V?>me6u44 /saty-(>rci', c^VtXlx UBRA8J to ' c^~ BIBLIOGRAPHICAL LIST OF THE PUBLICATIONS JAMES MAIDMENT, ESQUIRE, ADVOCATE. J " ZSKijose Sfjop fs tocll=fcnoton, or ougfy to be go, fcrj all tfje tine lo&ers of curious little olD 8mofee=liricti bolumes." Cambers' Illustrations of tlje '3utfjor of asaabcrUp. " Wctis Sfiop is note, 31 ttlitbf, trjc onlp eitsttng ' CTasfe' in rt)is it0 tofticf) prescrb& tl)e true ancient JSKrjnfepn Be SSotBe ' oDour.'" Br Bitfiin's STour trjro' ScotlanD, faol. ii. p. 503. BIBLIOGRAPHICAL LIST OF THE VARIOUS PUBLICATIONS BY JAMES MAIDMENT, ESQUIKE, ADVOCATE, FROM THE YEARS M.DCCC.XVII TO M.DCCC.LIX. BT THOMAS GEORGE STEYENSON, iiqaariatt $0oksdler, anir EDINBURGH: PRINTED FOR THE COMPILER. M.DCCC.LIX. ONE HUNDRED COPIES PRINTED, FOR PRIVATE CIRCULATION. <*iai tm PRINTED BY MACPHKRSON & d.'ME, \1 St. DAVlD SfKEEf, EDINBURGH. TO JAMES MAIDMENT, ESQUIRE, ADVOCATE, THIS MEMORIAL OF HIS BIBLIOGRAPHICAL LABOURS, IS RESPKCTFULI.Y INSCRIBED, BY HIS MUCH OBLIGED SERVANT, THE COMPILER. S so MAN? MISTAKES are made in regard to the Edi- torship and Authorship of anonymous Publications, the Compiler of this List ventures to think that Bibliographers will not be displeased by his placing before those individuals who take an interest in such matters a Catalogue of the Publications which the gentleman whose name is prefixed has, from time to time, issued from the Press. Most of them are without the Editor's name, several are privately printed, and very many are now rare and difficult to attain. Of the importance of many of the greater proportion there can be little doubt. Reference may in particular be made to the Analecta Scotica, the Melros Papers, the Letters and State Papers of the Reign of James VI. the Scotish Historical Frag- ments. In Genealogy, the Peerage Reports, which were so much relied on in the great cases of the Crawford and Montrose Peer- ages, the Genealogies of the Saint-Claires, the Hayes of Tweed- dale, the Carrie Earldom, and the Argyle Papers. Nor are the contributions to the lighter literature of the country without their a '!".. e. 8 PREFACE. value, for example, the Scotish Pasquils and Scotish Elegiac Verses, and the Eomances of Rouland and Vernagu, and Otuel. Some of the scarcest volumes are those privately printed. Not unfrequently fault is found by captious critics, that what might be interesting to the Public should be kept entirely in the hands of a few favoured persons. We think the observations on this point in the Preface to the Boxburghiana are a complete answer ; for antiquarian works generally will not sell, although persons will always be found ready to accept them for nothing. Many of the volumes herein recorded are now OUT OF PRINT, and are not likely to be again sent to press. Of some of these, however, I have occasionally good and clean second-hand copies on sale at reasonable prices. In conclusion, I venture to hope, that this accurate Catalogue may be found not altogether undeserving of the consideration of bibliophilists. C. 0. A. * 1 " i OF THE VARIOUS PUBLICATIONS OF JAMES MAIDMENT, ESQ. ADVOCATE. 1. PRYMEROSE (DAVID, Advocate), SCOTLAND'S COMPLAINT upon the Death of our late Soveraigne KING JAMES, of most happie meraorie. (In verse, dedicated to John Earle of Mar re) . REPRINTED from the Edition of 1625 printed by John Wreittoun. 4to. [Edinburgh, 1817] ggr ONLY TEN COPIES WERE PRINTED FOR PRESENTS. 2. RAID OF RUTHVEN. Ane Declaratioun of the iust and necessar causis, moving vs of the Nobilitie of Scotland, vthers ye Kings Ma- jesteis faithfvl svbjectis, to repair to his Hienes presence, and to remane with him, &c. &c. 1T Derectit from Striuiling, with speciall command and licence to be prentit, anno L582. NEW EDITION, with Preface and Notes. Sm. 8vo. [Edinburgh, Laing, 1822.] " This Declaration of the Nobility against the Duke of Lennox and the Earl of Arran, is a remarkably scarce tract, and was Reprinted from a copy supposed to be unique. It is valuable, both as an interesting historical document and as a curious specimen of the Scotish language at the time." <^- FORTY-FIVE COPIES WERE PRINTED FOR SALE, AND Two ON VELLUM. 3. TWO ANCIENT BALLADS. ROBIN HOOD'S COURTSHIP with JACK CADE'S DAUGHTER ; and the FRIERIS' TRAGEDY. Aberdeen : Published and Sold by William Robertson. 8vo. Pp. 16. [Edinburgh, 1822.1 " The place of publication was purposely falsified ; and the Ballads were printed for the pur- pose of testing the knowledge of a literary friend, who believed that he never could be imposed upon by a fictitious ballad. NOT ABOVE A DOZEN COPIES WERE PRINTED. One of these having found its way to London, has been reprinted, with a beautiful illustration, by Mr Gutch, in his very interesting collection relative to Robin Hood, as a genuine Scotish ballad. The Frieris' Tragedy has not been reprinted : it was written by a member of the Society of Writers to the Signet, whose name it is not necessary to mention." 4. NUG^E DERELICTS quas colligerunt J. M. et R. P. [A collection of EIGHTEEN TRACTS, privately printed, at various times, by Mr James Maidment, Advocate, and Robert Pitcairn, W. S.] Roy. 8vo. Edin. 1822 SIR WALTER SCOTT, in a letter to Mr Pitcairn, 22d January 1823, describes this collection as " Your curious and invaluable publication." ONLY Six COMPLETE SETS of these Tracts ARE dt*- 10 T. G. STEVENSON S CATALOGUE OF NOW SUPPOSED TO EXIST. There is a complete set at Abbotsford ; Mr Thomas Thomson's copy was purchased by the Right Hon. Thomas Grenville ; and Mr Pitcairn's now belongs to R. M. Milnes, Esq. M. P. The following list of contents may be deemed interesting: 1. Inventory of A rbuthnot Title-deeds from 1206 to 1483. 2. Charter C. de Buchan to Robert de Warderobe. 3. Confirmatio Alexandri Regis. 4. Letters of Pardon by Edward II I. to Cecil Ridgeway, 1358. 5. Appendix. 6. Charter by Magistrates of Edinburgh to Robert de Preston, 1454. 7. Procuratory to Rosse of the Hawkhead, 1466. 8. Battayle of Flodden. 9. Appendix. 10. Geir of the Abbacie of Lindoris, 1513. 11. Heraldic Verses, 1565. 12. Inventor of Gudes of Dame Elizabeth Fleming. 13. Resignation by Lord Binning, 1614. 14. Lord Dunkeld's Pro- phecy. 15. Dying Words of Haxton of Rathillet. 16. Excerpt from Inventory of Crown Dona- tions. 17. Memoir of Robert, 3d Baron Balfour of Burleigh. 18. Appendix. 5. LYOUN (JOHN, of Auldbar], TEARES for the Death of Alexander Earle of Dunfermeling, Lord Chancellar of Scotland. 4to. Edinburgh, 1823 The Earl of Dumfermline, whose death forms the subject of this Poem, was a man of con- siderable talent. " He died aged 67, with regret of all that knew him, and the love of his coun- try, and was interred with great honour." The lines at the end are exceedingly beautiful. ^ This was Mr Maidment's Contribution to the Bannatyne Club. SEVENTY COPIES were printed for the Members, with Two ox VELLUM, none for sale. 6. A NORTH COUNTRIE GARLAND. [A Collection of ANCIENT BAL- LADS, never before printed]. 18mo. Edinburgh, 1824 " Small and slender as is this volume, it makes considerable additions to our catalogue of an- cient ballads." MOTHERWELL. " In this volume for the first time appeared the ' Burning of Frendraucht,' a ballad supposed by Ritson to have been lost." C- THIRTY COPIES WERE PRINTED FOR PRESENTS. 7. EXCERPTA SCOTICA. [A Collection of TWENTY-NINE short PIECES, Illustrative of Scotish Affairs.] 8vo. Edinburgh, 1825 " The small fugitive pieces in this volume were given away, so that not half-a-dozen complete copies are in existence. Many of the articles are from MSS. in the British Museum ; and one in particular, which is especially curious, is a list of the Nobility of Scotland in 1595, which had been partially injured by fire, and which tends to shew that the recent decision in the Herries Peerage is a sound one." 8. PITTILLOCH'S (ROBERT, Advocate), TRACTS, Legal and Historical, 1659-1689. Reprinted from the Original Edition, with an Introductory Notice. Sm. 4to. Edinburgh, [Stevenson~] 1827 " The principal value of this collection of fugitive pieces, consists in the curious and valuable information which they contain illustrative of our national history. Independently of their im- portance in this respect, the Tracts possess the additional interest of preserving notices, not otJter- wise to be found, relative to various eminent Scotchmen." Pittilloch was Solicitor-General during the Commonwealth. $S> IMPRESSION LIMITED TO FORTY COPIES ON SMALL, AND FOUR ON LARGE PAPER. 9. SCOTISH PASQUILS OR LAMPOONS, now first printed from the Original Manuscripts, with Illustrative Notices and Notes. 3 vols. 12mo. Edinburgh [Stevenson], 1827-28 " These Scotish pasquils give ample proof that there was no lack of satirical talent in Scotland. Some of the articles are exceedingly clever, and to the point. They are principally directed against the opponents of the House of Stuart. One of the most remarkable of the pieces, is the satire upon the Family of Stairs, or Stair, as it is now styled. In it will be found the incidents which Sir Walter Scott has made so admirable an use in his Bride of Lammermoor. In the new edi- tion of his Romances, Sir Walter refers " to the curious little volume of Pasquils," as containing ** these highly scurrilous and abusive verses," the authorship of which he asciibes to no less a person than the Lord Justice-Clerk Hamilton of Whytelaw, (vol. xiii. p. 246.) Two other vo- lumes of Pasquils subsequently appeared, fully as interesting as the first one. The notes and explanations are numerous, and evince both the great labour and research of the Editor. It should be noticed, that a very severe epigram on Lord Justice-Clerk Whytelaw is to be found only in a few copies, having subsequently been expunged. The two printed in most copies are quite severe enough in all conscience." (& IMPRESSION LIMITED TO SIXTY COPIES ON SMALL, AND FIFTEEN ON LARGE PAPER. j. MAIDMENT'S PUBLICATIONS. 11 10. RELIQUIAE SCOTIC^: SCOTISH REMAINS, in Prose and Verse, from Original MSS. and Scarce Tracts. 8vo. Edinburgh^ [Stevenson] 1828 " In this Collection will he found two Letters from John Pinkerton, written in his most abusive manner, to George Paton the antiquary Two Bonds of Manrent various Poetical Scraps from Original MSS. an Account of the Witches of Kilernan and various equally amusing odds and ends." ONLY FOUKTEEN COPIES WERE MADE UP, AND FOUR ON THICK PAPER. 11. TEMPLARIA : Papers relative to the History, Privileges, and Posses- sions of the SCOTISH KNIGHTS TEMPLARS, and their successors the Knights of Saint John of Jerusalem, c. (Four Parts}. Sin. 4to. Edinburgh [Stevenson] 1828-29 gr TWENTY-FOUR COPIES WERE PRINTED ox SMALL, AND Two ON LARGE PAPER, But the work is seldom found complete, having been printed in small fasciculi, some in single leaves, and consequently ranks among the scarcest of Scotish privately printed volumes. 12. GASCOIGNE (GEORGE), THE WYLL OF THE DF.UILL, with his Ten Detestable Commaundernentes, directed to his Obedient and Accursed Children, &c. Reprinted with a Prefatory Notice. 18mo. Edinburgh, [Stevenson] 1828 " A very curious performance, and which merits preservation, as a severe, but tolerably just satire upon existing habits. It derives no little interest from its minute catalogue of the vices of the times." $tjT IMPRESSION LIMITED TO FORTY COPIES. There were^Two COPIES on VELLUM. 13. A BANQUET OF DAINTIES FOR STRONG STOMACHS. [A Collection of Scotish Satirical, &c. Poems about the beginning of the Eighteenth century, from Myln's MSS.J 18mo. Edinburgh, [Stevenson] 1828 " This was a joint publication of Mr C. K. SHARPS and J. MAIDMENT. The Impression was limited to a few copies chiefly,. for presents." 14. MEMORIALS OF THE FAMILY OF ROW, viz. The Red- shankes Sermon : Preached at St. Giles' Church in Edinburgh, by a Highland Minister. A Cupp of Bon-Accord, or Preaching, by Mr. James Row, sometyme Minister at Strowan, preacht by him at Edenburgh, in Saint Geiles' Church, with an Introductory Notice, Notes, &c. Sm. 4to. Edinburgh, [Stevenson] 1828 " This volume contains a copy of the celebrated sermon so often noticed called the " Pockmanty Sermon," and which, as a specimen of the style indulged in by Scotish Calvinistic divines, has been so much ridiculed by Lutherans. The genuineness of the sermon is apparent- ly well authenticated." ggp FORTY COPIES WERE PRINTED ON SMALL, AND TWELVE ON LARGE PAPER. 15. DAVIDSON'S (REV. JOHN, Regent in St. Leonard's College, and afterwards Minister of Salt- Preston,} POETICAL REMAINS. 1573-1595, now for the first time collected together, with a Biographical Account of the Author, and various Illustrative Papers. Sm. 8vo. Edinburgh [Stevenson], 1829 " Davidson's Poetical Remains, until collected together in this volume, were rare to excess. A cotemporary and friend of Knox a divine of great eminence, and a poet of no mean powers he did not merit the oblivion to which, until recently, he was consigned. One of his works has eluded the vigilance of Bibliomaniacs his dramatic interlude, representing the Siege of the Castle of Edinburgh its capture and the hanging of the captain in command, which was performed with the approbation of the pious John Knox, at the marriage of Mr John Colvin. This piece v^ sm f^i 12 T. G. STEVENSON'S CATALOGUE OF James Melville "saw playit in Mr Knox's presence," in 157'2. V"hat a singular curiosity this would be a play under the patronage of John Knox!" gr- IMPRESSION LIMITED TO FORTY COPIES. 16. LETTERS FROM JOSEPH RITSON TO GEORGE PATON (late of the Custom- House, Edinburgh) ; to which is added, A (severe) Critique by John Pinkerton upon " Ritson's Scottish Songs;" with a Preface and Notes. Sm. 8vo. Edinburgh, Stevenson, 1829 " These letters contain some curious literary and antiquarian notices, with particulars as to the Shakespeare forgeries, which at the time (1792-95) were making a great noise." ONE HUNDRED COPIES PRINTED. 17. NUGvE SCOTIC^E : [A Collection of TWENTY-TWO separate bro- chures], Miscellaneous Papers Illustrative of Scottish Affairs, M.D.XXXV.- M.DCC.LXXXI. 8vo. Edinburgh [Stevenson], 1829 The following quotation from the Preface may not be unacceptable : " The fugitive verses brought together in the present volume have been procured as occasion offered, from various quarters, and sent to press as they came to hand. Among the more important portions of the collection, may be mentioned the notices regarding the early Drama in Scotland, taken from sources generally inaccessible. The Excerpts from Sir John Foulis' Note Books, which are peculiarly valuable, from the light they throw on the habits and domestic economy of a Scotish gentleman of rank, towards the end of the seventeenth century. The proceedings in the attempt by James VI. to impose upon the burghs the expense occasioned by his procuring the death of Stercovius, who had libelled the Scotish nation, and the curious extract from the In- ventory of the Papers of the Wigton Family." There is also included the Letter of Dr Robert- son, offering his American Collection to the Faculty of Advocates. This offer was rejected, for the sapient reason that it was a waste of money, as the Faculty had got the History. It would be, quoth the leading opponent of the purchase of the papers, " as if a party who had just partaken of a delicious pudding, was to eat the shells of the eggs which had been used in its composition." SIXTY COPIES of the single tracts were printed ; but, from the way they were distributed as they issued from the press, it is believed not more than twenty complete sets are extant. fijj* This Volume was jointly Edited by JAMES MAIDMENT, GEORGE RITCHIE KINLOCH, and CHARLES BAXTER. 18. PRIVATE LETTERS, now first printed from the Original MSS., M.DC.XCIV.-M.DCC.XXXII. Sm. 8vo. Edinburgh, [Stevenson] 1829 " Although the ensuing Letters are both curious and interesting, their peculiar and local nature renders them best suited for private circulation, among those persons who think there is no very great harm in being diverted with such (antiquated) scandal as afforded amusement to a person so truly respectable and virtuous as Mr. ROBERT WODROW, Minister of the Gospel at Eastwood, to whom (with the exception of a very few) they are all addressed." Preface. A very clever and amusing review of this small volume will be found in Fraser^s Magazine ; where it is asserted that it was the joint production of the late Lord Robertson and a highly popular clergyman. Maj u _ 4313 to 4645 ( 1 'rm i in j ......>j Each Day at One o' Clock. NOTE. . Chapman to Son, Iu submitting the Catalogue of such a well-known Collection of Books as that of the late Mr. MAIDMENT, beg to state that the Library is the most Interesting, while it is one of the most Extensive which has been sold in Scotland. Mr. MAIDMENT'S life-long connection with literary men, his editorial and literary pursuits, and his great knowledge of, and love for Books, enabled him to accumulate a Library which may truly be characterised as unique, while in very many instances great additional values are given to the works by inserted notes as to Authors, or notes and other insertions relative to the subject matter. To mark the Books throughout as "rare," "very rare" '' scarce," &c., would have been such a constant repetition, that it was deemed better to refrain, but it may be mentioned that a large number of the Books are " unknown to Lowndes or Brunei" and " quite unique." The Books are generally in fine condition, and most tastefully bound, chiefly by Abraham Thomson and Messrs. Henderson & Bisset ; Mr. Maidment having been very fastidious in this. CATALOGUE OP THE CURIOUS, RARE, AND VALUABLE LIBRARY OF THE LATE JAMES MAIDMENT, Esq., Advocate, Editor of Numerous Publications, &c. FIRST DAY'S SALE. Octavo et Infra. ECKET (G. A.), Comic English Grammar, illus- trations by Leech, Lond. 1840 2 Abercromby (David, M.D.), A Moral Discourse of the Power of Interest, russia extra, gilt edges, Lond. 1690 3 Aberdeen Colleges : Collection of Papers relating to the Union, by Professor Stuart, with MS. Notes by Professor Knight, h.-bd. Aberdeen, 1787 T 4 Aberdeen Magazine, "2 vol. calf, - Aberdeen, 1796-7 fo 5 Aberdeen Magazine, 2 vol. cloth, uncut edges, Aberdeen, 1831 6 Aberdeen, The Black Kalendar of, Aberdeen, 1843 7 Abrahams, de Carmine Wacii, russia extra, Hafnice, 1828 8 Abrege de 1'Histoire D'Espagne et de Portugal, 2 vol. calf, Paris, 1777 9 Abrege de 1'Histoire de France, 3 vol. calf, Paris, 1768 10 Abrege de 1'Histoire du Nord, 2 vol. calf, Paris, 1762 11 Abrege de 1'Histoire Ottomane,par La Croix, 2 vol.ca//, Paris, 1768 12 Abrege de la Vie de Charles I., vellum, Paris, 1664 2 FIRST DAY'S SALE. [Octavo et Infra. 13 Academy of Complements, wherein Ladies, Gentle- women, Schollers and Strangers may Accomodate their Courtly Practice, &c., red morocco extra, Lond. 1646 14 A Collection of Newspaper Extracts, Alnwick, 1833 15 Account of the Conduct of Provost Stewart, Edin- burgh, by David Hume, Lond. 1748 16 Account of the late Great Frost, and the Humours, Loves, Cheats and Intreagues of the Town as they were Managed upon the River of Thames, during that Season, h.-bd. Lond. 1684 17 Accounts of the Lord High Treasurer of Scotland, Vol. I. 1473-1498, edited by T. Dickson, Edin. 1877 18 Achillis Tatii (A.), Herotikon, edit F. Jacobs, 2 vol. calf gilt, Lipsice, 1821 19 Adam (of Blair Adam), Two Short Essays, the Gift of a Grandfather, &c., privately printed (see MS. note), N. D. 20 Adams (W.), Complete History of the Civil Wars in Scotland under the Marquis of Montrose, calf, gilt edges, Edin. 1724 " Strange to say, there is no copy so Mr Halket tells me of this work in the Advocates' Library." Note. ]. M. 21 Addison (Joseph), Miscellaneous Works in Verse and Prose, with Life by Ticknell, 4 vol. ; The Tatler, 4 vol. ; The Spectator, 8 vol. ; The Guardian, 2 vol. ; and The Free Holder, Town Talk, &c., 3 vol. in all 21 vol. calf, uniform, Lond. 1765-90 22 Addison (Lancelot), West Barbara or The Revolutions of the Kingdoms of Fez and Morocco, calf extra, Oxford, 1671 23 Adventurer (The), 3 vol. calf, - Lond. 1794 24 Adventures of a Black Coat, h.-l>d. - Edin. N. D. 25 Adventures of the Count de Vinevil, calf, Lond. 1728 26 Adventures of Covent Garden, in imitation of Scarron's City Romance, - Lond. 1699 27 Adventures of a Reformed Magdalen, 2 vol. in 1, calf, Lond. 1763 28 JElianus (C.), Various Histories, by Thomas Stanley, Lond. 1670 30 jEschylus, translated by Potter, 2 vol. calf, - 1779 31 uEsop, in Select Fables at Tunbridge, Bath, Epsom, &c, calf extra, - Lond. 1698 32 Agathemerus de Geographia, h.-bd. - Amstel, 1761 34 Ainsworth (W. H.), Crichton, 3 vol. calf, Lond. 1837 35 Aiiisworth (W. H.), Jack Sheppard : a Romance, illus- trated by George Cruikshank, 3 vol. Lond. 1839 Octavo et Infra!] FIRST DAY'S SALE. 3 36 Ainsworth (W. H.), Rookwood : a Romance, calf, 1837 37 Ainsworth (W. H.), The Tower of London, illustrated by George Cruikshank, h.-bd. morocco, gilt top, Lond. 1840 38 Airth Papers (The), h.-bd., Lond. N. D. 39 Aitchison (D.), Strictures on the Duke of Argyll's Essay, Lond. 1849 40 Aitou (Wm), Account of the Hamiltons, h.-bd. Glasgow, 1827 41 Alton ( Wm.), History of the Battle of Both-well Bridge, 1679, plan, h.-bd. Hamilton, 1821 42 Ajax's Speech to the Grecian Knabbs, Glasgow, 1755 a Journal from London to Portsmouth ; A Shop Bill, &c.. in 1 vol. - v. y. 43 Akenside (Mark), The Pleasures of Imagination, and other Poems, morocco extra, gilt and tooled, Lond. 1788 44 Alani Parabolse, calf, - Lipsice, 1663 45 Allatii (Leonis) Confutatio Fabulge de Joanna Papissa ex Monumentis Graecis : Bartoldus Nihusius recen- euit, prologo atque Epilogo auxit, nee non Teles- copium adjunxit Colon Agrip. 1645, 4i This treatise on Pope Joan is very scarce." De Cselibatu Cleri- corum, Dissertatio quam sub summis Auspiciis Sanctissimi Domini Nostri PII, Papae VI., etc., Dilingae, 1782, in 1 vol. calf extra, v. y. 46 Alberoni (Cardinal), Scheme for Reducing the Turkish Empire to the Obedience of Christian Princes, h.-bd. portrait, Lond. 1737 47 Albinovani Elegise III. et Fragmenta, calf, Amstel. 1703 48 Albinus de Insulis Ignotie, h.-bd. - 1704 49 Albrechti Tractatus Physicus, - Lipsice, 1736 50 Alcoran of Louis XIV., calf, - Lond. 1707 51 A Learned Dissertation on Dumpling, its Dignity, An- tiquity, &c. Lond. 1726 52 Alesii (A.) Epistolse ad Titum Expositio, ruby morocco, gilt edges, Lipsice, 1552 See interesting note on fly-leaf by J. M. 53 Alexander (Sir William) Poetical Works, now first collected and edited, with Memoir and Notes, 3 vol. Glasg. 1870 54 Alexandri Magni Epistolae, calf extra, - Gissce, 1706 55 Alfred (The Great), Translation of Orosius, calf, Lond. 1773 56 Allen (John), Collection of Historical Tracts, in 1 vol. h.-bd. morocco, gilt top, - v. y. 57 Alnandri Artes Typographic* in Suecia, calf extra, Lipsice, 172 4 FIRST DAY'S SALE. [Octavo et Infra. 58 American Joe Miller (The), numerous cuttings inserted, calf extra, Glasg. 1842 59 Arahurst (N.), Poems, calf, - Lond. 1723 60 Amhurst (N.), Terrae-Filius, or The Secret History of the University of Oxford, calf, Lond. 1754 " For writing this extremely witty but scurrilous work, the author was expelled from the University." 61 Amours de Theagenes et Chariclee, Histoire Ethio- pique, 2 vol., calf, Geneve, 1782 62 Amours Fugitifs du Cloitre, &c., 2 vol., - v. y. 63 Amours of Clitophon and Leucippe, 1720 64 Amours (The) of Messalina, late Queen of Albion, &c., 2 parts in 1 vol., Lond. 1689 65 Amphilochii Epistolae, calf extra, - ^4^.1644 66 Anacreontis Carmina, notis BarnesiijCa//", portraits, 1705 67 Analecta Gastronomica, a Collection of Curious Tracts and Newspaper Cuttings, including The Epicure's Almanac, calf, Circa, 1841 68 Ancient Ballads and Broadsides, edited by Halliwell, Lond. Lilly, 1867 69 Anderson (Dr.), Life of Smollett, calf, Edin. 1803 70 Anderson (James), An Historical Essay, shewing that the Crown and Kingdom of Scotland is Imperial and Independent, calf, - Edin. 1705 71 Anderson (John), Essay on the State of Knowledge in the Highlands, Edin. 1827 72 Anderson (R.), Ballads in the Cumberland Dialect, with notices relating to the author inserted, calf, Wiffton, 1808 73 Anecdotes du Cardinal de Richelieu et du Regne de Louis XIII.. .2 vol., calf, Amstel. 1717 74 Anecdotes du Ministere du Comte Due d' Olivares, calf, Paris, 1722 75 A New Way of Curing the Gout, &c., calf, plates, Lond. N. D. 76 Angling, The Innocent Epicure, or Art of, Lond. 1697 77 Anglo-Saxon Manual of Astronomy (Hist. Soc. of Science), - 1841 78 Annales Bambergenses, calf gilt, Moguntice, 1603 / 79 Annual Miscellany; or Rational Recreations for 1812, h.-bd., Paisley, 1812 80 Answer to Mons. de Rodon's Funeral of the Mass, by N. N., red morocco, gilt edges, Douay, 1681 " This very rare little book, of which I only know another, is particularly interesting in giving an account of the original foundation of the Convent of the Sciennes, of which an erroneous account is given by Maitland and Chalmers." Note. J. M. Octavo et Infra.'] FIRST DAY'S SALE. 5 81 Antiquarian and Critical Tracts; Charter by Mary Queen of Scots in Favour of James Sandilands, Lord St. John ; Hay (E. W. A.) on the Theban Sphinx, plates, Colchester, 1821 ; Vindication of Bp. Cleaver's Decretum Lacedeemoniorum contra Tirnotheum, Lond. 1821, &c., in 1 vol., calf extra, v -y- 82 Antiquitates Mererianae, h.-bd., Gottenberg, 1700 83 Antiquitates Triturse and Dissertation es Classicse, in 2 vol. k.-bd., v. y. 84 Apollodori Bibliotheca, &c., a Faber, calf, - 1661 85 Apparitions and Prodigies, Account of, calf, Glasgow, 1721 86 Appeal to Reason (by Halkerstone of Rathillet) See MS. Note, Edin. 1778 87 Apuleius (L.) Herbarium Apule Platonici, &c., numerous curious wood engravings, vellum, tiomce, 1480 " This is the Herbas of Lucius Apuleius, author of the ' Golden Ass,' one of the earliest and rudest woodcut representation of plants, and a volume of very rare occurrence." J. M. 88 Apuleius (L.), The XI. Books of the Golden Asse (translated by Will, Adlington, black JUtto, red morocco extra, gilt edges, RARE, - Lond. 1582 "The edition of 1582 is the most rare." J. M. 89 Apuleius (L.), Les Metamorphoses ou L'Asne Dor, trad, par J. de Moutyeard, engraved iitle, and plates by Crispin de Pas, $c., vellum, Par-is, Thiboust, 1623 90 Apuleius (L.), Metamorphoses, translated by Sir George Head, calf, Lond. 1851 91 Arabian Nights' Entertainments, translated, with Notes by E. W. Lane, 3 vol. h.-bd., morocco, gilt tops, nearly one hundred woodcuts after Harvey, Lond. 1839 92 Arbuthnot (Dr.), Miscellaneous Works, 2 vol. calf, Lond. 1770 93 Archie Allan ; A Tale in Scottish Verse, Brechin, 1827 ; Sketches in Scottish Verse, and Songs from the " Dundee Courier," privately printed, Dundee, 1828, in 1 vol. - v. y. 94 Archilochi Principis Reliquae ed Liebel, calf, Vindobonce, 1818 95 Aretino (P.), Dei Ragionamenti, &c., 1534; Coramente delle Fische, by Annibal Caro, 1584, two rare pieces, in 1 vol. vellum, - 1534-84 6 FIRST DAY'S SALE. [Octavo et Infra. 96 Argumentum Anti-Normanicum, wherein it is proved that William the Conqueror did not get the Crown by the Sword, frontispiece, calf, Lond. 1682? 97 Ariosto, Opere Varie di, 3 vol. calf gilt, Parigi, 1776 98 Aristophanis Comoedias, a Brunck, 3 vol. russia, Argent, 1783 99 Arminii Tragoediae, morocco extra, Ratisbonce, 1678 100 Armstrong (John, M.D.), Miscellanies, 2 vol. calf, Lond. 1770 101 Arnold (J.), The Essex Harmony, h.-bd. Lond. 1767 102 Arnot (D.), Witches of Keils Glen, h.-bd. Cupar, 1825 103 Arnot (Hugo), An Essay on Nothing, calf (2 engravings by Kay, and notes inserted), - Lond. 1776 104 Arrest Centre des Bergers Sorciers, h.-bd. Paris, 1695 105 Arriani Ars Tactica, vellum, - Amstel. 1683 106 Arriani De Expeditione Alexandri, cum notis G. Raphelii, vellum, - Amstel. 1757 107 Art of Dining (numerous cuttings inserted), calf, Lond. 1852 108 Art of Growing Rich, a Supplement to the Spectator's Essay on the Ways of Raising a Man's Fortune, calf, - Edin. 1735 109 Ascham (R.), English Works, h.-bd. morocco, gilt top, Lond. 1815 110 Ascham (R.), Epistolarum libri tres, portrait and frontispiece, Oxon. 1703 111 Assembly (The), A Comedy, by a Scots Gentleman, calf extra, Lond. 1722 " This piece is no more than a gross abuse of the Whig party in Scotland," &c. J. M. 112 Astianatte Drama per Musica, morocco extra, Roma, 1719 113 Atalantis Reviv'd, 2 vol. in 1, calf, Lond. 1748 114 Athenaeum, The, h.-bd. Glasgow, 1830 115 Aubery (Louis), Memoires pour servir a 1'Histoire de Hollande, &c., calf, - Paris, 1697 116 Aubrey (John), Miscellanies upon various Subjects, russia extra, - Lond. 1784 117 Augustini (A.), Collectanea Sententiarum per Joach. Westphala, ruby morocco, gilt edges, Ratisponoe, 1553 118 Aurelii Historia Iloinana, S. Pitiscus, vellum, Trajecti ad Rhenum, 1616 119 Ausonii (D. M.) Opera, recens. J. Tollius, vellum, Amstel, 1671 120 Austriaco (Johannis), De Memoria Artificiosa Libellns, calf extra, tooled and gilt, - Argent. 1603 Octavo et Infra.] FIRST DAY'S SALE. 7 121 Aviani (Flavii) Fabulae, cum comment. Albino, vellum, gilt, Amstel. 1731 122 Aylet (Robert), Briefe Chronologic of the Holie Scriptures, comprised first in a few verses for some helpe of rnemorie, &c., by R. A., ruby morocco extra, gilt edges, Lond. 1600 123 Ayre (Wm.), Memoirs of the Life and Writings of Alexander Pope, 2 vol. calf, Lond. 1745 124 Aytoun (Sir Robert), Poems, edited by Charles Roger, Edin. 1844 125 Aytoun (Professor), The Ballads of Scotland, 2 vol. Edin. 1858 126 |'S)J||ABR1I Fabulse, illustravit Knochius, calf, JIH Hala>., 1835 127 Babrius's Fables by Davies, Lond. 1859 128 Backmeisteri (L.) Precationum Piarum Collects ex Scriptis Melanthonis, ruby morocco extra, gilt edges, Witenbergm, 1560 129 Bacon (Sir N.), Right of Succession to the Crown of England, ruby mwocco extra, gilt edges, Lond. 1723 130 Baillie (Joanna), Family Legend, and Metrical Le- gends, in 1 vol. calf, Lond. 1810-21 131 Bain (Donald), Olden Times, or The Rising of the Session, h.-bd. (portrait inserted), - Edin. 1 843 132 Balfour (Sir A.), Directions for Travelling thro' France and Italy, - Edin. 1700 133 Balfour (Sir James), Historical Works, by Haig, 4 vol. calf gilt, Edin. 1824 134 Ball (Thomas), Elegies and Poems, russia, gilt and tooled, Lond. 1697 135 Ballads. A Collection of Old Ballads, corrected from the best and most ancient Copies extant, with In- troductions, Historical, Critical, and Humorous, illustrated with copperplates, 3 vol. russia extra, gilt edges, - Lond. 1723 136 Ballads and Garlands. The Squire and Susan's Gar- laud (never reprinted), 1733. The Poor Child's Complaint, and Character of a Beau. The Jolly Farmer's Garland. The New Play-House Garland. The Frenchman's Garland. The Battle of Falkirk Garland, 1746. Transactions of the Pretender, 1746. Glasgow Lasses' Garland, &c. 21 very curious old pieces, in 1 vol., yellow morocco extra, 1735-46 8 FIRST DAY'S SALE. [Octavo et Infra. 137 Ballads and Songs. Jenny's Bawbee. The Northum- berland Life-Boat. The Irish Wedding. The Clydesdale Wedding. The Volunteer Boys, &c. A collection of 30 chap books in 1 vol. h.-bd., Edin. and Stirling, v. y. fc 138 Ballad Book (A), edited by C. K. Sharpe, frontispiece by the editor, h.-bd., uncut (only 30 copies printed), Edin. 1823 / 139 Ballad Book (The), edited by G. R. Kinloch, frontis- piece and vignette on title, h.-bd., uncut (only 30 copies printed for private distribution), Edin. 1827 140 Ballads. Scottish Ballad Controversy, with numerous Newspaper Cuttings, &c., h.-bd. - Edin. 1859 141 Ballads and Songs, by M'Killop, with numerous Netvs- paper Cuttings and Chap Booksinserted, h.-bd. Edin.v. y. 142 Ballantyne and Lockhart Controversy The Three Pamphlets on this Subject, with some Newspaper Cuttings and Notes by Mr. Maidment inserted, calf antique, red edges, - Lond. 1839 143 Balzac (J. L. de), Letters, translated by Sir R. Baker, russia extra, gilt edges, 1654 144 Bang- Up Songster (The), calf, cuts, - Lond. N. D. 145 Bannatyne (George), Ancient Scottish Poems, edited by Lord Hailes, old green morocco, - Edin. 1770 146 Baratariana A Select Collection of Fugitive Politi- cal Pieces published during the Administration of Lord Townshend in Ireland, calf, Dublin, 1777 147 Barbati Historia Jacobitarum, 1733; Hemmer Res- publica Tenedorum, 1735, in 1 vol, calf extra, v. y. 148 Barbazan Fabliaux et Contes des Poetes Fran9ois, 4 vol. calf, - Paris, 1808 149 Barbadillo ' (Don Alonzo de), The Fortunate Fool, translated by Philip Ayres, calf, - Lond. 1670 150 Barclaius (Jo.) de Potestate Papae, vellum, - 1610 151 Barclaii (Jo.) Satyricon, vellum, Lug. Bat. 1674 152 Barclay (John, Minister at Cruden), Description of the Roman Catholick Church, in verse, Edin. 1689 ; Rome's Legacy to the Kirk of Scotland, in verse, 1724 ; On the Scarcity of Copper Coin, a Satyr, 1739 ; Roast for a Scots Parson, a New Song, &c., in 1 vol, russia extra, gilt edges, v. y. 153 Barclay (John), A Sequel to the Diversions of Purley, calf, Lond. 1826 154 Bards of the Tyne : or a Selection of Original Songs, chiefly in the Newcastle Dialect, Robsons edition, h.-bd. Newcastle, N. D. 155 Bareith, Memoirs of the Margravine of, by Herself, 2 vol. h.-bd. - Lond. 1812 Ocavo et Infra.} FIRST DAY'S SALE. 9 156 Barker (Jane), Poetical Recreations, 2 parts in 1 vol. calf extra, - Lond. 1688 157 Barker (Thomas), The Art of Angling, 1651 (only one hundred copies reprinted), morocco extra, Lond. 1820 158 Barker and Ainsworth's Lares and Penates, cuts, Lond. 1853 159 Barlow (Dr T.), Cases of Conscience, calf , portrait, 1 692 160 Baron (R.), Poems and Plays, 3 vol. calf extra, portrait, Lond. 1648-50 161 Baron (M.), Le Theatre de, 3 vol. calf, Paris, 1759 162 Barrett (Eaton S.), All the Talents, a Satirical Poem in Four Dialogues ; All the Talents Garland, and the Second Titan War, in 1 vol. calf gilt, frontis- pieces, Lond. 1807 163 Bartholini (T.) Tractatus, rnssia extra, Hafnice, 1670 164 Bartholini (T.) Armillis Veterum, calf, cuts, Amst.lGTQ 165 Bartholini (T.) de Latere Christi, 1785 ; Van Til de die Nati Christi, 1740, in 1 vol. russia extra, gilt edges, v.y. 166 Basselin, Vaux-de-Vire, par du Bois, calf extra, frontis- piece, Caen, 1821 167 Bassompierre (Marshal de), Memoirs of his Embassy to the Court of England in 1626, translated, with Notes by Croker and Nicolas, illustrated l>y numer- ous inserted portraits, h.-bd. Lond. 1819 168 Battle of Brooklyn, a Farce, as it was performed at Long Island on 27th August 1776, Edin. 1777 169 Battle of Anghrim, 2 parts in 1 vol. calf, Dublin, N. D. 170 Beague (I. de), L'Histoire de la Guerre d'Ecosse, with curious autographs and MSS., vellum, Paris, 1556 171 Beames (John), A Translation of Glauville on the Laws of England, calf, - Lond. 1812 172 Beattie (George, of Montrose), Autobiography, MS., h.-bd. - N. p. 173 Beattie (George), John o'Arnha', &c., h.-bd., humorous coloured plates, - Montrose, 1826 174 Beattie (J.), Scotieisms, interleaved, MS. Notes, fyc., h.-bd. Edin. 1787 175 Beattie (James Hay), Essays and Fragments, calf (not printed for sale), MS. title, - Edin. 1794 176 Beckford (Wm.), Biographical Memoirs of Extra- ordinary Painters, calf, - Lond. 1780 177 Bede (The Venerable), The Ecclesiastical History of the English Nation, translated into English from Dr. Smith's edition, morocco extra, gilt edges, Lond. 1723 178 Bedford (William R.), Warwick Castle, a Tale, with smaller Poems, h.-bd, - Lond. 1818 2 10 FIRST DAY'S SALE. [Octavo et Infr a 179 Bedloe (Captain William), Life and Death of, one ot the chief Discoverers of the horrid Popish Plot, calf, portrait, Lond. 1681 180 Bedloe (Captain William), another copy (wants portrait}, Lond. 1681 181 Belhaven (Lord), The Countryman's Rudiments ; or, Advice to the Farmers in East Lothian, h.-bd. Edin. 1713 182 Bell (Joseph), Spring Flowers, a Poem (unique), calf, Edin. 1731 183 Belleiidenus (G.), de Statu Prisci Orbis, russia extra, gilt edges, - Parisiis, 1616 184 Belley (Bishop of), Alcimus and Varmoza, calf, frontispiece, Lond. 1677 185 Beltz (George F.), Memorials of the Order of the Garter, uncut, Lond. Pickering, 1841 186 Ben Jonson's Jests, or The Wit's Pocket Companion, h.-bd., - Lond. 1760 187 Bennett (Mrs.), The Beggar Girl and her Benefactors, 7 vol. h.-bd., Lond. 1797 188 Benno Redivivus, and others, in 1 vol. calf, 1694 189 Bentley (William), Halifax and its Gibbet-Law placed in a True Light, with Description of the Town, Gentry, &c., calf gilt, frontispiece, Halifax, 1712 190 Beresford (James), The Miseries of Human Life, 2 vol. h.-bd., coloured plates, - Lond. 1807 191 Bergerac (C. de), Satyrical Characters and Handsome Descriptions in Letters to Persons of Quality, russia extra, portrait, Lond. 1658 192 Bergerac (C. de), The Comical History of the States and Empires of the Worlds of the Moon and Sun, by A. Lovell, russia extra, Lond. 1687 193 Berkley (Sir John), Memoirs of, h.-bd., Lond. 1702 194 Berkeley (G. M.), Literary Relics, containing Original Letters from Charles II., James II., Swift, Addison, Steele, &c., h.-bd., - Lond. 1789 195 Bernardi (Major John), Life of, by Himself, calf, Lond. N. D. 196 Bernier (F.), History of the late Revolution in the Empire of the Great Mogul, &c., 2 vol. in 1, russia extra, map, Lond. 1676 197 Berrington (Rev. S.), Memoirs of Lucca, calf, Lond. 1737 198 Berthand, Syllabic Spelling, adapted to the English Language, by Mrs. Williams, numerous plates, Lond. 1830 199 Bertrand (Alex.), Du Magnetisme Animal en France, et Sur F Apparition de 1'Extase, calf, Parit, 1626 Octavo et Infra.] FIRST DAY'S SALE. 11 200 Berwickshire Naturalists' Club Proceedings, Vol. 1, No. 5, 1837; No. 8, 1840; Vol. 2, No. 11, 1843; No. 14, 1846; Part 5, 1847; Part 7, 1849; and complete from 1850 to 1878 inclusive, plates, $-c., Alnwick, 1837-79 201 Berwickshire Naturalists' Club Proceedings, 9 parts, Vol. 2, No. 5 ; Vol. 5, No. 5 ; Vol. 6, Nos. 2 and 4 ; Vol. 7, Parts 1, 2, and 3 ; Vol. 8, Parts 1 and 2, plates, fyc., A Inwick, 1847-72 202 Beverlandi (H.), De Peccato Originali, russia gilt, VERY HARE, It) 7 9 See interesting note by Mr. Maidment on fly-leaf. 203 Beverlandi (H.), De Fornicatione Cavenda Admonitio, calf, Jnxia Exemplar, Londinense, 1698 204 Bewick (Thomas), History of British Birds, 2 vol. largest paper, second edition, cuts, 1805 ; and Quadru- peds, thick paper, fifth edition, 1807, 3 vol. fine impressions of the cuts A CHOICE SET, calf gilt,uniform, Newcastle, 1805-7 205 Bibliographical and Retrospective Miscellany, by John Wilson, Lond. 1830 20G Bibliotheca Lusitana, by John Adamson, Newcastle, 1836 207 Bilsdale Dialect, Specimen of, calf, Northallerton, N. D. 208 Bingfield (William), Travels and Adventures, 2 vol. calf , frontispiece, - Lond. 1753 Sir Walter Scott wrote on his copy of this work in the Abbotsford Library " I read this scarce little 'Voyage Imaginaire' when I was about ten years old, and long after sought for a copy, till my friend Mr. Terry made me a present of this one." 209 Biographia Gallica ; or The Lives of the Most Emi- nent French Writers, 2 vol. calf gilt, Lond. 1752 210 Biographia Presbyteriana, 2 vol. russia extra, gilt leaves, Edin. 1827 211 Biographical Tracts Account of Thomas Sprot, D.D., 1715 ; Life of John Lord Somers, 1716 ; Life of Mr. John Dennis, 1734 ; Rauby's Narrative of the Last Illness of the Earl of Oxford, 1745 ; Life of Mr. Thomas Chubb, 1747 ; Birch's Life of Ward, 1766, &c., in 1 vol. russia extra, gilt and tooled, 1715-66 212 Biographical and Historical Tracts Memoir of Sir Stephen Fox, portrait, Lond. 1717 ; Burnet (Bp.), Memorial to the Princess Sophia, 1815 ; Word to Fanatics, Puritans, &c., or New Preachers New, with Authentic Portrait and Memoir of Mr. 12 FIRST DAY'S SALE. [Octavo ft Infra. Praise-God Bareboi\es,Lond. 1821 ; Coventry (Scott), Character of a Trimmer, reprint, 1833 ; and other Pieces, in 1 vol, calf extra, v. y. 213 Biographical and Literary Tracts (Collection of), including Love Lettei's of Mrs. Piozzi, written when she was 80, to W. A. Conway, Lond. 1843 ; Gordon (J.), On Calvin and Channing, &c. ; wilh numerous interesting cuttings, calf extra, - v. y. 214 Biographical Tracts Prince Albert and his Country, cuts, 1840 ; Sir R. P. Todrell's Dover, cuts, 1841 ; Memoir of Lord Meadowbank, 1845, and others, in 1 vol. h.-ld. v. y. 215 Birch (T.), Negotiations between England, France, &c., calf, Lond. 1749 216 Birch (Walter D. G.), The Utrecht Psalter, Lond. 1876 217 Bird ( ), The Hawks of Hawk Hollow, 3 vol. Lond. 1837 218 Birds, British and Foreign, by a Lady (by the Widow of the late John Ballantyne, the Printer), h.-bd. Berwick, 1843 219 Birt (Capt. E., commonly called Burt), Letters from a Gentleman in the North of Scotland to his Friend in London, 2 vol. calf, curious plates, MS. note by Mr. Maidment, - Lond. 1754 220 Biscoe (A. C.), The Earls of Middleton, Lond. 1876 221 Bishoprick Garland (The), or A Collection of Legends, Songs, Ballads, &c. belonging to the County of Durham, privately printed, VERY RARE, Lond. 1834 222 Black Agnes; or The Defence of Dunbar, Lond. 1804 223 Blackett (Sir W.), Memoirs and Pedigree of the Cal- vereys, - Newcastle, 1819 224 Blacklock (Thomas), Poems, calf, Edin. 1754 225 Blacklock (Thomas), Poems, calf, - Lond. 1756 226 Blackmore's Conspiracy against William III., Authen- tic Copies of Information thereanent ; St. Pierre's Project for Settling an Everlasting Peace in Europe, &c., in 1 vol. calf, - 1714-23 227 Blackwoodiana Review of Blackwood's Magazine for 1817 ; Calvinus' Letters on the Parody of Scrip- ture, 1817 ; Memorial of an Intended Publication, with Strictures on the Chaldee Manuscript ; Hypo- crisy Unveiled, 1818 ; and other Pamphlets and Cuttings from Magazines, Letters, &c., h.-bd. 1817-22 228 Blair (Rev. Robert), Life of, calf, Edin. 1754 229 Blanchard (Laman), Poetical Works, Lond. 1876 230 Blandy Trial at large of Mary Blandy, Spinster, for Poisoning her late Father, Francis Blandy, Esq., with a large number of Pamphlets and Papers relating to this Case, in 1 vol. calf, - Circa, 1752 Octavo et InfraJ] FIRST DAY'S SALE. 13 231 Blandy (Miss), The Secret History of, from her first appearance at Bath, h.-bd. portrait, Lond. N. D. 232 Blason. Poesies Anciennee, recueilles et mises ;i:en ordre, par D. M * * * (Meon), contains the suppressed duplicate leaves 53-64, almost always awanting, yellow morocco, gilt edges, Paris, 1807 233 Bloomfield (Robert), Poems, 3 vol. calf, cuts by Bewick, Land. 1805 234 Blount (T.), Remarks on Baker's Chronicle, calf, Oxon. 1672 235 Blount (T.), Fragmenta Antiquitatis, by Beekwith, calf, York, 1784 236 Boccaccio (G.), II Decamerone, 5 vol. old calf extra, LARGE PAPER, fine plates after Gravelot, London, 1757 237 Bocharti (S.), Epistola, Paris, 1650 ; H. Grotii et M. Berneggeri Epistolae, Argent. 1670, &c. calf, v. y. 238 Boewer (Thomas), Life and Death of the Merry Deuill of Edmonton, reprint, - Lond. 1819 239 Bolton (S.), The Extinct Peerage of England, calf, Lond. 1769 240 Bombet (L. A. C.), The Lives of Haydn and Mozart, fec.,, h.-bd. Lond. 1818 241 Bonaparte's Reverie and Book of Fate, h.-bd. Lond. 1800 242 Bonner (James), On Bees, calf, Edin. 1795 243 Bookland and Folkland of the Saxons, A Discourse on the, calf, - Cambridge, 1775 244 Book of Common Prayer, printed and engraved, by J. Sturt, portraits, and numerous Jine vignette en- graving s, ruby morocco extra, gilt edges, Lond. 1717 " The letterpress and engravings were printed from silver plates." 245 Border Tour through Berwick, Northumberland, Sel- kirk, &c., calf gilt, Edin. 1826 246 Boscobel Tracts, relating to the Escape of Charles II., edited by J. Hughes, Edin. 1830 247 Boswell (Sir Alex.), Poetical Works, by R. H. Smith, Glasgow, 1871 248 Boswell (Sir Alex.), Songs chiefly in the Scottish Dialect, and other Pieces, in 1 vol., russia gilt, letters and cuttings inserted, with a volume of plates, Edin. v. y. 250 Boswell (J.), Dorando, a Spanish Tale, green morocco extra, gilt edges, - 1767 " Written by James Boswell, it is now so scarce that the editor of his works was unable to find a copy there not being one in the British Museum." Note. J. D; 251 Boswell (James), Letter to Lord Braxfield, h.-bd. Edin. 1780 14 FIRST DAY'S SALE. [Octavo et Infra. 252 Boswell (James), Life of Dr. Samuel Johnson, 8 vol. Lond. 1835 253 Boswell (James), Letters of, addressed to the Rev. W. J. Temple, Lond. 1857 254 Botfield (B.), Tour through Scotland, privately printed, Nortonhall, 1830 255 Boulanger sur Elie et Enoch, calf, N. D. 256 Boursault, CEuvres de, 2 vol. calf, Amsterdam, 1721 257 Bower (Alex.), Life of Dr. Beattie, h.-bd, Lond. 1804 258 Bower (Alex.), History of the University of Edin- burgh, 3 vol. - Edin. 1817-30 259 Boyce (Samuel), Translations and Poems, MS. Note by Mr. Maidment, calf, Edin. 1731 260 Boyce (S.), Dalkeith Palace, a Poem, h.-bd. Edin. 1732 261 Boyce (S.), Poems, calf, frontispiece, Lond. 1757 262 Boyd (Zachary), The last Battell of the Soule in Death, 2 vol. calf extra, - Edin. Hart, 1629 263 IMBERNETHY (Bishop of Caithness), A Christian lafgLai and Heavenly Treatise, containing Physicke for the Soule, newly Corrected and Enlarged by the Author, morocco extra, gilt edges (wants portrait), - Lond. 1622 264 Abernethie (Thomas), Abjuration of Popery by, 1638, and Ramsay's Sermon Preached at the Receiving of Mr Thomas Abernethie, sometime Jesuite, into the True Reformed Church of Scotland, in 1 vol. calf extra, Edin. 1638 265 Aberdeen List of Pollable Persons within the Shire of Aberdeen, 1696, 2 vol. Aberdeen, 1844 266 ABBOTSFORD CLUB, a Complete Set of the Works Printed for the Abbotsford Club, 32 vol., with a List of the Members, the Rules, and a Catalogue of the Books, 1835-66 267 Abbotsford Club Letters, Papers, Minutes, and Memoranda connected with the Club, collected by Mr. Maidment, and bound in 1 vol. half morocco, gilt top, - 1833-57 268 Account of the Ceremonies in Coronations of the Kings and Queens of England, plate and cuts, Lond. 1727 269 Achesone (James), The Military Garden ; or Instruc- tions for Young Soldiers, russia, gilt edges, plates, Edin. 1629 Quarto.] FIRST DAY'S SALE. 15 270 Adamsoni (P.) Poemata Sacra, vellum, Zone?. 1619 271 Advocates' Library Catalogue Librorum Bibliothecse a Facilitate Advocatorum, cum Prefatione D. G. Mackenzie, calf, - Edin. 1692 272 Advocates' Library Catalogue of the Printed Books in the Advocates' Library, Vols. 1 to 5, in 7 vol. and Supplement, 1863-79 273 ^Eliani Varia Historia, Gr. et Lat. curante Gronovio, 2 vol. calf, LARGE PAPER, Lugd. Bat. 1731 274 Allwoerden (Henricus), Historia Michaelis Serveti, calf gilt, portrait, - Helmstadii, 1727 275 Amoeiiitates Historicse ; Questiones Physicse Meta- morphosem in qua Uxor Lothi in Statuam Salinam est conversa explicantes, 1669 ; Dissertatio His- torico Theologica de Templi Hirosolymitani restau- ratione, 1751, &c., 17 pieces in all, in 1 vol. calf, v. y. 276 Antiquities Illustrations of Northern Antiquities, from the Earlier Teutonic and Scandinavian Romances, with Translations of Metrical Tales, Notes and Dissertations, by H. Weber, R. Jamie- son, and Sir Walter Scott, calf gilt, Edin. 1814 277 Ane Oratioune set forth be Master Quintine Kennedy, 1561, black letter, reprint, Edin. 1812 278 Andrews (J. P.), History of Great Britain, 2 vol. Lend. 1794 279 Anderson (Patrick), Copie of a Baron's Court, newly translated by Whats-you-call-him, Clerk to the same, (said to be by Dr. Patrick Anderson), printed at Helicon beside Parnassus, and are to be sold in Cale- donia, black letter, morocco extra, gilt edges, N. D. " This Edition, which is probably the first of the ' Baron's Court,' is so exceedingly scarce, that I consider the present copy as unique." J. M. 280 Anderson (Patrick), The Colde Spring of Kinghorne Craig, 1618, and Jorden on Naturall Bathes, 1631, in 1 vol. vellum, v. y. 281 Analecta Germanica ; Senatus Deorum de Prsesenti- bus Afflictissimae et Periclitantis Germanise, 1626 ; Bibliotheca Gallo-Suecica, &c., a Erasmo Irenico, &c. ; Arnolphus male Malus Cognominalus, &c., per Fr. A. Candler, Monachii, 1735 ; and other Pieces, in 1 vol. half morocco, gilt top, v. y. 282 Analecta Historica et Antiquaria Meibomii Irminsula Saxonica, 1659 ; Karoli III. de Expeditione Romana, 1527 ; De Sermonarum Antiquarum Idololatria, &c., in 1 vol. calf extra, - v. y. 16 FIRST DAY'S SALE. [Quarto. 283 Analecta Saxonica A large and interesting Collec- tion of Pamphlets relative to the Roots of the Saxon Language, &c., in 2 vol. calf extra, v. y. 284 Apollouii Rhodii Argonautica, Greece, calf gilt, H. Stephani, 1574 285 Arber (Edward), Facsimile Texts ; The first printed English New Testament, W. Tyndale, 1525, Lond. 1871 286 Arbuthnott Missal Liber Ecclesiae Beati Terrenani de Arbuthnott, Missale secundum usum Ecclesise Sancti Andrese in Scotia, edited by Forbes, privately printed, - Burntisland, 1864 287 Archaeological Album ; or Museum of National Anti- quities, edited by Thomas Wright, illustrations by Fairholt, h.-bd., gilt top, Lond. 1845 288 Archbishop of Spalato's Declaration of three Reasons which moved him to depart from the Romish Reli- gion and his Country, morocco extra, Edin., Andro Hart, 1617 289 Aretii (B.) Valentina Gentilis Historia, russia extra, gilt and tooled, Geneva?, 1567 290 Argalus and Parthenia, Most Pleasant and Delightful History of, two curious old ivoodcuts, blark letter, Lond., printed for G. Tracy, at the Three Bibles on London Bridge, N. D. 291 Aristophanis Comoedise, Gr. et Lat., cum notisBergleri et Dukeri, cura Burmauno, 2 vol. calf gilt, Lugd. Bat. 1760 292 Armin (R.), The Valiant Welshman; or The True History of Caradoc the Great, interleaved in large paper, curious woodcut frontispiece, h.-bd., Lond. 1663 293 Army Argument shewing that a Standing Army is inconsistent with a Free Government, 2 parts, 1697, A Discourse concerning Militia, and others, in 1 vol. calf, - Lond. 1697 294 Arnold Chronicle, reprinted from the First Edition, with the additions included in the Second, h.-bd. Lond. 1811 295 Arpi (P. F.), Themis Cimbrica, Hamb. 1737 296 Artist, his Advice to Celimene, a curious old MS., pp. 75. See Notes by Mr. Maidment, h.-bd. Circa, 1689 297 Arundell (Ann, Countess of), Book of Receipts, a Transcript from the Original Manuscripts in Arun- dell Castle, by Charles Howard, brother to Cardinal Howard, and presented by him to his Niece, vellum, March, 1679 298 Atwood against Anderson The Scotch Patriot Unmasked, h.-bd., - Lond. 1705 Quarto.'] FIRST DAY'S SALE. 17 AUCHINLECK PRESS PUBLICATIONS 299 Skeldon Haughs ; or, The Sow is Flitted, 1816 300 The Woo'-Oeel ; or, The Bill o' Buskaii, 1816 301 Poems, by Richard Barnfield, 1816 302 Songs of the Justiciary Opera, 1816 303 Frondes Caducae, 7 parts, for collation see Lowndess Appendix, 1816-18 304 Supplicatio ad Papam cum Papali Concessione, Latin and English, pp. 14, folio, 1816 305 Auchinleck Chronicle Ane Addicioun of Scottis Corniklis and Deidis, &c., edited by Thomas Thomson, half-morocco, Edin. 1819 305*Austria3 Archiduci Ernesti Adventoria, russia extra, gilt and tooled, - Herbipoli, 1593 306 flSlAIRD FAMILY Genealogical Collections con- IILmi cerning the Sir-Name of Baird, edited by Smith, Lond. 1870 307 Ballads, Songs, &c., collected during a Tour through parts of Cheshire and Lancashire in August 1831 ; a Collection of upwards of 50 Broadsides, interleaved, in 1 vol. h.-bd., cuts, fyc. v. y. 308 Ballads Book of British Ballads, edited by Mrs. S. C. Hall, beautiful woodcut borders, 2 vol. Lond. 1842 BANNATYNE CLUB PUBLICATIONS 309 The Historie and Life of King James the Sext, 1825 310 Extract from the Despatches of M. Courcelles, French Ambassador at the Court ot Scot- land, 1828 311 Memorials of George Baimatyne, 1545-1608,1829 312 Papers Relative to the Regalia of Scotland, 1829 313 History of the House of Seytoun to the year Io59, by Sir Richard Maitland, 1829 314 Memoirs of the Affairs of Scotland, 1577-1603, by David Moysie, - 1830 315 A Relation of the Affairs of the Kirk of Scot- land, by John Earl of Rothes, 1830 316 Letters and Papers relating to Patrick Master of Gray, 1835 317 Excerpta E. Libris Domicilii Domini Jacobi Quinti Regis Scotorum 1525-1533, - 1836 318 Registrum de Dunfermelyn, - 1842 319 Carte Moriialium de North Berwic, - 1847 320 Historical Notices of Scotish Affairs, from the Manuscripts of Sir John Lauder of Fountain- hall, 2 vol. - 1848 3 18 FIRST DAY'S SALE. [Quarto. BANNATYNE CLUB PUBLICATIONS continued. 321 Original Letters of Mr. John Colville, 1582-1603, also his Palinode, 1600, - 1858 322 Tracts by Dr. Gilbert Skeyne, 1860 323 Memoir of Thomas Thomson, calf ', portrait (octavo), 1854 324 Bannatyne Garlands, a Collection of Thirteen, in. 2 vol., morocco extra, gilt edges, only 40 copies of each printed, v. y. 325 Bannatyne Club a Collection of Letters, Auto- graphs, Newspaper Cuttings, &c., con- nected with the Club, in 2 vol., h.-bd. morocco, v. y. 326 Bannatyne Club Minutes, Notices, Receipts, Newspaper Cuttings, &c., 5 vol., h.-bd. moroi-co, Edin. 1823-52 327 Notices Relative to the Bannatyne Club, only 50 copies printed for private circulation, Edin. 1836 328 Lothian Papers. Correspondence of Sir Robert Ken-, First Earl of An cram, and his son William, Third Earl of Lothian, 1616-1671, 2 vol., plates, printed for private circulation, Edin. 1875 329 Bannerman (Anne), Poems, presentation copy, E din. 330 Barckley (R.), The Felicitie of Man ; or his Summum Bonum, calf, Lond. 1631 331 Barclaii (J.) Contra Monarchomachos, Libri VI., vellum. See Notes by Mr. Maidment, Paris, 1560 332 Barclaii(J.) Thesaurus Argeuideue, h.-bd. Tubingce,lti6S 333 Barclaii (J.) Poematum, Libri Duo, vellum, Lond. 1715 334 Barclay (John), His Argenis, translated by Kingsmill Long Esq., the second edition, beautified with pictures, together with a Key prefixed to unlock the whole story, calf, Lond. 1636 335 Barneult, Apology or Holland Mysterie, calf, Thorp, 1618 336 Barry (George), History of the Orkney Islands, map and plates, uncut, - Edin. 1805 337 Barsanti (F.), Collection of Old Scots Tunes, N. D. 338 Bartholinus de Regno Danico, Historia Caroli Gustavi, and others, in 1 vol. h.-bd. v. y. 339 Basile (G.) The Pentamerone, by Tavlor, calf, cuts, 1848 Quarto.] FIRST DAY'S SALE. 19 340 Beards: De Maje tate Juribusque Barbae, disserent, G. C. Kivchmajerus, et respoudens C. D. Morhofius, h.-calf, Wittembergice, 1698 341 Beatson (A. J.), Genealogical Accouut of the Families of Beatson, privately printed, - Edin. 1860 342 Beckii (M. F.) Specimen Arabicum, calf, Aug. Vinci. L. Kronigerux, 1688 343 Begerus (L.), Observationes et Conjecturae in Numis- mata qusedam Antiques Spanheuii, Col. Brandenburpico?, 1691 344 Bell (of Antermony), Travels from St. Petersburg in Russia to diverse Parts of Asia, 2 vol. calf, map, Foulis, 1763 345 Bell (John Gray), A Genealogical Account of Descendants of John of Gaunt, Duke of Lancaster, &c., coloured arms and portrait, printed for private distribution N. D. 346 Belt (Mrs. J. G.) History of a Sandal Wood Box: A Tale for Youth, not printed for publication, N. D. 347 Benzelius (C. J.), De Vita Johanne Duraeo, calf, Helmstadii, 1744 348 Bible (Holy), The Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testamente, with the Apocrypha, translated by Myles Coverdale, 1535, 2 vol. morocco, sides and edges tooled and gilt, - Bagster, N. D. 349 Bibliotheca Annua ; or the Annual Catalogue for 1700, by Roper and Turner ; A Catalogue of Books to be Sold by Way of Auction, 1711 ; Catalogue of Moncastle's Sale, 1721, and 2 others, in 1 vol. li.-ld. 1700-1756 350 Bibliotheque Bleue, containing 1'Histoire de Gaelien Restaure ; De Mangis d' Aygremont, etc. ; De Huon de Bordeaux, in 2 parts; Des Quatre fils Aymon ; De Melusine et Valentin et Orson ; in 3 vols. old calf tooled, full of very quaint woodcuts, 'Troyes, 1660-1704 351 Biographical Tracts Cooksey's Life of Lord Somers, portrait ; Life of Earl Hardwicke, portrait ; Memoir of Sir J. E. Wilmot, and others, in 1 vol. h.-bd. 1791-1802 SECOND DATS SALE. Octavo et Infra. 352 IffflRAND (J.), A Brief Description of Orkney, Zet- |B.BlOB| land, Pightland-Firth and Caithness, russia extra, gilt edges, - Edin. 1701 353 Brandis, Assyria Antiqua, numerous cuttings inserted, Bonnce, 1853 354 Brathwaite (R.), The Anatomie of Vanitie, title and one leaf reprinted, calf, Lond. 1621 355 Bra th wait (R.), The Arcadian Princesse, calf, Lond. 1635 356 Brathwait (R.), Barnabas Itinerarium, calf, plates, Lond. 1723 357 Breach of Promise; or The Mis-led Nobleman, by Art- ful Teachers, Lond. 1814 358 Breithaupti Ars Decifratoria, Helmstadii, 1737 359 Breithaupti Ars Decifratoria, calf extra, Helmstadii, 1737 360 Bremner (R.), Rudiments of Music, - Edin. 1756 361 Breviarium Politicorum, Lugduni, 1695 362 Brewer (Anthony), Lingua ; or The Combat of the Tongue and the Five Senses, calf, - 1657 363 Bridges (Noah), Stenographic and Crylographie, Lond. 1659 364 Bridgewater Navigation, History of, 2 parts in 1 vol. calf, map, - Lond. 1766 365 Bridgewater, La Famille de, h.-bd. Paris, 1810 366 British Magazine ; or The London and Edinburgh Intelligencer, 2 vol. 1747-8 367 British Constitution, by two Members of Gray's Inn, 1835 368 British-American Association and Nova-Scotia Bar- onets; Report of the Action of Damages for Alleged Libel, Brown against The Globe Newspaper, edited by W. B. D. D. Turnbull, only 70 copies printed, Edin. 1846 Octavo et Infra.} SECOND DAY'S SALE. 21 369 Brodie (A. of Brodie), Diary, calf extra, Edin. 1740 370 Brodrick, The History of the late War in the Nether- lands, curious plates, 2 vol. calf, Land. 1713 371 Brome (Alex.), Songs and Poems, russia gilt, portrait, Lond. 1604 372 Bromhead (Sir E. F.), The Remains of Stesichorus, in an English Version, 1869 373 Bromley (Sir George), A Collection of Original Royal Letters, calf, portraits, - Lond. 1777 374 Brooke (Henry), Juliet Grenville; or The History of the Human Heart, 3 vol. calf, Lond. 1774 375 Brooke (Henry), Collection of Poems and Pieces, 4 vol. calf gilt, - Lond. 1778 376 Brooke, The Fool of Quality, 5 vol. calf, Lond. 1792 377 Brooks (W.), Poem on the Riding of the Musselburgh Marches, &c., Edin. 1809 ; and^Mu^ejbuj^hJb^air, a Poem, 1766, 2 vol. ~ v. y. 378 Broun (A., M.D.), Vindicatory Schedule, concerning the New Cure of Fevers, old calf, - Edin. 1691 379 Brown (Isaac), Renfrewshire Characters and Scenery, edited by William Motherwell, very scarce, with Curious Portrait of St. Mirren, Paisley, 1824 ; and Letters from Lord Pollock, Edin. 1835, in 1 vol. h.-bd. v. y. 380 Brown (Rev. P.), Parish of Cambusnethan, Wishaw, 1859 381 Brown (Thomas), Lives of all the Princes of Orange, calf , portraits, - Lond. 1693 382 Brown (Thomas), The Life of the Famous Cardinal, Duke de Richelieu, 2 vol. calf, Lond. 1695 383 Brown (Thomas), Works, Serious and Comical, 4 vol. calf , plates, Lond. 1730 384 Browne (David), New Invention intituled Calligraphia, calf, gilt, Sainct-Andrewes, Edward Raban, 1622 385 Browne (Sir Thomas), Works, with Life and Cor- respondence, edited by Wilkin, 4 vol. Pickering, 1836 386 Bruce (John), Report on the Union of England and Scotland, 2 vol. (the Roxburghe copy), Lond. 1799 387 Bruce's Invasion, a Poem, Dublin, 1826 388 Bruce (James), Lives of Eminent Men of Fife, Edin. 1846 389 Bruce (Thomas), The Common Tunes, or Scotland's Church Musick made plain, calf, Edin. 1726 390 Brugis (Thos.), Vade Mecum ; or, a Companion for a Chyrurgion, fitted for times of Peace or War, calf extra, gilt leaves, - Lond. 1652 22 SECOND DAY'S SALE. [Octavo et Infra. 391 Brunsmani Cetus Jonae, 1687 ; Bachovius de Sepul- chralia, 17 16, iu 1 vol. calf extra, v. y. 392 Brunt (Captain Samuel), A Voyage to Cacklogallinia, frontispiece, - Lond. 1727 " I never saw another copy." J. M. 393 Brunton (Mary), The Works of, 7 vol. calf, Edin. 1820 394 Bruscambille (M.), (Euvres de, russia extra, gilt edges, Rouen, 1626 " Of extreme rarity. See MS. Note after title in the hand- writing of Mr. Fraser, the former proprietor." J. M. 395 Bruyerre, Les Characteres de la, 2 v (A. Amsterdam, 1743 396 Bryant (.Jacob), Observations upon the Poems of Thomas Rowley, calf, Lond. 1781 397 Bryant (Jacob), Philo Judeus, calf gilt, Cambridge, 1797 398 Brydges (Sir Egerton.), Memoirs of the Peers of England, calf, plates, Lond. 1 802 399 Brydges (Sir Egerton), Brathwayte's Odes, edited by, green morocco, - Kent, 1815 400 Brydges (Sir Egerton), Joannis Valeriani de Littera- torum Infelicitate, russia extra, gilt, only 87 copies printed, - Geneves, 1821 401 Brydges (Sir Egerton), The Anti-Critic, containing Literary, not Political, Criticisms and Opinions, royal Svo, 75 copies printed, uncut, Geneva, 1822 402 Brydges (Sir Egerton), Cimelia ; seu examen Criticum Librorum ex Diariis Literariis Lingua Praecipue Gallica ab Anno 1665 usque ad Annum 1792 Scrip- tis, Selectum. 75 copies printed, uncut, Genecce, 1823 403 Brydges (Sir Egerton), Who was Ita, Countess of Hapsburg? Pans, 1826 404 Brydges (Sir Egerton), Res Literariae, Biographical and Critical, 3 vol. Vols. 1 and 2 in russia extra ; Naples and Rome, 1821. Vol. 3 is in boards, and has pp. 440, thick paper, " remaining sheets not yet printed" wants title. 75 copies printed, - v. y. 405 Brydges (Sir Egerton), Excerpta Tudoriana, or Ex- tracts from Elizabethan Literature, only 100 copies printed, half -morocco, gilt top, Lee Priory Press, 1814 406 Buccleugh, Account of the Noble Family of, numerous cuttings, fyc., inserted, calf, - Dumfries, 1827 407 Buchan (Peter), Account of the Ancient and Noble Family of Keith, numerous notes, cuttings,fyc., inserted, Peterhead, 1820 408 Buchan (Peter), Gleanings of Scarce Ballads, Peterhead, 1825 Octavo et Infra.] SECOND DAY'S SALE. 23 409 Buchan (Peter), Ancient Ballads and Songs of the North of Scotland, 2 vol. h.-bd. morocco, gilt tops, Edin. 1828 410 Buchan (Peter), The Recreation of Leisure Hours, calf, cuts, Edin. N. D. 411 Buchariani (G.), Baptistes, sive Calumnia Tragcedia, morocco extra, Lond. 1577 412 Buchanamis (G.), De Jure Regni apud Scot\\s,vellum, Edin. 1580 413 Buchanan! (G.), Scoti Poemata, vellum, Elzev. 1628 414 Buchanani (G.), Regum Scoticarum Historia, calf, Elzev.lWS 415 Buchanan (G.), Jephthes, calf, Foulis, 1775 416 Buchanan (G.), The Jephtha and Baptist, by Gibb, Edin. 1870 417 [Buchanan], Truth its Manifest, or, A Short and True Relation of Divers Main Passages and of Things, morocco extra, gilt and tooled, Lond. 1(545 See Notes as to the rarity and authorship of this work by Mr. Maidment. 418 Buchanan's Epigrams in English Verse, by Robert Monteith, - Edin. 1708 419 Buchanan's History, Notes on, by Thomas Craw- ford, calf, Edin. 1708 420 Buckhaven Its Ancient and Modern History, by Merry Andrew, h.-bd. Edin. 1788 421 Buckingham (Duke of), Works, calf, Lond. 17U4 422 Buckingham (Duke of), Works, 2 vol. calf, portrait, Lond. 1715 423 Buckingham (Duke of), Works, 2 vol, calf, Lond. 1753 424 Buckingham Letters of the Duke and Duchess of Buckingham to King James I. of England, edited by John Hill Burton, one of ten copies on LARGE PAPER, Edin. 1834 425 Buist (J.;, Record of the Queen's Visit to Scotland, 1842 426 Bulenger (J. C.) De Theatro, h.-bd. Tricassibus, 1603 427 Bulstrode (Sir Richard), Letters written to the Earl of Arlington, calf, Lond. 1712 428 Bungener (L. F.),History of the Council of Trent, 1852 429 Burdon (Captain W.), Pocket Farrier, calf gilt, Lond. 1730 430 Burke and Hare Account of the West Port Murders, with various Pieces relative to, portraits, fyc., in 2 vol., with a volume in quarto, containing a large collection of broadsides, portraits, and notices, half russia, Edin. 1829 431 Burman (C.), Lives of Lilly and Ashmole, calf, Lond. 1774 24 SECOND DAY'S SALE. [Octavo et Infra. 432 Burn (Jacob Henry), A Descriptive Catalogue of the London Traders' Tavern and Coffee-House Tokens, current in the XVII. Century, plates, privately printed for presents, - Lond. 1855 433 Burne (Nicol), Disputation concerning the Contro- versit Headdis of Religion, haldin in the Realme of Scotland betuix the Pretendid Ministeris of the Deformed Kirk in Scotland and Nicol Burne, russia extra, gilt edges, Parise, 1581 434 Burnet (Professor), A Vindication of the Authority, Constitution and Laws of the Church arid State of Scotland, calf, Glasg. 1673 435 Burnet (Bishop), History of his own Times, 2 vol. calf, Lond. 1724 436 Burnet (Bishop), Collection of Tracts relating to, in 1 vol. calf, v. y. 437 Burnet (Thomas), Poems on Various Subjects, calf extra, Edin. 1802 438 Burnett (G.), Popular Genealogists, or the Art of Pedi- gree-making, Edin. 1865 439 Burns (Robert), Poems, chiefly in the Scottish dialect, 2 vol. in 1, calf, Edin. 1797 440 Burns (Robert), Poems, chiefly in the Scottish dialect, '2 vol. h.-bd., gilt tops, Edin. 1800 441 Burns (Robert), Works, by Currie, 4 vol. calf, Liverpool. 1800 442 Burns (Robert), Correspondence between Burns and Clarinda, 1843 443 Burns (Robert), Complete Works, edited by W. Scott Douglas, LARGE PAPER, portrait, frontispieces, and vignettes on India paper, Vols. I. to V., Edin. 1877-79 444 BURNSIANA: POEMS ASCRIBED TO BURNS, not con- tained in any edition of his Works, Glasgow, 1801 ; The Fornicator's Court, N. D. ; The Election, and an extraordinary collection of interesting cuttings, ex- tracts, letters, poems, critiques, notices ; with facsimiles, portraits, fyc., the whole bound in 2 vol., half morocco, gilt tops. v. y. 445 Burnsiana : Ainslie's Pilgrimage to the Land of Burns, containing Anecdotes of the Bard, &c., Deptford, 1822 ; and Burnomania, by the Rev. W. Peebles, Ayr The Celebrity of Robert Burns Considered, to which are added Epistles in Verse respecting Peter Pindar, Burns, &c., interleaved, Edin. 1811 in 1 vol. h.-bd. v. y. 446 Burton (John), On the Genuineness of Lord Claren- don's History, calf extra, Oxford, 1744 447 Burton (J. Hill), Lives of Lord Lovat and Duncan Forbes of Culloden, Lond. 1847 Octavo et Infra.] SECOND DAY'S SALE. 25 448 Burton (R.), Life of Sir Francis Drake (four portraits inserted), calf, Lond. 1716 449 Burton (Robert), Memorable Accidents and Unheard Transactions, russia extra, gilt edges, Glasg. 1784 450 Burton (Robert), The Wars in England, Scotland and Ireland, curious woodcuts, calf, - Lond. 1737 451 Busbequii (A. G.) Omnia quae extant, calf, Lugd. Elzev. 1633 452 BUTEIANA Angelicus and Fergusia, a Tale, 1761 ; The New Highland Adventurer in England, 1763; Rodendo, or the State Jugglers (see M.S. Note} ; Patriotism, a Farce, 1763; The Coach Drivers, a Political Comic-opera, 2 plates, 1766; and The Fall of Mortimer, an Historical Play, 1767, in 1 vol. caff gilt, v. y. 453 Butler (Samuel), Hudibras, with Dr. Grey's annota- tations, and The Genuine Remains in Prose and Verse, with Notes by R. Thyer, 4 vol. calf extra, gilt edges, - Lond. 1744-59 454 Butler (R.), Some Notices of the Castle and the Church of St. Patrick at Trim, in 1 vol. h.-bd. Trim 1835-37 455 Byres (.lames), Letter to a Friend at Edinburgh from Rotterdam, giving an Account of the Scots Affairs in Darien, calf, - 1702 456 BYRONIANA Poems on his Domestic Circumstances, &c., 1817 ; English Bards and Scotch Reviewers, FIKST EDITION, 1809; Lament of Tasso, 1817; Sermon on the Death of Byron, by a Layman, 1824, and a numerous collection of pieces, cuttings, $c., with portraits and plates, in 3 vol. half -morocco, gilt tops, v. y. 457 Byron (Lord), Bowies' Letters to Byron, Lond. 1822 458 Byron (Hon. John), Shipwreck of the " Wager," calf, Edin. 1812 459 ^glADIERE CASE A Compleat Translation of the |fcjBa| Sequel of the Proceedings of Mary Catherine Cadiere against the Jesuit Father, John Baptist Girard, h.-bd. frontispiece, - Lond. 1732 460 Caedmon's Metrical Paraphrase, translated by B. Thorpe, - Lond.'l822 461 Caimus (P.), De Nobilitate Disputatio, morocco extra, Utini, 1634 462 Galas (Merchant at Toulouse), Pieces relative to his Trial and Execution, Lond. 1762 4 26 SECOND DAY'S SALE. [Octavo et Infra. 463 Calder (Jas. T.), St. Mary's Fair, and other Poems, morocco gilt, Wick, 1849 464 Caledoniad A Collection of Poems written chiefly by Scottish Authors, 3 vol. - Land. 1775 465 Caledonian Musical Museum, edited by Mr. Robert Burns, frontispiece by Cruikshank, and numerous cut- tings inserted, calf extra, Edin. 1821 466 Callander (John, of Craigforth), Two Ancient Scottish Poems The Gaberlunzie Man, and Christ's Kirk on the Green, calf, Edin. 1782 467 Camden (W.), Description of Scotland, calf, Edin. 1595 468 Campbell (of Calder), Letters, and Essay on the Lord's Prayer, calf, Edin. 1709 469 Campbell (A.), Lexiphanes, a Dialogue, calf, Lond. 1783 470 Campbell (Alex.), History of Leith, - Leith, 1827 471 Campbell (George), Poems on Several Occasions, calf extra, Kilmarnock, 1787 472 Campbell (Dr. Thos.), A Survey of the South of Ire- land, calf, plates, Lond. 1777 / 473 Campbell (J. F.), Popular Tales of the West High- lauds, 4 vol. Edin. 1860 474 Campbell's Sale of Authors, calf, Lond. 1767 475 Campbell's Detection of Queen Mary's Love Letters, Lond. 1825 476 Candidati Sceptri Polonici, calf, - N. D. 477 Candide, ou I'Optimisme, calf, 1759 478 Candide en Dannemarc, Geneve, 1767 ; Hume, Le Caff'e ou I'Ecossaise Comedie, 1760, in 1 vol. h.-bd., v. y. 479 Candidus, Translated from Voltaire's Works, Berwick, 1795 480 Capel (Lord), Contemplations and Letters of, calf, portrait, - Lond. 1683 481 Capel (Edward), Prolusions, or Select Pieces of An- cient Poetry, calf, - Lond. 1760 482 Capelli (Marcini), Satyricon, cum notis H. Grotii, vellum, - Lugd. Batav. 1599 483 Cappoch (Thomas), Trial and Life of, reprint, Carlisle, 1839 484 Caradoc (of Lhancarva), History of Wales, by Powell and Price, calf, Lond. 1774 485 Card (Henry), The Reign of Charlemagne, h.-bd. Lond. 1807 486 Cardonnel (Adam de), Picturesque Antiquities of Scotland, etchings, calf, - Lond. 1793 487 Carew (Thomas), The Works of, reprinted from the original Edition of 1640, edited by Lord Dun- drennan, russia extra, - Edin. 1824 Octavo et Infra.} SECON'D DAY'S SALE. 27 488 Carlile (William, Bishop of), Leges Marchiarum, or Border Laws, with preface and appendix of Char- ters and Records, russia extra, gilt edges, Lond. 1705 489 Carnarvon (Earl of), Recollections of the Druses of the Lebanon, Lond. 1861 490 CAROLINE (QUEEN), a Rare and Interesting Collec- tion of Pamphlets, Tracts, Poems, Caricatures, and Publications relative to Queen Caroline, with news- paper cuttings, portraits, fyc., inserted, collected daring the period, 9 vol. h.-bd., gilt tops, uniform, and one volume in 12mo, together with a folio volume containing rare caricatures, portraits, broadsides, squibs, newspaper cuttings, &c., the whole forming an unique and valuable collection in 11 vols. 1796-1823 491 Carr (Alex. A.), History of Coldingham Priory, calf gilt, cuts, Edin. 1836 492 Carriage of the Long State Parliament, calf, Lond. 1656 493 Carrick, Historical Sketch of the Family of Carrickj h.-bd., privately printed, with letters and MS. notes in- serted, 1824 494 Carruthers (John), Heroic Deeds of the Scots, Dumfries s, 1797 495 Carter (Matthew), Honor Redivivus ; or An Analysis of Honor and Armory, calf, plates and cuts, Lond. 1655 496 Carthagena, Expedition to, and other Pamphlets, in 1 vol. calf, - Lond., Circa, 1744 497 Cartouche (L. D.), Life of, h.-bd., Lond. 1722 498 Cartwright (W. C.), Memoir of Bergenroth, Edin. 1870 499 Case of Lady Logan against the Presbytery of Straii- rawer, 172H, Essay on the Right of Communicating, in 1 vol. calf, Edin. 1726 500 Castelletti (I. Torti), Amorosi. Comedia, russia extra, Venetia, 1581 501 Castlemaine (Earl of), Account of the Present War between the Venetians and Turks, with State of Candie, calf, maps, - Lond. 1666 502 Castlemaine (Earl of), Account of Material Passages in the First War between the English and Dutch, calf, portrait, - 1672 503 Catalecta Virgilii et aliorum Poetarum Latinorum veterum Poematia, cum comment. Scaligeri, vellum, Lugd. Bat. 1617 504 Catalogus Astrologicus, russia extra, Lipsice, 1581 505 Catalogues (Scottish Book), Blackwood's, 1812, and others, 6 vol. v. y. 506 Catalogue Analytique des Archives, de M. Le Baron de Joursanvault, 2 vol. in 1, calf extra, Paris, 1838 28 SECOND DAY'S SALE. [Octavo et Infra. 507 Catalogues (Sale) G. Brander, 1790 ; G. Wakefield, 1802 ; Duke of Roxburghe, 1812 ; Sir R. Gordon, 1816; Archdeacon Wrangham, 182C, and others (mostly priced), 1 vole. - v. y. 508 Catalogues (Sale), David Constable, priced, with the purchasers names on the margin, and autograph note, 1827 ; and Isaac Reed (Editor of Shakespeare), priced, with autograph, 2 vol. half russia, v. y. 509 Catalogues (Sale), 0. B. Tait, Lords Cockburn, Duii- drennan, and Rutherfurd, 4 vols. half morocco, v. y. 510 Catalogues (Sale), W. B. D. D. Turnbull, 1851-63 C. K. Sharpe, Sim of Culter Mains, Professor Steven- son, &c., 4 vol. v. y. * 511 Catalogue of Manuscripts in the Libraiy of Dawson - Turner, Yarmouth, 1851 ' 512 Catherine II. (Empress), Memoirs of, written by Herself, - Lond. 1859 513 Catley (Miss), Memoirs of, calf extra,plates, Lond. N. D. 514 Catonis (D.) Disticta De Moribus ad Filium, recens O. Arntzenius, vellum, 1754 / 515 Catullus' Poems, by Theodore Martin, Edin. 1875 516 Caulfield (J.), Portraits, Memoirs, and Characters of Remarkable Persons, 4 vol. Lond. 1819 517 Cavendish (George), Life of Cardinal Wolsey, with Notes and Illustrations by S. W. Singer, 2 vol. calf gilt, portraits inserted, Chiswick, 1825 518 Caylus (Comte de), (Euvres Badines, 12 vol. calf, plates, - Amsterdam, 1787 519 Cazotte, (Euvres Badines et Morales, 7 vol. calf, gilt edges, Lond. 1788 520 Cecil (Sir R.), Secret Correspondence with James VI. of Scotland, edited by Lord Hailes, calf, Edin. 1766 521 Cecilia: or Memoirs of an Heiress, 5 vol. calf, 1802 522 Censorinus De Die Natali, cum comment, H. Lin- denbrogii, vellum, - Lugd. Bat. 1767 523 Cervantes : A Dialogue between Scipio and Bergansa, two Dogs of Toledo, calf, 1767 524 Chalcographimania ; or the Portrait- Collector and Priutsellers' Chronicle, with Infatuations of Every Description, frontispiece, and Cauldfield's Calco- graphiana, portrait, in 1 vol. h.-bd. Lond. 1814 525 Chalmers (George), Another Account of the Incidents from which the Title and Part of the Story of Shakespeare's Tempest were derived, &c., h.-bd. (only 40 copies printed, but not published), 1815 " ' From the Author to Mr. Thomson as a proof of his esteem.' The present copy was a present to me from the late Thomas Thomson, Esq." J. M. Octavo ef Infra.] SECOND DAY'S SALE. 29 526 Chalmers (George), The Author of Jimius Ascer- tained, calf, Lond. 1819 527 Chalmers (George), Poetic Remains of the Scotish Kings, portrait and facsimiles, half-morocco, gilt top, Lond. 1824 528 Chalmers (Rev. Peter), History of Dunfermline, 2 vol. plates, Edin. 1844-59 529 Chambers (Robert), Traditions of Edinburgh, 2 vol. Edin. 1825 530 Chambers (Robert), Walks in Edinburgh, 2 vol, Edin. 1825 531 Chambers (Robert), Jacobite Memoirs of the Re- bellion of 1745, Edin. 1834 532 Chambers (Robert), Twelve Romantic Scottish Bal- lads, with the Original Airs, a presentation copy, Edin. 1844 533 Chambers (Robert), Biographical Dictionary of Emi- nent Scotsmen, complete in 9 divisions, portraits, Glasg. 1850 534 Chambre (D.), Escossois Histoire Abregee de tous les Roys de France, Angleterre et Escosse, &c., vellum, Paris, Jean Feurier, 1579 The Author of this rare and interesting work was a native of Scotland, and " Conseiller en la Cour de Parle- ment a Edimbourg." 535 Chandler (Mrs Mary), Poems, h.-bd. Lond. 1736 536 CHAP BOOKS (A Collection of), lettered "Popular Poetry," comprising Miscellaneous Ballads, Gar- lands and Songs, including King for a Consul, Lincolnshire Knight, Three Herring in Sa't, The Wee Wifukie, The Fumbler's Rant, Captain Delany's Garland, The Four Indian Kings' Gar- land, King Crispin's Garland, and numerous Rare and Curious Pieces, with some MS. notes by Mr. Maidment, bound in 7 vol. russia, v. y. 537 CHAP BOOKS Collection of " Popular Poetry," compris- ing Tragedies, Histories, Historical Ballads, Mis- cellaneous Ballads, including Kentshire and Oxford- shire Tragedies, Free Masons' Songs, Jack Horner, Adam Bell, The Collier's Wedding, and many other Curious Pieces, with numerous cuttings, and MS. notes by Mr. Maidment, 6 vol. in 7, russia, v. y. 538 Chap Book Poems, eleven in 1 vol. h.-bd. cuts, N. D. 539 Chapman's Magazine and the Queen's Magazine, in 1 vol. calf gilt, 1843 540 Characters of the present Most Celebrated Courtezans, interspersed with a variety of Secret Anecdotes, morocco extra, gilt and tooled, - Lond. 1780 30 SECOND DAY'S SALE. [Octavo et Infra. 54 L Chariton ; The Loves of Chsereas and Callirrhoe, 2 vol. calf, - Lond. 1764 542 Gharlatanerie des Savans, par Menken, La Haye, 1721 543 Charlemagne, an Anglo-Norman Poem, par Michel, Pickering, 1836 544 Charles I., The Life and Reign e of King Charles, or the Pseudo-Martyr Discovered, red morocco extra, Lond. 1651 545 Charles II.. Account of the Preservation of King Charles II. after the Battle of Worcester, written by Himself, calf extra, numerous portraits, Edin. 1801 546 Charles V., Late Duke of Lorrain, Life of, calf, Lond. 1691 547 Charlotte, Princess of Wales, Memoir of, by Huish, calf, Lond. 1818 548 Charteris (Colonel F.), Life of Colonel Don Franciso, with Effigy of Colonel Francis Chartres under sen- tence of death in Newgate, half calf, uncut, Lond. N. D. 549 Charteris (Laurence), The Corruptions of this Age, and the Remedy thereof, calf, - Edin. 1704 " This rare little volume is not in the Library of the Faculty of Advocates, &c." J. M. 550 Chartre (Colonel), Authentick Memoirs of, by an Im- partial Hand, calf gilt, - Lond. 1730 551 Chatterton (Thomas), Works, with Life by Dr. Gregory, 3 vol. calf, Lond. 1803 552 Chaucer (G.) Canterbury Tales, Modernized by Several Hands, edited by Ogle, 3 vol. calf, Lond. 1741 553 Chaumont, La Diablerie de, par Emile Jolibus, calf extra, gilt edges, Paris, 1838 554 Cheever (G. B.), Journal of the Pilgrims at Plymouth, 1848 555 Cheke (Sir J.), Translation of Matthew's Gospel, Pickering, 1843 556 Chesterfield (Earl of), Characters of Eminent Person- ages of his own Time, with a Review of the same, in 1 vol. calf extra, Lond. 1777 557 Chetwood (W. R.), Five New Novels, calf, Lond. 1714 558 Chevalier Sur la Medaille que le Venerable Magistrat d' Amsterdam, &c. plates, - 1700 559 Chevreau (M.), Mirror of Fortune; or the Growth and Fall of Empires, &c., translated by D. Decoisnon, russia extra, - Savoy. 1676 560 Cheyne (W.), God's Glorious Perfections shining in Christ, and other Poems, vellum, - Edin. 1718 561 Child (Sir J.), A New Discourse of Trade, Lond. 1694 562 Children's Petition and Remonstrance to the Present Parliament; calf, scarce, - Lond. 1669 Octavo et Infra.] SECOND DAY'S SALE. 31 563 Choerili (Samii), Opera, quaa supersunt, a Naekio, calf, Lipsicp., 1817 564 Choice Sentences and Practices of Emilia Geddie, Glasg. 1720 565 Christmas Carols, Some Ancient, with the tunes to which they were formerly sung in the West of Eng- land ; together with Two Ancient Ballads, a Dia- logue, &c., collected by Davies Gilbert, h.-bd. Land. 1823 At the end of this volume are inserted a Number of Curi- ous Old Cards and other Illustrated Fly-sheets of Christmas and New- Year Songs. 567 Chronicles and Memorials of Great Britain and Ireland during the Middle Ages, edited, with translations, by B. Thorpe, T. D. Hardy, &c., numerous facsimiles, 23 vol. of, half roxburghe, 1858-1866 568 Chronicles of the Picts and Scots, edited by W. F. Skene, Edin. 1867 569 Chronique de S. Bavon a Gand, par Jean de Thielrode, 1298, calf extra, gilt and tooled, - Gand, 1835 570 Chroniques Anglo-Normandes, Recueil d'Extraits et d'Ecrits relatifs k 1'Histoire de Normandie et d'Angleterre pendant les XI e . et XII e . Siecles,par F* Michel, 3 vol. russia extra, gilt edges, -Rouen, 1836-40 571 Chronique du Bon Chevalier Messire Gilles de Chin, calf extra, gilt and tooled, Mons. 1837 572 Church of England How Members should Behave under a Catholic King, &c., calf, - Lond. 1687 573 Churchill (Charles), Memoirs of, portrait, Lond. 1765 574 Churchill (Charles), Poetical Works, 2vol. calf extra, Lond. 1804 575 Churchyard (T.), Worthiness of Wales, calf, Lond. 1776 576 Churchyard (T.), Chips concerning Scotland, by G. Chalmers, uncut, - Lond. 1817 577 Cibberiana Tryal for Crim. Con. between Theophilus Gibber, Mrs. Gibber and William Sloper, 1739 ; The Laureat, ascribed to the author of Tom Jones) the Battle of the Players, &c., in 1 vol., h.-bd. v. y. 578 Cicero (M. T.), Cato and Laelius, by W. Melmoth, 2 vol., calf, Lond. 1785 579 Cicero (M. T.), De Officiis, de Amicitia, &c., cum annotationibus Erasmi, Melancthonis, &c., old calf, J. Kyngstonus, 1574 580 Ciceronis Opera receus J. N. Lallemand, 14 vol., old calf extra, gilt leaves, Parisiis, 1768 581 Cigars, Wine and Women, as they Are, interleaved, numerous cuttings fyc. inserted, Lond. N. D. 32 SECOND DAY'S SALE. [Octavo et Infra. 582 Cimbrorum et Gothicorum Origines a Petreio, frontis- pieces, Lipsice, 1695 583 Civil Law, Collection of Tracts on, by Dr. Irving, J. Reddie, &c., in 1 vol., half calf, - v. y. 584 Clans History of the Feuds and Conflicts among the Clans of the Northern Parts of Scotland, Foulis, 1764 585 Clanronald Controversy, Papers on the, in 1 vol., h.-bd. Edin. 1818-21 586 Clark (R.), Account of the National Anthem, Land, 1822 / 587 Clarke (Hewson), The Saunterer, 2 vol., calf, Lond. 1808 588 Clarke (Mary Anne), The Rival Princes, 2 vol. in 1, h.-bd. Lond. 1810 589 Clarmundi Exercitationes, &c., in 1 vol., h.-bd. 1708 590 Claudiani (Claud) Carmina, 2 vol. morocco extra, gilt edges, - Lond. N. D. 591 Cleland (William), A Collection of Poems and Verses, "a little volume of extreme rarity" russia extra, 1697 / 592 [Cleland J.], Memoirs of a Coxcomb, - Dublin, 1751 593 Clerkson (Bessie), Conflict in Conscience, olive morocco, Glasgow, 1703 594 Clery (M.), Journal of Occurrences at the Temple during the Confinement of Louis XVI., caff, plates, Lond. 1798 595 Cleveland (John), Works, with Life of the Author, in 1 vol., calf, - Lond. 1687 596 Cliffordiana, by Arthur Clifford, calf gilt, Paris, 1817 597 Clio and Euterpe, or British Harmony, a Collection of celebrated Songs and Cantatas by the most ap- proved Masters, '6 vol., frontispieces and vignettes, calf, Lond. 1 759 598 Gloria and Narcissus, a delightfull and new Romance, with divers Political Orations, &c., written by an Honourable Person, three parts in one, calf, 1653 599 Goad (John), Wonderful Providences of God during the Duke of Monmouth's Rebellion, &c. Lond. 1549 600 Cochran (John), A Catalogue of Manuscripts, Lond. 1829 601 Cochran (W.), The Seasons, Edin. 1780 Quarto.] SECOND DAY'S SALE. 33 Quarto. 602 pgjgilRNIE (John), Account of the Families of IJJJlil Birnie and Hamilton of Broomhill, edited by W. B. D. D. Turnbull, privately printed, Edin. 1838 603 Birnie (John), Account of the Families of Birnie and Hamilton of Broomhill, edited by W. B. D. D. Turn- bull, printed for private circulation, - Edin. 1838 604 Birnie (William), The Blame of Kirk-Buriall, edited by W. B. D. D. Turnbull, Pickering, 1833 605 [Blackwell (J.)], A Description of the Province of Darian, by a Well-wisher to the Company, who Lived there Nineteen Years, h.-bd. - Edin. 1699 * 606 Blandy (Mary), Report of the Tryal for Poisoning her Father; Account of that Horrible Parricide Mary Blandy, and others, in 1 vol., h.-bd. Lond. 1752 607 Boanerges; or the Humble Supplication of the Min- isters of Scotland to the High Court of Parliament, h.-bd. - Edin. 1624 608 Boece (Hector), The History and Chronicles of Scot- land, translated by Belleuden, 2 vol. Edin. 1821; and Livius' Roman History, translated by Bellen- den, edited by Lord Dundrennan, in all 3 vol. Edin. 1822 609 Boencourt (M. de), French Expedition to Dantzig in 1734 ; Voyage en Pologue, edited by A. Henderson, privately printed, Edin. 1831 610 Bolingbroke (Lord), Letters and Correspondence, by Gilbert Parke, 2 vol. russia, - Lond. 1798 611 Bolton (Ed.), Elements of Armories, russia extra, gilt and tooled, cuts, - Lond. 1610 612 Borde (Andrew), The Boke of the Introduction of Knowledge, calf extra, Mark letter, reprint of 120 copies, Lond. 1814 613 Borrichii (Olai) Dissertationes Academicse de Poetis, Francofurti, 1683, and another, 1 vol., calf extra, " In this very rare work will be found a very long enumera- tion of Scottish writers in verse. The notices of English poets are much more brief." J. M. 614 Botfield (Beriah), Prefationes et Epistolse Editionibus Auctorum Veterum Prsepositae, half-morocco, gilt top, Lond. 1851 615 Boucher (Rev. J), Glossary of Archaic and Provincial Words, 2 parts (all published), Lond. 1833 616 Boxhornii Origines Gallicse, 1654; Collatio ad Syno- dum Francium ; Hoii Orationes Tres, 1598, &c., in 1 vol., calf, ' 'Lond. v. y. 5 34 SECOND DAY'S SALE. [Quarto. 617 Brahe (Tychonis), Relatio de Statu suo post Disces- sum e Patria, &c., 1730, Hypothesi Tychonio contra Dogma Copernicanum, 1658, Steeb Theoria Saturni Astronomica, 1660, and others, in 1 vol., calf, v. y. 618 Braithwait (R.), A Survey of History ; or A Nursery for Gentry, calf extra, engraved frontispiece, Land. 1638 619 Brand (J.), History and Antiquities of Newcastle- upon-Tyne, portrait and numerous plates,2 vol., russia, Lond. 1789 620 Bridge-water (Earl),Life of Lord Chancellor Ellesmere, h.-bd. - Paris, N. D. 621 Bristol Guide, a Comic Poem, calf, - Lond. 1847 622 Brook (Lord), The Five Yeares of King James, russia extra, portrait inserted, - Lond. 1643 623 Brooke (R.), On Errors in Camden's Britannia, 1723 624 Bruce (Peter Henry), Memoirs of, calf, Lond. 1782 625 Bry (J. Theod. De), Proscenium vitas Humanse sive Ernblematum Secularium, 73 plates, and additional set 0/28 plates, vellum, 1627 626 Brydges (Sir Egerton), Burton's Longing of a Blessed Heart, reprint of 100 copies, Lee Priori/ Press, 1814 627 Buchanani (Georgii) Opera Omnia, Curante J. Ruddi- manno, portrait. 2 vol., calf, - Lugd. Batav. 1725 628 Burchardi (J.) Specimen Historiae Arcanae, sive Anecdotae de Vita Alexandri VI., Papae, morocco extra, gilt and tooled, - Hanoverce, 1696 629 Burgundionum Chroniccn, calf, - Basil, 1575 630 Burubank Papers, Letters passing between the Hon. James Campbell and his Lady, 1710, MS. See long note by Mr. Maidment, They are also referred to in Mr. Maidment 's publications, Q. V. h.-bd. 1710 631 Burnet (Bishop), Pamphlets, Tracts, Sermons, &c., relating to Bishop Burnet, a collection in 2 vol., half morocco, - 1681-1694 (C. J.) Opera quse Exstant, cum notis Goduinus, in usum Delphini, calf, Lutet. Pans, 1678 633 Callendar (of Craigforth), Milton's Paradise Lost, with Notes, calf, Foulis,n5() 634 Callendar (of Craigforth), Hymn to the Power of Harmony, h.-bd. - Edin. 1788 635 Callimachus, Hymni Epigrammata et Fragmenta Gr. et. Lat., - Parisiis, 1675 636 Callot (J.), The Miseries of War, set of 18 etchings, fine, impressions, h.-bd. morocco, - N. D. 637 Cambridge (R. O.), Works, with Life by his Son, portraits and plates, calf, - Lond. 1803 Quarto.] SECOND DAY'S SALE. 35 638 CAMDEN SOCIETY, Works published by, 82 vol. 1838-65 639 Camdeni (G.), et Illustrium Virorum ad Camdenum Epistolse, with Life, by T. Smith, calf, L>ond. 1691 640 Camerarius (D.), ^ e Scotorum Fortitudine, doctrina et pietate, ac de ortu et progressu hseresis in Regnis Scotiae et Anglise Libri Qaator, russia extra, Paris, 1631 641 Campbell (Clan), Account of the Depredations committed on the, during 1685 and 1686, edited by Kiucaid, Ms., uncut, Edin. 1816 642 Cancellaria Hispanica, Camerarius, Freistadii, 1621 643 Candidus (P.), Epitaphia Antiqua et Recentia Homi- num qui in S. Literis Celebrantur, &c.. calf extra, Argent, 1600 644 Cantii (S. Johannis) Vita et Res Gestas, Ingoldstadt, 1768, Dissertatio Critica de S. Erhardo, 1770, in one vol. h.-bd. - v. y. 645 Cardonnel (Adam de), Numismata Scotise, or a Series of the Scottish Coinage from the reign of William the Lion to the Union, uncut, plates, - Edin. 1786 646 Carey (Patrick), Trivial Poems and Triolets, written in obedience to Mrs. Tomkin's commands, 1651, edited by Sir Walter Scott, Lond. 1820 647 Carmina Diversa, Gaultori Mapes Rythmi Bini Delou- cordia Rationis et Fidei, 1720; Achillis Clavigeri Veronensis Satyra in Novum Discordem Concor- diam Bergensem, 1592 ; Petri Apollonii Collation! Carmen, &c., 1761, Heroica Belgarum Expeditio, pro reparenda Protestantism in Anglia libertate Buscepta, Auspicatissimo ducto Guilielmi III., &c., a Harlingio, 1689, and 6 others, in 1 vol. h.-bd. v. y. 648 Carmina Veterum Germanorum, calf, gilt edges, v. y. 649 CAROLUS MAGNUS Eccardi Dissertatio de Imaginibus Caroli et Carolomani Regum Francorum, 1719; Diploma Caroli Magni Imperatoris, &c., 1717 ; Dis- sertatio Historica de Danubii et Rheui Conivnc- tione a Carolo Magno tentata, 1727 ; Ad Caroli IV. Bullam Auream Saxiconicam, &c., 1728, 10 pieces in 1 vol. russia extra, plates, - 1706-71 " A very rare and probably unique collection of valuable papers relative to Charlemagne, with singularly interest- ing illustrations." Note by Mr. MAIDMENT. 650 CAROLUS MAGNUS Exercitatio Academica de; Di- senrsus Politices ; Conspectus Omnium Operum Alcuini, &c., Ratisbonce, 1760, and other pieces, in 1 vol. calf, - v. y. 36 .SECOND DAY'S SALE. [Quarto. 651 Carstares (William), State Papers and Letters, by J. M'Cormick, calf, Edin. 1744 652 Catalogues of Book Salesin Edinburgh, h.- Id. 1690-1720 653 Catecbisme Abrege en la langue de Madagascar, half calf, N - D ; 654 Cattermoie (R), Great Civil War of the Times ot Charles I. and Cromwell, numerous plates, h.-morocco, gilt top, Lond N : D. 655 Catulli Tibulli et Propertii Opera, in usum Delphmi, 2 vol. calf, Parisiis, 1685 656 Cayley (A.), Life of Sir Walter Raleigh, portrait, 2 vol in 1, calf, Lond. 1805 657 Celsi (A. C.) Medicinae Libri VIII., ex recensione L. accedunt notae var. Bianconii, &c., vellum, arms stamped in gold on sides, Lugd. Bat. 1785 658 Century of Scandalous Malignant Priests, made and admitted into Benefices by the Prelates, &c., h.-bd. Lond. 1643 659 Cervantes (M. De), Don Quixote of the Mancha, translated by Thomas Shelton, 2 vol. red morocco extra, gilt and tooled, engraved frontispieces (vol. 1 has no letterpress title), Edward Blount, Lond. 1612-20 660 Cervantes (M. De), Don Quixote de la Mancha, trans- lated by Jarvis, 2 vol. calf, plates by Vander Gucht after Vander Bank (fine impressions), Lond. 1742 601 Cervantes (M. De), Les Principales Avantures de 1' Admirable Don Quichotte, representees en Figures par Coypel, Picart le Romain et autres habiles Maitres, avec les Explications des XXXI. Planches, calf gilt, La Haie, 1746 662 Cervantes (M. De), Don Quixote, translated from the Spanish, to which is prefixed some Account of the Author's Life by T. Smollett, 28 plates by Hayman, 2 vol. calf extra, - Lond. 1755 663 Chalmers (G.), Caledonia, an Account of North Britain, map and table, 3 vol., calf gilt, Lond. 1807 664 Chambaud, Dictionnaire Francois-Auglois et Anglois- Francois, 2 vol., calf, Lond. 1805 665 Charitonis Aphrodisiensis Amatoriarum Narrationum de Chserea et Callirrhoe, Jac. Ph. d'Orville, vellum, arms stamped in gold on sides, 1750 666 Charlotte (Princess), Poems on the Death of, with numerous cuttings, &c., relative to the Princess, in 1 vol., h.-bd. v. y. 667 Charron (Peter), of Wisdome Three Bookes, written in French, translated by Samson Lenuard, Lond. 1630 Quarto.] SECOND DAY'S SALE. 37 668 Charta Robert! Seneschalli Scotiae, calf, Parisiis, 1695 669 Charta Willelmi Regis Scotorum Canonicis de Jed- burgh concessa circa annum MCLXIV. ex Auto- grapho in Archivis Ducis de Buccleugh, MCLXV., facsimile with transcript, h.-bd. 670 Charters (Alex.), Declaration, written in Prison, and read publicly at his Execution in Edinburgh, 1650, h.-bd. Edin. 1650 672 Chess Ludus Scacchi ; Chess-play, a Game, both Pleasant, Wittie, and Politicke, by G. B.flockimo], facsimile reprint of 1597, LARGE PAPER, - 1810 673 Chiensi (L.) Historia Captase a Turcis Constantino- polis, calf extra, woodcut on title, NorimbergcB, 1544 674 Chifletio (Julio), Breviarium Historicum Inclyti Or- diuis Velleris Aurei, Alt 1652, Disputatio de Ordiue Equestri Aurei Velleris, &c., in 1 vol., calf gilt, v. y. 675 Christianitas Vetusta et Antiqua Logica Augustini, a Paur (portrait), Dolchius de Apostolicorum Sacris Conventibus Act II., Barnabas et Pauli Acta Lyca- onica Boernerii, and others, in 2 vol., calf, 1714-30 676 Clarke (Edward D.), The Tomb of Alexander, h.-bd. gilt top, plates, Cambridge, 1805 677 Clarke (J. S.), Life of James II., 2 vol., boards, uncut, Lond. 1816 678 Claudiani (Cl.), Opera, quse extant, illustravit G. Pyrrho, old French morocco extra, gilt edges, Parisiis, 1677 679 Cloud of Witnesses for the Royal Prerogative of Jesus Christ, first edition, russia extra, 1714 680 Cleland (J.), A Monument of Mortalitie upon the Death and Funerals of the Gracious Prince Ludo- vick, Duke of Richmond and Lennox, Lond. 1624 681 Clifford (Arthur), Tixall Poetry, with Notes and Illustrations, LARGE PAPER, uncut, h.-bd. Edin. 1813 682 Clifford (Sir Thomas and Arthur), Description of the Parish of Tixall, in the County of Stafford, plates, LARGE PAPER, privately printed, half-morocco, gilt top, Paris, 1817, Folio. AND ACHITOPHEL, aPoem, 1682; Absalom Senior, a Poem ; The Progress of Honesty, 1681 ; Marvell (Andrew), Poems, 1681 ; and others in 1 vol. - v. y. 38 SECOND DAY'S SALE. [Folio. 684 Actis of the Realme of Scotland (the Black Acts), yellow morocco extra, richly gilt and tooled, blnck .Utter, Edin. 1566 " This copy of the Acts has five leaves, which do not occur in the copy purchased at Chalmers' sale by the Faculty of Advocates. The Chalmers' copy is the first edition, with the original leaves as to the Church. This is the second edition, where these leaves were cancelled and new leaves published, these are here, the reprint by the Duke of Roxburgh and George Chalmers, so that bating the title, this copy which formerly belonged to Robert Hamilton, the Clerk of Session, is as complete a copy as can well be figured." Note by Mr. MAIDMENT. 685 Andrada (Jaciiito Freire de), Life of Dom John de Castro, the fourth Vice-Roy of India, translated by Sir Peter Wyche, green morocco extra, gilt and tooled, portrait, - Lond. 1664 686 Appian of Alexandrine History, made English by J. Davis, calf, Lond. 1679 687 pl|ACON AND GODWYN Lives of Henry VII. iJSH and VIII. Edward VI., and Queen Mary, calf, portrait of Lord Bacon, - Lond. 1676 688 Bacon (Nathaniel), Discourse on the Laws and Government of England, from the First Times to the Reign of Elizabeth, calf, Lond. 1739 689 Baker (Richard), Chronicle of the Kings of England, with continuation by Phillips, and second con- tinuation by an impartial hand, engraved frontispiece, calf, - Lond. 1733 690 Ballads and Songs A Collection of MS. Ballads, Songs, &c. (about 33), with some Printed Ballads inserted, the whole mounted in 1 vol. h.-bd.> v. y, 691 Ballads and Songs, a large Collection of Cuttings from Newspapers and Periodicals (chiefly modern), with some broadsides inserted; many relate to Newcastle, to Fishwives,, &c., neatly mounted, h.-bd. N. D. 692 Bannatyne (Sir Wm. Macleod), Collection of Original MS. Letters and Papers, Cuttings, &c., relative to Sir W. M. Bannatyne and his Family, in 1 vol. N. D. 693 Barry (Captain Gerat), A Discourse of Military Dis- cipline, divided into Three Bookes, the last treatinge of Fire-wourckes of rare Executiones by Sea and Land, as alsoe of Firtifications, calf, Bruxells, 1634 694 Bayley (F. W. N.), Tale of a Tub, plates, Lond. 1841 695 Bayeux Tapestry, 17 Coloured Plates of the, 1819-23 Folio.] SECOND DAY'S SALE. 39 696 Bioerner (Erico Julio), Antiquitates Hyperboreo-, Gothicse, calf, Stockholm^, 1738 697 Biondi (Gio. Francisco), Domzella Desterrada, or the Banish'd Virgin, translated by James Hay ward, 1635, and the Grand Scipio, 1660, in 1 vol., calf, Land. 1635-60 698 Blackmore (Richard), Prince Arthur, an Heroick Poem in Ten Books, calf, - Lond. 1696 699 Boccacio ( J.), Novels and Tales, the Fifth Edition, calf, portrait, Lond. 1684 700 Boccalini (T.), Advices from Parnassus, with Political Touchstone and Appendix, revised and corrected by Hughes, calf, - Lond. 1706 701 Book of Crime An Extraordinary Collection of News- paper Cuttings relating to Crime, neatly mounted, in 2 vol. h.-bd. v. y. 702 Britannia's Intercession for John Wilkes, Erskine's Town Eclogues, &c., in 1 vol., h.-bd. Lond. 1827 703 Broadsides An Extraordinary Collection of Broad- sides, with some Newspaper Cuttings, neatly laid down in 1 large volume, h.-bd., titled on back, " Dying Speeches, Executions, SfC., Scotisk," 1807-32 . 704 Broadsides An Interesting and Valuable Collection / / LA of upwards of 500 Old Broadsides, chiefly relating J Y^^\ to Scotland, comprising Royal and Magisterial Pro- clamations and Acts, Petitions, Memorials, Answers, &c., &c., including a Proclamation against Penny Weddings, Vindication of the Presbyterians of s Scotland; Anent the Sumptuary Act by James VI. <" touching his Coronation ; Act anent Women-Ser- vants in Taverns ; for Preventing the Scarcity of Ale and Beer in the Good Town of Edinburgh ; Anent Cleaning the Streets; Appointing all Mer- chants to use the Yardwand, and no other Measure ; For Restraining the Expenses of Apparel ; Anent Drinking in Taverns after 10 o'Clock at Night ; a Discourse between a Tapster Lass and a Brewer's Man ; Scots News from London ; Act for Raising the Rate of the Five Shilling Pieces ; for Discourag- ing the Sale and Use of Foreign Spirits within the City ; Rules for the Horse Races at Leith ; Last Speech and Dying Words of John Clark, executed at Leith for Piracy ; Act for Renouncing the Pre- tended Title of Charles Stuart ; various Proclama- tions regarding the Rebels, List of Fugitives, &c., &c., in 7 vol. calf, tooled on the sides, 1615-1804 40 SECOND DAY'S SALE. [Folio. 705 Broadsides, Scottish Poetical Sol in Ascendente ; or, The Glorious Appearance of Charles the Second, 1660, very scarce; Lastitise CaledonicaB ; or, Scot- land's Raptures upon the Thrice Happy Return of Charles the Second ; Congratulation on the Happy Arrival of Charles II. ; Lintoun's Address to the Prince of Orange ; Poem against Marriage ; Robert the Rymer's Hue and Cry after the Flynigan, with Notes by George Paton; The Humble Address of the Wives of the Bow to George I. ; Last Speech and Dying Words of the Cross of Edinburgh, by Claudero (with plate) ; Genuine Letter from the Earl of Rochester to Nell Gwyn, &c., 66 pieces, in 1 vol., calf gilt, 1660-1785 706 Broadsides and Songs A New Ballad of a Famous German Prince, and a Renowned English Duke, who, on St. James' Day, 1666, fought with a beast with seven heads, called Provinces, &c, a reprint, Edin. 1666; "probably unique," Gratulatory Verses upon our late Glorious Victory over the Dutch, and a Broadside more for the Dutch, re- prints, Edin., 1665 ; Life and Death of Mirry Archie, MS. (a Satire on Dr. Pitcairn) ; Elegy on the Death of Harry Ormiston, late Hangman in Edinburgh ; Bumpers Squire Jones, a Drinking Song ; the New Divorce Bill, and others (36 in all), with Index, mounted in 1 vol. h.-bd. - v. y. 707 Brooke (Lord), Certaine Learned and Elegant Workes, calf, - Lond. 1633 708 Buck (George), History of Richard the Third, calf, portrait, - Lond. 1646 THIRD DAY'S SALE. Octavo et Infra. (Captain Samuel), Voyage to Lethe in the Good Ship Charming Sally, half calf, Lond. 1741 710 Cockburn (Rev. John), Jacob's Vow; or Man's Felicity and Duty, calf, Edin. 1 686 711 Cockburn (John, D.D.), Remarks on Publick Affairs relating to Scotland, calf, Lond. N. D. 712 Cockburn (J.), Journey over Land from the Gulf of Honduras to the Great South Sea, by John Cock- burn and others, map, calf, Lond. 1735 713 Cockburn (W.), Letter to the Earl of Roxburgh, coif Edin. 1705 714 Cockburn (Mrs Catharine), The Works of, with Life by Rev. Thomas Birch, 2 vol. calf, Lond. 1751 715 Cocker (E.)Arithmetick, portrait, calf, Dublin, 1730 716 Coelius (Apic) de Arte Coquinaria, calf, Amstel, 1709 717 Coelistatius in Coelibatu per Castrationem, and another Tract, in 1 vol. calf extra, - 1686 718 Colbert (J. B.), The Political Last Testament, by Bernard, calf, Lond. 1695 / 719 Colchester (Lord), Diary and Correspondence, edited by his Sou, 3 vol. Lond. 1861 720 Coleridge (S. T.), Notes on Stillingfleet, sewed, uncut, 3() copies printed for private circulation, 1875 721 College Riots, Edinburgh, 1838 Trial of the Students, The University Snowdrop, The University Maga, &c., plates, in 1 vol. h.-bd^ Edin. 1838 / 722 Collier (J.), Musical Travels through England, h.-bd. Lond. 1735 / 723 Collier (J. Payne), The Poetical Decameron, 2 vol. calf gilt, Edin. 1820 f 724 Collier (Miss), Essay on the Art of Ingeniously Tor- menting, with Proper Rules for the Exercise of that Pleasant Art, calf, frontispiece, Lond. 1753 6 42 THIRD DAY'S SALE. [Octavo et Infra. 724* [Collins, Dr. Samuel], The Present State of Russia, calf extra, gilt edges, plates, Lond. 1671 725 Collins' Peerage of England, by Sir Egerton Brydges, 9 vol, calf gilt, cuts, Lond. 1812 726 Collins (William), Poetical Works, with Notes by Rev. Alexander Dyce, calf extra, gilt edges, Pickering, 1827 y' 727 Colman (George, the Younger), Broad Grins, h.-bd., cuts, - Lond. 1815 728 Colquhoun (P., LL.D.), A Treatise on the Police of the Metropolis, calf, Lond. 1797 729 Coluthi Raptus Heleuge cum versione Italica, Salvoni et notis Bandini, Gr. et, Lat., calf, - Florent, 1765 730 Combe (W.), The Life of Napoleon ; a Hudibrastic Poem, by Dr Syntax, 30 coloured plates by Cruik- shank, Lond. 1817 731 Comical History of Francion, calf, plates, Lond. 1703 732 Commentarius de Thoro, calf gilt, - Jenae, 1767 733 Compleat Statesman Life of Earl of Shaftesbury, h.-bd., portrait, Lond. 1683 734 Confalonerius, de Vini Natura, red morocco extra, gilt edges, numerous Illustrative Cuttings inserted, Basil, 1535 735 Conolly (M. F.), Biographical Dictionary of Eminent Men of Fife, Cupar, 1866 736 Contarenus de re Frumentaria, 1669; Aicher de Comitiis, 1678, in 1 vol. russia, - v. y. 737 Contes a Eire ou Recreations Fra^oises, 3 vol. h.-bd., Paris, 1762 738 Conybeare (J. J.), Illustrations of Anglo-Saxon Poetry, * Lond. 1826 r 739 Copping (Edward), Alfieri and 'Seldom, their Lives and Adventures, - / Lond. 1858 740 Corbet (Richard), Poems of, edited by Gilchrist. calf extra, - Lond. 1807 741 Corcoran (Peter), The Fancy, - Lond. 1820 742 Corneille (P.), Le Theatre de, 5 vol. calf, Paris, 1664 743 Cornwallyes (Sir William), Essays, newlie corrected, calf gilt, - Lond. 1632 744 Cornwallis' (Lady Jane), Private Correspondence, 1613-1644, Lond. 1842 745 Cotton (Charles), Scarronides ; or Virgile Travestie, * calf, - Lond. 1665 ' 746 Cotton (Charles), Scarronides, another edition, cuts, Lond. 1804 747 Cotton (Charles), The Compleat Gamester, to which is added the Arts and Mysteries of Riding, Racing, Cock-fighting, &c., calj ] frontispiece, Lond. L680 Octavo et. Infra.] THIRD DAY'S SALE. 43 748 Cotton (Charles), Poems on Several Occasions, morocco extra, gilt edges, Lond. 1689 749 Cotton (C.), Genuine Works, plates by Vander Gucht, morocco, gilt edges, Lond. 1715 750 Cotton (George), The Morall Philosophy of the Stoicks, green morocco extra, - Lond. 1664 751 Cottle (Joseph), The Fall of Cambria, a Poem, 2 vol., h.-bd. morocco, Lond. 1808 752 Counsel to the Husband ; to the Wife Instruction, by Ste. B., vellum, Lond. 1608 753 Court of Gabalis; or the Extravagant Mysteries of the Cabalists Exposed, calf extra, - Lond. 1680 754 Countess of Salisbury ; or the Most Noble Order of the Garter, an Historical Novel, in 2 parts, red morocco extra, Lond. 1682-83 755 Court and Times of James I., 2 vol. ; and Court and Times of Charles I., 2 vol. Lond. 1848 756 Coutts (Thomas, Banker in the Strand), Life of, h.-bd., portrait, with numerous illustrative cuttings from news- papers, fyc. - Lond. N. D. 757 Covent Garden Drollery, imperfect, wants title, fyc. N. D. / 758 Coventry ( ), The History of Pompey the Little; or the Life and Adventures of a Lap-Dog, first edition, calf, - Lond. 1751 759 Co well (Joe), Thirty Years passed among the Players in England and America, " J. Ebsivorth, Esq., from his son-in law, Sam Cowell, 1849." See also MS. Note by Mr Maidrnent, h.-bd. - New York, 1844 / 760 Cowper (Lady Mary), Diary of 1714-20, Lond. 1864 / 761 Cowtan (Robert), Memoirs of the British Museum, Lond. 1872 762 Crabbe (Rev. G.), Poetical Works, by his Son, 8 vol. Lond. 1834 763 Craig (Sir T.), Epithalamium quo Henrici Darnlii et Mariae Scotorum Reginae Nuptias celebravit, edited by David Laing, h.-bd. Edin. 1821 Twenty-five copies of this scarce tract were printed for presents. 764 Cranstoun (Capt.) and Miss Mary Blandy, Genuine Lives of, frontispiece, russia extra, - Lond. 1753 Capt. Cranstoun was the uncle of Lord Corehouse. / 765 Crantz (David), History of Greenland, 2 vol., calf, plates, Lond. 1767 767 Crashaw (Richard), Steps to the Temple, with the Delights of the Muses, calf gilt, frontispiece, Lond. 1646 768 Crashaw (Richard), Complete Works, edited by W. B. D. D. Turnbull, - Lond. 1858 44 THIRD DAY'S SALE. [Octavo et Infra. 7 09 Craw (W.), Poems, Kilmarnock, 1809-15 ; and Foolies Scots Haggis, Edin. 1821, in 1 vol., calf, 1809-21 770 Crawford and Balcarres (Earl of) Argo; or the Quest of the Golden Fleece, Lond. 1876 ^ 771 Crawfurd (Archibald), The Gaberlunzie, a Periodical Publication, chiefly Original, the set of 12 AW, h.-bd., Paisley, 1825 772 Crebillon Fils, The Skimmer; or the History of Tanzai and Neadarne, 2 vol. in 1, calf, Lond. 1735 773 Crebillon, Angola Histoire Indienne, 2 vol., calf, plates, Agra, 1751 774 Crebillon, Les CEuvres de, 3 vol., calf, Pans, 1 754 775 Crewe (Lord), Examination of the Life of, Lond. 1790 776 Crichton (The Admirable) Life of, Aberdeen, 1760 777 Criminal Law: Inglis (H. P.). On the Case of William Mills, 1785; Martin (J.), Letter to Lord Lauder- dale, 1793, &c., in 1 vol. - v. y. 778 Criminal Trials (Select), Edin. 1803 779 Critical Review of Johnson's Works, calf, Lond. 1787 780 Critique Generale des Avantures de Telemaque, 2 vol., calf, Cologne, 1700 781 Croft (J.), Excerpta Antiqua, h.-bd. - York, 1796 / 782 Croker (T. Crofton), Fairy Legends and Traditions of the South of Ireland, 3 vol., calf, cuts after Brooke, Lond, 1825 / 783 Croker (T. Crofton), The Popular Songs of Ireland, Lond. 1839 784 Cromek (R. H.), Select Scottish Songs, Ancient and Modern, with Critical Observations and Biogra- phical Notices, by Robert Burns (son of the poet), 2 vol. in 1. h.-bd morocco, gilt top, Lond. 1810 / .785 Cromek (R. H.), Remains of Nithsdale and Galloway Song, uncut, Lond. 1810 786 Cromerty (Earl of), An Historical Account of the Conspiracies by the Earls of Gowry and Robert Logan of Restalrig against King James VI., calf extra, Edin. 1713 787 Cromwell (0.), Memoirs of the Protector Oliver Crom- well, 2 vol. Lond. 1822 788 Cromwell (Oliver), Life by Kimber, calf, portrait, Lond. 1725 789 Cromwell (T.), History and Description of the Parish of Clerkeuwell, engravings by Storer, Lond. 1828 790 Crowquill (Alfred, " A. H. Forrester "), The Pictorial Grammar, humorous cuts, - Lond. N. D. 791 Cruden's Trial ; Adventures of Alexander the Cor- rector, 3 parts ; The Corrector's Humble Address, &c., in 1 vol., russia extra, - Lond. 1755 Octavo et Infra.'] THIRD DAY'S SALE. 45 ' . 792 Cruikshank (George), Punch and Judy, coloured illus- trations drawn and engraved by George Cruikshank, half morocco, gilt top, Lond. 1828 793 Cumberland (Richard), Memoirs of, written by Him- self, 2 vol. calf, portraits, Lond. 1807 794 Cunningham (John), Poems, chiefly Pastoral, calf, frontispiece, Newcastle, 1766 795 Cunningham (Allan), Poems and Songs, 1847 796 [Curie, Edward], Venus in the Cloister, russia extra, gilt edges, Lond. 1731 797 Curzon (Hon. Robert), Visits to Monasteries in the Levant, cuts, - Lond. 1849 798 Curzon (Hon. Robert), Armenia, plates, 1854 799 D'Alembert (M.), Destruction of the Jesuits, calf, Lond. 1776 800 Dalrymple (John), The Polity of Entails, calf, Edin. 1764 801 Dalrymple (Sir J.), Letters to Barrington, h.-bd. Lond. 1778 802 Dalyell (John G.), Antiquarian Tracts, in 1 vol., morocco, gilt top, Edin. 1809-28 / 803 Dalyell (John G.), The Darker Superstitions of Scot- land, Glasgow, 1835 804 Dalzel (Professor), Memoir of, edited by Cosmo Innes, privately printed, h.-bd. morocco, gilt top, Edin. 1861 805 Danby (Earl of), Letters written to and from, in the years 1676, 1677, and 1678, calf, - Lond. 1710 806 Dangeau (Marquis de), Memoirs of the Court ot France from 1684 to 1720, translated by J. Daven- port, 2 vol., calf extra, - Lond. 1825 807 Dangerfield (Thomas), Don Tomazo, or the Juvenile Rambles of, russia extra, gilt edges, - Lond. 1680 " Dangerfield was a pretty considerable scamp, and these adventures, though much exaggerated, are substan- tially accurate. The book is very rare." Part of a Note by Mr. Maidment. / 808 Dangerous Connections, 4 vol., h.-bd. - Lond. 1784 809 Daniel (Samuel), Poetical Works, 2 vol. in 1, calf gilt, Lond. 1718 / 810 D'Anois (Countess), A Collection of Novels and Tales of the Fairies, 3 vol., calf, Lond. 1749 811 Daphuis and Chloe, The Pastoral Amours of, calf extra, plates, - 1720 812 Darien Vindication of Scots Colony at Darien, De- fence of Scotch Settlement at Darien, and Defence of Scots abdicating Darien, 3 vol., h.-bd. Edin. 1699-1700 46 THIRD DAY'S SALE. [Octavo et Infra. 813 Darien Memoirs, giving a Short Description of that Country, with the -Attempts of Company of Scot- land to settle a Colonie in that place, calf (curious woodcut map on page 9), - Glasgow, 1716 814 Dasent (George W.), The Story of Burnt Njal, 2 vol., plates, Edin. 1861 815 D'Aubusson (Peter), Life of the Renowned Grand Master of Rhodes, russia extra, gilt edges, Lond. 1659 816 D'Aumale (Le Due), History of the Princes de Conde\ translated by R. B. Borthwick, 2 vol. Lond. 1872 817 Davidson (W.), History of Lanark and Guide to the Scenery, plates, 1828 ; Keith's Incidents in the Life of Sir W. Wallace, Lanark, 1844 ; Adventures of Sir John Dalzell, &c., in 1 vol. calf gilt, v. y. 818 Davies (Sir John), Poems, morocco extra, Lond. 1622 819 Davies (Sir John), Why Ireland was never Subdued, &c., calf, Lond. 1747 820 Davies (Sir John), Poetical Works, calf, Lond. 1773 821 Davies (Edward), Celtic Researches, 2 vol. calf gilt, Lond. 1804 822 Davies (Lady C.), Recollections of Society in France and England, 2 vol. - Lond. 1872 823 Debates on the Exclusion Bill in 1680, calf, Lond. 1689 824 De Belley (M.), Les Evenements Singuliers, 4 vol. old calf gilt, - Rouen, 1659 825 Debes (L. J.), Description of the Islands and Inhabi- tants of Feroe, Englished by J. Sterpin, russia extra, gilt edges, maps, - Lond. 1676 826 Dedikindius (F.) Grobianus, or the Compleat Booby, translated by Roger Bull, calf, - Lond. 1739 827 Defoe, Memoirs of the Secret Services of John Mackay, calf, 1773 828 Defoe (D.), An Essay upon Projects, russia extra, gilt edges, - Lond. 1697 829 Defoe (D.), Collection of his Writings, calf, Lond. 1705 830 Defoe (D.), Caledonia ; a Poem in Honour of Scotland and the Scots Nation, see Note by Mr. Maidment, h.-bd. Lond. 1707 831 Defoe (D.), Memoirs of the Life and Adventures of Signor Rozelli at the Hague, russia, gilt edges, Lond. 1709 832 Defoe (D.), The Fortunes and Misfortunes of the Famous Moll Flanders, calf, Lond. 1721 833 Defoe (D.), Religious Courtship, calf, Lond. 1722 834 Defoe (D.), The Political History of the Devil, calf, Lond. 1726 835 Defoe (D.), The Complete English Tradesman, 2 vol. calf, - Lond. 1727 Octavo et Infra.'] THIRD DAY'S SALE. 47 836 Defoe (D.), Treatise on the Use and Abuse of the Marriage Bed, russia, gilt edges, Lond. 1727 837 Defoe (D.), Military Memoirs ol'Capt. George Carleton, first edition, - Lond. 1728 838 Defoe (D.), The History and Reality of Apparitions, second edition, russia, gilt edges, - Lond. 17 '35 839 Defoe (D.), Memoirs of a Cavalier, russia, gilt edges, Lond. N. D. 840 Democritus Secundus The Fellow Traveller through City and Countrey, &c., calf, - Lond. 1658 841 Democritus Ridens, calf gilt, - Gedani, 1701 842 Demosthenes' Orations, by Several Hands, Lond. 1702 843 Denham (Sir J.), Poems and Translations, calf, Lond. 1719 844 Dennis (John) On Homer and Etheridge, h.-bd. 1717-20 845 Denniston (Capt.), The Battle of Craiguilder, a very ancient Gallovidian ballad, uncut, - Edin. 1832 846 Description du pays de Jansenie, &c., calf, map, 1688 847 Deveil (Sir Thomas), Memoirs of the Life and Times of, calf, Lond. 1748 848 Devereux (W. B.), Lives and Letters of the Devereux, Earls of Essex, 2 vol. - Lond. 1853 849 Diarium Austriacum, a Megisero, red morocco extra, gilt edges, - 1614 850 Dibdin (T. F.), Introduction to the Classics, 2 vol., calf, - 1808 851 Dibdin (T. F.) Bibliomania, morocco extra, gilt edges, Lond. 1811 " The present copy of Dibdin's Bibliomania formerly belonged to Joseph Bain, Esq., younger of Morriston. The MS. key is in his handwriting. The very scarce attack by Sardirier, the bookseller, on the Rev. Doctor also be- longed to Mr. Bain. The additional portraits and biblio- graphical scraps were added by myself." J. M. The fol- lowing letter is inserted : " 6 St. Andrew Street. Dear Mr. Maidment, At your peril decline breakfasting with me on Thursday, at 29 minutes past 9, to see all my quidbibats and quodbibats. I go (I fear for ever) on Friday. Pray come and be astonished. Yours ever, F. DIBDIN." Post mark, October 26, 1836. 852 Dibdin (T. F.), Bibliographical, Antiquarian, and Picturesque Tour in the Northern Counties and in Scotland, 2 vol., cloth, uncut, plates, Lond. 1838 853 Dickens (Charles), The Pickwick Papers, illustrated by Seymour and Brown, h.-bd. - Lond. 1837 854 Dickens (Charles), Memoirs of Joseph Grimaldi, illustrated by George Cruikshank, 2 vol., uncut, Lond. 1838 48 THIRD DAY'S SALE. [Octavo et Infra. 855 Dickson (Dr. D.), The Possibility and Probability ot a Child being Born Alive and Live, in the latter end of the Fifth Solar, or in the beginning of the Sixth Lunar Month, calf gilt, Edin. 1712 856 Digby (Sir Kenelm), Private Memoirs of, written by Himself, edited by Nicholas, Bust Portrait of Lady Digby inserted, Lond. 1827 857 Diuckeldius (M. J.) De Origine, Causis, Typo, et Cere- monii sillius Ritus, &c., curious woodcut title represen- tation of M. Luther, 1558; Der Neurichigeste Psalmus, Wiestain crost, &c., J. Agricola, in 1 vol. Isleben, 1526, &c., morocco, gilt edges, v. y. 859 Dinckeldius Oratio de ritu Depositions, old. woodcut title, 1588 ; Wildebrand Typus Depositionis Schol- asticaB, and other scarce tracts, in 1 vol.. morocco extra, gilt edges, - 1.H5-1558 860 Diogene Laerce, Vies des plus Illustres Philosophes de 1'Antiquite, 3 vol. portrait, Amsterdam, 1758 861 Dion Cassius, History translated by Manning, 2 vol. calf, 1704 862 Dionysii Orbis Descriptio, calf, maps, Lond. 1658 863 Dior Commemoratio reruin Romanarum, a Zeller, rassia, - Stutgardim, 1724 864 Disney (Gervase), Remarkable Passages in the Holy Lite and Death of, with Letters and Poems, calf, Lond. 1692 865 Dispensary (The), a Poem, 2 copies, calf, Lond. 1700-6 866 Disraeli (Lord Beaconsfield), Vivian Grey, 5 vol. calf, Lond. 1826 867 Disraeli (Lord Beaconsfield), The Voyage of Captain Popanilla, calf, Lond. 1828 868 Disraeli (Lord Beaconsfield), The Young Duke, 3 vol. Lond. 1831 869 Disraeli (Lord Beaconsfield), Contarini Fleming, first edition, 4 vol. h.-bd. Lond. 1832 870 Dissertationes Classicse, Groddick, 1786; Gerlach de Hymnis Orphicis comment., and 4 others (Ger- man), in 1 vol. h.-bd. - v. y. 871 Dissertationes Curiosae (German), h.-bd. v. y. 872 Dissertationes Historicae et Criticse, calf, v. y. '873 Doddridge (Philip, D.D.), Remarkable Passages in the Life of Colonel Gardiner, morocco extra, gilt edges, Lond. 1747 874 Dodington (George Bubb), The Diary of, by H. P. Wyndham, rusnia extra, gilt edges, Lond. 1785 ,875 Dods (Dr.), The Sisters, 2 vol. calf, Lond. 1754 876 Dodsley (J.), Fugitive Pieces on various Subjects, 2 vol. calf, - Lond. 1765 Ocfavo et Infra.] THIRD DAY'S SALE. 49 877 Dodsley (J.), A Collection of Poems, with Notes, 10vol. m//, Xo/^.1782-83 878 Dolce, II Capitano, Comedia, russia (jilt, Venetian, 1620 879 Doleman (R.), Conference about the next Succession to the Crown of England, portrait of Rt. Parsons, the Jesuit (one of the authors of the work) inserted, mid the genealogical table, which is almost always awanting, old morocco, gilt edges, Lnprintedat N., with licence, 15^4 ' This book, on its first appearance, excited so much alarm, that it was accounted as most heinous and scandalous to possess a copy. The printer is said to have been hanged, drawn and quartered." J. M. 880 Domestic Economy The Notch-Book of Economy, Young Wife's Guide to House-keeping, The Golden- Receipt Book, &c, in 1 vol., numerous inserted cut- tings, calf, v. y. 881 Domiuico (D.), Origo Comiturn de Habsburg, calf extra, WratisbarricK, 1715 882 Dom Juan d'Autriche, Annales Galantes, and others, in 1 vol., vellum, v. y. 883 Donaldson (James), Husbandry Anatomized, Edin. 1697 884 Donaldson (James), The Undoubted Art of Thriving, morocco extra, - Edin. 1700 885 Donne (John) Collection of Letters, made by S r . Tobie Matthews, K*., russia, - Lond. 1600 886 D'Orleans ( J. P.), History of the Revolution in Eng- land under the Stuarts, calf, Lond. 1722 887 Dormer (Sir C. C.), Sale Catalogue of the Librarv of, with Prices, LARGE PAPER, calf, 1764, 888 Double Captive (The) ; or, Chains upon Chains, h.-bd. Lond. 1718 889 Douce (Francis), The Dance of Death, exhibited in. Elegant Engravings on Wood, with a Dissertation on the Several Representations of that Subject, &c., more particularly on those ascribed to Macaber and Hans Holbein, plates, - Pickering, 1833 890 Douglas (Lady Jane), Letters, 1767 ; The Merry Wives of Douglas, or the Douglas Garland, 1769 ; Account of the Scotch Brigade in the Dutch Re- public Defence, 1795 ; Campbell's Letters to the Marquis of Lorn, 1798, and others, in 1 vol., calf, v. y. 891 Douglas Cause, Letter on the, by Andrew Henderson, h.-bd. t - Lond. 1767 892 Dover (Lord), Life of Frederick the Second, King of Prussia, 2 vol., calf gilt, - Lond. 1832 7 50 THIRD DAY'S SALE. [Octavo et Infra. 893 Dowie (Thomas), The Countryman's Companion, h.-bd., Edin. 1743 894 Drake (James) Historia Anglo Scotica, calf, Lond. 1703 DRAMA. The Large and Valuable Collection of Dramatic Literature formed by Mr. Maidment, which will occupy two days' sale, will be found catalogued in detail at the end of the General Library. 895 Drayton (Michael), Poems, collected into One Volume, newly corrected, morocco extra, gilt edges, engraved title page by Marshall, Lond. 1737 896 Drayton (Michael), Nymphidia, the Court of Fairy, h.-bd. Lee Priory Press, 1814 897 Drechslerus De Larvis Natalitiis, calf extra, Lipsice, 1683 898 Drolleries Westminster-Drollery, or a Choice Collec- tion of the Newest Songs and Poems both at Court and Theatre, calf extra, Lond. 1671 899 Drummond (Wm., of Hawthornden), The History of Scotland from the year 1423 until the year 1542, portrait, calf - Lond. 1682 900 Drummond ( Wm., of Hawthornden), A Cypress Grove; or Philosophical Reflections against the Fear of Death, morocco extra, gilt edges Glasgow, 1751 901 Drummond (Lord John), Case in relation to a Rape upon Elizabeth Gall way, h.-bd. - Lond. 1715 " Exceedingly rare and curious. Mr. Sharpe says he never saw another copy." See interesting Note by Mr. Maidment. 902 Drummond (W. Hamilton), The Giant's Causeway, a Poem, plates, Belfast, 1811 903 Drury (Robert), Adventures in Madagascar, map and plates, - 1730 904 Dryden (John), Works, with Notes and Life of the Author by Sir Walter Scott, 18 vol., uncut, Edin. 182 1 905 Dubois (Cardinal), Vie privee du, calf extra, gilt edges, portrait, Londres, 1789 906 Dubois (Edward), My Pocket Book ; or Hints for " a Ryghte Merrie and Conceitede" Tour in Ireland, coloured plates, h.-bd. Lond. 1808 907 Duces Supremi Austriae, numerous portraits, h.-bd. 1739 908 Duchess of Richmond's Funeral Sermon, red morocco extra, - Lond. 1708 909 Duck (Ar.), Life of Chichele, Archbishop of Canter- bury, 1699 910 Duclos (M.), Histoire de Louis XL, 2 vol., calf, La JJaye, 1745 Octavo et Infra.} THIRD DAY'S SALE. 51 911 Duer (Wm. A.), Life of William Alexander, Earl of Stirling, New York, 1847 912 Duffs Genealogical Memoirs of the Family of Duff, . printed for private circulation, - Aberdeen, 1869 913 Duffy (C. G.), The Ballad Poetry of Ireland, calf, Dublin, 1845 914 Du Fouilloux (Jacques), La Venerie de, precede 1 de notes bibliographiques, red morocco extra, gilt edges, numerous facsimile wood engravings, Angers, 1844 915 Dufresnoy (M. 1'Abbe), Recueil de Dissertations Anciennes et Nouvelles sur les Apparitions, les Visions etles Son ges, 4 vol. old calf extra, Avignon, 1752 916 Dufresnoy (M. 1'Abbe), Tablettes Chronologiques de 1'Histoire Universelle, 2 vol. calf, Paris, 1763 917 Du Meril (E.), La Mort de Garin le Loherain, morocco extra, gilt edges, - Paris, 1846 ,/* 918 Dumfries Monthly Magazine, 3 vol. h.-bd. Dumfries, 1825-6 919 Dumont (Etieune), Recollections of Mirabeau, calf extra, Lond. 1832 920 Dunbar (William), Poems, edited by David Laing, 2 vol., with Supplement, - Edin. 1834-65 921 Dunbar (William), Poems, with Life by J. Paterson, Edin. 1860 922 Duncan (W., of Aberdeen), Description of the Coast between Aberdeen and Leith, Aberdeen, 1837 923 Dundee (Viscount), Memoirs of Lord Viscount Dun- dee, the Highland Clans, and the Massacre of Glencoe, by an Officer of the Army, green morocco, gilt edges, portrait, - Lond. 1714 924 Dundee Delineated, calf, cuts, Dundee, 1822 925 Dundonnell Cause, Report of the, h.-bd. Edin. 1830 ^ 926 Dunfermline Literary Magazine ; or the Gasometer, h.-bd. Dunfermline, 1831 927 Dunkin (John), History and Antiquities of Dartford, plates and cuts, Lond. 1844 928 Dunlop (John), Memoirs of Spain during the Reigns of Philip IV. and Charles II., from 1621 to 1700, 2 vol. Edin. 1834 929 Dunlop (John), Poems on Several Occasions, from 1793 to 1816, h.-bd. only 50 copies printed, Edin. 1836 930 Du Noyer (Madam), Letters, &c., h.-bd. Lond. 1716 931 Duplessis (J.), Essai sur la Frisure, calf, 1760 932 D'Urfey (T.), Wit and Mirth; or Pills to Purge Melancholy, being a Collection of the Most Mery Ballads and Songs, Old and New, with Music, 6 vol. calf gilt, portrait, - Lond. 1719-20 52 THIRD DAY'S SALE. [Octavo et Infra. 933 D'Urfey (Young), Ways to Kill Care, calf, 1761 934 Dutch Embassy (The), h.-bd. privately printed, ' Evi- dently the production of some discontented Rebel" N. D. 935 Dutch Rogue (The), calf extra, - Lond. 1683 936 Dying Speeches of the Rebels, calf, Lond. 1746 ARBERY (Rev. M.), History of the Clemency oi our English Monarch, calf, Lond. 1720 938 tarbery (Rev. M.), Reflections and Remarks on Bishop Buriiet's History of his Own Time, russia extra, gilt edges, . Lond. 1724-34 939 Barbery (Rev. M.), The Occasional Historian, russia extra, gilt edges, - Lond. 1730 940 Earldom of Perth Historical Facts and Explana- tions, and other Papers, in 1 vol h.-bd. Paris, 1866 941 Earl (John, D.D.), Microcosmography ; or a Piece of the World Discovered in Essays aiid Characters, by P. Bliss, calf, - Lond. 1811 942 Ebsworth (J. Woodfall). Choyce Drollery, 1656; Merry Drolleries, 1661-70-91; Westminster Drol- leries, 1671-2, 3 vol. the reprints, Boston, 1875 943 Eccentric Biography. A Curious and Interesting- Col- lection of Pamphlets and Cuttings, in 2 vol. h.-bd. v.y. 944 Ecclesia Grseca Lutheranizans, 1723; Ludovici Examen Vitse Stanislai Kosta, 1727, in 1 vol. russia extra, gilt edges, v. y. 945 Echard (L.), History of the Revolution of 1688, calf, 946 Edgecumbe (Earl), Musical Reminiscences. Lond. 1 834 947 Edgeworth (Miss), Tales of Fashionable Life, 6 vol. h.-bd, Lond. 1809-12 948 Edgeworth (Miss), Patronage, 4 vol. h.-bd. Lond. 1814 949 Edinburgh Miscellany, consisting of Original Poems, Translations, &c., second edition, Vol. L, all published, russia extra, - Edin. 1720 This interesting collection was issued by a society of ladies called " The Fair Intellectual Club," Edinburgh. " In this second edition there appears to be a leaf wanting, being pages 93 and 94. This has been occasioned by a substitute of ' David's Elegy,' page 85, for two poems which occur in the first edition which have apparently given offence, named, ' Str . . . 's Farewell to the Hermitage, sitting upon the top of Mount Alexander,' and ' The Holy Ode,' by the same hand. The cancel in this way causes one leaf to be short. The present copy is therefore perfect." J. M. Octavo' et Infra.'] THIRD DAY'S SALE. 53 S 950 Edinburgh Chambers Remarkable Fires in Edin- biirgh, 1824, interleaved with numerous notes by Mr. Maidrnent; Sermon on the Dreadful Fire of February 1700, &c., cuttings inserted, in 1 vol. h.-bd. Edin. 1701-1824 951 Edinburgh Fires, Notices and Papers relative to, h.-bd. 1824-5 / 952 Edinburgh Review, The Original, Nos. 1 and 2 (all published), h.-bd. Edin. 1755-f) 953 Edinburgh Review Collection of Critiques on it, in 1 vol. h.-bd. Circa, 1809 / 954 Edinburgh Topographical, Traditional and Anti- quarian Magazine, edited by James Paterson, plates and portraits inserted, h.-bd. 1N48 955 Edinburgh Volunteers, &c., of 1795, a Curious Col- lection of Lists of Members, Newspaper Cuttings, &c., in 1 vol., h.-bd. 1795 95G Edinburgh New Guide to, plates, 1797 957 Edinburgh Facetiae. Rebellion against Gulliver, Review of the Radical Reformers Patriotism of certain Learned Whigs, Heave at them, Tally-ho ! Real Conversation between Two Shepherds, The Game's a-Foot, The Disappointed Whig. Play Bills of the " Royal Mohock Theatre, Gabriel's Road," with MS. notes and numerous squibs and fly-sheets, in 1 vol., calf gilt, Edin. 1820-1 958 Edinburgh Sketches of Clergy of the Established Church, calf gilt, illustrated with numerous portraits and cuttings from newspapers, - Edin. 1832 959 Edinburgh, a Poem, by Thornton Thistle, Gent., with illustrations by " Luke Sharpe," h.-bd. morocco, gilt top, Lond. 1840 960 Edinburgh An Interesting Collection of Tracts and Newspaper Cuttings, &c., relating to Old Edin- burgh, in 1 vol. - Edin. v. y. 961 Egede (Hans), A Description of Greenland, calf, map, Lond. 1745 962 Egerton (Lady Frances), Tour in the Holy Land, plates, Lond. 1841 963 Ehrharthi Historia Mahometi, calf, 1731 964 Ehrhardtus de Nerone, calf extra, Coburgi, 1753 965 Eikon Basilike, red morocco extra, gilt and tooled, Lond. 1824 966 Elegant Extracts A very Curious Collection of Cut- tings, Scraps, Town Talk, Facetiae, &c., bound in 7 vol. h.-bd. - v. y. 54 THIRD DAY'S SALE. [Octavo et Infra. 967 Elibank (Lord) on the Peerage of Scotland, calf, Lond. 1771 ^968 Elliot (Grace D.), Journal of my Life during the French Revolution, - Lond. 1859 fc/ 969 Ellis' (George) Specimens of Early English Metrical Romances, 3 vol., h.-bd. morocco, gilt tops, Lond. 1805 /^970 Ellis' (George) Specimens of the Early English Poets, 3 vol., h.-bd. morocco, gilt tops, - Lond. 1811 971 Ellis (George Agar), True History of the Iron Mask, Lond. 1827 972 Ellis (Sir Henry), Original Letters on English His- tory, 1st, 2d, and 3d series, 11 vol., Lond. 1825-27 973 Ellis (Sir Henry) Introduction and Indexes to Domesday Book, 2 vol. - Lond. 1833 974 Eloge de 1'Enfer, 2 vol., calf, La Haye, 1759 975 Elucidation of the History of Counts Streunsee and Brandt calf gilt, portraits fyc., inserted, Lond. 1789 976 Ely Cathedral, Handbook to, plates, - Ely, N. D. 977 England's Command over the Seas, calf, Lond. 1653 978 England's Black Tribunal set forth in the Tryal of King Charles I., portrait, 1703 979 England and France ; or a Cure for the Ministerial Gallomania, calf, Lond. 1832 / 980 England's Vanity ; or The Voice of God against the Monstrous Sin of Pride in Dress and Apparel, russia extra, N. D. 981 English Minstrelsy, edited by Sir Walter Scott, 2 vol., calf extra, Edin. 1810 982 ENGLISH HISTORICAL SOCIETY PUBLICATIONS, 10 vol. 1838-56 983 English Topographical Tracts, calf, - v. y. 984 Enquiry into the Union with Scotland, calf, Lond.llOQ " It appears from a note by Wodrow in his copy of this book that the real author was William Paterson, the projector of the Bank of England." J. M. Quarto. 985 EHIOATES, Armoriall of Several Knights and IPSjaj Gentlemen as they are Matriculat in the New Register of Armes in the Lyon Office, in MANU- SCRIPT, half russia, N. D. " This transcript was made by Robert Mylne, the well- known Scottish antiquary." Quarto.] THIRD DAY'S SALE. 55 986 Cochlei (J.), Pro Scotiae Regno Apologia, morocco extra, gilt edges, Lipsice, 1534 " This is the only copy of the singularly fierce apology of Cochleius I have been able to trace. It seems to have been unknown to most bibliographers." J. M. 987 Cochlei (J.), Vita Theodorici Regis, green morocco extra, gilt and tooled, Ingolstadi, 1544 988 Cockburne (Sir William), Republica de Decimis, woodcuts on title and at end, morocco, gilt and tooled, Edin. 1627 989 Codices Talmudici Avora Sara et Tamid a Peringero, 1680; Specimen ex Alcorani Systemate Zechen- dorffi; Ernesti Umbra in Luce, plates and cuts, 1667, and others, in 1 vol., russia extra, gilt edges, v. y. 990 Collectanea de Rebus Anglicis ; Thomasii Historia Proximi Seculi de Elizabetha, 1674; Bacon, Felix Memoria Elizabeths, 1689 ; Gentilis de Potestato Regis Absoluta, &c., de Libris Juris Canonic! et Civilis, 1674, in 1 vol., calf gilt, v. y. 991 Collectanea de Rebus Britannicis, 1 vol., d., v. y. 1211 Fugitive Scottish Poetry A Collection of 39 Pieces, in 2 vol., with MS. Index, calf gilt, - 1711-99 1212 Fugitive Scottish Poetry Comprising A Poem on the Parable of the Prodigal, 1715 ; The Most Ex- cellent History of Dorastus and Fawnia ; A Merry Jest of the Friar and the Boy ; The Piper of Peebles, &c., 9 pieces in 1 vol., russia extra, gilt edges, 1715-94 1214 Fugitive Scottish Poetry, A Collection of Minor Poetical Publications, in 11 vol. h.-bd. uniform, 1769-1835 1215 Fugitive Scottish Poetry An Interesting Collection of Minor Poems, in 2 vol., h.-bd. 1801-55 1216 Fugitive Scottish Poetry A Collection, in 1 vol., including Lintown Green ; Maxw r ell of Paisley's Poems ; Baillie's Poems ; Aird (of Paisley), Hope's Temple and others, h.-bd. v. y. 1*217 Fugitive Scottish Poetry, principally of the Seven- teenth Century, edited by David Laing, 2 vol. (Vol. I. h.-bd. gilt top, Vol. II. in cloth), only 72 copies printed, Edin. 1825-53 1218 Fulgoscus (B.), de Memorabilia, calf, Basilice, 1541 1219 Fuller (John, M.D.), History of Berwick-on-Tweed, h.-bd. morocco, numerous plates inserted, Edin. 1799 1220 Fuller (Thos., D.D.), Church History of Britain, 3 vol., 1837 ; Worthies of England, by Nuttall, 3 vol., 1840 ; and History of Cambridge and of Waltham Abbey, by Nichols, 1840, in all 7 vol. Lond. 1837-40 1221 Funeral Ceremonies performed at Rome in honour of the Princess Clementina Sobieski, 1735 ; Letter from a Gentleman to his Friend, MS., in 1 vol., red morocco extra, richly gilt sides, gilt edges, 1735 1222 Furius, or The Exploits of W. Lander, h.-bd. N D. 1223 fplABERLUNZIEMAN, The, calf, IMSI Goettingen, 1775 1224 Gaii Institutiones Lachmanni, calf, Beroiini, 1842 1225 Galerie de 1'Ancienne Cour, 3 vol. h.-bd. . 1781 70 FOURTH DAY'S SALE. [Octavo et Infra. 