Smyrna, an inhabitant of Smyrna, cr|ivpviu>, f. iffca, (afAvpva) to flavour with myrrh. 2MT'Xn [01, f. a> : aor. I car^a : Pass., aor. I ffffjivxOr}v : pf. effjjivyijai : to burn in a ^smouldering fire, to make smoulder away : Pass, to smoulder away. 5Mfl"AIH, o^wSiyyos, rj, a weal or swollen bruise caused by a blow, Lat. vibex. a-\L&\<>), f. cu, = , to rub: to rub to piec^, grind doiun. o-opapev'Ofxcu, Dep. (oo&apos) to stalk about in a haughty way, to strut pompously. o-o{3apo-f3Xe4>apos, ov, (IG>, f. ioo}, (ffoffos) to make oour|ia, arcs, TO, any clever or cunning contrivance, a device, invention, trick : an artifice : also stage- trick. 2. a captious argument, a quibble: so a person is called aotyiofj.' o\ov, a trick all over. o-oto-Tvco, to act as a sophist, give lectures. From o~oio"rr|S, ov, 6, (oourriK6s, 77, ov, (ootyioTys} of or for a sophist : TO aotpiOTiKuv the body of the sophists. ^oc{>OKXeT)s contr. -KX^s : gen. -tt\eovs and-^Xeos ; ace. -K\a: (ootyos, K\4os~} : Sophocles, the tragic Poet. o-o6-voos, ov, contr. -vovs, ow, (oo6s, voos, vovs) clever, wise of mind. 2O4O'2, 77, i>v, clever or skilful in any art, cunning in one's craft : esp. one who has natural abilities for anything: c. inf., aou>s, Adv. cleverly, wisely : Comp. -wTepov, Sup. Hence -ovp-yos, ov, (oo(pus, *ep-y, f. aca, (ffirdoa) to tear in pieces. Hence airaSovio'jJia, CITOS, TO, a tearing, rending. airdStov [a], Tir]s, ov, o, a child in swaddling-clothes. From o-irdp-yavov, TO, (o-Trd/yycu) a swaddling or swathing band: in pi. swaddling-clothes; and so, in Trag., remembrances of one's childhood, tokens by which a persons extraction is discovered, Lat. monumenta, crepundia. Hence o-irap-yavou, f. wroj, to swathe in swaddling-clothes. , f. faca, to be full to bursting, to teem, swell, be ripe, Lat. turgere. SIIA'Prn, f. cu, to swathe in swaddling-clothes. cnrapets, cnrfip^vat, aor. 2 pass. part, and inf. of aireipca. orrapvos, 77, ov, poet, for Giravos, ffiravios. o-irdprr], 57, a rope made from the shrub ffirapros. SirdpTT], j), Sparta in Laconia: Advs.,2irdp-n)0v, from Sparta : 2irdpT7)v86 to Sparta. Hence SirapridTTjs [a], ou, 6, a Spartan : fern. 2irapTLa- TVS, i8os, (sub. ywfi}, a Spartan woman; or (sub. \wpa) the Spartan land, Laconia. Adj. Siraprta- TVKOS, 77, ov, Spartan. crirapTtov, TO, Dim. of ffirdprov, a small cord or rope. o-rrdpTOv, r6, a rope, cable; properly one made from the shrub ffTrdpros. (rrrapTOS, 77, 6v, (crTretpcu) sown, scattered : metaph. begotten. II. at Thebes, ^iraproi, of, the Sown- men, those who claimed descent from the dragon's teeth sown by Cadmus: hence "^-naproi generally = 2HATTO2, o and 77, spartum, a kind of broom r growing in Spain, used for making cords or ropes. cr / ira., OVK eo~7rao~e ravrrj ye ' he took nothing by his motion.' V. in Pass, to be wrenched, dislocated, of a bone. o-iretv, aor. 2 inf. of CTTCU. o-JTio, Ep. for O-TTCO, aor. 2 imperat. of eirofjiai. o-imos, TO, Ep. for crireos. 2IIEIT A, 77, Lat. spira, anything wound or wrapped round a thing. 2. in plur. the twisted folds or coils of a serpent (which Milton calls spires}. ' 3. in pi. also, the twists or coils of a net. 4. GirfTpai fiueiai thongs or straps of ox-hide to strengthen the blow of the fist, the caestus. II. a body of soldiers, the Roman manipulus, iwo centuries: but also a cohort.' t, Dor. and Att. for crireipeo-Kov, Ion. impf. crircipTjSov, Adv. (<77re/pa) in coils or spires. o"iripT||Att, Dor. and Att. -ap,a, OTOS, TO, a wreath folded round, a fold, coil, spire. CTTmpiov, TO, a light, thin garment : Dim. of o-rreipov, TO, (airefpa} a cloth for wrapping about, a. turapper, cloth, garment. 2. sail-cloth, canvas, j onrEip-ovxos, o, (o"7rpa, fx 03 ) containing a spiral figure or a circle, circular. 2ITEITn, f. jjiS, Dor. I plur. pres. subj. of airevSca. o"TTvo-TOv, verb. Adj. of o-Tj-et/Scu, one must hasten. (TiTTieo-cri, Ep. dat. pi. of o*7reos. , f. aca, (ffir\dyxva) to eat the inwards or fiesh of a victim after a sacrifice. o"irXa.YX v fH' (U f- -(-GQi]Oo\ia.i : aor. I lo - 7rA.a / yx i/t ~ have pity, compassion or mercy. Hence cu) scaftered, spread about : at 2,iropdSes (sub. vrjaoi) the group of islands off the any of the inward parts, the bowels, also the womb. 4 metaph. the heart, the seat of the feelings : ao also in ' sing., dv8pbs anXayxvov tKfiaOciv to learn a man's imuard nature. 2IIAH'N, 6, gen. air\r)v6s, the milt, spleen. a-itoyyid,, 77, = orroyyos, a sponge, Lat. spongia. f. taw, (ffnoyyos*) to wipe with a sponge. TO, Dim. of arruyyos, a small piece of sponge. 2IIOTrO2 Att. cr4>6-yYs, o, a sponge. (TiroSd, 77, Lacon. for anov8rj. , f. -daofj.ai: aor. I eairov8aaa: pf. \yaov- 8ana : Pass., aor. I eairovSdaBrjv : pf. tairovoao JMI : I. intr. to make haste, to be busy, absol. to speak seriously, to be II. trans, to do hastily or earnestly : to pursue or follow up zealously : Pass. to be earnestly or zealously pursued. o-rrovSaioXo-ytco, f. rjaca, to speak seriously, talk on serious subjects : Pass, to be treated or discussed se- riously. From crirovBcuo-XoYos, ov, (ffnovSatos, \eyai) speaking seriously. o-iTovSaios, a, ov, (ffirovSfy : I. of persons, busy, zealous, in earnest, serious. 2. good, excellent. II. of things, serious, grave, earnest, weighty : generally, i excellent; anovSaios els uif/tv goodly, comely to look on. Coinp. and Sup. ffnovSaiorcpos, -oraros : also and Sup. o~novb'aitffTepos ) toraros. cnrouSaicos, Adv. seriously, earnestly, carefully : o-irovS-apxta, 77, = arrov8rjs apxh, the beginning of irreg. Comp. the drink-offering or libation, the right of begin- Hence ning it. o-irovSctos, a, ov, (airovorf) of, belonging to a drink- , Comp. airov8aiorfpov, Sup. offering or libation. II. aitov8(Tos (sub. TTOVS), j anrov^-&pxi]^,ov,6,(aTtov8r),d.pxn)onewho canvasses 6, in metre, a spondee, a foot consisting of two long syllables, as rifjirj, so called because at onovoai slow solemn melodies were used. ), 77, (cnrfVScu) a drink-offering, libation, the eagerly for offices of state, a placeman. Hence js, Son of a Placeman, a mock prop. n. _ _ o-irovSao-jxa, CLTOS, TO, (aTrovSa^u) a thing eagerly wine which was poured out to the gods before drink- ! pursued, a study. ing, Lat. libatio : the libation made in concluding o-rrovBacrreos, a, ov, verb. Adj. of airov8dca, to be treaties of peace, covenants, etc. 2. in plur. airov- sought for zealously. II. a-novoaoriov, one must 8ai, at, a solemn treaty or truce, because such treaties be anxious, be in earnest. opos, ov, (8pafLoi)|jiai, irreg. fut. of ' 3, to run in the stadium, run a race. From o-rdSio-BpojjLos, ov, (ardSiov, the stadium, running for a prize. ordStov [a], TO: in plur. ardSioi, of, or ardSia, rd; a fixed standard of length, a stade, = 100 opyviai, i.e. 600 Greek or 6o6| English feet, about of a Roman mile ; fKarbv aradioKTiv apiaros, ' a hundred miles best ;' so, irXtw 77 araoio) \a\iffrfpos more talkative by a mile and more. II. a race-course, because that of Olympia was exactly a stade long: hence, dy(ovif, f. do*cu, (ffrdffis) intr. to rebel, revolt, rise in rebellion, nvi against one : generally, to quarrel, dispute; ffraaridfciv ^terdnvos to side with one against another: of states, to be divided into factions, be dis- tracted by party strife. ! , poet, for larrnj-i, to place : Pass. 1ara\uu, to stand. II. intr. also in Act., to stand. orfiTiicos, 77, ov, (i'arijfJLi) causing to stand. II. skilled in weighing : 77 arariK-q (sub. r^xvif), Statics, the science which treats of the properties of bodies at rest, opp. to Dynamics. oraros, 77, ov, verb. Adj. of lar-qm, placed, stand- ing ; araros ITTTTOS a stalled or stall-fed horse ; araruv vdcap standing water. oraO, see 2, a. trravpos, 6, (i'anjfju) an upright pale, stake or pole ; in plur. a palisade. II. the Cross. o-Tavpo-<|>aW|S, es, (o-Taupos, (pavrjvat) appearing like a cross. Adv. vus. crra,vpo-$6pos,ov,(o~Tavp6s,(pepcu) bearing the cross. crravpow, f. &ap.a, CITOS, TO, a place fenced with a palisade: a palisade, stockade, Lat. vallum. oravpcoo-ts, T), (aravp6(a) a palisading. II. crucifixion. Cs, iSos, 77, a dried grape, raisin, also darafpis. (Akin to o~rav\T}.) STA^TfAH', 77, a bunch of grapes. II. parox., iiXi3, ioos, r], = <7Tav\o-K\oTri5Tjs, ov, 6, (araC v t (GTayvs, (pepca) bearing ears of corn. , (oreti'os) to make strait, narrow or close, to straiten : Pass, to become strait, to be narrowed : to be straitened for room. 2. to be full, be thronged. 3. metaph. to be straitened, hard pressed, distressed. orew-ctfTTos, Ion. for ffTevcairos. , Ep. for O"TO>, aor. 2 subj. of i'ffTrjfu. aTcXed Ion. T|, 77, = aTetXar). Tffietv) cutting stems or trunks. 2TE'AEXO2, TO, the crown of the root whence the trunk springs, the stump, Lat. codex: generally, a trunk, log, Lat.fustis. Hence crrf\t\6(a, f. ajffca, to form a stem, to shoot out with. <7T6\C8tov, TO, Dim. of GTfXcov. cTTeXXw : fut. oTcXw Ep. (TTcAecu : aor. I IcrrctAa : pf. cCTTaAtfa : Pass., aor. 2 ecrTaXTjv [a] : pf. 6araA- fjiai : plqpf. (GTaXp.^ : to set in order, arrange, array : to furnish, equip, get ready : of a ship, to rig or fit out; OToXov ffTftXai to fit out an armament : Med., GTciXaoOai to equip oneself, to put on clothes : Pass, to fit oneself out, get ready, prepare : also to be dressed, decked. II. to despatch on an expe- dition, to despatch, send: Pass, to get ready for an expedition, start, set off": hence to go, depart, travel. 2. intr. in Act. to start, set forth. Ill, 649 to fetch, bring, conduct a person to a place : so in Med. sometimes, OTeXXtoOai Tiva to send for one. IV. as a nautical term, iffTia aTtXXfiv to take in sail, shorten sail : generally, to contract, draw in, withhold: Med. to avoid. ) broad belts or girths, put round dogs when used to hunt wild beasts. i5\ov, T<5, mostly used in plur. aTtfupvXa, (aTCfijSa; aretjScy) olives already pressed, the mass of pressed olives, oil-cake. OTCva/Yixa, CTOS, TO, (o"Tcra^cu) a groan, moaning. OT6vay|i,6s, T), (oT/a(u) a groaning, moaning. , to talk subtly, raise nice points. From OT6vo-\(rx^S, ov, 6, (o*Tei/os, Xia\rf) a quibbler. V. OTVOTT]S Ion. (TT61V-, TjTos, T), (aTcvos} narrowness, straitness. , f. wow, (arevos) to make narrow. 2TVTup, opos, o, Stentor, a Greek at Troy, famous for his loud voice : hence proverbially, a Stentor. crrevvypos, 77, ov, Ion. for arevos, narrow. OTvo>, only used in pres. and impf., (arevos} to sigh, groan, moan. 2. transit, to bemoan, bewail, lament, deplore. tTTCV-toTTos Ion. crreiv-oyiros, ov, (artvos, 6'^) made narrow, straitened, strait, confined, Lat. arctus. i, as Subst., areva)rr6s, rj, a narrow way, by-way, Lat. angiportus. OTCTTTOS, 17, ov, (ffrfQcu) crowned. o"T6pYT|0p o v, TO, (o*Tep7cu) a love-charm. II. love, affection, regard. cnipYT\\La,, aros, TO, (ffrtpyca) a love-charm. crrcpYottra, Dor. for ffrtpyovoa, part. fern, of 2TE'Pm, f. aj : aor. I eartpa : pf. i evropya : Pass., aor. I \artpyQrfv : pf. tartpyiMi : to love, of the mutual love of parents and children : of any natu- ral affection, as, between king and people. II. to be fond of, like, be pleased with. III. to be content or satisfied, acquiesce; c. ace., ffrepyeiv rcL irapovTO. to be content with, acquiesce in the present state of things ; ortpyfiv rty rvpavvioa to bear with tyranny; also c, dat., aripftiv roTs irapovai, etc. IV. to pray, beg, entreat that . . , c. ace. et inf. 2TEPEO'5, a, 6v, stiff, stark, firm, solid, Lat. rigidus. 2. metaph. stiff, stubborn, unrelenting, cruel. II. of bodies and quantities, solid, cubic ; crfpeos dpiO^us a cubic number. Hence orepeoTTjS, 77x0$, 7), stiffness, firmness. crTp6o-<|)pctfv, o^os, 6, r), (orfpeos, tppfy) hard or firm of soul, stubborn-hearted. crTpc6o>, f. uffoj, (areptos) to make firm or strong : to confirm. avr] [a], 77, (orecpaj) anything that encircles, the head : the brim of the helmet, a helmet. II. part of a woman's head-dress, a diadem, coronal : gene- rally, a head-dress. III. the brim or border of ! anything, brow of a hill, edge, verge : also the para- pet or battlement of a wall. &vir]'TT\OKCd, f. 7)001, (ffTetyavnnXoKos} to plait wreaths or chaplets. CTTC^avTjTrXoKtov, TO, the wreath-market. From avT|-irXoKos, ov, (ortfpavr), 7rA.ecu) plaiting I wreaths or chaplels. | o-T6avr)opo, f. -r]GavT]4>opia, 77, the wearing a wreath of vic- tory. II. the right of wearing a crown. CTT64>avr)-<|>6pos, ov, (arffyavr), fpoj) wearing a crown or wreath, crowned, wreathed ; dyuv arc(f>avr]- avi&>, f. aw : Dor. aor. I tart(f>avia : (aTetya- vos] : to crown. oT<|>aviov, TO, Dim. of ffreavto-Kos, 6, Dim. of ortfyavos. [t], ov, o, fern, -ins, loos, (ar4avos) of or consisting of a crown or wreath; arf(f>aviTr]s arfajv a contest in which the prize was a crown or wreath. orTavos, 6, (aTffpQ}) that which encircles ; arfav6(o, i.tijffoi: pf. zct.fffTfavos) : to put round as a crown : Pass. to be so put round; ircpl vijffov TTOVTOS laTftyavairat the sea lies round about the island. II. to wreath with a crown, to crown : c. ace., av-cS8T]S, $, (dvw(jia, O.TOS, TO, (aTf(pav6ca) that which sur- rounds or encompasses, a circlet. II. a crown or wreath, as the prize of victory. 2. generally, a reward, honour, glory. avws, Dor. ace. pi. of aTe(pavos. os,eos,To,((T7-cn, fa : aor- j farei^a : Pass., aor. I \ark- 0rjv : pf. eare/i/ucu : to put round as a crown. II. to surround, encompass, encircle, to crown, wreath : Med. to crown oneself: Pass, to be crowned, wreathed, garlanded. 2. generally, to crown, to honour. o-To|Av, Ion. for aT&pfv, I plur. aor. 2 subj. of orf], Ion. for ar Vi 2 an ^ 3 sing- aor - 2 subj. of i'ffTrjfJU. o-TT|0ecr4>t, Ep. dat. pi. of ffTrjOos. crrfjOt, aor. 2 imperat. of IGTIJIJU. , formed from taTrjKa, pf. of iffTijfu, used only in pres., to stand. 2TH'AH Dor. o-raXa, f), an upright stone, a post : a block or post, Lat. cippus. II. a post or slab bearing an inscription , a monument, a grave-stone. 2 . a post or slab set up in a public place, inscribed with treaties, decrees, etc. : hence, KUTCL T^V o~Tr]\r)v ac- cording to treaty. III. a boundary-post ; the 651 turning-post at the end of the race-course, Lat. meta : STT/ACU 'HparcXrjiai the pillars of Hercules. , f. oca, to inscribe on a aTrj\i], to post or placard publicly. From O-TT]\ITT|S [f], ov, 6, fem. ITIS, tSos. (0^17X77) of or like a block or pillar. II. inscribed on a pillar, placarded as infamous. v, ovos, o, (iVT?7/xi) the warp in the upright loom : the woof was called KpuKij. 2. a thread spun. orfjvcu, aor. 2 inf. ofiaTijfJLi. o%, Ep. for ffT&ai, 3 pi. aor. 2 subj. of To , f. Tjffoj : pf. pass. caripijfAai : (0T6tj3&0 ' to tread, walk upon; TTCLV iaTi07)Tai itfSov all the plain has been traversed, searched. a-rtfa [i],?7, (ffTfi&a}) frozen dew, rime, hoar-frost. ort^os [t], o, (ffTet/3u) a trodden or beaten zuay, a track, foot-path. II. a track, footstep ; *CIT arifrov on the track or trail. III. a going, gait. op>, to bear brand-marks. From 6pos, ov, (aTiyfj.a, (plpca) bearing brand- marks. (TTiYp-aTias, ov, 6, (orry/xa) one who has been branded : a runaway slave. (aTifa) a prick, mark, puncture : a-mr 653 II. metaph. a thematical point, Lat. punctum. jot, tittle : of time, a moment. 2TTZH, f. orica : aor. I tona : pf. pass, inf. \ariy9ai: to prick, puncture, Lat. pungere : j .hence to tattoo : to burn a mark in, to brand, of run- away slaves : also to brand cattle with a distinctive .mark; ariy^ara ari&iv nvd to brand one with a ! mark. 2. to make spotted ; fia/frnpiq .ari&iv to : beat black and blue : Pass, to be spotted. .3. to mark with a full stop, Lat. interpungere. (cnriKTOs, 77, ov, verb. Adj. of orifa, pricked, branded: \ lience marked, spotted, dappled. crriKTO-xpoos, ov, contr. -XP ov s, ow, (GTIKTQS, \ Xpoos) with spotted skin. 5TI'ABfl, f. \fjo}, to shine, glitter, glisten ; ori\&etv dorpaifds to flash lightning. 2. metaph. to shine, to be bright or brilliant. 5TI'AH [r], 77, a drop, Lat. stilla : metaph. a moment. crrtXirvos, 77, ov, (0rtA/3cy) glittering, glistening. *p6s, d, 6v, (o"T6t jScy) close-pressed : close, com- ; pact, solid, tough, stout. toiSos, o, (arixos, actStu) ,a verse-maker , poet. ' 3, ace. pi. of *o-Tt. , (OT'LXOS) to set, range, place in ranks : Med. ffrixdoftai, Ep. 3 sing. impf. Icn^otavro, to march in rows or ranks. CTTIX^S, at, pi. nom. of *ffri. crrixo-Ypaej)OS, ov, (oTt'xos, ypd(pca) writing verses. srrixS [*] o> there is also a gen. sing, arixos, and a nom. and ace. pi. arix^s, arixas, as if from an old nom. ffri : (areix&) : a row, line, rank.: a line of soldiers, a row of trees. II. a line of writing, a .verse. O-TIXOS, TT}S, gen. from *ffri. 5TAErri'2, t'Sos, 77, a sort of scraper, Lat. strigil, to remove the oil and dirt from the skin in the bath. erred, or (o"Tofxos, dyopfvca) to tell in regular order. (rroixtw, f. ioca, (oroixos) to set a row of poles with nets to drive the game into : to set in order. (rrotxos, o, (o"Tetxco) a row, line, rank; em erroi'xou or AraT, f. io~w, (o"ToAts) to make ready, trim, equip, deck : Pass, to be equipped, armed. CTToXtov, TO, Dim. -of oroXrj,a small or scanty gar- ment. crroXts, /Sos, 77, (oroXrj) a garment, robe ; veftpwv aro\ibfs garments of fawn-skin. cTToXurp-a, aTos, TO, (aToAt^a;) an equipment, dress : garment, mantle. 0-ToXp.os, o, (o-T.cAAa;) a clothing, dressing: in plur. o"ToAos all the people. II. a ship's beak. o-TojJia .Aeol. crrujjia, OTOS, TO, the mouth, Lat. os, oris ; also the whole face; sometimes used in pi. O-TO- lM.ro,, like Lat. ora, of one person : km orop.a on one's face; Kard ffro/jiaface to face: metaph., or6p.a TTToAe/zoto the very jaws of battle. 2. the mouth, tongue: speech, words, language: diro orofiaros to speak by word of mouth, i. e. by memory;- avci ffr6fj.a or \v ffrSfian $xeiv to have always in one's mouth; Sici o*To/m fivai to be in people's mouths; crro'/xapyos trrpar^ytacov 653 v, TO, Dim. of trro^ta, a small mouth. 11. the mouth of a vessel ; mouth of a cave, a cave, vault : the socket of a bolt. III. a bridle-bit, bit. OTOJXOCO, f. uff(io>, f. aaa|j, O.KOS, 6, -fj, (O"TO/ZOS) one who uses bom- bastic turgid words. crrop-^os, o, (ffTOfj.a') lofty phrases, bombast, rant. crr6ji&>p,a, arcs, TO, (crTOftocy) a mouth, inlet. (TTojuocris, ecus, fj, (arop.6axx os > o, like ovvg, a sharp point : a sharp instrument, knife, scissors. crropY^, 77, (ffTffryou') love, affection, the natural af- fection of parents and children. 2TOPE'NNT~MI shortd. p,i, a later form of ffTopevvvfJU. trro\a,^o\na,i, f. -a.ffOfj.ai: aor. I med. pf. pass. tffToxf-fffMi : Dep. : (O-TOXO shoot at, c. gen. : metaph. to aim at, seek after. %. to guess, c. ace. : to surmise, conjecture. vroYfl-ar^o., aros, TO, (erToxao/zt) a missile aimed at a mark, an arrow, javelin. : to am or ov, aToyrafjLai able to hit : able to guess, shrewd, sagacious. Adj. KWS. 2TO'XO2, o, an aim, shot. i. a guess, conjecture. , f. o"cy, (aTpa^oS) to twist, wind: Med. , to turn oneself about, waver, loiter. (o" T P^T^j ovptca) retention of the urine, strangury. Hence yos) of a gene- ral; TrvAat ffTpaTtjyiSfs the door of the general's tent; vavs CTpaTrjyis the admiral's ship, the}?a_g--ship; and so, 77 ffTparrjyis alone. II. as Subst. a female commander or general. orpaT-TjYos, o, (orparbs, d'yca} the leader or com- mander of an army, a general: also the commander of a fleet, an admiral. II. at Athens, 01 aTpaTrjyoi were ten general officers elected by yearly vote to com- mand the army and navy, and conduct the war-de- partment. III. aTpaTTjybs VJTO.TOS the Roman Consul ; ffrpaTrjyus alone, the Praetor. orpaTirjiT), 77, Ion. for oT/xrrcta. TTf]S, ou, o, (o-rpcma) a citizen on military service : a soldier. Hence crrpaTiamKos, 77, ov, of or for soldiers : TO ffTpa- cuv (sub. dpyvpiov), the pay of the forces ; TO 6v (sub. ir\r)dos} the soldiery; T& mpa- d (sub. TrpdyftaTo) military affairs. ^-fit, suited for a soldier or military service. Hence orpaTicoTtKuis, Adv. in military style, like soldiers ; Comp., 0Tpa.TtojTtKajTpov vapeffKevdaOai to be fitted out more like transport-ships. <7*rpaTiams, i8os, fem. of aTpa-TtojTrjs, a female sol- dier : as fem. Adj. martial. 2. ffTpaTiorris (sub. vavs\ 77, a troop-ship, transport. orTpaTO-Xc>YiJ, f. -fjaca, (cnpaTus, Xe^cy) to levy an army, enlist soldiers. 0-TpaTo-p.avTis, cus, 6, (OTpaTus, (JMVTIS) a prophet to the army. OTTpaTOTr68-apXT]S, ov, b, (ffTpaToirfScv, d'pxcv) the commander of the praetorian guards at Rome. 77, and >, 77, an encamping : an encamp- ment : also the station of a fleet. From ~ vco, also as Dep. to encamp, take up a position. o-Tparo-TrcSov, TO, (o"rpaTos, TreSoj') the ground on which soldiers are encamped: STparoVeSa, TCI, as pr. n. a part of Egypt held on a military tenure. 2. generally, a camp, encampment, army encamped: an army. 3. a squadron of ships, fleet. ^TPA'TO'S, o, a camp, encamped army : generally, an army, host, armament. II. the soldiers as opp. to the chiefs, hence the commons, people. i, Ep. gen. of ffrpaTos. 2TpaT-a>vtSt]S, ov, 6, Comic patronymic as if from ~2,TpaT-wVTjs (crrpaTos, wi'eo/xat) a dealer in armies. orpacjjcts, crTpac^tjvav, aor. 2 pass. part, and inf. of aTpa0is, aor. I pass. part, of ffTpe6pos, ov, (cTTpCTTTos, (ptpof) ivearing a collar or necklace, Lat. torquatus. OTpevycp-at, Pass. (aTpa^oS) to be squeezed or pressed out : to be drained of strength, exhausted, grow weary, to be worn out. , f. T^acy, (o*Tpe0ey, Sivtoj) to spin or whirl a thing round: Pass, to be whirled, to spin round and round. 06ts, aor. I pass. part, of cnpk^xa. STPE'^fl, f. y/ca : aor. I eo-rpe^a Ep. ffTptya : pf. HffTpocpa. : Pass., aor. i fffTpftpOrfV Dor. effTpdr)v [a] : pf. 0"Tpa/^at. A. Act. to twist, turn, bend; fnirovs GTpefpeiv to turn cr guide horses: to wheel soldiers round. II. to turn about: to change, alter: also to pervert. III. to twist a rope : to twist, torture, torment : also of wresllers, to twist the adversary back. IV. metaph. to turn over in one's mind, revolve. V. to divert from the right course, embezzle, intercept. VI. intrans., in same sense as Pass., to turn or wheel about. E. Pass, and Med. to twist or turn oneself, to turn round about, toss to and fro : absol. to turn back ; to turn and flee : of the heavenly bodies, to revolve, circle. 2. metaph., ffrpocpas arpttyeaOai to twist about, like a wrestler trying to elude the grasp of an adversary, to shuffle, evade; irdaas arpocpas arpc- , f. 77(70;, (arptfyo), SiKrj) to twist or pervert justice. , f. 770*0;, (o*Tpo/3os) : to spin or whirl about like a top: to make giddy, dizzy: Pass., with fut. med. arpoPriaofMi, to spin round and round. Hence orpo|3T|T6s, 77, 6v, whirled round or about. 0Tpo|3l\C(i>, f. to"o;, (o*T/>o)3tAo$) to twist about. crrp6{3iXos, o, (oTpojSeo;) anything which whirls round or spins: a top : hence, from likeness of shape, a fir-cone, pine-cone. 2. a whirlwind. 3. a whirling dance, pirouette. (arpoiov, TO, (arpecpQ}) a twisted noose, cord. 2. a wooden windlass. evs, 6o;s, o, (ffrpf(p(a) one of the verte- brae. II. the socket in which the pivot of a door moves ; cf. aTp6(piy. 0, = T|, ?J, (arpf(pca) a turning : a turning round, circling, rolling. 2. a twist, a slippery trick. 3. in Music, a twist or turn. II. the dancing of the Chorus towards one side of the 6pxno"rpa : hence also the song sting during this evolution, the strophe, to which the avTiffrpotyri answers. iY, tyyos, 6, (ffTpcus, tos, T), (o*Tp6^>o;) a twisting, slippery fellow, , o, (o"Tpeo>) a whirling round. , f. 770*0;, (ffTp6fi/3os) = ffTpo(3t&>, to whirl. orpop.pT)86v, Adv. (o*Tpo/zj3y) spinning like a ball. atos, a, ov, (ffrpocprj') cunning, versatile; also (from arpo^cvs) standing at the door-post : name of Mercury, in both senses. poCs, tSos, 77, = arpocpiov, a band, girdle. o-Tpoo-8iv0|xcu, Pass, (arpotyos, SlvtofMi) to wheel eddying round, of birds. os, o, ((TTpe^cu) a twisted band, a belt : a cord, rope. 2. a swaddling-band. II. a twisting of the bowels, colic, Lat. tormina. 2rpv|xovCas Ion. -Cir]S, o, a wind blowing from the Thracian river Strymon, i. e. a NNE. wind. STptJjAovios, a, ov, of the Strymon. From Srpvjxcov, oVos, o, the Strymon, a river in Thrace. OTpv<|>v6s, ov, (ffTpvp,a,TO-ijXa|, a/cos, o, (ffrpufM, |ivT|, T), a bed spread out: a bed, mattress, bed- ding. From orpwvvvpa and orpowuco, f. orpwaa), formed by metath. from aropvvp.i, ffropevvvfjii : v. (<*Tvyc ' in l s > es > an d o'TVY^p-coiros, w, (ffrtryepos, w^) wiV& batefid look : hateful. ) hated, abominated, loathed: hateful. 2jTUY los > a, ov, also os, ov, (2ru) of the Styx or the nether world, Stygian. II. aTvyrjTos. [if] o-rvYvac0, f. aa<:XCa>, f. cy, (aTV(pe\6s) to thrust or push j rudely, shake, smite : of the wind, to scatter the clouds : generally, to treat roughly, maltreat. X6s, 17, ov, also os, 6v, (GTVfpca) close, solid, j tough : of flavour, sour, acid. 2. metaph. harsh, crabbed, cruel. o-TV<|)X6s, 6v, also i\, 6v, shortd. from aTvtp(\u$, hard, rugged. 2. rough, stern. OTC^O-KOITOS, ov, (ffTvnos, KoiTTOj) striking with * stick. O-TWI|)I>, f. if/|JiiiXio- or as Dep. (rrcofxtiXXofjiat, (o-rwftvXos) to be talkative, to chatter, prate : in good sense, to talk, converse. o-Twp.vX|Jia, aros,ro, = orcu/wAta, chattering : of per- sons, a gossip, chatterer. ov, (aTop.a) mouthy, wordy, talkative, gossiping : also fluent. \y\ 5T' Dor. TT', Lat. TU, THOU; subst. Pron. of 2nd pers. : Ep. nom. TUVK] : gen. o~ou, dat. o*ot, ace. a, enclit. aov, aoi, ae. There are also Ep. forms of gen. afv, aeo, aeio, ai&ev, enclit. aev, aco : Dor. T(V, rarely reo, lengthd. TCOV and reoro : Aeol. and Dor. TCVS, Tfovs. Ion. and Ep. dat. rot ; Dor. TCIV and riv. Dor. ace. Tf, enclit. TV. Dual o*4>ui, atyw : gen. and dat. acacv, a(j>$v : pi. vjjieis, vpjv, vfiiv or vp.iv, vfjtas, Ep. vfjtcas. ta, r/, (avs, aypa) a boar-hunt, o, (avs, cryptx) one who hunts wild boars. 2t>f3apCa>, f. iaca, to live like a Sybarite, i. e. lux- uriously, effeminately. From 2vj3apis [6], gen. teas, Ion. tos, 57, Sybaris, a city of Magna Graecia, on a river of the same name, noted for luxury. 2u|3dpiTT)S [i], ov, 6, (SvjSapts) a Sybarite: a luxu- rious liver, voluptuary. 2v(3apiTiKos, 17, ov, (S,vfiapis) of or like to Sybaris. 2vj3dpLTLs, tSos, fem. of SujSaptr^s, a woman of Sybaris. a common mother : fern, of "h, ov, (ovyytvris) becoming or like kins- men. Adv. -KWS, like kinsfolk. "hi = ovyyv&nr]. cruYYViip-T], ^7> (avyyvwvai} fellow-feeling with an- other, allowance for him : pardon, forgiveness : also a claim to forgiveness, excuse. 00 ' 1 -' v1 1' T), fellow-feeling, forgiveness. From crvYYV^K^v* v t g en - ovos, (ovyyvuivat) disposed to pardon or forgive: indulgent. II. pass, par- doned, forgiven, deserving pardon, allowable. (rvyyvuxnos, rj, ov, verb. Adj. of avyyiyvwaKQ}, to be pardoned, pardonable, allowable. O~UY-Y OV S, ov, (otv, yVo6ai) born with, conge- nital, natural, inborn. 2. connected by blood, akin, Lat. cognatus : as S"bst., o-VYY v S, o, rj, a brother, sister. 657 YYpap-p.a, arcs, r6, (ffvyypaoj) that which is noted or written down, a written paper or document : a writing, book : a prose work. crt)YYp5c|)iJS, fojs, 6, (ovyypa.(f>Qj) one who writes down, one who collects historical facts, an historian : generally, a prose-writer, author. II. ffvyypa- to exercise with. Ion. Karaipeco, f. -f)O, f. ffca, to join in arranging or burying. T ^PY tl) > to shut up or en- close with others. or\JY-Ka0\KO), f. -f \Kvaca [{/]: aor. I -fi\Kvffa: fut. pass. -(XKvoOrjffofMu : (see c'A/ccy) : to drag down, destroy with. , f. rjffw, to sleep with. o-VY-Ka0T)[A, f. rjaoj, to make to sit or place together: Med. to sit together, meet for deliberation. II. intr. also in Act. to sit with. [a] : fut. -tcavacu :-. to set on fire with or at once, burn up,, consume, Lat. comburo. cruY-K3KOir30o, f. T]O(a, to suffer with or toge- ther. II. to feel wifh or for any one in suffering. 0-vY-KaKouxtop.ai, Pass, (ovv, KaKovx^ca) to endure trouble or suffering with. (rvy-KoXtw, f. i oca : pf. -KfK\ijKa pass. -KK\rjfjiai : to call or summon together, call to council : Med. to call to oneself. 2. to call together, invite to a feast. , a, ov, to be covered or veiled : and os, 17, ov, covered, emvrapt. From 658 , f. $ca, to cover or veil completely, shroud: Med. to -wrap oneself up, cover one's face. a-vy-Kapvu), f. -icanovfMt : aor. 2 -fKapov : to la- bour or suffer with, sympathise with. 2. to labour or travail with. , to bend together, bend the knee : Pass, to bend oneself. , f. -Kara^ffOfMi: aor. 1 -KaTf^rjv: pf. -KaTa(i@r)Ka : to go or come down with: to come (o one's aid, come down to the contest with. 2. to condescend. onry-KaTapdXXco, f. -naTa&aXta : aor. 2 -Ka.Te@a\ov : to pay down together. crvyicaTa|3o, aor. i -KareSapOov, to sleep with. o-vy-KaTa8iwKCi>, f. oj, to pursue with or in company. and -8vco : aor. 2 -Kartdw : to sink or set together with. \i.i, f. ~eva), to join together by the yoke, join in mar ri age, marry : metnph.,avyKaTaevgai rtva arr) to make him a yoke-fellow with misery. oiry-KaTaOdiTTW, f. ifsca, to bury along with. cnryxa-niOco-ts, f], ((TvyfcaTariOrj^i) agreement, ap- proval, assent. II. submission. cruy-KaraQew, to make an inroad with another. , to die along with. (nry-icaTaUho, to burn all together. avy-KO/Taivew, f. fffca or rjffa), to agree with, favour, assent to. oTry-KaTaivos, ov, agreeing, approving, assenting to. onry-KaTaipeco, Ion. for ffvyKadaipfca. Att. -ic4a> [a] : f. -icavaca : to burn down along with : Pass, to be burnt with. cruY-KaTO.Ktp,ai, Pass, to lie down with, lie with. ertrf-icaTaicXeuo Ion. -KXtjito, to shut in or enclose with or together. cruy-KaTaicXtvai, to make lie down with : Pass, to recline on the same couch with another at table. to cut up together. crvY-KOTaKrAofjiai, f. rjcrofw.!. : Dep. to get or gain with, to join in acquiring. cnryKaraKTas, a, f. -ACTCI/O), to slay with or together. cnjY-icaTaXap,pavco, f. -Ai^o/xcu, to seize or occupy with or together. , f. -/, f. ffa), to help in making or setting up. 2. to furnish completely. ^ w ff0} , to bring into one tent with. o-VY-Ka.Tao-KTj'irTco, f. if/oj, to dart down together. a) > f. fa, to bring to an end toge- ther : to make subject together or at the same time. (nry-KaTaTcicnrcj Att. -TTCO, f. cu, to arrange or draw up with or together. o-vYKaTaT0i[ji,vos, pf. pass. part, of cruY-icaTaTidirjH't, f- -^tftu, to lay down or deposit at the same time. II. Pass. avyKaTariQcpan, pf. avy- , to agree with, assent to. aor. 2 -fTpayov, to eat tip together. aor> 2 ^ n ^' ^ GvyKO-TfoQica. , f. aofjiat, Dep. to join in a lie against another. , f. iaca, to colonise jointly with an- other, join or assist in colonising. II. to settle in a place along with. III. to establish at the same time. ifo), f. iaca, to pity with or together : Med. to bewail with or together. s, Adv. pf. pass. part, of ffvyicfpdv- vvp.i, in a tempered manner. o-VY-KeKporrjiAevcos, Adv. pf. pass. part, of ffvyrcpo- rea, pf. of ovy/evirTQ}. ;t>a), f. aca, to join in ordering or bidding. . f- waoj, to strike with a thunderbolt, shiver in pieces : Pass, to be thunder-stricken, as- tounded. cruY-K<}>aXai6a>, f. a;o"o;, to bring under one head or summary, to sum up, reckon up. P^ pass, of ffvy^eca. onjy-Kf'^uo'^La.i, pf. pass, of ovyvojvvvui. o), f. a, f. -K\aY-KX'T]i, f. 770*0;, to have a joint share of a thing, c. gen. rei. 11. to partake in a thing, c. dat. rei. From o-iry-KOivoavos, 77, 6v, partaking jointly of a. thing. O-TJY-KOITOS, ov, (avv, Koirrj) sharing one's bed. II. of or belonging to the marriage-bed. - TUV to claim as one's own. 2. in Pass, also to be gained together. II. to help in burying. tw, f. ioo}, to help to lighten. crvYKpucris, co;s, r), (ffvyfcfpavvvpi) a mixing toge- ther, blending, tempering. 660 aTOs crv 777-17 , f. i]O(a : pf. pass. -K(Kp6T7]iJ.ai:to strike together; avyKporeiv raj x f fy f to clap the f. affcu, to winter with or at the same time : Pass, to weather the same storm. " v Y'X t P ov PY* 0> f- *] aoj > to bear a hand at the same time, to perform together. Ep. aor. i inf. of : pf. -K6x^ Ka ' Pass., aor. I -exvOyv [C], and 3 sing. F,p. aor. 2 pass, ovyxvro : pf. -/^xu//ai : hands : absol. to clap, applaud. 11. to beat, ham- \ to pour together, mix by pouring : hence to throw into mer, or weld together. 2. metaph. to weld into? 1 disorder or confusion : to confound, disturb, trouble, one ; of soldiers, to drill, discipline : Pass, to be well disquiet : of things, to frustrate, make of none effect : trained, in good discipline. 3. metaph. also, to ; esp. of treaties, etc., to confound, break through,violate. concoct. cr\ry\ope\)Tv\, ov, 6, a joint founder or coloniser. a dance. From II. a quarrel. ov i (. a ^ v i X.OPTOS) properly with the grass joining ; bordering upon, adjacent to. (nry-xow, Ion. for avy \uvvv pi. " v Y'XP^H' ai > ^ -XPy 00 ^ 1 ' Dep. to join- with in using : hence to have dealings with. ' a ) f like colour, of one colour. O " U Y~X'^ VCO [] > ' a * e form of ovyx* 03 - , ov, 6, a person with whom one plays \ (rvy\va-is, ecus, 57, (avyxffj) a mixing together, at dice, a fellow-gamester. From j blending. 'confounding: a breaking through, violating. 3 sing. Ep. aor. 2 pass , to play at dice with. Kcuiy, f. r)ffoj, to throw into an utter ferment. orvY-KtJXivScopxii, Pass, to roll about or wallow together. O-UY- K ^ VT IY S Dor. and Att. , f. i/'cu : pf. -KKV(pa : to bend forwards so as to meet, to stoop and lay heads together, to con- spire ', TOVTO 5' Is eV effn ffvyKfKvtyus this comes all to one point. II. to be bowed down, bent double. , f. -Kvprjaar or -Kvpffca : aor. I eKvprjaa or f/cvpcra. : pf. -KfKvpijKa : to come together or encounter by chance : to meet with, light upon. II. of events, to happen at the same time : also to come to pass : impeis., avvfKvprjfff yei/co'&zt it came to pass that . . . Hence (rvyKtipia, f], a coincidence. \os, ov, (avv, KuXov) with limbs united: standing close together. n,ac0, f. daw Dor. aa>, to march together in a KUfjios or band of revellers, to revel with. p,os, ov, ((Tiiv, fcutfj-os) a partner in a KW^OS, a fellow-reveller. o-VY-KtojicoBeco, f. -fjo-Qf, (ffvv, o/xa;5eco) to play with in a comedy. f. m ed. -\aprjaonai : aor. 2 pass. -ex- o-vy-xapu, prjv [a] : to rejoice with, join n ones oy to wish one joy, congratulate. 2 pi. aor. 2 pass. subj. aor. i part, o II. aor. 2 pass. 01 , f. O(u, to melt together, to melt down. and -tico: Ion. pres. ervYXO", inf. f. avyxtijaoj : aor. l avvkywaa. : pf. pass. : to heap all together, to heap up with earth, bank up. II. to make info ruinous heaps, dismantle, demolish. III. to heap one thing on another, confound. , inf. avrjv : f. i]O(u ; to live with, live together. (u : f. -fvca Pass., aor. 2 ffvvf- vyr)v [u] : to yoke together, couple, unite, esp. in marriage : Pass, to be yoked or coupled with : Med. to yoke for oneself. o-v-fT)T&>, f. 77-o<}>6opxu,Pass.(0"uV,o a > ov > P ^- f r ov^vy os, yoked together, joined, united. O-U^YOS, ov, (cu) yoked together, paired^ united, esp. wedded : as Subst., av^vyos, 77, a wife : but also, avfryos, 6, a yoke-fellow, comrade, friend. vvup.v, f. -a;(ya;, /o ^Vrf together, gird up : Med. to gird oneself, gird up ones loins. , f. 770-0;, to quicken at the same time. , f. aaca (00^77) to gather ripe Jigs. cnjicdjjuvov, TO, the fruit of the avKapivos, a mul- berry, Lat. morum. orvKajjuvos, 77, the mulberry-tree, Lat. morus. cruKca, eas, Ion. and Ep. CTVKCTJ, fijs contr. avief], rjs, 77 ; Ion. gen. pi. avKtwv : (OVKOV) : the fig-tree, Lzt.ficus. (ruKiSiov, TO, Dim. of OVKOV, a small Jig. , f. iaca, (OVKOV) to fatten with figs. cruKtvos, 77, ov, (OVKOV) of or belonging to the fig-tree orfigs; OVKIVOV v\ov the wood of the fig-tree. II. inetaph. from the spongy nature of this wood, GVKIVOI d'vSpes weak, good-for-nothing fellows: also with allu- sion to avKO(f>dvT7]S, false, treacherous. Kis, iSos, 77, (ov/Cft)) & slip or cutting from a fig- tree, a young fig-tree. ), f. Tjaca, to gather figs. From , ov, (OVKOV, Xeyca) gathering figs. , 77, (GVKOV, popov) the fig-mulberry, an Egyptian kind, called also avKa^ivos y Aiyvirria. ST^KON, TO, a fig, Lat./c?/s. orvKo-ircSlXos, 6, (GVKQV, ireoi\ov) with sandals of fig, a parody on Homer's xpuo"07Te5t\os. , f. 170-0;, (OVKOV, rpayciv) to eat figs. Hence cruKOTpaYiSifjs, ov, 6, afig-nibbler. oruKO<^avTa>, f.rjaoj, (ffvKofydvTijs} to be an informer: c. ace. pers. to inform against, .accuse falsely, slan- der. i. ,c. ace. rei, to lay information against a thing ; but, avKotyavrtiv TpiaKovra fj.vas to extort 30 minae by laying informations ; avKotpavretv ri TIVOS to extort money from another by false informations. Hence o-vKOdvTT]S, ou, o, (OVKOV, fyaivca) properly afig- sbewer, i. e. one who brings figs to light by shaking the tree ; or a fig-informer, i. e. one who informed against persons exporting figs from Attica : but used 661 n the sense of a common informer, a false accuser, slanderer. avTia, 7), (ovKotyavrica) the behaviour of a sycophant, false accusation, slander. Hence <7VKO<|>avTias, ou, 6, the Sycophant-wind. o-VKOavTiKos, 77, 6v, (ovKotpdvTTjs) like a sycophant, slanderous. Adv. -KWS. atJKOavTpta, T), fern, of ffVKOfpdvrrjs, a female informer. a(n,s, f6pos, ov, (OVKOV, tyfpca) carrying figs. C-UKGOJ, f. wow, to feed with figs. , f. ow, (ovXXa^dvoo) to read in syllables. , f. -\rji//o/j.ai : aor. 2 0vvf\af3ov, inf. ov\\a&iv : pf. t:i\r) : aor. I avv\fga : pf. avvfi\o\a : assist. Pass., frit. 2 av\\fyf]ffofjun : aor. I 2 avve\frjv : pf. ffvvei\ey/j,ai and to gather, collect, bring together : of persons, to call together, also to raise or levy an army, Lat. conscri- bere : Pass, to come together, assemble. 2. of things, to gather, collect come customary. Pass., of things, to be- t cease or come to an end together. verb. Adj. of av\\afjL0dvoj, one must lay bold of together. p, opos, 6, (av\\a^dvco) one that takes hold of with, a partner, sharer, assistant, coadjutor. ) a gathering, collecting. 2. a raising, levying of soldiers, Lat. conscriptio. II. an assembling, an assembly, concourse, meeting. cruX-Xo-yiUojjuu, f. iaopai, Dep. to reckon all toge- ther, to sum up, reckon up. II. to collect or con- clude from premises : to infer by way of syllogism. trvXAo-yijAciios, a, ov, ((TuAAeycw) collected from dif- ferent places. o-vXXo-ytcrjJLos, 6, (, f. vaoj [u], to help in loosing or setting free. ) : to stand with the feet together. or beside, hence to assist, meet: hence, like II. to stand with III. to come together, to reach to or be at a place, c. dat. ; avft@aivfiv a/fofs to fall in with evils. 2. to agree with, Lat. convenire ; to come to an agreement, make an agreement ; generally, to be or make friends with: in perf. inf. crvftficfidvai, of the terms, to be agreed on. 3. to suit, Jit, be like: to coincide or correspond with : to be fitting. IV. to fall to one's lot. V. of events, to come to pass, fall out, happen, Lat. contingere : impers. avf*0aivti, it happens or happened that . . ; so, or yiyveaOai : TO avfi&efirjKos, a chance event, contingency; tcarci avpfiffiijKos by chance. 2. to turn out in a certain way, whether well or ill : absol. to turn out well, succeed, rjv ^y/^Sjj 77 irftpa if the attempt succeed. 3. of consequence, to come out, result, ensue: of conclusions, to follow. (a, f. aw, to join in the feast of Bacchus or Bacchic revelry. : f. -#aA.a> : aor. 2 avvefiaXov, inf. avfi- ftaXtiv : pf. -pt0\T)Ka : Med., fut. -0\rjaofMi : Pass., aor. I avve0\r)0rjv : Homer uses Ep. aor. 2 pass. awc0\rjfj.iji/ in forms 1^X77, -@\rjTr)v, -P\r}vro, subj. ffvfJ.^\ijTai, inf. Phrjfjievai, part. -fi\r)fJLfvos: to throw or dash together : to bring together, esp. of rivers, to unite their streams : to throw together, col- lect : avfj.l3a\\iv dffiriSas, to lock, join closely their shields ; av(j.@d\\(iv &\f(j>apa to close the eyes : generally, to join, unite: of contracts, to conclude, to lend money on bond : Med. to contribute of one's own property, to pay a share : generally, to contribute, bear a part in ; vfj,@d\\CTai iro\\d TouSe Seifj-aros many things contribute [their share] of this fear, i. e. join in causing it ; av(j,@d\\ta0ai eviav to contract friendly relations; avp.&d\XeaQai \o~jovs, or absol. ffvfj.@d\\o~dat, to hold a conference with, converse, con- fer : generally, to do one's part, be useful. II. to bring men together, to set them together, match them to fight, Lat. committo ; so also, av(j.{3d\\tv ftdxijv to engage in, join battle; t\8pav, Zpiv avpfiaXXfiv to contract enmity, etc. 2. Med. to fall in with one, meet him by chance. III. to put together, to com- pare, reckon, compute : Pass, to correspond ; TO Ba- rdKavrov av^0a\Kf:6^fvov -npbs r KOV the Babylonian talent being reduced to the Eu- boic. 2. to conclude from a comparison of facts, to conclude, infer : c. ace. to guess or make out by conjecture, to interpret, understand. IV. Med. to agree upon. V. intr. to come together : to meet, join. 2. to engage, encounter. 0-ufi.pds, dcra, dv, aor. 2 part, of av^aivoj. , f. aw, to rule conjointly with. av|AJ3a(ns, ecus, 77, (o"u/i/3cuVcy) an agreement, arrange- ment, convention, treaty. avji3aTT|pios, ov, ,Tl,6v,(avfJL^aiv(a) , perf. inf. of tending to agreement, conciliatory. , f. dao;, to extort by force at the same time** f. -pi0daca, Att. -tcu : Causal of , to bring together, put together: metaph. to 663 , *7, ov, (avuPovXcvaj) deliberative. >, f. 0*0;, to advise, counsel, c. dat. pers., as in Lat. consulere alicui ; c. inf. to advise one to do : c. ace. rei, to recommend a thing. II. Med. bring to terms, reconcile : Pass, to come to terms with j to take counsel with a person, Lat. consulere aliquem : another. II. to compare, contrast. III. to absol. to consult together, deliberate, prove. IV. to teach, instruct. crvp.povXT], 77, (ffvv, PovXrj) advice or counsel TT]S, ov, 6, one who lives with, a companion. , f. 770-0;, to bear witness with or in ac- cordance with, to testify to a thing with another. And crvfj.|J.apTupo|juu [u], Dep. = avftfjiaprvpf(u. From , f. 770-0;, (avfifMixos) to be an ally, be in alliance with : and so generally, to help, aid. Hence hostile sense, an engaging, encountering. 3. a con- | , to sway jointly with, tween two states for mutual protection of commerce ; trvp.-p.6X6Ta.to, f. 770-0;, to practise with or together. crt;/i/3oAa TroiciaQat irpos iruXiv to make a commercial \ , f. Ota, (ffvv, //epos) to give a share of a thing with others : Med. to receive a share of a thing jointly with others, c. dat. , f. &a\u>, to join in changing : Pass, to change sides and take part with. ; to manage or take charge of along with. cru(x-|X6Tx ci) > f- fifOf^ca, (ovv, /lerexcy) to take part in or partake of along with. erv|j,-}X6Tio-x&>, = ffvfifj.eT6X&- : fut. ffv(j.fj.ica : Ep. and Ion. pres. ' ^ m ^ x or mingle one thing with another, commingle, blend : metaph. to bring in con- nexion. with, unite: to communicate a thing to a per- son. II. Pass., with fut. med. o~v/x///o/ii, to be commingled or blended: to be formed by combination : of rivers, to join, unite : to be brought in contact or collision with. III. intrans. in Act., to have deal- ings or intercourse with : to converse with : to treat or negotiate with : also 2. to engage, encounter, come to blows. Hence O-UUJJIVKTOS, ov, commingled, promiscuous. II. mingled, confounded. Ep. and Ion. \L-\io\iros, ov, (crtv, p.oXTrrf) in harmony or unison with, harmonious. |A-}Jiopia>, = cru^cp^ccu. From os, ov, (avv, ftoptprj) like-shaped, con- formed to. Hence oa>, f. waw, to form or fashion dike : Pass, to be conformed to. , f. rfota, to feel with or together, to sympa- thise with a person, sympathize in a thing. From , f. -iraigopai, to play or sport with : abeol. to play together: c. ace. cognato, avp.Tra.i^iv fj.Ta TIVOS to keep holiday with. Hence , ow, o, = avp.iraiaTris: fem. avfj.iratKTpia. opos, 6, = avfjLnaia'TT]S. Dep. to come in or come to hand at the same time. II. to come in to assist. <7U|A-irapa0ea), f. -Ofvaofjtai, to run along with. , f. O"cu, to exhort together: to join in, recommending or approving. cru|ji.-irapaKa0ico, f. ifffa, to set beside with another: Med. to set beside or with. , f. eacu, to call upon or exhort to- gether : to invite at the same time. II. to ask for at the same time. o-vpL-irapaKeXevoiiav, Med. to join in exciting. , f. aoj, to nod assent, incline both, ways, of ambiguous oracles. crvjjL-irapavTjxoK-O' 1 , f- -vfyofjuu, Dep. to swim beside together. , f. ^eu, to escort along with others. , f. crca, to get ready or bring about along with others : to join in preparing or pro- viding for. , f. rjoo}, to stand by one so as to help or support. From eru[x < rrapaorTd.Tr]S, ov, 6, (ov^itapioTaiMi) one who stands by to aid, a joint helper or assistant. o-ujjL-TrapaTao-o-ojxai Att. -rrojiai, Pass, to be set in array with others, be drawn up in battle order along with. , f. rjcrca, to watch alongside of or together. , f. -Optyoj, to feed or nurture along with. , f. a, f. a>, to strike along with or together. TT]S, ov, 6, a fellow-countryman. crujx-ircSdw, f. TJGQJ, to bind together, bind band and foot ; metaph. of frost, to benumb, cramp. , f pa>, to carry about with. II. Pass. vpjjiai, pf. pass. cru|x-TTT| i yviip,i. and -vat : fut. TTTJ^OJ : to put together, frame, construct. 2. to make solid, congeal. II. Pass., with pf. 2 act. avnirmj'ya,to be compounded. 2. to congeal or become frozen together. Hence , ov, joined together, framed, constructed. (a, f. 00), to press or squeeze together, to grasp closely, squeeze hard: Pass, to be squeezed up. [f], f. viofjuu : aor. 2 avvtinov, inf. ovp- iriftv: to drink with or together, join in a drinking- bout with. i, f. irtffovfiai : aor. 2 ffvveirtaov : pf. : to fall together, meet violently, Lat. concurrere : to meet in battle, to encounter, come to blows. 2. generally, to fall in with, meet with. 3. of accidents, to fall or light upon, happen to. 4. absol. to happen or fall out at the same time, con- cur. 5. impers. avveirntTe, avveireae it happened, fell out, came to pass. II. to coincide, agree or be in accordance with : absol. to agree exactly, to fall together, fall in, collapse, Lat. concidere; awfjia a frame fallen away by sickness. , poet, for ovp-mirroj, to fall together, dash together. II. to agree. 666 , aor. 2 pass. inf. , f. -ir\aff(u [a] : aor. I (rvv^Xaaa : to mould or fashion together, yairjs out of day. II. metaph. to fabricate together. , f. 17(701, to clap together. o-ujiirXcKTOS, ov, twined together, interlaced. From , f. o> : aor. I ovvenXfga : Pass., aor. 2 ffvveir\a.Kr)V [a] : pf. avjUTreTrA.Ty'y/ttu : to twine or plait together : also to twist, force together. II. Pass, /o 6fi twined togelher, plaited: of persons wrest- ling, to he locked together, to he engaged in a close struggle : of a ship, to be entangled with her oppo- nent : metaph. to be entangled in ; 'i^yi] av^ir^irX^- fj.eva a maze of footsteps. crup.-irXeo, f. -ir\evao(j.ai, to sail, float, swim along with or together. trv\i-ir\i]ya.s, doos, fern. Adj. (avfJUTXrjffffca} striking or dashing together. II. ^vfnrXrjfdSfs (sc. ire- rpai), at, the clashing or jostling rocks, the Kua^eai 1/170*01, which were supposed to close on all who sailed between them : also ovvopopaSfs. v(a [v], to multiply together. , to help to fill, swell, increase. , f. fiiffca, to help to Jill, fill completely: of ships, to man with a full complement. crup,irXoKT|, 775, 17, ((ru/inAf/ftu) an intertwining. II. a close struggle. , f. -TTVvaofJLo.i, to blow or breathe toge- ther. II. metaph. to agree with, Lat. conspirare ; avpirveiv epiraiois Tv~)(a.is to blow with, i.e. be carried along with, sudden blasts. crvp.-iTVi'yoi) [t], f. -irvt^ovpai, to throttle : to choke up. eruji-iro8ic0, f. iata Att. to), to tie the feel together, hind hand and foot : metaph. to entangle, involve. , f. 170*01, to help in doing. , f. rjao}, to work with or together, to help, or relieve in work. crup.-irovif]ptiop,ai, Dep. to join in villany, play the knave together. , f. 170-0;, like ffvfnrtpOa}, to help to de- molish or lay waste. crvji-tropi^w, f. iao), to help in procuring or providing. orvp/iroo-ia, 17, (avpmvo)} a drinking together. o-up/rroo-C-apxos, 6, (ffvfj.ir6atov, apx w, of or suited for a avp-iroaiov or drinking-party, convivial : as Subst., ffvfmoTiieos, o, a jolly fellow. o-vjA-irpaKTiop Ion. irp^KTtop, opos, o, a helper, as- sistant ; ffVfjwpaKT&p 68ov a fellow-wayfarer. From : aor. I avv6irpaa : to do with another, to help in doing : to act with, assist. 2. to be in the interest of another, side with another. II. Med. avfjnrpdo- aofMi, to help in exacting a debt. o~u[i-TrpeirT|S, es, (ffvv, TrpiiroS) beseeming, befitting. tru(jLTrp6O'|3VTT|S, ov, o, a fellow-ambassador. From o-vjA-irpeo-pevo), to be a fellow-ambassador, be asso- ciated with on an embassy : Med. to join in sending an embassy. cruji-irpeo'P'US, ecus, 6, a joint-ambassador. p, opos, 6, Ion. for ovp.irpa.KT, Ion. for avfjurpdaao}. (rvp.-TrpCa, to escort together, join in escorting. O-VJXTTTVKTOS, ov, folded together, fitted togelher. From , f. cu, to fold together, fold up and lay by. avjATTTtoOev, aor. I pass. part. neut. of av}Jmi~nroj. o-vjjiirTto|xa, O.TOS, TO, (ffv^TTiTTTw') anything that has befallen one, a chance, mischance, calamity. O-UJX-TTUKVOS, ov, (criv, TTVKVUS) compressed. trup.-irwOavojiai, Dep. to ascertain along with. crup,-irtip6a>, f, 0/0*01, to burn up or consume along with or together. aYiv, aor. 2 inf. of avv-taOio). epov, TO, see av^tpca n. 3. Hence crv(x<))p6vTws, Adv. profitably, with expediency. (TVjJicfrepTO' pT6s, 77, 6v, (avp.pa>, f. avvoiao) : aor. I avvrjVfjKa Ion. -rjvciKa : aor. 2 avvrjveyKov : pf. avvfvrjvoxa- (cf. et'o/u, to flee along with : to be banished or be in exile along with. 06ipa>, to destroy along with or entirely. 0iva> [f], to perish along with: so in aor. 2 paSS. aW(pQ%TO. 0oYY o s, ov, sounding together. iX.a>, f. rjoo}, to love mutually, join in loving. crtii-iXov6iK, f. yaw, to be emulous along with : to take zealous interest in. , to set on fire together, burn to ashes. p.-iXocro&>, f. T}O(a, to join in philosophic study. avjx-4>iXoTt}Ji.Op,ai, f. -rjaojjiai, Dep. to join in emu- lous efforts. ovjji-4>o(3ea>, f. 77oiTda> Ion. -o : fut. -fjaa}; to go regularly to a place together : to go to school together. Hence o-ujJuJxHTrjo-is, 77, a going to school together. And crvjxovvw, f. oca, to kill along with or together. crvp,<|>opd Ion. -pr|, 77, (avp.opEv>s, 6, (avfjupfpca) a Lacedaemonian officer, a kind of aide-de-camp. opo, f.rjaca, to bring together, gather, heap up. opos, ov, (avf*6pcos, Adv. profitably : av(npciop.ai, f. -daofjiai : aor. I avvetppaadfjirjv, 1?p. 3 sm g- avfj.pdpovTLa>, f. iaoa, to have a joint care for. o-up,-<|>povpos, ov, (ovv, (ppovpd) keeping ward toge- ther ; fj,\aOpov vjj,pr)v) of one mind, agree- ing, brotherly : favouring, propitious. crvji-^v-yds, dSos, 6, r), (avv, u6is, aor. 2 pass. part, of avfjupio}. vif)s, , (avp.-tpvop.ai} growing together, at- tached to, congenital. o-vjJi-4>vXa, &KOS, o, a fellow-watchman, warder, or guard, [if] o-vn-<|)vXdiiXTT]S, ov, 6, of or from the same tribe, Lat. contribulis : generally, a countryman. vXos, ov, (avv, (|>u\77) of the same tribe or race : of avp.upT05, ov, kneaded or mixed together: metaph. confounded, confused. From upa> [u]: pf. pass. avfjnretyvpfMi: to knead or mix together, to blend, combine: metaph. to confound, confuse. crujJL-<()tio > do>, f. rjaca, to blow together, make up, Lat. con flare. II. metaph. to agree exactly, harmonise. ih-Vfc>, f. ovTOs, ov, (avftcpvaj} planted together with, con- genital, innate, inborn ; ovpfyvTOS alwv one's natural age ; Is TO ovp.covu>, f. T]Ooj, to agree in sound, be in harmony or unison. II. generally, to agree with, to make an agreement or engagement with. Hence a>VT]cris, T), an agreeing in sound, agreement. a>vta, 77, (av^(>vos, ov, (avv, i<0, f. iaca Att. to), to reckon together, count up, compute. II. Med. to vote with. os, ov, voting with another. OTJJA-IJ/UXOS, ov, (avv, tyvxh) of one mind, unanimous. ST'N old Att. vv, Prep, with dat., Lat. cum : along with, in company with, together with. i. with collat. notion of help, avv 6fcj> with God's help, (the God being conceived as standing with or by one) ; avv nvi flvai to be with another, on his side. 3. furnished with, endued with; avv OTT\OIS with arms. 4. in connexion, conjunction with ; avv \ ry aS> dyad with advantage to you ; avv rots vo- \ fju)LS in accordance with the laws. 5. more rarely j of the instrument or means with or by which a thing : is done, with, by means of; avv vf : aor. I avvfaa : to break to- gether, break in pieces, shiver. , f.acu, to speak with anotherjom in ad- vising or recommending: to agree to, concur in. II. to speak with or in behalf of a person, support, advo- cate his cause. o-w-aypevico, (avv, dypa) to join in the chace. OTMiypojxcvos, Ep. aor. 2 pass. part, of avvaytipo). crvv-dyco, f. -d(a: aor. I avvrjga: aor. 2 avvrjyayov : Att. pf. avvrjxa, later avvayrjo-xa: pf. pass. avvr)yp.ai : to lead or bring together, to gather together, as- semble; avvdytiv 'Apija, i;6\tp.ov to join battle: also to set to fight, match one against the other : also intr. to engage. II. to bring together, unite, combine ; avvdytiv ydpovs to contract a marriage. 2. me- taph. to bring together, reconcile. III. to draw together, straiten, narrow, contract. IV. to ga- ther from premises, collect, infer. Hence cruvaycoyevs, ecus, 6, one who brings together, a uniter. crvvayojyn, 77, (avvdya:) a bringing together, a ga- thering, uniting, collecting; avvaycayr] TroAfftov a levy- ing war. 2. a place of meeting or assembling: among the Jews after the captivity, a synagogue. II. a drawing together, contracting. cruv-aycoviojjuu, f. -tao/jiai Att. tow/zcu : Dep. : to contend along with, to share or take part in a con- test : to help in a contest. Hence os, ov, one that has a brother or sister. cruv-aSuicco), f. rjaca, to join in doing wrong or injury. Ion. : f. aaofj.ai : to sing with or together, to accompany in a song. 2. generally, to accord with, agree with. II. c. ace. to sing of i or celebrate together. trvv-aeipw, aor. I -yeipa, poet, form of avvaipca. II. to yoke together: Mtd.toyoke together for oneself. avv-atjjo), poet, for avvavoj. trvv-aOXeco, f. 770-0;, to contend along with, share or take part in a contest. o-w-o0potco, f. aw, to gather together, assemble. o-vv-aiy8Tjv, Adv. (avv, atoaej) pressing violently together. aifjiov strife between kinsmen; Zets vvai}j.os Jove the protector of kin: as Subst., avvai- fjios, 6, 77, a kinsman or kinswoman, a brother or sister. o"uva(p.wv, ovos, 6, 17, = avvaifjLos. (Fvv-aiveco, f. taw, to join in praising or approving: to agree or come to terms with a person. II. to agree to a thing, grant it at once. aw-aCvCjjiai, defect. Dep. to take hold of together, to gather up : Ep. 3 sing. impf. avvaivvro. crvv-aipo, fut. 770-0;: fut. 2 avvf\&: aor. 2 avve?\ov Ep. avvc\ov, part. ovvc\uv : (cf. cupe'co) : to grasp or seize together, seize at once. 2. to bring into small compass, comprise, comprehend; hence, vve\wv \4yca I say briefly. II. to help to conquer or sub- due: metaph. to cut short, make an end of, destroy. o-vv-aCpa) poet, o-vvaetpco (q. v.), to raise, lift, or take up together ; avvaipftv \6yov to cast up ac- counts. II. Med. to take part in a thing, c. gen. rei : to help bear or support, undertake jointly. III. Pass, to be joined, knitted together. , f. doca, to fight along with. crvv-aix^dXcoTOS, ov, a fellow-prisoner. erw-auopeop-ai, Pass, to be held in suspense with. , f. oca, to blossom or or flourish together. crw-aKoXacrraivto, to live dissolutely together. crvv-aicoXov0a>, f. fioca, to follow along with or closely : to follow an argument, understand. , f. ioca, to throw a javelin together or tit the same time. O-W-SKOVCO, f. -o.Ko-uoop.ai, to hear along with or at the same time. 2. to hear one another. crwaicTCQv, verb. Adj. of ovvdyca, one must bring together. cruvaKTiKos, 17, ov, (owd-yca) able to bring together : TU OWO.KTIKUV power of accumulation in oratory. &>, f. iftca, to smear together, daub over : to help to anoint. , f. few, (ovv, aAta) = ovvaXifa. , f. ioca : aor. i Ion. ovvd\ioa : to gather together, collect, assemble: Pass, to come together, meet. .: fut. -a/z<>efa> : aor. 2 -rffjurfoxw, inf. -apmoxeiv : to cover up entirely, wrap closely : mq- taph. to shroud. oTpo.s, a, ov, both together : used both m sing, and plur. trvv-avafiaivo) : f. -c to go up along with or together, esp. of going up into central Asia from the coast. 669 |Ai, to give up along with or together. ^crvv-avaiplo), f. -fjoca, to take away or destroy along with or together. II. to give the same answer. , f. fco, to entwine together. o-uv-avairpdo-cra) Att. -TTOJ, f. feu, to join in exacting payment. a>, f. if/ca, to turn back together: Pass. to live along with or among. , f. fa>, to melt with or together. o-vv-avaTpcx 40 , f- -0/>efa>, to run up along with. 0Y'Y o f JLal > Dep. to cry out together. cruv-avacj>t)p [(f>v], to knead or mix up together : Pass, and Med. to have constant intercourse with, to \ associate constantly with. o-uv-avaxpp.7TTOp,cu, Dep. to cough up together. o"uv-avicrrr]p.i,, to make to stand up or rise toge- ther. II. Pass,, with act. aor. 2 -avforrjv, pf. -aveorijKa, to rise at once or together. 2. to help in setting up again or restoring. (rw-avrdw Ion. a> : f. rjocu : .aor. I -^vrrjffei : to meet face to face : generally, to meet together, as- semble. II. to meet with. III. -of things, to happen to one. Hence , f. do-cu, = [i;], to come to an e?id together with. , f- ^^ ' ^ a ^ away with : Pass-, to be led away together with or besides. a\ds to get their heads , f. -Prjaofjtai, to go away along with o-vv^xpecncco, f. -aptffct) : to please or satisfy toge- or together : to disembark along with. ther. , 3 sing. pf. 2 of ffvvapapifffco}. axiv-apOp os, ov, (avv, dpOpov) linked together : in accordance with. , f. "fjffo}, to count along with. (Tuv-dpi0(xos [a], ov, (ffvv, dpiOpos} included in a j number. II. of like or equal number. , f. i\G, f. aw, to do feats of bravery together. cruv-dpuTTOs, ov, (ffvv, apiarov} breakfasting with. [a] crviv~ap|A6u Att. -TTCO '. f. ocrcu Dor. 6oo : Pass., aor. I avv-rjpfJLoaOrjv : pf. rjpftoafjiai : to Jit together, close, join exactly; , f. a, f. -aTroOavovfjiai : aor. 2 -aire&a- vov : to die together with. , to be tired or worn out together. trvv-airoKTCivo), to kill along with or together. crw-airoXajipavco, f. -Aij^o/^ai : to receive from an- other with or together: to take or receive in common. , f. fyca, to shine forth together. fut. -aTToAa) : to destroy with or together ; avvairoXXvvai rovs (pi\ovs to involve one's friends in one's own ruin : Pass., with pf. 2 -cnro- Acy\a, to perish along with or together. cruv-airoXoYtojJuu, f. ijtro/zat, Dep. to join or help in defending. , to make to wither away together: Pass, to fade away or wither together. , f. ^o>, to send away together. orw-airoppif|Yvvjii, f. -prjgcu, to break ojf together. aivo|Jiai, Med. to declare together. epa>, to carry off along with or together. cruvairros, 17, ov, also os, ov, verb. Adj'. joined toger ther, fastened, tied : continuous. From ow-dimo, f. -capca : aor. I ovvrjif/a : Pass., pf. ffvvfjfj.-- pat '.to tie or join together, unite ; ffwairrfiv irooa to meet ; avvairretv P\((papa to close the eyes ; aw- airreiv aro^a to join lips, to kiss ; awcnrrtiv p.t]xa.vi]V to frame, concert a plan ; ^WCLTTTCIV nvl Kaaa tofasten II. impers., like Lat. placet, o~vvapf0K(i @\e(papa to close the evil upon him. II. to make persons engage or eyelids ; etx f P t ', fut. daca or dffofjiai : aor. I ffvvrjpiraffa : to carry off or away with one : Pass, to be seized and carried off. 2. to holdfast together : Med. aor. I vvapndffaff6ai, of a wrestler, to seize and hold one fast. 3. metaph. to seize with the mind, catch at. cruv-apTctto, f. jyffcw : aor. I ffvvrjpTijffa : to hang up with : to fasten on along with, knit together : Pass. to be closely engaged or entangled with. , to ride jointly with : to be a col- league in office ; 6 avvdp\o:v a colleague. ow-apwyos, ov, a joint-helper. o-uv-acrefJeco, f. ijao}, to join in impiety. o"uv-acrKco, f. ijcrcw, to practise together, join in prac- tising. foolish along with. , f. rjao}, (ffvv, a ^ -SiGrypwo-o/zat, to decide along o-w-aTuxi>, f. 170*0;, to be unlucky with or together, to share a person's ill luck. a~uv-a,va.lv(i),f.avui,to dry quite up: Pass./o wither away. , f. 170-0;, to speak together: to agree, con- fess, allow. a-w-avXea), f. 170-0;, to accompany on the flute. Hence with, join in decreeing. o-uvavXia, 17, a playing on the flute together, a con- \ oTJv-SiaiTaopii, f. -oiaTrjaofjiat : Dep.: (avv, Siai- cert ; vvav\iav K\deiv OvKv^-nov vop-ov to sob one-i- Tao;) : to live with or together. of Olympus' pieces in concert. 2. any concert, \ trvv-SiaiTTjTTjS, ov, 6, a joint arbitrator, agreement, fellowship. crvv-SiaKivStiveva), f. 0*0;, to meet danger along with, , f. -\vaca [t>], to help to reconcile : ther : in concord or union with, harmonious : metaph. Med. to help to pay. agreeing with, in harmony with. j o"uv-8iap,vo>, f. fjicvw, to continue with throughout. cniv-avXos, ov, (avv, av\r}} dwelling together or | , f. aw, to bring to remembrance with ; ff. fMvia associated with madness, i. e. mad. avv-avdvo> and Att. -TTCO, f. fo;, to carry through or effect together : Med. to negotiate with. to assist in rescuing. cruv-aC, f. o>, to kill together with another. orvv-SaivujjLi, f. -Sauro;, to feast along with or toge- together; esp. with a master, of ther; avvSaiaai -ydpovs rivi to share a marriage feast ; rpifiovrcs the disciples of Socrates. , f. o*o>, to help in preserving. crx)v-8iaTaXanra>pt0, f. 170-0;, to endure hardship with or together. , f. -TfXfau, to continue with through- out or to the end. p, opos, o, a companion at table, messmate. I pco, f. -Sioiaoj, to carry through or over . o-w-SaKvca, f. -S^o/jLai, to bite or champ together, \ with. II. to bear throughout along with or toge- b&ldfast between the teeth. ( in sustaining. >, f. -fpQepta, to destroy with or toge- , f. do"o>, to bribe in a lump, to bribe all together. crw-80|xai, fut. med. -Serjaonat: aor. I pass. -68617- 6r)v : Dep. : to beg along with, to join in begging. oniv-8) bound together, bound hand and foot, Lat. constrictus. TOV, TO, a band, bond. o~uv-8ia<|>i)\a, f. , to take in hand together, assist in managing. crvv-8ueip,i, inf. -StefteVat in detail along with. , f. ijao;, (avvoiKos) to defend one accused, to be the defendant's advocate : generally, to speak for or in support of any thing. , f. -8170-0;, to bind together ; ffvvofjffai nva I the prosecutor's : generally, an advocate, supporter, to bind him hand and foot : to bind up a wound. ; backer. 2. at Athens after the thirty Tyrants, avv- 672 , f. -Soo; and -doKrjaca, to seem alike to several : to seem good to another also : 0wSo/f, im- pers. like Lat. placet, ffvv8oKe?7)[iiv we are all agreed : the neut. part, is also used absol., ffwdotcovv airaaiv vp.iv since it seems good to all of you, since you all agree; , f. affca, to test or examine along with. crw-8oa.a>, f. do*. atv-8ovXos, o, f], serving with: as Subst, avvSovXos, v, a fellow-slave. o, by pairs, Lat. bint. cruv-8vori5xw, f- "h5eKa, of, at, TO,, every twelve, by twelves or dozens. , aor. 2 , Dor. for avveprjv, aor. 2 o-uvej3T|v, aor. 2 of ovp&aivfa. crvv^YYus, Adv. quite near, close to, hard upon. a, pf. of av\\afji0dvQ}. Ep. -eep-yo) old form -6p*yo> : Ep. impf. avvtepyov : Ep. aor. 2 ffvveepyaOov : f. ffvvtip, f. ^Sijcrojucu, to embark together with. , intr. to make an inroad into a coun- try together, join in an incursion or invasion. , f. Tr\fvffOfMj.i, to sail into together. orvv-eio-irpao-aco Att. -TTCD, f. cy, to help in exact- ing money from others. pci>, to join in paying the war-tax (flff- d). , f. -Prjffopai, to go out together. oruv-K|3a\\a>, f. -/3aA.a>, to cast out along with : to assist in casting out. avv-6icpi|3a.a>, f. -etcfr&dffca Att. -eK0i0u>, Causal of |j.i, f. (Kouffca, to give out together : to help a poor man in portioning out his daughter. , f. -(KSvffca [u], to strip off together : Med. to strip oneself of or put off together. , f. -fKOavovftai, to die along with or together : metaph. to fail or be exhausted together. crw-6KKa(.8Ka, sixteen together, by sixteens. , f. tyca, to help to steal away; nia>, f. OQJ, to help in carrying out. II. to help in bearing or supporting. o-vv-eKKoirrco, f. tyoo, to help to cut out or away. , f- 1 7 , f. ffca, to join in forcing with a lever. , to send out together. , f. data [a], to pass out together. [t], f. -Trio/wit, to drink off together. , f. -ireaovfiai, to rush out along with. II. of the votes taken out of the voting urn, to fall out in agreement with each other, to con- *bur : c. dat. to come out equal to another, run a dead heat with. III. to fall out, be thrown out, fail together. Att. -TT, f. ffco,to help in preserving or delivering. Att. -TTCO, f. QJ, to arrange in line or battle order along with others. [t], f. -riff at [t], to pay along with, to help in paying. a>, f. -Opitfxu, to rear up along with: Pass, to grow up with. , f. -efcdpafjiovnat : aor. 2 -ff5pafj.ov : to run out along with, to sally out together. cruveKvpijtra and pto, f. -foiffoj, to carry out together to burial : to attend a funeral. crweAajBov, aor. 2 of av\\ajj.^dvoa. o-uv6\ : f. -c\dffiu [a] : aor. I -TjXaaa Ep. -\affffa : pf. e\rj\aKa : to drive, force or bring together; ffvveXavveiv oSovras to gnash the teeth together, to set together, match in combat, set to Jigbt. 2. intr., 4'ptSt vve\avviv to meet in quarrel. cruveXetv, tnivcXev, Ep. inf. and 3 sing. aor. 2 of cvvaipto). o-uv-eXevOcpoo), f. uffca, to join in freeing from : absol. to join in freeing or delivering. aweAv0T]V, aor. I pass, of ovKXa^dvca. o'tweXOctv, aor. 2 inf. of ffvvfpxopai. , f- -0a\>, to put in along with, help in putting in. II. intr. to fall in or upon together, join in attacking : to make a joint inroad, Hence , f. -atfovffoiMU, to hear of a thing all together. , f. -ajMipT^aofjuii to err along with, to commit a joint error, have part in a fault. ww-eavi, f. 170-0;, to cheat along with or to- gether. poet. -aeiSw, to join in celebrating. Ep. 170-0;, to approve or advise together : to join in advising or recommending : to approve, agree to. II. to join in praising. (ruv-ir, f. ajaaj, to join in re-establishing. pop,at, Med. to join in bringing in. (ruv-eircKiriva) [t], f. irto/xcu, to drink ojf quickly. pvva> [u], to help to make light, to help to bear or sustain. crvv-eirepljoj, f. iffoj, to contend with. aor. 2 aor. 2 , aor. 2 of avvefpiarrjfu. cruv-'iriJX o P' ai > f- tvofjiai, Dep. to join in a prayer: to vow at the same time. o-vv-c-iTTjxew, f. 170*1;, to join in singing, join in a chant or chorus. crvv-iri|3aCvto, f. -$170-0 juat, to mount together i upon. II. to enter upon along with. , f. o"o;, to join in plotting against. '. cruv-mYp5vs, a fellow-registrar, fellow-clerk. I , f. rjaoa, to desire along with. o"uv-mKi|jiai, f. -Keiffoftai, Pass, to press upon to- I gether, to join in attacking. crvv-ciriicotrp,(i>, f. 170-0;, to help to array or adorn. ouv-6mKOvpo>, f. 170-0;, to join as an ally, help to support or relieve. ta>, f. iaca, to lighten at the same time. o-vv-cmKpSSaivw, to move backwards and forwards together with. cruv-ciriXafApdvojJiai, f. -67n\i7^ojucu, Dep. to take part in a thing together, have a share in : to take part with a person, support him. \ o-vv-cmjJiapTvpeco, f. 170^0;, to join in attesting or ratifying : to confirm. I (rvv-eirifieXcojxai, Dep., with fut. med. -Tjafofjiat, aor. | 1 pass. -irfte\r)07)v : to join in taking care of: to . have joint charge of: to join in providing. \ o^v-irt|jiXTjTT|S, ov, 6, one who joins in taking care I of, an associate, coadjutor. ; (Tvveirtov, aor. 2 of avfiirivca. ! o"uv-mirXKG>, f. o>, to help to twine or plait. , f. -irXfiiaofjiai, to join in sailing against together, to make a naval expedition in concert. w\)n,t, f. -eirippuffca, to help to strengthen. to examine along with or together. , f. do-cy [a], to draw on together: crvv-cmcrreXXco, f. -arfXcD, to send with or together. cruv-emtTTpaTCtKo, f. au, to make war together with. w, f. tyoj, to assist in turning a person to a thing. , to join in performing or ac- complishing. Att. o-vv-cpw, fut. without any pres. in OS. Med. to draw along with or together : to draw to one- use (ffwayopevca or 9vftrjfU being used' instead) : self, draw over to one's own views. I shall speak with or in support of, advocate, o-uvcmcnrop-evos, aor. 2 inf. and support. part, of avvf)(irofj.ai. o-vv-eplOos, (5, also fj, a fellow-worker, helpmate. , f. O~QJ, to join in urging fonuard. oaivepicTiKos, 77, ov, (avvcpyca) of a speaker, driving crvv-cmo'Tap.av, Dep. to know along with, be privy to. his opponent into a corner, cogent, forcible. f. \jjca, to creep together. , aor. I of avppdffffca. , pf. pass, of avpp-qyvvp.1. aor. I of ffvpprjjvvfjLt. , pf. 2 intr. of avpprjfvvfju. f. c\(vffOftai: aor. 2 act. rj\0ov, pf. - f. \rj\vda : Dep. : to go along with or together. 1 1 . to come together, meet: to have dealings or inter- course with. 2. in hostile sense, to meet in battle, encounter, Lat. concurrere: of a battle, to be engaged in. 3. c. ace. cognato, arparziav ffvve \6eiv to join in an expedition; ayov : to eat to- gether with. , f. -rjffu, to share in happiness with. , f. -fvSrjffca, to sleep or lie with ; 6 wfv- Scav xpovos the time which sleeps with one, i. e. which passes while one is asleep. , f. aw, to make to sleep together, to marry to each other : Pass, to lie with. , to be fortunate along with or together. o-w-cvxopai, f. -ofMi, Dep. to pray with or toge- ther, to join in making a prayer. crw-6va>X60p-ai, to feast with or together. (rvvc^ayov, used as aor. 2 of avveffQica. dirTOp,ai Ion. -eirdirrofjiai : f. -6^>d^o/zat : Dep. : to lay bold of, put band to along with or to- gether, c. gen. rei. 2. c. gen. pers. to join in at- tacking. XKCI>, f. irop,ai, aor. 2 -f(pfffiroiJ.r)v Ion. -irfffTr6fJ.r)v : Dep. : to follow along with or together. K]pos, ov, at the age of youth together. i(TTT]|Ai, to place over together : metaph. to make attentive : also (sub. rov vovv) to attend to. II. Pass., with aor. 2 act. -eirtffrrjv, pf. -cpaa, aor. I of ffvfjuppdffffca. vir])juu, pf. of avvcaveo/j.ai. crtn'-tjpaa), f. rjaoj, to pass their youth together: to be young together. cruv-TjpoXeo), to fall in with. cruv-Tjpos, ov, (ffvv, TJ/3n) young at the same time : as Subst., 0vv7]0os, 6, 17, a young friend or comrade. aor> 2 or v, ov, gen. ovos, (ffwh/jju) joined together, united: a companion. aw-Tjopos Dor. and Att. crw-dopos, ov, (avv, aiw- put together, feigned, forged. 677 III. metaph. agreed upon, covenanted; awOerov by agreement, Lat. ex compacto. , f. rjoca, to contemplate together : to go , f. rjaca, to row with: generally, to an agreement, arrangement: in plur. articles of work or ply with, befriends with. crvvT]p, f. -fjaca, to throw a shade over. From T|S, *s, (GVV, fpt(f)ca) thickly shaded, cover- ed over. , f- "t\GG3, to sound or ring together. crt)VTjX^ 7 l v > aor - l P ass - f owd-yca. , to sit with or together, to sit in council with, take counsel with. From o-vv-0dKOS, ov, sitting with or together. 2. shar- ing in, partaking of. , to be astounded along with. o"uv-0d\ira>, f. \f/a>, to warm with or together : me- taph. to soothe by flattery. aw-0cnrTci>, f. fyca, to bury with or together : Pass. to be buried with or together. , poet, for ffvvfOf\ca. eruv0p.a, arcs, r6, poet, for avv9r]pa. eruv0|xevos, aor. 2 med. part, of avvridrj/u. , f. daca [a], to hunt with or together: Med. to catch together : Pass, to be caught and bound together. , f. daca [a], to crush along with or together. avv-0X{3&> [f], f. 1//W, to press together, compress. aw-0vT|o-Kco : f. -Oavovftai : aor. 2 -(Qavov, inf. -Oaveiv : to die with or together. , f. wffca, to break in pieces, shiver. , f. ata, to break in pieces, crush, shiver. 0"uv-0pi)vos, ov, mourning with or together. avv-0povos, ov, sitting on the same seat or throne with : ruling jointly. avv-0poos, ov, sounding with, in harmony with. o"uv-0pv'irT&>, f. if/ca, to break in pieces, crush: metaph. to enervate, weaken. , to settle down, collapse, shrink. 2. to sink, fall, of the wind. o-vv-iw, f. -irjaa}, intr. to sit together, to hold a sitting. OTjv-C-r]p,i Att. uvC7][U [for the quantity, see fy/w] : impf. awirjv or avvifiv : f. ffvvrjaca or ovvrjoo^at : aor. I avviJKa: pf.Gvvt?Ka: also (as if from )3 pi. pres. avviovai. inf. avvtfiv, imperat. vvifi, inf. avviffj.(v ; 3 cnjv06TOS, ov, also 77, ov, ((TWTiOrjfJu} put together, sing. impf. ovviti, 3 pi. gvvifoav Ep. wifv; also (as if ompounded of parts, compound: complex. II. j from avvica') impf. 3 pi. vviw, aor. I {vvirjico.: aor. 2 678 imperat. vves ; aor. 2 med. 3 sing, vvero, 3 pi. subj. ovvw'tJitQa : to send, bring or set together, Lat. committere. II. metaph. /o perceive, hear : to take notice of, observe, understand, know. III. Med. to come to an understanding about a thing. e\os, ov, (crvv, vecp&jj) cloudy, overcast. ea>, f. rjaca, to collect clouds. II. intr. to be clouded over : impers. avvvfTis, fs, (ffvv, Vf f- ~J UCU Dep. to swim together with. cruv-vlKao), f. rjffca, to have part in a victory with. II. transit, to help in conquering. crvv-vot'o), f. 170-0;, to think upon together, to think over, meditate or reflect on : also in Med. Hence avvvoia Ion. OITJ, 77, meditation, thought : anxious thought, trouble. i. consciousness. aw-vo|jio06Tco, f. 770-0;, to be a joint-lawgiver. crvv-vofxos, ov, (ovv, i/e/xcu) feeding or herding to- nnite: to associate, band together; also to annex, at- \ gether, consorting: metaph. consorting with. 2. tach to. 2. to put together, organise, compose, create, frame : hence to arrange, contrive, concert to- gether. 3. to bring together as friends, introduce, recommend : to advise one to do. 4. to produce, exhibit, represent to one. 5. to make firm or solid, harden. II. Pass., with aor. 2 act. pf. ffvveoTrjica, part. ffvvfaTrjKus contr. uiaa, das, Ion. ffvveffTeuts, eoVa, ews : to stand to- gether, stand in close order: also to stand one's ground. 2. to meet or come together : in hostile sense, to join battle, to engage, encounter, and of the battle, to be joined, to begin: absol., ffvveffTrj KOTOW ToV ffTpaTTjytav when the generals were in dispute. 3. of friends, to form a league or association, to club, league together ; TO vvi,f.au, to spend one's youth or be young with. o-uvvcvearai, 3 pi. pf. p ass . o f crvvveca. OTJv-viio>, f. o-o,, to bend together : also, 2. mtr. to incline to the same point, converge. II. to assent to or approve by a nod, consent. partaking or sharing in a thing : hence, 3. as Subst., ovvvofJios, 6, f), one who lives with, a consort ; of birds, a mate; generally, a partner, fellow, com- panion, congener. (ruv-voos, ov Att. contr. vovs, ovv, thinking deeply , thoughtful, anxious. crw-votreto, f. 770-0;, to be ill together or along with. avv-vovs, ovv, contr. for avvvoos. avv-vujiJi(|)OK6jxos, ov, helping to deck a bride. o-vv-oSeva), f. aoj, to journey along with. Hence crvvoSCa, 77, a journey in company. II. a party of travellers, a caravan. crw-oSCnjs, ov, 6, a fellow-traveller. , f. 770-0;, to travel together. And dTJVoSonropCa, 77, a travelling together. From crw-oSotiropos, 6, a fellow-traveller. O"UV-o8oS, 0, T), = GVVOOOlTTOpOS. , f. waca, to bind one to another by ties of friendship. cruv-otKa>, f. 770-0; : pf. uKrjKa : to dwell or live together : of the scattered inhabitants of a country, to dwell together, form a community: of persons, to live together as man and wife : absol. to marry, wed : metaph. to be wedded or yoked to misery. II. to make to dwell in together : in Pass., of a country, to be thickly peopled. Hence , arcs, TO, that with which one lives ; o. a most unpleasant "house-mate. <7WoiK7jcrt.s, 77, ((TvvoiKftu) a dwelling or living to- gether : wedded life, marriage. , f. iffca Att. to), to make to live with : to give in marriage. 2. to make to live together, to \ join in one city; gvvoiKtffai rty Aeffpov ts rty Mtm- j \rjvrjv to concentrate all the people of Lesbos at j Mytilene. II. to join in peopling or colonising a country. Hence o-woiKurws, 77, a making to live togetherjoining un- der one city as a capital. orvvoucicrTT|p, Tjpos, 6, (ffvvoiKioi) one who joins in peopling, a fellow-colonist. crw-oiKoSofxtci), f. 770-0;, to build with or together: Pass, to be built up with other materials. , f. iffoj Att. iw, to pity along with or together. awoio-co, fut. of ffvp., f. 0;, to raise a loud cry together, pro- perly of women, and usually to raise a shout of joy. o-viv-oXos, ov, also 77, ov, all together : TO ffvvoXov the whole together. Hence , f. r)ffca,tofollow along with, attendupon. avv-op,-t]Xt| Dor. -ojxa\t|, TKOS, o, 77, a friend of the same age, a fellow, comrade. , (ffvv, opopoi) to border or abut on. 679 , ov, following along with, attending on. cruv-oirXos, ov, (ffvv, oir\ov) armed together, allied. crvv-opdco, f. ffwoif/o/MLi (as if from OWOTTTO/WU) : aor. 2 ffvveTSov, inf. ffvviSeiv (as if from ffvv-eiSca): to see together or at the same time. II. to see all at once, take in all at a glance : to take a view of a thing. [t], to stir up together or violently: Pass, to be moved or urged on together. , f. iffca, to bring to anchor together. cruv-opvvjjLi, = ffvvopivca : Ep. aor. 2 pass. part, avv- oppfvos, having started or set forth together. o"uv-opos Ion. crvvovpos, ov, bordering on ; /c6vis irtjXov Kaffis vvovpo$ dust twin-brother of mud. orvv-opo6<0, f. woo), (ffvv, bpofyrj} to roof all over, cover completely. o"uv-ovpos, ov, Ion. for ffvvopos. crvv-ovpvoo[jwH, f. med. wffopai : pf. pass, -ajtypv- cafj.ai: Dep.: (ffvv, bKO', for ffvvoKcaxtt, Ep. intr. pf. of ffvvfx, f be held together, come together ; 07/0; firl ffrrjOos ovv- ox, f. 770-0;, to endure hardships toge- ther, to share in misery. , Ion. for awrffj-vca. cruv-Tavvw, = avvrfivca, to bring together into one. truvTais, (&s, 77, (ffvvTa.ffff(u) a putting together in order: of soldiers, a drawing up in order, a complete array: hence 2. order, arrangement : organisa- tion, system. 3. a body of troops. 4. in Gramni. 680 the combination of words and sentences, syntax. II. a covenant, contract. 2. a contribution, quota. 3. = cwTa-y/xa, a contingent of soldiers. 4. a settled rate of remuneration. o-uv-Tfipdoro-a) Att. -TTttf : f. (o : aor. I -tT&pa^a : Pass., aor. I -fTapdxOrjv. pf. -TfTapayfMi:to throw into utter confusion, to disturb, Lat. conturbare : to trouble, confound, perplex, disquiet : Pass, to be thrown into utter confusion : to be much disturbed, troubled, disquieted, vexed. crvv-Tao-o-ft) Att. -TTW: f. , pf. TfTOJta, pass. rcra/iat : to stretch together, strain, draw tight: metaph. to exert, strain: Pass, to exert oneself, use all one's endeavours. II. intr. to exert oneself, strive, Lat. contender e. 2. to direct one's powers to one object, tend towards, Lat. tendere ad. , f. -fjaoj, to breed children with another. , f. woo), to help in breeding: also to breed. Ion. -rap-yco: fut. -Tf/icD: aor. 2 erfftov : to cut in pieces, to chop up. II. to cut down, cut short, Lat. concidere : metaph. to cut short, abridge, curtail. III. intr. (sub. odov), to make a short cut: (sub. \6yov), to cut the matter short, speak briefiy, concisely : TOV \puvov ovvrd^vovTOS as the time became short. , to whistle an accompaniment. s, Adv. pf. pass. part, of OVVTCIVOJ, ear- nestly, eagerly, vigorously. o~uvTTapaY[Jia,i, pf. pass, of ovvTapdoou. : f. Tprjoca : aor. I fTprjoa : pf. pass. -Tf rprjfja.1 : to bore through so as to meet, to ! perforate:- Pass, to be connected by openings or eban- I nels. II. metaph., ovvTtTpaivftv pvdov Si' urrtav to let words pierce through the ears, sink deeply. 0 ^> a fellow-workman. | crw-TT|Kft), f. , f. 770-0), to watch closely; to preserve, keep safe : keep in mind. 2. to watch one's opportunity. | cruv-ri0T]|xi, f. -fl^crcy: to place or put together, ' to add together. 2. to put together so as to form a whole, frame, construct : to compose. 3 . to com- pose a book. 4. to contrive, devise. 5. to put together in one, unite, comprehend. II. Med. ffvvTtQffjmi : aor. I ffvveOrjKdftqv : aor. 2 avvfOefj-ijv : | to put together for oneself, perceive, observe, take heed to; ov 6e avvdeo do thou take heed, 2. to sef. in order, organise. 3. to agree on, conclude : to covenant or contract to do a thing. , to shake together, shake to the foundations, shake violently, Lat. coticutere : to con- fuse, confound. a>, f. -Optyoj, to feed besides, help to feed : Pass, to grow up together, live together. II. of liquids, to congeal : Pass, to be congealed, freeze. , f. i\ata, 17, a being reared together : a brood. From os, ov, (avvTpttyca) brought up together with : of the same origin as. 2. generally, living with : familiar, ordinary, common : of animals, brought rip together. 3. natural, usual, common. II. act., avvTpo(f>os ^wfjs helping to preserve life. , fut. -Tev^o/xai : aor. 2 -frvxov : to meet with, fall in with : to converse, speak with : o avvrv\wv, like 6 rv\wv, the first that meets one, any one : TO ovvrv\ov the first thing that comes to hand, anything common or mean. II. of accidents, to happen to, befal: absol. to happen, fall out, chance; (v gvvrvxovTcov if things should go well: impers., ffvvTvyx aVf i ovvtTvx* it happened that . . . aw-TV\i.^pv\f, i.rjoo), to join in slaying tyrants. a-upyao-Tpos. 681 cruv-rvpoo), f. waoj, (avv, rvpos} to make into cheese together, hence to concoct, Lat. concoquere. , f. 77O"a>, to join in serving or assisting. aiva>, aor. I -vtyrjva, [t)J : aor. I pass, -ixpdv- 0r)V : to weave together : metaph. to combine as in one web, frame cunningly. 8ivci> [t] , to be in travail together : to share in any agony. KT)pia>, f. crew, (owcapis) to yoke together : Med. to link with oneself. j piKvop.ai, Dep. to drive a avvcapis. From i o-vvcopts, t'Sos, 77, (awaopos) a pair of horses or mules, j a two-horse chariot. II. generally, a pair or couple of anything, Lat. biga. III. that which binds together, a pair of fetters. cnjv-a>6\eco, f. 77*70;, to join in helping : absol. to \ be of use, assist together : Pass, to derive profit \ together. (Tuvbxkpucoiievos, pf. part, of avvo(ppvoofjta.i. xaS6v, Adv. (avvex) f Time, perpetually, continually : continuously. o-vo-KTctcria, T), (avs, KTfivca) a slaying of swine. o-Co-4>6vnr]S, ov, 6, (avs, *6vTts, tSos, 77, fem. of avo) a player on the Pan's pipe (ffvpiyg), a piper. Svpiori, Adv. (Svpos) in tbe Syrian language. oLvi Att. -^rrco, f. ca, ovppr)yvv/M in intr. sense, to dash together, clash tog ether, fight with, Lat. confiigere. o-vp-pe^w, f. o>, to sacrifice together. o-vp-po, f. -pfvffo^iai: pf. -fpptrjKa : aor. 2 in pass, form -eppvrjv : to flow together or in one stream : jnetaph. of men, to flow or stream in together. o-up-pTi-yvuju or -vco : f. -prj^ca : aor. I avvtpprj^a : Pass. aor. 2 avveppayrjv [a] : pf. ffWppr)yfj.ai, but also pf.^2 jntr. ffvvfppcaya :to break to pieces : ffvp- prjat els v to break up and make into one : metaph. in Pass, to be broken down by sufferings. II. Pass. and intr. in Act. (esp. in pf. 2 ffvvfppaya} : to break or fall to pieces, to be broken tip and run together : of rivers, to run into one another : of war, to break out. (rxip-pi6o|jLCH, Pass, (avv, pi^oca) to have the root, united : to take root together with. 2upTis, LOOS, 17, (cripco) a sand-bank in the sea : of the sand-banks on the coast of Africa, of which there were two, the Syrtis Major and Minor. a, d/eos, 6, (Gvpoj) o~vp$fT6$. II. as Adj. swept together like refuse, vulgar, promiscuous. aup<|>T6s, o, (o"upcy) anything swept together, refuse, litter, rubbish, Lat. quisquiliae. II. metaph. a mixed crowd, mob, rabble. 2TT.fi [u] : f. avput : aor. I eovpd : pf. aeovpKa : Pass., aor. 2 Iffvpqv [u] : pf. olavpnai : to draw, drag, trail along : to drag by force, force away, hale : generally^ to sweep away. 2T'2, o and 17, gen. avos, ace. avv : nom. pi. ovts, ace. avas contr. avs, dat. aval Ep. avfaffi : Lat. SUS, = vs, a swine, pig, whether hog or boar, or sow; avs Kairpios a wild boar. crv-o-KcSavvvjju, f. -aKr)Sda, f. do*cy, to put baggage or furniture to- gether, to pack up : generally, to make ready, pre- pare; to contrive, concert. II. Med. to pack up one's own baggage, and generally to pack up : part, pf. pass, ffwcfffffvaafifvos or crvo~KCvaffa.fji.fvos all packed up, in marching order. 2. to prepare, make ready, provide. 3. to contrive, concert. 4. ge- nerally, to bring together, scrape together for one's own use : to band together. Hence opw, f. rjffoj, to carry baggage together. o"u-peo|xai, f. rjaoyLai, Dep. to contrive, devise, concert. O-V-CTKTJVCCO, f. ijao), to live in the same tent or house with another, to lodge together: to mess with any one. Hence orvo-KT)vr]TT|p, Tjpos, 6, one who lives in the same tent, a messmate, Lat. contubernalis. -, f. ojffQ), = ffvo"Kr)Vf(a. , f. daoj, to throw a shade quite over, to cover entirely. ati-cncios, ov, (ovv, ffKta) shaded over, shaded. o-v-o-KOireco, to contemplate along with or together. crv-, f. acra), (o grow or become dark : irn- pers., avffKOTafci it grows dark. iraw, f. ata t to look sad or glocmy together. cnxrirapdo'O'a) Att. -TTCO, f. ca, to rend in pieces. cru-crircui>, f. daca [a], to draw or squeeze together: of skins, to sew together. , to sow or sprinkle together. 4 cru-ar-ircvSci), f. - air f iaca, to join in making a liba- tion : Med. to join in making a peace, treaty, etc. 8a>, f. oca, to join in hastening or promoting, to lend a helping hand. the flesh of the victim at a sacrifice. cru-(TTTOv8os, ov, (avv, 0*7701/877) making a libation with : joining in the same treaty. , f. daca, to make haste along with or together, to be in earnest about a thing. II. trans. to pursue or manage zealously together. o"ucr-, f. T70"cu, (avaairos) to eat or mess with : to eat or mess together. Hence ) eating together with or in common : as Subst., avaanos, 6, a messmate. O"uaj, f. oca, to help to save or deliver. av(T-(r(ojJLOS, ov, (avv, owftd) united in one body. cruo'-povi>, f. rjaca, to be a partner in tem- perance. avoraSov, Adv. (avviOTafjiai) standing close toge- ther : of fighting, at close quarters, Lat. comimis. v, (avviaTT) /it) of or for bringing together, introductory, commendatory; 77 emo-TcAr; a letter of introduction. o-v-oTavpoo), f. uaca, to crucify along with* Jo. 683 cr\i-crreya, f. daca, to cover together or entirely. (Tu-crreAAa), f. -<7TeAo): aor. I -eo"TtAa: pf. act.-e'0T- a\tca, pass. -(OTaXpai : to draw together, draw in : hence to shorten sail. 2. to draw in, contract, com- press, condense : Pass, to be contracted, get smaller; avaT\\eadai et's drr&.CMU' to be drawn in towards economy, i. e. to retrench : so also in pf. pass. part. avveoTaXpevos, drawn in, brought into narrow com- pass, moderate. 3. metaph. to lower, bumble, abase : Pass, to be lowered or cast down. II. to wrap closely up, shroud, veil: Med., avare\\(aOai 6olp.dTiov to wrap one's cloak close round one; ffv- OTf\\aOai eavrov to gird up one's loins ; so aor. 2 pass. part. avoTaXeis ready for action. III. in Gramm. to use a syllable short. crv-av6,f.iaaca,to crown along with or together. , f. 770-0;, (avv, OTO?XOS) to stand in the same row or line with: to be coordinate or in conform- ity with, to correspond to. o-v-<>, f. ^cu : Pass., aor. 2 avvfaTpd, f. ca: aor. 2 pass, avvcafpdyrjv [a], inf. ava, f. au, (o pass one's leisure with or to- gether. 684 CTVTO , 3 sing, plqpf. pass, (with 6i6s, 6, lengthd. form for avtyeos. cru^os, o, (ffOs) a hog-sty ; ffvtptovot = els or irpus cvtyeov, to the sty. crv-6pj3iov, TO, (ays, op|36s, o, (ovs, a-yets, aor. 2 pass. part, of craYtis, ecus, 6, (o-ayq, 17, (o~ayfjvai) slaughter, butchery, sacrifice : the victim itself: atpayal nvpos the sacrificial fire. 2. a wound. II. the throat, L&t.jugulum, mostly in plur. cr4>aYido|a,cH, f. do~oficu, Dep. (atyd'yiov} to slay a victim, to sacrifice. II. more rarely an Act. aY occurs in the same sense, whence aor. I part. ff(payiaadei$ as Pass., having been sacrificed. Hence craY<da8a(rp,6s, 6, a spasm, convulsion. 2*A'ZH Att. O- : aor. I &rtpaa : Pass.,^aor. I fatydxOrjv: aor. 2 fffcpdyrjv [a]: fut. ffiftS.'YfjffOfj.ai : pf. Zafya.'yua.i : to slay by cutting the throat, Lat. jugulare : to slay, slaughter, sacrifice, immolate. 2tArPA, as, -fj, a ball, esp. a ball to play -with ; crtyaipr) iraifriv to play at ball; acupico, f. iaca, (afyaipa) to play at ball. cupiic6s, 17, w, (aQaipa') like a ball, spherical : rcl crtyaipiKd the science of the spheres, astronomy. oxjxuptov^To, Dim. of acpaipa, a small ball. c7(J)aipio-TTis, ov, 6, (cQaipifa') a ball-player. aipo-6t8ifjs, cs, (o"cpa?pa, ciSos) ball-like, globular, spherical : rounded, blunted. aip6u>, f. waoj : pass. pf. fatpaipw/Mii, plqpf. etrcpcu- to make globular or spherical :, Pass., arrjOfa o' (aTO his chest was round and arched. II. to tip with a ball or button ; aKovTia ecKpaipwfJieva spears tipped with buttons. oxjxupaxros, 17, ov, (er) rounded, made globu- lar. II. tipped with a ball or button. o-4>ttKe\ta), f. ooi, to be gangrened, mortify; efftpatf*- \io~ Te TO offTfov Koi 6 [typos fffdiTi] the bone became gangrened and the thigh mortified. From aK6\os, o, gangrene, mortification. 2. a spasm, convulsion : convulsive fury, [a] 5*A'KO2, o, the plant sage, Lat. salvia. [a] aKT6s, 77, ov, (<7aXels, aor. 2 part. pass, of ad\\a\ep6s, a, ov, (a(pd\\(o) making to fall, totter or stagger : metaph. slippery, perilous, precarious, Lat. lubricus. II. intr. ready to fall, tottering, stag- gering. Adv. -pus. o-^ttX-rjvai, aor. inf. pass, of ff(pd\\ca. oxjxiXXovTt, Dor. 3 pi. pres. of GdX|xa, CCTOS, TO, a stumble, false step. metaph. a failure, defeat, disaster. 2. a fault, failing, trespass. d|, Dor.- for ff(pri, a wasp. aor. I part, of aA'PArO5, o, a bursting with a noise, cracking, crackling. (Formed from the sound.) [ertpapaj o*4>as, enclit. ace. of o~fis. crds [a], ace. pi. fem. of ffd,TTa>, Att. for acpdfcu. o-tf* 6 * Ep. and Ion. enclit. ace. pi. masc. and fem. of ff(p(Ts, them. II. in Attic and later Poets, also ace. sing, him, her. ea, nom. and ace. pi. neut. of aos, Ep. and Ion. ace. pi. for o-tyas. Sav6s, T], 6v, collat. form of aTi\ai, aor. I inf. of at]\a, Ep. for %a\\(u. dat. i and crtyfv, very rarely used also for dat. sing.: shaped or peaked beard, as Mercury is represented : in accus. atytas Ep. also afyeias, also a(pe (both sing. Comedy old men were thus brought on the stage, and pi.). There are also some Aeol. and Dor. forms,4" crT]v6a>, f. wTTos, o, an Attic deme : Adv. 2f]TTOi at neut., which first occurs in Herodotus. The notion is Sphettus: Adj. 5<|>T|TTios, a, ov, a Spbettian. often strengthened by O.VTOS, as in v avr&v, aspects crl, iv, Ep. and Ion. dat. pi. of o~6v8dp,vlvos, ?/, ov, of maple wood, Lat. acernus : ecrtyiyxOrjv : pf. 6ff6v8ovd(i), f. 170*0;, to sling, to use the sling. II. j i/YKTT|p, rjpos, 6, a tight binder, a lace, band, to throw as from a sling, hurl violently, i. to move o^fyicTos, T?. ov, verb. Adj. of ffiyKrrjp. ox}>6v86vT], 77, a sling, Lzt.funda, being a strip of 2 i7> g en - 2lv, v. ff " o'4>o'y'Y t< * or4>oYY lov > 0-6V80VT1TT]S, OV, 6, oxj>S, Aeol. and Dor. for atptis. o-Tpta>, f. iaoj Dor. i6Spa, Adv., properly neut. pi. of aQofyus, very, own, appropriate, usurp : also as Dep. cr4>T6pCop.ai, V ery much, exceedingly, with vehemence. whence Dor. aor. I part. <7OAPO'2, d, ov, also os, ov, vehement, violent^ (rT6pos, a, ov, possessive Adj. of the 3rd pers. | excessive. II. of men, violent, impetuous : also Pron. ff(pfts, their own, their, belonging to them : i active, zealous. also of the 3rd pers. sing., his, hers. II. some- o-o8pvvvcaOai of the 2nd pers. pi., v[Ji(Tpos,your own : and of the rivi to put overweening trust in a thing, [v] 2nd pers. sing., = o*os, thy, thine own. i. of the 1st ox|>o8pu>s, Adv. of a^oSpos, violently: Sup. aovSvX.t], ?), Att. for ffTrovov\r), an i?izect which lives on the roots of plants, a kind of beetle. ov8v\ios, o, like atpovovXos, a verfebre. o-^ovSvXo-StvtjTOS, ov, (6vSv\os, 6, Att. for oirtvovXos, a vertebre, Lat. sing., l/ios, my own, mine. cr4>cov, Ep. and Ion. for afywv, gen. ^, dat. fem. of o~0os. T]KicrKOS, o, (o"07y^) a piece of wood pointed like a wasp's sting, a pointed stick or stake. crT)Koa>, f. waoj, (o*^)^) to make like a wasp, to pinch in at the waist : generally, to pinch in, bind tightly : Pass., ir\ox^ol xP vcr V r Ka ^ dpyvpw farjKojvTO (3 pi. plqpf.) the braids of hair were tight bound with fem., their, their own, like a^eVepos. gold and silver. oxj>paYi8iov, TO, Dim. of 0(ppayis. T]K-w8T]S, fs, contr. for fffyrjKOdSrjs, (ffpa,YiS-ovC^-apYO-KO}XT|TT]?, ov, 6, (T]Koj|jLa, aTos. TO, (tr^/coaj) the point of a helmet haired fellow that wears an onyx signet-ring. in which the plume is fixed. 1 crpaYici> Ion. : pf. pass. vertebra. II. any round body ; the rotind weight which twirls a spindle. (fftypayis) : to seal : to seal up, shut tip. II. generally, to mark as with a seal, stamp. III. metaph. to seal or stamp with ap- proval, limit, define, determine. 2*PATr5 Ion. pT]-yis, T8os, 17, a seal to mark ship. anything with : a seal, signet-ring : generally, a ring: \ toons. also the gem or stone for a ring. II. the impression of a signet-ring, a seal. III. anything sealed or marked with a seal, a token, ticket, passport, permit. , impf. ta\oiv, rare Att. form of aor. 2 imperat. of ex^, for o"X ' s - Ion. -IT), 77, a light boat or craft, raft, float; HpOfpivrj a raft of hides : poet, a boat, 2. a light bridge, a bridge of rafts or pon- trc}>pa,Yicr|j.a, arcs, TO, (acppayifa) an impression of a signet-ring, a seal. crxeSiaco, f. aapi-yd(i>, f. rjaca, to be full to bursting, to be plump and full, Lat. turgere, turgescere: esp. of horses, to be in full health and strength, Lat. vigere. II. metaph. to swell with pride ; avfo>, f. o>, to throb, beat violently : of the pulse, to beat; rci, i5pds, aSos, 77, Att. for airvpds, atrvpados, the dung of goats and sheep. cr^vp-TiXaTOS, ov, (atyvpa,, kXavvca) wrought or bea'en out with the hammer. II. metaph. wrought as out of iron, rigid. 2*TTO'N, TO, the ankle : metaph., dp9y o^crai em ffcpvpy to set upon upright ankle, i. e. to set up- right. II. metaph, the lowest part or base. v(r8a>, Dor. for avfa. oxjxo, apocopate Att. nom. and ace. for fftpwi : gen. and dat. au>iv. 2*$nE', dual masc. and fem. nom. and ace. of per- son. Pron. of 3rd pers. ; gen. and dat. atycaiv : they t^uo, both of them. 2*^T, nom. and ace. dual masc. and fem. of person. Pron. of 2nd pers. ; gen. and dat. atpwiv : you two, both of you. coiTpos, a, ov, possess. Adj. of 2nd person dual Cfpwi, of or belonging to you two. 2. as possess. Adj. of 3rd pers. dual ffo)V, contr. Att. for atywiv, gen. and dat. of oA.e/3cc to lance or open a vein. II. to let fall, let drop, let down : metaph., povTioa to let the mind go free. 2XA'AI / 2, ioos, 17, a forked stick, used as a ladder, Lat. scala : a forked stick, used as a prop for nets. II. at once, a, ov, (ax*dov) near, at close quarters; a close fight, hand to hand. o-xe860v, Adv. (ax^oov^from near, from nigh at hand : also nigh at hand, near. * n a row or line, one after another, successively. Compare crxs, aor. 2 imperat. ax^ , f. aaoj, ((rx^TXtos) to complain of hard- ship, to inveigh bitterly. Hence orxerXiao-jJios, 6, angry complaining, invective. axcTXtos, a, ov, also os, ov : (o"x e " / ) : properly, able to bear : I. of Persons, hardhearted, mer- ciless, cruel, savage. 2. much-suffering, un- flinching, hardy. 3. miserable, unhappy. II. ' shocking, horrid, abominable. cruel, of Things, Hence axcrXCcos, Adv. cruelly, abominably : Sup. TttTO. crxtTO, Ep. for ftrxfTo, 3 sing. aor. 2 med. of ex^- o'X'TJIAa,, O.TOS, TO, (, f. daoa, (crxoXry) to have leisure or spare gestures. 4. the fashion, manner, way of a thing ; trxTj/tti 0To\TJsfashionof dress. 5. the state, nature, constitution of a thing. 6. a figure in dancing ; in plur. steps-. Hence crxtjnaTico, f. iaca Att. to), to form, fashion, shape, arrange: so in Med., her hair, Lzt.fingere. form or position : to make steps or figures, to dance. II. Pass. <7X77J"ciT/b//ai, to be fashioned, dressed out, adorned in a certain way. 2. to de- oneself in a certain way, hence to pretend; dfMOfis clvai they pretend to be un- learned. 3. to gesticulate. crxTjp.oi.Tiov, TO, Dim. of GxnP*'* in plur. the figures of a dance; ax r )l ji v- ria Aa(urta Laconian^g"wres. shape or fashion a thing : Pass? to adopt a certain shape or appearance, to gesticulate. fut. of cx ^ at - f ff X^'n> use( l as Ad y - : in a leisurely way, slowly, late. 2. scarcely, hardly, not at all. trxoXiov, TO, (> lengthd. from 2A'H, SAO'H, 2H'n : f. aor. I Zaoaaa. : pf. aea&Ka. : Pass., aor. I kowOrjv : pf. fffffcaafJtai Att. aiocapai. From the obsol. o-aoco are formed fut. aawaca, aor. i act. laawaa [d] : fut. med. ff&uaofjiai : aor. I pass. faaajOijv. 2. from contr. pres. cruet) we have part, auovres, Ion. impf. crwc- (roi'. 3. from croto, subj. 0-077, aorjs, aocaai : to save, keep : "esp. to keep alive, preserve : Pass, to be saved, preserved ; ) a ro/>e- foe/> m m/rf, remember, opp. to StoXAvrai to forget ; dancer, Lat. schoenobdtes. mostly in Med. II. owfa is often used with the 5XOrNO5, 6, also 77, a r?/s^>, Lrt.juncus. 2. j additional sense of motion to a p'ace, /o 6rm^ one s/jar/), /o^ rzA or reed, used as a arrow ; also | so/e to : Pass, to get srfe cr escape to a place ; Is as a spit. 3. a place where rushes grow, a rush- j OIKOV (TaOrjvai (o be brought or get safe home. 2. bed. II. anything twisted or plaited of rushes, a ] aw&iv IK TroAe^ov, /o carry off safe, rescue from war; 688 (Xdpuv acaffat x^ova to rescue a country from the enemy. oxoO-qvai, aor. I inf. crtoKco, f. 7^o-cy, like ia\iio}, to have power or bodily strength : to be able to do, c. inf. From Sfl KO5, 6, stout, strong. 2coKpu.Tco, f. 770*a>, to do like Socrates, to imitate bis dress, gait, speech, etc. From 2coKpaTT]S, gen. eos conlr. ovs : ace. "Scaupdrij or 'Scafcpdryv : vocat. ^wnpares : Socrates, the philoso- pher. Hence 'V, TO, Dim. dear little Socrates. [T?] 5, 77, 6v, Adj. of ^caKpdrrjs, of or befitting Socrates, Socratic ; oi ^uKpariKoi the philosophers of his school, Socraties. 2jnAH'N, rjvos, o, a channel, gutter, pipe. 0-wp.a, aros, TO, the body: in Homer the dead body of man or beast, a corpse, carcase, whereas the living body is Se/ias : but later either of the living or dead body. 2. body, as opp. to soul (lf*>X$) 5 T ^ T v fftuparos pya bodily labours; al rov awfjuiros fjOovai pleasures of the body, sensual pleasures. 3. one's bodily existence, life. II. any material body. III. a person, human being : esp. of slaves, as opp. to other goods. crcop.-acrKco, f. 770*01, (ffSifjia, do*/(w) to exercise the body, train, to practise wrestling. Hence s, Adv. in bodily form. crcop-aTiov, TO, Dim. of ffw/M, a small body, [a] mop.aTO-i8T|S, cs, (aa)/ia, elSos) of the nature of a body, coporeal. ordopCi>, f. 170*0;, (o*cD/*a, (pOfipaai) to corrupt or enervate the body. crco}jiaTo-4>vXctKU>v, TO, (aojfM, QPO'5, 6, a heap, Lat. cumulus : a heap of torn : generally, a heap, quantity, store : a heap or mound of earth. 5}flT5, o, ff&v, TO, ace. sing. o*oV, ace. pi. masc. and fem. o*o)s : defect. Adj. awos = ffoos, qq. v. : (the radic. form 2AO2 was found only in the Homeric comp. aawrepos) : safe and sound, in good case, healthy, Lat. salvus : of things, sound, whole, entire, Lat. integer. 2. metaph. safe, sure, certain. pov(rrepov, -eorraTa, Comp. and Sup. of o*a>- povcas. cra>4>poveto, f. 770*0;: poet. povlca : (awcppow): to be of sound mind, be in one's sound senses : to practise self-control, to be discreet, temperate, moder- ate. 2. to learn moderation, to recover one's senses. Hence 0-ci>p6yT)p.a, OTOS, TO, an act of self-control, an in- stance of temperance, act of moderation : and crco<|>povT]Teov, verb. Adj. one must be temperate. povir)TiK6s, 77, ov, (o-oj^povecu) disposed to temper- ance, moderate, under self-control. povCci>, f. iaoj Att. tcD, (acutppow') to moderate, control, chasten. 2. to chastise, correct. crcu^poviKos, 77, ov, (o~povi,o-p.6s, o, (ffaxppovica) a making temperate : chastening. cro>povicrTT|S, ou, o, (ffcacppovi^ca) one that makes temperate, a cbastener, chastiser, censor. o-copovcos, Adv. of autppojv, temperately, moder- ately, soberly : Comp. ffutypoveffrfpov : Sup. Gcafypo- vearara. pocnjVT] Ep. crao4)po-(|>pc0v Ep. craocjjpcov, ovos, 6, 77 : neut. aSxppov : (auis, , Dor. TaXo-pYos,oj/, (rXa, f. o, = TaXavTfvw, q. v. TA'AANTON [rfi-], TO, a balance : in plur. a pair of scales. II. anything weighed : but mostly used of a fixed weight, a talent : ' it had a double sense : Eubo'ic or old Attic talent weighed about 57lb. avoird and the Aeginetan 95. i. the talent of money, i.e. a talent's weight of silver, or a sum of money equiva- ' in the post-Homeric times l . the talent of weight : the or rule, a commander, ruler. Ta86\) = TaAas, patient, enduring : conia. ! hence hard-fated, wretched. Tamo,, 77, (Tfivpcov, ovos, 6, 17, (*rXacy, ^p^v) patient of mind, stout-hearted, of enduring spirit. ToXdcrcrT)S, -cr^, Ep. 2 and 3 sing. aor. I subj. of raXav-plvos, ov, (^rXaca, pivos] with shield of tough bull's-hide : neut. as Adv., raXavptvov iroXffJ.i^eiv to fight on toughly, stoutly. TSXd-pojv, ovos, 6, 77, shortd. for raXaaicppow. TaXT)96S, Att. crasis for TO aXrjOes. TdXiOd, Syrian word, a damsel, maiden. TA~AI5, iSos, f), a marriageable maiden, bride. T&XXa or raXXa, crasis for ra aAAa. Tajto, Att. crasis for TO, I/id. TiijJi* [ct], Ion. 3 sing. aor. 2 of rtfivca. rapietv Ep. rajJLtetv, aor. 2 inf. of Te/ii/cw. rSjietov, TO, =Ta/xiroi/, a chamber, closet. rajJieo-Oai, aor. 2 med. inf. of Te^i/co, 7S}JLcri-xpc>S, oos, o, 17, (rafj.vca, xP^s) cutting or penetrating the skin, wounding. rajiCa, Ep. -Ct], 17, fern, of ra^ias, a housekeeper, housewife ; also 71/1/7) Tapir] . rap-tas Ep. Tap,Ct]s, ou, 6, (rdfivoa) one who cuts up and distributes, a distributer, dispenser : a manager, overseer. II. a steward, receiver, treasurer; Ta/zfys TOW Ipov the comptroller of the sacred treasure in the citadel of Athens. 2. =Lat. quaestor. 57, (^rafiifvoj) the office of steward, house- II. = Lat. quaestura, the a magazine, storehouse, keeping, management. quaestorsbip. Tajucioy, r6, treasury. TS|iiV)ji,a, aTOS, TO, (Ta/iteucu) management, house- keeping. rap-UiimKos, fa 6v, of or for housekeeping. II. = Lat. quaestorius, of the quaestor or the quaestor- ship. From T&}J.i6iJ(i>, f. ffca, and Dep. Tajju6vop,cu, f. ero//cu : : to be a housekeeper, manager or steward; rafj.ivffis pot thou shalt no longer be my steward. i. to be quaestor. II. trans, to serve out stores, dispense. III. to regulate, manage. 2. to husband, save, store up : metaph. to turn to good account. , 17, Ep. and Ion. for rapta. ov, 6, Ep. and Ion. for rafiias. Tap,vo>, Ion. for Tf^a/co. rajios, Dor. for rrjfj.os. Att. crasis for rd. ZpitaXiv. Ion. aor. 2 part, of Te^mu. TO.V or rav, indecl., only used in the Att. phrase a) rav or a) rdv, as a form of address, sir, my good friend. TOLV, Att. crasis for TOJ dv. TO.V, Att. crasis for TCL ev. TdvaYpa, 17, Tanagra, a town of Boeotia. Hence Tavaypoios, a, ov, of or from Tanagra. TavS-T]icT|S, es, (ravaus, d^) z^z/^ long point or . TavaC-jivKos, oz/, (Tavaos, fuwdo/mt) bellowing s& as to be heard far off, loud-bellowing. TavavrCa, crasis for ra evavria. TavSo-Seipos, ov, (ravaos, ofiprj) long-necked. ravaos, rj, ov, also os, cv, (ravvca, Tfiviu) stretched, outstretched, tall, taper, long. Tavav-irovs, -TroSos, o, rj, Ep. for ravvirovs. Tav8ov or ravSov, Att. crasis for Tcfc evoov. Tav8pi, ravSpos, Att. crasis for Tip dvSpi, TOV dvSpus. TavTj-XeyTiS, fs, (ravaus, \(ycu) stretching one at length, epith. of death. Att. crasis for TO, kvOfvSf. Dor. for rrjviKa. TavrdXctos or TavrdXeos, a, ov, of or for Tanta- lus : and TavraXts, t'Sos, f), daughter of Tantalus. From TdvraXos, ov, o, Tantalus king of Phrygia, ances- tor of the Pelopidae. TavrfiXoto, f. waca, (raXavTOv} quasi raXavrow, to swing: aor. I pass. part. TavraXcaOeis, swung, hurled? dashed down. Ta.vv-y\Opos, ov, (ravvca, acpvpov) with taper ankles. Tavii-vXXos, ov, (ravvca, s, 6, (rdis, apxs, ov, (rdis, Ao^os) commanding a divi- sion of an army. Taioco, f. wcrca, (rdts) to arrange, set in order. rd^is, ecus Ion. tos, 77, (rdoaca) an arranging : of soldiers, a drawing up in order, the disposition of an army. 2. battle-array, order of battle, Lat. ncies. 3. a single rank or line of soldiers, Lat. ordo. 4. a post or place in the line of battle, Lat. tatatio; /e\fiirciv rty rdiv to desert one's post. 5. like rd-ypa, a division of an army, a brigade : at Athens, the quota of infantry furnished by each p{0v, ovos, 6, 77, (ra-rrcivos, (ppfy) low- minded, base. 2. lowly in mind, bumble. T, f. uffca, (raireivus) to make low, lower, humble, abase: also to make light of a thing. a. to cast down, discourage. 3. to make lowly or bumble. Tatrctvws, Adv. of rairtivos, humbly, poorly. T&ircivcixris, 77, (raTreivoca) a lowering, humbling. 2. lowliness, humility. TATLH5, TITOS, o, Lat. TAPES, a carpet, rug, made of wool, [a] ram, Att. crasis for ra km. TameiKT], Att. crasis for rd f metier). Tarns, t'Sos, 77, later form of rdirrjs. TO/ITO, Att. crasis for ra diro. Ta-irpwra, Adv. for rd irpcara, at first. rapa, Att. crasis for roi dpa. rdpay\ia,, aros, TO, (rapdaaca} disquietude, trouble. Tapa-yp-os, 6, (rapdaaca) = rdpais. rdpaKTpov, TO, (rapdoaca) a thing to stir with: a ladle. TapaKTcop, opos, o, (rapdaooi) a disturber, disquieter, agitator. TapavTivC8iov,To,(Ta/>as) a fine Tar -entitle garment. TapdvTivos, 77, ov, (Tapas) Tarentine. Tapai-Kap8ios, ov, (rapdaaca, Kapoid) heart-trou- bling, vexing the heart. TSpa-nnr6-o-TpaTOs, ov, (rapdaaca, i'nnos, orpa- TOS) troubling troops of horse. Tapais, 77, (rapdaaca) disturbance, confusion, dis- quietude, tumult. Tdpas, avros, 6, also -f), Tarentum, a town of Magna Graecia. TA~PA'55& Att. -TTCO, Att. also contr. 0p(icr, f. 770-0*, (rdpftos) to be frightened or alarmed, to fear : TO Tap&eiv the being frightened, a state of fear : also to feel awe. 2. c. ace. to stand in awe of, fear, dread. TA'PBO5, fos, TO, fright, alarm, terror: also awe, reverence. II. an object of alarm, a cause of dread. Tapj3o, f. -fjaoj, (rdpixos, ircaXeoj) to sell dried or salt fish. II. to be engaged in the em- balming of corpses. rdpixos, ov, o, or rdptxos, fos, TO, anything pre- served or pickled by artificial means : a dead body preserved by embalming, a mummy. II. gene- rally, meat preserved by smoking, salting or pickling, dried or smoked fish. Tapirrjvai Ep. -tjp,6vcu, aor. 2 pass. inf. of Tepirca. Tdppos, 6, Att. for Tapffos. Tdptrctis, fcas, 6, a native of Tarsus in Cilicia. Tdptros Att. Tdppos, o, (T(pffopai) a stand or frame of wicker-work, a crate, flat-basket, Lat. crates, for drying cheeses on : also a mat of reeds, such as were built into brickwork to bind it together: also, a wicker-basket, like TaXapos. II. any broad, fiat surface; Tapffos TTOOGS the fiat of the foot, (he part between the toes and the heel. 2. Tapabs Kojirfcvs the fiat end, blade of an oar, Lzt. palmula: generally, an oar. 3. Tapabs irTepvyos the fiat of the wing, when stretched out, then generally, a wing : from the fabled fall of the wing of Pegasus there, the city of Tarsus was so called. TaprdpU>s, a, ov, of or like Tartarus, Tartarean. From Tdpropos, 6, also fj : irreg. pi. TdpTapa (as in Lat., Tartarus, Tartara) : Tartarus, a dark abyss, as ! deep below Hades, as earth below heaven, the prison of the Titans, etc. Later, Tartarus was either the nether-world generally, or a place of torment and pu- i nishment, as opp. to the Elysian fields. j Tdprapow, f. wffo}, to hurl into Tartarus. \ Tdp4>s, 01, Tapeios, d, ov, Tap(pvs, thick, close, frequent. ', Tdp0v, Ep. 3 pi. aor. I pass, of TfpTrca. Tap0T], Ep. 3 sing. aor. I pass, of Tfprroj. T(ip4>os, fos, TO, a thicket. From TAP3?T'5, efa or vs, v, thick, close, frequent, dense: neut. pi. Tap(pa as Adv., ofttimes, often. The Ep. j fem. Taptytiai belongs to Tap(pi6s : if referred to Tap- : fut. Tdca : aor. I eVaa : pf. TtVaxa: Pass., fut. TaxOrjffofJLai, and paullo-p. fut. TtTdgofMii : aor. I fTaxOtjv : aor. 2 fTayrjv [d] : pf. TtTayfiai : to arrange or put in order, esp. in mili- j tary sense, to draw up in line, array ; so in Med., km Teaffdpow Tadp.cvoi T&S vavs having drawn up their ships in four lines ; and absol., Ta^aaOai to draw up, form in order of battle : Pass, to be drawn up in order of battle. 2. to post, station. 3. to ap- point : to appoint one to do a thing : Pass, to be appointed to do, TOTO TfTayftfOa this we have been j charged to do. 4. to order, command, give in- J structions. 5. to assign to a class. 6. to fix or ! assess payments to be made: Med. to agree to pay a sum, xP'nt JLa ' Ta diroovvvai Tad/j,evoi having cove- nanted to return the money : absol. in part. Taci- /iej/os, paying at intervals or by instalments. 7. to assign or impose punishments. 8. generally, to fix, settle, 6 TTayftvos xp vos the appointed time. , rardo), Dor. for TrjTdoj. rartov, Att. crasis for TO O.ITIOV. Tdtipcuos, a, ov, also os, ov, (Tavpos) of bulls, oxen or cows, Lat. taurlnus : in Homer, of bull's-hide. Tdvp-cXdTtjs, ov, 6, (Tavpos, 6\avvca) a bull-driver; a bull-fighter. Tdvpeos, a, ov, (ravpos) = Tavpfios. Tdupi]86v, Adv. (ravpos) like a bull: savagely, Lat. torvo vultu. : Tavpo-j36\os, ov, (Tavpos, fiaXeiv) striking or slaugh- tering bulls. Tdvpo-|36pos, ov, (ravpos, ftopd) devouring bulls. j Tdvpo-ydcrTcop, opos, 6, (ravpos, yaffTrjp) with the ! paunch or body of a bull : enormous. Taupo-STT)S, ov, 6, (ravpos, Secy) binding bulls : fern. Tdvpo-Sens, tSos. Tdupo-Kcpcos, euros, o, 77, (Taupos, Kpas) with bidl's borns. Tdvpo-icpavos, ov, (ravpos, tcpdvov) bull-headed. TdvpoKTOvew, f. rjaca, to slaughter or sacrifice bulls; with cognate ace., ravpo/troveiv &ovs. From. Tdvpo-KTovo9,of,(Tai;pos,TetJ/a;) bull-slaying. II. proparox. TdtipoKTOvos, slain by a bull. Taupo-p.opos, ov, (ravpos, pop^r}) bull-formed. Tdvpo-miTtop, opos, 6, T), (ravpos, 7raT7/p) sprung from a bull. Tdvpo-iroXos or Tdvpo-iroXir), 77, (ravpos, TroAe'cu) hunting bulls, epith. of Diana. TdVpO-TTOVS, -TTOSOS, O, ?}, TTOVV, TO, (rttVpOS, ITOVs) bull-footed. TATTPO2, o, a bull : joined with another Subst., ravpos @ovs, like avs icdirpos. TdvpocrdYos, ov, (ravpos, atpdrrca) bull-slaugh- tering : sacrificial, [a] Tdvpo-<|>dYos, ov, (ravpos, (payeiv) bull-eating : a beef-eater. Tdvpo-6vos, ov, (ravpos, *(j)evca) bull-slaughtering: sacrificial. Tdupoto, f. ojffou, (ravpos) to change into a bull : Pass., ravpoopai, to be or become savage as a bull, to look savagely at, eye savagely. TdxtTd, neut. pi. of OUTOS. TdviTd, Att. crasis for TCI avrd, the same. TdVTTj, also TdVTT|t, dat. fern, of OUTOS, freq. as Adv. in this way or manner. Tdvrt [ij, strengthd. Att. for ravra. Tdvro Ion. Tdxiro, Att. also ravrov, Att. crasis for TO avTo, TO avruv, the same. Tavroyf, Att. crasis for TO auro 76. Tdvro-XoYos, ov, (r& avro, Ac^a;) repeating the same that has been said, tautologous. TdVTOjXdTOV, Att. crasis for TO avrujj-arov, what falls out by accident, a hap, chance; drro ravTOfjidrov, for diru rov avTopdrov of itself, by chance: cf. avrofMiros. Tf, 3 sing. aor. 2 with no pres. in use : see rfdrjira. Taeios, a, ov, see rafyrjios. Tacj)6vis, e'cus, o, (Odirroj) one who buries the dead, a burier. TA-i>H', 77, (^aTTTOj) burial, Lat. sepultura: a mode of burial : in plur. a burial-place. Ta(|>T|ios, 77, ov, Ep. and Ion. for rafyeios, (ra(f>rj) of a burial or a grave; fjvdu, aor. 2 pass, of Odirroj. Tdtos [a], a, ov, (rdptKo, f. ffoi, (rd(ppos) to make a ditch. Ta4>pr], ?), Ion. for rdfppos. TA'$PO2, ff, a ditch, trencb ; rdtypov I \avvciv to draw a trench. Tfiujv, part, of aor. 2 trafyov : see reOrjira. TO.XO,, Adv. (T&XVS} quickly, soon, Lat. statim. II. in prose and Att., rd\a is often joined with av, when it means, probably, perhaps, like tffojs: Sup. Tax*^ Ta J see rd^os, ra)(vs. , Adv. of ra^ys, quickly. s, 17, ov, poet, for rayys, swift, speedy. , ovos, neut. of Ta^tW, Comp. of often as comp. Adv. of Taxa. , sup. Adv. : see , 77, ov, Sup. of Tax^s, quickest, swiftest. , ovos, neut. rdxiov, Comp. of TOX^S. [fj TA'XO2, fos, TO, (rax\>s) swiftness, speed, quick- ness, fleetness; rdxos i/svxijs quickness of mind. II. Tax* is often used as Adv. for Taxcws, quickly, with speed; so also with a Prep., UTTO Taxovs, 5ta Taxovs, kv Tax*i, Kara rdxot, avv Tdx*i : also us or o n rdxos, like us or o n rdxiara, with all speed; &s dxov rdxovs as they were for speed, i. e. as quickly as they could. Tax^-oiXtoTOs, ov, (Taxvs, aAtovco/tcu) conquered or captured quickly. raxv-povXos, ov, (raxvs, fiovXTJ) quick or hasty of counsel. Taxv-Saicpvs, v, gen. vos, (TUXVS, Sd/^pu) soon moved to tears. Taxv-8pop.os, ov, (Taxvs, opa^iv} fast-running. 77, (Taxvs, epyov) quickness in working. 6s, (Tax^s, tpeoaoi) fast-rowing. Taxv-fJtT]vis, ecus, o, 77, (TOX^S, p.r]vis) quick to anger. Taxt5-JAT|Ta)p, opos, f), (raxvs, WTqp) being quickly a mother. Tax^-p-cpos, ov, (ra~)(ys, p.6pos) quick-dying, short- lived. Taxv-vauTa>, (TOXUS, vavrrjs) to sail fast. Taxvva) [v], f. vvu, (raxvs): to make quick, to has- ten, to urge on. II. intr. to make haste, speed. TSxti-i^LOTis, t/s ( Ta X^ s > ireiQu) soon persuaded, credulous. ra,\\)-Tfo\LTTOS, ov, (rax^s, Trt'/XTrcy) quickly-sending, quick- sailing. raxv-tropos, ov, (TUX^S, irupos) quick-passing, quick of motion. Taxv-iTOTp.os, ov, (rax^s, TTOT/UOS) quick-fated, short- lived, [if] , TroSos, o, T), (raxvs, irovs) swift-footed, ov, (raxvs, irrepva) with swift heels, swift-footed. 694 ov, (TOX^S. Trrcpoi') swift-winged, ov, (raxvs, irw\os) with swift, fleet horses, [v] rax'Up-po^os, ov, ( Taxi's, /5o0ea>) rushing rapidly. T5xiJp-pc0o"TOS, ov, (TOXV* foofnai) borne quickly along, quick-rushing. TA^XT'5, cfa, v, quick, swift, fast, fleet. 2. of ; events, quick, speedy. II. Comparison: I. regul. Comp. Tax^Ttpos, a, ov only in Ion. 2. irreg. Comp. Odacrcav Att. -TTQJV, neut. flao-ow, gen. | ovos ; neut. Oarrov, also used as Adv. more \ quickly. 3. another Comp. is Taxwv [t], neut. tov : Sup., Tax' " 7 " *. 7, ov; neut. pi. Taxto-Ta as Adv., most quickly, most speedily ; OTTI Taxtora as soon as may be, as soon as possible ; also in Prose, TT)V Tax*- GTIJV (sub. 65oV), as Adv. by the quickest way, i. e. most quickly. n , ov, (Taxvs, fffcaipca) quick-springing, s, T), (TOX^S) quickness, swiftness, speed. cs, (Tax^s, x ^- os ) over which the lips run quickly, of a flute. rawv, Dor., and Aeol. gen. pi. fem. of the Article. TAIT5, 6, gen. Taw, ace. TO.UIV : nom. pi. Ta : another form of the nom. is TCUOV, gen. TCLWVOS.; pi. Ta&vfs, dat. TCLUXTI : Lat. PA VO, a peacock : me- taph. of coxcombs. TE, enclitic Particle, and, answering to Lat. que, as uai answers to et. When it stands before another T or before /cat, it takes the sense of both; ciSos TC H^yfOos TC, both in form and in size ; auTOt TC KOI iniroi, both themselves and their horses. II. in Ep. and Ion., TC is attached to Relatives, without altering their sense, as, ocrre, oo*os TC, etc., which is to be explained from the fact that the Relative Pro- nouns were originally Demonstratives, and required to be joined by a Conjunction: afterwards when they gained a relative force the Conjunction was retained as a mere affix, as in e&orc, oUs TC, !' (TC. It is also joined in like manner with many relat. Advs. as cV0a TC, OTC TC, ufffi TC. "iva TC, dAAa TC, etc. TC, Dor. for s, OTOS, Dor. for TcOrj\a., etc. reGaXma, Ep. for T0rj\vta, pf. part. fem. of 0oAAcy. T0dX4>0ai, pf. pass. inf. of OdK-rroj. T0a|o,[jiai, -$ai, -irrai, pf. pass, of Odwroj. T60av [a], ovos, o, (TfOptmros, &aivoj) driving a four-horsed chariot: a driver of four horses. T0pnrjro-(3aTir)S, ov, 6, (rfOpiiriros, fiaivca) driver of a four-horsed chariot. [/3a] TtOp-iiriros, ov, (rfrrapa, iirtros) with four horses yoked abreast : as Subst., TfOpimrov (sub. ap/Jid), TO, a four-horsed chariot ; TfOpiirirov ITTTTOJV a team of four abreast. T0ptiriroTpo, f. foot), to keep a four-horsed chariot. From Te0piiriro-Tp6j)os, ov, (rfOpnrirov, rpefpea) keeping TKVOKTOVO$. 695 a four-horsed chariot; rfdpnrirorp6 y^cAos) raising walls by music, of Amphion's lyre. f. foto, to attack the walls, to assault or besiege a fortified place ; TeixA ta X c "' ovvaroi skilled in conducting sieges. From Ttx'l JL 'X 1 l s > ou > o> (Te?xos, /xdxo^at) assaulting walls or fortified places : an engineer, [a] Tixo-iroi6s, 6v, (rcixos, building walls or forts : ol reixonoioi, at Athens, officers charged with repairing the city walls. TEITXO2, cos, TO, a wall, esp. a wall round a city, city-wall; rfi\e(av KiOoJvcs coats of wall, i.e. wails one within the other ; Tetxt pr/gaaOat to make a breach in the wall. It differs from roixos, rdxiov, as Lat. murus, moenia from paries, or city-walls from a house-wall. II. any fortification, a castle, fort : a walled town or city : a fortified post. Tixo-vXa, aos, 6, (refxos, (f>v\a) one that guards the walls, a sentinel, warder. , a small wall or/or- anxious. IV. to extend, lengthen, of Time. 2. to aim at, direct towards a point ; hence to design, j tified place. B. intr. to stretch out or extend towards . . : absol. i reuos, Adv. Ep. and Ion. for rtcas. to stretch, extend. II. to aim at, strive to reach TCKC, Ep. 3 sing. aor. 2 of riKroj. a thing : generally, to reach. III. to tend, refer, belong to, Lat. specfare, pertinere ad .. ; reivei t$ ere it has reference to you. Tios, Adv., Ep. for rficas, rtcus. i, Ep. pi. of repas, the heavenly bodies, signs. impf. frfipov ; only found in pres. and impf. : to rub, rub away : metaph. to wear away, wear out : Pass, to be worn away, worn out, dis- tressed. II. intr. to suffer greatly. TiX ' f- ' lO(a Att. l ^ ' aor - J (Tfixiffa, : pf. rfrei- signs or tokens : generally, a proving, shewing, a way \IKOL: Pass., pf. rtrfixiGpai: 3 sing. Ion. plqpf. re- or mode of shewing. rdxiffro : (rfixos} : to build a wall, generally, to \ TeKp,T)pd(JLir]v, Ep. aor. I of rfK^aipofiai. build; rf?x s T6, f. ducrca, to give a token or proof, to shew or prove by evidence : Med. to conclude from a sure sign or token. TKVl8lOV, r,=T(KVlOV. T6Kviov, TO, Dim. of rffevov, a little child. TCKvoyoveoa, (rfKvoyovos) to bear children. Hence reKvo-yovia, 77, child-bearing. TCKvo-yovos, ov, (rercvov, *ytvca) begetting or bear- ing children. TCKVO-KTOVOS, ov, (rfKvov, Krtlvw} child-murdering. 696 TKVoXerf]p, fjpos, 6, (T{KVOV, oAAv/u) losing or hav- ing lost one's children : fern. TfKvoXfTtipa, of the nightingale, having lost her young. TCKVOV, ov, TO, (TeKfiv) that which is borne or born, a bairn, child, whether son or daughter : but often used in addresses from elder to younger persons, TCK- VOV fj.ov, my son : sometimes with masc. Adj., i>, f. 7)ayfTv} eating children. TKVO6vos, ov, (TGKVOV, *(ptvoj) child-murdering, T6Kv6co, f. djffoj (TZKVOV), to furnish with children. II. to beget children, of the father: Med. of the mother, to bear children ; metaph., x^ v (TtKvwaaTo TCKVO. the earth gave birth to her children : also of wealth, etc. : Pass, to be born. TKvcoo-is, eojs, r), (TCKVOOJ) a begetting or bearing of children. TKoicv, 3 pi. aor. 2 opt. of TIKTOJ. TtKOv, Ep. aor. 2 of TIKTOJ. Ticos, fos, TO, Ep. dat. pi. TeKcaffi, TfKfCfffft : (TC- etV) : poet, for TCKVOV, a child. TCKratvofiai, Dep. (TGKTOJV) to make, build, frame: metaph. to devise, plan, contrive. II. later also in Act. : whence in Pass, to be built, contrived. TCKTTivttiTO, 3 sing. aor. I opt. of TeKTaivo/Mt. TCKTTjvaTO, Ep. 3 sing, aor. i of TeTcuVoftcu. TKTOViov, TO, (rfKTOJv) a carpenter's shop. TCKTOVUCOS, 77, 6v, (T(KTcav) of or for a carpenter or builder, skilled in building : as Subst., TCKTOVIKUS, 6, a good carpenter ; 77 TCKTOVLKT] (sub. Tex" 7 ?) car- pentry. TCKToormj, 77, the art of a carpenter or builder : carpentry, building. From T!KT<>V, ovos, 6, a worker in wood, a carpenter, joiner, builder ; vrjuv T^KTOJV a ship-carpenter, ship- builder. 2. any craftsman or workman, a master of any art ; hence of the art of poetry, TGKTOVCS vfj,- voov makers of songs. II. a planner, contriver, plotter : generally, an author. TCKCJV, aor. 2 part, of TIKTOJ. TEAA'Mn'N, wvos, 6, a broad band or strap for bearing or supporting anything, a leathern strap or belt for carrying either the shield or sword. 2. a (T(f)6pOS. broad linen bandage or roller for wounds ; also for swathing mummies. reXeets, 0aa, v, shortened form of Tf\rjis. TEAE'OH : 3 sing. Ion. irnpf. Tf\eOeoK( : to come forth, come into being, arise : hence to be, become. reXeiov, TO, a complete feast, a royal feast. From TeXeios or TtXeos, a, ov, in Att. also os, ov : (TC- Aos) : complete, perfect, entire ; of victims, without spot or blemish: but, hpa TeActa are perfect sacrifices, performed with full rites. . of animals, full- grown ; TtAetos dvrjp a full-grown man, Lat. adul- tus : hence perfect in his or its kind. 3. of num- bers, etc., full, complete. 4. of actions, ended, fi- nished : of vows, etc., fulfilled, accomplished : also fixed, resolved upon. II. act. bringing to pass, accomplishing ; apci T\da a curse working its own fulfilment. 2. able to do or bring about ; TcAetos a man who has full rule or authority. EIOTTJS, T;TOS, 77, (Tt'Aetos) completeness, per- fection. TcXetoco or TeXeoco, f. uffoj, (WAeios) : to make perfect : to inaugurate, consecrate. II. to complete, bring to accomplishment : to make successful. 2. generally, to fulfil, accomplish, effect. , 3 sing. pres. pass, and fut. med. of TcAccy. , Ep. for TeA'opo, f. 770*0;, to bring fruit to perfection : generally, to bring to perfection. II. to pay toll or custom. From T6Xecr-<|>6pos, ov, (TeAos, /pcu) brought to an end, coming to an end ; Tf\cff(f)6pov els IvmvToV for the space of a complete year. 2. brought to an end or fulfilment, accomplished. II. act. bringing to an end, accomplishing ; irfaeTv es TO ^77 T\(0upov j to fall with fruitless result, i. e. powerless, idle. 2. 'AOS. 697 bearing fruit in due season. 3. bearing rule, hav- ing the control or management of. T\TT|, f), (T\(OJ) a making perfect : initiation in the mysteries, the celebration of mysteries. II. in p!ur. mystic rites, any religious rites, a festival. , Ion. part. fut. med. (in pass, sense) of T\\)VTI, Dor. for Tf\ovai, 3 pi. of TeAe'cu. TcAevTcuos, a, ov, (r^AcuTiy) at the end, last, Lat. ultimus, extremus. 2. the last, worst, extreme. II. neut. TO reXcvraiov, as Adv. the last time, last of all. 2. last, in the last place. TcAevTaco, f. 170-0;: pf. TtTf\^vTj]Ka : fut. med. TC- XfvrrjaofMi in pass, sense: Pass., aor. i ereXevTrjOrjv : pf. T6T6 ACUTT? fiat : (TeAeuTT^) : to bring to an end, complete, accomplish, Lat. perficere : to fulfil, ratify: Pass, to be fulfilled, to come to pass, happen. II. TtXcvrav TOV @iov, TOV alwva to bring one's life to an end, i. e. to die : absol. TC \fvrdv, to die, be de- ceased; TfXfVTav VTTO TWOS to die by another's hand : c. gen., Tf\fVTai> (tiov to make an end of life. 2. intrans. to come to an end, finish; at tvrvxiai 4s TOVTO fTc\cvTT]crav his good fortune came to this end. 3. the part. pres. Tf\(VTu>v, wffa, wv, was used with Verbs like an Adv., at the end, lastly, at last; as, KO.V tyiyveTO 7^7777) T\fVTuaa there would have been blows at the last. T\UTuj, Ion. for TeAevraco : part. T(\evTtovTts. T\VTT|, 77, (TeAecy, TeAos) a bringing to an end, fulfilment, accomplishment. II. a finish, end: /3tov T\cvrr] the end, finish of life : absol. the end of life, death; so, Qa.va.roio reXevrrj the end that death brings, Lat. mortis exitus : 4s T*\VTT]V at the end, at last: in plur. the boundaries or extremities, esp. of countries : metaph. the issues or events of things. T\tiTT|(Tia, Aeol. aor. I opt. of TfXfvrdca. T\(d, Ep. also reXeuo : f. TeAe'o*o> Ep. TeAeo~o"a>, Ion. TeAe' fepo to perform sacred rites. T\os, Adv. of T\fos or TeAetos, at last. II. completely, perfectly. Comp. reXfurepov, Sup. -wra.ro.. T\Tjts, effaa, fv, (rcAccy) perfect, complete, of full tale or number; ptfav TfXrjtaaas ticaro^as to offer hecatombs of full number or without blemish ; r(\rj- (VTfs olcavoi birds of sure augury; tvea re\efvra sure predictions (from shortened form TeAcets). II. TeAi-jcts TTOTO/XOS, of Ocean, the last river, in which all others end. TE'AAH : f. re\Si : aor. I cTetAa : pf. rira\fMi : plqpf. TeTd\fM)v : Med. TeAAo/tat, aor. I 4T6tAa- fj.rjv : to make to arise : generally, to accomplish : Pass, to come forth, arise. 2. intr. to arise; -fjXiov TeAAovTos at sun-rise. TeXjxa, arcs, TO, (TAA i n Att., T^ TeAos the government, Tci Tf\rj the magistrates. V. that which is paid to the state (cf. TeAe'w n), a tax, duty, toll, due; Te'Aos trpia- adai to farm a tax; \veiv T\IJ to pay dues or fo//s, hence to be profitable, advantageous, like AtWTeAea;. 2. at Athens, the property at which a citizen was as- rcparovpyos. sessed : hence a class or order of citizens. VI. consummation by being admitted to mysteries, initia- tion, esp. into the Eleusinian mysteries : in pi. also, the mysteries themselves. 2. generally, any religious ceremony, a solemnity, esp. of marriage. reXocrSe, as Adv. towards the end or term. TeXcrov, TO, collat. form of TeAos, a boundary, limit, r4\aov apovprjs a piece of corn land marked off. TsXxfv, ivos, 6, (6\yca) one of the Telchlnes, the first workers in metal: also a mischievous elf: as Adj., TeAxtVes o^Tes mischievous moths. reXcoveco, f. 770*0;, to be a farmer of tolls, be a tax- gatherer, to farm the taxes. From TX-a>VT]S, ov, 6, (TeAos, dWo/) one who farms the tolls, customs or taxes of a state, a tax-gatherer, Lat. publicanus. reXcovia, 77, (re AoWoO the office of a farmer of the customs, the farming of the taxes. reXcovids, tiSos, 77, (reXcuvrjs) of tax-gatherers. ' , 77, 6v, (rfXwvrfs) of or for tax-gathering. TO, (Te AaWoA a toll-house, custom-house. eos, TO, a slice cut of, a slice of salt-fish. Tcjjietv, aor. 2 inf. of re^vca. T6{ivtos, a, ov, (rfj.evos} of or in the sacred pre- cincts; (pvXXas repevia the grove in the sacred precincts. T|XviTT]S [i], ou, o, (rip,tvos) the God of the sacred precincts, epith. of Apollo at Syracuse, whence a quarter of the city was called Te/tej/mys : fern., 77 aKpa 77 TcfJievins the height on which stood the temple of Apollo Temenltes. Tp,vos, cos, TO, (refivca) a piece of land cut off and allotted for any purpose : a portion of land, esp. of corn-land. II. a piece of land sacred to a god : the precincts of a temple : hence, from the worship offered to the Nile, the valley of the Nile is called repfvos NetAoio. TETHNIi Ion. Tajivco : fut. TC/ZO) : aor. 2 erfpov Ep. and Ion. trdfjiov, Ep. inf. TctfieetJ/ : pf. rtrp.r)Ka : Med., fut. rtp.ovp.ai : aor. 2 krap.6p.rjv, inf. rap.toOai : Pass., aor. i tT^LTjOr/v : pf. rtrprfpai : to cut or hew in bat- tle, to wound, maim. 2. of the surgeon, to cut, use the knife, as opp. to cautery. II. of animals, to cut up, cut in pieces : to slaughter, sacrifice : since truces, covenants, and the like were solemnised with sacrifices, opKia rd^vfiv came to mean to con- clude, ratify oaths, as in Lat. foedus ferire, foedus ictum. III. of timber, to cut, cut down, fell, hew, lop : in Med. c. ace., oovpa rap^vtaQai to fell oneself timber ; \iOovs rap.vtaOai to have stone wrought or hewn. 2. (pdpfMiKov rtpvfiv to cut or chop up a plant for medicinal purposes : metaph., iropov to contrive a means. 3. rep.vtw yrjv, irefiiov, to lay^ luaste a country by felling fruit trees, cutting the corn, etc. IV. to cut off, sever: to part off, mark off: to divide. V. to cut or draw a line, re/jtveiv dpovpav to plough corn land ; rtpveiv OXCTOVS to cut trenches : also, rep.veiv 68ovs to cut or make roads : rtp-vtiv oouv to cut or cleave one's way, go on, ad- vance (cf. trpoKo-nroj) ; piffov rkp.vtiv to hold a middle course. 2. of ships, to cut through or cleave the waves, Lat. secare mare : so too of birds, to plough or cleave the air : absol., rtp.vtiv to go. VI. to cut short, bring to a crisis. Tejiirea contr. Tep/m], rd, Tempe, the valley be- tween mounts Olympus and Ossa, through which the river Peneius flows into the sea. TCJJUd, fut. Of Ttp.VU. TCva-yiTTjs [F], ov, o, fem. -ms, toos, used as Adj., shallow. From TE'NATO5, cos, TO, a shoal, shallow, Lat. vadiim. TE'NAH Att. Tv6(o, to gnaw, nibble at. Hence TevOeia, 77, a nibbling : epicurism, gluttony. Tevwv, ovros, 6, (rtivca) a sinew, tendon : usually, a tendon of the foot : hence the foot itself. TCCO, Teop,cu, fut. act. and med. of r'nerta. TO, Ion. and Dor. for rivos, gen. of interrog. rls. II. T0, enclit., Ion. and Dor. for rivos, gen. of enclit. rls. reo, Dor. for aov, gen. of av. reoto, Ep. for o-oO, gen. of av. reourv, Ion. for nai, dat. pi. of ris. T6os, 77, 6v, Ep. and Ion. for o"os, Lat. tuus. Tovs, Dor. and Aeol. for aov, gen. of av. Tp&o>, f. do-o;, (Te'pas) to interpret portents or prodi- gies, to bode. Tpa|Jivov or Tepejivov, TO, anything closely shut, a room, chamber; only used in plur. TE'PAIS, gen. erros Ep. aos Ion. eos, TO : plur., nom. repdrd Ep. repad contr. rtpd; Ep. gen. re- pdcav ; dat. rcpdai Ep. rcpdcaat : a sign, wonder, marvel, portent. II. anything that serves as an omen : a monster, strange creature, Lat. mon- strum. 2. like Lat. signum, a sign in the heavens, a constellation, meteor; cf. rtipea. Tcpa-cncoiros, ov, poet, for reparo-afcoiros (Te'pas, aito-trioi) boding, prophetic. Tepacmos, a, ov, -(repas} of portents, portentous. TepSreCa, 77, (reparevonai) a dealing in the marvel- lous, imposture, quackery. T6pa,Tt,'n,a, CTOS, TO, a juggling trick, quackery. From TpaTfvo[jiai, Dep. (r(pas) to talk marvels, Lat./or- tenta^loqui: to deal in the marvellous, be an impostor. TpaToXoYo>, f. 770*0;, (TepaToAo^os) to tell of marvels. repaToXoYia, 77, (rfparoXo^ica) a telling of mar- vels. TCparo-XoYOS, ov, (ripas, \eyca) telling of marvel- lous sights or portents. II. pass, of which mar- vellous things are told, marvellous. ov, (repas, aKoirtca) observing por- as Subst., reparoaKoiros, 6, a soothsayer. , 77, a working of wonders. From 6v, (repas, epyca) wonder-working. rcoSrys re8T]S, es, (repefiivQos, elbos) like turpen- tine : full of turpentine-trees. TE'PEINA, fern, of reprjv. Tpgp,VOV, TO, = Tpap.VOV. Tcpcvos, 77, ov, collat. form of reprjv. TpTico,f. au, to whistle. (Formed from the sound.) j dried up: c. gen., offffe 8a/cpv6TTO/pos, ov, (rfafffpaieaiStKa, So/- races, Lat. meta. 2. a mark for throwing or : pov) fourteen handbreadtbs long, broad or high. shooting at, II. an end, limit : in plur. the , ov, 6, (TfffffepaKaiSeKa, CTOS) dories. 2. metaph. the finishing point : the acme, fourteen years old: fem. i height, summit. To-. TtTaXro, Ep. 3 sing, plqpf. of TtAAcu. TTfi(JWU, pf. paSS. of TIVQ}. TT&v6s, ov, (TetVo;) stretched, strained, smooth. TerSvos, 6, (rfivoj) a stretching, straining: tension. TerdwoTO, Ep. 3 sing, plqpf. pass, of TO.VVOJ. TTdo(juu, paullo-p. fut. of rdffffca. TTapay^vos, pf. pass. part, of rapaffffcj : hence Adv. Tfrapayiifvojs, confusedly. TcrapireTO, -ircofxtaOa, -ir6p,VO5, Ep. redupl. aor. 2 3 sing., I pi. subj., and part. med. of Tfpiroj. Terapraios, a, ov, (rirapros) of or for four days : on the fourth day. TTaprr]-|i6piov, TO, (rfrapros, fioptov) the fourth part; a quarter-obolus, Lat. quadrans. Terapros Ep. TtTpaTOs, rj, ov, (reaffapcs) the fourth, Lat. quartus : neut. TO Tfraprov as Adv., the fourth time. II. 77 Tfrdprij (sub. fjfj.cpa), the fourth day. 2. (sub. /iofpa), a liquid measure, a quart. TTaor0tjv, Ep. 3 dual plqpf. pass, of reivca. rtr&ro, Ep. 3 sing, plqpf. pass, of rfivoj. TTaxfiTai, Ion. 3 pi. pf. pass, of rdaffoj. TereXeo-pievos, pf. pass. part, of TtAeeu. TTXCTTO, Ep. 3 sing, plqpf. pass. TTti|ojjiai, paullo-p. fut. TfTpa.Kvafj.os. TTVX<*Txri\>.a,i, inf. rcrfvx^oOai, Ep. pf. pass, with pres. sense, formed from the Subst. rvx f o- t without any pres. TCV^CO; in use : to be armed. Terrjica, intr. pf. of r^Kca. rem^xou, Ep. pf. pass, without any pres. ritai in use, to be sorrowful, be grieved, to sorrow, mourn : used in 2 dual Terirjodov ; but more commonly in part. T6Tt- i}/j.tvos, TCTirjfitvrj, grieved, sorrow-stricken, esp. in phrase Terirjfjifvos qrop grieved at heart. Temjtbs, Ep. pf. act. part, without any pret. TICOJ in use, = Tfrirj/jifvos, grieved, sorrowing. TTijxai, pf. pass, of TU. TTtji-qo-0at, pf. inf. part, of Tt/wxcw. TTKT}jiai, pf. pass, of rivo). TT\o, shortd. for Tcr\a9i. rerXaOi, Ep. pf. imperat. of *TAos, Ep. pf. part, of refjivca. T6T|AOtp,V, I pi. Opt. Of T6T//OJ/. Trp,ov, Ep. for ITCT^IOV, an aor. 2 without pres. in use, to overtake, come upon. 2. c. gen. to partake of. T6TOKWS, TCTOKVltt, pf. part. Of TlKTCa. TTOpS, 01, at, TfTOpa, ra, Dor. for reffaapfs. TCTOptjo-a), irreg. fut. of ropea. TTpS-, shortd. for reropa = Tcro"apa, only found in compd. words. TCTpS-pdjJUov, ov, gen. ovos, (rerpa-, /SatVcw) four- footed, quadruped. [/3a] TCTpa-^yXtoxis, Ivos, 6, rj, (rerpa-, -yXojxis} with four points or angles, square. Terpd-'yvos, ov, (rtrpa, yva) as large as four acres (^vat) of land. II. rerpdyvov, TO, as Subst., a mea- sure of land, as much as a man can plough in a day. TTpaYwvevos, ov, (TeTpo-, fojvia) with four equal angles, square : as Subst., Tfrpdycavov, TO, a square, a body of men drawn up in square, Lat. agmen quad- ratum. II. perfect as a square, complete, per- fect. III. Terpdyojvos dpt.6fj.6s a square number, i. e. a number multiplied into itself. TTpA8tov, TO, (rfTpds) the number of four, four persons or things, a quaternion, [a] T6Tpo-XuKTOS, ov, (TfTpa, -, t\iao(o)four times wound or coiled. TTpa-6VT]S, fs, (rerpa, fvos} = TfTpaerrjS. [a] Trpfi-Tif|S, fs, (rerpa-, eTos) four years old. II. of four years. TCTpa-JvYos, ov, (rcTpa.-, fryov} four-yoked, with four horses : as Subst., TO Ttrpd^vyov (sc. appa) a four-horsed chariot. TTpa-0\vp,vos, ov, (Tfrpa-, BfXvfJivov'} of four lay- ers ; TfTpa6e\vnvo$ OCLKOS a shield of four ox-hides. TETPATNfl, fut. Tcrpavu : aor. I ererpTjva Ep. TtTprjva : aor. I pass. eTfrpdvOrjv : also (from the. root TPA'n), fut. rprjau : aor. frpijaa : pf. pass. TC- TpTjfiai : to bore through, pierce, perforate. TTpa-Kai-8K-6TT]S, fern. -Tts, tSos, (rerpa-, KOI, SfKa, eVos) fourteen years old. TTpa-Kepo)S, oav, (TTpa-, Kf pas} four-horned. [&"] TTpS-Ke4> a Xos, ov, (rerpa-, Kf(pa\r)) four-headed. Trpa.Kis, Adv. (rfTpa-)four times, [a] T6TpaKta-p,vpioi, at, a, (TfTpdxis, p.vpiOL) four times ten thousand, forty thousand, [v] Tcrpaicur-xCXioi, at, a, (TtTpdteis, x&ioi}four thou- sand, [x?] TCTpd-KXlvos, ov, (rerpa-, K\ivr)} with four beds or couches to recline on at table. T6Tpa-Kvap,os, ov, Dor. for TfTpdwrjuos, (rtrpa.-, Kvrjftr)} with four spokes, fastened to a four-spoked wheel. 5, ov, (TCTpa-, KopvpPos) with four bunches or clusters; generally, thick-clustering. Terpa-Kopuvos, ov, (TCTpa-, tcopuvT)} four times a crow's age. TcrpSKocrioi, ai, a, (TCTpa-) four-hundred. Hence TcrpaKOo-ioo-Tos, T), ov, thefour-hundredtb. TerpaKTVS, uos, 77, (TCTpdj) the number four. Terpd-KVKXos, ov, (rcTpa-, KVK\OS) four-wheeled. TfTpH-Xoyla, 77, (TCTpa-, Ao^yos) a tetralogy, i. e. series of four dramas, viz. three Tragedies and one Satyric play, which were exhibited together on the Attic stage for the prize at the festivals of Bacchus : without the Satyric play, the three Tragedies were called a trilogy, TpiXoyia, such as the Agamemnon, Choephoroe, and Eumenides of Aeschylus. TTpd-jJiTpos, ov, (TCTpa-, fACTpov) consisting of four metres, i. e. in iambic, trochaic and anapaestic verse, consisting of four double feet, cp. Lat. versus octonarius ; in dactylic, choriambic, dochmiac verse, consisting of four feet : as Subst., TCTpdpcTpos (sub. ortxos), 6, a tetrameter or verse of four feet. TTpa-|Ai]Vtaios, a, ov, and Terpdfjnjvos, ov, (rcTpa-, fjiriv) of four months, lasting four months. Tcrpajjifiai, pf. pass, of Tpcirca. TTpajj.oipia, 77, a fourfold portion. From rerpd-jJioipos, ov, (rcTpa-, /xofpa) consisting of four parts, fourfold. TTpav0cis, aor. I pass. part, of rcTpaivoa. TETPAE, 0705, and OLKOS, 6, prob. the pheasant, Lat. avis Phasianus. rerpdopCa, 77, a four-horsed chariot. From Trpd-opos contr. rcrpcopos, ov, (rcTpa-, dcipoa) yoked four together ; TCTpdopov ap/za a four-horsed chariot. II. four-legged, [d] Tcrpa-irdXai, Adv. four times long ago, long long ago. TTpa-irdXaurTOs, ov, (TCTpa-, ira\aio~Tr)) of four spans, four spans long or broad. Trpd-'in]X' us ' u > en - fGS,(TeTpa-,irf)x vs }f our cu bits (i.e. six feet) long, broad, etc. : of men, six feet high. TfiTpairXdcrios, a, ov, (TCTpa-) fourfold, four times as much, Lat. quadruplus. [irAa] TCrpd-irXcvpos, ov, (TCTpa-, TrAcupd) four-sided. TTpSirXTJ, Adv. (TCTpa-) in a fourfold manner, fourfold. TTpairX6os, 77, ov contr. -irXovs, fj, ovv, (rcTpa-') fourfold, Lat. quadruplus : as Subst., TO TCTpairXovv = TCTpapotpia, a fourfold portion. TTpa-iro8-r]86v, Adv. (rcrpa-, irovs) on four feet. TTpa-Tro8ta, pf. Of TpCTTW. TTpS-dXir]pos, ov, of a helmet, = TCTpd(pa\os. [a] T6Tpd-aXos, ov, (TCTpa, (pd\os) of a helmet, with four aTav, -<|>STO, Ion. 3 pi. pf. and plqpf. pass, of Tpcrroa. TTpd4>9co, 3 sing. pf. pass, imperat. of Tptnco. Terpd-i)Xos, ov, (rcTpa-, (pv\ri) divided into four tribes. , Adv. (TCTTapcs) fourfold, in four parts. , Adv. = TCTpax. TCrpaxOd, Adv. poet, for TcYpaxct. TTpd~xoos, ov contr. xous, ovv, (TCT/XZ-, x ocvs } holding four x ofs ' TTpd-xop8os, ov, (TCTpa-, xoptityfour-stringed : as Subst., TO TCTpdxopSov, the tetracbord, a scale com- prising two tones and a half. Tcrpd-xvrpos, ov, (TCTpa-, x^Tpos) made of four pots. TCTpcjjtaivw, redupl. form of Tpcpoj, to tremble. TeTpi)p,ai, pf. pass, of TCTpaivca. TCTpTjva, Ep. for cTCTprjvai, aor. I of TCTpaivci). TCTpTjxa, pf. of TpcTTW ; also intr. pf. of Tpe'|3o\os, ov, (TfTpa-, 6/3oXo$) weighing or worth four obols : as Subst., TfTpwfioXov, TO, a four-obol piece. TerpwKooros, 77, Dor. for TfcrcrapaKoffTos, fortieth. TTpa>p.pos, ov, contr. for TCTpaopos. TTp-copoos, ov, (TfTpa.-, opo^rf) of four stories. TTp-wpirys, ov, more correct form of TfTpopyvios. Terra, an address of youths to their elders, Father, like dtTTa, irairtra. TerrapAicovTa, Terrapes, etc., Att. for Tfo~6pos, ov, (TeTTtf , 0ep8T]s, $, (TeTTt, e?5os) like a TfTTi or cicada. TETTI3, 170$, 6, a kind of grasshopper, the cicala, Lat. cicada, a winged insect fond of basking on single trees or bushes, when it made a chirping noise : see i, pf. pass, of Tfvx 03 ' i, Ep. plqpf. pass. TTVKiv, Ep. redupl. aor. 2 inf. TTijKx&>jjiva>s, Adv. pf. pass. part, of TV(poo), stupidly. TtrvxT* 01 [v], pf. of Tvyxavoj. Terv>xQa.i, pf. pass. inf. of Teuyta. TTUX0o>, 3 sing. pf. pass, imperat. of Tfvx&- Tfv, Dor. for aov, gen. of TV, av. Tt), Ion. and Dor. for TIVOS, gen. of TIS (inter- rog.) II. TCV enclit. gen. for TIVOS, from TIS (enclit.) rc^Ypa, aT *> TO, ( T ^X CU ) &at which is made, a work. T6-u0is, iooB, i), a cuttle-fish, Lat. sepia, lollgo. TCVKTOS, T), ov, verb. Adj. of Tfvxfa, made, prepared, wrought. T6v|a, Ep. aor. I opt. of Tfvx 01 ' OP 1 - rf *> c ia - Tvjjop,(u, fut. ofTvyxavo). 2. fut. med. oiTfv\6pcu) bearing arms, TO., see TCVX OS - T6vxeor-^)6pos, ov, wearing armour. Tux ir ]o r 'n?|p, f)pos, 6, or an armed man, warrior. rtv\o\.a-a, Dor. pres. part. fem. of Tfvx&. T6 X os, cos, TO, (Tfvxca) like o-rrXov, a tool, imple- ment, utensil : mostly in plur. Tfvxfa implements of war, armour, arms, harness. 2. in plur. also the tackle or rigging of a ship. 3. a vessel of any kind, as a bathing-tub, a balloting or funereal urn. 4. a book, whence the term Pentateuch or Five-books. : f. tu : acr. I ? T et;a : Ep. aor. 2 KOV : pf. TfTfvxa ' Med., fut. Tevgopat : Ep. aor. 2 TTVKufj.rjv : Pass., fut. 3 TTCUO/U : aor. I e-; pf. T6Tvyfj.ai : Ep. 3 pi. pf. and plqpf. TfTevx&To : to make, construct, of works in wood or metal, to build, forge : to weave : also metaph. to work, bring about, cause : to form, create : Pass., c. gen. rei, TevxtcQai ypvaoio to be wrought of gold. II. c. dupl. ace. to make a person so and so : and pf. pass. TfTvyfjuu is often used ei/u or ytyvofj,ai, to have been made, i. e. to be, so and so ; yvvatKus O.VTI TTVO, thou hadst heen made, i. e. thou wert, like a woman. 2. the pf. pass. part. TfTvy- /j.fvos commonly means well or fitly made, well- wrought, compact, lasting ; metaph. of a field, well- tilled, also of the mind, active, vigorous. Tepa Ion. T4pT], i], (rixptu) ashes, sprinkled over the head and clothes in token of grief: the ashes of the funeral pile. T6(|>p6co, f.^jffw, (Te^>pa) to reduce to ashes, consume. , aor. I pass. part, of Tinrca. , f. dffoo, (TCXI'IJ) to use art or cunning, deal subtly, contrive cunningly. Txvo,ts, faaa, ev, Dor. Tcxva, Ion. for T'LVI, dat. of TIS (interrog.). 2. TOO; Ion. for Ttvl, dat. from TIS (enclit.) Tcuv, Ion. for TIVOW, gen. pi. of Tts (interrog.). 2. for TIVWV, gen. pi. of Tts (enclit.). Tews Ep. Ticos, Adv. of Time, so long, meanwhile, the while ; also before, ere this : antecedent to the relat. ecus. II. absol. a while, for a time. [T(US : but it also occurs as one long syllable.] 703 TT}, Ep, 2 sing, imperat., with no other form in use, | TT)Xe-TTO[jiTros, ov, (TrjXf, irffjuroj) sent from afar, like Xdfif , ex, ep*, there I take ! always followed by far-journeying. a second imperat., as TTJ, arrfiffov Ad .. take and pour TTjXe-iropos, ov, (TrjXf, rropos} far-reaching. a libation to Jove .. : TT}, me oivov.. take and drink TTjXeirvXos, ov, (TrjXf, irvXr)} with gates far apart, wine. j nrjXc-o'Koiros, ov, (TrjXf, a Korrfca) far-seeing. II. TTJ, dat. fem. of the Art. 6. 2. in the Poets, dat. proparox. TyXtaKoiros, ov, pass., far-seen, conspicuous. fem. of the Relat. os. II. as Adv., like TCIUTT?, j TT)Xe-<}>avif|s, fs, (TrjXf, avfjvai) appearing afar, here, this way. \gfen from far : of sound, heard from afar. Tt]X-iXov, TO, (TrjXf, 0tA.os) far-love, love-in-ab- sence, poetic name of a plant used as a charm by lovers to see whether their love was returned : if the leaf, when placed on one hand and struck by the other, burst with a loud crack, it was a good omen. THAI'A, 77, any flat board with a raised rim, as, I . a sieve, the hoop of a sieve. 2. a stand or platform on which flour, etc., was set out for sale. 3. a II. later, j gambling-table. 4. a chimney-top, i.e. a lid which covered the aperture in the roof. THAFKO5, 77, ov, Dor. TuXucos, a, ov [r] : of such an age, so old or so young : generally, so great, , dat. fem. of o5e, used as Adv., in this direction, in this way. rrjBi, dat. fem. of ooi, used as Adv. ^TrjSe. TH'@H or TT]0T|, r), a grandmother. TTJ01S, ioos, T), (Tj]Qrj) a father's or mother s sister, aunt. TIT0O2, tos, TO, an oyster. TrjQvs, vos, fj, (rrjOrj) Tetbys,vfie of Oceanos, daugh- ter of Uranos and Gaia., a Sea Deity. put for the sea itself. TtjKcSwv, ovos, 17, (r-ffKca) a melting away, wasting away : hence consumption, deeline, phthisis. TTJKTOS, 77, 6v, verb. Adj. of T^KOJ, melted, melted Lat. tantus : anteced. to the Relative rjXiKos, Interrog. down so as to be poured in : soluble. TH'KH Dor. TO.KOJ : fut. T-fjto: aor. I TT]a : I. transit, to melt, melt down, make to melt away ; to smelt metals: metaph. to make pine or melt away. II. Med. and Pass., f. med. rrjofMi, pass. raKrjaofiai : aor. 2 Hence , -ijoc, -uvSf, and TqXtKoOTOs, -avrrj or -OVTOS, -OVTO, Att. for irT)\ircos, so very, so much. TtjXoOev or -0, Adv. (rr)\ov) from afar, from a foreign land : c. gen. far from. pass. Ta,KT)V [a] : to melt, melt away : to pine, waste \ TTjXoOt, Adv. (T77\oC) TrjXf, rrjXov,far, afar, at a away : to ooze away, vanish, fall away. III. the distance : also c. gen., TijXoOi iraTprjs far from father- pf. act. TfTrjKa. is used intr. = pres. pass., and plqpf. land. fTfTrjKfiv impf. pass., to pine, melt away ; Kpta. TTIJ- KUTO. sodden flesh. TTjX-avYT|S, s, (rrjX, avfrj) far-shining, glittering from afar : hence far- seen, conspicuous. Comp. and Sup. Tr]XavyTTpos, -tffTaTos. Adv. TrjXavyus, clearly, distinctly. TITAE, Adv., like TrjXov, far off, far away, far : abroad: c. gen. far from. TTjXe-poas, ov, 6, (TT}\, /3oacu) shouting afar or loud. TT)X6-J36Xos, ov, (T7]Xf, @aX(tv) striking from afar. TTjXc-Yovos, ov, (TrjXf, yfvfo~0ai) born far from one's father or one's fatherland. TT)Xe8u.Tr6s, 77, ov, (TT^XC) from a far country, fo- reign : also afar off, distant. TTjXeOao), lengthd. for daXXca (cp. pf. TfOrjXa), used only in Ep. part. pres. TTjXedacav, Ep. -vcav, voxja, luxu- riant, blooming , flourishing , of trees and plants, as, {/'AT?, (Xaiat, 0v5p(a, etc. : metaph., zrafo'es TrjXfOa- ovTes blooming children ; x at/T7 7 TrjXeOuajcra luxuriant hair. TTjXc-KXctTOS, ov, (TrjXf, KXcos) far-famed. TTjXe-icXTjTOS, ov, (Trj\c, reXijTos from a\ecy) called from afar, summoned from afar. TTjXc-icXvTOS, ov, (rrjXf, KXVTGS from KXvaj} = TTjXc- KXflTOS. TTjXe-fxdxos, ov, (TrjXf, p.a.xo^aC)flghtingfrom afar: as pr. name, IrjXefAaxos, o, a son of Ulysses. TrjXc-TrXavos, ov, (TrjXf, irXavao^ai) far-wandering, devious. TT)Xo-TTTrjs, es, (TrjXf, irtTOfJuai) far-flying. TTjX-opos, ov, collat. form of rrjXovpos. TTjXoo-e, Adv. (T?7\ov) to a distance, far away. TTjXoTaTW, Adv., Sup. of TrjXov, furthest away. TTjXoTpa>, Adv., Comp. of TrjXov, further away. TTjXoO, Adv., like TrjXf, afar, far offoi away, in a far country: also c. gen. far from. T-rjX-ovpos, ov, (rfjXf, epos) with distant boundaries or confines : generally, far, distant, remote. Tt]XvYTOs, 77, ov, also os, ov, an epith. of sons, who have no brother, or of daughters who have no sister, a darling ; hence in bad sense, rijXvjeTos ws like a spoilt child or pet. II. born afar off. (The latter sense points to the deriv. rijXf, *yfvaj. But Homer always uses the word in the first sense ; and its deri- vation, as he used it, remains doubtful.) Ti]X-cuir6s, 6v, (rrjXf, w^} looking afar, seeing to a distance. II. pass, perceived or heard from afar. TrjjjLcXcci), f. 170*0;, to take care of, c. gen. 2. to heed, look after, see to, c. ace. From rr]-(XXT|S, (s, careful, heedful. (From fJLtXoj, with the inseparable prefix rr)- added.) TT||Apa, TT|p.pov, Att. for arjuepov. T-qp-fj, Att. crasis for TTJ I/XT/. Trjp.O5, Adv. then, thereupon ; ts Trjf^os till then. TT]p,6o-8e Dor. rap-oo-Se, Adv. = TrjfjLos. TT}p,01)TOS, Adv. TTJfiOS. Tr]V6i. Adv., Dor. for oc here. , a word formed by Archilochus to imitate 704 the twang of a guitar-string at the beginning of a triumphal hymn to Hercules, Tr)ve\\a & Ka\\ivi.Ke, X a fy > hence T7)Vf\\a itaXXiviKf became a common mode of saluting conquerors in the games. Hence rfjveXXos, 6, Comic word, a conqueror who is re- ceived with a cry of TrjV(\\a, a victor in the games. nrjviicS, Adv. (rrjvos} at this or that time of day, then, [i] njvtKaSe, Adv. (Trjvifcd) at this time of day, so early ; avpiov TTjvtrcdof to-morrow at this time of day. [a] TTjvtKavTa, commoner form for njviKa, at this par- ticular time: c. gen., rrjviKavTa TOV 0epovs at this time of the summer. II. in this case, then. Tt]v60i, Adv. (Trjvos) Dor. for tKft, there. -rqvos, TTjva, TTJVO, Dor. for KTJVOS, KCIVOS, iiteivos, that. Hence TTJVW, Adv., Dor. for (tect, there. TrjvwOc and -0cv, Adv., Dor. for cKfT0ev, thence. TT]|t-p,Xif|S, fs, (ri]K(a, fteXos) melting or wasting away of the limbs. qj-irep, Ep. and Ion. for ijnep, dat. fern, of offirfp, used as Adv., in which direction or way. TT)po>, f. rjffca, (rrjpus) to give heed to, watch nar- rowly ; to take care of, keep, guard ; Tijpetv eiprjvrjv to keep, observe peace. 2. metaph. to observe, watch for a person or thing ; rrjprjaas VVKTO. dffe\r)- vov having watched for a moonless night. II. Med., f. ?7, to tame, break in, domesticate. From Tt0a, poet, form of rlBrjfju, whence 2 and 3 sing. TiQeTs, n0fi, and impf. Ti0eis, eTi0ei Ep. rlOci. Tt0T|jA6vat, Ep. for TiOcp.(vai, Ti0evai, inf. of rl0rjp.i. Ti0T)p,vos, Ep. for ri0ffjicvos, pres. med. part, of Ti0T]pa, ri0rjs, ri0rjffi, also Ep. 2 sing. Ti0r}(T0a; 3 pi. TiQtiffi Ion. Ti0fdffi ; inf. TiQivaL Ep. Ti0rj* fjLfvat, Tt0fjj.V ; Impf. tTidrjv, Ep. 3 pi. TiQeoav ; Ion. Ti0eoKov : (there are also some forms from the pres. Tt0(u, q. v.) : Fut. Orjffca, Ep. inf. 0rjaefj.vai or 0rjfffjifv : Aor. I e0r)tca Ep. 0fjtta : Pf. reflet/fct, plqpf. T0fiitiv: Aor. 2 eOrjv only used in pi. c0ffj.(v, e0eT, 60eaav Ep. Oiaav ; imperat. 0ts ; subj. 0ta Ion. 0eoj, I pi. 0oj/j.fv ; lengthd. Ep. 0fioa, 2 sing. #7777$ , pi. 0fiofj.cv for 0cio}fj.cv, 0u>fJLfv : opt. Qcirjv, pi. n ' or Ofip.fv, QtiTt, 0eiaav ; inf. Otwai Ep. 0p.ev ; part. 0eis. MED. Ti0efjiai, Ti0faai, imperat. Ti0eao, Ti0ov, Ep. part. Ti0r)fji(vos : impt". Ti0ffj.r)v : Fut. 0riffonat : Aor. I kOrjKafjajv, Ep. 3 sing. 0rjKaTo: part. 0r]fcdfj.vos : Aor. 2 med. (difJLrjv; imperat. 0o contr. 0ov; opt. 0fip.r)V, 3 sing. 0dro PASS. Ti0[j,ai : fut. Tf0r)aofj.ai : aor. 1 eT60rjv : pf. T60ifj.at : plqpf. fTf&eifjirjv. To place, put, set, Lat. ponere ; OfTvai TIVI TI tv x*P ff ' 1 * P^ ace a thing in a person's hands: metaph., OfTvai TIVI tiros v (ppecri or @ov\r]v kv aT^j0fffai, to plant a word, warning, etc., in his mind; but, Ti06fjiev vua> to lay a thing to one's own heart, bear in mind. Med., 0f;uiV Is peoov dpxty Tidds throwing it open to you publicly. 2. to assign, award; 0ctvat vopov to lay down, fix the law, of a king or legislator ; 0(a0ai vo\iov to give oneself* law, of the people. 3. to ordain, estab- lish, order, institute. 4. in Med. to fix in common with others, agree upon, set le. III. to set up,' in a temple, to devote, dedicate. i. of Artists, to represent, portrav, depict. IV. to assign to a place or class, to hold, reckon, esteem : to believe, consider. V. in Med., Ti0eaQai if/ffipov te put down one's ballot, to give one's vote : hence TiOftrdai T-ffV ji>u^rjv to determine, decide : TiQeoQai TIVI (sc/ LJJLTjfJia. 705 TTJV i^rjtpov} to decide in a person's favour : T{) fvwprj to agree or subscribe to an opinion. 2. to lay to one's account : but also to pay down, pay, discharge. VI. to deposit, as in a bank. VII. in military language, ri&eaOai rd oirXa has three senses : I. to stack or pile arms, to bivouack, take up one's quarters: generally, to take up a posi- tion. 2. to get soldiers under arms, to draw them up in order of battle. 3. to lay down one's arms, surrender. VIII. riOrjiJU is often used of persons and things, to make or render so and so, bring into a certain state, effect; vavv \dav eOquf he made the ship a stone : of persons, to make so and so, ap- point. 2. with an Adj., Oeivai nva dOdvarov teal dyrjpaov to make him undying and undecaying. 3. TrafSa riOeaOai nva to make him one's child, adopt him, like Oerov iraTda iroifiaOai. IX. of things, to make, cause, bring to pass : Med. to make or prepare for oneself; OecrOai 8a)/xa to build oneself a house ; OeaOai /ceXfvOov to make oneself a road. 2. fv or /ttzAcDs OfcrOai ri to manage or arrange a thing well/or oneself, to make good u9e of it. X. ri- &r](j.i, with ace., often stands for a simple Verb, as axedaffiv Ofivai to make a scattering, for T#e5dcrai ; Qeivai Kpixpov, Oeivai alvov, for ttpvirrfiv, alveiv, etc. Ti0T]Va>, f. rjffca, to take care of, tend, nurse; and so generally, to cherish, foster : mostly used in Med. From Tt0T|vif], 97, (nOr/vos} a nurse. Ti0T]VT)TT|p, rjpos, 6, (nOrjvfoj) = n6r]vts. Hence Tt0i]VT]TT]puos, a, ov, nursing, tending. Ti0ir]v6s, ov, (rirOrj) nursing: as Subst., nOrjvos, o, a foster-father. Ti0Tja0a [r], Ep. for riOijs, 2 sing. ofri9r]ui. Ti0T]Ti \JL~\, Dor. for riOrjcri, 3 sing, of riOr/pi. Tt0vp,aXos, o, irreg. pi. rd nOvp-aKa: spurge, Lat. euphorbia. (Deriv. uncertain.) Tt0cavos, o, Tithonus, brother of Priam, husband of Aurora, and father of Memnon: metaph. of a decrepit old man, because he had immortal life without the continuance of youth. TIKTW, for TITCKOJ, which is formed by redupl. from Root *TE'Kfl : fut. rt, f. rjffoj, to do honour or observance to, worship, exalt, celebrate. From Tip,-aX<|>Y|S, 6s, (rifjir), d\(ptiv) fetching a price: hence, costly, precious. Tijxdv, Dor. for rifArjv. TijAavra, Dor. for rif^rjvra, ace. of rifj.T,s. Tip,-dopos, ov, Dor. for rifjuapos. Tlp,d-oxos, ov, poet, for n^ovxos, held in honour, honoured, esteemed. Tijiu.(rt)vTi, Dor. 3 pi. fut. of ripjdaj. rljidco, f. rjaca'. aor. I trifjirjffa: pf. TtTtftrjKa: Med., fut. rijj-rjffofjLai (but always in pass, sense) : aor. I en- jjnjffdprjv : Pass., fut. Tiftq&hffOfUU, also paullo-p. fut. T6Ti/u^(ro/iai: aor. I (.Tip.rjQ'rjv: pf. rtrip.rnj.ai'. (rifjiT)): to deem or hold worthy, to honour, respect, revere, hold in reverence; in Pass. c. gen. rei, rerifjirjadai n/jiTJs to be deemed worthy of honour : also to value, cherish, love. 2. of things, to value, prize : c. gen. to estimate or value at a certain price; ir\oid ren/jiT]- fj-iva. xpfj p-drav vessels valued at a certain sum: Med., TroAAov riftdaOai, like TroAAoi; TroiftaOai n, to hold in much account. II. c. dat. rei, to honour with a thing, np,dv nva rd, arftydvois, etc., to honour with burial, garlands, etc.: hence to reward. III. as Att. law-term : I . Act., of the judge, to esti- mate the amount of punishment due to the prisoner, Lat. litem aestimare ; r. rr/v StKrjv to award the sen- tence ; Tiftdv paitpdv nvi to award the long line, i.e. sentence of death ; hence, rtp.av nvi davdrov (sc. Siterjv) to give sentence of death against a man. 2. Med., of the accuser, nudaOai rivi \^iKrjv~\ 8ffnu>v, (pvyrjs, Qa.va.rov, etc., to lay or assess the punishment at death, exile, bonds, etc. : in answer the accused could, if found guilty, lay the punishment at a less rate, which was called avririp-daQai or vTrorifj-daOai. TijiT), fj, (T/CU) the price, cost, worth of a thing. II. metaph. the honour in which one is held, worship, esteem, respect. 2. a place or poft of honour, rank, dignity. 3. generally, distinction, privilege: hence a dignity, office, magistracy. 4. an offering to the gods, Lat. honor: a reward, present. III. a prizing, valuing. 2. an estimate, valuation or assessment of damages ; then compensation, satisfaction, esp. in money : a penalty, as the price or payment for wrong, and so punishment, damages. Hence Tijnqeis, (acra, (v; contr. TIJJLTJS, ace. rifjirjvra; Dor. Tijideis : valued, honoured, esteemed, of men. 2. of things, prized, costly, precious. Comp. rifj.T)fffrcpos : Sup. -eararos. Tip,T)p.a, arcs, TO, (rifjidoj") that which is estimated or j valued, the worth, price, value of a thing, A a 706 rvfJL0ov the "honour of a tomb. II. an estimate, valuation ; esp. (be estimate of damages : hence a penalty, punishment: a fine. 2. tie value at which an Athenian citizen s property was rated, rate of as- sessment, Lat. census ; 77 airu Tt/wj/iarcyi/ noXireia a government where the magistrates were chosen ac- cording to property or assessment, [f] Tt|JttjvTa, poet, for n^vta, contr. ace. of Tiprjfis. TijJiT|-opos, ov, Ion. for npdopos, nfjuapts. TijJifjs, poet, contr. for nfjt,rfis. Ttp,T]O'is, &s, T), (rifJLaoj) an estimating, valuing the worth or price of a thing : an assessment q/damages. [t] Tl\i.T\fj-cra, contr. poet, for n^faaa, fern, of Ttjuifcts. TijjnjTcCa or TijAijTta, f), (nfjiTjTrjs) the censorship at Rome, Lat. Centura. Tt|XT]TOS, a,' ov, verb. Adj. of np-du, to be ho- noured. II. TifJLijTfov, one must honour. Ttfii]TT|s, ov, 6, (rt/iaw) a valuer, assessor. II. at Rome, a censor. Ti|jnr)TiK6s, -fj, ov, (rt/7Ti7s) estimating, valuing: for the purpose of estimating, for determining the amount of punishment. II. at Rome, of cen- sorial rank. Tlp,t]Tos, 17, ov, verb. Adj. of Tt/uacw, estimated, valued, assessed: as Att. law-term, OIKTJ TifJ-r/r^ a suit in which the damages are to be assessed by the judges; opp. to oifcrj dnfirjTos, where the penalty is fixed by law. Tip-ios, a, ov, also os, ov, (npr}) valued: of persons, esteemed, held in honour : of things, prized, precious, honourable. 2. of high price, dear, Lat. carus. Hence Ttpuorqs, rjros, 37, worth, value, preciousness. Ttfios, 6, poet, form for n^rj. Tifjuopto), f. Tjcrcy, (rifuupus) to help, aid, succour; esp. by way of redressing injuries, to avenge : in full, rifjuapetv rtvi rov iratoos rov (povea to avenge a man on the murderer for (the murder of) his son : Pass., TfTificapijaOai nvi to have vengeance taken for any one. II. Med., f. -rjaofMi, with pf. pass, (in med. sense) Ttn^wprf^aL : to exact vengeance from any one, avenge oneself upon him, punish, chastise him, c. ace. pers. : also c. gen. rei, n^uapcTa9ai nvd nvos to take vengeance on one, punish him for a thing : absol. to avenge, right oneself, seek vengeance. Hence TijjLu>pT]p.a, etTOJ, TO, help, aid, succour. II. an act of vengeance. Tip,a>pi]Tov, verb. Adj. of npcapf w, one must assist: one must avenge, punish. TijwoptjTTip, rjpos, u, (rifj.wpecu') a helper, aider. 2. an avenger. Ttjicopia Ion. -TJ, ff, (nftapfca) help, aid, suc- cour. II. vengeance, retribution : also punish- ment, torture. Tifi-topos, ov, (np.r), aifxo} contr. from npdopos : helping, aiding, succouring: as Subst., npwpos, 6, a helper, aider. II. avenging, punishing for wrong. TI2. TIV, like rctv, Dor. for ffol, dat. of ov. II. Dor. for at. Tiva"y|JUi, aros, TO, (rivdffffou) a shake, quaking. TtvaKTT|p, ijpos, and TtvdKTCop, opos, 6, (rivdaaoS) one who shakes, a shaker : fern, nvdnrftpa. Tiva(j [I Ep., i Att] : f. riaoj [t] : aor. I eriaa : pf. act. TtTiKa, pass. Tcrttr/xai : I. Act. to pay a price, mostly to pay a penalty, Lat. dare poenas : also to pay a debt, quit oneself of a debt : riveiv \dpiv nvi to pay or render thanks : the thing for which one pays is put in gen., rivfiv d^oi^v @ou>v to pay com- pensation for the ox^n : but, the price being omitted, in ace., to pay or atone for a thing, riaat v(3piv to atone for one's insolence : also c. ace. pers. to make atonement, pay the price for a person slain : absol. to make return or recompence, repay. II. Med. to have a price paid one, make another pay for a thing, avenge oneself on him, to punish, take retribution on one, Lat. poenas sumere de aliquo : mostly c. ace. pers. et c. gen. rei, riafaOai 'Ahegavopov KaKorrjros to punish Alexander for his wickedness : c. ace. rei only, to take vengeance for a thing: but also c. dupl. ace. pers. et rei, riaacrOai nvi Siitrjv to exact retribu- tion from a person : but also with the means of punishment in the dat., rivcoOai nvi (pvyr) to requite, punish with exile : absol. to repay oneself, take ven- geance. no, n6, imitation of a bird's note. TIOV, Ep. for (Tiov, impf. of riof Se Tts fiTrcaKfv but thus some one said, i. e. thus men said. 2. like eteaaros or TTOS, each, each one, every one ; fv //el/ Tts oopv 0r/doO, f. oca, to suckle, nurse, foster. From TI'T0H, 77, the teat of a woman's breast : a nurse. TiT0iov, TO, Dim. of rirdos, a nipple, teat. TIT0O'2s, o, the teat or nipple of a woman's breast. TIT\OS, ov, 6, formed from Lat. titulus, a title, superscription. f. rpwffca: aor. I erp&oa: Pass., fut. but also fut. med. rpajaofjiai in pass, sense : aor. I trpw&rjv : pf. rerfxafjiat : (formed from Root *TPH'n) : to wound, hurt; rerpuaOat rov fj.T)p, properly of the cry of partridges; but also of swallows and other small birds, to twitter, chirrup. (Formed from the sound.) TITUO-KTOVOS, o, (Tirvos, Kreivco) slayer of Tityos. TtrCos, 6, Tityos, son of Gaia, a giant. TITVCTKOJJUU, only used in pres. and impf., akin both to Tcuycu and rvyxdveu : I. like rev\ca, to make. surprise. 4. ri prjv ; why not ? bow else ? i. e. yes surely ! Lat. quidni f [ri was never elided, and sometimes stands before a vowel even in Trag., as ri ovv ; ri eliras ;] Titraiaro, Ion. 3 pi. aor. I med. opt. of rioj. TVH, a kind of beetle or water-spider, that runs on the top of smooth water, [t] Ti9', for ritrre, before an aspirate. Tios, os, TO, a pool. TI'H [T], Ep. inf. nefifv : impf. enov: Pass., pres. riojjiai : pf. rerlp.at, part. rerlp.wos : Ion. impf. act. and pass, rieattov, rteffKOfiijv, 3 sing. neoKero : to pay honour to a person, to esteem, honour, respect, regard : also of things, 0eot SIKIJV riovaiv the gods honour right. 2. to value or rate at a certain worth. II. fut. and aor. I act. riaca, erlaa, and fut. and aor. I med. riffofiai, enadfj.ev, are only used A a 2 708 in the sense of TIVCJ, fivonai : in Act. to pay a price, make return : in Med. to have a price paid, or return made one : see Ttvca. T\d-0|Jios, ov, Dor. for TXrjOvpos. rXaiTjv, aor. 2 opt. of *TAd<. T\d{Ao>v, Dor. for TXrjfj.ouv. r\ds, TXdffa, TXav, aor. 2 part, of *TAdiy. *TAA'X1, a radic. form never found in pres. : fut. TXrjffOfJLai : aor. 2 tTXrjv (formed as if from TXtju'i}, imperat. TXfjBi, opt. TXoirjv, Ep. 3 pi. TXaTcv (for TXairjaav), inf. TXfjvai, part. rAos, TXdaa, TXav : pf. TtTXrjKa, also used in pres. sense ; from this pf. is formed imperat. TfrXa&i, TfTXaTca [a] ; opt. TCTXairfv; inf. TCTXavai [a] Ep. TfTXdfjifv, TfTXdfjifvai, Ep. part. T6TAT7a;s, TCTATivfa, gen. TfTXrjoTOS : there is also a poet. aor. I IrdAaaa (as if from a pres. TaXdai), Ep. (TaXaffffa, subj. raAdo'o'cu, 77*, 77 : to ta& upon one- self, to bear, suffer, undergo, endure hardship : some- times absol., esp. in imperat. rXrjdi, bear up, endure: so in pf. part., TCTXIJUTI Bvpy with enduring, patient heart. II. to bear steadfastly, hold out : c. inf. to dare to do something, whether good or bad : also c. ace. to dare a thing, i. e. dare to do it. T\f\, Ep. 3 sing. aor. 2 of *rAdw. T\T|-00p,os Dor. r\d-, or, (*TAd. TATjjJLOVtos, Adv. of TXrjfjtodv, patiently. . T\irjjJio(7vvrj, 77, that which is to be endured, misery, distress. II. endurance, patience. From T\T||XCJ>V, ovos, 6, 7), vocat. TXr/pov, (*TXdw~) suffering, enduring : hence, I. patient, steadfast, stout- hearted : also bold, daring: in bad sense, reckless, rash, Lat. audax. II. full of suffering, wretched, miserable. TAfjvat, aor. 1 inf. of rAdcy. T\T)(Ti-Kdp8ios, ov, (*TAd. of 6, 77, TO) : of such kind, nature or quality, such, such-like, Lat. talis, demonstr. Pron., to which the relat. ofos, interrog. Trcfo*, and indefin. TTOJOS corres- pond : Tofos in Homer commonly refers to something gone before : in later authors it points to something to eome, the following. 2. TO?OS c. inf., such as to do, i. e.fit or able to do ; TOIOI dfivveftev able to \ assist ; cf. ofos. II. with an Adj. it makes the sense of the Adj. more prominent, so very,jmt; fin- ct/n)s TOIOS just of moderate size; KfpSaXeos TOIOS so very crafty. III. Homer uses neut. TCIOV as Adv., so, thus, so very, so much. TOiocr8e, ToidSf Ion. TotrjOf, TOIOVOC : Att. also rot- oo-8t, etc., like TO?OS, with stronger demonstr. sense, of such kind, nature or quality ; more commonly of what follows than what has gone before, to which \TOIOVTOS properly refers; tTfpos TotoaSf just such another. TOIOVTOS, ToiavTtj, TOIOVTO, Att. also TOIOVTOV: and in strengthd. form Att. roiovTOoi, like Tofos and Toto&fif, of such kind, nature or quality : more com- monly of what has gone before than what follows, such as the foregoing : absol., tv T$ TOIOVTW, kv rcfs YOIOVTOIS in such a ftate of things : strengthd., TOIOV- TOS cTfpos : also in neut. frtfjpo? TOIOVTOV, T(pa TOiovTO-rpoiros, ov, (TOIOVTOS, Tpoiros) of such fashion or kind, such like. Adv. -Tpuirojs, after such a fashion. TOiovr-wStjS, fs, (TOIOVTOS, fi8os) of such kind or form. Toicr8(ri and TOi, f. rjafa, (Totx^P^X 05 ) to be a house- breaker, burglar : to play rogue's tricks. Hence roi\b)p\j\ia, 77, housebreaking, burglary. Toix-copuxs [u],<5, (Torsos, opvffffa)) one who breaks through the wall, a housebreaker, burglar : generally, a thief, knave. TOUOJS, Totwo-Se, Advs. of rofos, TOioVoe TOKO;, Dor. for TOT. TOKas, abos, T), (Topeu>, (TOKOS, 0e/>oj) to bring in interest. TO'AMA" Ion. ToXfju) Dor. ToXjAiL, 77, courage to vulture on a thing, boldness, daring. 2. in bad sense, over-boldness, recklessness, Lat. audacia : a bold or daring deed. ToXjJuitrets, Dor. 2 fut. of To\jid or -Co>, to speak inarticulately, mutter: also of inarticulate cries of animals. (Formed from the sound.) TOVOS, o, (TCIVOJ) that which strains and tightens a thing, or that which can itself be stretched, a rope, cord* brace, band ; ol rovoi TUV K\ivtuv the cords of beds : also the strand of a rope. 2. in animals, the sinews or tendons, Lat. nervi. II. a stretch- ing, tightening; bracing, straining, strain. 2. of sounds, a straining or pitching of the voice : hence, a tone, note : also the tone or stress falling on a syl- lable in a verse ; tovos egdpfTpos hexameter mea- | sure. 3. in Music, TOVOI were measures or modes, j Lat. modi : of which in the earliest Greek mrsic j there were three, the Dorian, Lydian and Phry- gian. III. exertion of force, force, intensity : also direction, tenour. TO-VVV, = TO vvv, for the present. j Toa.ojA, struck by an arrow, shot. TOU, f. au, (T * e> the Greeks, whose chief weapon was the spear ; see Too8a/xos. II. in plur. also, bow and arrows, or even the arrows only. To(joiroico, f. 770-0;, to make like a bow, to arch. From Tofjo-iroios, ov, (Toov,.iroia;) making bows. Togoo-vvr], 77, (TU^OV) bowmanship, archery. Togo-Teux^s, e's, (TOOV, T6ux cct ) armed with the how. TogoTijs, ov, o, (TOOI>) a bowman, archer. II. at Athens, of TOOTCU were the police, also called 2u- 0ai, because they were public slaves bought from the parts north of Greece. Togons, t8os, fern, of TOOTT]S, an archeress; as Adj., TOOTJS x ( 'tp an archer hand. Tog-ov\Kos, ov, (TOOV, e\Kai) drawing the bow ; TOOV\KOV XrjiM the spirit of archers, i. e. of the Persians ; see rogov. Togo-4>6pos, ov, (TOOV, pa, dffiris, trr]yvvp.i) lyre-turner and shield-maker. T0pvtco, f. oca, to turn, work with a lathe and chisel, Lat. tornare : metaph. of verses, to turn neatly, round off: and generally, to twist round. From ropvos, 6, (Topccu) a carpenter's tool to draw a circle with, compasses, Lat. tornus. II. a turner's chisel, a lathe-chisel. Hence Topvoojjiai, f. -waofiai, Dep. to make round, mark off with compasses; ropvdxravTO aij^a they rounded ojfihe barrow; oa(pos vrjos Topvajaerai dvfjp he will round him q^"the ship's bottom. ropes, a, ov, (Tcipca) piercing; of the voice, piercing, thrilling. 2. metaph. clear, distinct, plain. II. of persons, sharp, quick, smart. Toporiyi or T0pv~ rov, = TOO-OS, with a stronger demonstr. force, so great, so large, etc. : also to designate a very small degree, hence roaovrov, only so much, so much and no more ; Is TOGOVTO, Lat. eatcmis, so far ; Zrepov TOffovro as great, as much or many again. II. TOGOVTO or -ov, Ep. roaaovTO or -ov, as Adv., so much, so far. TOo-otiTocrC, roffavrrji, TOGOVTOVI, Att. for TOO"O{;TOS. Tooxrdici and TOcr/aJ ' to ^> hit upon. Too-o-fjvos, Dor. for TOCTOVTOS. , 77, ov, Ep. for Toorcrocr-Se -17-8*, -cV-8e, Ep. for TOcroaSe. TOO-O-OVTOS, -avrrj, -OVTO and -OVTOV, Ep. for TOffOVTOS. TOOXJS, Adv. of TOCTOS, so much, as much. TOTC, Adv. at that time, then : often in Att , aforf- time, formerly : sometimes emphatic, at that fa- mous time. 2. joined with other Particles, Tore 817, TOT' eTretTa, 8?) TOTC -ye. 3. with the Article, of ToYe people then living ; Iv T TOT* in the tbeii\ time. It answers to the Relat. 6Ve and interrog. irore. TOT, Adv. at times, now and then, mostly in answer- ing clauses, TOT* jueV . . , Tore 8e . . , at one time . . , at another ; TOT' f) TOT', at one time or other. TO-TrapTov, Adv. = TO T6TapTov,for the fourth time, like Towparrov, etc. TO-TTJVIKO, or divisim TO TrjvtKa, Adv., = Tijvifca. [?] TOTo|3pi, imitation of a bird's note. ro-TpiTov, Adv., = TO TP'LTOV, for the third time ; cf. TOTtTOpTOV. [?] TOV, gen. of Art. o, and interrog. Pron. ris. TOV, enclit., gen. of enclit. Pron. TIS. Toi-poXov, Att. crasis for TOU offoXov. TOUK, Att. crasis for TOV e. TO\5Xaaves, Att.. crasis for TO tfj.i)Xov, Att. crasis for TO p(pv\ov. Touvavriov, Att. crasis for TO cvavTiov. TOVVCKO,, Att. crasis for TOU iW/ra,/or that reason, therefore. TOtrvOcvSe, Att. crasis for TO ivdevSe. Tovvop.a, Att. crasis for TO ovopa. TOtrvT'00v, Att. crasis for TO tvTtvdev, henceforth. TOvireKeiva, Att. crasis for TO eireKciva. TOVIITOS or TOVTTOS, Att. crasis for TO ITTOS. rovpYov or rovpYOv, Att. crasis for TO Zpyov. Toipavov, Att. crasis for TOU ovpavov. TOVTOKIS orYovraia, Adv poet. for TuT(,then. II. so many times, so often, [a] TOvreC, Adv., Dor. for TOUT??, in that direction, there, yonder. Tovrfpov, Ion. crasis for TO tTepov. TOVT006 Adv. (OJTOS) hence, thence. TOVTuiOev, Dor. Adv. (OUTOS) thence. Topa. Adv. of Time, tip to that time, so long ; an- swering to the Relat. ctypa. II. Tocppa. some- times stands absol , meantime, meanwhile. Tpa-yfiXifto, = Tpwyca. TpoyStraios, a, ov, of or from the cify Tpayaffai in Epirus : but of swine, us Tpayaaaia tpaivfTat, with allusion to Tpa^tiv, to eat: and again Tpayaffaiov irarpos, with play upon Tpdyos, a goat. etv, aor. 2 inf. of Tpu-yu. 711 o, ov, poet, for Tpdyfoa: Tpayeiij (sub Sopa), 77, a goat's skin, [a] Tpay-Xa4>os, o, (Tpdyos, eA.a " ( T pdyos) of or from a he-goat; Tpayrj (sub. 8o/>a), ?;, a goat's skin, [a] Tpdyr)p.a, aTos, TO, (rpayeiv) mostly in plur. sweet- meats, dessert, Lat. hellaria. Tp3yT]p.aTici>, f- ff to eat sweetmeats : so also in Med. TpctyrjiMiTl^ofjLCii. rpSylKos, "hi v i (Tpdyos} of or for a goat. II. of or for a tragedy, tragic (cf. Tpayufiia) : TpayiKos \rjpos the tawdry decorations of tragedy : hence generally, stately, majestic ; in bad sense, pompous : Adv. -KOJS, in tragic style. Tpdytvos, 77, ov, (Tpdyos) like Tpdycios, of a he-goat. rpayioxos, o, Dim. of Tpdyos, a young he-goat. rpayo-KovpiKos, 77, uv, (rpdyos, Kovpd) of or for shearing he-goats. Tpayo-KTOvos, ov, (Tpdyos, /CTetVcw) of slaughtered goats. TpSyo-ndtrxciXos, ov, (Tpdyos, pjaa\d\rf) with arm- pits smelling like a he-goat. Tpayo-irovs, TroSos, 6, 77, (Tpdyos, Trots) goat-footed. Tpayos,6,(Tpayiv}ahe-goat, Juzt.bircus, caper. II. the smell of the arm-pits, Lat. hircus alarum. Tpd-yo-o-iceXTjs, es, (rpdyos, ovfeA.cs) goat-shanked, of Pan. , Dor. for Tpwyu, like irpdros for irpwTos. [a] {. T/ffQ}, (TpaywSus) to act a tragedy : generally, to represent or exhibit in tragedy : Pass. to be made the subject of a tragedy. II. metaph. to tell in tragic phrase, to declaim, speak theatrically. Hence rpaycoSia, 77, a tragedy or heroic play, invented by the Dorians, and with them of lyric character (rpa- yiKol xP0 5 then transplanted to Athens, where it assumed its dramatic character. See rpaywfius. rpaycpSiKos, 77, 6v, (Tpayyous} befitting a tragic poet or tragedy. TpftycpSo-SiSao-KaXos, o, (Tpayy^s, SiSdffiecu) a tragic poet, who himself trained the chorus and actors. TpaYcpSo-iroios, ov, (Tpay&dus, Troie'a;) making tra- gedies : as Subst., TpayuSoiroios, o, a tragic poet. Tpay-w86s, o, (Tpdyos, doidos contr. cJSos) a tragic poet and singer, as the poet took part in the perform- ance of his play : later, the term TpaywSus was con- fined to the tragic actor. Properly, the goat-singer, either because a goat was the prize, or because the actors were clothed in goat-skins. TPA"NH'5, e's, piercing: metaph. clear, plain t distinct. rpuvos, 77, oV, collat. form of Tpavrjs. rpuvoo), (Tpavus) to make clear, plain, distinct. Tpavws, Adv. of Tpavrjs, clearly, distinctly. rpaire, for erpaTre, Ep. 3 sing. aor. 2 of Tpcrra}. [a] rpa-ire^a [rpa], rjs, 17, a table, esp. a dining-table ; ev/77 Tpd-jrcfa the hofpi'alli board; Tpawf^rj KOI 712 5exo~&u to entertain at bed and board. 2 a table, dinner, meal. II. a money-changer's table or counter, a bank, Lat. mensa argentaria. III. any table or fiat surface, a tablet, Lat. tabula. (Ace. to some from Tfrpa-, ircfa; ace. to others from T/)t-, irffa : Horace speaks of mettsa tripes.) Hence TpaircSevs, ecus, 6, at or o/a /aWe; /ewes Tpa-ne^fjes dogs that were fed at mealtime. TpaireZjiTeuw, to 6e a money-changer or banker. From Tpan-6rtjs [i], ov, 6, (Tpanrefa) one who keeps an exchange-table, a money-changer, banker, Lat. mensa- rius, argentarius. Hence Tp5TretTiKos,77, ov, concerning a banker or banking. TpaiTio|Xv, Ep. for rpaireaifjiev, rpairojuev, I pi. aor. 2 pass., both of repira} and rpeirca. TpdiTor8a, 77, Dor. for rpiittfa. Tpaircr0ai, aor. 2 med. inf. of rpcTrca. Tpdire, f. iffca, to lisp, mispronounce a letter, Lat balbutire; so of children. From TPATAO'5, 77, 6v, lisping, Lat. balbus : of the swallow, twittering. rpavjia Ion. rpoifxa, aros, TO, (nrpuffKcv) a wound, hurt ; dm) TOV rpa^aros drroOvrjaKeiv to die of the wound. II. a hurt, damage, as of ships. III. metaph. a blow, disaster, defeat. Hence Tpavuarias, ov, 6, Ion. Tpcou, , a wounded man. TpaujJulTifco Ion. Tptoji-, f. iffcu, (rpavjjia) to wound. Tpa4>ep.6v, Ion. for rpatyctv, aor. 2 inf. of rpe6v, Ep. and Aeol. for crpatyrjaav 3 pi. aor. 2 paSS. of Tpeep6s, a, ov, (rptyaj) like rpocpis, well-fed, fat, solid, substantial : rpacpfprj (sub. 777), as opp. to vyprj, dry land, em Tpatyeprjv re KOI vyprjv over dry land and sea: as Subst. of rpcKpepot or rd rpaTj [d], Ep. 3 sing. aor. 2 pass. Tpa4>fjvai, aor. 2 inf. pass, of Tpe. Tpdcfxi), Aeol. and Dor. for rpe, Dor. for rptx 03 ' \&\ Tpdxwv, wvos, o, a rugged, stony district : hence as fem. Subst. TpaxWTis, ioos, Tracbonitis, i. e. the rugged country. TPEIT2;, of, at, TpCa, TO. ; gen. rptSJv ; dat. Tpiai; ace. Tpfis, Tpia : THREE, Lat. TRES, tria. Tpcur-Kai-ScKa, of, at, Tpia-ttai-offca, rd, thirteen, Lat. tredecim. TpcCo), poet, for rpeou. Tpe(Ji(t), only used in pres. and impf., (Tpe'o>) Lat. tremo, to tremble, quake, quiver. II. c. inf. to tremble or fear to do : also c. ace. to tremble at, fear. TpcTTTecv, verb. Adj. of rpeircu, one must turn. TPE'JIH Ion. Tpdiro) : f. Tptifxu: aor. I trp(\f/a: aor. 2 frpaTTov : pf. Tfrpo(pa or rfrpacpa : Med., aor. 2 frpaTrofjiTjv : Pass., aor. I (TptfpOrjv Ion. frpd(p&r)V : aor. 1 frpairrjv, whence Ep. i plur. rpairdonfv (for rpaTTtcafjifv, rpairwfj.fv) : pf. TfTpafJ.fJ.ai, 3 plur. Tfrpd- Qarat ; imperat. TfrpatyOi, rfrpdos rpeirerai the wine is turned, become sour. III. to turn or put to flight, rout, defeat : later, rpfireiv els (pvyriv, Lat. convertere infugam, to put to flight : Pass, to be put to flight, turn and flee : Med. to turn oneself to flight, flee. IV. to turn away or off, keep off: to hinder, prevent. V. to overturn, upset. VI. to turn, apply to a purpose. Tp&rom, Ep. for rptaai, aor. I inf. of rpe'cu. Tp4>0Tjvai, aor. I pass. inf. TPE'f2 Tpi/37?. 713 II. commonly, to nourish, feed, make to the month, also in pi. Tpia.Kao'es. TPE'4n Aeol. and Dor. Tpd^xo [a]: fut. Opfyca: aor. i fOpf^a: Ep. aor. 2 erpatyov: pf. rcVpocpa: Pass., aoi. I (6pe6r)v : aor. 2 (rpdfprjv [a] : pf. rtQpaup.ai and rfOpffj.fj.at, inf. rtOpOKpOai : to raafo _/?rm or 40//W, to thicken or congeal; yd\a Bptyai. to curdle milk ; rvpbv rp*(piv to make cheese : Pass., with intr. pf. act. rerpocpa, to become firm, curdle, con- geal. grow or increase, nurse, bring up, rear: Med. to rear for oneself: Pass, to grow, grow up, wax, thrive, increase : hence to be born : and simply, to //*, fo. 2. of slaves, to &/>, maintain: of plants, to rair, tewc? ; rpe(pfiv KufJijv to cherish one's hair, wear it /owg-, Lat. comam alere : of the earth, sea, etc., to yeerf, rear, nourish, produce, Lat. nutrire, alere: hence poet, to contain, have. III. Homer uses aor. 2 act. fTpacpov in intrans. or pass, sense, as, erpacpe for fTpds, ov, (jpiaKOvra, vyov} with or of thirty benches of oars. rpiaKOVT-apxia, 17, (rpidteovTa, apxcu) the rule of the thirty tyrants at Athens : cf. rpidfcovra n. 2. ov, (rpiaKovra, opyvia) of thirty fathoms. TpiuKovropos Ion. TpujKovTepos, ov, with thirty oars : as Subst. rpioKovropos (sub. vavs), rj, a vessel of thirty oars. TpidKOVT-ovrrjs, cs, see rpiaKovTaerijs. TpietKOVT-wpvyos, ov, more correct form ofrpiaKOVT" upyvios. rpiuKocrioi Ion. TpnjKoo-iot, at, a, (rpefs, rpta) thi^ee hundred, Lat. triceni. TplttKO(TlO-(l8lfJlVOS, OV, (rpiaKOfflOt, fJ.t8llJ.VOs} Of three hundred medimni : of rpiaffoaiofjLfSifj.voi those whose property produced three hundred medimni^ which was the qualification for admission into the Athenian 'iTTTrffs. TptuKOcrTos Ion. TpiT|!C , 17, 6v, (rpicLKOVTa) the thir- tieth: 77 rpiaKOffrrj (sub. /xotpa), a duty of one thirtieth. pos, o, (rpid^ca) a conqueror: see rpta^a;. Tpi-dp(ji.vos, ov, (rpia, dpfifvov) with three sails. Tptds, a5os, 77, (rpefs) the number three, a triad. , 17, ov, (rp/jScu) rubbed, worn, Lat. tritus : 7) Tpifiaitr) a threadbare coat : cf. Tpi@cuv. Tpt|3a\Xoi, the Triballi, a people on the borders of Thrace : hence as a name for barbarian gods. Tpt-/3\Y]s, fs, (rpi-, /StAos) three-pointed. Tpt(3T|, 77, (rpiprjvai) a rubbing. II. metaph. a rubbing or grinding away, wearing away : also of time, the spending ; fiios OVK adapts fs TT}V rpiPrjv a pleasant life in the spending. 2. a busying oneself A a 5 714 about a thing, practising it, practice : also mere prac- tice, routine. 3. that about which one is busied, the object of one's care. 4. delay, putting off, eva- sion ; 4s rpifias f\dv to seek delays ; and without a Verb, /LIT) rpifZas In no more delays. Tptp-qvai, aor. 2 pass. inf. of rpi(3u. Tpt|3oX-iCTpdiTeXos, ov, (rpi@o\os, tferpa-rrtXtis) neut. plur. as Subst., rpi&oX(KrpJureXa unmannerly, coarse jests. [v [r], euros, 6, (rpi@fjvai) a worn garment, threadbare cloak. II. as Adj. 6, 77, practised, well versed or skilled in a thing, c. gen.; also c. ace. 2. absol. as Subst. a hackneyed rogue, crafty knave. TptpwvtKws, Adv. (Tptviov, TO, Dim. ofrpi@(uv, a small cloak, a cape. Tpi-Ypoov, ovros, 6, f), (rpi-, ytpuv) triply old, very very old. TPITAA-, T), a mullet, Lat. triglia. rpC-YXirjvos, ov, (rpi-, 7X771/05) epith. of ear-rings or drops, with three bright drops or brilliants. Tpi/yXo-tjjopos, ov, (rpiyXa, (pepaj) catching mullets. TpC-YXCos, ov, (rpi-, yXvcpoj) thrice-cloven : as Subst., rpiy\vos, 77, in Doric architecture, the tri- glyph, a three-grooved tablet placed at equal distances along the frieze. Tpi-YXo>xts, IPOS, o, 77, (rpi-, yXajxty three-barbed, three-forked. Tpt/yp-os, o, - rpifffj.6s. rpiYovia, T), the third generation. From rprfpTis. TpC-Yovos, ov, (rpi-, ffvtffdai} produced at three births, of children ; rpijovoi Kopai three daughters. pi-Y, f. rjaQ}. to be a rpirjpapxos, command a trireme, to be captain of a trireme; c. gen. rpitjpap- X ( w vr/os to be captain of a. ship. II. at Athens, to be trierarch, Jit out a trireme for the public service. Hence Tpujpapxici, 77, (rpirjpapx^} the command of a tri- reme. II. at Athens, the fitting out of a trireme for the public service : the office of trierarch. Hence TpiiqpapxiKos, TI, ov, fitted for a trierarch or his office. TpiT|p-apx<>S, o, (rpirjprjs, apx&) the captain of a tri- reme. II. at Athens, a trierarch, one who had to Jit out a trireme for the public service. TptT]p-at)\Tjs, ov, 6, (rpiriprjs, auAe'cw) the flute-player who gave the time to the rowers in a trireme. Tpu-T)pT]S, gen. eos Ion. et/s ; ace. a, 77 : plur., nom. ffs, fis; gen. rpirjpfcov contr. rpirjpwv: (rpis, apa- pfiv or ipeffGoo) : properly an Adj. thrice-fitted or thrice-rowed : but only used as Subst. rpirjprjs (sub. vavs}, 77, Lat. triremis, a galley with three banks of oars, first built by the Corinthians : the lowest rowers 715 being called BaXdfiioi, the middle yyfrcu, and the topmost Opavtrai ; one man managed each oar. This was the usual size of ships of war; but in later times quadriremes (Tfrprjpeis), quinqueremes (irevrrjpeis), etc., came into use. Tpi-i]ptTT]S [i], ov, d, (rpiiiprjs) one who serves on board a trireme. Tpi-qpo-iroios, ov,(rplr)pr)s,iroit(a) building triremes. Tpi-Ka\r)) three-headed. Tpi-icXivos, ov, (rpi-,K\ivr))with three beds or couches, for sleeping or reclining on at meals : as Subst., rp'iKXivos (sc. olicos), <5, like the Roman triclinium, a diningroom with three couches ; also rpiicXivov, ru. TpC-cXcocrTOS, ov, (rpi-, KXwOca) thrice spun. Tpt-KopvOos, ov, and rpt-Kopus, ij&os, o, (rpi-, Kupvs) with triple plume. Tpi-Kopo>vos, ov, (rpi-, Kopujvif) thrice a crow's age. rpi-Kpdvos, ov, (rpi-, Kpavov) three-headed, with triple crest. Tpt-Kva0os, ov, (rpi-. va(?os) holding three Kvadoi. rpi-Ktifua, 77, (rpi-, Kvpa) the third wave, a huge, overwhelming wave, since every third wave (as also every tenth, cf. oeKaKvpla) was supposed to be larger than the rest ; metaph., rpiKvpia KCLKMV a flood of evils. TptX-XioTos, ov, poet, for rpiXiaros, (rpi-,Xiaaop.ai) thrice prayed for, i. e. often or earnestly prayed for. TpiXoyia, 77, (rpi-, Ao*yos) a trilogy ; see rtrpa\oyia. TptXoia, 77, a triple crest. From rpi-Xoc|)os, ov, (rpi-, Xoos, ov, (rpi-, /XO/J077) three-formed, triple : Mofpcu rpi/jiopfpoi the three fates. Tplv-aKpia, 77, (rpi-, a.Kpa) epith. of Sicily, from its three promontories (&Kpai) : also written Tpivaicia Jon. IT) (from rpiva}. Tptvaicpios, a, ov, of Trinacria or Sicily, Sicilian. Tpiv-a, O.KOS, 77, (rpis, aicrj) a trident. Tpi6s, 77, ov, lou. for rpiaaos, threefold, triple; so 8ios for oiaaus. rpt-oSos, 77, (rpi -, o5os) a meeting of three roads, three cross-roads, Lat. trivium. Tpi-6Sovs, -vSovros, 6, 77, (rpi-, o8oi;s) with three teeth : as Subst., rpiooovs, o, a trident. rpi-opyvios, ov, (rpi-, opyvia) three fathoms long. Tpi-6po) thrice longed for, much or earnestly desired. Tpt-iToXis, ccws Ion. tos, o, 77, (rpi-, TToAts) with three cities ; cf. 8fa7roAts. Tp"-irdXtorTOS, ov, (rpi-, iroXio&) thrice-built, triply or firmly founded. rpi-iToXos, ov, (rpi-, TroAta;) thrice turned up or ploughed, bearing three crops in a year, of corn land. Tpi-irovrjTOS, ov, (rpi-, irovioj) thrice-worked : (pis TpLirovrjTos a dispute between three labourers. TpC-T7Op0os, ov, (rpi-, iropdfca) thrice wasted. Tpi-iTos, ov, o, poiit. for rp'nrovs. \l~\ Tpt-irovs, -TToSos, o, 77, -Troy*', TO, (rpi-, Tim's) three footed, three-legged or with three feet: measuring three feet. II. going on three feet ; proverb, of an old man who leans on, a staff, rpinooas_ ooovs orti- Xft. 2. as Subst., rp'nrovs, o, a tripod, a three- footed brass kettle or caldron ; tripods were often made of exquisite material and workmanship, and de- dicated in temples. 3. the stool or throne of the Delphic priestess. TpC-irpdros, ov, (rpi-, iriirpaffKu) thrice sold. Tpiimr)p, 77pos, o, (rpifiXos, ov, (rpi-, irwXos) of or with three borses. 716 rpip-pvjios, ov, (rpi-, pvfios) with three poles, i. e. with four horses abreast. Tpis, Adv. of rpfis, thrice, three times, Lat. ter ; rpls roffos thrice as much ; Is rpt's up to three times : often used indefinitely in compds., to strengthen the force of the simple word, like Lat. ter, and our thrice. Proverb., rpts e pdXXeiv to throw thrice six, i. e. the highest throw (there being three dice), hence to have the best luck, [t] Tplaif|s, (s, and Tpwro-o-^wros, ov, (rpis, a)s) in a threefold light. Tpt-o-Te-yos, ov, (rpi-, ar^rf) of or with three stories : TO rptcrrfjov (sub. o'iicr]fj.a\ the third story. or xi [t], Adv. of rpiaroixos, in three , ov, (rpi-, ffrotxos) in three rows. Tpt-aro|xos, ov, (rpi-, arofta) three-mouthed. II. three-edged or three-pointed. , at, a, (rpis, ^t\tot) three thousand: also in sing with a collective Subst., TpttrxtAta tWos 3000 horse, [x*] Tpi-crc6p,STOs, ov, (rpi, acD/xa) with three bodies, Lat. tricorpor. TpiTaY&woTett, f. ^ff) a rubbing, friction. II. firmness, resistance to the touch when rubbed. III. Tptyeis, at, potted meat. i Tpi-u>j:JoXov, TO, (rpt-, ojSoXos) a three-obol piece. Hi. e. a half-drachma, about 4%d., from the time of Pericles, the pay of the Athenian jurymen for a day's sitting in court. Tpi-(opo<}>os, ov, (Tpi-, opo^T/") f f ^ ee stories or floors : as Subst., Tpiwpotyov, TO, the third story. Tpuopvyos, ov, more correct Att. form of Tptopyvtos. TpoCaOev Ion. -TjQcv or -0e, (Tpota) Adv. from Troy. TpoCavBe Ion. -TjvSc, (Tpot'a) Adr. to Troy. Tpoia Ion. TpoiT], 77, either the city or the country, Troy or the Troad : also Tpoi'a as trisyll. , Ion. for rpofj-ioiVTO, 3 pi. med. opt. of Tpi-4>i\T)Tos Dor. -arcs, ov, (rpi-, v\Xov, TO, (Tpi-, vXos, ov, (rpi-, (pvXr)) of three tribes; vpKpv- Xovs TTOtftv to divide them into three tribes. Tpixo, or TpiX"n> Adv. (rpis) threefold, in three parts, Lat. trifariam : c. gen., Tptxo. VVKTUS in the third watch of the night; rpixP- ffxifav to divide in three, [r] Tpt-xdiKes [i], ol, the threefold people, i.e. the Do- rians, so called from their three tribes. (Deriv. un- certain.) ov, (rpt-, xaXfvToi) very angry. , ov, Dor. for Tpt-^Aos, (rpt-, X 7 ?^- 5 ?) c ^~ ven in three. TpixS at, nom. pi. of Opi. [r] rptxi), Adv. (jpixa) in threefold manner. rpix^d, Adv. poet, for Tpt^a, triply, into three parts. [a] Hence , a, ov, threefold, [a] s, ?;, ov, (6p'i) of or from hair. \rpt~\ , ioos, 77, (Opi) a kind of anchovy full of small bones like hair, whence its name. Tplx6-/3po>s, euros, (Opig, PifipcuffKQj)') eating hair: as Subst., Tpix<-'>@pwT(s, hair-eaters, i. e. moths. Tpi-xoiviKOS, ov, (rpi-, \owi) holding three \oivi- Kts : TpixoivtKov Ziros a most capacious word. rpi-xoXoiTOS, ov, (rpi-, \o\6co} thrice-detested. rptxo-jJiaXXos, ov, (6pi t /LtaAAos) with fleece-like hair. Tpixoppvo, f. 770-0), to shed or lose the hair. From rptxop'P^s, f's, (fyw'f , P' w ) shedding or losing the hair. , gen. of Opi. , Adv. (Tpixa) in three places. , ov, (Tpi-, xpcD/^a) three-coloured. , aros, TO, (Tpi;((/'a>) a growth of hair, shock of hair. Tpofteovn, Dor. and Ep. for rpofj-eovcri, 3 pi. of Tpo- ioa. 2. dat. pres. part, of Tpopecu. rpofxcpos, d, ov, (Tpo(j.oj) trembling : quaking, qui- vering. I Tpop,ev}Xvos, Ion. part. med. of rpofitoj. Tpojicci), f. rjffca, (rpo/ios) to tremble, quake, quiver : , hence to be afraid. II. c. ace. to tremble before or at, to fear, dread, shudder at. rpop.os, o, (TptjJLQj) a trembling, quaking, quivering, esp. from fear. Tpoirata (sub TJT/OTJ), 77, (TpOTrafos) a returning wind, alternating wind : one which blows back from the sea to land: metaph., X'fjfJ.aTos Tpoiraia a change in one's spirit. 2. a change from, release from. rpoircuov Ion. rpoiraiov, TO, properly neut. of Tpo- Trafos ; a trophy, Lat. tropaeum, in token of the ene- my's rout (rpoTTT]): consisting of shields, helmets, etc., taken from the enemy, hung on trees, or fixed on upright posts : arrjaai or ffTrjffaaOai rputraia. to set up trophies. Tpoiraios, a, ov, (Tpe7ro>) of a turning or change. II. of defeat or rout (Tpoirrf) ; 6fol Tponaioi the gods who caused the defeat ; "E TO/JOS o^jiaat Tpoiraioi terrible I to the eyes of Hector. III. turning away, avert- ing, Lat. averruncus. Tpo-rrcuo-6pos, ov,(Tpoiraiov, opa>, f. rjcrca, (rpoiros, (pepca) to bear ivith another man's manners. rpoiroco, f. wlXis, i5os, f), (rpf (pea) fresh cheese. Tpozj>ta, ra, (rpo^vca) pay or recompence for rear- ing, the wages of a nurse or foster-mother. II. living, food, subsistence. Tpo6i)s, foos, 6, (rpocpri) one who rears or brings up, a rearer, foster-father : metaph. of inanimate ob- jects, a; rpofprjs \\ioi ye who have fed me. Tpo<|>b>, = rpfT|, ^, (rpttyoj) nourishment, food, victuals, main- tenance; ftiov Tpocprj a livelihood, living: one's means of living. II. a rearing or nursing, bringing up : a teriding or keeping of animals. III. that which is reared, a nursling, brood. Tpoip.os, 77, ov, also os, ov, (rpocpfi) nourishing, nutritious, frui'ful : c. gen., 777 rp6ts, o, 77, rpufpt, TO, gen. los, (rptfyca} well-fed, stout, large, big; rpu(pi KVfM a huge, swollen wave. Tpo<}>66ts, fffoa, tv, (rpe>cy) well-fed, stout, large, hugs. rpo4>6s, o and 77, (rpecpca) a feeder, rearer, nurse. Tpoo-(j>opea), f. rjffoj, (rpowvM>s, <5, the builder of the first temple of Apollo at Delphi ; to whom afterwards a cave and oracle were dedicated. Tpoxa8t)v, Adv. (T/)e'x, f. dercy, (rpo^os) to run along, run quickly, trip along. Tpoxatos, a, ov, (T/JO^OS) running, tripping : in prosody, f> rpo-)(aios (sc. TTOVS) a trochee, foot consist- ing of a long and short syllable, used esp. in quick time, as more lively than the iambic. rpoxSXos, 77, ov, (T/>CX U ) running : swift : round. TpoxiiXaTta, f. Tjaa}, to drive a chariot. II. metaph. to drive about, drive round and round, chase. From Tpox-TjXarrjs [a], ov, o, (rpo^os, \\avvca) a driver of a wheeled carriage, a charioteer. Tpox-T|XaTOS,oi',(Tpoxc's, I Xavvco) moved on wheels, wheel-drawn. 2. dragged by or at the wheels. 3. turned or fashioned on the potter's wheel. 4. me- taph. driven round and round, driven about. rpoxto., 77, (rpo\us) the track of wheels. 2. the round of a wheel. Tpoxto>, f. ttfcu, (T/?OXC'S) to turn upon the wheel,. torture. , T), (rpo^vs] a pulley, Lat. trochlea. , o, (Tpe%cu) a small bird of the wagtail kind found in Egypt, said by Herodotus to pick /38cA- Acu out of the crocodile's throat. 2. a small land- bird, the wren, [f] rpoxtos, a, ov, (rpoxos) running round or quickly. Tpox*-S, tos and tews, o, (rp^oi) a runner, messenger. Tpoxo-8lvco, f. -fjffoj, (rpoxos, oivsca) to turn round and round, whirl or roll round. Tpoxo-i8if|s, es, (rpoxos, e?5os) like a wheel, round, circular. rpoxocis, fffffa, fv, (rpoxos) round, circular. Tpoxoiroteo), f rjffca, to make wheels. From rpoxo-iroios, os, (rpoxus, Trote'cu) making wheels: as Subst., T/)oxo7roos, o, a wheelwright. rpoxos, ov, o, (rpf:-)(.ai) anything that runs round: anything round or circular, a round ball or cake; the sun's disc : esp., II. a wheel: a potter's wheel. III. a boy's hoop, Lat. Graecus trochus. IV. the wheel of torture, cf. rpoxifa ', firi rpoxov aTpe(3\ova6ai to be tortured on the wheel. Tpoxos, ov, 6, (rpc'xa;) a running, course, a cir- cular course, revolution. i. a place for running. TPT'BAION, r6, a cup, bowl. rpvyao*, f. rjffaj, (rpvyr)) to gather in ripe fruits, ga- ther in the vintage or harvest, with ace. of the fruit gathered : also in Med. II. with ace. of the field or trees, to reap the crop off 1 *, field : metaph., rpvydv riva to reap advantage from some one. 2. pro- verb., IpTj/jias rpvydv (sc. d/^rreAovs) to strip un- watched vines, of one that is bold where there is nothing to fear. [iJ], 77, (rpirycy) ripe fruit gathered in, a crop of corn, fruit, grapes, etc. II. a gathering of such fruits ; afjurtXtuv rpvyr) the vintage. Tpvy*iyr\\p, rjpos, 6, (rpv^aoj} one who gathers ripe fruits, esp. grapes. TpVYTjros, o, (Tpi57aa.iyUi)v, ovos, 6, (rpv, Saif^cav^) for TpvycttSos, with allusion to Ka.KobaiiJ.cav, a luckless wight of a poet. TpvY-ouros,o,(Tpv, TTTOS) a straining-cloth, strainer, esp. for wine, [u] rpijyo&tv, Ep. for rpvyyfv, 3 pi. opt. of rpvycua. TPTTn, to dry. [C] rpt/Y-coSia, T), (rpvycuSus) = (u/za)8ia, comedy. Hence TptiY'^SiKos, 77, uv, = KcoftaiotKos, of or for comedy or the comic art. Tptry-wSos, o, (rpv, 0)877) a must-singer or lees- finger ; because, according to Horace, the singers smeared their faces with lees as a ludicrous disguise : afterwards called o>^a8os when their performance as- sumed a more regular character. Tpvywv, uvos, 77, (Tp7Ja)) the turtle-dove, named from its cooing. TPT'Zri, only used in pres. and impf. to make a murmuring sound; of doves, to coo ; of men, to mut- ter, murmur. (Formed from the sound.) Tpvp.aX.ia, 77, (jpvca) = rpv^rj : the eye of a needle. rpvpyr], 77, (rpvca) a hole. II. metaph. a sharp fellow, a sly knave, [v] rpv, 77, gen. rpuyus, (Tpirycu) neiu wine not yet fer- mented, must, Lat. mustum. II. the lees of wine, dregs, Lut.faex : generally, refuse, dross, as of metal, Lat. scoria : metaph. of an old man or woman. rpvirfivov, TO, (rpviraca) a carpenter's tool, a borer, auger, gimlet, [v] Tpvirdo), f. rjffca : pf. pass. TfTpvnr)nai : (rpinrrf) : to bore, pierce through, perforate ; >ra T(Tpvnr)fj.fva ears pierced for earrings ; if^jaXia, T), a "helmet. (Prob. from Tpwy and (paXos, strictly a helmet with a crest fixed in the ao>, f. 770*0), (Tpvfpr)} to live softly or delicately, fare snmp'uously, live in luxury: part, rpvfytav, waa, 719 delicate, effeminate; neut. TO rpvtpwv as Subst., effe- minacy, i. to be licentious, to revel. 3. to carry oneself high, give oneself airs, be insolent. Tpv6paivop.6pos, d, uv, (rpv(prj) soft, delicate, dainty, effe- minate, luxurious, fastidious : neut. TO rpvcpcpov as Subst., effeminacy. Adv. -po>s, voluptuously. Tpv(j>po-rr]S, 77TOS, T), (Tpwpfpos) delicacy, luxury. Tpvcj>rj, 77, (OpviTTca) softness, delicacy, daintiness, luxury, fastidiousness : in plur. luxuries, daintinesses, Lat. deliciae. 2. conceit, insolence. Tpt5<(>'T]\6s, 77, ov, poet, for rpvfpfpus. Tpv<}>ir]|xa, aTos, TO, (Tpv) the object in which one takes pleasure : in plur. luxuries, Lat. deliciae. Tpv<}>TjVos, cos, TO, (rpvcpfjvai') that which is broken off, a piece, morsel, lump, fragment, [u] Tpvxtipos, a, uv, (rpvxos) ragged, tattered, in rags and tatters. Tpvxvos, 6 r = ffTpvxvos, rough, rugged. rpOxos, cos, TO, (Tpu^cw) a worn out, tattered gar- ment, a rag, shred: in plur. rags, tatters. Hence Tpvxou, rare form of Tpvxo). Tpxx, f. YaXia, ra, (rpwyca) fruits eaten at dessert, Jigs, almonds, sweetmeats, etc. [70] TpcoYXi], 77, (TpdVyoo) a hole. TpcoYXo-SvTTjs, ov, 6, (rpwyXr), OVQJ} one who creeps into holes ; of Tpcay \oovrai, Troglodytes, as name of an Aethiopian tribe who dwelt in holes or caves, [y] TpwYXo-Stid), (rpdrfXr), 8ica) to creep into holes. Tpo>Youras, Dor. for rpajyovaas, fem. part. ace. pi. of Tpwyo). Tpu>Yovri, Dor. for Tpwyovat, 3 pi. pres. of Tpwyca. TPflTn, f. Tpu;o//m : aor. I (Tpwga : aor. 2 tTpa- yov : Pass., aor. 2 (rpdyrjv [a] : pf. TeVpary/wu : to I gnaw, chew: of men, to eat raw vegetables, fruit, etc.; ! opp. to eating dressed food : esp. of dessert, to eat fruits, cp. TporydAta. I TpcoiKos, 77, uv, (Tpws) of Troy, Trojan. Tpwios, 77, ov, Ep. for Tpaws, Trojan: fem. Tpcwds, dSos, a Trojan woman. \ TpcoKTa, TO, see rpcaKTos. TpwKTTjs, ov, 6, (Tptijjoj) a gnawer, nibbler, lover of dainties : in the Odyssey the Phoenician traffickers 720 TpCOKTOJ are called TpwKTai, greedy knaves; so as Adj., rputt- Tai x e ?P es g ree dy> grasping hands. TpcoicTos, 17, 6v, verb. Adj. of rpojyca, gnawed, nib- bled at; of vegetables, fruit, etc., eaten raw, eatable: neut. TpoaKTO,, ra, as Subst., = ToarydAta. TpcojJia, TpcojjLaTi^a), TpcojAaTiTis, Ion. for T/.au/z-. Tpwp.7] Dor. rpw^a, 77, = T/>a)/xa, Ion. for Tpavpa. Tpis, caw, ^7, (rpujyca) a gnawing. Tpcoos, a, oV, contr. for Tpaos, (Tpws) Trojan. Tp96pos, oi>, (Tpws, 0#eipcu) destructive to the Trojans or to TVqy. Tpcairdco, Ep. for rperrca, to turn, to change, alter; Med. to turn oneself, turn about or back ; 3 sing. Ep. and Ion. impf. rpcanaoKfTo ^>etryeii/ be turned himself to flight. Tpcos, 6, gen. Tpcuos, Tros, the founder of Troy: plur. Tpo/es, o, gen. Ipwcav, dat. Tpcuai, Trojans. i, fut. med. inf. of TirpuaKCD. fut. Of Tirp'JJffKO}. 17, 6v, verb. Adj. of rpdxa, TiTpxjffKoj, wounded, that can be wounded, vulnerable. Tp(ov|xa, false reading for Tp&fjta, Ion. for rpau/ia. Tpwx^j Ep. for rpx&, to run. TPfl'fl, radic. form of TiTpwcrKca, to wound: to hurt, harm, damage, do one a mischief. TV, Dor. for av : also ace. for ae. [v] i, TO, an Egyptian winter month. t- Tfvo(Mi: aor. 2 TVXOV, Ep. subj. aor. I eTvxrjffa [&] ' pf. rerux^/fo [6], Ion. also TeT6t>xa : P^pf- ITCTCUX* f : to /jzY, esp. to hit with an arrow, commonly joined with ace., when the object hit is alive, with gen. when it is life- less. II. generally, to hit, hit upon, light upon : so of persons, to meet by chance, fall in with, c. gen. 2. of things, to meet with, hit, reach, gain, get, obtain a thing, also c. gen. 3. in aor. 2 part., one who meets one by chance, the first one meets, any one whatever, Lat. quivis ; ol every-day men, the ordinary run of men; TO TVX &s, Ep. eos, 6, Tydeus. T\Ji8e, Adv. Dor. for T7/8e, here. TVKI&>, f. icrca, (TV/COS) to work stones with a chisel or pick, to dress stones. Hence TT'KH, 77, (r(TVffjuu) mason's work. [TV] TVKicrjAa, aTos, TO, a working or dressing of stones : in plur., fcavovcav TVKifffj.aTa walls of stone worked square by rule. [v] TUKOS, 6, (TeTvy/iat) a too/ to dress stones with, a ma- son's hammer or pick. II. a battle-axe, pole-axe. [TV] TVKra, a Persian word, which Herodotus explains by TtXeiov 8(tirvov ftaaiXrfiov. TVKTOS, a, ov, verb. Adj. of Tfvxca Qrirvyfuu), made, made ready: esp. made by art, artificial, as opp. to natural : TVKTT) Kpyvrj a fountain made by man's hand: esp. well-made, well-wrought, finished carefully. TT'AH, 77, like TvA.cs, any swelling or lump : esp., I. a place worn bard by rubbing, Lat. cal- lus : the shoulder. II. a pad for carrying bur- dens on, a porter's knot. III. a cushion, [v in Att., v later.] TvXos, o, = TvXr), a knot or callus ; esp. on the hands, as from rowing, etc. II. anything rising like a lump, a knob, knot ; esp. a wooden nail or bolt used in ship-building, [v] Tt5X6o>, freq. used in pf. part. TCTvXcafjievos : (TV- XOS) : to make hard or callous : Pass, to grow hard or callous from rubbing, as the hand from rowing or digging ; poiraXa aidrjpa TTvX, f. oca, (rvfi^os) to bury, burn or entomb a corpse. 