BANCROFT LIBRARY -o THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA - u. I Io P^ROGRAM CO M P E T I T I O N Capitol putibing Capitol Commission WILLIAM SPRY C. S. TINGEY A. R. BARNES JOHN DERN C. E. LOOSE M. S. BROWNING JOHN HENRY SMITH UTAH STATE CAPITOL BUILDING program <>f a Competition for tije Selection of an &rci)itect for a is>tate Capitol itatlbing, to be Crecteb bp tfic ibtate Capitol Commission, Commission. The Commission was created by an Act of the Legislature approved March llth, 1909, and des- ignated Chapter 64, Laws of Utah, 1909. The Commission is * composed of Governor William Spry, Secretary of State C. S. Tingey, Attorney General A. R. Barnes, John Dern, C. E. Loose, M. S. Browning, and John Henry Smith. The office of the Commission is in the City and County Building, at Salt Lake City, Utah, where it should be addressed through its secretary. purpose of tlje Competition. This competition is instituted by the Capitol Commission for the purpose of selecting an archi- PROGRAM OF A COMPETITION tect to prepare plans and specifications for the erection of a State Capitol upon the Capitol Grounds in Salt Lake City. map participate in tfje Competition. All Utah architects and architectural firms who, on or before September 10th, 1911, shall have filed with the Capitol Commission their applications to participate in this competition, and who shall have established to the satisfaction of the Commission their professional capabilities, shall, upon invitation of the Commission, be entitled to participate in this competition. Participation in this competition is limited, in so far as non-resident competitors are concerned, to the following named architects and architectural firms, who have requested that they be permitted to participate in the competition : G. Henri Desmond, of Boston, Mass. F. M. Andrews and Company, of New York George B. Post and Sons, of New York Henry J. Schlacks, of Chicago, Ills. W. E. Burnett, of Denver, Colo. Cass Gilbert, of New York J. E. Tourtellotte and Company, of Boise, Ida. UTAH STATE CAPITOL BUILDING Said non-resident architects and architectural firms have been officially designated for the com- petition by a resolution of the Commission, of which the following is a copy: "Resolved, that the invitations to prepare de- signs in competition for the purpose of selecting an architect for the Capitol Building shall be extended to the following architects or architectural firms: to all Utah architects and architectural firms, who shall establish to the satisfaction of the Commis- sion their professional capabilities, and who shall on or before the date to be specified in the program, make application to the Commission to enter the competition; and to the following non-resident architects and architectural firms selected from those who have requested that they be permitted to participate in the competition: G. Henri Desmond, of Boston, Mass. F. M. Andrews and Company, of New York George B. Post and Sons, of New York Henry J. Schlacks, of Chicago, Ills. W. E. Burnett, of Denver, Colo. Cass Gilbert, of New York J. E. Tourtellotte and Company, of Boise, Ida. PROGRAM OF A COMPETITION preparation of The invitation to enter this competition is per- sonal to the architect invited, and the competitive drawings submitted are to be prepared by the competitor in his own office, and without assistance other than the usual force of his office. The invi- tation is not transferable to a new partnership including an architect not invited by the Capitol Commission, without the assent of the said Com- mission first being obtained, and no competitor will be permitted to submit more than one design. te anb notation of The building will be erected on Capitol Grounds in Salt Lake City, a plot of land containing nine- teen and forty-six hundredths (19 46-100) acres, bounded on the South by Second North Street, on the East by East Capitol Avenue, on the North by Fourth North Street, and on the West by West Capitol Avenue. The principal facade shall face South and the main approach and entrance shall be in line with the center of State Street. A topograph- ical map of the grounds accompanies this program. UTAH STATE CAPITOL BUILDING Bratmncjs. There will be required of each competitor the following drawings as a minimum: A Plan of each floor. Front, Side and Rear Elevations. One Longitudinal Section, intersecting the Dome. Two Cross Sections, one of which shall inter- sect the Dome. Perspective. Such others as in the opinion of the author may be necessary to a full and intelligent presentation of his design. These drawings, except Perspec- tive, shall be drawn to a scale of sixteen feet to one inch. Perspective is to be drawn with plane of picture at an angle of sixty and thirty degrees with the faces of the building. Point of sight is to be six feet above the level of the first floor and four hun- dred feet distant. The Perspective is to be drawn to a scale of one- eighth inch to one foot and fully rendered in sepia, showing permanent accessories of the site. That the Commission may be informed as to the amount of ground covered by the building and PROGRAM OF A COMPETITION? the possibilities of landscaping the park, the plan of the principal story shall be in a block plan of the park, showing approaches, terraces, and other suggested accessories. Other drawings are to be rendered in India ink, but without accessories other than a human figure to indicate scale of the building. Shadow must be shown on the Elevations, and may also be shown on the Sections. They must be cast at an angle of forty-five degrees with the horizontal and vertical planes. Each Perspective shall bear the title, UTAH CAPITOL COMPETITION, and the signature and address of the Architect submitting the de- sign. The signature and address shall be placed on a space three by four inches on the lower right hand corner of the sheet. There shall be printed on each room its use, dimension, and the number of square feet of floor space it contains. All drawings shall be mounted. They are to be accompanied with a typewritten explanation of the materials suggested for the construction, also a brief explanation of their design. This shall contain a statement of gross ground space, exclusive of terraces, covered by: UTAH STATE CAPITOL BUILDING 1st. The building outside of dome structure. 2nd. The dome and its supports. It shall also contain a statement of the actual enclosed cubical space divided as above. In mak- ing this estimate the under side of basement floor will be the lower level to which cubic space is computed. 7 Character of puiltung. The building must be of fire-proof construction, the exterior and interior to be of such material as is suited for a Capitol Building of the best class, type and quality, with such special finish of the more important rooms as may be deemed advis- able. 8 Cost of puilbtng. The cost of the building must be kept within $2,000,000, and is to include the plumbing and gas piping, electric conduits and wiring, heating and ventilating apparatus, generating plants for heat, light, and power, elevators, approaches, lighting fixtures (both gas and electric), decorations and PROGRAM OF A COMPETITION commissions of architects, everything, in fact, nec- essary to the completion of the building ready for occupancy; furniture only excepted. 9 JXequtrements a* to i^pace. The following as to location of djepartments and offices on the various floors of the building is a mandatory provision of the competition; the estimates given as to number and size of rooms required to accommodate the various departments to be housed within the building and their location relative to each other are suggestive only. The areas shown are what is thought to be necessary for each department and are intended only as a guide to the architects. Changes may be made in the gross areas listed for each department. Due consideration should be given to the instal- lation of passenger and freight elevators, private and public stairways, light, heat and ventilating apparatus, public toilets, etc. Elevators should be located adjacent to senate and representative cham- bers. TAH STATE CAPITOL BUILDING GROUND FLOOR FISH AND GAME DEPARTMENT General office room 400 ft. Private room 200 " Vault 100 " Cloak room and toilet 100 " 800 ft. STATE BOARD OF LAND COMMISSIONERS General office room 1000 ft. Secretary's private office 200 " Stenographers' room 400 " Chief clerk, cashier and bookkeepers 700 " Board room 500 " Vault 700 " Cloak room and toilet 100 " 3600 ft. DAIRY AND FOOD COMMISSIONER Main office room 500 ft. Commissioner's room 400 " Sample room 250 " Sealer of weights and measures 500 " Cloak room and toilet 100 " 1750 ft. 11 PROGRAM OF A COMPETITION STATE CHEMIST Office and microscopical room 250 ft. Weighing room : 250 " General working room 250 ' Storage room 250 " Sample, exhibit and library room 250 * Vault 100 " Cloak room and toilet 100 " 1450 ft. (Provide special ventilation on account fumes and gases.) STATE BOARD OF HEALTH Private office 200 ft. Clerk's room and filing office 400 " Laboratory and library 300 ' Vault 100 " Cloak room and toilet. . 100 " 1100 ft. (Located convenient to Dairy and Food Department.) UTAH STATE FAIR ASSOCIATION Public office and lobby 500 ft. Directors' room 400 " Secretary's office 300 " Cloak room and toilet 100 " Vault 100 " 1400 ft. 12 UTAH STATE CAPITOL BUILDING HORTICULTURAL COMMISSION General office and lobby 400 ft. Private office 350 " Laboratory 400 " Cloak room and toilet 100 " 1250 ft. STORE ROOMS AND VAULTS Store room and vault for Secretary of State 700 ft. Store room and vault for State Auditor .... 500 " Store room for State Treasurer. . 300 " 1500 ft. Cafe Custodian and Janitors Supply Rooms, Etc State Historical Room Exhibition Space 13 PROGRAM OF A COMPETITION PRINCIPAL FLOOR GOVERNOR Entrance room and lobby 480 ft. Business office 600 " Private office 400 " Private Secretary's office 400 " Stenographer's office 360 " Vault 100 " Cloak room and toilet 200 " State reception room 1850 " 4390 ft. (Private entrance from exterior to Governor's office.) SECRETARY OF STATE Private office 400 ft. Business office for Secretary 400 " General business office and lobby 1500 " Vault 500 " Cloak room and toilet 200 " 3000 ft. (Store room and additional vault on ground floor.) General Board Room convenient to Execu- tive and State Departments 700 ft. 14 UTAH STATE CAPITOL BUILDING ATTORNEY GENERAL Main office and lobby 500 ft. Attorney General's room with private en- trance 400 " First Assistant's room 250 " Second Assistant's room 250 " Third Assistant's room 250 " Stenographers' room 250 ' Library room 850 ' Vault 100 " Cloak room and toilet . . 200 " 3050 ft. STATE AUDITOR Private office 300 ft. Deputy Auditor 300 " Auditing and proof reading 300 " General office and lobby 1200 " Vault 500 " Cloak room and toilet 200 " 2800 ft. (Store room and additional vault room on ground flcor.) 15 PROGRAM OF A COMPETITION SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION | Main office and lobby 800 ft. Superintendent's room 400 " Assistant Superintendent's room 300 " Library room 600 " Stenographers' room 250 " Vault 100 " Cloak room and toilet 200 " 2650 ft. STATE TREASURER Business office and lobby 800 ft. Treasurer's private office with private en- trance 400 " Vault 100 " Cloak room and toilet. 200 " 1500 ft. (Storage room on ground floor.) BANK COMMISSIONER AND EXAMINERS Commissioner's private office 400 ft. Business office and lobby 500 " Vault 100 " Cloak room and toilet. 100 " 1100 ft. 16 UTAH STATE CAPITOL BUILDING COMMISSIONER OF INSURANCE Business office and lobby 600 ft. Commissioner's room 300 " Deputy Commissioner's room 250 " Stenographers' room 250 " Vault 100 " Cloak room and toilet. 100 " 1600 ft. SECOND FLOOR SUPREME COURT Court room 1200 ft. Consultation room, located in rear of Court room 500 " Five Judges' chambers, adjoining consulta- tion room (each 20x20) 2000 " Clerk's room 400 " Clerk's private office 200 " Two stenographers' rooms 200 400 " Vault 200 " Cloak room and toilet 200 " 5100 ft. 17 PROGRAM OF A CO M P E T I T I O N State Library and Reading Room 4000 ft. Two Rooms for Librarian (240 ft. each) ... 480 " 4480 ft. Supreme Court Reporter 400 ft. SENATE CHAMBER Chamber to seat thirty members, with pub- lic gallery President's private room Secretary's private room Lobby Cloak rooms and lockers Press room Telegraph and telephone room Lounging room Document room Ten committee rooms Sergeant-at-Arms' room Lavatory HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Chamber to seat ninety members, with lobby and public gallery Speaker's room Chief Clerk's room Sergeant-at-Arms' room 18 UTAH STATE CAPITOL BUILDING Twelve committee rooms Lounging room Cloak rooms and lockers Document room Telegraph and telephone room Press room Lavatory One post office to be located convenient to Senate and House chambers Excess available space to be utilized in single offices of from 250 to 400 feet. THIRD FLOOR Galleries to House and Senate STATE ENGINEER Reception office 600 ft State Engineer's private office 300 " Assistant Engineer's office 300 " Stenographers' room 600 " Drafting and computing room 600 " Vault 450 " Cloak room and toilet , 150 " 3000 ft. (Drafting room to have north exposure.) PROGRAM OF A COMPETITION The undersigned has examined this program, agrees to its terms and contracts to submit a de- sign in competition as herein provided for. 26