of Ccttcrs SAMUEL JOHNSON BY LESLIE STEPHEN NEW YORK HARP Eli & BROTHERS, PUBLISHERS FRANKLIN SQUARE 1878 CONTENTS. CHAPTER I. FACE CHILDHOOD AND EARLY LIFE 1 CHAPTER II. LITERARY CAREER 16 CHAPTER III. JOHNSON AND HIS FRIENDS 53 CHAPTER IV. JOHNSON AS A LITERARY DICTATOR ..... 05 CHAPTER V. THE CLOSING YEARS OF JOHNSON'S LIFE .... 142 CHAPTER VI. JOHNSON'S WRITINGS 106 SAMUEL JOHNSON. CHAPTER I. CHILDHOOD AND EARLY LIFE. SAMUEL JOHNSON was "born in Lichfield in 1709. His father, Michael Johnson, was a "bookseller, highly respected by the cathedral clergy, and for a time sufficiently prosperous to be a magistrate of the town, and, in the year of his son's birth, sheriff of the county. He opened a bookstall on market-days at neighbouring towns, including Birmingham, which was as yet unable to maintain a separate bookseller. The tradesman often exaggerates the prejudices of the class whose wants he supplies, and Michael Johnson was pro- bably a more devoted High Churchman and Tory than many of the cathedral clergy themselves. He reconciled himself with difficulty to taking the oaths against the exiled dynasty. He was a man of considerable mental and physical power, but tormented by hypochondriacal tendencies. His son inherited a share both of his constitu- tion and of his principles. Long afterwards Samuel asso- ciated with his childish days a faint but solemn recollection of a lady in diamonds and long black hood. The lady 1* 2 SAMUEL JOHNSON. [CHAP. was Queen Anne, to whom, in compliance with a super- stition just dying a natural death, he had been taken by his mother to be touched for the king's evil. The touch was ineffectual. Perhaps, as Boswell suggested, he ought to have been presented to the genuine heirs of the Stuarts in Borne. Disease and superstition had thus stood by his cradle, and they never quitted him during life. The de- mon of hypochondria w!is always lying in wait for him, and could be exorcised for a time only by hard work or social excitement. Of this we shall hear enough ; but it may be as well to sum up at once some of the physical characteristics which marked him through life and greatly influenced his career. The disease had scarred and disfigured features other- wise regular and always impressive. It had seriously injured his eyes, entirely destroying, it seems, the sight of one. He could not, it is said, distinguish a friend's face half a yard off, and pictures were to him meaningless patches, in which he could never see the resemblance to their objects. The statement is perhaps exaggerated ; for he could see enough to condemn a portrait of himself. He expressed some annoyance when Reynolds had painted him with a pen held close to his eye ; and protested that he would not be handed down to posterity as " blinking Sam." It seems that habits of minute attention atoned in some degree for this natural defect. Boswell tells us how Johnson once corrected him as to the precise shape of a mountain ; and Mrs. Thrale says that he was a close and exacting critic of ladies' dress, even to the accidental position of a riband. He could even lay down assthetical canons upon such matters. He reproved her for wearing a dark dress as unsuitable to a " little creature." " What," he asked, " have not all insects gay colours 1 " His insen- i.] CHILDHOOD AND EAELY LIFE. 3 sibility to music was even more pronounced than his dul- ness of sight. On hearing it said, in praise of a musical performance, that it was in any case difficult, his feeling comment was, " I wish it had been impossible ! " The queer convulsions by which he amazed all beholders were probably connected with his disease, though he and Reynolds ascribed them simply to habit. When entering a doorway with his blind companion, Miss Williams, he would suddenly desert her on the step in order to "whirl and twist about " in strange gesticulations. The perform- ance partook of the nature of a superstitious ceremonial. Ho would stop in a street or the middle of a room to go through it correctly. Once he collected a laughing mob in Twickenham meadows by his antics ; his hands imitat- ing the motions of a jockey riding at full speed and his feet twisting in and out to make heels and toes touch alter- nately. He presently sat down and took out a Groiius De Veritate, over which he "seesawed" so violently that the mob ran back to see what was the matter. Once in such a fit he suddenly twisted off the shoe of a lady who sat by him. Sometimes he seemed to be obeying some hidden impulse, which commanded him to touch every post in a street or tread on the centre of every paving-stone, and would return if his task had not been accurately performed. In spite of such oddities, ho was not only possessed of physical power corresponding to his great height and massive stature, but was something of a proficient at ath- letic exercises. He was conversant with the theory, at least, of boxing ; a knowledge probably acquired from an uncle who kept the ring at Smithfield for a year, and was never beaten in boxing or Avrestling. His constitutional fearlessness would have made him a formidable antagonist. 4 SAMUEL JOHNSON. [CUAI-. Hawkins describes the oak staff, six feet in length and in- creasing from one to three inches in diameter, which lay ready to his hand when he expected an attack from Macpherson of Ossian celebrity. Once he is said to have taken up a chair at the theatre upon which a man had seated himself during his temporary absence, and to have tossed it and its occupant bodily into the pit. He would swim into pools said to be dangerous, beat huge dogs into peace, climb trees, and even run races and jump gates. Once at least he went out foxhunting, and though he despised the amusement, was deeply touched by the complimentary assertion that he rode as well as the most illiterate fellow in England. Perhaps the most whimsical of his perform- ances was when, in his fifty-fifth year, he went to the top of a high hill with his friend Langton. " I have not had a roll for a long time," said the great lexicographer sud- denly, and, after deliberately emptying his pockets, he laid himself parallel to the edge of the hill, and descended, turning over and over till he came to the bottom. We may believe, as Mrs. Thrale remarks upon his jumping over a stool to show that he was not tired by his hunting, that his performances in this kind were so strange and uncouth that a fear for the safety of his bones quenched the spectator's tendency to laugh. In such a strange case was imprisoned one of the most vigorous intellects of the time. Vast strength hampered by clumsiness and associated with grievous disease, deep and massive powers of feeling limited by narrow though acute perceptions, were characteristic both of soul and body. These peculiarities were manifested from his early infancy. Miss Seward, a typical specimen of the pro- vincial precieuse, attempted to trace them in an epitaph which he was said to have written at the age of three. I.] CHILDHOOD AND EARLY LIFE. 6 Here lies good master duck Whom Samuel Johnson trod on ; If it had lived, it had been good luck, For then we had had an odd one. The verses, however, were really made "by his father, who passed them off as the child's, and illustrate nothing "but the paternal vanity. In fact the boy was regarded as something of an infant prodigy. His great powers of memory, characteristic of a mind singularly retentive of all impressions, were early developed. He seemed to learn by intuition. Indolence, as in his after life, alternated with brief efforts of strenuous exertion. His want of sight prevented him from sharing in the ordinary childish sports ; and one of his great pleasures was in reading old romances a taste which he retained through life. Boys of this temperament are generally despised by their fellows ; but Johnson seems to have had the power of enforcing tho respect of his companions. Three of the lads used to come for him in the morning and carry him in triumph to school, seated upon the shoulders of one and supported on each side by his companions. After learning to read at a dame-school, and from a certain Tom Brown, of whom it is only recorded that he published a spelling-book and dedicated it to the Universe, young Samuel was sent to the Lichfield Grammar School, and was afterwards, for a short time, apparently in the character of pupil-teacher, at the school of Stourbridge, in Worcestershire. A good deal of Latin was " whipped into him," and though he complained of the excessive severity of two of his teachers, he was always a believer in the virtues of the rod. A child, he said, who is flogged, " gets his task, and there's an end on't ; whereas by exciting emulation and comparisons of superiority, you lay the 6 SAMUEL JOHNSON. [CHAP. foundations of lasting mischief ; you make "brothers and sisters hate each other." In practice, indeed, this stern disciplinarian seems to have been specially indulgent to children. The memory of his own sorrows made him value their happiness, and he rejoiced greatly when he at last persuaded a schoolmaster to remit the old-fashioned holiday-task. Johnson left school at sixteen and spent two years at home, prohahly in learning his father's "business. This seems to have been the chief period of his studies. Long afterwards he said that he knew almost as much at eighteen as he did at the age of fifty-three the date of the remark. His father's shop would give him many opportunities, and he devoured what came in his way with the undiscrimi- nating eagerness of a .young student. His intellectual resembled his physical appetite. He gorged books. He tore the hearts out of them, but did not study systemati- cally. Do you read books through 1 he asked indignantly of some one who expected from him such supererogatory labour. His memory enabled him to accumulate great stores of a desultory and unsystematic knowledge. Some- how he became a fine Latin scholar, though never first- rate as a Grecian. The direction of his studies was partly determined by the discovery of a folio of Petrarch, lying on a shelf where he was looking for apples ; and one of his earliest literary plans, never carried out, was an edition of Politian, with a history of Latin poetry from the time of Petrarch. When he went to the University at the end of this period, he was in possession of a very unusual amount of reading. Meanwhile he was beginning to feel the pressure of poverty. His father's affairs were probably getting into disorder. One anecdote it is one which it is difficult I.] CHILDHOOD AND EARLY LIFE. 7 to read -without emotion refers to this period. Many years afterwards, Johnson, worn by disease and the hard struggle of life, was staying at Lichfield, where a few old friends still survived, but in which every street must have revived the memories of the many who had long since gone over to the majority. He was missed one morning at breakfast, and did not return till supper-time. Then lie told how his time had been passed. On that day fifty years before, his father, confined by illness, had begged him to take his place to sell books at a stall at Uttoxeter. Pride made him refuse. " To do away with the sin of this dis- obedience, I this day went in a post-chaise to Uttoxeter, and going into the market at the time of high business, uncovered my head and stood with it bare an hour before the stall which my father had formerly used, exposed to the sneers of the standers-by and the inclemency of the weather ; a penance by which I trust I have propitiated Heaven for this only instance, I believe, of contumacy to my father." If the anecdote illustrates the touch of superstition in Johnson's mind, it reveals too that sacred depth of tenderness which ennobled his character. No repentance can ever wipe out the past or make it be as though it had not been ; but the remorse of a fine cha- racter may be transmuted into a permanent source of nobler views of life and the world. There are difficulties in determining the circumstances and duration of Johnson's stay at Oxford. He began residence at Pembroke College in 1728. It seems pro- bable that he received some assistance from a gentle- man whose son took him as companion, and from the clergy of Lichfield, to whom his father was known, and who were aware of the son's talents. Possibly his college assisted him during part of the time. It 8 SAMUEL JOHNSON. [CHAP. is certain that he left -without taking a degree, though he probably resided for nearly three years. It is certain, also, that his father's bankruptcy made his stay difficult, and that the period must have been one of trial. The effect of the Oxford residence upon Johnson's mind was characteristic. The lad already suffered from the attacks of melancholy, which sometimes drove him to the borders of insanity. At Oxford, Law's Serious Call gave him the strong religious impressions which remained through life. But he does not seem to have been regarded as a gloomy or a religious youth by his contemporaries. When told in after years that he had been described as a " gay and frolicsome fellow," he replied, " Ah ! sir, I was mad and violent. It was bitterness which they mistook for frolic. I was miserably poor, and I thought to fight my way by my literature and my wit ; so I disregarded all power and all authority." Though a hearty supporter of authority in principle, Johnson was distinguished through life by the strongest spirit of personal indepen- dence and self-respect. He held, too, the sound doctrine, deplored by his respectable biographer Hawkins, that the scholar's life, like the Christian's, levelled all distinctions of rank. When an officious benefactor put a pair of new shoes at his door, he threw them away with indignation. He seems to have treated his tutors with a contempt which Boswell politely attributed to "great fortitude of mind," but Johnson himself set down as " stark insensibility." The life of a poor student is not, one may fear, even yet exempt from much bitterness, and in those days the position was far more servile than at present. The ser- vitors and sizars had much to bear from richer companions. A proud melancholy lad, conscious of great poAvers, had i.] CHILDHOOD AND EAELY LIFE. 9 to meet with hard rebuffs, and tried to meet them "by returning scorn for scorn. Such distresses, however, did not shake Johnson's rooted Toryism. He fully imbibed, if he did not already share, the strongest prejudices of the place, and his misery never produced a revolt against the system, though it may have fostered insolence to individuals. Three of the most eminent men with whom Johnson came in contact in later life, had also been students at Oxford. "Wesley, his senior by six years, was a fellow of Lincoln whilst Johnson was an undergraduate, and was learning at Oxford the neces- sity of rousing his countrymen from the religious lethargy into which they had sunk. " Have not pride and haughtiness of spirit, impatience, and peevishness, sloth and indolence, gluttony and sensuality, and even a pro- verbial uselessness been objected to us, perhaps not always by our enemies nor wholly without ground 1 " So said Wesley, preaching before the University of Oxford in 1744, and the words in his mouth imply more than the preacher's formality. Adam Smith, Johnson's junior by fourteen years, was so impressed by the utter indifference of Oxford authorities to their duties, as to find in it an admirable illustration of the consequences of the neglect of the true principles of supply and demand implied in the endow- ment of learning. Gibbon, his junior by twenty-eight years, passed at Oxford the " most idle and unprofitable " months of his whole Life ; and was, he said, as willing to disclaim the university for a mother, as she could be to renounce him for a son. Oxford, as judged by these men, was remarkable as an illustration of the spiritual and intellectual decadence of a body which at other times has been a centre of great movements of thought. Johnson, though his experience was rougher than any of the three, 10 SAMUEL JOHNSOX. [CHAP. loved Oxford as though she had not been a harsh step- mother to his youth. Sir, he said fondly of his college, " we are a nest of singing-birds." Most of the strains are now pretty well forgotten, and some of them must at all times have been such as we scarcely associate with the nightingale. Johnson, however, cherished his college friendships, delighted in paying visits to his old university, and was deeply touched by the academical honours by which Oxford long afterwards recognized an eminence scarcely fostered by its protection. Far from sharing the .doctrines of Adam Smith, he only regretted that the universities were not richer, and expressed a desire which will be understood by advocates of the " endowment of research," that there were many places of a thousand a year at Oxford. On leaving the University, in 1731, the world was all before him. His father died in the end of the year, and Johnson's whole immediate inheritance was twenty pounds. Where was he to turn for daily bread 1 Even in those days, most gates were barred with gold and opened but to golden keys. The greatest chance for a poor man was probably through the Church. The career of Warburton, who rose from a similar position to a bishopric might have been rivalled by Johnson, and his connexions with Lichfield might, one would suppose, have helped him to a start. It would be easy to speculate upon causes which might have hindered such a career. In later life, ho more than once refused to take orders upon the promise of a living. Johnson, as we know him, was a man of the world ; though a religious man of the world. He represents the secular rather than the ecclesiastical type. So far as his mode of teaching goes, he is rather a disciple of Socrates than of St. Paul or "Wesley. According to I.] CHILDHOOD AND EAELY LIFE. 11 him, a " tavern-chair " was " the throne of human felicity," and supplied a better arena than the pulpit for the utterance of his message to mankind. And, though his external circumstances doubtless determined his method, there was much in his character which made it congenial. Johnson's religious emotions were such as to make habitual reserve almost a sanitary necessity. They were deeply coloured by his constitutional melancholy. Fear of death and hell were prominent in his personal creed. To trade upon his feelings like a charlatan would have been abhorrent to his masculine character ; and to give them full and frequent utterance like a genuine teacher of mankind would have been to imperil his sanity. If he had gone through the excitement of a Methodist conversion, he would probably have ended his days in a madhouse. Such considerations, however, were not, one may guess, distinctly present to Johnson himself; and the offer of a college fellowship or of private patronage might probably have altered his career. He might have become a learned recluse or a struggling Parson Adams. College fellowships were less open to talent then than now, and patrons were never too propitious to the uncouth giant, who had to force his way by sheer labour, and fight 'for his own hand. Ac- cordingly, the young scholar tried to coin his brains into money by the most depressing and least hopeful of employ- ments. By becoming an usher in a school, he could at least turn his talents to account with little delay, and that was the most pressing consideration. By one schoolmaster he was rejected on the ground that his infirmities would excite the ridicule of the boys. Under another he passed some months of " complicated misery," and could never think of the school without horror and aversion. Finding this situation intolerable, he settled in Birmingham, in 1733, 12 SAMUEL JOHNSON. [CHAP. to be near an old schoolfellow, named Hector, who was apparently beginning to practise as a surgeon. Johnson seems to have had some acquaintances among the com- fortable families in the neighbourhood ; but his means of living are obscure. Some small literary work came in his way. He contributed essays to a local paper, and translated a book of Travels in Abyssinia. For this, his first publica- ti6n, he received five guineas. In 1734 he made certain overtures to Cave, a London publisher, of the result of which I shall have to speak presently. For the present it is pretty clear that the great problem of self-support had been very inadequately solved. Having no money and no prospects, Johnson naturally married. The attractions of the lady were not very manifest to others than her husband. She was the widow of a Birmingham mercer named Porter. Her ago at the time (1735) of the second marriage was forty-eight, the bridegroom being not quite twenty-six. The bio- grapher's eye was not fixed upon Johnson till after his wife's death, and wo have little in the way of authentic description of her person and character. Garrick, who had known her, said that she was very fat, with cheeks coloured both by paint and cordials, flimsy and fantastic in dress and affected in her manners. She is said to have treated her husband with some contempt, adopting the airs of an antiquated beauty, which he returned by elaborate deference. Garrick used his wonderful powers of mimicry to make fun of the uncouth caresses of the husband, and the courtly Beauclerc used to provoke the smiles of his audience by repeating Johnson's assertion that " it was a love-match on both sides." One incident of the wedding-day was ominous. As the newly-married couple rode back from church, Mrs. Johnson showed her i.] CHILDHOOD AND EARLY LIFE. 13 spirit by reproaching her husband for riding too fast, and then for lagging behind. Resolved " not to be made the slave of caprice," he pushed on briskly till he was fairly out of sight. When she rejoined him, as he, of course, took care that she should soon do, she was in tears. Mrs. Johnson apparently knew how to regain supremacy ; but, at any rate, Johnson loved her devotedly during life, and clung to her memory during a widowhood of more than thirty years, as fondly as if they had been the most pattern hero and heroine of romantic fiction. Whatever Mrs. Johnson's charms, she seems to have been a woman of good sense and some literary judgment. Johnson's grotesque appearance did not prevent her from saying to her daughter on their first introduction, " This is the most sensible man I ever met." Her praises were, we may believe, sweeter to him than those of the severest critics, or the most fervent of personal flatterers. Like all good men, Johnson loved good women, and liked to have on hand a flirtation or two, as warm as might be within the bounds of due decorum. Eut nothing affected his fidelity to his Letty or displaced her image in his mind. He remembered her in many solemn prayers, and such words as " this was dear Letty 's book :" or, " this was a prayer which dear Letty was accustomed to say," were found written by him in many of her books of devotion. Mrs. Johnson had one other recommendation a fortune, namely, of 800 little enough, even then, as a provision for the support of the married pair, but enough to help Johnson to make a fresh start. In 1736, there appeared an advertisement in the Gentleman's Magazine. " At Edial, near Lichfield, in Staffordshire, young gentlemen are boarded and taught the Latin and Greek languages by Samuel Johnson." If, as seems probable, Mrs. Johnson's 14 SAMUEL JOHNSON. [CHAP. money supplied the funds for this venture, it was an unlucky speculation. Johnson was not fitted to be a pedagogue. Success in that profession implies skill in the management of pupils, but perhaps sti. 1 ! more decidedly in the management of parents. Johnson had little qualifications in either way. As a teacher he would probably have been alternately despotic and over-indulgent ; and, on the other hand, at a single glance the rough Dominie Sampson would be enough to frighten the ordinary parent off his premises. Very few pupils came, and they seem to have profited little, if a story as told of two of his pupils refers to this time. After some months of instruction in English history, he asked them who had destroyed the monasteries ] One of them gave no answer ; the other replied " Jesus Christ." Johnson, how- ever, could boast of one eminent pupil in David Garrick, though, by Garrick's account, his master was of little service except as affording an excellent mark for his early powers of ridicule. The school, or " academy," failed after a year and a half ; and Johnson, once more at a loss for employment, resolved to try the great experiment, made so often and so often unsuccessfully. He left Lichfield to seek his fortune in London. Garrick accompanied him, and the two brought a common letter of introduction to the master of an academy from Gilbert Walmsley, registrar of the Pre- rogative Court in Lichfield. Long afterwards Johnson took an opportunity in the Lives of the Poets, of expressing his warm regard for the memory of his early friend, to whom he had been recommended by a community of literary tastes, in spite of party differences and great inequality of age. "VValmsley says in his letter, that " one Johnson " is about to accompany Garrick to London, in order to try his fate with a tragedy and get himself eni- i.] CHILDHOOD AND EARLY LIFE. 15 ployed in translation. Johnson, he adds, " is a very good scholar and poet, and I have great hopes will turn out a fine tragedy writer." The letter is dated March 2nd, 1737. Eefore recording what is known of his early career thus started, it will be well to take a glance at the general condition of the pro- fession of Literature iu England at this period. 16 SAMUEL JOHNSON. [CHAP. CHAPTER II. LITERARY CAREER. " No man but a blockhead," said Johnson, " ever wrote except for money." The doctrine is, of course, perfectly outrageous, and specially calculated to shock people who like to keep it for their private use, instead of proclaiming it in public. But it is a good expression of that huge con- tempt for the foppery of high-flown sentiment which, as is not uncommon with Johnson, passes into something which would be cynical if it were not half-humorous. In this case it implies also the contempt of the professional for the amateur. Johnson despised gentlemen who dabbled in his craft, as a man whose life is devoted to music or painting despises the ladies and gentlemen who treat those arts as fashionable accomplishments. An author was, according to him, a man who turned out books as a brick- layer turns out houses or a tailor coats. So long as he supplied a good article and got a fair price, he was a fool to grumble, and a humbug to affect loftier motives. Johnson was not the first professional author, in this sense, but perhaps the first man who made the profession respect- able. The principal habitat of authors, in his age, was Grub Street a region which, in later years, has ceased to be ashamed of itself, and has adopted the more pretentious .] LITERARY CAREER. 17 name Bohemia. The original Grub Street, it is said, first became associated with authorship during the increase of pamphlet literature, produced by the civil wars. Fox, the martyrologist, was one of its original inhabitants. Another of its heroes was a certain Mr. Welby, of whom the sole record is, that he " lived there forty years without being seen of any." In fact, it was a region of holes and corners, calculated to illustrate that great advantage of London life, which a friend of Boswell's described by say- ing, that a man could there be always " close to his bur- row." The " burrow " which received the luckless wight, was indeed no pleasant refuge. Since poor Green, in the earliest generation of dramatists, bought his " groat'sworth of wit with a million of repentance," too many of his brethren had trodden the path which led to hopeless misery or death in a tavern brawl. The history of men who had to support themselves by their pens, is a record of almost universal gloom. The names of Spenser, of Butler, and of Otway, are enough to remind us that even warm contemporary recognition was not enough to raise an author above the fear of dying in want of necessaries. The two great dictators of literature, Ben Jonson in the earlier and Dryden in the later part of the century, only kept their heads above water by help of the laureate's pit- tance, though reckless imprudence, encouraged by the precarious life, was the cause of much of their sufferings. Patronage gave but a fitful resource, and the author could hope at most but an occasional crust, flung to him from better provided tables. In the happy days of Queen Anne, it is true, there had been a gleam of prosperity. Many authors, Addison, Congreve, Swift, and others of less name, had won by their pens not only temporary profits but permanent 2 18 SAMUEL JOHNSON. [CHAP. places. The class which came into power at the Kevolu- tion was willing for a time, to share some of the public patronage with men distinguished for intellectual emi- nence. Patronage was liberal when the funds came out of other men's pockets. But, as the system of party government developed, it soon became evident that this involved a waste of power. There were enough political partisans to absorb all the comfortable sinecures to be had ; and such money as was still spent upon literature, was given in return for services equally degrading to giver and receiver. .Nor did the patronage of literature reach the poor inhabitants of Grub Street. Addison's poetical power might suggest or justify the gift of a place from his elegant friends ; but a man like De Foe, who really looked to his pen for great part of his daily subsistence, was below the region of such prizes, and was obliged in later years not only to write inferior books for money, but to sell himself and act as a spy upon his fellows. One great man, it is true, made an independence by literature. Pope received some 8000 for his translation of Homer, by the then popular mode of subscription a kind of compromise between the systems of patronage and public support. But his success caused little pleasure in Grub Street. No love was lost between the poet and the dwellers in this dismal region. Pope was its deadliest enemy, and carried on an in- ternecine warfare with its inmates, which has enriched our language with a great satire, but which wasted his powers upon low objects, and tempted bim into disgraceful artifices. The life of the unfortunate victims, pilloried in the Dun- dad and accused of the unpardonable sins of poverty and dependence, was too often one which might have extorted sympathy even from a thin-skinned poet and critic. Illustrations of the manners and customs of that Grub II.] LITERARY CAREER. 19 Street of which Johnson was to become an inmate are only too abundant. The best writers of the day could tell of hardships endured in that dismal region. Eichardson went on the sound principle of keeping his shop that his shop might keep him. But the other great novelists of the century have painted from, life the miseries of an author's existence. Fielding, Smollett, and Goldsmith have described the poor wretches with a vivid force which gives sadness to the reflection that each of those great men was drawing upon his own experience, and that they each died in distress. The Case of Authors ly Profession to quote the title of a pamphlet by Ralph, was indeed a wretched one, when the greatest of their number had an incessant struggle to keep the wolf from the door. The life of an author resembled the proverbial existence of the flying-fish, chased by enemies in sea and in air ; he only escaped from the slavery of the bookseller's garret, to fly from the bailiff or rot in the debtor's ward or the spunging- house. Many strange half-pathetic and half-ludicrous anec- dotes survive to recall the sorrows and the recklessness of the luckless scribblers who, like one of Johnson's acquain- tance, " lived in London and hung loose upon society." There was Samuel Boyse, for example, whose poem on the Deity is quoted with high praise by Fielding. Once Johnson had generously exerted himself for his comrade in misery, and collected enough money by sixpences to get the poet's clothes out of pawn. Two days afterwards, Boyse had spent the money and was found in bed, covered only with a blanket, through two holes in which he passed his arms to write. Boyse, it appears, when still in this posi- tion would lay out his last half-guinea to buy truffles and mushrooms for his last scrap of beef. Of another scribbler Johnson said, " I honour Derrick for his strength of mind. 20 SAMUEL JOHNSON. [ciur. One night when Floyd (another poor author) was wander- ing about the streets at night, he found Derrick fast asleep upon a bulk. Upon being suddenly awaked, Derrick started up ; ' My dear Floyd, I am sorry to see you in this destitute state; will you go home with me to my lodgings?' " Authors in such circumstances might be forced into such a wonderful contract as that which is reported to have been drawn up by one Gardner with Eolt and Christopher Smart. They were to write a monthly miscellany, sold at sixpence, and to have a third of the profits ; but they were to write nothing else, and the contract was to last for ninety-nine years. Johnson himself summed up the trade upon earth by the lines in which Virgil describes the entrance to hell j thus translated by Dryden : Just in the gate and in the jaws of hell, Eevengeful cares and sullen sorrows dwell. And pale diseases and repining age, Want, fear, and famine's unresisted rage : Here toils and Death and Death's half-brother, Sleep Forms, terrible to view, their sentry keep. " Kbw," said Johnson, " almost all these apply exactly to an author; these are the concomitants of a printing- house." Judicious authors, indeed, were learning how to make literature pay. Some of them belonged to the class who understood the great truth that the scissors are a very superior implement to the pen considered as a tool of literary trade. Such, for example, was that respectable Dr. John Campbell, whose parties Johnson ceased to fre- quent lest Scotchmen should say of any good bits of work, " Ay, ay, he has learnt this of Cawmell." Campbell, he said quaintly, was a good man, a pious man. " I am afraid he li.] LITEEAEY CAEEEB. 21 has not been in the inside of a church for many years ;\ ** but he never passes a church without pulling off his hat. This shows he has good principles," of which in fact there seems to be some less questionable evidence. Campbell sup- ported himself by writings chiefly of the Encyclopedia or Gazetteer kind ; and became, still in Johnson's phrase, "the richest author that ever grazed the common of literature." A more singular and less reputable character was that impudent quack, Sir John Hill, who, with his insolent attacks upon the Royal Society, pretentious botanical and medical compilations, plays, novels, and magazine articles, has long sunk into titter oblivion. It is said of him that he pursued every branch of literary quackery with greater contempt of character than any man of his time, and that he made as much as 1500 in a year; three times as much, it is added, as any one writer ever made in the same period. The political scribblers the Arnalls, Gordons, Trench- ards, Guthries, Ralphs, and Amhersts, whose names meet us in the notes to the Dunciad and in contemporary pamphlets and newspapers form another variety of the class. Their general character may be estimated from Johnson's classification of the " Scribbler for a Party" with the " Commissioner of Excise," as the " two lowest of all human beings." " Ralph," says one of the notes to the Dunciad, " ended in the common sink of all such writers, a political newspaper." The prejudice against such em- ployment has scarcely died out in our own day, and may be still traced in the account of Pendennis and his friend Warringtoa. People who do dirty Avork must be paid for it ; and the Secret Committee which inquired into Wai- pole's administration reported that in ten years, from 1731 to 1741, a sum of 50,077 18s. had been paid to writers 22 SAMUEL JOHNSON. [CHAP. and printers of newspapers. Arnall, now remembered chiefly by Pope's line, Spirit of Arnall, aid me whilst I lie ! had received, in four years, 10,997 Gs. 8<7. of this amount. The more successful writers might look to pensions or pre- ferment. Francis, for example, the translator of Horace, and the father, in all probability, of the most formidable of the whole tribe of such literary gladiators, received, it is said, 900Z. a year for his work, besides being appointed to a rectory and the chaplaincy of Chelsea: It must, moreover, be observed that the price of literary work was rising during the century, and that, in the latter half, considerable sums were received by successful writers. Religious as well as dramatic literature had begun to be commercially valuable. Baxter, in the previous century, made from 60Z. to 80Z. a year by his pen. The copyright of Tillotson's Sermons was sold, it is said, upon his death for 2500. Considerable sums were made by the plan of publishing by subscription. It is said that 4600 people subscribed to the two posthumous volumes of Conybeare's Sermons. A few poets trod in Pope's steps. Young made more than 3000 for the Satires called the Universal Pas- sion, published, I think, on the same plan ; and the Duke of Wharton is said, though the report is doubtful, to have given him 2000 for the same work. Gay made 1000 by his Poems ; 400 for the copyright of the Beggar's Opera, and three times as much for its second part, Polly. Among historians, Hume seems to have received 700 a volume ; Smollett made 2000 by his catchpenny rival publication ; Henry made 3300 by his history ; and Robertson, after the booksellers had made 6000 by his History of Scotland, sold his Charles V. for 4500. u.] LITERARY CAREER. 2 Amongst the novelists, Feilding received 700 for Tom Jones and 1000 for Amelia ; Sterne, for the second edi- tion of the first part of Tristram Shandy and for two additional volumes, received 650 ; besides which Lord Fauconberg gave him a living (most inappropriate acknow- ledgment, one would say!), and Warburton a purse of gold. Goldsmith received 60 guineas for the immortal Vicar, a fair price, according to Johnson, for a work by a then unknown author. By each of his plays he made about 500, and for the eight volumes of his Natural History he received 800 guineas. Towards the end of the century, Mrs. Badcliffe got 500 for the Mysteries of Udolplio, and 800 for her last work, the Italian. Perhaps the largest sum given for a single book was 6000 paid to Hawkesworth for his account of the South Sea Expedi- tions. Home Tooke received from 4000 to 5000 for the Diversions ofPurley ; and it is added by his biographer, though it seems to be incredible, that Hay ley received no less than 11,000 for the Life of Cowper. This was, of course, in the present century, when we are already approaching the period of Scott and Byron. Such sums prove that some few authors might achieve independence by a successful work; and it is well to remember them in considering Johnson's life from the business point of view. Though he never grumbled at the booksellers, and on the contrary, was always ready to de- fend them as liberal men, he certainly failed, whether from carelessness or want of skill, to turn them to as much > profit as many less celebrated rivals. Meanwhile, pecu- niary success of this kind was beyond any reasonable hopes". A man who has to work like his own dependent Levett, and to make the " modest toil of every day" supply " the wants of every day," must discount his talents until he 24 SAMUEL JOHNSON. [CHAP. can secure leisure for some more sustaiued effort. Johnson, coming up from the country to seek for work, could have but a slender prospect of rising above the ordinary level of his Grub Street companions and rivals. One publisher to whom he applied suggested to him that it would be his wisest course to buy a porter's knot and carry trunks ; and, in the struggle which followed, Johnson must some- times have been tempted to regret that the advice was not taken. The details of the ordeal through which he was now to pass have naturally vanished. Johnson, long after- wards, burst into tears on recalling the trials of this period. But, at the time, no one was interested in noting the history of an obscure literary drudge, and it has not been described by the sufferer himself. What we know is derived from a few letters and incidental references of Johnson in later days. On first arriving in London he was almost destitute, and had to join with Garrick in raising a loan of five pounds, which, we are glad to say, was repaid. He dined far cightpence at an ordinary : a cut of meat for sixpence, bread for a penny, and a penny to the waiter, making out the charge. One of his acquaintance had told him that a man might live in London for thirty pounds a year. Ten pounds would pay for clothes ; a garret might be hired for eighteen-pence a week ; if any one asked for an address, it was easy to reply, " I am to be found at such a place." Threepence laid out at a coffee-house would enable him to pass some horn's a day in good company ; dinner might be had for sixpence, a bread-and-milk breakfast for a penny, and supper was superfluous. On clean shirt day you might go abroad and pay visits. This leaves a surplus of nearly one pound from the thirty. II.] LITERARY CAREER. 25 Johnson, however, had a wife to support ; and to raise funds for even so ascetic a mode of existence required steady labour. Often, it seems, his purse was at the very lowest ebb. One of his letters to his employer is signed impransus ; and whether or not the dinnerless condition was in this case accidental, or significant of absolute impecuniosity, the less pleasant interpretation is not im- probable. He would walk the streets all night with his friend, Savage, when their combined funds could not pay for a lodging. One night, as he told Sir Joshua Eeynolds in later years, they thus perambulated St. James's Square, warming themselves by declaiming against Walpole, and nobly resolved that they would stand by their country. Patriotic enthusiasm, however, as no one knew better than Johnson, is a poor substitute for bed and supper. Johnson suffered acutely and made some attempts to escape from his misery. To the end of his life, he was grateful to those who had lent him a helping hand. " Harry Hervey," he said of one of them shortly before his death, " was a vicious man, but very kind to me. If you call a dog Hervey, I shall love him." Pope was im- pressed by the excellence of his first poem, London, and induced Lord Gower to write to a friend to beg Swift to obtain a degree for Johnson from the University of Dublin. The terms of this circuitous application, curious, as bringing into connexion three of the most eminent men of letters of the day, prove that the youngest of them was at the time (1739) in deep distress. The object of the degree was to qualify Johnson for a mastership of 60 a year, which would make him happy for life. He would rather, said Lord Gower, die upon the road to Dublin if an examination were necessary, "than be starved to death in translating for booksellers, which has been his 2* 26 SAMUEL JOHNSON. [CHAP. only subsistence for some time past." The application failed, however, and the want of a degree was equally fatal to another application to be admitted to practise at Doctor's Commons. Literature was thus perforce Johnson's sole support; and by literature was meant, for the most part, drudgery of the kind indicated by the phrase, " translating for book- sellers." While still in Lichfield, Johnson had, as I have said, written to Cave, proposing to become a contributor to the Gentleman's Magazine. The letter was one of those which a modern editor receives by the dozen, and answers as perfunctorily as his conscience will allow. It seems, how- ever, to have made some impression upon Cave, and possibly led to Johnson's employment by him on his first arrival in London. From 1738 he was employed both on the Magazine and iu some jobs of translation. Edward Cave, to whom we are thus introduced, was a man of some mark in the history of literature. Johnson always spoke of him with affection and afterwards wrote his life in complimentary terms. Cave, though a clumsy, phleg- matic person of little cultivation, seems to have been one of those men who, whilst destitute of real critical powers, have a certain instinct for recognizing the commercial value of literary wares. He had become by this time well-known as the publisher of a magazine which survives to this day. Journals containing summaries of passing events had already been started. Boyer's Political State of Great Britain began in 1711. The Historical Regis- ter, which added to a chronicle some literary notices, was started in 1716. The Grub Street Journal was another journal with fuller critical notices, which first appeared in 1730 ; and these two seem to have been superseded by the Gentleman's Magazine, started by Cave in the next year. ii.] LITEEAEY CAEEEE. 27 Johnson saw in it an opening for the employment of his literary talents ; and regarded its contributions with that awe so natural in youthful aspirants, and at once so comic and pathetic to writers of a little experience. The names of many of Cave's staff are preserved in a note to Hawkins. One or two of them, such as Birch and Akenside, have still a certain interest for students of literature ; hut few have heard of the great Moses Browne, who was regarded as the great poetical light of the magazine. Johnson looked up to him as a leader in his craft, and was graciously taken by Cave to 'an alehouse in Clerkenwell, where, wrapped in a horseman's coat, and " a great bushy uncombed wig," he saw Mr. Browne sitting at the end of a long table, in a cloud of tobacco-smoke, and felt the satisfaction of a true hero-worshipper. It is needless to describe in detail the literary task-work done by Johnson at this period, the Latin poems which he contributed in praise of Cave, and of Cave's friends, or the Jacobite squibs by which he relieved his anti-minis- terialist feelings. One incident of the period doubtless refreshed the soul of many authors, who have shared Campbell's gratitude to Napoleon for the sole redeeming action of his life the shooting of a bookseller. Johnson was employed by Osborne, a rough specimen of the trade, to make a catalogue of the Harleian Library. Osborne offensively reproved him for negligence, and Johnson knocked him down with a folio. The book with which the feat was performed (Billia Grccca Septuaginta, fol. 1594, Frankfort) was in existence in a bookseller's shop at Cambridge in 1812, and should surely have been placed in some safe author's museum. The most remarkable of Johnson's performances as a hack writer deserves a brief notice. He was one of the 28 SAMUEL JOHNSON. first of reporters. Cave published such reports of the debates in Parliament as were then allowed by the jealousy of the Legislature, under the title of The Senate of Lilliput. Johnson was the author of the debates from Xov. 1740 to February 1742. Persons were employed to attend in the two Houses, who brought home notes of the speeches, which were then put into shape by Johnson. Long afterwards, at a dinner at Foote's, Francis (the father of Junius) mentioned a speech of Pitt's as the best he had ever read, and superior to anything in Demosthenes. Hereupon Johnson replied, " I wrote that speech in a garret in Exeter Street." When the company applauded not only his eloquence but his impartiality, Johnson replied, "That is not quite true; I saved appearances tolerably well, but I took care that the Whig dogs should not have the best of it." The speeches passed for a time as accurate ; though, in truth, it has been proved and it k easy to observe, that they are, in fact, very vague reflections of the original. The editors of Chesterfield's Works published two of the speeches, and, to Johnson's considerable amusement, declared that one of them re- sembled Demosthenes and the other Cicero. It is plain enough to the modern reader that, if so, both of the ancient orators must have written true Johnsonese ; and, in fact, the style of the true author is often as plainly marked in many of these compositions as in the Rambler or Rasselas. For this deception, such as it was, Johnson expressed penitence at the end of his life, though he said that he had" ceased to write when he found that they were taken as genuine. He would not be " accessory to the propagation of falsehood." Another of Johnson's works which appeared in 1744 requires nolice both for its intrinsic merit, and its auto- ii.] LITERARY CAREER. 29 biographical interest. The most remarkable of his Grub- Street companions was the Eichard Savage already men- tioned. Johnson's life of him written soon after his death is one of his most forcible performances, and the best extant illustration of the life of the struggling authors of the time. Savage claimed to be the illegitimate son of the Countess of Macclesfield, who was divorced from her hus- band in the year of his birth on account of her connexion with his supposed father, Lord Elvers. According to the story, believed by Johnson, and published without her contradiction in the mother's lifetime, she not only dis- avowed her son, but cherished an unnatural hatred for him. She told his father that he was dead, in order that he might not be benefited by the father's will ; she tried to have him kidnapped and sent to the plantations ; and she did her best to prevent him from receiving a pardon when he had been sentenced to death for killing a man in a tavern brawl. However this may be, and there are reasons for doubt, the story was generally believed, and caused much sympathy for the supposed victim. Savage was at one time protected by the kindness of Steele, who published his story, and sometimes employed him as a literary assistant. When Steele became disgusted with him, he received generous help from the actor Wilks and from Mrs. Oldfield, to whom he had been introduced by some drama- tic efforts. Then he was taken up by Lord Tyrconnel, but abandoned by him after a violent quarrel ; he afterwards called himself a volunteer laureate, and received a pension of 501. a year from Queen Caroline ; on her death he was thrown into deep distress, and helped by a subscription to which Pope was the chief contributor, on condition of retiring to the country. Ultimately he quarrelled with his last protectors, and ended by dying in a debtor's prison. 30 SAMUEL JOHNSON. CHAP. Various poetical works, now utterly forgotten, obtained for him scanty profit. This career sufficiently reveals the character. Savage belonged to the very common type of men, who seem to employ their whole talents to throw away their chances in life, and to disgust every one who offers them a helping hand. He was, however, a man of some talent, though his poems are now hopelessly unreadable, and seems to have had a singular attraction for Johnson. The biography is curiously marked by Johnson's constant effort to put the best face upon faults, whrch he has too much love of truth to conceal. The explanation is, partly, that Johnson conceived himself to be avenging a victim of cruel oppression. " This mother," he says, after recording her vindictiveness, " is still alive, and may perhaps even yet, though her malice was often defeated, enjoy the pleasure of reflecting that the life, which she often endea- voured to destroy, was at last shortened by her maternal offices ; that though she could not transport her son to the plantations, bury him in the shop of a mechanic, or hasten the hand of the public executioner, she has yet had the satisfaction of embittering all his hours, and forcing him into exigencies that hurried on his death." But it is also probable that Savage had a strong influence upon Johnson's mind at a very impressible part of his career. The young man, still ignorant of life and full of reverent enthusiasm for the literary magnates of his time, was impressed by the varied experience of his companion, and, it may be, flattered by his intimacy. Savage, he says admiringly, had enjoyed great opportunities of seeing the most conspicuous men of the day in their private life. He was shrewd and inquisitive enough to use his opportunities well. " More circumstances to constitute a critic on human life could not easily concur." The only phrase which survives ii.] LITERARY CAREER. 31 to justify this remark is Savage's statement about Walpole, that " the whole range of his mind was from obscenity to politics, and from politics to obscenity." "We may, how- ever, guess what was the special charm of the intercourse to Johnson. Savage was an expert in that science of human nature, learnt from experience not from books, upon which Johnson set so high a value, and of which he was destined to become the authorized expositor. There were, more- over, resemblances between the two men. They were both admired and sought out for their conversational powers. Savage, indeed, seems to have lived chiefly by the people who entertained him for talk, till he had disgusted them by his insolence and his utter disregard of time and pro- priety. He would, like Johnson, sit up talking beyond mid- night, and next day decline to rise till dinner-time, though his favourite drink was not, like Johnson's, free from intoxi- cating properties. Both of them had a lofty pride, which Johnson heartily commends in Savage, though he has diffi- culty in palliating some of its manifestations. One of the stories reminds us of an anecdote already related of John- son himself. Some clothes had been left for Savage at a coffeehouse by a person who, out of delicacy, concealed his name. Savage, however, resented some want of ceremony, and refused to enter the house again till the clothes had been removed. "What was -honourable pride in Johnson was, indeed, simple arrogance in Savage. He asked favours, his bio- grapher says, without submission, and resented refusal as an insult. He had too much pride to acknowledge, not not too much to receive, obligations ; enough to quarrel with his charitable benefactors, but not enough to make him rise to independence of their charity. His pension would have sufficed to keep him, only that as soon as he received it ho 82 SAMUEL JOHNSON. [CHAP. retired from the sight of all his acquaintance, and came back before long as penniless as before. This conduct, observes his biographer, was "very particular." It was hardly so singular as objectionable ; and we are not sur- prised to be told that he was rather a " friend of goodness " than himself a good man. In short, we may say of him as Beauclerk said of a friend of BoswelTs that, if he had ex- cellent principles, ho did not wear them out in practice. .There is something quaint about this picture of a tho- rough-paced s.camp, admiringly painted by a virtuous man ; forced, in spite of himself, to make it a likeness, and striving in vain to make it attractive. I3ut it is also pathetic when we remember that Johnson shared some part at least of his hero's miseries. " On a bulk, in a cellar, or in a glass-house, among thieves and beggars, was to be found the author of The Wanderer, the man of exalted sentiments, extensive views, and curious observations ; the man whose remarks on life might have assisted the statesman, whose ideas of virtue might have enlightened the moralist, whose elo- quence might have influenced senators, and whose delicacy might have polished courts." Very shocking, no doubt, and yet hardly surprising under the circumstances ! To us it is more interesting to remember that the author of the Rambler was not only a sympathizer, but a fellow- sufferer with the author of the Wanderer, and shared the queer " lodgings " of his friend, as Floyd shared the lodgings of Derrick. Johnson happily came unscathed through the ordeal which was too much for poor Savage, and could boast with perfect truth in later life that " no man, who ever lived by literature, had lived more independently than I have done." It was in so strange a school, and under such questionable teaching that Johnson formed his character of the world and of the con- .] LITEEAEY CAREER. 33 duct befitting its inmates. One characteristic conclusion is indicated in the opening passage of the life. It has always been observed, he says, that men eminent by nature or fortune are not generally happy : " whether it be that apparent superiority incites great designs, and great designs are naturally liable to fatal miscarriages ; or that the general lot of mankind is misery, and the misfortunes of those, whose eminence drew upon them an universal attention, have been more carefully recorded because they w-e $1 75. 8 Valuable and Interesting Works for Public and Private Libraries. CARLYLE'S FREDERICK THE GREAT. History of Friedrich II., called Frederick the Great. By THOMAS CARLTLE. Portraits, Maps, Plans, &c. 6 vols., 12rao, Cloth, $12 00; Sheep, $14 40; Half Calf, $22 50. THE REVISION OF THE ENGLISH VERSION OF THE NEW TESTAMENT. "With an Introduction by the Rev. P. SCHAFF, D.D. 618 pp., Crown 8vo, Cloth, $3 00. This work embraces in one volume : I. ON A FRESH REVISION OF THE ENGLISH NEW TES* TAMENT. By J. B. 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