Wh CHARLES MONROE COFFIN HIS BOOK ?& THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES Trinity Church Edited by Mary E. Mixer ^fiBSJojonSw^ The Peter Paul Book Company Buffalo, New York MDCCCXCVII Copyrighted in the year 1897 by Mary E. Mixer qj^S&itoJHteF- Printed and bound in the year 1897 by The Peter Paul Book Company, in Buffalo, New York. TO THE (Ehittott rrf Tritritg Parish THE FUTURE WARDENS AND VESTRYMEN OF THE CHURCH, HEIRS TO A NOBLE INHERITANCE, THIS BOOK IS DEDI- CATED 31 Editor's Note The designs of the cover and title-page were drawn by Miss Elise Devereux, artist. In the arduous work of compiling and printing the history, several errors were unfortunately overlooked until too late to correct them. On page 36, the name of Mr. Corneille R. Ganson is wrongly given as " Cornelius R. Ganson." On page 41, Doctor and Mrs. Thomas F. Rochester are referred to as coming from Geneva, which was the early home of Mrs. Rochester. They removed to Buffalo from Rochester, which city was named for the doctor's family. On page 103, "Mr. Horatio H. Seymour" should be "Mr. Henry H. Seymour"; and on page 107, "Mrs. Horatio H. Seymour" should be "Mr. Henry H. Sey- mour." Preface IN the experience of all large cities it is found that old landmarks, prominent citizens, and important events are apt to be passed over in the progress of time, their places filled, their monuments razed to the ground to make way for those of a new generation. The important part played in the prosperity and growth of such cities by the early builders thereof is seldom remembered by those who tread the paths made easy for them and live in happiness and peace beneath the spreading branches of trees whose shade measures the passing of one or two generations. As a rule, the pioneers of all such settlements are men of mark, sometimes of wealth and position; and their opinions, their laws and customs, insensibly influ- ence their successors for all time. Observe in New York city, Albany, and other portions of our state, how the Knickerbocker presence of early days is still felt in the land; how in Detroit, Michigan, social customs, local laws, and the very manners of the citizens bespeak their French origin. So we might go on, from section to sec- tion of our great country, tracing by their present cus- toms and laws the influences that laid the foundations of their cities and of their forms of government; and Buffalo, though not the most important of our cities, can boast an honorable heritage, for her first citizens were men of brains and men of mark. In 1679 Father Hennepin and his small band of explorers, under the leadership of La Salle, with much vi Preface labor carried the material for a small vessel over the port- age at Niagara River, and climbed the heights of Lewis- ton. They toiled slowly on their way over snowy plains and through gloomy forests, till they came at last to a small stream which entered the Niagara two leagues above the cataract — undoubtedly Cayuga Creek. There they built the vessel for which they had brought the materials, and launched the " Griffin " in the spring, under many difficulties, caused by the rapids in the river. At length the small vessel of sixty tons, armed with seven guns, all of which had been transported by land around the cataract, sailed away on our great inland sea, to the singing of the Te Dcum and the roaring of cannon. It bore as a part of its crew the intrepid La Salle, a blue-eyed, ringleted cavalier, fitted to grace the salons of Paris, yet eagerly pressing forward to dare the hardships of unknown seas and savage lands. Tonti, exiled from his native Italy by revolution, the second in command, was a man of unswerving courage and devoted loyalty. Father Hennepin, the early histo- rian of this region, was one of the most zealous of all that band of Roman priests who bore the cross to the fiercest pagans of the New World, and laid down their lives with the martyr's courage in the dense primeval forests. Have not these men left their mark on our border- land ? And are not our hearts still thrilled by the stories of their faith and courage ? Then, as years went on, and the dispute of French and English for supremacy resulted in the Battle of Niagara, the site of old Fort Porter and its vis-a-vis, Fort Erie, became the battlefield of the two nations. Preface vii Grand and Navy islands were in the midst of the fray. An arm of the river separating Buckhorn Island from Grand Island still bears the name of " Burnt Ship Bay." To come down to modern times : the old ferry at Black Rock was quite a noted point in 1814. It was first chosen as the most favorable site for the settlement. A great salt exchange was established there, at which traders from even as far as Pittsburg assembled. Fort Erie, on the opposite side of the river, whose foundations were laid in 1 791, is described by the Duke of Liancourt in 1795 as a very rude collection of buildings. In 1800 Augustus Porter, of Canandaigua, had a contract for carrying the mail to Niagara. Doctor Dwight, then president of Yale College, mentions this ferry in his " Journey through the State of New York." In the same summer Gouverneur Morris passed that way. In 18 14 came the famous struggle at Fort Erie, where generals Brown and Porter covered themselves with glory. Colonel William A. Bird's house and grounds then, as now, commanded a full view of the battlefield. Mr. Thomas C. Love, then a student at law, was wounded in that engagement, and was transferred to Quebec, where for six months he was held as a prisoner of war, suffering very great privations. The kindly min- istrations of a young married couple resident in Quebec greatly alleviated his hardships, and won his lifelong gratitude. Years after, this couple came from Canada to take up their residence in Buffalo, and succeeding gen- erations will revere the memory of Jesse Ketchum and his wife. This hurried glimpse into the past is only given to claim the point that the past history of Buffalo is worth viii Preface knowing ; that in war, in civil life, in government annals, in church history, we can cite great names as our herit- age. A noble building, occupying the central block of our city, perpetuates the name of the man* who laid out the primitive town, and whose brother was one of the engineers who surveyed the city of Washington. Not to delve too deep into history, we can point to the beautiful church opposite as the pioneer church of the city, of which Mr. Samuel M. Welch, in his most admirable book, " Recollections of Buffalo," says, " What old or young citizen, who is imbued with sufficient sen- timent to have gathered an affection for inanimate things, does not look on this particular church as an alma mater in things spiritual for the entire community? " Dear Doctor Shelton ! the brave pioneer of the church in western New York, the noble champion of the truth of her doctrines, and in his life and practice a glorious example of the fruit of her teachings ! The brusque honesty of his manner was tempered by the tenderness of his sympathy; and when our dear Bishop Coxe chose as the text of his memorial sermon, " Behold now, there is in this city a man of God, and he is an honorable man" (I. Samuel 9: 6), he simply repeated what had been the sentiment of the citizens of Buffalo generally with reference to the revered rector of Saint Paul's. How proudly can we recall the eloquence of the many different clergymen who have filled with honor the pulpits of our churches ! How honored are we to enroll as citizens of Buffalo names which have echoed round the world as rulers of our country, as jurists of 'Joseph Ellicott. Preface ix unquestionable repute, as physicians whose very names give authority to anything they have said or written ! Therefore it is that the children of this generation should not be ignorant of their honorable past ; that, as the landmarks pass away, the spots whereon they stood may still be held sacred, and the memory kept green of those whose names are indissolubly linked with them. To keep this heritage in mind, to recall to the next generation many facts which they may not otherwise remember, is the object of our present writing. We wish to impress on the minds of the younger members of Trinity Church the recollection of the bishops, rectors, and vestries, whose names have made memorable its records and whose very presence in its pulpits and pews has been a precious benison, who have bestowed dignity and honor on its name, who are linked in all the various walks and professions of life with the greatness, growth, and prosperity of our city. The editor wishes to acknowledge her indebtedness to Our Church Work for a large portion of the article on Bishop Coxe. Extracts from many other sources have been made use of in compiling the work, but it did not seem possible to make an acknowledgment in each case. Contents PAGE Preface, v List of Illustrations, ..... xiii Saint Paul's Cathedral — the Mother of Trinity Parish, . . Compiled i The Beginning of Trinity Church, Anna Maude Hoxsie 3 Bishop De Lancey, Mrs. Charles B. Wheeler 1 5 Reverend Edward Ingersoll, . Compiled 21 Bishop Coxe, .... Compiled 51 Consolidation of Christ Church with Trinity, . . . Mrs. A. P. Nichols 65 Reverend Libertus Van Bokkelen, Compiled 69 An Easter Day Service, " Buffalo Courier " 83 Reverend Francis Lobdell, Anniversary Sermon 87 Bishop Walker, . " Our Church Work " 101 Trinity Cooperative Relief Society, Emily Sibley Ganson 103 Wardens and Vestrymen, 115 Memorial Gifts, 125 Illustrations New Trinity, William Shelton, .... Cicero Stephens Hawks, William Heathcote De Lancey, Edward Ingersoll, 1844, Edward Ingersoll, 1875,. Arthur Cleveland Coxe, 1866, Arthur Cleveland Coxe, 1888, Christ Church, as originally designed, Libertus Van Bokkelen, . Old Trinity, Francis Lobdell, .... William D. Walker, frontispiece facing page 1 3 15 21 45 51 55 65 69 83 S7 101 History of Trinity Church William Shclton History of Trinity Church Saint Paul's Cathedral — the Mother of Trinity Parish THE organization of Saint Paul's Parish took place at the house of Elias Ransom, in the then village of Buffalo, February ioth, 1817. The Reverend Samuel Johnston, a missionary of the church for all the country west of the Genesee River, officiated on this occa- sion. The certificate of incorporation was signed by him, and by George Badger and Jacob A. Barker. Messrs. Erastus Granger and Isaac Q. Leake were the first war- dens; and Messrs. Samuel Tupper, Sheldon Thompson, Elias Ransom, John G. Camp, Henry M. Campbell, John S. Larned, Jonas Harrison, and Doctor Josiah Trow- bridge were the first vestrymen. The first settled mis- sionary pastor of the parish was the Reverend William A. Clark, in 18 19 and 1820. He was succeeded by the Reverend Deodatus Babcock, from 1820 to 1824, and the Reverend Addison Searle, from 1824 to 1828. The Reverend William Shelton preached his first sermon in the church on September 13th, 1829. He was the first rector of the parish who received no support from the missionary fund, and faithfully served Saint Paul's for more than fifty years. 2 History of Trinity Church Under his auspices the present stone edifice was erected on the site of the old one in 185 1. Such is the beauty of the design that, seen from any point which shows an entrance, the part presented to view appears to be the front. The greatest length of the edifice is one hundred and seventy-five feet, and the greatest width ninety-four feet. The chancel is twenty-eight feet deep and twenty-eight feet wide. The stone tower and spire at the junction of Pearl and Erie streets have a total height of two hundred and seventy-two feet, the spire cross being raised very nearly as high as that of Trinity Church, New York. The structure has been justly called " Upjohn's masterpiece," and is considered one of the finest specimens of Gothic architecture in the United States, the tower being specially remarkable for its grace and symmetry. The whole work may be justly consid- ered a fitting monument to the untiring perseverance, zeal, and industry of the Reverend Doctor Shelton, who witnessed the laying of the first foundation stone, the laying of the last stone on the tall spire, and the erection of the gilded cross thereon. Note. — This description is taken from an old newspaper published before the fire which destroyed a large portion of the church. Many improvements in the interior were made in the repairing ; but the exterior, with the exception of the chancel, remains the same. — Editor. Cicero Stephens Hawks The Beginning of Trinity Church EARLY in the history of Buffalo we find mention of Saint Paul's, the first Episcopal church in the city; and shortly afterwards we hear of its off- shoots. The seating capacity of the parent church grad- ually became inadequate to its increasing congregation, and consequently a number of families withdrew to form a new parish. The first movement in regard to its es- tablishment was made in Saint Paul's, on Wednesday, October 12th, 1836, when a meeting of prominent men was held, with Mr. George B. Webster in the chair. The new organization was named Trinity Church, and had for its first wardens Captain Samuel L. Russell, U. S. A., killed in the Seminole War, and Henry Daw, who re- mained warden until his death in 1864. The vestry was composed of E. H. Cressey, Doctor Charles Winne, David L. Hempsted, Robert Hollister, Joseph Stringham, Ambrose S. Sterling, Jesse Peterson, and F. H. Harris. The seal of Trinity Church, bearing the date of its or- ganization, had for its motto the word " Onward." In January, 1837, the Reverend Cicero Stephens Hawks, of Ulster, New York, was invited to become rector; and in February he assumed his duties. His first sermon in Buffalo is still remembered as being a brilliant intellectual and oratorical effort. It was preached in Saint Paul's, and the text was, " Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's ; and unto God the things that are God's." 3 4 History of Trinity Church From April, 1837, to September, 1839, tne congrega- tion of Trinity Church worshiped in the auditorium of the abandoned theater, known as Duffy's, or the " Buf- falo Theater," on South Division Street, at the southwest corner of Washington Street. The musical portion of the service at this time was furnished by a piano and congregational singing, virtually under the direction of Mr. Rushmore Poole, who had always been interested in music. On June 30th, 1837, a new piano was purchased, and the sum of fifty dollars per year was appropriated to pay a pianist. The first regular music committee entered upon its duties in May, 1838, and consisted of Mr. Sam- uel K. Kip and Mr. Poole. It was about this time that Mr. Jerry Radcliffe was elected warden, and he continued in office until his death in 1856. A little later Mr. Poole was elected vestryman, retaining this office more than seventeen years. He had charge of the church finances generally, and especially of the collecting of pew rents. While still worshiping in the old theater, a handsomely bound Bible was presented to the church for use in the services, by Mr. Oliver G. Steele, a most generous and liberal-minded gentleman, who, though not a member of the church, took this means of showing his desire to encourage the progress of the new organization. This Bible was in use for many years, probably up to the time of the removal to the new church on Delaware Avenue. Mr. Hawks had become a beloved as well as valued rector, while Mrs. Hawks, who was spoken of by her husband as a " delicate flower," entered as much into the work of the parish as ill health would permit. Mr. Hawks was a man of scholarly attainments, social attrac- tions, and distinguished personality. He was born at The Beginning of Trinity Church 5 Newbern, North Carolina, May 26th, 18 12, and was educated at Chapel Hill. Report credited him with being a direct descendant of the Indian princess Poca- hontas. He certainly had a strong Indian face, in which mingled with the aboriginal blood all the kindliness and refinement that education and good breeding could give. He was of medium stature, and slender in early life, and was particularly neat in dress and personal appearance. He preached at all times without notes, and in the pulpit was unsurpassed in eloquence. He was a faithful rector and a Christian gentleman. In September, 1839, the congregation of Trinity Church moved into the Universalist Church on Wash- ington Street, between South Division and Swan streets. This was a frame building with steeple and spire; and its own congregation, being small and poor, was glad to lease it to Trinity. Within this church was one of the old-fashioned high box pulpits, with a double diverging stairway curving round and half enclosing the platform beneath. On the center panel of the pulpit, which was painted blue and sanded, was inscribed in gold letters, " God is Love." The music committee consisted of the same gentle- men who had served the year before. Miss Louisa Huber, a young German musician, was engaged as pianist, and Grandison B. Shelton as leader of the choir. Mrs. Shelton sang soprano. While services were held in the Universalist church, a society was formed, known as " The Musical Association of Trinity Church," under the same committee, pianist, and director; but musical affairs received little attention at this time, owing to the absorbing efforts to raise money for a church building. 6 History of Trinity Church The idea of building a permanent abiding place for Trinity Church had been early agitated. An old paper has been found, dated May ioth, 1838, containing a list of the subscribers to the building fund, as follows: The undersigned agree to pay to Trinity Parish, Buffalo, the sum opposite to their respective names upon the following condi- tions : 1st. Any individual subscribing any sum shall pay twenty per cent, in Cash at the time of subscription, and the balance in notes of Five, Ten, Fifteen, and Twenty months from the first day of July next, with endorsements satisfactory to the Vestry. 2d. These sums subscribed shall not be expended for any other purpose, but held sacred for the purpose of buying a suitable site for a Church Building, and placing such building thereon. 3d. These sums shall not be considered as given save when it is otherwise ordered by the subscriber, but as money loaned and to be refunded in Pews, in such manner, and under such restrictions, and subject to the payment of such rents and charges, as the War- dens and Vestrymen of said Church may direct, whenever the Church Building is completed. Provided always and in every case, that no Individual shall receive from the Church a Deed for his Pew until the whole amount of his subscription has been paid. List of Subscribers Jerry Radcliffe, $500 Cyrus Athearn 5°° R. Nelson Haydon 250 Elisha Kimberly, 250 Rushmore Poole, 250 Dyre Tillinghast, 400 Robert Hollister, 600 Russell H. Heywood, 300 James A. Cowing, 3°° Henry Root and Peter Curtis, 225 Augustus Kimball 225 The Beginning of Trinity Church 7 Hiram P. Thayer, 250 Simeon Fox, 400 Rufus C. Palmer 3°° Morgan K. Faulkner, 3°° Luman R. Plimpton 3°° William L. G. Smith, 300 James DeLong, 3°° Isaac W. Colie, 200 Henry W. Rogers 200 Lester Brace, 250 Sheldon Thompson, 250 George W. Clinton, 250 Henry M. Kinne, 250 PhiloDurfee, 250 Nehemiah Case, 250 Of these names that of Mr. Dyre Tillinghast has been brought to our especial notice by the fact that a daughter of Dyre and Maria Tillinghast is a member of our present congregation, who was baptized by the Reverend Mr. Hawks. Mr. and Mrs. Tillinghast were original members of Saint Paul's parish, and Mr. Tilling- hast wrote the first letter calling Doctor Shelton to Saint Paul's. Doctor Shelton, however, came a year later, on receiving a second call. They joined the new parish as soon as it was formed, and were valuable and interested members of Trinity congregation. Whether there is another person among our present members who has the same record, we have not heard. Doubtless there are many descendants of those baptized by our first rector, but it has not seemed possible to ascertain the facts regarding them. Mrs. Katherine Tillinghast Buell was the seventy- seventh person baptized in old Trinity by the Reverend Doctor Hawks. 8 History of Trinity Church As will be noticed, some of these subscribers did not belong to Trinity Parish, but wished to assist the new and struggling church. It was a struggle indeed, and many disappointments delayed the accomplishment of the cherished project. Just as the subscription list was completed a financial depression was felt in all business circles, and many of the subscribers were obliged to withdraw their names. The site on the southeast corner of Mohawk and Wash- ington streets was secured, however, for 54,750; plans were drawn and the foundation was begun. The lease of the Universalist church expired in May, 1840, and a communication from the president of the Board of Trustees informed the vestry of Trinity Church that the " Trustees of the First Church and Society of Universal Restorationists in the Town of Buffalo," were willing to extend the lease to May 1st, 1841, for the sum of $400.* It was probably, therefore, in the spring of 1841 that the church obtained temporary quarters in the rooms of the Young Men's Association, on the second floor of a building on the north side of South Division Street, between Main and Washington streets; and it was from this building that the church finally moved into its own place of worship. Mr. Hawks was very energetic in urging the comple- tion of the church building, the work of which was carried on intermittently. He frequently sacrificed his limited salary to hasten it, and eked out his living by writing books for publication, particularly Sunday school books, which he prepared with great ease. The music of the church at this time was rendered by Miss Louise Clark, soprano, Miss Jane Fitch, alto, Mr. Frank Pease, The Beginning of Trinity Church 9 tenor, and Mr. Rushmore Poole, with Miss Huber's ac- companiment. The new church edifice was finally completed, al- though, on account of restricted means, the original design was given up, and a simpler one substituted. We find, in an unpublished article by Mr. Deshler Welch, that Messrs. James J. Culbertson and James D. Berry were the contractors, and that it was estimated that the building with the intended tower would cost $20,000. The structure as finally erected was classical in design, without tower or spire. The front entrance was never properly finished, and should have had a Doric portico, the foundations for the columns having been prepared and left unused. The interior had no chancel, the back wall being painted to represent a draped window outside of which clambered the semblance of creeping vines. The pulpit was of the usual high style. When the organ — the source of so much excitement and pleasant anticipation — was placed in the gallery, the joy of the congregation was unbounded. The noble instrument had been ordered by Mr. Poole according to instructions, and was shipped from New York via the New York & Buffalo Lake Boat Line, November 9th, 1842. It was made by Firth & Hall, of New York, under the personal supervision of their foreman, Mr. Robjohn, who with an assistant came from New York to put it in place. It was the first organ, made by this firm, to be sent west of Albany. In Mr. Welch's article the organ case is de- scribed as ten feet wide, six feet nine inches deep, and fourteen and a half feet high. It contained five hundred and twenty-five pipes, and was in all respects a most creditable piece of work. i o History of Trinity Church The congregation moved into the new building the latter part of December, 1842; and in January, 1843, Mr. Poole reported the organ as ready for use. Mr. Robert Hollister was added to the music committee; Mr. William R. Coppock was engaged as organist; and an ap- propriation of twenty-five dollars was made for vocal music for the coming Easter, and a like amount was set aside for the purchase of music books and the services of a " blower boy." Miss Clark, afterwards Mrs. Ambrose S. Sterling, still sang soprano, and the tenor was Ebenezer B. Pewtress, who had an exquisite voice, and had already been a member of the choir for some months. Thus early in its history Trinity was noted for its good music. The church was formally consecrated by Bishop De Lancey, January 19th, 1843. The original sentence of consecration reads as follows: Whereas the Rector, Church Wardens, and Vestrymen of Trinity Church, in the City of Buffalo, County of Erie, State of New York, and Diocese of Western New York, have, by an instru- ment this day presented to me, appropriated and given a house of worship erected by them in said City of Buffalo to the worship and service of Almighty God according to the ministry, doctrines, lit- urgy, rites, and usages of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America ; have placed the same under my spiritual jurisdiction and that of my successors in office ; and have requested me to consecrate it by the name of Trinity Church : Now, therefore, be it known that I, William Heathcote De- Lancey, Bishop of the Diocese of Western New York, having taken the said house of worship under my spiritual jurisdiction, and that of my successors in office, did, on this nineteenth day of January, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty-three, under the protection of Almighty God and in the presence of divers of the clergy and of a public congregation there assembled, conse- crate the same to the worship and service of Almighty God, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost, by the name of Trinity Church. The Beginning of Trinity Church 1 1 And I do by these presents declare the said Trinity Church to be consecrated accordingly, and thereby separated thenceforth from all unhallowed, worldly, and common uses, and set apart and dedicated to the service of Almighty God, for reading and preaching His Holy Word, for celebrating His Holy Sacraments, for offering to His glorious Majesty the sacrifices of prayer, thanksgiving, and praise, for blessing the people in His name, and for the perform- ance of all other holy offices according to the terms of His Covenant of grace and mercy in His Son, our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ, and according to the ministry, doctrines, liturgy, and usages of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America. In Testimony Whereof, I have hereunto affixed my hand and seal, in the City of Buffalo, the day and year above written, and the fourth year of my consecration. Signed, WILLIAM HEATHCOTE De LANCEY, Bishop of the Diocese of Western New York. [seal] Although Trinity Parish was now finally settled in a home of its own, its financial hardships were not all over, and the Ladies' Aid Society determined to raise the money for the first payment on the organ by holding a fair. This society was accustomed to meet periodically at the houses of the different members to do plain and fancy sewing. Early on the day of meeting, a clothes- basket would arrive, filled with aprons and other articles already cut out and ready for sewing. Among the ladies prominent in the society were Mrs. Thomas Per- kins, Mrs. Cyrenius C. Bristol, Mrs. Gibson T. Williams, Mrs. Rushmore Poole, Mrs. Robert Hollister, Mrs. Cyrus Athearn, Mrs. Charles Winne, Mrs. Hawks, Mrs. Am- brose S. Sterling, Miss Mary Radcliffe (afterwards Mrs. William Laverack), Miss Howard (afterwards Mrs. John M. Hutchinson), and Miss Irish (afterwards Mrs. James 1 2 History of Trinity Church McCredie, junior). Mrs. Hollister and Mrs. Winne were experts in practical and fine needlework, and Mrs. Ath- earn did all the fancy work and embroidery for the fair. While the society worked, and the delicate and beautiful white satin handkerchief cases were fashioned (several of which are still in existence), Mrs. Hawks read to the ladies, and helped to while the hours away. The fair was held in the autumn of 1843 in the old United States Bank building, at the northeast corner of Main and South Division streets, and netted the sum of nine hundred dollars, which was used for the first pay- ment on the organ. At the fair was exhibited a model of the church building as originally designed, the work of Mr. Frank Pease. At Easter, 1843, Mr. Coppock was reengaged as organist, and an appropriation of one hundred dollars was made for vocal music for the year. Mr. Hawks kept up his reputation as a scholar of distinguished ability, and his first sermon was remembered with so much pleasure that he was requested to repeat it. An- other sermon spoken of as being particularly able was on the subject of the last days and death of Moses. Mr. and Mrs. Hawks lived on Mohawk Street, and also boarded for a time on Eagle Street, and frequently dis- pensed informal and charming hospitality. As an illustration of the early date of this history, it may perhaps be permitted to give an anecdote of the time. Mrs. Hawks said to a friend and neighbor, one of the early aristocrats of Buffalo, " Do you think I might venture to -wear a white rose on my bonnet?" "Of course, my dear, put it on ; you are young and pretty, and it is the time for roses." After the rose appeared in The Beginning of Trinity Church 1 3 church Mrs. Hawks received several anonymous notes, of which history does not give the purport. But we can imagine it might have been in the words of a modern novelist: "We stick by the ways of the Discipline and the ways of our fathers in Israel. No newfangled notions down here. Your wife 'd better take them flowers out of her bunnit afore next Sunday." As is generally known, Mr. Hawks subsequently became bishop of Missouri, and his congregation sus- tained a great loss when he left Trinity Church. He thus expressed his own sorrow at leaving, in a letter to the wardens and vestrymen, dated October 28th, 1843: Gentlemen : Herewith I present to you my resignation of the rectorship ot Trinity Church, — said resignation to take effect on the first day of December. God knows with what sorrow, after mature deliberation, I do this — nor could it be done but from constraining thoughts of duty. I have been too intimately associated with your parish from its com- mencement, not to feel more than ordinary pain and anxiety as I take this step. But another field of labor presents itself before me, and the call to that field is for many reasons almost imperious with me. 1 consider that I have no right to turn aside from it. At such a moment the recollection of past struggles and past kindnesses swell upon my heart, and I can say nothing. I ask your prayers wherever I may be (for no man knows what trials may be before me), and in return I shall never cease to pray that God's blessing may be upon your parish and upon each of you individ- ually. May God's grace rest upon you all, through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Yours in all Truth, C. S. HAWKS. With the resignation of Mr. Hawks, we reach the close of the first epoch in the history of Trinity Church. It is interesting to follow it step by step through its or- 1 4 History of Trinity Church ganization, early struggles, and final success in establish- ing a permanent home for itself. The personality of its congregation furnishes no less interesting reminiscences; but as that period has passed away almost into oblivion, leaving shadows of bygone regret in the minds of those who still remember, so, too, it saddens us to realize that of the well-known names and prominent supporters of old Trinity only a few are remaining today. It is with heartfelt and sympathetic pleasure that the above recol- lections and account of early Trinity Parish have been put into form by the granddaughter of two of the most earnest workers in the old church. William Heathcote De Lancey Bishop De Lancey FIFTY-NINE years ago Western New York gave to the Episcopal Church in the United States the first example of a new see erected from an older one. The first bishop of the new diocese was William Heathcote De Lancey, D.D., LL.D., D. C. L. (Oxon.), the descendant of an ancient Huguenot family, who was born at Mamaroneck, Westchester County, October 8th, 1797. He was graduated at Yale College in 1817, and, after studying theology with Bishop Hobart, became in 1822 the personal assistant of the venerable Bishop White, of Philadelphia, in the three churches — Saint Peter's, Saint James's, and Christ Church — of which that prelate was the rector. In the succeeding year he was elected one of the regular assistant ministers of those churches. Upon the reorganization of the University of Penn- sylvania in 1828, he was chosen provost of that institution, and thereupon resigned his pastoral charge. He re- mained provost for five years, and then resumed the office of assistant minister of Saint Peter's Church, Phil- adelphia. He traveled in Europe in 1835, and on his return, after the death of Bishop White, succeeded to the rectorship of Saint Peter's. In 1838 the diocese of New York, comprising the whole state, was divided, the eastern portion retaining the old name; and at the primary convention of the new diocese, held in Geneva, Doctor De Lancey was chosen its first bishop. 15 1 6 History of Trinity Church He was consecrated May 9th, 1839, at Saint Peter's Church, Auburn, and then removed to Geneva, the seat of the diocesan college, now called Hobart College. To his efficient efforts it was chiefly indebted for its support. He very soon instituted a system of diocesan missions by which a corps of laborers, unusually large in propor- tion to the wealth and population of the diocese, were sustained without incurring debt. In 1840, by his recommendation, a fund for the relief of infirm and aged clergy of the diocese was established, which, besides accomplishing its object, became a perma- nent fund of about ten thousand dollars. In 1852 Bishop De Lancey, with the bishop of Michigan, visited England as a delegation from the bish- ops of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States to the venerable " Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts." The delegation was received everywhere with the highest consideration and respect. During this visit, on the twenty-third of June, he received, together with his coadjutor, Bishop McCos- kry, and the late Bishop Wainwright, then a presbyter, the honorary degree of Doctor of Civil Law from the University of Oxford. Bishop De Lancey continued in the active adminis- tration of his diocese until the spring of 1864, when he was obliged to yield to the encroachments of a mortal disease. At the annual convention of his diocese, August 17th, the last one over which he was ever to preside, he asked for the election of an assistant bishop who should also be his successor. The request was complied with, and the Reverend Arthur Cleveland Coxe, D. D., was duly chosen for the office. The consecration of Bishop Bishop De Lancey 1 7 Coxe in Trinity Church, Geneva, on the fourth of Jan- uary, 1865, was the last public official act of Bishop De Lancey. He died in the peace of God on the fifth day of the ensuing April. During the twenty-five years of his episcopate he ordained one hundred and forty-five deacons and one hundred and sixty priests, consecrated one hundred church edifices, and admitted to the communion of the church by the rite of confirmation twenty thousand and forty-eight persons. We append to this bare outline of the life of our first bishop a few paragraphs from tributes of respect written at the time of his death, which speak of the character and tell of the esteem felt by all who knew " the great De Lancey," as Bishop Doane calls him in the recent commemorative sermon of our late beloved Bishop Coxe. From the tribute paid by the clergy of his diocese we quote the following: In Bishop De Lancey we have beheld a most symmetrical and harmonious character, gifts of a high order, good learning, sound- ness of faith, purity of life, earnestness of purpose, ardent affections, an unbending will always set to do the right whether men applauded or censured, a conscience active to every call of duty, whether per- sonal or official ; extraordinary devotion to the interests of his dio- cese ; a tender regard for his clergy, and an earnest desire in every way to promote both their usefulness and their happiness. Nor can we fail to remember, with devout gratitude to the Giver of every good and perfect gift, his thorough knowledge and sound judgment in matters of business; his extraordinary adminis- trative capacity, evinced in the creation and management of the various trusts and charities of his diocese, especially in the mission- ary system of the same, originated in the beginning of his episcopate and carried on to the present time, with singular energy and suc- cess, and with a punctuality and thoroughness in its operations b 1 8 History of Trinity Church which have elicited approval and admiration far beyond our limits — a system which has always been quickened by the glow of Bishop De Lancey's own life and love. We desire also to bear in grateful remembrance his strenuous efforts to advance the interests of Learning as the handmaid of Religion. Having presided with distinguished ability over one of the oldest universities while still a young man, he early acquired a strong sympathy with the cause of liberal education. Hobart Col- lege has been largely indebted to his generous benefactions, wise counsel, watchful care, and active efforts to secure its stability and prosperity, while the Diocesan Training School, which owes its existence to him, must stand forever as a monument of his en- lightened devotion to the noble work of qualifying men by faithful instruction in sound doctrine, for the office of the holy ministry. But Bishop De Lancey's labors and solicitudes have not been confined to his own diocese. On the contrary, he has ever taken a deep and active interest in the general institutions and affairs of our branch of the Catholic Church, and in the highest council thereof his absence will be painfully felt. His long experience, practical wisdom, thorough knowledge both of the principles and forms of ecclesiastical legislation, his fearless advocacy of the measures which his judgment approved, and the force of reason as well as weight of character and personal influence which he could bring to their support, gave a high value to his conclusions, and rendered him one of the leading members of the House of Bishops. Nor would our tribute be even tolerably complete should we fail to make grateful mention of those deeds and qualities which have endeared him to so many of his countrymen ; that readiness to sacrifice himself and his convenience and comfort to the needs of others ; that dignity and courtesy which were the charm of his social intercourse ; and that thoughtful consideration of all sorts and conditions of men which made him universally respected and be- loved, and enabled him to present a beautiful example of what is most desirable in an American bishop. At the semicentennial commemoration of the found- ing of the diocese of Western New York, the Reverend Charles W. Hayes, D. D., spoke of Bishop De Lancey as the pupil of both Bishop White and Bishop Hobart, with Bishop De Lancey 19 the prudence and gentle firmness of the one, and the energy and fearlessness of the other. He said that Bishop De Lancey's first great work was to build up the system of diocesan missions inaugurated in 1796, the only means of supporting missionary work within its own borders that Western New York has ever known. Doctor Hayes also says: How deeply the Bishop felt the importance of this work, how carefully all its details were studied by him, how the conditions, wants, prospects, and trials of each mission and missionary were always borne upon his mind and heart, none of you who knew him personally can forget. How he would labor to build up the church in this or that feeble or almost desert place, not only by visits and correspondence, but by large contributions from his own small means ! Owing to Bishop De Lancey's wise and loving guid- ance, and to the unity prevailing in the diocese, Western New York, with its system and order, was known through- out the church as " the model diocese." There are few left in Trinity Church today who knew and loved Bishop De Lancey, but we find among the records the following resolutions, offered by the rector and vestry of Trinity Church of thirty-two years ago : Trinity Church, Buffalo. At a special meeting of the vestry of Trinity Church in the city of Buffalo, convened on the sixth day of April, A. D. 1865, by reason of the death of our beloved and venerated Father in God, the Right Reverend William Heathcote De Lancey, D.D., LL.D., D. C.L., the following resolutions, offered by Mr. Henry VV. Rogers, were unanimously adopted. " Resolved : That in the death of our deeply lamented dioc- esan we mourn the loss of a pure and devoted Christian bishop, who has exemplified the highest qualities of the Christian character, in doctrine showing uncorruptness, gravity, sincerity, sound speech, 20 History of Trinity Church that could not be condemned ; a pattern of good works, looking for that blessed hope, the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour, Jesus Christ. "Resolved : That we shall ever hold in the most grateful and respectful remembrance his truly Christian and apostolic character, and eminent services. Wise and judicious in his administration, firm and consistent in his advocacy of the principles of the church, and unwearied in his exertions to promote its best interests, his labors have been blessed in a united and harmonious diocese, and in the steady advancement of the great interests of our holy religion. " Resolved : That in further testimony of our high respect for the memory of our late Bishop, this vestry do appoint delegates from this parish to attend his funeral." Whereupon the following named gentlemen were duly ap- pointed ; viz.: the Reverend Doctor Ingersoll (the rector), Henry W. Rogers, Robert Hollister, James M. Smith, James McCredie, William Laverack, Benjamin F. Smith, Thomas G. Perkins, Frank W. Fiske, William B. Peck, and Calvin N. Otis. It was also further "Resolved : That Trinity Church be draped in mourning, and that the respectful and affectionate condolence of the vestry be tendered to the afflicted family of the deceased, and a certified copy of these resolutions be sent to them, and that the same be published in The Gospel Messenger. EDWARD INGERSOLL, Rector. James McCredie, Clerk pro tern. Edward Ingersoll 1844 Reverend Edward Ingersoll 1844-1874 OUR first rector, the Reverend Doctor Hawks, was worthily succeeded by the Reverend Edward Ingersoll, D. D. Descended from a family which had been famous in the social and political history of Connecticut for two hundred years, and which has proved its eminence up to the present day, his gifts of diction and his eloquence in the pulpit were a natural inheritance. He was born in New Haven, Connecticut, November 26th, 18 10; was graduated from Yale in 1831 ; was married in New Haven in 1836 to Catherine Frances Seymour, daughter of an old Southern family. Perhaps here it may be proper to notice the coinci- dence that of the four rectors of Trinity up to the present date, the wife of each has been a Southern woman. Doc- tor Hawks himself was a North Carolinian by birth and descent. The other three were men of Northern birth, and all were heart and soul on the side of the Union at the time of the Civil War. In Bishop Hawks's case this was quite a perilous position. Doctor Van Bokkelen was obliged to break up his school in Maryland at that time and leave the state on account of his Northern sympathies. Most of Doctor Ingersoll's immediate family, and several nephews, were distinguished men. One nephew was governor of Connecticut, and afterward at the head 2 2 History of Trinity Church of its bar. His sister, who was called the most beautiful woman in America, married the ambassador from France in the days of Napoleon Bonaparte. His eldest brother, Ralph, was senator from Connecticut, and subsequently minister to Russia. One of his ancestors was royal judge of the High Court of Admiralty before the Revo- lution. His brother Charles was judge of the United States district court. (This genealogical record is given for the pleasure of his old friends, as well as his many descendants who are still residents of Buffalo.) Doctor Ingersoll's first parish was at Meriden, Con- necticut. Thence he went to Westport, Connecticut ; then to Troy, New York; later taking charge of Saint Michael's Parish, Geneseo, New York. It was during his rectorate at this latter parish, that, the Reverend Doctor Hawks having been elected to the bishopric of Missouri, the vestry of Trinity unanimously elected Doctor Ingersoll as his successor. Bishop De Lancey addressed James M. Smith, then clerk of the vestry, on this subject as follows: The painful intelligence of the vacancy in your parish, occa- sioned by the removal of Mr. Hawks, I receive with deep regret. The choice of a successor could not have fallen on an individ- ual more acceptable to myself than Mr. Ingersoll, whose qualifica- tions for the position are of the highest order. Doctor Ingersoll accepted this call, subject to an interval of three months, when the Reverend David M. Fackler, of Philadelphia, officiated ; and, as the dates of our heading show, our city and our parish were blessed by his presence and ministrations for more than thirty years. Reverend Edward Ingersoll 2 3 Doctor Ingersoll's reading of the ritual was unsur- passed in fervor and beauty of expression, and many are the tributes we have read which bear witness to his power thus to move the hearts of men. To quote from " Recollections of Buffalo " : Doctor Ingersoll was a man of high intellectual attainments, purity and guilelessness of character, whose heart was filled with charity and benevolence. He was dearly beloved and venerated by those who sat under his teachings. I have heard him read the bap- tismal service and the ritual for the dead when he seemed like one inspired, his beautiful dark eyes glistening with angelic beauty, and his utterances thrilling the hearts of those who listened to him. From another source we quote the following para- graphs : He was a man whose long service and self-sacrifice in behalf of the church have won for him a name such as it has been the fortune of but few clergymen to achieve. Wherever Doctor Ingersoll went, blessings went with him. His work was enthusiastic ; his heart and soul were in it, and no labor was too severe if only the desired results could be attained. Socially, his deep learning and courteous manners made him a universal favorite. His loss, in all the circles in which he moved, will be irreparable. He was an advanced churchman for his day, not only in the reverence of his voice and manner in reading the service, but in the observance of certain forms with which he marked passages in the creed and litany. His reading was an inspiration to all who heard it. The holy days were observed with exactness and solemnity. On As- cension Day he was wont to place slips in the pews, reminding his people of the duty of a proper observance of the day and the benefit to be derived therefrom. It 24 History of Trinity Church seems quite appropriate to quote here a few suggestions on this subject from Bishop Coxe's " Thoughts on the Service." This day concludes the glorious circuit through which the Sun of Righteousness has run His course. He who was God from the beginning was with Him in His divine nature even while He walked on earth and descended into Hades ; but now His human nature is exalted to the right hand of the Father, and we see our own nature in Him, advanced to the glory which is the common destiny of the redeemed ; for He " is not ashamed to call us breth- ren," and we are " made to sit with Him in heavenly places." Al- ready, the church, like the lark, seems to take the wings of the morning, and to sing at the very gate of heaven her exulting hope "that where He is, thither we shall also ascend, and reign with Him in glory." There is nothing which can enter the mind of man so entirely beyond all that man imagines by his own powers, and so ennobling to his nature, as the truth which this day celebrates. Poor sinners that we are,— poor dying worms, can it be that we are heirs of immortal glory, and that the way into the heaven of heavens stands wide open, so that, in body and soul, we may follow the Son of God, and be welcomed by Him as brethren and partakers of His throne ? To the Sunday school children Doctor Ingersoll's visits were a joy and delight, each class with their teacher rising to greet him as he made his rounds among them. The favored one on whom his hand chanced to rest, while he was speaking to them, felt its slight pressure as a benediction for the rest of the day. On Easter Day he would enter the Sunday school saying, " Christ has risen," with such enthusiasm and rejoicing, that it had the effect of the native Russian greeting, so joyous and universal in that country. His sermons were strong on all doctrinal points, and finished and classical in diction. Add to this a com- manding and singularly handsome presence, and it will Reverend Edward Ingersoll 2 5 not seem strange that for years he was one of the most striking figures in our Buffalo pulpits. Mr. James M. Smith, who, as we have seen, was clerk of the vestry at the time of Doctor Ingersoll's call to the rectorship, remained his lifelong and devoted friend, sus- taining and comforting the beloved rector under his many trials, and on all occasions upholding his example with zeal and devotion. He perpetuated this love and veneration by contributing generously to the fund for the erection of the memorial window in the chancel of the new Trinity, and to the building of the Church of the Good Shepherd, both of which are memorials to Doctor Ingersoll. The monument in Forest Lawn is also a tribute from personal friends, many of whom were not members of Trinity Church. Mrs. James M. Smith was a most lovely and attractive woman, with a heart which always responded to the calls of friendship and charity. The beautiful window and statuary which have been placed in the memorial chapel in her memory but give expression to the record of her whole life. Mr. S. V. R. Watson was conspicuous in the history of Buffalo for his public spirit and energy in planning various valuable institutions for the future benefit of the city. In fact, his ideas seemed, in some respects, ahead of his time, and perhaps even he builded better than he knew when he pushed the interests of the public library and laid the numerous street railroads which connected the almost unimproved property with that closely settled. The existence of Trinity Church from 1837 to 1897 keeps pace with the Victorian era, which we are now celebrating. In church architecture, as well as in our social life, the progress of taste is made strikingly mani- 26 History of Trinity Church fest; and the fundamental principles of decorative art which sixty years ago were forgotten, or at least rarely practiced, are now universally observed. People are in a wider sense than ever before " the heirs of all the ages," and the glories of the past and the stately elegance of Queen Anne's and Queen Elizabeth's times are now ap- propriately used in modern buildings and decorations. In 1837 these principles were regarded with indifference by our grandfathers; and we will therefore forgive the architects and builders of our first edifice for its singular design. In its attempt to follow a classical model, the oblong hall was spoken of as very " chaste and beautiful." It had one valuable peculiarity in which modern churches often fail — its acoustic properties were perfect. We who recall the slippery haircloth seats and narrow pews, the simple chancel with its great guardian pillars, the mot- toes on the wall, the faded upholstery, with the plain organ gallery at the end of the nave, may well wonder at the popularity of the building, and the love its people bore it. But there were times when even the plain interior was a bower of beauty. At Christmas the wreaths were twined by the women of the church, and young men and maidens met in the basement for work, as well as social enjoyment. It was often hung with heavy wreaths looped from corner to corner, and the windows were festooned as with evergreen hangings, the natural pine trees filling in spaces which made the church for the time a veritable cathedral of Nature's own designing. At Easter, the altar was a bank of flowers ; large balls of brilliant colors hung from the chandeliers, and each window was a miniature conservatory of grow- ing plants. Reverend Edward Ingersoll 27 In the dense crowd which filled the church on the great festivals were beautiful women and brave men, whose faces, alas ! are seen no more, but whose memory still lingers with us. There were more men as regular attendants in those days than now, and the responses came full and deep from pews which now are silent. To repeat the list of names would be almost to rewrite the early directory of Buffalo, but we venture to attempt a list of the early pew holders. Pew Holders — April, 1847 Charles R. Gold, Curtiss L. Brace, Henry W. Rogers and James M. Smith, Aaron D. Patchin, Sheldon Thompson, James B. Dubois, Hiram P. Thayer, Orrin B. Titus and Judson Har- mon, Elisha A. Maynard, William Williams, John Shepard, Gibson T. Williams and George L. Newman, John Dodge, Woolsey W. Radcliff, William A. Sutton, Charles H. S. Williams, Captain William Dickson, Cyrus P. Lee, William R. Vickory, Thomas Kilderhouse, John L. Talcott, David S. Battey, James Radcliff, William L. G. Smith, Robert Hollister, Rufus C. Palmer, F. W. Newbould, Henry M. Kinne, Elam R. Jewett, Jacob S. Miller, Ambrose S. Sterling, Nehemiah Case, Cyrenius C. Bristol, James C. Evans, William Woodruff, John Cook, Eli Cook, Frederick Shadrake, Doctor Walter Cary, George W. Langdon, Harry Thompson, Mrs. Benjamin Hersee, George W. Houghton, Pardon C. Sherman, John Drake, Mrs. Mark Sibley, Benjamin S. Bidwell, 28 History of Trinity Church John Bull, Edward H. Dutton, James McCredie, John Fleeharty, Lucas Messtler, Henry Daw, Henry Daw and James DeLong, William B. and Charles Peter L. Parsons, E. Peck, Samuel Stearns, Henry Kip, Fayette Rumsey, William Laverack, Manley Colton, William H. Eckley, J. Carew, John Griffith, B. A. Mumford, Alonzo W. Johnson, Samuel F. Gelston, Robert McPherson, Dyre Tillinghast, Misses Kimberly, John M. Hutchinson, Cyrus Athearn, David Burt, William O. Brown, James DeLong, Absalom Bull, Asa T. Wood, Samuel K. Worthington, Samuel Purdy, S. V. R. Watson. During the last forty years [says one of the newspapers of long ago], the pew list of this venerable church has borne the names of many of Buffalo's oldest, most honored, and socially distin- guished citizens. Within its walls, too, have worshiped those whom the nation delighted to honor. One bright Sunday morning in 1846, that "old man eloquent," ex-president John Quincy Adams, sat among the worshipers, the guest of Mr. Henry W. Rogers. Charitable work, though very differently managed from that of the present time, was faithfully performed by the women of the parish. They went basket in hand from room to room in the old tenement houses on Seneca Street, and over the canal bridge, trying to help and comfort those less favored than they. Duty was a word as well understood in those days as the present, and was perhaps fulfilled with more personal sacrifice. One small incident occurs to the writer which although of no importance in itself, seems worthy of record because it has lived through all these many years — a pleasant Reverend Edward Ingersoll 29 memory of a beautiful and gracious woman, Mrs. Emily Evstaphieve. Asking her one day if she would con- tribute to some charity, she immediately replied, " Why, certainly; I have been wondering what I should do with this bill I have tucked away in my purse"; and the generous, kindly manner of the giving made an impres- sion quite beyond the value of the gift. "And when the stream Which overflowed the soul was passed away, A consciousness remained that it had left, Deposited upon the silent shore Of memory, images and precious thoughts That shall not die and cannot be destroyed." The example of such a mother, as has been the case with many others in this old church of ours, has left its mark upon their descendants, causing them to love the church and to willingly share in its work. Mrs. William Laverack also was one of the old-time givers and workers. She collected most of the fund for the Ingersoll memorial window. Notably in this con- nection, though of later date, we would add the names of Mrs. Thomas F. Rochester, Mrs. Peter A. Porter, Miss Sabina Morris, and Mrs. James McCredie. These, and many, many more, have found that "Amid all life's quests There seems but worthy one — to do men good." During the war times the women of Trinity, as well as those of all the churches in Buffalo, were enthusias- tically working for the armies of the North. Mrs. Horatio Seymour, of Saint Paul's Church, a most conscientious and capable woman, fearless and determined in a right 30 History of Trinity Church cause, was president of the Soldiers' Aid Society. Miss Maria M. Love was also an active member in this society, and thus began in her youthful days the philanthropic work in which she is still so eminent and capable. Among some unpublished reminiscences of that time is that of an amateur performance of " The Mistletoe Bough," given at the opera house for this cause. Many of the actors are still prominent in our social life. Mrs. Samuel M. Welch appeared as one of the young maids dusting in the attic, where, to her horror, she discovers the skeleton in the " old oak chest." (It had been fur- nished from the study of Doctor Walter Cary.) Mrs. Fanny L. Dole (mother of Mrs. Charles De Laney), a sweet singer of that day, gave the music and story be- tween the acts, and Miss Elizabeth Love (the bride) appeared in the last scene, ascending to heaven, borne up by a group of admiring angels. It has ever since been a relief to the children who witnessed the play to know that it wasn't her skeleton that was found in the " old oak chest." To go a little further back chronologically, the insti- tution of Doctor Ingersoll was an important era in the history of Trinity. The church had become very popu- lar, and the seating capacity was already too small. So, at the annual sale and renting of pews, certain square pews accomodating eight or ten people in separate sit- tings were sold for the occupancy of families. One of these had been rented to a party of bachelors, who were thus sold out, and had to accept the hospitality of friends, which was not an agreeable arrangement. The party of young gentlemen was composed of Thomas C. Welch, Doctor John S. Trowbridge, Doctor Sylvester F. Mixer, Reverend Edward Ingersoll 3 1 Ai Rollins, Edmund P. Pickering, James L. Butler, Charles Pickering, Otis P. Sheldon, and Samuel M. Welch. Soon after Easter they met at a convivial supper in a popular restaurant called the Pantheon. One topic of discussion was, " What shall we do for sittings in Trin- ity ? " Finally, the suggestion was offered that then and there they should organize a new parish. The idea was certainly a novel one to proceed from a set of gay young men, not one of whom had then been confirmed. But it showed a more serious interest in church matters than most young men exhibit nowadays. This was the be- ginning of Saint John's, the grandchild of Saint Paul's. The music has always been a prominent feature in Trinity Church. Mrs. Barton Hill, soprano, was a very accomplished musician. Her singing was most inspir- ing and sympathetic. She moved the feelings of a con- gregation or of a secular audience as few singers can. At a patriotic meeting, during the Civil War, she led in the national hymn, the whole audience joining in the chorus of" The Star Spangled Banner." It was an occasion never to be forgotten by those who were present. Some of the musicians whose names were long associated with the choir are Mrs. Anderson, Miss Eliza Maltby, Mr. Frank Pease, and Mr. Booker. Mrs. Rushmore Poole, Mrs. Ambrose S. Sterling, Mrs. Ida Lee Mayhew, Mrs. Sears, Mrs. Hoffman, Miss Charlotte Hedge, Mr. William Eckley, Mr. Barton, Mr. Everett Baker, and Mr. Laurence were succeeding organists, and, later, John R. Blodgett, Robert Denton, and William Kaffenberger. Other soloists were Miss Sweet, James M. Kimberly, the Misses Evsta- phieve, Mr. Jesse Ketchum, Miss Christine Dossert, and Mr. Charles Hager. The latter thus early commenced his 32 History of Trinity Church work with the choir, and at this date (March, 1897) we are pleased to state that he is still in charge of the choris- ters. Five years ago he reached the twenty-fifth anniver- sary of his connection with the choir, and received cordial testimonials from the congregation. The year 1852 was a sad one for the dear rector. His lovely eldest daughter was failing in health, and eventually died of consumption. He was obliged to re- quest leave of absence for several months, in order to give his child "those temporal comforts, and above all those spiritual consolations which a person in her sad condition so greatly needs." Proper arrangements were made by the vestry for conducting the services in Doctor Ingersoll's absence, and he went on his fruitless journey. His wife's health gradually failed, and although she sur- vived this trial for several years, she was always an in- valid and a source of loving care and anxiety to her hus- band. In 1 86 1 it became necessary that Doctor Ingersoll should take his wife to Minnesota, hoping by change of climate to arrest the disease from which she was suffering. Thus again, he was obliged to leave his young family in charge of others, his pulpit to an assistant, and his beau- tiful young daughter Susette without the mother's care. This young lady afterwards married Mr. Robert Hayes, and died early in life. It was during this absence of Doctor Ingersoll that the Reverend Doctor Starkey had charge of the parish. He was a clergyman of rare gifts and much beloved. Mrs. Ingersoll was not benefited by the change, and her death occurred in 1866. The vestry passed tender resolutions of regret and sympathy, and requested Doc- tor Ingersoll to give up his parochial duties for a time, Reverend Edward Ingersoll 3$ hoping it might restore his health and peace of mind. The women of the church erected a tablet to Mrs. Inger- soll's memory, which was placed in the chancel. The Doctor bore all these afflictions uncomplainingly, and returned to his accustomed duties and occupations, knowing that " the heart knoweth his own bitterness, and a stranger doth not intermeddle with his joy." The expression " the patient Ingersoll," as used by one of the standing committee of the diocese in speaking of him, reveals the world of sad experiences through which he had passed. At various times in the history of the church, begin- ning as early as 1852, schemes for selling the old build- ing and moving further uptown had been proposed, once resulting in quite a large subscription for the purpose, and again in really purchasing a lot on Delaware Ave- nue, at the corner of Park Place. But the locality not meeting favor with a large number of the subscribers, it was eventually abandoned. The question of consolida- tion with Christ Church had also been taken up; and although both vestries seemed favorable to the project, objections seemed constantly to arise, until our vestry became discouraged and gave up the hope of ever getting the congregation out of the old locality. These few words cover the experiences of several years, but the details would not be interesting reading. Doctor Inger- soll, also, grieved and disappointed by the failure of the project which seemed to promise prosperity and unity for the church, with much sorrow resigned his rector- ship. He had refused the position of one of the assistant ministers of Trinity Church, New York : he had been elected to all the offices in the diocese which he was 34 History of Trinity Church willing to accept, and had uniformly filled them with honor to himself and his people, but his singularly un- ambitious nature seemed to resist the idea of change, even in promotion. His letter of resignation was as follows: I hereby resign the rectorship of Trinity Church, Buffalo, this resignation to take place on the first day of March, 1874, the thir- tieth anniversary of my incumbency of this parish. It is exceedingly painful to sunder the bonds which have united us for so many years in such a sacred relationship, but I deem it best that a separation should take place. For many years my relations to Trinity Church were everything I could have wished them to be, marked as they were by kind attentions, Christian sympathy, and evidences of attachment too strong and numerous ever to be forgotten. And, indeed, I have reason to believe that towards me personally there still remain very strong feelings of attachment. But all this can never compensate for the loss of what I deem to be the vital interests of this parish. The indifference evinced by a large and influential portion of the congregation on the matter of the erection of a new church edi- fice (a project which was entered upon with so much enthusiasm in the spring of 1871), the greatly diminished number of those who attend the public worship of the church, the neglect — and in some cases the absolute refusal — to pay the taxes and rents, — these, and other things which might be mentioned, are indications of apathy, which, if not arrested, must result in increasing languish- ment and decay, and, ultimately, in the extinction of the parish. May the good Lord avert from it such a dreadful catastrophe ! May He direct you to the choice of a worthy successor to the rec- torship — a man who can meet the difficulties and dangers which encompass our beloved parish with more wisdom and zeal and energy and endurance than your present rector can command. Affectionately your pastor, EDWARD INGERSOLL. Trinity Church Rectory, October nth, A. D. 1873. Reverend Edward Ingersoll 35 Doctor Ingersoll was ultimately induced to extend his services to Easter Monday. The vestry, in accepting their rector's resignation, passed the following resolutions : Resolved : that in accepting the resignation of the Reverend Edward Ingersoll, D. D., as rector of this parish, we do so with feelings of pain and sorrow which no words of ours can adequately express, and which we are confident are shared by every member of this parish. For a period of thirty years he has been our pastor, teacher, and friend ; he has broken to us the bread of life ; he has preached to us with impressive earnestness and power the Gospel of the Everlasting Kingdom ; he has rejoiced with us in all our joys, and sympathized with and consoled us in every sorrow and afflic- tion ; and in all the sacred and endearing relations of pastor and people he has been united to us by ties of ever increasing tender- ness and strength. We shall never cease to feel the debt of grati- tude and affection we have for him, and we invoke upon his future years the bountiful blessings of Heaven. JAMES M. SMITH, ROBERT HOLLISTER, SAMUEL K. WORTHINGTON. February 10th, 1874. Having for the sake of continuity continued the his- tory of Doctor Ingersoll's pastorate up to the time of his resignation, it is necessary to retrace our steps and record some of the important events, as well as the names of individuals prominent in the affairs of the parish for many years. In 1855, the committee from the vestry for procuring subscriptions for a new church was, Henry W. Rogers, Stephen V. R. Watson, John M. Hutchinson, Alexander A. Evstaphieve, and George L. Newman. In 1857, Mr. Rushmore Poole, having had the super- vision of the choir for nineteen consecutive years, signified 2,6 History of Trinity Church his intention to withdraw. His duty had been for some years combined with those of treasurer and of clerk of the vestry. The vestry passed a resolution of thanks to him for his faithful administration during the whole period of the existence of the parish. Other names connected with the parish, suggested from memory, are Doctor and Mrs. Charles Winne, Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus P. Lee, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel M. Welch, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Welch, Doctor Austin Flint, Oscar F. Crary, Curtis L. Brace, Mrs. Jason Sexton, Mrs. Thomas Perkins, Mrs. E. V. Smith, General Bennet Riley and family, Charles Pickering, Mr. and Mrs. William Williams, Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Maynard, Aaron D. Patchin, Mr. and Mrs. John Hollister, Mr. and Mrs. Wil- liam Lovering, Hugh and John Allen, Judson Hanan, Robert A. Brown, Harry Thompson, John H. Vought, James C. Harrison, David P. Dobbins, Doctor John Hauenstein, Miss E. Clark, Edward B. Smith, General and Mrs. Berry, S. F. Sherman, Edward H. Dutton, S. Brush, L. D. Caldwell, Theodore and Julia McKnight, Henry C. Winslow, George Gorham, John Ganson, Moses Smith, T. P. Clarkson, James W. Brown, Jesse C. Dann, Charles Ensign, William B. Peck, Andrew G. C. Cochrane, Ammi W. Cutter, Robert H. Stevens, Joseph L. Fairchild, Charles G. Irish, Cornelius R. Ganson, Moses M. Richmond, Gibson T. Williams, William L. Dorsheimer, Henry L. Lansing, Bronson C. Rumsey, Sylvester F. Mixer, Charles R. Gold, Cyrus Clarke, George L. Clinton, Doctor Thomas F. Rochester, Isaac W. Brownell, Augustus C. Taylor, Albert Barnard, Shel- don Pease, Orson Phelps, Thomas Kasson, Chandler J. Wells, F. A. Newbould, Doctor Frederick S. Dellenbaugh, Reverend Edward Inger soil ■%>! Cyrenius C. Bristol, William A. Bird, junior, Townsend Davis, Frank W. Fiske, Edward B. Smith, Henry R. Watson, William E. Foster, Mrs. Elizabeth Porter, Miss Sabina Morris. The early records having been lost, probably in their removal from the old church, it is im- possible to verify the list. In i860 the name of Rufus L. Howard appears in the list of the vestry. From that time till the year of his death, 1896, he has been a valued and constant friend and adviser of the rector and vestry, and was warden for many years. It is still a pleasant memory with the congregation to recall the handsome, erect figures of David P. Dobbins and Rufus L. Howard walking up the aisle to leave their offerings at the altar. In 1863 the name of James McCredie, the lifelong friend and the generous benefactor of the new church, appears on the vestry. This date also marks the death of Henry Daw, warden since the time of the organization of the parish. Mr. Robert Hollister became his successor. His name and that of Mrs. Hollister are conspicuous in the church annals, as well as in society. In 1864 occurred the death of the loved and honored Bishop De Lancey, the first bishop of Western New York. The resolutions of the vestry are included in the sketch of his life which has been given. In 1867, Frederick Shadrake, the faithful servant and sexton of the parish, died, and a resolution of regret was passed by the vestry. The year 1868 is marked in the church annals by the death of its former rector, Bishop Hawks. The action of the vestry was as follows, James M. Smith presenting the memorial: 38 History of Trinity Church Inasmuch as it has pleased Almighty God in His wise provi- dence to remove from his earthly labors the Right Reverend Cicero Stephens Hawks, D. D., Bishop of Missouri, we, the rector, war- dens, and vestrymen of Trinity Church, Buffalo, (of which he was the first rector,) assembled to take action suitable to this mournful occasion, and place upon record this memorial of our affection for our first rector, and of our grief at the death of a distinguished and faithful soldier and servant of the cross. He came to this parish in the year 1837, but a few months after its organization, and for nearly seven years he labored with singu- lar zeal and wisdom to establish it upon firm foundations, to enlarge its borders, and to build it up in strength and beauty. As we look back to those years of his faithful, devout, and ear- nest labors among us, we feel how deeply this parish was indebted to him, under God, for its rapid growth, its uniform prosperity, for its present stability, and for the efficiency, harmony, and charity which have marked its history. Called and divinely consecrated to the work of a bishop in the church, he illustrated in that new and wider field of labor the same noble gifts and graces which had made him the successful rector. Zealously devoting himself to the work of carrying to every part of his widely extended diocese the glad tidings of the gospel of Christ, he was indeed "an example of the believer, in word, in conversa- tion, in charity, in spirit, in faith, in purity." Amid many trials and discouragements he ever labored faith- fully to do the work of an evangelist and make full proof of his ministry. He has left upon his diocese the impress of his life and character, and the good seed which he has sown will, we hope and pray, bear abundant fruit to the glory of God. But it was not only in the duties of his holy office that we recall his worth and mourn his loss, but as a scholar of polished learning and varied attainments, as a Christian gentleman unsurpassed in the true graces and courtesies of life, as a bright example in all the sweet, delightful relations of social existence, as a citizen and a patriot whose loyalty to his country's cause and honor in the hour of her trial shone unsullied by the prejudices of birth and associa- tion. Of him can it be justly said, "All that a man and a Christian should be, that he was." His Master called him in the midst of his years, and he has gone to that rest and reward to which he looked forward with the eye of faith. Reverend Edward Ingersoll 39 He will long be mourned by those to whom he ministered in spiritual things ; his memory and character will be the precious heritage of his diocese ; and his name and fame will live in the an- nals of the American Church. J. McCREDIE, Clerk of the Vestry. May 1 2th, 186S. This memorial was forwarded to the Reverend Mont- gomery Schuyler, then in charge of a parish in Saint Louis, and formerly rector of Saint John's Church, Buffalo. In his letter of acknowledgment he says: I thank you, in behalf of the Standing Committee, for being thus remembered by the parish of Trinity Church in the day of our bereavement. I will transmit one of the memorials to Mrs. Hawks, and I have no doubt that it will be peculiarly grateful to her, coming from a flock of whom the Bishop so often spoke with loving tenderness. Truly your friend, M. SCHUYLER. In 1 87 1 Mr. Henry W. Rogers removed to Michigan, and severed his connection with the parish; and Mr. James M. Smith, a long-time vestryman, was made war- den in his place. Mr. Rogers was a prominent lawyer and successful business man, and active in all the affairs of the church. He was much missed, both in society and in the parish. Mrs. Rogers's loss to the church and community was deeply felt. A lady of the old school, she was unpretentious and unassuming in character, and won all hearts by her sweetness and sympathy. Many representatives from central New York emi- grated here in the early days, forming an intelligent and high-toned circle, whose influence on Buffalo society is still apparent. Among these were Mrs. Mark Sibley, a 40 History of Trinity Church devout churchwoman and a most generous giver, and her daughter, Mrs. John Ganson, whose lifelong sorrow in the sudden death of her distinguished husband still has sympathizers in those who knew and admired him in the days so long ago; Doctor and Mrs. James P. White, whose elegant home was the center of a gracefully dis- pensed hospitality, and who were pronounced church people, Doctor White being also one of the leading practitioners in western New York; Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Jenkins, with their lovely family of daughters, of whom Mrs. Jason Sexton was one. The golden wedding of Mr. and Mrs. Jenkins was celebrated in i860, with a service of prayer and praise, conducted by the Reverend Doctor Ingersoll. The Right Reverend Bishop Coxeand the Reverend Doctor Shelton were also present. One verse of the poem written in their honor seemed to be verified in the closing days of their life together: "Now resting on life's steep ascent, Its toilsome journey over, They almost see the promised land Across the flowing river ; And standing by its swelling tide, Thus, side by side, together, How sweet to say, how sweet to know It will be thus forever ! " Mrs. Jenkins died in April, 1873, and her husband fol- lowed her the next month. It was said of them : " Thus have passed away two pure and beautiful lives, which, though long withdrawn from the bustle and cares of worldly excitement and business, will be cherished in the Reverend Edward Ingersoll 4 1 memory of a living circle of friends as among the few consistent examples of Christian character which reaped to the full the promised reward, 'With long life will I satisfy them, and show them my salvation.' The faith which as members of our holy church they professed in early life was their guide and solace during their long earthly pilgrimage, and their household was ever con- ducted in the simplicity and earnestness of the true fol- lowers of Jesus." Mr. and Mrs. Charles D. Norton were also from Canandaigua ; and, though not members of Trinity, were intimately associated with the names mentioned. John Ganson, Charles D. Norton, and George Gorham are names which have lent brilliance to the legal reputation of Buffalo. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Lansing also belonged to this colony from central New York. Mr. Trumbull Cary, though not a resident of Buffalo, was so near a neighbor in Batavia, that, looking back to those early times when important people all knew each other, he seems almost like one of us. His son, Doctor Walter Cary, was always a conspicuous figure, and his family for many years filled two pews in old Trinity, and were active workers in church and Sunday school. Doctor and Mrs. Thomas F. Rochester, though of later date, came from Geneva and represented the conservative element so strong in these early residents. Mrs. Rochester, the daughter of Bishop De Lancey, brought to her new home the strong churchly principles in which she had been edu- cated, remarkable literary culture, and the daily example of duty first, which never dies or is forgotten. Doctor Rochester was an extremely popular and beloved physi- cian, and his death was deeply felt in the community. 42 History of Trinity Church The custom of presenting memorials was not so gen- eral in the early part of Doctor Ingersoll's rectorate as it became under the new regime ; but we find a record that the first font, which is now with the altar furnishings at the Ingersoll Memorial Church, was purchased with the money earned by little girls who made and sold holders and other practical articles. The ecclesiastical candlesticks which were first placed on the altar of old Trinity were brought as a gift from Europe by Miss Maria M. Love. Mrs. Cary and Miss Elizabeth Love at the same time presented an embroi- dered altar cloth and kneeling stool. The importance of Mr. S. V. R. Watson's position in the community has been elsewhere alluded to. His interest in the progress of the city was also carried into the affairs of the church, in which he was for several years a vestryman. Since his death, Mrs. Watson has been most liberal in her contributions towards beautify- ing the new church. Two famous La Farge windows have been donated by her as memorials to members of her family. One belongs to the series of chancel windows, and one is placed in the memorial chapel. When the latter was exhibited at the French Exposition by the artist, he was offered a large price for it by the French government. But the first patron would not resign her claim, and it is now a lasting monument to his fame, in the church which some one has said will eventually be the Mecca to which all lovers of artistic work of that kind will journey for study and instruction. Other very beauti- ful windows in the same style are from Tiffany & Co., New York. Most of the windows were presented during the rectorate of Doctor Van Bokkelen. Reverend Edward Ingersoll 43 The Ladies' Aid Society insured Doctor Ingersoll's life. The memory of the first two wardens, Henry Daw and Captain Samuel L. Russell, was perpetuated by the erection of tablets within the church, which have since been removed to the memorial chapel of new Trinity. That of Captain Russell was the gift of Bishop Hawks. Later, a tablet was erected to the memory of Jerry Rad- cliffe, which also has been removed to the new church. He was an unassuming and accomplished gentleman, who figured quite prominently in the early annals of the city, and who had several beautiful daughters, afterwards known as Mrs. Robert Hollister, Mrs. William Laverack, Mrs. James A. Cowing, Mrs. Walter Joy, and Mrs. Thomas Kip. Upon Doctor Ingersoll's retirement from Trinity he accepted the temporary charge of Saint Peter's Church, Niagara Falls, where he remained two years. On his return to Buffalo, he consented to accept the chaplaincy of the Church Home, and by a resolution of the rector and vestry of Trinity Church, he was elected rector emeritus, which honor was conveyed to him with the accompanying testimony: The wardens and vestry of Trinity Church, in common with the parishioners, bear in grateful remembrance the long and faith- ful services of Doctor Ingersoll as their rector; and whereas the present rector has suggested and requested that he be elected rec- tor emeritus of Trinity Church, be it resolved that the position be tendered to Doctor Ingersoll as a token of the esteem of his former parishioners, and that he be requested to unite with them at public worship, taking such part as may be convenient to himself, and with the express understanding that he assumes no labor or respon- sibility by acceptance of the position, except such as he may volun- tarily choose to undertake. 44 History of Trinity Church His reply was cordial and characteristic, in which he said: I accept the position, assuring you, gentlemen, that I appreci- ate very highly the honor thus conferred upon me. It will be a blessed privilege to unite with you at public worship, in the same church where for so many years I served in the sacred ministry, and it will afford me much pleasure to assist your esteemed rector from time to time, in such services as may be agreeable to him. Bishop Coxe, in a letter to the vestry on this subject, writes as follows: Assure the vestry of the great respect with which I review their action, honorable as it is to all parties concerned ; a fitting tribute to the honored and beloved divine who so long served them under God, and most creditable to the present incumbent, without whose liberal proposal the vestry could not have tendered such a distinc- tion to his reverend predecessor. It is pleasant to discover that long, faithful, and stainless min- istrations at the altar are not always forgotten. I pray that Doctor Ingersoll may long be spared to adorn this position, and that every good result may attend this action of the rector and vestry. A. CLEVELAND COXE, Bishop of Western New York. The ending of this long and beautiful life came sud- denly at the Church Home, on the evening of February 6th, 1883, the evening of Ash Wednesday. Peacefully, sweetly, without one pang of suffering or dread, " he was not, for God took him." The news of Doctor Ingersoll's death sent a thrill of regret through the community, deep and heartfelt at the loss of so noble a man. None stood higher in the estimation of the public. Of impos- ing presence and deep learning, he filled a pulpit as few Edward Ingersoll 1875 Reverend Edward Ingersoll 45 other men can. Notwithstanding his age, his form was erect and vigorous, and his voice had a sonorous, mu- sical ring which will never be forgotten by those who heard it. As a man and a Christian he was known of all men, and honored of all. Mr. James N. Matthews, as editor of the Express, was long a unique figure in American journalism. His tren- chant pen was a terror to his enemies, or those whose course he condemned; but to his friends never knight bore himself more gallantly than he. Generous, sympa- thetic, and tender, his facile pen ever expressed the most touching sympathy for his friends in affliction. A prom- inent member of the Episcopal church, and vestryman of Saint John's, all the church charities received liberally from his hands; and in the diocesan conventions, as well as in the administration of church affairs at home, his voice rang out clear and true. When Saint John's church was divided, the most influential part coming up town with Christ Church, he chose to continue his allegiance to his old parish; and as his church life began there, there it should end. No one has spoken of our deceased rector with higher appreciation or more tender sympathy than he, and we are glad to put on record in this history his beautiful tribute to the memory of Doctor Ingersoll, which appeared in the columns of the Buffalo Express and which carries with it a touching proof of Mr. Matthews's love and respect for the Doctor. There never was within our knowledge a more truly lovable character than that which endeared Edward Ingersoll to the hearts of all who had the honor and pleasure of his acquaintance. And this is but the simplest form of eulogy that will spring un- bidden to the lips of all who speak of him as they knew him, 46 History of Trinity Church whether as the brilliant and singularly handsome young minister who came to Buffalo when elected rector of Trinity Church nearly forty years ago, or as the faithful spiritual guide and domestic friend who went in and out among his flock during a pastorate of over thirty years, or as the venerable and distinguished clergyman who in his later life cheerfully took upon himself the ill-requited and humble chaplaincy of the Home for Destitute and Aged Women, and Orphans. Never was there a man less selfish, never a man more charitable, never a clergyman more devoted. There was this remarkable thing about Doctor Ingersoll — the universal affec- tion which came to him as the natural tribute to his own affectionate disposition. He was admired for those noble gifts which shone alike in the study, at the desk, and in the pulpit. To hear him read the church service was at once a lesson and a comfort, for he always read as he felt, and that was, as he once said to a friend, as if he must read for more than a man's life, — for his soul ! To hear him preach was to enjoy an intellectual feast with edi- fication. He was respected for his utterly unselfish devotion to duty. But he was all-loved because it seemed that he was almost Godlike in his love for his fellow-men. He was loved for himself because he was himself. He was loved as one loves a little child, because of all men he was most childlike, in that supreme unworld- liness and that sweet trustfulness which are so rarely found in chil- dren of a larger growth. Yet this true Christian's life was one long exemplification of that mystery of affliction which causes men to wonder at the workings of Providence. Sometimes it seemed that unmerited misfortunes fell upon him faster and heavier than poor human- ity could bear. He had a large family : some of the children fell sick and died ; their beloved mother was a hopeless invalid for many years, and he was her constant nurse ; she was taken from him at last when the younger ones that were left most needed a mother's care. In his prime, he subdued the promptings of honorable ambition and refused such high preferment in the church as would have brought him wealth and distinction, to remain here, where duty called him early. Yet, when past his prime, he left that cherished charge for a point of principle, in respect to the temporalities of the parish, although it might almost be said he knew not where to lay his head. Reverend Edward Ingersoll 47 He was never more truly great than when he made that severe sacrifice. Doctor Ingersoll was "a man of sorrows and acquainted with grief," yet in his old age he could look back with resignation upon his long record of suffering and say, " Time has laid his hand Upon my heart, gently, not smiting it, But as a harper lays his open palm Upon his harp, to deaden its vibrations." And the end was peace ! The funeral services were held in Trinity Church. The ladies decorated and draped the church in accordance with the well-known simple tastes of the late rector emeritus. Bishop Coxe, the Reverend Doctor John W. Brown of Saint Paul's, and the Reverend Doctor Van Bokkelen, assisted by the Episcopal clergy of the city, conducted the service. The remains rested in a red cedar casket, cloth-covered, with trimmings of silver. It bore this inscription : Edward Ingersoll, Born November 26th, 1810, Died February 6th, 1883. The honorary pallbearers were William Laverack, William H. Walker, Samuel K. Worthington, A. Porter Thompson, Cyrus P. Lee, James M. Smith ; the carriers were John Kimberly, George Gorham, Thomas Cary, George E. Laverack, Hobart Weed, Albert B. Sprague. On All Saints' Day following his death, a large alms basin of hammered silver, a set of altar books, and a handsome marble tablet were presented as memorials of Doctor Ingersoll. Bishop Coxe preached a sermon in his memory, of which the text was " Mark the perfect man, and behold 48 History of Trinity Church the upright: for the end of that man is peace." — Psalm 37 : 37. After general remarks on the feast of All Saints, its place in the Christian year, and its practical consola- tions, the Bishop said it was highly appropriate on this occasion to recall the memory of the beloved servant of Christ whose name must be forever associated with this church. For thirty years its pastor, he has bequeathed to it as a lasting legacy his pure example and his lofty character. Last year, on this very day, it was my privilege to stand with him at the altar of the little chapel in the Church Home, and to mark the deep feeling with which he ministered. More than once I saw tears in his eyes as he read the touching words of the service, and I knew he was recalling his own beloved dead, and drinking in at the same time all the joy and comfort which are imparted by the words of Him who is the resurrection and the life. At that time two presbyters of this diocese survived, and still went in and out among us, who stood in the first rank of our clergy, whose long and faithful services had endeared them to the whole community, and who were honored by the diocese as its foremost men. They were indeed like those twin columns which adorned the portals of the ancient temple, the one a token of humility and the other of strength, the one indicating reliance on the Most High, while the other gave an example of human effort. The one reminded me of the Ionic pillar in its beauty and classic grace ; the other always stood like a Doric col- umn, a solid and enduring support to whatever rested upon his shoulders. There was in their very forms and features respectively a cor- responding character ; both were men of marked personal dignity, and of distinguished presence; but the one was conspicuously graceful, and even beautiful, while the other was noble in expres- sion—rather austerely so than otherwise, for it was only in social intercourse that it beamed with kindness and became benign. Each had his appropriate work and sphere, and each attracted appreciating and admiring friends. Together they contributed largely to make the church known and loved in this city, where they lived so long as fellow-workers, and with which they were so Reverend Edward Ingersoll 49 identified that as I returned hither last evening it seemed as if the very streets were changed now that Ingersoll and Shelton are no more. In choosing a text I might have taken Nathaniel's eulogy, and applied it to Ingersoll, for he was "without guile" ; but I thought rather of that one example of Holy Scripture, of one who could be faithful and yet give no offense to any. ' ' Demetrius hath good report of all men, and of the truth itself." There was but one Demetrius, and our Ingersoll was like him. The text I have cited, however, suits the occasion better, for God gave him many trials, but an end so marked in its beauty that it seemed to be the index of his complete and upright career — " The end of that man is peace." And after his many sorrows, his discipline of years, his loss of one to whose virtues the tablet on these walls bears witness, and the griefs of infirmity and age, what a gift of God was such an end as his ! Amid the poor and needy, to whom he ministered so lovingly ; in that home of little children, whom he resembled so closely in purity of heart; — it came to pass that "the angel touched him about the time of the evening obla- tion," and so "he was not, for God took him." Very appropriate and beautiful memorials were passed by the vestry of Saint Paul's, the Board of Managers of the Church Home, and a sad tribute of regret from the vestry of Trinity. On the first Sunday in Lent, while old Trinity still wore its heavy drapery of black in memory of the late rector emeritus, the rector, the Reverend Doctor Van Bokkelen, in the course of his sermon spoke thus feel- ingly of him: The dear and Christian man whom we buried ran well his race, and now the prize is his. His works do follow him. Thoughts of these works are today in many minds. There are sweet memories of his words, fragrant recollections of his deeds. Could we hold converse with him this the first Lord's Day in the palace of the King, he would tell us of the rapture his completed work brings to his sanctified spirit, and how it yearns to have the work finished d 5 r p o — i r-n I A) ^ s LI o s iQB *> s 1 ^ A^J x !§ c i) f 2 ( < J1A 1 s CD H ■ ^/OJIWDJO^ m 3J £ University Research Library i < a i i r 1 a o o "0 i £ s 1 X 3 m g 1 33 £ i \ z i > I » c — £ i O J) * 1 i 33 H » 1 O a 3J ■ i 1 -< s i O s ■n BX 5980 B9T73 i i H ■ 1