rS^^SSBS^S^StiS^ '•?''' '"J'^^'^^^^^^i^^ *^»,^.l^i»i^^^^-^. 2&S& wC'^ft^Wil-W-- ■ ^s^ fe^ajLL^ '" \ o^^ Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2007 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation CoUep #irl6' 3apcorti ComptUti ano ^UufitratcD Wi '^t ^aul Cltier anti Company ^ut)lis|)ers, ^an jfrattcisco Copyright, 1903 by Paul Elder and Company ® The Tomoye Pre San Francisco Trusting that every girl, who keeps this book, realizing how much her own college has been to her, may be as loyal and as devoted to it as I am to mine, and that each in her innermost heart, where the image of that college ever dwells, may be certain — as I am — that her own is the best, I gratefully and affectionately dedicate this book to my college home, the place where so many happy and profitable days of my student life were spent, Smith College. JHj) aima iHater Name of College Location Size President My Class Prepared at College Color College Yell Class Color fllusitrations ^fjotos Statistics c Women's Colleges Location President u Z u a 1889 1880 1890 1855 I87I 1837 1849 1870 1879 I89J 1870 1871 187s 1868 1870 1888 Asheville College Asheville, N. C New York City, N.Y.... Bryn Mawr, Pa Archibald A. Jones Nicholas Murray Butler, LL. D M. Carey Thomas, Ph. D., LL. D . . . Benj. Wilson, B.A.,M.A 200 400 4J6 436 210 iio 612 150 .1^ 290 297 n5o 47 780 786 I JO J08 355 Barnard College Spartanburg, S. C Elmira, N Y Elmira College Dr. A. C. MacKenzie, D, D Mrs. C. T. Mills, Litt. D Mills College . Seminary Park, Cal South Hadley,Mass Mt. Holyoke College Mary E. Wooley, A. M.,Litt.D. Lh. D. Pennsylvania College Radcliffe College . Rev. C. Martin, A. M.,D. D Agnes Irwin Cambridge, Mass Lynchburg, Va Randolph-Macon College Wm. W. Smith,A.M.,LL. D Rev. D. J. Satterfield, D. D Concord, N.C Northampton, Mass Washington, D. C Poughkeepsie, N. Y . . . . Wellesley, Mass L. Clark Seelye, D. D., LL. D Vassar College James Munroe Taylor, D. D.,LL. D . . Caroline Hazard, M. A., Litt. D . . . . J. W. Freyley,M.S.(Act. Pres.)..., Rev. S. A. Martin, D. D J. F. Goucher, D. D., LL. D Wellesley College Wells College Aurora, N.Y Chambersburg, Pa . Wilson College Woman's College statistics Co-educational Colleges 187J 1896 1859 187Z 1 861 l8}6 1815 1886 1 89 J 1 891 1872 185J 1872 189J 1869 i860 1858 1846 1 86 J 1845 1880 1847 1855 1881 1854 1869 1794 1877 1764 1872 1848 1846 1850 1866 1851 1870 1894 185s 1855 185J 1864 1 891 1851 1869 1887 1881 1818 1874 1890 1857 1868 1889 1842 1885 1850 1831 1864 i8}7 1865 178J 1872 1 891 187J 1847 1890 188; I8S5 1867 1895 Add Ran Christian University . . . . A Jelphi College Adrain College Alabama Polytechnic Institute. . . Albion College Alfred Univeisity Allegheny College Alma College American University of Harriman American University Amity College Antioch College Arkansas College Armour Institute Technology Atlanta University Augustana College Baker University Baldwin University Bates College Baylor University Bellevue College Beloit College Berea College Bethany College Bethel College Boston University Bowdoin College Brigham Young College Brown University Buchtel College .-. . . Burritt College Bucknell University Butler College Carleton College Carson & Newman College Carthage College Cedarville College Central College Central Pennsylvania College . . . Central University Central Wesleyan College Charles City College Christian University Clark University Clark University Coe College Colby College Colorado College Converse College Cornell College Cornell University Cotner University Cumberland University Dakota University , Defiance College Denison University , Denver University DePauw University Des Moines College , Dickinson College Doane College Drake University Drury College Earlham College Elon College Emporia College Eureka College Ewing College Fairmont College Fargo College Finlay College LOCATK Waco, Texas Brooklyn, N. Y Adrain, Mich Auburn, Ala Albion, Mich Alfred, N. Y Meaiville, Pa . . Alma, Mich Harriman, Tenn Washington, D. C. . . College Springs, la. . . Yellow Springs, O. . . . Batesville, Ark Chicago, III Atlanta, Ga Rock Island, 111 Baldwin, Kan Berea, O Lewiston, Me Waco, Tex Bellevue, Neb Beloit, Wis Berea, Ky Lindsborg, Kan Russellville, Ky Boston, Mass Brunswick, Me Logan, Utah Providence, R. I Akron, O Spencer, Tenn Lewisburg, Pa Indianapolis, Ind Northfield, Minn Jefferson City, Tenn . Carthage, 111 Cedarville, O Fayette, Mo New Berlin, Pa Pella, Iowa Warrenton, Mo Charles City, Iowa... Canton, Mo Atlanta, Ga Worcester, Mass Cedar Rapids, la Waterville, Me Colorado Springs, Colo Spartanburg, S. C Mt, Vernon, Iowa. . . . Ithaca, N. Y Bethany, Neb Lebanon, Tenn Mitchell, S. Dak Defiance, O Granville, O University Park, Colo Greencastle, Ind Des Moines, Iowa. . . . Carlisle, Pa Crete, Neb Des Moines, Iowa. . . . Springfield, Mo Richmond, Ind Elon College, N. C... Emporia, Kan Eureka, 111 Ewing, 111 Wichita, Kan Fargo, N. Dae Finlay, O President E. C. Snow, A. M. (Act. President) C. H. Levermore, Ph. D David Jones, D. D W. LeRoy Brown, M. A., LL. D . . Samuel Dickie, LL. D Rev. Boothe C. Davis, Ph. D William H. Crawford, D. D Rev. A. F Bruskc, M. S., D. D J. F. Spence, A. M, LL. D John F. Hurst, D. D,, LL. D Rev. J. C. Calhoun, A. B., A. M . . . William A. Bell, M. A., LL. D Eugene R. Long, Ph. D V. C. Alderson (Act. President) , . . . Horace Bumstead, D. D Gustav Andreen, Ph. D Lemuel H. Murlin, A. M Rev. R. M. Freshwater, D. D George C. Chase, D. D., LL. D. . . . Oscar H. Cooper, LL. D Rev. D. R. Kerr, Ph. D., D. D G. L. Collie, Ph. D. (Act. Pres't).. Wm. G. Frost, Ph. D., D. D Rev. C. Swenson, Ph. D Rev. E. S. Alderman, D. D W. F. Wa-rren, D. D., LL. D Wm. DeWitt Hyde, D. D James H. Linford, B. S., B. D W. H P. Faunce, A. M., D. D Rev. A. B. Church, A. M., B. A W. N. Billingesley, A. M John H. Harris, LL. D Scot Butler, A. M., LL. D Rev. James W. Strong, D. D J. T. Henderson, A. M Rev. Fred. L. Sigmund, A. M Rev. D. McKinney, D. D T. B. Smith, A. M. (Act. President) Rev, A. E. Gobble, A. M., D. D. . . , L. A. Garrison, B. A Geo. B. AdGicks, D. D,, A. M J. F. Hirsh, M, A D. R. Dungan, A. M Chas. M. Melden, Ph. D., D. D G. Stanely Hall, Ph. D., D. D Rev. S. B. McCormick, D. D Rev. Chas. L. White, A. M W, F. Slocum, LL. D., D. D Benj. Wilson, B. A., M. A Wm. F. King, D. D., LL. D J. G. Schurman, LL. D Rev. M. P. Dowling, S.J N. Green, LL. D. (Chairman Fac'y) Rev. W. I. Graham, D. D., A. M.. . . J. R. H. Latchaw, A. M., D. D Rev. Emory W. Hunt, D. D H, A. Buchtel, D. D., LL. D Rev. H. A. Gobin, D. D Geo. D. Adams, A. M., D. D Geo. E. Reed, S. T. D., LL. D David B. Perry, A. M., D. D Wm. B. Craig, D. D., LL. D Homer T. Fuller, Ph. D., D. D Joseph J. Mills, A, M., LL. D Rev. W. W. Staley, A. M., D. D Rev. J, C. Miller. A. M., D. D R. E. Hieronymus, A. M J. A. Leavitt, F. R., D. D., G. S N. J. Morrison, D. D., LL. D Rev. J. H. Morley, A. M., LL. D. . . . Rev. C. Manchester, D. D 225 166 164 412 490 £40 32? 259 J 50 146 118 124 1000 300 619 715 372 330 936 125 355 82s 700 104 I HO j6o 510 899 245 252 530 396 366 331 175 95 271 100 235 235 246 280 550 ■326 180 515 426 716 2980 237 237 368 150 484 878 635 181 490 169 298 350 298 150 140 225 215 233 163 285 ^tatifititsi Co-educational Colleges 1866 1881 i8j4 1825 1854 1844 1848 1829 1872 1867 1794 1891 1876 i8j7 1862 1812 I8S4 1776 1868 1828 1834 1850 1892 I8S7 1855 1850 1849 1866 1841 1890 1867 1829 1850 1844 1894 1883 1855 1858 1866 1892 I8?7 1858 1857 1847 1866 1 891 1856 1875 1 89 J 1865 i88z 1851 1884 1835 1863 1865 1828 1858 1824 1857 1800 1887 1882 1867 1856 1853 Fisk University Fort Worth University Franklin College Franklin College Furman University Gale College Geneva College Georgetown College Granbury University Grant University Grenvilie & Tusculum College .... Greer College Grove City College Guilford College Gustav-Adolphus College Hamilton College Hamline University- Hampden-SiJney College Hampton Institute Hanover College Hartford Theological Seminary ... . Heidelberg University Henry College Highland University Hillsdale College Hiram College Hiwassee College Hope College Howard College Howard Payne College Howard University Illinois College Hlinois Wesleyan University Indiana University Iowa College Iowa State College Iowa Wesleyan University Jacob Tome Institute John B. Stetson University Kalamazoo College Kentucky University Kentucky Wesleyan College Kenka College Knox College La Grange College Lake Forest University . , Lawrence University Lebanon Valley College Leland Stanford Jr. University .... Lenox College Liberty College Lima College Lincoln College Livingstone College Lombard College Macalester College Marietta College Massachusetts Agricultural College. Massachusetts Institute Technology McKendree College McMinnville College Miami University Michigan Agricultural College Middlebury College Midland College MiUigan College Milton College Mississippi A. and M. College Missouri Valley College Mammouth Moor's Hill Location Nashville, Tenn Fott Worth, Tex Franklin, Ind New Athens, O Greenville, S. C Galesville, Wis Beaver Falls, Pa Georgetown, Ky Granbury, Tex Chattanooga, Tenn. . . , Tusculum, Tenn Hoopeston, 111 Grove City, Pa Guilford College, N C St Peter, Minn Clinton, N. Y St. Paul, Minn Hampden-Sidney, Va.. Hampton, Va Hanover, Ind Hartford, Ct Tiffin, O.. Campbell, Tex Highland, Kan , Hillsdale, Mich Hiram, O Hiwassee, Tenn Holland, Mich East Lake, Ala Brownwood, Tex Washington, D. C Jacksonville, 111 Bloomington, 111 Bloomington, Ind.... Grinnell, Iowa , Ames, Iowa Mt. Pleasant, Iowa. . . Port Deposit, Md De Land, Fla Kalamazoo, Mich Lexington, Ky Winchester, Ky Kenka Park, N. Y... Galesburg, 111 La Grange, Mo Lake Forest, 111 Appleton, Wis Annville, Pa Palo Alto, Cal Hopkinton, Iowa Glascow, Ky Lima, O. . Lincoln, 111 Salisbury, N. C Galesburg, 111 St. Paul, Minn Marietta, Tenn Amherst, Mass Boston, Mass Lebanon, 111 McMinnville, Ore.... Oxford, O Lansing, Mich Middlebury, Vt Atchison, Kan MiUigan, Tenn Milton, Wis Starkville, Miss Marshall, Mo Mammouth, 111 Moor's Hill, Ind President Rev. Jas. G. Merrill. D. D Rev. O. L. Fisher, A. M . D D. . . . Rev. W. T. Stott, D. D , A. M R Barclay Spicer A P. Montague, LL D Wm. D Thomas, D. D.. Ph. D. .. W.- P. Johonston, A M., D D A. Yager, Ph. D. (Act. President) H. A. Sconys, Ph. D., LL. D Rev. John H Race, A M.,D. D.. Rev. Jere. Moore, D. D J M. Clary, A B., LL. B Rev. I. C. Ketler, Ph. D , D D. .. Lewis L. Hobbs, A B , A. M M. Wahlstrom, A. M., Ph. D M. W. Stryker, D. D., LL. D . . . . Rev. G. H. Bridgam, D. D Richard Mcllwaine, D. D Rev. H. B. Frissell, D. D D W. Fisher, D. D., LL. D Rev. C. D. Hartranft, D. D F A. Sonnedecker, A. M T. H. Bridges Amos A. Davis, A. B , A. M C. H. Gurney, A. M. (Act Pres'tj Ely V. Zollars, A. M., LL. D Rev. J. E. Lowry, A. M Gerrit J. Kollen, A. M , LL. D F M. Roof, A. M J. H. Grove, M. S. D, A. M J. E. Rankin, D. D.,LL. D C W. Barnes, M. A , B. D Edgar M Smith, A. M., D. D Jos. Swain, LL. D W. A. Main, Ph. D. (Act. Pres't) W. M. Bearushear, LL. D J. W. Hancher, A. M.,S. T. D. . . . A. W. Harris, A. M. ( Director) . . . John F. Forbes, A. M.,Ph. D A. G. Slocum, LL D B. A. Jenkins, A. M., B. D Rev. John L. Weber, Litt. D Rev. Geo. H. Ball, A. M., D. D. . . Thomas McClelland, D. D Jere. T. Muir, LL. D., A. M. Richard D. Harlam, A. M Samuel Plantz, Ph. D., D. D Rev. H. U, Roop, A. M., Ph. D.. . David Starr Jordan, LL. D A. G. Wilson, A. M Rev. J. H. Burnett, A. M Rev. S. P. Long, A. M J. L. Goodknight, A. M.,D. D .. Wm. H. Golder, D. D C. E. Nash, A. M., D. D James Wallace, Ph. D S. F. Wilson, D. D H. H. Goodell, LL, D H. S. Pritchett, LL. D McK H. Chamberlin, LL. D H. L. Boardman, A. M Rev. D. S. Tappan, D. D J. L. Snyder, M. A , Ph. D Ezra Brained, D. D , LL. D Rev. J. A. Clutz, D. D J. Hopwood, A. M W C. Whitford, A, M , D. D . . . . J. C. Haidy, A. M.,LL. B W. H. Bhck, D. D J. H McMillan, Litt. and P C W. Lewis, D. D 502 S69 178 80 243 120 215 360 174 821 106 230 662 200 351 183 448 109 1061 175 75 374 800 55 341 450 135 170 150 214 910 125 1421 1137 442 1160 428 550 369 217 1 108 150 160 665 160 373 451 433 1378 I6S 233 286 174 350 215 168 378 185 1430 206 120 144 662 116 153 208 141 550 221 303 Statistics Co-educational Colleges 1890 1880 1887 1846 i8}7 1887 1886 1858 1874 1861 1861 1851 1865 l8jj 1872 1804 1844 1870 1865 1847 1886 1891 1854 187s 1875 1874 1873 1873 l8}2 1859 1877 1881 1888 1887 1880 1868 1874 1832 1876 1851 186} 188J 1866 1865 i8?y 1867 1 801 1856 1845 1875 1847 1879 1858 1874 1869 1871 I8S7 1867 i88j 189J 1887 1887 1 891 1869 185? 1855 i8j4 1859 Morningside Morris Brow College Mount Angel Mt. Union College Muskingum College Nebraska Wesleyan University Nevada State University Newberry College New Orleans University Northern Illinois College Northwestern College Northwestern University Northwester University Oberlin College Ohio State University Ohio University Ohio Wesleyan University Oregon Agricultural College Ottawa University Otterbein University Onachita College Pacific College Pacific University Park College Parsons College PeaboJy Northern College Pennsylvania College Pennsylvania College Pennsylvania College Pennsylvania State College Philander Smith College Pike College Pomona College Pratt Institute Presbyterian College, S. C Pritchett College Purdue University Richmond College Rio Grande College Ripen College Roger Williams University Rollins College Scion College Shaw University Shuttle J College Simpson College South Carolina College Southern University Southwestern Baptist University Southwestern Presbyterian Univertity Southwestern Kansas College State College of Kentucky State University of Iowa State University of Kentucky St. Lawrence University St. Olaf College Swarthmore College Syracuse University Tabor College Talladega College Tarkio College Taylor University Teachers' College Theil College Throop Polytechnic Institute Trinity University Trinity College Tufts College Tutane University Union Christian College Union College Location Sioux City, Iowa Atlanta, Ga Mount Angel, Ore.. . . Alliance, O New Concord, O University Place, Neb Reno, Nev Newberry, S. C New Orleans, La Fulton, 111 Naperville, 111 Evanston,Ill Watertown, Wis Oberlin, O Columbus, O Athens, O Delaware, O Corvallis, Ore Ottawa, Kan Westerville, O Arkadelphia, Ark Newberg, Ore Forest Grove, Ore. . . . Parkville, Mo Fairfield, Iowa Nashville, Tenn Oskaloosa, Iowa Pittsburg, Pa Gettysburg, Pa State College, Pa Little Rock, Ark Bowling Green, Mo . . Claremont, Cal Brooklyn, N. Y Clinton, S. C Glasgow, Mo Lafayette, Ind Richmond, Va Rio Grande, O Ripon, Wis Nashville, Tenn Winter Park, Fla Sico,0 Raleigh, N. C Upper Alton, 111 Indianola, Iowa Columbia, S. C Greensboro, Ala Jackson, Tenn Clarksville,Tenn Georgetown, Tex . . . . Lexington, Ky Iowa, Iowa Louisville, Ky Canton, N. Y Northfield, Minn Swarthmore, Pa Syracuse, N. Y Tabor, Iowa Talladega, Ala Tarkio, Mo Upland, Ind Manhattan Boro, N. Y Greenville, Pa Pasadena, Cal Durham, N. C Tehuacana, Tex Tufts College, Mass . . New Orleans, La Merom, Ind Barbourville, Ky President W. S. Lewis, D. D., A. M Rev. J. M. Henderson, A. M . . . . F. Dominic, O. S. B A. B. Riker, D. D,,A.M Rev. J. Johnson, D. D D. W. C. Huntington, D. D J. E. Stubbs, D. D.,LL. D G. B. Craner, LL. D F. H. Knight, A. B J. E. Bittinger, A. M H. J. Kukhoefer, A. M.,Ph. D. . D. Bonbright A. F. Crust, Ph. D John H. Barrows, D. D W. O. Thompson, D. D.,LL. D. Alston Ellis, Ph. D., LL. D... . James W. Bashford, D. D Thos. M. Gatch,M. A,Ph. D.. J. D. S. Riggs, Ph. D.,L. H. D , George Scott, Litt. D., Ph. D . . , John W. Conger, A. B., A. M . . Euwin McGrew, B. S., M. S . . . . Wm. N. Ferrin, A. M. (Dean)., L. M. McAfee (Act. Pres.) Rev. F. W. Hinitt, Ph. D James D. Porter, LL. D A. Rosenberger, A. B.,LL. D .. Rev. C. Martin, A. M., D. D . . . H. W. McKnight, D. D., LL. D Geo. W. Atherton, LL. D Rev. James M. Cox, D. D Chas. R. Wakeland, B. S Charles M. Pratt Almon E. Spencer, B. A., M. A . . C. S. Hemenway, A. B., Ph. B. . W. E. Stone, A.M., Ph. D F. W. Boatwright,M. A Rev. J. M. Davis, D. D R. C. Hughes, A. M., D. D Rev. P. B. Guernsey, A. M Rev. G. M. Ward, D. D., LL. B Chas. F. Meserve, LL. D Rev. Stanley A. McKay, D.D..'. Charles E. Shelton, A. M F. C. Woodward, Litt. D Rev. S. M. Hosmer, D.D G. M. Savage, A. M., LL, D George Summey, D.D Roberts. Hyer, A. M J. K. Patterson, Ph. D.,LL. D. . George E. MacLean, LL. D Rev. Chas. L. Puree, D.D Rev. Almon Gunnison Rev. J. N. Kidahl, D. D Wm. W. Birdsall, A. M Rev. J R. Day,LL, D (Chan ). J. Gordon, D. D. (Act. Pres.) . . G. W, Andrews ( Act. Pres. ) Rev. J. A. Thompson, D. D Rev. T. C, Reade, A. M.,D. D.. Jas. E. Russell, Ph. D. ( Dean) . . Theophilus B. Roth, D. D Walter A. Edwards, A. M John C. Kilgo, D. D., A. M Jesse Anderson, A. M Elmer Hewitt Capen, D.D Edwin A. Alderman, LL. D Rev, L. J. Aldrich, A. M , D. D. James P. Faulkner, A. M ....... 4^0 512 IJ5 5Ji 215 600 J92 165 61 J izo j6o 2629 165 1357 1465 405 IJ58 502 60J 316 486 150 211 J55 277 607 383 276 456 467 126 212 3121 65 90 1056 216 135 175 250 179 341 578 183 629 227 162 376 85 483 620 1542 200 150 306 206 1800 141 586 399 565 62J 137 216 167 145 900 II45 238 Statistics Co-educational Colleges i8j6 i8ji 1891 1872 1868 1891 1819 1877 1868 1866 1865 1837 1868 1848 1840 189s 1785 1869 1892 1795 l88j 1892 1880 1872 1852 1740 1850 1880 1882 1868 1794 l88j l8jo 1 791 1862 1857 1869 1888 1872 1806 1867 1865 178J 179s 18SJ 18SI i8$6 1867 1787 1865 1852 1867 i860 1859 1856 1873 ,844 1870 1845 1854 1881 1890 Union College Union Theological Seminary University of University of Arizona University of Arkansas University of California University of Chicago University of Cincinnati University of Colorado University of Denver University of Idaho University of Illinois University of Kansas University of Maine University of Michigan University of Minnesota University of Mississippi University of Missouri University of Montana University of Nashville University of Nebraska University of New Mexico University of New York University of North Carolina University of North Dakota University of Oklahoma University of Omaha University of Oregon University of Pacific . University of Pennsylvania University of Rochester University of Southern California . University of South Dakota University of the South. University of Tennessee University of Texas University of Utah University of Vermont University of Washington University of Wisconsin University of Wooster University of Wyoming Upper Iowa University Ursinus College Utah Agricultural College Vanderbilt University Vincennes University WalJen University Washburn College Washington College Washington College Washington University Wesleyan University Western College Western Maryland College Western University of Pennsylvania Westfieli College Westminster College West Virginia University Wheaton College Whitman College Wilberforce University Wiley University Willamette University Wilmington College Wittenberg College Woffbrd College Yankton College York College Location College V^iew, Neb Manhattan Boro, N. Y . Tuscaloosa, Ala Tucson, Ariz FayettevilIe,Ark Berkeley, Cal Chicago, 111 Cincinnati, O Boulder, Colo See'' Denver" Moscow, Idaho Urbana, 111 Lawrence, Kan Orono, Me Ann Arbor, Mich Minneapolis, Minn .... Near Oxford, Miss Columbia, Mo Missoula, Mont Nashville, Tenn .... Lincoln, Neb Albuquerque, N. M. . . . See "New York " Chapel Hill, N. C Grand Forks, N. D Norman, Okla Omaha, Neb Eugene, Ore San Jose, Cal Philadelphi.i, Pa Rochester, N. Y Los Angeles, Cal Vermillion, S. D tewanee, Tenn Knoxville, Tenn Austin, Tex Salt Lake City, U Burlington, Vt Seattle, Wash Madison, Wis Wooster, O Laramie, Wyo Fayette, Iowa Collegeville, Pa Logan, U Nashville, Tenn Vincennes, Ind Nashville, Tenn Topeka,Kan Chestertown, Md Washington Col., Tenn St. Louis, Mo MiJdletown, Ct Toledo, Iowa Westminster, Md Pittsburg, Pa Westfield, 111 N. Wilmington, Pa. . . . Morgantown, W. Va. . . Wheaton, 111 Walla Walla, Wash ... Wilberforce, O Marshall, Tex Salem, Ore . . Wilmington, O Springfield, O Spartanburg, S. C Yankton, S. D York, Neb President D. A. Hoopes Rev. Chas. Cuthbert Hall Wm. S, Wyman, LL. D F. Y. Adams (Act. Pres.) J. L. Buchanan, A. M , LL D . . Benj. Ide Wheeler, LL. U Wm. R Harper, Ph. D.,D.D. .. Howard Ayers, LL. D Jas. H. Baker, M. A.,LL,D.... Jas. A. MacLean,Ph. D Andrew S Drapper, LL. D W. C. Spangler (Act. Pres ) Abram W Harris, Sc. D James B. Angell, LL, D Cyrus Northrop, LL. D Robert B. Fulton, LL. D Richard H Jesse, LL.D Oscar J. Craig, A. M ,Ph. D ... W. H. Payne, LLi D., Ph D. .. E. Ben]. Andrews, LL D C. L. Herrick, Ph, D Francis P Venable, Ph. D Webster Merrifield, M. A D. R. Boyi,A. M David R Kerr, D D.,Ph. D... Frank i^trong, A. M.,Ph. D Eli McClish,D. D C. C. Harrison, LL. D. (Prov.) . Rush Rhees, D. D , LL. D Geo. F, Bonard, A. M ,D. D Garrett Droppers B, L. Wiggins, M. A, LL C. W. Dabney, Ph. D.,LL D .. Wm. L. Prather, LL. D J. T. Kingsbury, Ph D. D.,Sec M. H. Buckham,D. D F. P. Graves, Ph. D., LL. D.... C. K. Adams, LL. D Rev. L. E. Holden, D. D Rev. Elmer E. Smiley, D D Rev. G. P, Benton, A. M Rev. H. T. Spangler, D D Wm, J. Kerr, B. S.,D.Sc J. H. Kirkland J. E. Manchester, D. Sc J B. Hamilton, D. D Rev. N. Plass, A. M,,D. D .... Chas. W Reid,Ph. D Rev, Jas. T. Cooter Winfield S. Chaplin, LL. D B P. Rr'.ymond,D. D , LL. D.. . Lewis Bookwalter, A. M., D. D, Rev. T. H. Lewis, D. D Dr. J. A. Brashear (Acting) John A. Hawkins, D D Rev. Robt. G. Ferguson D B. Purington, LL. D C. A. Blanchard,D.D Rev. S. B. L. Penrose, A. B J. H. Jones, A. M., D. D M. W. Dogan J. H. Coleman, D.D J. B. Unthank,M. Sc S. A Orb J. H. Carlisle, LL. D Rev. H K. Warren, M A W. E. Schnell, A. M 286 125 413 225 642 2932 J 520 1287 906 329 3000 1150 399 J 800 260 3550 1021 235 1370 2256 105 546 375 272 325 456 247 2475 26j 150 425 S18 721 1121 643 560 614 2619 8CX3 177 391 189 516 800 165 578 430 112 150 2085 320 276 250 892 173 280 885 260 300 360 502 398 145 250 289 342 Sit^t f mpressions First Acquaintance First Impressions Date of Arrival jTirst impressions ^ome pictures of t\)t jfacultj? [y Favorite Teacher jEj) ^tutiws First Year Second Year Third Year Fourth Year Course Leading to Degree of My Favorite Study One Most Disliked Hardest Greatest Snap Notes Mv College Home Description Mv 3^oom Description Cfje f Ueal Co==eti The ideal co-ed is a thing of books, A creature of brain entirely; With stooping shoulders and studious looks, She digs all day and half the night; People say she is wondrous bright, But her figure's an awful sight ! Her thoughts are deep in the classic past. She only thinks of A. B. at last; She has fled this world and its masculine charms, And a refuge found in Minerva's arms. Now, the kind of co-ed that I describe Is a co-ed seen very rarely; The real co-ed's a thing of grace. With dainty figure and winsome face; She walks and rides, and she cuts, Mon Dieu! But every professor lets her through; For her each year is a round of joy, A. B. means nothing if not "A Boy," And you and I must yield to her charms. And take the place of Minerva's arms. Stanford Quad. - %^t j^eigt)ljor|)ootJ n^ V \r Notes My Favorite Walk The Flowers pictures 9H)out CoUesf ^ome of (B\it BuilUinss Classmates Most Popular. Girl in My Class Prettiest Most Talented Most Hopeless Best Dresser Best Dancer Most Athletic My Roommate My Chum My Upper Class Love pictures of ^ome of MV dfrientis public 3iaj)s, Celebrations. Baeeeptions Bances, Ceas Hallowe'en anti 0ti)tr (^ala Baps ^preatis, jfeasts anti picnics •naps!)ots of (Bnx ^preatis Cf)afinS'tiis|) S^cceipes ^^ I^ecipes Sororities \(r^^''^?:j^/ /^ ^.i )*"? ) i / 1 ^ Societies anti Clubs ^octettes anti Clubs (§lee, BSanjo anD JHantiolin Clutis pictures of #ur JHusical Cliitis i^rogrammes of ©attces, Concerts, iHtisicales programmes of Bancts. Concerts, jHusieales fn\)itations Fair Smith, our praise to thee we render, O dearest college halls. Bright hours that live in memory tender Are winged within thy walls. O'er thy walks the elms are bowing. Alma Mater. Winds 'mid branches softly blowing, Ivy round thy towers growing. Alma Mater. Though time may prove the pleasure fleeting. No hour is sped in vain. True hearts behold the future meeting; Our friendship cannot wane. Of thy care forgetful never, Alma Mater, Bound by ties that naught can sever, Still to thee returning ever. Alma Mater. And while the hills with purple shadows Eternal vigil keep, Above the happy river meadows In golden haze asleep. May thy children thee addressing, Alma Mater, Still with grateful praise unceasing. Speak in loyal hearts thy blessing. Alma Mater. Regina K. Crandall, '90. ^ome of (But ^ongs ^ome of (Bnt ^ongs CUppinss ^ ^. =:,W College Colors Barnard — Light Blue and White. Bryn Mawr — Yellow and White. Chicago University — Pink. Colby — Gray. Cornell — White and Red. Dickinson — White and Rose Red. Elmira — Purple and Gold. Stanford — Red. Michigan — Blue and Maize. Mt. Holyoke — Light Blue. Radclife— Red and White. Randolph-Macon — Orange and Black. Smith — White. Swarthmore — Garnet and Pearl. Tufts — Blue and Brown. University of California — Blue and Gold. Vassar — Rose and Gray. Washington University ( St. Louis ) — Orange, White Blue. We lies ley — Blue. Wesley an — Lavender. Our College Colors and Class Colors .^^ m* ?s '^'hjtA*ii^-^. i^ottoes Vassar — Purity and Wisdom. Smith — ENTH APETHI THN TNHSIN. University of Wisconsin — Numen lumen. Northwestern University — §us WdltQlt'^ in Autumn In yellow and in saffron it is dressed. Changing by imperceptible degrees To tawny red and russet in the trees, And brown of fallen leaves upon the breast Of all the earth. A tumbling wind careens aero s the grass. Chasing the dead leaves here and there in glee; Or else, in empty whirling columns free. Forming them in one mad, round, dancing mass With savage mirth. The twilight breathes a silent, waiting drowse; A few leaves curve down gently here and there, In the clear coolness of the evening air, From the great oaks with massive, up-flung bows And mighty girth. Each night, though winter has not yet begun, Drives the sharp frost still farther in the ground ; The grass with thicker white each morn is found — And this soft covering, melting at the sun. Is snow at birth. M. Berry Wood, Welle sky Magazine, Cfjarter Ba^ Date of Founding Notes (Bt^tx Colleges "g^isiteti iHen 3 Mtt WUlt at College ^%f^ mn 3 Mtt WW at College Celegrams TTTTT' u. s betters MAIL betters BSuUetin Boarti JEotes aaeti better Baps 3$iti3 iletter Ba^s jToortjall Baseball or 3^esatta6 9[ttentieti \ ^ (Jlrintifi (jlrintjsi Cije Castes of iestertia? Wrote a poet long ago — In the classic ^ge, you know — Verses dignified and fine, Telling " how we Romans dine." Boars and peacocks, shell-fish, too, All were dainties, while a stew Made of oil and bitter brine Was as welcome as their wine. Vainly often do we seek English words for dishes Greek, While we say : • " What dreadful food Did the Romans think was good!" If some poet living now. Knowing what we eat and how, Should commit it all to rhyme To the girls of after time. Mention "Deacon Porter's hat," "Freshman's tears," and add to that Praises of those dainties three, "Wiggle," "Mud" and "Mystery." Should he sing in such a strain Future maids might seek in vain For the meaning, while they'd say, "Strange — the tastes of yesterday ! " R. K. K., Mt. Holyoke, JHiscellaneous JHificellaneous jUiscellaneoufi ^ Coast Here's to the Freshman, verdant and green, Here's to the Sophomore, naughty, Here's to the Junior, fair, youthful queen. And here's to the Senior, so haughty. Toast with your glasses. Drink to the lasses. We'll warrant each proves a delight to her classes. jfres!)ntan ^ear \ y /A J i-x -^ Biarj) of jTresjjman iear Biar^ of jfrestjman §ear Biar^ of jfresfjman Hear Biarj) of jfresijinan fear Biarj) of jFresliman fear opijomore ||ear Biarp of ^opi)omore Hear Biar? of ^opt)omore fear Biarp of ^op|)omore ^mv Biarj) of ^opf)omore par Biarp of ^opijomore fear junior -^^^ Biar? of f unior fear Biar^ of futtior fear Biarp of funior fear Biar^ of f unior fear Biarj> of ftmtor Bear Senior ^ear 3iiar^ of Senior pear Biarj of Senior ^ear 3Biar^ of Senior ^ear Biarj? of Senior Hear Biarp of Mentor i^ear Commencement Wuk f bj> or Class Baj? ^k: Baccalaureate Sermon '« '"""^j Commencement Ba^ picture anti Sample of Commencement #o\un ^icnires of ComiTtencemeiit Wnk ^rogrammtfi jfaretoell entertainments Class flipper ^ropijecies $ro)il)(ties ) Ballatie of tije Alumna How sadly in - these latter days, In search of memories bitter-sweet, We tread the once accustomed ways With step grown slow and lagging feet, — Timed to the pulse's slower beat, — And climb the stair and reach the floor, To find — alas! how time is fleet! Another's name is on the door! We timid knock, and beg to gaze On all once ours — are shown a seat, O irony! In sad amaze We marvel that it looks so neat. Recalling how we used to meet At gruesome hours in days of yore, — Hours that fate can ne'er repeat: Another's name is on the door. Our ready chaff, our wordy frays. Conviction backed by young conceit. Have left no echoes; nothing stays To mark how once we "led the street"; But others come with youthful heat, Nor reck of those who came before. And play their part — their years complete; — Another's name is on the door. Envoy Freshmen our age with reverence greet. And warning take though grieved sore, No words delay, no prayers entreat, — Another's name is on the door. Edith Child, Bryn Mawr Lantern. jTuture ^ItiUresses jTuture ^titiresses ^utosrapljs ^utograpf)S ^utograpt)s 9lutograpt)S ' ,'■-■' iii.Ji»i^^^^^ii^ipiiP!iis«(iiHBP||f