2. xoas Tvpfievaai TIVI to pour libations as an offering on one's grave. II. intr. to be entombed. Tup-p-rip-qs, , (TVJU/SOS, apaptlv) buried, entombed, interred, sepulchred. II. like a grave or tomb. TUp,plTtjs [t], ov, o, fern. TV^ITIS, toos, (TVH&OS) in or at the grave. Tvp-po-yepcov, OVTOS, 6, (Tvpfios, yf'puv) an old man on the verge of the grave. TVp,J3-oXeTT]s, ov, 6, (rv/^Sos, oXXvpi) a destroyer of tombs : fern. Tv/j.@oXfTi$, i5os. TT1VIBO2, 6, the place where a dead body is burnt, Lat. bustum : commonly, a mound of earth heaped over the ashes, a cairn, barrow, Lat. tumulus : gene- rally, a tomb, grave. II. metaph., yfpav Tv/.i- @os, = Tv/j.@oy6pcav, a decrepit old man: so also 7VfJL- fios, absol. TVp.j3-o\))(O5, ov, (rv^/3os, f x ") dwelling in a tomb, sepulchral. . ov, (rvjujSos, *c/>tV, f. 770-0;, (TVH&OXOOS} to throw up a cairn or barrow : to raise a mound over a grave. Hence Tup.J3t>xoT|, a throwing up a cairn or barrow. TVftpo-xoos, ov, (TvjjLfios, xpuxt>, f. 770-0;, to break open graves. FromJ Tvp.{3-fa>poxos, ov, (rv/z/3os, opvffaoj} digging up, \ breaking open graves : as Subst., TVfjiftwpvxos, o, a grave-robber. [pv~\ TV|Ap.a, aTos, T6, (TUTTTO;) a blow, stroke, wound. Tup,iravto>, f. taw, (Tv^-navov^) to beat a drum. II. generally, to beat with a stick, bastinado. ^Tup-irovio-jios, o, (rvfjiTTavi^o)) a beating of drums, as the Galli did in the worship of Cybele. TUp.iravwrTT|S, oi), o, (rvniravifo) one who beats the TvfJLrravov, a drummer : fem. rv/juraviaTpia, of a priestess of Cybele. Tvp-irfivov, TO, (properly for Tviravov, from TVTretV) a kettle-drum, such as was used in the worship of Cybele. II. a drum-stick : generally, a staff, cudgel. III. in Lat., tympana were wagon- wheels made of a solid piece of wood, rollers. Tvv8, o, Tyndareus, Tyn- darus, husband of Leda. Tw8api8T)S [t], ov, 6, (formed as if from Tvvoapos} son of Tyndarus: TvvoapiSai, of, Castor and Pollux: fem. TwSapts, ioos, daughter of Tyndarus. Tim], Ep. and Dor. for TV, ov, as eyowrj for eyw. TWVOS, 77, ov, akin to TVT&US, so small, so little. Hence TVVVOVTOS, ov, Att. TuvvouToai, -ovi, so small, so little, Lat. tantillus. Twr\, to dabble in the mud or mire: esp. to grub round the roots of a vine. From TT'NTAO5, 6, mud, mire, dirt. Tviravov, TO, (TI/TTTO;) orig. form of TvpTtavov, pre- served also in Latin typanum. *i "n s > *7 aor - 2 pass. opt. of Tvirrca. /, aor. 2 inf. of TVITTQ}. TvireCs, etaa, tv, aor. 2 part. pass, of TVITTQ}. TvirT), T), (TUTTTOJ) a blow, wound. Tuirfjvai, aor. 2 inf. pass, of TU'TTTO;. TT'HOS, o, a blow. II. the mark of a blow, the impress of a seal, the stamp of a coin, a print, mark of any kind ; TVTTOI arifiov the prints or tracks of footsteps. 2. figures or impressions wrought in metal or stone : simply, a figure, image, statue of a man. 3. an outline, sketch, draught; Tinrca \(yfiv to describe in outline. 4. the original pattern, model, mould, type : metaph. a type, figure. 5. a system, form of doctrine. III. the effect pro- duced on the ear by a blow, as the beat of horses' feet. Hence TVTTOio, f. oVo;, to impress, stamp. II. to form, mould, model. 721 TU7rrf|o-eo, Att. fut. of TVTTTOJ. TVITTOVTI, Dor. tor TVITTOVOI. TT'IITfl, fut. rvifjco or Tvirrrjcrctj : aor. I trvil/a.; aor. 2 Tuirov. Pass., fut. Tvirr) smit?, knock : metaph. to strike or smite axos 6v KCLTO. (fipfva Tv\f/ sharp grief smote him to the heart; 77 a\r)9r)ir) erwf/e Ka^fivafa the truth of it struck Cambyses: later of bees, etc., to sting. In Homer TVTTTCIJ is chiefly used of a blow struck hand to hand, as opp. to /SoAAcw, which implies a blow from a missile. 2. a\a TVITTGIV eperfiois to beat the sea with oars, i. e. to row : absol., ZtTTcop.a, OTOS, TO, (TATTOO;) that which is formed, fashioned, modelled: a vessel wrought; Tvnw/aa \a.\- KOTT\evpov a brazen urn : a figure, outline. TvpawXKo, f. vff6vos, ov, (rvpavvos, * f. daoj, to trouble, confuse, stir up, Lat. lurbare : Pass, to be in disorder, be jumbled or crowded together. From TT'PBH, 77, disorder, throng, bustle, Lat. turba. rtipevfia, OTOS, TO, (rvptiio)) that which is curdled, , cheese, [v] 722 Tupexmjp, ?7pos, o, and TvpWin; ov, 6, (rvpv, f. evffQJ, and TVpeco, f. 770-0) : (rvpos} : to make cheese. II. metaph: to stir up, jumble, confound. 2. to concoct, brew a thing cunningly. Tvptos, o, ov, (f or from Tyre : a Tyrian. [u] TupitrSto, Dor. for avpifa. Tvpots, fffffa, ev contr. rvpoOs, ovffffa, ovv, (rvpus) like cheese : as Subst., Tvpovs Dor. rvpcDs, o, cheese- bread, a cheese-cake or cheese. Ti)p6-KVT](ms, T), (rvpus, KvaX0, f. rjffca, to sell cheese, sell like cheese. From Tvpo-iru>Xir]S, ov, 6, (rvpus, TwAfcu) a cheesemonger. TT"PO'5,oi}, o, cheese. II. the cheese-market. Tvpos, o, Tyre, an ancient city of Phoenicia, [v] rvpovs, contr. for rvpoeis. T\)po-fpca) bearing cheese, spread with cheese. Tvppirjv-oXeTTjs, ov, 6, (Tvpprjvus, oAAt/fu) destroyer of Tyrrhenians. Tvpptjvos Ion. and old Att. Tvpcnrjvos, 77, ov, Tyrr- henian, Etruscan : Tvparjvoi or 'Ivpptjvoi the Etrus- cans : Adj. Tvpo-Tjvucos, 77, ov, Etruscan. TT'P2I2, r), gen. tos : ace. rvpffiv : nom. pi. rvp- Ofis, gen. cav, dat. fffi, Lat. TURRIS: a tower: a tower on a wall, a bastion. Tupu>s, uivros, Dor. for rvpovs. TTTOO'5, ov, also 77, ov, little, small, young, of children. II. neut. rvrOov as Adv., a little, a wee bit : hence scarcely, hardly : of the voice, low, softly, gently. 2. also in pi., rvrOcL oiar^ai to cut into small pieces. Tv4>ao)v, oj'os, o, poet. Ep. lengthd. form for Tvtywv : hence, Ivcpaovios, a, ov, poet, for Tvfpdijvios. Tii4>68dv6s, o, (rixpca) one with clouded wits, a stupid fellow, a dullard. rvX6s, 77, 6v, blind, Lat. caecus : c. gen., rvtpKos TIVOS blind to a thing. 2. metaph., Tv\6a>, (rv(f)\6s) to blind, make blind : Pass, to be blinded or blind. II. metaph. to blind, dull, baffle, dim. Hence Tv4>Xws, Adv. of TV(f>\6s, blindly. TU^Xcocris, T), a making blind, blinding. TXi<|>Xa>TTa>, (TU<^AOS) to be blind. Tv4>o--ypcov, OI'TOS, 6, (rixpo}, y(fxuv) a silly old man, a dotard; cf. rvp/Boytpcov. Ti5rjv [y~] : pf. redvpftai : to raise a smoke ; c. ace. cognato, ttairvov rvfyfiv to make a cloud of smoke. II. to smoke; fcanvy Tvo)6vs, teas, Ep. cos, o : contr. Tvs, cD : Ty- phoeus, Typhos, a giant buried by Jove in Cilicia: cf. TV(f)UJS. Tv<|>wv, wvos, Ep. Tticjxicov, aovos, o, Typhon, Ty- phoon, the same giant who is more freq. called 1vcoviK6s, 77, 6v, f for from Typhon. II. stormy, tempestuous. Tvcfxos, o, contr. for Ti/^xuevs. II. as appellat., : TV(pous, gen. TV(pca, dat. rv(f>y, ace. rv(pw : like TV- X*IV, aor. 2 inf. of Tvyx avo} - TT'XH \y],fi,what man obtains (rvyxdvct^from the gods, good fortune, luck, Lat. fortuna ; tcoivbv Tvxn luck is a thing common to all ; Tvxq Otwv, avv Ofov rvxa by luck from the gods ; esp. in phrase, Oeiq Tttxtf by divine providence; later, Tv^ was deified, like Lat. Fortuna, by the name of T^x 5 ? 2o;repa or 2T|S, fs, (iarcivOtvos, @a' T^S T irvp ciirTovai a transparent stone from which they light fire. II. glass, Lat. vitrum : glass itself seems to have existed in the time of Herodotus, but was not called va\os till the time of Plato. (Egyptian word.) vaXovs, a, ovv, contr. for taXtos. vaXo-xpoos, ov, contr. -\povs, ovv, (va\os, xpoa) glass-coloured. uSXo-xpwBrjs, 6$, = uaXo^poos. tiJ3-J3aAXa>, Ep. contr. for viro@a\\aj. 'TBO'5, 17, 6v, bent outwards, hump-backed. xj3p(ci> : f. vfipiata Att. -tcD: aor. I vfipiffa: pf. vfipiKa : plqpf. vftpiKUv. Med., fut. vfipiovfjiai. : Pass., fut. vppio07]cronai : aor. I v^piaOrjv : pf. vfipiffpai : to wax wanton, run riot, Lat. lascivire, opp. to a- povfiv to practise moderation; of over- fed horses, to neigh, snort, prance, etc.; of plants, to run riot, grow over-rank. II. with regard to others, to treat despitefully, do despite to, to outrage, insult, affront, ill-treat ; in Att. more commonly, v(3pi(iv els nva to deal wantonly, commit outrages towards one ; v(3pi(iv km nva to exult over one : c. ace. cognato, vfipi^fiv vfipfis to commit outrages ; so, vfipi^uv u5i~ Krjuara to do wanton wrongs. 2. at Athens to do one a personal outrage, to beat and insult, assault, [v naturally short, but long in the augmented tenses.] "TBPI5 [0], ccusEp. (os, T), wanton violence, arising from the pride of strength, passion, etc., riotousness, insolence, lewdness, licentiousness. 2. of acts to~ wards others, a piece of wanton violence, despiteful treatment, an outrage, gross insult, assault and bat- tery : at Athens, in law proceedings, vftpis meant an aggravated personal assault, the slighter kind being aiKia [I] ; hence in the former case the injured person proceeded by ypatprj or prosecution ; in the latter by dittr) or private suit. 3. harm, de'riment, damage, loss. II. as mascul. Adj., vffpis dvrjp, = v^piorr]S. , Dor. for vPpifa, 3 sing, vfipiadc i for v(3pi(i. , aTos, TO, (yfipifa) a wanton act, outrage, insult, Lat. contumelia. II. the object of insult. , Tjpos, o, poet, for v&pior-fjs. , ov, 6, (vfipifa} one who is violent and overbearing, a wanton insolent man, a licentious un- governable man. II. as masc. Adj. unbridled, ungovernable : of beasts, tameless, savage. Hence v(3picrn,Kos, 77, ov, given to wantonness or insolence, outrageous : TO vfipiariKuv an insolent disposition. Adv. -KWS, insolently. vppwrros, 77, ov, (vppis) insulting, insolent: Comp. and Sup., vfipiOToTfpos, -raros. 724 tY., f. ffoj : aor. I vyiacra (vyirjs) to make sound \ or healthy, to heal. tryiaivw, f. avu: aor. I vyidva: (vyiris) :to be sound, healthy, Lat. hene valere : to be in a certain state of health, Lat. valere. 2. metaph. to be sound of mind : also to be staunch, true, trustworthy ; TO vyiOLivov TTJS 'EXAaSos the sound part of Greece. 3. vyiaive, like x a 'P 6 > a common form of taking leave, farewell, Lat. vale, [y, but v in augmented tenses.] v-yieia Ion. -eit], 17, and sometimes in Att. vyitia. : (671178) : health, soundness of body, Lat. salus ; vyUia (ppfvtav soundness of mind, [v] tiyuivos, 77, 6v, (1/7417$) wholesome, sound, healthy, healthful : of food, wholesome. II. of persons, sound, healthy, stout, Lat. sanus. [y] Hence ti-yiewtos, Adv. healthily: Comp. vyieivorepcas and -pov; Sup. -orara. vyieis, co-era, tv, Boeot. for 1*71175 : ace. masc. vyi- fvra. [y] trynjpos, a, 6v, (vytrjs) good for the health, whole- some, hearty, strong, Lat. sanus: Sup. vyujpoTaros. vyk^js, fs, gen. cos : ace. vyid or -trj Ion. -ea : plur. nom. neut. vyid or -177: sound, healthy, hearty, stout, Lat. sanus; a&SKaivyiTjsssifezn&sound. II. sound in mind, sound-minded: metaph. of advice, sound, wholesome, wise~; ovotv vyies irpotyepeiv to make no one sound proposal : Comp. and Sup. vyi- forfpos, -cararos. [u] trypaivco, f. &vw, (iypos) to wet, moisten : of a river, i to water a country. vrypo-f36Xos, ov, (vypos, /3aAV) wetting, moisten- ing. t)Ypo-n6\T|S, fs, (vypos, /zeAos) wi f b pliant limbs. tiYpoiropcto, f. 770-0;, to traverse water. From trypo-iropcs, ov, (vypos, iropos) traversing water. t>Ypos, a, oV, (tw, uScup) w^, wo*s, liquid, Lat. liquidus, opp. to ^pos (siccus] ; i/7pyj/ e\aiov liquid oil, as opp. to fat ; dvcfjioi vypuv aevres winds blow- ing moist or raiy : 77 i7pd Ion. vyprj, the moist, the sea, opp. to %po"os the dry land ; so, vypci K(\evda, > or vypd alone, ^ watery ways : TO 1/7^01' and r7pd Seoopicws with languish- i ing glances. Hence vrypOTTjs, r/ros, 7), (vypos) wetness, moisture. II. generally, softness,pliancy, suppleness: metaph. pliancy \ of mind, softness or easiness of temper. 2. feeble- (i, 7 pj S; (pQoyyos) of liquid poured from a bottle, making a gurgling sound. trypus, Adv. of i7pos, in liquid fashion : softly, \ pliably. D, poet, for vypaivoj, to be wet or moist. v8apT|s, 6, gen. cos, (vScup) watery, washy: metaph. unstable as water, unstable, wavering. vSartvos, 77, ov also os, ov, (uSo>p) o/ 1 water, watery : wet, moist. II. transparent as water, of thin gar- ments. II. like vypos, pliant, stipple, flexible. tiBartov, TO, Dim. of vSwp, a small stream, rivulet. t8aTOts, ftjan, (v, (vdcup] watery, like water. ttSaTOirocrCa, 77, water-drinking. And tiSaTOiroTeaj, f. rjaca, to drink water. From vSaTO-TTOTtjs, ov, 6, (y5wp, 7rT|s, es, (v8a.6pos, ov, (vdpia, 8pop-p6a or -po-rj, 77, (vocap, /JOT}) a water-course, a conduit, canal, sluice, gutter. vi8pos, 6, (i/Sap) like vSpa, a water-serpent. t)opo(J>opa>, to carry water. From u8po-(|)6pos. ov, (vSajp, (ptpoj) carrying water : as Subst., vopotyopos, 6 or 77, a water-carrier. vSpo-xoos, o, (vScap, x*ti thewater-pourer, the constel- lation A q uarius : Ep. dat. vSpoxoiji, as if from vSpoxofvs. vSpo-x^TOs, ov, (vSwp, Xfca) gushing with water. vSptoiriKos, 77, i>v\ (vopcaif/') dropsical. ti8po>v|;, onros, also OTTOS, 6, (v5oj/>) dropsy. II. a dropsical person. vScop, r6, gen. vSaTos : Ep. dat. vSei : water of any kind; of rivers, voara. K.as, a, ov, and veroeis, eyffa, fv, (veros) rainy, bringing or causing rain. veros, o, (voj) rain, Lat. plievia : a heavy shower, a storm of rain, Lat. nimbus ; whereas o/^Spos, Lat. imber, is a lasting rain, and if/ends or i^aas, a drizzling rain. II. as Adj. in Sup., avepoi i/eTarraToi the rainiest winds. vtjvta, 77, swinishness, hoggishness. From VTJVOS, 77, ov, (5s) swinish, hoggish. vOXcw, f. rjffca, (vQ\os) to talk nonsense, drivel, trifle, Lat. nugari. "TOAO2, 6, idle talk, nonsense, Lat. nugae. via, vlas, Ep. ace. sing, and pi. of vtos, as if from vis. vlo.cn, poet. dat. pi. of vlos. [a] vlSevs, ecus, 6, (vlos) a son's son, grandson : fem. vl8-fj, a son's daughter, granddaughter. viBiov, TO, Dim. of vlos, a little son. II. Dim. of vs, a little pig. vlSovs, ov, 6, (vlos) a son's son, grandson. vu, Ep. dat. of vlos. vtKos, 77, ov, (vs) of or fit for swine, like a swine, swinish, hoggish. vlo-00ia, 77, (vfos, Ti6rjfj,i) adoption as a son. vlos, Ep. gen. of vlos, as if from vis. TI'O'2, 6, declined regul. vlov, vl$, vlov, etc. : but it is also declined as if from nom. *vlevs, gen. vleos, dat. vlei, vlet, ace. vlea; Dual, viec, vleoiv ; Plur. vlees or vfefs, gen. vleojv, vluv, dat. vleaiv, ace. vitas, vlfis : there is also an Ep. declension, as if from nom. vis, gen. vfos, dat. vu, ace. via ; Dual, vie ; Plur. vies, dat. vlaai, ace. vlas : Lat. FILIUS, a son ; vlov iroieiadai or Ti0eo~6ai TIVI to adopt as son. 1. later, the plur. was often periphr., laTpwv vlfis, pTjTopcov vleis sons of physicians, sons of orators, i.e. physicians, orators themselves; so in Homer, vies Dor. for v\r}eis. vXatos, a, ov, (v\rj) woody, belonging to wood or to a wood, of the wood or forest. [D] Ti, 97, (v\doj) a barking, howling, [v ... . * _ I. i , ov, (v\afcr)) ever barking, bowling or yelling. Ep. word, formed like ey^eai^ f' "h ao3 > * carry wood. From ov, (v\i), ayw) carrying wood, [u] 'TAATl [v], radic. form of vXaKTeca, only used in pres. and impf, to bark, bay: 3 pi. impf. med. uAaoi/re in same sense. II. transit, to bark or bay at. "TAH [5], T), Lat. SYLVA, wood, a wood, forest, woodland, as opp. to SevSpa (fruit-trees) : also of copse, brushwood, underwood, as opp. to timber- j trees. II. wood cut down, timber, firewood, fuel, | /og"s of wood. III. generally, like Lat. materia, the stuff of which a thing is made; the raw material of any kind: hence metaph. the matter treated of, I subject-matter, Lat. sylva. 2. matter, as opp. to mind, Lat. sylva. vXtjeis, eoffa or -eis, ev, (vA^) woody, wooded. ! vXT]-KoiTT]s, ov, 6, (v\rf, KO'ITIJ) one who lodges or makes his lair in the wood, [y] ', vXTJ-TOJAOS Dor. vXdT-, OV, = V\OTOfJlOS. ! vXir]-6pos, ov, v\o(f)6pos. I vX-rj-wpos, ov, (v\rj, ovpos) watching the wood t forest-ranging. [0] | vXo-Spojxos, ov, (v\i), Spafjieiv) wood-ranging. 1 vX6-KO|AOS, ov, (yXrj, Kof^rj) overgrown with wood. vXo-vojios, ov, (v\rj, vefj.ofj.ai) haunting the woods. vXoTO|Aco, f. rjffa}, to cut or fell wood. From vXo-TojJios, ov, (vA?7, Tepeiv) cutting or felling wood : as Subst., vXoTOfios, 6, a woodcutter, wood- man. II. proparox. i/Aoro/xos, ov, pass, cut in the wood : as Subst., uAoYo/*oi>, TO, a plant cut in the wood, used as a charm, [v] t>X-ovpYos, ov, (V\T), *epyca) working wood: as Subst., v\ovpf6s, o, a carpenter or woodman, [y] vXo-<})dYOS, ov, (v\rj, (pa^eiv) feeding in the woods. vXo-4>op|36s, ov, (v\rj, 6pos, ov, (V^TJ, (ptpu) carrying wood. vX-w8tjs, es, (v\r], ftoos) woody, wooded, bushy. vp.is [v],old Aeol., Dor., and Ep. vji(A6S Ion. Dor. V}AS : gen. vfj.u>v Ion. vfieojv, Ep. also v dat. vfttv, old Aeol. vfj.fj.t, vfj.fj.iv : but vplv [- J] or , only in Trag. : also vfjids Ion. v/zcas : Aeol. Dor. vfte, in Trag. also v^ds [- o] or vfj.ds. Pron. f and pers. plur. of ffv, ye, you. vp.cvaios [u], o, ('Tfi^v) hymenaeus, a wedding-song, sung by the bride's attendants as they led her to the bridegroom's house. II. later, = 'T/xTjV, Hymen, 726 the god of marriage, addressed in the wedding-songs as 'f^v > 'Titrate Dor. 'T/idj/ u 'Tftej-cue, Lat. Hymen o Hymenaee. Hence tjp.evai6a>, f. uao), to sing the wedding-song. II. to take to wife. [iJ] v(jL6VTjios, o, ('ffi-fjv} epith of Bacchus as god of joy. vp-v6-irrpos, ov, (vfj.T]v, iTTfpov} with wings of skin, membrane-winged, of the bat. [u] t>p.v-6o6tTr)s aTtfyavos a garland of minstrelsy. tip,vo-irot6s, ov, (vfjvos, -nouca) making hymns : as Subst. v[J.voiroi6s, 6, a minstrel. fyivo-iroXos, ov, (vfj.vos, TToAe'o/) busied with hymns: as Subst., vfjt,voTr6\os, 6, a lyric poet, minstrel. "TMNO5, a song : a hymn, festive song or ode, commonly in honour of gods or heroes. ufjLvcoScco, f. Tjffoj, (vfivcados} to sing a hymn or song of praise : c. ace. cognato, to sing, chant. II. to give a prophetic response. Hence vp.vcpBa, -fj, the singing or chanting of a hymn. II. c prophetic strain. \jp,v-a)B6s, 6v, (vfjLvos, w5rj} singing hymns or odes ; v^vatooi Kopai the minstrel maids. tip-os, a and rj, 6v, Dor., and Ep^ for i/^trfpos, your. Ov, ace. of 5s. tio-fjtovcrta, 77, (vs, M.ovffa) swine's music, swinish taste in music. uos, gen. of vs. tio, f. to), (viro, frygaXifo/ttu) to take in the arms, embrace, clasp in the arms : so in pf. part, pass., 7i/os vtrq^KaXia fj.tvrj having clasped the chil- dren in her arms. Hence tnraYicaXi7r-aip&>, Ion. for vfftaipfca. vir-auro-w, f. cu, to dart beneath, c. ace. II. to dart from under, c. gen. VTT-aicrxt>vo|jLai, Pass. (vtro, alffxvvoj) to be somewhat ashamed of a thing before a person, c. dupl. ace. tnr-aiTios, ov, (VTTO, (atria) under accusation, called^, to account for a thing ; virairios nvi responsible or accountable to one. tiirdKOT|, 37, (vTTaKovQj) hearkening to, obedience. tnraKOiodai rovs o(p6a\fiovs to anoint one's eyes. v)ir-a\iJO{Ao ' KO> ' later yivaxricto : f. -yvucrou,ai : to read by way of preface. xiir-avaKiveco, f. rjaca, intr. to rise up and go away. uir-avuXicncw, f. -avaXwooj : aor. I -avaXtaaa :^to spend, waste, consume gradually. tiTT-avaxwpew, f. 770*0;, to retire slowly. t)iravaaTaTov, verb. Adj. of viraviorafMi, one must rise up, to make room for another. tiir-avSpos, ov, (vvo, avrjp*) under or subject to a man, married. tmavrjXwO'nv, aor. I pass, of virava\io~KW. vTT-a.vla.il>, f. dffoj Ion. i\a, f. doca, to come or go to meet, step forth to meet, c. dat. ; also c. ace. tiir-aiTiX>, f. T]O03, to threaten underhand. \}Tr-6.TTi\Li, (viro, diro, ei/zi ibci) to depart underhand or slowly, to retreat, retire. inr-airoKivta), f. rjaa;, intr. to move off secretly, slink away, c. gen. : verb. Adj. viirairoKivrp-eov, one must make off", slink away. U7r-airoTpXo>, f. -Op*ou.ai and Spap-ovfjuu, to run away secretly, slip away. vir-dirra), Ion. for v(f>dirTO}. "TIIA'P, TO, indecl. a real appearance when one is awake, a waking vision, opp. to ovap a mere dream : OVK ovap, a\\' wrap, i.e. no illusion but a reality. II. the ace. is used absol. as Adv., in a waking state, awake : hence really, actually. [5] , Ion. for virrjpyftat, pf. pass. , ov, (VTTO, apyvpos) having silver under- neath: of rocks, containing silver, veined with silver: of metallic substances, containing a proportion of sil- ver. II. turned into silver, sold for silver. III. of silver-gilt. IV. hired for silver, venal. vir-apvos, ov, (viro, dpvos gen. of a^vos) with a lamb under, suckling a lamb : metaph. suckling an infant. tmapis, feus, 77, (i/irapx 00 ) subsistence : one's sub- stance, possessions, goods. i>ir-apira, f. ca: aor. I vnrjpga: Pass., pf. v-rrrjpynai: 3 sing, plqpf. virrjpKTO : (viro, apx w ) : tf > begin : c. gen. : I. to make a beginning of. 2. c. part, to begin doing ; virapxei ev ITOIWV nva he begins doing good to one. 3. c. ace., virapxew (vtpyfaias ('is nva to begin [doing] kindnesses to one: Pass., ra tic TIVOS virapyptva (Ion. for virrjpyfAtva) the beginnings made by one; ra irapa TWV Qewv virrjpyntva what has been given by the gods. 4. absol. to be- gin, II. to come into being, arise, spring up. 2. to be at band, be ready. 3. to be : virapxft impers., the case is..; ij virapxovaa TI^TJ the price being what it may. III. to lie under, hence like viruKtifjiai., to be taken for granted; TOVTOV virapxovTos, Lat. bis positis, this being granted, this being tbe case. IV. to belong to, fall to : of per- sons, to be devoted to. 2. often in part., TO. virdp- Xovra one's property, or present circumstances or advantages ; TUV virapx^vTcov according to one's means. 3. impers., vrrapxd f*oi it belongs to me, I have. IV. to be sufficient : inrapxft impers., it 728 zs possible, c. inf. ; so absol. in part. neut. vrrapxov, since it is possible. {nr-ao-mBtos, ov, (viro, dffiris) under cover of the shield; viraffirioios Koapos the oo, f. ioca, to carry the shield for one, serve as a shield-bearer. Hence tnrao-TrwrTTjp, fjpos, 6, and {iircunrurrf|S, ov, 6, a shield-bearer, esquire, generally, an armour-hearer. \)ir-a,icrTajJiai, with aor. 2 act. -cnreo'T^f, pf. -a(pe- .ffrrjKa : to step back slowly, retire. tjir-a4>pos, ov, (vrro, dfppos) somewhat frothy, moist. vir-d4pa)v, ovos, 6, fj, (viro, d'Qpuv) somewhat silly or senseless : Comp. dtypoveffTfpos. vircaai, Ion. for vireiffi, 3 pi. of vireifjn (tlpi sum). t)iT|3SXov, aor. 2 of vito&d\Xo}. vir-YY'-' os ' ov > (viro, eyytTy) under surety : of per- sons, having given surety, responsible, liable to be called to account ; vircyyvos ir\r)v Qavdrov subject to any punishment except death. uireBdjjiva, 3 sing. impf. of viro5d}Jivr)fJ.L. v-n-eSSeurav, Ep. for viriSeiaav, 3 pi. aor. I of VTTO- , 3 pi. plqpf. vircSciga, aor. I uTrcSeKTO, 3 sing. Ep. aor. 2 pass, of t)ire8pa}JLOV, aor. 2 of viroTpexca. viircBvv, aor. i of vvoSvca. vircBtio-CTO [u], Ep. 3 sing. aor. I med. uir60pp.dv0ir]v, aor. j pass, of vnoOfpfMivca. t>ir-6iS6p,Tjv, (UTTO, *t'Scu), aor. 2 med. with no pres. in use, to look at, view from below : metaph. to mis- trust, suspect, Lat. suspicari. {ir-tKa9ov, inf. vtreiKaOtTv, poet. aor. 2 of vrrfiKoj. inr-eiKT^ov, verb. Adj. one must give way. From vir-etKoj Ep. UITOCIKCO : fut. -da) or -(IOIMLI : aor. vTT(ia Ep. virufiga: poet. aor. 2 v-neiitaOov : to re- tire, withdraw ; virdKeiv rtvl tfyr t s to retire from one's seat for another, make room for him ; TIVI hoycav to give him the first word. 2. c. ace. o escape, shun, elude ; x*ip as ^ s viroeigf he scaped my hands. II. to yield, give way : generally, to submit to, to obey. (viro, dpi sum) to be under, Lat. subesse; irt|-, (VTTO, !) Prep, with gen., out from -under, from beneath : also written divisim vir' !/c. vnrK-pd\Xw, to cast out secretly. vir6KSpap.eiv, aor. 2 inf. of virfKTpex *' tnr-K8vo|jLai, Dep., with aor. 2 act. -fe5vv, pf. -f5e'6vtfa : to get secretly out of, slip out of, shun, escape, c. ace. : absol. to slip out, steal out. vnT-6Kexim>, 3 sing, plqpf. pass, of i7roxw. viir-eKKaCo}, f. -Kavffca, to set on fire from below or by degrees : metaph. to set on fire secretly. viir-eKKaXviTTCtf, f. ^cu, to uncover from below or a. little. \)TTtKKav\L, f. \-f]i//ofj.ai, to carry off underhand. VTTicXiv9ir]v, aor. I pass, of viroicXivw. ), f. fa, to send away underhand ; viretc- \Qovos to send secretly out of the land. vir-iciTpo0eo>, f. -Qevaofjiai, to run forth from under, start out before : c. ace. to outrun, outstrip. viir-KirpoXt)&>, f. ffca, to loose from under : of horses, to unloose from under the yoke. tnr-Kirpopa>, f.-pv-rjaoftai, to flow forth from under. vrr-Kirpo4)6tYto, f. -iricirpo\JYtv, aor. 2 inf. of vTrfKirpo^fvyca. v>irKpv6-r|v, aor. I pass, of viroicpvirTO). inr-Kox>a), to save from under, rescue or deliver from. vir-6KTdvvco, to stretch out under. vir-KTi0T]p.i, f. -Orjaco, to put out secretly : Med. to remove one's effects from a place of danger, carry safely away : Pass, to be carried safe away. vir-KTp-mi>, f. ifxu, to turn gradually or secretly from a thing : Med. to turn aside from, c. ace. i)ir-fKTpt\(ii, f. -0ptofj.ai and -dpafj.ov}wi : aor. 2 -tgedpafjiov (cf. rp^oj) ' to run out from under, run beyond: to escape from, c. ace. vrctKvtya, aor. I of viroKvrrTca. t>ir-6Kpco, to lift up a little. II. to carry out from under, esp. from danger : to carry away. III. intr., vir(K(ppeiv fjp.epr^s o8a> to get on before, to get the start of another by a day's journey. u7r-K<|>VYvYe, Ep. 3 sing. aor. 2 of vireK. vircK-xaXdw, f. data [a], to slacken from below or slightly. tiir-6KXcopo, f. rjffa}, to retire secretly : withdraw quietly from a place : c. dat. pers. to retire and give place to one. vtreXafiov, aor. 2 of viroXanfiavo}. uTT-cXavvw : f. -< \aoca [a] Att. -t\u : to drive under : intr. (sub. i'lrirov) to ride up to. u7T\i(j)0T)V, aor. I pass, of viroXeiirw. virfX6oi, 3 sing. aor. 2 opt. of virfpxof^ai. Ep. for v(i\ovTo, 3 pi. aor. 2 med. of , 3 pi. Ep. aor. 2 pass, tfireXvo-0,0 [D], Ep. 2 sing. aor. I med. of viroXva:. tnrtp.ci.va, aor. i of virofjitvoj. virtp.va.aa6e, Ep. 2 pi. impf. of VTrofj.va.ofj.ai. tnrp.vT|p,iJK6, Ep. for vTrr)(J.vK, 3 sing. pf. of tiir- Tjp,vw, to hang down the head. This is the only form of the Verb in use, and this only in one place, of an orphan boy, -jravra 8' virenvr)fj.vKe he stands with head utterly bung down : see rjnvo}. trrr-vavTi6op.ai, Dep. to oppose covertly. vm-evavTios, a, ov, (VTTU, (vavrios) set over against, opposite. II. set against, hostile : as Subst., ol virfvavTiot the enemy : neut. as Adv., TO virfvavriov TOVTOV in opposition thereto. viTvavTUoo-is, ecus, 77, (vTTfvavTiuofiai') a being op- posed to : contrariety. vir-v8iSw(xi, to give way a little, give in a little. 729 tiir-ev8iJp,a, aros, TO, (VTTO, tvovoj) an under-garment. vir-v6p0e and -0cv, Adv. (VTTO, evepOe} under, un- derneath, beneath : under the earth, in the world below : c. gen. under, beneath. vir-e, form assumed by vir-fK before a vowel. VTT^a.ya.yoi [70], 3 sing. aor. 2 opt. of vrrtgdya}. vTT-eljaYco, f. , f. rjaca : pf. pass, -f^r'prjuai Ion. -f(a- paiprjfj.ai: aor. i -eti\ov : to take away privily, destroy, remove secretly or gradually; ToviriK\Tjfi virf\uv having done away with the offence : gene- rally, to set aside, put out of the question, hence in pf. pass, part., TovTfcav vTTf^apatpr]fj.evojv these things having been put out of the question : Med. to take out or away privily for oneself: to steal or purloin. vir-6^a(p, to go up to the mountain-lop. uirefjaXtaaOai, aor. l inf. of vTrfa\(OfMi (a Dep. pres. not in use, see dAeuo/wu ), to flee out away and escape, c. ace. uir-e^aXva-Kco, f. vco, to flee away or escape from se- cretly, c. ace. t>ir-eava(3atvG>, f. -/Sjjao/xat, to rise out from under secretly or gradually. vir-^avaYop,ai, Pass, with aor. 2 med. -tfcjjfayofjLijv, to sail out and away secretly, [ay] tiire^avaSvop-ai, Med., with aor. 2 act. -cgavtovv, pf. -favao(8vKa : to come up from under gradually, esp. to rise from out the sea. vir|ava8iJS, vffa, vv, aor. 2 part, of foreg. vir-6avi Ion. -(jipvo>, to draw out from under, draw away underhand. tiir-6tpxop,ai, Dep., with aor. 2 act. -(ij\0ov, pf. -et\r)\v9a : to go out from under : to go out se- cretly, withdraw, retire : also c. ace. to retire, with- draw from or before. 2. to rise up and quit one's settlements, to emigrate. II. to go out to meet. , 3 sing. aor. I of an Ep. pres. VIT(K- 3 Sm g- a r - 2 vir-e|-X a) m tr. to withdraw secretly from a place. Pass., with aor. 2 act. -({(omjv, pf. : to go out from under, come out sud- denly. II. to go out of the way of, shun, avoid : 730 c. dat. to give place to, rise up and make way for. III. c. gen. rei, to withdraw one's claims to a thing, retire from competition. tdreirXeuora, aor. I of viroirXfca. VTTfifr&TO, 3 sing. aor. 2 of vuoir graftal. TIIE'P Ep. viiTtp, in phrases vnfip dXos and virip oXa : Prep, governing gen. and ace., Lat. SUPER. Hence are formed the Comp. and Sup. virtprfpos, -TCITOS. [i;] WITH GENIT., expressing that over which some- thing is : I . of Place, over : of rest, over, above ; vwtp KfcpaXffS arrfvai to stand over a person's head : 2. of motion, over, across; or over, be- yond. II. (from the notion of standing over to protect) for, in defence of, in behalf of ; virip rrjs ira- rpioos dfivvciv to fight in defence of one's coun- try. 2. for, because of, by reason of: for the pur- pose of, for the sake of; virtp rov p.r) dirodavfTv for the sake of not dying. 3-./ or instead of, in the name of, acting for ; virtp eavrov in his stead. III. like TTfpi, on, of, concerning, respecting, Lat. de. WITH Accus., expressing that over and beyond which a thing goes : I. of Place, over, beyond, past. II. of Measure, over, above, exceeding, be- yond ; virip rr)v fj\iKiav above his years. 2 . beyond what is right, against, contrary to; virlp alaav con- trary to right ; \nrtp 6cov contrary to the will of the god. III. of Number, above, upwards of, beyond, up to and over ; v-nlp ro rjp.iav above half. POSITION : virtp may follow its Subst. in all cases, when it is written virfp. IN COMPOS., virep signifies over, above, of Place, as in Virfp-Paivoj. 2. in defence of, in behalf of , as in vrrfp-aXyeoj, mostly c. gen. 3. of excess, as in virep-r}(pavos. vwpa, 77, (vif(p} the uppermost rope, the brace at- tached to each end of the sailyards (kmapia), by means of which the sails are shifted. [C] virp-aj3fXT, f. 770-0;, to be exceedingly angry or indignant at a thing. virep SYaTTcico, f. 770-0;, to love exceedingly. virp-aYirp-aicrxyvop.ai, Pass, to feel much ashamed. virep-aicupeco, f. 770-0;, to hang up over or above. II. Pass, to be suspended over, project over a thing : of ships, c. gen. loci, to lie off a place. vTTcp-aKfjios, ov, (virfp, d/efiTj) beyond the bloom of youth. v7Tp-aicovTia), f. iacu, to overshoot, hence to outdo, surpass : c. part., vTrfpaKovTieiv nva K\irrcov to outdo one in stealing. t>irep-aKplj3T|S, fs, exceedingly accurate or careful. V7rp-aKpia>, f. oca, to mount and climb over. II. to project or beetle over, c. gen. tm-ep-aicpios, ov, (vvfp, apa) over or upon the heights : ra virepaKpia the heights above the plain ; ol virepcLKpioi, at Athens, the inhabitants of the Attic uplands. vtirep-aicpos, ov, (yirtp, OAT/JOS) over the top : metaph. going to extremes ; Adv. vircpatcpajs, to excess. ti-rrep-aX-ytw, f. rjffoj, to be afflicted or feel pain for a. thing : to grieve exceedingly at a thing : absol. to feel great pain of mind. v7Tp-aXyr|S, es, gen. cos, (vwfp, 01X70$) exceeding grievous or painful. vir6p-aXXo|A(u, f. -a\ovfj.at : aor. I -TjXdfjirjv : Ep. aor. 2 virfpd\TO, part. t/irepaA/*6i/os : Dep.: to spring or leap over, c. gen. ; also c. ace. uirep-aXAos, ov, over or above others. uirepaXficvos, Ep. aor. 2 part, of vnpd\\ofiai. vircpaXro, 3 sing. aor. of virepd\\ofMit. tnrp-avai8evop,ai, Pass, to be surpassed in impu- dence. t)irep-avaC(rxwTOS, ov, exceeding impudent. VTrep-ava/Teivco, f. avarevta, to stretch excessively. tiirp-avi(rTap,ai, Pass, with aor. 2 act. -aviarrjv, pf. -avfffrrjKa, to stand up or project above. tnrp-avT\Op,ai, Pass, (yirtp, dvT\fcui) to be very leaky, to be waterlogged. virtp-avrXos, ov, quite full of water, waterlogged : metaph. overwhelmed, borne down. II. act. over- flowing, overwhelming. virep-dvo), Adv. over, above : virepdvca yiyveaQai to get the upper hand of. [a] VTrcp-dvwp, opos, 6, Dor. for virfprjvojp. virp-diraT, f. 770*0;, to deceive or cheat excessively. iTrp-aiTO0vif|(TKG), f. -anoOavov^ai, to die for. virep-airoKpCvojjiai, Med. to answer for any one, vindicate, [t] tiirep-airoXo-ycofiai, fut. med. ^ffonai : Dep. to spsak for or in behalf of any one, defend. vTTEp-apptoSeb), f. 770*0;, Ion. for virfpoppcaSeo:, to be exceedingly afraid, rrj 'EXXaSt for Hellas. uirp-av, excessively Attic, carrying the Attic dialect to excess. Adv. -o)s. vtrep-avyrfi, ts, (virep, avyrj) exceedingly bright. (nr6p-av|dvw, f. -avfrjcroj, to increase or enlarge 731 II. intr. to abound beyond mea- From above measure, sure. v>irp-avc0, rarer form of virtpavgdvu. virpo/ux>, f. rjCKa, to be over-proud. vTTfp-avxos, ov, (viTfp, overproud. vcirep-d^avos, ov, Dor. for vTTfprjQavos. vnrp-ax(H|S, 6S, gen. cos, (virtp, dx&os) overbur-^ f. -pipaoa Att. -0t@w, Causal of to carry over, transport. t)irp-(3ios, ov, (virep, /3ia) of overwhelming strength or might : overweening, outrageous, wanton : neut. exceeding boastful, ', virepfiiov as Adv. wantonly, arrogantly. trirp{3o\a,8ir]v, Adv. (virfp(3o\r)) immoderately, ex- cessively. [a] virfpfio\i\, 17, (virfpPd\\cu} a throwing beyond : denel. an overshooting, superiority, excess in anything ; OVK tnrep-dxOofjiai, Pass, with fut. med. -ax^ " ^*' to *X (l fareffaMp it can go no further ; ds or KaO' be exceedingly vexed or grieved at a thing, c. dat. | VTTfpftoXrjv as Adv., excessively. 2. excessive praise, virp-J3aCvGi>, fut. -0r)ffop.at : aor. 2 virfpe/Brjv Ep. hyperbole. II. a passing over or crossing moun- vnfpfirjv: pf. -fiefirjKa: to step over, climb over, ' tains, rivers, etc. 2. a place of passage, a moun- kcale, c. ace. : of rivers, to overflow, run over their tain-pass. III. (from Med.) delay, putting off. banks. 2. to overstep or transgress a law : abscl. ! virep-|36peos, ov, (virep, Bopeas) beyond Boreas, i. e. to transgress, trespass, offend. 3. to pass over, in the extreme north: oi"ir(p(36peoi the Hyperboreans, pass by, take no notice of, Lat. praetermitto : hence a supposed people in the extreme north distinguished to omit. 4. to go beyond : to surpass, outdo in a for piety and happiness ; "Tvyr\ inrepftopeos more than thing: also absol. to exceed. II. Causal, in aor. mortal fortune. I inrp@r)ffa, to put over, lift or raise over. UTTpj3a\ov, Ep. aor. 2 of vTT(pf$d\\, f. ffco, to boil or foam over. virp-|3pi0T|S, , gen. cos, (yirep, /3pti0os) overloaded, exceedingly heavy. virp-j3a\Xo), f. -aAa> : Ep. aor. 2 viretp-efiaXov : tnrep-ppiia), to be overfull, overflow. t>ir-p < Ya.op,ai, f. a.s, ov, (yirtp, *ycA.otos) above measure ridiculous or laughable. ', f. iffca, to overfill, overload. and vircp-yripos, ov, = 1 , cav, (vnep, yrjpas} exceeding old, of ex- treme age : as Subst., TO virfpyijpcuv extreme old age. t>irep-8ao"us, v, gen. ecas, very hairy. t>irp-8T|S, ts, gen. eos, Ep. ace. virfpfifo., for virep- 8'a, -3. : (yirtp, Seos) : above or beyond fear, un- daunted. uirep-ScCSw, f. -Seiffca, to fear for or on account of one : absol. to be in exceeding fear. , to be much afraid of, c. ace. , ov, exceeding dangerous or formidable. ;, ov, placed high above one on the right hand. 2. placed above or over ; virtp^iov higher ground ; If virfpofgiov from vantage- further, bid more and more ; trpoe&aive TOIS vTrfp0d\\cav he went on bidding more and more. 3. to be at its height, at the zenith, of the sun. 4. to be over and above. 5. part. inrfpfid\\ajv, ovffa, ov, exceeding great, excessive, beyond measure ; rd virep- pd\\ovra. an exceeding high estate. III. to pass over, cross, or traverse mountains, rivers, etc., Lat. trajicere; of ships, to double a headland. 2. of rivers, to overflow ; of a kettle, to boil over. Med. to outdo, surpass, excel, exceed, c. ace. 2. to exceed all bounds : so in pf. pass, part., virfpfif- &\r)fj.(VT] yvvrj an excellent woman. II. to put off, delay, c. ace. : c. part., to put off doing : absol. to delay, li?iger. uirep-pSpTjs, 6*s, gen. os, (vnip, ftdpos) overloaded, overweighed, exceedingly heavy. tiTrp(3ao-av, Ep. 3 pi. aor. 2 tmp(3a, f. (Tea, to put under as a prop. 2. to prop or support from beneath. uiT-epctmo, f. ijjoj, to undermine, subvert. II. intr. in aor. 2 vTrrjptrrov, to tumble, fall down. tTT6p-Ktva, Adv. (virip, eneivos) on yon side, on the further part, beyond. ti7rsp-K0paTr6t><, f. ffca, to seek to win over by ex- cessive attention. \)-rrep-6KKpep.avviJjJLt, f. -Kpfftaaa) [a], to hang out over. tnTp-6K-ir6pt also virep-eicxwu) [u], to pour- out over : Pass, to run over, overflow. tnrp-eXa<{>pos, ov, exceedingly light or active. viirp-|j.mirXT]iu, f. -f^nrXTjaca, to Jill overfull of a thing: Pass, to be overfull, be overloaded. {firep-(ji(j>opcop.ak, Pass, to be filled quite full of. vircp-evTVYXo-v^j f- TvofjLat, to intercede for an- other. V7Tfp-ir]KOVTa-6TT]S, fS, gen. COS, (viTfp, tgljKOVTCL, ITOS) above sixty years old. wirep-eiraiveco, f. tow and rjaaj, to praise above mea- sure. t)irep-iri0vjji&), f. 770-0;, to desire exceedingly. \nrep firra, Dor. 3 sing. aor. 2 act. of virfpireTOfMi. vnr-6pirrw, f. ipca, (yiru, tpeirTca) to cut away from below, undermine. tiircp-tpxo^at, f. -eXevaofj-ai : Dep. with aor. 2 act. -rj\0ov, pf. -\r)\v0a : to come or go out over, pass over, c. ace. : absol. to exceed, excel. {iirp-(T0(to, f. foofjun : aor. 2 4(payov : to eat immoderately. viirepeo-o-CfJuu, pf. pass, t)irepcrx0ov, poet. aor. 2 viirp- aor. 2 of virept xpatvop,iffpeca: aor. 2 inrfpe'o'xoi' poet. -iax tQov ' to hold over, esp. to hold over so as to protect ; virfpex (iv rivos to hold one's arms over one to shield him. II. intr. to be above, stand out above, as out of water : to rise above, overtop : to rise up over a thing, c. gen., e. g. yaiijs : of a star, to rise above the horizon. 2. metaph. to be above, be superior, to excel, surpass, be the better; ol vnepfxovrfs the more powerful ; kav 77 daXarra virtpffxy if the sea be too powerful : Pass, te be outdone. 3. c. gen. rei, to rise above, rise superior to, be able to bear. 4. to outflank, overlap. 5. to get over, cross. uir-eptto Att. -epJi, fut. of vireTirov, in same senses : from same root come pf. act. vrr-eiprjica, pass. 77- virp-o, f. ~^iaca, to boil over. GirepTjSttos, Adv. of vireptjSvs, very pleasantly : Sup. virfprjoiara. virp-t|8o|jiai, Pass, to rejoice beyond measure : c.part., vnfprjdeTo aKoi/cav he rejoiced much at hearing. uTrtp-TjSvs, v, exceeding sweet or pleasant: Sup. -rjSiaros. t)TTpT)K6vTiir-pT||AOS, ov, somewhat desolate. t>irep-T]vopov, OVTOS, o, (virep, rjvoptrj} exceeding manly: in bad sense, overbearing, overweening. II. excelling men, thinking oneself more than man. virep-Tjvwp, opos, 6, 77, (virfp, avrjp) overbearing. virpT|cra), fut. of vnfpirjfj.i. tnrepT]<})dv(o, f. 770-0;, (viTCfrrjfpavos} to be conspicuous above others : in bad sense, esp. in part., like vvfpr]- voptcav, overweening, arrogant. II. transit, to treat disdainfully. t7TpTjcJ;avia, 77, (virfprjcpavfoj) arrogance, haugh'i- ness : contempt for a person or thing, c. gen. vTTpT|-ava>s, Adv. magnificently: arrogantly. t)irep-0dXao-(rC8Lqs, ov, (virep, Q6.Xa.oaa) some way above the sea. [of] vir6p-0avp,aco Ion. uTrepOtcp,-, f. affofwu, to wonder exceedingly. 2. c. ace. to admire above measure. tiTrep-OavfJUMTTOs, ov, exceedingly admirable. virp0 and -0v, Adv. (virtp] from above: above: c. gen. above, over ; virfpGfv etvai 77 .. to be above or beyond, i. e. worse than. >, f. -Ofvffoftat, to run over or beyond. 2. to outstrip, to surpass, excel. virp-0vT)iTKu,fut.--0di/ov/M, to die for or instead of '. iifrcpOopovjiat Ion. -eojiai, fut. of virtpOpwaKOj. t)7rp0optv Ion. -iv, aor. 2 inf. of virfpOpduaKO}. v)trp-0pto)(7Kco : fut. -Oopovfwt Ep. -BoptofjuaL : aor. 2 virepeOopov Ep. vnfpOopov, inf. -dopeeiv contr. -f?v : to overleap, leap, spring, vault or bound over, c. ace. uTrep-Ovfxos, ov, high-spirited, daring. II. in bad* sense, ever-spirited, overweening: of a horse, too bigh- c our aged, restive. Hence tiirepOvjxcDS, Adv. in excessive wrath. virp-0vpiov, TO, (vvfp, Ovpa) the lintel of a door, [y] tiiT6p-0t;pos, ov, (virfp, Ovpa) above the door: as Subst., vTffpOvpov, Tu, = viTpOvpiov. virep-taxo), to shout above, outdo in shouting, c. gen. [aj uireplBciv, inf. of aor. 2 virepftdov. tiTp-tT](Jii, f. -770-0;, to send or throw further, hurl beyond the mark. {nrep-iKTatvojjuu, Pass, to move exceeding swiftly : the simple Verb is nowhere found, and its derivation is uncertain. Tirpiovi8T|S, ov, 6, patronym. from 'Ytrtpicw [t], son of Hypenon, i. e. the Sun. tnrp-iarTa|Aai, Pass., with aor. 2 act. -tarrjv, pf. -effT7)Ka: {virep, iOTrjp.1) : to stand over, c. gen.: to stand over so as to protect one, to shield, guard. xmep-iOTOop, opos, u, rj, knowing but too well, c. gen. rnrep-iaxvpos, ov, (virep, iaxvpos) exceeding strong. x)TTp-iorxo>, = virtp(x&, to hold above. II. intr. to be above : to prevail over, c. gen. 2 . to protect, c. gen. 'Tircp-twv [t], ovos, 6, Hyperion, the sun-god, com- monly joined with "HAtos in Homer, as 'Tirfpiav 'Hc- Aios, or 'He'A, f. , f. ow, to flatter immoderately. vnrep-Kojjiiros, ov, (vTr(p,K6fj.iros) over-confident, over- weening, boastful, arrogant: generally, excessive; c. dat., VTjes vTrepKop-iroi rdx^i ships surpassing in swiftness. {nrep-KOiros, ov, (virep, o7TTo;)like uTrtp^o/iTros, over- weening, overbearing, boastful. Hence >, Adv. exceedingly. 733 (iirfp-Kopco), f. 770-0;, to overfill or glut. viirep-KOTOS, ov, exceedingly angry or furious : ex- ceedingly savage. Adv. -TQJS, overmuch, exceedingly. t)-irp-Kppiavv\}[xv : f. -Kp^^aaca [a] Att. -Kpcfj.7rp-Xviri>, f. 77 aw, to pain exceedingly, cause one great distress : Pass, to be distressed beyond measure. tiirep-jAaivofjiat, Pass , with f. med. fiavovfjat : aor. 2 pass. iTTfpffj,dvT]v [a] : to be struck mad. virp-|xdKir]S, fs, Dor. for vir(pfxf)KTjS. tiirp-|Aax0, f. 7700;, (virtp, fjidxr)) to fight for or in defence of one : also to fight with one for another. tiirpp,ctXT|TtK6s, 77, 6v, inclined to fight for another. tnr6p-p,dxo(Ji-jr(pfj.yfdr)S. [a] viirep-ji,Yas, fj.yd\rj, fJ.*ya, enormously great. tnr6p-ji,'yt0T]S Ion. VTrepjAeYdOijs [a], , gen. fos, (virep, fj.eyt0os} excessively large, enormous. II. exceedingly difficult. ti-ircp-jieOvo-Kojjiai, aor. I fj.eOvaOrjv : Pass. : to be excessively drunk. tnr6p-p,VTT]S, ov, 6, poet, for virfpfj.fVT)S. vnrpp.Vwv, OVTOS, 6, excessively mighty. From t)TT6p-jJiVTjs, c's, (viTfp, fj.vos) exceeding strong : alsd in bad sense, overweening, insolent. virp-jATpos, ov, (virep, /jterpov) beyond all measure, excessive. Adv. -rpcas. tirfp-p,T|KT|S, fs, gen. fos, (vntp, HTJKOS) exceeding long, high, broad, etc. : of sound, exceeding loud. v/ircp-jxlcrcw, f. 7700;, to hate exceedingly. {nrep-jiopov, Adv. = vii(p fJopov, beyond fate or destiny. VTrep-v6Xos, ov, (virep, ve(pe\r)} above the clouds. , f. 770-0;, to be more than conqueror. , f. 770-0;, to think or reflect upon, c. ace. , ov, (virep, I/OTOS) beyond the south wind, at the extreme south, opp. to vireppupfos. tiirep-o-ytcos, ov, (virtp, uyrcos) of excessive size or bulk, overgrown, immensely great. viTp-oi8a(vu) or -dvco, to swell, be much swollen. virp-oi8ao> Ion. -w, f. 770-0;, to swell excessively. 734 t)iTp-ovKci), f. -fjffca, to dwell above or beyond. virep-oiKOS, ov,(virtp, oucetai) dwelling above, beyond. tiirepoirXia, rj, (vvpoir\os) proud confidence, defi- ance, presumption : high courage, [i Ep.] vmep-oirXiJofiav, f. iffoftai, Dep. (virep, 6ir\ifa) to vanquish by force of arms. virep-oirXos, ov, (vtrep, OTT\OV) confident in arms, hence overweening, arrogant; neut. as Adv., virep- on\ov civfiv to speak haughtily, arrogantly. II. generally, excessive, immense. tnrepoimjs, ov, o, (virfputyofjai) a contemner, dis- dainer : absol. disdainful, haughty. virepoiTTiKos, 77, ov, contemptuous, disdainful, scorn- ful. Adv. -/CMS, disdainfully. From vmep-oiTTOs, ov, (ujrepo^o/Hzi) overlooking : hence disdainful, haughty: neut. pi. as Adv. haughtily.- v-irep-opaw, fut. -otyofjtai : aor. 2 -fidov inf. -iSftv : aor. I pass. -wtyOrjv : (cf. opdca) : to look over, sur- vey. II. to overlook, pay no heed to, disregard: to slight, despise, disdain, both with ace. and gen. VTTfpoiKtto TjTrepre AAco. virep-irtTTto, Att. for vitfpn(ffffct). virep-irrjSda), f. -r)ffo}Mt, to leap over or beyond, and so to escape from. II. metaph. to overleap, trans- gress : to overleap, escape from. {nrtp-irucpos, ov, exceeding sharp or bitter. {iirp-mp.irXir|iu, f. -irXrjaoj, to overfill ; Pass, to be overfull of a thing. tnrep-irtvo), f. iriopai, to drink overmuch, [t] \) / rrp-'iTiirT, f. daw, to abound exceedingly. vnrcp-irXTjOTfjs, fs, (virep, TrXrjOos} superabundant. VTrp-irXi]p6o>, to fill overfull: Pass, to be overfull. uirepirXovrto), f. 770x0, to be exceeding rich. From uirep-irXotTOS, ov, (VTTC/J, irXovros') exceeding rich. virep-iroXvs, iroAAT?, iro\v, (virep, iro\vs) overmuch, very much or many. tiirep-iroveco, f. rjffw, to toil or labour beyond mea- sure : to suffer very greatly. II. to bear or endure for another: Med., virfpnovetadai TIVOS to take trou- vircp-opios poet, -ovpios, ov, (virep, 6'/>o) over or ble on oneself for another. beyond the boundaries: foreign, outlandish. i. 77 {nrp-ir6vTios, ov, also a, ov, (vjrfp, irovros} over or iirepopla (sc. 777) the country beyond one's own fron- tiers, a foreign land or country. tnrep-opvvjica, Pass, (yircp, opvvfj.i) to rise up over a thing. tmep-oppcdSccd Ion. -appwSco): f. -fjao): to be much afraid, be in great terror on account of. "TIIEPO2, o, or vircpov, rd, a pestle to bray and pound with. virep-ovpavios, ov, (virtp, oupai/os) above the heavens. tiirepoxTj, 17, (uTrcpexw) a projection, prominence, summit. II. metaph. preeminence, superiority, su- premacy : excellence. i. excess, superabundance. (pirtpoxos Ep. farapoxos, ov, (virpex&) prominent, eminent, distinguished above others; c. gen., virdpo- Xov Hnpevai d\Xjii. f. -TTfTdato [a], to stretch over. fut. -TTTjJao/xat : aor. 2 beyond the sea, far away> II. over or across the sea. tnrepirrSTO, Ep. 3 sing. aor. 2 of virfpireTOfjiai, tnrp-mj7nr, (virtp, irvjrira) to make very much cf one, to caress fondly. uirep-iruppiao), f. daca [a] (vnep, irvppus) to redden or blush for another. Ep. for vTrepirfrofJiai.. , aor. 2 pass, of vTropprjyvvfu. [a] Pass, (virep, ae^vvvca) to be ex- ceeding solemn or pompous. virp-o-oirp-<7TSTCi>, = virfpiffTafjiat, to stand over and pro- tect, c. gen i, 3 sing. aor. 2 subj. and opt. of V7TpTfiTOS, 77, ov, Sup. Adj. of uTTep, uppermost, high- est : eldest : more used in shortened form vnaros : there is also a form virfpwraros. [u] tiiT6pTiXas, aor. I part, of i/TrepreAAcy. vircp-Tetvoj, f. -Tvw : pf. TeraKa : to stretch over or above : to hold out over ; virfpreivdv aitidv afipiov KUVOS to spread a shade from the dog-star over the house ; virepreivfiv iroSa U.KTTJS to stretch one's foot over the beach, i. e. pass over it. II. intr. to stretch, stand out or project beyond : c. ace., virtpTfi- vfiv TO" Kfpas to outflank the enemy's wing. 2. metaph. to surpass, excel. , to pass quite over, overleap. From 5, fs, gen. e'os, (virtp, reAos) going over or beyond the mark : generally, going over, overleap- ing : c. gen , aO\o}v vir(pT\rjs one who has reached the end of his labours. II. = t/TrfprtAAott', rising [a], whence Ep. 3 sing. vtrfpirTaro : we also find Dor. 3 sing. aor. 2 act. wrfpeTTTa, from vrrepeirTrjv: over or a&oi;*. Dep.: /o/.y over, afore or beyond. virep-reXXw, f. -reAw : aor. I -erf (Ac: /o rw or 735 appear over or above; virfprci\as 6 tf\u)s the sun having risen above the horizon; vnepreXXeiv etc yaias to start from the ground : c. gen. to 'hang or project over. vireprepia Ion. -IT), 77, the upper part, esp. the upper frame of a carriage. From tnreprepos, a, ov, Comp. Adj. of virtp, over or above, upper, higher : hence better, more excellent ; ffverj vireprepos higher by birth, nobler; virtpTepa. Vfpr(pa^" {nrp-vrj) beyond natural stze,over- Ofivat to turn topsy-turvy. II. stronger, mightier; j grown, enormous, immense. II. of things, extra- victorious over, c. gen. : neut. as Adv., pavrfcuv virtp- ordinary, singular : beyond the natural course of Tfpov better than soothsayers. III. further, more, things, marvellous, strange, absurd: also joined with relat., virtpfpvrj t)-n-p-(J>opea>, to carry over. {iTTp-pt Att. -TTCD : f. 0;: to shudder at one beyond measure, to be terribly afraid of. vnrep4>povw, f. rjaca, to have high thoughts, to be over proud. 2. to look down upon, disdain. From virp-4>pa>v, ovos, o, 77, (virfp, pT)v) higbminded, higbspirited : haughty, disdainful, arrogant : l rov from a confidence in one's superiority. virp-Ti0T)pa, f. -0?7<7a;: aor. I -eOtjKa: aor. 2 -e to put or set over : Med., vwfpTiOfaOai rtvi TI to make over, commit or intrust a thing to any one, to disclose a thing, refer it to another for advice. tnrep-rijxdco, f. 770-0;, to prize or honour above measure. virp-ToXp,os, ov, (vntp, roA^a) overbold. vireprovos, ov, (inrfprtiva}} overstrained, strained to the utmost, at full pitch or stretch. vnr6pTO^vtrt[xos, ov, to be overshot : metaph. to be surpassed or outdone. From tiirep-ro^evo), f. aa>, to overshoot. virp-Tpex w : f- -Spd(jLovfja.i : aor. 2 virfpeSpapov : to run over or beyond, outrun, escape from. 2. to excel, surpass. a. to overstep, transgress a law. tiTp-TpOda>, f. rjaai, to revel extravagantly. viir-pv0pidco, f. daw [a], to grow rather red, to blush or colour a little. \>ir-pv0pos, ov, (vtro, tpvdpos} somewhat red. ti7rp-v\|/T)Xos, ov, (tme'jO, vi/^rjXos) exceedingly high. vnrep-tMJ/ow, f. wau, to exalt or extol exceedingly. tnrp-<|)atvofjiai, aor. 2 virfpfQdvqv [a] : Pass, to ap- pear over or above. {iirep-^aXa-yyeo}, f. 770-0;, (vnep, avfjvavT|S, 's, gen. cos, appearing over or above. (>irep-&TOS, ov, beyond expression, ineffable. t>iTp-4>epa>, f. -oiffo) : aor. I act. fivtyita, pass. -rjvfx^n v ' to carry over or across. II. intr. to have the advantage over, to surpass, excel : to excel in a thing. tiiTp-V, Adv. like virfptyvws, excessively, overmuch: too highly. vir6p-0tvo|xiaXos, ov, properly exceeding in power, ex- ceeding puissant : but mostly in bad sense, overbear- ing, overweening, arrogant; Ovpos vireptyiaXos an overbearing spirit. Adv. virfpQiaXcas, exceedingly, excessively : also haughtily, arrogantly. (Deriv. un- certain : perhaps another form of i/7re'p/3tos.) vnrp-<|>lX0, f. 770-0;, to love beyond measure. t>irp-o(3e'op.ai, Pass, with fut. med. -rjffo^ai, to be excessively afraid. virp-4>o{3os, ov, exceeding timid, very fearful. a relat., virtp(pvr]S oaos, like Lat. mirum quantum, wonderful how great, i. c. excessively great. tnrep-t>op,ai, Pass., with aor. 2 act. -ftyvv pf. -W- tyvKa: to spring or shoot up over or above: hence to outsboot, surpass, excel. t>irp4>vcas, Adv. of vircpfyvTjs, excessively, marvel- lously ; vnepcpvus us wonderfully how, i. e. most won- derfully^ tiirp4>iJS, Cera, vv, aor. 2 part, of virfp^vofMi. {iTTp-xa.ipo>, f. -xaprjata : to rejoice exceedingly at a thing, c. dat. II. c. part, to delight in doing. iiirp-x&Xaa>, f. dao; [a], to let down over. ov, (virtp, xduv) above the earth. f. rjaoj, strengthd. for ^AiSdo;, like viTpTpvirTT6iXa, aor. I of viroaTe\\pS8e, 3 sing. aor. 2 of i virt\tva., aor. I of v virfXplo-a, aor. I \>ir-f\(a, f. vfpcu. t)ir-T]Vjtios, ov, (VTTO, dvffjios) full of wind ; virrjve- piov wuv a wind-egg which produces no chicken. t>ir-TJv|xos, ov, (VTTO, dVe/xos) under the wind, under shelter from it; K TOW {mjvifiov on the lee side. tnriqVTj, TI, (VTTO) the under part of the face, on which the beard grows : the beard itself. Hence tiinr]VT|TT]S, ov, 6, a bearded man; npwrov vTnjvrjrrjs a youth with his first beard. tiir-Tjotos, 77, ov, (VTTO, -)]ajs) about dawn, towards morning, early. iiTrqpco'ia, ff, (virrjptrtoj) the service or duty of row- ers. 2. Collective for ot' vjrijperai, the complement of rowers and sailors, a ship's crew. II. gene- rally, hard service, hard work : also service rendered to another, assistance. vnrT|pn,ov, TO, (vrnjperfca') the cushion on a rower's bench, a rowing mat. tiirr]p6To>, f. TJCTQJ: pf. act. virrjptrrjKa, pass, vinjperrj- [Mi : (vnrjpeTTjs) : to row, serve on board ship. II. generally, to do hard service, to work for, aid and abet : to serve, comply with, obey, act under instruc- tions : to comply with, gratify ; virTjpfrfiv n to do a service : Pass, to be done as service; ra air' rj/Afav ris vpeas virrjperffrai the services which are rendered to you from us. 2. to suit oneself to, gratify, hu- mour. ^ 3. absol. to be a servant. Hence \nrT}pTT||jia, aTos, TO, service rendered, service, help, Lat. officium. ' rno'. tnr-Tjperrjs, ov, u, (yiro, (perns) a rower: generally, a seaman, sailor. II. any labourer : an assistant, | servant, inferior officer, Lat. apparitor ; virrjpeT^s ep- yov a helper in a work. 2. the servant who at- tended each heavy-armed soldier. vnrqpeTiKos, rj, 6v, (virijptTijs) of or Jit for row- ing. II. generally, belonging to, suited for serv- ing : of or for an vTnjperns or inferior officer or sol- dier; oTT\a virrjpfTiKa the arms of the common men; Kf\r]s vTTrjperiKos a boat attending on a larger vessel, a tender. t)Tr-T|p6Tis, t5os, fem. of virrjpeTTjs, a helpmate, as- sistant. umnpiire, "3. sing. aor. 2 of vTrripfitra}. < ' i r / r c t / virrjo'CL), Ion. lor v(pi]<7cu, tut. or vtpnjfAi. tir-T|X6co, f. rjaoj, to sound under, answer with a sound 'from below. j vir-iTjm, Ion. for v(f)iT]fJ:t. j tnr-iXXo) : aor. i viriXa : (viro, tAXcu = cfAcu) : to force or draw in underneath : metaph. to keep under, check, restrain; im\\fiv orop.a to check one's tongue. iimovaa, part. fem. of virtip.i (tlp.i ibo). vnr-icmr)p,i, Ion. for v(piorr}p.i. vir-wrx veop.au, contr. -ot)p,ai Ion. tm f ir-(irvo86Tipa. uirvo-|i,ox>, f- rjffca, (VITVOS, fta^ofiat) to resist or f s/n'v* against sleep. "YUNGS, (5, f /p, slumber: metaph. /& sfe# o/ | death. II. .S7e, as a god, twin-brother of Death. v-rrvo-6|3T)S, ov, 6, (VITVOS, (po/Stcw) frightening in sleep. tnrvoco, f. wacu: pf. act. virvutca, pass, virvou/jiai: (VTT- vos~) : to lull to sleep : Pass, to fall asleep, go to sleep, sleep, slumber. II. intr. in Act. to fall asleep. VTTVU), Dor. gen. of VTTVOS. tiTTV-wSi^s, f s, (vnvos, floos) of a sleepy nature, drowsy. tnrvwv, Lacon. for virvovv, inf. of virvita. tiTTVOMrcrco Att. -TTW, = VTTVOOJ, to be sleepy or drowsy; OVK inrvdjaafi Kfop my heart slumbers not. {ITTVUJCO, Ep. for VTTVOQJ, to sleep, fall asleep. TIIO', Prep., governing gen., dat., et ace.: under: poet. viraC, metri grat. WITH GENIT., I. of Place,/row under; pki virofiadpov vTroydcrrpiov. 737 virb ffirciovs a fountain flows from under a cavern ; urTrovs virb vyov \v( w to unharness horses from wider the yoke ; vir dpvftov \v6fjiijv I loosed myself from under the ram. 2. of that under which a thing is, tinder, beneath; virb artpvoto rv- X~f)ffas having hit him under the chest. II. of the Agent, with pass. Verbs, and with neuters in pass, sense, by-, through, Lat. a or ab ; KTcivevOat viro TIVOS to be slain by a man; Oaveiv vir' avTov to fall by his hand ; u' IOVTOU by one's own free action ; dicovfiv vir6 TWOS to hear, i. e. be told by, one. 2. where it is not the immediate act of the agent ; tptvyfiv viro TIVOS to flee by reason of one ; iiirb K^pvKos irpoijyopeve he proclaimed by voice of herald. 3. viro is often extended to feelings, pas- sions, etc. ; viro Seovs, x a /6s, etc., by or from fear, joy, etc. : hence with active Verbs also, as irpaTTfiv TI vir' dpfTrjs to do somewhat by reason of courage ; vvb 5fovs by reason of fear, etc. ; opvffoeiv virb pa- ariyav to dig by constraint of the lash. 4. to express subjection, dpsTwffiv vir 1 avTov they are vir- tuous under his sway. 5. viro is often used of at- tendant circumstances; viro ZeQvpoio icafjs at the blast of Zephyr ; of music, Kooftdfciv vir' av\ov to revel to the sound of the flute ; irivciv virb 0d\iriyyos to drink fo the sound of the trumpet ; so, vir fvtprjfiov fiorjs Bvtfai to offer a sacrifice accompanied by a cheerful cry. WITH DAT. of the object, under which a thing is : I. of Place ; virb irooai under one's feet ; vno TT; dtcpoirokei under the acropolis ; v(p' apfjaat under, yoked to the chariot ; virb x f P ff i Sctfoji/ai to be subdued under, i. e. by force of, one's arm ; so (pofieioOai viro TIVI to fear under, i. e. by reason of, one ; inrb TTO/ZTT?) TIVOS fifjvat to proceed under one's guidance. II. expressing subjection or dependence; hence inr6 TIVI under one's power ; fivai viro TIVI to be srtbordinate, subject to a person ; %x eiv v( p' fO-VTy to have under one, at one's command. WITH Accus., I. of Place, to express motion toivards and under an object, as, viro airtos ij\aae firjKa he drove the sheep under cover of the cave ; inrb Tpoirjv itvat to go under the walls of Troy ; so, viro SiKaaTTjpiov ayav to bring under the judgment- seat. 2. under an object, without signf. of motion, vir' rjw T' ijf\i6v T under morning and the sun. II. cf Time, like Lat. sub, about, near upon, viro VVKTO. towards night ; virb T^V tcu about morning ; viro TOV aeifffjiov about the time of the earthquake ; also c. part., viro TOV vijuv KaTaKatVTa about the time of the burning of the temple. POSITION : vn6 sometimes follows its Subst., when it is written viro. 'Tiro stands absol. AS ADV., under, below, be- neath. 2. behind. II. secretly, unnoticed. IN COMPOS. : I. under, either of rest, as in vn-fifu to be under ; or of motion, as in viro-Paivu to go under. 2. of the mixing of one thing with an- other, as in vir-dpyvpos, vtru-xpvo'os. 3. to express subjection, as in viro-Safiaoj, viro-Sftus. II. denot- ing what is gradual, secret, etc., somewhat, a little^ by degrees, like Lat. sub, as in viro-Q, f. -firjaofMii : aor. 2 -ffirjv : pf. -'- ftrjfca : to go under, step or stand under, esp. as a \Jirop or base. II. itaetaph. to be below, be less in i height ; TfffffapdtcovTa irodas viro&as TTJS fTfprjs [irvpapiSos] TCUUTO fifjaOos going forty feet below the like size of the other pyramid, i. e. building it forty feet lower. viro-J3aXXco Ep. vJ3pa\\w : f. -0a\a>: pf. act. -/3- @\ijrca, pass. -)3e)3\7;^at: to throw, put or lay under, I Lat. substernere. II. Med. to substitute another's ! child for one's own, palm a supposititious child upon one. 2. metaph. to palm or pass off false ! charges. III. to throw in a word after another, to rejoin, reply, retort. IV. to suggest, submit to one. viirojjdo-is, , f. -frpdffca Att. -t/3cD, Causal of viro- fiaivo), to draw or bring down : Med. to let oneselj down, stoop or crouch down. v>iro-j3\7r<0, f. -{3\tyonai to look up from under- neath at, glance at or look askance at, eye scornfully, suspiciously or angrily. tiirop\Tj5T]v, Adv. (viro0d\\ca) throwing in under- hand or covertly : suggesting a word, by way of sug- gestion, by way of caution or reproof. II. looking sidelong. viropXijTeos, a, ov, verb. Adj. of viro&d\\Q}, to be laid or put under. tnr6p\T]TOs, ov, (wrro/SaXAw) put instead of another, spurious, counterfeit, false. VTro|3o\T|, 57, (u7ro/3oA\cy) a putting or laying un- der. 2. a suggesting, reminding. II. pass. that which is put under, a foundation, groundwork : metaph. the subject, subject-matter. {nro|3oXi[jiaios, a, ov, (viro@d\\ofjuii) substituted by stealth, supposititious, spurious, counterfeit; TCL viro- /3oA.t//afa (snb. re/cva) supposititious children. \nro-ppt\ua, to roar under or in answer to. tiiro-ppexw, f. cu : pf pass. -fifffpfjiJiai : to wet or moisten a little : metaph. to drink moderately : pf. pass. part. viro/Sf&pfyfitvos, somewhat drunk. xnro-pptx-os, ov, also a, ov, under water: generally, beneath the surface, under ground. (Deriv. uncer- tain.) [v] tnr6j3pt5xos, ov, = virofyvxios, but only used in neut. plur. virufipvxa- as Adv. under water; ffvtodai vtro- /Jpuya to be covered with water. tiiro-YCUOs or viro-y^os, ov, (viro, fata) under ground, under the earth, subterraneous. viro--yacrrpiov, TO, (vrro, 'yaffTrjp) the lower part of B b 738 the belly, the paunch. II. the lower part of a sea-fish, considered a delicacy at Athens. UTTO-Y^IOS, ov, viroyaios. vTro-Y^Xdco, f. -affofjai [a] : to laugh at. II. to laugh quietly, smile, Lat. subridere. tjiro-Yv,d<0, f. ffca, (viro, yevciov) to intreat by touching the chin. uiro-YtY vo l JLat ' l ater an d Ion. -Yivojiat: aor. 2 -676- v6fj,T)v : Dep. : to grow up by degrees or in succes- sion, Lat. subnasci. tiiro-YXavKos, ov, somewhat gray. uiro-YXav(7O', (VITO, y\av) to glance from under, to eye askance or suspiciously. viro-YXi;KaCva), (viro, y\vfcvs) to sweeten a little : metaph. to coax and smooth down. viro-Yvap,iro>, f. if/a>, to bend under or gradually. viroYvaxrgs, 2 sing. aor. I subj. of viroyiyvwaKca. -\nr6ypa\L\La,, aros, TO, (viroypdcpca) that which is written under : a signature. 2. an inscription. uTro-Ypap.jAoiT6vs, fcas, 6, an under clerk, under se- cretary. Hence vnroYpa|i|iSTeia>, f. aca, to be a viroypafj,fJiaTfvs, act as under clerk. uiroYpapiios, 6, (vnoypd6'us, teas, 6, (viroypdiroYpcu|>T|, 57, a subscription, signature : an indict- ment. 2. an impression, mark, print. II. a sketch, design, outline, Lat. adumbratio. III. a painting under of the eyelids. From rmo-Ypcufxo [ol, f. ^cu: pf. yeypacjxi, pass.yeypafj,fjiai : to write under, subjoin : to subscribe, sign : to write the name or title upon a thing. II. Med. to set one's name to a bill of indictment, to join in bring- ing a charge against any one, Lat. subscribere accu- sationem in aliquem. 2. in drawing, to sketch, draw in outline or make a rough draught, Lat. adumbrare : metaph. to sketch out, delineate. III. to paint under the eyelids. vrro-yvios or YVOS, ov, (viro, yviov) under the hand, close at hand : fresh, new ; hence late, re- cent. II. sudden, unexpected; l viroyvov off hand, on the spur of the moment. Hence UTTOYHUOS or -YVOOS, Adv. newly, lately: Comp. viro- yvioTfpovmore recently; Sup. vrroyvtoTaTa very lately. UTTO-YVOS, ov, = viroyvios. tiiro-SaKpvco, f. voto \y\, to weep a little or in secret. viiro-8ap.aco, f. daca [a] : pf. SeS^/ra : Pass., aor. I vTr(8fj,^6r}v : pf. -S(S/j.r)fj.ai : to subdue under one, to overpower, overcome : aor. I pass. part. fern. viro8/j.ij- Betffa, having yielded to. uiro-8iro84Spop.a, poet. pf. of viroTpex 03 - tiro-8eif|S, fs, gen. cos, (viro, Se'os) somewhat defi- cient, slighter, less, generally, below another, inferior to him ; esp. in Comp. , vtroSefffTCpos inferior ; CK 7roAA.< viroSeccrTepojv with means much inferior. Comp. Adv. vrroStcffTfpcas, in inferior numbers. inr68tYH- a 5 O.TOS, TO, (viroSeiKvvfu} a sign, token, mark. II. a pattern, copy, example. viro-SciSw, f. aca : aor. I vneSeicra Ep. virfSSeiaa : Ep. pf. u7roSet5ta : 3 pi. Ep. plqpf. viroSfiStaav : poet, pf. viraiSeidoiKa, for vnoSedoiKa : to fear a little. or slightly, be somewhat afraid of, c. ace. 2. to shrink in fear from, cower before. II. absol. to be some- what afraid. and -tico : fut. -$da) Ion. -Sc^cu: aor. Ion. -e8ea : to shew underhand or se- cretly : to give a mere glimpse of. 2. to intimate, give to understand. II. to mark out : to shew, teach by example. III. to shew forth, make a dis- play of, pretend to : also simply, to shew. uiro-SeiXiaco, f. affca [a], to be somewhat cowardly. viro-SeinaCvo), to stand in secret awe of. tnro-8nrv(o, f. 17*70;, to dine instead of another. utroScuras, aor. I part, of vnoSdSca. {iiro-Seicop.cu, Ion. for viroSexoftai. inro-8}jLco, to build under, lay as a foundation. {nroSe^tir], 17, (vTroSexo/iat) reception of a guest, means of entertainment. [I in Ep., metri grat.] iiiroSf^tos, a, ov, (i/7ro8e'xo//cu) able to receive, capa- cious, ample. tiiTo-BepCs, loos, f], (viro, Stp^) a neck-ornament, necklace. , ecus, 17, (i/TroSecy) = viroo^fj.aTa, one's shoes. * Ep. aor. 2 pass. inf. of viroSex ^ - 1 - Ion. -8cKop.ai : f. -5eo/xat : aor. I : pf. -SeSe-yficu: also aor. I pass. -eSe'x^i/ (in pass, sense): Dep : to receive beneath the surface of the sea. 2. to receive under one's roof, wel- come, entertain ; 6 viroS^dfj.fvos one's entertainer or host. 3. to give ear to, hearken to. II. to un- dertake, engage, promise, Lat. in se recipere : also to undertake a work or task. 2. to admit or allow the justice of a thing; with a negat., ovx viroSex^- aOai to refuse to admit, deny. III. to endure, bear. IV. to wait for, abide the attack of, Lat. excipere. 2. to follow in rank or order : to come next to, border upon. V. of a woman, to con- ceive, become pregnant. tnro-Stco, f. -drjcrca : pf. pass. vnoScSefzai : to bind or tie under : Med. to bind under one's feet, put on shoes, etc., KoOopvovs viroSceaOai to put on one's buskins : absol., i/7ro5ee, f. wffQ), to shew secretly, indicate. \ viro-^vyiov, TO, (UTTO, tyyov) a beast under the yoke, tnroSirjjJia, OTOS, TO, (virodeaj) that which is bound a beast of draught or burden, under, a sandal, Lat. solea : also, a shoe, boot, Lat. i vtro-^you), f. wffca, = viro^vyvviju. calceus. \)Tr6a>|Ji,a, OTOS, TO, (uTrofaVi/v/it) a flat rope or strap viroStjo-ai, aor. I med. imperat. of virooeu. for undergirding a ship ; cf. vwotyvvvfjit. tiiroSfjo-ai, aor. I act. inf. of virooeu. \ tiiro-o>vvv|j,i and -two : f. -w7ro-8uj>06pos, ov, (VITO, 8is, -wos, o, an wider-servant, assistant. viro8ox^| ?, (virooexofMzi) a reception, a hospitable reception, entertainment : also a harbouring, as of , f. tyoj, to heat underneath or inwardly: Pass, to glow beneath. VTro0eis, fTffa, kv, aor. 2 part, of viroriOrjfii. viro-0p[xaivo), to heat gently: Pass, to grow some- what hot, to glow. tnr6-0p|jios, ov, somewhat hot or passionate : Comp. -OTfpos, too hasty or passionate. viro06(r0 : f. -dpaaco : to act un- pose, plan, design : a proposal. der, be serviceable or useful to one, c. dat. j tiiro-0ca>, f. OfvaofMi, to run in under, trip viro8pK]CTTT|p, TTPOS, 6, (vTToSpao;) an under-servant, tip. II. to run in before, slip in before in running attendant, assistant. i a race. III. to run in too hastily. viro8pop.T|, 77, (u7To5pa/i?i-) a running under or into viro0i?)KT], fj, (viroTiOrjfu} a suggestion, hint, piece of advice. II. a pledging, mortgage. viro0T][xo0"uvT), 77, (vTTOTi6r]fii) ready suggestion, a slaves. II. acceptance, approval : hence sup- port, aid, succour. III. a supposition, assump- tion. IV. a receptacle : a place of refuge, quarters. tnroSpd, (vnodpafeeTv) poet. Adv., used by Homer 'only in phrase virvSpa, iSouv, looking askance, i. e. fiercely, sternly. tiiroSpdiceiv, aor. 2 inf. vTro8pd|Atv, aor. 2 inf. of v a running under or into the way of a. thing. uTToSpojjios, ov, (u7ro5pa/xj/) running under; irerpos virub'pofj.os ixvovs a stone that got under, got in the piece of advice. way of, his foot. t)iro-8po(ros, ov, somewhat dewy or damp. vrroSpaxocri, poet, for viroopuai, 3 pi. of vrroSpaca. viro-Stivo), = vtroSvoj. [v] viro8iJS, vaa, vv, aor. 2 part, of viroSvca. vmoStio'is, ecas, rj, a diving or plunging under. II. refuge, escape from a thing. From viro-8vo> or -Svvca [v] : f. -OVCFOJ [v] : aor. I vneSvaa: to put on under. 2. intr. to slip in under, to slip or slide into, insinuate oneself into : but also to slip from under, c. ace. II. mostly in Med. v-jroSv- i, aor. l vjrfovadnrjv: also with aor. 2 act. virefivv, pf. vTTOOfdiiKa : to dive under, slip into, steal or slink into: to put on, slip ones feet into shoes. 2. c. gen. to creep or come forth, emerge from. 3. to go under, take on one's shoulders : then, to undergo, take on oneself, c. ace. 4. of feelings, to steal into or over, come on gradually. 5. oiro-o,Kopos, o, also 77, an under-priest or priestess. viro-6VY v *H Lt an d -va>, f. -(vca: aor. I. vTrcfva: Pass., aor. 2 virefyyrjv [i5] : pf. vn4^evynai : to yoke tnro0Y|crop,ai, fut. med. of tw [i], f. ^cw, to press under or gently. tiiro-0opt)|3a>, f. 770*0;, to make a little noise: to begin to make a noise. tnro-0pao- Att. -rrca, fut. -8pa^ca, Att. contr. from vnorapaffffQ}. tiro-0puirTOp.ai, fut. Opv\jjo^.ai : aor. I vir(0pv(p9T)v : Dep. : to be affected or effeminate : also to play the wanton. tnro-0xijjiidco, f. affca [d] : to burn scents so as to fumigate, Lat. suffire. tciro-Ovjxis, iSos, 77, (viro, OvfjLus) a garland worn on the neck. II. a kind of bird. tnro-0(oirtiu), to flatter a little, win by flattery. ti7TO-0o>pT|crcro>, f. o>, to arm underhand : Med. to arm oneself secretly or unobserved. tiiro-udx^ [&] to sound forth a little or below. t)7T-otYvi){it and VIT-OIYCO, f. vito'i^oj, to open a little or secretly. vTT-oiK(o), f. 170-0;, to dwell or lie under. tiir-oiKiop.ai, Pass. (UTTO, olffifa} = viroiKeca. , f. rjaca, to build under or beneath. f. 770*0;, to keep house, stay at home. II. c. ace. rei, keep secretly at home, to con- under, put under the yoke: to bring under : Pass, to trive underhand. 2. c. ace. pers. to intrigue with, be yoked under, be subjected to. , \ tnr-oijjuoco, fut. -wofj.ai, to moan a little or softly. Bb 2 740 foro-Ka0co}tai, fut. -toovpat, Dep. to sit down under. Ion. -KCITTJJJWU, (properly perf. of VTTO- i : to sit down under or in a place, take one's station under. II. to sit down under cover, lie in ambush. i. c. ace. pers., to lie in wait for. tiiro-icaOiJco, fut. Att. iu>, to set down under: to place in ambush: Med. to lie in ambush, Lat. subsidere. viro-Katw, f. -Kavffu, to set on fire from below. xiiro-Kd|ATTTW, f. ^a>, transit, to bend under, bend short back. 2. intr. to turn short back, double, as a hare. II. metaph. to fall short of, c. ace. V7ro-icdp8ios, ov, (vno, Kapoia) under or in the heart. viro-icaTaJ3aiva>, fut. -/S^tro^at : aor. 2 f&rjv : pf. -ftf&rjtca : to go down or descend by degrees : to go down by stealth. titro-KaTaicXCvw, f. -K\lvu, to lay down under : Pass, to lie down below : metaph. to give way, sub- mit, yield. uiro-KdTTj|xat, Ion. for viroKadrjfJuu. viro-Kdroj, Adv. below, under : beneath, under- neath, [a] uir6-K6i|j,(u, f. -tceiffofMt, used as Pass, of VTTOTI- Orjfui, to lie under or below; irtoiov Ifpaj viro/ccirai the plain lies below the temple: to lie bidden un- der. II. metaph. to be put under the eyes, to be set or proposed before one ; ovotv viroKfi/jLevoav two things being proposed. 2. to be laid down, as- sumed, taken for granted : vtroicetrai absol. a rule is laid down. 3. to be suggested. 4. to be left at bottom, left remaining, reserved. 5. to be subject to, submit : also to form the subject or matter of an inquiry ; v\rj viroKfi^vr} subject matter. 6. to be subject to a mortgage, to be pledged or mortgaged ; T& viroKfififva the articles pledged. vjTO-KeXewo, f. erai, to act as fcc\fvffrr)s : to give the time in rowing. viro-KTjpiiiro-co Att. -TTW, f. , f. iiro-KpT)Tr]pi8iov, TO, a small stand or saucer to put under the howl (KprjTTjp). [F] viroKpivaiTO, 3 sing. aor. I opt. of virortpivoftai. [T] vnroKpiva, f. u, to croak against. xnr6-KviK\os, ov, running upon wheels. iiiro-Kiiirr&>, f. if> f ca : aor. I virefcvij/a : to bend or stoop under, esp. under a yoke ; ol Mijftoi vTTfKv^av Tlepariei the Medes submitted to the Persians : to bow down, prostrate oneself: to stoop down to drink, also to stoop so as to peep into a place. II. c. ace., viroKVJTTCiv rav rvXav to stoop the shoulder so- as to let a load be put on. V170K.VOlJ.ai ' viro-Kvo|tos, ov, somewhat deaf, rather deaf. viroXei|3eiv, aor. 2 inf. of viro\an0dvoa. f. -XrjipofjLat : aor. 2 virfXapov: pf. -K)f a thing, Lat. rationem habere rei. virfi\r)(pa, pass. vrrfiXrjfjifMt: (cf. A.a^/3avcu) : to take up from below, take on one's back, Lat. suscipere. 2. to catch up, come suddenly upon, overtake : of events, to follow next, come next. 3. to take up a word and answer, to reply, rejoin, retort ; often in aor. 2 part., 6(^77 vnoXa&vjv he said in answer. 4. to take up the conqueror ,fight with him, Lat. excipere. II. to take or receive under one's protec- 2. to accept or entertain a proposal. III. tion. to take up a notion, assume, understand: Pass, to be supposed; 17 virfi\rjp.nevij X<*P IS the supposed favour. 2. to suspect. IV. to seize under- hand: to draw away, en'ice. V. vrro\a,fji@aveiv iitirov to bold up or check a horse. VTroXojA-irTjs, es, gen. cos, shining with inferior light, gleaming. From viro-Xdjjnro), f. \[/a), to shine in under, to gleam beneath. II. to shine a little, begin to shine or dawn. tiiro-Xeipio, f. \po), to pour a libation therewith or to. uiro-XeCirco, f. i^tu, to leave remaining, leave be- hind. 2. of things, to fail one, fail. II. Pass., with fut. med. viro\etyo/j.at, to be left behind, stay behind or at home ; vvo\(irrfo'0ai rov ffTo\ov to stay behind the expedition: generally, to remain behind, to be left fiver and above. 2. to be left behind or distanced by any one, properly in a race : of stragglers, to lag behind: metaph. to be inferior to one. 3. absol. to fail, come to an end: also to fall short of what one expects. III. Med. to leave a thing behind one, c. ace.: to leave remaining, keep in reserve; vTToXfinfaOai aiTiav to leave cause for reproach against oneself. tnr6-X7TTOs, ov, somewhat fine or delicate. to make rather fine or delicate. , to make white underneath : Pass., to become white underneath or somewhat white. v, ov, gen. ovos, (viro, 6\i$ow) somewhat less, slighter or smaller. diro-Xidos, ov, somewhat stony. viro-XijAirdvco, collateral form of vnoXd-nta. 741 vrro-Xio-iros Att. -Xtos, ov, somewhat smooth, worn smooth. viiro-Xux v s, ov, somewhat dainty. tnro-Xo-yCop,ai, f. -iaopai Att. -tovficu : Dep. : to take into account or consideration. viro-XoYos, o, a taking into account, a reckoning, account; vir6\oyov irotfio-Qai TWOS, to take account tnTO-Xoyos, ov Adj. taken into account, held ac- countable, responsible. turo-Xottros, ov, left behind, staying behind: sur- viving, Lat. super stes. tdro-XoxfrYos, o, a lieutenant. ti-iro-Xvpios, ov, (vno, \vpa) under the lyre ; 56va viro\vpios a bridge of reed on which the strings rest, [v] viro-Xvo), f. -\i,ao} [OJ : aor. I -k \vcra: pr. -\6A.ua: Pass., pf. -\e\vfjiai : plqpf. -f\f\v/*i]v : Ep. 3 sing. aor. 2 pass. vn4\vTO, 3 pi. urre \VVTO : to loosen, untie or unbind from below, loosen or slacken gradually ; vn\vaf yvtd he loosened his limbs under him, i. e. gave him his death-blow : so in Pass., yvta VIT\VVTO his limbs were relaxed under him. II. to loose from under the yoke : to loose from bonds, set free by stealth. 2. to untie a person's sandals from under his feet, take off his shoes, unshoe him : Med., to take ojfone's own sandals or shoes, opp. to vnoStiaQat. viro-fAaKpos, ov, rather long, longish. tnro-jjiSXatci{op,at, Pass, (viro, jja\atcicu) to grow soft or cowardly by degrees. tiiro-[JifiX, f. few, to soften a little or by degrees : Pass, to be softened gradually. ov, somewhat mad, crazy : Comp. -OTCpOS. viro-jACMroxi) Att. -TTW, f. feu, to knead underneath: to smear or rub underneath. tiiro-|J.iSida>, f. aoTro-p,vaop.ai, Ion. pass, of virofJUfivrjffKca ; Ep. 2 pi. impf. vircfivdacrOe. Hence vir6p,vT]p,a, arcs, a remembrance, memorial, memo- randum, reminder : mention. 2. in plur. notes, memoranda, Lat. commentarii. vTrop-vrjom, aor. I inf. of virofUfjtvrjffKca. uirop.VTjo'i.s, &$, ff, (vTTOfJ.ifJ.vrjffKa}') a reminding, calling to mind. II. remembrance. inro-p.VT)CTTVop,ai, Med. to betroth underhand. i)Tr-6p.wp,i, to interpose by oath. II. Med. vtro- fj.vvfJLai,f. virofjiovfjiai : aor. I vircafjioffdfjirjv : to swear in bar of further proceedings. 2. to stay proceedings by making an oath, apply for a longer term on affi- davit : to plead in excuse of non-appearance. t>irop,ovf|, fj, (virofievoi) a remaining behind. II. a holding out, endurance, patience : c. gen. patience under, endurance of a thing. t>ir6-p.&>pos, ov, (viro, ftaapos) rather stupid or silly. uiTO-vaCco, to dwell under. t>iro-vico, incorrect form of virovicpca. t)Tro-vep.op.ai, aor. i V(iiJ.afxr)v : Med. : to eat away from beneath: metaph. to consume secretly, undermine. viro-vJ>eXos, ov, (viro, Vai ^ ~"n^t JLat t Dep. to swim under, dive. uiro-vicj>co [t], to snow a little: impers. virevupe, there was a little snow: Pass., vi> virovHpofjitvT] a snowy night. viro-vocco, f. Tiffca, to think covertly, suspect : to con- jecture, guess, guess at; virovofiv n ets TWO. to enter- tain a suspicion of one. Hence virovoia, 17, a hidden meaning or sense : I. a suspicion, conjecture, guess, supposition, fancy. 2. the true meaning which lies at the bottom of a thing. tiirovop,ir]86v, Adv. underground, by pipes. From UTTOVO JAOS, ov, (virovffUt}) going underground, under- ground. II. as Subst. vir6vo[j.os,' 6, an under- ground passage, mine, Lat. cuniculus : a water-pipe. uiro-voo'a>, f. f\G, f. iacu, to tell in a foreign accent. VTro-vXos, ov, (viro, v\ov) wooden underneath, made of wood plated over. tnro-tipcuo or o, f. 170-0;, (viro, vpdcui) to shave or cut of some of the hair : virf^vprj^epos, half-shaven. viro-gvpios, a, ov, (viro, gvpov) under the rasor. tiro-|vco, f. vffoa, [i>], to scrape a little: to graze slightly, Lat. stringo. t7ro-irapco0a>, f. -(aOrjGca and -waca, to thrust aside by degrees or underhand. , f. -irdffca [a], to strew under. viiro-imvau, f. yaw, to be rather hungry, begin to be hungry. tnroirep.'irTos, ov, despatched underhand, sent covert- ly, Lat. submissus. From tnro-irtp.iro), f. fa, to send under or into, c. ace. II. to send secretly : to send as a scout or spy, Lat. sub- mittere. vTroireiTTTjuTes, Ep. pf. part. nom. pi. of vnoirrrioaoj. VITTOTTeiTTtOKa, pf. Of VVOIfllTTO). viroTreircaKa, pf. of viroirivca. tnro-TTp8op,ai, aor. 2 act. virfirapSov : Dep. : to break wind a little, Lat. suppedere. tnro-iTpca(o, f. aaoj, to become dark-coloured by degrees, esp. of grapes, to begin to ripen. tiTTOTreo-iv, aor. 2 inf. of vrromirTaj. tiTro-ireTO,vvijp,t, f. -irfTaaca [a] : pf. pass. Treirra^ta: : to spread out under, lay under. tnro-ireTpos, ov, (viru, Tre'rpa) somewhat rocky. tiTro-m0ir)ia, f. o>, to strike beneath. uTTO-irXwco, Ion. for vnoir\fO}. uTTO-irveco, f. -irvevffofjjai, to blow underneath, blow gently. VTro-iroBiov, TO, (viro, irovs} a footstool. iiTro-Troieoj, f. rjaca, to bring under : Med. to make subject to oneself, bring into one's power, win by secret arts. II. in Med. also to assume, put on. tiiro-iroXios, ov, (viro, TroXtos) somewhat gray. uiro-'rropeijop.ai, Dep. to go under : go secretly. VTro-iropTis, tos, 77, with a calf under it : of a mother, with a child at the breast. tiTTO-Trpavvw Ep. and Ion. -irptjvvo), to appease a little or by degrees, [uj vtro-irpiajxat, Dep. to buy under the price. viro-irpia>, to gnash (the teeth) secretly, [i] tiTro-irrepos, ov, (yiro, irTfpov} feathered, winged : swift-winged, fleet : also soaring, -flighty. tnroiTTe'uco, f. oopaos, ov, = vnwpo(pos. II. sounding softly from a reed; viropo, f. iffoi Att. to), = viropiirifa. vir-opvo-o-u) Att. -TTCO, f. cy, to dig under, under- mine. vir-opx^ofwu. f. -r\ao pai, Dep. to dance with or to MMMC. uiro-, f. -rjaopai, to pass over in silence. vTro-(rKaa>, f. aaca, to halt a little. t/Tro-CTKa\6uw, f. oca, to stir from underneath, of fire. 743 , f. i^a>, to dig under, trench. t>iro-o-K6Aioi>, f. acu, (viro, a/e\os} to trip up one's heels, to upset, throw down, Lat. supplantare. vnr6- o-, f. ao '. SLOT. I V1TfffTl\a '. pf. , pass. -taraXfiai : to let down, lower. take in : to furl, strike sail, etc. II. Med. to draw or shrink back from, shrink from the presence of. 2. to cloak, conceal, suppress through fear : absol. to dissemble ; ovOV viro0Tti\diJ.vos with no dissimulation. tnro-crTva, f. icroj = viroaTtvafa. uiro-, to sigh or groan in a low tone, begin to sigh or groan. virtxrrrjvai, aor. 2 inf. of iKpiarijfJU. tnro-(rrr)pta>, f. iro- x a ^ K " s * /7r *~ arporrai which has copper laid under it. VTTOO'TOpeo'tti, aor. I inf. of viroaTOptwviJii. tiirocTTpaTrj'y^oa, f. 770*00, to serve under as lieutenant. From 5, o, a lieutenant-general. 5, 6fo*a, CP, aor. I pass. part, from tnro-o-Tpci), f. if/ca : Pass., aor. I -farpeQOrjv : pf. -eo*Tpa/z/zai : to /wra round about, guide back. II. intr. to tar short round, wheel round, turn and flee: to return : so in fut. med. vitoaTptyofJuai and aor. I pass. 3. to fr;t away, elude a person. Hence uiroo'Tpcvj/cCa, Ep. aor. I opt. of ti7roo*rpeT|, 77, (u7roo-Tpeo>) a turning round: a turning about, either to flee or to rally; ! viroarpo- iro-(ri)ptco or -ITTW, f. eu, to whistle gently, rustle. viiro-crvpco, to drag down : to trip up. [t>] v)iro-tYY<0, f. "y^cy, to bind tight below. v>iroo"X*o, 2 sing. aor. 2 imperat. of vniax v *l jl ' at ' (raj, aor. 2 imperat. of nrx fl promising. f, TO, = vn6ax ffLS ' ;, ecus, T), (i7T0*x I/ ^ / /a O a promising, pro- mise, engagement ; vir6ax e fft v (tCTr\r)p>aai to fulfil a promise ; inroffxeffiv airoXa&eiv to receive the fulfil- ment of a promise. V7TO(rx6p,vos, aor. 2 part, of virtffx v *l jiai - aor. 2 subj. of vrriaxveou.ai. wv, aor. 2 part, of UTTCXCU. ], 77, (i/7roTa/TO*a)) subordination, subjection. vnro-rajjivov, TO, a plant cut off at the root for magic purposes. From uiro-T&pAo-oxa Att. -^rrca, contr. -0pd : f. iro-Tap|3o, f. 770*0;, to be somewhat afraid: c. ace. to be somewhat afraid of a. thing, to fear a little. {iTro-raprdpios, ov, (tnro, Taprapos) under Tartarus, dwelling below Tartarus. uiroTatJis, ((as, 77, (urroTeti/cu) a stretching or spread- ing out from under ; -ntdiow virordacis the plains that stretch below. uiro-Taoxrco Att. TTCO: f. a>: pf. pass. TtTayftai: to place or arrange under, subject. xnro-Tivco,f.-Tevoi : aor. I -erfiva : to stretch under, put under as a prop or stay. 2. to hold out before or towards, to bold out, suggest hopes, to promise, offer: Med. to propose by way of question, sub- mit. 3. to strain to the utmost, make intense. viro-Tuxi<>, f- ioo* Att. tor, to build a wall under or across : to build a cross-wall. Hence t>TroTixwris, f c"s. ?), the building of a cross-wall; and viiro-rtxi-O}jLa, arcs, TO, a cross-wall. tiTro-T\to, f. 4aoj, to pay off, discharge, liquidate : absol. to pay tribute, be tributary. v)iro-TAT|s, fs, gen. eos, (viro, TeAos) subject to taxes or tribute, tributary, Lat. vectlgalis, tributarius, II. act. receiving payment, c. gen. i)iro-T6jJiva> Ion. -Tap.va) : f. -Tffjica and -rcifjiovfjuu : aor. 2 virfTa.fj.ov : Pass., aor. I fTfj,rjdrfv : pf. TT- /*T7/u: to cut away or under: to cut unfairly. II. to cut off, Lat. intercipere ; vnoTepveiv TT)I/ f \irioa to cut off all ground for hope; so also in Med., UTTO- Tfwea0at rbv ir\ovv to cut off one's passage: Pass., vrroTanveaBat TO dno TWV vtwv to be cut off from the ships. VTro-TC0Tj}tv, f. Orjffo} : aor. I vrre&rjKa : aor. 2 virt- Orjv : to place under : to put under, make sub- \ject. 2. place under as a foundation, to lay down : ' esp. in Med. to lay down as a principle or rule for oneself, presuppose, premise. 3. to propose to one- self for discussion or argument : to propose te do. II. to suggest, mostly in Med. : c. dat. pers. to advise, counsel, admonish : c. inf. to advise one to do a thing. III. to put down as a deposit or stake, pawn, pledge, mortgage: hence, 2. to stake, hazard, venture. 3. to lay in store, store up, keep. tnro-TljJiao(jiai, f. ~i\ao^iai, Med. : as Att. law-term, to propose a less penalty for oneself, to lay the damages at a lower rate. VTTO-TiTpdto, to bore through below. *uiro-T\aci), obsol. pres., whence are formed fut. viroT\rjaofjiai, aor. 2 virtT\ijv, pf. vTTOTfT\rjKa : / bear, endure, submit to. viro-TOv0opt or -v^co, to murmur or bum softly* UirOTOTTCVW, = vrrOTOTTfOJ. viroTOireo), f. -fjcfca : aor. I virfTonrjffa: also as Dep. tnroTOTreojjiat : aor. I vjrfToirrjOrjv : (VITOTTTOS) : to suspect or surmise that: also c. ace., to suspect a per- son or thing. iiiro-TpavXieo, f. cro*, to lisp a little. tiTTO-Tpetd), Ep. for vnorpfct). tiTro-rpe^o), f. -Optyca, to bring up secretly or in succession: Med. to foster or cherish secretly. uiro-Tpx w fut- -Opfou.ai and -Spa/xou/wu : aor. 2 viteopafj.ov : pf. vnoSfSpofia: to run in under; o Kvcav vTTfdpafif vrrb TOVS iroSas TOV ITTTTOV the dog ran under the horse's legs. II. to run under or be- low. III. to run in between, intercept. IV. to insinuate oneself into anyone's good graces, flatter, deceive. tnro-TpIco, f. -rpfffo), to tremble a little : to shrink back, give ground. II. c. ace. to tremble at any- one, be afraid of him. tiiro-rpijBw, f. if/ca, to rub beneath, rub or wear away gradually. II. to grate or pound ingredients for a dish ; cf. virorpififM. [I] viro-Tpito, to chirp or whistle softly. viroTpipjAa, arcs, TO, (viroTpifia}) an acid dish of various ingredients grated and pounded up together; iirorpinfj.a @\eirtiv to look sharp and sour. viro-Tpo|Ai>, f. rjcfca, to tremble under or a little. II. c. ace. to tremble before anyone. virorpojxos, ov, (virorptfJM) trembling a little, some- what fearful. * tnroTpoirYi, 77, (virorptiroj) a turning back, re- pulse. II. a return, recurrence. xnroTpoiros, ov, (viroTpfiTca) turning back, returning or returned home. tiiro-Tpox, poet, for viroTpfx, to hum in an undertone. t)Tro-Tpa>Y w > f- -rpugojjiai : aor. 2 -trpayov : to eat underhand or secretly. xnro-TVirow, f. waca, (vno, TU/TOS) to sketch out, Lat. adumbrare. tiro-TVTrTo>, f. ij/oj, to strike or push down, to strike under the surface of a thing ; vnoTvtyas Kr)\cavTjiy UVT\L he draws it up dipping with the bucket under the surface ; vnorvnTovaa alva>, f. -(pavu : aor. I -(f>rjva : to shew or bring to light from under ; Oprjvvv vTr(avcrKavTts, tos, fj, Aeol. for vir66i8o}xat, f. aofjiai, Dep. to spare or forbear. viro-epco, f. viroiffca: aor. I vnrjvfyKa. Ion. virrjVfiKa: aor. 2 vir^veyttov : (cf. (ptpoj) : to bear or carry away under, to bear out of danger, to rescue. II. to bear or carry by being under, to bear or support a burden : generally, to bear, endure, suffer. III. to hold out under or before : to hold out, suggest, proffer. 2. to pretend, allege. uiro-t)YG>, f. -(pevgoftai, to flee from under, evade : to retire a little, shrink hack. tnrotfnjTCva), to hold the office ofviro(pr)T7)S. From tnro-<|>T|Tr]S, ov, 6, (viro, (prjfti) an announcer or in- terpreter of the divine will, a priest who declares an- oracle. viiro-4>0dva> ("a] : f. virotyOriffOfJiai later also -0r)v, inf. viro(pOfjvai, part. vito6a.Ka : to haste before, be or get beforehand ; vijo0ovo, f. 170*0;, to feel secret envy at. t)ir6-<|)0ovos, ov, a little envious or jealous : Adv. -i/ws, somewhat jealously. viTO-$\(ya>, f. o>, to set on fire or heat from below. U7ro-<|>6vios, ov, (VTTO, pa8|Ao 77, suggestion : in plur. counsels. From tnro-4>pdjo(xai, Med. to conjecture. tiTTo-^picro'co Att. -TT&) : f. cu : pf. -TTftyplKa. : to shudder a little. tiiro<|>tryu>v, ovaa, ov, aor. 2 part, of viro(pfirfca. \nro-4xo\6ijfa), to lie hidden under. vnro-<}>a>va>, f. 770-0;, to call gently to. tnro-xd^ofiat, aor. i -KCfcaoofjiTjv : Dep. : to give way gradually or a little, retire slightly. vi-rro-xaXiviBios [vt], a, ov, (vno, xaXt^os) under the bridle; viroxa\ivi5ia (sc. rjvia), 77, a kind of snaffle- bridle. tiiro-xapoiros, t>v, (UTTO, x a P 07r ^ s ) f a somewhat fiery or fierce look. viro-\a., to gape or yawn open a little. tnro-Xipios, ov, also a, ov, (vno, X e 'P) under one's hands, in the hand : under anyone's power or con- trol, subject to; viroxftpiovs noiftaOai to make subject. vnro-xo>, f. -x f & ' aor - l vufx^o- Ep- vir(x (va ' P^- pass. -K^x v P- ai ' 3 s ' n g- P^P 1 "' vireKXvro : to pour under, pour out for another : of dry things, to strevf or spread under ; s, cw, gen. CD, (two, XP ' OS ) subject to debt, in debt: of property, involved, embarrassed, Lat. uu, f. -xpiffu [t] aor. I act. vTrcx/'to'a, pass. to smear under or o : to besmear or anoint a little, Lat. sublinere : to paint or colour the face under the eyes. tnro-xpucros, ov, containing a mixture of gold. tHTO-x^pew, f. 770-0/101, to go back, recoil ; viroxwpeiv TOV rrcStou to retire from the plain ; vno\Q)peiv nvi TOV Opuvov to withdraw from one's seat in honour of one, give it up to him. 2. c. ace. pers. to retire be- fore, avoid meeting. II. to go on in succession. tnr6-i|/ap,[xos, ov, having sand under or in it, mixed with sand, sandy : Comp. -orepos, somewhat sandy. vrro\j;ta Ion. -Cij, 77, (viroif/opai) suspicion, jealousy ; virotyiav \afjil3dveiv Kara, nvos to entertain suspicion of a person ; of things, %x eiv virojf/iav to admit of sus- picion. II. a jealous watchfulness, censoriousness. tifrovj/ios, ov, (vnoipofjiat) viewed from below, Lat. suspectus ; hence viewed with suspicion. uirov)/o|xai, serving as fut. of ixpopau. uir-oxl/tovew, f. 1700;, (viro, tyowkta) to underbid or cheat in the purchase of provisions. vimda>, f. daw, (virnos) to bend oneself back : to carry one's bead high. II. transit, to bend or throwback: Pass., virndfrrai napa his head is stretched back. u-irTiaarp.a, aros, TO, (virndfa) that which is stretched out with the under side uppermost; vnndafMra ytpfav hands stretched up in supplication, cp. Lat. supinis manibus. II. a backward fall. tnrriao-Tcov, verb. Adj- of virndfa, one must throw back. VTTTIOS, a, ov, (vir6) with the under side uppermost, bent back, laid back, on one's back, Lat. suplnus, resu- Pinns ; of one falling, ir$aev virnos he fell on his back ; virriois aikfJLaaiv vavTi\\frai he sails with planks turned bottom upwards ; yacrrTjp virria belly upper- most. 2. generally, anything turned up, inverted; Kpdvos virnov a helmet with the hollow uppermost; so, dairls i-nria ; but, KV\I virria a cup with the bottom uppermost ; dif/ls virria, a half-wheel with the concave side uppermost. 3. of Place, sloping away from one, sloping evenly and gradually. Hence CI), f. wow, to turn over, upset. ew, (viro, uQioi) to push or thrust away. cvuos, ov, also a, ov, (vir6, wAcVq) under the arm or elbow. vnrwjjiocrajjnjv, aor. I med. of urro/wv/w. vTTCj}xoffia, 77, (virofjivvfj.1) an oath taken to bar pro- eeedings at law, an application for delay upon affi- davit : it was resisted by an tnro)m, f. ctcw, (vrrduiriov) to strike one under the eye : generally, to beat black and blue : metaph. to mortify, afflict, vex or annoy greatly. Hence VTroDiriao-jios, o, a striking under the eye : affliction. uir-wmov, TO, (viro, wif/) the part under the eyes, the face. II. generally, like vnuniaapos, a blow under the eye, a black eye. tiir-topeta or vir-copea, 77, (viro, epos) the foct of a mountainous track: plur. vnapeai, the roots of a mountain, Lat. radices montis. tiTrwpope, 3 sing. pf. intrans. of virupvvfu. inr-cop64>ios, ov, also a, ov, (vtro, opotyos) under the roof, under cover of a house, in a house : generally, under shelter. uir-u>poos, ov, = vno}p6(pios. "TPXA, 77, an earthen vessel for pickled fish, a pickle- jar, Lat. orca. (AeoJ. word.) *T5, 6 and 77, gen. vos [i5] : ace. vv : like GVS, a swine, pig, boar or sow, a tame pig ; but 5s dypios, a wild boar. "TZTH, T), a shrub from which comes the, dye VffflVOV. vo"Ytvo-[3aT|S, c-s, (vayivov, fiaiprjvat) dipped ot dyed in vajivov, scarlet. vtryivov, TO, (vayr)) a vegetable dye of scarlet colour. uo-Sos, for oabos, Aeol. for ofos. tl, f. iff on Att. i06pos, ov, (vffTfpos, (pOeipta) destroying after, late-destroying. voT6p6-4>vos, ov, (vffTfpos, aCvcupcris, ((us, T), (v-cupca) Ion. vir-aipea) : f. -aiprjaoj : aor. 2 v(pf?- Xov : pf. iHpTjpijfca : Pass., aor. I vfprjpfdrjv : pf. vr)- pr?/xat, part. t/^pp^/ieVos Ion. v-rrapaip-q^vos : to seize underneath or inwardly, to seize secretly. II. to draw from under. 2. to take away something of, c. gen. 3. to draw away, seduce. III. Med. to take away from underhand, filch away, purloin : v-aXos, ov, (VTTO, aXs) under the sea ; v(pa\ov "Epf- /3os the darkness of the deep. 747 ov, 6, (vfyaivoj) a weaver. Hence v4>avTUcos, TI, ov, of or for weaving : skilled in weaving. vavTO-86vT)TOS, ov, (vtyavTus, Soveai) swung in tie weaving, woven. tiavTos, rj, ov, verb. Adj. of i--apira.&> Ion. tiir-apirapirdjAevos, poet, for v(papiraffdjj.vos, aor. I med. part, of vipapirafa. vacrp.a, arcs, TO, (vtpaivoai) a thing woven, web^ woven garment. \y] v, poet, for ixpaivoa : Ep. 3 pi. ixpouffi. v6ip.tvos, pf. pass. part, of ixpirjfju : Adv. v-6io-a, (UTTO, fiffa} Causal aor.i of v-KTCOV, verb. Adj. of virtx<, one must support. v-e\KTov, verb. Adj. of v-\K(, f. eAo> or f\Kvffco [i5] : aor. I ixptik- Kvaa. : (cf. tA/ccw) : to draw away under, underhand or gently ; v<]>6\/civ Tiva itooouv to draw one away by the two legs : to draw away by undermining, diminish by drawing from under : Med. to draw along under one, trail along, as a pair of slippers. v<|>6XotaTO, Ion. 3 pi. aor. 2 med. opt. of ixpaiptu. vVTas, ace. pi. of i^ets, aor. 2 part, of v-pira>, f. -fptya) or fpirvaoi [u] : aor. I v-cnr6pos, ov, (vno, loiripa) towards evening ; neut. pi. ixpffftrepa as Adv., about evening. vTj, ?), (yoi woven garments. t>4>-t]-yp.uv, ovos, 6, = ffffftuv. v<|>-TjYojjiai, f. qaofjiai : pf. vtprj'yrjijiai : Dep. : to go just before, to guide, lead the way. 2. to sbeiv the way to do, instruct in a thing. 3. hence also to lead to, prove a thing. Hence t4>T|Y T l cri - s 6t)S ^ a leading, guiding ; and vT]YT)TT|p, rjpos, 6, and v-i]YT''T)s, ov, o, one who. leads the way, a conductor: metaph. a leader, adviser. vTjva, aor. I of ixpaivca. v4>i]vioxo, f. 170*0;, to be a charioteer: Pass, to drive after or behind. From t<|>-T)vtoxos, o, (vir6, r/vtuxos} the charioteer, as subordinate to the warrior in his chariot. 748 & vd>-T|cr(TXi>v, ov, gen. ovos, (yiro, fjffffcav") somewhat less or younger. u(J>-iava>, f. gr}ffaj, = v(pia). v(j>-ia>, f. 170-0;, (UTTO, i'fw) to sit or crouch down : to sink or fall in. Ion. -utriTjjJLV : f. ixprjaca : aor. I vcprjfca : pf. pass. v-(o-n(]p,i : (cf. "iffTrjiJLi) : I. Causal in pres. and impf., in f. viroffT'/jffca and aor. I vireaTrjcra, : to />/ac* or se/ under. i. to post secretly. 3. to submit, propose, suggest : so also in fut. and aor. I med. to lay down, sitggest ; el ^77 rt iriarov virocrT-fjcrti unless /iott sa/ gvVe some ground for confidence. II. Pass., with aor. 2 act. virfffTijv, pf. vcpfaTtjua : to stand under, be under or beneath ; TO ixpiffTafjievov that which is underneath, of milk, as opp. to TO fpaca) : to look at from below, to look askance at, to view with suspicion, Lat. suspicere, suspi- cari. II. to keep in view. v>-<|>opp6s, o, (vs, -opjiC(o, f. to*o> Att. to), to bring into harbour se- cretly : Pass, to come to anchor secretly, or generally, to come to anchor. Hence v6pnt(rts, rj, a place for ships to run into, harbour. to carry t>4>6c0en., Ep. for v-v8pos, ov, (VTTO, vocap} tinder water. tuJ'-SYopas, ou, o, Ion. -aYopijs, (ityi, dyopevca) a big talker, a boaster, braggart. vvj/auxcveto, f. 170*0;, and vilta/VYGvltdi f. to"ft> the neck high, strut proudly. From fvos, o, 17, (yifii, o.vxhv) carrying the neck high : hence stately, towering : haughty. uvJ/-6p6T|s, es, (vi^i,fp6(pca) high-roofed,high-vaulted. uvj/-i]Y6pas, Ion. for u^a'y . vi|;-TjYOpos, ov, (vif/i, dfopfio)} talking loftily, vaunt- \ing- f | tij;T|7)\r) a highland country : metaph. high, j lofty, stately, proud. | v4/ir]Xo<|)pov0), f. 970-0;, to be highminded, bearing oneself haughtily. From ; tn|/T)X6-4>pwv, ovos, o, rj, (vtyijXos, fpprjv} highminded, \ high-spirited, haughty. \}\\t-T]pt^>T]S, (s, gen. eos, v\fjtpe(pr]s. ' ^ >v l ; ~ T ]X i n s > * s > g en - eos, (vtyi, ^X os ) sounding on high. "Yr, Adv. high, aloft, on high : on the high sea : j hence are formed Comp. inf/icuv, Sup. VI//KTTOS. vx|/i-|3aTOs, ov, (vtyi, jSatVo;) set on high, standing j high, high-placed. tiv|;i-f3pn,TT]S, ou, o, (w/'t, )3/)6/^cy) high-thundering. tn|/i-YWT]TOs, ov, (vif/t,ycvvaca) high-grown, topmost. vtyl-y\n,os,ov, (v^l,yv?ov)with high limbs or branches^, high-stemmed, [t] ! vvl/i-^YOs, ov, (v$i, fy-fov} of the benches in ships, | sitting high or aloft on the bench : metaph. of Jove, j high-enthroned. I tivJ/C-Opovos, ov, (fyi, Opovoi) high-throned. I -inJ/l-K, (ityi, K(pas) with high or j lofty horns ; there is also an irreg. ace. in phrase, vifji- KfpaTa TTfTpav a high-peaked rock. vi|;i-KO|ios, ov, (vtyiL, Kop-rf) with lofty foliage, of the i oak. I -inJii-KofxiTCDS, Adv. (ytyi, ttufj,iros) with high boasts, arrogantly. iiv|/C-KpT|(Jivos, ov, (yif/t, KprjfJLvos) with high steeps or cliffs, high-beetling, built on a cliff". uiJ/C-Xoc^os, ov, (vif'l, XoT|S, fs, (yijji, Vfos afyoyyos , o, 77, neut. -irovv, gen. -TroSos, (vif/T, irovs) ov\r] : the Att. sometimes used it for TT, as high-footed : on high, sublime. \ (pdrpa for navos irdrpa. II. j n Aeol., Dor. and tn|;i-iri5Xos, ov, (fyt, ITV\T)} with high gates. | Ion., (p is put for 6, as a, Dor. and poet, for 6(pa, f(prj, 3 sing. aor. 2 of tv|/iTpos, a, ov, Comp. from Adv. fyi, higher, loftier. I " vi\J/l-aT|S, es, (vif/i, (pdos} beaming on high. vvj/i-<|>SvT)S, e's, (v$i, (pavrfvai) seen on high. t>\j/i-<|>6pT}TOS, ov, (fyi, (popeca} high-borne, soaring . on high. vv|/t-<|)po)v [t], ovos, d, 77, (ttya, (pprjv} high-minded haughty. 5, ov, o, (v^i, xairr)} long-haired. 4>aav0ev, lengthd. for (pdvOfv, Ep. for tydvOrjffav, 3 pi. aor. I pass, of (paivca. <|>advTaTOs, 77, ov, Ep. Sup. of (pafivus, most bril- liant, brightest. a-yciv Ep. aYM-v, inf. of e'0a- /, ov, gen. ovos, poet. Comp. from vif/i, higher, j yov, with no pres. in use, used as aor. 2 of io-Qica, to loftier. j eat, devour, c. ace. : c. gen. to eat of a thing : gene- /, Adv. (vfyos) from on high, from aloft, from rally, to eat up, devour, consume, waste. II. high, aloft, on high, ' above, Lat. desuper. above, over. tiv|/60i, Adv. (ityos) high, aloft, on high. vvj/-6poos, ov, (vif/i, 6poa, 3 sing. impf. of (pdca. a,60ovTts, tSos, poet, for (paiOovaa, fem. of (patduv, shining. <|>a.e0a>, ((pdos} to shine ; only found in part. ', f. (tiffca: aor. I itycaffa : Pass., fut. vi//oj0r]0'o- beaming, radiant: hence (patdcav as Subst., pai : aor. I tywOrjv: (ttyos) : to heighten, raise, ele- ing one, the Sun; neut. pi., itavvvya. KOI (patdovra. vote, exalt. Hence j whole nights and days. v\\f(t)\jiOL, O.TOS, TO, height, elevation. | 'i'aeSuv, 6, (properly part, of aeiv6s, 77, ov poet. 4>aewos, ((pdos} shining, beam- the god sends rain; but the nom. was soon omitted, ing, radiant : Comp. (pafivurfpos. 2. also like and vfi used impers., like Lat. pluit, it rains ; d ue if it rained; part. neut. used absol., VOVTOS iro\\y as it was raining heavily : c. ace. loci, eTTTci ertcav OVK ve TT)V Qrjprjv for seven yea,rs it did not rain on Thera : c. ace. cognato, vat \pvauv it rained gold. II. Pass., of places, to be rained on, to be wetted; Xecuv vufAfvos a lion drenched with rain; vaOrjaav at f)@ai Thebes was rained upon; r) 777 bringing. o.T|, contr. for (pdea, pi. of (pdos. a0i, imperat. pres. and aor. 2 of *l?aia, duos, Ep. and Ion. ^cu8lp.6eis, eo"o*a, tv, poet, form of (paiSifios. 4>aiSt|xos, ov, also 77, ov, ((paivca) shining, brilliant: metaph. famous, glorious, Lat. darns. <{>ai8p6-vo\;s, ovv, ((paiSpus, vovs} of cheerful, joyous mind. 4>ai8pos, a, ov, ((pdca, (paivca) beaming, radiant: f, of the voice, clear, distinct. 3. generally, splendid, brilliant. 4>aeCvco, poet, form of (paivca, to shine, give light. a6wos, 77, ov, poet, form of (paetvos. ao-tp.-ppOTOS, ov, ((pdos, fiporos) bringing light to mortals, shining on mortals. aop6s contr. cooxJ>6pos, ov, ((pdos, < the country :s rained upon, it rains in the country. ^, , i, TO, indecl., twenty-first letter of the Greek alphabet : as a numeral ai8poTqs, 77TOS, T), brightness, lustre. II. me- taph. joyousness. 4>ai8p6co, f. wffca, (cu5/>os) to make bright. metaph. in Pass, to be cheerful or joyous. cuBpiJVTpva, 77, a washer, cleanser. From aiSp wo) [u] : f. vvu : aor. I etpaiSpvva : to make bright, clean, cleanse. II. metaph. to cheer, please : Pass, to brighten up with joy. aiSp-os, w^) with a bright, joy- ous look. 4>aii]v, pres. or aor. 2 opt. of (prjfJii. cfxuicds, d8os, 77, (aiv|jiv, Ep. for . aiv6Xr]S, ov, w, formed from the Lat. paenula, a thick upper garment or cloak. 4>aivoAis, ibos, 77, ((f>aivoj) light-bringing. cj>aivo|AVT)c|H, Ep. part. dat. fern, of , f. ai/o> : aor. I Zfprjva, inf. Dor. (tpdva: 3 sing. Ion. aor. 2 (pdvea/tf: pf. ; : pf.. 2 (intr.) ir(dca). I. /o bring to light, make to appear : to shew, to make clear or known, hence /o /a_y 6ar, uncover, disclose : hence almost /o grant, as, 701/01' 'EAe'i/TT, Qaivtiv to grant Helen a child : at Sparta, povpdv ato-xiTO)v, cavos, o, 17, (aios, \nuv) dark-robed. 4A'KEAO5, 6, a bundle, Lit. fasciculus. aK-f], 77$, 77, ((paws') a dish of lentils or pulse, pease- S, o, the plant lentil ; also its fruit t which was eaten at funerals. aXd\af) in phalanxes. aXaYY lov . TO, ((pdXa-yg') a venomous kind of spider. aXaYY o | Jl '*X* 0) > "n^ca, to fight with or in a pha- lanx : to fight in the ranks. From dXaY^i, dat. pi. of aAo.Kpa, 7), (aAa/rpos) baldness, a bald head. 4aAaKpos, a, 6v, (cpaAos) bald-beaded, bald-pated. 4>dXaKp6co, f. duo~ca, (aXav0ias, ov, o, a bald man. From <|>dXav6os, ov, (0aAos) = dXdpa, rd, (aAos) the cheek-pieces of the hel- met. II. the cheek-pieces of horses : generally, trappings. [a] 4>dXdpCs Ion. 4>aXrjpts, iSos, 77, (os) a coot, Lzt.futtca, so called from its bald white head. 4>dXupos, d, ov, Dor. for Ion. QaXrjpus, (0dAos) having a patch of white, white-crested. ^dXirjpevs, fdXir]pid(o, ((pahrjpos) to be or become white : Ep. part., KvpoLTO. (liaXrjpiooavTa waves crested with white foam. ^dXirjpov, TO, Phalerum, the western harbour of Athens : &a\rjp60(v from Phalerum ; $a\Tjp6vof to Phalerum. [a] <|>dXT]p6s, d, ov, Ion. for dXfjS or <}>dXif]S, TJTOS, o, = dXXaiva, fj, = (f>d\atva. 4>AAAO'2, 6, membrum virile, a figure thereof, which was borne in solemn procession in the Bacchic orgies, as an emblem of the generative power in nature. *A'AO2, o, a part of the helmet worn by the ~ $A'PMAKON. 751 Homeric heroes: either the peak or fore-piece, or perh. a metal ridge on the crown in which the plume (A.o^>os) was fixed, [a] 4>dfxa, T), Dor. for (prjfjaj. 4>d[Av, Ep. for (pafj.fv, I pi. aor. 2 of r)f*i. 2. poet, for dvai, inf. of (77 /-it. [a] f op.V (enclit.), I pi. pres. o &p,va, Dor. fem. of (pdptvos. afLEvos, pres. and aor. 2 med. part, of {prjfii. [a] afii, Dor. for dv, poet, for ((prjaav, 3 pi. aor. 2 of *;/. [a] 4>dvai, pres. or aor. 2 inf. of dvai, aor. I inf. of (paivca. 4>aveu]S, 2 sing. aor. 2 pass. opt. of (paivca. 4>av?p,v, Att. for (pavcirjuev, i pi. aor. 2 pass. opt. of (paivca. 4>aveis, fiffa, fv, aor. 2 pass. part, of (paivca. dvev, Aeol. and poet, for ((pdvnaav, 3 pi. aor. 2 pass, of (paivca : but avev, aor. 2 part. neut. [a] 4>av6pos, a, oV, also 6s, 6v, ((paivca) open to sight, visible: manifest, evident: freq. joined with part., (iriffircvScuv (f>avfpbs fy he was conspicuous urging the matter forward: ka rov , f. wcrca, ((pavepos) to make visible or ma- nifest. II. to make known or famous : Pass, with aor. I -diOrjv: to become known or f amort s. Hence Sv6pws,Adv. oftyavcpos, openly, manifestly: Comp. (pavepwTfpov : Sup. (pavepajTara. <}>avcpci>(ris, ?), a making visible : a manifestation. 4>dveaice, 3 sing. Ion. aor. 2 pass, of (paivca. [a] 3vf), -fj, ((paivca) a torch: in plur. tpavat, torch- processions. <|>SvT|T), Ep. 3 sing. aor. 2 pass. subj. of (paivca. dvr]0t, aor. 2 pass, imperat. of (paivca. [a] avr,|jievai, for (pavijvai, aor. 2 pass. inf. of (paivca. 4xivT]o-o|xcu, fut. pass, of (paivca. aviov, TO, Dim. of (pavos, (Subst.), a small torch, taper. uv6s, 17, ov, (<[>aivca) light, bright; ru (pavuv bright- ness : of garments, washed clean. 2. bright, joy- ous, like QatSpus. Comp. and Sup. (pavurfpos, -ora- TOS. [d] <|>dv6s, also irdvos, 6, (avT(ia>, f. a.o'Qj, ((paivca') to make visible, clear or manifest. II. Pass., fut. ^avraa6rjaop.ai : aor. I (tpavrda&qv : to become visible, appear, shew one- self. 2. to make a show or parade, Lat. se os ten- fare. 3. (pavrafcaOai TIVI to be like, assume a like- ness to some one. 4. used for (paivfcrOai or CTVKO- cpavTtiadai, to be informed against. Hence 4>avTadvTacr|xa, arcs, TO, ((pavrafa) an appearance, image, phantom, like <>aer/na : also a vision, dream. 2. an image presented to the mind by an object, Lat. w- snm : a mere image, unreal appearance. avTs, aor. 2 part. nom. pi. of $1)^1. <}>avTi, Dor. for dovs, TO contr. ws, (pa- TOS : Ep. also 6cos : ((pdca} : Ugh!, daylight ; tv (pdft by daylight; ZTI (pdovs OVTOS while there was still daylight; often in phrases opdv (pdos i t f \ioto, or (pdos @\firiv, to see the light of the sun, i. e. to be alive ; so also, (pctos Xciireiv t'jeXioio, i. e. to be dead ; et's (pws Uvai to come into the light, i. e. into pub- lic. 2. the light of a fire or torch, fire-light or torch-light. II. metaph. light, i. e. joy, deliver- ance, happiness, and the like ; c& fjLfyiarov a E\\7)aiv (pdos O greatest light of safety to the Greeks, III. plur. (pd(a, the eyes, Lat. lumina : so in sing, of the Cyclops' eye. 3>A'PAr3 [(pa], 07705, ly 5 , a mountain cleft, a deep chasm, ravine, gully. (Akin to (pdpvy.) 4>apdci>, to plough. 4>apTpa Ion. -Tpt], 17, (epa;) a quiver for carrying arrows, Lat. pharetra. Hence apTp6uv, uvos, 6, = (papfTpa. apTpiov, TO, Dfcn. of qaperpa, a small quiver. <)>apcTpo-4>6pos, ov, (tpaptrpa, ^>epcu) quiver-bearing. ^apio-aios, ov, 6, a Pharisee : pi. of Qapioaioi, the Pharisees or Separatists, a sect of the Jews, who af- fected superior holiness of life and manners, and a rigid adherence to the law of Moses. They believed in the Resurrection, and in the existence of angels and spirits, which the Sadducees denied. 4>ap|a.aKao), ((pdp/MKov) to suffer from poison, be mad from the effects of poison. II. to require me- dicine, as rofidca to require cutting. 4>app.dKia, 77, ((pappaKtvo}} the use of any kind of drugs, potions or spells : poisoning, witchcraft, sorcery. 4>ap[xaxia, ?), poet, for (papfJ-aKfia. ap}xaKcts, teas, 6, ((pdppaKov) one who deals in drugs or poisons, a sorcerer, poisoner : fem. app.aKvco. f. aca, (ap}JiaKis, iocs, fem. of (/ ap/xa/f ;s, a sorceress.witch. 4>ap|xaKOis, fffaa, tv, ((pdpfjiaKOv) drugged, poi- sonous. de//, en- chantment : any secret means of effecting a thing. IV. also a means of producing something, as, dcris, fas, 57, (<^7/*f) saying, speech, sentence, ffwrrjpias an expedient to procure safety. V. a affirmation, assertion, [a] means for colouring, a dye, colour. \ *dap}xaKO-iroo-Ca, 77, ((pdpfMtcov, IIO- Root of TTtVw) 4>d, impf. e$ao*oi/ Ep. (pdffKov, (which is used a drinking of medicine or poison. as impf. of ap[JiSKO-iTa)XT]S, ov, 6, ((pdpfJiaKov, ncaXecu) one who ', collat. notion of saying what you do not believe, to sells drugs or poisons, a druggist, apothecary. apixaico-Tpij3T]S [r], o, ((pdpiMiKov, Tpiprjvai) one who grinds and prepares drugs or colours. ap|xaKoa>, f. a/o*a>, ((pdpfJiaKov) to endue with heal- ing power. app,do-o-a> Att. -TTO>: f. a-pos [a], cos, TO, a cloth, sheet, web : sail-cloth. II. a wide, loose cloak or mantle, worn as an outer garment, also* used as a shroud ; (pdpos my last rag. allege, to pretend, Lat. prae se ferre : also to think, suppose: to promise to do. ddTTa, ?), the wood-pigeon, ring-dove JT cushat, Lat. palumbes. 4>a6vos, ov, ((pdffffa, *$tVa;) dove-killing, of the hawk ; as Subst., (paffffofpovos, 6, name of a kind of hawk. 4>acr<2>. ucris, Dor. for $770*0;, (prjfffis, fut. of (prm L <|>fiT, 2 plur. of (prjiJ.i. 4>aTi6s, d, 6v, ((pT]fJLi) poet, for (parus, to be spoken of, pronounced. 4>aTeov, verb. Adj. of 77^t, one must say. 4>aTi, Dor. for $770*1, 3 sing. pres. of (pijfj.t. , f. to*cw Dor. iaj : aor. I ftpdnffa : Pass., aor. I ((pariffOrjv : pf. TrffpdrifffjLat : ((pans) : to say, speak, report; TO ap6o>OT, Ep. 3 pi. of (papda). <|>dpapvy, 17 or o, gen. vyos, ((pdpca) the throat. II a gulf, cleft, chasm in the earth : cf. A'P,Q, f. (pdpffca : pf. ir((papKa : to cleave, part. 4>ds, (pdffa, (pdv, part. pres. and aor. 2 of (prjf^t. ^ao-yavCs, t'Sos, 77, Dim of (pdffyavov, a knife. d(ry&vov, TO, ( cut with, a sword. 4>a,Tis, fcas Ion. tos, 77, ($77/^4) a saying, speech, re- port ; Kara fydnv as the report goes ; 77 (pans *x fi p.iv the report goes of him. II. one's (good or bad) report, reputation, fame, report, Lat.fama. III. the saying, answer of an oracle, [a] d,TVT], 17, (irarfOftat,) a manger, crib. dro, Ep. for e(paro, 3 sing. aor. 2 of <|>aT6s, 57, ov, verb. Adj. of $77 /it, said, spoken; that may be spoken, uttered or pronounced: with a negat., ov (paros, unspeakable, unutterable. II. famous. T(pdo), for fftpdyavov) a thing to . aTro, f), Att. for $do*o*a. | ^avX-eirC-^avXos, ((pav\os, e-rri, (pav\os) bad upon ov, ((pdayavov, *epyca) forging bad, bad as bad can be. swords. <}>a/uXici>, f. to~acre, Dor. and poet, for (prjffe, 3 sing. aor. I of(pr){J.i. depreciate, disparage. ddcr0aL, Ep. med. inf. of (prjfJLi. \ worthless, poor, common, of no account; ol (pav\oi txcr0w, 2 pi. and 3 sing, imperat. med. of the vulgar, the common sort, also the weak or unedu- cated, as opp. to of ao(poi. ance, ugly, mean-looking. <|>ao-i, 3 pi. of tp rjni. , /], 6v, from the river Phasis, but with a play on ffVKO-tpavriKus, informing -like. *aavX6Ti]S, TITOS, T), meanness, paltriness. 2. want of accomplishments ; ?) I/XT) (pavXurrjs my lack of judgment. avXcos, Adv. of (pavhos, easily, lightly ; aa0ai : paullo-p. fut. l>A'n, Root of YY<>, to make bright : Pass, to shine, gleam, be bright. 4>6i8top.cu, Ion. for (pciSopai. 6i8eo, Dor. pres. imperat. of tytioofjai. 6iBmov, TO, (i8op,vci>s, Adv. pres. part, of et5o^at, sparingly, thriftily, charily. 6i8a>, oos contr. ovs, 17, (6i8cj\T] and 4>ei8coXia, 'ff, ei8co\6s, 77, 6v, (^etSa;) sparing, thrifty, chary of a thing : c. gen., QeiocaXos xpr)/j.a.T&v sparing of money. Adv. AcDs, sparingly, thriftily. 4>Eii6urTov, verb. Adj. of (peiSopat, one must spare. \\6us, ecus, o, stony ground or so/7: hence as the name of a rocky district of Attica. 4>eXXlvos, r], vv, (0eXA.os) made of cork. cXXi.ov, TO, mostly in plur. stony ground: cf. eXX6-7rovs, -iroSos, 6, 77, neut. -irovv, (EAAO'2, o, the cork-tree, Lat. quercus suber. i. the bark of the cork-tree, a cork, Lat. cortex. vaicCco, f. iaoj, (0eVa) to play the impostor, cheat, lie. 2. trans, to cheat, trick : Pass, to be cheated. Hence <|>6vaKio-|ji6s, 6, quackery, imposture, trickery. H, dtcos, u, a cheat, quack, impostor. , to slay, obsol. Root, to which belong Ep. aor. 2 itffyvov, shortd. from the redupl. form -rr^tvov, also with augm. (Tretyvov, infin. irfcpvffifv, part. TTfavrai, 753 Ep. 2 sing. <|>6p-av0i?|s, (s, (tpoj, avQos} bringing flowers. p-acp-avYT|s, ts, (6p-YYvos, ov, (/xy, fffvij) giving surety or bail, able to give security, trusty, responsible : generally, capable, competent: c. inf., Xi^v (pfpeyyvos Siaawaai ras ve'as a harbour capable of preserving the ships : c. gen. able to answer sufficiently for a thing, trusty : cf. e X *rY vos - 4>eptp.v, Ep. inf. of (pepu. 4>epe|A-p.e\LT]s, poet, for p-oiKOS, ov, ((pepca, of/cos) carrying one's house with ! one, of the nomad Scythians: as Subst., tytpeoiKos, o, ' the house-carrier, i. e. snail ; cf. irov\vTrovs, avoarfos. <|)p-7rovos, ov, ((pepoj, TTovos) bringing trouble or 1 sorrow. po--|3ios, ov, (epcriC6, 3 sing. Ion. impf. of p6p6-(rTd4>iiAos, ov, (pTpov contr. <|>pTpov, TO, () a bier, litter, Lat. feretrum. epir]V, Aeol. for pT|crt, Ep. for fpy, 3 sing. subj. of (p(p&). (^cpwTTOS, rj, ov, like (pepraros, stoutest, bravest, best ; mostly in addresses, & (pfpiarrf. I 4>cpp,a, QTOS, TO, (epvT|, T), ((pfpca') that which is brought by the wife, a dowry, portion, Lat. dos ; (pcpval iroXipov the dowry of war, i. e. a wife won in battle. 4>poura, Dor. part. fern, of epovTi, Dor. 3 pi. of (pepo) : but also part. dat. ^cpo-etfxiTTiov Att. ^ppe(J>a.TTiov, TO, a temple or sanctuary of Persephone. From l6po-(j>a(raffaa, -rra, TIfpcr((p6i/rj, Proserpine. <|>pTaTOs, 77, ov, Sup. Adj. =(ptpiffTOS, stoutest, bravest, best, mightiest, most powerful. (From (f>fpu, as Lat._/br/z's fromy^ro.) <{)pT, Ep. for (pepfTf, 2 pi. of pr6s, 77, <5i>, verb. Adj. of tyepu, to be borne, en- durable. 6pTpov, contr. for QepfTpov. l>E'Pri, a Root only used in pres. and impf. : Ep. forms, 2 pi. imperat. fptiv to grant any one a favour, do him a kindness; but later, to shew gratitude to one. 2. to occasion, cause, work; as, Kanuv or -nrnut (pepctv. 3. to bring in, pay, discharge ; (pcpov or Sav/ibv tyepeiv to pay tribute ; TI[A?JV fyfpetv to pay a fine. 4. ifiqfpov fyepeiv to give one's vote, Lat. ferre suffra- gium. V. to bear, bring forth, produce : absol. of the earth or of trees, to bear fruit, be fruitful : metaph. to bring in, yield, produce; dywv 6 TO irav (pfpcav the contest that bestows everything. VI. to bear off", carry off" or away : to carry away as booty or plunder, mostly in phrase epfiv to rob. 2. to carry off", gain : to win, achieve, gain: also to receive one's due, e. g. to receive pay : Med., esp. in phrases dcOXov a_y to one's home. VII. absol. of roads, to lead to a place ; 77 ooos (pfpei, like Lat. via fert or ducit. 2. of a tract of country, to stretch, extend, verge to or towards : metaph. to lead or tend to an end or object ; rd -rrpus TO vyiaivfiv QfpovTa that which is conducive to health; and so generally, to contribute or conduce to or towards. 3. to aim at, hint or point at, refer to a thing ; is dprjiovs dycuvas (j>fpov TO fMVTrjiov the oracle referring to martial contests ; TOIV 77 71/07x77 fyepe avpfiaXKeiv their opi- nion inclined to giving battle : also c. dat. pers., ir\eov ffpfi is also used like avfji- epouo-a tv&a\f 1/771 ET~, Exclamation of grief or anger, ah ! alas f woe ! like Lat. vah, vae, our fye ! : c. gen., vyejjiv, -|Avcu, Ep. for fvy(iv, inf. of (pcvyca. VYrKv, 3 sing. Ion. impf. of 6\ry6vTo>v, Ep. for vynai : there is also Ep. pf. part. irevyrjv to flee in flight : also, etyetv T})V irapcl. 6a.Ka.aaav [sc. TT)J/ ooLv\ to flee [the way] by the sea. 2. the pres. part, (pfvycuv often ex- presses only the purpose or endeavour to flee, the compds. atrocpfvyoj, fKtyfvyca, Trpo(f>fvys i/yo/ fjvia. the reins escaped from the hands of the charioteer. 2. pf. pass, part retains the ace. in Homer, iret>(o, f 0; : aor. I6(/u from ot/tot, amcy from at at.) UKTOV, verb. Adj. of VKTOS, 77, 6v, verb. Adj. of , fo 62 avoided : that can be shunned or avoided. 4>6vcui>, Desiderat. of tyevyo), to wish or desire to flee. eugo|u.cu Dor. 4euo{)[jiai, fut. of EUJ;b>, fut. of Ei)/dXvg, vyos, 6, a spark, brand, piece of the embers or hot ashes. Hence <3>cvl/aA6co, f. caeca, to reduce to ashes, to burn up. 4>ev|;a,A.u, vyos, 6, = (p6if/a\os. [a] T], Ion. for Htyr), 3 sing. aor. 2 of fj, 3 sing. aor. 2 subj. of 077/it. HTO'5, 77, a kind of oa&, bearing an esculent acorn, not the Lzt.fagus (beech). II. the escu- lent fruit of the same tree. T|\i], TJKOS, u, ((f)Tj\6s] deceiver, name of a wild- fig, which seems ripe when it is not really so. ^Xi^Tfuto, f. aw, to cheat, deceive, trick. From <}>ir]\T)TT]S, ov, or 4>i)\T]TTjs ; ou, 6, ((pT^Aos) a deceiver, cheat, knave, thief. HAO 2, rj, ov, deceitful, knavish. Hence <}>T]X6u>, f. wffca, to deceive, cheat, trick. Hence <|>T]\p.a, arcs, TO, a deceit, deception, cheat. 4>Y)IAT) Dor. 4>dp.a, 77, Lat. fama, ($rjp.'i) a voice from heaven, a prophetic voice : an oracle, an au- gury. II. any voice or words, a speech, saying : also a song. 2. a common sayi?ig, an old tradi- tion, legend, adage. 3. like Lat. fama, a rumour, report : hence a man's good or bad report, his fame, reputation, character. 4. a message. HMT, $77'$, (prjal: aor. 2 ftprjv (the impf. being ttyaffKov, see aovf(w), ttyrjaOa Ep. (f>7)ada, 6ds, rjff(u: aor. I r)aa. Med., aor. 2 e^a^j/ [a], inf. (fxiaOai, part. (f>afj.cvos : impf. or aor. 2 \^n\t,t]v : also pf. pass. -neQao-fjiai ; 3 sing, imperat. irffpaaOa}. Ep. forms I pi. pres. opt. (pdi^v for (pairjfiev ; 3 sing, subj. (p-fjy for ?^s, ?}, for e^rjv, I077S, c^>?7, and 3 pi. (ao for affo : 'H/it is a shortd. form of ?;/zi' : (f>dffKa) is also a collat. form. The pres. indie. tpijfjii is enclitic, except in 2 pers. r/s. To soy, speak, tell: to express one's opinion or thoughts: hence, to be of opinion, believe, think, imagine, esp. in Med. ; laov f/*ot a.a6ai to fancy himself equal to 755 me ; in familiar language Qijfu is often put before its pronoun, as, ftprjv tycu said I ; %rj \fycav, 6\eye r)/j.iffa : : to speak, utter, name : Med. to express in words. 4>-qp.ts, tos, rj, poet, for <^T]\M], speech, talk : report, rumour, one's good or bad report, reputation; St}poio r}p.is the voice or judgment of the people, 4>f,v, Ep. for (r)v, aor. 2 of <>*?/. <|>fjvcH, aor. i inf. of Qaivca. T|Vi, 3 sing. aor. I opt. of *H'NH, 77, a kind of vulture. r}p, pavr}vai) madly fond of wild animals or hunting. rS, 2 sing, of ^s, Ep. for tyrjs, 2 sing. aor. 2 of (prj^i. 4>fjo-0a, Ep. 2 sing. aor. 2 of 0aiT], 3 sing. aor. 2 opt. of (p0dvca. 4>0cupu>, Dor. for 00t/w. 0dp,evo?, aor. 2 med. part, of 0dvca. [a] <|>0dv, Ep. for f(p0affav, 3 pi. aor. 2 of 07)v, 3 pi. (^^av for e0?,aiv, Ep. I pi. (f>0fQ}fj.ev, 3 pi. , aor. I f(p0na. To come before, do, reach before ; 6 0dvfiv fls rrjv TruXiv to come first into the city : c. ace. pers. to be beforehand with, overtake, outstrip, anticipate, Lat. praevenire ; and sometimes simply to arrive ; fip0r)ffav rov \fip.0ds (fj.cv Karr}yopos carat no other shall be an accuser before me; 0daas with imperat.. \eyt (}>0daas speak quickly. III. 0apT]V0apr6s, 17, ov, verb. Adj. of 0ds, 0ao-a, 0Av, aor. 2 part, of 0dvca. 4^0ETrOMAI, f. 0eyye- &0ai Hiros to utter or say a word. III. to extol, praise, sing, celebrate. 0YK- a > O-TOS, TO, ((p0(yofjai) a voice : language, speech: a saying, word: in plur. accents, words. 2. generally, a cry, roar, sound. 0Yii o V uu fut. of 0elo|Xv, Ep. for (f>0tcafj,6v, jj.v, i pi. aor. 2 subj. <0EI'P, 6, gen. (p0ftp6s, a louse, Lat. pedicu- lus. II. the small fruit or cone of a kind of pine. 4>06ipido>, f. daca, (<0etp) to be lousy, suffer from morbus pedicularis. <}>0ipo-TpaYea>, f. 770-0;, (0eip. 0eipo) : fut. 0fpffca: aor. I f0eipa: pf. f Capita, pf. 2 e0dpr)v [a] : (0epcrl-Y6VTis, es, (0co|j.ev, 0oxriv, Ep. for 0Tj, Ep. for Z06.vo}. 0T|Tj, Ep. for (f)0rj, 3 sing. aor. 2 subj. of (pOdvca. 0TJvcu, aor. 2 inf. of 0TJo-iv, Ep. for 0dv0T|O'ojiai, fut. of 0dvca. *0ia, as, Ep. and Ion. *0tTj, 775, 17, Phthia, a dis- trict in Thessaly, the home of Achilles, [i] *0ids, ctSos, ?), fern, of I0fos, a Phthian woman. 4>0iTdi, Ep. for i, Ep. dat. sing, of 3>0irj, at Phthia. [t] 0tvds, doos, fj, (eiv(a) intr. perishing, wasting, waning. II. act. causifig to decline, wasting: voffoi (pQivaoys wasting diseases. <}>0lvao-|jia, aTOS, TO, ($Qiv(a) a declining, wasting, pining, waning, [t] 4>0tvaco and 4>0ivfa>, (0ivo-Kapiros, ov, (fyQivu, Kapir6s)with blighted fruit. 0tvoira>pts, iSos, fern, of (f>0ivoir(apiv6s. ^Olv-oirwpov, TO, (^0iVcy, onajpa) the last part of ondupa or the time after 6-rrcupa, late autumn, the fall of the year. 4>0ivv060-K, 3 sing. Ion. impf. of tyQwvQca. \y] 0tvv0ca, poet, for , used only in pres. and impf. : I. intr. to waste away, decay. II. trans, to consume, waste, [i/] ^TNTi, common form of (f>0ica. [Tj <}>0io|juu, Ep. for 0td>/zi, aor. 2 pass. subj. *0los, a, ov, (4>0ia) Phthian; ol $0iot, the Phthians. 4>0C(Tcr0at [i], fut. med. inf. of tyQivca. 0lo--T|va)p, opos, 6, 17, (0icr0cu, Ep. aor. 2 pass, of (pQ'ua, (pOivca. <|)0lo-C[ji-ppoTos, ov, (<[>0iv(a, jSpoTos) man-destroying. 4>0i(rts, cws, 57, ((f>0ivo}") of persons, consumption, de- cline, decay, Lat. tabes. 2. generally, a dwindling or wasting away, decay, waning. \l~\ <}>0tTO, 3 sing. Ep. aor. 2 pass. opt. of 0iTos, 17, ov, verb. Adj. of 0ica, wasted, decayed, dead ; ol 0iToi the dead. I0I',Q, impf. 6(f>0iov, more common in form *0I'Nn [t Horn., r Att.]: fut. $0tVo/uat [I]: pf. pass, (in same sense as act.) <0t>icu : plqpf. (f>0i/j.r)v [f] : but 0i(T0at ; part. v (pOivovTwv in the moon's wane, i. e. towards the month's end : in Homer's time, the month was divided into two parts, nty lard^vos and ftrjv tpQivcav, as in phrase, TOW fj.lv (J)0ivovros fj.T)vos Tov 8' IffTafAevoio both at the waning of the month, and at its beginning ; at Athens the month was divided into 3 decads. fjii]v lffTdfj.vos, fji^v fj.awv, p.i)v (pOivcav ; in the two first of which the days were reckoned forwards, in the last backwards. 2. of plants, to fade, wither, die. II. Causal in fut. (pO'iaca [f], aor. I act. ftpOldia (like &r]ffca, 0ta) a man of Phthia : fern. , i8os (sub. 777), the land of Phthia. , T), (00YYs> o, ((pOtyyofMi^) the voice of men : also the j cry of animals : generally, a sound. ^0O'I"2, i'os, 6, noni. pi. 0ov6p6s, d, ov, ((pOovos) envious, jealous; ro Oetov irdv tan (pOovfpov the gods are altogether jealous. Adv. (pQovfpas 'i^iv to be enviously disposed. c}>0ovo>, f. rjaoj : aor. I zcpOovqaa, in late Poets j (ipOovfffa ', Pass., aor. I (p$ovri6r)V : (cpOuvos) : 1&* be envious or jealous, to envy, bear a grudge or ill- j will ; c. dat. pers., (pOovciv nvi e3 irprjffaovri to envy ! a man in a state of prosperity : absol., ^77 tpOovrjays bear no malice, Lat. ne gr averts : also c. gen. rei, ov \ rot fjiuovojv 06vT]cris, ecus, 77, an envying, a being jealous or j grudging: envy. <0O'NO:S, o, ill-will, envy, jealousy, at the good fortune of another : also an envying, a grudge, ma- \ lice, Lat. invidia ; ovSfls (pOovos there is no grudg- ing, i. e. I am willing: c. gen. rei, envy for or because of a thing (pOovos jealousy at the great prosperity of men was ascribed to the gods, whence the phrase rov (pOovov rrpoaKvaov, intreat, i. e. disarm, their envy, j 0opd Ion. <{>0opT|, 77, (06pos, 6, = (pOopd, destruction, ruin, perdition : hence, OVK 4s (pOopov [sc. dVet] ; as a curse, like Lat. abi in malam rem, wilt thou not go to ruin ? i.e. go hang. II. like oXfOpos, a pestilent fellow. -<}>i, -<|>iv, in Ep. poetry a termin. of the dat. and of genit., both in sing, and plur. : hence as an adver- bial termin., mostly of place. 4*IA'AH [a], 77, a fiat shallow cup or bowl, esp. a drinking-boivl or bowl for libations, Lat. patera : also a funereal vase or urn: from its broad flat shape, "Apfos (pidXrj the bowl of Mars, was a comic metaph. for dams a shield. 4>idXXco, f. (pia\u, to take in hand, undertake, set about a thing. (Deriv. uncertain.) 4>i5pos. d, uv Ion. 4>up6s, 77, uv (Tifap) sleek, plump. ipd\6Oi Att. 4>i{3a\ea>, at, with or without la\d- 8es, a kind of early figs, so called from 4>i/3aAts, a district of Attica or Megaris. <|>iSiTiov, see (peioinov. iX-d|3ouXos, ov, ((pi\os, d')3ouAos) wilfully' thought- less, wayward. 4>lX-a.Ya9os, ov, ((pi\os, dyaOus} loving goodness. <|>tX-dYAaos, ov, ((pi\os, dy\aos) loving splendour. 4>tX-aYpavXos, ov, ((pi\os, dypav\os) fond of a country life. [&yp] 757 <|>iX-aYpTT)s, ou ((pi^os, ay pa) a lover of th; chase : fern. <|>iXaYpcTis, tSos, a huntress. or of a country life. ^iX-ttYpvirvos, OI/ (<^Aos, aypvirvos) fond of ing or watching, wakeful, [ayp] 4>iX-dYt>v, cavos, 6, 77, (i\a8eX<{>va, 17, brotherly or sisterly love. From lX-dSeX<|>os, ov, (iX-d0Xos, ov, (iX-a0T|vaios, ov (iXat, Ep. 2 sing. aor. I med. imperat. of (pt\toj. <}>iX-aaKTOS, ov, ((pi\os, aida>) fond of wailing : lamentable. 4>lX-ai8T|pXi>v, ov, gen. ovos, ((pi\os, alFajs') loving modesty. <}>lX-aijJiaTos, ov, (iXaCrcpos, a, ov and tXatTaros, r), ov, irreg. Comp. and Sup. of (pi\os, dearer, dearest. (juX-aiTtos, ov, (tX-aK6Xou0os, ov, ((pi\os, doAou0os) readily fol- lowing. <|>iX-dKpttTOS Ion -diepTfTOS, ov, ( 4>iXdp.a, Dor. for (piXtjfjia. | lXdp.6vos, poet. aor. 1 med. part, of (piXtca, in pass, sense. 4>tX-djjLirXos, ov, (c/)/Aos, a^jreAos) friend of the vine. 4>lXav8pta,77, love for a husband: loveformen. From cj>iX-av8pos, ov, ((pi\os, dvf]p) loving one's husband, conjugal. II. loving men. [t] 4>tX-av0T|S, e's, ((pi\os, dvOos) fond offiowers. j 4>tX-av0pdKvis, ecus, o, (tXav0pa>ma, 77, ((piXdvOparrros) love for mankind, humanity, benevolence, kindliness, clemency : in plur. acts of humanity or kindness. iX-dv0pa>iros, ov, ((pi\os, avQportros) loving man- i kind, humane, benevolent, kind. Hence iXav0pu)ira>s, Adv. humanely, kindly: Sup. -oTara, most humanely. | lX-aoi86s, ov, (iXaoiSij, Dor. gen. of S en< OV05 > < os an^xnvo- fjiai)fond of making enemies, quarrelsome, wrangling. Adv. fjiovcas. tX-S7rXouc6s, 77, 6v, (t\-Sir68T]H,os, ov, (t'Aos, aitoorj^os) fond of going abroad or travelling. tXapyupia, 77, love of money, covetousness. From tjrtX-i.p'ytipos, ov, (iX-dp|j.aTOs, ov, (tXapxia, T), love of rule, lust of power. From iX-apxos, ov, ((})i\o$, apxtyfond of rule, ambitious. 4>t\ao-, , -<5tlXdcri, Dor. for (pi\rjtX-aiX-a(\STO, 3 sing. Ep. aor. I med. of (piXeca. [tj iV-avXos, ov, (lX-avros, ov, ($iAos, avrov)fond of oneself, self- loving, selfish. Adv. TCUS. [r] 4>u\(TK6, 3 sing. Ion. impf. of lX-0eipos, ov, ((pi\os, eOfipa) loving the hair, i. e. worn in the hair. iX-eXXi]V, ijvos, 6, 7), (t'Aos, "EAAr/i/) fond of the Hellenes or Greeks. tX-ewtxS, ov, (<}>i\os, tvwxos) loving night. lXcour(U, Dor. pres. part. fern. pi. of tAccy. 4>lX4ovTt, Dor. 3 pi. pres. of tXo$, kopTrj) fond of feasts or holidays. tX-iriTr[AT]T^|S, ov, 6, (<(>i\os, lmTt/iatXepYia, fj, love of labour, industry. From <}>lX-pY6s, ov, (\X-tpiQos,ov, (CX-pcos,- euros, o, fj, (iX-O"iTpos, ov, (^>tAos, ffirfpa)fond of evening. iXTaipia, ^, love of comrades, friendship. From 4>l\-6Tt'A.os, Irafpos) fond of one's com- rades or friends, true to them. Adv. -pews. 4>t\-evios, ov, (tX-vi-X6txos, ov,(iX-evvos, ov, (t\os, ^77) fond of the bed, esp. the marriage-bed. [JT] <|>iXvvTa, c^tXeOvri, (jx.XcOo'a, Dor. for (fnXovvra, tpiXovvrt, i\os, fvTOfCTos) fond of order. iX-e4>t]{3as, ov, (tX-xOif|S, fs, gen. eos, (l\apr]v in 3 sing. kfyiXaro, imperat. tAcu ; 3 plur. subj. iXT)6r)v : pf. ir(piXr)jMLi. : (i\rjaai thou shalt be welcome with us. 2. to shew signs of love, esp. to kiss; (piXtiv TCU ffrtifUiTi to kiss on the mouth : Med. to kiss one another. 3. to like, he fond, of, practise. II. c. inf., like Lat. amo, to be fond of doing, be wont, use to do: impers.. iXanr)V.~\ iX-rj, 77, fern, of iXos, a mistress, [i] iX-r]8a>, to love pleasure, find delight in a thing, c. dat. From 4>iX-T]8T|s, fs, (tXi]Sia, T), ((pi \ijO(a )fondness for pleasure, delight. tA.-Tl8ovos, or, (iAT)Koi'a, T), fondness for listening, attentiveness. From <(>iX-if|KOOS, ov, (lX-ir]XaKaTos, ov, (<{>iXos, ^XaKarrf} fond of the spindle, [a] 4>tX-T]Xtao"TT|S, ov, o, (i.Vrj|jui, OTOS, TO, (tXTj|JidTiov, TO, Dim. of t\Tjp,vau, Ep. pres. inf. of (piXeca. iXT)|xu, Aeol. for ^tAe'cu. [i] iXT)(Ji,oo-vvifj, 77, ((pi\foj) friendliness. <|>iX-T|vtos, ov, (^tAos, 771/10) obeying the rein, tractable. i\-T|pT(xos, ov, ((piXos, tpfTfj.6s) loving the oar, fond of the sea. iXTjtXirjo-|Ji6v, Ep. fut. inf. of iXf)i Ao/xoAiros. tXif|Ta)p, opos, 6, = tXtK6s, 77, 6v, ((f)i\os) of or for a friend, friendly, affectionate; tpiXwa proofs or marks of friendship. Adv. -K&S, in a "kind, friendly way : Comp. (piXiKwrt- pov ; Sup. wTaTQ. 4>uXios, a, ov, also os, ov, (/Aos) of or from a friend, friendly, kindly : opp. to iro\ffjLios, friendly, in alliance with one : r) ^>iAz (sc. x&P -) a friendly country, opp. to r/ iroXf/jia. 2. Zets , f. tacy Att. tcu, (ftXt7T7ros) /o we o Philip's side or party, to Philippize. - iXiiriroi, at, a /o/ in Thrace. ^CX-iirrros, ov, (tXiTiov, TO, (iAos) = lXtcov, or, gen. ovos, poet. Comp. of iXuos, Adv. of iX6-(3aicxos, oi>, (i\os, EO.KXOS) leaving Bacchus or wine. lXo-Yu0r|s, f, Dor. for iXo-Yao-ropi8as, ov, 6, ($t'Aos, ^aar-fip} fond of one's belly. lXo-YXoios, o/, (tX6-YXoJS, euros, &, fj, (iXoY6<>pY^ a ^> fondness for farming or for a country life. From tXo-Yed>pYos, ov, (lXo-YT)0T|S Dor. -Y50T[S, e's, gen. ^os, (i\os, 777- Oos) loving mirth, mirthful, cheerful. lX6-8a4>vos, ov, ((f)i\os, 8dlX6-8v8pos, ov, (cf)i\os, oevSpov} fond of trees. 4>tXo-80"TTOTOS, OV, (tX6-8ir]p.os, ov, (lAo8ucu>, f. "fjoca, to be fond of law, litigious. From 4>tX6-8iKos, ov, (lX-o8Tr)S, ov, 6, (0tAo, obirrjs) a friend of tra- vellers, [f] <}>lA6-8oos, ov, (t'Aos, Sofo) loving honour or glory. tX6-8oviros, (^>tAos, SOUJTOS) loving noise. ^>tX-68vpTOS, ov, ((f>i\os, uSvpofjiai^fond of lament- ing, indulging sorrow, melancholy. 4>tX6-8wpos, ov, (<})i\os, owpov^fond of giving, boun- tiful. Adv. -paw. 4>t\o-epYos, 6v, (tXo-(|>vpos, ov, (tAos, Ztyvpos) loving the west- wind. l\6-wos, ov, (iXo-0ea[io)v [S], ov, (^>iAos, Qf 6.0 pan] fond of seeing, fond of spectacles or shows. 4>lX6-0as,oi', (/Aos, 04os} loving God, pious, devout. <}>tXo6i]pla, ^, love of hunting t love of the chase. From <})tX6-0T]pos, ov, (iAos, Qprjvos) fond of wailing or lamentation. <|>tXo-0tJTT)s, ov, 6, ((j)i\os, Ovoj} one fond of sacri- fici?ig, a zealous worshipper. [C} tX6-0CTOs, ov, (i\iX-oiKo8o|i,os, ov, (iX-oiK:Tt(rTos, ov, ((pt\os, oiKTi^ca)=CX-oiKTOs, ov, ((pi\os, olitTos}fond of compassion- ating, fond of lamentation: piteous, [t] i\-oivos, ov, ((fii\os, olvos)fond of wine. iX-oit]s, ov, o, (iXoKaXea>, f. 770*0;, to be a lover of the beautiful, to indulge a taste for refinement. From tX6-Ka\os, ov, ((pi\os, KaAos) loving the beautiful, loving beauty and goodness : fond of refinement and elegance. II. a\sofond of honour, seeking honour. (JuXo-Kap.'ir'fjS, es, gen. fos, (iXo-Kap7ro4>6pos, ov, (l\oKpBe.a, 77, ((piXoKfpfirjs) love of gain. <{>i\OKp8eco, f. 170-0;, (o be greedy of gain. From tXo-K6p8T|S, s, gen. cos, (iXo-Kpro}xos, ov, (tXo-KT]8p-wv, ovos, 6, 77, ((pi\os, Kr)8ffiojp}fond of one's relatives or connections. lXo-Kiv8vvos, ov, ((/>tAos, /eivSvvos} fond of danger, venturous, enterprising, bold. Adv. -vcas, venturously, in an enterprising way. tXo-Kio'O'o<$>6pos, ov, (tX6-KVitX6-KOivos, ov, (tX6-Kp-r]Hvos, ov, (iXo-Kp6TfiXos, ov, (lX6-KpeTOS, ov, ($i\os, Kpuros) loving noise or din. 4>lXo-KTfivOS, OV, ((pl\OS, KTfaVOV) = i- \oKTfavwraTos, most covetous, most grasping. tXo-KTT||At\o- KTfavos. 4>tX6-KCpos, ov, (iXo-K\)3^s, e's, gen. e'os, ((pi\os, Kvbos) loving splendour, joyous, brilliant. <}>tXo-Ki)VT)-y6Tir]S, ov, 6, ((piXos, KvvrjyfTijs') a lover of bunting or the chase. iX6-Kd>p,os, ov, (tAos, K&ftos} fond of feasting and dancing, fond of revelry. 4>tXo-XdKwv, cavos, 6, (<(>i\os, Aa/fcw) fond of the Lacedaemonians. [&~\ 4>iXo-Xt|uos, ov, poet, for tX6-XoYOS, ov, (tyiXos, Ae-ya;) fond of words, wordy. II. fond of dissertation ; fond of learn- ing and literature, Lat. studiosus : as Subst., iXo-XoiSopos, ov, (lXoviKo, f. 770*0;, (fpiXovucos) to strive for victory. Hence 4>iXoviKTjTOV, verb. Adj. one must strive for victory. lXo-viKOs, ov, (lXo-vv(juj>ios, ov, ((piXos, vvfJLtyios) loving the bride- groom or bride. 4>tX6-civos, ov, poet, for (piXogevos. tX6-cvos poet. -j-eivos, ov, (tX6-otvos, ov, poet, for (j>i\oivos. ^iXo-irat-yH-wv, ov, gen. ovos, (iX6-irtXo-iraTpia, (^>tA.os, irarpis) love of one's coun- try. 2. (i\os, iraTrjp) love of one's father. ^iXo-irorpis, loos, 17, ace. -rrdrpiv, (tXo-irdTl\o|a.d0eia, 77, love of knowledge. [fj.a] From tXo-fjia0T|S, es, gen. eos, ((piXos, p.aOetv~) fond of 'father, learning, loving knowledge. Adv. -6ais. <{>lX6-p.avTis, eojs, o, (tX6-irXoos, ov contr. sayers or soothsaying. I fond of sailing. lX6-}JiaiXoirXoima, rj, love of riches. From iX6-irXouTOs,oi', ((piXos, TT\OVTOS) loving or seeking riches ; iXo-ir6Xe|AOs poet. <})iXoTrT6X|jLOS, ov, ( \/j.os)fond of war, warlike. Adv. -p,cus. (^iXo-iroXis, eo;s and tSos, Ion. tos, 6, 77 : ace. -iv : poet, also iX6iTToXis : ((piXos, troXis) : loving one's city, state or country: as Subst., (ptXoiroXis, 6, a patriot f , to be fond of fighting, eager to loving fighting, war ov, ((pi\os, o 4>iXo}j.axci>, f. fight. From <|>iX6-[Jiaxos, ov, (t\-6|x{3pios and rain-loving. 4)tXop.TjXa Ion. -X-rj, T), the nightingale, so called, because, ace. to the legend, Philomela was changed into this bird. Hence 4>iXop,-f|Xios, a, ov, of, belonging to the nightingale. ^iXo-p/rjTcop, opos, 6, 77, (iXojA-}it8Y|S, es, poet, for (pt\o^.fi5r]S, (^tAos, pei- Sao;) laughter-loving, epith. of Venus and song. 4>iXofjtov(rew, f. 770*0;, (tX6-(xoucros, ov, (iX6-|Jui0os, ov, ((ptAos, fAvOos*) fond of fables. iX6-p.ajp.os, ov, (t\6-p.coo-os, Dor. for tAo/ioi;o*os. 4>tXo-vatJTT]s, ov, 6, ((pi\os, vavTqs) loving sailors. tXov6iKeo), f. 770-0;, (iXoiroveu>, f. 770*0;, (0iAo7Jwos) to love labour, , /ioATT?}) loving the dance j work hard, be diligent; TO iXoTrovT)pia, 77, love of bad men. From ^iXo-irovrjpos, ov, ((pi\os, Trovrjpos) fond of bad men. 4>iXoTrovia, 77, ((piXoiTOvtca) love of labour, patient in- dustry. ({nXo-irovos, ov, ( TO.TO.. 4>iXoirocrCa, 77, love of drinking, drimkenness, Lat. pute, to act in a contentious spirit, contend eagerly or ; vinolenlia. From obstinately ; c. dat. to strive or contend eagerly with j ^iXo-iroTTjs, ov, 6, (i\ovfiKew to choose the worse part j of mvca) a lover of drinking, a toper, Lat. vinolentus. out of obstinacy. Hence I ^>l\OTTpay\Loa-\tvt\,^, a restless, meddling disposition, lXovi.Kia, T), love of strive, contentiousness, rivalry, officious interference, meddlesomeness. From party-spirit, pertinacity, obstinacy. { (j>tXo-irpaYjiwv, ov, gen. ovos, ((pi\os, of business, meddlesome, officious: as Subst., easiness of address, affability, courtesy. From <{>l\o-irpoerf|Yopos, ov, (iXo-irr6\|ios, ov, poet, for lX6-irvpos, ov, (tA.-oTTa>pii\-6p0ios, ov, (fX-opp,C(rrcipa, 77, (iX-opvi0ta, fj, fondness of birds. From iAopvis, i0os, 6, rj, (tXop-pu>g, 0)70$, o, 77, ((pi\os, /5w) loving or bearing grapes. 4>iX-6pTv, vyos, u, 17, ((f>t\os, oprv)fond of quails. *H'AO2, 77, ov ; vocat. i\os, 6, (pi\rj, 77, Lat. amicus, arnica, a friend ; 6 Aios (pi\os the friend of Jove : in addressing others, w i\ov "fjTOp, i\To.Tos. 3. Comp. i\6-o - iTOS, ov, ((pi\os. atros) fond of corn, agri- cultural. II. generally, fond of food or eating. 4>t\6-iXo-o-Koir\os, ov, (cpi\os, ffo7rcXos) loving or haunting the rocks. 4>tXo-o-Ku)(i(X(ov,oi/,gen. ovos,((f)i\os, aKwppa) loving a jest. <|>iXo(ro4>ci\6o~o- ^>os) : to be a lover of knowledge, seek to become 761 wise, to seek after knowledge, study bard, Lat. pbilo- sophari. II. c. ace. rei, to discuss or examine,* subject by method, to inquire into, treat scientifically, Lat. meditari ; (pi\offo(piav iXoo-o<|>T]TOv, verb. Adj. one must pursue wisdom. tXocroCa, r), (l\6-os, ov, (/Aos, ao(pid) loving wisdom or knowledge, first used by Pythagoras, who called him- self iXoo-6cf>iXo-tX6-i\os, ffTrov^rf) loving drink- offerings or libations, employed in libations. <|>i\6-cnrov8os, ov, ((pi\os, airovSrj) loving zeal, zealous. 4>iXo-(TTciX6-o-TOVos, ov, (iX6-o"ropYos, oj/, ((pi\os, ffropyrj) loving tenderly, affectionate, esp. of natural affection. Adv. -70)5. 4>iXo-iXo-o-wp.aTOS, ov, ((pi\os, aw/ia) loving, indulging the body; sensual. lAoTas [a], a, ov, Dor. for lX6-TKVos, ov, ((pi\os, TfKvov} loving one's children or offspring. 4>tAoTxvco, f. 77acu, to love art, practise an art. From nious : of things, curioiis. tX6TT]S, T^TOS, fj, (i\os) friendship, love, affection : also of friendship between nations. iXoTT|CTi,os, a, ov, also os, ov, (t\o- Tii*ri(Tanr)v, and pass. ((pi\OTipr)9r)v : pf. vftAoTiXov|/i)X, (^iXoi/'V^os) to be fond of one's life, to be cowardly, dastardly or fainthearted. Hence iXo\|/vxta Ion. -it], 17, excessive love of life, coward- ice, faintheartedness. 763 tpiXoTin(t aoi xpijaOai who would prize it above measure to have you for a friend. j fA6-v|/uxS, ov, (iXoTi|Jua Ion. -Ct), 77, ((piXoTifj.eo}un) love of ^ well ; hence cowardly, dastardly, fainthearted. Adv. honour or distinction, ambition ; emulation, rivalry : j x 5 - hence the placing one's pride or distinction in a thing : j (^CXraTOS, rj, ov, irreg. Sup. of (piXos, dearest, most in bad sense, pertinacity, obstinacy. 2. ostenta- j loved, best beloved, tiousness : in good sense, liberality. II. a coveted object, honour, distinction. 4>iX6-Tip,os, ov, (cptXos, Titxfj) loving honour, ambi- tious: zealous, emulous. Adv. ficas, emulously. II. pass, much-honoured. 4>i\Tpos, a, ov, irreg. Comp. of iA.os, dearer, more or better loved. <}>t\Tpov, TO, (iXoTTaptov, TO, poet, for (piXoTapiov, Dim. of (pi- \ are called lX6-4>0oYYs, ov, (iX6-4>iXos, ov, loving one's friends. 4>t\o-4)6p|j.iY^, 47705, 6, T), (iXo-cj)pov6op,ai : f. med. rjffofjiai : aor. I med. l<^>t- \o(ppovr)ffdfjir)v, and pass. (pi\0(f>povr]Or)V : (cpi\6- tX-v|3pio-TT|s, ov, o, (tAos, vfipiarrjs) one given to wanton violence. 4>iX-v8pT)Xos, ov, (t\-vji,vos, ov, (0tA.os, vfivos) loving song. CX-virvos, ov, (iXvpir], f], the lime or linden tree, kindness to : metaph. to foster, indulge, gratify : in Lat. tilia. II. the bass underneath its bark, Lat. aor. I pass. (piXotppovrjOfjvai, to shew kindness to one philyra, used to tie up flowers, etc. [i5] another, to greet or embrace one another, cpiXotypo- j tXijpivos, 77, ov, (iXopovpsvr(\%, ov, 6, ((pi\os, opos) a lover of mountains. 4>lXopoo"uvq, 77, (tXo<|)p6crvvos, 77, ov, = iX6-v, ovos, 6, r), (cpiXos, (pprjv) kindly minded , dogs, calves, etc., Lat. capitrum,fscella. II. the or affectioned, friendly, kindly. Adv. lXo-xop6VTT|S, ov, 6, ((>i\.os, yo?*uiX6-x<>pos, ov, (tXoxpT]p,aTcj, f. r)lXoxpT)[JuSTia, 77, love of money, covetousness. 4>tXo-xpTj|JLaTOs, ov, (l\6-xpirio'TOS, ov, ((j)i\os, xpqaros) loving goodness, fairness or honesty. lX6-xpti\os, -xfvaos) greedy of gold. tXoxiXox<>pCa, 77, fondness for a place, attachment to a particular spot or haunt. were sometimes attached. III. a kind of cup, used as a dice-box, Lzt.fritillus. Hence 4>l[i6(o, f. wffoa : aor. I pass. ftpi^ajOrjv : pf. irf(f>i(jiQj- fjiai : to muzzle, gag, shut up as with a muzzle ; (piftovv TU vXci> TOV avx^va to make fast his neck in the pillory : metaph. to muzzle, gag, put to silence ; Pass., (pifjiwO-qri be thou silent ; TretyifjLQjffo be still. KLTPO'S, 6, the stem of a tree, a trunk, block, log ; generally, a piece of wood. iTV, TO, poet, contr. for tTt/ia, as 5cD for oufj.a. iT\)jjLa, aros, TO, (iTii-Troi,}AT|v, tvos, o, (rTUITV) : = iX6-x&>pos, ov, (Xaw, aor. 2 eiXo-vj/6v8T)s, es, gea. cos, (cpi\os, i[/tvoos) fond of, asunder with a noise, lies or lying. j <}>Xao-w, Dor. for XaTTo0paTand<}>XaTT00paTTO<^XaTT60paT,Coniic words in Aristophanes, meant to ridicule sound with- out sense. 4>Xavpco, f. iffcu, Att. for XavpoTr]S, rjTOS, 77, av\6Tr)S. 4>Xavp-ovp-yos, ov, ((p\avpos, epyov} working badly : Xauptos, Adv. of(f>\avpos, badly, meanly; \aff/Mi : collat. form of OXdoa, to crush, bruise, pound: hence to hurt, wound. II. in Att. Comedy, to bruise or grind with the teeth, swallow greedily. J>\Y0w, collat. form of (f>Xeyaj, used only in pres. : transit, to burn, scorch, burn up : Pass, to be burnt. II. intr. to blaze, blaze up, be in flames. 4>\-yp.a, arcs, TO, (^A^ycy) a flame, fire, heat. II. as Medic, term, inflammation, heat. 2. phlegm, Lat. pituita. ^AeYK-atvoj, f. avw : aor. I (Ae'7jua) : to be heated, inflamed, to fester. 3*\typo., as ) "hi Phlegra ; &Xfpas ireSioj/ a plain in Thrace famous for underground fire ; here the giants are said to have been conquered by the gods : also in plur.3>Ae7/>ai, as name of any place exposed to volcanic agency. 4>X-ypaios, a, ov, (*Ae'7/>a) of Pblegra, Phlegraean. (^Xe-yvpos, d, 6v, ((pXfyca) like tyXoyepus, burning, scorching : metaph. hot, ardent. Xe-yvas, ov, 6, (cpXtyoj') a kind of vulture or eagle, so called from being flame-coloured. 4>AET.Q, fut.X8X8o>v, wvos, o, (AtV) an idle talker, babbler. 4AE'HI2, fws, T), name of an unknown bird. Xv|/, 77, gen. AeAE'n, to gush, teem, overflow. X'o>s, co, u, Att. for the Ion. (pXovs, a kind of rush or reed. <|>XT]vS4>d, f. 170-0;, to chatter, babble, drivel. From 4>X-f|vaos, o, (^Ae'tw) idle talk, babble, chatter. 4ArA', f), in plur. (p\iat, the doorposts, jambs. 4>Xt|3&>, f. ifcw, Aeol. and Ion. for 0\i0u. [i] 763 4>X6-yeos, a, ov, (Ao) flaming, blazing, gleaming. Xo-ylX.6'ytvos, rj, ov, (Ao) flaming, fiery, burning. Xo-yio-Tos, rj, 6v, verb. Adj. of XoYp.6s, o, ((})\yXoYOts, fffffa, fv, (^>Ao) flaming, fiery, blazing. 4>XoY-wBiiis, s, (Aof, aty) fiery-looking, flaming. \\i, WTTOS, o, 77, = X6'Cvos, f], ov, ((f>\ovs, ^Aecus) of or from the water- ' plant \ovs, za/-garments. j 4>XoLos, o, (<^Ae\oto-pos, o, any roaring noise, the hum or din of a large mass of men, the battle-din : the roaring of the sea. (Formed from the sound.) 4>X6, 17, gen. (p\oyos,(({)\("^oj) aflame, blaze ; ^Ao-ya eyeipetv to raise a flame : metaph., \i>yts, flames, fire. \fcas. 4>Xuupeo) Ion. X\n]p-: f. i\aXvdpia, 77, silly talk, nonsense, foolery. Xtidpos, 6, (^>Avcw) silly talk, foolery. II. a silly talker, prater. <|>XvKTaiva, 77, (tpXica) a rising on the skin : a blis- ter : a pustule. Xvos, ro,=;Xvci>, f. <}>\vavi, Comic word to imitate a nasal sound. opa0fjs, Dor. for opop6vrcov, 3 pi. imperat. of opepos, a, ov, ((po&tw^fearful : either, I. act. caus- ing fear, frightful, awful, formidable; irX-fjOd (pofitpcs formidable only from numbers. 2. fearful, giving cause for fear; ovot opieos opepws, Adv. of oj3oj3-opev[ivos,Ep. and Dor. for <5/3os) : to strike with fear, to frighten, terrify, dismay : to put to flight. II. Pass. o/3eo/ucu : fut. med. O'BH, ?), a lock, curl or tuft of hair, hair ; the mane of a horse : opaKuvrow o/3at, the Gorgon's snaky locks. II. metaph. like Kofj-rj, Lat. coma, the leaves,foliage of trees ; tojv (f>60ai tufts of violets. 4>opir]0eCs, aor. I pass. part, of (f>o@foj. 6J3Tj0ev, Ep. and Dor. for e6^7]ixa, aros, r6, (o^T)TiKos, 77, ov, (tyo&toj) liable to fear, timid. 6pT|Tpov, T > (<>oj3ecu) an object of terror, a terror. <)>6{3os, o, (4>e'/3o/zcu) fear, terror, fright, dismay : in Homer flight, properly the outward show (as opp. to oeos the sensation) of fear : c. gen., o/3oi/5e ITTITOVS %xeiv, TpcairdcrOai, dio~- aetv to turn the horses, turn, start to flight, like 60ovs \eyrj. 2. an object of terror, a terror. II. *o/3os, personified, son of Mars, coupkd with his brother Aet>os. 4>oipdco, f. data, ((poifios) to cleanse, purify. II. (*ot)3os) to utter prophetic words. oiJ3ds, aSos, 7), (*oij3os) the priestess of Phoebus : generally, one inspired by Phoebus, a prophetess. 4>, f. r)ffo}, (q>aT@os) poet, for ol(3Eios, a, ov, also os, ov, Ion. ^01^^105, rj, ov : (*o?/3os) : of Phoebus, belonging or sacred to Phoebus; hence prophetic, inspired. ot|3T), ^, Pboibe, Lat. Phoebe, a frequent name of Diana, as is Phoebus of Apollo. ^otprjCs, t'Sos, poet. fern, of QoiftcTos, *oip6-\a|AiTTos, ov, Ion. for &oi(36\r)irTOS, (Qotftos, Xap&dvo}) rapt or inspired by Phoebus. oi|3os, 77, ov, (oivTj6is, taaa, ev, (oiviK-dv0e ( ji.os, ov, (Qotvig, avOenov} with purple flowers ; QoiviKavOenov gap, Lat. purpureum ver. 4>oiviKos, a, ov, contr. -ovs, 77, ovv, (OIVIKIVOS, 77, ov, ((f)oivi^} = a/w-uuguent. [yf] 4>oiviKiovs, TI, ovv, = (poiviKcos, purple, critnson. OIVIKIS, ioos, 77, ((poivig) a red or purple cloth, a red cloak, Lat. punicea vestis : esp. a dark-red mili- tary cloak worn by the Lacedaemonians. 2. a red curtain. 3. at sea, a red flag hung out by the admiral as the signal for action : generally, a red standard or banner. otviKi(TTrjs, ov, 6, (oiviico-|3ttTo, f.77otVi, j8a(VoiviKO-YVT|S, es, (Qoivig , * ylvoj) Phoenician-born. 4>oivlKO-8a.KTV\os, ov, (civiK6eis, cffffa, fv, poet, for (poiv'iKtos, dark-red, purple or crimson : of a blood-red. <{xnvuc6-KpoKOs, ov, (os, ov, ($>oivi, \6os} purple-crested. (j>oiviKO-irapeios Ion. -Traprjos, ov, (QoTvig, irapftd) purple-cheeked, red-cheeked, of ships having red bows. ^OLviKO-ireSos, ov, ((f>otvi, TreSor) with a red bottom or ground, of the Red Sea. (JxnvtKo-ireJa, T), (olvi, TTrepof) with purple or crimson wings : , as Subst., (poiviKuTiTepos, 6, a red water-bird, the flamingo. oiviKo-po8os, ov, ((j)owi, poSof) red with roses. oiviKo-o-TpoiviKovs, TJ, ovv, contr. for oiviKO-aT|S, fs, (oivt, (paos) red-shining. ^olvt|, IKOS, 6, a Phoenician, first mentioned in Homer ; 3?oivig dvfy diraTrj\ia flows a Phoenician skilled in trickery, so mentioned as being the first commercial nation : fern. Qoiviaaa, 77, a Phoenician woman. 2. a Carthaginian, Lat. Poenus. <})oivi|, IKOS, 6, Subst. a purple-red, deep purple or crimson, because the discovery of this colour was ascribed to the Phoenicians. II. the palm, date- palm : the male palm is called by Herodotus 6 otVt fpayv, to distinguish it from r) oivi, IKOS, o, 77, also fem. (polvicroa, Adj. purple- red, purple or crimson, red ; hence of a bay horse, of red cattle : also like L&t.fulvits, of the colour of tire. The words oivios, a, ov, also os, ov, (oivicro-co, f. oiv6s, 17, ov, (tpuvos) blood-red: blood-stained, bloody. <}>oiTa\OS, a, ov, also os, ov, (fpoirdoj) straying, ranging, roaming about : metaph. distraught, raving, frenzied. II. act. driving madly about, maddening. oiTS\twTT|s, ov, o, ((pondca) epith. of Bacchus, a roamer, ranger. 4>oiTas, aSos, 77, (fpoirdca) poet. fem. of oiTao> Ion. : f. 770*0; : (otros) : to go to and fro, go up and down, to roam or range about, of irregular or hasty motion ; Sta 1/7705 (potrdv to range up and down the ship ; foiTT](ris, ecus, T), a constant going or coming, a visiting. 2. a going to school. ^OITTJTTJV, Ep. for ((poiTaTTjv, 3 dual impf. of (poirdoj. oiTTf]TT|p, tjpos, u, and <|>oiTT]Tirjs, ov, o, (tpondoS) one who goes or comes regularly : one who goes to school, a disciple, pupil. 765 oiTio\Kos, o, found only in the description of Ther- sites, either (from 6\\ts, teas, T), also 6, a single piece of money, formed from Lat./o/h's. 4>ovdco, f. 770-0;, (tpovos) to be athirst for blood, have murderous desires. 4>6vevjxa, arcs, TO, ((povewu) that which is to be slaughtered, a victim. 4>oveus, teas Ion 770$, o; ace. , ((puvos) to murder, kill, slay. oyf|, 77, ( * ovtKos, 77, 6v, (tpuvos) inclined to slay, murderous, bloody. II. of, relating to blood or murder ; 6vios, a, ov, also os, ov, (ovo-Xt|3T|S, ts, (ov6p-ptTos, ov, (cpovos, peca) blood-streaming. 6vos, o, (*oi-XA,os, o, (oos. ^cfAos) narrowing toivards the lips ; of a cup, narrower at the brim. 4>o6s, /), ov, (6vs) pointed, tapering to a point: in the description of Thersites, opd, 77, (iptpoa) a carrying, bringing; $7]opd8T)v [a], Adv. (oppia, -fj, (opp-r], 7), ((ptpPcu) posh/re, food, fodder, forage : of men, food, meat, victuals: inetaph. fuel. 766 <}>opeopTjo-i, Ep. 3 sing. subj. of (poptaj. 4>opeiov, TO, ((popd, (pcpca) a bandbarrcw, litter, sedan-chair, Lat. sella, lectlca. 4>op4otcra, Dor. part. fern, of (poptoa. opvvTos, Dor. part. gen. of $>op&u. 4>ope\js, eojs Ion. 570*, o, ((ptpca) a bearer, carrier. opco, f. 770-0): aor. I topT|86v, Adv. ((popeoj) like a bundle. 6pTj(jia, CITOS, TO, ((popfoj) that which is carried: a load, freight : a burden. (J)OpT^jLvav, Ep. for (popetv, inf. of (poplta. opY]vai, Ep. for tyopeiv, inf. of opTjros, 77, ov, also os, ov, verb. Adj. of $o/>u, borne, carried : to be borne or endured, bearable. 4>6plp.os, ov, ((pepaf) bearing, fruitful. *&opic8ES [f], ioopjj,T]S6v, Adv. (op/*os) like mat-work or watling : crosswise, athwart. 4>6p[xiY, tyyos, 77, the phorminx, a kind of lyre, the oldest stringed instrument of the Greek min- strels, esp. the instrument of Apollo : it was richly inwrought, and had seven strings. (From (t>tpv, because it was carried on the shoulder by a strap.) Hence 4>opp.io>, f. iffo) Dor. to>, to play the op|UKTYjs, ov, 6, Dor. -Tois, a lyre-player, harper. diopp.Ls, idos, rj, Dim. of (pappus, a small basket. op(JLO-pac)>c(i) or <)>opp.op-pa(t>e(i>, f. 770-0), ((poppas, ^aTTTO)) to stitch mats : Pass, to be stitched up like a mat, straitened, hampered. 4>opp,6s, 6, ((popw) anything made of wicker- work: I. a wicker basket to carry corn, sand, etc. 2. a mat, Lat. storea: also a seaman's cloak made of coarse plaited stuff. 11. a measure of corn. <|>6pov, ov, TO, the Lat./orz^m; &6pov'ATririov Appii Forum, a small town on the Appian Way. 4>6pos, 6, ($(pu) that which is brought in, tribute, paid by foreigners to a ruling state, as that paid to Athens by her subject states; (popov irrroTfAtiv to pay tribute ; (pupov Tactcr0m to agree to pay tribute ; (po- pov Taai to impose tribute; (popov viroTtXrjs subject to pay tribute. ^>opTa.yu>yfu>, f. rjacv, to carry loads or burdens: of a merchant-sh.jp, to carry a freight or cargo. From 'zfl. opT-aY<>Yos, ov, ((popros, dyoj) carrying freights; vavs (popraycoyus a ship of burden, merchantman. opTTjYw f. T\O(a, ((poprrjyos} = (popTCLyojyfQ}. opTT]Y'-K6s, 77, 6v, belonging to the freight of a ship; nXoiov (poprrjyiKov a ship of burden, merchantman. From opT-T)Yos, 6v, (fpopros, dyca) like (popraycayos, car- rying burdens : of a ship, freighted: as Subst., (pop- rrjyos, o, a carrier, porter : a trafficker, merchant. 4>opTico, f. iff(a, ((pupros} to load; (popria (poprifciv nvds to load men with loads : Med., TO. pe'iova (pop- rifco-Qai to ship the smaller part of one's wealth : Pass., pf. part. iretyopnapcvos heavy laden. <}>opTiic6s, 77, ov, ((popros) of persons, burdensome, j tiresome, common, vulgar : so of things, (popriKr] I KUjjuuoia a vulgar, commonplace comedy. Hence ; 4>opTiKus, Adv., vulgarly. I opTiov, TO, ((pvpros) a burden, load: a ship's freight or lading: in plur. wares, merchandise. II. < the burden of the womb, a child unborn. ' c|>opTLs,i5os, T), ((pvpros] a ship of burden, mer- chantman. 4>6pros, o, ((ptpu) a ship's freight or cargo. II. in Att. something coarse or vulgar, tiresome stuff. 4>opvvo>, = wpo>, of dough, to knead: generally, to mix up, spoil, defile, [v] opvo-(r, f. optrr6s, o, () whatever is swept along by the wind, rubbish, refuse, Lat. qui&quiliae : also chaff, sawdust, etc., used for packing earthenware. <}>6a>s, TO, Ep. lengthd. from (pws, light. Hence 4>6wa8, Adv. to the light, to the light of day. paY\Xiov, TO, the Lzt.fagellum, a scourge. Hence paYeXX6co, f. ojaca, the Lat. flagello, to scourge. <|>paYT]vcu, aor. 2 pass. inf. of (ppdaffpaYT]cro|juu, fut. pass, of (ppdoaca. paYjia, OTOS, TO, ((ppdooca) a fence, protection, palisade, defence. <}>paYfA6s, o, ((ppdffffoj) a shutting up, blocking up : fencing, partition. II. like (ppdypa, a hedge, fence, paling. pa.Yvvfjit, = (ppdao'ca. paSdo> : f. dffoj : aor. I !pa8T), 77, ((ppd^w") understanding, knowledge. II. advice, a hint, warning, intimation. Hence . paSr|s, 4s, gen. e'os, understanding, shrewd, cunning. ! 4>paSjAOpaera Ep. (ppdaa and : (ppdo~o~a : pf. irfcppaifa : Ep. aor. 2 -necppaSov or CTre- (ppafiov, inf. irepaffofj.at : aor. I med. e(ppaffdfj.r)v, pass, efppdffdrjv : pf. pass. TTC- (ppaofMi and 7Tpao>tcu : to speak with oneself, to think or nws upon, consider, ponder; foil, by t with indicat. fut., to consider whether ; dfjupls (ppd^eaOat to think differently. 2. to devise or plan for a person, purpose, design or intend something for him. 3. c. ace. et inf. to think, suppose, believe, imagine that. 4. to remark, perceive, notice : to come to know, see, understand: also 5. to mind, heed, take care or heed of, c. ace. <}>pdv, 77, gen. tppavus, Dor. for (pprjv. <}>pdavTO, Ep. 3 pi. aor. I med. of (ppaffffca. pdj-as, apd, Dor. for pdo>. pdpacr9eis, efpapdpctTi]p, fpos, or 4>paTcop, opos, 6, (pdrpa or ward, Lat. curiales ; elcrdyeiv rov vlov (Is rovs pao-Ti7p). [a] 4>paTopLKos, 17, ov, (tppdrap] of, belonging to a clan or clansmen. pdrpa or c^parp-q Ion. ^pTjTpT) Dor. irdrpa, 7} : a tribe of kindred race, a sept or clan ; Kpiv aVSpas Kara (pp-qrpas, us vXTj, as at Rome the curia was the subdivision of the tribus ; every (pv\rj consisted of three (ppdrpai or (ppatpiat, whose t. 767 members were called (ppdrepes or (ppdropes, as those of a pu.Tpta, rj,=(ppdrpa. 4>purpid(d, f. do"a>, /o 62 m ^>e same (pparpla. **puTpi-dpxf)S, ov, 6 and pu,Tpl-apxos, o, (paTptos, a, ov, (<^pdrpa) q/" or concerning a (ppd- rpa : at Athens, epith. of Jupiter and Minerva, as tutelary deities of the phratriae. [d] pdTT, Att. for (ppdaaca. 4>pa.To>p, opos, o, see (ppdrrjp. ^PE'A'P, TO, gen. (ppearos : Ion. petap, gen. (ppeiaros: a well; or more commonly a water-tank, cistern, reservoir, Lat. puteus : an oil-jar. Hence 4>peo.Tia, 77, a /a& or reservoir. pea.Tias, ou, 6, (peap) of a tank or reservoir. petap, aTOS, TO, Ion. and poet, for (ppcap. p6v-airaTda), f. 770-0;, ((pprjv, airardp6v3ird.Tr]S, ou, o, one who deceives the mind, a seducer. <}>p6v-T|p < rjs, ts, gen. cos, ((pprjv, apapfiv') master rf his mind, sound of mind, Lat. compos mentis. pvo-(3\a|3T!S, es, ($pfiv, (3\apr]vaC) damaged in understanding, crazy. pvo-YT)0T)s, $, ((pprjv, yfjOos) of glad heart, de- lighting the heart. 4>pvo-Sa\T|s, cs, (fppty, 57?X0/xai) impairing the mind, maddening. pv606v, Adv. (pevo-K\6iros, ov, (pr]v, KXtirroJ) stealing mvay the brains, deceiving. pvo-[xavTjs, es, ((pprjv, navyvai) frenzied in mind. 4>pevo-[x6pcos, "Adv. (<^prjv, /^opos) only found in phrase pvo-ir\T)YTiS, es, ((pprjv, rrXrjyfjvat ) giving a stroke to the mind, maddening. 4>pv6-ir\T)KTOs,oi/, (pvo-ir\T|, 7^705, o, rj, = (ppfv6ir\riKTOS. (Jjpevo-rcKTcov, ov, gen. ovos, ((pprjv, T(KTCOV) making with the mind, ingenious. 4>p6voo>, f. dxroj, (pev-u>\T]S, es, ((pprjv, O\\V/J.L) destroyed in mind, frenzied. pe', 5ia-(ppe(a. 768 w, f. rjaca, ((pptap, opvoaoS) to dig tanks: metaph. of a gnat, /o make a bole in one's skin. PH N, j), gen. fpevos, plur. typivts, gen. (ppevuv, etc. : Dor. pav, gen. p(vfs is also used in Homer in the sense of the seat of life or life itself, as opp. to ^ v Xn (^ e departed soul). pTjTptj, 57, Ion. for typarpa, a clan. pT|TpTjpiK7] [t], i7, = piK-w8if]s, f$, (pijjai, aor. I inf. of (ppiaaw. pi|o-ic6in)s, ov, u, (cppiaffo), KofJiT)) with bristling hair. pios, v, a shivering, shuddering. From 4PI'22fl Att. -TTo> : f. pi' f'pom I thrilled with love. poi[a,idopxu, f. -acrobat, Dep. (poi}itov} contr. for 7i/>ooi/db^at, to make a prelude or beginning, to begin: c. ace., QpoifJua&ffOai Ocoiis to begin -with in-* voking the gods. <|>poip.iov, TO, contr. for irpooifjiiov (cp. pov7]0-i, Ep. for (ppover}, 3 sing. subj. of ([>povOJ. pove(d, Ep. impf. (ppoveov : f. 170-0; : (p7)v} : to think, to have understanding; dptarot paxfaOai rt Qpovttiv re best both in battle and counsel ; ol />o- vovvrts the wise; TO (ppovtw, like (ppuvqffis, under- standing. 2. to be in one's sound senses ; %(o e\avvfiv rivci TOV povtiv to drive one out of his un- derstanding or senses; f^iaraaOai TOV pov(civ to be of the better mind, hold the better opinion : and without a dat. pers., to be minded or inclined in a certain way ; vvKvd (ppovttv to have wise thoughts ; fjieya (ppovciv, to have high thoughts, either in good sense to be high-minded, or in bad sense to be presumptuous and conceited, of animals, to be high- spirited ; apiKpw tppovfiv to be low-minded, poor- spirited; ov KQ.T dvOpanrov typovfiv to think beyond what becomes a man : also, rd TIVOS (ppoveiv to bold a person's opinions, be on his side or of his party; TO avTO (ppoviiv to be like-minded; d\\rj (fipovfw to think in another way. III. to think of, mind, heed, hence to take heed of, guard against a thing. IV. to have one's senses : to be alive, have life. Hence cJ3p6vT)p.a, arcs, TO, the mind, will, spirit, Lat. ani- mus : in plur. thoughts, purposes. II. high feel- ing, high spirit: and in bad sense, pride, presumption, arrogance, insolence. Hence <|>povr]p.fiTias, ov, 6, one who is high-spirited, or in bad sense, one who is proud, presumptuous. 4>p6vT]povT]T>v, verb. Adj. of pcvip,os, ov, (tppovtca) understanding, in one's right mind or senses. II. discreet, sensible, steady. III. thoughtful, practically wise, prudent, Lat. prudens; TO ppovip.&>s,Adv. sensibly, discreetly, prudently, skilfully. <(>p6vis, teas, 9), ((f>poveaj) wise thoughts, wisdom. povovvTs, Adv. pres. act. part, of (ppoveu, wisely, prudently. 4>povTtu>: f. (: aor. I l^pJj'Tttra: (pov* (f)V. 769 Tts) : to think, consider, reflect, to take thought, give heed; (ppovri^tiv onus n yevrjffCTai to take thought how a thing may be done. II. c. ace. rei, to think of, consider: to devise, contrive, invent. III. c. gen. to take thought for, give heed to a thing, care 'about, reck of, regard it ; firjStv (ppovrifav ru>v Oewv to take no thought of the gods ; (ppovrifciv irepi nvos to be concerned or anxious about a thing ; JUT) (ppov- TiGris heed not. IV. absol. to be thoughtful or anx- ious; irepovris, t'Sos, 77, ((ppoveca) thought, care, heed to a thing, c. gen. II. absol. thought, reflection, medi- tation : in plur. thoughts. 2. deep thought, anxiety, concern. 3. power of thought, mind. povTurp,a, CITOS, TO, ((ppovTifa) that which is thought out, a contrivance, invention. povTicrreov, verb. Adj. of Qpovrifa, one must take care. <}>povTUTTT|ptov, TO, (povTumf|S, ov, 6, (Qpovrifa} a deep, hard thinker; tppOVTltJT^S TWV (AfTfUJpaJV Or (ppOVTlffT^S TO, /J-fTfWpa, a thinker on supra-terrestrial things. Hence 4>povTurriic6s, 77, ov, of or for thinking, thoughtful, speculative. Adv. -KWS, thoughtfully, carefully. cj>pov8os, 77, ov, also os, ov : (contr. from irpo oSou, as povpd Ion. potpT], 77. (cppovpos) a looking out, watch and ward, guard; (ppovpav o^cfj/ to keep watch; tppovpds qSfiv (sub. tveiea) to sing on guard. i. a watch of the night. 3. ward, prison, imprisonment. II. of men, a watch or guard, a gar- rison. 2. at Sparta, a body of men destinedfor service, a levy, conscription ; for (ppovpav (paivfiv, see (paivca. poupapXLa, 77, the post of commandant. From c^poijp-apxos, o, (povpo, f. 770*0; : aor. I ftypovprjffa : Pass., f. med. -r)aop.ai in pass, sense: aor. i (ppovprj9r]v : (pot)pir)p.a, CITOS, TO, that which is watched or guarded; Xfias fiovKuXcuv (ppovpr) p.ara the herdsmen's charge of cattle. II. a guard, garrison : also of a single man. III. watch, ward, guard; QpovprjfMi x etl/ to keep watch. povpT|TO)p, opos, o, ((ppovpeoj) a watcher, guard. poupuc6s, 77, 6v, (cppovpa) of, belonging to a watch, guard, or garrison. povpiov, TO, ((ppovpos) a watch-post, garrisoned fort, citadel: a castle, tower, isolated fort. II. the guard or garrison of a place. 4>povpis, 5os, 77, ((ppovpos) a guard-ship. ^ ^povpo-BojJLOS, ov, ((ppovpos, 8o/zos) watching or guarding the house. povpos, 6, (contr. for irpoopos from -rrpoopaa}, as poijpd>[Aes, Dor. I pi. subj. of (ppovpecu . piiaYp.o,, aTos, TO, ((ppvaaffOfJLai) a violent snorting, the neighing of a spirited horse. II. metaph. insolence, arrogance. 4>pvaY[xo-(7p.vaicos, ov, ((ppvayfta, ffepvos) wanton and haughty. pvaa-pvYciviop,ai, f. to*o/u Att. tovfiai, Dep. (pi)Yavio-p.6s, o, ((ppvyavifrfMi) a gathering of dry sticks for fu el, a collecting of firewood. ], TO, ((ppvyca) a dry stick : mostly in plur. dry sticks for fztel, firewood, Lat. sarmenta, virgulta. $pvyr\va\,, aor. 2 pass. inf. of (ppvyoj. *PTTI'AO2, 6, a finch, Lat. fringilla. [t] ^pvYi-os, a, ov, (4>pu) Phrygian; 3?pvyioi VUJJLOI, &pvyia peXr} Phrygian music, i. e. music played on the flute, said to be invented by Marsyas, wilder than the music for the lyre. [iJ] Hence 4>pvYt-o-Ti, Adv. in Phrygian fashion ; of music, in the Phrygian mode. pVKTOS, 77, ov, verb. Adj. roasted, toasted, parch- ed. II. as Subst., (ppvKTos, 6, a firebrand, torch: in plur. a signal fire, alarm-fire, beacon; pvKTol \ Tro\fjiioi a'lpovrai cs TOITOV fire-signals of an enemy's approach are made to a place. 4>pTjiCTCjp0), f. 77*70;, ((ppvKTQjpos) to give signals by fire : Pass., ^(ppvKrwpriOijaav vrj($ irpoo-uXtovaai the j approach of ships was signalled or telegraphed by alarm-fires. Hence 4>pvKTcop(a, 77, a giving signals by beacon or alarm- fires. II. a night-watch to make fire-signals. 4>puKT-a>p6s, o, ((ppvKTus, ovpos) one who watches to give signals by beacons or alarm-fires. ^PT'NH, T), a toad. [0] pij|;a) Dor. ^w, fut. of ptioxTa) Att. -TTIO, = Qpvyo}. pvx0Tjvai, aor. I pass, io of (ppvyoa. <}>{), faugh ! an exclamation of disgust. C c 770 , Ep. for e'0v, 3 sing. aor. 2 of

vd, Dor. for (pirff. VY&5, Adv. ($vyr]} like (poPovSc, to flight; fTpairev iirirovs he turned his horse to flight. , f. o*cu, (<>u-yds) o flzafo one an exile, drive from a country, banish. II. intr. to be an exile, live in banishment. 5, 77, ov, (OYds, dSos, o, 77, (vyo). eiv Ion. VYIV, aor. 2 inf. of . i], 7), (vyeiv} flight in battle, Lat. fuga : dat. ;, hasty flight, hastily. 2. flight or escape from a thing, c. gen. ; voacav dfJirjxdvcav (pvyds u/^- irecppaffrai he has devised means of escape from incur- able diseases. II. banishment, Lat. exilium; (pvyr/v tpevyfiv to live in banishment. 2. as a collective Noun vyrj, = QvydSfs, a body of exiles or refugees. \YT)O't, Ep. for fyvyri, 3 sing. aor. 2 of (pfvyoj. vYo-8jivvos, o^, ((pvyeTv, 8}iviov) shunning the marriage-bed. vY-8iKci>, f. 770-vyeiv, 8^77) to shun a lawsuit: to dislike litigation. vYo- evos > ov, (((>vy(iv, ^evos) shunning strangers or guests, hence inhospitable. i}YO-irToXp.os, ov, poet, for vyoir6Xe[tos, ($>vytiv, roXf/jios) shunning war, cowardly. iv, ovffa, ov, aor. 2 part, of (pvyeiv. ;, fo*d, v, aor. 2 pass. part, of $utja, (VT| Dor. <}>vd, 77, (}) growth, stature, fine growth, noble stature. II. one's natural powers or parts, talents, genius : nature. III. the flower or prime of age. <|>vrj, for (put'?;, 3 sing. aor. 2 opt. of voj. in]vat, aor. 2 pass, inf of vtTjv, aor. 2 opt. of vca. 4>vKiocis, etera, ei', (vKiov or ^>iJKtov, TO, ((pvfcos) sea-weed. (puKO-YciTcov, ovos, o, 77, (05/cos, yziTQjv^ near the sea-weed, dwelling by the sea. *T"KO2, 6os, TO, Lat. FUCUS, sea-weed, sea- wrack, tangle. II. a red paint or a[ye formed from tyvKos, Lut.fucus. 4>vKTOS, 77, ov^QevKTos, verb. Adj. of Qtvyu, to be dmnned or escaped, that can be escaped. II. shunned, avoided. <{>uXdKccrcrt, Ep. dat. pi. of uXaicY|, 77, ((pvXdaeca) a watching or guarding, keeping watch or guard, watch or guard : in plur. a night-watch, Lat. excubiae ; tyvXavas %xeiv to mount the night-guard ; fyvXattas (pvXdrTfiv to keep guard or watch; rds (pvXatcds ftaraffTrjaaaOai to set the watches. 2. a watch or guard, Lat. custodia: also guard or garrison of a place. 3. a watch-tower: a fortified post or station. 4. of time, a watch, esp. a K/afc of the night. 5. a zyara?, prison, place of \ security. II. a watching, guarding, keeping in ward; Hx ftv W ^ fyvXattfj to keep in custody: also (pvXaK^v cx flv ^ =( t )V ^ aTTfff ^ ai to ta ke eec/ or care, 6e cautious ; Seivws ex ei!/ ^ (pvXaKpai to be straitly o one's guard. j <}>tiXaiaci>, f. ioca Att. 40), (vXaicos, o, poet, for (pv\a. <|>vXaKTOS, a, o^, verb. Adj. of vXdffvXaKTTjp, Typos, 6, = vXa, a guard. Hence CXaKTirjpiov, TO, a post for a garrison, a fort or castle : an outpost, Lat. statio. 2 . a safeguard, preservative, amulet : amongst the Jews, tXa, CLKOS, o, also 77, (vXa^cts, Dor. for (pvXdeis, 2 sing. fut. of v- \dffffa). 4>vXa^is, fojs, 77, ((pvXdffffca} a watching, guard- ing. II. (from Med.) occasion for guarding against, caution. iiXapxc<>, f. 770-0?, to command the contingent of a tribe (vX-apxos, o, (ipvXrj, apx w ) tbe chief of a tribe II. a commander of cavalry. Ep. inf. of (fivXaaoo). Att.-TTco : fut. t/'- Xaga Ep. (pvXaga : pf. irtv\do/j.ai : aor. I et^vXa^Or/v : pf. irffpvXaynai : I. absol. to watch, be sleepless : esp. to keep watch and ward, be on guard; VVKTO, I v\dv\err]S, ov, 6, ((pvXr'i') one of the same tribe, a tribes- man, Lat. tribulis. <{)V\T|, 7). (T v ArA, 77, a wild olive-tree. v\\ds, aoos, T), ((pvXXov) a heap of leaves, a bed or litter of leaves. II. the leaves, leafage, foliage of a tree : metaph. of man, uA\6iov, TO, (tpvXXov) in plur. green stuff, herbs, such as mint, parsley, etc., that were given into the bargain ; pafyavidcuv (pvXXeTa, radish-tops. 4>i)XXivos, 77, ov, (iAAo|3oX&>, f. 770*0;, to shed the leaves. From <}>vXXc-|36Xos, ov, (v\X6-KOjAos, ov, (vXX6p-poos, ov, ((pvXXov, pew) leaf -shedding. Hence 4>uXXoppoo, f. 770*0;, to shed the leaves : hence the Comic phrase, vXXoppoev aaniSa to shed or let drop one's shield. uXX6-TOS, ov, and 4>vXXo-orTpo>s, gen. WTOS, v, 77, ((pvXXov, ffTpuvvvfii) ftrewed or covered with leaves. \jXXo-4>6pos, ov, (QvXXov, tpepca) bearing leaves; vXXo-xoe&>, f. 770*0;, ((pvXXov, x") to shed like leaves. 4>i)Xo-Kpivea>, f. 770*0;, ((<>vXov, Kpivca) to distinguish races, choose by races. vXov, TO, (t)Aa fv- vaiKwv, etc. : a swarm of gnats : v\ov the fe- male sex. II. a race, people, nation. III. in a more restricted sense, a clan, tribe; tcarcL t8os, 77 : ace. i)}xa, (0vai, aor. 2 inf. of tyixa. 4>v|-Avo)p, opos, o, fj, ((pevyoj, avrjp) fleeing men. [d] vi]Xis, LOS and loos, 6, T), (cpevyca') fugitive, shy, Tcowardly. 4>v^l|AOs, ov, (fpcvycu) of places, whither one can flee, where one can take refuge ; as Subst., ti,s, fcas, 77, ((pttycu^Qvyf), flight. 4>upup,a, OZTOS, TO, (vpa.(a) that which is mixed or kneaded, paste, dough. 4>vpdo> : f. daca [a] : aor. I eQvpaffa Ion. -rjea : Pass., aor. I fvp7j- pai : lengthd. form of vpBir]v, Adv. ((pvpca) mixedly, in utter confusion. I t;pf|V(U, aor. 2 inf. pass, of vs [v', aor. 2 part, of (f)ioj: 6 t)cra, 775, 77, ((pvi)o-a0ts, cfaa, eV, Dor. for i)craXCs and <|>vi}vvcrdco Ion. -o : f. fjaoj : (u[xevos, Ion. for vcnr], 77, Ion. for ixrr]T60v, verb. Adj. of (pvffdca, one must blow up. xi(rTjTT|p, 77pos, 6, ((pvffdca) an instrument for blow- ing, a blow-pipe or tube. 2. a pair of bellows , a fan for blowing fire. 4>vcr]Tif|piov Dor. vo-arf|piov, TO, (cpvffdca) a pair of bellows. II. a wind-instrument. 4>vo-iap.a, ctTOS, TO, a blowing, snorting. From 4>iJcridco, Ep. part, (pvfftocav, ((pvadca) to blow, puff, snort, breathe hard, pant. II. transit, to blow or puff up: metaph. to elate, make vain. vo'iYY o l JWU Pass, ((pvffiy) to be excited by eat- ing garlic, properly of fighting cocks : of the Mega- rians, oSvvats TretyvffiyycafAevoi inflamed to fury with their woes, in allusion to the garlic grown in Megara : cf. uvovy, 47705, 77, ((pvadca) the hollow stalk or clove of garlic : garlic itself. \icri-oos, ov, ((pvca, ^carj) producing or sustaining life, life-giving. 4>t)o-iKos, 77, ov, ((pvffis) natural, produced or im- planted by nature, inborn, native. II. of or be- longing to external nature, physical, as opp. to moral, metaphysical, etc. ^Tjcruo-yvcofJiovea}, f.rjffca, (vp,ovta, 77, the art of judging a man by his features, physiognomy. i>o - to- i yvu)}jia)v, ov, gen. ovos, (cpvffis, yvufj-T)) judg- ing of a man's character by his outward look. t;cr toco, f. waca, ((pvadca) to puff" up, make proud. ikri6ci>v, Ep. pres. part, of tpvaidca. <|>vcris [y], ecus, 77, (cpvca) the nature, inborn quality, property or constitution of a person or thing ; Averts dpiQfJiiav the nature, natural power of numbers, Lat. vis; (pvfffcas d-rroffTrjvai xaXeirov it is hard ito part from one's nature. 2. of the mind, one's nature; natural powers, parts, temper, disposition, etc. 3. the outward form, stature, look, Lat. species, like tyvfj. 4. natural order, nature ; iJcricoo-is, ecus, 77, (VCTTTI or <|>vcrrr), T), ((pvpca) a kind of barley-cake, ! r.ot kneaded firmly. uiTTi-s, $, T). (<^vcu) a progeny, race. i5ra\ui, 77, (v) a planted place, an orchard or vineyard, as opp. to corn-land (apovpa). II. a plant, esp. of the vine. 4>UTa\}uos, ov, (<^>UTOS) producing, nourishing, fos- tering ; fatherly. II. by nature, from one's birth; apa KOI rjoOa t/Tia, 77, ((pvTcvcu] a planting. II. a planta- tion ; or simply a plant. \Tv0v, Aeol. and Ep. for ((pvretdrjaav, 3 pi. aor. I pass, of vrv0v, aor. I pass. part, neut. of VTvp,a, aTos, TO, (vTVTfiptov, TO, a plant grown as a sucker, a seed- ling, Lat. planta, stolo. From VTija>, f. ao) : aor. i ((pvrevffa : Pass., aor. I (pv- revOijv : pf. trf(pvT(V(jiai : ((pvrov) : to plant, trees or plants : mostly as opp. to dpoca (to sow). 2. me- taph. to beget; o fyvrevaas Trarrjp or o (pvTfvcras alone, the father ; ol (pvTevffavres the parents : Pass, to be begotten, to spring from parents. 3. generally, to produce, bring about, cause. II. to plant ground with trees ; vTeveiv \capiov to plant a spot with trees: Pass., 777 Tf^vrtv^vr) land planted with trees. VT\TJ, 77, ((pvca) poet, for vo*ts, a stock, genera- tion, race, tribe. VTO-6pYos, 6v, poet, for (pvrovpyos. vrov, TO, ((pvca) that which has grown, a plant, tree, fruit-tree. II. a creature : of men, a de- scendant, child. Properly neut. of CTOS, 77, ov, verb. Adj. of VTO-os, ov, (fyvTw, ffffdiTTOj) digging or delv- ing round plants ; vToa/(dvTO-air6pos, ov, (fyvrov, aTreipca) planting trees : metaph. begetting, (pvroaTrvpos, 6, a father. VT-ovpYos poet. \n-o-pY6s, ov, (VTOV, *epyca) cultivating plants or trees : as Subst., tyvrovpyos, 6, a gardener, vine-dresser. II. metaph. begetting : as Subst., QvTovpyos, o, a father. ^T'H, fut. (pvooj [u] : aor. I (pvffa : in these tenses Causal, to bring forth, produce, make to grow; Tpi\as vaas, the begetter, father. i. melaph., (ppevas veiv to get understanding ; Soas viv to get or gain repu-. tation. II. Pass, and Med. (pvopai : f. (pvcropai : the sense of Pass, and Med. also belongs to intr. tenses of Act., aor. i ew, inf. (pvvai, part, (pvs, vffa, (}>vv ; later in pass, form covdeis, tcroa, (v; contr. in neut. have been born -were best: (pvvat or irfcpv/tcvai nvos plur. (fxavavra: sounding, speaking, gifted with to be born or descended from any one; o (pvs the son, \ speech: of wise sayings, (fxavavra avvfroiffi that have opp. to u (pvffas the father. 3. to be so and so by speech to the wise : uttering a sound, tone or speech: nature, be formed so and so : hence simply to be ;+ ra (fxovrjtvra vowels opp. to dtpwva (consonants), the pf. ir(o>Cs, i8os, fj, contr. cos, (pcaoos: pi. ^cutScs, <>ci>pdco, f. dffca [a] : Pass., aor. I ((pwpaOrjv [d] : blister, pf. ir(pujpdiJ.ai : ((pupa): to search after a thief, ^wicaia Ion. -ai-rj, 77, a city in Ionia. Hence I search a house to discover a theft: generally, to trace, ^(OKaiciJS Att. -ttcvs, to>s, and ^oaicaiTr]S, o, a detect, discover : Pass, to be caught, defected; c. Phocaean : fem. ^(OKCLUS, i'5os, a Phocaean woman. l>a>Kx>s, ecus, 6, (3Kti6s, 77, ov, (&&>KIS) of Phocis, Phocian. l>a>Ki$ (sub. 777), tiros, 77, Phocis, a country on the Corinthian gulf, west of Boeotia. wXds, d5os, 77, fem. Adj. ((pa\f6s) lurking in a hole : lying torpid in its den, epith. of the bear. o)\ios, o, Ep. for 0o>A.eos. ^flAEO'2, o, with irreg. plur. (puXfd, ra, a den, lair, hole, as of bears, foxes, mice. , f. fvaca, or (JxuXtco, f. r)0u, ((pwXfos) to lie a hole or den : to lie torpid in a hole. 4>u>VT||xa, aTos, TO, (cpoweoo) a sound made or uttered, voice. 2. a thing spoken, wordy speech. H'P, 6, gen. (fxupus, dat. pi. (pwpcri, Lat. FUR, ft thief; (papuv Xifjirjv, a harbour at Athens, used ly smugglers. Hence <}>a>pa, as, Ion. ci}pTJ, rjs, 77, (<^a;p) a theft. II. part., (pcupaaQai K\eirrrjs uv to be convicted of being a thief; of things, apyvpiov ftpcapaOrj tgayofjievov specie was discovered to be in course of exportation. u>pir], Ion. for 4>u>pa. <|>copiafi6s, 6, a chest, trunk, coffer, esp. for clothes and linen. (Deriv. uncertain.) o>pi5ios, a, ov, poet, for (pwpios, stolen. upios, ov, ((pup) stolen : secret, clandestine, illicit. ws, 6, gen. a)vais, Aeol. and Dor. u>vacova, f. Tjaca, (fyoivaaKus) to practise or culti- vate one's voice, learn to sing or declaim. Hence 4>(dvao*Kia, 77, practice of the voice. cjwov-ao-Kos, 6v, ((jxavr], aa/fe'cu) practising the voice. 11. a>v6vvTS, <}>a)Vt)vTa, Dor. pres. part, from 4>cov4co, f. rjffoj, (cos, TO, contr. for a)cocr-c|>cpos, ov, (s, 6pos, 6, with or without darrjp, the light- bringer, Lat. Lucifer, i. e. the morning-star. 2. a>T-a-ya)-y6s, ov, ((pws, dyo}) guiding with a light : (pajrayarfus (sub. Ovpa), 77, an opening for light, a window. 4>wTfiv6s, 77, 6v, ((pus) shining bright, giving light. CL)TLOL>, f. tacu Att. ja), ($ws) intr. to shine, give to have the loudest voice. 2. of animals, light, beam. II. transit, to bring to light, make to cry. 3. to sound : of a musical instrument, to known. 2. metaph. to enlighten, instruct, teach: sound sweetly. 4. Ta (fxavovvra the vowels, like rd Pass, to be enlightened or instructed. II. c. ace. pers. to speak to, accost, address : to call by name, call to, cry to, call upon : c. ace. pers. et inf. to bid, command one to do. III. c. ace. rei, to speak of. nNH'. ?), a sound, tone: mostly of men, the voice, Lat. vox : a loud clear voice, a cry; Qowriv prjyvvvat to utter a clear, articulate sound. 2. the voice or cry of animals. 3. sound : the sound of musical instruments. 4. any articulate sound, as opp. to inarticulate (i//6 indecl., twenty-second letter of the Greek alphabet : as numeral x' = 600, but ,x =* 774 X a8e XAAA'fl. 6oo,coo : also in Inscr. X'Aiot, 1000. Changes of x> esp. in the dialects : stands as first letter of I. Dor. for 0, as opvixos for opviOos. II. Ion. very freq. into K, as otKo/j,ai KiQwv KvBpa for 5e'xo/^ai \IT, f. aca, (xafpe) to greet. Hence XatpeTto-jxos, ov, o, a greeting. ojv, oVos, 17, (xcupcw) joy, delight, formed like Dor. for x a ' l P (tv i inf- of x a 'P cu - Xaipoura, Dor. for xa'pouaa,pres. part. fern. Xttipovrwv, 3 pi. imperat. of ^cupM. XAJL'Pn : f. xc^P^ffw Ep. /fxap77(r ni f- \aprfvai, part, \aptis: pf. /ecxapr]fj.ai., later KfxPl J - aL: Ep. 3 pi. plqpf. KfxaprivTO : /o rejoice, be glad, be delighted or pleased ; ~xa.ipf.iv VUQ) to rejoice in one's 2. c. dat. /*o rejoice at, be delighted with, mind. take pleasure in a thing ; also, \aipfLV yt ACWTI to one's 707 by laughter ; more rarely c. ace. pers. as, xaipo) Se a' fvrvxovvra I rejoice at your pro- sperity. 3. c. part., x at 'p i n phrase x ai P (LV Ae^o; (rot, is used as a greeting like x a ?P > TLVCL x a ' i P (lv having bid one welcome orfareivell ; so at the beginning of letters the inf. usually stood alone, as, Kupos Kvagapy Xaiptiv [sc. At'7t], Lat. salvere jubet, salutem dicit. 2. in bad sense, x a ' L P flv * LV or K(\Viv to say farewell to a person or thing, to renounce, set at naught; iroAAd x a 'P lv "' e " / TIVI to bid a long farewell to one; also in 3 sing, i-mperat. x a 'P* TO} , epperoj, lei it go, away with it, a murrain with it. XAI'TH, 77, long flowing hair, both in sing, and plur. : also a horse's mane ; later also a lion's mane, Lzt.jitba. II. of trees, like Lat. coma, leaves, foliage. Hence X hair, the plume of a helmet. XaXd, 17, Dor. for x 7 ?^- 1 ?- XA'AAZA", 775,17, hail: a hail-shower, hail-storm: metaph. any shower, sleet, a pelting storm, a shower of stones or arrows, II. a small pimple or tubercle. Hence XoAaijdco, to hail. II. to have pimples or tubercles. Xa\a|-7rir|S, es, (xaAaa, eVos) hurling abuse as thick as hail. XaXa^Tjeis Dor. -acts, fff, f. 170-0;, (xaAa^a, /3aAefi/), to strike with hail. XaXatvco, poet, for x -^ 03 - , a, ov, (xaAdw) slackened, loosened, slack; KOTV\rjo6jv a loose, supple joint : of music, languid, effeminate. Hence XfiXapoTT)S, 17x0$, 17, slackness, looseness. XA"AA'I1 : f. aaoj [a] : aor. I Xaaaa, Dor. part. x a ^ n ais '> pf- aor. I fxo-\acrOr]v : pf. Kf\d\aff^at : I. transit. /o wa&e s/acyt or loose, slacken, loosen ; x a Aai/ ro^a /o unstring the bow ; i^t'as x a ^ v to slack the reins ; XaAai' rro8a ^o s/ac/t the sheet of the sail. 2. to let down, let fall or droop; ptTOJirov x a ^ v t smoo'h the brow. 3. to lei loose, loose, release; K\f t Opa or K\?]Sas xaAav to loose the bar or bolts. 4. me- taph. to relax, let go, give up. II. intr. to be- come slack or loose : to gape, stand wide open. 2. rnetaph. c. gen. to relax or leave off" from a thing, to cease from. 3. c. dat. to give way or yield to any one : to be indulgent to any one, pardon him. 4,, absol., like ewetv, to give in, yield : Pass., like the intr. usage, to be loosened or slackened. XaXSaios, 6, a Cbaldaean. II. an astrologer, caster of nativities, since the Chaldaeans were much given to such pursuits. Hence XaX8auTTi, Adv. in the Chaldee tongue. XaX-eip,ds, a5os, 77, (xaAacw, ef/ua) Lat. laxivestis, loose-robed, ungirt. Xa\6iratva>, f. avu>: aor. I exaXe-rrrjva, pass. X a ~ \firdv9ijv : (xaAcTros) : to be bard, sore, grievous, severe, of violent storms, Lat. i ngravescere : metaph. of men, to deal severely or harshly, to be harsh, ill- tempered ; ~x.a.Xs-na.iveiv nvi to be embittered or shew harshness towards one ; x a ^ f7ra ' ivfiv km TLVL to be angry at a thing : Med., xaAejran/eorflcu irpos aX\rj- \ovs to be angry or grow embittered towards one another. XciXcirfjvai, aor. I inf. of xa\CTraivo}. Xa\6TTT|pTjs, ts, poet, for xaXcTros. XAAEIIO'2 [a], 77, 6v, hard to bear, sore, severe, grievous; TO x a Xfirov rov irvfvfMTos the severity of the wind ; rci x a ^- e ^ hardships, sufferings. 2. hard to do or deal with, difficult, troublesome. 3. diffi- cult, dangerous. 4. of approaches, difficult, rough, rugged, steep. II. of persons, hard to deal with, bitter, hostile, angry; ol x a ^* T *P OL bitterer enemies : mischievous, dangerous, troublesome. 2. harsh, cruel : of judges, severe, rigid, strict. 3. ill-tem- pered, angry, testy, morose. Hence XotXeiroTTjs, 777-05, 77, difficulty, roughness, rugged- ness. II. of persons, harshness, severity, rigour. XaXeirrco, f. \\jca : Pass., aor. I fx a ^^^ r l v ' poet, for xaXeitaivu, to deal harshly with, oppress, distress, harass : also to bring low, humble. 2. to provoke, enrage, irritate. II. intr. to be angry, irritated. Xa\irw, Dor. for x a ^ eir v, gen. of xaAeTros. XaXeirais, Adv. of x a ^ f ' !TOS i hardly, with difficulty; XaXfirats rjv, c. inf., it was difficult to do. 2. scarcely, Lat. aegre. II. of persons, severely, cruelly, harshly. 2. angrily, bitterly; x<*Xfnu)s fyt- pftv TI, Lat. aegre, graviter ferre, to bear a thing ill. XctXcTrwTC-pov, -WTO/TO,, Comp. and Sup. of xaAcTrcDs. Xpova), f. rjaca, (xaAiprjv) light-minded, flighty, thoughtless. XaXic-dpp.aTOS, ov, (xaA/cos, ap/to) with brasen chariot, epith. of Mars. XaXK-curms, tSos, o, 77, (xaAtfos, do*7ns) with brasen shield. XaXK-eyxTlS, es, gen. tos, (xaXrcus, e7X os ) w *th brasen lance. XaXiceiov Ion. -T|tov, TO, (xaA/efva>) a smith's shop, forge, smithy, Lat. officina. II. anything made of copper : i. a copper vessel, caldron. i. a concave copper reflector in a lamp. 3. a copper badge. Strictly neut. from XaXicsios, a, ov Ion. xaXK-fjios, f}, ov, poet, for X^~ Kfos, (\a\Kos) of brass, brasen. XctXic-cXaTos, ov, (xaA/ros, f\avvca) poet, for x a ^-~ KTjXaros. as, poet.'fem. of xaA/reV/3A.os. os, ov, (xaA/cos, fufioXov) with brasen beak or prow, of a ship. XdXK-6VTT|s, es, (xa\os, fVTea) armed with brass. Xa\K66-yo|x<}>os, ov, (xd\Kos, 70^0$) fastened with brasen nails. Xa,XicO-0a>pa, a/cos, Ep. -Gwpi]^, T^/COS, o, 77 : (x^A- tceos, 0wpa} with brasen breastplate. XaXKeo-KapSios, ov, (xd\fceo$, Kapoia) with heart of brass. ;, ov, (xaAeos, Trc'^a) brass-footed. , ov, (xd\Kos, otrXov) with arms or armour of brass. X&XKEOS, ea Ion. (77, coi/, also 60S, fov : contr. \a.\- KOVS, 77, ovv: poet. x<*XKeu>s Ion. -T|tos, 77, ov: (x<*A- os): of copper or bronze, brasen, Lat. aeneus; Kfos Zeus a brasen statue of Jove ; x^A/ffi Ttj/d to raise a brasen statue to one. 2. metaph., /z'/te brass, hard, stout; x a ^ KfOV ?] TO Pi a heart of brass ; x a ^ KOS vnvos a brasen sleep, i. e. sleep of death. XaXKeo-rcux^s, cs, (xdXKfos, TeCx os ) * n ftrms of brass. XaXKo-4)&)vos, ov, (xd\Keos, ^xavrf) with voice of brass, i. e. ringing strong and clear. Xa.Xi<6Vjxa, GTOS, TO, (xaA/fcuw) anything made of brass, a brasen instrument or implement : a weapon, etc. : in plur. brasen bonds. , o, (xaA#ucu) a worker in copper, a 776 coppersmith, brasier. 2. more generally, a worker in metal, smith, even of a goldsmith ; esp. a blacksmith. XaXicevTTjs, ov, o, (xaAeva;) xaA#evs : metaph. a forger. XctXiceimKos, 77, ov, ty or for the brasier or his art: skilled in metal-working: 77 x&Atfetm/7 (sub. TCX^), the smith's art or trade. XaXKcvros, 77, ov, verb. Adj. of x ^ 6 ^ "* wrought of copper or metal. XaXKvto, f. aca, (xaA/fos) /o ma&v, cD^os, 6, = x a ^ K f i v i a f or g e i smithy. XaXiajSwv, oVos, o, (xAos) chalcedony, name of a gem like an onyx. /, TO, Ion. for \aXKttov. 5, 77, ov. Ion. for xAetos. also xo-Xic-eXaTOS, ov, (xctA/ros, lAav- vo}) forged out of brass, of beaten brass. XaXicTjpTjs, es, gen. eos, (xaA/cos, apapetv) furnished with brass : of spears and arrows, tipped with brass. XaXKi-oiicos, ov, (xAos, oF/cos) dwelling in a brasen house or shrine. XO.XKIOV, TO, (xaA/cos) a copper utensil, vessel, im- plement. 2. copper money, copper coin. Xa\Kis, t5os, 77, a bird of prey. XaXias, tSos, 77, Chalcis, a city in Euboea, said to have its name/rom neighbouring copper-mines. XaXKOapTjs, es, gen. eos, poet, lengthd. form for XaXKTiprjs. [a] XaXKO~papT|S, es, gen. eos, (xxt v tvos, 6, 77, (xaA/fos, -yAwxts) with point or barbs of brass. XaAxo-SalSaXos, ov, (xA/ros, oaiod\\o}) inlaid with brass. II. act. working in brass. XaXKO-8dn.as,avTos,o,77,(xaA/cos, Sa/zaeu) subduing, \. e. sharpening brass. Xa-Xico-SeTOS, ov, (xAos, Se'cu) brass-bound. Xpa.} = x a ^-^^~ dwpa, with brasen breastplate. XaXico-KVTip,is, i5os, o, 77, (xaA^os, Kvrjpis') with greaves of brass. XaXKO-Kopvo-TTjs, ov, u, (xaA/fos, Kopvffaoi) as masc. Adj., with or in brasen armour. XaXico-KpOTOs, ov, (xa\Kus, ttp&f&w) sounding or rattling with brass : of horses, brasen-hoofed. II. beaten or forged of brass. XTOS, ov, (xa\Kos, vwroi) brass-backed. Xa\KO-7raY"r|S, cs, (xa\K6s, irayfjvai) compacted of brass. Xa\KO-irapT)Os Dor. -irapaos, ov, (xa\icus, trapfia) with cheeks or sides of brass, epith. of helmets. XaAKo-ireSos, ov, (xaAos, TreSov) with floor of brass. XaXKo-irXevpos, ov, (xa\te6s, irAeupa) with sides of brass, of an urn. XaXKO-irXt]0T|S, e's, gen. eos, (xaXtcos, TrA^os) filled with brass, armed all in brass. XaXKo-irXirjKTOS Dor. -irXaKTOs, ov, (xAtfos, TrA?^- ffoj) forged or welded of brass. XaXico-Trovs, o, 77, -TTOUI', TO ; gen. TroSos (xaA/fos, TTOUS) : brasen-footed, with brasen tramp. II. with steps of brass, brasen. XaXKo-irvXos, ov, (xaAtfos, TryA??) with gates of brass or bronze. XAAKO'2, ov, o, brass, or rather copper, Lat. aes, called from its colour tpvOpos and atdoj//. Copper was the first metal that was wrought, and hence XaA/<:os was used as a name for metal in general ; and afterwards, when iron began to be worked, the, word x a ^ Kl ~' s was used for aiorjpos. Later, xAos was applied to bronze, a mixture of copper with tin, which was the chief metal used by the ancients in the arts. II. in the Poets, anything made of brass or metal, esp. of brasen arms: also a brasen vessel, urn. XaXKO-(TKXT|S, es, (xaA/cos, o"eAos) with legs of brass. XaXKO-2.vos, ov, (xaAtfJs, oTeaj/os) crowned or compassed with brass. XaXico-o-TOjios, ov, (xaAwos, ffTo/za) with brasen mouth. II. with edge or point of brass. X pass., struck with brass, inflicted with brasen arms. XaXK-oCp-yos, o, (x^A/cos, *pyaj) a coppersmith. XaXicoOs, 77, ovv, Att. contr. from x^A/ceos. II. as Subst., x a ^ K v s > "> a copper coin, somewhat less than a farthing. XaXapos, ov, (xA/fos, a] XaXK6<|>i, Ep. for x a ^ K v> g en - f X a ^ K ^> s - XdXKO-xapjJLTjs, ov, 6, (x^A/cos, xop^) fighting in brasen armour. XO-XKo-xiTtov, coi/os, 6, 77, (xaAos, x iTc ^ I/ ) brasen- coated, brass-clad. brass. , ov, (XO.\KUS, x /a> ) cast * n copper or ), f. WCTOJ, (xaAtfos) to cover with brass : aor. I pass. part. x a ^ K01 ^ e ' l5 f dad in brass. II. to make in brass or bronze. XaXKUfia, QTOS, TO, (xaAocy) anything made of bronze or copper, a brasen vessel or instrument. XaXvf38uc6s, 17, ov, (xaAv^) o/ ste/; TO ya\v&i KOV steel. o, poet, for "xaXvifj, fteel. /, u/3os, o, on* o/ the nation of the Chalybes in Pontus, famous for the working of steel. II. as appellat., "xaXvifj, vfios, o, hardened iron, steel. Xd|id8ts [ACI], Adv. (xa/ncu) poet, for xa/*a(X " *b e ground, to the ground. Xdjj.a.e, Adv. (xct/xcu) to the ground, on the ground, Lat. humi. XajJ.a0V, Adv. (xafMi)from the ground. XA W MAI', Adv. on the earth, on the ground. 2. like xa/M^f, Lat. humi, to the ground, to earth. Xajxai-YVT)S, cs, gen. cos, (xa/xcu, yeveaOai) earth- born, sprung from the soil. Xap-ai-ewas, aSos, poet. fern, of sq. [at metri grat.] Xdfjuu-cvvrjs, ov, 6, (xa.fj.ai, tvvrj) making one's bed or lair on the ground, [at metri grat.] XQH-cuT]Xos, ov, (x/xt) growing low or near the ground: generally, low : 6 xa/^i'CyAos (sub. ditppos), a low stool. II. metaph. ybno? of mean things, humble ; TO xafJiai^Xov humility. X, f. 170*0;, to lie, make one's bed on the ground. From XajJtai-KOiTTjs, ov, 6, (xa/tat, Koirrf) lying or making one's bed on the ground. XaficuXexTis, &, gen . cos, (xa/^at,- Ac'xos) = x^ai- KOITTJS. Xa|xai-X4a)v, OVTOS, o, (xa/*cu, Acou/) Ate chameleon, a kind of lizard known for changing its colour. XajAcuireTco), f. Tyoui, to fall (o the ground; yvwp.a XafAanrtToiaa, a thought that falls to the ground. From Xap,cu-iTTT|s, c's, (x^a/, IIET- Root of mrtrai) fall- ing to or on Ate earth; xM at7rT '7 s iriirrtiv to fall to earth : fallen, prostrate in the dust. 2. lying or sleep- ing on the ground. 3. on Ate ground. II. me- tzph. falling to the ground, coming to naught fruitless. , Dor. for xaA t a"T""oiio'a, part. fern. X ^1/77) a 6fc? on the ground, pallet-bed, truckle-bed. II. a bedstead. Xtt|a.-vvts, iSos, ?), (xa/aat, CUT/T?) a /ow/ &/, a pallet-bed. Xap.TjX6s, 17, oi/, (xa/zat) on ^e ground. 2. diminutive, trifling : metaph. /ow, mean. Xap.69ev, Adv. (xaftat) later form for x a ^^ v ->f roni the ground. Xap.\j/ai, of, the Egyptian name for crocodiles. \a.v, 77, Dor. for xfyt a goose. 777 Xavavatos, a, ov, Canaanitish, of Canaan: as Subst., "Kavavaios, 6, a Canaanite ; Xai/ai/cua, 7), a Canaanitish woman. See Kavavirrjs. XavSavco, fut. x^ iffofMi : aor. 2 fx^ ov Ep. x^Soi' : pf. with pres. sense Kex av $ a : Ep. 3 sing, plqpf. with impf. sense Kfx av ^ l ' ' ^o/rf, /a/t zn, comprise, contain, c ftfrpa x av ^ avc KprjTrjp the bowl 2>e/J six measures : ou eSyi/T/o-aTO iraaas alyiaXos vrjas xSe- cii' the beach could not hold all the ships. XavSov, Adv., (xaivoj) gaping, with mouth wide open : metaph. greedily, eagerly. , aor. 2 inf. X cut " l > notched, like a saw. XapaKcop-o, aTos, TO, (xapa/fooi) a place paled round or palisaded, a fortified camp. II. a paling, palisade, Lat. vallum. Xapdicaxris, <^s, 77, (xapajfvca) a fencing with pales, a palisading, fortifying. X : aor. I lxapaa : Pass., aor. I xapdx6f]v : pf. Ke^apay^iai : to make sharp or pointed, sharpen : Pass, to be notched or jagged: of eyes, to sparkle. 2. metaph. to exas- perate, irritate, provoke : Pass, to be irritated, exas- perated. \l. to cut by furrows, furrow, plough. III. to engrave, inscribe. Xap^vai, aor. I inf. pass, of x^/pcw. Xoip'HO'op.ai, later fut of xcpcu. Xapt-8wTr]s, ov, 6, (x^pts, oiocafjii) he that gives joy or grace. Xapieis, xapifcfoa, xapiev, gen. fvros : (x^pts) : graceful, pleasing, agreeable, lovely, pretty, ele- gant. II. in Att., x a P' c ' s was often used of persons, graceful, elegant, accomplished, refined; ol x a p' lfVTfS men f taste an d refinement, men of education. III. the neut. was used in Att. as Adv., when it was written xapitv. Hence X5pievTio|ji,(u, f. iaofjiai Att. -IOVIMI : Dep. : to act or speak with grace or elegance : to be witty, to jest ; ffjrovori \apifVTifeaOai to jest in earnest. XapuvTcos, Adv. of x a p' lfis , gracefully, elegantly : neatly, cleverly. 2. kindly, courteously. Xapi-cp-yos, ov, (xcupw, ep70i/) delighting in the arts, epith. of Minerva. Xapiop,ai : fut. med. -tffofiai Att. tou/xat, also f. pass. -taO^ffofiai: aor. I fxaptaafjirjv and 4x ct P'^ 7 ? I/: pf. /cexapio>tcu both in act. and pass, sense : Dep. : (Xpts) : to shew favour or kindness, to oblige or gratify a person, c. dat. : absol. to be pleasing or agreeable, court favour. 2. in Att. to gratify or indulge a passion, like Lat. indulgere ; x a p' l C ff ^ ai Tea atjJiwiTi to indulge one's body. II. c. ace. rei, to offer willingly, offer as a free gift, give freely : c. gen. to give freely of a thing ; x a p' l G < *& ai aXXo- rpiajv to give freely o/what does not belong to one ; Ta/z/77 xP*CA t "' 7 ? TrapcovTow the housekeeper giving freely of the stores in hand. III. in pass, sense, to be pleasing, agreeable, to be granted as a favour ; rofcrt Euj3oee K^x a P La ^ vf Qv[j.aj most wel- come to my heart ; Kfx a P Lff ^ vos Jj'A.flez' he came wished for, was welcome. Xdpifj, Dor. for \apiafi, 2 sing. fut. of xopi^ofjiai. X&pis [a], 77, gen. xaptTos : ace. \o.piv or x a P iTa : plur. X^piTfs, dat. pi. xopto"i Ep. x a p' lTfcfffl poet, also \a- piaci : (xaipca) -.favour, grace, Lat. gratia : I. outward grace, grace, loveliness ; x a P iV Karax^vai nvi to shed grace over one. 2. of things, a grace, a charm. II. grace or favour felt, either, I. by the Doer, kindness, good-will : or, 2 . by the Receiver, the sense of favour received, thanks, grati- tude ; esp. in phrases \apiv doevai to feel gratitude ; X&piv 6(j>i\eiv to owe a debt of gratitude, be be- holden ; x a P lv or X^ 47 * KaraOiffQai nvi to lay up a store of gratitude with a person, i. e. earn his thanks ; X^P IV fapfMurtiP to receive thanks. 3. influence, as opp. to force, Lat. gratia; xp'Tt irXfiov i) 6(3a) more by favour than fear. III. a favour done, a grace, kindness? boon ; \cLpiv <{>epfiv nvi to confer a favour on one : hence in phrases, x^P LV 04a6ai, Vfftfiv, dpdaai to confer a grace, favour, kindness. IV, a gratification, delight; tri y plea- sure or sake, Lat. mea, tua gratia. 2. ets x<*P iV TIVGS to do one a pleasure ; irpos x^P LV ^yfiv TIVI to speak to one for the sake of pleasing him ; but, irpos X^ptv fj.ds aapnos for the sake of my flesh, i. e. of devouring it. 3. \v \apin Kpivciv TWO. to decide from partiality to one. 4. oia x a p' iT w flvai or -yijvfadai nva to be on terms offrietidship or mutual favour with one. VI. in Mythology, at Xoptres the Cbarites or Graces, were the goddesses who confer all grace, even the favour of Victory in the games : three in number, Aglaia, Euphrosyne, Thalia. Xapicrp.a, aros, TO, (xo.pi^ofj.ai) a grace, favour : a free gift, grace. xSpto-o-ao-Ocu, Ep. aor. I med. inf. of \apiofuu. Xapio-TT|pios, ov, (\apifrfJLai) in token of thanks- giving. II., as Subst., x a P lffl "hP lov i ro i a grace, gift. 2. TO. x a p iCfT ^lP ta (sub. t'epct), thank-offerings. XapiTta, 77, (xP's) a jest, joke. XapiTO-p\6(j>apos, ov, (Xapis, @\f(papov') with eye- lids like the Graces. XaptTO-YXw Att. -TTC&), f. 770-0;, (x<*pi s aa) to speak to please, gloze with the tongue. XapiTOco, f. woo), (xopis) to shew favour or grace to- anyone : Pass, to be highly favoured. XaptT-wTnrjs, es, (x a pi- s , ^} graceful of aspect: fern, XaptTums, iSos. Xpo>v, ovos, u, 77, (xapAt a - Xer]Tida>, like x fff *' loj > Desiderat. of X e 'iX to w ^ to ease oneself. XE'ZH : f. x f( rvfA ai ' P^- Kfxooa : aor. I f^fffc. : aor. 2 x 6oroi/ ' pf- P ass - Kfx eff ^o-i- to ease oneself: Pass., , f. avSf, (xct/ia) distress by a storm or tempest : Pass, to be driven by a storm, be tempest- tost. II. intr. to be stormy. Xet|j,apos, o, (x^r/ia) a plug in a ship's bottom, drawn out when the ship was brought on land, to let out the bilge-water. Xei|xdp-poos, ov, Att. contr. -povs, ovv : (xffya, pfca} : winter-flowing, swoln in winter ; x fl f jL< ^PP os iroTajjios a mountain-stream or torrent swoln by rain and melted snow. 2. as Subst., X^AWW 01 ' 8 * <>> a water-drain, conduit. II. wintry, stormy. or x e ip"7 the winter- season ; fj,T]Vs x fl fA f P l( * jraT l the most wintry, i. e. most stormy, months ; d/rrct x fl t* f p' ta Kvp.aToirX'fifc a shore lashed by the waves of winter : metaph., x ei ~ fjiepia \virrj raging pain. Generally, x ft f jt ^P tos an ^ Xfipepivos are distinguished thus : x fl t**P los wintry, like winter, stormy; x fl ^P lv ^ s wintry, in winter-time. Xino-0vr)s, 77TOS, 6, 77, (xr/ia, 6vriOK(a) frozen to death. XCIJJLCJV, wvos, 6, (xf^a) ivinter, the season of win- ter ; TUV xtW&va during ivinter; xA*wos in winter' 780 time. II. wintry weather : a storm, tempest ; Xeipuv voTfpos a storm of rain. 2. metaph. storm, fury : also great distress or suffering, XeijA'-ovo-Tviros, ov, (x 6i t JL ^ JV > TUTTTOJ) beating tempes- tuously. XEI'P, 77, gen. x l P s ' pl ur > X 6 *P 6S X < P* ri/ > X e P ff ' 1 ' Ion. decl., x t/ P X P" S X e P<> X fc 'P a > X*P etc. : but gen. and dat. dual are x f P? v (rarely x^pofr) even in Att. : Ep. dat. pi. x ' l P fffl an ^ X ( ' l P affi ' fbe hand, or rather the hand and arm, the arm ; aitpa. x^p the hand; x 'P ffiorjpd an iron hand, i. e. a grappling-iron, grapnel. 2. x 6 'P is often joined with 8ei6s and >6s, to mark the side on which a thing is ; see jos, 5cios. 3. to denote act or deed, as opp. to mere words ; e-rreaiv KOI x*P<*^ v &pM* iV to assist with word and deed; irpofftytpetv x f fy as to a PPty force ; of deeds of violence, x^'P*" 7 px tl/ to begin the fray. 4. like Lat. manus, a number or &o * v X P^> i n one ' s ^ac? or hands, and so in one's power : but also in warlike sense, cv X f p ff ' 1 m the fray, in close fight, Lat. cominus. 4. fls x e *P a s tXfleri' to fall into anyone's hands or power, but also to come to blows. 3. c/c x i P^ s OM * ^ hand, offhand; airo x i P^ s hoytffaaOai to reckon o^ hand, roughly. 6. Trpj x l P^ v a ^ hand, in readi- ness. 7- ^ 7r ^ x et P" s or X et P"-' {/ > under the hands, under the power ; cp. i7roxctptos. K (x ef/ P "7P a ) ^""^ m the feet. >, f. 770-0;, /o teac/ 5y ^e ^aa?. From ov, (x e 'P> a-ycy) leading by the hand : as Subst., x fl P a y j y s i > ne that leads by the hand. Xip-airTao>, f. dcrcy, (x f/l P> 7rTa; ) ^ touch with the hand, take in hand, handle. i, xeipctro-i, Ep. dat. pi. of x 6 'P- TOS, ov, (x ct 'p) having sleeves, sleeved, of the tunic : the \nuv without sleeves was called , ov, (x f ip) in the hands, in the power of, subject, cap'ive. XeipCs, ioos, f], (x ct 'p) a covering for the hand, a glove : also a covering for the arm, a sleeve. Xstpicrros, 77, ov, irreg. Sup. of x c ' i P OJV ^ worst, Lat. pessimus : ol X^P^TOI men of lowest degree. XLpo-j3o\!o>, f. rjffoj, (x t/ p ^SaAcfj/) to throw with the hand. XSipo-Ypa^ 05 * ov, (x ct 'p> ~ypa T "J a handwriting, written decree. , ov, (x f ' l p, 5afcu) slain by the hand. , ov, (Sf'iKvv^i) pointed out by the hand, Lat. digito monstratus : manifest, confessed. X^ipo-StKTjs, ov, o, (x et 'p St7y) one who asserts his right by force of hands, who uses the right of might, [i] Xipo-8pa.Kcov, OI'TOS, 6, (x e 'P ^pa/cwr) with serpent- hands or arms, [a] X-po-Tj0T]S, cs, (x e 'P ^ os ) accustomed to the hand, manageable, esp. of animals, tame, Lat. mansuetus : used or habituated to a thing : submissive, obedient. Xipo-p.aKTpov, TO, (x'P P-aaaoj) a cloth for wiping the hands, a towel, napkin, Lat. mantile : the Scy-. thians used scalps as x Cl P^t JLaKT P a - * b> > f- l f)0 J , to fight -with the hands. From ov, (x e *P> t^o-xo p-o-i) fighting with the hand. Xipo-p.iJ\t), 77, (xeip, ^vXij) a hand-mill, [v] Xci-povop.a), f. ?jo"cu, (xctpoyofcos) to move the bands to a certain time or order; aic&coi x fl -P ovo P-^ v ta gesticulate with one's legs as though with one's arms. Hence XpovO|tCa, rj, measured motion of the hands, gesti- culation. Xipo-voji.os, ov, (vfpw) moving the hands regularly, gesticulating: as Subst., x^/>ov<$/ios, o, Lat. panto- mimus, a pantomimic performer. Xc-'-povcos, Adv. of X*ff>tWi worse. Xipo-7r\T]9T|S, cs, (x t/ P. T(i^TT\ri^C) filling the hand, as large as can be held in the hand. Xsipo-Troucjxcu, f. r)ffOfj.ai, Dep. to make or do by hand. Hence XeipOTroiTjTOs, ov, made by hand, artificial : made on purpose. Xeipo-oxx^os, ov, (x e 'P ffo, f. "fiata, (x*tpoT Tetvoj) stretching out thehands ; ' of prayers, offered with outstretched bands. Xetpo-Tuirqs, fs, (x f ' l P> Tt/Trefi>) striking with the bands. Xtpovpyw, t.f)GQ),(x*<-povp"(us} to d with ^ e hands, ' execute ; to commit acts of violence. Hence \ipovpyla, f), a working by hand, practice of a handicraft or art. II. a trade, business. Xeip-oupyos, ov, (x*ip, *ep7cu) working or doing by band, practising a handicraft or art. 2. as Subst., X^ipovpyos, 6, a chirurgeon, surgeon. Xeipou, f. o}aap.i]v : Pass., fut. xfipaidrjaof^ai : aor. I txzipwOrjv : pf. Ktx f ip ct} t iai : (x t 'p) ^ ^^ * n hand, handle : to get into one's hands, to master, subdue, take pos- session of: to take prisoner: Pass. x fl P v l Jiai i to be mastered, subdued, led captive, taken prisoner. Hence Xipo>p,a, aros, TO, that which is done by hand ; rvfjL- fioxoa x (l P^ J P jara offerings to the dead poured by one's own hand. II. that which is brought into one's hands or under one's power, a conquest. 2. a deed of violence. Xipa>v, 6, f), neut. ov; gen. ovos: plur.,nom. and ace., \fipovfs, x f ' l P vas contr. x f ip ovs t neut. x (/l P va contr. X.tipo> dat. X 'P offl Pet. x fl P ovf(TGL ' Ep. X 6 P ^ a)V 9 ov: Dor. XpT| X e P tl -' Tf P os ' irreg. Comp. of/ra/fds (formed from *xf'p'7 s ) : worse, meaner, inferior : the comparative force sometimes almost disappears, esp. with a negat., as, ov n x^P^ iOV cv 01/577 Seivvov (XeaOai, 'tis not z7/ to take one's meal in season ; so, ov x f ^ v '[O-TI] it is well : of persons, u xtipw one f lower degree ; of x f ' l P ovfs men f loiuer degree : em TO x^ipov TpfirfffOai to fall off. II. X^ipov, as Adv., worse. See x e ' l P lffTOS ' Xctpcov, ojvos, 6, Cheiron, one of the Centaurs, teacher of Aesculapius, Achilles, Jason, etc. ; famous for his skill in surgery (whence his name, cf. x fl P ov P~ 705). Xcip-wva|, a/rros, o, (x e 'P> <*Va) one who is master rf his hand, a handicraftsman, artisan, mechanic, like tMTrrjs ava : also as Adj., Tras o x* l P& va ^ f( ^ s a ^ the mechanic sort. Hence X6vp-o>vaia Ion. -Crj, 7^, skill in workmanship, handi- craft, trade. Xeipwvis, t'Sos, fern. Adj. of Cheiron : as Subst. (sub. /3t'/3Aos) a book on surgery. Xeipwros, rj, ov, verb. Adj. of \fipu(a, subdued : to be subdued. X6L(ro|xai, fut. of x av ^ VOi - X*u>, Ep. for xX to pour. XeXlSoi, irreg. voc. of xeXifiuv, as if from xf^tSw. X6\i8ovif[a), f. iffca Att. to), (x*^iS&v} to twitter like n swallow : to speak unintelligibly, to speak a foreign language. XcXlSovtov, TO, (xf^-fSttv) swallow-wort, celandine, of which there were two kinds, x^Soi/toj/ icvavcov (or y\avKtv) and x^pw- Properly neut. of , or, (xeA.tSfc'i') of the swallow, like the 781 swallow : coloured like the swallow's throat, russet brown. XcXiBovicrjia, OTOS, TO, (xeAtSoi/t^aj) the swallow- song, an old popular song at the return of the swallows. , ovos, f] : irreg. vocat. x^So? (as if from : the swallow, Lat. hirundo. The twitter- ing of the swallow was a proverbial expression for fiweign or barbarous speech ; for x ( ^6vQ3v ftov- oda, see /xovcrefoi' : proverb., [ua x A.tSojj' cap ov HOKI one swallow does not make a summer. II. the frog in the hollow of a horse's foot. XeXvvt] [0], 57, (xftXos) the lip ; x f ^ vr } v tcrOiftv vir' opjTjs to bite the lip from passion. II. Aeol. for XE'AY V 2, vos, ff, a tortoise, Lat. testudo : Mercury made the first lyre by stretching strings on its shell : hence 2. the shell or lyre itself, Lat. testudo. II. the arched breast, the chest. XXu)VT], f], (x^'Avs) a tortoise : proverb., loi x f ^ vai fjLaKapiai TOV oe pharos oh tortoises, happy in your thick hides! 2. the shell of the tortoise. II. the lyre: see x^" s - HI. as a military term, a pent-house formed of shields overlapping each other as in a tortoise's back, the Roman testudo, used by storming parties in approaching a city's walls : hence a shed or moveable roof for protecting besiegers. X6vas, poet, for x^ as acc - P^ f xh v - , TO, a kind of quail. XE'PA" AO2, TO, the gravel and silt brought down by rivers, shingle. XEPA'2, doos, 77, doubtful form of x>c5os. Xcpia, see x^s. Xcpetorepos, a, ov, Ep. Comp. for x ( p f ' lojv - XepeCcov, 6, 77, neut. x f 'p etoI/ 5 poet, for x c 'P ft; '' worse. \epfa-a-i, poet, for x f P fft '> ^ at - P'- or ^ X*' L P- XETH2, an obsol. Adj. from which the irreg. Com- paratives x f ' l P cav an d X ( P f ' l(t3V are formed, used in dat. X^p-qi ; acc. X 6 '/"7 a >' nom - P'- XW S 5 acc - neut - XW 01 or x*P fia ' X'P 1 ! 5 i tse lf nas a comparative sense, weaker, worse, inferior. i]0jv, oi/, gen. ovos, Dor. for x P e/LCs}V - aprjs, ou, o, (x t/ P a.pap*iv} fitting with the hand. \fpl-$\>p-f]s, Is, gen. eos, (x*'P> ^t'po;) mixed or kneaded by hand. ^' = X f P/ jl< ^ s t properly neut. of x ( p^tos. , ov, of the size of a large stone, fit for throwing, [a] From x PH-^ s ' ^ os > ^ fl ftone or ^ r ^ pebble, for throw- ing or slinging, a ding-stone. (Deriv. doubtful : either from x*P a ^ os or f rom X // P a s/one /^a^ can be grasped in the hand.} Xpp.a0"rf|p, 7?pos, o, (x^P/^os) fl slinger : as masc. Adj., x fl f* aaT TlP P<- V U S the leather q/ a sling. Xc'pvrjs, T?TOS, o. (xf'p) one who lives by the work of his hands, a day-labourer : a poor, needy man. II. as Adj., poor, needy. 78.2 XcpvfjTis, tSos, fern, of x f P v 'H Tr l s ^ a workwoman, a woman that 'works for her daily bread. Xp-vl|3etov and \ep-vipov, TO, (x 6t P vifa) a vessel for water to wash the hands, a hand-basin. X^pvCirTojxai, f. ^o/zat, Med. to wash one's hands with holy water: to sprinkle or purify with holy water, Lat. lustrare. From Xp-vu|/, #*os, 77, (x e 'P v' l &) hly water to wash or fprutkle the hands before a sacrifice. II. plur. X^pviflts, purifications with holy water ; fipyeaOai X*pvi& ii^ffaca) stricken by or with the hand. Xepos, Ion. and poet. gen. of x^P- Xpp6-vT| ov > dr J> firm, of land ; x*P ffos Eupwira the mainland of Eu- rope. 2. dry, barren, waste, hardened: x*P ffa waste places. 3. c. gen. barren or destitute of. X e puBpiov, TO, Dim. of x f ' l P> a little hand or arm. X^o'ciw, Desiderat. of x* ffoj , to want to case oneself. Xcvai, \evav, \*vf, Ep. inf., 3 plur., and 3 sing. aor. I of x'w. Xetijia, arcs, TO, (x&w) that which is poured: a stream. II. that into which water is poured, a basin, bowl. X^iJOfJiev, Ep. for x&Vj', I pi. aor. I subj. of x e/y - vw, Ep. fut. and aor. i subj. of x'. XE'Xl, fut. x*> Ep. xevta: aor. I ex* Ep. cr x e ^a; imperat. x* ov Ep. x f vov; su bj- X* Ep. Ep. I pi. j(vofj,fv ; inf. x* ai Ep. x c ^ a 'j part. x eas Ep. x fvas : Ep. aor. I med. x*vd[A7)v : Pass., f. x#- OTjao/jLai : aor. I e%vdr)v [i/] : pf. /cex^at [v] : 3 sing. Ep. plqpf. Ktx vro ' also Ep. aor. 2 c^vurjv [u], used in 3 sing. 4'xvro, x^ TO 3 pi- %X VVTO > X^ vr0 ^ P ai "t. Xvptvos : to pour : of liquids, to pour out, shed, spill : Pass, to be poured forth, flow, stream, gush forth. 2. to become liquid, melt, dissolve : so of the ground after rain, to be softened, relaxed : Med. to pour for oneself, esp. of drink-offerings to the dead : c. ace. cognato, x*l v X c *^ at v^KiifffaL to pour forth a libation to the dead. II. of solids, to pour or shoot out, shed, scatter : also, like x^* to throw up earth, so as to form a mound ; TVH&OV x** LV to raise a mound. 2. x* iv SoSpa to pour or shower spears. 3. to let fall or drop : Pass, to be thrown or heaped tip together : of men, to pour or stream in a dense mass. III. metaph. of sounds, to pour, let stream or flow. 2. dx^vv KO/T to shed darkness over the eyes ; so, X 6/ctI/ a mist abroad : Pass, to be spread or flung around; dju d\wTrr)) the fox-goose, an Egyptian species, living in holes, like our sheldrake, XTjvcios, a, ov, (xn v ) f or belonging to a goose, like a goose, Lat. anserinus. XT|vos, 77, ov, Ion. for xh vLOS - Xf)vicricos, 6, (xfy} the end of a ship's stern which turned up like a goose's neck. X"npa Ion. X'HP 7 !' ^ see X^P 05 - XHPA'MBH, 77, a kind of muscle. XT)pafJio-8iJTT]S, ov, o, (xfjpa.fj.6s, St'cu) one ivho creeps into holes, [y metri grat.] XHPA V MO'2, 6, a hole, cleft, gap, hollow. ', Ep. 3 sing. aor. I med. of x<"'pa>. , 77, (x?7pev) want, need, destitution; mostly in dat., x 7 ? 7 "" TOIOV o" dvoposfrom want or /oss of such a man ; x 7 ? 7 " 4 (I n - dat. f X^ Tts ) from need of allies. Hence XT)TOO-uvir|, 77, ivant, need, destitution. XT)0a, Dor. for Kal rj(f>0r), 3 sing. aor. I pass, xOofyxdXos, T), ov, (x/u) near the ground, on the ground, low, sunken, flat. X@E'2, Adv., lengthd. exO^s, yesterday ; irpwrjv re Kal x^ e/s or X^" * a ^ irpunjv yesterday and the day before, i. e. the other day. Hence X06 (/yesterday; 6 X^i^os irovos yesterday' s labour : mostly used with Verbs, as, x^ L C os '^ r J ^ e wen t yesterday : the neut. X0io" and x^C are use ^ as Adv., = x^ e ' s > of yester- day ; x^ 4 C" TC ^o* TV^'C 13 yesterday and the day be- fore, lately, like x^ ' irp^v. \Q6 vtos, a, oi/, also os, ov, (xQdw) in or under the earth : esp. of the gods below ; Oeol x^vioi the gods of the nether world, Lat. Inferi ; x^^ vios 'Eppfjs Hermes con- ducting below the earth. II. of or from the earth. X0ovo-crriiJ3T|S, e's, (x9vv, ffriftfTv) treading the earth, on or of the earth. X0ovo-Tp<|>T|S, *s, gen. eos, (xduv, rpftfxa) nourished by or growing on earth. X0I1'N, r), gen. x^ ovos -> ( be earth, ground; \Qova. ovvai to go beneath the earth, i.e. to die; viro x^ ovus KfKfvOtvai to be hidden under the earth, i. e. to be buried. i. ol VTTO x^ ov ^ s those beneath the earth, i. e. those in the shades below, Lat. inferi. II. Earth, personified as a goddess. III. a particular land or country. XFAPON, TO", pi. X'Spa, TO., a dish of unripe wheaten groats toasted : as aXtyiTa is a dish of barley groats. 783 , Adv., (x/Atot) a thousand times, [a] XiXi-avSpos, ov, (xtA-tot, av-qp) containing a thou- and men. Xi\t-xpXT]S or xiM-apXS 5 ou, d, (xt'Atot, apx>} the commander of a thousand men. II. used to ranslate the Roman tribunus mililum, a legionary tri- bune. Hence fj, the office or post of xiA*pX s > com ~ nand of 1000 men. XiXids, ados, 77, (xt'Atot) the number one thousand, : thousand. XiXt-Ttjs, ov, 6, or x i Xt-TTjs, tos, 6, 17, (xtAtot, ;'TOS) lasting a thousand years. XI'AIOI, at, a, a thousand, Lat. mille : the sing, is used with collective nouns, as, x i ^ a twos a thousand aorse, like pvpia. i'mros, etc. XiXto-vavs, (&s, o, 77, (x'A-tot, raus) of or consisting of a thousand ships. Tjs, oy, 6, Dor. -T&S, (xtA-tot, vavrijs} with or of a thousand sailors : with fern. Subst., x L ^ i0va v- ri]S dparffj the help of a thousand ships. t, Adv. (x'Atot, wdXat) long ago a thou~ sand times over, very long ago. XiXioo-Tos, 17, 6v, (xi^ioi) the thousandth. XiXtocrrvs, vos, 17, (x*A.iot) the body of a thousand. XI'AO'S, ov, 6, green fodder for cattle, esp. for horses, forage, provender, grass; irpotpx^oOai km t^ov to go on to forage ; x i ^ s ^P^ s bay. Hence XiXoco, f. waca, to turn out to graze. XL}xcupa [t], ?), a she-goat, Lat. capra, fem. of x '/"*- pos. II. as prop, n., Xipaipa, 77, Chimaera, a monster breathing fire, with a lion's head, serpent's tail, and goat's middle, killed by Bellerophon. .Tir]S [**] ov ' ^ (X'-f J - ai P a ' ft a 'w>) epith. of Pan, he who mounts goats, or goat-footed. Xi|AO,ipo-0VTT]S, ou, 6, (x^cupa, 6vca) one who sacri- fices goats. Xi|iaipo-<|>ovos, ov, (xipatpa, *j/) of snow, snowy. \iovi VI C* i ( as snowing. Xtovo-/3/\t'4>apos, ov, (xiuv, 0\e(papov) with eye of dazzling white. Xiovo-pXTjTOS, ov, (x i uv, /3aA.A.a>) beaten or covered with snow. i ^" / . &6ffKta) fostering snow, snow-clad. Xiovo-Qpejjifiuv, ov, gen. ovos, (xtwc, 0pe/*/xa) feed- ing snow, snow-clad. XIOVO-KTUTTOS, oi/, (xtfc" 7 , KTVir(OJ) snow-beaten. Xiovo-Tp6os, of, (xwi 7 , Tpapos and l^anov. X^ aiv iov, TO, Dim. of x^- a " /a > a- small cloak. xXaivoa), f. wffca, (xA-Q^a) to clothe or cover with a cloak : generally, to clothe. Hence xXaivajjjta, OTOS, TO", a clothing, covering. xXajjtv8iq- <>> a horseman, cavalier. xXS^S-ovpYta, 77, (xAa/xvs, *epyca) the making of cloaks, the art or trade of a cloak-maker. xXaavs, vSos [8], 77. a short cloak or mantle, worn by horsemen : generally, a military cloak, the gene- ral's cloak, Lat. palitdamentum. It was fastened by a brooch on the right shoulder so as to hang over the left. (Akin to x^- a " /a -) xXavtStov, TO, Dim. of x^ ai/t ' s a small cloak or coverlet. [vi~\ xXavlSo-iroita, 77, (xA.ai/ts, Trote'co) the art or trade of cloak-making. xXavts, tSos, 77, (xAa/a) an upper garment of wool, like the x^- a ^ va t but of finer make : worn by women as well as men : hence x^ av ^ a Qoptiv, to wear the X^o-vis, was a mark of effeminacy. xXavurictBiov [KI~\, or xXavtcrKtov, TO, and xXavi- O-KOS, 6, Dim. of x^ av .' ts > a small cloak. XXeudco, f. do*cu, (x^-fu?;) to joke, jest, scoff". II. trans, to mock, scoff at, jeer, treat scornfully. Hence xXevatria, 77, and xXevcwrfios, o, mockery, scoffing. XAET'H, 77, a joke, jest; x^- c ^ 7 7 l/ iroitiv or Troifi- ffOai riva to make one a jest. XAETAO2, o, slime, mud: the dirt and rubbish carried down by a flood ; also rubbish swept out of a house, Lat. quisquiliae. xXiaivo), f. ovS) : aor. I IxXt^j/a : (x^-ta;) : to make warm: Pass, to warm one&elf : to grow warm. II. to soften by warmth, melt. xXiapos, a, ov Ion. xXicpos, rj, 6v, (x^- t/ft; ) warm, lukewarm, Lat. tepidus. xXtSaivu), (xAtS?7) to make soft or delicate : Pass. to be luxurious or delicate, revel in luxury. X\t8av6s, -f], ov, (x^tSdcy) delicate, voluptuous, lux- urious. xXiBdto, f. 170*0;, (x^'^i^) to be soft or delicate: in bad sense, to live delicately or luxuriously, to revel, luxuriate; x^'Scti/ firi TIVI to pride oneself upon a thing : hence to be insolent or arrogant. xXlBTj, 77, (xAicu) delicacy, luxury, voluptuous- ness. 2. wantonness, insolence, arrogance. 3. any sign or accessory of luxury: in plur.^ne raiment, .costly ornaments, Lat. deliciae : also charms, beauty. xXi8T)jJUi, OTOS, TO, xXiepos, 77, ov, Ion. xXioco, Ep. for xA^ a> - XAT.Q, only used in pres. and impf., to become warm or soft, melt: metaph. to be luxurious, to revel, luxuriate, [i] see x^oV e's, (x^-^ 0^7^) with a greenish lustre. d, ov, poet, lengthd. for x^ c p6s. xXopo-Tp6(|)Os, ov, (xAoepos, rpe^oj) producing green herbs, grass-growing. xXoep-wms, i8os, 77. (x^oepos, w^) greenish looking. XAO'H, 77S, and xXoa, as, also Ion. xXoiTj, ^, the tender shoot of plants in spring, the blade of young corn or grass: poet, the young verdure of trees, fo- liage, leaves. xXorj-KOfjieo), f. 770-0), (x^n> tfA7) to be green as a young leaf. xXo-T)pt]s, fs, (x^ 7 !* apSpeTv} = x^ocpos, x\ojp6s. xXorj-TOKOs, ov, (\\6r], Tftcciv) producing young \ shoots. xXoi]-4>6pos, ov, (x*-oJ7 $?*>) putting out young shoots, bearing grass or leaves. xXoido), (x^oiT)) Ion. for x^ oaoj - xXoii], 77, Ion. for X^-orj. xXotJvTjs, ov, 77, Epic epith. of the wild boar, taken to mean feeding or living alone : later as Subst. = Karrpos, the wild boar itself. (Deriv. uncertain.) xXoims, 77, a doubtful word in Aesch. Eum. 189,, commonly derived from X^ ur li and taken to mean green age, i. e. youth, freshness. \\up-avxr\v, tvos, o, 77, (xAcupos, avxfjv) with pale green or olive neck, of the nightingale : see ~x\apr]is. xXcopijCs, ioos, poet. fern, of xAcwpos, for x^^P^ P a ^ e green, olive-green, epith. of the nightingale. xXcopo-KOjAOS, ov, (xAoy>os, #o/7) green-leafed. xXcopos poet. xXoepos, d, ov, (x^ 7 ?) /> a ^ green, light-green, bright green, green, of the colour of young grass : also of the colour of honey and sand, yellow. II. generally, pale, pallid. HI. without regard to colour, green, fresh, as opp. to dry; rvpbs xA the iron box of & wheel in which the axle turns, the nave, also the axle it- self. 2. metaph., x voai voduv the joints on which the feet are set. Xvo'ios, a, ov, (xvuos} downy. XNO'O5 Att. contr. x vo ^S, gen. \vov, 6, any light, porous substance, the foam of the sea: the fine down or bloom on the peach : the first down on the chin, like axvft. ace. of x^os, X^ s - etiaj contr. xwvevto, to cast metal. From contr. x6pos, ov, (x 01 ?j (f)(po)) bearing drink-offerings. Xoi'xos, 17, tv, (x^ s ) of rubbish, of earth or clay. XOIVLKIS, iSos, -i], (x " 7 '^) an iron ring. XOivi|, tivos, 17, a choenix, a dry measure, containing three KorvXai (about l pint Engl.) or four KOTV\CU (about a quart) : the cboenix of corn was a slave's 785 daily allowance ; os tcev fjtrjs yf X' IVIKOS OLTTT^TOI whoever tastes of my rations. II. from the shape, the box or nave of a wheel. 2. a kind of shackle or stocks for fastening the legs in. Xoipds, dSos, 77, (xofpos) a low rock rising above the sea, like a hog's back, Virgil's dorsum immane mart summo; xotpas apvopd a sunken rock; x l P as ATfAta the Delian rock, i. e. the rocky isle of Delos. II. XOipdSes, of, glandular swellings. X a little pig, porker. Xoipuricos, o, Dim. of xofpos, = x l p' LOV - XOipo-icop,6iov, TO, (xofpos, Koj^foa) a fence for keep- ing swine in, a pig-sty. Xoipo-Krevos, ov, (xoipos, KTftvcu) slaying swine. II. XoipotCTOvos, pass, of or belonging to a slain swine; aifia x l P OKT0 ^ov blood of a slain swine. XOipo-iro>\irjs, ov, 6, Dor. ircoXas : (xofpos, Tra 1 - Aea>) : a dealer in swine. XOI"PO2, o, a young pig, porker, Lat. porcus : generally, a pig. XoXds, d5os, ?), (x ^) i n plur. xoAaSes, the bowels, intestines. XoXdco, (xo^) like fif\ayxo^doj, to be full of black bile, to be melancholy mad. ll. xo\6ofji.ai, to be angry, rage. XOAH', j7,=, X o'Aos, gall, bile, Lzt.fel, bilis; (j.e\aiva black, i. e. diseased bile : pi. bladder. II. metaph. like Lat. bilis, anger, wrath, bitterness : anything which causes disgust or aversion. XO'AI3, IKOS, 77, mostly in plur. xM K * s AdScs, the entrails or bowels of oxen, tripe. XoXios, a, ov, also os, ov, (xoAos) enraged, angry. XO'AOS, 6, like x ^ H1 physical sense, gall, bile, I though this sense was mostly confined to X ^ 7 ?- H- I bitter anger, wrath, Lat. bilis; x^ ov tr&fffat, iravo~ai, to smother, get rid of wrath: c. gen., x^ os TWOS either rage towards another or another's rage towards oneself. Hence XoX6o), f. dxrca, to stir one's gall or bile : hence to make angry, embitter. II. Med. and Pass., f. XoAwao^at, paullo-post fut. 6xoAwo*o^at : aor. I med. x^- Cl} o'dfjiTjv, pass. IxoAtO^^v. pf. pass, ufxo^oj- IJ.ai : to have one's bile stirred, be angered or embit- tered ; Kfxo^ojfjifvos Tivi angry at or with a person. XoXooOeis, efo"a, tv, aor. I pass. part. XoXc60T]v, Ep. aor. I pass, of XoXu)(Tp.v, Ep. fut. inf. XoXcoros, 77, 6v, verb. Adj. of xoAocu, angry, wrath- ful, passionate. XovSpos, o, a corn, grain, groat, Lat. granum, mica; dAos x ov ^P l lumps of salt. 2. wheat-groats. -J. x~ 786 a drink made from groats, a kind of gruel: proverbial of an old man, xoVSpoi/ \fixfiv to sip gruel. XovSpos, o., oV, (xoVopos) like groats ; \ov^pol aA.es coarse-grained salt, opp. to ACTTTO^ aAts, fine salt. Xoos, see x^ s - \op-a.yiov, \op-cLy6s, Dor. and Att. for xoprff-. XopSevjxa, arcs, TO, a sausage or black-pudding. From XopSevco, f. ffca, (xP^7) ^ make into sausages : metaph., xP<> evfiV T vpdypaTa. to make mincemeat of state affairs. XopSrj, 77, a string of gut : the string or chord of a lyre. II. a sausage. XOpeia, 77, (xopeuw) a dancing : the choral dance. Xopcvp.a, OTOS, TO, (xopeucy) a choral dance. XopevTcov, verb. Adj. of xP evca : one must lead the choral dances, one must dance. ov, 6, (xopevcu) a choral dancer; 6eov the votary of a god. ; fut. -cvaca : aor. I -XOPO'2. Xop-Cap.{3os, o, (xopios, tanfios) in metre, a chori- ambus, i. e. a foot of four syllables, consisting of a chorius (or trochee) and iambus, as I-mro^ocijv. Xopucos, 77, ov, (xopos) of or for a choral dance; TO \opiKov the choral song. XOTION, TO, skin, leather, Lat. corium : Doric proverb., x a ^ f1TOV Xp' ica Kvva yevaai 'tis bad to let the dog taste leather, Horace's cants a corio nunquam absterrebitur undo. Xoptos, 6, (xopos) a metrical foot, = Tpoxafos or trochee, e. g. tTTTros. XOpo-8lSdaios, the leader of the chorus, because the older Tragic Poets not only taught, but led their own choruses. Xopo-if|0Tjs, es, gen. eos, (xopos, 7J0os) accustomed to the dance. Xopoi-0o\T|S, ts, gen. cos, (xopos, 0aAetV) rejoicing in the dance. X0poi-p.3va, 77, (xpos, /-tai/ta) a rage for dancing. " , a beating the ground in the dance, tXopevffa: Med., fut. fvffop.o.i '. aor. I !xpf vcrdfATjv : Pass., aor. I fxP fv ~ 0r)v : pf. exopeu^cn : (xopos): to join in the dance, to dance : to form a chorus, perform the part of j dancing : also in plur. From ~ chorus, esp. at a festival in honour of the gods : to \ \opoi-ruTros, ov, (xopos, Tvirtiv) beating the ground be one of a chorus. 2. metaph. to practise for the in the dance : dancing. II. xopotTUTros, ov, pass. chorus, hence to practise a thing, be versed in it : c. I played to the choral dance. ace. cognato, xP etas XP vfl1/ to P tne dance ; (ppoiyuov xopcvo'ofiat I will begin festivities with a dance : pass., KCx^P evTai ^7M" / our dance has been danced. II. trans, to celebrate with choral dances. III. Causal, to set dancing, to rouse or call to the dance. Xop7j-yo> Dor. xopSyw: f. rjaa: (xopios) : to lead a chorus. II. in Att. of the \op-q^os, to defray the cost of bringing out a chorus ; \opr]^^iv rals av- TOV Tjoovms to find money for one's own pleasures, to pay the piper : Pass, to have choregi found or sup- plied one ; xP T ]y^ ffil ' ^ v * wAou ov, 6, (x^pos, Tratcw) sporting in the choral dance, dancing merrily. Xopo-iroios, ov, (xopos, Trot tew) forming or arrang- ing a chorus : leading the dance. XOPO'5, ov, 6, properly a dance in a ring, a cir- cling dance: generally, a festive or choral dance, such as were danced on public festivals in honour of the gods. 2. a chorus, choir, i. e. a band of dan- Sfjftos the rich men act as choregi, but the i cers and singers, who performed such dances. people is supplied with them. supply: to equip or furnish abundantly with a thing. III. generally, to generally, a troop, band, company of persons; also of Hence Xopi]-yia, T], the office of at Athens, the defraying of the cost of the solemn public choruses, being the chief of the Athenian \eiTovpyiat. II. means and fortunes sufficient for the cost of a chorus : abundance of means, wealth, plenty. , 77, ov, (xoprjyos) of or for a xop^f^ '> l ctywi/es rivalry in bringing out choruses. Dor. and Att. x o P<*Y lov ' T o a f rehearsal for the chorus, the place where a chorus was trained. From Xp- n 1Yos Dor. and Att. xopa-yos, 6, (xopos. 77760- fxcu) one who leads the chorus, = KopvQaios : gene- rally, the leader of a train or band. 2. at Athens, one who defrays the cost for bringing out a cho- rus. II. generally, one who supplies the costs for any purpose. things, as, xP s OLOrpcav the company of the stars ; Xopos Ka\dfjicav a row of reeds. II. a place for dancing. The ancient Choral Dance of Greece, which originated among the Dorians, reached its perfection in the xP s KVK\IKOS performed at the Athenian Dionysia. This Chorus consisted of fifty persons. Hence arose the Attic Drama, which consisted at first of mere tales in the intervals of the Dance, told by a single Actor. The Chorus was then distin- guished into three principal kinds, the xopos rpayinos. consisting of twelve or fifteen persons, the KOJ^LIKOS of twenty-four, and the aaTvpitcos. When a Poet wished to bring out a piece, the Archon granted him a Cho- rus (xopo> fSuKf') the expenses of which were de- frayed by some rich citizen, hence called xopT/os* the Chorus was regularly trained by the Poet himself, who was hence called ), f. d6\T|TT]s, ov, 6, (xopos, cLxpeXccw) helping or cheering the chorus. \o\iv, inf. of x : see x&vvvfju. Xovvvv t JLl - >vs, 6 and f), gen. xos ; dat. x ot ''; acc. x^ct : plur. s, xpwv, xovo*t, x oas : but also, gen. x o< ^ s t acc - [a] (xe' w ) : liquid measure, Lat. congius, = 12 KOTv\ai or 6 sextarii, about 3 quarts. 2. oi Xoes A&e feast of Pitchers, the second day of the Athenian Anthe- steria, on the twelfth day of the month Anthesterion. o gen. xo> acc. x ovv > (X ' a) ) a bank, mound, heap of earth, earth thrown up so as to form a mound. Xoo), see Xpaivco, f. xP av & aor. I xP 5l/a : = XP aCt} > to slightly, Lat. stringo : hence to smear, paint. 2. metaph. to stain, soil, defile, pollute. Xpaurja>, (xpaoftcu) a Verb hardly used in pres., whence the following Ep. forms, fut. xp ai <*M ao} , m ^ XpatfffJ.r)af^fv : aor. I xpa^W'a : aor. 2 xP a i<*P- ov > 3 sing. subj. xpa'oy 1 ?? an d -T70"t, inf. \pa.iayniv : like dfjLvvca, to ward off somethingyrom one, Lat. defendo; o\fOpov nvi xpato-jueiV or xP aia 'fflffai to ward off" destruction from one. 2. c. dat. pers. only, to de- fend any one, help, aid, succour : with a neut. Adj., Xpo-tf iJi(Tv TI to assist or avail at all. Hence Xpaurp,T|LOv, TO, a means of help, remedy. Xpatcrp.7]{refXv, Ep. fut. inf. of xpafoy*""- Xpata'jjLT](ri, Ep. 3 sing. aor. 2 of XP a Xpao|xai, see XPA',fl (A), Aeol. \pa\)t>>, f. trey, to touch lightly, wound slightly, Lat. radere, stringere. XPATl (B), only used in impf. to fall upon, attack, annoy ; cmryepos of t'xpctc oaifjiow a hateful god vexed 787 will proclaim the counsel of Jove to mankind. 2. Pass, of the response, to be uttered, delivered; TO Xf]ffOfv the divine response. 3. Med. of the vota- ries, to consult a god or oracle: also in pf. pass, part., teexprjfJ-evos one who has consulted or has received an answer from a god or oracle ; xp*j ff Q a <- Tepi TIVOS to consult an oracle about a thing : more commonly c. opfvos f]/3aiov Tapcaiao to consult the shade of the Theban Tiresias : hence, XpTjffTrjpia), Lat. uti oraculo, whence conies the com mon sense of xpoo^wtt to use; see below. II. in aor. I IxpTjcra, pf. Kexpijua, with the pres. Kixpf]^i, this word has a different sense, to supply, hence to lend : in Med. KixpafMu, aor. 2 kxpriodp.r]v, to have furnished one, hence to borrow ; irooas xP*l aas i H- p.ara xp T ) ff Q-P fvos having lent feet and borrowed eyes. III. the Med. xpao|iai Ion. \pto\iai, is also used as a Dep., with pf. pass. KXpfjP La i in same sense, (see above XP^ 3) to vse > Lat. uti, c. dat. 2. metaph. in various relations, to be possessed of, shew, express a feeling or state of mind, to experience any- thing; (ppfffl yap Kfxp r ] T ' dyaOfiffiv for he was en- dowed with a kind disposition ; 6p~ffj or Ovfjicp oOat to indulge one's anger ; ffwrvxa, fvrvxa XP*7~ aOat, Lat. uti for tuna mala, prosper a, to be ill or well off; 6p.o\oyia xprjffOai to come to an agreement: tjjvrj KOL irpafffi xpv ff ^ ai to buy and sell : often pe- riphr. with a ^Subst. for the simple. Verb; as, popca XpfioOai to meet one's death, i. e. to die : also to prac- tise, pursue a trade, etc. ; xp^ft" T *X V P to folio a trade ; xP^ ff ^ ai a-vo^'ia, to practise lawlessness. 3. XpTJaQai nvi (is TI to use a thing for an end or pur- pose : also with a neut. Adj. as Adv., TI TOVTQ) ; what use shall I make of him ? XP'? "" TlVl OTI jSovAfTat TIS to make what use one likes of him ; aTTOpeW o TI xpi?o-Tat not knowing what to make of it. 4. of persons, to have intercourse or dealings with any one, have to do with him, treat, behave, con- duct oneself to ; xp*) ff 9 a ' 1 r <- v <- & s '*, ^ s to treat one as a friend or enemy: also, TIVI, like Lat. uti aliquo or uti aliquo familiariter, to be intimate with a man, to make use of his good offices; irapex* iv favruv TIVI xp^ ff ^ ai to place one- self at the disposal of another : absol., ot him. II. to be eager to do a thing; 2 sing. XPI? S friends. 5. absol., or with an Adv., oimu of Ilepffai such is the practice of the Persians. XPA'Xl (C), Ion. XP"> Ep. fut. xp'7' cu: aor. I exprjfra. : Med., fut. ~^prjaop.aL : aor. I fj-yv : Pass., paullo-p. fut. KfxpV<70[J.at, aor. i oOrjv : pf. Kfxprjff^ai and Kfxprjpai. XP ao} con ~ tracts ae into 77, as XP?7 S > XP^ m f- XT"?", etc., but Ion. into a, as XP? s i XP? XP^. etc - ' there are also special Ion. forms of Med., xp^ofj-at, xpff^', Xpfo^fvos, exp* ovro - Radic. sense, to give what is needful: i. Act., of the gods and their oracles, to give the needful answer, to proclaim, de- clare, pronounce ; xpriGu &ov\ty 6. c. acc. rei, xp**<*9 ai 81' dy~f(\wv to manage, transact everything by messengers. 7- tne P er ^- KfxpTjfMU with pres. sense, to be in need or want of a thing, c. gen. ; TOU K^xpfj^voi ; in want of what ? absol. as an Adj. needy, poor; but KfxpTjUtv 05 occurs in the regular sense of XP^f at > as ovp-fyopri ttexpTj- pevos having experienced a misfortune. 8. the aor. i pass. txP 1 ?^ 7 / 1 " has a pass, sense, 01 vfjfs OI/AC the ships were not used. Ep. shortened for XP e/6et > acc - ?' ot ~ XP 6 ' OS Ion. for xpijo'flcu, inf. 788 Xpeta 57? (xP^M at ) 7/se > kat. ws? ' s " advantage, ser- vice : ra ovolv els xpw things of no use or service : in plur. services. 2. using, usance, use; KTTJ- XP**' * deliver an oracle. a thing. III. a afefo; Xpftos ofy(i\(Tai /xoj a cfefo is due to me ; XP* OS a ' rro ~ SiSovai and dTroXa/z/Sdvetv to pay and recover debts ; rr)v ovaiav airaaav xpea KaTt\tir( he left all property in outstanding debts. 2. metaph. a debt, trespass, sin. 3. a debt, due, duty; Kara XP* OS according to what is due : hence a promise due, dp5s TIVCIV Xpeos to pay the debt, i. e. do the work, of a curse. Xpco>, Ion. for XP^ to deliver an oracle. Ep. XP U ^ g en - oos contr. ovs, 17 : (xpeos, : ivant, need, hence desire, longing, urgent wish, c. gen., XP 1 ^ * M** want, need of me ; iv' ov Xpfw TTfifffMTos fffnv where there is no need of a cable. 2. in phrase, XP L ^ J ittaverai want or neces- sity arises, c. ace. pers. ; riva XP*^ T^O-QV i'ltfi ; to whom doth necessity come so much? so also with yi'yvoiJiai and flfd, 4/ue Se XP f ^ Y l 7 VCTai Vr l^ s nee d of a ship comes upon me : ov8e n [niv xp e< ^ fffrai rvp.- fioxoTJs nor will need of a grave come upon him. 3. hence XP*^ IS often used without a verb expressed c. ace. pers., TtVre 5t crc xp f fc> [sc. inavft] wherefore does need [come to] thee, i. e. why must thou do so? so also c. gen., OUT* /*e ravrrjs xp f & Ti^^s no need of this honour [touches] me ; an inf. is also used, ovSe TI niv xP*w V( -& v tvi&aiventv nor does need at all [reach] him to embark on board this ship. [xp e 'a> in Homer is used as a monosyllable, xpu-] cvos, Ion. for xp^fos, part, of xpdoyuat. , TO, Ion. XP V indecl., but seldom used ex- cept in nom. and ace. : properly a part. neut. from (Ion. for XP"' )' = T ^ XP f " v yiivr6ai., that which an oracle declares, that which must be, fate, necessity ; xpe&v or XP 6 ^ ^o" 7 "' it is fated or neces- sary, it must be : absol. \ptwv, it being necessary, since it was necessary. 2. that which is expedient or right : absol. as Adv., ou XP 6 '*"' cpx eTC ve ru ^ e not rightfully, [y -, but sometimes poet. xpea> v as one long syllable.] XpecovTcu, Ion. for xpuvrai, 3 pi. of xpo/xi. Xp(os, TO, Att. for XP OS a debt. Xpwo"rqs,^ou, o, (xpt'cws) a debtor. Xpc-cu^eiAtTrjs, ou, 6, (xpe'^s, 60/Acu) a debtor. Xp-fj or xpT|, ^, = XP eta "> we ^ necessity. impers.: subjunct. xpp: optat. xptirj: inf. XP'?- poet, also XP^ ' impf. 6XP^ anc ^ XP'? 1 ' : )ut - (for part., see xP /yI/ ) : ^ zs fated, neces- sary : c. inf. it must, must needs be, it is good, fit, meet. 2. like 8cf, Lat. oportet, decet, c. ace. ptrs. et inf. ; one must needs do a thing, *'/ behoves or 6c- /s, zV is right and proper that one should do. Sometimes the inf. must be supplied from the con- text, as in the phrase ou5e ri ere XP 7 ?' as Ttrrre (*ax r l s diroiraveai ; ovoe ri ere XP*} why restest thou from the battle ? it behoves thee not (sc. a-nonaveadai ftd- X^s). 3. c. ace. pers. et gen. rei, ouSe Tt ae xptf u. aiSous thou ^as^ no longer need of shame. II. in a less strong sense, one may, one can ; irws xpy TOVTO Trepdaai ; how is one to get through this? III. TO fate, destiny. Xpfj, shortened for xP??C f - XpTj^to, used only in pres. and impf. XpT]tco : Dor. xpu^Sw and xPlJSSco : need, want, lack, have need of: absol. in part. XP?7- ifav, needy, poor. 2. to desire, long for : to ask, crave, desire, Lat. solicitare : c. gen. rei, to ask or demand a thing. 3. /*?) e'xpflC 68 Qaveiv, like /XT) w(j)e\es, thou oughtest not to have died, oh that thou hadst not . . ! 4. the part. XPI/C**"' ^ s use ^ absol. for et xP??'C et ' jf one wz'//, r/oe chooses: hence ZWA-&- zw^ ti/e//, well-inclined. , like XP^- 03 l > * deliver an oracle, foretell. , 77, Ion. for XP 6 ' a > wse > ^^- iH<, Ep. and Ion. for XPP&- Xpt]to"KO|j,ai, Ion. collat. form of xptto/tat, ^o wsf, make use of. XpTJ|Aa, aros, TO, (xpdo^at) a thing that one uses or weerfs : mostly used in plur. goods, money : proverb., Kpdaacov XP^^TCM superior to money, i.e. inaccessible to bribes. II. a thing, matter, business, affair, event; Kivtlv TTO.V xp^t^o. to set everything in motion, 'to leave no stone unturned:' a dealing, business, Ep. and Ion. (xp ct/ ) : to transaction, like Lat. res. 1. XP^ a is often ex- pressed to strengthen a phrase, as, ri xpW a > f r Tt ' J what? 3. xpr^ia. is also used to express something strange or unusual, fj.eya ovos xpr/p-a a huge monster of a boar ; TOV \(.ip.ljjvos xp^^ a dcpuprjTov the into- lerable violence of the storm : also to express a great number or mass, xprjp.a TTO\\WV dpfiicav, vtwv, etc., a vast amount of javelin*, ships, etc.; oaov TO xp7/^ a '^f oracular responses, napvuirojv what a lot of locusts ; peya. XPWP Act/cat - vdv a great host of Laconian women. XpT|}JLciTia), f. i&oj Att. to) : pf. #exP 7 7A w * Tt/fa : (XP 7 ?" /^a) : /o ofo or carry on business, have dealings : to negotiate, transact business. 2. to consult, debate, advise about a matter. 3. to give an answer after due deliberation : to warn solemnly : Pass, to be so- lemnly warned. II. Med. xp r if JMT ^ l Mii ) f'-iovpai, to transact business for one's own profit, to make motiey, enrich oneself: to transact business, have deal- ings with another. III. in late Greek, the Act. XprjfJiaTifa means to bear a title or name; xp r }^ ar ^ fl fiaaiXevs he takes the title of king; of naQrJTai \piff- Tiavol fxpfjP-dTiaav irp&Tov ev TT) 'A.vTio\eiq the dis- ciples bore the name of Christians first in Antioch. XpTjp-oiTtKos, 77, 6v, (xpfjfAa} of or/or money. XpTjjAo-Ticrts, ea-'s, 77, and TICW) transaction of business. 2 response: also a divine warning, a doing business for one's own gain gain, profit. XpT]p.d7UTTOv, verb. Adj. of make money. XpT)p.aTicmf|S, ov, o, (xprjfjiaTi^Qi) one who carries on bitsiness, so as to make money, a moneyed man, a man of business, tradeiman. Hence XpTip-ctTio-TiKos, 77, 6v, fitted for money-making ; Xpr]fJ-a.TiS6s, w, (xprjffpvs, worj} reciting oracles in verse: prophesying, prophetic: as Subst., xp?70>ia;5os, o, a soothsayer, prophet. Xptjo^ov, 2 sing. aor. I imperat. of Kixprjui, to lend. XpT|crTov, verb. Adj. of xpao/xat, one must use. XpT)crT6vop,ai, Dep. (xpijffTos) to behave kindly, be kind or merciful. Xpi]O'TTjpta,2[a), f. dffoj, like XP^' to S lve rac l e s, prophesy : in Med., like xP"- f- ai > t h ave an oracle given one, consult an oracle; xp r l ffTr }P l ^-C (ff ^ CLl & e V to consult a god ; Ipoiffi xp r ) ffl " r ]P i o-C fG ^ ai * consult victims. From XpTjcrTT|piov, TO, the seat of an oracle, such as Delphi. i. the answer of an oracle, oracular re- sponse. II. an offering made at the time of con- sulting an oracle, a sacrificial victim : metaph. a victim, sacrifice. Properly neut. of xp^^T^ptos. XpT|O'TT|pu>s, a., ov, also os, ov, (xpcuu) of or belong- ing to an oracle, oracular, foreboding, presaging. 2. of, Belonging to a prophet, prophetic. XpT|o~rTjs, ov, 6 : gen. pi. xP*} ffTOJV ( to distinguish it from ryr ^ iv t en - pi- of XpTJcris, fo;s, 7), (xpao/xcu) a using, employment, use made of a thing : in plur. uses. 2. power or means of using. 3. intimacy, acquaintance, Lat. usus. II. (Xpaoj c) an oracle. Xp"r]crp,oXccyd, f. r)s) : the surface of a body, the skin ; hence the body itself. II. the colour of the skin, the com- plexion ; \poidv a\\aaaciv to change colour : also the colour of a thing. Xpoio>, f.tffcu: contr. xpw<>,f-o"(y: (xpoct) : to touch or graze the surface, also generally, to touch : Med. Xpot^ofj-ai, to touch another person, to lie with. XpOfi&Sos, 6, a grating or creaking noise, jarring, gnashing, crushing. (Formed from the sound.) Xpovto>, f. i(T(a Att. to), (xpoVos) intr. to spend time, tarry : to continue or last long, hold out : c. part, to persevere in doing ; c. inf. to delay to do : absol. to linger, delay, be slow. II. to prolong, put off: Pass, to be prolonged or protracted: absol. to grow up. Xpovtos, a, ov, and Att. os, ov : (xpovos) : after a long time or interval, late. 1. for a long time ; Xpovius dfjLi d-rro fiopds I have been for a long time apart from food. 3. long, lasting long ; xp^vioi Tr6\efj.oL lasting wars: lingering, delaying: neut. pi. Xpovia as Adv., after a long time. XPO'NOS, b, time, indefinitely : also a certain time, a period, season, space of time : absol. in acc. Xpuvovfor a while; TTO\VV xpovov for a long time ; rov dei XP" VOV for ever ; 6\iyov xpovov in a short time : iroffov xpovov ; for how long f XP^ V V ' n time, at last. .;;. with Prepositions: dvd XP OVOV m course of time : 8ip, opos, 6, rj, (xpvffos, dop} = xpvadopos. Xpv(reo-irr\\T], TJKOS, 6, %, (xpvfffos, irrj\r]g) with helm or casque of gold. Xpvo-60--TrT|virjTOs, ov, (xpvffeos, irfjvrj) with woof of gold, inwrought with gold. Xpvcreos, 77, ov, and os, ov ; Att. contr. xp v ' o 'Cs, 77, ovv ; Ep. \p\xreios, 77, ov, (xpvcros) : golden, of gold, inlaid with gold: also gilded, gilt; xP vffo ^ v nva Iffrdvai to raise a statue of gold to one. 2. Xpvfffia p,ra\\a gold mines; see x.pvaetov. II. gold-coloured, of golden hue. III. metaph. golden, happy, blessed : hence the first Age of Man was the golden. [In Homer, xpvatri, \pvaf-qv, xpv~ creov, \pvatiQ}, etc. must be pronounced as spondees.] Xpvavos. Xpt)o-e6-crToX(ios, ov, or \pva-t6-trro\os, ov, (xf^~ afos, (TreAAa?) decked or dight with gold. OV, = XP vcr rfvfcTOS - Xpva.Xapos, ov, (xpvffeos, (f>d\apd) with trap- pings of gold. Xpvo-t]is, ioos, 77, patronym. of Xpvffijs, ov, o, daughter cf Chryses. Xpvo--Y)Xdc3TOS, ov, (xpvffvs, rj\a.KaTr)) with spindle or arrow of gold. Xpvtr-t|XaTOs, ov, (xpvffos, fKavvca) beaten out of gold, of beaten gold. Xpvs, ov, (xpvffos, r)via) with reins of gold. Xpvcr-Tipirjs, fs, gen. eos, (xpvffos, dpapefi/) furnished or decked with gold, golden. Xpvo"tSiov, TO. Dim. of xpvffiov, a small piece of gold. Xpvo-lov, TO, Dim. of \pva6s, a piece of gold, gold in general: anything made of gold, gold coin, money ; apyvpiov feat xpvffiov silver and gold money : but the generic term for money was dpyvpiov, as in Lat. ar- gentum. II. as a term of endearment, my little treasure ! XpiJo"ts, iSos, 77, (xpvaos) a vessel of gold. 2. a golden dress. Xpvovnjs [t], ov, 6, fem. xpvo-ins, toos, (xpvffos) like gold, containing a proportion of gold. XpvT|s, e's, (xpvffos, f3a(pfjvai) gilded, gold- embroidered. Xpv) welded or in- laid with gold. Xpvo-o-KO(JLT|S, o, Dor. -|xas, a, 6, (xpvffos, Ku^rf} he cf the golden hair : u Xpucro/co/ttis the golden-haired, for Apollo. XpiJcro-Kojxos, ov, (xpvuos, o/ir;) golden-haired : with golden plumage. 791 Xpvcro-KporaXos, ov, (xpvffos, ftporaXov) rattling or ringing with gold. Xpvcr6-Xi9os, 77, (xpvaos, \i0os) the chrysolith or gold-stone, a bright yellow stone, perhaps the topaz. Xpvo-oXo-yeco, f. rjqca, to talk of gold. U. to col' lect gold, i. e. money. From , ov, (xpvaos, Ae^cu) speaking of gold, ov, (xpvffos, Ao'yx 7 ?^ with golden spear. Xpi)cr6-Xoos, ov, (xpvffos, opocpr}) with golden roof or ceiling. Xpvcrop-pairis, toos, o, 77, (xpvffos, pams) with wand of gold. Xpvcrop-pirros, ov, (xpvffos, ptoj) flowing with gold, in a stream of gold. XPY~2O'2, ov, o, gold, Lat. aurum ; xP va ^ s K0 ^~ Acs gold wrought into vessels, gold plate; xP vffus dn((p9os refined gold ; Aev/tos ^-pvcros white gold, i.e. alloyed with silver. Xpticro-(rT<}>avos, ov, (xpvffcs, arf (XP vff v s > ffTuf* -) of golden mouth, dropping words of gold. Xpucr6-crTpO(|>o3, ov, (xpvffus, ffTpetyca) twisted with gold : of a bow, strung with twisted gold. *" xpvcro-TKT(ov, ovos, 6, a worker in gold, goldsmith. Xpvo-orepos, a, ov, Comp. Adj. formed from XP"- ffos, more golden. Xpvaro-TVKTOs, ov, (\pvffus, TCVXOO} wrought of gold. Xpvci6vvos,oy, (xpvff6s,(pa,ivo/j,cu) = xpvffoa,T|S, cs, (xpuo-os, (pdos) with golden light. Xpvcro-(j)6Y < Y i ns, es, (xpvffos, fpeyyos) with golden beam. XpiJcro-tjuXos, ov, (xpvffos, (pi\os) gold-loving. Xpvcro(}>op6c), f. ffffQ}, to wear gold or golden apparel. From Xpflo-o-<|>6pos, ov, (xpvffos, u\af , &KOS, 6, 77, (xpv > (xpvff6 s > X ' 7 "*?) with golden hair: fem. xP UCT> 6x atTts > ioos. Xp^o-0-xa.Aivos, ov, (xpvffos, x a ^- tl/ ^ s ) with gold- ftudded bridle, [a] Xpvcro-x^tp, x^pos. u, fj, (xpvffos, X 6t 'p) with gold on one's fingers. Xpticro-xtTcov, ojvos, o, 77, (xpuo-os, x ir ^ v } w *tb coat of gold. [xH TO, the shop of a goldsmith. From f. Tjffoa, (xpvffoxoos) to be a goldsmith or gold-refiner : to work in gold. 17, ov, belonging to a goldsmith or gold-refiner ; xP vffo X ofK ^l v Tex vr } v epya&aOai to fol- low the trade of a goldsmith. From Xp^o~o-x6os, ov, (xpucros, x^ ") melting r casting gold: as Subst., \pvaoxoos, o, one who gilds the horns of a victim ; a goldsmith. Xpuo-6-xpoos, ov contr. -xpovs, ovv, (xpvffos, xpoa) gold-coloured. Xpvaroco, f. taffoj, (xpvffos) to make golden, gild. Xpvtrto, Dor. for xpvffov, gen. of \pvaos. XpiJo-cop-a, arcs, TO, (xpvo-oa;) that which is made of gold, wrought gold, gold-plate, [y] Xptfo--wva>, (xpwo-os, uvtopai) to buy or change gold. Xpvo"-wirr]S, ov, 6, fem. ->ms, ioos, xpvffojiros. Xpvcr-wiros, ov, (xpvaus, a;^) with golden eyes or face, beaming like gold. XpiJo-coo-ts, ecus, o, (xpuffocw) a gilding, [u] Xpvtr-uvJ;, cDrros, o, ?}, (xpvffos, wif<) gold-coloured, shining like gold. Xpw, contr. from xp^ov, pres. imperat. p(pu o-o OTOJJLOS ) p, irreg. dat. f. XP C *" T c ^ ose to e ^ e skin; ev xpoi' Kfipeiv to shave close : metaph., gvpei ev XPV it shave? close, i. e. it touches one nearly, comes home ; kv XPV Trapair\feiv to sail past so as to shave or graze, Virgil's radere littus. II. the colour of the skin, complexion; XP& S TpeireTai his colour changes. , 77pos, 6, (xpoj^oi) one who colours or dyes : fj.6\v@os a lead-pencil. Xpc>Tico, f. io to colour, dye, tint : Med., xp caT ' l C a @ ai T ^ v tyvatv TLV'L to tinge one's nature with something. X'uStjv [y], Adv. (x^) * n a stream or flood, ivithout order, confusedly. II. in flowing language, i. e. in prose, opp. to poetry. III. abundantly, utterly. aor. I pass. opt. of \t, f. iffca Att. to), (xvfJios) to make savory, season : metaph. to tone down, temper. X^p-os, ov, 6, (x^O juice. II. taste, flavour. XVVTO, 3 pi. Ep. aor. 2 pass, of x*- X^ais, fcas, 77, (xe&) <* pouring, shedding. II. a flood, stream, gush. 2. of dry things, a heap: a quantify, [y] Xtrr\aa), f. affO), to pour out: metaph. to throw carelessly down. From XVT\OV, TO, (xew) anything that can be poured, a liquid, fluid : esp., I. in plur. x^rAa, TO., wafer for washing or bathing. 2. a mixture of water and oil rubbed in after bathing, [w] Hence \vr\6ta, f. wffca, to wash, bathe, anoint : Med. to anoint oneself after bathing. XtrrAioeraiTO, ?> sing. aor. I med. of x^TAocw. \VTO, 3 sing. Ep. aor. 2 pass, of x* a ' the pottery-market : \vrpai were also pots of pulse, used to consecrate altars and statues of inferior gods; hence of a statue, ravrrjv x vT P ais ityvrtov this must be erected with pots of pulse, [y] Xvrpu>s, a, ov, = x^rpfovs, of earthenware : ra \-v- rpeia earthenware, pottery, [u] 77, ovv, (xvrpd) of earthenware, fcas, 6, (x^Tpa) a potter. XvrpCSiov, TO, Dim. of \vrpis, a small pot. [i~] Xt>Tpici>, f. iffoj Att. to), (xwrpa) to put in a pot: to expose a child in a pot. Xvrpivos, 17, ov, (xvT/>a) of or like a pot, earthen, Lat. testaceus. [u] XvrpCs, ioos, 17, Dim. of x^Tpa or \vrpos, a pot. XVTp6-Trovs,-7ro8os,o, (xuTpos,7rci;s)a/>o/or caldron with feet : also a kind of chafing-dish. X^rpos, 6, (x /, contr. for /cat 6. \VTOS X(I>PLOV. 793 or moles. 4. to cover with a mound of earth, bury; XttVai riva \idois to cover any one over with stones : Pass, to be heaped up with earth, have a sepulchral mound raised over one. XH'OMAI, f. xwoopxLi : aor. i lx a)A.os) to be or become lame, to halt, limp. XO)X-Cap,j3os, o, (j(ca\6s, taufios) a /awe or halting iambic, i. e. one that has a spondee for an iambus in the last place, said to have been invented by Hippo- nax ; also called OKa^cav. XwXo-iroios, ov, (x^Aos, irotfca) making lame men, of Euripides, who was fond of introducing lame men upon the stage. XHAO'2, "fj, ov, lame, halting, limping: also of the hand, maimed. II. metaph. maimed, im- perfect, defective, Lat. mancus. X&jxa, aros, TO, (x) a melting-pit, a mould to cast in. 2. a funnel. f. x& a(a: aor - J X cycra: Pass., fut. x^- aor. I tx&oOqv : pf. #e'xcy0>(cu : there is also the regul. pres. x^ 40 ' m ^- X^ v > P art - x&v: (x(oi): to throw or heap up ; x<' J P aTa X^ v to heap up a mound : to raise a sepulchral mound. 2. to block up by throwing in earth, to dam up : Pass, to be (pptfflV Ijatv : c. dat. pers. to be angry at one : also c. gen. pers. vel rei, to be angry about a person or thing: and c. neut. ace., p.rj pot ruot x^ f be not angry with me for this. Xwpa Ion. \&pr\, i7, = x% )OS ^ e space or room in which a thing is, a place, spot, Lat. locus : the place assigned, the proper place; Kara x < ^P av f^vtu to be in one's place; Kara x&P av pevfiv to stay in one's place, to stand one's ground; leu/ Kara \wpav to leave in its place, leave as it was; \u- pav \afttiv to take a position, find one's place ; tojs av xup av Xa/Sfl Ta irpdjfjiara till the affairs find their proper place. 2. metaph. the place assigned to any one, one's post, station, office, position; kv dvSpairvScov flvai to be ranked in the place of slaves ; tv ' x&pq etvai to be of no account, Lat. nullo in numero haberi. II. a land, country, tract, Lat. regio ; ?] X^P a one's country. 2. landed property, land, an estate, farm, Lat. ager. 3. tbe country, opp. to the town, Lat. rus. f. 170-0; Att. 170-0/104 : aor. i Ix&p^o-a : pf. (X^pos) . to make room for another, give way : to draw back, retire, withdraw ; vtKpov XpV to come to little. 4. to spead abroad, become current, of reports. III. transit, to have space or room for a thing, to hold, contain, like \a.v^a.vo) ; 6 Kpyrrip Xojpe? d/x0cpe'as egaKoaiovs the bowl holds 600 am- phorae ; 17 TroAts avruv ov X a 'P e ^ t^ 6 c ^y can\\o\. contain him. Xpia>, f. iaca Att. to) : pf. pass. KCx&piGIAat, Ion. 3 pi. Kfxwpioarai : (xojpi's) : to separate, part, sever, divide : of x u p' l C OVTS Separatists, a name given to those Grammarians who ascribed the Iliad and Odyssey to different authors : Pass, to be separated, severed or divided, hence to differ, be at variance ; vofj.01 Kx< u P ia l JL * v01 different laws. Xcoptov, TO, Dim. of x"V> s an d X^ J P a ^ a particular filled with rivers. 3. earth, be silted up with deposit from in Pass, of cities, to be raised on mounds place, a place, spot, country ; IK TOU auTou x a 'P' ou from the same spot. a book, Lat. locus. 2. also a place or passage in II. a strong place, outpost, 794 a fortified post or town, esp. a detached fort. III. landed property, an estate. Xpis, Adv. separately, asunder, apart by oneself ; Keirai x^'P' 8 o pe/rpds the corpse lies apart. 2. se- parately, one by one. 3. x^P* 8 f** v , X^P* 8 Se . . , on one side . . , on the other, by themselves . . , by them- selves . . 4. x^P' 8 ^ oKoaoi except so many as . . ; Xcupis 77 except; x^P' 8 7 7 ^Ti except that. II. p/ different or distinct kind ; x^P' 8 T d T' enrcfp iro\\d teal T(i /rajpi'a it is a different thing to say many things and to the purpose. Xcopis, Prep, with gen., without : without the help or will of; x^P' 8 6*ov, Lat. sine diis, without the favour o/the gods. 2. separate from, apart from; XOJpls o/i/xdrajp e/j,wv far from my eyes. 3. mafe- pendent of, without reckoning, besides. 6, (x&>piC *Sos, a country girl. Hence X^PITIKOS, 7, dp, beseeming a countryman, rustic, rural. Adv. -a)s, i rustic fashion. X&pos, o, s/>ace to oZd a /&?&, room, a />Zaco/. II. a place, a land, country, Lat. regio : c. gen. A&e district or /rae belonging to or about a place ; x^pos TTys 'Apafiirjs the tract of Arabia. 2. landed property, an estate. (Akin to \av^dv(a, \d- if/iTraKos for ffiTTttKos, /eoif/ixos for tcoffffvfpos. was omitted or added as in dp.fj.os afjuaOos, IV. Xaipos, ov, 6, Corns or Caurus, the north-west wind: the NW. quarter. X&)po-t\6&), f. -fjGQ}, (xp, opos, o, masc. Adj. that which luipes off. ij/aico, f. aca, (if/dca) to rub away, grind down, pound. \!;aKdco later v{;KdS7]s, fs, (if/dpaOos, ciSos) sandy. uV5|J.a9uv, wvos, o, (if/df^aOos) a sandy place, sand- pits, Lat. sabuletum. yapa} Comic word in Aristophanes, numberless as heaps of sand : cf. sq. \J;a|Ji(jL-u,K6orioi, at, a, sand-hundred, numberless as the sand, a Comic word formed from if/dfj-jjios tuarov, as the cardinal numbers Siatcuaioi, rpiaKucrioi from 5?s etcarov, Tpls e/taTov, to denote a countless multi- tude. ij/dfX[jnrj Dor. vf/djAjjia, T), = ^d/x/ios, sand. v^djAjxtvos, 77, ov, (if/d(j.fjios} of sand, in the sand, sandy. >, a, ov, = if/dfj,fj.ivos, on the sand. 1, ou, u, fem. 4/ap.ji.LTLS, tSos, (^d/i/xos) of sand, sandy. i)/dp,(xos, 77, (^dcy) sand, so called from its looss crumbling nature: proverb., l/c ^d/x/zou G\OLVLOV irXenciv to weave a rope of sand, of labour in vain. II. a tract of sand, the sand. Both tydpftos and its poet, form if/upaOos sometimes drop the if/, and become ap-pos a^aOos. vl/ap.p.-GjSijs, fs, (if/dp. pas, ctSos) sandy. \\iav6s, Dor. for if/rjvos. vj/dp, ipapus, Ion. i\rt]p, ^J?pos, 'o, a starling, Lat. i|/upos, d, cV, (^dp~) like a starling, ashen-gray or speckled; ipapus 'intros a dapple-gray horse. x|/avo), f. if/avcrca: aor. I fyavaa: pf. act. c^au/ca, pass. \fjavff[*ai : (t//dca) : to touch, c. gen. : c. dat. instru- ment!, ipavov KopvOfs ep6s, 77, 6v, (if/dca) friable, loose, crumbling, without consistency. II. dry, dusty, sandy : as Subst., 77 tyaipapd the shore, opp. to dAs. vJ/aSp6-rptxos, cv, (j^aap6-xpoos, ov contr. -xpovs, ovv, (\a.(pap6s. rough on the surface. 795 Adj., d jj.f if/tycis the things wherein thou blamest me. \J/Sv6s, 77, ov, (^eu) rubbed off, thin, spare, scanty, of hair ; of a person, bald-headed. 4/eoijpos or vj/eOupos, d, 6v, = \^iOvpus. uVetw, Ep. for J/'to;, which is Ion. for ^doa, i;Kao>, vj/exds, see if/aicdfa, y/aitds. *UKTI]S, ou, 6,(y/yca) a blamer, censurer, disparager. IJ/CKTOS, 77, ov, verb. Adj. of tyeycu, blamed, to be blamed, blameable. Adv. TCUS. E'AION, TO, a armlet, bracelet, Lat. armilla : in pi. \f/f\ia, Ta, bracelets, armlets, a favourite orna- ment of the Persians. 4/eXio-c}>6pos, ov, (if/e\iov, (pepca) wearing bracelets. tj/eXioco, f. wffoj, (if/\iov) to twine, wreath. xj/eXXiov, incorrect form of if/e\tov. ^PEAAO'2, 77, 6v, unable to pronounce certain i letters or syllables, like a child. II. of words, I indistinctly uttered, unintelligible, obscure. fs % gen. tos, = if/evSayytkos. Hence , a false message or report. v|/6i)8-d,YY Xos, ov, (\l/v8rjs, dry/eAAcu) bringing a false message or report : as Subst., ^euSa77eAos, 6, a false or lying messenger. \J/v8-dSeX(J>os, 6, (if/tvSrjs, d8e\(p6s) a false brother: a pretended Christian, [a] ijr6i>S-a}id|xavs, uos, o, (\^cv8rjs, d/ad/uaus) a false, barren -vine. [/*/*] i|;6u8-aTr6a"ToXos, o, (if/ev8rjs, diruaToXos) a false apostle. j *Pv8-apTa|3as, (^eu877S, dpTa&rj} Comic name of a ! mock-Persian in Aristophanes, literally, False-mea- sure : see dprdfirj. v|/fv8-aTpd(j)a|vs, uo$, 77, (ififvSrjs, aTpd(pavs) false j orach, Comic name of a plant in Aristophanes. vj/v8-aTTiKos, 77, 6v, (^euSiJs, ' ATT IKOS) false Attic, sham Attic. vl/euS-avTon-oXos, o, 77, (if/ev8r)$, auro/xoAos) a sham deserter. \|/vS-vcSpa, 77, (if>ev8r)s, fv48pd) a sham ambuscade. xj/euSeo, Ep. imperat. of i//(vdofiiai. i|;v8tjYopea), f. 770*0;, to speak falsely or untruly, to i lie. From vJ/cv8-7jYopos, ov, (ififvSris, dyopevca} false-speaking. [a], i/'fs, tyri, inf. \f/rjv (for the regular forms , ipa, if,'dv are incorrect) : f. tyrjaca : Pass., aor. I : pf. fyrjfjiai : to touch on (be surface, to rub : to rub away : intr. to crumble away, trickle away, disappear. i}/c, Dor. for 6, as \f/iv for erfv8r)s, jSoT/^fta) pretended help. i|/vSo-8i5do-KaXos, o, (^cuST^s, 8i5dcraAos) a false 1 teacher. : v}/v8o-Kr|pvg, VKOS, 6, (\pev8f)s, Kijpv) a false or j lying herald. '796 \J/v8o-KXT|T6Ca or -icXijTCa, 77, fyevbrjs, K\rjTfvca} a false citation or summons, false indorsement of a summons, as if the indorser had witnessed the service of it ; 7pct(p7) s, 6, 77, (if/ev8rjs, /-idi/Tts) a false, lying prophet. uVevSojiapTtipea), f. 770*0;, to be a false witness, bear false witness. Hence 4/u8o|j,apTVpta, 77, false witness, a bearing false witness, perjury: mostly in plur., ^euSo/zapTvptoV d\- wvai to be convicted of perjury. \j/eu8o[AapTupiov 8inrj, (^fvSrjs, /jiapTvpiov} an ac- tion for false witness or perjury, only used in gen. i|/ev8o-p,dpTUS, upos, 6, (\f/fv8r]s, ftdprvs) a false witness. i|/6u86-viTpos ov, (i^ev8r}S, virpov) see ipev86\iTpo$. v|/6v8o-vvfAVTOS, ov, (\pev8rjs, vvfityevca) falsely wedded; if/ev8ovvfj,T|TY]S, ou, 6, (if'fvS'^s, irpo, f. 770*0;, to speak falsely, lie. From 4/v86-o-TOp,os, ov, (tJ/evSrjs, Gropa) speaking falsely. vj/6v86-4>T]p,os, ov, (i//ev8rjs, Qrjftn') of false augury or divination, 6v86-xpiaros, o, (tf;ev8rjs, Xpto*ToV) a false Christ. tpET'Ail, f. y/evaaj : aor. I tij/evaa : Pass., aor. I fif/fvoOrjv: pf. Zif/tvanat: to cheat or impose upon by lies, to beguile, defraud : c. gen. to cheat of a thing ; if/vads /ie (\iriSos thou hast defrauded me of my hope : Pass. \f/v8ofj.ai, to be cheated, to be disap- pointed or deceived ; ifxvcrQrjvai Scirrvov to be cheated of a supper; tytva p.tvot TTJS TWV 'AOm'aiwv 8vvdp.fcas deceived in their notions of the Athenian power : absol. to be mistaken, be false; r) rpirrj rwv 68wv pd- Xiara tytvarai the third mode of explanation is most untrue. II. c. ace. rei, to represent a thing as a lie or deception. 2. to falsify : Pass., ' -' -""*" the promise broken. Dep. 4/v8oiJiai, f. ipfvaopai : aor. I pf. pass, tyevcfjiai in act. sense : absol. to lie, speak false, play false. 2. generally, to be false orfaith- i less, to be perjured or forsworn. II. to belie, falsify; opicia. ifcvaaadai to falsify or break the oaths ; OVK tfptvaavTo Tcis direiXds they did not j belie, i. e. they made good, their threats ; TO, xprj- : fJLara if/fvafj.evoi ^aav they had broken their word j about the money. III. to belie or deceive by lies, cheat, impose upon. I \|/v8-o)vCp.os, ov, (i/;ev8r)S, ovvfjta Aeol. for oVo/m) under a false name, falsely called. Adv. -pus. j x^&uis, A^ v - of ^tv8r}s, falsely, untruly. \|/ev, f. 770*0;, to be a liar: to lie, cheat, play false. From i|/ev) a liar, cheat. 2. also as j Adj., like ^evS-ffS, lying, false. I i|/i]v6s, 77, 6v, (^0os) dark, obscure : metaph. j obscure, base, mean. M f E' < l > O2, f os, TO, darkness, smoke, mist. \|/. ^fi' 3 sm g- pres. ,of ^do;; but J/T], Ep. for ty-t], 3 sing. impf. vj/fiYl^a, aTos, TO, (^rjx ^ ^ a ^ which is rubbed or scraped off, shavings, Lat. ramentum; iprjy/^a \pvoov gp\A-dust; and so absol. ^777^0;, gold-duit. \|/rjKTT|p, T^pos, o, and vJ/TjKrpa, T), (if/rjx^) an instru- ment for scraping off, a scraper, strigil. | \|/T]X5(j>do>, f. 770*0;, (if/dta) to feel, grope one's way, like a blind man; X 6 P^ ^rj\ai/) I feeling one's way with one's hands : c. ace. to feel for, grope after. II. to feel, stroke, Lat. palpare, mulcere. Hence \(/7|Xdda). ^PH'N, tyrjvos, o, the gall-insect, which lives in the fruit of the wild-fig (6\vvOos} and male palm. Hence i|/t]vtc0, f. iai8o-6pos, ov, (ifi7)<])is, ^e'po;) giving one's vote, entitled to vote. \lnr)4>ia>, f. iaoj Att. iw, to count or reckon. Med. \|nr]4>tonai, f. -iao/xat Att. -iovftai : aor. I (if/r)ic00ai TIVI TOV trXovv to vote him the voyage : also, to decide by vote, to vote : K\rjp6v TIVI \f/rj(}>i^fff6ai to adjudge the inheritance to one. 3. c. inf. to vote or resolve to do something : the aor. i tyrpphrOip, and sometimes pf. \l/r)(picrp.at, are used in pass, sense, to be voted, ad- judged or decided by vote; rofs ffTparrjyoTs fi TOV irpoadeoivTo iprj(pia6rjvai that anything which they wanted should be voted to the generals. \J/Tjis, toos, f), (^?70os) a small stone: a pebble for counting, Lat. calculus. i|/Tjio-p,a, arcs, TO, (ipijQlfoftcu) a proposition car- ried by vote : at Athens, a measure passed in the po- pular assembly (KK\r](ria), a vote, decree; ipriio-p.aTO-ir\T]S, ov, o, (^7}o-iroi,6s, o, tyfjcpos, Troiccu) a making or tamper- ing with votes. 4/r,os Dor. x|;aos, 37, (^acu, ^ecu) a small stone, a small round stone, found in river beds, a pebble. II. a pebble used for reckoning, a counter, Lat. calculus : in plur. accounts, KaOapal if/rj(poi an exact ba- lance. 2. in Att. a pebble used in voting, which was thrown into the voting-urn (t/opta), the vote itself; ififjipov , (as J / i7X cw from ve, fut. aou, to play, sport, dance, be merry. i|;Ca0os Ion. 4/i0os, 57, a covering of rushes or reeds, a rush mat. if/idOcos, Dor. ace. pi. of il/taOos. ijnds, dSos, r), (ipica) like ifjaKas or i//tKas, a drop : in plur. a shower of drops, small rain. I'Zfl, f. ifiiffo) : pf. pass. fyianat, : to feed on pap. 4*i0i5pCa) Dor. v|n0vpur8a> : fut. iaca Att. to) : (^t- 6vp6s') : to whisper, speak in a low tone : also to 797 mutter, mumble. 2. of any whispering noise, as of trees, to rustle. vjn0ijpicrp,a, O.TOS, TO, fyiOvpiiXr) Sevdptow land bare of trees. II. of animals, stript of hair, feathers, etc., bald, Lat. calvus ; Ifiis ipi\f) KftyaXrjv the ibis without feathers on the head. 2. generally, un- clad, uncovered, bare : c. gen., if/iXri owpaTos ovffa -fj tyvxf) the soul being divested of the body ; \f/i\}) Tp6- TTIS the bare keel with the planks torn from it ; I//L\T) 6pi5a a lettuce with the side leaves pulled off. III. in Att. Prose, as a military term, ol tytXoi (sc. TUV oirXcav') soldiers without heavy armour, light troops, such as archers, slingers, etc., opp. to oirXiTai ; faXos ITTTTOS a horse without housings : generally, unarmed, defenceless. IV. \f/iXos Xoyos language without accompaniments or accessories, prose, as opp. to poetry : also of a speech, unsupported by evi- dence. 2. ^tXr) uoirjffis mere poetry ivithout singing or music, Epic poetry, as opp. to Lyric ; cf. iJ/iXoco, f. were* : pf. pass. !^/Ao;/u : (j/aXos) : to strip bare, to make bald: Pass, /o become bald. II. c. gen. to strip bare of a thing ; if/i\ovv Tiva TO. n\ioTa Trjs SvvafjLios to strip one of the chief part of his power : generally, to leave naked or defence- less. -2. to strip one thing off another: pf. pass, part., Kpea (if/iXcajJitva TUV oaTtcav the flesh stript from the bones. \|u\&>S, Adv. of if/i\6s, simply, merely, only.^ \j/i|xt0iov, v|/tp.i0os, etc., later forms for i^ifivOiov, etc. 4/i(xv0iov or \\ti\L\Lv9iov, later also i|/ip,t0iov, TO : ((//i^vdos) : white lead, Lat. cerussa, used as a pig- ment, esp. to whiten the skin of the face. Hence 4/i(iv0i6o>, f. wffQ), to paint with white lead : Med., \fsifjiv6iova6ai. TO irpoffwirov to apply a pigment of white lead to one's face. I'MT~0O2, o, radic. form G^i^vdiov, white lead. \}/iv, Dor. for a}, (if/o\6s, Kopirtca) talk that ends in smoke : empty noise and fury. WAO2, 6, soot, smoke. xj/ol&>, f. 77<7cu : pf. if/6(f>T)Ka : (if/6o$} : to make a noise or din, Lat. strepere, of the creaking or sound made in opening a door ; ft at Qvpai vvtcrcup \(/oo-|rf|8T)s, (s, gen. eos, (ij/6(pos, ^8os) caring for noise, noisy, uproarious. 6, ay inarticulate sound, as opp. to a HOW*, sound, Lat. strepitus : the sound of a door opening. 2. a mere sound, empty sound or noise ; rov aov if>6(f>ov OVK av aTpcKfxirjv I would not heed your noise; $6(pot mere sounds without sense. xj;o<{>-u>8ir]S, fs, (ifi6x~xa>) a cooling : a becoming cold, i/sirra, G'LTTO.. x/uX-o-Ywycw, f- ^o"^, (if/vxajoayos} to be a con- ductor of the dead, to lead departed souls to the nether world, esp. of Hermes. II. to evoke or conjure up the dead by sacrifice. 2. metaph. to win or attract the souls of the living, to win over, persuade : mostly in bad sense, to lead away, seduce, delude. Hence xj/vxaycayta, f), an evoking of souls from the nether world. 2. metaph. a winning of men's sotds, per- suasion. vj/vx-aycoyos, ov, (tyvxrj, cfyw) leading departed souls to the nether .world, as epith. of Mercury, like ^i>x ' nofATros. II. conjuring up the dead, evoking the dead: as Subst., \ffvxa-yoay6s, o, a necromancer. v|/vx-a-Trvxh TC //ei/os T6 life and strength ; '/'t'X 1 ? TC Ka * atw" spirit and life, etc. ; iroivrjv TTJS AlawTTov tyvxns avt\to8ai to take revenge for the life of Aesop ; \f/vx7)v TrapOcpfvos staking or risking one's life; so, /udxft gasp. ij;vxos, os, TO, (^v'xai) coolness, cold, chill : cold, frost, in pi. ^xea, extreme colds : also winter-time, v tyvxti- in winter. if/vxoo"-o-6os, ov, fyvxri, owfa} saving the soul. i|/vXo-TdKT|s, es, (i//vxf], raKrjvai) melting the soul. \\iv\6ta, f. d'ffca, (i/'t/x'?) to give soul or life, to animate. \piJXpo-{:Ja<{>T|s, , (ipvxpos, fta^vai} dipt in cold water, like red-hot iron. tj;i)xpo-86xos, ov, ((pvxpos, oexopai} receiving what is cold; OIKOS $vxpo86x os the cold-bath room. tl/vXpo-Xo-yui, 77, (i//vxpos, \tyca) the me of frigid phrases, exaggeration. vj/vxpo-iTOTTjs, ov, 6, (if/vxpus, HO- Root of some tenses of irivca) a cold-water drinker. vj;iJXp6s, a, ov, (^i>x<") c ld, chill, Lat. frigidus : TO if/vxpov (sc. vSup") cold water, Lat. gelida (sc. aqua); i[/vxpcp \OVVTCLI they bathe in cold water: TO I^VXP^V also = 1//VXOS, cold. II. metaph. cold, vain, fruit- less, unreal; tyvxpcL fifty a delusive victory: also chilling, horrible. 2. of persons, cold-hearted, heartless, spiritless, indifferent. 3. of exaggerated phrases, cold, frigid. Hence ijjvxporrjs, rjTOS, 77, coldness, chill. II. metaph. of persons, coldness of heart, indifference. 2. of phrases, frigidity. vjfvxpoco, f. aero), (ifvxpos) to make cold: Pass, to grow cold or cool. , Adv. of pvxpos, coldly, frigidly. [i>], f. \fi|jit^a), f. iaoj Att. tcD: (^CU/XGS): to feed by putting little bits i?ito the mouth, as nurses do children : hence to pamper, feed, fatten. i)/o)p.iov, TO, Dim. of if/capos, a morsel, crumb. 4/ti>fjLcs, ou, o, (tf/djoj) a bit, morsel, scrap, esp. of meat or bread ; if/capol dv5p6(j.(oi gobbets of man's flesh. 4/ujpa Ion. 4/wp-r), 77, (^/a;a>) a cutaneous disease, the itch, scab or mange, Lat. scabies. 4>a>pd\os, a, oi/, (i/'d-pa) scabby, mangy. i[ra>XOJ Ion. xc>, (i^d>a>) /o n*6 zn pieces, rub. *i|/G), collat. form of if/dca, to rub, rub in pieces. Q 12, twenty-fourth letter of the Greek Alphabet: as a numeral o/ = 800, but /u = 800,000. The name of cD ^70, grectf or long o, was given to distinguish it from the o fjntcpuv little or short o. It was not introduced as a written character at Athens till the Archonship of Euclides, see H, 77. Changes of cu in the dialects : I. Ion. some- times for a, as wvOpuiros upiffTOS for avOpcanos apiaros. II. Ion. also for av, as Owpa. Tpwfj.a for 6avpa Tpavp.a. III. Aeol. and Dor., s into TrpaTos TrpaTicrros 6eopos ; and so the 799 gen. plur. of first decl. cav becomes dv, as "NLovaav for Movcrwv. St and . ^jwa or ud 77, (oi's) a sheepskin with the wool on, a garment made of it. 2. the edge or skirt of a garment. 'flSpCcov [r], was, 6, poet, for 'flptcw. Hence 'fldptcoveios, a, ov, of Orion. was, arcs, TO, Dor. for ovas, ovs, the ear. , with apostr. S>yaO\ contr. for w d^yafle. v, o, (86 Att. w8, from oSe, demonstr. Adv., I. of Manner, in this wise, so, thus, also so very, so exceed- ingly : as opp. to OUTCO it refers to what follows, in the following way, as follows ; o/S' jjftftyaTo he an- swered in the following terms. 2. c. gen., wSe yt- vovs thus off" for family. II. of Place, hither, here. cpSee, 3 sing. impf. of ot'Secy. ojBelov, TO, (0)877) the Odeum, a public building at Athens built by Pericles for musical performances, but commonly used as a law-court. ajS-^j, 77, contr. for 004877, (dttScw, q88t, Att. strengthd. form of cDSe. [i] cjjSucos, 77, ov, (0)877) /one? f singing, musical. Adv. KWS, musically, in good time or harmony. atSivas, ace. pi. of uois. (iStvo) [i], f. tVo): aor. I wblva : (uois} : to have the pains or throes of childbirth, to be in travail or labour : c. ace. to be in travail of a child : metaph. of a bee, Krjpiov uotvfiv to be in labour with honey. 2. of any great pain, to be in travail, be in pangs or pains. 3. to work painfully or hard, to travail, labour with, c. ace. 4. metaph. of the mind, to be in the throes cr agonies of thought. 'HAI'2, ivos, 77, the pain of childbirth, travail-pain; mostly in plur. the pangs or throes of labour. 2. in sing, also the fruit of travail or labour, a birth, child. II. generally, travail, pain, distress. (Akin to ofivvr].) cJSo-TTOios, oV, (cJSrJ, TTotcco) making songs or odes. 0/805, o, contr. for dotSos, a singer, minstrel. wOcoocu, poet, for oSuoei, 3 sing, plqpf. of o&. tceov, TO, = o/oV, an egg. tSJijcra, aor. I of ofa. uo), to cry oh ! hence uyfj.us. (From a; or &, as oifa from ot, oljjujfa from oTjuoj.) 800 o>?7 wXero. a call to another, ho ! holla ! Lat. ohe ! heus ! , aor. I pass, of O'LOUMI. 6, 3 sing. Ion. impf. o>06\}vTO, Dor. for uBovvTO, 3 pi. impf. med. of , impf. fudovv : fut. uOrjffu and cucro; : aor. I Ion. and Ep. uffa : pf. eWa : Pass., aor. I 4w- : pf. eW/zcu Ion. cDo-/u : Ion. 3 sing. impf. e, 3 sing. aor. I uffaaKe : to thrust, push, shove, force away or from a place ; ! fiypov 06 pv uae he forced the spear from the thigh ; i, f. iffca, = uOQ}, to thrust or push on : Pass, and Med. to push against one another, struggle ; me- taph. to be in hot dispute, Lat. alter cari. Hence b>dur|j.6s, 6, a thrusting, pushing; a struggling, wrestling: metaph., u>0to>ios \6yoiv a struggle of words, a hot debate. (oiYWVTO.Ep.foraty'tn'To, 3 pi. impf. pass. of otyvvfu. ciiero, Ep. for O>TO, 3 sing. impf. of oiopai. [t] wiai, Ep. for o?cu, inf. of oryz/v/**. toi|e, wt|av, Ep. for aKe, ggav, 3 sing, and 3 pi. aor. I act. of otyvvfJLi. &ivQi\v, Ep. aor. I of oiouai. 3>Ka, poet. Adv. of UKVS, quickly, swiftly, fast. uKaXeos, 77, ov, later Ep. form for UKVS. U>KI, Ep. and Ion. for uwefa, fern, from UKVS. '&Kd.vlvT], 77, ('leai/os) daughter of Ocean, an Ocean-nymph. [I] 'fliavls, tSos, 77, ('n/feai/os) daughter of Ocean 'fliceavovSe, Adv. to the ocean or sea. From 'HKavos, ou, o, Oceanos, ace. to Hesiod, son of Uranos and Gaia, the source of all smaller waters : according to Homer, Ocean was a river which en- compassed the whole earth, hence often called uKeavos irorafj-os. In later times, Ocean remained as the name of the great Outward Sea, opp. to the Inward or Mediterranean, which was called OaXaaaa. (From UKVS and vacu.) u>Kiao>v, Ep. gen. pi. fern, of UKVS. WK6COS, Adv. of OJKVS, quickly, swiftly. a>KT|eis, ffffa, fv, poet, for &KVS, swift. uKtcrra, neut. plur. of UJKVS used as Adv., most swiftly, very swiftly. UKIOTOS, 77, ov, irreg. Sup. of UJKVS. WKIOJV, ov, gen. ovos, irreg. Comp. of UKVS. wxveov, impf. of dicvecD. coKTCipa, aor. I of oixTetpoj. toKti-a\os, ov, (&KVS, d\s) sea-swift, speeding over the sea, epith. of a ship. [i3] wJcv-^oXos, ov, (WKVS, j8aAc/) quick-hitting or quick- shot : quick-darting. wKti-8T|KT(op, opos, 6, (&Kvs, SaKvca} biting sharply. a>icij-8t8aKTOS, ov, (UKVS, SioaoKca') quickly taught. toKt5-8ivir)TOs Dor. -StvctTOS, ov, (WKVS, olveca) quick- whirling. [t] u>Kv-8p6(xas, ov, 6, = w/fi'Spo//os. wKU-Sp6p,os, ov, (UKVS, opa^fiv) swift-running. a>KV-iTT[s, es, gen. tos, (OJKVS, CTTOS) quick-speaking. (OKV-0OOS, ov, also T?, ov, (UKVS, 0eo>) swift-running. wicti-|Jiaxos [a], ov, (UKVS, fiaxo^aC) quick to fight. wKv-jjiopos, ov, (UKVS, popes) short-lived, dying early : Sup., uKvpopuiaTOS. II. act. bringing a quick or early death. o>Kti-iTTT]S, ov, 6, (UKVS, IIET- Root of irlirTca) quick-flying. toKv-irXavos, ov, (UKVS, ir\avr]} quick-wandering. wicu-TrXoos, ov, (UKVS, ir\ca} fast-sailing. wxv-iroStjs, ov, 6, poet, for UKVTTOVS, swift-footed, wKv-irotvos, ov, (UKVS, iroivrj) quickly-avenged. u)Kv-Tro\nTOS, ov, (UKVS, 7re/47ra>) swift-conveying. wKij-iropos, ov, (UKVS, Tropos) swift-passing. WKIJ-TTOS, ov, collat. form of UKVTTOVS. [tf] wKij-irovs, 6, T), -irovv, TO, gen. -rroSos (UKVS, itovs\ swift-footed, fleet of foot. wKv-irrepos, ov, (UKVS, irrepuv) swift-winged, swift- flying : TO. uKviTTCpa the long quill-feathers in a wicti-poTjs, ov, o Dor. -poas, = uKvpoos. a>ict)-poos, ov, (UKVS, /oca;) swift-flowing. COKVS [u], uKfta, UKV, gen. UKCOS, etas, eos, Ep. fem. uKea : guick, swift, fleet, speedy. Adv. uwe'cus, but more commonlyawa, swiftly, fleetly. Comp. and Sup. uKvrtpos, uKvTaros : irreg. UKIQJV, ov, gen. ovos (like Lat. ocyor, ocyus), UKKTTOS. (Akin to 6t5s.) UKV-O-KOTTOS, ov, (UKVS, Xa, O.KOS, 77, Dor. for a5Aa. u>Xd4>LOv, contr. for a> e\d(piov. wXe-xpavov, TO, properly uXfvu-Kpavov, uXevqs Kfavov, the point of the elbow : also d\Kpavov. 'flAE'NH, 77. the elbow, or rather the arm from the elbow to the wrist, the lower arm, Lat. ulna : gene- rally, an arm ; irepi u\4vas Se'pa @a\\fiv to throw one's arms round a person's neck. u\eAos) crushing clods of earth. ciXecrC-Kapiros, ov, (o\Xvu.i, KapTros) of a tree, losing its fruit, i. e. shedding its fruit before it is ripe. wXeo-C-oiKos, ov, (o\\vfjn, o?/\a, auAa, a furrow : mostly used in ace. o)\a. wXoji/nv, aor. 2 med. of oAAu/a. wp.-ax0rjs, fs, (cDfios, ax^os) heavy to the shoulders. Jip.es, Dor. for w/j.tv, I pi. pres. subj. of ft/a sm. wjx-T](rTTis, ou, 6, (w/uos, p,p,cu, pf. pass, of opdca, formed from *oirrop.at. u>}&o-f3oos or -poios, a, or, (cl/xos, /3ous) p/ rau>, iintanned ox-hide : as Subst., ufj.o0oerj (sc. Sopa), 77, a raw ox-bide, like \fovrerj, etc. : but, dtjj.o@6ciov (sc. />eas), TO, raw ox-flesh. wjjio-poetJs, cTOs, or, (djftos, SiftpuffKoj) eaten raw. (op.o-'yepcov, OVTOS, o, 77, (jio-06Ta>, f. 770*0, (wpos, ridijfjii) : in sacrificing, to place the raw pieces cut from a victim on the thigh-bones (f^Tjpia) wrapped in the fat (orjuos) : also in Med. h>p.6-(H)|xos, ov, (difios, Oufios) savage-hearted. oSp-oi, not wjxot, = o; (Jioi, ah me, woe's me, Lat. hei mihi. wjxo-KpaTTjs, cs, gen. cos, (w/tos, Kpdros) strong- shouldered, or (wfj.6s, Kpdros) of savage strength. u>(JioXoYT|(jiev(os, Adv. pf. pass. part, of 0/10X0760;, confessedly, without contradiction. wjAO-irXaTTj, 77, (&(JLOS, ir\a.TTj) the shoulder-blade, mostly in plur. &/xojrXaTat, at, Lat. scapulae, [a] ^HMO^, o, the shoulder with the upper part of the arm, the shoulder, Lat. humerus ; epiv w/xots to bear on one's shoulders ; w/jLoiai rofs (fAotai by the strength o/mine arms : also of animals, as of a lion : of a horse, like Lat. armus. '-QMO'2, 77, ov, raw, undressed, Lat. crudus, esp. of flesh ; (u/401/ tcaTaQayftv rtva to eat one raw : of food, undigested. 2. unripe, unseasonable, properly of fruits : also of a man, cl/zoj/ yfjpas an untimely old age. II. metaph. savage, rude, cruel. 2. rough, hardy. wfiocra, aor. I of o/o/ufd. wfio-o-tTos, ov, (w/zos, ffiT(OfJMi) eating men raw : hence savage, ferocious. wpo-o-irdpaKTOs, ov, (wf*6$, airapdaaca) torn in pieces raw. II. WJIOTTJS, 77TOS, 77, (w/^os) rawness, unripeness. metaph. savageness, cruelly. w|.io-4>cryos, ov, (w^us, }x6-<|>puv, ovos, 6, T), (upus, p6vcus. . (iws, Adv. of cu/ios, savagely. wv, Ion. for ovv, now, therefore. Herodotus often places this particle between a verb and its preposition, as, dnr' wv toovro for aTreSopTO Siv. wva, uva, poet, contr. for w dva, Si ava. wva,0T)v, Dor. for wvrjOrjv, aor. I pass, of ovivrjfii. wvap,Tjv, wvaro, I and 3 sing. aor. 2 med. ofovivrjfu. wvavop.ai contr. a)vo{jp.at : fut. uvijffo^Mi : impf. Itu- vovfjirjv Ion. uvfoprjv : aor. I cowijadprjv, pf. ewvrjuai ; (but pf. part. fcavrjiJitvos, and 3 sing, plqpf. are also used in a pass, sense) : eirpidnijv [d] is used as aor. 2, Ep. 3 sing, irpiaro ; imperat. irpiaao, Trpica ; subj. vpi- 0 seasons ; hence also in plur. Afo climate of a country as dependent on its seasons. 2. the blooming season of the year, the spring-time, in full eiapos &prj or faprj fiapivT) ; but it was also used of summer and winter : the fourth season, birwpa or autumn, was not distin- guished in Homer's time. 3. later, the whole year, iv T7J irfpvfftv wpa last year, (as we say) last sos, ov, poet, for 6peirpo(pos, (epos, rpf$, upi/fws irvvdavti you ask seasonably. copip.os, ov, (wpa) ripe, timely, in season. a>piv8-rjv, aor. i pass, of bpivoj. copies, ov, (wpa) happening or returning in due season ; wpta irdvra all the fruits of the seasons. II. timely, seasonable, ripe. III. at the right time, in season, seasonable. copier p. e'vos, pf. pass. part, of opifa. wpwrros, Ion. crasis for 6 aptaros. 'Ilpiwv, OJVQS, b, Orion, a hunter beloved by Aurora, slain by Artemis. II. a bright constellation named after him, which rose just after the summer solstice, and was usually followed by rains, [t Ep., r Att.] cop|ici0T| [a], Dor. for wpfj.^6r}, 3 sing. aor. I pass, of opfJidca. , cbp|x-fj0T|, 3 sing. impf. and aor. i pass, of u>p|i(Srai., -firo, Ion. for wpfj.i)VTOi, wpf-irjvro, 3 pi. pf. and plqpf. pass, of opfj-dca. copfiTjvav, 3 pi. aor. I of oppaiva. topvvro, 3 sing. impf. med. of opvv^u. wpo-9(Tco), f. 'fjata, (wpa, ridrjui) to take note of a thing in casting a nativity or observing the natal hour. II. to be in the ascendant at that hour, of one's ruling planet. copope, 3 sing, redupl. aor. 2 of opvvfu. ctpos, cos, TO, Dor. for opos Ion. ovpos, a mountain. copcra, aor. I of opvvyn. wpTO, 3 sing. Ep. aor. 2 med. of opvvfu. copvO|Aos, 6, a howling, bellowing, roaring. topua, aor. I of bpvaaw. wpvop.ai. fut. vvh.afta (sc. ftvai) having sent him with them as a guard. 3. so with Participles, to give the reason of the principal Verb ; dyavaKTOv- aiv us aoutovpfvoi they are indignant as being in- jured, i. e. by reason of being injured ; so with ques- tions, us ri OT) 0f\uv ; as wishing what ? i. e. for the sake of what ? so in the case of the object ; fipyovffiv avrov us OOLKOVVTO. they restrain him as acting wrong- fully, i. e. by reason of: so also with Participles used absol., us OVTUS IXOVTUV, Lat. res cum ita sint, since things are so, i. e. by reason of their being so. 4. so also with Prepositions ; us km vavfji.o.\iav as for a sea-fight, i. e. as if about to fight ; us firl (ppvyaviff- \iuv as though to collect fuel: nsu. with the Preps. tni, ds, TTpos, but also with others; us IK KO.KUV fX^pr] he rejoiced as in an evil plight, i.e. considering his evil plight: hence 5. sometimes the Prep, is omitted, and us itself is used like a Prep., fls,c. zee., as Lat. usque for usque ad, only with the names of persons, as, us TOV &i\iirnov to Philip : first in Homer, us alfl TOV ofjioiov cryei Ofos us TOV op.oiov how God does ever bring like to like. 6. with Adverbs : with the Positive, us d\r]0us, us (Tepus how truly ! how differently ! Lat. quam vere, quam aliter: so too us follows Adverbs expressing anything extraordinary, 6av(MiaTus us, virppvus us, etc. 7. us strengthens the Superlative, like on and onus, Lat. quam, us pA- Aipevas d^ttpffedXinf/fV how he saw, how did Love encompass his soul ; so, us feov, us f/jidvijv, us fjiev irfpl Ovpos Ids v el, like as if, as if. cbcravva, Hebr. word meaning save now! save we pray ! wcrao-Ke, 3 sing. Ion. aor. I of uOeca. wcr-axmos, Adv. of o avTos (the same), strengthd. for us, in like manner, just so ; uaavTus /ecu . in like manner as.. wcrBe, Dor. for u(, 3 sing. impf. ws i, Adv. as if, as though : in Compari- sons, as if, like, just as : so also ua-ei-Te. II. with Numerals, about. oxr0T|o-op,av, fut. pass, of u0<. wcrCv, dat. plur. of ov. wo-p,at, pf. pass, of u6f being to us, as opo8irr] /5e?u /zdX', &OTC 6eos but Aphrodite bore him very easily away, as being a goddess. II. as Conjunction, to express a result or effect; el 8e ffoi Ovp.bs etreffffVTai, &ffre veeoOai if thy heart is eagerly bent, so as to return. This Construct, is very freq. in Att. 2. &ffT( is sometimes used like ws with a Part. ; uffTf v as or since the ways were guarded. 3. & 77 (pepeiv too great to bear : the Posit, is sometimes used, if/v- Xpov taffTf \ovffaffOai cold to bathe in, implying, too cold to bathe in. III. c&ore is also joined with the Indie., with the Opt., and even with the Imperat. when it is emphatic, e. g. C&O*T Odppfi so that, or there- fore, be of good cheer. wsTTtJo), f. iffot}, Frequentat. of ojOeca, to push to and fro, Lat. trudo. II. in Med., Att. fut. UHTTIOV- pai, c. dzt. jostle with another: so absol., d/ffTifcaOai els TT)I/ trpoeopiav to jostle for the first seat. too-TOpyos, crasis for 6 daropyos. uxr4>p6|jnr]v Ion. 6a<|>pdp,7)v, aor. 2 med. of 6ff(f>pai- wo-w, fut. of dj0(ca. a>T-fiKOv TOY or fa> rav, see rdv. aVrdpiov, TO, Dim. of ovs, a little ear. [a] wT6, Dor. for ware. wTCtXtj, fj t (OVTCUO) a wound: later also a star, Lat. cicatrix. tortov, TO, Dim. of oSs, a /t'l/fe ear. atrvs, ioos, 57, (ous) a bustard with long ear-feathers. 'flTOS, 6, Otos, son of Aloeus, brother of Ephialtes. wrpvva, aor. I of OTpvv4>eAuT] also in Att. co<(>\ia, 77, (w./c- \ecy) 2>e//, aza 1 , assistance, succour, esp. in war. 2. profit, advantage, gain : in plur. gains, profits. wXov, aor. 2 of 6(pfi\eAccAos) : to belp, aid, assist, succour, benefit : to be of use or service to any one : absol. to be of use or service ; ovoev &(pe\ti it does no good: also with a neuter Adj., ovoev riva uxpt\(iv to do one no service : sometimes c. dat. pers., like Lat. prodesse : in phrase ovSels epcaros ToG5' ityaiver' d)(pf\S>v, the part, is taken as a Subst. a helper. II. Pass. &f \ovfjtai, with fut. med. &(pf\T)aotMi, pass. d>(pt\T)6r](FO[Jiai : to be helped, to receive belp, aid or succour, to derive profit, benefit or advantage ; npus nvos from a person or thing : so, /c or airo TWOS ; and c. dat., u4>eXT)|j.a, OTOS, TO", that which is of use, a useful or serviceable thing. II. generally =wpe\ia, use, advantage, benefit. u>4>e\r,crip.os, ov, (wQeXfcu) useful, serviceable. \T|e\T)TCOS, a, ov, verb. Adj. of w4>eXCa, Att. for aj6XXov, Ep. for uxpf\ov. w\ov, aor. 2 of 60(A.0T]V, aor. I of opaca, in pass, sense. u\i]Ka, pf. of 6Xov, aor. 2. wp6vTurros, crasis for 6 dtypovriOTOs. tpXa, pf. of oiyvvfAi. cpxaro, Ion. for cuyntvot fjoav, 3 plur. plqpf. pass, of oiyvvfu. Xpdco, f. 770-0;, (wxpos) to turn pale, be pale, wan, etc. u>xpi, f. ao"cy [d], (d/XP^s) to be or turn pale. 'HXPO'5, a, ov, pale, wan, sallow. Hence &Xpos, ov, 6, or (os, TO, like a/xP^ T7 7 s paleness, wanness, esp. the paleness of fear. uxcoKa, Ion. pf. of otxo/n. a>;|/, jy, gen. wiros ace. wna, (6^/ofj.ai, fut. of opacu) /fo eye, face, countenance; els Snra idfaOat Tivi to look one full in the face : so absol., ets cHrra IbeoOai : but, flerjs ffs eS?ra lotej/ as to the face, i. e. in face she is like the goddesses. FINIS. APPENDIX OF PROPER AND GEOGRAPHICAL NAMES, PREPARED BY REV. JAMES M. WHITON, PH.D. NOTE. THE following pages contain those proper and geographical names not contained in the body of the work which occur in the Greek usually read in American schools in preparation for college, especially those found in Xeno- phon's Anabasis, in Goodwin's Greek Header, and in the first six books of the Iliad and the first two of the Odyssey. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1875, BY GINN BROTHERS, In the Office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington. APPENDIX. ot, the Abantes, the earliest inhabi- tants of Eubcea. 'A(3ap(3apeT], 77, Abarbarea, a, Naiad. "Apas, -euros, 6, Abas, a Trojan. 'ApSTipiTqs, -ou, 6, art Abderite, inhabitant of Abdera, in Thrace, near the Nestus. -ou, 6, Ablerus, a Trojan. -ov, 6, Abrozclmes, a Thracian. -a, 6, Abrocomas, a Persian satrap. 'AppoKopjs, -ew, 6 (Ionic form of the fore- going word), Abrocomes, a son of Darius and half-brother of Xerxes. , -ou, 6, Abronickus, an Athenian. see 'A/3pc6w%os. 'ApvSTjvds, -77, -ov, belonging to Abydus; ot 'Apv8r|vo, the people of Abydus, the Abydenes. 'Apv860ev,/rora Abydus. "ApvSos, -ov, 77, Abydus, in Troas, on the Hellespont. ' A-yap.ep.vov8t]s, -ov, 6, son of Agamemnon. 'A-ya|Xjiveov, -oi/os, 6, Agamemnon, king of Mycenae, and commander-in-chief of the Greek army before Troy. 'A Anchises, father of ^Eneas. 'ASeijJiavTos, -ou, 6, Adimantus, a Corinthian commander. (See adet/mavTos, p. 11.) "A8p.T]Tos, -ou, 6, AdmMus, king of Pherae in Thessaly. (See &d/j.-r)Tos, p. 12.) 'A8pr|orTia, Ionic for 'A8pd(rma, -as, 77, Adrastea, a city of Asia Minor on the Propontis. 'ASpTjo-rCvT], Ionic for 'ASpao-rlvt], -77$, 77, daughter of Adrastus. "ASpTjcrros, Ionic for "ASpao-ros, -ou, 6, Adrastus, (1) a king of Argos and of Sicyon ; (2) a son of Merops, and confederate of the Tro- jans. (See #5pa, the two Ajaxcs, sons resp^ctively of Telamon and Oileus. The plural is also formed regularly. 8o8 Al-yaiwv, -wvos, 6, ^Egceon, the name given by men to one of the hundred-armed giants, whom the gods called Briareus. Al-ydXecos, -w, 6, dSgaleus, a mountain in At- tica, over against the island Salamis. -ou, 6, son of sEgcus, \.e. Theseus. (poetic form of Al^aX/il), -as, 77, ea or ^Egiale, daughter of Adrastus and wife of Diomedes. Al-yioXos, -ou, 6, ^Egi&lus; (1) an ancient name of Achaia ; (2) a city in Paphlagonia. (See aiyiaXos, p. 17.) Al-ytXcia, -as, 77, ^Egilea, a small island near Eubcea. AtyXixj/, -ITTOS, i], sEgilips, a district of Ithaca. Others say, an island near Epirus, or a city on the peninsula Leucas. (See aiyi\i\^, p. 17.) At'-ylva, -T;S, 77, dZgina, an island in the Sa- ronic Gulf, S. W. from Athens. Al-ytvaios, -a, -ov, belonging to ^Jgina, netan. Al-yiWJTTis, -ou, 6, an inhabitant of an ^Eginetan. Al'-yiov, -ou, r6, ^gium, a city of Achaia, Ai'-yio-Oos, -ov, 6, ^Egisthus, son of Thyestes. Al-yviTTios, -a, -ov, Egyptian. Al-yvirnos, -ov, 6, dSgyptius, an inhabitant of Ithaca. AI^TTJS, -oi/, 6, ^Eetes, the name of several kings of Colchis. AlOiKes, -wv, ol, the ^Ethlces, a Thessalian or Epirotic tribe, dwelling, according to Homer, on Mount Pindus. Ai'0prj, -775, 77, ^Ethra, mother of Theseus. (See aWprj, p. 19.) At|iovt8r]s, -ov, 6, son of Hcemon, i. e. Mteon. Al'p-wv, -epos, 6, Hcemon, a warrior of Pylus. (See a'ipwv, p. 20.) Alvidves or Alvifjves, Ionic form 'EviTJvcs, -wv, ol, the ^Enidnes, a tribe inhabiting Northern Thessaly in the Homeric period ; subsequently found dwelling in Southern Thessaly. AlvoOev, from JEnus. Atvos, -ov, 77, dBnus, a city of Thrace, at the mouth of the Hebrus. Alo>vvs, -^ws, 6, a resident of the Attic deme AloXtStjs, -of, 6, a son or descendant o ol AloXCSai, the descendants of ^Eolus, the So- lids. AloXts, -loos, fern, adj., ^olian ; yi\v ri\v AloXC8a, tlie ^olian land, an ancient name of Thessaly. As a substantive (xcipa understood), sEolis, a district on the W. coast of Asia Mi- nor. AtTTo, -eos, 7-6, ^Epy, a city in Elis. p. 21.) AlirvTios Tvp,|3os, the sepulchral mound of ^Epytus, an ancient Arcadian chief. AftrTjiros, -ou, 6, ^Esepus ; (1) a river of Northern Mysia, flowing into the Propontis ; (2) a son of Bucolion. AlcrvT|TT]s, -ou, 6, ^Esyetes, a Trojan. Alf Pelias, and wife of Admetus. 'A\Ki.pia8T]s, -ov, b, Alcibiades, a celebrated Athenian leader. 'AXKfjLaLcoviSai, -uv, oi, the descendants of Alcmce.on, the Alcmceonids, an illustrious family at Athens. 'A\K(jLT|VTi, -rjs, 77, Alcmene, mother of Hercu- les. 'AXdir-q, -775, i), AUpe, a town in the southern part of Phthiotis in S. Thessaly, near the Malian Gulf. "A\os, -ov, 6 and 77, Alus, a town in the east- ern part of Phthiotis, in S. Thessaly, near the Pagasaean Gulf. 'AX/m-ivcs, -oO, i) (also 'AXirtjvoi), Alpenus (or Alpeni), a city at the E. entrance of the pass of Thermopylae. 'AXvdTTTjs, -ou, 6, Alyattes, king of Lydia, father of Croesus. 'AXvp-r], -775, 77, Alybc, a city in Bithynia on the Euxine. "AXvs, -uos, 6, tJie Halys, the principal river of Asia Minor, flowing N. into the Euxine. 'AX(j>ids, -ou, 6, the Alpheus, a river of Elis. 'AXos, -oO, 6 (Doric form of *AX<|>ios). Al- pheus. a Lacedaemonian, who fought bravely at Thermopylae. 'AXwevs, -&>s, 6, Alocus, son of Poseidon. (See dXweus, p. 37.) 'AfiapvyKeiSTjs, -ou, 6, son of Amarynceus, i.e. Diores. 'AuppaKiwTTis, -ou, 6, an Ambraciot, inhabi- tant of Ambracia in S. Epirus. 'AjAeivias, -ou and -a, 6, Ammias, an Athe- nian naval captain. 'AfieivoKXiis, -f'ous, 6, Amlnocles, a citizen of Magnesia in Thessaly. 'Ap.u8v, -uvos, 77, Amydon, a city of the Paeonians, on the Axius, in Macedonia! 'A|ivKXai, -Gw, at, Amyclce, a city of Laconia, on the Eurotas. *A|i4-'Y'vta, -a?, 77, Amphigenea, a city of Triphylia, in S. Elis. *Ap.(|>t8T]|jLos, -ou, 6, Amphidemus, father of Amphicrates. 'Afx<}>tKpdTi]s, -ouj, 6, Amphicrates, an Athe- nian captain. 'A^4>^ a XS> - u > o Amphimachus ; (1) loader of Jthe Epei at Troy ; (2) leader of the Carians. "A[iuro-a, -77$, 77, Amphissa, a town of the Locri Ozolae. 'A|JLs, -ou, 6, Anaxibius, a Spartan naval commander. 'AvSpaifiwv, -oi/os, 6, Andrcemon, father of Thoas, and king of Calydon in JStolia. 'Av8p6|3ovXos, -ou, 6, Androbulus, a Delphian, the father of Tim on. 5 Av8po8dp,ds, -airos, 6, Androdamas, a Sa- mian, father of Theomestor. 'AvSpofidxil, -77?, r?, AndromacJie, wife of Hec- tor. (See avdpopdxos, p. 58.) "AvSpos, -ou, 77, Andrus, one of the Cyclades Islands, with a city of the same name. 'AvtfJLwpeid, -as, 77, afterwards called ' Avfjuo- Xeia, Anemorla, an elevated town of Phocis. (See avefju*)\ios, p. 59.) 'AvOejiiSiis (for 'AvOtfuwvlSTjs), son of Anthe- mion, i. e. Simolsius. 'AvOejitwv, -wws, 6, Anthemion, a Trojan. (See avd^Lov, p. 62.) 'Av0T]8v, -oj'os, 77, Anthedon, a city on the E. coast of Boaotia. 'AvO^Xi], -775, 77, Anthele, a town in Phocis, in the immediate vicinity of Thermopylae. 'Avoiraia, -as, 77, Anopcea, a name given both to a part of Mt. (Eta, and to a path leading over the same. "AvravSpos, -oi', TJ, Antandrus, a city of Tro- as, at the foot of Mt. Ida. "AvTia, -as, 77, Antea, wife of Prcetus, king of Tiryns. 'AvT-qvopCSr^s, -ou, 6, son or descendant of An- tenor. 'AvTT|vcop, -o/oos, 6, Antenor, a Trojan prince. J Avr8a>pos, -ou, 6, Antidorus, a Lemnian ship- captain. Avr^Kupa, -as, T), Anticyra, a town at the en- trance of the Spercheus into the Malian Gulf The earlier form of the name is'AvTiKippa. 'AvTiKvpevs, -^ws, 6, an inhabitant of Anti- cyra, an Anfict/rc'iiii. 'AvTtXc'wv, -OJ^TOS, 6, Antileon, of Thnrii in S. Italy. 'AvrCXoxos, -ou, 6, Antilochus, son of Nes^ tor. 8io 'AvrCvoos, -ou, 6, Antinoiis, a suitor of Penel- ope. 'AvTiirarpos, -ov, 6, Antipdter, a Thasian, son of Orges. 'Avnos, -ov, 6, Antlphus; (1) ft son of JLgyp- tius of Ithaca ; (2) a leader of the Greeks from Nisyrus ; (3) a leader of the Mseonians confed- erate with the Trojans ; (4) a son of Priam. 'AvTiwv, -UVTOS, 6, Antiphon, an Athenian. 'Avrpwv, -wvos, 6 and TJ, Antron, a city of Phthiotis in S. E. Thessaly, at the entrance of the Malian Gulf. "Avvros, -ov, 6, Anytus, an Athenian, one of the accusers of Socrates. *Aios, -ov, 6 (also accented "Aios), the Axius, the principal river of Macedonia, flowing into the Thermaic Gulf. "AvXos, -ov, o, Axylus, a Thracian prince. {See d|u\os, p. 75.) 'AircupVT]s, -ous, 6, Artaphernes; (1) brother of Darius ; (2) son of the foregoing, and associate commander of the first Persian expedition against Greece. 'ApT|uo-La, -as, 77, Artemisia, sovereign of a few Carian cities, and ally of Xerxes. 'ApT(i[s, -a, -ov, Asian; "Ao-tos Xtifiwv, the Asian meadow, so called either from 'AOVOS, -ou, 6, Autophonus, a Theban. 'ATat, -wv, at, Aphefa', a port of Magnesia in S. E. Thessaly, not far from Artemisium. 812 Tpala *A<|)i8vatos, -ov, 6, a resident of the Attic deme Aphidna. ' A.\epovovTT]s, -ov, 6, Bellerftphon, son of Glaucus. Bfj, 6, Brasldas, a Spartan general. Bpio-rjis, -idos, i], daughter of Briseus, i. e. Hippodamia. Bpvs, -a, -ov, of Byzantium ; ol Bvav- TIOI, the Byzantians. Bwpos, -ov, 6, Borus, a Mseonian. Tata, see TT). Fdvos, -ov, TJ, Ganus, a small fortified place in Thrace, on the coast of the Propontis. ravXfrnjs, -ov, 6, GaulUes, a Samian. TeXtov, -wos, 6, Gelon, tyrant of Syracuse. repatoro's, -oO, 6 and 77, Gercestus, a promon- tory, town, and port at the S. W. extremity of Eubcea. Fcp^vios, -ou, 6, Gerenian, applied to Nestor, as is said, from Gerenia, a Messenian city, where he was said to have been reared. FT}, -775, 77, poetic form Tata, Earth, personified as a goddess. (See 777, p. 141.) rXavKOS, -ov, 6, Glaucus; (1) father of Bel- lerophon ; (2) grandson of Bellerophon, and leader of the Lycians before Troy. (See 7\au- /c6s, p. 142.) rXavKwv, -wvos, 6, Glaucon, an Athenian, grandfather to Plato. FXa<}>vpai, -Car, ai, Glaphyrw, a town of un- certain site in S. E. Thessaly, not far from Boebe. FXicras, -O.VTOS, 77, Glisas, a city of Bceotia, not far E. from Thebes. FXovs, -ov, 6, Glus, an Egyptian, whose father, Tamus, was admiral of Cyrus the younger^ IVT|os, 77, Gortyn, a principal city of Crete. Also written Foprvva, Gortyna. Fovvevs, -e'ws, 6, Guneus, leader of the JEni- anes in the Trojan war. Fpaia, -as, 77, Grcea, a Bo3otian town, site uncertain. Fv-yaiT] XtfivT], ij, the Gygccan Lake, near Sardis in Lydia, and the nymph of tlie lake. Fvfivlas, -ou, 6, Gymnias, a city in N. Ar- menia. FvpTwvTj, -TJS, T], Gyrtone, a town in the ceac tral part of Thessaly. Also written Fvprwv, Gyrton. -ou, 6, Gobryas, a Persian general. Aajjuxparos, Doric form of Ar]|xapaTOS, which see. -ov, 6, Damasithymus, king of Calynda. Adva, -775, rj, Dana, a city of Cappadocia, generally known as Tyana, Ttfara. AapdSag, -a/cos, 6, the Daradax, a river of Syria, flowing into the Euphrates. AapSavcvs, -^ws, 6, a Dardotnian, from Dar- danus, a city of Troas on the Hellespont. Adptjs, -T/TOS, 6, Dares, a Trojan, priest of Hephiestus. AO.TIS, -i5os, 6, Datis, a Mede, associate com- mander of the first Persian expedition against Greece. AavXioi, -uv, ol, the Daulians, inhabitants of Daulis in Phocis. AavXls, -i'5os, ij, Daulis, a town of Phocis, E. of Mt. Parnassus. Aava-ydpas, -a, 6, Daphnagoras, a Mysian. AEIJXOS, -ov, 6, Fear, personified. (See deipos, p. 152.) Aivofw'vT]s, -ous, 6, DinomZnes, father of Gelon. AeK\ia, -as, -rj, Decelea, an Attic deme, oc- cupied as a stronghold by the Spartans. AeXra, TO, the Delta, a region of Thrace, near Byzantium. A^unros, -ou, 6, Dcxippus, a Laconian. AepKuXi'Sas, also written AepicuXXtSas, -a and -ou, 6, Dcrcylldas, a Spartan general. At'pvrjs, -ou, 6, Derncx, a Persian satrap. ATJIKOWV, -WPTOS, 6, Deicoon, a Trojan. At]'EirvXos, -ou, 6, Dcipylus, a Greek, comrade of Sthenelus. At^dpaTos, Ionic AT^dpTiTos, -ou, 6, Dcma- rdtus, an exiled king of Sparta, who accompa- nied Xerxes marching against Greece. ATJP.OKOWV, -OJITOS, 6, J>cmocoon, son of Priam. Ar]fjioKpdTT]s, -ous, 6, Dcmocratcs, of Temenium in Argolis. Ai]p.ocr0e'vTis, -ous, 6, Demosthenes, an Athe- nian general prominent in the Peloponnesian -ou, 6, DeniopliUus, a leader of the Thespians at Thermopylae. AiaSp6|XT]s, -ou, 6, Diadrtimes, a Thespian. AtTjveKTjs, -ous, 6, DienZces, a Spartan of dis- tinguished courage. (See St^e/c^s, p. 172.) Ai0upa|if3os, -ou, 6, Dithyrambus, a Thespian who distinguished himself at Thermopylae. AIKOAOS, -ou, 6, DICCGUS, an Athenian. (See 5i'/ccuos, p. 173.) AioKXfjs, -^ous, 6, DiScles ; (1) king of Phere in Messenia ; (2) one of the Thirty at Athens. Aio|jrf)ST]s, -fos, 6, Diomedes, next to Achilles the bravest of the Greeks before Troy. Atov, -ou, TO, Dium, a town in the N. "W. angle of Eubcea. Aiwpr]s, -ous, 6, Diores, a chief of the Epei before Troy. AdXoircs, -uv, ol, the Dolopes, a Thessalian tribe, dwelling about Mt. Pindus in S. E. Epirus. AoXoirfov, -opes, 6, Dolopion, a Trojan, priest of the river-god Scamander. Aopto-Kos, -ou, 6, Doriscus, a plain at the mouth of the Hebrus oil the coast of Thrace, containing a city of the same name, TJ Aopia/cos. Adpvcro-os, -ou, 6, Doryssus, son of Leobotes. AovX(\iov, -ou, r6, Dulichium, an uncertain locality, but probably the largest of the Echiiia- des Islands off the S. W. coast of Acarnania, or a city on the Acarnanian coast in that vicinity. AovX(xidv8e, to Dulichium. ApaKovriStis, -ou, 6, Draconildcs, one of the Thirty at Athens. ApaKovrios, -ou, 6, Dracontius, a Spartan. Apijcros, -ou, 6, Dresus, a Trojan. ApiXcu, -&v, ol, the Drilce, a warlike people in Pontus, near Trapezus. Apvas, -avros, 6, Dryas ; (1) one of the Thes- salian Lapithse ; (2) a, Thracian prince, father of Lycurgus. Apvoirts, -t'5os, ij, DrySpis, the country of the Dryopes, which was, originally, Mt. (Eta and the adjacent valleys. Avpas, -ou, 6, tJie Dyras, flowing into the Ma- lian Gulf a little W. of Thermopylae. Awpievs, -^ws, 6, Dorieus, son of Anaxandri- des, king of Sparta. E "Eppog, -ou, 6, the Hebrus, the principal river of Thrace, flowing into the JEgean Sea. ElXeViov, -ou, TO, Ilcsium, a town of uncer- tain site in Boeotia. Elperpia, poetic form for 'EptVpia, which see. 'EKdpt], -T;S, TJ, Hecuba, wife of Priam. 814 -ou, 6, Hecatonymus, a citizen of Sinope. 'EicpdTava, -wv, rd, Ecbatana, the chief city of Media, where the Persian kings resided dur- ing a part of the year. 'EicTop8T]s, -ov, 6, son of Hector, i. e. Asty- anax. "EKTwp, -opos, 6, Hector, eldest son of Priam, and chief hero of the Trojans. 'EXcuovs, -OVVTOS, 6, Elceus, the southernmost town of the Thracian Chersonesus. "EXo/ros, -ov, 6, Elatus, a confederate of the Trojans. 'EXevrj, -Tys, 77, Helen, daughter of Zeus and Leda, and wife of Menelaus. "EXevos, -ov, 6, Hel&ms, son of Priam, both a warrior and a prophet. 'EXf>TJva>p, -opos, 6, Elephenor, chief of the Euboean Abantes. 'EXewv, -ow/os, i], Eleon, a town of uncertain site, in E. Bceotia. 'EXiicdttv, -ovos, 6, Helicdon, a Trojan noble, son of Antenor. 'EXfct], -775, ij, Hellce, on the Corinthian Gulf, most ancient of the cities of Achaia, swallowed up by an earthquake, B. c. 373. 'E\Xr]sirovTiaKos, -77, -ov, Hellespontiac, equiv- alent to the following. 'EXXTjsirdvTios, -a, -ov, on or of the Hellespont, Hellespontic. "EXos, -ous, r6, Helos ; (1) a town of Laconia, on the S. coast, whose name survives in the word Helot. (See Ei'Aws, p. 197.) (2) a town or district of Elis, on the Alpheus. 'Everot, -uv, ol, the En$ti, a people of Paphla- goriia. ^Evifjves, see A/ta>es. 'Evto-iTT], -T?S, rj, Enispe, an Arcadian town, site unknown. "EvvojjLos, -OK, 6, EnnSmus, an ally of the Trojans, from Mysia. (See two/uos, p. 227.) 'Ed8ios, -ov, 6, Exadius, one of the Thessa- lian Lapithse. 'ETrap.Lvcuv8as, -ov, 6, Epaminondas, the greatest general of Thebes. 'Eiraof, -wi>, ol, the Epei, the ancient inhabi- tants of Elis, and extending thence some dis- tance northward. 'ETrtdXTTjs, Doric form for 'EidXTT]s, which see. 'Em-yc'v^s, -ous, 6, EpigZnes, son of Antiphon, and friend of Socrates. 'EiriSavpios, -a, -ov, Epidcmrian; ot 'EiriSav- ptoi, tlie Epidaurmns. 'Eir^Savpos, -ov, 6 and r;, Epidaurus, an im- portant town in Argolis, on the coast of the Sa- ronic Gulf. -ou, 6, Epizelus, an Athenian. , -ovs, 6, Episthenes ; (1) of Am< phipolis, commander of the light-armed Greek troops in Cyrus's expedition ; (2) an Olynthian, serving in the same expedition. 'EirUrrpoT]|j,os, -ou, 6, Euphemus, an ally of the Trojans. (See eu^^os, p. 290.) Evopiv, -wt/os, 6, Euphorion, an Athenian^ father of Cynseglrus and the poet ^Eschylus. Ev<|>pdTT]s, -ou, 6, the Euphrates, in W. Asia rising in Armenia, and flowing into the Persian. Gulf. 'E<}>vpa, -as, 77, Ephyra; (1) a town of Elis ; (2) a town of Thesprotia in Epirus. (See ' p. 295.) frien xKpaTT]s, -ous, 6, Echecrdtes, of Phlius, a d of Socrates. 'EXCJICDV, poet. 'Exe(X|X(i>v 7 -oi/os, 6, Echemon or Echemmon, son of Priam . -ou, 6, Ecfiepolus, a Trojan. -ou, 6, Echcstratus, a king of Sparta. ZdicuvOos, -ou, i], Zacynthus, now Zante, an island containing a city of the same name, in the Ionian Sea, W. of Elis. ZaTrdras, -a, 6, the Zapdtas, a river flowing- from Armenia into the Tigris. Commonly writ- ten Zdparos, the Zabatus. Ze'Xeia, -as, i], Zdca, a town of Troas, at the foot of Mt. Ida. Zt|Xapxos, -ou, 6, Zelarchus, a market over- seer. Zoxmfjp, -?7pos, 6, Zoster; Mt. Hymettus, which bounds the Athenian plain on the south, terminates in the promontory of Zoster, and this terminates in three capes. H 'H-yrjo-avSpos, -ou, 6, Ifegesander, an officer in the army of the 10,000 Greeks. 'Hyqo-iXaos and 'H-yrjo-iXcws, Ionic for ' o-tXaos, which see. T H-yis, Ionic for^A-yis, wliicli see. 'Hepipoia, -as, 77, poetic form of 'Epipoia, Erib&a, the second wife of Aloeus, and step- mother of the giants Otus and Ephialtes. 'Heriwv, -on/os, 6, Eetion, king of Thebe in JVIysia. 'H'idves, -uv, ai, Eltines, literally, the Banks, a town in S. E. Argolis. (See rji&v, p. 303. ) 'H'iwv, -ovos, 77, E'ion, literally, the "Beach, in S. E. Macedonia, the port of Amphipolis, at the mouth of the Strynion. (See rfitiv, p. 303.) 'HXcios, -a, -ov, of Mis, Mean; ol 'HXeioi, the Eleans. T HXis, -iSos, i], Elis, a district in W. Pelopon- nesus. 'HXwvrj, -775, i), Elone, an old town of N. E. Thessaly, at the foot of Mt. Olympus. 'HmBavos, Ionic for 'AmSavos, which see. 'HpaKXeia, -as, i], Heraclea, a city of Bi- thynia, on the coast of the Euxine. c HpaK\i8ir)s, -ov, 6, son or descendant of Her- cules, as Thessalus and Tlepolemus ; also as a proper name, Heradides, of Maronea in Thrace. 'HpaK\WTT]s, -ov, 6, a Heraclean ; ot 'Hpa- KXewTcu, the Heracleans. 'HpaicXcwTis, -idos, i], fern, adj., %u>/>a under- stood, the Heraclean (territory). 'Hr)S, p. 314.) eo-yvis, -ios and -tdos, 6, TMognis, one of the Thirty at Athens. 0OKv8t]s, -ov, 6, Theocydes, an Athenian. 0O(iT)v, -WPOS, 6, Thibron, a Spartan general. io-pri, -775, i], Thisbe,& city of Bceotia, at the base of Helicon. It abounds now, as in Homer's time, with wild pigeons. oas, -avros, 6, Thoas, a leader of the ^Etoli- ans, at Troy. ovpios, -a, -ov, of Thurii, in S. Italy, Thu- rian. ocov, -wi/os, 6, Thoon, a Trojan. owo-a, -r;s, ^, Thodsa, a nymph, mother of Polyphemus. paKiov, -01^, TO, the Thracian square, a spot in Byzantium near the Thracian gate. (See 6ptj.Kio$, p. 320.) pcurvpovXos, -ov, 6, Thrasybulus, an Athe- 'loTicua nian, son of Lycus, who expelled from Athens the Thirty Tyrants. 0pa, Ionic form for 0pa(ruXaos, -oi', 6, Thrasyldus, an Athenian. 0pdv, oi, the Indians. "Iirvoi, -wv, ol, Ipni, literally, the Ovens, a rugged place on the E. coast of Thessaly, at the foot of Mt. Pelium. (See lirvbs, p. 331.) 'Iirira-yperas, -a and -ov, 6, Hippagr^tas, a Spartan commander at Sphacteria. 'Iirir'as, -ov, Ionic 'IinrCTjs, -ew, 6, Hippias, tyrant of Athens, who, being exiled, joined the Persians in their first expedition against Greece. 'Iiriro8d|iia, -as, i}, Hippodamla, daughter of Adrastus. 'IiriroSdp-eios d-yopd, i}, ffippodamus market- place, or, as we say, "square"; the market- place, or great square, of Piraeus, so named from Hippodamus of Miletus, who was employed to lay out the new town of Piraeus. (See linroSa- ACOS, p. 332.) 'I-mrdOovs, -ov, 6, Hippothous, of Larissa in Troas. 'IiriroKpaTTis, -ovs, 6, Hippocrates, an Athe- nian, father of Pisistratus. 'IiriroXoxos, -ov, 6, HippolSchus ; (1) a son of Bellerophon ; (2) one of the Thirty at Athens. 'Iirirdjiaxos, -ov, 6, Hippomachus, one of the Thirty at Athens (See i7nrofj.dxo, ol, also written 'I(riK\os, -ou, 6, Iphiclus, of Thessaly, son of Phylacus. "!<}>ITOS, -ou, 6, Iphltus, of Phocis, son of Nau- bolus. J Ici>ic#i, -775, i), the Battle-Din, personified. 'Itovia, -as, i), Ionia, in the W. of, Asia Mi- nor, the strip of coast with adjacent islands, in- habited by Ionian Greeks, from Phocsea in the north to Miletus in the south. (See "Iwv, p. 337.) K KdiKos, -ou, 6, the Calcus, a river of Mysia, falling into the ^Egean Sea nearly opposite Les- bos. Kcuvcu, -<2i>, at, Ccence, a town of Mesopota- mia, on the Tigris. Kaivi8i]s, -ou, 6, son of Cceneus, i. e. Coronus. Katvevs, -&*>?, 6, Cceneus, king of the Thessa- lian Lapithse. KaX^crios, -ou, 6, Calesius, charioteer of Axylus. KaXXidS-qs, -ou, 6, Calliddes, an Athenian arch on. KaXXiapos, -ou, -rj, Calliarus, an E. Locrian town, site uncertain. KaXXtpios, -ou, 6, Callibius, the Spartan har- most of Athens, in the time of the Thirty Ty- rants. KaXXifAaxos, -ou, 6, Callimachus ; (1) an Athenian polemarch at Marathon ; (2) an Arca- dian captain. KaXXCo-Tparos, -ou, 6, Callistratus, an Athe- nian. KdXirT], -775, i), Calpe, a port in Bithynia, about half-way between Byzantium and Hera- clea. KdXvSvai vfjo-oi, at, the Calydnce Islands, off the coast of Caria. KaXvSwv, -uvos, i], Calydon, an ancient city in S. ^Etolia. KaXvvSevs, -ews, 6, an inhabitant of Calynda, in S. E. Caria; ot KaXvvSeis, the Calyndians. KaXwSiKos, -??, -fo, Calyndian. KaXxT]8wv, -bvos, i], Calchedon, a city of Bi- thynia, opposite Byzantium. KaXxt]8ovta, -as, ij (%c6pa understood), the territory of Calchedon. Ka(iJ3vo-T]s, -ou, 6, Cambyses, son and succes- sor of the elder Cyrus on the Persian throne. Kd|xeipos, -ou, o, Camirus, a city on the W. coast of the island Rhodes. Kcnravcvs, -ecos, T], Capaneus, father of Sthe- nelus. KairavTiid8T]s, -ou, 6, son of Capaneus, i. e. Sthenelus. Kairav^'ios, -a, -ov, of or belonging to Capa- neus. KcurrraSoKia, -as, i], Cappadocia, an inland district of Asia, W. of the Euphrates, and N. of Cilicia. KapSovx^ios, -a, -ov, of the Carduchi, Car- duchian. KapSovxoi, -T]pvs, -&i>s, 6, Caphereus, the S. E. prom- ontory of Euboea, where the Greek fleet was wrecked on its return from Troy. Kd8r)s, -ou, 6, son of Ceas, i. e., Trcezemis. Kep-rjs, --TJTOS, 6, Cebes, a Theban, friend of Socrates. Keioi, -uv, ol, the Ceans, inhabiting the island Ceos. KtXcuvaf, -Qv, at, Celcence, a city in S. Phrygia. KcvrpCTTjs, -ou, 6, the Ccntrltes, an eastern affluent of the Tigris, the boundary between the Carduchi and Armenia. KepajjLcav ior68wpos, -ov, 6, Cephisodorus, an Athe- nian captain. Kr]4>i-crowv, -uWos, b, Cephisfyhon, father of Cephisodorus, also, perhaps the same, a partisan of the Thirty at Athens. KiOcupwv, -cDfos, 6, Cithceron, a range of moun- tains separating Bceotia from Megaris and At- tica. KIKOVCS, -a", oi, the Oictines, dwelling near the coast of Thrace on Mt. Isrnarus. KiXiKia, -as, 77, Cilicia, a region in S. E. Asia Minor. KlXXa, -775, 77, Cilia, a city of Troas, sacred to Apollo. Ktjiwv, -wj>os, 6, Cimon, the name of two Athenians ; (1) the father of Miltiades ; (2) the son of Miltiades, distinguished as a general and statesman. Kwro-rjts, -Ldos, 7), the daughter of Cisseus or Cisses, king of Thrace. KUro-ioi, -wv, oi, the Cissians, inhabiting the district in which Susa, one of the Persian capi- tals, was situated. KXca-yopas, -ov, 6, Cleagtiras, a painter, of Phlius. , -ov, 6, ClecenZtus, a captain among the 10,000 Greeks. KXcavSpos, -ov, 6, Oleander, Spartan harmost at Byzantium. KXedvwp, -o/oos, 6, Clednor, from Orchomenus in Arcadia, a general of the 10,000 Greeks. KXedpcros, -ov, 6, Clear&us, a captain of the 10,000 Greeks. KXe'apxos, -ov, 6, Clearchus, a Lacedaemonian, commander of the Greeks in Cyrus's expedition. KXeoScuos, -ov, 6, Cleodceus, grandson of Her- cules. KXeoKpiros, -ov, 6, Cleocrttus, herald of the Eleusinian mysteries. KXe6|i|BpoTos, -ov, b, Cleombrb'tus ; (1) a Spar- tan, brother of Leonidas ; (2) a pupil of Soc- rates. -ovs, 6, CleoTrieiies, a Spartan king, half-bz-other of Leonidas. KXeop.T]8T]s, - v *, o, Cleomedes, one of the Thirty at Athens. KXewv, -awos, 6, Clean, an Athenian poli- tician and commander in the Peloponnesian , -wv, al, deduce ; (1) a town of N. E. Peloponnesus, near Corinth, in whose territory the Nemean games were celebrated ; (2) a town of Macedonia, on the peninsula of Athos. KXecivvfxoS; -ov, b, Cleonymus, a brave Spar- tan. KXovios, -ov, b, Clonius, a leader of the Boeo- tians at Troy. KXvfwvT], -775, 77, Clym&ne, an attendant of Helen. (See /cXifyiews, -77, p. 381.) KXvrat}JLvif|o-Tpa, -as, 77, Clytcemncstra, Aga- memnon's wife. KXvrfos, -ov, b, Clytius, a Trojan, son of Laomedon. Kvwcrds,"-ou, 77, Cnosus, an ancient royal city of Crete, on the N. side of the island. KoiXa, -wv, ra, Ccela, literally, the Hollows, a dangerous part of the coast of Euboea, on the S. W. side. (See /coZXos, p. 383.) Koipavos, -ov, b, Cosranus, a Lycian. Koipard8T]s, -ov, b, Cozratades, a Theban. Kotrai, -wv, oi, the Coetce, a tribe, otherwise unknown, whom the 10,000 Greeks passed on their retreat. KoXoo-o-ai, -&v, at, Colossce, a city in S. W. Phrygia. Kojiavia, -as, 77, Comania, a locality, perhaps a castle, near Pergamus in Mysia. KopT#|, -775, 77, Corsote, a desolate city of Mesopotamia, near the junction of the Mascas with the Euphrates. KopvSoXos, -ov, b, Corydalus, of Anticyra. KopvXas, -a and -ov, b, Corylas, satrap of Paphlagonia. feopv<|)dcriov, -ov, rb, CorypJiasium, a prom- ontory of the Messenian coast, on or near which Pylus, the city of Nestor, once stood. Kopwvia, -as, 77, Coronea, a city in AV. Bceotia. Kopwvos, -ov, b, Coronus, son of Cseneus. (See Kopuvbs, p. 389.) Korvwpa, -wv, TO,, Cotyora, a Greek city, on the coast of Pontus. KoTuwpiTcu, -G>v, oi, the people of Cotyora, the Ootyorites, Kova-yopa5, -ov, b, CuphagSras, an Athenian. Kpavcu], -775, 17, Cranac, a little island in the Laconian Gulf, whither Paris first betook him- self when absconding with Helen from Sparta. (See Kpavabs, p. 391.) 820 KpdtraOos Aeu/caSioi KpdiraOos, see Kdpwados, p. 349. KpaTTjo-iKXfjs, -eous, 6, Cratesicles, a Spartan. KpfjGwv, -uvos, 6, Crethon, of Phere in Mes- senia. KpTjrCvrjs, -of, 6, Cretines, father of Amino- cles the Thessalian. Kptos, -ou, d, Crius, one of the chief men of KpiroXXa, -wi>, rd, Critalla, a place in Cap- padocia where the army of Xerxes was mus- tered. Kpirias, -ou, 6, Critias, cousin of Plato, and one of the Thirty at Athens. KpiT6(3ovXos, -ov, 6, Critobulus, an Athenian, pupil of Socrates. Kpfrrwv, -wj/os, 6, Crito, the intimate friend of Socrates. Kpoitros, -ov, 6, Croesus, the last king of Lydia. Kpoicivas, -ou, 6, Crocinas, a Thessalian, a victor in the Olympic games. KpoKvXeia, -wv, rd, Crocylea, a district of Ithaca. Kpwjiva, -775, 77, Cromna, a stronghold in Paphlagonia. KTO,TOS, -ou, 6, Cteatus, a chief of the Epei. K/rr]os, -ou, TJ, Cyphus, a city in N. E. Thes- saly. KWTTCU, -, al, Copce, a town of Boeotia at the N. extremity of the Lake Copais. KwpvKiov dvrpov, rb, the Corycian cave, in Mt. Parnassus, sacred to Pan and the nymphs. (See KupvKos, p. 403.) A Adas, poetic form for Ads (see Xaas, p. 403), i], Las, an ancient city on the W. coast of the Laconian Gulf. Aae'pTTjs, ou, 6, Laertes, father of Ulysses. AaepTidSris, -ou, 6, son of Laertes, i. e. Ulysses. AaKcSaifiovios, -a, -ov, Lacedaemonian. (See AaKedal/jiwv, p. 405.) AaKparrjs, -ous, 6, Lacrates, a Spartan, Olympic victor. Adfxiros, -ou, 6, Lampus, a son of Laoraedon. Aap.\|/aKi]vds, -r}, -ov, of Lampsacus, Lampsa- ccne. Adp.xj/aKos, -ou, r), Lampsacus, a flourishing city of Mysia, on the Hellespont. AaoSdfXEia, -as, i), Laodamla, daughter of Bellerophon, and mother of Sarpedon. Aao8iKT|, -775, 77, Laodlce, daughter of Priam. AaoSoKos, -ou, c, Laodocus, a Trojan, son of Antenor. Aaofjie8ovTid8T]s, -ou, 6, son of Laomcdon, i. e. Priam. AaofjieSoDV, -ovros, 6, Laomedon, son of Ilus, L father of Priam, and king of Troy. Aavpeiov, -ou, rb, Laurlum, a range of hills in the S. of Attica, celebrated for silver mines. AeuoKpi-ros, ou, 6, Lwcrltus, a suitor of Penel- ope. Aeovrevs, -ews, 6, Leonteus, son of Coronus. AeovridSiis, -ou, 6, Leontiddes, leader of the Thebans at Thermopylae. ASOVTIVOS, -77, -ov, of Leontmi, in E. Sicily. Acovrts, -t5os, 77, Leontis, an Attic phyle. AevKaSioi, -wv, ol, the Leucadians, inhabiting Leucas, an island off the coast of Acarnftnia, Aeu/co? 821 originally a promontory of the coast. The chief city of the island was also called Leucas. ACVKOS, -ou, 6, Leucus, a comrade of Ulysses at Troy. APWTT)S, -cw, o, Lcobotes. Ionic form of Aa- pwras, -a, 6, Labotas, a king of Sparta. Aewv, -OJ/TOS, 6, Leon ; (1) a king of Sparta, grandfather of Leonidas ; (2) an Athenian, na- tive of Salamis. AetoviSas, -a and -ov, Ionic AsttvftTjs, 6, Le- onidas, king of Sparta, celebrated by his defence of Thermopylae. AettirpeTrqs, -ous, 6, Leoprepes, father of the poet Simonides of Ceos. AfjGos, -ou, 6, Lethus, a Pelasgian prince, allied with Troy. AI]ITOS, -ov, 6, Leitus, a leader of the Boeo- tians at Troy. (See XIJITOS, p. 412.) Ai(3vs, -uos, 6, Libys, a Spartan naval com- mander. AiKvp.vios, -ov, 6, Licymnius, half-brother of Alcmene, the mother of Hercules. AiXcua, -as, i], Lilcea, a town of Phocis, at the base of Mt. Parnassus, and the sources of the Cephisus. Afvoos, -ov, r;, Lindus, a city on the E. coast of Rhodes. Aovoridrqs, -ou, 6, and Aovo-ieus, -&os, 6, an inhabitant of Lusi, in N. Arcadia, a Lusian. AvKtiovCa, -as, -rj, Lycaonia, a region of Asia Minor, E. of Phrygia and N. of Cilicia. AVKO.O-TOS, -of, 6, Lycastus, a town of Crete, site uncertain. AvKclwv, -oi'os, 6, Lycaon ; (1) father of Pan- darus, of Zelea ; (2) son of Priam. AVKIOI, -wv, ol, the Lycians, inhabiting Lycia, in S. W. Asia Minor. AVKIOS, -ou, 6, Lycius ; (1) a Syracusan ; (2) an Athenian, a cavalry leader. AvKoji-qSiis, -ous, 6, Lycomedes, an Athenian ship-captain. AVKOS, -ov, 6, the Lycus, a river of Bithynia, flowing into the Euxine near Heraclea. (See Xu/cos, p. 419.) AvKovp-yos, poetic form AvKo'op-yos, -ov, 6, Lycurgus, a king of the Edones, a Thracian tribe, who was punished by the gods for his hostility to Bacchus. AVKTOS, -ou, T), Lyctus, an ancient city of Crete, a little to the S. E. of Cnosus. AVKWV, -wi/os, 6, Lycon, an Achaean. AvpvT]cro-6s, -ou, T], Lyrnessus, a city of Troas. Auo-avSpos, -ou, 6, Lysander, the celebrated Spartan general, conqueror of Athens. AVO-IK\.T}S, -e'ous, 6, Lyslcles, an Athenian, father of Abronichus. AvepvTjs, -ous, 6, Megaphernes, a Persian noble. M-yT]s, -rjros, 6, Meges, leader of the Dulichi- ans at Troy. MrywrrCas, -ou, 6, Megistias, of Acarnania, a soothsayer. M8wv, -Cjvo's, 6, Medeon, an old Boeotian city, near Lake Copais. Me'Swv, -OJ/TOS, 6, Medon, half-brother of Ajax son of Oileus, and commander of the troops of Philoctetes at Troy during the latter's sickness. Me0v8piv's, -, oi, the Melandltce, a Thra- cian tribe. MeXdvOios, -ou, 6, Melanthius, an Athenian commander. M^Xas, -avos, 6, the Melas, a river flowing into the Malian Gulf near Thermopylae. (See /xAas, p. 431.) McXea-ypos, -ou, 6, Meledger, of Calydon, an jEtolian hero and hunter. McXTjTos, -ou, 6, Meletus, a partisan of the Thirty at Athens. MeX((3oia, -as, ^, Melibcea, a town on the coast of Magnesia in Thessaly. Mcve'fjtvos, -ou, 6, Menex&ius, an Athenian, pupil of Socrates. Meve'crO-rjs, -ous, 6, Menesthes, a Greek, slain by Hector. MevoiTid8t]s, -ou, 6, son of Mencetius, i. e. Patroclus. MC'VTTJS, -ou, 6, Mentes, king of the Taphians, friend of Ulysses. Mcvrwp, -opos, 6, Mentor, a friend of Ulysses, intrusted by him, on his departure from Ithaca, with the care of his affairs. Me'vwv, -uvos, 6, Menon, a Thessalian com- mander in the expedition of Cyrus the younger. Mp|Xp8i]s, -ou, 6, son of Mermerus, i. e. llus. Mt'pov]/, -OTTOS, 6, Merops, a prince of Percote on the Hellespont, and a celebrated soothsayer. (See^po^, p. 435.) Mr0XT]s, -ous, 6, Mesthles, a leader of the Mseonians at Troy. MecririXa, -TJS, i], Mespila, an ancient deserted city of Mesopotamia, probably the ruins of Nineveh, on the E. bank of the Tigris, opposite the modern Mosul. Meo-crt], -175, ^, Messa, a city and haven on the S. W. coast of Laconia. Mccro-Ti'Cs, -t5os, T), Messeis, a fountain of Pherse in Thessaly. Meo-o-qvfa, -as, TJ, Messenia, the S. W. district of Peloponnesus. Meo-iXos, -ou, 6, MncsipMlus, an Athe- nian, whose good counsel contributed to the victory at Salamis. Moo-o-vvoiKot, -uv, ol, the Mossynceci, a bar- barian tribe on the coast of Pontus. Motxrcuos, -ou, 6, Musccus, a famous Greek poet of the legendary period. Mv-ySwv, -ovos, 6, Mygdon, a king of Phrygia. MvSwv, -wj/os, 6, Mi/don, charioteer of Pyltem- enes. MVKO\T], -??$, 77, Mycale, a mountain and promontory on the Ionian coast, opposite Sa- mos. MvKO\T]us, 6, Xanthieles, an Achaean, a commander of the 10,000 Greeks on their retreat. WavOfonrq, -??s, rj, Xanthippe, wife of Socrates. H > Onchestus, a Bosotian city, near Lake Copais. *O8tos, -ov, o, Odius, a chief of the Halizones, and ally of Priam. 'O8pvT)s, -ou, o, son of (Eneus, i. e. Tydeus. Oivcvs, -^ws, o, (Eneus, king of Calydon in JEtolia. Olvo|idos, -ov, 6, (Enomaus, a Greek, slain at Tro. , -ou, o, son of (Enopion, i. e. Hele- . Olraios, -a, -ov, (Etcean ; ol Olraiot, the (Etce- ans (same as the AtVtoVes, which see), inhabiting (Etsea, a name applied to that part of Thessaly which contains Mt. (Eta (Ofr??, a famous moun- tain ridge dividing Locris, Doris, and JStolia, on the south, from Thessaly on the north). CKrvX-os, -ou, d, (Ety/us, a Laconian town on the E. side of the Messenian Gulf. OlxaXtcvs, e'ws, o, an (Echalian. OlxaXT]0v, from OEchalia, a city in "W. Thes- saly on the Peneus. (Iliad, II. 596 and 730, refer to the same city.) 'OXiwv, -w^os, i), Olizon, a city on the S. coast of Magnesia in Thessaly, opposite Artemi- sium in Eubosa. 'O\ooavTos, -ou, d, Orsiphantus, a Spartan. 'Opxojwvios, -a, -ov, of Orchomenus ; ol 'Op- Xojxe'vioi, the Orchomenians. 'Opx<>^v6s, -ou, 6, Orchomenus ; (1) a city of the Miriyse in N. W. Boeotia ; (2) a city in E. Arcadia. , s 'Oo-o-a, -TJS, i), Ossa, the home of the Centaurs, a mountain in Thessaly, on the coast of Mag- nesia, with Mt. Pelium on the south and Mt. Olympus on the north, from which last the river Peneus separates it by the vale of Tempe. * Graves, -ou, d, Lanes, a Persian. "Orpcvs, -ews, d, Otreus, a Phrygian prince. OuKa\-ycov, -OKTOS, d, Ucalegon, one of the elders of Troy. 'O^tXnos, -ou, d, OpheUius, a Trojan. 'O<|>pvviov, -ou, TO, Ophrynium, a small town in the north of Troas. Otherwise written 'Opv- VLOV. , -ou, d, Ochesius, an J^tolian. n , -Qv, at, Pagasce, a port of Magnesia in Thessaly, at the head of the Pagasaaan Gulf, where Jason built the Argo. s II 771/6109 825 Hcuavicus, -^a>s, d, a Pceanian, a resident of the Attic deme Paeania, on the E. side of Mt. Hymettus. Ilaioves, -WP, 01, the Pceonians. Ilcuovia, -as, 77, Pceonia, the country inhabited by the Pieonians, on the rivers Axius and Stry- mon, included in the later boundaries of Mace- donia and Thrace. Ilaurds, see 'A7rats, d, a Pallenian, a resident of Pallene, a celebrated Attic deme. ndjijJLwv, -OPOS, d, Pammon, a Scyrian. IlavcUTiosj -ou, d, Pancetius, a Tenian ship- captain. (See TravaiTtos, p. 516.) IldvSapos, -ou, d, Panddrus, commander of the Zeleans, in alliance with Troy. IIdv0oos, -ou, d, Panthous, one of the elders of Troy. Ilavoims, -tuv, d, the Panopeans, inhabiting Panopeus. Uavoirevs, -^ws, d, Panopeus, a city of Phocis near the Boeotian frontier. IIavtiTT]s, -ou,6, Pantites, a Spartan, mentioned with Aristodemus as surviving Thermopylae. UapGeviov, -ou, TO, Parthenium ; (1) a moun- tain between Arcadia and Argolis ; (2) a city in S. W. Mysia. riap0vios, -ou, d, the Parthenius, a river in W. Paphlagonia. (See irapdfrios, p. 533.) Hapiavoi, -Cjv, ot, the inhabitants of Parium. IldpLov, -ou, TO, Parium, a city of Mysia, on the Propontis, near the mouth of the Hellespont. Ildpis, -i5os and -tos, Paris, son of Priam, whose seduction of Helen led to the Trojan war. (See*AX4oripor, p. 32.) Ilappacria, -as, 77, Par?'Juisia, a district and town, in S. W. Arcadia. IIappdT]s, -ou, d, Patiramphes, charioteer of Xerxes. Ilcuxravias, -ou, d, Pausanias, a king of Sparta. naXa*yova, -as, 77, Paphlagonia, a country of Asia Minor, on the Euxine, between Pontus and Bithynia. IIa<}>Xa-yoviK6s, -77, -bv, Paphlagonian. Ucipa'C8T]S) -ou, d, son of Pirceus, i. e. Ptole- mseus. -ou, d, Pirithous, of Larissa in Thessaly, one of the Lapithse. IIcipoos, -ou, d, Pirous, a leader of the Thra- cians in alliance with Troy. UeKTTjvopiS-qs, -ou, 6, son of Pisenor, i. e. Ops. Iliv, al, Pegce, literally, the Springs, a town of Megaris on the Corinthian Gulf. IlTi8aios, -ou, d, PedcKus, son of Antenor. IlTJ8ao-os, -ou, d, Pcdasus, son of Bucolion. IIi]8ao-os, -ou, i], Pcdasus, a city of Troas. n-qveids, -ou, d, the Peneus, the chief river of Thessaly, through the center of which it flows, 826 emptying into the Thermaic Gulf between Mts. Ossa and Olympus. IlT]V\ci>s, -w, d, Peneleus, a leader of the Boeotians before Troy. Ilijpcia, -as, i], Perm, a region of Thessaly. nt-ypTjs, -TITOS, o, Pigres, an interpreter in the service of the younger Cyrus. IIt8vTT]s, -of, o, Pidutes, of Percote. Iliepta, -as, 17, Pieria, originally a district at the foot of Mt. Olympus, along the W. coast of the Thermaic Gulf, celebrated as the birthplace of the Muses. The inhabitants were driven east- ward, where they settled a new Pieria afterwards included in the southern part of Thrace. IIurCSTjs, -ov, 6, a Pisidian, inhabiting Pisidia which lay between Phrygia and Pamphylia. IIiT0vs, -ews, 6, Pittheus, king of Trcezen, grandfather of Theseus. IIiTveux, -as, r), Pityea, a city of Mysia on the S. W. coast of the Propontis. IIXttKos, -ov, rj, Placus, a mountain of Mysia, at the foot of which Thebe wag said to have been situated. nXdrttv, -wos, 6, Plato, the son of Ariston, the celebrated Athenian philosopher. nXeupwv, -uvos, i), Pleuron, an old city in S. W. ^Etolia, in the plain between the Achelous and the Evenus. UoSoXeipios, -ov, 6, Podalirius, a Thessalian chief, son of JEsculapius, and surgeon to the Greeks at Troy. ZEoSdpKTjs, -ous, o, Podarces, a Thessalian chief in the expedition against Troy. (See irodapKys, p. 567.) IIoXiTi]s, -ov, 6, Polltes, son of Priam. (See iroXtTTjs, p. 571.) IIoXvdpXT)S, -ov, 6, Polyarclies, one of the Thirty at Athens. IloXvas, -ov, 6, Polyas, a Greek scout at Arte- misium. ndXvfJos, -ov, 6, Polybus, an Ithacan. IIoXuScopos, -ov, 6, Polydorus, a king of Sparta. (See iroXvoupos, p. 572.) IloXveiSos, also IloXviSos, -ov, 6, Polyldus, a Trojan. IIoXvKpeiKT)s, p. 574.) IIoXvviKos, -ov, 6, Polynlcus, a Lacedae- monian. UoXtl^ivos, Ionic form for IIoXvvos, -ov, 6, Polyx&ius, commander-in-chief of the Epei be- fore Troy. (See 7ro\u"ej/os, p. 574.) IIoXvTroirrjs, -ov, o, Polypcetes, one of the Thessalian chiefs in the war against Troy. UoXvo-TpaTOSj-ou, o', Poly stratus, an Athenian. IIoXvT]|j.os, -ov, 6, Polyphemus ; (1) of the Thessalian Larissa, one of the Lapithse, and an Argonaut ; (2) son of Neptune, a Cyclops. (See 7roXu"077/u,os, p. 576.) IIoXv<|>6vTT]s, -ov, 6, Polyphonies, a Theban chief. IIoTros, 6, the Satniois, a small river of southern Troas, rising in Mt. Ida, and flow- ingwest into the ^Egaean Sea. Sdrvpos, -ou, o, (1) a Satyr, see p. 630 ; (2) Satyrus, chief of the Eleven at Athens ; see ft- 5e/ca, II. p. 223. -ov, 6, Selagw, of Psesus, father of Amphius. 2eXi]irid8T]s, -ov, 6, son of Selepius, i. e. Eu- enus. SeXivovs, -oDVros, 6, the Sellnus ; (1) a river of Elis ; (2) a river flowing by the temple of Diana at Ephesus. SeXXao-ia, -as, 77, Sellasia, a city of Laconia, a little to the N.. of Sparta. 2eXXt]is, -CJTOS, d, the Sclleis ; (1) a river of Elis, between the Peneus and the Alpheus ; (2) a river of Troas. ScvOrjs, -ov, 6, Seuthes, a king of the Odrysse in Thrace. ET]X\jfi(3pia, also written 2r]Xvppa, -as, 77, Selymbria, a Thracian city on the Propontis, between Byzantium and Perm thus. 2Tjirids, -d5os, 77, Sepias, a promontory of Magnesia, forming the S. E. extremity of the Thessalian coast. 2t]ii, -775, 77, Scarphe, a Locrian town near the Malian Gulf. SKtaQos, -ou, 77, Sciathus, a small island off the S. extremity of Magnesian Thessaly. SniXXovs, -OUJ'TOS, 77, Scillus, a town of S. Elis, where Xenophon lived in comfortable exile more than twenty years. SKipcovis, -/5os, fern, adj., Scironian. The "Scironian Road " was a rugged mountain road 828 along the coast from Megara to Corinth, so called, says tradition, from a dreaded bandit, Sciron. (See ^Keipuv, p. 638.) SKUOVCUOS, -a, -ov, Scionean, of Scione, the chief city on the peninsula Pallene in S. Mace- donia. StcvOivoi, -uv, ol, the Scythlni, a barbarian tribe on the frontiers of Pontus and Armenia. 2io>XXias, -ov, 6, Scyllias, a. diver of Scione. 2icvpios, -a, -ov, Scyrian, of Scyros. (See S/cu>os, p. 642.) 2KXos, -ov, 6, Scolus, a town of S. Boeotia, not far from Thebes. (See Xos, p. 642.) 2[iiKpi]s, -TJTOS, 6, Smicres, an Arcadian com- mander. SoXoi, -wv, ol, Soli, an important coast-town of Cilicia. (See o-6Xot/cos, p. 643.) SoXvfxoL, -wv, ol, the Solymi, ancient inhabi- tants of Lycia. 2o<}>cuvTos, -ou, 6, SophcenZtus, an Arca- dian, one of the Greek generals of Cyrus the younger. 2o4>oKXfjs, contracted from 2o<|>oKXT]s (see p. 643), o, Sophocles, one of the Thirty at Athens. 2m6pi8aTT]s, -ou, 6, Spithriddtes, a Persian, general under Pharnabazus. 2 < rns, Stesildus, a commander of the Athenians at Marathon. 2/rpaTtr), -775, i), Ionic form for 2Tpa/Ha, Stratia, an old Arcadian town of unknown site. SrpaTOKXfjs, -(:ous, o, Stratocles, commander of the corps of slingers in the retreat of the 10,000. 2Tpoios, -ov, 6, Strophius, a Trojan. SrvfjicfxiXLos, -a, -ov, of Stymphdlus, Stym- phalian. SrvficfxxXos, Ionic form 2Tvi}Jw|>T)Xos, -ou, o and ^, Stymphalus, the name of a town, district, mountain, lake, and river in K. E. Arcadia. 2rvpa, -uv, rd, Styra, a city on the S. "W. coast of Euboea, nearly opposite the bay of Ma- rathon in Attica. 2i-upvs, -&>s, d, a Styrian, inhabiting Styra. 2ru<|>v, -wi/os, o, Styphon, a Spartan com- mander, son of Pharax (or Charax). 2vWaKTi]pCa, -as, i], Sphacteria, a long narrow island enclosing the bay of Pylus on the W. coast of Messenia. , -ou, 6, Schedius, a chief of the Pho- cians at Troy. 2\oivos, -ou, 77, Schcenus, a Boeotian city, near Thebes. (See o^oa/os, p. 687.) 2to of Sicyon, one of the 10,000 Greeks. , -ous, d, Talcem&nes, a Mseonian prince. TaXa'iov8iis, -ou, d, an irregularly formed patronymic for TaXa'CSTjs, son of Talaus, i. e, Adrastus. TaX6v|3Los, -ou, d, Talthylius, herald of Aga- memnon. Tajjiws, -d>, 6, Tamos, of Memphis in Egypt, governor of Ionia, and subsequently commander of the fleet of Cyrus. Taoxoi, -uv, ol, the Taochi, a tribe in N. Ar- menia. Tdpvi], -775, ?';, Tame, a Mseonian town, site unknown. Tapt], -rjs, r>, Tarphe, an old town of Lo- cris. Toufnoi, -uv, ol, the Taphians, a race of sea- men and pirates anciently inhabiting a group of small islands, lying between Acarnania and Leucas, the largest of which was Td^os. TeXajiwv, -tDvos, d, Telamon, son of jEacus, father of Ajax, and king of Salamis. (See reXa- fj,uv, p. 696.) , -a, -ov, Telamonian. (Xen. Anab., IV. 4. 15) for Tr^e- vCrT]s, which see. Te^e'crt], -r?s, 77, Temese, probably a place in Cyprus, whither the Taphians went for copper. Te'veSos, -ou, 77, Tenedus, an island off the coast of Troas. Tv6pi]8(ov, -6^os, d, Tenthredon, a chief in Magnesian Thessaly. Ttpxj/iwv, -uvos, 6, Terpsion, of Megara, a pupil of Socrates. TcvOpavCa, -as, 77, Teuthrania, a city and district in W. Mysia, about the river Caicus. TevOpavfS-qs, -ou, d, son of Teuthras, i. e. Axylus. 829 -aj/ros, 6, Teuthms, a Greek from Magnesia, slain at Troy. Te-uTajiiS-qs, -ou, 6, soil of Teutdmus, i. e. Lethus. TTjXepdas, -ou, d, the Teleboas, a river of Ar- menia, tributary to the Euphrates. (See rrjXe- /36as, p. 703.) TTJ\K\OS, -ou, d, Tetidus, a king of Sparta. TT]H.VTIIS, -ou, 6, a Temenite, belonging to Temenium, in Argolis, at the upper end of the Argolic Gulf. Ttjvtos, -a, -ov, of Tenus, one of the Cyclades, next S. E. of Andrus ; 01 Tijvioi, the Tenians. Ttjpeia, -as, ?;, Terea, a mountain in N. W Mysia near Zelea. TTJPTJS, -ous and -eco, 6, Teres, king of the Odrysae in Thrace, and father of Sitalcas. Tipapt]vo, -&v, ol, the Tibareni, a people of Pontus on the coast of the Euxine. Ti-yp-qs, -777-os, and Ttypis, -t5os, o, the Tigris, rising in Armenia, and, after uniting with the Euphrates, flowing into the Persian Gulf. TiOopca, -as, ij, Tithorea, one of the summits of Mt. Parnassus ; also a fortress lower down the mountain. Tip.apvT)s, -ous, d, Tissapherties, a distin- guished Persian, satrap of Lydia. TCrctvos, -ou, d, Titdnus, a mountain of Thes- saly not far from the junction of the Peneus and the Enipeus. (See Tlravos, p. 707.) Tirap-rjo-ios, -ou, d, the Titaresius, a river draining N. Thessaly, and flowing into the Peneus. TXTjirdXejios, -ou, d, Tlcpol&nus, son of Her- cules, led the forces of Rhodes to Troy. TfidiXos, -ou, d, Tmolus, a mountain range of Lydia, south of Sardis. ToXjifS-qs, -ou, d, Tolmldes, a herald in the service of Cyrus the younger. Topcovaios, -a, -ov, of Torone, Toroncan. Topuvt], -179, ij, Torone, a city of Macedonia, on the Toronean Gulf, on the S. W. coast of the peninsula of Sithonia. TpdXXci?, -euv, at, Trallis, a wealthy city in N. W. Caria. Tpdvixj/ai, -&V, ol, the Tranipsce, a Thracian tribe, northward from Byzantium. Tpaire^ovvrios, -a, -ov, of Trapezus ; ol Tpa- irt^ovvTioi, the Tra,2)ezuntians. Tpairc^ovs, -ouVros, d and i], Trapezus, an important city on the coast of Pontus, now Trebizond. Tprjxos, " ou <*> Trechus, a Greek, slain at Troy. TptKKT], -775, i), Tricca, an ancient city in W. Thessaly. Tpo^T]v, -Tyvos, 77, Trcezen, in the S. E. ex- tremity of Argolis, one of the oldest and most important Greek cities. TpoiT|vios, -a, -ov, Trcezenian. TvSeCSrjs, -ou, d, son of Tydeus, i. e. Dio- medes. Tvpideiov, -ou, rb, Tyriaeum, a town in E. Phrygia, near the frontier of Lycaonia. Tvpw, -ous, i], Tyro, daughter of Salmoneus, and wife of Cretheus. 'Yd|nrta, -a?, 77, Hyampea, a lofty cliff on the E. of Delphi. 'Ydn/iroXis, -ews, r), Hyampolis, a town in E. Phocis, near the borders of Locris and Boeotia. 'YSdpvTis, -ouj, d, Hydames, commander of the division of Xerxes' army called "the Im- mortals." "YXt], -775, 77, Hyle, a little town of Bceotia, on Lake Hylica.^ (See i!\77, p. 725.) "YXXos, -ou, d, Hyllus, son of Hercules, to whom the Spartan kings traced their lineage. 'YirtCptuv, -oi'os, d, Hyplron, a Trojan chief. 'Yirpdv6T]S, -ous, d, Hyperanthes, a son of Darius I. 'Yir^peia, -as, 77, Hyperea, a fountain with the surrounding district, in Thessaly. 'YirpT]oriT], -775, 77, Hyperesia, a city of Achaia, near the coast of the Corinthian Gulf, the later JEgira. 'Yiro0Tjpai, -wv, ai, Hypothebcc, a city of Boeotia, either the later Potnise, 10 stadia south of Thebes, or Lower Thebes in distinction from the citadel. 'Ypa, -as, 77, Hyria, a Boeotian town near Aulis. 'YpKcivios, -a, -ov, of Hyrcania, a countiy bordering the Caspian Sea on the S. and S. E. ol 'YpKavioi, the Hyrcanians. 'YpfiivT], -775, 77, Hyrmlne, a town of the Epei on the W. coast of Elis. 'YpTo,K8t]s, -ou, d, son of Hyrtacus, i. e. Asius. 830 'Tcricu 'YcriaC, -Civ, at, Hysice, a town of Bceotia, at the northern foot of Mt. Cithyeron. 'Yo-rdo-jnis, -eos and -ou, d, Hystaspes, father of Darius I. -o/>os, o, Hypsenor, a Trojan. cu8ptas, -ou, o, Phocdrias, one of the Thirty at Athens. 4>ai8cov, -WPOS, o, Phtedon, of Elis, a disciple of Socrates, and the founder of a school of phi- losophy. ^aiSwvfSrjs or <>aiS<0v8as, -ou, 6, Phcedonldes or Phcedondas, a friend of Socrates. 4>aivo\|/, -OTTOS, d, Phcenops, son of Asius of Abydus, and friend of Hector. 4>aiapvdpaos, -ou, d, Pharnabdzus, a Persian of high character, satrap of Bithynia. &ai8nnri8T]s, -ou, d, Phldipittdes, an Athenian courier. , -ou, d, Phidippus, grandson of Hercules, a leader in the Trojan war of Greeks from Nisyrus, and other islands S. W. of Caria. ^eiScav, -UH/OS, d, Phldon, one of the Thirty at Athens. 4>Vos, -ou, d and TJ, Pheneus, a town of N. Arcadia. <>pai, -&v, ai, Pherce, a town of E. Thessaly, near the port of Pagasse on the Pagasaean Gulf. 4>pK\os, -ou, d, Pheredus, said to have built the ship in which Paris carried off Helen. 4-q-yetis, -^ws, d, Phegeus, a Trojan warrior. $ij|uos, -ou, d, Phemius, a famous minstrel of Ithaca. 4T]pi], -77$, i), Phere, anciently the chief town in the southern Messenian plain, on the coast of the Messenian Gulf. Also written 4>T]pcU, ^apcU, and 4>cpa. ^T)pT]Tid8Tis for ^cpTjTidSris, -ou, d, son or descendant of Pheres, i. e. Admetus, his grand- son. 4>0ipci)v 3pos, r6, a mountain near Miletus, perhaps the mount of pine-cones. (See 6dp, II. p. 756.) <9iT]Tai, -&V, ol, the inhabitants of 4>^t^rts (or 4>0iwrts) in S. Thessaly. 'Axo-iol ol 0ifj- rai, the Achceans of Phthietis, so called in dis- tinction from the Achseans of the Peloponnesus. ^iXdwv, -oi'os, or ^iXcwv, -wvos, 6, Philaon, brother of King Gorgus of Salamis in Cyprus. ^tX-qanos, -ou, d, Philesius, one of the gen- erals of the 10,000 Greeks on their retreat. ^>iXoKTTJrt]s, -ou, d, Philoctetes, a Thessalian chief, pupil of Hercules and a renowned archer. $1X6X0.0$, -ou, d, Philolaus, a distinguished teacher of the Pythagoraean philosophy, a native of Italy. ^Xidortos, -a, -ov, of Phlius, Phliasian. 4>Xiovs, -OUJ/TOS, d, Phlius, an independent city in N. E. Peloponnesus, whose territory lay between Sicyonia on the north and Argolis on the south. 4>oivt|, -I/tos, d, the Phoenix, a tributary of the Asopus, 15 stadia from Thermopylae. (See 0o/i, pp. 764, 765.) ^patrias, -ou, d, Phrasias, an Athenian. ^paTa-yovvt], -175, i], Phratagune, wife of Darius I. 4>povios, -ou, d, Phronius, an Ithacan, father of Noemon. 4>p-u-yia, -as, TJ, Phrygia, the region in Asia Minor inhabited by the 3>ptyes (see pvvo-Kos, -ou, d, Phryniscus, an Achaan with a command in the army of the 10,000 Greeks. vXdiai, -175, r), Phyldce, a city of Phthiotis in Thessaly, at the N. foot of Mt. Othrys. (See v\a.Kri, p. 770.) ^uXaKCSiiSj-oujd, son ofPhylacus, i. e. Iphiclus. vXaKos, -ou, d, Phylacus; (1) the supposed founder of Phylace ; (2) a Trojan warrior ; (3) a Delphian hero. 4>vXt8i]s, -ou, o, son of Phyleus, i. e. Meges. 4>vXv's, -^ws, d, Phyleus, son of Augeas the king of Elis. 4>vXi], -?}s, i], Phyle, an Attic deme, and a strong fortress on the Boeotian frontier, com- manding the pass across Mt. Parnes on the road from Thebes to Athens. ^VO-KOS, -ou, d, the Physcus, a river of Assyria flowing into the Tigris. 831 Xatp\ws, -w, o, Chcerelaiis, one of the Thirty at Athens. *. XaCpwv, -wz/os, o, Chceron, an Athenian pole- march. Xa\Ki8evs, -^s, 6, a Chalcidian, inhabiting Chalcis in Euboea. (See XaX^s, p. 776.) XaXtas, -iSos, TJ, Chalcis; (1) the chief town of Euboea, separated from the opposite shore of Boeotia by the Euripus, here only 40 yards wide ; (2) a coast-town in S. JLtolia. XaXio8ovTux8T|s, -ov, o, son of Chalcodon, i. e. Elephenor. XdXos, -ov, 6, the Chains, a river of Syria. XapiKXfjs, -eous, d, Charldes, one of the Thirty at Athens. XapjiavSr], -175, 77, Charmande, a city of Mes- opotamia, on the Euphrates. Xapfu8r]s, -ov, 6, Charmides, an Athenian, uncle to Plato. Xapp-ivos, -ov, 6, Charmlnus, a Spartan officer serving under Thibron. Xdpoiros, -ov, 6, CharSpus, chief of Syme. (See xa/ooTTos, p. 778.) Xipos, -ov, o, ChirisSphus, a Spartan, successor to Clearchus in command of the 10,000 Greeks. Xepo-is, -tos, o, Chersis, of Salamis in Cyprus. Xpe'fxwv, -wj'os, o, Chremon, one of the Thirty at Athens. XpofiCos, -ov, 6, Chromius ; (1) a son of Priam ; (2) a son of Neleus ; (3) a Lycian war- rior. Xpofiis, -tos, 6, Chromis, a leader of the My- sians in alliance with Troy. Xpi5}, Chrysa, a city probably of Troas, but of unknown site. Xpvorjs, -ou, 6, Chryses, priest of Apollo at Chrysa, and father of Astynome (Chryseis, Xpwijis, ^p. 791.) Xpvord-iroXis, -ews, 77, ChrysopSlis, the mod- ern Scutari, a city of Bithvnia on the Bosporus, opposite Byzantium. , -ou, 6, the Psams, a river of Cilicia. Also written Sd/aos. ''I'vTTaX.cia, -as, 77, Psyttalea, a little island close to the E. cape of the island Salamis. as, 77, OcalZa, an old city of Bceotia just S. of Lake Copais. "fticvTos, -ou, d, Ocytus, a Corinthian. 'flXevia, -as, 77, in Homer irir^r\ 'OXevCr], the Olenian crag, probably the summit of Mt. Scol- lis, in Elis on the border of Achaia. "fiXevos, -ov, 77, also d, Ol&nus, an old town of S. ^Etolia at the N. foot of Mt. Aracynthus. 'fliris, -i5os, 77, Opis, a city of Assyria, at the junction of the Physcus and the Tigris. 'OpeiOma, -as, 77, Orithyia, daughter of Erech- theus, carried off by Boreas. T ft\|/, 'ftiros, d, Ops, father of Ulysses' nurse, Euryclia. YC 49779 924208 THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY