4>A . 1 EXTRACTS FROM OF THE BURGH OF ABERDEEN. 13981570. EXTRACTS FROM THE COUNCIL REGISTER OF THE BURGH OF 13Q8-1570. ABERDEEN: PRINTED FOR THE SPALDING CLUB. M DCCC XLIV. PRINTED BY WILLIAM BENNETT. CASTLE STREET, ABERDEEN. TABLE OF CONTENTS. i PAGE THE EDITOR'S PREFACE vii CONTENTS xlv EXTRACTS FROM THE COUNCIL REGISTER OF THE BURGH OF ABERDEEN 1 ADDITIONAL EXTRACTS 371 INDEX., 461 HE most valuable materials for national his- tory have frequently to be sought for in sources far different from the works of the general historian, whose pages are more frequently devoted to the political than the social position of the people, whose history is the object of his labours. To obtain a glimpse of their actual state under the existing institutions of a particular period, we must examine them working out their system of jurisprudence in legal pleadings ; we must see them engaged in their various professions and trades in their pageants and sports, and we must be acquainted with their manners and dress. It is almost in vain to expect in ordinary histories an accumulation of incidental facts bearing on all such points, although these are to be regarded in proportion as they have incorporated in them such disjointed facts, as a reference to the chronicles, judicial proceedings, familiar epistles, and fragmentary relics of past times will amply afford. The records of the Burgh of Aberdeen present us with a greater combination of these than is generally to be found in similar sources ; and their historical importance has long been acknow- ledged by those who have had access to them. viii THE EDITOR'S PREFACE. They reach back to a very remote period, and enable us to trace the effects wrought on society by the political and reli- gious changes which occurred ; while they are full of many mi- nute incidents which serve to fill up a picture of the condition of our forefathers in all its parts. These Records comprehend the proceedings of the Council of the Burgh, of the Baillie Court, and the Guild Court. From 1398, when the first volume commences, to 1745, being the period com- prized in the selections to be printed for the Club, they extend to 61 folio volumes, containing on an average about 600 pages each. With the exception of volume third, containing the proceedings from 1414 to 1433, there is no blank in the series. In " The Catalogue of the registeris and baillie court buikis of Abirdene presentlie extint, or hes bene during the memorie of man, thir thre scoir yeiris bygane, maid and collectit treulie, as thai ar, be Mr. Thomas Mollisvne, clerk of Abirdene, primo Sep- tembris 1591," ' it is stated that there then existed " peces and partis of four aid imperfyt and informall buikis consumitt and eittin be mothes, for aldnes and antiquite euill to be red, yit to be keipit for a monument be resoun of the antiquite." The same scribe conjectures that there was " na register nor court buik of Abirdene extant, nor yit knawin that ony buik or register of the said court wes before the yeir of God ane thousand thre hundred and fourscoir yeiris. Befor this, scrowis on parchment conten- ing sum courtis of the Burght of Abirdene writin in Latyne all, and for ilk yeir ane skrow : na mater of importance or weycht extant or registrat thairin, nother yit ony ordinance or statut sett dounn, onlie suittis and actionis, or processus for annuellis, euil to be red, be resoun of the antiquite of the wreit, and forme i [MS. in the Archives of the Burgh.] THE EDITOR'S PEEFACE. IX of the letter or charecter, weray schortlie and compendiouslie wretin, quhilk is not now vsit ; and skairslie gif ony man can reid the samyn." None of these scrolls of parchment have come down to our times. The selections now printed have been taken from the first twenty-seven volumes of these Records. The principle on which they were made, was to select and print entire those entries which bore reference to the history and manners of the period over which they extended. They are given precisely as they stand in the Registers, except in a very few cases where lists of the names of burgesses, and frequent repetitions of mere formalities, have been abridged. To facilitate a reference extending over so wide a field, recourse was had to the Index to these Records, prepared by the late William Kennedy, Esq., Advocate, by the assistance of which a considerable part of the selections in the first part of the volume were made. A more rigid examination of the original Records induced the Editor to make additional selections from the earlier volumes, which will be found in the latter part of the present volume. A short notice, indicating the subject of each entry, has been prepared, and is prefixed to the volume under the title of Contents, and an Index of the principal names and places is added at the end. As the Editor found it impossible to devise any system of classifying materials so various and discordant, which appeared at all satisfactory, he has given them in their chronological order, a plan which seemed less objectionable than any other. In the succeeding volumes of Selections to be printed for the Club, will be given Extracts, commencing about the period at which the present volume terminates, from the Accounts kept by X THE EDITOR'S PREFACE. the Treasurer of the Burgh, and the Dean of Guild, which will be found most valuable illustrations of the other Records. The first volume is very much occupied with municipal statutes regulating the prices of provisions of all kinds : great care was ma- nifested that the quality of these should be of the proper standard ; and certain qualified officials were annually elected to watch over this department, under the names of gustatores vim, gustatores cer- visie, appreciatores carniorum, and the like. The profits of merchants were regulated in a similar way : Item, that na fleschewar mak [ ] nor by to sel agayne ony turbote, as said is, bot thai sal haue for the brekyng of a turbote quhilk is bocht within xii d. j d., and quhen it exceedis xii. d. ii d., quhill it cum to ii s., and swa furth for like schilling i d., and he sal haue nane vther eschetis, bot al sal be brokin to the biaris, vnder the payne forsaid. Item, that na man tak on hand to by vitale mar na will suffice thar housis, to tap agayne at derth apon the commounys, and give ony nychtbour has vitale to sell, that thai tap it nocht in houss bot in the merkatt playneli apon the merkat dai, vnder the payne of viii s. unforgiffin. and eschete of sic gude, but fawour. [Extracts, p. 397.] Many of the regulations in this volume and subsequently are directed against forestallers, who are " they quha pre-occupies and byes merchandice before it cum to the mercat, or to the stall or place quhair it suld be sauld, or the time of day statute and ordained thereto ;'" thus " Item, aliqua regrataria emat aliquod antequam veniat ad forum et crucem burgi et pulsationem campani solvet xii d.," a regrater being he " quha byis ony merchandice or vther thing, and takis vnleasumlie greater price for the samin afterward." 2 It was unlawful for any merchant to pay a larger price than the statute one. Item, that na man by woll skynnes derar than x d., schorlinges vi d., scaldynes iii d., the dusane of lentrinwar viii. d., the dusane of futfellis ii. s. ; and quhasa dois in the contrar sail, euery tym that he trespasses, pay, but remissioune, vi s. viii d. to the commone werk and profits of this toune. [Ibid, p. 397.] No one was allowed to pay more for wool in Buchan than 2s., ex- 1 [Skene de Verborum Signification voce REGKATEK.] 2 [Skene, ut tvpra.] THE EDITOR'S PREFACE. XI cept for that of lords and free tenants, for which last not more than 30d. was to be given. The wool of Mar and the Garioch was not to exceed in price 30d. Whoever paid more than these prices was to be fined 20s. for each offence, and lose his liberty within burgh for a year and day. Occasionally a qualified permission is given to buy at any price, thus : Et memorandum quod quilibet est liber ad enienda. infra Marr pro quocunque precio pro quo voluit et ly Marr contin. a Monymusk et Kege et Forbes australiter dovne the water of Donne ad Abirden apon the su [syd] of that ilk watter. And thir arr the sortis that arr outetane the Lord of Mar, Sir \V. of Keth, the Bischop of A[berden], the Abbot of Der, the Lord the Hay, Malcolm Marchell, S. Jon of Nevy, Andr. of Keth pater, Sir Henry Preston, Thorn. Brisbane, Alexr. Fraser of Percok. And qwa sua brekis this ordenance, he sal pay xl s. als oft tymes as he brekis it, how mekyll or how lytil that euer he buyis within a sek of woll ; and gif any excedis byand mar than a sett, of woll agayn this ordenance, how oftymys he dois he sail pay iiii [s.] [Ibid., p. 382.] These regulations would seem to indicate that the supply of provisions and raw material had been very limited, and that it was therefore necessary to repress the temptation which might arise of buying up goods and retailing them at an inordinate profit. It was also unlawful for a burgess to procure lordship against his brother burgess, that is, to procure the influence of these " ex- traneans" in their quarrells and causes. Thus it was statuted, Quod quicunque vicinus ville vel inhabitans villam qui procurat dominos contra vicinum suum, vel contra aliquem in habitantem villam, soluet qualibet vice qua sic fecerit, quadraginta solidos sine remissione, pro tribus vicibus Et si quarta vice fecerit, priuabitur a libertate sua penitus et omnino. Et si non habeat unde soluet dictam penam incarcerabitur per tres dies et tres noctes et postea abuirabit villam pro anno et die. [Ibid., p. 387.] And again, That nane haff lord na lordschip othir na the king, the duke [of Albany], and the erll of IVfarr. bot his aldirman and his baillies, under the said payne. (P. 389.) In these turbulent times it became usual for the lesser barons, and also for the burghs, to become the adherents of some powerful nobleman, who, on the other hand, undertook the defence and main- Xll THE EDITOR'S PREFACE. tenance of his allies. The burgh of Aberdeen accordingly in 1462 granted their band of manrent to the Earl of Huntly, which narrates that the earl had become bound to maintain and keep the town in their freedoms and infeftments, therefore the burgh undertook to be Lele and trew to the forsaid lorde erle, in counsale gif he askis ws efter oure wittis and knau- lage, and kepe his counsale gif he chargis ws, and atour quhen it sail pleise the forsaid lorde to cum to oure saide burgh with few persons or many, and to remain or pas quhen him likis, we sal at all oure gudely powere conserue and kepe him and his company within oure saide burgh, to tak sic part with him in his defens as we wald do for the defens of oure awyn persons, kepand our al- legeans til oure souerane lorde the king, and the fredomes of oure said burgh. Thir oure letteres til enduir for al the tennes of ten yeres fra the day and date of ye making of thaim. In witnes of the quhilk thing, oure secrete sele to thir oure lettes is affixt, at oure burgh of Aberdene forsaid. the xx" day of Januare, the yere of God j" cccc sexte and twa. [Ibid., p. 22.] An injury inflicted on the " man" of a nobleman was resented as much as if he himself had been the injured party. Of this a curious instance occurs in the case between William of Cadiou and Robert of Cullace. The quhilk Mononnday, the courte affermyt, the said Will, comperit, and ane noble and mychte lord the Erie of Avandale and the Constable, on the behalf of the said Robert, comperit and askit the lawcht as tha did on the day before. And than Sir Alexr. of Irwyne, knycht, forspekar to the said Williame, profferit that the said Williame suld acquite him be himself and otheris diuers per- sones. that he toitt nocht that the said Robert teat man to the said Erie, na to the said Constable, na that he come to thi* toun in thair company. And attour for the defaute that the said Will, had made to the saidis lordis Erie and Constable, he put hym in thair grace, upon the quhilks the said lord Erie and Constable, sen the thing was greue, tuk to be avisit upon his profferis, and with con- sent of partis it was differrit be the saidis lordis Erie and Counstable, upon four dayes warnying, the said Wylliame to compeir than befor the alderman and ballzeis in like maner as he comperit this Mononnday, hawand the force and effecte that day as this day but fraude or gile. And at this snld be fulfillit be the said Williame and the partis skathlace in the mentyme. Sir Alexr. of Irwyne is cummyn a borch to the alderman and ballzeis. And at the saidis Williame and Job. of Cadiou, his cosyne, sal be skathles of the saidis lord Erie, and of the said Constable, and of the said Robert, and of thar pairtie, but fraude or gile, the said Lord Erie and Constable arr becummyn borowes to the saidis aldirmann and ballzeis. JAMYS OF DOUGLAS OF AVANDALE. [/ec.. llth December, 1495. Copia litere regie. Jacobus Dei gratia rex Scotorum Omnibus probis hominibus suis ad quos presentes litere peruenerint Salutem Sciatis quia intelleximus quod burgenses et mercatores burgi nostri de Aberdene quam magna dampna et incommoda hactenus perpessi sunt ob exportacionem lane pellium et corriorum extra vicecomitatum nostrum de Abirdene in contrarium priui- legiorum et libertatis dictorum burgensium in fraudem nostre magne cus- tume dicti burgi Nos igitur attendentes et perpendentes infrictionem dicte libertatis et huiusmodi dampna nostra et dictorum nostrorum burgensium Commisimus et tenore presentium committimus preposito balliuis et bur- gensibus dicti burgi nostri qui pro tempore fuerint eorumque deputatis liberam facultatem et plenariam potestatem escbaetandi et ad vsum nos- trum appropriandi et capiendi huiusmodi bona lanas pelles corria sic extra dictum vicecomitatum dicti burgi abducta seu imposterum forsitan abdu- cenda absque solucione nostre custume de quibus quidem bonis eschaetatis concessimus et tenore presentium concedimus dictis preposito balliuis et burgensibus burgi nostri de Abirdene dimidietatem eschaete eorundem pro eorum laboribus sumptibus et expenssis faciendis circa eorum eschaeta- tionem aliam vero dimidietatem dicte escbaete ad nos importare et de eisdem bonis annuatim nostro scaccario compotum reddere tenebuntur prepositus et balliui burgi supradicti prout litere potestati quondam caris- simi et nobilissimi cui nostri dictis preposito balliuis et burgensibus prius desuper confectis in se plenius proportant et testantur Quare vniuersis et singulis ligeis et subditis nostris quorum interest vel interesse poterit stricte precipiendo mandamus quatenus dicti preposito balliuis et bur- gensibus dicti burgi eorumque deputatis ministris et seruitoribus in omni- bus et singulis eschaetacionem dictorum bonorum concernentibus et depor- tacionem eorundem ad vsus nostros vt premittitur prompte respondeant pareant et intendant Et quod incontrarium presentium nullatenus deuenire presumant temporibus pro futuris sub omni pena quam erga nostram re- giam incurrere poterint maiestatem presentibus pro nostra voluntate et deindi vsque ad nostram specialem reuocationem earundem duraturis Datum sub magno sigillo nostro apud Abirbrothoc vndecimo die mensis Decembris anno Domini millesimo quadringentesimo nonagesimo quinto et regni nostri octauo. OF THE BURGH OF ABERDEEN. 59 3d February, 1496. 3d February, The saide day, it was deliuerit be the alderman and consale present for the tyme, for the gret offense coramittit be Williame Belty agains Thomas Waus, that the said William sail offir and present his crag to the goyf, and his knyf in his hand, thar to stand at the wil of the said Thomas ; and atour the said William salcum one Sonday that next comis, in the tyme of hie messe, in lynning claithis, bare lege, fute, and hede, with ane louse govne, and j candill of ane pond of wax in his hande, and his dravn knyf in his tother hand, offering the candill to haly kirk, and the knyf to the said Thomas, in takin of repentance of the said offence, asking the said Thomas and his frendis on his kneyes forgyvnes ; and attour the said Wil- liam sail pay half ane stane of wax to the haly blud licht ; and atour, gyf euer the said Willame committis ony offense or strubulance to the said Thomas, or ony vtheris famouse personis in tyme to cum, and beis conuikit thairintill, he sail pay tene pundis to Sanct Nicholes wark vnforgevin ; and to the fulfilling and keping of the deliuerance, the saide Williame and Thomas was oblist be the faithis of thar bodies thar hands vphaldin. 28th April, 1496. The xxviij day of Aprile, the yer of God forsaid, Schir Johne Ruther- furde knicht, alderman, exponit and schew to the consal how the tone was vnder summonce be diuerse parties beseking thame to provide for expensis to the defense of the samyn, considerand thar commond gudis was exponit, and atour the alderman deliurit in his compt of his expensis of the termes of Mertimes bygane, and Witsonday next to cum, extending to xix lib. and j d. 8th May, 1496. The viij day of May, the yer forsaid, the aldirman, bailzeis and consale present for the tyme at the Womanhill, for vphaldin of the auld louable consuetud, honour, consolacioun, and plesour of this burghe, lik as hes bene vsit in tymes of thar worthie and honourable progenitouris, chesit Thomas Leslie and Robert of Cullane, coniunctlie abbotis and priour of Bonacord, tile vyse and exerce the said office this instant yer, and grantit to pay thame v roerkis of the common gudis this tyme tuelf moneth. llth July, 1496. The saide day, it was statut and ordanit be the alderman, balzeis, and 60 EXTRACTS FROM THE COUNCIL REGISTER nth July, consall, for the commone profit and sayffty of the tone, that al fremen, burges of this burghe, compeir personalie one Monunday the xviij day of Julij instant, at the Cunneger hill, welbodin and abilzeit for weir in ther personis, ilk ane efter their faculte and degre, as efferis, ilk ane hevand ane spear or j bow, and ane targe, with wther defensabile wapins, the sper of v elne and d., efter the tenour of the kingis proclaraatioun, and to remane within this burghe for the defense of the samyn, fra our aid inemyis of Ingland ; and euere freman that falzeis and remanys nocht personalie within this burghe, sail pay viij s. ilkan day for his forfet, to furnist vther personis to the defense of the tone, vnforgevin. 1th June,' 1497. The saide day, William Stray, litster, Thomas Robertsone, Johne Munk, Johrie Litstar, Andro Murray elder, and for him Dauid Murray, Robert Themdaile, and Edward Top, ilk ane of thame in ane amerciament of the court, because thai failzeit in the waching of the tone be thaime and thar seruandis, efter the tenour of the ak maid thairapone abefor, for the quhilkis ilkane of the saide persones sale pay to the halie blud licht j lib. of wax ; Andrew Murray, d. stane, and Johne Litstar, his mache ij lib. ; and that thai pay the wax or thai pass out of the tolbuith, and ij s. ilkan persone to the balzeis for thair wnlaw, and thar ser- uandis to be put in the goif, thar to reman quhile vij houris efter noone, and nocht to be lousit out of the goif quhile the saide hour, for nay request. \\th June, 1497. The saide day, it was thocht expedient, statutit, and ordanit be the al- derman, balzeis, consale and communitee, for the sayftie of the towne and the resisting of the aid inemeis of Ingland, that ale the inhabitantis of this tone sail make thair fossis and bastalze as it is fondit in breid and lintht fra the southt hevin to the northt hevin, with help and supple of our masteris the chanonis ; and that ane blockhouse salbe bigyt of gret strinth at the hevin moutht. And that euere burges sal inbring certaine land- men, out duellaris, and not inhabitantis of this toune, efter thar faculte, and sustene tham one thar expenssis, to remane within the tone als lang as neidis ; and that nay man borow nor lene geir, vnder the paine of eschet ; and that euere mane be weil abilzeit with defensabile wapinnis, as efferis, OF THE BURGH OF ABERDEEN. 61 efter the tenour of our souerane lordis letteris direkit thairvpone. And HthJune, that ale burges, batht to burgh e and lande, sal remane personalie within the burghe, and nocht to pass vteuche vnder the panys contenit in our souerane lordis letteris direkit thairapon. And that euerie mane haue thar targis and ale ther geir redy at the premunicioun and warning of the common bell, vnder the panis contenit in our souerane lordis letteris, that is to say of tynsal landis, lyue, and gudis. 4th July, 1497. The ferde day of Julij, the yer forsaide, it was ordanit and statute be the alderman, balzeis, and consal of Aberden, and approuit be the com- munite of the samyn, that gif our aid inemeis of Ingland propose and schepis to lande, that the tone keep tham obscur, and suffer tham to lande gif it be seyne expedient to the alderman and the quartermasteris chosin be the towne for the kepin of the burghe and the resisting of our saide inemeis : that is to say, the alderman, ouirman, Alexr. Menzeis, Robert Blinsel, Dauid Menzeis, Alexr. Rede, Jonhne of Culan, Alexr. of Chamer, Johne Colisone, Thomas Prat, William Porter, and Jonhne Wormet ; and the toune salbe quarterit in four partis, and canellis castyne for the wechin of the tone, and ilkan quarter to wach nicht about. The saide day, it was statut and ordanit that ij kelis one the tovnis aventouris be brocht to the neyss, and al fishear boitis be brocht and haldin one floit besid the said kelis, to pass and repas for the saiftie of the mene and landis of Torry. The saide day, it was statut and ordanit that ale outburges, for thar nonresidence personalie within the burghe, salbe punist efter the tenour of our souerane lordis letteris of proclamacioun maid thairapone. The saide day, it was statut and ordanit, gif the Inglismen propose to lande one the northt partis of the havyne, that al manere of men, with thar cartis of weir, with horsis, gunrye, artailzerie, and ail vther defensabile wapinnis, be redy, and pass to resist thame for the saiftie of our cathedral kirk, my lord of Aberdenis palace, aur maisteris the chanonis, and ther familiaris and habitaciones. 62 EXTRACTS FROM THE COUNCIL REGISTER loth July, 10th July, 1497. 148T. The gade jay, i t was statute and ordanit that all nichbouris and in- duellaris of this burghe sail sende thar seruandis with spadis, barrowis, and schulis, to morne be [ ] houris in the morning, to the saide ness, thar, be command of the alderman and the officiaris, to cast, &c., and ilkan housheholder, ane seruand at the leist. And that al pynouris, stebillaris, and carteris, hevand horses, be thar with thar horsis and cartis to the fur- nysing of the samyn, and that nay hors be yokit vnder the payne of es- chetis ; and that nay buthtis be oppin for laboring nor wirking vnto the tyme the saide fossis be castyne and maid, be the sicht and commavnde of the alderman, bailzeis, and counsaile. And that nay indwellar of this burghe pass vteuche the toune, vnder the penys contenit in our so- uerane lordis letteris of proclamacioun ; and that al outburgessis cum and reman personalie within the burghe, vnder the penys contenit in the samyn. The x day of July, yer forsaid, it was statut and ordanit be the alderman, balzeis, and consall, for the resisting of our aid inemeys of Ingland, that all nichtbouris of this burghe sale inbring and sustene certaine landmen, ilkane efter thar substance, to the defence of the tone agan the great Mary of Ingland, ay and to the tyme the saide nauy remoyue fra thir partis, for the quhilkis thai haue chosin thir personis, Androw Culane zounger, Johne Wormet, Androw Murray elder, Alexander Gray, Dauid Mathe- sone, and William Futhes, taxteris tile extent the towne how mony per- sonis landmen ilkane mane sal beir, be thar aithis bodelie sworne. 14th July, 1497. The saide day, it was statut and ordanit be the alderman and consale that the balzeis sal wairne the wache nychtlie, as thai wile ansuer to the kinge and the toune, and the seriandis to be redy at thair commavnde. And Thomas Leslie sal warne the wache the first v nycht, Robert Culane the secunde v nychtis, Andro Cullan the thrid v nychtis, and Thomas Fyf the last v nychtis. And that ale the saide personis sail waik personalie, and put nay man to waik for thame, vndir the pauys contenit in our soueran lordis letteris directit thairapone, that is to say, of tynsel land, lyue, and gudis. OF THE BURGH OF ABERDEEN. 63 The xiiij day of July, the yer forsaide, it was statut and ordanit be the alderman and consale, for the sayfty of the toune, that thir peronis vndir writtin sale be hedes of the wache, in the first the xiij nycht of July: The alderman, the xiij nicht of July. Alexr. Gray, the xxv nycht of July. 14th July. 1497. Alexr. Menzes, the xiiij nycht. Robert Blinsel, the xv nycht. Alexr. Chamer, the xvj nycht. Dauid Menzeis, the xvij nycht. Alexr Rede, the xviij nycht. Thomas Prat, the xix nycht. lonhne of Culan, the xx nycht. lohne Colisone, the xxi nycht. lohne Wormet, the xxij nyhct. lohne Knollis, the xxiij nycht. Andro Murray elder, the xxiiij nycht. The yer of God, j m iiij c nyntj and furnist thair cartis vnder for wer, to Ingland : In primis, Shir Johne Ruther- furd, alderman, j cart. Alexander Chamer, j cart. Alexander Menzeis, j cart. Robert Blinsel, j cart. Johne of Culane, j cart. Alexr. Rede, j cart. Thomas Prat, j cart. lohne Wormet, Dauid Mathesone, Alexr. Mar, Thomas Chepman, William Kyntor, Andro Murray zonger, Andro Murray, cum filio suo, cart. j cart. j cart. William Futhes, the xxvj nycht. lohne Blak, the xxvij nycht. Alexr. Mar, the xxviij nycht. Dauid Mathesone, the xxix nycht. James Colisone, the xxx nycht. Andro Cullane zonger, the last nycht. William Porter, the first nycht of August. Robert Crag, the secund nycht of August. vij yeris, thir personis vnder writtin the resisting of our aid inemeys of Robert Crag, William Futhes, Alexr. Gray, Dauid Adysone, Johne Colisone, James Colisone, Duncane Colisone, Andro Culan zonger, Will. Anderson zonger, William Gareauche, Alexr. Chamer zonger, lohne Retie, Dauid Fynne, George Bysset, Patrick Chernsid, William Porter, j cart, i cart. >j cart. >] cart. >j cart. >j cart. 64 EXTRACTS FROM THE COUNCIL REGISTER 14th July, lohne Blak, -\ Johne Grege, j cart. 1497. William Andersone, >j cart. lohne Murray, William Blinsel, ) lohn Duncansone, Vj cart. Patrik Leslie, Gilbert Menzeis, lohne Knollis, Thomas Waus, William Murray, lohne Steuinsone, The litstaris, j cart, j cart. The cordonaris, j cart. The flesseris, j cart. i 20M October, 1497. In the first, gevin for spisary to Thomas Prat, xxxvi s. Item, for wine to Robert of Cullan, Hi s. Item, for iii stanys of wax to Robert Blinsel, liiii s. And for the making and treis, vi s. Item, to the warkmen of the tolbuitht, viii s. Item, for ane pip of wine to my Lord of Huntlie, v lib. Item, to the organman, xl s. Item, til a man that passit to Banf witht ane letter of the kingis, xvi d. ; the propin was gevin to the kingis hienes at his passage to Sanct Duthois, and repassage. The haill some, xiiii lib. xvii s. and iiii d. Item, to Lord Oliphant, d. gallone claret, ii s. ; and to Lord Gordone, i gallone, iiii s. \1th November, 1497. The said day, it was thocht expedient, statut, and ordanit, be the alder- man, balzeis, and consale, for the plesour of our souerane lordis hienes, his lordis and nobles of consale, that all baxteris, brousteris, flesseris, fischearis, stabillaris, candillmakaris, cordonaris, tailzeouris, and ale vtheris men of craftis within this burgh e, be weil furnyst and bodyne in gude and sufficient stuf, ilkan according to thair craftis and operacionis, to the fur- nysing of our souerane lordis hienes and his lordis, &c., for the space of xx dayis and forthir, alse lang as his hienes makis residence within this burghe. In the first, all baxteris to haue bakin breid and flour redy to baik ; al broustaris to haue brovyne aile and grundin malt redy to brew ; al stabillaris to haue sufficient stabillis, hek, manger, come, foder, and ale OF THE BURGH OF ABERDEEN. 65 vther stuf according thairto ; ale flescheris to haue fresche flesche dailie 17th NOV.. and hourlie slane and to be sclane ; ale fischearis to haue fische redy, salt, pouderit, herde, and fresche quhen the wedder ansueris thairto ; al candil raakaris to haue candile redy maid sufficient stuf; ale talzeouris, cordonaris, and skinneris, to haue werk maid and stuf redy to mak, ilkan according to thair craft ; al merchandis to haue wax, wyne, spicery, and vthir mer- chandice redy, to the furnising of our souerane lordis hienes ; and that al elding sellaris bring thair elding dailie and hourlie to the mercat. 25th December, 1497. James, be the grace of God kinge of Scottis, till ale and sindrie our officiaris, lieges, and subditis, quhaim it efferis, quhas knowlege thir our let- teris salcum, and, in special, our admirall and his deputis now present, and to cum, greting : Forsamekle as we causit of our commandment our louit, fameliar squiar Nichele Ramsay, master of our schip callit the Mare Bartane, to pass diuerse Raissis of our realme in warfar, in contrar our auld innemeis of Ingland ; and, as we ar informit, our said admirall and his deputis wexis and trublis the saide Nichole be thair arrestmentis, and askis and requiris admiralite of our saide schip, to the gret tribill of our said seruitour, and in contrar justice, gif it sa be. Quhar we commande and charge our saide admirale now present and his deputis, and all vtheris our admirallis and thair deputis to cum, our officiaris, liegis, and subditis forsaides, that nane of youe tak vpon hande to ask or requir ad- miralite of ony maner of gudis, wone witht our said schip, fra the said Nicholl, his factouris, or ony of his seruitouris ; or yit, that ye or thai mak ony arrestment, uiolestatioun, tribule, or injur to the saide Nicholl, his factouris, or seruitouris, in thar personis, landis, or gudis, for ony gudis wonnyn be our saide schip in ony tyme bygane and to cum, under all the hiest paine, charge, and offence that ye and ilk ane of you may commit and inrin agane our maiestate in that part. Dischargeing you our admirall now present and your deputis, and all vtheris our admirallis to cum and thair deputis, of your and thair offices in that part be thir our letteris. The quhilk we will endur for all the daies of the saide Nicholes liff. Gevin vnder our priuie seill, at Abirdene the xxv day of December, the yer of God Ixxxxvij yeris, and of our regnne the tend yer. i 66 EXTRACTS FROM THE COUNCIL REGISTER 23d January, 23c? January, 1498. The xxiij day of Januer, the yer of God j m iiij c nynty and aucht yeris, all the quhit fishearis of Futy oblist tham, of thar avne fre will, be thar faithtis of thar bodiis, to pay yerlie ilkan yer to Sanct dementis chapel werk in Futy ilkan master of the boit havand tua lynis ij s., and ilkan botismen xij d. 26th March, 1498. The xxvj day of Marche, the yer of God j m iiij c nynty and viij yeris, thir personis vnder writtin, at commavnd of the toune present for the tyme, has lent certaine money as efter followis, to the defence of ane sum- monce maid vpon the commissaris of the commoun assedatioun, because it is ane commoun actioun, quhilkis sal be pait to thame agan at the nixt aff taxt. In the first: Schir Johne Ruthirfurd, alderman, has lent vj s. and viij d. ; Alexander Menzeis, vj s. viij d. ; Robert Blindsal vj s. viij d. ; Thomas Prat, xiij s. iiij d. ; Dauid Menzes, vj s. viij d. ; Alex. Chamer, vj s. viij d. ; John Cullane, vj s. viij d. ; Johne Colisone, v s. ; Alex. Ride, v s. ; Johne Knollis, v s. ; Johne Wormet ij s. ; Johne Blak, ij s. ; Wil- liam Blinsale, xvj d ; William Kintor, xvj d. ; Robert Crag, ij s . ; Andro Murray elder, ij s. ; Alex. Gray, ij s. ; Andro Cullan zounger, ij s. Nocht- withstanding Johne of Cullane pait nocht the said d. mark. llth May, 1498. The saide day, the haile toune warnit be the premunicioun of the bell and the officers throw the hail toune, and circually inquerit be the officiar, affirmit and ratifeit the statutes and akis maid anent the kepin of the toune fra the pestilence and strange seiknes abefor, and hes ordanit that the porte of the Castelgate passand to Futy be closit, and the port to the est extendand one the northt part of the samyn gat, betone Robert Blin- sellis yet, be oppin in the day, and lokit with lokis and keis, and in likwyse the port of the Gallogate be vpmaid and closit with lokis and keis. And the alderman, in our soueran lordis name, and be verteu of his office, chargit and commandit the haile toune to se, avise, and provide for the kepin of the toune, as thai walde answer to the kingis hienis, and offerit him redy to do al that thai wald charge him to do thairanent. And the haile toune tuk on thame to keip the said four portis, ilkane quarter thair avne port, OF THE BURGH OF ABERDEEN. 67 sufficientlie as efferis, as thai wald answer thairapone; of the quhilkis the i7thMay r alderman askit at me Schir Johne Stirueling, notar publict, befor witnes, Robert Blinsell, Alex. Menzes, Thomas Prat, Duncan Colison, William Futhes, Robert Crag. 22d August, 1498. Xxij Augusti anno Domini m iiij c Ixxxxviij. It is avisit and thocht expedient be the commissaris of burrowis, viz., Edinburgh, Abirdene, Pertht, Dunde, Hadington, that thar be direct ane schap clerk, and twa burges merchandis of fasson, to the Archeduk of Austrie, &c., with our souerane lordis antentyue writtingig, and perfit instructionis for remeid tueching the mater of the letteris of marque, and the dukis proclamatioun tueching the stapill, gif thar ony sic be. The personis diuisit to pass at our souerane lordis emplessour ar thir, viz : For the merchandis, Schir Thomas Tod, provost of Edinburghe ; Schir Johne Rutherfurde, alderman of Aberdene. For the clerkis, Maister Dauid Setone, persone of Fethyrcarne ; M. Gawan Dunbar, dene of Murray, failze of ony vtheris siclik clerkis of wisdome to be chosin in thar stedis. Item, it is avisit and thocht expedient be the said commissaris of bur- rowis, that devisit remeid may be had tueching the multitud of sailaris, viz., that na man saile within j last of gude of his awne, or samekle in sterage, according to the act of parliament maid theropane, vnder the pane of x lib., as is contenit in the saide act of parliament, to be rasit till our souerane lordis wse. Item, in likwise that the act of parliament be obseruit and kepit tueching the craftismen, viz., that nane of tharne occupy merchandice and thar craft togidder, sa that gif thai occupy the merchandice, that thai leif thar craft, and in the contrar, efter the forme of the said act maid tharopane ; and the provest and balyheis within burghe, as schireffis in that part, to cersse the brekaris of thir actis, and to raise the pane of x lib. of the persone brekand ony of thame alsoft as it happinnis, till our souerane lordis wse, and compt therof yerlie to be gevin in the cheker. 68 EXTRACTS FROM THE COUNCIL REGISTER >2d November, 22c? November , 1498. The saide day, the alderman and consal present for the tyrae, grantit to Sir Richerde Waiis aucht merks, to Sir Andro Couper fiwe merkis, and to Sir Johne Strathechin four merkis, for this yer to cum, for thar con- tinuale gude seruice, and residence to be maid in the queir and kirk of Aberdene ; thairof thai assignit viij merkis to the said Sir Robert of the Vnermyll, the said fiwe merkis to the saide Sir Androw of the said myll, and the said four merkis to the said Sir Johne of the maile of Bogferloche, to be rasit at thar avne handis. The saide day, Mathow Wricht oblist him be his hand vphaldin to mak gude seruice in the luge and vteuche to the bigin and furnysing of the queyr, at the commavnd and sicht of the alderman, consal, and the master of the kirkwerk, and he sal nocht pass to nay vther werk without speciale licence of the alderman and the consal ; for the quhilkis seruice to be done, thai sal nocht [?] content and pay to the said Mathow tuenty tua merks vsual money of Scotland, the entre of the said Mathow was thairwith that at Mertymes last bigane. The said day, Nichol Masone and Dauid Wricht oblist tham be the fathis of thar bodiis, the gret aithe sworne, to remane at Sanct Nicholes werk in the luge and vteuche, ther to mak dely gude seruice, and to be leile trew in all pontis, and nocht to pass fra the saide werk without leif of the alderman, consale, and maister of the werk ; for the qnhilks gude seruice to be done, thai sal content and pay to the saide Nichol tuenty ane merks, and to the saide Dauid auchtene merkis. 15th March, 1500. The xv day of Merche, the yer forsaide, Schir Johne Rutherfurd, alder- man, shew and declarit how he was to pass for the hambringin of Sanct Nicholes led to Berwick, and the quyntray was dangerfull throw this plage of pestilence, for the eschewin of perell that his wyf and his barnis be nocht skathit in tyme to cum, that ther was in handis thre scoir pundis of the water malys of this yer immediatlie bigane, and Johne of Mar grantit the samyn, and that he had xxxv lib. of the saide yeris maile in his handis, for the quhilkis he sould ansuer to the tone befor thir witnes, Gilbert Menzes and Thomas Leslie. OF THE BURGH OF ABERDEEN. 69 8th April, 1500. 8th April, The saide day, thir personis vnder writin, of thair avne fre will, motyve, and gud raynde, in the honour of Almyghti God and thair gloriouse pa- trone Sanct Nicholes, oblist and bande thame be the fathtis of thar bodiisj ther ayris, executouris, and assignaes, be ale thar gudis and landis, to content and pay to the alderman, balzeis, or master of the kirk werk of Aberden for the tyme, thir somes of salmond and money, to the bying and pament of leid to thar saide kirk. In the first, Schir lonhne Kuther- furd, alderman, ane barrele of salmond ; Alexr. Menzeis, j barrele salmond ; Robert Blinsele,j barrele salmond; Johne Cullan, j barrele salmond; Alexander Rede, j barrele salmond ; Thomas Prat, j barrele salmond ; Robert Crag, d. barrel salmond ; Williame Futhes, d. barrele salmond ; William Chamer, d. barrele salmond ; Jonhne Blak, d. barrele salmond ; Alexander Gray, d. barrele salmond ; William Anderson Jacobi, x s. ; Duncan Colison, v s. ; William of Murray, v s. ; Johne Duncanson, v s. ; George Bisset, d. marce ; Malcum Crag, d. barrele grilse ; Alexander Lindesay, v s. ; Patrick Leslie, d. barrele grilse, or the vaile ; George Bell, d. barrele salmond ; Robert Hay, ij s. ; lonhne King, x s. ; Thome Chapman, d. marce ; Andro Meldrum, [ ] s. ; Thome Forsy, ij s. ; Alex- ander Burnat, iiij s. ; lonhne Meldrum, iii s. ; Andro Cullan zonger, d. barrele salmond ; Master Androw Byssat, x s. ; lonhne Annand, iiij s. ; Thome Wode, d. marce ; Thome Alexanderson, ij s. ; Alexr. Hay, v s. ; Andro Stevinson, ij s. ; William Scherar, litstar, iiij s. ; Alexr. Blak, x s. ; Androw Watsone in Cullane, ij s. ; lonhne Telzour Crukschank, ij s. ; Andro Mureson, iij s. ; Thome Philp, ij s. ; Robert Rede, iiij s. ; Thome Wodman, ij s. ; Alexander Brabner, ij s. ; William Gray, ij s. ; James Torre, ij s. ; Andro Johnston, ij s. ; Robert Futhes, ij s. ; Thome John- ston, v s. ; Alexr. Hay, litstar, v s. ; Philp Kelly, ij s. ; Andro Hutmaker, xii d. ; Thome Meldrum, v s. : Jobne Fullertone, ij s. ; Thome Name, ij s. ; Gilbert Patersone, ij s. ; Andro Murray, xiij s. and iiij d. ; Thome Gerat, xii d. ; Johne Home, v s. ; Andro Louson, v s. ; James Gourly, vs.; William Balhelvy, ij s. ; Dauid Talzour, ij s. ; Andro Michelson, ij s. ; Syme Richerdson, iiij s. ; Andro Body, ij s. ; Andro Low, ij s. ; Johne Tulibo, iij s. ; Alexr. Gray, v s. ; Thome Watsone, v s. ; Dauid Strathachlin, v s. ; Cristy Prat, v s. ; Johne Porter, iij s. ; lohne Wilzong- son, d. marce ; lohne Thomsone, d. barrele grilse ; William Andersone K 70 EXTRACTS FKOM THE COUNCIL REGISTER 8th April, elder, iiij s. ; Alexr. Malyssone, ane quarter barrele of grilse, or v s. ; William Lammyrtone, v s. ; Johne Andersoun, d. marce. Apone the quhilkis, the alderman askit at me, Schir Johne Striueling, common clerk and notar, instrumentis. Testibus dominis Willelmo Holland Andrea Gray Andrea Charaer lohanne Rede capellanis Philippo Dunbrek Andrea Nachty Jacobo Leis Willelmo Scrimgeour seriandis et acta erant hec in pretorio huiusmodi. 15th April, 1501. The saide day, it was statutit, and ordanit, and deliuerit, be ane suorne assise, that ale nichtbouris, induellaris of this burghe, and ale alienatis, that bringis in ony gret salt within this hevin, sale deliuer to Sanct Nicholes work ane smale mett of ilkan hundretht, conforming to the aide lovabile rite, constitud, and vyse of the said burghe. 10th May, 1501. Item, it was statut and ordanit, that all personis duelland uteucht the forgait in the bak steris, samony as salbe warnit and chargit therto and billit be the prouest and bailzeis, furnys and graitht the staris of the for- gait with arres werk daily as efferis, under the pane of ilk persone that beis requirit therto, and furnissing nocht the samyn of [ ] s. unforgevin, for the ressaving of our souerane ladye the queyne. Alsua it was statut and ordanit, that na swyne being within this brught, young nor auld, be haldin uteucht band of the forgait for ane fiftene dais, this day being runnyne, under the pane of slauchter of the said swyne, escheting of thame, and banyssing of thame that aw the samyne, and als that all the tovn be devoyen of the swn croffis, under the samyn payne, be- tuix this and Thurisday nixt to cum. Alsua it was statut and ordanit, that all maner of persone or personis that bringis ony byrkis, holingis, gyrss, herbis, or ony vthir grene flouris, haf common passage, and sal haue fre mony and redy siluer for the samyn. 24th July, 1501. The saide day, the alderman, balzeis, and consale assignit to ther com- OP THE BURGH OF ABERDEEN. 71 mone menstrallis tene lib., to be taken fra the denys of glide to furnyss 24th July, thame to the passage, witht the alderman and utheris honorabil nychtbours, to the fest of our soverane lords marriage, at commaunde of his hienes and to the plesour of his maieste. 23d August, 1501. The xxiii day of August, the yer of God j m v c and ane yer, Johne Wormet, Androw Murray, Gilbert Menzes, James Colisoun, Andro Cul- lan, William Blinsele, and Alex. Gray was chosen be the haill communite of Abirdene, and suorne ther gret aithe to taxt and extent the tone of j c merks and xv crownis, to be gevin to the ambaxater passing to the complet- ing of the kingis marriage, efter the tenor of our soveran lordis lettres di- rectit therupon. The said day, the ballieis, counsale, and communite, warnit and chargit be the hande bell throw the haill tovne, and be the sergeandis, at corn- maunde of our soverane lordis lettres, for the passage of ane part of the best and wortheast of the samyn to the fest of our soverane lordis marriage, and ane gret pairt and multitude of the counsale and communite gathereit representande the bodie of the toune, and cercualie inquerit be Johne Mar, and Thomas Leslie, balzeis, and Willeame Scrimgeir, sergeande, grantit, consentit, and ordanit to set and to formaile lett ane thrid pairt of neths fisching one the watter of Done for thretteyne yers, and ane sex parte of thar fischings of the Crovis for vxi yers, quhilks thrid pairt nethis fischings umqhile Willeame Chamer hede in tak obefor, and Andro Murray the said sex part of the Crovis for the prouissione of expenses to thame that passis to the said fest of our soverune lordis marriage, &c., and chesit Alexander Menzeis, alderman, Robert Blinsele, Alex. Chamer, Alex. Rede, Alex. Mar, Willeame Futhes, and Johne Rettie, commissaris, to set the saide fischings for the said termes, and ordanit ane commissioun to be gevin to thame under thar commoun sele, quhilkis personis suer the gret aithe to sett the samyn fischings efter thair conscience and knavlege for the cotn- mone wele and profit of the toune, and ordanit the kepars of the commone sele to sele the saide commissiounis ane and mayer concerning the sad takis, and ordanit to tak the formale of the said third parts fischings of Done fra the personise [?] or personis that thai sett it to, and fra Margaret of 72 EXTRACTS FROM THE COUNCIL REGISTER 23d August, Kintor, now josate of the satnyn, gif sche will tak the said third partis fischingis for xiii yers, and pay the formale therof. Item, thai assignit the raaile of ane half nethts fischings of Mydchingile, extending to five lib. x s. and vd. in the yer, to the bigin of the kirk werk of Abirdene inter- changit and assignit for the said thrid parts maile of Done, and ordanit lettres to be red therupoun of assignatioun and interchange one the seuerast wyss, and to be selit witht ther commoun sele. 5th November, 1501. The said day, the counsaile and communite, warnit be the hand bell throue the haill towne, and gatherit representand the body of the towne for the tyme, circualy inquerit be William Scritngeour, officiar, consensit, grantit, and ordanit, ale thar gressumes of thar wateris, fischingis, and landis of this assedacioun to be maid, to be gevin to the begin of Sanct Nicholes werk, na man sayand the contrar. 4th June, 1503. The saide day, the alderman, bailies, counsaile, and comunite present for the tyme, warnit be the hand bell throue the haill towne, at the requeist of our souerane lordis lettres, grantit thar commone hande bell, with ale proffitis, to William Colp, Cristiane Turing his spouse, and Dauid Colp his sone, to the langast levar of thame, thai doand seruice tharfor, aucht and wont, and ordanit to gif thar commoune seill tharapone. 21th October, 1503. The saide day, it was statut and ordanit be the alderman, balleis, and consale, that the sagristane sale hatie for ilkan graiwe makin and bellis rigin within the kirk [ ] and vteuche the kirk in the kirk zerde viij d. And he sale ger ring curfoyr continuale, at hour and tyme, aucht and wont. -Atour he sal nocht ring Laurence at the saule messe nor menyngis, bot for the nobill and honorabill personis of the town, without leif of the alderman and the counsale. 23d December, 1503. The said day, the baillies, counsale, and communite, warnit be the pre- municioun of the hand bell throw the haill tovun, gatherit, representand OF THE BURGH OF ABERDEEN. 73 the body of the tovun, and circualie inquerit be Willeame Scrimgeour, ane 23d Dec. : of the officiaris of the said burgh, ale in ane voice concordande gef, grantit, and assignit to thair traist clerk and nychtbour sone, Maister Dauid Menzheis, ale and haile thar chapellanry of Sanct Dutheis altar, with ale proffitis, richtis, and pertinence pertenyng, or may pertene tharto, situate within the perise kirk of the said burgh, for ale the dais of his lyfe, vacand be decess of vmquhile Schir Willeame Crukschank, last possessour of the samyn ; and constitut, maid, and ordanit Johne Lesley of Wardens, alderman, Schir Johnne Rutherfurd, knycht, Alexander Menzeis, Robert Blinseile, Dauy Menzheis, Alexander Reid, Alexander Chamer, Johne of Cullane, Gilbert Menzeis, James Colisoun, thar commissaris, coniunctly and severally, tile institut and inuest the said Master Dauid in the said chapellanry ; and ordanit euidentis vnder thar commone seill, according tharto, to be maid in dew forme, to the said Master Dauid, one the souerast wase be thair commone clerk. January ', 1504. The saide day, the alderman and counsale grantit thame avande, in the townes nayme, to Davy Theman, foure markis, vsuale money of Scotlande, for the kepin of thar common horolege and knok, for ane vnce and d. vnce of siluer, quhilk he put in the common armes of the tovne, gevin to thar commone menstralis quhene thai passit to our souerane lordis marriage at the tovnes command, quhilkis thai gravntit to pay to the saide Dauy. Eodem die tribus processibus perlectis per religiosum virum fratrem Andream Storour priorem Carmelitarum dicti burgi nomine conuentus eiusdem de et super recuperacione proprietatis et possessionis cuiusdam terre vaste Thome Pyot pertinentis jacentis in vico viridi ex australi parte eiusdem inter terram Jacobi Pyot ex occidentali ex vna et terram dictorum fratrum siue domus ex australi partibus ab altera et communes vias regias versus oriens et boream in defectu solutionis vnius annui red- ditus decem solidorum vsualis monete Scotie sibi et dicte domui debiti et a longo tempore non soluti vnde dictus prior petiit a nobis secundum vim formam et effectum sui processus precedentis juris et justicie comple- mentum sibi fieri de dicta terra cum pertinentiis Et consequenter dominus Dauid Liell prelocutor dicti prioris porrexit plegium in manibus Willelmi 74 EXTRACTS FROM THE COUNCIL REGISTER 13th January, Scrimgeour vnius sergeandorum dicti burgi quod ipse prior proprietatem et possessionem recuperauit de dicta terra cum pertinentiis in defectu solutioms annui redditus antedicti vnde hora diei legitime expectata om- nibus interesse habentibus vocatis et nullo comparente nee opponente de- cretum fuit ex ore Alexandri Joffrasoun iudicatoris curie et datur pro iudicio quod ipse causam suam obtinuit in recuperacione proprietatis dicte terre cum pertinentiis Super quibus dictus dominus Dauid nomine pre- locutorio quo supra petiit instrumentum Testibus Johanne Rutherfurd milite Alexandro Reid Jacobo Collisone Johanne Ratre Andrea Cullan Dauid Theman ut supra 15th April, 1504. Eodem die accedens ad barrara religiosus vir frater Andreas Storour prior domus fratrum Carmelitarum de Aberdene nomine dicte domus et protestatus fuit in forma juris pro vno annuo redditu xiij solidorum et quatuor denariorum de quadam terra vasta jacente in le Grene quondam Dauid Strathin inter terram quondam Johannis Duruard ex orientali ex vna et communes vias regias versus boream occidens et austrum sibi et dicte domui annuatim a longo tempore debito et non soluto ad quam terram accedens nichil reperit distringibile preter terram et lapides quos balliuos in succulo presentauit in curia tanquam secundo die huius pro- cessus Testibus Dauid Tailzeour Georgio Tailzeour Thoma Gledstand et Ormundo Lesly sergeando Eodem die accedens ad barram religiosus vir frater Andreas Stourour prior domus fratrum Carmelitarum de Aberdene et protestabatur in forma juris pro vno annuo redditu decem solidorum sibi et dicte domui annuatim a longo tempore debito et non soluto de terra vasta Thome Pyot jacente in vico viridi ex australi parte eiusdem inter terram Jacobi Pyot ex occidental! ex vna et terram dictorum fratrum siue domus ex australi et communes vias regias versus oriens et boream Ad quam terram accedens nichil reperit distringibile preter terram et lapides quos balliuis in succulo presentauit in curia tanquam secundo die huius processus testibus ut supra. llth October, 1504. The said day, it was diuisit and ordanit be the alderman, bailzes, and OF THE BURGH OF ABERDEEN. 75 counsaille, that thar sal be gevin to our soverane lord in propin, sex par nth October, torchis, ane dusane of prekats, iii dusane of syis of walx, ane dusane lib. of scorcheatis, and alssmeikle wine as tbe mester of sellar plessis to tak till his hienes. 14th June, 1505. The saide day, the alderman, balzeis, and counsale present for the tyme, for the vphaldin and sustening of dyvine service in the queir and kirk of Aberden, in the honor of God, the gloriouse Virgine Mary, Sanct Nicholes thair patron, and all sanctis, conducit, hyrit, and feet Wat Strathin, sangaster, to syng and help to bald dyvin seruice within the said kirk for his mett, with viij personis circualie oukly, and drink and xx s. of siluer yerlie, ilkan yer, to be tene of ane burges, to be chosin and gottin be the said Wat or ony of his frendis, to by him ane gown, quhilkis thai thankfullie promittit to the said Wat. 9th September, 1505. The said day, the alderman, balzeis, counsale, and diuerse of the com- munite, present for the tyme, grantit and gef to Schir Thomas Lammyng- tone, chapellane, Sanct dementis chapele, for ale the dais of his lyve, with ale offeringis, obuentis, proventis, toftis, croftis, and fredomes, pertening or may pertene therto, quhilkis was vacand and at ther dispositioun, sene the decess of vmquhile Schir Ingerame Bannerman, possessor of the samyn. llth November, 1505. The saide day, the alderman, balzeis, counsaile, and diuerse of the com- munite gravntit and gaf thar ferding and keping of thair jouelis and or- namentis of thar kirk to Sir Dauy Waus, cheplene, for ale the dais of his lyve, with ale deuyteis and profitis pertening thairto, for the keping of the samyn aucht and wount. 24th November, 1505. The said day, Philp Belman, be his avin toung graunt, was in ane amerciament of the court for the sellinge of ane apill for ane penny, quhar he micht haue sauld thre for ane penny. 76 EXTRACTS FROM THE COUNCIL REGISTER 5th October, 5th October, 1506. The said day, alderman, bailzes, consaill, and communitie, grantit and assignit ale thar gressoumis of thar fischingis and landis to the by ing of led, and thekin of thar queir, and to be disponit apone the kirkwark, to the honor of Sanct Nicholess, thar gloriuss patrone. Wth January, 1507. Eodem die accedens ad barram religiosus vir frater Andreas Storour prior domus fratrum Carmelitarum dicti burgi et protestatus fuit in forma juris pro vno annuo redditu sex solidorum et octo denariorum sibi et dicto loco annuatim debito et a longo tempore non soluto de quadam terra vasta quondam Ranaldi Tailzeour jacente extra portam orientalem dicti burgi ex boreali parte vici eiusdem inter terram Johannis Zongsone ex orientali ex vna et terram domus Sancti Johannis de Torphichin ex occi- dental! et communem viam regiam versus austrum ad quam terram acce- dens nichil reperit distringibile preter terram et lapides quos balliuis in succulo presentauit in curia tanquam primo die huius processus Testibus Thoma Riddaill Thoma Straloche et Normando Lesly sergeando. March, 1507. The saide day, it was ordanit and deliuerit be the alderman and coun- saile present for the tyme, that thar salbe the par torchis, xii prekats, and ii dussan assiss of wax, maid to be deliuerit to the kingis hienes, and wyne be discretioun of the prouest, togidder witht sex lib. of skorgeatis. 1th April, 1507. The saide day it was statut and ordanit be the prouest, balzeis, counsale, and communite present for the tyme, that evere fyrhouse within this burghe sale furnis and sende ane sufficient work seruand, with spaide, schwile, or barrowe, to help to rede the common loche, quhen euere thai be warnit thairto be the officiaris or the hande bele, vnder the pane of viij s. vnfor- gevin. 24th September, 1507. The said day, Thomas Borrow, Inglishman, grauntit him resauit be the handis of Androw Cullane, prouest of the said burghe, four lastis and OF THE BURGH OF ABERDEEN. 77 d. last slamonde, in the name of Bryame Roche, for ten fuder of led, re- 24th Sept. sauit to Sanct Nicholes work, quhilkis iiij lastis and d. war schippit custome free. And the said Thomas, in the name of the said Bryame his master, helde me wele content, and pait, and dischargit, and quietclamit the said prouest, balzeis, consaile, and communite thairof, now and foreuer, befor Hary Stot, skipper. 8^ October, 1507. The said day, it was appointit and accordit, betuixt the prouest, bailzes, and counsall one that ane part, and Richerd Wrycht, anent the mending and reformacioun of the stepill of the tolbutht, in maner and forme as followis : that is to say, the said Richerd sail, God willing, mend and reforme the stepill forsaid ennowe, and vteucht sufficiently and substanciusly in ale thingis as efferis, and thai sail fynd and dilyuer to him ale stuff conuenient thairto within the said tolbooth, and fynd him seruandis to heise his tymmer quhene it is reddy, and it beand sufficiently reformit and mendit, thai sail refund and pay to the said Richerd tene markis, and sail enter to the re- formyng of it incontinent, and thai sail pay to him xl s. at his enteray to the said wark in onwartis. 26th December, 1507. The same day, it was appontit betiux the prouest, bailzeis, and consale one that ane part, and Johne Ferdour, wricht, one that vthir part, in maner, forme, and effect efter following : that is to say, the said Johne sale, God willing, big, oupmak, and finally end and complet the xxxiiij stallis in thar queir, with the spiris and the chanslar dur, and ale vthir thingis according tharto, one his avin expensis, alse substanciusly and honorable as he may, as thai ar begunnyne, and bettir gif he cane, betuix this and the fest of Sanct Petyr, callit Lammes, immediat heirefter following, or at the fest of Sanct Michaell nixt, and immediat tharefter following at the ferrast ; quhilk being completit, and finally endit at the said day, as said is, the prouest, bailzeis, and consale sale content and pay to the said Johnne tua hundretht pundis vsuale money of Scotland, with ane bontay according to thair honor ; and gif he completis nocht the said wark be the said day, thane thay sail content and pay to him the some contenit in the first contrak, and this con- dicioun making nay dirogacioun to the first contrak. To the keping of the 78 EXTRACTS FROM THE COUNCIL REGISTER 26th Dec., quhilkis the said Johnne oblist him be the faitht of his bodie to Gilbert Menzeis, prouest, in the toonis nam ; and ale somes of money that he ressauis sal be allouit in the said some, &c. 9th. October, 1508. Item, it is statut and ordanit be the proues, bailzes, and counsale that the litsteris of this burgh sail wesche all thar clais at the burne passand fra the west end of the loche to the dene burne ; and that nay litstaris, skyn- naris, cordonaris, nor craftismen sail wesche thar stuf in the loche, nor common riuelis of the toune in tyme to cum ; and sail claise thair ventis of thar guttaris cummande fra thar werk house, and sail distry the samyne, and cast nay filcht cumand out of thar werk house in to the loche nor riuelis within xxiiij houris nixt heirefter. 3Qth December, 1508. The grant of the salmond and money to by the led to theik the kirk and tofallis. The said day, the prouost, bailzeis, counsaile, and communite vnder writin, of thar avin fre will and motive, to the plesour of God, decoring of haly kirk, and heile of thar saulis, grantit this salmond and money vnder writtin, to by leid to theik thar body of the kirk and tofallis, &c. : Gilbert Menzheis prouest, iij barrel salmond ; Sir Johne Ruthirfurd, ij barrel sal- mond ; James Colisoun, ij barrel salmond ; Johne of Mar, iij barrel sal- mond ; Thomas Leslie, j barrel salmond ; Patry Leslie, ij barrel salmond ; Duncan Colisone, j barrel salmond ; Thomas Wod, j barrel salmond ; Thomas Waus, j barrel salmond ; Johne Colisone, ij barrel salmond ; Alexander Gray, ane barrel of salmond ; Dauid Steuart, j barrel salmond ; Patry Rede, ane franche crovne ; Williame Futhes, j barrel salmond ; Alex. Malisone, j barrel salmond ; William Porter, j barrel salmond ; Thomas Vatson, v s. : Dauid Kintor, j barrel salmond ; Johne Kintor, vj s. viij d. ; Dauid Errot, x s. : Johne Andersone, d. barrel salmond ; Androue Lousone, vij s. ; Androw Futhes, ij s. ; Johnne of Murray, Tuli- def, x s. ; Johne Murray in vico castri, d. barrel salmond ; Andro Stevin- sone, v s. ; Robert Crag, j barrel salmond, William Murray, x s. ; Dauid Murray, and his fader, j barrel salmond ; Andro Burnat, v s. ; Johne Crak, v s. ; Malcolme Crag, xiiij s. ; Patry Gordoun, v s. ; Johnne Blak, ane OF THE BUKGH OF ABERDEEN. 79 barrel salmond ; William Laysk, v s. ; Gavane Murray, half j barrel of 30th Dec. grilse ; Johne Arthour, j barrel salmond ; Dauid Fynne, xvij s. ; Dauid Straloche, x s. ; Dauid Lame, v s. ; Mathoue Branche, j barrel grilse ; Patry Chernsid, j barrel salmond ; Duncan Fyf, d. barrel salmond, or the vaile of thaim ; Johne Cullan, ij barrel salmond ; Richard Waus, d. barrel salmond ; Duncan Craik, d. barrel salmond ; Thomas Menzeis, d. barrel salmond ; Alex. Nory, vj s. viij d. ; Niniane Blinsele, viij s ; Henry Rede, d. barrel grilse ; Alex. King, iiij s. ; Alex. Bannerman, in Bog Farlour, v s. ; Andro Barkar, x s. ; Alex. Kintor, d. barrel salmond ; Johne Ander- sone junior, v s. ; Duncan Gilrucht, vs.; Johne Quhitcorse, iij s. ; Andro Grig, iij s. ; Johne Litster elder, iij s. ; Thomas Meldrum, ix s. ; Richard Wricht, viij dais laubour ; Robert Moryse, iij s. ; Alex. Roche, v s. ; Johne Meldrum, v s. ; Dauid Bannerman, ij s. ; Alexander Buk, iij s. ; William Blinseile, couper, v s. ; Dauid Couper, v s. ; Johne Brakhauche, iij s. ; Alex. Fraser, iij s. ; Robert Moir, iij s. ; Patry Leslie zongar, v s. ; Johne Watsone, iij s. ; Andro Portar, iij s. ; Johne Wischart, xvi d. ; Johne Slesser, iij s. ; Richerd Redhed, v s. ; Tomas Lammyrtoun, vi s. ; Duncan Waudy, vj s. ; Alex. Mortymer, ij s. ; Johne Froster, v s. ; Johne Lore- mar, v s. : Dauid Treis, ij Inglis grotis ; Alexander Donaldsone, ij s. ; Andro Smyth, iij s. ; Johne Baugerscho, xvi d. : William Watson, iij s. ; Gilbert Litster, x s. ; Andro Edindeocht ij s. ; Robert Joffray, iij s. ; Andro Brabner, v s. ; James Gourlay, x s. ; Androwe Stratoun, xiiij s. ; Alex. Tulideff, iiij s. ; Johne Riche, iiij s. ; Crysty Prat, x s. ; Alexander Home, v s. ; Robert Piper, iiij s. ; Williame Stile, iiij s. ; Robert Red, v s. ; Adam Wer, x s. ; Andro Gordoun, mercatour, iiij s. ; Alexander Brabner, ij s. ; Alexander Moresone, iij s. ; Gilbert Tailzeour, ij s. ; Alexander Tailzeour, iij s. ; Philp of Kelly, v s. ; William King, ij s. ; Syme of Ellone, vj s. viij d. ; Johne Mar in Dyse, iiij s. ; Dauid Crysty, iiij s. ; Johne Brabner, v s. ; Duncan Porter, iiij s. ; Nichol Baxter ; v s. ; Dauid Strath- achin, vij s. ; Thomas Laysk, x s. ; William Cheishame, vij s. ; Johne Ramsay, vij s. ; Johne Wilzongsone, v s. ; Henry Andersone, v s. ; Dauid Andersone, vij B. ; William Rolland, d. barrel salmond ; Andro Litster, xiiij s. ; James Strathachin, v s. ; Robert Hile, x s. ; Johne Crag, x s. ; William Wormet, j barrel grilse ; Thomas Craufurd, x s. ; Dauid Ander- sone, j barrel salmond ; Alexander Blindseile, j barrel of grilse ; George Bisset, j barrel of salmond ; Dauid Mar elder, d. barrel of grilse ; the four 80 EXTRACTS FROM THE COUNCIL REGISTER 30th Dec., officiaris, j barrel salmond ; Johne Fynne, xvj d. ; William Abirdour, x s. ; Johne Fecbat zongar, [ ] ; Patry Arthour, v s. ; Cutberd Johnstone, x s. ; the lard of Wardris, ij barrel of salmond ; Andro Cullan, ij barrel salmond. 28th June, 1509. The saide day, the] provest, bailzeis, counsale, and communite, pre- sentit Master Johne Merschell to the gramar scolis of the saide burghe, vacand be the decess of vmquhile Master Williame Strathachlin, possessour of the samyn, for ale the dais of his liwe, and admittit him to the saide scolis, be gift of ane pair of bedis, with ale comoditeis, fredomes, and profites pertening thairto. 29th August, 1509. The xxix daye of August, the yeir forsaid, it was ordanit and deliuerit be the prouest, bailzeis, and counsel of the saide burgh, present for the tyme, that thair sal be gevin til our soverane lordis hienes, in propine, alsmeikle vynis as it plesis his master of vyne sellar and seruitours to tak til his henes, to giddir witht ane dusane pundis of schorcatis, ane dusane of torchis, ane dusane of prikatis, and tua dusane of syse of vax, quhilk salbe pait of the first and the rediast money thai can to be gottin of the townis. 3d February, 1510. The said day, the provest, bailzeis, counsaile, and communite present for the tyme, ordanit George Bisset, master of the kirk werk, cause the plumbar to pass and ende his werk, and theik the body of thar kirk with leide. 1th June, 1510. The said day, the provest, bailzeis, and counsaile, for honour and vp- hald of Goddis seruice, conducit and feit Sir Johnne Troumbull, sangster, to serue in thair queyr and kirk in all devin seruice, messis, matutinis, evynsangis, and all vder seruice belanging to ane sangstar, for ane yer to cum. And forthir, gif it plesit that said Sir Johne to remain, or thai to plese his seruice, for the quhilkis thai sail caus him be pait yerlie of tene pundis, sa lang as he remanis in thar seruice, quhill thai be of puyschance OF THE BURGH OF ABERDEEN. 81 to mend him his fee, quhilk Sir Johnne sail enter at the fest of Lammes 7th June, nixt herefter to his service, and licence him betuix this and thane, to red him self of vder places, quhar his geir was. And this tene pundis to be vptakin be the said Sir Johnne yeirlie, fra the personis and placis that thai assigne to him. SQth April, 1511. The said day, it was statut and ordanit be the prowest, bailzeis, and counsail for the tyme, for the clenging of the toune agane the quenys cum- ming, that the belman pas throw all the hail toune, and command and chairg all maner of personis, that has ony myddingis apon the forgait befor thair yetts and daioris, to devoid, red, and cleng the sarnyn, betuix this and Sonday, vnder the pane of xl s. vnforgiven of the faltars, and them that reds nocht the saymn. And atour comandit the four officiaris to tak with ilkane of thame twa witnes, and pas throug thair quarteris of the toune, and ger devoid and red the heygait of al swyne crvffis being apon the forget, betuix this and Sonday, vnder the pane of escheting of the swyne of thame that halds the said cruffis, atour the said tyme, and ane amerciament of viii s. vnforgiven. 4th May, 1511. The said day, the prouest, bailzeis, counsaill, and cornmunite of the said burgh, warnit be the handbell and the officiaris oppinly throw the haill townne, gatherit, and circualy inquerit, be Normond of Lesly and Gilbert Prestoun, officiaris, all in one voice, concordand, grantit, and frely con- sentit to ressave oure soverane lady the queyne, als honorablie as ony burgh of Scotland, except Edinburgh allanerlie, and to mak als larg ex- pensis thereapone as the prouest and counsail diuiss, for the honour of the towne and plesour of his gud grace. And for the money to furniss and mak the expensiss hereapone, the haill towne, representande the body of the saymne, grantit, consentit, and ordanit certaine commissaris, that is to say, the prouest, Sir Johnne Rutherfurd, Johnne Colison, Johnne of Mar, James Collisoun, Johnne of Cullan, and Androu Cullane, to set certaine takix, fischeings, and landis of thar commonte for the termes to be thoucht expedient be the said commissaris, for the sowme of ii c lib., under or abuf, as thai think expedient, to prouid the said propin allanerly ; and ordanit 82 EXTRACTS FROM THE COUNCIL REGISTER 4th May. ane comraissioun to be maid to the said commissaris, and selit witht thar commone seill. Alsua thai ordand assedationis to be maid and diuisit be the said commissaris, to the personis takaris of the said landis and watteris, to be selit witht thar commone selis, for the termes that the said com- raissaris happinnis to set the samyn. Apoun the quhilks the prouest askit instrument of me, Sir Johnne Sterueling, notar publict, befor Sir Thomas Bynne, Sir Dauy Leis, Sir Thomas Wricht, and Sir Daily Lyel, and the said commissioun and assedationis to be maid one the seuerast wiss to burges, induellaris of the said burgh. The said day, the provest, bailzeis, counsaill, and communitie, com- mandit and ordanit all pynouris, hafland hors, within this brught, to enter tomorne at the nixt, and clenge the toune of all myddingis, and no labour to be done be tham quhill the toune be clengit, and ordanit the officiaris to warne the said pynouris to enter tharto. 4th January, 1512. The said day, it was statut and ordanit be the prouost, bailzeis, coun- saile, and communite present for the tyme, that, in tyme cumin, na wal- caris duelland within this burgh, fre nor vnfre, hing na claithis apoun the kirk wallis, kirk dykis, nor within the kirkyard, and quha beis conuict thairof sale pay the first tyme, viij s. vnforgevin, the secund tyme, viij s., vnforgevin, and the thrid tyme the clathis to be eschet. And atour, the prouost and bailzeis commandit and ordanit Wilzam Walcar, present for the tyme, to intimat and schaw the samyn to the laif of the craftismen of the towne. 26th February, 1512. The said day, Philp Clerk, belman, be his avine tong graunt, was in amerciament of the court, for passing with the commone hand bell throw the toune, but charge of the prouest and bailzeis, and of the botismene that brocht certane oysteris her to sell, and warnit ale mene that wald by of tham [to] cum, and thai suld [have] j c for iiij d., quhar thai sellit tham for vi d. j c ; for the quhilkis he was ordanit, be the assyse consale of the towne present for the tyme, that the said belman suld syt done one his kneis, and ask the awnaris of the said oysteris forgiwnes, and his crag to be put in the OF THE BURGH OF ABERDEEN. 83 goyf at thar wyle. And gif euere he passe throw the toune in tyme to 26th February, cum in siclik caise, but charge of the prouost and bailzeis, his crag salbe put in the gof, and stand xxiiij houris, and salbe secludit of that office for ale the dais of his ly ve. 18th June, 1512. The said day, the prouest, bailzeis, counsaill, and comraunitie consentit and ordanit that all thar gunnys, cartis of weir, targis, trinschis, fossis, be prouidit, graithit, maid, and furnist for weir to the resisting of our auld ennemeys of Ingland, apone thar expensis, and to tak the rediast of the townis malis to the furnissing of the samyne, and chesit Dauid Stewart, and Johne of Meldrum with him, masteris of the said artailzerie, till oursee the samyne, and maik thaim to be weile furnist in all poyntis as efferis, in all possible haist, and the towne to gif thaim expensis and money to the prouisioun of the samyne. February, 1513. The said day, the provest and counsaile ordanit Andro Fif, bailze, to gathir and ressaue xlij lib. and fourty schillingis, to Johne Innes expensis, to by thair artailzery, of the rediast of thar watter malis of Dee and Done, quhar it may be erast gottin, and to put the said artailzery tocum about to the bavin of Aberdene, togidder with the givne powder, as it beis sene expedient to tham that thai writ to. llth February, 1513. The personis that pait the money to the kyng of thar artulzery to Andro Fyf, baize: In the first, the prouest, xl s. ; Patry Leslie, xl s. ; William Rowan for himself, Marion Ranald, Gelis Allardes, and William Vmfray, liij s. and iiij d. ; Alexander Gray, xxx s. : Johne Blak, xxx s. and iiij d. ; Dauid Fynne for Bessy Setone, xxxiij s. and iiij d. ; Dauid Andersone, xl s. ; William Futhes, xxxiij s. and iiij d. ; Robert of Crag, xxxiij s. iiij d. ; Walter Cullane, xxxiij s. iiij d. ; Charles Stevinsone, xxxiij s. iiij d. ; Johne Arthour, x s. ; Agnes Andersone, xiij s. iiij d. ; Nathon Branche, xxxiij s. iiij d. ; Dauid Mar, xxxiij s. and iiij d. ; Patry Red, xiij s. iiij d. ; Thomas Waus, xxxiij s. iiij d. ; Dauid Arroc for umquhill Bessy Blinsele, xxxiij s. 84 EXTRACTS FROM THE COUNCIL REGISTER 14th February, and iiij d. ; the prouost for Johne Colisone, and Robert Waus, at command of Johne Andersone, Iiij s. and iiij d. ; Master Thomas Chamer for his moder, xxxiij s. iiij d. ; Andro Cullan, xx s. ; Thomas Menzeis, xiij s. and iiij d. ; Richard Waus, xiij s. and iiij d. Summa huius xxxvi lib. xi s. and vi d. Item, of this somme befor writtin gevin to William Loremer, Ivj s. iiij d. 1st March, 1513. The first day of Marche, the yer of Gode, j m v c and xiij yeris, Patry Chernsid deliuerit to Gilbert Menzeis, prouost, in the townis nayme, fiwe lib. of his wattir malys of Done, to by thar artilzery, befor Schir Johne Ruthirfurd, Patry Leslie, Alexr. Gray, Dauid Andersone, and Schir Johne Striueling, notaris publict. 3d March, 1513. The thrid day of March, the yeir of God j m v c and xiij yeiris, Thomas Wod, bailze, deliuerit to lohne Innes, on the name and behalfe of the haile townn, xl s. of his wattir malis of Done, to the bying of thar artailzerie, befor Master Duncan Chamer and Thomas Meldrum. The said day, William Wormet deliuerit to the prouest xx ts s. of his wattir maile, in the townes nayme, to by the artalzery. \1ih March, 1513. The said day, Patrik Lesly, Duncan Colisone, Mathow Branche, Gourane of Murray, and Thomas Watsone, was sourne be the gret bodely aitht to taxt and extent the sowme of iii" pundis Scottis money, to be given the gunner now being feit be the haile towne for the space of vj monethtis, and for the biggin and vpmakin of thar blokhouse for thair artailzerie. And the forsaide sowme to be taxt and extentit throw all the haile townn, and takin vp in continent alse possibile as it may be erast gottin. And the haile towne ordanit and diuisit Alexr. Gray and George Bisset to be keparis of the said money, and deliuer to the samyn to the said gunner, and for the expensis to be maid apon the said blokhouse, be the deuise of the provost and counsaile. OF THE BUKGH OF ABERDEEN. 85 29 th April, 1513. 29th April, The said day, it was ordanit and deliuerit be the prouoist, bailzeis, and eounsale, that Andrew Cullane sail leue als mony ratheris as wilbe scaffald- ing to the tolbutht stepill. 2d August, 1513. The secund day of August, the yer of Gode, j m v c xiij yeris, Androu Cullane, Thomas Waus, George Bysset, Jonhne Andersone, and Dauid Fynne, war chosin be the haile towne, prouost, baillies, eounsale, and com- munite, tile extent and sett the some of xx u scorr of pundis to furnist xx u speris, ilkan speir to vj hors therof, iij ridand mene, and iij hors of ca- ragis, to pas with our souerane lord in his weres in Ingland, for the space of xl dais efter thair cuming to his grace. And the vij day of the said moneth, the buk of the said contribucion was presentit to the haile towne, quhilk was set be the said taxtaris be thar athis. And therefter Walter Cullan and Malcome of Crage, with help of Andro Fyf, bailzie, was chosin and commandit gathir the said mony, to be distrobut yraang the personis chosin for the saide speris. 15th November, 1513. The rest of the money and salmond awand to Sanct Nicholace, and compt thairof takin be the provest and auditouris, of Andro Cullane and Georg Bisset, maisteris of the kirk werk, the xv day of Nouember, the yer of God j v c and xiii yeris. This is the sowmes of money and salmand awand to Sanct Nicholace, of the termes bigane, to the xv day of Nouember, anno quingentesimo decimo tertio of thir personis vnder writin, that is to say, of thame that has pait. The taxt of the justice air tane of Sanct Nicholace. In the first, pait be Thomas Wod, viij pund, to James Colisoun, of the Martimes in anno vndecimo and Witsonday xii Item, be Dauid Kintor v lib. vi s. viij d. Item, be Georg Bisset . . v lib. vj s. viij d. Item, be Patrik Chernsid . . vj lib. xiij s. iij d. Sowme of this is xxv lib. vj s. viij d. Item, pait to Sanct Nicholace werk be Georg Bisset, as Schir Wilzeam M 86 EXTRACTS FROM THE COUNCIL REGISTER 15th Nov.. Couper and Andro Cullannis compt beris, of the yeir of God j m v c and xii yens ..... v lib. vj s. viij d. Item, fra Henry Reid, for vpputting of the weddercok of Sanct Nicholace stepill, as the said compt beris, v lib. Summa huius xi lib. vj s. viij d. Summa totalis soluta xxxv lib. xiii s. iiij d. The rest awand of money to Sanct Nicholace of the water mails of Done and Crovis, be the personis vnder writin : In the first, be the laird of Drum xx lib. Item, be the provest, Gilbert Menzeis . . xx lib. Be Thomas Wod . . . . . xii lib. Be James Colisone . . . xvj lib. xiij s. iiij d. Be Patrik Chernsid . . . . x lib. Be Dauid Kintor ..... viij lib. Be Bessy Blinseile . . . viij lib. vj s. viij d. Alexander Irwyn .... viij lib. vj s. viij d. Maddy Nicholson vj lib. v s. Henry Reid ...... xxv s. Georg Bisset ..... Iiij s. iiij d. Summa huius j c lib. xiij lib. x s. The salmond awand to Sanct Nicholace at the xv day of Nouember anno quingentesimo xiij : Item, Johnne of Cullane aw fif barellis of salmond : thairof he profurnist the gold for gilting of the weddercok. Item, Patrik Reid au . . j barrel of salmond. Dauid Straloche j barrel salmond. Dauid Stewart .... j barrel salmond. lohnne of Mar j barrel salmond. Charles Stevinson . j barrel salmond restis in anno xii and iij barrel salmond in anno xiij Sowme j last of salmond, j barrel of grissillis. Sowme of the money rest awand j c lib. xiij lib. x s. Quhilk restis of money and salmond, the provest, bailzeis, and counsaile, ordanit Andro Fif, bailze, to ressaue and vptak the sammyn incontinent, and to pay the rest of the sowme of money awand to James Wricht, ex- tending to xl lib. of the first thairof; fourty markis to be vptakin to mak OF THE BURGH OF ABERDEEN. 87 the provestis, Schir Johnne Rutherfurdis, and Patry Leslies expensis, that 15th NOV. suld rid to Pertht, to commond with the qwenis grace and the lordis, for the weile of the realme ; and the remanent that restis, the said twa chargis to be taken vp elikwise, and deliuerit to Andrew Cullane and the masteris of the kirk werk. BQth December, 1513. The said day, it was statut and ordanit be the provost, bailzeis, coun- saile, and communite, that quhen thair happinnis ony affray throu fyr or vthir accident, cais that na manere of man cum furtht of thar houssis quhil thai be abilzot in thar best array bodin forweir, quhen thai heir the warning of the common bell. The said day, it was statut and ordanit be the provest, bailzeis, con- saile and communite, that thair sal saile bot ix personis now in thir thre schips now beand reddy to saile, quhilkis sal leif nyne men for thame, weil furnist and bodin as efferis, to lot, scot, waik, and ward for thame, to be ressauit and admittit be the provest and bailzeis. The said day, it was statut and ordanit, that all man duelland within this toune sal pas on Twsday that next cummmis, with the provest and bailzeis, to the linx, to devise thar bastailye and trinchis, and vthir fensabile wais, for defence of the towne, to the resisting of our auld enemyis of Ingland. The said day, it was statut and ordanit be the provest, bailzeis, coun- saill, and communitie, that all outburges sail come and mak personall re- sidence within this burghe, within twenty dais heirefter, vnder the paine of tinsaile of thair fredome ; and that na man duelland within this burgh mak him to remuif furtht of the samyn, vnder the pain of tinsail of his fredome for euer, and for all that he has of the towne. The said day, it was statut be the prouost, balzeis, and counsaile, that ale freman of this burghe be weile bodyn and abilzet for weir in thair personis, ilkan efter thair degre and faculte, ilkan hawand ane speir, ane bow, and ane targe, with vthir defensabile wapins, the speir contening v eln and d., to remane within the towne for the resisting of thar aid inemeis of Ingland ; and ilkan freman that falzies and rernayn nocht personaly within 88 EXTRACTS FROM THE COUNCIL REGISTER 30th Dec., this burghe, sale pay viij s. ilkan day vnforgevin, to furnis vther per- 1513 - SOD13. The said day, it was statut and ordanit, that ale fremen within this burghe sale byg and vpmak thar fossis and bastulry, in xvj fute in lyngtht at the sandeness, and begyn thairto the fift day of Januar, and continew to Candilmes next therafter, to the completing of the samyn, vnder the payn of tynsale of thar fredome, landis, and gudis. January, 1514. The said day, the provest, bailzeis, and counsaile, conducit and feit Schir Johne Murray, sangster, to sing in thar queir and kirk, in messis, matynis, and evinsangis, and vther devin seruices, occurrand within thar kirk, as vtheris the choristaris and singaris dois within the samyne, at all his possibilite. For the quhilkis thai haue assignit to the said Schir Johne and be this present act assignis tene markis vsual money of Scotland, tharof sex markis to be pait to him yerlie of the malis of the fleshous, and fyfti schillingis to be takin vp yerlie be the said Schir Johue fra Garuane of Murray, of his wattir maill of the Crovis, and the remanent thairof, quhilkis extendis to xl d., to be pait to him of the commone puree. Quhilkis Schir Johne thai haue conductit for ane yer, fra the fest of Sanct Nicholace thar patroun precedand the dait herof, at the quhilk fest was the entrais of the said Schir Johnne to thair seruice. And the said yeir be runnyne and compleit, gif it plese the said Schir Johne to remain in thir seruice langer he sal haue the said x markis yerlie, sa lang as he remanis in thair seruice. 24th April, 1514. Thir statutis efter following was maid and diuisit be the provest, bailzeis, counsaile, and communitie, for the reformacioun of certane necassar thingis to be had in thar modir kirk, to the honor and fre loving of God Almyghty, the blissid Virgin, and thar gloriouse patrone Sanct Nicholace, and for the keping of the toune fra strang seiknes, and specialie this contageus pestilence ringand in all partis about this burghe, and for the keping of the townn fra the aid innemeis of Ingland. In the first, in the loving of God Almighti, the blessed Virgin Marie, OF THE BURGH OF ABERDEEN. 89 our glorious patroun Sanct Nicholace, and all sanctis, for the decoring and 24th April, reparacioun to be had in our modir kirk in necissar and neidfull thingis thoucht expedient, and specialie in sang bukis for our queir, chantour, cappis, frontallis, towalis of the hie altar, for clathis, chandelaris of bras, lectronis of bras, westmentis and ornamentis pertening til the hie altar, chalis, mess buk, and all vder necessar thingis to the decoring of the said alter, kirk, and queir : it is diuisit, statut, and ordanit, that thar be takin of all schippis that passis furtht, or is fraucht out of this burgh to Flanderis or Zeland, of euery sek of woll or skinnis sek lik, and of euery last of sal- mond and hidis, tuelf grotis Flanderis money, to be ressauit and vptakin of the merchandis gudes that happinnis to be input and ladnyt in the samyn schippis, and to be deliuerit to ane collectour thoucht expedient be the towne to ressaue the samyn, and reman in his handis, quhilk salbe responsale tharfor, to be furthcumand to by the necessar thingis, thoucht be the haile townn, to decoring of haly kirk, as said is. And in euery charter party that happinis to be maid, that it be specifeit in the charter partie payand, to the collectour that salbe ordand, xii g. to Sanct Nicholace lycht ; and that the skipper of the said schippis, to be frauchit, ressave and vptak the said xii g. with his fraucht, lelely and treulie deliuer it to the said collectour of the gudis being within his schip ; and at his frauchting salbe sworne tharto. And this xii g. Flandris money, to gidder with Sanct Nicholace awin propir gudes, to be takin vp and put in the said collectouris handis for the space of five yeris to cum, fra the dai of the dait hereof. And forthir, induring the marchandis and tounis wil, gif it be vnderstandin be thame, the said gudis cummys to the profit of haly kirk. Item, it is statut and ordanit, fra thir furtht that na burges nor freman be maid for the said space, bot or he be ressauit in fraternite of the gild, sail pay ane Franche croune of wecht to Sanct Nicholace reparacioun of his kirk and queir, and to be input in the said collectouris handis, for the causis befor nemmyt, and of all craftismen and vther simple [ be composicioun to pay ane certane [ ] eftir ther faculte, as salbe aggreit with thame for the tyme. Assua, that na vnfreman be licenc to saile in marchandice to na partis without that he pay to Sanct Nicholace werk, and decoring of his kirk, 90 EXTRACTS FllOM THE COUNCIL EEGISTER J4th April, twa Franche crownis of the weicht, for the space forsaid ; and gif the provest for the tyrae happinis to licenc ony to saile of his auctorite, he sal ansuer for the said tua crownis, and deliuer, or cause to deliuer, the sarayn to the said collectour in firme keping, &c. It is statut and ordanit be the provest, baillies, counsale, and communite of this burgh, that na maner of persone nor personis, frenor vnfre, of quhat- sumeuer degre thai be, of resset nor herbry ony manere of persone cumand furtht of suspect placis quhare this violent and contageous suord of pesti- lence ringis, nor na vder personis vnknavin cumand fra strang placis, with- out licence askit and obtenit fra the provest or bailzeis, vnder the pane of banyssing of the toune for zer and day ; and or the said personis be lattin in, that the host of thar innes quhar thai happin to lug in for the tym, cum and ressaue thame at the portis, quhilk sal stand souerte for thame that thai ar clene, and the toune to be quhit of danger of thame, and that ane of the keparis of the portis of the tym cum and schaw to ane bailze and sic per- sonis of the strangear, or he be lattin in. Item, it is thoucht expedient, statut, and ordanit to vmbeschew the said seknes, that thar be bot thre portis haldin oppin for cuming of strangearis, that is to say, the Skulhill port, the Gallougat port, and the hil port of the Castelgat, and all the laif be closit, and maid vp for ane certane tyme dur- ing the townis will ; at the quhilkis portis, and at euery ane of thaim, salbe tua keparis of sufficient personis with vappinnis according to thame, and that na boyis nor laddis be ressauit to that wache for fensable personis, to resist the incummaris and lurdanis that wald mak ony demand, and quhat personis that sendis sic vnhabill folkis sal pay an vnlaw of viij s. vnforgevin. Alsua it is statut and ordanit, that euery bailze in his quarter cheise cer- tane honest personis and famous efter the quantite of the quarter, and caus the samyn personis to be suorn the gret bodelie aitht, that thai sail lelely and treulie noit and vpgif all resittouris and herbrearis of suspect personis within this burgh, and all vther personis puuerale cumand within this burgh to remain furtht of landward that has nocht to susten one alsoft and how oft as thai happin to cum in, and that the ressauouris of the said personis be banyst the towne yeir and day as said is, and that na sic personis be tholit cumand furtht to landwart or vtheris remane within this burgh. OF THE BURGH OF ABERDEEN. 91 Alsua it is statut and ordanit, that all common wenellis, and oppin yardis 24th April, quhar all personis has passag and common wyse of gangind throucht, within this burgh, in all partis quhar thai ar, be closit incontinent, and the saidis venellis and yardis mad wp, euery porcioaner, or awanar of the samyn, to mak his dikis sufficient, and big thar hed dikkis for the resisting of pas- singeris and scrang pepill, and gif the lard of the ground refuse to big his dikis, that his tennentis big vp the samyn apon the lardis expensis, and to be allouit in thar malis, and gif the tennentis refusis, thai to be vpbiggit apoun the expensis of the land and malis of the samyn, be the bailze or officiaris of that quarter. And that euery bailze of his quarter pass incontinent and cause this statut to be fulfillit within xlviij houris herefter, vnder the pain of viij s. for ane amerciament, and the vpmaking of the samyn ; and that all thir forsaides statutis be oppinlie proclamyt at the merkit corse, that thai may be manifest of the pepill of the toune. Item, it is statut, ordanit, and thoucht expedient be the provest, bailzeis, and counsaile, for the rescheving of this burgh fra danger of our auld ene- meis of Ingland inuadand this burgh be manir of schippis or vderwais, that thar be nychtlie for this somere sessioun, gif neid beis, four personis, abill men, and furnist with vappinnis and geir, wachand, that it is to say, tua of thame at the belhouse, bezond the watter, to await and tak tent gif ony schips cummys apone the cost, quhilk sail haue fyr with thame and bekin and schaw to the toder tua that sail waik apon the castell hill or tharby, and gif thar apperis danger, or the said schips approchis, to mak fyr and ring the bell to that, and that the toder tua may be soueralie aduertist of the samye end, that the tan of thame cum and ring the common bell to walkin the townn for defens. 12th May, 1514. The said day, it was statut and ordanit be the prouest, consaill, and communite of this burgh, for resisting of our auld inemeis of Ingland, that thar be warnyt nychtly aucht able men, furnyst with wapins, to waicht and keip the toun and the cost syid, iiij at Sanct Fethakis, bezond the wattir, and vther four at the Cunnynger hillis ; and at thai haue rady with tham fyr and stuf to mak blaise, to warne thar marowis gif thai sal hapin se ony salis one the cost, ilkane to wther. To the giding of the quhilkis thair salbe warnyt, be the officiar of the quarter, a principall man, quhilk 92 EXTRACTS FROM THE COUNCIL REGISTER 12th May. salbe ane of thir personis vnder writtin, that is to say, in the crukit quarter Duncane Colisone, quhilk sail begin and walk this nycht, William Porter, Alexander Gray, William Schesem, Thome Craufurd, James Colisone, Schir John Ruthirfuird, Alexr. Rudirfurd, William Wormet, and Johne Arthour ; in the evin quarter, lohne Colisone, lohnne Cullen, Androw Cullen, Gawane Murray, Dauid Andersone, Mathow Brancht, Johnne Andersone, Johnne Murray senior, Walter Cullen, Androw Fif, Johnne of Murray zonger, Androw Litstar, Scharlis Stevinsone, and Dauid Kin- tor ; in Futhy quarter, Johne Blak, Johne Kintor, Dauid Fynnie, Patrik Schirnsid, Thome Waus, William Rolland, Gilbert Menzeis, prouest, Johne Mar, and Dauid Steuart ; and in the Grein quarter, Alexander Malisone, Thomas Chamer, Patrik Lesly, George Bisset, Gilbert Litstar, and Androw Stratoun. And ane of the saidis personis that is warnit be the officiar sail nychtlie compeir at aucht houris on the castell hill, with the bailzie and officiar of the quarter, and ryng the bell of the schapell, quhilk sal be callit the waicht bell, and thar sail exeme the said aucht personis warnit to waicht for that nycht gif thai be abill and conuenient thairfoir, and gif thai find ony unable of the said personis thar, thai sail fee ane able man, and gif him for his laubour ane Inglis grot, one thar expenssis that sendis sic unable men for tham. And the said aucht personis to be or- dourit and sytuat be the said principall man, quhilk sal walk with tham in propyr persone. And quha of the said personis that remoffis and passis away fra the said waicht, or the sown rysing, salbe banist the toun for yeir and day. The said day, thar was chosyne, with consent of haile towne, Johnne Mar, Dauid Steuart, and William Wormet, to be masteris of thar artalery, and to gid and keipe thar powder and wayr quarteris. 16th June, 1514. It is statut and ordanit be the prouest, baillies, consaill, and haill bodie of the tounn, that the taxt set for the byggyn of thair blokhouse, cartis, and the gunneris heir, be incontinent pait, and that euery baillie sail pass throucht his quarter to euery persone awand thair taxt that thai stentit to, and requyr paiment thairof. And quha that faillies onpait within xxiiij houris, sail pay, for the ferst tyme, viij s. to the baillies for ane vnlaw ynforgevin ; and for the secund tyme, thai being requyrit, the wnlaw to be OF THE BURGH OF ABERDEEN. 93 doublit ; and for the third tyme, thair gudis to be eschit, and our souerane 16th June, lordis letteris put to execution thairwpoun. 1514 - It is statut and ordanit, that the trinches be roaide sufficientlie, and that every man that hes nocht byggit nor completit, that the samyn be completit betuix this and Wedinsday nixt to cum, and euery man to ansuer to his awin pairt ; and that euery man compeir upoun the linx efter noun, and that the samyn be maid knawn quha hes biggit and quha nocht. llth September, 1515. Statut for the electioun of ix personis to pas to the dukis seruice. The said day, the haile towne, warnit be the hand bell and the officiaris, gatherit, representand the haill town for the tyme, and circualie inquerit, chesit Gilbert Menzis, Johnne Cullan, Andro Cullan, Johne Colisoun, James Colisoun, Thomas Waus, and Wilzeame Wormet, to be suorne the gret aitht to chese nyne personis, fensabill pretty men, to pas and mak the gud seruice, and to be nemmyt and chesin be thame. 26th September, 1515. The said day, it was diuisit and thoucht expedient, for the trespass and offens done be Cristall and Paull, Densmen, be the counsaile, for the breking of the gunnys and cartys of the samyne, that thai sal amende the said cartys and gunnys, and mak thame alse gud as thai war aforr, and sal pay xl s. to the kirk werk and haly blud licht ; and sal cum to morne at ix houris with twa candillis of ij lib. of wax, in thair handis, barhed, and ask the counsaile and gud men of the tounn, in the name of the prouest and haill toune, forgivnes for the strublance of the townn, and offer the said tua candillis to the haly blud licht ; and sail ament Jonet Kintoris star that thai brak with stanys, and ask hir forgevnes for the fait done to hir. And this, for part of the amendis for the fait committit be thaim, and, for the quhilk amendis to be done, the skipper of the Dense schip come souerte be his hand vpbaldin, for the said men. And Halbert Strachan come souerte, be his handes and gudes, for the skipper, that the said men suld mak the said amendis, as said is. 19 th October, 1515. The said day, the provest, baillies, counsale, and comm unite, grantit, N 94 EXTRACTS FROM THE COUNCIL REGISTER 19th October, gef, and assignit the rest of the tax to be takin vp of the ix furnist speiris that passit to the bordouris, at the dukis command, to the reparatioun and biggin of thar common peir and key, and ordand the samyn to be deliuerit to James Colisone and Wilzam Holland, denys of gild. 24th November, 1516. The xxiiij day of Nouember, anno millesimo quingentesimo xvj to , Patry Lesly eldar, maister of the kirk werk, grantit him to haue ressauit fra Johne of Cullane, thre barrellis of salmond, of the five barrellis abefor writin, awing to Saint Nicholace werk. IQth January, 1518. The said day, the toone consentit and ordanit thair masteris of kirkwerk to translat thar [ ] and passag to the rudloft, and big up Sanct Nichell dur, and mak a fair wyndo in that gavill of thar croce kirk. March, 1518. The said day, all the merchandis of this gud toune present for the tyme, varnit be the officiaris to comper within thair tolboutht for the commond weill of merchandeise, and the most part of the samyn being gaderit and conuenit within the said tolboutht, with the prouest, bailzes, and consaill of the samyn, it being considerit and vnderstand be tham that the making of money fremen, brudir of gilde, and the legence gevin to vnfremen to saill with merchandeise, and ws and occupy the fredome of this gud toune, hes greitly hurt and skathit thame and thar priue priuilegis in tyme bygane, and in likwise preuiding and considering the greit vntollerable dampnag quhilk is abill to cum to the samyn to tham and to thar successouris, of thar awne fre will and motiff, all in ane woce, thai being circuler inquirit be the officiar, na maner of persone opponand nor sayand in the contrar, gaif, grantit, and assignit, and be the virtu of this present act gaif, grantit, and assignit, to thar patroune Sanct Nicholes, and to the repairing, biging, and vphaldyne of thar parris kirk in keipis, vestimentis, and vther necessar ornamentis pertening to the samyn, of euery sek passing out off thar fre- doum and port of Aberden to Franche, Flandris, Estland, or ony vther part without this roualme, tua s. grett Flandris money, or the awail thar of in money of the cuntray thai cum to ; for the quhilk the prouest, bailzeis, con- saill, and the most part of the communite being present for the tyme, and OF THE BURGH OF ABERDEEN. 95 representand the body of the haill tovne, has maid statut and ordanit that 18th March, thar be na maner of man maid burges of gilde within the said burgh ex- cept burghs sovnis, or tham that mariis burges douchteris, quhilkis salbe induellaris within the burgh or thai be maid, and find induellare souerties within the said burgh for thar continuell residence, and thai to be maid with the avise of the haill conseill or the most part tharof. And in likvise it is statut be the saidis that nane onfreman nor freman quhilk makis nocht contineuell recidence within the said burgh haue priuileg nor licens to saill thame self nor thar gudis out of the port, nor fredome of this gud toune, for na maner of request [ ] nor revart. And this statut to be ob- seruit and keipit inviolable for all the space of sevyn yeiris immediat folow- ing the dait of this writ ; and gif it sail hapin the gud toune to brek thir statutis maid be thame for the commone weill of the samyn, thane the pro- mese and grant of the said tua s. greit, maid be the marchandis forsaid, to be of nane awaill, force, nor effect, becaus the said grant was maid for the obseruing and keiping of the said statut ; and gif the prouest quhatsumeuer for the tyme makis ony freman, or licenc ony vnfreraan or out duellar to saile as said is, by the awise of the consaill, thane he salbe bund to recom- pense the skath and dampnag dovne to our glorius patroun for the breking of the said statut, as he will ansuer to God, the king, and the good tovnn. 8th October, 1518. The said day, the prouest, bailyeis, and counseill assignit and ordanit to be deliuerit to Schir Johne Cuming, thair chorister and player on thair organis, aucht d. of Sanct Nicholes braid euery Sonday, and euery prin- cipall fest, likas youll, pasche, thair patrounis day, Witsounday, and sick- like ; sextene d. in likwiss, as vss was to be gevin to Sir Androw Cup, his predecessour. llth October, 1518. The saide day, Johnne Brabner promittit to the biging of the port of the Gallowgat ane chaldyr of lyme. Alex. Gray promittit ane vther chaldir of lyme to that samyn effect. 13th December, 1518. The said day, the prouest, bailzeis, and a pairt of the conseill, assignit Schir Johnn Gumming, singar of thair quayr, and playar one thair organis, 96 EXTRACTS FROM THE COUNCIL REGISTER 13th Dec., for his fee, for his gud and lovable service to be done yeirly, of the mail of the croffis fiv merkis ij s. les, and the clerkship of the Castelgat quarter for vther fiv merkis, and four merkis of Shedesley. \lth January, 1519. The said day, the prouest, bailzes, and consaill, with assent and consent of the haill comunite being present for the tyme, representant the body of the haill tovne, all in ane woce, nane gansawand nor opponnen tham, that to for the eking of thair merit, and in honor of God and the glorius matron Sanct Anne, gef, grantit, and assignit, and be this wricht gevis, grantis, and assignis to thar pure ladiis all and haill that pece grene land of tharis Hand on the north syd of thar seikhouse ; of the quhilk, the marchis efter folovis in the letterend of this act ; and that at the instance of ane rycht venerable and worschipfull clerk, Maister Alexander Galloway, persone of Kinkell, quhilk promittit, God willing, to big and vpheid one ane pece of grovnd perteining to the said seikhouse, ane chapell and oratour, in honor of God and the blisset matrone forseid, Sanct Ane ; and the gift, dona- cioun, and patronage of the samyne to remain and abide with the gud toune of Abirdene, and with thar successouris perpetualy in all tyme cuming. And for the mair securite of the samyn, thai ordanit thar commont seill to be affixit to thar said gift, and it to be extendit in the best and souerest fassone, can be maid befor this witnes, Master Thomas Chamer, Sir Johne Waus, Sir Dauid Waus, Dauid Loremar, and all the haill courte. 18th November, 1519. The said day, Johne Alex. Rudirfurd, Willeam Rolland, and Patrik Leslie, baizes of this burgh, for this instant yeir in ane woce gaf, grantit, and assignit the aschatis, vnlayis, and amerciament for this instant yeir to the biging and completing of thar port of the Gallowget, for wile and hon- our of the gud toune. 2Qth October, 1520. The said day, the prouest, bailzeis, and conseill, with consent and assent of the haill raerchandis and brethir of gilt being present for the tyme, warnit personaly be the officiaris, ratifeit, confermit, and approvit the honorable and lowable statut maid be thame the auchtene day of Marche, the yer of God a thousand fiv hundreth and xviij yerisj tuiching the ij s. gret, to be OF THE BUKGH OF ABERDEEN. 97 pait of ilke sek of gudis that sail happine to pass furtht of thar port of 20th October, Abirden to Tranche, Flandris, Danskyne, Denmark, or ony vthir part with- out the reaulme, providing all ways that thar be na freman maid brouchter of gilde during the space of seven yeiris fra the dait of the said statut, ex- cep thai that ar contenit in the samyne, and in likwise that nane vnfreman be lecenc to saill him self nor his gudis for na maner of requist, price, prayar, nor instance during the said space. And givit sail happine the prouest or denuys of gilde to lecenc ony vnfreman himself or his gudis to saill, or to mak ony freman except tham contenit in the said statut, for price, prayar, instance, or requist, thane, and in that kaise, thai bind and oblegis thame be the vertu of this present act and statut, to content, refund, and pay to Sanct Nicholes werk tene pundis greit Flandris money for ilk tyme the said statut beis violet be thame, in all or in part. And attour, gif it sal happene the said merchandis, or ony ane of thame, be thame salf, or be thar factour, to failze in paiment of the said ij s. gret of sek, or of thar gudis corrisponding tharto, tha being requirit be the tovnis factouris for the samyn, thane thai binde and oblegis thame, be the vertu of the said act and statut, to content and pay aucht crovnis Scottis money for ilke pund gret, or xiiij s. for the franke, or according tharto of the money of the cuntray thai pass in. And gif it sail happin ony of the saidis brethir of gilt to gouer- ane ony vnfremanis gudis vnder callour of his aune or ony otheris, thai bind tham in lik wise to content and pay to the effect forsaid tene pundis gret vnforgevin ; and this statut to indure, and to be kepit for sevin yeiris fra the dait forsaid, na maner of acceptioun to be proponit in the contrar ; and quhai that violattis the samyn, in all or in part, to incure the indignacioun of God and our haly patrovne Sanct Nicholes, and pay the soumes abovne writing vnforgevin. Super quibus omnibus et singulis honorabilis Gilbertus Menzeis prepositus euisdem burgi a me notario publico sibi fieri petiit pub- licum instrumentum : acta in pretorio dicti burgi anno die et mense quibus supra indictione octaua pontificatus domini Leonis pape decimi anno septimo Presentibus ibidem venerabilibus et discretis viris magistro Dauid Menzeis presbitro in sacris letteris bachalario ac notario publico magistro Willelmo Philpsone dominis Dauid Wause et Roberto Malisone capellanis ita est Dauid Nicholsone notarius publicus ac scriba curie etc. 13th Januury^ 1521. The said day, Maister Johnne Marschell, maister of the grammer scvyll 98 EXTRACTS FROM THE COUNCIL REGISTER 13th January, of Aberdeen, inquirit be the provest quhome of be had the said scoyll of Abirden. Grantit in iugment, that he had the samyne of the said guyd toun offerand him, reddy to do thame and thair barnys seruice and plesour at his power, and ranuersit his compulsatour of the Curt of Royme in all poyntis, except that it suld be lesum to him to persew the techaris of gramer within the said burgh afor thair iugis ordinar, insafar as he mycht of law. And that the towne kepand to him aid wse and wont, liik as thai dyd to the maister of the samyn in all tymes bigane. 24th March, 1521. And in likwise the haill toun conducit and feit ane Flemyng, callit Henre Deyne, gunner, till clenge, graitht, and decht thair artailzery, and to wse the samyn at thair command gif neid for a monetht, contand xxx days for ilk monetht, for the quhilk tha sail gef the said gunnour five crownis for ilk monetht that he remayns in thair seruice. 1th September, 1521. The said day, the balzeis chargit all and sindry inhabetaris of thar tovne of Futy, in generall and in speciall, that thai nor nan of tham tak one hand to pull, gader, nor away tak nane of the mussillis nor kokillis now begingin to gader one ane now skap at the northt watter, besyd the Cun- ningar hillis, for yeir and day, that the forsaid skap be perfectly growing, vndir the pane of banising the tovne for yeir and day oneforgewin. ISth April, 1522. The said day, the provest, baillies, and counsell, and communite, all in ane voce, chesit thir personis vnderwrittin to sit continuale with thair provest, quhen thay ar requirit be him to awise on the necessar besynes concerning the guyd town, for the defence of the samyn against thair auld ennemies of Ingland, that is to say, Schir Johne Rutherfurd, Andro Cullane, lohne Mar, Johne Collisone, Thomas Menzes, Dauid Andersone, James Collisone, William Rollane, and Patrik Leslie. And gif it beis fundin that thair be sic neidfull bissines that it behuvis the guyd toun to sett or formaile ony of thair takis, other of water or land, thai consent inlikwise that thair be furtht chosyne, of the nomer aboue writtin, foure personis, with thair provest, to sett or formail the said takis, for the com- mont weill of this guyd toun, as thai wul answer afor God, and at thair OF THE BURGH OF ABERDEEN. 99 be a commission maid to thame, to the quhilk thai ordaind thair commont 13th April. seill to be appensit. 1522> 2Stk April, 1522. The said day, thir personis vnder writtin has tayne on thame to furness certane cartis, to the carting of the townis artalzery, that thai may be reddy in tyme of neid, eftir the auld rit and constitutiotm of the guyd town, that is to say, the provest, a cart ; the four baillies, a cart ; Gilbert Menzeis, a cart ; James Collisone and Dauid Andersone, a cart ; Johnne Mar, a cart ; Johnne Blak, George and Gamen Murra, and Johnne Andersone, a cart; Johnne Murray, Alexr. Gray, William Chesolme, and Andro Stra- toun, a cart. And inlikwise the provest and baillies hes chargit thir craftis vnder written, of thair awin consent, to performe and furneiss, as efter follow is : The litstar craft, a cart; the baxster craft, a cart; the flesseris, a cart; the cordinaris, a cart ; the tailzeouris, a cart ; the hammermen, a cart ; walkaris and wobstaris, a cart ; and to mak and performe the samyn within viij dayis, under the peyne of xl s. vnforgevin. The said day, it was statut and ordanit, with consent and assent of the haill bodie of the toun, that quhome it salhappin to be absent fra thair next wapinschawe, to be haldin on Furisday the first day of May next to cum, to be haldin on the Womanhill, at ix houris in the morning, at thai sal pay xl s. vnforgevin ; and quhatsumeuer personis that beis fund in ony borrowit geir the said day, othir jak, splent, knapskaw, or ony other geir, the samyn to be escheit be the provest, and to pay the baillies vnlaw vn- forgevin. May, 1522. The said day, Patrik Leslie, ane of this balzeis of the burght, fand ane bort in the handis of Dauid Heroun, officiar of the samyn, for him self and the rest of his nychtbouris, quhilkis had gudis in ane schip callit [ takin and arrestit in Byrowne. That the gudis now being in Abirdene, quhilkis [wer] inbrocht one ane Hollanderis bodum, allegit to be ane Franch- man price, aucht to remain within the said burght, and to be arrestit to the said merchandis challance, ay and quhill thai get a souer certification of the 100 EXTRACTS FROM THE COUNCIL REGISTER 23d May, lordis quhidder gif the said schip was lauchtfull price or noclit, for and be- cause the saidis marchandice gudis of Abirdene was takin and arrestit in Birown for the said schip and gudis, allegand nocht to be iust price for sindry caussis, quhilk the bailzeis chargit the said officiar to do as he wald ansuer one the executioun of his office. 26*A May, 1522. The said day, Eduart Cokbourne, and Johne Bartoun, procuratour, and Robert Bartoun, comptroller of Scotland, protestit solemply in jugment that quhat skaith the said comptroller and Edwart susteriit throucht the arrest laid one the gudis aboune writin be Patrik Leslie, Johne Chene, Johne Senzeour, and Johne Stevin, said cum apone the said arrestatour, and for remaid of law, tyme, and place. And the said Patrik offerit the said gudis, and the rest maid thar one to be loussit, incontinent thar findand souerty, to do to him and his said complessis that law wald. And the said Edwart fand Gilbert Menzeis of Findoun and William Holland cautionar to do to the said Patrik and his complices that law wald, tuiching the said guidis, and the said Eduart oblegit him to keip tham skathlis thairof. 27th May, 1522. Be it kend till all men be thir present letteris, wss provest, baillies, con- sell, and communite of Abirden ... for ane certane soome of nu- merit money, pait to wss at the making of this writ, to the bigging of oure blokhouse, bying of pouder, and paing of our gunneris feis, and vther siudrie besines the toun hes ado, for the defence of the samin agains our auld ennemeis of Ingland, now being in the sey with ane greit army, as we are souerlie informit, pait to wss be our louit Johnne Senzeon, burgess of the said burgh, for his grissoum and entress siluer, of ane half nettis fisching of the furdis on the watter of Dee, of the quhilk grissovme and entre siluer we hald wss weill content and pait, and quietclamis and dis- chargis the said Johnne, and Jonat Crag his spouse, thair aireis and assignais, and all vtheris quhom it efferis, for wss, our aireis, and succes- souris, for now and for euer. To haue set and to maill lattin, and be the tennour of thir present letteris settis and mail lattis, to the said Johne Senzeon, and Jonat Crag his spouse, and to the langast levar of thame tua, and to the said Johnes aires and assignais, burgessis and in- dullaris the said burgh, all and haill ane half nettis fisching of the furdis OF THE BURGH OF ABERDEEN. 101 on the waiter of Dee,, with all and sindrie pendiculis and pertinentis, use 27th May, and wont ; quhilk half nettis fisching vmquhill Thomas Leitht, burges of the said burgh, had in tak and assidacioun of wss, for the termes of our generall assidatioun, instant for all the termes of fiue yeris of our next generall assidacioun, and forthir for all the termes that it salhappin the samin till indur . . . The entre of the said Johne and Jonat, thair aires and assignais, salbe, God willing, in and to the said halfnettis fisching, vith the pertinence at the vigill of Sanct Andrew, in the yeir of God j m v c twenty and five yeris, quhilk salbe the entre of our next generall asse- datioun, and fra thinfurth to continew in peciable josin and bruikin the samin, for all the termes of the said five yeiris, and forthir during the termes of our next generall assedatioun, be compleit and fullelie runnin . . The said Johne or Jonat, the langest levar of tham tua, his aires or as- signaies, payand to wss, our successouris or factouris, yeirlie, the soume of tua merkis vsual mony of Scotland, at tua termes vsit within burgh, allanarlie for all vthir thingis that may be askit or requirit of the said half nettis fisching, with the pertinence, during the termes of this our present assedatioun. And atour, we the saidis provest, baillies, counsell, and com- munitie, bindis and oblesis wss, our ayres, and successouris, to warrand, keip, and defend, all and haill the said half nettis fisching of the furd, with the pertinence, to the said Johne and Jonat .... In witnes of the quhilk, we haue causit our commond seill to be appensit to this present assedatioun, togidder with the subscriptioun manuel of our commissaris handis, at Aberden, the xxvii day of Maij, the yeir of God j m v c twenty and tua yeris. June, 1522. The said day, Johne Tullideff wes in amerciament of the curt for the cruell strublance of Wat Wod, he beand in the townis seruice, ane of thair wachis for the commond weill of the samyn. And the said Wat quit of all strublance doyne to him, quhairfor the balzeis chargit thair officiaris that thai said tak sourte of him to compeir befor the prouest and baillies on Mononday that nixt cummis till amend to the party, at the command of the saidis provest and baillies. 1th July, 1522. The said day, the haill toun, warnit be the handbell, all in ane voce, o 102 EXTRACTS FROM THE COUNCIL REGISTER 7th July. grantit and consentit that thair suld be ane commond tent and palzeon maide for the lugeing of the nychtbouris of the samyn now in tyme of weir ; and quhat guyd way that the provest and counsall may find for the samin thai assent thairto all in ane voce. IQth July, 1522. The said day, the haill toun, gaderit be thair hand bell, and warnit in speciall be thair officiaris, convenit within the tolbuitht of the samin, re- presentand the body of the toun for the time, all in ane voce, considerand the gret expression and cruell displeasure doyne to thame, in the taking of thar nichtbour, Thomas Chalmour, burgess of the said burgh, vnder silence of nycht, he beand in the kingis seruice, and presoning and withhalding of the samyn be James Forbes of Auchintouill, Maister Wilzeame Forbes, Maister Alexander Strachin, and Johne of Ruthirfurd, with thar complesis, hes diuisit thair nychtbour, Duncan Mar, to pass to the gouernor and lordis of the realme, to impetrat letteris of justice and aggenis the said complaints ; and inlikwyse till labour for ane liscience to the toune and nychtbouris of the samyne, to remayne at hame for defence of the said towne, baitht fra thair auld ennemeis of Ingland and ewill nychtboris of the cuntry. And failzeand at the said Duncan can nocht labour ane liscience to the hail toun, that he will labour to se and find quhat nomer the said toun may furneiss, sua that ane pairt ma remayne at hayme for the defence of the said toun, and ane vthir pairt may be providit to pass at the plesour of the gouernour and lordis of counsell. And thai ordanit Duncane Coli- sone, bailze, to deliuer x merkis of the rediast mony, beand in his handis, to the said Duncan, for his furnessing other of taxt wattir malis, or ony vther mony. And inlikwise the haill toun has maid the said Duncan thair commissar in that part, to compone for any certaine sovme of mony, for thair liscence to remayne at hayme, and ordanit ane commissione to be maid till him thairapone, vnder the commond seill, gif neid be, promittand thame till keip ferme and stable, and to releif the said Duncan of the soomes promittand be him, to the effect aboue writtin. And inlikwise it wes statut and ordanit be the hail toun aboue writtin, all in one voce, na man opponand nor sayand in the contrar, that na nycht- bour within this toun duelland, suld house, harbry, nor resett nayne of the personis aboue writtin, tbameselff, thair horsis, nor thair servandis, nor sail OF THE BURGH OF ABERDEEN. 103 sell nor gif to tharae meit nor drink, noyther for horse nor man, nor haue loth July. vther coramounicatioun with thame of na maner of kind of merchandice, nor with nayne of thair coraplesis quhilks were at the committing of the said cryme. Nor inlikwise with the lard of Abirgeldy, nor his complesis, quhilkis hes maisterfullie spulzeit and away taken the nychtbouris horses furth of the fredome of the said burgh, vnto the tyme that thai haue maid ane sufficient and conding amendis to the guid toun and nichtbouris of the samyn, and at thai be liscence be the provest and counsell of the samyn till haue commounicatioun with the nychtbouris of the samyn, vnder the payne of tynsell of thair fredome within the said burgh, and all other priuileges or proffitis, takis or roomis, that thai haue or may haue within the samyn, and to be deprivit of the samyn incontinent efter thai be con- vikit of the said cryme. And inlikwise it was commandit and chargit Normond Leslie and Dauid Herroun, officiaris, be the bailzies, at command of the provest, counsell, and haill communite, at thai suld pass, forse, and seik John of Rurthirfurd, within the boundis of thair fredome, and gif thai culd nocht apprehend him thairin, that thai suld pass to his lugeing within the said burgh, afor suffi- cient witnessing, and warne him to compeir afor thame on Fredday the xi day of this moneth of July, to heir and see himself declarit to haue tynt his fredome within this burgh, and to haue forfaltit all and sindrie his takis within the samyn. And inlikwise to [be] maid inhable in his persoun to bruik euermair, tak or rovme, within the said fredome, for and because he wes principall takar of Thomas Charner, nychtbour of the samyn, and of the presoning and withhalding of him. The said day, it was statut and ordanit be the haill toun, all in ane voce, that all maner of man within this towne duelland, baith burgessis of gild and vther craftismen, quhilkis his buthis or office houses, that thai remayne commondlie in, that thai haue besid thame, in thair said offise howses, ane sufficient fensable wapyne, sic as ax, halbert, gedward staf, or siclik, for the defence of thair personis, gudes, and commond weill of the said burgh. And at the officiaris pas throw the said burgh, and vise and see gif this statut be fulfyllit ; and quha that failzies heirin to pay viij s. vnforgevin, to be applyit be the prowest and bailies at thair wull, to quhat commond 104 EXTRACTS FROM THE COUNCIL REGISTER loth July, operatioun thai think expedient. And to releif to the provest and baillies incontinent, efter thai heir ony trubill or debait rysing in the said burgh. 15th August, 1522. The xv day of August, and yeir afor writtin, the haill toun gadderit be thair hand bell, and conuenit for the maist pairt for thair commond weill, for the outred of ane somne of money extending to vij lib. Scottis, for ane liscence to be haid to byd at hayme fra this oist now set to conueyne the first day of September on Rosling Muyr. The quhilk personis beand cir- cualie inquerit be the officiar, all in ane voce that wes present for the tyme, accept thir names that efter sail follow, grantit to the paiment of the said sovme, gif that thai culd do na bettyr, and inlikwise consentit and grantit to mak ane commissioun vnder thair commond seill, with power to Johne Mar and Maister Dauid Nicholsone, thair commissaris in that part, to pass to my lord gouernour, and se quhat thai mycht get downe of the said soume, and to compone for the samyn, and als to se quhow lang liscence thai suld haue for the said mony paying, and gif this oist now sturit zeid nocht furhtt to na set fedill, thai to haue thair mony againe, and this with the consent of all thir personis efter following that wes present for the tyme : that is to say, Johne Colisone, provest, Gilbert Menzes, Andro Cullan, James Colasoun, Thomas Chavmer, Robert Moyses, Willzeam Rolland, Dauid Anderson, Alex. Gray, J. Ruthirfurd, Walter Cullan, Johne Cheyne, Mr. Andro Tulidef, Gavuen Murra, Dauid Lambe, Mathew Branche, Johne Arthpur, Wilzeam Chesolme, J. Murra, Andro Craw- fuird, John Murra, Thorn Craufuird, Rechert Vause, Johne Andersoun, Andro Stratoun, Alex. Kintor, Sandy Gray, Nichol Baxster, James Fen- tonn, Adam Weir, Duncan Mar, Johne Kennerty, Andro Andersonn, Wilzeam Abirdoir, Gilbert Litster, Dauid Paip, Johne Mair, Wm. Annan, Andro Lousoun, Wm. Kemp, Andro Gray, Ranald Andersoun, Johne Sevin, Johne Brabner, Robert Cultis, Johne Rethe, Andro Tailzeoir, Johne Ross, Johne Brabray, James Noyne, George Crag, Johne Walkar, Johne Vschir, Wm. King, Sande TulidefF, William Buchan, William Smyth, Wm. Blinseill, Duncan Andersoun, Johne Cristeson, Duncan Bisschop, Johne Leslie, cuper, Dauid Crommy, Sande Anderson, Sande Anderson, saulter, Dauid Brvce, Dauid Mar, James Johnston, Johne Elleiss, Sande Scot, William Mathow, Wm. Gray, riddell, Wm. Wat- OF THE BURGH OF ABERDEEN. 105 soun, Nichol Cussing, Sande Barnys, Sande Barbour, Johne Huntar, 15th August, Adam Valcer, Thorn Breichin, James Pantoun, Sande Nory, Johne Graim, Dauid Bannerman, Wat Craufuird, Andro Tailzeour, Dauid Murra, Johne Blak, Robert Blak, Johne Hay, Johne Andersonn, George Bissat, Robert Wod, Wat Ancroft, Alex. Nicholsoun, Duncan Porter, Androw Craufurd, Johne Murra in the Castelget, Johne Kintor, Sande Andersoun, Sande Tulidef, Wm. Jakis, Symond Flesser, Johne Senzeour, Thorn Blak, Will. Andersoun, Thorn Andersoun, and Thoni Watsoun. And thir ar the names that refused to pay thair part of the said taxt, but said thai wauld pass furtht to the said oist : that is to say, Johne Malisone, Johne Craik, Robert Smyth, Jo, Wilzeamsone, Patrik Wod, and Dauid Criste. And inlikwise the haill toun chesit thir personis efter following to set and extent the said taxt efter thair sawll and conscience : that is to say, Dauid Ander- soun, Walter Cullan, Gawan Murra, Johne Arthour, and Andro Stra- toun. 15th September, 1522. The said day, it was statut and ordanit be the baillies and counsell, present for the tyme, that whatsomever nichtbour disobeit the command menstrallis in the gevin of them thair meit and wagis, as thar fee to thame, efter the forme of the auld lowable wss of this burch, that thai suld pay to the bailleis, unlaw viii sh. unforgevin, and tua shillings to the said men- strallis for thair dais cost ; and gif ther be ony puyr folks at ar not abill till gif thame meit, that thai gif thame ii d. to thair fee and costis. 19M September, 1522. The said day, ane rycht worschipfull clerk, Maister Alex. Galloway, per- son of Kinkell, exponit to the prouest and bailzeis quhow Gelis Monro and his complecis tuk one hand to vphaue the sentrice of the brig to the samyn, quhilk the spat haid brocht dovne incontinent, quhow sovne he mycht gudly, for ane France crovne of gold promest to him be the said persone ; and that, in the said Gelis defalt, the said sentrice ar broking, spylt, and away to the see haid, in gret skayth and damag of that noble wark ; the quhilk skayth extendis to ane hundreth pundis, with the mair ; quhilk conditioun the said Gelis denyit, and the bailzeis assignit Monunday that nixt cumis to the for- said persone to preif his said allegeance, &c. 106 EXTRACTS FROM THE COUNCIL REGISTER 15th January, \5th January, 1523. The saide day, the prouest, bailzeis, and consaill, being present for the tyme, grantit in jugraent that thai haid causit Dauid Andersone, thair raaister of kirkwark and dayne of gild for this instant yeir, to cause be bocht be the saycht of William Cristell, burges of Deip, factour to this gud toun in a pairt, and to the said David of Alex. Nicholsone, and Alex. Andersone, burges of the said gud toun, ane pece of artellery of brass, of xxiiij futt, with fifty irne bowlis, according to the samyn, and ane barrel of powder, to be send hame and anentourit one the tounis awentour ham in the said Dauid schip, callit the Nicholles ; and the said pice of artillery, with the furnesing of the samyn, and the berrell of povder forsaid, to be boucht with the radiest siluer that the said maister of kirkwark had in Deip, that is to say Sanct Nicholes siluer, and quhar it wanttis that thair is nocht of the said siluer to furness the samyn, the said Dauid to cause his said factouris William Crystell to furness the samyn of the said Dauid awne propyr gudis ; for the quhilkis, the saidis prouest, bailzeis, and consaill present for the tyme, in name and behalf of this gud tovne, and for the commont weill of the samyn, bindis and oblegis thame and thair successouris to frie, relief, and discharge the said Dauid of samekle as he debursis of Sanct Nicholes thar patronis money, at the handis of all men havand entres thairto ; and inlikwise to content and thankfully pay to the said Dauid his ayris, or as- signays, the sovme that beis debursit of his awne propyr gudis, to the effect abovne writtin, within xx dayis efter certificatioun cumis ham in Aberdein of the pament and neid of the saminyn. 11th April, 1523. The said day, the provest'and consaill chargit thair officiaris to pass throcht all the said burght, and charge all maner of nychtbouris and fremen of the samyn to pass and repair and mend thair pairt of the bastale, and thai that hes nocht begit to big thair pairt of new, vnder the pane of tinsell of thair fredoum, and that betuix this and the nixt wapinschawingis. October, 1523. The said day, all the toun, warnit be the handbell to convein within the tolbuith of the said burghe, for the commont weill of the saim, and the maist pairt beand convenit for the tyme, and thair it was schavin to thame OF THE BURGH OF ABERDEEN. 107 be ane honorabill man, Johne Collisone, quhow thair provest wes trublit 31st October. and chargit to remayne in Edinburgh for tb.e furnessing of thair carris, horsis, and men, vnder the payne of tynsell lif, land, and guyd ; and at thair wantit ane great pairt of the said carris, horsis, and the laif inlaikit expenssis, the quhilk the said provest behuyid to furnish the hail nomer furtht, and gif thaim expenssis that wantet, to his gret skaitht. Quharfor the said Johne producit in jugraent our souerane lordis letteris, chargand the taxtaris chosyne and suorne afor to convein agane and filfurtht the hail nomer of their carris, horsis, and caus euerilk man that had horsis thair to send sufficient furnessing and expensis to thaim for the releving of thair said provest, vnder the panys contenit in the said letteris. And thairefter the said Johne requirit all the foure baillies to cause the said taxtaris to convein incontinent to the said effect, as they wald ansuer in the execution of their office. And incontinent the bailzeis chargit al the said taxtaris to pass incontinent and mak ane end or thai depairtit, of thair said taxt, certefeand thame, that and ony skaitht come throw the want of the said furnessing, that it suld come on thame, and nocht on the said baillies, in tyme to cum. And the said Johne requirit the said baillies to indorse the said letteris, and deliuer thame him agane, befor witnes, honorable men, Schir Androw Scherar, vicar of Nig ; Mr. Gilbert Straichin ; Schir Dauid Leis ; Schir Johne Buchane ; and Schir Dauid Lorimer, notar public, with vtheris diuerse. 21th November, 1523. The said day, Master Johne Marschel, master of the gramar skull of Abirden, grantit in jugment that he had offendit to his masteris of the towne, and besoucht tham to pardone him, and confessit thaim that he haid the schoull of thame, and suld hald the samyn lik as his predicessouris haid downe in tyme bigane ; and the prouest, in nayme of the haile toune, ressauit him thankfully, permittand to be him a gud master in tyme cuming, he being than a gud seruand, as accordis him to do. 16th March, 1524. The xvi of Marche, anno quo supra, it was thocht expedient be prouest, bailzes, and sa mony of the consaill as was present for the time, because thai war informit that my lord of Aberdeen was nocht to cum afor the sanze, and that thar kirk had stand lang desolet of diuyne service, and this 108 EXTRACTS FROM THE COUNCIL REGISTER 16th March, haly tyme of Pasche quhilk now approchis, to send Thomas Menzeis of Petfoddellis, and with him .thre horse in company, to my said lord of Abirden, to gett a commissioun from him to sum vther bischop to cum and reconseil the said kirk ; and requirit the prouest to mak expensis thar one, and quhat expensis beis maid thar one, to be allowit to the saide prouest in his first comptis, notheles the suspendaris of the said kirk being charply persewit for the said expensis, and the gret iniuris dovne to the said communite, quhow soone -and incontinent it be fund quha was the cause of the said kirkis suspending. 4th April, 1524. The said day, the haill toune, all in ane voce, chesit thir five personis : that is to say, Gilbert Menzes, provest, Schir Johne Ruthyrfurd, Andro Cullane, Johne Collisone, and James Collisone, commissaris to the haill toun, to prouid and considder quhar money sail be gotten to outred and pay my lord Arskyn of his pentioun, and to outred and pay Patre Barroun, of the soume taxt on the said toun for wanting of thair carriagis, for the quhilk soomis our souerane lordis letteris ar direct, quhilkis hes beyne diuerse [tymes] present in jugment, to put the provest, baillies, and in- duellaris of the said guyd toun to the home, gevand to thaim thair powar to set and prolong thar takis quhar they can be fund waikand for the outred of the samyn. And ordanis ane commissioune to be maid to thaim thairupone in the largest forme, chargand the keparis of thar commond seill to seill the samyn in dew forme. The said day, the haill toun, all in one voce, ordanit and commandit the counsell of the samyn, present for the tyme, to pass and modefy the provest and Johne Colisonis expensis maid in their passing to Edinburgh, to enter and manteyne their carriagis, horsis, and futmen, furneist to the last oist. Quhilkis ryply avisit in the counsall house of the samyn, land and ordand xl pundis to be gevin to thair said provestis expensis, and tene pundis to the said Johne Collisonis expensis, quhilk they ordand the commissioneris aboue writin to provyd for. 2Qtk April, 1524. Colinus Comes de Ergyill Dominus Campbell et Lorn etc. Justiciarius supremi domini nostri regis ex parte boreali aque de Forth generaliter OF THE BURGH OF ABERDEEN. 109 constitutes Vicecomiti de Abirdeine et balliuis suis salutem quia indicta- 20th April, menta regia deo duce sunt capienda de tota ballia vestra apud burgum de Aberdene die xi et xii die mensis Mai proxime futura cum continuacione dierura vobis igitur precipimus et mandamus quatenus summoniatis seu summoneri faciatis legittime et coram testibus legalibus sex vel quattuor personas fide dignas et minus suspectas de qualibet parochia qui comperiant coram clerico justicie supremi domini nostri regis uel eius deputatis pluribus aut vno dictis die et loco cum dicta continuatione dierum ad sursum redendi indictamenta regia de personis qui remanserunt ab exercitu regio per eundem dominum gubernatorem ducto apud Saluay in mense Septem- bris anno Domini j m v c xii et ab excersitu regio per eundem domi- num nostrum gubernatorem directo apud Vark in Anglia in mense Octobris anno Domini j m v c xxiij et ad faciendum determinandum id quod in hac parte juris ordo requirit et setis vos vicecomes vel ministri vestri ibidem dictis die et loco cum dicta continuacione dierum babentes vobiscum summonitionis vestri testimonium et hoc preceptum prouideatis etc. pro expensis dictorum clericorum quas vobis imprimis compotis de exitibus justiciarie reddendas faciemus plenarie allocari et hoc nullo modo omittas sub omni pena que competere poterit in hac parte Datum sub sigillo officii justicie domini nostri regis apud Edinburgh vicesimo die mensis Aprilis anno Domini j m v c xxiiij to - I3tk May, 1524. The said day, it was thocht expedient, and commandit and chargit be the prouest and conseill present for the time, that ilk bailze pass throcht his quarter, and cerse and seik all vnlauchtful nychtbouris, and cause all sic be remowit the towne ; inlikwise all begaris excep tham that ar natif borne within this tovne. October, 1524. The said day, the baillies chargit thair officiar to pass and charge all the pynouris that vsis till leid fulze to pass and clenge the kingis get and commond myddingis within the said burgh incontinent or euer thai do ony vthyr labour ; and failzeing thairof, that thai tak thair horse and cartis, and cause the samin be donn on thair awin expensis, and thai to pay the baillies vnlaw, vnforgevin. 110 EXTRACTS FROM THE COUNCIL REGISTER 20th June, 2Qth June, 1525. The said day, the prowest, baillies, counsell, and communite, present for the tyme, consentit to the ewynning of thair Castelhill, and dyking the same about. The said day, the prowest, baillies, counsell, and communite of the said burgh, present for the tyme, consentit and ordanit Wilzeam, bonatmakar, to pass with thair hand bell throicht the toun yerlie, and to haue the samyn in office vnder Dauid Colp, for al the dais of his life, but ony impediment. 21 st July, 1525. The said day, the haill tovne, being warnit be thar hand bell, and pre- sent in the tolbuitht of the samyn, for the mest, and the auld statut maid for the ressayt and luging of strangaris, quhilk is contenit at lenght in thar buk of statuttis, being oppenly red in presens of thame, thai all, in ane woice, ratifeit and apprevit the samyn, and the pannis contenit tharin requirand the prouest and balzeis to put the samyn to dew executioun, as thai wald ansuir to God and to the king thar apone. 14th August, 1525. James, be the grace of God king of Scottis, to our shireff of Aberdene and his deputis, and to our louittis Schyr Jhone Ruderfurd, knycht, and Thomas Menzeis of Petfothellis, oure shireffis in that pairt, coniunctlie and seueralie, specialie constitut, greting : Forsamekill as it is humelie meynit and schewin to ws be ane reuerend fader in God, and our traist consalour, Gawyne bischop of Aberdene, that quhare syndry strangearis and otheris within his diocesy of Aberdene, has bukis of that heretik Luthyr, and favoris his arrorys and fals opinionys incontar oure act of Parliament laitlie maid in our last Parliament : oure will is heirfor, and we charge you straitlie, and commandis that incontinent thir our lettres seyne, ye publise the saide act at all places iieydfull, and tak inquisitione gyf ony persons be fundin within the sayde diocesy of Aberdene that hes sic bukys, or fauoris sic arorys of the sayd Luthyr ; and that ye confisk thair gudis and inbryng the samyn to our wse and profitt, efter the forme of the said act, as ye will ansuer tharapoun : the quhilk to do, we commyt to vow, con- iunctlie and seuerallie, oure full power be thir our lettres, deliuering thame OF THE BUKGH OF ABERDEEN. Ill be yow deulie execut and indorsit agane to the berar. Gewin vnder our 14th August, signet, at Edinburgh the sevint day of August, and of our regnne the xii yeyr. Ex deliberatione dominorura consilii. J. Chepman. In the parlyament haldyne at Edinburgh the xvii day of Julij, the yer of God ane thousand, v c and xxv yeris, the quhilk day it was statut and ordanit that forsamekle as the dampnable opinzeons of herecy ar spred in diuerse contreis be the heretik Luther, and his disciples ; and this realme and leigis hes fermly persistit in the halie faith sen the samyn was first ressauit be thame, and nevir, as yit, admittit ony opinzounes contrar the Christan faith, bot evyr has beyne cleyne of all sic filth and vice, therfor, that na manner of persone strengear, nor other that hapnys to arrife with thair schippys within ony port of this realme, bring with thame ony bukys or verkys of the saide Lutheris, his disciplis or seruandis, desput or rehers his hereseys or opunzeounes, bot gyfe it be to the con- fusione thairof, vndyr the paine of escheting of thair schippis and gudis, and putting of thair personnys in presone. And that this act be publist and proclamit out throw this realme, at all portis and burrowis of the samyn, sa that thai may allege na ignorance thairof. Extractum tie libro actorum parliament! per me Gawinum Episcopum Abirdonensem clericum rotulorum registri ac consilii supremi domini nostri sub meis signo et sub- scriptione manualibus. Id October, 1525. The said day, the prowest, bailies, and counsell, with consent and assent of all the haill communite, thei beand circualie inquirit be the officiaris, na maner of person opponand nor sayand in the contrar, maid, creat, and or- danit rycht honourable men, that is to say, Thomas Menzes of Pitfoddellis, thar prowest for the tyme, Gilbert Menzes of Fyndoun, Sir lohnne Ruther- ford, Andro Cullan, and William Holland, thair verie lauchfull and undoutit commissaris, to set and prolong all and syndrie their fischings and takis, baitht to burgh and to land, now waikind and beand in thair handis, to burges and induellars the said burgh now actuallie, and to nane uthers, and to nae maner of person quhilks wes art or part of the cruell murther, slauchter, mutila- toun, and hurting of their nychtbours, prowest, baillies, and officiaris, maid on thame under silence of nycht, be Alexr. Setoun of Meldrum, lohnne 112 EXTRACTS FROM THE COUNCIL REGISTER 2d October, Leslie of Wardors, Willzeame Leslie of Bognhane, Alexr. Leslie of that ilk, thair sonns and ayris, complecis and pairt takaris, to the nomer of iiii xx speris, or thereby, be solstation of lohnne Collison eldar, and his com- plesces, with power to the saids commissaris to set the said tacks and tisching for five years immediat followand the vigill of Sanct Andrew nixt to cum, and thair commissoun to be maid under thair commund seill to the saids commissaris, in the largest forme, to this effect : Promittand thame and ilk ane of thame to keip firme and staple be the fathis in thair bodeis. Witnes, Mr. lohnne Merschell, Mr. Wm. Meldrum, Mr. Wm. Philpson, and Sir Dauid Lorimar, notar, with utheris and syndrie. The said day, the prowest, bailies, counsell, and communite, ratifeit, ap- prewit, and confermit the statut made be thame the last day of September immediat gangand befor the dait heirof, promittand faithfullie to keip the samyn fernie and stable and inviolat in all tymes cummyng, be the treutht and faitht in thair bodies. 6th October, 1525. The said day, the haill toun, warnit personalie be the officiaris, on the gild curt day, all in ane voce, baitht fre and unfre, obleist thame and ilkane of thame, be the faithis in thair bodeis, euerie ilk man be him self tuechand the haly croce, and inquirit to obserwe and keip lelelie and trwelie all and syndrie the statutis maid at thair command be the prowest and counsell aboune writtin, that is to say, for the reparatioun and upbiging thair portis, wennallis, bak dykes, and for zetts, witht all vther necessar waist placis, throw the quhilk thai may incur ony danger. And sicklik chargand Dauid Andersoun, thair maister of Sanct Nicholace wark, to deliuer all money he hes or ma get perteining to the Patroun, togidder witht stanis, lyme, tymmer, and uthir thing that he hes queir of, to the wpbiging of the said portis, and uthir places necessar. Secundlie, to haue [ ] personis to waitht therto baitht nychtlie, and that to be gottin amangis the haill toun, euerie ilk man his nycht about, and to ring the commond bell quhen thai ar persewit. And atoure to haue the stepill of the tolbuitht and Sanct Nicholace stepill daylie wachit, and to ring the bell quhen thai se ony per- sonis cummand ridand to the toun. Item, to fe tua or thre gunnars for tua or thre monetht, to thair artailzerie, and young and able men, to get culwerings, cors bowis, and hand bowis, and wss schitting witht the samyn, OF THE BURGH OF ABERDEEN. 113 and siclik all that may furneiss to thame mak speris that wantis. And 6th October. atoure to hald wappinschawingis euerie ilk wolk or raonetht tuyss, as the prowest and counsell thinks maist expedient. And sicklik the prowest and his weil awisit counsell to mak billis of complaint to the kingis grace and lordis of counsell, for the cruell slauchteris, mutilatiounis, and hurts doyne atnang thame under silence of nycht, be thair neychbours about, and to mak large expensis on the samyn, and to mak writtings in the best forme thai can to the lordis and men of gud in the cuntra bout thaim, to sey and feill thair minds to thaim and se quhome in thai ma lippin in. Thirdly, that na maner of person within this toun dwelland ressat or lugis ony maner of personis without the prowest lischence ; and quhat sumeuer personis that beis suspekit to have ony suspek person within thaim, to have thair zettis and douris reddy oppin to the prowest and bailies to exerss the samyn and sic like, to keip the counsell of this guid toun, and warne otheris of otheris skaitht, and to be leill trew ilk ane to otheris, and riss with thair prowest at all tyme, for the defence of thaim self and guid toun, under the painis contanit in the said statituts, quhilk is contanit in thair books of statuts at mair lynth, in all and sindrie the pontis and artikillis forsaid, and this statut maid be all thair consents, and hes band and oblest thaim to obserue and keip the samyn, under all payne and chargis contanit thairin, befor thair witnes, honorable men, Alexr. Stratoun of Lowrastown, Gilbert Myddel- town of that ilk, George Gordoun in Byrnes, Andro Stratoun of Wagy, James Ogilvy of Mathers, Mr. Win. Cheyne, and Sir Wm. Cup. The said day, the prowest, baillies, counsell, and comm unite, all in ane voce, chargit Dauid Andersoun, maister of Sanct Nicholace wark, to de- liuer all mony, tymmir, stanis, lyme, and all other thing necessar perteining to the Patroun quhilk he hes quarof, and that to the reparatoun and upbig- ing of thair portis, and all necessar things within the toun for thair defence, offerin thame to keip him skaithles at al tyme ; on the quhilk the said Dauid tuik instrument, that he wes chargit be the haill toun to deliuer the samyn, and that it suld nocht turne him nor his ayris till na preiudice in tymes cumming befor the forsaid witnes, and Maister Coppin Scheres, and Sir Dauid Lorimer, notaris public. The said day, the haill toun hes continuit the said Dauid Andersoun to ramayne maister of Sanct Nicholace wark for this nixt year, and denis of 114 EXTRACTS FROM THE COUNCIL REGISTER eth October, gild, fless pilsars, and other office that wes the last year to be continewit thair in this year into cum, and to be leill and trew thairto aifter the te- nour of thair aitht. The said day, Dauid Andersoun, maister of Sanct Nicholace wark, re- quir the prowest and counsell to sit down and resaue his comp of Sanct Nicholace wark of the five yeris bigane, protestand that gif thai did nocht, that he wes quit of the clame thairof in tyme cumming, and that thai suld haue na thingis to say to him nor his barnis anence the samyn in tymes cumming ; and that becauss he had requirit thaim oft and diuerss tymes therto And the haill toun chesit the personis wnderurit- ting to sit doun incontinent and ressaue his compt and dischargis him therof : that is to say, the prowest, Gilbert Menzes, Andro Cullan, Alex. Gray, George Bissat, Wilzeum Holland, and Johnne Blak ; the quhilk personis wes suorne into inquerit to the samyn. 2lst March, 1526. The said day, the haill tovnn, varnit be the handbell, and be the offi- ciaris of the same, conuenit for the maist pairt in the tolbuith of the same, representand the body of the tovne for the tyme, all in ane voce com- mandit and chargit the prouest and consall to cloise the tovnn, and bred the portis of the same, and oupmak all wydis and waistis, to gar grant thair artailzere and gunnaris to the same, one the tovnis expensis ; to set wechis baith within the tovne and without, to dellut thame fra thair ennemyes ; and ordand the rediest of the tovnes gudis to be exponit one the same. 16th April, 1526. The said day, the haill tovnn, beand oppinlie warnit be the handbell, passand throw all the toun, and circualie warnit be the officiaris, for the maist pairt all, in ane voce, consentit, ratefeit, and apprevit and ordanit the prowest and counsell of the said toun, or the maist pairt therof, to prowyd for ane honest propyne to oure souerane lord the kingis grace, now to his first commyng to this guyd toun. And to the lords and nobillis of his counsell, and for all other necessaris, according to the honour of the guyd toun, and to provid for expensiss thairof of the radiest of the townis gudis, that the guyd nayme and honour of this guyd toune, wone be ther noble progenitors, decad nocht in thair tyme. OF THE BURGH OF ABERDEEN. 115 The said day, it is diuyisit and thocht expedient be the prowest, baillies, 16th April, and counsell of this guyd toun, that thar be propynit to the kingis grace, now at his first intress, in the first, sax potionis of wyne, or the awall of the samyn, in stark mychty wynes and small wynnis. Item, sax stayne of wax, xxxiiii lib. of scorcheatis, tua sed mettis, foure chaldyr of collis. Item, to the lordis of consale ; inprimis to the justice, ane potioun of wyne ; item, to my lord chancellar, ane potioun of wyne ; to my lord of Anguss, ane potioun of wyne ; and [ ] all wther in smallis, ane potioun of wyne. 13th January, 1527. The said day, the haill townn beand gaderit and conuenit within the tolbuith for the maist part, the prouest exponit and schew to thame quhow that the kingis grace with his lordis of counsaill ar to cum incontinent to this guid townn, to the haldin of ane justice ay re. Quhairfor he chargit all and sundry the nychtbours of the said guid townn, that nayne of tham satt thair luggenis and husis to na maner of man quhill the kingis suriouris cum, that the townn may knaw quhat lordis and men of guid cumis with him, and thairefter the luggenis and innis ma be sett to tham, be the awiss of the prowest and consall, to ilk man efter his awin estat. And alsuay chargit the stabillaris that thai graitht thair stabillis in the honestest fasaun thai can ; and that thai haue corne and fodder to sell to furniss the said stabillis sa mony horss as thai will ressaue. And in likwiss he chargit the baxteris, flescharis, and brostaris to furneiss and decoir the said tovnn, ilk ane for thair awin craft, as wald ansuer to the guid tounn thairin ; and gif thai war negligent in ony thing, thai suld nocht say that it was his fait, becaus he warnit thame in dew tyme, one the whilk he desirit instruments witness, Andro Cullane, Thomas Menzeis, lohne Collisone elder, Maister Andro Tulidef, and Alexander Rutherfuird, with wtheris, duerss and sundry, acta in pretorio. \%th February, 1527. Apud Abirdene xii Februarii anno 1527. The quhilk day, in presens of our souerane lordis justice, and componitouris Willeame Leslie of Buch- quhane, and Jhone Leslie of Wardens, obleist thame conjunctlie and seue- ralie to our souerane lordis the kingis grace for thame selfis, thair kyne frendis, men tenentis, seruandis, adherentis, and part-takaris, and all that 116 EXTRACTS FROM THE COUNCIL REGISTER 12th February, thai may lat, that thai nor nane of thame sail nocht molest, wex, inquiett, nor trouble the prouest, bailzeis, counsaill, communite, and inhabitaris the burgh of Abirden, or ony ane of thame, ony manner of way in tyme cum- ming in thair personis, landis, or gudis, utherwais than law will, vnder the pane of twa thousand pundis, to be aplyit to our souerane lordis use ; and gif it sal happen ony of the forsaid lairdis of Buchquhane and Warderis, thair kyne frendis, men seruandis, adherentis, and pairt-takaris, to mak ony truble or molestatioun to ony of the inhabitaris of the said burgh, ether within the samyn or outwith, the saidis lairdis of Buchquhane and War- deris deliuerand the persone or personis makand the said brak or truble to the prouest or bailleis of the said burgh, to the effect that justice may be done one tham, sail nocht incur the panis forsaidis. Extractum de libro adjor- nalis S.D.N. regis per me Nicolaum Craufurd de Oxen gangis clericum justiciarie ejusdem generalem sub meis signo et subscriptione manualibus. [On the same day, a similar obligation was come under by John Lord Forbes.] 1st April, 1527. The said day, the haill tovne, bayth marchandis and craftismen, beand in the tolbuith, for the maist part consent and ordinit that the prouest and consall sett dovne and avisit with my lord of Aberdenis petitioun anent the intermeling with the brig, and gaif ane sufficient ansuere to him of the same, except Johne Anderson elder, quhilk said he wad nocht mell with sik materis. The said day, the haill tovne, all in ane voce, thankit gretly thar lord and bischop of Aberden for the gret plesour and proffeit done to thame in the biging of the brig of Dee, and of the gret offeris promittit to tham be his lordschip, for the vphald of the samyn, and ressauit glaidly the saidis offeret, and promest to ane rycht worschipful clerk, Maister Alexander Hay, parsone of Turref, and commissar generall to the said lord, to awise with the said offeris to thar lawday efter Pesche, and then to give a finell ansuir to the said lord. 30th April, 1527. The said day, the prowest, bailzeis, consall, and communite ordanit that OF THE BURGH OF ABERDEEN. 117 the Lord of Bonnaccord and his fallow be ansuerit of x merks of the fyrst 30th April, fremen that hapynnis to be frathinfurht, becauss it is the auld wes, and hes 1527 - bene usit a lang tyme of befor within this guid toune. 8tk May, 1527. The said day, it was sufficientlie provin afor the baillies and a pairt of counsall, present for the tyme, be famouss diuerss witnes, that the Egip- tiens tuk out of Thomas Watsouns houss tua siluer spounis, Hand in the locker of ane schryne, quhilkis contenit ilk ane a wnce of siluer, quhairfor thai chargit Eken Jaks, maister of the said Egiptiens, to deliuer the said spovniss agane, or thane thair awaill, within xxiiii houris, becauss he an- suerit and come guid for his cumpany in jugement ; and as to the money the said Thomas allagit tane away be thame, the bailzeis continewit the same, quhilk thai got na witnes to preif mair cleirlie. And atoure, John Watsoun, and his mother and serwand, was maid quit of all strublance of the said Egiptiens, and that was gevin for dovin. 3d June, 1527. This is the ansuer of the tovnn of Abirden gevin to my lord of Abirdene anent the brig of Dee. My lord, we your seruandis, prouest, bailzeis, consull, and comunite of Abirdene, hes ressauit your l[ordschipis] guid mynd, exponit to vs be your commissar, Maister Alexander Hay, persoun of Turref, tuching of your l[ordschipis] brig of Dee, fundit, biget, and endit one your grit, hie, and exorbitand expensis, for the perpetuall commond weill of the cuntra and of ws ; of the quhilkis guid deid and mynd God eternall revard yow, for we ma nocht ; and quhar your lordschip desiris ws and our successouris to be bundin to the ouphaldin of the said brig, it beand completit one your ex- pensis, in the maist souer wise cane be devisit be wismen and men of craft in all thingis necessaris ; and at your lordschip will infeft ws and our suc- cessouris in your landis of Ardlar, to be haldin of yow and your succes- souris in few, we ar hartlie contentit of the same, makand ws souer thairof be the pape, the prince, your chartour, and all wther handis necessar, for we desyir na inconuenient, bot to be maid souer ; quhilk we vnderstand is your l[ordschipis] guid mynd. Nochtwithstanding, gif your l[ordschip] may eislie infeft ws in ony of your landis Hand mair evnse to ws, or interchange the saidis landis with wtheris haiffand landis Hand mair ewnse to ws, lik as Q 118 EXTRACTS FROM THE COUNCIL REGISTER 3d June, Rudrestoun, or ony vther sik lik, it var profetable for the conseruacioun of your said l[ordschipis] vark, and plesand, and ewnse ; quhilk we refer haill to your l[ordschipis] plesour, besaikand yow to labour the same gif ye ma guidlie. And atour, we considerand the mony guid turnis done be your l[ordschip] within your diocy to your cathedral and vther places, and wn- derstanden at your l[ordschip] hes na kyrk within your diocy appropriat to your mitar except our mother kyrk, we vald exort your l[ordship] to help to sum notable turne to be done thairto ; to the quhilk we sail put our handis in the largeist forme be the sycht of your l[ordschip], that sum remembrance ma reman thairin of yow, lik as is of mony of your reuerend predecessouris, Bischop Thomas Spens, and Bischop Wm. Elphinstoun. In this cause, and all wtheris, referrand ws to your l[ordschipis] plesour, to the quhilkis we ar gritlie indettit, as knowis the grit God eternall, quhome mot conserue your l[ordschip] in sawill and body at your noble desyir. Your l[ordschipis] seruandis, Prouest, bailzeis, consail, and comunite of your burght of Abirdene. The said day, the prouest, bailzeis, consaill, and communitie of Abirden, being present in the tovnn for the tyme, personalie varnit be thair officeris for the naaist pairt, and generalie be thair hand bell opynlie passand thro all the rewis of the said burght, quhilk was sufficientlie provin in iugment, and thai being conuenit within the tolbuith of the samyn, for the maist part re- presentand the haill body of the tovne for the tyme, all in ane voce, thai beand circulie inquirit be Dauid Andersoun, ane of the bailzeis of this burght, except the persounis of the quhilkis, the namis sail follow efteruart, consentit and assentit to indenter with my lord of Abirdene for the keping, ouphaldin, and conseruacioun of his brig of Dee for thame and thair suc- cessouris, sa lang as thai and thair successouris brukis, or ma bruik, peciablie the landis of Ardlar, gevin and assignit to thame be his lordschip; and gif the said land beis ouptenit fra thame or thair successouris, of law and res- soun, that thai sail be na langer indettit to the ouphaldin of the said brig bot of thair guid will and beneuolence, and with this conditioun that the mony and proffeit of the said land be put in ferme keping, to the effect of the oup- haldin of the said brig, and nocht to be exponit in vothir vssis, and at thair be iij keyis of the samyn, the chaptour of Auld Aberdene to haue the tane in keiping, the prouest and guid toun the tother, and ane of the principal! s dekynnis of the craftis of Abirdene the thrid, and this band to be maid in OF THE BURGH OF ABERDEEN. 119 the souerest forme to the effect within writtin. Thir ar the narais of thame 3d June. that dissentit to the making of this band : Alex. Ruthirfuird, Jhone Blak, Jhone Andersoun, Jhone Craik, Georg Bissat yovnger, Jhone Crau- furd, Jhone Ratray, Androv Cosin, Androv Smang, Daue Bruce, Jhone Breching, and Sanderis Gray youngar. The said day, Gilbert Menzeis desirit instrument that the haill tovnn assentit to my Lord Abirdenis band tuching his brig of Dee, except the persounis aboun writin, in the consenting to the same. And Alex. Ruthyr- furd and Jhone Ratray desirit instrumentis that tha and certane wtheris dissentit to the said band. Witnes, the haill court. 8th November, 1527. The said day, the provest, bailzeis, consaill, and communite of Abirden, beand present in the tovnn for the tyme, personaliter varnit be the officeris, and generaly be the hand bell passand throw all the rewis of the said brught, quhilk vas sufficientlie provin in iugment, conuenit within the tolbuith of the same, for the maist part representand the haill body of the tovnn, all in ane voce, thai beand circulye inquirit be that somera officiar, consent yit as abefor to bind thame, thair ayres and successouris, for the keiping, ouphald- ing, and conseruacioun of the brig of Dee, bigit be ane reuerend father in God, Gavane Bischop of Aberdene, salang as thai and thar successouris bruikis, or may bruik, peciabilly the landis of Ardlar, gevin and assignit to thame be his l[ordschip] for the ouphald of the said brig ; and gif the sadis landis beis ouptenit fra thame be the law, that this band salbe of nayn availl frathinfurth, and thai sail nocht be indettit langar to ouphald the same. llth October, 1527. The said day, all thir personis vnder writin, of thair awin fre motiwe, will, one coakit or compellit be ony maner of persone, gaif, grantit, and promest the sovmis of money efter following, ilk man for ilk self, to the fur- nessing and bying of tua haill standis of clayth of gold : that is to say, tua chesopis, four tunnekillis, with vther small thingis efferand thairto, to the tua capis of claith thai haue gottin and bocht ellis, to the decoracioun and honoring of God, our lady, and thair gloriuss patrovn Sanct Nicholas, and all diwyne seruice within thair paireis kyrk : that is to say, in the first, Gil- bert Menzeis, provest, tua lib. grit ; Andro Cullan, ane lib. grit ; Thomas Menzeis, ane lib. grit ; William Rolland, ane lib. grit ; Dauide Andersoun, 120 EXTRACTS FROM THE COUNCIL REGISTER nth October, ane lib. grit ; Duncane Mar, v s. grit ; Duncane Collisoun, v s. grit ; Georg Bisset elder, ane lib. grit ; Alexander Ruthirfurd, v s. grit ; Jhone Col- lisoun yovngar, v s. grit ; Jhone Collisoun elder, ane barrell of grylse, &c. October, 1527. The said day, the maister of the grammar schuill exponit to the town that thair grammar schuill was decaden and abill to fall down. And ther- efter the provest, bailzeis, consail, and communitie, commandit and chargit thair maister of kyrk wark to big and mend the same one the tovnnis ex- pensis, and that incontinent. December, 1527. The said day, it was devisit and thocht expedient be the provost, bailzeis, and consail of this guid town, that thar be takin ii tovnis of the best of the new wynnis, and put in ane sellar be thame self, to propin the kingis grace at his fyrst cumming to this burcht, and the laif of the lordis of his consaill, as for wax and wyn geir according thairto, tha continow quhill thai be forthyr avisit quhat sail be done- in all sic thingis tuiching the saidis propinis. The said day, the consaill ordinit that the provest suld pay the Lord Forbes his tovnn of wyne of this new wyn laitlie cummin, whilk tovnn thai promest yeirlie to him afore for the keping of the radis of salmont fische of Dee and Done within his bovndis, and that incontinent, and chargit the said provest to tak samekle of the readiest of thair commond gudis as wald set up the same agane. February, 1528. The said day, it was statut and ordinit be the haill counsaill present for the tyme, that gif Wille Lorimar, George Saidlar, Robert Cochrane, or ony wthir craftismen, beis fuddin gangand one the gait fra tene howris at ewin furth without lauchtfull besyness and erandis considerit to be resson- able to the counsaill, and beis conuiket thairof, to be bannest the townn one the morne for yeir and day, and that was gewin for dowme. 6tk June, 1528. The said day, the bailzeis commandit and chargit all and sindrie the huk- staris within this burgh t, presentlie in iugment, that nayne of tham tak one OF THE BURGH OF ABERDEEN. 121 hand to by butter, cheis, nor eggis, quhill it be present to the merkat, nor 6th June, yit in the merkat quhill a xi owns afore noone, wnder the pane of escheet- ing of the samyn efter thai haue bocht it. And chargit all thair officiaris to wait on tham and the merkat frathinfurth, for the samyn effect, and gif tha se ony of tham brak ony of the thingis aboun writin, to tak it fra thatne incontinent that tha by, and dispone the tane half to the puir folkis, and the tother half to thame self for thair laueris. 3d August, 1528. The said day, the prouest, bailzeis, and counsaill gaif, grantit, and as- signit to thair lovits, Jhone Ratray and Gilbert Malisoun, thair Abbatis, out of ressoun of this instant year for thair feis, the nyxt twa fremen that hapins to be maid and desirit be thame. 5th September, 1528. The said day, the personis aboun writin consentit to propin Maister Hector Boyis to his maister ack in theologie, with ane townn of wyne, gif he will bid quhill new wynnis cum hayme, or thane with tuenty lib. Scottis, to help to by him bonatis, quhilk of thame he thinkis maist expedient, at his awin plesour. And the said counsail to conuein this day efter nowne, in the prowest innis, to se and devise quhar this mony salbe esiast gottin. 9tk September, 1528. The said day, all the quhit fischaris, in ane consent, beand warnit to this day and conwenit for the maist part, consentit to gif to thair chaplane and ortour, Schir Alexr. Rossell, baith maisteris, skiparis, and seruandis of euery lyne, xii d. in the yeir, to be pait to him at tua termis, Witsonday and Mertimes, in wyntar, be ewinlie percionis. And the skiparis and maisters to ansuer the said Schir Alexr. of the said xii d. of euery lyne, for himself and the seruandis that ar in the houiss with thame, and for the wthir seruandis that ar in thair awin houiss be thame self to ansuer and pay the same thair self to the said Schir Alexr. For the quhilkis the said Sir Alexr. sail do dywine seruice wse and wont within the said kyrk of Sanct Clement, that is to say, tua messis euery owik, ane one Sonday, and ane one the Friday, lik as his antecessouris hes done in tymis bigane. 10th January, 1529. The saide day, the hale toyne being convenit in the tolbuith one thair 122 EXTRACTS FROM THE COUNCIL REGISTER loth January, Jigjd court, consentit and grantit, all in ane voce, to the seilling of Maister Johne Bissatis pensioun of ten merkis, gevin to him be the said tovn, for the weill of thair grammar skuill and thair barnis, lik as is contenit in thair band maid to him one the said pencione at lynth ; and ordanit the keiparis of thair commone seill to seill the samyn band, in the best sort, with the tovnis commond seill, on the quhilk the said Maister lohne tuik instru- ment. Vitnes, Andro Wod, Robert Wood, Gilbert Tulidef, Schir Dauid Lorimar, and Maister Johne Nicholsoun, notar publick, with wtheris diuerse. 25th February, 1529. The said day, Jhone Ratray promest in iugment to cause warkmen enter to the Castell hill one Monnonday nyxt cumis, to grayth and dyik the samyn, the tovnn furstand him expensis to do the samyn, and Maister Androv Tulidef promest him xx s. of vnlawis to do the samyn. 1th May, 1529. The saide day, the haill townn being convenit within the tolbuith, for the maist part be thair hand bell passand throw all the rowis of the toune, for certane actionis concerning thair commond weill, and tha being circularie inquirit be Duncane Mar, bailze, consentit and grantit, ilk man for thame self, and alse all in ane voce, to gif Maister Johne Bissat, maister of the grammar skuill, yeirlie and termelie, at tua termis in the yeir, be ewinlie porcionis, the sowme of tene lib. Scottis, to help to pay his burd aye and quhill tha prowid him ane benefice, peccable, of tene merkis Scottis, for all the dais of his liwe, for the rewill and gydin of thair skuill, teching of thara, because now thair said skuill is desert and destitut of barnis, and wilbe ane lang tyme or it cum to perfectioun, that he ma get mekle proffeit thairof, and ordinit thair band to be maid to hym thair- one in the maist sour wise, in the prowest, balzeis, counsall, and com- muniteis behaffis, wnder thair secreit seill, hawand the strynth of thair commond seill. 1th June, 1529. The samyn day, considering the hawy murmour one the belrnan be the landuart men, it is thocht expedient and ordinit be the counsaill, that Dauid Colp be warnit agane Furisday afor the counsaill, and at tbair be ane mesour of irine maid to the belman, to tak his dwitie of the landuart men OF THE BURGH OF ABERDEEN. 123 of quantitie, as beis thocht expedient be the said counsaill, and he to tak 7th June, na mair of thame than the said mesour. 20*A July, 1529. The said day, the haill toun, present for the tyme, grantit and consentit, all in ane voce, to the walling of thair toun, and ordinit that thair said be four raarchandis of euery quartar, togidder with the dekynnis of the craft of the said quartaris, quhilkis said pass this efternovne with the prouest and ane venerable clerk, Maister Alex. Gallaway, persoun of Kynkell, to pass and vesy the circumstance of the said toun, and devise quhar it mycht be maist speidfull and esy to begyne to fowse and waw the said towne, and to de- vise maisteris of wark bursouris, and quhar mony and furnesing mycht be gottin to the same. Thir ar the namis of the merchandis ordanit to pas as said is : in the ewin quartar, Jhone Collisoun, Androw Cullan, Thomas Menzes, Patre Leslie, with Dauid Andersoun, bailzie ; in the cruikit quar- tar, Duncan Collisoune, Alex. Rutherfurd, Jhone Arthour, and Robert Cultis, with Duncane Mar, bailze ; in the Grene quarter, Jhone Ruthyr- furd, Mathow Branche, Alex. Gray, and Georg Bissait, with Patrik For- bes, oailze ; in the Futy quarter, Maister Androw Tulideff, Jhone Rattray, Jhone Malisoun, and Thomas Waus, with Willeam Rolland, bailze of the same. And that efter novne the said personis, for the mast part, passit, vesyit, and considerit the ourgangand boundis of the said toun, and thair efter con- venit in the provestis, and all in ane voce, except Androw Cullan, thocht expedient and uecessar to begyne incontinent to the wawing of the same, and thocht expedient that the vicar of Nigg and Schir Willeame Couper said be bursouris to ressaue and deliuer the mony to the effect forsaid, and that Thomas Menzeis and Maister Androw Tulideff, with thair guid wil- laris thay wald cheise to assist to thame, suld be maisteris of wark for thir tua moneth of August and September nyxt to cum, with the awyse and counsaill of the forsaid persoun of Kynkell, as principall directour and grydar thairof. 23d July, 1529. The said day, the provest, bailzeis, consaill, and communite, present for the tyme, al in ane wouce, except thir personis, Patrick Leslie, Johne Blak, 124 EXTRACTS FROM THE COUNCIL REGISTER SM July, Thome Blak, Jhone Chamer, Johne Andersone, Richert Waus, Andro Craufurd elder, Gilbert Hay, and Georg Crag, assentit and consentit that thair comment seill suld be affixit to the band and procuratory diuisit be the persone of Kinkell, for the wawing and fowsane of this towne, and ratifeit and apprevit the procuratouris, masteris of wark, and thresaureris schoschin to that effect, quhilkis accept and tak one thame the said office, proviand all ways that the saidis procuratouris and masteris of wark haue na powar to taxt the nychtbouris of the towne forthir thane thir plesour, to the effect forsaid. 21th July, 1529. It is statut alikwyse, that na maner of nychtbour, within this towne duelland, berbery nor luge ony maner of strangear, of quhat degre or faculte thai be, except thai cum to the prouest or bailze and ask and vptene leif to luge the samyn. And inlikwise if thai sail happin, ony maner of person, to be seik in this gude tovne, that thai send incontinent and auertise the provest and balzeis thairof, and that na maner of persone enter in this toune bot at the said portis, quhilkis salbe stekit at nyne houris at ewin, and opynnit at four houris in the mornyng during the symmer sesson ; and quha sa hapynnis to be fundin in the calsay efter ix houris, that ar nocht to the vatchis of honest conuersatioun, that thay be takin and put in prisone quhill on the morne thay be deliuerit to the prouest and counsall. And that all thir statutis aboue writtin be inviolably kepit, vnder the pane of banesing of the tovne, and ane byrne jrne to be put vpone thair chekis that brekis ony of the saidis statutis, na request to be heard in the contrar. And for the furthfilling and keping of thir statutis aboune wrytin, and of this gude towne, because the baillies may nocht ourtak nor suffer the haile labouris to be continuallye present, the toune hes ordanit that thair be four habill wyse yong men in euery quarter, to help and suppley the bailze of the sarnyn, and to haue siclik jurisdictioun in the bailzeis absens as the said bailzeis has in this gude tovne, that is to say, in the ewin quarter, Johne Hay, Johne Murray, Dauid Errot, and Alexr. Nicholsoun, OF THE BURGH OF ABERDEEN. 125 and Valter Leslie ; in the crukit quarter, Alexr. Gray, Johne Collison 27th July, younger, Gilbert Malyson, and Robert Wod ; in the Grene quarter, Johne Rutherfurd, Richard Wause, Mathow Branche, and Andrew Durtye; in Futty quarter, Johne Rattre, Duncane Mar, Alexr. Menzes, and Johne Chalmer. The said day, the hail towne, warnit be thair officiaris in speciall, and in generall be thair hand bell, and convenit within the tolbouth of the same, for the maist pairt consentit and grantit, all in ane woce, to affix thair comont seill to the cotnmissioun afore writtin, and inlikwise to the procuratory maid be thame for the wawing of thair towne ; and ordanis the keiparis of the said seill to cause thar comont clerk seill the same, because thai thocht the same for the commont weill. And attour all the nychtbouris of the said burtht present, in ane awoce consentit and grantit that every nichtbour within this toune duelling, suld fyne a man to laubour at the fowsseis of this towne anys ilk xx ty dayis, quhen they ar requirit be the officiars, and failzeand that thai send nocht a sufficient man to the said labour, to pay viij d. for a seruandis fee, to the quhilk thai oblegit thame of thar awne fre wil and deliueryt mynd. October, 1529. The said day, it is devisit and ordanit be the provest and counsaill, pre- sent for the tyme, that Wm. Cuik, officiar, begyne this nycht at the nycht- bouris quhar he left at the clangein of the locht, and warne ane of ilk house of merchandis and craftismen duelland within this burght, that is to say dalie, tua personis sufficient, that beis thocht sufficient and lauchtfull to the bailzes, to pas dalie to the brig of De, and ramane thair continualie fray vj houris in the morning quhill vj houris at ewin, during all the tym it hapnis this contagius plaige and pestilance to ring, for keiping of this guid tovne fra the samyn, and to lat nane our the said brig without testimoniall quhat place thai come fra, and that the officiaris present the said personis dalie one the nycht afor to the said bailzes, to consider quhidder thai be sufficient or nocht, and sua proceden throcht all the said contrai, and all the lafe of the said tone alse of as neid beis, and quha that be is warnit be the officiar and sendis nocht ane sufficient man, and beis conuik thairof, the bailzeis to fee ane man on his expensis, and alse to the bailzeis vnlaw vnforgevin. R 126 EXTRACTS FROM THE COUNCIL REGISTER loth Dec., 10M December, 1529. Curia balliuorum burgi de Abirden tenta in pretorio eiusdem decimo die mensis Decembris anno Domini millesimo quingentesimo xxix per ho- norabiles viros magistrum Andream Tulidef et Alexandrum Ruthyrfurd. The said day, the haill tovne, varnit be the hand bell in general, and in speciall be the officeris, to convein within the tolbuith of the sarayn for sindry and diuerse accionis concerning the comound veill of the said burght, and thai being conuenit, for the maist representand the haill body of the tovne for the tyme, the bell man and officeris varningis being lauchtfullie provin in iugment, the provest presant in iugment the copy of the obliga- tioun and band, desirit be my Lord of Abirden of the haill tovne, for the ouphaldin, mentening, and biging of new, gif neid beis, of the brig of Dee, quhilk band was opinlie red in iugment at grit lynth, in presens of the haill communite ; and efter diuerse and sindry consultationis at this time maid, and at diuerse wthyr tymis afor, it was fundin and concludit be the haill commu- nite, all in ane voce, being present for the tyme, circularlie and personalie inquirit be Alexander Ruthyrfurd, bailze, that the said band vas ressonable, and that tha vald bind thame and thair successouris for the ouphalding of the said brig, conforme to the said band in all punctis : quhilk thai ordinit to be seillit with thair comment seill, and subscriuit with the handis of the maist part of the consaill, and oblegit thame and thair successouris to keip the samyn one filit in all maner of tymis to cum. And atour the haill tovne ordanit that thair suld be ane kyst, denit in the souerest sort, quhilk said haue four lokis and four keyis, in the quhilk the mony and proffeit that mycht be had of the landis of Ardlar, geuin to thame be ane reuerend father, Gauane Bischop of Abirden, for the ouphald of the said brig, said be put and kepit in all tymmis to cum, to be appliet to the ouphald of the samyn, and to na wthir vse ; of the quhilk, the provest sail haue ane in keiping, and the merchandis ane wthir, the maisteris of the kyrk wark the thrid, and the deikynnis of craftis the ferd. And atour the haill tovne chesit Wm. Rol- land, Dauid Andersoun, and Sir Alex. Scherar, vicar of Nigg, maisteris to the said brigwark, and the guid man, Androw Cullan, to be bursour, to ressaue the mony to be deliuerit be my Lord Abirden to thame for the finale end of the samyn brigvark, and to outgif the samyn agane, conforme to the saidis maisteris of warkis tikatis, as salbe thocht be thame expedient, with powar to the said maisteris and bursour to gif ane acquittance one the sovrae of thair ressat to my Lord Abirden or his factouris. OF THE BURGH OF ABERDEEN. 127 And onlikwise, the provest, Andrew Cullan, Jhone Collisoun, bailzeis, and loth Dec., counsaill, being present for the tyme, sueir in iugment the grit bodelie ayth, the crucifixt being tuiching be thame, and ilk ane of thame, that thai suld neuer intromit with the mony nor proffeit of the said landis of Ardlar, noy- thir in all nor in part, nor yit apply the sarayn to na maner of uthir vse ex- cept the reparing of the said brig, or to by land to be applyit to the biging and ouphalding of the samyn. And the haill tovne statut and ordinit that euery yeir, in the chesing of provest or bailzeis, that thai, and ilk ane of thame that sail hapin to be chosin for that yeir, sail sweir inlikvise the grit ayth, neuer to raell nor introraeit with the said mony but to the effect aboun writin. \lth December, 1529. The said day, in the bailze court of the said burght, halden in the tol- buith of the samyn, be the bailzeis aboun writin, in presence of ane part of the counsaill and nychtbouris of the samyn burgh, comperit worschipfull clerkis, Maister Robert Elphinstoun, parsone of Kyncardin, and Maister Alexr. Galloway, parsone of Kynkell, in name and behalf of ane reuerend father in God, Gawane bischop of Abirden, and exponit and schew opin- lie, in plane court, how the said reuerend father, one his grit, exorbitant, and sumptiuiss expensis, had bigit of new ane nobill and substantius brig, dotit and finseit with all necessaris, our the watter and rywer of Dee, rynnand one the sovth syd of the said burght, for the commond weill, and specialie for the weill of the burgh of Abirden ; quhilk brig and noble wark, completit and endit substantiuslie in all necessaris, for perpetualitie of the samyn, he, with express consent and assent of his deyne and chaptour of the cathedrall kyrk of Abirden, all in ane voce and consent, he had gewin to the provest, bailzeis, counsall, and comunitie of Abirden, togidder with the landis of Ardlar, with thair pertinente, Hand in the schire of Clat, lordschip of Garreaucht, and shirefdome of Abirden, and infeft thame the saidis provest, bailzeis, counsaill, and communite, and thair successouris, in the samyn landis, with thair pertinente, be chartour and precept of sesing, in dew forme, vnder his avtentick seill and subscriptioun manuall of his hand, commound seill of his said chaptour, togidder with the subscrip- tionis manualis of the maist part of the channownis of the said cathedrall kyrk of Abirden, for the perpetuall mentening, reparing, mending, oup- halding, and gif neid beis, biging of new of the said brig, als oft as it sail 128 EXTKACTS FROM THE COUNCIL REGISTER 17th Dec., hapin it to faill or decaid, in all or in part, in all tyrais to cum, sa lang as tha or thair successouris, provest, bailzeis, counsaill, and communite, peciablie bruikis the said landis of Ardlar, one recouerit and ouptenit fray tham be the law ; to the quhilkis the saidis provest, bailyeis, counsaill, and communite, had bundin and oblest tham and thair successouris, present and to cum for the tyme, be ane attentik band and obligatioun, wnder thair commond seill and subscriptionis of the maist partis of thair handis for the tyme, togidder with the subscriptionis of diuerse famouse notaris in the souerest forme. And thairefter, the said Maister Alexr. Galloway, parsoun of Kynkell, deliuerit and our gaif the said brig frelie, with the pertinente, to ane honorable man, Alexr. Ruthirfurd, ane of the bailzeis of the said burght, sitand in iugment for the tyme, togidder with the attentik chartour and precept of seising of the said landis of Ardlar, with thair pertinente, seilit and subscriuit attentiklie, as is afor writin, and ressauit be the handis of the said Alexr. Rurthirfurd the attentik band and obliga- tioun of the said provest, bailzeis, counsaill, and communite, seillit and subscriuit in dew forme, as said is, for the perpetuall mending, repairing, ouphalding, and biging of new of the said brig, als oft as neid beis, as said is. And thairefter, the saidis Maister Robert Elphinston and Alexr. Galloway, in name and behalf of the said reuerend father, dene, and chap- tour forsaid, oblegit thame, that gif the saidis chartour and precept of sesing war nocht sufficientle maid and ditit at this tyme, to reforme and mak of new the same, aye and quhill tha war fundin and considerit suffi- cient be men of wisdome and vnderstariding ; and olikwise, the saidis pro- vest, bailzeis, counsaill, and communite forsaid, oblegit tham and succes- souris present and to cum, gif thair said band and obligatioun be nocht sufficient, to reforme, mend, and mak of new the samyn, aye and quhill it be considerit sufficient be men of law and vnderstanding, als oft as neid beis. And forther, the saidis Maisteris Robert Elphinstoun and Alexr. Galloway, oblegit tham, in name and behalf of the said reuerend father, dene, and chaptour, to deliuer to the saidis provest, bailzeis, counsaill, and communite, the haill process of the recognitioun of the saidis landis of Ardlar, quhow tha war recognest fra wmquhil Androw Elphinstoun, &c., togidder with all instrumentis maid to the said reuerend father or his pre- decessouris of the said landis, and all wther euidentis and documentis con- cerning the samyn landis, without ony langer delay. OF THE BURGH OF ABERDEEN. 129 9th January, 1530. 9th January, The said [day,] Sir William Ray, vmquhyle chaplane to our lady chappell of the brig of Dee, deliuerit in augment to the bailzeis and counsaill ane chaleis of siluer, ane ymage of siluer of our lady, baicht ouir guilt ; thre naipkingis, ane broodin and tua quhyt ; ane altare towell, togidder with the key of the offerand stok, to be kepit to the vtilite and proffite of the said chappell. 12th Januury, 1530. The said day, the provest and consaill ordinit thair thesaureris and deinis of gild, to cause, big, and niak an goif againe on the towne sid, as it was afor ; and als ordinit Maister Andro Tulidef to ansuer Sande Tailzeour in all necessar thingis concerning thair knok and tolbuith ; and ordinit the samyn to be alowit to tham be the auditouris of compt in thair nixt compts. Penult February, 1530. James Cheyne, procuratour to the lard of Abirgeldie, requirit Dauid Andersoun and Maister Androwe Tulydef, bailzeis, sittand in iugement, to mak ane esy gait and passage betuix the brig of Dee and chapell of the samyn, quhairthrow thai may eselye, without impediment, wyrk and law- hour thair watteris, protestand alwayis quhat damnage or skaith thai sus- tenit thairthrow suld cum on the toune and nocht on thame, and that in name and behalf of his master, the tard of Abirgildy, quhilk send with him seruand to that same effect. 13th March, 1530. The said day, the haile toune, all in ane voce, chesit and ordanit Gilbert Menzeis, prouest, and Androw Cullan, thair commissaris to pass to oure souerane lordis parliament, to be begunin at Edinburgh the xxiijj day of Aprile nixtocum, and ordanit ane sufficient commissioun to be maid to thame vndir thair commoune seile. And attour ordanit and procuratory to be maid, vndir the samyn seile, to Robert Leslye, burgess of Edinburgh, and vthir tua or thre sicklik, salbe thocht expedient in the consall, con- iunctlie and seueralie, with powar to substitut, to persewe the summondis rasit on the lard of Abirgeldy and his complicis, for the hewing of the bulwark of the brig of Dee, with cautioun to keipe stane and stabill, and 130 EXTRACTS FROM THE COUNCIL REGISTER 13th Mrch, this to be extendit in the largest forme ; and ordanit the keparis of the said seile to seile the forsaid comissionis. 16th March, 1530. The said day, James Cheine exponit to the prouest and bailzeis that he was insert in our souerane lordis lettres of summondis as assistar and pairt takkar with the lard of Abirgelde, in the cutting of the bulwark of the brig of Dee, maid for sawite of the cheppale of the samyn, offerand him reddy in iugement to vndirlye ane assise of his nichtbouris, burgessis of this said burgh, and to mak ane richt large mendis be the sycht of the counsall, gif he had failit in ony poynt tharof. On the quhilk he tuke instrument at Maister Dauid Nicholsoun, scribe of our court. The said day, the prouest, bailzeis, counsall, and commonite, present for the tyme, ordanit ane procuratory to be maid to Robert Leslye, with powar to substitut and persew the lard of Abergelde and his complicis, for the doune casting of thair bulwark, to be extendit in the largest forme, and selit with thair secreit seile. July, 1530. The said day, the towne haile beand warnit be the officiaris of the samyn to compeir within thair tolbuyth, for gude reule to be made to euade this contagious pestilence rengand in the centre, and they, conuenit for the For the maist part, statut and ordanit all in ane voce, as efter followis : in the first, that ther be alanerlie thre portis kepit opyn in this gude tovne, that is to say, the northest port of the Castelhill, the port of the Ower- kirkgait, and the port of the Netherkirkgait, and that thair be put to euery port twa honest, treu, hable men to watche the samyn on day licht, ilkane abilzeit with jak and knapscall dense, aix or halbart, the quhilk sell stope euery strangear quhill they haue leif of the provest and baillies ; and in- lykwyse that thair salbe sex vther hable honest men to walk this gude towne euerye nicht in all the partis of the samyn, that na strangearis nor gangerallis cum within the samyn, and to quietlye auert quhair they heir noyis of strangearis or seiknes, and to auert the prouest and bailzes thairof ; and that euerye nychtbour within this tovne duelland byg his awin bak dyk and cloise himself, and gif he faylzeis thairin, the baillies to cause it to be done on his large expensis, and all other waistis and opynnis to be OF THE BURGH OF ABERDEEN. 131 closit on the townis expensis, and ordanis the master of wark to do the 27th July samyn in continent, and the expensis to be allowit in his comptis. 29th July, 1530. The said day, the counsall and communite of this gud tovn, present for the tyme, coramandit and chargit the provest and baillies to graithe, clenge, and mak reddy all the artailzery of this gude tovn, and lay the samyn to the portis and vther places necessar, and that pulder, and al thingis ac- cording thiarto, be furnist and -made reddy incontinent for the defence of this gude town ; and gif it suld hapyn the Lord Forbes or his friendis to cum to the said tovn, with conuocatioun of the kingis leigis in ony greit nummyr vthyr thane thair dailye tryne, that the common bell be rung ther incontinent, and all the nychtbouris conveine, and stope thame to haue entress within this said burgh, except they leif their multitude, and cum with thair daily tryne forsaid ; and quhat nychtbour that beis fundin absent efter it cum to thar knowlege the ringing of the commont bell, all excuse . by put, except cruell and notabill infirmite, to be pvnist conforme to the statute maid thairupon abefor. The town has ordinit this commissioun to be maid to Thomas Menzes, selit with the commone seile, of the quhilk the tenour followis heirefter : Be it kend till all men be thir present letteris, wss, prouest, bailies, counsell, and commonitie of Abirdene, to haue maid, constitut, and or- danit, and, be the tenour of thir present letteris, makis, constitutis, and or- danis, ane richt honorabill man, and our weile belovit nychtbour, Thomas Menzes of Petfoddelis, our werray lauchtful and vndoutit commissar, actor, and procurator, with power to substitute ane or maa hawand siclike power as himself, gewand, grantand, and committand to our said commissar and his substitute our full, fre and plane power for wss, and in our name to pass to the preseus of our souerane lord the kingis grace, to his lordis of coun- sel), and to all vtheris to quhom they sail think expedient, quhatsumeuer day and place, and thair to complene and regrait the cruell oppressioun, thocht felloun and slauchter, committit on diuerse and sindry nichtbouris of this gude toun, be Alexr. Forbes of Burghis and his complicis, the penult day of Julij, the yeir of God ane thousand five hundreth and xxx yeiris, and to persew justice of the samyn in the charpest forme ; to delait and agrege the said mater in the charpast inaner ; to produce abefor our 132 EXTRACTS FKOM THE COUNCIL REGISTER 29th July, soueran lord forsaid and lordis of consall the act of jornall quhair Johne Lord Forbess was actit for his kin and friends, gif ony of thame suld happyn to commit ony offence aganis this gude tovn, or ony nichtbours of the samyn, that he suld deliuer the committar thairof to the provest and baillies, vnder the pane of twa thousand pundis, and to persew justice thairof in the charpest maner, and generalie and sindry vthir thingis to do, exerce, and wse that we mycht do and we wer present in propir persoun, haldand, and for to hald, ferme, and stable all and quhatsuraever thing our said commissar or his substitute, ane or maa, coniunctlie and seueralie, in the premisses ledis to be done. In witness of the quhilk to this our com- missioun, subscriuit with the handis of our provest, counsell, and ane greit part of our communite, we haue appensit our commone sele, at Aberdene, the last day of Julij, the yeir of God ane thousand fiwe hundreth and xxx yeris. llth August, 1530. The said day, Audrow Cullan, vmquhill provest of Aberdene, dissasentit that thar suld be ony of the tovnis takkis formalit for the defens of the sum- mondis now cumin on the toune, be the Lord Forbes, the laird of Brukkis, and thair friendis, offerand him reddy to pay his part of ony resonable con- tributioun to the defense of the samyn, protestand what was done atour suld turne him to na pregiteise. 12th August, 1530. Be it kend till all men, be thir present letteris, wss, prouest, bailies, coun- sal, and commonitie of the burgh of Aberdene, specialie and generalie warnit be the officiaris and the hand bell of the said burgh, and gaderit within the tolbuitht of the samyn, the commone weil of the said burgh be wss hard, seen, considerit, and vnderstand, in the defense of this gude tovne and nychtbouris of the samyn, cruelly inuactit at thair awin housis be Alex. Forbess of Brukkis, and the maist part of suyrname of Forbess, inuading the nichtbouris within the said burgh for thair cruell slauchter at thair awin housis, and atour .... wrang sinister informatioun hes impetrat letteris to call the provest, baillies, and ane greit part of nychtbouris of the said samyn burgh to vnderly our souerane lordis lawis in Linlithgow, the xvij day of August instant, for slauchter and mutilatioun maid on thame, as thai allege, for thir causes and diuerse vtheris conserning the commone OF THE BUKGH OF ABERDEEN. 133 weile, your vniuersiteis sail, wit wss provest, baillies, counsall, and commo- 12th August, nite forsaid, representand the haill tovne for the tyme, to haue maid, consti- tut, and ordanit richt honorabill men, and our trew nichtbouris, Thomas Menzes of Petfoddalis, Maister Androw Tulydef of Ranystoun, Alex. Ruthirfurd, and Henry Irwin, thre of our baillies for this instant yeir, and Duncane of Mar, burgess of the samyn, our uerray lauchtful and vndoutit commissaris, geuand, grantand, and committand to thame, and to the maist part of thame, our full, fre, and plaine power to set and formaile our takkis, baith of watteris and landis, and in speciale ane half net of the myd chingill of Done, now in the handis of Jhone Blak, to quhatsumeuer burgess and actuel induellar oure said burgh, one or maa, for the termes of xix yeris, or within, at the vigill of Sanct Androw immediat folloving the dait heirof, and that for the vptaking and inbringing of the sovme of twa hundreth pundis vsuale money of this realme, deuisit and ordanit to the furnising of the commissaris to pass to Linlithgow to defend and persew the truble and oppressions forsaid haldand, and for to hald ferme and stabile all and quhat- sumeuer thingis our saidis commissaris, or the maist pairt of tharne, in thir premisses bedis lauchtfullie to be done. In witnes of the quhilk to this oure commissioun we haue ordanit oure commone sele to be appensit, day and place abefor exprimit, befor thir witnesis, Maister James Menzes, persoun of Dunnat, Maister Robert Menzeis, and Maister Dauid Nicholsoun, no- taris publik ; providing all wayis that our said commissaris provyd and find the esyast way the said sovme of money may be had with leist skaith and damnage to the said burgh, on the quhilk thay haue maid faitht in iugement in oure presens. The commissaris aboue writtin has set to Robert Blak, and to Johne Blak his fader, the halfnit of Done, quhilk the said Johne hes in assedatioun for the sovme of six scoir pundis, and to Johne Babner ane halfnet on the mydschingkill, for the sovrae of four scoir pvndis ; the entress of Robert and John Blak at the wigill of Sanct Androw, and sownar gif it sail happyn any halfnet on mydschingkill to wayk, and that for the termes of xix yeris immediat following the dait of thair entress. 29th August, 1530. The said day, Johne Senzour, accusit for the breking of commond ordi- nance and disobeying of the officiaris, as he that was warnit to the watche and keping of the tovne the xxviij day of this moneth instant, ansuerit, the actioun was greit, and desyrit ane lauchtfull day to ansuer to the samyn, s 134 EXTRACTS FROM THE COUNCIL REGISTER :#th August, protestand quhat the bailzeis did procedand forthir in that mater suld turne him to na preuigiteis. The baillies chargit Thomas Blair, official*, to requyr and charge Johne Senzour, be his wand of office of our souerane lord the kingis name, provest, and bailzeis of this guid towne, to answeir for the breking of commond or- dinance, because thay fand it suld haue nay day, and the pvnitioun of the samyn belangit to the commond weile of this guid tovne, in preseruing of the samyn fra plage of pestilence and fra the townis enymeis, quhilkis ar the kingis rebellis at the present tyme ; and the said Johne being requerit anis, twise, thrise be the said officiar to deny or grant the said crime, and twichit be the said officiaris wand of office anis, twise, thrise, and peremp- torily he wald noyther grant nor deny, the bailzeis chargit the said officiar to brek his wand in iugement on the said Johne, in taiknyng of his inobej- dience and hye contemptioun of our souerane lordis auctoritie, quhilk he did in presens of the haile court. And inlikwise Alex. Rutherfurd, bailzie, complenzeit in iugment that he was disobeyit, strublit, and mispersonit in the executioun of his office in iugement, of the quhilk the said Johne was accusit, quhilk ansuerit he wald noythir deny nor grant the said strublance, because he allegit that baith the bailzeis forsaid, and the haile court present for the tyme, had put wiolent handis on him, and strublit him hewalye, quharfor thay mycht nocht be nay competand iugis ; and Alex. Menzeis, bailze, allegand that bot wordis of na verite, requerit Walter Sawany, officiar, to charge the said Johne be his wand of office aniss, tuise, thrise, and peremptourlye in our souerane lord the kingis name, provest, and bailzies of this guid tovne, to ansuer for the recent strublance, myspersonyng, and dissobeyng of the said Alex. Ruther- furd, bailzie, in the executioun of his office and in iugement, quhilk he re- fusit, and said he wald byd at his protestatioun ; quharfor the said bailzie commandit and chargit the said officiar to brek his wand of office in iuge- ment on the said Johne, in taiknyng of inobediense and hye contemptioun. And atour Alex. Ruthirfurd requirit the said Johne, in iugement, gif he was plentouse on him that he had offendit him in word or deid, by the ordour of justyce, oflPerand him thair reddy to vnderly the law, and the said Johne ansuerit he wald nocht complene at that tyrae, bot protestit for remeid of law quhen tyme and place requirit ; quharfor the bailzeis ordanit the said OF THE BURGH OF ABEKDEEN. 135 Johne to be put in the stokkis, and kepit fast in the kingis waird vnto the 29th August. tyme thai war awysit quhat punitioun said be put to the said crymes. 6th September, 1530. Robertus bartonus de Ouirbartoune justiciarius et thesaurarius supremi domini nostri regis vniuersis et singulis ad quorum noticias presentes literae peruenerint salutem noueritis quod comparentes coram nobis in curia justiciarie supremi domini nostri regis tenta et inchoata apud burgum de Linlithgow die Mercurii decimo septimo die mensis Augusti anno Domini m quingentesimo trigesimo Gilbertus Menzes prepositus de Abirdene Thomas Menzes Alexander Menzes Andreas Menzes Dauid Menzes filii dicti Gilbert! Menzes Georgeus Leslie Johannes Cunning- ahame Alexr. Birse Alexr. Nicholsoun Johannes Wod Dauid Harot junior Alexander Menzes frater dicti Gilberti Menzes Wilhelmus Walcar Johannes Andersoun Jacobus Andersoun filius Dauidis Andersouii Alexr. Andersoun frater dicti Dauidis Andersoun Georgius Bissat Robertus Edindiaucht Johannes Vobstor alias Jamesoun Johannes Crystesoun Thomas Huntar Dauid Andersoun Willelmus Kemp et Alexr. Bisset indictati et per rotulos regios calumpnati de arte et parte conuocationis ligeorum supremi domini nostri regis ad numerum quingentarum per- sonarum ex precogitata felonia venientes super Alexandrum Forbes filium et heredem apparentem domini de Brux die sabbato penultimo die mensis lulii vltimo elapsi in villam de Abirdeine vbi dictus Alexander Forbes solus cum quinque personis existabat et cum fugando ad locum fratrurn et ibidem ipsum per spatium xxiiij horarum obsidiendo Item de arte et parte crudelis interfectionis quondam Willelmi Muyr seruitoris dicti Alex- andri Item de arte et parte demembrationis Willelmi Forbes sui brachii Item de arte et parte demembrationis et mutilationis dicti Alexandri Forbes sui digiti Item de arte et parte demembrationis et mutilationis Willelmi Forbess suorum duorum digitorum tempore supradicto ex pre- rognitata felonia commissarum Item de arte et parte rapine equorum dicti Alexandri Forbes eodem tempore Quasquidem calumpnas prefate persone in facie iudicii omnino denegarunt et per condignam assisara quieti facti fuerunt penitus et irnunes Et hoc omnibus quorum interest notesceamus per presentes In c*uius rei testimonium sigillum officii jus- ticiarie supremi domini nostri regis presentibus est appensum anno mense die et loco supradictus 136 EXTRACTS FROM THE COUNCIL REGISTER i 6th Sept, The said day, Faukland Harrot commandit and chargit, in our souerane lord the kingis name and auctorite, and be the vertew of his gracis letteris directit to him thairupoun, all and sindry nichtbouris and fremen induelling this gude tovne, to obserue and keepe all and sindry statutis and ordi- nances maid be the prouest and counsall, and with consent of the said nichtbouris, for the wetching and keping of this gude tovne baitht be nicht and day, fray this contagious pestilence, and fra all vther inconvenientis for the resetting and lugeing of strangearis, but lycence of prouest or bailzeis ; and that euery nychtbour, baitht merchand and craftisman, haue within thair buthis thair vapynnis, reddy for the defens of thair personis and of this gude tovne, vnder the panis contenit in the saidis statutis, certifie- ing them that it is the kingis grace will that thai be put to cherpe executioun. The said day, the haile tovne present for the tyme, all in ane voce dis- assentit that thar be ony pensioun in tyme cummand gevin to the Lord Forbess, or till ony vtheris for the keping of thair vatteris, becauss thai ar informit that thai that suld be keparis of the samyn, are principale de- stroyars and feschars of thame in vndew tyme ; protestand solemptlie, that gif ony sic pensioun be takin in tyme cuming, that it be haldin as reif and blak mail, and for remeide of law, quhen tyme and place may be fundin oportune. 9tk September, 1530. The said day, ane worschipfull clerk, Sir Andro Scherar, vicar of Nig, exponit the prowest and bailleis in iugement, how that he had the kirk of Birss in tak of the chancelleir of Abirdene, and that Johne Rutherfurd had intromettit with the fruits of the samyn, and that for payment of the saidis frutis he had assignit to him the gudis send in Flanderis be the said Johne, extending to the sovme of fourty pundis greit Flanderis money, and in likwiss he had assignit and deliuerit to him the gudis, now being in the greit busche of Abirdene, for the sovme of thre scoir of crovnis of the same, to be payit Johne Meldrum in Deipe, on the behalf of the said vicar ; protestand solempnitly, that gif ony man trublis the saidis gudis, quhair- throucht he gettis nocht thankfull payment of the summes forsaid, that he ma haue xvi s. for euerie frank, and x crovnis for euery pvndis greit, on thame that makis stopt or impediment to the saidis gudis, other in France or Flanderis. OF THE BURGH OF ABERDEEN. 137 14th November, 1530. 14th Nov.. The said day, Johne Andersoun was convickit in ane lacht of vj scillingis 1530> iiij d. to be doublit, because he was found in the vedding kirk dur with his bonat on his heid, quhilk was hallowit place and kirk, eftir the decernyng of the balzeis and the haile courte. November, 1530. The said day, Dauid Anderson, bailze, requirit the counsall and maist pairt of the communite of Abirdene, being conuenit within the tolbuitht of the samyn, gif thai war content that thar suld be ane wryting maid and send to thair provest, Gilbert Menzeis, exhortand him to proceid and solist the band deuisit be the kingis grace for thair securite betuix tharae and my Lord Forbes, to be had on the tovnis expenss. To the quhilk thai assentit, and ordanit it to be subscrivit in Maister Dauid Nicholsouns hand, clerk of thair court, and thair commone seile to [be] affixit to the samyn ; on the quhilk Dauid Andersoun, bailze forsaide, tuik note and instrument in the hands of the said Maister Dauid, present for the tyme. 19th December, 1530. James, be grace of God king of Scottis, to our schiref of Abirdenie, and his deputis, and to our louittis falkland pursewant [ messingeris, our schirreffis in that part, coniunctlye and seueralye, specialye constitut, greting : Forsamekill as it is humelie menit and complenit be our louittis, the provest, bailzeis, counsall, and communitie of our burgh of Abirdeine, vpone the personis vnder wrytin, quhilkis, with thair complices, daylie inuadis, boistis, and persewis thame, thair freindis, and seruandis, for thair bodely harme and slauchter, to thair greit apperand skaitht, in contemptioun of our auctorite and lawis, and aganis justice ; gif sa be, our will is heirfor, and we charge yow straitlie and commandis, that incontinent thir our letteris seine, ye pass and tak sicker souertie and lauborrowis of the saidis personis and thair complicis, samony as the saidis provest, bailzeis, counsall, and commonite, thair freindis and seruandis, will mak faitht to yow that thai dreid bodely harme, and gevis thair names to yow in bill, that thai salbe harmeless and skaithless of thame, and {ill that thai may lett in tyme cuming, but fraude or gyle, hot as law will ; that is to say, of Johne Forbess of Petslegow, for him, his sonnis, and all that he or thai 138 EXTRACTS FROM THE COUNCIL REGISTER 19th Dec., may lett, vnder the pane of ij m pvndis ; of Wm. Forbes of Toquhone, for him, his sone, freindis, and all that he or thai may lett, ij lib. ; of William Forbes of Corssinday, for him, his sonnis, and all that he or thai ma lett, j lib. ; of Alexander Forbess of Brux, ij m markis ; of Alexr. Forbes of Towes, j m markis ; of Maister John Forbes, portioner of Barness, j m markis ; of William Forbes, his bruthir, v c markis ; of Duncane Forbes, v markis ; of the remnant of ilkane of his brethir, ij c markis ; of the lard of Echt, v c lib., for him self and all that he may lett ; of Henry Forbes of Kinellar, v c markis, for him self, his sone, and all that thai may latt; of James Forbes of Auchintoile, v c markis ; of Ewill Wille Forbess, his bruthyr, ij c markis ; of Johne Forbess of Tuligony, v c markis ; of Malcome Forbess, for him self, his sonnis, and all that he may latt, v c markis ; of Duncane Forbess of Quyltis, iiij c markis ; of Maister William Forbes in Abirdeine, iij c markis ; of Patrik Forbes thair, iij c markis ; of George Forbes, his brothir, ij c markis ; of James Forbes, at the brig of Balgony, ij c markis > of Andrew Forbes, his brothir, j c markis ; of Johne Strathachin, sone and apperand air to Thomas Straquhen of Lenturk, v c lib. ; of ilkane of his fader brethir, iij c markis ; of James Caldell, portioner of Achintovle, v* markis ; of Thomas Dauidsoun of Auchinhamperis, v c lib. ; of the laird of Portarstoun, iij c markis ; of Alexr. Forbes, in Abirdeine, j c lib. ; of Duncane Forbes, iij c markis ; of Donald Makky, Johne Caldaile, Niniane Forbes, Johne Forbes, his brothir, ilkane of thame ij c markis ; of Dauid Dauidsoun, iij c markis ; of Alexr. Forbes, in Strathdee, iij c markis ; of ilkane of his sonnis, ij c markis ; of Wm. Forbes, ij c markis ; and of thair complices, ilk gentilman landit ij c lib., ilk gentilman vnlandit ij c markis, and ilk yemen j c markis. And at ye charge the saidis personis and thair complices personalye, gif thai can be apprehendit, and failyeing thairof be opin proclamatioun at the mercat croce of our said burght of our schire quhair thai duell, to cum and find the said souerte and lawborrowis to yow, in maner forsaid, within sax dais nixt efter thai be chargit be yow thairto, vnder the pane of rebellioun and putting of thame to our home ; the quhilkis sex dais being bipast, and the said souerte and lawborrowis nocht fundin, that ye incontinent thaireftyr denunce thame our rebellis, and put thame to our home, and eschaiet and inbring all thair movabill gudis to our wse, for thair contemptioun, as ye will ansuer to wss thairwpoun ; the quhilk to do we committ to yow, coniuntlie and seueralye, our full powar, be thir OF THE BURGH OF ABERDEEN. 139 our letteris, deliuering thame, be you dewlie execut and indorsat, agane to 19th Dec. the berar. Gevin vnder our signet, at Pertht, the xiij day of December, and of our regne the xviij yeir. Ex deliberatione dominorum consilii. Memorandum, the xxii day of this instant monetht, the principale of thir letteris aboue wrytin war put in the commone kist of the tolbutht of Abir- deine, at command of the consall of the samyn. At Perth, the xij day of December, the yeir of God j m v c xxx yeiris, in presens of the lordis of counsall vndirwrytin : that is to say, ane maist re- uerend and reuerend faderis in God, Gawane Archbischope of Glasgow, chancellar, George Bischop of Dunkeld, Gavin Bischope of Abirdine, Alex. Bischope of Murray, Andrew Bischope of Caithness ; venerabill faderis in God, Robert Abbot of Kinloss, Johne Prior of Pettniveime ; nobill lordis, Johne Lord Erskin, Patrik Lord Gray* Henry Lord Meth- wen ; Maister Richard Bothuill, Channovn of Glasgow ; comperit Johne Lord Forbes, and gaif in his band, subscrivit with his hand, and desyrit the sainyn to be put in the bukis of counsall, and to haue the strenth of ane decreit of the saidis lordis ; the quhilk desyr the lordis thocht resonabill, and thairfor ordanis the samyn to be registrat in the saidis bukis, and to haue effect of thair act and decreit in tyme to cum, and letteris to be direct to command, and charge, compel, and distrenze the said lord for the fulfil- ling of the samyn in forme as efferis ; of the quhilk the tenour followis : I Johne Lord Forbes, be the tenour heirof, becummiss souerte and lawborgh for myself, Johne Maister of Forbes, my sone, and the remanent of my sonnis, that Gilbert Menzeis, provest of Abirdeine, Alexander Fraser of Philorth, Thomas Menzeis, Androw Menzeis, and all vther the said Gil- bertis sonnis, Wm. Lyonn, and the bailzeis, counsall, and cornmunite of the burgh of Abirdeine, salbe harmeless and skaithless of me, and my saidis sonnis, and our seruandis, and all that we ma latt in tyme cuming, hot fraude or gyle, hot as law will, vnder the pane of fuve thousand pundis, to be pait be me to the kingis grace and his successouris, in caise I, my saidis sonnis, or our seruandis, or ony that we ma latt, happin to brek the said lawborrowiss in tyme to cum ; and to the obseruing and fulfilling heirof lelelye and trewlye in maner forsaid, I bynd and obleisse me faithfullye, my airis, executouris, and assignais, to our souerane lord and his successoris, in 140 EXTRACTS FROM THE COUNCIL REGISTER 19th Dec., the maist strait forme and sickar style of obligatioun that can be deuisit, but fraude or gyle ; and for raair securite, I am contint that this my obliga- tioun be registrat and insert in the bukis of counsall, and to haue the strentht of ane dicreit of the lordis of counsall. In vitniss of the quhilk thing I haue subscriuit this my obligatioun with my hand, in presens of the saidis lordis, at the burgh of Pertht, the xij day of December, in the yeir of God jm v c xxx y er i 8 ; a nd gif the remanent of the saidis lordis freindis findis sufficient sourte and lawborrowiss conforme to the deliuerance of the lordis of counsall now gevin in that behalf, the lordis dischargis the souerteis tane of thame obbefoir, and ordanis the last souerte to haif effect as said is. Ex- tractum de libro actorum per me Gavinum episcopum Abirdonensem cleri- cum rotulorum registre ac consilii supremi domini nostri regis sub meis signo et subscriptione manualibus. Memorandum, the xxij day of December, this letteris of band war put in the commone kist of the tolbutht of Abirdene, at the command of the consall of the samyn. 16th April, 1531. The said day, Sandris Gray opponit iugement to the prouist and bailzeis how he and Sandris Knolls was chosen be thame lords of Bonacord, to do plesour and blythnes to the toune in this sessoun of symmir incumming, offerand alwais reddy to the samyn effect, for his part, to do all plesour to the toune efter his guidlye powar, thai findand ane marrow sufficient furth filland his part in the samyn effect ; protestand alwais, gif thai did nocht, that he wald nocht except the said office on him, nor na part tharof, for this instant year, on the quhilk he tuke note and instrument. The prouest exponit to the communite, present for the tyme, how he had the kings grace letteres under his signet, impetrat be thair awiss, chargand the neichbours of this burgh, that nane of thame suld refuss what- someuer office of honor thai happin to be chosin to the said communite, under the panis of tinsall of all and sindry thair takkis, and roums they had on the samyn ; and inlikwiss how the prouest and counsall had chosen Alexr. Gray and Alexander Knollis to be lords of Bonacord for this instant year, quhilks has been an office of honor this tymes bygane, and inquirit at the coramunite gif they thocht expedient that gin ony of the saids OF THE BURGH OF ABERDEEN. 141 parteis refusit the said office, that our soureigns lords lettres suld be execut 16th April, on thame in the charpest maner, quhilk the said counsall and commonitie thocht expedient to be done. The said day, Sandris Knollis exponit to the baillies and comonite, pre- sent for the tyme, how that he was chosin by the prouest, counsall, and pairt of the commonitie, as thai allegit, to be ane of the lords of Bonacord for this instant zear, to the quhilk office he was not able, as he allegit, for diuerse caussis ; ane, because he was not present at the said election ; ane other, because thair were mony others mair abil for sic office in the toune, and had greater proffite therof ; thridly, because he had the kings lettres dischargand him of all sic thingis ; nocht the less, he was yet redy to except the said office, gif the toun wald gif him the auld fee quhilk thai had wont to pay for the samyn, and other wiss nocht, protestand quhat beis done be the toune heirintill turn him to na progiteis. llth May, 1531. Decimo septimo die mensis Maij anno Domini millesimo quingentesimo tricesimo primo. Be it kend till all men, be thir present lettres, wss, provest, bailzeis, counsaile, and commonite of Abirdene, to haue gevin, grantit, and assignit, and be the tennour of thir present lettres gevis, grauntis, and assignis to oure louit familiar seruitour, Alexander Monypeny, masoun, fiwe merkis vsual money of Scotland of yeirlye pensioun for all the dais of the said Alexanderis lyf, to be pait to him at tua vsuale termes in the yeir, Wit- sonday and Mertymes, in vinter, be ewinlie portionis, togidder with all and sindry commone warkis of this toune pertening to the said Alexanderis craft, he completand and doing the samyn alsweile and alsgude schaipe as ony vthir craftis men in the toune. And inlikuise, gif it sail happin ws to gif ony fee for the lufting and raising of the paithment of our kirk, we sail offir the samyn to the said Alexander afore ony vther. For the quhilkis the said Alexander sail daylye intend and aduert to oure brig of Dee bulwarkis and chappell of the samyn, and sail reforme all small faltis that sail happin in the said varkis ; and gif thai be faltis that may be endit with less nor tva dais labour, he sail labour and mend the samyn on his awin expensis, how oft that thai sal happin in the saidis warkis ; and gif T 142 EXTRACTS FROM THE COUNCIL REGISTER 17th May, thair hapynnis ony gretar faltis in the said warkis, quhilkis may nocht be endit with less than tua haile dais labour or aboue, than the said Alexander sail aduert oure raaisteris of brigvark and ws of the saidis faltis, and sail mend the samyn on oure expensis. And atour we sail labour at all hawand entres to get an house and yard to the said Alexander to remane daylye and duell alse ewise to the said brig wark as may be gudlye found, the said Alexander payand yeirlie the maile thairof ; and the said Alexander sail nocht depart nor pass away fra the said wark at anay tyme, without speciale lycence [askit] and vptenit of ws or oure maisteris of brig wark for the tyme, quhatsumeuir. And gif it sal happin him to faile in daylie at- tendance, auertence, correking, or mending of the said wark quhen neid sail happin, then this oure band to be of na strenth, force, nor effect, the said Alexander being thrise convickit for the said inaduertence and non reparing of the saidis faltis. And to the obseruing and keping of all thir premisses the said Alexander is oblegit be the faith in his body, and we siclick to him. And for the mair securite, we haue causit our secreit [seil] to be affixit to thir presentis, at Abirdene, the xvij day of Aprile, the yeir of God j m v 6 and xxxi yens. 4th August, 1531. The said day, it was deuisit be the prouest and counsaile present for the tyme, that thair maisteris of warke suld gar amend the prame of the brig, and gif hir in keping to sum traist hand, and lat hir and the prouestis greit keile to fraucht to the losing and laidnyng of schippis, and to the hame bringing of elding, and the proffite to be equalie deuidit betuix thame, hir part cummand to the tovnis vtilitie. \3th October, 1531. Anent the reuill of the kirk to be had in tyme to cum, it is statut and ordinit, and for act perpetuall ratifeit and approuit, as efter followis : Item, in the fyrst, anent the curat, quhar he trow neglegence in tyme of mariage causis nocht the personis being mareit to gif part of deuocioun to thair patroun Sanct Nicholass, as vse vas euer bigane, quhilk cumis nocht in yeir last by past hot iij s., quhar it had wont be mair than xx or xxx s. And it was that the sobirest person that beis mareit pay iiij d. ; craftismen that beis baddin, viij d., or ony wthir persoun that hes to pay ; all wther OF THE BURGH OF ABERDEEN. 143 men of guid at thair awin discretioun ; and quhat personis that beis mareit 13th October, be the curat, or his deputis, that he sail ansuer to the maister of wark thairfor, because the auld livable consuetud suld be ouphalding. Secundlie, anent the segstar, that he nor his deputis oppin nor raise nocht na pathtment for na liaris within the kirk, of thame that suld com- pone for thair layer, without licence of the maisteris of vark, vnder the pane of paying of the layre him self, and that the pathtment that tha raise be laid as weill agane as tha fund it. Alsuay that the segstar raise na paithment to na lyaris, of thame that hes festhment in the kirk, without licence of the maisteris of vark, vnder this pane? that is to say, to raise the paithment and lay it agane als weill tha fund it. Alsuay, anent keiping of the kirk zard fra horse, ky, kuaffis, scheip, and swyne, and all wther beistis, the kirk dikis and stilis being sufficient that the beistis cane nocht haue entress, hot input be folkis other nycht or day. That the segstar or his deputis sail tak thame incontinent efter thai cum in the kirk zard, and put thame in a sicker houiss. And to tak of ilk horse or kow, or siclik beist, iiij d. for the first fait, and ilk sow or grice, iiij d. ; all kynd of scheip, cawis, or wther siclik bestis, for the first fait, ij d. And the secund tyme that thai be fundin thar to pay ilk best dobble, and the thrid time siclik. And the segstar and his seruand to ansuer for the keip- ing of the kirk zard to the maisteris of kirk vark, and for his labour he sail ressaue the panis forsaid to his awin proffeit. January^ 1532. Item, the hale tovnn being conuenit as said is, all in ane voce, dischargit all thair singaris in thair queir, that hes feis of thame and thair common d guid, fray the purificacioun of our lady, callit Candilmess, nixt cumis, and of all proffetis tha haue of thame, for thair demeritis bigane done to God and tham, during the tovnis will, except Sir Andro Coupar, that is an agit man, and hes bene ane aid seruand to the tovnn, on the quhilkis the provest tuik instrument. The said day, the haile towne being conuenit and gaderit within the tol- 144 EXTRACTS FROM THE COUNCIL REGISTER 13th January, hutht, in thair held court, considering the truble and ueris that is able now to cum be our auld enneraeis of Ingland, for the defence of the guyd tovne and commond veill of the same, all in ane voce, na raaner of persoun oppin- and nor saying in the contrar, chesit thir personis vnderwritin : that is to say, Jhonne Leslie of Vardris, Andro Cullan, Thomas Menzeis, Johnne Collisoun elder, Maister Andrew Tulidef, Dauid Andersoun, Patre Leslie, Willeam Broun, Alex. Knollis, and Alex. Gray, with Gilbert Menzeis, provest, and Henry Irvein, Alex. Rutherfurd, Andrew Menzeis, and Alex. Menzeis, bailzeis for the tyme, to provyd all necessar defences for the veill and defence of the tovnn, and to big ane bustailze, as thai think maist expe- dient ; and to serse and vesy the townis artailzery, and se quhar tha ar quha intrometit with tham, or ony part therof, and quhais handis thai ar in, and to collect tham togidder, and to cause, clenge, and graith thame, and mak tham redy quhen euer the tovnn hes ado ; and to se quhar the tovnis povder is, quhayis handis it is in, and gif thair be nocht aneocht to furneise the tovnn, to provid and by mair on the tovnis expensis, for the commond veill of the same. llth January, 1532. The said day, the counsale, in name of the haile toun, ordanit and com- mandit Maister Androw Tulidef, Dauid Andersoun, and Sandris Knollis, to pas and se quhar thair artailzerie is, quhais handis it is in, and consider quhat vantis baith of thair artailzery and pulder, and caus reforme, mend, graith, and mak redy, ony thingis that is neidfull for the veill of the same, on the tovnis expensis, for defence and keiping of the same. 2lst January, 1532. The said day, the haile tovnn being conuenit and gaderit in thair tol- buitht, chesit Maister Thomas Menzeis, Maister Andro Tulidef, Dauid Andersoun elder, Sandris Gray, and Sandris Kintor, thair taxtaris, to stent, sett, and tax the sovme of iiij" iiij lib. Scottis mone, monethtlie, to be rasit of this gude tovne, for the furnesing of certane waegeris to conuoy our souerane lordis artailzery, with his luftenant, aganis our auld ennimies of Ingland, efter the tennour of our souerane lordis letteris direct hier- upoun, and at command of the samen, and causit tham some be the grit ayth thairto. OF THE BURGH OF ABERDEEN. 145 1th February, 1532. 7th February, The said day, the provest and counsale, present for the tyme, assignit all the dettis awand to thair patrovnn, Sanct Nicholace, to be tane oup incon- tinent be the maisteris of the kirk wark, and varit vpon artailzery, povder, fortalissis, blokhouse, and wther instrumentis requirit for weir, for the de- fence of the guid tovne, and resisting of our auld ennemies of Ingland ; and will and ordinis that all wther the tovnis commond warkis rest quhill that be done ; and commandit the said maisteris of kirk wark to be diligent in the ouptaking of the said dettis, with povar to gif acquittance therof to the ef- fect for said. February, 1532. The said day, Andro Losoun and Villeam Annand war content afor the counsale to tak and ressaue the sax barrell of sape bocht be the tovnn fra ane fremmit man, and als bocht the same at the tovnn egane, and oblegit thame to pay the fremmit man for the said saip as the tovnn conditionit him incontinent, and atour to gif the tovnn xvj lib. Scottis mone, quhilk the tovnn assignit to the biging of thair blokhouse, and ordinit thame to pay the same to the maisteris of wark therof, and commandit thair officiaris to pas to euery persoun that bed intromettit with ony of the said saip, and cause thame deliuer the same to the saidis Andro and Villaim, or ellis siclik parte, as thay man pay for the same, and the saidis Andro and Willeam war content that ony nychtbour that plesit to haue ony of the said saip that thai held, the same payand thame therfor incontenent, as thai said pay for the same. February, 1532. The said day, the haill counsale, with ane pairt of the communite, pre- sent for the tyme, thocht expedient and ordinit, considerint the grit ap- perand wer and truble apperand to be be our auld ennemeis of Ingland, and for sauete and defense of the guid tovne, that thair be ane blokhouise bigit on the sand ness of stane and lyme, contening xxxvi fuit of lynth, xviij fuit of breid, and vj fuit thik in the wall ; of heicht, as beis thocht expedient be the maisteris of vark, with gunhollis and duiris of aistlar ; and ordinit Thomas Menzeis and Alexr. Gray to agre with masonis, with the auise of the consale, for the biging of the same in all guidlie haist ; and ordinit Dauid Andersoun, Master Andro Tulidef, Alexr. Rutherfurd, 146 EXTRACTS FROM THE COUNCIL REGISTER 20th February, and Duncane Mar, coadiutouris and masteris of wark to the biging of the same. At Abirdein the xx day of Februarr, the yeir of God ane thousand v c xxxii yeris, it is appunctit, agreit, and finalie endit, betuex honorabill men, Thomas Menzeis of Petfoddellis and Alexr. Gray, maisteris of wark to the toun of Abirden, on that ane part, and Pate Franche and Sanderis Monypenny, masonis, on that wther part, in maner, forme, and effect as efter followis : that is to say, the said Pate and Sanderis sail big ane blokhouse of lyme and stane on the sandness, of xxxvi fuit of lynth, xviii fuit of breid, and vi fuit of thikness in the vail, and of heicht as beis thocht expedient be the said maisteris of wark and masonis, with gun hollis and dur of aistlar, as beis thocht expedient be the said maisteris ; and the houisse to be bigit in the maist souer vise for sauete of the raid and hevin, as beis thocht expedient be the said maisteris of wark and masonis ; for the quhilkis the said maisteris of wark sail deliuer and pay the said masonis for euery raid thre lib. Scottis mone, and payand for the hewin wark, the said maisteris of wark findand tham all maner of stuf neidful thairto, except sand and waiter ; and the said masonis to find all maner of wark men thame self, and to begine this vark in all guidlie haist. In vitnes heirof, the saidis maisteris of wark hes subscriuit this writ with thair handis, and the said maisonis hes sett thair markis to the same day, yeir, and place forsaid. And forthir, tha sail woit the said houise quhen euer the said maisteris of wark requiris tham tharto. IStk March, 1532. The said day, the counsale, present for the tyme, deuisit and ordinit that the halff of all the malis perteining to the tovnn, except the kingis malis, be takin oup incontinent, and deliuerit to the tovnis maisteris of vark, to be deburssit be thame in the biging of thair blokhowise, to the bying of powdar and govnnis, grathing, stoking, and carting of the same, in defence of this guid tovnn aganis our auld innemeis of Ingland, and all wther dettis pertening to the tovnn, sic as lib. gritis, restis of malis, and all wther maner of dettis perteining and aving to the tovnn, tha ordanit Henry Irvein, bailze, to pas and tak oup the same incontinent ; and, gif neid beis, to cause puind for the same, and mak pament therof to the maisteris of vark, to the effect aboun writin. OF THE BURGH OF ABERDEEN. 147 lih April* 1532. 7th April, The said day, the haill counsale, present for the tyme, commandit and ordinit Gilbert Menzeis, thair prouest, considering the grit veir and truble now apperand, for defence of this guid tovnn, to writ away incontinent to Leith or Edinburgh, and by the tovnn tua barrell of guid powldar, quhat euer it cost, laboring all wais the best chaip he mycht get it, and gif his obligatioun theairone for payment of the same, and quhat euer he pro- inittit tharfor, tha suld releif him at his dai of paiment ; and ordinit him send ane boy away therfor with his writingis on thair expensis ; and or- dinit ane act to be maid heirupoun in our court bulk. 30th September, 1532. The said day, our souerane lordis letteris direct to the provest and bailzeis for vappinschawingis, war red opinlie in iugment, in presens of the haill tovnn, and the provest chargit all personis within this fredom and tovn to conuein on the Vomanhill the xv day of October instant nixt cumis, furnest with vappiniss and harnese, conforme to the said letteris, vnder the panis contenit in the samyn. 2lst October, 1532. The said day, the counsaile statutis and ordanis that, fra thinfurtht, na maner of persoun cast faill or devat in the tovnis Linkis and Insche, nor beir ony sand fra thair Castellhill nor Vomanhill, under the pane of ban- nesing of tham of the tovnn that beis conuik heirof ; and causit opin pro- clamatioun to be maid heirupoun at the merkat corce, that na man suld allege ignorance on the samyn. 4t/i April, 1533. The said day, the prouest, bailzeis, and counsale conducit and feit Villiam Vallace to reule, set, gid, and keip thair knok of the tolbuith, for the quhilkis tha promittit him yeirlie, during thar vill, four merkis Scottis mone ; for pament of the quhilkis, tha assignit the malis of the buithis wnder the tolbuith, quhilk Maister Andro Tulydef, Patre Leslie, and John Chalmer hes in tak, quhilkis to iij markis, that is to say, ilk buith ane merk ; and ordinit the maister of vark to pay him yeirlie ane vther mark, in compleit pament of tha said iiij markis. And the said William oblegit him to mend the said knok, and mak her sufficient, and als sufficient 148 EXTRACTS FROM THE COUNCIL REGISTER 4th April, as ony man in Scotland can mak hir, for the quhilkis the tovnn sail pay him xx s. : that is to say, x s. now in hand, and the uther tene quhen the knok beis sufficient lie mendit, and strikis iust as sche suld do. 24th April, 1533. The said day, Gilbert Menzeis, provest, Andro Cullan, Thomas Men- zeis, Johnn Collisoun elder, Dauid Andersoun, M. Andro Tulidef, Henry Irvein, Andro Menzeis, Duncane Mar, Patre Lesle, commissaris chosin afor be the haill townn to provid all necessaris thingis for the tovnis de- fense, hes concludit and ordinit that thir takis vnder writtin pay to the said effect the sowmes vnderwrittin, and ordinis the said sowmes to be allocat in thair nixt first grissumes. And gif thair be ony takkismen of the tovne that dissentis to the paiment of thir settis, that thai salbe dis- chargit of thair takkis, and neuer haue tak of this guid towne in tyme to cum, and this to be extendit in the largiest forme, be the tovnis avise. That is to say, euery half nettis fisching of the raik, . xxx s. Euery half net of the midsching[le], . . . xx s. Euery half net of the pott . . . . xx s. Euery half nett of the furdis, . . . x s. Euery half of Done, ..... xxx s. Euery saxt part of the cruffis, . . . . xx s. Euery auchtand part of the cruffis, . . . xiij s. iiij d. v LAND TAKIS. Rubislaw, . . . . . xx s. Hessilheid, ...... xiij s. iiij d. Henry Irvein, for the tane half of Schedeslie, . x s. Gardin, ..... xxxiii s. iiij d. Bogferlay, ..... xxvi s. viij d. Frosterhill, ..... vi s. viij d. Tullowcht, . . . xiij s. iiij d. Cruffis, . . . . . xx s. Kingis Vallis, . . . . . x s. Summa, Ixx lib. vj s. viij d. 3d May, 1533. The said day, thir personis vnder writin : that is to say, Gilbert Menzeis, prouest, Andro Cullan, Thomas Menzeis, Dauid Andersoun, Alex. Ruther- OF THE BURGH OF ABERDEEN. 149 furd, and Johnn Blak, ar content to gif thair louit seruitour, Andro Lame, 3d May, for his dalie guid seruice within thair quere at all diuine seruice, ilk ane of thame ane dais meit in the owik, on to the tyme he be better prouidit : that is to say, the prouest, Sonday ; Thomas Menzeis, Monnonday ; Dauid An- dersoun, Tuisday ; Andro Cullane, Vedinsday ; Watt Cullan, Fruisday ; Johnn Blak, Friday ; and Andro Durty, Setterday. 26th May, 1533. The prouest, bailzeis, and consaill, present for the tyme, maid, constitut, and ordanit Georg Annan pvndler of thar kirk yard, and ordanit the pund- lene of euery best to be four d. ; and gif he thollis ony bestis to cum in the kyrkyerd frathinfurtht vnpundyt, his crag to be put in the gouchf at the will of prouest and consaill. llth October, 1533. The said day, the prouest and counsale consented to give the lordis of Bonaccord of the year bygane tene merkis for thair feis, of the first mone the tovnn gettis in and ma guidlie forder, how sune it ma be gotin. 15th December, 1533. The said day, the counsale, present for the tym, all in ane voce con- cordand, deuisit and ordand all the takismen of the watteris of this guid townn to pay and deliuer yeirlie at the natiuite of our Lord, callit zowill, the lithis of wax, to the honour of God, our lady, and thair patroun Sanct Ni- cholace, conforme to thair auld vse and consuetud ; that is to say, euery takisman of the raik and Done, thre lithis ; euery takisman of the mult- singill, tua lithis ; euery takisman of the pot, firdis, and authard part, and saxt part of the cruffiis, ane licht, weyane ilk licht half ane lib., with thair avin mark on the same, to be gevin to the lichis of our altaris of our lady croce, in the loft, and Sanct Nicholace, and to ressaue thair [ ] agane yeirlie, and mak and gif thair candill at zowell, as said is, in all times cum- ing, conforme to the auld vse and consuetud. 10th January, 1535. The said day, the counsale, present for the tyme, commandid and ordinit 160 EXTRACTS FROM THE COUNCIL REGISTER loth January, thair prouest, Andro Cullane, to send thair tolbuith knok in Flanderis, and cause mend the same, and gif it can nocht be mendit, to by tharae ane new knok on the tovnis expensis ; and als to big oup the tovnis beikynnis, and to tak oup the radiest of the tovnis dettis, and rnalis of the Donn and crewis, and spend thairvpoun, and the tovnis wther necessar commond varkis, and quhat expensis he makis thairupoun thai sail thankfullie alow to him in his nixt comptis. 30th April, 1535. The said day, it is thocht expedient, and ordanit by the counsale, that all the zoung abil men within this guid [toune] haue thair grene cottis, and agit men honest cottis, efferand to thame, and obey and decor the lordis of Bon- accord, conforme to the auld lovable use of this guid toune, under the pains of braking of command and statuts of the guid tovne that beis conwickit thairof, and to be punnest conforme thairto. 12th January, 1536. The said day, the prouest and counsale present for the tyme ordinit Andro Cullane to writ for the man that makis the tovnis knok, and cause him cum hame with the samyn, and sett hir oup on the tovnis expensis ; and quhat expensis he makis thairon he salbe thankfullie pait of same agane. 2'3d July, 1537. The sayd day, the prowest and conseill present for the tyme, thocht ex- pedient and ordanit that thair awin knok, quhilk wes reformit and mendit be freir Alexander Lyndsay, suld be set and imput agane in the maist con- venient place of thair tolbuitht, quhar sche mycht be seurlyast keipit ; and that to be done incontinent, be the awyse of the correkar of the same, on the tovnis expensis. Item, the said prowest and conseill findis and deliueris, that Androw Cullane aucht to be thankfully payit of the expensis mayd be hyme on the hame bringing and bying of the knok out of Flanderis, at thair commandis. And gyf the said Androw can find or get ane competent pryce for the said knok, thai ordane hym to sell the same, be the awyse of the prowest and conseill, to the vtilite and profeyit of this gud toun. OF THE BURGH OF ABERDEEN. 151 October, 1537. 12th October. Thir are the names chosin be the toun to procur with Sanct Nicolace braid 1537 - for this instant yeir : Item, in the first, the prowest and the four baizes on solemp dayse, &c. The prowest, balzeyse, and consell statutis and ordanis, that thir personis aboun wrytin pass vith Sanct Nicolace breid quhen thai ar warnit be the secrestanis seruand, or him self, at thair housis, thai beand at hame and nocht seyk. And quhat that dissobeyse, the secrastane prewand his warn- nyng, he sail pay als mekill to Sanct Nicolace wark as the breid siluer drew to the last Sonday afor ; and gyf the secrastan prewis nocht his warn- ing, he sail pay als mekill siclik as the bred to the Sonday forrow. 13th October, 1537. The sayd day> the consell dewysit and ordanit that thair suld be fyw merkis gewin to frier Alexander Lyndsay for the completing of thair knok, quhilk thai ordane to be takin oup of the rediest of thair mailis of Done. \1th January, 1538. The said day, the haill towne, present for the tyme, geff thair fre electioun to the chesing of thair maister of thair gramer skoull, to the pro- vest, baizes, and consale, quhilkis var present for the tyme, and inclosit in the consalhous, quhilkis for the maist part chesit Maister Hew Manro, on his gud bering, and ordanit him to pas to the chanselar of Aberdene, and desyre his admissioun tharvpoun, conforme to our souerane lordis request maid to the forsaid prowest, baizes, and consale, wnder his graces signet and subscriptioun, on the quhilk the said Master Hew tuk nott and instrument. The said day, Maister Laurens Chene, scribe of the consisterie of Aber- dene, in name and behalf of ane rycht virschipfull dark, Maister Johne Reid, cancellar of Abirdene, and commissar generall of Abirden, exponit to the prowest and consale how he had chosin ane abill, conwenyent, dis- creit man, to be maister of thair gramer skoull, callit Maister Robert Skeyne, beseikand thair maisterschipis and the haill towne to ressaue hym thankfully, for sic steid and plesur he mycht do thaira in tym cumyng, be- caus the admissioun and presentatioun of the said maister pertenit to hym, as he allegit ; and, gif the said Maister Robert vas nocht abill thairfor, nor 152 EXTRACTS FROM THE COUNCIL REGISTER 17th January, vsit hym nocht for the commond veill of thair barnis, he said remoif him and iraput ane wther in his rowme mair abill thairfor be thair awyse ; quhilk, gif thai refusit, he protestit solempnitly, that quhat thai did in the said mater suld nocht hurt his rycht, and for remeid of law quhene tym and place re- quirit. On the quhilk he tuk not, vytnes the provest and baizes, except Vm. Holland, with the maist pairt of consale. 1th February, 1538. The said day, the prowest, in presens of the baizes and haill consall pre- sent for the tyme, red opinly in the consalhous this ansur wnder wrytin, quhilk thai deuysit obefor to be gewin to our souerane lord as response to his graces supplicatioun, send for Patrik Forbes for the landis of Ardler ; quhilk beyng red the haill baizes and consale forsaid thocht the same verray weill dewesit, and ordanit the same to be closit wnder thair commond signet, and deliuerit agane to the said Patrik, conforme to the charge of the said requeist, quhilk wes closit in thair presens and deliuerit to the commoun dark, to be reddy to the said Patrik quhen he requirit the same ; of the quhilk ansur the tennour followis : Schir, vnto your grace our humill seruice ve comend, and hes ressauit your graces wryting supplicatour for setting of the landis of Ardler, pertenyng to the ouphald of the brig of Dee, to Patrik Forbes, quha hes maid your grace to wnderstand that he suld hef thai landis of wss, wnder forme of instrument, quhilk is nocht of verite. Schir, the verite heirof is, that the landis of Ardler war gewin for the ouphald and mantenyng of the said brig, quhilk is the commoun weill of the haill cuntre ; and thai landis ar circuit betuix the landis of the For- bessis and the Lesleyis, quhilkis of auld hes bene in greyt innimite, and thai bayth desiris to hef entres to the saidis landis. And schir, gif ather of thaim gettis entres thairto, thai sell in schort tyme thairefter appropir the samyn to tham and thairis, and suld be accasioun of renewyng of the auld displesur done amangis thame, and we callit the occasioneris thairof. Quharfor, schir, your graces haill toune of Aberdene, beyng conuenit in the tolbuith of the samyn, and circulary inquirit, all in ane voce, dissentit that thai landis suld be sett to other Forbes or Lesley, or to ony vther gentillman, for the causis forsaid ; but allanerlie, to husband men, laboraris of the ground, that wald gif maist thairfor, to the vttermost profyt of that commoun wark ; and instantly thai chesit certane commissaris to sett the saidis landis, quhilkis hes sett the sarayn to husband men, laboraris of the OF THE BURGH OF ABERDEEN. 153 ground, for fywe yeiris ; and this wes done afor your nobill graces vryting 7thFebruan. com till ws ane lang tyrae. Schir, our haill beleif is, ye will hef mair re- spect and desir to the raantenyng of the comraoun weill of sic ane commoun werk, then to ony ane of ws particulary. Forthir, Schir, our self and all that we heff ar reddy to fulfill quhat it sell playse your nobill grace to charge, as knawis God, quhome be keipar of your grace, at your maist nobill hartes desir. At Abirdene, the sewint day of Februar. Sic sub- scribitur, ve your graces puir and humill seruandis prowest, baizes, and consale of your burgh of Abirdene. 13M February, 1538. The said day, it wes dewisit and ordanitbe the baizes and consale wnder wrytin, that thair prowest pas to Edinburgh, for the defense of the gryt sklander and fals narratioun maid on diuerse nychtbouris of the same, and on the haill towne, be Maister Valtir Stewart, and to inforrae the kingis grace and lordis, and in speciall the bischope of Abirdene, of the verite, tweching the away passing of freir Kelour, quhora inlikwyse thai maid, constitut, and ordanit thair procuratour, to defend the summondis rasit vpon the towne be Mr. Andro Lesly, and ordanit hym to mak ane pro- curatory in Edinburgh, and gaif hym power to substitut quhatsumever procuratouris he thocht expedient, promittand thame, be the fayth in thair bodeis, to keip ferme and stabill quhat he or his substitutis did in the said mater. And inlykwyse thai ordane hym to tak thair ansur with hym, that thai hef maid to the kingis letteris supplicatouris rasit be Patrik Forbes for thair landis of Ardlar, and to informe his nobill grace of the verite of that mater ; and ordanis that thair be borrowit and ouptakin fra Valtyr Cullane and George Bisset, keparis of thair girsurames, the sowme of xx" merkis, of that ten lib. to be gewin to the prowestis expenses, and fywe merkis to James Andersoue and Johne Mudy, quhilkis ar summoned be ressone of the wrang narratioun forsaid ; and chargit Andrew Durty to deliuer xx u merkis of the mallis of Done to the said Walter and George at Wytsonday nixt cumis, for the said xx li merkis mone borrowit, quhilk he oblegit hym to do be the fayth in his body. In vytnes of the quhilk, the maist part of the consale present for the tym subsrcyuit this ordinans aboue vrytine. Heir followis the names of the consale present for the tyme : Thomas Menzes, provest, Gilbert Menzes, Johne Collisone, Dauid An- 154 EXTRACTS FROM THE COUNCIL REGISTER 13th February, dersone, Andrew Menzes, Alexr. Rutherfurd, William Rolland, Mr. An- drow Tulidef, Valter Cullane, Alexr. Menzess, Johne Collisone, Andrew Durty, Gilbert Malisone, Alexr. Kyntoir, and Mathow Branche. Sic sub- scribitur : Johne Collisone, Mr. Andrew Tulidaf, Villiara Rolland, Dauid Andersone, Mathow Branche, vith my hand, Johne Collisone, Alexr. Menzes, Gilbert Malisone, Alexr. Kyntoir, with my hand. 14th February, 1538. The said day, Thorn Dauidsone wes conwickit and put in amerciament of court, for the hawely and malicious strublyng and myspersonyng of Jonat Barbour, his moder of law, to forbeir in tym cumyng, and amend as law will. And the prowest and baizes ordanis hym to cum on Sunday nixt cumis, in tym of hiemes, with ane vax candill of ane lib., and thair, bair heid, to sit downe on his kneis and beseik the prowest and gud men of the toune to requeist his gud moder forsaid to forgyf hym, and to reuok the saidis vordis he said on her, and that thai var verray false, and said hot in his ire and crabitness ; and, gif euer he did the lyk in tym cumyng, to pay fywe merkis to Sanct Nicolaus vark on forgyffin, togidder with the ex- penssis of court : and that wes gewin for dome be the mouth of Johne Scheras, dempster of court for the tym. And the said Jonat Barbour ves maid quyt of all strublens of the said Dauidsone ; and that ues gewin for dome siclyk, be said dempster. 25th February, 1538. The said day, the baizes and consall present for the tyme commandit and chargit all thair nichtbouris within this towne, that thai nor nane of thair seruandis cast thair assis nor fulze on the gait within the portis of this towne in tyme curning, wnder the pane of viij s. for thair wnlaw ; and als chargit tham to tak away thair myddyngis quhilkis hes muk on the gait betuix this and Freday nixt cumis, and failzeing thairof, that ony persone that pleissis to tak away the same but ony perrell. And gif ony be fundin castand or layng thair asse on the gait in tym cuming, that it selbe lesum to ony man fyndand thar doyng the same to tak away thair pannis or lumiss and present the same to the baizes for thair wnlaw. The said day, the haill towne beyng warnit be thair hand bell passand OF THE BUBGH OF ABERDEEN. 155 throcht the rewis and straittis of this towne, on the quhilk the doar thairof 25th February, maid fayth in iugment, and the maist pairt of thame conwenit within thair tolbuytht, and the provest, balzeis, and counsall present for the tyme, commandit and chargit ilkane of thaira generally to cum on thair lynkis on Furisday the xi day of March nixt to cum, to thair wapyn schawis, furneist in thair harness vith jak, speir, swerd, and knapskaw, and vtheris geir, as is contenit in our souerane lordis letteris direct to thaim thairopone, to be in thair best deray, ilk persone vnder the pane contenit in the said letteris, and als thai vald ansur to the kingis grace thairwpoun, and vndir all panes and charges that efter may follow. 25th February, 1538. Nomina Assise. Gilbert Menzes, Mr. Andro Tulidaf, Duncane Mar, Alex. Kyntoir, Androw Lowsone, Alex. Gray, Gilbert Malisone, James Fentone, Dauid Arrott, Gilbert Tulidaff, Gilbert Mar, Johne Collisone, James Litstar, Thorn Hay yonger, Johne Brabner, Williame Andersone, Henry Collisone. The said day, Besse Dempster, the spous of Dauid Spilyelaucht, wes conuik and put in amerciament of court by the sworne assyse aboue vrytin, all in ane voce, for the hawy and gryt strublens, and myspersonyng of Dauid Reid, bayth in word and deid, and als the said Dauid, for lycht and hot sobyr strublens of the said Besse in his awin defense, to forbeir in tym cumyng, and amend as law will ; and als thai ordane the said Besse, for the amendis of the said strublens done be hir to the forsaid Dauid, to stand in the Gowistair, be the awyse of the provest and baizes, and to cum in the hie kirk on Sunday nixt cumis, and to gang, sark alane, afore the proces- sioun, vith ane vax candill in hir hand of ane pound, to be offerit to the haly blud lycht, and thairefter to sitt downe on hir kneis and beseik the prowest, baizes, and gud men of the toune to requeist and caus the said Dauid to forgyf hir, and to reuok and agane say the vordis said be hir to the said Dauid ; and gif euer scho did or said sic vordis or strublens to him, or ony vther nychtbour of this towne, in tyme cumying, to be baneist thairof for euer ; and the baizes chargit hir to pay the said Dauid the expenssis of the court, and that wes gewin for dome, be the mouth of Johne Scherar, dempstar of court, for the tyme, and baith the said parteis oblegit thame in jugment, to stand, fulfill, and abyd at the deliuerance of the forsaid as- syse. 156 EXTRACTS FROM THE COUNCIL REGISTER ihh April. llth April, 1538. The said day, it wes statut and ordanit be the prowest, baizes, consall, and communitie, present for the tym, that na raaner of nychtbour within this toun duelland suld lay ony fulze or filtht in the maist oppin place of the Gallowgat, quhilk is afor Johnn Mairis zet, and umquhill Johnn Cul- lanuis hous, bot at the cassay thairof be anis clengit, and gif it sell hapin ony maner of persoun to lay ony maner of fulze thair in tymmis curnming, thai sell pay the baizes vnlaw of viij s. vnforgewin, and it selbe lesum to quhatsumeuer nychtbour that reprehendis the layaris of the said fulze in the place forsayd, to tak the veschell that it sell happin to be brocht in, to be keipit quhill thai be punyst for the braking of this statut. May, 1538. The said day, Robert Arthur and Johnn Arthur, sonis to Johnn Arthur, war accusit for the strublens of my lordis of Bonacordis, and of this guid toune, in judgement ; and sic like, for this strublens of Dauid Arrot, and for wrangeous takin of his hors and quhynggar, denyit ; and sic like, the sayd Dauid wes accust for the strublens of the saydis Robert and Jonn ; and sic like, for the strublens of Margrait Urquhart thair moder, for the casting of draff on her throw malyce, in special in tyme of Ewin sang, and sic like, denyit ; qnhilks actions of strublens, with consent of the forsayd partis, wes present to the decisioun and knawledge of the assyss afor ex- ponit, quhilks war chosen and sworne tharto, and accepit the samand on thame furth of court, remolvit and ryply awisit, with the depositions of di- werse and sindrie famos personis enterit in court, fand and deliuerit, all and in ane voce, Gilbert Menzes, chanslor, that the forsaydis Robert and Johnn hed strublit the said Dauid ; and sic lik, the said Dauid for the strublens of the saidis Johnn and Robert, but the protestatoun wes fundin in thame ; and als the saydis Robert and Johnn hed strublit the lordis of Bonacord, and this guid towne, in stoping of dansing, and plesure dewisit, to the plesure of the samyn, quherfor thai, and ilk ane of them, was in amerciament of the court to forbere in tyme cumning, and the amendis tharof continuit to be maid be the awiss of the prouest and counsale, and the said Dauid maid faitht in judgement, at the command of the said assyss, that he kest na draf on the forsayd Margrait for malice or envy, and sa ves maid quit of all stru- blens of her, and the sayd John Arthur chargit to deliuer the quhingar again quhilk he hes pertaining to Dauid Arrot. OF THE BURGH OF ABERDEEN. 157 The sayd day, the prouest and bailzies, present for the tyme, at command 21st May, of the assyss afor writin, and of thair awn authorite, commandit and chargit Robert Arthur, Johnn Arthur, Sanderis Forbes, and William Holland youngar, on that ane part, to set sufficient cautioun and lauborrouis or thai dupart of the tolbutht, that Dauid Arrot and Henre Collisoun, on that oder part, (quhilks maid faitht thai dred bodely harm of thame,) suld be harmles and skaithles, and sic lik, the toune, and induellaris tharof, of thame, and all that thai ma lat forther thame, by order of law ; and sic like chargit the sayds Dauid and Henre to set cautioun and lauborrouis, that the sayds Robert, Johnn, Sanderis, and Villiame suld be harmles of thame, and all that thai ma lat forther thame, be order of law. 25th May, 1538. The said day, the prouest, bailzies, and counsell, present for the tyme, ordanit and chargit Robert Arthur, and Johnn Arthur youngar, sonis to Johnn Arthur, to cum the morne within the queyre of Sanct Nicholace keyrke, in tyme of the hemes, barheyd, ilk ane of thame with ane candill of vax of ane pound in thair hand, and syt downe on thair kneis and beseyk the prouest, in the tounis name, to forgyf thame for the strublens don thair- to be thame, in tyme of thair solace and play ; and in lykwyss to beseyk the said prouest and guid men of the toune to mak request to the lordis of Bon- acord to forgyf thame the fait and strublens done to them ; and gif thai, or ony of thame, committs ony sic like fait, to pay v merkis to Sanct Nicholace wark, the committar tharof on forgewin. 4th October, 1538. The sayd day, the consell forsaid assignis fyw merkis to be gewin to Dauid Bruce zeirly be the dene of gild for his gud seruice to be done in keiping and tempering of thair knok within the tolbutht, for his fee. 16th October, 1538. The sayd day, the vyffis of Gilbert Malysone, Androw Craufurd, Dauid Arrot, Williame Lowsone, Henre Collisone, Edwart Innes, Johne Reyd, Robert Rattre, Mathow Branche, Androw Blycht, Gilbert Skeyne, Thome Fynne, Wille Schiphird, Thome Trowp, thai, and ilkane of thame in amerciament of court for the brewing of xvi d. aill, of thair awin grant maid in jugment ; and inlikvyse, the vyffis of Dauid Reche, Michell 158 EXTRACTS FROM THE COUNCIL REGISTER 16th October. Wyll, William Sande, and Dougall and Thome Mayr, thai, and ilkane of thame, in in amerciament of court for brewing of xii d. aill, beyng vn- fremennis viffiis in braking of common ordinans, to forbeyr in tym cuming, and amend as law wyll, and that wes given for dome. 8tk November, 1538. The said day, comperit in jugment ane venerabill clerk, Mr. Alexander Spittall, persone of Clait, and exponit to the provest and bailzes how his freind Henry Levinstoune, Johne Makhe, and Sande Towcht war chargit to find caution to ansuir at the instance of certane vachis of thir gude towne for strubling of thame on the nycht, and offerit tham reddy in jug- ment to ansuyr ony thing that ony man had to say to thame, and als re- quirit the baizes to inquir and speir at the saidis vachis gif thai war plen- teous or had ony thing to say to thame, quhilkis vachis ansuirit that thai var nocht plenteous apoun nane of thame, and the baizes maid thame quyt thairof in iugment ; on the quhilk the said Mr. Alexander tuik nott and instrument, and the baizes chargit the forsaid Lewinstoune, Makhe, and Towcht to compeir this day aucht dais, to beir suithfast wytnessing in the actionn of strublens mowit be the said wachis, aganis [ ] Straquhene with intimatioun as efferis. 4t/i December, 1538. My lord prowest and bailzes of this nobill burght of Abirdene, vnto your M[ ], humely menis, schawis, and, be the way of reconuentioune, complenis, I, Alexr. Moyr younger, vpoun Dauid Bruce, burges of Aber- dene, that quhar the said Dauid, the aucht day of Januar, in the zeir of God m v c thretty sex yeiris, promittit to pay me the soume of thretty poundis, in penny and pennywortht Scottis, at thir termis following, that is to say, tene poundis at Witsounday, in the yeir of God m v c thretty sex yeiris, and vderis tene poundis at Witsonday nixt thairefter, and the vderis tene poundis at the fest of Witsounday in the yeir of God v c and thretty aucht yeiris, and that in tochir gud for the mareage to bene than con- trackit and solempnizat in face of haly kirk, betuix me and Merzeoure Bruce, dochter to the said Dauid, betuix the aucht day of Januar forsaid and fastern ewin nixt thairefter following, quhilk mareage is contract, and in face of haly kyrk solempnizat, betuix me and the said Merzeour, be the space of thre zeyris or thairby bygane ; and as yit the said Dauid Bruce OF THE BURGH OF ABERDEEN. 159 wrangouslie, and aganis the law, postponis and deferris to pay to me the 4th Dec., sowme of thretty poundis, in penny and pennyworthis, for the caussis abefoir exprimitt, without he be compellit be justice thairto. Quharfor I beseik your M[ ] ye wald compell, be justice, the said Dauid Bruce to the forsaid xxx lib., in pennie and pennie worthis, with my expenssis mayd and to be mayd in the persute of the samyn ; and this my petitioune, be way of reconuentioune, to haf the stryntht of ane borght, gyf neid beis, and your ansuir heirvpoune humely I beseyk, &c. 9th March, 1539. The said day, it was funden and deliuerit be the provest and bailzes aboue writtin, with the awise, consent, and deliuerance of the conseill vndervrittin : that is to say, Gilbert Menzes of Fyndoun, Androw Cullane, John Colisone, vmquhill provestis, Valtir Cullane, Duncane Mar, Alexr. Nicholsone, and Gilbert Malysone, tuyching the debaitt of the byggyng of schelis on the vattir bank of the Cruvis, betuix Johne Hay, Dauid Menzes, Gilbert Fressor, and the laif of the taxman of the tovnis vatteris of the Cruvis, and Maister Johne Vatsone and Alexr. Forbes, occupiaris of the landis and toun of Cruvis, pertening to the said burgh, the forsaidis provest, balzeis and conseill all in ane voce fand and deliuerit, in presens of the saidis partiis, that it suld be lesum to all and syndre the tovnis tax- men of thair vatteris of Cruvis, to byg scheill or schelis, sa mony as thai thocht expedient, on the vattir bank of Cruvis forsaid, to eise thame self for keiping of thair fische and clayis during the season of thair fisching, and commandis, chargis and ordanis that thair be na impediment nor stop maid to thame in bygging of the said schelis in tyme to cum, noyther be thair tenentis forsaid, thair seruandis, nor vtheris quhatsumevir, vnder all pane and charge that efter ma follow. 12th March, 1539. The sayd day, Margaret Porter, the vyif of Alexr. Kayne, wes convict for the strublens and myspersonyng of Jonat Chesame, the vyff of Johne Valcar, in calling of hir commond vyld freris hvyr, that scho wes that hes ane pek of lyiss betuix thi shoulderis ; I sell leid the to the place for the freir swewyt the, quhar you tynt the pendace of thi belt in the hie publict gett ; quhairfor scho was put in amerciament of court, to forbeir in tyme cuming, and amend as law will. And the said Jonat Chesame wes maid 160 EXTIIACTS FROM THE COUNCIL REGISTER 12th March, quyt of ony strublens or myspersonyng of the said Margaret Porter, and that wes gevin for dome. And thairefter the provest and bailzeis, beyng consultit and awisit with ane parte of the consall, present for the tyme, modefiit ane mendis for the said myspersonyng, as efter followis : that is to say, thai ordanit that the said Margaret cum on Sunday nixt, within Sanct Nicolace hie kirk in tyme of hiemes, cled in lynning claythis, with ane torche byrnand in hir hand, of thre pound of vax, bair lyg, and thair, afor the powpytt, and the provest and gude men of this toune, reuoke and agane say the fbrsaid vordis, and vtheris said be her of the sayd Jonat, and con- fess thame verray false and vntrew, and sayd hot of malice and in ire ; and to syt downe on hir kneyse, as said is, and ask the said Jonat forgyffance, and request the gud men of the towne to caus the said Jonat to forgyf hir ; and gif euer scho dois the maik in tyme cumyng, and beis convickit thairfor, to pay x lib., vnforgyffin, to Sanct Nicholace vark, and als to fynd cautioun for the fulfilling of the said mendis or scho duparte of the tolbuith. 4th April, 1539. Heir followis the lordis of Bonacordis desyr : My lord prowest, baizes, and consall of this guid towne, on to your M[ ], humelymenis andschawis, we, Waltir Hay and Thomas Scherar, lordis of Bonacord, that quhar your M[ ] put ws in the said office this instant yeir, albeit we ar nocht conwenient thairfor, nochttheless we sail, God willand, do the best we may to your M[ ] honour and the gud townes. Quharfor we exhort your M[ ] that we hef the auld lowable vse, lang vsit and kepit within this guid tovne, now in our tyme, lyk as it hes bene in our predecessoris tymes : that is to say, all the yong able men within this guid towne to conwey ws euery Sunday and halyday, and wther neidfull tymes, aboulzeit as your M[ ] hes deuisit, and agit men to meit ws at the crabstane or kirkyard ; and thai that compeiris nocht, that we may poynd thame, conforme to the auld vse, or ellis mony of thame will nocht obey, &c. And als, at your M[ ] pleysse, rattefy and afferme the saying ye promest ws the tyme of our chesing in office : that is to say, ane of the first fremen that begud at our chesing, that we hef securite in your bukis thairof ; and your M[ ] ansur heirvpoune maist humely we beseik, &c. The quhilk petitioun forsaid, the provest, bailzes, consale, and communite, present for the tym, ratefeit, apprewit, and affermit, and OF THE BURGH OF ABERDEEN. 161 ordanis the same to be kepit and obseruit in all poyntis thairof, wnder the 4th April, panis contenit in the same, to be ouptakin and poyndit be the forsaid lordis at thair plesar, &c. 18th April, 1539. The said day, the court wardis and schawis for law, and it vas gewyn for dome, that the takysmen of the townis millis within the towne hes prowyn sufficiently that thai aucht to hef the xxiiij pek of malt that thai grynd, and that thai var in vyse of payment of the samyn this lang tyme bygane, and als to heff ane pek of knaschip of ilk vj bollis of malt thai grynd ; quharfor the prowest and baizes ordanis thaim to be obeyit of the said multur, and keipit in vse of payment of the same, conforme to the auld lowabill vse lang obseruit within this burght obefoir. The said day, compeirit in iugment, Johnn Dauidson, indueler in Banff, and complanit unto the prouest and baizes apoun the personis underwritin : that is to say, Williame Holland elder, Dauid Holland, Williame Holland younger, Alex. Bisset, Johnn Larayntone, Alex. Nicholsone, and Johnn Chalmer, quhilks, as he allegit, wrangously, and againis the law, took away frae him this gair efter followin : to wit, ane swerd and ane bucklar, vurtht xx s., and ane bag, and belt, ane phingar, and within the bag the soume of xxx s. of small silvar ; and mair, attour, that the personis forsayd had him to the tolbuitht, and put him in the stokes ; and als that the forsayd William Holland eldar, and his complices, tuk away frae hym wrangously ane coitt of grene kendilling, quhilk cost in all thingis iiii merks ; and ane gal coit, vurtht xiiii s. ; ane blak bonat, with ane typpat of taphite, cost xvii s. iiii d. ; ane blak hatt, and ane typat, cost viii s. ; ane pare of double solit schone, cost xl d. ; ane pare of spuris, cost xii d. ; and in likwiss, that quhen thai had put hym in the stokkes, that thai tuk out of his sleyff, in ane purss, xi lib. xii s. of gould ; and als strak hym, and tuk him be the hair and rappit his heid to the wall ; and als that thai vrangously passit to Alex. Bards stabil, and tuk ane gray horss quhilks he had poynded fra Edward Drum for ] of the lard of Wauchtoun, as he allegit; and beseikit the prouest and baizes for remeid of law. And therefter the forsayd personis, and ilk ane of thame, being accusit in gugement be the prouest and baizes for the wrangis forsayds, thai denyit the same ; quhilks wrang and strublens the prouest and baizes present to the decisoun and knawlege of the assyss 162 EXTRACTS FROM THE COUNCIL REGISTER 18th April, underwriter!, of baith the parteis consentis : that is to say, Gilbert Menzes, Henry Erwin, Duncan Mar, Williame Lyoun, George Bisset, Johnn Arthur, Gilbert Malisoun, Gilbert Tullidef, Walter Hay, Will. Quhyt, Rob. Blak, Alex. Kintoir, Johnn Brabner, Williame Andersone, and An- drou Crauford, quhilks beyng sworn and admitted in gugment, furtht of court remouit, and accepand the forsayd matteris on thame, enterit in court agane, fand and deliurit, all and in ane voce, that the forsayd Johnn Dauid- son, beyng ane mair deput of Abirdene for the tyme, disobeyit the forsayd Williame Holland eldar, shiref deput of Abirdene for the tyme, and mys- personet hym with mony ewil wordis said to him be the sayd Johnn, and boistit the said shiref with ane knyff at his awn buitht dur ; for the quhilks, the said shiref, be way of correctioun in executioun of his office, put the sayd Johnn in the stokkes, and fand that he did nae wrang thairof, and als thai mak him quit, and Dauid Holland, Villiame Holland youngar, Alex. Nicholsoun, Johnn Chalmer, Alex. Bisset, and Johnn Lamyntoun, of all wrang dun to the sayd Johnn Dauidsoun be the said Williame Holland elder, and als be ony of thame to him, and sic lik of the claine of gair and gudis forsaid, becauss he preuit naething of the sayd clame, neier be vitnes nor writ ; quherfore the prouest and baizes forsayd dischargit and absouit the sayd personis of the forsaydis strublens and gair, and accepit the sayd de- liuerauce, and ordanis the same to be keipit in all pointis and partis thairof, under quhilk the sayd personis tuik nocht. 28th April, 1539. The said day, the haill towne beyng varnit to this day be thair bell man passand throcht thair rewis, and the maist parte thairof beyng conwenit within the tolbuitht, and thai beyng circuly inquirit be Dauid Andersone baize, gaif, grantit, and assignit the altarage of Sanct Peter, within thair paroche kirk of Sanct Nicholace, vacand in thair handis be the deceise of vmquhile Schir Willeame Coupar, to ane venerable dark, Maister James Menzes, persone of Dunnotter, for all the dais of his lyftyme, for the repa- ratioun and byggyng of the tenementis and landis pertening to the said altarage, and for to wesy and se thair daily seruice dewyne within thair queyr, and caus the same be ordourit and keipit to the honour and plesur of God in the best sort he can dewyse, and ordanit Thomas Menzeis, thair provest, to present him to the same, and seill his presentatioun and gyft with thair commound seill ; on the quhilkis Mr. Robert Menzes, his procura- OF THE BURGH OF ABERDEEN. 163 tour, tuk nott and instrument, vytnes, Mr. Andrew Tulidaf, Mr. Johne 28th April, Gordone, Johne Arthur, and Maisteris Johne Nicholsone and Johne 1539 - Hay, notaris publik. And the prowest, of his benevolence, promittit to the town that he suld caus the said Mr. James to refund and pay yeirlie the soume of ten pundis to ane syngar for daly seruice within thair queyr. 19th May, 1539. The said day, Ellene Rannaldsone wes convict of hir awin toung grant maid in jugment, for the oppynnyng of nychtbouris durris with wrang keyis, and steling as of thair stuff, wnder silence of nycht ; and als Elspet Meldrum, hir modir, wes convict for the braking of our souerane lordis vard, vnder silens of nycht, siclyk ; quhairfor ilkane of thaim vas put in amer- ciatnent of court, to forbeir in tyme cuming, and amend as law will ; and the consall and baizes present for the tyme ordanit thame to be banist of of this gud towne thairfor for euer ; and gif euer ony of thame var fundin within this toune, ane hait irne to be laid on thair cheyk. And that wes gyffin for dome, be the moucht of Johne Scherar, dempstar of court for the tyme. And als the baizes passit to the mercat croce, with thair dark and officiar, and thair, be oppin proclamatioun, banyst the saidis personis, as said is, for thair demeritis. 23d May, 1539. The said day, Johne Vatsone and Valter Stewart, seruandis to my Lord Abirdene, exponit to the bailzeis in jugment, how they hed diuerse and syndrie tymes, in thair maisteris name, plenzeit to thaim on the fyscheris of Futy, quhilkis, as thai allegit, hed syndrie tymes schewit the fysche to cum to thair vattir of Done in the auld vatter gang, and specially this day instantly hed done the samyn, and that they culd get na remeyd thairfor. Quharfor thay protestit for tym and place to persew the said fyscheris afor ony juge or jugis thai think expedient, on the quhilk thai tuk instrument. And the baizes chargit thair officiaris to pass to the said vatter gang incontinent, and fesche the saidis personis that thai find thair- on, or varne thaim, on the whilkis the saidis personis are plenteous on, and put tham in the tolbuith on to the tym thai ansur to the said lordis instance, and fynd cautioun for the skayth. 164 EXTRACTS FROM THE COUNCIL REGISTER 2dJune. 2d June, 1539. The sayd day, the prowest and baizes consentis and ordanis, wytht the awse of the hayll towne, that thair be ane cassay makar feyit and conducit for daly wagis, to raak, reforme, and mend all the streyttis and calsayis of the sayd burght, and to gett ane dayse mett of euerilk nychtbour thair tyme about, sa lang as he beis making the said calsayis, with ane penne of euerilk housse haldar within this burght, to be gewin corresponding ilk day to his wagis. June, 1539. The said day, the provest, baizes, and haill consall present for the tyme, weill gadderit within thair consal hous of thair tolbuith of Abirdene, all in ane voce feitt and conducit John Collisone zonger, son to vmquhill James Collisone, thair weill beluffit nychtbour, quhom God assolze, and ordanis thair dene of gild to ansur him of ten merkis yeirly vsuall money of Scot- land, at twa vsuall termes in the yeir, Mertimes and Vytsonday, be ewynly portionis, and that for his guid, leill, and trew seruice, and continuall resi- dence to be maid within thair paroche kirk in mess, mattynnis, and ewin- sang, and all vther devyne seruice, festuall day and feriall day, quhill God and thay provyd him to a largear fee, eftir his gud bering and conditionis, quhilk thay beleyf selbe better wortht in tyme cumyng. 23d June, 1539. The sayd day, the prowest, balzess, and haill towne, consentis and as- sentis that the gray freiris of this burght get the barne pertenyng to Androw Cullane, lyand at the eist syd of the said burght nixt adiacent to thair yard, to thair profyt and wse as thai think expedient, to dispone thairupoun for suffrage to be done be thaim in all tym to cum ; and that the said Androw get als mekill rowme of the townis commonty, besyd the aid hattis behind the gray freiris, besyd the said Androwis croft, to byg hym ane vder barne vpoun of the sam lynth and breid. The balzeis and prowest assignit to the lordis of Bonacord, of this in- stant year, to wit, Tohmas Scherar and Valter Hay, John Micchelsonis compositioun of fremenschip, to be takin oup be thame, conforme to the act maid by the haill consall of befor. OF THE BURGH OF ABERDEEN. 165 June, 1539. 27th June, The said day, the consall ordanit Mr. Andrew Tulidaf, dene of gild, to pay William Purwass fywe merkis Scottis for the mending of thair knok in the tolbuith, the quhilk he deliuerit to hym at command of the prowest this day, and was discbargit thairof, on the quhilk he tuk nott. 4tk July, 1539. The baizes ordanit Mr. Andrew Tulidaf, dene of gild, to pay Robert Vyschert x s., for the paynting of the tolbuith horrelage, within viij dais. September, 1539. The said day, the prowest, baizes, and maist parte of the consall, beyng presently convenit, to the effect wnder wrytin, within the consal hous of the tolbuith of Abirdene, hawand respect to the trublous passagis now beyng presently within this realme, throw occasioun of the contagius iufeckand pest, callit the boiche, quhilk ryngis in diuerse partis of the same now in- stantly : Thai, efter detfull consultatioun and consideratioun, beyng riply and at gryt lynth awysit, all in ane voce statut and ordanit, that the baizes pas euery ane of thame throw thair awin quarter, within the boundis of the haill toune, and cerse, vesy, and se all maner of codderaris, vagaboundis, and puyr boddeis, quhilkis ar nocht natiue of this towne borne, that hes nocht to leif gudly on thair awin, and command and charge thame and ilkane of thaim that thai incontinent remoif tham selfis, thair ffudis, o-if 7 O ' C thai ony heff, furth of this toun, within xlviij houris efter thai be chargit be thame thairto, vnder the payne of layng of ane halt irne on thair cheik ; and gif thai failze and disobeyis the same, thai ordane that the bailzes lay the said jrne on thair cheik. And inlykwyse thai ordane that the belman pas throcht all the stretis and vnydis of this toun, commanding and charg- ing, in the kingis name, and townis, provest, and baizes of the same, that no induellar within the toun, of quhat degre that euer thai be of, tak on hand to hous nor harbre na maner of strangear, vagabound, nor codderar, without licence and leif askit and obtenit be thame of the provest and bailzes. And gif ony ane of thame failzeis heirintill, that it ma be verefiit on thaim, the doaris thairof to be banyst of the toun for yeir and day ; and this statut aboue vrytin to be inuiolably obseruit and kepit within this burgh, and oppynly proclamit at the mercat croce. 166 EXTRACTS FROM THE COUNCIL REGISTER loth October, IQtk October, 1539. The said day, the haill counsall present for the tyme consentit and as- sentit, all in ane voce, that certane of thair artelzery and pulder be lennit to Patrik Erie Bothwall, he fyndand sufficient strenzeabill cautioun and and souerty to deliuer, restoir, and pay the samyn agane, als guid as he introraettis with the samyn, in the first schippis that cummis betuix, and that the said cautioun be incertit in the court bukis. \3th October, 1539. The said day, it wes statut and ordanit be the provest, baizes, and haill consall, all in ane voce, that because of the gryt multitude of strangearis that ar of new cumin to this burgh till remane in the same, quhilkis hes nocht of thair awin to leif apoun, quharfore thai ordane that the balzeis pas throcht thair quarteris, and tak inquisitioun and knawlege of euery persone duelland within this toun, quha is lauchtfull nychtbour, and qubat thai hef to leif apoun, and quhow and quharbe thai leif, and gif thai be sufficient to remane within burght ; and thai that ar on sufficient nychtbouris, and fundin nocht lauchtfull be ane vnsuspect and condigne assise, that thai be remowit and expellit of the towne within xlviij houris nixt efter thai be chargit thairto ; and quha that beis fundin within this toun thairefter, thai ordane ane bait jrne to be laid on thair cheik for thair inobediens, and than to be put out of the toun. And thai ordane that na cautioun selbe tane of sic on abill personis in tyme cumyng, noder be provest nor baize, for na request or supplicatioun that may be maid thairfor, &c. The said day, the consall forsaid assignis fourty sillingis to be gewyn to Androw Feildlar yeirly, be thair denis of gild, for his guid seruice to be done in keipyng and temporing of thare knok within the tolbuitht, for his fee ; and als ordanis the denes of gild to mak payment to Dauid Bruce executouris of his fee, sa lang as he maid seruice on payit for. 1 4th January, 1540. The haill toune, present for the tyme, except Maister Androw Tullidef, Wm. Holland, Alexr. Forbes, Gilbert Tullidef, Walter Lesley, Alex. Tullydef, and William Holland zoungar, consentis and assentis, all in ane voce, that Andro Lausone and Jame Lausone, his broder, thair commound OF THE BURGH OF ABERDEEN 167 menstrallis for the tyme, selbe fey it and conduycit for thair actuall and 14th January, continual! gud seruice to be done be thaim, as ws wes be the menstrailis 154 afor thaim, thair predecessouris, at ewin and morne, and vder tymmis neyd- full, concerning the toune, for all the days of thair lyf, and sell haif thair daily vaigis and meyt of the nychtbouris of this gud towne circularie, con- forme to the auld lovabill wse and consuetud of this nobill burght obseruyt in tymmis bygane. 22d January, 1540. The said day, in the actioun and caus movit be Andro Chalmer, in Westar Fintra, upon Barbara Dya Baptista and Helen Andree, thair complices, to the number of ten personis, frends and servands to Erie George, callit of Egipt, makand raentioun that in the monyth of October last bypast, come to his houses in Wester Fintra, and thair thiftiusly staw and tuik fra hym out of his kyst, in his chalmer, the sowm of twenty four marks money of the realme, and will mak him na restitution thairof wythout thai be compellit. Nomina Assise. Patrik Forbes, Duncane Mar, Walter Cullan, Maister John Fress, Gilbert Fress, Walter Hay, Androw Crawfurd younger, Androw Durtty, Alexr. Nicholsone, Alexr. Forbes, David Menzies, Johne Rattre, Henry Collisone, Thomas Hay, William Carnis. The sayd day, Barbara Baptista and Helen Andree, Egiptians, war accusit in jugment be the prowest for the wrangous waytaking of xxiiij marks money of Scotland fra Androw Chalmer in Wester Fyntra, out of his kyst, quhilk thai denyit be George Faw, thair capitane and forspeikar, and Maister Thomas Annand, thair procuratour. And thairefter, with consent of bayth the said partiis, the said action was put to the decisione and knawlege of the assyss aboun wrytine, quhilk was chosin and sworne in jugment, in presens of partiis, and admittit be thaim furtht of court re- mowit, and at lyntht awysit wytht the depositionis of the wytnes producit be the said Androw Chalmer, enterit in court, fand and deliuerit, all in ane voce, that the said Androw Chalmer bed failit in his preyf twyching waytaking of the forsaid money, and maid the said Barbara and Helene, Egiptians forsaid, quyt of the clame of the same claimit at thaim be the said Androw, and dischargit thaim thairof be the haill assyss forsaid. And the said Egiptianis protestit for thair expensis againe the said Androw 168 EXTRACTS FROM THE COUNCIL REGISTER 22d January. Chalmer, and desyrit caution of the said Andrew to answer at thair instans, as law will, quhilk fand John Chalmer cautioner, to Alexander Hay, officiar. The said day, Alexander Chalmer, procurator for the said Andrew Chal- mer, protestit for tyme and place to persew the laif of the Egiptianis for the said money, and tuk not that the said Barbara and Helene allanarly ar made quyt of the said claim, as he allegit. The said day, Maister Thomas Annand, procuratour for the Egiptianis, and George Faw, thair capitaine, requirit Androw Chalmer in jugment to nayme or nott samony of thair company as he wes plenteus on for the thift- ouss waytaking of his money, quhilk accepit allanarlie at that tyme hot twa, that is to say, Barbara Dya Baptista and Helen Andree ; and the forsaid procuratour protestit that he said hef na place in tyme cuming to persew nane of the company, becaus thai war all present in jugment. 28th January, 1540. The said day, George Faw and Johnne Faw, Egiptianis, ware convict be the sworne assys aboune wrytine for the blud drawing of Sande Bar- rowne, and the said Barrowne convict for the strublens of thaim and the prouocatioune fundin in hym; quharfor thai and ilk ane of thaim war in amerciament of court, to forbeir in tym cumming, and amend as law will, and ordanit the saids Egiptianis to pay the harbour for the leyching of the said Barrowne, and to gyf him a crowne of the sone for the amends of the said blud within viii days. llth February, 1540. The balzess chargit Gilbert Malisone, maister of the brig wark, to pass and vesy the brig of Dee, and tak alse mony seruandis with hym as he thinkis necessar to prowyd remeid for saifty of the said bryg fra the dan- geir of the spayt apperand to be, and to eschew the samyn, and pay the said seruandis for thair labouris. 2lst February, 1540. The bailzeis charged George Faw, Egiptian, and his brother, to remoif thameself, their cumpany, and gudis of this toun, betuix this and Sonday nixt cummis, under all pane and charge that aftir ma follow ; and in the myntime, that nane of thair cumpany cum in ony houss or cloiss in this OF THE BURGH OF ABERDEEN. 169 toun, hot gif thai be sent about, and gif ony dois quhat beis away in tbe 21st February, same houss, that the said George and his brother sal refound sayme. 4th March, 1540. The said day, the Egiptianis quhilks wer maid quytt obefor of Androw Chalmeris clame maid Joh Faw thar capitanis procurators for thaime, to persew thair expensiss, and the bailzie geff him power to follow the same, on the queilks they tuk nott. April, 1540. The said day, the provest and bailies decernyt and ordanyt Maister Thomas Chalmer, curat of Abirdene, cheplene of Sanct Katherenis altar, to be obeyit and ansurit, and his successoris, cheplanis of the said altar, of ane annuell rent of v s. Scottis, to be optakin yeirly of the landis lyand in the Grene, pertening the quhyt freiris, betuix the Denburn on the west, the kingis gayttis on the est and northt partis, and the said freris yard on the southt, to the quhilk the prior of the saidis freiris consentit and assentit, for stoping of the dome of property persewit be him of ane vast land within the saidis merchis, and ordanis him to be payit of thre termis bygane onpayit, and mair gif he ma preyf it. April, 1540. The said day, the prowest and baizes, togyder with the maist pairt of the consell, present for the tyme, wycht ane consent chesit Dauid An- dersoun, Alexr. Nicholson, and Gilbert Malysoun, maisteris of wark, to se the prepairing of Robert Cultis and Thorn Breqhynis schip, and caus the samen to be furnist with all necessaris neydfull to ane schip of weyr, as the counsell thinkis, expending conforme to the kingis charge direct heirupoun, quhilkis sail resaif money, and mak compt thairof to the towne, in sa far as they weir vpoun the said schip, and chargit Walter Cullane and George Bysset to deliuer the said Dauid Aridersoun tuenty povndis of the dowbill gersummis quhilk thai haf in keiping in thair handis. 1st May, 1540. The said day, the haill toune beyng warnit be thair hand bell and offi- ciaris passand throw all the rewis of the towne, to the effect wnder wrytine, gaderit and conuenit within the tolbuitht for the maist pairt, wyth ane voce 170 EXTRACTS FROM THE COUNCIL REGISTER 1st May, assent and consent chesit thir personis wnder wrytine, that is to say, Thomas Menzeis, provest, Maister Andro Tullideff, Alexr. Menzes, Andrew Menzes, and Alexander Gray, baizes ; Gilbert Menzes, Andro Cullane, Johne Colleson, Alexr. Ruderfurd, Dauid Andersone, Williame Holland, Walter Cullane, Duncane Mar, Johne Chalmer, and Johne Rutherfurd, factouris and commissionaris in that part, to se, consult, and considder quhat the towne hes reddy to weir and deburse to the preparatioune of the schip to be send to the kingis grace, of the men and vitteilis accord- ing thairto, and be quhat maner the samyn salbe spendit ; and gyf thai haf nocht so mekill as wil extend to the repairing of the said schip, to calcul the excess necessar to be spendit, and to se and considder and find the esiast way quhar the same salbe gottine, with powar to thame to gif dis- chargis and acquyttans thairupoune. The said day, the prowest commandit and chargit opinlie all and sindry nychtbouris of this toun, that nane of thaim way put nor dispone vpoun the necessaris requirit to the said schip as ane schip of weir, sic as gunnis, culuernigis, pulder, harnes, pyk and vapnis, wyth all vder premunitionis conuenient for ane schip of veir, vnto the tyme the forsaid schip be sted and furnyst with all necessaris, vnder all the hiast pane that thai ma incur heirupoune at our souerane lordis handis. 8th May, 1540. The said day, the haill towne being warnit be the officiaris, and be thair hand bell passand thro all the rewes and stretis of the same, one the quhilkis the officiaris and belman maid faith in jugment, and the nychtbouris of the samyn beinge weill convenit in the said tolbouth, representand the haill body of the towne for the tyme, it was oppinlie exponit to thaim be the provest forsaid, quhow the auditouris of covnptis haid extremlie ex- eminyt the covmptis of the said burght, in presens of our lord bischop of Abirden, and quhow the comont guid of the samyn mycht nocht furneise the schip and personis that thai wer chargit to furneise to the kingis grace, and quhow attour the haill commont guid restand, thair behuffyt a gret sowrae to be furnest to the neid of the said schip and personagis ; quharfor the haill toune consentit and assentit all in ane voce, except Gilbert Tulidef, that thair suld be certane nychtbouris schessin and suorne to sett a generall taxt amang all the nychtbouris of the said burght for the rest of OF THE BURGH OF ABERDEEN. 171 the furnessing of the said schip, quhilkis all, and in ane voce, scheschit 8th May, thair nychtbouris, Master Andro Tulidef, Master Johne Gordoun, Johne Collisone yonger, George Bissett, and Sanderis Keyme, to set the said taxt equalie, euery man efter his substance and faculty, quhilkis personis wer suorne the gret aytht in jugment, in presens of the haill communite, to sett the samyn, as thai wald answer to the gret God, noyther for fauour, priar, nor price, moy nor hatrance, but efter thair saull and conscience, as thai wald ansuyr to the gret God, to the kingis grace, and towne of Abir- dene, tharvpone. Uth May, 1540. The court wardis and schawis for law, and it wes gewine for dome, that James Gordoun sell content, refound, and pay to Robert Logy thir sowmis of money vnder wrytin : that is to say, four pound xiij s. iiij d., quhilk the said Robert payit to the cheplanis of the cathedrall kirk of Aid Abirdene ; item, xvi d. of letter syluer ; item, x s., quhilk he payit to the cheplane of Sanct Annis altar ; item, xl d., payit to the cheplane of the halyblud altar ; item, xxvj d. for twa yeiris rud malis ; item, xxvj s. ij d., quhilk he payit to Alex. Gray, as souerty for the said James. Summa of the haill is vj lib. xvj s. iiij d., quhilk the baizes chargit him to pay within terme of law, togidder with expenssis of court, to be taxit be thame efterwart. 15th May, 1540. The said day, the haill commissaris, beyng present for the tyme, ordanis the personis chosine taxtaris of the nychtbouris of this toune to sett the said taxt that it extend to the sowme of fyw bunder merkis, to furnyss, re- pair, and sustene the schip of weir to pass to the kingis grace, and the per- sonis and marenaris to be send thairintill, efter the tenuour of the kingis charge direct heirupoune, ilk nychtbour ane competent part of the sam, according to thair faculte and reches, as the said taxtaris wald ansuyr to God thairupoune. The haill counsell present for the tym chesit Dauid Andersone, Maister Andro Tullidef, and William Rolland, auditouris of Gilbert Malysonis compt and expenssis, and vpoune the schip grathit be the toune to the kingis grace, with power to allow and dissallow, gif acquittances and dis- chargis ; quhilkis comptis the said auditouris hes sene and subscrywit, and 172 EXTRACTS FROM THE COUNCIL REGISTER 15th May, dischargit the said Gilbert of the sowm of Ix lib. and v lib., vairit and de- bursit be him for the reparing of the said schip. 16th May, 1540. The said day, the haill consell and comraissaris, being present for the tyrae, dewysit, ordanit, and war content that the personis vnder wrytine pass in the schip of war preparit be the haill townne to serff the kingis grace, because thai ar maist abill personis, and convenient thairfor be thair wnderstand and knawlege : Andro Menzes, Henry Irwyne, Maister John Gordoune, Dauid Menzes, Henry Collisoun, James Anderson, Alex. Knollis, William Anderson, George Guthrie, James Ruderford, Robert Blak, Thomas Hayeter, Thomas Hay younger, Henry Hay, Duncan Thelly, Gilbert Kyntoir elder, George Leslye, John Kilgour, John Lesly, Richard Irwyn, Sanderis Chalmer, Dauid Chalmer, Allaster Gordoune, Sanderis Duff, Thomas Barbour. The said day, the counsell and commissaris chesyt Gilbert Menzes, An- drow Cullane, John Collisoun, Maister Andrew Tullidef, Dauid Ander- soun, and Thomas Chalmer, to considder and dewyse quhat the personis aboune wrytine, that passis in the kingis seruice, sail haf to thair expenssis, ilk man according to his degre, because thair is better and war, and aucht nocht all to be equally furnyst with expenssis, quhais expenssis sal be modi- feit be the prouest and wtheris that he plessis to tak to him, efter that he haue seyne and considerit the samyn personis. \1th May, 1540. The said day, the consell ordanis to deliuer Johnne Rutherfurd xl s. for careyng of ane bill to the king.anens the somoning of Alex. Ruthyrfurd and his barnyss, for the allegit slauchter of Bruce, of the fyrst accedens that cumis in the den of gildis handis. 3lst May, 1540. The said day, the haill counsell present for the tyme : that is to say, the prowest, Gilbert Menzes, Andrew Cullane, Johne Collisoune, Dauid An- dersoun, Maister Andro Tulidef, Alex. Menzes, Thomas Chalmer, Henry Irwyne, Walter Lesly, Gilbert Malysone, Alex. Nicholsoun, Walter Hay, Walter Cullane, Duncan Mar, Johne Collisone younger, Johne Collisone, OF THE BURGH OF ABERDEEN. 173 son to James Collisone, and Gilbert Menzes younger, consentis and ordanis 3ist May. that the young men that passis in the schip to the kingis seruice be re- wardit for thair expenssis be the sycht of the prowest and ony thre per- sonis with him that he pleissis to tak. 2d June, 1540. The sayd day, the provest, baizes, and consell, present for the tym, chesit Androv Menzes, baize, collectour and factour to resaif the taxatioune dewysit to the prepairing of the schip of veir to the kingis grace, and to de- liuer the marenellis thair feis, and to furnyss the vittellis of the said schip conforme to the tylkyt of hir furnyssing maid thairupoun. The said day, the prouest and balzeis ordanis the officiaris to pass and poind the personis for the rest of the taxt dewysit for the furnissing of the kingis schip of thame that hes vnpayit the samen, ilk officiar in his awin quartar, and to poind the rediast of thair geir for the same. 1th June, 1540. The said day, the consell and toune ordanis Thomas Brechine and Ro- bert Cultis to be payit of als mekill fraucht for thair schip, conducit and frauchtyt be thaim to pass in the kingis seruice, as the towne of Dundee pais for thair schip, and mair according to hir byrtth, and the expenssi? and coist maid vpoun hir, and feis of the marenallis, maid and debursit be thame, quhilk pertenit to the awnar to do and the said schip hed passit in merchandice, to be allowit in the said fraucht, and to deliuer thair schip agane, with hir pertinentis, safand awentour of see, to the saidis Thomas and Robert, and to do in all thingis as the toune of Dundee dois, according to the said schipis brytht. July, 1540. Rex. Prowest, baizes, and merchandis of our burght of Abirdene, we greyt yow weill : Forsamekill as we causit Androw Buk, skipper of the Nicolace of Abirdene, and certane vderis inhabitaris of our said burgh, to pass with ws in our seruice presently in the ills with thair schip callit the Martine ; quharfor it is our will, and we charge yow, that na maner of schip, strengearis nor wderis, passand furth of our realme, in merchanderis of our said burght, be ladyne vnto the tym the said Nicolas be first seruyt. z 174 EXTRACTS FROM THE COUNCIL REGISTER *>th July, and that na strengearis be ladin quhill the remanent of the schippis of the toune be first staykit, as ye will ansuyr to ws thairupoune, and vnder the payne of escheting of all your movabill gudis to our wse. Subscrywit with our hand, at Kirkwall, in Orknay, the xix day of June, and of our regne the xxvij yeir. Sic subscribitur, James R. 19th August, 1540. The said day, the bailzeis, Androw Menzeis, Maister Androw Tulidef, and conseill, Gilbert Menzeis, Androw Cullane, Alexr. Rutherfurd, Dauid Andersone, Duncane Mar, Williame Rolland, Robert Cullane, Gilbert Malisone, Gilbert Freser, Valtir Cullane, John Collisone zonger, and Valtir Hay, ordanis thair prowest to pas to the kingis grace, and labour at his vtyr power for a discharge to the haill toun for the slauchter of Wille Bruce ; and gif he can nocht get discharge, to get continuatioun to the third day of the nixt justice ayr, and to expone to his grace quhow the townis ewillaris intendis to recompense the pane layd vpoun thame, that now [ ] his grace, bailzie on the toun, quhilk defendit your gracis authoritie, wyth wther gud wordis and solistatioun ; and the said prowest desynit na expensis of the toun quhill hes hame cumyng, and than to re- cumpanse him as he seruis be the conseillis awyise. 3d February, 1541. The said day, the prowest, bailies, and consell, with consent, and at the desyr, of the maisteris of kirkwark, feit and conducit thair seruitour, Robert Wischertt, for the mending of all the holis of thair kirk vindois yeirlie during all the dais of his lyf, and promyttit hym thairfor yeirlie thre merkis, to be payit be the said maisteris of wark at Vitsounday and Mer- timess be equall portionis, sua that the said vindois be nocht brokin, ex- tending attour ane futt of glace ; and gif it beis mair nor a fut of glace in ane place, to be payit thairfor by his fe, extending to his laubouris, the said maisteris of vark findand hym ledderis, jrn, and lym to the mending thairof. And als thai ordane to gyf hym iiij merkis for this yeir, becaus thai considderit his gryt lauborrowis mad thairupoune. llth February, 1541. My lord prowest and baillies of this nobill burtght of Aberdeine, onne to your M[ ], humely menis and complenis, I, your nychtbour Alexr. OF THE BURGH OF ABERDEEN. 175 Melvyng, burges of the said burght, vpoune Agnes Forbes, servant woman 17th February, in the same, that quhar the said Agnes wes servand to me fra Witsonday to Martimes last bypast, in m v c fourtty ane yeiris, and hed the cair of my howse and geir thairin for the tyme, vnder me and my wiffe, and had hir meite and fee thairfor, as wthyr servandis in the towne ; nochttheless I was skaythit and wanttyt in hir defalt and sleutht, this yeir efter following : in the first, the said Agnes rotht to me ane nop seke on hir defalt, quhilk scho lay vpoune ; item, I wanttyt out of my hous in hir defult and sleutht 3 ane plaid of ix elln, the price xxiiij s. ; item, ane blanket of tua eln, the price viij s., quhilk scho hed at evyn and away in the mornyng ; item, ane kort sleif of colour the roy, contenand ane eln, the price v s. ; item, ane galkoit of stenyng, the price x s. ; item, twa hewing aixis, the price vj s. vij d. ; item, ane brassin pott, the price x s. ; item, certane trinscheounis, pewter discheis, and towellis, and wther small geir quhilk scho hed in cair, ex- tending to xx s. ; item, thre young fowlis, the price xii d. ; item, the said Agnes resauit fra my wife ay 11 to sail on Lammes evyn last bypast, ex- tending to xxii s., to hefe payit her quhow sone it had bene sallyt, quhilk ayle siluer the said Agnes refuisyt to deliuer to my said wife and me, and als yit refusis, and wrangously postponis and deferris to mak na compt, raiknyng and deliuerance of ony geir abowne wryttin, and intendis to mak me na payment nor deliuerans thairof, without scho be compellit be justis thairto, beseiking heirfor your M[ ] prowest and balzeis forsaid, to decerne and compell, be justis, the said Agnes to mak me payment and deliuerance of the geir aboune wrytin for pricis forsaid, to giff the said ale siluer to my said wife and me, as said is, be the ressonis and cawsis for- said, together with my expenssis rnaid and to be maid in the persute of the samyn, and, gyff neid beis, this my petitioune to hafe the stryntht of ane brocht. Heir followis the airschip gudis that I, William Igrame, askis at Jonat Bissett, the relict of vmquhill Cristofer Igrame, my broder freman of this burght of Abirdene, and at Robert Barbour, now hir husband, for his entres, as I that is seruit as narrest and lauchtfull air to hym. Item, in the first, ane gown of Scotis blak, lynit with blak gray ; item, ane sakot, coytt and doblait, a sark, a pair of hois, a hat, a bonat ; item, ane sword and quhyngar, ane leyth aix, ane jak, and ane steil bonat ; item, ane standand bed, ane nop bed, ane pair of scheittis, with twa blankattis, 176 EXTRACTS FROM THE COUNCIL REGISTER 17th February, tua coddis, ane covering to the bed ; item, ane press, ane alraery, ane pott, ane pan, ane playt, a dische, a salsar, ane chandlar of brace, ane tangis, ane spyt, with ane lanterene, ane brew fatt, ane kymmeoun, ane geilfatt, ane stand, and a bukatt ; item, ane standand buird, with trestis, burdclayth, tua formis, ane cheir, ane quart, ane poynt, and ane choppin ; item, ane shaiping knyf, ane schawing irne, ane pair of buyt treis, ane schaiping buird, ane trinkaild, wyth the steill to scherp the schawing jrne ; item, ane kyst lokit fast, ane scherp rak for ledder, ane blunt rank, tua settis, with feit uecessar thairto ; item, a blek tub furnyst, ane vly barrell, with ane vly chopiu ; item, ane resp, ane turcas, and four cuchin nailis of jrne ; item, ane traschor, ane stuffin sclyise, with ane yeirning sclyise, ane conze, ane camroll with ane obiuse ; item, ane kestrel and hand ledder, with ane elson ; item, ane pryse, with ane turning staf ; item, solis exemplis over ledderis exemplis, with a wanpa for a buytt ; item, a pair of grytt lastis, ane myddil pair of lastis, and ane less pair of lastis ; item, ane stark to vork the ledder vpoun, with thair feytt ; item, ane clock, &c. And thir gudis following belangis to the kirk yeird : item, ane flesching buird, with ane fuyt and ane flesching jrne ; item, ane cleik and bramskin of ledder, with ane bark pok ; item, ane skep, ane schod schuill, with ane lym tub. 23d February, 1541. The said day, the provest, baillies, and counsell, present for the tyme, gaif, grantytt, and consentytt, and assignitt to the craftismen vnder wry tin, that is to say, wrychtis and masonis of the said burght frely lycence to re- pair and byg thar altar, callit Sanct Johne the Baptistis alter, wythin the parroche kirk of Aberdene, and to decoir the samyn in the maist honest maner, with all maner of accidentis that may be had of the said craft in tyme cumminge, providing always that the gift of the said altar remaine with the tovne nochtwithstanding this gift. 1th March, 1541. The said day, the haill consell, present for the tyme, ordanis John Chalmer to be stoppyt of the bigging of the Vennell and passage that gangis to Sanct Katherenis hill ; and ordanis the prowest, baillies, and thair officiaris charge hym to desyst and ceyse fra bygging thairupoun quhill thai be forther awysytt, nocht the les thai lycent the said Johnn to byg alse heycht as the calsay, for saifty of his land and of his nychtbouris OF THE BURGH OF ABERDEEN. 177 land, swa the passage be nocht stoppyt ; and protestit that this lycens hurt 7th March nocht the townis rycht. 154L The haill consell ordanis the maisteris of the brig wark to byg ane bryg of tre our the pot burne, on this syd of the brig of Dee, and to gett and by al thing necessar thairfor ; and ordanis him to cause raise ane granatour to course for all stuf, sic as lyra, stanis, tymmer, and jrn, takin away fra the brig wark. llth April, 1541. The said day, the prowest, baizes, and consell consignis and gyffis to Allexr. Gray and Dauid Kintoir, thair lordis of Bonacord chosin this in- stant yeir, the compositioun of ane freman and burges of gild, ,to help to the decoratioun and plesour to be done be thaim to this guid towne ; and ordanis the officiaris to povnd thairfor, gif neid be. 2d May, 1541. The said day, the prowest and balles chargit the officiaris to pass and poind all and sindry thir personis wnder wrytin, for the commond men- stralis feis and vagis, ilk persoun eifering to his degre, conforme to the old wse of this burgh, and mak payment to thame thairof within viij [dayis], safar as thai will grant, or the saidis menstrailis ma sufficientlie preif : that is to say, Johnn Moreson, Androw Brabner, Andro Murray, Thom Reid, Alexr. Wentoun, Sanderis Donaldson, Johnn -Hercules, and his broder, Thom Andersone, Johnn Finne, Vill Schippert, Wm. Senzeour, John Robertsoun, Alexr. Jafray, John Fruily. 6tk May, 1541. The said day, the hall consell, present for the tym, assignis to Robe Portair and Robe Nicholsoun, ilkane of thame, fourtty s., to help to by thame clayse, to be gewin thame yeirly, sua thai continew the sang scuilis and serf in thair queir, as thai do now induring thair will. 25th May, 1541. The said day, the four officiaris maid fayth in jugment, that, at command of the provest and bailzeis, thai passit to all and syndrie the nychtbouris of the toun, induellaris, the four quarteris of the same, and chargit thaim cum 178 EXTRACTS FROM THE COUNCIL REGISTER 25th May, this day, and tak euery ane of thaim thair part of the heir quhilk wes bocht for the comraond weill of the haill toun, and mak payment thairof within tene dayis heireftir, that the fremmit men, fra the quhilkis the said beir wes bocht, ma be outred, swa that the provest and balzeis, quhilkis at command of the haill toun bocht the said beyr for thair protfeitt, be nocht sklanderit and murmovrit be the said fremmit men, nor be nane vtheris ; certifeing thame, and euere ane of thame, that and thai cum nocht thir day to resaif the said beyr, that frathinfurtht thai vill gett nane of the same ; and sa mony as cummis this day said be staikit for thair money, paying within tene dayis heirefter ; and failzeing of thair cuming to resaif the said beyr, the provest and bailzeis vald dispone and gif the samyn to ony persone or per- sonis for thair money, and leif and licence thame to tak thair vantage thair- one, swa that the fremmit men suld be outred. And alswa the bellman maid fayth that he passit, at command of the provest and bailzeis, throw all the rewis and stretis of the toune, chargeand samony nychtbouris as vald heff ony of the forsaid beyr, to cum to the tolbuyth incontinent, certefying thame as is forsaid. And thaireftir, the bailzeis aboune vrittin being sit- tand jugement, nane of the nychtbouris compering hot ane certane [few] thairof, quharfor thai tuik nott and act of court, that it wes nocht in thair defalt gif the toun wer skatht in selling of the said beir, for the causis for- said, becaus thai bed varnit the toune to cum and resaif the same, and thai comperit nocht, and thairfor thai decretit to pas, and dispone, and gif the the said beyr to ony maner of persone or personis vald pay thairfor vithin the tyme forsaid, and leif thame to tak thair vantage thairone, swa the frem- mit men mycht be outred, as said is. \1th June, 1541. The said day, it wes convenit and aggreit betwix Henry Mowtray, fac- tour and seruand to my Lord of Abirdene, on that ane part, and the prin- cipallis of the quhytfischeris of Futty : that is to say, Geilis Monro, Dauid Monro, Johnn Collie [ ] for thaimself and the laif of thair nychtbouris, on that oder part, as after followis : that is to say, the said fisheris ar content, and oblegis thame and thair complices, that thair sail cum nane of them, nor thair seruandis, to gadder thair bait in the watter mouth of Donne, except thair be ane of the maisteris with thame, quhilk sell se that nane of thaim cum neir the watter moutht on the south sid with- in a pair of but lynthis, nor on the north syd within twa pair of but lynchtis, OF THE BURGH OF ABERDEEN. 179 and that outwith the flud mark ; and that, quhan they veyd the waiter, thai 17th June, sell weid all attanis at ane tyme, and mak no tary in the watter moutht ; and the conveyer of thaira sell se and consydder gif thair be ony fysche swomand thair for the tyrae, and gyf swa beis, thai sell cause thaim pass about to the brig, and nocht to veid the watter, nor pass throw the saraen, for that tym, flud mark. This done, with bayth thair consentis, afor thir wytnes, George [ ] of Fywe, Gilbert Menzeis, vmqubill prowest of Aberdeen, Androw Menzes, Maister Johnn Gordoun, baizes, George Lesly, John Menzes, and Maister Dauid Nicholsone, notar publict, with vder diuerse ; and this to be obseruit and keipit vnder all paine and charge that efter ma follow. 3d October, 1541. The said day, the hail toune, present for the tyme, chesit thir presonis vnder wrytine : that is to say, Thomas Menzes, prowest, Dauid Andersoun, Maister Johnn Gordounn, Alex. Rutherfurd, thre of the bailies of the said burght, Gilbert Menzes, Androw Cullane, John Collisoune, Thomas Cbal- mer, and Maister Androw Tullidef, thair commissaris in that part, to dewyse ane certane sowme of money for the decoryng and preparing of this guid toune agane the quenis cuming, and to propyne hir efter thair power, as the aid wss hes bene within the burght at the first cuming of princis, and to consult and considder the maist eisy way qwhow the said soum of money ma be gottin, and quhow, and be quhat maner, it selbe distribuit ; with power to the saidis commissaris, or the maist part of thame, to sett of new, prolong and formaill, all and syndry the landis of the community of the said burght, and fyschingis of the watteris of Dee and Done, to the nycht- bouris burgessis that ar actuall induellaris this guid toun, and to na vderis, for all the days and termes of threttene yeiris immediat following thair entre thairto, quhilk selbe on the vigill of Sanct Androw nixt to cum, and frathin- furth to induir during the space of xiij yeiris forsaid, provyding that the thre yeiris that ar to ryn of the last generall assedatioun be comptit and numerat in the first end of the said threttene yeiris ; and ordanis ane com- missioune and ane generall assedatioun to be maid thairupoun, and seilit with the commound seill of the said burght ; and chesit George Bisset and Walter Cullane collectouris and resauaris of the said soum of money, and to distribuit the samyn at the townis command, and to gif compt and rakning thairof. 180 EXTRACTS FROM THE COUNCIL REGISTER 21st Nov. 21 st November, 1541. The consell ordanis the denis of gild to pay sklaitter and wrycht for the mending of Sanct Ninianis cheppell, vpon the Castellhill, and it to be al- lowit in thair nixt compt. \tth April, 1542. The said day, the prouest, baizes, and counsale consignis and giffs to Alex. Gray and Dauid Kintoir, thair lordis of Bonacord chosen this in- stant year, the corapositioun of ane freman and burges of gyld, to help to the decoratioun and plesour to be dun by thame to this guid toune, and or- danis the officiaris to pound thairfor gif nede be. 24th April, 1542. The said day, the prowest, baillies, and counsell, present for the tyme, feit and conducit thair servitour, Robert Wischart, glasinwrycht, to mend and vphald the glasinwark of thair windois of thair parroche kirk of Abir- dene, cleynging and dychting of the samyn, and of the presbiter and stallis of thair queir of the said kirk, yeirlie, for all the dais and termes of the said Roberttis liftyme ; and promittit him thairfor yeirlie the soume of thre merkis vsuall money of Scotland of yeirlie pensioun, to be pait to hym be the maisteris of the said kirkwark for the tyme, at tua termes in the yeir, Witsonday and Martymes, be tua equall portiounis. The said maisteris findand him ledderis, irn, and lyme, to the mending of the said wyndois. And forther, gif the saidis windois, or ony of thame, happynnis to be brakin, be chaunce of wynd or evill weddyer, attour ane futte of wark to giddyr in ane place, the said Robert to be payt thairfor by his fee, equaliter to his laubouris and stuff, as vtheris craftismen suld hawe ; and becaus the coun- sell hes considerit his laboris mair this yeir nor ony vther yeir bigane, thai ordane the said maisteris of wark to gif him now iiij merkis for his laubouris bigane, he makyng gud service in tyme cuming. The sayd day, Alex. Kayn, accusit in gugment for his wyff (becauss he oblegit him to ansuer for her deids), for the hawy strublens and vile misper- soning of Alex. Gray and Dauid Kintoir, lordis of Bonacord, and thair company present with thame for the tyme, sayand common beggaris and skafferis, thair meltyd wes bot small for all thair cuttit out hoyss, with mony oder inurious vordis, unleful to be expremit, quhilk the sayd Alex. OF THE BURGH OF ABERDEEN. 181 denyit ; and thairefter it was funden be the haill counsale, present for the 24th April, tyme, that the sayd Alexirs wyff hed hevily strubled and mispersonit the saydis Alexr. and Dauid, and the remanent of thair company for the tyme, in maner abown wrytin, quherfor he wes convict and put in amerciament of court, to forbeir in tyme cumming, and amend as law will, and that wes geivin for dome, and the amendis tharof continuit to be modifyit eftirwart be the counsale. 5th June, 1542. The said day, in the actioune and caus of cognitioune movit and persewit be Sir Johnne Cuming, chaplane of Sanct Katherinis chapel, within the burght of Abirdene, aganes Johnne Chalmer, burgess of the said burght, be vertew of our souerane lordis letteris, impetrait be the said Sir Johnne, direct to the prowest and baillies of the said burght, and presentit be him to the prowest and baillies forsaid, makand mentioune : That quhair the said chapell was foundit and biggytt iij c yeir syne be the constabill of Abir- dene for the tyme, for decoratioune in honour of Sanct Katheryne, to the quhilk thair lyis ane commoune venneyll and passage within the said burght to our souerane lordis liegis that wald repair thairto, within the boundis following, that is to say, the said vynell Hand betuix the land and tenement of Johnne Chalmer on the northt part, and the land of Thomas Scherar on the southt part ; and the said Sir Johnnis predecessouris and he, chap- lanis of the said chepell, and siclike all our souerane lordis liegis that plesit to repair thairto, hes bene in continuale vse and possessioune of the said vynell, within the boundis forsadis, as ane commoune passage to the said chapell, and reput and haldin past memour of man ; quhill now laitlie that Johne Chalmer, burgess of the said burght, be him selfe, his servandis, and complices, in his name, of his causing, command, assistens, and ratihabi- tioune, wrangowslie molestis and trowbilis the said Sir Johnne in his pos- sessioune and vse of passage throw the said vynell, and wald byg and stop the commoune passage quhilk he suld hafe be the samyn to the said chapell, and will nocht desist and ceis thairfra without he be compellit, as is allegit : chargeing the prowest and bailzeis forsaid to call baith the saidis parteis befor thame, and tak cognitioune in the said rnater ; and gif it war fundin that the said Sir Johnnis predecessouris and he, chaplanis of the said chapell, hes bene in continuale vse and possessioune of the said vynell, within the boundis forsaidis, as ane commoune passage to the said 2 A 182 EXTRACTS FROM THE COUNCIL REGISTER 5th June, chapell, and sa vsit be our souerane lordis liegis that plesit to repair thair- to past memour of man, as said is ; and that the said Johnne Chalmer now wrangouslie molestis and trublis him in his possessioune of the said vynell, and stopis him thairby to haue passage to the said chapell, to cause and compell the said Johnne to desist and ceise thairfra, and keip and defend the said Sir Johnne in his possessioune of the said vynell, as commoune passage to the said chapell, ay and quhill he be lauchtfullie callit and ordourlie put thairfra, as at mair lyncht is contenit in the saidis letteris. Be vertu of the quhilkis lettres, the saidis parteis var warnit to this day, to heir and se cognitioune takin in the said mater, and thai compeyring per- sonaly in jugment, with thair procuratouris, thair rychtis, ressownis, and alligatiounis of bayth the saidis partiis, hard, sene, considerit, and wnder- stand, and diuerse exceptionis being be thaim proponit, and syndry famovse wytnes, producit be the said Sir Johnne, the said mater and actioune of cognitioune wes put to the decisioun and knawlege of the assyse aboune wrytin, chosin, sworne, and admittit in jugment, in presence of the saidis pairtiis, quhilkis acceptit the mater on thame, and furth of courtt remowit and consultand and considerand the rychtis and defenssis of the saidis partiis, and the depositionis of the forsaidis vytnes exeminit diligentlie be thaim of the eldest and mayst famowse personis of the said burght, and thai being ryplie awysit thairwith, enterit in court, and deliuerit all in ane voce, that the said Sir Johnne Cuming and his predeces- souris, cheplanis of Sanct Katherinis chepell forsaid, hes bene in continuall wse and possessioun of the said vennall and passage to the said chepell, and all our souerane lordis liegis that plesit to repair thairto, within the boundis folloving, that is to say, betuix the land of Johnn Chalmer on the norcht and the land of Thomas Scherar on the soucht, and as ane corn- mound passage haldin, reputt, and vsit in all tymmis bypast, past memour of man ; and that the said Johnne Chalmer nov wrangovslie molestis and trublis him in his possessioun of the said vennell, and stoppis hym thairby to half [passage] to the said cheppell as ws wes obefor : quharfor the pro- west and baillies forsaid aucht to caus and compell the said John Chalmer to desist and ceis thairfra in tym cuming, and to keip and defend the said Sir John Cuming and his successouris, cheplanis of the said cheppell, in possessioun of the said vennell, as ane commound passage to the said cheppell in all tymmis cuming, ay and quhill he be lauchtfullie callit and ordourlie put thairfra, conforme to our souerane lordis lettres forsaid in all OF THE BURGH OF ABERDEEN. 183 pointis. Quhilk deliuerans and decreit the provest and baillies forsaid ad- 5th June, mittit, and interput thair authoritie to the samyn, and ordanis it to be ob- 1542 - seruit and keipit in all tymrais to cum, and put to dew executioun in al pointis, vpoun the quhilk the said Sir John tak ait and instrument. August, 1542. The said day, the prowest and bailies chargit all the nychtbouris and fremen of this gude towne, of thair awne granting and consent maid in jugment, thai being convenit all for the maist part be the handbell and officiaris, to remane continualy and mak actuall residens within this burght, to keip and defend the samin fra our auld innemeis ; and gif ony of thame beis fundin xxiiij houris togidder without the samyn but speciall lycens of the prowest gewin and grantit therto, that he sell tyn his fredome and liberty of this burght, and all takis and profyttis that he hes of the samin, but ony request to be hard or admittit in the contrar. \\th September^ 1542. James, be the grace of God king of Scottis, to oure louittis Archibald Herrot [ ] messingeris, oure schireffis in that pairt, coniunctlie and seueraly, specialy constitut, greting : Forsamekill as certan borrowis of our realme ar taxt for furnissing of fitmen to pass to oure bordouris for defens of our realme, our will is heirfor, and we charge yow straitly and commandis, that incontinent thir our letteris sene, ye pass and in our name and authorite command and charge the prowest and bailies of the burght of Abirdein to rayse, ouplyft, and inbryng thair partt of the said taxt, extend- ing to the sowme of ane hundreyth threttene poundis, efter the forme of the taxt roll, and deliuer the said sowme to Wm. Sym, burgesse of our burght of Edinburght, or sic vderis as he sell deputt to resaif the samyn, within xlviij houris nixt efter thai be chargit be yow thairto, wnder the pane of rebellioun and putting of thame to our home ; and gyf thai falze thairin, the saidis xlviij houris being bypast, that ye incontinent thairefter denunce thame our rebellis, and put thame to our home, and escheytt and inbring all thair movabill gudis to our wss, for thair contemptioun, as ye will an- suer to ws vpoun the executioun of your office, deliuering thir our letteris, be yow duely execut and indorsat, agane to the bairar. Gewin under our signett at Edinburght, the xxii day of August, yeir of God, m. v c fourtty and twa yeris, and of our regnne the xxix yeir. 184 EXTRACTS FROM THE COUNCIL REGISTER 22d September, 22rf September, 1542. Heir followis the prowisioun and ordinans dewysit be the consell present for the tyrae, for the defens of this burght fra the Inglismen, our aid innerneis. In the fyrst, thai ordane to byg ane bastailze incontinent be the haill comraonitie, and chesit Alexr. Gray, Robert Cullan, Dauid Menzes, Gilbert Malison, Walter Lesly, and Robert Blakhall, to be maisteris of vark to the samyn, in the best wyse thai can devyse. And als ordanis to held the blok- house with faill, and put ane fulse rief thairon, thykit with faill ; and to se, considder, reforme, and mend the artillery, and to mak carttis, boolis, vagis, and all vder necessaris belangand thairto, be the sicht of Dauid An- dersoun, baize, and Alexr. Rattre and Johne Mathason with him ; and to send till our maister the kingis [grace] ane abill expert man, for twa barrell of pulder, wytht the townis wryting wnder the secreit seill for payment thairof, oder with wyth pulder or money, as it pleissis the kingis grace to charge. Siclik thai ordane the hawin to be chenzit attour the watter, in maist sicker maner, with irne chenzys and maistis, lokit on euere syd of the watter, be the sycht of Dauid Andersonn forsaid ; and that thair salbe ane nychtlie vache, to the numer of xii personis, to vache the toun, to be sett in diuerse partis, as it sell pleyse the baize of the quarter to sett thaim, and that euerie nychtbour of this burght vache in propir persoune, quhat euer he be (sa he be abill), for himself, but exceptioune of personis, ilk quarter thair tym abowtt, begynning at Futty quarter, and thairefter in or- dour the Grene quarter, the ewin quarter, and the crukit quarter ; and that thair be sett ane bell in the aid belhouse beyound the watter. And ordanis ane taxt to be set be the provest and the four bailies, and ouptakin incon- tinent, for the preparing, completting, and fulfilling of the premisses on euere nycht, be the induellaris within this burght, efter thair substans and faculte, and this to be done in all competent haist and expeditioun. 6th October, 1542. The said day, the haill consell present for the tym ordanit to byg ane commound hailis vpoun the tovnis pece rayst ground, lyand in the rattoun raw ; and ordanis ane partt of the mailis of Ardlar to be tane oup and byg the samyn how sone fair vedder cumis ; and ordanis the profyttis thairof to be annexat to the bryg of Dee in all tym to cum, except ij merk to be gewin to the cheplainis of Aid Abirdene, for the annuell of the said pece OF THE BUKGH OF ABERDEEN. 185 ground ; and chesit Andrew Menzes, Wm. Holland, Johnn Chalmer, and 6th October, Walter Hay, maisteris of vark to the byging of the said hailis. llth October, 1542. The said day, the haill consell present for the tyme chesit Andrew Menzes and Alexr. Nicholsoune to be maisteris of the artillierie, and to provyd boolis, slottis, and all vder munitionis requirit thairto, and to pro- vyd for all vder raunitionis and thingis necessar for defens of this burght fra the Inglis men, and to tak the rediast of the townis money, quhais handis that euer it be in, to furnis the samen, oder of the Mertimes maill, and ony vder vay ; and ordanis Andrew Luk to be gyder of the said ar- tillierie, be thair awyse, and promyst to reward him thairfor. October, 1542. The sayd day, the haill towne, all in ane voce, consentit and ordanit, that gyf the hundreyth personis chosin be the prowest to pass to the bor- douris passis nocht ouer the watter of Fortht, bot hapnis to returne hame agane haistely on past to the tryst to Gladismoir, or quhar the kingis grace pleisis, that thai sell refound agane samekill money as restis our the ex- penssis maid be thaim at thair hame cuming ; and gyf thai pass our the said watter, to dispon on the money they gett to thair awin wss as thai pleise. 10th November, 1542. The said day, the consell ordanit Androw Menzes and Alexr. Nichol- soun, maisteris of the artilliery, to deliuer and pay to Androw Luk thre pound x s. Scottis, for vij stane of takkillis, gewin be hym for bynding of the gunnis, and v s. for ane stane of pyk, of the first and rediast money that may be gottin of the townis. 13th November, 1542. The said day, the prowest and haill consell, present for the tym, ordanis that the haill townis maillis and profyttis, baith of watteris and landis, ex- cept the kingis few, be takin oup, to the furnissing and preparing of the ar- tillery in all thingis necessar, be the maisteris of the said artillzery ; and that thai tak the irne chenzeis of the towne, and chenze the hawin with mastis bandit and bound with jrne, as wes devysit obefor for defens of the 186 EXTRACTS FROM THE COUNCIL REGISTER 13th NOV., towne, wyth all vder munitionis and strynthis, be maid for defens of the toun, be sycht of the said maisteris of vark, with the money forsaid, and that thair singaris tak partt and partt of thair feis quhill the towne ma guidly pay thaim. llth November, 1542. The baizes forsayd and the haill towne, beyng convenit with the hand- bell in the tolbucht of Abirdene, chesit William Holland, Walter Cullan, Gilbert Freser, Alexr. Kyntoir, and Alexr. Forbes, taxtaris, to sett and extent the nychtbouris of this burght efter thair substance, to the sowme of xxxvii lib. xiij s. iiij d., to be send to the collectouris of the kingis taxtt, for the furnissing of the expenssis of certane vageouris on the bordour, conforme to our souerane lordis letteris direct thairupoun. 21th November, 1542. The sayd day, the haill consell, present for the tyme, all in ane voce, or- danit that the maister of thair grammar scuyll sell haf iiij s. Scottis, of the sobirest persoun that resauis him and the bischop at Sanct Nicolace day till his vage, at the leyst, and euere vder honest men to gif him at thair pla- sour ; and gif ony honest man of ony reputatioune, oder craftisman or vder, haldis furth the bischop and giflfis hym nocht entres, he sell pay iiij s. to the maister, and viij s. to the baillies onforgewin for thair wnlaw, and ordanis the officiaris to pound and distrenze for the samin ; and that be- cause it ves considerit be thaim that he hes na vder fee to leif on, lyk as his predecessouris bed afor him, and vder maisteris of vder scuiles. 9th January, 1543. My lord prouest and balzeis of this nobill burghe of Abirdene, on to your M[ ], humilie menis and complenis your M[ ] seruitour and nychtbour, Johnn Brabaner, burgis of the said burgh, on Alex. Freser, litster, an burgis of the said burghe : That quhar Alex. Freser, the forsaid Alexanderis brother sone, resauit fra me in Abirdour thrie scoir and iiij lambis, the price of the pece, ij s., the soume of the haill, vj lib. viij s. ; with the quhilkis lambis the said Alexander intromittit and disponit the samin to his vtilite and proffeit, and causit to put thame in Carnbrogy to keip thair to his vse ; item, deliuerit to ane of the said Alexanderis seruandis, at his command, four doussoun of alme, the price of the dossoun, OF THE BURGH OF ABERDEEN. 187 xiij s. ; item, thairefter deliuerit to ane of the forsaid Alexanders seruandis 9th January. xxix lib. of alrae, the price of the lib. xiiij d. ; item, the said Alexander re- sauit furth of my loft in this toun xv stane of vald, the price of the stane, vj s. viij d. ; item, the said Alexander bocht and resauit fra me ane half pak of vad, the price, v lib. ; item, my vif, at my command, deliuerit to the forsaid Alexander vj dossoun of madder, the price of the dossoun, xij s. ; item, deliuerit to the said Alexander, at his awin leid, ane hundreth Flemis lib. of aim, contening vij doussoun viij lib. Scottis, the price of the Scottis doussoun, xiiij s. ; item, ane servand of the said Alexanderis, at his com- mand, resauit fra me, furth of Monkegy, xx lambis, price of the pece, ij s. ; item, I and Johnn Freser, laxfyschar, my seruand for the tyme, deliuerit to the said Alexander vj barrallis of salmond, full reid and sueit, of the rychtus kynd of this toun, price of the barrall, iij lib. x s. vsuall mony of Scotland ; with the quhilkis guidis and geir, of the price aboue vrettin, the said Alex- ander Freser, litster, as said is, intromittit and wranguslie withhaldis the samin fra me as yit, and postponis and refusis to pay to me the prece of the samyn, as is aboun exprimit, wranguslie, and agains the law, without he be compellit be your M[ ] thairto ; besiking heirfoir your M[ ] to cause and compell the said Alexander, litster, to refund, content, and pay to me, the forsaid Johnn Brabner, the soumis aboun vrettin ; protesting that quhow- mekill I ma preif, to vptene the samyn, and to discend or ascend tueching the sommiss ; and this my petition to haif the stryncht of ane brocht, and to eik, ampill, change, or correct the samyn als oft as neid beis, and is lesum of the law ; and your M[ ] ansuer heirupoune humilie I beseik, for the luf of God and zeill of justice, togidder vyth my expenssis of court maid, and to be maid, in the persut of the premissis. 8th February, 1543. The said day, the court wardis and schawis for law, and it ves gewin for dom, that Maister Dauid Nicholsone sell restoir and delyuer to James Litster ane gryt litting leid, price twenty poundis, ane litill litting leid, price sax poundis, ane masar of siluer, ane spwne of syluer, ane bassing, ane lawar, ane sasar, a saltsar, a cod, and ane gryt pott, giff the said James prewis ther wes ane gretar pott nor he hes gottin, as guidis of airschip per- tening to hym be deceis of Allan Litster his fader ; with the quhilkis guidis the said Maister Dauid intromittit with efter the deceis of his fader, and or- danis the officiaris to pound James Fentoun thairof, as cautioner to the said 188 EXTRACTS FROM THE COUNCIL REGISTER 8th February, Maister Dauid, of all vder gudis of airschip that the said James ma clame at hym be any way, at that wess gewin for doin. And the said Maister Dauid allegit him hurtt be the baillies throw the gewin of this decreyt abown writtin, quhairfore he appelit thirfra to the lordis of consell. 24th March, 1543. Marie, be the grace of God quene of Scottis, to oure louittis James Collison, [ ] oure shirreffis in that part coniunctlie and seueralie, specialie constitute, greting : Forsamekill as it is humely menit and schewin to ws be our louit Robert Nicholsoun, sone naturale of vmquhill Maister Dauid Nicholsoun, that quhair laitlie befoir the deces of his said fader, he wes reibillit and legitimat to that effect, that he mycht be air, and succeid to the said Maister Dauid, in all his landis, rentis, heretageis, and airschip gudis pertening to him within oure realme, as the lettres of legitimatioun maid to the said Robert tharwpoun mair fullelie proportis. Neueryeles his said fader now being decessit, the prowest and baillies of our burgh of Abirdene, within quhais boundis his landis and heretage lyis, postponis and differris to enter the said Robert his air thairto, as wse is of our said burgh, and to deliuer to him the airschip gudis perteniug to him throw his deceis, without thay be compellit, as is allegit. Our will is heirfoir, and we charge yow straitlie and commandis, that incontinent thir oure letteris sene, ye pas, and in oure name and auctorite command and charge the saidis baillies, gif the said fader forsaid be decessit, and gif the said Robert be legitimat, and maid habill to succeed as air to him, that thai serve him as air to his said fader, and ken and enter him to all his landis, rentis, he- retagiis, and possessionis, within thair boundis, as vse is of our said burgh, and deliuer to the said Robert all airschip gudis pertening to him throw his said faderis deces. And we, with avise and consent of the lordis of oure consale, will and grantis that the serving of the said Robert as air to his said fader, and entering of him to his landis and heretage, and de- liuering to him of his said faderis airschip gudis, salbe imput na fait to the saidis prowest and baillies, and inquest, and that thay sail nocht be callit nor accusit thairfore, nor incur ony skaitht or danger thairthrow, in thair personis, landis, or gudis, in ony vyse in tyme cuming, efter the forme of the said Robertis legitimatioun forsaid, and according to justice, as ye will ansuer to ws thairwpoun. The quhilk to do we commit to yow con- iunctlie and seueralie our full power, be thir oure lettres, deliuering thame OF THE BURGH OF ABERDEEN. 189 be yow deulie execut and indorsat agane to the berar, vndir our signet, 24th March, at Edinburgh, the xii day of Marche, and of our regnne the secund yeir. 13th May, 1543. The said day, the prowest, baizes, and consell, conuenit for the maist pairt within the cheptour of thair parrise kirk of Aberden, all in ane voce grantit and consentit that our lord the gouernouris request, to gif to the religiouse men frer Johnne Roger, and to frer Waltir Thorasoun, his marrow, to their honest sustentacioun, daylie, induring thair will, thre s., with ane honest chalmer, and ordanis the rediest of thair mailis to be taking oup of thair wattir of Downe and croftis, and thair expensis to fur- nest them with, and that for thair leill and trew lawtaful seruice to be done in preching and teching of the trew Vord of God, and thair daylie prearis for the estait of the lord gouernouris grace, the commont weill of this realme, and of this guid towne ; and ordanis, siclik, that Alexander Rutherfurd, baize, be ansueriit of the said mailis correspondand to the diattis that thai haue bene wyth him of the price forsaid, that is to say, ilk day thre s. llth June, 1543. The said day, the haill consell, present for the tyme, considering our Maister, James Erll of Errane, Lord Hamiltoun, and protectour and governour of this realm, and tutour to our souerane lady the quenis grace, is to cum heir within schort tym to the burght, quhairthro na prouisioun for making of triumphe at his first entre can be hed nor provydit, and thairfor thocht it expedient, all in ane voce, to propyne his lordschip with ane twne of wyne, ane last of beir, thre stane of vax, iij dossand of cuinfey- this ; and this money thai ordane to be gottin and ouptakin as efter followis : in the first, fra Androw Menzes, in partt of payment of the sovm of money that he suld pay the toune for the landis of Cunyngstounis seytt, ane twn of wyne, for fourtty four pundis ; fra Dauid Wschart, for his composicioune of fremanship, four pound ; and fra Andro Lesk, for his composicioun, xl s. ; and the rest to be takin oup of the rediast of the townis commond guid, to furniss the remanand of the said propyne. The said day, the haill consell, present for the tyme, gaif and grantytt to thair lowyt seruitour, Maister Edward Menzes, thair cheplanre, and 2 B 190 EXTRACTS FROM THE COUNCIL REGISTER lith June, altar of the haly ruid in the organe loft, now vacand in thair handis, be the deces of wmquhill Schir John Fyf, last possessour thairof, for his guid, thankfull, and devyn seruice to be done at the said altar, for the fundatouris saull, conforrae to the foundation ; and ordanis Andrew Menzes, bailze, pas and gyf hym institution thairof. 22th February, for, becaus he resauit the same hot in the erlis name ; on the quhilk he tuik instrument afor thir vitnes, the tua bailzeis forsaid, Gilbert Tulidef, Gil- bert Malisoun, and John Crawfurd. 20M February, 1544. The said day, the haill tovnn, baith fremen and vnfremen, being varnit be the hand bell passand throcht all the rewis and stretis of this guid town, on the quhilk the berar maid faith in iugment, and conuenit for the maist pairt, representand the haill body of the townn, the prouest causit reid opinlie the quenis grace letteris vpoun iiij c xiiij lib. vj s. viij d. Scottis mone of taxt of this burgh for furnesing of horsemen at the bordouris, quhilkis war presentit lang afor to the said town be Carrik pursephant, togidder with ane vther letter of the said quenis graces, be deliuerance of the lordis, chargeand the inhabitantis, nychtbouris, and induellaris the said burgh to pay respectiue thair pairt of the said taxt, conforme to the stent- ing and rolling thairof, within thre dais nixt efter tha be chargit, vnder the pain of rebellion, and putting of thame to our souerane ladyis home ; and, gif thai failzeit thairin, the said thre dais being bypast, to denunce thame our souerane ladyis rebellis, and put tham to hir home, and escheit and inbring all thair mowabill gudis to hir vse, for thair contemptioun, lik as in the said letteris at mair lynth is contenit. Quhilk letteris beyng red in presens of the said townn, the prouest requirit the said townn, conuenit as said is, to name and cheise taxtaris to taxt and stent the said sowme on the nychtbouris and inhabitaris of the said burgh, as tha wald ansuer to the quenis grace and gouernour thairwpoune ; and thairefter tha nemmit thir persons following, viz. : Valter Cullane, Gilbert Tulidef, Walter Hay, George Bissat, and Andro Losone, and becaus tha war nocht present to accept the said mater one thame, the prouest and bailzeis ordanit thair officiaris to varne thame to Mononday nixt cumis to accept the said mater one thame, and be some thairto, as vse is, as tha wald answer to the quenis grace and gouernour thairwpoun. And thaireftir, the vj day of Marche, and yeir forsaid, the haill consell, present for the tyme, elect and chesit Alexr. Rudirfurd and Gilbert Malysoun taxtaris to the v per- sonis forsaid, and ordinit the haill vjj personis forsaid to be varnit to the vij day of Marche nixt cumis, to accept the said mater on thame, and be some thairto. OF THE BURGH OF ABERDEEN. 197 1st April, 1544. 1st April, The sayd day, the consell, present for the tyrae, conducit Andrew Mowat, gunnar, to serf the toune towart the defens of the same fra our aid innemeis of Ingland, in clengin and repairing of the artilzery, and vsing the samin in tyrarais requirit for defens of this burgh, for the space of twa monetht immediat following the 15 day of Marche last by past, for four pound Scottis ilk raoneth induring the said space, and forthir, ,sa lang as the toune pleissis to hald him in seruice of the samen price : to the quhilk he oblegit him faythfully, and to serf na vder within the realme nor with- out, salang as the toune pleissis to hald him for the sowme forsaid. 30th April, 1544. Heir followis the ordinans of the consell, convenit for the maist pairt in the consell hous the penult day of Aprill, in the yeir of God m v c xliiij yeiris, for the defens of this toune fra the Inglismen, quhilkis ar purposit to aryw in this hawin, as thai vnderstand be suir aduer- teisment. Item, the consell ordanit to lok and chenze the hawin mowcht wytht maystis and rakkillis of irne, in the maist suwir maner, be the ingyne of craftismen, and men of experiens that hes vesijt vder partis. Secundly, to prepar the artilzery, and to get all necessaris requirit to thaim, and, specialy, certane chalmeris, stokkis, waggis, powlder, carttis, quheilis, and bowlattis, with all vder thingis concerning thair reparatioun. Thirdly, to byg ane stark bastalze, with rauchteris or dailis, and sic vder tymmir, and sand cassin to the bak of the tymmir, for eschewing of shoit of gwn, with passagis to ische furth betuix ilk xxx ty fut, be the sycht and devyse of craftismen, and to batall the heyd of the blokhouse abown with ane dyk of xii fut thyk. And, for the furnyssing and compleytting of the premissis, and getting of money thairto, the consell thinkis expedient that thair be tuelf scoir merkis takin of the mailis of Ardlar, becaus thair is na money aforhand pertening to the towne, noder of commound guid nor accedent, and thai can find na vder way at this tym for getting of money to furnyss the pre- missis. And becaus the said money pertenis to the ouphald of the bryg of Dee, and the toune may nocht dispone the samen, nor na pairt thairof, 2 c 198 EXTRACTS FROM THE COUNCIL REGISTER soth April, by the wse and vark of the said bryg, thay think it expedient to gyf and appropriat the mailis of ane half nettis fysching of Done, extending yeirly to tuelf merk of maile, to the ouphald of the sayd bryg, and to be ouptakin, and keipit, and disponit be the collectouris of the maylis of Ardlar forsaid, to the profyt of the said bryg, and to be annexat to the forsaid bryg, and ouphald thairof with the said mailis of Ardlar ay and quhill the said sowme of tuelf scoir merkis be refoundit to the raaister of the bryg for the tym, and collectouris of the profyttis thairof ; and ordanis chartour instru- ment, precept of sesing, and reuersione, to be maid in the sickerest sort heirvpoune, and ordanit William Holland and Gilbert Malysoun, maisteris of the artilzery and varkis forsaid, to resaif the said sowme of money, and deburss the samen to the effect abowne exprimyt, and the vast and ex- crescens thairof to be [ ], and salbe sufficient discharge to the said William and Gilbert, sa far as thai deburse ; and quhat less beis tane to the furnyssing of the said wark, the reuersioun to be maid on less and mair, gif it requyris. 3lst April, 1544. The sayd day, the haill toune being warnyt be the hand bell passand throw all the rewis of the. toune, and convenit, for the maist pairt, within the tolbuyth, consentit, all in ane voce, to the ordinans of consell anens the munitionis to be maid for defens of this guid toune fra the Inglismen, and to the getting of the money for furnessing and compleyting thairof in all thingis, as is content in the act abowne wrytin, quhilk act and ordinans thai ratifiit, apprewytt, and affermytt in jugment. 2d May, 1544. The sayd day, the baillies and consall, present for the tyme, coramandit and ordanyt Mage Durtty, quhilk ves convict twise obefor, for the strublens and mispersonyng of Jonet Lesly, to cum on Sonday nixt to cum, with ane candill of vax of ij lib. in hir hand birnand, and syt down on hir knees and ask the said Jonat forgifnis, and request the gudmen of the toune to cause the said Jonat forgife hir ; and gyf euer scho commyttis sic faltis agane, thai ordan hir crag to be put in the gof, and to pay baith the sowmis of money contenit in the actis- maid abefoir, viz., xv merkis, to be apply it to Sanct Nicolass vark. OF THE BUKGH OF ABERDEEN. 199 lltk May, 1544. ilthMay, The sayd day, the hail consell and ane pairt of the tovne, being convenit within the chepdour of Sanct Nicolass kirk, ordanit Thomas Menzeis, thair provest, to ryd to Dundy to the lordis, for consultatioun to be maid for the commound weill, and adressing of thair wther purpos, to be maid for the Inglismen that ar now presentlie within the realm, and ordanit to gif hym xx poundis for his expenssis of the money of Ardlar, now asignyt for ad- dressing of the townis bissines. Item, the consell ordanis thair chartour keyst, with the euidentis contenit thairin, to be put in suir fermans for keping in secreit manir, be the awyse of Dauid Andersoune, George Bissett, and Walter Cullan, and thai to schaw the provest thairof in secreit, and ordanit thame to mak ane inuen- tour of the haill euidentis contenit in the said kyst. Item, the consell ordanis the maisteris of artilzery to pas with the mayster of kirkwark, and serss quhar ony irn may be gottin pertening the kyrk, or quhar euer it ma be gottin within this burght, and tak the samen for com- pleytting of the townis ordinans of defens, and that thai vey and vryt the quantite thairof, sua it be pait and recompensit efterwards; and Alexr. Ruthirfurd allegit he bed four gryt chandlaris of irn pertening to him, now lyand in the luge, quhilkis he gaif to the said wark. Item, the consell conducit Alexr. Rattray as ane gunnar, and ordanit to gif him alse mekill in the moneth as the toder gunnar gettis, viz., ilk moneth iiij lib. ^Scottis, and ordanis the maisteris of the artilzery to ansuer thame of thair feis. \3th May, 1544. The said day, the haill tovnn beyng as is afor writin, comperit in iug- ment Robert Ratray yovngar, and thair puirlie and simpillie resignit and our gaif in the prouestis handis, in name of the haill tovnn, the haly dais fische of Dee, and syise boll, with the pertinence vse and wont, quhilk he had afor in tak of the said tovne, and all rycht, and titile of rycht, he had, or mycht haue, thairto, in fauoris of Alexander Ruderfurd, burges of the said burgh, hes ares and assignais ; and thairefter, the haill tovnn beyng conuenit, as said is, and circularie inquirit be Andro Menzeis, bailze, ad- 200 EXTRACTS FROM THE COUNCIL REGISTER 13th May, mittit and ressauit the said Alexander Ruderfurd thair tennent and takis- raan to the said haly dais fische and syise boll, vse and wont ; and ordanit ane assedatioun to be maid to him, his ares and assignais, malis, burgessis, and actuale iuduellaris the said burgh thairupoun, for all the dais and termes of tene yeris nixt, and immediatlie following his enteres thairwith, quhilk enteres salbe at the day and dait heirof ; the said Alexander, his ares or assignais forsaid, payand thairfor yeirlie to the tovnis maister of kirkwark for the tyme thre barrellis of salmond, full reid and sueit, sufficient mer- chand guid of the richtus bind of Abirdene yeirlie, at the letter Mary day, or ellis nyne lib. Scottis mone ilk yeir for the same, at the said terme ; and als ordanit the keiparis of thair commend seill to seill him ane assedatioun thairupoun ; on the quhilk the said Alexander tuik act of court and instru- ment, afor thir vitnes, Maisteris Thomas Annand, John Kennedy, and Patrik Gray, with wtheris diuerse. 26th May, 1544. Heir follows the wryting send be my Lord Huntlie to the baillies, consell, and communite of this guid towne : Rycht treist cousingis, I commend me hartlie to yow : Ye sail vnder- stand I am informit of the gryt feir ye wndirly daly, and continouall dreddour quhilkis the communite and peple of your burgh daly wndirlyis, and gryt pairt of your selffis and guidis fled to landvard, quharthrow ap- peris that thair is nane that intendis to provyd your necessite now in this trublis tym ; thairfor, hawand consideratioun on the premisses, it is my will, and I command yow, and euerilkan of yow, of the burght, con- sell, and communite of Abirdene, during my absens, in my name, to ansuer and obey in all behalffis concerning the veill of your towne to my cousingis and seruitouris, Maister Johne Gordoun, Henry Irwyn, Alex. Ruthyfurd, and Wm. Rolland, and to nane vderis, as ye, and euerilkan of yow, will an- swer to me thairvpoun ; and this, becaus I haf gewin command and charge to my freindis and folkis maist ewous yow, at command of the saidis Maisteris Johnn, Henry Irwyn, Alexr. Ruthirfurd, and Wm. Rolland, to rise and assist in support of yow, as thai be chargit forther in all behalffis. I haf schawin to the said Maister Johnne, to quhom ye sell gif crydenis, God keip yow, at Stireling, the xviij day of May, subscrywit with my hand, and your ansuer on the premisses, sua I may prowid remeid according thairto as efferis. Sic subscribitur, youris, George Erll off" Huntlye. OF THE BURGH OF ABERDEEN. 201 Heir followis the ansyr of the said wryting mayd and send be the baillies 26th May, and consell of Abirdene. My lord, efter maist hartlie recommendatioun of our seruice, pleis your lordschip wyt : We resauit your lordschipis wryting the xxvj day of May instant, makand mentioun that your lordschip is inforrnyt of the gryt feir and continuail dreddour led be ws and the inhabitantis of this burghe, and that ane gryt pairt of our selffis and guidis var fled and remowit to land- ward, and that we had prowydit na defenssis for our said toune. My lord, trew it wes ane pairt of our nychtbouris remowit thair gudis, bot nane . that remowit thame selffis vder than thai that ar past wycht thair mer- chandis to saill ; and as for our preparing for resistens, my lord of Aber- dene vill testify, quhom with we concurrit, and hes done at our pouar, as your lordschip sail knaw at your hame cuming, vil God. My lord, quhar your lordschip hes writin, hawand respect that the narratioune bed bene trew maid to your lordschip of ws, thairfor commandand ws, during your lordschipis absens, to ansuer and obey in all behalffis to your lordschipis seruitouris, Maister Johne Gordoune, Henrik Irwyne, Alexr. Ruthirfurd, and Wm. Holland, and to nane vderis, your lordschip be rememberit ye haf our band as protectour to wss, and belevis treuly in na vder, sen we wantit our maister the kingis grace, and sail depend on na vder to our maistres, the quenis grace, perfyt aige. Heirfor we belief your lord- schip, of your guidnes, vill nocht, for na particular mannis desyir, hurt our liberte and priuelege that we haf bed of auld, quhilkis is wnder the quenis grace, and your lordschip her place haldar to wss, our provest and baillies, to quhom we ar sworne ; and gif ony of thaim hes failit aganes the veill of this realm, and in special of this burgh, that being verifiit, at command and sycht of your lordschip, we sell remoif them and elect vderis in thair places, to serf the quenis grace and your lordschip, and the corn- mound weill of this toun. Beseikand heirfor, your lordschip, for our seruice that we ma do your lordschip baycht with our bodyis and guidis, that your lordschip will stand our guid lord and protectour, lyk as we salbe reddy at all houris to serf your lordschip quhen it sail pleis your lordschip charge wss, day or nycht. Thankand your lordschip, in our maist humill maner, of your lordschipis beneuolous rnynd hed towartis wss in causing of your folkis that ar maist ewiss wss to be in reddenes in our support, quhilkis we can nocht acquyt nor desert, bot salbe reddy, as forsaid is, at the wttermaist of our powar, as knawis God, quha mot be your lord- 202 EXTRACTS FROM THE COUNCIL REGISTER -6th May. schipis keipar in saull and body. Of Abirdene, the xxvj day of May for- said, be your lordschipis huinill seruandis, BailKes and Consell of Aberdene. 8th July, 1544. The said day, the haill townn, beyng warnit be thair hand bell passand throcht all the stretis of the said town, on the quhilk the berar thairof maid faith in iugment, and in speciale be the officiaris elikwise passand throcht all the quartaris of the said towne, on the quhilkis siclik thai maid fayth in iugment, and conuenand for the maist pairt representand the haill body of the tounn, it is statut and ordinit be thame, all in ane voce, that all maner of takismen of this burgh, bayth of watteris and landis, and siclik all fremen brether of gild of the said burgh, that now ar remanand to landuart, cum to the said burgh within xlviij houris, and dispone and prepaire thame selffis to serue the towne with thair personis and gudis in the quenis grace and gouernouris seruice, now in this tyme of osting, with the laif of the tovn, lyk as wther nychtbouris thairof dois, vnder the panis of tinsale of thair takis, tha that hes takis of the toune, and of tinsall of thair fredome of the said burgh, tha that hes na takis, and of all wther priuileges tha haue of the said toune, without any request to be hard in the contrar, and ordinis oppin proclamatioun to be maid heirof at the mercat corce of the said burgh. 14th July, 1544. The said day, the haill consell present for the tyme, all in ane voce ansignyt, grantit, and gaif to thair servitour, Maister Hew Monro, maister of the gramar scuyll, ane yeirly pensioun of tene merkis vsuall money of Scotland, to be payt to him yeirly be the denis of gyld, at tua termes in the yeir, Mertimes and Wytsounday, be equall portionis, during all the days of his lyf, or ay and quhyll thai provyd him to sum vder leving, tak, or steading of the toun, alse mekill profyt yeirly as the said sowme extendis to, and that for his diligent laubouris and curis to be maid be hym in tym cuming, for the instructioun and learnyng of the barnis of the scuill, bayth in sciens, maners, vrytingis, and sic vder vertewis concerning thaim, lik as the said Mr Hew promytit in his bill gewin in to the consell to do and ful- fill at his wtter power. OF THE BURGH OF ABERDEEN. 203 I8tk Jul } 1544. In the presens of the provest and baillies forsaids, sitand in jugement, comperit dene Robert Stevinsoun, for himself, and in name and behalf of the abbot of Deir and convent of the samyn, and geve in this procuratorie vnderwrittin, subscriuit with thair handis and vnder thair commoun seilis, and desirit the samin to be registrat in the bukis of the actis. The quhilk desyre the saidis provest and baillies thocht resinable, and hes ordanit the samyn to be registrat in the saidis bukis, of the quhilk the tennour followis : Be it kend till all men, be thir present letteris, ws, Robert, postulat abbot, priour, and convent of the Abbay of Deir, chepturlie gadderit and riplie avisit, with consent of our yconimouse, Maister George Myddiltoun and Mr Andrew Kyd, to haif maid, constitute, and ordanit, and be the tenour of thir presentis, makis, constitutis, and ordanis our welbelouitis dene, Robert Stevinsoun, priour of Deir, Alexr. Menzeis, Mr. Robert Lummisden, our lawfull procutouris, actouris, factouris, and speciale erand beraris, gefand, grantand, and committand to our saidis procuratouris, and ilkane of thame coniunctlie and seueralie, our werray full plane power and speciale mand- ment for ws, and in our name, to comper befor the prouest and baillies of Aberdene, and thair to persew our just richt, titill, and possessionis of certain landis pertening to our said abbay, within the said burgh, and speciale of ane land beside the trinite freris, merchand and boundand with Sanct Katerins hill and vther landis, as our auld charter, euidentis, and possessionis at mair lenth specifeis, and of ane vther land Hand in the Gallowgait of Abirdene, vmquhill inhabit with the heredis of Robert Ewert and Johnne Andersoun, burges of the said burgh, quhilkis landis belangand to our said abbay of Deir possessionis, to follow, persew, and defend, quhair neidfull salbe to our saidis procutouris, in the tolbuith of Abir- dene, or any vther place quhair justice salbe ministrat, to ilkane of thairn our generate and speciale pouer we geve, and be thir presentis concedis, as our selfis personaly wer assistant, haldand, and for to hald, all and quhatsumeuer thingis our saidis procutouris, or ony ane of thaim, in our names, in the premisses rychtuuslie leidis to be done, vnder the pain of in- famie and periurie. Gifin vnder our hand writtis and commoun sele, at Deir, the [ ] day of July, anno xliiij. Here followis the subscriptionis : Robertus, postulatus abbas ; Robertus Stevinsoun, priour ; Frater Thomas Kerr, suppriour ; Johannes Anderson ; Alexr. Scherer ; Johannes Cullane ; Willhelmus Bell ; Frater Duncanus ; Frater Willelmus Pendreicht ; Gil- 204 EXTRACTS FROM THE COUNCIL REGISTER 18th July, bertus Innes ; Gilbertus Chissera ; Joannes Masoun ; Magister George Myddiltoun, jconimus ; Magister Andreas Kyd, jconimus. I9tk July, 1544. Marie, be the grace of God quene of Scottis, to our louittis Carrick pursevant, messingeris, our schirefis in that parte, coniunctlie and seueralie, specialie constitut, greting : Forsamekle as our governour and lordis of our counsell hes ordanit the prowest, balzeis, counsell, and coramunite of our burgh of Edinburgh, to awance, in the name and behalf of the haill burrowis of our realme, the sowme of aucht hundreth frankis, ilk frank xij s., for the furnessing of the ambassatour that passis to the emperour in Flandris, be Fraus, for comprehensioune of our realrae and the lieges thairof, in the peax takin betuix the king of Frans and the emperour ; quhilk soume salbe allowit and defalkit to the haill burrowis, in part of payment of the sowme awing to ws for the downgetting of the xij deneris. And inlikwyis hes ordanit thame to furneis ane honest merchand, and our haill burrowis to pay amangis thame his furneissing, extending to ij c frankis, to pass with our said ambassatour to the effect forsaid, and for desyring of, thair guidis takin be the jmperouris subiectis in Flandris : and our burrowis vnder writ- tin, for thair pairts, ar taxt to pay the sowmes following respectiue, that is to say : Abirdene, Ivj lib. x s. ; Dundee, iij" xvi lib. ; Perth, xlv lib. ; Banff, iiij lib. xij d. ; Dunfermling, vi lib. ii s. ; Crale, iiij lib. xij d. ; Forfar, iij lib. xviij d. ; Breching, x lib. iiij s. ; Montrose, xvi lib. iiij s. ; Elgin, vj lib. ij s. ; Inuerness, x lib. iiij s. ; Arbrocht, viij lib. ij s. ; Santandrowis, xviij lib. ; Couper, xiij lib. ; Cullane, xl s. vj d. ; Fores, v lib. xviij d. ; Name, xl s. vj d. ; Thane, iij lib. xviij d. ; Dysart, vj lib. xij s. ; Kirk- caldy, vj lib. xij s., lykas the taxt roll maid be the saidis prowest and bailzeis of Edinburgh thairwpoun beris. Oure will is heirfor, and we charge yow straytlie, and commandis that incontinent thir our letteris sene ye pass in our name and au thorite, command and charge the provest and balzeis, counsell, and communite of ilk burgh aboue wryttin to mak pay- ment of the said furnessing of the said soume of ane thowsand merks, avancit in maner forsaid, to the said provest and balzeis of Edinburgh, conforme to the stent and taxt maid thairwpoun, within xlviij houris nixt, efter thai be chargit be yow tharto, for thair awin partis, vnder the paine of rebellioun and putting of thame to our home ; quhilks xlviij houris being bypast, that ye denunce thame our rebellis, and put thame to our home, for the caussis OF THE BURGH OF ABERDEEN. 205 forsaid, efter the forme of the act maid be our said governour and lordis 19th July, of our counsell tharwpoun. The quhilk to do we committ to yow, con- iunctlie and seuerlie, our full power, be thir oure letteris, deliuering tharae, be yow dewlie execut and indorsat, againe to the bearer. Gewin vnder our signett, at Edinburgh, the xxix day of December, and of our regne the thrid yeir. Per dominos consilii, &c. 1st September, 1544. The baillies ordanis ane testimoniale to be gifin to Robert Patersoun, capitane of ane were schip of Dundee, and his colligis and parttismen, certifieing that it is deponit be the maryneris of Stokholme befor ws, that thai war nocht hurt in thair personis, molestit, trublit, nor zete spulzeit, in ony of thair gudis being in ane schip, allegit be the said Robert to be his just prise, saifand thay tuik the said schip, with all the geir being thairin allanerlie, samekle as pertenit to thaim that wer marineris, schip- peris, and sterismen, quhilk was their geir, and portage being exceptit ; and als to declare that thay depone that the Inglismen quha tuik thaim last, knawand that thair schip was lek, geve thaim thair leif, and bad thaim pass and saif thaim selfis quhair they mycht best ; with extentioun of all vther generale claussis necessar. The said day, Thomas Menzeis, provest of Aberdene for the tyme, hes lowsit the arrestment maid vpoun ane scheip, and certane tymmer being thairin, allegit pertening to Robert Patersoune and vtheris, quhilk arrestment was maid at the instance of the haill towne and commonite thairof, becaus Wm. Kinlocht, burges of Dunde, is become souertie to kepe the tovnschip of Aberdene scathles thairof, as law will, at all handis quhome it efferis. This is the gudis eftir following cum in ane schip, the maryneris of Stokholum, tane as ane prise be Robert Patersoune, Thomas Ross, Henry Couthbert, and Alexander Wallace, capitanis, quhilkis schippis pertenit ane to Dundee, ane to Kirkcaldy, and twa to Leith, quhilk com in the havyn of Aberdene, in the moneth of August, in the yere of God 1544 yeris ; for the quhilkis gudis William Kinlocht is become souertie to kepe the towneschip of Aberdene scathles, as law will, at all handis quhome it efferis, and this befor Thomas Menzeis for the tyme. Item, in the first, ane schip of fyr, quhilk wes storit as vraik in hir cumin in the havyn, with 2 D 206 EXTRACTS FROM THE COUNCIL REGISTER 1st September, hir hale salis of wadmale claith, and thrie ankeris, ane cabill, and ane auld cabill, and cross, with the schrouddis and taikallis, and in the said schip xiiij c sparris, ij xxiiij rauchteris, xxv hydis dry and salt, viij" xviij goit- skinnis, and xiij mair, fyfte aucht pik schaftis, aucht barrellis tar, vij treis of aik and fir. 5th September, 1544. The quhilk day, it is thocht expedient be the hale consale for ane con- ding raendis to be maid to the breder of the blakfreris, for the injuries done to thaim be thir personis under writtin : that is to say, Alexr. Men- zeis, Patrik Gray, Alexr. Tulydef, Maister Johne Kennedy, Thomas Burrale, baxter, Collene Porterfeild, Michell Andersone, and the rema- nent of thair colligis quha was present at the committing of the said wrang, that all the saidis personis sail cum on ane Sunday, or other festuale haly day, to Sanct Nicholace kyrk, and thair in the quere of the samin, in time of the hie mess, and sitt doune on thair kneyis bareheid, and offer euery ane of thaim ane sarge of new walx to God, in presens of the commissar of Aberdene, in name and behalf of my lord of Aberdeene, thair prelait, the priour of the said place, in name and behalf of his brother, and the provest, baillies, and consale of this gude toune, and thair confess that thai haif failzeit to the said religiouse men, askand the said priour, in name and behalf of the hale brother, forgevenes of the said fait, oblisand thameselffis, geve ever thai be convict in ony siclyke cryme in tym cuming to ony re- ligiouse men, never to haif interes in this towne, and vnder the pane of tinsale of all that thay haif within the samin, and to vnderly the penence iniungit to thaim be thair ordiner. 12th September, 1544. My lord provest and baillies : Vnto your worschipis humelie menis and complenis, I, your seruitour, Alexr. Guthrie, als Suawdoune harrold, vpoun Wm. Pactoun, schipper of ane schip of Dunde : that quhair in the moneth of Junij bipast, it was convenit betuix me and the said Wm. that he sould haif had ane brother sone of myne to Denmark in his schip, for the quhilk he ressauit fra me x s. of money, half ane barrell of aile, price x s., ane nycht mantile, and viij s. wourth of quhite breid ; and thairefter, I being absent of the towne, send away my said brother sone to Monross his erandis, and past away or his hame cuming, nocht fulfilling his condicioun and promess, OF THE BURGH OF ABERDEEN. 207 as said is. Beseikand herefor your worschipis to cause the said William 12th Sept, restoir to me the money and geir forsaid, deliuerit to him as said is, becaus 1544t he hes nocht fulfillit his condicioun and promiss, and your ansuer humelie I beseik. 18th September, 1544. The said day, the hale consale being convenit togidder, hes feit Sir Jhone Fethy to be one of the prebendaris of their queir, and to haif thair organis and sang schole for instructioun of the men of gudis barnis, and keping of thaim in gude ordour, and he to mak continuale residence in the said queir ; ffor the quhilk thai haf gifin him xx lib. yeirlie of fee, to be thankfullie payit to him yeirlie sa lang as he remanis and makkis gude service to the towne, and that of the reddiest of thair commoun gude. 6th October, 1544. The said day, compeirit Mr. George Young, procutour for the cheplauis of the haile queir of the cathedrall kirk of Abirdene, and producit ane pro- ces of recognitioun, ordourlie led at thrie sindry heid courtis, of ane annuale rent of v s. yeirlie, aucht to the saidis chaplanis of ane waist land, perten- ing to vmquhile Robert Smyth, burges of this burgh ; and siclyke of ane vther annuale rent of xij s. of ane vther waist land in Futie, and conform thairto, desirit heretable possessioun of the propertie. The saidis provest and baillies, for certane considerationis moving thame, continewis the said mater vnto this day xv dayis, and ordanis to warne all partyis, be oppin proclamatioun, haifand intires in this mater, to compeir the said day for the said possessioun gifin, or ellis to schaw ane resonable cause quhy : with cer- tification to thame, and they failze, the saidis provest and bailzies will give the saidis prebendaris or thair procutouris, in thair names, possessioun of the saidis landis conforme to justice. IQth October, 1544. The said day, the consale ratifies and affermes all actis and statutis maid of befoir, of spilling of the market of girnalis, balding of wappinnis to be had in euery merchandis buith, of ressetouris, of strengeris, of selling of tauch, sine, flesche, fische, penny caikis, and all vther statutis and actis maid of befor, for actionis concerning the commoun wele of this gude towne, and ordanit thame to be keipit and obseruit in all poyntis in tyme cuming. 208 EXTRACTS FROM THE COUNCIL REGISTER uth October, 14th October, 1544. 1544. The quhilk day, in presens of the saidis provest and baillies, sittand in jugement for the tyme, compeirit Mr Thomas Annane, procuratour, and in name and behalf of ane nobill and mychtie lord, George erle of Huntlie, Lord Gordoun and Baidzenochk, &c, and geve in his acquittance and dis- charge vnderwrittin, quhilk was subscriuit be the personis vnder specifeit in jugement, this instant day, in presens of ws, and desirit the samin to be registrat in the court bukis, and that he mycht haif the extract of the samin vnder the tovnis testimoniale, and vnder the secrete sele ; the quhilk desire the saidis provest and baillies thocht resinable, and thairfor ordanis the samin to be insert in the saidis bukis, and to be given furth autentiklie agane, vnder thair testimoniale and secrete sele, to the said procutour, in name and behalf forsaid, in dew forme as efferis. Of the quhilk acquittance and discharge the tenour followes : Be it kend till all men, be thir present letteris, ws, Guilliame Hodierim and Christofer Lasingzert, Britoneris, to haif resauit, be the handis of ane nobill and methy lord, George erle of Huntlie, Lord Gordoun and Banzenocht, &c., in name and behalff of ane nobill and excellent lady, lady Marie, moder to ane maist excellent princes, Marie quene of Scotland, &c., the sovm of twelf hundreth thre skorr alevin pundis and xiiij d. vsuale monye of Scotland, in cur-sabill and vsuall pennijs, and sufficient merchandice and penneworthis, deliuerit and payit to ws, within the toune of Abirdene, be vertew and eftir the tennour of hir grace charge and writting, direct and send with ws to his lordschip, of the date, at Stritieling, the fyrst day of September, in the yeir of God, v c xliij yeris, subscriuit and signet be hir grace, as the samin propirtis at mair lynth in the self, for the hame bringing of certane wynis and munitionis of ar- tailzerie furth of the parte of France to Alloway in Scotland, &c., of the quhilk soum of xij c Ixxi lib. xiiij d. we hald ws wele content and thank- fullie payit, be the said nobill and mychty lord and vtheris his seruitouris in his name ; and thairfor, be the tenour heirof, dischargis, exoneris, and quitclamis the saidis nobill and excellent lady and lord forsaid, thair airis, executoris, and assignais, and all vtheris quhome it efferis, in vberiore juris forma. In witnesse of the quhilk thing we haif subscriuit this our ac- quittance and discharge -with our handis, at Abirdene, in jugement, in the tolbuith of the samyn, the xiiij day of October, anno xliij yeris, befor thir witnessis, honorable men, Thomas Menzeis of Petfoddellis, provest of the said burgh ; Dauid Andersone, ane of the baillies of the same ; Mr Johne OF THE BURGH OF ABERDEEN. 209 Gordoun, William Holland, Alexr. Menzeis, Johne Ruthirfurd, and Mr 14th October, Robert Lumraisden, burgessis of the said burghe, with vtheris diuerse. The said day, comperit Gilliam Odiarne and Cristofer Lasenzear, Bre- toneris, and exponit how thai had gifin the samin day, in presens of the saidis provest and baillies, ane cleir acquittance and discharge of the sovmes of xij c Ixxi lib. xiiij d. to George Erie of Huntlie, in name and behalf of Mary quene of Scotland, quhilk the said lady wes awin thaim for the furing of certaine wyne and munition furth of France to hir grace, and nocht withstanding that thai haif gifin ane cleir acquittance of the hale sowme, nochttheles that thair restis vnpayit to thame, be the handis of Wil- liam Adamson, [ ] lastis of salmound, [ ] daker of hydis, vnpayit, quhilk the saidis provest and baillies affermes that the samin restis be the said Wm. Adamsoun, vnpayit, as yite to the saidis Bretoneris, vpoun the quhilkis affirmatioun and testificatioun the saidis Bratonaris askit not of court. The said day, Gilliam Ordiarne and Cristopher Lasenzear, Bretoneris, grantit in jugement the ressett of this woll vnderwrittin, fra the personis vnderspecifeit, in name and behalf of George erle of Huntlie, and inlik- maner grantit thaim thankfullie payit thairof, that is to say, fra Maister Johnne Gordoun, ane hundreth li. stane of woll ; fra Dauid Andersoun, five scoir stane of woll ; and fra Wm. Rolland, xl stane of woll ; vpon the quhilkis confessionis the saidis Maisteris Johne, Dauid, and William askit note of court. October, 1544. The said day, the bailzeis commandit and ordinit all four the officiaris, in iugment, to pas throcht all the rewis and streitis of the tovnn, als oft as neid beis, and vesy and seik all caik baxteris that bakis ony cakis to sell, and tak all thair girdilis thai apprehend baikand siclik cakis, and present the said girdillis to thame, and verefy that thai tuik the same fray caik baxteris, baikand caikis to sell, and thai sail haue the said escheit to thaim for thair travell ; and causit the officiaris suer the gryt aith to exerce the same lelilie and trewlie, without feid or fauour, and to present the saidis girdillis as oft as thai culd apprehend thame. 210 EXTRACTS FROM THE COUNCIL REGISTER 2ist October, The said day, all the four bailzeis of this guid tounn, conuenit in iug- ment, exponit and schew to all the brostaris within this guid tovnn, ilkane for thair avin quarter respectiue, that tha had broken the statutis gevin to thame be the protest, baillies, and counsale, in selling of aill derrar thane xvi d. the gallovnn, be fremennis viffis, and derrar than xii d. be vri- fremennis viffis, quhilk yei culd nocht deny, for the quhilkis thai mycht haue pundit the saidis brostaris thairfor ; nochttheles thai remittit all faltis bigane sene Mychtelmes bigane to this day, anent the said aill, and com- mandit and chargit all the said brostaris, ilkane within thair quarteris re- spectiue, as thai var callit, that nane of tham sell ony aill derrar in tymes cumyng, quhill the tovnn be forder avisit, be thame selffis nor thair ser- uandis, in thair houissis, nor without thair houissis, than xvj d. the gallown of fremennis, and xii d. per the gallown of vnfremennis viffis, vnder the panis of viij s. vnforgevin, for the first fait ; and viij s. and the daling of their aill, for the secund fault ; and viij s. and daling of thair aill, and striking out of thair caddioum bodoum, for the third fait ; without any fauour or re- quest to be haid or vsit in the contrar. 31 st October, 1544. The said day, the haill tovnn, being varnit to this day be thair hand bell, be the berar tharof passand throw the streitis of the said tovnn, and con- venit be the maist pairt within the tolbuith of the same, representand the haill townn, on the quhilk varning the said bellman maid faith in iugment, it was schawin and denuncit to thame be Gilbert Menzes, ane of the balzeis of the said burgh, that thair was tua preceptis of parliament cuming to the said tovnn, and presentit to the bailzeis of the said burgh, and be the quenis grace, with the avise and counsale of the gouernour to the parlia- ment to be haldin in Edinburgh, and to begyne the sax day of Nouember instant, with continuacioun of dais. Ane wther precept of the said quenis, with the avise of the lordis of counsale, to be haldin in Striveling, and to begyne the xii day of Nouember instant nixt cumis, with continuacioun of dais, togidder with ane supplicatioun of the Erie of Huntlie, leutenent generate of the north, requerand the said tovnn to send thair commissioners to the said parliament to be haldin in Striveling, requirand the said tounn quidder thai wald ansuer to the said preceptis thame selffis, or gif tha wald refer the ansuer thairof to the counsale, quhilk ansuerit, sayand, OF THE BURGH OF ABERDEEN. 211 tha referrit the same to the counsale to gif ansuer thairto, as tha thoeM 3ist October, expedient, quhilk thre bailzeis aforwrittin, with thir persons following, Maister John Gordoun, William Holland elder, &c., convenit within thair counsale houisse, and tha beyng circularlie inquerit be the said Gilbert Menzes, baillie, ansuerit, all sayand tha wald send thair commissaris to the quenis parliament sett, with the avise of hir gouernour, to be haldin in Edenburgh, and to begyn the vj day of Nouember instant nixt cumis, and chesit Thomas Menzeis, thair provest, Andro Menzes, thane absent, as present, and Maister John Gordon, thair commissaris to the said par- liament, and ordinit ane commissioun to be maid to thame and to the maist pairt of thaim thairto, vnder thair commond seill, and ordinit the keiparis thairof to seill the same, except Dauid Andersone, William Holland elder, Maister Robert Lummisdale, and John Ruderfurd, quhilk ansuerit tha wald nocht consent to send ony commissaris to ony of the said parliamentis, and Maister John Gordoun, quhilk said, he vald consent to send com- missaris to the quenis parliament, with avise of the lordis to be haldin in Stirveling, conforme to my lord locumtenentis writin, and desirit the coun- sale of the said locumtenentis writin, quhilkis ansuerit as is afor writin. 1st December, 1544. The said day, Maister Johnne Gordoun allegit in jugement that he hed ane commissioun of his maister, the lietennentis, to tak cognitioun vpoun the hinging of the image of Sant Franceis, and quhome he fand calpabile thairof, to put thame in the baizes handis in keiping, on to the tyme that justice wer don vpoun thame therfor as the law requirit ; and that he, be vertu thairof, hed takin cognitioun in the said mater ; and that it wes vere- fyt and knawin to him that Thomas Branche and Thomas Cussing wes tua of thame that wes hingaris of the said image, and therfor deliuerit thame in jugement to the bailies forsaid, and requirit thame, in the luetennentis name, to keip thame in ferine securite and ward, quhill justice mycht be done on thame therfor, be the said leutenent or his deputis, as thai wald ansuer to the leutennent thairupoun ; and thairefter the said baizes requirit all the four officiaris in jugement to intromett with the said tua personis, and deliuerit thame to the said officiaris in jugement, and requirit thame to keip the said personis in ward in the tolbuyth, as thai wald ansuer to thame and the toune thairupoun ; and gif thai misterit ony mair help, thai said be sup- 212 EXTRACTS FROM THE COUNCIL REGISTER 1st December, portit as thai misterit and requirit ; on the quhilkis thai tuik instruments 1544. an( j act j s O f court. \2th December, 1544. The said day, Symsoun Terwes and Ammo wro use Tailzour ar conuikit be the some assise aboun writin, Maister Robert Lummisdale chancelar thairof, for the cuming to Sanderis Jaffrayis duelling howse one Sanct Ni- cholace day at evin at last was, vnder silence of nycht, at xij houris of the nycht, or thairby, and seiking of the said Alexander for his grit skaith, with ane aix and stanis, and casting of stanis at the said Alexanderis house in grit nummer, and bluid dravin of the said Alexanderis vife in grit quantite, quharfor thai, and ilk ane of thame, is in amerciament of the court, to forbeir in tyme to cum, and mend as law will, and that is gevin for dowme, be the mouth of Thomas Blaw, dempster of the court for the tyme> and the mendis heirof modifeit be the said assise, as efter folio wis : that is to say, the said assise ordanis the said Symsonis Terwes and Ammorouse Tailzours cragis to be put instantlie in the gowife, and incontinent thairefter tane out agane, and thane to cum to the kirk and pass afor the processioun, sark alane, afor the hie mess, with ane candill of ane pund of wax in thair handis, and efter the said processioun to offer the said tua candillis to Sanct Nicholace wark, and ask the said Alexander and his vif forgiffnes, and beseik the bailzies and men of guid of the tovne to solist thame to forgif tharae, and alse to fynd cautioun one Sonday, or thai be takin out of the tolbuith, for the townis vnlawis. 2Qth December, 1544. The said day, the counsale vnder writin hes requistit my lord locum- tenent to be freman of this burgh, to that effect that he may be abill to accept the office of prouestry of this burgh, presentlie vacand be renuncia- tioun, and our givin of the said office be the prowest, or ellis thai sail, be his lordschipis counsale, cheis ane competent man to the said office, viz., ane burges and freman of this burgh, and actuale induellar of the same, al- waise prouiding that Jhe priuelege of the same be obseruit and nocht hurt ; and, in the meintyme, that thai sail nocht cheis the said prowest without the said lordis consale thairto. Thir ar the namis of the counsale present for the tyme : Andro Cullane, Alexr. Rudirfurd, Dauid Andersoun, Andro OF THE BURGH OF ABERDEEN 213 Menzeis, Maister Robert Lummisdale, William Holland elder, and Johnn 20th Dec, Rudirfurd. i***- 1st January, 1545. My lord prouost and bailzeis of this nobill guid townn of Abirdene, on to your w[ ], huraelie meins and complenis, I, your daly oratour and seruand, Maister Edward Menzeis, chaplane, vpoun Gilbert Mar, burges of the said burgh : That quhair in the moneth of Junij, or thairby, in the yeir of God j m v c xxxviij yeris, I maid the said Gilbert Mar factour and merchand to me, to the selling of four barrellis of salmond, sufficient mer- chand guid of the richtuus bind of Abirdene, pertening to me, schipit in the said Gilbertis schip, that passit in Tranche in the moneth aboun writin, or thairby, and to haue warit the fre mone thairof for my proffeit vpon cer- tane hemp, bonnatis, bukrame, marekyn, skynnis, filkis, poyntis, and wther small geir, conforme to my merchand bill, deliuerit to the said Gilbert by me thairwpoun, quhilk four barrellis of salmond the said Gilbert intromettit with, and said in Franche as merchand to me, at the tyme forsaid, and warit the fre mone thairof on hempe, bonnatis, bukrame, marekyn, skynnis, silkin poyntis, and wther small varing, conforme to my merchand bill, and pakit the samin in ane puncioun ; and in the hayme cuming of the said schip sche chancit, be storme and tempest of see, to brak at Danis in Py- cardy, and the said puncioun of dry gudis cum saifly and dry vpoun land with the said merchandreis, in presens of the said Gilbert my merchand. Nochttheless, the said Gilbert, wrangusly and aganis the law, postponis and deferris to mak me cornpt and rakning, deliuerance, and paiment of my said four barrellis of salmound, price of the barrell four pund Scottis, nor yit will deliuer me the said puncioun of dry wair, with the merchandreis aboun writin, bocht be him to me, conforme to my merchand bill, quhilk cum saifly and dry vpoun land as said is, howbeit I haue requirit him diuerse tymes thairfor, nor yit intendis to do, without he be compellit be iustice thairto. Beseiking heirfor your worschipis, provest and bail/eis forsaid, to decerne and compell be iustice the said Gilbert Mar to mak me compt rakning, deliuerance, and paiment of the said four barrellis of salrnond, price of the barrell four lib. Scottis, or than to deliuer me the said pun- cioun of dry vair, conforme to my merchand bill, quhilk come saifly and dry to land, in presens of the said Gilbert, for the ressonis and causis forsaid, togidder with my expensis maid, and to be maid, in the persuit 2 E 214 EXTRACTS FROM THE COUNCIL REGISTER 1st January, thairofj and, gif neid beis, this ray petitioun to haue the strynth of ane 1548 borgh. 14 th January, 1545. The said day, the haill townn being warnit to thair tolbuith be thair hand bell passand throcht all the rewis and stretis of the townn, on the quhilk the berar thairof maid faith in iugment, and convenit for the raaist pairt, representand the haill body of the tovnn, Thomas Menzeis of Pet- foddellis, prouest of the said burghe, for certane causis moving him for the time, renunciat and ourgaif his office of prouestry quhilk he had of the said tovnn, in the said tovnnis handis, als frelie as tha gaif him the same obefor ; and thairefter, the said tovnn, being convenit as said is, namit and chesit ane nobill and mychty lord, George Erie of Huntlie, Lord Gordoun and of Bangzenocht, and Iccumtencnt generale of the northt of Scotlandt for the tyme, thair superiour, protectour, and prouest, quhill the fest of Sanct Mychaell nixt to cum, quhilk lord acceptit the said office on him, and sueir the grit [aith] to exerce the said office lelilie and trewlie quhill Mychelmess next cumis, and to keip and defend the auld priuilegiis of the said burgh, and thair liberties, vse and wont ; and that he sail do nathing concerning the said townes actionis, besynes, querellis, and prof- fitis, without the expresse counsale and consent of the said townis some counsale had thairto, and to do iustice to riche and puir equalie, without feid or fauour, during the said tyme. And, thairefter, because the said lord mycht not guidlie remain in the said townn continualie, to exerce the said office, conforme to his said ayth, therfor the said lord, with expresse consent and assent of the said toun, conuenit as said is, deput and surrogat the said Thomas Menzeis in his place of the said office, and committit and gaif the said Thomas Menzies the same povar, richt, and auctorite he hes of the said office during the tyme forsaid, and to exerce, do, hant, and vse al maner of thingis concerning the said office, as he did abefor, and that the said lord mycht do and he war present in propir persoun, without ony maner of exceptioun, reclamatioun, or appellatioun to be allegit or proponit in the contrar fray the said Thomas, for quhatsumeuer cause, during the time forsaid. Quhilk Thomas Menzeis accepit the said office on him, in presens of the said lord and town, and is sorn the gryt aith thairto, as is aboun writin ; on the quhilkis the said lord tuik instrument and act of court afor thir vimes, Maisteris Alexr. Ogilwy of Glassaucht, OF THE BUKGH OF ABERDEEN. 215 Patrik Ogistoun, Thomas Annand, John Kennedy, notaris publik, Patrik 14th January, Gray, and Thomas Blair, with vtheris diuerse. 1545 - 28th January, 1545. The said day, the haill towne beyng conuenit, as said is, chesit Walter Cullane and Andro Losoun, thair collectouris to resaue the mone and taxt devisit be the townn, for the furnesing of the fifty men that suld pas to the locumtenent to Elgene, for resisting of the Ilismen, quhilk personis accepit the said office on tham in iugment. The said day, Alexr. Ratray, skipar of ane schip callit the [ ], ex- ponit and schew in iugment how he wes chargit and causit to pas with his said schip in the northt land, to serue the locumtenent in his besynes for the tyme, throcht the quhilk he mycht nocht fulfill and keip his promise to his Franchis men. Protestand therfor, that he incur na danger thair- throw, and that he ma haue his promise and condicioun of his Franchis keipit to him efteruart, nochtwithstanding the premissis, becaus the fait standis nocht in him ; and Gilbert Tulidef, for himself and the laif of the Franchismen of the said schip, protestis that tha be fre of all condicioun maid be thame to the said Alexr. anent the said schip, becaus he keipis nocht his condicioun to tham, and tha all reddy, as he allegit, to fulfill and keip thair conditioun to the said Alexr. llth February, 1545. The said day, the haill tovnn beyng varnit to this day, the said bailzeis intimat, proponit, and schew the townn and nychtbouris thairof how the quenis grace letteris, gevin be decreit and act of parlyament, of the dait, at Lynlythgow, the fift day of October, and of hir regnne the thrid yeir, vnder hir signet, to taxt and stent the nychtbouris of the said burgh, conforme to the auld taxacionis efferand, to the sowme of xvj thousand pundis, grantit be the thre estatis of the realme, to be taxit and devidit on the said realm, conforme to the auld taxacionis, extending to the said burghis part to the sowme of four hundreth merkis xiij merkis iiij s. vj d. Scottis money, or thairby, to haue bene taxit and inbrocht to the collectouris thairof at tua termes : that is to say, the half thairof at all Hallowmess, and the wther half of the same at new yeris day bigane ; and als our souerane lady is wther letteris, of the dait at Edinburgh, the xxviij day of Januar, and of hir 216 EXTRACTS FROM THE COUNCIL REGISTER nth February, regnne the ferd yeir, chargiand the prouest and bailzeis of the said burgh to collect, inbring, and deliuer the said taxt to the collectouris thairof, viz., Maister John Daluestoun, persoun of Disart, and Maister John Scrym- geour, of the Myris, thair factouris or deputis, in thair names, havand thair povar thairto, within four dais nixt efter tha war chargit thairto, vnder the pane of rebellioun, and putting of thame to our souerane ladyis home, lyk as in the said letteris at mair lynth is contenit. 19th March, 1545. The said day, the haill town being warnit to this day be thair hand bell passand throw all the rewis and stretis of this guid town, on the quhilk the berar thairof maid fayth in iugment, and conuenand within the tolbuith of the same for the maist part, representand the haill townn, compeirit Alexr. Menzeis elder, and thair resignit and our gaif in the said townis handis, in iugment, his office of the hand bell of the said burgh, with all proffetis, emo- lumentis, and accidentis pertening or that ma pertene thairto vse and wont, in fauouris of Walter Lesly, burges of the said burgh, for certane proffetis, emolumentis, and accidentis to the said Alexr. for his lyftyme ; and thair- efter the said tovne, conuenit as said is, all in ane voce, na maner of per- soun opponand nor sayand in the contrar, frely gaif the said office of thair hand bell, with all maner of proffetis, emolumentis, and accidentis pertening or that ma pertene thairto vse and vont, to the said Walter Lesly for all the dais of his lyftyme to him and his deputies, he, or his deputis in his name, doand and keipand the seruice and duyteis pertening to the same vse and wont allanerly, without ony wther thing that ma be askit or requirit thairof during his lyftym, and reseruand alvaise the proffetis, emolumentis, and accidentis thairof to the said Alexander during all the dais of his lyf- tyme, and dovind the seruice and duyteis thairof during the said tyme ; and ordinit ane gift to be maid heirvpoun to the said Walter for all the dais of his lif, vnder the commond seill, and ordinit the keiparis thairof to seill the same thairwith ; on the quhilkis the said Walter tuik act of court and in- strument, afor thir witnes, Alexr. Ruderfurd, Alexr. Gray elder, James Allirdes, Patre Gray, and Maister John Kennedy, notar publik, with wtheris diuerse. The said day, the balzeis decernit and ordinit the said Walter Leslie to cause clenge and hald clein the mercat and cawsay about the corce, and to OF THE BURGH OF ABERDEEN. 217 do all wtheir duyteis efferand to the office aboun writin, how sone he enteris 19th March. with the proffetis thairof ; and failzeing thairof, it salbe lesum to the officeris of the said burgh for the tyme to caus do the same on his expensis, and he to refund and pay the same incontinent thairefter als oft as neid beis. Sequitur assensus prepositi ad premissa. Traist cousingis, after hartly commendatioun : Forsamekle as we ar infor- mit that Alexr. Menzies elder, your nychtbour, is of mynd and vill to re- singe in our handis and youris the gift and titile quhilk he hes of the town of Abirdene in and to the bell of the same office, proffetis and commoditeis pertening thairto, in fauouris of Walter Leslie, your nychtbour, to the ef- fect the said Walter ma be ordurlie prouidit thairto for all the dais of his lif, quhar our guide veill, consent, and authorite is desirit be the said Walter in the resignatioun and his admissioun forsaidis, quharfor our vill and mynd is, gif the said Alexr. will resing, as said is, in fauoris of the said Walter, and als gif ye be of mynd and will to ressaue the said Walter, that ye ressaue and admitt the samyn conforme to the cousuetudis of the said burgh, and the said Walter doand therfor as vse and wont ; to the quhilk, be thir presentis, we absent as present, interponis our consent, will, and auctorite, and committis to yow our powar in that part to admitt and pro- wid the said Walter in the premisses, vnder your commond seill, as vse. Subscrivit with our hand, and gevin vnder our signit, within the cite of Abirdene, the xviij day of Marche, the yeir of God ane thousand fiyve hundreth fourty and five yeiris. Et sic subscribitur, George Erie of Huntly. To our louittis cousingis, bailzeis, counsale, and communitie of Abirdene. 29th March, 1545. The said day, the counsale, present for the tyme, remittit James Man- chanis vnlaw of tuenty pundis, at request of my [lord] Huntly, prouest, subscriuit with his awin hand, of the quhilk the tennour followis : Traist cousingis, efter hartlie commendatioun, ye be rememberit I requestit yow to remitt James Manchane, and his cautioneris, the paine and vnlaw quhilk he was adjugit in for his forstalling, quhilk I pray yow and requestis yit to do, and nocht to pund nor distrenze him nor his cautioneris, nor thair gudis thairfor, assurand yow it salbe the henmest request that I sail 218 EXTRACTS FROM THE COUNCIL REGISTER 29th March, charge yow of in sic behalffis, hot to mentene and defend the liberte and fredome of your townn ; and is content that na wther requestis of myne be admittit be yow in tyme cuming in sic materis. And gif ye pleis nocht to be content of this, I oblege me to satisfe and content yow of the said vnlaw, quhilk is xx lib., as is shavin me ; praying yow effectusly nocht to dissobey this my desyir, and God keip yow. Of Abirdene, the xxiiij day of March, subscriuit, &c. Et sic subscribitur, youris, George Erie of Huntly. And thaireftir the said counsale dischargit the said James Man- chane, and his cautioneris, of the said vnlaw of xx lib., at the said prouestis request forsaid. The said day, the haill tovnn, beyng conuenit as said is, grantit and gaif licence to thair seruitour and singar, lohn Kilstaris, to pas to the college in Auld Abirdene, to study and lerning of letteris ; and ordanit him to haue paiment of his pentioun and fee of fourty schillingis yerly, as he had abefor allanerlie, he keipand seruice in thair queir all Sondais and haly dais in the yeir allanerly, salang as he keipis the said seruice and continevis thairintill. 4th April, 1545. The said day, Walter Hay oblegit him faithfullie to deliuer to the priour and conuent of the quhit freris of Abirdene, ane maid siluer challeis of tuenty vncis of siluer, guid siluer and fre maid to thame, betuix this and Vitsonday nixt cummis ; and alse the said Walter grantit him avand the said pryour and conuent tuenty tua merkis Scottis mone, to pay at thir termes following : that is to say, v merkis and ane half at Lammes nixt cumis, vther v merkis and ane half at Candilmess nixt cumis, the third v merkis and ane half at Lammes nixt thaireftir, and the ferd v merkis and ane half at Candilmess nixt thaireftir, in compleit paiment of the said xxij merkis. And for deliuerance of the said challeis, and paiment of the said mone, at the termes forsaid, Dauid Andersoun, baillie, Alexander Chal- mer elder, and Richert Watsoun, ar becumin souerteis, coniuntlie and seueralie, to the said priour and conuent, be thair faythis in thair bodeis ; and the saidis Walter oblegit him to releife his said souerteis thairof, at the termis forsaid, afoir thir witnes : James Andersoun, Maister Robert Andersoun, and Thomas Andersoun. OF THE BURGH OF ABEEDEEN. 219 8th April, 1545. 8th April. The said day, Sande Kemp, baxter, is conuikit be the counsale for the offering of the France capitane of tene dosoun of iij d. braid of quhit, for the boll of quhit, contrar the commond weill of the town, and hindering the proffeit thairof, and he and all wther baxteris of the guid toun ordinit to decest fra doyng of sic thingis in tymes cumyng, vnder the pane of expell- ing of thame of thair craft within the said burgh, for yeir and day, and paying of xl s. to Sanct Nicholace wark vnforgevin. And als ordinit the said Sanderis to pay viij s. to the sustentatioune of the seik folkis, for the fait bigane unforgevin. 13th April, 1545. The said day, the haill townn being conuenit in thair heid court, within the tolbuyth, as tha that aucht of the law soit and presens thairto, repre- sentand the haill body of the townn, it wes exponit and schavin to thame be thair provest, Thomas Menzeis, how the quenis grace letteris war cumin vpoun this guid townn a lang tyme by gane syne, to stent, taxt, and raise, on the nychtbouris and inhabitantis of the said burgh, the sowme of iiij c xiiij lib. vj s. viij d. Scottis mone, for the defense of our bordouris aganis our auld ennimies of Ingland, and na prouisioun maid thairfor, quhilk he belevit suld be to the tounis gryt skayth, and the same war nocht pro- uidit and maid redy ; and siclik, schew thame how the said toun hed ane gift of vmquhill king James the Ferd, of guid mynd, to be fre of the paiment of custom of salmond of townis watteris ; and siclik, had gottin this gouernouris gift of the doun getting of tua s. of custum of ilk barrell of salmond, quhilk giftis he beleuit wald nocht be admittit be the lordis of chakar, now haistilie to sit doun on the quenis comptis, without the same war laborit and dressit abefor, quhilk wald nocht be done without grit laboris and revardis thar- for ; heirfor exortand the said townn and nychbouris to prouid reraeid heirintill, and to find the esiest way how mone mycht be gottin heirto. Quhilkis, eftir lang auisament and consultatioun had heirvpoun, thocht ex- pedient, concludit, and ordinit commissaris to be chosin, to few takis for maill takis, prolong takis of the townis watteris or landis, and to sett ony rovmes or takis of new tha can find vaccand to ony nochtbour of the guid towne, thair aires or assignais, malis, burgessis, and actuall induellaris the said burghe, and to nane vtheris, that will gif redy mone therfor, as the said commissaris sail think expedient to the said townis besynes forsaid ; 220 EXTRACTS FROM THE COUNCIL REGISTER 13th April, and to that effect chesit Thomas Menzies, Alexr. Rudirfurd, Dauid An- dersoun, Thomas Chalmer, and Maister John Gordoun, thair comraissaris to the said effect, and ordinit [ ] to be maid to thame- thairwpoun, vnder thair commond seill, and ordinit the keiparis thairof to seill to thame ane commissioun thairvpoun, gevand thame, and the maist pairt of thame, thair full power thairto ; on the quhilkis the said prouest tuik instrument and act of court. 19th April, 1545. The said day, the prouest, bailzeis, and counsale, present for the tyme, within the chaptour of thair kirk, ordinit Alexr. Ratray, gunnar, to remaine and perseueir still in the tovnis seruice, as he did afor, to the end of the moneth of May nixt cumis, and to haue for his lauboris as he had of befor ; and ordinit him to be pait of his hail lauboris he hes seruit bigane, and siclik in tyme to cum, to the end of the said moneth of May, and ordinit the denis of gild to pay him the same of the tovnis rediest mone. \<2th May, 1545. The said day, John Tulidef is conuikit for the strublance of Andro Lawsoun, and James Lawsoun, his brother, menstrallis, in this sort fol- lowing, viz. : for mannesing, bosting, and inuading of thame twa sindry tymes, the tane tyme with ane quhingar, and the tother tyme with ane tre, quherfor he is in ane amerciament of court to forbeir in tyme to cum, and mend as law will, and that is gevin for dovme, be the movth of Thorn Blair, dempster of the court for the tyme, and the mendis heirof continew to be modifeit be the consale. 15th June, 1545. The said day, the haill tounn beyng varnit be thair hand bell passand throw all the stretis of the guid townn, on the quhilk the berar thairof maid faith in iugraent, and convenit within thair tolbuith for the maist pairt, representand the haill body of the townn, tha being circualie inquirit be Alexr. Rudirfurd, ane of the bailzeis of the said burgh, consentit, all in ane voce, na maner of persone opponand nor sayand in the contrar, and for thame and thair successouris, statut and ordinit that all maner of schip and schipis that hapnis to cum to this guid tovnn to sell be strangeris, be bocht be the provest and baillies, or the maist pairt of thame for the tyme, OF THE BURGH OF ABERDEEN. 221 with ane pairt of the counsale of the said burgh for the tyme, ; and gif isthJune, the prouest beis absent, be the bailzes and counsale present for the tyme, or maist pairt thairof, and be nane vtheris ; and howeuer the said schip or schipis hapnnes to be bocht be tharae for the time, euery burgez of gild of the said burgh to haue his pairt thairof, efferand to his estait of the same price ; and quhat brother of gild refusis to tak his part of the said schip or schipis, sua bocht as said is, for the commond veill, baith of guid and evill proffeit and disproffeit, efferand to his estait, he being lawfullie re- quirit thairto, sail tyne his fredome and all proffat he hes of the said burgh frathinfurth, his refusale beyng provin and verefiit, and he conuikit thairof. 24M July, 1545. The said day, the prouest, bailzeis, and counsale, present for the tyme, assignais David Marr and Mr. James Torre, thair lordis of Bonnacord, the first freemanis compositioun siluer that hapnis to be maid within this gud toun fra thin furtht within this burgh, at thair desir, and gettis and producis the men thameself to be free men. Nth July, 1545. The said day, the bailzeis, with avise and consent of the counsale and nychtbouris present for the tyme, conducit and feit Sanderis Ratray thair wache nychtlie, and he to find fiue personis nychtlie with him to vaiche thair blokhouise, linkis, and havin nychtlie, and to aduerteis the town as tha se danger ; and siclik, to wait on the havin one day lycht, that na stran- geres haue enteres thairat without licence of the bailzes. And the said Alexr. accepit the same one him for ane moneth, he gettand guid paiment, for the quhilkis the said Alexander sail haue himself nychtlie xij d., and ilkane of the vther personis that vachis with him vj d., to be deliuerit to thame nychtlie be the officiaris ; and als thai ordanit that thair be ane port maid incontinent with all diligence on the south end of the brig of Dee with tymmer, to be fast lokit in the nycht, and weill keipit one day lycht, and euery nychtbour of the toun, of honest men, to gif xij d. thairto, and sobir folkis to gif viij d., or sax d. at the leist ; and, in the mentyme, quhill the said port be bigit, that thair be tua" trew honest fellowis keipand the same bayth day and nycht, and ilk ane of thame to haue for thair law- bouris xij d. one the day and the nycht ; and siclik, that thair be wther twa guid fellowis at the bow brig at the town end, keipand the same bayth day 2 F 222 EXTRACTS FROM THE COUNCIL REGISTER 27th July, and nycht ; and euery nychtbour and induellar the said burgh, bayth fre- raen and vnfremen, to furneis the same ilkane as it curais about to thame, and as thai be chargit be the officiaris in the bailzeis names ; and quhasa- euer dissobeis in thair rowme, the officiar to pund thame, and tak tua penny- worth of thair geir for ane d. to furneise the same ; and als tha ordand Alexr. Ruderfurd, deyne of gild, to cause the Hamburght man sok the gwne at the blokhouise sufficientlie with ane guid soun sok, one the townis expensis ; and ordinis the said dene of gild to pay the same of the tounis rediest mone he hes in his handis, or may get, with all diligence. 6th August, 1545. The said day, Andro Menzies, bailzie, deliuerit Gilbert Mar, and the laif of the merchandis of the boyart, thair cundeit for thair saif passage in Flan- deris, and ordinit thame to feche tua vnce of fyne brint siluer [ ] gudis in the said schip, for the furnesing of the quenis grace and gouernouris ne- cessaris, to be deliuerit to thair thesaurar, and he to deliuer thame or the avale thairof agane ; and for the hame bringing heirof, Gilbert Mar, Johne Menzeis, Robert Nicholsoun, Wm. Farquharsoun, and Dauid Low, oble- git tbame for thair avin partis for thame selffis ; and als Dauid Low come souertie for Alexr. Fraser, John Jameson, and Henry Hay ; and John Menzies com souertie for Johne Cargile ; and Gilbert Mar come souerte for Wm. Garreaucht, that tha suld de siclik for thair partis ; and als Gil- bert Mar oblegit him to bring hame with him ane attentik tykat of the setting of the said gudis of the said haill schip, and how many sekis the same extendis in the haill furthwart. IQtk September, 1545. The said day, the counsale, present for the tyme, convenit within the counsale house of thair tolbuyth, considering the grit danger the tovnn now apperandlie standis of this pest now ragand in certane partis of this realme, and for euasioun of the same and schanging thairof, deuisis and ordinis that the denis of gild sail deburse mone, be the sycht of the bailzies, to sustene the suspect personis that ar inclusit, and hapnis to be inclusit, quhil Mon- onday nixt cumis exclusiue ; and als ordinis four portis : that is to say, the Gallowgait, Ouerkirkgaitt, and Nedderkirkgait, and Thewis portis to be oppin allanerlie one the day lycht, and ane guid honest sufficient [man] to be at euery ane of thame, to keip the same ; and tua siclike men to be ilk day OF THE BURGH OF ABERDEEN. 223 at the bow brig at the towne end to keip the same ; and sax siclik men to lt h Sept., 1 ^A*! wache the towne euery nicht, and to cum to the bailze of thair quarter and resaue thair directioun, euery man in thair avin rovme, as thay be warnit be the officiar ; and euery man, as he beis warnit in his rovme, to wache and keip the portis himself, or ellis send ane sufficient man for him ; and quhay that dissobeis to pay the mannis waige that hapnis to be feit in his roume, and viij s. of vnlaw vnforgevin ; and at na keiparis of the portis res- saue ony testimonialis ; bot quhen ony strangear cumis with testimoniale, to cum and aduerteis the bailze that sic an strangear is at the port with testi- moniale, and cloise the port quhill the bailze cum, and than that the bailze ressaue or repell, as he will ansuer thairopoun ; and quhen the bailzies hes ado concerning the townn, the nychtbouris to ryise as tha ar requyrit, and concur with them for fortificatioun of tham in the executioun of the tovnis besynes, vnder the pane of tinsale of thair fredome ; and alse ordinis the deinys of gild to cause cloise all entres, vynnales, and passages, baith heid and vtheris quhar ony entres may be had in the towne by the forsaid four portis, one the townis expenssis ; and ordinis the same to be alowit to thame in thair nixt comptis. 11 th September, 1545. My lord prouest and bailzies of this noble burgh of Abirdene, to your worschipis, humelie menis and complanis, I, your nychtbour and seruand, Thomas Branche, burges of the said burgh, vpon Johnne Arthour, induel- lar in Leyth, and now presentlie in this guid townn : That quhar be the space of twenty dais bygane, or thairby, the said John Arthour come to my houise in Abirdene, and thair maid conditioun with rne anent the ran- soum of ane Inglisman presoner, callit John William, now beand in my possessioun in this towne, for the said Johnnis ransoum in maner efter fol- lowing : that is to say, how mekle or quhat sowme of mone the said John William war content to pay to me for his ransoum, the said John Arthour oblegit him faythfullie to pay me the same in penny and penny worth instant- lie on the said Johne Willeamis behalf; and thar efter, the said John Wil- liam conuenit and agreit with me for five lib. stirveling mone for his ran- soum, and his expenssis maid and to be maid sene the tyme of his cumyng to Abirdene one to his departing fra me, to be payit to me with the said five lib. stirveling. Nochtwithstanding the said John Arthour postponis 224 EXTRACTS FROM THE COUNCIL REGISTER iith Sept, and deferris to pay the said sourae, with the expenssis afor exprimit, wrang- uslie and aganis the law, to my hawy damnage and skayth, and aganis iustice. Beseiking your worschipis for remeid heirof, and to cause and compell the said Johne Arthour to pay me the sowmes aboun writin, sa far as the said John will grant, or I ma sufficientlie preife, conforme to iustice ; and your w[ ] ansuer agane heirwpoun humelie I beseik ; and this my petitioun to haue the strinth of ane borgh, gif neid beis. 16 th September, 1545. The said day, in the terme assignit to John Arthur to answer to the petitioun and clame of Tomas Branche, tuching the clame of five lib. stirveling mone, clamit at him be the said Thomas, for the ransoum of John William, Ingliss man, presoner, as in the said Thomas clame is con- tenit at mair lynth, the said John denyit the same, and thaireftir is maid quit tharof and absoluit fray the said Thomas clame ; and that is gevin for doome be the mouth of Thomas Blair, dempster of the court for the tyme ; and the said John protestit for his expenssis and skaythis sustenit be him in the said mater, becaus the said Thomas hes provin na thing one him. 2d November, 1545. The said day, the bailzies, with the avise of the men of guid of this guid town, present for the tyme, conducit and feit Sande Tailzeour to keip the brig of Dee, that na suspect personis of the contagius pest haue enteres thairat, to enter ilk day at v houris in the morning and remaine continualy thairat quhill vi houris at evin, and to haue thairfoir ilk day viij d. ; quhilk Alexander accepit the said mater on him, and oblegit him faythfullie to keip the same lelilie and treulie, and this keiping to indur during the bailzies will, and to enter thairto this instant day. The said day, the bailzies, with auise of the nychtbouris present for the tyme, thocht expedient and ordinit that thair be ane precept of the locum- tenentis rasit, chargeand all nychtbouris, fremen of this guid town, that ar passit of the towne, to returne agane to the same, and to reraane to skot and lott with thair nychtbouris be thameselffis, or ellis caus ane nychtbour answeir for thair duyte in thair rovme, as it fallis within vj dais, vnder the paine of horning. OF THE BURGH OF ABERDEEN. 225 19 th February, 1546. 19th February, The said day, the bailzeis assignit Mononday nixt efter the law day efter Pasche nixt cumis, gif it be lauchtfull, and failzeing thairof the nixt lauch- full day thaireftir, to the prioir and conuent of the freris predicatouris of the said burgh, to exhibeit and produce afor thame peremptourlie in iug- ment thair rychtis, gif ony they haue, quhy tha aucht not to cum to the townis millis within the burgh with thair cornis that grovis vpon thair croftis, lyand on the north est syid of the said burgh, and pay thair mul- turis thairfor, as wther nychtbouris dois, at the instance of John Brabaner, takisman of the said millis persevand the same, with intimatioun and tha produce na thing therfor to evaid the same, the said day, thai will decerne thame simpliciter to feche thair said cornis to the said millis, and grynd thame thairat, and pay multuris thairfor, as wther nychtbouris dois, con- forme to the statut of the guid tovn maid thairvpoun, in presens of the the said priour and freir John Myln, desirand the same in name of the said freris. 1th March, 1546. Vniuersis et singulis ad quorum noticias presentes litere peruenerint Gilbertus Menzies Alexr. Rudirfurd et Dauid Andersoun tres balliuorum burgi de Abirdene in Scotia situati salutem in eo qui est omnium vera salus Cum pium sit et meretorium fidele testimonium perhibere veritati ne ipsius occultatio enotendo preiudicium generet hinc est quod nos bal- liui antedicti tenore presentium attestamur et fidem facimus per presentes quod quedam nauis Gallicana de Deip vocata ly Katherine cuius sub deo rector Garolus Michell vocitatur surrepta et capt'a fuit per Anglos ex aquis nostris de Abirdene decimo octauo die mensis Decembris anno Domini millesimo quingentesimo quadragesimo sexto et per eosdem abducta et ad certum tempus possessa fuerat Et quod tandem Willelmus Holland senior noster convicinus burgensis et sui complicis et dictus Carolus Michell quandam nauem Flemingorum oppidi de Stissing infra porticum nostrum Abirdonensem pro tempore existentem ad manus proprias attextarunt et prefatos Anglos maretenus prosequebantur et prefatam nauem Galli- canum cum bonis eiusdem de nauibus dictorum Anglorum videntibus nobis recuperarunt Que quedam nauis Flemingorum post recupcrationem me- morata nauis Gallicanc infortuna et aeris tempestate suarn arichornm amisit et illius occasione super arenis usque terram aridam apud Now- 226 EXTRACTS FROM THE COUNCIL REGISTER 7th March, burgh prope burgum nostrum de Abirdene violentia transportata fuerat et ibidem diu remansit et baud minimis sumptibus et expensis saluata et vsque porticum nostrum Aberdonense reducta fuit Quamobrem dicta nauis Gallicana cum vniuersis Gallorum bonis in eadem pro tempore ex- istentibus ad instantiam dicti Villelmi Holland et suorutn complicium nec- non inagni admorelli regni nostri Scotie arrestata fuit semper et quousque prefatus Carolus sufficientem cautionem ad respondendum et parendum eidem Villelmo et suis complicibus pro huiusmodi naue et bonis Gallorum in eadem pro tempore existentibus ut de iure tenetur pro recuperacione eiusdem de nauibus dictorum Anglorum prestaret vnacum dampnis et ex- pensis factis et sustinendis super dicta naue Flemingorum et bonis eiusdem qui huiusmodi nauem Gallicanam de nauibus dictorum Anglorum recu- perauit et vlterius ad respondendum ad instanciam dicti magni admirelli regni nostri in premissis ut iura volunt Quequidem Carolus huiusmodi cautionem prestare nequiuerat et illius occasione dicta nauis Gallicana cum bonis Gallorum eiusdem sub prefata arrestatione diu remansit et bona Gallorum eiusdem in custodia dicti Villelmi Holland et officiarium dicti nostri burgi Abirdonensis permanserunt Et lis in premissis inter pre- dictas partes continuauit et prefatus Carolus ad supremum nostrum gu- bernatorem necnon ad dictum magnum regni nostri admirellum premis- sorum occasione accessit et literas dicti magni nostri admirelli eidem Vil- lelmo Holland pro appunctuamento cum prefato Carolo in premissis repor- tauit Et tandem premissis ad longum tempus in lite inter dictas partes pendentibus prefate partes viz. dictus Villelmus Holland pro se et nomine suorum complicium et prefatus Carolus Michell pro se et nomine suorum marenellorum et prefate nauis Gallicane et bonorum Gallorum eiusdem possessorum quorumcunque mediantibus auisamento et consultatione hono- rabilium virorum viz. Thome Menzies prepositi de Abirdene Roberto Myln prepositi de Dunde Villelmi Andersoun burgensis de Edinburgh et nonnullorum aliorum comburgensium burgi nostri de Abirdene penes clameum dicti Villelmi Holland et suorum complicium prefate nauis Galli- cane et bonorum Gallorum in eadem pro tempore existentium per dictum Villelmum et suos complices de nauibus dictorum Anglorum ut premittitur recuperatorum et pro dampnis dicte nauis Flemingorum et expensis super eadem et bonis eiusdem et suis marenellis factis dictum Carolum et suos complices prefatos concernentibus quantum eisdem in premissis incumbit Et notanter occasione et mandate dictarum literarum prefati magni nostri OF THE BUEGH OF ABERDEEN. 227 admirelli finaliter appunctuarunt et concordarunt in hunc qui sequitur 7th March, modum viz. dictus Carolus Michell pro se et nomine suorura complicium 1546 - marenellorum et prefate nauis Gallicane et bonorum Gallorum eiusdem possessorum quorumcunque soluet eidem Villelmo Holland et suis com- plicibus summam centum et viginti quinque scutorum anneorum de sole iusti ponderis aut eorundem verum valorem pro manibus ad suum recessum ex opido Abirdonensi Quamobrem dictus Villelmus Rolland pro se et suis complicibus antedictis exonerabit dictum Carolum et suos complices superius expressatos de eorundem integro clameo dicte nauis Gallicane et singulorum bonorum Gallorum eiusdem imperpetuum Et idem Vil- lelmus Rolland preseruabit eundem Carolum et suos complices antedictos indempnes ad manus omnium Flemingorum possessorum memorate nauis et bonorum eiusdem et aliorum omnium interesse habentium de omnibus dampnis et expensis dicte nauis Flemingorum et bonorum eiusdem Et dictus Carolus habebit naulum integrorum bonorum Scotorum in memo- rata naui Gallicana existentium et in eadem in opido de Deip cartatorum et vsque porticum Abirdonense in eadem transportatorum et huiusmodi naulum per manus dicti Villelmi Rolland et nullius alterius percipiet aut saltern eidem Villelmo in partem solutionis summe suprascripte pro pre- missis locabit Prouiso tamen quod dictus Carolus et eius nauis scriba iustum inuentarium integrorum bonorum Scotorum in dicta naui Gallicana in oppido de Deip in huiusmodi naue cartatorum ac iustum compotum deli nis eorundem mediis eorum juramentis eidem Willelmo Rolland deliberabunt ad effectum quod praefatus Willelmus ratiocinium et compotum de eisdem habere poterit Et dictus Willelmus Rolland obligauit se corpusque suum et bona sua ad preseruandum dictum Carolum et complices suos ante- dictos indempnes de premissis ad manus omnium Scotorum et Flemin- gorum interesse babentium Et similiter dictus Carolus obligauit se cor- pusque suum et bona sua omnia ad preseruandum et indempnes seruandum dictum Villielmum Rolland et suos complices antedictos de premissis ad manus omnium Gallorum in premissis interesse habentium imperpetuum Quodquidem appunctuamentum prefatus Willelmus et Carolus pro seipsis et suis complicibus antedictis obligarunt seipsos hinc inde fide media in omnibus suis punctis et partibus ut premittitur prout singulis eorum in- cumbit tempore confectionis memorati appunctuamenti inuiolabiliter ob- seruare Tandem prefatus Willelmus Rolland pro se et suis complicibu.s antedictis Et dictus Carolus et Johannes Durant Johannes Dumefuill 228 EXTRACTS FROM THE COUNCIL REGISTER 7th March, Martinus Pitart Michaell Prennet et Johannes le Cok marenelli dicte nauis pro seipsis et eorum complicibus possessoribus dicte nauis Gallicane et Gallorum bonorum eiusdem quorumcunque comparuerunt coram nobis in pretorio dicti burgi nostri de Abirdene pro tribunali sedentibus septimo die mensis Martii anno Domini millesiino quingentesimo quadragesimo sexto et ibidem suprascriptum appunctuamentum in omnibus suis punctis et partibus ratificarunt et approbarunt et idem in nostre curie libris inseri sumptibus eorum petierunt Postremo dictus Willelmus Holland pro se et nomine suorum complicium antedictorum fatebatur judicialiter coram nobis ut premittitur sedentibus se recepisse per manus dicti Caroli Michell suprascriptam summam centum et viginti quinque scutorum aureorum de sole iusti ponderis superius expressatorum pro causis superius specificatis Et exonerauit eundem Carolum et suos complices antedictos pro se et suis complicibus memoratis et similiter de suo et suorum complicium clameo dicte nauis Gallicane et bonorum Gallorum eiusdem pure et simpliciter imperpetuum Super quibus prefate partes nostras literas testimoniales in premissis hinc inde humiliter petierunt quas eosdem benigne concessimus et sub nostri sigilli ad causas testimonio muniendas annuimus A pud dictum burgum nostrum de Abirdene septimo die mensis Martii anno Do- mini millesimo quingentesimo quadragesimo sexto secundum cursum et computationem ecclesie nostre Scoticane. \9th March, 1546. The said day, Maister Jerome Chene, and James Chene, his broder, war accusit in iugment be the bailzeis, in name of the haill toune, for the strublance of this guid towne and bluid dravin, committit be thame within the same and fredome thairof, tha beyng dotit with priuilege of bluidweik and vnlaw thairof, and askit tham to deny or grant; and the said Maister Jerome and James allegit that tha aucht not to ansuer in this court, nor yit the bailzeis ar nocht iugis competent to tham, becaus tha ar clerkis and within ordouris, and T>e that priuilege is nocht astrikit to ansueir bot afor thair iuge ordinar. Nochttheles, vnder protestatioun, that it be nocht preiudiciale to thame nor thair priuilege, desirit ane lauchfull day, and tha suld ansuer in the said matter as law vald ; and the bailzeis decernit that thai aucht nocht to haue ane day to ansuyr in the said mater, becaus the bluid wes recently committit within ane priuilegit towne, and the actioun is priuilegit in the self, and the commond practik and consuetud of this OF THE BURGH OF ABERDEEN. 229 town in sic casis, in all tymes bygane, wes and is, that the committer of sic 19th March, recent crimes of bluid wes instantly, but postposition, causit ansuir for his offensis, and thairfor chargit the said Maister Jerome and James, be John Crag, thair officiar, to consult with thair procutouris, James Ogilwy and Maister Thomas Annand, and wtheris, thair freyndis now present, and to deny or grant the said cryme. And because the saidis Maisteris Jerome and James wald nather deny nor grant, beand oft and syndry tymes chargit thairto be the said officiar, bot contempnandly refuisit and dissobeyit the said charge, the said officiar brak his vand of office vpoun the said Maister Jerome and James, and tha war instantly convikit for the makin of the said deforciament, and contemptioun of the bailzeis and officeris in executioun of thair office, and chargit to remaine in vard, quhill tha set cautioun for the vnlaw of deforciament with all that may follow thairupoun ; and for to compeir on Mononday nixt cumis, to ansuer for the said cryme of bluid committit be tham, at the townis instance, as law vill ; and als to ansuer at the instance of party for the said bluid, quhen and quhair it sail pleis him persew the same ; and forder, that this guid towne and all the inhabitantis thairof salbe harmles and skaythles of thame, and all that tha may let in tyme cumyng, bot as law vill. And thairefter, Robert Cullane and John Chene become cautioneris, souerteis, and lauboris, coniunctly, for the said Maister Jerome and James, in forme and maner forsaid, and for all poyntis, as is aboun writin, and the said Maister Jerome and James oblegit thame to releif thair said souerteis. 21 st March, 1546. The said day, the bailzeis forsaid, for thameselffis and in name of the hail towne of Abirdene, and Alexr. Ratray for himself, be Thomas Menzies of Petfoddellis, oblesand for him de rato, and Amrouse Tailzeour for him self one that ane part, and Maister Jerome Chene, and James Chene, his brother, on that wther pairt, ar compromittit in iugment to stand and abid at the decreit and ordinance of thir personis vndcrwritin, that is to say, Maister John Gordoun, Mr Robert Lummisden, Gilbert Menzies, bailzie, and William Rolland elder, or ony tua of thame, for the part of the said towne of Abirdene, Alexr. Ratray, and Amroise Tailzeour ; and James Gordoun of Methlik, Thomas Chene, zoung lard of Essilmont, Alexr. Chene of Stralocht, and John Chene of Arnage, or any tua of thame, for the part of the saidis Maisteris Jerome and James, with avise counsale of 2 G 230 EXTRACTS FROM THE COUNCIL REGISTER 21st March. Thomas Menzeis of Petfoddellis, odman and ouerman, equaly nemmit and chosin be bayth the saidis pairtiis, tuching the bluid dravin of the said Alexr. Ratray, done and maid be the saidis Maisteris Jerome and James the xix day of Marche instant, within the said burgh, and the strublance of thame be the said Alexr., and the strublance of the said towne be the saidis Maisteris Jerome and James thairthrow, and deforsing of John Crag, officiar in iugment, and dissobeing of the bailzeis charge in iugment, sa far as concernis the townn, and sa far as tha may proceid thairupoun be thair auctoritie ; and tuching the hurting and bluid draving of the said Amrouse Tailzeour, and mutilation of him of his left hand, allegit done be the said Maister Jerome the xiij day of Aprile, the yeir of God ane thousand five hundreth fourty five yeris, vnder silence of nycht, in the quenis grace and tovnis vache, and the vrang done to the said towne thairthrow ; and tuching all wther actionis and querelis that ather of the saidis pairtiis hes to say to wtheris, afor the day and dait herof. Quhilk pairtiis, with tua of the four arbiteris forsaid for ilk pairty, with the odman abounwrittin, sail conuein in the grey freris of Abirdene, the secund day of Aprile nixt cumis, at tene houris afor novne, and accept the said materis on thame, and be some thairto, and to cognosce thairintill, and finaly to gif furth thair de- creit and ordinance thairintill that same day or the sone ganging to, with full powar to the said arbiteris to prorogat thair decreit and ordinance to quhatsumeuer wther day or dais as thai sail think expedient ; and for the obseruing, fulfilling, and keiping of all and sindry the premisses, ilkane for thair avin part, ather of the said pairtyis, viz. the saidis Maister Jerome and James and Amroise, for thame selffis, present in iugment, and the bailzeis forsaid for the said towne, and the said Thomas Menzeis for the said Alexr. Ratray, oblesand him de rato, in name of the said Alexr., as said is, ar some the grit ayth in iugment, but appellatioun, reuocatioun, or reclamatioun ; and forder, Robert Cullane is becumin cautioun for the saidis Maisteris Jerome and James, that tha sail keip the day aboun writtin, with tua of the arbiteris nemmit be tham, and als sail vnderly ful- fill and keip the decreit and deliuerance of the said arbiteris and ouerman, how euer tha deliuer in the premisses, and the said Thomas Menzies cautioun for the said Alexr. Ratray that he sail do the same ; and forder, the said Robert Cullane is becummin lawbouris for the saidis Maisteris Jerome and James, that the said Alexr. Ratray salbe skaythles of thame and all that tha lett in tymes cuming, bot as law vill, and Thomas Menzeis OF THE BURGH OF ABERDEEN 231 is becumin lawbouris for Alexr Ratray, that the saidis Maisteris Jerome 2ist March. and James sal be skaythles of him and all that he may lett in tymes cum- yng, bot as law vill ; and the said Maister Jerome and James oblegit thame to releife the said Robert, on the quhilkis bayth the saidis pairtyis tuik act of court and instruments afor thir vitnes, Maister John Bell, Maister James Torre, John Malisoun, and Maister John Kennedy. The said day, the counsale ordinis the haill gudis and geir beand in Alexr. Scottis houiss to be clengit, and he to remaine cloise in quhill it be clengit ; and his broderis sone to be sene be the officiaris nakit, gif he hes or bed the pest ; and gif it beis fundin that he hes or hed the pest, he to be expellit the towne, and to be punnest for conceling thairof ; and the wemen that hes brokin commond ordinance to be put to the linkis ; and the vomau vnder the stair to be inclusit, because of hir repair to the said Alexr. but licence, and his voman to remain with him self, vnder the pain of birning of his cheik. 24th March, 1546. The said day, the haill townn being varnit be thair hand bell, and con- venit for the maist pairt, representand the haill body of the townn, con- sentit that Alexr. Ratray, thair gunnar, suld be pait for his lawbouris by- gane, conforme to promise maid to him the tyme he was conducit ; and als war content that the counsale deuisit and prouidit quharwith he suld be pait quhairintill and quhat sort, oblesand thame to hald ferme and stabill quhat the counsale did thairintill. 25th March, 1546. The said day, the counsale, present for the tyme, consentit, all in ane voce, that Maister Hew Monro, maister of the grammar skuilhill of the said burgh, haue guid and thankfull paiment of the tovnn of his yeirly pen- tioun of tene merkis Scottis mone, conforme to the act maid thairupoun obefoir, sa lang as he remanis continevaly and techis in the said skuilhill as he aucht and suld do of ressoun. And als that euery honest man, freman within the said burgh, baith merchandis and craftismen, ressaue him and the bischop at Sanct Nicholace mess within thair houissis, conforme to the auld lovabill vse of the said burgh, and gif him thair wagis of the auld maner, efferand to thair estatis, as tha think expedient. And gif ony 232 EXTRACTS FROM THE COUNCIL REGISTER 25th March, honest man, merchand or craftisman, that ma guidly gif his wagis, ressauis him nocht and the bischop at the same tyme, that he sail complane on the dissobeyaris to the bailzeis that hapnis to be in office for the tyme, and tha to caus him to haue his duyte of thame, be the avise of the consale, con- forme to the auld vse of this said burgh. 12th April, 1546. The said day, it was deuisit and ordinit be the haill counsall, present for the tyme, considdering the grit danger the town now apperandly standis intill in this trubluss time of weir, be our aid ennimeis of Ingland, that all nychtbouris thairof, bayth merchandis and craftismen, that ar now without the town, reteir thameselffis, viffis, and houshaldis within the same, within ix dais, for walkin, and warding, and bering of wther chargis necessar, and defense of the same, vnder the pane of tinsale of thair fredovmes, and all takis and proffitis tha haue of the townne ; and ordinit oppin procla- matioun to be maid heirupoun at the merkat corce of the said burgh .... 18th April, 1546. I, Nicholace Reaule, capitane of ane schip of Deip callit the Litill ], grantis me to haue ressauit be the handis of ane honorabill man, Thomas Menzeis of Petfoddellis, full contentatioun and thankfull paiment of the haill charge and laiding of tua Ingliss prysis takin be me and my com- plices, and sellit to the said Thomas laidnit with quhit, malt, and aittis, ex- tending in the haill to ane hundreth tua bollis of quhit, tua hundreth saxtene bollis of malt, and twenty sax bollis of aittis, of the quhilk I grant me veill content and pait, and quitclames and discharges the said Thomas, and the toun and inhabitantis of Abirdene, and all wtheris whom it efferis thairof, be thir presentis, for now and euer, be this my acquittance sub- scriuit with my hand, at Abirdene the xvii day of Aprile, the yeir of God ane thousand five hundreth fourty sax yeris ; and forder is content that this my acquitance be insert in the commond buikis of the toun of Abir- dene, and haue the strenth of ane act tharof, befor thir witnes, Wm. An- dersoun, John Malysoun, burgessis of Abirdene, Maister Johne Michel- soun and Maister John Kennedy, notaris publik, with wtheris diuerse. 19 th April, 1546. The said day, it is deuisit and ordinit be the bailzeis and counsale pre- OF THE BURGH OF ABERDEEN. 233 sent for the tyme, in presens of the haill baxsteris of the said burgh, warnit 19th April, herto, havand consideratioun and respect to the prisis of quhytis bocht be the said baxsteris, bayth of Scottis quhit, and als of the quhittis tha gat of the tua Inglis prysis laitly, of the same price it was cost be the tounn, all preheid togidder, that the said baxsteris sail baik xiij vnces of guid clene and weill bakin breid of quhit, for tua pennies at the lest, and quha- saeuer dois in the contrar, and beis conuict thairof, the haill breid fundin with him for the time to be escheit and destrinit, be the avise of the bailzeis and counsale as tha think expedient for the time, without ony request to be hard in the contrar ; and this ordinance to indur ay and quhill it be dis- soluit be the bailzeis and counsale. 9th May, 1546. I, Willeame Mwirhead, ane of the bailzies of Edinburgh, and collectour deput be the prouest, bailzes, counsale, and communite of the said burgh, for the gaddering and ressaving of the taxt avancit be the said provest and bailzeis, of the sowme of j m frankis, ilk frank xii s., for the furnessing of the ambassiatour that passis to the emperour in Flanderis be Franche, for the comprehencioun of this realme and lieges thairof, in the pece takin be- tuix the king of France and the emperour, as at mair lynth is contenit in our souerane ladyis letteris direct to Peter Thomson, alias Buit pursephant, thairupon, be the tenour heirof gevis and grantis to the said Peter my full power to ressaue the taxt of thir burrowis vnderwrittin : that is to say, Stirling, Linlythquhow, Abirdene, Dunde, Perth, Banf, Dunfermling, Caraill, Forfar, Breching, Montrose, Elgin, Inuernes, Abirbrothok, Sanct- androis, Cowper, Cullane, Fores, Name, Thain, Dysart, Kirkcaldy, ilk burgh for thair avin pairt and sowme, as is contenit in our souerane ladyis letteris ; and the said Peter to gif his acquittance of his ressait of the taxt of ilk burgh, quhilk acquittance salbe als sufficient discharge to thame as and tha had my avin discharge or acquittance, becaus the tym is schorl, and grit relief to euery burgh of expensis ; and quhen euer ony of the said burrowis bringis or sendis to me the said acquitance of the receipt of the said taxt, I, be the tenour heirof, oblegis me to gif to thame, or ony of thame, my avin acquittance, be this my full powar and charge, subscriuit with my hand, at Edinburgh the penult day of Aprile, the yeir of God jm v c an( i fourty five yeiris, befor thir vitnes, Patrik Barroun of Spitalfeild, 234 EXTRACTS FROM THE COUNCIL REGISTER 9th May. William Craik, and William Car, bailzeis of Edinburgh, with wther diuerse. My lord prouest and baizes of this guid towne of Aberdene, onto your 1[ ], humelie menis and complenis, I, Gilbert Mar, burges of the said burgh, vpon James Melvin, Andro Durty, Walter Reid, and Cor- nelius Potter, now beyng apprehendit afor your lordschipis, within ane towne of iustice, that vpon the xxvij day of Aprile last bypast, in the yeir of God ane thousand v c xlvj yeris, I, beand vpoun the se, for feir of our enniraeis of Ingland, put in ane schip boit thir gudis vnderwrittin, per- tening to me as my avin proper geir : that is to say, ane cloik, worth tene lib. Scottis, ane freise clock, worth five pundis, four sarkis of Holand lynning, vorth iiij lib., ane ledderane coit, worth tua crovnis of the sone, ane Flemis ell of welwet, cost xi s. grit, xlij Flemis ell of sandeill, the price sax lib., and ane stik of colyne silk for beltis and gartanis, the price viij s. grit ; in. the quhilk boit thare war present the personis aboun writin, quhom I direkit to keip my said claise and gudis aboune writtin, and to bring thame in Scotland, how sone tha hapnit to cum hayme thame selffis, vpoun my expenssis, with the quhilkis claise and geir pertening to me aboun writin tha intromettit with, and in part of thair expensis I deliuerit to Jame Andersoun alias Cockcall, ane croun of the sone, and tua grottis, in name of the persounis aboun writin. Neuertheles the forsaid James, Andro, Walter, and Cornelius, vrangusly, and aganis the law, postponis, refusis, and deferris to deliuer me my said claise and geir aboun exprimit, howbeit tha intrometit thairwith, and tha ar cumm saiflie thameselffis in Scotland, albeit I haue requirit thame diueris tymes tharfor, nor yet in- tendis to do, without tha be compellit : beseiking heirfor your 1[ ], prouest and bailzeis forsaid, to decerne and compel be iustice James Mel- win, &c. 18th May, 1546. The said day, the counsale present for the tyme, deuisit and ordinit the bailzeis, and certane of the counsale with thame, to pas this day at tua efternoone to the kirk yard, and thair exerce and vesy all the begaris within this burgh, and considder quhay is natiue within the toune, and quhay nocht, and sa mony as tha find natiue, and admittis, to gif thame OF THE BURGH OF ABERDEEN. 235 the tounis takyn, as tha sail think expedient ; and ordinit all wther begaris isth May, to be chargit to dewoid the towne within twenty four hours nixt efter thair charge, vnder the pane of laying of ane hait irne on their cheik, and quhay that dissobeis, the said xxiiij houris being passit, the said pane to be ex- ecut on tharae ; and als ordinit dekynnis to be chosin for giding and rewling of the said begaris efteruart, as salbe deuisit be the counsale, and als ordinit that all personis within this townn, havand ony landis and houssis to sett, that tha sett nane in tymraes cuming to na maner of per- sonis, but to tham that tha answer for as sufficient nychtbouris ; and gif ony of the said tenentis committis ony crymes of resetting of geir, or vn- lauchfull personis, the ownaris of the said landis to ansuer tharfor, sa far as tha ar insufficient tenentis ; and ordinis oppin proclamatioun to be maid heirwpoun at the raercat corce in generale, and als the hand bell to pas throw the townn thairwpoun. 24tk May, 1546. The said day, the baillies requirit and solistit all the nychtbouris of this guid townn that bes nocht cumin at Pasche to thair vicar, for paying of thair dwety, conforme to the auld louabill vse of this guid toun, lykas thai haif requestit the saidis nychtbouris thairto obefor, that thai cum to the said vicar and pay thair said dwety, within xlviij houris, sua that he haf na cause to complane on thame in spirituall court ; and failzeing therof, the bailzeis ar content, and ordanit the said vicar to persew the saidis per- sonis that lyis avak in contemptioun afor the spirituall jurisdiction, and thai sell assist and concur with him towart the persute of them ; on the quhilk he tuk act of court. 1st June, 1546. My lord prouest and bailzeis of this nobill burgh of Abirdene, vnto your 1[ ] humelie menis and complenis, I, your 1[ ] seruitour, Thomas Philpson, burges of the said burgh, vpoun Gilbert Tulidef and Thomas Myln, comburgessis of the same burgh, that quhair, in the moneth of May, in the yeir of God j m v c xliiij yeris, at my departing of this town of Abirdene to Danskin, in Pattonis schip of Dunde, I left and committit to the said Gilbert and Thomas my mandament and full powar to intromet with all and sindry gudis, movabill and vnmovabill, pertening or richtuus mycht pertene to me, and dettis that was avand to me in the cuntra be ony 236 EXTRACTS FROM THE COUNCIL REGISTER 1st June, inaner of persoun or personis, and maid and constitut thame my procutouris and factouris, till ouptak, intromet, and ressaue the same to my vtilite and proffeit. And the saidis Gilbert and Thomas, be ressoun forsaid, intro- metit, ouptuik, and ressauit thir gudis, geir, dettis, and sowmes of mone vnder writtin, that was in my houise and buyth within the said burgh of Abirdene, and ressauit thir dettis fray the creditours vnder writtin, sen my departing in the said moneth of May. In the first, the said Thomas Myln, be himself and wtheris of his name, of his causing, command, assistance, and ratificatioun, the xi day of May, or thairby, in the yeir of God j m v c xliiij yeris, ressauit furth of my buyth thir gudis efter following : Thre dosoun hemp, price dosoun xxiiij s. ; item, thre dosoun silkin poyntis, the price of the dosoun ij s. ; item, any grit buyst, and certane kemmis, wor- settis, spectikyllis, and wther small geir in it, worth xl s. ; item, five dosoun vj worset poyntis, price dosoun viij d. ; item, ane lib. half ane quarter of ane pinch of quhit wax, the price v s. ; item, xv ellis half ell of Scottis wor- settis, price ell vi d. ; item, iiij caise of kemmis, the price of the caise xviij d. ; item, viij bykyris, the price of the pece, iij d. ; item, ane dosoun of arrowhedis, the price ij s. ; item, ane pakin creill lokit, with certane mer- chand geir in it, worth xl s. ; item, ane wther pakin creill, worth xviij d. ; item, ane vob of tartane, contenand x ellis, the price of ell iiij s. ; item, ane pece of new tow that wes in ane kist contenand vij fawdoum, the price of the fawdoum viij d. ; item, ane denis aix, the price vi s. viij d. ; item, vi pekis of small salt, the price of the pek, xii d. Item, the xxii day of Junij, or thairby, the yeir forsaid, the said Thomas Myln ressauit furth of my buyth of my howse in the Gallogat thir gudis vndirwritin, viz. : ane dow- blet of new blak chamlet, the price, 1 s. ; item, tua Marekyne cotis, ane reid, the price, xx s., ane wther blak, the price, x s. ; item, ane pair of dobbill blankatis, the price, vj s. viij d. ; item, ane blankat of tartane, the price, iij s. ; item, ane hewin aix, the price, ij s. ; item, ane burdclayth, the price, xxx d. Item, the said Gilbert Tulidef be himself, his seruandis and complices, in his name, of his causing, and command, the said xxij day of Junij or thairby, intrometit and ressauit furth of my said buyth thir gudis efter following : that is to say, ane stuf sak, the price, xviij s. ; ane kna- piscaw, the price xiiij s. ; item, ane blak bonnat, the price, xij s. ; item, ane feirkin, with certane saip restand in it, extending to iij dousoun, the price dousoun, xxxij s. ; item, ane irne pot, the price, x s. ; item, viij pekis small salt, the price pek, xij d. ; item, xix wemen schetis, the price of the pece, OF THE BURGH OF ABERDEEN. 237 vj d. ; item, ane stik of tartane contenand xxiij ellis, the p rice of the ell, lst June > xl d. ; item, ane stik of hardin contenand xviij ellis, the price of the ell, xviij d. ; item, ane throcht lok, the price, xl d. ; item, thre ryme of paper, the price of the ryme, xx s. Attour the said Gilbert and Thomas intro- mettit and ressauit furth of my said buythis and houissis thir guidis and merchandreis eftir following sen the moneth of May aboun writin, or my returning to Aberdene agane : that is to say, xi dosoun vj schetis, the price dosoun, vj s. ; item, ix pennaris, the price, vj d. ; item, xviij quair of paper, the price of the quair, xx d. ; item, iij ellis of small quhit, the price of the ell, iij s. ; ane pair of gray hoise, the price, x s. ; item, vii pursis, the price of the pece, vj d. ; item, vij bagis, the price pece, viij d. ; item, xvj small pursis, the price pece, iij d. ; item ane knapschaw bonat, with ane wther bonnat, price of the pece, xl d. ; item, ane clut of nedillis, the price, viij s. ; item, vj blak hattis, the price of the pece, ij s. ; item, tua blew hattis, the price of the pece, v s. ; item, ane blak thrumit hat, the price, viij s. ; item, tua ellis thre quarteris of narrow blak, the price of the ell, viij s. ; item, ane pair of tailzeour scheris, the price, ij s. vj d. ; item, tua irne handis of ane caddroun, the price vj s. viij d. ; item, xviij ellis of blak bukrame, the price of the ell, v s. ; item, thre quarteris of reid buk- rame, the price iiij s. ; item, iij bykniffis, the price of the pece, viij .d. ; item, iij scheip skynnis, the price of the pece, ij s. ; item, vj pair of glassis, the price of the pair, vj d. ; item, half ane gross of poyntis, the price, xviij d. ; item vj quartaris of grit carsay, the price, vj s. ; item, ij ellis of colour the kersey, the price of the ell, x s. ; item, half ane cow hide, the price, viij s. ; item, ane bow, the price, v s. ; item, ane fut spaid, the price, ii s. ; item, ane schwill, the price viij d. ; item, ane wallett of ledder, the price, xvj d. ; item, ane pair of small ballandis, the price, v s. ; item, ane pair of butis, the price, v s. ; item, thre bollis iij pekis of small salt, the price of the boll, xvj s. ; item, vj pece of pewter veschell, the price, x s. ; item, twa twin poyntis that Thomas Myln intromettit with, the price of the pece, viij s. ; item, ane twin quart, the price xii s., and ane twin poynt, the price viij s., that the said Gilbert intromettit with ; item, tua twyse pundis half pund of brass, the price viii s. ; item, ane grit burd, the price, iij lib. ; item, ane pair of pepper quernis, the price, xii d. ; item, v pece of leddin pundis, the price of the pece, viij d. ; item, ane litill lok, the price, xii d. ; item, ane pair of boullis, the price, xii d. ; item, ane grit chandelar, the price, xx s. ; half ane twine barrell, the 2 H 238 EXTRACTS FROM THE COUNCIL REGISTER price, ii s. ; item, ane lang sadill bed of aik, the price, iij lib. ; item, ane cheir of aik, xviij s. ; item, ane new press, the price, xviij s. ; item, ean veschell bynk, the price, viij s. ; item, iij pair of blak spurris of the Tranche fasoun, the price of the pair, iij s. ; item, ane compter clayth, price x s. Item, the said Gilbert and Thomas ressauit thir sowmes and dettis vnder writtin in my name, fra diuerse my credi- touris that war avand me the same, viz. : fra Andro Crawfurd yovnger, as souertie for John Menzies, xxx s. for tua ellis blak ; item, fra Rob Crag, laxfischar, half ane barrell of salmond, the price, xl s. ; item, fra Sande Fergussoun, xlvj s. ; item, fra Eduard Robertsoun, for maill of my house in the Gallowgait, xxxii s. ; item, fra Sande Still in Murcour, xii s. for ane blak bonat ; item, fray Edward Brow, for ane irne pot, ix s. ; item, fra John Roger yownger, for the rest of ane jrne pot, vj s. ; item, fra Sande Banerman in Auld Abirdene, ix s. ; item, fra Mege Neilsoun, for tua yeris maill of my house in the Guestraw, xliiij s. ; item, fra Cunne Malcome, xvj s. for ane yeris maill of my house forsaid ; item, fra Sande Vrquhart, xvj s. of maill of ane buyth of my land in the Gallowgait ; item, thre dense aikisis, tua in the house and ane in my buith, the price of the pece, vj s. viij d. ; item, ane vob of tartane contenand x ellis, the price ij s. ; item, half ane hundreth laid of elding, the price xx s. ; item, ane grene kirtill, the price xxiiij s. Quhilkis gudis and geir aboun writtin, of the price and valour forsaid sowmes, and money aboun expremit, the saidis Gilbert and Thomas Myln vrangusly, and aganis the law, postponis and deferris to refund, &c. 1th June, 1546. My lord prouest and bailzies of this noble burgh of Abirdene, to your 1[ ], humelie menis and complanis, I, Wm. Mair, vpoun Andro Dirty, James Melwin, and Walter Reid, marinellis, now beand within your iuris- dictioun in Abirdene : That quhar in the Pasche owk last bypast, or thair- by, in the yeir of God j m v c and xlvj, I deliuerit to the said Andro Dirty, James Melwin, and Walter Reid, beyng in ane boit of Gilbert Marris schip, in the see, one the cost of Berwik or thairby, ane bulget of blak ledder, lokit with tua lokis, ane of ilk syde, to haue bene saiffit and keipit be thame, and brocht hame to me in Scotland ; for the quhilk I gaif thame amangis thame ane crown of the soun ; the quhilk croun was ressauit amang thame. Within the quhilk bulget was contenit this geir following belangand to me : OF THE BURGH OF ABERDEEN. 239 half ane ell of red weluet ; four ellis of Holland clayth ; tua beltis of variant 7th June, silk, knapit with gold ; half ane pund of blak pastment silk ; ane pair of schort blak hoise ; ane blak bonnet ; thre dosoun of menekin stringis, for lutis ; thre dosoun of grene ribbanes, silk ; tua losin sarkis ; ane spunge of birse ; tua pair of tapheit gartanes, ane blak, ane wther blew, contenand ane ellene. Neuertheless the said Andro, James, and Walter, vrangusly, and aganis the law, withhaldis fra me the geir aboun writtin. 25M June, 1546. Sequitur tenor commissionis Dauidis Andersoun. Bailzeis, counsale, and communite of Abirdene, we greit yow weill : For- samekle as it is desirit of ws our guid vill and mynd, as your prouest, for makin of burgessis sonns fremen and burgessis, be the tennour heirof, I gif my powar of prouestry to Dauid Andersoun, or ony ane of thame, and makis thame my deputis in the said office, to ressaue Andro Scherar, James Hol- land, to be fremen and burgessis, nochtwithstanding thair youthheid, and to joise and bruik thair priuileges of burgessis. Forder to do thairin as I war present in propir persoun, haldand and for to hald firme and stabill all and quhatsumeuer my said deputis to the saidis Andro and James, be vse and consuetud of the said burgh, be this writ, subscriuit with my hand at Huntly, the xxij day of Junij, 1546. Et sic subscribitur, George Erie of Huntly. I3tk July, 1546. The said day, the bailzeis and counsale, present for the tyme, agreit Sir John Futhe, maister of thair sang skuill, and John Blak, singar, of all falis and faltis betuix thame in tymes bigane ; and forder, the said Sir John was content for the tyme, and gaif his guid will and licence to the said John Blak, as deput vnder him, to teche and lerne all the barnis of the said sang skuill singing, and therfor to ressaue and ouptak the haill proffeit the said John mycht get of the said skuill to his awin vtilite and proffeit, sa lang as he makis guid seruice thairintill without ony fait, induring the said Sir Johnis will. And, in the mentyme, the said John to have power to puneis and correc his avin tua brother, Alexr. Grayis tua sonis, ane Skeyne, and ane Lummisdan, barnis of the said skuill, reseruand the punyisment of the remanent barnis therof to the said Sir John himself, as superior thairof ; and forder, the said John Blak was content, in presens of the said bailzeis 240 EXTRACTS FROM THE COUNCIL REGISTER 13th July, and counsale, gif euer he falit agane to the said Sir John, in his defalt in tymes cuming, in ony thing concerning the said skuill, to be dischargit of all proffetis he hes of the townn of Abirdene for his service within thair queir and kirk thairof, during the vill of the bailzeis and counsale for the tyrae. 19th July, 1546. The said day, the bailzeis ordinit the officiaris to pas and varne all maner of personis avand ony malis or dettis to the brig of the Dee, to cum this day xv dais afore the counsale, and mak compt, rakening, and paiment thairof, with intiraatioun, and thai do nocht, tha will gar puind and dis- trenze thame for the same. And als the bailzeis and counsale ordinit thair maister of thair brig wark to pas and tak tua or thre of the counsale with him, and wesy, with ane masoun and wrycht, all faltis of the said brig, and enter craftismen thairto, to reforme the same with all diligence, be avise of the forsaid personis, and mak expensis thairupoun, and ordinit the same to be alovit to him in his nixt comptis. 6th August, 1546. The said day, it is statut and ordinit be the bailzeis, counsale, and com- munite of this guid townn, tha beyng varnit, &c., for the commond veill of the same, and evading sa far as tha ma fray the contagius pest now latly rising of new in certane partis of this realme, that all maner of mendicantis and beggaris within this towne dewoyd the same, except sa mony as is licent to remane be the bailzeis and counsale, and hes the townis taking, within xxiiij houris nixt efter the tuelt hour of this day, vnder the pane of burning of thame with ane hett jrne one the cheik that beis fundin within this townn efter the said xxiiij houris ; and thaireftir tha beand brint that remanis and contempnis the said charge to dewyid the said tounn within wther xxiiij houris, vnder the pane of deid, viz. hanging or drovning. And als that na maner of nychtbouris within this burgh ressaue nor harbour na maner of mendicantis nor begaris, strangeris, without speciale licence of the bailzeis or ane of thame thairto, vnder the said paine ; and gif ony siclik cumis to this townn, that tha remane nocht aboun xxiiij houris within the same, vnder the same pane. And als that the bailzeis, pas with certane honest nychtbouris with thame, this instant day efter nowne, throcht all the partis and rewis of this guid toun, and vesy the same, and remove and ex- OF THE BURGH OF ABERDEEN. 241 pell all raendicantis and begaris of the same that ar nocht licent to remane, 6th Aug., and charge thame to remove vnder the panes forsaid. And als that na 1546 - maner of personis of botis nor crayaris that hapnis to cum out of the south partis be ressauit, nor licent, nor tholit to cum out of thair crayaris nor botis, nor ressauit in ony lugingis nor houssis within this guid town, nor yit na metis nor drinkis nor wther necessaris ministrat to thame, nor yit that na personis mell with tham in na sort, without speciale licence of the bailzeis, or ane of thame at the lest, had thairto, vnder the said panis. And als that thair be ane honest seruand man at euery port of this guid towne ilk day, to keip the same frathinfurth quhill the town be forder auisit, as tha sail ressaue directioun of the bailzeis thairto, and euery nycht- bour of the guid toun to furneis the same thair tyme about, as it fallis, and tha varnit thairto, and als ordinit oppin proclamatioun to be maid heirof at the mercat corce. 21th August, 1546. The said day, the bailzeis and counsale present for the tyme ordinit Dauid Andersoun, thair maister of kirk wark, to send to Sanctandrowis for ane plumbar, to reforme and mend the faltis of thair kirk ; and ordinis that quhat expensis he gevis ane seruand to pass for the said plumbar, and als quhat he gevis the said plumbar for his travell heir, gif he agreis nocht with him one the wark, and gif he agreis, quhat expensis he makis thair upoun to be alovit thankfully to him in his next comptis. 13th September, 1546. The said day, the haill tovnn beyng varnit to this day, &c., it wes ex- ponit and schavin to thame be the bailzeis, how that, in all tyme of weir bygane sene the deceise of our maist nobill prince James the Fift, quhom God asolze, this guid tounn and inhabitantis thairof hes keipit thair handis clein, and done na vrang, hurt, nor trubill to na maner of schipis nor per- sonis of Flanderis, Denmark, nor nane of the est partis, nor yit nane of thame complentus on this towne as yit to this, and that ther is na weir betuix ws and them, and elikvise apperand pace betuix ws and Ingland, and proclamations maid thairvpoun, as is notabilly knavin, as in the letteris direct thairwpoun mair fullely is contenit ; and at tha ar now latly informit that Melchor Cullane and certane wtheris, his complices, are passit furth laitly of the towne of Leyth with ane setup in veirsaw, without ony licence 242 EXTRACTS FROM THE COUNCIL REGISTER 13th Sept., of the gouernour and lordis of counsale, expressly agains the charge of the said letteris. Therfor, to ewaid damnage and skaythis that ma follow thair- wpoun, and to hald and keip this toune in ane guid bruit and name, as it hes bene in the tyme forsaid bygane, it is statut and ordinit be the haill townn, &c., that na maner of persoun, within this towne duelland, freman nor vnfreman, by ony maner of schipis or prisis, or ony maner of geir, fray ony men of weir, of quhat natioun that euer tha be, nor yit pas vpoun burd on ony schip, schipis, or prysis, without speciale licence of the bailzeis and counsale askit and obtenit thairto, vnder the pane of tinsale of thair fre- dome, and all takis and rowmes, and all wther maner of proffietis tha haue of the toun, of thame that ar fremen, and bannesing thaim the towne that ar vnfremen, without ony excuse or request to be hard in the contrar, and this to indur during the townis vill. The said day, it is statut and ordinit be the haill townn, convenit in thair tolbuyth as said is, &c., for the commond veill of this guid towne, and pre- seruing and keiping of the same fra the contagius pest now laitly brokin oup and ringand in certane partis of this realme, sa far as the craft and ingine of man ma do, referrand the laif to the Eternale God, keipar of all, &c. : that ther remane tua men daylie at the boll brig, keipand the same, thairof ane to remane continualy thairat, and the wther of thame to cum and aduerteis the bailzeis quhen ony strangear cumis or he get enteres in the townn ; and at na maner of persoun of Edinburght, Leyth, Dunde, nor na wther suspect place, be ressauit without sufficient testimoniale presentit to ane of the bailzeis at the lest, and admitt be thame ; and gif ony personis of the said townis or places, of quhat degre that euer tha be, hapnis to cum without testimoniale, that tha be nocht ressauit in na sort without licence of the bailzeis and ane part of counsale obtenit thairto ; and als ane man to keip the Gallowgait port, and ane wther the Thewis port, and at Futeist port and the Trinite port be lokit and keipit close ; and als that all oppin passagis, yardis, and wther places quhair ony enteres may be had, be closit and bigit oup be the avnaris thairof that ar propir, and be the denis of gild that ar commond, with all diligence ; and that euery nichtbour and induellar the said burgh keip, or ellis cause keip be ane sufficient seruand, the said boll brig, Gallowgait and Futeis portis, thair tyme about as it fallis to thame, and as tha be varnit nychtly thairto be the officiaris ; and quhay that beis varnit and cumis nocht himself, nor sendis nocht ane sufficient seruand OF THE BURGH OF ABERDEEN. 243 thairto in dew tyme, the officiar of that quarter quhair he duellis to fee ane 13th Sept., sufficient man in his place, and gif him xij d. in the day thairfor, and the persoun that sould haue kepit the said brig or port to pay the same agane ; and the officiar to pund therfor als oft as neid beis ; and all the portis of the townn to be closit and lokit nychtly at viij houris at evin, and remain fast quhile vj houris in the morning, that the keiparis thairof enter thairto ; and that na nychtbouris duelland without the portis of the said burgh ressaue, houise, nor herbir, na maner of strangear, pure nor riche, in thair houissis without speciale licence of ane of the bailzeis for the tyme, askit and obtenit thairto, vnder the pane of tinsale of thair fredome that ar fre, and bannes- ing tham the towne that ar vnfre ; and als that the induellaris in Futy, ilk ane of thame thair tyme about, vait one the havin and keip that na maner of personis that hapnis to cum out of south partis in ony schipis, crayaris, or botis cum vpon land on ony part of the fredome of this burgh without speciale licence of the bailzeis and counsale, vnder the pane of confiscatioun, and eschaeting of thair schip and haill guidis beyng in the same for the tym ; and that the said keipar aduerteis euery crayar, schip, or boat, of the said statut and pane, at thair heir cuming, with intimatioun as efferis ; and at na maner of persoun in this towne nor Futy ressaue, houise, nor herbre, ony sic personis cumand in sic schipis, crayaris, or botis, vnder the pane of tinsale of thair fredome, takis, rowmes, and all wther proffettis tha haue of the towne, that ar fre, and bannesing thame the towne that ar vnfre, with- out ony excuse or request to be hard in the contrar ; and this statut to in- dur during the townes will. 2d October, 1546. The said day, the haill tovnn beyng varnit, &c., chesit Gilbert Fraser, Robert Cullane, Thomas Scherar, Johnne Baine, Robert Arthour, Andro Murdo, and Alexr. Jafiray, taxtaris, to taxt and stent the sowme of tua hundreth pundis Scottis mone one the nychtbouris and inhabitantis of this burgh, to be pait incontinent to the gouernour, for the saidis townis licence to remaine at hayme fray this quartar of the sege of Sanctandrowis, con- forme to the thesaureris writing of licence tharfor direct thairupoun, quhilk personis accepit the said mater vpon thame, and ar sorn the grit ayth tharto, to taxt the same lelile and treuly, but feid or fauour of ony personis, efter the faculte of the inhabitantis of the said burgh, &c. Of the quhilk the tennour followis : 244 EXTRACTS FROM THE COUNCIL REGISTER 2d October, Traist freindis, efter hartlie commendatioun, ye sail witt that we ressauit your writing fra your nychtbour, William Holland, berar heirof, and hes tain consideracioun off the cummeris ye haue, and schawin the samyn to my lord gouernour at lyntht, and at your plesour at this tyme, that ye may remaine at haym fra this armye and assige heir off Sanct Androwis, hes ordanit him bring incontinent, or send heir, for you and your towne of Aberdene, the sowme of twa hundreth pundis, quhilk being pait fra hand, as we haue schavin to this berar, ye sail incure na danger, nor be callit nor accusit fray biding fra the said assige ; wtherwaise, gyff ye do nocht, that ye cum heir yourselffis, conform to the proclamatioun past thairwpoun, as farder the berar will declair, and God keip yow. At Sanctandrois, this last day of September. Stk October, 1546. The said day, it is statut and ordinit be the bailzeis and counsale that na maner of botis nor crayaris that hapnis to cum out of the south partis, be ressauit within this havin during the tyme of the pest, now ringand in certane partis of this realme, and at na maner of persoun, freman nor vn- freman, duelland in this toune nor Futy, ressaue, houise, nor herbre, nor sell ony metis nor drinkis to sic personis, without speciale licence of the bailzeis and ane part of the consale, had and obtenit thairto, vnder the pane of tinsale of their fredome that ar fre, and bannesing thame the towne that ar vnfrie. llth October, 1546. The said day, the bailzeis and counsale present for the tyme, with avise of the nychtbouris present for the tyme, decernit and ordinit that Sanct Nicholace braid siluer be given to the sustentatioun of the seik folkis of the pest, during the tyme thairof, and the townis will ; and als ordinit Andro Losoun to gif the braid siluer he gat one Sonday last was, to be distribuit to the seik folkis ; and als consentit, all in ane voce, that the rest of the last taxt siluer aboun the ij c vj lib. xiij s. iiij d., quhilk is ellis pait for the same, and bering and deliuering thairof, be takin and gevin to the sustentatioun of the said seik folkis, and Robert Cullane deliuerit instantly xxxii thairof to John Bruise, officiar, to the effect forsaid. The said day, the bailzeis grantit that thay had ressauit fray Robert OF THE BURGH OF ABERDEEN. 245 Cullane the sowme of ij c lib. for the principal! taxt of the sage of Sanct- nth October, androwis, togidder with vj lib. xiij s. iiij d. gevin to Maister Robert Lum- raisdane, for the bering thairof to Sanct Androwis, and deliuering of the same, quhilk the said Maister Robert grantit him ressauit, and oblegit him to report ane sufficient acquittance to the said towne of the said ij c lib., for the causis forsaid, or ellis the said mone agane to thame. 25th October, 1546. The said day, it is statut and ordinit be the bailzeis and counsale pre- sent for the tyme, all in ane voce, that the officiaris pas with diligence and requyr all thame that hes nocht pait thair pairt of the last taxt, as tha war taxt for the townis licence to remaine at hayme fra the sege of Sanctandrouis, to pay the same, and specially thir personis, Andro Lesly, Martyne Hoveson, &c., burgessis of the said burgh ; and gif tha, or ony of thame, refusis to pay the same, that tha varne the refusaris to ane day afor the bailzeis and counsale, to heir and see thame that hes ony takis of the towne decernit to haue tint thair takis tha haue of the said towne, and tha that hes na takis, to heir and see tham decernit to haue tint thair fredome of the said burgh, with intimatioun that quhidder tha compeir or nocht the dais tha happin to be varnit to, the bailzeis and counsale will proceid and decerne conforme to thir said statut ; and forder ordinit the said statut to be keipit and obseruit vpoun paiment of all taxtis that hapnis to cum on the said towne in tyme cumyng. The said day, Maister Robert Lummisdan presentit and deliuerit in iugment ane discharge of our souerane lady the quenis grace, with consent of my lord gouernour, vnder hir graces signet and my lord gouernouris subscriptioun, of the dait the tent day of October, the yeir of God ane thousand five hundreth fourty sax yeriis, and of hir regne the ferd yeir, to the towne, for thair remaning at hame fra the sege of Sanct Androwis, the thrid quartar of the northland, ordinit to haue conuenit at Sanct Androwis the ferd day of October instant, because he had deliuerit, in the said tovnis name, the sowme of tua hundreth lib. Scottis mone to our souerane ladyis thesaurar therfor, and als ane acquittance to the said the- saurar, vnder his signet and subscriptioun manuale, of the dait at Sanct Androvis, the xv day of October, the yeir of God j m v c ^xlvi yeris, grauntand him to haue ressauit the said sovme fray the said Mr. Robert, in 2 i 246 EXTRACTS FROM THE COUNCIL REGISTER 25th October, name and behalf of the said towne ; quhilk discharge and acquittance the bailzeis and counsale admit to be put in the chartour kist. We, Johnne, bischop of Dunkeld, &c., thesaurer to our souerane lady the quenis grace, grantis ws to haue resauit fra Maister Robert Lumisdane, in name and behalf of the prowest, baillies, counsale, and communite of the burght of Abirdene, the sowm of tua hundreth poundis Scottis, in full contentacioun and compleyt payment for thair compositioun to remain at hame and abyd fray the oist and armye ordinit presentlie to cum to the assegeing of the castell of Sanct Androwis, the ferd day of October instant ; of the quhilk sowm, for^the cause aboun exprimit, we hald ws weill content and pait ; and in our souerane ladyis name, and all vtheris quhome it efferis, dischargeis thame and euerith ane of thame, at this tyme, for the samin, be this wryt, subscriwit with our hand, at Sanct Androwis, the xv day of October, the yeir of God m. v c fourty sax yeris. J. Dunkeld, Thesaurarius. llth December, 1546. The said day, the counsale present for the tyme decernit and ordinit Dauid Spilyelaucht, quhilk brak command ordinance and statutis, in non schaving the bailzeis the seiknes of his barne, quhilk was seik in the pest, in dew tyme, conforme to the statut and * ordinance maid thairwpoun, to be brint on the left hand with ane het irne. And forder statutis and or- dinis of new agane, that gif he or ony nichtbour, induellar in this burgh, concelis sic thingis in tymes cumyng, and cumis nocht incontinent efter that ony maner of person, young or auld, hapnis to be seik in thair housse, quhat kind of seiknes that euer it be, to ane of the bailzes of the said burgh, and reuele and schaw the same to ane of the said bailzeis, that the concelaris thairof be puneist to the deid, man or woman, quhat euer tha be, without ony request to be hard in the contrar. 3d February, 1547. The said day, the haill toune beyng varnit, &c., grantit and promittit to gif William Lord Forbes ane tounn of wyne yeirlie, Pasche and Lam- mes, for keiping of thair watteris and fischingis of Done and Dee, with thair pertinence, in raid tyme fra all maner of nettis, cobillis, wawsperis, heryvalteris, and all wther instrumentis, fra the natiuite of our Ladye OF THE BURGH OF ABERDEEN. 247 yeirlie to the fest of Sanct Androw, he causand keip the same at his vter 3d February, power ; and gif he failis thairintill, he to haue na paiment of the said wyne. 1547 - And ordinit ane band to be maid to his lordschip heirwpon, vnder thair commond seill, and ordinit the keiparis thairof to seill the said band thair- with, thai gettand his lordschipis band agane vnder his seill and hand writ, to keip the said vatteris and fischingis lelilie and treulie during the said tyme, at his vter povar, as said is, and vder wais nocht ; quhilk band George Meldrum of Five, knicht, and John Lesly of Bolquhane, resauit this day in the said lordis name, selit with the commond seill, and promittit faythfullie to deliuer the said townn the said lordis band heirupoun, vnder his seall and hand writ, within viij dais, or ellis thair avin band agane within the said terme. 13th April, 1547. Licentia et acquittancia hie inserte deberent postea inseri in mense Julii quamuis ob loci penuria hoc inseruntur. Regina. We, with avise, consent, and auctorite of our derrest cousing and tutour, James Erll of Arrane, Lord Hamyltoun, &c., protectour and gouernour of our realme, for diuerse ressonabill caussis and consideratioun moving him thairto, be the tenour heirof, grantis and gevis licence to our louittis the baillies, counsall, and communite of our burgh of Aberdene, to remane and byd at hame fra ony ost, raid, and army dewisit to convene at Peblis, the tent day of Julij nixt to cum, and fra thyne to pas ford- wart to our bordouris of our realme, for assegeing and recovering of the castell of Langholme furth of our auld innemeis handis, and for stuncheing and repressing of commoun thewis and tratouris of Esdaill, Ewisdaill, Lidderdaill, and Annanderdaill ; and vill and grantis that the saidis baillies, consall, and communite, nor nane of thame, sail nocht incur ony skayth or danger thairthrow in thair personis, landis, or gudis, nor sail nocht be callit nor accusit thairfor, criminalie nor ciuilie, be ony maner of way in tyme cuming, nochtwitstanding ony actis, statutis, ordinances, letteris, proclamationis, chargeis, or dischargeis maid or to be maid in the contrar, and panis contenit thairin. Anent the quhilkis we dispence with the saidis baillies, counsall, and communite, and ilkan of thame, be thir our letteris, gevin vnder our signet, and subscriuit be our said gorernour, at Linlichgow, the aucht day of Julij, and of our regnne the fyft yeir. James. 248 EXTRACTS FROM THE COUNCIL REGISTER 13th April, I, Maister James Forester, clerk of our souerane ladyis thesawrarie, grantis me to haf resauit fra the handis of Johne Kelso, in name and be- half of the prowest, baillies, counsall, and communite of the burgh of Abirdene, the sowme of twa hundreth poundis, and that for the licence grantit to the saidis prowest, baillies, counsall, and communitie to remaine and byd at harae fra the oist and army ordanit to convein at Peblis with my lord governour, the tent day of Julij instant, of the quhilk sowme of tua hundreth poundis I hald me weill content aud payit, quitclaims and dischargeis the said provest, baillies, caunsall, and communite, and all vtheris quhome it efferis, for now and euer, be this my present discharge, subscryuit with my hand, at Edinburgh, the xi day of July, the yeir of God m v c xlvii yeiris, befor thir witnes, John Young, burgis in Edin- burgh, Alexr. Guthre, and James Allane, with vtheris diuerse. I, Maister James Forstar, with my hand. 18th April, 1547. The said day, William Holland elder, in name of himself and Alexr. Knowis, and thair complices, presentit in iugment to the bailzeis ane sup- plicatioun of Patrik Erie Boithiuele, Lord Halis, Creichtoun, and Liddis- dale, and grit admirale of Scotland, direct to the prouest and bailzeis of the said burgh, to call certane vitnes duelland in the said burgh afor thame, and examine thame be thair aythis in ane cause depending, afor the said ad- mirale and his deputis, betuix the said William Holland, Alexr. Knowis, and thair complices, and Maister Robert Lummisdan, Maister James Torre, Welleame Quhit, and thair complices, vpoun the contentis of the precept rasit be the said William and his complices aganis the said Maister Robert and his complices forsaid, lyk as in the said supplicatioun at mair lynth is contenit ; quhilk supplicatioun the said bailzeis ressauit, and the same being red in iugment, tha ordinit the said Wm. and his complices to cause varne the vitnes tha vald produce in the said mater to Friday nixt cumis, to testife in the same ; and als to cause warne thair party to the said day to heir the said vitnes ressauit, admittit, and some, or thane to schaw ane ressonabill cause quhy, with intimatioun as efferis. The said day, it is deuisit and ordinit be the counsale that tha pas with thair curat and chaplane of Sanct Michaelis altar of the said burgh to the said altar one Sonday nixt cumis, and consider the vestmentis and orna- OF THE BURGH OF ABERDEEN. 249 mentis thairof, and quhat it wantis necessar thairto tha ordand the same to 18th April, be maid thairto one the townis expensis. The said day, it is deuisit and ordinit be the bailzeis and counsale, for keiping of the glassin vindokis of thair kirk, and the sklatis of thair luge, that quhatsumeuer personis, yovng men, seruandis, barnis, or craftismen, brakis ony of the said vyndokis of the kirk or queir, or sclatis, that thair faderis or maisteris sail ansuer therfor, and reforme and mend the same agane on thair avin expensis ; on the quhilk Dauid Andersoun, maister of the kirk wark, tuik act of court. 30th April, 1547- The said day, in the terme assignit to the priour and conuent of the freris predicatouris of Abirdene to produce and exhibeit perempturlie thair rychtis, gif tha ony had, quhy tha suld nocht cause bring the cornis that growis on thar croftis, lyand on the north est syid of the said burgh, to the townis millis, within the said burgh, and grind the same thairat, and pay thair multuris and wther dwiteis thairfor as wther nichtbouris within the said burgh dvis, conforme to the townis auld statutis maid thairupoun, the said freris comperand be freir John Myln and freir John Blak, in thair names, and John Brabaner, takisman of the said millis, comperand for himself, to the effect forsaid, the saidis priour and conuent, nor nane wtheris in thair names, producit na thing, tha beyng oft tymes callit thairto, quher- for the said John Brabaner protestit solemplie, in presens of the said freir John Myln, and freir John Blak, that it suld stand thame for ane terme peremptour, and at tha suld haue [na] place to produce ony thing in tyme cuming in the said mater, for the causis forsaid ; and the saidis freir John and freir John allegit thair priour was absent furth of the towne, and tha culd vse na defensis in his absence, and therfor protestit that quhat beis done this day in the said mater suld nocht preiuge nor hurt the said priour and conuent, nor thair rycht in the said mater, and for remeid of law aganis the same quhen tyme and place requyrit ; on the quhilkis bayth the saidis partyis tuik actis of court and instruments ; and thairefter the bailzeis chargit Sanderis King, officiar, in iugment, to requir the saidis freir John and freir John, in name of the said priour and conuent, quhilk he did instantly in iugment ; and als to requir the said priour and conuent agane at thair place of the said burgh, to compeir this day xv dais, gif it be lauchtfull, and falze- 250 EXTRACTS FROM THE COUNCIL REGISTER 30th April, ing thairof, the nixt lauchtfull day thairefter, in the houre of cause, to heir and se thame self decernit, be decreit of court simpliciter, to cause feche the cornis of thair said croftis to the tovnis forsaid raillis, and grind the same thairat, and pay thair multuris and duyteis tharfor as wther nycht- bouris pais, conforme to the statutis of the said burgh, with intiraatioun as efferis. 13th May, 1547. The said day, Maister Thomas Dauesoun, prolucutour for the freris pre- dicatouris of the said burgh, gaif in this protestatioun efter following in writ : We, priour and conuent of the predicatouris of the freris of Abir- dene, protestis before your w[ ], bailzeis of the same, that quhat beis done or is done bigane in the pretendit actioun and cause, movit and in- tendit be John Brabaner, burges of the said burgh, in name of the haile towne of Abirdene, aganis ws, tuching the multuris of the cornis that grew vpoun our croftis, of the terretour of the est part of the said burgh, preiuge nor hurt ws nocht, nor our place in rycht and priuilege, that is grantit and gevin to ws be the nobill and excellent princes of the realme, be vertew of the quhilkis it is lesum to ws to grind and multur our cornis, quharsoeuer tha grow, at the mill of Gilcamstoun, multur fre ; in the quhilk priuilege and in- dult we and our predecessouris is and hes bene in vse and possessioun of, past all mannis memore levand, as is lauchtfully prescriuit in vsage therof, and ther- for aucht and suld be the law be callit before the quenis grace and hir lordis of counsale, or thane be hir grace letteris and commissioun befor the schirref of the schire, or wtheris our iugis competent of the law, for cognitioun takin in the said mater, or we be put thairfra, and depriuit of our priulege ; of the quhilk your m[ ] is nocht iugis competent thairto, as the actioun is intentit ; and gif ye do in the contrar, for remeid of law, tyme and place, and protestit efter the forme of the same, on the quhilk he tuik act of court and instrument. The said day, Maister Thomas Dauesoun, prolucatour for the said freris, allegit that the said John Brabaner had askit nathing in speciale in his clame, and therfor protestit that the said freris haue ane absoluitour of the said Johnis clame, on the quhilk he tuik instrument. The said day, John Brabaner tuik act of court and instrument, that the OF THE BURGH OF ABERDEEN. 251 said freris, nor nane wtheris in thair names, producit, allegit, nor said na 13th May wther sayingis nor allegeance, nor wald nocht say nor allege na wther thing thane is afor proponit and allegit this day. 23d May, 1547. The said day, the court vardit and schew for law, that the priour and conuent of the freris predicatouris besyid the burghe of Abirdene, hes pro- ducit nor shavin nathing in the terme assignit to thame perempturlie of thair avin desir be the bailzeis of the said burgh, to exhibit and produce afor the said bailzeis thair rychtis, gif tha ony had, quhy tha aucht nocht nor suld nocht cause feche thair cornis that grovis on thair croftis, lyand one the northt est terretour of the croftis of the said burgh, to the townis millis within the said burgh, and grind the same thairat, and pay thair multerris and wther duiteis thairfor, as wther nychtbouris pais, conforme to the said statutis of the guid towne maid thairwpoun, at the instance of John Braba- ner, takisman of the saidis millis, desirand the same of the said freris. The said John, comperand personalie in iugment, desirand pronunciation heir- wpoun, and the saidis priour and conuent beyng requirit at thair said place to compeir the said day, and als freir John Blak and freir Johne Auld- corne beyng requirit afor in iugrnent to compeir the said day, to hear and se the said pronunciation, with intimatioun as efferit, and nocht compeirand lauchtfull tyme of day biddin, the bailzeis forsaid decernit and ordinit the saidis priour and conuent, and thair successouris, to cause feche and bring the cornis that growis on that thair said croftis yeirlie, in tyrnes cumyng, to the said townis millis within burgh, and grind the same thairat, and pay thair multuris and duyteis therfor to the millaris thairof, in all tymes cum- yng, as wther nychtbouris pais, conforme to the statutis of the guid towne maid thairwpoun, and that is gevin for dovme be the mouth of James Pentland, dempster of the court for the tyme, and condampnit the said freris in the expensis of the court, to be taxt be thame efteruart, on the quhilk the said John Brabaner tuik act of court and instrument. 1st July, 1547. The said day, the haill towne, beyng varnit, &c., chesit Andro Menzeis, Dauid Mar, James Allerdes, Maister James Torre, and Robert Arthour, taxtaris to taxt and stent the sowme of tua hundreth pundis Scottis mone of the nychtbouris, fremen, and inhabitantis of the said burgh, to be takin 252 EXTRACTS FROM THE COUNCIL REGISTER 1st July, oup and payit incontinent to my lord gouernour and his grace factouris, for the said townis licence to remain at hayme fray this hoist and raid of Lang- hope, conforme to the townis licence to be gottin thairupoun, quhilk per- sonsis accepit the said mater on thame, and ar some the grit aythis to taxt and stent the same lelile and treuly, but feid or fauour of ony personis, as tha vald ansuer to God thairupoun, vpon the fremen and inhabitantis of the said burgh for the causis forsaid. 6th July, 1547. The said day, the bailzeis decernit Maister James Torre to haue pai- ment of xxx s. Scottis mone of Wille Duncane, within xx dais, quhilk he pait this day for the said Willeamis taxt of the raid of Langop, in the said Willeamis absence, and [gif] he pais nocht the same to the said Maister James within the said terme, the bailzies and counsale decernis the said William to haue tint his fredome ; and ordinis that he joise nor vse nocht na priuilege of the said burgh frathatfurth, quhill he compone of new agane for his fredorae, and assignis the haill proffeit tharof to the said Maister James, for the causis forsaid. 2-2d August, 1547. The said day, the haill townn beyng varnit, &c., consentit that the haill ar- tailzerie, with the pulder and bullatis of the Franche schip now beand within the bavin of Abirdene, the skipar thairof callit [ ], be tane out and vsit for defence of this guid towne aganes our ennimeis of Ingland and Holland, and oblegit thame, all in ane voce, as said is, ilk ane for thair avin pairt efferand to thair estatis, to scot and lot for the same and releif thairof, as neid beis, quhen and quhair it sail happin the same to be persevit. August, 1547. The said day, the haill townn beyng varnit, &c., consentit and war con- tent that Alexr. Ruderfurd and Dauid Andersoun, bailzeis, remainitr at hayme fra this present oist and army of Follamwir, for giding and rewling of this guid towne, for defending the same bayth fray our auld ennimeis of Ingland and lymmaris of this realme, and wther guid causis moving tham for the tyme ; and oblegit thame that the said Alexr. and Dauid suld incur na skayth throw thair remaining at hayme, tha fursefand and sendand furth OF THE BURGH OF ABERDEEN. 253 tbair eldest sonnis with the laif of the towne. And gif the said Alexr. 29th August, and Dauid hapnis to be put at therfor, the haill towne, conuenit as said is, oblegit tharae to be part takaris of thair skaythis therfor, and to scot and lot, part [and] part lik, for thair releif, for the causis forsaid. 31 A* August, 1547. The said day, the bailzeis and counsale, present for the tyme, consentit and war content that Andrew Buk, Alexr. Ratray, Gilbert Tulidef, James Collisoun, Andro Durty, Gibbe Menzeis, William Garreaucht, and Jerome Blak, remanit at hay me fray this instant oist and army of Fallomwir, for defence of this guid towne, bayth fray our auld ennimies of Ingland and lymmaris of this cuntra, and oblegit thame to do that was in thame, and in thair powar and labouris, to keip tham skaythles for thair said remaining, and gif neid war to tak part with thame thairintill. 9th September, 1547. The said day, the haill toune that ar remanit presentlie at hame fra this oist, beand varnit opinlie be hand bell to compeir this day, to awyse, con- sult, assist, and concur, with the bailies, for the defens of this guid toune and ordinans of the same, and vder bissenes concerning the commond weill of the same, and thai beand conuenit for the maist pairt, oblegit thame, all in ane voce, in name and behalf of the haill toune, bayth absent and pre- sent, to pay and recompans the laird of Drummis falconne with hir graith, in cace the said pece happin be chance to be tane be Inglismen (as God forbeid), or beis broken, tynt, or spilt, and to releif Thomas Menzes thair- of and the baillies, and siclik of all vder artilzerie, pulder, and munitionis, that thai sail happin to get or borrow for defens of the toune and commond weill of the samen. And siclik oblegit thame to pay Alexr. Ruthyrfurd and Dauid Andersoun, bailies, the expensis mayd and to be maid be thame in bigging of the bastailze for defens of the toune, and ordanis the auditouris of the townis comptis to allow the same to thame. And thaireftyr the bailies presentit ane writing to the toune that is laitlie cumin out of Striuelyng fra the nychtbouris of this toune that past to the oist, and eftir the tennour thairof thai chargit all the saidis nychtbouris that war present to remane still within the toune, for defens of the samen, vnder the pane of tynsell of thair fredomes, and geir, and gudis ; and ordanit the officiaris to pas to the mercat croce, and thair, be oppin proclamatioun, charge all maner of fremen and burgis 2 K 254 EXTRACTS FROM THE COUNCIL REGISTER 9th Sept, man, beand absent of the toune and nocht past ford ward to the army, to compeir and mak residens in the toune, for defens of the same, within xxiiij houris, vnder the paine forsaid. 1th October, 1547. The said day, the haill brether of gild, conuenit as said is, deuisis and ordinis tua barrellis of poulder to be bocht on the townis expensis, for the defense of this guid towne aganis our auld ennimeis of Ingland in thir troublouse tyme of weir, and ordinis the auditouris of the townis comptis to find and prouid mone, quhairwith the same salbe bocht, with all diligence ; and als ordinis Andro Buk and Alexr. Ratray to haue the care, giding, and keiping of the townis artailzerie and poulder to the towne, and to mak compt of the saidis artailzerie and poulder to the towne, and ordinis thame to haue thair ressonabill feis and vageis of the tovnn thairfor during the said tyme of weir, induring the tovnis vill. 8th October, 1547. The said day, the prouest and bailzeis dischargit all thair feallis within thair queir of all feis tha haue of the tovne during the tovnis vill, and ordi- nit thair denis of gild that tha pay nane of tham ony fee in tyme cumyng quhill tha gif tham new command thairto agane. 2Qth December, 1547. The said day, the haill tovnn and inhabitaris thairof, bayth fre and vn- fre, beyng varnit be the officiaris, &c., consentit that thair be writingis send to the quenis grace and gouernour, schavand how our auld ennimeis of Ing- land hes inuadit the tovnn and burgh of Dunde, and hes causit thame de- cline fra the quenis grace authorite to thairis, and at tha ar inlikmaner to invaid our said burgh of Abirdene within tyme vncertane to ws, as the tovne is suirlie informit ; therfor desirand thair counsale and suple how the tovnn sail vse thame in thair behalffis, and to borrow certane poulder fra the gouer- nour to the defence of the said tovnn, with promeis to rander the same agane to his grace how soun schipis ma guidlie travell ; and als to desir the quenis grace letteris, direct to the inhabitantis of the haill schire of Abirdene, to be in radines, bodin in feir of veir, and to cum in to the said tovnn of Abirdene within xxiiij houris nixt efter thair charge, for suport of the same, vnder the pane of tinsale of lif, landis, and gudis, with powar to the schiref of OF THE BURGH OF ABERDEEN. 255 Abirdene, and his deputis and schireffis in that part, to charge them thairto, 20th Dec., and confisk thair gudis, gif thai faill thairiutill, to the quenis grace vtilite ; and ordinit ane scharpe man to convoye the said writingis ; quhilkis deuisit Snavdown Hariot to convoy the same, and to report ansuer thairof, and to haue for his lawbouris twenty merkis ; and als the said haill townn, con- uenit as said is, consentit and grantit that the townis haile takis, baith of watteris and landis, be set and prolongat to the takismen thairof for tene yeris nixt and immediat follovand the ische and outrunin of thair last ge- nerale assedatioun, viz., for xvj yeris nixt followand the vigill of Sanct An- drow last bypast, tha and euery ane of tham payand dowbill gressummes thairfor incontinent to the tovnis vtilite and commond veill, for the furnesing of poulder, bullatis, and municioun, and wageouris, for defens of this guid towne aganis our auld ennemeis of Ingland, now maist cruelly inuadand this realme, and purposit schortlie, within tyme incertaine, to inuaid this burgh, as thai ar suirlie aduertest ; and ordinis ane commissioun to be maid to the tovnis commissaris for setting of the same, vnder the townis commond seill, to thair said takismen, thair airis and assignais, malis, burgessis, and actuale induellaris the said burgh, and to nane wtheris, during the tyme forsaid, for the causis aboun writin, and ordinis the keiparis of thair commond seill to seill the same thairwith ; and alsuay consentis and grantis all in ane voce, as said is, that thair be ane generale taxt stentit and rasit vpoun all and sindry the inhabitaris of the said burgh, bayth fre and vnfre, efter thair pischane and power, for support to the furnesing of the premisses ; and tax- taris to be some to taxt and stent the same efter thair sawllis and con- science ; and als ordinis that thair be oppin proclamationis maid at the mer- cat corce of the said burgh, chargeand all maner of fremen of this burgh that presentlie duellis without the same to cum incontinent with all diligence within thre dais nixt efter thair charge, and mak continuall residence with- in the said burgh, with thair honshaldis, for fulfilling and keiping of the premisses, vnder the panis of tinsale of thair takis, samony as hes takis of the tovnn, and tinsale of thair fredome that hes na takis ; and als that euery nychtbour that hes ony takis of the guid tovnn, other of watteris or landis, that thay pay thair malis avand of all termes bygane within thre dais, and als termelie in tyme cumyng, conforme to thair assedationis, vnder the pane of tinsale of thair takis ; and quhasumeuer dois in the contrar, that it salbe lesum to the townn to dispone on thair takis to the tovnis vtilite and proffeit, 256 EXTRACTS FROM THE COUNCIL REGISTER without ony request to be hard in the contrar : on the quhilkis Thomas Menzeis, prouest for the tyme, tuik act and instrument, afor thir vitnes, Dauid Kintor, Maister Thomas Fynne, James Pentland, and Maister John Kennedy, notar publik, with wther diuerse. 9th April, 1548. The said day, the haill tovnn beyng convenit in thair heid court, all in ane voce grantit and gaif the keiping of thair blokhouise to Gilbert Menzeis, sone and apperand air to Thomas Menzeis of Petfoddellis, quhilk accepit the same on him, and oblegit him to keip the same lelilie and treulie, the tovnn gevand him seruandis and expensis to thame to vait thairupoun, and for himself he desirit nor vald haue na thing, hot as the tovnn efteruart plesit revard him, and nemmit Andro Buk, Thomas Cristale, Alexr. Ratray, Gibbe Menzeis, and Andro Durty, quhilk the tovnn admittit ; and the counsale ordinit euery ane of the said five personis to haue iiij lib. in the moneth, during the tovnis vill, and thai to wait and keip the said blok- houise bayth day and nycht, as the said Gilbert commandis thame ; and ordinit Walter Cullane and Andro Losoun, ressaueris of the tovnis doubill gressummis, to deliuer the said Gilbert tuenty lib. monethly, to be distribuit to the said personis, during the tovnis vill, for thair vagis, and to begyne paiment thairof incontinent. 13th April, 1548. The said day, the haill brethir of gild, beyng conuenit for the maist pairt in thair gild court, consentit, deuisit, and ordinit, all in ane voce, na maner of persoun opponand nor sayand in the contrar, for defens of this guid tovnn agains our auld ennimeis, now maist cruelly inuadand this realme, and makand residens in sindry partis thairof, and in purpos haistly to inuaid this guid townn, and the same is suirly aduertest, and therfor for resistance of thame, that na maner of persoun within this burgh, freman nor vnfre- man, saill out of the same to na wther partis, for na maner of besines, nor yit pas furth of the townn to landuard to remain quhill Lammes nixt cumis, and forder during the tovnis will, vnder the paine of tinsale of thair fre- dome and confiscatioun of thair haill landis, takis, and guidis within the said town, to the tovnis vse. And at na maner of persoun haue povar to gif ony licence to ony inhabitant of the said burgh to pas furth of the same OF THE BURGH OF ABERDEEN. 257 for ony raaner of besines, except Thomas Menzies prouest, and gif he gevis 13th April, ony sic licence he sail ansuer to the towne therfor, conforme to the paine abounwrittin, efferand to the personis landis and gudis he hapnis to gif licence to, gif he ony gevis. Item, that all maner of fremen of this burgh now duelland to landuard come to the towne with thair vim's, barnis, and houshaldis, within viij dais nixt heirefter, and frathinfurth mak continuale residence thairintill, and scot, lot, walk, and ward with thair nychtbouris, during the tyme forsaid, vnder the panis aboun writin ; and ordinit opin proclamation to be maid heirof at the mercat croce of the said burgh, with intimatioun of the same to all personis as efferis. 16th April, 1548. The said day, it is deuisit and ordinit be the counsale present for the tyme, for defence of this guid townn aganis our auld ennimeis of Ingland, that the maister gunnar of John Hwmis schip, callit Maister John Maister- toun, and Dauid Colweill, now beand within this havin, be conducit to serue the toune for ane moneth to cum, and ordinit Andro Losoun to com- pone with them thairfor, and als as he appoyntis with tham to pay the same of the townis doubill gressumes, and quhat he pais to tham tha ordand the same to be alovit to the said Andro in his comptis thairof. Item, tha ordand the said Andro to gif the Duchman, thair gunnar, fourty s. to by him ane garmond, and ordinis the same to be alovit to the said Andro in his comptis. Item, the consale ordinis Thomas Cristale to haue iiij lib. in the moneth, with his houis maill fre, and als Andro Buk to haue iiij in the moneth, with his houise maill fre, during the space of thre moneth to cum, for thair guid and trew seruice to be done be tharne as gunnaris, for defence of the guid tovnn, and wther besines concerning the same, during the said thre moneth, and conducit thame, to the effect forsaid, for the said vagis, during the said thre moneth. Item, the counsale accepit Thomas Menzeis, prouest, in the place of Gilbert Menzeis his sone, to the preparatioun and conseruation of the blok- house, to the said Gilbertis returning agane fra Edinburgh, quhair he is now instantly purposit to pas. 258 EXTRACTS FROM THE COUNCIL REGISTER aoth April. 2 in the cuntra, that euery baxster within this burgh baik xx vnces of guid, clein, and weill bakin breid of quhit for tua penneis, and ten vnces weycht for ane penny, and at the lest xviij vnces weycht of guid, fyne, and pleway breid of quhit for tua penneis, and nyne vnces weycht for ane penny, becaus it was considerit be the tovnn that the baxsteris mycht weill gif xx vnces for tua pennies, and tene vnces for ane penny, nochtwithstanding tha makand guid breid of xviii for twa penneis, and ix vnces for ane penny, and na less the tovnn wald ouer se thame, quhill tha war forder auisit. And quhasumeuer dois in the contrar, and his breid be fundin of less paise thane xviij vnce for tua d., and nyne vnce for ane penny, the haill breid sua fundin to be eschatit and delt be the bailzeis, as tha sail think expedient for the tyme ; and als, that na bread of quhit be sellit nor disponit to na maner of persoun within the burgh, nor with- out the same, quhill it first be weyit be the bailzie of the quarter, gif he ma be apprehendit for the tyme, and gif he ma nocht be apprehendit, be ane wther bailze, or at the lest be the officiar of the quarter where the said baxster duellis, vnder the same paine. The said day, it is statut and ordinit be the haill townn, conuenit as said is, that na maner of fischis, keling, nor salmond, be maid in grit, saltit nor pelit, in tyme cumyng, be na maner of persoun within this burgh, bot be fremen of the gild allanerlie, and quhair ony keling or salmond beis fundin saltit or pelit in the contrar, the haill sua fundin to be eschait to the tovnis vtilite and vse ; and als, that na salmond fische be bocht in tyme cumyng be na maner of persoun within this burgh, quhill tha be presentit to the mercat corce of the said burgh, and thair opinlie sellit and bocht ; and at na fische be presentit to the said mercat be coparis, bot be avnaris thairof and thair avin seruandis allanerly. And quhatsumeuer person apprehendis ony salmond fische sellit in the contrar heirof, the haill fische sua apprehendit to be eschaitit, and the apprehendar thairof to haue the thrid of the same to his avin vtilite and vse, and the wther tua pairt to be applyit and disponit to the tovnis vtilite and vse, but ony re- quest to be hard in the contrar. 30th April, 1549. The said day, the haill tovnn, being conuenit, &c., consentit and or- 268 EXTRACTS FROM THE COUNCIL REGISTER aoth April, dinit that the four bailzeis pas this day efter novn with his officiar, euery 1549. ane throw his avin quartar, and consider and wesy euery nychtbour thair- of quhay hes fensabill geir and vappynnis for thair defence aganis our auld ennemeis of Ingland, and cause writ sa mony as tha find boddin in maner forsaid ; and quhay tha find vantand that ma furneis the same, to charge thame to prouid and furneis the same within tene dais nixt heirefter, and failzeing thairof, that the said bailzeis cause prouid the same one the said personis expensis, sa mony as ma furneiss the same, ilk ane efferand to thair avin estait and substance. The said day, the prouest, bailzeis, counsale, and communite of Abir- dene, conuenit, &c., deuisit, statut, and ordinit, for defence of this guid town aganis our auld ennemies of Ingland, considdering the present danger the same now presently standis in till, that all maner of fremen of this guid town, now presently remanand to landvart, cum to this guid townn and enter thairintill the first day of May nixt cumis, and thaireftir to remaine continualy thairintill, and scot, lot, walk, and ward, and beir chargis thair- of as wther nychtbouris, quhill Mychtelmes nixt cumis, as danger apperis. And quhay nocht [apperis] the said day, to the effect for said, tha ordand the bailzie of the quarter quhair tha duell, to tak samekle of the rediest of thair geir, other of thair gudis, malis of thair landis or fischingis, or ony wther maner of proffieit tha haue within the said burgh, and fee and vageor in thair rowme, on thair expensis that cumis nocht and remainis nocht as said is, for ane moneth nixt thaireftir, and sua furth monethly, aye and quhill tha cum and mak the said residence, as said is, during the tyme forsaid, as danger apperis, and ordinis oppin proclamatioun to be maid heirof at the mercat corce of the said burght, quhilk wes done opinlie this day thairat, in presens of the maist part of the said tovnn. The said day, the haill tovnn, conuenit for the maist pairt in the heid court, as said is, deuisit and ordinit ane vaiche of tuenty personis to enter this nycht, and thairefter to continew nychtly during the tovnis vill, and ordinit the bailzeis to cast cavillis quhair the same sail begyne ; and at euery man vaiche himself as he beis varnit, and na wtheris to be admittit nor ressauit for him, except it salbe lesum to thame that ar agit and vnabill to send thair eldest sone, quhen it fallis to thame, in thair place, and nane wtheris that hes ony sonnis to send. And ordinis this ordinance to be obseruit and keipit, vnder the panis contenit in the statut maid heirupoun OF THE BURGH OF ABERDEEN. 269 abefor, viz., xx s. of ilk persone that trangressis the same, to be applyit as 30th April, is contenit in the statut maid heirupoun abefor. 1549 - llth June, 1549. The said day, the counsale, present for the tyme, chesit Andro Buk maister and cair berar of the tovnis artailzerie and graytht thairof, and giding of the same, and to provid furnesing and all necessaris thairto, one the townis expenssis, vnder Gilbert Menzeis, younger, bailze, quhilk salbe principale maister thairof during the tovnis vill ; and ordinis the said Andro to provid all necessaris for the said artailzere, sic as stokkis, cartis, bullatis, bandis, weggis, and fesnyngis, and to put the said four gunnaris diligently in lawbouris thairto, as the said Gilbert and he sail think expedient, be the sycht of the counsale ; and als ordinit the said Andro to haue for his law- bouris done to the towne in tymes bygane, and for this instant symmer, quhill Mertimes nixt cumis, fourty crownis of the sone of weycht ; and or- dinis the tovnis ressaueris of thair taxtis to pay him the same of the first end thairof, and the same to be thankfully alovit to tham in thair nixt comptis tharof. 2lst June, 1549. The said day, the counsale, present for the tyme, ordinit and gaif com- mand to Thomas Menzeis, thair prouest, to conduce and tak one ane capi- tane, with ane hundreth men of weir thairof, fifty halkbutaris, and fifty speir men, of the sobirest and maist conuenient price he mycht apprehend thame, for the tovnis veill, for tua monethis to cum, begynnand one the first day of July that nixt cumis ; and obleigit that quhat he promittis and dois thairin- till, to releif him thairof, in the haill tovnis name, and to hald ferme and stabill quhat euer he dois thairintill. 9th August, 1549. The said day, it is statut and ordinit be the prouest, bailzies, and coun- sale, present for the tyme, in presens of the maist pairt of the baxsteris of this guid tovnn, havand respect to the prices that the quhit gevis for the tyme in this tovnn, viz., xxxij s., or xxxiiij s. at the maist, that thair be na manner of iiij d.breidbakin within this tovnn frathinfurth, vnder the pane of eschaeting of the same, hot allanerly tua penny breid and penny breid, that be guid stuf, fresche, veill bouttit, and without mixtiour, and ueill bakin ; 2 M 270 EXTRACTS FROM THE COUNCIL REGISTER 9th Aug.. the prise of the tua penny breid xiij vnce, and penny breid vij vnces ; and gif ony breid beis fundin incontrar heirof quhen it is weyit be the bailzie, thane and in that caise it salbe lesura to the said bailzeis that apprehendit it to eschait and daill the same to the purale for thair contentioun, without ony forder calling, accusing, or conuikit of thame ; and als tha statut and or- dinit that all maner of flower, quhit, ry, and ry meill that hapnis to cum to the tovn frathinfurth one the avin auentour, that the baxsteris of this guid tovne sail haue the same, of the same price the towne hapnis to by the same, sa far as tha ma loise amangis thame, and pay the fremmit men thankfully, and na wther man to haue ony part tharof quhill the said baxsteris re- fuise it. 4th October, 1549. The said day, it is deuisit, statut, and ordinit be the haill counsale, pre- sent for the tyme, that thair be [na] stuff met with the tovnis commond met frathinfurth within this burgh, except the gudis and geir of fremmit men cummand to the tovn of thair auentour, and bocht be the nychtbouris of the towne ; and ordinis the prouest, quhilk hes the cair of the said mesour as takisman to the townn, to cause the same to be obseruit and keipit in tymes cuming, as he will ansuer thairupoun to the said town. The said day, the counsale, present for the tyme, ordanit thair four gun- naris to be obey it and pait of thair vagis bigane vnpait of the rediest of the tovnis last taxt restand vnpait or in the bailzeis handis, and dischargis euery ane of thame of monethly wagis frathinfurth ; and samony of thame as vill serue for tuenty pundis be yeir, tha ordinit thame to be conducit, and to haue guid paiment of the said xx lib. for the said yeris seruice, and to enter instantly in the said seruice, and to haue thair first paiment therof at Mertimes nixt cumis ; and thaireftir Alex. Ratray, ane of the said gun- naris, instantly accepit the said fee, and oblegit him to serue the said tovnn lelilie and treulie in the said office tharfor during the said yeir. 1th October, 1549. The said day, Cloyse Wan Holing, skipar of ane schip of Hamburgh, Henry Smyth, botisman thairof, Cloisse Fultmeir, Benedict Tymmerman, and Clement Tekay, wer conuikit in iugment be the some assise aboun writin, admittit be thame in ingment, and some in thair presens be the pronuncia- OF THE BURGH OF ABERDEEN. 271 tion of Dauid Andersoun, thair chancelar, for the violent and vranguss 7th October, takin, handling, strubling, bluid dravin, and binding of William Portuuss, vnder silence [of nycht,] and at tha had offendit thairthrow, fyrst, to the quenis grace of Scotland, in the taking, handling, and binding of the said William at thair avin hand with ony ordour of law or iustice, he beand hir fre liege and subdict ; secondly, to the guid tovnn of Abirdene, doand sic offensis at thair awin hand within the fredome and iurisdictioun thairof ; thirdly, to the said Wm. himself, doand sic strublance and offensis to him in maner forsaid, quharfor tha and ilkane of thame is in ane amerciament of court to forbeir in tyme to cum, and mend as law vill, and that is gevin for dovme, and the mendis heirof continewit to the morne to be modefeit be the prouest, bailzeis, and consale, sa far as concernis thame ; and Andro Craufurd yovnger, and Alexr. Galloway, ar becumin souerte for the en- teres of the said skipar and personis forsaid ; and the bailzeis continewit the pronunciation! of the allegit strublance done be the said Scottismen to the said Hamburgh men to the morne ; and ordinit the said Scottismen elikvise for thair enteres the said day, to sett cautioun or tha departit of the tol- buyth ; and thairefter the saidis Andro Crawfurd and Alexr. Galloway be- come sourteis for the said Hamburgh men for making of thair mendis for the premisses as hapnis to be modifeit and deuisit be the prouest, bailzeis, and counsale for the tyme. The said day, it is deuisit, statut, and ordinit be the prouest, bailzeis, counsale, and communite present for the tyme, for the veill of landuart men that cumis with thair victuallis to the guid tovnn to sell thairat, thair be na maner of sampillis nor scheit schakkynnis tane fray thame in tymes cumyng of thair victuallis, and at the sellar be nocht indettit to deliuer his victuale sellit be him to na wther maner of persoun bot to the byar thairof allaner- lie with the selit mesour of the towne, with ane pek to ilk he selis allanerlie, and wther maner of thing, and ordinis proclamatioun to be maid heirof at the mercat croce of the said burgh. 8tk October, 1549. The said day, Thomas Quhit was conuikit abefor for the strublance of Dauid Reid, officiar, in the executioun of his office, and for the strublance of Duncane Freser, and ryving of his tirleise of his vyndok, and strik oup of the same, vnder silence of nycht, is maid and ordinit be the provest, 272 EXTRACTS FROM THE COUNCIL REGISTER 8th October, hailzeis, and counsale, to cum on Sonday cum viij dais, in the tyrae of the hie mess, within the queir of the said burgh, bair feit and bair heid, with ane candill of ane lib. of vax in his hand, and thair to sit done on his bair kneis, and thair first to ask the prouest, bailzeis, and counsale forgifens, and secundly the said David Reid, officiar, and thirdly the said Duncane Fresser, of the said offensis, and offer the said candill to Sanct Nicholace lycht, and to sett cautioun for tene lib. Scottis mone to Sanct Nicholace vark, gif euer he committis siclik fait to ony officiar or nychtbour within this burgh ; and als to satisfe and pleis the said officiar and harbour for curing of him ; and als to mend the skayth done be him to the said Freseris tirleis and vindak, and to set cautioun for the same or he departit of the tolbuith, and John Tulidef zovnger is becumin souerte for the said Quhit for fulfilling of all the premisses. llth October, 1549. The said day, Cloise Van Holing, skipar of the Hamburgh schip, re- ferrit the amendis of the offensis done be him and his marenellis and childer to William Pertuuss, in the takin and burding of him, and the amendis of the offence done to the tovn of Abirdene, to the modificatioun of the coun- sale present for the tyme, and wes content, how euer the said counsale modefeit therfor, to pay the same. And thaireftir the counsale modi- feit the said amendis to the said William Portuuss, in all thingis, to xx merkis, and the amendis to the towne to tene pundis Scottis mone, and ordinit Andro Crawfurd and Alexr. Galloway, cautioneris for the said Hamburgh men, to pay the said sovmes to the party and the tovnis denis of gild, in thair names respectiue, within viij dais, and remittit the laif thairof for luf and kindnes of the tovne of Hamburgh and inhabitantis thairof, and for thair saik allanerlie. 14 th October, 1549. Marie, be the grace of God quene of Scottis, to the prouest and bailzeis of our burgh of Abirdene, greting : Forsamekle as we, with avise and consent of our derrest cousing and tutour, James Erie of Arrane, Lord Hammyltoun, &c., protectour and gouernour of our realme, hes dispensit, and be thir our letteris dispensis, with our louit Thomas Nicholsoun, vpoun hes minorite and less aige, to the effect that he ma be enterit, be cursable brewis of our chapell, as nerrest tutour of law to Dauid Arrot, sone and air of vm- OF THE BURGH OF ABERDEEN. 273 quhill Dauid Arrot, burges of our said burgh, siclik and als lauchtfully in uth October, all thingis as and he war of lauchtfull aige of xxv yeris, notwithstanding that he is yit of less aige ; quhairwpoun we dispense with him as said is, and siclik with yow and with the personis that sal hapin to be and pas vpon the inquest for serving of the breuis of our chapell, rasit or to be rasit be him. Our vill is herfor, and we charge yow straitly and commandis that in- continent thir our letteris sene, ye mak the breif or breuis of tutorie of our chapell, purchest or to be purchest be the said Thomas, direkit to yow in his less aige forsaid, to be lauchtfullie proclamit and dewlie seruit, siclik and als lauchtfully in all poyntis, be vertew of this our dispensacioun, as he wer of lauchtfull aige ; anent quhais non aige we haif dispensit, and be thir presentis dispensis with yow and personis of inquest, as said is, and will that nane of tham salbe summond, callit, or accusit for vilfull or ignorant errour therfor, renunciand all actioun that we may haue or move aganis thame thairthrow for euer be thir our letteris. Subscriuit be our said derrest gouernour, and gevin vnder our signet, at Edinburgh, the aucht day of September, and of our regne the sevint yeir. James, G r October, 1549. The said day, it is deuisit, statut, and ordinit be the prouest, bailzeis, and counsale present for the tyme, for eschewing of the contagius pest now ringand burgeand in diuerse partis, that gif ony maner of persoun or per- sonis hapnis to tak ony maner of seiknes frathinfurth that the guidman or guid vif of that house cause reveill the same to the prouest or ane bailze, or at the lest to ane officiar, within vj houris nixt efter tha be seik, vnder the paine of bannesing of the concelaris thairof the tovnn, and eschaeting of thair haill geir to the tovnis vse, without request to be hard in the contrar ; and that thaireftir, quhair ony seiknes beis fundin, that the haill houshald quhair it is fundin be inclusit, and thaireftir remaine inclusit, sa lang as tha get charg thairto, vnder the same paine. Item, that na maner of persoun within this tovnn, of quhat degre that euer tha be, pas to vessy, speik, or commond with ony inclusit personis, or ony folkis in the linkis, or minister thame ony wyueris or necessaris, with- out tha haue licence of the prouest or ane bailzie tharto, and ane officiar of the tovnn with thame, vnder the paine of inclusing of thame with the same personis to quhom tha pas. 274 EXTRACTS FROM THE COUNCIL REGISTER 17th October, Item, that how soun ony persoun, zovng or auld, dels in ony house, that the haill houise be removit, viz. the personis duelland thairintill, to sic places as the prouest, bailzeis, and counsale sail think expedient, and that within xxiiij houris efter the deceise of the said persoun. Item, that the personis that hapnis to be put to the linkis that ar ser- uandis, that thair maisteris sail susteine thame in the linkis, gif tha haue geir to sustein thame vpoun. Item, that all the swyne within this tovnn be removid and devidit of the tovnne, or ellis haldin and kepit fast in houssis, within xlviij houris efter, vnder the pane of eschaeting of thame that beis fundin gangand one the gait thairefter, to be disponit to the folkis in the Linkis, as the bailzeis and counsale sail think expedient ; and at all thame that hes any dogis keip thame cloise in band in thair houssis. And gif dogis beis fundin gangand one the gait, it salbe lesum to ony persoun to slay thame, quhair euer tha may apprehend thame. Item, at thair be bot ane kirk dur of the parroche kirk oppin ilk day frathinfurth, during the tyme of this pest, and that the segrestar keep the same, and that he lat na maner of purale enter in the kirk, bot to remane at the kirk dur, and seik thair almous, vnder the pane of bannessing him the tovnn ; and that all the puralis within this tovnn be conuenit be the hand bell the morne in the kirk yard, and the bailzeis to pas and vesy and consider thame, and samony as tha find natiue to the tovnn, to gif thame ane takin of the tovnis armes to veir on thair breist, and charge all the laif that beis nocht admittit be the bailzeis, to remove them within xxiiij houris thairefter, vnder the pane of burning of thame with ane hett jrne of the cheik that beis fundit thairefter. The said day, it is statut and ordinit be the prouest, baillies, and coun- sale, present for the tyme, that na maner of takismen of the tovnis land takis, birne, ryif out, wyne of new, ony landis within the fredotne, and saw cornis thairon, without thair teill ryge of auld, without licence of the prouest, baillies, counsale, and communite requirit and obtenit thairto, vnder the pane of tinsale of thair takis that dois in the contrar, and beis conuikit thairof. OF THE BURGH OF ABERDEEN. 275 4th November, 1549. 4th November, The said day, the prouest, bailzeis, and counsale, present for the tyme, licent Maister Hew Monro to pas to his luging quhair he dwelt afor, with his vif, seruandis, and barnis, sua tha remanit viij dais nixt heirefter in- clusit, and come nocht furth nor ressaue nane of his guid moderis hous- hald in thair houise, and als handlit and vsit all the geir in the houise and biging, and mak fayth thairupoun. And forder, to remane quhill tha gat licence of the counsale to pas furth in braid. And als licent Jonat Anand, his guid modir, and hir seruandis and barnis, to pas furth to kirk and raerkat to thair lesum besines, sua that nane of thame pas to the said Maister Hewis, nor yit ressaue nane of his in her houise. And als tha licent Gilbert Kintor to put in his seruandis and barnis in his houise sua tha remane still inclusit for viij dais, and handill and vse the geir that is thairin ; and siclik licent Jonat Moyses, and hir seruandis and barnis, to pas to hir house, and to remane inclusit for viij dais, and forder, in- during the counsalis vill, and that tha handill and vse all the geir thair- intill as tha vill mak fayth thairwpoun. 15th November, 1549. My lord prouest and bailzeis of this guid tovnn of Abirdene, onto your 1[ ], humelie menis and complanis, I, your nychtbour and corn- burges, Dauid Low, vpoun Janis Lame, relict and intromettour with the geir and gudis of vmquhile Alexr. Duncane, that quhair the said Alexr. the tyme of his deceise, quhilk wes in the moneth of May last by past, in anno xlix yeris, beand avand to me viij lib. of mone vsuale of Scotland, for certane colwering, pulder, and velwet bocht and ressauit be him fray tyme afor his deceise, I send Jonat Lesly, my wif, to the said Janis, im- mediatly efter the said Alexanderis deceise, for the said sovme of mone, to Jonat Annandis house, moder to the said Janis, quhair my said vif apprehendit the said Janis, and requirit the said mone that the said Alexr. was avand to me, and the said Janis ansuerit, as efter followis : Dame, I ame gritly behaldin to Dauid Low, your hisband, and I thank him gritly that is nocht sa extreme to me as wtheris is that hes causit arrest my geir, and lok my durris ; grit ressoun war that he war thankfully pait. I know my hisband aucht him tene lib. for velvet and poulder, and I sail outred him and pay him thankfully, for my hisband hes left aneucht to pay all his dettis. And the said Jonat, my spouse, ansuerit, that he 276 EXTRACTS FROM THE COUNCIL REGISTER 15th NOV., was avand bot viij lib. to me, and I vald not craif nor tak mair nor it was, for all the geir I had ; and this confessioun and promeis of payment ves maid befor diuerse famous vitnes in the said moneth of May or thairby. And thairefter the said Janis desirit part of the said sovme to be remittit forgevin and dischargit to hir, and sche vald mak me thankfull paiment ; and, becaus I refusit to remitt ony tharof, the said Janis, nochtwithstanding of hir promeise aboun writin, refusis, postponis, and deferris vrangusly, to mak me paiment of the said sovme, albeit sche grantit diuerse tymes to mak me paiment therof, nor yet intendis to do, without sche be compellit be iustice herto. Beseikand your 1[ ], &c. 16th December, 1549. The said day, Alexr. Jaffray, John Foullis, Charle Dauesoun, Duncane Colle, George Andersoun, and Jonat Ancroft, baxstaris, tha and ilk ane of thame is conuikit be the some assise aboun writin, for the brakin of commond ordinance and statutis of this guid tovne, in selling of breid of quhit of less prise thane the statutis maid thairwpoun, and of insufficient stuf, quherfor ilk ane of thame is in ane amerciament of the court, and that is gevin for dovme. And the bailzeis ordinit the officiaris to pas in- continent and pund every ane of thame therfor, and als thame all in iug- ment to keip the said statutis, and to baik and sell xiiij vnce of guid, clein, dry, and veill bakin fresche stuf for ij d., and to haue breid rady at all tyme to serue the tovne sa lang as tha haue stuf, vnder the pane of es- chaeting of the haill braid fundin with tharae for the tyme. I4tk April, 1550. The said day, Maister Hew Monro, maister of the grammer skuilhill of Abirden, resignit, renuncit, and ouer gaif, puirlie and simplile, in the pro- uestis handis in iugment, in name of the haill towne, the office of the gram- mer skuilhill of the said burgh, with all proffetis, casualiteis, and accidentis thairof for euer, to be disponit be the said town as thai thocht expedient ; for the quhilkis the haill tovnn, conuenit as said is, grantit, gaif, and as- signit fourty pundis Scottis mone to the said Maister Hew, to be pait to him at thir termes folloving : that is to say, tuenty pundis at Vitsounday nixt cumis, tene pundis at Mertimes nixt cumis, and vther tene at Vitson- day nixt therefter, in the yeir of God j m fifty ane yeiris, in compleit pai- ment of the said fourty pundis ; and ordinit Dauid Mar, ane of thair denis OF THE BURGH OF ABERDEEN. 277 of gild, to pay him the same of the radiest of the tovnis mone intrometit 14th April, with be him, and ordinit the same to be alovit to him in his nixt comptis. 155 - 18th April, 1550. The said day, the townn beyng convenit in thair gild court for the maist part, representand the haill tovnn, nemmit and elekit Maister James Chal- mer, all except vij or [viij] personis, to be maister of thair grammer skuil- hill, now vacand in thair handis be renunciatioun and dimissioun thairof be Maister Hew Monro, last maister of the same, and gaif thair guid villis tharof to the said Maister James induring the townis vill, and presentit him as abill therto to the chancelar of Abirdene to be admittit be him therto as vse hes bene tharrof in tymes bigane ; one the quhilkis the prouest tuik act of court and instrument. The said day, the counsale ordinit all the chaplanis of the tovnis funda- tionis to be varnit to comper afor thame the morne in the chaptour of thair parroche kirk, and bring with thame euery ane for thame self the challesis, vestimentis, and ornamentis thairof, to be sane be thame that tha may caus mak inuintour thairof to be keipit to the vsis of the altaragis thairof in tymes cuming. 8th August, 1550. The said day, the haill tovnn beyng varnit, &c., chesit Thomas Menzeis? thair prouest, and Gilbert Menzeis elder, ane of thair bailzeis for the tyme, thair commissaris to convein with the laif the commissaris of burrovis at Edinburgh, the xiiij day of August instant, with continuatioun of dais, to consult and determine with thame for the liberte and fredome of burrovis of this realme, and preuileges thairof, and als anent the direking of sum com- missar for the burrovis to Flandris, with the ambassatouris that passis thair for treting of pece for the veill of the said burrovis, and ordinis ane com- missioun to be maid to tham thairwpoun, vnder the tovnis commond seill 5 and alse ordinis the counsale to devise [quhat] tha suld haue to mak thair expensis thair, and quhair and how the same suld be gottin to thame with diligence ; and als tha ordand the said Gilbert Menzeis to mak the townis compt in this present chakar, as he that is the tovnis collectour for the tyme. The said day, the tovnn beyng conuenit as said is, Maister John 2 N 278 EXTRACTS FROM THE COUNCIL REGISTER 8th August. Kennedy, resignit and ouergaif his office of the bellis of the tovn, in the said tonnis handis, in fauouris of Andro Malysoun, sone to Gilbert Mali- sone, burges of the said burgh, condicionaly, that is to say, the promeise and prouisioun of Sanct John the Evangelist altar, within the paroche kirk of Abirdene, maid to him abefor be the prouest, bailzeis, and counsale of this guid tovnn, quhen it hapnit to vaik, being obseruit and keipit to him ; and for that cause he resignit the said office of secrastary and bellis in the said tovnis handis, and vthervais nocht. And thairefter, the tovnn beyng conuenit as said is, gaif the said office of bellis and secrastary to the said Andro during his liftym, with all proffetis and emolumentis pertening thairto vse and vont, he doand or causand do the seruice thairof efferand to the same vse and vont ; on the quhilk the said Gilbert, his fader, tuik act of court and instrument in his name. Vitnes, Thomas Nicholsoun, Alexr. Menzeis zovnger, and Patre Gray. 5th September, 1550. The said day, the haill tovnn, beyng varnit, &c., chesit Thomas Nichol- soun yovnger, James Collisoun, Andro Crawfurd yovnger, Thomas Murray, and Dauid Low, the tovnis taxtaris, to taxt and stent vpon the fremen and inhabitants of the said tounn the sovme of tua hundreth and tuenty sax crovnis of the sone of weycht, for this guid tovnis part of ane gritar sovme of mone, deuisit be the gouernour and lordis of secreit coun- sale to be raisit and ouptakin of the haill burrovis of this realme, for fur- nesing of ambassiatouris to pas to the emperour for treting of pace betuix him and his subditis and this realme, efter the forme and tennour of our souerane ladyis letteris direct heirwpoun ; quhilk personis accepit the said mater one thaim, and ar some to tax the same lelile and treuly with all diligence, on the quhilk the prouest tuik act of court and instrument. IQth October, 1550. The said day, the prouest, bailzeis, and counsale, present for the tyme, grantit, gaif, and assignit to thair louit Maister James Chalmer, maister of thair grammar skuill, tene merkis Scottis mone of yeirly pentioun, to be pait to him yeirly, in the tovnis name, be thair denis of gild, at tua vsuale termes in the yeir, viz., Mertiraes and Vitsonday, be tua evinly portionis, and begynnand the first paiment thairof at Mertimes nixt cumis, and therefter to induir and continew during the said tovnis vill, and that for the OF THE BURGH OF ABERDEEN. 279 said Maister James guid seruice, to be maid be him in the said skuill, loth October, in teching, lerning, giding, and revling the barnis thairof, for the commond veill of the said burgh. The said day, it is statut and ordinit be the said counsale, that euery nychtbour of this guid tounn, that hapnis to be varnit be thair secrestar lauchtfully to pas with Sanct Nicholace braid, thair patroun, and passis nocht with the same the day he is varnit to pas thairwith, [nocht] haiffand lauchfull impediment, that he sail pay als mekle to Sanct Nicholace verk as the braid was on the Sonday immediat preceden the Sonday he beis varnit to pas thairwith, vnforgevin. Item, it is statut and ordinit be the said counsale, that na maner of bro- star within this tovnn sell ony aill derrar in tymes cumyng, quhill tha be forder auisit, thane xx d. or ij s. at the maist the gallown of fremennis viffis, and xvj d. the galloun of vnfremennis, vnder the pane of eschaeting of the same that beis fundin sellit in the contrar. November, 1550. The said day, the counsale, present for the tyme, consentit to propyne the gouernouris grace, now at first cuming to this guid tovnn, with ane hundreth merkis Scottis, to be gevin to his grace at his cumyng to this guid townn, in wyne, wax, and spisareis ; and becaus tha had na mony for the tyme to do the same, the prouest, Thomas Menzeis, oblegit him to gif twenty pundis of the mail of his tak of Bogfarlo, in formaling ; and Alexr. Ruderfurd twenty pundis of the maill of his tak of Rubislaw, in formaling ; and Thomas Chalmer twenty of the maill of his tak of Gardyne, in forma- ling, to the furnesing of the said propine, to be alovit to thame yeirly in the malis of thair said takis respectiue, quhill the said soumes be compleitly furth runin, yeirly alovand to euery ane of thame and thair aires the malis thairof as tha pay now ; quhilk the counsale ordinit to be done, and thankit thame for kindness schavin and done to the tovnn thairintill. 14M April, 1552. The said day, the counsell, all in ane voce, havand respect and consider- atioune that the lordis of Bonnacord in tymes bygane hase maid our mony grit, sumpteous, and superfluous banketing induring the tyme of thair 280 EXTRACTS FROM THE COUNCIL REGISTER 14th April, regnn, and specialie in May, quhilks wes thocht nother profitabill nor godlie, and did hurt to sundry young men that wer elekit in the said office, becaus the last elekit did aye pretent to surmont in thair predecessouris in thair ryetouss and sumpteous banketing, and the causs principal and gud institu- tioun thairof, quhilk wes in halding of the gud toun in glaidnes and blythtnes, witht danssis, farsiis, playis, and gamis, in tymes convenient, necleckit and abusit ; and thairfor ordinis that in tyme cummin all sic sumpteous banketing be laid doun aluterlie except thre sobir and honest, vizt, upoun the senze day, the first Sonday of May, and ane [ ] upoun Tuisday efter Pasche day, and na honest man to pass to ony of thair banketis except on the said thre dais allanerlie ; and in ane place of the forsaid superfleouss banketing to be had and maid yeirly to generall plais, or ane at the lest, with danssis and gammes usit and wont ; and quha souer refuisis to accept the said office in tyme cuming, beand elekit thairto be the toun, to tyne his fredome, priuelege, takis, and profit he hes or ma haf of the toun, and neuer to be admittit frathinfurtht to office, honour, nor dingnete. May, 1552. The said day, the prouest, bailies, and counsel, present for the tyme, ordanit the sax pound of Johnne Robertsons compositioun for his freman- schip, and the nixt compositioune of ony burgess of gild that hapinis to be maide, of grit or small degre, to be gewin to Patre Menzes and Thomas Nicholsoune, lordis of Bonnacord of this instant yeir, to help to mak mair expensis, be ressoune that thai ar put to grytar coist this yeir nor utheris that bar office before thaim hes bene put to, and that be ressoune of cum- myng of the quenis grace, my lord governor, and the maist of the lords and grit men of this realme, presently to this toun. 24th March, 1544. The said day, the four baillies and the maist pairt of the counsel! being conwenit in the cheptour of Sanct Nicolace kirk of Aberdene, the saidis baillies exponit, in presens of the said counsell, qhow thai were chargit laitly, vpone the xxiij day of Merche instant, be Thomas Nicolsoune, schiref in that pairt, be vertew of our souerane ladyis letteris, gewin be deliuerance of the lordis of counsell, directit thairwpone, to tak and apprehend Johnne Chalmer, burges of the said burgh, quha presently, as is allegit, is in ane fury and raige of wodnes, and dailie molestand and perturband this toune OF THE BURGH OF ABEEDEEN. 281 and the inhabitants thairof, and to fesin and keip him in jrnis, gyf neid 24th March, war, the said Johne, quhill he com to his awin wit, lyk as in the saidis letteris at mair lynth is contenit, and desyrit the consultatioune and adwys- ment of the said consell thairanent, with thair concurrence and assistance, gif thai think the same ressonable to be done ; quhilk consell, all in ane voce, except Gilbert Collisoune, eftir ripe advysement, declairit and thocht expe- dient that the saidis baillies suld tak and apprehend the said John Chal- mer, and put him in custodie in stark lokfast hows, with vyttaris and vaych- earis to awyt and keip him fra doing of skayth and forther perturbatioune, and thaireftir, gyf neid were, to fesin and keip him in irnis quhile he re- turne to his wit, and offerit to assist and concur with the saidis bailies to execute the same in caice ony wald resist the doing therof, and that for eschewing of appeirand skaith, danger, harme, and inconvenientis to be done be the said Johnne in tytne cumyng. The said day, Gilbert Collisoune, bailzie, tuik act and instrumentis that he disassentit to the taking and fesnyng of Johnne Chalmer, and protestit that he be nocht haldin as participant of the doing therof. 18th June, 1554. The said day, the haill toun, beand convenit for the maist part, consentit to the obseruatioune and contract maid betuix Patrik Menzes, den of gild, one the ane part, and Wm. Jamesone, masoun, one the other part, anent the bigging, beyting, and mending of the battelling and alering of the tol- buith, and reforming and mending of tua vindowis therof, the said Williame findand sufficient hewyn stanes to the haill wark, with the tabill stane of the gavillis, and makand the said tolbuith vattirthicht, sa far as concernis the mason craft ; for the quhilkis the said den of gild sell gif him xl poundis, he findand souertie for compleiting of the said wark sufficiently, efter the forme and tennour of the said contract maid betuix the saidis parties ther- upoun. 9th July, 1554. The said day, the prouest, bailies, and consall, present for the tyme, ra- tifiit and apprewit the contract maid betuix Patrik Menzes, den of gild, and Williame Jamesone, masone, anent the mending of the tolbuith for the sowme of fourty poundis, as the said contract beiris. Nochtwithstanding 282 EXTRACTS FROM THE COUNCIL REGISTER 9th July, the said Patrik be bound and oblist to the said Williame for payment of the said sowme, thai oblesis thame that he sell nocht deburse nane of his awin proper money, bot samekle as he intromettis with and is addettit to mak compt of induring the tyme of his office ; and gif he inlaikis ony of the said fourty lib., and vngettable of his office, thai oblissis thame inlykmaner faythfullie to releiff him therof, at the handis of the said Williame, and all vtheris quhome it efferis, prowyding that he allow to the said Williame in payment of his lawbour fywe pound in part of payment of nyne pound, quhilk the said Williame is acht for obefor to the toune ; and forther, quhat expenssis the said Patrik makis, attour the said forty poundis, vpoune lym, sand, and vther necessaris for the compleiting of the said contract, the saidis provest, baillies, and counsell, in name of the haill toune, obleigis thame to refound and pay the samin to the said Patrik eftir the heiring of his compt. 24M February, 1555. The said day, Johnn Sandris, cowper, and Margarett Johnstoune, his spous, wes convickit in judgement, [by] the depositiounes of diuerse famose witnes, for the strublens, stryking, and bluidrawing of Thomas Gellane and Katherine Blaklawis, his wyfe ; quharfor thai war in amerciament of court to forbeir in tyme cuming and amend as law will, and that wes gewin for dome, and the saidis Thomas and Katherine wer maid quit in judgement of all strublens of the saidis personis. And thaireftir the baillies modifiit the emendis of the said strublens as efter following : that is to say, thai ordanit the said Johnne and his spous forsaid to pay to the said Thomas Gellane xx s. Scottis, and to pay the barbour for the mending and curing of his woundis, within viij dayse ; and alse to cum on Sonday nixt cuming to Sanct Nicholace parroche kirk, in the queir therof, in the tyme of hie mess, with ane candill of vax in euerie ane of thair handis, and thair to sit doune on thair kneis, in presens of the guid men of the toun, and ask the said Thomas and his wyf forgifnes ; and gif euer thai be conuickit for siclyk in tyme cumyng, to pay tene markis to be applyit to Sanct Nicholace wark oneforgewin. 23c? March, 1555. The said day, James Mwllok grantit and confessit and judgement, him to haf sauld to Johnne Masone ane hors, blak-broune mowitt, with ane bell in the forrett, for the sowme of fywe merkis vj s. viij d. Scottis mone, of OF THE BURGH OF ABERDEEN. 283 the quhilk sowme he grantit him to haf resauit fra the said Johnn xx s. in 23d March, part of payment ; and becaus the said Johnne desyrit brocht and hamball 1555> of the said James for the said horse, he wes content that the rest of the said fywe merk vj s. viij d., viz. four mark, suld remane in the said Johnnis handis for the space of ane yeir eftir the dait herof, in caice the said horse be challangit fra him, and gif sua beis, he to warrand him the said hors, pro- wyding alwaise that the said Johnn Masone find the said James sufficient souertie that the said sowme salbe be furthcumand to him at the said yeris end ; quha fand Andrew Huntar, cautioner and souerte for the samen, and Gilbert Menzeis elder, become souerte, and oblist him to releif the said Andrew of the said souertie in caice forsaid. 10th April, 1555. The said day, comperit in judgment Johne Clerk, induellar in the toune of Hull, in Ingland, and exponit to the bailzeis, in presens of Androw Buk, beand lauchtfullie varnit to this day, how, in the moneth of December, in the yeir of God j m v c fourty and sax yeris, or thairby, the said Androw, beand captywe and presonar, incarcerat in the said toune of Hull as fyane and enemy to Ingliss natioune, and put thar in cair and kepyng of the said Johne, be his crafty subtility brek the presone and eschewit, and tharthrow come in Scotland, fre of all ransome, without vitting or knawledge of the said Johnne, keiper of the said presone, quhairthrow the said John hes in- currit grit damnage and skaith of his gudis and fame, for thai of quhome he had the said cair and keping imput the vyit of the said Androwis escheving and away passing to the said Johnne, albeit he wes inocent ther- of, as he allegit ; and thairfor desyrit the baillies forsaid to cause the said Androw be sworne the gryt ayth to testifie befoir thame the treuth and veritie of the said mater. Quha being sworne the gryt aith, the haly evan- gelistis tuichit, and diligently being exeminit be the saidis baillies, deponit and testifyit opinlie in jugement, vpoune his saull and consciens, that the said Johne Clerk knew nocht nor yit vnderstuyd of his away cuming, nor neuer wes participant therof, nor in the counsell of the same, hot ves all uterly ignorant and inocent therof; vpon the quhilk depositioune and testi- ficatioune the said Johne desyirit ane testimoniall to be gewin him, under the secreit seill, quhilk desyir the baillies thocht ressonable, and decernit him the same, and ordinit the keiparis of thair said secreit seill to append the same thairto. 284 EXTRACTS FROM THE COUNCIL REGISTER thMay. 10M May, 1555. Eodem die comparuit religiosus vir frater Joannes Allardes subprior ac procurator prioris et conuentus fratrum Carmelitarum de Abirdene et produxit judicialiter tres processus judicales legittime per eum coram balliuis in tribus curiis capitalibus deductos de et super recuperatione pro- prietatis eiusdera terre vaste jacentis infra oppidum Aberdonense in vico viridi ex parte boreali eiusdem inter terras quondam Johannis Reid ex occidental! ex vna et ex oriental! partibus ab altera cornmunem viam regiam versus austrum in defectu solutionis vnius annui redditus decem solidorum monete Scotie de dicta terra annuatim debiti et longo tempore preterito non soluti quibus processibus palam et publice visis perlectis et intellects ac legittime prolatus prefatus frater Joannes procuratorio nomine dictorum prioris et conuentis- illis fieri petiit secundum vim formam et effectum dic- torum processuum et aliarum euidentiarum judicialiter productarum exhibi- tarum et presentatarum coram preposito et balliuis in curia capitali proxima immediate diem et datam presentiam precedent! de dicta terra vasta cum pertinentiis iuris et iusticie complementum ac proprietatis iudicium vnde hora diei legitime expectata et omnibus interesse habentibus vocatis et nulla parte aduersa comparente nee contradicente prefatus frater Joannes porrexit plegium in manibus Thome Pattoune sergiandi quod ipse causam suam obtinuit in recuperatione proprietatis dicte terre vaste cum pertinen- tiis quare decretum fuit per discretum virum Gilbertum Collisoun vnum balliuorum pro tribunale sedentem et datum pro judicio per os Jacobi Pent- land judicatoris curie pro tempore quod prefatus frater Joannes procura- torio nomine dictorum prioris et conuentus proprietatem et possessionem pre- fate terre vaste cum pertinentiis legitime recuperauit ob et propter defectum solutionis annui redditus x s. ante dicti quare prefatus frater Johannes no- mine dictorum prioris et conuentus inducendus est in realem actualem et corporalem possessionem predicte terre cum pertinentiis. 2Qth May, 1555. The said day, the counsell for the maist pairt, beand convenit within the counselhous, all in ane voce, nemmit, electit, and chesit Thomas Menzes, prouest, and Dauid Mar, bailzie, thair commissioneris, coniunctly and seueralie, to ryid to Edinburght to the next parliament, to be haldin thair be our souerane lady Marie, quene drowrear of Scotland, and regent of the same, and be the thre estatis therof, in name of our maist gracious quene OF THE BURGH OF ABERDEEN. 285 moderne, to begyne vpoune the xxviij day of May instant, and thair to 20th May, consult, awyse, treat, decerne, and concluid vpoune sic thingis as concernis the publict welth of this realme, and liberties therof, as salbe thocht ganand and convenient be the saidis thre estaitis ; and ordinis ane commissioune vnder the townis seall to be maid to thame thairwpoune, with power alse to the saidis commissioneris to compeir and convene in the said toune of Edinburgh with the remanent commissioneris of the burrowis of this realme, to awyse and consult vpon sic thingis as concernis the commound weill of the estait of burgessis, and the libertie and priuileges of burrowis, and to concluid therwpoune, and to desyir in the said parliament sic wrangis, hurtis, and enormiteis, as is done to the saidis burrowis and inhabitants therof, to be reformit, and ther auld priuileges and liberties to be renewit, restoirit, apprewit, and coufermit; and specialy anent the hurtis done to this burgh of Abirdene, to be reformit, and thair auld infeftmentis and priuilegis, grantit and gewin to thame be our souerane ladyis maist noble progenitouris, to be ratifiit and confermit, lyk as salbe contenit and speci- fiit at mair lynth in the articles to be maid and send with the saidis com- missioneris thairopon ; and gyf neid beis, to consent to gif ane honest and decent propyne, gratitud, and contributioune to our said souerane lady and regent forsaid, and ratificatioune and confirmatioune of thair auld infeft- mentis and priuileges forsaid, lykas salbe contenit and specifiit in the gene- rall articalis to be maid be the saidis haill commissioneris of burrowis, or the maist pairt of thame, and presentit in the said parliament heirvpoune. The said day, the counsell ordanis to be gewin Thomas Menzes, prowest, the sowme of twenty poundis, and to Dauid Mar tene pound, to mak thair expenssis in ryding to Edinburght, as commissioneris for the toune to this nixt parliament ; and ordanis the same to be pait to thame with the first accedence of the toune that beis gottin in of the compositionis of fremen to be maid, escheittis or vnlawis quhatsumeuir that first fallis. 14th June, 1555. The said day, Jonatt Portar and Jonett Bailzert, hir seruand, war con- vickit in judgement, be the depositiones of diuerse famose witnes, for the defaming and myspersoning of James Andersone and Elspett Baldy, his spowse, with veray ewill and injurious langaige, vndvordy of heiring. Quhairfor thay, and ilkane of thame, war in amerciament of court, and the 2 o 286 EXTRACTS FROM THE COUNCIL REGISTER wth June, bailzies forsaid ordanit the saidis Portar and Bailzeirt, hir seruatid, to cum one Sonday nixt cumis, within Sanct Nicholace parroche kirk, in tyme of the hie mess, with ane candill of valx in thair hand, and sit doune on thair kneis in the queir, afoir the guid men of the toune, and aske the said James and his spows forgyfhes, and thair to revock the vordis said be thame vpoune him and his said spowse fals and vntrewe, and requeist the guid men of the toune to cause thame be forgewin ; and gyf euer the said Jonett Bailzert beis foundin in the making of sic offencis in tyme cuming, and beis convict thairfor, to be banist of this guid toune. 30th June, 1555. The said day, Gilbert Collisone, Patrik Menzes, and Gilbert Maly- soune, baillies, with awyse of the haill counsell, ordanis fourty poundis to be gewin to Thomas Menzeis, prouest, and Dauid Mar, bailzie, of the rediast and first accidentis and casualiteis of the toune that euer first hap- pynnis to be gottin, and na man to mell thairwith, nor gett part nor profyt thairof, quhill the said fourty poundis be pait compleitly to thame, and that to mak thair expenssis in passing to this present rayd till Sanct Johnstoune, anent the townis bessenes and commound weill therof, and in recompensa- tioune of thair expenssis of the last rayd thai maid, at command of the counsell, to the last parliament haldin in Edinburght, for the quhilkis as yit thai gat na recompensatioune nor reward, bot of thair awin guidnes hes remittit the same for paiment of the sowme aboue wryttin. 8th July, 1555. The said day, anent the complaynt gewin in iugement to the baillies be Gilbert Knowis, Duncan Forbes, Gilbert Kyntoir, Alexr. Hay, and Maister Johnne Watsoune, for thame selffis and the remanent heretouris, takkismen, tenentis, and occupiaris of the fysching of the cruwis, vpoun Maister Johnne Chawmer, duelland in Grandoum, for the wrangouss vsing and balding of ane cobill vpoun the said watter, within the boundis of thair fysching, to thair gryt hurt and skayth, quhar neuer na cobill wes vsit nor occupiit obefoir, and tharthrow making new innovatioune by the aid louable vse and consuetude, obseruit in all tymes bygane past memor of man, in hurt and preiudice of the priuilege of this guid toune, as in the said bill of complaynt at mair lyntht is contenit. Quhilk wes remittit and referrit to the sensment and ordinans of the counsell, quhilkis being conuenit for OF THE BURGH OF ABERDEEN. 287 the maist pairt within the consalhous, all in ane voce, fand and decernit 8th July, that the said Maister Johnne aucht not to hauld nor vse the said cobill as he dois, and that thair aucht hot ane generawll and comraond coble to be vpoun the said fysching, to serff all the possessouris, tenentis, and occu- pyaris thairof, in tym cumyng, to transport thame selffis, thair seruandis, and thair fysche, als oft as thai haf ado, and that the said new cobill aucht to be removit, destroy it, and away put, in all tyraes to cum. And attour it is provydit be the said consell, with consent and assent of the haill posses- sours, takkismen, and tenentis of the said fysching, that gif the said gene- rall commound cobill beis haldyn or stopput fra ony ane of thame, or thair subtenentis, or seruandis, quhen thai haf ado in tyme to cum, that the haldar or stoppar of the said cobill sail refound and pay to the complenar samekill as he or his serwand will mak faytht thai ar skaythtit at that tyme, throcht wanting of the vse and service of the said cobill, and siclik to be done in all tymes cumyng, without any vder probatioune to be socht hot allanerly the depositioune of the complenar or his serwand. August, 1555. The said day, Alexr. Joffray, Duncane Fraser, Williame Congiltoun, Dauid Saidlar, Johnne Fowlis, Charles Dauidsone, Reche Myln, Alexr. Kemp elder, Alexr. Kemp youngar, Alexr. Kay, and Duncane Colly, baxteris, and ilkane of thame were conuickit in judgement, and put in amer- ciament of court, for the braking of the commound ordinance and statutis of this guid toune in selling of quhyt breid of less mesour and price nor wes gewin and dewisit be the counsell to thame of befoir to obserf and fulfill ; quhairfor thai war in amerciament of court to forbeir in tyme cumyng and amend as law vill, and that wes gewin for dome, and the baillies continewit thair vnlawis to be modifiit be thame eftirwart. The said day, the haill counsell statut and ordanit that the baxteris of this guid toune sail baik and sell twenty tua vnce of quhyt breid, sufficient stuf, and weill bakin, for four penneis, and tuenty aucht vnce of ry breid, sufficient stuf, and weill bakin, for four d. ; and that na breid be sauld be thame quhill thai be considderit and vesit be ane of the baillies ; and quhow- sone the breid beis takin out of the owne, that ane of the baillies salbe ad- uertist and requirit to do the same; and that na baxter sail baik ony breid vpoune Settirday befoir tua eftir none ; and quha beis fundin cumand in 288 EXTRACTS FROM THE COUNCIL REGISTER 12th August, the contrar heirof, the haill baikin stuf beand fundin and gottin in his pos- sessioune to be escheit and delt ; and gyf ony baxter hawand stuf beis fundin wantand baikin breid, and nocht vsand his craft to serf the toune and nightbouris therof in contemptioune of this ordinance, the sam beand knawin and vnderstand, the haill victuall and stuf beand fundin in his pos- sessioune to be escheit and delt to the puir folkis. And this statut to in- duir and haf stryntht quhill the fest of Michaelmes nixt cumis, and further induiring the counsellis will. 26 th August, 1555. The said day, Alexr. Reid younger, being accusit be the baillies in judgement for inobedience of Patrik Menzes, bailzie, in executioune of his office, and siclyk for the braking of ward, he being put thairintill be the said bailzie, for the quhilkis he put him in the tounis will, and the prouest and maist pairt of the counsell ordanit him to cum on Sonday nixt cumis within Sanct Nicholace kirk, in the queir therof, with ane candill of ane lib. of wax in his hand, in the tyme of the hie mess, and thair sit doune on his kneis and ask the said Patrik forgyfnes, and requeist the guid men of the toune to cause and solist the said Patrik forgyf him ; and gyf euer he beis convickit making sic faill and offence in tyme curayng, to tyne his fredome and be banyst of the toune. 3d September, 1555. The said day, Agnes Lowsoune and Johne Abircromy, hir spows, for his interes, beand lauchtfullie warnit to this day for the third and last dyat of proces be Johnne Jenour, officiar, vpoun the quhilkis he maid faith in judge- ment, to haf ansuerit at the instance of ane rycht venerabill mane, Robert, minister of the Trinite ordour of Faythfurd and Abirdene, anent the claim of ane chalice of siluer, contening fourtene vnces of wecht, quhilk the said Agnes, as is allegit, intromettit with, deliuerit to hir be freir Johne Quhyt- cors, pertening to the Trinite kirk of Abirdene, with intimatioune gif thai compeirit nocht, the baillies wald proceid and minister iustice in the said mater ; and the saidis Agnes and Johnne, hir spous, for his interes, beand oft tymes callit, compeirit nocht, quhairfor the baillie resauit and admittit the said Robertis probatioune ; be the quhilk it wes fundin that the said Agnes intromettit with the said chalice, contening fourtene vnce of siluer, and therfor the bailzie forsaid decernit and ordanit the said Agnes and OF THE BURGH OF ABERDEEN 289 Johnne, hir spous, for his interes, to delyuer and restoir to the said minister 3d September, and kirk forsaid the forsaid chalice of fourtene vnce of siluer alse guid as it wes quhen scho intromettit thairwith within terme of law ; and gyf the same be destroyit or brokin, nocht gettabill in the sam forme as it ves, that the said Agnes and Johnne, hir spows forsaid, for his interes, sail caus mak ane wther chalice of new, of the samin vecht of siluer, alse guid as the vther wes, and deliuer the same to the said minister and place forsaid. And at- tour the bailzie decernit and ordanit the said Robert, minister aforsaid, of his awin confessioune, to pay to the said Agnes the sowme of sax lib. Scottis for the said freir Johnne Quhytcors quhilk he wes awand to hir ; and the said Robert attour oblist him of his awin guidnes to delyuer to the said Agnes fourtie s. mair nor the said sowme of sax lib. at the restitutioun of the said chalice in maner aboune writtin, sua the same be deliuerit to him with plesour and thankfulnes but ony forthir of cumyr or coist. The said day, Robert Cunynghame, minister of the Trinite freiris of Failfurd and Abirdene, maid and constitut Maister Robert Lumisden his procuratour and factour, to vptak the mailis, fermes, annuelrentis, pro- fyttis, emolumentis, and deuties, pertenyng to the saidis freiris of the or- dour of the religioune in Abirdene, of all termes bygane and to cum, with power to substitute procuratouris to persew the same in the law, gyf neid beis ; with power also to the said Maister Robert to beit, mend, and re- perell the Trinite kirk and place of Abirdene, and quhat he debursis thair- vpoune to be thankfully allowit to him ; and alse to sustene the brether of the said religioune in thair cleuthyng and ordinar expenssis, and vther thingis neidfull to thame, takand their acquyttances therof, quhilk salbe alse sufficient as it war deliuerit to the said minister himself, conforme to his directioune and ordinance gevin to the said Mr. Robert theranent, quhilkis siclyke salbe allowit thankfully to the said Mr. Robert, pro- mittand faythfullie to hald ferine and stabill quhat the said Mr. Robert and his substitutis in the premissis lauchtfullie leidis to be done. And this present procuratorie to induir and haf effect ay and quhill the said minister renunce and discharge the same. 4th October, 1555. The said day, the counsell hawand consideratioune that Sir Robert Bynne, cheplane and singar in thair queir, is vesiit be the hand of God 290 EXTRACTS FROM THE COUNCIL REGISTER 4th October, with infirmitie in his ene, quhairthrow he is becum blynd, and that he maid gude and continuell seruice in tymis bigan, sa lang as he wes habill. Thairfor, thai all in ane voce consentis and assentis that he haf his auld fee, that is to say, aucht markis wsuaill money of Scotland, togidder with his clerkship, quhilkis he had for his fee and seruice abefor, for all the dais of his lif, but ony impediment or gane calling. And forther, that the nobill and honest men of the toune support him of thair awin guidnes, at thair plesour and discretioune, quhill God restoir him to his sycht and habilite. Item, it is statut and ordanit, with consent of the haill craft of cordon- aris, that na schone be sauld darrer bot the best dowbill scholit schone for men xxxii penneis, mennis singill solit schone tua s. ; wemmenis dowbill solit schone ii s., thair singill solit schone xviij d. and xvj d. ; barnis schone for xii d., x d., and viij d., efferand to thair quantitie and aige, wnder the paine of escheiting of all schone beand in the possessioune of the braker of this present statut. Item, that na man gaddir nor hald ony carnis or stanis to ly vpoun the calsay, except thame that ar to big allanerly, wnder the pane of eschaeting therof ; and gif ony biggar haldis ane came of stanis one the streit or calsay attour ane yeir and ane day, the samin to be escheit inlykwyse. Item, that euerie craft within this guid toune haf ane visitour amang thame selfis, chosin euere yeir anis, quha sell accept the same, and be suorne therto befor the prouest and baillies in judgement, to se that all statutis and ordinans maid one the craftismen of this guid toune be ob- seruit and keipit ; and that, in tyme cuming, thair be na craftisman maid fre man to vse his craft, except he haf seruit as prentise under ane maister thre yeiris, and be found sufficient and qualifeit in his craft to be ane maister. Item, it is statut and ordanit, with consent of the haill baxteris, beand convenit, that nane of thame pass in the contray to by quhit, of darrer prices bot as tha ma keip and obserf the statut and ordinance gewin thame be the counsale for this present yeir ; and alse that nane of the saidis baxsteris by quhit attour his nychtbouris heyd : that is to say, quhair OF THE BURGH OF ABERDEEN. 291 his nychtbour hes bene to mak ony bying or bergane of quhyt, and bidden 4th October, ony money thairfor, that his nychtbour bid na mair nor is offerit, nor mak 1555> him to by thair, wnder the pane of fourty s. for the first fait, and tynsell of fredome for yeir and day for the secund fait, gif he beis convickit for the same. Item, that na tailzeour sell ony clayth bot allanerly maid breikis and boxis of tartane or grose claith and lynningis for cleything ; and gif ony tailzeour dois in the contrar, to be punist therfor, as forstallaris and re- grataris of this guid towne. Item, that all burgessis remanyng in landwart, and all wtheris hawand takkis, rowmes, steddingis, and protfeittis of this guid towne, cum betwixt this and Mertimes nixt to cum, with thair wyffis, barnis, and howshaldis, and duell, remayne, and abyde within this toune, scoit, loit, walk, and ward with the samin, and be reddy all houris for the defens thairof, and con- curring and assisting with the superiouris and ministers of justice tharof for the tym, wnder the pane of tinsell of thair fredomes, takkis, priuilegis, and profyttis that thai haf or ma haf of this guid toune, of the quhilkis thair names followis, viz. : Archebald Rayt, Andrew Thomsone in Rattre, Williame Duncan, Johnne Lausoune, Johnne Colle, Thomas Buchane, Johnne King, James Strauquhyn in Innerowry, and George Johnstoune, and ordanit thir names forsaidis to be proclamit opinlie at the mercat croce of Aberdene to the effect forsaid. The said day, the counsell grantit to thair seruitour, James Nory, singar in thair queir, twenty s., to be augmentit tuenty s. of his fee, mak- and in the haill four poundis, for his guid seruice to be done in their queir ; and ordanis the den of gild to mak him paiment therof, ay and quhill he be dischargit therof. The said day, Alexr. Rattre dischargit the towne of the sowme of twelff poundis, allegit awand be thame to him of the rest of ane gritar sowme, for his seruice and wagis in passing with the kingis grace to the ilis, at com- mand of the counsell, and of sewin lib., allegit awand to him be the toune for tua monethis wagis, in the tyme that he wes gunnar in thair blokhowse, 292 EXTRACTS FROM THE COUNCIL REGISTER 4th October, and of all sowmes of money that he may clame or creif at the toune in tymmes bigane ; and the counsell remittit and dischargit the said Alexr. of his guid sone John Ewynnis compositione of fremanschip, for the quhilk he com souertie. 1 4th October, 1555. The said day, the prouest and baillies ordanis Gilbert Colisoun, maister of Sanct Nicholace wark, to delyuer to Patrik Menzeis and Alexander Chawmer, denis of gild, the grit jrne kirk styile to be applyit to the irne wark necessar of the tolbuith ; and the saidis prouest and baillies oblist tham in name of the toune that the denis of gild for the tyrne sell rander and gyf agane samekill jrne wark to the said maister of kirk wark for the tyme to the necessar beitment of the said kirk quhat tyme and quhow sone it sell hapin thame to haf ado thairwith, be the sycht of the guid men of the toune. 25th October, 1555. The said day, the maist pairt of the consell ordanis Thomas Menzeis, thair prouest, to ryd to Edinburght for defence of the sommondis rasit be Dauid Kintor, Gilbert Kintoir, and Patre Gray, aganis the prouest and baillies of this guid toun, and certane vderis nychtbouris thairof, for the re- ductione of thair fewis, and the productione of the townis aid infeftmentis ; and ordanis the den of gild to deliuer him xx lib. to help to mak his ex- penssis. 6th November, 1555. The said day, Johnne Chalmer wes accusit in judgement for the myssay- ing and myspersoning of Dauid Mar, ane of the baillies of the said burgh, with maist wyile and injurious detractioune, say and that he had takin ane hundreth lib. of money furth of his bag, quhilk wes ane commound theyffis stik, and that he had gewin ane false testimoniall one him to the quenis grace, wnder the townis seill ; quhik actioun wes put to the knawlege of the assise aboune writtin, and be the depositiones of diuerse famose witnes, and be the said Johnnis awin confessioune, he wes convickit be the said assise for the myspersoning of the said Dauid in maner aboun writtin, quhairfor he wes put in amerciament of court, and that wes gewin for dome. OF THE BURGH OF ABERDEEN. 293 13th December, 1555. i3thDec. ; The said day, the baillies ordanit Maister Thomas Annand, chaiplane 1555> of Sanctiohnne the Ewangellist alter, situate within thair parroche kirk of Abirdene, to the quhilk the toune ar patronis, of his awin grant and con- sent in judgment, to bring and exhibit befor the counsel!, in thair nixt heid court, to be haldin the xiij of Januar, ane litill chalice and ane mekill new chalice of siluer, pertening to the said chaplanrie, to be vesiit be the con- sell, and to remayne for seruing of the said alter within the said kirk in firmance and keipyng, becaus he hes absentit the same thir diuerse yeiris bygane. December, 1555. The said day, the haill towne beand conuenit for the maist part, chesit and electit Thomas Menzeis, prouest, Maister Robert Lumisden, and Gilbert Collisoune, or ony tua of thame coniunctly, thair commissionaris, lauchtfull and irrevocabill, to compeir and conuene with the remanent com- missionaris of the fre burghis of Scotland in Edinburgh, vpoun the xv day of Januar nixt to cum, conforme to ane writting of our souerane lady, Marie, quene drowrear of Scotland, and regent of the same, directit and send to the prouest, baillies, and communite of the said burgh, or quhat- suraeuer vder day or dayis, place or places conuenient, quhen and quhair the quenis grace and commissionaris forsaid thinkis expedient, for dressing of appountment, stancheyng of all debait and contrauersie betuix the fre marchandis and craftismen of all burrowis of this realme, for vnite and concord to be amangis thame perpetualie in tyme cumyng. And alsua to consult, awyse, dispute, and ressoune vpoune all sic thingis as concernis the fredome, liberte, preuelege, and publict weltht, of all borrowis of the realme, and for to do, traitt, determe, and conclud thairupoune, for the commond weill of the samin. And forthir, to compleyne and expoyne the hurtis, dampnage, and skaith done in tymes bygane by the burrowis forsaid, and specialy to this burght of Abirden, aganis the strynth of thair aid priuelegis and infeftmentis, and for to laubour remeid thairin, sa far as ma be had ; and for to grant to gif ane compositioune, propyne, and gratitud to our said souerane lady, as vtheris commissionaris of burrowis dois and grantis, for reformatioune, in tyme cumyng, of the hurtis, damp- nagis, and skaithis don to the burrowis in tymes bygane, restitutione of 2 P 294 EXTRACTS FROM THE COUNCIL REGISTER 16th Dec., thame to their aid irnrawniteis and liberteis, and apprewing, and ratefying, and confermyng of thair aid priuilegis and infeftmentis ; and generaly to do all thingis concernyng the premissis that the haill coramunite forsaid raycht do, gif thai war all present in propir personis : promittand faith- fullie to hald firme and stabill all and quhatsumeuer thingis thair saidis thre commissioneris, or ony tua of tharae coniunctly, lauchfully ledis to be done in the premisses ; and ordanis ane commission to be maid to thame vnder the townis commond seill thairupoun. 2 tending in walour to the sowme of twa hundreth merkis, and consentit that thair be ane taxatioun optakin, to furniss the sum, of the haill nychtbouris of the toune, and chesit Thomas Menzeis, prouest, Dauid Mar, Gilbert Collisoun, Alexr. Gray, and Maister George Myddiltoun, baillies of the said burghe, taxtaris, to sett and stent the said taxatioune vpoune all the nychtbouris and inhabitantis of this burgh, efferand to thair faculte and substance ; quhilkis acceppit the same, and war suorne therto in judge- ment. 8th June, 1556. I, Rechert Maitland of Lethyngtoun, grantis me to haf resauit be the handis of Walter Cant, induellar of Leytht, the sowme of thre scoir sex pundis fywe schillingis, and that in name and behalf of the provest, baillies, counsell, and communitie of the toune of Aberdene, in haill and compleit payment off the sowm of thre hundreth fyfteyne poundis, for thair haill taxt that the said toune wes sett to, in the yeir of God m v c liij yeris, for the bigging of certane forthis vpoun our souerane ladyis bordouris, off the quhilk sowm of thre scoir sex lib. xv s. forsaid, in haill and compleit pay- ment, as said is, I hald me weyll content and pait of the rasset therof, and dischargis the said prouest, baillies, and communitie of the said toune of Abirdene off thair haill taxatioune befoir writtin, extendand to the sowm of thre hundreith fyfteine poundis, for now and euer, be this my acquit- tance, subscriuit with my hand at Edinburgh, the last day of May, the yeir of God m v c fyfty and sax yeris. Sic subscribitur, Rechert Maitland of Lethyngtoune. llth July, 1556. The said day, the counsell, beand convenit within the consel hovs, de- cernit and ordanit that Alexander Rutherfurd aucht and suld be obeyit and ansarit in tyme cumyng, induring the yeiris of his assedatioune off Sanct Nicholace mett, baith of strengearis and nychtbouris of this toune, lyk as he hes bene in tyme bygane, vse and vont obefor, conform to the aid statut maid thairwpoun. 18th July, 1556. The said day, the baillies ordanit William Cargyll, in jugement, to pay 300 EXTRACTS FROM THE COUNCIL REGISTER 18th July, Alexr. Ruderfurd the dwety of Sanct Nicholas mett, of the quhyt that com hame laytly furth of Danskyn, in ane schip callyt Ly be the Fyir, within xxiiij houris, becaus he confessit that he com souerty for the merchandis thairof to do to the said Alexr., anent the said dwety, all that law wald. 1th August, 1556. The said day, the counsell, being convenit, chesit Gilbert Collisoun col- lector and disponar of the taxatioun of twa hundreth merkis, stentit amang the nychtbouris of this guid townn, and ordains to be gewin ane propyne to the quenis grace, regint and gubernatrice of the realme, at this nixt justice air, twa tonnis of wyne, with spycerie and wax, extending to the sowme of tuenty poundis ; to Monsor Doysy half ane twn of wyne, ane dossain of torchis, and twa dossund bustis of scorchettis ; to the composite uris ane twne of wyne ; to the justice clerk ane punsione of wyne. 20th September, 1556. The said day, the prowest, baillies, and haill counsell of this guid toune of Aberdene, being convenit in the chepdour of the gray freiris of the said burght, awysand for the wielfair of the same and liberteis therof, and in speciale tovard the frequenting of strangearis, nocht beand fremen of the said burgh, cumand with thair pakkis of Fransche and Flandris wayris to cut and sell in any day, all in ane voce, hes ordanit and ordanis the prouest and bailies to mak presentlie proclamation at the mercat croce, to inhibit all strangearis nocht being fremen of the said burght, that nane of thame tak on hand to cut, sell, or lay furtht any merchandrices of Fransche, Flandris, or Ingland wayris, bot to sell the same in grit to fremen and breither off gild, vnder the pane of fywe lib. the first fait, ten lib. the secund fait, and escheiting of his geir for the third fait, quha beis fundin doand in the contrar, and that the denis of gild to put thir presentis to dew executioun. And as for Scottis wairis, sic as claith, lynning, and woone, and vder smale cremary, to be said and vsit be the hawaris therof on the twa mercat dayis, Veddinsday and Settirday only, conforme to the aid louable statutis of this burgh, maid of befoir and obseruit in all tymes bygane. 19th October, 1556. The said day, the haill toun being convenit for the maist part, repre- OF THE BURGH OF ABERDEEN. 301 sentand the haill body of the toune, grantit and consentit to gyf the quenis 19th October grace and lordis componitouris, at this present iustice air, the sowme of thre hundreth and tuenty markis, for thair componitour to the haill nycht- bouris and inhabitantis of this toune, for small oppressiounis and lycht offencis allanerlie, becaus thai vnderstand thai ar nocht gilty of slauchteris, oppressionis, nor grit crymes, and that thai suld nocht incur the quenis grace vnkyndnes ; and ordanis the sarain to be stentit and tane vp off the inhabitantis within this burght and fredome therof, and to that effect chesit Andrew Lowsoune, Maister Patrik Rutherfurd, Alexr. Menzeis, Thomas Nicholsoun, Alexr. Andersoun, Williame Forbes, and Mr. James Bur- nett, taxtaris, to stent and tax the saidis nychtbouris and inhabitantis, ilkane efferand to thair faculte, pussance, profiit, and substance, quhilkis var sworne therto to do efter thair vnderstanding and knowlege. November, 1556. The said day, Johnne Blak, cheplane in the queir of the paroche kirk of Abirdeine, and maister of the sang scuyll thairof, exponit to the baillies and ane part of the counsell present for the tym, in jugement, quhow that the haill brethir of the queir and college forsaid, being chepdourlie con- uenit, affermit obefoir, in presens of the prouest, baillies, and haill consell, that thair is certane rowmes and places vacand amangis thame for qualifeit personis, to be resauit and admittit therto be the awyse of the saidis pro- west, baillies, and consell. And the said Schir Johne, in name of the haill brother forsaid, presentit in jugement to the baillies, in name of the towne, Maister Andrew Gray, as ane cunning and qualefeit perseune, to be ad- mittit be thame to ane place amangis the said brethir of the college forsaid, quhome the saidis baillies and consell present for the tyme admittit therto, he keipand dayly and continuall seruice in the said queir, conforme to the first erectioune and institutioune tharof. 23d November, 1556. The said day, the baillies, with consent of the consell present for the tyme, statut and ordanit, that gif ony persoun or party defendar resauis ony articalis of his party aduersar, to mak interrogatouris thairwpoune, and deliueris nocht the same agane to the covrt clerk within xxiiij houris thair- eftir, that the baillies sell exera the witnes producit be the party persewar 2 Q 302 EXTRACTS FROM THE COUNCIL REGISTER 23d November, vpoun the dovble of the articalis, without ony interrogatouris of the party 1556. defendar. 2d January, 1557. The said day, the haill taxismen quhilkis hes fischingis and land takkis in few of this guid towne, being lauchtfullie warnit to this day be the officiaris, personale apprehendit, and at thair duelling places, respectiue, and being convenit within the counselhous of the tolbuith for the maist pairt, it wes exponit to thame be Thomas Menzeis, prowest, quhow thair is ane actioun and pley dependand befor the lordis of counsell betuixt cer- tane nychtbouris of this toune, anent certane fyschingis sett be the toun to vtheris personis thane the aid possessoris therof, and that the prouest and baillies ar summoned for thair interes in the said mater, and to produce the townis aid infeftmentis that thai haf of the saidis fyschingis, as the sommondis raisit therupoune at mair lyncht proportis. Quhilk pley hes bene surnteous and werray coistlie ellis to the toune and to the particular partiis, and the pley as yit takin litill effect, quharthrow standis vnkyndnes and inimitie betuix the saidis nychtbouris and thair assistaris, and grit ap- peirance cummeris and dampnageis to succeyd and follow thairupoun, aganis the commoun weill of this guid toune and inhabitantis therof ; and thairfor inquyrit thaim gif thai wald, for extinction of the said pley, ewading of ap- perance, damnagis, cummeris, and expenssis, and for vnioun, concord, and tranquilite to be amangis the saidis nychtbouris and thair assistaris in tyme cuming, obtempir and fulfill the ordinans of the counsell deuysit for the appoynting and finissing of the premisses : that is to say, that euery aid possessour of fyschingis or land, quhome fra the same is sett in few ferme to wtheris, sell haf thair awin agane haldin heretably of the toune, and the new heretabill possessouris therof to renunce the same in the townis handis, to the effect forsaid ; and the saidis new heretabill possessouris to haf and resawe thair awin money, debursit be thame respectiue obefoir, for thair compositioune and interes siluer, fra the aid possessouris forsaid, ac- cepand the same of new heretably in few ferme. And ane compositioun and contributioun to be collectit and wpliftit of the haill wateris and land takkis pertening to the toune, to be disponit and gevin to the resignaris and ourgewaris forsaidis, in recompensatioun of thair skaithis and ex- penssis offering to the rait of the same be the discretioun of the counsell. OF THE BURGH OF ABERDEEN. 303 Quhilkis takkismen and possessouris quhais names eftir followis, that is to 2h nne Ancroft, William Ancroft his brother, in Grippis Wald ; and Robert Jak, in Trailsound ; with vther diuerse. 10*A October, 1561. The sayd day, anent the bill of desyir exhibit to the counsell be Robert Johnstoune, for makking of ane skaymlis of tre at the fysche cors, for laying of the quhyt fysche tharupoune, and balding of the calsay clene con- tigue thairabout, for ane small duety paying to him of euery fische creill and hors laid of fysche in the xxiiij houris, the counsall, all in ane voce, grantit to the said bill, and ordanis the said skaymlis to be maid honestly as efferis be the said Robert, vpoune his expenssis, for the quhilkis he to haf ane penny of euery creilfull of fysche, and tuo pennis of euere hors laid of fysche that cumis to the mercat to be said euery xxiiij houris, and that na quhyt fysche be said bot vpoun the said skaymlis, paying thairfor the said duety ; and the said Robert paying thairfor yeirly to the toune and the- saurar thairof the sowme of fourty schillingis vsuall money of Scotland, the first terme of payment to be at the fest of Wytsonday nixt to cum, and wphaldand the said skaymles vpoune his expenssis ; and ordanis ane asse- datioune to be maid to him thairupoun, for the space of fywe yeiris imme- diatly following the dayt of thir presentis. The said day, the prowest, bailyeis, and counsall, hawand consideratioun of the murmour and complaint of the nychtbouris and merchandis of this burght, anent the bying of schippis arrywing to this port, and indiscreit distributioune to the nychtbouris of the wairis and merchandrises thairof, for the cummodite of certane particular personis, aganis the commoune weill of the toune, it is dewysit, statut, and ordanit be the saidis prowest, baillies and counsell, with consent of the haill merchandis and brethir of gild, apprewing and affirming the same in jugement, convenit in thir gild court, that quhatsumewir schip of gudis sellabill arrywis to the port, hevin, or reyd of this burght, chargit with quhatsumeuer merchandrises, the entre thairof salbe gewin to the townis customer, quha sail present the OF THE BURGH OF ABEKDEEN. 335 same to the prowest and baillies, and thai, or ony ane of thame, to by the loth October, samyn fra the strangearis, and the samin being bocht to be distributed in ^ 561> raaner following : that is to say, the haill brethir of gild, merchandis of the toune, vsand trafique of merchandrise, to be dewydit in four quarteris, and euerie quarter to haf ane schippis laydning thair tyrae about, of quhatsum- sumeuer wares and merchandrises, without the respect to quantitie or gud- nes, bot ilk quarter to haf the schip that chances to thame, and cavillis to be castin quhat quarter sail begyn and quha sell fallow ; and the bailze of the quarter that fallis to him be cavill to mak distributioune, be considera- tioune and discretioun of him self and two or thre with him of the counsell that beis in his quarter, for eschewing of murmour ; and na mercheand nor burges to be obeyit of any pairt of the saidis merchandrises, bot thai that duellis and remanis actually within this burght. And quhat quarter re- fusis the schip bocht be the baillies, or quhat merchand refuissis to resaiff his pairt calculat to him be the bailze, of ony schippes warres quhatsumeuer that chancis to cum, and to pay therfor as is bocht, the refusar to haf na pairt of ony merchandryce that chances to cum for the space of aue yeir thaireftir. And gif ony persoun passis to the rayd or hewyn to cheup or mak bergane, or quyat pactioun, with the strenger, he to pay tene poundis for ane vnlaw, and the guiddis that he byis to be eschaittit, and he to haf na pairt therof nor of na wther for a yeir thereftir. And this present ordinans sail remaine and continew in effect for ane yeir eftir the dait of thir presentis, and, gif it persistis and continewis langar, the quarter that restis unseruit begin the nixt yeir, keipand the same ordour of this yeir. llth October, 1561. The said day, it is statut and ordanit be the prouest, baillies, and coun- sell, that in tyme cuming, induring the space of ane yeir, that the malt and meill cuming to the toune to be sauld sail be sett, sauld, mett, and mesourit in the gray freiris place, and nocht put in na wther houssis, nor na skaiffry, sic as sampill and scheit schakin, to be tane thairof in tym cuming, and the samyn to be mesourit with ane straik mett corresponden to the hep mesour, to be maid be the awyis of the baronnis and gentill men of the contra that hes victuall to sell ; and siclyk ane ressonabill metsor to be maid to be takin for the handfull takin be the belman, sua that na caus of complent ma be al- leigit eftirwart of extorsioun done to wictuall sellaris, and alsua for the eschewing of dartht of victuallis and wther inconvenientis considerit be the 336 EXTRACTS FROM THE COUNCIL REGISTER nth October, saidis consell appeiring to be ; and ordinis the officiaris and ane of the baillies at the lest to be present ewerie mercat day, to se that ordour and guid distributioun be maid to serf the nychtbouris of the toun. And ordinis the thesaurar and his collectouris in his name to tak ane hard heid of ewery laid of wictuall, and to charge himself thairwith in his comptis, and that for eysing of the saidis wictuall sellaris, and relewing of thame of the auld skaifrye ten obefor and panis tene in mentenyng of the said ordour. 13th October, 1561. The said day, the baillies decernit and decreittit that Alexr. Forbes, sone and air to vmquhill Patrik Forbes, burges of Abirdene, hes sufficientlie prowin and werifeit that the said wmquhill Patrik had thir geir and gudis onder vrytin in his possessioun the tyme of his deceise, or at the leist the yeir of his deceis, pertening to him as his awin proper gudis, and aucht and suld pertene to the said Alexr. as air to his said wmquhill father : that is to say, ane targat of gold, ane vop of gold, ane siluer spune, ane horse, ane caldrone, ane mekile pot, ane litile pott, ane mekle pan, ane lytile pan, ane charger of tun, ane plait of tun, ane dische of tun, ane sasar of tun, ane mekyle spitt, ane lytile spitt, ane pair of vax, ane roist irne, ane taingis, ane ewil cruik, ane pair of pot bulls, ane pair of peper curnis, ane girdile ; ane furneist bed, with scheittis, blankattis, bowster, fedder bed and coddes, covering, curteingis, and beid scheittis ; ane furneist buird, couerit with neipry, with seruettis, and transchouris effeiring thairto ; ane gardnett of tun, ane cunter, ane kist, ane coffer, ane press, ane almary, ane vairsta, ane maill fatt, ane malt fatt, ane flesche fatt, ane fische fatt, ane knappiskua, ane govne of Frensche blak ; ane blak bonnet, lynit with weluott ; ane pair of hoise of blak Flemming, streikin owt, with blak tefetie ; ane belt, ane purse, ane sark, ane nycht curche, ane basin of brace ; ane cort stop, ane poynt stoip, ane chopin stoip, all three of tun ; ane wesching twell, twa chandelaris of brass, ane salt fatt ; with the quhilkis Besse Lowsoun, spous to the said wmquhile Patrik, and now spous to Patrik Menzeis, intromettit thairwith, quhawfor the baillies decernis and ordanis the said Besse Lowsoun and the said Patre Menzes, for his interes, to content, deliuer, and pay to the said Alexr. the said airship geir and gudis, as air to his said vmquhill father, or the just valour and pryce thairof, within terme of law, and condamnis the said Besse and Patrik in the expenssis of pley to be taxit eftervard. OF THE BURGH OF ABERDEEN. 337 22c? October, 1561. 22d October, The said day, Johnne Myln, cordonar, wes convickit in jugement be the 1561> haill assise afoir wrytin for the casting of fyir in his awin bed, and for ane vnlauchtfull nychtbour, and ane commound ressayttur, quhairfor he wes in amerciament of court to forbeir in tyme cuming, and amend as law will, and that wes gewin for dome. 21th October, 1561. The said day, the prowest, baillies, and counsell, decernit and ordanit Alexr. Cullane, thair nychtbour and comburges, to haue the keiping of the half of thair commound seall, quhilk Andrew Cullan, his grandsir, and Walter Cullan, his guidsyr, had in keipiug obefoir, to be observit and keipit be him in tyme cumyng, and vsit as the counsell and communite thinkis ex- pedient, and nocht to be takin fra him without ane notable fait be committit be him in keiping therof, and the same be knawin to the haill toune, con- forme to the last act maid be the counsell at the deliuering of the said half seall to his said guidsyr, of the dayt the aucht day of October, the yeir of God ane thowsand fywe hundreyth fourty and sax yeiris ; and that in re- spect that it is considderit and knawin be the consell that the said Alexr. is potent and strenzeabill in fyschingis, landis, and guidis to ansuir for the same, and qualifeit to succeyd in offyce, cuyr, and dignytie in the place and rowme of his saidis grandsir and gudsyr ; and decernit this act and ordi- nans to be intimat to the haile communite of this burght on Fredday nixt cumis, or in the nixt court quhen thai ar convenit for thair approbatioun therof ; vpoun the quhilkis the said Alexr. askit act and instrumentis in presens of the haill consell. The said day, the prowest, baillies, and consell ordanis Johnne Mylne, quha wes convickit obefoir for ane onlauchfull nychtbour, and for putting of fyir in his duelling hous in the Neddirkirkgett, to remowe furtht of the same, with his geir and gudis, within xxiiij houris, and to remowe furtht of the same quhill the consell prowyd vther reineid for the said offens. 10th November, 15G1. The said day, the prowest and baillies hawand consideratioun that all the stretis and gettis within this burght suld be keipit clene, without myddingis 338 EXTRACTS FROM THE COUNCIL REGISTER] loth Nov., or ony sic fylthines, at all tymes, thairfore commandis and ordanis the four officiaris to tak ane poynd wortht aucht schillingis, of ilk persoun within this toun quha beis fundyn gadderand myddingis on the gett, or leis mwk, yird, aise, or ony sic filthines, in ony pairt of the quenis gett, in ony tymes cura- ing, and to be poyndit alse oft as thai be foundyn doyng the sarayn. And the saidis prowest and baillies, for certane ressonabile causis mowing thame, gifis and grantis all the said wnlawis and poyndis to the saidis four officiaris to thair vtilite and proflytt, prowyding alwayis that gif in ony tymes cuming myddingis, mwk, yeird, aise, or ony sic fylthines beis fundyn vpon ony pairt of the quenis gett, in that cace the saidis officiaris to be poyndit for the samyn, be warding of thair personis in the tolbuytht als oft as salbe thocht expedient be the saidis prowest and baillies ; and ordanis the hand bell to pass this day throcht all the streittis of the said toun, to mak aduerteisment heirof to all the inhabitantis of the samyn. 14th November, 1561. The baillies ordanis Robert Jak, tailzeour, alias Cleythaneucht, quha wes convickit be ane swovne assise as ane briggan and ane commound nycht- vakar, and for rubbing and spulzeing of certane personis, vnder sylens of the nycht, to be baneist of this guid toune for his demeritis and crymes for- said ; and Gilbert Menzeis elder, and Johnn Fraser, laxfischer, become cautioneris and souerteis that the said Robert sail nocht be found within this toun in tyme cuming, onder the pane of four hundreyth merkis. November, 1561. The said day, George Gardyn of Banquhorie, astrikand him to the iuris- dictioun of Abirdene in this cace, become cautionar and souertie to the prowest and baillies of the said burght, in name of the haill toun, for Peter Howatt, quha wes found be the saidis prowest, baillies, and consell as a saillar in brigacie, and that the said Petir in all tymes cuming sail abstene fra all maner of sic cryme, and speciallie within this burght of Abirdene, sail nocht be found committand the said cryme, or ony wther cryme crimi- nall, vnder the pane of ane hundreytht merkis vsuall money of Scotland, to be takin and luftit vp of the said George Gardyne as propir dett to the said town and thair communite ; for the quhilkis the said George Gardyne is obleist be the tenour heirof; and iulykwyis Nicol Gardinar, Alexr. OF THE BURGH OF ABERDEEN. 339 Downy elder, Thomas Diksoun, Johnne Donald, Alexr. Smyth, and 18th NOV. Michell Howat obleist thame and ilkane of thame for thair awin pairt, con- 156L unctlie and seueralie, to releif the said George of all the premisses. Stk December, 1561. The said day, Mariory Rattrey, dochter to wmquhill Johnne Rattrey, being sworne, grantit and approwit that George Scott in Auchery, within the paroche of Crowdan, maid newer na appunctment nor contrak with hir, nor scho with him, of mereage, nor yit ony promise thairanent, and thairfoir renuncit, dischargit, and quietclamit him for ewer, and obleist hir, be the fayth and trewth of her body, that scho sell newer call, persew, nor molest the said George in tyme cuming for mereage, nor na wther promeise, nor yit mak to him ony impediment, bot suffer him to marry, without lat or stop, quhome ewer he pleissis, for the quhilk James Symsone is become cautionar and souertie ; and ather of the saidis partiis dischargit wtheris of all dettis and intromissionis that hes bene betuix thame in tyme bigane, to the day and dait of thir presentis, except the sowme of fourty merkis awand be the said George to the said Mariorie, therof the said Ma- riorie hes resauit twenty merkis presentlie at the making of thir presentis, and obleist him to pay hir the wther twentie merkis restand at the feist of Witsonday nixt to cum, or within twentie dayis thaireftir, for payment of the quhilk Johne Nicolsoun is become cautionar, souertie, and dettour, to be payit at the terme forsaid ; and the said George obleist him to releif the said Johnne Nicolsoun thairof at the terme forsaid, befoir thir witnes, Johnne Parke elder, William Hay of Auchery, William Broun in Blak- house, Johnne Pattoun in the Merniss, and Maister Johnne Kennedy, notar publict, with wther diuerse. 12th January, 1562. The said day, Thomas Menzeis exponit to the consell that he is suirlie informit that the quenis grace is to cum to the north partis to vesy the same, betuix this and Peace nixt to cum, or thairby, and that it is nocht onknawin to thame of her grace honorabill resauing at her first entry, and prencely propynis giffin to hir grace, in Edinburgh! and Dunde, and vther townis that hir grace hes veseit, and inquirit thame quhat thai thocht expe- dient to be done thairanent. Quha all in ane voce dewisit and ordanit the sowme of twa thousand merkis to be vpliftit for the preparatioun and decor- 340 EXTRACTS FROM THE COUNCIL REGISTER 12th January, ation of the toun, and to be propynit to hir grace, as vise hes bene in tymes bypast to be done to kingis and princes of this realrae at thair first entre, with consultation to be had quhair the said sovme may be best easalie col- lekit and gottyn. 2Qth January, 1562. The said day, in presens of the haill communite of this guid toun, being varnit, &c., Thomas Menzeis, prowest, exponit opinlie in jugement, how that thair nychtbour and guid friend, Maister Duncan Forbes, had pur- chest at the handis of our souerane lady the quenis grace, ane letter of factorie, to intromet with the mailis, fermes, and dewtice, of all and sindrie the croftis, riggis, and ruidis pertening sumtyme to the freiris predi- catouris, and carmelites of the said burght, of certane termes and yeiris bygane, and siclyk yeirlie and termelie in tyme cuming, ay and quhill ane generall ordour be maid thairanent, ; and hes purchest, and causit proclame our souerane ladyis letteris vpoun all the tennentis, possessouris, and oc- cupearis of the saidis croftis, to answer and obey the said Maister Duncane of the said mailis, fermis, and duetyce, onder the pane of rebellioun and putting of thame to the home. And alsua, as is allegit, the said Maister Duncane hes purchest and obtinit ane heretabill tytill and gift of propertie of the saidis croftis, with the freiris places and yardis thairof, and that in recompensatioun of the seruice done to our souerane lady and hir grace mother, quene drurear and regent of this realme, and requirit the counsell and haill communite quhat thai thocht expedient to be done thairanent, in presens of the said Mr. Duncane Forbes, quha effermit the declaratioun forsaid maid be the prowest and baillies, and that he had acceppit the saidis croftis be gift of our soverane lady, in recompensatioun of his fee and service bipast, in respect that thair wes diuerse particular personis, as he alleigit, laborand diligently for the recouering therof to thame selffis, for thair awin singular veill. Nochtwithstanding, gif the communite of this guid toun dois purches and recower be ony way the saidis croftis and places at the handis of our soverane lady, for nocht or for ocht, to be applyit for the commound weill of the haill toun, in that cace he is contentit to demit his rycht, titill, and interes of the saidis croftis and places, and sell nocht labour in thair contrar in obtening thairof, thai obtenand and purchesancl the samyn betuix this and the feist of Pace nict to cum, and wes contentit and obleist him that na executioun of his saidis letteris of horning suld be OF THE BURGH OF ABERDEEN. 341 maid nor vsit in the meyntyme quhill the said feist of Pace, and protestit 20th January, gif the communite labouris nocht the same to be dun in maner forsaid betuix this and the said terme of Pace, that it be lesum to him to stik with his rycht and defend the same, and execut his saidis letteris with- out thair gruige or indignatioun. Eftir the quhilkis declaratiouns the haill communite that wer present, all in ane voce, consentit to send commis- sionaris to the quenis grace, and to gif ane supplicatioun to hir grace, delaittit with guid narratioun and trew report of the mater, for pur- chessing of the saidis croftis and places to the communite and commound veill of this burght, gif the same may be had at hir grace handis frelie of hir grace guidnes and liberalitie ; and gif the same may nocht be purchest frelie without gratitud and compositioun, to offer hir grace guid deid, gratitud, and sic pecuniall compositioune as the saids commissionaris may maist easaly appoynt and condescend thairanent. And to that effect obleist thame selffis to contrabut and pay (or it saill) lergelie of their geir and guidis, for the purchessing and obtening of the saidis croftis and places, sua the samyn be applyit to the communite and commond veill of this burght ; and to the effect aboun wrytin nominat and chesit Thomas Menzes and Valter Cant commissionaris, and ordanis ane commissioun to be maid to thame thairwpon, onder the townis commound seall, togidder with certane articalis and informatioun to be gewin thame in vryt be the consell thair- anent, and thai to ryd vpoun the townis expenssis, to be modifeit be the consell. 6th April, 1562 The said day, James Leslie presentit and gaif in ane supplicatioun in jugement to the prowest, baillies, counsell, and communite, desyrand ane pece west ground lyand within the fredome of Abirdene, vpoun the northt syd of the fuill cassy, merchand with the Spittell, heretable in few, to big ane barne and barneyard thairopoun, for payment of sic few maill yeirlie as the counsell wald devyise. And it wes thocht expedient that the coun- sell and sa mony vtheris as plesit suld pass vpoun Settirday nixt cumis to the said pece of west ground, and vesy and consider gif the setting of the same in few be hurtfull to the inhabitantis of this toun and fredome thairof, other in casting of fewall or pasturing of guidis, sua that thairefter ma be gewin ane sufficient answer to the said James desyir and supplicatioun. And alsua the saidis visitouris to consider the day forsaid all command ven- 2 Y 342 EXTRACTS FROM THE COUNCIL REGISTER 6th April, nallis within the toun, and all commound gettis within and about the toun, gif the same be onywayis stoppit, condamnit, distroyit, or deraineist aganis the auld wse and consuetude had thairof at ony tymes bypast, in hurt of the in- habitantis or quhatsumewer passingeris, sua that remeid may be put thairto thaireftir be the awyise of the counsell. The said day, comperit in jugement Thomas Nicolsoun, and producit in presens of the haill communite of the said burght, convenit in thair heid court, ane vryting subscrywit with the handis of the maist pairt of the counsell of the said burgh, contening thair obligatioune and faithfull pro- mise maid to him, of the nixt vacand profyt, other land or wattertak, that happinnit to fall in the townis handis, at thair dispositioun, for sic caussis as ar specifeit and continit in the said vryting. And because the said pro- mise and obligatioun concernit the haill communite, the said Thomas desyrit thame of thair gudnes, and for his seruice bigane, that thai wald ratify and approve the same, and gif their wryttis and consentis thairto, and mak him securite thairwpone, conforme to the contentis therof, of the quhilk the tenour followis : We prowest, baillies, counsell, and commumtie of Abir- dene, hawand respect that the peice west ground, lyand within the fredome of Abirdene, besyd the Keppillhill, desyrit in few be our weilbelouit nycht- bour, Thomas Nicolsoun, ane of the baillies of our said burght, is of small valour, and yit the setting thairof in few may be hurtfull to our nychtbouris hawand land adiacent contigue thairto, and thairfor hes solistit the said Tho- mas to desist fra the persuit heirof ; quherfor, and for wther ressonabill caussis mowing ws, and speciallie because the said Thomas hes done guid seruice baith to the toune in tymes bypast, to his gryt expenssis (vnrecompensit as yit), and hes borne office of dignitie and charge of this guid toune, and sustenit ane honest rowme amangis ws, thairfor we bind and obleis ws and our succes- souris to gif the said Thomas the nixt vattertak or land tak that hapnis to vaik, and be thir presentis giffis him our voittis and consentis thairof, he payand thairfor yeirlie sic maill and duetie as the same presentlie payis allanerlie, without ony compositioun or interes siluer, and sell mak him suir securitie thairupone, according to the vse of this burght ; to the quhilk we bind ws faithfullie, but fraud, gyll, or contradictioun to be maid in the contrar, be this vryt, subscriuit with our handis at Abirdene, the last day of September, the yeir of God m v c and saxtie yeiris. Quhilk vryting being opinlie red, in presens of the haill communitie, considerit and vnder- OF THE BURGH OF ABERDEEN 343 stand be thame, thai thocht and declarit the same ressonabill, and ratifeit 6th April, and apprewit the same in all poyntis, and grantit and gaue thair fre consent and faithfull promise thairto, obleissing thame and thair successoris for ob- serving and completing thairof, and decernit ane gift and securitie to be maid to the said Thomas thairupoune, wnder thair commond seall, and ordanis the keiparis thairof to seall the same, vpoun the quhilkis the said Thomas desyrit act and instrument in presens of the haill toun. 4tk May, 1562. The said day, John Kelo, belman, wes accusit in jugement for the passing throw the rewis of the toune with the hand bell, be oppin voce, to convene the haill communitie, or sa mony thairof as wald convene, to pass to the wood to bring in symmer upoun the first Sonday of Mali, contravinand the actis and statutis of the quenis grace and lordis of consell, eppeirandlie to raise tumult and ingener discord betuix the craftismen and the fre burgessis of gild, and the saidis craftismen to dissobey and adtempt aganis the superioris of the toun, gif it stuid in thair power, as the saidis prowest and baillies ar informit, the said Johnne hawing na command of the saidis prowest and baillies to do the same ; and inlykwyise Alexr. Burnatt alias Potter wes accusit for passing throw the toun with ane swech, to the effect and occa- sioun aboun wryttin. Quhilkis Johnne and Alexander confessit the samyn, allegiand thai did the samyn of na ewill mynd, bot conforme to the auld vse, and be command of Johnne Grant, quha is ane fre burgess and brothir of gild, and had done na wrang thairin, as thai alleigit. And the said Johnne Grant inlykmaner beand accusit for giffing command to the saidis Johnne and Alexander, as is aboun wrytin, and passing throw the toun fortifeing and mentening thame as he mocht, to the effect forsaid, grantit and apprewit the same, and denyit ony wrang done be him thairintill. Quhilk mater wes put to the decisioun and knawledge of the assise aboun wrytin, chosin, suorne, and admittit in jugement, quhilkis acceppit the said mater on thame, and efter detfull consultatioun and consideration ryplie awisit, enterit in court, fand and deliuerit, all in ane voce, be the moutht of Gilbert Menzeis elder, chancellor of the said assise for the tyme, that the saidis personis had grytlie wrangit in the committing of the said enormitie and heycht atemptat, but the awise of the prowest, baillies, and superioris of the toun, quhairfor thai and ilkane of thame wer in amer- ciament of court, and that wes gewin for dome, and the modificatioun of 344 EXTRACTS FROM THE COUNCIL REGISTER 4th May, the amendis referrit to the discretioun of the consell. Quhilkis thaireftir beand deulie convenit, discernit and ordanit the saidis personis to compeir vpoun Sonday nixt curais within the paroche kirk, and thair, immediatlie aftir the preaching, in presens of the congregatioun, grant thair said offens, as done throw ignorance, and vpon thair kneis ask God and the congrega- tioun forgifnes, and obleist thameselffis thair, opinlie, that gif thai be con- victit for sic offens in tym cuming, to tyn thair fredorae, proffit, and pre- velege of this guid toun, and to be separat and exulat fra the societie thairof frathinfurtht ; and quha of thame dissobeys the said ordinance, to incur the samyn pane, but fauer or request to be hard in the contrar. 8th May, 1562. The said day, the haill toune being convenit, &c., consentit, grantit, and ordanit that the haill money gottin for the siluer wark, brassin wark, keipis, and ornamentis of thair paroche kirk, being in the handis of Patrik Menzes, thesaurar to the toune presentlie, be disponit and applyit vpoun the biging and restaurectioun of the peir and key heid of the said burght, and of the brig of Done, and of the arteilzery and munitioune pertening to the toune, and the said mony nor na pairt thairof to be applyit to na wther wse ; and chesit Maister Robert Lumisdene, maister of wark to the said brig, and Thomas Nicolsoun and Androw Buk, maisteris of wark to the said key heid, arteilzery, and munitioun, quha acceppit the samyn ; and ordanis thir forsaidis to be done with all diligence, and the said thesaurer to answer and obey thame of money for performing thairof, and the samyn to be allowit to him in his nixt cornptis. The sayd day, the haill toune being warnit, &c., grantit and consentit, all in ane voce, nane opponanand in the contrar, to sett heritable in few ferme, to Thomas Branche, his airis, and assignais, all and haill the sklayt- hous, callit the kirkludge, lyand at the wast pairt of the north syd of Sanct Nicolas kirkyard, betuix the land of Johnne Kennedy on the northt part, the quenis commound gett on the vast part, and the said kirkyard on the eist and southt partis, conforme to the said Thomas petitioune and suppli- catioune gevin thairwpone ; and ordanis ane few chartour to be mayd to the said Thomas, his airis and assignais, thairwpone, contening sic conditions and clausis as the counsall sail think expedient, and referrit the modifica- tioune of the yeirlie few maill to be payit thairfor to the discretioun of the OF THE BURGH OF ABERDEEN. 345 counsel!, quha modifeit the same to the sowme of fyfty thre schillingis iiij d., 8th May, to be payit at Wytsonday and Martimes, be two equall portionis as vse is, prowyding alwais that thair be no entre in tym cuming to the said land on the eyst syid therof, nixt the kirkyard, bot only in the wast syd therof. 16th June, 1562. The said day, George Burnatt, in presens of Dauid Mar, bailze, and witnes wnderwrytin, compeirit and obleist himself faythfullie to accept Mariorie Mair, his spous, in his familiar cumpany and hartlie fauour, and intreit hir in bed and buird, luf and kyndnes, godlie and fauourable, as it becumis ane mareit man to do to his wyf, remittand all offenssis and elestis done be hir in tymes bygane, quhidder the same wes trew or not, and neuer to imput the same to hir charge in tyme cuming, nor yit sell moif ane cause of diuorce aganis hir in tymes cuming, nor yit sell moif ane caus for na occasioun bypast, afoir the dait of thir presentis ; to the quhilk the said George obleist himself, vnder the pane of ane thousand pound vsuall money of Scotland, to be payit to the said Mariorie, quhilk sowme the said George grantit him to hawe resauit fra the said Mariory, provyding alvayis that gif it beis sufficientlie verefyit and prowin that in tyme cuming the said Mariory keip nocht hir body clene to hir said spous, bot chances to commit the cryme of adultery, of the quhilk he hes bene vrangouslie informit in tymes bygane, in that cace the said George to be fre of his band and obligatioun ; and it sail be lesum to him to moif ane caus of diuorse aganis the said Mariory, and scho neuer to haue ony pairt of his geir nor guidis thaireftir in tym cuming, the said crym being notorlie knawin to the honest men and consell of this toun ; to the quhilk the said George grantit and consentit befor thir witnes, Gilbert Menzes elder, Thomas Branche, Vm. Menzes, and Mr. John Kennedy. \0th July, 1562. The said day, the baillies decernit and decreittit that Mr. Eduard Men- zes, cheplane of Sanct Androwis cheplanrie, within the paroche kirk of Abirdene, fundit be vmquhile Johnne Mar, hes prowin sufficientlie that ho is lauchtfullie infeft in ane annuell rent of ten schillingis vsuall money of Scotland, of all and haill ane tenement of land pertening to the chaplanrie of the Thre Kingis, lyand in the Gallovget, on the west syd therof, betuix the land of vmquhill John Crag on the northt part, and the land of Andro 346 EXTRACTS FROM THE COUNCIL REGISTER loth July, Crafurd on the south part, and the quenis commond yettis on the eist and vest pairtis, now pertening heretablie in few ferme to Dauid Vmfra and Andro Hervy, and ordains him to be payit and obeyit therof in all tym earning. 24th July, 1562. The said day, Johnn Chalmer wes accusit in jugement, at the instance of the thesaurar and dene of gild, and Dauid Mar, bailze, in name of the haill toun, for the iniuring of diuerse nychtbouris and inhabitantis thairof in deid, and sklandering of thame in word, and for mischawing of himself in sic sindry wayis, sua that he is ane unlauchtfull nychtbour, and aucht nocht to be sufferit to pas at liberte within this burght. Quhilk the said Johne denyit, and offerit him to vnderly the censment of ane assise, gif he be culpabile in the premissis ; quhilk actioun wes put to the decisioun and knawledge of the assise aboun writin, chosin, suorne, and admittit in jugement, in presens of the said Johnn, quhilk accepit the said mater vpon thame, and out of court remowit, and efter lang and detfull consultatioun, ryply awisit, enterit in court, fand and deliuerit all in ane voce, be the mowtht of Gilbert Menzes, chancellar of the said assise for the tym, that the said Johnn Chalmer is ane insufficient and vnlauchfull nychtbour, and aucht nocht to be sufferit to pass at libertie in this toun, to commit sic misordour and enormiteis as he daly committis and dois, for the quhilk the said John wes convictit and put in amerciament of court. llth August, 1562. The said day, the prouest, baillies, and counsell ordanis Patre Menzes, thesaurar, to send Maister Dauid Borthuik, procuratour for the toun in the cause of varandice mowit aganis thame be Wm. Forbes, to defend the said mater, sax pound Scottis, and to the man that bairis the samyn to him with the townes informatioun, and to pas to Striveling with vryt- ingis of the townes to the Erll of Marr, the sovme of threttie s., quhilk sail be allowit to him in his nixt comptis. 26th August, 1562. The said day, the haill toune being conuenit for the maist pairt, repre- sentand the haill body of the communite, it wes exponit to thame be Maister Robert Lumisden, in name of the haill counsell, quhow that the OF THE BURGH OF ABERDEEN. 347 propyne devysit to be gevin to the quenis grace, and preparatioun of sic 26th August, thingis as is devysit agane her first entre to this burght, will exceed in ex- penssis the haill sowme devysit to that effect, or that ma be purchesit or had, other of the common guid restand of forhand, or of the taxacioun and contribution of the toun alreddy stentit and vpliftit of the nychtbouris and inhabitants thairof, and that thair is diuerse and sindry personis sett and stentit in the taxt roll, sum absent of the cuntrey, and otheris remaining in landwart, quhais taxatioun can nocht be had to prepair the said de- coratioun, in consideratioun of the schortnes of the tym, quhilkis personis the counsell hes ordanit and decernit to haue tint thair fredome, and all proffit and privilege of this burght in tyme cuming. And thir premissis, and vtheris respectis considerit be the counsell, it is thocht be thame and knawin to inlaik the sowme of tua hundreytht merkis and mair, to furneis and performe the said decoratioun, as is necessar to be done for the honour of the toun ; and that the said counsell hes bene diuerse tymes convenit and consultand togidder quhair the said sovme mycht maist easelie be had, and bed concludit the maist easiest and convenient way for hawing thairof wes to sett the small custumis in formaling for the space of ten yeiris, and the four mylnis of the toun in assedatioun for the space of nyntene yeris, and that to Thomas Menzeis of Petfoddellis, thair prowest, he furnesand the said sowme, and deliuering the same to the townis thesaurar, with all diligens to prepair the premissis, because the time is schort. And inquirit oppinlie the haill communite gif tha wald condiscend and assent to the said consultatioun and devyce of the consell, or gif thai wald fynd ane vther mair easie and convenient way to the effect forsaid. Quhilkis being op- pinlie and particularly, every man be himself, inquyrit heirvpon, grantit and consentit thairto, and thocht the same expedient all in ane voce, ex- cept thir personis following : that is to say, Maister Duncane Forbes, Thomas Holland, Walter Lowsoun, Johnne Tullydeff, Androw Brechin, and Walter Cullan, quhilkis disassentit and opponit in the coritrar therof, and the remanent of the haill communite ordanis ane commissioun to be maid, vnder thair commond seall, to the commissionaris chosin for this instant yeir, to sett the said small fewis in formaling to the said Thomas Menzes and Gilbert Menzes his sone and appeirand air, for the said space of ten yeiris nixt and imraediatlie following the dait of thir presently, quhilk sell be thair interest thairto ; and alsua, the saidis four mylnis in tak and assedatioun to the saidis Thomas and Gilbert for the said space 348 EXTRACTS FROM THE COUNCIL REGISTER 26th August, of nyntene yeiris nixt and immediatly following the feist of Witsonday nixt to cum, in the yeir of God m v c saxty and thre yeiris, quhilk sell be thair interes thairto, for yeirlie payment of the sowme of threttie aucht raarkis vsuall money of Scotland, for the saidis milnis, and that becaus the said Thomas Menzes his father and predecessour had the said small custurnis and mylnis in tak and assedatioun obefor, and yit the said Thomas is in possessioun thairof, and villinglie to do for the same as vtheris nycht- bouris of the said burght dois, and hes done, for thair natiwe takis and kyndlie rowmis, offering to the rait and valour thairof. 2d September, 1562. The said day, the prowest, baillies, and counsell, being conuenit in the conselhous within the tolbuytht, ratifeit and approvit of new the act and ordinans maid obefoir be the counsell in fauouris of Gilbert Malysoune, makand him sersour and visitour to considder and try gif all salmound bar- rellis maid be the couperis that passis furth of Abirdene and fredome thairof be sufficient and of the just masour of Abirdene : that is to say, ellevin gallownis and half galloun to be mesurit with the commoun jrne and gage of this burght, and brynt with the markyne jrne therof, as the statut maid thair wpon of the dait the nynt day of Februar, 1536 yeiris, proportis, and the haill counsell wes contentit and assentit that the said Gilbert surrogat and deputt in his place, to wse the said office, Alexander Malysone, his sone, the said Gilbert standand, as he is presentlie obleist be his landis and guidis, for dew administratioun of the said cuyr and office, confonne to the said statut in all punctis ; vpon the quhilk the said Gilbert tuik act and instrument. 18th September, 1562. The said day, the haill counsell, being convenit, hawand consideratioun that Thomas Menzeis, prowest, hes debursit and deliwerit to the townis thesaurar the sowme of fourtie poundis vsuall money of Scotland for the girsum of the townis mylnis, set to him in assedatioune for the space of nynteine yeiris, for payment of the auld maill, and forther hes debursit the sowme of fourtie markis Scottis money, makand in the haill the sowme of tua hundreyth markis for the weill of the toune, to be applyit for the deco- ratioun thairof at our soverane ladyis first entres thairto, and hes na ganis nor profit for the said sowme of fourtie merkis, quhairfor thai discharge him OF THE BURGH OF ABERDEEN. of the malis of the said mylnis, extending to the sowrae of threttie aucht 18th Sept. markis, for the space of ane yeir nixt following his entre to the saidis mylnis, continit in his assedatioun forsaid, and ordanis the said thesaurar to gif him ane sufficient acquittans thairvpon, and to deliuer him instantlie tuentie sax s. viij d., in compleit payment of the foirsaid soume of xl markis. The said day, the prowest, haillies, and counsell, with consent and assent of the haill communitie, decernit that all personis that ar fremen and bur- gessis of this burght, and remanis nocht actuallie within the same, nor yit scottis, lottis, walkis, and wardis, nor payis nocht thair taxatiounis as the remanent burgessis and nychtbouris of the toun dois, quhais names efter followis, to haue tynt thair fredome, becaus thair hes bene diuerse statutis and ordinances maid vpoun thame obefoir to hawe cum and remanit within the said burght, and maid actuall residens thairintill, scottit, lottit, walkit, and wardit, and payit thair contributionis and taxationis as said is, at ane certane terme, of lang tym bygane, and diuerse publict proclamationis being made thairopoun, and thay contempnandly heis disobeyit, and wald be na way obey the saidis ordinancis, and speciallie hes nocht contrabutit with the toun in paying of thair partis of the stent and taxatioun laitlie wptakin to be gevin and disponit to the quenis grace in propyne, and decoratioun of the toun at hir grace first entre thairto ; and ordanis William Barclay, officiar, to pas the morne, quhilk is the mercat day of this burght, to the mercat croce thairof, and thair be oppin proclamatioun mak oppin denuncia- tioun of the said decreit, and dcnunce the saidis personis quhais names eftir followis, to haue tint thair fredome in maner forsaid, quhilk the said officiar did in presens of the prowest and baillies forsaid. Heir efter followis the names of the personis that wes denuncit to have tint thair fredome : that is to say, George Gardyne of Banquharie, James Pantoun of Tullymad, Alexr. Hog, Wm. Farquharson, Dauid Chalmer of Bawithan, Wm. Keytht, Alexr. Thomsoun, Win. Johnstoun in Keayis Mylne, Nicol Gar- dinar, James Straquhin, Wm. Duncan, Alexr. Blinschell, and George Spens. The said day, the prowest and baillies decernit and decreittit that it is sufficientlie prowin befoir thame that Christan Fynny and Allan Blair, hir spous, for his interes, Besse Blair and Robert Knowis, hir spous, for his interes, hes sufficientlie verifyit and prowin that vpoun the tuelt day of Junij 2 z 350 EXTRACTS FROM THE COUNCIL REGISTER isth Sept., last bipast or thairby, vmquhile Claris Mony Peny, spous of Alexr. Ro- bertsoun, cordonar, befoir hir decease, left in legacie to the saidis Cristan and Besse the cleything and abilzement of hir body, togidder with the haill geir, gudis, sowmes of money, and dettis pertening or that mycht perten to hir the tym of hir decess, be ressoun that scho wes his lauchfull spous, and na barnis lauchfullie gottyn betuix tharae beand lewand, and that the said Alexander and vmquhill Claris, his spous forsaid, the tym of hir decese had thir guidis, geir, and sowmes of mony vnderwrytin pertening to thame as thair awin propir geir and guidis movable, besyd the airschipe : that is to say, sax dakir of barkit hydis in the pottis, pryce of the dakkir auchten crovnnis ; item, tua dakkir and ane half dakkir of roche ledder in the lyme, price of the dakkir saxtene crownis ; item, in the biytht, of brokin ledder, wortht twentie s. ; item, in the loft, ane chalder and ane half of bark, pryce of ilk boll tuelf s. ; item, ane stand, xxx d. ; tua pannis, sax s. : thre pottis, threttene s. four d. ; thre plaittis, sax s. viij d. ; tua chandelaris, sax s. ; tua dischis, thre s. ; ane Scottis couering, aucht s. ; tua pair of auld lynning scheittis, tene s. ; tua pair of hardyn scheittis, ten s. ; ane pece blak claytht of fywe elnis, pryce of the elne twentie s.; item, sewin ellis of quhyt carsay, pryce of the elne xx d. ; nyne elnis of lynning claytht, price of the elne tua s. ; item, of mony threttene ane poundis ; of the quhilkis haill geyr and guidis and mony aboun wrytin (the dettis awand be the said Alexr. the tym of his said wyffis decess being takin off) the iust half pertenis and suld pertene to the said Cristane Fynny, Allan Blair, hir spous, for his interes, and Besse Blair and Robert Knowis, hir said spous, for his interes, be res- son the samin becumis to the deidis part as the half house, quha befoir hir deces maid lauchfull dispositioun and legacie of hir rycht thairof to the saidis Cristane and Besse in maner aboun wrytin, quhairfor the baillies de- cernit and ordanit the said Alexander Robertsone to deliuer to the saidis Cristane and Besse, and thair saidis spowssis, for thair interes, the halff of the haill geir and gudis aboun wrytin, or the valour and pryces thairof aboun exprimit, togider with the half of the mony aboun wrytin, within terme of law, the dettis alwayis awand be the said Alexander the tyme of his said wyfis decess being tane of the haill hous, sa far as he may iustlie preif, within the said terme wes awand ; and als ordanis the said Alexander to deliuer thame the abilzement of his wyfis body within the said terme, sa far as thai ma sufficientlie preiff, and condamnis the said Alexr. in the ex- penssis of pley to be taxit efterwart. OF THE BURGH OF ABERDEEN. 351 llth October, 1562. 17th October, The said day, the counsel! ordanis the thesaurar to mak zettis of tre 1562 - vpoun the tua eist portis, and als to mak bomis at the west end of the castelget, and wther places of the town neidfull ; and quhat expenssis he makis vpon the same to be allowit to him in his nixt compt. October, 1562. The said day, it wes considerit be the haill counsell that the commound guid of this burght, bayth propirtie and accidens, is of small importans, and litill in respect of the gryt advis necessar, quhairvpoune the samyn aucht to be applyit for the commound weill of this burght, and that thair ministir hes gottyn yeirlie the sovm of thre hundreyth markis of thair said commoun guid thir diuerse yeiris immediatlie bygane, to the gryt hurt of this burght, quhome the toun ma nocht gudlie sustene in sic sort vpoun thair small rentis, and quhome the bischope of Abirdene aucht to sustene vpoun his expenssis, be ressoun that he ressauis of thame his stipendteyndis and duetie thairfor ; and thairfor thai, all in ane voce, inhibit thair thesaurar and den of gild to ansuer the said minister of the said yeirlie pensioun fra- thinfurth, and thocht expedient that he be nocht ansuerit nor payit thairfor in tyme cuming, for the caussis aboun wry tin. The said day, the haill counsell being convenit within the gray freiris, ordanit that Johnne Cowper sell hawe fywe s. for ewerie nycht that he hes wachit bygane in the townis service, and siclyke to hawe fywe s. ilk nycht in tyme cuming, sa lang as the townis watching induris, he thairfor con- venand the wachemen be the sound of his swass throw the towne efter supper, and siclyk to pley thairwpone at the depairting of the wache in the morning, conforme to the ordinans of the counsell, and ordanis the the- saurar to ansuer and obey him thairof, quhilk sell be allowit in his nixt comptis. The said day, the counsell ordanit that Thomas Nicolsoun sell be re- compensit and payit of the skayth sustenit be him in braking of certane chalmeris of his arteilzerie, quhilkis the toun borrowit fra him, and wes vsit and schot with pulder in volie at the quenis first entre to this burght ; and ordanis Androw Buk and Alexr. Rattre to considder the said skaytht, and gif ane declaratioun thairof to the counsell. 352 EXTRACTS FROM THE COUNCIL REGISTER 19th October, The said day, anent the supplicatioun exhibeit to the prowest, baillies, and counsell be William Crafurd, officiar of this burght the yeir immedi- atlie bypast, and is remowit thairfra without occasioun or saill doyn be him, desyring support of the honest men of the toun to help him to ane craym, that he may trawell to win his lifing in the cuntray, lyk as in the supplica- tioun at mair lyntht is continit ; and the counsell ordinit Johime Tullydef, or sum wther honest man, to pass to the houssis of maist honest men and desyr the said support. 25th October, 1562. The said day, Loke Traill, duelland in Petfoddellis, grantit and con- fessit him awand to Alexr. Robertson and Johnn Robertsoun, his brother, the soume of aucht pound xiij s. iiij d. vsuall money of Scotland, quhilk he obleist him to pay to the saidis personis at thair termes eftir following, that is to say, the ane iust half thairof at the feist and terme of Mertimes nixt to cum, and the wther half thairof at the feist and terrne of Witsonday nixt thaireftir following ; for the quhilk the said Alexander, for himself and all vtheris, his kyn and freyndis, remittis and forgiffis the said Loke and all vtheris, his kyn, freyndis, assisteris, complicis, faueraris, and part takaris of the bluid drawing of him, and art and parte thairof; and als of the slauchter of vmquhill Besse Chalmer, his spouse, allegit committit be the said Loke of suddentie. And Androw Chalmer and Alexr. Oglay, litsteris, become cautionaris and souerteis that the said Loke sail newer be callit, per- sewit, trublit, nor molestit thairfor in the law, nor by the law, in na tymis cuming, and the said Alexander and Johnn obleist thame to releif the saidis cautionaris befoir thir witnes : Alexr. Howesoun, Androw Gareaucht, and Eduard Donaldsoun, and wther diuerse. 25th Norwmber, 1562. The said day, Thomas Menzeis, prowest, and Maister George Myddil- toun, bailze, decernit and ordanit Margrat Forbes, servand to Maister Robert Andersone, quha is convickit for the strubling, stryking, and bluid drawing of Elizabeth Wood, to pay and recompens the barbour for the curing and leyching of the said Elizabetht, and to gif her also for ane pe- cuniall pane xxvj s. viij d. Scottis mony. And attour to compeir on Son- day nixt cumis, irnmediatlie efter the preching, within the parroche kirk, and thair, in presens of the congregatioun, ask God and the party offendit OF THE BURGH OF ABERDEEN. 353 forgifties, with a contreit and penitent mynd ; and gif ewer sche committis 25th Nov. sic offence in tym cuming, to be baneist of this toun for ewer ; and the said Maister Robert Andersone, hir maister, is becumin souertie and cautioun for fulfilling of the premisses, in presence of the prowest and bailzies. 4tk December, 1562. The said day, the haill merchandis of this burght, being varnit, &c., chesit and nominat Thomas Menzes, prowest, and Maister Robert Lu- misdene thair lauchtfull commissionaris, to pass to Edinburght, and cary with thame sic euidentis and charteris of the townis liberteis and preue- legis as thai think maist necessar to be confirmit be the quenis grace for the commond weill of this burght, and speciallie the preuelege of the doyn getting of the custum of certane skynnis, sic as hog, scherling, futfaill, lamskyne, and wtheris, continit in the infeftraent thairof, and to labour and solist to get ane confirmatioun thairwpoune in dew forme, according to the deliuerans of the quenis grace, at hir last being in Aberdene, giffin vpoun the supplicatioun exhibeit vnto hir grace in name of the haill toune thair- anent. And generalie to do all vther thingis concerning the premissis that the saidis merchandis mycht do, gif thai wer all present in propir personis, promittand'to hald ferine and stabill, and obleist thame selffis, that quhat expenssis the saidis commissionaris makis in the performing of the pre- missis, to refound the same thankfullie to thame, togidder with thair reason- abill expenssis that they spend the said reid, and in gratitud for thair panis and trawell. February, 1553. The said day, the haill counsell beand convenit within the chepdour hous of Sanct Nicolas kirk, decernit and ordinit Patre Menzeis, thesaurar of this toun, to pay and recompans Thomas Nicolsoun the sowme of nyn- tene lib. Scottis money, for the cost and expenssis maid be him vpoun the makin of twa chalmeris of gunnis, quhilk tua chalmeris the said Thomas lennit to the said toun, and wes brokin at the quenis first entre thairto, quhilk sail be allowit to the said Patre in his nixt comptis. 12th March, 1563. The said day, Thomas Andersoune become cautionar and souerte for Marjory Andersoune, his sister, to mak thankfull payment induiring hir 254 EXTRACTS FROM THE COUNCIL REGISTER 25th March, lyftyme yeirlie, to Maister Edward Menzeis, cheplane of Sanct Margratis cheplanry, within the paroche kirk of Abirdene, of ane annuell rent of fourtie schillingis vsuall money of Scotland, annaliit be wmquhill Androw Crafurd, hir husband, to be vpliftit yeirlie of the land and tenement per- tening to the said vmquhile Androw, hir spouse, and to the said Mariorie in conjunct fee, lyand in the Gallowgett of the said burght, on the west syid of the same, forganis the gray freiris place ; and siclyk, to content and pay yeirlie, induring the space forsaid, to the cheplanis of the paroche kirk of Aberdene ane annuell rent of twentie s. of the landis and tenementis forsaid, at Witsonday and Mertimes, be equall portionis, without ony puynding, comprising, or calling in the law for the samyne, becaus the said Maister Edward and cheplanis forsaid hes bene guid and thankfull to the said Mariorie, in remitting of ane part of the said annuell rentis awand to thame respectiue of certane termes bigane ; and the said Mariorie obleyst hir to releyff the said Thomas of all the premissis. The baillies ordanis the four officiaris to pass with Schir Johnne Col- lyson, collectour to the cheplanis of the paroche kirk of Aberdene, and puynd and distrenze all the inhabitantis within this burght and fredome thairof, for thair maillis, few maillis, and annuell rentis awand to thame of all yeris and termes bygane, conforme to our souerane ladeis letteris directit thairupoune, and mak the saidis cheplanis to be payit without ony forther delay. I5tk March, 1563. The baillies chargit Elizabeth Annand, spouse to Johnne Maitland, to pay Francis Degley, harbour, twentie s. Scottis mony, for the laubouris bestowit be him vpoun the said Elizabeths dochter, in heling and mending of hir ein, within terme of law. 22>d January. Oystian Crystye. George Smyth. Margrett Myrtoun, harlet to Wm. Cry sty. Mansonis Wyff. Sande Fraser, and Brumhill, his harlott. Alexr. Philp. Mage Dicky, harlat to Allan Bulfurd. Wm. Gowny, Jonet Hill, Mage Irynsyd, And Jonet Hay, all in ane howse. Crukit Rob. Mekill Maly. Andrew Devynny. Agnes Scott. Johnne Job and his wyf. Gilbert Burnet. Alexr. Wodny, sklatter, and his wyf. Jonet Tumour. Dovpis Wyf and hir tua dochteris. Watte Andersoun, to be punest and banyst Skirling Tailzeour. Hectour Dallowquhy. Katte Eduard. Crukit Alhowse and his sonne. Elspett Mathy. Dauid Bardame. William Allan and his harlot. George Smytht. The auld smyth callit Huid. Heir efter followis the namis of the personis that lies sett souerteis, and the namis of ther souerteys : Maister Robert Chamer souerte for Philp Moiris wyf. Maister Robert Lumsden, for Alexr. Crysteys wyf, Maly Still, and her dochter. OF THE BUKGH OF ABEKDEEN. 369 Gilbert Mengzes eldar, for Williame Snawy, Maggy Myll, alias Crystie, 22d January, Johnne Sanderis, George Malace, and Andrew George and his wyf. Williame Forbes, for Williame Crysty, conforme to the ordinans. Gilbert Kyntor youngar, for Agnes Caird and Johnne Duquharis. Maister Thomas Mengzes, for Androw Thomsonis wyf. Robert Johnnstoune, for the relict of Alexr. Reid and Maly Oglay. Maister Patrick Ruderford, for Heleine Broune, Johnne Forbes, Dauid Macky, and Watsoune the pynnour, and Jane Stewart. Gilbert Collysoune, for Johnne Macky, Heleyne Duncan, M'Roby, and for his wyf, Androw Moreiss, Androw Catness and his wyf, Androw Gawis wyf, and Isobell Buchane. Gilbert Mengzes, for Issobell Morysoune. Alexr. Malysoune and Alexr. Bairnis, for Margaret Schippert. Johnne Baytht, for Elspett Cragmyll, Marebell Innes, and Girsall Fow- lartowne. Wille Oglay, for Crystanie Allane. Patrick Mamwir, for Adame Fawsteris wyf, and Maly Scott and hir dochter. Robert Malysoune, for Elizabeth Philp. Thomas Howey, for Johnne Rayis wyf. Alexr. Cullen, for Thome Pirey, Johnnstoun, and John Reid. Maister Patrick Ruderfurd and Gilbert Collisoun, for Johnne Huntaris wyf. Nicholl Chamer, for Ellesoune Still. Williame Robertsoun, goldsmyth, for Helein Allan, Crystain Hill, and Issobell Inglis, hir dochter. James Ewin, for Elspet Fowlartown. Gilbert Gray, for Margret Gray and hir sister, Wm. Brownis wyf, Mage Dauidsoun and Issobell Dauidsoun, hir seruandis, and Elspett Cuming. Alexr. Malysoun, for Thomas Troup and his wyf. Olmer Zoung and Wm. Car, for Crystaine Barbour. Johnne Bairnis, for Dauid Cuttberd. Alexr. Reid eldar, for Elspett Loremar, and Catte Fowlis, and Androw Dauidsoun, Tailzeouris wyf. Androw Gaw, for Johnne Millis wyf. Maister George Johnnstoun, for Jonett Ramsay. 370 EXTRACTS FROM THE COUNCIL REGISTER 22d January. .1 aines Spens, for Barcar and Robe Bennett. Thomas Philip souerty for Thome Angowss. Michaell Will, for Jonet Will his dochter. Gawine Wischert, for Catty Findlay. George Forbes, for Alexr. Hay in Futty. Robert Akyne cautioim for Andrew Will and his wyf. Johnne Burnet, for Thome Gilliame Walcar. Alexr. Donaldsoun, for Elspett Rankeyne. The said day, the consell dispensit with Johnne Duquharis, Wm. Crysty, and Cristain Barbour, quhilkis war ordanit to be baneist of this toune, vpoune this conditioun following : That in respeck thai ar delaittit for adultrye, and ar cuesit be the kirk for thair inobediens, that gif thai will submit thameselffis to the ordinans of the kirk, and schaw thair repentans as the kirk sail devyse, in that caise thai salbe sufferit to remain in this towne vpoun cautioun, and wtherwayis nocht ; quhilkis personnis fand the said catioune as is aboun wretin. 6th October, 1570. The said day, anent the supplicatioune exhibeit and presentit to the con- sel be Androw Kempt anent the teycheing and instrucking of the childryne and bairnis of the sang scoil, quhilk presentlie is destitut of all exercitioune, (but prejudice of ony persoun haifand tytile and enteres thairto,) as in the said supplicatioune at mair leyngth is contenit, the haill consaill, present for the tyme, all in ane voice, in respeck that Schir Johnne Blak, quha was anes maister of the said sang scoill, is presentlie absent of the realme, and na exercitioun of musick vsit in the said scoill, lyk as thair hes beine, na ex- ercitioune thairin thir diuerse yeris bygane, and for diuerse vther causis, reyplie aduysit, acceptit, and admyttit (induring thair will) the said Androw Kempt to the said office, to teiche and instruct thair youththeid and cheil- dreine in the said facultay of mwseik, meaners, and wertew, for payment of sic lesum dewetie as wse hes beine, and as he appoyntis witht the parentis and freindis of the bairnis. [ADDITIONAL EXTRACTS.] 1th February, 1398. 7th February. Willelmus Blindcele stans ad barram calumpniauit Willelum Cuk dicens quod iniuste ab eo detinuit unum dubletum pretii viii s. et unam togam longam pretii xx s. Johannes Crab prolocutor dicti Willelrai Cuk negauit wrang et unlaw concedens quod habuit unum dubletum et unam togam datum sibi in vadum per Johannem de Brechyn qui tenebatur sibi in xxviii s. et hoc dixit quod probaret. postea Willelmus Blindcele e contrario dixit asserendo quod dictus Willelmus Cuk dictam togam et dubletum ab eo replegiauit et obligauit se illam togam et dubletum iterum sibi intrari ad suam voluntatem et per plegium extendebat quod sibi dictam togam et dubletum debebat sibi reintrari Johannes vero Crab antedictus dixit quod ex quo allegauit ad suam probationem ilia probatio debetur procedere Willelmus Blyndcele allegauit in contrarium dicens quod ex quo primum plegium extendebat videlicet quod dictus Willelmus Cuke debebat sibi dicta bona reintrare ex eo quod eadem a se replegiauit quod allegauit probare ilia probatio sit subsita per plegium suum prius extenss. debetur procedere aliam proba- tionem allegat. per dictum Johannem Crab unde ista actio propter debilita- tem curie differtur ad diem lune proximo futuro Memorand. quod ilia controuersia mota inter Thomam Spryng et Johannem Wrycht tarn deuastationis cuiusdam terre quam dictus Johannes de eodem Thoma tenuit in feodo ad declarationem et determinationem communis consilii ex consensu et unanimi assensu dictorum Thome et Johannis bona fide prestita data fuit et commissa et per idem consilium sic extetit ordinaturn quod idem Johannes Wrycht ipsam terram quam sic vastam et desolatam dimiserat reintraret et inhabitaret et in eodem statu seruaret quo fuit in tempore ante suum recessum in edificiis et ceteris Etiam quod idem Johannes firmam de eadem terra debitam ex terminis retroactis eidem Thome ex nunc persolueret et idem Thomas dictum 372 EXTRACTS FROM THE COUNCIL REGISTER 7th February, Johannem in eadem terra warandizaret et warandizare tenetur in forma iuris Super aliis petitionibus et actionibus inter eosdem motis seu hinc inde petendis eligerent ex utraque parte duos probos viros ad quorum determinationem super premissis diet. Thomas et Johannes stabunt firmiter et eorum decreta seruabunt in futuris. [Ad iter Camerarii.] Memorand. quod decimo tertio die mensis Martii Paulus Crab iuxta tronum burgi de Abdene. in raanibus Willelmi Borthwyk tune unius balli- uorum died burgi extendebat plegium ad iter camerarii quod ex quo falsi- ficauit iudicium de actione mota inter ipsum et Thomam Spryng quod dictus Thomas non debet se intromittere in terris pertinentibus dicto Paulo quous- que falsificatio illius iudicii fuerit determinat. Ulterius etiam extendebat per dictum plegium quod dictus Thomas debet restituere sibi omnes firmas receptas post falsificationem dicti iudicii ex quo ut diet, est dicti judicii falsificatio adhuc non est determinata testibus ad premissa vocatis per dictum Willelmum tune balliuum quod amplius ab eo dictus Paulus per tune non requirebat nee plegium uel ad premissa duo [ ] solutionis exten- debat Adam Benyn Andr. Petr. et Willelmo Gleny [Ad iter Camerarii.] Meraorand. quod decimo septimo die eiusdem mensis Martii in pretorio burgi de Abden. accedens coram preposito et communitate in presentia se- dent. Alexr. Man commorans cum domino comite de Craufvird petiit ab al- dirmano et communitate unam cartam perlegi de quodam annuo redditu per- tinente quondam Willelmo de Dunbar de terra quam nunc inhabitat Willel- mus Scherol ut dicta carta in se plenius continet nunc ut dictus Alexander asseruit pertinente Johanne sponse dicti quondam Willelmi de Dunbar que Johanna tradidit dicto Alexandro dictam cartam ut ipse de dicto annuo redditu capiet sasinam hereditariam quod sibi concessit dictum annuum redditum in sua pura viduitate et ex sua libera donatione propter cartam factam sibi et etiam ratione consanguinitatis unde dictus Alexander dictam sasinam petiit secundum copiam dicte carte sibi dari a balliuis Willelmus Scherol in eodem pretorio et eodem die existens extendebat plegium ad iter camerarium quod dictus Alexr. non potuit nee debuit capere sasinam de dicto annuo redditu secundum quod hactenus res se habent et dictus Alexander diet. pleg. recontrarauit OF THE BURGH OF ABERDEEN. 373 9th May, 1398. 9th May, Johannes filius Walter! et Johannes Spryng accusati quod non tenent pretium carnis et quod emunt pisces extra villam in preiudicium commu- nitatis ville ceperunt se ad quitantiam suam in die lune proximo futuro. Laur. campsi [ ] est ad quietanciam suam eodem die fiend, propter dictas causas et ultimo acquietauit se quod non emit carnes post pascham. Willelmo filio Ade et Johanni Gilbert! adiungitur ad suas quitantias dicto die lune quod non emerunt pisces in preiudicium et dampnum ville scilicet et Thomas Johannis Et isti tres sunt in amerciaraento quod vendunt carnes sine pretio. Adiungitur Willelmo filio Ade ad suam probationem die lune proximo futuro quod Thomas Johannis percussit ipsum Et eidem adiungitur ad suam quitantiam eodem die quod non perturbauit Thomam Johannis. Uth July, 1398. Eodem die Robertus Schirraff calumpniauit Willelmum filium Ade carnificem quod iniuste occupauit quandam domum que sua erat et sine licensia dictus vero Willelmus petiit legalem diem et legalem summo- nitionem tanquam vicinus ad vicinum unde assignatur eis proprias dies legales pro determinatione actionis predicte. \7th July, 1398. Eodem die Johannes Crab posuit se in voluntate balliuorum de acquie- tantia sibi injuncta per balliuos videlicet de verberatione et maledic- tione Jonete Nory ac etiam de perturbatione domus Andree Petr. et sic in duobus amerciamentis. 4th August, 1398. Johannes Ayncroft filius posuit se in voluntate balliuorum pro verbe- ratione uxoris Robert! filii Colini Et ulterius se obtulit per visum vi- cinorum suorum siue communis consilii ad satisfaciend. dicte mulicri de dicta verberatione et ad hoc inuenit Willelmum Cryn pleg. 26th August, 1398. Johannes Spryng calumpniauit Patricium Crane quod exquo fuit pleg. de haymhald pro Henrico de Louthiane pro quodam equo ab eodem Hen- rico per ipsum Johannem empto et ille equus fuit arestatus in viccco- 3 c 374 EXTRACTS FROM THE COUNCIL REGISTER 26th August, initatu de Kyncardyn et ibidem ille equus a dicto Johanne judicatus fuit per legem Item Patricius tenetur ei restituere pretium dicti equi vide- licet xxiiii s. cum dampnis suis in eo tempore sublatis qui quidem Patricius fatebatur se pleg. fuisse modo quo supra et diem petiit videlicet tempus xl dieruin ut debitorem quereret et parti satisfaceret unde dicta dies sibi data fuit ad satisfaciend. parti de pretio equi et de dampnis suis et ex- pensis secundum quod probaret et ad hoc inuenit pleg. videlicet. 16th September, 1398. Eodem die Thomas filius Johannis Carnifex posuit se in voluntate bal- liuorum quod fuit rebellis serjiandis ville. 3d October, 1398. Liber communitatis burgi de Abirdene est iste qui incipit die lune proximo post festum beati Michaelis Archangeli anno Domini millesimo trecentesimo nonagesimo nono Quo die electus fuit Adam de Benyn cum consensu et assensu totius communitatis dicti burgi in officium aldir- mani Et Willelmus Blyndcell Simon de Benyn Johannes Wormet et Johannes filius Thome electi fuerunt in officium balliuorum et Maritius filius Roberti Donaldus Ka Fergusius filius Ade et Johannes de Lucris electi sunt in officium serjiandorum. Eodem die electi sunt in communes consiliarios dicti burgi Willelmus de Camera pater Laurentius de Leth Willelmus de Camera filius Alexander Banerman Thomas Spryng Willelmus Andree Johannes Andree Johannes de Ledale Dauid de Scrogis Johannes Scherar Robertus filius Dauid Johannes Lottoun Hugo Abirbothnot Johannes Ruthirford Willelmus de Crag Simone Lamb Ricardus de Lownan Willelmus Borthwyk Johannes Strang et Ricardus Fichet Willelmus Spaldyng Johannes de Tulach Gilbertus de Kynros Willelmus Sprout Robertus de Arnache Johannes Sprout Willelmus Baxter Mykyl Adam Strathekyn Mauritius Suerdslep Johannes Lambyntoun Magr. Johannes Wrycht OF THE BURGH OF ABERDEEN. 375 Johannes Cristini 3d October. Robertus Baxter Thomas Lamb yhunger Simone Bayard Johannes Yhule Adam Codlyn Patricius Club Johannes Lambyntoun JijtaQtStt Dauid de Scrogis forist. Johannes de Strathekyn cum eodem ) Morgan de Forest forist. Robert Watsoun at the furd halussis of Kintor tannator Andre Mathysoun apud Babuthane tannator Johannes Lamb pleg. ad iter camerarium Ady Lawsoun de Strabolgy tannator Will Sutar apud Kyntor Will Blakburn ibidem Johannes Wilkysoun pater suus commoratur apud Achynstynk venit ad Willelmum de Thaynstoun forist. Alanus de Meldrum apud Meldrum tannator Thomas apud Scyves tannator Simo Curst forist. Litil Wil apud Fovern tannator Jamy Lawsoun cum opella et forist. animalia Johannes de Camera de Cumesty forist. lana. valde Johannes Qwitbrow forist. Robert Sutar de Petynkery tannator OF THE BURGH OF ABERDEEN. 385 Rogy Malcolmsoun apud Corthill tannator 1402. Adam Sutar apud ly Brynchall de Kyntor Johannes Inglis de Balbuthane Robert Buklar de Athirwike est in amer. Johannes Atkynsoun 1 , T _ , > de Inuervry Johannes Andro Meg Cambrawno de Monyrausk Amy Lowask apud Kyngudy Will Dauid de Cluny Thomas Makysoun apud Newburgh tannator et forist. ad Lychtoun Secatores parui. Donaldus Gray apud Drumblate Jacobus Walkar de Der Johannes Walkar de Armakar Thomas Walkar de Carnbulg Johannes Rede apud Crechmond Simo Smale apud Elon Ricardus Walkar quondam apud Straloch Thomas Walker apud Cragydarge Johannes Walkar in parochia de Kynerny The Walkar of Rothy Brisbane Thomas Walkar de Migmar Donaldus Walkar apud Beldy Unus Walkar de Arqwhorsk 1405. Memorand. quod xiii die mensis Junii de anno predicto in curia legali ibidem tenta comparuit coram balliuis Alexander de Keth asserens quod idem dies sibi fuit assignatus per balliuos ad recipiend. quandam proba- tionem ducendam per Simonem de Benyn contra quandam obligationem sibi per dictum Simonem factam vel quoddam aliud defaciens contra eandem obligationem Vnde dicti balliui fecerunt vocari ad barram dictum Simonem ad producendam suam probationem vel ad monstrandum suum defaciens qui Simo accedens ad barram petiit obligationem suam sibi monstrari et perlegi Qua sibi tandem monstrata et perlecta dictus Simo allegauit quod predicta obligatio nullius fuit valoris aut momenti eo quod vi coactus et 386 EXTRACTS FROM THE COUNCIL REGISTER 1406. in carcere detentus et sue potestatus non existens fecit et sigillauit prefatam obligationem quibus de causis porrexit pleg. ad iter Camerarii quod ilia obligatio fuit illegitima et eura non debeat coarcari vel ligari seu per earn distringi ad aliquam satisfactionem vel solutionem et hoc allegauit esse eufficiens defaciens dictam obligationem pro parte sua hoc facto Alex- ander de Keth extendebat pleg. quod exquo dictus dies fuit sibi assignatus ad recipiend. probationem seu defaciens ut preraittitur quam obligationem prefatam faciendam a dicto Simone et ipse Simo nullam probationem seu aliquod defaciens legitime contra dictam obligationem produxit ad suam calumpniara peruenit tarn non defens. Vnde partibus remotis a curia curia bene consulta et auisata considerabat quod exquo pleg. dicti Alex- andri porrectum fuit post clamationem Itineris Camerarii non poterat eum wardare nee se de eo incontinente Et etiam curia considerabat quod ex quo pleg. dicti Simonis fuit porrectum ad iter Camerarii ante pleg. dicti Alexandri quod omnia premissa debeant de iure diflerri ad iter Camerarii et hoc notificatum fuit utrique parti in plena curia per dictos balliuos ipsas partes premuniendo dicto itineri inde [ ] ad capiend. ibidem super sua controuersia iuris et iustitie complementum Memorand. quod decimo sexto die mensis Aprilis anno etc. cccc mo septimo quedam discordia accidebat inter dominum Walterum de Lyndesay ex una parte et dominum Alexandrum de Forbes ex altera parte Super mitigatione cuius discordie prepositus et balliui ceperunt pleg. et securita- tem de ambabus partibus predictis quod nulla partium predictarum dampna- bit aliam nisi per viam iuris super premunitione octo dierum pleg. pro domino Waltero Roberto Dauid aldirmano et Laurentio de Leth et Simone de Benyn Plegiis pro domino Alexandro Johanne Alani Johanne Henrici et Andrea. Johannis Gwyn aurifab. posuit se in voluntate balliuorum pro perturbatione ville et Copyn in amerciamenta pro consimili causa xv s. ix d. llth June, 1410. Memorand. quod anno Domini millesimo cccc mo decimo septimo die mensis Junii ordinatum fuit per commune consilium et maiorem partem mercatorum dicti burgi quod deinceps nullus emat lanam Buchanie pro maiori pretio quam pro ii s. exceptis sortis dominorum et liberetenentium Et quod lana illorum dominorum et liberetenentium non excedat xxx d. OF THE BUEGH OF ABERDEEN. 387 et quod lana de Marr non excedat xxx d. et lana de ly Garviach Et qui 17th June, excessit istam ordinationem soluet xx s. quotiens super hoc conuictus fuit et deponetur a sua libertate pro anno et die Et si placuerit communitati de nouo eraet libertatem suam. 11 th October, 1411. Ordinatum est et statutura pro tota coramunitate in una prima tenta ix die Octobris de anno etc. cccc mo xi mo pro termino unius anni quod qui- cunque vicinus ville vel inhabitans villam qui procurat dominos contra vicinum suura vel contra aliquera inbabitantem villam soluet qualibet vice qua sic fecerit quadraginta solidos sine remissione pro tribus vicibus Et si quarta vice fecerit priuabitur a libertate sua penitus et omnino Et si non habeat unde soluet dictam penam incarcerabitur per tres dies et tres noctes et postea abuirabit villam pro anno et die Item ordinatum quod quicunque inhabitans villam suie vicinus . fuerit suie non qui non venerit ad prepositum balliuos vel sergiandos qui viderint vel audierint ipsos vel aliquem ipsorum indigere adiutorio si de hoc con- uicti fuerint soluet decem solidos sine remissione [ ] pena debet capi de ipsis qui se abstrahunt a vicinis suis quum se vident indigere adiutorio vel esse in punctu suppressionis et potissime per extrahabitantes burgum Item ordinatum est quod quicunque non venerint ad prirnas prepositi vel ad curias balliuorum vel qui premunitus fuerit per sergiandos super viam ad veniend. coram preposito vel balliuis extra curias suas forte propter submittas causas vel actiones [ ] repente superuenientes ut sepe ac- cidit soluet qualibet vice qua sic fecerit quatuor denarios sine remissione Monday after the Feast of Epiphany, 1411. Eodem die Alexander de Irwyn dominus de Drum tutor et curator [ ] filii et heredis Willelmi Crab quondam burgensis de Abirdene protestauit pro quodam annuo redditu quindem solidorum diet. [ ] debit, annuatim de ilia terra quam tenuit Matheus Pynchest in feodo et hereditate de dicto quondam Willelmo Crab inter terram que fuit quondam dicti Mathei ex parte orientali et terram que fuit quondam Halde Fulane ex parte occidental! Ad quam terram veniens nichil inuenit distringibile pro dicto annuo redditu et terram et lapides quos presentauit in curia coram balliuis tanquam primo die huius processus Testibus Willelmo de Camera filio et Simone Lamb 388 EXTRACTS FROM THE COUNCIL REGISTER 1411. Die June proximo post dominicam qua cantatur quasi modi geniti Uxor Simonis palframan in amerciamento curie quod iniuste verberauit quandam mulierem et cepit pannos et iniuste ab eadem et in duobus amerciamentis quod concessit verberationem et postea quum assisa fuit leuata concessit iniustam captionem pannorum Monday after the Feast of Epiphany, 1412. Eodem die accedens ad barram Johannes Wricht protestabatur pro quodam annuo redditu duorum solidorum sibi et Alexandro Berclay de Garntuly annuatim debito et exeunte de quadam terra jacente in vico de Foty inter terram Johannis Atkynsoun ex parte australi et terram quon- dam Patricii Baxter quam dedit Duncano Hervy in maritagio cum filia sua ex parte boreali ad quam terram veniens nichil reperiit distringibile pro dicto annuo redditu preter terram et lapides quos presentauit in curia coram balliuis tanquam primo die huius processus Testibus Johanne Smale et Johanne Andree 23d July, 1412. Quo die accedens ad barram Bricius filius Duncani cum prolocutoribus suis domino de Gordoun et Johanne Inchemartyn [ ] Rossen. extendebat per pleg. primo quod ex quo Andreas filius Giiberti ab eo recepit tres pipas de Wad et diet. Wad de illis pipis euacuauit ponendo illud Wad in quadam domo sua tenendo illud ultra xl dies non satisffaciend. summam per ipsum debitam dicto Bricio infra dictum tempus quod dictus Andreas audiens dictam calumpniam et dicti pleg. inuentionem stetit nichil re- spondendo non negando nee concedendo nee auisationem petendo Tune dictus Johannes Inchemartyn tanquam prolocutor dicti Bricii extendebat per pleg. quod dictos Bricius Duncani ad suam peruenit calumpniam causa non defensa Ex quo dictus Andreas noluit negare vel concedere vel aliud legitimum responsum dare Quod pleg. dictus Andreas recontrariauit et sic ad wardam curie Unde partibus remotis curia diligenter auisata decreuit et per os Johannis filii Lawrentii iudicatoris curie datum fuit pro iudicio quod ultimum pleg. per dictum Johannera Inchemartyn nomine dicti Bricii extensi fuit valoris et recontrariatio facta per dictum Andream nullius valoris et dictus Andreas in amerciamento curie. OF THE BURGH OF ABERDEEN. 389 1412. 1412. Item, it is ordenit, with hale consent of the comonateis, that ilke man duelland in the burgh, of wateuer state or conditioun that he be of, sal stand gaird, and with the aldirman and the baillies of the tovn, and for to kepe the comone profite of the tovne and the fredomys of it, and to sup- ponale and maintene the officeris of the tovne in thair office doand, and thair nychtbouris als fra schaith and susprice, under the payne of banysing and tyttyn doune of his huss ; and gif he has na huss, under the payne of banysyng and the guds eschete. Als at thai ryss to the ryngyng of the comoun bell, and to biddyng of the officeris of the tovne ; and giff ony soudane affray comys, that thai be redy under the said payne : and gif ony keip or persayvis ony schath aperand to the tovne, or ony at duells in it, that thai mak warnyng vnder the said payne. Als, that nane haff lord na lordschip othir na the king, the duke, and the Erll of Marr, bot his aldirman and his baillies, under the said payne. Als, qwatsumeuer has nocht his wapynnis redy, and beris thaim nocht, sal tyne viii s., withoute remissioun, and prisone quill that viii s. be payit. Als, that nane reset or herbry ony outduelland men, in thair hussis, bot qwhame at thai will stand for, or ellis warn the officiaris als fast of thair cummyn, vnder payne of lyffe and tynsale of gudis. 26th January, 1433. Item, the said day, befor the alderman the baillies and mony of the coin- moun consaill of the said burghe, comperit Williame Scherar, the quhilk was adiournayit of before to prufe this day as law wald, that he had assithit fullely Lankyn Wist, marchand of Brugis, the price of a bote of Maluesye with twa uthir stikkis of wyne bocht be the said Williame fra the said Lankyn ; and with the said Williame comperit alsua Thomas Blynd- zele and Cristyne of Kynnore, burges of the said burgh, as proves of the said payment of the said wyne. The quhilkis Thomas and Cristyne, efter the gret athe be thaim bodelik swornyn, affermit and said that thai war present, and for witnessis tane quhar that the [said] Lankin grantit before thaim that he was fullely assithit of the price of the said wyne, and that he was fullely content and paiit tharof eftir thair wittyng. Eftir the said proves, sawis, and deposicionis, Richard of Rutherford, forspekar of the said Lankyn, strekit a borch in Alexander of Kintoris hand, ane of the baillies of the 3 E 390 EXTRACTS FROM THE COUNCIL REGISTER 26th January, said burgh, to the neste Chamerlayn air, that the said prufe wes of na valu becaus the pruvaris deponit nocht in forme of the rolement of the court that the cause was eraste giffin out of, the quhilk borch the said Williame Scherar reconterit richt thair. 16th March, 1433. Preposito et ballivis burgi nostri de Aberden Rex Freudis, as touchand the takyng doun of the houss pertenand to John Blak, aboue your venale, because of passage, it is our will that ye super- sede of the taking doun of the said hous quhill ye half forthir commandment of vs. Vrittin under our seignet, at Striuelyn, the xvi day of Mars, and of our regne twenty and aucht yer. 3d February, 1434. Subscripta statuta facta tempore itineris Camerarii tenti infra burgum de Aberdene in mense Februarii anno Domini millesimo quadringentesimo tricesimo quarto de communi consilio pro utilitate dicti burgi ordinata fuerunt seruari et custodiri infra burgum predictum saltern usque proxi- mura iter Camerarii ibidem tenendum It is ordanit be the chamerlayn, the alderman, the baillies, and the con- sail of the burgh of Aberdene, that na man na woman brew na sell ale fra this hour furth derrar than four or sex penys, as it salbe prisit, undir the payn of out takyng of thair ledis, and excludyng fray craft for yer and day, and eschet of the ale. Item, it is ordanit, that na baxtar brek the paiss that is giffin or salbe giffin hym be the baillies, and quha sa dois, for the first defaut he sal pay viii s., at the next tyme xvi s., and at the thrid tyme, the brede to be eschet, and he to be putt on the pillary, and to be excludit fra his craft for yer and day ; and thar atour ilk baxtar sal haf on his lofe his awn takyne, that it may be kennyt by quha aw the lofe, and quhat baxter be conuict thairof sal pay viii s. als oft as he trespassis. Item, that quhat fleschar that beis conuict for brekyng of pece, or that sellis flesch or it be prisit, at the fyrst tyme, sal pay viii s., alsmekil at the tuthir tyme, and the thrid tyme the flesche to be eschet, and he to be ex- cludit fra the craft for yer and day, and that na fleschar blaw flesch vnder the payn of eschetyng of it. OF THE BURGH OF ABERDEEN. 391 Item, that na hukstar by thingis to sel agyn before xi houris of the day, 3d February, vndir the payn of eschet of the thing that scho biis Item, that na man na woman pas out of the portis to by anything quhil it be brocht on the market, vnder the payn of ane vnlaw and eschet of the thing bocht. Item that na bakar of kakis bake kakis to sell, vnder the payn of eschete of the brede and banysing out of the toun for yer and day. Item, that na fischar of sawmound sel fisch quhill he present tham to the market, vnder the payn of viii s., and that he house nane bot thai be tane vndir nycht, and on the morn brocht to the markete, vndir the samyn payn. And quhar the baillies gerris nocht the poyntis before said be kepit, and beis negligent in the execucioun hereof, and punyss nocht trespassouris as is beforesaid, the baillies beand tayntit thar apon, thai salbe ordanit to the kingis prisone, and ilkane of the baillies be thaim self in ten poundis to the kyng, but remyssioun. 4tk April, 1434. Item Thomas Umfraisoun Adam Nicholsoun Walterus Giffard Ro- bertus de Camera Robertus Gillespy senior Johannes Richardsoun Wil- lelmus Matheusoun Johannes de Loudoun qui electi fuerunt ad assisam et recesserunt de curia priusquam fuit curia debite finita eorum quilibet in amerciamento curie adiudicantur pro trangressione sua predicta. 4th February, 1436. Item, uterque predictorum Willelmi Lausoun et Willelmi de Lam- byntoun posuit se in voluntate balliuorum de uno amerciamento curie pro perturbatione ville 16th April, 1436. Item eodem die Stephanus de Balrony comparens in curia exposuit quod alias botha sua fuit de nocte fracta per Isabellam de Curtastoun et matrem suam et diuersa bona sua per easdem furata prout inuentum fuit per scru- tatores in domibus earundem protestando quod si contigerit ipsas Isabellam et matrem suam recuperare remissionem regis non liceat ipsas alienare ter- ras suas cuicunque nisi prius restitutio dictorum bonorum a dicto Stephano furatorum fuerit facta 392 EXTRACTS FROM THE COUNCIL REGISTER 13th August. 13th August, 1436. Curia balliorum burgi de Aberdene tenta xiii die Augusti anno etc. xxxvi to que curia tenta fuit propter sedacionem et castigacionem brigatorum Quo die secta vocata et curia affirmata Gilbertus nauta adiudicatus in amerciamento pro perturbatione Andree Michael et Christane de Feme et tenetur emendare eisdem iuxta visura et ordinationera proborum vi- rorum ex utraque parte ad hoc eligendorum 1st October, 1436. Curia capitalis burgi de Aberdene tenta in pretorio eiusdem die lune primo die mensis Octobris die viz. iuridico post festum beati Michaelis Archangel! anno Domini millesimo quadringentesimo tricesimo sexto Quo die seeds vocatis et curia affirmata coram fratribus gilde burgensibus et tota communitate predicta fuit et palam lecta per communem clericum quedam littera communi sigillo antiquo huius burgi patenter sigillata a quadraginta duobus annis iam elapsis ex consensu totius communitatis eiusdem burgi tune confecta cuiusquidem littere tenor de verbo ad verbum sequitur in hec verba : " Omnibus hoc scriptum visuris vel audituris burgenses et communitas de Abdene eternam in Domino Salutem vestra nouerit uniuersitas quod nos unanimi consensu et assensu totius communitatis in nostro preto- rio palam die lune post festum beati Michaelis Archangeli anno Domini millesimo trecentesimo nonagesimo quarto ubi plena congregacio nostrorum burgensium erat congregata tune pro utilitate nostra assidue preuisa et pro successoribus nostris in future tempore etiam considerata statuimus ordi- nauimus et ratificauimus et per presentes imperpetuum in hunc modum sine animo reuocandi approbamus duos depositores conseruatores distributores ac nostros receptores nostri burgi conburgen. omnium pecuniarum nostra- rum infra nostrum burgum vel extra duntaxat Item quod nullus preposi- tus se aliquomodo intromittat a confectione presentium ad suam disposi- tionem de aliquibus pecuniis recipiendis vel etiam deliverandis ad commu- nem bursam pertinentibus Sed duo depositores ad hoc per nos omni anno eligendi et ad nostram voluntatem duraturi ut prescribitur in manibus eorum bursam nostram communem habebunt et omni anno reddent nobis compotum de omnibus receptionibus et deliverationibus per ipsos receptis et liberatis Et hoc omnibus quorum interest vel interesse poterit notum facimus per presentes In cuius rei testimonium sigillum commune nostri burgi presentibus fecimus apponi anno mense die et loco supradictis." OF THE BURGH OF ABERDEEN. 393 31 st October, 1436. 3ist October, Eodem die Johannes Robertsoun de Elgyne secundo die sepe vocatus responsurus magistro Johanni de Clatt canonico Crechmen. super plegio alias extenso super dictum Johannem Robertsoun pro iniusta detentione quatuordecim librarum ut prius in processu curie proximo precedentis non comparuit Et ideo datur bedello burgi in mandatis quod capiat [ ] de dicto Johanne et premuniat eundem ad proximam curiam lega- lem tanquam tertium diem huius processus Item eodem die Jacobus Clerk balliuus burgi de Kyntor per com- missionem dicti burgi replegiauit Patricium Umfraisoun burgensem de Kyntor super quern alias Robertus Gillespy senior extendit plegium quod dictus Patricius tenetur haymaldar equam quiquidem balliuus statuit diem martis ad quindenam ad tenend. legem dicto Roberto pleg. dicto balliuo de Kyntor Wth June, 1437. Assisa ordinauit inter Jobannem de Marr ex parte una et Andream de Cullane ex parte altera quod dictus Johannes tenebit se contentum de talibus denariatis quales dictus Andreas eidem Johanni liberauit Et pro pecunia restante cum dicto Andrea prout patet in papiro dictus Andreas liberabit tantum Wade eidem Johanni de tali pretio quali emit Wade in Flandera et vendidit hie in pala ista ut dictus Andreas adiudicabitur in amerciamento quod non perimpleuit cedulam dicti Johannis 1437. Subscripta statuta et ordinationes facta fuerunt per commune consilium burgi de Abdne. tempore prepositure Johannis de Fif conssentiente ad hec maiore parte totius communitatis eiusdem In primis quod tenor illius litere per totam communitatem facte a qua- draginta quinque annis elapsis sigillate cum communi sigillo penes redditus dicti burgi seruand. et custodiend. ac exponend. per certos depositaries quolibet anno eligendos de cetero seruetur Ita quod nullus prepositus se intromittat aliquo modo aut disponet de aliquibus pecuniis recipiendis vel deliverandis ad communem bursam pertinen. una cum ceteris clasulis in dicta littera contends Item quod nullus aldirmannus seu balliuus aut aliquis officiarius burgi 394 EXTRACTS FROM THE COUNCIL REGISTER 1437. qui ad corapotum tenetur remaneat in officio suo ultra unum annum et quod prepositus prius infra xl dies post exitum suum de officio reddat compotum suum de intromissione sua et soluet quicquid debuerit in pede compoti sui super compotum absque dilatione quacunque alias nuncquam ad dictum officium eligeretur nee quicunque balliuus aut alius officiarius qui ad compota reddenda tenetur de bonis communitatis de nouo eligeretur quousque satisfacerit dicto raodo Item quod nullus Aldirmannus expendat de communibus bonis ultra xx s. absque consensu raaioris partis communis concilii Item quod balliui burgi qui pro tempore fuerint et nulli alii leuent aut recipient firmas et redditus burgi communes et quolibet anno ante festum beati Michaelis Archangeli reddant compota sua coram preposito et com- muni concilio et soluant debita sua prout supra Item quod omnes commissarii burgi inittendi ad parliatnenta et concilia regis generalia eligantur per totum commune concilium burgi et eorum expense rationabiles per dictum concilium taxentur et ordinentur Item quod nullus firmarius terrarum molendinorum piscariarum aut reddituuin burgi detineat firmam per ipsum debitam usque suum ter- minum usualem quo solui debeat dicta firma sub pena amissionis terre piscarie aut alterius cuiuscunque redditus sibi assedati et quod licebit balliuis qui tune fuerint cum deliberatione communis concilii huiusmodi terras piscarias seu alios redditus vicinis aliis assedare non obstante asse- datione sibi facta seu ordinatione hucusquam in contrarium facta vel in futurum facienda 28th December, 1439. Item xxviii die mensis Decembris anno Domini etc. xxxix mo per prepo- situm et balliuos ac commune concilium Receptus fuit nobilis dominus et potens dominus Robertus de Erskyne comes de Marr ac dominus de Erskyne in liberum burgen. et confratrem glide prestito solito juramento exceptis illis de scot et lot wak et ward pro v s. 24th April, 1440. On Sonday tbe xxiiii day of Aprile, the yer of grace etc. xl, Williame of Cadiou fand lawborowes to compeir in the tolbuth of Aberdene on the morn on Mononnday as the said Sonday, withoutyn fraude or gyle, for the OF THE BURGH OF ABERDEEN. 395 hurtyng of Robert of Cullace ; the quhilk Mononnday the courte affermyt 24th April, the said Will, coraperit, and ane noble and mychte lord the Erie of Avan- dale and the Constable, on the behalf of the said Robert, comperit and askit the lawcht as thai did on the day befor, And than Sir Alexr. of Irwyne knycht, forspekar to the said Williame, profferit that the said Wil- liame suld acquite him be himself and otheris diuers persones, that he wist nocht that the said Robert was man to the said Erie, na to the said Con- stable, na that he come to this toun in thair company, And attour for the defaute that the said Will, had made to the saidis lordis Erie and Con- stable, he put hym in thair grace, upon the quhilkis the said lord Erie and Constable, sen the thing was greue, tuk to be avisit upon his prof- feris, and with consent of partis it was differrit be the saidis lordis Erie and Counstable, upon four dayes warnying, the said Wylliame to com- peir than befor the aldermann and ballzeis in like maner as he comperit this Mononnday, hawand the force and effecte that day as this day but fraude or gile. And at this suld be fulfillit be the said Williame and the partis skathlace in the mentyme, Sir Alexr. of Irwyne is cummyn a borch to the aldirman and ballzeis And at the saidis Williame and Joh. of Cadiou his cosyne sal be skathles of the saidis lord Erie and of the said Constable and of the said Robert, and of thar pairtie, but fraude or gile, the said Lord Erie and Constable arr becummyn borowes to the saidis aldirmann and ballzeis. JAMYS OF DOUGLAS OF AVANDALE. \3t/i May, 1440. Item eodem die per commune concilium concessum fuit Ricardo Kintor tune abbati de Boneacord unus burgensis futurus faciend. ad libitum suum quandocunque ipsum presentauerit pro expensis suis factis et faciend. in quodam ludo de ly Haliblude ludendo apud ly Wyndmylhill 13th September, 1440. Memorand. quod xiiii die mensis Septembris Dauid Farcharsoun receptus fuit in liberum burgensem et confratrem gilde prestito solito juramento Et dabat pro libertate sua ad edificationem porte in fine orientali vici Castri v marcas et residuum remittitur sibi ob fauorem domini Johannis Smalee et sororis eiusdem quam disponsauit. 396 EXTRACTS FROM THE COUNCIL REGISTER 18th Sept. ISth September, 1440. Memorand. quod xviii die mensis predict! Johannes Ettale fuit receptus in liberum burgen. huius burgi pro xx s. et ad requestum domini Willelmi de Craufurd et Magistri Thome Edname canonicorum Abirdonen. ecclesie receptus fuit etiam in confratrem gilde dabit que pro gilda ad fabricam ecclesie beati Nicholai huius burgi quura super hoc fuerit requisitus dimid. Rude de astlaris etc. et prestetit solitum juramentum etc. llth October, 1440. Eodem die Gilbertus Meignes ex parte Simonis Horn et socii sui mer- catores Londonien. petiit a preposito et balliuis et communitate licentiam et liberum ac saluum conductum quod prefati mercatores possint salue et secure laborare circa recuperationem bonorum suorum in portu euisdem burgi periclitan. et ea vendere melius quopoterit et prius ea salue recedere cum fuerint parati in partes suas sine quouis obstaculo vel impedimento Qui prepositi balliui et consules burgi ausiati dederunt et concesserunt omnimodam licentiam in premissis et promiserunt eos defendere et manu- tenere usque ad liberum recessum eorum de partibus istis. 19 th February, 1441. Item eodem die ad instantiam litteralem domini Walteri Senli. militis de Strathoune balliui posuerunt in dilatione actionem motam inter Gil- bertum de Tulach et Ricardum de Ruthirfurd in eodem statu in quo nunc est usque ad curiam capitalem proximo post festum Pasche proximo futurum. August, 1441. Item, be the avise of the haill counsaile for the commoune gude of the hale commounytee of this burgh, it is statute, concludit, and ordanit, that na fleschewaris, na nane vther man, nychtbour nor vnfreman, by ony tnaner of fische quhill thai cum to the merkate ; and at na man by to tap agane at a derth to the commownys ony maner of fische quhill the hight of the dai be passit, vnder the payne of viii s. unforgiffin, and eschete of the fische but favour. Item, that na fleschewar mak [ ] nor by to sel agayne ony turbote, as said is, hot thai sal haue for the brekyng of a turbote quhilk is bocht OF THE BURGH OF ABERDEEN. 397 within xii d., j d., and quhen it exceedis xii d., ii d., quhill it cum to ii s., 23d August. and swa furth for ilke schilling i d., and he sal haue nane vther eschetis, hot al sal be brokin to the biaris, vnder the payne forsaid. Item, that na man tak on hand to by vitale mar na will suffice thar housis to tap agayne at derth apon the commounys, and give ony nycht- bour has vitale to sell, that thai tap it nocht in houss bot in the merkatt playneli apon the merkat dai, vnder the payne of viii s. unforgiffin, and eschete of sic gude but fawour. ISth March, 1442. It is sene spedfull be the aldirman, the bailzeis, the counsale, and the merchandis of Abden., that the Inglis schipe that is arestit be Willame Scherar, Dauy of Rutherfurd, Johnne Vocate, and Johrme of Kintor, with the lave of thair falow schipe, be brocht in in the hawin, and be kepit be the merchandis and schipemen of the said schipe under sourtie, quhill we haue worde of our souerane king and his counsaile quhat his will is to be donn in this mater. 27 th April, 1442. The samyn day, for the gouernance of merchandice, it was statut and ordanit be the brethir of gilde, that na man by woll derar than vi s. viii d. the stane ; and give ony man beis taynt byand woll derrar, in contrar of this statute, he sal pay to the commone profite of this toun, but remissioune, for ilk tyme that he beis taynt xl s. Item, that na man by woll skynnis derar than x d., schorlinges vi d., scaldynes iii d., the dusane of lentrinwar viii d., the dusane of futfellis ii s. ; and quhasa dois in the contrar sail, euery tym that he trespasses, pay, but remissioune, vi s. viii d. to the commone werk and profite of this toune. Item, the samyn day, Matheu Fichet, aldirman, become dettour til Johne of Fife of four pounds fourtene schillingis, for reddyng of the balzeis of the yer bypast, with ordinance and consent of the counsale. 23 quhilk Alexr. Menzes answerit, sayand that the said William of Setoune had fundin law borrowis, anent the said William of Cadiou, baith to the aldirman and baillies of this toune, and before the king and the lordis of counsal ; and thairapon the said William avisit, come before the court and keist downe his hat, profferand him to fecht in the said querel ; apon the quhilk the said Alexr. Menzes askit ane testimonial of the court how that he manasit and prouokit him, sayand that it nedit nocht, na that he wald nocht fecht in the said querel, sen that it mycht be determyt be the law and the assise ; the quhilk assise, riply avisit, fand and deliuerit that the said William of Setoune had strublit William of Cadiou apon forthocht felony, under law borowis ; for the quhilk strublance he was adiugit in amerciament of the court, and the said William of Cadiou quite of all strublance of the said William of Setoune. lit /i February, 1474. The xvii of Februar, the yer, &c., Ixxiiii, it is ordanit and decretit be the aldirman and the consel underwrittin, that the commoune seil and the secret seil salbe deliuerit frely to the aldirman that beis chosin for the tyme and to the counsall yerly fra thine furth, apon the Friday next eftir that the aldirman be chosin, and to be deliuerit agane at thare wil in keping to quhom that plesis thaim best ; and that na letter salbe selit fra thine furth witht the common seil, bot at the sycht of the aldirman and the hail consel, and thir ar the namys of the forsaid counsel, Alexr. of Chaumer, &c. 2d May, 1475. The second day of Maii, the yer of our lord m. iiii c Ixxv yeris, it was ordanit, endit, and concludit be the aldirman and certane persons of coun- sel, of the quhilkis the names eftir followis, that the offerand, and all uthirs offerandis to cum, that fallis apon the Rude dayis, sal be diuidit propor- tionaly and evinlie betuix the chaplane of the Rude altar and the chaplane of the Browne croice altar, quhat evir thai be for the tyme, and that nothir of the chaplanis of the Rude altar or of the Browne croice altar sal haue singlare proffite til ony of thaim, bot that all gudis that ar offerit in the tyme sal be diuidit evinlie and rychtwisly ymangis thaim. Thir ar the names of the counsel that war present in the tym, Alexr. of Chaumer, aldir- 408 EXTRACTS FROM THE COUNCIL REGISTER 2d May, man, &c. Apon the quhilk deliuerance and decrete Sir Andrew, the son of quhilum Thomas Anderson, chaplan of the Rude altar, tuke, in the tyme of the deliuerance, fra Sir Robert Leis, public notar, ane instrument, in the vestry of the parish kirk of Aberden, befor the personis forsaid, or the maist pairt of thaim : And that this decrete and deliuerance sould nocht be reuokit nor gain callit for the tyme of the saidis chaplanis, uther of Sir Alexr. Club, chaplane of the Browne croice altar, and of Sir Andro, chaplan of the Rude altar, no nor eftir thare tyme, hot perpetualy til indure. 26th April, 1477. The xxvi dai of Aprile, yer of God m cccc Ixxvii yeris, comperit Androw Fresal, the fader of umquhile Alexander Fresale, burges of Aberden, in the towbuthe of that Ilk, and grantit him til haue ressauit fra Andro Scherar, alderman of Aberdene, and Sir Alexander Voket, executouris til vmquhile the said Alexander Fresale, thir gudis vndirwrittin : In the first, a dusan of Eistland buyrdis ; item, fyve bollis of salt and thre firlotis, ane tome Hamburgh barel, and a fat made of a Malvasy bote ; item, tuelf mvd keling, and threttene mvd codlingis, fourtene Inglis coppis, and a [ ] fat, thre peckis of lynget, and thre pekkis of hemp sede, foure stupis, ane vly barel, a poke, threttene knappold ; and to the laird of Pitslego, on Andrew Fresales behalf, the petis that war prisit fouretene schillingis ; and to Andro Fresalis wif, ane Inglis cop, ane pair of schetis, ane nop bed, a bowster, twa gownys, thre hand axis, a brogit staf, a litil ankyr, a gyrdil, a bakbrede, a brewyne fat, a hemmyr stand, a bukket, and a gybbate that it hang by, foure tynnyn spunys, his best bate ; item, a hat, a bonet, a doublate, a par of hoiss, twa par of schetis, a jak, ten s. of siluer, and sextene s. and aucht d., gevin to the Abbot of Arbroath, for the annuel of the houss that the said Andro occupyit and inhabite, c. 25th August, 1478. Curia burgi de Abirden tenta in pretorio coram balliuis eiusdem xxv die Augusti anno etc. Ixxviii Quo die comparen. in judicio nobili viro Alexandro Setoune de Meldrum ex una et Roberto Dogude de Achna- hufe ex altera partibus que quidem partes ostenderunt unum publicum instrumentum signo et subscriptione Willelmi Keir presbitri Brechinen. dioceseos notarii publici una cum sigillo prouidi viri Johannis Scrymgeour OF THE BUKGH OF ABERDEEN. 409 dicti Jak roboratum et sigillatum de et super terris de Balkairne cum per- 25th August. tinen. ac aliis terris in eodera instruraento expressatis de quibus Elizabeth de Balkairne mater dicti Roberti Dogude ipsum infeodauit tarn in feodo quam in libero tenemento earundem quam infeodationem Alexr. Hay sponsus dicte Elizabeth approbauit ratificauit et confirmauit in plena curia coram balliuis burgi de Dunde mediante magno juramento quod nunquam deueniret contra huiusmodi infeodationem et resignationem dicto Roberto factas ut in huiusmodi instrumento plenius continetur Quod quidem in- strumentum dictus Alexander Seton petiit a dictis balliuis transumi ac transumptum sibi desuper distinctum super quibus dicti balliui mature auisati eorum decreto interposito transumptum eidem decreuerunt sub forma publica eorum sigillis sigillatum Testibus Alexandro Gordon de Megmar Patricio Gordon de Meithlick Roberto Blindsel uno balliuorum Willelmo Blindsel seniore Magistro Johanne Hay Rectore de Crowdane et domino Roberto Leis notario publico cum multis aliis. The same day, personaly comperit in plane court, before Wilzam the Hay, and Androw Branche, tua of the bailzeis of Abirden, Wilzame Fichet, burges of the said burgh, and resignit purely and simply, and gaf owir, be the gefine of a wand in the handis of Androw Branch, ane of the balzeis forsaid, the frank tenement of al and sindrie the landis, croftis, and annuale rentis that pertenyt til him, of the quhilkis he infeft and possessit Jonet Fichet, his doghter, lang tyme of before, togidder witht all rycht and clame of rycht that he had, has, or may haf therof in tyme to cum, in fauor of the said Jonet Fichet his doghtre, and of his gude sone in law Thomas Symsone hir spouss, thai beand present, the quhilk beand done, the said Androw Branche, baize, the frank tenement of al and sindre the saidis landis, croftis, and annuel rentis, and all rycht and clame of rycht of the said William Fichet, as forsaid is, purely and simply gaf to the said Jonet Fichet and Thomas Symson hir spouss, be the deliuering of the said wand, til thaim and ilk ane of thaim in takyne tharof, nochtwithstanding the said Jonet Fichets richt gevin til hir of before ; the quhilk the said Wilzam hir fader ratifiit and approvit, and for the mare habundans and eecurite ratifiis and approvis be this present write ; wpon the quhilkis Thomas Symson, for him and his said spouse, askit ane testimoniale to be made, vnder the seelis of the saidis balzeis, before thir witness, Gilbert of Chaumer, Alex. Trail, 410 EXTRACTS FROM THE COUNCIL REGISTER 25th August, James of Kyntor, Mawnus Wormot, John Fichet yungar, Allan Smytht, and Philp of Drumbrek serjiand, witht utheris diuerss. 2d September, 1478. The second day of Septembre, the consale and merchandis of this burgh beand gaderit witht the alderman in the tolbuth, has consentit til the sendyng of ane ambaxiat fra our souerane lord to the Duke of Burgunzie, for the gude of merchandiss. And at the command of our souerane lordis lettres, thai haf ordanit that v personis of worthy burgesses of the toun, sal pass witht the aldirman, to be in Edinburgh the vii day of this instant moneth, to avise witht our souerane lordis consall, and the commissaris of utheris viii burrowis, wpon the sending of the said ambaxiate, and that certane taxis salbe made and rasyt, to pay the expenssis of the aldirman and of the personis that sal pass witht him, and to pay rychtswa to the contributioun of our souerane lordis ambassate, as siclike burrowis of the realm sal do for the causs forsaid. 2\st May, 1479. The samyn dai, the consale and brethryn of gilde beand present for the tym, has consentit and ordanit the alderman to mak the expensis and costis of the comon gude apon the arayment, and uthris necessaris, of the play to be plait in the fest of Corpos Xristi nixttocum. 22c? June, 1480. Curia tenta in pretorio burgi de Aberdene per balliuos eiusdem xxii die mensis et anni predictor urn quo die Dauid Hil burgen. dicti burgi accu- satus de inobedientia et iniusta perturbatione Philippi de Drumbrek unius serjiendorum faciendi officium suum et de iniusta fractione unius crathere argentee venerabili viro magistro Johanni Hay rectori de Crowdan per- tinentis negauit dictam calumpniam Unde leuata fuit assisa proboruin burgen. infrascriptorum viz. : Alexandri Rede Alexandri Howisoun Dauid Symsoun Gilberti Waus Johannis Wormot Willelmi Hay Alexandri Nachti Andree Murray senioris Edmundi Hay Johannis Litstar Willelmi Andree Dauid Galychtlie et Jacobi Kennerty Qui jurati et diligenter ac mature auisati dixerunt quod Dauid Hil reus erat et conuictus de ac- tionibus prenotatis Et pro perturbio serjiendi et fractione crathere adiu- OF THE BURGH OF ABERDEEN. 411 dicatur in duobus amerciamentis curie et emendare dampnum ut jura 22dJune, volunt Et in parte emendere assisa ordinauit quod dictus Dauid dabit unam petram cere ad missara sancti sanguinis. 19th July, 1480. The xix dai of Julii, the yer, &c., Ixxx, in the court haldin in the tol- buthe of Abirden be Thomas Prat, ane of the balzeis of the samyn, Johne Besat, duelland in Montross, chalansit Andrew Atkin as he that hyrit a raeyr of his, and Androw Murra yungar, for the spilling and hurting of hir in the ryding of hir, throw the quhilkis he wants his mere, and that the saids persons acht til wpricht and assich him for hir. The quhilk wes pre- sent to the decisioun and knawlage of a sworn assise, the quhilk assise, riply avisit, fand and deliuerit, be Richard Hill, forspekar of the assise, that the saidis Androw Atkyn and Androw Murray had done that thai acht to do anent the hyring and ryding of the said mere, declarand thaim quyte of the said Johannis chalance tweching the said meyr. 1481. The quhilk dai, as anent the actioun and causs movit betuix my lady of Huntle and Androw Wentoune, twiching the clame and debate of v pipe of wad clamit be the said lady, the said Androw 5 beand riply avisit, has re- ferrit this actione aluterly to ray lord of Huntle and my lady, and to thare gude gracis, and to quhat persons plesis thaim to tak to thaim and to thair willis. 1th November, 1481. The aldirman, counsel, and communite of the burgh of Abirdene, the communitie gadrit throw the warning of the belman, ryply and weill avisit, with ane assent, nane sayand the contra, has deliverit and ordinyt, becaus that Robert Elect afirmat of Abirdon, has schavine hym vnkindly in the restriction of the second tend of Abirdene, quhilk is gevine be his prede- cessor, Bishop Thomas Spens, quhom God assolye, to the biging of the quer of Abirdene ; the forsaid alderman, counsel, and communite, has de- cretit, deliverit, and ordinyt, that nane neighbour duelland within the said burgh sal mak na firraas to the said Robert Elect, na yet to nane of his factoris on his behalf; and quhatever he be that dois in contrar of this act, [he] sal tyne his fredom, and his tak sal waik, and incontinent be disponit 412 EXTRACTS FROM THE COUNCIL REGISTER 7th November, at the will and sycht of the alderman, counsel, and comomnitie of the said burgh, but ony faworis. 31 st January, 1483. The samyn dai, in a fenssit court haldin be the bailies, Wil Lauchlane, callit to comper before the bailies, as he was oblist be his hand and gude faith til ansuer and underly the law, at the instance of the partie com- plenzand for the wrangwiss strublance and hurting of Johne Blacks wif, and for strublans of the toune, and for the public offens done be him to the said Johne and his houshald and fatnile, comperit nocht ; quharappon the bailies and counsel avisit, the trespass considderit, and the committar tharof beand fugitive fra the law, thai haf decretit, witht consent of the communite, and ordanit to be made manifest be oppin proclamation, that fra thine furth na man nor woman, within the said burgh duelland, tak upon hand to house, herbry, or reset the said Wil Lachlan, in privay or in apert, under the pane of bannising fra this burgh ; and gif of fors he wald enter or herbry in ony hous within the said burgh, thai uocht beand of power to resist him, that the maister of that house incontinent cum or send thare servand at the leist, til the officeris of the toune, and warn thaim thairof, that thai may provide for remede as efferis, under the pain and charge forsaid. 5th February, 1483. The v dai of Februar, yer of God &c. Ixxxiii, comperit in the court, be- fore the bailies, Robert Heryn, on the behalf of a nobil and mychty lady, the Countas of Huntly, and askit payment fra Dauid Hil, burges of Abir- den, of xix lib. and x s. of Scottis money, in faute of payment of thre lib. g. and v s. g. of the monee of Flanderis, acht til Malcum Mowat, as is contenit in ane act of appointment producit thairuppon, be ressoun of assig- natioun of the said soume made to the said lady, and than the certification schawin and red of the defaute of payment of the said soume of Flanderis money, Philp of Drumbrek, serjiand, at the command of the bailies, layd wand on Dauid Hil, and chargit him to remayn in the tolbuthe quhil he content and pait the soume forsaid to the Countas of Huntly as assigna tharof, or hir factouris. llth February, 1483. The xvii dai of Februar, yer of God Ixxxiii, in the tolbuthe, before the OF THE BURGH OF ABERDEEN. 413 bailies and counsel, comperit Alexr. Leslie of Wardris and clamit the 17th February, toune of xiii merkis acht yerly of the tua last yeris bigane be the toune til our souerane lord, and til him as ressauor in the tyme of the ferrnes of this burgh ; of the quhilks twa yeris, James Lesly grantit him, and oblist him be his landis and gudis to warrand, releve, and keip scathtles the said burgh and bailies of the samyn, of xiii merkis for a yer, in the quhilk he bure office of aldirmanschip. Witnes heirof Alexr. Menzes, Alexr. Rede, Gilbert the Vaus, Androw Branche, Wilzam Moyses, and utheris diuerss. 15th March, 1483. The xv dai of Marche, yer forsaid, in the court haldin by the bailies in the tolbuthe, comperit Henry Bawne, and grantit him to haf resauit fra Johne the Vaus, on the behalf of Androw Galichtlie, burges of Dundee, four pundis of blak money. And atour the said Johne inquirit at the said Androw gif he had ocht to say til him anent the said iiii lib., quhilk Androw sayd he had na thing to say til him anent that soume. And the said Henry grantit him that the said money was sufficient payment quhen he ressauit it, as he understude. January, 1484. The xxii dai of Januar, yer of God Ixxxiiij, it is ordanit be the alder- man and consale that Robert Buchan sal in tym to cum, for the worship of the toune and honeste of merchandis, quhen and als oft as he passis in Flandris, within foure daies eftir his cumeing thare, mak til himself ane new gowne and doublat accordand for him, under the pane of i lib. gret, to be rasit of him to Sanct Nicholace wark ; and quhare ony four of his nych- bours rydis in a cart, that he be fundin passand in the cart rycht sua under the said pain ; and for the xxx s. paid be Mastir Adam of Gordon, persoun of Kinkel, for the hiring of a cart, thai haf ordanit the said Robert to pay ten s. Scots assignit be the said Mastir Adam to the organis. 1st February, 1484. The first dai of Februar, the yer of God m cccc Ixxxiiij, it is ordanit and decretit be the alderman and counsale, that the talyeours and al utheris craftismen within the toune, sal, in tyme to cum, beyr thare takyinis of thare craft apon thare beristis, and thare best aray on Canddilmes day at 3 H 414 EXTRACTS FROM THE COUNCIL REGISTER 1st February, the Offerand ; and quha that contervinis, and dois nocht, sal tyne thare fredum for a yer. Vlth November, 1484. In the court haldin in the tolbuthe of Abirden be Alexr. Rede, ane of the baillies of the samen, the xxvii dai of Nouembre, yer forsaid, George of Meldrum, son and apperand air to William Meldrum of Fivy, producit certane personis underwritin, to here leil witnessing in the action betuix him and James Cumyn, tueching the borowgang of nyne merkis, in the quhilk the said James drew him, as he allegis : that is to say, Antoun of Keith, bruder german til a mychtie lord, Wilzam Erie Merschel, Archibald Raty, and Thorn Sibbald of Care, quhilkis, the gret aith sworne, and ex- aminat concordandly, hes deponit and declarit be thare athis, that James Cumyn drew the said George of Meldrum borgh and dettour for him to Dauid Rate for ix merkis of a mare some for the redeming of his schip and gude. And that the said James Cumyn was obleist, be the fayth of his body, to pay and content the soume forsaid of nyne merkis to George of Meldrum. Item, the forsaid George of Meldrum has constitute and ordanit James Lesly, Johne of Culan, and Johne Low, his procuratouris, coniunctlie and seuerallie, to folow James Cumyn for nyne merkis, for the quhilkis he drew him dettour, as is before expremyt, of thare ressate, acquittance to gif, and al uthir thingis to do, anent the recovering of the said some, that he mycht do in propir persone, promittand to hald ferme and stabill. The samen day, William Kimpty, constabill of Abirdene, comperand in jugement, has made, constitute, and ordanit Alexr. of Chaumer, ser- jiand, be the deliuering of a wand, his depute and substitute to ministre in the said office of constablary for a yer nixt to cum, like as he suld do in propir persoune. 28th April, 1487. The xxviii day of Aprile, the yer forsaide, the aldirman, consale, and comunite has ordanit and deliuerit to writ to the toune of Danskyne, and to the bertomasteris, &c., of that ilk, to proffir to content and pay al somes of OF THE BURGH OF ABERDEEN. 415 money and gudis avand thara be ony of our nychtburis, and gif ony offens 28th April, or iniuris be done to ony merchandis or nichtburis of tharis be ony of ouris til amendit at al thar gudly pouris. The said day, the alderman was ordanit be the consale present for the tyme to pay xl s. to Robert Themdale for the horss that deit quhan thai wrat to my Lord of Eroll anent the lyrae that his lordschipe desirit. 3Qtk June, 1487. James, be the grace of God King of Scottis, to the aldirman, balzeis, consale, officiaris, and com unite of our burghe of Abirdene greting : For- samekle as we haue understandin that in tym bygan thar has bene gret vexacioun and tribule amangis you throu the chesin of your officiaris and fre disposicion of the comon gude of our said burghe, it is our will herfor, and we charge you straitlie and commandis that in tyme to cum ye cheis nane officiaris within our said burghe be the supplicacioun, charge, menys of ouris, nor of nane vther personis, bot be haile election of the comunite ye frely cheiss sic officiars within our saide burghe as salbe knavyn, maist ayfaldly set for the comon gude and profit tharof, and for gude of merchan- dise, vnder al the hiest payne, charge, and offens that ye and ilkane of you may committ and inryne in that pairt agan our maieste ; and atour that yhe and your thesaurar comper befor our justice, and reuerend fader in God and oure trast consalour, William Bischop of Aberden, your prelate, and the remanent of the lordis that we have now send to our justice-ayr of Abirdene, and gif tham full compt and rekning of the disposicioun of the comon gude of our said burgh, and certify thame, but dissimulatione, in quhais handis at the samyn is on, say that we may thairthrow consider and knaw in quhome the fait hais bene and is, and mak reformacione to be had tharapone as efferis ; and that ye cheiss your saide thesaurer in tyme to cum be haile and fre electione of the comunite of our saide burghe, and nayne vthir wayis, vnder the charge forsaid. Gevin vnder oure signet at Edin- burghe, the last day of June, and of our regne the xxvii yer. JAMES Rex. Quhilk letter Andro Murray has in keping. 14th November, 1488. William Porter was convikit be the aboue assise, deliverit be the mouth 416 EXTRACTS FROM THE COUNCIL REGISTER 14th Nov.. of the saide Jonhe Colison, for the strublance of Androw Branche, the bailze, maliciouslie in worde, and in ane amercyament of court therfor. Alsua the forsaide William Porter was convikit be the saide assise for the strublance of the said bailze in the execucione of his office, and in dis- personing of him, and to amend it as law will ; item, the saide William Porter was convikit be the saide assise for the strublance of Alexander Allanson, serjiand, in worde. And the said bailze and officiaris quyt of ale strublance of the said William Porter. The same day, it was statut ande ordanit be the alderman and consale for the amends of the said strublance, bayth the said parties being oblist to stand thairto, that the said William Porter sail pass to the tolbuth dure, and cum bene bairhede to the comon kist, and besik the alderman and the consale, present for the tyme, to mak instance to Androw Branche, the bailze, to remitt him for the offence and strublance done to him obefoir ; and the said William to syt down on his knee, and aske the said bailze forgevynnis. And attour, gif ever the saide Wilhame beis convikit in tyme cuming for siclik offence, he sale pay to Saint Nicholas werk five lib. unforgiffen. And for this saide offence now done to the said bailze and serjiand, the said William sale pay i pece of waxe to the Halyblud licht, thairof ii lib. iii [ ] continent, and the remanent to be pait at commaund of the alderman and iiii of consale quhen ever he is requirit thairto. 16th March, 1489. Alexander Menzies, &c., chosin and suorn in ane assise to determine and decide the borrghe strekit upone Thomas Mar be Alexander Rede anent the payment of ane susplat of wool, with the quhilk the said Thomas wrangaislie intromettit ; and the said assiss was dischargit of thair aithes, and both the forsaide parties was oblist be the fath of thar bodis, thair hands uphaldyne, to stande and abide at their deliverance, in presens of the alderman and bailzeis, quhilk deliverit and decretit be the moutht of Johne Colison talisman, that Thomas Mar sal deliver, or ger be deliverit, to the saide Alexander Rede ane susplat of woll in the feir, contening alsmony wanis and nalys of wecht as the susplat of woll that was the said Alexander Redes wecht, quhilk was sauld be the said Thomas and Patrick Rede to Tayfer Porter of Brugis within xv dais efter the craft schip salande out of the port of Aberden, with merchands to Zeland or Flandris. And for the deliverance of the said susplat of woll, and of the saide wecht OF THE BURGH OF ABERDEEN. 417 and gudnes, the forsaid Thomas sal set sik caucione and souerte to the 16th March. said Alexander, within the tone of Aberden, within foure dais herefter ; 1489 - and the silver of the said susplat that was sauld, being in Tayfers hands, sal redunde to the profit of the saide Thomas Mar. And gyf ony silver be takin upe be Alexander Rede, or be ony uthyr in his name, of the susplat that was sauld, restand in Tayfers hands, it salbe pait agane to the saide Thomas Mar. And for the aventour of half the silver of the susplat of woll quhilk sulde be deliuerit to the said assis, ilkane be thar name, ar oblist to beire tene s. gret of aventoure of it in the hayme cumyne fra Flandris to Scotland, in the schip callit the Barbara of Aberdene, at the wile of the said Alexander Rede. It was deliverit be the aldermen and consale present for the tyme, for the gret offenss committit be William Belty agains Thomas Waus, that the said William sal offer and present his crag to the goyfs, and his knyf in his hand, thar to stand at the will of the said Thomas ; and attour the said William sal cum on Sonday the next cums, in the tyme of hie mass, in lynning claths, bair legs, fute, and head, with ane louse goun and ane candill of ane pound, offering the candill to haly kirk and the knyf to the said Thomas, in takin of repentance of the said offens, asking the said Thomas and his frends one his kneys forgyvnes ; and attour the said William sal pay half ane stane of wax to the Halyblude licht ; and gyf ever the said William commits ony offens or strublance in tyme to cum, and beis convikit thairintil, he sal pay fortie punds to Sanct Nicholas work unfor- given : and to the fulfilling and keping of the deliverance the saids William and Thomas was oblist be the fath of thar bodies, ther hands uphalden. 26th June, 1490. The said day, it wes statutit and ordanit be the consale present for the tyme, that gif euer Williame Lamyntone, or ony vtheris, wakis in the nicht and comitis ony injuris stribulance, or inquetis ony persone or per- sonis, or the toune, sale pay fiwe merkis to Sanct Nicholess werk, and vther fiwe merkis to the reforming of the tolbuthe ; and gif thai haue nay gudis, thai salbe putt in the goiff, and thar remane iii or iiii dais the first tyme, and say the secunde tyme, and the thrid tyme thai salbe banyst the tone. 418 EXTRACTS FROM THE COUNCIL REGISTER 17th August, \1th August, 1490. The samyn day, the alderman, balleis, and diuerss of the consall and comunite of Aberden, representand the body of the toune, grantit the pa- tronage of Sanct Ninianis altar to Williame Meldrum of Fywe, and to his aires maile lauchfullie gottin of his bodie, and to be gottyne, the said Williame gevin in augmentacioun and eking of the said chaplanry to Sir Robert Leis, perpetuale chaplane of the samyn, and his successouris, fiwe merkis of annuel rent, tharof xl s. of the landis of Wattertoun, beside Ellone, and tua merkis of Ardeforke, and grantit the comone seil tharupon, the said Williame deliuering his chartour of new infeftment of the said fiwe merkis, togidder with the annuelis of the aid infeftment, to the said chaplane ; and eftir the said Sir Robertis deceis, the saide Williame sale present ane sufficient cheplane, that be ane sangaster and chorister con- uenient for the wphaldin of diwin seruice in the queir of Abirdene, quhilk sale mak continuale residence and seruice in the samyn. And attour, gyf the said Williame and his ayris male, being sleuchtfull ony tymes when the said chaplanry vakis, and presentis nocht ane sufficient chorister within xl dais thereftir, than it salbe lesum to the alderman, balzeis, consale, and comunite of Abirdene, frely to dispone tharapone at that tyme, and to pre- sent ane conuenient mane for the samyn, to the vphaldin of Goddis seruice as saide is. llth August, 1491. The said day, comperit Andro Culane, yonger, Abbat of Bonacord, and askit at the alderman and baillies, and remaner of the consal present for the tyme, paiment of his fie permitted to him as uthyrs had abefoir ; quhilkis anseird thai coud fynde nay waiy to pay him quhil he hede servit it furth the yer, and he protestit for remeid of law. January, 1492. The said day, it was statut, ordanit, and grantit be the alderman, balzeis, and diuerss of the consal and comunite present for the tyme, that Jonhe and Robert, ther commone menstralis, sal haue resonabile dietis circualie throw the nichtbouris of the towne ; and gif ony persone or personis refuss to resaue thame to thair dietis, it sal be lesum to thame to gif to the said menstralis xii d. one the day, baith for mett, drink, and wagis for sempile folkis. OF THE BURGH OF ABERDEEN. 419 1st February, 1492. 1st February, The said day, Philp Clerk was conuikit be ane assis for the wrangwiss haldin of a wrang pek of less mesour, and unselit ; alsua, he was conuikit, for forstalling of the burghe for aplis, vnzounis^ salt, feggis, raysinis, and al vther froitis, or thai war puttyn to the tone. The saide day, George Brone and Andrew Wilson conuikit for the haldin of ane vrang pek, and vnselit ; and all the saide iii personis was ordanit be the consal to be put on the goyff, thair pekis brokin, and ilkane to pay viii s. for thair vnlaw, vnforgevin. llth February, 1492. The saide day, the merchandis now hawand gudis in the schippis redy to saile, with consent of the communite present for the tyme, grantit, that euere persone hauand gudis within the saidis shippis, sal bringe hame in the sarayn schipis, or vther sufficient schipis, to the tovne, for euere sek j tovne and d. of gudis huravart, for the furnising of the tovne with mer- chandiz ; and quha that falzes herintile, sal pay wast fraucht for the said j tovne and d., siklik as the nychtbouris frachtis the said schip, and xl s. to Sanct Nicholess werk, vnforgevin. March, 1492. The saide day, it was deliuerit and ordanit be the commissar to my Lord of Aberden, present the channonis, and the alderman, ande consale, for the strubulance and offence done be Richerd Wricht to Schir Johne Strachin, that the saide Richerd sale cum on Sonday that next cumis, in tyme of the hie mess, with ane candile in his handis of j lib. wax, bairheid, in ane louss goune, and aske the said Schir Johne forgivnes, and pray the alderman, consale, and cheplaines of the kirk, present for the tyme, to mak instance to the said chaplene to remitt the rancour of his hert to the said Richert. Alsua, the said Richerd sale mak him thankful pament of his annuel in tymes to cum, at Witsonday and Mertimes ; and gif he failzeit thairintill, or commits ony offence to him, or ony vtheris, in tyme to cum, he sail pay xl s. to Sanct Nicholess werk, unforgevin. 1st June, 1492. The said daye, comperit lonhne Davisone, skipper of my lord of Murrayes schipe, and followit Adame Brone, lonhne Fechart, and Sandy 420 EXTRACTS FROM THE COUNCIL REGISTER 1st Jane, Teile, to mak seruice in the said schipe for the viage, quhilkis personis denyit that thai war hirit to mak seruice forthir na to the port of Aberdene, and becaus thair wes na witnes that knew the conuencioun, the said skipper referrit to the aithis of the saidis Adam, Johne, and Alexander, quhilkis deponit the gret bodely aithe that thai war nocht conducit, hirit, nor yet promittit to mak seruice farrar nay to the port of Abirdene. \1th June, 1492. The saide day, James Colisone, in the nayme and behalff of ane richt worschipfule clerk, Master Adame Gordone, chantour of Murray, deliuerit to Jonhne Moir, sone and air to umquhile Andro Moir, ane retour of ane breyf of ydiotre, selit with certane selis that Alexander Glaster, his moderis broythir was fundin ydeot, in presens of Alexander Iruyn of Lun- mey, sheriff of Aberdeen, Alexr. Reid, alderman, Schir Johne Ruthirfurd, Robert Blinsele, Master Johne Badenagh. 20th June, 1492. The saide day, Johne of Myll, duelland at the Justice Myll, has dravin and oblist his hande and his gudes, to amende and vpricht the skaitht done, and gif ony happinis eftiruart to be done, be his skabbit horss to Schir Johne Ruthyrfurdes gudis, and al vytheris gudis, becaus the said horss ar forbodyne gudis. July, 1492. The samyn day, the alderman profferit the rentall of the toune of wat- teris malis and lande malys, to Alexander Chawmers and Johne Menzies, tua of the bailleis of the said burghe, requirand thame that thai and thair fallowis wald gathir the said malys, sua that the xiii merkis aucht to our souerane lordis hienes, and vtheris pensiones to the lordis, may be pait, and he offerit him reddy to ber the said xiii merkis to the chekkir, and bring hame sufficient acquittance tharof, an thai wald deliuer to him the said money. The samyn day, the alderman presentit his compt of Sanct Nicholess wark, and offerit him redy to vnderly the consale, or certane suorne audi- touris thairintill, and dischargit him of the said werk. OF THE BURGH OF ABERDEEN. 421 The said day, Alexr. Chamer and Jonhe Menzeis, tua of the balzeis of 12th July, Aberdene, allegit that thai war dischergit by my Lord Chancelar and the lordis of our souerane lordis consale of al intermetting and vptakin of the malys of the said burghe, and ane thesaurer chosin to resaue thame and the comone gudis of the towne, thairfor thai wald not intermett with the saidis malis. Neuertheless wald the alderman and thesaurar pass to gathir in the saide melis, thai wald pass with thame, and furthyr, and help thame at thar pouer, hot thai wald nocht resaue thame. 6^ August, 1492. The saide day, Williame Gibsone, belman, at commaund of the alder- man, passit throw the haile tone, and warnit and chargit, in oure souerane lordis nayme, and in the aldermanis and balzeis behalf, to cum to the tol- buitht incontinent and pay ther taxt contribucioun to furnyss the personis furtht to the meting of my lord Huntlie, locumtenant, to pas with him to the asseging of the strinthtis of the Bis, eftir the tenor of the precept direkit tharupon. 9th August, 1492. The samyn day, Jonhe Menzeis novmerit in gold and siluer four scoir markis four markis aucht s. and viii d. apone the commone kyst, redy to be send and deliuerit to the factouris of the Bischop of Orknay, that is to say, to Gelis Farchar, and allegit that the alderman suld caus him be pait of ix markis and x s. that he deliuerit at his commavnd. llth September, 1492. Eodem die Johannes Rutherfurd resignauit in manibus nobilis potentis et magnifici domini Archibald} Comitis Angusie domini Douglas et can- cellarii Scocie suum officium prepositure, et consequenter Alexander Rede electus fuit prepositus per dominos concilii regii cum auisamento consilii et communitatis pro anno instanto, prestito solito juramento 25tk October, 1492. The saide day, Philp Quhithede was in amerciament of the court for the wranguiss strubulance of Thomas Bard, and the said Thomas in amercia- ment of the courte for the wranguiss strubulance of the saide Philp ; and atour thai ordanit the said Philpe to cum one Sondaye that nixt cumis with 3 i 422 EXTRACTS FKOM THE COUNCIL REGISTER 25th October, aiie candile conteninge i lib. waxe, in tym of the hie mess, and bring with him his knyf, dravin, and halde it be the poynt, and deliuer it to the saide Thomas, and aske him forgivnes, and besek the werthi men present for the tym to pray the said Thomas to remitt him the offens done to him, and offer the said candile to the Halyblude licht, and Johne Menzeis come souertie for the said Philp to the fulfilling of the said deliuerance. ^th November, 1492. The said day, the alderman, bailzeis, and consale, and communite, pre- sent for the tyme, grantit tham avand to Thomas Prat xlviii s., and to Williame Futhes xlviii s. Scoitis money, for spice, waxe, and wyne, gevin till our souerane lordis propyne, quhilkis thai obleist thame to allow on thair girsumis, gif the assedacioun beis made within tua yeris next her- efter ; and failzeing tharof, thai grantit and oblist thame to refunde, con- tent, and pay to the said Thomas xlviii s., and to the said William xlviii s., but fraude or gile, and thankit thame gretlie of thair first and supersedement of the said money to the vorschipe of the toune. 9tk October, 1494. The said day, it was statut and ordanit be the consall, that ane persone sail halde the haill common gaitis and venellis of Abirdene clene and weill dichtit, be sicht of the toune, for the quhilkis he sail haue ane penny of ilkane fyr houss, ane penny of ilkane marchand buitht and craftismen buthis. 19th February, 1495. The saide day, comperit ane nobile and michti lord, Alexander Lord Gordoun, befor the alderman and baillieis sittand in jugement within the tolbuitht of the samyn, and thar producit ane act done befor the lordis of oure souerane lordis counsale, vnder the hande and manuel subscriptioun of lohne of Tiry, as eftir followis : " At Edinburght, the xxi day of October, the yeir of God m. iiii c Ixxxxv yeris, in presens of the lordis of consale, it is appontit and accordit betuix Alexr. Lord Gordoun one that ane pairt, and George Eduardsoun, burgis of Edinburghe, in the toyther pairt, anent the withhaldyng fra the said George of the sovme of xxvi lib. xvi s., vsual money of Scotland, clamit be him to be avand be the said Lord Gordoun, for certane salt bocht and resauit be him fra the said George and Gilbert OF THE BURGH OF ABERDEEN. 423 Menzeis, his factour, in maner and forme as eftir followis, that is to say, 19th February, the said Alexr. Lord Gordoun sal prwf sufficientlie befor the aldirman and balzeis of Aberdene, or ellis befor the lordis counsall in the next sessioun, that he bocht the saide salt fra the said Gilbert, and gaf him dectouris for the paiment thairof, and falzeing of his said prwff, the said Alexr. Lord Gordoun sale content and pay the saide svme of xxvi lib. xvi s. to the saide George be the next sessioun. Extractum de libro actorum per me Johannem Tiri clericura deputatum venerabilis viri Magistri lohannis Fresale decani de Lestalrig clerici rotulorura et registri ac concilii sup- premi domini nostri Regis sub meis signo et subscriptione raanualibus Johannes Tiri." Quhilkis act being rede, herd, and vnderstandin in pre- sens of Gilbert Menzeis, the said lord reuerentlie requirit the alderman and balzeis that thai wald causs thir personis vnderwritin be suorne the gret aithes, and declar the verite anent the bying of the said salt, eftir the tenor of the said act, the quhilkis peticioun the said alderman and ballzeis under- stand resonabile, and consonant to resone, resauit the personis vnderwryttin, quhilkis riplie avisit, the gret aithes suorne, the said Gilbert nocht exceping again thaim, deponit and declarit as eftir followis : In the first, Alexr. Menzeis deponit, be his aitht, he hard say thar was salt sauld and deliuerit be Gilbert Menzeis to my lord Gordone, and he was nocht present at the findin of the dectouris, and he hard say thar was dectouris fundin. Sir Johne Rutherfurd deponit that Gilbert Menzes bed sauld to my lord Gordone, and deliuerit to his factouris, certan quantite of salt, and resauit Andro Branche and Thomas Mar dectouris for the payment of the said salt ; and the saide lord bocht na salt fra George Eduardsone, burgis of Edinburghe. Andro Cullen elder, concordis in all thingis with the de- posicioun of the said Sir Johne Rutherford, and atour said that Gilbert Menzeis gert summond Andro Branche and Thomas Mar befor oure souerane lorde, for the pament of the saide salt. Jonhne Colison deponit he hard say my lord Gordone bocht certane salt fra Gilbert Menzeis, and, as he trowis and rememberis, Andro Branche and Thomas Mar was dectouris for the paiment of the said salt. Thomas Prat deponit he hard say lord Gordone bocht salt fra Gilbert Menzeis, and fand him dectouris for the paiment of it. Thomas Fif concordis with the said Thomas Prattis deposicioun in all thingis. Robert Blinsele deponit, he onderstud Gilbert Menzeis had sauld certane sault to the lord Gordoune, and had resauit dectouris for the pament of the samen. Gilbert Menzes deponis, be his 424 EXTRACTS FROM THE COUNCIL REGISTER 19th February, atht, as he rememberis, that he sauld to lord Gordoune certain sault of George Eduardsones, and Andro Branche, Johne Colisoun, Thomas Mar, and Andro Culan elder, come dectoris for him for the paiment of the said salte, bot he reraemberis nocht the quantitie of the sovme of the money to be resauit for the saide salt. And Alexander Red deponit he hard say lord Gordone bocht certane salt fra Gilbert Menzeis, and fand him dectouris for the paiment of the samyne. * 26th September, 1495. The said day, comperit ane discret mane, Schir Alex. Gray, cheplane of Sanctis Crispan and Crispinianis altar, situat within the paroche kirk of this burghe, and producit and shew ane autentwye instrument under the subscriptione of Schir Jonhne Stirueling, notar publict, and seile of Thomeis Fyfe, makinge mentioun and shewing that the honest and fathefule mene of craft, cordonaris of the said burgh, with ane consent and assent, in the honor of God Almichti, the blissit Virgine Mary, Sanctis Nicholas, Sanctis Crispinn and Crispinian, and al sanctis, had chosan and taken the said Schir Alexr. ther perpetuale cheplane, to mak ministracioun of dyvine seruice at the said altar as efferis ; for the quhilk thai war bundin to sustene the said cheplane honestlie as efferis in meyttis, drynkis, and sustentacioun, circualie, be sevin of the best and worthiast of the saidis craftismene, ane day in the oulk, and payand to him xl s. usual money of Scotland yerlie to his fie, of vtheris the remanent of the craft, as in the samyn mair fullie is contenit ; quhilkis instrument seyne and undirstandin, the haill cordonaris lauchufullie warnit, callit, and comperit, the said chaplene humelie menyt him to the alderman, balzeis, and consal that he wantit his fie and pairt of his dietis in the oulk, beseking thame of remede of law ; quhilk peticioun the saidis alderman, balzeis, consale, and diuerss of communite, undirstandin richtuss, and consonant to resone, with express consent and assent of the best and worthiast of the said craft, ordanit, fand, and deliuerit the said evident of vaile, and the said craftismen to sustene thar said cheplane honestlie eftir the tenor of the samyn ; and maide and ordanit Thomas Meldrum and William Ranisone dekynys and masteris of the saide craft in that parte to compell and distrenze thar nichtbouris, craftismen, and cor- donaris to the sustentacioun of thair said cheplane eftir the tenour of his evident. OF THE BURGH OF ABERDEEN. 425 23d January, 1496. 23d January The saide day, it was statut and ordanit be the alderman, bailyeis, and 1496> consale, for the honor and defenss of the tone, that everie craftsmen within this burghe sale ger raak ane standart for thar craft. 2lst April, 1497. The said day, it was statut and ordanit be the alderman and consale for the eschevin of the infirmitey cumm out of Franche and strang partis, that all licht weman be chargit and ordanit to decist fra thar vicis and syne of venerie, and al thair buthis and houssis skalit, and thai to pas and wirk for thar sustentacioun, vnder the payne of ane key of het yrne one thar chekis, and banysene of the toune. 1th June, 1497. The saide day, the wyf of Jonhe Blak, the wif of Sandy Forbes, Mergat Balcome, the wif of Jonhe Rede, worbster, Emy Kempty, Tiby Ruther- furd, Mody Baxter, Alisone Cuming, the wif of Sandy Huchone, Donald Bandone, Richerd Reidheid, ilkane of the said wemen was in ane amercia- ment of the court for the breking of commone ordinance, and spilling of the mercat, in bying of meil and tapping it ; and the said Donald and Richerd, ilkane of tham in amerciament of the court for the blewing of meil and selling till alienatis ; and Dauid Fynne in ane amerciament of the court be his tonge grant, for the selling of meill in barrell til alisuris, be ane suorne assis, Johne Colisone forspeker ; for the amendis of the quhilkis it was or- danit and statut that nane of the said women be fundin in the mercat unto Michelmes byand meill ; and gif ony of them be comprehendit in the said mercat, thai salbe takin be the officiaris and put in the goif, thair to stand xxiiii houris ; and the saidis Donald, Richerd, and Dauid, ilk ane sal pay x s. to Sanct Nicholes werk, and i lib. wax to the Halyblude licht ; and gif euer ony of tham thre beis conuikit for sik crymes in tym to cum, sel pay xl s. to Sanct Nicholes werk vnforgevin. 6th October, 1497. The saide day, it was statut and ordanit be the alderman and consale, that nay meill byaris sal cum in the mercat for this instant yer ; and gif ony beis fundin in the mercat, and beis conuikit tharof, the first tym thai 426 EXTRACTS FROM THE COUNCIL REGISTER 6th October, sal pay the vnlaw, the secunde tym put in the goif, and the thrid tym ex- pellit the toune. June, 1498. The saide day, it is statut and ordanit be the alderman and consale, for the commoune profit of the toune, according to the aide lovabill consuetud and law of this burgh, that al pynouris and cariaris of gudis within this burghe sal haue for ilkan barell, borne fra the key, or fra the schip burd at the key, to ony part of this burghe beneath the Braidgutter, ane penny Scots money, and for ilkan barell bevne the Braidgutter, tua pennies ; and for ilkane chalder of lyme, colis, salt, quhet, malt, and vyther stuf beneath the Braidgutter, vii d., and bevne it tua s., and for ane byrne beneth, i half penny, and bevne j d., and sua of tunnys and vyther gudis tunlyk, be the consideracioun of the aldirman and counsal ; and quha brekis this statut, or ony pont contenit in it, sal be secludit and forbedin the toune, thai beand conuikit thairintill ; and that nay persone that inqueris, or intendis to beir or cary sic gudis, be stoppit nor impedit be the pynouris, bot that thai haue fredome thairto ; and quhais dois in the contrar, and beis con- uikit tharof, salbe punist be the aldirman and consale, and pay ane vnlaw, unforgevin. And that ilkan berar of girnal gudis haue ane band fast at thar pok, and that the pok be knit and closit or it cum out the keill or bot burd. 19th August, 1498. James, be the grace of God King of Scottis, till all and sindrie our officiaris, liegis, and subditis quhome it efferis, quhais knawledge thir our letres sal cum, greting : Forsamekil as our vthyr letres war direkit obefor be aviss and deliuerance of the lordis of our counsale, chargeing, for certan resonable caussis concerning the gude of merchandice, and comon wel of oure realme, that nay schipis suld pass nor saile in merchandice furtht of oure realme, in ony pairt within the Duk of Burgundy eis land, for ane certan tyme to cum, lik as oure vther letres and proclamacioun maid tharapon proportis. Neuertheless, becauss we knaw that ane schip of the toune of Wer in Zeland, the maister and skipper thairof callit Neilball, was ladyne and chargit with merchandice and gudis of^. St. Ni- choless of Abirdene, and vytheris oure lieges, befor the making of the said OF THE BURGH OF ABERDEEN. 427 proclamacioun, and wes redy to haf depertit, and gif she war stopit of hir 19th August, viage, it suld be gret sketh baith to the skepar and merchandes. Herefor, of oure special fauoris, we gif and grantis full licence and fredome, be thir our letres, to the said skipper and merchandis to pass quhen at plessis tharae, with the said schip, and merchandice and gudis, to the Campver, or ony vther partis beyond say that plessis thara, for the exerceing of thar merchandice, and wil that that thai be nocht accusit, attachit, arrestit, or trubulit thairfor, in thair personis, schip, merchandis, or gudis, be vs or ony of oure officiaris, lieges, or subditis, in ony viss, nochtwithstanding ony proclamacioun, inhibitioun, lieu or chargis of ouris in the contrar, &c. Gevin, vnder our priue seile, at Sterueling, the xix day of August, and of oure regne the xi yer. October, 1498. The saide day, the alderman, balyeis, and diuerss vtheris of the consale present for the tyme, grantit to Mabuys belman xx s. to by him ane pee for to pass ilka Mononday throucht the toune, in the morning, to name and pray for the saulis gevin him in bile, as vyss and wont is, and has bene tymes bigen. 28th January, 1500. The said day, it was statut, ordanit, and grantit be the alderman, balyeis, and maist pairt of the consall and comunite present for the tyme, that Jonhe and Robert, thar comone menstralis, sal haue resonabile diets, sevralie, throw the nichtbors of the towne ; And gif ony persone, or per- sonis, refuss to resaue thame to thar dietis, it sal be lesura to thame to gif to the said menstrals xij d. one the day, bat for mett, drink, and wagis, for simpile folkis. 21 st August, 1500. The xxi day of August, the yer forsaid, it was statut and ordanit, for the eschewing of the plage of pestilence and safte of the toune, that thir houssis vnderwritin, and al personis beand within tham : that is to say, the houss of Duncan Colisoun, Johne Colisoun, Johne of Cullan, Gilleys, Alexr. Hay, Jonhe Syme, Cristiane Fichat, Amy Traill, Dauy Club, Thome of Myding, &c., salbe closit for this space of xv dais nixt herefter, ande all vyther personis that the alderman ande the officiaris chargis ; and 428 EXTRACTS FROM THE COUNCIL REGISTER 12th August, nocht to cum vteucht ther houssis and lugeings, vnder the pane of ded ; and the kystis that come out of the ship that com now of lait fra Danskin to Patrick Andersone, be brynt ; and that ale personis that come hame in the said ship, keip thame inclusit in thar houssis for the space of xv dais, under the pane of ded, becauss the said personis, and thair houssis, befor writtin, reset pairt of the said personis and thar gudis. And quhay that wantis ony sustentacioun, the toune sail mister to thame nedfull thingis. Quhilk statut and comon ordinance wes made be the alderman, baizes, counsal, and comunite of the burgh, in ane voce concordand, and openly red, heard, and vnderstandin. 23d March, 1501. The saide day, comperit Albert Gerardson, Hollander, master, under God, of ane brokin schip of Skedame, quhilk, throw storme of sey, happin to brek, and the wrak of hir come in on the cost of Croudane, in Buchan, quhilkis wrak, nethis, saile, takill, and towis, and ale stuf being with the saide schip as scho come to lande, he grantit he had sauld to ane nobile lorde, William Master of Eroll, for xv Frenche crounis of golde, quhilk he resauit in numerit golde, in the nayme of the saide lorde, be the handis of Johne Chene of Essilmonde and Sir Johne Baxtar, and dis- chargit and quietclamit the saide lorde, his mene seruandis, ther ayris, executouris, ande assignes ; and all uthiris quhome it efferis, for him, his ayris, executouris, ande assignes. And all uthiris quhome it efferis, now and for euar, witht consent and assent of Adriane Clayssone, Adriane Cornelson, James Melisone, Johne Zensone, and Cleyss Williamsone, and utheris marinaris and schipmen, being in the saide schip ; apone the quhilkis Johne Chene of Essilmonde, in the name of the said lorde, askit instrument at me, Sir Johne Stirueling, notar publict, under the secret sell procurit therto, be the saide Albert, befor the witnes, Alexr. Menzes, aldirman, Johne Cullan, Andrew Cullane, Jonhne Wormet, Johne Mar, Dauid Mar, balzeis, Johne Steuinson, Jonhne Fechat, burgessis of Aberdene, Geyss Okertoune, Cornelius Petersone. 3d December, 1501. The saide day, the aldirman, ballisis, and consale present for the tyme, ordanit i petra and of wax, to be made in torches and prekatis, and iii gallonis of wyne, [ ] boystis of skorcheatis, to be given in ane propin OF THE BURGH OF ABERDEEN. 429 to the lorde Gray, Justice till our souerane lorde quhen he come to the 3d December, Ayre of Abirdene fra the northt pairtis ; and ordanit Gilbert Mengzeis and Androu Cullane denys of the gilde, to outred the said thingis of the common gudis of the said burghe. 3d February, 1502. The saide day, Johne Rede, wobster, John Williamsone, &c., ilkane of thame was convict be ane suorne assise, Alexander Reid forspeker, be- causs thai did nocht it that accordit thame to do one Candilmese dav, in * ' the Passioun, efter the auld honorabill and lovabill consuetude of the burghe, and for the quhilkis thai war in ane amerciament of the court, and to amend as law will, and forbere in tym to cum, becauss thai pretendit thame to pre- cede and pass in the place of the processione, quhar the tailzeours had vyss to pass tymes bigane. nth June, 1502. The said day, thir personis eftir writin, Alexr. Menzes, aldirman, Dauy Menzes, Andro Culane, Johne Colison, Johne Cullan, Alexr. Chamer, Alexr. Rede, Johne Knollis, Gilbert Menzes, James Colisone, Thomas Waus, Patry Leslie, William Chamer, Johne Retie, Alexr. Mar, Robert Crag, Patry Chernsid, Johne Waus, Patry Rede, Andro Meldrum, William Andersone, Dauy Adamsone, Alexr. King, Andro Lowsone, and William Murray, disassentit to gif ony of Sanct Nicholes gudis to Sir Johne Ruthirfurd, or tile ony utheris. And attour, thai ordanit the aldir- man to folow Sir John Rutherfurd for thar commoune gudis, eftir the tenor of the procuratory gevin to him under the commoun sele, quhilkis personis, at commaunde of the aldirman, was circualy inquerit be the said James Colisoun, ane of the baizes. llth May, 1503. The said day, Johne of Myle, at the Myle of Pitcapile, was accusit for strublance of Isabele Scherar, quhilk strublance scho wald nocht haue sus- tenit for fourty pundis, for the quhilkis the said Johnne was in amerciament of the court, be his avin tonge grant, and tile amend as law will ande for- ber in tyme to cum. And atour, the said Johne being oblist to stand at the ordinance of the alderman and counsaill, quhilk, riplie avisit, witht the witnes being present for the tyme, deliuerit and ordanit the said Johne to 3 K 430 EXTRACTS FROM THE COUNCIL REGISTER 17th May, sit downe in the court one his kneis ande aske the saide Isabell forgivnes, and beseik the alderman and bailies to beseik hir to forgif him, and to ger mak ane candill of wax conteneing ane punde, and cum on Sonday that nixt cumis, in tyme of the hie mes in Sanct Nicholes kirk, and offir it to the hie altir, and ther ask the said Isabell forgevnes oppinly, befor the persons beand present for the tyme, sayande he wist neuer sic thingis one the said Isabell as he said and rehersit one hire, quhilk candile salbe offerit to the Halyblude licht. 9th June, 1503. The saide day, Androw Cullane, forspekar for the merchantis, requirit reuerentlie, as efferit, the alderman and balzeis, that thai suld nocht licenc nay unfremen to saile nor suffir nay fremen to tak unfremenis gudis, under colour to haue in uthir partis, and tile obserue and keip to thame the louabill actis and statutis maid therupon according to justice, offering him, in ther names, to pay x lib. gif thai did in the contrar, and requirit the aldirman and baizes to pay x lib. gif thai happinit to licenc ony ane unfre- raan to saile, but the aviss of the denys of gilde and of the counsale of the towne, protestande for remede of law gif thai did ony thing in the contrar hirof; upone the quhilkis the saide Androw askit at me, Sir Johne Striueling, instrument. Witnes, Alexr. Rede, Siris Johne Rede, Androw Chamer, Androw Colisoun, Dauy Les, chaplannis, Johne Waus, Androw Nachty, and William Scrimigeor. 2Qth October, 1503. The said day, Elizabeth Iruyn, the relict of vmquhile [ ] Allardes of that Ilk, followit and persewit William Buchane, baxter, for the wrang- uiss castin doun of hir houss, pertening to her in conjunctfeftment, liande in the Castelgate, one the southt pairt of the samyn gat, betuix the lande of the saide Williame on the est pairt, and the lande of Alexr. Menzes, alderman, on the wast part, quhilkis wrang the said William, be him and Patry Rede, his forspekar, denyit ; and therefter, the said complant, in strength of ane borghe, with consent of the said pairties, was put to the decisioun of thir personis efter following : that is to say, Davy Menzes, Robert Blinsele, &c., burgessis of the said burghe, the gret bodelie aithe suorne in ane assis, the richtis, ressonis, and allegacionis of batht the said parties, witnes and pruye, led, herde, sene and understandin, deliuerit and OF THE BURGH OF ABERDEEN. 431 fande the said William Buchane quyt of the wrangus castin doun of the 20th October, said houss, becaus it was sufficiently pruit befor the said assis, and als 1503> be his avne gravnt, that the said William warnit hir lauchfullie obefor, or he gert put ony workmen to his houss, to cum and se him put workmen to reforme his houss, and to se he had her nay skayth ; and forthyr, becaus it was pruvit be diuersss personis, werkmen, and utheris, that the said Williame, nor the labouris done to his house, dide nay skaithe to the said houss pertening to the said Elizabeth, sathat it walde haue fallin doune it allane, suppois the said William had never put hande to his house. The saide day, the alderman, bailies, consale, and the comunite, present for the tym, consentit and grantit to gif to Master James Cumyne yerlie tene merkis vsuale money of Scotland, ay and quhile thai promove him till ane half nethis fischingis of the mydchingile, or the furds on the water of Dee, grissome free, he payand the male of the said fischingis as vtheris nichtbouris pais, sua that the said Master James, wif, barnis, and housheld, hald houss, and mak personale residence within the said burghe, and cum and vesy tham that beis seik, and schow them his medicin, one thar expensis, and nocht to pay the said annuale pensione of tene merkis nor nayne pairt of it unto the tym that his said wyf, houshalde, and barnis cum and makis per- sonale residence within the said burghe, and therefter to pay the said ten merkis yerlie quhile he be put in ane of the half nethis fischingis forsaide. 23d October, 1503. The saide day, the alderman, bailzes, and counsale grantit and geff to thar commoun clerk and seruande, Schir Jonhe Stiruelinge, ane burges, to be chosin be him frelie for his excercesioun and labouris doun in the mak- ing of thar process of the landis of the Tullocht preceptis and uyir doingis. \4th November, 1504. The saide day, it was statut and ordanit be the aldirman, balzeis, and counsale, for the common profit of the toune, that nay woman sal by meile in the mercat, hot gif scho mak price of it or scho gif hir erllys, and that thai sal tak nay strakis nor cheritoyss ; and that na woman sal by mair meile than will stede hir self and hir houshald, under the pane of xl s. ; and that nay persone baik, vaile, or by, quhill it be deuisit be the aldirman and con- sale, &c. ; and that all land mone haue thar seks redy oppin to sell to all 432 EXTRACTS FROM THE COUNCIL REGISTER uth Nov., that will by vittale, boll, half boll, firlot, pek, and half pekis, and the tollar sale haue pekis and half pekis redy to serue all men. 3Qth November, 1504. The said day, it was statut and ordanit be the bailyies and counsaile, riplie avisit, for the vphaldin and preseurans of the auld louabile honor, consuetud and rit of the said burgh, vsit and sustenit in tymes bigane, in the honor of thar glorius patroun, Sanct Nicholes, that ale per- sonis burges nichtbours, and burges sonnys, habill to rid to decoir and honor the toun in thair array, convenient tharto, sale rid with the Abbot and Prior of Bonaccord on every Sanct Nicholas day throw the toune, as vss and wont has bein, quhen thai ar warnit be the said Abbot and Prior abefor : And gif ony man, hawand tak of watris and fishing of the toune, habill to rid, be warnit be the said Abbot and Prior of Bonaccord, and wile not rid, [thai] sale tyn thair takis quhilkis thai haue of the toune, at the nixt assedatioun ; bot gif thai haue ane ressonable causs and impediment that thai may not rid, quhilk thai sale shaw and be considerit be the alder- man, bailyies, and counsaile obefoir : And utheris personis beand warnit, habile to rid, and failyies tharin, without ane ressonable causs shawin to the alderman, bailyies, and counsaile for the tyme, sale pay to Sanct Nicholes werk xx sh. unforgevin, and viij sh. to the bailyies for thair unlaw. 30th January, 1505. The said day, it was fundin by the aid lovabile consuetud and ryt of the burgh, that in the honor of God and the blissit Virgin Mary, the craftsmen of the sarayn, in thar best aray, kepit and decorit the procession one Candil- mes day yerlie ; quhilk auld and louabile consuetud, the prouest, baillies, riplie avisit, ratifeit, and approvit the said ryt ; and atour statut and ordanit that the said craftsmen, and thair successoris, sale perpetualie in tyme to cum, observe and keipe the said procession, als honorabily as thai can : And thai sale, in order to the Offering in the Play, pass tua and ij togidr socialie ; in the first the flesshoris, barbouris, baxturis, cordinaris, skineris, couparis, wrichtis, hat makars [and] bonat makars togidr, walcaris, litstaris, wobstaris, tailyeouris, goldsmiths, blaksmithis and hammermen ; and the craftsmen sal furnyss the Pageants ; the cordinaris, the Messing ; wobstaris and walcaris, Symeon ; the smyths [and] goldsmiths, iij Kingis of Cullane ; the litstaris, the Emperour ; the masons, the Thrie Knichtis ; the talyors, OF THE BUKGH OF ABERDEEN. 433 our Lady, Sanct Brid, and Sanct Elene; and the skynners, the Tua Bis- 30th January, chopis ; and tua of like craft to pass with the pageant that thai furnyss to keip thair geir ; and gif ony persone or persouns happinis to failye and brek ony poynt befor writin, and beis convict tharof, [he] sale pay xl sh. to Sanct Nicholas werk, and the balyeis unlaw unforgevin : Ande to the obseruing and keping of the samyn, ale the said craftsmen was oblist, be thair handis uphaldin. 22d May, 1505. The said day, it was ordanit and deliuerit be the prouest and counsale, all in ane voce concordand, that the bailleis sale pass, ilk ane in his quarter, witht his officiar, this day and to morne befor noune, to al personis aving beir and meile siluer, and charge thame to schew tharae thar penny worth, quhilkis thai haue and will sale for pament of the said money to the frem- mit men ; and all that has na penny worthtis conuenient for thame, to charge and command to mak thankfule payment of all somes avinge be thame to the said alienaris : certefeing all the saidis personis aving money, that has penny worthtis, that thai wile ger priss the samyn be suorne per- sonis, and all that schevis na penny worthtis, thai will prouide, compele, and distreinze thame thar gudis, and mak redy payment in pennis to the said alienaris of all somes aving to thame for the frethin of the towne, ac- cording to justice. 27 th July, 1505. The said day, it wes statut and ordanit be the prouest and counsaill, that nay maner of persone nor personis lay nor hing na maner of stuff, gair, nor gudis one the wale of the plaice of the grey freris, befor the takin of the haly croice ; and quha happinis to do the contrar, the gudis sal be eschet, and thai sale pay ane amerciament of the court to the bailzes uneforgevin for the first tyme, and the secund tyme thai sal be expellit the toune, and thair jjudis eschet. January, 1506. The saide day, it was statut and ordanit be the alderman and counsele, that ale the penteraris of this burghe sale put ale the pent that suspect personis presentis to sale to the officiaris of the burghe, or thai by it, and be suorne tharto. 434 EXTRACTS FROM THE COUNCIL REGISTER 19th July, 19th July, 1506. The said day, the prouest and Johne Colisone, ane of the bailyes present for the tyme, dischargit thame of all thingis pertenyng to my lord of Aberdenis jurisdictioune, and speciale anent ane goune debatable, betuix Isabell Crichtoune, the relict of umquhill Johne Wormet, one that ane part, and William Wormet on that uthir part. 15th November, 1506. The said day, Dauid Cheman, and Dauid Broiss, goldsmitht and burges of the said burgh, at command of William Portar, ane of the bailzes of the said burgh, prisit ane corss of gold, weyand half ane unce, and half ane unicorn weicht, to Iviii s. and vi d., and ane ring of gold, witht ane blew stan, till ane Franche croune, in all thingis be thair aithis, quhilk was put to the said bailze be Mathow Ross, seruitour till ane worschipfull man, Sir Alexr. Monemeill, parsone of Forbes, and was layd to him in wed for certane money : that is to say, the said corss for iii Frenche crounis, and the said ring for ane unicorne of golde. February, 1507. The said day, comperit Normond Lesly, ane of the officiars of the said burgh, and schew and respond that, at the command of Johnne of Mar, ane of the baillies of the said burgh, he raessauit ane gold ring fra Dauid Murray on the behalf of Androw Murray his fadir, to ger prise the said ring at the raercat corss of the said burgh for certane money awing to the said Androw, for the quhilkis the said ring was plegeit to hyme. And the said day, comperit Dauid Theman, Dauid Croiss, goldsmythis, laucht- fully warnit and chargit tharto, quhilkis deponit be thair aithes, that thai at command of the said officiar, chargeing thame in the kingis nayme, prouist and baillies, to prise the said ring, and that the said officiar put the said ring at the merkat croiss of the said burgh, the v day of the moneth of Februar, the yer of God jai v c and sevin yers, and thai prisit the said ring till aucht merkis and half a merk, be thair aithes and con- sciens, the weicht of the Rose noble till tua merkis, the secund day of process. Item, the xii day of the said monetht, the said officiar put the said ring to the said merkat corss, to be prisit for the said money, quhilkis the saidis Dauid Theman and Dauid Broyss prisit to viii merkis and , the noble weht tua merkis. Item, the xix day of the said monetht of Fe- OF THE BURGH OF ABEEDEEN. 435 bruar, the thrid day of process, the said officiar put the said ring to the 27th February. said raerkat corss, to be prisit for the said money, quhilkis the saidis Dauid Theman and Dauid Brouss prisit the samen, as said is. Item, the xxv day of the said monetht, the said officiar prisit the said ring, as *ferd day of process, to the said merkat corss to be apprisit for the said money, quhilkis the said Dauid and Dauid apprisit the said ring to viii merkis and m as said is, for the pament of the some awand to the said Andrew ; the quhilk ring being apprisit, the said officiar, be werteu of his office, profferit to sell till ony personys that wald by the said ring, and gif maist for it, or pay the soume that it was prisit to. And becaus the said ring, of ressone, suld be first offerit to the awynar, the baillies chargit the said officiar to pass, and, befor sufficient witnes, offir the said ring to the awanar, and gif he refusit it, to deliuer it to the creditour that the money is awing to ; and gif the said ring excedis the debt, to deliuer the ex- crescence tharof the awar of the said ring. May, 1507. The saide day, it was statut and ordanit, be the prouest, bailyeis, and counsale for the vphaldin of the aide louabile consuetuid, honor, and rite of the toune, that all manere of youthis, burgeis and burges sonnys, salbe redy everie halyday to pass with the Abbat and Prior of Bonacord, in thair array convenient thairto, under the paine of xx. sh. ilkane persone that fayleis, and [ ] tharof for thar unlawe unforgevin ; quhilk unlawe salbe departit betuixt Sanct Nicholes werk and the said Abbat and Prior equalie ; and in likuiss thai ordanit the tounes officers to be redy to pass with the said Abbatt and Prior continualie for the honor of the toune. 28th May, 1507. The said day, the prouest and bailyis statut and ordanit that ale skynaris sale gang befor the cordinaris in ale processiounis, baitht in Candilmes play and utheris processionis that accordis thame to gang in. 8M October, 1507. The said day, it was statut and ordanit for the cornone proffit, woill, and gud reull of this burgh, be the prouest, bailzes, and consale, that na burges within this burgh sal haue nay forstallar vnder him to pas in quintray to 436 EXTRACTS FROM THE COUNCIL REGISTER 8th October, forestall the burgh in hieing of woll, hidis, nor skynnis, vnder the pane of fiwe merkis ; and that nay merchand sale tak ane vther mannis merchand out of his hand vnto the tyme that he have comptit and raknit finaly with his mercband, and be free of him, vnder the pane of fiwe markis. Item, that nay merchand oppin his butht dur to sel or by, or do ony merchandise one ane Sonday, vnder the pane of ane pund of walx, or the waile of it, to be applyit to the Halyblud licht. Item, it is statut and ordanit that na taulcht be barrellit nor schippit, vnder the pane of eshet to the toune, quhar it may be comprehendit, and viii s. of the sellar for ane amerciament, and thar personis and gudis to be dangerit be the kingis hienes. Item, it is statut and ordaynit that nay swyne be haldin withtin this toun, vtteuche band, or ane ring in thar wort, vnder the pane of eshet of thame, and viii s. uneforgevin ; and gif thai be fundin vteuche band, and without ring in thar wort, fifteine dais beand runyne, thai salbe eshet, and lesum to be slane, quhaireuer thai ma be fundin. Item, that all forstallaris salbe accusit and punisit for thar forstalling, be the lovabill statutis and consuetud of the burghe. Item, that ale fut chepman berand paxis one thar bakis, salbe free to cum and pas saiffly to the said burgh without ony accusatioune, or pan of forstalling of the burghe. Item, it is statut and ordanit that nay litstaris [ ] skynneris, nor craftismen, sale wesche thair clethis, hidis, skynnis, nor vyther stuf, in the comon riuolis, loche, nor watteris ; and that nay red fische, quhit fische, claythis, nor vyther stuff that may infect the watter, be cassin nor weschin in it. Item, that nay drauchtis be haldin apon the said loche, nor riuolis, nor watteris in priue, nor appert, hot vtterly destroyit. Item, that ane preue, inquest be takin of ale unlauchful personis housis, draucht haldaris, walcaris, and of ale vyeris poyntis perteyning tharto [ ] and punist be the law. Item, that ale candilmakaris has candile reddy to sele to ale mane, anp thai salbe sellit be richt wecht, the pund for iij d., small weikit and dry. Item, that nay aill be sellit derar this yeir than viii d. the galloun, be fre folkis, and vi d. the galloun, be vnfrehaldaris. Item, that ale baxtaris sale haue breid of quheit sufficient, gud and clene stuf, penny breid and tua penny breid. OF THE BURGH OF ABERDEEN. 437 Item, that diligent inquisitioun be takin of ale infect personis with this 8th October, strange seiknes of Nappillis, for the sawetie of the toun ; and the personis 1507> beand infectit therwith be chargit to keip thame in ther howssis and vther places, fra the haill folkis. Item, that the fleshouris sale sell na flesch quhill it be prisit, ande euery Setterday the bailzeis about circualy sale pas with the flesch prisaris, and set it eftir thar aithtis. Item, that quhit fisharis sale putte the fische to the mercat, and sele na fisch to landmen, nor zhit in gret, quhile the toune be seruit, and that na regratouris of quhit fisch quhile the toune be seruit. Item, that thar salbe certane personis ordanit to cleng the toun and dicht the causaies, ilkane fyr houss payand thame ane penny. Item, that nayne infecht folkis with the seiknes of Napillis be haldin at the common fleschouss, or with the fleschouris, baxteris, brousteris, ladi- naris, for sauete of the toun, and the personis infectit sale keip thame quyat in thar housis, zhardis, or vther comat placis, quhill thai be haill for the infectioun of the nichtbouris. Item, that na wittel be housit quhile it be putt to the mercat, and at the mercat be keipit, and all caik baxtaris and huxtaris be expellit thairfray. Item, that na craftismen by hidis bot as the law requires, that is to say, the louge and the borne elik lang. Item, that na craftismen bark and scharp, baith eftir the forme of oure souerane lordis lawis. Item, that craftismennis wiffis, litstaris, cordonaris, vsing browing, haue a leid to brew in, ande ane vther for thar craft. Item, that na man hald swyne fyr and elding in a houss, and that the bailzeis cerss thair quarteris four tymes in the yeir, and expell unlauchfull folkis and unlauchfull houssis. Item, that nay onefreman keipe oppin butht within the burgh, nor haue license to saile in merchandise, under the pane of xl s. ; and gif the denys of the glide sufferis thame to saile or keip oppin buitht, thai sal ansuer for the said xl s. Item, that the mettis and mesouris be assait throw the haile toun, and quhar thai be fundin unrichtuuss be distroit, and the avnaris of tham pvnisit be the lawe. Item, that all couparis mak sufficient barrelis of mesour, efter the law of the realme, and consuetud of this burghe, and ilkan man set his avne merk 3 L 438 EXTRACTS FKOM THE COUNCIL REGISTER 8th October, to his avne werk ; and quhay failzeis hereintill, to be pvnisit efter the tenour and rigour of the law. Item, that na man intromett nor merchandise mak with vtheris mannis gudis vnder colour, allegand thame to be thar propir gudis, vnder the pane of x merkis. Item, that na mvk within this burghe at ony mannis yit or dur ly langer thar than xxiiii houris, vnder the pane of viii s. unforgivin, and the said ravk to be fre till euerie persone that sail pless to tak or leid it away. The said day, Johne Litster exponit how it was deliuerit be ane sworne assis that Jonhne Cuk in Ellone suld haue brocht ane act of the consistory court that he was dischargit of ane par of splentis be the said Jonhe, and suld haue presentit the said act befor the balzeis one Wedinsday, the saxt day of October instan, and gif he failzeit in the bringin of the said act the said day, that he suld pay viii s. to the said Jonhe Litster for the saidis splentis ; and becauss he falzeit in the presenting of the act, the said Jonhe Litster allegit he suld pay to him the said viii s. 5th March, 1508. The saide day, the prouest, ballieis, and counsale, ordanit and diuisit ane propyn in wyne, wax, and spice, to my lord of Abirdene, as eftir fol- louis : In the first, tua puntionis of wyne cost nyne lib. and iiii s. to cary thame to my lordis place ; item, iiii pece wax, price of the stane xviii s., maid in torchis and prikatis, for the makin of thame, iii s., for the treis makyn and savin, xviii d., for tua reuchteris to be the treis, xx d., for wekis, xviii d. ; item, ii dusane of scorcheatis, price xlviiii s., galloune of Maluasy, price iiii s. viii d., ane gallone of claret, v s. iiii d., ane galloune of quhit wyne, price ii s., to be pait of the rediast gudis of the toun. Some of the haile, xvi lib. iii s. viii d. 8th May, 1508. The said day, it was statutit and ordanit be the alderman, baillies, and consale, that all personis that are abill within this burghe sail be reddy with thair arrayment maid in grene and yallow, bowis, arrowis, brass, and all uther convenient thingis according thairto, to pass with Robyne Huyd and Litile Johnne, all tymes convenent tharto, quhen thai be requirit be the saidis Robyne and Litile Johnne, efter the tenor of the statuts and procla- OF THE BURGH OF ABERDEEN. 439 matioun maid be the proveistis, baillis, and counsaill ; and gif ony of the 8th May. said personis happenis to failye in ony poynt befor writyne sail pay 1508 - fourty shillings unforgiven, and sail nocht bruik nor joiss, tak, fisching, nor land of the said burgh. 16th July, 1508. The said day, comperit Johnne Currour and Johne Waul, masteris under God of tua Ingliss schippis, of Scarisburgh, witht certane fischar- men, and Patry Leslie, thair forspekar, and humbly complenzeit, how thai happinit till arive and cum within the hawin and port of the said burgh, be ane north eist wind and lekness of ane of thair said schippis, one Sonday, in the morning, the xv day of this instant monetht of Julii, and Sir Johnne Rutherfurd and Andrew Fife, witht thar complicece, haid takin thaim, allegiand thai suld be presoneris, and deponit the greit aitht that thai com within the said havin to mend the said schip, and throw ane northt eist wind, and askit leif at the quhit fischaris or thai com within the said havin, quhilk licenc thame safer as thai mycht, and besocht the bailzeis to grant thame certificatioun thairapone. And thaireftir the bailzeis causit the belman to pass throu the toune and warne the merchandis and nychtbouris of the toun to cum to the tolbuitht, til haue thair awiss in the said materr, quhilkis pre- sent, and circuly inquerit be Willeam Scrimigeor, ane of the officiaris of the said burgh, grantit and declarit that thai consentit nocht to the takking of the said schippis and personis, nor had nocht art nor part thairof ; and thai understude thai var na presoneris, and requirit the bailzeis to gif the said Inglismen certificatioune thairapone, protestand that quhat skaith happinit to cum thairof eftirwart suld nocht cum on thame, na the said toune, hot apone thame that intromettit witht the said schipis and personis. llth November, 1508. The said day, the prouest, bailyeis, counsaill, and comunitie of the said burghe, representand the haill body of the samyne, warnit be the hand bell, ale in ane voice considerand, riplie avisit, for the auld rit and lovabile con- suetud of the said burgh, vsit and perseruit all tymes bigane, past memor of man, in honor of thar glorius patron Sanct Nicholaice, statut and ordanit, that all personis, burges, nichtbouris, and inhabitaris, burges sonnys, habill to ryd, to decor and honor the towne in thar array conveinant therto, sail rid with Robert Huyid and Litile Johne, quhilk was callit, in yers bipast, 440 EXTRACTS FROM THE COUNCIL REGISTER 17th Nov., Abbat and Prior of Bonacord, one every Sanct Nicholas day, throw the towne, as use and wont has bene, quhen thai war warnit be the said Robert Huyde or Litile Johne, or ony ane of theme ; and gif ony man haffand taks of watris, fischeingis, landis, or ony pensioun or proffit of the toune, habill to rid, beand warnit be the saidis Robert Huyd or Litile Johne forsaid, and will nocht ryd, and beis convict tharintill be ane suorne assiss of the said burgh, sail tyne thar takis, pensiounis, and proffitis that thai haue of the said burghe, and salbe secludit, removit, and utterlie expellit fra ale takis, pensionis, profits, quhatsumever thai have of the said burgh, in tyme to cum ; without ressonable causs schawin and propinit to the prouest, ballyeis, counsaill, Robene and Litile Johne, obefoir, and be considert be thame to be lauchfull impediment and excuss quharthrow thai mycht not ryd ; and the personis havand na takis of the said burghe, beand waruit be the said Robert Huyd or Litile Johnne, and will not rid, sail pay xx shilling to Sanct Nicholas werk, and viij sh. to the bailyeis unlaw vnforgevin. 21 st January , 1509. The said day, the borgh fundin be Robert Piper and Johnne Piper, comon menstrallis, upoun David Ines, for the wranguiss withhaldin fra thame of thar dietis yerly, and thar fie, was fundin awaile ; and for the quhilkis it was deliuerit be ane suorne assis, Cristofer Prat, forspekar, that the said David was in ane ameroiament of the court, and aw to pay to thame yerly xviij d. : Notwithstanding, the alderman and baillies defalkit ij d. yerly ; and say the said Dauid sale pay to the said menstrellis xvj d. yeerly. October, 1509. The said day, Bessy Layng, the wif of Johnne Beryhill, was conuict be ane suorn assiss, Mathou Branche, forspekar, for dissobeing of Johne Cuk, officiar, in the executioun of his office, and for takin away of the set of the aile of hir dur, set be the said Johnne Cuk, officiar, and putting up and skorand viii d. aile. 30th January, 1510. The said day, it was fundin be the aid lovabile consuetud and ryt of the burgh, that, in the honor of God and the Blissit Virgin Mary, the craftsmen of the samyn, in thar best aray, kepit and decorit the processioun, on Can- dilmes day yerlie ; quhilk auld and louabile consuetud the prouest, baillies, OF THE BURGH OF ABERDEEN. 441 and consale riplie avisit, ratefeit, and approvit the said ryt ; and atour, statut 30th January. and ordanit that the saids craftsmen and thar successoris sale perpetualie in tyme to cum, observe and keipe the said procession als honourabily as thai can ; and thai sale in order to the Offering in the Play, pas tua and ij togidr socialie ; in the first the flesshoris, barbouris, baxturis, cordinaris, skineris, coupairis, wrichtis, hat makars bonat makars togidr, walcaris, litstaris, wobstaris, tailyeouris, goldsmiths, blaksmiths and hemermen ; and the crafts- men sale furnyss the Pageants; the cordinaris the Messing; wobstaris and walcaris Symeon ; the smythis goldsmithis, iij Kingis of Cullane; the litstaris, the Emperour; the masons, the Thrie Knichtis ; the tailyors, Our Lady Sanct Brid, and Sanct Elene ; and the skynners, the Tua Bischopis ; and tua of like craft to pass with the pageant that thai furnyss to keip their gear ; and gif ony persone or persouns happinis to falye and brek ony poynt befor writin, and beis convict tharof, sale pay xl sh. to Sanct Nicholas werk, and the balyeis unlaw unforgevin : ande to the observing and keping of the samyn ale the said craftsmen was oblist, be thar handis uphaldin. 3d February, 1510. The said day, Thomas Meldrum, William Patonsone, Andro Jonsone yonger, John Allane, and Richard Wricht, was, ilkan of thame, in amer- ciament of court, be thar avine toung condemit, becauss thai passt not in the procession of Candilmes day to decoir the samyn, and tile amend as law wile, and forber in tyme to cum. 1th October, 1511. The said day, it was statut and ordanit that ilkane hors haldin and festenit in girss sal pay yerlie viii d., ilkane cow vi d., ilkane scheip tua d., for fogag to the denys of the gild of the said burgh. 21 st November, 1511. The said day, it was statut and ordant, be prouest, bailyeis, counsaile, and comunite present for the tyme, representand the body of the towne, warnit tharto be Gilbert Preston, officiar, for the auld rit and lovabile con- suetud of the said burgh, vsit and preseuerit all tyme bigane, past memor of man, in the honor of our glorious patroun, Saint Nicholes, that ale personis, burges, nychtbours, burges sones, and induellaris within the said 442 EXTRACTS FROM THE COUNCIL REGISTER 2ist November, burgh, abill to rid to decoir and honor the towne in thair best eray con- venient tharto, sal rid every Sanct Nicholes day, al tyraes to cum, quhen thai ar warnit be the prouest and bailyies ; and gif ony burges, or burges sonis, havand taks of watris, fishingis, landis, or ony pension or proffit of the tovne, abill to rid, beand warnit be the prouest and bailyeis, and will not rid, and be conuict tharanent be ane suorne assiss, sal tyne thar takis, pensionis and proffittis that thai haue of the said burgh, and sal be secludit, removeit, and uterlie expellit tharfra, in tym to cum, without ressonable caus schawin and exponit to the said prouest and bailyeis, and to be considerit be thame gif it be lauchful impediment and excuss quhar- throw thai may nocht rid : and atour, that al personis, burges, merchand men, and craftismen, havand na takis, habill to rid, beand warnit be the prouest and bailyeis as said is, and will nocht rid, sail pay xx sh. to Sanct Nicholes werk unforgevin, and aucht shillingis to the bailyeis unlaw, with- out lauchful impediment as said is, conformand to the uther actis maid tharapone obefoir. 25 th January, 1512. The said day, the prouest, bailyeis, and counsale present for the tyme, ratefeit and approvit the actis maid obefoir, that every craft within this townne, sail haue a pair of torcheiss, honestlie maid of four pund of wax, to decoir and worschip the sacrament one Corpus Xti day, and at the Fest of Pasche, at the Resurrexion, at Youle, and at all vther tymes, quhen neid is to the honor of the townn ; and ordainns all frie and unfre to loit and scot, and pay thair part tharto, as thai are extentit to, be the deknys of thair craftis. 10th May, 1512. The x day of the monetht of Maii, the yer of God j m v c and xii yeris, thir personis etirwrittin : that is to say, Jonhne of Cullane, Androwe Cul- lane, Patry Leslie, Jonhne Blak, and Georg Byssat, was chesin and suorne the gret aithes, be the haile balzeis, counsale, and comunite of the toune, to set and extent the svme of fiwe hundretht pundis, vsuale money of Scotland, for the releving of the justice ayr and chavmerlane ayr of the burghe ; with aviss of the prouost and certane of craftismen, pairt of ilkan craft, and the expenss and propynis gevin to the clerkis and lordis. OF THE BURGH OF ABERDEEN. 443 14th July, 1512. 14th July. The saide day, the prouost and balzeis accusit George Currour of Dome, for the trublance of the toune, the xiii day of this instant monetht of Julii, as thai allegit, quhilk trublance the said Georg denyit, and offerit him til vnderlie the decisioun of ane assis ; and incontinent therefter the said accioun was put to the declaracioun of the best and wortheast burges of the said burghe present for the tyme, quhilkis riplie avisit, the ressonis and allegacionis of baitht the said pairteis, herd, sene, and vnderstandin, witnes producit, it wes fund and deliuerit be the said assis, Schir lohne Rutherfurd, forspekar, the said George quyt of all strublance of the said burghe. 19th March, 1514. The said day, the prouest exponit and opinlie declarit how yt is nocht unknawin that he, at command of cure souerane lordis hienes and my lord of Huntlie, had callit in the haile towne, and gert cheiss certane commis- saris to pass to the Parliament, and diuisit thair expensis, and deliuerit the bile tharapon, quhame fra the said expenssis suld be takin to Dauid Ander- sone, ane of the balzeis of the said burghe, and that he and the commissaris chesin tharto wes redy to ryd, and could nocht get the expensis diuisit for thara ; tharfor the prouest protestit that the skaith cumand thairof suld turne apon the personis avand the said expensis, or on the baize, in defalt of exe- cucioun of his office. 1th September, 1515. The quhilk day, Dauid Brownn grantit him awand to my lord the Elect of Abirdene, iiii xx cartill of dry petis, to be inbrocht be him incontinent, tharof xl cartill on the said Dauidis expensis, with his awin hors, and vyther xl cartill one my lordis expenss. llth September, 1515. Statut for the electioun of ix personis to pas to the dukis seruice. The saide day, the haile toune, warnit be the hand bell and the officiaris, representand the haile town for the tyme, and, circulaie inquerit, chesit Gilbert Menzeis, Johnne Cullan, Androw Cullan, Johne Collisoun, James Colisoun, Thomas Waus, and Wilzeame Wormet, to be suorne the gret 444 EXTRACTS FROM THE COUNCIL REGISTER 17th Sept., aitht to cheiss nyne personis, fensabill pretty men, to pas and mak the gud seruice, and to be nemmyt and chosin be thame. llth October, 1515. We, Johne Duke of Albeny, tutour to the kingis, and governour of his realme, gevis and grantis be thir our letres oure full commissioun and powere to cure louit coussing, Williarae Earle of Erroll, to intromet and vptak all and hale the landis and gudis, movabill and vnmovabill, quhilk pertenit to Alexr. Storne, burgess of Aberdene, being in our handis throw his decess, be way of bastardry ; quhilkis landis, gudis, and proffiitis tharof, oure said causing sal intromat tharwith, and vptak and inbring the tane halfe of the samyne to our factouris in oure nam ; for the quhilk we gif, be thir oure letteris, to our saide cousing, for certan causis moving us, the wther half of the said eschet gudis, and to apply the samyn to his avine use, and to dispone tharapone as oure said cusing sal think maist expediant. Gevin vnder oure signet, and subscriuit with our hand, at Edinburgh, the xi day of October, the yere of God j m v c and xv yeris. JOHAN Gh. 19th November, 1515. The said day, it was statut and ornanit be provest, bailyes, and counsaill present for the tyme, that the auld lovabill consuetud and rit that has bene vsit within this burgh, all tymes bigane, past memor of man, in the honor of our gloreuss patroun, Sanct Nicholes, and uphalding of the auld con- suetud, that all burges sonnys, merchand men, and craftismen, habill tharto thoucht expedient be provest, bailyeis, and the gud men of the towin, and to be villit be thame, address thame, in thar best array, to rid at this instant Fest of our said patroun, Sanct Nicholace, siclik as has bene vsit obefoir tymes, for honor to the towne, and loving to our patroun ; and quha that failyeis, and riddis not, he being warnit tharto be ane bailye that sail be lymyt tharto, to be punyst eftir the forme of the act and statut maid tharapone in the monetht of November, anno quingentesimo vndecimo, without ony fauor. 24*A July, 1517. The said day, the wyf of Patry Walcar grantit scho had ane young OF THE BURGH OF ABERDEEN. 445 swyne in hawfaris betuix hir and Ellene Crippill, quharfore the said Elene 24th July, protestit for the profittis of the half of the said swyne. 5th February, 1523. The said day, Johne Pill, tailzeour, wes conuikit be his awin toung grant maid in jugement for the dissobeing of David Anderson, bailze, be- eaus he refusit to pas in the Candilmess processioun with his taikin and sing of his craft in the place lemit to his craft, and in likwiss for the mis. personing of the said Dauid Andersoun, the merchandis of the said guid toun, in calling of thame Coffeis, and bidding of thame to tak the salt pork and herboiss in thair handis ; for the quhilk the prowest and hail [councel] chargit the said Johne, he beand oblisit in jugement be his hand wphaldin thair deliuerance, to cum on Sonday that next cumis, in the tyme of hiemes, barfut, and bairheid, with an candel of ane pund of wax, and offer the samyn to thair patroun Sanct Nicholace, and sit doun humelie on his kneis, be- seikand the prowest and guyd toun to ramyt him his forsaid fait, and in- obedience doyne to the bailze, and to bring on his breist the usit taikin of his craft, that is to say, ane pair of patent sheris ; and gif euer the said Johne committis ony siclik falts in tym cuming, to pay to Sanct Nicholace wark x merkis but remissioun. The sayd day, tha provest, with the aviss of the haill counsell present for the tym, fund and dely verit, that the craftismen of the said burgh had failyet in the observing and keiping of the lovabill auld statut, maid be thair pre- decessoris, with the consent of the haill craftismen, in the honoring and de- coiring of the procession on Candilmess day, becauss thai wer absent for the maist part, and that thai that wer present, buyr nocht the taikins of thar craft, eftir the forme of the said statut : And ordanit the bailyes to wptak thair vnlawis of the absent, and thai that failyeit in the bering of thair taikins, to amend in tym cuming, vnder al payne contenit in the auld statut, to be wptakin but ramissioun. I3t/i April, 1523. The said day, the hail toun, all in ane voce, maid, constitut, and ordanit honorabill men, Thomas Menzes of Petfodcllis, and Patrick Lesly, bur- messes of Aberden, Lordis of Bonacord for this instant ycir ; and ordanit al manr of yong able men within the toun duelland, to rise and obey to thame, 3 M 446 EXTRACTS FROM THE COUNCIL REGISTER 13th April, quhen thai are requirit, eftir the auld rit and wss of the said burgh ; givand thame power to correct and puniss thair dissobearis at thar awin hands : And chesit thaim in likwise to be Mastris of Artuilyery for this instant yeir. 1st March, 1530. The said day, William Lyoun, baize to my lord of Abirdene, asket lycens at William Holland, ane of the bailzeis of this burcht, to hang ane theif, quhilk was convickit in my lord of Aberdens court, quhilk lycens the said William Holland grantit, protestand that it suld nocht hurt the townis preualegis in na sort. 1530. [The statutes on this and the three following pages are copied from a MS. in the possession of a Member of the Club, which would ap- pear to have been the scroll of the Town Clerk. On the margin are the words " Wreit nane of this," being a direction probably that they should not be copied into the Council Register, but should be entered in their " Buk of Statutes to be ingrossit in perchment," referred to in the Preface, where they are also to be found. In this Manuscript, and also in the above volume, there is a statute dated 13th June, 1533, relative to the processions on Corpus Christi day, which is frequently referred to in the Council Register, but is not to be found there.] And, attour, it is statut and ordanit that thair be feit four personis : that is to say, tua to the stipill of the tolbuitht, and tua to Santt Nicholace stepill, and thar to remayne eurilk day, sa lang as day licht lastis ; and thair to spy quhat maner of [persons] on fut or on hors, to quhat nomer, or quhat get thai cum to the toun. And the watch that beis in Santt Nicholass stepill to haue ane waip or tua within the samyn ; and quhen he seis ony man cummand to the toun ridand, gif thair be hot ane, gif bot a knell with the bell, and gif thair beis tua, tua knellis ; and gif thair beis mair, ay as he can nomer them, sa mony men as he jugis, to gif sa mony knellis. And gif thai be sa mony that he cannot guydlie tell thaim, than to knell ay continuall ; and quhowsone the watch in the tolbuitht heiris him knelland continuall and fast, than he sail jow the comond bell, ay and quhill the toune be in thair geir and harness. And the watch that beis in Sanct Nicholace stepill, to pyt on the waiffs that he hes, to the part of the OF THE BURGH OF ABERDEEN. 447 toun he seis thame cumand to, sua that it may be knawn quhat port and 1530. art of the toun thai cum to. And that eury zoung and abill man that hes or may get ony culwerings, cors bowis, or hand bowis, that thai incontinent mak thame reddy, and ws schutting with the samyn, prowyding all wais to schaif thame self fra skaitht of thair innymeis. And that euery man of guyd, and wthers that may per- furneis, gar mak thame spers incontinent that wants. And attour thai haue ordanit the prowest to tak with him tua or thre of the best and wisest men and guyd of the counsell quhom that he thinks maist expedient, and mak writings to the lords and men of guyd in the cuntra about, quhilk was not at the said slauchter committing, and knaw thair myndis to the guyd toune, and quhat kynd thai will haue thame in tym cumming to the samyn ; and gif thai ma be sikar, that thai wulbe thair guyd freids in tym to cum as thai haue euir beyne of befor, and quham in thai ma lippin. And quhat euir the said prowest and his counsell dois thairintill thai obleis thame to stand and abyd at the samin. It is statut and ordanit be the saids prowest, baillies, counsell, and communite forsaid, that thair be na maner of personis within this toun duelland, of quhat degre that euir thai be, that tak apone hand to ludg or ressit, athir be da or nycht, quietlie or oppinlie, ony maner of persoun, of quhat degre that euir thai be, without thai haue lischens of the prouest thairto ; and gif it sal happin that ony maner of persone be suspekit quietlie be thair nychtbours or ony vthers in ressawing of ony personis quietlie, and reueleit to the prowist or to the baillies be thair nychtbours, that incon- tinent the saids personis suspekit have thair durrs and zetts reddy oppin to the bailzeis and thair officiars to so and rip thair innys, that the said suspi- cioun be not of verite ; and gif thair beis ony nychtbour that dissobeis thair baillies or officiars in the excirsitioun herof, and siclik luigs ony maner of personis without thai have lischence of the prowest, other frind or fa, few or mony, ather be da or nycht, without thai cum first to the prowest and schaw him quhat personis thai ar, thair names and quhat nomer, and quhow lang thai ramayne, and have his lischence thairto, that the said persons that failzeis in the premissis tyne thar fredome, togidder with all proftcit thai haue or ma haue of this guyd toun, athir tak or rome in tym cumming ; and 448 EXTRACTS FROM THE COUNCIL REGISTER gif it heis ony [ ] as puyr bodeis that failzeis in ony part forsaid, incon- tinent to be bannist the toun, and neuer to be resseit in the samyn agane. And all suspect places to be closit wp and [ ] nalit, baith zettis and durrs. To the obseruing and keping of all the points forsaid, all the haill toun being present for the tym, fre, on fre, hes maid the aitht of fidelite, be thair hand wphaldin in jugement, the haly croce tuichit, eury man be him self to obserue and keip all and sindrie the ponts and artikilles forsaid, baitht of this statut and of all the laif afor wrytin, without fraud or gile, and hereto bund and obleist thaim be the fathis in thair bodies ; and quhasa happynis to failze in ony poynt forsaid, to underly the panis contenit in the said statut, but favour or request euer to be hard in the contrar. And, attour, the said toun, euerilk man be himself, fre and onfre, hes maid faytht, the gret aith suorne in iugement, neuer to rewele to na maner of personis the secreits and counsel of this guyd toun, sa far as thai heir and is schawin to thaim, and in speciale, the artiklis and ponts ] presentlie, quhilks is hot for thair iust defence, to ewaid and vrnchow tru- bill of thair innymeis, sua that thai may lef, as the kingis trew burges and seruandis, at peis and rist, but inquisitioun and trubill of thair ewill awisit nychtbours. And siclik, ilk ane of the said toun hes obleist thame be the tenor of thair aitht, to be leill and trew to the prouest and guydtoun ; and quhat- euer thai heir, se, or can get witting of, quhilkis may be ony skaitht to the toun, prouest, bailzeis, counsell, or till ony nychtbour of the samyn, that thai cum in continent, and rewele the samyn quietlie to the prouest, and warne thair nychtbours of thair skaitht, lyiks as all trew kirsinmen suld do vnhealiet, till vthirs, and speciale nychtbours and brithirs, within ane gude toune duelland. 1st August* 1530. The first day of August, the yeir of God ane thousand fiwe hundreth and xxx yeirs, the haile tovn convenit within the tolbuth of the samyn beand warnit be the hand bell and officiars, on the quhilk the belman and officiars maid faith in jugement, thay beand circualie inquirit be Maister Dauid Nicholsoun, scrybe of the court, be command of the provest and baillies, seand and considerand the cruell slauchters, murthers, and oppressionis, OF THE BURGH OF ABERDEEN. 449 done to thame and to thair nichtbours be gentlemen of the cuntre, statut 1st August, and ordanit, all in ane voce, that euerilk nichtbour, within this tovn 1530< duelland, suld haue abilzement, according to his faculte, reddy for suirite of his persoun and defence of this gude tovn, that eury abill man suld weyr daily his wapyn on his persoun, vnto the tyme that remeid be fundin how this gude toun may [ ] acquyit of sic cruel oppressionis ; and that eury crafts man haue his wapyn, that is to say, dens aix or halbart, besyd him in his workin hous, and quhen he passis to the gait to turs the samin in his hand, or ellis sum fensable wapyn on his persoun, sua that thay be abill at all tymes to debait thame self, thair nichtbours, and this gude tovn : and quhay sa breks this statut, for the first fait sail pay viii s. to the tovnis vnlaw vnforgewin, the secund fait to pay the said vnlaw, and to be reputit part takkar with the townis enymeis, the third fait to be banest the toun vnfor- gewin. Xiii die mens. Junij anno Dom. millesimo quingess mo xxxiii, the said day, it is statut and ordanit, be the provest, bailzeis, consale, and community present for the tyme, representand the haill body of the tovin, conforme to the auld louable consuetud and ryit of this burgh, and of the noble burgh of Edinburgh, of the quhilk ryit and consuetud the said provest hes gottin the copy in writ ; that is to say, in the honour of God and the blissit Vir- gine Mary, the craftismen of this burgh sail, in thair best arraye, keip and decoir the processionis on XXi [Corpus Christi] day and Candelmes day als honorabillie as tha cane, euery craft with thair avin banar, with the armes of thair craft thairin, with thair pegane ; and tha sail pas, ilk craft be thame self, tua and tua, in this ordour : that is to say, in the first, the fleschars, and nixt thame the harbours, nixt thame the skynnars and furriours togydder, nixt thame the cordonars, nixt thame the tailzours, nixt thame the wobstris, valcars, and litstars togidder, nixt thame the baxtris, nixt thame the wrichtis, masonis, sclaters, and coupers togidder, and last, and nixt the sacrament, passis all the smithis and hammyrmen. And euery craft in the said processionis sail furneiss thair pegane and banar honestlie as effers, conforme to the auld statut maid in the yeir of God jaj v c and tene yers, quhilk statut was maid be the haill counsale, and approwit be the craftsmen of the tovne for the tyme, for thame and thair successours, and oblegit to keip the same, vndir the pane of xl s., to Sanct Nicholas wark, and the bailzeis vnlaw, unforgevin, to be takin oup 450 EXTRACTS FROM THE COUNCIL REGISTER 1st August, of thame that beis without ane ressonabill causs fra the processioun, or that maks truble or perturbatioun thairin, to the quhilkis tha war oblist, be thar handis vphaldin in iugment ; and the provest, bailzeis, and counsale, pre- sent for the tyme, now as afor, ratifies and*afnrmis this present statut, and the panis afor written ; for the first fait, and for the secund fait, the comraittar thairof to be bannest the tovn for zeir and day ; and this present to be inuiolabellie in all tymes to cum. May, 1531. The said day, it was statut and ordanit, be the prouest, bailyeis, and counsale, present for the tyme, conforme to the auld lovabill consuetudis and rytt of this burgh, and of the nobill burgh of Edinburgh, of the quhilkis rite and consuetude the forsaid prouest hes gotin copy in write : that is to say, that, in the honour of God and the blessit Virgin Marye, the craftismen of this burgh, in thair best array, keipe and decoir the pro- cessioun on Corpus Cristi dais, and Candilmes day, als honorabillye as thai can, euery craft with thair awin baner, with the armes of thair craft thairin, and thai sal pas ilk craft be thame self, tua and tua, in this ordour : that is to say, in the first the flescharis, and nixt thame the barbouris ; nixt thame, skynnaris and furrowris togidder ; nixt thame, the cordonaris ; nixt tharae, the tailzouris ; efter thame, the vobstaris, valcaris, and litsters togidder ; nixt thame, the baxstaris ; and last of all, nearest the Sacrament, passis all hemmermen ; that is to say, smythis, wrichtis, masonis, cuparis, sclateris, goldsmythis, and armouraris ; and euery ane of the said craftis, in the Candilmes processioun, sail furneiss thair pageane, conforme to the auld statut, maid in the yeir of God jai v c and x yeris, quhilk statut was maid with the avise of the haile consale, and approvit be the craftismen of the toune for the tyme, for thame and thair successeris, and oblist thame to the keping of the samyn, vuder the pane of xl s., and the balzeis vnlaw unforgevin, to be vptakin of thame that beis absent, bot ane resonabill causs, fra the said processioun, or that makkis trubill or perturbatioun thairin, to the quhilkis thai ar oblist, be thair handis vphaldin in iuge- ment ; and the prouest, bailzeis, and counsale, present for the tyme, ra- tifeis and approvis this present statut, and the panis contenit thairin, to be kepit inviolablye in all maner, in tyme cuming. OF THE BURGH OF ABERDEEN. 451 The craftis ar chargit to furneiss thair panzeanis vnder writtin : 22d May, The flescharis, Sanct Bestian and his Tormentouris 1531 - The barbouris, Sanct Lowrance and his Tormentouris The skynnaris, Sanct Stewin and his Tormentouris The cordinaris, Sanct Martyne The tailzeouris, the Coronatioun of Our Lady Litstaris, Sanct Nicholes Wobstaris, walcaris, and bonet makaris, Sanct John Baxtaris, Sanct Georg. Wrichtis, messonis, sclateris, and cuparis, The Resurrectioun The smithis and hemmirmen to furneiss The Bearmen of the Croce. 24th November, 1533. The said day, the court vardit and schew for law, and is gevin for dovm be the mouth of Nicholl Bagis, dempster of the court for the tyme, that Robert Vaus, air to umquhile James Vaus, his fayther broyther, and John Pill, his curatour for his interess, hes provin sufficientlie that the said umquhile James Vaus had thir gudis underwritin in his possessioun at his last deperting furth of Scotland : that is to say, ane gray horss, ane sadill, ane bridill, ane pair of butis with spurris, ane gluif of plait, ane svord, ane jak of plait, ane dens aix, ane knapiscaw, ane dagar, ane bonnet, ane het, ane brovnn govn lynit with blak lamyskynnis, ane dobblet of blak worset with forslevis of blak weluet, ane sark, ane pair reid hois, ane jakat cot of blak sarge, ane gelcot of Ingliss reid begareit with blak ueluet, ane grit dubble compter, ane forme, ane dornik burd claith, ane bassing, ane lawar, ane siluer spone, ane masar of siluer, ane almry, ane quart, ane poynt, ane chopin of tyne, ane chargour, ane plait, ane disch on salsar of tyne, ane brew caddrovn, ane grit pane, ane smale pane, ane grit pot, ane small pot, ane cruik, ane spit [ ] ane chandelar, ane ladill, ane havil cruik, ane tangis, ane brew fatt, ane geill fat, ane flesche fat, ane fische fat, ane stand, ane bukat, ane wavrscaw, ane skayne for the buitht, ane pair of woll weyiss, ane pair of ballendis of brass, ane fedder bed with bostar, ane pair of shetis, ane pair of blanketis, ane [ ] of ymage wark, ane cod, ane mantill, ane wheill, ane par of woll camis, ane pair of cardis, ane kameiry stok, ane girdill, ane baik bread, and an pair of pepris queires ; and at the gudis afore writin perteins to the said Robert in airschip. 452 EXTRACTS FROM THE COUNCIL REGISTER 1st December, 1st December, 1534. The said day, the counsale present for the tym, ordanet Johnn Tulidef to pas and play thro the townn, as the auld use hes bene of the towns men- strallis, quhill the law day eftir Yowill ; and he to haue the auld vage thar- for, quhil the towin convein, the said day to fee him, gif they think expe- dient for the tym. 22? January, 1535. The said day, the prouest and counsale, in name of the haill tovn, tharof thar exprest comand and chais gevin and grantit to thame, convenit, and elect Johne Tulidef and Willie Murray, to the tovnis comand menstrallis, during the tovnis will ; Quhilk personis sail serve the guid tovn, as use hes bene in tymes bigane ; and sail pas, every day, thro all the rewis and stretis of the guid tovn, at five hours in the morining and betuix aucht and nyn at evin ; quhilk thai suore to do lelie and trulie : ffor the quhilk, tha [sal] haue ther dalie meit of the nychtbors of the guid tovin, and, ilk day, of euery burgess of gild, thay eit with, xvj d., and of euery craftisman xij d. ; and sal pas thro all thi toviu, and slip na man ; and quha refuss to gif thame meit and drink, sail gif them dobble vaigis ; and quhen tha gat doble vagis, tha sal lef that day on the vaige, and pas to na man for meit and vaig that day. April, 1535. The said day, it is thocht expedient, and ordanit be the consale, that all the yoving able men within this guid [tovin], haue thair grene cottis ; and agit men, honest cottis, efferand to thame ; and obey and decor the Lordis of Bonaccord, conform to the auld lovable vse of this guid tovn, under the painis of braking of commands and statutis of the guid tovin, that beis con- vickit tharof, and to be punest conform tharto. 2lst June, 1538. The sayd day, Walter Hay, goldsmyth, dekyne of hemermen, comperit in judgment, and complenit to the balyes, allegiand wrang don to thaim be the ameraris, in usurping of thair place in the processioun of Corpus Xri, this day, and ganging behind thame, aganis the comond ordinance and statuts of this nobill burght, and all the borrowis within this realm ; re- OF THE BURGH OF ABERDEEN. 453 quyrand thaim for remeyd of law ; protesting, gyf thai refusit, that it be 2ist June, lesutn to call the said armerars befor gugis sperituall or temporal, and for remeid of law. 29t/i May, 1541. The ante penult day of Mali, the yher forsaid, it was fundyn and deter- mynit be the lynaris anence the debatis betuex Johne Henrisone Culane on that a partie, and Johne Nachty, twcheing thair landis Hand in the Gas- traw, on that othir partie. In the first, quhar Johne Nachty compleignes that Johne Henrysone has wrangit him makand a causay and guttar til his bakwall of his house, the quhilke suld stand, as he saiis, forthir furthe than it dois, thai fynd that the forsaid John Henrysone wrangis nocht as yeit, bot eftirwart, quhen he ripis his grond forther, giue he kan get ony forthir document of grond, he sal haue than be lynaris that resone will. Alsua, to the corbale of the vther side of Johne Henrysounes forhous, thai find that it is sett to ferr in apon John Nachty. Item, thai fynd that the gavill of Johne Henrysones thenortir houss standis all hale upon John Nachtiis grond, and the wall that is on southe halfe Johne Henrysones nethir yheit standis apon John Nachtiis grond. 27 th October, 1541. The said day, John Herkill, Malcolm Herkill, Jno. Germond, Patre Cults, John Donald, James Dowe, James Prestonne, Alexr. Robertsonn, Gawane Wishert, Wm. Ingrm, Hare Robtson, Sande Mechelsonn, and David Reidheid, cordonars, thai and ilk ane of thame war conuikit be the sworne assiss aboun wrytine for the braking of commond ordinans and statutis of this gud toun of the warkmaschip, in selling of insufficiet schoine and mekill darrar than the statutis maid obefoir proportes, aganes the com- mond weill, quharfor thai war and ilk ane of thame in amerciament of court to ferbeir in tyme cuming, and amend as law, and that was gewin for dome. And becaus it was considerit be the prowest, bailies, and counsel, that the ledder is darrar nor it bed wont to be, thai haf dispensit with the said craftismen, and hes lycent thaim to sell thair schoine, quhill thai be forther awysit, of the prycis efter following: that is to say, the best dowbill solit schoine thai can mak for men for xxviii d. at the hiast, uthirs for xxvi d. or twa schillingis, efter the qualite and quantitie of the person that byie, and the best singill solit schoine thai can mak for xx d., and uthirs for xviii 3 N 454 EXTRACTS FROM THE COUNCIL REGISTER 27th October, d. and xvi d. ; the best doubill scholit for women thai can mak for xx d., xviii d., or xvi d., efter their qualite and quantite that byis, and thair singill scholit schon for xiiii d., xii. d., and uthirs for x d. ; item, barnis schone within xii yeir aid for x d., uthirs for viii d. or v d., efter the eild and qualitie of the barne. And this act to remane induring the touns will : and quhat craftisman that braks the samyn, the rest of his wrought ledder to be escheitt, and furthyr to be punyst as law will. 1 1th April, 1545. The said day, the prouest, bailyeis, and counsale, present for the tyme, admittit Johne Tulidef, menstrale, to his place he had afor ; and ordanit him to be adjunct to the tother tua, that are now instantlie in office, and ordanit thame to play thre partis, and to haue ther meit, all thre, about in the tovn, as tha had afor, and to haue thar auld wagis, and na man be com- pellit to eik thar wagis, hot at thar avin plesor, as tha think expedient. 223. Prennet, Michaell, 228. Preston, Sir Henry, 382. Prestoune, James, 453. Pulgoveny, 10. Purvess, William, 297, 298. Purwass, William, 165. Pynches, Matheus, 3, 387- Quelp, W'illiam, 43. Quhit Robert, 44. Quhite, William, 398. Quhithede, Philp, 421, 422. Quhit, Thomas, 271, 272. Quhytcors, Johne, freir, 288 289. Quhyt, Will., 162, 248. Qwyltis, 138. 476 INDEX. Racho, Joachin, steirsman of ane schipe of Trailsound, 333. Raif, Henrie, shiprnaister, 11. Raik, 325, 399- Ramfru, Gaufridus de, 370. Ramsay, Nichole, shipmaster, 65. Ranaldsone, Ellene, 163. Ranystoun, 133. Ratray, Jhone, 119, 121, 122, 123, 125, 167. Rattre, 291. Rattrey, Mariory, 339. Raty, Archibald, 414. Ray, Sir William, chaplane to our lady chappell of the Brig of Dee, 129- Reaule, Nicholace, capitene of ane schip of Deip, 232. Reburne, Thomas, goldsmycht, 26, 405. Rede, Alexander, 35, 36, 38, 48, 53, 54, 55,61, 63, 66, 69, 71, 73, 74, 410, 413, 4 1 4, 4 1 6, 4 1 7, 420, 42 1 , 424, 429, 430. Rede, Andrew, of Petfothell, 23. Reginald, Nicholaus, 375, 376. Reid, Dauid, 155, 271 272. Reid, Mr. Johnne, cheplane of Sanct Ketherinis chapell, 309. Reid, Maister Johne, cancellar of Abir- dene, 151. Rede, Sir Johne, 430. Reid, Rechert, singar, 314. Retie, Johne, 63, 71, 104, 429. Robertson, Johannes, 27- Robertson, John, 266, 280. Robertsone, Johne, in Tarvas, 51. Roche, Bryame, 77. Roger, Johnne, frer, 189. Rolland, Alexander, tollar, 43. Rolland, Pater Willelmus, 19- Rolland, Williame, elder, shiref-deput of Abirdene, 161, 162, 194, 211, 213, 225, 226, 227, 228, 229, 248. Rolland, Williame, younger, 161, 162, 166. Rosling Muyr, 104. Ross, 194, 297, 399, 434. Rosse, Erie of, 10, 13. Rossell, Schir Alexander, chaplane of Sanct Clement, 121. Rosto, in Norway, 333. Rubislaw, 40, 47, 148, 279- Ruderfurde, Schir Johne of Tarlane, Knycht, 42, 43, 44, 49, 53, 59, 63, 66, 67, 68, 69, 73, 78, 81, 84, 87, 92, 98, 1 1 , 1 1 0, 1 1 1 , 420, 423, 429, 439, 443. Rudriestoun, 118. Russal, Johne, 39. Rutherfurd, Dauy of, 397, 401, 402. Rutherfuird, Richard of, 6,51,389,399- Rutherfurd, Johannes, miles, 74, 421. Ruthirford, Johannes, 374, 375, 376. Ruthirfurd, Johne of, 102, 103, 114, 123, 125, 136, 170, 172, 209, 211, 213. Ryne, Mill of, 405. Saluay, 109- Scherar, Andro, 239- Scherar, Andrew, 21, 31, 33, 35, 406. Scherar, Schir Androw, vicar of Nig, 107, 126, 136. Scherar, Mayster Duncane, 21. Scherar, Williame, alderman, 19, 389, 390, 397, 402. Scheres, Maister Coppin, notar public, 113. Schesem, William, 92, 99, 104. Schevas, Johne, dempster of court, 154, 155, 163. Schipraw, 35, 50, 265, 309. Scott, George, in Auchery, 339. Scotcok, Elena, 379. Scrimigeor, William, 430, 439. Scrimgeoure, John, 13, 408. Scrogis, John of, 7, 12, 13, 17, 19, 23, 405. Scrogs, John of, the son, 12, 16, 20,404. Scrymgeour, Maister John of the Myris, 216. Sculehil, 35, 90. Selmor, Jacop, burgis of Hamburt, 310. Sensour, Johne, 133, 134. Setone, Maister Dauid, persone of Fethyrcarne, 67. Setoun, Alexr., of Meldrum, 111, 408, 409. Setoune, William of, 406, 407. Shedesley, 96, 148. INDEX. 477 Sibbald, Thorn, of Cave, 414. Skedarae, 428. Skeyne, Maister Robert, 151. Skypyng Kinge, 54. Smaler, Maister Johne, vicar of Kyn- gowdrum, 33. Smyth, Alarms, 375, 410. Smyth, Henry, botisman of ane schip of Hamburgh, 270. Smyth, Robert, burges, 207. Sound, Skau in Norway, 333. Spaldyng, Willelmus, 3, 374. Spens, Adam of, burges, 34. Spens, John of, Ulster, 33, 34. Spens, Maister Johne, aduocat to the quene, 294. Spens, Bischop Thomas, 118, 411. Spilyelaucht, Dauid, 246. Spitalfeild, 233. Spittall, Mr. Alexander, persone of Clait, 158. Spittell, 341. Stephin, Robertus, 400. Stephinson, John, burges, 17, 18, 19,44, 64, 404, 428. Stevinsoun, Robert, priour of Deir, 203. Stewart, Dauid, master of artailzerie, 83, 86, 92. Stewart, Master Valtir, 153. Stewart, Schir Walter, of Strathoune, 23. Stissing, 225. Stokate, Forest of, 18,47,52,54. Stokholme, 205. Storour, Andreas, prior, Carmelitarum, 73, 74, 76. Strachachin, Master Williame, master to gramar scolis, 80. Strade, Willelmus de, 377, 379, 380. Straichin, Mr. Gilbert, 107- Straloch, Duncane of, 24, 44. Stralocht, 229. Strang, Matilde, 373. Strathachin, Donald, 44. Strathachin, Johne, sone and apperand air to Thomas Straquhen of Lenturk, 138. Strathachin, Maister Thomas, maister of grammar scules, 37. Strathdee, 138. Strathechin, Sir Johne, 68, 419. Strathekyn, Adam, 374. Strath in, Wat, sangaster in Sanct Nicho- las kirk, 75. Strathoune, knight of, 396. Stratoun, Alexr., of Lowrastown, 113. Stratoun, Andro, of Wagy, 113. Straquhen, Thomas, of Lenturk, 138. Straquhyn, James, burgess in Inner- owry, 291, 349. Streweling, Schir Johne, notar, 46, 51, 67, 70, 82, 84, 424, 428, 430, 431. Striueling, 14, 200, 208, 210,211, 233, 253, 263, 346, 390, 399, 427- Suerdslep, Mauritius, 3, 374. Symson, Maister Andro, vicar of Abir- den, 33. Symson, Dauid, 23, 32, 33, 36, 37, 38, 44, 401, 410. Symsone, Thomas, 409. Syves, Andreus de, vicarius de Bervy, 5. Tailzour, Ammowrouse, 212, 229,230. Talzeour, Ranald, 44, 76. Tarlane, 42, 53. Taruas, 51. Terwes, Symsoun, 212. Thane, 204, 223. Theman, Dauid, goldsmytht, 19, 26, 49, 52, 73, 74, 404, 434, 435. Thomson, Andrew, in Rattre, 291. Thomson, Peter, alias Buit pursephant, 233. Thomsoun, Waltir, frer, 189. Tiry, Johne of, 422, 423. Tod, Schir Thomas, provost of Edin- burgh, 67. Torpichin, Johannes de 76. Torre, Mr. James, 221, 231, 248, 251, 252. Torry, 61, 304. Tough, Alexander, in Craigern, 458. Towes, 1 38. Traile, Schir Adam, 18. Traill, Loke, duelland in Petfoddellis, 352. Trailesond, 19,333,334. 478 INDEX. Trayne, Williame, in Irvyne, 305. Trinite poii, 242. Troumbull, Sir Johnne, sangster, 80, 81. Tulidef, Andro, 16, 17, 401. Tulidef, John, 17, 19, 406, 454, 456. Tuligony, 138. Tullideff, Johne, 101, 220, 309, 310, 322, 331, 347, 352, 362, 364, 366. Tullidronis hill, 296. Tuloch, Johannes de, 374. Tullocht, 431. Tullowcht, 148. Tullquhon, 17, 138. Tullymad, 349. Turref, 116, 117- Umfraisoun, Patricius, 393. Umfrasoun, Thomas, 391. Urquhart, Margait, 156. Vallace, Villiam, 147. Vark, 109. Vassy, Alexander, 456. Vatsone, Johne, occupiar of landis and toun of Cruvis, 159, 286. Vans, Schir Dauid, curate of Abirden, 33, 75, 96, 97. Vans, Richard, 16. Vans, Robert, air to James Vaus, 45 1 . Vaws, Johne the, 33, 36, 38, 44, 49, 53, 57,399,404,413,429,430. Verty, William, 44. Vobster, Johannes, 135. Vocat, Sandy, bellringer, 45. Vokate, William, 26, 27, 33, 400. Voket, Schir Alex., 33. Voket, John, 17, 19, 23, 397. Vmfra, Dauid, 346. Vmfray, William, 44. Vyschert, Robert, 165, 174, 180. Wagy, 113. Walcar, Sir William, 321, 330, 361. Wallace, Alexander, capitane, 205. Wardens, 73, 112, 115, 116, 144, 413. Wardens, lard of, 80. Wardlaw, Alexander of, 17 Walker, Willelmus de Hole, 379. Walkin, Andro, 406. Watson, Maister John, cheplane of St. Michaelis altar, 324. Watsoune, Nicholas, 304. Wattertoun, 418. Wauchtoun, lard of, 161. Waus, Gilbert the, 23, 30, 36, 37, 38, 400,410,413. Waus, Sir Johne, 96. Waus, Sir Richerde, 68. Waus, Richard, 49, 53, 56, 79, 84, 104, 124, 125. W T aus, Thome of, 43, 49,56, 95, 64, 78, 83, 85, 92.. 93, 123, 417, 429, 444. Webster, Girkynus, 379. Wenton, Andro, 38, 411. Wer, in Zeland, 42& Werstale, 27. Whytby, 304. William, John, 223, 224. Wishart, Gawane, 453. Wist, Lankyn, merchant of Bruges, 389. Wod, Andro, 52, 53, 54, 122. Wode, Thomas, bailze, 84, 85, 86. Wolf, Hanse, skipper of ane schipe of Grippis Wald, 334. Womanhill, 59, 99, 147- Wormet, Jhone, 43, 48, 56, 61, 62, 63, 66, 71, 410, 428, 434. Wormet, Robert, 26, 405. Wormot, Mawnus, 410. Wricht, Schir Andro, maister of kirk wark, 32, 36. Wricht, Sir Thomas, 82. Wrycht, Sir John, keipar of the lamp on the Castlehill, 362. Wrycht, Richerd, 77, 79, 419, 441. Wyndmylhill, 395. Wysman, Androw, 459, 460. Ydill, Master Watt, 7. Yong, Alexander, capellanus et procu- rator domus Sancte Trinitatis, 6, 14. Yong, Wilyam, clerk, 35. York, Richard, Duk of, 57. Yung, Schir Walter, chaplan, 36, 39, 40. Zeland, 310,311,416,426. ERRATA. At page x of the Preface, for carniorum read carnium. xiv of the Preface, for totalita read totaliter. The entry relative to preparations for receiving the Queen of James IV. should be under date 10th May, 1511, instead of 10th May, 1501, as at p. 70. At page 379, for injuncto prime read preeentis prime. 381, for curius read curiis. 388, for dictos read dictus. 404, Jor 1546 read 1456. Page 354 is misprinted 254. Page 357 is misprinted 557. PRINTED BY WILLIAM BENNETT, CASTLE STREET, ABERDEEN. UC SOUTHERN REGIONAL UBRARY FACILITY A 001 320 867 3