UC-NRLF C 1674 X REPRODUCED FROM THE COPY IN THE HENRY E. HUNTINGTON LIBRARY FOR REFERENCE ONLY. NOT FOR REPRODUCTION TGHT 1 v^i ,**, c urning ' . ' --.t::- -. -V*^ f'" >*"'-: /__ in I- '"fffrn rr . . .' /_',."-. s/ i;$ Mufdrw dona voctrcs: HoraT.inEpift.ad Oa.Au & . l'^SiSif /'. ' V>. -^'^,v V, './.'< th^rJP/^^f' ^. > ' ^".-VV; : -^V t*% . rintcdfor mtlfermrrf* ' figncofthaules ChOfgh-yard. ^|M| ;; . itfi3*'v r*> ;. ; ;:^ : , \ ! C-:^K^B--'>r--a^ ; '--^;f t .' ;.;,' <." >-'.?*-'-V-;^^'-7.-V"A ,' ;. ;. '-- : ' : -S-V'r'' ; * ?''v!.^',f r; -::''' : :1';'- i -' . - * ~ * '. . . . -' /^ 3 f $''$& "V'^vT^ *'" /'*' *"* '-'>'/'' ';"'*' Uli .-- ^;-,. *:.: : .*. sS*-:-; ; '"-!''.' % ' iv v '.':.': . ."^'. '*!'., '>^'. TO HIS MANY ;Vfc A I E S ; E K E E R. EJ> \ J n ! : ; .:^ v ifricnd Majifler Robat Ecyfar. ; : ,-. -A ,:, ^\,v -.!/;::-. <;;.:.-;-. ^^viV'U^:^ ,, r '*- ,v ^^IR,M'^ ! (perhaps becaufe bee w.as fi> 'tin* like hi* brethren) expofed to the wide world) who for want of If judgement, or not ; >S ^ ^r. ^^^ : ^>./. r>fc<* r . .jffiffii^fffiFffiffB ^ ^eBpiftlcDedlcato ry. /Artv wy /?*? ty*rw*i$j& > C 1 A 4:. ***$ >aths, which fcarce memory will we arc o, ' itfclfe-, ^Wettfpeakcforit^ J 9t dejtrous to try his fortune in the worldfyherc if yet if be : welcome, both father andfofter-father> nurfi and child, ' baue their deflred end. if it bee flight ed pr traduced, it hopes his father will beget him a yonger brother, wKo fhallreuengehisquarrell, and challenge the world ei- ther of fond and meerely literati interpretation, or illite~ ratemifpriflon. Per baps it will be thought to bee tftht raceoffoon Quixote : we both may confidently fweare, it is bis elder above ay ear e $ and therefore may ( by ver* tue of bis birth-right) challenge the wall of hint^I doubt > ^he world to feeke their adventures. Jtis good fortune, andmyfelfe tip your lone wm- -. v -\ v ' \ L - ' x ,^ ' ^ e '' .' . .; ^;- H . ^8ffi&$i$9 ... * r ... .fr. .< n .*. . ,- , 4. - . famous Hiftoria ,": Qf the Knight of the burning v /> TESTLE; - -a : /tf*r PROLOGV*. Romall that's nccre the Court, from all that's great * ,' -V> Within the compaffe of theCkty-\vals,- We now haue brought our Scea'rie. J- EnttrCit i*.en. . Cit. Hold your peace good-man boyj. Pro. Whatdoyoumcariefir/ \Citr Jhat you fiaiic no good meaning : This fcuen yeares" there hath bcene playcs at this houfe^Ihaueobferuedj^ youhaucftill girds at'Cicizens; and now you call your play, The Lend n Merchant. Downc with your Title boy,dofrne *-?? V'ithyourTiile. v 7^. Are you a member of the nobkCirty /. ; r;?;; V Cit. Iain. . :;;:'::/. ^ ; . ,. !: P^, And a Frce-'man? ".-.^ ' * ' ; : < '*'* "* Cit, Yea, and a Grocer^ ; J<\v:i'. : v ./j ^ ; >^ .. -Pra. So Grocer, then by your- fwcct fauour, we intettdl i1;.j|f4 noabufetotheCitty. ^X ; ;- - -^7>, -No fir,' .yes fir, if you were not refolu'd'to'play the : Iacks,what need you ftucly for new fubic6h,purppfaJy to u^-.^^ i; Wlvi>vnc uuiiaing ot in,c i\oyaiicA- ^ ;-^/T:^ 3 chance?- "'- ^ *' J"^' The Knight ofth turning ft/Me, change? or the ftory ofQuecne Eisner^ with the rearing of London bridge vpon wool-fackcs? % ro. Oh you fliould hauc told vs your mindc a moncth fince-jOur play is ready to begin now. CV . 'Tis all one [or that,l will hauc a Groccr,and he fliall . do admirable things. Pw./What will you hauc him do? Cit. Marry I will haue him* -^ Wife. Husband^husband. Wtfebctw* - R*fe. Peace rrriftrcfTc. .' Rafcbtlow. Wife. Hold thy peace /uifclknow what I do I warrant tcci v Husband .husband* Cit. Whatfayftthou cunny? Wife. Lct*him kill a Lyon with a pcfllc husband, lethim iill a Lyon with a peftle. * \\ Cit. Sohefhall,Il'chauchimktllaLyohwithapeftic. *.l V Wife. Husbaod,fhalll come vp husband? '. .. .' . fit. I cunny.Rtfe hclpcyour niiftrefle thi^ vVayrpray gen-^ tlemen make her a little ro.otue, I pray you fir lend me your hand to helpevp my wife : I thankcyou fir. So. , . Wife. By your leaue Gentlemen all,Im'e fomthing trou- blcfomc,Ini'caftragerhere,Iwasnert2atoneofthcfcplaycs as they fay, before > but 1 fliould. hauc fccnc l*ne Shore once, . aud my husband hath promifcd me any time this Twcluc^ tnoneth to carry me to the f 2to/d r Bf4uchafttr,but\n truth he did not, I pray you bearc with inc. Cit. Boy, let my vifcand I hauc aeupplcftoojcs.'^ndl'v > '/ then begin, and let the Grocer do rare things. ?> : Tto/, B.iicfu-pWc hauc ncuer a hoy to play him, cucry* one hath a part already. Wijc* Husband, husband, for Gods fake let R*f* play him, beflircwmcc if Idonotthinke hecwillgoc beyond them all. Cit. Well rerocmbred wife, 'come v$R*fe: Il'etcllyou: Gentlemen, let them but lend him a fuit of reparrcll,and ne- ccfiaries, and by Gad, if any of them all blow windc in the tailc on htm,H'c be hang'd. Wife. I pray you youth let himhaueafuit of rcparrclJ/ Il'ebc fwornc Gentlemen, rny husband tels you true, hce will a&you fomctimesat{ourhoufe,thai all the neighbour* cry out on him: hcc will fetch youvp acouraging part fo intfocgarrct,thatweareall as feard I warrant you, that wee quake againc: wec'l fcare our children wich him if they bee neucr fo vn -ruly, do bu t cry, R/tfe cflmet^Rafe comet to them, aud they'l be as quyec as Lambes. Hold vp thy head Rafe, fhcw the Gentlemen what thoucanft doe, fpcake a huf- fing pare, I warrant you the Gentlemen will accept of it. Cit. Do ^^-,do* Raff. By heaucnme thinkes it were an eafie leap To plucke bright honour from the palc-facM Moone, Or diuc into the bottomc of the fca, Where neuerfathamc line touch'c any ground,* And plucke vp drowned honor from the lake of hell* fit. How fay you Gcntlemen,is it not as I cold you. ? Wife. Nay Gentlemen, hee hach playd before, my husband faycs,/l/// > ^r;Ai before the Wardens of our Comparwr/ Cit, I, and hcc fliould hauc playd leronimo with ^a Snboc** makcrforawagcfr . ' pro. He fliall hau e a fuite of apparrcll if he will go in* Cit. In Raft, in Rafc.and fct out the Grocery riuhcirkincfej if thou lou'ft me. yrife. I warrant our Raff will lookc finely when hcc** - dreft. Pro* But what will you hauc it cal'd? Of. The Grocers honour. Pro. Me thinks The Knight if the burning Pejlle were better. S ^_ *" r "Wif. H'ebc fworn husband,thats n* good a name a scan be** - Cit. Let it be fo,bcgin,bcgin,my wife and I wil fit dovvne. Pro. I pray you do. . fit. What ftately mucfikc hauc you? you hauc fliawmcs. . : .jPro.Shawnesf no. [Cit. No* InVe athiefe if my mindc did not glue me fo. Raft playcs a (lately part, and he muft needs haue fiiawnes r 11'c? be at the charge of them my fclfejratficr then wee'I be withJ out'thcm. Pro. So you are like to be, Cit. Why and fo I will be : ther's two fhillings,let'g haue? the waits of South-warkc, they arc as rare fcliowcs as an/ arc in England; and that will fetch them ail or'c the wate \vitha vengeance.as if they were road.' " . pro. you fliallhauc them: will you fit' dowhe then? . ; Cit. I,comewif>. '>/'.:' Wife. Sit you merry all Gentlemen, Im'c bbldtofic a^ rnongdyou formyeafc. ';.,-'.* ; : Pro. From all that's ncerc the Court,frftm all that's griati,- Within the compafle of the Citty-walles^ ^ We now haue brought ourSceanc iflycfarrc from, hence All pnuate taxes, immodcft phrafcs, What ere may but fiicw like vicious : For wicked mirth neuertrlic pi cafiirc brings, : "; -;; * ' ; B:IC honcft Blinds are pleas'd with honeft things. : _ ,v^J Thu s mlic h for that we do : but for fafciptrt. / ; ; ; ' ' } You mult anfwcrc for yoiir felfe. -/' ; * V y Ctt t Take you no care for .Rafa hce'l difebarjge Wmfelfe i ^arrant you. Wtfi. 1 faith Gendcmcn Il'c glue my word fatR/tfe^~" ; .-.,'. '. ' * * i^y* "* Adus primijScoenapfima. . i* ! Enter attdl ; Tolouc your Mailkrs daughter, a nd'e Jen then, Ii Apfc, When I had found a wealthy husband for her ; I takcit y fir,youhad not; buthoweuer, I lc breake the neckc of that commifTion, And make yoaknow you arc but a Merchants'?^; I*fp. Sir, I do liberally confeffe I am yours *i '" Bound, both by Joue and duty, to your /rruice; ^^ -Jn which, my labour hath bene all my profit; ii'c J haue not loit in bargaine, nor delighted ' - Towcarcyoiirhoneftgainesvpon-mybacke, '-'-- '' NorhaucTgiuenapcnciontOrnybl-oud, ' ' f i . Orlamflilyjnplayconfum'dyoiirnockc.; ' : . / 1 Thefe v and the mifcries that doatrend them, : . 1 1 J dare, with innocence, proclaime are ftrancers- -^ ) To all niv temperate a^ions; for your dauchtcr/- &n Jt therebeanyloue.tomydefcruings, 4 rifcj Borne by her vertuous felfe,! cannot (lop h.? :^ : - Nor, am Table tarefraine her wifhcs. ' .' .Cvn , She's priuatc to her felfe and beft of knowledge" : ^.v'iKK, Whom fhc'lc make fo happy as to %h for. : *:.t:-v ^j- Befides I cannot thinkc you meanc to match her,' Vntoafelovvoffolamcaprefence, ; .' ^ : One that hath little left of N*t*re\nh\m. ' .' ^ ! And when I want a fonnc I'Jc fend for you. Exit* - J*fp. Thefc be the fairc rewards of them that Joue. - ' - youihathucinfrecdomeneucrprouc - * f . : : ]^; '- The Knight of the lurnfag Vejtlel Thetrauellof amindlcdbydefire. . EtttrLufa L*ce, Why ,ho w now fricnd,flruck with my fathers thun- v, faff. Strucke and ftruckc dead vnlcflc the remedy (dcr/ Be full of fpecdc and vcrtue; I am now, What I expected long, no more your fathers. Ltfce. But mine. ftfp. Butyours.andonclyyourslam; That's alllhauctokecpcmcc from the Statute, You dare be conftant ftill. Luce. O fcarc me not, Jn this I dare be better then a woman. Nor (lull his angcr^nor his offers mouc me, Were they both equal! to a Princes power. '-1 - lafp. Youknowmyriuall?Zf Wife. Let 'em brew and bake too husband,a Gods name> 'f Raft will find all out I warrant you,ahd they were older then they are, I pray my pretty youth is/fa/^ready. '.: ,.:Tr;'. : *Boj. He will be prefently. ., :-: Wft. Now I pray you make my commendations vnto' pray you mae my him, and withall carry him this ftickc of .Licoras, tell him his Miftretfc fent it him,and bid hjoi bite a pccce/cwili open his pipes the better, fay. '' ' -. Come nfjfliec's yours, vpon my faith flVcYyou'rJ Youiuuctny hand, for pjthcr itilclets 1 :-. . . / ' ':/./!" A.^'' B crvec-ne your hopes and her, t]ms,'w.tth a wind 2 .' ' '" N?J ' -if That r The Rrigljt of the burning Ptftfa That like a bladder, blew himfclfe with loue, I hauc let out, and lent him to difcouer NcwMaiflersyetvnknowne. Huwf. Ithankeyou lirv ; Jndccdlihankc youfir,andcrelftir lefliallbccknov f nchowcticryoudodccmci * I am of gentle bloud and gentle fccme. March. Ofir.Iknowitccrtnine. Httmf. Although, as Writers fay, all things haue end, And that we call a puddmp, hath his two O let it not fccmc (h-angc I pray to you, If in thisbloudyfimilcjlput Mvlouc,m ore endlefle, then fraile things or gut. Wife. Husband,! prethccfwectclambetell me one thing,' But tell mce truclyrflay youths I bcfecchyoUjtilllqucftion myhwband. Citi*.. What is it.rnoiifc Wife* Sirrah, didfhhoueuer fee a prettier child/ how-it* bchaucy it felfe, I warrant ycc, and fpcakcs, andlookes, and^ pcarw vp the headM pray you brother, with your fauor,wcrc; you neucrnonc of M.cJ^fcw^^/fchollarsi' flit. Chicken, I prcthccheartely containe thy felfc, the childcr arc pretty childer, but when ^w/^comcSjLambc". Wife. 1 when R*fe comes conny jwell n:y youth,you may ^/*r.Wcl fir,you know my louc,and reft, I hope, (proceed Aflur'd of my confcnt, get but my daughters, '^f'^ And wed her when you plcafc; you mutt be bold, And clap/in clofc vnto her, come, I know You haue language good enough to win a wench. Wife. A whorefon tyrant has ben an eld ftringer in** dates I Warrant him. ff/tmf. I take your gentle offer and withall Yccld louc againe for loue reciprocal!. EnttrLyct* Luce within there. Zw.Cal'd you 6tfMml did. Giue entertainemenrto thisGcntlcmaa ^ And fee you bee .not froward: to her fir, Myprcfcnccvvill but bee an cyc-foaretoyou. xit m Humf. FaireMiftrcire jtv^,how^oyou,arcyouweUf Giuc me your hand and then I pray you tell, Hqw do tn your little filter^ and your brother? '* IH ^ Tbr Knight of the burning Ptjtfa ; . And whether you louc me or any other* ' ,' ;' T L*c*. Sir,thcfcarequickely anfwered. Htimf. So they Where women are not cjucl: but how farrc , ( arc - J< it now diftant from this place we arc in, ... '; Vnto that bleflcJ place your fathers warren. Luce. What makes youthinkc of that fit? ; Humf. Euen that face , ., For (baling Rabbets whilome in that place, ./. -Y . '. God (f#p/W, or the Keeper, I know not whether ' ' r. And there began. Luce. Your game fir. H#w/.Lctindgara6jJ Or any thinp that tcBdeth to the fame. /, . ; . ,'. Bee encrmorcrcmcmbredjthoiifairc killer : ' '.":l For whoiTi I fate me downe and brake my-.Tiller; o:' till-r.:i'& Wtfe. There's a "kind-Gentleman, I warrant Jrou; whett \vill you do as much for me Cjcorgcl 7. /. \ '- Luce. Kfcflirc w me fir, I am (brry for your.loncfj *' , v -:1 . But as thcprouerbc faics, I cannot cry, . : : . . t .,': ; / ?j ..::.-> I would you had not feene me. Htimf. Sb would T. .. u*jn MT^- "Vnlcfle you had more maw to do me good.. ; .,/./.. .''J .\\]\ Luce. Why, cannot this ft ra^gepaflioaiscwithftood^.'i S end for a Conftable and raife.the Towne. ..... ,v I .T>;' ; V '. ^ Hxmf* O no, my valiaatjouewillbftttcrdo^'cV/.^vryrv' ' Millions of Conftables,and;putlto flight, . ; .i ">o!/i:->A. .Euen that $r.u\ V . Tiicy coil me three aflji xy;o pciace^ or no mdnyi : - fc . '. . z !; , The Knight oftbt burning Pcjtte. * ? " Luce. Well fir, I take them kindly, and I th4rrkeyriTj : \ ~ What would you r.iote/ //. Not hi ng. /,-/<:*. \Vhythen H#w/. Nor fo, nor fo, for Lady I muft tell, \ (fare-well.; Before we part, for what we met together, r >Y God grant me timc,and patience, nnd faire wrather. . Luce. Spcakc ancl declare your minde in rermcs fo briefer. . Httmf. I fhnll, then firft and formoft for rclicfc I call to you, I if that you can affoord it, I care not at what price, for on my word, it Shall be repaid aaine,althcuh it coil me More then riefpeake of now, f or louc hath toft me, In furious blanket like a Tennis ball, And now I rife aloft, and now ! fall. Luce* Alas good Gentleman, alas the day. . v V '- Humf. Ithankeyouhartely,andaslfay, /- " / Thus do I ftill continue without reft, Tth' morning like a man, at night a beaft, Roaring and bellowing mync owne difquiet; That much I fcare, foriaking of my diet, Will bring me prcfently to that quandary, Jflialibidalladelw: Lucf. NowbS.Cj That were great pitty. Hunt. So itwercbefhrcwmrj, ThcncafemcluftyZyr^andpittynicwme. Luce.' Why fir,youknow my will is nothing wbrtlr Without my fathers grant, get his confcnt, HiTi And then you may with affurancc try me. ' Hurf* The Worfliipfull your fire will not deny me For I haue askt him, and he hath rcpli'd, Svvcctc Maiftcr Humfrcj, Luctfliillbc thy Bride. Luce. Swecte Maiftcr Htimfrej then I am content. . Httmf. And fo am I intruth. *-.Yet take me with you,* There is another claufc muft be anncxt, And this it is, I fworc and will pet forme it$ . No nun fhall cuer ioy me as his wife But he that ftolc me hence, if you dare venter I am yours;you need not fcare, my father loues you, If not fare well for cuer. Huntf. Stay Nimplu ftaie. ; - ' j The Knight ''' I hauc a double Gelding coulorcd bay, ' *' Sprung by his father from -Barbarian kind, Another for my felfe,though fomcwhat blind, V Yet true as trimy tree. #<*. I am fatisfied, And To I giuc my hand, our courfc muft lie Through #VfA^wForrcft, where I haue a friend Will cntcrtainc vs, fo fare-well fir Bttmfrey^ . Exit Luce. And thinkevpon your bufincffe. Humf. Thoughldic, lamrefolu'dto venter life and lim, , For one fo yong,fo faire, fo kind, fo tri ITU Exit Hmnfrej. Wife. By my faith and troth George , and as I am versi- ons, it is c'nc the kind eft yong man that cuer trod on ftooc leather, well, go thy \vaicsifthouhaft her not, 'tis not thy fault 'faith. . fit. IprcthecmoufebepaticntjafhaJlhaue her, or i'le. make fo me 'em fmoake for'r. Wife. That's my good lambc George^ fie , this (Unking' Tobacco kilsmcn,would there were none in /W,now I pray Gentlemen, what good docs this ftinking TobaccQ?do you nothing, I warrant you make chimnies a your faces* p husband, husband, now,now, there's Raff, there's Raft. ' Enter Rafeltke ft Groctrin's flop, with two frtnticss -. * Cit. Peace foole, let Rafe alone, harke. you ^ Well faid Rafe, fome more of thofc words Rrfe. '> Vfife. They go finely by my troth. Raff. Why fhould not I thcnpurfue this courfc, both for the credit of my fclfe and our Company, for amongft all the worthy bookcs of Atchicucmcnts I doc not call tomindethat I yet read of a Grocer Errant, I will be the faid Knight, haue you heard of any 'that hath wandrcd vflfurniflicd of. his Squire and Dwarfc^ my elder Prentice : -.^-. C2 Hence my WW'AflOfOt^tromtbw[to(dc of my ; I . d&c'fyyeanci thou wilt net fpFget' thy old . My bcJowedSqtiirc^5c Getrgc my D.arfcvI charge you that fromhcncc-forth yoti neucrcall me by^ny.ot^iec name, ki\*i\\*.Ri$tmrtpwsAKd I \vjarrant dice, the Plaiers would gttic.airthc fliooes in their fliop for him'. > I ; ';;: !\?' : 2 -'/ni j;lr.i >: : #4/<% ;My bcloiued Squire 7^'w, ftati'd out,adtnitthi^were? ^ Dcfart^-andoucijt a Knight errant pricking,^ and' Iflioiild bid you inquire of his intents, what wbiA3ydu:fiiyf' // - .-,'j : 7?/w. Sir, my Malftcr'fcnt inc' j to-kno w V^Hedicr.your are riding/, > : vi / 'W.lt ', . ,'.i . ^4j^/ No > thu$5faire{ir, the Right Courteous arid Ualtant Znigkt of the bttrning T^/^commanded me to enquire, vpofi what aducnturc your arc bound, whether to relieuefbriTc.di* lhefledpAmfels,orotherwi{e. . . '.:: - ,ri C/>. Whorefornc blockc-head cannot remember. . .-..-? heard him, did he not Gentlemen, did not llzfc tel him on't.' 1S a di^refTcd Damfcll , to hauc a halfe .penny- worthofpeppcr; , Wife. Thac's a good boy, fee, the little boy can hk it, by my troth it' n fine child. Rvfc. Rclieuc her with all codrtequs language 9 *noW :' { /Jiut -Tjj-'fliopne, no more my :Prcntice<, tut '-my.' ttufty S^ '1L: Squire SquTreandDwarfe, I muftbc/pcakem^fliicW^nd arming: pcftle. Cit. Gothy wates^,aslm'catrucman,thou art the befton'cmall. t . '>' . Rafe. What fay y 611 miftrefle? : ; Wife. T prc'chcc come againe quickly fw Ruifff. By and by. ' ]' . Exit Raft. Enter lafpcr^nd hit mother tniflrefie tJMerri- thought I'JMifimfrri.Giue thecmy btcffingfNo, H'c ncr'c glue; thcernyblcfling, Il'c fecthcchang'dfirftjitfhallncr'cbce faidlgaucthccmyblcflingjth'art thy fathers ownc fonnc, of the right bloud of the (JMerri-tbowhts, I may curfc the time that er'e I knew thy father, he hath fpent all his ownci and mine too,and when I tell him of it,hc laughcs and dan-- ccs,and iTngs, and cryc's, id merry heart Hues long-*. And thouart a waft-thrift* and art run away from thy mai/ler, that lou'd thcc well^and art come to me, and I hauc laid vp a little for my yong^rfonne UWiVirf^and thou think'H to be. ^cllthat,'bur thou flialc neucr be able to do it. Come hither LMichael, comcLMtchad, downe on thy knees, thou (halt Baucttiyblcfling. ; '- Enter Michael. Mich. J pray you mother pray to GodtoMcflcme. f JMift.mtrri. God blcficthce: but /r/p-rflial neucr haue my blcfltngjhcfhallbc hang'd firft, (hall hec not LMichatf? how faift thou? - UWich. Yes forfooth mother and grace of God. Mift.merri. That's ^good boy. Wife. I faith it's a fine fpokcn child. laff. Mother, though you forget a parents louc, Imuftprcferuethedutyofa child. " % % J ran not from my maiftcr, nor rcturne Tohaucyourftockcmaintaincmyldlenefle. v Wife. Vngracious childc I warrant him, harkchowlicc . If heevvcremyfonne, I would hang him Tpfcy the C 3 hcclcs, . *"* * The Kni$t of the burning TV/Mr. " % heeks, and flea him, and fait him, whoorc-fonnc haltcr- facke. I /^Mycommingonelyistobcggcyourloue/. . Which I muft eucr,though I ncucr gaine it, And howfocucr you cftceme of me, "A j There i$ no drop of bloud hid in thcfc veincf, But I remember well belongs toyou That brought me forth, and would be glad for you. . ' \ To rip them all againe,and Jctit out*, c/1///?. mtrri. I faith I ,had forrow enough for thee (God Icaowes) but ll'c hamper thce well enough r.gct thce iir ri |i v thou vagabond^getthccin, and learnc of thy brother Mi- chael,. \\ .:....: Oldwrri. within. Nofc,nofc, iolly red nofe, and who gauc thce this iolly red nofc? Mift.nterri. Harke, my husband hce's finging andhoiting^ And Im'c fainc to carke and carc,and all little enough* Snter old Lfttcrithought. Oldmerri. Nutmegs and Ginger, Cinnamon and Clcties> And they gaue me this iolly red Nofe^. tJWift.werri. If you would confider your ftate,you would haue little lift to nng, I-wiflc. Oldmerri. It l"bould ncuc'rbce conffdered while it \vcrc an *ftatc,if I thought it would fpoylc my finging. Mijl. merri. But how wilt thou do (?&*/*/, thou art an old man,and thou canft not workc,and thou haft not fortic hil- lingsleft, and thou eatcft good meat, and drinkcftgood drinkc,and laughed? Oldmerri. And will do; Mijl.. merri. Bat how wilt thou come by i t fo/tr/esf Oldmerri. How? why how hauc I done hitherto this forty y eares.'I neuer came into my dining roome,but at eleucn & fix a clock e,I found excellent meat and ddnkca*th table,my clothes were ncuer worne out, but next morning a Taylor brought me a new fuit; and without qucttion it will be f o e- but a little (training Tbt Kntght off be burning Ptftlel - draining my fclfc extraordinary, & laugh my fcl Wift. It's a foolifli old man this : is not he . Han him rougue, he feru'd him well enough: loue his maiftcrs daughter! by my troth Cunnic if there were a tkoufand boies, thouwouldiifpoilc them all with taking their parts, let his mother alone with hinv Wift. I George > but yet truth is truth. Oldmerri. Where is ftfper, hcc's welcome how call him in,hce{hall hauc his portion, is he merry? ntcr iafpcrandLflfichttel* Mift.rnerri. Ifoulcchiue him, he is too mcrrie. Oldmcrri. Welcome Itfpsr, though, thou runft away, welcome, God bleffc thcc: 'tis thy mothers mindc thoo fliould'ft receiuc thy portion; thou haft bccne abroad, arid Ihopchaftlearn'd experience enough to goucrnc ic, thou art offufficicntyeares,hold thy hand: onc,two,thrce,foure a fiuc, fixe, fcucn, eight, nine, there's tcnfliillingsfor thcc, thruft thy fclfc into the world with that, and take feme fctlcd courfc , if fortune croflcthce, thou haft a retiring place, come home to me, I haue twcntic (hillings left , bee a good husband, that is, wearc ordinary clothes, catc the bcftmcate, and drinkc the bcft drinkc, bee mcrrie, and giuc to the poorc, and bclccuc rac, chou haft no end of thy goods. '*$ //*#. Long may you liue free from all thought of ill, * - ; And long hauc caufc to be thus merry ML But father? . : Old ruerri. No more words /*/^fr, get thce gone, thoa haft my blcfling, thy fathers fpiritvpon thce. Farewell //^ merri* Yes indeed will I. i ;of ': OM'mtrri. Hey ho, fare-well Nn, Il'c ncucr truft: * more againc,if lean. '. : 'j .'. t *?.'*\ LsMtf.mrrri, Youfliallnotthmkc. (wjicn'alty.ouf owne is gone) tofpcfid that I hauc bccnefcfajftngtp'far XJTfl-* Oldmerri. Farewell good wife, I expect it riot ; all Ibaue to doeinthis v/orld, is to bee merry: which I fliall, if the ground be not taken from me: and if it be,', . .'-..- . When earth and fcas from me axe reft,\. ' r -."' The skyes aloft for me;are left* " . '-Exeunti ;f* i'c be fvvornc hcc's a merry old GemlenianTor all : that. Harke,harke husband, harkc,fiddlcs,fiddlesj now furc- ly they go finely^ They fay/tis prcfcnt death for thcfcfidlcrs to tune thcirRcbeckcs before the grcatTurkes gracCjis'C not'(7^r^ er by Gods -and they do not, H'e tcare ' fomc of their periwigs befide their heads: this is all Riffc Raffc. A&us fecundi Scoena prima. r i: * . . Enter tJMtr chant And Humphrey, March. And how faith? how goes it now fon Humphrey? > Humph. Right worfLipfull,and my bcloucd friend And father dcerc, this matters at an end. March. Tis well, it fhould be fojm'e glad the girle Is found fo tra&ablc. Humph. Nay flic muftvvhirle From hence, and you rnuft winke : for fo I fay, The ftorictels, to morrow before day. Wife, (jeorge^tfb thou thinke in thy confcicnce low'twil b e a match ? tell me but what thou thinkft fwcet roguc.thou feed the poorc Gentleman (dccrc heart) how ic labour? and throbs I warrant you,to be at reft : Il'c goc mouc the father foit. ir.No,no,Ipre'thccfitftill hony-fi?cile,theurt fpoile all, if he deny himjl'c bring halfc a doze good fellows my fclfe, & in the (hutting ofan cucning knockt vp,& ther's an end. - Wife. Il'c buffc thec for that i'faith boy ; well George, well, you haue becnc a wag in yonr daies I warrant you: but God forgiuc you,and I do with all my heart. M*rf&. How was it fonne? you told me that to morrow Before daybrcakc,you muft conuey her hence. Humph. Imuft,Imuft,andthusitisagrced, Yourdaughtcrridcsvponabrownc-bayftecd, I on a forrcll,whi ch I bought of Brian y The honcft Hoft of the red roaring Lion In Watthtm fituatc : then if you may Confcnt in feemely fort,left by delay, The fatall lifters come and do the office", And then you'l fing another fong Af*rcb t Alaflc Why fhould you be thus full of gricfc to mc. ? That do as willing as your felfc agree D #rxt*gfejtfc To any thing fo it be good and faire, oj>'w r l .vY Then ftcalc her when you will, if fuch'a plcafure VI ;; > Contcntyou both, I'lcflccpe and ncuer fee it, .'.: .- j V- To make your ioycs more full, but tell me why v/:i-;/[ ' .You may not here performe your marriage? \ ^ JFi/&. Gods blcfling a thy foule old man, i'faith thou art loath to part true hearts,! fec,a has her Gcorgfit I'me as glad on't, well, go thy waics Humphrey, for a faire fpoken man, I "" bclccuc thou haft not thy fellow within the wals of London, &Ihouldfay thcSuburbes too, Ifliouldnotlie, whydoft, not rcioy cc with me Gftrgef (mincHofl i'faith. Cit. If I could but fcefl*/>againe, I were as merry as Hum. The caufe you fccmcto askc, I thus declare, Hclpc me 6 Mufcs nine, your daughter fwcarc : .'.. V ; Afooliflioath,themoreitwasthcpitty, ..-. \ Yet none but my fclfc within this Citty, " : :". . .'/ . : . - : tf . Shall dare to fay fo, but a bold defiance . ;:*t Shall rncctc him, were he of the noble Science. ....... ./;? And yet fhc fwcarc,and yet why did flic fwcarc? \s:cJi Trucly I cannot tell, vnlcflc it were : f. - ;/,T 1:\>$ For her ownc cafe, for furc fometimes an oath,; -I Being fworne thereafter is like cordial! broth, 'in , And this it was fliccfwore, ncuer to marry, : : But fuch a one, whofc mighty armc could carry : . {As mean in g me, for I am fuch a one) i r/ Her bodily away through ftickc ana ftone,. .. oil Till both ofvs arriue, at herrcqueft, Some ten miles off, in the wildc Waliham Forrcft. . March. If this be all, you (hall not need to fcarc Any dcniall inyourlouc, proceed, He neither follow, nor repent the deed. Hum. Go0d-night,twcnty;go6d-nighcs,& twenty more^ And 20 more good-nights, that makes tlirec-fcore. Excnt* Enter mtftrfjff &, GWjr'jI'lc fee no 'more cllcJndecd-law^&Ipray you la the youths vndeiftand fo much by wcrd of mouch/or I tell you truelyj'mf afraid 9 my bey, come, come Cjetrge^ lei's be merry and wife , the child's a'fathcr-leiTc child, and fay they flicnild put him into a ftpeightpairc of Gaskins, 'twere worfc then knot-graflc^ he wouWncucr grow after it. Enter Raph t Squire, fit* Here's R*ph, here's Rafb. nd Dwarf e. Wife. Hovir do you A!^?you are welcome B^ph^s I may fay,it's a good boy, hold vp thy head, and be not afraid, we are thy friends Rapk, the Gentlemen will praifc thce Raph, if thou plaifl thy part with audacity, begin Rtph a Gods name. Rayh. My trufty Squire vnlacc my Hclme, giuemeemy hat, where arc we, or what Defart may this be/ Drr<$rfc' Mirrour of Knight-hood, thisis,as Itakeit,the pcrrilousWalthamdowne, Inwhofc bottomcftandsthc +~>, inchantcd Valley. . ?& Mift.wr. O Mkbl>W arc bctrai'd^wc arc bctraid here - ' . The Knight oftht laming Peftfa beGyantSjflicboy^ic bojf,flic. xc*t mother & Michhet. Rtfe. Lace on my Kclmc againe : what rtoifc Is tins? A gentle LadicflyingPthcimbracc offomcvncurtcousknight,! will rcleiuc her. ^ Go fquirc,and fay,thc Knightthat wcares thi* peftle* ';; ' * In honour of all Ladics/wearcs rcuenge Vpon that recreant coward that purfues her, V?^". ) Go comfort hcr,and that fame gentle fquirc '; ; g. [ That bearcs her companie. Squire* I go braueKnighf, > Rtfr. My trufticDwarfe and friend, rcachmcmyftiield, And hold it while I fvvcare : Firrt by my knight-hood,: Then by the foulc of tsftntdu de Cjaitlt, My famous Anccftor^then by my fvvord, The beauteous Brionclla gift about me, " - f * a W By this bright burning pcrtlc of mine honour^ ;^* The lining Trophie,and by allrcfpeft DuctodiftrcfledDainfcls,hcrc I vow ';'d . Ncucr to end the qucft of this fairc Lady, And that forfalcen iquirc^ill by my valour Jgaihc their liberty. 'Dwarf. HcauenblcffctheKnterit Thauhusrclicuespoorc errant Gentlewomen. . .jSxif^ . Wtfe. I marric R^, this has fome fauour in't,I would fcS the proud eft of them all offer to carriehisbookes aftcf hirijj, But Cjcoroc^ will not hauc him go away fo foorte,! flba.ll brc ' fickc if he go away,that I (hall 5 Call R^agai'he ^rj/. Rritancc, a ftrong rctienew, *Verti> thoil art, and to the earth I giue three, ' ;--TK s grow and multiply, whilftfrcfheraire, ffiettfa -F M c ;j rne a frefhcr fortune, how,illufion/ CAtktt. .t haththc Diucll coin'd himfclfc before me? /nettle good, it rings well, I arh waking, d taking too I hope, now Gods deercblefling pori his heart that left it here, 'tis mine, Vl^efepearlcs,Itakeit,wcfenotlcftforfwine* Wife. "Ho.not like that this vnthrifcy youth fliould cm- becill away the money, the poore Gentlewoman his mother" ^yjll hauc a hcany heart for it God knowcs. 'Gittiz* And reafon good, fwcct heart. Vyifc. But let him go, Ilctell&pia talc in's care ffiall^ ; fetch him againc witha WanionI warrant him, if hcebce' * abouc ground ' .fides GV*rg*,heere are a number of* fuffic'icr'tG^ ^itficfTc, and my fclfe, and your' , fc! r '^''iin-qtiertioo^ bi^hcr^'' ,,,^, ,i4w^^alt here him fpcakc, an he were ^f/ ** raUt Rape M& Comes not fir Squire againef *&*&. Right courteous Knight, ' Vbur Squire doth come and with him comes * Enter MijbefrcMtrr i *nd(Jlfahactyand Squire* For and the Squire of Damfcls as I take it. jR! R*fe, Dcfart, you would fay Lady, and not loft Whilft I hauc fword and launcc, dry vp your tcarcs Which ill befits the beauty of that face: D 3 And; \ - & And tell the ftoric, if I may rcqueft it, Of your difaftcrous fortuoc. AJiftjner. Out alas, J left a thoufand pound, frtfciaff- pound, c'ne all the mohie I had hid vp for this youth, -vpwft : : thefightof your Maifterfliip, you lookt fogrim, and^sl may fay it, fairing your prefcnce, more like aGiantth|si ( a rnortallman. Raft. 1 am as you arc Ladie, fb are they ^ All mortall,but why weepcs this gentle Squire.' CMiftwcr. Has hee not caufc to wccpc doc you thinke, when he hath loft his inheritance/ : :Vj.i^| Rafe. Yong hope of valour, wcepe not, I am Jjcjte ; ; V : That will confound thy foe and paic it dccrc Vpon his coward head, that dares dcnie, DiftrcfTcd Squires and Ladies equitie. J hauc but one horfe, on which fhall ride . t . , This Ladic fairc behind me, and before ' ! : i ' /I', This courteous Squire,fortune will gsucvs more Vpon our next aducnturc; fairelic /peed Bcfidc vs Squire an^i D w?,rfe to do Vi Exemi* ; ;.. ... Cit. Did not I tell you Ntl wLat yottrri^ia^wtfujd'Jo.^! . bythcfaithof my bodie wench, forcleaneaftiona deliucric they may all caft their caps at him. Wife. And fo they may i'fahh, for I dare fpcake it 4 the tweluc Companies of London cannot match him, timber for timber, well Cjeorgc, and hcc be not inucigled by fome of thcfepakricPlaiers, Iharnuchmarucll, btitC/^r^wec ha done our parts if the boy haue any grace tp be thankcfull. - :T Yes I warrant thec duckling... . :..'... M . Enter HuMphrey and Luce. :. \ ; . :. ; (.; c r . . '. GoodKi(JrcfTc Luce how cucrl in fault am.iir For your lame fiorfe^ you're welcome vhtoFW^w^ oj But which way now to go or what to faic ,:IA ^ ,^ {: Iknownottruclytillitbebroaddaic; . ;; :.".; Lace. OfcarcnotMajfter/^^Wy,Iamguide For this place good enough. Bum. Then vp andride^ Or if itplcafcyouwalkeforyourrepofc, ., itftnPwrfflfflFT? CJtW*^ '*.'*.* ' ' '^V Or fit, or if you will go pluck e a rofc: I i .*" ;-,?,, '! ; ', ;^v< :. J Either of which (liallbc indifferent, " .;' \. * * y 9- ?'\ ' ' : To your good friend and Humphrey , whofc $$fcnt : . Is fo entangled cuer to your wiUi < ,.iw?*" : As the poore harmclcfic horf^is to the.^fiil. v ' 3 Z,r/. Faith and you fay tb| word w&le c'ne fie downe Andtakeanap. H#w/'Tis better irti the Townc, - > * Wherc-we may nap together, forbelccuc me To flecpe without a fnatchjfivpuld mickle gricuc me. ' r j . Lucfy You're mcrrie JVjjjiftcr Humphrey, Hum* So I anv *And||^cbenc cucr mcrrie from my Damv . i.'.^ I;:-.-' f j&Q*. Your nujcjctf^ha^ the Toffe labour. T .;, "*<** '. IWto. Faith jic^f ei, ;: ":>' Vnlcfleit were by chance I diHberay mcc. SftTer.lajf^ v , /<]). Zchcc*s c'nc in the high-way to the gallows, God blcflc him. Cit. You're too bitter, conny,thc yong man may do wcl enough for all this. Wife. Come hither MaifterH/yw/foj, has hcc huft you? now befhrew his fingers for't, here fwcct heart, here's fomc grecnc ginger for thce,nowb6flircw my heart but a has pep- per-ncl in's head, as big as a pullets cggc, alas fwcctc lamo, howthyTempcls bcatcjtakcthc peace on him fwcctc heart, take the peace on him. .Enter * boy. .. Cit. No,no,you talkc like a foolifli woman, 1'lc ha /?<*/># fight with him, and fwing him vp wclfauourdlie, firrah boic come hither, letRtph come in and fight with lafper. Wife. I,andbeatchirnwcll,hc'sanrnhappyboy. Boy. Sir you muft pardon vs, the plot of 6ur Plaie.lic* contrarie, and 'twill hazard the fpoihng of our Pkiie.. fit. Plot mec no plots, Tic haR*/>6 come out; Tie male s your houfc coo hot for you elfe. -^ "'' '- '[' -c'*- - Soy. Whyfirhcfhall, butif anic thing falf out of ofcjcr, the Gentlemen muft pardon vs. . Cit. Go your waics gecd-manlx^e.l'k hold him a pcn-^ nichec/riall hauc his bellic-fullof fighting no|w / hohccrc^ comes R^&, no more. > Jtsiph. What Knight is that SquirCjastc feini If .he kctp \ ; Th^pafTagc^boundbyloucof Ladicfkire, ', v : , ; ^; s Orclfcbutprickant. Hum. Sir I am no Knight, But a poorc Gentleman, that this fame nighty - - ' Had (iolnc from me on yonder Greene; -'-' My louclic wife, and fufrcred to be fecnc ' ;< Yet extant on my fliouldcr^fudi a grccting, N ptr< \ , That whilft I liuc, I fliall thinfcc of that meeting . ;; -' * * ' v "- f - ^'^hccbcatehihvVmtcrciful^R^atidt^ Citt No more, wife no more; Rfe. WhereJsthe caitifc wretch hath done this deed,' :J Lady your pardon, that I may proceed i Vpon the qucft of this injurious Knighr, And thou fairc Squire repute me not the worfc, In leauing the grcatrentureof the purle, And the rich casket till fome better leafure, _~ -. Hum. Here comes the Broker hath purloin'd my treafttrci Raph. Go, Squire, and tell him I am here, An Errant Knight at Armcs, to craue deliucry Of that fairc Lady tc hcrowneKnightsarmef. Jf he deny, bid him take choice of ground, And fo defye him. Sejttire. From the Knight thatbeare* The golden Peftle, I dcfic thcc Knight. Vnleflc thou make fairc rcftitution. Of that bright Lady. %;;' I*fp. Tell the Knight that fentthee Hcc is ari Aflc, and I will kcepc the wench And knocke his He ad-pcece. Rtph. Knight.thou art but dead, Jf thou thou recall not thy vncurteous teartnejj yyifc. Brcakc'spate Rap h, breakers pate Raph> Jm I*fpn*jCo(nc Knight,! am ready for you^now yourPcftel ,j . s Shall try what temper ,fir, your Mortcrs on? With that he flood rpright in his ftirrops, And gaue the Knight of the Caluc-skinne (uchaknoclcev That he forfookc his horfc and downc he fell, And then he leaped vpon him and plucking of his Helmet. Hum. Nay, and my noble Knight be downc fo&onej Though I can fcarely go I needs muft ruane* Exit HMmpherjMndR*pb. I rptft. Runnc&ap^runnc&ip^, runnc for thy life hfper come., lafptr comes. fafpfr. Come Zw^,\\'cmiiftHaue other Armes for you f Hnrnphcry and GQldt* Pcfilt both adicw. Exeunt. fT'f'* Sure the diucll) GodblcffcYSjUinthis why Geirtc didftcuer fee fuch a fire- drake, I ara afral^my boie's mifcaried, If he be, though hec were ^Maifter .. No , no, I haue found out the matter fwccte-heart, Jtfper is inchantcd.as furc as we are hccrc,hcis inchanted,hc could no more haueftood in Raph't hands, then I can ftand in my LordMaiors, Mchaueanngtodifcouerall inchant- ments , and Rapb ffiall bcatc him yet : be ho more vcxt for itflballbefo. -- ' -'I'" A Wife. O husband hcere's Rapb agatnc , ftay Rapb let mee fpeake with thee, how dolVthou/?*pW arc choir not (hfoi- ly hurt? the foule great Lungeis laid vnrnercifully ontrice, there's fomc fugcr-candy for thce, proceed, thoti flialt haue another bout with him. fit. If Rapb had him at thcFcnclng^fchoole,' if hee cfid not make a puppy of him, anddriuchim vpanddowncthe fchoolehcfhouldncrecomeinmyfKoprhore. - / '-'\ ' Mifl.mer. Trucly MaifterKnightof the BHrmngTefilc I am Weary. ' Mich Indeed law mother and lam very hungry. . - R*ph. Take comfort gentle Dame, and you fajrc Squirey For in this Defart there muft needs Beplac'r^ " Many ftrong Caftles,hcld by curteotis Knight*/ ' ' ' ''*;:'// And till J bring you fafe to one of thofe^ ^ ~' r J ''":} '>'-''- J fwcarc by this my Order nerc to leauc you. Wtfe. Well faid Rapb , fit. YcsDuckc. .' ' '^ Wtfe. I (hall nerc forget him, when wee ha r d' Jbftoiir child, you know,it was ftraidalmoft,alone,to Puddle-wharfe and the Criers wcrr abroad for it, and there it had drown'd it 1'clfc but for a Sculler, Raph was the moft cornfortableft to me: peace Miilrcflc,faies he, let it go,rie get you another as good, didhcnotfy*0r*?did he hot fay fo?- ' . fit. Yes indeed did he rhbufe. <,'-::^ :;!:;:': 2 / x : .\ *D*rfe. Iwoold wehadamcffeof Pottagcy and * pi*! brdrirtkc, Squire, and were going to bed. Squire. Why we arc at Wt/thaatTovtncs end , and that** * Arft. Take courage valiant Knight, Damfe!^ Squire* Ihaucdifcoucred,notaftoncscaftofF, ' An ancient Caftlc held by the old Knight Of the moft holy order of the Bell t , Whogiuestoall Knights errant entertainer There plenty is of food, and all prcpar'd, * By the white hands of his ownc Lady deerc. He hath three Squires that welcome all his Gucflf ' The firfl high Chambcrlino,who will fee Our beds prcpar'd, and bring vs Jfnowy fliectes, '* Where ncuer footc-man ftrctch'd his butter'dHams." . The fccond hight7~*y?. So he (hall Mr/, and if I ioync with him, wcc'le knockc them all. Enter Uumfhery **& Mercbtttti. fPiy* . O'Qeorg* here's maifter H*mfberj*%A*t now,that loft Miftrefle Z*r*, and Miftrcfle Z#ckt fathcr,Maiftcr HHW- ' fberj will do fomc-bodicsei rant I warrant him. Hnntfi Father, it's true, in armes I ncrc fiiall clafpc hcr^ For (lice is ftolnc away by your man Itfper* 4 ' Wife. I thought he would tell him. March. Vnhappy that J am to loofc my child, Now I bcginnc to thinkc on Itffers words, Who ofc hath vrg'd to me thy fooliflinefle, Whydidftthoulcthergoftnouloufthernot, i :.A That wouldft bring home thy life, and not bring hcrjr. \'-\ Hum. Father forgiue me, (hall I tell you true, ^ Looke on my (houldcrs they arc blacke and blew. - . *A Whilft too and fro faireXw* and I were winding, ' . .: :'.! Hcc came and baftcd me with a hedge binding. . / .< . : X March. Get men and horfes ftraight, we wiltbe there & Within this hourc, you know the place againc. Hum. I know the placc,whcrc he my loincs l'legct(ixhorrcs,andtocachafaddre. . //*r.Meane time Tie go talke with /a/pert father. PV*ff. 3*orge, what wilt thou layc with race now , that ? Maiftcr Humpherj has not Miftreflc Luce yet, fpcakc Gwgt+. what wilt thou laie with me. ? Cit. No Ncl, I warrant thcc lafperu at Puc^ridgt wkh ' her, by this. .;/. you muft confidcr Miftreflc Lcier fcetc. Tkt Knight tftbe Inning Peftlf.- fcete are tender, and, bcfidcs, Visdarke, and Ipromifc you tucly , I doenot fcchowhccbouldgctout of Wa lira forrcft with her yet. t Cit. Nay Cunny, what wilt thou laic with me that&rpfc has her not yet. Wife. 1 will not lay againft/fa^hunny, becaufelhaue not fpokcn with hinvbuclobke (/**, peace, hccrc comes the merry old Gentleman again e. jy^4 Enter old willye- flic carcs^much for her aged -fire I warrant you. ' 4 - /:: :; r. : v? v :?:!:":,:: r:. ~ .\ For flic is,fhe is,flie is,flic is my Lord ofLoiv-gAHci Laflic. \ (JMarch. For thi.s-cliy fcornc^I .willpUrfuc That fonnc of thine to death. < ##wfrr*y Do.and when you halcild him, ' "' -' ^ ... Giuc him flowers i'now Palmerrgiuc him flowers T'rtow; ;' Giuc him red,andvvhite,and blcwjgrtcnc, and yellow. Lftfarch. iPe fetch my daughter. OUmtrri. Il'c hcarc no more a your daughter, it /poyles my mirth./ . . :..i. UMirck. I fay ITc fetch my dau ght^r. As cucr men beheld with eye/ de derrj dwne. l'ckc reuengabyheauen. . -:-.::-:::;:T ( r.'ife. How do'ft thou like this Geor*& ' / Ci>. Why this is well coney: but if Rxpb weft hot pnct,'. thou fliouldft fee more. Wtfe. ThcFidlers goagainehusband. ':;' "''' Cit. 1 2to//,but this is fcuruy mufickc: I gaue the^ hro^e- /on gallowes money, and I thinkc her has not got mec^h'c waits of South-warke, if Iheare him ri6ranatJ,II'e twinge him by the cares. You Muficians, play Baloo* Wife. No good (jtorgffcts ha Ltichrtm*. Cit. Why this is it cony. r Wife. It's all the better George: now fweet Tambe , yr hat flory is thatpaintcd vponthc cloth?thc confutation of Saint, M ''> Cit. No lambe, that's Rtphzad Lucrece. '. * ..'r 1 - . . f _ Ctf. No moufc, that vvas a Tartarian, .; ' '/' Wife. A Tartarian? wcll,-I'wood the fidlcrs had done.that v ightfcc our Rafb again c. Tkc Knight offkt faming fifties: A ' r Luce. No my bcft friend, I cannot cither fcarey ''*> ; Or cntertainc a weary thought,whilft you' v * (Thecndofallmyfulldcfircs)ftandbymc. A ''.^ Let them that loofc their hopcs,and liuc to hnguifh Amongft the number of forfakcn loucrs, Tell the long weary fteps, and number time, Start at a fliadow,andriirinkcyp their bloud;' /% Whilft I (poffcft with all content and quiet) Thus take my prettic loue,and thu s imbracc him* I (hall become your faichfullprifoncr, . ,' . , '."/ And were thcfcchaincs for eucr. Come fit dowhe, " :.J. And reft your body ,\too too delicate " Forthcfediftucbances jfo, will you fleepe? * , I .r'."^ Come, do notbc more able then you arc, - ; . /. t, !!:;j nol . I know you are not skilfull in thcfc watches^ :. ' .o 2 ily:r For women arc no fouldicrs; be not nice, .V.: : 'iv^ m'.I t . Buttakcitjflccpclfay. ^; - f ;; .:\ V A - Luce. I cannot flccpe, . : .^ ; !.Y..VO ..Indeed I cannot friend, . ; ; ; - ' : .' ; I!.i i':I .-j\7^ \ I Jafp. Why then wcc'l fing, ? v I : : : ; : :. ' i : r!: z i - 1 o. vl And try how that will workc vpon our fences. \\ :.i&- : Luce. Il'c (ingjOrfayjor any thing but flccpe/. <-vl.VO x *Jaf. Come little Mer-maid^rpt) ipc of my hcait'^A With that inchantingvoyce. , j: [j^.i/crncT! .vO -\ - Zwr. Youmockemc/^r. 1 ' : :.'[' h .??** >: ' " Snug.' . lafp. Tell me (deerefl) &h/it u tone? Luce. 'Tit ^ lightning from / 'Tif a*rro t *tis afire, 'Tu 4 boj they talldefirt. . *Doth beguile laf. *? he f tore hearts of men that front* * Tellmemore % *re*>omentrHe? Luce. Some lottcchAngeitndfbdfijtn* . p laf. Are they farcin A neuer kindl Luce. Tesphc* men twrne with the "mnb* la'f. AretheyfrowArdl '. Vn; Luce. Euertowtrdt /. -. '>! ThofcthathttejobHeAnew. ., :-:.:/v: N - /4/.Diflcmbleitnomorc,IfectheGod .'^ **aii . Of heauy flfcpe,lay on his hcauy mace ; -.vil-Il Vpon your eye-lids. Luce. I am very heauy !*! Slccp,ficep, &qi^c-rrcft crowne thy fnect thoughts?- t _ . r"_^ '_ L'v i^:.. U1/% ' Horrors,and fcarcf ull (hapes : let all her dreamcs Beioyes,and chaft ;.;; ; And fuch new plcafures.as the rauiflit foulc -_ -^ : f . c-V Giucs to the fences. So, my charmcshauetooke, ':''M?.\ Keepc her you powers diuine,whilft I contemplate r j Jl v iT Vpon the wealth and beauty ofhcrminde. '\\-.:^:il^ Sheisonclyfatrc,andconftattt:onclykinde, 'V.- V Andx>nelytothcc7^r. Ohmyioycs/ \ .-;;; Whither will you tranfport me? let notfulneflc Of my poorc buried hopes, come vp together, \ I .. * ; N^j;i? And oucr-chargc roy fpirits : I am weakc Some fay (how eucr ill)thc fca and women Arc goucrn'd by the Moonc,both cbbc and flow, Both full of changes :yct to them that know, And truly Judge, thcfc but opinions are % Andhcrcfics to bring on plcafing watrc r - , ' - * F "}'*.* Betweene our tempers, that without thefc were ty ;. Both void ofatcr-loue, and prc fent fcarc. .T. *; . T / : ^ " Which arc the beft of fipia. Oh thou Midi . Bred from difpaire, I dare not cntcrtaine thee, Hauing a loue without the faults of women, And greater in her perfect goods then men : .".. Which to make good,and pleafc my felfc the ftrongcr, Though certaincly lam ccrtaineof her loue, ll'e try her, that the world and memory v? ^ May fing to after times, her conftancic* Lvce,Lnce> awake. /Luce. Why do you fright me, friend, With thofcdifierhpcrcd lookcs?what makes your fword Draw ne in your hand? who hath offended you? yV I prc'ihec lafpfr flecpc, thou art wildc with watching. J*/p. Come make your way to heauen,and bid the world (With all the villanies that ftickc vpon it) Fare- well; you'r for another life. Luce. 'Qkfti/JMrf- \- How haue my tender yearcs committed cuil^ -'1 : . (Efpccially againft the man I loue) - ; r : ^JT Thus to be crept vntimcly? 2*fp. Fooli/h girle, '* .^ \ Canft thou imagine I could loue his daughter, That flung me from my fortune into nothing/ . ;. -*. ^11 DifchargcdmehisfcruicCjfiiutthcdoorcs i.'i Vpon my pouerty, and fcorn'd my prayers,^ : y ; ' ;r A Send ing me, like a boat without a maft, . . .; c: i-su;O. To finke or (win? Comedy this hand you dye/ 1 ^ ' "? '< rf ~ qt r/E Jmuft haue life and bloud to fatisfic ..vj;!:f:.c y Your fathers wrongs. . \' - '< ,/^f;o i.i v::^ W/r. Away tfwr^away, raifc the watch at Z^4//;and bring a Mittimwfrom thclufticc for this dcfperatcvillaine. . ;; . Now I charge you Gentlemen, fee the Kings peace kept. O $Jj[v; my heart what a varlct's this to bffcr mai.-flaughter vpon the harmclcflcGntlewoman? '-. - 1 C/>. J,ssA-arrant thcc (fwect heart) wcc'l Jiaue him ham* . pcrcd^ v . : ", ; Oh lafper.'bc not cruell, ^flcB^^'lv^^V'v And The Knight tftfo&wttog PtJtM Andlctnotmany deaths appeare beforcroe. ; :.! '".r.-i I am a woman made of fcare and loue, . ; >--, :i Aweakc,wcakewoman,'kill not with thy eyes, 1 . They (hoot me through and through. Strike I am ready/ Anddying ftil I loue thce*. Enter Merchant, Htnxfhrey y *nd ' tJMarch. Whereabouts. kit men* lafp. No more of this ,now to my fclfcagaine. " . > 9 Hw.Therc,therc he ftands with fword like martialinlght forawne in his hand,thcreforc beware the fight You that be wife: for were I good fir 'Beufs 9 .7 I would not (lay his comming t by your leaues. " 1 , .*.. j tjl'hrck. Sirrah,rcftorc my daughter, loft. Sirrah,no. (JW4rf^.Vpon him then. . '/ IT//5r.So,downc with him, do wne with him, downe with him: cuthim i'thlcgboics,cuthimi'thleg. . !.-.'.."! Starch. Come your v/aics Minion, Il'e prouide a Cage For you, your grownefo tame. Horjc her away- :..T .1. \. Humph. Truly Ime glad your forces hauetheday. txtuni* lafp. They are gonc,ahd lam hurt, my loue isloft, Ncucr togctagainc.OhmcTnhappy/ . : .; : BIccd,blecd,and dye, I cannot : Oh my folly! Thou haft betraid me. Hope where art thou fled? Tell me if thou bec'ft any where remaining. . ShalllbutlccrnyloueagainePOhno! ..'.; She will not dainc to lookc vpon her butcher, :: Nor is itfitfliefliodld ; yet I muft renter. Oh cbance,or forpune, or what ere thou art. That men adore forpowcrfull,hearcmy cry, : And let me louing,liuc 5 or loofing,die. Wife. Is a gone (/target V ' Ctf. Iconic. : :: >.i .' Wift. Marie and let him goc (fwect heart,) by thefaith.ti my body a has put me into fuch> fright, tharltremble' (as they fay) as 'twere an Afpinc leafc r lookc arn.yJBttlfe finger George ', how it /hakes > now i truth curymcmbfcrt)f my bdi dy is the worfe for't. . :. :: ; Cit. Come, huggc ia mine arm esfwcctmoufe^ccfliall * -*--^* - -..,.... Y^ _. * * ". ""* *, - <* i .sir-win:! >:o .Exit. Tkt Ktigkt o not fright the* any more t alas mine owne dccre heart, hovv it quiucflp JiHttrtJIttftrtft* MfrrithMibt,'R*ff, Atiwtll) Squirt D*rfa Hoft, *nd 4 TAffttr. Wift. OR*/*,how doftthouR*/>f how haft thouflept to night? has the knight vf'd thec well/ Cit. Peace Nell, let R*fe alone. T*pft* Maiftcr,thc reckoning is not paid. jR*/*. Riglit curteous knight, who for the orders fake Which thou haft tanc,hang'ft out the holy bell, A$ I this flaming pcftlc bearc about, We render thankcs to your puiflant fclfc, Your beauteous Lady,and your gentle Squires, For thus rcfrefliing of our wearied limbcs, Stiffncd with hard atchicucments in wildc dcfert. :'> OTuI TVp/?. Sir,thcrcis twclucfhillingstopay k - ' Rtfr, Thou merry Squire fapftfro, thankcs tothce> v For comforting our foulcs with double lug, - And if aducntrous fortune prickc thec forth, ';;-/!T .-^ Thou /WM// Squire, to follow feats ofarmcs, j : " - Take heed thou tender cuery Ladies caufe, Euenr trucry true Kuight, and eucry damfcllfaircfaircj ButfpillthcbloudoftrechcrousSarazcns, v And falfc inchanters, that with magickc fpcls f - " - " Haue done to death full many a noble Knight. vsrl? Hofl. Thou valiant Knight tfiht burning ^Pefth, giuc cafe tome, there is tweluc {hillings topay, 2nd as I am a true Knight, I will not bate a peny. : u; -, W^r. (7. No 2W//, no, nothing but the old Knight is merric With Rafe. / . , i W^. O is'e nothing clfc? R^ will be as merry as he. Rafe. SirKnight,this mirth ofyours becomes you wU> ' But to requite this liberall curtcfie, Jf any ofyour Squires will follow armcSj Hcefhall rccciucftommy hcroickchand 1\- 'J " ' The Knight of the burning Pejlti. AKnight-hood,bythevertueofthUPeftlr. :.. .'- .". Hoft. Fairc Knight I thankc y ou for noble offer,' ' Therefore gentle Knight, Twclue (hillings you muftpty,orlmuft cap you, W/fr.Lookc G wge> did not I tell thcc as much,tneKnjgkt of the ^/is in carncft, ^/)Artiall not bee beholding to him, giuc him his money Cftorge t and let him go fnickvp, C/.Cap^^nojholdyourhand fir Knight of the #*/,thercs your monYjhaueyou any thingto fay tofaph now?Cap Raph? Wife. Iwouldyoufliouldknowit, Rapb has friends that will not fuffcrhimtobc capt for ten times fomuch,and ccn times to the end of that,now take thy courfe R*ph. M.tncr.Come Michael, thou & I wil go home to thy father, he hath enough left to keep vs a day or two, and wclefct fel- lows abrod to cryour Purfe our Ciskcc,Shjlvvc Mich&Jf tJWich. I, I pray Mother , jntruth my fectc arc full of chilblaincs with trauclling. : Pfffe. Faith and thofe chilblanes are a foule trouble, Mi- ftreflc Miru-tbutth* when your youth comes homc,lct him ruballthcfolcsof hisfccte, andthchceles, and his ancles, witharnoufcskinnc, or if none of .your people can catch a moufc, when hec goes to bed , let him rowle his fectc in the warnnc embers, aud I warrant you hcc (hall be we!l,and yoii may make him put his fingers bctwecnc his toes &r fmcll t them,it's very foueraigne for his head if he be coftiuc. r L Mifljner. Maifter Knight of the burning Peftlc, my '-foil ///VJWandl.bKyou farcwcl,! thankc your W or/hip hear* tily for your kih^cflc. * Rapb. Fare-well fairc Lady and yourtcnder Squire, If, pr.cking through thcfe Defarts, I do hcare Of any traitcrous Knight who through his guile, Hath light vpon your Gasket and your Purfe, I will dcfpoilc him of them and reftorc them. J JMijl For hccre I vow vpon my blazing badge, Neucrtoblazcadayinquictncflc; - But bread and water will I onely cate, And the grecne hcarbc and rockc (hall be my couch, Till I hauc qucld that man, or beaft,or fiend, That workcsfuch damage to all Errant Knights. t Ho ft. Not far from hence, necrc to a craggy cliffe, '' - At the North end of this diftrcflcd Townc, There doth ftand a lowly houfe Ruggedly builded, and in it a Caue, In which an ougly Gyant now doth won, ;Yclcped Btirbarofoi in his hand He (hakes a naked lance of purcft fteclc, "- 7 r : :;^ % v With flccucs turn'd vp, and him before hewearcs," " ; \ : : A motley garment, to prcfcruc his cloaths - I'.'v"' 1 ^ From blond of thofe Knights which he maflacres, y :; T^' And Ladies Gem: without his dorc doth hang ^ '!"*: *. A copper bafon, on a prickant fpcare; '. ' A; -^'f- 4 * l Atvvh'Kh,nofooner gentle Knights can kno<:ke, ".- : , - x : ;; i ' But the (hrill found, fierce Tlarbarofo hcarcs, : ' ^- ^^^ And rnfliing forth, bings in the errant Knight, \; ^V; 1 Andfcfshimdownein aninchantcdchair,c. . " , ' :: ^' : - ; .v** Th ->n vsith an Engine which he ha.th prcpai^'d^ : * * i V- ^ i ;;, with *jmMMmm5a&. With forty teeth , he clawcs his courtly crowneji .-f >;r Next makes him winke,andvndcrncathhi$chinney '- ' fcii Hee plants a brazen ptecc of mighty bord, And knocks his bullets round about his cheeks, Whilft with his fingers, and an inftrument / ..'. ;'! With which he fnaps his haire off, he doth fill The wretches cares with a moft hideous noifc, ' . \ * Thus cuery Knight Aduenttirer he doth trim, And now no creature dares encounter him. R*pb. In Gods name, I will fight him,kindernv ; Go but before me to this difmall Caue, Where this huge Gyant Btrbarofo dwcls, And by that vcrtue that brauc Rofdccrc, . *; That damned brood of ouglyGyants flew, . - And Talmerin frAnnarco oucrthrcw: . . . l-'I I doubt not but to curbe this Traitor foule, : . And to thcDiucll fend his guilty foule, . . Hoft. Brauc fprightcdKnight,thus far I willpcrforme ' 1 This yourrcqueft,riebringyou with infight . k Of this moft lothfome place, inhabited - Byamoreloathfomemambutdarcnotftay, - .:.-.' For his maine force foopcs all he fees away. Rapb. Saint George hi on bcfore,march Squire and page. Exeunt Wife. George ;doft thinkc RapbviiM confound the Gyant? Cif. Iholdmy captoafarthinghcedoes iwhy^Vcf/Ifaw bimwraftlc with the great Dutch-man andhurlchim. . - .'i' PPifg. Faith and that Ducch-man was a goodly man y: jf all things were anfwcrablc to his bigneflc , and yet they fay there was a Scotfli-man higher then hce, and that they two and a Knight met, and faw one another for nothing , but of all the fights that cucr were in 0Hbv,(ince I was married, nice thinkes the little child that was fo faire growne about the members was the prctticft, that, and the Hcrmofhrodite. Cit. Nay by your leaue Ntl, Ni*iuj was better. Wife. NintHM) O that was the ftory of lone and the Wall, Was it not 'eot get Cif. Yes lam. , jSvter mftreffe tJMcrry* - w - - urn Looke <7<*rg*, heere comes Miftrefle thought againe, and I would halie #*p come and fight with the Giant, I tell you true, I long to fee't. @t. Good Miftrcflc Mtrrj-tkoutfit be gone , I pray you for my fake, I pray youforbeare a little, you (hall haucaudi- ' ence prefcntly, I haue a little bufincflc. J^fc.MilhcffeC^^rr/-^^ your pafTto a littlc,til R*fh haue difpatcn the Giant out of the way we (halthink our i clues much bound to you,! thank you good Miftrcflc UWerrj-tkwghr. Exumtft.Mcrt}''thn: Enter A boy. Cif. Boy, come hither, fend away Rtpk and this whore- fonne Gianc quickely, Boy. In good faith fir we cannof ,you'le vtterly fpoile our Play, and make it to be hift,and it coft money , you will not - fuffcr vs to go on with our plot, I pray Gentlemen rule him. fit. Lcc him come now and difpatch this, andTlctrou- blcyou no more. Ily. Will you gtuc me your hand of that? Wife. Giue him rhy hand CJCOY$C> do, and Tic kiflTc hitp,T warrant thce the youth meancs plamely. oj. Tie fend him to you prefently. Exit Boy. - ' .' VPifi* I thanke you little youth., fcth the child hath a fwectc breath George , but I thinke it bee troubled with the worrncs, Ctvr&ut'/ almoft downe Rafk. 5/^i^infpircmc, now haue vp againe. '* 1 / Wife. Vp, Tp,vp,vp,vp, fo Rap 6,downc with him, dbwne With him Raph. fit. Fetch him ore the hip boy. rrtfc. There boy, kiU,kai,km,kill,kilI,l^fc. . v. dt. No Raph get all out of him firft. R4pb.. Prcfumptuousman,fcctowhatdcfperatcend Thy trcatchcry hath brought thcc, the iuft Gods, Wno ncucr profpcr thofc that do dcfpi For all the villanies which thou haft done t To Knights and Ladies, now hane paid thcehomfe: ti'i\ J/nA'r " By my (tiffe Jirmc, aKnight-aducnturous, .': ;':!>'! v J^V But fay vile wretch, before I fend thy foul e / ; : v '; . .->,> or. - ^ To fad tsfutrnut whether it muft go, .' /I ',. ; , -:!::':{\Y < What captiuesholdft thouin thy fable cauci'.-v/'. > .->V Barber. Go in and free them all,thou haft the day* .' . R*ph. Go Squire &Dwarfe,fcarch in this drcadfuUCaue And free the wretched prifoncrs from their bonds. . ' * < / Exit Squire and D war fe. . .; ';;-, Xtrbtr. I craue for mercy, as thou art a Knight, . ', '? f Andfcornfttofpillthebloiidof thofethatbeg. - '- !; il JfcipA. Thou fliowdft no mercy, norlbakthbuhaueanyi Prepare thy fclfc for thou flialc furcly dfe ; . ... > i Enter Squire leading one winking jvith A 'Bafon vnder bis chin* \ ; Squire. Behold brauc Knight hccrc is one prifoncr,- ; ^ . Whom this wildc man hath vfcd as you fee. . . Wiff. This is the firft wife word I heard the Squire fpeater ; . R*ph. Spcake whac thou art, and how thou haft bcncri'd^ That that I may giuecondigne punifhmcnt^ ' ' i: r;.T/i x./Tw'JamaKnightthattookemyiourncypoft; .> North-ward from London, and in curteous wi(c t -//. . This Giant train'd me to his loathfomc den, ' >Y .r>v. Vnder pretence of killing of the itch, , \.':\ :> o^J^I And allmy body wicha powder ftrewfd, ' : ! ^ :':://: \<\5<- That fmarts and flings, and cut away mybeard, : . '; :\ i m'i : i And my curl'dlockes wherein were ribands tWe^l .^Vv* And with a water waflu my tender eyes, A ';./; ; t .;.oL ^ ;.:i ; Whilftvpand downe about me ftillheskipt, : .?* .');;.U Whofcvertuc is, that till mine eyes be 4 wip'r;-'c i ;^ ^ Hi With a dry cloath, for this my foulc difgracc,. ' ; -^i ' ji../ Ifhallnotdarccolookeadogi'ch'facc, . '!.',-:/.' Vi.'>, r/ 7 //^. Alas poorc Knight,relicuc him /J^^releiue poore Knights whilft you liuc. - - ' J '; ;\v.;.\ nla'.vO ^^. .My triifty Squire conucy him to the Towne, v Where he mayfindc rcleife,adicw faire Knight. Puiiant Knight of the burning Pcftlchight,-i: : rI 'Sec heere another Wretch, whom 1 this fo'ulc beaft ;Hath fcorcht and fcor'd ih this InHumainc Wife, < Raph. Speakc me thy name and eke thy place of birth, And what hath bene thy vfagc in this Cauc. ' z.Knight. larnaKnight/Srr^r^ And by my birth I am a Londoner Free by my Coppy, but my Ariccftors Were French-men *\\> and ri Jing hard this way, Vpon a trotting horfe, my bones did akc, And I faint Knight to cafe my weary limbes, Light at this Caue, when ftraight this furious^ficnd, . .<, Withfharpeft inftrumcnt of purcft fteclci Didcutthcgriftlcof myNofcaway, ., : '.,. And in the place this vclu et plaifter ftands, Rclieuc me gentle Knight out of his hands. , ., , Wife. Good Raph releiue fir hccre comes the prifoners. >" H-crc be thcfc pined wretches,manfull Knight, That for thcfc fixe wcckes hauc not fccne a wight. R*fb. Deliucr what you are, andhow you came To this fad Caue, and what your vfage was? I am an Errant Knight that followed Armes, i . i I ftrickcn was with uptt$ fiery fhafty ... .v.*,: And fell in louc with this my Lady dccre> . ' . And ftolc her from her friends in Turne-bull-ftreete^ H ' And bore her TJ and downe from Towne to Townc^ A . 2 Where we did catcanddrinkcandMufickchcare, Till at the length, at this vnhappy Townc Wee did arriuc, and comming to this Caue ' ." : ,'". This bcaft vs caught and put vs in a Tub, .'il. Where we this two monthcs fwcatc, and fliould haue done Another Moneth if you had not relicu'd vs. Worn. This bread and water hath our diet bene, > Together with a rib cut from a nccke Of burned Mutton, hard hath bcnc our fare, Relcafevs from this ougly Giants fnarc. LMan. This hath bcnc all the food we haue rccciu'di But oncJy twice a day for nouclty, He gauc a fpooncfull of this hearty broth, Pub OH* * firing To each of vs, through this fame flendcr quill. Rafh. From this infernal! monftcryoufliall go, That vfcth Knights and gentle Indies fa, Conucy them hence, TJfe Rnlght of the lurnin^ Ptjtfi. Cit: Cany,T can tell thcc the Gentlemen likefl/?J&.' Wife. I Gewgt) I fee it well inough. Gentlemen I thanke you all heartily for gracing my man R*fe, and Ipromifcyou you (hall fee him oftner. Btrbtr. Mercy great knight,! do recant my ill, And henceforth neuer gentle blond will (pill. Rafe. I giuc thec mercy, but yet (halt thou fweare Vpon rny burning pcftle,to pcrformc Thy promifevttcrd. 'Barber. I fweare and kifle. T Rafe. Depart thcn,and amend. Come fquirc and dwarfc,the Sunnc growcs towards his fct, and we hauc many more aducntures yet. Exeunt. Cit. Now/fo/< j Take it,but buy no land. 2?*;. Faith fir 'twere rare To fee fo yong a pUrchafer : I flyc, And on my wings carry your dcftinie. JS>/>. , , l*ff. Go, and be happy. Now my lateft hope Fprfake me notj but fling thy Anchor out, ' ^ >. And let it hold : ftand fixt thou rolling ftone, Till I enioy my dccrcft: hcarc me all j . . You powers thac rule in men ccelcftiall. - : Exfai Wife. Go thy waycs,thou art as crooked a ftriggc as cucr grew in London^ I warrant him hce'l come to fome naughty end or other : for his lookes fay no Icfle : Befidcs, his father .(you know George) is none of the bcft, you heard him take, me vp like a flirt Gill, andfingbaudy fongsvpon me: but IfaithiflliucC^rg* Ctt. Let me alone fwcct-hcart,! hauc a tricke in my head , (ball lodge him in the Arches for one y care, and make him fingTwrfw', cr'ellcauehim, andycthccfliallncucrknow who hurt him neither. fPtfi* Do my good (jtorg/ t do* Cit. What fliall we hauc Raff do now boy? jfojvYou fliall haue what you will (ir. i/. Why fo fir,go and fetch me him thcn,and let the So^ phyof P^r/wcomeandchriftenhimachildf. ;. , Boy. Bclccue me fir,that will not doc fo well, 'tisflalcj It . has beene had before at the rcdBull. ife. George let Raft traucll ouer great hils,& let him be ve- ry wcary,and come to the King ofCrtconias houfe, couered \vithveluet, and there let the Kings daughter ftand in her Windov/ all in beaten gold, combing her golden locks with acornbcof Iuory,andlctherfpy&i/&,and fall in lone with him, and come downc to him^and carry hina into her fathers . houfc a and then Ictfrffctalkc with her. . fi. 0>.. The Knight of the lurmng Pejlle. ownenaturall wife.' I fay, open the doorc, and turne me auc thofe mangy companions j'tis more then time that they were f el! o wand fellow like with you: you arc a Gentleman , Ch*rlet , and an old man, and father oftwo children 5 and I myfclfc (thoughlfayit) by my] mothers fide, Ncecc to a worfliipfull Gentleman, andaConduilor , ha has bccnc three times in his Maicfties fcruicc atC/;^r, and is now the fourth time, God blcflc him, and his charge vpon his iourr.cy. Old Mcr. Go from my windowj6Hc>goc ; Gf>from mj windw mj deere^ The mndt and the rtinf willdriueyou tacke AgAtnc t TOM cannot he lodged hctre. Harke you Miftrcffc LM arc they not like you CW/. What how docs he vfc her hunnyj 7/* Knight oftht burning Ptflfo - Wife. Marie oome vp fir faucc-box, I thinke you'l take h ! $ part,will you not? Lord how hot you arc grow-no : you arc a fine man an yon had a fine dogge,it becomes you meetly; Of. N ay prc'chccM// chide not: for as lamanhoncft man, and otruc Chriftian Grocer, I doc not like his do- ing*. Wife* \ cry yon mcrcie then George 5 you know we are all frailc>and full of infirmities. Dechcarc Mk.Mcrri-tbcHght, may I crauc a word with you? Old fntr within* Strike vp liucly lads. . I had not thought in truth,M r ,M*m/W^Mhat a man of your ace and difcretion (as I may fay^) being a Gen- tleman, and therefore knownc by your gentle conditions, could hauc vfcd fo little rcfpe to the wcakncflc of his wife: for your wife is your ownc te(h,thc ftaffc of your age, your yoke-fellow, with whofchelpe you drawthroughthe mire of this tranfitory world : Nay,(he's your ownc ribbc.And againe Oldmer* I come not hither for thce to teach, I hauc no pulpit for thcc to preach, I would thou hadft kift me vndcr the breech, As thou artja Lady gay. Wife. Marie with a vengeance. 1 I am hartely forry for thcpoore gentlewoman: but if I were thy wifc,Pfaith gray-bcard,l'faith - Ci>. I pre'thcefwcethunny.fuckle,be content, Wtfe. Giue me fuch words that am a gentlewoman borne, hang hfm hoary rafcall. Get mcc fomedrinkc(7*0r*, lam almoft molten with fretting : now bcfhrcw his knaues heart for it. .OUmer. Play me a light Lanalto : come, bee frolickc^ll the good fellowcs wine. it is the fafliion of that country,! warrant tec. Lady. Welcome fir Knight vnto my fathers Court. Hisdaughter dcerc: butfureyoudonotlikc Your entertainment % thatwtllftay with vs - ( ' v . ^' ; ". ; ,No longer but a night. Rtfe. Damfcll right falre, ; I am on many fad aduentures bound, That call me forth into the wildcrneife: ' 77 .;.^ Butmanythankes(taifcLady)betoyou,-- - 1 ;- 11 ; V-'.v"!;; Ftr rfing errant Knight withcur'tefic. ^ . Lady. But fay (brauc knight) what isybur nime &bbth^ - : Rjfe t My name is Kafe^H am an Hnglifli man, / - u /j .1* s * As true as fteele,a hearty Englishman, '\ v- " ? i ! A tr f * i *r . e : . . : * * * . ~. f '~- w T , V . ~J \ ^ V ir*' t * ft 9 #1f 9 " - 1 Ibeare;,confoundingLadic*,encmies. '..'.: |-\^ Lady. Ofthauc Jheardof yotfrbraue coun And fertilJIWk;andftorc.Qf hokfotne food: My Father oft will tell fie of a drinke In England found, and Nipttt* &\'&.. .. , . . . , ; ._ r ..;- . WhicWriucthallthc fprrow from you* hearts. . . /?*/ /^4/f . B^lides^ I Kaue a Lady ofnjy ,owne . , , . ' . In merry England, for wholfcvcr.taicus fake, r [^ /.WaSli J tooke thcfc Armcs, and Sufttti* Aijcriunje^ jfrn i r - r ; _-. ' > \ A Coolers maidinMblke-flreet, whom I^vow Nerctofoi^kCjWhilRii&andPcftlclftfl'. .".:':. z^roD Z^7* ^ a Ppy that 'Coding dame, who ere &ttbc,~ 4 r : D , That for berowne (decrcR^^liath gotten tlacc'.*' :x/ a,7 t"j;.-2 Vnhappy I,that nere fhall fceche-day ; v^..; ;; /f Tofccthecmore,thatbcarftrjiyhcartaw^y. ' *.-. I;' ir.l . . Raf*. Ladyferc-wel!,I needs muft take my leauci Lady. Hard-hartcd'R^,thatLftdIcsdoftdcceiuc. ,/. Cit. Harke thee fotfe , ,thercs i money 'for thee 5 .gitt^ fbmcthing in the King of^f4^W;/jhottfc,bciioiT>eholcUf)g to him. ' ' ""i' " .' !' '. :i; '' !.'* V.I. R*fe. Lady before Lgo, I tBuftremeoiber ^ .. . - /A /I . ^ Yourfather6OfRcrs t 'W;hotrutt|ito:ccll, . .:! / ^. -'"". Hauc bcenc about me very diligent. : > J.,, tlw$l Hold Yp thy fnowy hand tnou princely maid;- 1 V/ . J : < \ ' There's tw clue pence For your fathers Chamberlain^ " f v.T H.a. Andi;. ^_,^ ^_1_ V. . ' ; The Koigbt of tbt burning KeJIti. / nd another (hilling for his Cooke, L Forby my troth the Goofe was rofted well, /nd twcluc-pcncc for your fathers horfc-kcepcr^ ? For nointing my horfcbacke; and for his butter . There is another fhilling. To the maid That wafh'cmy boot-hefc.thcre's an Enclifli groat; And two pence to the boy that wip'c my boots: And laft, fairc Lady,thcre is foryour fclfe Three pence to buy you pins itTiumbo fairc, Ltd). Full many thankes,and I will keeps them fafe '.. T Till all the heads be ofT,for thy lake Raft. Rafe. Aduancemy Squire and Dwarfc,! cannot ftajr, LA&J. Thou kilft my heart in parting thus away. Exciit* Wife. I commend 'Raff yet that hce will not itoopcto* CrAcottian y there's properer women in London then any.arc there I-wis. But hecrc comas Maiftcr Humphrey and hisloue againe now George. Cit. Icony,pcace. >' , .W-J Enter A4wchant,Humphrej 9 LMeeAKdA t Boj. . . ,1 March. Go get you vp,I will not be intrcatedi v ir. rr; :~_ And gofTip minc.irc keepcyou furc hereafter J'. . ;'. j ; :!ooj I From gadding out againe with boyes and vn thrifts,' ' .O \ Comc,thcy arc womcns tcarcs,! know your fafliion. ;//* Go firrah,locke her in.and kcepe the key, .1 Exit Luce - Safe as youlouc your iifc.Now my fonnc Hunrfrej % . ~& By. You may bothrcft aflured ofmyloue . . - : . I ; - : -/jf f In this^ndrcapeyoiirownc.defirc. .'.!;.- . _..; ' . t /r ' i Hum* I fee this louc you fpcake of, through y our daughter, : > Although the hole belittle -and hereafter :!-;,;',. II .*.'. -. JL Will yccld the like in all I may^rxran, ; . I ; ^ ;! ;r. 1 1 .v;j, Fitting a Chriftian.and a gentleman.- - ;.'!/ : .-^ , : i ?; V;;.;,-;o*} March. I do beleeuc you(my good fonnc)and thankcyou; For'twere an impudence to thinkc you flattered; r . ,,v v Humph. It wcrc v indccd,but (hall Itcllyou why, ,; -;i;o V I hanc bccne beaten twice about the lyc :j.o .' : : ,s: .' :;.'^I! A4*irck. Well fon,nb more of cohiplemcntj my daughter Is your? againe; appoint the timc^nd take her/ ' > l Wcc'lc The Knight of the burning Ptjtkl Wc'Ic haue no ftcaling for it, I my felfe And fomc few of 'our fricndf will fee you married.' ' : Hum. I would you would i'faith, for be it known* I cucr was afraid to lie alonct . ; Mtrch. Some thrcedaics hence then. Hum. Three dales, Ict.mc fee, . \ 'Ti$ fomc-what of the moft, yet I agree, Bccaufe I meanc againft the appointed day, To Tifitc all my friends in new array. Enter fcriMt\ Str. Sir, there's a Gentle woman without would fpcake \vith your Worftiip. tJlferch. What is fhcc? Scru* SJrlaskthernor. Mtrck. Bid her come in. Sxtcrmi/lrefft Merry -thattght *td Michtct. Lftfift.mer. Peace be to your Worfiiip,! come as a poor C Sutcrtoyou fir, inthebchalfc of this child. Merch. Arc you not wife to Mcrric-thdugkt? . : . ' Mift.mcrXss trucly, would I had ncre fccne his eies,haha5 vndonc me and himfelfe and his children, & there he liues ac home & fings, & heights, & Reucls among his drunken c6- panions,but,I warranty ou,whcrc to gctapcny to put bread tin his mouth, hcknowesnot: and therefore if it like your Worfliip.Iwould entrcatc your letter, to thc-honcft Hoft of the 'Bel in fVAlth*m> that I may place my child vridcr the protcftion of his Tapfter, in feme fctled courfc of life, Merch. I'me glad the heauens haue heard rny prayers :thjr When I was ripe in forrowsrlaught at me, (husband Thy fonnc like an tnthankcfull wretch,! hailing Redcem'd him from his fall and made him mine, ," :.*! : To (hew his loue againe, firft ftolc my daughter, .Then wrong'd this Gentleman, and laft of all, o: vs, . . jV Gaueme that gricfc, had almoft brought me dovvnc ..M Vnto my graue, had not aftrongcr hand T .V ,v ! ' Rclciu'd my forrowcs, go, and wcepe, as Idid . AndbeTnpitticd,fbrIhecreprofcric . '/i.'.-... An cucrlafting hate t all thy name.. ,-. ' : : ,'fsd;.no^V Willyottfoilr, how fay you by that? conic H 3 fVfc,l h' im kecpttois winde to cook his Porraee, Avc'ic go tothyNurccswfcM*, flicc knits filkcftockings boy, and wc'lc knit too boy, and bee beholding to none of them a ll s ExennttJWick attend mother. ,.;>! Enftr * fay with * letter* /. ,. ' > ; , '*v I Boy. Sir, I take it you arc the Maifter of thiihoufir. Merck. How then boy? Boy. Then to your felfc fir conies this letter. /> r Mcrch. From whom my pretty Boy/ . ."; . . .i\ } : 2?*j. From him that was your fcruan t,but no mote ,7* Shall thatnamectierbe^tbrhccjsdead, / . - T : v Gricfeof yourpurchas'dangerbrokefeishcart, . > Jfaw him die, apd from his hand rccciu'd . ,v.\f* This paper, with a charge to briug it hither, . ,. ,;i it, and fati&fic your felfc |n-all..' , - ^ /"/ .i.Vcutv.^ : . i , Ltittr. . '. :,!'.':'. , i r ;.. Tl n^ v f > ; r< : :.' ^, March. S*itk*t.lhwwrlmuftc^ffe>i* ittt tkt et noiyeur inggf jptA.fr., Jying m** mqrfo much frtxcile with ym ) &ee trntgbt M}9*r ghtb^tkat .fheemay tmtbj Jyuyp my katefl/imes arc , mth*tt 9 rectwe a teflimtmj uftht ZtiU I fane fa ' tt for, e*xr > xm]i4ntKtrh(qfly~ t : ' : t \ . ' lalpcr. : v ','C : . i ; : i o .'Yet I am glad he sijtrict, > IT He ow'd me fomething once, and \vcll &d pay it. . #tttnt* Luce. If there be any lpunifhn>emanfU$cd' i' ivocfaA4 . Vpon the mifcrablejmojrcsihcn^etilicclc, I :;ayl4 f i:^5 nA ; Q r . " "^fecffo : 7J^^9jP^^^f^^^fK~v r iii>if^fl'if t rf ^ * / Prcfle downc my fault, I cannot beare the p*lne . * Of thcfe delaying tortures: thoi> that ait The^ndofal^andthefweefertftof all; -: Comc,conic 6 death, bring me to thy peace* And blot out all tb memory I nourifli Both of my father and my cruel! friend/ v; r O wretched maidc ft illliuing to be wretched, To be a fay to fortune in her changes, And grow to number times and woes together, ' How happy had I bcnc, if being borne My graucnadbene my cradle? *t(rferH*Kt t V Scr. By your leaue Yong M ift rc{Tc,hcre's a boy hath brought a coffin, What a would fay I knew not, but your father v Charg'd me to giuc you notice,here they come* Enter ntibetring* Coffin, l*fp*r **** Luc 9, For me IhopVt'u come, and 'tis moft welcome, toy. Fairc Miftrcflc let me not adde greater gricfe To that great (lore you haue already; f*fptr That whilft he liu'd was yours, now dead, And here cnclos'd, commanded me to bring His body hither, and to craue a teare From thofc fairc eyes, though he defer u'd notpitty, To deckc his funcrall,for fo he bid me Tell her for whom he di'de. Luce. He fliaJl baue many: , Good friends depart a littlCjWhilft I take Exeunt My leaue of this dead man, that once I lou'J; Hold, yet a little, life and then I giue thee To thy firft hcauenly being-, O ray friend/ Hatt thou deceiu'd me thus, and got before me.* I (hall not long bceafter,butbeleeuc me, Thou wcrt too crucll I There are but fp ar ing rites :But if thy foule r/.ViU Be yet about this place, and can behold \'; >,:.;-;.'.' And fee what I prepare to deckc thcc with, o rr;!.^,;:**, ? It fliall go vp, borne on the wings of peace :; 'i'c ?! *o ' Andfatisficd: firft will I (ing thy dirge, p : - j/!>^-:v/ C) Then kiflc thy pale lips, and then die my felfe,' '> ',;*' , -j !^T .' And fill one Coffin and one grauc together, v,; y ; ^ h r ' fi me you whofc loues art dead, . ' .f < 1 1 1 c : J>,ig v ! . I andtnd cver Ribandt bhckty and candles b\c#' 9 ^ K% . i - ; ; PorhimthAtTyatofmenmofttrttri T::/I /v^V- I -'-. I'.**' t '-f W ' :., /iwtf wthheatty mourning, ' -v r ; :r^ r;;.:sfh oT tAndmbitfr*** vh^rUrffiliffer<5^f; Lfthitnhaw '. ';.';.;; ) /-/colir.^^irf! [>fA, . SAerificeoffighesAndgrttntHgi *, { ^u': f :i v!.<5fl il ft'.'- ; t " ; Lethimhaue fiurffaweriMoWt , ^: VfT^rjrncr *, Whit f and purple, grccneaxdjcUowi* 'i fi ;il> x! oT l rM rJ !bV Thou fable cloth, fad conerofmy loics ' ; ' ^'iot:;^!^!.! I lift thec vp, and thus I mcetc with death.' .- '; :if r. r yr ; 1 7!^! I / /^. And thus youmeetethcliuing.Zr^.Sautfmchcatlcnl. Itf. Nay do not flicmefaire,Iam nolpifit^r/-!;o ,'nl-,* I Lookc better on me, do you know rne yet? :;:!;:: ffcrDT Luce. O thou dcercfliadow of my friend^, >1 .- -j-* v :|T /^. Deere fubttance, ... : -l:;v/;f n. ; :in"rit I fwcare I am no fhadow, fcelemy hand,' y,-\ i: rv ol ai'i V/ Jt is the fame it was, I am your /^^r, <' :'i .v-^L>:ri!C. * Your Af^r that's yet liuing, and yet louirigj ftcf'ssi : ;': I ;^A ' Pardon my raflx attempt, my foQliflipropfc-: ? : iclnoii; fltto ' ' - ' I put in praftifc of your conftancy; Forfooner fhould my fword hauc drunkc my bloud, * v ^ And fct ray foulc 4 at liberty, then drawne Tbc leaft drop from that body; for which boldneflc Doome me to any thing: if death I take it And willingly. Luce. This death I'lc glue you for it, So,now I am fatisficd: you arc no fpirir, But my owhc trueft,trueft,trueft friend, V Vhy doe you come thus to mcc. .~ V Uffcr. Firfttofecyou, Then to conuey you hence. ' . Luce. It cannot bee, For I am lockt vp here and watcht at all howers,' ThatYisimpoffiblcformctofcape. ' ': laff. Nothing more poflible, within this coffin Do you conuey your fclfe, let me alone, ' . : ' I hauc the wits of twenty men about me, ' ,10 ';, I ; Onclylcrauethc (belter of yourClofcc Alittlc,andthcnfcarcn\cnot;.crccpcm . '. ? :. : i ; :iT That they may prcfcntly conuey you hence: I.,!., j Feare nothing dccrcftlouejl'c be your fccond, :. ;^:-;^. Lic.clofc, fo, all goes well ycc^Boy. Boy. Athandfir. v laff. Conuey away the Coffin, and be wary. . '; Eoy. Tis done already. , :\ '.Y.\ \ 2*ff. Now mufti go coniure. Exit. -Enter tJMcrchtn*. ' 3 r ;x : ' T ; JlSerch. Boy,Boy. .:*, : r , Boy. Your feruant fir. , %1 . - Lflfarcb. Do me this kindnefle Boy.hold here'fi crbw'ne?. fceforcthou bury the body of this fellow, carry it to hi* old mcric father, and falute him from mce, and bid him fing, hehathcaufe. Boy. I will fir. f : ' \Mcrcb. And then bring me word what tune he is ia^ and haue another crowne: but do it trucly. Jhaucfictcdhimabargainc,now,willYahim. 2 V . God bleffc your VVorfliips health fin . . ' rj k. Fare-well boy. ', xe#fa .." Enter rlcft, and yet my heart leapes, I dowonder: yet, as ok! as Jam, thatanyman will follow aTradc, 4t r ferue, that may fing and laugh, and walke' the ftre*cte$ , my \vifc and both my fonncs arc I know not where , . I haue.no-. thing left, nor know I howtocomebyrneatctofuppcr, yet am I merry ftill; for I know I fhall findc it vpon the Table at I fixe a clocke, therefore hang Thoughts I . / . V I would hot be a Seruigman to carry the clokc-bag flill^ NorwouldlbcaFawlcconcrthc greedy Hawlkes to filL 1 mirth at home, and nccdc not fend abroad for that,Ictthcin . kccpc their drinke to thcmfclucs. For////wof Tlctrj (lice dwcls on a Hill,/ 'i; " 'j-.i. . And Chcc hath good Becrc and Ale to felL >.. . /. .. Andof good fcllowcs flic thfnks no ill, ^.'nofi ,:..;./.> > : '^. And thcthcrwillwcgonowj novn*e, we fit e t nor drink*, nor money ktwee. nonC) fttthefot Ecdj t nctter more need /. Oldmtr. S oboics enough, follow me*, let'? change our phicc and we fliall laugh afrcAi. tft< Let him spcGeorge, .afliallnot haue any countc. nance froin vs,uor a good word from any i'th* Company, if I may ftrikc ftrojccin'c. Cit. Nolnoreafliaunotloue; but Net Lwill haiie R*ph 'doc a very notable' matter now, to the cternall honour and glory of all (Jwert, firraii you there boy , can none of yo.uhcarc? Boy. Sir, your plcafure. fit. Let /?^come.outonMay.dayin the morning and fpcakevpon a Conduit with all.hisScarfcs about him,and his fcthcrs and his rings and his knacks. Boj. Why fir you do not thinkc of our plot,what*will be- come of that then? Cit. Why fir, I care not what become on*t, Pic hauc hini come out, or Tie fetch him out my fclfc, T'lc hauefome- thing done in honor of thcCittyjbcfulcs^charhbcnc long cnoughvponAduenturcs,bringhimout.quickcJy, or if I come in amongft you 7?oj* VVcllfirhccfliallcomeout, butif ourplay mifcar- ry, fir you arc like to pay for't, . : . . Extt T< Cit. Bring him away then/ -. This will bcbraue i'faith, George fliall not he dance a* the morricc too for the credit of the Strand. ^m. No fwcctc heart it willbce too much for the boy, * 6 there he is^?/, hcc's reafonablcwellinrcparcll, buthec ' * has not rings enough. ; -*V ; v Enter R<*fhi Raph, Londofl)tdtheeIJfffrefentthtfcrty Month of May I a Let . .< atplainetymay appeare, I Tf ill both tell my name to you And wherefore IcM tjtfy name is Raph, by due dtfcfnt^th^gh not ign Tet far infer lor to the Fleckf oforatiw Cjrccery. Reioyce, o Englifo heart sfcioycefeicycf o Loners detre > -Reioyce o fifty t Totvne, and Country ', reioyce eke ever} "Shirty r per KOTV the fragrant F lower f dofpring *xd (front in fce The little Bi rds do fit find fing y the Lambes do itttkefinc ff9rt t Andnw the B urchin Tree doth bud that mify the Schooleboy crj T he Lftlorr ice rings while Hobby-horfedoth footcitfcateovflyt 3* he Lords And Ladies ftrn> abroad for their difport and play, now goes to gr*ffe y andvp they hang his f addle* The heavy Hart, the bellowing Bucke> (he Rafcalttnd the Pricket, Are now Among t he Yeoman t 'Tetfe, and leave the fearefrll thicket* tx*W bt Jikf tM9, 6 you, I fay, of this fame noble Towne, jindltft aloft yonr velnet hetdt, and fippingof your gowtte: With belt on lfgs t and napkins cleane vntoyonr ffjonldtrs tide, With Sctrfes & CJarters at you pleafe, & Hey for ou* Town cri't , Marcl) out andfiew your willing winds by twenty and by twenty^ - To Hupjdon or fo Nfwingt(w y ivlnre ts4leand Cakes are plenty: sJndlet it nere befaid, forfljAwt, that we the yeufhs oj London, . ; ^ Lay thrumming of our fopt at bome y and left our cttftotne vrtdent. 'Upthen, I ftiy t bothyongandold y both man and maids a Maying Wttb ^Drums s.nd Gnn* that bounce ahid,&mery Taber playing* l^yhich to -prolong Cjod fane ottr King, and fend bit fiuutryptac* Androjte out Tretfonfrgm thf Land t atjdfo y my jrictds Iccafo \ Finis A and put into thy mmde The great offences wich thou didft to me. When thou art at thy Table with :hy frieflds Merry in heart, aud fild with fwclling wine, li'c come in midft of all thy fJridc and mirth, Inuifiblc to all men but thy fclfe, And whifpcr fuch a fad talc in thine eare, Shall make thec let the Cuppe fall from thy hand, % 'f$>.' And (land as mute and pale as Death it fclfe. . :> tjltarch. Forgiue me IgfariOh! what might Idoc? J J; oft he burning PeJUe. Tell mejtofatisfic thy ttobled Ghoft? ,/^/p.Thcrc iyno mcancs,too late thou thinkft of this. " ' tjlfarch. But tell me what were beft for me to doc? - lafp. Repent thy dcedc,and farisfie my father, And beat ibnd Humphrey out of thy dorcs, Exit Jafptr. Enter Humphrey. Wife* Lookc *, his very Ghoft would hatte folkcs beaten. Hwph. Father, my bride is gone, faire miftreffe Z*r#, My foule's the fount of vengeance, mifchicfcs fluce. /-/rfr^.Hcnccfoole outofmyfight,withtnyfondpam"on Thou haft vndone me. Humph. Hold my father dccre, For Luceihy daughters fake, that had no peerc. cfl/dr.Thy father foolc/* there's fomc blo.ws morc^bcgone. Iafper,l hope thy Ghoft bee well appeafed, To fee thy will pcrformd,now will I go To fatisfic thy father for thy wrongs. Exit* /^wp^.WhatfliallldocPIhauebecnebcatentVvice, , And miftreiTe^rm goncPhelpemedeuice;* Since my truc-loue is gone,! ncu-crmore, Whilft I dohue, vpo-n the sky will pore; But in the darke will wcare out my fhooc-foles In paflion, in Saint Faiths Chu rch vnder Putties. Ex fa Wife. Georg call R^/Jr hitler, if you loue me call Rafe hi- thcr,Thauethc braueft thing for 1 : J ^ ^ "-"- call him quickly. Ruft. Hcercfir. Cit. Come hitherR/f/2f, come to thy miftrcflc boy. Wife.Rafrl would hauc thce call all the youthes together in battle. ray, with drums, and guns, and flags^ and march to Mile end in pompous fa{liion,,and there exhort your Souldj- crs to be merry and wife,and co^kecpctheirbcards from ;bi>r^ ninn R^ff^nd rhciv^kirmifh, and : Iec yourflaggcs flye^ and ; cry kill.kilI 3 kill : my husband fliall lend you his ierkifi . RafeJ&fe, double your fil cs brau ely Jtafs. Cit. Let him looke narrowly to his feruice , J fhall take him elfe,I was there my fclfea pike-rhan once in die hott eft of the day, wench ; had my feather fliot fhccre away , the fringe of my pike burnt off with powder, my pate broken v Withafcouring-fticke,and yctlthankcGodlamhcere. 1)rvm within. Wife. HarkeG l w| > ^ the drums. Cit. Ran,tan 3 tan,tan ; ran,tan : O wench an thoit hadft but fcenc little AWofAlgate, drum^V>^, howheemadeic rorc againe, and layd on like a tyrant and then ftroke foftly till the ward came vp, and then thundrcd againe, and toge- ther we go : fa,fa,fa, bounce quoth the guns : courage my hearts, quoth the Captaines : Saint Gtwr+ y quoth the pike, men; and withall here they lay, and there they lay: And yet for all this I am hccre wench. Wife. BcthankfullforitCwr^. for indeed 'cis wonder- full. Enter Rafeandhif omfany with Drttmnret andcilottrr. Rafe. March fairc my hearts, Lieuetcnant bcate the rcare vp : Ancient, let your colours flyc ; but liauc a great care of the Butchers hookcs at white- Chappcll, they hauc bccne the death of many a fairs Ancient. Open your files that I may take a view both ofyourpcrfons and munition : Serge- ant call a muftcr. Strg. A ftand, William Htmerton pcutcrcr. Hum. Here Captaine, R*/jr. ACorflct, and a fpaniflb pike 5 'ds well, canyon flbake it with a terror? ' : '^vi* ! * :._ . <^mXm IhepcfoCaptaine. . . '$ " . Chargcvponme, 'ciswith the wccikcft: put more flrcngrh W//MW Hammfrtffttjinoic ftrcngth: n$ you were a- ' .*; gaine. Proceed Sergeant. Hcerc. l?x/Jf. Lee me fee yourpcccc neighbour \vnsfiicfhotin.' Cjreene. And like you maiftcr Captainc, I made a fliot eucn now, partly to fcourc her, and partly for audacity. Rafe. Ic fhould fccmc fo ccrtainely, for her breath is yet inflamed :bcfidcs, thereisamaincfaulcinthc touch-hole, 'it runncs, and fiinketh 5 andltcllyou morcoucr, andbc- Iccuc it : Ten fuch touch-holes would breed the pox in the Army. Get you afeather,ncighbour,getyou a feather, fwect oylc, and paper, and your pcecc may do well enough yet. Where's your powder f Greene. Hcerc. Rflfe. What inapapcr? AsIatnaSouldierjandaGcntlcn man,it craues a Maniall Court :you ought to dye for'r. ' Where's your hornc/anfwere me to that. v '-- '. ' Greene. An't like you fir, I was obliuious. '' ' > c c:.r. Rtfe. It likes me not you fliould bee fo ; 'tis a fliame for you,and a fcandall to all our neighbours, beeingaman of vvorth and cftimation, to leauc your home bchinde you: I am afraid 'twill breed example* But let me tell you no more on't; (land, till I view you all. What's become o'thnofcof yourflaskc? i .- i.Sonldter. Indeed 1 aw Captaine, 'twas blownc away with powder* Raff. Put on a new one at the Cities charge. Wheres the ftoneofthispeccef i.Sotildier. The Drummer too"kc it out to light To* bacco. Rife. 'Tis a fault my friend, putitin-againc : Voii.want a Nofe, and you a Stone,- Sergeant, talced Tiotcon't, for I meanctofloppcituuhcpay, Rcmout and march, foft and ^s:\falrc Gentlemen , foft and fairer double' your files ** were, faces about. Now you with the foddcn face, kccpc in |>-v. there : looketo jour match firrah,it will be in your fellowcs flaskc anone. So,make a crcfccnt now, aduance your pikes, ftand and giuc care. Gentlemen, Countrcy-meii, Friends, and my fcllow-Souldicrs, I haue brought you this day from \*[. thc.Sho.ps of Sccurity^and the Counters f Content,to mea- fure out in thcfc furious fields, Honour by the ell ; andpro- wcffaby the pound: Let it not, a let it not, I fay, bee told hercafter,thc noble ifluc of this Citic fainted: but ocare your, fclues in thbfaire action, like men, valiant men, and free- men ;Fcarc not the face of the enemy, northenoifc of the gunjiforbeleeue me brethren, the rude rumbling of a Brew- ',': crs Carre is farrc more terrible, of which you haue a daily experience: Neither let the ftinke of powder offend you,- (inceamorcvaliant ftinkc isnightly with you. Toafcfol- tied minde, his home is eucry where : I fpeake not this to take away the hope of your rcttirnc; foryoufhaJIfee (I do not doubt itjand that very fhortly, your louing wiues againe,and your meet children, whole care doth bca*e you company in baskets. Remember then whofe caufe vou haue in hand, and like a fort of true-borne Scauingcrs, fcourc me this famous Re alme of enemies. I haue no more to fay but this: Stand to your tacklings lads,and (hew to the world you can as well brandifli a fword, as (hake an apron. Saint.^r^ and on my hearts. Ovwet. S t .G&rge,S*.Gt*'g*. Exeunt W/r.'Twa* well done Rafe,J\ 9 c fend thee a cold- Capon a field, and a bottle ofMarch-beere 5 and it may be, come my 7 fclfetofccthee. Cit. Nftt>t\\c bey has decciued me much,I did not thinke it had becne in him : he has performed fuch a matter wench, that if I liue,oext yeare Il'e haue him Captaiae of the Gaily- foift,orU*ewaatmy "" 0/d mer. Yet I thanke God,I br eake not a nnklc more then ^ IhadjOoraftoope boyes: Care liuewich Cats.Idcfiethce, wybcastii aiibuodjt4aaOkrj andthough^I wantdrinke K to , * JLX^^A/* uj to wet my whiftlci I can fihg : v-'l ': ':.: ; '. : - . r - . ' Come no more there boyes^comc no more there': ' , : ; ' : For we fliall ncucr whtlft we liue, come any more iherci '.?.-. Enter A bojvrith A Coffin.: .; . r r .-//''> ' ' i Oldmcr. It's a brauc boy.: canft thou fin'g f ' - ' ' ' > v'C ' r : :J " . *Boj.* Yes fir^ I can fing, but 'tis not fo ncccffary at thii - time. 1 ...- ; '' ' ' ti'7Jtc4ijt . Oldmtrri. Sing wee, nd chaunt'ltj Hvhilft louc detli' grant it..; .://.;!' ,,';'. ; i'. .':,/.:;:''';:.. '; . . j!-.-*.^;!^^ SBoj. Sir,fir, if you kqcw what Ihauc'brought you, you^ VVOuWhauc little lifttpng.]-> s;I;"! -^ '., :.r! 1 ; -;ii . Oldmtr* O the Mimbn rotind, full long long I h'auc thcc ; fought,: : - -is: V ' ; :^ > .'*' And npvvT haw ithce found,& what haft thou here brought^ . 'Bojs.k Coffin fir,and your dead foril*/per in it. '.'"w c ' - f ^i ; O/^wr.Dcad>vvhyfrc-w'ellhci v . v! -lii!-, .I/nir-i I:^u' Thou waft a bonny boy,and I did loucthcc. -; : > f ' "J : . v . Enter.ltfptr. '; ! ! r .?.-:.: ! T ^'i -. ' tfn: ;; .''I : '>-' ' v '' " ; f? '- ; -' - ^ : Declare to mee : what wondrous, things in Plutot court : re; . done. ,:.; ;.. .: -fli; .!,;!; -.-.! ',r-.,r.i v /; o f -j^r/'T /4/By my troth firjncrc camcthere^tis toohotfor mcfir*' Qldtwr. A merry ghoft,avcrjrmery ghofti ;? : ;! v/r: no ':nV- And where i$ your true-loucfio where is yours? r'T'V" .V4/; Marie lookc you fir k ; ! ... "Hctucwf the Ciffikl ^ ^Oldmcr. Ah ha! Art thou good atthatlfaith? ,!; - .-.* r '. ':!/:' With hey trixic tcrlcry-Whwkin;; the world it riinnes oh VvhcclcS, ,, ; ,; '' ' . , ' ';j , ., : .f" ! ': !: U* ; i'JfJ'/^J ? '^'-\ When the yong mans ~^^ > vp goes the maidens Keelet* -,' ' .--& -,; *-....:. ,. '* -ScP$ tjlfifl.wer. What M r . Lfarri-thewhtfNlll you not let's i? \vhat do you thinkc (hall become ofvs? Oldmp. What voyce is that that callcth at our doorc?;' ' ' ; JM$tHWf Y pu know me \vcll pnough. I amfiirc I bane n$t ' .::;/:S . .: -'.. --^... __..-* _.... ** F . ^.. -...,... ^. .n S bccnc + becnefuchaflrangcrtoyouv !<;' / <:; : : : : :r^ : ;',. ^ , Old, mer. And fome thcyvvhiftlcd^andfpmc they fungi Her, i and fpmedid lowdly fay>cucras the Lord ;; mix >. Nay good ilr be perfwadcd, ^Qicis my mbthcr rif her ' effenccshauebecncgrratagainftyou , lecyourownclouc' remember (he is yours,and To forgiuc her. ' / . r . j Luce Good M r . lAcrri-thought let mcc entreat you, I will" Kot be denied. ,' . (ftill?^ . UWft.mtr. Why M r *Mfrr/-/J&tfi^,will you be a vext thing Old. mer. Woman I take you to my loue againe, btit you (hall fing before you enter : therefore difpatch yourfong, andfocomcin- i ; . . / - :'.;, Mtft.mcr.' Well, you mufthauc your will when al's donc^ v Mick? what fongcanftthou fing boy? , . .\ .v. .'... M*V.I can (ing none forfooth, but a Ladies daughter of ^Paru properly. . .:.'';;;: ;J,.: H i Mi/I .mer. Song* It viuji Ladies daughter >&e. .' .';.; r, : .' ? Oldjncr. Come s you'r wclcbrac home againe. , . ,y - . : ?. Iffuch danger be in playing, and icft muft to carneft turncj; - You fliall go no. more a may ing. :..';.: March. within. A re you within fir, Maifter Merri-tbottgbt? r . "J^* Itismymaiftcrsvoycc,goodfirgb hold him intalke Vvhilft we conucy.our fclues into fomc inward roome/ . : - i ) Oldmer. What arc you/ arc you merry? you muft bee rcry merry ifyou enter. .'::,:. i; I .'O i March. I am fir. ;: -,,... . .' /r>::^ ^ ^L^ir^Nay good fir open to me. ^ ". ( T ' V .,A Oldmtr. Siog,Ifay,orby the merry heart you come not in.- ^ . . : > - . ; , . : : . i Oidmer. You arc welcome fir, you arc welcome, you fee .yourcntcrtaihmeh^prayyoubecipcrry. i '..;...': ./.;> " 5%f*' fi W'^wjj-^f^ttj am^ome to atke you c ' . . <.' : ^ K a Forgiucncfle Mi of tht turning PeJUf.l ? ' Forgiucncflc for the wrongs I offered you, // ;; ' ; ;~ r :: r > I And your moft vcrtuous fonric, they're infinite, \ < ?. '.'.^ Yet my contrition (hall be more then they, .r: '> J do confcflc my hardncfle broke his heart, ! . For which, iuft hcaucn hath giucn me punifhment . More then my age can carry, his wandringfpirit ^ ' -V- M Not yet at reft, purfucs mc'cu cry where, , ' ' -. * v.M -^ . CryingJ'lch aunt thcc for thy cruelty. Mydaughtcrfhe is gone, Iknownothow^ ; ; -- ( Taken inuifiblc, and whether Huing, , :. . : '-.-; ;J O vyA3. r Oringrauc,'tisyctvncertaine tome. . ;;:: ., '.orj'; -..-.; OMaifto:C^^-/W^,thcTearethe'wcighes, . . '- r Willfinkemctomygraucjforgiucnicfir. ; . '/v . Oldmcr* Why fir, I do forgiuc you, and be meny; :' ,Ti And if the wag, in's life time, plaid the knaiie,! . > . >: f>ria Can you forgiuc him too? Mtrch. Withaltrhy heart fif* Oldmtr. Spcakeitagairie,andhartcly. ..!,-'4: ; M- ' : . > tJMerch. I do fir, ,, ; .-; .;\M- :?\ "' Now by my foulc I do. . : ; .- 5 : . ; J-. r, .-? Oldmcr. With that came out his Paramount, .s,v:, ^M^> : Shce was as white as the Lillic flower,' 7 : ::?bD /: w.^ * 1'^ ' r Hey troule trolliclollie* ; Enter Lncttnd Ufyci* C With thatcame out her ownedcere Knight, c; . / He was as true as eu'er did fight^ &c A .* ^ k .v:r .fa ... : . Sir , if you will forgiuc ham , clap the ir hands together,' there's no more tabc fed iW matter. ^ Merck. Ido,ltio .::.:.;;" >v sr^'cilV' .;!.-.UO Ci>. Idonotlikcthis,peaccboics,heareineoncfyoiT, cucry bodies partis come to an end but&^Aw; indhcc's left OUt. .r ; ;:;r : 'i- : -.? .^V,V.i>\O ' ''?' J? v-1 :',:.:': /^^.W.^ Ci>. Rapb come away, make on hin as you hauc done of the rcftjboics come. .% .. -. . ". . : -/:\ -,v;vl , '^.yyjfe. Now good husban'dkthimcomccataftd.dlte fit. He (hall Ncl> <)n^ flon, and in a Comedy too. -.-: \- Cit. Take you no care of thatfirboy, 5s not lus.part at ancnd,thinkc you, when he's dead? come away R*ph. Bntcr R*pb, with a forked *m* through bis had. Raph. Whenlwasmortall, thismyxoftiuc corps Did lap vp Figs and Raifons in the Strand, Where fitting I efpi'd a louely Dame, ;{ . WhofcMaittcr wrought with Lingcll and with All, *: \ .. And vndcr ground he rampicd many a bootc, Straight did her louc prkkc forth me, tender fprig . To follow feats of Armes in warlike wife, Through Wedtham Defcrt, where I did pcrforme ; . . . '. \ Many atchieuemcntSjand did lay on ground , . Huge Bar&arofo that infulting Gianr, And all his Captiues foone fctat liberty. Then honour pricktmc from my natiucfoile, L- .:.:'/: . Into Afolfauia t where Igain'd the louc . . , ' :/ ;: Of Pompitn* his bcloued daughter: .1 .., - But yet prou'd conftant to the blackc thum'd maidc StifA*) and skorn'd f^wwrfw louc: . : .., .r Yetriberalilwasandgauchcrp'mncs, '\ . And money for her fathers Officers, . /: .s.v.\ \:.\\ I then returned home, and thruft my felfc . {, , -: 3 1 Inaftion,andbyallmenchofcnwas . , :. -Lordof thcMay,whcrcIdidflourifi7it, : . '. v \Vith Skarfcs and Rings, and Pofic in roy han^ , After this aftion, Iprcfcrrcd was, . . ^ And chofcn Citty Captaine at Mile-end, , : With hat and feather and with leading ftaffe, \ And trained my men aud brought them all ofFrfecrt^; Sauc one man that bcrai'd him witKthc noife; Butallthcfcthingsl/?^didvndcrtake, \ ' ; . Oncly for my beloued SU/*M fake. Then comming homc,and fitting in ray Shop , With Apron blew, death came vnto my Stall . - To cheapen ex^r^-^*, but ere I, Could take the ! /Jrdownc,and fill a taftc, . K 5 Death -'ty^ ' $$p! .;. i .:,.-S' >'-"* V^JA" 'Death caught a pound of Pepper inhis hand/ sj ' jififfipJl'v- '\' : And fprinkled all my face and body ore, f > \ } * ^ ^ And inan inftantvanifliedaway. ' o ; : " '-^ : -v :..i *. 'Tis a pretty fi&ion i'faicity > v - - -Kd^. Then cookc I vp my Bow arid Shaft in hand/ , Andwalktinto/5/^r^-J^/^tocoolemyielfc, ' y T \C{ . But there grim cruell death met me againe, And fiiot this forked arrow through my head,- - ? '* V7 And now I faint, therefore be warn'd by me, v ,| -. ;:\ My fellowes cucry one of forked heads. -i-o -^ .':.; .:' x Fare- well all you good boics in merry London^ '' r> ! ' w "! oT Nerc flnallwemorcvponShrouc-tucf,.'.; ::.:!! Hold open, whilft another pumpes both legs, <;: ifa ?'?/ Nordaube aSattcngowne with rotten cgs: ; - ^ c:i i_:o-ii'** Sctvpaftake, oncuermorelftall, .' \'/-^' s '. I die,fl ie,flic my foul c to Grocers Hall; oh,oh,<>h,&:c^ > Wf^. Well laid Raph, d oc your obey fance to thc.Gcntle-* men and goyour waics, well faid R/iph. '/; ;o.h ";;.^ t ...; '' 4 ^ ExitRtph. ! r^t-OTlIIcirdl-iV/ Oldmer, Mcthinkcs all we,thus kindly and yncxpcftedly reconciled flioald not depart without a fong. .;::... Merch. A good motion. Oldmer. Strike vp then. Better tJWfipcf nere WAS k$owne 9 ( ' - " ; - : ' 'quire of htarts in one. - ; :i >i ; f plaitteat ours are now. : : : ^ o i i ; : ? c : f ?I h : ough before the honre ef djing( t : : o ] v I D r : C ; He fall rife And then be crjing* 4 r;;r;o^ no;IT e re An ten e crjng* 4 r;;r;o^ no; Hey ho ftis nought but mirths ,.,'.' .:v'::crA rbiV/ "! Thatlycptnhcbodj frtmthe**rth*> n:^(boT t '- -"' ''*;. Extftnt Omnc >.i/.; .MucO Exeunt Omncn -;!/. : ' .' u o ^!;/-.*/i.v ^..^...^.Mi&rww ^^ rf j^ **^?KggHHBs V V -' : .:'.?-. //;C.v : - \*.~*< ''-* '<'' --' - ' : Cini*,. Come Net, fhallwe go,thePlaics done.' Wtf*. Nay by my faith George y I hauc more manners then ; fo, Tlcfpeakctothcfe Gentlemen firft : I thankcyouall Gentle men , for your patience and countcnane to R*pb , a but I would bee glad to know the trutn : J rcfcrre it to your ownc difcretions, whether you will applaud him or no, for I will winkc,and whilft you fhall do what you will,I thanke you with all nay heart, God giuc you good night 5 come Gcorp. ' . -'-'' ; ''. - li? ' -f" 'I*--' * Vf \^+~9 ' - , ^' - ' : ''tn> > ^C i ' '/ 1 '- ^,'-^v : .' ''- ' ./ ' V'<" !. 1 * ' ..*-' ".-'*.< ' ..*.'** ,! *]'.' C 1674 X 60296,,: ,,..,.. .is -.i-i T .- REPRODUCED FROM THE COPY IN THE HENRY E. HUNTINGTON LIBRARY FOR REFERENCE ONLY. NOT FOU RIFHODUCTION . - -, ^ . -' : ' V ; . . '.. ^ RETURN CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT TO ^ 202 Main Library LOAN PERIOD 1 HOME USE 2 3 4 5 6 ALL BOOKS MAY BE RECALLED AFTER 7 DAYS Renewals and Recharges may be made 4 days prior to the due date. Books may be Renewed by calling 642-3405. 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