UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA AT LOS ANGELES THE PRODUCTION OF ELLIPTIC INTERFERENCES IN RELATION TO INTERFEROMETRY BY CARL BARUS Hazard Professor of Physics, Brown University WASHINGTON, D. C. Published by the Carnegie Institution of Washington 1911 CARNEGIE INSTITUTION OF WASHINGTON PUBLICATION No. 149 PRESS OF J. B. LIPPINCOTT COMPANY PHILADELPHIA, PA. Physics Library PREFACE In connection with my work on the coronas as a means for the study of nucleation, I came across a principle of interferometry which seemed of suf- ficient importance to justify special investigation. This has been under- taken in the following chapters, and what appears to be a new procedure in interferometry of great promise and varied application has been devel- oped. In case of the coronas there is a marked interference phenomenon superposed on the diffractions. The present method is therefore to consist in a simplification or systematization of this effect, by bringing two com- plete component diffraction spectra, from the same source of light, to inter- fere. This may be done in many ways, either directly, or with a halved transmission or reflecting grating, or by using modifications of the devices of Jamin, Michelson, and others for separating the components. In the direct method, chapters II and III, a mirror immediately behind the grating returns the reflected-diffracted and diffracted-reflected rays, to be superimposed for interference, producing a series of phenomena which are eminently useful, in addition to their great beauty. In fact the interfer- ometer so constructed needs but ordinary plate glass and replica gratings. It gives equidistant fringes, rigorously straight, and their distance apart and inclination are thus measurable by ocular micrometry. The fringes are duplex in character and an adjustment may be made whereby ten small fringes occupy the same space in the field as one large fringe, so that sudden expansions within the limits of the large fringe (as for instance in mag- netostriction) are determinable. This has not been feasible heretofore. Length and small angles (seconds of arc) are thus subject to micrometric measurement. Finally the interferences are very easily produced and are strong with white light, while the spectrum line may be kept in the field as a stationary landmark. The limiting sensitiveness is half the wave-length of light. The theory of these phenomena has been worked out in its practical bear- ings, advantageous instrumental equipment has been discussed, and a number of incidental applications to test the apparatus have been made. In much of this work, including that of the first chapter on a modification of Rowland's spectrometer, I had the assistance of my son, Mr. Maxwell Barus, before he entered into the law. The range of measurement of an instrument like the above is neces- sarily limited to about i cm. and the component rays are not separated. To increase the range indefinitely and to separate the component rays, the grating may replace the symmetrically oblique transparent mirror of IV PREFACE. Michelson's adjustment, for instance. In this way transmitted-reflected- diffracted and reflected-transmitted-diffracted spectra, or two correspond- ing diffracted spectra returned by the opaque mirrors M and N, may be brought to interfere. In both cases the experiments as detailed in chapters IV and V have been strikingly successful. The interference pattern, how- ever, is now of the ring type, extending throughout the whole spectrum from red to violet with the fixed spectrum lines simultaneously in view. These rings closely resemble confocal ellipses, and their centers have thesame position in all orders of spectra; but the major axes of the ellipses are liable to be vertical in the first and horizontal in all the higher orders of spectra. Again there is an opportunity for coarse and fine adjustment, inasmuch as the rings have the usual sensitive radial motion, as the virtual air-space increases or decreases, while the centers simultaneously drift as a whole, across the fixed lines of the spectrum, from the red to the violet end. Drift and radial motion may be regulated in any ratio. The general investigation shows that three groups, each comprising a variety of inter- ferences, are possible and I have worked out the practical side of the theory of the phenomenon. Transparent silvered surfaces are superfluous, as the ellipses are sufficiently strong to need no accessory treatment. Consider- able width of spectrum slit is also admissible. Finally, the ellipses may be made of any size and the sensitiveness of their lateral motion may be regu- lated to any degree by aid of a compensator. In this adjustment the drift may be made even more delicate than the radial motion, thus constituting a new feature in interferometry. The interesting result follows from the work that the displacement of the centers of ellipses does not correspond to the zero of path difference, but to an adjustment in which /* Xd/z/ciX (where n is the index of refraction and X the wave-length) is critical. It is obvious that the transparent plate grating may be replaced by a reflecting grating. Thus the grating may be replaced by a plate of glass, as in Michelson's case, and the function of the two opaque mirrors may be performed by two identical plane reflecting gratings, each symmetrically set at the diffraction angle of the spectrum to the incident ray. In this case the undeviated reflection is thrown out, whereas the spectra overlap in the telescope. Finally the grating may itself be cut in half by a plane parallel to the rulings, whereupon the two overlapping spectra will interfere elliptically, if by a micrometer one-half is slightly moved, parallel to itself, out of the original common vertical plane of the grating. Throughout the editorial work and in the drawings I have profited by the aptitude and tireless efficiency of my former student, Miss Ada I. Burton. But for her self-sacrificing assistance it would have been difficult to bring the present work to completion. CARL BARUS. BROWN UNIVERSITY, PROVIDENCE, RHODE ISLAND. CONTENTS. CHAPTER I. On an Adjustment of the Plane Grating Similar to Row- land's method for the Concave Grating. By C. BARUS AND M. BARUS. Page 1 . Apparatus. Figs, i and 2 1-2 2 . Single focussing lens in front of grating 2-3 3. Adjustments. Figs. 3 and 4, A, B, C 3-6 4. Data for single lens in front of grating. Table i 6 5. Single focussing lens behind grating 6 6. Data for single lens behind grating. Table 2 6 7 . Collimator method 7 8. Data for collimator method. Table 3 7 9. Discussion 8-9 10. Reflecting plate grating 9 11. Rowland's concave grating. Table 4 10-1 1 1 2 . Summary 1 1 CHAPTER II. The Interference of the Reflected-Diffracted and the Dif- fracted-Reflected Rays of a Plane Transparent Grating, and on an Interferometer. By C. BARUS AND M. BARUS. 13. Introductory. Figs. 5, 6, 7 I 3~ I 5 14. Observations. Table 5 1617 15. Equations I 7~ I 9 1 6. Differential equations 1920 17. Normal incidence or diffraction, etc 20 1 8. Comparison of the equations of total interference with observation 20-21 19. Interferometer. Figs. 8 and 9; table 6 21-25 20. Secondary interferences 25 21. Summary of secondary interferences 26 22. Convergent and divergent rays 2627 23. Measurement of small horizontal angles 27-28 24. Summary 28 CHAPTER III. The Grating Interferometer. By C. BARUS AND M. BARUS. 25. Introductory. Figs. 10 and 1 1 29 26. Apparatus 30 27. Adjustments 3 1-32 28. Angular extent of the fringes. Tables 7 and 8 3 2 ~34 29. Test made by magneto-striction. Figs. 12 to 14 ; table 9 34-38 30. Summary 38 CHAPTER IV. The Use of the Grating in Interferometry; Experi- mental Results. 3 1 . Introductory. Fig. 15 39-4 1 32. Special properties. Fig. 16 4144 33. Elementary theory. Fig. 17 44~47 34. Compensator. Table 10 47-48 CHAPTER V. Interferometry with the Aid of the Grating; Theoretical Results. PART I. INTRODUCTION. 35. Remarks on the phenomena. Figs. 18 and 19 49~5i 36. Cause of ellipses 5 1-53 37. The three principal adjustments for interference. Figs. 20, 21, 22, 23. . 53-55 VI CONTENTS. PART II. DIRECT CASES OF INTERFERENCE. DIFFRACTION ANTECEDENT. 38. Diffraction before reflection 55~56 39. Elementary theory. Figs. 24 and 25 56-58 40. Equations for the present case. Fig. 26; table 1 1 58-61 4 r . Interferometer 6 r 42. Discrepancy of the table 62 PART III. DIRECT CASES OF INTERFERENCE. REFLECTION ANTECEDENT. 43. Equations for this case. Tables 12, 13, and 14; figs. 27 and 28 62-66 44. Divergence per fringe. Tables 15 and 16; fig. 29 66-70 45. Case of dtl/dy, dX/dy, etc. Fig. 30 70-72 46. Interferometry in terms of radial motion 72 47. Interferometry by displacement 72 PART IV. INTERFERENCES IN GENERAL, AND SUMMARY. 48. The individual interferences. Figs. 31, 32, 33 73~75 49. The combined interferences. Table 17 75~?6 50. Special results 76-77 CHAPTER I. ON AN ADJUSTMENT FOR THE PLANE GRATING SIMILAR TO ROWLAND'S METHOD FOR THE CONCAVE GRATING. By C. Barus and M. Barus. 1. Apparatus. The remarkable refinement which has been attained (notably by Mr. Ives and others) in the construction of celluloid replicas of the plane grating makes it desirable to construct a simple apparatus whereby the spectrum may be shown and the measurement of wave-length made, in a way that does justice to the astonishing performance of the grat- ing. We have therefore thought it not superfluous to devise the following inexpensive contrivance, in which the wave-length is strictly proportional to the shift of the carriage at the eyepiece; which for the case of a good 2 -meter scale divided into centimeters admits of a measurement of wave- length to a few Angstrom units and with a millimeter scale should go much further. Observations are throughout made on both sides of the incident rays and from the mean result most of the usual errors should be eliminated by symmetry. It is also shown that the symmetrical method may be adapted to the concave grating. In fig. i A and B are two double slides, like a lathe bed, 155 cm. long and ii cm. apart, which happened to be available for optical purposes, in the laboratory. They were therefore used, although single slides at right angles to each other, similar to Rowland's, would have been preferable. The carriages C and D, 30 cm. long, kept at a fixed distance apart by the rod ab, are in practice a length of >^-inch gas pipe, swiveled at a and 6, 169.4 decimeters apart, and capable of sliding right and left and to and fro, normally to each other. The swiveling joint, which functioned excellently, is made very simply of ^-inch gas-pipe tees and nipples, as shown in fig. 2. The lower nipple N is screwed tight into the T, but all but tight into the carriage D, so that the rod ab turns in the screw N, kept oiled. Similarly the nipple N" is either screwed tight into the T (in one method, revolvable grating), or all but tight (in another method, stationary grating), so that the table tt, which carries the grating g, may be fixed while the nipple N" swivels in the T. Any ordinary laboratory clamp K and a similar one on the upright C (screwed into the carriage D} secures a small rod k for this purpose. Again a hole may be drilled through the standards at K and C and provided with set screws to fix a horizontal rod k or check. The rod, k, should be long enough to similarly fix the standard on the slide 5, carrying the slit, and be prolonged further toward the rear to carry the flame or Geissler tube appa- 1 2 THE PRODUCTION OF ELLIPTIC INTERFERENCES \ ratus. The table tt is revoluble on a brass rod fitting within the gas pipe, which has been slotted across so that the conical nut M may hold it firmly. The axis passes through the middle of the grating, which is fastened cen- trally to the table tt with the usual tripod adjustment. FIG. i. Plan of the apparatus. 2. Single focussing lens in front of grating. I shall describe three methods in succession, beginning with the first. Here a large lens L, of about 56 cm. focal distance and about 10 cm. in diameter, is placed just in front of the grating, properly screened and throwing an image of the slit 5 upon the cross-hairs of the eyepiece E, the line of sight of which is always parallel to the rod ab, the end b swiveled in the carriage C, as stated. (See fig. 2.) An ordinary lens of 5 to 10 cm. focal distance, with an appropriate IN RELATION TO INTERFEROMETRY. 6 diaphragm, is adequate and in many ways preferable to stronger eyepieces. The slit, S, carried on its own slide and capable of being clamped to C when necessary, as stated, is additionally provided with a long rod hh lying under- neath the carriage, so that the slit 5 may be put accurately in focus by the observer at C. F is a carriage for the mirror or the flame or other source of light whose spectrum is to be examined; or the source may be adjustable on the rear of the rod by which D and 5 are locked together. Finally, the slide AB is provided with a scale 55 and the position of the carriage C read off by aid of the vernier v. A good wooden scale, graduated in centimeters, happened to be available, the vernier reading to within one millimeter. For more accurate work a brass scale in millimeters with an appropriate vernier has since been provided. Eyepiece E, slit 5, flame F, etc., may be raised and lowered by the split tube device shown as at M and M' in fig. 2 . FIG. 2. Elevation of standards of grating (g) and eyepiece (). 3. Adjustments. The first general test which places slit, grating and its spectra, and the two positions of the eyepiece in one plane, is preferably made with a narrow beam of sunlight, though lamplight suffices in the dark. Thereafter let the slit be focussed with the eyepiece on the right, marking the position of the slit ; next focus the slit for the eyepiece on the left ; then place the slit midway between these positions and now focus by slowly 4 THE PRODUCTION OF ELLIPTIC INTERFERENCES rotating the grating. The slit will then be found in focus for both positions and the grating which acts as a concave lens counteracting L will be sym- metrical with respect to both positions. Let the grating be thus adjusted when fixed normally to the slide B or parallel to A . Then for the first order of the spectra the wave-length X = d sin B, where d is the grating space and B the angle of diffraction. The angle of incidence * is zero. Again let the grating adjusted for symmetry be free to rotate with the rod ab. Then 6 is zero and \ = d sin i, In both cases, however, if 2* be the distance apart of the carriage C, measured on the scale ss, for the effective length of rod ab = r between axis and axis, \ = dx/r or (d/2r)zx so that in either case X and x are proportional quantities. FIG. 3. A, B, C, Diagrams relative to conjugate foci. The whole spectrum is not, however, clearly in focus at one time, though the focussing by aid of the rod hh is not difficult. For extreme positions a pulley adjustment, operating on the ends of h, is a convenience, the cords running around the slide A A. In fact if the slit is in focus when the eye- piece is at the center (0 = 0, * = o), at a distance a from the grating, then for the fixed grating, fig. 4, where a' is the distance between grating and slit for the diffraction corre- sponding to x. Hence the focal distance of the grating regarded as a con- cave lens is/' = ar 2 /*. For the fixed grating and a given color, it frequently IN RELATION TO INTERFEROMETRY. 5 happens that the undeviated ray and the diffracted rays of the same color are simultaneously in focus, though this does not follow from the equation. Again for the rotating grating, fig. 3A, if a" is the distance between slit r 2 -x 2 r 2 - x 2 and grating a" = a - - , so that its focal distance is /" = a 3 It follows also that a'Xa" = a. For a = 80 cm. and sodium light, the adjustment showed roughly/' = 650 cm., f" = 570 cm., the behavior being that of a weak concave lens. The same a = 80 cm. and sodium light showed furthermore a' = 91 and a" ' = 70.3. Finally there is a correction needed for the lateral shift of rays, due to the fact that the grating film is inclosed between two moderately thick ' " FIG. 4. Diagram of adjustment for concave grating. R, p a , and p' are measured from G, p and p " from G'. plates of glass (total thickness t shift thus amounts to tx .99 cm.) of the index of refraction n. This xi i _i \b '\vTT^3 vV-sV^/a But since this shift is on the rear side of the lens L, its effect on the eyepiece beyond will be (if /is the principal focal distance and b the conjugate focal distance between lens and eyepiece, remembering that the shift must be resolved parallel to the scale ss] where the correction e is to be added to ix, and is positive for the rotating grating and negative for the stationary grating. 6 THE PRODUCTION OF ELLIPTIC INTERFERENCES Hence in the mean values of 2* for stationary and rotating grating the effect of e is eliminated. For a given lens at a fixed distance from the eye- piece (b/f i) is constant. 4. Data for single lens in front of grating. In conclusion we select a few results taken at random from the notes. TABLE i. Stationary grating. Rotating grating. Line. Observed 2X' Shift. Corrected ax Line. Observed 3X' Shift. Corrected ax c 132.60 118.90 98.23 87.87 - .26 -23 -.19 -.16 132.34 118.67 98.04 87.71 $:':: Hydrogen violet. . 132. 10 118.45 97.90 87-50 + .26 23 19 .16 132.36 118.68 98.09 87.66 5E::: Hydrogen violet.. The real test is to be sought in the corresponding values of 2X for the stationary and rotating cases, and these are very satisfactory, remembering that a centimeter scale on wood with a vernier reading to millimeters only was used for measurement. 5. Single focussing lens behind the grating. The lens L, which should be achromatic, is placed in the standard C. The light which passes through the grating is now convergent, whereas it was divergent in 2. Hence the focal points at distances a', a" lie in front of the grating ; but in other respects the conditions are similar but reversed. Apart from signs, r 2 a' = a 5 , for the stationary grating a" = a -j 2 for the rotating grating / " .V The correction for shift loses the factor (&// i) and becomes tx, As intimated, it is negative for the rotating grating and positive for the stationary grating. It is eliminated in the mean values. 6. Data for single lens behind the grating. An example of the results will suffice. Different parts of the spectrum require focussing. TABLE 2. Grating. , Line. 2*' Shift. ax Stationary D 2 118.40 + . 13 118.53 Rotating D 2 118 65 . 13 118.52 * | IN RELATION TO INTERFEROMETRY. The values of 2x, remembering that a centimeter scale was used, are again surprisingly good. The shift is computed by the above equation. It may be eliminated in the mean of the two methods. The lens L' at C may be more easily and firmly fixed than at L. 7. Collimator method. The objection to the above single-lens methods is the fact that the whole spectrum is not in sharp focus at once. Their advantage is the simplicity of the means employed. If lenses at L' and at L are used together, the former as a collimator (achromatic) and with a focal distance of about 50 cm., and the latter (focal distance to be large, say 150 cm.) as the objective of a telescope, all the above difficulties disappear and the magnification may be made even excessively large. The whole spectrum is brilliantly in focus at once and the corrections for the shift of lines due to the plates of the grating vanish. Both methods for stationary and rotating gratings give identical results. The adjustments are easy and certain, for with sunlight (or lamplight in the dark) the image of the slit may be reflected back from the plate of the grating on the plane of the slit itself, while at the same time the transmitted image may be equally sharply adjusted on the focal plane of the eyepiece. It is therefore merely necessary to place the plane of spectra horizontal. Clearly a' and a" are all infinite. In this method the slides S and D are clamped at the focal distance apart, so that flame, etc., slit, collimator lens, and grating move together. The grating may or may not be revoluble with the lens L on the axis a. 8. Data for the collimator method. The following data chosen at ran- dom may be discussed. The results were obtained at different times and under different conditions. The grating nominally contained about 15,050 lines per inch. The efficient rod-length db was ^=169.4 cm. Hence if i/ C= 15, osoX. 3937X338.8, the wave-length \C=2X cm. TABLE 3. Stationery rotating grating. Lines. 2*' 2X D, / "8-30 \ \ 118.08 / IlS.IQ D t f 118.27 I I 118.05 / 118.16 Rowland's value of D z is 58.92 X lo" 6 cm. ; the mean of the two values of 2x just stated will give 58.87 X 10"* cm. The difference may be due either to the assumed grating-space, or to the value of R inserted, neither of which was reliable absolutely to much within o.i per cent. Curiously enough, an apparent shift effect remains in the values of zx for stationary and rotating grating, as if the collimation were imperfect. The reason for this is not clear, though it must in any case be eliminated in the mean result. Possibly the friction involved in the simultaneous motion of three slides is not negligible and may leave the system under slight strain equivalent to a small lateral shift of the slit. 8 THE PRODUCTION OF ELLIPTIC INTERFERENCES 9. Discussion. The chief discrepancy is the difference of values for 2* in the single-lens system (for D t , 118.7 an d 118.5 cm., respectively) as com- pared with a double-lens system (for D 2 , 1 18.2 cm.) amounting to 0.2 to 0.4 per cent. For any given method this difference is consistently maintained. It does not therefore seem to be mere chance. We have for this reason computed all the data involved for a fixed grat- ing 5 cm. in width, in the two extreme positions, fig. 3, C, the ray beinj^ normally incident at the left-hand and the right-hand edges, respectively, for the method of 6. The meaning of the symbols is clear from fig. 3, C, S being the virtual source, g the grating, e the diffraction conjugate focus of 5 for normal incidence, so that b = r is the fixed length of rod carrying grat- ing and eyepiece. It is almost sufficient to assume that all diffracted rays b' to b" are directed toward e, in which case equation (i) would hold; but this will not bring out the divergence in question. They were therefore not used. Hence the following equations (2) to (5) successively apply where d is the grating space. cot 6' = (big + sin 0)/cos 6; cot 0" = (bjg - sin 0)/cos 6 ( i ) a = 6/cos 2 0; a' = a" = V g 2 + a 2 (2) sin i' = sin i" = g/a' ( 3 ) - sin i' + sin (6 + 6') = Xjd; sin 6 = Jl/d; sin i" + sin (0 + 6"} = l/d (4) cos 2 *'/a' = cos 2 (0 + 0')V; cos 2 i "la" = cos 2 (6 + 6") /b" (5) Since 8, g, \, d, b are given, d' and 8" are found in equation (4), apart from signs. If 81 and 5i" be the distance apart of the projections of the extremi- ties of 6' and 6, b and b", respectively, on the line x, di =g+(b b'} sin 0-6' sin i' d" = g + (b" 6) sin b" sin i" (6) If fo' and &* be the distance apart of the intersections of the prolongation of b' and b, b and b", respectively, with the line x R from the grating G (normal position), the image is at E at the end of p from G, where p p. But this excess need not be so large as to interfere with adequately sharp focussing. Table 4 gives an example, in which the difference of p and p ' in the nor- mal position is even over i foot, an excessive amount, as the distance neces- sary for clearance need not be more than a few inches. The grating has 14,436 lines to the inch and a radius about R = 191 cm. TABLE 4. Conjugate foci of the concave grating. 7? = i9i cm., 14,436 lines to inch, 5683 lines to cm. D=. 000,176. /> = 166 cm., p = 198 cm., p /0 = 32 cm. i/p t i/R = .000,788, 0=o, sin i = \/D. i P (0 cos i Diff . (/./cos ) Fraun- hofer t lines, j cm. cm. 166.0 166.0 .0 27500 B 22 59' 5 10 165.3 163 .2 165.3 -o 163.5 -3 27500 27400 c D 21 54' 19 34' ('5 159-6 160.3 - -7 27300 E 17 26' \ao I 54-7 156.0 1.3 27100 F I602' 25 148.5 150.4 i. 9 26800 G 14 10' 3 140.9 143.7 -2.8 26500 35 132.2 136.0 3-8 26000 .... 40 122.3 127.1 4.8 25500 The greater part of the visible spectrum is thus contained between i = 15 and i = 2o. It follows that the excess of p cos ip lies between 7 and 13 mm. Hence the eyepiece may be placed at a mean position corresponding to 10 mm. and give very good definition of the whole spectrum without refocussing, as I found by actual trial. Within i cm. the focus is sharp enough for most practical purposes. If the distances p and p ' are selected so that eyepiece and slit just clear each other the definition is quite sharp. IN RELATION TO INTERFEROMETRY. 11 The diffraction equation is not modified and if 2x corresponds to the positions -\-i and i for the same spectrum line, It is therefore not necessary to touch the eyepiece and this is contributory to accuracy. If Rowland's equation is differentiated relatively to p and p',dp = (P V -- : ) dp ' where the factor dp '/p ' 2 is constant. Hence dp varies Po cos ^/ as (p/cos *) 2 given in the table. If, furthermore, a comparison is made between dp and dp this equation reduces to V dpjdp = (R p (i cos i) )/R cos z which becomes unity either for i = o or for p =R (Rowland's case). 12. Summary. By using two slides symmetrically normal to each other and observing on both sides of the point of interference, it is shown that many of the errors are eliminated by the symmetrical adjustments in ques- tion. The slide carrying the grating may be provided with a focussing lens in front or again behind it, if the means are at hand for actuating the slit which is not sharply in focus on the plane of the eyepiece carried by a second slide throughout the spectrum at a given time. It is thus best to use both lenses conjointly, the latter as a collimator and the former as an objective of the telescope in connection with the eyepiece. It is shown that a centimeter scale parallel to the eyepiece slide with a vernier reading to millimeters is sufficient to measure the wave-lengths of light to few Ang- strom units r while the wave-lengths are throughout strictly proportional to the displacements along the scale. The errors of the three available methods and their counterparts are discussed in detail. The method is applicable both to the transparent and the reflecting grating. It is furthermore shown that, in case of Rowland's concave grating, obser- vation may be made symmetrically on both sides of the slit, by providing for reasonable clearance of slit and eyepiece passing across each other, although one conjugate focal distance is now not quite the projection of the other. CHAPTER II. THE INTERFERENCE OF THE REFLECTED-DIFFRACTED AND THE DIF- FRACTED-REFLECTED RAYS OF A PLANE TRANSPARENT GRATING, AND ON AN INTERFEROMETER. By C. Barus and M. Barus. 13. Introductory. If parallel light, falling on the front face of a trans- parent plane grating, is observed through a telescope after reflection from a rear parallel face (see fig. 5) , the spectrum is frequently found to be inter- sected by strong, vertical interference bands. Almost any type of grating will suffice, including the admirable replicas now available, like those of Mr. Ives. In the latter case one would be inclined to refer the phenomenon to the film and give it no further consideration. On closer inspection, how- ever, it appears that the strongest fringes certainly have a different origin and depend essentially on the reflecting face behind the grating. If, for instance, this face is blurred by attaching a piece of rough, wet paper, or by pasting the face of a prism upon it with water, so as to remove most of the reflected light, the fringes all but disappear. If a metal mirror is forced against the rear glass face, whereby a half wave-length is lost at the mirror but not at the glass face in contact, the fringes are impaired, making a rather interesting experiment. With homogeneous light the fringes of 13 14 THE PRODUCTION OF ELLIPTIC INTERFERENCES the film itself appear to the naked eye, as they are usually very large by comparison. Granting that the fringes in question depend upon the reflecting surface behind the grating, they must move if the distance between them is varied. Consequently a phenomenon so easily produced and controlled is of much greater interest in relation to micrometric measurements than at first appears and we have for this reason given it detailed treatment. It has the great advantage of not needing monochromatic light, of being appli- cable for any wave-length whatever, and admitting of the measurement of horizontal angles. In chapter 5 it will be shown that these interferences may also be produced by Michelson's or by Jamin's apparatus. FIG. 6. Showing corresponding triplets of diffracted rays for a single incident ray, and each of the cases 0,'>* and 2 '. OO .^00 3 U-J U-) 1/1 IT) IT) IO ' s : 2 1 o usC J " i>4>:!E'^ ~ J^^s o : . -! 1 1.5 O ol3--o b- S ' " O ja.QS ooa.Q> >QZf : : : : :~TTT T rT^TT: H -T y... &*' W' ^QCDC^ QCC^^ - H ^{ do s p . O .00 . .0 VO-ss'rf 1 - O .' - A ii n A ii ii A v ii n IN RELATION TO INTERFEROMETRY. 17 14. Observations. The following observations were made merely to corroborate the equations used. The general character of the results will become clear on consulting the preceding abbreviated table chosen at ran- dom from many similar data. An Ives replica grating with 15,000 lines to the inch (film between plates of glass .46 cm. thick) was mounted as usual on a spectrometer admitting of an angular measurement within one min- ute of arc. Parallel light fell on the grating, fig. 5, gg (see p. 13), under different angles of incidence, i, and the spectrum lines were observed by reflection (after reflection from gg and the rear face ff) at an angle of diffraction 6' in air, both in the first and second order of spectra, and so far as possible on both sides of the directly reflected beam. In view of the front plate, the angle i corresponds to an angle of refraction r, within the glass and the angle 6' similarly to an angle of diffraction 6, respect- ively. Hence r>9 2 or dir was usually not available, but for 2 = 22.5 two sets were found in the first order, one being the normal set. The fringes in all cases decrease in size from red to violet, but less rapidly than wave-length. Whether they are convergent or divergent for a given set of fringes, as for instance for the strong set, depends on the position of the grating. Thus the divergent rays become convergent when the grating is rotated 180 about its normal. It is therefore definitely wedge-shaped. In fact when the auxiliary mirror M is used, the fringes may be put anywhere, either in front of or behind the principal focal plane, by suitably inclining the mirror. 1 5. Equations. If we suppose the film of the grating gg to be sandwiched in between plates of glass each of thickness e, it will be seen that triplicate rays pass in the direction ti, (0/>*) or of fe, (0 2 'l = 2*/( cos 0, (7) HA = 26/J. (COS T COS 0|) (8) with three other corresponding forms for 0r in the present paper is not of much experimental interest, and may be omitted here. For the case of r>9 we shall have successively and for the total interferences RD, DR, equation 8, dX X cos dd -j = . j : 2T ~T~ ( I I ) a/i sin r b sin an dr _ tan r cos dO dn sin r b sin 6 dn dfi _ afj. cos dO dn ~s5Tr-&sin0 dn dd' = jfcos0(sinr-sin0) dd dn ~ cos 0'(sin r-b sin 6) dn * See Kohlrausch's Leitfaden, nth edition, 1910, p. 712, light crown glass being taken. 20 THE PRODUCTION OF ELLIPTIC INTERFERENCES and finally corresponding to equations 6, 7, 8, dO^ _ _cosO * (sin r -sing) dn ~ 26 cos 0' 6^sin7sin0 ^ (sin r- sing) dn 26 cos 0' 6 cos r cos + a sin r tan r cos d0' cos ^(sin r sin 0) dn 26 cos 0' 6( i cos (r 0)) + a sin r sin 0( i cot tan r) the last term in the denominator being corrective. Here dB'/dn is the observed angular deviation of two consecutive fringes, so that dn dn _ dn The equation corresponding to the incorrect equation 8' would have been dd' = cos dn 26 cos 0' X cos 2 0(sin r sin 0) 6cos 2 0(i cos(r 0)) (sinr sin0)(sinr 6sin0j atan rcos 2 0sin(r 0) 17. Normal incidence, or diffraction , etc. For the case of normal inci- dence i = r = o, the equations corresponding to 6, 7, and 8 take a simplified form and are respectively _ d0 ' _ >1 sin cos ~~ dn nha "' _d0 '_^sin0_ dn 2 6e cos 0' d0 ' cos ^ sin - ^s ( 1 8 ) dn zbe cos i cos If 0' = $ = o, for normal diffraction, which is particularly useful in Row- land's adjustments as well as on the spectrometer _ A sin r a-o 2e ^C 1 *" 008 r )~ a s i n r tan r for the case of total interference corresponding to equations 8 and 17. If j-=-0'orr=-0 W l = A i _ 9 2^ tan cos 0' 18. Comparison of the equations of total interference with observa- tion. The partial interferences corresponding to equations 6 and 7 are usually too fine to be seen unless e is very small. They amount in cases of equations 15 and 16 for e = .48 cm. to the following small angles (iS) (16) i= o d6'/dn=.o6o' dd'/dn= .062' 22.5 .048' .050' 45 -057' -058' IN RELATION TO INTERFEROMETRY. 21 usually less than four seconds of arc and are therefore lost. The origin of the fine interferences actually seen in the table is thus still open to surmise. With small e and the interferometer they are obvious. The total interferences as computed in the above table agree with the observations to much within o. i minute of arc and these are experimental errors; particularly so as it was not possible to use both verniers of the spectrometer. The interesting feature of the experiment and calculation is this, that 86' has about the same value for all incidences i from o to 45 and even beyond. The equations do not show this at once, owing to the entrance of /* and r. But apart from a and 6 equation 17 is nearly _ dn 2 efjL i-cos(r-0) W which is independent of r to the extent in which cos (r 0) is constant. The dependence of dO'/dn on wave-length is borne out. (See paragraph 19.) Finally, dd' ' /dn is independent of /* except as it occurs in a and b. If the glass plate JJgg is removed and a mirror M used, as in the inter- ferometer, the fringes may be enormously enlarged by decreasing e and the measurements made with any degree of accuracy; but such measurements were originally impracticable and have little further interest in this place since the interferometer itself is tested in the next chapter. 19. Interferometer. The final test of the above equation is given by the last part of the table for different thicknesses of glass, e = .48 and e= .77 cm. The results are in perfect accord. These data suffice to state the outlook for the interferometer. In this case n and e are the only variables, so that equation 8 becomes de = >l/2//(cos - cos r) (20') where 8e is the thickness of glass corresponding to the passage of one fringe across the cross-hairs of the telescope or a definite spectrum line. If instead of glass in the grating above, an air-space intervenes between the film of the grating and the auxiliary mirror M, fig. 5, the equation reduces to dg = _ ;__ _ = __ J _ 2 (cos 6' - cos *) 2 ( ]/ i-( s int-J/Z?)* - cos i) where i and 6' are the angles of incidence and diffraction in air. These equations 20 embody a curious circumstance. Inasmuch as B and 6' change as * increases from o to 90 from negative to positive values at about i= 13 and 1 = 20, respectively, the denominator of either equation 20 will pass through zero (for air at about i= 10). Hence at this value of * the motion of the mirror M produces no e effect (stationary fringes), while on either side of it the fringes travel in opposite directions in the telescope when e changes by the same amount. In the negative case the sensitiveness for air-spaces passes from 8e .000489 to de= <*>, per 22 THE PRODUCTION OF ELLIPTIC INTERFERENCES fringe. In the positive case from 5e= + *> to 039, per fringe or to a limit of about a half wave-length in case of 15,000 lines to the inch. This limiting sensitiveness may be regarded as practically reached even at 1 = 40 where 155 cm. per fringe and an angle of about 1 = 45 is most convenient in practice. In addition to the large fringes the fine set appears when e is small or not more than a few tenths of a millimeter. The sensitiveness of these is naturally much more marked. In the two cases de = h/2 cos i (20') de = 1/2 COStf (20") so that nearly A/ 2 per fringe is easily attained, but the available thickness of air-space within which they are visible is decreased. At * = 20 about, and in case of an air-space 6' is nearly o. We suggested above that these fine fringes may be used as a fine adjustment in connection with the large fringes, on which they are superimposed. In appearance these large fluted fringes are exceedingly beautiful. The fine fringes have the limiting sensitiveness of the coarse fringes, i.e., the cases for * = go or 0' equal to maximum value. In different focal planes both sets of fine fringes may be seen separately for small e (air wedge) . Equation 20 shows that for smaller grating spaces D, and consequently also in the second order of spectra there must be greater sensitiveness, caet. par. ; but as a rule we have not found these fringes as sharp and useful as those in the first order. The limiting sensitiveness per fringe, however, follows a very curious rule. If in equation 20 we put t = go, zde= 1 W/(2-l/D) =l/Vr(2-r) in the first order if r=\/D, and 2de= \ / W/4(iA/D) = XJ2\ r(i r) in the second order D is the grating space. Both equations have a minimum, 8e =A/2 , at \/D = i in the first order and A/D = .5 in the second order, beyond which it would be disadvantageous to decrease the grating space. These minimum conditions are as good as reached even when D corresponds to 15,000 lines to the inch, as above, where roughly io 6 8e = $& cm. in the first order and io 6 5e = 33 cm. in the second order. All the conditions discussed above are summarized in fig. 8 and fig. 9 for the first and second orders of spectrum. To view the stationary fringes of the first order was not practicable, since they occurred for i= 10, whereas the telescopes were in contact at about 20. In the second order of spectra they may be approached more nearly as they occur when * is roughly 20. If the distance e is made small enough, so that the three cases of equations 20, 20', 20*, are visible, the appearance is very peculiar. The fringes of equation 20 are very slow- IN RELATION TO INTERFEROMETRY. 23 moving. They are intersected by the small fringes of equation 20', pro- ducing the fluted pattern already discussed. Over all travel the rapidly moving fringes of equation 20", producing a kind of alternation or flickering which it is very difficult to analyze or interpret until e is very small,when all three sets are broad and easily recognized. Sunlight should be used. Nothing like these alternating fringes was seen in the first order, but we used a film grating only. FIG. 8. Charts showing dependence of on r, 0' on i, cos 0' and cos i on i, 8e on r and de on i, de on X/D for the first order of spectrum. The above equation shows finally that de is not exactly proportional to wave-length, though the former decreases with the latter, as shown above. The three equations 20 indicate finally that for i>6' all fringes travel in the same direction with increasing e; whereas if 6' > i, the set correspond- ing to equation 20 travel in a direction opposite to that of the sets 20' and 20". 24 THE PRODUCTION OF ELLIPTIC INTERFERENCES This is strikingly borne out by making the experiment for 6>i with a small angle , both in the first and second order. Table 6 contains a few data obtained by carrying the mirror on a Fraun- hofer micrometer, reading to .0001 cm., toward a stationary grating film. 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 FIG. o. Similar data to those of fig. 8, for the second order of spectrum. In addition, dd'/dn is shown as given by equations 15, 16, 17. Observations were made in the region of the D lines. The grating was originally between plates of glass =.48 cm. thick. Finally the plate between grating and mirror was removed, the whole distance now being an air-space. This has no effect on 8e, but e may then be reduced to zero and the fringes enlarged. IN RELATION TO INTERFEROMETRY. 25 These data merely test the equations, as no special pains were taken for accurate measurement, which neither the micrometer screw nor the special adjustments warranted. Usually the micrometer equivalent of 50 fringes was observed on the screw. The maximum distance e between grating and mirror was .48 cm. of glass and .25 cm. of air conjointly, or within i cm. In case of fine fringes mere pressure on table or screw impaired the adjust- ment. Moreover these fine fringes run through the shadow of the coarse fringes, and their size in consecutive spaces between the latter seems to vary periodically as if they alternated between the two equations 15 and 16. TABLE 6. Interferometer measurements. Replica grating. Air-space, often in addition to glass space, e = .46 cm. ' e' Coarse fringes. Fine fringes. Air-space.* Observed. SeXio* Computed. SeXio* cm. Co., 391 130 68 324 240 Air-space. Observed. teXio* Computed. SeXio* 22 30' 45 o 67 30 25 o 3 2 2 6' 21 I 35 i 4 7 8 37 cm. .02 to .33 .013 to .250 cm. 39 72 322 241 cm. cm. cm. Glass removed between mirror and grating. 32 25' i 4 o' .013 to .054 387 392 .006 to .025 34 (32 13 45 o 20 49 .032 to .064 129 130 .000 to .007 33 {32 * Approximate; contact endangering adjustment. 20. Secondary interferences. We come now to consider the minor interferences which are either weaker, finer, or more diffuse than the strong forms discussed. In the interpretation of these we have not met with suc- cess, but some reference to them is essential. We assume that after two reflections the fringes can no longer be seen. In fig. 6 if there is light reinforcement passing in any direction t\ or h\ then each incident ray /, at an angle i with the normal n, will after refrac- tion be represented by the six rays A RDi DRi (ft > r) , A DR Z RD 2 (02r only (to avoid complications), i. e., for a single direction, it will be seen that nine rays are included, of which a, b, c, a', b', c', a", b", c", come from a single incident ray each. Thus we can assemble these interferences from a determinant like a b c a' b' c' a" b" c" and there should be 18 cases. Most of these are identical in path difference, but they have not led us to any satisfactory identification. They may therefore be omitted here. Other difficulties enter . Fringes which may be invisible if observed for the glass plate may be visible if arising in the collodion film, as this is very thin. Possibly some of the finer lines may arise in this way, but not probably. The tendency of certain groups of interferences to travel in opposed directions with rotation of the slit has suggested to us the possible occur- rence of zone-plate action, where there would be multiple foci. But we have not succeeded in establishing coincidences either for the virtual or real foci in such a case. Moreover this opposition in motion has already been accounted for in paragraph 19. 22. Convergent and divergent rays. What finally characterizes the above groups of interferences is the difference in position of their focal planes. They rarely coincide with the spectrum (parallel rays) and hence do not always destroy it. If present with the spectrum the latter is wholly wiped out. If the strong fringes are convergent for a given adjustment of grating they become divergent when the grating is rotated 180 about its normal. Hence the plates of glass are sharply wedge-shaped and to these differences the location of focal planes is to be referred. In addition to this the three regular reflections are not in the same focus which shows the surfaces (collodium film) to be slightly curved. The above experiments succeed best when two of the reflections are yellowish, which probably means that the grating face is from the observer. Suppose the remote glass face makes an angle dr/2 with the surface of the grating. Then the DR ray of the strong interferences has its angle incre- mented by d6=dr, whereas the RD ray receives an increment of but dd = -Q dr. Hence if the DR and RD rays were parallel for parallel sur- faces they would be at an angle corresponding to d6 dr cosr cos ~dT "7os0 where dr/2 is the angle of the wedge. Thus for the partial case of single incidence, fig. 6, dB>dr if 6>r, or the issuing rays would converge; and d0 0, or the issuing rays would diverge. If DR is negative the IN RELATION TO INTERFEROMETRY. 27 opposite conditions will hold, since dr and d6 change signs together. For the case of triple incidence, fig. 5, there will be similar relations with less liability to convergence. The interferences are further modified by the change of thickness of glass or the variable e implied. Fig. 7 shows that rays all but parallel will cross each other in front (con- vergent) or behind (divergent) the grating, depending on their mutual lat- eral positions. As a ray moves from the right to the left of the normal, the phenomenon may change from divergence to convergence and vice versa. 23. Measurement of small horizontal angles. These relations are very well brought out by the interferometer, in which the mirror M may be in- clined at pleasure. If small values of deviation only are in question, this instrument becomes a means of measuring small horizontal angles 7 be- tween mirror and grating as these involve less change of focus. In fact if h is the vertical height of the illumination at the mirror M and the cor- responding obliquity of fringes is equivalent to an excess of N fringes crossing the bottom of the cross-hairs as compared with the top for a wave-length X, 7 = N8e/h; or The question next at issue is thus the value of h. It will be noticed that if parallel rays fall upon the slit, they will be brought to a focus by the col- limator objective first, and thereafter by the telescope objective, placed at a diametral distance D beyond it. Then if 5 is the vertical length of slit used, and / and /, the focal lengths of the two objectives, respectively, it follows that the length h = 5 is virtually illuminated. Hence, NX 7 ~~ 2 S (cos 0'- cos *) For since the angle 7, or a ratio, is in question, N8e/h is constant and it makes no difference where the mirror M may be placed, i.e., how great the absolute vertical height of the illumination h may be. In case of this method (parallel light impinging on the slit) the illumin- ation at each point of the image is received from but a single point (nearly) of the mirror, whereas if the light falling on the slit is convergent, the whole vertical extent of the mirror illumination contributes to each point of the image in the ocular. Hence in the latter case the fringes are only sharp when M and the grating are rigorously parallel, and they soon become blurred when this is increasingly less true. The same observation also accounts for the greater difficulty in adjustment when lamp-light is used. In any case, equation 2 2 furnishes N/S. N may be obtained with an ocular micrometer. In the interest of greater precision the angle 7 may be found by actually measuring the inclination to the vertical /3 of the fringes in the ocular. Here if the height of image 5 in the ocular corresponds to the vertical length of slit 5, 28 THE PRODUCTION OF ELLIPTIC INTERFERENCES H-K) while v,, ,;' 5 dn where dd'/dn is given by equation 1 7 . Hence s may be eliminated and (24> . ;. If now we further eliminate A r /5 in equation 22 by equation 24, we have finally ' a/ef t (cos 0' - cos i)dO'/dn so that 7 is given in terms of ft, the observed inclination of fringes in the ocular. To measure ft the ocular must be revolvable on its axis, so that the cross-hairs may be brought into coincidence with the fringes and the angles may be found. To measure M, the D lines as they remain vertical may often be used, if in focus, for reference in place of vertical cross-hairs. Using the d ata of the above experiments, if t = 45 N = i / C =/, = Z) (nearly) =23 cm., cos 0' cos i= .2264 S = .9cm. >l = 6oXio- 6 =. 352 whence for X = 6oXio~ 6 cm. and e=i cm., dO' _ o6 , d6" ^ df) = _ g , dn dn dn In case of the set of equations 4, 5, 6, therefore, there should be about 6 to 7 small fringes to one large fringe. This is about the order of values usually observed. When e is small the change of wave-length with dd must be considered. To obtain a given ratio k of small and large fringe diver- gences, one may write for the cases 4 and 6, for instance, , _ i cos (i 6) '' * COS ~(* - 0) + COS~ (t +0)" ( 7 ' Equation 7 is not easily treated. If, however, 8 is computed in terms of i and expressed graphically, k may then also be expressed in terms of i; and thus the angle of incidence i for any ratio of size of fringes, k, in question, may be roughly adjusted. Table 7 shows these results. IN RELATION TO INTERFEROMETRY. TABLE 7. Ratio of large and small fringes. 33 i i/k \ i/k' i 9 i/k i/k' -20 l' 16.4 i6-5 SO 24 27' 6.0 7.0 IO io 17 15.6 16.6 60 3 56 3-4 4-4 20 - o 34 14.8 15-8 70 36 o 1.6 2.6 3 +831 12.3 13-3 80 39 15 .6 i-5 40 16 54 9.1 10. 2 90 40 24 .0 I .0 Thus it appears that at ^ = 37 about there should be ten small fringes to one large fringe. In a general way, moreover, the ratio of small to large fringes gives an estimate of the value of i. Similarly equations 5 and 6 give I ~ cos *- - _ 2 - (cos (i - 6} - cos (*+0)) from which the data also given in table i , follow. Here there will be ten small to one large fringe when i is 40.5 roughly. The preceding equations 4, 5, and 6 are essentially approximate, inas- much as the rates are taken for the finite quantities. If we return to the fundamental equations 2 COS I = tt/ (8) 2ecosO = n'/> (9) sin sin i = XjD (io) for 6 is greater than i, where n and n' are unequal distributive whole num- bers; and if we put e/D = a, we find . tan 2 = a 4<3 + a (II) which are free fromX, whereas sin i and sin 6 essentially contain X. As the angular width of a fringe is M* T~ dn dn those corresponding to equations 4 and 5 may therefore be expressed as -dn 0, = 2 a I - Jn "' '- 02=2(1 n(n- */n 4(in tan i 4a 2 (12) _ 2a tan i) for a given space e in a = b/D and a given angle of incidence i in tan *. These integrations are easily made, but the results are too diffuse to be 34 THE PRODUCTION OF ELLIPTIC INTERFERENCES worth discussing here. Equation 12, moreover, is a restatement of the fact that in these interferences n\ is constant throughout the spectrum. Equations 8, 9, and 10, however, admit of the graphic treatment of the problem. For if we put A=nD/ze, they may be written according as 9>i or 6 t+A . where the distributive number n in A takes the values of the successive whole numbers for a dark band in the respective spectra corresponding to equations 14 and 15. The coincidence of dark bands then determines the position of the coarse fringes. If i- 50 24' 2=.icm. D= .000,169 cm. # = 24 44' then A = .0017 M, nearly With these data table 8 was computed. Similar results might be computed for 6 i. tie corresponds to the mean value 8. n ". 10'fo, , I n' '. io*8e a i 1650 86. 1 76 84.2 30 83.4 19 82.5 1700 82. 3 46 81.2 400 Sl.S 18 80.5 175 80. 36 79.1 500 79.6 i7 78.8 1800 78. 2 3 77.6 600 77-9 16 77.1 1840 77- 23 76.7 700 76.2 15 75-5 1870 76. 3 30 75-8 800 74-7 14 74-0 1900 75- 4 22 75-0 900 73-3 12 72.7 IQ40 74- 5 20 74-2 IOOO 72.1 1970 73- 9 2O 73-6 20OO 64 . o 2OOO 73- 3 18 73-2 2O2O 73- 20 72.8 . . . 2O40 72. 6 15 72.5 . . . 1 29. Test made by magneto-striction. The very small elongation pro- duced when iron is magnetized offers an excellent test of the above appa- ratus. The attached water-cooled helix has already been described. The rod of Swedish soft iron was quite within the helix, which surrounded it closely without contact, the rod being prolonged by light copper tubes soldered to its ends. IN RELATION TO INTERFEROMETRY. 35 A large number of experiments were made for trial, brief examples of which are given in the following table and charts, where if the current is in amperes the magnetic field H=io8i gauss and the elongation 5e=io$Xio~ 6 cm. per large fringe. Thus if n is the number of. fringes and ^ = 28 cm. the effective length of the iron rod, the absolute elongation is da= 105^X1 o" 6 cm. and the elongation per unit of length, or if small fringes N are taken, dp =. 54^X10-" Elongations from lo" 6 cm. to io~ 4 cm. were measured without difficulty, though such measurement, without micrometer attachment, is essentially an estimate. Count was made of the number of small fringes between the large fringes. TABLE 9. Magnetostriction elongations. Coil* (separated by thin sheet of flow- ing water from rod) length 37 cm., 3200 turns, H = io8t gauss (*' in amperes). Swedish iron rod, diam., 2r = .64 cm., length / = 30.6 cm., free length 28 cm. Elongations, 10*^ = 105 cm., io 6 &?i=33 cm., io 6 i, which have not been drawn, because they merely duplicate the cases given, at a different angle. It is assumed that after more than one direct reflection or one diffraction the interferences are no longer observable. FIG. 17. Chart of the three groups of interferences. A, B, C. Mirrors M and N return the spectrum. Grating face in position shown at g. The diagrams 124 and 76 show that the two reflections of the component rays at the grating take place at the same surface; hence the occurrence of centered figures or rings. On the contrary the reflections in diagram 100 take place at the two different faces of the grating respectively; hence the angle of the grating is included and liable to produce eccentric ring systems. The center may be so far off that the dark lines are nearly straight, but they change their inclination as the vertical projection of the center moves horizontally through the field. Some of these cases may coalesce in practice or they may destroy each other more or less. I have taken a single incident ray from which may come two parallel emergent rays, which are brought to interfere by the telescope. It would have been just as convenient to have taken the two 46 THE PRODUCTION OF ELLIPTIC INTERFERENCES corresponding incident rays which interfere in a single emergent ray. From the position of the mirrors it is clear that the regularly refracted rays are not returned. Only rays first diffracted at the grating (where they may also be reflected) are returned by the mirrors. As a whole we may distinguish two typical cases, those in which both component rays are diffracted as in No. i or refracted as in No. 2 ; and those in which one component ray is refracted and the other diffracted. If * and 8' are the angles of incidence and diffraction in air and r and the corre- sponding angles of refraction and diffraction in glass, the glass path differ- ences, Jx, in the important cases are as follows : No. i. Jx = 2ne/cos 6=2.2 cm. No. 7. J# = Zero. 3. =2/u/cos 6=2.2 cm. 8. =Zero. 4. =Zero. 9. = 2/ztf/cos 6 = 2.2 cm. 6. =Zero. 10. = zjue/cos 6 = 2.2 cm. Here M is the index of refraction and e the thickness of the glass plate of the grating, and excess of path for the M ray is reckoned positive. These paths must be compensated by corresponding decrements and increments respectively of the air paths GM and GN. Ordinarily these path differences in glass being fixed for given angles tf would fall away; but they vary essen- tially with color and hence the degree of compensation is never the same for all colors. Furthermore, although the wave-fronts of the two rays are the same on emergence, this does not imply coincidence of phase even in such cases as Nos. i and 2, for instance; the absolute lengths of paths in glass are quite different, although their differences are the same. Consequently the cases i and 2 would again interfere if superimposed, one case being first diffracted and the other first refracted. Thus it is not surprising that so many cases were identified. It is also apparent that the air compensations are very different and hence identifi- cation is facilitated. Finally, since a vertical slit and collimator are used, the section of a beam of light passing through the grating by a horizontal plane consists of parallel rays; the section by a vertical plane, however, is convergent. It is interesting to find the numerical data for the above equations, assuming that = 45 0' = 32 39' *=.68cm. M= i. 5 3 (estimated) \/D=.i6jj for the sodium line of the spectrum. The results are given with the equa- tions. Their value is about 2.2 cm., which is equivalent to a displacement of mirror actually found. It follows, moreover, that the center of the ring system, order n = o, must move from red to violet or the reverse, inasmuch as the compensation takes place successively, at each color, in the same way. Although the equations hold only for the center, and the symmetrically oblique rays IN RELATION TO INTERFEROMETRY. 47 belonging to the rings have not been given consideration, an approximate computation of the motion of the ring centers may nevertheless be attempted. From the equations qualitative interpretations of the above and the fol- lowing data are obtainable; but quantitatively they are too crude, because they ignore the essential feature of oblique reflection from M and N. Omitting these equations, to be fully discussed in the next chapter, an example of the displacement and radial motion in a given experiment may be adduced; the former was fully 16 times less sensitive per fringe than the latter. The displacement is thus a coarse adjustment in comparison with the usual radial motion of the fringes and this is the distinct advantage of the present method for many purposes. It is like a scale division into smaller and larger parts, where the enumeration of small parts alone would be confusing or impossible. The ratio of the micrometer value of displace- ment and radial motion per fringe may be given any value since dz/d\ oc e and the lateral displacement may actually be more sensitive than the radial motion, when the grating plate is thin. The sodium lines here make admirable cross-hairs and the ocular itself need have none. The conditions are the same in the second order and the coarser rings and spectrum lines are often easier to count. 34. Compensator. It is not necessary, however, to use thin glass, for if a compensator is provided, i.e., if the grating is on the common plane between two thicknesses of identical plane-parallel glass plates, one of which carries the grating, the ideal plane in question is provided. The ellipses in this case would be infinite in size and their displacements infi- nitely large. By partial compensation (compensator thinner) ellipses of any convenient size and rate of displacement may therefore be provided at pleasure. The following table gives some rough experimental data where z is the advance of the micrometer screw normal to the grating, i.e., the displacement of the grating to move the center of fringes from the D to TABLE 10. Displacement of ellipses from the D to the b line, by moving the grat- ing Az cm. normal to itself. t = 45, nearly. Grating: e = .6S cm., D => . 000351 cm., ^=1.53 (estimated). Compensation shown by negative sign. Position z taken while the sodium line was the major axis. . Com- pensator thickness* e'Xio 2 Position of grat- ing z Microme- NQ of placement * A0Xio< Diob Displace- ment per fringe io*Xdz/dn Ellipses. Side of compen- sator. cm. cm. cm. cm. -48 5 30 12 2-5 Very large. . . . N -44 .08 35 Very large .... N -29 . 12 45 Large N 10 .20 65 Mean N + 48 .38 US 44 2.6 Very small . . . M -65 .00 10 4.5 2.3 Eno'rmous. . . . N o 70 28 2.5 Mean None * Compensator parallel to mirror, M or N, respectively. 48 THE PRODUCTION OF ELLIPTIC INTERFERENCES the b lines of the spectrum, e' the thickness of the compensator placed parallel to the mirror M or N as stated. Rotation of the compensator offers the usual easy method of adjustment. In the second order the first rings, on compensation, usually more than fill the field. This is of course eventually the case in the first order also. With very perfect compensation the ellipses are quite eccentric and the lines under the limiting conditions nearly vertical and straight. Hence their motion, partaking of the twofold character specified, is complicated but usually opposite in direction on the two sides of the center for the same micrometer displacement. The whole phenomenon may vanish within a half millimeter of play of the grating, passing from fine lines through enor- mous ellipses back into reversed fine lines, all nearly vertical. The displacement of the grating by the micrometer screw is of the same order per fringe, no matter whether the ellipses are large or small, and in the last table it was about .00025 cm. per fringe. The displacement at the mirror would exceed this. The radial motion per fringe is of the order of wave-length. Naturally the position z of the grating changes parallel to itself linearly with the thickness e' of the compensator, supposing other con- ditions the same, so that p, z, and dz/dn all vary linearly with e' the thick- ness of the compensator. The full equations for the amounts of displacement, etc., require an evaluation of dQ/dn, which in turn must take into consideration that reflection from the mirrors can not in general be normal except for the one color instanced above. This investigation will have to be reserved for the next chapter. CHAPTER V. INTERFEROMETRY WITH THE AID OF A GRATING ; THEORETICAL RESULTS. By Carl Barus. PART I. INTRODUCTION. 35. Remarks on the phenomena. In the earlier papers* I described certain of the interferences obtained when the oblique plate gg, fig. 18, of Michelson's adjustment, is replaced by a plane diffraction grating on ordinary plate glass. Some explanation of these is necessary here. In the figure L is the source of white light from a collimator. Such light is there- fore parallel relative to a horizontal plane, but convergent relatively to a vertical plane. M and N are the usual silver mirrors. A telescope adjusted for parallel rays in the line GE must therefore show sharp white images of the slit. As the grating is usually slightly wedge-shaped, there will be (normally) four such images, two returned by M after reflection from the front (white) and rear face (yellowish) of the plate gg, and two due to N. There will also be two other, not quite achromatic, slit images from N or M, respectively, due to double diffraction before and after reflection. These will be treated below. In the direction GD there will thus be a correspond- ing number of diffraction spectra, more or less coincident in all their parts, and therefore adapted to interfere in pairs throughout their extent. If the two white and the two yellow images of the slit be put in coincidence and the mirrors M and N are adjusted for the respective reduced or virtual path difference zero, the interferences obtained are usually eccentric; i.e., the centers of the interference ellipses are not in the field of view. The effective reflection in each of these cases takes place from the front and rear face of the grating at the same time. Hence the interference pattern includes the prism angle of the grating plate and is not centered. The air-paths of the component rays are here practically equal. In addition to the ellipses, this position also shows revolving linear interferences and (as a rule) a double set is in the field at once, consisting of equidistant, symmetrically oblique crossed lines, passing through horizontality in opposite directions together, when either mirror M or N is slightly displaced. If either pair of the white and yellowish images of the slit be placed in coincidence when looking along EG, the interference pattern along DG is ring-shaped, usually quasi-elliptic and centered. The light returned by M and N is in this case reflected from the same face of the grating, either from the face carrying the grating or the other (unruled) face. The corre- sponding air-paths of the rays are in this case quite unequal, because the * Am. Journ. of Science, xxx, 1910, pp. 161-171; Science, July 15, 1910, p. 92; and Phil. Mag., July, 1910, pp. 45-59. 50 THE PRODUCTION OF ELLIPTIC INTERFERENCES short air-path is compensated by the path of the rays within the glass plate. Hence these adjustments are very different, GM being the long path in one instance, GN in the other instance. For the same motion of the micrometer screw, the fringes are displaced in opposite directions. In one adjustment there may be a single family of ellipses; in the other there may be two or even three families nearly in the field at once. If the grating were cut on optical plate glass, the adjustment for equal air-path would probably be best. But with the grating cut as usual on ordi- nary plate, or in case of replica gratings on collodion or celluloid films, the adjustment for unequal paths is preferable. Here again one of the positions is much to be preferred to the other, owing to the occurrence of multiple slit images from one of the mirrors, as above specified. In fig. 19, for instance, where the grating face is to the rear, there are but two images, i and 2 from M, if the plate is slightly wedge-shaped; but from N, in FIG. 1 8. Diagram showing adjustments for interference. FIG. 19. Diagram showing double- diffraction. addition to these two normal cases (not necessarily coinciding with i and 2), there are two other images 3' and 4' (3 and 4 are spectrum rays), resulting from double diffraction, with a deviation 6 and angle of incidence 7, respectively 6 < I and 6 > I, in succession ; or the reverse. As the compensa- tion for color can not here be perfect, the two slit images obtained are very narrow, practically linear spectra, but they are strong enough to produce interferences like the normal images of the slits, with which they nearly agree in position. Other very faint slit images also occur, but they may be disregarded. The doubly-diffracted slit images are often useful in the adjustments for interference. Among the normal slit images there are two, respectively white and yel- lowish, which are remote from secondary images. If these be placed in coin- cidence both horizontally and vertically along EG, fig. 18, the observation along DG through the telescope will show a magnificent display of black IN RELATION TO INTERFEROMETRY. 51 apparently confocal ellipses, with their axes respectively horizontal and vertical, extending through the whole width of the spectrum, from red to violet, with the Fraunhofer lines simultaneously in focus. The vertical axes are not primarily dependent on diffraction and are therefore of about the same angular length throughout ; the horizontal axes, however, increase with the magnitude of the diffraction, and hence these axes increase from violet to red, from the first to the second and higher orders of spectra, and in general as the grating space is smaller. It is not unusual to obtain circles in some parts of the spectrum, since ellipses which in one extreme case have long axes vertically, in the other extreme case have long axes horizontally. The interference figure occurs simultaneously in all orders of spectra, and it is interesting to note that, even in the chromatic slit images shown in fig. 19, needle-shaped vertical ellipses are quite apparent. It is surprising that all these interferences may be obtained with replica or film gratings, though not of course so sharply as with ruled gratings,the ideal being an optical plate. With thin films two sets of interferences are liable to be in the field at once and I have yet to study these features from the practical point of view. If the film is mounted between two identical plates of glass, rigorously linear, vertical and movable interference fringes, as described* by my son and myself, may be obtained. 36. Cause of ellipses. The slit at L, fig. 18, furnishes a divergent pencil of light due (at least) to its diffraction, the rays becoming parallel in a horizontal section after passing the strong lens of the collimator. But the vertical section of the issuing pencil is essentially convergent. Hence if such a pencil passes the grating the oblique rays relatively to the vertical plane pass through a greater thickness of glass than the horizontal rays. The interference pattern, if it occurs, is thus subject to a cause for contrac- tion in the former case that is absent in the latter. Hence also the vertical axes of the ellipses are about the same in all orders of spectra. They tend to conform in their vertical symmetry to the regular type of circular ring- shaped figure as studied by Michelson and his associates and more recently by Feussner.f but in view of the slit the symmetry is cylindric. On the other hand the obliquity in the horizontal direction, which is essential to successive interferences of rays, is furnished by the diffraction of the grating itself, as the deviation here increases from violet to red. In other words the interference which is latent or condensed in the normal white linear image of the slit is drawn out horizontally and displayed in the successive orders of spectra to right and left of it. The vertical and hori- zontal symmetry of ellipses thus follows totally different laws, the former of which have been thoroughly studied The present paper will therefore be devoted to phenomena in the horizontal direction only. * Phil. Mag., I.e. t See Professor Feussner's excellent summary in Winkelmann's Handbuch der Physik, vol. 6, 1906, p. 958 et seq. 52 THE PRODUCTION OF ELLIPTIC INTERFERENCES At the center of ellipses the reduced path difference is zero; but it can not increase quite at the same rate toward red and violet. Neither does the refractive index of the glass admit of this symmetry. Hence the so-called ellipses are necessarily complicated ovals, but their resemblance to confocal ellipses is nevertheless so close that the term is admissible. This will appear in the data. If either the mirror or the grating is displaced parallel to itself by the micrometer screw the interference figure drifts as a whole to the right or to the left, while the rings partake of the customary motion toward or from a center. The horizontal motion in such a case is of the nature of a coarse adjustment as compared with the radial motion, a state of things which is often advantageous in other words, the large divisions of the scale are not lost ; moreover the displacements may be used independently. The two motions are coordinated, inasmuch as violet travels toward the center faster in a horizontal direction, i.e., at a greater angular rate, than red. Hence the ellipses drift horizontally but not vertically. Naturally in the two positions specified above for ellipses, the fringes travel in opposite directions for the same motion of the micrometer screw. As the thickness of the grating is less the ellipses will tend to open into vertical curved lines, while their displacement is correspondingly increased. With the grating on a plate of glass about e=.6& cm. thick and having a grating space of about D = .000351 cm., at an angle of incidence of about 45, the displace- ment of the center of ellipses from the D to the E line of the spectrum corresponded to a displacement of the grating parallel to itself of about .006 cm. It makes no difference whether the grating side or the plane side of the plate is toward the light or which side of the grating is made the top. If the grating in question is stationary and the mirror N alone moves parallel to itself along the micrometer screw, a displacement of N = .01 cm. roughly moves the center of ellipses from D to E, as before. This displace- ment varies primarily with the thickness of the grating and its refraction. It does not depend on the grating constant. Thus the following data were obtained with film gratings on different thicknesses e of glass and different grating spaces D for the displacements N of the mirror at N, to move the ellipses from the D to the E line, as specified. Glass grating, ruled e = .68 cm. \/D = .168 N = .010 cm. Film on glass plate e = .57 .352 .008 Film on glass plate e = .24 .352 .003 Film between glass plates. ] ,_' .352 .003 ( e .24 / Reduced linearly to e=.6S cm., the latter data would be AT = .oio and W = .ooo, which are of the same order and as close as the diffuse interfer- ence patterns of film gratings permit. The large difference in dispersion, together with some differences in the glass, has produced no discernible effect. IN RELATION TO INTERFEROMETRY. 53 An interesting case is the film grating between two equally thick plates of glass. With this, in addition to the elliptical interferences above described, a pattern of vertical interferences identical with those discussed in a pre- ceding paper* was obtained. These are linear, persistently vertical fringes extending throughout the spectrum and within the field of view, nearly equidistant and of all colors. Their distances apart, however, may now be passed through infinity when the virtual air-space passes through zero ; and for micrometer displacements of mirror in a given direction, the motion of fringes is in opposite directions on different sides of the null position of the mirror. I have not been able, however, to make them as strong and sharp as they were obtained in the paper specified. FIG. 20. Diagram showing displace- ment of mirror N. FIG. 21. Diagram showing displacement of grating G. 37. The three principal adjustments for interference. To compute the extreme adjustments of the grating when the mirror N is moved, fig. 20 may be consulted. Let y e be the air-path on the glass side, whereas y & is the air-path on the other, e the thickness of the grating and n its index of refraction for a given color. Then for the simplest case of interferences, in the first position N of the mirror, if / is the normal angle of incidence and ft the normal angle of refraction for a given color, for equal paths. Similarly in the second position of the mirror y*=yt+en/cos R Hence if the displacement at the mirror N be N, N =y*-y K = 2 en/ cos R+y K '- y The figure shows y* y K ' = 2e tan R sin / whence * Phil. Mag., I.e. 54 THE PRODUCTION OF ELLIPTIC INTERFERENCES The measurement of this quantity showed about 1.88 cm. The computed value would be 2 X .68 X i .53 X .7 1 = i .84 cm. The difference is due to the wedge-shaped glass which requires a readjustment of the grating for the two positions. The corresponding extreme adjustments, when the grating gg instead of a mirror N is moved over a distance z, are given in fig. 2 1 . The mirrors M and N are stationary. It is first necessary to compute y, the angle between the displacement z and the side 5 in the figure, or tan y = tan I 2e tan R/z so that the semi-air-path difference of rays to the mirror M becomes s = y*y K ' = z(cos 7 sin 7 tan 7) We may now write, with the same notation as before, for the extreme posi- tion of the grating, G and G', respectively, R 2/cos / = 2?/i/cos R z(cos / sin 7 tan 7) whence 2(1 /cos 7-f cos 7 sin 7 tan 7) = ze^/cos R If e = o, it follows that z = o, or 7 = 7, since the parenthesis by the above equation is not zero. There is only one position. The angle 7 may now be eliminated by inserting tan y, whence The _ .. .-- cos / cos R The observed value of z for the two positions was about 1.3 cm. computed value for 7 = 45 is the same. On the other hand, when reflection takes place from the same face of the grating, while the latter is displaced z cm. parallel to itself, the relations of y and z for normal incidence at an angle 7 are obviously y cos 7 = z FIG. 22. Diagram showing displace- FIG. 23. Diagram showing displacement of ment of grating for deviated rays. mirror N for different colors. IN RELATION TO INTERFEROMETRY. 55 For an oblique incidence t, where i I=a, a small angle, the equation is more complicated. Fig. 22, for e = o, g and g' being the planes of the grating, shows that in this case sin a . ,. . 7 y = z(i+2 ---- -. sin /)/cos / cos * or, approximately for small a y = z(i+2 sin a tan 7)/cos 7 This equation is also true for a grating of thickness e, whose faces are plane parallel, for the direction of the air-rays in this case remains unchanged. Finally, a distinction is necessary between the path difference 2y and the motion of the opaque mirror 2N, which is equivalent to it, since the light is not monochromatic. This motion 2 A 7 is oblique to the grating and if the rays differ in color further consideration is needed. In fig. 23 for the simplest type of interferences, in which the glass-path difference is en/cos R and for normal incidence at an angle I, let the upper ray y u and the grating be fixed. The mirror moving over the distance JN changes the zero of path difference from any color of index of refraction H D to another of index ME, while ;y ND passes to ;y NE . Then y*l = ;VND + ,D COS # D = Hence J.V = -esin 7 (tan # t) -tan COS or JN =e(fJL D COS RD fJL E COS .R E ) This difference belongs to all rays of the same color difference, or for two interpenetrating pencils. If reflection takes place from the lower face the rays are somewhat dif- ferent, but the result is the same. If the plate of the grating is a wedge of small angle^, the normal rays will leave it on one side at an angle 7+5 where 5 is the deviation The mirror N will also be inclined at an angle 7+5, to return these rays normally. We may disregard d8 = (air-paths) diffracted at an angle S in air, are reflected normally from the mirrors M and N respectively and issue toward p for interference. The rays y n (primed in figure) pass through glass. Both figures also contain two component rays diffracted at an angle 6 in air, where 6 8 = a, and reflected obliquely at the mirrors M and N, thus inclosing an angle 20. in air and 2/3, in glass, and issuing toward q. These IN RELATION TO INTERFEROMETRY. 57 component rays are drawn in full and dotted, respectively. In fig. 24 there are two incident rays for a single emergent ray, in fig. 25 a single incident ray for two emergent rays interfering in the telescope. The treatment of the two cases is different in detail; but as the results must be the same, they corroborate each other. A FIG. 25. Diagrams showing interferences of diffracted rays, case 9 normal to mirrors M and N; case 6 oblique to mirrors. Single incidence. The notation used is as follows: Let e be the normal thickness of the grating, e' the effective thickness of the compensator when used. Let dis- tance measured normal to the mirror be termed y,y n and y m being the com- ponent air-paths passing on the glass and on the air side of the grating gg, so that y m >y n . Let y=y m y* be the air-path difference. Similarly let distances z be measured normal to the grating, so that z may refer to dis- placements of the grating. Let i be the angle of incidence, r the angle of refraction, and /u r the index of refraction for the given color, whence sin i = H T sin r. Similarly if 8 is the angle of diffraction in air of the y rays and S\ the corresponding angle in glass, sin # = ( esin S l (i) and if 6 is the angle of diffraction of any oblique ray in air and 8\ the cor- responding angle in glass sin = sin (0+a) = /* sin 0, (2) I have here supposed that d>6, so that a = 09 is the deviation of the oblique ray from the normal ray in air. Finally, the second reflection of the oblique ray necessarily introduces the angle of refraction within the glass such that sin (0- a)- /* sin ft (3) If D is the grating space we have, moreover, sin i sin = X jD and sin i sin = J e /Z> (4) 58 THE PRODUCTION OF ELLIPTIC INTERFERENCES For a displacement, z, of the grating, or an equivalent displacement, y, of either mirror, the path difference produced in case of the oblique ray will be 2^/cos a = 22 (cos (i 0)+sin (i 9)) /cos a cos i (5) For normal rays cos a = i . If as in paragraph i the reflection is ante- cedent i = 2}/cos a = 22/cos a cos i 40. Equations for the present case. From a solution of the triangles, preferably in the case for single incidence, as in fig. 25, the air- path of the upper oblique component ray at a deviation a is 2y m cos 0/cos (9 a) The air-path of the lower component ray is 2 cos (y n e sin# (tan 6\ tan 6>i))/cos (Q a) The optic path of this (lower) ray in glass as far as the final wave front in glass at /3i is jUf*(l/COSd t + I/COS /3J The optic path of the upper ray as far as the same wave front in glass is /is sin ft 1 2 - - . (y,,, y n e sin 9 (tan 0, tan 0,) ) e(tan0 t -tanft)[ (6) Hence the path difference between the lower and the upper ray as far as the final wave front is, on collecting similar terms, cos sin a sin (0-a) lS^ + ^cos (*--) + e sin (0 - a) (tan t - tan t ) - , 2 . (tan O l - tan 0, ) cos (ff a) (sin cos 6 +sin a sin 9 sin (0 a)) (7) Before reducing further, one may remark that if incident and emergent rays were coincident, the quantity given under (6) would be zero. Hence if this particular y n y m = y\, it follows that 2 y, = 2 e sin #(tan 0, - tan 0,) - ~ ^ (tan t - tan ft) Hence the particular path difference for this case would be /cos 0, + i /cos ft) -e cos 0(tan 0,-tan ft) /cos a which becomes indeterminate when a = o. To return to path differences, equation (7), the coefficients of y m y* = y (where y is positive) and of e may now be brought together, as far as IN RELATION TO INTERFEROMETRY. 59 possible. If the path difference corresponds to n wave-lengths X, we may write after final reduction nXe= 2y cos a+ 20/xe cos a(i/cos 6 1 cos (O l X ) /cos t ) + efie( i + cos (0i - ft) )/cos ft (8) which is the full equation in question for a dark fringe. It is unfortunately very cumbersome and for this reason fails to answer many questions per- spicuously. It will be used below in another form. The equation refers primarily to the horizontal axes of the ellipses only, as e increases vertically above and below this line. The equation may be abbreviated nXo = zy cos a + eZ + eZ 6 where Z and Z & are the coefficients of e in the equation. In case of a par- allel compensator of thickness e' we may therefore write, y being the path difference in air, nX 6 = 2y cos'a + (e e') (Z e Z e ) (9) If e = e', i.e., for an infinitely thin plate e = o, (10) (n) (12) Again for normal rays y m and y n , a = o and 0i = 0i = ft. Hence and for a parallel compensator of thickness e' If /x e = i =n e , equation (8) reduces to nX = 2 cos a(;y -f e/cos #) , clearly identical with the case e = o for a different y. TABLE n. -Table for path difference , a(y m ya)cosa+eZQ + eZg = - Light crown glass. E rays normal to mirrors. Grating space, D, = aycoa a+eZ. .000 3512 cm. 7 = 45. 0-33 Si'- Spectrum lines = B D E F G AX 10' = 68.7 58.93 52.7 48.61 43 .08 cm. 9 = i .5118 30 46' 32 38' i .5186 33 Si' 1 .5214 34 40' 1.5267 35 46' 0, = 19 47' 20 51' 21 31' 21 57' 22 30' a = - 3 5' - i 13' o o' o 49' 1 55' o\~&i = - i44' - o 40' o o' o 26' o 59' PI 23 25' 22 17' 21 30' 21 I 3 ' 20 49' 0i & = - 3 38' - I 26' o o' o 44' i 41' 2 cos a = 1.9970 1.9996 2 .OOOO 1.9998 i . 9996 cm. Ze = -0383 .0176 .OOOO - .0095 - .0219 cm. Z& = 3.2100 3 2404 3 2648 3 -2805 3 .3038 cm. Path difference * n/ = \ -1.9970) i .99963 >-2. 0000) -i.ggg&y- 1.9996)- ) cm ( + 3 24830 + 3 .2580* + 3 26486 + 3.2710*? + 3 . 2819? J Path difference) "=3 . 2648 cm. > 2Ay = .0116 .0062 .0000+ .0059 + .0177 cm. The same for ) 3 cm. should move the center of ellipses from the D to the E line of the spectrum, whereas observations show that a displace- ment of either opaque mirror of about JA r =.oi cm. is necessary for this purpose; i.e., over three times as much displacement as has been computed. The equation can not be incorrect ; hence the assumption that the center of ellipses corresponds to the path difference zero is not vouched for and must be particularly examined. This may be done to greater advantage in con- nection with the next section, where the conditions are throughout simpler, but the data are of the same order of value. FIG. 27. Diagram showing interferences of reflected rays, subsequently diffracted. Case /, normal to mirrors; case i = 7 + a oblique to mirrors. Rays R refracted, D diffracted. PART III. DIRECT CASE; REFLECTION ANTECEDENT. 43. Equations for this case. If reflection at the opaque mirrors takes place before diffraction at the grating, the form of the equations and their mode of derivation are similar to the case of paragraph 40, but the variables contained are essentially different. In this case the deviation from the IN RELATION TO INTERFEROMETRY. 63 normal ray is due not to diffraction but to the angle of incidence, and the equations are derived for homogeneous light of wave-length X and index of refraction /* In fig. 27 let y^y' and y m = y be the air-paths of the component rays, the former first passing through the glass plate of thickness e. Let the angle of incidence of the ray be /, so that y m and y n are returned normally from the mirrors M and N, respectively, these being also at an angle / to the plane of the grating. Let i be the angle of incidence of an oblique ray, whose deviation from the normal is * 7 = a. Let R, r, and ft be angles of refraction such that sin = sin (J+a) =/x sin r sin/ = /zsin.R sin (/ a)=/*sin ft (18) The face of the grating is here supposed to be away from the incident ray, as shown at gg in the figure. TABLE 12. Path difference, 2(ym yn)cosa + eZ 1 eZ i + eZ 3 . Light crown glass. a = 3 throughout. Grating space .000351 cm. 7 = 45. e = icm. Spectrum lines B D E F G / ) < 10' = 68.7 58-93 52.70 48.61 43 . 08 cm. i: i .5118 27 53' 2 7 49' 1.5186 27 45' i .5214 27 42' 1.5267 27 35' r = 29 26 29 22' 29 18' 29 14' 29 8' A = 26 16' 26 12' 26 8' 26 5' 26 o' a = 3 o' T. O' 3 o' } o' 3 o' r -/? = i33' i33' i33' i33' i33' r ~~A = 3 10' 3 10' 3 10' 3 9' 3 8' z = 3 .4160 3.4218 3-4272 3-43i8 3 .4403 cm. Z 2 = 656 767 808 896 cm. Z 2 = 689 647 799 841 928 cm. Path difference, a = 3, e = i cm., y = i cm. H -1.9992 + 3-4193 -1.9992 + 3-4252 -1.9992 + 3-4304 -1.9992 + 3-4352 -1.9992 + 3-4436 If path differ- "I ence is annulled ! at line, = 3, [ 2Ay - .0111 - .0052 .0 + .0048 + .0132 e = i cm. J= C o S ?i'cm i } 2 * y = '" - 0111 ~ - 0052 ' + - 48 + - 0132 The data are merely intended to elucidate the equations. The values Z are nearly equal. So also the cases for = 3 and a = o. Fig. 28 has been added to accentuate the symmetrical conditions when a compensator parallel to the grating and of the same thickness is employed. Then it follows as in paragraph 40, mutatis mutandis, that the path dif- ference is (if y = y m - y ) f 2 cos a 2 cos a cos (r R) i + cos (r 8.) \ n\= -zycosa + fie < - D - -+- t cos R cosr cos r J (19) = 2y cos a + 0(Z, Z 2 + Z 3 ) 64 THE PRODUCTION OF ELLIPTIC INTERFERENCES where n is the order of interference (whole number). This equation is intrinsically simpler than equation (8) since /i r = /u, as already stated, and since a is constant for all colors, or all values of /x and A, in question. R and r replace S\ and B\. In most respects the discussion of equation (19) is similar to equation (8) and may be omitted in favor of the special interpretations presently to be given. If M= i, equation (19) like equation (8) reduces to the case corre- sponding to e = o, with a different y normal to the grating. All the colors are superposed in the direct image of the slit, R n and R in fig. 27, seen in the telescope, and the slit is therefore white. This shows FIG. 28. Diagram showing symmetrical interference for compen- sated grating, gg. Rays oblique to mirror. also that prismatic deviation due to the plate of the grating (wedge) is inap- preciable. The colors appear, however, when the light of the slit is analyzed by the grating in the successive diffraction spectra, D n or D, respectively. In equation (19) n is a function of X and hence of the deviation 6 produced by the grating, since sin (7 a) sin 6=\/D. The values of equation (19) for successive Fraunhofer lines and for = 3, have been computed in table 1 2 for the same glass treated in table 1 1 , the data being similar and in fact of about the same order of value. The feature of this table is the occurrence of nearly constant values o.=iI, IN RELATION TO INTERFEROMETRY. 65 r R and r ft, throughout the visible spectrum. Hence if the following abbreviations be used A = cos a = .9986 B = cos (r R) = .9996 C = i +cos (r /?,) = i .9984 A, #, C are practically functions of a only and do not vary with color or X. Furthermore, if the path difference is annulled, at the E line for instance, for the normal ray, since r = ft = R, a = o, so that R = R E is the normal angle of refraction, o = y 4- 2ne/cos R E and equation (19) reduces to n\ = ieA (///cos R fj. cos R E ) + e(C 2AB) l u/cos r (20) where zeA and e(C 2AB) are nearly independent of X and the last quan- tity is relatively small. The two terms of this equation for e= i cm. show about the following variation: TABLE 13. B D E F G .0111 .000009 .0052 . 000004 .0 +.0048 .0 + .000005 .0132 .000013 Hence for deviations even larger than a = 3, the path difference does not differ practically from the path difference for the normal ray. Thus it follows that the equation nX = 2y -f 2///cos R (21) is a sufficient approximation for such purposes as are here in view. Finally, for e = .68 cm. (the actual thickness of the plate of the grating) , y and N, the semi-path difference and the displacement of the opaque mirror, will be TABLE 14. B D E F G y = Ay = Wo = AJVo = 1.1630 - .0038 + .0014 - .0052 i . 1650 .0018 + .0007 - .0025 I. 1668 I. 1686 LI730 .0 + .0016 + .0045 .0 - .0005 - .0018 .0 + .0021 + .0063 where 5A/o is the color correction of dy and JN = dy dN determines the corresponding displacements of the opaque mirror; or more briefly N =y e/j. tan R sin R = zen cos R The data actually found were C DBF JN = .0148 .0093 .o +.0057 (22) 66 THE PRODUCTION OF ELLIPTIC INTERFERENCES These results are again from 2 to 4 times larger than the computed values. True the glass on which the grating was cut is not identical with the light crown glass of the tables; but nevertheless a discrepancy so large and irreg- ular is out of the question. It is necessary to conclude therefore that here, as in paragraph 42, the assumption of a total path difference zero for the center of ellipses is not true. In other words the equality of air-path differ- ence and glass-path does not correspond to the centers in question. It is now in place to examine this result in detail. 44. Divergence per fringe. The approximate sufficiency of the equation n\=2fM/cos R 2y = zfjL cos R 2N (23) makes it easy to obtain certain important derivatives among which dd/dn, where 6 is the angle of diffraction corresponding to the angle of incidence / and M the order of interference, is prominent. If e and y are constant and if n, \, M and R are variable, the differential coefficients may be reduced successively by the following fundamental equation, D being the grating space, M and r corresponding to wave-length X and angle of diffraction 6. dR=-tanRd/n (24) d\=-D cos B dd (25) (26) where, as a first approximation, a = .015, is an experimental correction, interpolated for the given glass. Incorporating these equations it is found that d0 = __ __ cosK dn 2Dcos0 en-ycosR+aefi(i-ta.n 2 R) * 7 ' If the path difference n\ is annulled dd Q = ___ cos/? dn 2 D cos ae//(i-tan 2 /?) which is the deviation per fringe, supposedly referred to the center of ellipses. These equations indicate the nature of the dependence of the horizontal axes of ellipses on i/D (hence also on the order of the spectrum), i/e, i/n, and i/a, where the meaning of a, here apparently an important variable, is given in equation (26). If instead of the path difference y the displace- ment N of either opaque mirror is primarily considered (necessarily the case in practice), the factor (i tan 2 R) vanishes. Table 15 contains a survey of data for equations (27) and (28). The results for dB /dn would be plausible, as to order of values. The data for d$/dn, however, are again necessarily in error, as already instanced above, paragraph 42. They do not show the maximum at e and the X effect is overwhelmingly large. IN RELATION TO INTERFEROMETRY. 67 TABLE ic Values of dO/dn and displacements N. refer to centers of ellipses. = .68 cm. N c and y c , etc. Spectrum line B D E F G Equation 28. .. de o /dn = i' 27* i' 5" 53". 46" en* $ 27... dd/dn = 3' 4 1 5 2 i 20 59 6 dO/dn = 6' 53* -10' 38" oo + 8<47" + 3' Si" ' j dfi dX 281 445 622 793 1140 d9/dn = i' 54" i' So" QO + 2' 21* + 40* - i' 44" -i' 44" oo + 2' n* + 36* . . 35--- '.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'... ^y c = I.I779 . 0142 i .1811 .0110 i . 1921 .0 i . 1981 -f .0060 i .2090 + .0169 N = .9235 .9274 939 1 9456 9578 AN C - .0156 .0117 .0 -f .0065 + .0187 34*.- (observed) A N c = dd/dn = - -0153 .0098 - i' 54" .0 oc + .0057 2' 2l" '48* Since equation (27) is clearly inapplicable, giving neither maxima nor counting the fringes, it follows that in this equation y>en/co& R; i.e., the centers of ellipses are not in correspondence with the path difference zero. In other words the air-path difference is larger than the glass-path difference FIG. 29. Chart showing dispersion per fringe in terms of wave-length. "Interpolated between D and G by fi = a +bi +cA 3 where b= - .00273, c = -0000197. 68 THE PRODUCTION OF ELLIPTIC INTERFERENCES in such a way that de/dn is equal to c for centers (here at the E line), but falls off rapidly toward both sides of the spectrum. There is another feature of importance which must now be accentuated. In case of different colors, and stationary mirrors and grating, y is not constant from color to color, whereas 2N = 2y2e/ji sin/? tanR is constant for all colors, as has been shown above. Thus the equation to be differentiated for constancy of adjustment but variable color loses the variable y and becomes n\ = 2n cos R zN (29) N here is the difference of perpendicular distances to the mirrors, M and N, from the ends of the normal in the glass plate, at the point of incidence of the white ray. Performing the operations dl X 2 cos R dn~ 2(ycosR-efi(i +a)) d0 tf cosR dn 2DcosO e{i(i +a) y cos R Hence maximum dd/dn = <*> at the centers of ellipses which occur for y= c ' os ^ (3 2 ) The value of dd/dn for the different Fraunhofer lines above, if a = .015 is still considered constant and e= .68, is given in table 15. These results show that the distance apart of fringes on the two sides of the center of ellipses is not very different, though they are somewhat closer together in the blue than in the red end of the spectrum, as observed. There is thus an approximate symmetry of ovals, and dd/dn falls off very fast on both sides of the infinite value at the center. This is shown in fig. 29. The observed angle between the Fraunhofer lines D and E for the given grating was 4,380". The number of fringes between D and E would thus be even less than 4,38o"/638" = 6.7 only, which is itself about 4 times too small. The cause of this is then finally to be ascribed to the assumed con- stancy ofa = (dn/n)/(d\/\), and a discrepancy is still to be remedied. We may note that a does not now enter as directly as appeared in equation (27). By replacing a by its equivalent, equation (31) takes the form dd X 2 i dn = 2 Dcos6 I*I7~~^yl"" (33) and a definite series of values may be obtained by computing dn/d\; but as all experimental reference here is, practically, not to path differences IN RELATION TO INTERFEROMETRY. 69 but to displacements of the movable opaque mirror N, the form of the equation applicable is dd _ _ P i dn~2Dcosd ' i ^- ~ (34) (A du\ ucosR .5 JT) A 7 cos R dX I e To make the final reduction, I have supposed that for the present pur- poses a quadratic interpolation of n, between the B and the G lines of the spectrum, would suffice. Taking the E line as fiducial, I have therefore assumed an equation for short ranges, corresponding to Cauchy's in simpli- fied form in preference to the more complicated dispersion equations. From the above data for light crown glass we may then put, roughly, 6 =.456X10-* dfjL/dl=- 2 b/l 5 Thus I found the remaining data of table 15. The results for dQ/dn agree as well with observations as may be expected. The ovals resemble ellipses, but are somewhat coarser on the red side, as is the case. TABLE 16. Values of dX/dy, dd/dy, etc. e = .68 cm. B D E F G Equation 36 38 d^/dy dXJdN ._ .00372 269 .00318 229 .00283 205 .00260 189 .00229 167 cm. cm. 39 dX/dN = - .017 - .031 QO + .030 + .015 cm. 42* dX/dN ^r - -0055 OO + .0081 + o3 i cm. 42 dX/dN ma - .0044 .0050 00 + .0075 + .0023 cm. 42 dd/dN = -14-6 - 17.0 QO + 26.0 + 8.1 radians The centers of ellipses are thus defined by the semi-air-path equation ? cos/ ' (35) or the corresponding equation in terms of N c . The trend data for JN C agree fairly well with observation, except at the D line, which difference is very probably referable to the properties of the glass, since the grating was not cut on light crown. The number of fringes between the D and E lines now comes out plaus- ibly, being less than 4, 380" '/ 104" = 42. It is difficult to count these fringes without special methods of experiment; but the number computed is a reasonable order of values, about 25 to 30 lines being observed. Some estimate may finally be attempted as to the mean displacement of mirror 5N per fringe, between the D and E lines. As their deviation is 6= i 13' and the displacement from D to E, JN e , dd JN C )? i JA/* C _ __ _ 0/(dd/dn) ~dn 6 2 D cos~0 JW C * Constants interpolated between D and G by n = a+bl + cP when 6= -.00273. c = . 0000197. 70 THE PRODUCTION OF ELLIPTIC INTERFERENCES if the value of dB/dn for the D line be taken. Thus 5N>\*/(2D8 cos 0) = X 2 /> sin 26, nearly Hence 8N is independent of the thickness, e, of the plate of the grating, as I showed* by using a variety of different thicknesses of compensator. Since X = .000059 cm., D = . 0003 51 cm. dN >. 0003 1 cm. The values found were between .00033 and .00039, naturally difficult to measure, but of the order required. FIG. f * I " w ' ^ '~ ' - >r I 30. Chart showing dispersion (dl/dN), per cm. of displacement of mirror in terms of wave-length. * American Journal of Science, xxx, 1910, p. 170. IN RELATION TO INTERFEROMETRY. 71 45. Case ofd\/dy, and dO/dy, etc. If in equation (23) e and ware constant while n, R, y, and X vary, the micrometer equivalent of the displacement of fringes may be found. Here which coefficients are given by equations (24), (25), and (26). In this way ^= ^ cos ^ (**) dy efjL(i+a(i-tan 2 R))-ycosR and de/dy = - (d\/dy)/D cos 6 If y = efi/cos R, where y is variable, the motion is supposedly referred to the centers of ellipses. Thus dd n X cos R "_ (77) dy D cos 6 aefi(i tan 2 R} Values are given in table 4 and hold for the glass of tables 11-15. These results are, as usual, many times too large and they contain no suggestion of opposed motion on the two sides of the center. If we consider the displacement of the mirror N instead of the path differ- ence and for a given color write N=y e sin I tan R then dN efi(i +a) y cos R dy ~e t u(i + a(i tan 2 jR)) j> cos /? and hence in dX X cos R ri\f = (3) the factor (i tan 2 R) is removed from the equation. But the data are not much improved. The equation n\ = 2e/j. cos R N gives, on differentiation and reduction, dX _ X 'dN~y-ett(i+a)/aa*_R To be consistent with the preceding paragraphs, it is therefore necessary to put y /*(i+a)/cos R = o, for centers of ellipses, so that (d\/dN) = (X> If a is constant this supposition leads to results which are throughout out of the question. The values of d\/dN may, however, be found by inserting the data for dn/d\ given in the preceding paragraph. Centers thus correspond to eX d,n cs (40) or dX = * d N \ - efi cos~R + e\ (dftjdK) /cos R 72 THE PRODUCTION OF ELLIPTIC INTERFERENCES so that if d\/dN= , the maximum at the centers of ellipses, the simulta- neous effect at X' will be (as the mirror has not moved) D , DA / x dft /' dn'\ e(ttcosR ft cos R') e[ n ., ... -...-) Vcos R dX cos /^ x d/T / If the center of ellipses is at the E line the values of table 4 hold. The motion on the blue side of the E line is thus larger than the simultaneous motion on the yellow side, conformably with observation. All the results are given graphically in fig. 30. 46. Interferometry in terms of radial motion. Either by direct obser- vation or combining the equations (34) and (41) for dX/dn and d\/dN the usual equation for radial motion again results dn 2 where N is the displacement of mirror per fringe. This equation is best tested on an ordinary spectrometer, by aid of a thin compensator of micro- scope glass revolvable about its axis and placed parallel to the mirror M. The change of virtual thickness e' for a given small angle of incidence i may then be written. , nearly. If / = o, dP = (dl) z . Therefore 2de'= dP/^. In a rough trial for e'=. 0226 cm., dl = . 053 radians, ^=1.53, one fringe reappeared. Hence /i^' = ^X 1.53 X27 X io~ 6 = 21 X io- 6 cm. which is of the order of half the wave-length used. 47. Interferometry by displacement. In a similar experiment the dis- placement of ellipses due to the insertion of the above glass, e' = .0226 cm., was from the D line to about the G line. If AN is the displacement of the mirror N, to bring the center of ellipses back to the same line, D or E, we may write n = i -\-JN/e'. I found at the E line /* = i .53 , at the D line n = 1.53 ; special precautions would have to be taken to further determine these indices. Thus there are two methods for measuring /u, either in terms of the radial motion of the fringes or, second, in terms of the displacement of the fringes as a whole. Moreover, paragraph 44 may be looked upon reciprocally, as a method for measuring dn/d\, directly. IN RELATION TO INTERFEROMETRY. 73 PART IV. INTERFERENCES IN GENERAL, AND SUMMARY. 48. The individual interferences. In figs. 31, 32, 33, gg is the face of the grating, M and N the opaque mirrors, and I the incident ray. As the result of reflection from the top face, the available air-path being >> m and y m ' ', there must be two images of the slit seen in the telescope directly, viz, a and c, fig. 31. Of these c will be more intense than a, which is tinged by the long path in the glass. These two rays together, on diffraction, will produce stationary interferences whose path corresponds to the equation n\ = 2e/j. cos R The optical paths of the two rays are reflected-refracted, I', 2y m -\-en(2 cos R sec R) refracted-reflected, II', 2y m '+T > e(j. sec R = 2y m +en(3 sec R~4 sin R tan R) If the plate of the grating were perfectly plane parallel, the slit images a and c would obviously coincide. FIG. 31. Diagram of interferences reflected from same face of grating plate. Non-compensated. The directly transmitted rays, however, after reflection from N give rise to four images of the slit in case of a slightly wedge-shaped plate, the one at a, fig. 3 1, being white, that at c yellowish, the distances apart being the same as in the preceding case. Besides this there are two images of the slit at b, figs. 32 and 33, which result from double diffraction at the lower face, the 74 THE PRODUCTION OF ELLIPTIC INTERFERENCES case shown corresponding to 8i thereafter, while the other image corresponds to 6 > i and 6 i also gives an ellipse, not included, because not belonging to the above enumeration. The motion of ellipses from the D to the E line has different values. The set toward the violet corresponds to JN = .oogo cm.; the set toward the red to JN= .0070 cm. There is thus a different speed of fringes relative to N, and closer contact in the violet than in the red. The latter are also more nearly circular than the former. Equation IV gives the strong solitary interferences useful in practice and treated in detail in the earlier parts of this paper. The treatment of the other cases, being less important, may be omitted here. My thanks are due to Prof. Joseph S. Ames, of Johns Hopkins University, for his kindness in lending me the glass-diffraction grating by which the above equations were tested. I hope at some other opportunity to work with a grating whose refraction is known throughout the spectrum and also to endeavor to obtain the phenomenon as clearly from film gratings (replicas) as has been possible for the linear series in the preceding paper (I.e.). Thus far the above phenomena as obtained from film gratings were not strong and sharp enough for measurements of precision but in a series of experiments which has since been completed I will show how this desid- eratum may be realized. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY Los Angeles This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. 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