1226 Galfridus de Monemuta Vita Merlini, edited by- Michel, russia extra, - Paris, 1837 1227 Gallerie des Femmes Fortes, par Pierre le Moyne, vellum, portraits, - Leiden, 1660 1228 Galloway (R.), Poems in the Scottish Dialect, 1788 1229 Garcaeo, Historia de Magis, 1562, et Phaenomena Histories Naturalis, 1600, in 1 vol. calf gilt, v. y. 1230 Gardenstone (Lord), Miscellanies in Prose and Verse, portrait by Kay inserted, calf, Edin. 1792 1230*Gardenstone (Lord), Travelling Memorandums dur- / ing a Tour in Europe, 3 vol. calf, - Edin. 1795 1231 Garret (W.), Account of the Great Floods in the Tyne, Tees, Wear, Eden &c., in 1771 and 1815, portrait andcuts by Bewick, half-mor, Newcastle, 1818 1232 Gasquoiue (S.), Kilda's Bridal, and other Poems, 1845 1233 Gassier (J. M.), Histoire de la Chevalerie Fra^oise, calf gilt, Paris, 1814 1234 [Gauthier de Costes] Lord de Calprenede, Cas- sandre, 10 vol. calf, Paris, 1651 1235 [Gauthier de Costes], Cassandra, translated by Cotter ell, 5 vol. calf, - Lond.M^l 1236 Gavle (John), Cases of Conscience touching Witches and Witchcraft, calf extra, Land. \ 646 1237 Gay (John), Works, calf gilt, plates, Lond. 1767-72 1238 Gay (John), Fables, 2 vol. calf, plates after Wooton, Kent, $c., - Lond. 1837-38 1239 Gayton (Edmund), Festivous Notes on the History and Adventures of Don Quixote, calf, Lond. 1768 1240 Gedde (John), New Discovery of Bee-Houses, Lond. 1677 1241 Gedde (John), Bees and their Usefulness, calf, Lond. 1697 1242 Gedde (John), The English Apiary, or the Compleat Bee-Master, Lond. 1721 1243 Geddes (M.), Miscellaneous Tracts, 3 vol. calf, Lond. 1714 1244 Geddes (M.), Tracts against Popery, calf, Lond. 1715 1245 Gellii (Auli) Noctes Atticse, cum notis Gronovii, vellum, - Lugd. Bat. 1687 1246 Gemma Antiqua Veneris uti Observantur in Gem- mis Antiq., in French and English, numerous plates. (The octavo edition it very rare), Lugd. Bat, N. D 1247 [Genebrier] Sur Magnia Urbica, - Paris, 1704 1248 Gent (Thomas), Historia Compendiosa Anglicana, 2 vol., calf, curious cuts, - York, 1741 1249 Genuine Rejected Addresses, - Lond. 1812 1250 Geoffrey of Monmouth's British History, translated by A. Thompson, edited by J. A. Giles, half morocco, - Lond. 1842 Octavo et Infra.] FOURTH DAY'S SALE. 71 1251 George IV. Historical Account of His Majesty's Visit to Scotland, by Mudie ; Letters to Sir Walter Scott, and a large number of Pamphlets, Bills, &c., relating to the King's Visit, in 1 vol., h.-bd., - Edin. 1822 1252 Georgerine's Present State of Gamos, 1678 ; The Painter's Voyage of Italy, portraits, 1679, and 2 others, in 1 vol. calf, - v. y. 1253 Gersham (Sir Thos.), Life and Times, by J. W. Burgon, 2 vol. Lond. 1839 1254 Gibbon (John), Essay to a More Correct Blason in Latin than hath formerly been used, h.-bd., cuts, coloured and plain, - Lond. 1682 1255 Gibbon (Edward), History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, and Miscellaneous Works, 17 vol. calf. - Lond. 1791-1814 1256 Gifford (W.), The Baviad and Mseviad, Lond. 1797 1257 Gildas, The Epistle of, calf, - Lond. 1638 1258 Gilkie (James, Writer in Edinburgh), " Speak Evil of No Man," 1744 ; and his Petition to the Lords of Session, in 1 vol., h.-bd. - Edin. v. y. 1259 Gisborne (T.), Walks in a Forest, calf, Lond. 1799 1260 Glamorgan (Earl), Inquiry into his Transactions with King Charles I., calf, Lond. 1756 1261 Glanius (M.), New Voyage to the East Indies, &c., 1682 1262 Glan vile (Joseph), Saducismus Triumphatus; or full and plain Evidence concerning Witches and Apparitions, 2 parts, russia extra, gilt edges, two frontispieces, - Lond. 1681-82 1263 Glasgow Chronicles of Saint Mungo; or Antiquities and Traditions of Glasgow, - Glasg. 1843 1264 Glass (Willison), The Album: a Collection of Poems and Songs, calf, - Edin. 1811 1265 Glassford (James), Selections from the Rowley Poems, privately printed, - Edin. N. D. 1266 Glocester (William, Duke of), Account of his Life, calf, portrait, Edin. 1703 1267 Glover (Richard), Leonidas, a Poem, 2 vol., calf extra, - Lond. 1804 1268 Glover (R.), Memoir of a Celebrated Literary and Political Character, 1742-1757, with two portraits inserted, calf, - Lond. 1813 1269 Godfrey (Sir E.), Memoires of the Life and Death of, calf, portrait, - Lond. 1682 1270 Godfrey (Sir E.), Memoires of, another copy, calf gilt, portrait, - Lond. 1682 72 FOURTH DAY'S SALE. [Octavo et Infra. 1271 Godwin (W.). St. Leon, a Tale, 4 vol. calf, Lond. 1816 1272 Goldsmith (Oliver), Miscellaneous Works, with Life by Prior, 6 vol. Lond. 1837 1273 Gomez (M. de), L'Entretien des Beaux Esprits, by Miss Hay wood, 2 vol. calf, Lond. 1734 1274 Goodman (Bishop), The Court of King James the First, edited by J. S. Brewer, 2 vol. Lond. 1839 1275 Gordon (William), The History of the Ancient, Noble, and Illustrious Family of Gordon, from their First Arrival in Scotland, in Malcolm III.'s Time, to the Year 1690, 2 vol. russia extra, Edin. 1726 1276 Gordon (C. A.), A Concise History of the Antient and Illustrious House of Gordon, rwsla extra, gilt edges, - Aberdeen, 1754 1277 Gordon (Jamima), Juvenile Poems, calf, Edin. 1819 1278 Gordon (T.), Assertiones Theologicse, pro vera vera3 Ecclesiae Nota, russia extra, gilt edges, Rupell. 1703 See interesting notes as to the authors by Mr. Maidment. 1279 Goritzii (G.) Descriptio Salse, calf, gilt edges, Lipsice, 1584 1280 Gostling (Wm.), A Walk in and about the City of Canterbury, plates, - Canterbury, 1825 1281 Gotham. Humorous History of Dickey Gotham and Doll Clod, by R. P., 2 vol. calf, - Lond. 1753 1282 Gowks. Extract from the Minutes of the Sederunt of the Gowks in the two days of the 31st March and 1st April 1825, ordered to be printed April day, h.-bd. - Heriot Bow, 1825 1283 Gowrie. Papers relating to William, First Earl of Gowrie, and Patrick Ruthven, his fifth and last surviving Son, edited by John Bruce, and printed for Presents by Col. Stepney, - Lond. 1867 1284 Go wry Conspiracy, Dissertation on the, by William Panton, - Perth, 1812 Quarto. 1285 ffHlSPUTATIONES Juridical, A. Pringle, 1698; liltPMl Falconar, 1699; Bennet, 1702; Borthwick, 1701, &c., in 1 vol. h.-bd. Edin. 1699-1702 1286 Disquisitiones Curiosse, Bornensi (C. B.), Oratio Secularis de Barbaric, et Superstitione Superi- orum Temporum, Ambergce, 1617, and other rare Pieces, in 1 vol. calf, - v. y. Quarto."] FOURTH DAY'S SALE. 73 1287 Disquisitio de Licito Concubinatu Oppenda, &c., calf, Freystadii, 1714 1288 Disquisitiones de Rebus Antediluvianis Kirch- maierius De Paradisic sen horto Eden, 1660 ; Omeisius de quatuor Paradisi Fluminibus, 1675 ; Bo vie de Gihon fluvio, 1698 ; Baieri Frossilia Diluvii Universalis Monumenta, 1722; Vockerodt Historia Societatum et Rei Literarise Ante Diluvium, 1687 ; Monti de Monumento Dilu- viano, plates, 1719, and several others, in 1 vol. russia extra, - v. y. 1289 Dissertatioues de Constantino Magno, a Collection in 1vol. calf extra, 1620-1684 1290 Dissertationes de Veteribus Christianis, &c., Grevius, Ernestus, Niemann, Burmanuus, Gudenius and others, in 1 vol. calf extra, gilt edges, v. y. 1291 Dissertationes Antiquariae et Diplomaticae De Moni- mento quodam Corn eiliaeSaloimise Augustas quon- dam dicato, A Itorfi, N. D. ; J. G. HofFmanni et H. Oberkamp, De Re Diplomatica Lucubration es edidit Francke, Lipsice, 1758 ; De Re Nuinmaria Poloniae, Lipsice, 1775, and numerous others, in 2 vol. h.-bd., - v. y. 1292 Dissertationes Cunosae, calf, Wittenbergce, v. y. 1293 Dissertationes Curiosse, 1682-1799 ; Werner (John), De Questu Meretricio Franco/, 1682 ; Ewaldt (B.), De Impotentia Virili, If alee, 1697, and other Tracts, in 1 vol. calf, - v. y. 129-4 Dissertationes Curiosissimae, 1 vol. calf, v. y. 1295 Dissertationes Egyptiacae Commentatio de Auctore Caedis Primogenitorum ^Egyptiacorurn, 1748 ; Antiquitates Medicinae .ZEgyptiacae cum Figuris ^Eneis, &c., in 1 vol. calf, 1748-1638 1296 Dissertationes Genealogicae De Ducibus Meranias, plates ; De Familia Augustae Lucemburgensis, Franconica, 1722, et Carolingica, 1725 ; De Divi Julii Ducis Brunsv. et Lyneburg, 1685 ; De Cir- culo Sueviae, plates, &c., 1672 ; De Augustaa Gentis Austriacse Ducatu et Principatu in Suevia, plates, 1739, in 1 vol. russia extra, gilt edges, v. y. 1297 Dissertationes Historicse, &c. Roberi (P.), Oratio Panegyrica de Causis tot tumultuum, Witeberyce, 1627, and other Tracts, in 1 vol. calf, v. y. 1298 Dissertationes Historicae et Genealogicas Schulz, 1660; Cellarius, 1697; De Regno Navarre Dis- sertatio de Mathilde ; de Familia Augusta Fran- conia, 1731, and others, in 1 vol. russia extra, gilt edges, v. y. 10 74 FOURTH DAY'S SALE. [Quarto. 1299 Dissertationes Historicse Dissertatio Henrici Leonis, iter Hierosolymitanum, 1711 ; Exerei- tationes, Opusculum pedum Pontificis Romuni, Witenbergce, 1718, and other Tracts, in 1 vol. _ calf, ^ - v. y. 1300 Dissertationes Historicse De Familia Augusta Wil- helmi Conquestoris Regis Angliae ; De Maria Himgarige Regina, 1742 ; Vita Christian! III. Danse Regis ; De Gladio Regis Gustavi Adolphi, 1746, &c., in 1 vol. russia extra, gilt edges, v. y. 1301 Dissertationes Historicae Historia Concilii CEcu- menici II., Constantonopolitani, proponit M. G. Paulus, respond. P. G. Foertschio, Lipsice, 1744 ; De Concilio Lateranense, and other Tracts, in 1 vol. calf, v. y. 1302 Dissertationes Historicae, &c., 4 vol. calf, - v. y. 1303 Dissertationes Historicae Boehmius (J. G.), De Had- vige Suevorum duce Vicaria Imperii Commen- tatio, Lipsice, 1754, and others, in 1 vol. h.-bd. v. y. 1304 Dissertationes Historicae et Criticae De Morte Scipionis Africani, &c., 1808 ; Nicolay, De Ar- gentinensium in Rheno Navigatione, 1760, and other Tracts, in 1 vol. calf, - v. y. 1305 Dissertationes Historicae Criticae et Literariae, in 6 vol. h.-bd. v. y. 1306 Dissertationes Historicae Criticae et Literariae, in 5 vol. h.-bd. - v. y. 1307 Dissertationes Variae Foster Concilium Aschaim- ense, 1767 ; Duodenorura Numismatum Hugoni Lordio Willoughby, fine woodcut head and tail- pieces, 1713 ; On Oriental Languages, and others, in 1 vol. h.-bd. - v. y. 1308 Diurnalls of the Passages in Parliament, from llth January 1641 to 22d March 1646, with Contemporary Sheets, Informations, &c., the whole bound in 3 vol. calf. - 1641-46 " This most singular collection of newspapers is from the library of David Constable." See interesting Note by Mr. Maidment. * 1309 Diurnall Occurrences ; or Day ly Proceedings of Par- liament, h.-bd. - Lond. 1641 1310 Dobie (James, of Beith), Scotland Two Hundred Years Ago, being Critiques on the Maitland Club, (one of 3 copies reprinted), N. D. 1311 Donaldson (James), Toothpick for Swearers, and other Tracts, in 1 vol., morocco extra, gilt and tooled, - Edin. 1698 Quarto.] FOURTH DAY'S SALE. 75 1312 Douglas Cause A Collection of Papers, Deeds, Coudescendences, Memorials, Informations, &G., in 1 vol., with MS. Notes by John Davidson, the well-known Scottish Antiquary, h.-bd. 1762 x 1313 Douglas, Heron & Company, late Bankers in Air, ' Their Precipitation and Fall Investigated and Considered, 1778, with Appendix, numerous Papers, Letters, &c., inserted in 1 vol. russia extra, Edin. 1778 1314 Dreyer (C. H.), De Usu Genuino Juris Anglo- Saxonici, calf gilt, Kilonii, 1747 1315 Drummond (of Hawthornden), Catalogus Librorum quos Guilielmus Drummondus ab Hawthornden &c., Edin. Hart, 1627 ', facsimile reprint, edited by David Laing, only 50 copies printed, Edin. 1815 1316 Drummond (Sir Wm.), Odin, a Poem, LARGE PAPER, Lond. 1817 1317 Drummond (Hon. W.), Genealogy of the House of Drummond, plate, of arms, edited by David Laing, only 100 copies printed for private circulation, h.-bd. morocco, uncut, - Edin. 1831 1318 Drusius ( J.), Proverbia Ben-Sirae, calf extra, Franekerce, 1597 1319 Duraeus (J.), Historia Joannis Dureei ex moui- mentis fide dignis exposita, green morocco extra, gilt and tooled, - Utembergce, 1716 1320 ffHCHLINS of Pittrado, Memoirs of the Ancient p.O&al Familie of, by G. Crawford, Genealogical Table and Facsimile, 100 copies printed for private dis- tribution, - [dated Glasgow, 1747] 1321 Edinburgh Packet Opened by a Collection of Curious Pamphlets published on occasion of the present unaccountable Rebellion, and on other important and critical occasions from 1724-45, h.-bd. Newcastle, 1745 1322 Edinburgh A New and Easy Project of making the Water of Leith Navigable, wherby Ships may pass and enter into the North-Lough, h.-bd. N. D. u This tract is of great rarity and interest ; the only other copy traced, is in the collection of David Laing, Esq., Librarian of the Society of Writers to the Signet." J. M. 1323 Edinburgh Documents relative to Royal Receptions at Edinburgh from 1561 to 1650, h.-bd. Edin. 1822 1324 Edward I., Liber Quotidianus Contrarotulato r is Garderobae, edited by Topharn, calf, Lond. 17 '37 76 FOURTH DAY'S SALE. [Quarto. 1325 Edwin and Emma, reprint (with coloured Illustrations} of Baskervilles edition, Lond. 1810 1326 Ellis (Sir Henry), Account of Csedmons Metrical Paraphrase of Sacred History, Facsimile Engravings, Lond. 1833 1327 Engerdtis (Joannis), Familia Madruciorum, libri tres, calf extra, Ingolstadii, 1553 1328 Eiigerdus (Joannis), Epaenesis duarum Illustriam Germanise Familiarum Dominorum, Comitum Montforiorum et Fuggerorum, &c., green morocco extra, gilt and tooled, - Ingolstadii, 1679 1329 Engerdus (Joannis), De Vita et Eebus Gestis Divi Caroli V. Matimi Austriachi, &c., calf extra, Ingolstadii, 1642 1330 England's Helicon, the reprint, N. D. 1331 English Historical Pamphlets (Collection of) Pro- testation of Prince Charles Lodowicke, Lond. 1637 ; Laws and Statutes of Geneva, Lond. 1643; Protestation of Dr. J. Gauden against the Army and in Defence of the King, 1648; Vindication of the Reading of E. Bagshaw, 1660; Cliffe (E.), Holland's Deliverance by and Ingratitude to England, curious frontispiece, 1665 ; History of the Captivity and Restoration of Mrs. Mary Rowlandson, a Minister's Wife in New England, Lond., 1682, reprint, and other very Curious and Rare Tracts, in 1 vol. calf, v. y. 1332 English Historical Tracts Argument of Nicholas Fuller in the Case of Tho. Lad and R. Mansell, Lond. 1641 ; Certain Grievances, or The Popish Errors of the Service Book, 1642 ; Reasons why the Service Book was refused of the Church of Scotland, N. D. ; Dutch Damages, 1664 ; Richard Samble's Testimony unto the Truth, 1670, and other Scarce Tracts, in 1 vol. russia, Lond. 1641-1703 1333 English Journal: A Miscellany of Literature, Science, and Art, Vol. 1, all published, h.-ld. 1841 1334 Ennii (Q.) Fragmenta a Hesselio, vellum, Amst. 1707 1335 Eobanus (A.), De Victoria Wirtembergensi, ad Illustrem et Inclytum Heroa Philippum Hessorum &c., russia extra, gilt edges, Melchiar Saxus, 1534 1336 Episcopal Autographs and Portraits. A large Col- lection of Portraits, Autographs, Letters, News- paper and Magazine Cuttings, &c., in 1 vol. h.-bd. N. D. 1337 Erhardi (S.) Vita di, h.-bd. - N. D. Quarto.] FOURTH DAY'S SALE. 77 1338 Essex (J.), The Dancing Master; or, The Art of Dancing Explained, translated from the French of Mons. Romeaux, calf, plates, - Lond. 1744 1339 Evening Post, 1710-1717, h.-bd., v. y. 1340 Fabulas Antiquse, calf extra, Helmstadtii, 1700-20 " This is a complete collection of the series of exposures of the fictions current during the first and seven follow- ing centuries. They are exceedingly valuable, and to obtain a complete set is a somewhat difficult matter, as book collectors well know." J. M. 1341 Fabyan (R.), Chronicles of England and France, edited by Sir H. Ellis, uncut, - Lond. 1811 1342 Facetiae De Origine Jesuitarum Carmen, a Homagio, old woodcut title, 1571 ; Jocus Severus a Maiero, 1617 ; Satyra in Eubulum Theosdatum Sarckma- eium, &c., 1669, and others, in 1 vol., russia extra, gilt and tooled, v. y. 1343 Facetiae Convivium Cautorum, 1585; Rhumelio In- vidia et Calumnia, 1631 ; Dissertatio de Osculis a Stypman, 1642 ; De Ritu Osculis Explorandi Romanarum Mulierum, &c., and others, in 1 vol., russia extra, 1631-1733 1344 Facetiae King's Majesties Declaration concerning Lawful Sports, Lond. 1633 ; Answer to the Book of Sports, 1709 ; King James, his Apopthegmes, or Table-Talk, 1643 ; The Prince of Tartaria, his Voyage to Cowper in Fife, &c., in 1 vol. v. y 1345 Facetiae Oratiuncula deAnno in Gymnasio Gothano habita a Weitzio, 1615 ; Duella Mulierum, 1680; Nicolai Commentatio de ritu Antique et Hodierno Bacchanaliorum, and others, in 1 vol., morocco extra, gilt edges, v. y. 1346 Facetiae Poeticse, calf extra, Heidelberg, Helmstadt, Stetini, $c., 1617-94 1347 Facetiae The Lawyer's Clarke Trappan'd; Memoirs of Monsieur du Vail, and 6 other Chap Books and Pamphlets, in 1 vol., russia extra, gilt and tooled, 1663-1741 1348 Facetiae Old Scottish, including The Prophesie of Gilpine Girnigo, 1665; Bourlasque News from the Antipodes ; The Scout of Cockeny, printed at Cockeny, for the Company of Stationers at Earls- Ferry, fyc., in 1 vol., morocco extra, 1665 1349 Facetiae Poetical, The Orange-Girl at Foote's to Sally Harris, with MS. Key ; Richard Plantagenet, a Legendary Tale, with MS. Notes ; The Silver Tail ; The Scotch Hut, a Poem ; Heroic Epistle from Monsieur Vestris ; Battle of the Logger- heads ; The Diaboliad ; The Gamblers ; and others, in 2 vol. h.-bd., - 1750-93 78 FOURTH DAY'S SALE. [Quarto. 1350 Facetias A Miscellaneous Collection, in 1 vol., com- prising Broadsides, Cuttings from Newspapers, fyc., neatly mounted and inlaid, 1761-182(5 1351 Facetiae Fiddle Faddle Fashion Book, Punch's Almanacks, 1846-54, coloured plates, numerous illustrations by John Leech, and other Humorous Pieces, v. y. 1352 Fanshawe (Sir R.), Translation of II Pastor Fido, portrait, - 1664 1353 Fatum Austriacum, sive Ludi Scenico-botivi pro Leopoldo Imperii Romani, &c., a Rehlino, long folding plates, morocco extra, 1659 1354 Female Rebellion, a Tragi-comedy, edited from an MS. in the Hunterian Museum, Glasgow, by A. Smith, presentation copy, only 50 copies printed for private circulation, uncut, - 1872 1355 Fenwick (R. 0.), The Goblin Groom, a Tale of Dunse, Edin. 1809 1356 [Ferguson (David)], The Lady Bark, or New Up- start Lady, in a very merry and pleasant Dialogue, &c., N. D. " The only other known copy is in a volume of pamphlets in the Library of the Faculty of Advocates." J. M. 1357 Ferguson (R,, the Plotter), No Protestant Plot, THE THREE PARTS COMPLETE, calf, - Lond. 1682 1358 Ferguson (R., the Plotter}, The Barbarous Murther of the Earl of Essex, 1689 ; Murther Will Out; Essex's Innocency and Honour Vindicated, frontispiece, Lond. 1690, in 1 vol. calf, Lond. 1689-90 1359 Festus (Sex. P.), De Verborum Significatione, vellum, Amstel, 1699 1360 Fillans Memoir of the late James Fillans, Sculptor, by James Paterson, plates, - Paisley, 1854 1361 Fischer (F. C. J.), de Expeditione Attilae Regis Hun- norium, half morocco, - Lipsice, 1780 1362 Forbes (Bishop), Eubulus, or a Dialogue wherein a rugged Romish Rhyme (inscrybed Catholicke Questions to the Protestant) is confuted, and the Questions thereof answered by P. A., h.-bd., Aberdene, imprinted by Edward Raban, 1627 / 1363 Forbes (Bishop), Funerals of a Right Reverend Father in God, Patrick Forbes of Corse, Bishop of Aberdene, calf extra, gilt edges, portrait, Aberdene, imprinted by Edward Raban, 1635 1364 Forbes (John, of Corse), A Peaceable Warning to the Subjects in Scotland, given in the yeare of God 1638, h.-bd. 9 Aberdene, imprinted by Edward Raban, 1638 Quarto.] FOURTH DAY'S SALE. 79 1365 Forbes (John), Cantus Songs and Fancies, to three, four, or five parts, with a brief introduction to Musick as is taught in the Musick School of Aberdeen, morocco extra, gilt and tooled, Aberdeen, John Forbes, 1682 1366 Forbesii (J.) Epithalamium, and Becerus, Gratiarum, Actio ad Deum et Congratulatio Frederici V., in 1 vol. russia extra, gilt edges, lleideL, 1615 " This Epithalamium in honour of the marriage of the Count Palatine and Elizabeth, afterwards better known as the Queen of Bohemia, is presumed to be unique. The author was an Aberdonian, but no information about him has been discovered." See Note by J. M. 1367 Forbes (Duncan), The Adventures of Hatim Ta'i, a Romance, translated from the Persian, with critique inserted, Lond. 1830 1368 Forde (Edward), The Most Famous, Delectable and Pleasant History of Parsimus, Prince of Bohemia, woodcut frontispiece, h.-bd. Lond. 1689 1369 Fosbrooke (T. D.), Berkeley Manuscripts; Abstracts and Extracts of Smyth's Lives of the Berkeleys, Lond. 1821 1370 Fountainhall (Lord), Chronological Notes of Scot- tish Affairs from 1680 till 1701, edited by Sir Walter Scott, only l^O^copies printed, Edin. 1822 1371 Fouque (Baron de la Motte), Illustrations to Sintram and his Companion, drawn by H. C. Selous, h.-bd. Lond. 1844 1372 Fox (Charles James), History of the Reign of JameS the Second, calf gilt, portrait, Lond. 1808 1373 Fraser's Literary Chronicle, - Lond. 1836 1374 Fraser (William), Illustrations of Memoirs of the Maxwells of Pollok, The plates only, Edin. 1863 1375 Friderici (I. Christi) Historia Pincernarum Fauten- burgicorum, &c., and other Tracts, in 1 vol. calf, v -y- 1376 Froissart (Sir John), Chronicles of England, France, Spain, &c., translated by Lord Berners, edited with Memoir of the Translator, by Utterson, and Index, 2 vol. Land. 1812 1377 Frontini (S. Tulii) De Aquaductibus Urbis Romae Commentarius, Opera et Stud. S. Poleuo, caff, ii> 1722 80 FOURTH DAY'S SALE. [Quarto. 1378 Fugitive Pieces Alexandri Julii Ediuburgeni Sylvarum Liber,JStftn. 1B14; Epithalamium Domini Kethi; Epithalaminm Comitis Lothianae, and 6 others, in 1 vol. h.-bd. - Edin. 1607-14 " This very rare collection of fugitive pieces was, for upwards of two centuries, in the library at Tyning- hame. Doctor Jamieson having taken a fancy to it, the Earl of Haddington presented it to the distin- guished lexicographer, ' To Dr. Jamieson, from his humble servt, Haddington.' I bought it at the sale of Dr. Jamieson's library." J. M. 1379 Fugitive Satirical Verses Love Given O're, Tribe ot Levi The Rake ; Country Girl &c., 8 Pieces in 1 vol. h.-bd. 1685-1704 1380 Fuller (William), Life of, a Prisoner in the King's Bench, Land. 1692 Folio. 1381 IfjHIOMMINES (Philip de) History of, translated \^M\ by Thomas Danett, ca//, Land. 1674 See Note by Mr. Maidment. 1382 Cooperi (Tho.) Thesaurus Linguae Romanae et Britannicee, h.-bd. Lond. 1578 / 1383 Copperplate Magazine and Paul Sandby's Views, 2 vol. calf, plates, N. D. 1384 Cotton (Charles), History of the Life of the Duke of Espernon, calf, portrait, Lond. 1670 1385 Cowley (Abraham), Works, to this Edition are added Cutter of Colernan Street, &c. calf, portrait, Lond. 1693 1386 Crawfurd (George), History of the Royal and Illus- trious Family of the Stewarts, calf, Edin. 1710 1387 Criminal Registers A Very Curious and Unique Collection of Trials, Magazine and Newspaper Notices and other Cuttings, together with nume- rous Portraits of Celebrated Criminals therein referred to, mounted in 2 vol. h.-bd. v. y. 1388 Cromwelliana A Chronological Detail of Events in which Oliver Cromwell was Engaged, by Stace, numerous portraits and plates inserted, h.-bd. uncut, Lond. 1810 1389 Cyropaedia, translated by Henry Holland, Lond. 1632 1390 rail AIL Y COURANT, with numerous other Old BiJBfll Newspapers bound, in 3 vol. 1701-24 1,391 Dalgleish (W. Scott), Memorials of the High School of Edinburgh, portraits, Edin. 1857 Folio.'] FOURTH DAY'S SALE. 81 1392 Davenant (Sir W.), Works, portrait, calfr Lond. 1673 .. 1393 Day (The) : A Morning Journal of Politics, Art, and ' Fashion, edited by Dr. Strang, Chamberlain of Glasgow, h.-bd. Glasg., 1832 1394 Diodorus Siculus The Historical Library, made English by G. Booth, of Chester, calf, Lond. 1700 1395 Divorce Bill Minutes of Evidence, h.-bd. Lond. 1848-51 1396 llilDGEWARE Road Murder (Greenacre), a |[J,EaP3| large Collection of Reports, Cuttings from Newspapers, Broadsides, Bills, &c., regarding . Greenacre's Murder, in 1 vol. h.-bd. Lond. 1837 / 1397 Edinburgh Evening Post Newspaper, 1710 to 1712, in 1 vol., with first number of Courant, J705, inserted, h.-bd. Edin. 1710-12 1398 Edmunds' (Clement) Observations on the First Five Books of Caesar's Commentaries, calf, Lond. 1600 1399 ffjHlACETI^ Scottish. A Large Collection of jH-opi[ Broadsides, Street Ballads, Newspaper Cut- tings, MSS., &c., &c., mounted in 1 vol. h.-bd. v. y. 1400 Fauntleroiana A Report of the Trial of M. Henry Fontleroy for Forgery, with a large Quantity of Cuttings and Illustrative Matter inserted, 1 vol. h.-bd. - Lond. 1824 1401 Favine (Andrew), The Theater of Honour and Knighthood ; or a Compendious Chronicle and Historie of the Whole Christian World, calf, 12 leaves of cuts, Lond. 1623 1402 Forduni (J.), Scotichronicon, cum Supplements et Continuatione Boweri et Goodall, 2 vol. calf, Edin. 1759 1403 France Genealogical Memoirs of the Royal House of France, by Lord Ashburton, with Genealogical Tables, 2 vol. - Lond. 1825 1404 Fragments of Original Correspondence a Large Selection of Cuttings from Periodicals, mounted and bound in 1 vol. - N. D. 11 FIFTH DAY'S SALE. Octavo et Infra. 1405 |P|||JRACE (Sheffield), Memoirs of the Family of ikS-JLill Grace, numerous plates, privately printed, Lond. 1823 1406 Gracian (Baltazar), L'Homme Detrompe, ou le Criticon, 3 vol. calf. La Haye, 1725 1407 Graeme (James), PC ems on Several Occasions, morocco, Edin. 1773 1408 Graham (D.), History of the Rebellion in 1745-6, calf extra, - Glasg. 1774 1409 Graham (James), Lord Julian, h.-bd. N. D. " Unique. Of the ensuing poem, which is but a fragment, one solitary proof copy has been preserved ; for reasons unnecessary to mention, the intended poem was abandoned, &c." J. M. 1410 Graham (Rev. John), History of the Siege of Lon- donderry, Dublin, 1829 1411 Graham (ReV. P.), Sketches of Perthshire,c/. Edin. 1812 1412 Graham (Robert, Esq. of Redgorton), Family Letters, 1745-93, h.-bd. - Edin. 1857 " These Letters were privately printed by Robert Graham, Esq. of Redgorton, as interesting relics which they undoubtedly are of the Balgowan Family. There were only twelve copies thrown off, so that their rarity is beyond question. They are very admirable specimens of common sense, good feeling, and piety. &c." J. M. 1413 Graham (J., Author of The Sabbath), Fragments of a Tour through the Universe, green morocco, gilt edges, unpublished, - N. D. " Mr. Maidment has an interesting note to this work, in which he says, ' The ensuing work was neither pub- lished nor finished. From its political tendency and party violence, and from the precarious and danger- ous state of the times, it was judged unsafe to pro- ceed further with it. All the copies were called in and destroyed, excepting two, although the relatives of the author supposed that only one had been pre- served. The author was the amiable and highly gifted author of The Sabbath. This fact I learned from a near relative of his,' " &c. &c. Octavo et Infra.'] FIFTH DAY'S SALE. 83 1414 Graharae (Miss Stirling), Mystifications, printer's proof sheets, h.-bd. N. D. " These sheets were cancelled, and the types were taken down ; there are some differences in these sheets and the privately printed volume afterwards issued." J. M. 1415 Grainger (James, M.D.), Poetical Works, by Ander- son and Wright, 2 vol. calf, Edin. 1836 1416 Grands Fiefs de la Couronne de France, Abrege Chronologiques des, calf, Paris, 1759 1417 Grandval le Vice Puni ou Cartouche, calf, plates, Anvers, 1768 1418 Grange (Lord), Fatal Consequence of Ministerial Influence, h.-bd. Lond. 1736 1419 Granger (Rev. J.), Literary Correspondence, edited by J. P. Malcolm, calf, plates, Lond. 1805 1420 Granger (Rev. J.), Biographical History of England, with Noble's Continuation, 9 vol. Lond. 1824 1421 Grant (Francis, Advocate), Law, Religion and Education considered in Three Essays, calf, 1715 1422 Grant (Wm.), The Battle of Aboukir, a Poem, calf, Edin. 1801 1423 Grant and Leslie, Survey of the Province of Moray, calf, map, - Aberdeen, 1798 1424 Gray (G.), A Turkish Tale, in Five Cantos, calf, Lond. 1770 1425 Gray (John), Odes and Epistles of Horace, and Original Poems, h.-bd. morocco, - Dundee, 1778 1426 Gray (Robert), Poems in the Scots and English Dialect, h.-bd. Glasg. 1793 1427 Gray (Thomas), The Works of, edited by Rev. John Mitford, 4 vol. - Pickering, 1841 1428 Gray Thomas), Correspondence with Rev. Norton NichoUs, &c., edited by Rev. John Mitford, Pickering, 1843 1429 Great Oyer of Poisoning The Trial of the Earl of Somerset for the Poisoning of Sir Thomas Over- bury, by Amos, - Lond. 1846 /1430 Greatest of all the Plantagenets, an Historical Sketch, Lond. 1860 1431 Green (M.), The Spleen, and other Poems, calf, Lond. 1796 1432 Greenshields A True State of the Case of the Reverend Mr. Greenshields, now Prisoner in the Tolbooth in Edinburgh, for Reading Common Prayer in an Episcopal Congregation there, calf, Lond. 1710 1433 Gregory (Dr.), Poetical Tracts, h.-bd., Edin. 1808 84 FIFTH DAY'S SALE. [Octavo et Infra. 1434 Gregory (Donald), History of the Western High- lands, Edin. 1836 1435 Gresset (J. B. L.), GEuvres de, 2 vol. calf, Paris, 1783 1436 Greville (C. C. F.), Journal of the Reigns of George IV. and William IV., edited by Henry Reeve, 3 vol. - Lond. 1874 1437 Grey (Lord), The Secret History of the Rye-House Plot, Lond. 1754 1438 Grey (C., Second Earl), Speech on the State of the Nation in the House of Lords, June 14, 1810 ; Biographical Memoir of the Right Honble. Wil- liam Windham, Ode to the same, and three Speeches by, in 1 vol. calf extra, - Lond. 1810 Has autograph of James Boswell, editor of Shakspeare. 1439 Grierson (Sir R.), Prince of Darkness, His Lamenta- tion for and Commendation of his Trusty and Well-beloved Friend The Laird of Lag, calf extra, Glasg. 1763 1440 Griffin (Gerald), Works, 8 vol. Lond. 1843 1441 Griffin (Gregory), The Microcosm, by Smith, Can- ning, and Frere, 2 vol. calf, Windsor, 1793 1442 Grimm (Baron de), Memoires Historiques, Litteraires et Anecdotiques, 4 vol. - Londres, 1813 1443 Gronovii (J. F.), Diatribe in Statii, vellum, Hagce, Comitis, 1637 1444 Gronovii (J. F.), Lectiones Plautinae, vellum, Amstel. 1774 'Jt 1445 Grose (Francis), A Guide to Health, Beauty, Riches and Honour, portrait and cuttings inserted, 1785 >^ 1446 Grose (Francis), a Classical Dictionary of the Vul- gar Tongue, h.-bd. Lond. 1785 1447 Grose (Francis), Provincial Glossary, calf, portrait inserted, Lond. 1787 1448 Grose (Francis), Rules for Drawing Caricatures, humorous plates, etched by the Author, h.-bd. Lond. 1791 1449 Grose (Francis), The Olio; being a Collection of Essays, Dialogues, Letters &c., calf, portrait, Lond. 1796 1450 Grotto (L.), II Thesora Comedia Nova, &c., in 1 vol. vellum, Venetia, 1586 1451 Grubinii Legatus Latro, olive morocco extra (see MS. Note), - Ingolstadii, 1015 1452 Grundmanus, Ossa and Cineres, russia extra, LipsicB, 1717 " This very uncommon little volume contains many inte- resting notices of eminent English, Scotch and Irish persons who died in 1716, &c." J. M. Octavo et Infra.] FIFTH DAY'S SALE. 85 1453 Guarini (B.), II Pastor Fido, calf, plates, Parizi, 1678 1454 Gude and Godlie Ballates, reprinted from the edition of 1578, edited by David Laing, Edin. 18G8 1455 Guelette (M.), Mogul Tales ; or the Dreams of Men Awake, 2 vol. treed calf, plates, Lond. 1743 1456 Guild (William), Popish Glorying in Antiquitie turned to their Shame, &c., red morocco, gilt edges, Aberdene, JRaban, 1626 1457 Guild (William), Moses Unveiled, calf, Lond. 1658 1458 Gunning (Mrs.), Letters, &c., " The Gunning Mys- tery," MS. Notes, calf, 1791 1459 Gunther (Comtesse a Von), Tales and Legends of the Tyrol, Lond. 1874 1460 Guthry (Bishop), Memoirs of, calf, Lond. 1702 1461 Guy (Earl of Warwick), The Noble and Renowned History of, green morocco extra, curious woodcuts, Lond. 1729 1462 Guy (Earl of Warwick), History, 1815, and Troy's Destruction, in 1 vol. calf, Berwick, 1791 1463 Guzman d'Alfarache, or the Spanish Rogue; Life of, 2 vol. calf, Lond. 1708 1464 Gyllius (Petrus), de Constantinopleos Typographia, Ekev. 1632 1465 Gypsies Bruce's The Court Cave, or the Hospit- able Gypsies, Edin. 1816 ; Chambers' Exploits and Anecdotes of the Most Remarkable Gypsies in the South of Scotland, 1821 ; [" This tract is from the pen of William Chambers of Glenormiston, Lord Provost of Edinburgh, 1867-68. He told me that it was his first publication, when in a very humble way that it has become very scarce, &c." J. M.] History of Thomas Mitchell, Born and Educated among the Gypsies, 1816, in 1 vol. h.-bd. Edin. v. y. 1466 pfjjlABINGTON (W.), Castara, with Preface and |8.EH.B| Notes by Elton, red morocco extra, Bristol, N. D. 1467 Haddington (Earl of), Poems, green morocco extra, gilt edges (see MS. Note), - 1824 1468 Haggart (David), Life of, by Himself, portrait, h.-bd. MS. Note by Mr. Maidment, Edin. 1821 1469 Hai Eb'n Yockdan (an Indian Prince), History of, calf extra, Lond. 1686 1470 Hai Ebn Yokdhan, by Ockley, calf, plates, Lond. 1708 1471 Haig (James), History of Kelso and Roxburgh, with an Appendix, calf gilt, - Edin. 1825 86 FIFTH DAY'S SALE. [Octavo et Infra. 1472 Hailes (Lord), Sacred Poems : a Collection of Trans- lations and Paraphrases, Edin. 1751 1473 Hailes (Lord), Sermon which might have been Preached in East Lothian (on Plundering of the Ships Wrecked on the Coast), Dr. Macknight's copy, with his pencil notes, Edin. 1761 1474 Hailes (Lord), Memorials and Letters relating to the History of Britain in the Reigns of James I. and Charles I., 2 vol. morocco extra, gilt edges, Foulis, 1766 1475 Hailes (Lord), Remarks on the History of Scotland, calf, Edin. 1773 1476 Hailes (Lord), Annals of Scotland, 3 vol. calf gilt, Edin. 1819 1477 Hailes (Lord), House of Office in Edinburgh, h.-bd. 1752 " A most amusing production in reference to the erection of houses of office in the city of Edinburgh." j. M. 1478 Hailes (Lord), Glossary, interleaved, calf, N. D. 1479 Hailes (Lord), Notes on the Statute Law of Scot- land, with autograph and signature of the Author attached to the Preface, calf, - No title page " Of the greatest rarity. Lord Hailes printed a very small number for private circulation, &c." J. M. 1480 H AKLUTT SOCIETY PUBLICATIONS, 1 1 vol. of, Lond. v. y. 1481 Haldane (Patrick, Advocate), Remarks on his Case, &c., in 1 vol. calf, - 1723 1482 Hall (John), Poems, Camb. 1646 1483 Hall (Rev. James), Travels in Scotland by an Un- usual Route, 2 vol. calf, plates, - Lond, 1807 1484 Hall (Bishop), Satires, edited by Lord Duridrennau, Edin. 1824 1485 Halliwell (J. 0.), Introduction to Shakespeare's Midsummer Night's Dream, - Pickering 1841 1486 Halliwell (J. 0.), Torrent of Portugal, Lond. 1842. 1487 Halliwell (J. 0.), The Chetham Manuscript, h.-bd. Manchester, 1842 1488 Halliwell (J. 0.), Correspondence of Sir Simonds D'Ewes, Bart., 2 vol. - Lond. 1845 1489 Hallywell (Henry), Melsepronoea ; or a Discourse of the Polity and Kingdom of Darkness, morocco extra, Lond. 1681 1490 Hamerton (Philip Gr.), The Isles of Loch Awe, and other Poems, numerous cuts, - Lond. 1859 1491 Hamilton (Charles), Transactions during the Reign of Queen Anne, h.-bd. - Edin. 11 $0 Octavo et Infra,} FIFTH DAY'S SALE. 87 1492 Hamilton (Duke of), The Account of the Murder of His Grace by Mackartney, A Defence of Mac- kartney, and other tracts, in 1 vol., h.-bd. Circa, 1712 1493 Hamilton (John), A Facile Traictise contenand first, ane infallible reul to discerne trevv from fals religions ; nixt, a declaration of the nature, mumbre, vertevv, and effects of the Sacraments, togider with certaine prayers of deuotiou, calf extra, - Louvain, 1600 1494 Hamilton (J.), Translation of Virgil's Pastorals, calf, 1743 1495 Hamiltoni (John), Calviniarise Confusionis Demon- stratio, &c., russia extra, Parisiis, 1581 1496 Hamilton (Terrick), An tar, a Bedoueen Romance, translated from the Arabic, 4 vol. h.-bd., uncut, Lond. 1819 1497 Hamilton (William, of Bangour), Poems on Several Occasions, morocco extra, gilt top, - Edin. 1760 1498 Hamilton (William, of Bangour), Poems and Songs, by Paterson, h.-bd. morocco, gilt top, Edin. 1850 1499 Hamilton (Elizabeth), Memoirs of Modern Philo- sophers, 3 vol., calf, - Bath, 1804 1500 Hamilton (Elizabeth), Letters of a Hindoo Rajah, 2 vol., calf, - Lond. 1811 1501 Hamilton (Mrs.), The Cottagers of Glenburnie, calf, Edin. 1808 1502 Hamilton (Lady) Memoirs of, calf, - Lond. 1815 1503 Hamilton (of Bothwellhaugh), Identity of, reprinted from the " Ayr Observer," icith other notices in- serted, h.-bd. ' 1840 1504 Hammond (Col. R.), Letters relative to Charles I. calf, Lond. 1764 1505 Harding (George), Essence of Malone, Lond. 1800 1506 Hardwicke (Lord Chancellor), Life and Correspond- ence, by Harris, 3 vol. Lond. 1847 1507 Hardy (T. D.), Review of the Shakspearian Contro- versy, h.-bd. Lond. 1860 1508 Hargrove (E.), History of Knaresborough and Har- rowgate, h.-bd. morocco, uncut, - York, 1789 1509 Harington (Sir John), Nugae Antiques, by Park, 2 vol. calf, Lond. 1804 1510 Harington (Sir John), The Metamorphosis of Ajax, with the Anatomy and Apology, also Ulysses upon Ajax, edited by S. W. Singer, only 100 copies printed, morocco, uncut, Chiswick, 1814 1511 Harles, De Linguae Grsecse, 2 vol. calf, Alien, 1742 88 FIFTH DAY'S SALE. [Octavo et Infra. 1512 Harley Account of the Ancient and Noble Family of Harley, by Collins, calf gilt, - Land. 1741 1 513 Harmer (A.), Defects in Bishop Burnet's History, calf, Lond. 1693 1514 Harris (William), An Historical and Critical Account of the Lives and Writings of James I. and Charles I., and of the Lives of Oliver Cromwell and Charles II., 5 vol. calf, Lond. 1814 1515 Harriston (W), Poems, Dramatic and Lyric, h.-bd., Glasg. 1823 1516 Hartshorne (Rev. C. H.), Ancient Metrical Tales, morocco, gilt edges, Pickering, 1829 1517 Haswell (James M.), Story of Napoleon III., cuts, Lond. N. D. 1518 Hawke (Lady), Julia de Gramont, 2 vol. calf, Lond. 1733 1519 Hawkins (Sir C.), Observations on the Tin Trade of the Ancients in Cornwall, h.-bd., plates, Lond. 1811 1520 Hawthorne (N.), The House of Seven Gables, and The Scarlet Letter, in 1 vol. h.-bd., Lond. 1851 1521 Hayley (Wm.), Poems and Plays, 6 vol. calf, Lond. 1785 1522 Hays (The), by J. Ross, Origo Gentis Hayorum, russia extra, gilt edges, Edin. 1700 / 1523 Hayward (A.), Diaries of a Lady of Quality, h.-bd., Lond. 1864 1524 Hayward (John), The Life and Raigne of King Edward the Sixt, with the Beginning of the Raigne of Queen Elizabeth, russia extra, portraits, Lond. 1636 1525 Hayward (Thomas), The British Muse, 3 vol. calf, Lond. 1738 1526 Head (R.), The English Rogue Described, in the Life of Meriton Latroou, being a Com pleat Dis- covery of the Most Eminent Cheats of Both Sexes, 4 vol. in 2, olive morocco gilt, plates, Lond. 1668-80 1527 Head (R.), The Art of Wheedling or Insinuation, russia extra, gilt edges, - Lond. 1675 1528 Head (Sir Francis) Bubbles from the Brunnens of Nassau, by an Old Man, calf extra, Brussels, 1840 1529 Headley (Henry), Select Beauties of Ancient English Poetry, by Kelt, 2 vol. in 1, h.-bd. morocco, gilt tops, Lond. 1810 1530 Hearne (Rev. T.), Liber Niger Scaccarii,Wilhelmique etiam Worcestrii Annales Rerum Anglicarum, L.VRGE PAPER, 2 vol., only 50 copies printed, Lond. 1728 Octavo et Infra} FIFTH DAY'S SALE. 89 1531 Hearne (Rev. T.), Memorials of his Life, by Several Hands, portraits, Lond. 1736 1532 Hearne (Rev. T.), Robert of Gloucester's Chronicle, 2 vol. ; and Peter Langtoft's Chronicle, 2 vol., 4 vol. in all, Bagster, 1810 1533 Heath (James), A Brief Chronicle of the Late Intes- tine War in the Three Kingdoms of England, Scotland and Ireland, in 4 parts, 2 vol. calf, por- traits, Lond. 1663-64 534 Heath (James), Flagellum, or the Life and Death, Birth and Buriall of 0. Cromwell, the late Usurper, Third Edition, with additions, calf gilt, portrait, Lond. 1665 1535 Heber (Reginald), Poems and Translations, calf, Lond, 1812 1536 Heineken (C. H. de), Id4e Generale d'une Collection Complete D'Estampes, numerous facsimile plates, morocco extra, gilt edges, Leip. et Vienna, J. P. Kraus. 1537 Heliodorus, Aethiopian History, by Tate, calf extra, Reprinted in the year 1753 1538 Henderson (And.), Memoirs of Field Marshal Keith, 1757 1539 Henderson (And.), Scottish Proverbs, with the privately printed addenda, Edin. 1838 l.540 Henderson (Geo.), Popular Rhymes of Berwickshire, Newcastle, 1856 1541 Henderson (John), Letters and Poems, by Ireland, Lond. 1786 1542 Henley (John), Orator's Miscellany, h.-bd. Lond. 1731 1543 Henley (Lord), Memoir of the Earl of Northington, Lord High Chancellor, h.-bd. Lond. 1831 1544 Henniker (J.), Two Letters on Norman Titles stained with Armorial Bearings, plates, Lond. 1795 1545 Henryson (Robert), Poems and Fables, edited by David Laing, Edin. 1865 1546 Herbert (W.) and Rudyard, Poems, green morocco extra, - Lond. 1817 1547 Herbert (Hon. W.), Attila, King of the Huns, Lond. 1838 1548 Herd (David), Ancient and Modern Scottish Songs, Heroic Ballads, &c., 2 vol. calf, Edin. 1776 1549 Herdsou (H.), Art of Memory made Plaine, calf extra, Lond. 1654 1550 Heriot (George), Memoir of, with an Account of the Hospital, by Archibald Constable, calf, Edin. 1822 1551 Herodotus, History of, translated by 1. Littlebury, 2 vol. calf, Lond. 1709 12 90 FIFTH DAY'S SALE. [Octavo et Infra. 1552 Herrenschmid (Jac), De Bacchanaliis, &c., morocco, gilt edges, Noribergce, 1626 1553 Herrick (Robert), Poetical Works, edited byLord Dun- drennan, 2 vol. h.-bd. morocco, gilt tops, Edin. 1823 1554 Hervey (Lady), Letters of, with Memoir and Notes, calf, - Lond. 1821 1555 Hervey (Lord John), Memoirs of the Reign of George the Second, 2 vol. Lond. 1848 1556 Hesiodus, cum notis Loesneri, calf gilt, Lipsice, 1778 1557 Hickes (W.), Grammatical Drollery, with other Poems and Songs, calf, MS. title, Lond. 1682 1558 Hierocles upon the Golden Verses of the Pytha- goreans, morocco extra, gilt edges, Faults, 1756 1559 Hieronymus Masafiotus, de Arte Reminiscentiee per Loca et Imagines, ac per Notas et Figuras in manibus positas, olive morocco extra, gilt edges, cuts, Argent. 1603 1560 Hilario(L.),Laus Gonorrhoeae,A.-6cf. Haganopoli,\l\$ / 1561 Hildrop (John, D.D.), Miscellaneous Works, 2 vol. calf, - Lond. 1754 1562 Hill (J.), The Young Secretary's Guide, h.-bd. Glasg. 1751 1563 Hilton (William), Poetical Works, 2 vol. calf, Newcastle, 1775 1564 Hinc Illae Lachrymse, calf, - Lond. 1692 1565 Hinton (Sir John), Memoires of, 1697, the reprint, only 100 copies printed, Lond. 1814 / 1566 Hislop (Alex.), The Proverbs of Scotland, Edin. N. D. 1567 Historia de Spectris, calf, - Lugd. Bat. 1656 1568 Historia Fratrum Sportulantium et Antiquitates &c., calf, - Lipsice, 1724 1569 Historise Romanse Scriptores Minores, calf, Biponti, 1789 1570 Historians of Scotland, edited by David Laing, W. F. Skene, Bishop Forbes, Dr. Reeves, &c., 9 vol. Edin. 1871-79 1571 Historical Description of the Kingdom of Macasar, calf, - Lond. 1701 / 1572 Historical Pictures of the Middle Ages, in Black and White, by a Wandering Artist. 2 vol. Lond. 1846 1573 Historical and Antiquarian Tracts Claudio and Pudens; Beale on Richard the Third; Allies' Ignis Fatuus, &c., in 1 vol. h.-bd. - v. y. 1574 Historical Account of the Bethunes of the Island of Skye, h.-bd. Edin. 1778 1574*Histoire Generale des Larrons, par F. D. C., -Lyonnois, vellum, Rouen, 1645 1575 Histoire de la Conqueste d'Angleterre par Guil- laume II., calf, Paris, 1701 Octavo et Infra.] FIFTH DAY'S SALE. 91 1576 Histoire du Gouvernement de Venise, par Le Sieur, 3 vol. calf, plates, Amst. 1705 1577 Histoire de Marguerite de Valois, 4 vol. caff, Paris, 1720 1578 Histoire Secrete des Femmes Galantes de 1'An- tiquite, 3 vol. calf, Amst. 1726 1579 Histoire des Diables de Loudun, frontispiece, Amst. 1752 1580 Histoire de Lais, Courtisane Grecque, 2 vol. calf gilt, - Paris, 1756 1581 Histoire des Nanfrages, 3 vol. h.-bd, Paris, 1788 1582 Histoire de Foulques Fitz-Warin, par Michel, calf extra, gilt and tooled, Paris, 1811 1583 Histoire de la Ville de Cherbourg par Verusmor, h.-bd. Cherbourg, 1833 1584 Histoire de la Conqueste de Naples par Charles VIII., h.-bd. Lyon, 1842 1585 Histoire de Dom B . . . Portier des Chartreux, calf, Rome, N. D. 1586 Histoire de Jacques le Vainqueur des Geans, plates, N. D. 1587 Histoires Tragiquesde Notre Temps, calf, Rouen, 1700 1588 Histoires Tragiques et Galantes, 2 vol., calf, plates and cuts, Paris, 1715 1589 History of the Queen of Swedland, calf, Lond. 1658 1590 History of Charles II., by a Person of Quality, calf, Lond. 1660 1591 History of the Five Wise Philosophers ; or, the Won- derful Life of Jehosaphat the Hermit, calf, Lond. 1672 1592 History of the Last Fourteen Years, with an Account of the Plot as it was carried on, both before and after the Fire of London, to the Pre- sent Time, russia extra, gilt edges, frontispiece, Lond. 1680 1593 History of Gustavus Adolphus, calf, portrait, Lond. 1689 1594 History of Living Men, or Characters of the Royal Family (see MS. Note}, calf, - Lond. 1702 1595 History of Father La Chaise, calf, - Lond. 1703 1596 History of Faction, alias Hypocrisy, &c.. calf, ' Lond. 1705 1597 History of George A. Green, Pindar of the Town of Wakefield, &c., calf, cuts, Lond. 1706 1598 History of the late Rebellion, calf, - Lond. 1716 1599 History of King-Killers, or the 30th of January Commemorated, calf, - Lond. 1719 1600 History of theLate Septennial Parliament, Lond. 1722 '' Very scarce, no copy in the Faculty Library." J. M. 92 FIFTH DAY'S SALE. [Octavo et Infra . 1601 History of Vampires, calf, - Wol/enbuttel, 1733 1602 History of the Irish Rogues and Rapparees, olive morocco extra, gilt edges, frontispiece, Dublin, 1739 1603 History of Jack Connor, 2 vol. calf, Lond. 1752 1604 History of Jack and the Giants, h.-bd., curious woodcut, Edin. 1789 1605 History of Fair Rosamond and Jane Shore, stamped calf, cuts, Lond. X. D. 1606 Hobbes' (Thomas), A True Ecclesiastical History, from Moses to the Time of Martin Luther, in Verse, calf, - Lond. 1722 1607 Hodgson (Rev. John), Memoirs of the Lives of Thomas Gibson, Harle, Horsley and Turner, S ly 100 copies printed, h.-bd. - Newcastle, 1831 1608 Hogsei (G.) Cato Divinus, calf, - Lond. 1699 1609 Hogsei (G.) Paraphrasis Poetica, russia extra, Lond. 1690 y^l610 Hogarth (William), Anecdotes of, h.-bd. Lond. 1782 1611 Hogarth (William), Illustrated by John Ireland, 3 vol. russia extra, gilt edges, plates, Lond. 1793 1612 Hogarthiana A very interesting Collection of Poems, The Harlot's Progress, Marriage a la Mode, Cockayne's Dissertation, Cuttings from Newspapers, Portraits, &c., in 1 vol., h.-bd. v. y. 1613 Hogg (James), The Mountain Bard, calf, Edin. 1807 1614 Hogg (James), The Jacobite Relics of Scotland, being the Songs, Airs and Legends of the Adherents to the House of Stuart, 1st and Zd series, 2 vol. calf, Edin. 1819-21 1615 Holbein (Hans), Illustrations of the Bible, with Introduction by Dibdin, woodcuts, Pickering, 1830 1616 Holcroft (Thomas), The Adventures of Hugh Trevor, 3 vol. calf, Lond. 1794 1617 Holland (Lord), A Dream, only a few copies printed for private friends, " from the Author," Lond. 1818 1618 Holland (Rev. T. A.), Dryburgh Abbey, and other Poems, Lond. 1845 1619 [Hollis, Lord], The Bishops are not to be Judges in Parliament in Cases Capital, privately printed, 1679 1620 Holyrood House, Description of, LARGE PAPER, with Newspaper Cuttings inserted, h.-bd. plates, 1826 1621 Home, a Poem, calf, Edin. 1808 " By John Boyd Greenshields, Esq., Advocate." J. M. 1622 Homer, Translated by Hobbes, russia extra, gilt edges, Lond. 1686 p 1623 Homer Travestie, by Thomas Brydges, 2 vol. russia, humorous plates, fine impressions, Lond. 1797 Octavo et Infra.'] FIFTH DAY'S SALE. 93 1624 Home Tragedy of Douglas, a Large and Interest- ing Collection of Pamphlets and Cuttings relat- ing to this Tragedy, in 1 vol. russia extra, gilt and tooled, v. y. 1625 Hommelii Oratio, calf extra, Byruthi, 1761 /1626 Hone (Wm.), Ancient Mysteries Described, plates and cuts, Lond. 1823 ; Catalogue and Political Litany, Lond. 1817-43, in 1 vol. v. y. 1627 Hone (Wm.), Every-Day Book, Table Book, and Year Book, numerous wood engravings, original edition, 4 vol. boards, uncut. Lond. 1830-32 1628 Hone and Carlile's Parodies, a Collection in 1 vol. h.-bd. Lond. v. y. 1629 EjlAINSFqRDE (Thos.), The Historie of Trebi- HyiiJl zond, in foure Bookes, calf extra, Lond. 1616 1630 Gallus (M.), De Lapidibus Pretiosis, h.-bd. - 1531 1631 Gallica., Tumultus Ambosianus, 1560 ; Omatissimi Guieisdam Viri, de Rebus Gallicis, &c., 1573 ; Declaration du Roy de Navarre, 1589 ; Stuckius Carolus Magnus Redivivus, 1592, &c., in 1 vol. calf, v. y. 1632 Gambado (Geoffrey), An Academy for Grown Horse- men, and Annals of Horsemanship, in 1 vol. h.-bd. plates after H. Bunbury, Lond. 1808 1633 Gammer Gurton's Garland (Reprint of 1810), one of 12 copies on LARGE PAPER, Glasg. 1866 1634 Gardner (Ralph), England's Grievance discovered in relation to the Coal Trade, &c., 23 portraits and cuts (including portrait of Oliver Cromwell}, wants map, calf, Lond. 1655 1635 [Geeves (Dr. G.)], History of the Church of Great Britain until 1667, with Succession of the Bishops, &c., calf, Lond. 1674 1636 Gen ad ius, De Illustribus Viris, et de Scriptoribus Ecclesiasticis, in 1 vol. calf, - Jence, 1703 1637 Generibus Ebriosorum et Ebrietate Vitanda &c., Mark letter, curious woodcut title, 1516; De Arte Bibendi libri III., 1690 ; Turnibus (A.) De Vino Libellus, 1619, &c., in 1 vol. calf extra, v. y. 1638 Gentylnes and Nobylyte, an Interlude, only 20 copies printed (this being No. 9), h.-bd. 1829 1639 George IV., Ceremonies at the Coronation of, Lond. 1822 1639*Geographia Antiqua, A Collection of Eight Pam- phlets, in 1 vol. calf extra, 1663-1757 94 FIFTH DAY'S SALE. [Quarto. 1640 Geramb (Baron de), Letter to Earl Moira on the Spaniards and Cadiz, - Lond. 1810 " This extraordinary production was gifted to me by the late C. K. Sharpe, whose autograph is on the oppo- site page. The cover is the original one, and is so very odd that I preserved it." See remainder of a long Note by Mr. Maidment as to the Baron de Geramb, &c. 1641 Germanica Analecta Topographica Encomium Urbis Dresdas &c., a Hauffio, Gorlicii, 1588 ; J. Stephan, Carlsbad, 2 folded plates, Nurnberg, 1630, and other Rare Treatises, in 1 vol., calf, v. y. 1642 Giannone (Pietro), Historia Civile del Regno di Napoli et Opere Postume, 5 vol. 1760-66 1643 Gill (Alex), Logonomia Anglica, calf, Lond. 1621 1644 Glanius (M.), Les Voyages de Jean Strays en Mos- covie, en Tartarie, en Perse &c., vellum, numerous fine folded plates, - Amst. 1681 / 1645 Glasgow West-Country Intelligence, containing the News both at Home and Abroad, h.-bd. Glasg. 1716 1646 Glasgow Memorabilia of the City of Glasgow, selected from the Minute-Books of the Burgh, 1588-1750, edited by John Smith, printed for private circulation, - Glasg. 1835 1647 Glenco Massacre A True Narrative of Glenco Massacre, 1704, also inserted at the end is a " Penny History " of the Massacre of Gleuco, Paisley, 1819, in 1 vol. h.-bd. - 1704 " This tract is one of the scarcest on the Glenco Massacre, and not reprinted." J. M. 1648 Glossaire du Droit Frangois, par Lauriere, 2 vol. calf, Paris, 1704 1649 Gnomologia Palaiotaton Poieton ; Sententiosa Poet- arum VetuRtissimorum Theognidis et XVI. aliorum, Gr. et Lat., calf, Parisiis, Turnebus, 1553 1650 Godefroy (Theodore), Histoire de Louis XII. Roy de France, vellum, - Paris, 1620 1651 Golf Poems on Golf, printed for private circulation, Edin. 1867 1652 Golf, a Royal and Ancient Game, edited by R. Clark, plates and woodcuts, cloth extra, gilt top, {presentation copy), privately printed, Edin. 1875 1653 Golagrus and Gawane, and other Ancient Poems, printed at Edinburgh by W. Chepman and A. Myllar, in the year M.D.viii., edited by David Laing, bittck letter reprint, red morocco extra, back and sides richly gilt and tooled, - Edin. 1827 Quarto.] FIFTH DA^'S SALE. 95 1654 Gordon (Duchess of), An Autobiographical Chapter in the Life of, privately printed, Glasg. 1864 1655 Gorgeous Gallery of Gallant Inventions, reprint, N. D. 1656 Greene (R.)? Never too Late, 2 parts in 1 vol., wants title and three leaves at end, Witch Utter, h.-bd. N. D. 1657 Grievando : A Tale, in Five Cantos. " Let ne'er a filthy tale be sweetly sung, But filthily be all its verses sung.' ; -Stingo. Privately printed, Edin. 1777 Full illustrative note on fly-leaf by Mr. Maidment. 1658 Guicciardini (F.), Maxims, translated by Martin, 1845 1659 Guild (William), Levi, his Complaint ; or the Moane of the Poore Ministerie, morocco extra, Edin., Andro Hart, 1617 1660 Guun (John), Historical Enquiry respecting the Performance of the Harp in the Highlands of Scotland, LARGE PAPER, plates, uncut, Edin. 1807 1661 Gwyrm (John), Military Memoirs of, and an Account of the Earl of Glencairn's Expedition in the Highlands of Scotland, edited by Sir Walter Scott, uncut, - Edin. 1822 1662 IjWlADDONI (W.), Lucubrationes, &c., editse T. [BJJUI Hatcheri, with two MS. verses in a contem- porary hand at end, 2 vol. in 1, Lond. 1567 1663 Hsedus (Petrus), De Miseria Humana, has numerous Marginal Notes in an old hand (see Note by Mr. Maidment), calf, Venetia, 1558 1664 Hsedus (Petrus), De Amoris Generibus Libri tres, calf gilt, Tarvisii per Gerardum de Flandria t ]492 " Sold at Roscoe's sale for $, who observes that this volume is remarkable for the singularity of its execution and the beauty of the type, which resem- bles engraving rather than letterpress." J. M. 1665 Hailes (Lord), Tracts on the History and Antiqui- ties of Scotland, calf, - Edin. 1800 1665*Hallbaver (F. A.), Vita Johannis Hussi, calf, Jena, 1743 J 1666 Halliwell (J. 0.), Nursery Rhymes and Nursery Tales of England, h.-bd. morocco, gilt top, Lond. N. D. 1667 Hamilton Consultation pour James Hamilton Mar- quis d'Abercorn, Centre Le Due d'Hamilton, h. bd. Paris, 1865 1668 Hamilton (Duke of), God's Justice upon Treachery and Treason, Exemplified in the Life and Death of James, Duke of Hamilton, h.-bd. Lond. 1649 96 FIFTH DAY'S SALE. [Quarto. 1669 Hamilton (House of) Anderson's Memoirs of the House of Hamilton, with Supplement, Edin. 1825 ; Memoirs of the House of Hamilton Corrected, Edin, 1828 ; Reply to the Misstatements of Dr. Hamilton, ib. 1828 ; Petition of the Children of Captain James Hamilton, June 29, 1758 ; Claim of Dr. Francis Hamilton Buchanan of Spittal, Edin. 1826, in 1 vol. calf gilt, v. y. 1670 Hamilton (Sir Robert), Elegy on the Death of, calf, Edin. 1701 1671 Hamilton (of Bothwellhaugh), by E. T., only 12 copies printed, Ayr, 1819 1672 Hammond (W.), Poems, edited by Sir E. Brydges, only 61 copies reprinted by Triphook, Lond. 1816 1673 Handel (G. A.), Oratorios, a Collection in 1 vol. v. y. 1674 Hanway (Jonas), Historical Account of the British Trade over the Caspian Sea, and Travels, 2 vol. calf, maps, Lond. 1762 1675 Hardwicke (Earl of), Miscellaneous State Papers, from 1501 to 1726, 2 vol. calf , frontispiece, Lond. 1778 1675*Hargrave (F.), Jurisconsult Exercitations, 3 vol. Lond. 1812 1676 Hart (James), Journal, as Commissioner on the Accession of George I., 1714, edited by Prin- cipal Lee, privately printed, Edin. 1832 1677 Harvey (J., Author of the Bruce), Poem in Memory of the Earl of Kintore, h.-bd. 1719 " No copy can be traced in any of the public libraries in Scotland."]. M. 1678 Hawkins (J.), De Melancholia Discursus, calf, Heidelbergce, Zpis, W. Fitzeri, Angli, 1633 See interesting note by Mr. Maidment on fly-leaf. 1679 Hay (Peter), A Vision of Balaam's Asse, wherein he did perfectly see the Present Estate of the Church of Rome, calf gilt, Lond. 1616 1680 Heath (Benjamin), Notse sive Lectiones ad vEschyli, Sophoclis et Euripidis Drammata, &c., calf, Oxonii, 1762 1681 Heath ( W.), The Edinburgh Spy, 1 1 caricature sketches, h.-bd. Edin. N. D. 1682 Heinricus (D.), Epistola ; 1523, Wenzel Linck., Sermon, blark letter, 2 woodcut portraits, 1424, in 1 vol. morocco extra, gilt and tooled, - v. y. 1683 Heliconia, a Selection of English Poetry of Eliza- bethan Age, edited by T. Park, 3 vol. h.-bd. Lond. 1815 Quarto.] FIFTH DAY'S SALE. 97 1684 Heliodorus, Ethiopian Historic, fyrst written in Greeke and translated into English, by T. V. (Thomas Underdowne), no less witty than pleasant, being newly Corrected and Augmented, &c., ilark letter, red morocco extra, gilt and tooled, Lond., William Cotton, 1605 1685 Henrici (G.) Historia Principum Anhaltinorum, calf, Jence, 1686 1686 Hephsestionis (A.), Enchiridion de Metris et Poemata cum Scholiis Cornelii de Pauw, calf gilt, Trajecti ad Rhenum, 1726 1687 Heraldry Collectanea Heraldicse, Thesis des Prin- cipes du Blason par Wagenseil, 1690 ; Moleri Artis Heraldicse ; De Natura et Indole Artis Heraldicse, 1740; Dissertatio Historico-Politico- Juridicse de Jure Insignium, 1723 ; and others, in 1 vol. calf extra, v. y. 1688 Heraldry Res Heraldicae, Novum Paradigma in Insignibus de Origine Insignum, &c., Wirceburgi, 1736 ; De Probatione per Insignia et Arma Gentilitia, Altdorf, 1716 ; Zolnerus (H.), De Regis Romanorum election e, &c., 1618 ; and other rare Treatises, in 1 vol. calf, - v. y. 1689 Herbert (Sir Percie), Certame Conceptions or Con- siderations upon the Strange Change of Peoples in these Latter Times, calf gilt, Lond. 1652 1690 Herbipolis Historico-Juridico a Schull, russia extra gilt edges, - Herb, 1700 1691 Heroes Christian! in Ungaria, &c., a Franaverio Trips, Ji.-bd. Agrippince, 1688 1692 Hewat (Peter), Three Excellent Points of Christian Doctrine, calf extra, Edin., Andro Hart, 1621 1693 Heyrick (Thos.), Miscellany Poems, Cambridge, 1691 1694 Hey wood (S.)> Vindication of Fox's History of the Reign of James II., - Lond. 1811 1995 Hibbert (George), Tales of the Cordelier Meta- morphosed, as Narrated in a Manuscript from the Borromeo Collection and in the Cordelier Cheval of M. Pirou, edited by George Hibbert, citts on India paper, only 40 copies privately printed, Lond. 1821 1696 Highland Clans, The Honourable Chieftains of the, Vindicated, half-morocco, - Lond. 1713 1697 Historia Jouradi, Pentingeri, - Lipsice, 1729 1698 Historia Motuum Ecclesiasticorum Bremensi, &c., a Gerdes, portrait, - 1756 1699 'Historic Dissertationes Germanicse a Collection of Pamphlets, in 3 vol.hf. -morocco, gilt tops, 1591-1719 13 98 FIFTH DAY'S SALE. [Quarto. 1700 Historical Tracts A Collection of Fifteen, in- cluding Acts of Parliament Establishing the Church of England, Lond. 1660; Onmia Comesta a Bello, 1667, et a Dracone, Reflection upon the same, 1668 (Neither this nor the preceding seems to have been published. Note J. M.) ; History of the Gunpowder Plot, Lond. 1678 ; Growth of Knavery (by Sir Roger L'Estrange) ; Edict of the French King recalling the Edict of Nantes, Lond. 1686 ; View of the Court of St. Germain, 1690-1695; and other very rare and curious Tracts, in 1 vol. h.-bd. - v. y. 1701 Historical and Miscellaneous Tracts Second Lec- ture, being an Introduction to Cosmographie, Lond. 1649 ; Presentation concerning the late Parliament, 1654; Gauden (J.), Loosing of St. Peter's Bands, Lond. 1660; Vicars (J.), Dagon Demolished, Lond. 1660 ; and other rare and curious Tracts, in 1 vol. h.-bd. - 1649-1700 r 1702 History of Friar Rush ; The Italian Taylor ; Batayle of Brainston Moore, Mask letter, three reprints by Triphook, in 1 vol. h.-bd. - 1809 1703 Hobhouse (J. C.), Journey through Albania, &c., 2 vol. coloured plates, - Lond. 1813 1704 Hobler (Francis), Records of Roman History, from Cnseus Pompeius to Tiberius Constantinus, as ex- hibited on Roman Coins, 2 vol. cuts, uncut, Lond. 1860 1705 Hoccleve (Thomas), Poems never before printed, edited by George Mason, calf, - Lond. 1796 1706 Hogarth (William), Five Days' Peregrinations around the Isle of Sheppey, reprint, - Lond. N. D. 1707 Hogarth (W.), Marriage a la Mode, portrait and 6 plates, - Lond. 1834 1708 Home Genealogy of the Family of Home of Wedder- burne, privately printed, notes by Mr. Maidment in MS., h.-bd. Circa 1780 1709 Horneck (Dr. A.), Account of Edward Slater's Return to the Church of England, h.-bd. 1689 1710 Horneck (Dr. A.), Epistola, russia extra, Marburgi,16$Q 1711 Hotten (J. C.), The Original Lists of Persons of Quality, &c., who went from Great Britain to the American Plantations, 1600-1700, Lond. 1874 1712 House of Peeresses, or Female Oratory, containing Debates on the Bishop of LandafFs Byll, &c., blanks in names filled in MS. - Lond. 1779 1713 Howard (L.), Collection of Letters from the Manu- scripts of Great Personages, calf, Lond. 1753 1714 Humanse Ratiocinationes Infirmitas, an old MS. " from Ely House," see note, h.-bd. - N. D. Folio.] FIFTH DAY'S SALE. 99 Folio. 1715 l^lALLONUS (Ant.), De Sanctorum Martyrum |y|i3| Cruciatibus, cum Figuris per Ant Tempestam, calf, Parisiis, 1660 1716 Genealogical Account of the Noble Family of Courtenay, by Cleav eland, Oxon. 1785 1717 Gethinge (Ri.), Calligraphotechnia, - Lond. 1616 1717* Ghost (The), by Felix Phantom (Dr. Constantia, a Portuguese), h.-bd. Edin. 1796 1718 Giannone (Pietro), Civil History of the Kingdom of Naples, translated by James Ogilvie, 2 vol. calf, Lond. 1729 1719 Gilmerton Murder A Collection of Reports, Broad- sides, and other Papers in this Case, in 1 vol. h.-bd. Edin. 1830 1720 Glasgow Looking Glass, and Northern Looking Glass, by Heath, in 1 vol. h.-bd., humorous plates, Qlatg. 1825-26 1721 Godwin (Bishop of Hereford), Annales of England, containing the Reignes of Henry VIII., Edward VI., Queene Mary, enlarged by Morgan Godwyn, 3 portraits and engraved titles, calf, Lond. 1630 1722 Gordon (Sir Robert), A Genealogical History of the Earldom of Sutherland, from its Origin to the year 1630, with a Continuation to the year 1651, edited by Weber, russia extra, portrait, Edin. 1813 1723 Goodwin (Thomas), History of the Reign of Henry the Fifth, calf, portrait, Lond. 1704 1724 Gorges (Sir A.), Translation from Lucanus Pharsalia, h.-bd. Lond. 1614 1725 Grimeston (Edward), The Generall Historie of Spaine, translated from the French of Lewis de Mazerne Turquet, and continued unto these times, calf, - Lond. 1612 1726 Grimeston (Edward), History of the Roman Em- perors, translated from the Spanish of Pedro Metia, calf, Lond. 1623 1727 Grimeston (Edward), A Generall Historie of the Netherlands, continued from 1608 till 1627, by Cross, the second impression, calf, Lond. 1627 1728 Grotii (Hugonis), Aunales et Histories de Rebus Belgicis, vellum, portrait, - Amstel. 1657 1729 Grotius (Hugo), War and Peace, translated by Evats, - - Lond. 1682 SIXTH DAY'S SALE. Octavo et Infra. 1730 [BWfllOOK (T), Sayings and Doings, or Sketches IUM| from Life, 9 vol. calf, - Lond. 1824-28 1731 Hook (T.), Maxwell, 3 vol. calf, - Lond. 1830 1732 Hook (T.), Gilbert Gurney, 3 vol. calf, Lond. 1836 1733 Hook (T.), Pascal Bruno, calf, Lond. 1837 1734 Hook (T.), Gurney Married, 3 vol. calf, Lond. 1838 1735 Hook (T.), The Life and Remains of, by Rev. R. H. Barham, 2 vol. Lond. 1849 1736 Hooke (Colonel), Secret History of his Negotiations in Scotland in favour of the Pretender, calf, Lond. 1760 1737 Hope (James), Narrative of his Dismission from the House of Hope & Co., Amsterdam, Edin. 1790 See MS. Notes. 1738 Hope (John), Thoughts in Prose and Verse, h.-bd. Stockton, 1780 1739 Hope's (Thomas) Anastasius, or Memoirs of a Greek, 3 vol. calf, - Lond. 1819 1740 Hope (W.), The Scots Fencing-Master, ruby mor- occo extra, gilt edges, plates, - Edin. 1687 1741 Hopkin's (C.) Epistolary Poems, Lond. 1694 1742 Horace, The Odes, Epodes, and Carmen Seculare of, in Latin and English, by Philip Francis, 2 vol. calf, Lond. 1743 1743 Horatii Flacci Carmina, Justinus, Paterculus, &c., 4 vol. calf, Barbou, 1770-75 1744 Horatius, Cum Commentariis Variorum et J. Bond, vellum, Lugd. Bat. 1670 1745 Hornmeyer (Simone), De Origine Propinandi, et De Effectu Compotationum, Lipsice, 1612 ; Frein- shemii (A.) Sylvarum libri duo, Argent. 1661, in 1 vol. ruby morocco, gilt edges, - v. y. 1746 Horneck (Dr. A.), Letter of a Protestant, old calf gilt, Lond. 1681 Octavo et Infra.] SIXTH DAY'S SALE. 101 1747 Horneck (Dr. A.), The First Fruits of Reason, red morocco extra, Lond. 1685 1748 Horneck (Dr. A.), The Great Law of Consideration, The Happy Ascetick, &c., in 1 vol. 1686 1749 Horneck (Dr. A.), The Happy Ascetick, or the Best Exercise, calf, Lond. 1686 1750 Horneck (Dr. A.), Fire of the Altar, calf, Lond. 1690 ; and Antidote against Indifferency, 1694 ; in 1 vol. - v. y. 1751 Horneck (Dr. A.), Sermons, 2 vol. calf, Lond. 1698 1752 Hospitalii (Michaelis) Carmina, vellum, portrait, Amstel 1732 Hotch-Pot r by Umbra ; ( J. S. Muir), An Old Dish with New Materials, Edin. 1867 1754 Houston (James, M.D.), Life and Travels, h.-bd. 1753 1755 Howard (C.), Historical Anecdotes of the Howard Family, calf, Lond. 1769 1756 Howard (George Edmond), Epistle to, by George Faulkener ; Appeal by Howard to the Public on the Subject of a late Epistle, and Postscript ; Life of Man, by Howard, &a, in 1 vol. calf, portraits inserted, Dublin, 1772 1757 Howard (Sir R.), Poems and Plays, russia extra, gilt edges, - Lond. 1660 1758 Howel (James), Epistolse Ho-Elianse, russia extra, Lond. 1678 1759 Hoyland (Francis), Poems, h.-bd., uncut, Printed at Strawberry Hill, 1769 1760 Hoyland (John), A Historical Survey of the Gypsies, h.-bd., uncut, York, 1816 1761 Hubert (Sir F.), The Life of Edward II., a Poem, in 3 Cantos, calf extra, - Lond. 1723 1762 Huddesford(George), Poems, 2 vol. calf, Lond. 1801 1763 Hughes (John), Poems, with some Select Essays in Prose, 2 vol. calf extra, portrait, Lond. 1735 1764 Hugues de Lincoln, Notes par Michel, h.-bd., Paris, 1834 1765 Huish (Robert), The Progress of Crime ; or, The Authentic Memoirs of Maria Manning, 3 vol. in 2, h.-bd., plates, - Lond. 1840 1766 Humane Prudence (by A. B.) ; or, The Art by which a Man may raise himself to Fortune, Lond. 1681 1767 Hume (A.), Of the Orthographie and Congruitie of the Britan Tongue, edited by H. B. Wheatley, half-mor. - Lond. 1865 1768 Hume (David), Life by Himself; Letter from Adam Smith ; Apology for Life and Writings, and Reply, &c., with Bill of Exchange, signed " David Hume," inserted, in 1 vol. calf, Lond. 1777 102 SIXTH DAY'S SALE. [Octavo et Infra. 1769 Hume and Smollett's History of England, 13 vol, calf gilt, portraits, fine impressions, Oxford, 1826 1770 Hume (George), Memoirs of an Aristocrat and Reminiscences of the Emperor Napoleon (sup- pressed), - Lond. 1838 1771 Humours of the Town Expos'd, in Two Dialogues, calf, - Lond. 1693 1772 Hungurvaka Pals Biskups Saga ek Patte af Thor- valdi Vidforla, calf, - Hafnice, 1778 1773 Hunt (Henry), Letters to the Radical Reformers, h.-bd. 1821 1774 Hunt (Robert), Popular Romances of the West of England, - Lond. N. D. 1775 [Hunter, John], The Wanderer and Traveller, calf gilt, Glasg. 1733 " The author of this dramatic poem, John Hunter, was minister at Ayr. It is very scarce." J. M. 1776 Hunter (John, late Auditor of the Court of Session), Miscellanies, privately printed, 1843 1777 Husbandman, Farmer, and Grasiers' Compleat In- structor, by A. S., calf extra, frontispiece, Lond. 1697 1778 Hussey Peerage Claim by Disney, with Remarks by W. B. D. D. Turnbull, russia extra, Edin. 1836 1779 |g|||GNORAMUS Comoedia coram Regia Maiestate IBiLBal Jacobi Regis Angliae, &c., calf, Lond. 1630 1780 II Principe Hermafrodito de Ferrante Pallavicio green morocco extra, - Venetia, 1650 1781 Imlach (James), History of Banff, Banff, 1868 1782 Inchbald (Mrs.), A Simple Story, 4 vol. calf, Lond. 1799 1783 Independent Patriot : A Comedy, by Lynch, h.-bd. Lond. 1738 1784 Index to Mankind ; or, Maxims selected from the Wits of all Nations, with MS. Notes, Newberry, 1751 1785 India, A Poem, by a Young Civilian of Bengal, Lond. 1834 1786 Informers Doom; or, An Amazing and Season- able Letter from Utopia directed to the Man in the Moon, calf, numerous curious cuts (imperfect at end), Lond. 1683 " Very scarce. I never saw a perfect copy." J. M. 1787 Ingenius and Diverting Letters of a Lady's Travels in Spain, 2 vol. calf, Lond. 1722 1788 Inglefield (Captain), Narrative of the Loss of the Centaur, red morocco, Brentford, 1813 Octavo et Infra.] SIXTH DAY'S SALE. 103 1789 Inglis (H. D.), Spain in 1830, 2 vol. Lond. 1831 1790 Inglis (Henry), Poems viz., Marican and other Poems, Edin. 1851 ; and Briar of Threave, &c., Lond. 1855, 2 vol. - v. y. 1791 Inglis (Henry), The Briar of Threave, and the Lily of Barholm, - Lond. 1855 1792 Inglis (Henry), Ballads from the German, Edin. 1864 1793 Ingrate's Gift (The): A Dramatic Poem, by R. Jamieson, W.S., h.-bd. Edin. 1830 1794 Innes (Thomas), Critical Essay on the Ancient Inhabitants of Scotland, 2 vol. russia extra, gilt edges, Lond. 1729 1795 Innes (Cosmo), Sketches of Early Scotch History, and Social Progress, - Edin. 1861 1796 Inues (Cosmo), Lectures on Scotch Legal Antiqui- quities, Edin. 1872 1797 Instrument of Falsing of Dooms, MCCCCXL., only 10 copies privately printed by James Hill, W.S., Edin. 1823 1798 Intrigues of the Court of Rome, calf, Lond. 1679 1799 Irish Miscellany and Teaguelaud Jests, calf gilt, coloured portrait of Joe Miller in the character of Teague, Lond. 1750 1800 Irving (David), Lives of Scotish Writers, 2 vol. Edin. 1839 1801 Irving (David), History of Scotish Poetry, edited by J. A. Carlyle, Edin. 1861 1802 Irvini, Historiae ScoticaB Nomenclatura Latino-Ver- cula, russia extra, gilt edges, Edin. 1682 1803 Irvinus (A.), De Jure Regni, calf, - Elzev. 1627 1804 iHllAfOB ( E -)> History of Faversham, plates, \rBiM\ Lond. 1774 1805 JaelJe, Laus UlulaB, vellum, N. D. 1806 James L, Secret History of the Court of, edited by Sir Walter Scott, 2 vol., LARGE PAPER, h.-bd., uncut, - Edin. 1811 1807 James II., History of the Reign of James II., from his first coming to the Crown to his Disertion, calf, gilt edges, portrait, - Lond. 1689 1808 James II. of England Histoire Abrege de Jacques II., Roy D'Angleterre, &c., avec 1'Eloge funebre de ce Prince, ruby morocco extra, gilt edges, Paris, 1701 1809 James VI. Jacobi VI. Scotorum Regis, Commen- tatio Scripta sub Initium Anni 1588, et eodem arno edita Edinburgi, ruby morocco extra, gilt edges, Lippoldus, 1603 SIXTH DAY'S SALE. [Octavo et Infra. 1810 James (G. P.R.), Delaware; or The Ruined Family, 3 vol. h.-ld. - Edin. 1833 1811 James (G. P. R.), Life of Edward the Black Prince, 2 vol. - Lond. 1836 1812 James (G. P. R.), The Jacquerie ; or The Lady and the Page, 3 vol. treed calf extra, - Lond. 1841 1813 James (G. P. R.), The Man-at-Arms; or Henri de Cerons, 3 vol. - Lond. 1842 1814 James (G. P. R.), Life of Henry IV., King of France, 3 vol. - Lond. 1847 1815 Jamieson (Rev. J.), Sorrows of Slavery, a Poem, h.-bd., gilt, 'Lond. 1789 "By the well-known compiler of the Scottish Dic- tionary." J. M. 1816 Jamieson (Robert), Popular Ballads and Songs, 2 vol. calf extra, - Edin. 1806 1817 Jefferson (S.), History and Antiquities of Carlisle, &c., plates and cuts, - Carlisle, 1838 1818 Jefferson (S.), History and Antiquities of Leath Ward, Cumberland, plates and cuts, Carlisle, 1840 1819 Jenkyns (Lewis), Memoirs of Prince William Henry, Duke of Glocester, calf, 1789 1820 Jerningham ; or The Inconsistent Man, 3 vol. h.-bd. Lond. 1836 1821 Jersey Chroniques des Isles de Jersey, &c., 1832 ; Account of Mont Orguiel Castle, and 2 others, in 1 vol. h.-ld. 1832-8 1822 Jervise (Andrew), History and Traditions of the Land of the Lindsays, - Edin. 1853 1823 Jester (The Town and Country), or A New Fund of Genuine Wit and Good Humour, h.-bd. Lond. N. D. With this volume are bound up a large number of curious Ballads, Pamphlets, and Newspaper Cuttings of a like character. 1824 Jilts ; or The Female Fortune-Hunters, 3 vol. calf, Lond. N. D. 1825 Joan of Arc ; Memoirs of Jeanne d'Arc, translated from the French by W. H. Ireland, 2 vol., portrait and plates, Lond. 1824 1826 Jockey Club (The) ; or A Sketch of the Manners of the Age, 2 vol. calf, numerous portraits, cuttings front newspapers, magazines, fyc. t inserted, Lond. 1792-94 1827 Jodrell (Mrs. Henry), Letter in reply to an Attack upon her Father (Sir Charles Napier's) Conduct of the Baltic Fleet, privately printed, Edin. 1862 1828 Johnson (J.), Jurisprudence of the Isle of Man, Bul- lock's History of the Isle of Man, &c., in 1 vol. calf, Edin. and Lond. 1811-16 Octavo et Infra.] SIXTH DAY'S SALE. 105 1829 Johnston (Charles), Chrysal ; or The Adventures of a Guinea, 3 vol. calf, plates, - Lond. 1797 1830 Johnstone (J., of Craighouse), Poems, Dumfries, 1820 1831 Johnstone (Mrs.), Elizabeth de Bruce, 3 vol. h.-bd. Edin. 1827 1832 Johnstoni (J.), Historia Civilis et Ecclesiastica, vellum, Amstel. 1641 1833 Jollie (F.), Sketch of Cumberland Manners and Customs, and John Noakes and Mary Styles, in 1 vol. h.-bd. 1811-39 1834 Jonathan Wild, Nevison, John Sheppard, and others, Lives of, calf, Edin. 1773 1835 Jones (D.), The Secret History of Whitehall, 2 vol. calf, Lond. 1717 1836 Jones (Henry) Poems, Dublin, 1749 1837 Jones (John, An Old Servant), Attempts in Verse, with Essay on our Uneducated Poets, by Southey, in 1 vol. Lond. 1831 1838 Jonstoni (A.) Epigrammata, calf, gilt edges, Aberdonice, E. Raban, 1632 1839 Jonstoni (A.) Parerga, calf, gilt edges, Aberdonice, E. Raban, 1632 1840 Jordan (William), The Creation of the World, with Noah's Flood, written in Cornish in the year 1611, with an English Translation by Keigwin, Edited by Davies Gilbert Lond. 1827 1841 Josephi Comoedia Sacra, morocco extra, Colonies, 1537 1842 Jubinal (A.), Mysteres Inedits du Quinzieme Siecle, 2 vol., calf extra, gilt and tooled, - Paris, 1837 1843 Jubinal (A.), La Legende Latine de S. Brandaines, calf extra, gilt and tooled, - Paris. 1836 1844 Jubinal (A.), (Euvres Completes de Rutebseuf, Trouvere du XIII. Siecle, 2 vol., calf extra, gilt and tooled, Paris, 1839 1845 Jurieu (P.), History of the Council of Trent, frontis- piece, Lond. 1684 1846 Jus Cimbricum, Tractatus de Jure Nundinarum, &c., in 1 vol., calf, 1766-70 1847 Justini Historise Philippicse cum Notis Variorum, Curante A. Gronovio, a Prize Copy, with Signa- ture of F. Burmannus, &c., vellum, gilt, Lugd. Bat. 1760 1848 Juvenal et Persius, cum Notis Variorum, a Schrevelio, vellum, - Lugd. Bat. 1671 1849 Juvenalis Satirae Ruperti, 2 vol., olive morocco extra, gilt edges, - Lipsice, 1819 14 106 SIXTH DAY'S SALE. [Octavo et Infra. 1850 f|B| AMES (Lord), Sketches of the History of Man, |B.K\1I 4 vol., calf, Edin. 1788 1851 Karlstromiue, de Thule Veterum, calf extra, N. D. 1852 Kaufler, Regulse Broceerdicae Juris, calf extra, Basil, 1584 1853 Keith, Oriental Philosophy, calf, 1674 1854 Keith (Robert), Vindication from the Unfriendly Representation of Mr. Alex. Keith, junior, of Ravelston, &c. N. D. 1855 Keith (Sir R. M.), Memoirs and Correspondence, edited by Mrs. G. Smyth, 2 vol. Lond. 1849 1856 Kelham (R.) Britton, containing the Pleas of the Crown, &c., calf, Lond. 1762 1857 Kelham (Robert), Domesday Book, illustrated, calf, Lond. 1788 1858 Kemble (John M.), State Papers and Correspond- ence Illustrative of the State of Europe,Zowrf. 1857 1859 Kempe (A. J.), The LoseJey Manuscripts, plates and facsimiles, Lond. 1836 1860 Kennedy (William), Fitful Fancies, h.-bd. Edin. 1827 1861 Kennet (W.), Memoirs of the Cavendishes, and a Funeral Sermon, red morocco extra, Lond. 1708 1862 Ker (Robert), A Glass wherein Nobles, Priests, and People may see the Lord's Controversies against Britain, green morocco extra, gilt edges, - 1719 1863 Ker (John of Kersland), Memoirs and Secret Nego- tiations, 2 vol. russia extra, gilt edges, Lond. 1727 1864 Keuchenii (R.) Antoninus Pius, vellum, Amstel. 1667 1865 Kidd (Captain), Proceedings in Relation to, h.-bd. Lond. 1701 1866 Kieslingius, De Sacerdotibus, calf extra, Lipsice, 1755 1867 [Killigrew], Miscellanea Aurea; or The Golden Medley, calf, Lond. 1720 1868 Kilmarnock Mirror and Literary Gleaner, 2 vol. h.-bd. - Kilmarnock, 1820 1869 Kilts and Philibegs, 2 parts, h.-bd. plates, by Cruik- shank, - Lond. N. D. 1870 Kimber and Johnson, The Baronetage of England, 3 vol. calf, - Lond. 1771 1871 Kinglake (A. W.), Eothen, - Lond. 1847 1872 Kinloch (Geo. R.), Ancient Scottish Ballads re- covered from Tradition and never before Published, h.-bd. morocco, Lond. 1827 1873 Kirchrnaierus, de Paradiso, calf extra, Wittbergi(B,lQQ2 1874 Kirchmaierus, de Basilisco, Unicornu. Phoenice, Be- hemoth &c., russia extra, Wittebergice, 1669 1875 Kirchmaierus, de Basilisco, &c., 1661 ; Grube de Tarantula, 1679, in 1 vol. green morocco extra, v. y. Octavo et Infra.] SIXTH DAY'S SALE. 107 1876 Kirkiad; or The Golden Age of the Church of Scot- land, h.-bd. Edin. 1774 1877 Kirkman (F.), The Unlucky Citizen, Experimentally described in the Various Misfortunes of an Un- lucky Londoner, &c., russia extra, curious plates, and portrait, - Lond. 1673 / 1878 Klira (N.), A Journey to the World under Ground, calf, - Lond. 1742 1879 Klotzius, De Libris Fatalibus, calf, Lipsice, 1761 1880 Knight (Sir E. W.), Account of the Coronation of King Charles the Second, plates, Lond. 1820 /1881 Knight (Miss), Autobiography of Miss Cornelia Knight, Lady Companion to the Princess Char- lotte of Wales, 2 vol. in 1, h.-bd. Lond. 1861 1882 Knight (Miss Cornelia), Autobiography of, another copy, Lond. 1861 1883 Knolly's (Col.) Remarks on the Claim to the Earl- dom of Banbury, calf, Lond. 1835 1884 Knox (John), Liturgy : The Psalmes of David in Prose and Meeter, with their Whole Tunes in four or mo parts, calf, Edin., A. Hart, 1635 1885 Knoxe (John), Appellation from the Cruell and Unjust Sentence pronounced against him by the false Bishops and Clergie of Scotland, red morocco extra, Geneva, 1558 1886 Kornmannius (H.), De Virginitatis Jure, &c., 1631 1887 Kornmannii (H.) Tractatus, calf extra, 1696 1887*Krakii (Hrolfi) Historia, calf, ' - Havnice, 1705 1888 fffll'ABBE a ea Toilette, Nouvelle Galante, / / 1889 Lackington (James), Life, by Himself, calf, portrait, Lond. 1794 1890 Lackmanni Miscellania Literaria, calf,Hamburgi, 1721 1891 La Croix, Connubia Florum, Latino Carmine demon- strata, a Clayton, privately printed, Bathomice, 1791 1892 Lacroix, L'Assassinat du Dernier des Cond6, calf extra gilt, Paris, 1832 1893 Ladies' Advocate ; or Wit and Beauty a Match for Treachery and Inconstancy, calf, Lond. 1749 1894 Lady's Companion ; or Infalliable Guide to the Fair Sex, "2 vol. calf, Lond. 1743 1895 La Feste D'Erbaud, 1668 ; Lettres d' Amour d'une Religieuse, 1669, in 1 vol. morocco extra, v. y. 1896 Laing (Alex), Fugitive Pieces, h.-bd. A berdeen, 1820-23 1897 Laing (David), Early Metrical Tales, including the History of Sir Egeir, Sir Gryme, and Sir Gray- Steill, frontispiece by C. K. Sharpe, green morocco extra, gilt edges, Edin. 1826 108 SIXTH DAY'S SALE. [Octavo et Infra. 1898 Laing (David), Historical Description of the Altar- piece belonging to Her Majesty in Holyrood Palace, plates, 1857 ; and Notices regarding the Metrical Versions of the Psalms, in 1 vol. h.-bd. Edin. 1842-57 1899 Laing (Malcolm), History of Scotland, 4 vol. calf gilt, Lond. 1819 1900 L'Alcoran des Cordeliers, 2 vol. calf, plates, Arnst. 1734 1901 Lamartine (A. de), Jocelyn: An Epistle, translated by R. Anstruther, - Lond. 1844 1902 Lamb (A. S.), The Maiden Warrior, Edin. 1857 1902*Lambarde (W.), A Perambulation of Kent, portrait, CJiatham, 1826 1903 Lambe (R.), The History of Chess, and Twiss on Chess, in 1 vol. calf, Lond. 1764-87 1904 Lament of the Wandering Jew, by T. B. J., Glasgow, 1828 Laneham's Letter Describing the Pageants at Kenilworth in 1575, and Gascoigne's Princely Pleasures, in 1 vol. h.-bd. - Lond. 1821 1906 Langbaine (Gerard), Account of the English Dramatick Poets, calf extra, Oxford, 1691 1907 Langford (T.), Plain and Full Instructions to Raise all Sorts of Fruit Trees that Prosper in England, with the autograph of Andrew Fletcher of Salton on the title, calf, Lond. 1696 1908 Langii (J.) Medicum de Republica Symposium, calf, gilt edges, 1554 1909 La Pucelle d'Orleans, morocco extra, gilt edges, fine plates, - Londres, 1764 1910 La Putain Errante, calf extra, gilt edges, 1776 1911 Larroguani Dissertatio de Photino Haeretico et de Liberio Pontifice Romano, h.-bd. Geneva, 1670 1912 La Sage Folie Traduite d'ltalien en Francois par Luygs Garon, 2 parts in 1 vol., green morocco, gilt and tooled, - A. Lyon, 1628 1913 La Saxe Galante, calf, " This is said to be written by Baron Polnitz," translated by a Gentleman of Oxford, N. D. 1914 Launoy (J. de), De Vera Causa Secessus S. Brunonis in Eremum Dissertatio, red morocco, gilt edges, Argent. 1656 1915 Lauzun (Duke de), Memoirs of. by Himself, calf, Lond. 1822 1916 Law (John), The Memoirs, Life, and Character of the Great Mr. Law and his Brother at Paris, by Gray ; A Full and Impartial Account of the Company at Mississippi ; A Letter to Mr. Law Octavo et Infra.'] SIXTH DAY'S SALE. 109 upon his Arrival in Great Britain; The State of Mr. Law Truly Stated ; and a Second Letter to Mr. Law, in 1 vol. calf extra, Lond. 1721 1917 Law (John), Proposals for a Council of Trade in Scotland, calf, Glasgow, 1751 ; Considerations sur le Commerce par Mr. Law, portrait, La Haye, 1720, 2 vol. v. y. 1918 Law (John), Life of, by John Philip Wood, calf, Edin. 1824 " This copy of the Life of Law has inserted in it the only existing autograph of his father the goldsmith at least I never saw another. A discharge signed by Law's widow, Jean Campbell, has also been here preserved." J. M. 1919 Lawrence (W.), The Interest of Ireland in its Trade and Wealth Stated, calf gilt, Dublin, 1682 1920 Lawrence (Sir James), On the Nobility of the British Gentry, Edin. 1825 1921 Laws of Honour ; or A Compendious Account of the Ancient Derivation of all Titles, &c., li.-ld. Lond. 1714 1922 Laws of Honour: An Account of the Suppression of Duels in France, old morocco, Lond. 1685 1922*Lawson (J. Parker), History of the Episcopal Church in Scotland, 2 vol. Edin. 1843-4 1923 Lawyers Lives of the Most Eminent Lawyers, portraits and cuttings inserted, calf, Lond. 1790 1924 Lays of Ancient Babyland, Pickering, 1849 1925 Lays of the Minnesingers or German Troubadours, edited by Taylor, h.-bd. plates, - Lond. 1823 1926 Lazarillo de Tonnes, History and Adventures of, by Rowland, calf, Lond. 1653 1927 Lazarillo de Tormes, Life and Adventures of, Written by Himself, calf, plates and portrait, Lond. 1726 1928 Lazarus (Eben.), Description of the Town of Kelso, calf, Kelso, 1789 1929 Le Capucin Ecossois, calf, Rouen, 1678 1930 Le Compte (Louis), Journey through China, calf, plates, Lond. 1697 1931 Lee (Harriet), Canterbury Tales, 5 vol. calf, Lond. 1797-1805 1932 Leech (Johannis Leochaei Scoti), Musse Priores sive Poemata, green morocco extra, gilt edges, Lond. 1620 " John Leech, the author of this rare and curious volume, was a native of Aberdeenshire. Among the poems are verses addressed to Drummond of Hawthrrn- den, Lord Sterline, Marquis of Montrose, c." J.M 110 SIXTH DAY'S SALE. [Octavo et Infra. 1933 Le Facecieux Reveille Matin des Esprits Melan- choliques, calf extra, gilt and tooled, a Paris, 1674 1934 Lefaun (Miss), The Sylphid Queen, plates, 1809 1935 Le Faux Ravisseur, par Mr. L. Le M , calf extra, Hambourg, 1755 1936 Le Grand (M.), Fabliaux ou Contes, 5 vol. calf, Paris, 1781 1937 Le Grand (M.), Fabliaux, or Tales of the 12th and 13th Centuries, edited by G. L. Way, &c., 2 vol. calf, woodcuts by Bewick, Lond. 1796-1800 1938 Le Marchaut (Sir D.), Report of Proceedings on the Claims to the Barony of Gardner, Lond. 1828 1939 Leigh (Charles), Tracts Written in 1823-28, privately printed, - Warwick, 1832 1940 Leigh (Lord), Poems, now first collected, Lond. 1839 1941 Leland (Johannis) de Rebus Britannicis Collect- anea, Editio altera accedunt de Rebus Angli- canis Opuscula Varia a T. Hearnio, 6 vol. russia extra, gilt edges, Lond., B. White, 1774 1942 Le Hoy en de Parvenir, 3 vol. calf gilt, Londres, 1781 1943 Lennox (Lord William Pitt), Recollections from 1806 to 1873, 2 vol. Lond, 1874 1944 Lenormant (Francois), Chaldean Magic, Lond. N. D. 1945 Leonis, (J.), Africse Descriptio, calf, - Amst. 1556 1946 Le Sage, Comical History of Gonzalez, Lond. 1735 1947 Le Sage, The Devil upon Crutches, 2 vol. calf, plates, Lond. 1759 1948 Le Sage, Adventures of Gil Bias, translated by Smollett, 3 vol. calf, plates, - Lond. 1802 1949 Le Sage, Asmodeus ; or, The Devil on Two Sticks, translated by Joseph Thomas, and illustrated by Tony Johannot, h.-bd., uncut, Lond. 1841 1950 Les Ames Rivales, 1738 ; Le Silphe Amoureux, 1734; Le Temple de Guide, 1738 ; and other Tracts, in 1 vol. calf, v. y. 1951 Les Amours de Messaline, calf, 1691 1952 Les Amours Pastorales de Daphnis et Chloe, calf gilt, jine plates, - a Bouillon, 1776 1953 Les Bigarrures, et Touches du Seigneur des Ac- cords, &c., in 1 vol. calf, Paris, 1609 1954 Les Cent Nouvelles, 2 vol. calf, plates by De Hooge, Cologne, 1701 1955 Les Delices des Pais-Bas, 3 vol. calf, plates and maps, Bruxelle, 1740 1956 Les Delices du Cloitre, h.-bd. 1760 1957 Les Dialogues de Jaques Tahureau, Gentilhomme du Mans, a Pierron, calf, Paris, 1580 1958 Les Ephesiaques de Xeiiophon, calf extra, gilt edges, a Paris, 1736 Octavo et Infra.] SIXTH DAY'S SALE. Ill 1959 Les Matinees Royales, h.-bd. (see MS. Letters, fyc., inserted), Lond. 1863 1960 Les Metamorphoses ou L'Ane D'Or d'Apulee, 2 vol. calf , plates, Paris, 1707 1961 Les Secrettes Ruses d' Amour, 1610; Dialogue de 1'Aretin, in 1 vol. calf gilt, v. y. 1962 Les Turnois de Chauvenci par Jacques Bretex, calf extra, gilt and tooled, - Valenciennes, 1835 1963 Le Roux (Phil-Joseph), Dictionnaire Comique, Satyrique, Critique, Burlesque, Libre et Prover- bial, 2 vol. calf, Amsterdam, 1787 1964 L'Eslection et Couronnement de Ferdinand Archi- duc d'Austrice, 1626; L'Heureux Progrez des Armes Imperiales, &c., curious woodcut, a Lille, 1625, and 2 others, in 1 vol. calf, v. y. 1965 Lestrauge's Quevedo Burlesqued, by a Person of Quality, calf extra, gilt edges, Lond. 1702 1966 Letter from the Prince of the Infernal Regions to a Spiritual Lord, by Dr. Campbell, Lond. 1751 1967 Letter to Miss Kitty Fisher, by Simon Trusty, Esq., h.-bd. Lond. 1760 1968 Lettere Volgari di Diversi Nobilissimi Huomini, &c., calf, Aldus, 1544 1969 Lettere d'un Gentilhomme de la Cour de St. Ger- main, a un de ses Amis en Angleterre, - 1710 1970 Letters from the Living to the Living, calf, 1703 1971 Letters Memoires et Negociations de Monsieur le Comte d'Estrades, 9 vol. calf gilt, Lond. 1743 1972 Letters between Erskine and Boswell, h.-bd. Lond. 1763 1973 Letters from the Bodleian Library, edited by Aubrey, 2 vol. in 3, calf, Lond. 1813 1974 Letters from George the Third to Lord Kenyon, russia, portraits and newspaper cuttings inserted, Lond. 1827 1975 Lettorica Delle Puttane (by L'Estrange), see letter from C. K. Sharpe inserted, calf extra, Cambrai, 1642 1976 Lettres d'un Peruvien, calf, Amst. 1760 1977 Lettres Inedites de Henri II. par Gail, calf gilt and tooled, plates, Sfc., - Paris, 1818 1978 Lettres de Henri VIII. a Anne Boleyn, portraits, Paris, N. D. 112 SIXTH DAY'S SALE. [Quarto. Quarto. 1979 IfiWjjIUNTERIAN CLUB, Works printed for, 19 ILJUII parts, 1872-75 1980 Huntingdon Peerage Evidence and Proceedings connected with the recent Restoration of the Earldom, by Bell, Lond. 1820 1980*Hutchinson (Mrs.), Life of Colonel Hutchinson, Governor of Nottingham Castle and Town, calf gilt, portrait, - Lond. 1806 1981 j|||GNATII Historia, a M. Christ. Beyer, Lipsice, lEBja] N. D. ; Encomium Divse Ursulae, Vienna, 1688, and others, in 1 vol. calf, - v. y. 1982 Imperatores Gentis Austriacae ; Dissertatio Historica Vera de Origine Electorum Sententium Com- plicen, and others, in 1 vol., calf antique, v. y. 1983 Imperium Danico Norvegicum, flafnice, 1765 ; Erici (J.), De Chronologia Gunnlaugs - Sagas, Hafnice, 1778 ; et Magnusen (Finn), Oldnordisk, coloured plates, in 1 vol., half -morocco, gilt top, v. y. 1984 Imposters Detected, or the Vintner's Triumph, h.-bd., Westminster, 1712 1984*Innes Family Historical Account of the Family of Innes, plate of arms, - Edin. 1826 1985 Innes (Cosmo), Memoir of, - Edin. 1874 1986 Inventory of Worke done for the State by Evan Tyler, his Majesties Printer, edited by Thomas Thomson, privately printed, half -morocco, Edin. 1815 1987 Inventories and other Records of the Royal Ward- robe and Jewelhouse ; and of the Artillery and Munition in some of the Royal Castles, 1488 to 1606, edited by Thomas Thomson, h.-bd., only 100 copies printed, Edin. 1815 1988 HlAMBLICHUS, de Vita Pythagorse, |Bifl| Amstel. 1707 1989 James I. The Court of the Most Illustrious and Most Magnificent James the First, by A. D. B., h.-bd., portrait, Lond. 1620 1990 James II. Settle (E.), Heroick Poem on his Coro- nation, portrait inserted, Edin. 1685; Prayer for His Majesty ; Narrative of the Conflict of Dun- keld, 1689 ; Johnson (S.), Argument on the Abrogation of K. James, Lond. 1693 ; Fuller (W.), Discovery of the True Mother of the Pre- tended Prince of Wales, 1696, and other rare Tracts, in 1 vol. calf, v. y. Quarto.] SIXTH DAY'S SALE. 113 1991 James VI. Poetical Works, edited by R. P. Gillies, Reprint of 1 50 copies, h.-bd. morocco, gilt top, Edin. 1818 1992 Jamieson (John), Etymological Dictionary of the Scottish Language, 2 vol. calf, Edin. 1808 1993 Jeffreys (George), Miscellanies in Prose and Verse, calf, Lond. 1754 1994 Jesuit's Catechism according to Loyola, 1679 ; The Jesuite Countermined, 1679 ; The Mysterie of Equivocation; Cabinet of the Jesuits' Secrets Opened ; The Established Test, and other Tracts on the Jesuits, in 1 vol. h.-bd. Lond. 1679 1995 Johnston (A.), Account of the Family of Johnston of that Ilk, Edin. 1832 1996 Johnston (N.), The King's Visitatorial Power Asserted, calf, 1688 1997 Joinville (John Lord, de), Memoirs, Translated by Thomas Johnes, plates, LARGE PAPER (of which only 10 copies were printed), with signature of Sir Egerton Brydges, Hafod Press, 1707 1998 Jonstoni (J.) Inscriptiones Historicae Regum Scoto- rum, praefixus est Gathelus sive de Gentis Origine, Fragmentum An. Melvini, 10 portraits, but wants plate of arms, red morocco extra, gilt edges, Amstel 1602 This copy has numerous marginal notes in an old hand. 1999 Judas History of Judas Iscariot, "printed to order ;" two Curious Letters of Pontius Pilate, ilaxk letter, N. p. ; Defensi Pontii Pilati, 1674; Albertus de Inscriptione Crucis Christi, 1690, and other Pamphlets on same subject, in 1 vol. h.-bd. v. y. 2000 Jungius (S. H.), De Jure Salinarum, h.-bd. 1743 2001 Jury Trial in Scotland (a Collection of Privately Printed Pieces) ; Letters of Lord Chief Commis- sioner Adam ; Lord Meadowbank to Lord Eldon ; Letters and Papers on the Position of a Trying Judge, &c., in 1 vol. h.-bd. - 1825-38 2002 Justin The Abridgement of the Historyes of Trogos Pompeius, gathered and written in the Latin Tung, translated into Englishe by Arthur Goldinge, black letter, russia extra, gilt and tooled, Lond. Thomas Marsh, 1578 15 114 SIXTH DAY'S SALE. [Quarto. 2003 ISllil AY ( JoHN ) A SERIES of PORTRAITS andCARi- HgJaal CATURE ETCHINGS, 2 vol. h.-bd. Edin. N. D. " This collection of Kay's Portraits may be considered as unique. It contains the original Letterpress subse- quently suppressed the composition of Kay himself and which contains matters too personal for publica- cation. The copy was presented to me when revising and altering the proofs a work of much trouble of the Work published in two volumes. Since then, various Newspaper Scraps and Cuttings have been inserted." J. M. 2004 KAY (JOHN) A SERIES of PORTRAITS and CARICA- TURE ETCHINGS, with Biographical Sketches and Illustrative Anecdotes, 2 vol., thick paper, proof impressions of the plates , h.-bd. uncut, Edin. 1837-8 " Has Mr. Maidment any more MS. read over? Will feel obliged if he can send up in order to enable us to get the Prints prepared for the Letterpress to be ready. I wish to publish oftener if possible." H. P. (Hugh Paton, the Publisher.) 2005 Keate (G.), Account of the Pelew Islands, with the Supplement, LARGE PAPER, half-russia, portrait and maps, Lond. 1788 2006 Kelly (Earl of), Minuets, &c., edited by Charles Kirkpatrick Sharpe, only 60 copies privately printed, Edin. 1836 2007 Kepplerus (J.), De Anno Natali Christi, Francofurti, 1614 2008 Kieslingius (J. R), De Gestis Pauli Tertii cum Henrico VIII., h.-bd. - Lipsice, 1747 2009 King (Dr. W.), The Toast, an Heroick Poem, calf, frontispiece, Dublin, 1736 " A satire on the Countess of Newburgh. A few copies only were printed for private distribution. This copy was formerly in the library of the Hon. W. Nassau, and is enriched with MS. Key." J. M. 2010 Kirk (Robert), Secret Commonwealth, or, A Treatise displaying the Chiefe Curiosities as they are in Use among diverse of the People of Scotland to this day, &c., edited by Robert Jamieson, reprint of 100 copies, - Edin. 1815 2011 Kirkton (James), Secret and True History of the Church of Scotland, edited by C. K. Sharpe, calf gilt, portrait, - Edin. 1817 2012 Knox The Coppie of the Ressoning that was be- tuix the Abbote of Crosraguell and John Knox, 1563, black letter, the reprint, - Edin. 1812 2013 Koeler (Jo. D.), Historia Frederici V., h.-bd. Alt. 1716 2014 Kortholtus (C.), De Variis Scripturae Editionibus, Tractatus Theologicse Historico - Philologicus, calf, Kiloni, 1686 Quarto.] SIXTH DAY'S SALE. 115 2015 |JH|ACKMANNI (A. H.) Annales Topographiae, &JJPl\ calf, Hamburgi, 1740 2016 Laing (David), Select Remains of the Ancient Popular Poetry of Scotland, only 108 copies printed, green morocco extra, gilt edges, Edin. 1822 2017 Lambe (John), A Briefe Description of the Notorious Life of John Lambe, otherwise Doctor Lambe, together with his ignominious Death, 1628, calf extra, the reprint, Lond. N. D. " Forty-four copies only of this remarkable production were reprinted from the supposed unique original edition in the Gordonstoun Library." J. M. 2018 Lamberto (Don Juan), or a Comical History of our late Times, curious woodcut portrait of Cromwell, h.-bd. - Lond. 1665 2019 Laniena Paswalcensis, that is a Tragicall Relation of the Plundering, Butchering &c., of the Towne of Pasewalke, Imprinted anno 1631 2020 Langueti (Huberti) Epistolee Secretse, calf, portrait, Halce, 1709 2021 Langueti (Huberti) Bellum Gothicum, 1568, h.-bd. Bremce, 1735 2022 L'Annee Burlesque ou Recueil des Pieces que le Mercure 1683, par Crosnier, calf, Amst. 1684 2023 Laudinii Equitis Hierosolymitani ad Francinum Beltrandum comitem in Epistolas magni Turci prefacio, Romce, 1473 ; Donati Grammatici peri- tissimi Fabularum Breuiatio Ouidii, N. D., old MS. notes on margin ; Francisci Arbetini in Phal- aridis tiranni Agrigentini Epistolas Proemium, Romce, Stepher Plant, 1490, three very rare tracts, in I vol. vellum, v. y. 2024 Laus Posthuma Buquoii Agrippinae, 1623 2025 Lauterbachi (J.) Tractatus Novus de Armis et Literis, 1595; Maderus de Duello ut Ordalei Quondam Specie, 1679, &c.,inl vol. calf, 1595-1679 2026 Lavater (Lewis), Of Ghostes and Spirites Walking by Night &c., translated by R. H., portrait, Lond. 1572 2027 Law (Robert), Memorialls ; or, the Memorable Things that fell out within the Island of Brittain from 1638 to 1684, edited by C. K. Sharpe, calf gilt, frontispiece, Edin. 1819 2028 Leech (John), Portraits of Children of the Mobility, drawn from Nature, with Memoirs and Sketches, by G. A. A'Becket, plates, Lond. 1841 2029 Legendse Catholicse, a Lytle Boke of Seyntlie Gestis, edited by W. B. D. D. Turn bull, 40 copies printed for presents, Edin. 1840 116 SIXTH DAY'S SALE. [Quarto 2030 Leighton (Alex.), An Epitome; or, Briefe Discoverie from the beginning to the ending of the great troubles Dr. Leighton suffered, 1641 " This very uncommon tract appears to have been a presentation copy from the Speaker of the House of Commons." J. M. 2031 Leightoni (Roberti) Prselectiones Theologicse, calf, Land. 1693 2032 Leonis Septemtrionalis Notitia, &c., morocco extra, gilt and tooled, 1633 2033 Leslseus (Joanne), De Origine, Moribus et Rebus Gestis Scotorum, Libri decem, old calf, embossed with arms on the sides, plates and maps {Archibald Constable's copy), - Homes, 1578 2034 Letters from the Cardinal Borgia and the Cardinal of York, with facsimiles, calf (privately printed by Sir J. C. Kippisley), 1799-1800 2035 Leicester (Earl of), Commonwealth Conceived, Spoken and Published, with most Earnest Pro- testation of all Dutiful Goodwill, &c., and Leyces- ter's Ghost, in 1 vol. h.-bd. portrait, 1641 2036 Leyden (J.), Complaynt of Scotland, with Disserta- tion and Glossary, by Sir James Inglis, LARGE PAPER, olive morocco extra, gilt edges, Edin. 1801 2037 Lhoyd (Humphrey), The Historie of Cambria, now called Wales, translated into English, corrected, augmented and continued by David Powel, 1584, the reprint, uncut, - Lond. 1811 2038 Lilienthal (Theod. C.), Historia Beatae Dorotheas Prussise Patronae Fabulis Variis Maculata, calf gilt, woodcut portrait, - Dantisii, 1744 2039 Lithgow (William), Discourse on the Siege of Breda, morocco extra, gilt edges, - Lond. 1637 2040 Liverpool (Charles, Earl of), Treatise on the Coins of the Realm, calf, Oxford, 1805 2041 Livii (T. L.), Historia, recens J. B. L. Crevier, 6 vol. russia gilt, Parisiis, 1735 2042 [Livingston, Michael of Bantasken], Patronus Redux; or Our Protectour is return'd safe again An Historicall Poem, containing the Earl of Calan- der's Departure his Stay in England, and the Effects thereof upon the Town of Falkirk, &c., old morocco, gilt and tooled, Edin. 1682 2043 Loch (James), Memoir of George Granville, First Duke of Sutherland, plates, printed for private circulation, - Lond. 1834 Quarto. J SIXTH DAY'S SALE. 117 2044 Lockhart Papers Memoirs and Commentaries upon the Affairs of Scotland, from MS. in the Posses- sion of Anthony Aufrere,2 vol. calf gilt, Lond. 1 817 2045 Loier (Peter de), A Treatise of Specters ; or Strange Sights, Visions and Apparitions appearing sen- sibly unto Men, &c., calf gilt, Lond. 1605 2046 London Prisons List of the Prisoners in the Upper Bench Prison, &c., 1653 ; List of Prisoners Remaining in Custody the Third of May, 1653 ; His Majestie's Commissions for relief of poor distressed Prisoners, blark letter, Lond. 1664, in 1 vol. - 1653-64 2047 Lotharingii (J.) Sibylla Francica, calf, Ursellis, 1606 2048 Loudon's Resurrection Poetically Represented, and humbly presented to His Majesty, h.-bd. Lond. 1669 2049 Lowden (Earl of), Speeches concerning the Restora- tion of the Electoriall Family, &c. Lond. 1641-6 2050 Lucani Pharsalia ex recens Oudendorpii, vellum, Lugd Bat. 1728 2051 Lucilii (C.) Satyrum quee supersunt reliquse, ed F. Dousa, calf, Lugd. Bat. Raphelengii, 159 7 2052 Ludlow (E.), Memoirs, and Original Papers and Case of Charles I., calf , portrait, - Lond. 1771 2053 Lysons (Daniel) Environs of London, and Account of Parishes not described in the Environs, 5 vol. calf gilt, numerous plates and maps, Lond. 1796-1800 Folio. 2054 [WlAIGH (D. H.), Numismatic History of the PJjjjJ East Angles, h.-bd. - Leeds, 1845 2055 Harold (Basil J.), Originum ac Germanicarum Anti- quitatum Libri, vellum, Basillioz, 1557 2056 Herbert (Tho.) Some Yeares Travels into divers Parts of Asia and Afrique, calf, numerous old woodcuts, engraved title, - Lond. 1638 2057 Hertzholmius et Bercherodius, Breviarium Equestre de Ordine Elephanto, h.-bd., numerous plates and portraits, Havnice, 1704 2058 Histoire Curieuse a 1'Entree de la Reyne Mere dans les Villes des pays Bas, par La Serre, engraved frontispiece, - Anvers, 1632 2059 Histoire de Bertrand du Gueselin, calf, Paris, 1666 2060 Historia Antiqua Norvegiae Edidit Munch, h.-bd. Christiana, 1850 2061 Holland (H.), Herwologia Anglica, beautiful impres- sions of the rare portraits, engraved title, list of plates, tyc., red morocco extra, very richly gilt and tooled on sides and back. Impensis Crispini Passcei calco- graphus et Jansonij Bibliopoli Arnhemiensis, 1620 118 SIXTH DAY'S SALE. [Folio. 20(52 Honours Academie ; or, The Famous Pastorall of the Fa ire Shepheardesse Julietta, calf, Lond. 1610 20G3 Heywoode (Tho.) Nine Bookes of Various History Concerninge Women, calf, Lond. 1624 2064 Howell (James), Londinopolis : an Historicall Dis- course or Perlustration of the City of London, &c., Views of London, calf, Lond. 1657 2065 Hugo (Herman), The Siege of Breda, written in Latin, and translated by Goring (S. L.), 1627 ; Prempart, Relation of the Famous Siege of the Citie called the Busse, Amst. 1630, in 1 vol., russia extra, gilt edges, - 1627-30 2066 Hume (David), The History of the Houses of Douglas and Angus, calf, - Edin. 1644 2067 Ingelo (Nath.) Bentivolio and Uranio, in Six Books, calf, Lond. 1673 2068 |g[||ACOB (Alex.), A Complete English Peerage, IBILai 3 vol. calf , plates of the arms, Lond. 1766 2069 Jacobite Relics A Large Collection of Documents, Letters, Portraits, &c., connected with the Ja- cobites, including Broadsides, Dying Speeches, Proclamations, Printed Letters and Papers of the Period, Lists of Attainted Nobles, Protec- tions, Ballads and Poems, Original Copy of " Johnnie Cope," with Music, Original Letters, including one in the handwriting of Lord Lovat to " Dear Lochiel," dated September 1745 (most characteristic and graphic), numerous rare portraits, and various illustrative matter, mounted in 1 vol. h.-bd. Circa 1745 2070 Jacobite Scraps A Large and Interesting Collec- tion of " Scraps," Magazine and Newspaper Cuttings, Ballads, Last Speeches, &c., relating to the Jacobites, together with numerous portraits of individuals therewith connected, the whole mounted in 1 vol., h.-bd. 1688-1826 2070* Johnson (Capt. Charles), History of the Lives and Adventures of the most Famous Highwaymen, Murderers, Street Robbers, &c., with the Voy- ages and Plunders of the most noted Pirates, second edition, calf, plates, Lond. 1742 2071 Johnstoni (R.) Rerum Britannicarum Historia, calf, Amstel. 1655 2071* Jones (Edward), Musical and Poetical Relicks of the Welsh Bards, plates and music, 1794 ; and The Bardic Museum, 1802, in 2 vol. h.-bd., uniform, Lond. 1794-1802 SEVENTH DAY'S SALE. Octavo et Infra. 2072 fHEVER (Charles), The Knight of Gwynne, illus- MBI trated by " Phiz," h.-bd. morocco, Lond. 1847 2073 Lewis (Thomas), The History of the Parthian Em- pire, calf gilt, Lond. 1728 2074 Lewis (W. L.), Translation of the Thebaid, 2 vol. calf, Lond. 1773 2075 Lewis (M. G.), Life and Correspondence, 2 vol. 1839; Journal of a West India Proprietor, 1834 ; The Minister, Castle Spectre, Rolla East Indian, in 1 vol. : Adelmorn, Alfonso, Rugantino, Adel- githa, in 1 vol. , Venoni, Timour, One o'Clock, Rich and Poor, Adelgitha as Acted, in 1 vol. the whole collected and bound in 6 vol. calf gilt, uniform, v. y. 2076 Lewis (M. G.), The Monk : A Romance, 3 vol. calf, Lond. 1797 2077 Lewis (M. G.), Tales of Wonder, 2 vol. h.-bd. Lond. 1801 2078 Lewis (M. G.), The Bravo of Venice : A Romance, calf, Lond. 1826 2079 Lexington Papers ; or Some Accounts of the Courts of London and Vienna, - 1851 2080 Leyden (J.), Scotish Descriptive Poems, calf, Edin. 1803 2081 L'Homme Universel de Gracieu, calf, 1724 2082 Libri de Re Rustica, fine tall paper copy, vellum, gilt edges, stamped, Aldus. 1514 2083 Life and Adventures of Captain John Avery, the Famous English Pirate, calf, Lond. 1709 2084 Life of Don Alphonso Blass, Son of Gil Bias, calf, Lond. 1742 2085 Life, Misfortunes and Adventures of Indiana, the Virtuous Orphan, written by Herself, calf gilt, portrait, Lond. 1755 120 SEVENTH DAY'S SALE. [Octavo et Infra. 2086 Lineage and Succession; or Hereditary Right try'd at the Scripture-Bar, calf, Edin. 1713 2087 Lindsay (Patrick, of Pitmedden), Interests of Scot- land Considered, li.-bd. Edin. 1700 2088 Lindsay (Lord), Lives of the Lindsays, 4 vol., a pre- sentation copy, with letter from the author, Wigan, 1840 2089 Lindsay (Lord), Lives of the Lindsays, 3 vol. Lond. 1849 2090 Lindsay (Alex., Lord), Memoir of Lady Anna Mac- kenzie, Edin. 1868 2091 Lindsay (of PitscottieJ, Chronicles of Scotland, edited by J. G. Dalyell, 2 vol. Edin. 1814 2092 Lister (T. H.), Life of "Lord Clarendon, 3 vol. Lond. 1838 2093 Literary Criticism : A Collection of Pamphlets, &c., in 1 vol. h.-bd. - v. y. 2094 Literature (Tracts on) Brydges (Sir E.), Grievance of Authors and Publishers, Lond. 1818, and other Pieces relating to Copyright, &c., in 1 vol. h.-bd. 1818 2095 Lithgow (W.), Siege of Newcastle, half-morocco extra, Newcastle, 1820 2096 Little (Janet, The Scotch Milkmaid), The Poetical Works of, calf, Air, 1792 2097 Lives and Amours of the Empresses of the Caesars, calf, Lond. 1723 2098 Lives of Robert Price, Baron Pengelly, John Hales, and others, in 1 vol. calf, 1733-4 2099 Livii Historiae, recens J. N. Lallemand, 7 vol. calf extra, - Parisiis, 1775 2100 Livingston (Rev. John), Life of, h.-bd. Glasg. 1773 2101 Livre de Baudoyn, Conte de Flandre, h.-bd. Bruxelles, 1836 2102 Lloyd (D.), Eikon Basilike, or The TruePourtraicture of his Majesty, with Compleat History of the Duke of York and Gloucester, frontispiece, russia extra, gilt edges, - Lond. 1660 2103 Lloyd (Bishop), Account of Church Government in Great Britain, calf, - Lond. 1684 2104 Llwyd (R.), Gayton Wake ; or Mary Dod and her Kist of Merits, h.-bd. Chester, 1804 2105 Lobeira (Vasco), Amadis of Gaul, by Southey, calf extra, - Lond. 1803 2106 Lochlomond Expedition, &c., The reprint, edited by James Dennistoun, Glasg. 1834 2107 Lockhart (J. G.), Life of Robert Burns, numerous newspaper cuttings $c., relating to Burns and his Works inserted at end, calf, - Edin. 1828 Octavo et Infra.] SEVENTH DAY'S SALE. 121 2108 Lodge (Edmund), Illustrations of British History, Biography and Manners in the Reign of Henry VIII., &c., 3 vol. Land, 1838 2109 Lodge (John), Peerage of Ireland, 7 vol. calf, plates, Lond. 1789 2109* Logan (Q-eorge), A Treatise on Government, calf, Edin. 1746 2110 Logan (George), The Ruddiman more Self-Con- densed, 2 parts, Edin. 1748 2111 Logan (Rev. John, Minister of Leith), Poems by, calf, - 1781 2112 Logan (W. H.), A Pedlar's Pack of Ballads and Songs, cuts, Edin. 1869 2113 London Account of Roman Urns lately digg'd up near Bishopsgate ; Sorbeire's Journey to London in 1698 ; Computation of the Increase of London, 1719, and others, in 1 vol. 1698-1719 * 2114 London Magazine and Monthly Chronologer, 2 vol. calf, Lond. 1746 2115 London Pageants, Accounts of, Lond. 1837 2116 Longi Pastoralia de Daphnide et Chloe, calf, ]778 2117 Longinus (D.), Treatise of the Elegancy of Speech, translated by Pulteney, calf gilt, - Lond. 1680 2118 Longolius (D. Gybertum), Dialogus De Avibus, ruby morocco extra, gilt edges, Colonice Jo. Gymnicus, 1544 " There is, so far as I can learn, no copy of this work in the public libraries of Scotland," &c. J. M. 2119 Lonicerus (P.), Arrest-urn sive Placitum Parlamenti Tholosani, &c. (the curious Case of Martin Guerre), calf gilt, edges, - Francofurti, 1576 2120 Looking-Glass for Children, calf, Lond. 1708 2121 Lord High Steward of England, Origin of, &c., calf, Lond. 1776 2122 [Lothian], The Planters of the Vineyard, Edin. 1771, and The Royal Shepherd, in 1 vol. green morocco, Edin. 1769-71 2123 Louis XI. Histoire de Louys Unziesme Roy de France, Avec la Chronique Scandaleuse, calf, portrait, 1611 2124 Louis XL et le Plessis-les-Tours, par Louysette et De Croy, h.-bd. Tours, 1841 2125 Loveday Calprenede (G. de la), Cleopatra, trans- lated by Loveday, 8 vol. calf, - Lond. 1736 2126 Lovell and Southey's Poems, h.-bd. Bath, 1795 2127 Lovers ; or Memoirs of Lady Sarah B and the Countess P , 2 vol. in 1, h.-bd., portraits, Lond. 1769-72 See Note by Mr. Maidment. 16 122 SEVENTH DAY'S SALE. [Octavo et Infra. 2128 Loves of Hipolito and Isabella, Lond. 1633 2129 Loyal Songs and Poems, calf, Edin. 1779 2130 Loyalists' Reasons for Swearing Allegiance to the Present Government, by F. G., Gent., calf, Edin. 1689 " By Francis Grant, afterwards Sir F. Grant, and a senator of the College of Justice, by the title of Lord Cullen." J. M. 2131 Loysi (G.) Methodus Apodemica, et De Peregrina- tione, ruby morocco, Argent. 1612 2132 Liibke (Dr. W.), Ecclesiastical Art in Germany during the Middle Ages, translated by Wheatley, cuts, Edin. 1877 2133 Lucanus et Eutropius, 2 vol. calf, Parisiis, 1793 2134 Lucian, The Works of, translated from the Greek, with Life by Dry den, 4 vol. old calf, Lond. 1711 2135 Luders (Alex.), Essay on the Character of Henry the Fifth when Prince of Wales, h.-bd. Lond. 1813 2136 Lliderwaldtus (lo. Bait.), De Criteriis Fabularum, Brunsviqce, 1761, and others, in 1 vol. calf, v. y. 2137 Lugubres Cant/us, Poems chiefly occasioned by the Death of the late Ingenious Youth, [Souple Mitchell], h.-bd., frontispiece, Lond. 1719 2138 Lunardi (Vincent), Account of the First Aerial Voyage in England, morocco, plates and portrait, Lond. 1784 2139 Lupus (P. Rutilus), De Figuris Sententiarum et EJo- cutionis recens D. Rahnkenius, vellum, Lugd. Bat. 1768 2140 Lutherus non Combustus et Alii Tractatus, calf extra, portraits and plates, - 1717 2141 Luttrell (N.), A Brief Historical Relation of State Affairs from 1678 to 1714, 6 vol. Oxford, 1857 2142 Luzmari (Chevalier de), Histoire des Amours Ex- tremes, vellum, arms in gold on sides, Paris, 1587 2143 Lycophronis Cassandra, Gr. et Lat., calf, Lipsics,1.18S 2144 Lyle (Thomas), Ancient Ballads and Songs, uncut, Lond. 1827 2144*Lynch (W.), On Feudal Dignities, Lond. 1830 2145 Lyndsay (Sir David), Poetical Works, edited by David Laing, 2 vol. Edin. 1871 2146 Lyndsay (Sir David), Poetical Works, edited by David Laing, 3 vol. Edin. 1879 2147 Lyon (Rev. C. J.), History of St. Andrews, 2 vol. Edin. 1843 2148 Lyon (Rev. C. J.), Personal History of King Charles the Second, 1650-51, Edin. 1851 2149 Lyttleton (Lord), Letters of, 2 vol. calf, Lond. 1783 2150 Lyttleton (Lord), Life of, by T. Frost, Lond. 1876 Octavo et Infra.'] SEVENTH DAY'S SALE. 123 2151 ABILLONII Iter Germanicum, vellum, Hamburgi, 1717 2152 M'Afee (John), A True and Particular Account of ., the Penitent John M'Afee, who was Executed V in the Grass Market of Edinburgh for issuing 20s. Notes of the British Linen Company, calf, Edin. 1783 2153 Macdonald Account of the Clan or Family of Macdonald, Edin. 1819 2154 [Macfaite, E.], Remarks on Plato, calf, Edin. 1760 2155 Machrie (William), Essay upon the Royal Recrea- tion and Art of Cocking, h.-bd. Edin. 1705 u I never saw another copy of the tract." J. M. 2156 Machrie (William), An Essay upon Duelling, &c., calf, Edin. 1711 2157 M'Indoe (G.), Poems and Songs, chiefly in the Scottish Dialect, calf extra, Edin. 1805 2158 Macintosh (George), Memoir of Charles Mackintosh, F.R.S., printed for private circulation, presentation copy to Lord Cockburn, with characteristic Note by his Lordship, Glasg. 1847 2159 Mackail (Rev. Hugh), Life of, and Some Account of John Brown of Priesthill, in 1 vol. h.-bd. Glasg. 1824 2160 Mackaile (M.), Fons Moffetensis, red morocco extra, Edin. 1659 2161 Mackaille (M.), Moffet Well, calf, Edin. 1664 2162 Mackay (John), History of the Barony of Broughton, Edin. 1867 2163 Mackenzie (Sir G.),Aretina ; or The Serious Romance, russia extra, one leaf wanting, - Edin. 1660 2164 Mackenzie (Sir G.), Idea of the Modern Eloquence of the Bar, old morocco, gilt edges, Edin. 1711 2165 Mackenzie (J.), Oppressions in Orkney, Edin. 1836 2166 Mackheath (Capt.), Memoirs of, h.-bd. Lond. 1728 2167 Maclaurin The Poetical and Dramatic Works of Colin Maclaurin, Esq., Advocate, and of the late George Maclaurin, Esq., Writer, Edinburgh, 2 vol. h.~bd. Edin. 1812 2168 Maclean (J.), Sketches of Highland Families, Ding wall, 1848 2169 Maclean Account of the Clan Maclean, by a Seneachie, Lond. 1838 2170 Macrus De Materia Medica, lib. v. versibus conscripti, edit. J. Comario, vellum, - 1540 2171 Macrobii (Aur Theo.) Opera, cumnotis Gronovii, &c., vellum, Lugd. 1670 2172 Macrobw Opera, a Zeunius, russia, Lipsice, 1774 124 SEVENTH DAY'S SALE. [Octaco et Infra. 2173 M'Ure (John alias Campbell), A View of the City of Glasgow, 2 views of Glasgow and portrait, russia extra, Glasg. 1736 2174 Magee (Itinerant Stationer), Travels of, &c., Paisley, 1826 2175 Magic A Compleat System of Magick; or The Black Art, by De Foe, calf , frontispiece, Lond. 1729 2176 Magnet, The, an Opera (by Dorothea Dubois), as Sung at Marybone Gardens, Lond. 1771 2177 Mahon (Lord), Life of Louis, Prince of Cond6, calf, Lond. 1845 2178 Maitland (S. R.), Index of English Books in the Lambeth Library, printed before the year 1500, Lond. 1845 2179 Majendie (Lady), Giannetto, Edin. 1875 2180 Majerus de Jure Venandus, calf extra, Tubingce, 1726 2181 Malcolm (David), A Genealogical Memoir of the Most Noble and Ancient House of Drummond, russia extra, gilt, Edin. 1808 2182 Malcolm (James P.), Anecdotes of the Manners and Customs of London during the Eighteenth Cen- tury, 2 vol. calf, numerous plates, - Lond. 1810 / 2183 Malcolm (James P.), Miscellaneous Anecdotes, calf extra, plates, Lond. 1811 2184 Mallet (David), Poems on Several Occasions, Lond. 1772; Eurydice, Lond. 1731; Mustapha, 1739; and collection of pieces relative to Mallet, with auto- graph letters of F. Dinsdale, editor of his poems, in 1 vol. h.-bd. morocco, gilt top, v. y. 2185 Mallet (David), Ballads and Songs, with Notes and Memoir by Dinsdale, plates and cuts, Lond. 1857 ^ 2186 Mallet (P. H.), Northern Antiquities, edited by Bishop Percy, 2 vol.calf, gilt edges, with MS. notes by the editor, Lond. 1870 2187 Malmesbury (Earl of), Diaries and Correspondence, 4 vol. ' Lond. 1845 / 2188 Malmesbury (Earl of), Letters of the First Earl of Malmesbury, edited by his Grandson, 2 vol. Lond. 1870 /* 2189 Manchester (Duke of), Court and Society from Elizabeth to Anne, 2 vol. 1864 2190 Mandeville (Sir John), Travels, morocco extra, cuts, Lond. N. D. 2191 Manley (Mrs.), The Power of Love, in seven novels, calf, Lond. 1720 2192 Manley (Mrs.), Secret Memoirs and Manners of Several Persons of Quality of Both Sexes, from the New Atlantis, 4 vol. calf, - Lond. 1736 Octavo et lnfra.\ SEVENTH DAY'S SALE. 125 2193 Man of Dunse The Casuistry of the Kev. Daniel Frazer, Weaver in Dunse, 1770 ; and Letter wrote by a Writer in Dunse to the Rev. James Mur- ray, 1763 2194 Manual of the Baronetage, Lond. 1832 2195 Manuductions to the Pallace of Trueth, by F. B., 1616; Caesar's Dialogues, or a Familiar Com- munication, containing the first institution of a Subject in allegiance to his Sovereign, black htkr, 1601, with curious portrait of Queen Elizabeth on back of title ; God and the King, black Utter, Cam- bridge, 1616, three works in 1 vol. calf, - v. y. A long printed note by Mr. Maidment regarding this volume is inserted. 2196 Marchmont Papers, a Selection from the, in the possession of Sir G. H. Rose, 3 vol. Lond. 183 L 2197 Marie, Poesies de, par de Roquefort, 2 vol. calf, Paris, 1820 2198 Marini (G.), Slaughter of the Innocents by Herod, morocco extra, gilt edges, frontispiece, - 1675 2199 Marino (C.), Dicierie Sacre di, Venetia, 1643 2200 Marino (G. B.), L'Adone, Poema Heroica, 4 vol. calf gilt, plates, Parigi, 1678 2201 Marivaux, La Vie de Marianne, 4 vol. calf, Londres, 1782 2202 Marjoreybanks (George), Annals of Scotland from the year 1514 to 1591, edited by Sir John G. Dalyell, red, morocco extra, Edin. 1814 2203 Marjoribanks (Ensign), Trifles in Verse, 4 vol. in 2, calf, Kelso, 1784 2204 Maryborough (Sarah, Duchess of), The Opinions of, edited by Lord Hailes, calf, 1788 2205 Marly (Thibaud de), Vers sur la Mort, Paris, N. D. 2206 Marmontel (J. F.), Belisarius, calf, - Lond. 1767 2207 Marmontel (J. F.), Contes Moraux, 3 vol. calf gilt, LARGE PAPER, jine impressions of the plates, Amst. 1779 2208 Marmontel (J. F.), Memoirs, written by Himself, 4 vol. calf, Edin. 1808 2209 Marriott (James), Poems and Oration, calf, 1760 2210 Mars Stript of His Armour, and The Wooden World Dissected, by Edward Ward, in 1 vol. calf, 1749 2211 Marsh (H.), A New Survey of the Turkish Empire, History and Government, compleated, calf extra, Lond. 1664 2212 [Marshall (Miss Jane),] History of Miss Clarinda Cathcart and Miss Fanny Renton, 2 vol. calf, Lond. 1766 126 SEVENTH DAY'S SALE. [Octavo et Infra. 2213 Marston (Westland), Dramatic and Poetical Works, 2 vol., Lond. 1876 2214 Martial, Toutes les Epigrammes de, en Latin et en Franfois, 2 vol. calf, Paris, 1655 2215 Martial his Epigrams, translated with sundry Poems and Fancies, by B. Fletcher, calf extra, gilt edges, portrait, Lond. 1656 2216 Martial (de Paris), Les Poesies de, 2 vol. old green morocco, Paris, 1724 2217 Martin (M.), Description of the Western Islands of Scotland, first edition, russia extra, gilt edges, map and plates, Lond. 1703 2218 Martin (M.), A Voyage to St. Kilda, the remotest of all the Hebrides, h.-bd. map, Lond. 1753 2219 Martin (Theodore), Disputation between the Body and the Soul, only 50 copies privately printed, h.-bd. Edin. 1838 2220 Martin (Theodore), Horace, THICK PAPER, h.-bd. mor- occo, uncut, Edin. 1870 2221 Martin (Theodore), Essays on the Drama, printed for private circulation, - Lond. 1874 2222 Martin (Theodore), Essays on Dante and Beatrice, and on Catullus, no title page, russia extra, gilt edges, N. D. 2223 Martinii (M.), Brevis Relatio de Rebus Sirnensibus, morocco extra, Colonice, 1655 2224 Martini, Oratio pro Crepitu Ventris ad Patres Crepitantes, russia extra, 1768 2225 Mary Queen of Scots, Collection relative to the Funeral of, edited by R. Pitcairn, THICK PAPER, numerous illustrative portraits, cuttings, fyc., inserted, blue morocco, gilt top, - Edin. 1822 2226 Mary Stuart, Queen of Scotland, Letters of, by Prince Lobanoff, editedby W. B. D. D. Turnbull, Lond. 1845 2227 Maskell (Rev. W.), Monumenta Ritualia Ecclesias Anglicanse, 3 vol. - Pickerina, 1847 2228 Mason (John), Kelso Records, Edin. 1839 2229 Mathews Popular Entertainments At Home; Sketches of the Youthful Days of Mr. Mathews ; Trip to Paris ; Trip to America ; Invitations ; Memorandum Book, &c., in 1 vol. numerous coloured humorous plates, - Lond. N. D. 2230 Mathias (T. J.), Odes, English and Latin, privately printed, 1798 2231 Mathias (T. J.), Pursuits of Literature, a Satirical Poem, calf gilt, numerous portraits and plates in- serted, and Translation of the Passages, calf, 1793, - Lond. 1801 Octavo et Infra.] SEVENTH DAY'S SALE. 127 2232 Matrimonial Dialogues, adapted to the Times, calf, Lond. 1774 2233 Maturin, Women, or Pour et Centre, 3 vol. calf, 1818 2234 Maule (Henry), The History of the Picts, calf extra, Edin. 1706 2235 Maxwell (R,), The Practical Bee-Master, Edin. 1747 2236 Maxwell (James, Poet in Paisley}, Divine Miscel- lanies, or Sacred Poems, calf, Paisley, 1787 2237 Maxwell (James, Poet in Paisley), The Water of Stiusiar, a Poem, h.-bd. Paisley, 1788 " This is a very curious topographical poem, and of great rarity." J. M. 2238 Maxwell ( ), My Life, 3 vol. h.-bd. gilt, Lond. 1835 2239 May-Day Garland, calf , plates, Lond. 1729 2240 Mayne (John), Glasgow, a Poem, and The Siller Gun, a Poem, in 1 vol. calf, Lond. fy Glocester, 1803 2241 Mazarine, Memories of the Dutchess of, written by Herself, h.-bd. Lond. 1676 2242 Mazarin (Cardinal), Letters to Louis ~KYV.,Lond. 1691 2243 Meibomius (J. H.), De 1'Utilite de la Flagellation, olive morocco extra, - Paris, 1795 2244 Melse (Pomponii), De Situ Orbis, a Gronovio, vellum, Lugd. Bat. 1722 2245 Melander, locorum atque Seriorum, &c., recens Othone Melandro. vellum, Lichee, 1604 2246 Melrose, Description of, by Milne, h.-bd. Edin. 1794 2247 Memoirs of Lord Castlehaven, his Engagement and Carriage in the Wars of Ireland, 1642 to 1651, Lond. 1680 " Very rare, in so much that Walpole never saw a copy of this edition. It was suppressed, &c." J. M. 2248 Memoirs of the Prince of Conde, calf, 1693 2249 Memoirs of the Court of France and City of Paris, russia extra, gilt leaves, portraits inserted, Lond. 1 702 2250 Memoirs of Ireland from the Restoration to the Present Times, calf, Lond. 1716 2251 Memoirs of Gamesters and Sharpers, calf, Lond. 1744 2252 Memoirs of a Man of Honour, 2 parts in 1 vol. 1747 2253 Memoirs of the Treasonable Practices of Dr. Hensey, h.-bd. - Lond. 1758 2254 Memoirs of Magopico, second edition, calf, Edin. 1761 " Written by Mr. Halleburton and Mr. Hepburn, minis- ter of Birsay, in Orkney. The object of it was Mr. Pyot, minister of Dunbar. A manuscript letter is inserted, written by Mr. Pyot, found among the collections of Principal Lee. It is very curious, the more so as it is addressed by the rev. writer to the well-known Colonel Charteris." See Note by Mr. Maidment. 128 SEVENTH DAY'S SALE. [Octavo et Infra. 2255 Memoirs of the Life of a Modern Saint, with portrait, fyc., inserted, calf, Lond. 1761 2256 Memoirs of J. M' Alpine, a Native Highlander, from his Emigration to America in 1773, Greenock, 1780 2257 Memoirs of Count Grammont, by Count A. Hamilton, 3 vol. calf, portraits, LARGE PAPER, Lond. ] 809 2258 Memoirs du Prince Eugene de Savoie, par Lui- meme, h.-bd. Paris, 1810 2259 Memoirs of Prince Eugene of Savoy, by Himself, portrait, Lond. 1811 2260 Memoirs of the Duchess of Newcastle, with a Pre- face by Sir Egerton Brydges, h.-bd., portrait, only 24 copies printed, Lee Priory Press, 1814 2261 Memoires du Beutivoglio, 2 vol. calf, Paris, 1713 2262 Memorabilia Cantabrigise, or an Account of the different Colleges in Cambridge, &c., by Joseph Wilson, illustrated with numerous inserted portraits, views, and other illustrations, calf gilt, Lond. 1803 2263 Memorable Accidents and Unheard-of Transactions, containing an Account of Several Strange Events, as the Deposing of Tyrants, Lamentable Shipwrecks, Dismal Misfortunes &c. curious woodcut portrait of Gutielmus Rex, Lond. 1733 2264 Memoranda of the Parishes of Hursley and North Baddesley, in the county of Southampton, plates, privately printed, Winchester, 1808 2265 Memorial for the Learned, a Miscellany of Choice Collections, by J. D., calf, Lond. 1686 2266 Memorials of the Rebellion of 1569, edited by J. Sharp, Lond. 1840 2267 Mendez (Moses), Collection of Esteemed Poems, calf, Lond. 1770 2268 Mercer (Andrew), History of Dunfermline, 1828 2269 Mercer (Andrew), Dunfermline Abbey, a Poem, h.-bd. uncut, Dunf. 1819 2270 Mercer (James), Lyric Poems, with Life, by Sylvester (Douglas) Lord Glenbervie, portrait, LARGE PAPER, only 10 copies printed, green morocco extra, gilt edges, Lond. 1806 2271 Merimee (P.), Demetrius the Impostor, 1853 2272 Menandri et Philemonis Reliquiae Grotii, calf, Amstel. 1709 2273 Merssaei/P.), Annales Archi-Episcoporum Colonien- sium, russia extra, Colon. Agripp. 1736 2274 Mesnager (N.), Negotiations with the Court of Eng- land, by Defoe, 2 editions, calf, Lond. 1717-36 2275 Meston (William), Poetical Works, russia extra, gilt edges, Edin. 1767 2276 Meursii Grsecia Ludibunda, vellum, Elzev. 1625 SEVENTH DAY'S SALE. 129 MR. MAIDMENT'S PUBLICATIONS. [The numbers within brackets are those in Lowndes 1 List of J Mr. Maidment's Publications.] J! ~ 2277 Raid of Ruthven Ane Declaratioun of the iust and (2) necessar causis, moving vs of the Nobillitie of Scotland, and vthers ye King's Majesteis faithfvl svbjectis, to repair to his Hienes presence, and to remane with him, &c., &c., derectit from Striuiling, with speciall command and licence to be prentit, anno 1582, with preface and notes, small Svo, 45 copies printed, 1822 2278 Two Ancient Ballads Robin Hood's Courtship with (3) Jack Cade's Daughter, and the Frieris' Tragedy. Aberdeen, published and sold by William Robertson, Svo. pp. 16, and Schir Ginkertoun's Garland, in 1 vol. half-morocco, 12 copies printed. The place of publication was purposely falsified, - 1822 These ballads " were got up to mystify the late Robert Pitcairn, who professed himself to be a wonderful judge of such productions. The ' Robin Hood actually imposed on Mr. Gutch," &c. &c. See Note by Mr. Maidment. 2279 Nugae Derelictae quas Colligerunt J. M. et R. P. (4) (A Collection of Eighteen Tracts, privately printed, at various times, by James Maidment, Advocate, and Robert Pitcairn, W.S.), royal Svo. Only six complete sets of these tracts are now supposed to exist, green morocco extra, richly gilt and tooled. In this copy is inserted a holograph letter by SlR WALTER SCOTT to Mr. Maidment, thanking him for one of the Tracts, several portraits are also inserted, - 1822 There is a set in the Grenville Library, British Museum, another in the library of Lord Houghton. 2280 A North Countrie Garland (a Collection of Ancient (5) Ballads, never before printed), 12rao, 30 copies printed, 1824 2281 Excerpta Scotica (a Collection of 29 short Pieces, (6) illustrative of Scotish Affairs), Svo, calf, 1825 2282 Pittilloch (Robert), Tracts, Legal and Historical, (7) 1659-1689, reprinted from the original editions, with an introductory notice, 40 copies printed on small and 4 on LARGE PAPER, small 4to, this copy is one of the four on LARGE PAPER, - 1827 17 130 SEVENTH DAY'S SALE. MR. MAIDMENT'S PUBLICATIONS continued. 2283 Scotish Pasquils or Lampoons, now first printed (8) from the original manuscripts, with illustrative notices and notes, 3 vol. 12wo, 60 copies printed on small and 15 on LARGE PAPER, small 4to, h.-bd. morocco, this is one of the copies on LARGE PAPER, 1827-28 Principally directed against the opponents of the House of Stuart. 2284 Reliquiae Scoticse ; Scotish Remains in Prose and (9) Verse, from original MSS. and Scarce Tracts, Svo, 14 copies printed, and 2 on THICK PAPER. This is one of the copies printed on THICK PAPER, 1828 In this collection will be found two abusive letters from John Pinkerton to George Paton the anti- quary, including two bonds of manrent various poetical scraps from original MSS. an account of the Witches of Kilernan, &c. 2285 Templaria : Papers Relative to the History, Privi- (10) leges, and Possessions of the Scottish Knights Templars, and their successors the Knights of Saint John of Jerusalem, &c. (four parts), small 4:to, 24 copies printed on small and 2 on LARGE PAPER. This is one of the copies printed on LARGE PAPER, 1828-29 2286 Gascoigne (George), The Wyll of the Deuill, with (11) his Ten detestable Commaundementes, directed to his Obedient and Accursed Children, &c., re- printed with a prefatory notice, 18mo, 40 copies printed, and 2 on VELLUM, morocco extra, gilt and tooled, 1828 2287 A Banquet of Dainties for Strong Stomachs (a Col- (12) lection of Scotish Satirical Poems, from Robert Myln's MSS., and other sources prior to 1720), 18mo, 1828 A joint publication of C. K. Sharpe and J. Maidment. 2288 Memorials of the Family of Row, viz.: The Red- (13) shankes Sermon, Preached at St. Giles' Church in Edinburgh, by a Highland Minister ; A Cupp of Bon-Accord, or Preaching, by Mr. James Row, Bometyme Minister at Strowan, preacht by him at Edenburgh, in Saint Geiles' Church, with an Introductory Notice, Notes, &c., small 4to, 40 copies printed on small and 12 on LARGE PAPER, 1828 2289 Davidson's (Rev. John), Poetical Remains, 1573- (14) 1595, now for the first time collected, with a Biographical Account of the Author, and various Illustrative Papers, small Svo, 40 copies printed, h.-bd. - 1829 SEVENTH DAY'S SALE. 131 MR. MAIDMENT'S PUBLICATIONS continued. 2290 Ritson (Joseph), Letters to George Paton, to which (15) is added, A Critique by John Pinkerton, upon "Ritson's Scottish Songs," with a Preface and Notes, small Svo, 100 copies printed, 1829 2291 Nugae Scoticse (a Collection of 22 separate (16) brochures), Miscellaneous Papers Illustrative of Scottish Affairs, 1535-1781, Svo, 60 copies printed, russia extra, gilt and tooled, 1829 2292 Private Letters, now first printed from the original (17) MSS., 1694-1732, small Svo, 50 copies printed on small and 12 on THICK PAPER. This is one of the 12 copies printed on THICK PAPER, 1829 2293 Letters from Bishop Percy, John Callender of Craig- (18) forth, David Herd, and others, to George Paton, with an Appendix of Illustrative Matter, Bio- graphical Notices, &c., small Svo, 110 copies printed on small and 10 on THICK PAPER, 1830 2294 Abstract of the Charters and other Papers recorded (19) in the Chartulary of Torphichen, from 1581 to 1596, with an Introductory Notice and Notes, small 4to, 35 copies printed, 1830 2295 Notes of Charters, &c., by the Right Hon. Thomas, (20) Earl of Melros, afterwards Earl of Haddington, to the Vassals of the Barony of Drem, from 1615 to 1627, with an Introductory Notice, small 4to, 35 copies printed, 1830 * # * JVos. 19 and 20 are bound in 1 vol., and sold together. 2296 Historical Fragments, relative to Scotish Affairs, (22) from 1635 to 1664, small Svo, 60 copies printed, 3 parts in 1 vol. h.-bd, - 1832-33 2296*Historical Fragments, Parts 2 and 3, 1832-33 2297 Catalogue of Scotish Writers, small Svo, 80 copies (23) printed on small and 20 on LARGE PAPER. This is a LARGE PAPER copy, 1833 2298 Love Letters which passed between Mr. West (24) Digges, Comedian, and Mrs. Sarah Ward, 1752- 1759, with Biographical Notices, Notes, &c., small Svo, 60 copies printed on small and 10 on LARGE PAPER, - 1833 2299 The Hubbleshue: APlay,by Miss Carstairs, 18mo, 1834 (25) Thirty copies reprinted from the original edition in the possession of C. K. Sharpe, Esq., with Prefatory Notice, containing specimens of the lady's poetry. 2300 Another Copy of the Hubbleshue, and Memoir of Archd. M'Laren, Dramatist (being No. 36), and Galations (No. 31), with some other Tracts relat- ing to Edinburgh Theatres, bound together in 1 vol. green calf extra, gilt and tooled, v. y. 132 SEVENTH DAY'S SALE. MR. MAIDMENT'S PUBLICATIONS continued. 2301 Analecta Scotica ; Collections illustrative of the (26) Civil, Ecclesiastical, and Literary History of Scotland, chiefly from original manuscripts, Svo, 2 vol. uncut, 106 copies printed on small, and 6 on THICK PAPER, 1834-38 2302 Analecta, &c., another copv, 2 vol. h.-bd. gilt tops, 1834-38 2303 The Argyle Papers, small 4fo, 50 copies printed on (28) small, 6 on LARGE PAPER, and 1 on vellum. This is one of the 6 copies on LARGE PAPER, - 1834 The orginal Burnbank Letters were purchased by Mr. Maidment at the sale of the library of Principal Lee, and form lot 630 of this sale. 2304 The Genealogy of the (Edmonstone's) Lairds of (29) Ednem and Duntreth, from the year of God 1063 to the year 1699, and more particularly of Duntreth, and the Families that married with Duntreth during the same time, from the edition of 1699, 18mo, 25 copies printed on small, 5 on LARGE PAPER, and 1 on vellum., 1834 * # * Nos. 34 and 37 are bound with No. 29, and are sold together. 2305 Ballads and other Fugitive Poetical Pieces, chiefly (30) Scotish, from the collections of Sir James Bal- four, Knt., with an introductory notice, small 4to, 40 copies printed on small, 6 on LARGE PAPER, and 2 on vellum. This is one of the 6 copies on LARGE PAPER, 1834 2306 Galations, an Ancient Mystery, taken down from (31) the Recitations of the Guisards at Stirling, 12mo, (pp. 4), 25 copies printed, 1835 * Sold with No. 25. 2307 Hay's (Father Richard Augustin, Prior of St. Piere- (32) mont), Genealogie of the Hayes of Tweeddale, including Memoirs of his own Times, with illus- trative papers, notes, &c., small 4to, 108 copies printed on small and 12 on LARGE PAPER. This is one of the 12 copies on LARGE PAPER, - 1835 2308 Hay's (Father Richard Augustin, Prior of St. Piere- (33) mont), Genealogie of the Saintclaires of Rosslyn, including the Chartulary of Rosslyn, with illus- trative papers, and seven Views of Rosslyn Castle and Chapel, small 4to, 108 copies printed on small and 12 on LARGE PAPER. This is one of the 12 copies on LARGE PAPER, 1835 2309 Letters from Lord Pollock to the Rev. Robert (34) Wodrow, 1703-1710 (two letters from Wodrow to his Lordship are added), 12mo, pp. 21, 30 copies printed on THICK PAPER, - 1835 V Sold with No. 29. SEVENTH DAY'S SALE, 133 MR. MAIDMENT'S PUBLICATIONS continued. 2310 Poetical Descriptions of Orkney, 1652, from the (35) original MS. in the Library of the Faculty of Advocates, small 4to, 35 copies printed; Ane Pleasant Garland of Sweet Scented Flowers, 60 copies printed (This was issued l>y Mr. T. G. Stevenson, but does not appear in Lowndes' list), and other Tracts, in 1 vol. h.-bd. 1835 2310* Ane Pleasant Garland of Sweet Scented Flowers, another copy, 1835 2311 Memoir of Archibald Maclaren, Dramatist, with a list (36) of his Works, 12mo, 25 copies printed, 1835 V SoJd with No. 25. 2312 The Correspondence of Sir John Gordon, Baronet, (37) on occasion of the Rebellion, Autumn 17-15, con- taining some particulars of those times, 12mo, pp. 36, 30 copies printed, a few on THICK PAPER. 1835 V Sold with No. 29. 2313 Stanyhurst (Richard), The First Four Books of the (38) JEneid of Virgil, in English Heroic Verse, with other Translations and Poems, reprinted, from the edition of 1583, with a Prefatory Notice, 4 to, 50 copies printed, 1836 2314 The Whore's Rhetorick, calculated to the Meridian (39) of London, and conformed to the Rules of Art, in two Dialogues, with a curious Introductory Notice, Notes, &c., small 4to, with 12 portraits of celebrated London courtezans, 50 copies reprinted from the edition of 1683, 1 on LARGE PAPER, 1836 This is the only copy printed on LARGE PAPER, uncut. 2315 Turberville (George), Tragical Tales, and other (40) Poems, M.C.LXXXVIL, with Prefatory Remarks, 4 to, 50 copies printed, 1837 2316 Remains of Sir Robert Sibbald, containing his (41) Autobiography, Memoirs of the Royal College ot Physicians, Portions of his Literary Correspon- dence, and an Account of his MSS., Svo, 35 copies printed, and 1 on vellum, calf, 1837 2317 Balfour's (Sir James, of Denmylne, Lord Lyon King- (42) at-Arms) Ancient Heraldic, and Antiquarian Tracts, with an Introductory Notice and Notes, 12mo, 50 copies printed on small, and 20 on LARGE > PAPER, calf, 1837 /* 2318 Roxburghe Revels, and other relative Papers, in- (43) eluding Answers to the Attack on the Memory of the late Joseph Haslewood, with Specimens of his Literary Productions, 4to, 50 copies printed, 1837 134 SEVENTH DAY'S SALE. MR. MAIDMENT'S PUBLICATIONS continued. 2319 Court of Session Garland, containing Anecdotes of (44) the Early Administration of Justice in Scotland ; the Justiciary Opera, by James Boswell ; the celebrated " Diamond Beetle Case ; " the Faculty and Court of Session Garlands, and various jeux d' esprit, 150 copies printed, 2 parts with Appendix, Svo, russia extra, - 1839 2320 Another Edition, " this copy is one of Jive extra copies for presentation," 1871 2321 Epigrams and Satyres, made by Richard Middleton, (45) of Yorke, Gentleman, from the edition of 1608, with a Preface, square 12?no, 40 copies printed, 1840 2322 Epigrams, &c., another copy, 1840 2323 Peerage Cases, 1760-97 Reports of Claims pre- (47) ferred to the House of Lords in the Cases of the Cassilis, Sutherland, Spynie, and Glencairn Peer- ages, with the Opinions of Lords Marchmont, Mansfield, Hardwicke, Camden, and Lough- borough thereon, and an Appendix of curious Documents relative to the Oliphant Peerage, 1633, and the Decision in the question of Pre- cedency between the Earl of Sutherland and the Earl of Crawford, &c., &c., Svo, 60 copies printed, russia extra, - 1840 2324 Scotish Elegiac Verses on the Principal Nobility and (48) Gentry, from 1629 to 1729, with interesting Biographical Notices, Notes, and an Appendix of Illustrative Papers, small Svo, 90 copies printed on small, 24 on LARGE PAPER, and 1 on vellum, 1 842 2325 Extracts from the Diary of a Senator of the College (49) of Justice (James Erskine of Grange), from 1717 to 1718, now for the first time printed, with a Memoir and Notes, small Svo, 70 copies printed on small, 24 on LARGE PAPER, and 1 on vellum. This is a LARGE PAPER copy, 1843 \- ^ 2 ^26 A New Book of Old Ballads, with Illustrative Notes, (50) 12mo, 60 copies printed, and 1 on vellum, 1844 2327 Genealogical Fragments Berwick-on-Tweed, 12mo, (51) 50 copies printed, and 12 on LARGE PAPER, 1856 2328 Ancient Earldom of Carrie Some Account of the, (52) in a Letter to George Chalmers, by Dr. Carrick, now first printed, with Notices of the Earldom after it came into the Families of De Bruce and Stewart, 60 copies printed, 1857 " An interesting work, which will be found of consider- able service to those engaged in the study of Scot- tish Peerage cases." Some important observations will be found in it on the curious point of the illegitimacy of the sons of the titular King of Ireland. SEVENTH DAY'S SALE. 135 MR. MAIDMENT'S PUBLICATIONS continued. 2329 Ancient Earldom of Carrie, &c., another copy, 1857 2330 Ancient Earldom of Carrie, &c., another copy, 1859 2331 Scottish Ballads and Songs, with Illustrative Notes, (53) &c., 12mo, 1859 This collection consists of curious Scotish ballads and songs which, with few exceptions, do not occur in any other collection. The illustrative and intro- ductory notices prefixed to the ballads severally, afford much valuable information, and give indubit- able evidence that the editor was fully competent to fulfil the duty which he undertook. 2332 Poetical Remains of William Lithgow, 1618-60, now (54) first collected, with a Prefatory Notice of 54 pages, small 4to. * # * The following are additions to Lowndes List : 2333 The Riddell Papers : A Catalogue of the Anno- tated Books and Manuscripts of the late John Riddell, advocate, 50 copies printed, Edin. 1863 2334 Scotish Ballads and Songs, Historical and Tradi- tionary, 2 vol., 16 copies printed on THICK PAPER, of which this is No. 1, - Edin. 1868 2335 Scotish Ballads another copy, - Edin. 1868 2336 A Book of Scotish Pasquils, 1568-1715, THICK PAPER, Edin. 1868 2337 A Book of Scotish Pasquils another copy, Edin. 1868 2338 A Book of Scotish Pasquils another copy, Edin. 1868 2339 Sir Thomas Overburie's Vision, Glasg. Hunterian Club, 1873 2340 Sir Thomas, &c., another copy, Glasg. 1873 2341 Sir Thomas Overburie's Vision, printed on vellum, h.-bd. morocco, gilt top, Glasg. 1873 2342 A Packet of Pestilent Pasquils, LARGE PAPER, N. D. 2343 A Packet, &c., another copy, - N. D. 2344 A Packet, &c., another copy, N. D. 2345 A Packet, &c., another copy, N. D. 2346 Literary Correspondence, being a Collection ot Letters on Literary Subjects, addressed to Mr. Maidment, by various Correspondents, during the years from 1818 to 1867, mounted in 2 vol. v. y. 2347 Miscellaneous Correspondence, a Collection in 1 vol. h.-bd. - 1812-38 (In addition to the above, Mr. Maidment edited various works for the Bannatyne, Maitland, Abbotsford, and Spottisivood Clubs.) 136 SEVENTH DAY'S SALE. [Quarto. MAITLAND CLUB, Books printed for, since its Institution in 1828 2348 Histoire de la Guerre d'Ecosse, 1548-49, 1830 2349 Poems by Sir Rich. Maitland of Lethington, 1830 2350 Register of Ministers, Exhorters and Readers, 1567, 1830 2351 Babell, a Satirical Poem, 1692, - 1838 2352 Diary of James Lamont, 1649-71, 1830 2353 Chronicles of the Kings of Scotland from Fergus the First to 1611, 1830 2354 Clariodus, a Metrical Romance, 1830 2355 Chronicle of Perth, 1210-1688, 1831 In this copy is inserted the pedigree of the Mercer Family, privately printed by their descendant, Dr. Irvine. 2356 Chronicle of Perth, another copy 1831 2357 Registrum Metallanum I. - 1831 2358 Hamilton's Sheriffdoms of Lanark and Renfrew, 1710, 1831 2359 Inventory of Ornaments, Reliques, &c., in Glas- gow Cathedral, 1432, 1831 2360 Notices illustrative of the Literary History of Glasgow, 1831 2361 Moral Fables of Robert Henryson, 1832 2362 Burgh Records of Glasgow, 1573-81, 1832-34 2363 Registrum Monasterii de Passelet, 1163-1529, 1832 2364 Poems of W. Drummond of Hawthornden, 1832 2365 Cartularium Comitatus de Levenax, ad annum 1398, by J. Dennistown, 1833 2366 Miscellany of Maitland Club, Vols. 1 to 3, and part 1 of Vol. 4, 1833-47 2367 Miscellaneous Papers illustrative of the Events in the Reign of Queen Mary and King James VI., 1834 2368 Records of the Burgh of Prestwick, 1472-1782, 1834 2369 Illustrations of Scottish History, from the Twelfth to Sixteenth Century, 1834 2370 Works of George Dalgarno of Aberdeen, 1834 2371 Works of Sir Thomas Urquhart of Cromarty, 1834 2372 History of Mary Queen of Scots^ 1834 2373 Wodrow's Biographical Collections, 2 vol. in 4, 1834-45 2374 Winzet's Tractates for Reformation of Doctrine, &c., 1562-63, 1835 2375 Reports on State of Parishes in Scotland, 1627, 1835 Quarto.] SEVENTH DAY'S SALE. 137 MAITLAND CLUB BOOKS continued. 2376 Letters to King James VI. from the Queen and Others, ' 1835 2377 Papers relative to the Royal Scottish Archers in France, 1835 2378 Cochrane Correspondence regarding Glasgow, 1745-46, - 1836 2379 Catalogue of Works printed for the Maitland Club, 1836 2380 Index to Collection of Notices, intituled " Memora- bilia of Glasgow," 1836 2381 Scala Chronica, by Sir Thomas Gray, - 1836 2382 Rob Stene's Dream, 1836 2383 Selections from Unpublished MSS., 1543-68, 1837 2384 Life and Death of James I. of Scotland, 1837 2385 Sir Bevis of Hamtoun, a Metrical Romance, 1838 2386 Sir Bevis, &c, another copy, 1838 2387 Scottish Metrical Romance of Lancelot duLak, 1839 2388 Letters of the Argyll Family, 1839 2389 Narrative of Prince Charles' Expedition to Scot- land, 1745, 1841 2390 Documents illustrative of Sir William Wallace, 1841 2391 Row's Historie of the Kirk of Scotland, 1558-1637, 2 vol., 1842 2392 Notices of Documents illustrative of the History of Scotland, - 1842 2393 The Coltness Collections, 1608-1840, - 1842 2394 Wodrow's Analecta, 4 vol., 1842-43 2395 Registrum Episcopatus Aberdonensis, 2 vol., 1845 2396 Papers illustrative of the Highlands of Scotland, 1689-96, 1845 2397 Appendix to the Booke of the Universall Kirk of Scotland, 1845 2398 Liber Collegii Nostre Domine (Glasguensis), &c., 1846 2399 Minutes of the Maitland Club from 1828 to 1833, with the Rules, &c., olive morocco extra, gilt edges, octavo, 1828-33 2400 Minutes of the Maitland Club from 1827 to 1840, with the Rules, Newspaper Cuttings, &c., inserted, h.-bd. morocco, quarto, - 1827-40 2401 A Large Number of Original Letters on the Affairs of the Maitland Club, including a Holograph Letter from Sir Walter Scott, dated Edinburgh, 5th March 1829, acknowledging his being ad- mitted a member of the Club, &c., &c., h.-bd. morocco, - 1829-39 18 EIGHTH DAY'S SALE. Octavo et Infra. 2403 |lj|lCHEL (F.), Wayland Smith, by Singer, IJaJJI Pickering, 1847 2404 Millan (J.), The Succession of Colonels to all His Majesties Land Forces from their rise to 1744, precedency of each, &c., calf, Lond. 1745 " Not in the British Museum. J. M." 2405 Miller (James), The History of Dunbar, calf gilt, Dunbar, 1830 2406 Miller (James), The Lamp of Lothian; or History of Haddington, Haddn. 1844 2407 Milton (John), Poetical Works, by Todd, 7 vol. calf extra, - Lond. 1809 2408 Miniature, The, by Solomon Grildrig, of the College of Eton, 2 vol. in 1, h.-bd. Lond. 1806 2409 Minto (Countess of), Life of the first Earl of Minto, 2 vol. Lond. 1874 2410 Minucii (M. Felicis), Octavius, cum notis variorum, ex recens J. Gronovii. vellum, Lugd. Bat. 1709 2411 Miracle de Nostre Dame de Robert le Dyable, calf extra, gilt edges, Rouen, 1836 2412 Miscellanea " Literary History, Scottish," a Collec- tion of Curious Pieces, chiefly relating to Edin- burgh; Appointment of Professorship of Oriental Languages, Dr. A. Murray, &c., 1812 ; Moral Philosophy (John Wilson); Librariauship of the Advocates' Library, with MS. notes, letters, &c., h.-bd. - Edin. 1789-1837 2413 Miscellanea Critica, a Collection of Cuttings from Magazines and Periodicals, 2 vol. calf gilt, v. y. 2414 Miscellanea Scotica, a Collection of Tracts relating to the History, Antiquities, Topography and Literature of Scotland, 4 vol. russia extra, gilt and tooled, in 1 vol. Glasg. 1818 2415 Miscellanea Scotica, a Collection of Pamphlets and Tracts, in 5 vol. h.-bd. v. y. Octavo et Infra.} EIGHTH DAY'S SALE. 1 39 2416 Miscellaneous Pieces of Antient English Poesie, all printed before the year 1600, - Lond. 1764 2417 Miscellanies, being a Curious Collection of Private Papers found in the Study of a Noble Man, re- cently deceased, calf, , - Lond. 1703 2418 Miscellanies containing the New Miscellany, 1730; The Thresher's Miscellany, 1731; "The Court Miscellany, 1731; 'The Grub Street Miscellany, 1731 ; ' The Gentleman's Miscellany, 1730 ; / ' Hampton Court, Richmond and Kensington Miscellany, 1733 ; and the Cabinet for Wit, 1751, in 1 vol. calf gilt, Lond. 1730-51 " A very curious and uncommon collection, formerly in the Library of Stephen Jones." J. M. 2419 Miscellanies State of the Nation in 1747 ; Britannia in Mourning, 1742 ; Schomberg's Ode on the Rebellion, 1747; Mallet's Poems; Letters on Free Fisheries, &c., in 2 vol. Ji.-bd. v. y. 2420 Miserable Effects of Grasping at Riches, 1747 ; Narrative of the Affair between Mr. Cresswell and Miss Scrope, and Miss Scrope's Answer, 1749, three Tracts in 1 vol. h.-bd. 1747-9 2421 Mitchell (William), The History and Mistery of the Tinclarian, Dr. William Mitchell, with an Exact Account of his Journey thro' the North of Scotland, and the Tinclarian Doctor's Thanks- giving concerning the Salt- Tax aho ! in 1 vol. morocco extra, - 1732 2422 Mitchell (of Ardrossan), Memoirs of, calf, Glasg.1753 2423 Mitchell (Lt.-Col. J.), Life of Wallenstein, Duke of Friedland, russia extra, - Lond. 1837 2424 Modern Propensities ; or an Essay on the Art of Strangling, with Memoirs of Susanah Hill, &c., h.-bd. Lond. N. D. 2425 Molitor (Ulricus), Dialogus de Lamiis et Python, ruby morocco extra, gilt edges, - Colonies, 1595 2426 Moncrief (John, of Tippermalloch), Receits : A Col- lection of Remedies for most Distempers, calf,1712 2427 Moningeri Genealogia, - 1556 2428 Monipennie (John), Abridgement of the Scots Chronicles, black Utter, calf .frontispiece, Lond. 1612 2429 Monk (Mrs.), Poems and Translations upon Several Subjects, calf gilt, Lond. 1716 2430 Monk (General), Life by Skinner, calf, portrait, Lond. 1723 2431 Monnoye (M de la), Poesies de, old French calf, vignettes, La Haye, 1716 140 EIGHTH DAY'S SALE. [Octavo et Infra. 2432 Monro (Alex., Principal), Sermons before the Magis- trates and Judges in St. Giles', Edinburgh, with illustrative cuttings inserted, russia extra, Lond. 1693 / 2433 Montague (Mrs.), Essay on the Writings and Genius of Shakespear, calf extra, 1769 J/ 243 i Montague (Lady Mary Wortley), Letters to Sir James and Lady Steuart, " of the greatest rarity" privately printed, h.-bd. - Greenock, 1818 / 2435 Montague (Lady Mary Wortley), Letters and Works, edited by Lord Wharncliffe, 3 vol. calf extra, Lond. 1837 2436 Montagu (M.), Sonnets, 2 vol. privately printed, Lond. 1860-61 2437 Montaigne (Michael de), Essays of, translated from the French Edition of Peter Coste, 3 vol. calf, Lond. 1811 2438 Montalba (A. R.), Fairy Tales from all Nations, illustrated by Richard Doyle, mor. extra, Lond. 1849 2439 Monteith (Robert), An Theater of Mortality ; or, the Epitaphs over Scotland, in II. Parts, red mor- occo extra, gilt and tooled, first edition, Edin. 1704-13 2440 Monteith (Earl of), Address, russia extra, N. D, u William Graham assumed the title of Monteith, and under that appellation wrote one or two pamphlets, which are of great rarity. He died of starvation at least such is the general belief." See interesting Notes by Mr. Maidment. 2441 Montfaucon (Father), Travels from Paris thro' Italy. calf, plates, - Lond. 1712 2442 Montgomery (Alex.), Poems, with Biographical Notices by Dr. Irving, russia extra, gilt edges, Edin. 1821 2443 Montgomery Manuscripts, containing Accounts of the Colonization of the Ardes, Memoirs of the Montgomeries, &c., russia extra, gilt, Belfast, 1830 2444 Montrose De Rebus sub imperio illustrissimi Jacobi Montis-rosarum, &c., in Scotia gestis (said to be written by Bishop Wishart, Edin.), Amstel. 1648 2445 Montrose Redivivus ; or, The Portraicture of James, late Marquess of Montrose, old calf, portrait, Lond. 1652 2446 Monumenta Osnabrugensia, calf, - 1753 2447 Monumenta Vetustatis Germanicse, calf extra, plates, Arnhemice, 1753 2448 Monumental Brasses, List of all remaining in Eng- land, by Manning, calf, Lond. 1846 2449 Moodie,Scotise Indiculum, calf, frontispiece, Lond. 1682 2450 Moore (George), Tales of the Passions, 2 vol. calf, Lond. 1814 Octavo et InfraJ] EIGHTH DAY'S SALE. 141 2451 Moore (John, M.D.), Works of, 13 vol. calf, Lond. 1789-1800 2452 Moore (Thomas), Odes of Anacreon translated, calf, Lond. 1803 2453 Moore (Thomas), Poetical Works of the late Thomas Little, Esq., calf extra, Lond. 1812 2454 Moore (Sir W.), The True Crucifixe for True Catho- lickes (in verse), morocco extra, gilt edges, Edin. 1629 2455 Moraes (Francisco de), Palmerin of England, trans- lated by Southey, 4 vol. calf, Lond. 1807 2456 More (Hannah), Plays and Poems, calf, Lond. 1778 2457 More (Henry), Philosophical] Poems, h.-bd. Cambridge, 1647 2458 More (Thomas), Life of Sir Thomas More, Lord High Chancellor of England, calf , portrait, Lond. 1726 2459 More (Sir Thomas), History of King Richard the Third, morocco, gilt edges, - Chiswick, 1821 2460 Morier (James), The Adventures of Hajji Baba of Ispahan, 3 vol. h.-bd. Lond. 1824 2461 Morier (James), The Adventures of Hajji Baba in England, 2 vol. h.-bd. Lond. 1828 2462 Morley (Henry), Memoirs of Bartholomew Fair, cuts, Lond. 1859 2463 Morning Post, History of the ; Abel Calderwood's Life, and other Tracts, 1 vol. h.-bd. Circa 1831 2464 Morris (Captain Charles) Lyra Urbanica ; or, Social Effusions, 2 vol. calf extra, Lond. 1840 2465 Moscovites, La Religion des, calf, plates, Cologne, 1705 2466 Moser (Joseph), The Adventures of Timothy Twig, 2 vol. in 1, h.-bd. morocco, gilt top, Lond. 1794 2467 Motherwell (Wm.), The Harp of Renfrewshire, h.-bd. morocco, gilt top, Paisley, 1819 2468 Motherwell ( Wm.), Poems, h.-bd. morocco, gilt top, Glasg. 1849 2469 Motherwell (Wm.), An interesting Collection of Cuttings from Newspapers, &c., regarding Motherwell's Life and Works, including a Proof- sheet of his Edition of Burns' Poetical Works, with holograph Notes found in his pocket at the time of his Death, " An interesting relic" h.-bd. Circa 1835 2469*Moule (Tho.), Bibliotheca Heraldica Magnae Britan- niae, Lond. 1822 2470 Mount Calvary, written in Cornish, edited by Gilbert, Lond. 1826 2471 Mountgomery (Sir Robert), A Discourse concerning the design'd Establishment of a New Colony to the South of Carolina, in the most delightful Country of the Universe, calf, (see MS. Notes), Lond. 1717 142 EIGHTH DAY'S SALE. [Octavo et Infra. 2472 Mowbray (J. T.), Life of Rev. James Gray, M.A., privately printed, Edin. 1859 2473 Mozeen (T.), A Collection of Miscellaneous Essays, uncut, Lond. 1762 2474 Muckle (William), Holyrood, and other Poems, Edin. 1863 2475 Mudford (Wm.), The Five Nights of St. Albans, 3 vol. h.-bd., uncut, Edin. 1829 2476 Munchausen (Baron), Travels of, 2 vol. h.-bd., curious plates, Lond. 1793 2477 Munkeri (T.), Mythographi Latini, 2 vol. in 1, vellum, Amstel. 1681 2477*Muukeri (T.), Another copy, calf, cuts, Amstel. 1681 2478 Mure (Sir W.), Historie and Descent of the House of Rowallane, - Glasg. 1825 2479 Murphy (D. J.), Fatal Revenge, or the Family of Montorio, 3 vol. h.-bd. Lond. 1807 2480 Murray (A.), Commentarius de Kinesis, russia, gilt edges, - ffamburgi, 1718 See Notices by Mr. Maidment. 2481 Murray (Lady), Memoirs of Baillie of Jerviswood and of Lady Grisell Baillie, edited by Thomas Thomson, privately printed, calf extra, Edin. 1822 2482 Murray (Thomas), Literary History of Galloway, Edin. 1832 248 Musaei Grammatici de Herone et Leandro Carmen. Schraderi, calf extra, Leovardice, 1742 2484 Muscettula de Sponsalibus, calf, Neapoli, 1742 2485 Muses' Farewell to Popery and Slavery Miscellany Poems, Satyres, Songs, &c., in 1 vol. Lond. 1689 2486 Musicse Antiquas Hebrsearum, &c., calf, plates, Monachii, 1718 2487 Mynshul (Geffray), Essayes and Characters of a Prison and Prisoners, edited by Lord Dundrennan, uncut, woodcut by Bewick, Edin. 1821 2488 My Own Times, a Novel of High Life, 2 vol. calf, Lond. 1812 2489 Mystere de Saint Crespin et Saint Crespinien, par Dessalles et Chabaille, calf extra, gilt and tooled, Paris, 1836 2490 Mysterious Heir; or, Who is Mr. Walter Howard ? h.-bd. Lond. 1815 2491 IralAOGEORGI (J.), Dessidiis Components, ad [EsSlJI M. Bredenbachium, h.-bd., gilt top, Basil, 1559 2492 Napier (Mark), History of the Partition of the Lennox, Edin. 1835 2493 Napier (Mark), Wigtown Martyrs, History Vindi- cated in the case of the, 1869 Octavo et Infra.] EIGHTH DAY'S SALE. 143 2494 Napier (Mark), History Rescued in re the Wigtown Martyrs, and others on same subject, Edin. 1870 2495 Narratio Brevis de Julio Pflugio, and others, in 1 vol., calf extra, Alt. 1624 2496 National Melodist (The), first and second series, in 1 vol. calf, with MS. List of the Authors of many of the Songs, Edin. 1837 2497 Natural History of the Writer, and of the Writer's Clerk, calf, Edin. 1848 2498 Navy Memoires Relating to the Royal Navy for Ten "Years to December 1688, LARGE PAPER, 1690 2499 Neal (Daniel), History of the Puritans, 4 vol. calf, Lond. 1732 2500 Nepotis (C.) Vitse, cum notis variorum, curante A. van Staveren, vellum, Lugd. Bat. 1734 2501 Neuwalt (H.), De Sagarum Purgatione, russia, gilt edges, Helmstadii, 1584 2502 New Bath Guide, calf , plates, Lond. 1797 2503 New Bath Guide, Notes by Britton, plates, Lond. 1830 2504 Newcastle Magazine, 2 vol. h.-bd., 1822-3 2505 Newcastle Tracts, Reprints of Rare Tracts, edited by M. A. Richardson, 3 vol. h.-bd. morocco, Newcastle, 1843 2506 Newport (M.), Carolo Secundo Regi Votum Candi- dum, Vivat Rex, calf, Lond. 1669 " There is no notice of any of Newport's productions in Lowndes." J. M. 2507 New Revolution ; or The Whigs turned Jacobites, a Poem, h.-bd., Lond. 1710 2508 New Scots Magazine, Dec. 1828 to January 1830, edited by Buchanan, 2 vol. h.-bd., Edin. 1828-30 2509 New Tory Guide, Lond. 1819 2510 New View of London, 2 vol. calf, map, 1708 2511 New Voyage Round the World by a Course Never Sailed Before, by Defoe, calf, plates, Lond. 1725 2512 New Whig Guide [by Right Hon. J. W. Crocker, Lord Palmerston, &c.], morocco extra, gilt and tooled, Lond. 1819 2513 Nicol (Alex., Schoolmaster), Poems, - Edin. 1766 2514 Nicol (Rev. James), Poems, chiefly in the Scottish Dialect, 2 vol. in 1, calf, Edin. 1805 2515 Nicholls (John), Recollections and Reflections on Public Affairs during the Reign of George III., 2 vol. h.-bd. Lond. 1822 2516 Nichols (John), Literary Anecdotes of the Eighteenth Century, 9 vol. in 10, russia, gilt edges, portraits, Lond. 1812 144 EIGHTH DAY'S SALE. [Octavo et Infra. 2517 Nichols (John), Illustrations of the Literary History of the Eighteenth Century, 8 vol. uncut, portraits, Lond. 1817-58 2518 Nicholson (Wm.), Tales in Verse, and Miscellaneous Poems, calf gilt, Edin. 1814 2519 Nicolas (Sir H.), Life of William Davison, Lond. 1823 2520 Nicolas (Sir H.), Synopsis of the Peerage of Eng- land, 2 vol. - Lond. 1825 2521 Nicolas (Sir H.), Testamenta Vetusta, Illustrations from Wills, of Manners, Customs &c., 2 vol. Lond. 1826 2522 Nicolas (Sir H.), Journal of Bishop Beckington in 1442, Pickering, 1828 2523 Nicolas (Sir H.), Report on the Barony of L'lsle, Pickering, 1829 2524 Nicolas (Sir H), Report on the Earldom of Devon, Pickering, 1832 2525 Nicolas (Sir H.), Observations on the State of His- torical Literature, &c., calf gilt, Pickering, 1830 2526 Nicolas (Sir H.), History of tne Battle of Agincourt, plates, Lond. 1833 2527 Nicolas (Sir H.), Treatise on the Law of Adulterine Bastardy, - Pickering, 1836 2528 Nicolas (Sir H.), History of the Earldoms of Strath- em, Monteith, and Airth, - Pickering, 1842 2529 Nicolas (Sir H.), Memoir of the Life and Times of Sir Christopher Hatton, portrait, Lond. 1847 2530 Nicolson (James), Willie Waugh, a Poem, Glasg. 1861 2531 Nicolson (William, D.D.), Letters on various Sub- jects, Literary, Political, and Ecclesiastical, edited by Nichols, 2 vol. calf, - Lond. 1809 2532 Nimmo (Rev. Wm.), History of Stirlingshire, con- tinued by Rev. W. M. Stirling, 2 vol. calf gilt, plates, - Stirling, 1817 2533 Nimrod, a Dramatic Poem, by R. W. Jameson, W.S., Pickering, 1848 2534 Noble (Mark), Memoirs of the Cromwell Family, 2 vol. calf, Birmingham, 1787 2535 Nocturnal Revels ; or An Universal Dream Book, Lond. N. D. 2536 Noe (Michel), Plusieurs Enigmes, 1682 2537 Noltenii (J. F.) Lexicon Antibarbarum, 3 vol. calf, 1744 2538 Nominal Husband, or Distressed Innocence, a True Secret History, very curious, with long Note by Mr. Maidment on the remarkable story it contains, Lond. 1751 2539 Noordkirk de Matrimoiiii Solvendis, calf extra, gilt edges, Amstel, 1732 Octavo et Infra.'] EIGHTH DAY'S SALE. 145 2540 Nooth (Charlotte), Poems, h.-bd., Lond. 1815 2541 North (Hon. Roger), A Discourse on the Study of the Laws, uncut, Lond. 1824 2542 North of England and Scotland in 1704, 100 copies printed, - Edin. 1818 2543 Northern Hero The Life of Major Semple, the celebrated Swindler, portrait, - Lond. 1786 2544 Northumberland (Earl of), Household Book, edited by Bishop Percy, Pickering r , 1827 2545 Notices Historiques, Critiques, &c., in 1 vol. v. y. 2546 Nouveau Voyage du Nord, calf, plates, Amst. N. D. 2547 Nouvelles de Marguerite, Reine de Navarre, 3 vol. old French calf, fine plates, vignettes, and tail pieces, (proofs), THICK PAPER, Berne, 1781 2548 Novels Beauty put to its Shifts, and The Adven- tures of Proteus, in 1 vol., calf, Lond. 1742 2549 Noviciate of the Marquis de ; or The Appren- tice turned Master, calf, gilt edges, Paris, 1785 2550 Novus Ismael, Paricii Olsna-Silesii Euthanasias Liber II., and other Tracts, in 1 vol. cf., 1683-1718 2551 Nug89 Poeticse A Collection of Fugitive Pieces in Verse, with some originals, never published, Edin. printed by I. H., 1823 "The tracts collected together in this volume have never been published. They were privately printed at the expense of James Hill, Esq., W.S." J. M. 2552 Nugse Venales ; or A Complaisant Companion, being New J ests, &c. (wants title), curious MS. additions, Lond. 1686 Quarto. 2553 Ifff 'CULLOCH (Sir Godfrey), Tryal Vindicated ; IS The Last Speech of Sir Godfrey M'Culloch, of Myretoun, who was beheaded at the Cross of Edinburgh, 1697 ; Elegy on, and Petition of his Creditors, 1738, in 1 vol. h.-bd. - Edin. v. y. See Crocker's Fairy Legend. 2554 M'Diarmid (John), Picture of Dumfries, plates, Edin. 1832 2555 Machiavel (N), Works, by Farne worth, 2 vol. calf, Lond. 1762 2556 Mackay (Robert), History of the House and Clan of Mackay, uncut, - Edin. 1829 19 146 EIGHTH DAY'S SALE. [Quarto. 2557 Mackenzie (of Rosehaugh), Memoirs of the Affairs of Scotland from the Restoration of King Charles II., 1660, edited by Thomas Thomson, calf extra, Edin. 1821 2558 Mackenzies (Genealogie of the), Preceeding ye Year 1661, by a Persone of Qualitie, edited by J. W. Mackenzie, only 50 copies privately printed, Edin. 1829 2559 M'Kinnon (Mary), Report of the Trial of Mary M'Kinnon for Murder in the South Bridge, Edinburgh ; Biographical Account of her ; M'Kinnon's Garland, by C. K. Sharpe (only 40 copies printed) ; Numerous " Speeches," Ballads, MS., and other Illustrative Matter, portraits, $c., in 1 vol. h.-bd. 1823 2560 Macleod (Hugh), Essay Towards a History of the Principality of Scotland, Lond. 1791 2561 Macpherson (James), History of Great Britain, and State Papers, 4 vol. calf, Lond. 1775 2562 Macpherson (John), Critical Dissertations on the Origin, Antiquities, Language, &c., of the Ancient Caledonians, the Picts and the British and Irish Scots, russia, Lond. 1768 2563 Maderi (J. J.) Scriptores Illustres Lipsienses, &c., Wittenbergenses, &c., russia extra, gilt edges, Helmstadii, 1659 2564 Maderi (J. J.) Chronica Vetusta, russia gilt, Helmstadii, 1671-3 2565 Maffeii (J. P.) Historia Georgii, h.-bd. morocco, Bergomi, 1747 2566 Magdeburgensia A Collection of Pamphlets, in 1 vol. calf, Circa, 1724 2567 Magic Dissertationes de Rebus Magicis, a valuable and interesting Collection of Pamphlets and Minor Publications relating to Magic, in 4 vol. russia extra, gilt edges, with MS. Indices, - 1584-1750 2568 Magic Tractatus de Magica ; Cliristlicher Bericht von der Zauberen, Leipzig, 1632 ; Lomeieri (P.) Oratio de Astrologise, 1674, and other Curious Tracts, calf, - v. y. 2569 Majoris (J.) Historia Maioris Britanniae tarn Anglise quam Scotia3, Paris, 1521 2570 Malcolm (Sir John), History of Persia, 2 vol. russia, plates, Lond. 1815 2571 Mallinckrot (Bernando), De Ortu ac Progressu Artis Typographical, green morocco extra, gilt edges, Colon. Agrip. 1H40 2572 Manassis (Const.), Annales, Gr. et Lai, Meursii, calf, Lugd. Bat. 1616 Quarto.] EIGHTH DAY'S SALE. 147 2573 Manifest Truths, a Narration of the Proceedings of the Scottish Army, &c., h.-bd. - Lond. 1646 2574 Manilii (M.), Astronomicon, cum notis M. Fayi, in usum Delphini, calf gilt, - Paris, 1679 2575 Manuscript Man's Glory Lost, a Curious MS., from Principal Lees Library, N. D. 2576 Manuscript ORIGINAL LETTERS, 1748-1828 ; Sir A. Mitchell, M.P., afterwards Envoy to Frederick the Great, to Francis Farquharson, relative to Bill for Reversal of Outlawries, 1749 ; Patrick Haldane, (of Glen eagles), stating his intention of standing for the County of Stirling, 1754 ; Sir James Foulis, (of Colinton), 1786 ; Sir Adam Ferguson, &c., 16 Letters in all, from various well-known Characters, calf extra, v. y. 2577 Manuscript ORIGINAL LETTERS from Distinguished Individuals (holograph), comprising Lord Brougham, Lord Jeffrey, Lord Murray, Lord Craigie, Marquis of Downshire,Lord Cawder, Lord President Boyle, Lord Traquaire, Duke of Rox- burgh, J. P. Collier, Halliwell, Pinkerton, Thorpe, Ainsworth, Miss Strickland, Cobbett, David Laing, Principal Lee, Sir Harris Nicolas, Albert Smith, Thomas Bewick & Son, Professor Adam Fergu- son, &c., &c., a very large Collection, neatly mounted and inlaid in 2 vol. h.-bd. morocco, with portraits, newspaper cuttings, $c., inserted, - 1728-1863 2578 Manuscript ORIGINAL LETTERS, A Collection of Miscellaneous Letters and Autographs of the Nobility and of Eminent Persons, with appropriate newspaper cuttings, 2 vol. h.-bd. morocco, v. y. 2579 Manuscript ORIGINAL LETTERS and MS. Docu- ments, an interesting collection, neatly mounted, in 1 vol. morocco extra, - 1463-1717 2580 Mar (Countess of), Extracts from the Household Book of Lady Marie Stewart, edited by C. K. Sharpe, portraits and plates, only 50 copies printed, uncut, Edin. 1815 2581 Mara (Guilld), De Tribus fugiendis Ventre pluma et Venere, morocco extra, gilt edges, Parisiis, H. Stephanus, 1512 2582 Marculfi Monachi Aliorumque autorum Formulse Veteres, edit H. Bignonio, calf, Parisiis, 1665 2583 Maridat (Petro de), Tractatus de Pileo, &c., portrait, Lugd. 1655 ; Wilduogelius (C.), De Balneis et Balneatoribus, 1754, &c., in 1 vol. calf, v. y. 148 EIGHTH DAY'S SALE. [Quarto. 2584 Markbam (Gervase), Cheape and Good Husbandry for the Well-ordering of all Beasts. Fowls, &c., 1614; Countrey Contentments and the English Huswife, 1615 ; The English Husbandman, black Idler, in 2 parts ; The Pleasures of Princes, or Good Men's Recreations, blark Utter, very scarce, 1614, in 1 vol. h.-bd. Lond. 1614-15 2585 Markham (Capt. Robert), A Description of that Never-to-be-famed Knight Sir John Burroughs, &c., h.-bd. Lond. 1758 2586 Marmor Sanduicense, cum Commentario et Notis a J. Taylor, Cantab. 1743 2587 Martine (George), Reliquiae Divi Andrese, or the State of the Venerable and Primitial See of St. Andrews, calf gilt, plates, St. Andrews, 1797 2588 Martyrologium Ecclesiae Germanicae Pervetustum, Beckii, red morocco extra, gilt and tooled, 1687 2589 Mary Queen of Scots, Collections relating to the History of, by James Anderson, 4 vol. calf, Edin. 1727-8 2590 Mary Queen of Scots, a Lost Chapter in the History of, by John Stuart, - Edin. 1874 2591 Mary Queen of Scots Maitland's Narrative of the Principal Acts of the Regency, only 50 copies printed by Dawson Turner for private friends, Ipswich, 1833 2592 Maxwell (John, Bishop of Ross), The Burden of Issacher, calf gilt, - Edin. 1646 2593 Mazarinades A Collection of Treatises and Pam- phlets, in 1 vol. russia, - 1648-49 2594 Meibomius (H.), De Vita Papae Joannis XXIII., russia extra, gilt edges, - Francofurti, 1620 2595 Meibomius (Marcus), Antiques Musicae Auctores septem. Gr. et Lat., calf, - Elzev. 1652 2596 Melton (John), Astrologaster ; or, The Figure- Caster, curious woodcut title, h.-bd. Lond. 1610 2597 Memoriall Concerning the Disorders of the High- lands, h.-bd. Edin. 1703 2598 Memorial for Simon, Lord Fraser of Lovat, 1729 2599 Menckenius (0.), De Vita et Scriptis Fracastorii, calf, Lip sice, 1731 2600 Menu de la Maison de la Royne, faict par Mons. de Pinguillon, 1562, h.-bd. * - N. D. 2601 Menzies (John), Britannia Rediviva, a Gratulatory Sermon for His Majesties happy Restitution, calf, Abcrdene, 1660 / 2602 Mercurius Calidonius, h.-bd. - Edin. 1648 Quarto.] EIGHTH DAY'S SALE. 149 2603 Metrical Versions given in at the High School, Edinburgh, h.-bd. - 1808-12 2604 Mickle (William Julius), Poems, and a Tragedy, calf, portrait, - Lond. 1794 2605 Milton (John), Memoirs of his Life and Poetical Works, by Peck, 2 vol. calf \ portrait, Lond. 1740 2606 Mirrour of Policie, woodcuts and Tables of Genea- logy, fyc., calf, - Lond. 1598 2607 Miscellaneous Tracts Continuation of the Lament- ableand Admirable Adventures of Dom Sebastian, King of Portugal, Lond. 1603 ; Cooke (A.), Pope Joaue, a Dialogue, Lond. 1625 ; Britanniae Natalis, Oxon. 1630 ; Carter (R.), The Schismatick Stigmatized, Lond. 1641 ; and other Curious and Rare Tracts, in 1 vol. h.-bd. 1603-66 2608 Miscellanea Curiosa De Niue Sexangula, 1611 ; Dornavi Mathusala Vivax, 1619 ; Garibus de Phoenomenis Ostentis, 1651, &c., in 1 vol. calf, v. y. 2609 Miscellanea Curiosa A Collection, chiefly of Law Papers, in 6 vol. h.-bd., titled " Miscellanea Curiosa," v. y. 2610 Miscellaneous Tracts Apologie of George Brisset, woodcut portrait, 1610 ; The True State and Title of the Post-Master Generall of England ; Chil- lenden (E.), Inhumanity of the King's Prison Keeper at Oxford, Lond. 1643 ; The True Newes of the Good New World, N. D., and other Curious Tracts, in 1 vol. calf, - v. y. |r. 2611 Miscellaneous Antiquities, a Collection of Curious Papers, edited by Horace Walpole, h.-bd. Strawberry Hill, 1772 2612 Mitchel (Jennet), Brief Account of the Last Words and Confession of Jennet Mitchel, Saline, exe- cuted for Child Murder, 1709 2613 Mitchell (William), Whole Works of that Eminent Divine and Historian, Professor of Tincklarianism in the University of the Bowhead, Edin. 1712 /" 2614 Moderate (The) Impartially Communicating Martial Affaires to the Kingdom of England, h.-bd., Sept. 1648 to Sept. 1649, 1648-9 2615 Monstrelet (Eng. de) Chronicles, Translated by Col. Thomas Johnes, 5 vol. plates, uncut, Hafod Press, 1809 2616 Montelion The Famous History of Montelion, Knight of the Oracle, woodcut frontispiece, calf, Lond. N. D. 2617 Monthly Mercury, 15 vol. of, calf, 1689-1708 150 EIGHTH DAY'S SALE. [Quarto. 2618 Montrose Original Portraits of the Marquis of Moutrose and some of his Friends, h.-bd., only 40 copies printed, proof s on India paper. This is No. 12, Edin. 1856 2619 Momrmenta Sepulchralia Ecclesiae Ebracensis, a Gropp, plates, - Wirceburgi, 1730 2620 Moore (Edward), Poems, Fables, and Plays, h.-bd. Land. 1756 2621 More (G.), Principles for Young Princes, collected out of Sundry Authors, h.-bd. morocco, Lond. 1629 2622 Morgan (F.), Phoenix Britannicus ; being a Miscel- laneous Collection of Scarce and Curious Tracts, h-bd., Lond. 1732 2623 Morley (T.), Canzonets, or Little Short Songs, to Three Voyces, - Lond. 1593 2624 Mother Shipton, Life and Death of, curious woodcut, Lond. 1687 2625 Motherwell (William), Minstrelsy Ancient and Modern, with Appendix and Music (Holograph Letter from Motherwell, 16A July 1827, inserted), h.-bd., Glasg. 1827 2626 Moulin (Peter du), The Anatomie of the Messe, in which it is showen by the Holy Scripture and by the Testimonie of the Ancient Church, that the Messe is contrarie to the Word of God, &c., calf extra.) - Edin. 1641 2627 Muir(T. S.), Characteristics of Old Church Architec- ture in the Mainland and Western Islands of Scotland, cuts, privately printed, Edin. 1861 2628 Muir (T. S.), Caithness and Part of Orkney, an Ecclesiological Sketch, cuts, privately printed, Edin. 1861 2629 Murner (Dr.), Die Marien Beschwerung; or Exor- cism of Fools, full of curious old woodcuts, wants leaves after ff. 148, calf extra, Strasb. Circa 1512 2630 Murphy (Arthur), Life of, by Jesse Foot, plates, Lond. 1811 2631 Musgrave (John), True Relation of Grievances and Musle Broken, in 1 vol. h.-bd. Lond. 1650-1 2632 Music A Collection of National English Airs, with Remarks and Anecdotes, and Essay on English Minstrelsy, edited by Chappell, 2 vol. letterpress and music, - Lond. 1838-40 MUSIC See end of Works on the Drama. Quarto.] EIGHTH DAY'S SALE. 151 2634 IgSllAPIER (Mark), Letter to Sir William Stirling la&il Maxwell, Bart., tendering a respectful Re- monstrance to the Commissioners appointed under the Royal Commission for the Discovery of Latent Historical Manuscripts, only 20 copies privately printed, Edin. 1872 2635 Narration of Proceedings in Parliament, which began the 3d of November 1640, and the re- markable transactions are continued untill this yeer, a work worthy to be kept in record and communicated to posterity, calf, very curious wood- cuts, Lond. 1651 2636 Naunton (Sir Robert), Memoirs, portrait, Lond. 1814 2637 Nedham (Marchmont), History of the English Re- bellion, in verse, h.-bd. Lond. 1 680 2638 Nenningii (M. C.) Samarites seu Epimetheus Resti- tutus ; Tragicomoedia de Lapsus Hominis, c., in 1 vol. calf, Argent, 1595 2639 Nesephseus (Azizo), De Cognitione Dei et Hominis, calf, Colonice, 1665 / 2640 Newes from the New Exchange; or, the Common- wealth of Ladies drawn to the Life, with in- teresting MS. Notes by C. K. Sharpe and J. Maid- ment, Lond. printed in the year of women without /- grace, 1650 / 2641 News from Bohemia, Constantinople, &c., calf, Lond. 1620-22 2642 Nichols (John), A Collection of all the Wills known to be Extant of the Kings and Queens of Eng- land, calf gilt, Lond. 1780 " Exceedingly rare, the greater portion having been destroyed by a fire at the printing office. The projector of this work was Dr. Ducarrel." ]. M. 2643 Nichols (John), The Progresses, Processions, and Magnificent Festivities of King James the First, his Royal Consort, Family, and Court, 4 vol. calf extra, plates, Lond. 1828 2644 Nicolas (N. H.), Siege of Carlaverock, Lond. 1828 2645 Nicolson (Bishop), The English, Scotch, and Irish Historical Libraries, calf, - Lond. 1776 2646 Noble (Rev. Mark), History of the College of Arms, portraits, with autographs,receipts for salary as Garter of Sir Isaac Heard, $c. inserted, calf, Lond. 1804 2647 Norimbergensia A Large and Interesting Collec- tion of Pamphlets and Publications relating to and published in Norimberg, in 3 vol. calf gilt, 1660-17GO 152 EIGHTH DAY'S SALE. [Quarto. 2648 North (Roger), Examen, calf, portrait, Lond. 1750 2649 Notes and Queries from the commencement in 1849 to 1879, the first three series, and 2 vol. of the fourth series, 38 vol. h.-bd., the remainder in parts, with 4 indices and universal catalogue of books, 1849-79 2650 Nugae Juridicae Literariae A Collection of Curious Petitions, Informations, &c., to the Court of Session, with interesting MS. notes, containing anec- dotes and facts relative to some of the persons con- cerned, amongst whom are Walter Scott, father of Sir Walter, h.-bd. 1733-64 2651 Nugae Literariae Scotiae A Collection of Papers, Pamphlets, Cuttings, &c., in 1 vol. h.-bd. v. y. 2652 Nugae Poeticae Antiquae A Collection of Sixteen Tracts, in 1 vol. russia extra, gilt edges, with MS. title, 1560-1631 2653 Numismaticae Collectaniae Ruhe Specimen Philo- logiae Numismatico Latinae, 2 pamphlets, 1708 ; Explication d'une Medaille Enigmatique D'Au- guste, 1711 ; Faeschii de Nummo PylaBmenis, 1680, and others, in 2 vol. calf extra, plates, v. y. 2654 Numismaticae Collectaniae A Collection of Tracts, in 1 vol., h.-bd., numerous plates, v. y. 2655 Nusserus (Bald.), De Obsidione Viennae, morocco, gilt edges, - Ratisbonensi, 1529 Folio. 2656 Konigii (G. M.) Bibliotheca Vetus et Nova, calf, Altdorfi, 1678 2657 Ij'EHlAYER (Christopher), Proceedings in his Ar- |jJI3l raignment and Trial for High Treason, calf, Lond. 1722 2658 Leslie Family Lauras Leslaeana, Explicata, sive clarior Enumeratio Personarum Utriusque Sexus Cognominis Leslie, two large folded plates and woodcut initial letters, calf, Grcecii, 1692 2659 L'Estrange (Sir Roger), Fables of ^Esop and other My thologists, engraved title and portrait, calf, Lond. 1694 2660 Libri de Rebus Britannicis, scilicet Anglicis, Scoticis, et Hibernicis, h.-bd., Circa 1720 Probably printed by James Anderson, and of extreme rarity. This is a presentation copy to Wodrow with his autograph. J.M. Folio.] EIGHTH DAY'S SALE. 153 * 2061 Lounger (The), a Periodical Paper, the original issue. (See Note by Mr. Maidment), Edin. 1785-86 2662 Loveday (Robert), Hymens Praeludia ; or Love's Masterpiece, being that so much admired Romance entituled Cleopatra (title and dedication mended), calf, Lond. 1674 2663 Loyseau (Charles), Les (Euvres de, calf , Paris, 1666 2664 Lyndsay (Sir David), Facsimile of an Ancient Heraldic Manuscript emblazoned by Sir David Lyndsay of the Mount, edited by David Laiug, only 100 copies printed, h.-bd., uncut, W. Sf I). Laing, Edin. 1822 " The present copy was selected by Mr Abraham Thom- son, who had the binding of the whole 100 copies." J. M. 2665 lOTlABILLON (J.),De Re Diplomatic^ calf, mM Paris, 1709 2666 Macclesfield (Earl), Report of Trial in the House of Peers, calf, - Lond. 1725 2667 Machiavel (N.), Works, calf, Lond. 1720 2668 Madox (Thomas), Firma Burgi; or an Historical Essay concerningthe Cities, Towns,and Buroughs of England, Lond. 1726 2669 Madox (Thomas), The History and Antiquities of the Exchequer of the Kings of England, calf, Lond. 1711 2670 Madox (Thomas), Formulare Anglicanum; or a Col- lection of Ancient Charters and Instruments from the Norman Conquest to the end of the Reign of Henry VIII., LARGE PAPER, Lond. 1702 2671 Magnus (Olaus), History of the Goths, Swedes, and Vandals, and other Northern Nations, translated by J. S., calf, Lond. 1658 2672 Maitland (William), History of Edinburgh, calf, map and plates, - Edin. 1753 2673 Manuscript Charter by William Earl of Douglas, &c., to George Ker, of Lands of Button Hall, County of Berwick, dated 1451, with printed copy inserted; Charter by Sir John Baron, Chaplain of Lands in the Burgh of Edinburgh on the South Side of the King's Street, dated 20th Sep- tember 1514; Sasine, dated 17th January 1515; and 8 others, mounted in 1 vol. h.-bd., v. y. 20 154 EIGHTH DAY'S SALE. [Folio. 2674 Manuscrip1>-A Volume Titled "Historical MSS.," containing numerous Declarations made before Magistrates ; King James' Letter to the Conven- tion of Estates, 1689 ; Declaration of the Nobilitie and Commons at Nottingham, 1688 ; Minutes of all that passed in Parliament from 23d April to 26th June 1685, &c., mounted in 1 vol. h.-bd., v. y. 2675 Manuscript Papers, Scottish A Volume containing Ancient Copy of Charter by Lord Erskine to Patrick Bruce, of Rents from the Town of Bar- gill, 1556 ; Proclamation of James VI. against the Circulation of Slanderous Books, 1584 ; Letter from Henry Unton to the Due de Guys; Discharge by Lord Lindores of Feu Duties, 1700 ; Scroll of the Funerall Ceremonies at the Inter- ment of the Duke of Rothes, 1681, the corrections being in the handwriting of Slezer, author of Theatrum Scotia, and numerous other papers, in 1 vol. h.-bd., - v. y. 2676 Manuscript Miscellaneous Transcripts, &c., 2 vol., v. y. 2677 Manuscript Minutes; or Session Register of the " South- West Church," vellum, imperfect at begin- ning and end, - 1665-76 2678 Manuscript A Volume containing Extracts of Curi- ous Advertisements, during the Years 1706 to 1736, v. y. 2679 May (Thomas), History of the Parliament of Eng- land which began November the third, 1640, calf, Lond. 1647 See MS. Note by George Chalmers, author of Cale- donia. A variety of marginal notes by Chalmers will also be found throughout the work. 2680 Memoire Instructif pour le Pere Jean-Baptiste Girard, centre Marie-Catherine Cadiere, &c., 2 vol. calf, Paris, 1731 " An extraordinary, perhaps unique, collection." J. M. 2681 Miscellaneous Papers " Unpublished," a Collection of Law Papers, Minutes, &c., in 1 vol., v. y. 2682 Mitchell (Tinclarian Doctor), A Seasonable Warning to beware of the Lutherians, written by the Tinclarian Doctor, 1713; Petition of William Mitchell, white iron smith in Edinburgh, to Queen Anne, 1711 ; The Tiuclarian Doctor's Letter to the King of France. To the High and Mighty Sovereign Queen of Great Britain, &c. the Petition of the Tin Man, 15 curious pamphlets in 1 vol. h.-bd., Edin. 1713 Folio.] EIGHTH DAY'S SALE. 155 2683 Modern Athenians Portraits of Eminent Person- ages (existing or supposed to exist) in the Metropolis of Scotland, parts 1 to 7, 21 plates, 1839 2684 Monumenta Historia Britannica, or Materials for the History of Britain, by Petrie and Hardy, h.-bd., Lond. 1848 2685 Montluc (Blaise de), The Commentaries of, trans- lated by Charles Cotton, calf, portrait, Lond. 1674 2686 Moralite des Blasphemateurs de Dieu, fac-simile Mack letter reprint, Paris, 1831 2687 Morgan (Sylvanus), The Sphere of Gentry deduced from the Principles of Nature, an Historical and Genealogical Work of Arms and Blazon, calf, plates and cuts, Lond. 1661 2688 Moryson (Fynes), An Itinerary containing his Ten Yeeres Travell through Germany, Bohmerland, Sweitzerland, Netherland, Denmarke, Poland, Italy, Turky, France, England, Scotland, and Ireland, with the rare leaf opposite the title, fre- quently wanting, calf, - Lond. 1617 2689 National Manuscripts of Scotland, Facsimiles of, by Colonel Sir Henry James, 3 vol., Southampton, 1867-71 NINTH DAY'S SALE. Octavo et Infra. 2690 ||||'BRIEN (Henry), The Round Towers of Ire- |&SS8^| land, cuts, Lond. 1834 2691 Obsequentis (Julii), Prodigiomm Libellus, vellum, gilt, - Ludg. Bat. 1720 2692 Occasional Attempts at Sentimental Poetry by a Man in Business, calf, - Lond. 1769 "Written by John Hope, Esq., grandson of Charles, first Earl of Hopeton, and father of the Right Hon. Charles Hope, Lord President of the Court of Session.";. M. 2693 Ockley (Professor), History of the Saracens, 2 vol. calf, - Cambridge, 1757 2694 O'Daly (J.), The Poets and Poetry of Munster, Dublin, 1849 2695 Oderbornii Vita de Basilide, - 1585 2696 (Euvres de Nivelle de la Chaussee, 5 vol. calf gilt, Paris, 1762 2697 (Euvres d'Ovide traduites en vers Francais, 2 vol. calf, Paris, 1810 2698 Offley's (of Norton) Account of the Alienation and Recovery of the Estates in 1754, by Hunter, h.-bd. 1841 2699 Ogle Account of the Family of Ogle and their Possessions in Northumberland, h.-bd. Edin. 1812 2700 Old Ballads Lord Thomas arid Fair Annet ; Yong Grigor's Ghost; The Husband's Complaint; Three Excellent New Songs ; The Turkish Lady ; The Jolly Miller; The Duke of Gordon's Three Daughters; New Songs for Sailors; A Collection of 20 Old Chap Ballads, in 1 vol., with MS. Notes, calf, Circa 1790 2701 Olden-Barnevelt (J. Van), Waarachtige Historie, van 'Leven, &c., vellum, portraits and plates, Rotterdam, 1670 Octavo et Infra.] NINTH DAY'S SALE. 157 2702 Oldfield (Mrs. Anne), Memoirs of the Life, Amours, and Performances of, by Egerton, portrait, Lond. 1731 2703 Oldham (John), The Works and Remains of, calf, Lond. 1703 2704 Old Scotch Tales Henry Blyd's Contract in the Carse of Gowrie ; a Contest between the Gar- deners and the Taylors concerning their Anti- quity, Glasg. 1727, and another, in 1 vol. calf, v. y. 2705 Old Story Teller Popular German Tales, collated by Bechstein, 100 illustrations by Richter, Lond. 1854 2706 Oldys (William), The British Librarian, calf extra, Lond. 1738 2707 Oldys (William), Memoir of, h.-bd. Lond. 1862 2708 Omicrion The Hue and Cry Murder The Snakes in the Grass Found, Manchester, 1800 ; and Gil- christ's Examination of the Charges against Shakspeare, two scarce Tracts, in 1 vol. 1800-9 2709 Oporini (J.) Oratio de Ortu, Vita, et Obitu, &c., rectitata ab T. H. Augustano, ruby morocco, gilt top, Argent. 1569 2710 Oratio in Obitum M. Petri Agricolse, vellum, Lavingce, 1600 2711 Oratio recitata a Caspara Peucero Decano, Witte- bergce, 1544 ; Oratio habita Rostochii a S. Pauli, 1555, in 1 vol. ruby morocco extra, gilt edges, v. y. 2712 Oraysons tres devotes, Plaisantes et bien Com- posees en honneur de la Royne de Paradis (xiii. et xv. Siecles), h.-bd. morocco, A Evreux, N. D. 2713 Orcadensia Trail's Tour through Orkney, 1806; Thule's Statement, 1806 ; Saville's Letter, 1803 ; and 5 others on Orkney, &c., in 1 vol. calf gilt, v. y. 2714 Orem (W.), Description of the Chanonry, Cathedral, and King's College of Old Aberdeen, 1724-5, calf, Aberdeen, 1830 2715 Orford (Earl of), Catalogue of Royal and Noble Authors, enlarged and continued by Park, 5 vol. calf, Lond. 1806 2716 Orkneyinga Saga (The), translated from the Ice- landic by J. A. Hjaltalin and G. Goudie, edited by Joseph Anderson, plates, - Edin. 1873 2717 Ossian Controversy A Collection of Pamphlets and Newspaper Cuttings relating to, calf, Lond. v. y. 158 NINTH DAY'S SALE. [Octavo et Infra. 2718 Osiandri (A.) Epistola Synodica, Scripta, etMissaex Sacerdotum Capitulo pro obtinenda contrahendi Matrimonii libertate, Tubingce, 1594; DeDecimus, Disputatio Canonica, &c., Ingolstadii Ex. Typo- graphia Weissenhorniana, in 1 vol. olive morocco extra, gilt edges, curious representations of S. John, S. Elias, S. Peter, and S. Paul, in gold, on inside of boards, 1572 2719 Osii (H.) Icones Catecheseous Christianas, morocco, gilt edges, - Wittebergce, 1565 2720 Otia Votiva; or Poems upon Several Occasions, Lond. 1705 2721 Otway (Rev. C.), Sketches in Erris and Tyrawly, Dublin, 1841 2722 Outram (George), Legal Lyrics and Metrical Illus- trations of the Scotch Forms of Process, 100 copies printed for private circulation. (Presentation copy from the author), - 1851 2723 Ouvrages Curieux Galants etBadins, calf,Amstel. 1 760 2724 Overbury (Sir Thomas), his Wife, with additions of New Characters, and many Wittie Conceits never before printed, morocco extra, gilt edges, Lond. 1628 2725 Ovidii Opera Omnia, cum notis variorum et B. Cnippingii, 3 vol. vellum, plates, Lugd. Bat. 1670 2726 Ovidii Opera, 3 vol. calf gilt, Parisiis, 1762 2727 Ovid's Metamorphosis Englished by G. Sandys, calf, plates, Lond. 1628 2728 Ovid's Festivals, by Gower, morocco extra, 1640 2729 Ovid's Tristia, translated by F. P., morocco extra, gilt edges, frontispiece, - Lond. 1713 2730 Owaiu Miles, and other Inedited Fragments of Ancient English Poetry, edited by W. B. D. D. Turnbull and David Laing, engraving on title, in colours and gold, only 32 copies printed for private distribution, h.-bd. morocco, uncut, Edin. 1827 2731 Owen (John) Latin Epigrams, by Harvey, calf, 1677 2732 Ozell (John), Fenelon's Adventures of Telemachus, translated by Ozell, 2 vol. calf, Lond. 1735 2733 IrHADDIANA, or Scraps and Sketches of Irish flJyJl Life, Past and Present, 2 vol. Lond. 1848 2734 Pagenstecheri de Barba, calf extra (numerous news- paper cuttings prefixed), - Lemgovice, 1746 2735 Pagett (Thomas, Lord), Essay upon Human Life, green morocco, gilt edges, Lond. 1736 2736 Paisley Magazine, edited by William Motherwell, h.-bd. russia, - 1828 Octavo et Infra.] NINTH DAY'S SALE. 159 2737 Palgrave (Sir Francis), Documents and Records illustrating the History of Scotland, Vol. I. (all published), Lond. 1837 2738 Palmer (Samuel), The Nonconformists' Memorial, 2 vol., calf, Lond. 1778 2739 Pamphlets Miscellaneous, a Collection of Political, Biographical, Historical, and other Pamphlets, Cases, &c., in 11 vol., calf gilt, 1753-1864 2740 Pamphlets and Tracts Historical and Political, a Collection, in 9 vol., calf gilt, v. y. 2741 Pamphlets Irish, Historical and Topographical in 1 vol., calf extra, 1808-36 2742 Pamphlets English Topographical, a Collection in 3vol., calf gilt, 1815-31 2743 Pamphlets Scottish Church History, a Collection in 2 vol., calf gilt, 1839-43 2744 Pamphlets Historical and Biographical Criticism, 2 vol., calf gilt, v. y. 2745 Pamphlets Historical and Biographical Bor- ough's Sovereignty of the British Seas, 1739 ; Brewhouse's Highland Spectator, 1744 ; Acts for Disabling Alexander Wilson from being Lord Provost of Edinburgh, and bringing to Justice the Murderers of Captain John Porteous and others, in 1 vol., v. y. 2746 Pancirollus (G.), The History of Many Memorable Things Lost, which were in Use among the Ancients, &c., 2 vol. in 1, russia extra, gilt edges, Lond. 1715 2747 Paolo, Vita del Padre, Leida, 1646 2748 Paris, View of, with Places adjoining, h.-bd. Lond. 1701 2749 Park (Alex.), The Minstrel's Daughter, h.-bd. mor- occo, gilt top, Edin. 1824 2750 Park (T.), Sonnets and Poems, Lond. 1797 2751 Parke (W. T.), Musical Memoirs, 2 vol. Lond. 1830 2752 Parker (Rev. Richard), History and Antiquities of the University of Cambridge, calf, Lond. 1721 2753 Parker (Samuel), The Ecclesiastical Histories of Socrates, &c., 2 vol. calf, Lond. 1707 2754 Parnell (Dr. Thos.), Poems on Several Occasions, published by Mr. Pope, calf, Lond. 1760 2755 Passion (attributed to George Reymond), privately printed, h.-bd. - N. D. 2756 Paston Letters, 1422-1509, edited by Gairdner, 3 vol. (reprints), - Lond. 1872 160 NINTH DAY'S SALE. [Octavo et Infra. 2757 Paterson (Adam), Fugitive Pieces, Lond. 1833 2758 [Paterson, Mathew]. The Image of Bothe Churches, Hierusalem and Babel, &c., ruesia extra, gilt edges, Tor nay, I(i23 " Ascribed by some to Sir Forbes Matthews, but the true author is generally supposed to be Dr. Mathew Paterson. It is very rare and curious, many inte- resting facts relative to the Reformation in England will be found in it." J. M. 2759 Paterson (James), The Contemporaries of Burns, and the more Recent Poets of Ayrshire, h.-l>d. plates, Edin. 1840 2760 Paterson (James), History of the County of Ayr and Ayrshire Families, 2 vol. (vol. 2 wants title), Ayr, 1847 2761 Paterson (James), History of the Regality of Muss- elburgh, with the Addenda, Musselburgh, 1857 2762 Paterson (James), Wallace and his Times, Edin. 1858 2763 Paterson (James), James the Fifth; or the Gudeman of Ballangeich, - 1861 2764 Paterson (James), Lands and their Owners in Gal- loway, Vol. I. Edin. 1870 2765 Paterson (James), Autobiographical Reminiscences, Glasg. 1871 2766 Paterson (James), The Ballads and Songs of Ayr- shire, h.-bd. morocco, gilt top, - Ayr, 1846 2767 Pattison (William), Poetical Works, 2 vol. plates and cuts, - Lond. 1728 2768 Paul (Father), Life of, translated by a Person of Quality (wants portrait), calf, Lond. 1651 2769 Paul (Father), Letters of the Renowned, translated by E. Brown, calf , portrait, 1693 2770 Pausanias, ou Voyage Historique de la Grece, 4 vol. vellum, - Paris, 1797 2771 Peacock (E.), List of the Roman Catholics in the County of York in 1604, Lond. 1872 2772 Pearson (T.), Epistle to D. E., portrait, - N. D. 2773 Pecke (Thomas), Epigrams, calf gilt, - Lond. 1659 2774 Peebles Politics A Very Interesting Collection of Tracts, Broadsides, Poems, Newspaper Cuttings, &c., relative to Municipal and Parliamentary Elections in the Burgh and County of Peebles, chiefly between 1830-40, with numerous lively MS. Notes throughout v. y. 2775 Peerage and Baronetage Tracts, &c., in 1 vol. calf, Circa, 1830 2776 Peerages (Life), Pamphlets on, by J. H. Macqueen, newspaper cuttings, tyc., inserted, in 1 vol. calf, 1856 Octavo ft Infra.] NINTH DAY'S SALE. 161 2777 Pegge (S.), The Forme of Cury, a Roll of English Cookery, calf, Lond. 1781 2778 Pelet (Baron), Napoleon in Council, by Capt. Basil Hall, calf, Edin. 1837 2779 Pellisson (L'Abbe d'Olivet), Histoire de PAcademie Fran9oise, 2 vol. calf extra, Paris, 1730 2780 Penn (G.), Memorials of Admiral Sir William Penn, 2 vol. Lond. 1833 2781 Pennecuik (Alex.), Britannia Triumphans, in 4 Parts, calf extra, Edin. 1718 2782 Pennecuik (Alex.), Streams from Helicon ; or, Poems on Various Subjects, in 3 Parts, green morocco extra, Lond. 1720 2783 Pennecuik (Alex.), Account of the Blue Blanket, or Crafts-men's Banner, russia extra, Edin. 1722 2784 Pennecuik (Alex.), A Collection of Scots Poems, calf extra, gilt edges, - Edin. 17 5Q 2785 Pennecuik (Alex.), Scots Poems, calf, Glasg. 1787 2786 Penney (Jonn), Account of Linlithgowshire, edited by J. Maidment, calf, Edin. 1821 2787 Penny Histories, a Collection of 20 Scottish Penny Histories, in 1 vol. calf, 1777-88 2788 Penrose (Rev. Thos.), Poems, calf, - Lond. 1781 2789 Pentingeri Sermones Convivales, calf, 1789 2790 Peppa, or The Reward of Constant Love, Songs and Music, calf extra, Lond. 1689 2791 Pepys (Samuel) Diary and Correspondence, by Lord Braybrooke, 5 vol. Lond. 1848 2792 Percy (Bishop T.), Runic Poetry, translated from the . Islandic Language, and Letters, in 1 vol. h.-bd., morocco, gilt top, 1763-1830 2793 Percy (Bishop T.), Reliques of Ancient English Poetry, 3 vol. calf, Lond. 1767 2794 PERCY SOCIETY, Works printed for, 30 vol. h.-ld. morocco, gilt tops, - Lond. 1840-52 2795 Perefixe (H. de), Histoire du Roy Henry Le Grand, morocco extra, gilt edges, Amst., Elzev. 1C 64 2796 Perez (A.) Memoirs of, - Lond. 1715 / 2797 Periodicals The Spirit of Literature, 1830; The Critic, 1832 ; and The Alchymist, in 1 vol. calf, v.y. 2798 Periodicals Miscellaneous Incomplete Periodicals, a Collection in 1 vol. calf, 1832-5 2799 Perizonii (J. V.), Commentarii Historici, calf, 1710 2800 Perry (Captain John), An Account of the Stopping of Daggenham Breach, calf, Lond. 1721 2801 Perse, Memoires Secrets pour Servi a 1'Histoire de, calf, - Amst. 1745 21 162 NINTH DAY'S SALE. [Octavo et Jnfra. 2802 Persian Popular Poetry, Specimens selected by A. Chodzko, Lond. 1842, and Laili and Majnunt, Lond. 1836 2803 Persius, His Satyres, translated by B. Holyday, third edition, russia extra, gilt edges, Lond. 1611 2804 Peruvian Tales, translated by Humphreys, 2 vol. calf, - Lond. 1734 2805 Peterkin (Alex.), Rentals of the Ancient Earldom and Bishoprick of Orkney (not printed for sale), Edin. 1820 2806 Peterkin (Alex.), Notes on Orkney and Zetland, LARGE PAPER, h.-bd., uncut, - Edin. 1822 2807 Petrei (M. Nicoli), Cimbrorum et Gothorum Origines, Migrationes, Bella, atque Coloniae, frontispiece, - Lipsice, 1695 2808 Petrie (Adam), Rules for Good Deportment of Church Officers, imperfect, - N. D. 2809 Petrie (James), The Scots Apiary, or the Compleat Bee-Master, h.-bd. Glasg. 1769 2810 Petronii Arbitri Satyricon, Lat. et Fr., 2 vol. 1713 2811 Pfeffel (M.), Nouvel Abrege Chronologique de 1'Histoire d'Allemagne, 2 vol. russia, Paris, 1777 2812 Phaethon Burlesqued, 1720; Lamiarum Vestitus, 1727, in 1 vol. h.-bd. Edin. 1720-7 2813 Phalaridis Epistolae a Boyle, calf, frontispiece, 1718 2814 Philamour and Philamena ; or, Genuine Memoirs of a Late Affecting Transaction (the murder of Mrs. Capt. W. Dalrymple, Cavendish Square, 1746), h.-bd. 1746 2815 Philander Philanax de Natura, Fine, Mediis Jesuit- arum, calf, - 1619 " . . is said to be by Joh. Leyffert it is very rare." J. M. 2816 Phile, Animalium Historia, calf, - 1696 2817 Philetae Coi, Hermesianactis Colophonii atque Phauoclis reliquiae, emend. N. Bachius, calf gilt, Halce, 1829 2818 Philipot (T.), Discourse of the Original and Growth of Heraldry, calf extra, Lond. 1672 2819 Philips (Ambr.) Life of John Williams, Archbishop of York, calf, Comb, 1700 2820 Philips (Erasmus) Miscellaneous Works, calf, Lond. 1751 2821 Philips (John) Cider, a Poem, in Two Books, calf gilt, - Lond. 1791 2822 Phillips (Mrs. T. C.), Apology for her Conduct, more particularly that part which relates to her Mar- riage with an Eminent Dutch Merchant, 3 vol. calf, - Lond. 1761 Octavo et, Infra.} NINTH DAY S SALE. 163 2823 Phillips (Edward) Theatrum Poetarum Anglican- orum, enlarged by Sir E. Bydges, h.-bd. morocco, gilt top, Canterbury, 1800 2824 Phipps (Edmund) Memoir of R. Plummer Ward, 2 vol. Lond. 1850 2825 Picken (E.), Poems and Songs, 2 vol. calf, Edin. 1813 2826 Pickering (Miss E.), Proverbs for Acting, Lond. 1844 2827 Pieces Relating to the Chinese, edited by Bishop Percy, 2 vol. calf, Lond. 1762 2828 Pieces Curieuses, h.-bd. v. y. 2829 Pieces Curieuses, viz., Remarques Nouvelles, His- toriques et Critiques sur 1'Histoire de Charles XII., Roi de Suede, par Voltaire; Dictionaire Politique que le Celebre D. J. Volkna a compose, 1762; Glossaire en Vers sur THeroisme, 1762; Matinees Royales ou Entretiens sur 1'Art de Regner, 1766 ; and Memoire de Monsieur le Comte de Maillebois, in 1 vol. calf, v. y. 2830 Piers-Ploughman, The Vision and the Creed of, with Notes and Glossary by T. Wright, 2 vol. Pickering, 1842 2831 Pigot (Charles), The Jockey Club ; or, A Sketch of the Manners of the Age; The Female Jockey Club, and the Minor Jockey Club, in 2 vol. calf gilt, Lond. 1792-4 2832 Pilkington (Mrs. Letitia), Memoirs of, by Herself, 2 vol. calf, - Dublin, 1748 2833 Pindar, The Odes of, in English Verse, by Rev. H. F. Cary, russia extra, - Lond. 1828 2834 Pinkerton (John), Vitse Antiques Sanctorum Scotije, morocco extra, gilt top, map, only 100 copies printed, - Londini, 1789 2835 Pinkerton (John), Enquiry into the History of Scot- land, 2 vol. calf, - Lond. 1794 2836 Pinkerton (John), Literary Correspondence, edited by Dawson Turner, 2 vol. - Lond. 1830 2837 Piozzi (Mrs.), British Synonymy, 2 vol. calf ailt, Lond. 1794 2838 Piozzi (Mrs.), Autobiography, Letters and Literary Remains, edited by A. Hay ward, 2 vol. Lond. 1861 2839 Piozziana [edited by E. Mangin], calf, Lond. 1833 2840 Pitcarnii (Alex.), Compendaria, 1676; Anatome Cartesianismi, 1676, in 1 vol. calf, 1676 2841 Pitcaruii (A.), Selecta Poemata, calf, Edin. 1727 2842 Pitt (William), Life of, privately printed, h.-bd., with portrait and illustrative cuttings, Bungay, 1816 2843 Plaisirs Innocens et Amoureux de la Campagne, calf, plates, - Amst. 1699 164 NINTH DAY'S SALE. [Octavo et Infra. 2844 Plauti Comoediae ed. Gronovii, 2 vol. in 1, vellum, Amstel, 1684 2845 Plauti Comoediae quse supersunt, 3 vol. calf extra, Paris, 1759 2846 Plautus, Comedies of, translated by Bonnell Thorn- ton, and others, 5 vol. treed calf, - 1769-74 2847 Pleasant Art of Money-Catching, calf, frontispiece, Lond. 1737 2848 Plees (W.), Account of the Island of Jersey, h.-bd. Southampton, 1824 2849 Plinii Historia Naturalis cum notis Brotier, 6 vol. calf extra, - Barbou, 1779 2850 Pliny, Letters by Melmoth, 2 vol. calf, Lond. 1777 2851 Plot in a Dream (The), a Succinct Narrative of the Designs of the Papists, calf, curious plates, 1681 2852 Pocock (R), Memorials of the Family of Tufton, Earls of Thanet, plates, - Gravesend, 1800 2853 Poems Collection of Poems written upon several occasions, by several persons, never before in print, calf, Lond. 1672 2854 Poem A Facetious Poem in Imitation of the Cherry and the Slae, some leaves mended, - Edin. 1700 2855 Poems Wine, a Poem; The Parson and his Maid; The Universal Passion, &c., in 1vol. h.-bd. 1709-39 2856 Poems of the Use of the October Club, h.-bd. Lond. 1711-43 2857 Poems on Affairs of State, written by the Greatest Wits of the Age, 4 vol. calf, plates, Lond. 1716 2858 Poems A Collection of Curious Poems on Religious Subjects, in 1 vol. calf, Edin. and Glasg. 1721-92 2859 Poems Two Old Scotch Poems, giving an Account of the Battle of Harlaw, calf, Foulis, 1748 2860 Poems on Several Occasions, by J R , Edin. llll 2861 Poems Certain Curious Poems written at the close of the 17th and beginning of the 18th century, by James M'Alpie, Sheriff-Substitute of Renfrew, and other hands, edited by William Mother well, Paisley, 1828 2862 Poems The Purple Island, or the Isle of Man, an Alleghorical Poem, by F. Fletcher, 1783 ; Christ's Victory in Heaven and Earth, by Giles Fletcher, 1783 ; and The Legend of Mary Queen of Scots, and other Poems, from MSS. of the 16th century, edited by Fry, 1810, in 1 vol. h.-bd. v. y. 2863 Poems Castle of Indolence, Rape of the Vineyard The Laud of Love, &c., in 1 vol. v. y Octavo et Infra.\ NINTH DAY'S SALE. 165 2864 Poems Songs for the Curling Club at Canonmills; The Brigs of Edinburgh ; Scottish Pastorals, by- James Hogg, 1801; Honest Dug, 1806; The Invocation, 1808 ; The Exhibition, Sketches of the Artists now exhibiting their Works at 16 York Place, 1811 ; Lewis' Collection of Songs, Aberdeen, 1797 ; Schir Ginkertoun's Garland, &c., an interesting Collection of scarce pieces, in 2 vol. calf extra, v. y. 2865 Poesies du Roy de Navarre, 2 vol. calf, Paris, 1742 2866 Poesies de Charles D'Orleans, pere de Louis XII., etc., morocco extra, gilt and tooled, Paris, 1809 2867 Poetical Reprints, by David Webster, h.-bd. (only 80 copies printed), Edin. 1824 2868 Poetry A Collection of Thirty-three small Poetical Pieces, chiefly published in Glasgow and Paisley, in 1 vol. h.-bd. - 1770-1837 2869 Poetry of the Anti-Jacobin, calf, - Lond. 1807 2870 Poetry A Collection of Miscellaneous Fugitive Poetry: Poems by Miss D.P.Campbell, Lond. 1816; Sabbath among the Mountains, Edin. 1823 ; Rev. J. A. Stothert's Sonnets, chiefly Astronomical, Edin. 1856, and others, 2 vol. h.-bd. - v. y. 2871 Poets (Early English), Lovelace, Chapman, Lodge, Chalkhill, Marmion, Marlowe, Hall, and Sydney, edited by Singer, 6 vol. calf extra, gilt edges, Chiswick, 1817 2872 Poggii Facetiae, 2 vol. russia extra, Lond. 1798 2873 Political Herald and Review (by Gilbert Stuart, LL.D.), 2 vol. h.-bd. - Lond. 1785 " By Gilbert Stuart. No more than two volumes ap- peared. It is of very uncommon occurrence." J.M. 2874 Political Index of the Histories of Great Britain, by Beatson, 3 vol. calf, Lond. 1806 2875 Political Merriment, or Truths told to some Tune ; dedicated to the Jacobitical Tories and Traiterous Rioters of Great Britain, green calf extra, gilt edges, Lond. 1714 2876 Polly Peachum's Jests, suited alike to the Capacities of the Peer and the Porter, h.-bd. Lond. 1728 2877 Polwhele (Rev. R.), Reminiscences, in Prose and Verse, 3 vol. in 1, calf, - Lond 1836 2878 Polyaenus Stategematum, receris I. Casauboni, vellum, Lugd. Bat. 1690 2879 Polybius, translated by Hampton, 4 vol. calf gilt, Lond, 1772 166 NINTH DAY'S SALE. [Octavo et Infra. 2880 Polygamist ; or The Lustfull Priest, an Account of James Christie, a Clergyman, who is now in Derby Jail for having Two Wives, h.-bd. Loud. 1738 2881 Poole (John), Little Pedlington, 2 vol. Land. 1839 2882 Pope (Alexander), Works, by Wakefield, 11 vol. calf, Lond. 1796 2883 Pope (Alexander), Works, in Verse and Prose, by Bowles, 10 vol. calf, portraits, Lond. 1806 2884 Popular Histories : A very extensive and extremely interesting Collection of CHAP BOOKS, compris- ing nearly 350 Pieces published in Edinburgh, Glasgow, Stirling, London, Newcastle, Man- chester, &c., with numerous MS. Notes, explanatory and illustrative, by Mr. Maidment, with the Contents neatly written on the fly-leaf of each volume, the whole in 13 vols. uniformly bd. in calf, v. y. *' This unique collection contains many very rare and curious pieces, while the value of the whole series is enriched by the illustrative notes to be found throughout.";. M. 2885 Popular Histories A curious Collection, including Wit's Publick Wealth, 1745 ; Lilly's New Erra Pater ; The High German Fortune Teller ; The True Trial of Understanding ; The Shoemaker's Glory, &c., 20 in 1 vol., russia extra, gilt edges, curious woodcuts, - Circa 1745 2886 Popular Flowers, h.-bd., plates, - Lond. 1843 2887 Popmao Fragmenta Historicorum, calf, Amstel. 1620 2888 Pordage (S.), Troades, calf, Lond. 1660 2889 Porphyrii Philosophi Homericarum, Argent, 1539 2890 Porson (Professor), Eloisa en Dishabille, only 50 copies printed, - Lond. 1822 2891 Portraits of the Worthies of Westminster Hall, Part I., 20 coloured plates, - Lond. 1823 2892 Pounce (Peter), The Robin-Hood Society, h.-bd., frontispiece by Hogarth, Lond. 1756 2893 Praschii ( J. L.), Comoedia Amice, Praschii in Phaedri Fabulas Notte, 1 vol. calf gilt, 1660 2894 Praschii (Jo. L.), Facetiae, morocco extra, Ratisbonce, 1689 2895 Praschius de Bono Give, and others, in 1 vol. calf, 1666 28S6 Pratt (S. J.), Harvest Home ; or Gleanings, Dramas and Poems, 3 vol. portrait, - Lond. 1805 28,97 Precedence and Privilege, Tracts on, h.-bd. Circa 1840 Octavo et Infra.] NINTH DAY'S SALE. 107 2898 Prescott (W. H.), History of the Reign of Ferdinand and Isabella of Spain, 3 vol. Lond. 1838 2899 Present State of Russia, being the Journal of a Foreign Minister, 2 vol. calf, maps, $-c. Lond. 1723 2900 Present for an Apprentice, by a late Lord Mayor of London, calf, - Lond. 1740 2901 Preston (James), The History of the World from the Creation to the Birth of Abraham, red morocco extra, Edin. 1701 2902 Pretender A Collection of Proclamations of the Pretender, in 2 parts, calf extra, Glasg. 1745-6 2903 Price (John), History of the King's RestaurationjCa//", 2 portraits, - Lond. 1680 2904 Prieur (F. Claude), Dialogue de la Lycanthropie ou Transformation d'hommes en loups, original calf binding, "P. Gaudentius, Saybanti Verenensis, 1596," stamped on sides, - Louvain, 1596 u C. K. Sharp's copy of this singularly rare and curious volume brought seven guineas." Note. J. M. 2905 Primerose (J.), De Vulgi Erroribus in Medicina, &c., vellum, 1658 2906 Prior (Matthew), Poetical Works, now First Col- lected, 2 vol. old calf, - Lond. 1779 2907 Private History of the Court of England, 2 vol., uncut, Lond. 1808 2908 Privy Purse Expenses of Henry the Eighth, by Sir N. H. Nicolas, Pickering, 1827 2909 Privy Purse Expenses of Elizabeth of York, and Wardrobe Accounts of Edward the Fourth, by " Sir N. H. Nicolas, Pickering, 1830 2910^Privy Purse Expenses of the Princess Mary, edited by F. Madden, Pickering, 1831 2911 Problemata Aristotelis, black Utter, morocco, Parisiis, 1514 2912 Proceedings against William Borthwick; Letter regarding the Robbery of the Centinel Office in Glasgow ; Hope's Letters to Abercromby, &c., in 1 vol. calf, Circa 1822 2913 Prodigious I or Childe Paddie in London, 3 vol. h.-bd. Lond. 1818 2914 Prognostication, Aberdene, Raban, 1626, and Old Almanacs, in 1 vol. morocco extra, v. y. 2915 Prolusiones Classicae, h.-bd. Lipsice, v. y. 2916 Prophetie par Frere Thomas, h.-bd. N. D. 2917 Provincial Sketches, h.-bd. Lond. 1835 2918 Prudentii (Aur. Clem.) Hymnus, h.-bd. Lipsice, 1763 168 NINTH DAY'S SALE. [Octavo et Infra. 2919 Prudentius Pulmanni, calf gilt, Plantin, 1664 ^920 Puckle (James), The Club, in a Dialogue between Father and Son, morocco extra, portrait, Lond. 1713 2921 Puckle (James), The Club, LARGE PAPER, engravings by Thurston. proofs on India paper, ruby morocco extra, gilt edges, Lond. 1817 2922 [Puckle, James, Author of the Club], England's Path to Wealth and Honour, in a Dialogue between an English-Man and a Dutch-Man, Lond. 1718 2923 Pumpkin (Sir Frizzle), The Adventures of, Nights at Mess, and other Tales, - Edin. 1846 Quarto. 2924 m|BSERVATIONES de Rebus Gracis et figim Romanis ; Eckhardi (T.), Observation es Philologicae ex Aristophanis Pluto, 1733, and other Tracts, in 1 vol. calf, v. y. 2925 O'Flaherty (R.), Ogygia, sive Rerum Hibernicarum Chronologia, calf, - Lond. 1685 2926 Opuscula Rara Das Wolffgesang ; Judas Nazarei, with curious woodcut title, Eccius Dedolatus, 1519 ; Demirandis Sermones Convivales de Gerrnania ; Trithemius Stenographies, fine portrait, 1616 ; Matthseum Ludecum Historia von der Erfindung Wunderwercken und Zerstorung des Vermeinten Heiligenbluts zur Wilssnagk, numerous extremely fine old woodcuts, Wittenberg, 1586, and others, in 1 vol. russia extra, gilt edges, - v. y. 2927 Origines et Antiquitates Itah'cae A Collection of 7 Pamphlets in 1 vol. - 1693-1751 2928 Originum Russicarum, - Dresdce, N. D. 2929 Origo Ducum Brunsvicensium A Collection of Pamphlets in 1 vol. calf, - v. y. 2930 Orkneyinga Saga, sive Historia Orcadensium, edit. Jonas Jonseus, calf, Hafnice, 1780 2931 Ovidio, Le Metomorphosi di, curious woodcuts, Nicolo di Aristotile detto Zoppino, 1533 2932 Ovidius ad Usum Delphini, 4 vol. calf, Lugd. Bat, 1689 2933 [fHADDOCK (Judah), Narrative of the Ship- IBJiSlI wreck of the Oswego, russia gilt, Lond. 1818 2934 Painter (William), The Palace of Pleasure Beauti- fied, Adorned, and Well Furnished with Pleasant Histories and Excellent Novels, from the edition of 1575, edited by Joseph Haslewood, 2 vol. red morocco extra, richly gilt and tooled, Lond. 1813 Quarto.] NINTH DAY'S SALE. 169 2935 Palgrave (Francis), Rise and Progress of the Eng- lish Commonwealth, Anglo-Saxon Period, 2 vol. uncut, Lond. 1832 2936 Panegyrci Veteres, cum notis Jacobus de la Baune, in usum Delphini, calf, Venetiis, 1728 2937 Parkyns (Sir Thomas), The Inn-Play, or, Cornish Hugg Wrestler, green morocco extra, gilt edges, Lond. 1714 2938 Pascasii (Justi), Alea sive de curanda ludendi in pecuniam cupidate, russia extra, gilt edges, Basilece, 1560 2939 Paston Letters, edited by J. Fenn, 2 vol. in 1, calf extra, 1840 2940 Pater (Paulus) De Typis Literarum, beautiful cuts of ornamental letters, Sfc., Lipsice, 1710 ; Ruge Mach- richt von dem leben und fatis Jauns Luffte berechmten Buchdructers zu Wittenberg, &c., Portraits of Joannis Faust, Costerus, Mentelius, and Guttenburg, fyc., in 1 vol. calf gilt, v. y. 2941 Paterson (James), The Obit Book of the Church of St. John the Baptist, Ayr, Edin. 1848 2942 Paul (J.), Account of Provost Innes and Baillie Innes in Elgin in the Affair of Alves, &c., h.-bd. Edin. 1730 See Note by Mr. Maidment. 2943 Peacham (Henry), The Compleat Gentleman, with Description of the Order of a Maine Battaile, engraved title, 1634 2944 Peacham (Henry), The Worth of a Penny; or a Caution to Keep Money, &c., russia extra, curious woodcut inserted, Lond. 1687 2945 Peerage The Dormant and Extinct Baronage of England, and History and Descent of English Nobility, by T. C. Banks, 4 vol. calf, Lond. 1807-37 2946 Pegge (S.), Life of Roger de Weseham, 1761 ; Journal of William Dowsing, 1786 ; Journal of Sir Simonds d'Ewes, 1783 ; Extracts from the Hawthornden Manuscripts, 1831-2, &c., in 1 vol. calf, v. y. 2947 Pennant (Thomas F.), Tours in Scotland and Voyage to the Hebrides (with Literary Life prefixed to Vol. 1), 3 vol. calf extra, plates, Warrington, 1774, Chester, 1774 ; Lond. 1776 2948 Pennecuik (Alex.), Historical Description of the Shire of Tweedale, with Collection of Scottish Poems, Edin. 1715 2949 Pennecuik (Alex.), Corydon arid Cochrania, a Pas- toral on the Nuptials of the Duke of Hamilton, Edin. 1723 22 170 NINTH DAY'S SALE. [Quarto. 2950 Percyvall (R.), Bibliotheca Hispanica, containing a Grammar with a Dictionarie in Spanish, English, and Latine, h.-bd. - Land. 1591 2951 Perlin (E.), Description desRoyaulmes d'Angleterre et d'Ecosse, 1558 ; P. de la Serre, Histoire de 1'Entree de la Reine Mere dans la Grande Bre- tagne, 1639, with Notes by Gough, h.-bd., plates, Lond. 1775 2952 Petiti (Samuelis), Miscellaneorum Libri Novem, calf, Parisiis, 1630 2953 Petrie (Adam), Rules for Good Deportment, or of Good Breeding, edited by Lord Dundrennan, the reprint, h.-bd. Edin. 1835 2954 Peuceri (D. C.), Sententia P. Melanthonis de Con- troversia Csense Domini, calf, Ambergce, 1596 2955 Philipps (Fabian), The Necessity of Preserving Tenures in Capite, &c., by Knight Service, Lond. 1660 2956 Philipps (Fabian), Antiquity, Legality, Reason, &c., of Prse-emption and Pourveyance for the King, calf, - 1663 2957 Philipps (Fabian), Rights and Priviledges of the King's Servants, calf, 1671 2958 Philology Collectanea Philologica, in 2 vol, calf extra, v. y. 2959 Philosopher's Stone An Interesting Collection of Pamphlets, &c., on this Subject, including, De Recto Confectionis Alchermes, &c.. Jence, 1620 ; Five Treatises of the Philosopher's Stone, 1652 ; Magnalia Naturae, very curious and rare, &c., in 1 vol., morocco extra, gilt edges, v. y. 2960 Pigafetta (M.), A Report of the Kingdom of Congo, a Region of Africa, and of the Countries that Border round about the same, drawn out of the Writings and Discourses of Odoardo Lopez, a Pottingall, translated out of Italian by Hartwell, calf, plates {wants map), Lond. 1579 2961 Pignorii (L.), Mensae Isiacse Expositio, accessit Magnum Deum Matre discursus &c., calf, nume- rous plates, Amstel. 1669 2962 Pine (George), The Isle of Pines ; or Discovery of Fourth Island in Terra Australis Incognita, &c., h.-bd. - Lond. 1668 2963 Pinkerton (John), The History of Scotland from the Accession of the House of Stuart to that of Mary, 2 vol. calf gilt, portrait, Lond. 1797 Quarto.] NINTH DAY'S SALE. 171 2964 Placcius (V.), De Scriptoribus Occultis Detectis tractatus duo, Anonymos et Pseudonymos, calf, Hamburgce, 1674 2965 Playford (John), Catch that Catch can; or The Musical Companion, containing Catches and Rounds for three and four voices, russia extra, Lond. 1667 2966 Pleasant History of Jack of Newbery, by T. D. (in Prose and Verse), Lond. N. D. 2967 Poems A Ternary of Satyrs, against Man, Woman, and the Popish Clergy, Lond. 1697 ; The Egyp- tian Plot turned on the Israelites, 1682 ; Steere's The Babylonish Cabal, 1682, in 1 vol. h.-bd. 1679-82 2968 Poems Miscellaneous Collection of Original Poems, by T. N., h.-bd. Lond. 1740 2969 Poems The Pantheon, with MS. Notes, 1773 ; The Auction, a Town Eclogue, Ways and Means, or a Sale of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, 1782, with MS. Key, &c., in 1 vol. calf, v. y. 2970 Poems Certaine Worthye Manuscript Poems of Great Antiquitie, by J. S., 1596, red morocco, gilt and tooled, the reprint, Edin. 1812 2971 Poetical Tracts and Minor Publications (nearly 50 Pieces), chiefly published in Edinburgh and Glasgow, collected in 2 voL, h.-bd., with News- paper Cuttings, fyc., inserted, 1773-1834 2972 Polyaenus, Stratagems of War, translated by Dr. Shepherd, caff, Lond. 1796 2973 Polygamy and Matrimony Meletama Theologicum de Polygamia, 1732 ; Francisci Turriani De Mat- rimoniis Clandestinis Explicatio, Venetiis, 1564 ; S. Petri Encratita9 De Concubinata Epistola, 1713, and other rare and curious Tracts, in 1 vol. calf, v. y. 2974 Pometa Varia Germanica Richardi Sbrulii Forolu- liani in Divi Caroli Maximi Csesaris, &c., old wood- cut title, 1520 ; In Divi Maximiliani Csesaris p. f ' Aug Obitium Nenia, old woodcut title, 1519 ; Schellhameri (J.) Historia pro Nobis Mortui Exerciti Jesu Christi, &c., Gr. et Lat., Norbergce, 1602; Westhovii Emblemata, &c., Ratisbonce, 1613, and numerous other rare Pamphlets, in 1 vol., russia extra, gilt edges, - v. y, 2975 Pont (Robert), A Newe Treatise of the Right Rec- koning of Yeares and Ages of the World and Men's Lines, &c., russia extra, Edin. 1599 172 NINTH DAY'S SALE. [Quarto. 2976 Pont (Timothy), Cunningham Topograpnized, edited by James Dobie, only 25 copies printed from the M.S. in the Advocates' Library, - Edin. N. D. 2977 Pontifices Romani, &c. ; De Pontificatu Maximo Imperatorum Romanorum, lence, 1656 ; De Caes. Maximiliano, 1716 ; Discursus Historicus de Johanna IX. Papissa, Giessce, 1655 ; and other Tracts relating to the Pontiffs, 2 vol. h.-bd. morocco gilt tops, v. y. 2978 Pope Joan, an Account Collected from Romish Authors, &c., testifying that there was a She- Pope, &c,, calf, 1689 2979 Portraits of the Nineteenth Century. A Large and Miscellaneous Collection of Portraits (chiefly woodcuts), Cuttings from Newspapers, &c., in 2 vol. h.-bd., v. y. 2980 Powell (J.) On Searching Records, 1622 2981 Praschii (J. L.), Judicium Extremum, h.-bd., Ratisbonce, 1687 2982 Praschii (J. L.), Opuscula, calf extra, gilt, - v. y. 2983 Presbyterian's Litany for the Suppressing of Inde- pendency, a Long-winded Lay Lecture against the Licentiousness of the Age (iu verse), ruby morocco, gilt edges, - 1647 2984 Price (Major David), Memoirs of the Emperor Jahangueir, translated from the Persian, h.-bd. morocco, - Lond. 1829 2985 Primerose (David), A Treatise on the Sabbath and the Lord's-Day, calf, - Lond. 1634 2986 Probius, De Inscriptionibus et Literis Romanorum, Ernestii, vellum - Sorce, 1647 2987 Prognostication Joannis Schoners von Karlstat, aui das MCCCCC und CCCCII, engraved title representing the seasons, h.-bd., - Nurnberg. G. Wachter, 1532 2988 Prophecies The Wonderfull Prophecies of Mr. Christopher Love, Falkirk, 1783 ; The Strange Remarks of James Usher, 1716 ; Wonderfull Revelation of Prophesie Discoverie to Jeremiah von Hasan, 1719 ; Robinson's Wonderfull News to all Christendom ; Goodall's Appearance of the JM oon ; History of the Wandering Jew of Jeru- salem, and numerous curious pieces, neatly inserted and mounted in 1 vol. h.-bd., forming a very interest- ing collection, - v. y. 2989 Prynne (W.), Histrio-Mastix, the Player's Scourge, or the Actor's Tragedie, calf, - Lond. 1633 " The author of this work was condemned to lose both his ears, stand twice in the pillory, pay a fine to the King of ^5000, and to be imprisoned for life." J. M. Folio.] NINTH DAY'S SALE. 173 2990 Quarles (Francis), Divine Fancies, Digested Epi- grammes, Meditations, and Observations, calf extra, gilt edges, portrait inserted, - Lond. 1641 Folio. 2991 Oldmixon (John), History of England during the Reigns of the House of Stuart, 2 vol. calf, Lond. 1730-36 2992 IfM ASQUIEB (Etienne) Les (Euvres de, 2 vol. calf, llUtlll Amst. 1723 2993 Peerage of Ireland, by Crossly, calf, 1725 2994 Phillipps (Sir Thomas), Institutiones Clericorum in Comitatu Wiltonse ab anno 1297, ad annum 1810, Vol. 1, pp, 234, and addenda, pp. 107, privately printed, Medio Montanis, 1825 2995 Pitcairn Papers A Valuable and Interesting Col- lection of Letters and Papers of a Literary Character, by Robert Pitcairn and Friends, mounted in 2 vol. 1817-41 2996 Plutarch's Morals, translated into English by Phile- mon Holland, calf, Lond. 1657 2997 Poetical and Literary Cuttings from Newspapers, in 1 vol. v. y. 2998 Poetical Scraps, Scottish collected from time to time over a period of thirty years, being a large Collection of cuttings, mounted in 1 vol. h.-bd. 1567-1867 2999 Politiani (A.), Opera Omnia, black letter, calf, Parisiis, 1512 3000 Popish Plot Naked Truth, or True State of the Primitive Church, by an Humble Moderator, 3 parts, 1680; Titus Otes' True Narrative of the Horrid Plot, 1679; Bedloe's Narrative, 1679, Trial of Coleman, 1678 ; Reasons by the House of Commons to the House of Lords at the last Conference touching the Trials of the Lords in the Tower, 1679, and others, in 1 vol, calf, Lond. 1679-80 3001 Popular Poetry A Large and Very Valuable Collec- tion of Broadsides, Ballads, Chap Books, &c., comprising about one thousand subjects, with newspaper cuttings and illustrative matter, mounted in 5 vol. h.-bd. uniform, - v. y. "Those Ballads marked X were suggested by Mr. C. K. Sharpe for republication." J. M. 174 NINTH DAY'S SALE. [Folio. 3002 Popular Superstitions A Collection of Cuttings from Magazines and Newspapers, mounted in 1 vol. N.D. 3003 Portraits A Collection of Sixty-eight Engraved Portraits of Ladies : after Reynolds, Watson, Russell, Knell er, Vandyck, Wissing, Philips, A. Ramsay, Highmore, Coats, &c., including Kitty Fischer, Nancy Dawson, and the Plymouth Beauty, after Reynolds, in a large Scrap Book, full bound morocco, gilt and tooled N. D. 3004 Portraits of Remarkable Characters A Large and Curious Collection of Portraits, with numerous cuttings and illustrative matter, all mounted, in 1 vol. h.-bd. v. y. 3005 Priorato (Count), History of France, translated by Brent, calf, ' Lond. 1676 3006 Prynne (William), Canterburies Doome, or the First Part of a Compleat History of the Commitment, &c., of William Laud, late Archbishop of Canter- bury, calf, with frontispiece, by Hollar, and portraits of Laud and Prynne, - Lond. 1646 TENTH DAY'S SALE. Octavo et Infra. 3007 I^PIUARLES (Francis), Enchiridion, Land. 1856 3008 Quarll (Philip), The English Hermit, or the Ad- ventures of, woodcuts, Loiid. N. D. 3009 Quarterly Biographical Magazine (all that was pub- lished), h.-bd. Lond. 1828 3010 Queen Elizabeth and The Earl of Essex, Secret History of, by a Person of Quality, frontispiece, Cologne, 1695 Queen's Closet Opened, being Incomparable Secrets in Physick Chyrurgery, &c., calf extra, Lond. 1696 Quevedo (Don F. de), The Visions of, made English, by Sir R. L'Estrange, h.-bd. - Lond. 1668 3013 Quevedo (Don F. de), Works, 3 vol. calf, Edin. 1798 3014 Quin (F. H. F.), Dissertatio Inauguralis de Arsenico, red morocco extra, See M.S. Notes, Edin. 1820 3015 Quintus Curtius, translated by Digby, 2 vol. calf, plates, - Lond. 1726 3016 Hr^R ABELAIS (Dr. F.), Gargantua and Pantagruel IBJaai title page and some leaves in M.S. by Charles Kirkpatrick Sharpe (by whom the volume was presented to Mr. Maidment, October 10, 1838), calf, - Lond. 1 653 3017 Rabelais (Dr. F.), The Works of, by Mr. Ozell, 4 vol. calf, Lond. 1737 3018 Rabutin (Bussi de), Histoire Amoureuse des Gaules, 6 vol. calf, Londres, 1789 3019 Racine, (Euvres de, 3 vol. calf, plates, Paris, 1767 3020 Radcliffe (Alexander), Ovid Travestie, and Poems in 1 vol. calf gilt, - Lond. 178 1-2 176 TENTH DAY'S SALE. [Octavo et Infra. 3021 Radcliffe (Ann), Works, comprising The Mysteries of Adolpho, 4 vol. in 2, 1806 ; A Cicilian Romance, 2 vol. in 1, 1796 ; The Romance of the Forest 3 vol. 1806 ; The Italian, 3 vol. 1797 ; and Pos- thumous Works, 4 vol. in 2, 1833, in all 15 vol. in 11, treed calf, uniform, Lond. v. y. 3022 Raikes (Thomas), Journal, from 1831 to 1847, 4 vol. calf extra, Lond. 1856 3023 Raikes (Thomas), Private Correspondence with the Duke of Wellington, &c., - Lond. 1861 3024 Rameau (J. P.), Le Maitre a Danser, calf, plates, Paris, 1734 3025 Ramsay (A.), Poemata Sacra, Edin. 1633 3026 Ramsay (Allan), The Evergreen, being a Collection of Scots Poems, 2 vol. calf, Edin. 1724 3027 Ramsay (Allan), The Gentle Shepherd, calf, 1758 3028 Ramsay (Allan), The Gentle Shepherd, a Pastoral Comedy, LARGE PAPER, only 100 copies printed, h.-bd. ' New York, 1852 3029 Ramsay (Allan), Life of, interleaved with notes and illustrative cuttings, - N. D. 3030 Randolph (Rev. H.), Life of General Sir Robert Wilson, 2 vol. Lond. 1862 3031 Randolph'(Thomas), Poems and Plays, calf^Lond. 1 644 3032 Rannie (John), The Highland Lassie ; or, Trip from the North, h.-bd. - Lond. 1803 3033 Rawlinson (R.), The English Topographer, calf, Lond. 1720 3034 Ray (James), A Compleat History of the Rebellion in 1745 to its Suppression at Culloden, russia extra, portrait of Duke of Cumberland, - York, 1749 3035 Ray (James), A Compleat Collection of English Pro- verbs, &c., calf, - Lond. 1768 3036 Rebellion of 1745 A very Interesting and Valuable Collection of Tracts relative to the Rebellion of 1745, including Capt. A. Ferguson's Persons of Note in the Service of the Chevalier ; Address to the Citizens of Glasgow, 1745 ; Account of the Battle of Gladsmuir ; Lovat's Ghost ; Full Col- lection of Poems upon Charles, 1745 ; and many other very rare and curious Pieces, 4 vol. calf extra, gilt edges, v. y. 3037 Rebellion of 1745 Collection of Numerous Tracts, Letters, Narratives, Poems, Parliamentary Pro- ceedings, &c., relating to the Rebellion of 1745, 2 vol. h.-bd. gilt tops, v. y. 3038 Rebellion of 1745 Proceedings at Perth, and The Sinfulness of Compliance with the Rebels Detected, 1745, in 1 vol. calf, v. y. Octavo et Infra.'] TENTH DAY'S SALE. 177 3039 Record Commission, Papers and Documents relating to the Evidence of certain Witnesses in the Enquiry, 2 vol. calf, 1837 * # * In vol. 2 are inserted numerous pamphlets relating to this enquiry. 3040 Recueil de Pieces Galantes, calf extra, gilt edges, Cologne, 1667 3041 Reeve (Clara), The Old English Baron, a Gothic Story, calf, Lond. 1780 3042 Reform Songs and Squibs, privately printed, Edin.^.D. 3043 Regal Ceremonies Banks' Nature of the Kingly Office, 1814; Round Table, 1820; Admission Ticket to Westminster Abbey, 1821 ; Ceremonies at the Interment of Queen Caroline, 1818, and others, in 1 vol. calf, v. y. 3044 Regnard, Menechmi Commedia di Plauto, russia, gilt, Bologna, N. D. 3045 Reid (Aleix.), Life, written by Himself, and edited by Archibald Prentice, his great-grandson, calf, Manchester, 1822 3046 Reinking (C.), The Secret Art of State Policy Dis- covered, calf, 1691 3047 Reliquiae Antiquae Scraps from Ancient Manu- scripts, illustrating early English Literature and the English Language, edited by Wright and Halliwell, 2 vol. uncut, Lond. 1841 3048 Reliquiae Antiquae Scoticae, Illustrative of Civil and Ecclesiastical Affairs, from Original Manuscripts, edited by Kinloch and Baxter, only 60 copies printed, h.-bd. - Edin. 1848 3049 Remains of Perron, Thuanus and St. Evremont, calf, Lond. 1707 3050 Remarkable Cases Dick v. Dick, on Impotency, 1811 ; Mordaunt Divorce Case, 1870 ; Saurin v. Starr, and 2 others, in 1 vol. h.-bd. v. y. 3051 Remarkable Clerical Cases, Reports of, in 1 vol. calf, Edin. 1828-36 3052 Remarkable Histories Narrative of John Sheppard, 1724 ; Female Dunciad, case of Elizabeth Fitz Maurice ; The Contract Violated, &c., 13 Pam- phlets, with MS. Index, in 1 vol. calf, - 1724-60 3053 Renatius (F. V.), De Re Militari, vellum, Versalice, 1670 3054 Renee (of France), Some Memorials of, Lond. 1859 3055 Reresby (Sir John), Travels and Memoirs, h.-bd. plates, - Lond. 1813 3056 Resources de 1'Amour, 2 parts in 1 vol. calf extra, Amstel 1752 23 178 TENTH DAY'S SALE. [Octavo et Infra. 3057 Retrospective Review, First and Second Series com- plete, 16 vol., Ji.-bd. uncut, - Lond. 1820-27 3058 Retrospective Review, 2 vol. h.-bd., uncut, Lond. 1853-54 3059 Revolution Lies and Stories, calf, Lond. 1733 3060 Revolutions in Portugal, by an Eye- Witness, Lond. 1827 3061 Reynolds (John), A Treatise of the Court, or, In- structions for Courtiers, Digested into two Books, russia extra, gilt edges, Lond. 1822 3062 Reynolds (F. M.), The Coquette, 3 vol. Lond. 1834 3063 Rhodii (Appolonii) Argonaticorum, Gr. et Lat., cum notis, &c., a Hoelglino, vellum, Elzev. 1641 3064 Rhymes of Northern Bards Songs and Poems Peculiar to the Counties of Newcastle-upon- Tyne, Northumberland, and Durham, edited by John Bell, russia extra, gilt edges, Newcastle, 1812 3065 Richardson (Mrs. G. G., of Dumfries)^ Poems, 2 vol. in 1, morocco extra, gilt edges, - Edin. 1829 3066 Richardson (James, Advocate), Studies from the Antique, h.-bd. Edin. 1862 3067 Richardson (M. A.), Local Historian's Table-Book (Historical Division, 5 vol., Legendary, 3 vol.), in all, 8 vol. woodcuts, - Lond. 1841-46 3068 Richardson (W.), Poems and Plays, 2 voL calf, Edin. 1805 3069 Ricraft (Josiah), Survey of England's Champions, and Truth's Faithfull Portraits, portrait by Faithorne, and 21 portraits, green morocco extra, Rodd, Lond, 1818 3070 Riddell (John, Surgeon), Malvina, a Tragedy, h.-bd. morocco, gilt top, Foulis, 1786 3071 Riddell (John), Remarks in Scotch Peerage Law, 1833 ; Answer to the History of the Partition of the Lennox, &c., 1835 : and Tracts, Legal and Historical, chiefly relative to Scotland, 3 vol. 1835 3072 Riddell (John), Stewartiaua, - Edin. 1843 3073 Riddell (Mrs.), The Metrical Miscellany, consisting chiefly of Poems hitherto unpublished, h.-bd. Lond. 1802 This vol. has Autograph and Note by Charles Kirk- patrick Sharpe. 3074 Ridigerus De Diasta Eruditorum, russia extra, Lipsice, 1728 3075 Rimbault (E. F.), A Little Book of Songs and Ballads, gathered from Ancient Musick Books, &c., h.-bd., morocco, Lond. 1851 3076 Rimius (H.), The Moravians and, The Antiquities of Arundel, in 1 vol. - Lond. 1766 Octavo et Infra.] TENTH DAY'S SALE. 179 3077 Kipa (Father), Memoirs of, during 13 Years' Resi- dence at Peking, calf, Lond. 1844 3078 Ritson (Joseph), Ancient Songs, from the Time of King Henry the Third to the Revolution, uncut, vignettes by Stothard, R.A., Lond. 1790 3079 Ritson (Joseph), Ancient Popular Poetry, from Authentic Manuscripts and Old Printed Copies, cuts by Bewick, Lond. 1791 3080 Ritson (Joseph), The Bishopric Garland, or Durham Minstrel, calf extra, Newcastle, 1 792 3081 Ritson (Joseph), The English Anthology, 3 vol. h.-bd., uncut, vignettes by Stothard, B.A., Lond. 1793 3082 Ritson (Joseph), Minot (Laurence), Poems on Inte- resting Events in the Reign of King Edward III., Lond. 1795 3083 Ritson (Joseph), Ancient English Metrical Ro- mances, 3 vol. uncut, Lond. 1802 3084 Ritson (Joseph), Bibliographia Poetica, A Catalogue of English Poets from the Twelfth to the Six- teenth Centuries, uncut, Lond. 1802 3085 Ritson (Joseph), On Abstinence from Animal Food as a Moral Duty ; with the Sale Catalogue of the Author's Library and Manuscripts (1803), in 1 vol. - Lond. 1802 3086 Ritson (Joseph), Gammer Gurton's Garland, or The Nursery Parnassus, - Lond. 1810 3087 Ritson (Joseph), Northern Garlands The Bishopric Garland; The Yorkshire Garland; The Northum- berland Garland ; and the North Country Cho- rister, in 1 vol. Lond. 1810 3088 Ritson (Joseph), The Caledonian Muse, a Chrono- logical Selection of Scotish Poetry from the Earliest Times, uncut, portrait and vignettes. This work was printed in 1785, the introductory portion was unfortunately burnt, now first published, Lond. 182 1 3089 Ritson (Joseph), Some Account of the Life and Publications of, by Joseph Haslewood, uncut, Lond. 1824 3090 Ritson (Joseph), The Life of King Arthur, from Ancient Historians and Authentic Documents, uncut, - - Lond. 1825 3091 Ritson (Joseph), Annals of the Caledonians, Picts and Scots, 2 vol. Edin. 1828 3092 Ritson (Joseph), The Letters of, with Memoir of the Author, by Sir Harris Nicolas, 2 vol. Pickering, 1833 180 TENTH DAY'S SALE. [Octavo et Infra. 3093 Ritus Depositions Argentorati Orationes Duae de Ritu et Modo Depositionis Beanorum, green morocco extra, gilt edges, curious plates, 1671 3094 [Rivers, David], Literary Memoirs of Living Authors of Great Britain, 2 vol. calf, - Lond. 1798 3095 Roberte the Deuyil, a Metrical Romance, edited by Herbert, curious cuts, - Lond. 1798 3096 Robertson (Alex., of Struan), Poems on Various Subjects and Occasions, Edin. N. D. 3097 Robertson (George), Genealogical Account of the Principal Families in Ayrshire, 3 vol. calf extra, plates, - Irvine, 1823 3098 Robertson (Hannah), The Young Ladies' School of Arts, 2 vol. in 1, h.-bd. - Edin. 1767 3099 Robertson (J. A.), Comitatus de Atholia The Earl- dom of Atholl, its Boundaries stated, printed for private circulation, - 1860 3100 Robertson ( J. C.), Becket, Archbishop of Canterbury, a Biography, Lond. 1859 3101 Robertson (Lord), Leaves from a Journal, privately printed, portrait, LARGE PAPER, presentation copy from the author, h.-bd. morocco, Edin. 1844 3102 Robertson (Mrs.), Granddaughter of Charles II., Life of, by Herself, Edin. 1792 3103 Robertson (W.), Historical Works, 10 vol. russia, portrait and maps, - Lond. 1794-99 3104 Robertson ( ), New Collection of Songs, calf extra, - Edin. 1848 3105 Robin Hood Garland, h.-bd.. Paisley, 1786 3106 Robin Hood Garlands and Ballads, edited by Gutch, and illustrated by Fairholt, 2 vol.. Lond. 1850 3107 Rob Roy Trials of James, Duncan and Robert M'Gregor, three Sons of Rob Roy, in the High Court of Justiciary, 1752-54, calf, Edin. 1818 3108 Rochefort (Count de), The Memoirs of the, calf, Lond. 1696 3109 Rochester (Earl of), Works, 2 vol. in 1, adorned with cuts, morocco extra, gilt and tooled, portrait, Lond. 1731 3110 Rodd (Thomas), Ancient Spanish Ballads, 2 vol. h.-bd. morocco, gilt tops, - Lond. 1812 3111 Rogers (Rev. C.), History of St. Andrews, plates, Edin. 1849 3112 Rohan (Due de), Memoires et Lettres, par Zur- Lauben, 2 vol. calf, Geneve, 1758 3113 Rolliad, in two parts, calf gilt, frontispiece, Lond. 1812 3114 Roman Stories; or The History of the Seven Wise Mistresses of Rome, calf, Lond. 1792 Octavo et Infra.] TENTH DAY'S SALE. 181 3115 Roman du Comte de Poitiers, par Michel, calf extra, gilt and tooled, Paris, 1831 3116 Romance of Octavian, from a Manuscript in the Bodleian Library, edited by Conybeare, Oxford, 1809 3117 Romance of the Pyrenees, 4 vol. h.-bd. Lond. 1812 3118 Rooke (Sir George), Life and Glorious Actions of, calf, 2 portraits, Lond. 1707 3119 Roper (Wm.), Life of Sir Thomas More, morocco, gilt edges, portraits, fyc., inserted, Chiswick, 1817 3120 Roquelaire (Due de), Le Momus Fra^ois, calf, Cologne, 1741 3121 Roscomon (Earl), Poems, together with Poems by R. Duke, calf, Lond. 1717 3122 Rose (Rt. Hon. George), Diaries and Correspondence, edited by Rev. L. V. Harcourt, 2 -vol., Lond. 1860 3123 Ross (Alex.), A View of all the Religions in the World ; and Apocalypsis, or The Revelation of certain Notorious Advancers of Heresie, in 1 vol. russia extra, gilt edges, Lond. 1655 3124 Ross (Alex.), Helenore; or The Fortunate Shep- herdess, Dundee, 1812 31 25 Ross (T.), De Virtutibus Ennaratio Jacobi Regis, &c., vellum, Lond. 1608 3126 Rossi (Johannis, Antiquarii Warwicensis), Historia Regum Angliae, a T. Hearne, calf, Oxonii, 1745 3127 Rough (Serj.), Poems, h.-bd., privately printed, 1816 3128 Rousset, Recueil Historique d'Actes, Memoirs et Traitez depuis la Paix d' Utrecht, &c., 21 vol., calf, La Haye, 1728 3129 Row (James), Humble Remonstrance of the Five- Foot Highians, with the Wounds o' th' Kirk of Scotland; or A Specimen of Presbyterian Elo- quence Preech'd in St. Geil's, by James Row o' Strowan, &c., calf, - Dublin, 1733 " This same tract, of which I have never seen another copy, contains, amongst other odd articles, a copy of the Portmanty Sermon, &c." J. M. 3130 Rowlands (Samuel), Cornucopias ; Pasquil's Night- Cap, or Antidote for the Head-ache, reprint of the 1612 Edition, h.-bd. morocco, - Lond. N. D. 3131 Royal Mistresses of France, calf, - Lond. 1695 3132 Royal Military Calendar ; or, Army Service and Companion Book, 5 vol., h.-bd. russia, Lond. 1820 3133 Royal Mornings, calf, - N. D. 182 TENTH DAY'S SALE. [Octavo et Infra. 3134 Ruddiman (T.), Miscellaneous Works, 3 vol. russia, gilt edges, Edin. 1745-48 3135 Ruddiman (T.), Introduction to Anderson's Diplo- mata Seotise, calf extra, - Edin. 1773 3136 Ruddiman (W.), A Collection of Scarce, Curious, and Valuable Pieces, in Prose and Verse, calf, Edin. 1773 3137 Rules of Civility, Translated out of the French, calf extra, - Lond. 1671 3138 Rulhiere (M. de), Revolution in Russia, 1762, por- traits inserted, calf, - Lond. 1797 " This book is fully as curious and valuable as it is rare." See note by J. M. 3139 Rupert (Prince), Historical Account of, wants title, N. D. 3140 Russell (Lord John), Life of William Lord Russell, 2 vol. h.-bd. - Lond. 1828 3141 Russell (John), A Tour in Germany, 2 vol. calf, Edin. 1824 3142 Russell (Lord William), Life and Death of, Executed for High Treason, 1 683 ; with Origin and Rise of the Earls of Bedford, portrait, calf, ] 684 3143 Russell (Lord William), Enquiry into the Authority for Echard's Statement, in his History of Eng- land, as to Lord Russell, by Marton, privately printed, - 1852 3144 Ryan (John), A Disclosure of the Popish Revolu- tionary Faction in Ireland, h.-bd. - 1838 3145 Rye House Plot, calf, - Lond. 1685 3146 Rymer (T.), Antiquity of Parliaments, calf, 1714 See Note by Mr. Maidment. 3147 Rythmus de S. Annone, 1075, calf, Dantisci, 1639 / 3148 Ryves (Bruno), Mercurius Rusticus ; or, The Countries Complaint of the Barbarous Outrages Committed by the Sectaries of this late Flour- ishing Kingdom, &c., russia extra, gilt and tooled, frontispiece, - . Lond. 1685 [ABBATH in Edinburgh, a Poem, Edin. 1849 _J 3150 Sabinus, De Vita Hugonis et Theodorici, russia extra, 1552 3151 Sadoleti, (Jac) Philosophies Consolationes et Medi- tationes in Adversis, Francofurii, 1577 ; Baduellas (C.), De Ratione Vitae Studicea, &c., Lipsice, 1621, in 1 vol. green morocco, gilt edges, - v. y. 3152 Sagarum Purgatio Scriboni (G. A.), Examen Epis- tolae et Partis Physiologiae de Examine Sagarum Octavo et Infra.] TENTH DAY'S SALE. 183 per aquam frigidara, 1589 ; Refutatio Responsio ab Veritatis, Herbornce, 1591, in 1 vol. russia extra, gilt edges, 1589-91 3153 Sagittarii Commentatio, calf, Altenburgi, N. D. 3154 St. Cuthbert's Parish, History of, by Sime, calf, Edin. 1829 3155 Saint-Fond (B. F. de), Travels in England, Scotland, and the Hebrides, 2 vol. h.-bd., plates, Loud. 1799 3156 St. Germain (C. de), The Royal Physician ; or The Perfect Charitable Physician, divided into three parts, translated by Alexander Hav, morocco extra, gilt edges, Edin. 1689 3157 St. Margaret, Queen of Scotland ; or, The Idea of a Perfect Princess, russia, gilt edges, Paris, 1661 3158 Saint-Martin (M. J.), De la Morte d'Alexandre, &c., h.-bd. - Paris, 1820 3159 Saint-Real (C. V. de), (Euvres Choises de, 4 vol. calf gilt, - Lond. 1783 3160 Saint Serf (Thena), Entertainments of the Cours ; or, Academical Conversations held at Paris, russia, gilt edges, Lond. 1658 3161 Sallust, translated by Rowe, calf, Lond. 1726 3162 Sallustii Opera, calf, Parisiis, 1774 3163 Sally Salisbury Genuine History of Mrs. Sarah Prydden and her Gallants, with Letter from Antony Boles, &c., h.-bd. - Lond. 1723 3164 Sanderi Historia Schismatis Anglicani, h.-bd. 1728 3165 Sandys (George), Christ's Passion, a Tragedy, with Annotations, red morocco extra, gilt edges, Lond. 1640 3166 Sandy's (William) Christmas Carols, Ancient and Modern, h.-bd., morocco, gilt top, Lond. 1833 3167 Sanuazarii (Jac), Opera Omnia, calf, Venet. Aldus, 1570 3168 Sarbievii (M. C.), Carmina, calf Parisiis, 1791 3169 Satires of Persius, by Drummond, russia gilt, Lond. 1803 3170 Satyres (des), Brutes, Monstres, et Demons, calf, Paris, 1627 3171 Savile (G.), Character of Charles the Second, calf, Lond. 1750 3172 Saxon Chronicle, A Literal Translation, by Miss Gurney, morocco extra, gilt edges, Norwich, 1819 3173 Sayers (Dr. F.), Poetical Works, by Taylor, Norwich, 1830 3174 Scaligeri (J.), Poemata Omnia, vellum, Raphelengii, Plantiniana, 1615 3175 Scheffer (John), The History of Lapland, calf , plates y Lond. 1704 3176 Schlosserus, De .^Estimations Heraldica, russia extra, HanovercB, 1729 184 TENTH DAY'S SALE. [Octavo et Infra. 3177 Schnurrii Joci, calf extra, JRotenburgi, 1636 3178 Schoettgenius (C.), De Secta Flagellantium,ca//&rra, gilt edges, Lipsice, 1711 3179 Schomberg (Ralph, M.D.), On Pindar and Horace, and Temple's Sketches, in 1 vol. h.-bd. Lond. 1769 3180 Schonaei (Corn.), Terentius Christianus seu Comcediae Sacrae, &c., 2 vol. in 1, vellum, Amstel. 1646 3181 Schurzfleischiana, calf, - Vittembergce, 1744 3182 Schwartzenberga Gloriosa, sive Epitome Historica, red. morocco extra, Ratisbonce, 1708 3183 Scioppi (C.), Suspectamm Lectionum Mariangeli, Auctarium, &c., in 1 vol., vellum, Amstel. 1664 3184 Scot (George), Model of the Government of the Province of East-New-Jersey, &c., russia extra, gilt edges, - Edin. 1605 3185 Scot (Sir John, of Scotstarvet), The Staggering State of the Scots Statesmen, calf, Edin. 1754 3186 Scotch Haggis (The), Consisting of Anecdotes, Jests, Articles of Literature, Epitaphs and In- scriptions, by David Webster, printer, Edin- burgh, calf, - Edin. 1822 3187 Scotch Presbyterian Eloquence Displayed, with an Answer, in 3 parts, calf, - Lond. 1789 3188 Scotch Rogue, or The Life and Actions of Donald Macdonald, a High-land Scot, 2 parts, calf, frontispieces, - Lond. 1706-23 3189 Scotia Rediviva A Collection of Tracts, illustrative of the History and Antiquities of Scotland, edited by Buchanan, Edin. 1826 3190 Scotish Biography A Collection of Pamphlets and Notices, Letters, &c., in 1 vol. h.-bd. Edin. v. y. 3191 Scotish Criminal Cases The Trial of Katharine Nairn and Patrick Ogilvie, with broadsides and several very interesting MSS. relative to the parties, Edin. 1765 ; Trials of Sir Archd. Gordon Kinloch, 1795 ; Rev. Neil Douglas, portrait, 1817 ; Lord . George Gordon, with a great many other curious and famous trials, the whole uniformly bound, in 5 vol. h.-bd. russia, - v. y. 3192 Scotish Poems of the Sixteenth Century, edited by J. G. Dalyell, 2 vol. russia gilt, Edin. 1801 3193 Scotland History of the Affairs of Scotland from the Restauration of King Charles the Second, calf, frontispiece, - Lond. 1690 3194 Scotland An Interesting Collection of Tracts relat- ing to the Rebellion of 1715, in 1 vol. h.-bd. 1715-18 3195 Scotland Letter from a Gentleman in Scotland concerning the Slaving Dependencies caused by Superiorities, &c., Edin. 1721 Octavo et Infra.] TENTH DAY'S SALE. 185 3196 Scotland Register of the Privy Counsel of Soot- land, edited by John Hill Burton, Vol. I., 1545-69, Edin. 1877 3197 Scotland Collection of Historical and Miscellaneous Tracts relating to Scotland, in 1 vol. h.-bd. russia, v -y- 3198 Scotland's Glory and her Shame, in verse, 1786 3199 Scots Poems The Thistle and Rose ; Vertue and Vyce, Foulis, 1750 ; The Wife of Auchtermuchty, Edin. 1803; The King's Quair, Air, 1815; Dunbar's Two Married Women and the Widow, Edin. 1840, in 1 vol. calf extra, gilt and tooled, v. y. 3200 Scots Spy, or Critical Observer, 1776, and the New Scots Spy, in 1 vol., russia extra, gilt edges, Edin., Peter Williamson, 1776-7 3201 Scots Weekly Magazine, h.-bd. Edin. 1833 3202 Scott (A.), Poems, edited from a Manuscript, 1568, by D. Laing, h.-bd. morocco, uncut, only 100 copies privately printed, Edin. 1821 3203 Scott (Rev. James), History of the Earl of Gowrie, calf, plates, Edin. 1818 3204 Scott (Jonathan), Bahar-Danush ; or Garden of Knowledge, an Oriental Romance, 3 vol. calf, Shrewsbury, 1799 3205 Scott (Sir Walter), Letters on the Author of Waver- ley, by John Adolphus, calf, Lond. 1822 3206 Scott (Sir Walter), The Waverley Novels, 48 vol. plates, Edin. Cadell, 1829 3207 Scott (Sir Walter), Poetical Works, 12 vol. plates after Turner, Edin. Cadell, 1833 3208 Scott (Sir Walter), Miscellaneous Prose Works, 28 vol. plates, Edin. Cadell, 1834 3209 Scott (Sir Walter), Life, by Lockhart, 7 vol. Edin. 1837 3210 SCOTTIANA : Sixteen Engravings from Scenes in Novels and Tales, Edin. 1821 ; Scottish An- tiquities and Churchyards ; Regalia of Scotland, Edin. 1819; Sir Walter and the Glasgow Radi- cals ; Ballantyne Controversy, &c., with a large and interesting collection of extracts, cuttings, re- views, letters, and miscellanea, relative to Sir Walter Scott, the whole bound in 3 vol. half-morocco, gilt tops, - v. y. 3211 Scott (William), An Essay of Drapery; or The Compleate Citizen, calf, Lond. 1635 3212 Scott Pedigree of the Family of Scott of Stokoe, h.-bd. - Lond. 1852 24 186 TEXTH DAY'S SALE. [Octavo et Infra. 3213 Scottish Archers Chronological List of the Royal Company of Scottish Archers, 1819 ; and Pam- phlets and Tracts relating to Archery, in 1 vol. h.-bd. - v. y. 3214 Scottish Biographical Tracts Life of the Ettrick Shepherd Anatomised ; Notices of John Rennie ; Memoir of Mr. Williamson's Services in India ; Mark Napier's Letters to Macvey Napier ; Sketch of Dr. Graham, &c., in 1 vol. calf gilt, v. y. 3215 Scottish Entails Tracts and Pamphlets relating to, in 1 vol. h.-bd. 1765-1822 3216 Scottish Journal of Topography, Antiquities, Tradi- tions, &c., 2 vol. half-morocco, - Edin. 1848 3217 Scottish Military Exercise for Foot and Dragoons, red morocco extra, ^ - Edin. 1603-1705 3218 Scottish Periodicals The Juvenal '/The Enquirer; /'The Beacon Light ; The East Lothian Magazine, &c., in 1 vol. h.-bd. / - 1805-22 3219 Scottish Periodicals The Spectrum, Edin. 1826; s The New Lapsus Linguae, Edin., 1825, in 1 vol. h.-bd. - v. y. 3220 Scottish Poems The Artless Muse ; Nairn, a Poem ; Gloaming Amusements, &c., in 1 vol. 1818-31 3221 Scottish Poetry, Miscellaneous A large Collection of Poems and Poetical Pieces, viz., The Cloaciniad ; Nisbet's Poems ; Alves' Poems; Gavin Turnbull's Poetical Essays; Sillars' Poems; MissCarmichael's Poems; Kennedy's Treason or Not Treason; Grahame's Poems ; The Invective ; Miss Kilby ; Buonaparte ; Dr. Gregory's Lucubrations on the Epigram ; Andrew Stewart's Poems ; Mudie's The Maid of Griban ; Face to Face, or a Dialogue betwixt a Church Deacon and a Widow; The Dream, or the Devil opposing the Resurrection Men; Poems by Margaret Chalmers, Lerwick; The Telegraph ; Queen Street Gardens ; A Shadow of the Past; Phrenology in Edinburgh, and many others, in 5 vol. h.-bd. uniform, 1739-186 3222 Scottish Topography An Extensive and Valuable Collection of Pamphlets, Tracts, and Papers relating to various Counties in Scotland, viz.: Aberdeen, 2 vol. Argyle, i vol. Clackmannan and Kinross, - i vol. Dumfries, - i vol. Fife, 2 vol. Forfar, 2 vol. Haddington, I vol. Inverness, 2 vol. Octavo et fnfnt.'] TENTH DAY'S SALE. 187 Linlithgow, I vol. Lanark and the City of Glasgow, 3 vol. Midlothian (City), 8 vol. - (County), 2 vol. Orkney and Zetland, - i vol. Perth, 3 vol. Renfrew, I vol. Roxburgh, I vol. Stirling, I vol. in all 33 vol. handsomely bound, calf gilt, v. y. V See also Lot 3725. 3223 Scottish Topographical Tracts, various, 3 vol. calf, 3224 Scottish Tracts, Miscellaneous, in 1 vol. russia extra, 1711-51 3225 Scottish Tracts, Biographical, in 1 vol. calf extra, 1790-1816 3226 Scottish Poetical Tracts A Valuable and Interest- ing Collection of Poetical Tracts and Minor Poems, in 6 vol. calf gilt, 1765-1840 3227 Scottish Poetical Tracts Original Poems by James Brown, Edin., 1790 ; Morcar and Elfma, 1798 ; Elcho Castle, 1796 ; Willie's Vision, or The Deil Personified ; Brown's Tour of Albion ; The Brose Club, 1811; and others in 1 vol. calf extra, v. y. 3228 Scottish Poetical Tracts, in 1 vol. h.-bd., Paisley, Kelso, <$c. v. y. 3229 Scottish Tracts Historical, Critical, Biographical, and Miscellaneous, a Collection in 7 vol., not uniform, 1795-1834 3230 Scudamore (James, Lord), Home a la Mode, a Mock Poem, ruby morocco extra, gilt edges, Oxford, 1665 3231 Seaman's Spiritual Song Book, h.-bd., Hull, N. D. 3232 Seaton (Thomas), The Conduct of Servants in Great Families, calf, Lond. 1720 3233 Sebastiani (M. J.), Dissertationes Historic^, russia extra, gilt edges, Nurnburyi, 1666 3234 Secret History of the Reigns of Charles II. and James II., portrait, ruby morocco extra, gilt edges, 1690 3235 Secret History of a Year, &c., calf, Lond. 1714 3236 Secret Memoirs of Poland, calf, ' - Lond. 1700 3237 Sedgwick (Miss), Redwood, a Tale, 3 vol. 1824; Hope Leslie, 3 vol. 1828 ; and Clarence, 2 vol. 1830, h.-bd. Lond. v. y. 3238 Sedulii Scoti, Poemata Sacra, green morocco extra, gilt edges, Edin. 1701 3239 Selden (John), Table Talk, morocco extra, Chiswick, 1818 188 TEXTH DAY'S SALE. [Octavo et Infra. 3240 Selection of Curious Articles from the Gentleman's Magazine, by Walker, 4 vol. calf, Lond. 1811 3241 Sernpills (of Beltrees), The Poems of, now first collected, edited by James Paterson, Edin. 1849 3242 Seneca (L. A.), Le Tragedie di, Tradotte da Dolce, morocco gilt, Venetia, 1500 3243 Seneca (L. A.), His Tenne Tragedies, translated in Englysh by T. Newton, lasper Heywood, and others, blark JUiter, calf, - 1581 3244 Senecas (L. A.), Tragoediae, cum notis J. F. Gronovii, vellum, Amstel, 1682 3245 Seneca (L. A.), Tragedies, by Sir E. Sherburne, calf extra, plates, - Lond. 1701 3246 Serious Thoughts on Public Disorders, Lond. N. D. 3247 Serre (Sr. de la), The Mirrour which Flatters not, translated by T. Gary, p lates, Lond. 1639 3248 Sesellius, De Republica Gallise, morocco extra, Argent. 1562 3249 Seven Wise Masters of Rome, calf, cuts, Lond. N. D. / 3250 Seward (William), Anecdotes of some Distinguished Persons, chiefly of the present and two preced- ing centuries, with Supplement, 5 vol. calf, plates, Lond. 1796 / 3251 Seward (William), Biographiana, 2 vol. calf, Lond. 1 799 3252 Shafto Family Case Letter containing an Account of the Unfortunate Difference between Sir Sir Cuthbert Shafto of Bavington and his Lady, [by Sir Robert Heron], with interesting notes in- serted, h.-bd. uncut, 1797 " The only other copy of this most remarkable letter I ever saw, was in the library of my poor friend Turnbull, who gave Thorpe a guinea and a half for it, &c." J. M. ^ 3253 SHAKESPEARE SOCIETY PUBLICATIONS, 47 vol. of, Lond. v/,y. 3254 Shakespeare (William), Examination of Certayue Ordinary Complaints of divers of our Country- men in these our dayes, h.-bd. - Lond. 1751 3255 Shakespeare (William), Poems, calf gilt, reprinted for Thomas Evans, Lond. N. D. 3256 Shakespeare Jest Book, 2 parts, only 50 copies printed, - Chiswick, 1814-15 3257 Shamrock A Collection of Irish Songs, edited by Weekes, - Glasg. 1830 3258 Sharp (Archbishop), True and Impartial Account of the Life of (has the cancelled leaf 54-5), 1723 Octavo et Infra.] TENTH DAY'S SALE. 189 ' 3259 Sharp (Richard), Letters and Essays in Prose and Verse, calf, Lond. 1834 / 3260 Sharpe (Charles Kirkpatrick), Metrical Legends, and other Poems, calf gilt, portrait and letter inserted, Oxford, 1807 3261 She is, and She is not : a Fragment of the History of Miss de Grosberg, alias Mrs. Potter, &c. (Mrs. Rudd), h.-bd. Lond. 1776 3262 Shelley (Percy B.), The Revolt of Islam, Lond 1818 3263 Shelley (Percy B.), Queen Mab, h.-bd. Lond. 1822 3264 Shelley (Percy B), Poetical Pieces, - Lond. 1823 3265 Shepherd (H. J.), Memoir of Sir Samuel Shepherd, privately printed, N. D. 3266 Sherburne (Edward), Poems, green morocco extra, curious frontispiece, Lond. 1651 / 3267 Sheridiana, in 1 vol. h.-bd., - v. y. 3268 Sherwood (Robert), The French Tutour by way of Grammar, morocco extra, gilt edges, Lond. 1634 3269 Shetland, the Orkneys, &c., Account of a Voyage to, h.-bd. Lond. 1751 3270 Shields (Alex.), Hind Let Loose, an Historical Representation of the Testimonies of the Church of Scotland, calf, frontispiece, 1687 3271 Shirley (John) The Illustrious History of Women, or a Compendium to the many Virtues that adorn theFair Sex, russia extra,gilt edges, Lond. 1686 3272 Shirrefs (Andrew), Jamie and Bess, or The Laird in Disguise, calf, portrait, Aberdeen, 1787 Quarto. (Francis), Romance of Gargantua and Pantagruel, translated by Sir Thomas Urquhart, edited by Sir Theodore Martin, frontis- piece by G. K. Sharpe, only 1 00 copies printed, Edin. 1838 3274 Rae (Robert), History of the Late Rebellion rais'd against His Majesty King George by the Friends of the Popish Pretender, calf extra, gilt and tooled, Dumfries, 1718 See MS. note by Mr. Maidment, and papers at end of volume. 3275 Ramsay (The Chevalier), Poems, h.-bd., Edin. 1728 3276 Raynolds (John), Defence of a Lawfull Divorce, and of the Lawfulness of Marriage, morocco extra, gilt edges, - Printed anno 1609 3277 Reid (John), The Scots Gard'ner, in two parts, calf extra, - Edin. 1683 190 TEXTH DAY'S SALE. [Quarto. 3278 Reinesii (T.) Lingua Punicse, calf, Alien, 1637 3279 Relation of the Proceedings against Magdalen Col- ledge in Oxon, h.-bd., Printed in the year 1688 3280 Reliquiae Pitcairnianae, h.-bd., Edin. v. y. 3281 Remarkable Cases, Collection of Henry Roberts, Dr. Dodds, &c., and other curious Tracts, with portraits, in 1 vol. h.-bd., v. y. 3282 Res Bibliographicas A Collection of Pamphlets in 2 vol. calf, v. y. 3283 Res Gallicae Dissertatio Moralis qua Rationes Con- futantur sur Franciscusi, &c., 1726 ; Ferrarii (0.), Pauegyricus Ludovico Magno Dictus, Lutetice, 1680 ; Patricius, De Justitia Armorum, and others, in 1 voL calf, v. y. 3284 Res Hispanicae A Collection of Pamphlets and Papers, in 1 vol. calf, 1574-1702 3285 Res Hungaricae Tentamen Histories Litterarum, 85 3479 Symson (A.), Tripatriarchicon, calf extra, Edin. 1705 3480 Symson (Andrew), A Large Description of Gallo- way, 1684, edited by Lord Duudrennan, uncut, plates, Edin. 1823 3481 Symson (David), Historical and Genealogical Ac- count of the Family of Stewart, russia extra, gilt edges, Lond. 1713 3482 |pp|ACITUS, Caesar, Terentius, Livius, Martial, IBa.oal and other Classics, 19 vol. calf gilt, Barlou, 1754-60 3483 Tait (William), Magdalenism, 1840; The Whole Truth, by the Editor of the North Briton, and other Pamphlets, in 1 vol. calf, Edin. 1840-66 3484 Tales of the Fairies ; or, The Comical Metamor- phoses, morocco extra, gilt edges, Lond. 1764 3485 Tales of Superstition and Chivalry, calf, Lond. 1802 3486 Tales of the Wise Men of Gotham, h.-bd. Lond. 1840 3487 Tancredi Summula Matrimonia, russia extra, Colo nice, 1563 3488 Tangier, The Present State of. morocco gilt, Lond. 1676 3489 Tasso (T.), Amintas, translated by W. Ayre, 1737 3490 Tasso (T.), Jerusalem Delivered, translated by Fair- fax, 2 vol. calf extra, gilt edges, Lond. 1817 3491 Tate (George), History of the Borough, Castle, and Barony of Alnwick, 2 vol. h.-bd. morocco, gilt tops, plates, Alnwick, 1868-69 3492 Tate (N.), Funeral Poems, calf, Lond. 1700 3493 Taubman (M.), Collection of Loyal Poems and Satyres, calf, Lond. 1635 3494 Taylor (J.), Life of Old Parr, calf extra, plates, numerous cuttings from newspapers as to longevity inserted, Lond. 1794 3495 Taylor (Rev. J. W.), Historical Antiquities of Fife, Cupar, 1872 3496 Taylor (Nath.), History of Popish Sham-Plots, calf, Lond. 1682 3497 Taylor (Tom.), Life of Benjamin Robert Haydon, 3 vol. Lond. 1853 3498 Taylor (William), Scots Poems, calf, Edin. 1787 204 ELEVENTH DAY'S SALE. [Octavo et Infra. 3499 Taylor (The Water Poet), Works, edited by Hindley, Lond. 1870 3500 Teagueland Jests, calf, N. D. 3501 Teate (Faithful!), Ter Tria ; or, The Doctrine of the Three Sacred Persons, morocco extra, Lond. 1669 3502 Tegg (Thomas), The 0. P. War, Lond. 1810 3503 Teissier (A.), Les Eloges des Hommes Scavans tirez de 1'Histoire de M. Thou, 2 vol. in 1, calf, Utrecht, 1696 3504 Tenent ( Wheelwright, Glasgow), Poems full of Gospel Marrow, calf, - Glasg. 1771 3505 Terence, The Comedies of, translated by George Colman, 2 vol. calf extra, plates, Lond. 1768 3506 Terentii (P.) Comoediae tSex, cum notis Westerhovii, vellum, HagcB-Comitum, 1732 3507 Terentii Comcediae ad Fidem Optimarum Editio- num Expressae, old red morocco, gilt, Edin. 1758 3508 Tertulliau's Address, translated by Sir David Dal- rymple, Edin. 1790 3509 Tetes-a-Tetes, Histories of, a Curious and Interest- ing Collection of Cuttings from Periodicals and Newspapers, in 2 vol., with numerous portraits, notes, and letters inserted, h.-bd. 1769-75 3510 Thackeray (W. M.), The Irish Sketch Book, 2 vol. numerous cuts by the Author, Lond. 1843 3511 The Art of Complaisance; or, The Means to Oblige in Conversation, extra calf, MS. Note by Mr. Maidment, Lond. 1673 3512 Theatre of Fun ; or, Roderick Random in High Glee, calf, frontispiece, - Lond. 1776 3513 The Cherry and the Sloe, Corected and Modernised, written originally by Capt. Montgomery, calf, Aberdeen, 1792 " This strange attempt to modernise Montgomery's Poem is probably from the pen of John Douglas." J. M. 3514 The Christiad, translated by Cromwell, calf, 1768 3515 The Cobler of Canterbury, calf extra, Edin. 1861 3516 The Curiosity, or, The General Library, York, 1738 3517 The Haut-ou Herald, a Miscellany of Real Life, coloured plates, and others, in 1 vol. calf gilt, Lond. N. D. 3518 The Husband Forced to be Jealous, a translation, by A. H., calf extra, - Lond. 1868 3519 The Intriguing Beauty, and Beauty without In- trigue, 3 vol. h.-bd. - Lond. 1819 3520 The Libertines ; or, The Vices of the Age Exposed, calf extra, Lond. N. D. Octavo et Infra.'] ELEVENTH DAY'S SALE. 205 3521 The Long Pack, a Northumberland Tale, an Hun- dred Years Old, Newcastle, 1817 See MS. Note by Mr. Maidment as to the authorship being claimed by Hogg. " This copy of the Long Pack was printed in popular form at Newcastle in 1817 by Angus, who threw off some half-dozen copies on fine paper, of which the following is one." 3522 The Lyrick Poet, Odes and Satyres, translated out of Horace, by J. Smith, Lond. 1649 3523 The Marchioness, 3 vol. calf, Lond. 1813 * 3524 The 'Mirror, a Periodical Paper, 2 vol. calf gilt, and The Lounger, by Mackenzie, 2 vol. calf, Lond. 1792-4 3525 The Modern Story Teller, 2 vol. calf, Lond. N. D. 3526 The Non-such Charles, his Character extracted out of Divers Originall Transactions, &c., calf, arms embossed on boards, portrait, - Lond. 1651 3527 Theodoret, his Therapeutica, calf extra, Cambridge, 1776 3528 Theodorici Commentarius, prior Historicus de Regibus vetustis Norvagicis, Kirchmanni, green morocco extra, Amstel. 1684 3529 The Princely and Pleasant History of the Gentle Craft of Shoemakers, morocco extra, Edin. 1774 ' 3530 The Trifler, calf, Edin. 1797 3531 Thevenot (M.), The Art of Swimming, illustrated by Proper Figures, with Advice for Bathing, Lond. 1699 3532 Thiebault (D.), Mes Souvenirs de vingt ans de Sejour a Berlin ; ou Frederic le Grand, 5 vol. russia gilt, Paris, 1805 / 3533 Thierry (A.), History of the Conquest of England by the Normans, 3 vol. Lond. 1825 3534 Thiers, Histoire des Perruques, calf, Paris, 1690 / 3535 Thorns (William J.), Collection of Early Prose Romances, 3 vol. h.-bd. morocco, gilt tops, Pickering, 1828 3536 Thomson (James), Seasons, first edition, Spring, 1728 ; Summer, 1727 ; Autumn, 1730 ; Winter, 1726, last leaf of Winter wanting, but supplied in MS., russia extra, Lond. 1726-30 3537 Thomson (James), Poetical Works, 3 vol. calf, plates, Lond. 1788 3538 Thomson (of St. Andrews), Vindex Veritatis, &c., vellum, Lond. 1606 3539 Thomson (W.), Orpheus Caledonius, a Collection of Scots Songs, set to Music, 2 vol. in I, russia extra, Lond. 1733 206 ELEVENTH DAY'S SALE. [Octavo et Infra. y 3540 [Thomson (R.)], Chronicles of London Bridge, by an Antiquary, calf gilt, cuts, - 1827 3541 Thomson (Richard), Illustrations of the History of Great Britain, 2 vol. in 1, caff, Edin. 1828 3542 Thomsoniana, Poems and Newspaper Cuttings, Songs, &c., Illustrative of Thomson, calf, v. y. 3543 Thorius (R.), Hymnus Tabaci, a Poem in Honour of Tabaco, calf extra, Lond. 1651 3544 Thorpe (T.), Catalogues of Antient Manuscripts, Autograph Correspondence, &c., 2 vol. h.-bd. 1833 3545 Thuani (Jac. Aug.) Poemata, calf gilt, Amstel, 1722 3546 Thura (Alberti), Gynasceum Danae Litterarum, calf extra, gilt edges, Altona, 1732 3547 Thurlow (E., Lord), Appendix to Poems on Several Occasions, being a Continuation of the Sylva, green morocco extra, gilt edges, - Lond. 1812 3548 Tibulli Vita, 1719 ; Cypriani Vindiciee Justinianaa, 1705 ; Bytemeister Delineatio Rei Numismaticae, 1744, and others, in 1 vol. caff extra, 1719-66 3549 Tickell (Richard), History of a French L ouse ; or, The Spy of a New Species in France and Eng- land, caff gilt, - Lond. 1779 3550 Tighe (Mrs. Henry), Psyche, with other Poems, calf, portrait, Lond. 1812 3551 Tighe (Mrs. Henry), Psyche, with other Poems, calf, portrait, Lond. 18 It) .* 3552 Tim Bobbin, View of the Lancashire Dialect, &c., calf, plates, Manchester, 1793 3553 Tiran Le Blanc, Histoire de Vaillant Chevalier, Tra- duite de 1'Espagnol, 2 vol. red morocco extra, gilt edges, Amst. N. D. 3554 Tixall Letters ; or, The Correspondence of the Aston Family and their Friends during the Seven- teenth Century, with Not3s and Illustrations by Arthur Clifford, Esq., 2 vol. in 1, h.-bd. morocco, gilt top, - Lond. 1815 A/ 3555 Todd (Rev. H. J.), Illustrations of the Lives and Writ- ings of Gower and Chaucer, calf, Lond. 1810 3556 Tom Gay's Comical Jester, calf, some leaves mended, Dublin, 1763 3557 Tooke (Wm.), View of the Russian Empire, 3 vol. calf, Lond. 1800 3558 Topham (Major), Letters from Edinburgh, 1774 and 1775, calf, Lond.WQ 3559 Topographical Tracts Guide to Burghley House, with Catalogue, plates and portraits inserted; Sketch of Knole in Kent, plates and portraits in- serted ; Catalogue of Portraits at Knole, plates, and others, in 1 vol. calf, - 1795-1815 Octavo et Infra.] ELEVENTH DAY'S SALE. 207 3560 Topographical Tracts English, a Collection in 6 vol. calf gilt, - v. y. 3561 Torrens (Henry W.), Madame de Malguet, a Tale of 1820, 3 vol. calf gilt, Lond. 1848 3562 Tour in England. Ireland, and France, by a German Prince, 4 vol. h.-ld. 1832 3563 Town and Country Nut Cracker, or Jack Sharp's Jests, frontispiece, Lond. N. D. 3564 Trachical History of Fortunatus, calf, curious wood cuts, - London, Hanna Sawbridge, 1683 See printed note by Mr. Maidment inserted. 3565 Tractates Catalogus Academicarum De West- phalia Oratio, &c., in 1 vol. calf extra, 1554-5 " The first of these very rare tractates is peculiarly in- teresting, from the notice brief though it be, of the consideration in which, in the year 1554, the Universities of Glasgow and Aberdeen were held, both of these being contemptuously dismissed as ' ignobiles.' Glasgow is oddly enough described as ' Supra Edinburgum.'" J. M. 3566 Tractatus de Rebus Historicis, morocco extra, gilt edges, 1550-1669 3567 Tractatus Rarissimi Historia descriptio susceptae a Caesarea Maiestate executionis contra S. Rome, &c., 1568 ; Libelli Epistolarum, 1587 ; Dresseri Studiosis Literarum in Academia, Lipsice, 1582 ; and others, in 1 vol. calf extra, 1568-89 3568 Tractatus Historic! De J&tate Assyriorum Sagi- tarius ; De Regibus, &c., in 1 vol. calf, - 1663 3569 Tractatus de Rebus Veteribus, in 1 vol. calf, Vienna et Carlsruhe, 1733-59 3570 Tractatus Historicae Dissidium Moguntinum inter duos Archiepiscopos ; Historia Spinozismi, &c., in 1 vol. calf, v. y. 3571 Tracts The Royal Oak, or A Crown's Worth of Loyalty for a Testen, JEdin., 1682 ; Sermon by Mr. James Row ; A Scheme proposing a True Touchstone for the Due Trial of a Proper Union betwixt England and Scotland, &c., 1706 ; A Testimony against Stageplayers, by the Young Tinclarian, 1754, (4 Scarce Tracts) in 1 vol. russia extra, gilt edges, - Edin. v. y. 3572 Tracts, chiefly Scottish (Collection of) Character of Don Sacheverellio, Knight of the Firebrand, Dublin, 1710 ; Nature of Spiritual Rebellion Con- sidered, Edin. 1718, and others, in 1 vol.[calf, v. y. 3573 Tracts, chiefly Scottish, in 1 vol. h.-bd. - v. y. 208 ELEVENTH DAY'S SALE. [Octavo et Jnfm. 3574 Tracts, Critical and Literary Letter to Bentley, 1732; Animadversions on the Proceedings against Bentley ; Letter from a Quaker to Voltaire ; Newton's Letters, to Le Clerc, in 1 vol. h.-bd. v - y- 3575 Tracts, Critical and Literary Captain Ross on Sabine's Remarks as to Baffin's Bay, 1819 ; Letters between the Home Office and Patrick Fraser Tytler regarding the Interdiction of his Researches into English History, privately printed, 1839 ; Reply to Cardinal Wiseman, by Tierney, &c., (not published)^ in 1 vol. calf extra, - v. y. 3576 Tracts, Genealogical Account of the Barclays of Urie, 1812 ; Appeal of the Duke of Melfort ; Genealogy of the Family of Forbes, 1819; Genealogy of Her Majesty, 1845 ; The Family of Spottiswoode, in 1 vol. calf extra, - v. y. 3577 Tracts Relatione della Vittoria, &c., Firenze, 1627; La Fuga degli Inglesi, ib. 1628, and 4 others, in 1 vol. morocco, v. y. 3578 Tradiscant (John), Musaeum Tradescantianum, calf, 2 portraits , Lond. 1556 3579 Train (Joseph), Poetical Reveries, calf extra, Glasg. 1806 3580 Train (Joseph), The Buchanites from First to Last, Edin, 1846 3582 Treason's Masterpiece, or, A Conference held at Whitehall between Oliver and a Committee, calf, Lond. 1680 3583 Trellon, La Muse Guerriere, h -bd. Rouen, N. D. 3584 Tressan (Cornte de), (Euvres Choisies, 12 vol. calf, plates, Evreux, 1796 3585 Trial Miss Anne Waddel and Others against Wad- del's Trustees, calf, Edin. 1745 3586 Trial James Stewart in Aucharn, in Duror of Appin, for the Murder of Colin Campbell of Glenure, with Supplement, russia extra, map, Edin. 1753 3587 Trial Account of the Trial of Brodie and Smith at Edinburgh, h.-bd. 1788 3588 Trial of Mungo Campbell for the Murder of the Earl of Eglintotm, with relative Pamphlets, Cuttings, $-c., inserted, portrait, Lond. 1790 3589 Trial of John Grant, Sheriff-Clerk of Inverness, for Forgery, Edin. 1793 3590 Trial of Donald M'Callum and Others at Edinburgh Castle for Mutiny, h.-bd. Edin. 1795 Octavo et Infra.'] ELEVENTH DAY'S SALE. 209 3591 Trial of Jean Maxwell, the Galloway Sorceress, Kirkcudbright, 1805 3592 Trial Lord Elgin versus Ferguson, Lond. 1808 3598 Trial of H. St. G. Tucker for Assault, Land. 1810 3594 Trial The Mysterious Case of Elizabeth Jennings, calf, portrait, Lond. 1815 3595 Trial Day versus Day, as to Legitimacy, Lond. 1820 3596 Trial of John Hay, Narrative of the, calf, Edin. 1822 3597 Trial Lord Archibald v. Duncan Stevenson, for a Libel in the Beacon Newspaper, calf, Edin. 1822 3598 Trial Report of the Proceedings on the Portsmouth Case, calf, Lond. 1823 3599 Trial Mastin versus Escott, for Refusing to Bury an Infant Baptized by a VVesleyan Minister, 1841 3600 Trial Smith versus Ferrers, for Breach of Promise of Marriage, Pickering, 1846 3601 Trial of Madeline Smith for Poisoning, li.-ld. Edin.1857 3602 Trial Maddox and Dr. M y, calf, Lond. N. D. 3603 Trials of Corporal Long, Duncan Grant, and others, calf extra, Edin. 1736 3604 Trials Select Trials at the Sessions-House in the Old-Bailey, 4 vol. calf, Lond. 1742 3605 Trials of Robert and Daniel Perreau ; The Female Forgery ; The Case of Mrs. Rudd, &c., in 1 vol. calf gilt, Lond. 1775 3606 Trials of the Dean of Cashel and Philip Dundas for Seduction, Dublin, 1831 3607 Trials Life and Trial of Dr. Wm. Dodd, Lond. 1777; Genuine Trial of J. Donellao, 1781 ; Case of the Rev. J. Hackman, who Shot Miss Reay ; Trial of Arthur Gray, &c., with Cuttings and MS. Note by C. K. Sharpe, h.-bd. v. y. 3608 Tryal of Dramatic Genius, a Poem, Lond. 1778 3609 Tryal of Popery, N. D. ; and The Public Service of the Church, Edin. 1713, in 1 vol. v. y. 3610 Tryal of Lieutenant- Colonel John Ijilburn, portrait, Lond. N. D. Quarto. 3611 |g5|ETON (George), The Convent of Saint [gsa/aj Catherine of Sienna, near Edinburgh, pri- vately printed, Edin. 1871 3612 Settle (Elkanah), Dutch Trophies Displayed, being Relations of the Horrid Proceedings of the Dutch against the English, in the East Indies, Lond. 1688 3613 Shakespeare, Illustrations of the Life of, by J, 0. Halliwell, part 1, cuts, Lond. 1874 27 210 ELEVENTH DAY'S SALE. [Quarto. 3614 Sharp (Thomas), A Dissertation on the Pageants ; or, Dramatic Mysteries anciently performed at Coventry, plates, Coventry, 1825 3615 Sharpe (Charles Kirkpatrick), A Large and Valuable Collection of Letters by Mr. Sharpe, chiefly to Mr. Maidment, and Copies of Letters from Mr. M. to Mr. Sharpe, Cuttings from Periodicals and Newspapers, with Notices of Mr. Sharpe, the whole relating to Literary Matters, in 1 vol. russia extra, uncut, - v. y. 3616 Sharpe (Charles Kirkpatrick), Portraits by an Amateur Earl and Countess of Winton ; Lady Marie Stewart ; Duke and Duchess of Lauder- dale ; Duke of Lauderdale ; Viscount and Vis- countess Dundee, and Madame de Stael, edited by James Maidment. not published for sale, PROOFS ON INDIA PAPER (ONE OF 2 COPIES), - 183'3 3617 [Shields (A.), Author of a Hind Let Loose], Short Memorial of the Sufferings of the Presbyterians in Scotland, particularly the Cameronians, h.-bd., Printed in the year 1690 " Very rare ; not published ; privately circulated." J. M. 3618 Sibbald (Sir Robert), Bibliotheca Balfouriana, h.-bd Edin. 1695 3619 Sibbald (Sir Robert), Defence of the Church of Scotland, Edin. 1704 3620 Sidonii Opera, a Sirmondo, calf, Parisiis, 1652 3621 Siegfried the Dragon Slayer, illustrated by Kaulbach, Lond. 1848 3622 Silii Italici Punicorum libri septemdecim, cura Drakenborch Traject ad Rhen. 1717 3623 Simplicii Commentarii in Epictetum cum versioue EL Wolfii, &c., calf, Lugd. Bat. 1640 3624 Sinclair (Alex.), Catalogue of his Heraldic, Genea- logical, and Antiquarian Books and Manuscripts, privately printed, - Edin. 1877 3625 Skene (Joh.),De Verborum Significatione,ZrOMc. 1641 3626 Sketches from Nature, being Portraits or Characters of the most Conspicuous Persons, Lond. 1779 3627 Sketches of Highland Character, plates, Edin. 1873 3628 Smart (Christopher), Poems, Essays, &c., in 1 vol. calf, - Lond. 1752-6 3629 Smith (John Thomas), Antiquities of Westminster, &c., russia extra, plain and coloured plates, Lond. 1807 3630 Smith (William), History of the County of Warwick, plates, - 1829 QuartoJ] ELEVENTH DAY'S SALE. 211 3G31 Solomon's Pest-House; or, Tower - Royall, with London Look-backe, Lond. 1630 3632 Someri Regnum Vannianum, 1722 ; Hankius de Sile- siorura Majoribus et Norninibus Arititustates, 1702; Thibesii Opera, &c., in 1 vol. calf, Lipsice, v. y. 3633 Somerville (Thomas), History of Political Trans- actions and of Parties, Lond. 1792 3634 Somerville (Thomas), History of Great Britain during the Reign of Queen Anne, calf, 17U8 3635 Somner (William), A Treatise of Gavelkiiid, both Name and Thing, calf, Lond. 1660 3636 South ey (Robert), Chronicle of the Cid, from the Spanish, calf, tooled and gilt, Lond. 1808 SPALDING CLUB PUBLICATIONS 3637 History of Scots Affairs, from 1637 to 1641, by James Gordon of Rothiemay, 3 vol. 1841 3638 Miscellany of the Spalding Club, 5 vol. 1841-52 3639 A Description of Both Towns of Aberdeen, 1842 3640 Extracts from the Presbytery Book of Strath- bogie, - 1843 3641 A Fragment of a Memoir of Field-Marshal Keith, 1843 3642 Collections on the Shires of Aberdeen and Banff. 1843 3643 A Short Abridgement of Britane's Distemper, 1844 3644 A Breiffe Narration of the Services done by Three Noble Ladyes, 1844 3645 Extracts from the Council Register of Aberdeen, 1398-1625, 2 vol. - 1844-48 3646 Registrum Episcopatus Aberdonensis, 2 vol. 1845 3647 Selections from Ecclesiastical Records of Aber- deen, 1846 3648 Antiquities of the Shires of Aberdeen and Banff, 4 vol. 1847-69 3649 A Genealogical Deduction of the Family of Rose of Kilravock, 1848 3650 The Civil and Ecclesiastical History of Scotland, by Thomas Innes, - 1853 3651 Records of the University and King's College, Aberdeen, 1494-1854, ' - 1854 3652 The Brus, writ be Master Johne Barbour, 1854 3653 The Book of the Thanes of Cawdor, 1859 3654 Diary of General Patrick Gordon, 1859 3655 Diaries of the Lairds of Brodie, - l86o 3656 Ane Account of the Farnilie of Innes, 1864 3657 The Book of Deer, edited by John Stuart, LL.D., plates, 1869 3658 Antiquities of the Shires of Aberdeen and Banff, vol. 2 (duplicate), 1847 212 ELEVENTH DAY'S SALE. [Quarto. 3659 Spangenberg (M. 0.), Historia Manichseorum de Furiosae et Pestiferse Imius Sectse Origine et Propagatione, &c., red morocco extra, gilt and tooled, Ursellis, 1578 3660 Speeches in Parliament, from the third November 1640 to this instant, June 1641, calf, Lond. 1641 / 3661 Speedy Post, with a Packet of Letters and Comple- ments ; or The First Fruits of New Conceits, never yet disclosed, by J. W., Gent., olive morocco extra, gilt and tooled, woodcut title, Ijond. 1659 3662 Sperlingius de Mornis Cavis, 1700; Reyherus de JS'umims Argenteis Antiquissimis, 1712 ; and 4 others, in 1 vol. Qalf, 1700-50 3663 Sperlingius de Summo Regio Nomine et Titulo, calf, Havnice, 1707 3664 Spinula (Ambrosius), Victorias de, Tabulis ^Eneis Delineates, 17 curious platen of Sieyes,h.-bd. morocco, - gilt, top, Colon. A grip. 1611 3665 Spotswood (James), A Short Discourse on Usurie, green morocco extra, Edin. Andro Hart, 1616 3666 Spottiswood Briefe Memoriall of the Lyfe and Death of Dr. James Spottiswood, edited by Sir Alexander Boswell, Edin. 1811 f 3667 Spy (The), a Periodical paper, h.-bd. Edin. 1810-11 " I have understood that James Hogg was the principal, or one of the principal writers of ' The Spy,' which was discontinued by reason of some defamatory / article by that not very truthful personage. Copies are very scarce ; I doubt if there is one in any of the public libraries on either side of the Tweed." J. M. 3668 Stanihurst (R.), De Rebus in Hibernia Gestis, libri quatuor, 1584 ; Vanderbnrchii Historiae Genti- litise, libri duo, cuts, Plantin, 1609, in 1 vol., vellum, - v. y. 3669 Stanley (House of), Memoirs, or Genealogical and Historical Account of the Ancient and Honourable House of Stanley, to 1735, with numerous curious cuttings from Magazines, Poems, tyc., portraits, wood- cuts inserted, russia extra, Manchester, 1783 3670 Stemmata Illustrata ; a Collection of Pamphlets, in 1 vol. calf, 1680-1731 3671 Steuii (S.) Orationes DUJB, ruby morocco extra, gilt edgesy Heidelberg, 1608 3672 Stephani Byzantini Grammatici de Dodone, a Gronovius, Lugd. Bat. 1681 3673 Sternhold (T.), The Daily Advertiser, in Metre, 1781 3674 Stesichori Fragmeuta Lyrici, - Gottingce, 1771 3675 Stewart (Duncan), History of the Stewarts, calf, Edin. 1739 Quarto.} ELEVENTH DAY'S SALE. 213 3676 Stewarts Essay on the Origin of the Royal Family of the iStewarts, &c., by Hay of Drumboote, calf gilt, Edin. 1793 3677 Stirling of Keir Trial of James Stirling of Keir, and others, h.-bd. Lond. 170!) 3678 Stirling Peerage Court of Session Papers relative to the Case, portraits, newspaper cuttings, $c., inserted, h.-bd. morocco, 1830-35 3679 Stirling Narrative of Oppressive Proceedings against the Earl of Stirling, - Edin. 1836 3680 Strays (John), Perillous and most Unhappy Voyages, rendered out of Nether-Dutch by John Morrison, h.-bd., plates, Lond. 1683 3681 Stuart (Andrew), Letters to Lord Mansfield, not printed for sale, calf, Lond. 1773 3682 Stuart (Andrew), Genealogical History of the Stuarts, with Genealogical Table in separate Case, 1798 ; Supplement to the History of the Stewarts, with Corrections and Additions, 1799, 3 vol. calf gilt, uniform, Lond. 1798-9 3683 Stuart (Rev. A. G.) ; Sketch of the Stuarts of the House of Castlestuart in Ireland, Edin. 1854 3684 Stuart (John,oflnchbreck), Essays, chiefly on Scottish Antiquities, with Memoir, portrait and plates, Aberdeen, 1846 3685 Stuarts Noble's Historical Genealogy of the Royal House of Stuarts, calf, Lond. 1795 3686 Stuart State of Evidence for proving that the present Sir John Stuart of Castelmilk is Heir of Sir William Stuart, who lived in the 15th cen- tury, 1794 ; Evidence that the Earl of Galloway is the Heir of Sir William Stewart of Jedworth, &c., in 1 vol. h.-bd. v. y. 3687 Stubbe (Henry), A Justification of the Present War against the Netherlands, red morocco extra, tooled and gilt, plates and frontispiece, Lond. 1673 3688 Stubenberg (Joannis Willhelmi, A.), Norma seu Regula Armentorum Equinorum, Recte ac Per- fecte Instituendorum, &c., h.-bd. engraved frontis- piece, Vienne, 1662 " Excepting in the British Museum, I am not aware of any other copy in any public library, of this learned and curious treatise of the Baron of Stubenberg." J. M. 3689 Suetonii Opera, Pitisci, 2 vol. vellum, Leovardice, 1714 3690 Surveiors Dialogue, very profitable for all Men to Peruse, . - Lond. 1618 214 ELEVENTH DAY'S SALE. [Quarto. 3691 Sutherland Peerage Case Various Papers by Lord Hailes, &c., - v. y. 3692 Symson (Andrew), Unio Politico-Poetico-Joco-Seria, calf, - Edin. 1706 3693 |1B A SSO (Torq.), Godfrey of Bulloigne, or The IfeLaH Recoverie of Hierusalem, translated into English by R(ichard) C(arew), Esquire, and now the first part containing five cantos, imprinted in both Languages, russia extra, gilt, and tooled, imprinted by John Windet for Christopher Hunt, Exceter, 1594 3694 Taylor (J. Brough), The Legend of St. Cuthbert, Sunder land, 1816 3695 Taegius (Franc), De Obsidione Ticiuensis, h.-bd. Norimbergo3, 1736 3696 Terence Justifie par F. Hedelin, - Paris, 1656 3697 Terentianus Maurus, de Litteris, Syllabis, Pedibus et Metris, Santenii, calf, - Paris, 1825 3698 Thackeray ( W. M.), Mrs. Perkins's Ball, h.-bd. plates, Lond. N. D. 3699 Theocritus, Gr. et Lat, Heinsii, calf, Gommeliniano, 1604 3700 Theophrasti Fragmenta, portrait, Parmce. 1 786 3701 Thistle (The), by Sir John de Graham, Knight, Nos. 1 to 105, - 1734-H6 3702 Thorn (J.), Translation of Chinese Tales, h.-bd. morocco, - Canton, 18^9 3703 Thomas (William), Principle Rules of the Italian Grammar, with a Dictionary, calf, Lond. 1562 3704 Thomson (James), Liberty, a Poem, calf, Lond. 1736 3705 Thomson (J.), Etymons of English Words, Edin. 1826 3706 Threnii Cantabrigienses in funere duorum, Henrici Glocestrensis, et Mariae Arausionensis, h.-bd. Cantab. 1661. 3707 Thrissels - Banner, Explication of, by Thomas Cunningham, with facsimile, 1640, h.-bd. N. D. The Ayr Observer (26th Oct. 1847) mentions that there was exhibited at the Kilmarnock Philosophical Institution, Thrissels-Banner. It bore date 1640, and was doubtless issued to commemorate the triumphant position the Covenanting party had attained, &c. See Note. 3708 Tinto (F.) La Nobilita di Verona, calf, Verona, 1590 3709 Titmarsh (M. A), Second Funeral of Napoleon, 1841 3710 Tollii (Jac.), Insignia Itinerarii Italici, calf, 1696 3711 Tovey (D'Blossiers), Anglia Judaica, or the History and Antiquity of the Jews in England, calf, Oxford, 1738 Quarto.] ELEVENTH DAY'S SALE. 215 Folio. 3712 |R| ANDERSON (William), A Compleat History [8*Mi of the Life and Raigne of King Charles, from his Cradle to his Grave, calf \ portrait, Lond. 1658 3713 Sandford (Francis), A Genealogical History of the Kings of England and Monarchs of Great Britain, calf, plates, - Lond. 1677 3714 Saunders (R.), Physiognomie and Chiromancie, Metoscopie, the Symmetrical Proportions and Signal Moles of the Body Fully and Accurately Explained, with the Subject of Dreams made Plain, whereunto is added the Art of Memory, 2 parts in 1 vol., calf, numerous cuts, Lond. 1670-1 3715 Saxonis Grammatici, Historice Danice, calf extra, gilt edges, Editio princeps, Paris, 1514 3716 Sayer (R.), Caricatures, 12 Plates of, 1787 3717 Scotland Inquisitionum ad Capellam Domini Regis Retornatarum Abbrevatio et Registrum Magni Sigilli, edited by Thomas Thomson, 4 vol. calf gilt, 1811-14 37 18 Scotland Acts of the Parliaments of Scotland, from 1124 to 1707, edited by Thomas Thomson and Cosmo Innes, 11 vol. in 12, 1824-44 3719 Scotland Acta Dominorum Concilii et Auditorum, edited by Thomas Thomson, 2 vol. - 1839 3720 Scotland Parliamentary Records in the General Register House, Edinburgh, edited by Robertson, vol. I., 1804 3721 Scotland Commissioners' Reports on the Public Records, 3 vol. 1819 3722 Scottish Biography A Large and Interesting Collec- tion of Cuttings from Magazines, Pamphlets, and Newspapers, MS. Letters and Notes, mounted and bound in 8 vol. h.-bd., titled " Scottish Bio- graphical Collections," v. y. 3723 Scottish Worthies An Extraordinary Collection of Portraits, titled by Mr. Maidment on back of volume -"A Gallery of Scottish Worthies," in- cluding a large number of Kay's Etchings, proofs before any letters ; Public Characters of Perth and Vicinity by Robertson; Glasgow Characters; and Miscellaneous Portraits, in 1 vol. h.-bd. N. D. 3724 Scottish Maps A Collection of Thirty Old Scotch Maps by Adair, Covvley, Bruce, Edgar, Bryce, Willdey, &c., in 1 vol. h.-bd. v. y. 216 ELEVENTH DAY'S SALE. \_Folio. 3725 SCOTTISH TOPOGRAPHICAL COLLECTIONS, in 100 vol. h.-bd. uniform, Lettered with Name aud Number of vols. of each County. This Unique and Most Valuable Collection has been gathered together by Mr. Maidment during the last half century, and arranged with great care. It is impossible to give even an outline of the Contents. It comprises Law Papers relative both to Persons and Places, Pamphlets and Tracts, Magazine and Newspaper Articles, Bills, Letters, MS., and Miscellanea, comprising (1) Aberdeen, 6 vol. (2) Argyle, 3 (3) Ayr, - 5 (4) Banff, 1 (5) Berwick, - 4 (6) Bute and Arran, 1 (7) Caithness, 2 (8) Clackmannan and Kinross, 1 (9) Dumbarton, 2 (10) Dumfries, - 3 (11) Fife, - 6 (12) Forfar, - 4 (13) Haddington, - 3 (14) Inverness, 3 (15) Kincardine, 2 (16) Kirkcudbright, 1 (17) Lanark and City of Glasgow, 6 (18) Linlithgow, 3 (19) Midlothian, City, 8 (20) Midlothian, County, 5 (21) Moray, 1 (22) Orkney, 2 (23) Peebles and Selkirk, 3 (24) Perth, 7 (25) Renfrew, 4 (26) Ross and Cromarty, 2 (27) Roxburgh, 3 ,. (28) Stirling, 4 (29) Sutherland, 1 (30) Wigtown, 2 (31) Zetland, 1 (32) Miscellaneous, 1 The whole will be offered in one lot. If no adequate bid is given, each county will be sold as numbered. TWELFTH DAY'S SALE. Octavo et Infra. 3726 lifij RICKS of the Town Laid Open; or, A Com- IBaJal panion for Country Gentlemen, and other Pamphlets, in 1 vol. k.-bd. 1728-46 3727 Tristan, Poemes relatifs a ses Aventures public par Fr. Michel, 2 vol., three plates, - Pickering, 1835 3728 Triumphs of Bacchus, or, The Delights of the Bottle, calf extra, gilt edges, Lond. 1729 3729 Trotter (E,.), Derwentwater, a Tale, numerous cuttings inserted, h.-bd. - Edin. 1825 3730 True Conduct of a Person of Quality, translated out of French, old blue morocco, gilt edges, Lond. 1694 3731 Truth Brought to Light, or the History of the First Fourteen Years of King James I., in 4 parts, red morocco extra, frontispiece, Lond. 1692 3732 Tsonnouthoun, Life of, A King of the Indian Nation, called Eoundheads, 2 vol. in 1, calf extra, Lond. 1763 3733 Tundale, The Visions of, together with Metrical Moralizations and other Fragments of Early Poetry, hitherto inedited, with Introduction by W. B. D. D. Turnbull, frontispiece by C. K. Sharpe, only 80 copies printed, - Edin. 1843 ^3734 Turkish Spy Letters writ by a Turkish Spy, who lived five-and-forty ye:)rs undiscovered at Paris, (John Paul Marana), 8 vol. calf, 1770 3735 Turnbull (W. B. D. D.), Services of Lieut-Colonel Robert Barclay, h.-bd. morocco, uncut, only 12 copies privately printed, - Edin. 1838 3736 Turnbull (W. B. D. D.), Fragmenta Scoto-Monastico (by a Delver in Antiquity), only 50 copies printed, Edin. 1842 28 218 TWELFTH DAY'S SALE. [Octavo et Infra. 3737 TURNBULLIANA A Valuable Collection of Priv- ately Printed Papers (some limited to 12 copies], Articles from Periodicals, Letters, &c., of W. B. D. D. Turnbull, collected in 1 vol. h.-bd. v. y. " The various articles in this volume were privately cir- culated. They afford decisive evidence of the talent of Mr. Turnbull, and on that account merit preser- vation, the more especially as they shew that want of ability cannot be alleged as a reason for his non- promotion." J. M. 3738 Turnbull (Win. B.), Scottish Parochial Registers, Edin. 1849 3739 Turner (Sir James), A Discourse, Historical and Political, of the War of Hungary, morocco extra, gilt edges, - . Glasg., 1669 3740 Turnerus De Avibus, red morocco extra, gilt edges, Colonies, 1544 3741 Tweedale, Acts Relating to Roads, &c., in 1 vol. 1771 3742 Typhon, or, The Gyants War with the Gods, red morocco extra, Lond. 1665 3743 Tyr (Maxime de), Discours Philosophiques,Z^'dd. morocco, gilt top, Land. 1817 3758 Utterson (E. V.), King Robert of Gyselle, red morocco extra, gilt edges, only 30 copies privately printed, Lond. 1839 3759 Utterson (E. V.), Hannay's Songs and Sonnets, edited by E. V. Utterson, only 15 copies privately printed, Lond. 1841 / 3760 irai ADEMECUM for Malt Worms, 2 parts in 1vol., llajyl cuts, Lond. N. D. 3761 Vagabondes (The Fraternity of), with their Proper Names and Qualities, the reprint of 1574, russia gilt, - Westminster, 1813 3762 Valerius Maximus, cum Selectis Variorum Observa- tionibus a Thysii, vellum, Lugd. Bat. 1670 3763 Valerius Maximus, a Helfrechti, calf gilt, 1799 3764 Varietes Literaires Des XXIII. Manieres de Vilains, 1833 ; La Riote du Monde, 1834 ; Wade par Michel, 1837; Un dit d'Aventures du XIII. Siecle, 7 vol. in 1, h.-bd. morocc.o, Paris, 1833-6 3765 Varronis, De Lingua Latina a Muellero, calf, 1833 3766 Varronis Reliquiee, calf, Patavii, 1843 3767 Vaughan (Thomas), Love's Vagaries, or, The Whim of the Moment ; and The Hotel, or, The Double Valet, in 1 vol. Lond. 1791 3768 Vaux (De), Account of the Family of Barnbarroch, with Letters from Robert Vans Agnew, &c., privately printed, h.-bd., cuttings inserted, v. y. 3769 Vavassor (F.), De Forma Christi, calf, Rostoch, 1667 3770 Veland le Forgeron, par Depping et Michel, h.-bd. Paris, 1833 3771 Verboquet, Les Delices Joyeux et Recreatifs, calf extra, gilt edges, Rouen, 1626 3772 Vernon (Admiral), Original Letters of an Honest Sailor, calf, - Lond. N. D. 3773 Verstegan (R.), Restitution of Decayed Intelligence in Antiquities, calf \ plates, Lond. 1653 3774 Versus Ludicri, h.-bd. " Halts, 1810 3775 Vibius Sequester, de Flummibus, &o., ex recens. F. Hesselii, vellum, JRoterodami, 1711 3776 Victor (Benjamin), The Widow of the W r ood, russia extra, gilt edges, - Lond, 1755 3777 Vida de Lazarillo de Tonnes, - Plantin, 1602 3778 Vie du Brave Crillon, 2 vol. calf, portrait, Paris, 1757 220 TWELFTH DAY'S SALE. [Octavo et Infra. 3779 Vie de Marie- Antoinette, 2 vol. h.-bd., plates {some wanting), Versailles, N. D. 3780 Vigor (Mrs.), Letters from Russia, calf, Lond. 1777 3781 Villehardouin (Geoffrey de), Chronicle, Pickering,~L82S 3782 Villemain (M.), Histoire de Cromwell, 2 vol. calf extra, gilt edges, Paris, 1819 3783 Villette (Marquis de), CEuvres de, russia gilt, Londres, 1784 3784 Vincent (Augustine), Memoir of, Windsor Herald, by Nicolas, Pickering, 1827 3785 Vincent (W.), Narrative of the Gordon Riots, h.-bd. Land. 1780 3786 Vision and Creed of Piers Ploughman, edited, with Notes, by T. Wright, Pickering, 1842 3787 Vita Huberti Langueti, calf, portrait, 1700 3788 Vitae Sabini et Gentii, &c., in 1 vol. calf extra, 1724 3789 VitrifiedForts Account of some Remarkable Ancient Ruins in the Highlands, by John Williams, 1777; Mackenzie's Letter to Sir Walter Scott on Vitrified Forts, 1824, in 1 vol. h.-bd. - v. y. 3790 Voet,DeDuellis, red morocco extra,giltedges,Brugis,ll '28 3791 Voltaire, La Henriade, 2 vol. calf, gilt edges, plates after Eisen, - Paris, 1767 3792 Voltaire, La Pucelle d'Orleans, Poeme en Vingt Chants, 2 vol. calf extra, gilt and tooled, fine un impressions of the plates, a Paris, An VII. , 1799 3793 [Voltaire], Saul et David, Tragedie, h.-bd. Lond. 1767 " It is perhaps hardly necessary to record the fact that this most exceptionable drama was not published. A few copies were surreptitiously printed, but the circulation was secret. Voltaire expressly denied the authorship, and there really does not seem any evidence to contradict this disclamation, &c." J. M. 3794 Vonved the Dane, Count of Elsinore, 2 vol. calf gilt, Lond. 1861 3795 Voyage to Siam, plates, Lond. 1688 3796 |K$S|ADE Lettre au Henri Ternaux Companssur liMJlll une Tradition Angloise du Moyen Age, par Michel (with his Autograph), h.-bd. Paris, 1837 3797 Wade (James A.), History of Melrose Abbey, &c., numerous cuts, Edin. 1861 3798 Walchii (J. G.), Bibliotheca Histories Ecclesiasticae, vellum, Jence, 1762 3799 Walchii (0. E. Imman), Christianorum Sub Diocle- tiano in Hispania Persequitio, ruby morocco, gilt edges, Jence, Guthianis, 1751 Octavo et JnfraJ] TWELFTH DAY'S SALE. 221 3800 Walk to the Falls of Clyde, h.-bd. - Glasg., 1816 3801 Walker (Captain Charles), Memoirs of Mrs Sarah Priddon, alias Sally Salisbury, calf, portrait, Lond. 1723 3802 Walker (Dr.), The Virtuous Woman Found : A Ser- mon on the Death of the Countess of Warwick, calf, - 1678 3803 Walker (George, D.D.), Diary of the Siege of Lon- donderry, h.-bd. Lond. 1758 3804 Walker (George), The Three Spariards, 3 vol. h.-bd. Lond. 1821 3805 Walker (J. C.), On the Revival of the Drama in Italy, calf gilt, Edin. 1805 3806 Wallace (James), Account of the Islands of Orkney, calf, map and plate, Lond. 1700 3807 Wallace (Sir W.), De Gestis Illustrissimi Herois G. Valise ScotiaB olim Custodis Collectanea varia, &c., ruby morocco, gilt edges, Edin. 1705 3808 Waller (Edmund), Poems, &c., calf, portrait, Lond. 1711 3809 Waller (Edmund), Works in Prose and Verse, with Life by Stockdale, calf, Lond. 1772 3810 Waller (Sir W.), Vindication of Himself, calf, 1792 3811 Walpole (Horace), Fugitive Pieces in Verse and Prose, morocco extra, gilt and tooled, Strawberry Hill, 1758 3812 Walpole (Horace), Memoirs of the Reign of George the Third, edited by Sir Denis le Marchant, 4 vol., portraits, - Lond. 1845 3813 Walpole (Horace), Memoirs of the Reign of George the Second, edited by Lord Holland, 3 vol., por- traits, Lond. 1846 3814 Walpoliana, by John Pinkerton, 2 vol. in 1, calf, Lond. N. D. 3815 Walton and Cotton, The Complete Angler, morocco extra, gilt edges, plates and cuts, Lond. 1824 3816 War between the British Kingdoms Considered, calf, Lond. 1705 3817 Warburton (Acton), Rollo and his Race, 2 vol., por- trait, Lond. 1848 3818 Ward (Bishop), Philosophical Essay, calf extra, Oxford, 1652 3819 Ward (R. Plumer), An Historical Essay on the Re- volution of 1688, 2 vol. calf gilt Lond. 1638 3820 Ward (R. Plumer), Memoirs of, by Phipps, 2 vol. Lond. 1850 3821 Ward (P., Preacher of Ipswich), Woe to Drunkards, curious woodcut on title, h.-bd. russia, Lond. 1624 222 TWELFTH DAY'S SALE. [Octavo et Infra. 3822 Warren (A.), An Apology for the Discourse ot Humane Reason, morocco extra, Lond. 1680 3823 Warton (Thomas), Life of Sir Thomas Pope, calf, THICK PAPER, Lond. 1772 3824 Warton (Thomas), Poetical Works, with Memoir, by Richard Mant, 2 vol. calf, Oxford, 1802 3825 Warwick (Earl of), Memoirs and Letters of, h.-bd. Lond. 1819 3826 Warwick (Sir Philip), Memoirs of the Reign of King Charles the First, russia extra, Edin. 1813 3827 Wase (C.), Grati Falisci Cynegeticon, or a Poem of Hunting, calf, Lond. 1654 3828 Waterhouse (E.), Gentleman's Monitor; or The Rise and Decay of Men and Families, russia extra, portrait, with Note from W. B. D. D. Tumbull inserted, - Lond. 1665 3829 Watkins (J.), History of Bideford, in the County of Devon, Exeter, 1792 3830 Watson (Richard), Historical Collections of Ecclesi- astick Affairs in Scotland, calf, Lond. 1657 3831 Watson (Robert), Life of Lord George Gordon, portrait and plate, - Lond. 1795 3832 Watson (Bishop), An Apology for Christianity, calf, Lond. 1797 3833 Watson (Bishop), An Apology for the Bible, calf, 1 797 3834 Weare Narrative of the Murder of Mr. Weare at Gill's Hill, near Aldenham, Hertfordshire, with Original Letters ; Pierce Egan's Account of the Trial of Thurtell and Hunt, two editions; and other papers relative to the murder of Weare, in 2 vol. calf, Lond. 1823-4 3835 Weaver (JohnX Essay towards an History of Dancing, calf, - Lond. 1712 3836 Weber (Henry), The Battle of Flodden Field, a Poem of the Sixteenth Century, LARGE PAPER, Edin. 1808 3837 Weber (Henry), Metrical Romances of the XIII., XIV., and XV. Centuries, 3 vol. h.-bd. morocco, gilt tops, - Edin. 1810 3838 W T eber (Henry), Popular Romances, russia extra, Edin. 1812 y/3839 Weber (Henry), Tales of the East, 3 vol. russia extra, - Edin. 1812 3840 Webster (D.), Topographical Dictionary of Scot- land, h.-bd., map, Edin. 1817 3841 Webster (Rev. J.) Threnodia, calf, Edin. 1720 3842 Wedderburn (David), Persius Enucleatus, sive Commentarius in Persium, - Elzev. 1664 Octavo ft Infra.] TWELFTH DAY'S SALE. 223 3843 Weekly Mirror (by Tytler), being a Collection of Original Essays, h.-bd. Edin. 1781 3844 Welsh (A Peeblesshire Cottar), Poems, &c., Edin. 1838 3845 Welsted (Leonard), Works in Verse and Prose, by J. Nichols, calf gilt, Lond. 1787 3846 Welwood (James), Banquet of Xenophon, trans- lated by Welwood, Glasg. 1750 3847 Wentworth (Peter), A Pithie Exhortation to her Majestie for Establishing her Successor to the Crown, calf, 1598 3848 West (Lord Chancellor), Discourse on Treason, calf, Lond. 1716 3849 Western Delusion ; or An Account of the Buchanites, illustrative cuttings inserted, calf, N. D. 3850 Wharton (Mrs.), The Idea of Christian Love, &c morocco extra, gilt edges, Lond. 1688 3851 Wheaton (Henry), History of the Northmen ; or Danes and Normans, - Lond. 1831 3852 Whig Club, instituted May 1774, by Bellamy, h.-bd. Lond. 1792 3853 Whig Club (The); or A Sketch of Modern Pa- triotism, numerous portraits, cuttings from news- papers, magazines, $c., inserted, calf, Lond. 1794 3854 Whinny Park Murder Report of Henderson's Trial, with his Confession, fly sheets, fyc. Cupar, 1830 3855 Whist, a Poem in 12 Cantos [by Alexander Thom- son], presentation copy, with autograph of the author, calf, Lond. 1791 3856 White (Robert), Poems, Tales, Ballads, and Songs, Kelso, 1867 3857 White (Robert), Supplement to Sir Walter Scott's Biographical Memoir of Leyden, only 25 copies printed, Kelso, N. D. 3858 White (Robert), Battle of Neville's Cross, 1857 ; Eng- land, a Poem, 1856 ; and some parts of the Pro- ceedings of the Berwickshire Naturalist's Club, in 1 vol. h.-bd. v. y. 3859 Whitehall ( J.), Behemoth Arraign'd, Lond. 1 680 3860 Whittell (Thomas), Poetical Works by Wm. Robson, green morocco extra, gilt edges, Newcastle, 1815 3861 Wh'yte (S.), Miscellanea Nova, calf, Dublin, 1801 3862 Wiffen (J. H.), Historical Memoirs of the House of Russell, 2 vol. Lond. 1833 3863 Wilbraham (R.), An Attempt at a Glossary of Cheshire Words, - Lond. 1826 3864 Wild (Dr. R.), Iter Boreale, and other Poems, calf, Lond. 1671 224 TWELFTH DAY'S SALE. [Octavo et Infra. 3865 Wild Life and Actions of Jonathan Wild, Citizen and Thief-Taker of London, calf, portrait, Lond. 1725 3866 Wilkie (W.), Fables, calf (wants some plates), 1768 3867 Wilkinson (Tate), Memoirs of His Own Life, 4 vol. calf, York, 1790 3868 Williams (Sir Charles H.), Odes, calf, Lond. 1785 / 3869 Williams (Sir Charles H.), Works, with Notes by Horace Walpole, 3 vol., portrait, Lond. 1822 3870 Williams (Folkestone), Memoirs and Correspondence of Francis Atterbury, D.D., Bishop of Rochester, 2 vol. Lond. 1869 3871 Williams (John), Observations on the Discovery of America, by Prince Madoc, 1170, 2 parts calf, Lond. 1792 3872 Williamson (Peter), French and Indian Cruelty Exemplified in the Life of, by Himself, h.-bd., portrait, Glasg. 1758 3873 Williamson (Peter), Directory of the City of Edin- burgh, Cannongate, Leith, and Suburbs, from June 1783 to June 1784, interleaved with MS. notes, calf gilt, Edin. 1783 3874 Williamson (Peter), Trial for Divorce at his In- stance against Jean Williamson, &c., in 1 vol. 1789 3875 Williamson (W.), Stenography, Lond. 1775 3876 Williamson (W. A.), Local Etymology, calf extra, Lond. 1849 3877 Wilson (Alexander), Poems, calf, frontispiece, Paisley, 1790 3878 Wilson (Harriette), Memoirs of, written by Herself, 3 vol. calf, interleaved, - Lond. 1825 3879 Wilson (James), Tournay ; or, Alaster of Kempen- cairn, h.-bd. - Edin. 1724 3880 Wilson (James), Miscellanies in Prose and Verse, Edin. 1771 3881 Wilson (James), Annals of Hawick, 1214-1814, Edin. 1850 3882 Wilson (James), Hawick and its Old Memories, Edin. 1858 3883 [Wilson, James], Claudero's Miscellanies, calf, Edin. 1776 3884 Wilson (John), Trigonometry, with Introduction to the Use of Both Globes, calf, Edin., James Watson, 1714 3885 Wimborne-Minster, Guide to, Pickering, 1830 3886 Winchelsea (Countess), Poems and Play, calf extra, gilt edges, - Lond. 1713 Octavo et Infra.] TWELFTH DAY'S SALE. 225 3887 Windham (Rt. Hon. Wm.), Diary of, 1784 to 1810, edited by Mrs. Henry Baring, Lond. I860 3888 Wit and Mirth Intermixt, h.-bd. Lond. 1702 3889 Witchcraft, a Collection of Rare and Curious Tracts on Witchcraft and the Second Sight, edited by Da vid, Webster, calf extra, LARGE PAPER, Edin. 1820 3890 Wither (George), Juvenilia, a Collection of those Poems which were heretofore imprinted and written by George Wither, viz., Abuses Stript and Whipt, The Scourge, Various Epigrams, Prince Henrie's Obsequies, A Satyre, Epithalamia, The Shepheards Hunting, Fidelia, a Metrical Para- phrase upon the Creede, Wither's Motto, The Mistress of Philarette ; with Titles, green morocco extra, Robert Allott. 1633 3891 Wither (George), Divine Poems on the Ten Com- mandments, mor. extra, curious plates, Lond. 1688 3892 Wither (George), The Shepherds Hunting, 1814, and Fidelia, 1815, edited by Sir E. Brydges, only WO copies printed, 2 vol. green morocco, Lond. 1814 3893 Wither (George), Fair Virtue, the Mistress of Philarete, calf extra, Lond. 1818 3894 Withof, De Castratis, calf extra, gilt edges, Duisburgi, 1756 3895 Wits, or, Sport upon Sport, in Select Pieces of Drollery, calf gilt, frontispiece, Lond. 1667 3896 Witts' Recreation, Selected from the Finest Fancies- of Moderne Muses, 1640, edited by Park and Du- bois, 2 vol. h.-bd., cuts, only 150 copies reprinted, Lond. 1817 3897 Witty Apophthegms, calf extra, - Lond. 1669 3898 Wodderspoon (John), Historic Sites of Suffolk, Ipswich, 1841 3899 Wogan (Charles), Female Fortitude, a Narrative of the Princess Sobieski, 1722, &c., in 1 vol. calf, v. y. 3900 Wolcott (John, M.D.), The Works of Peter Pindar, Esq., 4 vol. calf, ' - Lond. 1794-96 3901 Wolley (Dr.), The True Royalist, or, Hushay the Alchite, calf, Lond. 1662 3902 Woman's Wit, h.-bd. Lond. N. D. 3903 Wood (Mary E.), Letters of Royal and Illustrious Ladies of Great Britain, 3 vol., facsimile auto- graphs, Lond. 1846 3904 Wood (Thomas, M.D.), An Inquiry concerning the Primitive Inhabitants of Ireland, map, Lond. 1821 3905 Woolley (Hannah), The Gentlewoman's Companion ; or, a Guide to the Female Sex, portrait (wants p. 244-5), - Lond. 1673 29 226 TWELFTH DAY'S SALE. [Octavo et Infra. 3906 Woolley (Hannah), The Gentlewoman's Companion ; or, a Guide to the Female Sex, portrait inserted, (wanting pages 31 to 42), Lond. 1682 3907 Woolley (Hannah), The Queen-like Closet, or Rich Cabinet, calf, - Lond. 1684 3908 Woolrych (H.), Memoirs of Judge Jeffreys, Lond. 1827 3909 Wordsworth (Rev. Dr.), Tracts on Icon Basilike, Lond. 1824-25 3910 Wotton (Sir Henry), Reliquiae Wottoniange; or, a Collection of Lives, Letters, and Poems, red morocco extra, gilt edges, portrait, - Lond. 1651 3911 Wotton (Sir Henry), Reliquiae Wottonianae, calf, portraits inserted, - Lond. 1672 3912 Wraxall (Sir N. W.), Memoirs of the Courts of Berlin, Vienna, &c., 2 vol. calf, Lond. 1806 3913 Wraxall (Sir N. W.), Posthumous Memoirs of His Own Time, 3 vol. - Lond. 1836 3914 Wraxall, (Sir N. W.), Tour through the North of Europe, calf gilt, Lond. 1776 3915 Wright (Thomas), History of Ludlow, calf extra, plates, Ludlow, Io52 3916 Wright (W. R.), Hone lonicaa, h.-bd. Lond. 1811 3917 Wright (William), Facsimilies of the Signatures of Celebrated Characters, morocco extra, Edin. N. D. 3918 Wyutoun (Andrew of), The Orygynale Crony kil of Scotland, with Notes and Glossary by David Macpherson, 2 vol. russia, gilt edges, 250 copies printed, Lond. 1795 3919 Wyrley (Wm.) The True Use of Arms, plates, re- printed from the original edition, 0/1592, Lond. 1853 3920 iSjIORICK'S Jests, being a New Collection of lEJial Jokes, Witticisms, Bon-Mots, &c., Lond. 1770 3921 Young (Rev. Edward, LL.D.), The Poetical Works of, 2 vol. calf, Lond. 1741 3922 Young's Criticisms on Gray's Elegy ; Criticism on Thomson's System of Chemistry ; Grahame on the Usury Laws ; Goldie on James Hogg ; The " Life " of the Ettrick Shepherd Anatomized, &c., in 1 vol. h.-bd. v. y. 3923 Younger (Wm.), A Brief View of the Late Troubles and Confusions in England, from 1640 to 1660, russia extra, gilt edges, Lond. 1660 3924 pHANTHIER Clenodiographia Imperialis, calf, frontispiece, Wittenbergce, 1725 Quarto.] TWELFTH DAY'S SALE. 227 Quarto. 3925 HraRACTATUS de Arboribus, seven in 1 vol. calf, ^ m.m 1553-1726 3926 Tractati Rarissimi Jasonis de Mayno, Mediol- anensis Jurisconsueti Ducalis Senatoris ac Ligati pro inclitissimo Mediolanensiurn Principe, &c., Mark letter, 1-492; Confutatio Alcorani seu Legis Saracenorum, &c. ; Positiones Philologicas de Alcora, 1708 ; Messalalah de Scientia Motus Terras, woodcut, 1504 ("rare to excess, if not unique") ; and others, eight in all, in 1 vol. calf, 1492-1708 3927 Tractatus de Regno Hungarise, in 1 vol. calf, v. y. 3928 Tractatus de Rebus Germanicis, in 1 vol. calf, v. y. 3929 Tractatus Anglicus, eight in 1 vol. calf, with MS. Index, 1689-1764 3930 Tractatus de Origine et Moribus Gentis BorussicsB, 1708 ; Religio Muscovitorum, 1667 ; and 3 others, in 1 vol. h.-bd. v. y. 3931 Tracts, Curious A Philosophical Dialogue, Vanella, The Devil to Pay at St. James's, and others, in 1 vol. h.-bd. Lond. 1728-66 3932 Tracts Historical and Critical, a Collection of, in 1 vol. h.-bd. Lond. 1736-97 3933 Treatises on Old Extent Observations on the Election Law of Scotland, by Boswell, from Auchinleck Library, privately printed, Edin. 1825 ; Thomas Cranstouu against A. Gibson, by Thomas Thomson, Advocate, 1816, half-morocco, v. y. 3934 Tresham The Ruins of Liveden, with Historical Notices of the Family of Tresham, and its Con- nection with the Gunpowder Plot, by T. Bell, plates, - Lond. 1847 3935 Trial of Nathaniel Fiennes, Colonel and Governor of Bristol (wants title), and Articles of Impeach- ment against Fiennes, in 1 vol. h.-bd. 1643 3936 Trials of Mr. James Mitchel, a Conventicle Preacher, and Major Thomas Weir, calf, Lond. 1678 3937 Tricks and Frolicks of the Twelve Merry Wives of Wapping, neatly inlaid, h.-bd. Lond. 1677 3938 Trojan War Correspondence respecting the Trojan War and Troad, by Bryant, 1795 ; Wakefield, 1797; Morritt's Vindication of Homer, maps, fyc., 1798 ; arid others on the same subject, 2 vol. calf, v. y. 228 TWELFTH DAY'S SALE. [Quarto- 3939 Troy The Destruction of Troy, in three books, complete, calf, 1702 3940 Tyler (Alex.), Memoires of John King of Poland, in verse, russia extra, gilt edges, Edin. 1685 3941 Tyrtaei Carmina, Foulis, 1759 3942 laWllMBRELLAS and their History, h.-bd., cuts, 1^1 Land. 1855 3943 Union (The), Tracts relating to Rights and Interests of the Two British Monarchies, Edin. 1704 ; The Act, of Security. 1704 ; The Marriage between Fergusia and Heptarohus, 1706 ; and others, in 1 vol. h.-bd. 1704-7 UTTERSON'S REPRINTS OF RARE TRACTS 3944 Utterson (E. V.), Diella, Certaine Sonnets by R. L., Lond. 1596, Reprint from the private press of E. V. Utterson, - 1841 / 3945 Utterson (E. V.), Good Newes and Bad Newes, by S. R[owland], 1622 ; Reprint of 16 copies from the private press of E. V. Utterson, 1841 3946 Utterson (E. V.), More Knaues Yet, The Knaues of Spades and Diamonds, Reprint of 16 copies from the private press of E. V. Utterson, 1841 3947 Utterson (E. V.), The Melancholie Knight, by S. R[owland], 1615, Reprint of 12 copies from the private press of E. V. Utterson, - 1841 3948 Utterson (E. V.), Christoleros, Seven Bookes of Epigrams written by T. B[astard], Reprint of 16 copies by E. V. Utterson, 1842 3949 Utterson (E. V.), Skialetheia, 1598, Reprint from the private press of E. V. Utterson, - 1843 3950 lllALCKENARI (Lud. Gasp.) Diatribe in Euri- MM pidem, - Lugd. Bat. 1767 3951 Valerii (C. Flacci),Argonauticon, cum notis variorum, curante Burmanno, calf, gilt and stamped sides, frontispiece and portrait, Leidce, 1724 3952 Van-Dalen (C. F.), Dissertatio de Vampyris Serviens- bus, h.-bd. Duisburgi, 1733 3953 Varamundus (Ernestus), De Furoribus Gallicis, hor- renda et indigna Admirallis Oastillionei, Nobilium atque Illustrium Virorum Caede, Scelerata ac inaudita Piorum Strage passim edita per comp- lures Galliee Civitates, &c., in 1 vol. green morocco extra, gilt and tooled, Edin. 1573 3954 Vastovii (Joannis) Vitis Aquilonia, calf extra, gilt edges, Upsalice, 1708 Quarto.] TWELFTH DAY'S SALE. 229 3955 Vates, The Philosophy of Madness, or, the Life of a Tragic Writer, plates, Lond. 1840 3956 Vegius (M.), De Perseueratia Religionis, wants a part of the last leaf, h.-bd. Paris, 1511 3957 Venceslai dementis Gustavidos, vellum, Lugd. Bat. 1632 3958 Vestigia de Potu Coffee, &c. Vitembergce, N. D. 3959 Vigenere (Blaise de), Traicte des Chiffres, vellum, Pans, 1586 3960 Vincent (W.), The Periplus of the Erythrean Sea, 2 vol. russia gilt, maps and plates, presentation copy, with autograph note of the author, Lond. 1800 3961 Vincent (W.), The Voyage of Nearchus and the Periplus, translated, calf, Oxford, 1809 3962 Vindicise Norbertinse, h.-bd. portrait, 1628 3963 Virgil The Four First Eclogues, translated into English Verse by J. Tytler, with curious " Ballad addressed to Alexander Tumble-Turd, Esq." inserted, h.-bd. Edin. 1781 3964 Vita Aristotelis a Ammonio et Nunnesio, Helmest. 1666; Dissertatio de Vita Socratis, and other Classical Pamphlets, in 1 vol. calf, v. y. 3965 Vita di S. Catarina de Siena, fine, plates, N. D. 3966 Vita Sancti Spyridionis, a Sibero, h.-bd. Lipsice, 1718 3967 Vitae Hominum Illustrium Alberti Stradensis, Richteri, Haymonis Episcopi Halberstadiensis, with portrait, Frederici II., Hrabani Magnenth Mauri Couradi Peutingeri, &c., in 1 vol. calf extra, - v. y. 3968 Vitae Hominum Notabilium Georgii Lani, Martyrum Hungaricorum, frontispiece, 1676; Spinosae Vita et Doctrinalia; Frischlini Vita, and others, in 1 vol. calf extra, - v. y. 3969 Vitas Illustrium Virorum ; Schrockii (L.), Memoria Welschiana, portrait, 1678 ; Vita Sebastiani de Rotenham, 1739, and others, in 1 vol. calf, v. y. 3970 Voyages Curieux, Faits en Tartarie en Perse, &c., 2 vol. calf, maps, - Leide, 1729 3971 Vox Populi vox Dei, a Complaynt of the Comons against Taxes, by J. Skelton, privately printed, black Utter, Lond. 1821 3972 Vulpone ; or, Proceedings in Scotland relating to the Union, 1707 3973 M|ACHTERI (J. G.) Archaeologia Nummaria, liaAlal h.-bd. - Lipsice, 1740 3974 Waldegrave (James Earl), Memoirs, from 1754 to 1758, edited by Lord Holland, calf, portrait, Lond. 1821 230 TWELFTH DAY'S SALE. [Quarto. 3975 Waldungi (W.), Lagographia de Natura Leporum, red morocco extra, gilt edges, woodcuts, Ambergce, 1(519 3976 Walker (Joseph C.), Historical Memoirs of the Irish Bards, Ac., h.-bd. Dublin, 1786 3977 Warristoun (Lady), Memorial of the Conversion of Jean Livingston, Lady Warriston, edited by C. K. Sharpe, privately printed, Edin. 1827 3978 Wauchope (Family of), History and Genealogy, by James Paterson, h.-bd. morocco, gilt top, privately printed, Edin. 1858 3979 Wells Papers MSS. in 1 vol. h.-bd. v. y. " This collection of letters and cuttings relative to Mrs. Wells, otherwise Sumbell, an actress of celebrity towards the end of last century, was formerly in the possession of C. K. Sharpe, who valued it very highly."J. M. 3980 Wemius (Jo.,of Craigton),De Regis Primatu Libellus, calf, - Edin. 1623 " This amiable Lord of Session qualified himself for his high office by previously stealing a book from the ' Buith ' of James Catkin, bookseller, at least so says Calderwood. This work is very rare." J. M. 3981 Wheeler (J. T.), Madras in the Olden Time, Madras, 1861 3982 Whitaker (T. D.), Life and Correspondence of Sir G. RadclifFe, Land. 1810 3983 Whitelocke (Sir B.), Notes upon the Kings Writt for choosing Members of Parlement, 2 vol. calf, Lond. 1766 3984 Whitelocke (Sir B.), Journal of the Swedish Ambassy, 1653-4, 2 vol. calf extra, Lond. 1772 3985 Wily Beguilde, a Pleasant Comedy, calf, Lond. 1623 3986 Witches A Collection of Modern Relations Con- cerning Witches and Witchcraft, by Lord Hales, Lond.. 1693 ; A Further Account of the Tryals of the New-England Witches, and Cases of Conscience Concerning Witches by increase, Mather, 1693, in 1 vol. calf extra, Lond. 1693 3987 Woodford (Sam.), Paraphrase upon the Psalms of David, calf , frontispiece, Lond. 1667 3988 Wright (A.), Court Hand Restored, plates, Lond. 1818 3989 Wright (Thomas), Reprints The Nutbrowne Maid Turuament of Totenham Green, and the Feast, Songs, and Carols ; The Basyu, the Frere and the Boy, 4 vol. blark letur, edited by Thomas Wright, h.-bd. - Pickering, 1836 Folio.] TWELFTH DAY'S SALE. 231 3990 Wurffbainii (Job. Pauli) Salamandrologia, calf extra, curious plates and frontispiece, Norimberga;, 1683 3991 Wycklyffe's Wycket, the reprint edited by Pantin, Oxford, 1828 3992 WyclifFe (John), The New Testament, translated by, black letter, h.-bd. uncut, Printed at Chiswick for W. Pickering, 1848 3993 iKSBJlEOWELL (James), Chronicles of the Ancient lEJ.JEJI British Church, Lond. 1847 3994 Yorke (Philip), The Royal Tribes of Wales, plates, Wrexham, 1799 3995 [feS^JJASII (Udalrici), Apologetica Defensio contra [EgBj J. Eckium Theologum, &c., 1519 ; Dialogus Platune de vera Nobilitate, &c., 1510 ; Carolstadii (A.B.), Super Coelibata Menachatu, &c., perpensa, Wittenbergce, 1521; Leonardus Porting de Sesterio, ac Meusuris, N. D. ; Tritemius (J.), De Septem Secundus, franc, 1545, and other rare tracts, in 1 vol. russia, - v. y. Folio. 3996 CRAPS An Extraordinary Collection of Cut- [ilggli tings from Newspapers and Periodicals on every variety of subject, neatly laid down and bound, in 21 vol. h.-bd. titled "Miscellaneous Scraps," 1694-1840 3997 Scraps Another Collection of Cuttings, in 2 vol. h.-bd., titled " Collectanea Scotica," v. y. 3998 Scudery (Magd de), Artamenes, or the Grand Cyrus, an Elegant New Komance, 10 parts in 2 vol. calf, - - Lond. 1653 3999 Scudery (Geo. de), Curia Politiae, portraits of many Emperors and Kings, calf, - Lond. 1673 4000 Scudery (Geo. de), Ibrahim; or, The Illustrious Bassa, translated by Cogan, calf, portrait, Lond. 1674 4001 Selden (John), Tracts, calf , portrait, Lond. 1683 4002 Seneca (L. A.X Workes, newly inlarged and cor- rected, by Thomas Lodge, morocco extra, gilt edges, Lond. 1620 4003 Serres (Jean de), Generall Historic of France, trans- lated by Edward Grimestone, portrait of Louis XIII. by W. Pass, Lond. 1624 232 TWELFTH DAY'S SALE. [Folio. 4004 Settle (E.), Thalia Triumphans : A Congratulatory Poem to Mr. W. Westfield on his Happy Mar- riage, neatly inlaid, richly ornamented with gold borders, calf gilt and tooled, Lond. 1715 4005 Shakspeare Miscellaneous Papers and Legal In- struments under the Hand and Seal of William Shakspeare, including the Tragedy of King Lear, and a Small Fragment of Hamlet, from the Original MSS., in the possession of Thomas Ireland, plates and facsimiles, LARGE PAPER, uncut, Lond. 1796 4006 SHAKSPEARIANA A Large Collection of Magazine, Newspaper, and other Cuttings, Pamphlets, Notices, Music, Woodcuts, and other Memo- randa, relative to Shakspeare, mounted in 2 vol. h.-bd. - v. y. 4007 Sharpe (Charles Kirkpatrick), A Collection of 42 Plates, chiefly Etchings, by C. K. Sharpe, with some Letterpress, portraits and cuttings in- serted, h.-bd., gilt top, N. D. 4008 Sibbald (Sir Robert), Account of the Scotish Atlas, h.-bd. - Edin. 1683 4009 Sibbald (Sir Robert), A Collection of Several Trea- tises (6), in folio, concerning Scotland as it was of Old, and also in Later Times, red morocco extra, gilt and tooled, maps and plates (some writing of Sir Robert inserted) Edin. 1739 4010 Slezer (John), Theatrum Scotiae, containing the Prospects of their Majesties Castles and Palaces, with Life by John Jamieson, D.D., with additional plates by Paul Sandby, also a Bond with the signa- ture of J. Slezer, as a witness, inserted, h.-bd. russia, gilt top, - Edin. 1814 4011 Smith (John Thomas), Antiquities of London and its Environs, consisting of 76 plates, h.-bd. morocco, 1791-1800 4012 Smithiana A Large Collection of Curious Chap Book Reprints, Ballads, Songs, Squibs, and Pamphlets, edited, printed, and published by W. Smith, 3 Bristo Place, in 1 vol. h.-bd. Edin. v. y. 4013 Solinus (Caius Julius), De Situ Orbis Terrarum et de Singulis Mirabilibus quae in Mundo habentur, &c., calf, 1512 4014 Songs Thirty Scots Songs, h.-bd. Edin., Bremner, Circa 1749 " This collection is entremely rare at least such is the MS. note of the late Mr. Stenhouse, and the first impression." MS. Note. Folio.] TWELFTH DAY'S SALE. 233 4015 State Tracts A Collection of State Tracts, pub- lished during the Reign of King William III., 3 vol. calf, Lond. 1706 4016 Sterline (William, Earle of), Recreations with the Muses, blue morocco extra, gilt edges, Lond. 1637 " To Philip Murray, his dear friend, from A. Sterline." 4017 [Stewart (Miss)], Ode to Dr. Thomas Percy, occa- sioned by reading the Reliques of Ancient English Poetry, Edin. 1804 See MS. and extracts from Notes and Queries, on fly-leaf. 4018 Stuart (F. Smyth), Destiny and Fortitude, a Poem, being Details of Misfortunes of the House of Stuart, cf. extra, portrait of Queen Mary, Lond. 1808 4019 |fH ARSIS AND ZELIE, The Famous Romance, in Ijjyill 10 books, done into English by Charles Williams, Gent., calf, Lond. 1685 4020 Tempest (P.), Cryes of the City of London, drawn after the Life, in 74 copper plates by C. Larson, old calf gilt (plate 73 is a portrait of Author as a Nonconformist minister), Lond. 1733 " The duplicate plates, Nos. 3, 10, and 34, are from a more recent set of London Cries, and were given me by C. K. Sharpe, Esq." J. M. 4021 Temple (Sir W.), Works, 2 vol. cf., portrait, Lond. 1720 4022 Temple Church Ancient Coffins, &c., found there, plates by Richardson, Lond. 1845 4023 Theatre d'Histoire du Noble et Vertueux Chevalier Polimantes, Prince d'Arfine, &c., calf extra, numerous woodcuts, Bruxelles, 1613 4024 Themistii Orationes Harduini, Gr. et Lat., calf, Parisiis, 1684 4025 Thoro' Bass Introduction to the Knowledge and Practice of the Thoro' Bass, inscribed to Lord Colvill, Edin. 1717, and Institutions of Musick, wherein are sett forth the Practical Principles of Musical Composition, in 2 parts ( MS. supposed to be by Lord Colvill), in I vol. - 1717 " A presentation to Lord Colvill. Mr. D. Laing, whose bibliographical knowledge is proverbial, never heard of another copy than the present, of the printed tract." J. M. 4026 Thurtelliana Report of the Trial of Thurtell and Hunt for the Murder of Weare, with a large quantity of cuttings, speeches, street bills, portraits, fyc., m 1 vol. h.-bd. - v. y. 30 234 TWELFTH DAY'S SALE. [Folio. 4027 Torfsei (Thormodi), Orcades, seu Rerum Orcaden- sium Historia, uncut, HavnicB, 1715 4028 TOTHAM PRESS A Collection of Seventy Curious Broadsides from the Totham Private Press, by Charles Clark, neatly mounted, in 1 vol. Ji.-bd. v. y. 4029 Townshend (Heywood), Historical Collections, calf, Lond. 1680 4030 Trials Lord Russe! ; Archbishop Laud and the other Bishops (portraits) ; Edward Coleman ; Henry Cornish; John Cole; Miles Stapleton; Fitz- Harris, and others, in 2 vol. calf, Lond. 1670-93 4031 Turner (Sir James), Pallas Armata : Essays on the Art of War, calf, portrait, Lond. 1683 4032 Tyrrell (Sir James), The General History of Eng- land, both Ecclesiastical and Civil, 3 vol. in 5, calf, Lond. 1700 4033 I^plERDERE (Monsieur), The Love and Armes of II&M the Greeke Princes, or the Romant ot Romants, translated by the Earl of Pembroke, 3 parts in 1 vol., calf extra, - Lond. 1640 4034 Vere (Sir Francis), Commentaries, being diverse pieces, wherein he had command, written in way of Commentary, published by Dillingham, calf extra, portraits and maps, Comb. 1657 4035 Vergilius (Polydorus), Anglica3 Histories libri xxvi., calf, Basilice, 1534 4036 im||ALTHERI (J. L.) Lexicon Diplomaticum [laAffJ| Abbrevationum, calf, - Ulmce, 1756 4037 Webster (John), The Displaying of supposed Witchcraft, " enriched by numberless curious memoranda by a former owner," calf, tooled, Lond. 1677 4038 Wendelini (G.) Leges Salicas Illustrate, vellum, Antverpice, 1649 4039 Wesley (Samuel), The Life of Christ, an Heroic Poem, 60 plates, calf, - Lond. 1694 4040 Wilkinson (Henry), Sketches of Scenery and Music of the Basque Provinces in Spain, plates, Lond. 1838 4041 Wilson (Arthur), History of Great Britain, being the Life and Reign of King James the First, calf, portrait, Lond. 1653 4042 Wodrow (Rev. Robert), History of the Sufferings of the Church of Scotland, from the Restoration to the Revolution, 2 vol. calf, Edin. 1721-22 Folio.'] TWELFTH DAY'S SALE. 235 4043 Worlidge (John), Sy sterna Agriculture; the Mystery of Husbandry Discovered, calf, cuts, Lond. 1675 4044 Wotton (Sir Henry), The State of Christendom, calf, portrait, Lond. 1657 ADDENDA. Octavo et Infra. 4045 CLELAND (James), Annals of Glasgow, 2 vol. calf, Glasg. 1816 4046 Davison (Francis), The Poetical Rhapsody, and other Pieces, with Notes by Sir II. Nicolas, 2 vol. Pickering, 1826 r 4047 Dibdin (Thomas Frognall), Biographical Decame- Hron, or, Ten Days' Pleasant Discourse upon Illuminated Manuscripts, and Subjects connected with Early Engraving, Typography, and Biblio- graphy, 3 vol. plates, cuts, and facsimiles, morocco extra, gilt edges, Lond. 1817 4048 Dickson (David), A Short Explanation of the Epistle of Paul to the Hebrew es, vellum, Aberdene, Rohan, 1635 4049 Forms of Process in the Court of Session during the Earlier Periods after its Establishment, with the Variations which they have since Under- gone, &c., calf extra, gilt top, Edin. 1809 f 4050 Glossographia ; or, A Dictionary Interpreting all Hard Words, by T. B. [Blount], Lond. 1661 4051 Peerage of England, 2 vol. morocco, - Lond. 1711 4052 Shakespeare's Autobiographical Poems, &c., by C. A. Brown, Lond. 1838 4053 Somerville (James, Lord), Memorie of the Somer- villes, being a History of the Baronial House of Somerville, edited by Sir Walter Scott, 2 vol., portraits and plates, uncut, Edin. 1815 4054 Turnbull (W. B. D. D.), The Duchy of Chatelher- ault, 1685, only 60 copies printed, - Edin. 1843 4055 Ward (Edward), Works of, 10 vol., calf, Lond. 1710-18 236 TWELFTH DAY'S SALE. [ADDENDA. Quarto. 4056 Jamieson (Rev. J.), Historical Account of the Culdees, and of their Settlement in Scotland, England, and Ireland, Edin. 1811 4057 Smith ( Wm.), Views of Campbelton and Neighbour- hood, h.-bd. Edin. 1835 4058 Thi-esor De Chartes, Conteuant les Tableaux de tous les Pays du Monde, enrich e de belles de- scriptions, reveu et augmente, Imprime par Matthias Becker, N. D. Folio. 4059 Douglas (Sir Robert), The Baronage of Scotland, Vol. I. (all published}, calf, Edin. 1798 " The present copy of the Baronage contains a set of the plates of arms, which in almost all the copies is wanting." J. M. 4060 Nisbet (Alexander), A System of Heraldry, Specu- lative and Practical, with The True Art of Blazon, 2 vol., plates, russia extra, tooled, gilt edges, Edin. 1722 4061 Newspaper Advertisements A Curious Collection of Advertisements from Old Newspapers, mounted in 1 vol. - Circa 1751 4062 Newspaper Cuttings A Large Collection of Cuttings from Newspapers and Magazines, 7 parcels, un- mounted, - v. y. . THE DRAMA AN T D DRAMATIC LITERATURE. Octavo. 4063 |p|CCOUNT of the English Stage, from the Res- liaBELal toration in 1660 to J830, by Rev. J. Geneste, 10 vol. Bath, 1832 4064 Alexandre (M.), a Collection of Letters and Certifi- cates given to him by Various Distinguished Personages, h.-bd. Nottingham, 1824 4065 Ancelot (M.) Olga, ou I'Orpheline Muscovite, h.-bd. Paris, 1828 4066 Anderson (David), The Martial Achievements of Sir William Wallace, h.-bd. morocco, gilt top, ^ Aberdeen, 1821 4067 Andre\vc5 (Miles P.) Dramatic Works, collected in 1 vol., calf , portrait inserted, Loud. 1780-95 ^4068 Anster (John, LL.D.), Faustus, a Dramatic Mystery, translated from the German of Goethe, with Notes, calf extra, Loud. 1835 4069 Aston (Anthony), Pastora ; or, the Coy Shepherdess, an Opera, h.-bd. Lond. 1712 4070 Aston (Walter), The Restauration of King Charles II. or, The Life and Death of Oliver Cromwell, an Histori-Tragi-Comi Ballad Opera, as it was forbid to be acted at the New Theatre in the Hay-Market, formerly in the possession of John Kemble, who writes, " I have thought this piece worth retaining for its exquisite absurdity," h.-bd. Lond.17 32 4071 Authentic Memoirs of the Green Room for 1799, with portraits, newspaper cuttings, and MS. notes inserted, calf, - Lond. N. D. 4072 Ayscough (G. E.), Semiramis, a Tragedy, h.-bd. Lond. 1776 4073 [HHlACON (Dr.),] Dramatic Pieces, collected in 1 vol. calf, Lond. 1757 238 THIRTEENTH DAY'S SALE. [THE DRAMA tOetavo. 4074 Baillie (Joanna), Plays on. the Passions, Miscellane- ous Plays and Dramas. 7 vol. calf gilt, uniform, Lond. 1799-1836 / 4075 Bannister (John), Memoirs of, by John Adolphus, 2 vol. Lond. 1839 /> 4076 Baker ( J.), The Drama Recorded ; or, List of Plays Alphabetically Arranged, interleaved with numerous MS. Additions, h.-bd. Lond. 1814 4077 Bartholomew (John), The Fall of the French Monarchy ; or, Louis XVI., an Historical Tragedy, russia, Lond. N. D. 4078 Beaumont and Fletcher, Works of, with Notes and Memoir by Rev. Alex. Dyce, 1 1 vol. Lond. 1843 i^- / 4079 Beauties of the English Drama, 4 vol. in 2, h.-bd. Lond. 1777 4080 Beauties of the Opera and Ballet, h.-bd., plates and cuts, - Lond. N. D. S 4081 Behn (Mrs.), Plays, 4 vol. calf, portrait, Lond. 1724 > 4082 Bellamy (George Anne), An Apology for her Life, written by Herself, 6 vol. calf, portrait by Bar- tolozzi, and frontispieces, Lond. 1785 jf 4083 Benger (Miss), Memoirs of John Tobin, Author of the Honey-moon, with a Selection from his Un- published Writings, calf, gilt top, portrait inserted, Lond. 1820 X4084 Bernard (John), Retrospections of the Stage, 2 vol. Lond. 1830 / 4085 Betterton (Thomas), Life of, by Gildon, and The Amorous Widow, or the Wanton Wife, a Comedy, calf, portrait, Lond. 1710 4086 Bickerstaff (Isaac) [Sir Richard Steel e], Dramatic Pieces, collected in 2 vol. calf, with Letter from the Author to David Garrick inserted, Lond. 1761-89 4087 Billington (Mrs.), Memoirs of, from her Birth ; also, The Answer, with the Life and Adventures of Richard Daly, in 1 vol. calf, portraits, Lond. 1792 See MS, Note by Mr. Maidment. /; 4088 Biographia Dramatica ; or, a Companion to the Playhouse, by D. E., with Additions by Reid and Jones, 4 vol. calf, Lond. 1812 4089 Biography of the British Stage, cuts, 1824 ; Life of Miss Clara Fisher, the Lilliputian Actress, 1819 ; and Memoirs and Intrigues of the Green Room, in 1 vol. calf, coloured plates (wants title), Lond. v. y. 4090 Boaden (James), Dramatic Works, collected in 1 vol. h.-bd. morocco, - Lond. 1795-1803 THE DRAMA Octavo.'] THIRTEENTH DAY'S SALE. 239 ^4091 Boaden (James), Memoirs of the Life of John Philip Kemble, with a History of the Stage, from the time of Garrick to the present period, 2 vol. calf gilt, portrait, - Lond. 1825 4092 Brand (Miss Hannah), Plays and Poems, morocco, gilt edges, Norwich, 1798 4093 Brome (Richard), Ten New Playes, 2 vol. calf, Lond. 1653-59 * 4094 Brome (Richard), Dramatic Works, now first col- lected, 3 vol. uncut, Lond. 1873 4095 Brown (John, Painter}, Letters upon the Poetry and Music of the Italian Opera, calf, portrait in- serted, Edin. 1789 4096 Browne (Moses), Dramatic Works, calf, Lond. 1723 See MS. Note by Mr. Maidment. 4097 Buchan (Peter), The Peterhead Smugglers, a Melo-Drama, Poems, Songs, &c., and the Sale Catalogue of his Library, in 1 vol. h.-bd. Edin. 1834 4098 Bucke (C.). The Italians ; or, The Fatal Accusation, and Reply to Mr. Bucke's Preface to the " Italians," in 1 vol. h.-bd. Lond. 1819 /4099 Burgoyne (Lieut.-Gen.), Dramatic and Poetical Works, with Memoirs of the Author, 2 vol. calf, plates, LARGE PAPER, Lond. 1808 4100 Burn (David), Plays and Fugitive Pieces in Verse, 2 vol. in 1, Hobart Town, 1842 4101 Burney (Miss [Madame D'Arblayj), Tragic Dramas, h.-bd. - Lond. 1818 JAMPBELL (Lord), Shakespeare's Legal Ac- quirements Considered, Lond. 1859 4103 Carey (H.), Hanging and Marriage; or, the Dead Man's Wedding, a Farce, omitted in the Collected Edition of Carey's Dramatic Works, h.-bd. Lond. 1722 4104 Carmontelle, Proverbes Dramatique de, par M. C. De Mery, 4 vol. calf extra, gilt edges, Paris, 1822 4105 Cartwright (Wm.), Comedies, Tragi-Comedies, with other Poems, calf, portrait by Lombart, Lond. 1651 4106 Casandra Pseudomantis, several leaves supplied in MS. (wants title), - N. D. See Note by Mr. Maidment. 4107 Catalogues of Dramatic Literature, a Collection, in 1 vol. h.-bd. - Lond. v. y. 4108 Centlivre (Mrs.), Dramatic Works, 3 vol. calf, portrait, Lond. 1761 4109 Chambers' (Miss), Ourselves, and The School for Friends, Two Comedies, in 1 vol. h.-bd. 1805-11 240 THIRTEENTH DAY'S SALE. [THE DRAMA Octavo. 4110 Chapman (George), Dramatic Works, now first collected, with Notes and Memoir of the Author, 3 vol., uncut, Lond. 1873 4111 Chenevix (Richard), Two Plays Mantuan Revels, a Comedy, and Henry the Seventh, a Tragedy, calf, Lond. 1812 4112 Cherry (Andrew), Dramatic Works, collected in 1 vol. calf, portrait inserted, - Lond. 1804-7 4113 [Chetwood (W. R.)], The Stock Jobbers; South Sea, or The Biters Bit ; The Lover's Opera ; and The Generous Free-Mason, a complete set, in 1 vol. calf, Lond. 1720-31 4114 Chetwood (W. R.), A General History of the Stage, from its Origin in Greece, down to the Present Time, with Memoirs, calf, Lond. 1749 4115 Christian (T. P.), The Revolution, and The Nuptials, in 1 vol. h.-bd. Lond. 1791 / 4116 Gibber (Colley), An Apology for the Life of, Written by Himself, calf , portrait, Lond. 1750 4117 Gibber (Colley), Dramatic Works, 5 vol. calf, Lond. 1777 4118 Gibber (Theo), Tragedy of King Henry VI. ; The Lover; and Patie and Peggy, a Scotch Ballad Opera, in 1 vol. Lond. 1723-31 4119 Gibber (Theo.), Dissertations on the Theatres, and an Epistle to David Garrick, in 1 vol. calf, frontispiece only, - Lond. 1759 4120 CIBBERIANA Comprising The Tryal of Colley Gibber; Apology for the Life of Theophilus Gibber'; Letters from Mr. Gibber to Mr. Pope; The Egotist ; The Lover, and other Plays ; Birthday Odes : and Magazine and Newspaner Cuttings relative to the Gibbers, in 1 vol. calf, Lond. $c., 1740-52 4121 Clancy (Michael, M.D.), Memoirs of, 2 vol. in 1 ; also, The Sharper, a Comedy ; and Hermon, a Tragedy, in 1 vol. calf extra, - Dublin, 1750 4122 [Clapperton (Wm.)], The Pastor Fido of Guarini, in English Blank Verse, with Letter from the Trans- lator's Sister, caff, - Edin. 1809 / 4123 Clapthorne (Henry), Plays and Poems, now first collected, with Notes and Memoir, 2 vol., uncut, Lond. 1874 4124 Cobb (James), Dramatic Works, collected in 2 vol. calf portraits inserted, - Lond. 1786-1803 X'4125 Coleridge (S. T.), Dramatic Works, collected in 1 vol. calf, - Lond. 1794-1817 ' 4126 Collier (Jeremy), A Short View of the Profaneness and Immorality of the English Stage, h.-bd. Lond. 1730 THE DRAMA Octavo.] THIRTEENTH DAY'S SALE. 241 / 4127 Collier (J. Payne), The History of English Dramatic Poetry, from the Time of Shakespeare ; and Annals of the Stage to the Restoration, 3 vol. calf extra, Lond. 1831 r 4128 Collier (J. Payne), New Facts regarding the Life of Shakespeare, h.-bd. morocco, gilt top, Lond. 1835 4129 Colman (George), Dramatick Works, 4 vol. calf, Lond. 1777 4130 Colman (George, the Younger), Dramatic Works, collected in 3 vol. calf, with portraits and numerous cuttings from newspapers and magazines inserted, Lond. 1788-1820 / 4131 Colman (George, the Younger}, Random Records, 2 vol. Lond. 1830 4132 Comedies translated from the German, &c., in 1 vol. h.-bd. Lond. &c. 1786-1800 4133 Comic Operas (Collection of Seven) including Calista, The Highland Fair ; and The Pretender's Flight, being the Sequel to the Earl of Mar Marr'd, in 1 vol. calf, MS. Note by Mr. Maidment, Lond. 1716-33 4134 Congreve (Wm.), Dramatic Works, 3 vol. calf, plates, Lond. 1753 4135 Cooke (Thomas), Dramatic Pieces, in 1 vol. Lond. 1728-44 4136 [Cornbury (Lord)], The Mistakes; or, The Happy Resentment, a Comedy, h.-bd. Lond. 1758 4137 Courtenay (Thos. P.), Commentaries on the Histori- cal Plays of Shakspeare, 2 vol. Lond. 1840 4138 Cowley (Mrs.), Dramas and Poems, 3 vol. uncut, portrait inserted, Lond. 1813 4139 Craven (Lady), The Sleep Walker, a Comedy, translated from the French, russia extra, Strawberry Hill, 1778 / 4140 [Croker (J. W.)], Familiar Epistles to Frederick /^*fi J[one]s, Esq., on the Present State of the Irish Stage, calf extra, gilt top, - Dublin, 1814 4141 Croly (Rev. Dr.), Pride shall have a Fall, a Comedy, h.-bd. Lond. 1824 4142 Cromwell (Thomas), The Druid, a Tragedy, with Notes on the Antiquities and Early History of Ireland, Lond. 1832 4143 Cross (J. C.), Dramatic Works, 2 vol. in 1, Lond. 1812 X*4144 Crouch (Mrs.), Memoirs, by M. J. Young, uncut, V-- portrait, - Lond. 1806 -X4145 Cumberland (John), Minor Theatre, 16 vol. plates (wanting Vol. III.), - Lond. N. D. 4146 Cumberland (Richard), Dramatic Works, collected and bound in 3 vol. coif, Lond. 1765-97 31 212 THIRTEENTH DAY'S SALE. [THE DRAMA Octavo. 4147 Cumberland (Richard), Posthumous Dramatic Works, edited by T. W. Jansen, 2 vol. - Lond. 1813 4148 !J||ARLEY (Rev. J. R.), On the Dramatic Litera- [cLgjyi ture of the Greeks, Dublin, 1840 / 4149 Davies (Thomas) Dramatic Miscellanies, 3 vol. calf, Lond. 1785 v/ 4150 Decastro (J., Comedian), Memoirs, edited by R. Humphreys, Lond, 1824 y 4151 Dekker (Thomas), Dramatic Works, now first col- lected, with Notes and Memoir of the Author, 4 vol. uncut, - Lond. 1873 4152 Delavigne (Casimir), Les Enfans d'Edouard, h.-bd. Paris, 1833 4153 [Dell (Henry)], Dramatic Works, collected in 1 vol., calf, Lond. 1756-57 4154 Dennis (John), Select Works, consisting of Plays, Poems, &c., 2 vol. calf, - Lond. 1721 4155 Dent (John), Dramatic^Pieces, in 1 vol., all published, h.-bd. Lond. 1782-95 4156 [Dibdin (Charles)], Dramatic Pieces, collected in 1 vol. calf, Lond. 1774-1807 4157 Dibdin (Thomas), Dramatic Works, collected in 3 vol. calf, Lond. 1798-1821 4158 Dimond (W.), Gustavns Vasa, the Hero of the j North, an Historical Opera, Lond. 1811 /4159 Dodd (Dr. Wm.), The Beauties of Shakespear, third edition, with the Sarcastic Dedication to the Earl of Chesterfield, 3 vol. calf, Lond. 1780 4160 Dodsley (R.), Select Collection of Old Plays by Reed and Gilchrist, with J. Payne Collier's Supple- ment, 13 vol. - ' Lond. 1825-33 4161 Dow (Alex.), Dramatic Pieces, calf, MS. Note by Mr. Maidment, Lond. 1769-74 4162 Dramas relative to Miss Vane, Mistress to Frederick, Prince of Wales, calf extra, gilt edges, newspaper cuttings and note by Mr. Maidment, Lond. 1732-36 4163 Dramatic Beauties, selected from the British Dra- matists, Lond. 1834 / 4164 Dramatic Biography Dunlap's Memoirs of George F. Cooke, 2 vol., 1813; Kelly's Reminiscences, 2 vol., 1826; O'Keefe's Recollections, 2 vol., 1826 ; Reynolds' Life and Times, 2 vol., 1826 ; Dibdin's Reminiscences, 2 vol., 1827 ; and Boaden's Memoirs of Mrs. Inchbold, 2 vol., 1833, in all 12 vol. calf, uniform, Lond. 1813-33 THE DRAMA Octavo.] THIRTEENTH DAY'S SALE. 243 4165 Dramatic Censor; or, Critical Companion, edited by F. Gentleman, 2 vol. h.-bd. Loud. 1770 4166 Dramatic Censor; by "Proteus Porcupine," (C. Torrop), 23d Sept. to 12th Dec. 1829, h.-bd., all published, Edin. 1829 4167 Dramatic Collections including Papers by W. H. Logan, Sir Theodore Martin, and others, in 1 vol. calf, Edin. 1834-37 4168 Dramatic Criticism a Collection of Papers, in 1 vol. h.-bd. Lond. 1811-12 4169 Dramatic Magazine, March 2, 1829 to April 1, 1831, in 1 vol. h.- bd., p lates, - Lond. 1829-31 4170 Dramatic Miscellanies Comprising Williams' The Pin Basket, or, Children of Thespis ; Memoirs of the Young Roscius ; Theatrical Portraits and Miscellanies, in 1 vol. h.-bd. Lond. 1797-1822 4171 Dramatic Pieces Miscellaneous, a Collection, in 6 vol. calf, with MS. Index to each Volume, Lond., $c. 1717-99 4172 Dramatic Pieces Tragedies, a Collection, in 2 vol. calf, Lond. 1720-40 4173 Dramatic Pieces Comedies, a Collection, in 1 vol. calf gilt, Lond. 1723-60 4174 Dramatic Pieces Political, a Collection, in 2 vol. calf, plates and newspaper cuttings inserted, Lond. 1736-1831 4175 Dramatic Pieces Coffey's Beggar's Wedding, and 7 other Pieces, in 1 vol. Lond. 1739-62 4176 Dramatic Pieces An Extensive Collection of up- wards of Four Hundred Tragedies, Comedies, Historical Dramas, Melo-Dramas, Operas, Farces, and After Pieces, in 47 vol. calf, uniform, with MS. indices and newspaper cuttings, fyc., relative to the authors and the works, inserted, Lond., Sfc. 1749-1865 4177 Dramatic Pieces Burlesques, Musical Dramas, Comedies, and Tragedies, a Collection, in 6 vol. calf, 'with MS. index to each volume, newspaper cuttings, fyc., inserted, - Lond., Sfc. 1805-50 4178 Dramatic Pieces The Wife ; or, Women as They Are, plates by George Cruikshank and others, in 1 vol. calf, Lond. 1812-35 4179 Dramatic Pieces Miscellaneous, a Collection, in 6 vol. calf gilt, with magazine and newspaper cuttings inserted, - Lond., fyc. v. y. 4180 Dramatic Pieces Another Collection of Miscellane- ous Dramas, in 6 vol. calf, Lond., tyc. v. y. 244 THIRTEENTH DAY'S SALE. [THE DBAMA Octavo. 4181 Dramatic Pieces by Ward, Hart, Hamilton, and others, in 1 vol. v. y. 4182 Dramatic Pieces Provincial, a Collection, in I vol. calf^ - v. y. 4183 Dramatic Table Talk, 3 vol. plates, uncut, Lond. 1825 4184 Dramatic Tracts An Interesting Collection of Pamphlets, Memoirs, &c., in 4 vol. calf, v. y. 4185 Dramatic Works of Fenton, Martyn, Jones, Hartson, and Woodfall, in 1 vol. calf, ' Lond. 1723-77 4186 Dramatists of the Restoration, edited by J. Maid- ment and W. H. Logan, 14 vol. LARGE PAPER, only 150 copies printed, - Edin. 1872-79 4187 Dramatists of the Restoration, &c., another Set, 14 vol. SMALL PAPER, - Edin. 1872-79 4188 Dramatists of the Restoration, edited by Maidment and Logan Crowne, 4 vol., Wilson (2 copies), Cokain, Lacy, Marmion, and Tatham, in all 10 vol. - Edin. 1873-78 4189 Driver (H. A.), Harold de Burun, a Semi-Dramatic Poem, - Lond. 1835 4190 Drury (Robert), Dramatic Works, collected in 1 vol. calf, a complete set, - Lond. 1732-37 See MS. Note by Mr. Maidment. 4191 Dudley (H. B.), Dramatic Pieces, collected in 1 vol. calf, - Lond. 1783-94 4192 Dutton (Thomas), The Dramatic Censor, 3 vol. h.-bd. - Lond. 1800-1 / 4193 Dyce (Rev. Alex.), Remarks on Collier's and Knight's Editions of Shakespeare, Lond. 1844 4194 fMDINBURGH Dramatic Journal, 11 NOB., h.-bd., IB.EH' all published, Edin. 1828 4195 Edinburgh Dramatic Review, 14 vol. in 6, h.-bd. Edin. 1822-25 4196 Edinburgh Theatrical Observer and Musical Review, from 15th June 1823 to 30th March 1824, in 1 vol. h.-bd. - Edin. 1823-24 4197 Edmonstone (Sir Archd.), Tragedies, Edin. 1837 4198 Edwin (John, Comedian), The Eccentricities of, by J. Williams, 2 vol. h.-bd. Lond. N. D. 4199 English Operas A Collection, in 1 vol. calf, Lond. 1828-30 4200 English Operas A Collection, in 1 vol. calf gilt (one of the pieces imperfect), - Lond. 1730-51 4201 English Opera Music A Collection,, including The Beggar's Opera, The Beggar's Wedding, &c., calf, Lond. N. D. THE DRAMA Octavo.] THIRTEENTH DAY'S SALE. 245 4202 English Theatre for the Year 1718, consisting of all the New Comedies acted at Both Houses, calf, Lond. 1719 4203 [Erskine (Hon. A),] She's not Him, and He's not Her, a Farce, h.-bd. morocco, JEdin. 1764 4204 Erskine (Sir David), Dramatic Pieces, &c., collected in 2 vol. calf extra, gilt tops, plates, Edin., Kelso, $c. 1827-36 See interesting note by Mr. Maidment. 4205 Etherege (Sir George), Plays and Poems, Lond. 1704 4206 pjlARCES A Volume of, as they are Performed |H-^P| at the Theatre, Smoke Alley, Dublin, uncut, 1792 4207 Farquhar (George), Dramatic Works, &c., 2 vol. calf, - Lond. 1760 4208 Fatema (M.), Socrate, Ouvrage Dramatique, traduit de 1'Anglais de Feu, Mr. Tompson, morocco extra, gilt edges, Amst. 1759 4209 Fletcher, (John), Demetrius and Enanthe, being the Humorous Lieutenant, published from a Manu- script dated 1625, and containing passages never before printed, edited by Rev. Alex. Dyce, Lond. 1830 4210 Foote (Samuel), Dramatic Works, collected in 3 vol. calf, - 1764-81 4211 Foote (Samuel), Memoirs, by Wm. Cooke, 3 vol. portrait, uncut, Lond. 1805 4212 Ford (.John), Dramatic Works, with Notes Critical and Explanatory, by W. Gifford, 2 vol. calf gilt, Lond. 1827 4213 [Francklin (Dr. T.),] Dramatic Works The Earl of Warwick ; Matilda ; and The Contract, in 1 vol., calf extra, Lond. 1769-76 4214 [H||ALLOWAY (George), Plays and Poems, col- IksJOil lected in 1 vol. calf, portraits, fyc.,Edin. 1804-10 4215 Garrick (David), Dramatic Works, collected in 3 vol. calf, with portraits, cuttings from newspapers, magazines, $c., inserted, Lond. 1752-79 4216 Garrick (David), Letters to, on the intended Re- presentation of the Minor, and Letters to Mr. Foote, occasioned by his Letter to the Author of the Remarks on the Minor, in 1 vol. h.-bd., Lond. 1760 4217 Garrick (David), Dramatic Works, now first col- lected, 3 vol. calf, Lond. 1768 246 THIRTEENTH DAY'S SALE. [THE DKAMA Octavo. 4218 Garrick (David), Memoirs of the Life of, by Thomas >r Da vies, 2 vol. calf, Lond. 1781 t/4219 Garrick (David), Life of, by Arthur Murphy, 2 vol. calf, - Lond. 1801 4220 German Plays A Collection of, in 3 vol. calf, Lond. 1796-1800 4221 Gillies (R. P.), The Patriot; or Wallace, a Tragedy, h.-bd., gilt top, privately printed, Edin. 1806 j/4222 Gilliland (Thos.;, The Dramatic Mirror, 2 vol. calf, portraits, - Lond. 1808 4223 Goethe's Faust, translated by Lewis Filmore, h.-bd. y Lond. 1856 4224 Goff (Thos.), Three Excellent Tragedies, russia extra, gilt edges, - Lond. 1656 4225 Goodhall (James) Florazene ; or, The Fatal Con- quest, a Tragedy, h.-bd., - Stamford, 1754 4226 Gower (Lord F. Leveson), Catherine of Cleves, and Hernani, Tragedies, - Lond. 1832 4227 Graham (George), Telemachus, a Mask, calf, Foulis, 1767 4228 [Grahame (James),] Plays and Poems, collected in 1 vol. h.-bd., Paisley, Edin., $c., 1794-1801 See note by Mr. Maidment as to the authorship. 4229 Gray (Simon), The Spaniard, a Tragedy; and The Young Country Widow, a Comedy, Lond. 1839 4230 Greene (Robert), Dramatic Works and Poems, with Notes by Rev. A. Dyce, 2 vol. calf extra, Pickering, 1831 4231 Griffin (Ben.), Love in a Sack, h.-bd. Lond. 1715 4232 [Griffith (Mrs. E.)], Dramatic Works, collected in 1 vol. calf, portrait inserted, Lond. 1766-82 / 4233 Griffith (Mrs.), The Morality of Shakespeare's Drama Illustrated, - Lond. 1775 4234 Guthrie (Robert), Bachelor's Doubts, a Commedietta, h.-bd. - Herwick, 1851 4235 rpIlAILES (Lord)], The Little Freeholder, calf [^mUl extra, - Lond. 1790 4236 Hull (Thomas), Dramatic Works, collected in 1 vol. h.-bd., with MS. Index, - Lond. 1765-93 4237 Hamilton (N.), The Petticoat Plotter; and, The Doating Lovers, or, The Libertine Tam'd, in 1 voL calf, Lond. 1715-20 See note by Mr. Maidment. 4238 Havard (W.), Scanderbeg, a Tragedy ; King Charles the First; and Regulus, in 1 vol. calf, Lond. 1733-4 THE DRAMA Octavo.] THIRTEENTH DAY'S SALE. 247 4239 Hawkeswortk (Dr.), Amphitryon; Edgar and Emmeline ; and Oroonoko, in 1 vol. calf, frontis- piece, Lond. 1756-75 /4240 Hawkins (Thomas), The Origin of the English Drama Illustrated in its various Species, 3 vol. calf, Oxford, 111 "6 4241 Hazlewood (Joseph), Green -Room Gossip, or Gravity Gallinipt, with an Appendix of Grave Subjects, calf, uncut, Lond. 1809 4242 Henry the Second, an Historical Drama, by Sir Arthur Helps, Pickering, 1843 4243 Hetherington (W. M.), Twelve Dramatic Sketches, founded on the Pastoral Poetry of Scotland, Edin. 1829 4244 [Hiffernan (Paul,M.D.)], The Self Enamour'd; or, The Ladies' Doctor, a Comedy, h.-bd. Dublin, 1750 4245 Hiffernan (Paul M. D.), The Lady's Choice, Lond. N. D. 4246 Hill (Aaron), Dramatic Works, 2 vol. calf, Lond. 1760 4247 [Hilton (William)], The Siege of Palmyra, and Arthur, two Tragedies, in 1 vol. calf extra, Newcastle, 1776 4248 Hippisley (John), Dramatic Works, calf extra, Lond. 1729-32 4249 History of the English Stage from the Earliest Period, by Waldron, Dibdin, &c. - Lond. 1800 4250 [Hitchcock (Robert)], The Macaroni; and The Coquette, two Comedies, in 1 vol. h.-bd. Lond. and Bath, 1773-77 4251 Hitchcock (Robert), An Historical View of the Irish Stage from the Earliest Period, with Theatrical Anecdotes, &c., 2 vol. uncut, - Dublin, 1788 4252 Hoare (Prince), Dramatic Pieces, collected in 1 vol. calf, portrait inserted, - Lond. 1796-1806 4253 Holcroft (Thomas), Dramatic Works, collected in 3 vol. calf gilt, Lond. 1785-1801 4254 Holman (J. G.), Dramatic Works, collected in 1 vol. calf, - Lond. 1796-1800 4255 Hook (Theodore E.), Dramatic Pieces, collected in 1 vol. with portrait and numerous newspaper cuttings inserted, calf, - Lond. 1805-11 4256 Hoole (John), Cyrus ; Timanthes ; and Cleonice, three Tragedies, in 1 vol. calf, Lond. 1768-75 4257 Howard (G. E.), Dramatic Works, h.-bd. Lond. 1769 4258 Howard (Sir Robert), Dramatic W T orks, calf, portrait, Lond. 172-2 4259 Hyde (George), Love's Victory, and Alphonzus, in 1 vol. - Lond. 1825 248 THIRTEENTH DAY'S SA.LE. [THE DRAMA Octavo. 4260 iMlGNORAMUS; or, The English Lawyer, calf, iEgJal Land. 1736 See MS. Note by Mr. Maidment. 4261 Inchbald (Mrs.), Dramatic Works, collected in 2 vol. calf, Lond. 1785-1805 4262 Inglis (Ralston), the Dramatic Writers of Scotland, Glasg. 1868 I/ 4263 Ireland (W. H.), Confessions, containing the Parti- culars of his Fabrications of the Shakespeare Manuscripts, calf, - Lond. 1805 4264 Italian Dramas Operatic and Miscellaneous, a Col- lection of, in 3 vol. h.-bd. v. y. 4265 Italian Operas, a Collection of, in 4 vol. calf, with numerous newspaper cuttings, fyc., inserted, Lond. v. y. Quarto. 4266 ira DAMS (G.), The Heathen Martyr; or TheDeath \wB!&\ of Socrates, a Tragedy, h.-bd. Lond. 1746 4267 Alexander (Wm., Earl of Sterling), The Mon- archiche Tragedies ; Croesus, Darius ; The Alex- andreen and Julius Caesar, newly enlarged, with a Paraenesis to the Prince ; and Aurora, contain- ing the First Fancies of the Author's Youth, in 1 vol. red morocco extra, gilt edges, Lond. 1604-7 4268 I HANKS (John), Historical Plays, collected in IBIH 1 vol. calf, - Lond. 1682-94 4269 Brome (Alex.), The Cunning Lovers, a Comedy, h.-bd. morocco, gilt top, - Lond. 1654 4270 Burmanni (Pietri), Oratio pro Comcedia, and other Tracts, in 1 vol. h.-bd. - v. y. 4271 Burnaby (Charles), Dramatic Works, four Comedies, in 1 vol. - Lond. 1700-8 4272 ARE Y (Henry), Dramatick Works, calf extra, I^Saa! portrait inserted, Lond. 1743 4273 Carlell (L.), Dramatic Works, collected in 2 vol. (duodecimo et quarto), calf extra, Lond. 1629-64 4274 Chamberlaine (Wm.), Love's Victory, a Tragi- Comedy, h.-bd. morocco, gilt top, Lond. 1658 Quarto.] THIRTEENTH DAY'S SALE. 249 4275 Chapman (George), The Conspiracie, and Tragedy of Charles, Duke of Byron, Marshal of France, in 1 vol. h.-bd. Lond. 1625 ^4276 [Chettle (Henry)J, The Tragedy of Hoffman ; or A Revenge for a Father, red morocco extra, (jilt edges, - Lond. 1681 4277 Clark (Wra.), Marciano ; or The Discovery, aTragi- Comedy, 1663. h.-bd. morocco, gilt top, only 75 copies reprinted for private circulation, Edin. 1871 4278 Cowley (Abr.), The Guardian, a Comedie, h.-bd. morocco, gilt top, Lond. 1650 4279 Craftie Cromwell; or Oliver Ordering our New State, a Tragi-Comedie, written by Mercurius Melan- cholicus, with the Second Part, called New- Market Fayre ; or Mrs. Parliament's New Figaryes, written by the Man in. the Moon, in 1 vol. morocco extra, - 1648-49 4280 Craufurd (David), Courtship a-la-mode, a Comedy, h.-bd. - Lond. 1700 4281 Craufurd (David), Love at First Sight, a Comedy, h.-bd. - Lond. N. D. 4282 Crowne (John), Dramatic Pieces, collected in 1 vol., with MS. Index, h.-bd. - Lond. 1672-93 4283 WfR ANGER (John), Dramatic Works, collected in iBilifll 1 vol. calf extra, - Lond. 1660-75 4284 D'Avenant (Wm.), The Tragedy of Albovine, King of the Lombards, morocco, - Lond. 1629 4285 Dekker (Thomas), Satiro Mastix ; or the Untrussing of the Humorous Poet, and the Honest Whore, with the Humours of the Patient Man, and the Longing Wife, in 1 voL calf, Lond. 1602-15 4286 Dekker (Thomas), Match Me in London, a Tragi- Comedy, calf, - Lond. 1631 4287 Dilke (Thomas), The Lover's Luck ; The City Lady, and The Pretenders, three Comedies in 1 vol. h.-bd. - Lond. 1696-98 4288 Dryden (John, Jim.), The Husband his own Cuckold, a Comedy, h.-bd. morocco, - Lond. 1696 4289 [Duffet (Thos.)], The Empress of Morocco, a Farce, red morocco extra, frontispiece, Lond. 1674 32 250 THIRTEENTH DAY'S SALE. [THE DRAMA Quarto. 4290 JHRAGMENTA DRAMATICA A Collection of iBtSBil Cuttings from Newspapers and Magazines, Play-Bills, Woodcuts. &c., in 1 vol. h.-bd. N. D. " Gentle Reader, These fragments have not been obtained by the spoliation of books on my part, but have been rescued from the snuff-shop, the grocer, and provision dealer. A little patience, and not a little trouble, have put them in the present condition ; in which it is hoped they will remain." J. M. 25 Royal Circus, 1 7th March 1857. 4291 Fyfe (Alex.), The Royal Martyr, Charles I., an Opera, h.-bd. morocco, - 1705 4292 EBjlASCOYNE (George), The Supposes (wants |yj%J| title, 6 leaves supplied in MS.) ; and Jocnsta, two Plays, black letter, in 1 vol. h.-bd. 1566 don (Charles), The Stage Beaux Toss'd in a Blanket ; or, Hypocrisie a-la-raode, Expos'd in a True Picture of Jerry , a Pretending Scourge to the English Stage, a Comedy, LARGE PAPER, with the autograph of the author (see Note by Mr. Maidment), morocco, Lond. 1704 4294 [Gough (J.)], The Strange Discovery, a Tragic Comedy, h.-bd. - Lond. 1640 4295 Gould (Robert), The Rival Sisters and Innocence Distress'd; or, The Royal Penitents, two Tragedies, in 1 vol. calf extra, Lond. 1696-1737 4296 Grimston (Wm.), The Lawyer's Fortune ; or, Love in a Hollow Tree, h.-bd. Lond. 1705 4297 Guilt ; or, The Anniversary, a Tragedy from the German of A. Milliner, by R. P. Gillies, only 50 copies printed, - Edin. 1819 4298 IjjWjjlARLEQUINADES L'Essai de la Folie,Chacun IBJIJII a son Tour, and another, in 1 vol. h.-bd. La Haye, 1745 4299 [Haughton (Wm.)], A Pleasant Comedie, called a Woman will have her Will, h.-bd. morocco, Lond. 1632 4300 Hausted (Pet), The Rivall Friends, a Comedie, h.-bd. morocco, gilt top, Lond. 1631 4301 Hedelin (F.), The Whole Art of the Stage, calf, Lond. 1684 4302 Heywoou (Tho.). The Wise Woman of Hogsdon, a Comedie, h.-bd. morocco, - Lond. 1638 THE DBAM A Quarto.] THIRTEENTH DAY'S SALE. 251 4303 Holiday (Barten), Tecnogaraia ; or, The Marriages of the Arts, a Comedie, h.-bd. morocco, Lond. 1630 4304 Hopkins (Charles), Three Tragedies, his Complete Dramatic Works, calf. Lond. 1695-1700 See note by Mr. Maidment. 4305 Howard (Hon. Edward), Dramatic Works, collected in 1 vol. calf extra, Lond. 1668-78 4306 Howel (Jas.), The Nuptialls of Pelevs and Thetis, consisting of a Mask and a Comedy ; or, The Great Royall Ball, red morocco extra, gilt edges, Lond. 1654 4307 Huntington Divertisement, an Interlude ; and The Female Wits, by W. M., in 1 vol. morocco extra, Lond. 1678-1704 4308 MIOHNSON (Charles), Dramatic Works, collected in 4 vol. (2 quarto and 2 octavo), calf gilt, uniform, - Lond. 1702-35 Folio. 4309 HAPMAN ( J. K.), History of Theatrical Enter- tainments at the English Court, plates, and facsimiles of play- bills, - Lond. N. D. 4310 IBIgjRAMATIC AND MUSICAL BIOGRAPHY A Large and Interesting Collection of News- paper and Magazine Cuttings relating to Dramatic Authors and Artists, mounted in 2 vol., portraits, fyc., inserted, - N. D. 4311 IW|DINBURGH AMUSEMENTS A Large Col- lection of Handbills, Notices, Circulars, Newspaper Advertisements and Criticisms, relating to Edinburgh Amusements, in 1 vol. h.-bd. - 1796-1828 4312 |RlDf LAYS AND POEMS, by Mrs. Katherine Philips, The Earl of Orrery, and Sir Robert Howard, in 1 vol. morocco extra, gilt and tooled, Lond. 1665-68 FOURTEENTH DATS SALE. THE DRAMA AND DRAMATIC LITERATURE Continued. Octavo. 4313 fpl| ACKMAN" (Isaac), The Divorce ; The Milesian ; lEHtal and All the World's a Stage, in 1 vol. red morocco extra, - Lond. 1777-81 4314 Jackson (John), History of the Scottish Stage, uncut, Edin. 1793 4315 Jacob (Hildebrand), Works, calf, - Lond. 1735 4316 Jephson (Robert), Dramatic Works, collected in 1vol. calf, - Lond. 1775-91 4317 [Jevon (Thos.),] The Devil of a Wife ; or, A Comical Transformation, calf, see MS. Note, Lond. 1715 4318 Jodrell (Paul), A Widow and No Widow, and Seeing is Believing, in 1 vol. calf extra, Lond. 1780-87 4319 John Bull ; or The Comedy of 1854, Lond. N. D 4320 Johnson (Samuel, from Cheshire), Dramatic Works,- calf, - Lond. 1729-32 4321 Jonson (Ben), The Sad Shepherd; or, A Tale of Robin Hood, with Continuation, Notes, and Appendix, uncut, Lond. 1783 4322 Jonson (Ben), Works, with Notes and Memoir, by W. Gifford, 9 vol. calf, LARGE PAPER, Lond. 1816 4323 f^EANIANA An Interesting Collection of ||8.K\il Pamphlets, Tracts, Memoirs, Caricatures, Newspaper Cuttings, &c., relating to Edmund Kean, in 1 vol. h.-bd. morocco, gilt top, v. y. 4324 Kemble (Frances Anne), Plays, . ' - Lond. 1863 4325 KEMBELIANA An Interesting Collection of Pam- phlets, Tracts, Memoirs, &c., relating to the Kembles, with portraits, caricatures, and numerous newspaper cuttings inserted, in 1 vol. h.-bd. morocco, gilt top, v. y. THE DRAMA Ocfavo.] FOURTEENTH DAY'S SALE. 253 4326 Kenny (James), Dramatic Pieces, collected in 2 vol. calf, with newspaper cuttings inserted, Lond. 1804-22 4327 Kenvick (Dr.), Dramatic Works, collected in 1 vol. calf, Lend. 1752-78 4328 Killigrew (T.), Chit-Cbat, A Comedy, calf extra, Lond. N. D. 4329 Killigrew (Sir Wm.), Three Playes. calf, Lond, 1665 4330 King (William), The Parricide, Lond. 1833 4331 Knipe (Charles), A City Ramble; or, The Humours of the Corupter, calf extra, - Lond. 1715 4332 ||"|9|A Farce de Maistre Pierre Pathelin, avec son [p.BBfll Testament a Quatre Personnages, red morocco extra,, gilt edges, - Paris, 1723 S 4333 Lamb (Charles), Specimens of English Dramatic Poets who lived about the Time of Shakspeare, calf, - Lond. 1808 4334 Landor (Robert), Three Tragedies, Lond. 1841 4335 Lansdowne (Lord), Genuine Works in Verse and Prose, 2 vol. calf, - Lond. 1736 4336 Latham (R. G.), Two Dissertations on the Hamlet of Saxo Grammaticus and of Shakespear, Lond, 1872 4337 Lathom (Francis), The Wife 01 a Million; and Orlando and Seraphina, in 1 vol. calf, Norwich and Lond. N. D. 4338 Lee (Nathaniel), Dramatick Works, 3 vol. calf, plates, portrait inserted, - Lond. 1734 4339 Le Grand (Mr), Cartouche, or, The Robbers, a Comedy, translated from the French, h.-bd.morocco, portrait inserted, - Lond. 1722 rt 4340 Lennox (Mrs. C.), Shakespear Illustrated, 3 vol. h.-bd. (ivants the Dedication to the Earl of Orrery), Lond. 1753 4341 Lennox (Mrs. C.), Philander ; The Sister ; and Old City Manners, Three Plays in 1 vol. calf, Lond. 1758-75 4342 Lewes (Charles Lee), Memoirs, written by Himself. containing Anecdotes of the English and Scot- tish Stages during Forty Years, 4 vol. in 2, h.-bd., uncut, - Lond. 1805 4343 Lillo (George), Dramatic Works, 2 vol. calf, Lond. 1775 4344 Lilly (John), Sixe Court Comedies, often Presented and Acted before Queene Elizabeth, russia extra, gilt edges, Lond. 1632 J 4345 Lilly (John, the Euphnist), Dramatic Works, with Life and Notes by Fairholt, 2 vol. Lond. 1858 254 FOURTEENTH DAY'S SALE. [THE DRAMA Octavo. 4346 Lindsay (Sir Coutts), Alfred, a Drama, Lond. 1845 4347 Lindsay (Sir Coutts), Boadicea, a Tragedy, privately printed, Lond. 1857 4348 Lloyd (Robert), Arcadia ; or, The Shepherd's Wed- ding ; and The Capricious Lovers, in 1 vol. Lond. 1761-64 4349 Logan (W. H.), The Modern Drama, a Series of Burlesque Pieces cut from the "Carlton Chronicle," London, in 1 vol. h.-bd. - 1836 4350 Love and Honour, a Dramatick Poem, taken from Virgil, by T. D. Lamayn, old redmorocco,Lond\l^'2, 4351 Low Life above Stairs, a Farce, as it is acted in most Families of distinction throughout the Kingdom, h.-bd. - Lond. 1759 4352 Lun (Junr.), The Beggar's Pantomime, or, The Contending Columbines, calf, Lond. 1736 " A very curious and uncommon dramatic jeu d'esprit. It is founded on a dispute which excited a great deal of interest at the time between Mrs. Gibber and Mrs. Clive for the part of Polly." J. M. 4353 [Lund (John)], Ducks and Green Peas, or, The Newcastle Rider, a Farce, h.-bd. Edin. 1788 See note by Mr. Maidment. 4354 Lyon (Win.), The Wrangling Lovers, or, Like Master Like Man, a Farce, h.-bd. Edin. 1745 4355 IjjWJII 'DONALD (Andrew), Dramatic and Poetical mM\ Works, calf, Lond. 1791 4356 MACKLINIANA Comprising an Epistle from Tully in the Shades ; Macklin's Answer to Tully ; Case, Mr. Macklin against Mr. Clarke and others; Plays, Newspaper Cuttings, MS. Notes, &c., relative to Macklin, in 1 vol. calf, portraits, Lond. fyc. v. y. 4357 M'Laren (Archd.), Dramatic Works, collected in 4 vol. calf extra, gilt tops, Lond., Perth, Paisley, $c. 1784-1820 4358 M'Laren (Archd.), The Scottish Volunteers, and other Farces, in 1 vol. calf, Paisley, Edin., $c. 1795-1818 4359 M'Leod (Hugh), The Fat Game, or, The Dis- owned One, h.-bd. - StocJcport, 1844 4360 Macnally (Leonard), Dramatic Works, collected in 1 vol. calf, newspaper cuttings inserted, Lond. 1779-92 See MS. note by Mr. Maidment. 4361 Mallet (David), Works, 3 vol. calf gilt, Lond, 1759 THE DRAMA Octavo.'] FOURTEENTH DAY'S SALE. 255 4362 Marches Day, a Dramatic Entertainment, as annually Performed by the Originals at xxxxxxxxxx, privately printed, - Edin. 1771 4363 Marlowe (Chris.), Works, with Notes and Life by Rev. Alex. Dyce, 3 vol. Pickering, 1850 43H4 Marr (William), Plays and Poems, - Edin. 1827 r /4.365 Marston (John), Dramatic Works, reprinted from the Original Editions, with Notes and Life by J. 0. Halliwell, 3 vol. - Land, 1856 4366 Martin (Sir Theodore), Correggio, a Tragedy, Lond. 1854 4367 [Martin (Sir Theodore)], Madonna Pia, a Tragedy, printed for private circulation, with Letter from the Author inserted, h.-bd. 'morocco, gilt top, Lond. 1855 4368 Martin (Sir Theodore), Aladdin ; or, The Wonderful Lamp, with interesting Letter to Mr. Maidment, Lond. 1857 4369 Martin (Sir Theodore), Madonna Pia, a Tragedy, printed for private circulation, h.-bd. morocco, gilt top, - Lond. 1860 4370 Massinger (Philip), Plays, with Notes Critical and Explanatory by W. Gifford, 4 vol. calf gilt, portrait, - Lond. 1813 4371 Maturin (Rev. R. C.), Dramatic Works, collected in 1 vol. h.-bd. Lond. 1816-19 4372 Mayne (Jasper), The City Match, a Comedy ; and The Amorous Warre, a Tragi-Comoedy, in 1 vol. h.-bd. Oxford, 1 659 4373 Meilan (M. A.), Dramatic Works, uncut, Lond. N. D. 4374 Metastasio (L'Abbe Pietro), Dramas and other Poems, translated from the Italian by John Hoole, 3 vol. h.-bd. morocco, gilt tops, LARGE PAPER, Lond. 1800 4375 Middletou (Thos.), A Tragi-Coomodie called the Witch. Shakespeare was greatly indebted to this play for his witchery in Macbeth ; 104 copies were printed at the expense of Isaac Reed, whose Portrait is inserted, h.-bd. Lond. 1778 4376 Middleton (Thos), Dramatic Works, now first collected, with Notes by Rev. Alex. Dyce, 5 vol. portrait, - Lond. 1840 4377 [Miller (James)], Dramatic Works, collected in 1 vol. calf, - Lond. 1730-45 4378 Milman (Rev. H. H.), The Fall of Jerusalem, a Dramatic Poem, calf, - Lond. 1822 4379 Moliere, (Euvres de,4 vol. calf, - Amst. 1750 4380 Molloy (Chas.), Dramatic Works -The Perplex'd Couple ; The Coquet ; and The Half-Pay Officers, in 1 vol. calf extra, - Lond. 1715-22 256 FOURTEENTH DAY'S SALE. [THE DRAMA Octavo. 4381 Moiicreiff (John), Appius, a Tragedy, h.-bd. Lond. 1755 4382 Monmerque et Michel, Theatre Frangais au Moyen- Age, russia extra, gilt edges. - Paris, 1839 4383 Montagu (Miss), The Landgrave, with Dramatic Illustrations of Female Character, Lond. 1839 4384 Moore (Edward), Dramatic Works, calf, plates, Lond. 1788 4385 Morris (Edward), Dramatic Pieces, in 1 vol. h.-bd. Load. 1790-99 4386 [Morris (Robert)], Fatal Necessity, or, Liberty Regain'd, a Tragedy, as it was once Acted in Rome for the Sake of Freedom and Virtue, h.-bd. Dublin, 1742 4387 Mountfort (Wm.), Six Plays, 2 vol. caff, Lond. 1720 4388 [Muir (Thomas)], Elim and Maria, a Pastoral Tra- gedy, h.-bd., portrait by Kay and newspaper cuttings inserted, - Glasg. 1792 " Ascribed to Muir of Huntershill, who was convicted of sedition . . . whoever was the author, it is a great curiosity of its kind ; and to those who can be amused by the most exquisite nonsense, this drama will afford a great treat. I have never seen another copy." J. M. 4389 Murphy (Arthur), The Spouter or, The Triple Revenge, a Comic Farce, h.-bd., portrait inserted, Lond. 1756 4390 Murphy (Arthur), Dramatic Pieces, collected in 1 vol. h.-bd., portrait inserted, - Lond. 17(51-63 See MS. Notes by Mr. Maidment. 4391 Murphy (Arthur), Dramatic and other Works, 7 vol, calf, portrait after Dance, - Lond. 17 8Q 4392 |S1|ABBS (Thomas), Totenham Court, a Pleasant [B.ccJ| Comedy, acted at the Theater in Salisbury Court, calf, Lond. 1709 4393 New British Theatre A Selection of Original Dramas, not yet Acted, some of which have been offered for Representation, but not ac- cepted, with Critical Remarks, edited by John Gait, 4 vol. h.-bd. Lond. 1814-15 'BRIEN (Wm.),] The Duel; and Cross Pur- poses, in 1 vol. calf, - Lond. 1733 4395 Odingsell (Mr.), Dramatic Works, collected in 1 vol h.-bd. - Lond. 1725-30 THE DRAMA Cctai'O.] FOURTEENTH DAY'S SALE. 257 4396 O'Keeffe (John), Dramatic Works, 4 vol. calf, portrait inserted, Land. 1798 4397 Old English Drama, a Selection of Plays from the Old English Dramatists, 2 vol. stamped calf, gilt, Lond. 1820 4398 Old Plays A Collection of, in 2 vol. russia extra, Lond., JEdin., fyc., v. y. 4399 Orrery (Earl of), Dramatic Works, 2 vol. calf gilt, portrait inserted, Lond. 1739 4400 Otway (Thomas), Dramatic Works, 3 vol. calf, portrait, - Lond. 1768 S 4401 Oulita the Serf; a Tragedy, ; :.^ v < Lond. 1858 4402 Oulton (W. C.), Dramatic Pieces, collected in 1 vol. calf , portrait, 1798-1801 / 4403 Oxberry (Wm.), Dramatic Biography and Histrionic Anecdotes, 9 vol, uncut, Lond. 1825-27 4404 Oxberry (Wm.), Dramatic Biography, calf, portraits, Lond. 1827 4405 |B'ISfl||ARK (Andrew), The Mariners, an Opera, and iBJIail Songs for all Seasons, Lond. 1843 4406 Park (Andrew), The Squire's Daughter, a Tragedy, h.-bd. morocco, gilt top, - Lond. 1846 / 4407 Paterson (Peter), Behind the Scenes, being the Confessions of a StrollingPlayer, h.-bd., Edin. 1858 4408 Paterson (Wm.), Arminius, a Tragedy, h.-bd., Lond. 1740 4409 Pearce (W), Dramatic Pieces, collected in 1 vol. calf extra, Lond. 1785-95 4410 Peele (George) Dramatic Works, Collected and Edited by Rev. A. Dyce, 3 vol. calf extra, Pickering, 1829 4411 Pennie (J. F.), Britain's Historical Drama, a Series of National Tragedies, - Lond. 1832 4412 Philips (Ambrose), Three Tragedies, calf, Lond. 1725 4413 Philips (John), The Earl of Mar Marr'd, with the Humours of Jockey the Highlander, a Tragi- Comical Farce, h.-bd., Lond. 1716 4414 Pilon (Frederick), Dramatic Works, being all that were published, collected in 1 vol. calf, Lond. 1778-93 / 4415 Planche (J. R.), Dramatic Pieces, collected in 1 vol., with MS. Index, calf, Lond. v. y. 4416 Play-Goer's Journal of 50 Years, h.-bd., New York, v.y. 4417 Plumptre (James), Original Dramas, uncut, Cambridge, 1818 '/ 4418 Poole (John), Hamlet Travestie, with Burlesque * Annotations, calf, Lond, 1817 33 258 FOURTEENTH DAY'S SALE. [THE DRAMA Octavo. 4419 Portal CAbraham), Plays, h.-bd., Lond. 1758-96 4420 [Pottinger (Israel)], Dramatic Works, collected in 1 vol. h.-bd., Lond. 1761-76 4 421 p|lALPHROYSTERDOYSTER,aComedy,/ t .-W- fl!il morocco, gilt top, the reprint, Lond. 1818 4422 Rannie (.John), Musical Dramas, with Select Poems and Ballads, uncut, - Lond. N. D. 4423 Reed (Joseph), Dramatic Pieces, collected in 1 vol., Lond. 1758-1808 With interesting MS. biographical notice by Mr. Maidment. 4424 Reynolds (Frederick), Dramatic Works, collected and bound in 3 vol. calf gilt, portraits inserted, Lond. 1793-1821 4425 Rich (J.), Answer to Hill's Falsities and Calumnies, Contained in his Preface to Orpheus, h.-bd., Lond. 1739 4426 Richardson (Mrs.), Ethelred, and Bristow (A.), The Maniac, &c., in 1 vol. h.-bd. morocco, Lond. 1810 ^r 4427 Richardson (Professor), Essays on Shakespeare's Dramatic Characters; and Young on Gray's Elegy, in 1 vol. h.-bd. - Lond. 1812 >^4428 Ritson (J.), Remarks on the Text and Notes of the Last Edition of Shakespeare, and the Quip Modest ; a Few Words by way of Supplement, IrfTTol. calf, Lond. 1788 4429 [Roberts (Miss)], Malcolm, a Tragedy, Lond. 1779 4430 [Robinson], The Intriguing Milliners' and At- tornies' Clerks, a Mock Tragedy, h.-bd. Lond. 1740 / 4431 Robson (William), The Old Playgoer, Lond. 1846 4432 [Rogers (Major R.)], Ponteach, a Tragedy, h.-bd. Lond. 1766 4433 Rolt (R.), Stlect Pieces, h.-bd. - Lond. 1772 4434 Rose (Rev. J.), Dramatic Pieces, in 1 vol. h.-bd. Lond. 1788-93 4435 [Rough (Sir Wm.)], The Conspiracy of Gowrie, a Tragedy, h.-bd. Lond. 1800 4436 Rouse (Miss), Naomi, a Dramatic Poem, and other Pieces, in 1 vol. Lond. N. D. 4437 Rowe (Harry), No Cure no Pay, or, The Pharma- copolist, a Musical Farce, portrait, calf, York, 1797 See MS. note by Mr. Maidment. 4438 Rowe (Harry), Shakspeare's Macbeth, with Notes and Emendations, h.-bd. morocco, portrait, Y0r&,1799 4439 Rowe (Nicholas), Dramatic Works, 2 vol. calf, por- trait, - Lond. 1756 4440 Ruggle (G.), Ignoramus Comoedia cura Hawkins, calf, - Lond. 1787 THE DRAMA OctavoJ] FOURTEENTH DAY'S SALE. 259 4441 Rymer (Thomas), The Tragedies of the Last Age, Considered and Examined, calf, - Lond. 1(592 4442 iHgijAVAGE (Richard), Dramatic Works and Poems, liaai withLife by Dr. Johnson, 2 vol.calf, Lond. 1775 4443 ISayers (F., M.D.), Dramatic Sketches of Northern Mythology, and Antiquarian Miscellanies, in 1 vol. calf, Norwich, 1792-1805 " Sayers' Dramatic Sketches of Northern Mythology are the finest things of the kind in the language ; why they are not better known is very surprising." J. M. 4444 Schiller (Fred.), The Robbers, translated by B. Thompson, Lond. 1800 4445 Schiller (Fred.), The Piccolomini, or, The First Part of Wallenstein ; and the Death of Wallenstein, translated by Prof. Moir, 2 vol. h.-bd. Edin. 1827 4446 Schlegel (A. W.), Cours de Litte'rature Dramatique, 3 vol. calf, - Paris, 1814 4447 School for Scandal, Or Newspapers, a Comedy, h.-bd. Lond. 1792 "A severe satire on the conductors of newspapers." J. M. 4448 Scottish Dramatic Pieces including The Gentle Shepherd; The Devil of a Duke; The Assembly; The Muse of Ossian, by D. E. Baker, &c., russia extra, newspaper cuttings and MS. notes inserted, Edin. 1725-1834 4449 Scottish Dramatic Pieces A Collection, in 3 vol., with MS. notes, newspaper cuttings, fyc., inserted, calf gilt, Lond. and Edin. 1749-182 4450 Scottish Dramatic Pieces St. Kilda in Edinburgh, by Heron (wants title) ; The Connoiseur, by Sir J. Leslie ; The Green Bag, by Webster ; Look before ye Loup ; Tom, Jerry and Logic, humorous plates ; and Popular Lectures and College Scenes in 1827, in 1 vol. calf, Edin., Inverness, Dundee, fyc. 1809-23 4451 Scottish Dramatic Tracts An Interesting Collection, with magazine and newspaper cuttings, and MS. notes by Mr. Maidrnent inserted, 2 vol. calf, v. y. 4452 Scottish Tragedies, Pastoral Dram as and Comedies ACollection,in 3vol. h.-bd., gilt tops, uncut, MS.notes by Mr. Maidment and newspaper cuttings inserted, Edin., Glasgow, Inverness, $c. 1764-1828 4453 Secret History of the Green Room, 2 vol. h.-bd. Lond. 1795 4454 Sedley (Sir Charles), Works, 2 vol. calf, Lond. 1776 4455 Shadwell (Charles), Five New Plays, russia extra, gilt edges, Lond. 1720 2(50 FOURTEENTH DAY'S SALE. [THE DRAMA Octavo. 4156 Shadwell (Charles), The Fair Quaker of Deal ; Bullock's A Woman's Revenge ; Woman is a Riddle ; The Cobbler of Preston, &c., in 1 vol. calf, Lond. 1769 4457 Shadwell (Thomas), Dramatic Works, 4 vol. russia extra, gilt edges, portrait, - Lond. 1720 4458 Shakespeare (Win.), Works, by Rowe, 8 vol. calf, plates, .Lond. 1714 4459 Shakspeare's Macheth, newly adapted to the Stage, with Alterations, as Performed at the Theatre in Edinburgh, h.-bd. morocco, gilt tops, Edin. 1753 See MS. note by Mr. Maidment. 4460 Shakespeare, Twenty of the Plays of, being the whole number printed in quarto during his life- tine, collected and published from the Originals, by George Steevens, 4 vol. calf, Lond. 1766 Shakspeare (Wm.), Six Old Plays on which he founded his Measure for Measure, &c., edited by J. Nichols, 2 vol. calf, Lond. 1779 4462 Shakspeare (Wm.), Plays by Johnson and Steevens, revised and augmented by Isaac Reed, FOURTH EDITION, 15 vol. calf gilt, portrait inserted, Lond. 1793 ,/^4463 Shakspeare Forgeries A Collection of Works re- r . lating to, comprising, Malone's Inquiry into the Authenticity of certain Papers and Legal Instru- ments ; Chalmers' Apology ; Supplemental Apo- ^ logy ancT Appendix for the Believers in the Shakspeare Papers, a Reply to an Enquiry, &c. ; Mr. Ireland's Vindication ; Familiar Verses to Sammy Ireland ; in 4 vol., with Cuttings from Newspapers, fyc., inserted, calf , facsimiles, Lond. 1796-1800 / 4464 Shakespeare (Wm.), The First Edition of the Tra- gedy of Hamlet, 1603, h.-bd. morocco, gilt top, the reprint, - Lond. 1825 4465 Shakespeare A Letter on the Authorship of the Two Noble Kinsmen, by Prof. Spalding ; Halli- well's Catalogue of the Early Editions of Stiake- speare's Plays; Collies__ Reasons for^a_JV[ejv Edition of Shakespeare's Works, and other Papers, in 1 vol. calf gilt, Lond. 1833-42 4466 SHAKESPEARIANA A Collection of Pamphlets and Papers relating to Shakspeare and his Works in 1 vol. h.-bd. morocco, gilt top, . v< v 4467 Sheridan (R. B.), Pizarro and Plumptre (Anne), The Virgin of the Sun, in 1 vol. calf, Lond. 1799 THE DRAMA Octavo.} FOURTEENTH DAY'S SALE. 261 4468 Sheridan (R. B.), Dramatic Works with Life, by Thomas Moore, 4 vol. h.-bd. Lond. 1821-25 4469 Sheridaniana ; or, Anecdotes of R. B. Sheridan, his Table-Talk and Bon Mots, h.-bd., portrait, Lond. 1826 4470 Shirley (James), Dramatic Works and Poems, now- first collected, with Notes by W. Gifford, and Additional Notes and some Account of Shirley and his Writings, by Rev. Alex. Dyce, 6 vol.' calf - gilt, portrait, Lond. 1833 4471 Shirley (Wm.), Dramatic Works, calf, Lond. 1739-50 4472 Siege of Troy, A Tragi-Comedy, calf, Lond. 1718 4473 Sir Robert The Bruce, A Play, Edin. 1834; and Codrus King of Athens (wants title], 2 vol. v. y. 4474 Smith (Edmund), Dramatic Works, with Life, by Oldisworth, calf, Lond. 1 7 14 4475 Smollett (Tobias), Plays and Poems, h.-bd. Lond. 1777 4476 Sotheby (William), Tragedies, calf gilt, Lond. 1814 4477 Southerne (Thomas), Plays, now first collected, with Life by T. Evans, 3 vol. calf, Lond. 1774 4478 Steele (Sir Richard) Dramatic Works, calf, Lond. 11 Ql 4479 Sterling (J.), The Rival Generals ; and The Parri- cide, two Tragedies, in 1 vol. calf extra, Lond. 1722-36 4480 Stevens (G. A.), Distress upon Distress, or, Tragedy in True Taste, h.-bd. Lond. 1752 4481 Stevens (George A.), The Dramatic History of Master Edward, Miss Ann, and others, the Extraordin- aries of these Times, h.-bd., plates, Lond. 1785 4482 Stewart (James), The Students, or, The Humours of St. Andrews, a Farce, - Lond. 1779 4483 Stewart (John), Scotch (Economy Rehearsed in France, or, The Fashionable Bull, a Farce, h.-bd. Lond. 1788 4484 Stuart (C.), Dramatic Pieces, in 1 vol. h.-bd. Lond. v. y. 4485 Sturmy (J.), Dramatic Works, calf, Lond. 1722-28 4486 Suckling (Sir John), Fragmenta Aurea, a Collection of all the Incomparable Pieces, printed from his owne copies, calf, portrait by W. Marshall, Lmd. 1648 4487 {MM A IT (Edward)], Tyrrell, a Tragic Play, privately ___ printed, Edin. 1841 4488 Talfourd (T. N.), The Castilian, - Lond. 185H 4489 Tennyson (Alfred), Queen Mary, and Harold, 2 vol. Lond. 1875-77 4490 Theatre Francais, Collection des, 45 vol. in 23, h.-bd. Senlis, 1829 262 FOURTEENTH DAY'S SALE. [THE DRAMA Octavo. 4491 Theatrical Biography, or, Memoirs of the Principal Performers of the three Theatres Royal, 2 vol. calf, - Lond. 1772 4492 Theatrical Gazette, The, h.-bd. Lond. 1815-16 4493 Theatrical Inquisitor, The, 15 vol. h.-bd. portraits, Lond. 1812-19 4494 The Actor, a Treatise on the Art of Playing, Lond. 1750 4495 The Belle's Stratagem, a Comedy. MS. notes by Mr. Maidment and newspaper cuttings inserted, h.-bd. Lond. 1781 4496 The Brother-in-Law, a Comedy, by Rev. A. Card. h.-bd. morocco, - Lee Priory Press, 1817 4497 The Cat let out of the Bag, or, A Play without a Plot, h.-bd. - Dublin, 1792 4498 The Curiosity, or, Gentleman and Lady's Library, calf, - 'Lond. 1739 4499 The Don Quixote-Like Champion, or, The Tyran- nical Hosier, a Comedy, h.-bd. Glasg. 1774 4500 The Double Traitor Roasted, a New Scots Opera, h.-bd. - Lond. 1748 4501 The Gallimaufry, or, Theatrical Speakers' Entertain- ing Repository, uncut, Lond. 1828 4502 The Honest Electors, or, The Courtiers sent back with their Bribes, a Ballad Opera, h.-bd. Lond. 1733 4503 The Life and Humours of Falstaff, a Comedy, Lond. 1829 4504 The Opera-Glass, a Critique on the Performances of the Glasgow Stage, &c. Glasg. 1829-30 4505 The Prodigal, or, Marriage a-la-mode, a Comedy, h.-bd. - 17'J4 4506 The Reign of Hellebore, King of Rein de tout, a Tragi-Comedy, h.-bd. - York, 1760 4507 The Sentimental Mother, a Comedy, calf, Lond. 1789 " Exceedingly rare and curious a bitter satyre on that very ill-used woman Mrs. Piozzi." J. M. 4508 The Tailors, a Tragedy for Warm Weather, h.-bd. Lond. 177 1 Claudiani Opera, quae extant, calf, Elzev. 1650 Vallemont, La Physique Occulte ou Traite de la Baguette Divinatoire, calf, plate*, Paris, 1709 Tatius (A.), De (Jlitophontis et Leucippes Amoribus, libri VIII., vellum, Lugd. Bat. 1640 Charron, De la Sagesse, trois livres, vellum, engraved title., Klzev. 1656 Baudii A mores a Scriverio, vellum, Elzev,. Ii38 Anacreontis et Sapphonis Carmina3, vellum, Salmurii, 16(^0 Democritus Ridens, sive Campus Recreationum Houestarum cum Exorcismo Melancholias, Gedani, 1701 Histoire des Vies et Mort des trois Principaux Heretiques, Luther, Calvin, et Beze, vellum, Douay, 1616 Terence's Comedies, with Life by Echard and others, calf, Lond. 1729 Cardelli, Manuel du Cuismier, h.-bd. plates, Paris, 1842 272 FIFTEENTH DAY'S SALE. [Miscellaneous. 4663 Almanach des Gourmands, 1810; Houdlston's New Method of Cookery, N. D. ; and Abererorabie's Gardeners' Journal, 1801, 3 vol. - v. y. 4664 Moore (Sir J.), England's Interest, or, The Gentle- man and Farmers' Friend, 1705 ; Try oil's Art of Brewing, 1691 ; and Cambridge Jests (wants title), 3 vol. v. y. 4665 [Nesse (Christopher)], The Devil's Patriarck ; or, The Notorious Life of Pope Innocent the llth, h.-bd. Lond. 1683 4666 The Pagan Prince ; or, A Comical History of the Heroick Achievements of the Palatine of Ebor- acum, calf, Amst. 1690 4667 Silos Musa Conicularis sive Iconum Poeticarum et Epigrammatum, calf, Parisiis, 1658 4668 Hibernicum (T.), Flores Doctorum Pene Omnium, vellum, - 1593 4669 Barclaei Poemata, calf, Lugd. Bat. 1628 4670 Baker (Sir Richard), Theatrura Triumphans ; or, A Discourse of Plays, calf, - Lond. 1670 4671 The Scots Compendium ; or, Pocket Peerage of Scotland. 2 vol. h.-bd., plates, Edin. 1826 4672 History of the Plots and Conspiracies against the Life of William III. - Lond. 1696 4673 Clark (S.), A New Description of the \\ 7 orld, calf, Lond. J712 4674 M'Baue (Donald), The Expert Sword-man's Com- panion, plates, Glasg. 1 728 ; and The Two Last Campaigns of the Marechal de Turenne, Dublin, 1732, 2 vol. v. y. 4675 [Hodges (Thos.)], A Treatise of Marriage, Lond. 1673 4676 Terence, Comedies de, par Martignac, calf, Paris, 1678 4677 [Anglesey (Earl of)], A Letter to Lord Castlehaven on the Wars of Ireland, Lond. 1681 ; and 2 others, 3 vol. - v. y. 4678 Cypriani Programmata, and others, in 1 vol. calf, v. y. 4679 Debrett (John), The Baronetage of England, 2 vol. calf, plates, - Lond. 1815 4680 The Secret History of Burgundy, Lond. 1723 4681 The Adventures of a Bank-Note, 5 vol. in 1, h.-bd. Lond. 1770 4682 Life of the Countess de Goudez, by Herself, trans- lated by Mrs. P. Aubin, Lond. 1727 / 4683 Candidus, or All for the Best, from the French of Voltaire, Lond. 1773 ; and Essai sur 1'Opera Anglois (MS. title), 1740, 2 vol. - v. y. 4(584 Desormeaux, Histoire de la Maison de Montmorenci, 5 vol. calf, Paris, 1764 Miscellaneous.] FIFTEENTH DAY'S SALE. 273 4685 Les Memoires de Roger de Rabutin, Comte de Bussy, 3 vol. calf, Amst. 1721 > 4686 History of Jemmy and Jenny Jessamy, 3 vol. calf, Lond. 1753 4687 The Devil upon Crutches in England, or Night Scenes in London, calf, Lond. 1759 4688 Flatman's (Thomas) Poems and Songs, MS. Note by Mr. Maidment, Lond. 1674 4689 Walchii, Historia Patriarcharum, Hippocrates Vindi- catus, &c., in 3 vol. calf, v. y. 4690 Abdeker, or, the Art of Preserving Beauty, calf, Lond. 1754 4691 St. Real (Abbot de), History of the Conspiracy of the Spaniards, 1767 ; Guarini, The Faithful Shepherd, 1736; and Blackmore's New Version of the Psalms, Lond. 1621, 3 vol. v. y. 4692 Histoire de Gustave-Adolphe, Roi de Suede, 4 vol. calf t portrait, Amst. 1764 Osborn (Francis), Miscellaneous Works, 2 vol. calf, Lond. 1722 4694 Bayle, Nouvelles Lettres de, 2'vol. calf, La Haye, 1739 4695 Histoire de Corneille et Jean de Witt, 2 vol. calf, Utrecht, 1709 4696 Memoirs of the Cardinal de Retz, 4 vol. calf, Lond.} 723 4697 La Motte, Court Fables, by Mr. Samber, calf, Lond. 1721 ; and Les Faux Pas, h.-bd., 1755, 2 vol. v.y. 4698 Oldham's (John) Works and Remains, 2 vol. calf, plates, Lond. 1722 4699 Memoires de Madame de Stael, 2 vol. calf, Lond. 1755 4700 History of Lucy Wellers, written by a Lady, 2 vol. calf, - Lond. 1754 4701 Letters from the Marchioness de M*** to the Count de R***, translated by Mr. Hamphreys, calf, Lond. 1737 4702 Zouch's (Thomas) Life of Isaac Walton, &c., plates and cuts, Lond. 1723 4703 Lucan's Pharsalia, by Rowe, 2 vol. calf, Lond. 1753 4704 The Lover's Manual ; A Choice Collection of Poems, calf, Lond. 1753 4705 The Friends; A Sentimental History, 2 vol. calf, Lond. 1754 /4706 Penrose's (Llewellin) The Journal of a Seaman, 4 vol. in 2, h.-bd. Lond. 1815 4707 Misson, Nouveau Voyage dTtalie. 3 vol. calf, plates, La Haye, 1702 4708 Memoires du Marquis de Pombal, 2 vol. h.-bd. 1784 4709 History of Miss Betsy Thoughtless, 4 vol. Lond. 1772 35 274 FIFTEENTH DAY'S SALE. [Miscellaneous 4710 History of Betty Barnes, 2 vol. calf, Lond. 1753 4711 Genuine Memoirs of the Countess du Barry, 2 vol. Lond. 1780 /4712 History of Lady Julia Mandeville, 2 vol. calf, Lond. 1765 4713 Les Contes et Discours d' Eutrapel, par le Seigneur de la Herissaye, calf, Rennes, 1603 / 4714 The Jewish Spy, from the French of the Marquis d'Argens, 5 vol. calf, - Lond. 1766 4715 Memoirs of Guy Joli, translated by Edward Taylor, 3 vol. calf, - Lond. 1775 / 4716 Melmoth, The Wanderer, 4 vol. in 2, h.-bd. Edin. 1821 4717 The Siege of Chester; History of St. Paul's; and The Eddystone Lighthouse, in 1 vol. h.-bd. Lond. v. y. 4718 Junii (Stephani), Vindiciae Contra Tyrannos, Edimburgi, 1579 4719 Trials Mrs. Shuttleworth ; William Paterson ; James M'Kaen ; and Heaman and Gautiez, 4 vol. h.-bd., with newspaper cuttings, fyc., inserted, v. y. 4720 Love Letters between a Nobleman and his Sister, with the History of their Adventures, 2 vol. calf, Lond. 1735 / 4721 Southey's (R.) Omniana, or, Horae Otiosiores, 2 vol. calf, Lond. 1812 4722 L'Esprit de la Fronde, 5 vol. Paris, 1772 4723 Tschink's (C.) The Victim of Magical Delusion, by P. Will, 3 vol. - Lond. 1795 4724 Richardson's Clarissa Harlowe, 8 vol. calf, Lond. 1774 4725 The Saxon and the Gael, or, The Northern Me- tropolis, 4 vol. h.-bd. - Lond. 1814 4726 Mills' (John) The Old English Gentleman, with letter from the Author inserted, - Lond. 1847 4727 Sketches in Ireland, - Dublin, 1839 4728 Edinburgh Cabinet Novels, 2 vol., 1838-39, and Library of Romance, 2 vol. v. y. 4729 Virgil's ./Eneid by King and Clapperton, 2 vol. Edin. 1834 4730 Bygane Times and Late Come Changes in Scottish Verse, by H. Macneil, Edin. 1811 4731 Whistlecraft's Prospectus and Specimen of an In- tended Work, Lond. 1821 4732 Gillies' (R. P.) Recollections of Sir Walter Scott, Lond. 1837 4733 Feuerbach's Account of Caspar Hauser, Lond. 1834 4734 Hinxman's (Emmeline) Poems, Lond. 1856 4735 Reid's (John) The Scuts Gard'ner, calf, Edin. 1721 Miscellaneous^] FIFTEENTH DAY'S SALE. 275 4736 Mirseii (A.), Notitia Episcopatuum Orbis Christiani, vellum, Antverpice, 1613 4737 Craig's (Sir T.), Scotland's Soveraignty Asserted, calf, Lond. 1695 4738 Grillon (Chevalier de), Life and Heroic Actions of, 2 vol. Lond. N. D. 4739 Cooper's Essay on Chronology, Spirit of the Age, &c., 5 vol. v. y. 4740 Trial of Mary Elder or Smith for Murder, Malcolm Gillespie, and others, with broadsides, fyc., inserted, inlvol. A.-M 1827 4741 Traite de la dissolution du Mariage pour Cause d'Impuissance, calf, Luxembourg, 1735 4742 Chronicon Preciosum, calf, Lond. 1707 4743 Merciful Assizes, a Panegyric on Lord Jeffreys Hanging so many in the West, calf, Lond. 1701 4744 Flagellum Parliamentarium, Lond. 1827 4745 Cooper's (W. R.) Lectures on Egypt, &c., 5 parts, 1875 4746 Lloyd's (David) Stata Worthies, 2 vol. calf, Lond. 1766 X4747 Kotzebue's (Otto V.) Voyage Round the World, 2 vol. h.-bd. - Lond. 1830 4748 Bohun (E.), The Character of Queen Elizabeth, calf, Lond. 1693 4749 Jensii, Lectiones Lucianeae, and another, 1699 4750 Trial of Archibald Stewart, Lord Provost of Edin- burgh, calf, 1747 4751 Brown's (T.) Miscellanea Aulica, &c., 3 vol. v. y. 4752 Letters from Jamaica, and another, Edin. 1873 4753 The Historical Register, 11 vol. calf, Lond. 1717-26 4754 Highwavs and By-ways, first and second series, 5 vol. calf extra, Lond. 1824-25 / 4755 Tales by the O'Hara Family, first and second series, 6 vol. calf, - Lond. 1827-31 / 4756 Hamilton's Cyril Thornton, 3 vol. h.-bd. Edin. 1827 / 4757 The Story of a Life, 2 vol. calf, Lond. 1825 i 4758 Hungarian Tales, 3 vol. calf, - Lond. 1829 4759 Tremaine, or, The Man of Refinement, 3 vol. h.-bd. Lond. 1825 4760 Reginald Dalton, 3 vol. h.-bd. Edin. 1823 4761 Richelieu, a Tale of France, 3 vol. - Lond. 1829 /4762 Bray's (Mrs. )Novels and Romances, 10 vol. Lond. 1845 '/4763 The Linwoods, or Sixty Years Since in America, 2 vol. New York, 1835 4764 Restalrig, or, The Forfeiture, 2 vol. h.-bd. Edin. 1829 4765 Pin Money, a Novel, 3 vol. h.-bd. - Lond. 1831 4766 Disraeli's (B.) Henrietta Temple, 3 vol. Lond. 1837 / 4767 The Kuzzilbash, a Tale of Khorasan, 3 vol. Lond. 1828 276 FIFTEENTH DAY'S SALE. [Miscellaneous. 4768 Collins' (A.), The Baronetage of England, 2 vol. calf, Lond. 1720 4769 Wells' (Edward, D.D.) Historical Geography of the Bible, 4 vol. calf, ' Lond. 1711 4770 Geddes' (M., D.D.) Church History of Ethiopia and Malabar, 2 vol., and 2 others, v. y. 4771 History of the Affairs of Spain, &c., 3 vol. Lond. 1707 / 4772 Trollope (F.), Life and Adventures of J. F. Whitlaw, 3 vol., plates, Lond. 1836 4773 Violet, or The Danseuse, 2 vol. - Lond. 1836 4774 James' (G. P. R.) Russell, a Tale of the Reign of Charles II. ; The Ancient Regime ; and Mary of Burgundy, 9 voL Lond. 1826-44 4775 Marryat's (Capt.) Peter Simple, 3 vol. Lond. 1834 4776 Manual of Heraldry, cuts, Lond. 1846 4777 Summary View of the Feudal Law, - Edin. 1710 4778 Courthope's Synopsis of the Extinct Baronetage of England, - Lond. 1835 4779 Case of Captain Mackenzie, 1785 ; and of James Butler and the House of Ormond, 1770, 2 vol. v. y. / 4780 Rambles of the Emperor Ching Tih, 2 vol. Lond. 1843 / 478 1 Miquet's Antonio, Perez, and Philip, 2 vol. Lond. 1846 4782 Buckingham's (Duke of) Private Diary, 3 vol. Lond. 1862 * 4783 Moore's (Thomas) Memoirs, Journal, and Corre- spondence, by Lord John Russell, 8 vol. Lond. 1853 4784 Kames' (Lord) Essays on British Antiquities (auto- graph of John Home), calf, Edin. 1747 4785 Kennett (Bishop), Life of, 1730 ; Fleming's Sermon on the Death of King William, 1702; Life of Colbert, &c., 4 vol. - v. y. 4786 Lichfield City and Cathedral, Account of, cuts, Lich/ield, 1823 4787 Danby's Memoirs, 1711, Clarendon and Whitlock Compar'd, 1727, &c., 4 vol. . ~* v. y. 4788 Lambert's Art of Confectionery, Lond. 1761 4789 Xenophon's Cyropsedia, by Ashley, 2 vol. Lond. 1728 4790 Butler's (Mrs.) A Year of Consolation, 2 vol. Lond. 1847 / 4791 King's Anecdotes, and Gillum's Poems, 2 vol. Lond. 1787 / 4792 Anderson's (Robert) Poetical Works, 2 vol. Carlisle, 1820 4793 Memoir of Mrs. Clarke, &c., 2 vol. Lond. 1800 4794 Astronomica Veterum Scripta Isagogica, Gr. et Lat. vellum, - 1688 4795 Scott's History of Scotland, and History of Russia, 5 vol. - Edin. 1826 Miscellaneous.] FIFTEENTH DAY'S SALE. 277 4796 Pamphlets Proposals for Public Works in Edin- burgh, 1752 ; Scotland's Grievance, 1746 ; Con- siderations on the State of the Nation as affected by the use of Foreign Spirits, 1730; Trials of Sir Chaloner Ogle, Keith Nairn, and others, 1765; Secret History of the White Staff, 1714; De- fection Considered and Detected, 1718 ; Groans of Germany, 1741, &c., in 5 vol. v. y. 4797 Grahame's (James) Poems, 2 vol. 1807, and Rural Poems, 1821, Edin. 1807-21 4798 Catullus' Poems, translated by Hon. George Lamb, 2 vol. Lond. 1821 4799 Petty's Political Anatomy of Ireland, &c., 3 vol. 1691 4800 Trial of Sir John Feu wick, &c., 3 vol. 1698 4801 Defoe's History of Addresses, calf, Lond. 1709 / 4802 Gait's Men and Manners in America, 2 vol. Edin. 1833 4803 Inglis's (H. D.) Ireland in 1834, 2 vol. 1834 4804 Dissertation sur 1'Origine de la Boussole, par Azuni, 1805 /4805 Delany (Mrs.), Letters, 1820 4806 Novels The Castle of Roviego, 2 vol.; The Two Fair Cousins, 2 vol.; and Six Weeks at Large, 3 vol. - v. v. 4807 Novels Valerius, 3 vol. ; Darnley, 3 vol. ; Norman's Bridge, 3 vol. v. y. 4808 Novels Walter Evelyn, 3 vol.; James' Forest Days, 3 vol. ; Walladmor, 2 vol. v. y. 4809 Novels Mahmoud, 3 vol.; The Sectarian, 3 vol.; Whyte-Melville's Sarchedon, 3 vol. v. y. 4810 Novels James' Beauchamp, 3 vol.; Puck, by Ouida, 3 vol. ; and De Clifford, 4 vol. v. y. 4811 Novels The Tor Hill, 3 vol. ; John Marston Hall, 3 vol. ; The New Gil Bias, 2 vol. v. y. 4812 Novels East Lynne, 3 vol.; The Channings, 3 vol.; The Gentleman of the Old School, 3 vol. v. y. / 4813 Memoirs of the Baroness d'Oberkirch, 3 vol. 1852 4814 Atwood's Superiority of the Crown of England, calf, Lond. 1704 4815 Webster's (W.) Royal Titles, Lond. 1747 4816 Sacheverell's Tryall, &c., 4 vol. 1710 4817 Buchanan's History of Scotland, by Bond, 3 vol. calf, Lond. 1722 4818 Batavia Illustrata, &c., 3 vol. - 1728 4819 Misson's (F. M.) New Voyage to Italy, 4 vol. calf, plates, Lond. 1714 4820 Tacitus, by Gordon, 4 vol. calf, Lond. 1737 4821 Polnitz's Memoirs, &c., 4 vol. v. y. 4822 Collection of Poems, calf, Lond. 1702 78 FIFTEENTH DAY'S SALE. [Miscellaneous. 4823 Colome, Dictionnaire de 1'Ecriture-Sainte, calf, 1775 4824 Cloncurry's (Lord) Life and Times, 1850 4825 Von Raumer's Illustrations of History ; Frederick II.; and Queen Elizabeth, &c., 4 vol. v. y. 4826 The English Baronetage, 4 vol. in 5, calf, cuts, Lend. 1741 4827 Lodge's Peerage of Ireland, 4 vol. calf, Lond. 1754 4828 Raleigh's (Sir Walter) Works of, 2 vol. calf, 1751 /'4829 Houghton's (Lord) Monographs^o^r-aife, Lond. 1873 4830 London Magazine, 14 vol. calf, 1732-45 4831 Coats' Dictionary of Heraldry, calf, cuts. Lond. 1747 4832 Moore's Fables for the Female Sex, calf, plates, Lond. 1744 4833 Curr's Lucian, and Melmoth's Cicero, 6 vol. calf, 1774 4834 Dufiefs Nature Displayed, 2 vol. calf, 1817 4835 Henrick's Epistles, 4 vol. plates, &c., v. y. 4838 Vathek ; Princess Palatine's Memoirs, &c., 4 vol. v. y. 4837 Barlow's Cheshire Illustrated, 1855 4838 Cicero's Epistles and Orations, translated by Guthrie, 5 vol. calf, 1752-78 4839 Vensi's Memoirs of the Court of Prussia, 1854 4840 Fergusson's Reports of Divorce Cases, calf, Edin. 1817 4841 Buchanan's Reports of Remarkable Cases, Edin. 1813 4842 Renault's History of France, 2 vol. calf, 1762 4843 Dickson's Husbandry of the Ancients, 2 vol. calf, 1788 4844 Peerage of Ireland, 2 vol. calf, plates, Lond. 1768 4845 Collins's Peerage of England, 4 vol., Supplement 2 vol., and Longmate's Supplement, 1 vol., 7 vol. calf , plates, - Lond. 1741-84 4846 Statistical Account of Perth, 1796 4847 Belsham's Memoirs of Great Britain, 8 vol. calf, Lond. 1800 4848 Secret Memoirs of the Court of St. Petersburg, 2 vol. 1801 Waldron's Literary Museum, calf, - 1791 4850 Atterbury's Correspondence, 3vol. calf, 1783 4851 Hederici Lexicon, 3 vol. calf, - 1825 4852 British Critic, 28 vo\.L-bd. - 1793-1806 4853 Pratt's Gleanings, 3 vol. calf, 1795 4854 Wallace's Descent of Ancient Peerages, 1785 4855 Dodson's Report of the Judgment, Dalrymple v. Dalrymple, calf, 1811 4856 Temple (Sir W.), Works of, 4 vol. calf, Lond. 1770 4857 Bon Ton Magazine, 2 vol. of, plates, - v. y. 4858 Quintillian's Institutes, by Patsall, 2 vol. 1774 4859 Annual Biography and Obituary,!! \olh.-bd. 1817-27 4860 Dolby's Cook's Dictionary, and Henderson's Cookery, v. y. Miscellaneous.'] FIFTEENTH DAY'S SALE. 279 / 4861 Cotton's Typographical Gazetteer Attempted, 1825 4862 Cromwell's (T.) Oliver Cromwell and his Times, 1822 48(53 Adair's Mission to the Court to Vienna in 1806, Land. 1844 4864 Beltz's Review of the Chandos Peerage Case, 1834 4865 Beatson's Parliamentary Register, 3 vol. 1807 4866 Paterson's Roads, by Mogg, 1826 4867 Rowlandson's Translation from the Arabic ; Letters of David Hume, &c., 5 vol. - v. y. 4868 Irving's (Joseph), History of Dumbartonshire, 4 vol. 1857 /4869 La Fontaine's Fables in English Verse, 1820 /'4870 Medwin's Conversations of Lord Byron, &c., 3 vol. 1824 4871 Stuart of Dunearn's Trial, h.-bd. Edin. 1822 4872 Catalogue of the Herald's Visitations, 1825 4873 Graham's Essay on Ossian, Edin. 1807 4874 Roscoe's Lives of Lord Guildford, Sir Dudley North, and Dr. John North, 3 vol. Lond. 1826 4875 Lever's Confessions of Harry Lorrequer, cuts, 1844 4876 Slingsby's (Sir H.) Diary, &c., by Parsons, Lond. 1836 4877 Aiton's Life and Times of Alexander Henderson, 1836 4878 Correspondence of the Emperor Charles V., by Bradford, 1850 4879 Report on Internal Defence from the Projected Armada, &c., 1588-1798, State Paper Office, 1798 4880 Chesterfield's (Earl of) Letters, 1829 4881 History of Christ's Hospital; Isaac Comnenus, a Play, &c., 5 vol. v. y. 4882 Jefferson's History and Antiquities of Allerdale Ward, plates, Carlisle, 1842 4883 Minto's (Countess of) Memoir of the Right Hon. Hugh Elliot, Vols. 1 and 2, Edin. 1868 4884 Urquhart's Pillars of Hercules, 2 vol. 1850 4885 Brunton and Haig's Account of the Senators of the College of Justice, 1832 4886 Bunbury's Correspondence of Sir T. Hanmer, 1838 / 4887 Albemarle's (Earl of) Fifty Years of My Life, 2 vol. 1876 4888 Richard of Cirencester's Description of Britain, Lond. 1809 4889 Grave's (Geo. A.), Memoirs of Joan d'Arc, Egham, 1812 4890 Kendall's (E. A.) Appeal of Minden, 1818 4891 Robinson's (Wm.) History and Antiquities of Ed- monton, - Lond. 1819 4892 Price's (John) Account of Leominster, Ludlow, 1795 Latimer's (John) Local Records of Northumberland and Durham, cuts, Newcastle, 1858 280 FIFTEENTH DAY'S SALE. [Miscellaneous. 4894 Sykes' (John), Local Records of Northumberland and Durham, 2 vol. cuts, Newcastle, 1833 4895 Smith's (John, D.D.), Life of St. Columba, Edin. 1798 4896 Coxe's (Wm.), Memoirs of the Kings of Spain, of the House of Bourbon, 5 vol. - Land. 1815 /4897 Wraxall's (Sir N. W.), Historical Memoirs of His Own Time, 2 vol. Lond. 1815 4898 another Copy, 2 vol. - Lond. 1815 4899 Clarendon's (Earl of), Life, by Himself, 3 vol. Oxford, 1827 4900 Keith's (Bishop), Affairs of Church and State in Scotland; Bishop Sage's Works, &c., 9 vol. Spottiswoode Socy., 1844-45 4901 WODROW SOCIETY, Works printed for, 19 vol. of, v. y. 4902 Burton's (Thomas), Diary, 1656 59, edited by J. T. Rutt, 4 vol. - Lond. 1828 4903 Thoresby's (Ralph), Diary, 1677-1724. by Rev. J. Hunter, 2 vol. Lond. 1830 4904 Burnet's (Bishop), History of His Own Time, 6 vol. Oxford, 1833 4905 Atkinson's (Emma W.), Memoirs of the Queens of Prussia, - Lond. 1858 4906 Brodie's (Alex.), History of the Roman Government, Edin. 1810 4907 Drury's (Robert), Adventures in Madagascar, Lond. 1807 4908 Dow's (Alex.), History of Hindostan, translated from the Persian, 3 vol. - Lond. 1792 4909 Curtis' (J.), History of the Polstead Murder, and Trial of W. Corder, plates, Lond. 1828 4;'10 Home's (John), Works, by Henry Mackenzie, 3 vol. Edin. 1822 4911 Franck's (Richard), Northern Memoirs, Edin. 1821 4912 Edinburgh Monthly Review, 3 vol. 1819-20 / 4913 Memoirs of the Margravine of Aspach, by Herself, 2 vol. - Lond. 1826 4914 Rawdon Papers, edited by Rev. E. Berwick, Lond. 1819 4915 Mylne's (James), Poems, - Edin. 1790 4916 C. Cornelii Taciti Opera Omnia,4 vol. calf, Lond. 1790 4917 Bibliotheca Pinelliana, &c., 3 vol. v. y. 4918 Heath's (Charles), Excursion Down the River Wye, Monmouth, 1815 4919 Edinburgh Law Journal, 2 vol. h.-bd. 1832 4920 Adam's Statement on Trial of Civil Causes by Jury, calf, privately printed, 1832 4921 The Parian Chronicle ; On the Punishment of Death, &o., 3 vol. v. y. 4922 Mounsey's (G. G.), Carlisle in 1745, 184 6 Miscellaneous.] FIFTEENTH DAY'S SALE. 281 4923 Robinson's (W.), History and Antiquities of Enfield, 2 vol. plates and cuts, Lond. 1823 4924 Dover's (Lord), Ellis Correspondence Relating; to the Revolution of 1688, 2 vol. - Lond. 1831 4925 Baretti's Spanish Dictionary, 2 vol. - 1809 /4926 Gent's (Thomas) Life, written by Himself, Lond. 1832 4927 Stirling Peerage, Trial of Alexander Humphrys or Alexander, 1839 4928 Dunton's (John) Life and Errors, 2 vol. Lond. 1818 4929 Jeffrey's (Alex.) Account of Roxburghshire, 2 copies, Edm. 1836 4930 Sharp's (Thos.) Epitome of the County of Warwick, Lond. 1835 4931 Beckford's (Wm.) Excursion to the Monasteries of Alcobaca and Batalha, Lond. 1835 4932 Tyler's (J. B.) Memoirs of Henry the Fifth, 2 vol. Lond. 1838 4933 Learmont's (John) Poems, Edin. 1791 4934 Chalmers' (Geo.) Life of Ruddiman, 1794 / 4935 Henderson's (E.) Journal of a Residence in Iceland, 2 vol. maps and plates, - 1818 y 4936 Beloe's Sexagenarian, or, The Recollections of a Literary Life, 2 vol. Lond. 1818 4937 The Fashionable Magazine, Vol. I. plates, Lond. 1786 4938 Ashburnham's (John) Narrative and Vindication, 2 vol. Lond. 1830 4939 Queen Elizabeth and Her Times, edited by Thomas Wright, 2 vol. Lond. 1838 4940 History and Antiquities of Rochester, Rochester, 1817 4941 Memoirs of the Life of Lord Lovat, &c., 3 vol. 1797 4942 Colchester's (Lord) Diary and Correspondence, edited by his Son, 3 vol. Lond. 1861 4943 Stocqueler's Memoirs and Correspondence of Sir William Nott, 2 vol. Lond. 1854 4944 Impey's (E. B.), Memoirs of Sir Elijah Impey, Lond. 1846 4945 Bunbury's (Sir H.) The Great War with France, 1799 to 1810, Lond. 1854 4946 Beckford's Italy, with Sketches of Spain and Portu- gal, 2 vol., - ' Lond. 1834 4947 Halsted's (Caroline A.) Richard III., as Duke of Gloucester and King of England, 2 vol., Lond. N. D. 4948 Collections Relative to Claims at the Coronations of Kings of England, Lond. 1820 4949 The Salt-Foot Controversy, by John Riddell, N. D. ^4950 Polwhele's (Rev. R.) Traditions and Recollections, 2 vol. Lond. 1826 36 282 FIFTEENTH DAY'S SALE. [Miscellaneous. 4951 Leyden's (John), Poetical Remains, with Memoirs by Morton, - Lond. 1819 ./4952 Dibdin's Introduction to the Greek and Latin Classics, 2 vol. Lond. 1827 / 4953 Grahame's (Jas.) History of the United States, 2 vol. Lond. 1827 4954 Johnson's Life of Linacre, by Graves; Leyden's Malay Annals, &c., 4 vol. v. y. 4955 Nelson's (Lord) Letters to Lady Hamilton, 2 vol. Lond. 1814 4956 Brown's (John), The Northern Courts, 2 vol. Lond. 1818 X4957 Clarendon's History of the Rebellion, with the Suppressed Passages, 8 voL - Oxford, 1826 / 4958 Davis' (John F.), Chinese Romance and Tragedy, 2 vol. - Lond. 1829 4959 Ward's (Rev. John) Diary, 1648 to 1679, by Dr. Severn, Lond. 1839 4960 Life of Edward Lord Herbert, of Cherbury, by Himself, - Edin. 1809 4961 Evans's Catalogue of Engraved Portraits, Lond. 1835 4962 Byron's (Lord) Life, Writings, Opinions, and Times, 3 vol. Lond. 1825 4963 Trials for High Treason in Scotland, by C. J. Green, 3 vol. - "- Edin. 1825 / 4964 Berry's (Miss) Journals and Correspondence, edited by Lady Theresa Lewis, 3 vol. Lond. 1865 if 4965 Granville's (Mary) Autobiography and Correspon- ,^j dence, by Lady Llanover, first and second series, 6 vol. Lond. 1861-62 4966 Comyn's (Sir R.) History of the Western Empire, 2 vol. Lond. 1841 4967 Courtenay's Memoirs of Sir William Temple, 2 vol. Lond. 1836 4968 Rush's (Richard) Residence at the Court of London, 1819-25,_2 vol. in 1, Lond. 1845 4969 Livii Historia ex recens Drakenborchii, 8 vol. h.-bd. / Lond. 1794 / 4970 Wanley's Wonders of the Little World, by Johnston, 2 vol. calf, plates, - Lond. 1806 4971 Gunn's Historia Brittonum, by Mark the Hermit, Lond. 1819 4972 Monmouth's (Earl of) Memoirs ; and Naunton's Frag- menta Regalia, 2 vol. Edin. 1808 4973 Slingsby's (Sir Henry) Original Memoirs ; and Memoirs of Captain Hodgson, Edin. 1808 4974 Carleton's (Captain) Memoirs, written by Himself, Edin. 1808 4975 Map of the County of Berwick, in a morocco cas^ Miscellaneous.'] FIFTEENTH DAY'S SALE. 283 4976 Pepys' (Rev. H.) Remains of Lord Royston, Lond. 1838 4977 Cruise (Wm.) On Dignities or Titles of Honour, Lond. 1823 4978 Carrington's Dartmoor, a Descriptive Poem, plates inserted, - Lond. 1826 / 4979 Dublin Penny Journal, 4 vol. h.-bd. cuts, 1832-36 < 4980 London, Magazine, from 1732 to 1745 (wanting 1740 and 41), 12 vol. calf, 1732-45 ' 4981 Edinburgh Magazine, 6 vol. h.-bd. 1817-19 4982 Edinburgh Gazetteer, 6 vol. calf, - 1827 4983 Carey's (G. S.) Flights of Fancy, a Collection of Original Pieces, h.-bd. Lond. 1766 4984 Labelye's (C.) Description of Westminster Bridge, plates, Lond. 1751 4985 Feltmannus, De Accessiouibus Memorabilibus, &c., h.-bd. Amstel, 1681 4986 Brocquiere's Travels to Palestine, calf, 1807 Quarto. 4987 History of the Quarrels of Pope Paul V. with the State of Venice, Lond., Bill. 1626 4988 Horneck's Sermon at the Consecration of the Bishop of Sarum, h.-bd. Lond. ] 689 4989 Telfer's Andromeda, and other Poems, Lond. 1852 4990 Memoirs of the Life and Administration of William v Cecil, Baron Burleigh, - Lond. 1838 4991 Diverges Pieces centre Richelieu, vellum, 1631-32 4992 Ludwig's German Dictionary, 2 vol. 1765 4993 Alberti,Nouveau Dictionnaire Fra^ais-Italien, 2 vol. 1785 4994 Danetii, Magnum Dictionarium Latinum et Gallicum, 1691 4995 Boyer's French and English Dictionary, 2 vol. in 1, 1791 4996 Lempriere's Classical Dictionary, 1839 4997 Arnot's Collection and Abridgement of Celebrated Criminal Trials in Scotland, - 1 785 4998 Papers relative to the Two Baronies of Stafford, claimed by Sir Wm. Jermngham, privately printed, / 1807 / 4999 Edinburgh Advertiser Newspaper, 1765-66 284 FIFTEENTH DAY'S SALE. [Miscellaneous 5000 The Case of the Children of the Duke of Sussex Elucidated, by Sir John Dillon, - 1832 5001 Abstract of Evidence relative to the Family of Sir W. Stewart of Jedworth, - 1801 Folio. 5002 Symson's Anglo-Graeco-Latin Lexicon, calf, 1658 5003 The Ancient Ecclesiasticall Histories of the First Six Hundred Years after Christ, calf. 1636 5004 A Collection of all the Publicke Orders, Ordinances, and Declarations of both Houses of Parliament from March 1642 to December 1646, calf, 1646 5005 Knox's (Robert) Historical Relation of the Island of Ceylon, - 1681 5006 Howell's French and English Dictionary, 1660 5007 Inventory of the Lands, Tenements, Goods, Chattels, Debts, &c., of Sir Robert Sutton, 1732 5008 Chamberlen's (Paul) History of the Life and Reign of Queen Anne, - 1738 5009 Cox's (Richard) History of Ireland, 2 vol. calf, 1689 5010 Madox's (Thomas) Baronia Anglica, 1741 5011 Josephus' Works, by Thomas Lodge, calf, 1640 5012 Pineda's Spanish and English Dictionary, calf, 1740 5013 Mackenzie's (Sir George) Works, 2 vol. calf, 1716-22 5014 Diccionario de la Langua Castellana, 1791 5015 Minsheu's Dictionary of Eleven Languages, calf, 1617 5016 Life of Thomas Egerton, Lord Chancellor, and others, - N. D. ^5017 The Beacon Newspaper, Nos. 1 to 38, in 1 vol. 1821 ^5018 The Carlton Chronicle, Nos. 1 to 45, in 1 vol. h.-bd. 1836-37 5019 Reports of the Commissioners of Public Records of Ireland, 1810-20, 2 vol. - 1819-20 5020 Parliamentary Reports on Lighthouses, &c., 3 vol. h.-bd. - v. y. PAMPHLETS, Etc, (Un-bonnd). 5021 mUENEALOGICAL FRAGMENTS, byMr.Maid- ment, only 50 copies printed, Berwick, 1855 ; Guisachan, a Legend of St. Marjory, printed for the Flying Stationers, 1859 ; Appeudix to the Court of Session Garland, 1839 ; A Par- liament House Garland, 1836, v. y. Pamphlets.] FIFTEENTH DAY'S SALE. 285 5022 Guisachan, a Legend of St.^Marjory, printed for the Flying Stationers, 2 copies, Christmas, 1859 5023 Political Pledges, a Tug for the Tories; Whipping of the Whigs and Rooting out of the Radicals, 1834 ; Constitutional House that Jack Built, woodcuts, 1819 ; and 10 others, - v. y. 5024 Thomson's Border Miscellany, 2 numbers ; Thomas's Wards of London, 7 numbers; and 12 others, v. y. 5025 Southesk's (Earl of) Britain's Art Paradise, 1871 ; Sharpe's(S.) Chronology of Ancient Egypt, plates^ 1849; Johnston's (T.B.) Shooter's Companion, plates, 1819 ; and 10 others, v. y. 5026 Mills' (J.) Capful of Moonshine, 1849; Cotton's (J. S.) A Tale of a Tiger, 6 illustrationsj and 15 others, v. y. 5027 Graham's (Dr. James) Resurrection of the Human Body, Hull, 1787 ; Rosabel, a Ballad, privately printed, Edin. 1831 ; and 12 others, v. y. 5028 Wits (The), A Collection of Drolls and Farces, imperfect, 1673 ; Journey to the West, by an Edinburgh Barber, Edin. 1829; Fragments of Ancient Poetry collected in the Highlands, Edin. 1760; and Theobald's (J.) Poems, 1719, v. y. 5030 Quincy's (Josiah) Memory of the late James Grahame Vindicated (presentation copy " to Charles Dickens, with the regards of the author "), Boston, 1846 ; and 6 others, - v. y. 5031 Growth of Popery and Insolence of Papists in Scot- land, 1718 ; Comment on Oliver Cromwell,, 1659 ; Newcastle Courant, 1718; Storming of the Anabaptist's Garrisons, by John Bastwick, 1647 ; and 15 other curious pieces, v. y. 5032 Three Poems of St. Paul's Cathredral, folio, 1697; The Plebeian, No. 1, 1719 ; Lord Molesworth's Letter relating to the Peerage Bill, 1719; Fragments (poetical), privately printed, and 4 others, - v. y. 5033 Eyringius' (L. S.) De Rebus Franciae Orientalis sub Antonio Episcopo Bambergensi, frontispiece, Jence, 1738 ; and other pieces, v. y. 5034 Colvill's (R.) Field of Flowdon, a Poem, 1768 ; Hymn to the Power of Harmony by [J. Callander, of Craigforth], 1763 ; Twining's Avebury in Wilt- shire, folding frontispiece, 1723; Goldsmith's (0.) The Traveller, 2d edition, 1765 ; Lonstaffe's (W. H) House of Clervaux, Newcastle, 1852, &c., in all 12 pieces, - v. y 286 FIFTEENTH DAY'S SALE. [Pamphlets. 5035 Johann Valentin Petzoldt, alias Riliam Brustflock, woodcut portrait, 1719; Eberti (J. C.), Leorinum Eruditum, 1714, and 12 others, v. y. 5036 Ubrichius, De Hutten Panegyricus Alberthi Arche- piscopi Moguntini, Tubinga, 1515 ; Widebrandi (F.) Typus depositioms, Scholasticse heroico carmine descriptus, Witebergce, 1569 ; Sermonis divi I. Chrysostomi de Eleemosyna et Collatione in Sanctos, lo. CEcolamp. Interprete, 1522, and 4 others, v. y. 5037 Ussingii (J. L.) Inscriptiones Graecse ineditae, Havnice, 1847; Topham (J.), Pictures in Windsor Castle, plates, 1781, and 2 others, v. y. 5038 Robin Goodfellow, edited by J. Payne Collier, 1841; Galloway's (G.), Elegy on the Duke of Argyle, 1806 ; Key to Law is a Bottomless Pit, 1712, and other ] 2 curious and scarce pieces, v. y. 5039 Vita del Sant' Antonio de Padova, curious cuts, and 4 others, - Venetia, 1857 5040 Life of Mrs. Robertson, a grand-daughter of Charles II. Derby, 1791, Cuninghame's (J.) Letter to the Lord President Hay Campbell, with long in- teresting note on fly-leaf, by JR. Pitcairn, 1805, v. y. 5041 Arber's (E.) English Reprints Rede me and be not Wrothe ; Barnaby Googe's Eglogs &c., 4 parts, v -y- 5042 Trials of Fitzgerald and Brecknock, Dublin, 1786 ; and Remarks on the Trial of the Earl of Stirling, 1840, v. y. 5043 Glees, Catches, &c., Continuation of the Words of, 1833 5044 Davidson's (H., Advocate*) Waterloo, a Poem, Edin. 1816, and 6 others, v. y. 5045 Hogg's (J.) Royal Jubilee, A Scottish Mask, by the Ettrick Shepherd, with the airs, presentation copy, Edin., 1822, and St. Andrew's Cross, coloured plates, Edin., 1832, - v. y. 5046 Akenside's (M.) Pleasures of Imagination, first edition, 1754; Battle of Rullion Green, Edin., 1856; Gifiard's(J.). Thornton Abbey, 1838, &c., 4 pieces, v. y. 5047 Grahame's (Doctor James, Temple of Health) Dis- course delivered in the Tolbooth, 1783 with the original account of expenses in relation to his im- prisonment by the Magistrates, and other curious matter inserted, - 1783 Pamphlets.] FITFEENTH DAY'S SALE. PAMPHLETS, Etc. (Bound). 5049 mi GOTLAND'S Interest in her Trade with [JBfiil England, 1704 ; Sermon Preached at the Mercat Cross, Edinburgh, 1706 ; Defoe's Essays on the Union, and upwards of 60 others, chiefly relating to the Union, in 2 vol. calf, quarto, v. y. ^ 5050 Dumfries Weekly Magazine, 1773 ; and Westminster ' Magazine, Vol. I, 1773 v. y. 5051 Pamphlets Clemency of our English Monarchs, 1717 ; Barbery's Power of the Prince; Elements of Policy ; Old English Constitution Vindicated, &c.; Collection of Reverend Jokes, 1742; Irish Register, a List of Ladies of Large Fortune in England, Dublin, 1742 ; English Register, or, The Irish Register Matched, and others, 3 vol. v. y. 5052 Pamphlets Cockburn ( J.) on Publick Affairs ; Speci- men of Bp. Burnet's Behaviour in Private Cases, N. D. ; Gildon's Life and Adventures of Daniel Defoe, 1724 ; Life of Mary Carleton, N. D.; Palace Amours, or, the History of Alexis, curious plates, 1733 ; Northern Election, or Nests of Beasts, 1749 ; and other Curious Pamphlets, 2 vol. calf, v -y- 5053 Tracts Defence of Mr. Locke concerning Identity, 1769 ; Fielding's Clear State of the Case of Eliza- beth Canning, 1753; Trial of Mary Squires or Mary Canning, portraits, 1755; History of Four Thief-Takers, 1756; Fielding's Proposal for Provision for the Poor, 1753; and numerous others, 5 vol. - v. y " Neither Fielding's ' Clear State of the Case,' nor his ' Proposal for Providing for the Poor,' is included in the collected edition of his works. Both the tracts are very scarce." J. M. 5054 Tracts Tickell's (Richard) Anticipation, Lond. 1778, with the names of the imagined speakers filled in on the margin; The Green Box of Monsieur de Sartiue, 1779 : and E. Gibbon's Short History of the Opposition, 1779, in 1 vol. - 1778-79 5055 Pamphlets (Feudal) Letter to an English Member of Parliament, 1721, &c., 9 in 1 vol. / v. y. /* 5056 Oxford University Magazine, 1834, and Oxford Magazine, &c., in 1 vol, calf, - 1834-45 288 FIFTEENTH DAY'S SALE. [Pamphlets. ' 5057 John Bull Magazine, Vol. I. (all published), h.-bd. Lond. 1824 5058 Krakumal, sive Epicedium Ragnaris Lodbroci Regis Daniae, udgivet af Rafn, uncut, Kjobenhavn, 1826 5059 Life of H. Grobus, Lond. 1754; and Horneck's (A.) Great Law of Consideration, - Lond. 1721 COLSTON AND 8ON, PRINTERS, EDINBURGH. x. A 000 502 580 4