MANUAI OF ADVANCED OPTICS C. RIB OR G MAXX ASSISTANT PROFESSOR OF PHYSICS IN THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO CHICAGO SCOTT, FORESMAX AXD COMPAXY 1902 . COPYRIGHT, 1902, BY SCOTT, FORESMAN AND COMPANY BOUT. O. LAW CO., PRINTERS AND BINDERS, CHICAGO TYPOGRAPHY BY MARSH, AITKEN A CURTIS COMPANY, CHICAGO INTRODUCTORY NOTE Anyone who has not used the methods of measurement which are based upon the interference of light waves will find it difficult to appreciate the high degree of accuracy which can thereby be attained. That these methods are not more commonly used seems to be due in large measure to the fact that they have hitherto not received adequate treatment in the texts which are in general use in physical laboratories. For this reason this "Manual of "Advanced Optics," in which these methods are for the first time presented in text-book form to students of >hysics, is very timely, and should prove a valuable aid in making these very practical and useful optical methods familiar to all who may at any time find it necessary to make measurements of great pre- cision. It is also hoped that the book will serve to promote interest in the general study of experimental optics. Those who desire to enter into optical investigation can not get a better foun- dation for future work than by studying the optical theories here presented, and performing the experimeuts described. A. A. MlCHELSOtf. THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO, November 20, 1902. 117487 PREFACE That the practical study of optics has been somewhat crowded out of physical laboratories by the demands of electricity is attested by the fact that there have already been published many excellent manuals of the latter branch of science, whereas a prac- tical treatise on optics has not yet appeared. To be sure, the theory of optics needs no better treatment than it has received at the hands of Mascart, Prude, Bassett, Preston, or of the authors of the Winkelmann's Handbuch der Physik. But from what book can the student find out how to determine, for example, that most important constant of the spectrometer, the resolving power? Or where can he learn to study practically the methods of using the phenomena of interference for exact measurements? This small manual is an attempt to meet the needs of the more advanced students of optics. It has been written primarily for the use of the author's classes in the University of Chicago, and it covers the work done by them during three months of their senior year. It is hoped, however, that it will be found useful at other universities and will serve as a stimulus to a more extensive study of this most fascinating branch of science. Every chapter begins with a brief discussion of the theory of the experiments which follow. In this discussion the attempt has been made to avoid as much as possible the use of mathematics to present rather the physical ideas involved, and to use those ideas in building up a concrete conception of the phenomena with which we are dealing. This has often resulted in a lack of rigor of demonstration, e.g., in the case of the grating. In all such cases references have been added so that those who wish the com- plete and rigorous demonstration can satisfy themselves of the cor- 5 tf PREFACE rectness of the conclusions. This course has been followed because the author believes that clear conceptions of fundamental ideas are absolutely indispensable to the physicist, and that the mathematical discussion, though often very elegant and conve- nient, adds nothing essential to these conceptions, but tends, rather, if used too freely, to cause one to forget the real essence of the subject. It is hoped that the descriptions of the manipulations are not so detailed as to reduce the student to a mere mechanical copyist. He should not be allowed to forget that there may be other methods of adjustment and manipulation which may be better than those suggested. The numerical examples are all taken from the note-books of the students who have taken the course. The apparatus needed for the experiments is not expensive. A spectrometer with such accessories as a grating, a pair of Fresnel mirrors and a bi-prism, a pair of Mcol prisms, and some doubly refracting crystals can be used for a large number of the exercises. The other necessary pieces are an interferometer and a polariscope or saccharimeter. Every well equipped laboratory should have all of these things, and so the course avoids the objection of requir- ing elaborate and expensive apparatus. The author's own work is so arranged that a course of lectures on optical theory accompanies the laboratory work outlined in this manual. The two courses are independent, and of such a nature that either can be taken without the other. It is, however, very advantageous to take both. For the benefit of those who take the laboratory work only, the last two chapters on the develop- ment of optical theory and the trend of modern optics have been added. Though such chapters are not usual in a laboratory manual, it is believed that they will serve the purpose of adding unity to tne course, by placing each experiment in its proper con- nection with the general body of the subject, so that the whole will appear in good perspective. PREFACE 7 The author does not claim any great originality for his work. He has followed to a large extent the method of presentation developed by Mr. A. A. Michelson and used by him in his lec- tures. He is also greatly indebted to the papers of Lord Ray- leigh, and to the treatises mentioned above, as well as to Kayser's monumental work, Handbuch der Spectroscopie. He is also under obligations to his colleagues at the University of Chicago. He received the course, somewhat in the shape in which he has now written it out, from his predecessor, Mr. S. W. Stratton, and has received during the five years in which it has been growing into its present form many suggestions from the other members of the Physics Department. He further wishes especially to thank Mr. F. B. Jewett for making the drawings for the illustrations. RYERSON PHYSICAL LABORATORY The University of Chicago, September 15, 1902. CONTENTS PAGE PREFACE ... . . . . . . - . . ft I. LIMIT OF RESOLUTION 11 II. THE DOUBLE SLIT 19 III. THE FRESNEL MIRRORS ..... .30 IV. THE FRESNEL Bi- PRISM . . 44 V. THE MICHELSON INTERFEROMETER . .48 VI. THE VISIBILITY CURVES . . . . . .70 VII. THE PRISM SPECTROMETER .83 VIII. TOTAL REFLECTION . . . . . ( . . . .105 IX. THE DIFFRACTION GRATING . . . . . . 108 X. THE CONCAVE GRATING . ... . . .116 XI. POLARIZED LIGHT 127 XII. ROTATION OF THE PLANE OF POLARIZATION . 130 XIII. ELLIPTICALLY POLARIZED LIGHT 140 XIV. THE REFLECTION OF POLARIZED LIGHT FROM HOMOGENEOUS TRANSPARENT SUBSTANCES . . . . . . 150 XV. METALLIC REFLECTION . . . . . . . 156 XVI. THE SPECTROPHOTOMETER * . 159 XVII. THE DEVELOPMENT OF OPTICAL THEORY ... 165 XVIII. THE TREND OF MODERN OPTICS . . . . . .172 APPENDIX .. .. . .. . . . . . 183 INDEX 194 , MANUAL OF ADVANCED OPTICS LIMIT OF RESOLUTION Theory Since diffraction phenomena play a very important part in all optical instruments, it will be well to begin the study of practical optics with a discussion of some of the cases of diffrac- tion which occur most frequently. The simplest method of observing these diffraction phenomena is that devised byFraun- FlGURE 1 hofer.* The observation is most easily made by placing before a telescope, focused for parallel rays, a screen containing the opening whose diffraction pattern is to be studied, and directing the telescope at a distant point or line source. The advantage of *Fraunhofer, Neue Modification des Lichtes, Denks. d. k. Akad. d. Wiss, zu Munchen, Vol. VIII., p. 1, 1821. Gesammelte Werke, p. 53; also Harper's Scientific Memoirs, II, Prismatic and Diffraction Spectra, p. 13, 1898. 11 12 MANUAL OF ADVANCED OPTICS this procedure is apparent- because only those rays which are parallel to each other in front of the screen come to a focus at a given point, and therefore the measurement of the diffraction pattern reduces to a measurement of angle only. The simplest case is that of a rectangular opening. Let AB (Fig. 1) represent a section of the screen by a plane perpendicular to two of the sides of the rectangular opening, and ab the section of the opening. Suppose that the source emits monochromatic light only, and is a bright line perpendicular to the plane of the drawing and so placed, with reference to the screen, that the rays when they reach the screen form a parallel beam which falls normally upon the opening. L represents the objective of the telescope, and FF' its principal focal plane. The image of the line source formed in this focal plane FF' will consist of a central bright band bordered on either side by alternate dark and bright bands, these latter decreasing rapidly in intensity as they are more remote from the central bright band. Let F represent the position of the center of the central bright band, and F r that of the center of the first dark band. We wish to find the value of the angle FLF' = subtended at the center of the lens L by F and F'. Through a draw db, perpen- dicular to LF, and ad, perpendicular to LF'. Then ab represents the wave front of that plane wave which is brought to a focus at F. All points of this wave front are in the same phase, and hence a bright band is produced at F. Along ad, however, the various points will be in different phases, the variation depending on the angle which ad makes with ab. If now bd = \ (\ - wave length), the phases of the successive points along ad will vary from A to 0, that is, the phase at d will be a whole period ahead of that of the wave front ab, all parts of which are in the same phase, while at a the phases of the two coincide. Hence every point in one half of ad will have a corresponding point in the other half of ad whose phase differs from its own by A. Therefore, when the vibrations LIMIT OF RESOLUTION 13 from all the points along ad are brought together at the focus F', they destroy each other in pairs, and darkness is the result. Now the sine of the angle between the wave fronts ab and ad is M sin bad = = ab But, for the first dark band, M = A, and hence, placing ab = a and letting the angle bad = FLF' = 0, we have sin = - (1) a The illumination will again reach a minimum when bd = 2A, oA, . . . wA, so that the general condition for a dark band in the diffraction pattern formed in parallel light by a rectangular open- ing is a sin = wX, (2) in which m stands for any whole number. 3 If, however, bd = A, the phases of the points along ad will "Z o vary from to A, and we may conceive the beam of light to be & divided into three sections of equal width by planes perpendicular to ad, each section containing points whose phases vary over half a period. The corresponding points of two of these sec- tions will be in opposite phases, and will therefore be in condition to destroy each other, while the third section will transmit light to the focus of the lens and produce a maximum of illumination there. Similarly, when bd is any odd multiple of half a wave, that is, bd = - A, the phases of the consecutive points along ad will So vary from to - A, and we may conceive ad divided into %m + 1 equal parts by planes perpendicular to ad. Then 2m of 14 MANUAL OF ADVANCED OPTICS these parts are in condition to destroy each other in pairs, leaving one part to send light to the focus of the telescope. Hence the condition for a maximum of illumination is bd = - A, or, . ., 2m + 1 . a sm = - A. (3) 4i It is to be noted that, in determining the positions of the maxima and minima of illumination, it is necessary to consider only the width of the opening and the difference in phase of the two rays passing *ts edges. If the source consists of a pair of bright lines parallel to each other, the diffraction pattern in the focal plane of the telescope will be one which results from the superposition of the two pat- terns which correspond to the two sources respectively. Let (Fig. 2) denote the angle subtended by the centers of the two FIGURE 2 sources when viewed from the center of the lens L, and .Fthe position of the center of the central bright fringe due to one source, and G that of the center of the central bright fringe due to the other source. Then FLG = <, and it is evident that if > 6 the central fringe at 6r, due to the second source, will be separated from that at F, due to the first source, by a dark line, and it will be possible to distinguish them from each other. If < = 0, the two central bright fringes will just touch each other, LIMIT OF RESOLUTION 15 and it may, or it may not, be possible to perceive that we are observing a double source. If < 0, the two central bright fringes will overlap, and it will be impossible to recognize that the source is double. Hence = 6 = is called the limit of reso- lution. It is to be noted that this limit of resolution depends only on the width of the opening and the wave length of the light used. Also that, excepting the central band, the angular separa- tion between a maximum and its adjacent minima is sin 0' sin = Experiments I. PROVE THE EQUATION sin = - a APPARATUS. The experiment is most easily performed with a regular spectrometer. ADJUSTMENTS. Telescope and collimator should be focused for parallel rays and their axes arranged in line so that the image of the slit is seen in the center of the field of view of the tele- scope. The slit should be as narrow as the intensity of the source will permit. The screen containing the rectangular open- ing to be studied should be placed in front of the objective of the telescope. The diffraction pattern will then appear in the field of view. It is, of course, not necessary to use a spectrometer. A tele- scope and a sufficiently distant slit source will give satisfactory results. MEASUREMENTS. The direct measurement of A. may be avoided by using a source of monochromatic light (sodium burner, mer- cury or cadmium vacuum tube). However, inasmuch as all sources 16 MANUAL OF ADVANCED OPTICS of monochromatic light are comparatively faint, much better results will be obtained by using sunlight or the electric arc. A light which is sufficiently monochromatic for this purpose may be obtained from sunlight by allowing the solar spectrum to fall across the slit end of the collimator, so that the Fraunhofer lines are parallel to the slit. The light which passes through the slit will be sufficiently monochromatic^ and at the same time of sufficient intensity to form very clear diffraction patterns. If the solar spectrum has been so placed that one of the Fraunhofer lines nearly falls upon the slit, we may assume with sufficient accuracy for this purpose that the wave length which forms the pattern is the same as that of the Fraunhofer line which has been placed near the slit. If the slit has been placed at random in the" spectrum of the sun or the electric arc, the wave length may be measured by introducing between the col- limator and the telescope a small diffraction grating having a known number of lines to the millimeter. The width of the opening may be measured on the dividing engine or with a micrometer microscope in the usual way. In order that may be large enough to be measured with accuracy, a should be small, say 0.2 to 0.5 mm. If a spectrometer has been used to perform the experiment, the angle may be read directly from the graduated circle of the instrument. If only a telescope has been used, the angle may be measured by fastening a small mirror to the telescope and measuring with a telescope and scale the angle through which this mirror is turned. In case the vernier on the graduated circle of the spectrometer does not read to at least 5" it is better to meas- ure in any case with a telescope and scale. Since the angle between two successive dark bands or between two successive bright bands is also [cf. equation (2) and (3)], it is well to measure the angle which corresponds to ten or more bands rather than that which corresponds to a single one. LIMIT OF RESOLUTION 1? EXAMPLE Angular width of 7 bands 57' 29.7" Angular width of 1 band (9) 8' 12.8" Wave length (A) (measured by grating). . ,0005866 mm. Width of the opening (a) 0.245 mm. - = .00239 a sin 0=. 00239 II. DETERMINATION OF THE LIMIT OF RESOLUTION OF AH OPENING OF WIDTH a. APPARATUS. An ordinary telescope and a rather coarse grating are all that is needed. ADJUSTMENTS. Set up before a source of monochromatic light the grating consisting of several slits about 1 mm. wide and 1 mm. apart. Such a grating is most easily obtained by the method devised by Fraunhofer. Two machine screws are set in a plate of metal so as to be parallel to each other. A wire whose diameter is about half the distance between the threads of the screw is wound tightly about the two screws and soldered to them. When the wires are cut from one side of the pair of screws, the remaining wires form a very good grating. A telescope, before the objective of which a screen containing an opening of width a has been placed, should be focused upon the grating. MEASUREMENTS. Place the telescope with the screen before its objective rather near the grating and draw it gradually away, being careful to keep the edges of the slits of the grating in focus. Find the point at which the observer first ceases to be able to distinguish that the source at which he is looking is made up of lines, i.e., the point at which the source appears to be uniformly illuminated. At this point the limit of resolutidn 18 MANUAL OF ADVANCED OPTICS has been reached. If now d is the distance between the centers of the line sources, and D the distance between the grating and the screen before the objective of the telescope, then, according to the theory given above, .,*; D ~ a' The distance D may be measured with a tape, and the other quantities as in the experiment above. This experiment is largely qualitative. Different observers will differ by 5% or more in determining the exact point at which the grating ceases to be resolved by the telescope. EXAMPLE Distance between openings (d) .......... 0.138 cm. Distance from source to screen (D) ....... 358 cm. Width of opening in screen (a) .......... 0.157 cm. Wave length (sodium) (A) ............... 0000589 cm. - = .000385 - = .000375 * a *In connection with the above the student will do well to read Schwerd, Die Beugungserscheinungen aus den Fundamentalgesetzen der Undulationstheorie analytisch entwickelt, Mannheim, 1835. Verdet, Legons d'optique physique, Vol. 1, p. 309 seq. Rayleigh, Collected Works, Vol. 1, p. 488. Phil. Mag. (5) Vol. 10, p. 116, 1880. II THE DOUBLE SLIT Theory In the preceding chapter the diffraction pattern produced by a single rectangular opening was discussed. Let us now pass to the case of two such openings or slits of equal width and parallel to each other. It is, in the first place, quite evident that each one of these slits will produce maxima and minima of illumina- tion in accordance with the above conditions, namely, equations (2) and (3). But in addition to these, other maxima and minima FIGURE 3 will be formed because of the action of the rays from the two slits upon each other. The conditions which determine the formation of these latter fringes may be obtained by the same process employed above. The other conditions remaining the same as in Fig. 1, let db and cd (Fig. 3) represent the two slits, each of width a. Call the distance be between the neighboring edges of the two slits #, and let a + b = d. Let .Fbe the point at which the wave front ad is brought to a 19 20 MANUAL OF ADVANCED OPTICS focus, and F' the corresponding point for some other wave front, as ED. Draw BD from B perpendicular to L F' 9 the point B being determined by the condition aB = %d. If now aD = A, 3A, . . . (2m + 1)A, it will readily be seen, since cc' = \aD, that the points along DV will be in opposite phase to the corresponding points along c'd' '. The conditions by which the minima due to the interaction of the two slits are determined will, therefore, be aD = X, 3A, . . . (2m +1) A. If we call the angle between the wave fronts 0, this is equivalent to 2dsin 0= (2m + 1) A. (4) Similarly, the conditions by which the maxima are determined are aD - 2mA, or 2d sin 0' = 2mA. (5) It will be noted that the angle between a maximum and its adja- cent minima is sin 0' sin = / These maxima and minima 2d which are determined by equations (4) and (5) are called those of the second order. It has thus far been assumed that the source was a bright line, that is, that it was infinitely narrow. As all physically attainable sources have an appreciable width, they must be looked on as a series of line sources tangent to one another along their length. Each of these line sources will produce its own set of bands in the focal plane of the telescope, so that the diifraction pattern actually observed is really made up by the superposition of a large number of such diifraction bands. If the angular width of the source, when viewed from the center of the lens L (Fig. 3), is equal to the angle between the central bright fringe and its first adjacent dark fringe as determined by equation (4), the central bright fringe formed by the light which comes from one edge of the source will fall on the first dark band formed by THE DOUBLE SLIT 21 light from the other edge of the source, and all trace of the fringes will disappear. Hence it is seen that these interference bands produced by two slits, for that is what these maxima and minima of the second order really are, may be used to measure small angular magnitudes. That they enable us to measure wave length also is evident from equations (4) and (5). As a clear understanding of these phenomena of interference is desirable for what is to follow, it will be necessary to introduce here a more detailed discussion of them. In order that two transverse vibrations, such as the light waves are, may produce interference, it is essential that they have the same period. If they so interfere as to produce darkness, they must in addition have the same plane of vibration and the same amplitude. Since only those rays which proceed from the same vibrating particle can fulfil these requirements, it is the fundamental principle of all interference phenomena that only those rays which proceed from the same point of the source' can interfere with each other. In order, therefore, to produce inter- ference, it is necessary to divide each ray into two, to lead the two over paths of different lengths and to reunite them. Two rays which result from this operation, and which are, therefore, capable of producing interference, are called congruent rays. Let us consider two congruent rays which are traveling in the same direction along the same straight line. If we let the line be the axis of #, and consider that the vibrations take place in the xy plane, the displacement of a particle at the point x due to one of these rays will be given by = A COB 8r,-~ and the displacement of the same particle due to the other ray by It z + ij z = A z cos '27T ^ --- in which the symbols have the usual well-known significance. 22 MANUAL OF ADVANCED OPTICS The displacement of the particle due to both rays will, there- fore, be It x\ It x + 8\ y = y\ + y* = A I cos 27r ( -f - ^ ) + A * cos %* \jr A/ This becomes by expanding the last term / 8\ / t x \ 8 . / t x \ y = I A!+ A z cos 2 j cos 2ir i -= I -f AZ sin 2ir sm 2-rr i -= - j. If in this equation we now introduce two new constants, A and D, determined by the conditions 8 D A! -F A 2 COS TT = A COS 2?r A A AZ sin STT = A sin 2-n- A A it reduces to t x + D X This equation tells us that the superposition of two simple harmonic vibrations which are traveling in the same direction, results in a simple harmonic vibration which has the same period as the two, but a different amplitude and phase. If we solve the equations which define A and D f or A, we obtain cs A 2 = A? + A* + %AiAz cos 2?r A In the special case in which AI and A 2 are equal, "this becomes Hence we see that if the difference of path 8 is a whole number ^ of wave lengths, i.e., if = 1, 2, 3, etc., A 2 will have its maxi- A mum value. But if 8 is an odd number of half wave lengths, ,8 135 i.e., if - = -, -, -, etc., A will be zero. THE DOUBLE SLIT 23 Let Ob (Fig. 4) represent the optical axis of a telescope, and Si and S 2 two slits which are perpendicular to the plane of the drawing. represents the center of a slit source parallel to the two slits Si and S 2 , and separated from their plane by a distance bO = d. Consider as the center of a coordinate system whose x FIGURE 4 axis lies in the plane of the drawing and is perpendicular to bO, and whose y axis is parallel to the slits, i.e., perpendicular to the page at 0. Let r be any point of the source on the axis of x, the angle CSiS 2 , and b the distance between the centers of the slits. The difference of path D of the two rays S^' and CS 2 r, which come to a focus in a direction 0, will be determined by D=0r- Sir = CS Z + S 2 r - /Sir. But, since Or = x, Therefore But S z r + Sir = 2d, nearly, and CS t = b6, therefore But is the angle subtended by Or at the center of the lens. If 24 MANUAL OF ADVANCED OPTICS we call this angle , we shall have, as the difference of phase between the two rays, in which p represents the number of waves in the distance b between the slits. The intensity in the field of view in the direction may be obtained from equation (6). If we denote by < () the intensity of the light which comes from an elementary band of the source at r, of angular width d, we have, as the intensity due to this band alone, I r = 2$ (I) COS>TT (0 + i) d = $ () + < () cos Ip* (0 + ) dt. The total intensity in the direction is the integral of this expres- sion, that is, if we let our equation representing the intensity becomes /= P + C cos 2pv0 - S sin 2 The first term of the right-hand side of this equation, when taken between the proper limits, represents the total amount of light emitted from the source. The values of which correspond to the maximum and minimum values of / are determined by the condition ^ = 0, or, at) C sin %pirO + 8 cos %pirO = 0. From this we easily deduce as the equation for the intensity at the maxima and minima, I=P It has been shown above that as the width of the source changes, the fringes in the field of the telescope pass through THE DOUBLE SLIT 25 various stages of visibility, being sometimes very distinct, some- times totally lost. We may define the visibility of the fringes as the difference in the intensities of a maximum and a minimum divided by the sum of the same intensities. Thus if /j represent the intensity of a maximum, and / 8 that of a minimum, and V the visibility, we may write or, from the above, F'-^. (8) If the source is symmetrical with respect to the axis of y^ S - 0, and we have \ V =T (9) If the source is, as we have supposed it above, a uniformly illuminated rectangular opening or slit, <() = constant, and hence, if we denote by a the angular width of the source when viewed from the center of the lens, If the linear width of the source is , a = , and we have a ba sin TT = The fringes will disappear whenever - - is a whole number m, A.U that is, when - <> MANUAL OF ADVANCED OPTICS Since ^ is the angular width of the source, and 7- the limit of resolution of an opening of width #, this condition is the same as the one previously mentioned (p. 20). If we have as a source a pair of uniformly illuminated slits placed symmetrically with respect to (Fig. 4), each of angular width a and separated from each other by an angular distance y, the expression above must be integrated twice, once between the limits ? ?r IT + sr' an( ^ a g a i n between + ~ > + ^ + The /$/$< to . a # result is in which p' is written to show that it differs from p. Thus, if the linear distance between the centers of the two s* slits be denoted by , y = -7> and therefore the fringes will dis- u appear not only in accordance with equation (11) but also when 13 p y = r 2" 2m - 1 ' 1S? n Zm - I A where b'(= p'\] is written to distinguish it from the b in equation (11) and m is the order of the disappearance. Fig. 5 represents the two curves expressed by equations (10) and (12). The dotted curve corresponds to (12), and we see that from it we infer the sepa- ration of the two sources. The full curve corresponds to (10), and from it the width of each individual source may be ob- FIGURE 5 tained. It is also to be noted THE DOUBLE SLIT 27 that the full curve is an envelope of the maxima of the dotted curve. * Experiments MEASURE THE WIDTH OF A HARROW SLIT APPARATUS. To get the best results in making measure- ments with the double slit it is advisable to use a large lens of rather long focus. A four or five inch telescope objective with a focal length of from one to two meters answers very well. The lens should be mounted fifteen or twenty meters from the source whose nature is to be investigated. The double slit should be mounted directly in front of the lens. These slits must either be movable so that their distance apart can be varied, or they may have a fixed distance apart and the nature of the source may be changed. In the former case the slits must be mounted on a plate and fitted with a right and left screw or with some other mechanism which allows them to be moved symmetrically with respect to the center of the lens, while in the latter case they may be cut from a card. Slits about 1 mm. wide and 4 or 5 cm. apart are very satisfactory. ADJUSTMENTS. Sunlight or some other bright light is allowed to pass through the openings whose dimensions are to be determined and to fall upon the lens before which the slits have been placed. The image of the source when observed with the eyepiece is found to consist of a series of fringes. Care must be taken to find the interference fringes, which are narrower and clearer than the diffraction fringes and which lie in the center of the entire pattern. MEASUREMENTS. The observation may be made either by separating the slits or by varying the nature of the source until the fringes disappear. In both cases it is necessary to measure * For similar solutions for sources of other shapes see Michelson, Phil. Mag. (5) Vol. 30, p. 1, 1890. Mascart, Traite d'Optique, Vol. 3, p. 567 seq., Paris, 1893. 28 MANUAL OF ADVANCED OPTICS the distance b between the slits and the width a of the source. If the source is double, the distance between the two apertures which compose it must also be measured. The distance d from the double slit to the source must also be known. Since the wave length A of the light used appears in the equation, it is well to filter the light used so that the rays which reach the lens haie approximately one wave length. If white light is used the disap- pearance observed will be that of the fringes of greatest bright- ness which correspond to the wave length .00055 mm. EX'AMPLES 1. A single slit was set up at a distance of 2080 cm. from the double slit. Sunlight was used. The width of the slit was set at random and the two slits moved until the fringes disap- peared. The following two sets of observations were made. Only the first disappearance of the fringes was taken. Wave length A 000055 cm. Width of slit a as measured directly 0.049 cm. Distance between slits b 2.335 cm. Distance d to source 2080 cm. ^ = .0000236 b I = .0000236. 2. The width of the slit was then changed so as to be .074 cm. and the distance between the double slits was found to be 1.545 cm. Then, as above ^=.0000356, o | = .0000356. 3. Using sunlight as before, the two slits were set at a fixed distance of 4.075 cm. apart. The width of the source was then THE DOUBLE SLIT 29 varied and measured when the fringes disappeared. In this way five disappearances were observed as follows, m denoting the order of the disappearance : m = 1, w = 2, m = 3, % = .277 mm. f-t- .277 mm. m 11 .567 it .283 t I .858 .286 it 1.150 it .287 it 1.412 it .282 mean .283 mm. The distance d was in this case as above. Therefore ^ = .0000135, | = .0000136. 4. A double source was used whose two components were 0.053 cm. apart, i.e. , c = 0.053. The distance d remained 2080 cm. Disappearance of the fringes was observed for the following values of V : 1.085 cm. " 3.324 " 5.580 " 8.015 b' = 2.170 cm. 2.216 2.232 2.290 mean 2.227 cm. = 0.0000255, l = 0.0000247. Ill THE FKESNEL MIRRORS Theory In the preceding chapters the nature of the measurements which can be made by observing the interference phenomena which arise when the light from a source is viewed with a tele- scope, before the objective of which one or two slits have been placed, has been discussed. This method of producing interfer- ence is encumbered with two serious objections. First, the rays which interfere cross at a rather large angle, which results in making the fringes very narrow; and, second, the amount of light received by the observer is small because the source must be very narrow in order to see fringes at all. These two drawbacks may be obviated by suitable changes in the form of the apparatus. It is evident that, in the formation of these bands, that por- tion of the objective which is covered plays no part. Hence, it is FIGURE 6 possible to dispense with the entire objective excepting those portions which are immediately behind the slits. These portions need not, for this purpose, be curved, but may be replaced either by prisms as in Fig. Ga or by mirrors as in Fig. 6J. 30 THE FRESX^L MIRRORS 31 Both these forms enable us to increase the width of the fringes by changing the inclination of the rays which meet at F. In broadening the fringes by these methods it is necessary either to make the distance MJF or SF large, which is objectionable on practical grounds, or to bring the mirrors or prisms closer together. This latter procedure changes the telescope with which we began, FIGURE 8 into one of the two well-known forms of interference apparatus, the Fresnel mirrors or the bi-prism. The mirrors are shown diagram- matically in Figs. 7 and 8, the bi-prism in Fig. 9. It is evident FIGURE 9 that these two forms of interference apparatus are limited in their possible applications because the various parts can not be moved sufficiently with reference to each other. MANUAL OF ADVANCED OPTICS The angle between the rays which interfere may be made smaller and the fringes thereby enlarged by inserting at F a plane parallel plate of glass, as in Fig. 10. The ray J/i F is transmitted FIGURE 10 and the ray M 2 F reflected by the plate F, so that by a suitable inclination of this plate the angle between the rays may be made as small as desired, and hence the fringes may be indefinitely enlarged. A further great improvement can be made by replacing the slit by another piece of the plane parallel plate inserted at 0, as in Fig. 11. With this arrangement the light is not limited to a beam that has passed through a slit, but may come from any broad source. The gain in illumination obtained by this simple device is enormous. The instrument sketched in Fig. 11 is an interferometer. It is capable of many variations of form, aAd can be used for a large variety of delicate measurements. By thus THE FRESNEL MIRRORS 33 converting the telescope into an interferometer all definition and resolution are lost, but a great gain in accuracy is the result.* We will begin the discussion of the various forms of inter- ferometer with the simpler cases of the Fresnel mirrors and bi-prism.f Let J/i3/ 2 , Fig. 12, represent the projection of FIGURE 12 the two mirrors on a plane perpendicular to their line of inter- section, and S the projection of a line source of monochromatic light, that source being parallel to the intersection of the mirrors. Then 61 and S will represent the two virtual images of S formed by J/ x and J/ 2 respectively. Let AB represent a screen parallel to the line joining the virtual sources /Si and S z . The illumination upon the screen AB, due to light reflected by the mirrors, will be identical with that due to two separate sources, Si and S^ each of the same intensity as S. Since P is on the perpendicular erected at the middle of the line /Si$ 2 , it is equidistant from Si and /Si, and therefore each pair of congru- ent rays from the source will arrive at P in the same phase and *Michelson, Am. Jour. Sci. (3) 39, p. 115, 1890. f Fresnel: Memoire sur la Diffraction de la Lumiere, .63-64. Oeuvres, VoL I, p. 329 seq. Mem. de VAcad., V., p. 414, 1826. 34 MANUAL OF ADVANCED OPTICS produce a maximum of illumination there. It is necessary to find what will be the illumination at any other point P' on the screen. This will clearly depend upon the difference in length of the paths of the rays which arrive at P' from Si and S 2 respectively. This difference of path is expressed in the notation of page 23 by but the illumination at P' is a maximum when this difference of path is a whole number of wave lengths, m\. Hence the condi- tion for a maximum is bx mX = i d that is, we have a bright fringe at distances x from the center P equal to -rA, -T-A, -T~A, etc. The distance between the successive maxima is seen to be constant. If we call it e we have e = *X. f (14) We can use the mirrors then to determine wave lengths, for d and e are easily measured directly, and if the distance from the source to the intersection of the mirrors be called/, and the angle between the mirrors a, it is readily seen that b = Zf sin a ; hence A = Ze sin a. (14') The measurements can be further simplified by placing the source at an infinite distance by means of a lens. Then / and d become infinite together and their ratio is unity. Under these con- ditions we have A = %e sin a. (15) THE FREStfEL MIRRORS 35 In order to obtain good results with the mirrors the conditions assumed in the above discussion must be accurately fulfilled. The two mirrors must touch each other along one edge, and that edge must be made to coincide with the intersection of their reflecting surfaces.* We have already shown that when the angular width of the source, viewed from the intersection of the mirrors, is equal to the angular width of a fringe, viewed from the same point, the fringes disappear. Therefore, a narrow source is necessary for the production of distinct measurable fringes. The effects of diffrac- tion on the phenomena have been discussed by "Weberf and by Struve.J Let us now consider the effect of introducing a transparent plate in the path of one of the rays. Let J/i and Jf 2 (Fig. 13) FlGUBE 13 represent the mirrors, and Si and JS. 2 the virtual sources as in Fig. 12. Suppose we introduce into the path of one of the rays SiP a plane parallel plate Q of some transparent substance, whose index of refraction for the monochromatic light used is //,, *Feussner, Winkelmann, Handbuch der Physik, Vol. II, Pt. 1, p. 528. t Weber, Wied. Ann., Vol. VIII, p. 407, 1879. JStruve, Wied. Ann., Vol. XV, p. 49, 1882. 36 MANUAL OF ADVANCED OPTICS and whose thickness is t. The change D in the optical length of the path SiP produced by the plate Q will be The difference between the optical paths of the two rays at any point of the screen P' will then no longer be expressed by Sf'- /SiP'= ^ but by S z P'~ft l P'=~-(^-l)t. This difference of optical path is zero when i\ fd X=(fi.-l) -y> by which the distance through which the central fringe of the system is shifted from its former position P by the introduction of the plate Q is determined. But at this distance x we had, before the insertion of the plate, a fringe determined by the equation ft* ^T in which p stands for any number, whole or fractional. If in this equation the value of x found above be substituted for #, we see that the central fringe of the shifted system takes the place of that fringe of the original system whose order is It has thus far been assumed that the source emitted mono- chromatic light only. If this is not the case, but waves of various lengths are sent out, each set of waves will form its own set of fringes in accordance with equation (14). Since the distance between the fringes which correspond to each wave length is pro- portional to that wave length, the resultant figure on the screen will THE FRESXEL MIRRORS 37 consist of the superposition of a number of systems of fringes of unequal breadth. If the mirrors are so arranged, as in Fig. 12, that the rays from the two sources travel entirely in air before reaching the screen, the position of the central fringe, which is determined by the condition, S. 2 P' SiP' = 0, will, since this condition is independent of the wave length, be the same for all colors. Hence all systems of fringes will agree in having a bright fringe at that point P which is determined by this equation. If white light be emitted from the source, the central fringe will be white, free from all trace of color. Hence it is called the achromatic fringe. Since the distance from P of any other bright fringe is proportional to the corresponding wave length, the various systems of fringes will correspond with each other at no other point. Hence the adjacent fringes will be colored, their color depending on how the various systems happen to overlap at the point considered. If the symmetry of the optical paths be disturbed by the introduction of a transparent plate into the path of one of the rays, as in Fig. 13, the central fringe of each system will be shifted, as we have seen, an amount (/u. 1) , which will be different for each wave length, because /n varies. In this case there will, in general, be no point at which the congruent rays of all wave lengths will arrive in the same phase. There will, there- fore, be no absolutely achromatic fringe. Nevertheless, a system of colored fringes may be obtained whose central band appears nearly achromatic. The determining condition here is not that the difference in the optical paths S. 2 P' and /S^P' equals zero, which is manifestly impossible because of the dispersion of the plate , but that the change in phase at the point P' , corresponding to a change in wave length, be a minimum. Let x be the distance from P, the position of the achromatic fringe when the plate Q is out, to the point P', where the central fringe of the colored 38 MANUAL OF ADVANCED OPTICS system appears when the plate Q is in. The optical difference of path of the two rays has been shown to be &? -&!- 01)*. But =- is the apparent or geometrical retardation, which we will call D', and (//, l)t = Z>, which we will denote now by /(A). The difference of phase at P' for any wave length will, therefore, be In order that this difference of phase be a minimum, its derivative with respect to X must be zero. Performing the operation we get Now equation (16) tells us how much the central fringe of the system corresponding to any wave length A. is shifted by the introduction of the plate g, that is, it is displaced till it coincides with a fringe of the order But the central fringe of the colored system is thereby shifted till it coincides with that fringe of the system produced by wave length A, whose order is Hence the center of the colored system is displaced from the shifted center of the system corresponding to A by the number of fringes expressed by the equation This displacement can readily be calculated if we know the form of the function of X for the substance of which the plate Q THE FRESNEJ, MIRRORS 39 consists. It has been found that that form of function first proposed by Cauchy satisfies the experimental facts very well for the visible spectrum. Assuming this equation, we have = A + -^ A" but hence hence Experiments MEASUREMENT OF WAVE LENGTHS WITH THE MIRROR APPARATUS. The observations with the Fresnel mirrors can be made in several ways. In every case it is, of course, necessary to have a pair of mirrors properly mounted. The mirrors which are usually furnished with the optical bench are entirely satisfactory. They are mounted as follows: A brass plate, which can be fastened upon one of the uprights of the optical bench, serves as a mounting for both mirrors. One mirror is so fastened to this plate that it rests upon three screws, and can thus be adjusted so as to be parallel to the other mirror, which is rigidly fastened upon a slide and can be moved by means of a micrometer screw in a direction at right angles to its surface. Simple and effective mirrors can be made according to Quincke* in the following way : Select a piece of best plate glass about 10 cm. long, 2.5 cm. wide, and 3 mm. thick. Cut it in the middle into two pieces each 5 "cm. long. Blacken the rear * Quincke, Pogg. Ann. 132, p. 41, 1867. 40 MANUAL OF ADVANCED OPTICS surfaces with shellac containing lamp black, in order to destroy the reflection from the rear surface. Plane a heavy block of wood smooth and flat, and arrange six balls of soft wax of equal size upon the block in such a way that each of the two pieces of plate glass, when placed upon them, will be supported upon one ball along the edge where the two touch and upon two balls along the edge which is farthest from the edge of contact. Dust the surfaces carefully and lay upon them another piece of carefully dusted plate glass about 20 cm. long, 5 cm. wide, and 3 mm. thick. Press firmly with one finger upon the larger plate of glass directly over the line of contact of the two smaller pieces. The upper glass will bend enough to set the lower pair of plates at a small angle with each other, and will at the same time keep their edges of contact together. The original apparatus used by Fresnel was of this nature. In case it is desired to perform the experiment with divergent light, i.e., according to equation (14'), it is necessary to have in addition to the mirrors a slit, a micrometer microscope, and a telescope and scale. If the experiment is to be performed with parallel light, i.e., according to equation (15), an ordinary spec- trometer may be used to advantage, the mirrors taking the place of the prism. The angle a can then be measured directly upon the graduated circle of the instrument, and the distance between the fringes can be determined by removing the objective of the telescope, and measuring the angle which the fringes subtend, and the distance from the line of contact of the mirrors to the focal plane of the eyepiece. The description of the experiment, as given below, applies to the optical bench. Its adaptation to other methods is left to the student. ADJUSTMENTS. First, the centers of the slit, the mirrors, and the micrometer should be brought into the same horizontal plane by measuring their distance from the table upon which the apparatus rests. Second, the slit and the cross-hairs of the THE FRESNEL MIKRORS 41 micrometer should be made vertical. The slit may be made vertical with the aid of a plumb line. The cross-hairs must then be adjusted so as to be parallel to the slit by forming by means of a lens of short focal length an image of the slit in the plane of the cross-hairs and then rotating the micrometer about a horizontal axis. Third, the mirrors should be adjusted so that their line of intersection coincides with the edges which are in contact. This can be approximately accomplished by observing the image of a straight edge in the mirrors and adjusting until this image is an unbroken line. The accurate adjustment is made with the help of the fringes. The mirrors are then set in place so as to reflect the light from the slit to the micrometer. The angle between the slit and the plane of the mirrors should not be less than 10 in order to avoid complica- tions due to diffraction at the edges of the mirrors. On looking into the micrometer, the slit being illumined with monochro- matic light, and altering slowly the angle between the mirrors, the fringes will appear if the preliminary adjustment has been care- fully made. If the fringes do not appear, the plate which carries the mirrors should be turned about a horizontal axis to bring 'the intersection of the mirrors parallel to^the slit, i.e., vertical. If the fringes even then do not appear it indicates that the intersec- tion of the planes of the surfaces of the mirrors does not coincide with their common edge. This may be caused by not having adjusted the mirrors so that both are vertical, or by allowing one to protrude in front of the other. The fringes may then be found by turning the mirror which is supported on three screws, about a horizontal axis, or by moving the other mirror, which can be displaced in a direction perpendicular to its surface, or by both operations. When the fringes appear they will probably not be parallel to the cross-hairs of the micrometer. Their centers may be made parallel to the cross-hairs by tilting the adjustable mirror about a horizontal axis. They may be made parallel to the cross- 42 MANUAL OF ADVANCED OPTICS hairs throughout their entire length by tilting the plate which carries both mirrors, about a horizontal axis. Having thus obtained straight monochromatic fringes parallel to the cross- hairs, the fringes in white light are found by displacing the mirror which is movable in a direction normal to its surface. The collimation axis of the micrometer should then be brought into parallelism with the line from the intersection of the mirrors to the micrometer. Open the slit rather wide and reflect, by means of a small mirror, a beam of light through the lower half of the slit. Turn the micrometer about a vertical axis until the reflection of the slit upon the front lens of the micrometer is seen through the upper half of the slit. MEASUREMENTS. The distance between the fringes is meas- ured with the micrometer. It is well to measure the distance over which the thread moves in passing ten to twenty fringes. The distance between the intersection of the mirrors and the slit, and between that intersection and the cross-hairs of the micrometer, can be measured with a large pair of dividers with a sliding scale, or with a fine tape. The angle between the mirrors may be measured with a tele- scope and scale in the usual way. In order to attain accuracy with the Fresnel mirrors it is necessary to use a bright source of light, and to make the angle between the mirrors large enough to allow the formation of twenty or more fringes. As these fringes will be narrow a rather high-power micrometer is necessary in order to count them accurately EXAMPLES 1. Using as a source of light a sodium burner the following measurements were obtained : Distance between the fringes e= .012 cm. Distance from the mirrors to the slit /= 29.5 cm. Distance from the mirrors to the micrometer . . . li = 51.1 cm. THE FRESNEL MIRRORS 43 Hence d =f+h = 80.6 cm. Distance from mirrors to scale D = 163 cm. Deflection, by observing the image of the scale in first one mirror and then the other a = 2.16 cm. Hence sin a = = .0066*25 "^= .00878 A = .0000582 2. The mirrors were mounted on a large spectrometer in place of the prism. Sodium light was used as a source. The light passed through the collimator, and was, therefore, parallel when it fell on the mirrors. The following measurements were obtained : Angle between the mirrors, being % the angle between the two images of the slit, a = 11' 28". The lens of the telescope was then removed and the angle subtended in the focal plane of the eyepiece by 28 fringes measured. This was found to be 18' 25". The distance from the focal plane of the eyepiece to the intersection of the mirrors, which should coincide with the axis of the instrument, was 46.21 cm. Hence the angular width of a fringe was 3d". 46, and the linear width e = .008835 cm. Hence A = 2e sin a = .00005897 cm. IV THE FKESNEL BI-PEISM Theory "VVe will now pass to the consideration of the Fresnel bi-prism. Attention has already been called to this form of interferometer, its derivation from the telescope being sketched in Fig. 9. Since measurements with the bi-prism are most easily made when the source is at an infinite distance, the formulae will be developed for this case only. Let ABC, Fig. 14, represent the projection A E FIGURE 14 of the prisms upon a plane perpendicular to their refracting edges, and PP' a screen parallel to AC. Suppose a beam of parallel light to fall normally upon the prism faces A C. Upon leaving the prisms the beam will be divided into two whose wave fronts are represented by BD and BE. From B draw BP per- pendicular to PP''. The point P being equidistant from the two wave fronts, will evidently be a position of maximum illumination. It is necessary to find what will be the illumination at some other point P' of the screen. Let PP'= x and BP'= d. As in the 44 THE FRESNEL BI-PRISM 45 case of the mirrors, since all points along BD and BE are in the same phase, the illumination at P' will be a maximum if EP' -DP' = m\. But EP = d sin EBP', and DP' = d sin DBP'. Hence. EP'-DP' = 2d cos sin P'BP. But if we denote by a the angle between the .wave fronts, DBE = TT - a; and sin P'BP = -j- Therefore, since a is small, EP' - DP' = x sin a. We, therefore, have a maximum of illumination when A t>\ ./ = -. -- . - > etc. sin a sin a The distance between the successive maxima, denoted by e, is, therefore, A '- - sin a from which we get for the wave length A. = e sin. a. (18) The same relations between the width of the source and the visi- bility of the fringes hold for the bi-prism as for the mirrors. Experiments MEASUREMENT OF WAVE LENGTHS WITH THE BI-PRISM APPARATUS. The apparatus needed for this experiment is the same as that used in the previous experiment, with the excep- tion of the mirrors, these being now replaced by a bi-prism. ADJUSTMENTS. The adjustments of the bi-prism are much simpler than those of the mirrors. The slit should be parallel to 46 MANUAL OF ADVANCED OPTICS the common base of the prisms, and their common face should be perpendicular to the path of the light from the slit to them. This latter adjustment is made by reflecting a beam of light through the. lower half of the slit and revolving the bi-prism about a vertical axis until the reflected light is seen through the upper half of the slit. The measurements are most easily and accurately made with the help of a spectrometer. Telescope and collimator are adjusted for parallel light and arranged so that the image of the slit falls upon the cross-hairs of the telescope. The bi-prism is then placed upon the prism table of the spectrometer and adjusted, either in the way described above, by reflecting light through the slit, or with the help of a Gauss eyepiece, so that it is perpendicu- lar to the common collimation axis of the collimator and telescope. Upon removing the objective of the telescope the fringes will appear in the field of view. If the slit is not parallel to the com- mon base- of the prisms the fringes will not be clear and evenly spaced throughout their entire length. The slit should then be rotated about a horizontal axis until the fringes are clear and evenly spaced. In this case, as in the case of the mirrors, the fringes are very narrow, so that a rather high-power micrometer is necessary to measure them accurately, and a bright light is indispensable. In both of these experiments the solar spectrum across the slit will be found to give the greatest satisfaction as a source of light. MEASUREMENTS. If a spectrometer is used the only meas- urements needed are the distance between the fringes and the angle between the beams behind the bi-prism. To obtain the former the angle through which the telescope turns when the cross-hair passes over a counted number of fringes, and the distance between the bi-prism and the focal plane of the micrometer are measured. From these two observed quantities the linear dis- tance between the fringes is at once calculated. The angle THE FKESNEL BI-PRISM 47 between the beams is measured by replacing the objective of the telescope and setting the cross-hair on first one and then the other of the images of the slit ; the angle through which the telescope has turned is the desired angle. If the graduations upon the circle of the spectrometer are not sufficiently fine to allow of reading the angles accurately, a small mirror, such as is used for galvanometers, should be mounted upon the telescope and the angle read in this mirror with a telescope and scale in the usual way. EXAMPLE The bi-prism was placed in the spectrometer in place of the prism, and the angle between the wave fronts measured. The value was a = 18' 21". The objective of the telescope was then removed and the angle subtended in the focal plane of the eyepiece by 16 fringes in sodium light was found to be 13' 10". Thus the angular width of one fringe was 49 "A. The distance from the focal plane of the eyepiece to the axis of the instrument was 46.21 cm. Hence the linear width of a fringe was e = .01107 cm. Hence \ .00005904 cm. THE MICHELSON INTERFEROMETER Theory "We will now pass to the consideration of the interferometer as shown in Fig. 11. This form of instrument may be further simplified by making one plate perform the functions both of separating and reuniting the beam. To accomplish this it is only necessary to turn the two mirrors into the positions CD as shown in Fig. 15. This is known as the Michelson* interferometer. Irs FIGURE 15 its simplest and most efficient form it consists merely of four glass plates. Let A, B, C, D (Fig. 15) represent the projec- tions of the four plates on a plane perpendicular to their surfaces. * Michelson, Phil. Mag. (5) 13, p. 236. 48 THE MICHELSOX INTERFEROMETER 49 Light from a source S falls upon the plate A at an angle of inci- dence of approximately 45. Plates A and B are polished on both sides and should, to obtain the hest results, be of best optical glass, free from all strains. They should, furthermore, be cut from the same piece, so as to insure their having the same optical thickness, and their surfaces should be as plane and as nearly parallel to each other as it is possible to make them. The rear surface of A is coated with a semi-transparent film of silver or platinum, which should, if the clearest interference bands are desired, be of such a thickness that it reflects half the light inci- dent upon it to Z>, and transmits the other half to C. D and C are two plane mirrors, coated on the front surface with a thick coat of platinum or silver, and so adjusted as to reflect the light incident upon them back over nearly the same path. These two reflected beams meet again on the rear surface of the plate A in a condition suitable to the production of interference bands. The plate B is inserted to make the two paths optically identical. The observer looks into the apparatus from 0. He will see the plate D directly, and an image of the plate C reflected by the plate A. This image of C will appear in the direction of the plate D as far behind A. as the mirror C really is in front of it. The instrument is thus seen to consist essentially of a film of air inclosed between the plate D and the virtual image of the plate C. Hence in discussing the interference phenomena pro- duced by this instrument it is necessary to consider only this film of air. Let omn om. 2 (Fig. 16) represent the two plane mirrors and D whose intersection is projected at o, and whose mutual inclination is <. The illumination at any point P, not necessarily in the plane of the figure, will depend on the mean difference of phase of all the pairs of congruent rays which reach P after reflection from the mirrors. If the source of light is sufficiently broad, the illumination 50 MANUAL OF ADVANCED OPTICS FIGURE 16 at P will be independent of its distance, form, or position Let us suppose that it is a plane luminous surface which coin cides with om-i. Then its image in om t will coincide with and its image in om z will be a plane symmetrical to om with respect to om 2 . For every point p of the first surface there is a corresponding point p' of the second, which is symmet rically placed, and in the same phase of vibration. If w( suppress now the source of light and the mirrors, and replace them by the images, the eifect at any point P is unaltered Consider now a pair of points p, p' . Let 8 be the angle forrne( by the line joining P and^? (or //) with the normal to the surfac( om 2 -> 8 and < being both supposed small. The difference of optical path D will be D = Pp' - Pp =pp' cos 8 to quantities of the second and higher order. If we denote by 2J the distance between the images at the point where they are cut by the line Pp, we will have to a close degree of approximation D = 2t cos 8. (19) The difference of phase A at P is '2-n- - A Since cos 8 is nearly equal to unity, if %t is increased by A. by gradually separating the images, D is also increased by A, and the difference of phase A at P passes through a complete period. THE MICHELSOX INTERFEROMETER 51 In order to find the form of the interference fringes, let cdef, c'd'e'f (Fig. 17) represent the two images, and let their intersec- tion be parallel to cf, and their inclination be 2<. Let P be the FIGURE 17 )oint considered; P' the projection of P on the surface cdef\ and PB the line forming with PP' the angle 8. Draw P'D parallel to cf, and P'C at right angles, and complete the rectangle BDP'C. Let P'PC = i, and DPP'= 0. Let PP' = P; and call the distance between the surfaces at the point P', 2/ . We have then, t = t + CP' ism = t + P tan tan i, 'and D = 2 tan < tan t) cos 8, or f + P tan < tan i (20) We see that in general D has all possible values; and hence all phenomena of interference would be obliterated. Bat to an eye placed at P the interference fringes will be visible under certain conditions. Let db (Fig. 18) represent the pupil of the eye. Since it has appreciable size it will receive light 52 MANUAL OF ADVANCED OPTICS not only from p and p' 9 . but also from other points as p l and pf. Consider the ray .pa to enter the pupil at one end of a diameter, and the ray pj>, parallel to pa, to enter it at the other end of the FIGURE 18 same diameter. Since these rays are parallel they will come to a focus at the same point on the retina. The difference of phase at this point of the congruent rays ap and ap' will be M COS 8 The difference of phase of the other pair of congruent rays bp t and bpi will be A 47r^ cos 8 AI= ~^~ If now A - A 1 = -j- X, the interference phenomena which are pro- duced by each pair of congruent rays are in opposite phase; that is, if one pair would produce a maximum of illumination at the common focus, the other would produce a minimum. The resulting sensation would be a combination of the two. Hence, in order that interference bands may be observed by an eye at P, conditions must be so arranged that the difference in the As for those pairs of congruent rays which come to a focus at the same point on the retina, be less than half a wave. This may be accomplished in two different ways: First, we may observe through a small enough opening, the eye being focused on the THE MICHELSOX INTERFEROMETER 53 point p. By this simple device the clearness of the interference phenomena can frequently be materially increased. Second, by making the As the same for every pair of congruent rays which are focused at the same point on the retina. This is accomplished by making t = h, and focusing the eye for parallel rays. The second method is generally to be preferred for reasons to be given presently. The exact investigation of the form of the fringes is a matter of considerable complexity. An approximate conception of their appearance to an eye placed at a point P may be obtained from equation (20). Thus let cdef (Fig. 17) represent the xy plane, and P' the center of a system of rectangular coordinates whose axis of y is parallel to the intersection of the mirrors. Then P'C = #, P'D = y, tan i = -=- and tan 6 = - Let tan = k. Our equation then becomes D = ^ j- j- x u Since -p- and -p- are small, this equation reduces to O Ox or m ^^!-2P 2 . This is the equation of a circle whose center is at the point /2P 2 & \ I ^ , 0\- Hence the fringes are always approximately circles whose centers lie on the axis of x at a distance from the origin determined by the inclination of the mirrors, the difference of optical path, and the distance P to the point of observation. Two cases are of special practical interest. First, if t = t 09 54 MANUAL OF ADVANCED OPTICS that is, if the mirrors are parallel, Ic = 0, and our equation reduces to In this case the center of the circles lies at the origin itself and their radii are given by If the difference of the optical paths between the successive rings counted from the center be wX, we shall have n\ = 2/ - D, or D = Zt- n\. Hence the radii of the successive rings are given approximately by (21) Second, if the intersection of the mirrors passes through the origin, D = at that point. In this case the distance to the center of the circles, ~ , becomes infinite, and the fringe through the origin is a straight line parallel to the axis of y. This particular fringe, since it is the only absolutely straight one, serves as a convenient mark from which to begin measurements. It is called the central fringe of the system. If the mirror om 2 (Fig. 16) is moved perpendicular to itself till it passes to the other side of the mirror om ly D, since its value passes through 0, changes sign, and the center of the circles passes from H ^ to -- ^ Hence on opposite sides of the central fringe the curvature of the fringes has opposite signs; that is, .on both sides they appear convex toward the THE MICHELSON INTERFEROMETER 55 central fringe. This fact is of great assistance in locating the central fringe. Experiments I. MEASURE THE WAVE LENGTH OF SODIUM. LIGHT APPARATUS. From the discussion above it is evident that the essential parts of the interferometer are four plates of glass arranged as shown in Figs. 15 and 19, and an arrangement for moving one of the mirrors in a direction normal to its surface. This motion is effected by mounting the mirror D upon a slide, which can be moved by a screw along the ways EF. These ways must be accurately straight, so that in its motion the mirror remains strictly parallel to its original position. The screw 56 MANUAL OF ADVANCED OPTICS carries at its front end a worm wheel M which in turn is driven by a worm W. The worm can be disengaged from the wheel when a rapid motion of the screw is desired. The worm wheel is graduated upon its front face. The dividing plate A is mounted firmly in a metal frame upon a plate of brass H which is screwed to one end of the ways. That side of A which carries the silver half-film should be turned toward the plate B. This plate B should be so mounted upon the brass plate H as to allow of a small motion about a vertical axis. This motion is necessary in order to be able to adjust the two plates A and B so that they are strictly parallel. It is also useful in measuring differences in phase or small fractions of a wave accurately. The mirror D is rigidly mounted upon the slide, while the mirror C rests upon three adjusting screws, which are set in a plate, which is perpendicular . to the plate H and firmly fastened to it. Small springs hold this mirror in place against the three screws. ADJUSTMENTS. Measure roughly the distance from the sil- ver half -film upon the r.ear of the plate A to the front of the mirror C. Set the mirror Z>, by turning the worm wheel Jf, so that its distance from the rear of A is the same as that of C from A. This need not be done accurately. It is suggested because it is easier to find the fringes when the distance between the mirror D and the virtual image of the mirror C is small. This distance will hereafter be called the distance between the mirrors. Now place a sodium burner, or some other source of monochro- matic light, at Z, in the principal focus of a lens of short focus. It is not necessary that the incident beam be strictly parallel. Hold some small object, such as a pin or the point of a pencil, between L and A. On looking into the instrument from 0, three images of the small object will be seen. One image is formed by reflection at the front surfaces of A and Z>; the second is formed by the reflection at the rear surface of A and the front THE MICHELSON INTERFEROMETER 57 surface of D\ the third is formed by reflection from the front surface of C and the rear surface of A. Interference fringes in monochromatic light are found by bringing this third image into coincidence with either of the other two by means of the adjusting screws upon which the mirror C rests. If, however, it is desired to find the fringes in white light, the second and third of these images should be brought into coincidence, because then the two paths of the light in the instrument are symmetrical, i.e., each is made up of a given distance in air and a given thickness of glass. When the paths are symmetrical, the fringes are always approxi- mately arcs of circles as described above. If, however, the first and third images are made to coincide, then the two optical paths are unsymmetrical, i.e., the path from A to C has more glass in it than that from A to D, and in this case the fringes may be ellipses or equilateral hyperbolae, because of the astigmatism which is introduced by the two plates A and B. It is quite probable that the fringes will not appear when the two images of the small object seem to have been brought into coincidence. This is simply due to the fact that the eye can not judge with sufficient accuracy for this purpose when the two are really superposed. To find the fringes then it is only necessary to move the adjusting screws slightly back and forth. As the instrument has been here described, the second image lies to the right of the first. Having found the fringes the student should practice adjust- ment until he can produce at will the various forms of fringes described on page 54. Thus the circles appear when the dis- tance between the mirrors is not zero, and when the mirror D is strictly parallel to the virtual image of C. The accuracy of this adjustment may be tested by moving the eye sideways and up and down while looking at the circles. If the adjustment is correct, any given circle will not change its diameter, as the eye is thus moved. To be sure, the circles appear to move across the plates because their center is at the foot of the perpendicular 58 MANUAL OF ADVANCED OPTICS dropped from the eye to the mirror Z>, but their apparent diam- eters are independent of the lateral motion of the eye. For this reason it is advisable to use the circular fringes whenever possible. To find the fringes in white light, adjust so that the monochro- matic fringes are arcs of circles. Move the carriage rapidly by intervals of a quarter turn or so of the wheel M. When the region of the white-light fringes has been passed, the curvature of the fringes will have changed sign, i.e., if the fringes were convex toward the right, they will now be convex toward the left. Having thus located within rather narrow limits the position of the mir- ror Z), which corresponds to zero difference of path, it is only necessary to replace the sodium light by a source of white light, and move the mirror D by means of the worm slowly through this region until the fringes appear. These white-light fringes are strongly colored with the colors of Newton's rings. The central fringe, the one which indi- cates exactly the position of zero difference of path, is, as in the case of Newton's rings, black. This black fringe will be entirely free from color, i.e., perfectly achromatic, if the plates A and B are of the same piece of glass, are equally thick, and are strictly parallel. If they are matched plates, i.e., if they are made of the same piece of glass and have the same thickness, their parallelism should be adjusted until the central fringe of the system is perfectly achromatic. When this is correctly done, the colors of the bands on either side of the central one will be symmetrically arranged with respect to the central black fringe. MEASUREMENTS. An accurate scale graduated to tenths of a millimeter is set upon the slide behind the mirror D. Over this a micrometer microscope is placed and focused on the scale. The microscope should be rigidly attached to the base of the instru- ment so that it does not move relatively to the interferometer dur- ing the observation. The cross-hair of the micrometer is set upon one of the tenth millimeter divisions. The mirror D is then THE MICHELSON INTERFEROMETER 59 slowly moved with the worm FT, and the number of fringes which pass when the cross-hair of the microscope moves over one-tenth of a millimeter are counted. The circular fringes should be used because, as stated above, their phase is independent of the position of the eye, so that if the eye moves during the observation, no error will be introduced. It will be necessary to look from time to time through the microscope so as to note when the cross-hair reaches the next tenth millimeter mark. Since a motion of the mirror of 0.1 mm. introduces a difference of path of about 340 waves, it is safe to count 300 without looking at the microscope. Having obtained the number of fringes which pass when the mir- ror D moves through 0.1 mm., then, since the difference in path introduced by this motion is 0.2 mm., the wave length sought is 2 A = -^ mm., in which N denotes the number of fringes counted. EXAMPLE Sodium light was used as a source and the number of waves which passed while the carriage moved 0.3 mm. were counted. This number was found to be 1018. Hence A = T^ Pim. = 5894 - 10" 7 mm. II. DETERMINE THE RATIO OF THE WAVE LENGTHS OF THE SODIUM LINES D l AND D 2 Apparatus and adjustment as in Experiment I. MEASUREMENTS. Since the yellow radiation of sodium con- tains two vibrations of different periods, two different sets of fringes will be formed by it. As the mirror D is moved these sets of fringes, since they are formed by waves of different lengths, will move at different rates. Thus in certain positions of the mirror D the bright fringes of one set will fall upon the dark fringes of the other set, and the field of view will be almost evenly illuminated. The fringes do not disappear entirely because the 60 MANUAL OF ADVANCED OPTICS light produced by the shorter of the waves is more intense than that produced by the longer. At certain other positions of the mirror Z>, the bright fringes of one set will coincide with the bright fringes of the other set, and there will be strong con- trast between the bright and the dark fringes in the field of view. This contrast in the intensity of the fringes is called their visi- bility. This subject of visibility is treated at length in the next chapter. Here it is sufficient to note that in the interval between two positions of greatest contrast of the fringes, i.e., between two positions of maximum visibility, there must be one more of the shorter waves than of the longer. In order to determine the ratio of the wave lengths, then, it is necessary to measure the distance the mirror D moves in passing between two positions of maximum or of minimum visibility. If this distance be divided by the shorter wave length we obtain the number of shorter waves in the interval. This number minus one will be the number of longer waves in the interval, and the ratio of the wave lengths will be the inverse of the ratio of the number of waves. In making the observations it will be found impossible to determine accurately the position of any one maximum or mini- mum. An accurate result may, however, be obtained in the fol- lowing way: Draw the mirror D as far forward as is possible without causing the fringes to disappear entirely. Then move the' mirror backward by jumps of about one-twentieth of a turn of the worm wheel. Take the reading on the worm wheel at the points which appear to be either maxima or minima. In this way about twenty readings of the positions of the maxima and twenty of those of the minima can be obtained. The average should then be taken by subtracting the first reading in each set from the eleventh, the second from the twelfth, etc., and then taking the mean of these averages. In making the calculation it is to be noted that the difference of path is twice the distance through which the mirror has moved. THE MICHELSON INTERFEROMETER 61 EXAMPLE The distance between the positions of the maximum clearness of the fringes was determined in the way described above. In all, thirty maxima and thirty minima were read. The mean value of the interval was found to be 0.5802 mm. Hence 0.5802 005890 iii = n-2 - 1 = 984, A! 085 A, =984' in which A^ is the wave length of^D^ and \% that of D z . If we wish the difference between the wave lengths in milli- meters we may proceed thus : .5802 .5802 11 1 = 1, or -- - = A, X, A, A! .5802 Therefore, A : - A,, = --= 5.98 10~ 7 mm. III. DETERMINE THE INDEX OF REFRACTION AND THE DIS- PERSION OF A PIECE OF GLASS Apparatus and adjustment as in Experiment I. MEASUREMENTS. In order to perform this experiment in a theoretically rigorous way there should be added to the interferom- eter two extra metal frames similar to those used to hold the mirrors, one in front of each of the mirrors D and C. These frames should be set upon pivots so that they can be rotated about a vertical axis. The one in front of the mirror C should be arranged with a worm wheel or a tangent screw so that it can be rotated slowly and steadily. Two pieces of the glass whose index of refraction and dispersion are to be determined should be used. These pieces should, of course, have the same thickness. One of 62 MANUAL OF ADVANCED OPTICS them is waxed to each of the movable frames so as to cover half the same half of the field of view. The interferometer must then be adjusted for the white-light fringes. The piece of glass which is in front of the mirror D is then turned through any angle, say 15 to 20. In this way extra glass is introduced into the path of the light between A and D. This extra glass should then be compensated for by turning the other piece, that between A and (7, through the same angle. When the angles through which the two pieces have been turned are the same, the white-light fringes will appear in the half of the field of view which is covered by the two plates. This turning of the second plate of glass should be done slowly with the worm wheel, and the fringes which pass during the operation should be counted. The angle through which this plate turns must be measured by fastening to the frame which carries it a small mir- ror, and reading the angle through which this mirror turns with an ordinary telescope and scale. Before measuring this angle, care must be taken to have the plate perpendicular to the beam passing through it. This can be done by rotating the plate through the position in which it is at right angles to the beam, and noting the point at which the fringes reverse their direction of motion ; for it is evident that when the plate is normal to the beam its optical thickness is a minimum, and therefore a turning of the plate in either direction will increase the optical thickness, and cause the fringes to move in one particular direction. It will, however, be found that the plate can be turned through a consid- erable angle before the fringes move appreciably. Therefore, to obtain the scale reading which corresponds to the normal position of the plate, turn the plate in one direction until two or three fringes have passed, and take the reading on the scale. Then turn it in the other direction until the same number of fringes has passed, and take the reading. 4 The mean of these two readings will then be the reading which corresponds accurately to the normal posi- THE MICHELSON INTERFEROMETER 63 tion of the plate. Having then counted the fringes which pass while the plate is turning through the angle i, and having meas- ured that angle, the index of refraction is obtained as follows: Let t represent the thickness of the plates of glass, and 2JV the num- ber of fringes counted while turning through the angle i. Let, further, AB (Fig. 20) represent the direction of the light, MNOP the plate in its position perpendicular to the beam, and M'N'O'P' its position after it has been turned through the angle i. Let the two surfaces OP and O'P' intersect at c, and draw through/, the intersection of the surface M'N' with AB, the line//? parallel to MN. The light incident along AB upon O'P' will, when the plate has been turned, travel along the path cgh. It is evident that before the turning the optical distance between the planes OP and /ft consisted of a distance ce = t in glass, and a distance ef= 1 J cos i in air. After the turning, the optical distance between these two i planes consists of a distance eg cos r in glass, and of a distance 7 t sin (i r) , . . . . , . , , nil = - tan i in air, in which r denotes the angle of refrac- cos r tion. The numbers of waves in these various distances are obtained by dividing the distances in air by A, the wave length, and those in glass by , in which /w. stands as usual for the index of refrac- 64 MANUAL OF ADVANCED OPTICS tion. The difference between the number of waves in the optical path between the planes OP and fli before the turning and the number in the path after the turning is half of the number which has been counted, because in the observation the light has passed twice through the plate. Therefore the following equation is obtained : tu. t sin (i r} . t ! -] * '- tan %- tu. ; + 1 = JV A. cos r cos r cos i If this equation be reduced with the help of the equation - = /n, JV 2 A 2 and solved for /*, there results, neglecting the term -7 - in the lit numerator, (;-^X)(l-cos/) ^ #(l-cos i) - NX The thickness t of the glass may be measured with the calipers or in any other accurate^way. It was shown in the chapter on the Fresnel mirrors that if the optical symmetry of the two paths over which the light travels is disturbed by the introduction of a plate of some transparent substance, the fringes in white light no longer possess a truly achromatic central fringe, but one which may seem fairly achro- matic, and which is displaced from the true position of the central fringe of the set of fringes which correspond to the wave length A. by a number of fringes [cf. equation (17)] P -?= in which t' = 1. (23) cos r Now, when the glass which was added to the path AD by turn- ing the plate in front of the mirror Z>, is compensated for, by rotating the plate in front of the mirror (7, we add extra glass to the path A C also. The two paths are thus made finally symmetrical, THE MICHELSON INTERFEROMETER 65 so that the achromatic light fringe to which we count indicates the true position of the central band of the monochromatic system. By such a count, then, we obtain the true number of fringes through which the monochromatic system has been shifted, namely^?. It is possible, however, to compensate for the extra glass in the path AD in another way, namely, by drawing the mirror D toward A. If we do this and count the fringes which pass, we count to the shifted position of the white-light fringes, i.e., we count the number p r . If then we make the count both ways, once by turn- ing the plate in front of the mirror C, and once by drawing up the mirror Z>, the plate in front of C being perpendicular to the beam, we determine both p and p' of the above equation. Since / and X are also known, it is in this way possible to determine the B of the Cauchy dispersion equation (p. 39). With this value of B and the value of p determined from equation (22) , it is then possible to determine the A of the dispersion equation. Thus with a single source of monochromatic light it is possible to determine both the index of refraction and the dispersion of a plate of glass. EXAMPLE Two pieces of optical glass were mounted in the instrument as described above. The thickness of the glass was 6.81 mm., i.e., t = 6.81 mm. One of the plates was then turned through an angle , which was measured with a telescope and scale, and found to be i = 16 41' 30". The other piece was then turned, and the sodium fringes counted until the fringes in white light appeared over the whole field. This number was 342. Since the light traverses the plates twice, the number N in the formula is half of this, i.e., N= 171. Hence the index of refraction for sodium is jt.v a = 1.5180. The compensating plate was then turned back till it was normal to the path of the light, and, the first piece of glass remaining inclined at the angle i, the movable mirror was drawn 66 MANUAL OF ADVANCED OPTICS up and the fringes again counted until the white fringes appeared in their first position. This number of fringes was %p' = 355. Hence %(p'-p) = 355-342 = 13 or/ -^ = 6. 5. From equation (23), t' = .1254 mm. Hence from equation (17) = 53 10- 10 , and therefore (cf. p. 39), A = 1.5027. With these values of A and B the index of refraction for the green line of mercury was calculated (A = 5461 10~ 7 ). The result was fA Hg = 1.5205. The fringes were then counted in mercury light, and the result was 2^=370. With this N we get from equation (22) p Hg = 1.5204. IV. DETERMINE THE CHANGE or PHASE PRODUCED BY PER- PENDICULAR REFLECTION AT A SILVER SURFACE Apparatus and adjustments as in Experiment I. MEASUREMENTS. One of the mirrors C or D of the interferom- eter must be removed and freshly silvered over three-quarters of its surface. This is best accomplished by keeping one-half of the mirror covered with a piece of glass while it is in the silvering solution. When the silver is sufficiently deposited so that the film is perfectly opaque, the solution is poured off, the mirror and the tray which holds it rinsed with distilled water, the piece of glass on the surface of the mirror turned through 90, and a fresh solution poured on. In this way the surface of the mirror is coated with silver over three-quarters of its surface, as shown in Fig. 21. The quarter marked a has upon it two layers of silver, ~b and c each has one layer, and d has none. If now the mirror be replaced in the interferometer, and the fringes found, it will be noted that where the fringes cross the boundaries of these four sections of the surface, they are displaced. Thus a fringe which passes from a to I will not be a straight line or an arc of a circle, but that portion of it which is over the surface a will be displaced THE MICHELSON INTERFEROMETER 67 with respect to that over the surface b by an amount which depends upon the thickness of the film ac. If this displacement is measured, we thereby determine the thickness of the film ac. FIGURE 21 In order to measure it, the white-light fringes must first be found so as to determine, by means of the central black fringe, in which direction the shifting has taken place. Having thus determined the direction of the shifting, its amount is measured by the com- pensator. There 'should be fastened to one end of the frame which holds the compensator, a small spiral spring. The other end of the spring should be fastened to a string which may be wound about a pin. The pin must carry a graduated drum or circle, so that its position may be read and thereby the tension of the spiral spring determined. The tension of this spring is opposed by the elasticity of the stud by which the compensator frame is fastened to the plate H. If the pin is turned so as to tighten or loosen the spiral spring, the compensator will turn through a small angle, and this angle will be proportional to the amount of the turning of the pin. To measure the difference of phase, the pin is turned until one fringe has passed, and the angle through which the pin has turned is read upon the graduated head. The pin should then be turned until the shifted part of the fringe comes to the position of the unshifted part, and the angle through which it has turned is read upon the graduated head. The ratio of the angles through which the pin has turned in these two operations is then the fraction of a wave 68 MANUAL OF ADVANCED OPTICS by which the fringe is shifted, and half of this fraction is the thickness of the film ac in wave lengths. Of course this measure- ment should be made in monochromatic light, the white-light fringes being used merely to recognize the direction of the shift. Having thus measured the thickness of the film ac, it is only necessary to measure the shift in a fringe at the junction between c and d, in order to be able to calculate the change of phase due to the reflection at the silver surface. In calculating this change of phase, account must be taken of the fact that half a wave is lost at the reflection upon glass, and also of the direction of the shift after allowance has been made for the thickness of the film ac. If the shift is in the same direction as that in the fringe across ab, then, since a is nearer the observer than J, the wave from the silver surface is ahead of that from the glass. The difference of phase between the light reflected at a surface glass-air, and that reflected at a surface glass-silver, is very easily obtained with the aid of a plane parallel plate of optical glass which has been silvered over half of one surface. This plate must be introduced into the interferometer in place of the mirror D, with the silver side away from the observer. A second piece of the same plate of glass must then be introduced in front of the mirror C in order to compensate for the extra glass added by the introduction of the first plate into the path AD. The white-light fringes having been found upon the rear of the plate in front of D, and been set perpendicular to the dividing line between the silvered and the unsilvered portions of the plate, the displacement of the central fringe is measured as described above. Since the light is reflected from the glass-air surface without change of phase, the shifting of the fringe indicates a retardation, i.e., a loss of part of a wave. EXAMPLES 1. One of the mirrors of the interferometer was coated with a double film of silver as illustrated in Fig. 21. The displacement THE MICHELSON INTERFEROMETER 69 of the fringe across ab was measured in sodium light and found to be 0.26. Hence the thickness of the film ac was 0.13X. The fringe across cd was displaced 0.17 of a fringe. Since the reflec- tion upon the glass surface d produces a change of phase of 0.5 of a wave, the retardation produced hy the silver is 0.5 + 0.17 0.26 = 0.41X. 2. The displacement of the fringe on the glass-silver surface was found to be 0.28A. For further study, of the applications which can be made of the inter- ferometer the student is referred to the following: Michelson and Morley, "On the Relative Motion of the Earth and Ether," Am. Jour. Sci. (3) 22, p. 120, 1881; 34, p. 333, 1887; Phil. Mag. (5) 4, p. 449, 1887. "On the Effect of the Motion of the Medium upon the Velocity of Light," Am. Jour. Sci. (3) 31, p. 377, 1886. "On a Method of Using the "Wave Length of Sodium Light as a Practical Standard of Length," Am. Jour. Sci. (3) &#, 427, 1887; Phil. Mag. (5) 24, p. 463; Am. Jour. Sci. (3) 37, p. 181, 1889. Michelson, "Light Waves and Their Applications to Meteorology," Nature, 49, p. 56, 1893. "Valeur du Metre en longeurs d'ondes lumin- euse," Trav. et Mem. Bur. Internat. Poids et Mes. XI, p. 1, 1894; "On the Relative Motion of the Earth and Ether," Am. Jour. Sci. (4) 3, p. 475, 1897. Morley and Rogers, "On the Measurement of the Expansion of Metals by the Interferential Method," Phys. Rev. 4, pp. 1 and 106, 1896. Wads worth, "On the Application of the Interferometer to the Meas- urement of Small Deflections of a Suspended System," Phys. Rev. 4, p. 480, 1897. Hull, "On the Use of the Interferometer in the Study of Electric Waves," Phys. Rev. 5, p. 231, 1897. Johonnott, "On the Thickness of the Black Spot on Liquid Films," Phil. Mag. (5) 47, p. 501, 1899. Earhart, "On Sparking Distances between Plates," Phil. Mag. (6) 1, p. 147, 1901. Gale, "On the Relation between Density and Index of Refraction of Air," Phys. Rev. 14, p. 1, 1902. VI THE VISIBILITY CURVES Theory In Chapter II it has been shown that it is possible to deter- mine the width of a rectangular source and the distance between two such sources by observations made with the double slit. In these experiments the fringes disappeared when the distance between the slits was such that the angle subtended by the sources was one wave divided by that distance, and also when that distance was such that the angular width of each single source was equal to a wave length divided by it. In Chapter III, the two slits have been converted into an interferometer, and in Chapter V we have used the interferometer to measure the ratio of the wave lengths of the two sodium lines, by determining the number of waves in the change which takes place in the distance between the mirrors in passing from one position of maximum visibility to the next. The close similarity between the two experiments must be evident at once, the difference lying in the fact that in the case of the two slits we have angles to resolve, while with the interferometer we have differences in wave lengths, or rather in numbers of vibrations, to determine. The resemblance becomes even closer if we conceive the spectral source to be resolved as far as possible by an ordinary spectroscope. The sodium lines, for example, would then appear as two line sources, i.e., they would very much resemble the double source consisting of a pair of parallel slits as treated above. We might expect then that the equations which connect the visibility curves with the distribution of light in the source would 70 THE VISIBILITY CURVES 71 be very similar in the two cases, "and would differ only in the fact that angles in the case of the two slits would be replaced in the case of the interferometer by wave lengths or numbers of vibra- tions. The solution of a visibility curve is very difficult. It will help us much in obtaining such solutions if we begin by the inverse process of assuming a known distribution of light and plotting the corresponding visibility curve. Fig. 22 gives a series of such curves. The nature of the distribution in the source is shown at the left, and the actual vibrations are plotted, the visibility curve being the envelope of the curve. The abscissae of the curves rep- resent distance traveled, and the ordinates intensity. Thus in Fig. 22 the curve 1 represents the resultant of two trains of homogeneous waves of the same amplitude but with slightly different periods which start in the same phase at a. When they have traveled a distance ab, they are seen to be in opposite phase, and the visibility curve comes to zero. It is quite clear that the distance they have to travel before they come into opposite phases depends upon the difference of their periods. So we can already guess that a determination of the distance ab would lead to some knowledge of that difference in the periods. In the case of the interferometer we have formed by the two trains of waves two separate sets of fringes, and when the movable mirror is displaced, these sets travel across the field at different rates, as was shown on page 59. When a certain difference of path has been introduced, represented by ab in curve 1, these two sets of fringes overlap so as to present an evenly illuminated field of view and the visibility curve comes to zero. As the difference of path is further increased, the fringes soon come into such posi- tions that one set has overtaken the other by one whole fringe, and then we have a maximum of visibility as indicated at c. Thus if we interpret the vibrations which unite to form the curve 1 as fringes, i.e., as periodic variations of intensity, and consider that 72 MANUAL OF ADVANCED OPTICS the distance traveled is replaced in the interferometer by differ- ence of path, then the envelope represents the variations in the visibility of the resultant set of fringes as the two separate sets pass by in the field of view. Hence the envelopes of the curves in Fig. 22, are, in the case of the interferometer, the visibility 'A L |^ A/WWV ^ 5. j. I II ||to*^ vwwwv^^ 7. 1 FIGURE 22 curves, and from them we can draw conclusions as to the nature of the source. Thus curve 2 represents the visibility curve which corre- sponds to a double source, each of whose components is broad, i.e., does not send out waves of one definite period only, but waves whose lengths vary between the limits X and \ + rfA. It will be noted that the distance between the centers of these two sources THE VISIBILITY CURVES 73 is the same as that of curve 1, so that the positions of zero visibility are not changed. The effect of broadening the source is seen to be a decrease in the visibility at each successive maximum, so that the fringes soon disappear altogether. Curve 3 corresponds to two homogeneous radiations of unequal amplitudes, and curve 4 represents a single, broad, uni- formly illuminated source. The other curves are easily under- stood. Let us now take up the analytical discussion of the subject. According to equation (6), page 22, the intensity of illumination produced at any point by two congruent rays of equal brightness is expressed by A 2 = A* cos 2 TT - = 2A? (l + cos Zir - V Now 2 A ! 2 represents twice the intensity of each of the two rays. This intensity may be regarded as a function of the wave length, so that we may replace %A * by $ (X) and our equation becomes /A = A(X) + (x) cos %pirxdx S = /< (a;) sin %pirxdx, there results / = P + C cos 2/jrr S sin 2/?ir. Now as long as the interval from Xi to x 2 is small, the variation of the values of C and S corresponding to a change in p is small. Hence as on page 24, the maxima and minima of / are deter- mined by y- = 0, i.e., by C sin 2jt?7r + S cos 2jt??r = 0. Hence I=P \/C' z + S 2 . The visibility may then be denned by equations (7), (8), and (9), page 25. Thus in the case of a single uniformly illuminated source < (x) = const., which sends out waves for which x varies within the limits > we have a \r L 1-4 1 sn nira V=- -~-.|ocftft*mfe. a 1 pwa HI as on page 25, but in this case p is equal to the number of waves in the difference of path, and a is a small fraction which deter- mines the width of the source. It will be noted that the visibility is equal to zero when pa = 1, 2, 3, etc., i.e., when 123 p = -, , , etc. * a' a' a' THE VISIBILITY CURVES 75 The more important case is that in which the distribution of light in the source is represented by < (x) = *-*"', which distribution is in accord with Maxwell's Law deduced from the theory of probability. In this case when k is large the value of the integral diminishes rapidly with increasing x, the terms near the origin being the only important ones. Hence the limits of the integration may be taken as x. Then I ['- ' ( e '"*** cos J -~ _ /- _ p yfc2 * r : ~^~r. V It will be noted that the curve is not periodic, but diminishes gradually as p increases. If we assume that the source is prac- tically limited when < (.?;) has reached a value equal to one-half of its maximum value, then, calling the corresponding value of #, we have I - = e 4 , IV Hence If now q represent the value of p for which V = , then hence a_ _ log 2 _ .22 2 = "~ = ' 76 MANUAL OF ADVANCED OPTICS If this value of a be substituted above, there results ff 8 log 2 V=e v* , or It will be noted that is a small fraction denoting parts of a wave & length. If we wish to get the width of the source in millimeters we must multiply by X. Also both p and q are numbers of waves. If we wish to have them expressed in millimeters we multiply both by X expressed in millimeters. Thus letting p\ = JT, q\ = A, we get F-a-f, y-fV \ , (34) in which W represents the width of the source in millimeters. It has been shown on page 26, that the equation of the visibility curve for a double source differs from that for a single source by the addition of a cosine factor. In general let us suppose we have a series of similar sources which lie about the origin of coordinates and whose distribution of intensity is expressed by (#). The expression for the number of vibrations of the waves of any source may be put in the form 1 1 l-X<*#*>v For a symmetrical distribution (5=0), the integrals P and C take the form f (x) sin %pir (d + x) = C sin Zpird, J (x) cos Zpn (d -f x) = C cos 2pird. Hence if U represent the visibility which results from all the sources 2 _ (Sff sin %mf 2 + 2C cos 2W 2 THE VISIBILITY CURVES 77 Now the visibility due to each source by itself is represented by r= P ' therefore _ (2 VP sin Zjnrd)* + (S VP cos Zpwd)* or W cos 2pir (d' d) If the law of the distribution of the light in the separate sources is the same, while their intensities are proportional to factors r, /, r", etc., the visibility V produced by each will be the same, but P will be proportional to r ; hence, for this case _ cos %pir (d f - d) 2 In the case of a double source, the ratio of the intensities of whose components is r : 1, this reduces, if d = d' d, to ! 1 + r* + 2r cos ( . (1 + r) 2 and if the two sources have equal intensities, to U= Vcospirt1 . (26) The value of d may be found from the positions of zero visibility, i.e., the points at which U '= 0. In case the two lines have not equal intensities, we may still determine the value of d from the period of the curve. Thus in the case of the two sodium lines the visibility curve reaches its first minimum when/; = 492 waves; 13 1 hence, since U = when pd = -> > etc. , rf = T^' So it follows that do represents a fraction of a wave length, so that when it is multiplied by AQ we obtain the difference between the wave lengths of the two sources in millimeters, i.e., A^ -\z = 78 MANUAL OF ADVANCED OPTICS Since the period of the curve is the distance between two suc- cessive minima which correspond to differences of path p l and p^ we have, denoting the number of waves in that period by p^ but if D represents the length of the period in millimeters, = A,-V (27) p = - , and therefore In general p - ~^-> hence equation (25) becomes A Y cos 2ir Since this coefficient of V appears frequently it will be denoted symbolically by cos -=j- The inverse problem of determining the form of the distribu- tion when the visibility curve is given is more difficult. The general solution is shown by Kayleigh* to depend upon both C and S. Now the visibility curve alone determines only C 2 + S*. Hence the solution is not single valued unless we can obtain a second relationship between C and S. This can be done by determining the displacement of the phase of the fringes as the difference in path is increased. We may, however, obtain a fairly accurate idea of the distribution in quite a number of cases from the visibility curve alone if we assume that we are dealing with a source in which the distribution is symmetrical, for in this case S = 0, and the solution is definite. The process of determining the visibility curve of a given source by observation is as follows: The light which is to be analyzed is passed into the interferometer, the two mirrors being *Rayleigh, Phil. Mag. (5) 34, p. 407. THE VISIBILITY CURVES 79 near together and adjusted to be parallel to each other. The visibility of the fringes, that is, the contrast between the bright and dark fringes, is called 100. The screw of the instrument is then turned through a whole turn and the visibility again esti- mated. It will generally be less than 100. This estimation of visibility requires some practice. This practice may be obtained by mounting between Nicols a convex and a concave quartz lens of the same curvature. If these lenses are cut parallel to the crystallographic axis and' set so that their axes are at right angles to each other, circular fringes similar to those in the inter- ferometer will be seen. As the lenses are rotated about the line of sight as an axis, the visibility varies in a way which can be calculated from the angle of inclination of the axes of the lenses with the plane of polarization of the analyzer. For if a represent that angle, then the two extreme values I v and L 2 of the resultant intensity will be respectively 1 and cos 2 2a, and therefore r _ /!-/ 1 ~ COS 2 2a ~ - / 2 ~ 1 - COS 2 -2a Having trained the eye with such an arrangement the visibility is estimated at each revolution of the screw, and these estimates are plotted as ordinates, the corresponding differences of path being the abscissae. Even if the entire curve is not worked out, con- siderable information can be obtained from a determination of the differences of path which correspond to the minima. Experiment DETERMINE THE DISTRIBUTION ix THE CADMIUM LINES Apparatus and adjustments as in the previous chapter. MEASUREMENTS. Using as a source of light a cadmium tube, the light is first passed through an ordinary spectroscope so that only one radiation at a time passes into the interferometer. Start- ing near the position of the white-light fringes, the visibilities 80 MANUAL OF ADVANCED OPTICS which correspond to the gradually increasing differences of path are observed as has been described. It is well to observe the fringes through a small telescope focused for parallel rays. If a telescope can not be used, a card with a small hole in it should be mounted, in front of the instrument to insure keeping the eye at the same' point during the observations. The observations are then plotted as ordinates in a curve, the difference of path being the abscissae. From the curve thus obtained we find A the difference in path] which corresponds to V = 50. If the curve is periodic, corre- sponding to a double source, we must take the envelope of the maxima for making this calculation, i.e., the part of the curve; x* represented in our equation by 2 A2 . The half width of the 22A. 22 source is then = - X 2 . If the line is double, the distance 9 A between the sources is determined from D, the period of the curve, i.e., the distance between the maxima or the minima; \ 2 for, as was shown above, \ 1 X 2 = The ratio of the intensities of the two lines may be obtained approximately from the heights of the first maximum and minimum. Thus the visibility at the first maximum is always 100. If at the first minimum it is, say 20, and if a and b represent the two intensities, a + 1) - 100, a 1) = 20, and, therefore, = = 0.7 approximately. (I o EXAMPLES 1. The red radiation from cadmium (X = 6438 10~ 7 ) was observed, and the curve shown in Fig. 23 b obtained. Since this FIGURE 23 THE VISIBILITY CURVES 81 curve is iiot periodic we may conclude that the line is single. The value of A is seen to be A = 138, hence the half width of the source is, from equation (24) , A 2 = .0066 - 10- 7 mm. A X" The equation of the visibility curve would then be F=2 ( 138 ) a . The curve marked a shows the distribution which is seen to correspond to a very nearly homogeneous source. 2. The green radiation of cadmium (X = 5086 10" 7 ) was observed and the curve shown in Fig. 24 I obtained. Since the FIGURE 24 curve is periodic with a single period it corresponds to a double line. The period of the curve is seen to be D = 115. Hence the \ 2 distance between the lines is X l X 2 = jr- = .022 - 10~ 7 mm. Further, F= 50 for X= 120, i.e., A = 120, therefore, the half 22 width of the line is ' X 2 = .0048 10- 7 mm. A The value of V at the first maximum is 100, at the first mini- mum 66, hence = .2 nearly. Hence the equation of the curve would be represented by .2 F=2 (')' cos 115 The corresponding distribution is represented at the left of the figure. 3. The next curve, Fig. 25, represents the envelope of the visi- bility curve for sodium (X = 5890 10~ 7 ). The period which-deter- 82 MANUAL OF ADVANCED OPTICS mines the separation of the two lines D l and D 2 has already been found to be .58 mm. (cf. page 61). Hence this period is omitted FIGURE 25 from the curve. As it stands, the curve represents the distribution of each of the sodium lines upon the supposition that it is the same for both. The curve is seen to have two periods, one of 50 and one X 2 of 150. Corresponding to the period 50, we have-y-=. 069 10~ 7 mm. , A 2 while for the period 150 we have -=r= .023 10~ 7 mm. The value of A is seen to be 156, and so the half width of each of these lines is .0063 10~ 7 mm. ' The ratio of the intensities corresponding to the first period is found to be .7, and that corresponding to the second .2, hence the equation of the curve is represented by F=2 50 loO In connection with this chapter the student should read Michelson, Phil. Mag. (5)31, p. 338, 1891; Phil. Mag. (5) 34, p. 280, 1892; Journal de Physique (3) 3, p. 5, 1894; B. A. Reports, 1892, p. 170; Trav. et Mem. du Bureau Internat. des Poids et Mesures, XI, p. 1, 1894. Also some further developments of the same method are given by Perot and Fabry, C. R. 126, pp. 34, 331, 407, 1561, 1624, 1706, 1779; Ann. de Chim. et de Phys. (7) 16, pp. 115, 289; C. R. 130, p. 653. Some important applications of the method will be found as follows: Michelson, "On the Broadening of Spectral Lines," Astrophys- ical Journal, 2, p. 251, 1894; "Radiation in the Magnetic Field," Phil. Mag. (5), 44, P- 109, 1897; 46, p. 348, 1898; A strophysical Journal, 7, p. 130, 1898. VII THE PRISM SPECTROMETER Theory To understand the conditions which must be fulfilled in order that the spectrometer may be used with the greatest efficiency, it is necessary to discuss first some of the optical properties of prisms. An optical prism is a transparent solid, two of whose faces at least are plane surfaces, which intersect in a line. This line of intersection is called the edge of the prism. The angle inclosed by the two plane surfaces is called the refracting angle of the prism, and will be denoted in what follows by A. A plane passing through the prism parallel to the edge and perpendicular FIGURE 26 to the plane bisecting the refracting angle is called the optical base, and a plane perpendicular to the edge is called a principal plane. Let CAB (Fig. 26) represent the section of a prism by a prin- cipal plane. Let S represent a source of light, and 800' R the path of a ray from that source through the prism. Draw NOe 83 84 MANUAL OF ADVANCED OPTICS and N'O'e perpendicular to the faces CA and BA at the points and 0' respectively. Continue the line SO to #, and 00' to $', and draw through 0', 0' H parallel to SO. The angle NOS between the normal NO and the direction of the incident ray SO is called the angle of incidence, and is denoted by i. As it is measured from the normal NO, it may be either positive or negative. It is denned as positive when the incident ray SO and the refracting angle A lie on opposite sides of the normal. It is, therefore, negative when the incident ray lies between the normal and the angle of the prism. Similarly the angle N' 0' R is called the angle of emergence and is denoted by i' . It is denned as positive when the emergent ray O'R and the refracting angle A lie on opposite sides of the normal N'O'. It is, therefore, negative when the emergent ray lies between the normal and the refracting angle. The angles eOO' and eO'O are called angles of refraction, and are denoted by r and r' respectively. The angle r is positive when the *, to which it corresponds, is positive, and negative when i is negative. Similarly, r is positive or negative according as the i', to which it corresponds, is positive or negative. The angle HO' R being the angle through which the ray is bent by its passage through the prism, is called the angle of devi- ation and is denoted by 8. From Fig. 25 we see that the following relations exist: HO'R = HO'S' + S'O'R = 8 HO'S' =gOO' = i-r S'0'R = i' -r'. Hence 8 = i+ i' - (r + r'). But feO' = r + r' = A, (29) therefore, 8 = i + i' - A . (30) The index of refraction of one medium with respect to another is denned as the ratio of the velocity of light in the one medium THE PRISM SPECTROMETER 85 to that in the other. Thus, if V represent the velocity in one medium, V that in the other, and ^ the index of refraction, As is well known, this ratio is equal to that of the sines of the angles of incidence and refraction, that is, F j sin i _ sin i' V i sin r sin r' We have, then, as the fundamental equations of the prism, sin I (* = - > sin / = sm r r + r' = A. (31) To obtain the general equation which connects the index of refraction with the angles J, i and i f we proceed as follows: From equations (31) we have sin i' = \L sin r' = /x sin (A r)' 9 if we expand sin (A r) and substitute for sin r its value - and for cos r its value -v/^-sin 2 ', this equation reduces to sin i' = sin A*/ 'f sin 2 i cos A sin i. (32) This equation holds in general without any conditions imposed upon the quantities involved. Since, however, the quantity whose value is to be determined from measured values of the others is usually the index of refraction /A, and since it is a matter of some difficulty to measure the angle of incidence i with accuracy, it is generally advisable to use the prism in one of two particular positions. 86 MANUAL OF ADVANCED OPTICS One of these particular positions is determined by the condi- tion i' = 0, that is, the ray emerges from the prism normal to its second face. In this case sin *' = 0, 8 = i A, or i = 8 + A, r' = 0, and r = A. Upon substituting these values in the first of equations (31), it readily reduces to sin (A + 8) sin A (33) Since in this case the determining condition is i' = 0, and since we also have r' = and r = A, therefore the fundamental equation sin i = /u, sin r becomes, under these circumstances, sin i = /u, sin A . But sin i must be less' than unity. Therefore, sin A < . Hence, a prism can not be used in this particular position unless its refracting angle falls within the limit prescribed by this inequality, that is, unless sin A < The other of these particular positions is determined by the condition i' = i. In this case / = r = A and 8 = 2i - A, or / = (A + 8), and on 1. When /M < 1 its value will be negative, which means that the corresponding value of i + i' is a maximum. But since, when /x < 1, the prism is optically less dense than the surrounding medium, the deviation will, not be given by equation (30), but by 8 = A (i -f i"). Hence in any case, the condition r = A will make 8 a minimum. But r + r' = A. Hence the condition r = A is equivalent to / = /' or to i = f . Therefore, under this condition the deviation produced by the prism is a minimum. 88 MANUAL OF ADVANCED OPTICS There is a limit to the use of a prism in this case also; for, under the condition i = i' we have seen that r' = A. Since & Bint*' < lit follows that sin A < If sin r' > , a thing which 2 p p often occurs in practice, there is no sin i' to correspond to it. Hence the ray can not leave the prism at the surface where this occurs, but is totally reflected. The application of total reflection to the determination of indices of refraction will be discussed in the next chapter. Consider now that instead of a single ray we have given a narrow beam of light. As before let CAB (Fig. 27) represent the FIGURE 27 section of a prism by a principal plane, and S the projection of a narrow source upon that plane. Suppose that a narrow beam of monochromatic light 80 A falls upon the prism in such a way that one boundary of the beam passes through the edge A of the prism. Let i represent the angle of incidence of the ray SO, and i' the corresponding angle of emergence, and r and r' the respective angles of refraction. Since the beam is supposed THE PRISM SPECTROMETER 89 *>^ narrow, we may denote the corresponding angles for the ray SA by i + di, i' + di\ etc. We then have from equations (31) sin f = fji sin (A - r) sin i = /w. sin r, whence, by differentiation, regarding /* as constant, cos i'di' = /A cos (A - r) dr, cos idi = fjL cos 7Y/r. Eliminating dr and substituting for A r its valne r' we have 7 ., cos /' cos /' rfi = - ^ - tfi. (35) cos / cos r From this equation it follows, since the cosine terms are always positive, that when di is positive, that is, i + di>i, di' is negative, and therefore i' + di' a a. or * = -r ' ( 4 ) dp. ^ From this equation it appears that, if it is desired to analyze or resolve with a prism two beams of light which proceed from the same source and whose indices of refraction are //. and p. + dp. respectively, it will be necessary to use a prism whose thickness , as defined above, is at least equal to -j It is often more convenient to have this expression in terms of X and d\ instead of X and dp.. The value of dp. in terms of d\ maybe obtained from equation (30), and when substituted in (40) there results 94 MANUAL OF ADVANCED OPTICS The dispersion of a prism, denoted by .Z), may be defined as the ratio of a change in deviation rfS to the corresponding change in wave length dX, that is, d& aft dp Tx = TV- ' dX But $ = i + i' A, therefore, for constant A and i, and in consideration of equation (37), rTS _ dif_ _ sin A dp~ dp ~ cos i' cos r Hence D. cos i cos r If the incident beam contains all possible wave lengths, that part of it which corresponds to each particular wave length will, on account of the dispersion of the prism, form its own particular image of the source at the focus of a lens suitably placed behind the prism. These images will be a series of parallel bright lines which overlap and form a bright band of light. Such a band is called a spectrum. The spectrum is said to be the purer, the less the successive images which unite to form it overlap. Since each of these elementary bands is produced by waves whose lengths vary over a small interval dX, we may use this change in wave length within the band as a convenient measure of the purity, that is, we may define purity, denoted by P, as the reciprocal of dX. Or, better, if we choose A. as the unit of measure, the purity may be defined as Let be the angular width of the elementary image due to wave length X alone. The center of this image will receive light from the neighboring images whose centers lie within a range of ) C-D 7610 F- G 20700 104 MANUAL OF ADVANCED OPTICS The extreme values of R for the lines B and G are added. The calculation is made from equations (47) and (49). LINE K B 6020 G 24400 VIII TOTAL REFLECTION Theory In Chapter VII we have deduced the general equation (32) for the prism. Mention was also made of the fact that when the internal angle of incidence r' becomes so large that sin / = - the light can not escape from the prism, but is totally reflected. This limiting angle of total reflection may then be used to determine /A. At that angle sin i' = 1, and hence (32) becomes 1 = sin A v / 'fj? sin 2 i cos A sin i. If this equation be solved for /x 2 we get cos A + sin Hence, to determine /* by this method it is necessary to measure the refracting angle A of the prism, and the angle i of incidence, If the totally reflecting surface be covered with a liquid of index it*', then at the limiting angle of total reflection sin i" = I = and equation (32) becomes for this case /A' = sin A v//A 2 - sin 2 i cos A sin i. (51) Experiments I. DETERMINE THE INDEX OF REFRACTION BY TOTAL REFLECTION The apparatus and adjustments are those of the last chapter. The prism used should be for convenience a total reflecting prism of 90. 105 106 MANUAL OF ADVANCED OPTICS MEASUREMENTS. Place the prism on the prism table of the spectrometer and allow diffused light to fall upon the face AB as shown in Fig. 30. Observe the reflected light with the telescope and find that position of the prism and telescope in which half of the field of view is bright and the other half less bright. Set the cross-hair of the telescope on the line of separation between these two portions of the field and read the position of the tele- scope on the circle. Then set the telescope perpendicular to the face BC, and again read the circle. The difference between these two readings will, because of the symmetry of the figure, be FIGURE 30 the angle i, which corresponds to the angle i' = 90. Note that in the case drawn the refracting angle of the prism is at A, and therefore since it and the incident ray are on opposite sides of the normal, i is positive. If it is desired to determine the index / of a liquid (// that is ^ ^ an( i -4' lie on a circle whose center lies on the axis of x at a distance |- from the origin. When this simple condition is fulfilled, the equation reduces to AP + PA' = r + r' We are now in a position to answer the question as to how the lines must be drawn on the mirror to produce the required effect. Let e represent the difference in millimeters between the values of the y's which correspond to the nth and the n + 1st lines. The distance between the centers of their adjacent zones will also be e. Since when A and A' are fixed, as we have supposed them, r 4- r' is independent of the position of P on the mirror, the question as to the illumination at A' depends for its answer upon the value of the term containing y. The condition for illumi- nation at A' is that the light arriving there from any zone, the nth for instance, shall differ in phase from that arriving from 120 MANUAL OF ADVANCED OPTICS the next zone, the n + 1st, by a whole number of wave lengths m\. This difference of phase will accordingly be determined by or, since this must be equal to m\, by *&+Si-**- ( 5 ) Hence e, the difference in the values of the y's for two consecutive lines, is constant. That is, the lines must be equally spaced along a chord of the mirror perpendicular to the x axis. If conditions are so arranged that the image formed at A' is observed only when A' lies upon the axis of #, V becomes zero, and equation (59) reduces to e - = m\. (60) r But = sin i, where i is, as usual, the angle of incidence. Hence, equation (60) may be written in the form e sin i = m\. (61) The distance A A' is, when b' = 0, equal to p sin t, or taking equation (61) also into account, AA'-?0- (62) 6 Hence A A' is proportional to the wave length X. The use of the concave grating under the condition V = is especially to be recommended, because, when the point of observa- tion lies upon the normal to the grating, the dispersion is, as in the case of the plane grating, very nearly constant throughout a considerable range on either side of the normal. Equations (56) and (57), expressing the dispersion and resolving power of a plane grating, apply to the concave grating also. THE CONCAVE GRATING 121 Experiments I. DETERMINE THE CONSTANT OF THE GRATING APPARATUS. As shown above it is best to mount the concave grating in such a way that its center of curvature coincides with the point of observation. This may be accomplished in every position of the grating if the slit, the center of the grating, and the point of observation lie upon a semicircle whose diameter passes through the center of curvature and the center of the grating, and is equal in length to the radius of curvature of the grating. The best method of fulfilling this condition is that B \ A FIGURE 33 adopted by Rowland. The grating and the observing eyepiece are firmly mounted on the ends of a rigid arm GO (Fig. 33), whose length is equal to the radius of curvature of the grating. This arm is supported at each end upon a small carriage, and these carriages maybe moved along the tracks AB and AC, respect- ively. If these two tracks are accurately perpendicular to each other, and if the slit is placed at J, then in any position of the arm GO the points G, and A will lie on a semicircle, which fulfills the required conditions. ADJUSTMENTS.* The tracks AB and AC must be straight, *Cf. Ames, Phil. Mag. (5)27, p. 369. Astronomy and Astrophys. 11, p. 28, 1892. MANUAL OF ADVANCED OPTICS level, and perpendicular to each other. These tracks are usually mounted upon heavy steel or wooden beams with adjusting screws so that they can be raised or lowered and moved laterally. The adjustment for straightness can be made by tightly stretching beside the track a fine piano wire or silk thread, and then bringing the track parallel to this either with the adjusting screws or by filing. The tracks may be made ^horizontal with the help of a good spirit level, or with a cathetometer set up at some point, as Z>, and focused on the upper edge of the track. The tracks may be made perpendicular to each other by the 3-4-5 rule, i.e., by measuring from their point of intersection a distance of 3 units on one track and of 4 units on the other; the distance along the hypothenuse between the two points thus deter- mined, should be made to equal 5 units. One of the beams upon which the track is fastened is usually so mounted as to allow of a lateral motion, in order to permit this adjustment to be made. The arm GO, mounted upon its carriages, should then be put in place. The axes about which the arm turns with respect to the carriages should be directly over the center of the track, and be marked at the top by a small hole or point. It is assumed that the maker of the carriages has attended to this. The grating should then be set in place. The center of its surface should be tangent to the axis of the carriage over which it stands. The grating holder should be adjustable in every direction, i.e., about each of the three rectangular axes of Figure 31. The center of curvature of the grating should fall upon the axis about which the arm GO turns at the end 0. To accomplish this, a Gauss eyepiece is mounted at 0, so that its cross-hairs are directly over the hole or point which marks that axis. The centers of the eyepiece and the grating should lie in the same horizontal plane, i.e., the distance of both from the top of the THE CONCAVE GRATIXG 123 track should be the same. The adjustment then divides itself into two parts : First, the normal erected at the center of the grating must intersect the axis at the observing end of the arm, and must be parallel to the plane of the tracks ; and, second, the cross-hairs of the eyepiece and their image formed by the grating must coincide, i.e., the cross-hairs must lie at the center of curv- ature of the grating. To fulfil the first of these conditions, the grating should first be set by eye, so that the lines upon it are approximately vertical. It should then be turned about the hori- zontal and vertical axes, which are parallel to the plane tangent to it at its center, i.e., about the y- and the z-axes of Figure 31, until the image of the cross-hairs of the eyepiece nearly coincide laterally and vertically with the cross-hairs themselves. The arm GO must then be adjusted in length until the cross-hairs and their reflected image show no parallax. The arm GO should have been constructed to have very nearly the correct length. It should, however, have a splice in it, which allows an adjustment of a centimeter or so in length. The slit should then be mounted over the intersection of the tracks, with its center at the same distance from the tracks as the center of the grating. If the other adjustments have been cor- rectly made, the slit should be in focus in the eyepiece at 0. In case it is not in focus it should be moved slightly forward or backward in the direction AB. If it is found necessary to move it more than a millimeter or two in order to bring it into focus, it indicates that some of the other adjnstments are inac- curate, and it is advisable to verify them. To be sure that the lines of the grating are perpendicular to the plane of the tracks move the arm GO back and forth. The spectra will pass the point 0. The lines are vertical when the spectra remain at the same height above the track at as the arm is moved. The slit should be parallel to the lines of the grating. This 124 MANUAL OF ADVANCED OPTICS adjustment is best made with the help of the solar spectrum. The slit should be illuminated with sunlight, and the grating set in such a position that a group of fine lines appears in the eyepiece. While observing these lines the slit should be rotated about a horizontal axis. When the lines are most sharply defined, the slit is parallel to the lines of the grating. This adjustment may be made easier by introducing a narrow opaque object, like a medium-sized wire, horizontally across the slit. The images of the slit in the eyepiece will then be divided into two parts, and will appear to run into points on the two sides of the division. When these points are vertically opposite each other the slit is parallel to the lines of the grating. MEASUREMENTS. Illuminate the slit with monochromatic light of known wave length, or better with sunlight, and move the arm GO until the spectral image of the slit, or a known Fraunhofer line, falls upon the cross-hairs of the eyepiece. Measure the distance AO and the radius of curvature OG of the grating. Now the angle i of incidence is AOG, and the angle of diffraction is equal to zero, hence from equation (61) OA m\ = e sin i = e -777^' (J(jr from which the value of e is readily determined. The concave grating has been used to make absolute deter- minations of wave lengths. In these measurements the grating space was determined by dividing the width of the ruling by the total number of lines upon it. The results obtained by different observers by this method differ among themselves by one part in 15,000.* The grating furnishes, however, the most accurate * The following are the most important absolute determinations of the wave length D t . 5895.81, Angstrom, corrected by Thalen, Nov. Act. Upsal. (3) 12, p. 1. 5896.25, Miiller and Kempf, Publ. Potsdam Obs. 5. 5895.90, Kurlbaum, Wied. Ann. 33, p. 159. 5896.20, Bell, Am. Jour. Sci. (3) S3, p. 167; 35. p. 265; Phil. Mag. (5) 23, p. 265; 25, p. 255. THE CONCAVE GRATING 125 means of determining relative wave lengths after it has been calibrated by known waves. Thus Rowland's relative determina- tions, made by this method, have justly become the standard work on the subject.* For fixing the absolute lengths he uses a mean of the absolute determinations of the lengths of D l9 as given in the footnote below. Probably the most accurate abso- lute determination of wave length is that of the three cadmium lines, which was made by Michelsonf by the interferometer method. As a discussion of the details of the methods employed to obtain accuracy in the determinations with the grating would lead us beyond the scope of this book, the student is referred for further information to the articles mentioned in the footnotes or to Kayser's Handbuch der Spectroscopie, Vol. 1, p. 715 seq., where the methods are presented at length. EXAMPLE To determine the constant of the grating the following measurements were made upon some of the Fraunhofer lines of the solar spectrum : LINE B D, E F The radius of curvature of the grating was 640.5 cm. Hence, from equation (60) the following values of w (= ) are obtained: AO (m = 1) AO (m = 2) AO (m = 3) 259.8 cm. 519.5 cm. 779.2 cm. 222.7 " 445.4 " 668.1 " 199.2 " 398.5 " 597.9 " 183.8 " 367.6 " 551.3 " LINE n B 590.32 D, 590.31 E 590.30 F 590.30 mean 590.31 * Am. Jour. Sci. (3)&?, p. 182; Phil. Mag. (5) 23, p. 257; 27, p. 479; 36, p. 49. t Mem. du Bur. internal, des Poids et Mes. 11, p. 1 ; C. R. 11G, p. 790. 126 MANUAL OF ADVANCED OPTICS The width of the ruling was I = 145 mm. Hence, the total number of lines upon the grating is n = In = 85,595 ; and therefore, from equation (57), the resolving power in the first spectrum is R = 85,595. Since 6 = at 0, the dispersion D is determined from tTl equation (56) as D = = mn Q = 590.31 for the first spectrum. The 6 width a of the beam is in this case the width of the ruling, i.e., a = 145 mm. Hence, by equation (58), R = aD = 85,595. XI F POLARIZED LIGHT Quantitative experiments in polarized light presuppose some general knowledge of the phenomena of polarization. Since expe- rience has shown that few possess this knowledge with sufficient definiteness, the following simple exercises are suggested, and the student is advised to take any of the standard texts as a guide and to work them out before attempting the experiments in the next four chapters. 1. Make a dot on a piece of white paper and observe it perpen- dicularly through a crystal of Iceland spar. The line connecting the two dots seen is always parallel to the line connecting which angles of a perfect rhomb? 2. Rotate the crystal and note the effect produced. Call the ray which behaves extraordinarily the extraordinary ray E, and the other the ordinary ray 0. 3. Toward which angle of the rhomb is E bent? 4. Prove that the two emergent rays are parallel. 5. Observe the dot through two crystals similarly placed; explain the effect. 6. Observe the dot through two crystals oppositely placed; explain the effect. 7. Place the crystals so that their axes inclose an angle of -45 and explain the effect. Call the four rays 00, Oe, Eo and Ee^ and state how you distinguish each. 8. Which of the four disappear when the axes of the crystals include an angle of 90? Which when the axes include an angle of 180? Since the position of the upper crystal when Ee disap- 127 128 MANUAL OF ADVANCED OPTICS pears differs by 90 from its position when Eo disappears, these two rays are said to be polarized in planes at right angles to each other. 9. Observe a dot obliquely through a rhomb of Iceland spar, and determine, by means of the bending of and E, which travels the faster in the crystal. 10. Explain the construction of the Nicol prism. 11. Assume that vibrates in the plane perpendicular to the principal plane of the wave, i.e., to the plane defined by the wave normal and the optic axis. By means of this assumption deter- mine the plane of transmission of the Nicol, i.e., the plane in which the transmitted vibrations take place. 12. Using the Mcol to determine the plane of vibration, find in which plane the vibrations of the light reflected from a glass surface at the polarizing angle take place. 13. Determine the plane of maximum vibration of the light transmitted by a plate of glass when the light is incident at the polarizing angle. 14. Increase the number of plates and explain the effect produced upon both the reflected and the transmitted light. 15. Prove, experimentally, that a Wollaston prism makes the beams and E divergent, and explain the reason. 16. Observe a sodium burner through two Nicols. Shut off the light by crossing the Nicols. Insert a thin crystal and explain the effect. 17. Rotate the crystal and locate its axes. 18. Rotate the analyzer and explain the effects. 19. Replace the sodium burner with a source of white light. Rotate the crystal and explain the effects. Rotate the analyzer and explain the effects. 20. Try the same experiment without the polarizer. 21. Replace the analyzer with a Wollaston prism and prove that the colors of the two images are complementary. POLARIZED LIGHT 129 22. Replace the crystal by one thinner and then by one thicker and explain the effects. 23. Examine and explain the effects produced by passing con- vergent or divergent plane polarized light through a crystal cut perpendicular to the axis. XII KOTATION OF THE PLAXE OF POLAKIZATIOX Theory It has long been known that if plane polarized light be passed through certain substances, the plane of polarization is rotated through an angle which is peculiar to each such substance. On this account such substances are called optically active. They may conveniently be divided into three classes as follows : First, those substances which rotate the plane of polarization only when they are in crystal form and lose their optical activity when they are melted or brought into solution. The most important of these substances is quartz, which crystallizes in the hexagonal crystal system. Since the optical activity of these sub- stances is lost when their crystal form is destroyed, this peculiar property of theirs must depend only on the geometrical arrange- ment of the molecules in the crystal, and hence its investigation falls properly within the domain of physics. Second, those substances which show this optical activity not only in the crystal form but also when melted or in solution. In this class belong several of the camphors and tartrates. Third, those substances which are optically active only when in the liquid form or in solution. This class contains carbon compounds only. Since the members of the second and third classes retain their optical activity not only in solution but also in the vapor form, it follows that their power of rotating the plane of polarization depends on the arrangement of the atoms in the molecule, and, therefore, its study belongs properly in the domain of chemistry. 130 ROTATION OF THE PLANE OP POLARIZATION 131 For substances of the first class, the amount of rotation varies with the thickness of the substance traversed by the light, with the wave length of the light, and with the temperature. It has been experimentally proved that the angle, denoted by a, through which the plane of polarization is rotated by an active substance is proportional to the thickness traversed.* If / denotes this thickness, then a = kl, ' in which k denotes the rotation produced by unit thickness. For quartz, the values of k for a plate 1 mm. thick cut perpendicular to the optic axis are, for light of the wave lengths corresponding to the Fraunhofer lines of the solar spectrum,! FRAUNHOFER LINE B C- D E F G k 15.75 17.31 21.72 27.54 32.76 42.59 The dependence of the angle of rotation upon the wave length may be expressed by J A B a = TI +TT' \ 2 A* in which A and B are constants to be determined for each substance by experiment. From the values of X given above for quartz, A and B are found to have the following values, when A is expressed in mm., A = 7.1083 10- 6 B = 0.1477 10~ 12 . The variation of a due to changes of temperature is, for sub- stances of the first class, small. For quartz, ar = a [1 + 0.000147(0]. *Biot, Mem. de 1'Acad. ~ ? , pp. 41, 91, 1817; Ann. chim. phys. (2) 10, p. 63. t Soret and Sarasin, C. R. 95, p. 635, 1882. ^Boltzmann, Pogg. Ann. Jubelbd., p. 128, 1874. For another disper- sion equation cf. Lotnmel, Wied. Ann. 14, p. 523, 1881. Gumlich, Wiss. Abh. d. Phys.-techn. Reichsanstalt, 2, p. 230, 1895. 132 MANUAL OF ADVANCED OPTICS In considering the optical activity of substances of the second and third classes in solution, the idea of specific rotation, intro- duced by Biot, is found convenient. The specific rotation of an active substance in solution, denoted by [a], is defined as the angle through which the plane of polarization is rotated by a column of the solution 1 dm. long, which has in 1 cc. of its volume 1 gm. of the active substance. Thus if the solution be obtained by placing c gm. of the active substance in a flask and filling the flask till it contain 100 gm. of solution, then by definition, Since, as has been observed above, the optical activity of sub- stances of the second and third classes is due to their molecular structure, it has been found useful to introduce the molecular weight into the definition. Hence, the molecular rotation is defined as the specific rotation multiplied by the molecular weight and divided by 100. The 100. is introduced merely to avoid large numbers. Thus, if [M] represent the molecular rotation, and M the molecular weight, that is, the molecular rotation is the angle through which the plane of polarization would be rotated by a column of the solution of the length of 1 mm., which contained in every cc. of its vol- ume 1 gram molecule of the active substance. It was at first supposed that specific rotation was a constant characteristic of a substance. Later investigation has, however, brought out the fact that it varies with the concentration, with the nature of the solvent, and with the temperature. These vari- ations are generally small. Their cause has been shown to lie, for some substances at least, in the incomplete dissociation of the molecules in the solution into their ions. As a discussion of this ROTATION OF THE PLANE OF POLARIZATION 133 subject lies beyond the scope of this work the reader who wishes to pursue the matter further is referred to Landolt, Optische Dreltungscermogen organischer Substanzen, 2d edition, Braunsch- weig, 1898. The case of sugar, however, on account of its peculiar impor- tance from a practical point of view, merits special attention. The value of [a] for sugar, as determined from solutions whose concen- tration varies from 5 to 30%, is essentially constant. From a large number of different measurements, its value at 20 C. for sodium light has been determined as Its variation with the temperature is, according to the most recent work, for values of t between 12 and 25 C,* [a]^[a]"-0.0217 (t-'20). (64) Sugar possesses very nearly the same dispersive power as quartz. The following figures give the rotation corresponding to some of the Fraunhofer lines as measured in solutions whose con- centrations varied from 10 to 20%, the column of the liquid used being of such length that the sodium light is rotated the same amount as by a plate of quartz 1 mm. thick. f FRAUNHOFER LINE B C D E F G Rotation 15.20 17.23 21.71 27.64 33.08 43.14 A comparison of these values with those given above for quartz shows how nearly the dispersive powers of the two substances correspond. It is because of this fact that, as is done in some forms of sacchari meter, it is correct to make the measurements by compensating the rotation produced by the sugar solution by a rotation in the opposite sense produced by quartz. *Sch6nrock, Zs. f. Instrk. 20, p. 97, 1900. t Stefan, Wien. Ber. 52, II, p. 486. 134 MANUAL OF ADVANCED OPTICS The specific rotation of invert sugar varies much more than that of cane sugar with changes of concentration and tempera- ture. Its value and its variations with the concentration and the temperature are,* for values of c up to 35 and of t between and 30C., M;= [a] 2 -0.304(^-20), (65) in which c' = c, the fraction being the ratio of the molecular weights of the two sugars. The rotation is in this case left- handed. Cane sugar may be converted into invert sugar by adding to 100 cc. of the sugar solution, 10 cc. of strong hydrochloric acid, and keeping the mixture at a temperature of 70 C. for ten minutes. It has, however, been shownf that the value of [a']^ determined from solutions thus converted is not constant, but depends some- what on the relative amounts of sugar and acid in the solution. The following is recommended : To every 100 parts of sugar add 1 part of oxalic acid and let the mixture stand for some hours at a temperature of 50 to 60C. Experiment DETERMINE THE PURITY OP A SAMPLE OF SUGAR APPARATUS. The essential parts of the polarimeter are two Nicols, A and B (Fig. 34), mounted on the ends of a firm hori- zontal bar about 30 cm. long. It should be possible to rotate the analyzing Nicol B about a horizontal axis, and to read the angle through which it has been turned upon a vertical graduated circle (7, which is fastened to the base of the instrument. The accuracy * Landolt, Optische Drehungsvermogen, Braunschweig, 1898, p. 526. t Gubbe, Ber. I. deutschen Chem. Ges. 18, p. 2210. ROTATION OF THE PLANE OF POLARIZATION 135 of the readings which can be made with this simplest form of instrument is not very great. The methods employed in increas- ing the attainable accuracy of setting are different in different forms of instrument. The device most frequently used is that of introducing directly behind the polarizer a second doubly refract- C B FIGURE 34 ing object, which has the effect of dividing the field of view into two or more parts whose planes of polarization make a small angle with each other. Thus in the Laurent polarimeter there is intro- duced behind the polarizer a thin plane-parallel plate of quartz so cut as to effect a slight rotation of the plane of polarization of the polarizer, and so placed as to cover half of the field of view. In 136 MANUAL OF ADVANCED OPTICS the most recent form of instrument, this alteration of the azimuth of the plane of polarization is effected by a small Nicol, which covers half of the field of view, and whose principal plane may be set to make a small angle with that*of the polarizer. The accu- racy of setting is increased by introducing this small angle between the planes of polarization of the two halves of the field of view, because it is then impossible so to set the analyzer as to extinguish the light from both halves of the field of view at the same time. When the principal plane of the analyzer is perpendicular to the plane which bisects the angle between the planes of polarization of the two halves of the field of view, this field appears uniformly illuminated, i.e., the line between the two halves disappears. It has been found that the eye can judge more accurately the position of equal illumination of the two halves of the field, than it can the position of total extinction of the whole field. In order to make the line of division between the two halves of the field sharp, a small telescope is usually added to the observing end of the instrument. This telescope is focused upon the edge of the quartz plate of the Nicol which has been introduced. The arrangement of the optical parts of one of the more sensitive forms of the instru- ment is shown in Fig. 35. In most instruments the polarizer can be turned through a small angle, thus allowing an alteration in the angle between the planes of polarization of the two halves of the field of view. ADJUSTMENTS. If the instrument has been properly con- structed, the only adjustment needed is that of the angle between the planes of polarization of the two halves of the field of view. Up to a certain limit, the smaller this angle the more accurate the setting. It should be made as small as the brightness of the source and the absorption of the solution to be examined will FIGURE 35 ROTATION OF THE PLANE OF POLARIZATION 137 permit. The student should experiment and set the angle at the point at which he can set with greatest accuracy in a given case. MEASUREMENTS. It is first necessary to determine the zero of the instrument. Using a sodium burner as a source of light, the empty tube which is to contain the solution to be tested is placed between the polarizer and the analyzer, and the analyzer is rotated until the field of view is uniformly dark. The position of the analyzer is then read on the graduated circle. The analyzer should then be rotated through 180, and the position again read. These two readings are to be used as the zero readings of the instrument. The tube is then filled with the solution to be tested and again placed between the polarizer and the analyzer. The analyzer should then be rotated until the field of view appears uniformly dark, and its position read upon the graduated circle. The reading must be taken also after the analyzer has been turned through 180. The mean of the differences between these two last readings and the corresponding zero readings is the angle through which the plane of polarization has been rotated by the solution. If the rotation is large, it may be doubtful whether the rotation is to the right or to the left. This question may be settled either by observing with two different sources of light and remembering that the rotation for longer waves is ordinarily less than for short waves, or by making a second set of observations with a more dilute solution, which would*, of course, give a smaller rotation. The polarimeter is most frequently used in analyzing solutions of cane sugar. In this case the method of procedure is as follows : Add 10 to 15 gm. of the sugar to be tested to about 85 cc. of distilled water. After the sugar is dissolved add water till the solution weighs 100 gm. Take half of this solution, i.e., 50 cc., and add to it 5 cc. of strong hydrochloric acid. Warm this mixture to a temperature of 70 C., and let it stand at that tern- 138 MANUAL OF ADVANCED OPTICS perature for ten minutes. The sugar will then be converted into invert sugar. Before using it should be allowed to cool to the temperature of the room. Two tubes are usually supplied with the instrument, one 20 cm. , and the other 22 cm. long. The shorter tube should be filled with the sugar solution, and the longer with the solution of the invert sugar. The rotations which the two produce are then determined, the sugar rotating to the right, the invert sugar to the left. The temperature should be noted, especially during the observations with the invert sugar. To reduce the observations, let a represent the measured rota- tion of the sugar, a! that of the invert sugar, and t' the tempera- tures at which the respective observations were made. Then from equations (63) and (64), .= {[-O.Oai7(*-ao)j^ + /S/' ;., ii: 1 in which ft represents any rotation which may be produced by substances other than sugar in the solution. Similarly from equations (63) and (65), a '= j [']"- 0.304 (*'-20) in which ft is negative, because active substances other than sugar are not altered by the hydrochloric acid. The sum of these two equations is, in consideration of equations (64) and (65), , ( r _, 360 r ,,,' } le ft -f- tt == A I ft -\- ft r ' ( L ]D 342 L J * ) 100 from which the value of c, which is the number of grams of sugar in 100 gm. of solution, may be readily calculated. EXAMPLE 13.29 gm. of cane sugar, which had been crystallized from a sugar solution, was carefully dried over sulphuric acid in vacuo ROTATION OF THE PLANE OF POLARIZATION 139 and dissolved in water, so that 100 gm. of solution were obtained. Half of this was converted into invert sugar as above directed. The following observations were made, / being for the sugar solu- tion 20 cm., and for the invert sugar solution 22 cm. : a = 17. 35, a' = 5. 30, t = t' = 27C. The reduction is then as follows : [a']* = 19.657 + .0361c' = 20.162 .304 #'-20 = 2.128 = 18.034 [a]' D = 66.352 M' 4- 36 Fa'!'' 85 335 I Q. I "T" ""Ift I = O O O O O .-. a + a' = 0.85335fc. But, from the observations, a + a' = 22. 65 and I = 2 dm. .-. 22.65 -1.70670 c = 13.27 gm. XIII ELLIPTICALLY POLARIZED LIGHT Theory Suppose we have given a beam of plane polarized light whose vibrations take place in the plane OC (Fig. 36). Let 00 (= A) represent the amplitude of the vibration. Suppose, further, that a plane-parallel plate of a doubly refracting crystal, cut parallel to the optic axis, be introduced into the path of the plane polarized beam in such a way that its faces are perpendicular to the beam, FIGURE while its principal planes have the directions OX and Y. The incident vibration OC will be divided by the plate into two com- ponents OF (= a) and OG (= &), which will be equal respectively to OCcosO and 00 sin if represents the angle COP. These two component vibrations travel through the plate with different velocities; hence, when they emerge, though they will still be vibrating parallel respectively to OF and OG, one will be in advance of the other by an amount which depends upon the 140 ELLIPTICALLY POLARIZED LIGHT 141 thickness of the crystalline plate and the difference of velocities of the two components in it. If then A cos %-* represent the original vibration, and 8 the difference in the optical paths of the two components when they emerge from the crystal, tha vibra- tions of the two components will be represented by , X = a COS TT f-- + _l (6(5) respectively. After passage through the plate these vibrations unite into a single one. The path which any vibrating particle pursues may be determined by eliminating t from equations (66). The result is ^ cos '4ir =sin 8 27r^ (67) a* b~ ab A. This is the equation of an ellipse inscribed in the rectangle whose sides are Ha and *2b respectively. The position of the ellipse in the rectangle depends manifestly upon the value of 8. Two cases are of especial interest: First, when 8 = 0, or- In this 8 8 . case sin HIT = 0, cos 2?r = + 1, and the path of the particle is A A given by i.e., the emergent light is again plane polarized, the direction of vibration being parallel to 00. Second, when 8 = - In this case, sin 2ir = + 1, cos 2ir = 0, i - A A and the equation for the path reduces to x* 142 MANUAL OF ADVANCED OPTICS i.e., the path of the vibration of the emergent light is an ellipse whose principal axes coincide in direction with the principal planes of the crystalline plate. When 8 = , the motion about the ellipse is in a direction contrary to that of the hands of a watch 3 (levogyre), while when 8 = A., the rotation is in the same direction as that of the hands of a watch (dextrogyre). If in addition it should happen that a = #, the equation becomes , * + *- ; i.e., the path of the vibration is a circle. Conversely it is true that if any elliptical vibration is separated into components along the principal axes of the ellipse the differ- , . TT STT ence in phase of those components is or # A These two special cases of elliptically polarized light are of importance, because they furnish a method of finding the posi- tion of the axes of the elliptical vibration, and of measuring the relative intensity of the components along those axes. The method consists in reducing the difference in phase between the two components by , and measuring the angle which the result- 4 ing plane polarized vibration makes with the axes of the ellipse. The method is explained in detail in Avhat follows . Experiment ANALYZE AN ELLIPTICAL VIBRATION APPARATUS. The most convenient instrument for deter- mining the nature of elliptically polarized light is an ordi- nary spectrometer to which has been added a pair of Nicols and three graduated circles. The circles CCC (Fig. 37) should be mounted on short tubes bbl> with their planes perpendicular to ELLIPTIC ALLY POLARIZED LIGHT 143 the length of the tubes. Two of these tubes should be made to fit over the telescope and collimator at their objective ends, while the third fits over the eye end of the telescope. Into the end of each of these tubes fits a collar ddd which may be rotated freely FIGURE 37 within the tube, and to which may be fitted either the Nicol prisms or the Babinet compensator or the quarter-wave plate as desired. These collars also carry indices Hi by which their posi- tions may be read on the graduated circles upon the tubes. The Babinet compensator consists of a pair of quartz wedges having the same angle between their "faces. One wedge is so cut that the optic axis of the quartz is parallel to the edge of the wedge, while in the other the optic axis is perpendicular to the edge and parallel to one of the faces of the wedge. These wedges are mounted in a brass case, the wedge A (Fig. 38) being fastened to one side of the case, while the wedge B can be moved back and 144 MANUAL OF ADVANCED OPTICS forth by the micrometer screw C in a direction perpendicular to its edge. The head of this screw is graduated, and the mounting of this wedge B carries a scale by which its position can be determined. Suppose light polarized in a plane which is normal to the plane defined by the two optic axes of the wedges, and which bisects the angle between those axes, to fall perpendicularly upon the wedges as indicated by the line NN (Fig. 38). On enter- FlGUBE ing the wedge A, the vibration will be separated into two equal components, one parallel to the edge of the wedge, and the other perpendicular to it. These components will travel with different velocities within the wedge, and will, therefore, emerge with a difference of phase, the magnitude of which will depend upon the color of the light used and the thickness of the wedge at the place where the light has passed through. On entering the wedge B, the light again separates into two component vibrations which travel with different velocities, but because the optic axis of this wedge is perpendicular to that of the other wedge, the component vibration which traveled slower in wedge A will travel faster in wedge B, and that which traveled faster in A will travel slower in B. It is evident, then, that along that line parallel to the edges of the wedges where the light has traveled through equal thicknesses of the two wedges, it will emerge in exactly the same condition in which it entered, while along other lines its ELLIPTICALLY POLARIZED LIGHT 145 condition will depend on the difference of the thicknesses through which it has passed. If such a pair of wedges be brought between crossed Nicols and so oriented that the optic axes make angles of 45 with the planes of transmission of the Xicols, the line along which the thicknesses of the two wedges is the same will appear as"a dark line, because along it the condition of polarization of the incident light is not altered by the compensator. If the combination is illuminated with white light, colored bands will be seen on either side of this dark band, because wherever the difference in the thicknesses is such that a difference of phase of a whole wave for any particular color is introduced by the compensator, that color will be wanting in the light transmitted by the analyzer. If the combination be illuminated with monochromatic light, a series of equidistant dark bands will appear, the distance between the suc- cessive bands showing how far it is necessary to move along the wedges in order to introduce a difference of phase of a whole wave of the particular light used. If the wedge B be moved by the screw (7, the bands will move, and the constant of the instrument is merely the number of turns which must be given the screw C in order to make the dark bands move up one, i.e., the number of turns which correspond to a difference of phase of a whole wave. By turning the screw C through a fraction of the number of turns which correspond to a difference of phase of a whole wave, a difference of phase of that same fraction of a wave is introduced along the line formerly marked by the central dark band. Thus the Babinei compen- sator allows us to introduce any difference of phase which may be desired. It may also be used to measure a difference which has been introduced by other means, for such a difference of phase will shift the central band, and may be measured by counting the number of turns of the screw (7, which are needed to cause the bands to return to their original position. This number, divided 146 MANUAL OF ADVANCED OPTICS I by the constant of the instrument, will be the required difference of phase. It is because of its use in this way to compensate a phase difference which has already been introduced, that thei instrument has received its name. The quarter-wave plate is a plate of crystal so cut and of such thickness that incident plane polarized light is separated by the plate into two components at right angles to each other, and one of these components is retarded over the other by a quarter-wave of the particular light used. ADJUSTMENTS. The tubes carrying the graduated circles having been set in place upon the collimator and telescope of ] the spectrometer, preferably with the zero of the circle upward, the Nicols must be mounted in these tubes so that their planes of transmission are either vertical or horizontal when the circles read zero. To attain this, place in the tube at the end of the collima- tor a double-image prism. On looking into the eyepiece, two images of the slit will be seen. Rotate the double-image prism until these two images are superimposed in the center of the field, one projecting above the area in which they are superim- posed, the other below it. If the slit of the collimator is vertical, then, when the images overlap, as described, the vibrations of the light in one of the images will be vertical, while those in the other will be horizontal. A Nicol, suitably mounted to fit the tube, should then be placed in front of the objective of the telescope, and turned until it entirely extinguishes one of the images of the slit. The double-image prism should then be replaced by another Nicol, the index of the circle on the collimator should be set to zero, and the Nicol rotated in the collar which holds it till the image of the slit is extinguished. The plane of transmission of the Nicol on the collimator is then either vertical or horizontal when the index by which its position is read stands at zero. If the plane along which the two halves of the Nicol are cemented together is vertical, the transmitted vibrations are horizontal, etc. ELLIPTICALLY POLARIZED LIGHT 147 This adjustment can also be made by setting the analyzer so as to extinguish the light reflected from a vertical plate of glass at the angle of complete polarization. When this takes place the plane of transmission of the analyzer is horizontal. The Nicol in front of the objective of the telescope should then be removed to the eye end of the telescope, and a quarter- wave plate mounted in front of the objective. It is very con- venient to place the Nicol at the eye end between the lenses of the eyepiece, though of course it can be mounted either in front of or behind the eyepiece. This Nicol is then crossed with the Nicol on the collimator (the polarizer), and the quarter-wave plate turned until the field is dark. The planes of transmission of the quarter-wave plate are then respectively vertical and horizontal. The readings of the circles which carry the quarter-wave plate and the Nicol on the eye end of the telescope (the analyzer) should then be taken. They are the zero positions of these two parts of the instrument. If the Babinet compensator is to be used, it should be mounted at the eye end of the telescope directly in front of the eyepiece. A cross-hair should be fastened to the compensator to mark the position of the central black fringe, and the eyepiece focused on this cross-hair. The constant of the Babinet must then be deter- mined for the wave length to be used. To accomplish this, the plane of vibration of the polarizer should be turned to make an angle of 45 with the horizontal, and the compensator set so that its optic axes are respectively vertical and horizontal. The analyzer should then be crossed with the polarizer. Open the slit wide and illuminate it with monochromatic light of the desired color and count the number of turns of the micrometer screw on the compensator which are necessary to make the dark bands in the field of view move up one. In all of these experiments with polarized light, a bright source should, if possible, be used. A section of a solar spectrum, 148 MANUAL OP ADVANCED OPTICS or filtered sunlight, will, in most of these cases, be sufficiently uniform. MEASUREMENTS. Having adjusted the instrument as has been described, introduce a thin piece of mica behind the polar- izer. Let OH (Fig. 3y) represent the direction and amplitude E FIGURE 39 of the plane polarized light, which is incident upon the mica, and OA and OB the planes of transmission of the mica. Let EEE represent the resulting elliptical vibration which it is desired to analyze. First consider the case in which the quarter-wave plate is to be used. It is evident that the elliptical vibration will be reduced to a plane one if the directions of the planes of vibration of the quarter-wave plate coincide with those of the major axes of the ellipse, i.e., with the directions OE and OF in the figure. The plane of vibration of the restiltant plane polarized light will evi- dently be represented by 0(7, and hence in order to extinguish the light, the analyzer must be turned till its plane of transmission is perpendicular to 0(7, i.e., till it has the direction OB'. When, therefore, the quarter-wave plate and the analyzer have been set so that the light is totally extinguished, the planes of vibration of the plate will indicate the positions of the principal axes of the elliptical vibration, and the tangent of the angle between one of ELLIPTICALLY POLARIZED LIGHT 149 those planes and the plane of transmission of the analyzer, i.e., angle R 'OF (= angle COE), will determine the ratio of those axes, for (68) If the compensator is used instead of the quarter-wave plate, it is merely necessary to set it so that it will introduce a difference in phase of a quarter-wave and rotate it until the central black band returns to the zero position. The analyzer must then be rotated until the central black fringe is blackest. The directions of the optic axes of the compensator show the directions of the principal axes of the ellipse, and the tangent of the angle between one of those axes, and the plane of transmission of the analyzer is the ratio of those axes. EXAMPLE The analyzer, quarter-wave plate and polarizer were adjusted as described above. Filtered sunlight was used. After the intro- duction of the mica it was necessary to turn the quarter-wave plate through an angle of 13 20' and the analyzer through an angle of 43 30' to extinguish the light. Hence, the principal axes of the elliptical vibration form made an angle of 13 20' with the horizontal and vertical planes respectively, and the ratio of their amplitudes was tan (43 30' - 13 20') = tan 30 10' = 0.581. XIV THE REFLECTION OF POLARIZED LIGHT FROM HOMOGENEOUS TRANSPARENT SUBSTANCES Theory If a beam of light of amplitude A , plane polarized in the plane of incidence, fall upon the surface of a homogeneous transparent substance, the amplitude A' of the reflected light will, according to Fresnel, * be given by sm (i + r) in which i and r denote, as usual, the angles of incidence and refraction respectively. When the index of refraction of the substance is greater than unity, i.e., when /.>!, i>r. Hence, in this case the reflected amplitude has a sign opposite to that of the incident amplitude; i.e., there is a loss of half a wave at reflection, and in absolute value A'1, i.e., />r, and when also i + r<90, B' is negative, i.e., there is a loss of half a wave at reflection. When i + r = 90, B' = 0. When i + r>90, the light is reflected without the loss of half a wave. For the particular case " -t- r = 90 we have sin r = cos /, and hence, since -. = u, sin r tan i = /n. (72) The angle determined by this equation is called the angle of total polarization. This equation, first experimentally established by Brewster, is known as Brewster 's law.* If the incident light is polarized neither in the plane of inci- dence nor in a plane at right angles to it, but in a plane which makes an angle with the plane of incidence, then, since we have adopted Fresnel's assumption that the direction of vibration is perpendicular to the plane of polarization, the component y of the amplitude in the plane of incidence will be y = A sin 0, while the component x perpendicular to that plane will be * x = A cos 0, the re-axis lying in the surface, the y-axis in the plane of incidence, both perpendicular to the intersection of these two planes. The values of these components after reflection will, therefore, be sin (i-r) x = x y -- sin (i + r) tan (i r) tan * Brewster, Phil. Trans. 1815, p, 125. Jamin, Ann. de chim. et phys. (3) 29, pp. 31 and 263; (3) 30, p. 257. Conroy, Proc. Roy. Soc. 31, p. 487, 1881. Rayleigh, Phil. Mag. (5) 33, p. 1, 1892; Collected .Works, 3, p. 49a 152 MANUAL OF ADVANCED OPTICS These two components will unite to form a plane polarized beam whose inclination 0' to the plane of incidence is given by tan 6' = ; */ or, substituting the values of x' and y' taken from above, ., y cos (i + r) cos (i + r) , tan = - - j-. (- = }-. f tan 6. (73) x cos (i r) cos (i r) When the light is incident normally, i = and tan = tan 0'. As i increases, 0' becomes less than until i reaches the angle of complete polarization, when & = 0. If i be further increased, & becomes negative, reaching the value 6 when i- 90. These reflection equations of Fresnel have been frequently verified experimentally.* This is most easily done with the help of equation (73). It is merely necessary to allow light which is plane polarized in a plane whose azimuth with the plane of inci- dence is known, to be reflected from the surface of a transparent medium whose index of refraction is known, and to measure the angle of incidence i, and the azimuth #', of the plane of polariza- tion of the reflected light. Experiments I. VERIFY BREWSTER'S LAW The apparatus and adjustments are those described in the pre- ceding chapter. MEASUREMENTS. A plate of crown glass is set upon the prism table of the spectrometer, and adjusted so that its faces are par- allel to the axis of the instrument, as described in Chapter VII, page 98. Filtered sunlight is allowed to pass through the colli- *Rood, Am. Jour. Sci. (2) 49; 50, 1870. Rayleigh, Nature 35, p. 64, 1886; Proc. Roy. Soc. 41, p. 275, 1886; Collected Works II, p. 522. Con- roy, Proc. Roy. Soc. 35, p. 26, 1883; 37, p. 38, 1884; 45, p. 101, 1888; Phil. Trans. ISO, p. 245, 1889. THE REFLECTION OF POLARIZED LIGHT 153 mator and fall upon one of the faces of the glass plate, and the reflected light is received in the telescope, having the analyzer in front of the objective. At the angle of complete polarization all of the vibrations of the light reflected from the glass take place in a vertical plane. The analyzer should, therefore, be set so that its plane of transmission is horizontal, and the telescope and glass plate revolved about the axis of the instrument until the position is found in which the analyzer extinguishes all of the reflected light. In this position, the telescope makes with the normal to the glass plate an angle equal to that of complete polarization. This angle is then measured in the usual way. Its tangent should be equal to the index of refraction of the glass for the color used. As a check this index may be determined in the usual way. Care must be taken to have the surface of the glass to be tested perfectly clean. EXAMPLE The solar spectrum was allowed to fall across the slit end of the collimator and the sodium line placed on the slit. The slit was then opened wide and the light allowed to fall on a piece of the same glass whose index was determined with the interferometer (cf. page 65). The polarizer was removed from the collimator, and the analyzer set so that its plane of transmission was hori- zontal. It was found that the light was completely cut off when the angle of incidence was i = 56 32'; hence, tan i = 1.513 = /A. II. VERIFY FRESNEL'S LAWS OF REFLECTION The apparatus and adjustments are those of Experiment I. MEASUREMENTS. As stated above this is easily done by meas- uring the rotation of the plane of polarization which is produced by the reflection. Using the glass plate as a reflecting surface, as above, allow filtered sunlight to fall upon it through the collimator and polarizer. The polarizer should then be set at a definite 154 MANUAL OF ADVANCED OPTICS azimuth by the graduated circle on which its position is read, and the light allowed to be reflected at a measured angle i. The azimuth of the reflected light is then read on the circle which gives the position of the analyzer, the latter being set so as to extinguish the light reflected from the prism. Having deter- mined the index of refraction in the previous experiment, and since i and are measured, equation (73) furnishes a check upon Fresnel's reflection equations. In case it is found difficult to locate exactly the angle of complete polarization these observa- tions of the rotation of the plane of polarization may be used to find it, for it is that angle at which the azimuth of the reflected vibration is 90 from the plane of incidence. Hence, if these observations be plotted with the *'s as abscissae and the 0's as ordinates, the resulting curve will cross the axis of abscissae at a point corresponding to the angle of complete polarization. EXAMPLE The polarizer was set so that its plane of transmission was at an azimuth of 45 with the vertical plane. The light used in Experiment I was then allowed to fall upon the reflecting glass plate at measured angles of incidence i, and the following were observed as the azimuths of the reflected light: 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 e (Oss.) (CALC.) 33 24' 33 36' 28 50' 29 3' 23 50' 23 36' 17 20' 17 14' 10 20' 10 9' 2 20' 2' 31' -5 10' -5 16' -13 20' -12 56' -20 20' -20 13' -27 40' -27 0' THE REFLECTION OF POLARIZED LIGHT 155 The observed values were plotted in a curve with the z's as abscissae. The curve crosses the axis at the point 56 30', which corresponds to the angle of complete polarization (cf . Experiment I). The calculated values were obtained with the help of equa- tion (73). XV METALLIC KEFLECTION Theory Experiments on the light reflected from metallic surfaces furnish the following facts : 1. When plane polarized light is reflected from a metallic surface, the reflected light is elliptically polarized, unless the plane of polarization of the incident light is either parallel or perpen- dicular to the plane of incidence. 2. Metallic surfaces do not possess the faculty of completely polarizing light by a single reflection at any angle. 3. If the incident light is circularly polarized, there is one particular angle of incidence for which the reflected light is plane polarized. In discussing the phenomena of metallic reflection, it is con- venient to conceive that when light falls upon such a surface, the incident vibration is resolved into two, one perpendicular and one parallel to the plane of incidence, and that each of these two components undergoes a change of phase at reflection. Experi- ment shows that that component which is parallel to the plane of incidence undergoes a greater change of phase than the other, and that the difference in phase between the two components after reflection is zero at normal incidence, and increases with the angle of incidence. Since circularly polarized light becomes plane polarized by reflection at a particular angle of incidence, this angle corresponds somewhat to the angle of complete polarization of transparent substances and is called the principal angle of incidence. It is 156 METALLIC REFLECTION 157 defined as the angle at which the difference in phase between the component in the plane of incidence and the one perpendicular to it amounts to a quarter of a wave length. This particular angle will be denoted by /. The azimuth of the reflected plane polar- ized light at this angle of incidence is called the principal azimuth, and will be denoted by 0. The theory of metallic reflection deduces a relation between these two principal angles and the index of refraction and coeffi- cient of absorption of the metal. The index of refraction /u, of the metal is defined like that of a transparent body as the ratio of the velocity of light in vacuo to the velocity in the metal. The coefficient of absorption K is defined as follows : If A represent the amplitude of the vibration at a given instant, and A' its amplitude after the wave has traveled one wave length in the metal, then the coefficient is defined by the equation A : A' = 1 : e~ 2n *. The relation between these optical constants and the angles / and 6 is expressed by the equations* K = tan 20 1 sin / tan / 1(74) v/iT^ Hence /w. and K can be determined from observations of / and 0. Experiment DETERMINE THE OPTICAL CONSTANTS OF SILVER, GOLD, AND PLATINUM The apparatus and adjustments are the same as those described in Chapter XIII. MEASUREMENTS. The measurements may be made in two ways: First, we may allow circularly polarized light to fall on the metallic surface and determine the angle of incidence at which *Drude, Tlieory of Optics, p. 361 seq., Longmans, 1902. Drude, Wied. Ann. 36, p. 885, 1889; 39, p. 481, 1890. 158 MANUAL OF ADVANCED OPTICS the reflected light is plane polarized, and the azimuth of the plane of polarization. Second, we may allow light plane polarized at an azimuth of 45 to fall upon the metallic surface, and observe the angle of incidence at which the central fringe of a Babinet compensator set for a quarter-wave returns to the zero position. The amount which the Nieol behind the Babinet has to be rotated to make the central fringe black determines the principal azimuth. The metallic surface is set upon the prism table of the spec- trometer and adjusted to be perpendicular to the telescope. EXAMPLE Glass plates coated with opaque films of silver, gold, and platinum were used, also a plate of polished steel. The following observations and results were obtained, the values of /A and K being computed with the help of equations (74) : METAL, / * n Silver 74 38' 43 20' 17.2 0.20 Gold 71 40' 41 50' 9.02 0.32 Platinum 77 30' 32 40' 2.17 2,01 Steel..... 76 5' 28 10' 1.50 2.56 Sunlight filtered through the red solution described in Appendix A was used. XVI THE SPECTROPHOTOMETER Theory Ordinary photometers, like the Bunsen or the Lummer- Brodhun, may be used to compare the intensities of the total radi- ations of two sources. It is, however, often necessary to be able to compare the intensities of radiation of two sources for each of the separate colors. This is accomplished by the spectrophotom- eter by separating each of the sources into a spectrum, and arranging the optical parts so that the two spectra are adjacent and can be compared at any point of their length. One of the most convenient forms of spectrophotometer is that devised by Glan.* This instrument consists of a spectrometer whose slit is divided into two parts. The light from one source is allowed to pass through one portion of the slit, while that from the other source passes through the other portion. We thus get in the field of view two adjacent spectra, one from each source. A screen with a vertical slit in it in the eyepiece cuts off all of these spectra but one vertical band of color, half of which comes from one source, and the other half from the other. In order to be able to measure the relative intensities of the two halves of this band of light, the apparatus is so arranged that the light in one half is polarized in one plane and that in the other in a perpendicular plane. This is accomplished by placing a double-image prism in the collimator. Such a prism will give two images of each half of the slit, and these two will be polarized *Glan, Wied. Ann. 1, p. 351, 1877. 159 160 MANUAL OF ADVANCED OPTICS in planes at right angles to each other. Thus we get four spectra in the field of view, and of these the first and third are polarized in one plane, while the second and fourth are polarized in a perpen- dicular plane. The screen in the eyepiece cuts off the first and fourth spectra and leaves the second and third, one from the upper half of the slit polarized, say in a vertical plane, and one from the lower half of the slit polarized in a horizontal plane. By intro- ducing a Nicol befcmd the double-image prism we are able to cut out either one or the other of these spectra. Thus when the plane of transmission of the Nicol is vertical, the spectrum from the upper half of the slit will be cut out; while when that plane is horizontal, the spectrum from the lower half of the slit disap- w o FIGURE 40 pears. At intermediate positions of the $Ticol, both spectra are visible, the intensity of each depending on the intensities of the sources and the position of the Nicol. Let /! and / 2 represent the intensities of the two sources. Let, further, the amplitude of vibration of the light from source I be represented by OA (Fig. 40), and that of source 2 by OB. Suppose also that OA is cut out when the index on the Nicol stands at zero. The plane of transmission of the Nicol has then the direction OB. Conceive the Nicol to be rotated until the two THE SPECTROPHOTOMETER 161 spectra are equally bright. This will be the case when the plane of transmission OC has such a direction that the projections of OA and OB upon it are equal, i.e., when it is perpendicular to the line joining A and B. Call the angle through which this plane has been turned a, then OB cos a = OC = OA sin a, i.e., the ratio of the amplitudes is \ OB sin a = tan a. A cos a Hence, the ratio of the intensities of the two sources is - = tan 2 a. (75) Experiments I. COMPARE THE RADIATIONS OF Two DIFFERENT SOURCES OF LIGHT APPARATUS. The spectrometer, as used in the last chapters, can readily be converted into a spectrophotometer. ADJUSTMENTS. To convert the spectrometer into a spectro- photometer it is necessary, as stated above, to place in the colli- mator tube a double-image prism directly in front of the object- ive. This prism should be so set that the two images off the vertical slit overlap to form one line. The vibrations in one image will then be vertical, while those in the other will be horizontal. A narrow card should then be fastened over the middle of the slit and so adjusted in width that the overlapping portions of the two central adjacent images, one from the lower and one from the upper half of the slit, are cut out. The center of the image of the slit in the eyepiece then appears continuous, but the vibra- tions of the upper half are, say vertical, while those of the lower half are horizontal. The upper and lower ends of the image of the slit should then be cut out with a screen in the 162 MANUAL OF ADVANCED OPTICS eyepiece, so that the light in the entire upper half of the image vibrates in one plane, while that in the lower vibrates in a perpen- dicular plane. The Nicol is then put in place in the tube ~b (Fig. 37) at the end of the collimator. The index is set at zero, and the Mcol rotated in the collar d until one of the spectra is extinguished. A prism is then introduced so as to produce in the field of view two spectra, adjacent, 'and polarized in planes at right angles to each other. MEASUREMENTS. It is first necessary to determine a scale of wave lengths. To do this allow sunlight to pass through the slit and take the readings on the circle of the spectrometer for four or five of the Fraunhofer lines. Then introduce into the eyepiece a screen with a narrow vertical slit whose center coincides with the intersection of the cross-hairs. Set the telescope so that the slit in the eyepiece falls upon the red end of the spectra and take the reading on the circle of the spectrometer. Allow the two lights which are to be compared to enter the two halves of the slit, and then turn the Nicol until both halves of the image of the slit, appear equally bright. Take the reading of this position of the Nicol. Then move the telescope along a definite amount, say 20' or 30'. Again set the Nicol for equal illumination, and take the reading. Proceed in this way through the entire spectrum. The readings are then plotted with the angles which denote the successive positions of the tele- scope as abscissae, and the squares of the tangents of the angles of the Isicol as ordinates. The resulting curve repre- sents the intensities of the various parts of the spectrum of one source, in terms of those of the other as unity. For if 7 2 = l,/i = tan 2 a. Having determined the angles of the telescope which corre- spond to certain Fraunhofer lines, the scale of abscissae can be converted into a scale of wave lengths. THE SPECTROPHOTOMETER 163 EXAMPLE Sunlight was used to calibrate the instrument and the follow- ing readings were obtained: ,FRAUNHOFER LINE READING B 14 10' C 14 0' D 13 26' E 12 32' F 11 56' G 10 36' An incandescent lamp of sixteen candle power was then com- pared with a Welsbach light. The following readings were obtained, the last column giving tan 3 a, which is the ratio of the intensity of the Welsbach to that of the incandescent lamp : CORRESPONDING READING A - 10 a TAN2 a 11 0' 444 52 1.64 20' 458 54 1.90 40' 473 56 2.19 12 0' 490 57 2.37 20' 508 5T : 2.37 40' 528 56 2,19 13 0' 552 55 2.04 20' 580 54 1.90 40' 614 50 1.42 14 0' 656 46 1.08 10' 687 38 0.61 If these values of tan 2 a be plotted as ordinates with either the readings or the corresponding wave lengths as abscissae, the curve will show that the Welsbach is relatively richer in blue and green rays. 164 MANUAL OF ADVANCED OPTICS II. DETERMINE THE ABSORPTION OF A SOLUTION OF CYANIK Apparatus and adjustments a's in Experiment I. MEASUREMENTS. Sunlight is allowed to pass through both halves of the slit, and then the absorbing substance is placed over one of them. The method of making and plotting the observa- tions is the same as that described above. The student should determine several such absorption curves for substances like cyaiiin, permanganate of potash, ruby glass, or a thin film of silver on glass. EXAMPLE Light from an incandescent lamp passed into the upper half of the slit directly, and into the lower half through a glass cell containing a dilute solution of cyanin. The following observa- tions were made: READING a TAN 2 a 11 0' 42 0.81 12 0' 42 0.81 13 0' 42 0.81 10' 31 0.36 20' 14 0.06 30' 0.00 40' 16 0.08 50' 38 0.61 14 0' 42 0.81 If these values of tan 2 a are plotted as ordinates with the cor- responding readings as abscissae, the curve will represent the intensity of the light transmitted by the cyanin solution in terms of the intensity of the light from the incandescent lamp. It will be noted that cyanin absorbs completely the'radiation correspond- ing to the reading 13 30'. From the preceding example it is seen that this reading corresponds to wave length 597 10" 6 mm. XVII THE DEVELOPMENT OF OPTICAL THEORY By optical theory is meant that system of ideas or conceptions f in which the various phenomena of light are unified, and by which they are explained. To gain a clear idea of the meaning of this statement, we must distinguish two factors which enter into the formation of every science. In the first place, we perceive certain external events through their effect upon our senses, and, in the second place, we form conceptions by which these events are systematized, harmonized, and interpreted. It is hardly correct to apply the word development to a mere increase in the number of phenomena observed ; for, though the number of things which we perceive with regard to any object becomes greater every year, this increase may be better described by the word accretion than by the word development. . This latter word seems to imply an organized increase, an evolution. Hence it can appropriately be used only when it includes a reference to our conceptions, for it is in the organized expansion of our knowledge through these conceptions, that the life of science really lies. This distinction becomes perfectly clear if we consider an example. Such an example might be taken at random from almost any domain of science; but, since this book treats of optics, it will, perhaps, be better to draw our illustration from this branch of physics. For the sake of brevity we will begin the discussion with the end of the seventeenth century, for it is then that optics first became prominent. At that time only the more conspicuous phenomena of light had been noted. Thus, it was known that light seems to travel 165 166 MANUAL OF ADVANCED OPTICS in straight lines, that it is reflected from a plane mirror in such a way that the angle of incidence is equal to the angle of reflection, that it is bent from its straight path when it passes obliquely from one medium into another of different density, and that the different parts of a beam seem to be independent of one another. In order to describe these phenomena concisely, two concep- tions were formed, one by Descartes and Newton, the other by Huygens and Hooke. The former considered that light consists of fine particles or corpuscles which are shot out by luminous bodies and travel with enormous velocity ; while the latter believed that light is a form of wave motion. As is well known, the former of these conceptions prevailed and was adopted by the scientists of the eighteenth century as being more nearly correct. Newton was unable to adopt the latter mainly because waves are known to bend or be diffracted around the edges of obstacles placed in their path, and the light waves did not appear to do this. Hence he lent his energies to developing the conception of corpuscles moving in straight lines, and carried with him the world of physicists for a century or more. It is interesting to note that of these two conceptions that of particles moving in straight lines is mechanically much simpler than that of wave motion, for it is characteristic of scientific thought to base the first conception of a phenomenon upon some- thing crudely mechanical or which is familiar and easily con- ceived. This tendency is often disastrous to the healthy progress of a subject, and proved to be so in the case of optics, for that science made very little advance during the period in which the conception of light corpuscles was held. It finally became evident to some men of science that the cor- puscular idea must be abandoned, first, because it was mechanic- ally too simple to account for the exceedingly complex and varied phenomena of light; and, second, because it seemed to them to be internally absurd, since it was found that even so commonplace THE DEVELOPMENT OF OPTICAL THEORY 107 an event as the passage of a beam of light from air into water, for example, required for its elucidation, additional assumptions which were somewhat ridiculous, as shown by Xewton's "fits of easy reflection, " etc. When the phenomena of interference and polarization became matters of observation, largely through the efforts of Young and Fresnel, then, notwithstanding the fact that the corpuscular theory had to adorn itself with many gratui- tous supplementary hypotheses, the strife between the rival con- ceptions became fierce, and all parties to the contest sought an ''exper&nenttun cruets" which would finally decide between them. Such an experiment was found in connection with refraction ; for, according to the corpuscular theory, light must travel faster in the denser medium ; while, according to the wave theory, the reverse is true. The controversy was then finally settled by Foucault when he proved experimentally that light travels more slowly in a denser medium, and so the conception that light is a form of wave motion came to be generally accepted. Thus, although the corpuscular theory is mechanically the simpler, the phenomena of light are so complex that the more intricate conception of wave motion has after all proved to be more satisfactory in that it not only furnished simple and exact descriptions of interference, diffraction, and polarization, but also enabled the scientists of that day to predict effects which led to the discovery of new laws. It was, however, soon found that the idea that light is a wave motion had its limitations when the phenomena of dispersion were considered. In dealing with diffraction and interference it is sufficient to conceive that we have to do with a wave motion, but in the case of dispersion we must also form some notion of the nature of the medium in which the wave motion takes place. Hence the next problem which presented itself was that of form- ing an adequate conception of that medium, the ether, as it has been called. 168 MANUAL OF ADVANCED OPTICS The most natural solution of this problem is to assume that the waves are elastic waves like those of sound, and that the medium which transmits them is one which possesses mechanical properties similar to those which are necessary for the propagation of elastic waves. If, however, this solution is adopted, several serious difficulties are at once encountered. The first of these difficulties arises because of the enormous velocity of light, 300,000 kilometers a second. Since the velocity of an elastic impulse in any medium is determined by the square root of the elasticity of the medium divided by its density, it is necessary to assume that the medium which trans- mits light has an extraordinarily high elasticity, or a very small density, or both. It would not be so difficult to conceive such a medium if it could be thought of as a very rare gas. But the light waves are transverse waves, and the medium which transmits such waves must have rigidity, i.e., must have the properties of a solid. Even this conception of a highly elastic and very rare solid which fills all space might not be impossible if it were not for the fact that the planets and the comets move at great velocities through it without apparent resistance, and the conception of a solid which yet offers no resistance to motion through it is rather difficult. But there are other conceptions involved in the assump- tion of a medium which reacts to mechanical forces which are even more impossible. These .conceptions depend upon the elas- tic constants of the medium. The theory of elasticity demands that six conditions be fulfilled when an elastic impulse passes the boundary between two media. These conditions are the equality on both sides of the boundary of the components of the elastic displacements, and the equality of the components of the elastic forces. In order to satisfy these six conditions it is necessary to assume both transverse and longitudinal disturbances in the THE DEVELOPMENT OF OPTICAL THEORY 169 second medium, for the transverse alone can at best satisfy four of these conditions. Hence it has been the burden of the elastic theories of ether to make these four constants do the work of six, since longitudinal vibrations in the ether have never been detected. A detailed account of the devices employed by Cauchy, Fresnel, Green, and others to surmount this difficulty will be found in Winkelmann's Handbuch der Physik, Vol. II, pt. 1, p. 641 seq.* The fact which is of special interest to us here, is, that although the adoption of the idea that light is wave motion was a step toward conceptions of greater mechanical complexity, and hence served as a great stimulus to progress in the growth of optical theory, yet the concomitant notion of a mechanically elas- tic solid medium contained internal absurdities which placed serious limitations on the usefulness of the theory as a whole. Hence it appears that further development demanded an expan- sion or change in the conception of the nature of the ether. The first to suggest a new conception was Faraday, \ who, in 1851, while discussing the question whether the magnetic force is transferred through bodies by action in a medium external to the magnet or by action at a distance, wrote: "For my own part, con- sidering the relation of a vacuum to the magnetic force and the general character of magnetic phenomena external to the magnet, I am more inclined to the notion that, in the transmission of the force, there is such an action external to the magnet, than that the effects are merely attraction and repulsion at a distance. Such an action maybe a function of the ether; for it is not at all unlikely that, if there be an ether, it should have other uses than simply the conveyance of radiations." * Cf. also Lloyd, Report on Optical Theories, B. A. Reports, 1834, p. 295 seq. Glazebrook, Report on Optical Tlieories, B. A. Reports, 1885, p. 157 seq. L'Abbe Moigno, Repertoire d'Optique Moderne, 4 Vols., Paris, 1847-50. f Faraday, Experimental Researches, No. 3075. 170 MANUAL OP ADVANCED OPTICS This hint of Faraday's was taken up later by Maxwell,* who in 1873 published a theory of light based on the assumption that the medium which transmits light is the same as that which serves as a vehicle for the electric and magnetic forces. He further developed a conception of the process of ether wave propagation .which renders this theory free from the internal absurdities and contradictions which hindered the progress of its predecessor. Thus his fundamental assumption concerning the nature of the forces in the ether, i.e., his conception of displacement cur- rents which produce magnetic effects, is such that it follows at once from it that electromagnetic waves in the ether are trans- verse, f Hence after adopting this theory we are no longer com- pelled to consider the ether a solid. Furthermore, there are only four independent conditions which must be fulfilled when a train of waves passes through the boundary between two media, and hence it is not necessary to make any special assumptions to explain that passage. Finally, the theory enables us to calculate optical constants from electrical measurements, thus bringing two distinct fields of investigation into relations which can be subjected to quantitative measurements. Now, although the attempt to describe the properties of this two-sided medium, the ether, as if they were similar to the crudely mechanical properties of grosser matter, has since then fre- quently been made, science is fast coming to believe, if it has not already reached the conclusion, that this ether belongs in a cate- gory by itself, that its properties are discretely different from those of perceptible matter. Thus Maxwell's theory has proved to be a step from the mechanical conception of an elastic solid to a wholly new and radically different idea. It thus opened at once * Ma,xwell^Electrieity_Qnd Magnetism, Vol. II., p. 431. fDruule, Theory oj Optics., p. 278. THE DEVELOPMENT OF OPTICAL THEORY 171 a vast domain for new investigation it bridged the chasm between the territories of light and electricity, and has been the means of adding immensely to our store of information concern- ing both sciences. It is to be noted, however, that this conclusion that the ether is discretely different from ordinary matter does not by any means indicate that the problem is completely solved. It merely places that medium in a position in which an open discussion of its properties is possible, i.e., it removes all crudely mechanical bias from our minds and shows us that we have before us an almost wholly unexplored domain which invites investigation. It thus lends enthusiasm to optical and electrical research by offering a field for the exercise of untrammeled imagination, a field unob- structed by conceptions of a grossly mechanical nature. Some of the results of this impetus which the electromagnetic theory of light has given to optical research will be briefly discussed in the next chapter. In brief, then, optical theory has developed from a simple con- ception of material particles traveling in straight lines, through the more complex conception of waves in a mechanically elastic medium, to the recognition of a wave motion in a medium whose properties are still to be discovered and classified. And while the theory has passed through these stages, the observed details in the phenomena which it is invented to describe have increased in number in a way commensurate with the expansion of the theory. And so we return to the statement with which we began, namely, that science is a vitally living thing, whose life can be traced in the development of the conceptions which we form of phenomena in the world about us. XVIII THE TREND OF MODERN OPTICS It remains for us to consider briefly some of the more marked results to which the adoption of the electromagnetic theory has led. The first important step in the development of the theory was taken by Maxwell when he showed that the velocity of an electromagnetic wave in a dielectric is equal to the ratio of the electromagnetic to the electrostatic unit, jdivijiejiJay^b^^sqiiaxe root of the dielectric constant of frhe medium. Thus if V repre- sent the velocity of the wave, c the ratio of the units, and k the dielectric constant,* v -j% () Two important results follow from this equation. The first is derived from the fact that the dielectric constant of the ether is defined as unity. Hence the velocity of an electromagnetic wave in the ether is equal to the ratio of the electromagnetic to the electrostatic units. Now this ratio of the units has been deter- pm mined by experiment and found to have the value 3 10 10 - sec. But this is the velocity of light in the free ether, in fact the two numbers agree so closely that we can hardly regard it as a mere coincidence, but are led to believe that light is an electromagnetic vibration. The second result relates to the index of refraction. In Chap- ter VII this index has been defined as the ratio of the velocity of light in ether to its velocity in the medium considered. Thus if *Drude, Theory of Optics, p. 276, Longmans, 1902. 172 THE TREND OF MODERN OPTICS 173 V represent the velocity in the medium, k' the dielectric con- stant, and fji the index for infinitely long waves, we have from equation (76), since k = 1, i.e., the square of the index is equal to the dielectric constant. This conclusion has also been tested by experiment. The first results were, however, rather discouraging, for it was found that, while the relation proved true for some substances, it was far from correct for others. Thus for benzole we find /x, = 1.482, and y/k' = 1.49; while for water, /u. = 1.33 and effect will be proportional to Now there are other phenomena in the description of which this factor - - appears, namely, elec- trolysis and the cathode rays. For in the case of the former the action will evidently be more rapid the greater the charge and the less the mass of the ion; and the deflection of the cathode rays by the magnetic field will, upon the assumption that those rays are caused by ions shot out from the cathode, be greater the greater the charge and the less the mass of the ion. Unfortunately these phenomena do not permit of an inde- pendent determination of either e or m, but lead only to a value of their ratio. Xow the value of this ratio for hydrogen, as determined from electrolysis, is about 10*, while its value, as determined from the effects of the magnetic field upon the cathode rays and the light vibrations, is about 1.7 10 7 . The difference in the two cases may be accounted for in three ways : namely, either e is the same in the three cases, while m is greater in electrolysis; or the /?i's are the same, but the e's are different in the three cases; or both e and m vary in the different phe- nomena. Hence it is an interesting problem to find a means of obtaining independent determinations of the two quantities. This has not yet been done without making assumptions as to the number of particles in a given volume at a given pressure. But it is found that, if we take for that number the one to which the kinetic theory of gases leads us, we find as the charge of the univalent ion in electrolysis 1.29 10~ 10 .* J. J. Thomson f has calculated from observations upon ions in vacuo a number of the * Drude, Theory of Optics, p. 532. t J. J. Thomson, Phil. Mag. (5) 44, p. 293, 1897; 46, p. 528, 1898; ?, p. 547, 1899. 182 MANUAL OF ADVANCED OPTICS same order, namely, 6.7 10~ 10 , as the value of the charge upon an ion under those conditions. Hence the conclusion seems probable that the charges are, in the two cases, nearly the same, but that the masses of th$ ions in electrolysis are greater than those of the ions which take part in the phenomena of the cathode rays and of the action of magnetism on light. Hence physicists have come to believe that the particles whose vibrations cause light are parts of an atom, that the time-hon- ored atom, which to the chemist is indivisible, is in reality com- pounded of a veiy large number of smaller ions to which the special name electron has been given. The calculations are not exact, but there is good reason for the belief that the hydrogen atom is made up of something like one thousand of these elec- trons, and that the numbers in the other chemical atoms are roughly proportional to the atomic weights. According to this conception an atom of mercury would be composed of about 200,000 electrons. Such ideas as these tax the powers of conception of the human mind to the limit. For, if it is difficult to form a mental image of an atom, which is so minute that we can not even with the best microscope see a group of several hundred of them, is it not bold of us to attempt to realize that such atoms are themselves highly complex? Hence we can see that the science of optics is not a worn-out, barren field of investigation, but that it now throbs with vigorous life, and that the conceptions of Nature which it has developed under the stimulus of the electromagnetic theory have led, and probably will always lead, the human mind to the very outermost boundaries of the knowable and the conceivable. APPENDIX A. SOURCES OF LIGHT One of the most useful sources of monochromatic light is the sodium flame. Such a flame can readily be produced by heating a piece of hard glass tubing in the flame of a Bunsen burner. The tubing can be supported in the flame by a piece of iron wire, the other end of the wire being wound around the burner. Or a piece of asbestos which has been soaked in a strong solution of one of the sodium salts can be tied about the upper end of the burner. This sort of flame is very convenient in the interferometer work, especially if there be mounted on the same base an ordinary white- light burner with a cock, so that the sodium light can be replaced by white light by merely turning the cock. The objection to this form of sodium burner is that the light which it furnishes is too faint for experiments like those of the Fresnel. mirrors, in which all the light used has to pass through a narrow slit. A brighter sodium light can be obtained by heating the hard glass in the flame of an oxyhydrogen blow-pipe. The most satisfactory light for these experiments is, however, a portion of the solar spectrum. To obtain this it is merely necessary to pass the sunlight through an ordinary spectrometer and allow the solar spectrum to fall upon the slit which acts as the source of light. A simple device for producing such a spec- trum is shown in Fig. 41. Sunlight passes through the slit $and then through the upper half of the lens L which renders it paral- lel. It then traverses the prism P, is reflected by the mirror Jf, and returns through the lower half of the prism and the lens, and forms a spectrum below the slit. A small total reflection prism p 183 184 APPENDIX turns the light to one side so that the spectrum is formed in a position convenient for observation. The advantage of this form of instrument is that it gives a rather large dispersion with* only FIGURE 41 one prism, and that it allows the different parts of the spectrum to be brought upon the slit of the instrument being used, by merely changing the position of the mirror M. Such a spectro- scope is easily constructed, as it does not require the careful adjustment usually necessary in this kind of instrument. The vacuum tubes are useful for furnishing the cadmium and mercury light,* their success depending upon their having been sealed when the vapor pressure in them is just correct. Expe- rience has shown that the pressure is correct when the tube, excited by the electric spark, shows stratifications about 1 mm. apart. The amount of cadmium or mercury needed is small, about the size of a pin head. The cadmium tubes have to be heated to about 270 C. before the cadmium vaporizes. To make the heating uniform the tube should be inclosed in a heavy brass box in which is a small win- dow covered with mica. The mercury tubes have to be warmed somewhat, not over 100 C. A metal box is not necessary with them, although it is desirable to have one to keep the temper- ature fairly uniform throughout the entire tube. Empty tubes can be purchased from any good glass-blower. Filtered sunlight is sufficiently monochromatic for many 4 * These can be purchased from William Gaertner, 5347 Lake Avenue, Chicago, or can be readily made. APPEXDIX 185 experiments, notably those in polarized light. The following solutions, recommended by Landolt,* will be found to be satisfac- tory: COLOR THICKNESS or LAYER IN mm. AQUEOUS SOLUTION OF GRAMS IN 100 cc. AVERAGE A -10 Red 20 Crystal violet 5 BO 005 656 Green 20 20 Potassium chromate . Copper chloride 10 '60 533 Blue 20 20 Potassium chroinate. Crystal violet 10 0005 448 20 Copper sulphate .... 15 B. SILVERING OP OPTICAL SURFACES The optical surfaces used in interferometer work have to be coated on their front faces with silver. One of the simplest methods of doing this is the following: Prepare two solutions as follows : Silver nitrate 5 gm. Distilled water 40 cc. To this add ammonia slowly until the precipitate which is at first formed is nearly redissolved. The success of the solution depends upon leaving an excess of the precipitate. If a drop too much ammonia has been added, a small crystal of silver nitrate must be put in to bring back traces of the precipitate. When the solution is right it will look like slightly muddy water. Then dilute to 500 cc. and filter. B Silver nitrate 1 gm. Rochelle salt (sodium-potassium tartrate) 0. 83 gm. Disti lied water . . . . 500 cc. * Landolt, Optische Drehungsvermogen, Braunschweig, 1898, p. 390. 186 APPENDIX Bring the solution to a boil and filter hot. It must be cooled to the temperature of the room before it is used. For silvering use equal parts of A and B. The essential of success in silvering is, besides the ammonia in solution A, cleanliness. The following process of cleaning the surfaces to be silvered is recommended : 1. Kemove wax, if there is any, with spirits of turpentine. 2. Wash off the turpentine with soap and water. 3. Place the surfaces to be silvered in a glass or porcelain tray, and remove any remaining silver with strong nitric acid. 4. Rinse well in running water. 5. Wash in a strong solution of caustic potash. During this washing the plates and the dish which holds them should be rubbed hard with a tuft of cotton or a piece of pure gum tubing on the end of a glass rod. The success of the process depends largely upon the thoroughness of this washing. 6. Pour off the solution of caustic potash and rinse well in running water, being careful not to touch either the surfaces or the inside of the dish with the fingers. A very minute trace of grease will make the film streaked. 7. Wash in strong nitric acid. 8. Wash in running water for five minutes or more, raising the surfaces with a glass rod to allow the water to run beneath them. 9. Rinse in several changes of distilled water. Now mix the two solutions and pour over the surfaces. If only a thin coat is desired, the deposit must be watched, and the surface removed when the film has the necessary thickness. The opaque films should remain in the solution till it turns black. The surfaces are then removed and set up on edge on filter paper to dry. When dry they may be polished by rubbing them gently on a piece of chamois skin laid on the table and covered with jewelers' rouge. The transparent films can not be polished, for a APPENDIX 187 slight touch will rub the coating off entirely. If the solution is successful the opaque films will be so hard that they can not be rubbed off with the finger. Table 1 WAVE LENGTHS OF SOME OF THE IMPORTANT LINES SOLAR LINE SUBSTANCE A 107 SOLAR LIXE SUBSTANCE A - 107 A 7600 Tl. 5350 B 0. 6870 E Ca. 5270 C H. 6563 b Mg. 5173 Cd. 6438 Cd. 5086 Di Na 5896 F H. 4861 D* Na. 5890 Cd. 4800 Hg. 5790 Hg. 4358 Hg. 5770 G Fe. Ca. 4308 Hg. 5461 H H. Ca. 3968 Table 2 INDICES OF REFRACTION SOLAS LINK A B C D E F G H Water 1 3293 3309 3317 3335 3358 3377 3412 .3441 Alcohol 1.3586 .3599 .3606 .3624 .3647 .3667 .3705 .3736 Carbon bisulphide Cassia oil 1.6103 1 5861 .6166 .5920 .6198 5962 .6293 .6053 .6421 .6191 .6541 .6340 .6786 .6652 .7016 .7010 Crown glass 1.5099 .5118 .5127 .5153 .5186 .5214 .5267 .5312 Flint glass 1.7351 .7406 .7434 .7515 .7623 .7723 .7922 .8110 Table 3 USEFUL NUMBERS of the natural system of logarithms e = 2.7183; log e = .43429 Modulus of the natural logarithms M=^~^= 2.3026; log M =. Angle whose arc is equal to the radius = 57. 2958 = 206265". logs 1.75812 5.31442. Index of refraction of air = 1.00029. 188 APPENDIX NATURAL SINES Complement Angle .0 .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7 .8 .9 Difference 0.0000 0017 0035 0052 0070 0087 0105 0122 0140 0157 0175 89 1 0175 0192 0209 0227 0244 0262 0279 0297 0314 0332 0349 88 2 0349 0366 0384 0401 0419 0436 0454 0471 0488 0506 0523 87 8 0523 0541 0558 0576 0593 0610 0628 0645 0663 0680 0698 86 4 0698 0715 0732 0750 0767 0785 0802 0819 0837 0854 0872 85 5 0.0872 0889 0906 0924 0941 0958 0976 0993 1011 1028 1045 84 6 1045 1063 1080 1097 1115 1132 1149 1167 1184 1201 1219 83 7 1219 1236 1253 1271 1288 1305 1323 1340 1357 1374 1392 82 8 1392 1409 1426 1444 1461 1478 1495 1513 1530 1547 1564 81 9 1564 1582 1599 1616 1633 1650 1668 1685 1702 1719 1736 80 10 0.1736 1754 1771 1788 1805 1822 1840 1857 1874 1891 1908 79 11 1908 1925 1942 1959 1977 1994 2011 2028 2045 2062 2079 78 12 2079 2096 2113 2130 2147 2164 2181 2198 2215 2233 2250 77 17 13 2250 2267 2284 2300 2317 2334 2351 2368 2385 2402 2419 76 14 2419 2436 2453 2470 2487 2504 2521 2538 2554 2571 2588 75 15 0.2588 2605 2622 2639 2656 2672 2689 2706 2723 2740 2756 74 16 2756 2773 2790 2807 2823 2840 2857 2874 2890 2907 2924 73 17 2924 2940 2957 2974 2990 3007 3024 3040 3057 3074 3090 72 18 3090 3107 3123 3140 3156 3173 3190 3206 3223 3239 3256 71 19 3256 3272 3289 3305 3322 3338 3355 3371 3387 3404 3420 70 20 0.3420 3437 3453 3469 3486 3502 3518 3535 3551 3567 3584 69 21 3584 3600 3616 3633 3649 3665 3681 3697 3714 3730 3746 68 22 3746 3762 3778 3795 3811 3827 3843 3859 3875 3891 3907 67 23 3907 3923 3939 3955 3971 3987 4003 4019 4035 4051 4067 66 16 24 4067 4083 4099 4115 4131 4147 4163 4179 4195 4210 4226 65 25 0.4226 4242 4258 4274 4289 4305 4321 4337 4352 4368 4384 64 26 4384 4399 4415 4431 4446 4462 4478 4493 4509 4524 4540 63 27 4540 4555 4571 4586 4602 4617 4633 4648 4664 4679 4695 62 28 4695 4710 4726 4741 4756 4772 4787 4802 4818 4833 4848 61 29 4848 4863 4879 4894 4909 4924 4939 4955 4970 4985 5000 60 30 0.5000 5015 5030 5045 5060 5075 5090 5105 5120 5135 5150 59 15 31 5150 5165 5180 5195 5210 5225 5240 5255 5270 5284 5299 58 32 5299 5314 5329 5344 5358 5373 5388 5402 5417 5432 5446 57 33 5446 5461 5476 5490 5505 5519 5534 5548 5563 5577 5592 56 34 5592 5606 5621 5635 5650 5664 5678 5693 5707 5721 5736 55 35 0.5736 5750 5764 5779 5793 5807 5821 5835 5850 5864 5878 54 36 5878 5892 5906 5920 5934 5948 5962 5976 5990 6004 6018 63 37 6018 6032 6046 6060 6074 6088 6101 6115 6129 6143 6157 52 38 6157 6170 6184 6198 6211 6225 6239 6252 6266 6280 6293 51 39 6293 6307 6320 6334 6347 6361 6374 6388 6401 6414 6428 50 40 0.6428 6441 6455 6468 6481 6494 6508 6521 6534 6547 6561 49 41 6561 6574 6587 6600 6613 6626 6639 6652 6665 6678 6691 48 13 42 6691 6704 6717 6730 6743 6756 6769 6782 6794 6807 6820 47 43 6820 6833 6845 6658 6871 6884 6896 6909 6921 6934 6947 46 44 6947 6959 6972 6984 6997 7009 7022 7034 7046 7059 7071 45 Complement .9 .8 .7 .6 .5 .4 .3 .2 .1 .0 Angle NATURAL COSINES APPENDIX 189 NATURAL SINES Angle .0 .1 .2 .3 A .5 .6 .7 .8 .9 Complement Difference 45 0.7071 7083 7096 7108 7120 7133 7145 7157 7169 7181 7193 44 46 7193 7206 7218 7230 7242 7254 7266 7278 7290 7302 7314 43 12 47 7314 7325 7337 7349 7361 7373 7385 7396 7408 7420 7431 42 48 7431 7443 7455 7466 7478 7490 7501 7513 7524 7536 7547 41 49 7547 7559 7570 7581 7593 7604 7615 7627 7638 7649 7660 40 50 0.7660 7672 7683 7694 7705 7716 7727 7738 7749 7760 7771 39 51 7771 7782 7793 7804 7815 7826 7837 7848 7859 7869 7880 38 52 7880 7891 7902 7912 7923 7934 7944 7955 7965 7976 7986 37 53 7986 7997 8007 8018 8028 8039 8049 8059 8070 8080 8090 36 54 8090 8100 8111 8121 8131 8141 8151 8161 8171 8181 8192 35 55 0.8192 8202 8211 8221 8231 8241 8251 8261 8271 8281 8290 34 * 56 8290 8300 8310 8320 8329 8339 8348 8358 8368 8377 8387 33 57 8387 8396 8406 8415 8425 8434 8443 8453 8462 8471 8480 32 58 8480 8490 8499 8508 8517 8526 8536 8545 8554 8563 8572 31 59 8572 8581 8590 8599 8607 8616 8625 8634 8643 8652 8660 30 9 60 0.8660 8669 8678 8686 8695 8704 8712 8721 8729 8738 8746 29 61 8746 8755 8763 8771 8780 8788 8796 8805 8818 8821 8829 28 62 8829 8838 8846 8854 s*02 8870 8878 8886 8894 8902 8910 27 8 63 8910 8918 8926 8934 8942 8949 8957 8965 8973 8980 8988 26 64 8988 8996 9003 9011 9018 9026 9033 9041 9048 9056 9063 25 65 0.9063 9070 9078 9085 9092 9100 9107 9114 9121 9128 9135 24 .66 9135 9143 9150 9157 9164 9171 9178 9184 9191 9198 9205 23 * 67 9205 9212 9219 9225 9232 9239 9245 9252 9259 9265 9272 22 68 9272 9278 9285 9291 9298 9304 9311 9317 9323 9330 9336 21 69 9336 9342 9348 9354 9361 9367 9373 9379 9385 9391 9397 20 6 70 0.9397 9403 9409 9415 9421 9426 9432 9438 9444 9449 9455 19 71 9455 9461 9466 9472 9478 9483 9489 9494 9500 9505 9511 18 72 9511 9516 9521 9527 9532 9537 9542 9548 9553 9558 9563 17 73 9563 9568 9573 9578 9583 9588 9593 9598 9603 9608 9613 16 5 74 9613 9617 9622 9627 9632 9636 9641 9646 9650 9655 9659 15 75 0.9659 9664 9668 9673 9677 9681 9686 9690 9694 9699 9703 14 76 9703 9707 9711 9715 9720 9724 9728 9732 9736 9740 9744 13 * 77 9744 9748 9751 9755 9759 9763 9767 9770 9774 9778 9781 12 78 9781 9785 9789 9792 9796 9799 9803 9806 9810 9813 9816 11 79 9816 9820 9823 9826 9829 9833 9836 9839 9842 9845 9848 10 80 0.9848 9851 9854 9857 9860 9863 9866 9869 9871 9874 9877 9 3 81 9877 9880 uss2 9885 9888 9890 9893 9895 9898 9900 9903 8 82 9903 9905 9907 9910 9912 9914 9917 9919 9921 9923 9925 7 83 9925 9928 9930 9932 9934 9936 9938 9940 9942 9943 9945 6 2 84 9945 9947 9949 9951 9952 9954 9956 9957 9959 9960 9962 5 85 0.9962 9963 9965 9966 9968 9969 9971 9972 9973 9974 9976 4 86 9976 9977 9978 9979 9980 9981 9982 9983 9984 9985 9986 3 i 87 9986 9987 9988 9989 9990 9990 9991 9992 9993 9993 9994 2 88 9994 9995 9995 9996 9996 9997 9997 9997 9998 9998 9998 1 89 9998 9999 9999 9999 9999 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 Complement .9 .8 .7 .6 .5 .4 .3 .2 .1 .0 Angle NATURAL COSINES 190 APPENDIX NATURAL TANGENTS Com plement Angle .0 .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7 .8 .9 Difference 0.0000 0017 0035 0052 0070 0087 0105 0122 0140 0157 0175 89 1 0175 0192 0209 0227 0244 0262 0279 0297 0314 0332 0349 88 2 0349 0367 0384 0402 0419 0437 0454 0472 0489 0507 0524 87 3 0524 0542 0559 0577 0594 0612 0629 0647 0664 0682 0699 86 4 0699 0717 0734 0752 0769 0787 0805 0822 0840 0857 0875 85 5 0.0875 0892 0910 0928 0945 0963 0981 0998 1016 1033 1051 84 6 1051 1069 1086 1104 1122 1139 1157 1175 1192 1210 1228 83 7 1228 1246 1263 1281 1299 1317 1334 1352 1370 1388 1405 82 8 1405 1423 1441 1459 1477 1495 1512 1530 1548 1566 1584 81 9 1584 1602 1620 1638 1655 1673 1691 1709 1727 1745 1763 80 10 0.1763 1781 1799 1817 1835 1853 1871 1890 1908 1926 1944 79 M 11 1944 1962 1980 1998 2016 2035 2053 2071 2089 2107 2126 78 12 2126 2144 2162 2180 2199 2217 2235 2254 2272 2290 2309 77 13 2309 2327 2345 2364 2382 2401 2419 2438 2456 2475 2493 76 14 2493 2512 2530 2549 2568 2586 2605 2623 2642 2661 2679 75 15 0.2679 2698 2717 2736 2754 2774 2792 2811 2830 2849 2867 74 16 2867 2886 2905 2924 2943 2962 2981 3000 3019 3038 3057 73 19 17 3057 3076 3096 3115 3134 3153 3172 3191 3211 3230 3249 72 18 3249 3269 3288 3307 3327 3346 3365 3385 3404 3424 3443 71 19 3443 3463 3482 3502 3522 3541 3561 3581 3600 3620 3640 70 20 0.3640 3659 3679 3699 3719 3739 3759 3779 3799 3819 3839 69 21 3839 3859 3879 3899 3919 3939 3959 3979 4000 4020 4040 68 20 22 4040 4061 4081 4101 4122 4142 4163 4183 4204 4224 4245 67 23 4245 4265 4286 4307 4327 4348 4369 4390 4411 4431 4452 66 24 4452 4473 4494 4515 4536 4557 4578 4599 4621 4642 4663 65 21 25 0.4663 4684 4706 4727 4748 4770 4791 4813 4834 4856 4877 64 26 4877 4899 4921 4942 4964 4986 5008 5029 5051 5073 5095 63 27 5095 5117 5139 5161 5184 5206 5228 5250 5272 5295 5317 62 22 28 5317 5340 5362 5384 5407 5430 5452 5475 5498 5520 5543 61 29 5543 5566 5589 5612 5635 5658 5681 5704 5727 5750 5774 60 23 30 0.5774 5797 5820 5844 5867 5890 5914 5938 5961 5985 6099 59 31 6009 6032 6056 6080 6104 6128 6152 6176 6200 6224 6249 58 2 * 32 6249 6273 6297 6322 6346 6371 6395 6420 6445 6469 6494 57 33 6494 6519 6544 6569 6594 6619 6644 6669 6694 6720 6745 56 25 34 6745 6771 6796 6822 6847 6873 6899 6924 6950 6976 7002 55 35 0.7002 7028 7054 7080 7107 7133 7159 7186 7212 7239 7265 54 26 36 7265 7292 7319 7346 7373 7400 7427 7454 7481 7508 7536 53 * 37 7536 7563 7590 7618 7646 7673 7701 7729 7757 7785 7813 52 28 38 7813 7841 7869 7898 7926 7954 7983 8012 8040 8069 8098 51 28 39 8098 8127 8156 8185 8214 8243 8273 8302 8332 8361 8391 50 29 40 0.8391 8421 8451 8481 8511 8541 8571 8601 8632 8662 8693 49 30 41 8693 8724 8754 8785 8816 8847 8878 8910 8941 8972 9004 48 31 42 9004 9036 9067 9099 9131 9163 9195 9228 9260 9293 9325 47 32 43 9325 9358 9391 9424 9557 9490 9523 9556 9590 9623 9657 46 33 44 9657 9691 9725 9759 9793 9827 9861 9896 9930 9965 1.0000 45034 Complement .9 .8 .7 .6 .5 .4 .3 .2 l .0 Angle NATURAL COTANGENTS APPENDIX NATURAL TANGENTS 191 Angle] .0 .1 .2 .3 A .5 .6 .7 .8 .9 Dif. 45 1.0000 1.0035 1.0070 1.0105 1.0141 1.0176 1.0212 1.0247 L.0388 1.0319 36 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9708 9754 9666 9713 9759 9671 9717 9763 9675 9722 9768 9680 9727 9773 1 1 1 1 1 1 223 223 223 344 344 344 95 9777 9782 9786 9791 9795 9800 9805 9809 9814 9818 Oil 223 344 96 97 98 9823 9868 9912 9827 9872 9917 9832 9877 9921 9836 9881 9926 9841 9886 9930 9845 9890 9934 9850 9894 9939 9854 9899 9943 9859 9903 9948 9863 9908 9952 1 1 1 1 1 1 223 223 223 344 344 344 99 9956 9961 9965 9969 9974 9978 9983 9987 9991 9996 1 1 223 334 INDEX Abbe, total reflection, 107. Absorption, coefficient of, 157. relation to anomalous dispersion, 173. Achromatic fringe, 37. Ames, concave grating, 121. Angle of incidence, 84. of emergence, 84. principal, 157. Angstrom, absolute wave length, 124. Azimuth, of plane of polarization, 152. principal, 157. Babinet, compensator, 143. Bell, absolute wave length, 124. Biot, rotary polarization, 131. Bi-prism, Fresnel, 44. Boltzmann, rotary dispersion, 131. Brewster, law, 151. Cadmium, distribution in spectral lines of, 79. Cathode rays, 175, 181. Cauchy, dispersion equation, 39, 90. Concave grating, 116. constant of, 121. Congruent rays, 21. Conroy, Brewster 's law, 151. reflection of polarized light, 152. Corpuscular theory, 166. Czapski, total reflection, 107. Deviation, minimum, 86. Dielectric constant, equals square of index, 173. Diffraction, by one slit, 11. by two slits, 19. grating, 108. Dispersion, Cauchy's equation for, 39, 90, 173. Dispersion, determination with the interferometer, 61. of prism, 94. anomalous, 173. electromagnetic theory of, 175. Distribution in source, determination by visibility, 25, 71. Double slit, 19, 23. Drude, resolving power of prisms, 91, diffraction gratings, 108. reflection of polarized light, 150. metallic reflection, 157. electromagnetic theory, 170, 172, 174, 175, 181. Electrolysis, 175, 181. Electromagnetic, theory, 170. Electron, 182. Elliptically polarized light, 140. analysis of, 142. Fabry, distribution in sources, 82. Faraday, electromagnetic theory, 169, 178. Fraunhofer, diffraction phenomena, 11. diffraction grating, 17. Fresnel, mirrors, 30, 33. bi-prism, 44. reflection equations, 150. Glan, spectrophotometer, 159. Glazebrook, optical theories, 169. Grating, plane, 108. dispersion of, 110. resolving power of, 111. constant of, 112. concave, 116. Gubbe, rotary polarization, 134. Gumlich, rotary polarization, 131. Helmholtz, prisms, 96. 194 IXDEX 195 Interference, general discussion of, 21. Interferometer, definition of, 32. Michelson, 48. adjustment of, 55. Ions, 175. ratio of charge to mass, 181. Jamin, Brewster's law, 151. Kayser, prisms, 96. plane grating, 108. concave grating, 116. absolute wave lengths, 125. regularities in spectra, 177. Kohlrausch, total reflection, 107. Kurlbaum, absolute wave length, 124. Landolt, rotary polarization, 133. Lloyd, optical theories, 169. Magnetism, action on light, 178. Mascart, visibility curves, 27. gratings, 108. Maxwell, law of distribution of velocities of molecules, 75. electromagnetic theory, 170, 172. Metallic reflection, 156. Michelson, visibility with the double slit, 27. interferometer, 33, 48. applications of the interferom- eter. 69. visibility curves with interfe- rometer, 82. absolute wave length, 125. action of magnetism on light, 180. echelon spectroscope, 180. Mirrors, Fresnel. 30. Moigno, 1'Abbe, optical theories, 169. Molecular rotation, 132. Muller, absolute --vave length, 124. Optical activity, 130. Perot, distribution in sources, 82. Polari scope, 134. Polarization rotation of the plane of, 130. Polarized light, qualitative experi- ments in, 127. elliptically, 140. reflection of, 150. Prism, 83. formation of an image by, 88. thickness of, 92. Pulfrich, total reflection, 107. Purity of spectrum, 94, 111. Quarter- wave plate, 146. Quincke, Fresnel mirrors, 39. diffraction grating, 108. Ray lei gh, limit of resolution, 18. visibility curves, 78. resolving power of prisms, 91-96. plane gratings, 108, 115. Brewster's law, 151. Reflection, loss of phase on, 66. total, 105. of polarized light, 150. metallic, 156. Refraction, index of, definition of, 85. determination, with the inter- ferometer, 61. with the prism spectrometer, 96. angle of, 84. determination of by total reflec- tion, 105. of metals, 157. relation to dielectric constant, 173, Resolution, limit of, 15, 17. of prism, 93. Resolving power, of prism, 95. determination of, 102. . of grating, 111. determination of, 114. Rood, reflection of polarized light, 152. Rotation, specific, 132. naolecular, 132. Rowland, plane gratings, 108, 115. concave gratings, 116. relative wave lengths, 125. Runge, concave gratings, 116. regularities in spectra, 177. 196 Sarasin, rotary polarization, 181. Schonrock, rotary polarization, 133. Schwerd, diffraction, 18. Sodium, determination of wave lengths, 55. ratio of wave lengths of the lines DI and D 2 , 59. distribution of a single line, 82. Soret, rotary polarization, 131. Spectrometer, 83. adjustments of, 97. Spectrophotometer, 159. Spectrum, purity of, 94. order of, 110. Spectrum, normal, 111. absorption, 164. Stefan, rotary polarization, 133. Thomson, J. J., electron theory, 181. Velocity, of light, equals ratio of units, 172. Visibility, with the double slit, 25. with the interferometer, 60, 70. Wave length, absolute determination of, 124. Wave theory, 166. Zeeman, action of magnetism on light, 178. J THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW AN INITIAL FINE OF 25 CENTS WILL BE ASSESSED FOR'FAILURE TO RETURN THIS BOOK ON THE DATE DUE. THE PENALTY WILL INCREASE TO 5O CENTS ON THE FOURTH DAY AND TO $I.OO ON THE SEVENTH DAY OVERDUE. INlBHrLIBRAR LD 21-100i-12, '43 (8796s) YC 94 THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY