Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2007 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation http://www.archive.org/details/bibliographiesofOOjoserich B I B L I O G R A P H I F O F BIBLIOGRAPHIES B Y AKSEL G. S. JOSEPH SON BIBLIOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY OF CHICAGO CONTRIBUTIONS TO BIBLIOGRAPHY BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF BIBLIO- GRAPHIES CHRONOLOGICALLY ARRANGED WITH OCCASIONAL NOTES AND AN INDEX BY AKSEL G. S. JOSEPHSON » CHICAGO, MQMI / y n / 0-i JJJ- a, p I V v^c.' A first attempt at recording a certain class of literature can- not be entirely successful. While completeness is not claimed for the present list, the compiler hopes that it may serve as a fairly reliable guide to bibliographical literature. Cer- tain limitations have been placed on the work. Bibliographies published in periodical publications have been recorded only when they could be found without too laborious a search ; chapters and parts of bibliographies dealing with general or special bibliography have not been included except in one or two cases which seemed specially important, and it has not been the intention to include lists of manuscript catalogues. Both fuller and more frequent notes and references to book reviews would have been desirable. Fear of making the pamphlet too bulky, as well as doubt as to his competence to make authoritative notes in all cases, and lack of time to search for the book reviews are offered by the compiler as reasons for their omission. Should a second edition be called for, it is hoped that these deficiencies may be remedied. Wherever a book has been found in any Chicago library it has been personally examined and collated. Such titles are marked with a * before the running number. Some titles have been copied and collated at the New York State Library School at Albany. The compiler is also indebted for many courtesies to members of the staffs of the Newberry and Chicago Public Libraries, particularly to Mr. Carl B. Roden of the Public Library. ' In the case of books not personally examined the size has been indicated by the standard form notations nearly univer- 5 sally used for this purpose in bibliographical work. But in the case of books collated by the compiler the actual measure- ments of the letter-press have been indicated in centimeters. The total number of titles is 156,^0. 109 being skipped in numbering. Aksel G. S. Josephson. The John Crerar Library, Chicago, February 25, 1901. v^i664. I Bibliotheca bibliothecarum curis secundis auctior. Accedit Bibliotheca nummaria in duas partes tributa Cura et studio R. P. Philippi Labbe, S. J. Parisiis, apud Ludovicum Billaine, MDCLXIV. [32], 394 p. 4°. Ottino & Fumagalli. The title seems to indicate an earlier edition, and Graesse mentions one: Paris, 1653. Sommervogel, however, says that the edition ot 1664 is the second edition of his " Nova bibliotheca mss. librorum ... ," 1657. He gives the following as title of the edition of 1664, but taken from a prospectus of several works which Labbe intended to publish: " Bibliotheca bibliothecarum pernecessaria omnibus bibliothecariis, siue Catalogus bibliothecarum, catalogorum, nomenclatorum, indicum, elench- orum, elogiorum etc. quibus scriptores ecclesiastic! et profani, veteres ac novi, in quaius arte ac professione praecipui, et libri ferme omnes, partim editi, partim inediti repraesentantur." In addition to this he also quotes the title as here given; he gives the size as 8°. Other editions were published in 1672 and 1678; as these are called "editio secunda" and "tertia" respectively, the edition of 1653 seems doubtful. • 1672. 2 Bibliotheca bibliothecarum curis secundis auctior. Accedit Bibliotheca nummaria in duas partes tributa Cura et studio Philippi Labbe. Editio secunda auctior, et meliori ordine disposita. Rothomagi, excudebat T. Maurry impensis Ludovici Billaine, MDCLXXII. [32], 398 p. 8°. V1678. 3 Bibliotheca bibliothecarum curis secundis auctior. Accedit Bibliotheca nummaria .... Cura et studio R. P. Philippi 7 Labbe ... . Editio III auctior, et meliori ordine disposita. Additus Joann. Seldeni Angli Liber de nummis. Rothomagi, excudebat Antonius Maurry, impensis Ludovici Billaine, bibliopolae Parisiensis, MDCLXXVIIL 398 p- 8°. Graesse gives 1682 as the date of this "editio III auctior." Jocher says that Teissier republished the book in 1686 under the title " Catalogus auctorum etc."; but according to Petzholdt it was only the Bibliotheca nummaria that he republished. Graesse gives both Labbe's and Teissier's bibliographies, but knows seemingly of no connection between them. s^ 1686. 4 Catalogus auctorum qui librorum catalogos, indices, bibli- othecas, virorum litteratorum elogia, vitas, aut orationes funebres, scriptis consignarunt: ab Antonio Teisserio, . . . adornatus. Cum Philippi Labbaei Bibliotheca nummaria in duas partes tributa Genevae, apud Samuelem de Tournes, MDCLXXXVI. [8], 559. 30 p. 4°. A second edition was published in 1705. . 1705. 5 Catalogi auctorum qui librorum catalogos, indices, bibliothecas, virorum litteratorum elogia, vitas, aut orationes funebres, scriptis consignarunt auctuarium ab Antonio Teisserio adornatum, sive ejusdem Catalogi pars altera, continens ferme bis mille quingentos autores Genevae, sumptibus Chouet, G. de Tournes, Cramer, etc., MDCCV. [6], 368 p. ^\ 1710. 6 ' Schramm, J. C. Programma de scriptoribus bibliothecarum theologicarum. Helmstad 1710. 8 I7I2. 7 -B. T. Ittigii Schediasma de autoribus, qui de scriptoribus ecclesiasticus egerunt, ... L. C. Ludovici . . . recensuit, auctarium et annotationes addidit. Lipsise, Junius, 171 1. 8°. Published as a part of "Bibliotheca Ittigiana," 3 vol. Lipsiae 171 1. 1783. .8 -TossELLi, Francesco. Bibliotheca bibliographica antica e moderna; d'ogni classe, e d'ogni nazione. Guastalla, stamp. Costa, 1 782-1 783. 2 vol. 4". 1812. 9 V Repertoire | bibliographique universel, | contenant | la notice raisonne des bibliographies speciales | publiees jusqu'a ce jour, et d'un grand nombre d'autres ouvrages | de bibliographie, relatifs a Thistoire litteraire, | et a toutes les parties de la bibliologie. | Par Gabriel Peignot. | Paris, | chez Antoine Augustin Renouard, | MDCCCXII. XX, 514 p. 5x9 cm. Arranged alphabetically by subjects, with descriptive and historical notes. 1812. 10 -Dictionnaire de bibliographie fran^aise. Tom. I-II. [A-Bh.] Paris, au bureau de Bibliographie frangaise. 1812. Tom. I: [4], 1, 520 p. Tom. II: [4], 636 p. 8°. No more published. [A list of bibliographical sources] torn. I. p. xxi-xxxviii. 1814. II y /An I introduction | to the | study of bibliography. | To which is prefixed | a | memoir | on the | public libraries of the ancients. | By Thomas Hartwell Horne. | Illustrated 9 with engravings. | Vol. I. [-II.] | [London: | printed by G. Woodfall, I for T. Cadell and W. Davies. | 1814. Vol. I: XXV, [i], 27-402 p. pi. i-iii. Vol. II: [2], 403-758, [2], clvi p. pi. iv-xi. 16x9 cm. "A notice of the principal works extant on literary history in general, and on bibliography in particular," vol. 2, p. 403-742. A classified list, with descriptive and critical notes. 1822. 12 '^ Handbuch der Geschichte der Litteratur von Ludwig Wachler. II. Umarbeitung. Th. I. Handbuch der Geschichte der alten Litteratur. Nebst einer Einleitung in die allgemeine Ge- schichte der Litteratur. Leipzig: J. S. Barth, 1822. 8°. [Zusanimenstellung der bibliographischen Litteratur,] p. 1-53. 1824. 13 •^Essai de bibliologie militaire, par Doisy. Paris, Anselin et Pochard, 1824. [4], 124 p. 8°. I. Bibliographie de Tartillerie et du g^nie. II. Du classement des livres. III. Notice sur les catalogues de livres militaires publics jusqu'k present et sur les autres ouvrages qui peuvent servir k I'histoire de la litterature militaire. 1829. 14 'Swensk bibliographie, for ^r 1829, eller allman fortekning ofwer utkomna bocker, grav3'rer, kartor, heltryck och musikalier. Utgifwen af Boktryckeri-Societeten. Stockholm, 1829. " Inledning," [6] p., contains an annotated list of Swedish bibliographies. Translated by Julius Petzholdt in Neuer Anzeiger fur Bibliographie und Bibliothekswissenschaft, 1859. 1838. #15 V Bibliographie | paleographico-diplomatico-bibliographique | generale | ou | repertoire sj^stematique | indiquant | 1° tous les ouvrages relatifs a la paleographie; a la diplomatique; | a I'histoire de rimprimerie et de la libraire; | a la bibliographic; aux bio-bibliographies et a I'histoire des bibliotheques; | 2° la notice des recueils periodiques, litteraires et critiques des differents pays. | . . . | Par | P. Namur, | Tome premier [-second]. | Liege, | P. J. CoUardin, | 1838. Vol. i: xxvii, 226 [2] p. Vol. 2: vi, 306 p. 18x12 cm. "Bibliographic," vol. 2, p. 1-99; "Bio-bibliographies," vol. 2, p. 101-132. 1840. 16 ^Handbuch der Bibliothekswissenschaft, der Literatur- und Biicherkunde. Uebersicht der Handschriftenkunde, der Ge- schichte der Buchdruckerkunst und des Buchhandels, der Biicherkenntniss (Bibliographie) im engern Sinne, der Bib- liothekenkunde und Bibliothekonomie und der literarhis- torischen und bibliographischen Schriften. . . . von Joh. Aug. Friedr. Schmidt. Weimar: Voigt, 1840. viii, 472 p. " Von der Bibliographie uberhaupt," p. 162-214. " Von den Bibliographien im Speziellen," p. 308-455. 1845. *I7 --Petzholdt, Julius. Literatur bibliothekswissenschaftlicher Zeitschriften. In Neue jenaische allgemeine Literatur-Zeitung. Vol. 5, p. 374-376, 377- 380. Jena 1844. Also in Anzeiger der Bibliothekswissenschaft. Jahrgang 1845, p. i-xv. Dresden 1846. 1845. *I8 'Bibliographie und Bibliotheken in den Vereinigten Staaten von Nordamerika. Erster Artikel. [Litteratur der iiber Amerika erschienenen Schriften in chronologischer Reihenfolge.] [Signed:] Hermann Ludewig. In Serapeum. Zeitschrift fiir Bibliothekswissenschaft. Sechster Jahr- gang, p. 209-224, Leipzig, 1845, Mentions some 20 books from 1629 to 1844, with descriptive notes. II i849- 19 'Des Index prohibitifs et expurgatoires. Quelques index de la bibliotheque de F. L. Hoffmann, a Hambourg. Quelques Index de la Bibliotheque publique de la ville de Hambourg. Par F. L. Hoffmann. In Annuaire de la Bibliotheque royale de Belgique. Annee X, p. 179- 210, Bruxelles 1849. ♦Additions aux articles de I'Annuaire de la Bibliotheque royale de Belgique . . . (1849) . . . [Signed:] F. L. Hoffmann. In Bulletin du bib- liophile beige. Tom. XIII., p. 145-147. Bruxelles 1857. 15x10 cm. 1850. 20 -iBibliothekarische Unterhaltungen. Herausgegeben von J. F. L. Th. Merzdorf. Neue Sammlung. Oldenburg, Schulze'sche Buchhandlung, 1850. vii, 239 p., 8°. "Indices librorum prohibitonim," p. 154-186. 1850. 21 Untersuchungen uber russische Bibliographic. Von W. Un- DOLSKJI. In Archiv fur wissenschaftliche Kunde von Russland. Bd. VIII. p. 5-19. Berlin 1850. Abbreviated from an article in Morkevitjanin. Reprinted in Anzeiger der Bibliothekswissenschaft. Jahrgang 1848-49, p. 200-202. Halle 1850. J^I. 22 Alphabetical index to the Astor Library, or, Catalogue, with short titles, of the books now collected and of the proposed accessions New York, R. Craighead, 185 1. XXX, 446 p. 8°. By J. G. Cogswell. The main index is preceded by an extensive list of bibliographies. 1855. 23 Uebersicht der wichtigeren Erscheinungen auf dem Gebiete der Bibliographic im Jahre 1854. Von Paul Tromel. 12 In Anzeiger fiir Bibliographic und Bibliothekswissenschaft. Jahrgang 1855. Halle 1856. Also reprinted in 30 copies: Halle, Druck von Schmidt. 23 p. 1856. 24 Des sources bibliographiques militaires, par Ed. Delabarre DuPARCQ. Paris, Tanera. 1856. 31 p. 8°. f tin: 1856. -Die nationalen Bibliographien. [Von Julius Petzholdt.] In Neuer Anzeiger fiir Bibliographie und Bibliothekswissenschaft. Jahrgang 1856, p. 1-8, 33-42, 65-69, 101-105, I33-I37. 165-169, 201-205, 297-300, 328-330,333-336,364-367. Dresden 1856. 17x11cm. A list of national bibliographies with sample pages, showing style, and critical notes. 1856. *26 -Bibliographische Privatdrucke. Nach Martin's "Bibliograph- ical catalogue of privately printed books" bearbeitet, mit Verbesserungen und Zusatzen von Paul Tromel. In Neuer Anzeiger fiir Bibliographie und Bibliothekswissenschaft. Jahrgang 1856, p. 233-246, 265-271. Dresden 1856. 17x11 cm. A list of privately printed bibliographical works, mostly catalogues of private and semi-public libraries. Also reprinted in 30 copies: Dresden 1856. 22 p. 1856. *27 ~Zur allgemeinen Bibliographie. Eine zweite Probe aus Petz- holdt's bibliographischem Handbuche fiir Deutschland. In Neuer Anzeiger fiir Bibliographie und Bibliothekswissenschaft. Jahrgang 1856, p. 302-306. Dresden 1856. 17x11 cm. A critical list of some general bibliographies. 1857. *28 -^Jebersicht der gesammten militarischen Bibliographie. [Von Julius Petzholdt.] In Neuer Anzeiger fiir Bibliographie und Bibliothekswissenschaft. Jahrgang 1857, p. 265-277, 310-320. Dresden 1857. 17x11 cm. 13 1858. *29 rVerzeichniss russischer bibliographischer Schriften in aus- landischen Sprachen. Von G. Gennadi. In Neuer Anzeiger fiir Bibliographic und Bibliothekswissenschaft. Jahrgang 1857, p. 278-86; 1858, p. 105-109. Dresden 1857. 17x11 cm. 1858. *30 ^HTepaxypa | PyccKOH BH6.iiorpa(|)iH. | OEMCL | BMBHor- PA^iiqECMX^ KHHr-B H CTATfifi, | Hs^aHHbix'b B-b PoccIh. | CocTaBH.111, I rPHrOPIH PEHHA^H. | CaHKTneTep- 6ypnb, 1858. 196 p. 18x11 cm. " Literature of Russian bibliography. A list of bibliographical books and articles published in Russia. Compiled by Gregory Gennady." Gives first a chronological list of general bibliographies, then a classified list of bibliographies of special subjects. 1858. 31 Catalogue | of the books on | bibliography, typography | and engraving, | in the | New York State Library. | Albany: Charles Van Benthuysen, printer. | 1858. 143 P- Arranged alphabetically by authors, with alphabetical subject index. 1858. *32 The I librarian's manual; | a | treatise on bibliography, | comprising a | select and descriptive list | of | bibliographical works; | to which are added, | sketches of publick libraries. | Illustrated with engravings. | By Reuben A. Guild. | . . . | New York: | Charles A. Norton, | MDCCCLVIII. 10, 304 p. 15x10 cm. "Part first. Bibliography," p. 1-114. A classified, selected list, with notes, not only of bibliographies, but of books on palaeography, printing, librarianship and bibliography in general. 1858. 33 -Dictionnaire de bibliographic catholique, presentant I'indica- tion et les titres complets de tous les ouvrages qui ont et^ publics dans les trois langucs grccquc, latine ct fran^aise, dcpuis la naissancc du christianisme, en tous pays, mais prin- cipalcmcnt en France, pour et sur le catholicisme, . . . Par Fr. Perennes; suivi d'un Dictionnaire de bibliologie, par Brunet de Bordeaux. Tome I. Paris au Petit- Montrouge, Migne, 1858. Hi. 1 136 col. 8°. "Liste abr^gee de documents bibliographiques ^ui ont servi k la com- position du Dictionnaire de bibliographic catholique,* col. xxix-lii. 1859. *34 vTriibner's | Bibliographical guide | to American literature. | ^A classed list of books | published in the United States of America during | the last forty years. | With | bibliographical introduction, notes, and alphabetical index. | Compiled and edited | by Nicolaus TrUbner. | London: | Triibner & Co., | 1859. cxlix, 554 p. 18x10 cm. "Bibliographical works on books relating to America," p. iv-xxvi. " [Bibliographical] books printed in America," p. xxvi-xxxvi. By Nicolaus Trubner and Hermann E. Ludewig. With extensive notes. 1859. *35 Catalogus '* Indices librorum prohibitorum et expurgandorum." Specimen quod maxime viris praenobilissimis et perillustribus praefectis bibliothecarum . . . , eo consilio, ut catalogum ex opibus suis corrigant, suppleant atque augeant, vite pie offert auctor J. Petzholdt. In Neuer Anzeiger fur Bibliographic und Bibliothekswissenschaft. Jahrgang 1859, p. 65-71, 101-107, 133-140, 164-170, 201-208; Nachtrag, p. 304- 311. Dresden 1859. 17x11 cm. Also reprinted: Dresdae, typ. Blochmanni et fil, 1859. 34 p., 8°. IS 1859. *36 Zur Litteratur der Freimaurer- Bibliographic. [Signed :] J. Petzholdt. In Neuer Anzeiger fiir Bibliographic und Bibliothekswissenschaft. Jahr- gang 1859, p. 208-215. Dresden 1859. 17x11 cm. 1859. *37 Zur Litteratur der amerikanischen Bibliographic. Verzcich- nisse von Schriften uber Amerika. [Von Julius Petzholdt.] In Neuer Anzeiger fiir Bibliographie und Bibliothekswissenschaft. Jahr- gang 1859, p. 233-240, 265-271. Dresden 1859. 17x11 cm. -^859. *38 -Die Bibliographie am Tage der Sacularfeier von Schiller's Geburtsfest 10. November 1859. Von J. Petzholdt. In Neuer Anzeiger fiir Bibliographie und Bibliothekswissenschaft. Jahrgang 1859, p. 311-318; Nachtrag: i860, p. 11-14, 72-74. Dresden 1859. 17x11 cm. -^859. *39 -Zur Bibliographie der schwedischen Litteratur. In Neuer Anzeiger fiir Bibliographie und Bibliothekswissenschaft. Jahrgang 1859, p. 365-370. Dresden 1859. 17x11 cm. Translation, by J. Petzholdt, of No. 14. i860. *40 -^ur Litteratur der portugiesischen Bibliographie. [Von Julius Petzholdt.] In Neuer Anzeiger fiir Bibliographie und Bibliothekswissenschaft. Jahr- gang i860, p. 209-218. Dresden i860. 17x11 cm. 1861. *4I Chronologischc Ucbersicht von bibliographischen Systemen. [Von Julius Petzholdt.] In Neuer Anzeiger fiir Bibliographie und Bibliothekswissenschaft. Jahr- gang i860, p. i-io, 33-39, 65-71, 101-108, 133-140, 165-172,201-204; Nachtrag: 1861, p. 248-255. Dresden 1860-1861. 17x11 cm. Also reprinted: Dresden, i860. x6 i86i. *42 A^erzeichniss einer Sammlung neuerer deutscher Verlags- kataloge. [Signed:] J. Petzholdt. In Neuer Anzeiger fur Bibliographic und Bibliothekswissenschaft. Jahr- gang i860, p. 238-244, 271-279, 322-331, 355-368; 1861, p. 55-62. Dresden 1860-1861, 17x11 cm. 1861. 43 ---Om bibliografiska systemer och bibliotheksmethoder. Afhand- ling, som med tillst^nd af historisk-filologiska fakulteten vid Kejserliga Alexanders-Universitetet i Finland till offentlig granskning framstalles af K. Collan ... . Helsingfors, Frenckell & Son, 1861. iv, 64, xiii p. 8°. 1861-1862. *44 v^anuale | teoretico-pratico | di bibliografia | di | Giuseppe M. MiRA. I Volume I. [-II.] Palermo | stamperia Piola et Tamburelli | 1861 [-1862]. Vol. 1 : 586, [2] p. Vol. 2: 427, [2] p. il. 8 pi. 4 tables. 15x9 cm. " Elenco delle principali opere che consultar debbonsi dai bibliografi et bibliotecarii," vol. 2, p. 248-333. Alphabetical list with notes. -1862. *45 -Kritische Uebersicht der naturwissenschaftlichen Biblio- graphie. [Von Julius Petzholdt.] In Neuer Anzeiger fiir Bibliographie und Bibliothekswissenschaft. Jahr- gang 1861, p. 153-160, 207-217, 240-248; 1862, p. 33-38, 64-74, 109-114. Nach- trag: p. 209-214, 241-243. Dresden 1861-1862. 17x11cm. ^863. *46 H^Critische Uebersicht der kartographischen Bibliographie. [Von Julius Petzholdt.] In Neuer Anzeiger fiir Bibliographie und Bibliothekswissenschaft. Jahr- gang 1863, p. 1-6, 42-47. Dresden 1863. 17x11 cm. 17 1863. *47 Kritische Uebersicht der ikonographischen Bibliographic. [Signed:] J. Petzholdt. In Neuer Anzeiger fur Bibliographic und Bibliothekswissenschaft. Jahr- gang 1863, p. 101-104, 138-144. Dresden 1863. 17x11 cm. 1863. *48 Kritische Uebersicht der Shakespere-Bibliographie. [Von Julius Petzholdt.] In Neuer Anzeiger fiir Bibliographic und Bibliothekswissenschaft. Jahr- gang 1863, p. 248-253. Dresden 1863. 17x11 cm. 1866. *49 Bibliotheca Americana vetustissima | A | description of works I relating to | America | published between the years I 1492 and 1 55 1 I ... I New York | Geo. P. Philes, pub- lisher I MDCCCLXVI [4], liv, [2], 519 p. 17x10 cm. Dedication signed: Henry Harrisse. The foot-notes to chapter III of the "Introduction," p. x-xlii, contain titles of bibliographies relating to America. 1866. *5o Bibliotheca | bibliographica. | Kritisches Verzeichniss | der das Gesammtgebiet der Bibliographie | betreffenden Litteratur des I In- und Auslandes | in systematischer Ordnung | bear- beitet | von | Dr. Julius Petzholdt. | Mit alphabetischem Namen- und Sachregister. | Leipzig, | Verlag von Wilhelm Engelmann. | 1866. xii, 939 p. 19x12 cm. This work, the result of 25 years of research, is the first attempt at a complete and systematic bibliography of bibliographies, and is to this day the most complete record of bibliographical work up to the year of its pub- lication. It is still valuable, not only as a list, but for its critical and descriptive notes. It is minutely classified, with full author index. i8 i870. *5i -A I handy-book | about books, | for | book-lovers, book- buyers, I and I book-sellers. | Attempted by | John Power. | London: | James Wilson. | 1S70. xiv, [2], 2i7p. 16x9 cm. " Bibliography " [of bibliography], p. 3-24, 187-194. The bibliography is of no value whatever. 1870. *52 La bibliographie et les bibliographies nationales et contem- poraines. [Signed:] Gustave Pawlowski. In Polybiblion. Tome cinquieme, p. 214-217; 271-273. Paris 1870. 18x10 cm. Reprinted in 60 copies, under the title: Les bibliographies nationales contemporaines. Petit guide de bibliographie periodique a I'usage des gens de lettres. Paris 1870. 10 p. 1872. *53 -Works of reference for the use of the librarian, editor, literary ^^^^.-student, book-collector, and bookseller. A compendious list of the most recent works on bibliography, published chiefly in the United States, England, France, and Germany. [By Frederick Leypoldt.] In The publishers' and stationers' weekly trade circular. Vol. 2, p. 418- 427. New York 1872. 21x13 cm. A carefully compiled classified list. 1875. \ *54 -bibliography. [Signed:] E. F. T[aylor]. In The Encyclopaedia Britarinica. Ninth edition. Vol. 3, p. 651-663. Edinburgh 1875. 23x16 cm. Interspersed with titles of important bibliographical works. 1877. *55 -A I bibliography of bibliography | or a | handy book about books I which relate to books | being an alphabetical catalogue of the most important works descriptive of | the literature of 19 Great Britain and America, and more than | a few relative to France and Germany | By Joseph Sabin | ... . \_6 lines.\ I New York | J. Sabin & Sons | 1877. V, cl p. 16x10 cm. An alphabetical list, sometimes with exact collations, and some notes. Lack of systematic arrangement lessens its value considerably. 1879. *56 -Boston Public Library [in seal] | Handbook for readers, | with regulations. | New edition, 1879. | Boston: | Rockwell & Churchill, city printers, | 1879. 87, [i] p. 12x7 cm. Cover title. " Books on special subjects. How to find them," including a list of " principal periodicals that have general or comprehensive indexes, cover- ing a number of years," p. 39-61. Later editions issued in 1883 and 1890. 1879. 57 Steiger, E. Bibliographical bibliography: practical biblio- graphical publications issued in Germany, Austria and Swit- zerland. In Year-book of education for 1879. New York 1879. 1879. 58 -Les travaux bibliographiques de 1867 a 1878 par M. G. Pawlowski. In Congres bibliographique [international tenu a Paris, 1878. Compte- rendu des travaux, p. 485-550. Paris 1879. 1879. *59 What is an index? | A few notes | on | indexes and indexers. I By I Henry B. Wheatley. | . . . . | London: | pub- lished for the Index Society | by Longmans, Green & Co. | MDCCCLXXIX. 