EXPLANATORY TEXT TO THE JITLAS OF HUMAN ANATOMY BY- ]. A. JEANCON, M. D. OSS] CINCINNATI, O. A. E. WILDE & CO., Publishers. Copyrighted by A. E. WILDE & Co. j/ CONTENTS. OSTEOLOGY, SYNDESMOLOGY, MYOLOGY, ANGIOLOGY, NEUROLOGY, ENDOSMOLOGY, EMBRYOLOGY, 1-29 30-35 36-45 46-77 78-127 128-146 147-151 416 OSTEOLOGY. 416 EXPLANATION OF PLATES. OSTEOLOGY. PLATES I, II, III. PLATE I, MALE SKELETON ANTERIOR VIEW. " II, MALE SKELETON POSTERIOR VIEW. " III, FEMALE SKELETON ANTERIOR VIEW. A. Cranium. B. Vertebral Column. C. Thorax. D. Upper Extremity. E. Lower Extremity. 1. Sphenoid. 2. Occipital. 3. Temporal. 4. Parietal. 5. Frontal. 6. Ethmoid. 7. Lachrymal. 8. Inferior Turbinated. 9. Superior Maxillary. 10. Palate. 11. Malar. 12. Nasal. 13. Inferior Maxillary. 14. Atlas. 15. Axis. 16. Cervical Vertebrae. 17. Dorsal Vertebrae. 18. Lumbar Vertebra?. 19. Sacrum. 20. Coccyx. 21. Seven Superior or True Ribs. 22. Five Inferior or False Ribs. 23. Costal Cartilages. 24. Manubrium \ 25. Gladiolus V Sternum. 26. Xiphoid Cartilage ) 27. Clavicle. 28. Scapula. 29. Humerus. 30. Ulna. 31. Radius. 32. Scaphoid 33. Semi-lunar 34. Cuneiform 35. Pisiform . Bones of the 36. Trapezium. [ Carpus. 37. Trapezoid 38. Os Magnum 39. Unciform > 40. Metacarpal Bones. 41. First Row of Phalanges. 42. Second " " u 43. Third " " u 44. Sesamoid Bones. 45. Ilium \ 46. Pubis V Bones of Pelvis. 47. Ischium ) 48. Femur. 49. Patella. 50. Tibia. 51. Fibula. 52. Os Calcis ^ 53. Astragalus 54. Scaphoid Bones 55. Internal Cuneifor in > of the 56. Middle 1 Tarsus. 57. External " 58. Cuboid J 59. Metatarsal Bones OSTEOLOGY. 60. 61. 62. 63. a. b. c. d. e. / 9- h. i. k. I m. n. o. P- ,-, ^ . , , , ft emur. External Condyle Internal Condyle J Tuberosities of the Tibia. External Malleolus. Internal Malleolus. PLATE IV. THE SKELETON OP AN INFANT. The nomenclature of this figure is the same as that of the foregoing, excepting: F. Anterior Fontanelle. 24. Center of Ossification of Manu- brium. 25. Centers nf Ossification of Glad- iolus. 26. Cartilaginous Ensiform Appen- dix. 32. Unossilird < 'arpus. 52. Unossifirtl Tar>;i<. T!MJ Os Frontis ( l'i.u r . ">) consists of two lateral halves. The Superior and Inferior Maxil- laries (Figs. 9 and 13) lack the al- veoli. The bodies of the Vertebrae (B ) are all of a size, the Spine being about as large in the Cervical as in the Lumbar region. The Transverse Processes (m ) an hunlly developed. The Spinous Processes are absent altogether, and the whole Vertebral column consist < of two lateral halves (o). OSTEOLOGY. PLATE V. FIGS. I TO VIII. DEVELOPMENT OF THE FCETAL SKULL. Fig. i. At the beginning of Second month. Fig. ii. End of same. Fig. in. First half of Third month. Fig. iv. Second half of same. Fig. v. At end of Fourth. Fig. vi. At end of Fifth. Fig. vn. At end of Seventh. Fig vin. At end of Ninth month, i. Sphenoid Bone, ii. Occipital Bone, a. Occipital Portion. 6. Condyloid Portion. c. Basilar Portion, in. Temporal Bone. a. Squamous Portion. b. Mastoid Portion. iv. Parietal Bone. v. Frontal Bone a. Frontal Portion. 6. Orbital Portion. c. Nasal Portion. vi. Ethmoid Bone. vn. Lachrymal Bone. vn. Superior Maxillary Bone. ix. Malar Bone. x. Palate Bone. xi. Nasal Bone. xii. Inferior Maxillary Bone. A. Anterior Fontanelle. B. Posterior Fontanelle. C. Posterior Temporal Fontanelle. D. Anterior Temporal Fontanelle. 20. Tympanic Bone. AD. FIG. VIII. 9. External Occipital Protuber- ance. 10. External Occipital Spine. 12. Zygomatic Process of Temporal. 23. Anterior Superior Angle of Par- ietal. 24. Posterior Superior Angle of same. 25. Posterior Inferior Angle of same. 26. Anterior Inferior Angle of same. 32. Superciliary Ridge. 36. Malar or External Angular Process. 63. Frontal Process of Malar. 69. Body of Inferior Maxillary. 70. Ramus of Lower Jaw. 75. Sigmoid Notch. 76. Condyloid Process. 77. Neck of same. 78. Coronoid Process. 79. Angle of Lower Jaw. FIG. IX. ADULT SKULL SIDE VIEW. 1. Parietal Bone. 2. Frontal. 3. Occipital. 4. Lambdoid Suture. 5. Coronal Suture. 6. Nasal Eminence. 7. Nasal Bones. 8. Anterior Nares. 9. Anterior Nasal Spine. 10. Upper Teeth. 11. Lower Teeth. 12. Chin. [Jaw. 13. Lower Border of Body of the 14. Angle of Lower Jaw 15. Posterior Border of Ramus. 16. Supraorbital Foramen. 17. 17. Temporal Ridge. 18. Squamous Portion of Temporal. 19. Squamous Suture. 20. Anterior Inferior Angle of Par- ietal. 21. Zygomatic Surface of Sphenoid. OSTEOLOGY. 22. External Angular Process of Frontal. 23. Malar Bone 24. Lachrymal Bone. 25. Orbital Surface of Sphenoid. 26. Orbital Surface of Upper Max- illary. 27. Infraorbital Foramen. 28. Zygomatic Process of Temporal. 29. Sigmoid Notch. 30. Condyle of Lower Jaw. 31. Coronoid Process of Lower Jaw. 32. Styloid Process of Temporal. 33. Mastoid Process. 34. Occipital Groove. 35. Masto-occipital Suture. PLATE VI. FIGS. I TO XX. MICROSCOPIC STRUCTURE OF THE BONE. ( FIG I. LONGITUDINAL SECTION OF ULNA. I FIG. II. TRANSVERSE SECTION OF SAME. a. Cartilaginous Base. b. Haversian Canals. c. Their Lamellae. d. Canaliculi. e. Bone Corpuscles. FIG. III. TRANSVERSE SECTION OF COSTAL CARTILAGE. a. Intercellular Substance. I c. Cells containing Nuclei. b. Cartilage Cells. I FIG. IV. SECTION OF CARTILAGE OF EAR. a. Cartilage Cells. | 6. Fibrous Intercellular Substance. FIG. V. SECTION OF INTERVERTEBRAL SUBSTANCE. a. Cartilage Cells. | 6. Fibrous Intercellular Substance. FIG. VI. TRANSVERSE SECTION OF BONE. a. 6. Osteoblasts. | c. Opening of Haversian Canal. FIG. VII. BONE FORMATION. a. b. Osteoblasts in different stages of formation. a. Mononucleated. b. Polynucleated. FIG. VIII. LONGITUDNAL SECTION. Position of Osteoblasts around a vessel in the process of ossification. FIG. IX. SECTION OF LONG BONE. 1. Marrow Cavity. 2. Periosteum. ''. Compact Tissue. 1. Kpipliysis. 5. Diaphysis. 6. 8. Articular Surfaces showing Articular Cartilage. 7. Diaphyso-epiphysal Line. OSTEOLOGY. FIG. X. SECTION OF CERVICAL VERTEBRA. a. Outer Compact Tissue, b. Spongy Tissue, c. Inner Compact Tissue. FIG. XI. SECTION OF LONG BONES, SHOWING COURSE OF NUTRIENT VESSELS. 1. Nutrient Vessel. 2. Descending Branch. 3. Compact Tissue. 4. Medullary Cavity. FIG. XII. SECTION OF CRANIAL BONE. a. External Table. b. Diploe. c. Inner or Vitreous Table. FIG. XIII. FCETAL PELVIS SIDE VIEW. 1. Sacrum and Coccyx. 2. Ilium. 3. Ischium. 4 Pubes. 5. Acetabulum. 6. Obturator Foramen. 7. Antero-posterior Diameter. 8. Pelvic Axis. FIG. XIV. SAME FRONT VIEW. 1. Sacrum. 2. Coccyx. 3. Ilium. 4. Sacro-sciatic Notch. 5. Pubes. 6. Ischium. 7. Ilio-pectineal Line. 8. Acetabulum. FIG. XV. OS INNOMINATUM, SEPARATED INTO ITS THREE DIVISIONS. 1. Ilium. 2. Ischium. 3. Pubes. FIG. XVI. FCETAL STERNUM ANTERIOR SURFACE. 1. Manubrium. 2. Second 3 Th' d 1. First Rib. 1. Head. 2. Tubercle. Q Spaces. 4. Fourth Intercostal Space. 5. Costal Cartilage of Seventh Rib. 6. Ensiform Appendage. FIG. XVII. FCETAL THORAX FRONT VIEW. FIG. XVIII. SAME SIDE VIEW. 2, 3. Thoracic Line. 4, 4. Dorsal Vertebrae. FIG. XIX. FCETAL SACRUM AND COCCYX. FIG. XX. FCETAL RIB SUPERIOR ASPECT. 3. Shaft. Angle. 4. Sternal Extremity. PLATE VII. FIGS. I TO X. FIG. I. INFERIOR MAXILLARY BONE OUTER ASPECT. 1. Symphysis. 2. Mental Process. 3. 3. External Oblique Ridge. 4. Mental Foramen. OSTEOLOGY. 5. Inferior Border of Body. 6. Angle. 7. Coronoid Process. 8. Sigmoid Notch. 9. Condyle. 10. Neck. 11. Inferior Dental Foramen. 12. Sockets of Lateral Incisors. 13. Sockets of Canines. 14. Sockets of Bicuspids. 15. 16, 17. Sockets of three Molars. FIG II. SAME BONE INNER SURFACE. 1. Symphysis. 2. Genial Tubercles. 3. Depression for Digastricus. 4. Sublingual Fossa. 5. Mylo-hyoidean Ridge. 6. Lower Border of Body. 7. Angle. 8. Alveolar Process'. 9. Inferior Dental Foramen. 10. Condyle. 11. Neck. 12. Sigmoid Notch. 13. Coronoid Process. 14. Posterior Border of Ramus. FIG. III. SAME BONE INFERIOR DENTAL CANAL, AND ROOTS OF THE TEETH EXPOSED. 1. Condyle. 2. Coronoid Process. 3. Sigmoid Notch. 4, 5. Inferior Dental Vessels and Nerves. 6, 6. Their distribution to the fangs of the Teeth. FIG. IV. FO3TAL INFERIOR MAXILLARY, SHOWING THE DENTAL SACS OR TEETH GERMS. a. Alveolar Border. 6. Lower Border of Jaw. c." Symphysis and Dental Sacs. d. Coronoid Process. FIG. v. 1. Condyloid Process. 2. Coronoid Process. 3. Incisors. 4. Canine. SAME BONE, SHOWING MILK TEETH. 5. First Milk Molar. 6. Second Milk Molar. 7. Alveoli of Permanent Teeth. FIG. VI. SAME BONE OF A FCETUS SUPERIOR ASPECT. 1. Symphysis. 2. 2, 2, 2,' 2, 2. Sockets for teeth. 3. Coronoid Process. 4. Sigmoid Notch. 5. Condyle. [Canal. 6. Opening of Inferior Dental FIG. VII. SAME BONE, FO3TAL, BEFORE THE APPEARANCE OF THE ALVEOLAR PROCESS. 1. Symphysis. 2. Lower Border of Jaw. 3. Angle. 1. Posterior Bonier of Ramus. 5. Condyle. 6. Sigmoid Notch. 7. Coronoid Process. 8. Alveolar Border. OSTEOLOGY. PIG. VIM. UPPER AND LOWER JAWS IN POSITION, SHOWING THEIR MODES OF ARTICULATION, AND POSITION OF TEETH. 1. Superior Border of Nasal Bone. 2. Superior Border of Nasal Pro- 3. Frontal Bone. [cess. 4. Margin of Spheno-maxillary Fissure. 5. Nasal Bone. [lary. 6. Nasal Process of Upper Maxil- 7. Infraorbital Foramen. 8. Anterior Nares. 9. Anterior Nasal Spine. 10. Malar Bone. 11. Frontal Process of same. 12. Zygomatic Process. 13. Condyle of Lower Jaw. 14. Sigmoid Notch. 15. Posterior Border of Ramus. 16. Lower Border of Body. 17. Symphysis. 18. 19. Incisors. 20. Canine. 21, 22. Bicuspids. 23, 24, 25. Molars. FIG. IX. UPPER JAW INFERIOR ASPECT. 1. Nasal Process. 2. Anterior Nasal Spine. 3. Infraorbital Foramen. 4. Malar Bone. 5. Zygomatic Process. 6. Anterior Palatine Foramen. 7. Hard Palate. 8. Horizontal Plate of Palate Bone. 9. Posterior Nasal Spine. 10, 11. Incisors. 12. Canine. 13, 14. Bicuspids. 15, 16, 17. Molars. 18. Posterior Dental Foramen. 19. Hamular Process. FIG. X. MALAR BONE ORBITAL PROCESS, SUPERIOR SURFACE. 1. Superior Angle. 2. Anterior Angle. 3. Anterior Superior Border. 4. Orbital Surface. 5. Superior Maxillary Border. 6. Border of Spheno-maxillary Fissure. 7. Sphenoidal Surface. PLATE VIII. FIG. I. LEFT PALATE BONE EXTERNAL ASPECT. 1. Rough surface for Superior Maxillary. 2. Its Anterior Border. 3. Smooth Zygomatic Surface. 4. Sphenoid Process. 5. Orbital Process. 6. External facet of Zygomatic Sur- 7. Spheno-palatine Notch. [face. 8. Posterior Palatine Canal. 9. Tuberosity. 10. Posterior border joining Inter- nal Pterygoid Plate. FIG. II. SAME BONE INTERNAL SURFACE. 1. Sphenoidal Surface of Orbital Process. [cess. 2. Ethmoidal Surface of same Pro 3. Sphenoidal Process. 4. Spheno-palatine Notch. 5. Superior Turbinated Crest. 8 OSTEOLOCV. 6. Middle Meatus. 7. Inferior Turbinated Crest. 8. Inferior Meatus. 9. Tuberosity. 10. Internal Border of Horizontal Plate. 1 1 . Anterior portion of Vertical Plate. FIG. III. SAME BONE ANTERIOR BORDER. 1. Ethmoidal Surface of Orbital Process. 2. Maxillary Surface of same. 3. Spheno-palatine Notch. 4. Sphenoidal Process. 5, 6. Internal Surface. [ Plate. 7. Upper Surface of Horizontal 8. Internal Border of same. 9. Tuberosity. [Portion. 10. External Surface of Vertical FIG. IV. SAME BONE POSTERIOR BORDER. 1. Sphenoidal Surface of Orbital Process. 2. Orbital Surface of same. 3. Zygomatic Surface of same. 4. Sphenoidal Process. 5. Spheno-palatine Notch. 6. Internal Surface of Vertical Plate. 7. Superior Surface of Horizontal Plate. 8. Internal Border of same. 9. Articular Groove for Internal Pterygoid Plate. 10. Groove for Internal Pterygoid Muscle. 11. Groove for External Pterygoid Plate. 12. External Portion of Vertical Plate. FIG. V. SAME BONE SUPERIOR ASPECT. 1. Orbital Process. 2. Sphenoidal Process. 3. Spheno-palatine Notch. 4. Posterior Border of Vertical Plate. 5. Superior Surface of Horizontal Plate. 6. Its Posterior Border. 7. Its Internal Border. 8. Its Anterior Border. 9. Anterior Spine of Vertical Plate. 10. Posterior Nasal Spine. FIG. VI. SAME BONE INFERIOR ASPECT. 1. Inferior Surface of Horizontal 2. Its Posterior Border. [Plate. 3. Its Anterior Border. 1. Its Internal Border. 5. Orbital Process. 6. Sphenoidal Process. 7. Posterior Palatine Canal. 8. Accessory Palatine Canal. 9. Tuberosity. 10. Posterior Nasal Spine. FIG. VII. SAME BONE MATURE FfETUS INTERNAL SURFACE. 1. Rphenoidal Process. -. < M-bital Pro'cess. :;. Spheno-palatine Foramen. 1. Tuberosity. 5. Anterior Border of Vertical Plate. 6. Internal Border of Horizontal Plate. OSTEOLOGY. FIG. VIII. LEFT INFERIOR TURBINATED BONE INTERNAL SURFACE. 5. Inferior Free Border. 1. Superior Maxillary Border. 2. Lachrymal Process. 3. Ethmoidal Process. 4. Palatine Border. 6. Anterior Extremity. 7. Posterior Extremity. FIG IX. SAME BONE OUTER SURFACE. 5. Palatine Border. 6. Posterior Extremity. 7. Anterior Extremity. 8. Inferior Border. 1. Maxillary Border. 2. Lachrymal Process. 3. Ethmoidal Process. [Antrum. 4. Portion Covering the orifice of the FIG. X. VOMER RIGHT SIDE. 1. Superior Border. 2. Posterior Border. 3. Anterior Border. 4. Inferior Border. 5. Anterior Extremity. FIG. XI. VOMER SUPERIOR AND ANTERIOR BORDERS. 1. Groove and Alae for Rostrum. 2. Groove of Anterior Border. 3. Anterior Extremity. FIG. XII. RIGHT NASAL BONE EXTERNAL SURFACE. . Superior Border. 2. Inferior Border. FIG. XIII. 1. Superior Border. 2. Inferior Border. 3. External Border. 3. External Border. 4. Internal Border. SAME BONE INNER ASPECT. 4. Internal Surface. 5. Internal Border. 1. Anterior Border. 2. Inferior Border. FIG. XIV. FCETAL VOMER. 3. Posterior Border. 4. Superior Border. FIG. XV. ETHMOID 1. Crista Galli. 2. Cribriform Plate. 3. Slit for Nasal Nerve. 4. Anterior Ethmoidal Foramen. 5. Posterior Ethmoidal Foramen. 6. Infundibulum. [Frontal. 7. 7. Part of Lateral Mass joining SUPERIOR SURFACE. 8. Os Planum. 9. Plate and Cells covered by Nasal Process of Upper Maxillary. 10. Posterior part of Lateral Mass. 11. Posterior Border of Cribriform Plate. 12. Perpendicular Plate. FIG. XVI. 1. Vertical Plate. SAME BONE INFERIOR SURFACE. 3. Middle Turbinated Bone. 2, 2. Grooves between Lateral Masses and Vertical Plate. 4. Inferior Orifice of Infundibulum. 5. Maxillary Process. 10 OSTEOLOGY. 6. Palate Process. 7. Posterior Portion of Lateral Masses. 8. Plates and Cells covered by Na- sal Process. 9. Posterior part of Middle Turbinal. FIG. XVII. SAME BONE ANTERIOR SURFACE. 1. Crista Galli. 2. Eminences on the same. 3. Vertical Plate. 4. Groove between it and Lateral Masses. 5. Lateral Masses and Orifice of Infundibulum. 6. Plate and Cells joining the 7. Os Planum. [Lachrymal. 8. Inferior Border of Same. 9. Plates joining the Middle Tur, binal. 10. Anterior Border of Lateral Masses. FIG. XVIII. SAME BONE POSTERIOR SURFACE. 1. Crista Galli. 2. Its eminences. 3. Vertical Plate. [ Masses. 4. Groove between it and Lateral 5. Posterior part of Lateral Mass. 6. Posterior Extremity of Superior Meatus. 7. Posterior Extremity of Middle Turbinal. 8. Posterior Ethmoidal Cells. FIG. XIX. SAME BONE LEFT SIDE VIEW. 1. Crista Galli. 2. Its eminences. 3. Anterior Ethmoidal Cell. 4. Os Planum. 5. Superior Border of Os Planum. 6. Its Inferior Border. 7. Portion of same Border joining Palate. 8. Posterior Border of Os Planum. 9. Its Anterior Border. 10. Infundibulum. 11. Anterior Ethmoidal Cells. 12. Inferior Border of Vertical Plate. 13. Its Posterior Border. 14. Middle Turbinated Bone. 15. Its Posterior Extremity. 16. Superior Meatus. FIG. XX. SAME BONE LONGITUDINAL SECTION LEFT SIDE VIEW. 1. Crista Galli. 2. Its eminences. 3. Perpendicular Plate. 4. Its Anterior Border. 5. Its Inferior Border joining Car- tilage of Septum. 6. Articular Surface for Vomer. 7. Posterior Border. 8. Slit for Nasal Nerve. 9. Inferior Orifices of Olfactory Foramina. 10. Middle Turbinated Bone. 11. Superior Meatus. [ Mass. 12. Posterior part of Left Lateral FIG. XXI. SAMi: I'.oNK- l.oNClTrniNAL SECTION RIGHT SIDE. 1, 1. Bristles passed through Ante- rior Ethmoidal Cells and Middle Turbinal. 2, '2. Bristles passed into Posterior Kthnioidal Cells through the Superior Meatus. OSTEOLOGY. 11 3. Posterior Ethmoidal Foramen. 4. Plate in front of Superior Tur- binal. 5. Anterior Ethmoidal Foramen. 6. Olfactory orifices of Cribriform Plate. 7. Superior Turbinated. 8. Superior Meatus. 9. Middle Turbinated. 10. Its Posterior Extremity. [Mass. 11. Posterior part of Right Lateral 12. 13. Plates of Anterior Cells. FIG. XXII. SAME BONE LEFT SIDE OS PLANUM REMOVED TO SHOW ANTERIOR AND POSTERIOR CELLS. 1. Crista Galli. 2. Its eminences. 3. 3, 3. Anterior Ethmoidal Cells. 4. 4, 4. Posterior Ethmoidal Cells. 5. Septum separating Anterior and Posterior Cells. 6. Anterior extremity of Middle Turbinal. 7. Inferior Border of same. 8. Superior Meatus. 9. Plate of Anterior Cells. 10. Plate of Posterior Cells. FIG. XXIII. FCETAL INFERIOR TURBINATED BONE ANTERIOR ASPECT. 1. Process projecting from Superior Border. [ Surface. 2. Anterior Extremity and Internal 3. Process projecting downwards from Superior Border. 4. Concave External Surface. PLATE IX. FIGS. I TO V. FIG. I. FRONTAL BONE OUTER SURFACE. 1. Remains of Frontal Suture. 2. Nasal Eminence. 3. Nasal Notch. 4. Nasal Spine. 5. Frontal Eminence. 6. Superciliary Ridge. FIG. II. 7. Orbital Arch. 8. Supra-orbital Notch or Foramen. 9. Internal Angular Process. 10. External Angular Process. 11. Temporal Ridge. 12. Superior Border. FRONTAL BONE 1. Groove for superior longitudinal 8. Sinus. [ Ethmoid. 2. Frontal crest, for articulation with 9. 3. Foramen Ca3cum. 10. 4. Nasal Spine. 11. 5. Openings of Frontal Sinuses. 6. Anterior Fossa of Skull. 12. 7. Cerebral Surface of the Orbital 13. Plates. INNER SURFACE. Expanded base of the Nasal Spine. External Angular Process. Orbital Arch. Surface articulating with the Great Wing of the Sphenoid. Inferior Border. Superior Border. FIG. III. FRONTAL BONE HORIZONTAL PORTION EXTERNAL SURFACE. 1. Median line. 2. Frontal Eminence. 3. Openings of Frontal Sinuses. 4. Superior Border seen through Ethmoidal Notch. 5. Frontal Eminence. 12 OSTEOLOGY. 6. Superciliary Ridge. 7. Orbital Arch. 8. Superior part of the Orbit. 9. Orbital Plate. 10. Internal Angular Process. 11." External Angular Process. 12. Inferior Border divided by the Ethmoidal Notch. 13. Surface articulating with Great Wing of Sphenoid. 14. Ethmoidal Cells. 15. Lachrymal Fossa. 16. Ethmoidal Notch. FIG. IV. FRONTAL BONE ANTERIOR SURFACE. ANTERIOR TABLE RE- MOVED TO SHOW THE CAVITIES, SEPTUM, AND INFERIOR OPENINGS OF THE FRONTAL .SINUSES. 1. Median Line of the bone. 2. Frontal Sinuses, their openings communicating with the Na- sal Fossae, and their prolonga- tions backward to the level of the orbital region. 3 Septum. 4. Nasal Notch. 5. Nasal Spine. 6. Internal Angular Process. 7. External Angular Process. 8. Orbital arch and Supra-orbital Foramen. 9. Temporal Ridge. FIG. V. FRONTAL BONES AT BIRTH DEVELOPED BY TWO LATERAL HALVES NATURAL SIZE. PLATE X. PIGS. I TO VI. FIG. I. RIGHT PARIETAL BONE EXTERNAL SURFACE NATURAL SIZE. 1. Parietal Eminence. 2. Temporal Ridge. 3. Parietal Foramen. 4. Superior or Parietal Border. 5. Inferior or Temporal Border. 6. Anterior or Frontal Border. 7. Posterior or Occipital Border. 8. Anterior Superior Angle. 9. Anterior Inferior Angle. 10. Posterior Inferior Angle. 11. Posterior Superior Angle. FIG. II. PARIETAL BONE INTERNAL OR CEREBRAL SURFACE. 8. Inferior Border. 9. Anterior Border. 10. Posterior Border. 11. Anterior Superior Angle. 12. Anterior Inferior Angle. 13. Posterior Superior Angle. 14. Posterior Inferior Angle. 1. Parietal Fossa. 2. Groove for Middle Meningeal Ar- 3. Grooves for its branches. 4. Parietal Foramen. [ Sinus. 5. Groove for Superior Longitudinal 6. Groove for Lateral Sinus. 7. Superior Border. FIG. III. OCCIPITAL BONE OUTER SURFACE NATURAL SIZE. 1. Smooth Surface for Occipito- Frontalis. 2. External Occipital Protuberance. 3. External Occipital Crest. 4. Foramen Magnum. 5. Basilar Process Inferior Angle. OSTEOLOGY. 13 6. Superior Curved Line. 7. Rough surface for Muscular At- tachment. 8. Inferior Curved Line. 9. Same as No. 7. 10. Posterior Condyloid Fossa. 11. Posterior Condyloid Foramen (not constant.) 12. 12. Condyles. 13. Superior Border. 14. Lateral Angle. 15. Inferior Border. 16. Jugular Process. 17. Superior Angle. PIG. IV. OCCIPITAL BONE INTERNAL SURFACE. 1. Groove for Superior Longitudinal Sinus. 2. Internal Occipital Protuberance. 3. Internal Occipital Crest. 4. Foramen Magnum. 5. Basilar Process; anterior surface articulating with body of Sphenoid. 6. Superior Occipital Fossa, for Cere- brum, [side. 7. Groove for Lateral Sinus of left 8. Groove for Lateral Sinus of right side. [ bellum. 9. Inferior Occipital Fossa, for Cere- 10. Groove for Lateral Sinus. 11. Jugular Process. 12. Groove for Petrosal Sinus. 13. Fossa and Anterior Condyloid Foramen. 14. Condyle. 15. Posterior Condyloid Foramen. 16. Superior Border. 17. Inferior Border. 18. Superior Angle. 19. Lateral Angle. 20. Borders of the Basilar process articulating with petrous por- tion of Temporal Bone. FIGS. V AND VI. PCBTAL PARIETAL AND OCCIPITAL. PLATE XI. FIGS. I TO VII. SPHENOID BONE. FIG. I. SPHENOID SUPERIOR SURFACE. 1. Grooves for Olfactory Nerves. 2. Optic Groove. 3. 3. Optic Foramen. 4. Superior Surface of Lesser Wing. 5. Apex of same. 6. Anterior Clinoid Process. 7. Border of Ala Minor. 8. Pituitary Fossa. 9. Support of Posterior Clinoid Process. 10. Posterior Clinoid Process. 11. Basilar Groove. 12. Sphenoidal Fissure. 13. Superior Surface of Ala Major. 14. Cavernous Groove. 15. Foramen Rotundum. 16. Foramen Ovale. 17. Foramen Spinosum. 18. Posterior surface of body for Occipital. 19. Posterior surface of body for Petrous. 20. Spine of Sphenoid. 21. Posterior Border of Alse Majores. 22. Triangular surface joining the Frontal. 23. Articular surface for Parietal. 24. Ethmoidal Spine. 14 OSTEOLOGY. PIG. II. SAME BONE 1, 2. Rostrum. 3. Sphenoidal Sinuses. 4. Ethmoidal Spine. 5. Sphenoidal Turbinated Bone. 6. Base of Pterygoid Process. 7. Internal Pterygoid Plate. 8. External Pterygoid Plate. 9. Posterior Surface of Body. 10. Inferior Surface of Lesser Wing. 11. Sphenoidal Fissure. 12. Articular Surface of Lesser Wings for Frontal. 13. Orbital Surface of Great Wing. INFERIOR SURFACE. 14. Border of Spheno-maxillary Fissure. 15. Articular Border for Malar Bone. 16. Temporal Surface of Great Wing. 17. Zygomatic Surface of Great Wing. 18. Foramen Ovale. 19. Foramen Spinosum. 20. Posterior Border of Great Wing. 21. Tip of Ala Major. 22. Sphenoidal Spine. 23. Foramen Rotundum. FIG. III. SAME BONE 1. Support for Posterior Clinoid Process. 2. Olfactory Groove. 3. 4. Rostrum. 5. 5. Sphenoidal Sinuses. 6. Articular Border for Ethmoid. 7. Anterior Border of Lesser Wing. 8. Inferior Surface of same. 9. Sphenoidal Fissure. 10. Foramen Rotundum. 11. Orbital Surface of Great Wing. ANTERIOR SURFACE. 12. Articular Surface for Malar Bone. 13. Margin of Sphenoidal Fissure. 14. Sphenoidal Zygomatic Surface. 15. Sphenoid portion of Temporal Fossa. 16. Articular Border for Frontal. 17. Apex of Great Wing. 18. Foramen Spinosum and Spine. 19. Foramen Ovale. 20. External Pterygoid Plate. 21. Internal Pterygoid Plate. 22. Vidian Canal. FIG. IV. SAME BONE POSTERIOR SURFACE. 1. Support for Posterior Cliniod Process. 2. Posterior Clinoid Process. 3. Basilar Groove. [ital. 4. Posterior Surface joins Occip- 5. Pterygo-palatine Fissure. 6. Rostrum. 7. Vidian Canal. [Bone. 8. Posterior Border joining Petrous 9. Anterior Clinoid Process. 10. Posterior Border of Lesser Win g. 11. Internal Pterygoid Plate. 12. External Pterygoid Plate. 13. Pterygoid Fossa. 14. Extremity of Great Wing. 15. Anterior Border of Great Wing. 16. Posterior Border of same. 17. Articular Surface for Malar. FIG. V. SAME BONE SUPERIOR SURFACE. THE UPPER PLATE REMOVED. EXPOSING THE SPHENOIDAL SINUSES AND THEIR SEPTUM. 1. Superior Surface. 2. Sphenoidal Sinuses. 3. Orifices of same. 4. Support for Posterior Clinoid Process. 5. Posterior Clinoid Process. 6. Anterior Clinoid Process. 7. Optic Foramen. 8. Superior Surface of Lesser Wings. OSTEOLOGY. 15 9. Sphenoidal Fissure. 10. Anterior Border of Alae Minores. 11. Articular Border of Ala Major for Frontal. 12. Extremity of Great Wing. 13. Posterior Border of Great Wing. 14. Superior Surface of Great Wing. 15. Cavernous Groove. 16. Foramen Rotundum. 17. Foramen Ovale. 18. Foramen Spinosum. 19. Sphenoidal Spine. 20. Posterior Surface of Body. 21. Posterior Surface of Support of Posterior Clinoid Processes. FIG. VI. SAME BONE MATURE FCETUS UPPER ASPECT. 1. Posterior Portion of Body. 2. Lesser Wings. 3. Great Wings. 4. Root of Great Wings. FIG. VII. SAME BONE POSTERIOR SURFACE. 1. Posterior Surface of Body. 2. Inferior Surface of Body. 3. Pterygoid Processes. 4. Lesser Wings. 5. Great Wings. FIG. VIII. SAME BONE INFERIOR SURFACE. 1. Anterior Portion of Body. 2. Lesser Wings. 3. Posterior Portion of Body. 4. Cavity found on the Inferior sur- face of the Festal Sphenoid. 5. Sphenoidal Fissure. 6. Great Wings. 7. Pterygoid Process. 8. Root of Great Wing. PLATE XII. FIGS. I TO XIII. FIG. I. TEMPORAL BONE EXTERNAL SURFACE. 1. Squamous Portion. 2. Zygomatic Process. 3. Articular Surface for Malar. 4. Base of Zygomatic Process. 5. Anterior Root. 6. Middle Root. 7. Posterior Root. 8. Posterior Margin of Glenoid Fossa. 9. Auditory Process. 10. Anterior Portion of Glenoid Fossa. 11. Posterior Portion of same. 12. Petrous Portion of Temporal. 13. Superior Orifice of Carotid 14. Base of Styloid Process. [Canal. 15. Styloid Process. 16. Mastoid Process. 17. Mastoid Groove. 18. Mastoid Foramen. 19. Superior Border. 20. Surface for Articulation with Great Wing of Sphenoid. 21. Notch between Petrous and Squamous Portions. 22. Groove between Squamous and Mastoid Portions. 23. Inferior Border. FIG. II. TEMPORAL BONE INTERNAL SURFACE. 1. Squamous Portion, Inner Sur- I 2. Groove for lodgment of Branch face. | of Middle Meningeal Artery. 16 OSTEOLOGY. 3. Superior Surface of Petrous Por- tion. 4. Hiatus Fallopii. [tion. 5. Posterior Surface of Petrous Por- 6. Orifice of Aquwductus Vestibuli. 7. Meatus Auditorius Interims. 8. Superior Border of Petrous Por- tion. 9. Apex of Petrous Portion. 10. Surface articulating with Jug- ular Process of Occipital. 11. Inferior Border of Petrous Por- 12. Styloid Process. [tion. 13. Groove for Lateral Sinus. 14. Internal Orifice of Mastoid For- amen. 15. Superior Border of Bone. 16. Surface articulating with the Great Wing of Sphenoid. 17. Articular Surface of Zygomatic Process for the Malar Bone. 18. Groove between Squamous and Petrous Portions. 19. Groove between the Squamous and Mastoid Portions. 20. Articular Surface for Occipital. FIG. III. TEMPORAL BONE INFERIOR SURFACE. 1. Zygomatic Process. [Bone. 2. Articular Surface for Malar 3. Base of Zygomatic Process. 4. Anterior Root. 5. Superior division of Middle Root. 6. Inferior division of Middle Root. 7. Anterior Portion of Glenoid Cavity. 8. Posterior Portion of Glenoid Cavity. 9. Glaserian Fissure. 10. Inferior Orifice of Carotid Canal. 11. Jugular Fossa. 12. Triangular Surface for articu- lating with the Jugular Por- tion of Occipital. 13. Groove for Lateral Sinus. 14. Vaginal Process. 15. Meatus Auditorius Externus. 16. Stylo-mastoid Foramen. 17. Apex of Mastoid Process. 18. Groove for Digastric Muscle. 19. Mastoid Foramen. 20. Aquseductus Cochlse, Orifice of. 21. Superior Orifice of Carotid Canal. 22. Angle between Squamous and Petrous Portions. 23. Anterior Border of Squamous Portion. 24. External Surface of Squamous Portion. FIG. IV. TEMPORAL BONE OF A MATURE FCETUS EXTERNAL SURFACE. 1. Squamous Portion. 2. Zygomatic Process. 3. Superior Division of Middle Root. 4. Inferior Division of Middle Root. 5. Glenoid Cavity (very shallow). 6. Angle between the Squamous and Petrous Portions. 7. Articular Surface for Malar Bone. 8. Bony Ring at Meatus Auditorius Externus. 9. Stylo-mastoid Foramen. 10. Mastoid Portion. [tion. 11. Inferior Border of Mastoid Por- 12. Rudiments of Mastoid Process. FIG. V. RIGHT SUPERIOR MAXILLARY BONE EXTERNAL SURFACE. 1. Apex of Nasal Process artic- ulating with Frontal. 2. Anterior Border of Nasal Process articulating with Nasal Bone. OSTEOLOGY. 17 3. Inner Margin of Posterior Border articulating with Os Unguis. 4. External Margin of Posterior Border. 5. Orbital Surface. 6. Infra-orbital Groove. 7. Anterior Portion of Border of Orbital Surface articulating with Lachrymal Bone. 8. Middle Portion of same joining the Ethmoid. 9. Posterior Portion of same Border joining the Palate Bone. 10. Malar Process. 11. Infra-orbital Foramen. 12. Incisive Fossa. . 13. Ridge extending from Malar Pro- cess to the Alveolar Border. 14. Maxillary Tuberosity. 15. Nasal Border. 16. Anterior Nasal Spine. 17. Alveolar Border. FIG. VI. SAME BONE INTERNAL SURFACE. 1. Apex of Nasal Process. 2. Anterior Border of same. [der. 3. Internal Margin of Posterior Bor- 4. Superior Turbinated Crest. 5. Middle Meatus. 6. Inferior Turbinated Crest. 7. Nasal Notch. 8. Nasal Spine. 9. Palate Process. 10. Anterior Palatine Canal. 11. Hard Palate forming the Floor of the Nose. 12. Inferior Meatus. 13. Antrum of Highmore. 14. Portion of Antrum closed by Palate Bone. 15. Surface joining the Vertical Portion of Palate. 16. Posterior Palatine Canal. 17. Articular Surface for the Tuber- osity of Palate. 18. Alveolar Process. 19. Maxillary Tuberosity. FIG. VII. SAME BONE SUPERIOR SURFACE. 1. Apex of Nasal Process. 2. Its Anterior Border. 3. Anterior Nasal Spine. 4. 5. Alveolar Border. 6. Orbital Surface. [ face. 7. Internal Border of Orbital Sur- 8. Infra-orbital Groove. 9. Border of Spheno-rnaxillary Fis- 10. Malar Process. [sure. 11. Two Margins of Posterior Bor- der of Nasal Process. 12. Superior Surface of Palate Process. [Border. 13. Articular Surface for Palate FIG. VIII. SAME BONE INFERIOR SURFACE. 1. Nasal Process. 2. Nasal Notch. 3. Nasal Spine. 4. Canine Fossa and Infra-orbital Foramen. 5. Malar Process. 6. Palate Process. 7. Anterior Palatine Foramen. 8. Internal Border of Palate Process. 9. Posterior of same. 10. Socket of Middle Incisor Tooth. 11. Socket of Lateral Incisor. 12. Socket of Canine Tooth. 13. 14. Sockets for two Bicuspids. 15, 16, 17. Multilocular Sockets of three Molars. 18. Internal Surface, articulates with the Palate Bone. 18 OSTEOLOGY. PIG. IX. SAME BONE THE MAXILLARY SINUS, INFRA-ORBITAL CANAL, AND ALVEOLI LAID OPEN. 1. Apex of Nasal Process. 2. Anterior Border of same. 3. Internal Margin of Posterior Border. 4. External Margin of same. 5. Orbital Surface. 6. Internal Border of same. 7. Infra-orbital Groove and Canal. 8. Bifurcation of Infra-orbital Canal. 9. Inferior Division of same, giving passage to the Dental Nerves. 10, 10. Superior Division of same Canal. 11. 11, 11. Divided Portion of the Bone. 12. Internal Orifice of the Antrum. 13. 13. Internal Wall and Bony Lamina of same. 14. Anterior Wall of Antrum. 15. Nasal Notch. 16. Anterior Nasal Spine. 17. 18. Sockets of the two Incisors. 19. Socket for the Canine. 20, 21. Sockets for the two Bicus- pids. 22, 23, 24. Sockets for the three Molars. , FIX. X. 1. Nasal Process. 2. Nasal Notch. 3. Anterior Nasal Spine. 4. Inferior Border. FCETAL MAXILLARY EXTERNALLY. 5. Infra-orbital Foramen. 6. Orbital Surface and Infra-orbital Groove. 7. Malar Process. FIG. XI. SUPERIOR MAXILLA OF A WOMAN OF NINETY INFERIOR SUR- FACE, SHOWING THE COMPLETE OBLITERATION OF THE ALVEOLAR PROCESS. 1. Nasal Process. 2. Nasal Notch. 3. Anterior Nasal Spine. 4. Infra-orbital Foramen. 5. Inferier Border. 6. Concave Surface from Malar Process to Alveolar Border. 7. Malar Process. 8. Palate Process. 9. Its Internal Border. 10. Anterior Palatine Foramen. 11. Posterior Border of Palate Process. 12. Maxillary Tuberosity. FIG. XII. RIGHT MALAR BONE EXTERNAL SURFACE. 1. Frontal Process. [cess. 2. Inferior Angle of Maxillary Pro- 3. Anterior Angle of same Process. 4. Zygomatic Process. 5. Anterior Superior Border. FIG. XIII. SAME BONE 1. Frontal Process. [ lar Canal. 2. Orbital Process and Temporo-ma- 3. 4. Free Border of Internal Surface. 5. Articular Surface for Upper Maxillary. 6. Posterior Superior Border. 6. Posterior Superior Border. 7. Posterior Inferior Border. 8. Anterior Inferior Border. 9. External Surface. 10. Malar Foramen. ; INTERNAL SURFACE. 7. Anterior Superior Border. 8. Anterior Inferior Border. 9. Posterior Inferior Border. 10. Anterior Angle. 11. Posterior Angle. 12. Inferior Angle. OSTEOLOGY. 19 PLATE XIII. FIGS. I TO X. FIG. I. BASE OP THE SKULL EXTERNAL SURFACE. I. Sphenoid. ii. Occipital. in. Temporal. iv. Parietal, (posterior inferior an- vn. Vomer. [gl e -) ix. Malar. x. Superior Maxillary. xi. Palate. xn. Nasal. 13. Great Wing of Sphenoid. 15. Spheno-maxillary Fissure. 16. Spine of Sphenoid. 17. Alee Ingrassise. 18. Foramen Ovale. 19. Foramen Spinosum. 20. 21. External Pterygoid Plates. 22. Internal Pterygoid Plate. 24. Vaginal Process. 25. Hamular Process. 26. Basilar Process of Occipital. 27. Spina Basilaris. 31. Condyle. 32. Posterior Condyloid Fossa. 33. Jugular Fossa. 36. Smooth Surface for Occipito- Frontalis. 37. External Occipital Protuberance 38. Superior Curved Line. 39. External Occipital Crest. 40. Inferior Curved Line. 44. Squamous Portion of Temporal. 45. Zygomatic Process of Temporal. 46. Its Anterior Root. 47. Its Posterior Root. 48. Eminentia Articularis. 49. Glenoid Cavity. 50. Glaserian Fissure. 51. Mastoid Portion of Temporal. 62. Mastoid Process. 53. Occipital Groove. 55. Mastoid Foramen. 57. Meatus Auditorius Externus. 59. Vaginal Process. 60. Stylo-mastoid Foramen. 61. Carotid Canal. 66. Foramen Lacerum Medium. 68. Superciliary *Ridge of Frontal. 71. External Angular Process of 80. Alveolar Process. [ Frontal. 81. Palate Process of Superior Max- illary. 83. Anterior Palatine Fossa. 85. Horizontal Plate of Palate Bone. 86. Posterior Palatine Foramen. FIG. II. BASE OF THE SKULL CEREBRAL SURFACE. 1. Frontal Bone. 2. Foramen Csecum. 3. Crista GallL 4. Cribriform Plate of Ethmoid. 5. Ethmoidal Spine of Sphenoid. 6. Body of Sphenoid. 7. Optic Groove. 8. Optic Foramen. 9. Sella Turcica. 10. Anterior Clinoid Process. 11. Support for the Posterior Clin- oid Processes. 12. Posterior Clinoid Process. 13. Basilar Suture and Process. 14. Foramen Magnum. 15. Anterior Condyloid Foramen. 16. Groove for Occipital Sinus. 17. Torcular Herophili. 18. Orbital Plate of Frontal. 19. Lesser Wing of Sphenoid. 20. Coronal Suture. 21. Parietal Bone. 22. Squamo-parietal Suture. 23. Squamo-sphenoidal Suture. 24. Sphenoidal Fissure. 25. Foramen Rotundum. 20 OSTEOLOGY. 26. Foramen Ovale. 27. Cavernous Groove. 28. Foramen Lacerum Medium. 29. Foramen Spinosum. 30. Hiatus Fallopii. 31. Slit for Dura-mater. 32. Meatus Auditorius Internus. 33. Groove for Petrosal Sinus. 34. Foramen Lacerum Posterius. 35. Posterior Condyloid Foramen. 36. Posterior-inferior Angle of Pa- rietal. 37. Mastoid Foramen. 38. Masto-occipital Suture. 39. Posterior inferior Fossa for Cerebellum. 40. Groove for Lateral Sinus. 41. Coronal Suture. 42. Lambdoid Suture. [ance. 43. External Occipital Protuber- FIG. III. VERTICAL SECTION OF SKULL INTERNAL SURFACE. I. II. IV. V. VI. VIII X. XI. XII. 1. 2. 3. 4. 6. 7. 11. 20. 23. 25. 26. Sphenoid. Occipital. Parietal. Frontal. Ethmoid. .Inferior Turbinated. Superior Maxillary. Palate. Nasal. Body of Sphenoicl Posterior Pituitary Fossa. [Surface Posterior Clinoid Process. Groove for Pons Varoli. (Cli- vus Blumenbachii.) Olivary Process. Carotid or Cavernous Groove. Anterior Clinoid Process. External Pterygoid Plate. Pterygoid Fossa. Hamular Process. Basilar Process. 29. Condyloid Portion of Occipital. 31. Condyle. 36. Pars Occipitalis. [ance. 37. External Occipital Protuber- 44. Squamous Portion of Temporal. 56. Petrous Portion of Temporal. 63. Meatus Auditorius Internus. 67. Frontal Bone. 69. Internal Frontal Bone. 72. Nasal Eminence. 73. Foramen Ccecum. 74. Frontal Sinus. 75. Crista Galli. 76. Cribiform Plate. 77. Superior Turbinated Bone. 78. Middle Turbinated Bone. 79. Nasal Process of Superior Max- 80. Alveolar Process. [illary. 82. Crest of Superior Maxillary. 84. Perpendicular Portion of Palate Bone. FIG. IV. INFERIOR MAXILLARY BONE INTERNAL SURFACE. 1. Body. 2. Mylo-Hyoidean Line. 3. Alveolar Process. 4. Ramus. 5. Inferior Dental Foramen. 6. Sigmoid Notch. 7. Coronoid Process. 8. Condyloid Process. 9. Condyle. 10. Neck. 11. Angle of Jaw. FIGS. V, VI, ATLAS FIG. V, SUPERIOR SURFACE. FIG. VI, INFERIOR SURFACE. 1. Anterior Arch. 2. Tubercle. 3. Articular Surface for Odontoid. 4. Posterior Arch. [Process.) 5. Tubercle. (Rudimentary Spinous 6. Lateral Masses. 7. Superior Articular Surface. 8. Inferior Articular Surface. 9. Tubercles for Transverse Liga- 11. Transverse Processes. [ment. OSTEOLOGY. 21 Fig. VII. Axis Superior Surface. Fig. VIII. Third Cervical Vertebra Superior Surface. Fig. IX. Dorsal Vertebra Side View. FIG. X. LUMBAR VERTEBRA SIDE VIEW. 1. Odontoid Process of Axis. 2. Body of Vertebra. 3. Arch formed by LaminsB. 4. Spinous Process. 5. Inferior Articular Processes. 6. Superior Articular Processes. 7. Transverse Process. 8. Its Anterior Root. 9. Its Posterior Root. 10. Demi-facet for Head of Rib. PLATE XIV.. FIGS. I TO IX. FIG. I. SEVENTH CERVICAL VERTEBRA SUPERIOR SURFACE. 1. Body. 2. Vertebral Foramen. 3. Superior Articular Process. 4. Spinous Process. FIG. II. EIGHTH DORSAL VERTEBRA INFERIOR SURFACE. 1. Body. 2. Inferior Articular Process look- ing forward. 3. 3. Transverse Processes. 4. Spinous Process. 5. Spinal Foramen. 6. Intervertebral Notch. FIG. III. SAME VERTEBRA SUPERIOR SURFACE. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Same as in the above. Superior Articular Process facing backward. FIG. IV. FOURTH LUMBAR VERTEBRA INFERIOR SURFACE. 1. Body. 2. Transverse Process. 3. Inferior Articular Process, look- ing forward and outward. 4. Superior Articular Process. 5. Spinous Process. 1. Body. 2. ' Transverse Process. 3. Superior Articular Process. FIG. V. SAME VERTEBRA UPPER ASPECT. 4. Inferior Articular Process. 5. Spinous Process. FIG. VI. SACRUM ANTERIOR VIEW. FIG. VII. SACRUM POSTERIOR VIEW. 1. Body of Sacral Vertebrae. 2. Anterior Sacral Foramina. 3. Rudimentary Coalesced Trans- verse Processes. 4. Rudimentary Spinous Processes. 5. Posterior Sacral Foramina. 6. Sacral Cornua. 22 OSTEOLOGY. FIG. VIII. COCCYX. 1. Rudiments of Transverse Processes. FIG. IX. 1. Posterior Extremity. 2. Head. 3. Tubercle. 4. Neck. POSTERIOR ASPECT OP RIBS. 5. Angle. 6. Shaft. 7. Sternal Extremity. 2. Cornua. PLATE XV. FIGS. I TO VI. FIG. I. 1. Head. 2. Neck. 3. Greater Tuberosity. 4. Musculo-spiral Groove. 6. Posterior Surface. HUMERUS POSTERIOR ASPECT. 6. Internal Surface. 7. External Surface. 8. Inner Condyle. 9. Trochlea. FIG. II. SAME BONE ANTERIOR VIEW. 1. Head. 2. Neck. 3. Greater Tuberosity. 4. Lesser Tuberosity. 5. Bicipital Groove. 6. Insertion of Deltoid. 7. Anterior Surface. 8. Outer Surface. 9. Inner Surface. 10. Coronoid Fossa. 11. Inner Condyle. 12. Outer Condyle. 13. 14. Trochlea. 15. Capitellum. FIG. III. ULNA INNER ASPECT. 1. Olecranon Process. 2. Coronoid Process. 3. Sigmoid Cavity. 4. Inner Surface. 5. Inner Border. 6. Interosseous Border. 7. Surface joining Radius. 8. Surface joining Fibro-cartilage of Wrist. 9. Styloid Process. FIG. IV. ULNA SUPERIOR SURFACE. 1. Olecranon. [face. 2. Internal Lateral Ligament, Sur- 3. Greater Sigmoid Cavity. 4. Lesser Sigmoid Cavity. 5. Origin of Flexor Profundus. G. Interosseous Border. 7. Superior Surface. 8. Internal Border. 9. Surface for Fibro-cartilage of Wrist. 10. Styloid Process. 11. Surface joining Radius. FIG. V. RADIUS UPPER ASPECT. 1. Surface joining Humerns. 2. Side of Head. 3. Neck. 4. Tuberosity. OSTEOLOGY. 23 5. Upper Border. 6. Outer Surface. 7. Interosseous Border. 8. Groove for Extensores Pollicis. 9. Styloid Process. 10. Facets for Carpo-radial Joint. 11. Facet for Radio-ulnar Joint. FIG. VI. RADIUS INFERIOR ASPECT. 1. Humeral Articular Surface. 2. Head. 3. Neck. 4. Tubercle. 5. Posterior Surface. 6. External Surface. 7. Inner Border. 8. Facets for Wrist Joint. 9. Styloid Process. 10. Facet for Radio-ulnar Joint. 11. Groove for Extensor Minimi Digiti. 12. Groove for Extensor Communis and Indicis. 13. Groove for Extensor Secundi Internodii Pollicis. 14. Groove for Carpi-radialis Long and Short Extensors. 15. Groove for Extensores Ossis Metacarpi Pollicis and Primi Internod. Pollicis. PLATE XVI. FIGS. I TO VI. FIG. I. OS INNOMINATUM EXTERNAL SURFACE. FIG. II. SAME INTERNAL SURFACE. 1. Ilium. 2. Middle Curved Line. 3. Ilio-pectineal Line. 4. Inferior Curved Line. 5. Auricular Surface. 6. Crest of the Ilium. 7. External Lip of Crest. 8. Internal Lip. 9. Intermediate Space. [cess. 10. Anterior Superior Spinous Pro- 11. Posterior Superior Spinous Pro- cess. 12. Anterior Margin. [cess. 13. Anterior Inferior Spinous Pro- 14. Posterior Margin Semilunar Notch. 15. Posterior Inferior Spinous Pro- cess. 16. Great Sacro-sciatic Notch. 17. Ischium. 18. Its Ascending Ramus or Body. 19. Descending Ramus. 20. Spine of Ischium. 21. Lesser Sacro-sciatic Notch. 22. Tuberosity of Ischium. 23. Obturator Foramen. 24. Pubes. 25. Horizontal Ramus. 26. Descending Ramus. 27. Crest of Pubes. 28. Ilio-pectineal Eminence. 29. Acetabulum. 30. Rim of Acetabulum. 31. Cotyloid Notch. 32. Semilunar Surface. 33. Surface for Ligamentum Teres. FIG. III. FEMUR. 1. Superior Extremity. 2. Head. 3. Neck. 4. Trochanter Minor. 5. Trochanter Major. 6. Inter-trochanteric Line. 24 OSTEOLOGY. 7. Shaft. 10. Inferior Extremity. 8. Internal Division of Linea 11. External Condyle. Aspera. 12. Internal Condyle. 9. External Division of Linea 13. Inter-condyloid Notch. Aspera. FIG. IV. PATELLA ANTERIOR SURFACE. 1. Base or Superior Border. | 2. Apex. FIG. V. TIBIA. 1. Crest of Tibia. 2. Superior Extremity. 3. External Tuberos.ity. 4. Internal Tuberosity. [ Femur. 5. Articular Facets for Condyles of 6. Spine of Tibia. 1. Superior Extremity. 2. Shaft. 7. Apices of Spine. 8. Sulcus between Apices of Spine. 9. Tubercle. 10. Inferior Extremity. 11. Facet for Fibula. 12. Internal Malleolus. FIG. VI. FIBULA. 3. Crest. 4. External Malleolus. PLATE XVII. FIGS. I TO XVI. FIG. I. PALMAR SURFACE OF THE HAND. FIG. II. DORSAL SURFACE OF THE HAND. 1. Carpus. 2. Scaphoid. 3. Semilunar. 4. Cuneiform. 5. Pisiform. 6. Trapezium. 7. Trapezoid. 8. Os Magnum. 9. Head of Os Magnum. 10. Unciform. 11. Unciform Process. 12. Metacarpus. 13. Base \ 14. Shaft > of Metacarpal Bones. 15. Head ) 16. First Row of Phalanges. 17. Second Row of Phalanges. 18. Third Row of Phalanges. 19. Sesamoid Bones. FIG. III. OS CALCIS UPPER SURFACE FIG. IV. OS CALCIS INFERIOR SURFACE. 1. Body of Calcaneum.- 3. Anterior Process. 2. Tuberosity of the Os Calcis. 4. Internal Process. 1. Body. FIG. V. ASTRAGALUS SUPERIOR SURFACE. FIG. VI. SAME BONE INFERIOR SURFACE. FIG. VII. SCAPHOID OUTER SURFACE. FIG. VIII. SAME INNER SURFACE. 1. Tuberosity of Scaphoid. OSTEOLOGY. 25 Fig. IX. Internal Cuneiform Outer Aspect. " X. Internal Cuneiform Inner Aspect. " XI. Mid'dle Cuneiform Outer Aspect. " XII. Same Inner Aspect. " XIII. External Cuneiform Outer Surface. " XIV. Same Inner Surface. FIG. XV. CUBOID VIEWED EXTERNALLY. FIG. XVI. SAME INTERNAL SURFACE. 1. Tuberosity of the Cuboid. 2. Groove for Peroneus Longus. PLATE XVIII. FIGS. I TO LIV. In the Carpal Bones, A. Designates Superior Surface. D. Posterior Surface. B. Inferior Surface. E. External Surface. C. Anterior Surface. F. Internal Surface. Fig. 1. Scaphoid Anterior Surface. " 2. Same Posterior Surface. " 3. Same Superior Surface. " 4. Same Internal Surface. " 5. Semilunar Anterior Surface. " 6. Same Posterior Surface. " 7. Same Internal and Superior Surface. " 8. Same Internal and Inferior Surface. " 9. Cuneiform Anterior Surface. " 10. Same Posterior Surface. " 11. Same External Surface. " 12. Same Inferior Surface. " 13. Pisiform Anterior Surface. " 14. Same Posterior Surface. " 15. Same External Surface. " 16. Same Internal Surface. " 17. Trapezius Anterior Surface. " 18. Same Posterior Surface. " 19. Same Superior and Internal Surface. " 20. Same Inferior Surface. " 21. Trapezoid Superior Surface. " 22. Trapezoid External Surface. " 23. Trapezoid Posterior Surface. " 24. Trapezoid Inferior Surface. " 25. Os Magnum Anterior Surface. " 26. Os Magnum Internal Surface. " 27. Os Magnum External Surface. " 28. Os Magnum Inferior Surface^ 26 OSTEOLOGY. Fig. 29. Unciform Posterior Surface. " 30. Unciform Internal Surface. " 31. Unciform External Surface. " 32. Unciform Inferior Surface. G. Unciform Process. ( Articular Surfaces of < Superior Extremity of First Metacarpal. (Inferior " " " ( Superior " " Second " f Inferior " " " ( Superior " " Third Fig. 33. 34. 35. 36. ( Inferior f Internal Surface < Superior Extremity " ( Inferior 37. 38. 39. 40. ) Superior " i Inferior " j Superior " \ Inferior j Superior " $ Inferior Superior ( First Metatarsal Bone. } 5. Posterior Exremity, a. ( 6. Anterior Extremity, 6. ( Second Metatarsal Bone. } 5. Anterior Extremity. ( 6. Posterior Extremity. f Third Metatarsal. . < 5. Posterior Extremity. ' 6. Anterior Extremity. ( Fourth Metatarsal. . < 5. Posterior Extremity. ( 6. Anterior Extremity. f Fifth Metatarsal. . < 5. Posterior Extremity. ( 6. Anterior Extremity. f First Phalanx of Great Toe . < 5. Posterior Extremity. ( 6. Anterior Extremity. ( Last Phalanx of Great Toe. ' I 5. Posterior Extremity. ( First Phalanx of Second i. < 1 . Superior Surface. [Toe. ( 2. Inferior Surface. Fourth Fifth " " [ ger. First Phalanx of Middle Fin. same. " Second " Third " " " (3. Internal Border. Fig. 48. < 4. Posterior Extremity. 1.5. Anterior Extremity. Second Phalanx of Second 1. Superior Surface. [Toe 2. Inferior Surface. Fig. 49.^ 3. Internal Border. Pig. 4. Posterior Extremity. 5. Anterior Extremity. ,,. p, ft ( Second Phalanx of Fourth B ig. 00- \ Superior Surface. [Toe. f Third Phalanx of Second 1. Superior Surface. [Toe 2. Inferior Surface. 3. Internal Border. .4. Posterior Extremity. f Carpal Extremity of Ulna. I 1. Articular Surface of Fig. 52.^ Wrist Joint. i^2. Styloid Process. Sternal End of Clavicle. Articular Surface. OSTEOLOGY. 27 {Patella Posterior Surface 1, 2. Surfaces for Condyles of Femur. 3. Ridge dividing them. Fig. 54.- '4. Superior Border. 5. Inferior Border. 6. Inner Border. -7. External Border. PLATE XIX. FIGS. I TO VII. PIG. I. SCAPULA DORSAL SURFACE. 1. Supra-spinous Fossa. 2. Triangular Surface at Vertebral Border. Spine. Its Inferior Surface. Its External Border. Acromion Process. 7. Tip of Acromion. 8. Coracoid Process. 9. Infra-spinous Fossa. 10. Superior Angle. 11. Glenoid Cavity. 12. Neck. 13. External or Axillary Border. 14. Internal or Vertebral Border. 15. Superior Border. 16. Superior Angle. 17. Inferior Angle. FIG. II. SCAPULA VENTRAL ASPECT. 1. Sub-scapular Fossa. 2. Root of Coracoid Process. 3. Tip of same. 4. Supra-scapular Notch. 5. Superior Border. 6. Axillary Border. 7. Vertebral Border. 8. Spine. 9. Acromion Process. 10. Facet for Clavicle. 11. Glenoid Cavity. 12. Neck. 13. Superior Angle. 14. Inferior Angle. FIG. III. SCAPULA EXTERNAL ASPECT. 1. Glenoid Cavity. 2. Sub-scapular Fossa. 3. Inferior Angle. 4. Root of Coracoid Process. 5. Insertion of Biceps. 6. Superior Angle. 7. Supra-spinous Fossa. 8. Neck. 9. Spine. 10. Infra-spinous Fossa. 11. Acromion Process. FIG. IV. MANUBRIUM. FIG. V. GLADIOLUS. FIG. VI. ENSIFORM APPENDIX. 1. Manubrium. 2. Interclavicular Notch. 3. 3. Facets for Clavicles. [iolus. 4. Joint of Manubriun and Gad- 5, 5. Facets for Costal Cartilages. 6, 6. Free Borders of the Bone. 7, Joint of Gladiolus and Ensiform Cartilage. FIG. VII. CLAVICLE INFERIOR ASPECT. 1. Sternal Extremity. 2, 2. Surfaces for Ligaments. 3. Acromial Extremity. 28 OSTEOLOGY. PLATE XX. FIGS. I TO XIX. EXTREMITIES AND ARTICULAR SURFACES OF LONG BONES. FIG. I. HEAD OF HUMERUS. 1. Articular Surface. 2. Greater Tuberosity. 3. Lesser Tuberosity. 4. Bicipital Groove. 5. Anatomical Neck. FIG. II. FCETAL HUMERUS. 1. Head. 2. Lower Extremity. 3. Shaft. FIGS. Ill, IV. UPPER EXTREMITY OF ULNA SIDE AND POSTERIOR ASPECTS. 1. Olecranon Process. 2. Coronoid Process. 3. Greater Sigmoid Cavity. 4. Lesser Sigmoid Cavity. FIG. V. HUMERAL FACET OF RADIUS. 1. Surface for Capitulum. FIG. VI. FCETAL RADIUS. 1. Head. 2. Carpal Extremity. FIG. VII. LOWER EXTREMITY OF HUMERUS. 3. Shaft. 1, 2. Trochlear Surface. 3. Capitellum. 4. Internal Condyle. 5. External Condyle. 6. Coronoid Fossa. 7. Olecranon Fossa. FIG. VIII. CARPAL EXTREMITY OF RADIUS. 1. Facet for Scaphoid. 2. Ridge dividing it from 3. Facet for Semilunar. 4. Facet for Ulna. 6. Styloid Process. 6. Anterior Surface. 7. Posterior Surface. FIG. IX. UPPER EXTREMITY OF FEMUR. 1. Facet for Acetabulum. 2. Edge of Cartilaginous Covering of Head. 3. Neck. 1. Head. 2. Trochanter Major. 3. Trochanter Minor. 4. Trochanter Major. 5. Trochanter Minor. 6. Inter-trochanteric Line. 11. Shaft. FIG. X. FCBTAL FEMUR. 4. Shaft. 5. Condyles. FIG. XI. UPPER EXTREMITY OF TIBIA. 1. Spine. 2, 3. Facets for Condyles of Femur. 4. Tubercle for Ligamentum Patellae 5. Outer Tuberosity. 6. Inner Tuberosity. OSTEOLOGY. 29 FIG. XII. UPPER ASPECT OP SAME. 1. Ridge for Soleus. [133. 2. Tubercle for Ligamentum Patel- 3. Spine. 4, 5. Surface for Crucial Liga- ments. 6, 7. Semilunar Cartilage. FIG. XIII. LOWER EXTREMITY OF FEMUR. 8. Internal Tuberosity. 13, 14. Bifurcated Linea Aspera. 15. Popliteal Space. 19. External Tuberosity. 20. Groove for origin of Popliteus. 21. Inner Condyle. 22. Outer Condyle. FIG. XIV. LOWER EXTREMITY OF TIBIA. 12. Inner Malleolus. 13. Surface for Astragalus. FIG. XV. INFERIOR ASPECT OF SAME. 1. Anterior Surface. 2. Posterior Surface. 3. Astragalar Surface. 1. Upper Extremity. 1. Head. 1. Head. 4. Same Surface of Inner Malleo- 5. Inner Malleolus. [ lus. 6. Facet for Fibula. FIG. XVI. FOETAL TIBIA. 2. Shaft. 3. Tarsal Extremity. FIG. XVII. FCETAL FIBULA. 2. Shaft. 3. External Malleolus. FIG. XVIII. UPPER EXTREMITY OF FIBULA. FIG. XIX. LOWER EXTREMITY OF FIBULA. 6. Outer Surface of External Mal- leolus. 7. Surface for Tibia. 8. Facet for Astragalus. SYNDESMOLOGY. PLATE I. LIGAMENTS OF THE HEAD AND CERVICAL VERTEBRA. PIG. I. I. Sphenoid. 1. Alee Magnse. 2. Pterygoid Processes. 3. External Plate. 4. Internal Plate. 5. Hamular Process, il. Occipital. a. Basilar Portion. b. Occipital Portion. c. Condyloid Portion. 6. Condyle. 7. Anterior Condyloid Foramen, in. Temporal. a. Squamous Portion. 6. Mastoid Portion. c. Petrous Portion. 8. Zygomatic Process. 9. Mastoid Process. 10. Styloid Process. 11. Foramen Lacerum Posterius. 12. Carotid Canal, iv. Parietal. v. Malar. vi. Superior Maxillary. 13. Palate Process. 14. Incisive Foramen. 15. Alveolar Process, vii. Palate Bone. 16. Horizontal Portion. 17. Pterygo-palatine Foramen, vin. Vomer. 18. Middle Turbinated Bone. ix. Lower Maxillary. 19. Angle. 20. Condyloid Process. 21. Coronoid Process. 22. Sphenoidal Fissure. a. Capsular Ligament of Temporo- maxillary Articulation. @. Lateral Ligament. FIGS. II AND III. SAME. FIG. II. EXTERNAL VIEW. FIG. III. INTERNAL VIEW. I. Sphenoid. 1. Sphenoidal Sinus. 2. Great Wings. 3. Pterygoid Processes, n. Occipital Bone. 4. Basilar Portion. 5. Pars Condyloideus. in. Temporal. 6. Petrous Portion. 7. Mastoid Process. 8. Zygomatic Process. 9. Styloid Process. 30 10. Meatus Auditorius Externus. iv. Upper Maxillary. 11. Alveolar Process. 12. Palate Process. 13. Inferior Turbinated v. Inferior Maxillary. 14. Angle. 15. Coronoid Process. 16. Condyloid Process. a. Internal Lateral Ligament. 6. External Lateral Ligament, c. Stylo-maxillary Ligament. SYNDESMOLOGY. 31 FIG. IV. i. Inferior Maxillary. 1. Angle. 2. Coronoid Process. 3. Condyloid Process. 4. Articular Surface of the Condyle. ii. Temporal. 5. Porus Acousticus Externus. 6. Zygomatic Process. 7. Glenoid Fossa. a. Capsular Ligament. b. Inter-articular Fibro-cartilage. FIGS. V. TO XI. ARTICULATIONS OF THE SPINE WITH THE OCCIPITAL BONE. i. Occipital. 1. Basilar Portion. 2. Clivus Blumenbachii. 3. Occipital Portion. 4. Inner Occipital Crest. 5. Condyloid Portion. 6. Anterior Condyloid Foramen. 7. Internal Opening of same. ii. Atlas. 8. Anterior Arch. 9. Its Tubercle. 10. Posterior Arch. 11. Spinous Tubercle. 12. Transverse Processes. 13. Foramen for Vertebral Artery. 14. Superior Articular Processes. 15. Inferior Articular Processes. 16. Tubercles for Transverse Lig- iii. Axis. 17. Body. [ament. 18. Odontoid Process. 19. Inter-vertebral Foramen. 20. Transverse Process. 21. Arch. 22. Spinous Process. iv. Third Cervical Vertebra. 23. Body. 24. Transverse Process. 25. Articular Process. 26. Spinous Process. a. Capsular Ligament. [ment. 6. Anterior Occipito-atloid Liga- c. Posterior Occipito-atloid Liga- ment. d. Anterior Common Ligament. e. Posterior Surface of 6. /. Lateral Check Ligaments. g. Lateral Occipito-atloid Ligament. h. Occipito-axoid Ligament i. Transverse Ligament of Atlas. ( a. Transverse Ligament. FIG. vi. < /2. Surface articulating with Odontoid. ( f. Anterior Arch of Atlas, Articular Cartilage. k. Anterior Atlo-axoid. I m. Ligamentum Subflava. 1. Posterior Atlo-axoid. | n. Anterior Common Ligament. PLATE II. LIGAMENTS OF VERTEBRAE AND RIBS. Fig. I. Lumbar Vertebrae. " II. Dorsal Vertebra? Side view. " III. Arches of Cervical Vertebrae Internal Aspect. " IV. Arches of Dorsal Vertebra Inner Aspect. " V. Dorsal Vertebrae and one Rib. " VI. Dorsal vertebras and two Ribs Side view. 32 SYNDESMOLOGY. 1. Body of Vertebrae. 2. Arch. 3. Transverse Processes. 4. Articular Processes. 5. Spinous Process. 6. Facet for Rib on the Body. 7. Facet for Rib on Transverse Pro- 8. Inter-vertebral Foramen. [cess. 9. Ribs. a. Anterior Common Ligament. 6, Posterior Common. c. Inter-vertebral Substance. d. Ligamentum Subflava. e. Inter-spinous. /. Supra-spinous. g. Inter-transverse. h. Capsular. [bral. i. Stellate or Anterior Costo-verte- k. Posterior Costo-transverse. I. Anterior Costo-transverse. m. Capsular. FIGS. VII TO IX. STERNUM AND CLAVICLE. FIG. VII. ANTERIOR VIEW. PIG. VIII. POSTERIOR VIEW. FIG. IX. STERNO-CLAVICULAR JOINT. 1. Manubrium. 2. Gladiolus. 3. Xiphoid Cartilage. 4. Sternal end of Clavicle. 5. Costal Cartilages. 6. Intercostal Muscles. a. Anterior Costo-sternal Ligament. 6. Same. c. Intercostal Ligaments. b. Periosteum. e. Costo-xiphoid Ligaments. /. Inter-clavicular. g. Anterior Sterno-clavicular. h. Posterior Sterno-clavicular. i. Rhomboid. k. Inter-articular Fibro-cartilage. PLATE III. LIGAMENTS OF UPPER EXTREMITY. FIGS. I TO III. SHOULDER JOINT. i. Scapula. 1. Venter. 2. Dorsum. 3. Spine. 4. Acromion. 5. Coracoid. 6. Supra-scapular Notch. 7. Head. ii. Clavicle. 8. Acromial Extremity. FIGS. IV TO IX. ELBOW JOINT. 9. Body or Shaft, in: Humerus. 10. Head. a. Acromio-clavicular Ligament. b. Trapezoid. c. Coraco-acromial. d. Transverse. e. Conoid. /. Capsular. g. Tendon of Biceps. i. Humerus. 1. Inferior Extremity. 2. Internal Condyle. 3. External Condyle. 4. Capitulum. FIGS. IV TO IX. 5. Trochlea. n. Ulna. 6. Olecranon. 7. Coronoid. in. Radius. SYNDESMOLOGY. 8. Head. 9. Tubercle. a. Capsular Ligament. 6. Internal Lateral. c. External Lateral. d. Annular Ligament. e. Oblique. PLATE IV. LIGAMENTS OF THE HAND. PIGS. I TO V. CARPUS. Fig. I. Second Row Digital Aspect. " II. Second Row Brachial Aspect. First Row Digital Aspect. Longitudinal Section. Dorsal Aspect of Carpus. Palmar Aspect of same. Hand Dorsal Surface. Same Palmar Surface. Longitudinal Section of a Digit. g. Internal Lateral. h. External Lateral. i. Ligament from Pisiform to Fifth Metacarpal. k. Palmar Ligament. [ond. I. Interosseous Ligaments of Sco- rn. Carpo-metacarpal Ligaments. n. Anterior Ligaments. o. External Lateral of Carpus. p. Superficial Palmar of Third Metacarpus. q. Same of Second Metacarpal. r. Dorsal of Metacarpo-phalangeal Joint. 5. Dorsal of Metacarpals. t. Synovial Membrane. [langes. u. Synovial Membranes of Pha- v, z. External Lateral Ligaments of Digits. w, y. Internal Lateral of Finger. x. Metacarpal Interosseous. " III. " IV. " V. " VI. " VII. VIII. i. Ulna. 1. Styloid Process, ii. Radius. 2. Styloid Process, in. Carpus. 3. Scaphoid. 4. Semi-lunar. 5. Cuneiform. 6. Pisiform. 7. Trapezium. 8. Trapezoid. 9. Os Magnum. 10. Unciform Process, iv. Metacarpus. v. Phalanges. a. Membrana Sacciformis. b. Its Palmar Surface. [Joint. c. Synovial Membrane of Wrist d. Same Palmar Aspect. e. Anterior Ligament of Carpus. /. Posterior. PLATE V. LIGAMENTS OF PELVIS. Fig. I. Anterior Aspect. " II. Posterior Aspect. " III. External Aspect. Fig. IV. Inner Surface. " V. Coxo-femoral Joint. " VI. Same Sectional View. 34 SYNDESMOLOGY. A. Ilium. 1. Crest. 2. Anterior Superior Spine. 3. .Anterior Inferior Spine. 4. Posterior Superior Spine. 5. Posterior Inferior Spine. B. Ischium. 6. Descending Ramus. 7. Ascending Ramus. 8. Tuberosity. 9. Spine. C. Pubes. 10. Horizontal Ramus. 11. Descending Ramus. 12. Obturator Foramen. 13. Acetabulum. D. Sacrum. E. Coccyx. F. Last Lumbar Vertebra. 14. Transverse Process. 15. Articular Process. 16. Anterior Sacral Foramina. 17. Posterior Sacral Foramina. 18. Spinous Process. G. Femur. 19. Head. 20. Trochanter Major. 21. Trochanter Minor. a. Inter-vertebral Substance. b. Anterior Common c. Supra-spinous Common d. Inter-spinous Common e. Anterior Sacro-coccygeal /, g. Posterior Sacro-coccygeal h. Lumbo-iliac i. Lumbo-sacral k. Anterior Sacro-iliac I, m, n, o. Posterior Sacro-iliac p. Oblique Portion of same q. Great Sacro-sciatic r. Lesser Sacro-sciatic s. Obturator Membrane. t. Symphysis Pubis Anterior Lig. u. Sub-pubic Lig. v. Inter-articular Cartilage. w. Cotyloid Ligament. x. Ligamentum Teres. y. Reflected Synovial Membrane. z. Capsular Ligament. PLATE VI. Fig. I. " II. III. " IV. " V. " VI. A. Femur. 1. External Condyle. 2. Internal Condyle. 3. Articular Surface. B. Patella. C. Tibia. 4. Tuberosities. D. Fibula. 5. Head. a. Tendon of Quadruceps Extensor. b. Ligamentum Patellae. c. Capsular Ligament. Anterior View of Knee Joint. Inner Aspect. External Aspect. Laid Open. Longitudinal Section. Posterior View. d, Ligamentum Mucosum. e. External Lateral Ligament. /, g. Internal Lateral Ligament. h. Ligamentum PosticumWinslowii. i. Anterior Tibio-fibular Ligament. k, I. Posterior Tibio-fibular Ligament. m. Capsular Ligament. n. Posterior or Internal Crucial Lig. o. Anterior or External Crucial Lig. p. External Semilunar Cartilage. q. Internal Semilunar Cartilage. r. Transverse Ligament. SYNDESMOLOGY. 35 8. Coronary. t. Bursa. u. Tendon of Popliteus. v. Tendon of Biceps Femoris. w. Tendon of Semi-membranosous PLATE VII. LIGAMENTS OF FOOT Fig. I. II. " III. " IV. V. i. Tibia. 1. Anterior Border. 2. Internal Malleolus. n. Fibula. 3. External Malleolus. in. Astragalus. 4. Head. iv. Os Calcis. 5. Tuberosity. 6. Anterior Process. 7. Internal Process. v. Scaphoid. Tuberosity. vi. Internal Cuneiform, vn. Middle Cuneiform, xin. External Cuneiform, ix. Cuboid. x. Metatarsus, xi. Phalanges, a. Interosseous Membrane. 6. Anterior Inferior Tibio-fibular Ligament. c. Anterior Annular Ligament. d. Posterior Tibio-fibular. e. External Calcaneo-astragaloid. Dorsum of Foot. Plantar Surface. Leg and Foot. Ligaments of Dorsum of Foot. Ligaments of Plantar Surface. /. Superior Astragalo-scaphoid. g. Superior Calcaneo-cuboid. h. Inferior Calcaneo-scaphoid. 1. Short Calcaneo-cuboid. k, I. Long Calcaneo-cuboid. m. Dorsal Ligaments between Cu- boid and Scaphoid. n. Scaphoid and Third Cuneiform. o. Scaphoid and Middle Cuneiform p. Scaphoid and First Cuneiform. q, r, s. Cuboid and three Cuneiform. t. Tarso-metatarsal, Dorsal. Fifth. u. Tarso-metatarsal, Dorsal. Fourth. v. Tarso-metatarsal, Dorsal. Third. w, x, y. Tarso-metatarsal, Dorsal. 2. Dorsal, Metatarsal. [Second. a. Inferior Calcaneo-scaphoid. /9. Plantar Ligament between Sca- phoid and First Cuneiform. ?. Cuboid and Third Cuneiform. #. Second and Third Metatarsals. e. Plantar Metatarsal. . Second Plantar Metatarsal. TJ. Fifth Plantar Metatarsal. #. First Plantar Metatarsal. MYOLOGY. MYOLOGY. PLATE I. MUSCLES OF UPPER EXTREMITY. PIG. I. MUSCULAR FIBRE. FIG. II. TENDINOUS FIBRE. A. Clavicle. B. Scapula. C. Humerus. D. Ulna. E. Radius. F. Scaphoid. G. Semilunar. H. Cuneiform. I. Pisiform. K. Trapezium. L. Trapezoid. M. Os Magnum. N. Unciform. 0. Metacarpus. P. First Phalanges. Q. Second Phalanges. R. Ungual Phalanges. T. Palmar Fascia. U. Annular Ligament. V. Vaginal Ligaments. a. Acromial end of Clavicle. 6. Venter of Scapula. c. Cervix Scapulae. d. Coracoid Process. e. Acromion. /. Head of Humerus. g. External Condyle. h. Internal Condyle. 1. Head ^ k. Capitulum I. Tubercle m. Inferior Extremity n. Styloid Process o. Upper Extremity ) p. Coronoid Process > q. Lower Extremity ) 36 >of Radius. of Ulna. 1. Coraco-brachialis. 2. Biceps. a. Short Head. /?. Long Head. . Bicipital Fascia. 3. Tendon of insertion. 3. Brachialis Anticus. 4. Triceps. a. Long Head. ft. External Head. f. Internal Head. 5. Anconeus Parvus. 6. Supinator Longus. 7. Supinator Brevis. 8. Pronator Radii Teres. 9. Pronator Quadratus. 10. Flexor Carpi Ulnaris. 11. Extensor Carpi Ulnaris. 12. Flexor Carpi Radialis. [ ior. 13. Extensor Carpi Radialis Long- 14. Extensor Carpi Radialis Brevior. 15. Palmaris Longus. 15. Palmar Fascia. 16. Palmaris Brevis. 17. Flexor Sublimis Digitorum. 17. Its four Tendons to the Fingers. 18. Flexor Profundus Digitorum. 18. Its four Tendons. 19. Lumbricales. 20. Extensor Communis Digitorum. 21. 22. Interossei. 23. Extensor Longus Pollicis. 24. Extensor Brevis Pollicis. 25. Flexor Longus Pollicis. 26. Flexor Brevis Pollicis. [ licis. 27. Extensor Ossis Metacarpi Pol- MYOLOGY. 37 28. Abductor Pollicis. 29. Adductor Pollicis. 30. Opponens Pollicis. 31. Extensor Indicis. 32. Abductor Indicis. 33. Flexor Brevis Minimi Digiti. 34. Abductor Minimi Digiti. 35. Adductor Minimi Digiti. 36. Deltoid. PLATE II. (LETTERS SAME AS PLATE I.) 1. Coraco-brachialis. 2. Triceps. 3. Anconeus. 4. Supinator Longus. 5. Supinator Brevis. 6. Pronator Radii Teres. 7. Pronator Quadratus. 8. Flexor Carpi Ulnaris. 9. Extensor Carpi Ulnaris. [ oir. 10. Extensor Carpi Radialis Long- 11. Extensor Carpi Radialis Brevior. 12. Extensor Communis Digitorum. 13. Extensor Minimi Digiti. 14, 15. Interossei. 16. Extensor Primi Internodii Pol- licis. 17. Extensor Secundi Internodii Pollicis. 18. Extensor Ossis Metacarpi Pol- 19. Extensor Indicis. 20. Abductor Indicis. 21. Subanconeus. 22. Supra-spinatus. 23. Infra-spinatus. 24. Teres Minor. 25. Teres Major. [ licis. PLATE III. MUSCLES OF THE LOWER EXTREMITY. A. Last Dorsal Vertebra. B. Lumbar Vertebrae. C. Sacrum. D. Ilium. E. Pubes. F. Ischium. G. Femur. H. Tibia. /. Fibula. K. Patella. a. Crest of Ilium. 6. Anterior Superior Spine. c. Horizontal Ramus of Pubes. d. Descending Ramus of same. e. Ascending Ramus of Ischium. /. Descending Ramus of same. g. Tuberosity of same. h. Head of Femur. i. Trochanter Major, fc. Trochanter Minor. I. External Condyle. m. Inner Condyle. n. Tuberosity of Tibia, o. Head of Fibula. p. Semilunar Cartilages. q. Ligamentum Patellae. 1. Psoas Magnus. 2. Psoas Parvus. 3. Iliacus Internus. 4. Tensor Vaginae Femoris. 5. Sartorius. 6. Rectus. 7. Vastus Internus. 8. Vastus Externus. -9. Crureus. 10. Pectineus. II. Adductor Longus. 12. Adductor Brevis. 13. Adductor Magnus. 14. Gracilis. 38 MYOLOGY. 15. Semimembranosus. 16. Semitendinosus. 17. Biceps. 18. Gluteus Medius. 19. Gluteus Minimus. 20. Obturator Externus. 21. Pyriformis. 22. Quadratus Femoris. 23. Subcrureus. PLATE IV. LETTERS SAME AS IN PLATE III, EXCEPTING A, B. Coccygeal Vertebra. n. Posterior Inter-trochanteric Line. 5. Gluteus Magnus. 6. Gluteus Medius. 7. Gluteus Minimus. 8. Pyriformis. 9. Gemelli. 10. Obturator Internus. 11. Obturator Externus. 12. Quadratus Femoris. 13. Adductor Longus. 14. Adductor Brevis. 15. Adductor Magnus. 16. Pectineus. 17. Gracilis. 18. Sartorius. 19. Rectus. 20. Vastus Externus. 21. Vastus Internus. 22. Crureus. 23. Biceps. 24. Semitendinosus. 25. Semimembranosus. PLATE V. MUSCLES OF LOWER EXTREMITY. A. Femur. B. Tibia. C. Fibula. D. Os Calcis. E. Astragalus. F. Scaphoid. G. First Cuneiform. H. Second Cuneiforn. J. Third Cuneiform. K. Cuboid. L. Metatarsus. M. First Phalanges. N. Second Phalanges. 0. Third Phalanges. P. Sessamoid Bones. a. Upper Extremity of Tibia. b. Lower Extremity of same. c. Internal Malleolus. d. External Malleolus. e. Head of Fibula. 1. Popliteus. 2. Tibialis Anticus. 3. Tibialis Posticus. 4. Peroneus Longus. 5. Peroneus Brevis. 6. Peroneus Tertius. 7. Gastrocnemius. 8. Soleus. 9. Plantaris. 10. Flexor Longus Digitqrum. 11. Flexor Accessorius. 12. Flexor Brevis Digitorum. 13. Lumbricales. 14. Extensor Longus Digitorum. 15. Extensor Brevis Digitorum. 16. 17. Interossei. 18. Extensor Longus Pollicis. 19. Extensor Brevis Pollicis. 20. Flexor Longus Pollicis. 21. Flexor Brevis Pollicis. 22. Abductor Pollicis. 23. Adductor Pollicis. MYOLOGY. 39 24. Transversus Pedis. 25. Flexor Brevis Minimi Digiti. 26. Abductor Minimi Digiti. PLATE VI. MUSCLES OF THE HEAD, NECK, AND TRUNK. of the Clavicle. A. Processus Mastoideus. B. Inferior Maxillary. C. Sternum. D. Clavicle. E. Scapula. F. Humerus. G. Ribs. H. Pelvis. /. Femur. a. Manubrium. b. Gladiolus. c. Ensiform Appendage. d. Sternal End e. Acromial End /. Coracoid Process. g. Ilium. h. Pubes. i. Ischium. k. Symphysis Pubis. I. Spermatic Cord and Testicle. 1, 2, 6. Occipto-frontalis. * 3. Temporal. 4. Attolens Aurem. 5. Attrahens Aurem. 7. Orbicularis Palpebrarum. 8. Compressor Naris. * 9. Orbicularis Oris. [ Nasi. 10. Levator Labii Superioris Alaeque II. Levator Labii Superioris. 12. Levator Anguli Oris. 13. Zygomaticus Minor. 14. Zygomaticus Major. 15. Buccinator. 16. Masseter. 17. Risorius. 18. Depressor Anguli Oris. 19. Depressor Labii Inferioris. 20. Levator Menti. 21. Platysma Myoides. 22. Sterno-cleido-mastoid. 23. Trapezius. 24. Deltoid. 25. Subclavius. 26. Pectoralis Major. 27. Pectoralis Minor. 28. Serratus Magnus. 29. Latissimus Dorsi. 30. External Oblique of Abdomen. 31. Rectus Abdominis. 32. Pyramidalis. 33. Internal Oblique. 34. Transversalis. 35. Triangularis Sterni. 36. Subscapularis. 37. Teres Major. 38. Coraco-brachialis. 39. Biceps. 40. Sartorius. 41. Pectineus. 42. Adductor Longus. 43. Gracilis. 44. Psoas Magnus. 45. Iliacus. 46. Tensor Vaginae Femoris. 47. Gluteus Medius. 48. Rectus Femoris. A. Occipital Bone. B. Cervical Vertebrae (7. Dorsal Vertebra}. D. Lumbar Vertebrae. PLATE VII. E to I and small letters same as Plate VI. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. Same as Plate VI. 8. Masseter Muscle. 40 MYOLOGY. 9. Platysma Myoides. 10. Depressor Labii Inferioris. 11. Internal Pterygoid. 12. Sterno-cleido-mastoid. 13. Biventer Cervicis. 14. Splenius Capitis. 15. Splenius Colli. 16. Levator Anguli Scapulse. 17. Scalenus Medius. 18. Trapezius. 19. Deltoid. 20. Infra-spinatus. 21. Teres Minor. 22. Teres Major. 23. Latissimus Dorsi. 24. Serratus Magnus. 25. Pectoralis Major. 26. Pectoralis Minor. 27. External Oblique. 28. Rectus Abdominis. 29. Pyramidalis. 30. Gluteus Magnus. 31. Gluteus Medius. 32. Tensor Vaginas Femoris. 33. Vastus Externus. 34. Rectus Femoris. 35. Sartorius. 36. Pectineus. 37. Complexus. 38. Trachelo-mastoid. 39. Transversalis Colli. 40. Inter-transversalis. 41. Inter-spinales. 42. External Inter-costals. 43. Internal Inter-costals. 44. Multifidus Spinse. 45. Internal Abdominal Oblique. 46. Transversalis Abdominis. PLATE VIII. k. Sacrum. I. Coccyx. Other letters same as Plate VII. 1, 2. Occipito-frontalis. 3. Temporal. 4. Masseter. 5. Internal Pterygoid. 6. Splenius Capitis. 7. Biventer Cervicis. 8. Trapezius. 9. Levator Anguli Scapulae. 10. Splenius Colli. 11. Rhomboideus Minor. 12. Rhomboideus Major. 13. Serratus Posticus Superior. 14. Serratus Posticus Inferior. 15. Latissimus Dorsi. 16. Spinalis Dorsi. 17. Longissimus Dorsi. 18. Sacro-lumbalis. 19. External Inter-costals. 20. Serratus Magnus. 21. Internal Abdominal Oblique. 22. External Oblique. 23. Transversalis. 24. Supra-spinatus. 25. Infra-spinatus. 26. Teres Minor. 27. Teres Major. 28. Triceps. 29. Deltoid. 30. Gluteus Maximus. 31. Gluteus Medius. 32. Vastus Externus. 33. Biceps Femoris. 34. Semitendinosus. 35. Adductor Magnus. 36. Gracilis. PLATE IX. F. Clavicle. Other letters same as former plates. 1. Biventer Cervicis. 2. Inter-spinales Cervicis. MYOLOGY. 41 3. Complexus. 4. Trachelo-mastoid. 5. Obliquus Superior. 6. Obliquus Inferior. 7. Rectus Capitis Posticus Major. 8. Rectus Capitis Posticus Minor. 9. Scalenus Medius. 10. Scalenus Posticus. 11. Multifidus Spinse. 12. Spinalis Cervicis. 13. Spinalis Dorsi. 14. Cervicalis Ascendens. 15. Longissimus Dorsi. 16. Sacro-lumbalis. 17. 18. Levatores Costarum. 19. Inter-costales Extern!. 20. Transversalis Abdominis. 21. Quadratus Lumborum. 22. Inter-transversales. 23. Transversalis Cervicis. 24. Splenius Colli. 25. Semi-spinalis Dorsi. 26. Coccygeus. 27. Rotatores Spinae. PLATE X. Letters same as Plate VIII. 1. Longus Colli. 2. Scalenus Medius. 3. Rectus Capitis Anticus Major. 4. Rectus Capitis Anticus Minor. 5. Inter-transversales Cervicis. 6. Scalenus Anticus. 7. Diaphragm 8. Psoas Magnus. 9. Quadratus Lumborum. 10. Iliacus. 11. Coccygeus. 12. Supra-spinatus. 13. Teres Major. 14. Teres Minor. 15. Subscapularis. PLATE XL MUSCLES OF THE PALATE AND PHARYNX. FIG. I. POSTERIOR VIEW OF PHARYNX. FIG. II. SAME POSTERIOR WALL OF PHARYNX LAID OPEN. FIG. III. INSERTION OF PHARYNGEAL MUSCLES. 1. Sphenoid. 2. Clivus Blumerbachii. 3. Posterior surface of Sphenoid. 4. Lesser Wings. 5. Petrous portion of Temporal. 6. Mastoid Process. 7. Styloid Process. 8. Pterygoid Process. 9. Lower Jaw. Posterior Nares. Middle Turbinal Bone. Inferior Turbinal Bone. 13. Vomer. 14. Tongue. 15. Hyoid Bone. 16. 17. Thyroid Cartilage. 10 11. 12. 18. Cricoid Cartilage. 19. Rings of Trachea. 20. Epiglottis. 21. Arytaanoid Cartilage. 22. Levator Palati. 23. Tensor Palati. [stricter. 24. Superior Pharyngeal Con- 25. Stylo-pharyngeus. 26. Horizontal portion of 27. Azygos Uvulae. 28. Palato-glossus. 29. Palato-pharyngeus. 30. Pterygoideus Internus. 31. (Esophagus. 32. Middle Pharyngeal Constrictor. 33. Inferior Constrictor. Tensor [Palati. 42 MYOLOGY. Figs. IV, V and VI are outlines of Figs I, II and III. refer to these outline figures. The letters PLATE XII. PIG. I. HYOID AND GLOSSAL MUSCLES. 1. Upper Lip. 2. Alveolar Process. 3. Teeth. 4. Gums. 5. Tongue. 6. Inferior Maxilla. 7. Os Hyoides. 8. Thyroid Cartilage. 9. Thyroid Gland. 10. Genio-glossus Muscle. 11. Hyo-glossus. 12. Stylo-glossus. 13. Stylo-hyoid. 14. Digastric. 15. Mylo-hyoid. 16. Genio-hyoid. 17. Thyro-hyoid. 18. Sterno-thyroid. 19. Sterno-hyoid. 20. Omo-hyoid. 21._Sterno Cleido Mastoid. 22. Right Common Carotid Artery. 23. Superior Laryngeal Nerve. 24. Hypo-glossal Nerve. 25. Lingual Branch of the Fifth Nerve. Labial Glands. Sublingual Glands. Submaxillary Gland. Wharton's Duct. Parotid Gland. Lymphatic Glands. FIGS. II TO VIII. MUSCLES OF MASTICATION. 1. Temporal Muscle. 2. Masseter Outer Portion. 3. Masseter Inner Portion. 4. External Pterygoid. 5. Internal Pterygoid. FIGS. IX TO XII. MUSCLES OF FAUCES. 1. Eustachian Tube. 2. Vomer. 3. Posterior Nares. 4. Inferior Turbinal Bone. 5. Velum Pendulum Palati. 6. Uvula. 7; Thyroid Cartilage. 8. Epiglottis. 9. Azygos Uvulse. 10. Palato-pharyngeus. 11. Tonsils. 12. Stylo-pharyngeus. 13. Middle Constrictor of Pharynx. 14. (Esophagus. 15. Upper Constrictor of Pharynx. FIGS. IX AND X. SAME MUSCLES. 1. Palate Process of Upper Maxilla. 2. Palate Bone. 3. Pterygoid Process. 4. Hamular Process. 5. Velum Palati. 6. Uvula. 7. Constrictor Isthmi Faucium. 8. Palato-pharyngeus. 9. Tensor Palati. 10. Levator Palati. 11. Tonsils. 12. Tongue. MYOLOGY. 43 PLATES XIII AND XIV. FIGS. I, II AND III. MUSCLES OF TONGUE AND PHARYNX. 1, 2. Zygoma and Malar Bone. 3. Glenoid Tubercle. 4. Meatus Auditorius Externus. 5. Styloid Process. 6. External Pterygoid Plate. 7. Lachrymal Bone. 8. Fossa Lachrymalis. 9. Upper Maxillary. 10. Nasal Process. 11. Nasal Bone. 12. Nasal Cartilages. 13. Inferior Maxillary. 14. Os Hyoides. 15. Cornua Minor. 16. Greater Cornua. 17. Thyroid Cartilage. 18. Upper Cornua. 19. Lower Cornua. 20. Cricoid Cartilage. 21. Cartilaginous Rings of Trachea. a. Orbicularis Oris. b. Buccinator. c. Superior Constrictor of Pharynx. d. Middle Constrictor. e. Inferior Constrictor. /. Mylo-hyoid. g. Genio-hyoid. h. Genio-hyo-glossus. i. Hyo-glossus Hyoid Portion. k. Hyo-glossus Posterior Portion. I. Stylo-glossus. m. Stylo-hyoid Ligament. n. Stylo-hyoid Muscle. o. Slit for Digastric. p. Stylo-pharyngeus. FIG. IV. LONGITUDINAL SECTION OF NECK AND HEAD. 1. Frontal Bone. 2. Frontal Sinus. 3. Sphenoid Bone. 4. Sphenoidal Sinus. 5. Sella Turcica. 6. Clivus Blumenbachii. 7. Basilar Groove. 8. Petrous Portion of Temporal. 9. Nasal Crest. 10. Incisive Canal. 11. Palate Process of Upper Maxilla. 12. Inferior Maxillary. 13. Anterior Arch of Atlas. 14. Odontoid Process. 15. Cervical Vertebrae. 16. Spinous Processes. 17. Posterior Arch of Atlas. 18. Os Hyoides. 19. Epiglottis. 20. Ventricle. 21. Septum of Nose. 22. Eustachian Tube. 23. Velum Pendulum Palati et Uvulae. 24. Tongue. a. Lips. 6. Cheek. c. Palato-glossus. d. Tensor Palati. e. Levator Palati. [or. /. Superior Pharyngeal Constrict- g. Palato-pharyngeus. h, Stylo-pharyngeus. i. Middle Pharyngeal Constrictor. k. Genio-glossus. I. Genio-hyoid. PLATE XIII. FIG. V. EPITHELIAL CELLS (PAVEMENT). FIG. VI. PORTION OF A RACEMOSE GLAND. 44 MYOLOGY. 1. Body. PLATE XIV. PIGS. V-VIII. HYOID BONE. 2. Lesser Cornu. PLATE XV. MUSCLES OF THE PERINEUM. 3. Greater Cornu. PIG. I. MALE PERINEUM. 1. Coccyx. 2. Tuberosity of Ischium. 3. Pubes. 4. Gluteus Magnus. 5. Suspensory Ligament of Clitoris. 6. Clitoris. 7. Labia Minora. 8. Perineum. 9. Anus. 10. Corpus Cavernosum of Clitoris. 11. Corpus Cavernosum of Penis. PIG. II. FEMALE PERINEUM. 12. Urethra. 13. Coccygeus Muscle. 14. Obturator Internus. 15. Levator Ani. 16. External Sphincter. 17. Internal Sphincter. 18. Sphincter Vaginae. 19. Erector Penis. 20. 21. Transversus Perinei. 22. Bulb of Urethra. FIGS. Ill TO XI. SEPARATE MUSCLES OF THE PERINEUM. FIG. V. 23. Muscles of Bladder. FIGS. X AND XI. 17. Levator Ani. PLATES XVI AND XVII. FIG. I. HYOID AND LARYNGEAL MUSCLES. 1. Chin. 2. Angle of Lower Jaw. 3. Mastoid Process. 4. Body of Hyoid Bone. 5. Its Greater Cornua. 6. Lesser Cornua. 7. Thyro-hyoid Ligament. 8. Thyroid Cartilage. 9. Cricoid Cartilage. 10. Thyroid Gland. 11. Trachea. Clavicle. Sternum. Ribs. Coracoid Process. Acromion. 17. Glenoid Cavity. 18. Sub-scapular Fossa. 19. Transverse Ligament of Scapula. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 20. Coraco-acromial Ligament. 21. Anterior Sterno-clavicular Lig- ament. 22. Rhomboid Ligament. 23. Omo-hyoid Muscle. 24. Scalenus Anticus. 25. Scalenus Medius. 26. Scalenus Posticus. 27. Sterno-thyroid. 28. Sterno-hyoid. 29. Thyro-hyoid. 30. Levator Anguli Scapulae. 31. Rectus Capitis Anticus Major. 32. Splenius Capitis. 33. Digastricus. 34. Stylo-hyoid. 35. Mylo-hyoid. 36. Hyo-glossus. 37. Genio-hyoid. MYOLOGY. 45 FIGS. II TO XII. MUSCLES OP LARYNX. 1. Body of Hyoid Bone. 2. Greater Cornua. 3. Lesser Cornua. 4. Thyroid Cartilage. 5. Upper Cornua. 6. Lower Cornua. 7. Cricoid Cartilage. Front View. 8. Cricoid Cartilage. Back View. 9. Arytenoid Cartilages. 10. Cornicula Laryngis. 11. Epiglottis. 12. Thyro-hyoid Muscle. 13. Crico-thyroid. 14. Crico-arytsenoideus Posticus. 15. Crico-aryteenoideus Lateralis. 16. Thyro-arytsenoideus Inferior. 17. Thyro-arytaenoideus Superior. 18. Thyro-epiglottideus. 19. Arytseno-epiglottideus. 20. Arytsenoideus. ANGIOLOGY. ANGIOLOGY. PLATES I AND II. THE HEART ENCLOSED IN THE PERICARDIUM. NORMAL POSITION. FIG. I. ANTERIOR ASPECT. FIG. II. POSTERIOR ASPECT. 1. Diaphragm. 2. (Esophageal Opening. 3. (Esophagus. 4. Opening for Vena Cava. 5. Inferior Vena Cava. 6. Pericardium. 7. Pulmonary Veins. 8. Pulmonary Artery. 9. Arch of Aorta. 10. Innominate Artery. 11. Left Common Carotid. 12. Left Subclavian. 13. Superior Vena Cava. 14. Right Innominate Vein. 15. Left Innominate Vein. FIG. III. SECTION OF ABDOMINAL AORTA, SHOWING ITS COATS. 1. External or Areolar Elastic Coat. 2. Middle or Muscular Coat. 3. Internal or Epithelial Coat. FIG. IV. SECTION OF A VEIN. 3. Valves. 1. Part not opened. 2. Opened Portion. 4. Openings of Branches. FIG. V. VALVES OF THE VEINS, SHOWING THEM TO BE REFLECTIONS OF THE INTERNAL COAT OF THE VEINS. FIG. VI. BLOOD CORPUSCLES. 1. Fresh Blood Corpuscles. 2. Side view of same. [ Blood. 3. Position of Corpuscles in the 4, 6. Corpuscles changed by expo- sure to the atmosphere. a. Left Ventricle. 6. Right Ventricle. c. Apex of Heart. d. Right Auricle. e. Left Auricle. 46 PLATES III AND IV. THE CAVITIES OF THE HEART. FIG. I. POSTERIOR ASPECT. 1. Arch of the Aorta. 2. Innominate Artery. 3. Left Common Carotid. 4. Left Subclavian. 5. Pulmonary Artery. ANGIOLOGY. 47 6. Superior Vena Cava. 7. Inferior Vena Cava. 8. Pulmonary Vein. 9. Right Auricle. 10. Eustachian Valve. 11. Upper Cornu of same. 12. Fossa Ovalis. 13. Tricuspid Valve. 14. Musculi Papillares. 15. Columnse Carneae. 16. Opening of the Pulmonary Ar- teries. 17. Septum Ventriculorum. 18. Septum Auricularum. 19. Annulus Ovalis. 20. Semilunar Valve. 21. Cavity of Left Auricle. 22. Appendix Auriculae. 23. Openings of Pulmonary Veins. 24. Mitral Valve. FIG. II. ANTERIOR ASPECT OF SAME. a. Right Ventricle. 6. Left Ventricle, c. Left Auricle. 1. Arch of the Aorta. 2. Innominate Artery. 3. Left Common Carotid. 4. Left Subclavian. 5. Arteria Pulmonalis. 6. Left branch of Pulmonary Ar- tery. 7. Semilunar Valves. 8. Corpora Arantii. 9. Tricuspid Valves. 10. Right Auriculo-ventricular Opening. 11. Columnse Carneae. FIG. III. LEFT VENTRICLE AND AORTA. a. Left Ventricle. 6. Apex of Heart. c. Right Ventricle. d. Appendix Auriculae. 1. Arch of Aorta. 2. Innominate Artery. 3. Left Common Carotid. 4. Left Subclavian. 5. Superior Vena Cava. 6. Pulmonary Artery. 7. Inferior Vena Cava. 8. Orifice of Right CoronaryArtery. 9. Opening of Left Coronary Artery. 10. Semilunar Valves. 11. Corpora Arantii. 12. Sinuses of Valsalva. 13. Mitral Valves. 14. Chordae Tendinese. 15. Columnae Carneae. PLATES V AND VI. ARTERIES OF THE HEAD, NECK, AND UPPER PART OF THE THORAX. a. Zygomaticus Major. 6. Depressor Anguli Oris. c. Buccinator. d. Masseter. Steno's Duct. Retrahens Aurem. Pinna. Sterno-cleido-Mastoid. i. Digastric. k. Styloid Process. I. Stylo-glossus. m. Sublingual Glands. n. Mylo-hyoid. o. Hyo-glossus. p. Omo-hyoid. q. Sterno-hyoid. r. Thyroid Cartilage. s. Thyro-hyoid. t. Inferior Pharyngeal Constrictor. u. Rectus Capitis Anticus Major. 48 ANGIOLOGY. v. Thyroid Gland. w. Trachea. x. Sterno-thyroid. y. Sterno-hyoid. z. Scalenus Anticus. a. Scalenus Medius. /?. Scalenus Posticus. f. Levator Anguli Scapulae. d. Splenius Capitis. e. Trapezius. . Deltoid. 37. Clavicle. $. Pectoralis Major. i. Subclavius. x. Ribs. L Pectoralis Minor. p. Intercostales. o. Rectus Abdominalis. . Serratus Anticus Major, o. Latissimus Dorsi. TT. Teres Major. p. Subscapularis. a. Coraco-brachialis. v. Biceps. o. Long Head of Triceps. 0. Lymphatic Glands. 1 Right Common Carotid Artery. 2. Internal Carotid Artery. 3. External Carotid Artery. 4. Superior Thyroid. 5. Superior Laryngeal. 6. Branch to Sterno-hyoid. 7. Thyroid Branch. 8. Lingual Artery. 9. Hyoid Branch. 10. Branch to Sterno-mastoid. 11. Facial. 12. Ascending Palatine. 13. Tonsillar Branch. 14. Submental. 15. Branch to Masseter. 16. Buccinator Branch. 17. Superficial Labial. 18. Inferior Coronary. 19. Superior Coronary. 20. Ascending Pharyngeal Branch. 21. Occipital. 22. Stylo-mastoid Branch. 23. Posterior Auricular. 24. Branches to Parotid Gland. 25. Transverse Facial. 26. Muscular Branch. 26. Superficial Temporal. 28. Internal Maxillary. 29. Inferior Maxillary Branch. 30. Subclavian Artery. 31. Internal Mammary. 32. External Branch. 33. Inferior Thyroid. 34. Branch to Trachea. 35. Thyroid Branch. 36. Inferior Laryngeal. 37. Branch to Longus Colli. 38. Supra-scapular. 39. Superficial Cervical. 40. Cervicalis Ascendens. 41. Vertebral. 42. Transversalis Colli. 43. Branch to Trapezius Muscle. 44. Axillary Artery. 45. Branch to Serratus Anticus. 46. Superior Thoracic. 47. Branch to Pectoralis Minor. 48. Branch to Pectoralis Major. 49. Branch to Serratus Anticus. 50. Acromial Thoracic. 51. Clavicular Branch. 52. Acromial Branch. 53. Deltoid Branch. 54. Branch to Pectoralis Major. 55. Thoracica Longa. 56. Branch to Pectoralis Minor. 57. Branch to Serratus Magnus. 58. Anastomosis with Subscapular. 59. Subscapular Artery. 60. Subscapular Branch. 61. Thoracic Branch. 62. Branch to Axillary Lymphatics. 63. Branch to Latissimus Dorsi. 64. Branch to Serratus Magnus. 65. Circumflex Scapulae. 66. Branch to Teres Major. ANGIOLOGY. 49 67. Muscular Branch. 68. Branch to Axillary Lymphatics. 69. Branch to Latissimus Dorsi. 70. Branch to Coraco-brachialis. 71. Anterior Circumflex. 72. Posterior Circumflex. 73. Brachial Artery. 74. Branch to Coraco-brachialis. 75. Branch to Anconeus. 76. Cutaneous Branch. 77. Branch to Biceps. 78. Profunda Superior. PLATES VII AND VIII. ARTERIES OF THE FACE. a, d. e. /. g. h. i. k. I. m. n. o. p. q. r. s. t. u. v. w. x. y. z. a. f. d. e. 6, c. Occipito-frontalis Muscle. Attolens Aurem. Orbicularis Palpebrarum. Zygomaticus Major. Zygomaticus Minor. Levator Anguli Oris. Levator Labii Superioris. Levator Labii Superioris Alaque Nasi. Compressor Narium. Orbicularis Oris. Quadratus Menti. Depressor Anguli Oris. Buccinator. Inferior Maxillary Bone. Masseter. Parotid Gland. Steno's Duct. Temporal Muscle. Sub-maxillary Gland. Digastric Muscle. Stylo-hyoid Muscle. Thyroid Cartilage. Trachea. Sterno-hyoid. Thyro-hyoid. Os Hyoides. Omo-hyoid. Inferior Pharyngeal Constrictor. Thyroid Gland. Sterno-cleido-mastoid. Scalenus Anticus. Inferior Cervical Nerve. Scalenus Medius. Scalenus Posticus. Levator Anguli Scapula?. . Trapezius. 0. Splenius Capitis. 1. Common Carotid Artery. 2. Internal Carotid Artery. 3. External Carotid Artery. 4. Superior Thyroid. 5. Internal Laryngeal. 6. Superficial Laryngeal. 7. Muscular Branches. 8. Thyroid Branch. 9. Tracheal Branches of Inferior Thyroid. 10. Branch to Sterno-cleido-mastoid. 11. Ascending Pharyngeal. 12. Lingual Artery. 13. Hyoid Branch. 14. Facial. 15. Branch to Sub-maxillary Gland. 16. Submental. 17. Masseteric Branch. 18. Superficial Labial. 19. Inferior Coronary. 20. 21, 22. Muscular Branches. 23. Inferior Coronary. 24. Facial. 25. Superior Coronary. 26. Lateralis Nasi. 27. Branch to the Septum of the Nose. 28. Dorsalis Nasi. 29. External Carotid. 30. Occipital. 31. Branch to Splenius Capitis. 32. Cervical Branches. 33. Superficial Branches. [tery. 34. Anastomoses with Temporal Ar- 50 ANGIOLOGY. 35. Superior Auricular Branch to Sterno-mastoid. 36. Transverse Facial. 37. Muscular Branches. 38. Temporal Artery. 39. Anterior Auricular. 40. Anterior Temporal. 41. Middle Temporal. [tery. 42. Anastomoses with Frontal Ar- 43. Posterior Temporal. 44. Anastomoses with Occipital. 45. Dorsalis Nasi, from Ophthalmic. 46. Infra-orbital. 47. Frontal. 48. Internal Mammaiy. 49. Supra-scapular. 50. Superficial Cervical. 51. Cervicalis Ascendens. 52. Transversalis Colli. 53. Subclavian Artery. PLATES IX AND X. DEEP BRANCHES OF EXTERNAL CAROTID. FIG I. a. Section of Cranial Bones. 6. Dura Mater. c. Orbicularis Palpebrarum. d. Levator Labii Superioris Ala3que Nasi. e. Compressor Narium. /. Levator Anguli Oris. g. Levator Labii Superioris. h. Zygomaticus Minor. i. Zygomaticus Major. k. Quadratus Menti. 1. Drepressor Anguli Oris. m. Lower Jaw. n. Masseter. 0. Buccinator. p. Steno's Duct. q. Inferior Maxillary Branch. r. Styloid Process. s. Internal Pterygoid t. External Pterygoid. u. Temporal Muscle. v. Zygomatic Process of Malar Bone. w. Zygomatic Process of Temporal. 1. Internal Carotid Artery. 2. External Carotid " 3. Masseteric Branch " 4. Posterior Auricular " 5. Deep Auricular " 6. Parotid Branch " 7. Transverse Facial. 8. Superficial Temporal. 9. Anterior Temporal. 10. Posterior Temporal. 11. Internal Maxillary. 12. Pterygoid Branch. 13. Middle Meningeal. 14. Tympanic Branch. 15. Inferior Maxillary Branch. 16. Deep Temporal. 17. Pterygoid Branch. 18. Deep Temporal. 19. Buccal Branch. 20. Masseteric Branch. 21. Descending Palatine. 22. Superior Maxillary Branch. 23. Infra-orbital. 24. Posterior Nasal. 25. Frontal. 26. Muscular Branch. 27. Dorsalis Nasi. 28. Superficial Labial. 29. Masseteric Branch. 30. Inferior Coronary. 31. Mental Branch. 32. Labial. 33. Superior Coronary. 34. Lateralis Nasi. 35. Artery of Septum. ANGIOLOGY. 51 FIGS. II AND III. ARTERIES OF NOSE AND TONGUE. a. Frontal Bone. b. Crista Galli. c. Body of. Sphenoid Bone. d. Sella Turcica. e. Posterior Clinoid Process. /. Sphenoidal Sinus. g. Basilar Groove. h. Eustachian Tube. i. Mucous Follicles. k. Section of Nasal Bones and Cartilages. I. Upper Maxillary, m. Palate Bone. n. Velum Pendulum Palati. o. Upper Lip. p. Space between Upper Lip and Gums. q. Alveolar Process. r. Tongue. s. Stylo-glossus. t. Lower Lip. [Gums. u. Space between Lower Lip and v. Lower Jaw Bone. w. Genio-glossus. x. Hyo-glossus. y. Genio-hyoid. z. Sterno-hyoid. a. Omo-hyoid. /?. Hyoid Bone. f. Thyro-hyoid. d. Mylo-hyoid. e. Superior Pharyngeal Constrictor. . Thyroid Cartilage. 1. Common Carotid Artery. 2. Internal Carotid " 3. Superior Thyroid " 4. Superior Laryngeal " 5. Lingual " 6. Hyoid " 7. Dorsalis Linguae " 8. Sub-lingual " 9. Ranine " 10. Labial 11. External Carotid 12. Descending Palatine " 13. Alveolar Branches. 14. Branches to Septum from Pos- terior Nasal. 15. Incisive Branch. [thalmic. 16. Ethmoidal Branches of Oph- FIG. III. a to q. Same as in previous figures. r. Superior \ 8. Middle > Turbinated Bones. t. Inferior ) 1. Ethmoidal Artery. 2. Its continuation to the Alse Nasi. 3. Branches to Inferior Turbinated Bone. 4. To Middle Turbinated Bone. 9. 10. Branch of Posterior Nasal. Branch to Superior Turbinated Bone. Same to Middle Turbinated Bone. Same to Inferior Turbinated Bone. Branch to Eustachian Tube. Branch to Soft Palate. PLATES XI AND XII. FIG. I. THE VERTEBRAL ARTERY. a. Posterior Arch of Atlas. 6. Transverse Process of Atlas. r,. Spinous Processes of Cervical Vertebrae. d. Transverse Processes of Cervical Vertebrae. e. First Rib. /. Scalenus Anticus. 52 ANGIOLOGY. g. Scalenus Posticus h. i. Sterno-cleido Mastoid Ic. Longus Coll: I. Semi-spinalis Cervicis m. Obliquus Inferior n, o. Rectus Capitis Posticus Major 1. Innominate Artery. [Muscle. 2. Common Carotid. 3. Subclavian. 4. Internal Mammary. 5. Inferior Thyroid. 6. Thyroid Branch. 7. Thyroid Axis. 8. Vertebral Artery. [Axis. 9. Its course between the Atlas and 10. Its continuation to the Occipital Bone. 11. Branches to Longus Colli. 12. Deep Branches. 13. Muscular Branch. 14. 15. Superior Intercostal. 16. Deep Cervical. 17. Transversalis Colli. 18. Subclavian Artery. FIG. II. ARTERIES OF THE BRAIN. a, a. Anterior Lobes. b, Fissure of Sylvius. c, c. Middle Lobes. d, d. Posterior Lobes. e, Cerebellum. /. Medulla Oblongata. g. Pons Varollii. h. Peduncles. i. Tuber Cinereum. k. Infundibulum. L Olfactory m. Optic n. Motor Oculi o. Trochlearis p. Trigeminus q. Abducens r. Facial . Auditory t. Glosso-pharyngeus \ u. Pneumogastric > Nerves. v. Hypo-glossal ; 1. Vertebral Artery. 2. Posterior Cerebellar. 3. Basilar. 4. Anterior Spinal. 5. Branch to Spinal Cord. 6. Anterior Cerebellar. [ Nerve. 7. Branch to Pons Varolii and fifth 8. Superior Cerebellar. 9. Posterior Cerebral. 10. Posterior communicating. 11. Internal Carotid. 12. Middle Cerebral. 13. Anterior communicating. 14. Anterior Cerebral. 15. Branches of Middle Cerebral. FIG. III. ARTERIES OF THE ARM. a. Deltoid 6. Pectoralis Major c. Latissimus Dorsi d. Teres Major e. Teres Minor /. Triceps g. Subanconeus h. Coraco-brachialis i. Biceps k. Bicipital Fascia. I. Tendon of Biceps. m. Brachialis Anticus Muscle. n. Supinator Longus 0. Pronator Radii Teres p. Flexor Carpi Radialis q. Palmaris Longus r. Flexor Carpi Ulnaris 1. Brachial Artery. 2. Branch to Triceps. 3. Superior Profunda. 4. Muscular Branches. 5. Anterior Ulnar Recurrent. 6. Muscular Branch to Biceps. 7. Branch to Triceps. ANGIOLOGY. 53 8. Muscular Branches. 9. Deep Ulnar Recurrent. 10. Branch to Brachialis Anticus. 11. Ulnar. 12. Radial. 13. Radial Recurrent. PLATES XIII AND XIV. ARTERIES OF THE FOREARM AND HAND. FIG. I. a. 6. c. d. e. f. 9- h. i. k. I m n. o. P- ? r. 8. t. U. V. w. X. y- z. a. fi- r- d. 1. 2. Biceps Muscle. Its Tendons. Brachialis Anticus Muscle. Internal Inter-muscular Septum. Subanconeus. Internal Condyle. Pronator Radii Teres Supinator Longus Supinator Brevis [oir Extensor Carpi Radialis Long- Extensor Longus Pollicis Extensor Brevis Pollicis Palmaris Longus Palmar Fascia Flexor Carpi Radialis Flexor Carpi Ulnaris Flexor Sublimis Digitorum Its Four Tendons Flexor Profundus Digitorum Its Tendons Palmaris Brevis Anterior Annular Ligament Opponens Pollicis Abductor Pollicis Flexor Brevis Pollicis Adductor Pollicis Interossei Flexor Brevis Minimi Digiti Abductor Minimi Digiti Brachial Artery. Deep Ulnar Recurrent. 3. Branch to Brachialis Anticus. 4. Branch to Pronator Teres. 5. Radial Recurrent. 6. Radial Artery. 7. Muscular Branches. 9. Superficialis Volse. 10. Branches to the Muscles of the Thumb. 11. Radial. 12. Muscular Branches. 13. Ulnar Artery. 14. Branches to the Flexor Muscles. 15. Branch to Palmaris Brevis. 16. Ulnar Artery forming Superficial Palmar Arch. 17. Deep Branch of Ulnar Artery. 18. Palmar Digital Branch to Little Finger. 19. Palmar Digital Branch to Ring Finger. 20. Third Digital Branch. 21. Fourth Digital Branch. 22. Cutaneous Branch. 23. Bifurcation of Digital Branches. 24. 28. Digital Branches of Ulnar Artery. 25. 29. Digital Branches of Radial Artery. 30. Branches to Dosum of Fingers. 31. Arch formed at last Phalanx by Digital Branches. FIG. II. DEEP ARTERIES OF FOREARM AND HAND. a. Subanconeus Muscle. 6. Internal Inter-muscular Septum. c. Brachialis Anticus Muscle. d. Pronator Radii Teres Muscle. c. Extensor Carpi Radialis Muscle. /. Tendon of Biceps. g. Supinator Brevis Muscle. h. Flexor Carpi Radialis Longoir. 54 ANGIOLOGY. i. Flexor Carpi Radialis Brevior. 1c. Tendon of Supinator Longus. m. Flexor Longus Pollicis. n. Pronator Quadratus. o. Interosseous Ligament. p. Tendon of Triceps. q. Tendon of Flexor Carpi Ulnaris. r. Anterior Annular Ligament. s. v. Interossei. w. Adductor Minimi Digiti Muscle. x. Abductor Minimi Digiti " 1. Brachial Artery. 2. Posterior Ulnar Recurrent. 3. Branch to Brachialis Anticus. 4. Radial Artery. 5. Radial Recurrent. 6. Branch to Capsular Ligament. 7. Ulnar Artery. 8. Anterior Ulnar Recurrent. 9. Branches to the Flexor Muscles. 10. Branch to Pronator Quadratus. 11. Branch to Palmar Arch. 12. Superficialis Volae. 13. Radial Artery. 14. Interosseous Arteries. 15. Perforating Branch. 16. Interosseous Artery passing De- hind Interosseous Membrane. 17. Branches of Ulnar to Rete Carpi Volare. 18. Ulnar forming Superficial Palmar Arch. 19. Deep Palmar Arch. 20. Princeps Pollicis. 21. Its External Branch. 22. Its Internal Branch. [es. 23. 24. Anastomoses of these Branch- 25. Radialis Indicis. 26. Palmar Interosseous. 27. Perforating Branches. 28. Anastomoses with Digital Branches. 29. Digital Branch to little Finger. 30. Digital Palmar Branches. 31. 33, 35. Ulnar Digital Branches. 32. 34, 36. Radial Digital Branches. 37. Their Anastomoses on the first Phalanx. 38. Their Anastomoses on the sec- ond Phalanx. 39. Their Anastomoses on the Un- gual Phalanx. FIG. III. FOREARM AND HAND. DORSAL ASPECT. a. Radius. 6. Ulna. c. Interosseous Ligament. d. Posterior Carpal Ligament. e. Dorsal Interossei. /. Adductor Pollicis. g. Extensor Longus Pollicis. h. Tendons of Extensor Communis Digitorum. 1. Posterior Interosseous Artery. 2. Branches to Rete Carpi Dorsale. 3. Dorsal Branch of Radial. 4. Branches to Dorsal Surface of Carpus. 5. Dorsalis Pollicis Radial Side. 6. Same Ulnar Side. 7. 12, 14, 16. Radial, Dorsal, Dig- ital Branches. 8. Ulnar, Dorsal, Carpal Branch. 9. Perforantes. 10. Dorsal Interosseous. 11, 13, 15, 17. Ulnar, Dorsal, Digit- al Branches. PLATES XV AND XVI. ARTERIES OF THE THORAX. BACK VIEW OF SECTION OF SAME. a. Frontal Bone. 6. Frontal Ridge. c. Ethmoidal Bone. d. Olfactory Nerve. ANGIOLOGY. 66 e. Sella Turcica. /. Optic Nerve. g, g. Lesser Wings of Sphenoid Bone. h,h. Greater Wings of Sphenoid Bone. i. Petrous Portion of Temporal. k. Motor Oculi Nerve. 1. Trochlearis " m. Trifacial " n. Abducens " o. Petrous Portion of Temporal Bone. p. Facial Nerve. q. Auditory Nerve. r. Glosso-pharyngeus Nerve. s. Pneumogastric " t. Nervus Accessorius Willisi. u. Hypo-glossal. U Spinal Cord. v. Posterior Roots of Cervical Nerves. w. Their Ganglia. x. Phrenic Nerve. y. Brachial Plexus. 2. Atlas. a. Ribs. ft. Intercostal Muscles. f. Lungs. d. (Esophagus. e. Diaphragm. . Kidneys. . Ureters. #. Liver. 1. Thoracic Aorta. 2. Left Subclavian. 3. Vertebral. 4. Basilar. 5. Anterior Spinal. 6. Posterior Cerebellar. 7. Auditory Branch. 8. Superior Cerebellar. 9. Posterior Cerebral. 10. Posterior communicating. 11. Internal Carotid. 12. Middle Cerebral. 13. Anterior communicating. 14. Anterior Cerebral. 15. Inferior Thyroid. 16. Common Carotid. 17. Superior Intercostal. 18. Aortic Intercostals. 19. Abdominal Aorta. 20. Lumbar Arteries. 22. Renal Arteries. 22. Iliac Arteries. 23. Inferior Vena Cava. 24. Renal Veins. 25. Intercostal Veins. 26. Vena Azygos Major. 27. Vena Azygos Minor. 28. Thoracic Duct. PLATES XVII AND XVIII. ARTERIES OF THE HEAD AND NECK. POSTERIOR ASPECT. a. Frontal Bone. 6. Eye. c. Lachrymal Gland. d. Rectus Inferior Muscle. e. g. Optic Nerve. /. Optic Commisure. h. Petrous portion of Temporal Bone. i. Trifacial Nerve. k. Trochlearis. I. Facial Nerve. m. Auditory Nerve. n. Posterior Nares. o. Velum Pendulum Palati. p. Uvula. q. External Pterygoid Muscle. r. Parotid Gland. 5. Internal Pterygoid Muscle. t. Levator Palati. u. Palato-pharyngeus. v. Temporal Muscle. w. Masseter. x. Inferior Maxillary Bone. y. Tongue. z. Epiglottis. 56 ANGIOLOGY. a. Arytsenoid Cartilages. /9. Greater Cornua of Hyoid Bone. f. Arytsenoideus Muscle. 8. Cricoid Cartilage. e. Thyroid Cartilage. . Trachea. 7. Thyroid Gland. $. Bronchi. /. Lungs. x. Left Auricle. L Left Ventricle. 1. Ascending Aorta. 2. Arch of Aorta. 3. Innominate Artery. 4. Right Common Carotid. 5. External Carotid. 6. Internal Carotid. 7. Ophthalmic. 8. Middle Cerebral. 9. Anterior communicating. 8, 9, 16, 17. Circle of Willis. 10. Anterior Cerebral. 11. Left Common Carotid. 12. Right Subclavian. 13. Left Subclavian. 14. Vertebral 15. Basilar. 16. Posterior Cerebral. 17. Posterior communicating. 18. Inferior Thyroid. 19. Cervicalis Ascendens. 20. Superficial Cervical. 21. External Carotid. 22. 23. Muscular Branches. 24. Internal Maxillary. 25. Pulmonary Artery. 26. Pulmonary Branches. 27. Pulmonary Veins. 28. Internal Jugular Vein. 29. Superior Vena Cava. 30. Inferior Vena Cava. 31. Coronary Veins. 32. Coronary Arteries. PLATES XIX AND XX. ABDOMINAL AORTA AND BRANCHES. a. Xiphoid Cartilage. 6, c. Cartilages of Seventh and Eight Ribs. d. Costo-xiphoid Ligament, c. Crura of Diaphragm. /. Their Junction. g, h. Central Tendon of Diaphragm. i. Opening for Vena Cava. k. Inferior Vena Cava. 1. CEsophageal Opening. m. (Esophagus. n. Psoas Magnus. o. Psoas Parvus. p. Quadratus Lumborum. q. Transversalis Abdominis. r. Rectus Abdominis. s. Iliacus. t. Kidney. u. Supra-renal Capsule. v. Pelvis of Kidney. w. Ureter. x. Bladder. y. Urachus. z. Rectum. a. Vas Deferens. /?. Internal Inguinal Ring. f. Sacrum. d. Last Lumbar Vertebra. e. Spinal Column. . Ilium. 1. Abdominal Aorta. 2. Cceliac Axis. 3. Inferior Phrenic. 4. Left Phrenic. 5. Branch to the Diaphragm. 6. Supra-renal Artery Left Side. 7. CEsophageal Branch. 8. Anterior Branches of Phrenic. 9. Right Phrenic. [phragm. 10. Branches to the Crura of Dia- ANGIOLOGY. 57 11. Supra-renal Artery Right Side. 12. Ramifications of the Phrenic Arteries. 13. Branches to Vena Cava. 14. Gastric. 15. Hepatic. 16. Splenic. 17. Superior Mesenteric. 18. Supra-renal Branch. 19. Renal. 20. Spermatic. 21. Inferior Mesenteric. 22. Colica Sinistra. 23. Sigmoid. 24. Superior Hemorrhoidal. 25. 26, 27. Lumbar Arteries. 28. Sacra Media. 29. Fifth Lumbar Artery. 30. Iliac Artery. 31. Internal Iliac. 32. External Iliac. 33. Posterior Trunk of Internal Iliac. 34. Lateral Sacral. 35. Obturator. 36. Sciatic. 37. Right Epigastric. 38. Left Epigastric. 39. Spermatic Branch. 40. Distribution to Abdominal Mus- cles. 41. Circumflex Iliac. 42. Anastomoses with Ilio-lumbar. PLATES XXI AND XXII. ARTERIES OF THE STOMACH. a. Crura of the Diaphragm. 6. (Esophagus. c. Cardiac End of Stomach. . d. Pyloric End of Stomach. e. Pyloric Valve. /. Duodenum. g. Pancreas. h. Spleen. i. Hilus. k. Liver. I. Round Ligament of Liver. m. Suspensory Ligament. n. Gall Bladder. 0. Its Cervix. p. Ductus Communis Choledochus. q. Vena Portae. 1. Abdominal Aorta. 2. Cceliac Axis. 3. Phrenic. 4. Gastric. 5. CEsophageal Branch. 6. Its Anastomosis with 7. 7. The Pyloric Branch. 8. Hepatic Artery. 9. Gastro-Duodenalis. 10. Pancreatic Branch. 11. Pancreatico-duodenalis. 12. Gastro-epiploica Dextra. 13. Pyloric Branch. 14. Gastric Branches. 15. Branches to the Omentum. 16. Hepatic Artery. 17. Cystic. 18. Splenic. 19. Pancreatic Branches. 20. Gastro-Epiploica Sinistra. 21. Its Inosculation with 12. 22. Vasa Brevia. 23. Splenic Branches. 24. Superior Mesenteric. 25. Inferior Pancreatico-duodenalis. 26. Anastomosis of 25 with 11. 27. Inferior Mesenteric. FIG. II. a. Diaphragm. 6. Liver. c. Right Lobe. d. Left Lobe. 58 ANGIOLOGY. e. Lobus Spigelii. /. Lobus Quadratus. g. Hepatic Duct. h. Gall Bladder. i. Cystic Duct. k. Ductus Communis Choledochus. I. Vena Portse. m. (Esophagus. n. Stomach. 0. (Esophageal Opening. p. Cardiac End of Stomach. q. Pyloric End of Stomach. r. Pylorus, s. Duodenum. t. Spleen. 1. Abdominal Aorta. 2. Inferior Phrenic. 3. Cceliac Axis. 4. Its Division. 5. Gastric Artery. 6. (Esophageal Branch. 7. Gastric. 8. Branches to Cardiac End of Stomach. 9. Hepatic Artery. 10. Gastro-duodenalis. 11. Gastro-epiploica Dextra. 12. Duodenal Branch. 13. Gastric Branches. 14. Branches to Omentum. 15. Pyloric Branch. 16. Pyloric Artery. 17. Hepatic Artery. 18, 19, 20. Division of Hepatic Arter- ies before entering the liver. 21. Cystic Artery. 22. Splenic Artery. 23. Gastro-epiploica Sinistra. PLATES XXIII AND XXIV. INTESTINAL ARTERIES. a. Pancreas. b. Duodenum. c. Jejunum and Ileum. d. Ascending Colon. e. Transverse Colon. /. Descending Colon. g. Sigmoid Flexure. h. Rectum. i. Transverse Mesocolon. k. Descending Mesocolon. I. Crest of Ilium. m. Anterior Superior Spine of Ilium. 1. Superior Mesenteric Artery. 2. Inferior Pancreatico-duodenalis. 3. Superier Pancreatico-duodenalis. 4. Colica Media. 5. Anastomoses with Colica Dextra. 6. Anastomoses with Colica Sinis- 7. Vasa Intestini Tenuis. 8. Abdominal Aorta. 9. Left Renal Artery. 10. Spermatic Artery. 11. Lumbar Arteries. 12. Iliac Arteries. 13. Inferior Mesenteric. 14. Colica Sinistra. 15. Ascending Branch. 16. Descending Branch. 17. 19. Superior Hemorrhoidal. 18. Sigmoid. tra. PLATES XXV AND XXVI. SUPERIOR MESENTERIC ARTERY. a. Pancreas. b. Duodenum. c. Jejunum and Ileum. d. Ileo-ca3cal Valve. . e. Caecum. /. Vermiform Appendix. g. Ascending Colon. h. Hepatic Flexure. ANGIOLOGY. 59 i. Transverse Colon. k. Splenic Flexure. I. Descending Colon. m. Anterior Muscular Band of Colon. n. Mesentery. 1 to 6. Same as preceding plates. 7. Ileo-colic. 8. Colica Dextra. 9. Ileo-colic. 10. Ceecal Branches. 11. Branch to Vermiform Appendix. 12. Ileac Branch of Ileo-colic. 13. Anastomoses with Intestini Ten- uis. 14. Vasa Intestini Tenuis. 15. 16, 17. Arches formed by Anas- tomoses of 14. 18. Intestinal Branches. PLATES XXVII AND XXVIII. PELVIC ARTERIES IN THE MALE. a. Lumbar Vertebra. 6. Sacrum. c. Coccyx. d. Symphysis Pubis. e. Longissimus Dorsi /. Gluteus Magnus g. Transversalis h. Rectus i. Iliacus ^Muscles. k. Psoas Magnus 1. Psoas Parvus m. Pyriformis. n. Levator Ani 0. Spinal Canal. p. Obturator Nerve. q. Fifth Lumbar Nerve. r. First \ s. Second V Sacral Nerves. t. Third ) u. Bladder. v. Ureter. w. Vas Deferens. x. Vesicula Seminales. y. Rectum. 1. Abdominal Aorta. 2. Inferior Mesenteric. 3. Lumbar. 4. Sacra Media. 5. Iliac Arteries. 6. Internal Iliac. 7. Posterior Trunk. 8. Ilio-lumbar. 9. Iliac Branch. 10. Psoas, or Lumbar Branch. 11. Anastomosis with Circumflex Ilii. 12. Lateral Sacral. 13. Branch to Levator Ani. 14. Obturator Artery. 15. Branch to Obturator Internus. 16. Anastomosis with 38. 17. Gluteal Artery. 18. Anterior Trunk of Internal Iliac. 19. Superior Vesical. 20. Obliterated Hypogastric Artery. 21. Middle Vesical. 22. Inferior Vesical. 23. Branch to Vesicula Seminales. 24. Internal Pudic. 25. Middle Hemorrhoidal. 26. Branch to Levator Ani. 27. Branch to Vesicula Seminales. 28. Branches to Rectum. 29. Sciatic Artery. 30. Branch to Pyriformis. 31. External Iliac. 32. Circumflex Iliac. 33. Branches to Iliacus. 34. Branches to Transversalis. 35. Anastomosis with' Ilio-lumbar. 36. Epigastric. 37. Obturator Branch. 38. Anastomosis of 37, with 16 and 9. 39. Cremasteric Branch. ANGIOLOGY. PLATES XXIX AND XXX. PELVIC BRANCHES IN THE FEMALE. a. Lumbar Vertebrae. b. Sacrum. c. Coccyx. d. Symphysis Pubis. e. Horizontal Ramus of Pubes. /. Longissimus Dorsi \ g. Gluteus Maximus > Muscles. h. Transversalis ) i. Internal Inguinal Ring. k. Psoas Magnus 1. Iliacus m. Obturator Internus ^Muscles. n. Pyriformis 0. Levator Ani p, q, r, s, t, u. Same as preceding plates. v. Vagina. w. Uterus. x. Round Ligament of Uterus. y. Fallopian Tube. 2. Fimbriated Extremity. a. Ovary. b. Rectum. 1. Abdominal Aorta. 2. Inferior Mesenteric Artery. 3. Left Common Iliac. 4. Lumbar. 5. Middle Sacral. 6. Last Lumbar Artery. 7. Right Iliac. 8. Internal Iliac. 9. Lateral Sacral. 10. Ilio-lumbar. 11. Lumbar Branch. 12. Obturator. 13. Branch to Obturator Internus. 14. Anastomosis with Epigastric. 15. Gluteal Artery. 16. Superior Vesical. 17. Obliterated Hypogastric Artery. 18. Vesical Arteries. 19. Uterine Arteries. 20. Vaginal Branches. 21. Uterine Branch. 22. Internal Pudic. 23. Middle Hemorrhoidal. 24. Branch to Levator Ani. 25. Sciatic Artery. 26. Sacral Branch. 27. Right External Iliac. 28. Circumflex Iliac. 29. Iliac Branch. 30. Anastomosis with Ilio-lumbar. 31. Epigastric. 32. Pubic Branch. 33. Muscular Branch. PLALES XXXI AND XXXII. ARTERIES OF THE THIGH. ANTERIOR ASPECT. a, b. External Oblique. c. Rectus Abdominis. d. Sheath of Rectus. e. Pyramidalis. /. External Abdominal Ring. g. Spermatic Cord. h. Poupart's Ligament. i. Crural Ring. k. Sartorius. I, Gracilis. m. Semi-membranosus. n. Adductor Magnus. o. Adductor Longus. p. Adductor Brevis. q. Pectineus. r. Vastus Externus. s. Crureus. t. Rectus Femoris. u. Vastus Externus. v. Tensor Vaginae Femoris. w, Iliacus. x. Psoas. ANGIOLOGY. 61 y. Penis. 1. Femoral Artery. 2. Epigastric. 3. Circumflex Iliac. [ Branches. 4 and 5. Cutaneous and Muscular 6. Superficial Femoral. 7, 8. External Pudic. 9 to 17. Muscular Branches. 18. Profunda Femoris. 19. Cutaneous Branch. 20. Muscular Branch. 21. Internal Circumflex. 22. Iliac Branch. 23. Superficial Circumflex Iliac. 24. Obturator. 25. 26. Anastomoses with Internal Circumflex. 27 to 29. Muscular Branches. 30. Scrotal Branch. 31, 34. Branches to Adductors. 35. Deep Femoral. 36. Branch to Sartorius. 37. Superior Perforating. 38. External Circumflex. 39. Ascending Muscular Branch. 40. 41. Perforating Arteries. 42. Branch to Adductors. 43. Ramifications of Profunda. 44. Obturator. 45. Superficial Muscular Branch. 46. Anastomosis with superficial Femoral. 47. Anastomoses with Epigastric. 48. Internal Branch of Obturator. 49. Muscular Branch to Abdomen. 50. Muscular Branch. 51. Anastomoses of 44 with 21. 52. Dorsalis Penis. PLATES XXXIII AND XXXIV. ARTERIES OF THE THIGH AND LEG. BACK VIEW. a. Ilium. 6. Trochanter Major. c. Tuberosity of Ischium. d. Spine of Ischium. e. Great Sacro-sciatic Ligament /. Femur. g. Gluteus Maximus h. Gluteus Medius i. Gluteus Minimus k. Pyriformis I. Gemelli m, n. Obturator Internus o. Quadratus Femoris p. Crus Penis q. Transverse Perinei r, Levator Ani s, t. Biceps Femoris s. Lon^ head, t. Short head. u. Adductor Magnus v. Semi-membranosus w. Semi-tendinosus x. Vastus Externus y. Plantaris z. a. /?. Internal Condyle. Tendon of Gracilis Tendon of Sartorius. 1. Gluteal Artery. 2. Internal Pudic. 3. Perineal. 4. Branch to External Sphincter. 5. Artery of the Bulb. 6. Deep Branch. 7. Perineal Branches. Branch to Ischium. Branch to Levator Ani. Anastomoses with Circumflux Arteries. 11. Branches of Sciatic, which join with Circumflux Arteries. 12. Sciatic Branch to Gluteal Mus- cles. 13. Anastomosis with Superior Per- forating. 14. Internal Circumflex. [Pudic. 15. 16. Anastomosis with Internal 17. Muscular Branch. 8. 9. 10. 62 ANGIOLOGY. 18, 19. Superior Perforating. 20. Muscular Branch. 21. Its Anastomosis with 18. 22. 24. Perforating Branches. 25. Muscular Branches. 26. Branch of Third Perforating. 27, 28. Branches of Fourth Perfor- 29. Femoral Artery. [ating. 30. Popliteal Artery. 31. Superior Internal Articular. 32. Muscular Branch. 33. External Posterior Articular. PIG. II. a. Gastrocnemius Muscle. 6. Tendo Achillis. c. Tendon of Peroneus Longus. 1. Popliteal Artery. 2. Muscular Branch. 3. Inferior Internal Articular. 4. Cutaneous. 5. Peroneal. 6. Anastomosis with 4. 7. Anastomosis with 8. 8. Posterior Tibial Artery. 9. Branches to Os Calcis. FIGS. Ill AND IV. ARTERI^E .HELICIN.E OP THE CORPUS CAVERNOSUM PENIS. Fig. 3. Natural Position. Fig. 4. Injected. PLATES XXXV AND XXXVI. ARTERIES OF THE KNEE JOINT. FIG. I. INTERNAL ASPECT OF KNEE JOINT. a. Semi-membranosus b. Gracilis c. Sartorius d. Tendon of Adductor Magnus e. f. Vastus Internus g. Tendon of Semitendinosus h. Gastrocnemius i. Patella. k. Fascia Lata. 1. Popliteal Artery. 2. Internal Superior Articular. 3. Muscular Branch. 4. Anastomosis with Inferior Ar- ticular. 5. Internal Superior Articular. 6. Nutrient Branch. 7. Branch to Internal Condyle. 8. Continuation of 5 to Patella. 9. Anastomosis of Internal Articu- lar Arteries. 10. Anastomosis with External Ar- ticular Arteries. 11. Inferior Internal Articular. 12. Tibial Branch. FIG. II. EXTERNAL ASPECT OF KNEE. a, 6. Biceps Muscle. c. Vastus Externus. d. External Lateral Ligament. e. Aponeurosis. /. Opened Capsular Ligament. g. Gastrocnemius. h. Soleus \ a i. Peroneus Longus k. Extensor Longus Digitorum ) 5 L Tibialis Anticus Muscle. [tery. 1. Superior External Articular Ar- 2. Anastomosing Branch of Infer- ior Perforating. 3, 4. Branches to the Condyles. 5. Superficial Branch of 1. [tery. 6. Inferior External Articular Ar- 7. Branch to External Condyle. 8. Anastomoses with Internal Ar- ticular Arteries. 9. Anterior Tibial Artery. 10. Recurrent Tibial. 11. Branch to Ligaments and Tibia. ANGIOLOGY. 63 PIG. HI. ANTERIOR ASPECT OF KNEE JOINT. a. Patella. 6. Ligamentum Patellae. c. Vastus Interims d. Rectus Femoris e. Vastus Externus /, g. Biceps. h. Peroneus Longus i. Extensor Longus Digitorum fc. Tibialis Anticus Muscle. J. Tibia. 1. Anterior Tibial Artery. 2. Branches to Ligaments of Joints. 3. Internal Inferior Articular. 4. Internal Superior Articular. 5. External Superior Articular. FIG. IV. POSTERIOR ASPECT OF KNEE JOINT. a. Biceps 6. Semi-membranosus c. Semi-tendinosus d. Gastrocnemius ^-Muscles. e. Plantaris /. Soleus g. Popliteus 1. Popliteal Artery. 2. Superior External Articular. 3. Branch to Gastrocnemius (sural) 4. Internal Superior Articular. 5. Anastomosis with 6. 6. Branch to Gastrocnemius (sural) 7. Internal Inferior Articular. 8. 9. Sural. 10. Division of Tibialis Anterior and Peroneus. 11. Posterior Tibial Artery. PLATES XXXVII AND XXXVIII. ARTERIES OF THE CALF AND PLANTAR SURFACE OF THE FOOT. FIG. I. a. Tibia. 6. Gastrocnemius ) a c. Tibialis Anticus d. Extensor Longus Pollicis ) e. Interosseous Ligament. /. Extensor Longus Digitorum \ s g. Peroneus Longus h. Extensor Brevis Digitorum ) 1. Anterior Tibial Artery. 2. Branch to Knee Joint. 3 to 6. Muscular Branches. 7. Internal Malleolar. 8. External Malleolar. 9. Anastomosis with Dorsal Arter- ies of Foot. 10. Dorsalis Pedis Artery. 11, 12. Tarsal. 13. Metatarsal Interosseae. 14. Division into Dorsal Pollicis and Anastomotic Branch, and in- to 15. 15. Second Dorsal Collateral Branch 16. Internal Branch of Dorsalis Hallucis. 17. Second Interosseous. 18. Second Digital. 19. Second Dorsal Collateral. 20. Third Digital. 21 to 26. Digital Arteries of the Toes. 27. Dorsal Arch. FIG. II. a. Plantaris 6. Soleus Popliteus vMuscles. c. d. Peroneus Longus J e. Flexor Longus Hallucis A g /. Flexor Longus Digitorum I g g. Tendon of Peroneus Brevis [ - h. Tendo Achillis J " 64 ANGIOLOGY. 1. Popliteal Artery. 2. Origin of Peroneal and Anterior Tibial. 3. 4. Sural Branches. 5. Anterior Tibial. 6. Peroneal. 7. 8. Muscular Branch. 9. Cutaneous Branch of Peroneal. 10, 11. Anastomosis with Posterior Tibial. 12. Termination of Peroneal. 13. Posterior Tibial. 14 to 17. Muscular Branches. 18. Branch to Nerves. 19 to 21. Cutaneous Branches and Anastomosis. 22 to 23. Anastomosis with Pero- neal. 24. Anastomosis with Tibialis An- tica. 25. Anterior Tibial. 26. 27, 28. Muscular Branches. FIG. III. PLANTAR SURFACE OF THE FOOT. a. b, d. e. k. I. m, t. u, v. w. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Calcaneum. c. Astragalus. Scaphoid. First Cuneiform. Metatarsal Bone of Great Toe. h. First and Second Phalanx of Great Toe. Fifth Metatarsal Bone. Transversus Pedis. [rum. Tendon of Flexor Longus Digito- s. Interossei. Long Calcaneo-cuboid Ligament. Short Calcaneo-cuboid Ligament. Interosseous Ligament. Origin of Abductor Pollicis. Posterior Tibial Artery. Cutaneous Branch. Branch to Os Calcis. Calcanean Branch. Muscular Branch. Internal Plantar Artery. Communicating Branch. Branch to the Plantar Ligaments. 9. Internal Plantar. 10. Deep Branch. 11. Branch to Plantar Aponeurosis. 12. Anastomosis with 7. 13. External Plantar Artery. 14. Calcanean Branch. 15. Anastomosis with Peroneal. 19. 22, 25, 27, 29. Interosseous. 20. External Digital Branch of Lit- tle Toe. 21. Beginning of Plantar Arch. 23. Anastomosis with Vessels of Little Toe. 24, 28, 30, 35. Division of Interossei into Internal and External Digital. 26. Muscular Branch. 31. Plantar Arch. [ial. 32. Anastomosis with Anterior Tib- 33. Anastomosis with 11. 34. Internal Plantar Branch to Great Toe. PLATES XXXIX AND XL. VEINS OF THE HEAD. a. Frontalis Muscle. 6. Aponeurosis. c. Attolens Aurem. d. Occipital Muscle. e. Retrahens Aurem. /. Ear. g. Orbicularis Palpebrarum. h. Compressor Naris. i. Levator Labii Superioris. k. Levator Anguli Oris. 1. Orbicularis Oris. m. Depressor Anguli Oris. ANGIOLOGY. 65 n. Platysma Myoides. 0. Internal Pterygoid. p. Digastric. q. Zygomatic Major. r. Steno's Duct. [moved. s. Zygomatic Process of Malar re- t. Temporal Muscle. u, Zygomatic Process of Temporal Bone removed. v, w. Sterno-cleido-mastoid. x. Splenius Capitis et Colli. y. .Levator Anguli Scapulae. z. Its Origin. a. Omo-hyoid. /?. Scalenus Medius. Y. Scalenus Anticus. 8. Thyroid Gland, e. Sterno-thyroid. . Sterno-hyoid. r). Thyro-hyoid. $. Thyroid Cartilage. 1. Cricoid Cartilage. 1. Vena Cava Superior. 2. Right Subclavian Vein. 3. External Jugular. 4. Anterior Jugular. 5. Transverse Jugular. 6. Cutaneous Vein. 7. Mental. [ular. 8. Anastomosis with External Jug- 9. Submaxillary Branch. 10. Anastomoses withTemporal Vein 11. External Jugular. 12. Anastomosis with Transversalis Colli. 13. Muscular Branch. 14. Anastomosis with Subclavian. 15. Posterior External Jugular. 16. Anastomosis with 8. 17. Anastomosis with 3. 18. Parotid Branch. 19. Occipital. 20. Anastomosis with Temporal. 21. Transversalis Colli. 22. Muscular Branch. 23. Muscular Branch. 24. Superficial Occipital. 25. Internal Jugular. 26. Superior Thyroid. 27. Cerebral Portion of 25. 28. Facial. 29. Laryngeal. 30. Facial. 31. Submaxillary. 32. Submental. 33. Anastomosis with Labial Veins. 34. Masseteric. 35. Inferior Labial. 36. Inferior Buccal. 37. Middle Labial. 38. Superior Buccal. 39. Inferior Labial, Superior Branch 40. Mental Plexus. 41. Labial Plexus. 42. Superior Labial Branch. 43. Deep Branch of Facial. 44. Superior Dental. 45. Posterior Nasal. 46. Ophthalmic. 47. External Palpebral. 48. Inferior Palpebral Plexus. 49. Superior Labial. 50. Superior Labial Plexus. 51. Nasal. 52. Inferior Palpebral. 53. Nasal Branch. 54. Nasal Plexus. 55. Dorsalis Nasi. 56. Frontal Vein. 57. Dorsalis Nasi. 58. Nasal Plexus. 59. Anastomoses with Temporal. 60. Supra-orbital. 61. Superior Palpebral. 62. Superior Palpebral Plexus. 63. Supra-orbital. 64. Anastomoses with Temporal. 65. Temporo-maxillary. 66. Parotid Branch. 67. Muscular Branches. 68. Posterior Auricular. 69. Transverse Facial. 66 ANGIOLOGY. 70. Superficial Branch. 71. Deep Branch. 72. Deep Temporal. 73. Superior Branch. 74. Anastomoses with Anterior Ar- ticular. 75. Deep Branch of Temporal. 76. Inferior Maxillary. 77. Anastomoses with Buccal. 78. Muscular Branches. 79. Anastomoses with Transverse Facial. 80. Temporal. 81. 82, 83. Muscular Branches. 84. Anterior Articular. 85. Anterior Auricular. 86. Temporal. 87. External Branch. 88. Anastomosing Branch. 89. Internal Branch. 90. Anastomosis with External Branch. 91. Anastomoses of Temporal Branches. 92. Branches joining Deep Tem- poral. 93. Anastomoses with Frontal Vein. 94. Deep Temporal. 95. Muscular Branches. 96. Superior Frontal. 97. Anastomosis with Supra-orbital. 98. Common Carotid Artery. 99. Superior Thyroid Artery lOO.External Carotid Artery. PLATES XLI AND XLII. VEINS OF NECK AND TRUNK. a. Masseter. b. Mylo-hyoides. c. Os Hyoid. d. Thyro-hyoid. e. Thyroid Gland. /. Submaxillary Gland. g. Trachea. h. Clavicle. i. Deltoid. k. Pectoralis Minor. I. Pectoralis Major. m. Biceps. n. Latissimus Dorsi. o. Ribs. p. Intercostals. q. Heart. r. Left Auricle. s. Right Auricle. t. Apex. u. Diaphragm. v. (Esophagus. w. Kidneys. x. Suprarenal Capsule. y. Ureters. x. Quadratus Lumborum. a. Psoas Magnus. 1. Superior Vena Cava. 2. Vena Azygos. 3. Anastomosing Branch. 4. Innominate. 5. Internal Mammary. 6. Inferior Communicating. 7. Muscular Branch. 8. Vertebral. 9. Anterior Jugular. [ular. 10. Anastomosis with External Jug- 11. Cutaneous Branch. 13. Inferior Tyroid. 13. 14. Left External Jugular. 14. Right External Jugular. 15. Supra-scapular. 16. Muscular Branch. 17. Communicating Branch to In- ternal Jugular. 18. 19. Communicating Branches. 20. Submental. 21. Temporo-maxillary. 22. Internal Jugular. 23. Facial. 24. Subclavian. ANGIOLOGY. 67 25. Cephalic. 26. Junction of Posterior Circum- flex and Subscapular. 27. Brachial. 28. Basilic. 29. Muscular Branch. 30. Greater Anterior Coronary. 31. Lesser Anterior Coronary. 32. Inferior Vena Cava. 33. Phrenic Branch. 34. Hepatic. 35. Renal. 36. Suprarenal. 37. Phrenic. 38. Spermatic. 39. Pulmonary Artery. 40. Left Pulmonary Artery. 41. Aorta. 42. Innominate Artery. 43. Right Subclavian Artery. 44. Right Common Carotid. 45. Superior Thyroid. 46. Left Common Carotid. 47. Left Subclavian. 48. Abdominal Aorta. 49. Cceliac Axis. 50. Superior Mesenteric. 51. Renal. 52. Lumbar. 53. Inferior Mesenteric. PLATES XLIII AND XLIV. VEINS OF THE ARM. PIGS. I AND III. a. Deltoid. &. Pectorklis Major. c. Muscles of the Arm. [of Digit. 1. Plexus of Veins on Palmar side 2. Superficial Palmar Plexus. 3. Carpal Branches. 4. Digital Veins of Thumb. 5. Radial. 6. Basilic. 7. Anastomosing Branches. 8. Ulnar. Cephalic. 9. Median. 10. Median Cephalic. 11. Anastomosing Branches. FIGS. II AND IV. DEEP VEINS OF ARM. a. Clavicle. b. Pectoralis Major. c. Pectoralis Minor. d. Deltoid. e. Latissimus Dorsi. /. Biceps Short Head. g. Coraco-brachialis. h. Biceps. i. Its Long Head. k. Long Head of Triceps. I. Flexor Longus' Digitorum. m. Pronator Radii Teres. n. Flexor Profundus Uigitorum. o. Its Tendon. p. Flexor Carpi Ulnaris. q. Pronator Quadratus. r. Brachialis Anticus. s. Supinator Longus. t. Flexor Longus Pollicis. u. Tendon of Flexor Digitorum. v. Abductor Minimi Digiti. w. Adductor Pollicis. 1. Ungual Arch of Digital Veins. 2. Radial Palmar Digital Veins. 3. Ulnar Digital Veins. 4. Anastomoses with Dorsal Veins. 5. Digital Veins. 6. Anastomoses with Deep Palmar Arch. 7. Superficial Palmar Arch. 8. Beginning of Radial Vein. 9. Its Dorsal Branch. 10. Radial Vein. 11. Muscular Branch. 68 ANGIOLOGY. 12. Junction of Interosseous and Ulnar Vein. 13. Ulnar Vein. 14. Branches from the Little Finger. 15. Dorsal Branch. 16. 17. Muscular Branches. 18. Same as 12. 19. Muscular Branch. 20. Recurrent Ulnar Vein. [ous. 21. Palmar Branches of Interosse- 22. Anastomoses with Radial. 23. Anastomoses with Ulnar. 24. Internal Interosseous. 25. 26. Muscular Branches. 27. Nutrient Vein of Radius. 28. Brachial Veins. 29. Muscular Branch. 30. Anterior Circumflex. 31. Anastomosis with Basilic. 32. Basilic. 33. Junction of 32 with Axillary Veins. 34. Muscular Branch. 35. Collateral Ulnar. 36. Muscular Branch. 37. Subscapular. 38. Cephalic. 39. Median. 40. Brachial Artery. 41. Radial Artery. PLATES XLV AND XLVI. VEINS ON POSTERIOR ASPECT OF ARM. FIGS. I AND II. SUPERFICIAL VEINS. Muscles. a. Clavicle 6. Deltoid c. Pectoralis Minor d. Pectoralis Major e. Coraco-brachialis /. Triceps g. Brachial Facia. 1. Dorsal Plexus of Digital Veins. 2. Radial Branches of Dorsal Digital. 3. Ulnar Branches of Dorsal Digital. 4. Anastomosing Branches to Palmar 5. Dorsal Arch. 6. Dorsal Digital Branch of Thumb. 7. Vena Salvatella. 8. Anastomoses with Deep Dorsal. 9. Carpal Veins of Dorsal Surface. 10. External Radial. 11. Anterior Veins of Forearm. 12. Posterior Ulnar. 13. Anastomoses with Anterior Ul- iiar. 14. Cephalic. 15. Cutaneous Branches. 16. Basilic. 17. Median. 18. Dorsal Branches of Cephalic. 19. Brachial. 20. Anterior Circumflex. 21. Subscapular. 22. Axillary. FIGS. Ill AND IV. DEEP VEINS OF UPPER EXTREMITY. a. b. C. d. e. f 9- h. i. Scapula. Clavicle. Neck of Humerus. Infra-spinatus Teres Minor Supra-spinatus Deltoid Triceps Brachialis Anticus J >Muscles. k. Triceps Muscle. I. Olecranon. m. Subanconeus Muscle. n. Internal Condyle. o. Extensor Communis Digitorum. p. Ulna. q. Radius. r. Interosseous Ligament. 5. Supinator Brevis Muscle. ANGIOLOGY. 69 t. Supinator Longus Muscle. u. Extensor Carpi Radialis Longoir. v. Extensor Carpi Radialis Brevior. w. Abductor Longus Pollicis x. Extensor Brevis Pollicis ' & y. Extensor Indicis 2. Abductor Minimi Digiti 1. Superficial Dorsal Digital Veins. 2. Dorsal Interosseus. 3. 4. Perforating Veins. 5. Dorsal Branches of Radial. 6. Branch to Dorsal Digital of Thumb. 7. Deep Dorsal Plexus. 8. Vena Salvatella. 9. Dorsal Pollicis. 10. Radial. 11. Anastomoses with 7. 12. Anastomoses with 2, 13. Anastamosis of Cephalic and Radial. 14. Dorsal Branch of Interosseous. 15. Anastomoses of Deep and Su- perficial Veins. 16. Anastomosis with Cephalic. 17. 18, 19. Muscular Branches. 20. External Interosseous. 21. Collateral Radial. 22. Deep Brachial. 23. Muscular Branches. 24. Brachial. 25. Posterior Circumflex. 26. Basilic. 27. Subscapularis. PLATES XLVII AND XLVIII. SUPERFICIAL VEINS OF LOWER EXTREMITY. FIG. I. INTERNAL 10 1. Branches from the Sole of the Foot. 2. Internal Dorsal Digital Veins. 3. External Dorsal Digital Veins. 4. Superficial Metatarsals. 5. Superficial Dorsal Arch. 6. Beginning of Long Saphenous. 7. 8. Internal andExternal Branches 9. Long Saphenous Branch. 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 SAPHENOUS. , Anastomosis with Posterior Tib- ial Vein. Muscular Branches. Branch from the Knee Joint. Musculo-cutaneous Branch. External Pudic Branch. Crural Vein. [Vein. Termination of Long Saphenous Musculo-cutaneous Branch. FIG. II. EXTERNAL SAPHENOUS VEIN. 1 to 6. Same as Figure 1. 7. Deep Communicating Branch. 8. Beginning of Cutaneous Vein. 9. External Saphenous. 10. Anastomosis with Anterior Tib- ial. 11. Anastomosis with Internal Saph- enous. 12. Muscular Branches. 13. Termination of External Sapli- enous. 14. Musculo-cutaneous Branch. FIG. III. VEINS OF DORSUM OF FOOT. a. Tibia. b. Fibula. c. Crucial Ligament. d. Extensor Communis Digitorum. e. Extensor Longus Pollicis Muscle. /. Tibialis Anticus Muscle. 1 to 9. Same as Figure 1. 10. Plexus on outer Malleolus. 11. Deep Veins of the Dorsalis Pedis. 12. Their Anastomoses. 13. Anterior Tibial Vein. 70 ANGIOLOGY. FIG. IV. VEINS OF THE a. Tibia. 6. Fibula. c. Calcaneum. d. Long Calcaneo-cuboidLigament. e. Interossei Muscles. /. Tendons of Flexor Longus Dig- itorum. 1, 2. Digital Plantar Veins. 3. Their Phalangeal Anastomoses. PLANTAR SURFACE OF FOOT. 4. Plantar Interosseous. 5. External Plantar Vein. 6. Anastomosing Branch to An- terior Tibial. 7. Calcaneoid Branches. 8. Internal Plantar Vein. 9. Dorsal Cutaneous Branch. 10. Internal Malleolar Branch. 11. Posterior Tibial Vein. PLATES XLIX AND L. FIG. I. ANTERIOR TIBIAL VEIN. a. Tibia. 6. External Malleolus. c. Tibialis Anticus Muscle. d. Extensor Communis Digitorum. e. Its Tendon. /. Extensor Longus Hallucis Muscle / cj g. Tarsus. h. Abductor Minimi Digiti Muscle. 1. Superficial Digital Veins. 2. Deep Branches. 3. Branch to Sole of Foot. 4. Radices of Internal Saphenous. 5. Interosseous Veins. 6. Perforating Branches. 7. Deep Dorsal Arch. 8. Anterior Tibial Vein. 9. Internal Malleolar Vein. 10. External Malleolar Vein. 11. Branch of Peroneal Vein. 12. Anastomosis with Anterior Tib- ial. 13. Anterior Tibial Veins. 14. Recurrent Tibial. 15. Anterior Tibial Artery. FIG. II. POSTERIOR TIBIAL AND PERONEAL VEINS. a. b, d. e.. f 9- h. i. k. I.' m n. o. P- V- 1. 2. s P Gracilis c. Biceps Femoris Semi-membranosus Semi-tendinosus Gastrocnemius Plantaris Soleus Popliteus Tibialis Posticus Flexor Longus Hallucis , Peroneus Longus External Malleolus. [itorum. Tendon of Flexor Communis Dig- Tendo Achillis. Calcaneum. Peroneal Veins. [leolar. Anastomosis with External Mai- 3, 4. Muscular Branches. 5. Posterior Tibial. 6, 7, 8, 9. Muscular and Communi- cating Branches. 10 Nutrient Vein. 11. Muscular Branch. 12. Peroneal Vein. 13. Posterior Tibial. 14. Popliteal. 15. Superior External Articular Vein 16. Inferior Internal Articular. 17. Muscular Branch. 18. Superior Internal Articular. 19. Muscular Branch. 20. Popliteal Artery. 21. Posterior Tibial Artery. 22. Peroneal Artery. ANGIOLOGY. 71 FIG. in. a. Lumbar Vertebrae. 6. Sacrum. c. Ilium. d. Great Sacro-sciatic Notch. e. Tuberosity of Ischium. /. Sacro-sciatic Ligament. g. Trochanter Major. h. Obturator Interims.-^ i, k. Gemelli. I. Pyriformis >Muscles. ra. Gluteus Minimus n. Gluteus Medius J 0. Gluteus Maximus > p. Quadratus Femoris q. Obturator Externus >Muscles. r. Adductor Magnus s. Semi-membranosus J 1. Internal Iliac Vein. 2. Gluteal. 3. Anastomosis with Ischiatic. 4. Superior Circumflex Ilii. 5. Inferior Circumflex Ilii. 6 to 12. Muscular Branches. 9. Ischiatic Vein. PLATES LI AND LII. PELVIC VEINS. a. 6. c. d. e. /. 9- h. i. k. I m, n. o. P- ? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Muscles. Crest of Ilium. Symphysis Pubis. Tuberosity of Ischium. Spine of Ischium. Lesser Sacro-sciatic Ligament. Greater Sacro-sciatic Ligament. Great Sacro-sciatic Notch. Sacrum. Iliacus Quadratus Lumborum Psoas Muscle. Kidney. Ureter. Suprarenal Capsule. Diaphragm. Obturator Nerve. Abdominal Aorta. Coeliac Axis. Superior Mesenteric Artery. Vena Cava Inferior. Renal Vein. Renal Branch. 7. Supra-renal Branch. 8. Lumbar Veins. 9. Their Anastomoses. 10. Muscular Branch. 11. Ilio-lumbar Vein. 12. Circumflex Iliac. 13. Spermatic Vein. 14. Common Iliac Vein. 15. External Iliac. 16. Internal Iliac. 17. Ilio-lumbar. 18. Fourth Lumbar. 19. Sacra Media. 20. Ischiatic. 21. Anastomosis with middle Sacral. 22. Anastomosis with Gluteal. 23. Comes Nervi Ischiadici. 24. Anastomosis with Hemorrhoidal. 25. Branch of Vesical Plexus. 26. Origin of Gluteal Vein. 27. Gluteal Vein. PLATES LIII AND LIV. VENA PORT^E. a. Diaphragm. b. Liver. c. Round Ligament of Liver. d. Spleen. e. Kidney. /. Pyloric End of Stomach. g. Pyloric Valve. h. Duodenum. ANGIOLOGY. i. Jejunum. k. Caecum. I. Anterior Colic Ligament. m. Ascending Colon. n. Descending Colon. 0. Sigmoid Flexure. p. Bladder. q. Ureter r. Pubes. s. Ilium. t. Acetabulum. u. Obturator Externus. v. Crus Penis. w. Accelerator Urinee. x. Urethra. y. Corpora Cavernosa Penis. z. Suspensory Ligament. 1. Abdominal Aorta. 2. Common Iliac. 3. Internal Iliac. 4. External Iliac Artery. 5. Vena Cava Ascendens. 6. Common Iliac Vein. 7. Internal Iliac Vein. 8. External Iliac Vein. 9. Vena Portse. 10. Origin of Phrenic Gastric Veins. 11. Colica Media. 12. Left Branch of Colica Media. 12. Its junction with the Mesenteric. 14. Inferior Mesenteric. 15. Colica Sinistra and Hemorr- hoidal. 16. Splenic Vein. [ Vein. 17. Branches of Superior Mesenteric 18. Ileo-colic Vein. 19. Csecal Vein. 20. Gastro-epiploica. [tra. 21. Gastro-epiploica Dextra et Sinis- 22. Gastric Vein. FIGS. I AND II. PLATES LV AND LVI. SINUSES OP THE BRAIN AND VENOUS PLEXUS OF THE SPINAL CORD. a. Dura Mater. b. Cerebellar Portion. c. Cranial Bones. d. Mastoid Process. e. Foramen Magnum. /. Lower Jaw. g. Atlas. h. Axis. [Vertebrae. i. Transverse Processes of Cervical k. Transverse Processes of Dorsal and Lumbar. I. Spinal Cord. m. Ribs. n. Spinal Nerves. 0. Cauda Equina. p. Sacrum. q. Coccyx. 1. Superior Longitudinal Sinus. 2. Vena Sartorium. 3. Transverse Sinus. 4. Torcular Herophili. 5. Occipital. 6. Middle Meningeal Vein. 7. Posterior Meningeal Vein. 8. External Vertebral Vein. 9. Occipital Vein. 10. Posterior Longitudinal Veins. 11. Transverse Branches. FIG. III. SECTIONAL VIEW OF LOWER JAW. a. Ramus. b. Body. c. Angle. d. Condyle. e. Sigmoid Notch. /. Coronoid Process. g. Diplce. h. Incisor Teeth. i. Canine. k. Molars. ANGIOLOGY. 73 1. Inferior Dental Artery. 2. Inferior Maxillary Nerve. 3. Inferior Maxillary Veins. 4. Dental Branches. 5. Anastomosis of 4. 6. Nutrient Branches. FIG. IV. DORSAL VERTEBRA. FIG. V. LUMBAR VERTEBRA. TRANSVERSE SECTION. a. Body. 6. Transverse Process. c. Spinous Process. d. Spinal Canal. 1. Anterior Longitudinal Veins. 2. Posterior Branches. 3. Anterior Plexus. 4. 5. Vense Basis Vertebrarum. 6. Lateral Branches. PLATES LVII AND LVIII. VEINS OF BRAIN AND SPINAL CORD. FIGS. I AND II. ANTERIOR ASPECT OF CEREBRO-SPINAL AXIS. a. 6. C. d. e. f. 9> h. i. k. I. m, n. o. P- ? r. s. t. u. V. IV. X. I. 2. Section of Parietal Bones. Section of Occipital Bone. Foramen Magnum. [tebrse. Posterior Portion of Arch of Ver- Transverse processes. First Rib. Second to Twelfth Rib. Anterior Lobes of the Brain. Middle Lobes. Cerebellum. Optic Commissure. Optic Nerve. Patheticus. Abducens. Motor Oculi. Trigeminus. Medulla Oblongata. Spinal Cord. Intercostal Nerves. Intercostal Muscles. Sacral Nerves. Sacrum. Coccyx. [Veins. Branches of Anterior Menhigcal Spheno-parietal Vein. 3. Ophthalmic Vein. 4. Middle Meningeal. 5. Circular and Cavernous Sinuses. 6. Lateral Sinus. 7. Small Cerebral Branches. 8. Vertebral Vein. 9. Communicating Branches. 10. Vertebral Vein. 11. Anterior Longitudinal Vein. 12. Anterior Branches. 13. Inter-vertebral Branches. 14. Intercostals. 15. Ascending Lumbar. 16. Last Intercostals. [bar. 17. Termination of Ascending Lum- 18. Anastomosing Branches to Long- itudinal Veins. 19. Anterior Sacral. [Vein. 20. Origin of Anterior Longitudinal 21. Internal Carotid Artery. 22. Middle Meningeal Artery. 23. Vertebral Artery. 24. Intercostal Arteries. 25. Lumbar Branches to Spinal Cord 26. Anterior Sacral Arteries. FIG. III. a. Body of Vertebra. b. Arch. SECTION OF SPINAL CANAL, SHOWING ANTERIOR LONGITUDINAL VEIN. c. Transverse Process. d. Anterior Common Ligament. 74 ANGIOLOGY. e. Same, removed to show Veins. 1. Anterior Longitudinal Veins. 2. Anterior Branches, Transverse. 3. Same, covered by d. 4. Lateral Communicating Branches PLATES LIX AND LX. LYMPHATICS OF HEAD AND NECK. a, d. e. /. g. h. i. k. I. m. n. o. p. q. r. s. t. u. v. w. x. y. z. a. 6, c. Occipito-frontalis. Temporal Muscle. Upper Eyelid. Levator Palpebrse Section of Frontal Bone, Frontal Sinus. Eye Ball. Rectus Superior of Eye Rectus Externus. Optic Nerve. Rectus Inferior. Lower Eyelid. Obliquus Inferior. [Nasi. Levator Labii Superioris Alaeque Compressor Naris. Levator Anguli Oris. Upper Maxilla. Its Malar Process. Orbicularis Oris. Buccinator. Glenoid Fossa. Zygomatic Process. Mastoid Process. Tongue. Sublingual Gland. Pharynx. Lower Jaw. , Genio-glossus. Genio-hyoid. Hyo-glossus. Stylo-glossus. Os Hyoides. Thyro-hyoid Membrane. Larynx. Thyroid Gland. Trachea. Obliquus Capitis Inferior. Trachelo-mastoid. p. Complexus et Biventer Cervicis. a. Trapezius. u. Splenius Capitis. v, Supra-spinatus. ti<- Tract. 5. Qptic Nerve. 84 NEUROLOGY. 6. Anterior Perforated Space. 7. Internal Root of Olfactory Nerve. 8. Long Root of Same. 9. Gray or Middle Root. 10. Gray Nucleus Forming Origin of 11. Olfactory Nerve. 12. Its Bulb. a. Anterior View. b. Posterior View. 1. Optic Tract. FIG. X. OPTIC COMMISSURE. 2. Commissure. 3, 4. Optic Nerves. FIG. XI. ORIGIN OF THE OPTIC NERVE. 1. Corpus Callosum. 2. Tapetum. 3. Hippocampus Major. 4. Ta3nia Semi circularis. 5. Posterior Crus of the Fornix. 6. Body of the Fornix. 7. Anterior Crus of the Fornix. 8. Corpora Albicantia. 9. Thalamus Opticus. 10. Corpus Geniculatum Externum. 11. Optic Tract. 12. Optic Commissure. 13. Optic Nerve. 14. Retina. 15. 16. Fibres passing from one Eye to the other. FIG. XII. NERVES OF THE EYE. Frontal Bone. Frontal Sinus. Ethmoid Bone. Sella Turcica. Malar Bone. /. Lachrymal Gland. g. Upper Eyelids. h. Superior Oblique Muscle. i. Its Pulley. k. Its Tendon. 1. Levator Palpebrae Muscle, ra. Rectus Superior Muscle. n. Inferior Rectus Muscle, o. External Rectus Muscle. p. Sphenoidal Sinus. q. Internal Carotid Artery. r. Eyeball. 1. Optic Nerve. 2. Motor Oculi. 3. Branch to Rectus Superior. 4. Branch to Internal and Inferior Recti. 5. Trochlearis Nerve. 6. Trifacial Nerve. 7. Casseriaii Ganglion. 8. ( Ophthalmic Division of the 9. \ Fifth Nerve. 10. Nasal Nerve. 11. Lachrymal Nerve. 12. Superior Maxillary Division. 13. Abducens Nerve. 14. Ophthalmic Ganglion. 15. Ciliary Nerve. 16. Ciliary Branch of Nasal Nerve. PLATES VII AND VIII. FIG. I. A SECTION OF THE SPINAL CORD, INCLUDING THE LOWER END OF THE CERVICAL AND UPPER END OF THE DORSAL PORTIONS. ANTERIOR ASPECT. 1. Dura Mater. 2. Ligamentum Dentatum. 3. Spinal Cord. 4. Cervical enlargement of Cord. 5. Anterior Median Fissure. 6. Anterior Column. NEUROLOGY. 85 7. Lateral Column. 8. Posterior Column. 9. Spinal Canal. 10. Anterior Roots of Spinal Nerves. 11. Posterior Roots of same. 12. Spinal Nerves. FIG. II. LOWER PORTION OF TIIK SPINAL CORD. 1. Spinal Marrow. 2. Cauda Equina. 3. Filu in Terminale. 4. Anterior Roots of Spinal Nerves. 5. Posterior Roots. 6. Their Union. 7. Dura Mater. FIG. III. TRANSVERSE SECTION OF THE MEDULLA OBLONGATA ABOVE THE ORIGIN OF THE FIRST CERVICAL NERVES; ENLARGED. 1. Anterior Median Fissure. 2. Posterior Median Fissure. 3. Spinal Canal. 4. Anterior Pyramids. 5. Lateral Tracts. 6. Posterior Pyramids. 7. Anterior Horn of Gray Matter. 8. Posterior Horn of Gray Matter. 9. Gelatinous Substance. 10. Anterior Roots of Spinal Nerves. 11. Posterior Roots of same. 12. Origin of Nervus Accessorius Willisii. 13. Gray Commissure. FIG. IV. TRANSVERSE SECTION OF SPINAL CORD. 1. Anterior Median Fissure. 2. Posterior Median Fissure. 3. Spinal Canal. 4. Commissura Amilaris. 5. Anterior Gray Commissure. 6. Posterior Gray Commissure. 7. Anterior Horn of Gray Matter. 8. Posterior Horn of Gray Matter. 9. White Substance of Cord. 10. Posterior Roots of Spinal Nerves. 11. Anterior Roots of same. FIG. V. TRANSVERSE SECTION OF MEDULLA OBLONGATA AND SPINAL CORD. a. Section of Nates. 1, 2, 3. Crura Cerebri. 4. Locus Niger. 5. Posterior Perforated Space. 6. Aqua3ductus Sylvii. 7. Gray Matter. 8. Testes. 9. 10. White Matter. b. Section of Testes. 1. Pons Varolii. '2. Locus Niger. 3. Ti-.irr i icii turn. 4. Fasciculi Teretes. 5. AqiiH'diict of Sylvius. 0. Nates. 7. White Substance. 8. Gray Nucleus, [the Pons Varolii. c. Section of Medulla Oblongata at 1. Anterior Pyramids. 2. Anterior Median Fissure. 3. 4. Olivary Body. 5. Restiform Body. 6. Gray Substance. 7. Eminentia) Teretes. 8. Fourth Ventricle. d. Section of Middle Medulla. 1-3. Same as previous figure. 4. Corpus Dentatuin. 5. 8. Same as preceding figure. e. Transverse section of Medulla Oblongata behind the Fourth Ventricle. 86 NEUROLOGY. 1. Anterior Median Fissure. 2. Posterior Median Fissure. 3. Anterior Pyramids. 4. Olivary Fasciculi. 5. Restiform Bodies. 6. Canal of Medulla Oblongata. 7. Gray Center. 8. Anterior Gray Bodies. 9. Posterior Gray Bodies. /. Section of Medulla Oblongata. Figures same as in preceding. g, o. Section of Spinal Cord from Cervical Portion to Filum Terminale. 1. Anterior Median Fissure. 2. Posterior Median Fissure. 3. Anterior Column. 4. Lateral Column. 5. Posterior Column. 6. Gray Substance. 7. Anterior Horn. 8. Posterior Horn. FIG. VI. DISTRIBUTION OF NERVE FIBRES TO THE MUSCLES. 1. Voluntary Muscular Fibre. 2. Nerve. 3. Distribution of Nerve Fibrils in Loops. FIG. VII. a. Pacinian Corpuscles on the Palmar Surface of the Hand. 1. Nerve Branchlet. 2. Pacinian Corpuscles. 3. The Terminal ends of the Nerves. b, c. Pacinian Corpuscles Magnified. 1. Nerve Branchlets. 2. Central Portion. 3. Concentric Envelopes. 4. Processes penetrating the sur- rounding Tissues. FIG. VIII. ORIGIN OF THE TRIGEMINUS NERVE. Crura Cerebri. Corpora Quadrigemina. Laqueus. Crura Cerebelli. Fourth Ventricle. 6. Calamus Scriptorius. 7. Gray Wings. 8. Crura Cerebri et Cerebelli. 9. Crus ad Medullam Oblongatum. 10. Posterior Portion of Medulla. 11. Trifacial Nerve. 12. Ophthalmic Nerve. 13. Superior Maxillary Nerve. 14. Inferior Maxillary Nerve. 15. Casserian Ganglion. 16. Sensory Root of Fifth Nerve. 17. Motor Root of Fifth Nerve. 18. Course of Nerve. 19. Auditory Nerve. 20. Facial Nerve. 21. Pneumogastric Nerve. FIG. IX. FIFTH NERVE AND CASSERIAN GANGLION; INFERIOR ASPECT. FIG. X. BRANCHES OF THE SECOND and THIRD DIVISIONS OF THE FIFTH NERVE. a. Frontal Bone. b. Frontal Sinus. c. Occipital Bone. d. Parietal Bone. e. Mastoid Portion of Temporal Bone. /. Mastoid Process. g. Fallopian Tube. NEUROLOGY. 87 h. Petrous Portion of Temporal Bone. i. Tympanum. k. Ossicula Auditus. I. Orbit. m. Antrum of Highmore. n. Lower Jaw. o. Rectus Capitis Posticus Major Muscle. p. Obliquus Inferior Muscle. q. Spinalis Cervicis Muscle. r. Levator Anguli Scapula Muscle. 8. Rectus Capitis Anticus Muscle. t. Tensor Palati Muscle. u. Superior 1 ! n , TV/T- j ji Pharyngeal Constrictor v. Middle \ f/r T f . Muscles. w. Inferior J x. Stylo-pharyngeus Muscle. y. Levator Anguli Oris Muscle. z. Orbicularis Oris Muscle. a. Tongue. /?. Genio-glossus Muscle. f. Sublingual Gland. d. Submaxillary Gland. e. Common Carotid Artery. . External Carotid Artery. T}. Internal Carotid Artery. $. Superior Thyroid Artery. i. Occipital Artery. x. Temporal Artery. 1. Trigeminus Nerve. 2. Ophthalmic Division. 3. Superior Maxillary Division. 4. Inferior Maxillary Division. 5. Descending Branch of 3. 6. Posterior Dental Nerve. 7. Infraorbital Nerve. 8. Superficial Temporal Branch. 9. Deep Temporal Branch. 10. Masseteric Branch. 11. Buccal Nerve. 12. Inferior Maxillary Nerve. 13. Lingual Branch. 14. Maxillary Ganglion. 15. Abducens Nerve. 16. Carotid Branches. 17. Facial Nerve. 18. Facial Branch. 19. Chorda Tympani. 20. Hypoglossal Nerve. 21. Pneumogastric Nerve. PLATES IX AND X. DISTRIBUTION OF THE FIFTH CRANIAL NERVE. FIG. I. a. Frontal Bone. b. Sella Turcica. c. Zygomatic Process of Temporal Bone. d. Condyloid Process of Lower Ja\v. e. Fallopian Tube. /. Superior \ g. Posterior > Semi circular Canals. h. External ) i. Occipital Bone. /.-. Vidian Canal. I. Ptorygoid Process. m. Zygoma. n. Antrum. o. p. q. r. s. t. u. v. w. x. y. z. a. Inferior Maxilla. Its Cancellous Tissue Expose< Falx Cerebelli. Tentorium Cerebelli. Nasal Cartilages. Eye ball. Lachrymal Gland. Meatus Auditorius Externus. Larynx. Thyroid Gland. Frontalis Orbicularis Palpebranim Compressor Naris Orbicularis Oris 88 NEUROLOGY. f. Quadratus Menti d. Buccinator . Superior Oblique . Obliquus Inferior r t . Levator Palpebrse #. Rectus Superior /. Rectus Inferior x. Pterygoideus Internus L Digastric //. Stylo-glossus \t. Mylo-hyoid . Sterno-hyoid 0. Thyro-hyoid ;r. Constrictor Pharyngeus p. Common Carotid Artery a. External Carotid Artery. r. Internal Carotid Artery. v. Superior Thyroid Artery. . Superior Coronary Artery. to. Inferior Coronary Artery. 1. Infraorbital Artery. 2. Angular Artery. 3. Ophthalmic Artery. 4. Inferior Palpebral Artery. 5. Nasal Artery. 6. Frontal Artery. 7. Supraorbital Artery. 8. Superficial Temporal Artery. 9. Internal Maxillary Artery. 10. Middle Meningeal Artery. 11. Inferior Dental Artery. 12. Infraorbital Artery. 13. Temporal Artery. 14. Occipital Artery. 15. Ophthalmic Artery. 16. Optic Nerve. 17. Motor Oculi Nerve. 18. Branches to Muscles of the Eye. 19. Communicating Branch to 20. 20. Ciliary Ganglion. 21. Trochlearis Nerve. 22. Abducens Nerve. 23. Facial Nerve. 24. Digastric Branch. 25. Zygomatic Branch. 26. Superior Facial Branch. 27. Middle Facial Branch. 28. Inferior Facial Branch. 29. Descending Branch. 30. Cutaneous Branch. 31. Cutaneous Cervical Branch. 32. Pneumogastric Nerve. . 33. Internal Laryngeal Nerve. 34. External Laryngeal Nerve. 35. Hypoglossal Nerve. 36. Descending Branch. 37. Superior Cervical Ganglion (Sympathetic.) 38. Sympathetic Nerve. 39. Trigeminus Nerve. 40. Casserian Ganglion. 41. Ophthalmic Division. 42. Frontal Nerve. 43. Branch to Frontal Sinus. 44. Supratrochlearis Nerve. 45. Branch of 44. 46. Supraorbital Nerve. 47. Frontal Branch of 46. 48. Nasal Branch. 49. Branch to Ciliary Ganglion. 50. Infratroclilearis Nerve. 51. Ethmoidal Branch. 52. Communicating Branch. 53. Lachrymal Nerve. 54. Superior Maxillary Division. 55. Cutaneous Nerve. 56. Communicating Branch to 53. 57. Communicating Branch to 23. 58. Spheno-palatine Ganglion. 59. Vidian Nerve. 60. Palatine Nerve. [Artery. 61. Loops around Internal Maxillary 62. Buccal Branch. 63. Posterior Dental Nerve. 64. Communicating Buccal Branch to 38. 65. Communicating Branch to Infra- orbital. 66. Infraorbital Nerve. 67. Communicating Branch to 63. NEUROLOGY. 89 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 70. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. a. 6. c. d. c. /. g. h. i. k. /. ///. n. o. p. i/. r. s. Anterior Dental Nerve. 91. Anastomosis with 63. >_!. Dental Brand i. 93. Inferior Palpebral Branch. 94. Superior Cutaneous Nasal 95. Branch. 96. Inferior Cutaneous Nasal 97. Branch. Labial Nerve. 98. Inferior Maxillary Division. 99. Masseteric Branch. Deep Temporal Branch. 100. Buccal Nerve. Its Loops around 9. 101. Anastomosis with 23. 102. Anterior Articular Branch. Superficial Temporal Nerve. 103. Communication with 23. Branch to External Meatus of 104. Ear. Ascending Branch. 105. Tympanic Branch. Auricular Branch. 106. Articular Branch. Lingual Nerve. 107. Inferior Dental Nerve. 108. Mylo-hyoid Branch. Dental Branch. Mental Branch. Communicating with 92. Labial Nerve. Mental Branches. Branch of Glosso-pharyngeus to Nervi Molles. Superficial Cardiac Nerve. Superior Thyroid, (Sympa- thetic Nerve.) Branch to Superior Laryngeal Artery. Branch to Facial Artery. Anastomosis with Inferior Maxillary. Branch to External Carotid Artery. Communicating Branch to Digastric. Branch to Internal Maxillary Artery. Junction with Posterior Dental Nerve. Branch to Temporal Artery. Branch to Occipital Artery. FIG. II. BRANCHES OF THE FIFTH NERVE. Frontal Bone. Temporal Bone. Meatus Auditorius. Tympanum. Malleus. Superior ~\ Posterior ISemi circularCanals. External J Styloid Proces. Occipital Bone. Carotid Canal. Vidian ( 'anal. Orbital Plate of Ethmoid Bone. Lachrymal Bone. Superior Maxilla. I nfrrior Margin of Orbit. Infmorbital Foramen. Antrum. t. Lower Maxilla. it. Os Hyoides. v. Superior Oblique Muscle. w. Its Pulley. x. Tarsal Cartilage. ?/. Caruncula Lachrymalis. z. Lachrymal Sac. a. Eustachian Tube. /?. Cartilage of Ear. f. Mylo-hyoid Muscle. d. Sterno-hyoid Muscle. e. Thyro-hyoid Muscle. '. Ilyo-glossus Muscle. r r IMiarynx. //. ( Minis. '. Common Carotid Artery. x. Kxternal Carotid Artery. L Internal Carotid Artery. 90 NEUROLOGY. P- c. 8. 9. 10. //. Superior Thyroid Artery. v. Superior Laryngeal Artery. . Lingual Artery. 0. Facial Artery. x. Submental Artery. Ascending Palatine Artery. Ascending Laryngeal Artery. u. Tarsal Artery. . Infraorbital Artery. 1. Optic Nerve. 2. Motor Oculi. 3, 4. Superior and Inferior Branches. 5. Branch to 6. 6. Ciliary Ganglion. 7. Ciliary Nerves. Trochlearis Nerve. Abducens Nerve. Facial Nerve. 11. Exit from Stylo-mastoid Fora- men. 12. Glosso-pharyngeus Nerve. 13. 14. Superior and Inferior Branches. 15. Pharyngeal Branches. 16. Pneumogastric Nerve. 17. Pharyngeal Branch. 18. Internal Laryngeal Nerve. 19. External Laryngeal Nerve. 20. Nervus Accessorius Willisii. 21. Hypoglossal Nerve. 22. Descending Ramus. 23. Branch to Thryo-hyoid Muscle. 24. Ophthalmic Division of Trigem- inus. 25. Frontal Branch. 26. Branch to Frontal Sinus. 27. Branch to 35. 2.8. Supraorbital Nerve. 29. Cutaneous Branches. 30. Supratrochlear Branch. 31. Nasal Branch. 32. Branch to Ciliary Ganglion. 33. Branch to 27. 34. Ethmoidal Branch. 35. Infratrochlear Branch. 36. Branch to Lachrymal Sac. 37. Branch to Tarsal Artery. 38. Junction of 30 and 35. 39. Lachrymal Nerve. 40. Superior Maxillary Division. 41. Cutaneous Nerve of the Cheek. 42. Spheno-palatine Ganglion. 43. Vidian Nerve. 44. Superficial Branch. 45. Junction with Facial Nerve. 46. Deep Branch. 47. Pharyngeal Branch. 48. Spheno-palatine Branch. 49. Branch from 42 to 9. 50. Palatine Nerve. 51 . Branch supplying Internal Max- illary Artery. 52. Branch of Palatine Nerve. 53. Inner Division of same. 54. Posterior Dental Nerve. 55. Posterior Branch of 54. 56. Alveolar Branch. 57. Branch to Anterior Dental Nerves. 58-62. Dental Nerves to Teeth. 63. Infraorbital Nerve. 64. Branch joining 54 and 65 to 63. 65. Anterior Dental Nerve. 66. Branch communicating with 54. 67. Buccal Branch. 68. Dental Branches. 69-75. Branches supplying Teeth and Gums. 76. Nasal Branch. 77. Inferior Maxillary Division. 78. Masseteric Branch. 79. Deep Temporal Branch. 80. Buccal Branch. 81. 82. Auricular Branches. 83. Branch joining the Facial Nerve. 84. Branch to Auditory Meatus. 85. Ascending Branch. 86. Tympanic Branch. 87. Auditory Branch. 88. Lingual or Gustatory Nerve. NEUROLOGY. 91 89. Chorda Tympani. 90. Pharyngeal Branch. 91. Inferior Dental Nerve. 92. Mylo-hyoid Branch. 93. Dental Branch. 94. Branches to the Gums. 95. Branches to the Teeth. 96. Mental Branch of 91. 97. Superior Cervical Ganglion. 98. Communicating Branches to Pneumogastric. 99. Sympathetic Nerve. 100. Superficial Cardiac Nerve. 101. Nervus Mollis. 102. Pharyngeal Branch. [12 to 19. 103. Communicating Branch from a. Upper Maxillary. b. Palatine Process. c. Pterygoid Process. d. Occipital Bone. e. Lower Jaw. /. Common Carotid Artery. g. External Carotid Artery. h. Internal Carotid Artery. -/. Vertebral Artery. k. Internal Pterygoid Muscle. I. Velum Palati. ra. Pharynx. n. Submaxillary Gland. 1. Branch of Motor Oculi to Sym- pathetic. 2. Abducens Nerve. 3. Branch of 2 to Sympathetic. 4. Trigeminus. 5. Casserian Ganglion. 6. Superior Maxillary Division of 4. 7. Cutaneous Branch to the Cheek. 8. Spheno-palatim- Nerve. 9. Spheno-palatine Ganglion. 10. Vidian Nerve. 11. Superficial Petrous Branch of 10. 104. Branches to Superior Thyroid Artery. 105. Branches to Lingual Artery. 106. Branches to Facial Artery. 107. Branches to Ascending Pala- tine Artery. 108. Pharyngeal Plexus. 109. Ascending Branch from 12 to 99. 110. Anterior Branch of 99. 111. Posterior Branch of 99. 112. Branch of 12 to 10 and 111. 113. Sympathetic Nerve. 114. Branch to 2. 115. Branches to Internal Carotid Artery. FIG. III. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 81. 32. 33. 34. 35. Deep Branch of 10. Deep Petrosal Nerve. Pterygo-palatine Nerve. Anterior Palatine Branch. Internal Palatine Branch. External Palatine Branch. Naso-palatine Nerve. Posterior Nasal Branches. Branch from 9 to Optic Nerve. Anterior Branch of Sympa- thetic. Posterior Branch of Sympa- thetic. Posterior Dental Nerve. Middle Dental Branches. Infraorbital Nerve. Inferior Maxillary Division of 4. Superficial Temporal Nerve. Gustatory Nerve. P ranch to Meckel's Ganglion. Branch to Lingual Plexus. Inferior Maxillary Nerve. Mylo-hyoid Branch. Dental Branches. Temporal Branches. Branch to Ophthalmic Division of 4. 92 NEUROLOGY. 36. Branch to Superior Maxillary' Division. 37. Branch to Inferior Maxillary Division. 38. Branch from 5 to Otic Ganglion. 39. Internal Pterygoid Nerve. 40. Small Petrosal Nerve. 4.1. Branch from 73 to 44. 42. Buccal Nerve. 43. Facial Nerve. 44. Chorda Tympani. 45. Branch joining 44 to 28. 46. Meckel's Ganglion. 47. Branch from Maxillary Gan- glion to Sympathetic. 48. Branches to Submaxillary Gland. 49. Branches to Stapedius Muscle. 50. Glosso-pharyngeus Nerve. 51. Petrosal Ganglion. [to 51. 52. Branch from Jugular Ganglion 53. Branch from Sympathetic to 51. 54. Jacobson's Nerve. 55. Branch to Foramen Rotundum. 56. Branch to Foramen Ovale. 57. Branch from 54 to Sympathetic. 58. Tympanic Branch. 59. Pharyngeal Nerve. 60. Pharyngeal Branches. 61. Pneumogastric Nerve. 62. Jugular Ganglion. 63. Hypoglossal Nerve. 64. Nervus Accessorius Willisii. 65. Sympathetic Nerve. 66. Inferior Carotid Ganglion. 67. Superior Cervical Ganglion. 68. Nervi Molles. 69. Vertebral Nerve. 70. Branch from 65 to 62. 71. Branch from 62 to 54 and 43. 72. Branch from 64 to 65. 73. Otic Ganglion. PIG. iv. a. Frontal Bone. 6. Ethmoid Bone. c. Ethmoidal Foramen. d. Lachrymal Bone. e. Fossa Lachrymalis. /. Maxillary Process of Malar Bone. g. Superior Maxillary Bone. h. Alveolar Process. i. Antrum of Highmore. k. Infraorbital Foramen. I. Body of Sphenoid Bone. m. Foramen Rotundum. n. Petrous Portionof Temporal Bone. 0. Internal Carotid Artery. p. Ophthalmic Artery. 1. Motor Oculi Nerve. 2. Casserian Ganglion. 3. Ophthalmic Division of the Tri- geminus. 4. Ethmoidal Branch. 5. Lachrymal Nerve. 6. Superior Maxillary Nerve. 7. Cutaneous Malar Branch. 8. Spheno-palatiiie Nerve. 9. Spheno-palatine Ganglion. 10. Vidian Nerve. 11. Superficial Branch. 12. Deep Branch. 13. Pterygoid Branch. 14. Pharyngeal Branch. 15. Posterior Dental Nerve. 16. Anterior Dental Nerve. 17. Maxillary Ganglion. 18. Dental Branches. 19. Osseous Branch. 20. Nasal Branch. 21. Middle Dental Nerve. *22. Communicating Branch from 9 to 17. 23. Branch to Antrum. 24. Infraorbital Nerve. 25. Abducens Nerve. 26. Descending Branches of Sym- pathetic. 27. Commnicating Branch from 1 to 3 and 25. NEUROLOGY. 93 FIG. V. a. Superior Maxillary Bone. b. Greater Wings of Sphenoid. c. Squamous Portion of Temporal. d. Zygomatic Arch. e. Mastoid Process. /. Styloid Process. g. Pterygoid Process. h. Antrum. i. External Auditory Meatus. k. Foramen Ovale. I. Common Carotid Artery. m. External Carotid Artery. n. Internal Carotid Artery. o. Superior Thyroid Artery. p. Lingual Artery. q. Facial Artery. r. Ascending Pharyngeal Artery. 8. Temporal Artery. / Transverse Facial Artery. u. Internal Maxillary Artery. v. Middle Moningeal Artery. w. Inferior Dental Artery. x. Deep Temporal Arten r . y. Superior Dental Artery. 2. Infraorbital Artery. a. Parotid Gland. 1. Facial Nerve. 2. Superficial Temporal Nerve. 3. Nervi Molles. 4. Temporal Ganglion. Sympathetic. 5. Parotid Branch. 6. Auditory Branch. 7. Temporal Branch. 8. Maxillary Branch. 9. Facial Branch to Temporal Gan- glion. 10. Branch from 2 to 4. 11. Branch from Sympathetic Nerve to 4. 12. Articular Branch. PLATES XI AND XII. NERVES OF THE FACE. 0, 6. Occipito-frontalis Muscle. c. Retrahens Aurem Muscle. d. Attolens Aurem Muscle. e. Temporal Muscle. /. Orbicularis Palpebrarum g. Compressor Naris h. Levator Anguli Oris 1. Zygomaticus Major k. Buccinator I. Masseter m. Orbicularis Oris n. Quadratus Menti o. Sterno-cleido-mastoid p. Steno's Duct. q. Submaxillary Gland. r. External Carotid Artery. s. Temporal Artery. t. External Jugular Vein. u. Temporal Vein. 1. Frontal Branch of Trigeminus. 2. Supratrochlearis. 3. Cutaneous Frontal Branch. 4. Infratrochlear Nerve. 5. Infraorbital Nerve. 6. 7. Cutaneous Malar Branches. 8. Cutaneous Temporal Branch. 9. Mental Branch of Inferior Dent- 10. Buccal Branch. [al. 11. Portio Dura. 12. Posterior Auricular Branch. 13. Deep Branch. 14. Descending Branch. 15. Superior Branch. 16. Middle Facial Branch. 17. Auricular Branch of Third Cer- vical Nerve. 18. Middle Cutaneous Nerve of Neck. 94 NEUROLOGY. PLATES XIII AND XIV. A. Internal Jugular Vein. B. Inferior Thyroid Vein. C. Common Carotid Artery. D. External Carotid Artery. E. Superior Thyroid Artery. F. Internal Carotid Artery. G. Mylo-hyoid Muscle. H. Genio-Hyoid Muscle. /. Genio-glossus Muscle. K. Tongue. L. Stylo-glossus Muscle. M. Stylo-pharyngeus Muscle* N. Digastric Muscle. 0. Stylo-hyoid Muscle. P. Internal Pterygoid Muscle. Q. Masseter Muscle. R. Hyo-glossal Muscle. S. Thyro-hyoid Muscle. T. Crico-thyroid Muscle. U, U. Sterno-hyoid and Sterno-thy- roid of the Left Side. [ cle. V. Obliquus Capitis Superior Mus- W. Splenius Capitis Muscle. X. Levator Anguli Scapula Muscle. Y. Rectus Capitis Anticus Major Muscle. Z. Buccinator Muscle. a,a. Superior Pharyngeal Constrictor. b, b. Middle Pharyngeal Constrictor. c,c. Inferior Pharyngeal Constrictor. d. Right Cornu of Os Hyoides. e. Thyro-hyoid Ligament. /. Thyroid Cartilage. g. Thyroid Gland. h. Right Tonsil. 1. Styloid Process of Temporal. k. Suprahyoid Aponeurosis. /. Parotid Gland. ra. Zygomatic Process. n. Cervical Intervertebral Substance. o. Mastoid Process of Temporal Bone. p. Cartilaginous External Auditory Meatus. q. Mucous Follicles of Mouth and Root of the Tongue. r. Fleshy Portion of the Tongue. 1. Glosso-pharyngeus Nerve. 2. Anastomosing Branch with 3. 3. Digastric Branch Communicat- ing with the Facial Nerve. 4. Pharyngeal Branch Communi- cating with Pharyngeal Branch of Pneumogastric. 5. 6. Carotid Branches. 7, 8. Origin of 5 and 6. 9. Communicating Branch with Sympathetic Filaments from the Superior Cervical Gan- glion. 10. Anastomosing Carotid Branches. 11. Branch to Superior Thyroid Artery. 12. Anastomosing Branch to Super- ficial Cardiac Nerve. 13. 14, 15. Pharyngeal Branches. 16. Larger Branch of Glosso-pharyn- geus Giving Origin to 17. The Branch to the Stylo-pharyn- geus Muscle Proper. 18. Smaller or External Lingual Branch. 19. Occasional Branch of 18. 20. Tonsillar Branch. 21. 22. Lateral Lingual Branch. 23. Glosso-pharyngeal Branches to Superior Constrictor and Epi- glottis. 24. Deep Lingual Branches of 1. 25. Spinal Accessory. 26. External Branch of 25. 27. Internal Branch of 25. 28. Anastomosis of Branches of 27 and the Pneumogastric Nerve. 29. Pharyngeal Branch of Pneumo- 30. Pharyngeal Plexus. [gastric. 31-33. Ascending Branches of 30 t<> Superior Constrictor. NEUROLOGY. 95 34. Branches of 30 Passing with 1. 35. Branches of 30 to Middle Con- strictor. 36. Descending Branches of 30. 37-40. Descending Branches to In- ferior Constrictor. 41. Descending Branch of 30 which joins the External Laryngeal and the Intercostal Nerve. 42. Internal Laryngeal Branch of Pneumogastric Nerve. 43. Anastomosis of 42 and 1. 44. Anastomosis of 42 with Nervi Molles. 45. Pneumogastric Nerve, Gangli- oniform Enlargement. 46. Superior Cervical Ganglion. 47. Nervi Molles from 46 to Supe- rior Intercostal Nerve. 48. Carotid Branches of 46. 49. Nervi Molles from Superior Cervical Ganglion to 44. 50. External Laryngeal Nerve. 51. 52. Branches of 50 to Middle and Inferior Constrictors. 53. Branch of 50 to the Interior of Larynx. 54. Anastomosis of Internal and External Laryngeal Nerves. 55. Branches of External Laryngeal to the Pharynx, Larynx and Thyroid Gland. 56. Nervi Molles passing from the Inferior Portion of the Su- perior Cervical Ganglion. 57. Anastomosis of Nervi Molles and External Laryngeal Nerve. 58. Nervus Mollis from the Super- ficial Cardiac Nerve. 59, 60. Nervi Mollesto Thyroid Gin n d . 61. Ninth Cerebral Nerve. 62. Anastomosis Between the First and Second Cervical Spinal Nerves. 63. Anastomosis of 61 with First Cervical. 64. Two Filaments which pass from the First Cervical Spinal to the Superior Cervical Gang- lion. 65. Branches of Second Cervical Nerve to the Superior Cer- vical Ganglion. 66. Branch to Superior Cervical Ganglion from Anastomosis of Second and Third Cervi- cal Nerves. 67. Anastomosis of Second and Third Cervical Spinal Nerves. 68. Branch of Second Cervical Nerve to the Descendens Noni. 69. Third Cervical Spinal Nerve. 70. Branch of 69 to Descendens Noni. 71. Fourth Cervical Spinal Nerve. 72. Fifth Cervical Spinal Nerve. 73. Phrenic Nerve. 74. Portio Dura. 75. Digastric Branch of 74. 76. Stylo-hyoid Branch of 74. 77. Filaments of 76 which join Tem- poral Sympathetic Branches. 78. Auricular Branch of Inferior Maxillary Division of Fifth Nerve Anastomosing with 7-!. 79. Temporal Branch of 71. 80. Superior Facial Branch. si. Middle Facial Branch. 82. Inferior Facial Branch. PLATES XV AND XVI. DISTRIBUTION OF THE PNEUMOGASTRIC NERVE IN THE NECK AND THORAX a. Temporal Hone. 6. Inferior Maxillary Bone. e: < )s Hyoides. d. Cervical Vertebra. NEUROLOGY. e. First Dorsal Vertebra. /. Clavicle. g. Ribs. h. Coracoid Process. i. Masseter k. Internal Pterygoid I. Digastric m. Stylo-Glossus n. Stylo-hyoid 0. Stylo-pharyngeus p. Genio-glossus q. Genio-hyoid r. Mylo-hyoid s. Rectus Capitis Major t. Trapezius u. Splenius Capitis v. Levator Anguli Scapulae w. Coraco-brachialis x. Biceps y. Teres z. Subscapularis a. Scalenus Anticus j9. Scalenus Medius f. Scalenus Posticus S. Longus Colli e. Intercostal . Submaxillary Gland. Tj. Sublingual Gland. #. Thyroid Gland. 1. Epiglottis. x. Thyroid Cartilage. ^. Cricoid Cartilage. p. Arytaenoid Cartilages. v. Arytaenoideus Muscle. . Posterior Crico-arytsenoid Muscle. o. Lateral Crico-arytaenoid Muscle. TT. Thyro-arytaenoid Muscle. p. Pharynx. C. Trachea. "\ These organs have been -p i . / moved from their natural po- Xj. i>roncni. > s ;ti ons t show the deep plex- 0. Lungs. ) uses f tne Pneumogastric. . Inferior Thyroid c. Vertebral f. Internal Mammary g. Axillary \). External Mammary t. Subscapular f. Common Carotid i. Internal Carotid m. External Carotid, n. Superior Thyroid 0. Occipital p. Posterior Auricular q. Transverse Facial r. Internal Maxillary f. Superficial Temporal t. Facial u. Lingual y. Transversalis Colli w. Vena Cava Superior, jr. Vena Cava Inferior. p. Pulmonary Vein. 1. Pneumogastric Nerve, drawn to the Right of its Normal Position to show the Superior Intercostal Nerve. 2. Cervical Cardiac Branches of 1. 3. Superior Cardiac Nerve. 4. Recurrent Laryngeus. 5. Communicating Branch to In- ferior Cervical Ganglion. 6. Branch to Middle Cervical Gang- 7. Ascending Branches. [lion. 8. Descending Branches. 9. Tracheal Branches. 10. Pharyngeal Branches to Con- strictors. 11. Branches to Thyroid Gland and Larynx. 12. Branch to Internal Laryngeal. 13. 14. Muscular Branches. 15. Deep Inferior Cardiac Branches. 16. Inferior Cardiac Branches. 17. Superior Cardiac Plexus. 18. Anterior Pulmonary Plexus. NEUROLOGY. 97 19, 20. Branches Investing the Pul- monary Artery, and entering the Lungs. 21. Anastomosis with left Pneumo- gastric Nerve. 22. Sympathetic Nerve at its place of Exit from the Carotid Canal. 23. Superior Cervical Ganglion. 24. Branches of 23. [rotid. 25. Branches to the Internal Ca- 26. Plexiform Ramifications Invest- ing the External Carotid. 27. Branches to the External Ca- rotid. 28. Ganglionic Enlargement. 29. Branch to Facial Nerve. 30. Branches to Temporal and In- ternal Maxillary Arteries. 31. Branches to Facial Artery. 32. Branches to Lingual Artery. 33. Branches to Superior Thyroid Artery. 34. External Branches of Superior Laryngeal Nerve. 35. Communicating Branches with the Superior Cardiac Plexus. 36. Superior Branch of the Cervical Cardiac. 37. Its Plexiform Origin at the Su- perior Cervical Ganglion. 38. Branches Passing with the In- ferior Thyroid Artery, sup- plying the Thyroid Gland. 39. Branch to the Cardiac Plexus. 40. Superficial Cervical Nerve ( Sym- pathetic) from the Superior to Middle Cervical Ganglion. 41. Middle Cervical Ganglion. 42. Internal Branches of the Mid- dle Cervical Ganglion. 43. Inferior Cervical Ganglion. 44. Branches investing the Subclav- ian Artery. 45. Middle Cardiac Nerve 46. Coipmimicatibg Branch to Re- current Laryngeal. 47. Superior Cardiac Nerve lying on the Aorta. 47. 1 Superficial Cardiac Plexus. 48. Branch passing to the Posterior Aspect of the Heart, and communicating with the An- terior Pulmonary Plexus. 49. Branch communicating with the Anterior Pulmonary Plexus. 50. Branch to the Left Coronary Artery. [Artery. 51. Branch to the Right Coronary 52. Inferior Cardiac Nerve. 53. Anterior Coronary Plexus. 54. Posterior Coronary Plexus( Sym- pathetic.) 55. Pharyngeal Branch of Pneumo- gastric. 56. Glosso-pharyngeus Nerve. 57. Branches to Internal Carotid Artery. 58. Communicating Branch of the Glosso-pharyngeus with the Pharyngeal Branch of the Pneumogastric. 59. Ramifications of the Glosso- pharyngeus at the Tonsil ( Root of the Tongue ). 60. Internal Laryngeal Branch ol the Pneumogastric. 61. Communicating Branches witl the External Laryngeus ( Yago-sympathetic ). 62. Muscular Branches distributee to the Constrictors. 63. Branches to the Inferior Coi stricter and Thyroid Gland. 64. Communicating Branches with Recurrent Laryngeus. 65. Branches supplying the Muscles and Mucous Membrane ot the Larynx. (!('). Hypoglossal Nerve. 67. Its Anastomosis with the Firs and Second Cervical Nerve.- 68. Facial Nerve. 98 NEUROLOGY. 69. Communicating Branch of the Facial with the Auricular Filaments of the Inferior Maxillary division of the Trigeminus. 70. Temporal Branch of Facial. 71. Branch to Digastricus (Facial). 72. Branch to Stylo-hyoid. 73. Accessory Portion of the Spinal Accessory Nerve. 74. Occipital Branch of the Second Cervical. 75. Third \ 76. Fourth > Cervical Nerves. 77. Fifth ) 78. Sixth \ 79. Seventh > Cervical nerves. 80. Eighth ) 81. First Dorsal Nerve (Dorsalis Pri- mus.) 82. Phrenic Nerve. 83. Its Superior Roots. 84. Its Inferior Roots. 85. Unusual Branches of the Third Cervical. 86. Supraspinatus Nerve. 87. Branches supplying Pectoralis Major and Serratus Magnus. 88. Median and Radial Nerves. PLATES XVII AND XVIII. A. Heart. The Apex turned to the right exposing the Nerves on the Left Side. B. Inferior Surface of the Heart. C. Left Auricle. D. Pulmonary Vein. E. Trunk of Pulmonary Artery. F. Right Pulmonary Artery. G. Left Pulmonary Artery. H. Ligamentum Arteriosum. I. Arch of the Aorta. K. Innominate Artery. L. Left Common Carotid Artery. M. Left Subclavian Artery. N. Thoracic Aorta. 0. Inferior Thyroid Artery. P. Superior Thyroid Artery. Q. Vertebral Artery. R. Superficial Cervical Branch. S. Transversalis Colli. T. Internal Mammary. U. Right Brachial Artery. V. Subscapular Artery. X. (Esophagus. Y. Right Lung. Z. Left Lung. a. b. Posterior Coronary Artery, c. Branches to Posterior Surface of Heart. d. Posterior Coronary Artery. e. Branch passing to Under Sur- face of Heart. /, g, h, i.. Branches of a, b, c, d. k. Left Pulmonary Vein. L Deep Pulmonary Vein. m. Superficial Pulmonary Vein. n. Thyroid Gland. 0. Trachea. p. Pharynx. . q. Sterno-thyroid Muscle. r. Sterno-hyoid Muscle. s. Omo-hyoid Muscle. t. Rectus Capitis Anticus Major Muscle. u. Scalenus Anticus Muscle. v. Scalenus Posticus Muscle. w. Left Clavicle. x. Cervical Vertebra. y. Longus Colli Muscle. z. Bronchi. 1. Left Intercostal Nerve. 2. 3. Branches of the Third Cer- vical Nerve. 4. Trunk of Intercostal Nerve. 5. Thyroid Ganglion. 6. Fourth Cervical Nerve. 7. Branch of 6 to Middle Cervical Ganglion. NEUROLOGY. 99 8. Branch of the Fourth and Fifth Cervical Nerves joining 5. 9. 10. Two Branches from the In- ferior Cervical Ganglion to 5. 11. Inferior Cervical Ganglion. 12. External Branch of 11 to Cer- vical Nerves. 13. Branch from the Last Cervical and First Dorsal Nerves to 11. 14. Branches of the Superior Cer- vical Ganglion, which form the Superior Cardiac Nerve. 15, 16, 17,18. Superior Cardiac Nerve. 19. Anastomosis of 18 with Superior Cervical Ganglion. 20. Branch of 18 to Hypoglossal Nerve. 21. 22. Branches of 18, which pass over the Arch of the Aorta. 23. Thyroid Branches of 5. 24. Branches of 5 to 11. 25. Branch from 11 to 26. 26. Middle Cardiac Nerve. 27. Branch from 5 accompanying 26. 28. Ganglioniform Enlargement of 26. 29. Branches of 26 joining the great Cardiac Plexus. 30. Branch from the Middle Cervical Ganglion to the Arch of the Aorta. 31. Deep Cardiac Plexus. 32. Cardiac Ganglion of Wrisberg. 33. Branches from 31 and 32 to Anterior Coronary Plexus. 34. Right Lesser Cardiac Nerve. 35. 36. Branches to Anterior Car- diac Plexus. 37. Origin of Nerves to the Anterior Coronary Plexus. 38. Nerves to Left Anterior Pulmon- ary Plexus. 39. Branch of 38 to Anterior Coro- nary Plexus. 40. Branch from 31 to Middle Car- diac, [diac Nerve. 41. Branch from 31 to Inferior Car- 42. Plexiform arrangement of 40 and 41. 43. Trunk of Branches which form the Posterior Coronary Plexus. 44. Branches from 38 to 43. 45. 46, 47, 48. Branches supplying the Pulmonary Artery and Left Side of the Heart. 49, 50. Branches passing to Ante- rior Coronary Plexus. [Artery. 51, 52. Branches to Left Pulmonary 53. Branches passing to k. 54. Posterior Coronary Plexus. 55. Branches which accompany the Posterior Coronary Artery. 56. 57. Branches supplying the Posterior Surface of the Heart. 58, 59. Nervous Filaments from 54. 60, 61, 62, 63. Branches accompany- ing the Left Branch of the Posterior Coronary Artary. 64, 65. Communicating Branches with Posterior Coronary Ar- 66. Branch of 65. [tery. 67. Branches from the Anterior Surface of the Heart to the Posterior Coronary Artery. 68. Branch to the Auricles. 69. 70. Branches from 31 to join with Branches of 54, passing along the Arch of the Aorta. 71. Left Pneumogastric Nerve. 72. Superficial Cardiac Branch of 71. 73. Communication of 72 with 18. 74. Branch of 71 going to 31. 75. Branch of 74 to Pulmonary Plexus. 76. Recurrent Nerve of left side. 77. 76 passing beneath 31. 78. 79. Branches of 76 distributed to the Trachea and Thyroid Gland. 80. Branches to Bronchi. 81. Branch to Pulmonary Vessels. 82. 83. Branches to left Pulmonary Artery and Left Lung. 100 NEUROLOGY. 84, 85. Branches to Anterior Surface of the Left Lung. 86. Branch to Left Bronchus and (Esophagus. 87, 88. Brachial Plexus. 89. Left Phrenic Nerve. 90. Right Phrenic Nerve. 91. 92. Branches accompanying the Transversalis Colli and In- ternal Mammary Arteries. PLATES XIX AND XX. ANTERIOR SURFACE OF THE HEART OF A HORSE. A. Right Ventricle. B. Left Ventricle. C. Right Auricle. D. Left Auricle. E. Pulmonary Artery. F. Vena Cava Superior. G. Aorta. H. Right Coronary Artery. I. Branches to the right Ventricle. K. Branches to the right Auricle. L. Left Coronary Artery. M. . Larger Branches of Same. Lesser Branches of L. R. Branch to Left Auricle. 1. Trunk of Right Cardiac Nerve. 2. Its Bifurcation. 3. Right Cardiac Branch. 4. 5, 6. Branches to the Right Heart. 7. Ganglioniform Enlargement. 8 to 20. Branches passing with the Anterior Coronary Artery and its Branches. 21 to 24. Branches to Right Auricle. 25. Left Cardiac Nerve. 26, 27. Branches joining the Major Branches of the Left Coro- nary Artery. 28. Anastomoses with those of the Right Cardiac Nerve. 29. Trunk of Left Cardiac Nerve di- viding into numerous branches. 30. Left Cardiac Ganglion. 31. 32. Branches of Left Cardiac Nerve which do not enter the Left Cardiac Ganglion. 33. Continuation of the Branches of the Left Cardiac Nerve pass- ing through the Left Car- diac Ganglion. 34 to 46. Branches of the Left Card- iac Nerve passing with the Left Coronary Artery and its Branches. 47. Branch of Left C. Nerves to the Lesser Branches of the Left Coronary Artery, and passing with it. 48. Auricular Nerves. 49. 50, 51, 52. Branches of the same Nerve supplying the Left Ventricle. FIG. II. ANTERIOR SURFACE OF THE HUMAN HEART. A. Right Ventricle. B. Left Ventricle. C. Right Auricle. D. Left Auricle. E. Vena Cava Superior. F. Aorta. 0. Pulmonary Artery. H. Ductus Arteriosus. 1. Right Coronary Artery. K. Major Branch of Left Coronary Artery. L. Minor Branch of same. N. B. The Nerves in this figure are those passing with the coronary arteries on the left side of the heart, supplying the substance of the left Ventricle. The Superficial Nerves and the rest are the same in the human heart as in that of the horse. NK UROLOGY. 101 PLATES XXI AND XXII. FIG. I. POSTERIOR SURFACE OF THE HEART OF A HORSE. A. Left Ventricle. B. Right Ventricle. C. Left Auricle. D. Right Auricle. E. Vena Cava, Inferior. F. Coronary Sinus. G. Middle Cardiac Vein. H. Right Coronary Artery. I. Branches to the Right Ventricle. K. Branches to the Left Ventricle. L. Branch to Right Auricle. M. Branch of the Right Coronary Artery dividing into N and Branches. N. To the base of the Left Ventricle. 0. Branch to Left Auricle. P. Branch of Left Coronary Artery. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Trunk and Branches of the Posterior Cardiac Nerve. 6, 7. Nervous Plexus around the Ori- fice of the Inferior Vena Cava. 8. 9. Branch of Posterior Cardiac Nerve to the Left Auricle and Ventricle. 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16. Branches of the same to the Left Ven- tricle. 17 to 24. Branches of same, accom- panying those of the Right Coronary Artery to the Left Ventricle. 25 to 35. Branches of the above Nerve passing with the Branches of the Right Cor- onary Artery to the Right Ventricle. 36, 37, 38. Branches from the con- vex surface of the Right Ven- tricle. 39 40, 41. Branches of the same Nerve distributed to the right Auricle. FIG. II. POSTERIOR SURFACE OF THE HUMAN HEART. A. Left Ventricle. B. Right Ventricle. (7. Vena Cava Superior. D. Vena Cava Inferior. E. Middle Cardiac Vein. F. Vena Azygos Sinister. G. H. Pulmonary Veins. PLATES XXIII AND XXIV. A. Vena Cava Superior. B. B. Internal Jugular Vein. C. Inferior Thyroid Vein. D. External Jugular Vein. [ular. E. Superficial part of Anterior Jug- F. Superior Thyroid Vein. G. Temporal Vein. H. Transverse Facial Vein. /. External Pharyngeal Vein. K. Deep Lingual Vein. /,. Anastomosis of A' with D. M. M. Internal Jugular Vein. N. Innominate Artery. 0. Right Subclavian Artery. P. P. Right Common Carotid Artery. Q. Transversalis Colli Artery. R. R. Superior Thyroid Artery. S. Lingual Artery. T. T. Facial Artery. V. V. Temporal Artery. U. Internal Maxillary Artery. W. Posterior Auricular Artery. X. X. Occipital Artery. [Bone. Y. Styloid Process of Temporal NEUROLOGY. Z. Manubriuin. a. Masseter Muscle. 6. Internal Pterygoid Muscle. c. Stylo-glossus Muscle. d. Stylo-hyoid Muscle. e. Digastric Muscle. Posterior belly. /,/. Hyo-glossus. g. Genio-glossus Muscle. h. Genio-hyoid Muscle. i. Mylo-hyoid Muscle. k. Thyro-hyoid Muscle. 1. 1. Sterno-thyroid Muscle. in. m. Costal Origin of Sterno-thy- roid Muscle. n.n. Sterno-hyoid Muscle. 0. Left Sterno-hyoid Muscle. p. Sterno-mastoid Muscle of left side. q. Pharynx. [cle. r. Obliquus Capitis Superior Mus- s. Levator Anguli Scapula? Muscle. t. Scalenus Anticus Muscle. u. Trapezius Muscle. v- Scalenus Posticus Muscle. w. Right Sterno-mastoid Muscle. x. Sublingual Gland. y. Right Clavicle. z. Stylo-maxillary Ligament. 1. Ninth Cranial Nerve. Hypo- glossal. 2. Descendens Noni Nerve. 3. Branch of 2 to Carotid Vessels. 4. 5. Two branches piercing the Sterno-hyoid. 6. Branch to head of Sterno-hyoid. 7. Its division into minor branch- lets. 8-11. Distribution to Sterno-hyoid. 12, 14. Branches to Costo-hyoid. 15. Branch of Second Cervical Spi- nal Nerve which joins with 2. 16. Branch from Third Cervical to 2. 17. Plexus formed by 15, 16 and 2. 18-21. Branches of 17 to the Sterno- thyroid. 22. Prolongation of same to Sterno- hyoid . 23, 24. Branch passing to Sternum. 25-27. Branches passing with the Phrenic Nerve. 28, 29. Costo-hyoid Branch. 30, 31. Branches from the Fourth and Fifth Cervical. 32. Trunk of Ninth Cranial Nerve. 33. 34. Descending branch to Thyro- hyoid. 35. Branch to Lingual Muscles. 36. 38. Filaments of Superior branch to Lingual Muscles. 39. Double Anastomosis with Gus- tatory division of Trigem- inus. 40. Branch of 32 to Sublingual Gland and Tongue. 41. Division of 32 into branches to Muscles of the Tongue. 42. Branch to Genio-hyoid. 43. Lingual Branch of Fifth Cranial. 44. 45. Lingual Branch of Fifth Nerve supplying the Sub- maxillary and Sublingual Glands. 46. Branches to Glossal Muscles. 47. External Branch of Spinal Ac- cessory. 48. Spinal Accessory passing to Sterno-mastoid Muscle. 48. Spinal Accessory passing to Scapula. 50. Second Cervical Spinal Nerve. 51. Anastomosis between branches of 47 and 50. 52. Third Spinal Cervical Nerve. 53. Anastomosis of 52 with 57. 54. Fourth Cervical Spinal Nerve. 55. Fifth Cervical Spinal Nerve. 56. Phrenic Nerve. 57. Third Root of Phrenic Nerve, which in this subject comes from 55. NEUROLOGY. 103 PLATES XXV AND XXVI. FIRST AND SECOND CERVICAL NERVES. FIG. I. a. Lower Jaw. b. Mastoid Process. c. Transverse Process of Axis. d. Third Cervical Vertebra. e. Fourth Cervical Vertebra. /. Temporal Artery. g. Posterior Auricular Artery. h. Superior Auricular Artery. i. Occipital Artery. k. Vertebral Artery. /. Occipital Muscle. m. Complexus. n. Obliquus Superior. 0. Obliquus Inferior. p. Rectus Capitis Posticus Major. q. Rectus Capitis Posticus Minor. r. Rectus Lateralis. s. Splenius Capitis. t. Levator Anguli Scapulae. u. Sacro-lumbalis. v. Transversalis Cervicis. 1. Suboccipital Nerve. 2. Anterior Branch. 3. Posterior Branch. 4. Branch to n and p. [Cervical. 5. Descending Branch to second PLATES XXVII AND XXVIII. THIRD AND FOURTH CERVICAL NERVES. a. Lower Jaw. ' b. Mastoid Process. c. Superior curved line of Occipital Bone. d. Clavicle. e. Sterno-mastoid /. Platysma g. Risorius h. Masseter i. Occipitalis k. Retrahens Aurem I. Attolens Aurem m. Digastric, posterior belly n. Stylo-hyoid o. Levator Anguli Scapukc p. Scalenus Anticus q. Omo-hyoid r. Trapezius s. Splenius Capitis t. Ear. u. External Meatus Auditorius. v. Parotid Gland. w. Vena Cava Superior. x. Internal Jugular Vc-in. y. Subclavian Vein. z. External Jugular Vein. a. Inferior Thyroid Vein. 1. Third Cervical Nerve. 2. Fourth Cervical Nerve. 3. Fifth Cervical Nerve. 4. Phrenic Nerve. 5 Spinal Accessory. 6. Facial. 7. Hypoglossal. 8. Occipitalis Major. 9. Communicating Branch to 7. 10, 11. Muscular Branches. 12. Auricularis Magnus. 13. Occipital Branch. 14. Occipital Nerve. 15. Branch to 8. 16. Cutaneous Branch. 17. Superior Auricular Branch. 18. Cutaneous Branch to the Ear 19. Anastomosis with 6. 20. Anastomosis of 1 with 5. 21. Middle cutaneous Nerve the Neck. of NEUROLOGY. 22. Its Superior Branch. 23. Anastomosis with 2. 24. Cutaneous Maxillary Branch. 25. Inferior Cervical Cutaneous Branch. 26. Branch to Skin over the Trap- ezius 27. Anastomosis with Second Cer- vical Nerve. 28. Muscular Branches of 2. 29. Anastomosis with 1. 30. Middle Cervical cutaneous Nerve 31. A.cromial and Clavicular Branch. 32. Sternal Branch. 33. Branch to the Face. 34. Joining with 35. 35. Branch of 21. 36. Anastomosis with 6. 37. Parotid Branch. 38. Malar Branch. 39. Auricular Branch. 40. Facial Cutaneous Branch. 41. Communicating Branch from 30 to 6. 42. Mental Branch. 43. Anastomosis with 6. 44. Muscular Branch. 45. Anterior Branch of 2. 46. Inferior Cervical Cutaneous Branch. 47. Deep Muscular Branch. 48. Supra-clavicular Branches. 49. Muscular Branch of 3. 50. Muscular Branch of 5. 51. Occipital Branch of Facial. 52. 53, 54, 55. Muscular Branches. 56. Anastomoses with Cervical Nerves. PLATES XXIX AND XXX. NERVES OF THE UPPER EXTREMITY. PIG. I. NERVES OF THE AXILLA AND ARM. a. Cervical Vertebra. b. Clavicle. c. First Rib. d. Humerus. e. Scalenus Anticus. /. Scalenus Medius. g. Scalenus Posticus. h. Trapezius. i. Serratus Magnus. k. Pectoralis Major. L Pectoralis Minor. m. Subscapularis. n. Latissimus Dorsi. o. Deltoid. p. Coraco-brachialis. q, r. Biceps. s. Brachialis Anticus. t. Triceps. u. Pronator Radii Teres. v. Flexor Carpi Ulnaris. w. Flexor Profundus Digitorum. x. Flexor Sublimis Digitorum. y. Flexor Longus Pollicis. z. Supinator Longus. a. Axillary Artery. /?. Brachial Artery. f. Bifurcation into Ulnar and Ra- dial Artery. d Radial Artery, e. Internal Jugular Vein. . Subclavian Vein. i}. External Jugular Vein. #. Axillary Vein. /. Cephalic Vein. x. Median Vein. I. Basilic Vein. fji. Venous Plexus af the Forearm. 1. Anterior Branch of Fourth Cervical Nerve. 2. Cutaneous Branch. 3. Supra-clavicular Branch. 4. Cutaneous Branch. NEUROLOGY. 105 5. Internal Branch of *5. Middle Supraclavicular Nerve. 6. Posterior Supraclavicular Nerve. 7. Phrenic Nerve. 8. Anastomosis with 9. 9. Anterior Branch of Fifth Cer- vical Nerve. 10. Anterior Branch of Sixth Cer- vical Nerve. 11. Anastomosis with 9. 12. Suprascapular Nerve. 13. Muscular Branch. 14. Anterior Branch of Seventh Cervical Nerve. 15. Muscular Branch. ] 6. Anterior Branch of Eighth Cer- vical Nerve. 1, 9, 10, 14, 16. Brachial Plexus. 17. Muscular Branch. 13, 15, 17. Anterior Thoracic Branches. 18. Brachial Plexus around the Ax- illary Artery. 19. Ulnar Nerve. 20. Subscapular Nerve. 21. Median Nerve. 22. Muscular Branch. 23. Deep Interosseous. 24. Muscular Branch. 25. Cutaneous Branch. 26. Radial Nerve. 27. External Cutaneous Nerve. 28. Muscular Branch. 29. Axillary Nerve. 30. Musculo-cutaneous Nerve. 31. 32. Muscular Branch. 33. Cutaneous Branch to Forearm. 34. Muscular Branch. 35. Branch joining 33. FIG. II. NERVES OF THE VOLAR SURFACE OF THE HAND. a. Pronator Radii Teres. b. Radialis Indicis. c. Tendons of Flexor Sublimis Digitorum. d. Supinator Longus. e. Flexor Carpi Ulnaris. /. Flexor Profundus Digitorum. g. Pronator Quadratus. h. Pisiform Bone. 1. Median Nerve. 2. Muscular Branch. 3. Interosseous Branch. 4. 5. Muscular Branches. 6. Long Cutaneous Branch. 7. Division of the Median Nerve. 8. Ulnar Branch. 9. Branch to Third Lumbricales. 10. Anastomosis with 8. 11. Radial Palmar Branch to the Ring Finger. 12. Ulnar Palmar Branch to the Middle Finger. 13. Median Braneli, Infernal. 14. Radial Palmar Branch to the Middle Finger. 15. Ulnar Palmar Branch to the In- dex Finger. 16. Median Branch, External. 17. Volar Branch of the Radial side of the Index Finger. 18. Volar Branch of the Ulnar side of the Thumb. 19. Volar Branch of the Radial side of the Thumb. 20. External Muscular Branch. 21. Ulnar Nerve. 22. Deep Branch. 23. Superficial Branch. 24. Ulnar Branch of the Ulnar si< of the Little Finger. J-"). Median Branch. 26. Volar Branch of the Radial side of the Little Finger. 27. Volar Branch of the Ulnar side of the Ring Finger. 28. Anastomosis with 8. 29. Loops between the Radial and Ulnar Branches. 106 NEUROLOGY. FIG. III. NERVES OF THE DORSUM OF THE HAND. 1. Dorsal Branch of the Ulnar Nerve. 2. Digital Branch. 3. Digital Branch to Ring and Lit- tle Finger. 4. Dorsal Branch to Radial side of Little Finger. 5. Dorsal Branch to Ulnar side of Little Finger. 6. Digital Branch to Ring and Mid- dle Fingers. 7. Dorsal Branch to Radial side of Ring Finger. 8. Dorsal Branch to Ulnar side of Middle Finger. 9. Dorsal Branch of Radial Nerve. 10. Dorsal Branch of Radial side of the Thumb. 11. External Branch. 12. Dorsal Branch of Ulnar side of the Thumb. 13. Dorsal Branch of Radial side of the Index Finger. 14. Internal Branch. Radial. 15. Dorsal Branch of Ulnar side of Index Finger. 16. Dorsal Branch of Radial side of Middle Finger. 17. Anastomosis of 2 with 9. 18. Dorsal Branch of the Ulnar side of the Little Finger. 19. Communicating Branches be- tween the Radial and Ulnar Digital branches. 20. Posterior cutaneous Branch of Musculo-cutaneous nerve. 21. Cutaneous Filaments. PLATES XXXI AND XXXII. NERVES OF THE INFERIOR EXTREMITY. FIG. I. FRONT VIEW OF THE LEG. a. Ilium. 6. Pubis. c. Sacrum. d. Femur. e. Patella. /. Tibia. g. Quadratus Lumborum h. Psoas Magnus i. Psoas Parvus k. Iliacus I. Gluteus Medius m. Gluteus Minimus n. Pectineus o. Adductor Longus p. Adductor Magnus q. Gracilis r. Tendon of Rectus Femoris s. Crureus t. Vastus Internus >? u. Vastus Externus v. Biceps Femoris w. Semitendinosus x. Peroneus Longus y. Peroneus Brevis 2. Tibialis Posticus a. Soleus /?. Femoral Artery. f. Profunda Femoris. d. Circumflex Iliac Artery. e. External Circumflex Artery. . Internal Circumflex Artery. r t . Anterior Tibial Artery. 1. Branch of First Lumbar Nerve. 2. Ilia-inguinal Nerve. 3. External Cutaneous Nerve. 4. Roots of Crural from the Second and Third Lumbar Nerves. 5. Root from Fourth Lumbar Nerve. NEUROLOGY. 107 6. Anterior Crural. 7. Cutaneous Nerves of the Thigh. 8. Internal Saphenous Nerve. 9. Internal Branch. 10. External Branch. 11. Anterior Branch of 10. 12. Posterior Branch of 10. 13. Superficial Peroneal. FIG. II. SCIATIC NERVE. a. 6. Gluteus Maximus. Gluteus Medius. c. Tensor Vaginae Femoris. d. Vastus Externus. e. Obturator Internus. /, g. Biceps Femoris. h. Semitendinosus. i. Semimembranosus. k. Adductor Magnus. I. Gracilis. m. Gastrocnemius. Tendo Achillis. Plantaris. Flexor Longus Digitorum. Peroneus Longus. r. Flexor Longus Hallucis. 8. Peroneus Brevis. t. Tibialis Posticus. u. Femoral Artery. v. Popliteal Artery. w. Posterior Tibial Artery. x. Peroneal Artery. 1. Great Sciatic Nerve. 2. Muscular Branch. 3. Superior Inner Cutaneous Branch. 4. Inferior Inner Cutaneous Branch. 5. Muscular Branch. 6. Peroneal Nerve. 7. Tibial Nerve. 8. Long Cutaneous Nerve. 9 to 12. Muscular Branches. PLATES XXXIII AND XXXIV. SYMPATHETIC NERVE. a. Cervical Vertebrae. 6. Dorsal Vertebras. c. Ribs. d. Lumbar Vertebrae. e. Sacrum. /. Coccyx. g- Ilium. h. Pubes. i. Scaleni Muscles. k. Intercostals. /. Diaphragm. m. Quadratus Lumborum. n. Iliacus. o. (Esophagus. p. Kidney. q. Ureter. r. Trachea. s. Heart. t. Pulmonary Artery. u. Vena Cava Superior. v. Pulmonary Veins. w. Aorta. x. Anonymous Artery ( In nominate ) . y. Right Common Carotid Artery. 2. Right Subclavian Artery. a. Vertebral Artery. /?. Thoracic Aorta. f. Intercostals. #. Abdominal Aorta. e. Cceliac Axis. . Superior Mesenteric Artery. y. Renal Artery. #. Spermatic Artery. i Inferior Mesenteric Artery. x. Common Iliac Artery. 1. Phrenic Nerve. 2. Diaphragmatic Branches. 3. Its Roots. 108 NEUROLOGY. 4. Superficial Scapular Nerve. 5. Fifth Cervical Nerve. 6. Branch to Middle Cervical Ganglion. 7. Sixth j 8. Seventh ( Cervical Nerves. 9. Eighth ) 10. Sympathetic Nerve. 11. Middle Cardiac Nerve. 12. Middle Cervical Ganglion Sympathetic. 13. Branches to Subclavian Artery. 14. Inferior Cervical Ganglion. 15. Anastomosis with 12. 16. Thoracic Portion of Sympathetic. 17 to 28. From the First to the Twelfth Dorsal Ganglion. Sympathetic. 29. Intercostal Branches from Dor- sal Nerves. 30. Communicating Branches from 17 to 28. 31. Branch to the Aorta. 32. Roots of the Great Splanchnic Nerve. 33. Splanchnic Ganglia. 34. Phrenic Branch. 35. Branch to Semilunar Ganglion. 36. Lesser Splanchnic Nerve. 37 to 41. Five Lumbar Nerves. 42. Branches to the Sympathetic. 43. Lumbar Portion of the Sym- pathetic. 44 to 48. Lumbar Ganglia of Sym- pathetic. 49. Branch from 44 to Inferior Mes- enteric Plexus. 50 to 53. Sacral Nerve. 54. Sacral Portion of Sympathetic. 55. Branches of the Sacral Ganglia. 56. Lower Nervous Circle of the Sacrum. 57. Ganglion Impar. 58. Vagus. 59. Recurrent Branch. 60. Pharyngeal Branch. 61. Branches to Subclavian Artery. 62. Branches from 61 to Innomi- nate Artery. 63. Cardiac Plexus. 64. Branch of 59 to 11. 65. Branches of Vagus to Anterior Pulmonary Plexus. 66. CEsophageal Plexus. 67. Anastomosis of 66 with Ccsliac. 68. Branch of 67 to (Esophagus. 69 to 71. Solar Plexus. 72. Renal Plexus. 73. Branches of Sympathetic to Aortic Plexus. 74. Hypogastric Plexus. 75. Muscular Branch of Lumbar Plexus. 76. Ileo-hypogastric Nerve. 77. Ileo-inguinal Nerve. 78. External Cutaneous Nerve. 79. Lumbo-inguinal Nerve. 80. External Spermatic Nerve. 81. Anterior Crural Nerve. 82. Obturator Nerve. 83. Sciatic Nerve. PLATES XXXV AND XXXVI. NERVES OF THE LIVER AND STOMACH. a. Right \ b. Quadrate > Lobes of the Liver. c. Left ) d. Lobus Spigelii. e. Round Ligament of the Liver. /. Broad Ligament of the Liver. g. Gall Bladder. h. Ductus Hepaticus. i. Ductus Communis Choledochus. k. Diaphragm. I. (Esophagus. m. Cardiac Portion of the Stomach. NEUROLOGY. 109 n. Ventricle. o. Pylorus. p. Duodenum. q. Pancreas. r. Lesser Omentum. s. Greater Omentum. t. Left Coronary Artery of Stomach. u. Right Coronary Artery of the Stomach. v. Pancreatic Arteries. w. Cystic Artery. x. Left Hepatic Artery. y. Splenic Artery. 2. Vena Portse. a. Vena Cava Ascendens. 1. Solar Plexus. 2. Anterior Gastric Plexus. 3. Great Gastric Plexus. 4. Hepatic Plexus. 5. Branches to Duodenum. 6. Inferior Gastric Plexus. 7. Branches of 1 to the Pancreas. PLATES XXXVII AND XXXVIII. NERVES OF THE UTERUS. a. b. c. d. e. / 9- h. i. k. L m n. o. P- V- r. s. t. u. V. w. : x. y- z. Lumbar Vertebrae. Sacrum. v Ilium. Iliacus Muscle. Quadratus Lumborum Muscle. Psoas Magnus Muscle. Psoas Parvus Muscle. Diaphragm. Kidney. Ureter. Rectum. Vagina. Uterus. Fallopian Tube. Fimbriated Extremity. Ovary. Broad Ligament of the Uterus. Abdominal Aorta. Superior Mesenteric Artery Renal Artery. Spermatic Artery. Inferior Mesenteric Artery. Lumbar Arteries. Common Iliac Artery. Middle Sacral Artery. a. Femoral Artery. /?. Internal Iliac Artery. f. Lateral Sacral Arteries. d. Gluteal Artery. e. Umbilical Artery. . Obturator Artery. 37. Uterine Artery. 1. Sympathetic Nerve. 2. First 3. Second 4. Third ^ Lumbar Ganglia. 5. Fourth 6. Fifth 7. Anterior Renal Ganglion. 8. Renal Plexus. 9. Spermatic Plexus. 10. Inferior Mesenteric Plexus. 11. Posterior Uterine Plexus. 12. Lateral Uterine Plexus. 13. Cutaneous Branch from the Fii Lumbar Nerve. 14-16. Cutaneous Branches of tl Second, Third, and Foui Lumbar Nerves. PLATES XXXIX AND XL. NERVES OF THE MALE GENITALIA. a. Lumbar Vertebrae. 6. Sacrum. FIG. I. I c. Auricular Surface. I d. Coccyx. 110 NEUROLOGY. e. Pubes. /. Quadratus Lumborum g. Intertransversalii Lumbales h. Sacro-lumbalis i. Coccygeus k. Sphincter Ani Externum I. Levator Ani in. Crus Penis i. Abdominal Aorta. >. Common Iliac Artery. .). Rectum. q. Bladder. r. Ureter. s. Urachus. t. Prostate Gland. u. Vesicula Seminales. v. Vas Deferens. w. Spermatic Artery. x. Spermatic Vein. y. Spermatic Cord. z. Scrotum. a. Septum Scroti. p. Corpus Cavernosum Penis. f. Urethra. d. Isthmus of Urethra. e. Glans Penis. 1. Sympathetic Nerve. 2. Third \ 3. Fourth > Lumbar Ganglia. 4. Fifth ) 5. Aortic Branches of 4. [to. 7, 6. Branches from the Solar Plexus 7. Inferior Aortic Plexus. 8. Communicating Branches from 2 to Third and Fourth Lum- bar Nerves. 9. First \ 10. Second > Sacral Ganglia. II. Third ) 12. Branch from 9 to last Lumbar Nerve. 13. Branch from 10 to First Sacral Nerve. 14. Branch from the Third to the Second Sacral Nerve. 15. Ileo-hypogastric Plexus. 16. Hypogastric Plexus. 17. Branch to Spermatic Cord. 18. Anterior Brunch of Second Lum- bar Nerve. 19. Genito-crural Nerve. 20. External Cutaneous Nerve. 21. Anterior Branch of Third Lum- bar Nerve. 22. Communicating Branch to 18. 23. Anterior Branch of the Fourth Lumbar Nerve. 24. Communicating Branch to 21. 25. Obturator Nerve. 26. Anterior Branch of the Fifth Lumbar Nerve. 27. Communicating Branch to 23. 28. Anterior Branch of First Sacral Nerve. [ral Nerve. 29. Anterior Branch of Second Sac- 30. Anterior Branch of Third Sacral Nerve. 31. Sciatic Plexus. 32. Hemorrhoidal Nerves. 33. Vesical Nerves. 34. Anterior Branch of the Fourth Sacral. 35. Communicating Branch with 30. 36. Pubic Plexus. 37. Cutaneous Nerve of the Thigh. 38. Inferior Hemorrhoidal Nerve. 39. Anastomosis with 36. 40. Pubic Nerve. 41. Superficial Pudic. 42. Superior Pudic. 43. Cutaneous Branches to the Penis. 44. Branch to the Glans Penis. FIG. II. NERVES OF THE PENIS. a. Corpus Cavernosum Penis. 6. Urethra. c. Glans Penis. d. Dorsal Vein of the Penis. NEUROLOGY. 11] 1. Nerve of the Penis. 2. Cutaneous Branches. 3. External Branch. 4. Internal Branch. 5. Right Plexus. 6. Left Plexus. 7. Cutaneous Branch. 8. Branch to Glans. PIG. III. a. b. c. d. e. / 9- h. i. k. I. m n. o. P- 9- r. s. t. u. V. w. X. y- z. a. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Fifth Lumbar Vertebrae. Articular Processes of the Lum- bo-sacral Joint. Coccyx. Tuberosity of the Ischium. Femur. Sacro-sciatic Ligament. Anus. Vulva. Perineum. Multifidus Spinse muscle. Sphincter ani Externus Constrictor Vaginas Levator Ani Transversus Perinei Crus of the Clitoris Gluteus Magnus Gluteus Medius Gluteus Minimus Pyriformis Gernellus Superior Gemellus Inferior Quadratus Femoris Obturator Internus Long Head of Biceps Femoris Semitendinosus Adductor Magnus Branches of the Pos- terior Division of the Third Lumbar Nerve. Communicating Branch to Sec- ond Lumbar. Branches of the Pos- terior Division of the Fourth Lumbar Nerve. Internal External Internal External 6. Communicating Branch toThird Lumbar. 7. Internal < Branches of the Pos- 8. External tenor Division of the ( tilth Lumbar Nerve. 9. Trunk formed by the Posterior Sacral Nerves. 10. Posterior Branch of the Third Sacral Nerve. 11. Posterior Branch of the Fourth Sacral Nerve. 12. Cutaneous Branch to Gluteal Region. 13. Superior Gluteal Nerve. 14. Muscular Branch. 15. Sciatic Plexus. 16. Muscular Branch. 17. Inferior Gluteal Nerve. 18. Posterior Cutaneous Nerve of the Thigh. 19. Inferior Cutaneous Nerves of Gluteal Region. 20. Cutaneous Branch to Genitali* 21. Cutaneous Branch to Back Thigh. 22. 23. Muscular Branches. 24. Sciatic Nerve. 25, 26. Muscular Branches. 27. Anterior Branch of Fourth Sac ral Nerve. 28. External Pudic Plexus. 29. Inferior Hemorrhoidal Nerve. 30. External Pudic Nerve. 31. Superficial Pudic Nerve. 32. Anastomosis with 18. A. Left Lung. Posterior Surface. B. Right Lung. Posterior Surface. C. Section of Right Lung. PLATES XLI AND XLII. 7). Trachea. E. Left Bronchus. F. Right Bronchus. 112 NEUROLOGY. G to L. Division of F. M. Heart. N. Coronary Veins. 0. Vena Cava. Section. P. Foramen Ovale. Q. Eustachian Valve. R. Columns Carnesa. 5. Sinus of Pulmonary Vein. T, U. Right Pulmonary Veins. V. Pulmonary Artery. W. Thoracic Aorta. X. Left Subclavian Artery. Y. Innominate Artery. Z. (Esophagus. a. First Dorsal Vertebrae. 6. Superior (Esophageal Artery. c. Right Bronchial Artery. d, e, f, g. Branches of c. h. Anterior Coronary Artery. ?', k, I. Branches of h. m. Posterior Coronary Artery. n. Vena Cordis Media. 0. p. Branches of Coronary Vein. q. Arteries supplying the Coronary Sinus. r. Veins from the Coronary Sinus. s. Bronchial Artery. 1. Right Pneumogastric. 2. Recurrens Nerve. 3. Branches to the Trachea. 4. CEsophageal Plexus. [agus. 5. Branches supplying the CEsoph- 6. 7, 8. Branches supplying the Tra- chea and Tracheal Glands. 9. Branches to the Pulmonary Plexus. 10. Branch to Right Bronchus. 11. Branch to Posterior Pulmonary Plexus. 12-16. Bronchial Branches. 17-19. Branches to the Divisions of the Bronchi and Air Cells of the Lungs. 20-22. Branches of the Posterior Pulmonary Plexus to the Right Bronchus. 23. Communication of 20 and 21. 24. Branch to Right Bronchus and Lung. 25. 26, 27. Branches of 24. 28-32. Branches of 24 following the Division of the Right Bron- chus. 33. Branch passing to Anterior Sur- face of the Lung. 34-36. Branches lying on the (Esoph- agus. 37-39. Great (Esophageal Plexus. 40, 41. (Esophageal Filaments. 42. Filaments from the Anterior Cor- onary Plexus. 43. CommunicatingBranch from the great Cardiac Plexus. 44-48. Filaments accompanying the Anterior Coronary Artery. 49. Branch accompanying the Pos- terior Coronary Artery. PLATES XLIII AND XLIV. PIG. I. o. Third 6. Fourth > Lumbar Vertebrae. c. Fifth ) d. Sacrum. e. Coccyx. /. Pubes. g. Symphysis Pubis. h. Sacro-spinous Ligament. 1. Iliacus Muscle. k. Transversalis Abdominis. i. Rectus Abdominis. m. Internal Abdominal Ring. n. Obturator Internus Muscle. o. Gluteus Maximus Muscle. p. Coccygeus Muscle. q. Pyriformis Muscle. NEUROLOGY. 113 r. Abdominal Aorta. s. Common Iliac. t. Femoral Artery. u. Internal Iliac. v. Obturator Artery. w. Gluteal Artery. x. Gluteal Vein. y. Obturator Vein. 2. Internal Iliac Vein. a. Spermatic Cord. a to g. Same as Fig. 1. h. Ischium. i. Sacrb-Sciatic Ligament. I. Obturator Membrane. m. Pyriformis Muscle. n. Psoas Muscle. 0. Obturator Artery. p. Obturator Vein. 1. Obturator Nerve. 2. Lumbar Portion of the Sciatic Plexus. 3. Gluteal Branch. /9. Corpus Cavernosum Penis. f. Bulb of Urethra. 1. Obturator Nerve. 2. Lumbar Portion of Sciatic Plexus. 3. Pubic Plexus. 4. Common Pubic Nerve. 5. Superficial Pubic Nerve. 6. Superior Pubic Nerve. 7. Sasral portion of the Sympathetic. FIG. II. 4. Anterior Branch of First Sacral Nerve. Branch from Second Sacral Nerve. 6. Third Sacral Nerve. Sciatic Plexus. Pudic Nerve. Inferior Pudendal Nerve. 10. Superficial Pudic Nerve. 11. Pelvic Portion of the Sympa- thetic. 5. 7. 9. PLATES XLV AND XLVI. a. Lesser wings of Sphenoid Bone. 6. Petrous Portion of Temporal Bone c. Meatus Auditorius Internus. d. Transverse Sinus. e. Mastoid Process. /. Cervical Vertebrae. g. First Dorsal Vertebrae h. Ligamentum Denticulatum. i. Clavicle. k. Scapula}. I. Sterno Mastoid. m. Trapezius n. Rhomboideus Major o. Rhomboideus Minor p. Levator Anguli Scapulae q. Scaleni r. Depressor Anguli Scapula 1 s. Omo-hyoid t. Supra-spinatus u. Infra-spinatus v. Deltoid w. Teres Minor x. Teres Major y. Latissimus Dorsi z. Jugular Vein. a. Transversalis Colli Artery. /?. Common Carotid. f. Vertebral Artery. d. Internal Carotid Artery. 1. Optic Nerve. 2. Optic Commissure. 3. Optic Tract. 1. Motor Oculi. 5. Medulla Oblongata. s a 114 NEUROLOGY. 6. Fourth Ventricle. 7. Calamus Scriptorius. 8. Stria?. 9. Trigeminus. 10. Portio Dura. 11. Portio Mollis. 12. Glosso-pharyngeus. 13. Communicating Branch to Phar- yngeal Branch of the Vagus. 14. Branches to Internal Carotid Artery. 15. Branch to Communicans Faciei. 16. Stylo-pharyngeal Branch. 17. Pneumogastric. 18. Laryngeal Branch. 19. Nervus Accessorius Willisii. 20. Anterior Branch. 21. Posterior Branch. 22. Origin of 19. 23. Spinal Roots. 24. Roots from the Medulla Oblon- gata. 25. Anastomosis of 20 with the Va- gus. 26. Branch of 20 to 27. 27. Ganglion of the Pneumogastric. 28. Branches of 21 to Sterno-mastoid. 29. Branches from the Second and Third Cervical Nerve to the Spinal Accessory. 30. Terminal Fibres of 19 in the Trapezius. 31. Spinal Cord. 32. Posterior Roots of the Cervical Nerves. 33.. First Cervical Nerve. 34. Branch of 33 to 35. Hypoglossal Nerve. 36. Ganglion of 37. Second Cervical Nerve. 38. Branch to Superior Cervical Ganglion. 39. Third Cervical Nerve. 40. Fourth Cervical Nerve. 41. Muscular Branch to Levator An- guli ScapulaB. 42. Fifth Cervical Nerve. 43. Sixth Cervical Nerve. 44. Branch of 40 to Trapezius. 45. Branch of 42 to the Trapezius. 46. Anastomosis of 40 and 42 with 30. 47. Brachial Plexus. a. Root of the Nose. b. Dorsum. c. Apex. FIG. II. PLATES XLVII ANDXLVIII. THE NOSE. PIG. I. PROFILE OF THE NOSE. d. Ala Nasi. e. Septum Narium. (Membranous.) /. Left External Nasal Opening. PROFILE OF THE NOSE, THE INTEGUMENT BEING REMOVED. a to/. Same as Fig. 1. g. Nasal Bone. h. Triangular Cartilage. i. Cartilage of Ala Nasi. k. External Horn. I. Internal Horn. m. Angle. n. Square Cartilages. FIG. III. ANTERIOR ASPECT OF THE NOSE. LETTERS SAME AS IN PREVIOUS FIGURES. A. Anterior Aspect. B. Same, denuded of the Skin. o. Sesamoid Cartilages. NEUROLOGY. llf, FIG. IV. INFERIOR ASPECT OF THE NOSE. Letters same as in preceding. | p. Cartilaginous Septum. FIG. V. CARTILAGES OF THE NOSE. FIG. VI. SIDE VIEW OF THE TRIANGULAR CARTILAGE OF THE NOSE. FIG. VII. SEPTUM OF THE NOSE. A. Side View. B. Anterior Aspect. (Cartilaginous.) FIG. VIII. BONY PORTION OF THE NOSE. a. Frontal Bone. 6. Nasal Portion. c. Frontal Sinus. d. Superior Nasal Spine. e. Orbital Process of Frontal Bone. /. Sphenoid. g. Body. h. Sphenoidal Sinus. i. Ala Minor. k. Optic Foramen. L Ala Magna. m. Cornu Sphenoidale. H. 0. p- 9- r. Spheno-palatine Foramen. Pterygoid Process. External I t Internal i Pter ygoid *!"* Palate Bone. Horizontal Plate. t. Perpendicular Plate. u. Superior Maxillary Bone. v. Alveolar Process. w. Palate Process. x. Nasal Crest. y. Anterior Palatine Canal. 2. Anterior-Inferior Nasal Spine. a. Nasal Process. j9. Meatus Inferior. f. Inferior Turbinated Bone. d. Middle Meatus. e. Ethmoid Bone. . Cribriform Plate. 37. Superior Turbinated Bone. $. Superior Meatus. i. Middle Turbinated Bone. x. Nasal Bone. FIGS. IX TO XIV. SECTIONS OF THE NASAL CAVITY WITH THE SOFT PARTS. FIG. IX. a. Lateral Cartilages. b. Cartilaginous Septum. Schneiderian Membrane. c. d. Outer Wall of the Nose. e. Nasal Orifices. FIG. X. a. Nasal Bone. 6. Inferior Turbinated Bone. c. Palate Process of Upper Maxilla. d. Inner Wall of Antrum. e. Perpendicular Plate of the Eth- moid. /. Cartilaginous Septum of the Nose. g. Nasal Crest. h. Nasal Process of Superior Maxilla. i. Lachrymal Sac. k. Lachrymal Canal. /. Lower Opening of k. m, n, o. Mucous Membrane of Nasal Cavity. 116 NEUROLOGY. FIG. XI. a. Frontal Bone. b. Dura Mater. c. Crista Galli. d. Cribriform Plate of the Ethmoid. e. Vertical Plate of the Ethmoid. /. Middle Turbinated Bone. g. Ethmoidal Cells. h. Lamina Papyracea Ossis Eth- moidei. i. Inferior Turbinated Bone. k. Vomer. I. Superior Maxillary Bone. c. in. Antrum of Highmore. n. Mucous Membrane lining it. o. Zygomatic Process. p. Orbital Surface. q. Palate Process. r. Nasal Crest. s. Alveolar Process. t. Inferior Meatus. u. Middle Meatus. v. Nasal Canal. w. Opening of the Antrum. FIGS. XII AND XIII. a. Nasal Bone. 6. Frontal Bone. Frontal Sinus. d. Ethmoid Bone. e. Sphenoid Bone. /. Sphenoidal Sinus. g. Mucous Membrane of/. h. Septum of the Nose. PLATES XLIX AND L. NERVES OF THE NASAL FOSSAE. FIG. I. a. Spinous Processes of Second and Third Cervical VertebrEe. 6. Transverse Processes. c. Atlas. d. Occipital Bone. e. Sphenoid Bone. /. Sphenoidal Sinus. g. Frontal Bone. h. Frontal Sinus. i. Nasal Bone. k. Superior Maxillary Bone. I. Palate Process. m. Alveolar Process. n. Inferior Turbinated Bone. o. Middle Turbinated Bone. p. Superior Turbinated Bone. q. Cribriform Plate of Ethmoid. r. Lower Jaw. s. Hyoid Bone. t. Pterygo-palatine Canal. u. Tongue. v. Velum Pendulum Palati. w. Uvula x. Fauces. y. Tonsils. z. Pharynx. a. Eustachian Tube. /9. . Mylo-hyoid " . Thyro-hyoid Membrane. a. Common Carotid Artery. n. External Carotid Artery. NEUROLOGY. 11; ft. Superior Thyroid. a. Superior Laryngeal. u. Lingual Artery. v. Ascending Pharyngeal. Internal Carotid. Vertebral. Palatine. Branches of (p. Roots of the three upper Cervical Nerves. 2. Anterior Root of the First Cervi- cal Nerve. 3. Anterior Root of the Second Cerv- ical Nerve. 4. Communicating Loop. 5. Branch to Hypoglossal. 6. Branch to Superior Cervical Gang- lion. 7. Anterior Branch of third Cervical Nerve. 8. Branch to Superior Cervical Gang- .lion. 9. Communicating Loop. 10. Branch of 9 to Superior Cervical Ganglion. 11. Glossopharyngeus Nerve. 12. Branch to Pharyngeal Plexus. 13. Pharyngeal Branch. 14. Lingual Branch. 15. Vagus. 16. Pharyngeal Branch. 17. Superior Laryngeal. 18. Internal Branch. 19. Branch to Epiglottis. 20. External Laryngeal Branch. 21. Hypoglossal. 22. External Branch of Olfactory Nerve. 23. Ethmoidal Branch of Trige- minus. 24. Entrance into the Nasal Fossa. 25. Bfanch to Septum of the Nose. 26. Branch to Wall of the Nasal Fossa. 27. Branch to Outer Part of Nose. 28. Spheno-palatine Nerve. 29. Spheno-palatine Ganglion. 30. Nerve to the Septum of the Nose. 31. Superior- Posterior Nasal Nerve. 32. Superior-Anterior Nasal Nerve. 33. Vidian Nerve. 34. Pharyngeal Branch. 35. Palatine Nerve. 36. External Branch. 37. Internal Branch. 38. Anterior Branch. 39. Middle Nasal Nerve. 40. Inferior Nasal Nerve. . 41. Internal Branch of 38. 42. External Branch of 38. 43. Superior Cervical Ganglion. 44. Branch joining External Larvn- 45. Long Cardiac Nerve. fgeal. 46. Sympathetic Nerve. 47. Plexus Nervorum Mollium. 48. Branch joining Internal Lnryn geal, 49. Branch joining External Laryn- geal. 50. Branch joining Pharyngeal. 51. Trunk of 46. [lion. 52. Branch of 51 to Petrosal Gang- FIG. II. DISTRIBUTION OP NASAL NERVES TO THE MUCOUS MEMBRANE OK THE NOSE. a. Frontal Bone. b. Frontal Sinus. c. Nasal Bone. d. Sphenoid Bone. e. Sphenoidal Sinus. /. Superior Maxillary Bone. g. Incisive Canal. h. Anterior-Inferior Nasal Spine. i. Velum Palati. k. Posterior Nares. I. Eustachian Tube. m. Inner Surface of the Mucous Membrane of the Septum. 118 NEUROLOGY. 1. Inner Branches of the Olfactory Nerve. 2. Branch of Ethmoidal Nerve to the Septum. 3. Naso-palatine Nerve/ 4. Naso-palatine Ganglion. 5. Nerve of the Septum of the Nose. 0. Posterior Superior Nasal Nerve. FIG. III. MUCOUS MEMBRANE OF THE NOSE, ENLARGED NINETY DIAMETERS. a. Basement Membrane. b. Pits. c. Mucous Glands. d. Their Openings. FIG. IV. MUCOUS FOLLICLES. e. Hair. /. Bulb of the Hair. g. Sheath. TWO HUNDRED DIAMETERS. PLATES LI AND LII. THE EYE. FIG. I. a. Eyebrow. 6. Its External Portion. c. Upper Eyelid. d. Lower Eyelid. e. Margin. /. Cilia. h. Internal } Commissures and An- | I T1IK CHOROID AND THE IRIS I i;oM TIIK HACK. a. Choroid. b. Pigment Layer of the Choroid. c. Corpus Ciliare. 120 NEUROLOGY. FIG. XV. a. Tunica Ruyschiana. b. Ciliary Body. c. Ciliary Process. a. Retina. b. Limbus Luteus. c. Its Outer Border. FIG. XVII. EPITHELIUM TWO a. Epithelial Cells. d. Ciliary Circle of Arteries. t. Veins of the Iris. /. Plexuses of the Ins. FIG. XVI. d. Ora Serrata. e. Crystalline Lens. ON THE OUTER SURFACE OF THE CORNEA. HUNDRED DIAMETERS. I b. Nucleus. FIG. XVIII. SECTION OF THE CORNEA. a. Conjunctiva. 6. Cornea. c. Fibrous Layer. d. Cavities between the Fibres. FIG. XIX. CORNEA. a. Fibres. | 6. Their Junction. FIG. XX. TUNICA HUMORIS AQUEI. FOUR HUNDRED DIAMETERS. FIG. XXI. EPITHELUM ON THE INNER SURFACE OF THE CORNEA. c. Nucleolus. a. Epithelial Cells. b. Nucleus. FIG. XXII. SCLEROTIC. a. Tendon of Rectus Muscles. b. External Coat. c. Middle Coat d. Internal Coat. FIG. XXIII. PIGMENT LAYER OF CHOROID. THREE HUNDRED DIAMETERS. a. Pigment Cells. c. Pigment Granules. 6. Nuclei. FIG. XXIV. CELLS CONNECTING THE LENS TO ITS CAPSULE. a. Cell Covering. c. Intercellular Spaces. b. Nucleus. FIG. XXV. FIBRES OF THE LENS. TWO HUNDRED DIAMETERS. d. Single Fibres. | b. Junction of two Fibres. FIG. XXVI. RETINA MAGNIFIED. a. Jacobson's Membrane. b. Rods. c. Cones. d. e, f, g. Different arrangement of b and c. NEUROLOGY. 121 FIG. XXVII. INNER SURFACE OF JACOBSON's LIGAMENT. a. Filaments of the Optic Nerve. c. Nucleus. b. Nerve Cells. PLATE LII. FIG. XIV. IRIS. a. Circular Muscles of Pupillary Margin, b. Meshes of Muscular Fibres. FIG. XV. SECTION OF THE EYE. a. Choroid. 6. Ciliary Nerves. c. Ciliary Ligaments. d. Choroid Reflected. e. Portion containing no Pigment Cells. /. Ciliary Bodies. g. Suspensory Ligament of the Lens. h. Iris. i. Pupillary Margin. k. Crystaline Lens. I. Retina. m. Limbus Luteus. n. Ora Serrata. FIG. XVII. LONGITUDINAL OR ANTEROPOSTERIOR SECTION OF THE EYE. 1. Epithelium. 2. Conjunctiva. 3. Cornea. 4. Junction of Cornea and Sclerotic. 5. Tunica Humoris Aquei. 6. Its Epithelium. 7. 8, 9, Sclerotic Coat. 10. Corneal Border. 11. Annulus Niger. 12. Reflected Portion of Sclerotic. 13. 14. ) Arnold's Membrane ; or 15, 16. i Arachnoidea Oculi. 17. Vascular Layer 18 Pigment Layer 19. Ciliary Ligament. 20. Its insertion into the Sclerotic. 21. Ciliary Process. 22. Ciliary Muscle. 23. Iris. 24. Uvea. [ous Humor. _.">. Anterior Chamber of the Aque- jr>. Pupil. 27. Posterior Chamber. f Lens. L I 28. Suspensory Ligament of the 29. Ciliary Processes. of the Choroid. of the Retina. 30. Jacobson's Membrane. 31. Fibres of Mueller. 32. Globular Layer ) 33. Granular Layer > 34. Vascular Layer ; 35. Ora Serrata. 36. Limbus Luteus. 37. Fovea Centralis. 38. Fold of Retina. 39. End of Jacobson's Membrane. 40. Zonula Zinii. 41. Canal of Petit. 42. Hyaloid Membrane. !">. Raised Portion of 42 over Limbus Luteus. 44. Area Mortegiani. 45. Hyaloid Canal of Foetus. 46. Capsular Artery. Foetal. 47. Hyaloid Fossa. 48. Pupillary Membrane of Feet us. 49. 50. Capsule of Lens. ~>1. Space between the Lens and Capsule. 52. Crystalline Lens. ">:5. Vitreous Humor. . 122 NEUROLOGY. 54. Optic Nerve. 55. Entrance of 54 to the Retina. 56. Neurilemma of 54. 57. Capillary Plexus. 58. Axis of the Eye. PLATES LIII AND LIV. THE EAR. FIGS. I-III. CARTILAGE OF THE EAR, WITH ITS MUSCLES. a. Helix. 6. Spine of Helix. c. Crus Helicis. d. Processus Helicis. e. Anti-helix. /. Crura of the Anti-helix. g. Tragus. h. Incisura Intertragica. i. Anti-tragus. k. Fossa of the Anti-helix. I. Semilunar Fossa. ra. Scaphoid Fossa. n. Oval Fossa. o. Concha. p. Cymba Conchae. q. Lower Portion of o. r. Dorsum Auricutse. s. Eminentia Scapulae. t. Eminentia Fossae Triangularis u. Eminentia Cymbse. v. Eminentia Conchae. w. Fissure of the Anti-helix. x. Ponticulus. 1. Attollens Aurem Muscle. 2. Attrachnes Aurem Muscle. 3. Retrachens Aurem Muscle. 4. Transversus Auriculae Muscle. 5. Helicis Major Muscle. 6. Helicis Minor Muscle. 7. Tragicus Muscle. 8. Anti-tragicus Muscle. FIGS. IV AND V. FCETAL TEMPORAL BONE. a. Squamous Portion. 6. Zygomatic Process. c. Mastoid Portion. d. Petrous Portion. c. Annulus Tympani. /. Malleus. g. Incus. h. Stapes. FIG. VI. 'VERTICAL SECTION OF THE ORGAN OF HEARING. a. External Ear. b. Lobule. c. Helix. d. Anti-helix. e. Anti-tragus. /. Integument. g. Adipose Tissue. h. Temporal Muscle. i. Deep Temporal Artery. k. Fat in the Temporal Fossa. I. Anterior Portion of Osseous Ear. ra. Anterior Portion of Cartilaginous Ear. n. Ligaments. o. Posterior Portion of Cartilage <,f Ear. p. Mucous Membrane of Meatns Auditorius. q. Membrana Tympani. r. Mastoid Process. s. Mastoid Cells. t. Dura Mater. u. Transverse Sinus. v. Tendon of Sterno-mastoid. w. Integument of Pinna. x. Fatty Tissue. NEUROLOGY. y. External Meatus Auditorius. | z. a. /3. Curves of y. FIG. VII. TEMPORAL BONE LONG EXTERNAL MEATUS REMOVED. a. Squamous Portion. 6. Zygomatic Process. c. Glenoid Cavity. d. Mastoid Portion. c. Meatus Auditorius. /. Tympanum. g. Petrous Portion. h. Fenestra Rotunda. i. Malleus. k. Incus. I. Stapes. in. Stapedius Muscle. n. Tensor Tympani o. Laxator Tympani Muscle. FIG. VIII. TEMPORAL BONE AND EUSTACHIAN TUBE. a. Eustachian Tube. b. Tensor Tympani Muscle. c. Stapedius Muscle. d. Malleus. e. Incus. /. Stapes. g. Fenestra Rotunda. FIG. IX. NERVES OF THE MIDDLE EAR. a. Anterior Portion of Petrous Bone. b. End of Osseous Meatus Audito- rius. c. Membrana Tympani. d. Head of Malleus. e. Manubrium. /. Cervix of Malleus. g. Short or Processus Brevis of In- cus. h. Processus Longus. i. Tensor Tympani. k Tendon of i. I. Stapedius Muscle. m. Its Tendon. n. Ligament connecting the Malleus and incus. o. Posterior Ligament of the Incus. p. Trunk of Facial Nerve. q. Branch of Vidian Nerve to p. r. Branch to Tensor Tympani. s. Branch to Stapedius. t. Chorda Tympani. FIG. X. CHORDA TYMPANI NERVE o. Capitulurn of Malleus. b. Manubrium. Processus Brevis of Incus. c. d. Processus Longus. Os Lenticulare. e. f. Membrana Tympani. g. Facial Nerve. h. Chorda Tympani. i, k. Its Curves. KKi. XI. SECTIONAT, VIEW OF EAR. a. External Ear. b. Entrance to Cartilaginous Meatus. Meatus Auditorius Externus. c. d. Membrana Tympani. e. Malleus. /. Incus. g. Stapes. h. Lenticular Bone. i. Labyrinth. k. Vestibule. L Cochlea. m. Superior n. Posterior o. External Semi-circular Canal 124 NEUROLOGY. FIG. XII. OSSEOUS PORTION OF EAR. a. Squamous Portion b. Petrous Portion. c. Internal Auditory Meatus. d to o. Same as in Figure XL FIG. XIII. OSSICULA AUDITUS. A. Malleus. a. Head. 6. Articular Surface for Incus. c. Tubercle. d. Neck. e. Manubrium. /. Processus Gracilis. B. Incus. a. Body. b. Processus Brevis. c. Processus Longus. d. Os Lenticulare. C. Stapes. a. Head. b. Glenoid Cavity. c. Posterior Crus. d. Sulcus. e. Anterior Crus. /. Foramen. g. Base. h. External Surface. i. Internal Surface. D. Section of Malleus. E. Section of Incus. F. Section of Stapes. FIG. XIV. BONY LABYRINTH. A. Labyrinth. a. Vestibule. 6. Fenestra Rotunda. c. Superior ^ d. Posterior >Semi-circular Canals. e. ExternalJ /. Ampullae. g. Cochlea. h. First -\ i. Second >Turns of the Cochlea. k. Third J I. Cupola. B. Malleus. m. Head. n. Cervix. o. Manubrium. p. Processus Gracilis. 0. Incus. g. Processus Brevis. r. Processus Longus. s. Body. t. Os Orbiculare. D. Stapes. u. Head. v. Anterior Crus. w. Base. PLATES LV AND LVI. INTERNAL EAR. FIG. I OSSEOUS LABYRINTH. a. Vestibule. g. Ampullae. b. Fenestra Rotunda. h. Cochlea. c. Fenestra Ovalis. d. Upper ^ e. Posterior SSemi-circular Canals. /. External J EXTERNAL ASPECT. i, k, I. Spiral Canal of Cochlea. m. Cupola. NEUROLOGY. 125 PIG. II. OSSEOUS LABYRINTH. INNER ASPECT. a to 1. Same as in Fig. 1. m. Macula Cribosa Superior. n. Macula Cribosa Inferior. o. Aqueeductus Cochlea. p. Infundibulum. q. Openings for Nerves. FIG. III. LABYRINTH. SECTIONAL VIEW. a to 1. Same as in Fig. 1. m. Lamina Spiralis. n. Hamulus. o. Trabeculae. p. Infundibulum. q. Scala Tympani. r. Aquseductus Cochlea. s. Fovea Hemispherica. t. Fovea Semielliptica. u. Pyramid. v. Aqueeductus Vestibuli. w. Openings of Semi-circular Canals. FIG. IV. SECTIONAL VIEW OF FIG. II a to m. Same as in Fig 1 . n. Openings of the External Semi- circular Canal. FIG. V. SAME AS FIG. III. a to m. Same as in Fig. 1. n. Saculus Rotundus. o. Saculus Ovalis. p. Space between n and o. q. Membranous Semi-circular Canals. r. Membranous Ampullae. s. Ostium Sinus. a to h. Same as in Fig. 1. i. Saculus Ovalis. k. Membranous Semi-circular Canals. I. Ampullae, m. Facial Nerve. FIG. VII. Letters same as Fig. 6. t. Ostium Tubuli. u. Membranous Lamina Spiralis. v. Cartilaginous Zone. w. Membranous Zone. x. Crista Spiralis. y. Hamulus Cartilaginosus. z. Internal Smooth Surface of w. a. External Rough Surface of w. FIG. VI. 11. o. Portio Mollis. Cochlea Nerve. p. Vestibular Nerve. q. Middle Branch. r. Inferior Branch. s. Superior Branch. SIDE VIEW OF FIG. VI. FIG. VIII. COCHLEA. a. Meatus Auditorius Internus. b. Vestibule. c. Cochlea. d. Modiolus. e. Base. /. Columella. g. Lamina Modioli h. Infundibulum. i, k, I. Spiral Canal. m. Cupola. n. Lamina Spiralis. o. Hamulus. p. Scala Vestibuli. q. Scala Tympani. 126 NEUROLOGY. FIG. IX. COCHLEA, WITH MEMBRANOUS PARTS. PIG. X. EUSTACHIAN TUBE IN A LONGITUDINAL SECTION OF THE SKULL. a. Sphenoid Bone. b. Sphenoidal Sinus. c. Frontal Bone. d. Nasal Fossa. e. Palate Process of Upper Maxilla. /. Petrous Portion of Temporal Bone. g. Styloid Process. h. Membrana Tympani. i. Eustachian Tube. k. Its Orifice. I. Pharynx. PLATE LV. FIG. XI. MICROSCOPIC SECTION OF THE INTEGUMENT OF THE HAND, SHOWING A SWEAT GLAND. a. Epidermis. b. Superficial Layer. c. Rete Mucosum. d. Papilla. e. Corium. FIG. XII. a. Bulb of the Hair. 6. Cuta. c. Cuticula. d. Root of the Hair. /. Cellular Tissue. g. Sweat Gland. h. Double Origin. i. Duct. [ Epidermis. k. Opening on the Surface of the HAIR. ITS FOLLICLES. e. Shaft. /. Glands. g. Its Duct. FIG. XIII. SEBACEOUS GLAND FROM THE EXTERNAL EAR. a. Lobule of Gland. I 6. Its Duct. FIG. XIV. A SECTION OF SKIN FROM THE HUMAN BODY. HUNDRED DIAMETERS. THREE a. Epidermis. b. Rete Mucosum. c. Papillary Layer. d. Nucleus of Cells. e. PapillaB from the Papillary Layer. /. Upper Portion of the Corium. g. Its Fibres. h. Inter-fibrillar Spaces. i. Duct of a Sweat Gland. PLATE LVI. FIG. XI TO XV. MICROSCOPIC STRUCTURE OF HAIR. FIG. XI. EPIDERMIS. FIG. XII. CORTICULAR SUBSTANCE OF SHAFT. FIG. XIII. LONGITUDINAL SECTION. a. Substance of Corticle. | b. Medullary Substance. NEUROLOGY. 127 a. Epidermis. a. Epidermis. 6. Corticle. FIG. XIV. TRANSVERSE SECTION. | b. Substance of Corticle. FIG. XV. TRANSVERSE SECTION. I c. Medullary Substance. PLATE LVII. FIGS. I, II. SPINAL CORD. The spinal canal opened from behind, and the membranes, vessels, nerves, etc., removed to expose the spinal marrow. It shows the termi- nation of the cord in the cauda equina, and the nerves passing through the intervertebral foramina. The regions here shown are the sacral, lumbar, and a portion of the dorsal. PIGS. Ill, IV. SPINAL CORD OF A CHILD. In these figures the whole of the cord is exposed. From 1 to 8 areihe roots (posterior aspect) of the Cervical Nerves. From 8 to 20, those of the Dorsal Nerves. From 20 to 25, those of the Lumbar Nerves. From 25 to 30, the Sacral. The numbers on the right side of the figures designate the Vertebrae, where they have been divided. From 1 to 7, the Cervical Vertebrae. From 1 to 12, the Dorsal Vertebrae. From 1 to 5, the Lumbar Vertebrae. From 1 to 5, the Sacral Vertebrae the Coxcyx not being number* FIGS. V, VI. SIDE VIEW OF SPINAL NERVE TRUNKS. The numbers designate the Nerve Trunks after the junction of th anterior and posterior roots beyond the Spinal Ganglia. It indicates that there are on each side, 8 Cervical, 12 Dorsal, Lumbar, 5 Sacral, and 1 Coxcygeal Nerves. In all thirty-one. Th( number does not correspond to the number of Vertebrae. At the first Cervical, and at the Coxcygeal, Impair Ganglia are mark( The Coxygeal Nerve is also placed in a line with the Spinal Cord. ENDOSMOLOGY. ENDOSMOLOGY. PLATE I. THE PAROTID GLAND AND FACIAL MUSCLES. 1. Zygoma. 2. Condyle of Lower Jaw. 3. Parotid Gland. 4. Steno's Duct. 5. 6, 7. Occipito-frontalis 8. Attolens Aurem 9. Temporal 10. Orbicularis Palpebrarum 11. Levator Labii Superioris Alreque Nasi 12. Compressor Narium 13. Levator Labii Superioris 14. Orbicularis Oris 15. Levator Anguli Oris 16. Z}^gomaticus Minor 17. Zygomaticus Major 18. Masseter 19. Risorius 20. Buccinator 21. Depressor Anguli Oris 22. Levator Menti 23. Platysma Myoides 24. Sterno-cleido-mastoid 25. Splenius Capitis 26. Trapezius PLATES II AND III. LONGITUDINAL SECTION OF THE HEAD AND NECK. a. Integument. b. Cranial Cavity. c. Spinal Canal. d. Crista Galli. e. Sella Turcica. /. Frontal Sinus. g. Sphenoidal Sinus. h. Basilar Process of Occipital. i. Basilar Suture. k. Anterior Arch of Atlas. I. Posterior Arch of Atlas, ra. Odontoid Process. n. Bodies of Cervical Vertebra. o. Spinous Processes. p, q, r. Nasal Fossa. s, t. Floor of Nasal Fossa. u. Nasal Crest. v. Alveolus of Incisor. w, x. Incisor Teeth. 128 y. Lower Jaw. z. Os Hyoides. 1. Septum of Nose. 2. Tongue. 3. Frenum Lingua3. 4. Genio-glossus Muscle. 5. Lingualis Muscle. 6. Hard Palate. 7. Velum Pendulum Palati. 8. Uvula. 9. Tonsil. 10. Choana Dextra. 11. Eustachian Tube. 12. 14. Pharynx. 13. Tissues behind the Pharynx. 15. (Esophagus. 16. Epiglottis. 17. Cellular tissue and fat. 18. Thyroid Cartilage. ENDOSMOLOGY. 129 19, 20. Cricoid Cartilage. 21. ArytfiMioid Cartilage. 22. Ventricle of Morgagni. 23. Trachea. 24. Thyroid Gland. I'."). < lonio-hyoid Muscle. 26. Digastric Muscle. 27. Sterno-hyoid and Sterno-thyroid Muscles. 28. Bolus. PLATE IV. FIG. I. SAME AS FIG. IV, PLATE V. FIG. II. SECTION OF A LOBULE OF THE LIVER, SHOWING A HEPATIC VEIN IN THE CENTER. 1. Hepatic Vein. 2. Opening of a branch. 3. Lobules of Liver. 4. Intralobular Vein. 1. Hepatic Vein. 2. Branches. FIG. III. HEPATIC VEIN AND LOBULES. 3. Lobules. FIG. IV. MICROSCOPIC SECTION OF LIVER SUBSTANCE. 1. Intralobular Veins. | 2. Interlobular Veins. FIG. V. LOBULES OF LIVER. MAGNIFIED. 1. Intralobular Vein. 2. Medullary Substance. 3. Corticle Substance. 4. Plexus of Biliary Capillaries. 5. Hepatic Bile Ducts. PLATE V. FIG. I. A SECTION OF THE (ESOPHAGUS, SHOWING ITS COATS. 3. Mucous Coat. 4. (Esophageal Glands. FIG. II. (ESOPHAGEAL (i LANDS ENLARGED. 3. Orifice of the Duct. 1. Exteral Muscular Layer. 2. Internal Muscular Layer. 1. (iland. 2. Its Duct. K1U. III. SUBSTACE OF THK SPI.KKN. MA(iNIFIKD. 1. Splenic Vein. | 2. Malpighian Corpuscle-;. KKi. IV. THK I'NDKIl SURFACE OF THE I.IVKK.THK GALL BLADDKK, STOilACH, SPLEEN, AND DUODENUM. 1. Left Lol><> of Liver. 4. Lobus Spigelii. 5. Longitudinal Fissure. 6, 7. Round Ligament. Lolx> of Liver. 3. Lobus Quadratus. 130 ENDOSMOLOGY. 8. Portal Vein. 9. Hepatic Ducts. 10. Fundus of Gall Bladder. 11. Cervix of Gall Bladder. 12. Cystic Duct, 13. DuctusCommunisCholedochus. 14. Pancreas. 15. Pancreatic Duct. 16. Common opening of 13 and 15. 17. Opening of Branch of Pancre- atic Duct. 18. Suspensory Ligament 19. (Esophagus. 20. Fundus of Stomach. 21. Lesser Curvature. 22. Greater Curvature. 23. Pylorus. 24. Duodenum. 25. Jejunum. 26. Mesentery. 27. Omentum. 28. Spleen. of the [ Liver. FIG. V. OUTLINE OP FIG. VII, PLATE IV. THE STOMACH. 1. Fundus of Stomach. 2. Greater Curvature. 3. Pylorus. 4. Duodenum. 5. Jejunum. 6. Mesentery. 7. Liver. 8. Pancreas. 9. Spleen. 10. Kidney. FIG. VI. OUTLINE OF FIG. VIII, PLATE IV. SECTION OF THE STOMACH. 1. Fundus of Stomach. 2. Opening of (Esophagus. 3. Pyloric Valve. 4. Duodenum. 5. Opening of Bile Ducts. 6. Mesentery. 7. Liver. 8. Gall Bladder. 9. Pancreas. 10. Spleen. 11. Kidney. FIG. VII, OUTLINES OF FIG. VI, PLATE IV. THE ABDOMINAL CAVITY LAID OPEN. 1. Anterior wall of Abdomen, re- 2. Liver. [fleeted. 3. Gall Bladder. 4. Cystic Duct. 5. Stomach. 6. Pylorus. 7. Duodenum. 8. Jejunum. 9. Spleen. 10. Mesentery. 11. Right Kidney. 12. Ureter. 13. Urinary Bladder. 14. Abdominal Aorta. 15. Iliac Artery. 16. Spermatic Artery. 17. Inferior Vena Cava. 18. Psoas Muscle. PLATE VI. FIG. I. THE STOMACH AND PANCREAS. 1. (Esophageal Opening. 2. Fundus of Stomach. 3. Folds of Mucous Membrane. 4. Location of Mucous Glands. 5. Pyloric Valve. 6. Duodenum. ENDOSMOLOGY. 131 7. Brunner's Glands. 8. Valvulae Conniventes. 9. Gall Bladder. 10. Fundus. 11. Cervix. 1 Cystic Duct. 13. Hepatic Duct. 14. Ductus CommunisCholedochus. 15. Pancreas. 16. Head. 17. Body. 18. Pancreatic Duct. 19. Lobules of the Pancreas. FIG. II. ILEUM AND CCECUM. 1. Ileurn. 2, 3. Ccecum. 4. Longitudinal Muscular Fibres. 5. Constricted portion marking the beginning of the colon. 6. Vermiform Process. 1. Ileum. 2. Processus Vermiformis. 3. Coecum. 4. Ileo-coecal Valve. 1. Serous Coat. 2, 3. Muscular Coat. FIG. III. CCECUM OPENED. 5. Upper \ TT 6. Lower j Valves ' 7. Orifice of Vermiform Process. FIG. IV. I 4. Mucous Coat. FIG. v. 1. Valvulse Conniventes. FIG. VI. MUCOUS MEMBRANE OF GALL BLADDER. 1. Folds of Mucous Membrane. 2. Fossa? Lodging. 3. Smaller Folds of Mucous Mem- brane. FIG. VII. A PORTION OF THE MUCOUS MEMBRANE OF THE VERMIFORM PROCESS. FIG. VIII. SECTION OF MUCOUS MEMBRANE FROM THE GALL BLADDER. 1. Mucous Folds. | 2. FossaB formed by 1. FIG. IX. VILUS WITH INJECTED BLOOD-VESSELS. 1. Veins. 2. Arteries. I 3. Capillaries. FIG. x. PEYER'S GLAND. PLATE VII. FIG. I. THE LIVER, GREATER OMENTUM AND INTESTINES IN SITU. 1. Pericardium. 2. Inferior Lobe of Right Lung. 3. Superior 4. Inferior of Left Lung 132 ENDOSMOLOGY. 5. Diaphragm. 6. Superior Convex Surface of the Liver. 7. Right Lobe. 8. Lobus Quadratus. 9. Left Lobe. 10. Gall Bladder. 11. Incisura Interlobularis. 12. Round Ligament. 13. Suspensory Ligament. 14. Greater Omentum. 15. Intestines. FIG. II. THE LESSER OMENTUM. 1. Left Lobe of the Liver. 2. Right Lobe. 3. Lobus Quadratus. 4. Incisura Interlobularis. 5. Anterior Surface of the Stomach. 6. Cardiac End of the Stomach. 7. (Esophageal Opening. 8. Pyloric Extremity. 9. Greater Curvature. 10. Lesser Curvature. 11. Gastro-hepatic Omentum. 12. Superior Transverse portion of Duodenum. 13. Descending portion of the Duo- denum. 14. Inferior Transverse portion of the Duodenum. 15. Spleen. FIG. I. PLATE VIII. THE HEART DRAWN TO THE LEFT, EXPOSING THE PULMONARY VESSELS AND THE BRONCHI. Right Coronary Artery. Left Coronary Artery. Right Auricle. Superior Vena Cava. Left Pulmonary Artery. 6. Right Pulmonary Artery. 7. Right Bronchus. 8. Left Bronchus. 9. (Esophagus. FIG. II. THE ORGANS OF THE THORAX IN SITU. 1. Thymus Gland. 2. Pericardium. 3. Superior \ 4. Middle > Lobes of Right Lung. 5. Inferior ) 6. Superior ) T , T T -r f . > Lobes of Left Lung. 8. Diaphragm. 9. Ribs. 10. Pericardium Adherent to Cen- tral Tendon of the Diaphragm. 11. Right Innominate Vein. 12. Left Innominate Vein. 13. Superior Vena Cava. PLATE IX. FIG. I. THE THORAX OPENED BY LAYING BACK THE STERNUM. 1. Inner Surface of Sternum. 2. Manubrium Sterni. 3. Triangularis Sterni Muscle. 4. Pleurse. 5. Anterior Mediastinum. 6. Pericardium. 7. Thymus Gland. 8. Superior Vena Cava 9. Right Innominate Vein. 10. Left Innominate Artery. ENDOSMOLOGY. 133 11. Innominate Artery. 12. Left Common Carotid Artery. 13. Thyroid Gland. 14. Trachea. 15. (Esophagus. 16. Lungs. FIG. II. THE HEART, GREAT BLOOD VESSES, BRONCHI AND CESOPHACilS. 1. Convex Surface of Heart. 2. Right Margin. 3. Left Margin. 4. Right Auricle. 6. Left Auricle. 6. Left Coronary Artery. 7. Lungs. 8. Ascending Aorta. 9. Arch of Aorta. 10. Descending Aorta. 11. Ductus Arteriosus. 12. Pulmonary Artery Trunk. 13. Left Branch of Pulmonary Ar- tery. 14. Right Branch of Pulmonary Ar- tery. 15. Trachea. 16. Right Bronchus. 17. Left Bronchus. 18. (Esophagus. 19. Left Pulmonary Veins. 20. Innominate Artery. 21. Left Common Carotid Artery. 22. Left Subclavian Artery. FIG. III. HEART AND LUNGS. 1. Heart. 2. Left Auricle. 3. Auricular Appendage. 4. Vena Magna Cordis. 5. Left Pulmonary Veins. 6. Left Lung, drawn to the right. 7. Left Pulmonary Artery. 8. Left Bronchus. 9. Ductus Arteriosus. 10. (Esophagus, 11. Descending Aorta. 12. Transverse Aorta. 13. Thoracic Aorta. PLATE X. THE VISCERA OF THE THORAX AND ABDOMEN. 1. Pericardium. 2. Vena Cava Superior. 3. Ascending Aorta. 4. Pulmonary Artery. 5. Pericardium Reflected up to the Vessels. 6. Pleura). 7. Lungs. 8. Diaphragm. 9. Base of the Heart. 10. Apex of the Heart. 11. Superior Surface of the Heart. 12. Inferior Surface of the Heart. 1:5. Ki-lit Margin of the Heart. 14. Left Margin of the Heart. 15. Right Auricle. 16. Left Auricle. 17. Small Intestines. 18. Ileum. 19. Ccecum. 20. Appendix Venniformis. 21. Mesentery. 22. Ascending Colon. 23. Transverse Colon. 24. Descending Colon. 25. Sigmoid Flexure. 26. Colic Ligament. 27. Appendices Epiploicae. 134 ENDOSMOLOGY. PLATE XI. FIG. I. 1. Greater Omentum. 2. Transverse Colon. 3. Inferior Lamina of Transverse Mesocolon. 4. Duodenum, covered by Perito- neum. 5. Appendices Epiploica3. 6. Ileum. 7. Ccecurn. 8. Appendix Vermiformis. 9. Ascending Colon. 10. Descending Colon. 11. Sigmoid Flexure. 13. Rectum. 13. Plicae Semilunares Douglasii. 14. Bladder. 15. Colic Ligaments. FIG. II. FORAMEN OF WINSLOW. 1. Liver. 2. Gall Bladder. 3. Spleen. 4. Gastro-splenic Omentum. 5. Posterior Surface of the Stomach. 6. Anterior Portion of the Lesser Omentum. 7. Foramen of Winslow. 8. Superior Portion of Transvo: Mesocolon. 9. Great Omentum. 10. Transverse Colon. FIG. III. CONCAVE, OR INFERIOR SURFACE OF THE LIVER. 1. Right Lobe. 2. Left Lobe. 3. Lobus Quadratus. 4. Lobus Spigelii. 5. Lobus Candatus. 6. Eminentia Papillaris. 7. Obtuse Margin. 8. Acute Margin. 9. Incisura Interlobularis. 10. Longitudinal Fissure. 11. Obliterated Umbilical Vein. 12. Left Branch of Portal Vein. 13. Ductus Venosus. 14. Transverse Fissure. 15. Portal Vein. 16. Right Branch of Portal Vein. 17. Inferior Vena Cava. 18. Hepatic Veins. 19. Gall Bladder. 20. Cystic Duct. 21. Hepatic Duct. 22. Ductus Communis Choledochus. PLATE XII. THE PERITONEUM AND ITS PROCESSES. A. External Lamina of Peritoneum. a. Tunica Vaginalis Scroti. B. Internal Lamina of Peritoneum. 6. Its Process to Testicle. c. Turnica Vaginalis Testis. d. Spermatic Vessels. e. Vas Deferens. c. Anterior Wall of Urinary Bladder covered by Peritoneum. D. Kidney. /. Ureter. E. Region in which Inguinal Hernia occurs. ENDOSMOLOGY. 135 PLATE XIII. LARGE VESSELS AND SPERMATIC CORDS FOUND UNDER THE PERITONEUM. A. External Lamina of Peritoneum, i d. Spermatic Vein. B. Internal Lamina of Peritoneum. C. Kidney. D. Vena Cava. E. Aorta. a. Tunica Vaginalis Scroti. 6. Epigastric Portion of Peritoneum. c. Vas Deferens. e. Spermatic Artery. /. Ureter. g. Tunica Vaginalis Testis. Ji. Processus Clausus. L Renal Artery. k. Renal Vein. PLATE XIV. .ABDOMINAL VISCERA COVERED BY PERITONEUM. ALSO SHOWING THE DESCENT OF THE TESTICLE INTO THE SCROTUM. A. External Lamina of Peritoneum. B. Internal Lamina of Peritoneum. C. Urinary Bladder. a. Tunica Vaginalis Scroti. b. Processus Clausus. c. Tunica Vaginalis Testis. d. Vas Deferens. e. Spermatic Vessels. /. Aperture into the Inner Lamina. g. Intestines. h. Liver. i. Appendix Vermiformis. k. Tunica Albuginea. I. Mesentery. m. Process of Peritoneum around Testicle. n. Process forming Tunica Albu- o. Vas Deferens. [ginea. p. Spermatic Vessels. q. Round Ligament of Liver. r. Umbilical Arteries. s. Ureters. t. Portion of Peritoneum Reflected from Bladder. u. Urachus. v. Mesorectum. x. Rectum. y. Suspensory Ligament of Liver. PLATE XV. 1. Stomach. 2. Superior Transverse Portion of Duodenum. 3. Descending Portion of Duode- num. 4. Inferior Transverse Portion of Duodenum. 5. Pancreas 6. Inferior Lamina of the Trans- verse Mesocolon reflected, ex- posing the Duodenum and Pancreas. 7. Superior Lamina of the Trans- verse Mesocolon. 8. Appendix Vermiformis. 9. Mesentery. 10. Ccecum. 11. Ascending \ 12. Transverse > Colon. 13. Descending ) 14. Sigmoid Flexure. 15. Rectum. li'.. Bladder. 17. Colic Ligament. 136 ENDOSMOLOGY. PLATE XVI. FEMALE GENITAL ORGANS. FIG. I. 1. Rectum. 2. Cul De Sac of Douglas. 3. Ovaries. 4. Ovarian Ligaments. 5. Fimbriated Extremity of 6. 6. Fallopian Tube. 7. Round Ligament of Uterus. 8. Uterus. 9. Urinary Bladder. 10. Urachus. 11. Ureters. 12. Vulva. 12. Labia Majora. 13. Labia Minora. 14. Prepuce of Clitoris-. 15. Glans Clitoris. 16. Meatus Urinarius. 17. Ostium Vagina3. 13. Hymen. 19. Openings of Duct 20. Fourchette. 21. Perinseum. 22. Anus. [Gland, of Mucous FIG. II. INTERNAL GENITALIA, VAGINA LAID OPEN. 1. Ovary. 2. Ovarian Ligament. 3. Lateral Ligaments of Uterus. 4. Fimbriated Extremity of 5. 5. Fallopian Tube. 6. Fundus Uteri. 7. Cervix Uteri. 8. Superior Lip of Uterus. 9. Os Tineas. 10. Inferior Lip. 11. Vagina. 12. Ruga3. 13. Mucous Follicles. 14. Meatus Urinarius. 15. Clitoris. 16. Prepuce of Clitoris. 17. Labia Minora. 18. Labia Majora. 19. Section of 18. FIG. III. 1. Vulva. 2. Fat. 3. Vagina. 4. Sphincter Vaginse. 5. Mucous Glands. 6. Their Ducts. FIG. IV. 1. Pubes. 2. Mons Veneris. 3. Suspensory Ligament of Clitoris. 4. Clitoris. 5. Corpora Cavernosa Clitoridis. SECTION OF UTERUS SHOWING ITS CAVITY. 6. Sphincter Vaginse. 7. Nymphiu. 8. Labia Magna. 9. Perinasum. 10. Anus. FIG. v. 1. Body of Uterus. 2. Cervix Uteri. 3. Openings of Fallopian Tubes. 4. Inferior Lip of Uterus. 5. Arbor Vita3. 6. Section of Muscular Tissue. 7. Cavity of Uterus. ENDOSMOLOGY. 137 FIG. VI. SECTION OF AN OVARY. 1, 2. Graafian Vesicles. 3. Corpus Luteum. 4. Stroma. 5. Peritoneal Covering. FIG. VII. AN OVUM OF A RABBIT, HIGHLY MAGNIFIED. 1. Granules. 3. Chorium. 3. Vitellus. 4. Germinal Vesicle. 5. Germinal Spot. PIG. I. PLATE XVII. MALE GENITAL ORGANS. MALE GENITAL ORGANS, NATURAL POSITION. HALF OF THE PELVIS IS REMOVED. THE RIGHT 1. Last Lumbar Vertebrae. 2. Sacrum. 3. Auricular Surface 4. Coccyx. 5. Pubes. 6. Section of Symphysis Pubis. 7. Right Iliac Artery. 8. Obliterated Umbilical Arteries. 9. Rectum. 10. Urinary Bladder. 11. Urachus. 12. Ureter. 13. Membranous Portion of Urethra. 1, 2. Bladder. 3. Verumontanum. 4. Openings of Ejaculatory Ducts. 5. Prostatic Ducts. 6. Prostate Gland. 7. Cowper's Glands. 1. Bladder. 2. Ureters. 3. Vasa Deferentia. 4. VesiculsB Seminales. 5. Vasa Ejaculatoria. 6. 14. Testis. 15. Vas Deferens. 15. Vesicul se Seminales. 17. Prostate Gland. 18. Cowper's Glands. 19. Bulb of Urethra. 20. Corpus Cavernosum Penis. 21. Suspensory Ligament of Penis. 22. Prepuce. 23. Fraenum of. Prepuce. 24. Corona Glandis. 25. Glans Penis. 26. Meatus Urinarius. FIG. II. 8. Bulb of Urethra. 9-11. Corpus Cavernosum. 12. Urethra. 13. Glans Penis. 14. Section. 15. Fossa Navicularis. FIG. in. 7. Membranous Part of Urethra. 8. Cowper's Glands. 9. Duct. 10. Bulb of Urethra. 12. Corpus Cavernosum. ENDOSMOLOGY. FIG. IV. 1. Testicle. 2. Lobules. 3. Rete Testis. 4. Vasa Efferentia. 1. Testis. 2. Lobes. 3. Rete Testis. 1. Vas Deferens. 2. Tubule. 5. Head of Epididymus. 6. Tail of Epididymus. 7. Vas Aberrans. 8. Vas Deferens. FIG. V. TESTICLE. FIG. VI, 4. Epididymus. 5. Vas Aberrans. 6. Vas Deferens. SEMINIFEROUS TUBULE. 3. Branchlets. 4. Vas Ejaculatorium. PLATE XVIII. FIG. I. UTERUS. ANTERIOR ASPECT. 1. Anterior Wall of the Urinary Bladder covered by Perito- neum. 2. Anterior Surface of the Uterus. 3. Lateral Ligaments. 4. Round Ligaments, 5. Ovaries. 6. Fallopian Tubes. 7. Fimbriated Extremities. 8. Rectum. FIG. II. UTERUS. POSTERIOR ASPECT. 1. Posterior Surface of the Uterus. 2. Fundus Uteri. 3. Body. 4. Cervix. 5. Lateral Ligaments. 6. Fallopian Tubes. 7. Fimbriated Extremities. 8. Ovaries. 9. Broad Ligaments. 10. Cul De Sac of Douglas. 11. Rectum. 1. Liver. 2. Great Omentum. PLATE XIX. FIG. I. OMENTUM OF AN INFANT. 3. Mesentery. FIG. II. SAME AS FIG. I 1. Concave Surface of the Liver. 2. Gall Bladder. 3. Gastro-hepatic Omentum. 4. Great Omentum. 5. Anterior Surface of Stomach. 6. Cardia. 7. Greater Curvature. 8. Lesser Curvature. 9. (Esophageal Opening. 10. Pyloric Extremity. 11. Pancreas. 12. Intestines. ENDOSMOLOGY. 139 FIG. III. PANCREAS. 1. Pancreas. 2. Pancreatic Duct. 3. Branches. 4. Communication of Pancreatic with Common Bile Ducts. 5. Liver. 6. Gall Bladder. 7. Cystic Duct. 8. Hepatic Duct. 9. Ductus Commums Choledochus. 10. Stomach. 11. Pancreas. 12. Transverse Colon. 13. Transverse Mesocolon. PLATE XX. PIG. I. 1. Levator Ani Muscle. 2. Compressor Urethrae. 4. Corpora Cavernosa. 5. Corpora Cavernosa. 6. Urethra. 7. Corpus Spongiosum. PIG. II. BLADDER, MALE. 1. Urachus. 2. Prostate Gland. 3. Fundus. 4. Neck. 1. Urachus. 2. Ureters. 1. Kidney. 2. Hilus. 3. Ureter. 4. Renal Artery. 1. Calyces. '2. Papillae. I. Corticle Substance. .:. Medullary Substance. 1. Calyces Minor. 2. Calyx Major. FIG. III. 5. Rugae. 6. Orifices of Ureters. 7. Trigonum Vesicse. BLADDER, FEMALE. 3, 4, 5. Muscular Fibres. PIG. IV. KIDNEY. 5. Renal Vein. 6. Supra-renal Capsule. 7. Transverse Groove. 8. Lobules. FIG. V. 3. Pelvis. 4. Ureter. FIG. VI. 3. Papillae. 4. Renal Vessels. FIG. VII. 3. Pelvis. 4. Ureter. 140 ENDOSMOLOGY. FIG. VIII. 1. Supra-renal Gland. 2. Kidney. 3. Convolutions. 4. Ureter. FIG. IX. LONGITUDINAL SECTION OP^ THE KIDNEY OF AN ADULT. 1. Cortical Substance. 2. Columnae. 3. Pyramids. 1. Cortical Substance. 2. Malpighian Bodies. 4. Papillae. 5. Calyx. FIG. X. 3. Renal Arteries. 4. Veins. FIG. XI. 1. Blind Extremities of Tubuli Uri- niferi. 2. Straight Portion in which they Co- 3. Large Tubuli formed by 2. [alesce. FIG. XII. GLANDS FROM THE STOMACH. 1. Lobular Glands. | 2, 3. Their Ducts. FIG. XIII. KIDNEY. 1. Corticle Substance. 2. Columnae. 3. Medullary Substance. 4. Papillae. 5. Calyx. 6. Pelvis. FIG. XIV. SPERMATOZOA. FIG. XV. MAMMARY GLAND. 1. Lobules. 2. Radicles of Lactiferous Ducts. 3. Lactiferous Ducts. 4. Sinus. 5. Nipple. PLATE XXI. FIG. I. A. External Lamina of Peritoneum. B. Sac of Internal Lamina. C. Bladder. a. Tunica Vaginalis Communis. 6. Process of B inside of Aperture. c. Tunica Vaginalis Propria Testis. d. Tunica Albuginea. e. Spermatic Vessels. FIG. II. 1. Corpus Cavernosum. 2. Artery of Corpus Cavernosum. 3. Septum Pectiniforme. ENDOSMOLOQY. 141 FIG. III. a. Mesentery. 6. Vasa Spermatica. Between the Layers of Mesentery. c. Vas Deferens. Between the Lay- ers of Mesentery. d. Portion of a which descends through Inguinal Opening, e. Internal Inguinal Ring. /. Portion of Peritoneum contain- ing a Testicle in Descent. g. Apex of the Testis. h. Bladder. /. Umbilical Arteries. k. Intestines. FIG. IV. a. External Lamina of Peritoneum. 6. Tunica Vaginalis Communis. c. Lamina Interna. d. Its Process. c. Spermatic Vessels. /. Intestines. g. Liver. 1. Tunica Vaginalis. 2. Tunica Albuginea. 1. Tunica Vaginalis. 2. Tunica Albuginea. FIG. v. 3. Testis. FIG. VI. 3. Epididymis. 4. Spermatic Cord. FIG. VII. THE DESCENT OF THE TESTICLES. B. Reflected Walls of Abdomen. E. Kidneys. F. Aorta. G. Vena Cava Inferior. K. Inguinal Opening. M. Bladder. N. Testis. PLATE XXII. FIG. I. 1. Pleurae. 2. Portion of 1. [Sternum. Removed from the 1. Base of the Heart. 2. Apex of the Heart. 3. Anterior Mediastinum. FIG. II. 3. Diaphragm. 4. Lungs. 1. Body of Hyoid Bone. 2. Cornu Major. 3. Cornu Minor. PLATE XXIII. FIG. I. 4. Thyro-hyoid, Lateral Ligament, 5. Middle Thyro-hyoid Ligament. 6. Thyroid Cartilage. 142 ENDOSMOLOGY. 7. Incisura Media. S. Greater Cornua of Thyroid Car- tilage. 9. Lesser Cornua. 10. Thyroid Gland. 11. Trachea. 12. (Esophagus. 13. Scalenus Anticus Muscle. 14. Phrenic Nerve. 15. Internal Jugular Vein. 16. Subclavian Vein. 17. Left Innominate Vein. 18. Right Innominate Vein. 19. Superior Vena Cava. 20. Innominate Artery. 21. Common Carotid. 22. Subclavian. 23. Pneumogastric Nerve. 24. Arch of Aorta. 25. Pericardium. 26. Apex of 25. 27. Base of 25. 28. Diaphragm. 29. 30. 31. Lungs. 1. Anterior Mediastinum. 2. Thymus Gland. 3. Pericardium. 1. Pleurae. 2. Sternum. 3- Vena Cava Superior. 4. Pericardium. 5. Oesophagus. 1. Eustachian Valve. 2. Valve of Foramen Ovale. 3. Foramen Ovale. 4. Septum Aricularum. 1. Left Auricle. 2. Valve of Foramen Ovale. *. Foramen Ovale. 3. Mouths of Pulmonary Veins. 4. Left Pulmonary Valve. 5. Inferior Vena Cava. 6. Ostium Venosum. 7. Left Ventricle. 8. Mitral Valve. 9. Aortic Opening. Pleurse. FIG. II. 4. Sternum. 5. Pleurae. FIG. III. 6. Thoracic Aorta. 7. Pulmonary Artery. 8. Ductus Arteriosus. 9. Arch of Aorta. 10. Bronchi. FIG. IV. 5. Vena Cava Inferior. 6. Vena Cava Superior. 7. Ostium Venosum. 8. Ascending Aorta. FIG. V. 10. Semi-lunar Valves. 11. Aorta. 12. Abdominal Aorta. 13. Pulmonary Artery. 14. Left Branch of 13. 15. Ductus Arteriosus. 16. Right branch of 13. 17. Trachea. 18. Vena Cava Superior. 19. Diaphragm. 1. Umbilical Vein. 2. Left Vena PortaB. FIG. VI. FCETAL CIRCULATION. 3. Ductus Venosus. 4. Kidneys. ENDOSMOLOUY. 143 5. Vena Cava Inferior. 6. Renal Veins. 7. Eustachian Valve. 8. Foramen Ovale. 9. Its Superior Margin. 1 ' | Vena Cava Superior. 12. Foramen of Vena Magna Cordis. 13. Valvula Thebesii. 14. Ostium Venosum. 15. Flat Surface of the Heart. 16. Acute Margin. 17. Tliymus Gland. 18. Umbilicus. PLATE XXIV. PIG. I. ANTERIOR 'ASPECT OF THE TONGUE. 1. Papillae of the Tongue. 2. Hard Palate. 3. Septum of the Nose. 4. Turbinated Bones. 5. Mucous Membrane covering the Septum. 7. Mucous Membrane of the Con- chse. 7. Sphenoidal Sinus. 8. Septum. 9. Antrum of Highmore. FIG. II. POSTERIOR ASPECT. 1, 2. Papilla?. 3. Glosso-epiglottic Ligament. 4. Epiglottis. 5. ArytaBno-epiglottic Ligament. 6. Arytenoid Cartilage. 7. Cricoid Cartilage. 8. Fauces. 9. Orifice of Eustachian Tube. 10. Septum Narium. 11. Turbinated Bones. 12. Velum Palati. 13. Levator Palati 14. Tensor Palati \ 15. Hamular Process of Pterygoid. Muscles. FIG. III. LARYNX. 1. Thyroid Cartilage. 2. Arytenoid Cartilage. 3. Superior j 4. Inferior ) 5, 6. Cricoid Cartilage. 7. Crico-tracheal Ligament. 8. Cornicula Laryngis. 9. Cuneiform Cartilages. FIG. IV. FR.ENUM LINGUAE. 1. Frsenum. 2. Openings of Wharton's Ducts. 3. Tongue. FIG. V. LARYNX. 1. Thyro-epiglottic Ligament. 2. False Vocal Cords. 3. True Vocal Cords. 4. Arytenoid Cartilages. 5. Cricoid Cartilage. 6. Conoid Ligament. FIGS. VI. AND VII. LARYNX. 1. Trachea. [tilage. 3. Superior Cornu of Thyroid Car- 4. Cricoid Cartilage. 6. Vocal Cord. 7. Ventricle. 8. Epiglottis. 144 ENDOSMOLOGY. FIGS. VIII. AND IX. LARYNX. 2. Internal Surface. 3. Anterior Superior Margin. 5. Superior Cornu. 6. Posterior Margin. 16. Epiglottis. 18. Aryta'iioid Cartilages. 24. Rima Glottidis. 25. Vocal Cords. FIGS. X AND XI. THYROID CARTILAGE. FIGS. XII AND XIII. THYROID CARTILAGE. 1. Anterior Surface. 2. Internal Surface. 3. Superior Border. 5. Superior Cornu. 6. Inferior Margin. 8. Inferior Cornu. FIG. XIV. STRUCTURE OF THE LABIAL AND LINGUAL GLANDS. PLATE XXV. FIG. I. LARYNX AND TRACHEA. 1. Os Hyoides. 2. Body. 3. Greater Cornua. 4. Lesser Cornua. 5. Thyroid Cartilage. 6. Incisura. 7. Oblique Line. 8. Cornu Major. 9. Cornu Minor. 10. Middle Thyro-hyoid Ligament. 11. Lateral Thyro-hyoid Ligament. 12. Cornicula Laryngis. 13. Cricoid Cartilage. 14. Arcus. 15. Lateral Crico-thyroid Ligament. 16. Conoid Ligament. 17. Trachea. 18. Bronchi. 19. Annular Cartilages of 17. 20. Membranous Portion of Trachea. FIG. II. LARYNX AND TRACHEA, OPENED POSTERIORLY. 9. Cuneiform Cartilages. 10. Lateral Thyro-hyoid Ligament. 11. Corpuscula Triticea. 12. Lateral Crico-thyroid Ligament. 13. Crico-aryta9noid Ligament. 14. Epiglottis. 15. Arytpono-epiglottidean Fold. 16. Mucous Membrane of Trachea. 1. Greater Cornua of Hyoid Bone. 2. Lesser Cornua. 3. Thyroid Cartilage. 4. Greater Cornua. 5. Lesser Cornua. 6. Posterior Surface. 7. Aryta3noid Cartilages. 8. Cornicula Laryngis. FIGS. Ill AND IV. THYROID CARTILAGE. 1. Internal Surface. 2, 3. Superior Margin. 4. Notch. 5. Superior Cornua. 6. Lower Margin. 8. Lesser Cornua. FIGS. V AND VI. 1, 2. Internal Surface of Thyroid 3. Superior Margin. [Cartilage. 5. Superior Cornua. 8. Lesser Cornua. ENDOSMOLOGY. 145 10. Posterior Surface of Cricoid Cartilage. 11. Upper Margin. 12. Lower Margin. 16. Epiglottis. 18. Aryteenoid Cartilages. 20. Posterior Surface. 23. Cornicula Laryngis. FIGS. VII AND VIII. 2. Thyroid Cartilage. 3. Upper Margin. 5. Superior Cornu. r>. Inferior Margin. 8. Inferior Cornu. [tilage. 10. Posterior Surface of Cricoid Car- tilage. 12. Inferior Margin. 15. Lateral Crico-thyroid Cartilage. 16. Epiglottis. 9. Anterior Surface of Cricoid Car- FIGS. IX AND X. 3. Superior Margin of Thyroid Car- tilage. 5. Superior Cornu 8. Inferior Cornu 9. Cricoid Cartilage. 16. Epiglottis. FIGS. XI AND XII. THYROID CARTILAGE, BACK VIEW. 1. Internal Surface. 3. Superior Margin. 4. Incisura. 5. Greater Cornua. 6. Inferior Margin. 8. Inferior Cornua. FIGS. XIII AND XIV. THYROID CARTILAGE, SIDE VIEW. 1. Anterior Surface. 3. Upper Margin. 6. Lower Margin. 7. Tubercle. 8. Lesser Cornu, FIGS. XV AND XVI. CRICOID CARTILAGE. 10. Posterior Surface. 11. Upper Margin. 12. Lower Margin. FIGS. XVII AND XVIII. CRICOID CARTILAGE. 10. Anterior Surface. 11. Upper Border. 12. Lower Border. 13. Articular Facets for Thyroid. K!(iS. XIX AND XX. SAME AS XVII AND XVJII. 12. Inferior Margin. FIGS. XM AM) XXII. SAME AS XVII AND XVIII. 11. Superior Margin. 10 146 ENDOSMOLOGY. FIGS. XXIII AND XXIV. SAME AS XVII AND XVIII. 9. Anterior Surface. 10. Posterior Surface. 11. Superior Border. 12. Inferior Border. 13. 14. Articular Facets. 1. Nucleus. 2. Villi. FIG. XXV. EPITHELIAL CELLS. 3. Nucleoli. FIG. XXVI AND XXVII. ARYT^NOID CARTILAGES. 18. Arytsenoid Cartilage. 19. Anterior Surface. 22. Tubercle. 23. Cornicula Laryngis. FIG. XXVIII. CUNEIFORM CARTILAGES. EMBRYOLOGY. EMBRYOLOGY. PLATE I. FIG. I. THE HUMAN EMBRYRO HERE REPRESENTED IS ONE DESCRIBED BY BLUMENBACH, AND IS SUPPOSED TO BE ABOUT THREE WEEKS* OLD, (SOMEWHAT MAGNIFIED). The germinal vesicle is laid open and the rudimentary embryo exposed. The vescicle is partly removed from, and partly adherent to, the foetal chorion, which shows very numerous filiform and imbranched villi. For the size of the ovum, the external surface of the chorion, is altogether constituted of proportionately very large and intricate villi. These are not spread over the whole chorion, but cover about one-half of its surface. Some of these filaments are connected together by means of small vesicles or nodules, very much resembling small hydatids. The vilJi themselves, supplied with numerous branchlets, seem to belong partly to the chorion, partly to the uterine mucous membrane. This diminutive embryo, which was hardened in alcohol, appeared as a solid and opaque mass, even before its hardening, and was attached to the internal surface of the ovule by a very short and slender thread. Examined under a microscope, it showed already the beginning of the formation of the head, which was altogether out of proportion to the size of the trunk, which formed a curve in such a manner that the lower part of the body reached the head. The upper and lower extremities appeared on the trunk, in the shape of very small tubercles. The coccygeal extremity was coiled up towards the trunk. FIG. II. A HUMAN EMBRYRO ABOUT FIVE WEEKS' OLD, DESCRIBED BY LEUCKHART. The four visceral arches are formed, and the orbital process in front has already reached up to the fourth arch. The rudimentary upper extremities are larger than the lower. Between the lower extremities can be seen the embryonic caudal primitive vertebra). The embryo still adheres to the internal surface of the ovule by an umbilical cord. The body of this embryo has already reached the size of its head. Neither eyes nor mouth were to be seen ; only rudimentary spots in the places of existence of these organs could be discovered. The spinal vertebra^ were distinctly visible, and the upper and lower extremities were somewhat 147 148 KM BRYOLOGY. farther developed. The body, like the above figure, was bent upon itself, the coccygeal extremity nearly touching the head. The Vitteline vescicle was connected with the body by a slender peduncle, situated between the amnion and the chorion. The membranes, the innermost of which was opened, resembled those of the previous figure. FIG. III. AN EMBRYO OF ABOUT SIX WEEKS* GROWTH. The body of this embryo was well hardened in alcohol, and distinctly showed the upper and lower extremities. Here the body was larger than the head. The dorsal vertebra were distinctly visible. The eyes were plainly to be seen, and the buccal opening very distinct. No rudimentary nose. The upper and lower extremities were somewhat larger than in the former. The thorax was broader than in the former two, it likely being a male embryo. The umbilical cord was larger and thicken. FIG. IV. AN EMBRYO OF ABOUT SEVEN WEEKS, OBTAINED WITH ALL ITS MEMBRANES UNOPENED. It shows an increase of its own size and that of the umbilical cord. The villi of the chorion were far more simple, as well as shorter, and not so numerous as in the former three. The embryo was still curved, yet not to the extent of the former specimens. The body was considerably larger than the head, and both eyes were distinguished as very dark spots. The oral slit was plainly marked, and slight depressions above it indicated the place of the nose. Tn the upper extremities, the arm and forearm could be plainly distinguished. The lower extremities were smaller and more rudimentary than the upper. The coccygeal tuberosity was very prominent. The umbilical cord longer* yet more slender. FIG. V. AN EMBRYO OF ABOUT EIGHT WEEK'S, CONTAINED IN A SAC: RATHER LARGER THAN USUAL. I ' It surpasses the former specimen both in size and development, ovular membranes are increased in thickness; the flocculi of the deciduary membrane are similar to those described in Fig. 2. The curved embryonic body is semi-circular. The head is less increased in si/e than the trunk, the cranial portion being the most developed. The eyes are very distinct, the month open, and small foramina indicate the place for the nose. Tlir ears are indicated by very small pores. The spinal column is broad and thick. The chest is tolerably broad. The abdomen protrudes around the navel, from which emerges a lengthy but slender cord. In the upper extremities the upper, forearm and hand are readily discernible. The lingers are not quite developed. In the lower extremities, which extend below the coccygeal tuberosity. the thighs, legs, and feet are also discernible. The toes are not at all developed. Between the umbilicus EMBRYOLOGY. 149 and the coccygeal tuberosity two foramina are seen, which seem to indicate the female sex of the embryo. FIG. VI. AN OVUM CONTAINING A HUMAN FCETUS A LITTLE OVER FIVE MONTHS' OLD, WHICH WAS ACCIDENTALLY EXPELLED FROM THE UTERUS IN AN UNBROKEN STATE. The foetus is very readily seen through the pellucid membrane. The figure represents that part of the surface of the ovum which it occupied in the womb, that is, its left and anterior position. The flocculi of the chorion, which are not only more abundant, but longer, are seen in the left and upper portion, at the place occupied by the placenta, as very readily seen in the next figure. That portion of the membrane occupied by the placenta was so thick, that the embryonal portion of the placenta could not be examined through it. From the outer placentary edges to the middle of the ovum, the membranes became comparatively thinner than in an ovum of the second or third month. FIG. VII. SAME AS FIG. VI. The two outer membranes opened, exposing the internal or fcetal surface of the placenta, and leaving the foetus still enclosed in the amnion. The placental vessels are seen as radiating from a common centre. The arteries are more slender, but more tortuous, than the veins, which are straight and of greater diameter. The arteries are far more divided up into branches than the veins. Here also the gradual thinning of the external membrane from the periphery of the placenta is readily noticed. FIG. VIII. THE FCETUS FREED FROM ITS SACS AND LEFT IN THE POSITION IT OCCUPIED IN THEM. The umbilical cord slightly stretched and the placenta placed in such a position as to expose its entire internal surface. The foetus is also drawn in such a manner on the plate as to correspond to Figs. 6 and 7. This foetus is that of a female, as can be readily distinguished by its face. There are some few short hairs on its scalp; the forehead is wrinkled and the eyelids are distinct; its eyes and mouth firmly closed. Its external ear, though somewhat different from that of a mature foetus, is sufficiently developed to show all its parts. The lower extremities by far exceed in size the upper. The umbilical cord is drawn here as not inserted into the middle of the placenta, but to one side. FIG. IX. SAME AS FIG. V, ONLY A PORTION OF THE CHORION IS REMOVED, TO SHOW THE MIDDLE MEMBRANE. THE MIDDLE AND INTERNAL MEMBRANES ARE INTACT. 150 EMBRYOLOGY. PLATE II. FIGS. I, II, III, IV AND V. MAGNIFIED VIEWS OF FIGS. I, II, III AND IV OF PLATE I. FIG. VI. SOMEWHAT MAGNIFIED EMBRYRO CORRESPONDING TO FIG. V, PLATE I. FIG. VII. FEMALE EMBRYO OF ABOUT NINE WEEKS (ENLARGED). It shows an increased size beyond the former figures. The face shows plainly its different parts. The nose somewhat projects ; the external ear showing the rudiments of the concha. The thorax is somewhat broader than in the former. The lower limbs project beyond the trunk; the upper limbs not only show the upper, forearm and hand, but its digits may be readily distinguished. The lower extremities show thigh, leg, foot, and toes. The coccygeal tuberosity still exists. The umbilical cord is longer and more slender. FIG. vui. A TEN WEEKS' OLD EMBRYO (ENLARGED). The most of the parts of the face are plainly discernible. The eyes, nose, and external ear are far more developed. The chest is broader : the upper and lower limbs project far beyond the trunk. The coccygeal tuberosity has disappeared. FIG. IX. AN ELEVEN WEEKS' OLD FEMALE EMBRYO. All the characteristics of the sex are plainly visible on it. Its face shows each part distinctly. The eyelids are closed. The mouth also closed by its lips. The nostrils become somewhat prominent. The external ear very plain. The upper and lower extremities completely developed. FIG. X. AN EMBRYO OF THREE MONTHS. On the head, the frontal, parietal, and temporal bones are plainly discernible, the eyeballs protrude beyond the level of the face and are dosod in by both lids. The nose completely formed; both lips distinct : nearly every part of the external ear formed. The neck is plainly H |>;iruted from the head and scapula. Its large chest plainly indicates it to be a male. The single ribs are plainly distinguishable. The coccygeal tuberosity completely disappeared. The penis is prominent, the scrotum small and empty. The form of both scapulas are distinctly visible. In the upper arm the deltoid and biceps muscle are prominent. The anconeus and external condyles of the humerus arc plainly visible. In the hand, both carpus and metacarpus, as well as the digital articulations, are well marked. In the inferior part of the trunk the ossa innominata- EMBRYOLOGY. 151 on the femur, the trochanter major and the condyles, also the gluteus niaximus, the vasti, and the ham string muscles are plainly discernible. In the legs the patella, the tibia, and the malleoli, and in the feet all the parts are fully developed. FIG. XI. FEMALE EMBRYO OF THREE AND ONE-HALF MONTHS. The forehead is prominent ; eyes, nose, mouth, and ears have distinctly increased in size. The chest is that of a female. The clitoris is sur- rounded by the preputial fold ; the vaginal orifice is separate from the anal. FIG. XII. MALE FCETUS OF THREE AND A HALF MONTHS. FIG. XIII. FEMALE FCETUS OF FOUR MONTHS. FIG. XIV. MALE FCETUS OF FOUR MONTHS. FIG. XV. MALE FCETUS OF FOUR MONTHS (HIGHLY DEVELOPED). The body is fully developed, being a fine specimen of the male foetus of that age. The muscular development, the breadth of its thorax dis- tinctly show its male character. FIG. XVI. A FEMALE FCETUS OF FOUR MONTHS. The round form of the head is very regular ; forehead broad and round ; eyes large, the eyelids well formed ; nose well shapen ; mouth half open ; lips delicate ; chin slender ; ears rather larger than in the previous figures. The neck corresponds with the well-formed head. The thorax shows it to be a female foetus. The shoulders are prominent, arm well rounded, hand and fingers slender. The lower extremities by far surpass the upper. The thighs are more curved than in a male fcetus of a corresponding age.