132 p. 16x10 cm. [Index Society. Publications, 1878. I.] " Preliminary list of English indexes," p. 74-108. A classified list of indexes in separate volumes, which had come in the author's way. 20 i88o. 60 -Gee, W. H. Works relating to bibliography, history of printing, book-binding, etc., catalogues of public libraries on sale. Oxford 1880. 1881. 61 -Hand-list of bibliographies, classified catalogues and indexes placed in the reading-room of the British Museum for refer- ence. London 1881. 105 p. 8°. Prepared by G. W. Porter. 1881. ^62 Library aids. By Samuel S. Green. In Library journal. Vol. 6, p. 104-111. New York 1881. 19x13 cm. Read before the Conference of Librarians at Washington and Baltimore, February 1881. Afterwards reprinted under title: *Department of the Interior. | Bureau of Education. | Library aids. | . . . | Washington: | Government printing office. I 1881. 10 p. Again reprinted in 1883. The first of a series of annual reports on aids and guides to readers made to the American Library Association between the years 1881 and 1889. 1881. ^63 bibliographical aids. [Signed:] F. L[eypoldt]. In The American catalogue. Subject entries of books in print . . . July I, 1876, p. v-xx. New York 1881. 22x14 cm. " Limited to the more recent English and American reference books." 1881. 64 \ Some French bibliographies. By J. D. O. Reprinted from The Bookseller. London: Office of " The Bookseller." 1881. [4], 87 p. 8°. 160 copies printed. First published in *The Bookseller. 1881, p. 10-16, 105-109, 232-240. London 1881. 21x13 cm. A general survey of French bibliographical literature from 1598 to 1880, with biographical notes. Especially valuable for the very full account of local bibliographies and special monographs. 21 i88i. *65 'Publication de la Societe de geographic | Liste provisoire | de I bibliographies geographiques j speciales | par | JAxMes Jack- son I . . . j Paris I Societe de geographic | 1881 vi, [2], 340 p. 16x9 cm. Arranged by countries. The books contained in the library of the Societe de geographie are specially marked. 1881. *66 An index to scientific bibliographies. By James B. Bailey. [Accompanied by] Specimen of an index to scientific bib- liographies. In Transactions and proceedings of the third annual meeting of the Library Association of the United Kingdom ... , 1880. p. 114- 116, 169- 173. London 1881. 19x12 cm. 1883. *67 -Handbook for readers | in the | Boston Public Library. | Containing | the regulations of the library, | with an account of the catalogues, indexes to notes | about books, indexes to periodicals, a cata- | logue of books about patents, and | other information. | New edition. | Boston: | printed by order of the Trustees. | 1883. 152 p. 12x7 cm. Cover title. 1882. *68 'Aids and guides for readers. Yearly report, by S. S. Green. In Library journal. Vol. 7, p. 139-147. New York 1882. 19x13 cm. 1882. 69 '^Handbuch fiir osterreichische Universitats- und Studien- Bibliotheken, sowie fiir Volks-, Mittelschul- und Bezirks- Lehrerbibliotheken Von Dr. Ferdinand Grassauer. Wien: K. Graeser, 1882. vi, 314 p. 15x11 cm. " Literarischer Bibliotheksapparat," p. 64-86. Reissued in 1899. 22 i882. *70 -Indexes to periodical literature [in the Boston Public Library.] In Bulletin of the Boston Public Library. Vol. 5, no. i, whole no. 60. p. 52-58. Boston 1882. 20x14 cm. 1883. *7i - An index to some recent reference lists. By H. J. Carr. In The Library journal. Vol. 8, p. 27-32. New York 1883. 19x13 cm. 1883. ^T2 Index to notes about books and reading, and to the special book lists found in the catalogues of the Boston Public Library and other libraries, and also in periodicals. In Bulletin of the Boston Public Library. Vol. 5, no. 7, whole no. 66. p. 444-450. Boston 1883. 20x14 cm. 1883. *73 - Library aids | by | Samuel S. Green | Revised and enlarged edition | with references from Poole's " Index," and a chapter I on "Books and articles on reading" from | Foster's " Libraries and readers" | New York | F. Leypoldt, publisher I 1883. iv, 52, 117-129, [i] p. 11x7 cm. 1883. *74 ~ Report on aids and guides to readers. 1883. By W. E. Foster. In Library journal. Vol. 8, p. 233-245. New York 1883. 19x13 cm. 1884. 75 - Bibliography: or books about books, their making, &c., ... , forming part of the reference department of the Birmingham Free Library. Catalogued by J. D. Mullins. Birmingham, Geo. Jones & Son, 1884. xii, 128-172 p. 4°. 23 1884. 76 ' Hellebrant, a. Die ungarische Bibliographic bis 171 1. In Ungarische Revue, 4. Jahrgang, no. 9, Budapest 1884. 8°. 1884. ^ 71 Roberts, W. H. A list of books intended as an aid in the selection of a pastor's library. New York, Princeton. C. S. Robinson & Co., 1884. 24 p. 12°. 1884. 78 HoROY, . De la bibliographic geographique. In Bulletin de TUnion geographique du nord de la France. Vol. v. Avril. Douay 1884. 8°. Also reprinted: Douai, Imprimerie Duthilloeul, 1884. 23 p. 8°. 1884. ^ 79 ■ Robert, Ulysse. Etat des catalogues des bibliotheques pub- liques de France. Lille, Imprimerie Danel, 1884. 27 p. 8°. 1884. 80 -Kelchner, Ernst. Kataloge mit fingirten Biichertiteln. Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der Bibliographic. In Deutsche Buchhandler-Akademie. Bd. II. Weimar 1884, p. 149-? 8°. 1885. *8l Report on aids and guides, August, '83, to June, '85. By F. M. Crunden. In Library journal. Vol. 10, p. 309-330. New York 1885. 19x13 cm. 1885. 82 MoNTAROLO, G. Battista. Bibliotcca bibliografica italiana. [On the cover: Parte prima.] Modena: coi tipi della Societa tipografica, antica Tipografia Soliani, 1885. viii, no p. 150 copies printed. Interrupted by the death of the author. The whole material was afterwards incorporated in Ottino & Fumagalli's Bibliotheca bibliographica italiana. 24 1885. ^3 Bibliographic de la bibliographic dcs journaux ct periodiques dc I'Arsenal. In Bulletin des bibliotheques et des archives, public sous les auspices du Ministere de I'instruction publique. Vol. 4, p. 186-218. Paris 1885. 1886. *84 -How I to form a library | By | H. B. Wheatley | London | Elliot Stock, I 1886 vii, 248 p. 10x6 cm. " General bibliographies," p. 141-159. " Special bibliographies," p. 160-183. 1886. *85 -Lexicon I pscudonymorum. | Wortcrbuch | dcr Pseudonymcn I allcr Zcitcn und Volkcr | odcr | Vcrzcichniss jcncr Autoren, die sich falschcr Namcn bedicntcn. | Von | Emil Weller. | Zwcitc, durchaus verbcssertc und vcrmchrtc Auflagc. | . . . | Rcgcnsburg. | Vcrlag von Alfred Coppenrath. | 1886. X, 627 p. 19x13 cm. "Vorwort," p. iii-x, gives a list of bibliog^ihi^^^^ IjF jijKji^ymous and pseudonymous books. 1886. \o. .^J *86 -[Bibliographischc] Literatur und Mis( In each number of Neuer Anzeiger fiir Bibliographic und Bibliotheks- wissenschaft. Jahrgang 1856-1886. Dresden 1856-1884. Berlin und Stutt- gart 1885-1886 11 , 17x11 cm. 1887. *87 v^ibliographic | dcs | bibliographies | par | Leon Vallee | ... I Premiere partie | Catalogues des bibliographies gene- rales et particuliers, par ordre alphabetique | d'auteurs, . . . I Seconde partie | Repertoire des memes bibliographies par ordre alphabetique dcs matieres. | Paris | Em. Terqucm | 1883. vi, [2], 773. [i] P- 19x13 cm. 25 Supplement. | Paris | Em. Terquem | 1887. [2], 354 p. 19x13 cm. This work is of comparatively slight value in spite of the vast material it contains. It is very uncritical, and gives in most cases no hint as to the whereabouts of bibliographical material in the books referred to. The alphabetical arrangement by authors, even with the subject index, makes the work diflficult to consult. May be a useful basis for a more scholarly work. 1887. 88 Bibliography in the reference department of the Wigan Free Public Library, including an index to the papers contributed to the publications of the Library Association of the United Kingdom. By H. Tennyson- FoLtCARD, Librarian. Wigan, R. Piatt. 1887. 55 P- 8°. 1887. *89 -Report on catalogues and aids and guides for readers. 1885- 87. By W. C. Lane. In Library journal. Vol. 12, p. 414-422. New York 1887. 19x13 cm. 1888. *90 Le bibliografie degli incunaboli a proposito di una recente publicazione. [Signed:] Ferruccio Ferrari. In II Bibliofilo. Anno IX, p. 150-154. Bologna 1888. 21x13 cm. 1888. *9I Elzevier bibliography. By Richard C. Christie, In The Library chronicle. Vol. V, p. 1 17-123. London 1888. 19x12 cm. " Mentions and characterizes " the works on the Elzevier presses. Reprinted in The Bookmart. Pittsburgh 1889, p. 489-496. 1888. *92 Inventaire sommaire des tables generales des periodiques historiques en langue frangaise. [Signed:] Henri Stein. In Centralblatt fiir Bibliothekswesen. 5 Jahrgang, p. 159-196, 333-334. Leipzig 1888. 17x10 cm. 26 1889. *93 -Bibliographie. [Signed:] E. D. Grand. In La Grande encyclopedic. Tome sixieme. Paris [1889?], p. 598-641. 22x14 cm. A very interesting survey of bibliographical literature. At the end of the article is given a list of historical and theoretical works (books and articles) on bibliography. 1889. ' *94 Congres bibliographique international | tenu a Paris du 3 au 7 avril 1888 I sous les auspices de la Societe bibliographique | Les I travaux bibliographiques | de 1878 a 1888 | par M. Henri Stein. (Extrait du compte rendu des travaux.) | Paris: au siege de la Societe bibliographique | 1889. 104 p. 18x10 cm. First published in *Congres bibliographique international. Compte rendu des travaux, p. 695-789. Paris 1888. 18x10 cm. A survey of general and national bibliographies, followed by a classified list of bibliographies of special subjects, with occasional comments. 1889. *95 -^ist I of I bibliographical works | in | the reading room | of I the British Museum | Second edition, revised. | Printed by order of the Trustees. | 1889. xi, 103 p. 17x9 cm. Originally compiled by G. W. Porter. Revised by G. K. Fortescue. 1889. *96 Caspar's directory | of the | American book, news and stationery trade | wholesale and retail | . . . • [jo lines.] I By C. N. Caspar. | Milwaukee: C. N. Caspar's Book Empo- rium. I 1889. xviii, 1434 p. I por. 20x12 cm. " List of practical bibliographies, trade and library catalogues, retail and special lists, literary and trade journals, advertising mediums, etc., all per- taining to the foreign and American new and antiquarian book trade," p. 1 266- 1 299. 37 1889. *97 "Report on aids and guides for readers. By W. C. Lane. In Library journal. Vol. 14, p. 256-259. New York 1889. 19x13 cm. " In place of a regular report, the reportei; presents below an alphabeti- cal index by subject to bibliographical works of all kinds mentioned in the columns of the Library journal for 1887 and 1888." 1889. 98 Select list of the more recent English and American biblio- graphical publications, including current periodicals and special bibliographies. By E. A. Petterick. In The Torch and colonial book circular. March 30, 1889, p. 93-100. 1889. 1889. *99 "Check list of bibliographies, catalogues, | reference-lists, and lists of author-jities of American books and subjects | com- piled by I Paul Leicester Ford | Brooklyn, N. Y. | 1889 viii, 64 p. 19x6 cm. p. 1-59 numbered and printed on one side only, in single columns. Classified list with author index. Very complete. First published in Library journal. Vol. 13, p. 37-40, 82-86, 135-139, 174- 179, 207-212, 244-248, 289-291. New York 1888. 20x13 ^"^• 1889. *I00 Lehrbuch | der | historischen Methode. | Mit Nachweis der wichtigsten Quellen und Hiilfsmittel | zum Studium der Geschichte. | Von | Ernst Bernheim. Leipzig, | Duncker & Humblot. I 1889. xi» 530 p. 17x10 cm. " Quellennachweise nebst allgemeiner Bibliographie," p. 164-171. Mentions a number of general bibliographies of particular interest to historical students. 1889. *IOI ■"The bibliography and classification of French history. [Signed:] Henry R. Tedder. In The Library, Vol. i, p. 15-23. London 1889. 17x10 cm. A review of G. Monod's Bibliographie de I'histoire de France, with "a rapid chronological view of his chief predecessors in the same field of research." 28 1889. 102 [Wegener, K. F.] Vorschlag zu einer Lesebibliothek fiir junge Frauenzimmer. Ein bibliographisch-erotisches Curiosum vom Jahre 1780. Mit Anmerkungen und Verzeichniss scherz- hafter Cataloge (livres imaginaires) herausgegeben von Hugo Hayn. Borna-Leipzig: A. Jahnke, 1889. 63 p. 8°. 1890. *i03 'Boston Public Library | Bibliographies of special subjects | originally published in the Bulletins | of the Library | No. 5 I A catalogue | of the | bibliographies of special subjects in the I Boston Public Library | together with | an index to notes upon books and reading to be found in | library catalogues, in periodical and other publications | by James Lyman Whit- ney I Boston I printed by order of the Trustees | Rockwell and Churchill, city printers | 1890 [2], 71 p. 20x14 cm. First published in Bulletin of the Boston Public Library. New series Vol. IX.— Whole no. 80-83. April 1890-January 1891. p. 135-205. Boston 1891. 20x13 cm. Also published in Handbook for readers in the Boston Public Library. Ninth edition. Boston i8go. A very important list; arranged alphabetically by subjects. 1890. *I04 Handbook for readers | in the | Boston Public Library | con- taining I the regulations of the library | with | an account of the catalogues, a bibli-|ography of special subjects, list of | indexes to periodicals and | other information. | Ninth edition. I Boston I published by the Trustees | 1890 378 p. 12x7 cm. Contains a reprint of J. L. Whitney's Catalogue of bibliographies of special subjects. 29 1890. *io5 OnncH I pyccKHxi> dndjiioTeK'b | h | 6H6jiiorpa({)HqecKia HS^ania, | Haxo4Hiii,iaca bt> ncTopnqecKOH h apxeojiorn- qecKoii I dnd-iioTCK-fe H. BoKa^eBa? | C.-neTep6ypri>. | 1890. xviii, [2], 316, 53, 23, [2] p. 16x9 cm. " Descriptions of Russian libraries, and bibliographical publications to be found in the historical and archeological library of N. Bokatchev. S. -Peters- burg, 1890." Relates to the bibliography of Russian history and archaeology. 1890. 106 Bratke, E. Wegweiser zur Quellen- und Litteraturkunde der Kirchengeschichte. Eine Anleitung zur planmassigen iVuffindung der litterarischen und monumentalen Quellen der Kirchengeschichte und ihrer Bearbeitungen. Gotha, Friedrich Andreas Perthes, 1890. vi, 282 p. Gives also a survey of general and national bibliographies. 1890. *I07 -Ville de Paris | Publications relatives a la revolution frangaise I Bibliographie | de | I'histoire de Paris | pendant | la revolu- tion frangaise | par | Maurice Tourneux Tome premier | ... I Paris I Imprimerie nouvelle (Association ouvriere) | 1890 [4], Ixxx, 520 p. 20X12 cm. " Liste chronologique des principales ventes a. Tamiable ou aux encheres de documents imprimes concernant la revolution fran^aise," p. li-lxxviii. 1891. *I08 A bookseller's library | and | how to use it | by | A. Growoll. I New York j Office of the Publishers' weekly | 1891 [8], 72 p. 11x6 cm. Originally published under the title: "The profession of bookselling. IV. Trade catalogues, papers, literary journals, etc., and how to use them," in Publishers weekly. Vol. 39, p. 679-681, 835-836, 859-864, 897-900; vol. 40. p. 10-13, 40-42, 197-199, 220-221. New York 1891. 20x13 cm. 30 Afterwards reprinted in the author's The profession of bookselling. Part I. New York 1893. Important for the carefully prepared notes on the scope and value of the several publications mentioned. Specially rich in American bibliography. 1891. *IIO -Index of reference lists and special bibliographies included in periodical and other publications of recent date. By William CooLiDGE Lane. [No. i]-4. In Library of Harvard University. Bibliographical contributions. No. 20, 24, 29, 40. Cambridge, 1885-1891. 8, 11, 12, 25 p. 20x13 cm. Cover title: Index to recent reference lists. First published in Harvard University bulletin, No. 32, 36, 39, 48; or vol. 4, no. 3, 7; vol. 5, no. 2; vol. 6, no. 4. Cambridge 1885-1891. 20x13 cm. No. I covers the years 1884-1885; No. 2, 1885-1886; No. 3, 1887; No. 4, 1 888- 1 890. 1892. *III Paul Bergmans. | Repertoire m^thodique d^cennal | des | travaux bibliographiques | parus en Belgique. | 1881-1890. | (Extr. Bulletin de la Soc. lieg. de bibl., t. I.) | Li^ge, | im- primerie H. Vaillant-Carmanne, | 1892. 76 p. 15x9 cm. Covers not only bibliography, but also bookmaking and librarianship. 1892. *II2 Homoeopathic bibliography | of the | United States, | from the year 1825 to the year 1891, inclusive. | ... [ij lines.] I Carefully compiled and arranged by | Thomas Lindsley Bradford, M.D. | Philadelphia: Boericke & Tafel. | 1892. 596 p. I pi. 17x10 cm. " Previous American bibliography," p. 355-356. 1893. *II3 The I profession of bookselling | A handbook of practical hints for the | apprentice and bookseller | By A. Growoll. | Part I I New York | The Office of Publishers' weekly | 1893- ix, [2], 65 p. 20x13 cm. Gives on p. 6-25 a reprint of the list of bibliographies, literary and trade journals, etc., published in 1891 in The Publishers' weekly and afterwards reprinted under the title: A bookseller's library and how to use it. 1893. *II4 Printed sources from which collections towards a supplement to Hain's Repertorium bibliographicum may be compiled. [Signed:] W. A. C[opinger]. In Transactions of the Bibliographical Society. Vol. i. London 1893, p. 44-59. 15x11 cm 1893. 115 Biblioteca di bibliografia e paleografia. Indicazioni di bib- liografia italiana, per cura del Dott. Curzio Mazzi. In appendice alia Bibliotheca bibliographica italica di G. Ottino e G. Fumagalli. Firenze: G. C. Sansoni, 1893. 102 p. 8°. First published in *Rivista delle biblioteche. Vol. 2, p. 153-168; vol. 3, p. 19-41, 49-64, 121-152. Firenze 1889-1892. 20x12 cm. 1893. *Il6 Bibliographie | de la | bibliographie generale | du | droit frangais et etranger | Par E. Dramard. | (Extrait du Reper- toire general et alphabetique du droit frangais) | Paris | . • . [3 lines] I L. Larose & Forcel | 1893 [4], 120 p. 16x9 cm. Includes general and national bibliographies. Qassified, with author and subject indexes. Not very carefully compiled, names of foreign authors and titles in foreign languages being frequently misspelled. 1894. *II7 Bibliographie nationale Suisse. | Repertoire methodique de | ce qui a ^t^ public | sur | la Suisse et ses habitants. | Publiee I avec le concours des autorites f^derales | et | d'administra- 32 tioiis fed^rales et cantonales | et | en collaboration avec de nombreux savants | par | la Commission centrale pour la bib- liographic Suisse. I Berne. | K. J. Wyss. | 1894 \^0n another title page:^ Fascicule la. | Travaux bibliographiques pr^limi- naires. | Catalogues | des | bibliotheques de la Suisse. | Elabore | par | le Dr. J. H. Graf. | Berne. | K. J. Wyss. | 1894 xvi, 67 p. 17x10 cm. Also published with German title page: "Bibliographic der schweizer- ischen Landeskunde. . . . herausgegeben von der Centralkommission fiir Schweizerische Landeskunde"; " Bibliographische Vorarbeiten der landeskundlichen Litteratur und Kataloge der Bibliotheken der Schweiz. Zusammengestellt von Dr. J. H. Graf." 1894. 118 Repertoire | des | sources historiques | du | moyen age | par I Ulysse Chevalier | Topo-bibliographie | [T. I] | Mont b^liard | Paul Hoffmann | Imprimeur-^diteur | 1894. " Bibliographie," col. 397-403. Alphabetical list with fairly full collations, and references to reviews and criticisms. 1894. 119 MChlbrecht, Otto. Die Bibliographie im Dienste des Buchhandels. Berlin. Puttkammer & Miihlbrecht, 1894. 32 p. 8°. Reprinted from Borsenblatt fiir den deutschen Buchhandel. 1896. *I20 Manuel | de | bibliographie historique | par | Ch.-V. Lang- LOis I I I Instruments bibliographiques | Paris | Librairie Hachette & C'^ | 1896 xi, 193 p. 15x9 cm. A survey of the literature of general, national and historical bibliogra- phies, with judicious estimates and comments. Perhaps the most prac- tically useful bibliography of bibliographies yet published, 33 1895. *I2I Checklist | of | public documents | containing | debates and proceedings of Congress | from the | first to the fifty-third Congress | together with | miscellaneous lists of documents, and historical ] and bibliographical notes | Second edition | revised and enlarged j Issued by F. A. Crandall | Superin- tendent of Documents | Washington | Government Printing Oflfice I 1895. 222 p. 19x10 cm. "Appendix II. Government catalogues," p. 179-191. 1896. 122 'Retana, W. E. La bibliografia Filipina en 1895. Madrid 1896. Reprinted from Revista critica de historia y literatura espafiolas, portu- guesas e hispano-americanas. 1896. *I23 Congres geologique international. | 5® session. Washington 1 89 1. — 6® session. Zurich 1894. | Catalogue des | biblio- graphies geologiques. | Redige, | avec le concours des mem- bres de la commission bibliographique du Congres, | par | Emm. de Margerie. | Paris, | Gauthiers-Villars et fils, | 1896 XX, 733 p. 17x10 cm. A very careful and painstaking work, probably unparalleled for com- pleteness, giving articles in periodicals and transactions, and bibliograph- ical material in other books as well as independent publications. Classi- fied, with author and subject indexes. 1896. *I24 Bibliography, — a study of research. Charles Sedgwick MiNOT. In Biological lectures delivered at the Marine Biological Laboratory of Wood's Holl . . . 1895, p. 149-168. Boston 1896. 17x10 cm. A survey of the bibliography, periodical and retrospective, of the natural sciences. " 34 1896. *I25 ^ Some recent educational bibliographies and lists of books designed more particularly for the use of educators and students. In Report of the Commissioner of Education for the year 1893-94. Vol. 2, p. 1701-1722. Washington 1896. 19x11 cm. 1897. 126 Manuels de bibliographie historique. — II. | Manuel | de | bib- liographic gen^rale | (Bibliotheca bibliographica nova) | par I M. Henri Stein. | Paris | Alphonse Picard et fils | 1897. XX, 895 p. 15x9 cm. " Geographic bibliographique," p. 555-636. " Repertoire des tables g^n^- rales de p^riodiques de toutes laiigues," p. 637-710. " Repertoire des cata- logues d'imprimes des principales bibliotheques du monde entier," p. 71 1-768. " Supplement," p. 769-802. "Table des matieres," p. 803-895. The chief value of this work lies in its recent date and amount of material. In method it is inferior, and shows clear signs of haste in the final preparation for the printer. Collations and dates are too often inaccurate. It is superior to Vallee, but if the author thinks that no pre- vious bibliographies of bibliographies, including Petzholdt, deserve to be mentioned in his book, because entirely superseded by the same, he acts with a conceit unworthy of a scholar. The book is classified, with a scheme of the classification given in the preface, without page refer- ences, however. The lack of an author index must be keenly felt by any- one who wishes to consult this work. Important additions and corrections have been made in the following reviews of the work: By H. C. Bolton and C. Martel in Publishers' weekly. Vol. LV, p. 386-389. New York 1899. / By F. J. Teggart in Library journal. Vol. 24, p. 73-75. New York 1899. 1897. *I27 Bibliotheca bibliographica italica | Catalogo degli scritti | di I bibliologia, bibliografia e biblioteconomia | pubblicati in Italia I e di quelli risguardanti 1' Italia pubblicati all'estero | Compilato da G. Ottino e G. Fumagalli, | . . . . | Roma I Loreto Pasqualucci | MDCCCLXXIX, xxiv, 431, [2] p. 20x13 cm. 35 Volume II (Supplemento) | Torino | Carlo Clausen | MDCCCLXCV xxii, 241, [2] p. 20x13 cm. ■Primo supplemento annuale 1895 | per cura di Giuseppe Ottino I Torino | Carlo Clausen | MDCCCXCVI 45 p. 20x13 cm. Secondo supplemento annuale 1896 | per cura di Giuseppe Ottino | Torino | Carlo Clausen | MDCCCXCVI! 39 p. 20x13 cm. No more published so far. Continued by 152? This is the most complete bibliography of national bibliographies ever published and is executed with great care. Gives full collations and critical and descriptive notes. The arrangement is systematic, with author and subject indexes. 1897. *I28 Essai I de | bibliographie m^dicale. | Etude analytique des principaux repertoires | bibliographiques concernant les sciences | medicales; de leur utility dans les recher-|ches scientifiques. | Par | le Docteur Lucien Hahn | Paris | G. Steinheil | 1897 2, 206 p. 17x11 cm. A survey of the literature of medical bibliography, with judicious estimates and comment. Gives a comparatively full list of general biblio- graphies. Contains also some general considerations as to the value of bibliography and how to pursue bibliographical research. 1897. *I29 Verzeichniss | von | auf Deutschland bezuglichen | geolo- gischen Schriften- und Karten-Verzeichnissen | von | Dr. K. Keilhack u. Dr. E. Zimmermann | . . . | Erganzt und zum Druck vorbereitet | durch | Dr. R. Michael j . . • I Abgeschlossen Sommer 1897. | Herausgegeben | von | der Koniglich preussischen geologischen Landesanstalt. | Berlin. 36 I Im Vertrieb bei der Simon Schrapp'schen Hof-Landkar- tenhandlung. | . . . | 1897. [Abhandlungen der Koniglich preussischen geologischen Landesanstalt. Neue Folge, Heft 26.] ix, 108 p. 17x10 cm. 1897. *I30 J^es sources bibliographiques de I'histoire de la revolution fran9aise. [Signed:] Maurice Tourneux. In Bibliographe moderne. i^® annee, p. 249-289, 329-368. Paris 1897. 17x10 cm. A description of the collections of manuscript sources and printed mate- rial to the history of the French revolution, with notes on indexes, calen- dars, and bibliographies. 1897. *I3I -^ list of bibliographies of gymnastics and other topics related to physical education. Compiled by John M. Pierce. In American physical education review. Vol. 2, no. i, p. 60-64. Boston 1897. 16x11 cm. 1897. *I32 " Uber einige Hilfsmittel franzosischer Bibliographic. [ Signed : ] Alfred Schultze. In Archiv fiir das Studium der neueren Sprachen und Litteraturen. 99. Band, p. 101-120. Braunschweig 1897. 17x10 cm. 1897- 133 Friesland, Carl. Wegweiser durch das dem Studium der franzosischen Sprache und Litteratur dienende bibliographische Material. Ein Hilfsbuch fiir Neuphilologen. Gottingen: L. Horstmann, 1897. [8], 37 p. Merely a list of titles taken from Vallee's Bibliographie des bibliographies. No material later than 1886. 37 \ 1897- 134 ^An I index-catalogue | of | bibliographical works | (chiefly in the English language) | relating to | India. | A study in bib- liography. I By I Frank Campbell, | ... [2 li7ies\ \ Library Supply Co., limited, | ... [^ lines\ \ London. | 1897. 99 p. 8°. Reissued in 1899. 1897. *i35 - Helps for cataloguers of serials. A short list of bibliographies arranged by countries, with special reference to periodicals. Compiled by H. Carrington Bolton. In Bulletin of Bibliography. Vol. i, no. 3, p. 37-40. Boston 1897. 20x15 cm. Also reprinted as a separate pamphlet: 4 p. 20x15 cm. Gives a list of all kinds of bibliographies and library catalogues, which contain information as to periodical publications. Arranged by countries. 1898. *I36 ~tndex to subject bibliographies in library bulletins to Decem- ber 31, 1897 t>y Alice Newman. In University of the State of New York. State Library bulletin. Bib- liography no. 14, p. 369-426. Albany 1898. 18x11 cm. This index duplicates a few entries in Whitney's Catalogue of the bib- 3ublic 1" ^reface. liographies of special subjects in the Boston public library, ... . Bul- letins on special subjects are not included." Pr 1898. *i37 ^Book-trade bibliography | in the United States in | the XlXth century | by A. Growoll | To which is added | a Catalogue of all the books printed in the | United States | . . . | Published by the booksellers in Boston | January, 1804 | New York | printed for The Dibdin Club | 1898. [10], Ixxvii, 79 p. I por. 14x8 cm. 38 " Chapter vi. Chronological list of catalogues, book-trade and literary journals," p. xxiv-xxxvii. 1899. *I38 Selected subject bibliographies. [By Walter Stanley BiSCOE.] In University of the State of New York. State Library bulletin. Library School no. 5, p. 222-265. Albany 1899. 18x11 cm. 1899. *I39 —Handbuch | fiir | Universitats- und Studien-Bibliotheken | sowie fiir | Volks-, Mittelschul- und Bezirks-Lehrerbiblio- theken | Osterreichs. | .... | Von | Dr. Ferdinand Grassauer. I Neue Ausgabe. | Verlag von Karl Graeser, | Wien 1899. iv, [2], 3i4p. 15x11cm. Reissue with new title page of the edition of 1882. " Literarischer Bibliotheksapparat," p. 64-86. A classified list of what the author regards as the most important bib- liographical tools for librarians. Very incomplete. 1899. *I40 "--Bibliographies of the Philippine Islands. Chronological check list. By Aksel G. S. Josephson. In Bulletin of bibliography. Vol. 2, p. 10-12. Boston 1899. 20x15 cm. Also reprinted as a separate pamphlet with title page reading: *Bulletin of bibliography pamphlets, No. 7. | Bibliographies | of the | Philippine Islands | The Boston Book Company | Boston | 1899 8 p. 17x7 cm. 1899. * *I4I An I index-catalogue | of | bibliographical works | (chiefly in the English language) | relating to | India. | A study in bib- liography. I By I Frank Campbell. | ... | A reprint. Library Supply Co., | London. | 1899. 99 p. 19x9 cm. 39 1 899- *I42 Sources | de | I'histoire des institutions | et | du droit fran9ais I Manuel | de | bibliographic historique | par | G. Gavet Paris I . . . [2 lines] | L. Larose & porel | 1899 xi, 783 p. 16x9 cm. " ^tablissement de la litterature du sujet," p. 43-179. 1899. *I43 A bibliography | of | union lists of periodicals | 1864- 1899 | compiled by | Aksel G. S. Josephson | July i, 1899 | 8 p. 13x6 cm. Originally printed as part of a paper entitled *" Co-operative lists of periodicals and transactions of societies. By Clement W. Andrews," read at the twenty-first general meeting of the American Library Association held at Atlanta, Ga., 1899, and published in the " Papers and proceedings " of that meeting, p. 29-32. Reprinted with additions in 50 copies. 1899. *I44 "Bibliographic der Bucher mit fingirten Titeln. Ein Beitrag zur Kuriositatcn-Littcratur. Von Hugo Hayn. In Zeitschrift fiir Biicherfreunde. Dritter Jahrgang. 1899-1900, vol. i, p. 84-90. 22x15 cm. 1900. *I45 Bibliographia bibliographica (016:01) Repertoire annuel des travaux de bibliographic elabore par l'Institut international DE BIBLIOGRAPHIE. I 898. In Bulletin de l'Institut international de bibliographic. 5® ann^e, p. 31- loi. Bruxelles 1900. 18x10 cm. 1900. ' *I46 General and national bibliographies, by William Stetson Merrill. In Yearbook of the Bibliographical Society of Chicago 1899-1900, p. 19- 25. Chicago 1900. 14x9 cm. A rapid survey of the field with titles of current bibliographies. 40 igoo. *I47 Selected national bibliographies. [By Walter Stanley Bis- COE.] In University of the State of New York. State Library bulletin. Library School No. 7. p. 301-330. Albany 1900. 18x11 cm. 1900. *I48 Apergu | de la | principale litt^rature | bibliographique | de la I Su^de | Rapport | fait au Congres international de bib- liographie a Paris | aout 1900 | par | Bernhard Lundstedt | Stockholm | Samson & Wallin | 1900 [4], 34, [2] p. 17x10 cm. A classified list of bibliographies on all subjects published in Sweden and of bibliographies on Swedish subjects published in foreign countries. 1900. *I49 Aids in the use of Government publications. By Lucius Page Lane. In Quarterly publications of the American Statistical Association, (New Series, Nos. 49, 50). Vol. vii, March, June, 1900, p. 40-57. 15x10 cm. Reprinted in 50 copies: 40-57 p. 15x10 cm. " Select list " [of aids], p. 54-57. 1900. *I50 Les sources bibliographiques des sciences chimiques. Par M. Jules Sar^on. In Congres bibliographique international tenuk Paris . . . 1898. Compte rendu des travaux. Tome II, p. 161-185. Paris 1900. 18x10 cm. 1900. *i5i Recent educational bibliography. [Signed:] J. L Wyer. In School review, 1898, p. 615-618; 1899, p. 478-482; 1900, p. 475-484. 17x11 cm. 1900. . 152 Scritti recenti [1897- 1 898] publicati in Italia o riguardanti ritalia contenenti la bibliografia dell'argomento. 41 " Sous ce litre le Bolletino della Societa bibliografica italiana k com- mence la publication d'une liste p^riodique d'ouvrages concernant I'ltalie ou publies en Italie et contenant des sources bibliographiques utiles k consulter." Bulletin de I'lnstitut international de bibliographic, 5® ann6e, p. 26. Bruxelles 1900. 1900+. *I53 ' Bibliografy. "^ In each number of The Library journal. Vol. 1-25-I-. New York 1876- 1900+. 19x13 cm. 1900+. *I54 —Record of bibliography and library literature. In each number of The Library chronicle. Vol. 1-5. London 1884- i888||. 19x12cm. The Library. Vol. i-io. London 1889-1898. 17x10 cm. The Library Association record. Vol. i-2-[-. London 1899-1900+. 15x10 cm. Originally a department of book reviews onXy, but gives in later years more space to titles, with short notes, of more important recent publica- tions. Contains, beginning with May 1899, a " Cumulative bibliography of , bibliography," intended for "the gradual building up of the much-needed supplement to Stein's Manuel de bibliographie general." 1900-]-. *I55 — Neue Erscheinungen auf dem Gebiete des Bibliothekswesens. In each number of Centralblatt fiir Bibliothekswesen. Leipzig 1884- 1900-f-. 17x10 cm. 1900-f-. *I5'6 -Bibliographies, American and English, published in 1892+ In The Annual literary index 1882+ Vol. i-|-. New York 1893+- 18x12 cm. By W. I. Fletcher. 1900+. *I57 'Quarterly index to reference lists in other libraries, etc. In Monthly bulletin of the Providence Public Library. Vol. 1-5. [July 1895 — October 1899.] Providence 1895-1899.!! Col. 21x8 cm. Continued as: Quarterly index to reference lists published by libraries. Compiled by the Providence (R. I.) Public Library. In Bulletin of bibliography. Vol. 2-h- [October 1899+.] Boston 1899-f. 19x14 cm. 42 INDEX Aids for readers, 56, 62, 63, 67, 68, 72, 73, 74, 81, 89, 97, 103, 104. American bibliographies, 18, 34, 37, 49,98,99.108,113,137,156. Anonymous literature, 85. Archaeological bibliographies, 105. Astor Library, 22. Austrian bibliographies, 57. Bailey, J. B., 66. Belgian bibliographies, in. Bergmans, P., in. Bernheim, E., 100. Bibliographical periodicals, 17. Bibliographical systems, 41, 43. Bibliotheque de I'Arsenal, 83. Birmingham Free Library, 75. Biscoe, W. S., 138, 147. Bokatchev, N., 105. Bolton, H. C, 135. Boston Public Library, 56, 67, 70, 72, 103, 104. Bradford, T. L., 112. Bratke, E., 106. British Museum, 61, 95. Campbell, F., 134, 141. Carr, H.J., 71. Cartographical bibliographies, 46. Caspar, C. N., 96. Catholic bibliographies, 33. Chemical bibliographies, 150. Chevalier, U., 118. Christie, R.C., 91. Cogswell, J. G., 22. Collan, K., 43. Copinger, W. A., 114. Crandall, F. A., 121. Crunden, F. M., 81. Current bibliographies, 86, 153-157. Delabarre Duparcq, E., 24. Dictionnaire de bibliographic fran- Qaise, 10. Doisy, — 13. Dramard, E., 116. Educational bibliographies,i25, 131, 151. Elzevier bibliographies, 91. English bibliographies, 98, 156. Ferrari, F., 90. Fletcher, W. L, 156. Folkard, H. T., 88. Ford, P. L., 99. Fortescue, G. K., 95. Foster, W.E., 74. French bibliographies, 10, 64, loi, 132, 133, 142. French revolution, 107, 130. Friesland, C, 133. Fumagalli, G., 127. Gavet, G., 142. Gee, W. H., 60. Gennady, G., 29, 30. Geographical bibliographies, 65, 78. Geological bibliographies, 123, 129. German bibliographies, 42, 57, 129. Graf, J. H., 117. Grand, E. D., 93. Grassauer, F., 69,' 139. Green, S. S., 62, 68, 73. Growoll, A., 108, 113, 137. Guild, R. A., 32. 4S Gymnastics, 131. Hahn, L., 128. Hamburg. Stadtbibliothek, ig. Harrisse, H., 49. Hayn, H., 102, 144. Hellebrant, A., 76. Historical bibliographies, loi, 105, 107, 118, 120, 130. Historical periodicals, 92. Hoffmann, F. L., 19. Homoeopathic bibliographies, 112. Home, T. H., 11. Horoy, — ., 78. Hungarian bibliographies, 76. Iconographical bibliographies, 47. Imaginary booktitles, 80, 102, 144. Incunabula, 90, 114. Indexes, 59. Indexes of prohibited books, 19, 20, 35. Indexes to periodicals, 56, 67, 70, 92, 104, 126. India, 134, 141. Institut international de biblio- graphie, 145. Institutions, 142. Italian bibliographies, 82,115,127, 152. Ittig, T.. 7. Jackson, J., 65. Josephson, A. G. S., 140, 143. Keilhack, K., 129. Kelchner, E., 80. Labbe, P., i, 2, 3. Lane, L. P., 149. Lane, W. C, 89, 97, no. Langlois, C. V., 120. Legal bibliographies, 116, 142. Leypoldt, F., 53, 63. Library Association of the United Kingdom. Publications, 88. Library catalogues, 26, 72, 79, 126, 136. Literary bibliographies, 12. Ludewig, H. E., 18, 34. Lundstedt, B., 148. Margerie, E. de, 123. Martinj J., 26. Masonic bibliographies, 36. Mazzi, C, 115. Medical bibliographies, 128. Merrill, W. S., 146. Michael, R., 129. Middle ages, 118. Military bibliographies, 13, 24, 28. Minot, C. S., 124. Mira, G. M. 44. Montarolo, G. B., 82. Muhlbrecht, O., 119. Mullins, J. D., 75. Namur, P., 15. National bibliographies, 25, 52, 120, 146, 147, New York State Library, 31. Newman, A., 136. O., J. D., 64. Ottino, G., 127. Paris, 107. Pawlowski, S., 52, 58. Peignot, G., 9. P6rennes, F., 33. Periodical literature, 83, 135, 143. Petterick, E. A., 98. Petzholdt, J., 17, 25, 27, 28, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 45. 46, 47, 48, so- Philippine bibliographies, 122, 140. Pierce, J. M., 131. Porter, G. W., 61, 95. Portuguese bibliographies, 40. Power, J. 51. Privately printed bibliographies, 26. Providence Public Library, 157. Pseudonymous literature, 85. Publishers' catalogues, 42. Reference lists, 71, 72, 136, 157. 44 Retana, W. E. 122. Robert, U., 79. Roberts, W. H., 77. Russian bibliographies, 21, 29, 30, 105. Sabin, J., 55. Sarpon, J., 150. Schiller bibliographies, 38. Schmidt, J. A. F., 16. Schramm, J. C, 6. Schultze, A., 132. Scientific bibliographies, 45,66, 124. Shakespeare bibliographies, 48. Soci6t6 g^ographie, 65. Steiger, E., 57. Stein, H., 92, 94, 126. Swedish bibliographies. 14, 39, 148. Swensk bibliographie, 14. Swiss bibliographies, 57, 117. Taylor, E. F., 54. Tedder, H. R., loi. Teissier, A., 4, 5. Theological bibliographies, 6, 7, 77, 106. Tosselli, F., 8. Toumeux, M., 107, 130. Tromel, P., 23, 26. Triibner, N., 34. Undolskji, W. 21. United States Government publi- cations, 121, 149. Valine, L., 87. Wachler, L., 12. Wegener, K. F., 102. Weller, E., 85. Wheatley, H. B., 59, 84. Whitney, J. L., 103, 104. Wigan Free Public Library, 88. Wyer, J. I., 151. Zimmermann, E., 129. 45 FIVE HUNDRED COPIES PRINTED FOR THE BIBLIOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY OF CHICAGO BY R. R. DONNELLEY & SONS COMPANY, AT THE LAKESIDE PRESS, CHICAGO, ILL. THIS BOOK IS .T>T- o>r TT^ ^ BORBOWBD ''^K BOOK- ,c '--olffo--,.,^^ ''^?5fLV.'?r1i;«, ^ — A-32 ^-•^-iS^^ UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY