61FT OP ROBERT BE1PHBR. PRACTICAL HYDRAULICS BY P. M. KANDALL, AUTHOR OF QUARTZ OPERATORS' HAND-BOOK." PUBLISHED AND SOLD BY Y & Oo. PROPRIETORS MINING AND SCIENTIFIC PRESS, SAN FRANCISCO, CAL., 1886. Entered according to the Act of Congress, in the Librarian's Office, Washington, D. C., 1886, by DBWEY & Co. PREFACE. The present work is designed as a true exposition 01 the prin- ciples and application of those branches of hydraulics, of which it treats. The necessity of such a work at this time will be obvious to those who shall have compared the results deduced from the for- mulas of nearly all our most noted authors on hydraulics, with the results of observation. Thus, the formulas of DuBuat, Eytelwein, Girard, Prony, D'Aubuisson, Neville, Leslie, Pole, Beardmore and Hagen, enjoying the reputation of standard authors, give as by the data at hand, with respect to the flow of water in open streams of medium size, results varying from fifteen to one hundred and twenty-five per cent in excess ot the observed results, and in large streams, results varying from thirty to sixty-seven per cent below those observed. These errors are radical. The defect! venesa of these and other works heretofore regarded standard on this highly important branch of hydraulics, is well portrayed by the following extracts from an article in an Engliah periodical, "Engi- neering" of Dec. 31, 1875, entitled "Hydraulic Experiments," viz : " The tabulated velocities (in Neville's work, based upon DuBuat) " though expressed in hundredths of an inch, are in reality but the " wildest guesses at the actual velocities in irrigation canals of " ordinary dimensions. Colonel Cautley relied upon DuBuat when " he laid out the Ganges Canal, and found him but a rotten reed, " for the water in every instance tore along at an unexpected velo- " city, and the erosion of the bed and destruction of the works " followed in its wake. Da Buat then must be put upon the top " shelf of the book-case, and it will be just as well when the steps 164453 IV PKEFACE. " are there to carry up every English work, in which the names of " Branning, Girard, Bossut, Prony, Eytelwein, or D'Aubuisson are " continually recurring as authorities against whom no action can " be taken. In this general clearance Baardmore, Downing, Box, " and almost every other hydraulic text book compiled by English- " men, will with more or less hesitation have been shelved." Again, " in 1880," says L. D. A. Jackson, in his Hydraulic Man- ual " the extensive experiments of Captain Allan Cunningham on " the Ganges Canal, have substantiated the truth of Kutter's laws " when applied to very large canals, and dealt the final blow to the " velocity formulas of all the older hydraulicians." In the main text of the present work it is stated that D'Arcy in 1835, and Bazin, in 1865, published formulas better adapted than any preceding for finding the flow of water in open streams and pipes of medium size; that Humphreys and Abbot published in 1861, formulas suited to the determination of flow of large streams, but not to the flow of small streams, and that the wide gap between the formulas of D'Arcy and Bazin, and those <5f Humphreys and Abbot were effectually closed up in 1870 by the introduction of Kutter's formula. We will now add, that this achievement with respect to hydraulic science seems to us the masterpiece of the nineteenth century. The Kutter formula applies equally well to small, medium sized and large s v reams. Farther experiments may perchance require it to be somewhat mod- ified; but so far as known at present, of all the formulas deduced for like purposes, it seems the nearest approximate to perfection. The principal tables computed by Herr Kutter, from his for- mula under consideration, give the coefficients of velocity in terms of metrical measures, thereby rendering their application a labor- ious task in the determination of the velocities themselves in terms of feet measures. To obviate this task, Table 27 in the present work has been computed from the same formula (Kutter's) giving in terms of feet measures, the velocities of flow in open streams, differing in regime and in slope, and varying from the size of a small ditch to that of the Mississippi River. The table is nominally for open streams, but is equally well adapted for determining the flow of water in pipes. Table 17 computed for the flow in pipes only, will, for this PREFACE. V purpose, be found, however, still more convenient. For this table we are indebted in part to J. T. Fanning's very admirable treatise on "Water Supply Engineering," which indebtedness we hereby re- spectfully acknowledge. It will be noted however that we have not only considerably enlarged the original table of Mr. Fanning, but, among other things, conferred upon it a new and valuable feature that of giving the quantity of flow in addition to the veloc- ity. Each result set down in Tables 17 and 27, represents essen- tially a mean of numerous observed results: hence must necessarily coincide in practice with other results obtained under like con- ditions. With respect to accuracy, scope of application and ease of reference, these tables seem to meet more fully the requirements of all concerned in this branch of hydraulic engineering, than any others designed for similar purposes. Tables 28 and 29 will be found very important auxiliaries to Table 27, in the ready determination of the flow of water in beds of different forms. Tables, two relating to the flow of water in rectangular weirs, four to quadrant weirs, seven to the flow through rectangular ori- fices, and eight to the different values of the so-called " miner's inch," will also be found of no little value in practice. The simplicity of the quadrant weir, its cheapness and the assurances by Prof. Thompson of its superiority over those of different forms, induced the author of the work in hand to compute Table 4. This form seems peculiarly well adapted to the measurement of the flow of small quantities of water; for example, from two to 20 miner's inches. This table, however, greatly exceeds these limits. The discussion of the subjects of " maximum work effected by water on issuing under pressure from pipes," and of "minimum weight and consequent minimum cost of an inverted siphon," is, so far as the author is informed, new. By the application of the prin- ciples here demonstrated, the greatest economy, the only proper limit or standard of the truly practical, is attained. The simple plan, pursued in the preparation of the present work consists : 1st. In demonstrating concisely the principle, or principles, involved in the subject matter, yet in a manner sufficiently ample and clear to be readily followed by the student, or by the practi- VI PREFACE. tioner desiring to refresh his mind, or to assure himself of the cor- rectness of the results. 2nd. In expressing in words the simplest rule or rules cor- responding to the formula or result of such demonstration. 3d. In applying the rule or rules so derived, to practical ex- amples with full and clear explanations; or in applying the formula direct to the examples, when it is too complex to be well expressed in words. 4th. In providing tables, so far as feasible, to meet the re- quirements of practice. By means of these tables and the simple rules given therewith, most of the problems likely to occur with respect to the measure- ment of water in motion, as through vertical openings, over weirs, in pipes, in open streams and through nozzles; with respect to the quantity of water required for various mining purposes, and for the purposes of irrigation; and with respect to the power of water as a motor, are answered direct, or readily solved by anyone familiar with common arithmetic only, as well as by the skilled engineer. P. M. RANDALL. San Francisco, March 17th, 1886. INDEX. Formulas, and Formulas and Rules corresponding ; '* F" repre- senting formula, and "R" rule ; page referring to rule : F. R. PAOB. (1) Acceleration of gravity at sea level in lat. 45" 2 (3) Acceleration of gravity, the latitude, elevation and acceleration of gravity at lat. 45*. given 2 (4) Acceleration of gravity, the latitude, force of gravity at sea level and elevation, given 3 (175)(176).40-Additional head for angular bend 162 (177) (178). 41-Additional head for curved bend 163 (94) (95). .28 -Coefficients of discharge ; of partial contraction 87 (98) 29 -Coefficient of contraction P9 (105) 30 -Coefficients of discharge under a head of water in motion 100 31-Coefficients for a short tube 103 (107) 32 Discharge through cylindrical tube - length to diameter 3:1 104 (157) 35 Discharge through clean pipes 155 (160) 38 - Diameter due head, discharge and the length of a pipe 155 39 - Discharge, head, length and diameter of pipe ; cases 1, 2, 3 and 4, by Table 17 155 54 Discharge of a flume whose hydraulic mean depth equals that of a given pipe ...200 55 Discharge of a flume by another method 201 (74) 23 Flow through a parabolic weir whose apex ia level with still water. . . 52 (284) Formula for finding slope of bank 218 (285) Formula for finding wet perimeter 218 (286) Formula for finding mean velocity from central surface velocity 239 ,287) Formula for finding flood-flow of streams 248 (8) 1 Head, due velocity and gravity 6 (11) 2 Head, due time and gravity 7 (158) 36-Head due dimensions and discharge of a pipe 155 (198) 46-Head, such that the weight of an inverted siphon shall be a minimum .180 (101) Imperfect contraction (circular) 93 (102) Imperfect contraction (rectangular) 93 (148) 34-Inlet head due velocity 150 (280) Kutter's Formula ...210 Vlll , INDEX. P. R. PAGE, (282) (283). Resolved from (2SO) 211 Application of Kutter's Formula for finding velocity 211 g For finding diameter of pipe 213 c For finding coefficient of roughness 215 a For finding sine of slope 216 (159) 37-Length due head, discharge and diameter 155 42 Modifications for degrees of foulness of pipes 169 (189) 45 Mean pressure in pipe 179 (190) 47 Mean ordiuate due head and hydrostatic ordinate 181 (203) 48 Mean pressure per square inch for entire pipe 181 (204) 49 Minimum diameter of an inverted siphon 181 (205) 50 Minimum thickness of an inverted siphon 182 (2 11) 51 -Minimum weight of an inverted siphon 182 52 Most suitable form of a canal 192 (88) Orifice discharge (circular) 61 (90) Orifice discharge (semi-circularupper) 61 (91) Orifice discharge (semi-circularlower) 62 26 Orifice discharge (rectangular) 72 (92) 27-Orifice discharge (rectangular) 73 (187) 43 Pressure per square inch due he?d 170 (2) Radius of the earth at sea level, due lat 2 6 Rule for velocity and discharge of an open stream of water 230 (14) 5 -Time due velocity and gravity 8 (15) 6 -Time due head and gravity 8 (188) 44 Thickness due radL.s, pressure and modulus of strength 171 (9) 3 Velocity due time and gravity 7 (13) 4 Velocity due head and gravity 7 (24) 7 Velocity through a rectangular orifice 16 (25) 8 Velocity through a rectangular orifice 16 24) 9 Velocity over a weir 18 (25) 10 Velocity over a weir 18 (128) 33-Velocity through short pipe*; 12 J (184) Velocity through nozzles 53 Velocity in a triangular or rectangular flume 199 (28) 11-Weir discharge (rectangular) 19 (30) 12-Weir discharge (corrected) 25 (31) 13-Weir discharge (crest three feet wide) 28 (37) 14 Weir discharge (quadrantal) 33 15 -Weir discharge (equilateral) 35 (34) (48) . . 16- -Weir discharge (triangular) 41 (54) (55) . . 17 Weir discharge (rectangular) 44 (61) 18 -Weir discharge (semi-circular) 47 (62) 19 -Weir discharge (semi-circular) 48 (63) 20 Weir discharge (semi-circular) 48 (72) 21 Weir discharge (parabolic open) 51 (73) 22 Weir discharge (parabolic open) 52 (78) 24-Weir discharge (triangul ar submerged) 54 81) 25- Weir discharge (triangular submerged) 58 CONTENTS. PRINCIPLES OF HYDRA ULICS. Hydraulics Defined. Gravity the source of motion. Acceleration of gravity. Varia- tion in intensity of gravity in different latitudes and at different altitudes. An- alytical determination of the laws of hydraulics. Formulas and rules corre spending. Examples and calculations. .... pp. 1-11 OPENINGS. Submerged and Weir. Diagrams. Analysis of Flow. Comparisons of formulas, flow through orifices: rectangular (pp. 11-16), triangular, trapezoidal, circular and semi-circular, parabolic. Examples and calculations. . . pp. 46-73 WEIRS. Discharge over rectangular, triangular, quadrantal, equilateral, trapezoidal, circular, semi-circular, parabolic (pp. 18-52). Correction (p. 19). Correction due variable coefficient (p. 25). Discharge over crest three feet wide (p. 28). Examples and calcul ations. MINER'S INCH. Statutory. North Bloomfield. Smartsville. South Yuba Canal. - Examples and cal- culations. ......... pp. 77-79 CONTRACTION. Partial, for circular and rec' angular orifices. For given orifice and given head of water. Imperfect. ....... pp. 84- 2 SHORT TUBES. Cylindrical, convergent, divergent and compound. Examples and calculations. pp. 102-108 PIPES. Analysis of flow through pipes (pp. 112- 116). Empirical formulae coefficients of re- sistance as found by Weisbach, Darcy and Fanning (pp. 116-124). Interpolation in Table 16. Flow through pipes -short, long. Analytical determination of maximum work, etc. Inlet head. Equations and rules for velocity, head, length, diameter and volume of flow for clean iron pipes. Coefficient of flow. Effect of bends angular, curved. Relative carrying capacities of clean, foul and very foul pipes. Pressure ordinatea. Requisite thickness of pipe to withstand a given pressure. Examples and calculations. ... pp. 124 - 179 X CONTENTS. NOZZLES. Flow of water through. Coefficient of flow due convergence. Examples and calcula- tions. . . . i'.'i . . . . pp. 166-169 INVERTED SIPHON. D. termination of minimum values with respect to pressure, diameter, thickness and weight. Hydrostatic pressure below the level of outlet. Special verification of formulas. . ...... . , . . PP. 172 - 183 OP^V STREAMS. Flow of water. Form of rectangle of maximum carrying capacity. Form of trape- zoid of maximum carrying capacity. Most appropriate form of canal. -Formulas for the flow of water in open streams. Kutter's velocity of water in a flume whose hydraulic mean depth is equal to that of a pipe of given diameter. Coefficient of roughness involved in Table 17. Discussion of Kutter's foimula. Application of Kutter's formula as rendered by Equations (2S2 and 283). Application of Tables 27, 28 and 29. Interpolation in Table 27. Mean velocity corresponding to central surface velocity. Examples and calculations. . . . pp. 187-239 MINING. Hydraulic. Drift. Duty of miner's inch. Examples and calculations, pp. 241 - 243 IRRIGATION. Quantity of water required. Unit of measure. .... p. 244 Measurement of the power of water as a motor. .... p. 246 Flood-flow of streams. . . . . . . p. 247 TABLES. No. PAGE. 9 ... Coefficients for Flow of Water Through Circular Orifices 85 10 .... Corrections of the Coefficients of Flow for Circular Orifices 94 11 ... .Corrections of the Coefficients of Flow for Rectangular Orifices 95 12. ... Corrections of the Coefficients of Flow Under Head of Water in Motion . . 100 13. . . .Coefficients of Discharge and Velocity for Flow Through Conically Con- vergent Tubes 105 14 .... Coefficients of Di scharge Through Divergent Tubes 107 15 .... C oefficients of Discharge Through Compound Tubes 109 16. . . .Coefficients of Resistance to the Flow (Cf) of Water in Clean Pipes 113 19. ... Coefficients for Bend Resistances in Pipes 161 20. . . .Coefficients for Bend Resistances in Pipes with Circular Transverse Sec- tions 163 21 Coefficients for Bend Resistances in Pipes with Rectangular Transverse Sections . . 164 26....Coefficients(n) for Roughness of Stream Beds 196 25. . . .Dimensions of the Most Suitable Forms of Canals 191 28. . . .Dimensions of Water- Ways, etc 227-228 2. . . .Flow for Given Depths Over Each Linear Foot of a Rectangular Weir. ... 24 3. . . .Flow for Given Depths with Crest Three Feet Wide 28 4. . . .Flow for Given Depths Over a Quadrant Weir 32 7.... Flow of Water Per Second Through Rectangular Orifices * * * and Coefficients 69-70 8. ...Flow of Water Per Second Due " Miners' Inches" 80 22. . . .Flow of Water Through Nozzles 167-168 31 .... Limiting Velocities in Open Streams 247 23. .. .Moduli of Strength, Working Load and Safety 172 30 .... Mean Velocity from Central Surface 240 32 .... Miscellanies 249-252 24. .. .Number, Thickness and Weight of One Square Foot of Sheet Iron 184 27.... Open Streams Flow of for Coefficients of Roughness n=.012, n=.017, n=.025 and n=.035 219 -226 29.... Relations of Depth, Base and Slope of Bank 229 5. . . .Square Roots, Cubes of Square Roots and Fifth Powers of Square Roots of Numbers 65 6. . . .Square Roots of Numbers 66-67 17.... Velocities and Quantities of Flow in Clean Iron Pipes Due Given Slopes and Diameters 134-143 18 .... Velocities in Pipes and Corresponding Inlet Heads . . . .' 151 1. . . .Weir Coefficients ." 22 WNWERS1TY OF PRINCIPLES OF HYDRAULICS. The term hydraulics was originally applied to water pipes, or to the conveyance of water through pipes. It is now used in a wider sense to designate that branch of engineering which treats of water in mo- tion, the means of measuring, conveying, and raising it, and its application to machinery as a prime motor. The source of this motion is the force of gravity a force which acts indiscriminately upon every parti- cle of matter, and impresses upon each particle at every instant the same degree of velocity in vacuo. The fundamental principles or laws of hydraulics then, are those of uniformly varied motion. 'These, with respect to a body falling from rest through a certain hight in vacuo, are as follows : 1st The velocities acquired are proportional to the times elapsed since the beginning of the motion. 2d The spaces fallen are proportional to the squares of the times elapsed. 3d These spaces or hights are proportional to the. squares of the velocities acquired at the end of each. 4th The velocity acquired at the end of the first 2 PRACTICAL HYDRAULICS. unit of time is equal to twice the distance fallen dur- ing this time. The intensity of the force of gravity varies in dif- ferent latitudes, but for most purposes in hydraulic calculations, it may be regarded constant. The velocity which the force of gravity can gener- ate in a second of time at the surface of the earth, is usually designated by g, and is termed acceleration of gravity. Its value, as given in Rankine's Applied Me- chanics, p. 485, for Lat. 45 at sea-level, is g. Thus #=32.1695 feet. (1) For the most part in practice # = 32.2. In case a high degree of accuracy is required, the ob- lateness of the earth, the latitude and elevation of the place at which the value of the force of gravity is sought, have to be considered. The formulas involving these elements (the two for- mer deduced from numerous pendulum experiments made in various parts of the world), are given in Rankine's Applied Mechanics, pp. 485-486, as follows: =20,887,540 feet (l + 0.00164 cos 2A (2) g=g(l 0.00284 cos 2&) (l 2 ) (3) In which R denotes the earth's radius at the lo- cality of observation, I the latitude, g' the force of grav- ity at sea-level, in Lat. 45, and g the force of gravity for the elevation above sea-level in the given Lat. 1. The PRACTICAL HYDRAULICS. o factor M } in the second member of equation (3) is readily obtained from the well-established proposition that the gravity of a body varies inversely as the square of the distance from the center of the earth. If in a given latitude I, g denote the force of gravity at sea-level, and g" the force of gravity at an eleva- tion, h, there will result: g=g (l_*) (4) y V \ R) When h=Q, it is obvious that in equations (3) and (4), the factor (l ^)=1. When Z=45, cos 21=0. Whence, (2), #^20,887,540 feet3956 miles. (2 ) Example 1. What is the value of the force of gravity at Presidio, San Francisco, in latitude 37, 47', 48", at sea-level? Calculation. Employing formula (3). Find cos 2 (37, 47', 48",)=0.2488. Substitute this value, namely, 0.2488. and the value of #'=32.1695, of equation (1) in equation (3), ob- serving that &=0, #=32.1695 (10.00284X0.2488). Whence, #=32.1468 ft. Answer. Ex. 2. In latitude 37, 47', 48", as in Ex. 1, what is the force of gravity at an elevation of 2 miles? Cal.WQ find from (2) and (2,). #=3956 (1+0.00164X.2488). Whence, #=3957.6 miles. 4 PRACTICAL HYDRAULICS. Substituting this value of R and the value of g as x 2 x 2 \ found from Ex. 1, inequation 4, #" = 32.1468 (l 3 ^r ) Reducing #"^32.1144. Ans. Ex. 3. Required the force of gravity at an eleva- tion of two miles above sea-level at the equator. Col. When 1=0, find cos 2J=1. Substituting this value of 21 in eqs. (2) and (2J, and reducing, .R--= 3962.5. Substituting the value of R=-- 3962.5, the value of cos 2Z=1, the value of #'=-32. 1695, and the given value of h 2 miles in formula (3), #=32.1695 ( 10.00284") (l } \ ) \ S962.5/ Whence, #--32.0457. Ans. Remark. Had we made R= 4000 in the preceding examples, it would in no case have varied the result to exceed .0003. We may, therefore, without sensible error, regard the radius constant and equal to R=- 4000. These refinements, with respect to variations in the force of gravity under different conditions, though highly important in establishing a standard of measurement, and in various scientific investigations, yet for the most part are little applied in practice. Reverting to the subject of the laws of varied mo- tion, it will be noted that the velocity acquired by a falling body at the end of the first second of time, is double the hight which the body has fallen during that time. A body then, in vacuo, falls during the first second of time 16.1 feet, or more accurately, 16.085 in Lat. 45. PRACTICAL HYDRAULICS. O Denote in seconds, the times of a falling body in vucuo by the consecutive numbers: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, etc. Then, according to the 2d law, the hights of the fall are proportional to the squares of these times; thus 1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36, 49, 64, 81, etc.; and, accord- ing to the 3d law, the hights are proportional to the squares of the velocities acquired during these times. If the hight of fall, as found by law 2d, due any given time, be taken from the hight of fall due this time increased by one second, the remainder will be equal' to the space fallen during this increment of, one second. Thus the hights, so fallen in the natural order of times, are 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, etc. EXAMPLES AND CALCULATIONS. Ex. 4. How many feet will a body, as water in vacua, fall during the 5th second of its descent? Gal. By the foregoing it will be seen that the fall during the 1st second is 16.1 feet nearly, and during the 5th second is 9 times as much ; Hence, 16.1 X 9-144.9 feet. Ans. Ex. 5. What distance will water fall in vacuo in 5 seconds? Gal. Note in accordance with law 2d, that a body 6 PRACTICAL HYDRAULICS . falls 25 times as far in 5 seconds as it does in 1 second ; hence, 16.1X25=402.5 feet. Ans. In further illustration: Gal. Note that the hights fallen respectively dur- ing each second of the given time of 5 seconds, are 1, 3, 5, 7, 9. The sum of which is 25, as found in the preceding calculation; hence, 16.1X25=402.5 feet. Ex. 6. "What will be the velocity of water falling, in vacuo, at the end of the 5th second? Gal. Observe that, according to the 1st law, the velocity is 5 times as great at the end of the 5th sec- ond as it was at the end of the first that is, 2X 5=10; hence, 16.1X10=161. feet. RULES WITH RESPECT TO THE RELATIONS OF SPACE, TIME, VELOCITY, AND THE FORCE OF GRAVITY, INVOLVED IN THE FALL OF A BODY, AS WATER, IN VACUO. The velocity given to find the head or distance the ivater has fallen. Rule 1 . Divide the square of the given velocity by twice the acceleration of gravity that is, by 64.4. Ex. 7. The velocity is 150 feet per second. What is the head or distance fallen? Cal 150X 150-^-64.4=349.4 feet nearly. Ans. To find the head or distance water will fall in a given time PEACTICAL HYDRAULICS, t Rule 2. Multiply the square of the time in sec- onds by 16.1 feet. Ex. 8. What distance will water fall in 4 seconds? tfaZ. 4X4X 16.1= 257.6 feet. Ans. The time given to find the velocity of water fatting freely. Rule 3. Multiply the time in seconds by the accel- eration of gravity, namely, 32.2 feet. Ex. 9. What velocity does water acquire in falling 7 seconds? (7aZ. 32.2X7=225.4 feet. Ans. The head, or distance of water fallen freely, given to find the acquired velocity. Rule 4. Extract the square root of twice the pro- duct of the head and the acceleration of gravity, or multiply the square root of the given head by the square root of twice the acceleration of gravity that is, by 8.025. Ex. 10. What velocity will water acquire by fall- ing freely 196 feet? In other words, with what ve- locity will it flow under a pressure or head of 196 feet? Cal. Square root of 196 feet is 14 feet: Then 14x8.025-112.35 feet. Ans. PRACTICAL HYDRAULICS. The velocity being given to find the time which a body, as water, has fallen. Rule 5. Divide the given velocity by the acceler- ation of gravity, viz., 32.2 feet. Ex. 11. The velocity is 322 feet per second. What is the time fallen? Cal 322-^32.2=10 seconds. Ans. To find the time required for water to fall freelij through a given distance. Rule 6. Extract the square root of twice the given distance, divided by 32.2, or, in other words, divide the square root of the given distance by the square root of one-half the acceleration of gravity that is, by 4.012. Ex. 12. What time will water require to fall freely a distance of 144 feet? Cal. The square root of 144 feet is 12 feet: Hence, 12-^-4.012=3 seconds nearly. Ans. Determination of these laws of hydraulics by analysis. To determine these laws let h represent the head or distance in feet, through which the water acts, or has fallen in a given time denoted by ; let v represent the velocity acquired at the bottom of this head or dis- tance fallen, and let g denote the acceleration of PRACTICAL HYDRAULICS. gravity that is, the velocity which the force of gravity can generate in a second of time at the sur- face of the earth. Then the expressions for velocity and acceleration of gravity will be: (5) dt ^ } and 0=! (6) Eliminate dt from (5) and (6); - (7) 9 Integrating (7), fc= (8) Integrating (6), v^cjt (9) Combining (5), and (9), dh^gtdt (10) Integrating (10), h = ~ (11) Combining (9), and (11), fc=~ (12) Reduce (7), as to v, v=i/w-=i/lXi/h (13) Divide (9) by g, t=- (14) ^ Reduce (11), as to t t t=\/ ' h~^V\ (^) By inspection it will be seen that in the text, the given rules and the enunciations termed laws are de- rived from these formulas, or are but expressions for 10 PRACTICAL HYDRAULICS. them ; and that the relations of space, time, velocity and force of gravity are more clearly expressed by formula than it was possible to do by words. To facilitate this inspection, the following references to the different forms of expression, but equivalent in meaning, are given. Thus: Laws. Rules. Formulas. 1st. 3d. (9), v=gt. 2d. 2d. (11), . . ' ft= 3d. 1st. (8), h= 9 - 4th. Modification of (12), v=2fc-5-l Sec. 4th. (13), reduced from (8), v=i/zjh 5th. (14), reduced from (9), t-= 6th. (15), reduced from (11), *= J- \ g The value of g being substituted in these formulas, every possible question with respect to the free fall of water or other body can be answered. The formula of most frequent occurrence in hy- draulics corresponds to the 3d law, 1st rule, and is denoted in the column of formulas above by (8) that is, h-. This formula, reduced with respect to v, is denoted by (13); v=i/ii=i/Xi/A=8.025i/ji, in which forms it frequently occurs in works in en- PRACTICAL HYDRAULICS. 11 gineering. In this, or these formulas, v is termed the velocity due to a given hight, h, and h the hight due to a given velocity, v that is, v denotes the distance which water flowing freely under a pressure of h feet in hight, will pass over in one second of time at the bottom of this hight, h, which velocity is the same, as water falling freely through the hight, h, would acquire at its bottom. FLOW OF WATER THROUGH OPENINGS. Openings are of two classes the submerged and the weir. An opening having its top, as shown at B, Fig. 1, beneath the water's surface, AD, is termed a sub- merged orifice ; an opening having an open top, as shown at C, the crest, in Fig. 2, is termed a weir. In both, the form of outlet, for the most part in prac- tice, is rectangular. This is more especially true with respect to weirs.. In Fig. 1, representing a vertical section through a FIG. I. FIG. 2. rectangular opening, conceive the opening, BC, com- posed of horizontal fluid layers indefinitely thin. 12 PRACTICAL HYDRAULICS. Let - horizontal length of opening. & =AB head with respect to top of opening. h = AC head with respect to bottom of opening. #=head additional to h, and due any horizontal fluid layer indefinitely thin in the opening BC. dx= thickness of such fluid layer. v= velocity due (h-\-x) per second. Q= discharge of water in cubic feet per second. Then by (13), v=(2g) $ (h+x) * (16) dQ=l (20) i (h+x) i dx. (17) Integrating (17), between the limits of x==Q, and x=h h--=EG. (18) Equation (18), expresses the quantity of water, in cubic feet, which will flow through a submerged ori- fice under the general conditions imposed. It is, however, alike applicable to weirs. For, by making &=0, there results: (19) which expresses the quantity of water in cubic feet that will flow over a weir under the general condi- tions imposed. The true mean velocity of a stream through the submerged orifice under the given conditions, is, (20) PRACTICAL HYDRAULICS. 1.3 Some hydra ulicians assume that the mean head is equal to the distance between the surface and the mid- dle of the submerged orifice; hence, deduce that the mean velocity is by (13), Comparing (20), and (21), omitting the common factor (2#)i (22) In refutation of the assumption that the mean ve- locity of a stream of water flowing from a sub- merged orifice, takes place at the middle of the open- ing, the following illustrations are presented. By substituting the respective values of the given heads and vertical widths in equation (22), there result: When the vertical width is equal to one-half the head above it, the velocity is found one- sixth of one per cent too great ; when it is equal to the head above it, the velocity is found one-half of one per cent too great; When it is equal to twice the head above it, the velocity is found one and one-ninth per cent (.0111) too great; When it is equal to three times the head above it, the velocity is found one and two-thirds of one per cnt (.01645) too great; And when we pass to the limit of the weir, by 14 PEACTICAL HYDRAULICS. making h=0, the velocity becomes six per cent too great. The assumption that the mean velocity takes place at the middle of a rectangular opening, is thus shown erroneous. It may, perhaps, approximate the truth with sufficient accuracy for most practical purposes, when the vertical width of the opening is less than the head above it; but is inadmissible when the width in comparison is greater. The formula obtained on the assumption that the mean velocity takes place at the middle of the open- ing, is commended by its simplicity of expression. But its application, in case the ratio of the head to the vertical opening is large, involves the use of a co- efficient of flow, varying with that ratio. The for- mula so encumbered would evidently be more complex and tedious of application than that, namely (20), which it seeks to evade or displace. Water in motion is subject to resistances, which retard its velocity and diminish its volume of flow. Modifications, therefore, are requisite to be made in the theoretical formulas of hydraulics, so that they shall embrace 'the measure of these resistances, and thereby more fully meet the requirements of practice. These modifications are effected for the most part by coefficients, whose values have been determined by experiment. A coefficient, as here used, corresponds to that part of the theoretical quantity, as velocity and volume, remaining after it has been diminished in amount equal to the loss due resistances overcome. PRACTICAL HYDRAULICS. 15 With respect to the velocity of water flowing through orifices, a multiplicity of experiments, during a period of many years, have been made with extreme care by the ablest hydraulicians. The tabulated results of these experiments, differing with respect to head and size of opening, vary from .572 to .795. If the theoretical velocity of water flowing through a rectangular opening with thin sides or lips be taken as a unit, then will an average of the experiments referred to, closely approximate .62. This fraction is very generally adopted that is, for the entire opening, the theoretical velocity is, to the average experimental velocity, as 100 to 62. Let it not be inferred that the actual velocity of the flowing water is 62 per cent of the theoretical ve- locity. Water, in flowing from a reservoir, ap- proaches the opening or outlet in convergent lines. This convergence continues a short distance beyond and outside the outlet, as shown at M M /? Fig. 1, where occurs the minimum cross section of the stream, and where the velocity is nearly equal to the theoreti- cal velocity. The area of the outlet being taken as the unit, the area of this cross section is equal to .637, while the velocity of the stream at this point is equal to .974 of the theoretical velocity. The co- efficient of discharge there is equal to the product of these coefficients of cross section and velocity. Let c=this coefficient of discharge; Then c= .637 X .974^.62 nearly. (23) 16 PRACTICAL HYDRAULICS. In weir openings, the experiments of J. B. Francis, C. E., make c=.622. The top contraction seems to have no separate coefficient in the formula volume. C, the coefficient of discharge, is also the coefficient of average velocity, at and for the entire opening, but not as hitherto remarked for obtaining the actual ve- locity, as it occurs at M M y , Fig. 1. Introducing this coefficient (.622), or modifier, (2^)^ into equations (20) and (21), and making (%i)^=8.026 as found, there results, (25) TO DETERMINE THE VELOCITY OF WATER FLOWING THROUGH A RECTANGULAR OPENING. Rule 7. From the square root of the cube of the head of water on the bottom of the opening, subtract the square root of the cube of the head on the top of the opening. Divide the remainder by the difference of these heads, and multiply this quotient by 3.33, the product will be the required velocity.^ Rule 7. Corresponds to equation (24). Rule 8. Multiply the square root of one-half the PRACTICAL HYDRAULICS. sum of the respective heads on the top and bottom of the opening, by 4.99. Rule 8. Corresponds to equation (25). Ex. 13. In a rectangular opening, the head on the top of the orifice is 2.25 feet, and on the bottom of the opening is 4 feet. What is the average velocity of the flow of water at the outlet? Gal. by Rule 7, or formula (24). Square root of the cube of the head on the bottom of the opening (4)i~=8; Square root of the cube of the head on the top of the opening (2.25)1=3.375. Difference between heads 4 2.25=1.75. Thus: 3.33 (8. 3.375)-^-1.75=8.8 feet. Ans. Gal. by Rule 8, or formula (25). Half sum of given heads (4+2.25)^-2=3.125; 4.99 times the square root of this quotient. 4.99 (3.125)^=8.814 feet. Ans. Dividing the result obtained under Rule 8 by result obtained under Rule 7. 8.814-5-8.8=1.0016, It is seen that in this case, Rule 8, corresponding to formula (25) gives a velocity nearly one-sixth of one per cent too great. 18 PRACTICAL HYDRAULICS. TO FIND THE AVERAGE VELOCITY OF WATER FLOWING OVER A WEIR. Rule 9. Multiply the square root of the head over the crest by 3.33. Rule 9 corresponds to formula (24) by making the head on the top nothing. Rule 10. Multiply the square root of one-half the head over the crest by 4.99. Rule 10 corresponds to formula (25) by making the head on the top nothing. Ex. 14. In a rectangular outlet, open top, the head on the bottom of the opening is one foot. What is the average velocity of the flow? Gal. By Rule 9. Square root of the given head (1)^=1. Then 3.33X 1=3.33 feet. ^s. Gal. By Rule 10. Square root of one-half the given head: (.5)i=.7072. Then 4.99X .7072=3.53 feet. Ans. Dividing result obtained under Rule 10 by that ob- tained under Rule 9, 3.53-^3.33=1.06. It is hereby seen that Rule 10 gives a velocity six per cent too great. PEACTICAL HYDRAULICS. 19 Substituting the values, of (2^)2=8.025, and c=. 622 of (23) in (18). Q=3.33Z (hph* (26) When hQ, (26) becomes Q=3.33Z h* (2T) Formula (26) is adapted to finding the discharge of a rectangular submerged orifice, and formula (27), the discharge of a weir. In the latter case, when the depth of water on the crest exceeds three inches, and does not exceed two feet, and the length of weir is not less than three times this depth, J. B. Francis, C. E., a most eminent experimentalist, determined by care- ful experiments made on a large scale, and under the most favorable circumstances, that the loss by means of end contraction, is equal to one-tenth the depth of water over the weir for each such contraction. Introducing this modification in (27) and there re- sults: Q=3.33 (0.1 nh)hl (28) In which n denotes the number of end contractions- For a weir one foot in length with water one foot deep, Nystrom's Mechanics makes the coefficient 3. 135 instead of 3.33. TO FIND THE DISCHARGE OF WATER OVER A WEIR, WITH CORRECTION MADE FOR DEPTH ON CREST. Rule 11. Deduct from the length of the weir, one- 20 PRACTICAL HYDRAULICS. tenth the depth of water over the crest, for each and every end contraction -(usually two) ; multiply the cor- rected length so found by 3. 33 times the square root of the cube of the depth or head of water on the crest. Ex. 15. The length of weir being 3.01 feet, cut in two-inch planks, and the full depth h, over the bot- tom of the notch 1.023, what is the discharge in cubic feet per second? Gal. By Rule 11. Loss in this case by two end contractions: 1.023X.2=.2046. Corrected length: 3. 01. 2046=2. 8054 feet. Square root of the cube of the given head: (1.023)1=1.085; hence, <2=3.33x2.8054Xl.035=9.67 cubic feet. Ans. Working this example by the weir formula given in Weisbach's Mechanics, whence the example is taken, there results: Q=10.22 cubic feet flow per second, which is five and two-thirds per cent more than obtained by Rule 11, derived from the formula in accordance with ex- periments of Francis. This discrepancy would seem to arise mostly from the correction introduced in our rule to compensate for end contraction. PRACTICAL HYDRAULICS. 21 The length of weir being 3.01 feet, and the depth of water on crest .545 feet, the discharge by Rule 11 or formula (28) amounts to 3.887 cubic feet per sec- ond, and by Weisbach's formula 4.253, which latter is nine and one-half per cent greater than obtained by Rule 11, or formula 28. Again, the length of weir being 3.01 feet, and the depth of water on the crest .189 feet, the discharge per second, by Rule 11, amounts to .8133 cubic feet, and by Weisbach's formula . 753 cubic feet, which latter is nearly seven and one-half per cent less than the discharge obtained by Rule 11 or formula (28). In the foregoing examples, the length of weir, the respective depth of water on the crest, and the cor- responding coefficient of discharge, are given as the data and results of actual experiments made by W. R. Johnson, editor of the first American edition of Weis- bach's Mechanics. The experiments of Professor Johnson are entitled to great consideration. Those of Mr. Francis, how- ever, from which formula (28), or Rule (11) is derived, were conducted on a large scale with extreme care and with the aid of the most improved mechanical appli- ances, so as to commend their results as the best authority known at present in 'weir measurement. In addition to the variation expressed by the factor (/ O.Inh) in formula (28), the coefficient of dis- charge is found to vary with the , head or depth of water 'on the crest of the weir. 22 PRACTICAL HYDRAULICS. To compensate for this variation, Table 1 is given, to be used with formula (28). TABLE I. WEIR COEFFICIENTS. Water Supply- Engineering J. T. Fanning. Depth in}}; t Coefficient 12 1.000 3.339 1 .083 3.263 14 1.167 3.339 .124 3.274 16 1.333 3.340 2 .167 3.285 18 1.500 3.339 3 .25 3.301 20 1.667 3.339 4 .333 3314 24 2.000 3.338 6 .500 3.329 30 2.500 3.334 8 .667 3.336 40 3.333 3.331 10 .833 3.338 48 4.000 3.317 1 in Depth m }- f '. j ieezj. Coefficient The mean coefficient, as given in formula (28), is 3.33. The maximum, as seen by Table 1, is 3.34. The mean coefficient 3. 33 corresponds to the depths 523 feet and 8.42 feet. A comparison shows that the mean coefficient is three-tenths of one per cent (.003) less than the maxi- mum, two per cent greater than that corresponding to a depth of one inch or 0.083 feet; four- tenths of one per cent (.004) greater than that due a depth of four feet; and nine-tenths of one per cent greater than due a depth of one-fourth of a foot. The greatest variation occurring in the coefficient of discharge for different depths, between four feet and one-fourth of a PKACTICAL HYDRAULICS. foot, is seen to be below one per cent. An equal vari- ation, for the most part, in practice, is likely to occur from various other causes, and too often elude the ob- servation of the engineer. Ex. 16. The length of a weir being six feet, and the full depth of water over the crest two inches, what is the discharge per second? Col. By formula (28) modified by Table 1. Loss in this case by two end contractions. 2inches=.167feet; . 167 X.2=. 0334. 6 .0334 5.9666 corrected length. 3 (.167)^=. 06824, square root of cube of given head. 3.285 coefficient as per Table 1, due head of two inches. <2=3.285X5.9666X. 06824=1.307 cu. feet. Ans. Ex. 17. The length of weir being 10.8 feet, and full depth of water over crest four feet, what is the discharge per second? Cdl.By formula (28) modified by Table 1. 10.8 4 X- 2=10 corrected length of weir. (4)^=8, square root of cube of given head. 3.317=coefficient as per Table 1, due head of four feet. Q=3. 317X10X8=265. 36 cubic feet. Ans. 24 PRACTICAL HYDRAULICS. , TABLE II. Flow for given depths over each linear foot of a rectangular weir. Head. Feet. Flow Cubic Feet. Head. Feet. Flow Cubic Feet. Head. Feet. Flow Cubic Feet. .04 .0261 .46 1.0386 .2 4.3904 .05 .0365 .48 1.1072 .3 4.9506 .06 .0480 .50 1.1771 .4 5.5311 .07 .0604 .52 1.2483 .5 6.1341 .08 .0737 .54 1.3209 .6 6.7558 .09 .0881 .56 .3951 .7 7.3987 .10 .1035 .58 .4724 .8 8.0516 .11 .1195 .60 .5506 .9 8.7317 .12 .1369 .62 .6286 2.0 9.4399 .13 .1536 .64 .7080 2.1 10.1460 .14 .1718 .66 .7888 2.2 10.8694 .15 .1906 .68 .8705 2.3 11.6189 .16 .2102 .70 .9599 2.4 12.3850 .17 .2303 .72 2.0380 2.5 13.1668 .18 .2512 .74 2.1237 2.6 13.9649 .19 .2726 .76 2.2118 2.7 14.7783 .20 .2951 .78 2.2996 2.8 15.6067 .22 .3407 .80 2.3883 2.9 16.4501 .24 .3882 .82 2.4788 3.0 17.3086 .26 .4377 .84 2.5699 3.1 18.1809 .28 .4892 .86 2.6620 3.2 19.0676 .30 .5445 .88 2.7557 3.3 19.9687 .32 .593:' .90 5.8500 3.4 20.7953 .84 .6572 .92 2.9463 3.5 21.7194 .36 .7158 .94 3.0432 3.6 22.6568 .38 .7761 .96 3.1409 3.7 23.6074 .40 .8384 .98 3.2395 3.8 24.5710 .42 .9020 LOO 3.3390 3.9 25.5472 .44 .9717 1.1 3.8522 4.0 26.5360 To obviate the use of a formula so encumbered, Table 2 has been computed. In which the 1st, 3d and 5th columns represent the heads or depths in feet, from the level of still water to the crest; the 2d, PRACTICAL HYDRAULICS. 25 4th and 6th columns represent the quantities dis- charged per second, for the given depths over each lineal foot of weir. These quantities are the products of the unit length, cubes of the square roots of the given depths, and their respective variable coefficients found in Table 1. If Q t denote the tabulated quantity, so discharged per lineal foot, h t , the given head, and c y , the variable coefficient due that head, then we shall have the formula by which Table Q, has been com- puted, viz.: e t =e,fc*. (29) Multiplying (29) by (I 0.1 nh), the factor for cor- recting length of weir as in (28), and putting Q equal discharge over a weir whose length is three or more times the depth of water on crest, and there results: Q=Q t (l0.1nh,)=:c,'(l0.l nh)h? (30) WHENCE TO FIND THE DISCHARGE OF WATER OVER A WEIR WITH CORRECTIONS MADE DUE VARIABLE COEFFI- CIENT, AND DEPTH ON CREST. Rule 12. Deduct from the given length of the weir one-tenth the depth of water on the crest, for each and every end contraction, and multiply the length so corrected by the quantity in "flow" column opposite the given head in Table 2. Rule 12 is derived from Eq. 30 middle right hand member employed. The extreme right hand member 26 PRACTICAL HYDRAULICS. of the same equation expresses the value .of Q in terms of the corrected length, and the head and the variable coefficient as found in Table 1. This, in fact, is the modified formula of (28), by which examples 16 and 17 were solved. Ex. 18. The depth of water being two feet over a crest seven feet in length, what is the discharge? Col. By Rule 12. 7 2 X- 2=6. 6 feet, corrected length, BY TABLE 2. 9.4299 cubic feet= discharge due head of two feet. Whence, 9.4399x6.6=62.30 cubic feet. Ans. Cat. By formula (30), extreme right hand member. 7_2x.2=6.6 feet, corrected length. (2)t=2.8284=square root of cube of depth. 3.338=coefficient by Table 1, due head of two feet. Q=3.338X6. 6X2.8284=62.32 cubic feet. 4ws. The calculation in which Table 2 is employed, is seen to be much shorter and far more simple than that in which Table 1 is employed. Weirs are usually constructed with horizontal crests and vertical ends, forming a notch, through which the flow of water is measured in its passage from a reser- voir, or other storing place; or in its passage over a submerged dam across a flume, canal or natural stream. A weir should be free from vibration. Its crest and ends should be chamfered on the down- stream side to an edge say one-tenth of an inch PEACTICAL HYDEAULICS. 27 thick. Its upstream face should be vertical, and its downstream face, so inclined or fashioned as not to resist the flow of water. On the upstream side, the depth of water below the level of the crest should be fully twice as great as the head of water on the crest. The head or depth is the vertical distance, as AC, Fig. 2, between the crest and the level of still water at a point some distance above the weir, as at a. In ordi- nary practice, the head is measured with a common rule or linear measuring scale, from the top of a post, P, in Fig. 2, set level with the crest. If greater accu- racy is required, the "Boy den Hook Gauge" should be employed. Care must be taken that the flow over the weir shall not be affected by the approaching stream. The area of the weir opening should not exceed a fifth part of that of the supply stream. With proper care in taking the data, the weir affords very accurate means of measuring the flow of water. This, taken in connection with the weir's simplicity and facility of construction, cheapness and wide appli- cation, renders it of great practical importance, es- pecially to those concerned in the measurement of flow- ing water, in places of difficult access. A temporary dam, in illustration, built across a natural stream, with a crest board firmly fitted, level and vertically width- wise to the dam's top, makes a good measuring weir. In flumes and canals, measuring weirs can obviously be constructed with equal facility. The weir crest being about three feet wide and level, with a rising incline to its receiving edge, Mr, 28 PRACTICAL HYDRAULICS: Francis offers the following formula, for approximate measurements, for depths between six and eighteen inches: (2=3.01208 &/ (31) As this formula is somewhat complicated, the writer would present Table 3, computed from it, which will be found far simpler and less tedious of application. TABLE 3. Plow for given depths over each lineal foot of weir, with crest three feet wide. Head. Flow Cubic Feet Head. Flow Cubic Feet Head. Flow Cubic Feet 6 inches. 7.5 " 9 1.043 1.467 1.939 10.5 inches 12 " 13.4 " 2.445 3.012 3.607 15. inches. 16.5 " 18 4.238 4.903 5.601 The depth or head being given. TO FIND THE FLOW OF WATER OVER A WEIR WHOSE CREST IS THREE FEET WIDE. Rule 13. From "flow" column, opposite the give** head, in Table 3, take the number representing the discharge in cubic feet over one lineal foot, which multiply by the given length of the weir. PEACTICAL HYDBAULICS. 29 Ex. 19. The head being 15 inches, and the length of weir, whose crest is three feet, being ten feet, what is the approximate discharge in cubic feet per second? Gal. In Table 3, in "flow" column, opposite 15 inches, given head, find 4.238 cubic feet. Whence, 4.238x10=42.38 cubic feet. Ans. TBIANGULAB WEIBS. A triangular form of measuring weir has been employed with favorable results. To determine the flow of water through a triangu- lar weir: In Fig. 3 let ft~BC represent the head of water in feet, from the apex C to the level, AD, of still water. p~ given ratio between the head, h, and the width of the weir that is, let phAD, EF, or any width taken at pleasure. c= coefficient of discharge. Q= quantity of flow in cubic feet. #=any portion of the head h. 2<7=force of gravity=32.2. v= velocity due (h x). Then in general by (13) will v=c (2g)?(hx) (32) 30 PRACTICAL HYDRAULICS. dQ=pc (2g(hxx dx. (33) Integrating (33) between the limits of a=0 and x=h: C= 2 V cubic feet. (34) QUADRANTAL WEIR. In a quadrantal weir, that is, a weir in which the angle ACD 90 a right angle AD 2EC=2h= ph; hence, p=2. Making c=.616; (20)J==8.025. Substituting these values of pc and (2f/) 3 in (34). Q2.6365 /J per second. (35) If, in (35), k" representing inches be substituted for h, which represents feet, and the unit of time be made one minute, we shall have the following formula, which is attributed to Professor James Thompson, of Glasgow University: Q=0. 317 h"* per minute. (36) If a second be the unit of time, and the head be in inches, we have: Q^. 005385 h"* per second. (37) Professor Thompson having experimented satisfac- torily with the quadrantal weir, pronounces it more simple and reliable than the rectangular weir, in that the ratio between the head of water and the horizon- tal width of notch is constant; in that the flow of PBACTICAL HYDRAULICS. 31 water through it is less effected by the "depth from the crest to the bottom of the channel of approach," and finally, in that the coefficient of discharge is con- stant for different depths. In the experiments of Prof. Thompson, "the volumes of water," says J. T. Fanning, C. E., "varied from .033 to .6 cubic feet per second." From this statement it is deducible that the depths of water varied from two inches to 6.6 inches (see Table 4), though the depths given by Mr. Fan- ning vary from two to four inches. The simplicity of this weir, its cheapness, and the assurances of its superiority, as stated, have induced the computation of Table 4 f or ^practical use. PRACTICAL HYDRAULICS. TABLE 4. Plow of Water per Second over a Quadrant Weir. Head Flow Head Flow Head Flow Head Flow Inch. Cub. Feet [nch. Cub. Feet Inch. Cub. Feet Inch. Cub. Feet 1. .0053 4. .1691 7. .6852 10. 1.6713 .1 .0067 4.1 .1799 7.1 .7100 10.1 1.7134 .2 .0083 4.2 .1911 7.2 .7352 10.2 1.7562 .3 .0102 4.3 .2026 7.3 .7610 10.3 1.7995 .4 .0123 4.4 .2146 7.4 .7873 10.4 1.8435 .5 .0146 4.5 .2270 7.5 .8142 10.5 1.8882 .6 .0171 4.6 .2398 7.6 .8416 10.6 1.9334 1.7 .0199 4.7 .2531 7.7 .8696 10.7 1.9794 1.8 .0230 4.8 9668 7.8 .8981 10.8 20260 1.9 .0263 4.9 7^809 7.9 .9271 10.9 2.0732 2. .0298 5. .2954 8. .9567 11. 2.1211 2.1 .0338 5.1 .3105 1 8.1 .9869 11.1 2.1696 2.2 .0379 5.2 .3259 8.2 1.0177 11.2 2.2187 2.3 .0424 5.3 .3418 8.3 1.0489 11.3 2.2686 2.4 .0472 5.4 .3593 8.4 1.0808 11.4 23192 2.5 .0522 5.5 .3750 8.5 1.1133 11.5 23703 2.6 .0576 5.6 .3922 8.6 1.1463 11.6 2.4222 2.7 .0633 5.7 .4100 8.7 1.1799 11.7 2.4748 2.8 .0693 5.8 .4282 8.8 1.2142 11.8 2.5280 2.9 .0757 5.9 .4468 8.9 1.2489 11.9 2.5818 3. .0824 6. .4661 9. 1.2843 12. 2.6365 3.1 .0894 6.1 .4857 9.1 1.3203 13. 3.2205 3.2 .0968 6.2 .5059 9.2 1.3568 17. 6.2979 3.3 .1046 6.3 .5266 9.3 1.3941 19. 8.3167 3.4 .1126 6.4 .5477 9.4 .4318 23. 13.4089 3.5 .1211 6.5 .5693 9.5 .4702 29. 23.9369 3.6 .1300 6.6 .5915 9.6 .5092 31. 28.2800 3.7 .1391 6.7 .6141 9.7 .5490 37. 44.0128 3.8 .1488 6.8 .6373 9.8 .5890 41. 56.8896 3.9 .1588 6.9 .6610 9.9 .6299 43. 64.0830 47. 80.0420 Table 4 has been computed from formula (37), ID which the head is in inches, and the quantity dis- charged per second is in cubic feet, The tabulated PRACTICAL HYDRAULICS. 33 discharges for depths of water over six inches requires the confirmation of experiment; until that shall be had, however, there seems good reason from the data to regard them approximately correct. APPLICATION OF TABLE 4. Ex. 20. The depth of water in a quadrantal weir being 2.1 inches, what is the discharge over it in cubic feet per second? Q a l t j n "head" column, Table 4, find the given head 2.1 inches, opposite which, in "flow" column, will be found .0338 cubic feet: the quantity sought. To determine the flow of water over a quadrantal weir, the head given being equal to the product of two factors, each designating a head of ivater in Table 4. Rule 14. Multiply the product of the discharges due the factor heads by 189.2. Ex. 21. The head in a quadrantal weir being 15 inches, what is the discharge per second? Cat. Observe that the factors of the given head are three and five: 3X515. By Table 4, flow due 5" head=.2954. By Table 4, flow due 3" head=.0824. Hence, .2954 X. 0824X189. 2 =4. 6054 cubic feet. Ans, 34 PRACTICAL HYDRAULICS. Ex. 22. The head in a quadrantal weir being 42 inches, what is the discharge per second? Gal. Observe that the factors of the given head are six and seven: 6x7=42 inches. By Table 4, flow due 6" head-. 4661. By Table 4, flow due 7" head=.6852. Hence, .4661X.6852xl89.2=60.4258 cubicfeet.- A ns. The application of Rule 14 to depths below 13 inches will be unnecessary; the rule is given to avoid an extended table. EQUILATERAL WEIR. To determine the flow of water over an equilateral weir, EOF, in Figure 3, .make ^9 y. That is when h is the hight of an equilateral triangle, its side or width as in EOF, is EF=ph= -. Substituting this 1/3 value of p in Eq. (33J, there results: Q= 1.52217 /J" per second. (38) Were the head given in inches, and the quantity of flow required in cubic feet per minute, then would Q = 1.77 h* per minute. (39) The heads being equal in the two forms of trian- gular weirs, thus far considered, then will the dis- charge in the equilateral form be to the discharge in the quadrantal form as .57735 is to 1. Hence, to find PKACTICAL HYDEAULICS. 35 by Table 4, the discharge over an equilateral weir, the head being given: Rule 15. Find in Table 4 the discharge due the given head over a quadrantal weir. Multiply the quantity so found by .57735. Ex. 23. The head of water in an equilateral weir is eight inches. What is the discharge in cubic feet per second? Gal. By Table 4, it is seen that the "flow" due the given head, eight inches, is .9567 cubic feet per second. Hence, .9567 X. 57735 =.5524 cubic feet. Ans. In Eq. (34) any value may be given p, as 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, etc., so as to indicate the relations existing between the hight and width of triangular weirs. But since c, the coefficient of discharge, varies with every differ- ent condition imposed, the labor of determining the theoretical flow due any considerable number of such forms would necessarily be barren of practical results. In general let (34) be reduced to its simplest form: Q^Z.Upch?. (40) In which h denotes feet, nd Q cubic feet. If in (40) we make p=2 ^ind c=.616, the formula becomes that of the quadrantal weir, as shown by Eq. (35). If we make p = -r=1.1547, and c = .6!6, the for- mula becomes that of the equilateral weir, as shown byEq. (38.) If we make j>=2]/ 3 ^3.4641, and c = .616, the for- 36 PRACTICAL HYDRAULICS. mula becomes that of a weir, whose apex or angle C=120; Fig. 3. Q-4.5665 h*. (41) And in this manner may special formulas be de- duced from (40), to meet the various requirements of triangular weirs. In theory the results obtained are as they should be ; but in fact, experiment best de- termines in what cases c is constant, and in what variable. TRAPEZOIDAL WEIRS. To determine the flow of water over a trapezoidal weir, let, in Fig. 3, ACD represent a triangular weir, in which GI is a line indicating a division with respect to flow of water over the weir. The flow of the triangular portion, GCI, taken from the entire flow due ACD, there remains that portion of the flow due the trapezoid DAGI. The mean velocity of the water in ACD is' evidently greater than the mean velocity is in DAGI, else the flow in the trapezoid could readily be determined from that of ACD by the simple ratio of these areas. Let, in the present solution, h, p, c, Q, g and v have the same values or functions which they had in the discussion hitherto of triangular weirs. In addition put CL=?i/i; Then BL^ (I n) h, (42) the depth of the trapezoid DAGI. Integrating equation (33) between the limits of a?=0 PRACTICAL HYDRAULICS. 37 and xnh, and there results the flow per second due the triangular portion of the weir GCI. Q=pc (2/)-| (l-)+| (1 n)+ ,,&. (43) Deducting (43) from (34), there remains: -Ti)lAi. (44) Formula (44) represents the discharge due the brapezoid DAGI. y -v . * (44) Ex. 24. The width of a trapezoidal weir being bwo feet, the depth one-fourth (J) of a foot, the sides inclining 45 to the horizon, and the coefficient of dis- charge being .62, required the cubic feet flow over it per second? Gal. Since the width is two feet, and the inclina- tion of the sides 45, were the sides produced down- ward till they meet, the depth of the triangle so formed would be equal to one-half the given width that is, k\ foot, and j9=2. The given depth of weir being J, hence, n(~L J) __ 3 Making substitution of these values in (44), 2 + 3x1=4.25; 38 PRACTICAL HYDRAULICS. (1) *=1. We have Q=1.07x2X.62xl25Xi=7.05 cubic feet. Ans. Ex. 25. The width of a trapezoidal weir being 4.5 feet, the depth one foot, the sides inclining 45 to the horizon, and the coefficient of discharge being .62, re- quired the cubic feet flow over it per second. Gal. 1st. The width being 4.5 feet, and the incli- nation of the sides 45, if the sides be produced till they meet, the depth of the triangle so formed will be 2.25=, feet. 2.251-1.25; 7i^f|-=f; l w = l f = {; p =_2. Substituting these values in formula (44), Q= 1.07X2X6.2 (2+V) (J)*()*=10.946 cubic feet. Ans. Gal. 2d. The bottom width 1.25X2=2.5 feet. Regard the trapezoidal weir made up of a rectangular weir, whose length is 2.5 feet and depth one foot, and of a quadrantal weir, whose width is two feet and depth one foot. Then: The quantities of "flow" are found to be by Table 2, for each linear foot of crest,. 3.339 cubic feet; hence, for 2.5 feet, 3.339x2.58.3475 cubic feet, and by Table 4, for "flow" over a quadrantal weir one foot deep=2.6365 cubic feet. Hence, 8.3475 + 2.6365=10.984 cubic feet. Ans. The discrepancy between the results obtained by the 1st and 2d calculations arises from the different values assigned the coefficients of discharge. PRACTICAL HYDRAULICS. 39 By Gal. 1st the coefficient was taken, as proposed in the given problem, at .62. By Cal. 2d, the coefficient employed in computing Table 2, was taken from Table 1, which will be seen to be 3.339. So that the coefficient of discharge em- ployed in Table 2, was, in fact, 3.39-s-J (8.025)= .6241, instead of .62, as provided in the given propo- sition. The coefficient of discharge employed in com- puting Table 4, was .616, which was deduced from the formula given by Prof. Thompson. Weisbach's Mechanics and Engineering state that the coefficient employed by Prof. Thompson, was .619, while J. W. Stone, C. E., author of Hydraulic Formula, states that it was .617. Cal. 3d. The top width is given 4.5 feet. The bottom width=(2.25 l)X2=-2.5 feet. Mean width By Francis' formula (3.5 .1X2X1)^3.3, cor- rected length. By Table 2, flow over each linear foot, 3.339 cubic feet. Hence, 3.339X3.3=11.008 cubic feet. Ans. This result differs but little from those obtained from more rigorous solutions. FLOW OF WATER OVER TRAPEZOIDAL WEIRS IN WHICH THE LENGTH OF THE CREST IS GREATER THAN THE TOP WIDTH OF THE NOTCH. Let ABCD, Fig. 4, represent a trapezoidal weir 40 PRACTICAL HYDKAULICS. in which the length of the crest AB=& is greater than the width of the water surface CD=t. FIG. 4. Draw CE parallel to DB, and let fall on BA, the perpendicular DG, CF. Then will the rhomboid, ECDB, equal in area the parallelogram FCDG, and the entire weir, ACDB, equal in area FCDG + ACE. Let hthG head or depth of water between the levels of the crest and still water; p=the ratio of the base, EA, to hight, FC, of the triangle, ACE; c= co- efficient of flow; #=any head not greater than h. Then dQ=c (Zg)~*(t + px) x^dx. (45) Integrating (45), observing that QQ, When 05=0, Q=c (2g)*(^t A* + ^> h%). (46) Reducing (46), observing that 6=3 (t+ph), (47) Making bph, =0, that is, closing the top of the weir, at the level of still water, and equation (46) becomes cubic feet. (48) &0 Comparing equations (48) and (34), PRACTICAL HYDRAULICS, 41 0:0 ::!:!:: 8: 2. (49) 48 34 15 15 Equation (49J shows that, with respect to two tri- angular weirs of equal size, the discharging ca- pacity of the weir whose top is closed at the level of still water, as E in Fig. 6, is, to the discharging ca- pacity of the weir whose top is open, as AB in Fig. 5, as 3 is to 2, or 1.5: 1. Table 4 was computed from an open weir, as ABC, Fig. 5. To render it applicable to a closed weir, as DEF : Rule 16. Multiply the tabulated flow due any head given in Table 4 by 1.5. Ex. 26. In a trapezoidal weir, the head between the crest and the level of still water being three (3) inches, the length of the crest two (2) feet, and the width of the opening at water level one and three- fourths (1.75) feet, what is the flow in cubic feet per second when the coefficient of discharge is .62 ? Gal. Head 3 inches=J feet. By formula (47), (J)*=J. Three times bottom width: 2x3=6. Twice top width: 1.75x2=3.5. Whence, 1.07X-62 (3.5+6) =.7878 cubic feet, - Ans. 42 PRACTICAL HYDRAULICS. Ex. 27. In a trapezoidal weir, the head being twelve inches, the bottom width three feet, the top width one foot, and the coefficient of discharge .624, what is the flow of water over it in cubic feet per sec- ond ? By formula (47). Cal.lst. LOT X. 62 (1X2+3X3) Xl=T.'3445 cu- bic feet. Ans. Cat. 2d. Observe that the weir opening, ACDB, Fig. 4, is resolvable into two parts, to wit: the part CDBE, which is equal to the rectangle CDGF, and the triangular part ACE, whose crest is AE, and whose top is closed at C, at the level of still water. Applying, in Example (27), Table 2, to the rectangular part CDGF, substituted for the part CDBE, and Table 4, to the triangular part ACE: By Table 2, due one foot head, one foot crest, 3.3390 cubic feet. By Table 4, due in quadrantal weir with open top, 12-inch head, 2.6365. By Rule 16, 2.6365x1.5=3.9547. Hence 3.3390+3.9547=7.2937 cubic feet. Ans. The discrepancy between calculating 1st and 2d arises from Table 4, in the computation of which .616 on the authority of Prof. Thompson, was em- ployed as the coefficient of discharge, instead of .624, as proposed in the given example. PEACTICAL HYDRAULICS. 43 FLOW OF WATEK OVER A RECTANGULAR WEIR, HAV- ING ITS ANGLES, HORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL, AND ITS UPPERMOST ANGLE ON THE LEVEL OF STILL WATER. Let ABCD, of Fig. 7, represent a rectangular weir, having its vertical angle C, at the level of still water. Through C, draw a horizontal line indefinitely. Produce AB, AD, intersecting this horizontal line in fi and F. Draw A.G=h perpendicularly to EF, and bisecting A. Let AB=m, and AD=7i. It is obvious from the im- posed conditions, that AE=AF=m+7i; that EF= 2GE=2GF=2AG:=2X- that FD=DC=AB=m, and BE=BC=AD=. Observe that in Fig. 7 are represented three open quadrantal weirs, FAE, FDC and CBE, and that the given rectangle ABCD-=FAE FDG -CBE. (50) Denote by Q u the flow of the given rectangular weir. By similar triangles, find the heads or depths as follows; ( mh ) PD= \r\ \m-\-n ) 44 PEACTICAL HYDRAULICS. ( nh ) LB= (52) Substituting these values, and the value of A.G~h in (34), noting that for quadrantal weirs, p=2, (53) If in (53), the general formula for the flow of water through a rectangular weir having its uppermost an- gle vertical at the level of still water, we make m equal n, and substitute the value of (2^)2 =8.025, and c = .616, ^=1.70435^*. (54) In which case the rectangle becomes a square, as represented in Fig. 7, by AIGN. Comparing formula (54) with formula (35), which is for the flow of water over a quad ran tal weir, we have: 1.70435 To determine the flow of water through a square weir, having its uppermost vertical angle at the level of still water. Rule 17. According to formula (54), multiply the square root of the fifth power of the head or depth by 1.70435; or by formula (55), multiply the flow in Table 4 for the given head by .6464. PRACTICAL HYDRAULICS. 45 Ex. 27. The head being 3 inches= J foot in a rec- tangular weir, having its upper most vertical angle at level of still water, what is the flow in cubic feet per second? Cal. 1st. By formula (54). Fifth power of the square root of (J)" 2 ' = jV 1.70435XA=-- 05826 cubic feet.=4m Cal. 2d By Rule 17, second part. By Table 4, flow due 3-inch head =.0824. Then .0824 X. 6464=. 05326 cubic feet. Ana. Ex. 28. The sides of a rectangular weir, with its angles vertical and horizontal being 2 feet and 1 foot, the coefficient of discharge being .62, what is the flow per second? Cal. Employ formula (53). Taking the given data m=2, n=l > Then m + fi 3, and (see Fig. 7), 6.55376. By Table 5, ml=(2)^ By Table 5, (m+w)* = (3)^=15.590. Substituting these values of m" 2 , ri* t /J, (2#)i=8.025, and c=.62. Q, = T 8 y X- 62x8. 025 1559 Whence, Q /y -9.9644 cubic feet. Ans t 46 PRACTICAL HYDRAULICS. FLOW OF WATER THROUGH CIRCULAR AND SEMI- CIRCULAR WEIRS. Let Figs. 8, 9 and 10, represent respectively the circular and semi-circular weirs, Fig. 8 touching the water surface at A, Fig. 9 in a similar manner at B, and Fig. 10 at its diameter CD. Let r feet denote the radius with which the several weirs are described, then in both Figs. 9 and 10 will r denote the head, while in Fig. 8 the head (maximum) will be 2r. Let x in Fig. 8 denote any portion of the head, and Q t the flow in cubic feet, (2#)" 2 ' acceleration of grav- ity, and c coefficient of discharge. Then dQ=2c(2g * 2 (r)i (lffixdx. (56) Integrating (56) between limits of oj-=0, and x=2r, and substituting the value of (20)i=8.025 t Q,=24.2129 crl (57) PRACTICAL HYDRAULICS. 47 Let Q 2 ttie flow in Fig. 9 per second. Integrating (56) between limits of x=0, and x=r, there results the flow in that portion of Fig. 8 represented by FAE, which is equal to HBG, Fig. 9, the discharge sought, viz.: (58) Again in Fig. 10 : Let x denote any portion of the head from A, and Q 3 the flow in cubic feet per second ; Then d Q s = (20)* (r x*fix%da>. (5 9) Integrating (59) between limits #=0, and x=r, and substituting value of (2#)i=8.025, #3-7.6932 crl (60) Comparing equations (60) and (35) and making c=.616, and r=/i, (61) To find by Table 4 the flow through a semi-circular weir: Open at the top as represented by CD Fig. 10. Rule 18. Multiply the flow in Table 4 for the given head or radius by 1.79. See formula (61). The triangle CA 2 D, inscribed in the semi-circular weir, Fig. 10, represents a quadrantal weir whose flow is Q, while the flow of the semi-circular weir CA 2 D is Q 3 . Comparing equations (58) and (35) and making c=.616, and r=h, (62) 48 PRACTICAL HYDRAULICS. To find by Table 4, the flow through a semi-circular weir closed at the top, as represented at B Fig. 9. Rule 19. Multiply the flow in Table 4 for the given head or radius by 2.1568 (62). To find by Table 4 the flow through a circular weir touching the water surface at A as represented in Fig. 8. Comparing equations (57) and (35) and making c=.616, andr=fc, $,=5.6566 Q. (63) Rule 20. Multiply the flow in Table 4 for the head or depth equal to the given radius of the circular weir or opening by 5.6566. See formula (63). Ex 29. In a semi-circular weir, with open top, as represented by Fig. 10, the head or radius is ten inches. What is the discharge in cubic feet per second? Cal. By Table 4 the flow due a head of 10 inches is 1.6713 cubic feet. By Rule 18 we have 1.6713X1.79 = 2.9916 cubic feet. Ans. Ex. 30. In a semi-circular weir or opening with closed top, as represented by Fig. 9, the head or radius being ten inches, what is the flow in cubic feet per second ? Gal. By Table 4 the flow due a head of ten inches is 1.6713 cubic feet. By Rule 19 there results 1.6713X2.1568=3.6047 cubic feet. Ans. Ex. 31. In a circular weir or opening touching the PBACTICAL HYDRAULICS. 49 water surface, as at A, Fig. 8, the radius is eight inches, required the cubic feet flow per second. Gal. 1st. By Table 4 the flow due a head of eight inches is .9567 cubic feet. By Rule 20 we have .9567X56.566=-5:4117 cubic feet. Ans. Gal. 2d. By formula (57) : 8 inches^ f feet. By Table 5, (f)*=^=. 3629 nearly: 24.2129X.616X.3629=5.4117 cubic feet. Ans. FLOW OF WATER THROUGH PARABOLIC WEIRS. Let Figs. 11 and 12 represent parabolic weirs, touch- ing the water surface, Fig. 11, at its apex, A, and Fig. 12 at its inverted base, EF. Let h, in each weir, as AD or HA, denote the head, and let b denote the base, as BD, DO or EH, FH. Let c=the coefficient of discharge. Q 4 = the quantity discharged in cubic feet per second, and (2#)i -=8.025 due gravity. Let a^any part of the head, estimated from A, in Fig. 11. 50 PRACTICAL HYDBAULICS. The equation of the parabola, in which x and y are co-ordinates, is: y*-=2px; whence y = (2px. (64) The equation of flow is: dQ 4 =c (20)i(2p)iadte. ' (65) Integrating (65) between limits x=Q, and x=h; and substituting the values of (2jo)i=p, (2#)i -8.025; (66) Let Q 5 the flow in weir represented by Fig. 12. (67) Integrating (67) between limits o?=0, and # &, and substituting the values of (2p)^= and (2#)i=8.025 ; Q 5 -3.1546 c b h*. (68) Assume any ratio, n, to exist between the base b, and the hight or head, h: As b=nh. (69) Then Q 5 =-3.1546 w h*. (70) This formula is adapted to the finding of the flow of water over both shallow and deep weirs. Thus by PBACTICAL HYDRAULICS. 51 making n successively equal to 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, etc., the represented flow in (76) becomes correspondingly affected. To accomplish a similar result by the semi- circular weir, would be no easy task, requiring the employment of a very intricate and unwieldy formula or extensive table. Making in Eq. 70, n=2, there results: g 5 =r6.3092cfci (71) In this case, bZk, and hence: Comparing equations (71) and (35), and making c = .616, Q 5 =1.4734e. (72) To FIND, BY TABLE 4, THE FLOW OF WATER OVER A PARABOLIC WEIR, WITH AN OPEN TOP THE WIDTH BE- ING EQUAL TO TWICE THE DEPTH OR HEAD. Rule 21. Multiply the flow in Table 4 for the head or depth, equal the given head, by 1.4734. See for- mula (72). Ex. 32. In a parabolic weir, with open top, the head is 11 inches, and the width 22 inches. What is the discharge of water through it in cubic feet per second ? Gal. by Table 4. Flow corresponding to head of 11 inches, 2.1696 cubic feet. Then by Rule 21: 52 PRACTICAL HYDRAULICS. 2.1696X1.4734=3.1967 cubic te&t.Ans. Comparing equations (70J and (35), and making c-:.6l6, (73) To FIND, BY TABLE 4, THE FLOW OF WATER OVER A PARABOLIC WEIR, WITH OPEN TOP THE WIDTH BEING A GIVEN NUMBER, n TIMES, THE HEAD OR DEPTH. Rule 22. Multiply the flow in Table 4, for the head or depth, equal to the given head, by .73705 times the ratio between the given head and width. See formula (73). Ex. 33. In an open parabolic weir, the head being 10 inches, and the width 50 inches that is, 5 times 10 inches (71=0), required the cubic feet flow per second. CalBy Table 4, flow due 10 inches, 1.6713. By Rule 22. 1.6713X .73705X 5=6.1592 cubic feet. Ans. Comparing equations (66) and (35), making b=nh, as in (69), and c=. 616, (74) TO FIND THE FLOW OF WATER THROUGH A PARABOLIC WEIR WHOSE APEX, A, FlG. 11, IS AT THE LEVEL OF STILL WATER. Rule 23. Multiply the flow in Table 4, due the head or depth equal to the given head, by .9375 times the ratio, n, between the given head and width. PRACTICAL HYDRAULICS. 53 Ex. 34. In a parabolic opening or weir, whose apex reaches the surface of still water, the head or depth being 23 inches, and the width 230 inches that is, 10 times 23 inches (n~LQ), required the flow in cubic feet per second. Col. By Table 4, flow due 23 inches, 13.4089. By Rule 23, 13.4089X .9375X 10 =125.71 cubic feet. Ans. FLOW OF WATER THROUGH A SUBMERGED TRIANGULAR OPENING, HAVING ITS VERTEX BELOW TE BASE. Let, in Fig. 13, BCD represent the opening, in which 6=BD, the width at top; h= AE, head on the top of orifice; h t AC, head on its bottom; c=coefti- cient of discharge; (2^f)^=acceleration of gravity; Q=discharge in cubic feet per second; &=any part of EC, estimated from E; a=EC, depth of opening. Then dQ=c (2g)*(h+xdx. (75) 54 PRACTICAL HYDRAULICS. Integrating (75) between the limits x=Q, and x h,h, If in (76), we make h=Q, and b=2a, there results: *. (77) Equation (77), derived from the general equation (76), is seen to be identical with equation (35), for the flow of water over a quadrantal weir. In equation (76), denote the ratio between the head on the bottom and the head on the top of the triangu- lar opening by m; thus -=m, and substitute the h, value of (2#)i=8.025. l (78J To FIND THE FLOW OF WATER THROUGH A SUBMERGED TRIANGULAR ORIFICE, HAVING ITS VERTEX BELOW THE BASE. Rule 24. From J, subtract \ of the ratio of the given heads on the bottom and top of the orifice, and multiply this difference by the cube of the square root of the same ratio; subtract the product from T 2 T ; PBACTIOAL HYDKAULICS. 55 multiply the remainder by 16.05 times the product of the ratio between the depth and width of the orifice, the fifth power of the square root of the head on the bottom, and the coefficient of discharge. Ex. 35. In a submerged triangular orifice, repre- sented by Fig. 13, the head, AC, on the bottom =h = 2.25 feet; the head, AE, on the iop=h=l foot; the width, BD=6=5 feet; the depth EC=a=1.25 feet; and the coefficient of discharge c .616. What is the flow in cubic feet per second? Gal 1st. By formula (78) and Rule 24, derived therefrom : Ratio of heads, ^=m=- s ^ v =%', Difference (H?)=U; Cube of square root of ratio, m~2 (f)" 2 / T . Product of this difference, and the cube of the square root of the ratio of the given heads, ITTT- Difference, -^1^%- Q=16.05X .616X T .VT X ^ X W = 18 - 29 cubic feet. Ans. Gal. 2d. Assuming that the effective head is the mean of the given heads on the top and bottom of the orifice, then will the velocity be as per equation (25) or Rule (8). ^.616X8.025 (*i+*)i=(ii|i)i=6.3 feet per sec- ond. Area orifice=5X 1.25-^2=3.125 square feet. 56 PRACTICAL HYDBAULICS. Discharge equal to the product of the velocity and the area of the orifice, Q=6.3x 3.125=19.69 cubic feet per second. Gal. 3. Assume that the true head is on the center of gravity of the opening geometrically considered, la a triangle, the center of gravity is at the inter- section of right lines drawn from any two angles and Usecting the opposite sides. Its distance, estimated, from an angle, is equal to two-thirds the length of the bisecting line; or estimated from the middle of a side, is equal to one-third the length of the bisecting line. In Fig. 13, AG=//=+f=l + i-|l==1.4167. By formula (13), modified by coefficient ^=.616= 8.025 (1.4167)i=5.8836 feet per second, area of ori- fice, 5X1.25-^2=3.125 square feet. Discharge equal to the product of the velocity and the area of orifice, Q=5.8836X3.125=18.39 cubic feet per second. Comparing these results, it is seen 'that the second is seven and six-tenths per cent (.076) too great, and the third fifty-four one hundredth of one per cent (.0054) too great. The rule generally adopted is, that "in all cases when the center of gravity of an orifice lies at least as deep below the fluid surface as the figure is high," the depth h t (that is, the depth at the center of gravity), of this point may be regarded the head of water. This rule may approximate the truth sufficiently close for ordinary practice, but is not to be employed when a high degree of accuracy is required. PRACTICAL HYDRAULICS, 57 FLOW OF WATER THROUGH A SUBMERGED TRIANGULAR ORIFICE HAVING ITS VERTEX ABOVE THE BASE. Let, in Fig. 14, BCD represent the opening, in which fr=BD, the width at bottom; h=A.C, head or vertex; h J =A'E, head or bottom; a=EC, depth of opening; (2(/^)=acceleration of gravity; c=coefficient of discharge; Q flow in cubic feet per second; x= any part of a EC, estimated from C : (79) Then dQ=c- -(h+x)*x dx. Integrating (79J between the limits x=0, and x=a (80) Denote the ratio between the head on the bottom and that on the vertex by m: h m=-; h=mh r 58 PRACTICAL HYDRAULICS. Substitute the value of h in (80), and the value of (81) a . 15 If in the general equation (80), we make h=0, and b =2 a, there results: Q=*c(2g)*h?, (82) which is identical with formula (48) for the flow of water through a quadrantal weir having its apex at the water's surface. To FIND THE FLOW OF WATER THROUGH A SUBMERGED TRIANGULAR ORIFICE HAVING ITS VERTEX ABOVE THE BASE. Rule 25. From subtract J of the ratio of the head on the bottom to that on the apex of the orifice ; add this difference to the T 2 7 part of the fifth power of the square root of the same ratio; multiply this sum by 16.. 05 times the product of the ratio between the depth and width of the orifice, and the fifth power of the square root of the head on the bottom. Derived from formula (81). Ex. 36. In a submerged triangular orifice, repre- sented by Fig. 14, the head, AC, on the apex=/i=l PBACTICAL HYDRAULICS. 59 foot ; the head, AE, on the bottom=& / 2.25 ; the width, BD=6=5 feet; the depth,. CE=a=1.25; and the coefficient of discharge, c=.616. What is the flow, Q t , in cubic feet per second? Gal 1st. By Rule 25, or formula (81). Ratio of head on bottom to that on apex, ra= h __ l _4 TT- Difference (f- iX|)= Sum Q = 16.05 X T.VB- X .616 X ATT X W - 20. 84 cubic feet per second. Cal. 2d. Assuming that the effective head is the mean of the given heads on the apex and bottom of the orifice, then will the flow be the same as found by Cal. 2d, for Ex. 35, viz., Q=19.69 cubic feet per second. Cal. 3d. Assume that the true head is on the cen- ter of gravity of the opening, geometrically con- sidered. The center of gravity, as shown in Fig. 14, is at the intersection of CE and DF; DF bisecting BC in F. CG:CE::2:3; CG=^; AG=AC + CG='=1 + fxl.25=1.8334. Area of opening=5X 1.25-^-2=3. 125. Q=.616 X 8.025 X (1 .8334)2 x 3. 125 = 20.92 cubic feet flow per second. By inspection it is seen that the result by Cal. 2d 60 PKACTICAL HYDRAULICS. is five and one-half (.055) of one per cent too small, and the result by Gal. 3d is nearly four-tenths (.0039) of one per cent too large. Neither of these empirical methods then would satisfy the requirements of any considerable accuracy. FLOW OF WATER THROUGH A SUBMERGED CIRCULAR ORIFICE. A A FIG. 15. Let, in Fig. 15, EDH represent a submerged circu- lar orifice ; hAC, the head on center ; n angle DOE; r=CD=CE,the radius; A=area; c=coefficient of discharge; ( 2g) 2 = acceleration of gravity; Q=flow in cubic feet; #=any part of r, estimated from C. Then, in general, A=r 2 x\ (83) Differential (83), dA=2xdx. (84) Head at any point, B A y B=A x cos n. (85) PRACTICAL HYDEAULICS. 61 dQ= 2cfi(2^)^i x (l ~^dx. (86) Integrating (86) between the limits x~0, and x=v: r3 cos 3ra 5rt cos 4?i 40/i3 384/1* etc.) (87) Observing that the sum of cosines of a complete circle 2n is=0, and substituting the value of (2g) 2 = 8.025, and n=3.l416 in (87): (88) Making in (88), h=r, Q=-24.2129c r*, (89) which is identical with (57). FLOW OF WATER THROUGH SEMI-CIRCULAR ORIFICES. Let ii 2 the mean of all the cosines of the first quad- rant, and n 2 =the mean of all cosines of the second quadrant; then will the mean of the first and second quadrants vanish. To determine the flow of water through the upper semi-circle of a submerged circular orifice, substitute in one-half of (87), the mean value of cos 7i=ii 2 . Q=12.6056 C rl-----etc. (90) 62 PKACTICAL HYDRAULICS. To determine the flow of water through the lower semi-circle of a submerged circular orifice, substitute in one-half of (87), the mean value of cos n= n 2 . Q=12.6056c AV (l + J^ + ^-^+etc.) (91 Ex. 37. Th? radius of a circular opening is one foot, the head on the center of the opening four feet, and the coefficient of discharge .616. What is the flow in cubic feet per second? Gal 1st. Substituting the values of r, h and c in formula (88), C=25.2113X .616X 2 (1- 105 (TnrxT* = -0019531 \ =.0000191 V = _. 0000004 1 =.0019726. t 1_.0019726=.9980274. Q=i25.2113X.616X2X. 9980274=31. 00 cubic feet. . 2d. Assume that the true head is on the cen- ter of gravity of the opening, geometrically con- sidered; then will the discharge be: Q=.616X8.025X2X3.14l6=31.06 cubic feet. Ans. Ex. 38. The radius of a circular opening is one foot, the head on the center of the opening four feet, and the coefficient of discharge .616. What is the flow in cubic feet per second in the upper semi-circle? PRACTICAL HYDRAULICS. 63 Gal. Substituting the values of r, h and c and ii= 3.1416 in formula (90). =-0530516. =.0019531. .0001245. =.0000020j =.0551312. Q'=12. 6056 X. 616 X 2 X. 94487=14. 6739 cubic feet. Ans. Ex. 39. The radius of a circular opening is one foot, the head on the center of the opening four feet, and the coefficient of discharge .616. What is the flow in cubic feet per second in the lower semi-circle? Gal. Substituting the values of r, h, c and n= 3.1416 in formula (91 J, + 1. 1.0000000 + 12x3 2 1416 =+ .0530516 .0019531 + ^6o7ki4r6 == + .0001245 -1024^256 ~.0000020y .1.0531761 -.0019551=1.051221. Q"=12.6056X. 616X2X1.051221=16.3254 cubic feet. Ans. 64 PRACTICAL HYDRAULICS. The value of Q" might have been readily found as follows: Q"=Q Q'=31.0 14.6739=16.326. It will be noted that formula (91) expressed the dis- charge of water through the lower semi-circle of a submerged lateral orifice, in which the head is on the center ; whereas formula (60) expresses the discharge of water through a semi-circular weir, represented by Fig. 10, in which the head OA is on the bottom, care will need be taken that these formulas be not con- founded. This fact is rendered more apparent by making in (91), h=r, when there results approxi- mately : While with respect to formula (60), Q s =7.693cr*. PKACTICAL HYDRAULICS. 65 TABLE 5. Square Boots, Cubes of Square Roots, and Fifth Powers of Square Roots of Numbers. No. Square Roots. Cubes of Square Roots. 5th Power of Square Roots. No. Square Roots. Cubes of Square Roots. 5th Power of Square Roots. .1 .316 .032 .003 1. 1.000 1.000 1.000 .125 .353 .044 .006 1.25 1.118 1.397 1.747 .15 .387 .058 .009 1.50 1.225 1.837 2.756 .175 .418 .073 .013 1.75 1.304 2.315 4.051 .2 .447 .089 .018 2. 1.414 2.822 5.657 .225 .474 .107 .024 2.25 .500 3.375 7.594 .25 .500 .125 .031 2.50 .581 3.953 9.882 .275 .524 .144 .040 2.75 .658 4.560 12.541 .3 .548 .164 .049 3. .732 5.196 15.590 .325' .570 .185 .060 3.25 .803 5.869 19.041 .35 .592 .207 .072 3.50 .871 6.547 22.918 .375 .612 .230 .086 3.75 .936 7.262 27.232 .4 .633 .253 .101 4. 2.000 8.000 32.000 .425 .652 .277 .118 4.25 2.061 8.761 37.236 .45 .671 .302 .136 4.5 2.121 9.546 42.957 .475 .689 .327 .156 4.75 2.179 10.352 49.174 .5 .707 .353 .177 5. 2.236 11.180 55.901 .525 .724 .380 .200 5.25 2.291 12.029 63.153 .55 .742 .408 .224 5.5 2.345 12.898 70.942 .575 .758 .436 .251 5.75 2.398 13.783 79.281 .6 .775 .465 .279 6. 2.449 14.697 88.181 .625 .791 .494 .309 6.25 2.500 15.625 97.656 .650 .806 .524 .341 6.5 2.550 16.572 107.71 .675 .821 .555 .374 6.75 2.598 17.537 118.37 .7 .837 .586 .410 7. 2.646 18.520 129.64 .725 .852 .617 .448 7.5 2.739 20.539 154.04 .75 .866 .650 .486 8. 2.828 22.627 181.02 .775 .880 .682 .529 8.50 2.915 24.781 210.64 .8 .894 .715 .572 9. 3.000 27.000 243.00 .825 .908 .749 .618 10. 3.162 31.623 316.23 .85 .922 .784 .666 11. 3.317 36.483 401.31 .875 .936 .818 .717 12. 3.464 41.569 498.83 .9 .949 .854 .768 13. 3.606 46.872 609.33 .925 .956 .890 .823 14. 3.742 52.383 733.36 950 .975 .926 .858 15. 3.873 58.094 871.41 .975 .987 .963 .939 16. 4. 64.000 1024.0 66 PBACTICAL HYDRAULICS. TABLE 6. Square Boots of Numbers. No. Square Roots. No. Square Roots. No. Square Roots. No. 1 Square j Roots. .00 1.000 8. 2.828 19. 4.359 95. 9.747 .05 1.025 8.1 2.846 19.2 4.382 96. 9.798 .1 1.049 8.2 2.864 19.4 4.405 97. 9.849 .15 1.072 8.3 2.881 19.6 4.427 98. 9.899 .2 1.095 8.4 2.898 19.8 4.45.0 99. 9.950 .25 1.118 8.5 2.915 20. 4.472 100. 10.000 .3 1.140 8.6 2.933 21. 4.583 102. 10.100 .35 1.162 8.7 2.950 22. 4.690 104. 10 198 .4 1.183 8.8 2.966 23. 4.796 106. 10.295 .45 1.204 8.9 2.983 24. 4.899 108. 10.392 .5 1.225 9. 3. 25. 5.000 110. 10.488 .55 1.245 9.1 3.017 26. 5.099 112. 10.583 .6 1.265 9.2 3.033 27. 5.196 114. 10.677 .65 1.285 9.3 3.050 28. 5.292 116. 10.770 .7 1.304 - 9.4 3.066 29. 5.385 118. 10.863 .75 1.323 9.5 3.082 30. 5.477 120. 10.954 .8 1.342 9.6 3.098 31. 5.568 122. 11.045 1.85 1.360 9.7 3.114 32. 5.657 124. 11.136 1.9 1.378 9.8 3.130 33. 5.745 126. 11.225 1.95 1.396 9.9 3.146 34. 5.831 128. 11.314 2. 1.414 10. 3.162 35. 5.916 130. 11.402 2.1 1.449 10.1 3.178 36. 6.000 132. 11.489 2.2 1.483 10.2 3.194 37. 6.083 134. 11.576 2.3 1.517 10.3 3.209 38. 6.164 136. 11.662 2.4 1.549 10.4 3.225 39. 6.245 138. 11.747 2.5 1.581 10.5 3.240 40. 6.325 140. 11.832 2.6 1.612 10.6 3.256 41. 6.403 142. 11.916 2.7 1.643 10.7 3.271 42. 6481 144. 12000 2.8 1.673 10.8 3.286 43. 6.557 146. 12.083 2.9 1.703 10.9 3.302 44. 6.333 148. 12.166 3. 1.732 11. 3.317 45. 6.708 150. 12.247 3.1 1 761 11.1 3.332 46. 6.782 155. 12.450 3.2 1.789 11.2 3.347 47. 6856 160. 12.649 3.3 1.817 11.3 3362 48. 6.928 165. 12.845 3.4 1.844 11.4 3.376 49. 7.000 170. 13.038 3.5 1.871 11 5 3.391 50. 7.071 175. 13.229 3.6 1.897 11.6 3 406 51. 7.141 180. 13417 3.7 1.924 11.7 3.421 52. 7.211 185. 13.601 3.8 1.949 11.8 3.435 , 53. 7.280 190. 13.784 3.9 1.975 11.9 3.450 54. 7.348 195. 13.964 PKACTICAL HYDRAULICS. 67 TABLE 6. CONTINUED. Square Roots of Numbers. No. Square Roots. No. Square Roots. No. Square Roots. I Square Roots. No. 4. 2.000 12. 3.464 55. 7.416 200. 14.142 4.1 2.025 12.1 3.479 56. 7.483 205. 14.318 4.2 2.049 12.2 3.493 57. 7.550 210. 14.491 43 2.074 12.3 3.507 58. 7.616 215. 14.663 4.4 2098 12.4 3.521 59. 7.681 220. 14.832 4.5 2.121 12.5 3.536 60. 7.746 225. 15.000 4.6 2 145 12.6 3.550 61. 7.810 230. 15.166 4.7 2.168 12.7 3.564 62. 7.874 235. 15.330 4.8 2.191 12.8 3.578 63. 7.937 240. 15.492 4.9 2.214 12.9 3.592 64. 8.000 245. 15.652 5. 2.236 13. 3.606 65. 8.062 250. 15.811 5.1 2.258 13.2 3.633 66. 8.124 260. 16.125 5.2 2.280 13.4 3.661 67. 8.185 270. 16.432 5.3 2.302 13.6 3.688 68. 8.246 280. 16.733 5.4 2.324 13.8 3.715 69. 8.307 290. 17.029 5.5 2.345 1 14. 3.742 70. 8.367 300. 17.320 5.6 2.366 14.2 3.768 71. 8.426 310. 17.607 5.7 2.387 14,4 3.795 72. 8.485 320. 17.889 5.8 2.408 14.6 3.821 73. 8.544 330. 18.166 5.9 2.429 14.8 3.847 74. 8.602 340. 18.439 6. 2.449 15. 3.873 75. 8.660 350. 18.708 6.1 2.470 15.2 3.899 76. 8.718 360. 18.974 6.2 2.490 15.4 3.924 77. 8.775 370. 19.235 6.3 2.510 1 15.6 3.950 78. 8.832 380. 19.494 6.4 2.530 15.8 3.975 79. 8.888 390. 19.748 6.5 2.550 16. 4.000 80. 8.944 400. 20.000 6.6 2.569 16.2 4.025 81. 9.000 410. 20.248 6.7 2.588 16.4 4,050 82. 9.055 420. 20.494 6.8 2.608 16.6 4.074 83. 9.110 430. 20.736 6.9 2.627 16.8 4.099 84. 9.165 440. 20.976 7. 2.646 17. 4.123 85. 9.220 450. 21.213 7.1 2.665 17.2 4.147 86. 9.274 460. 21.448 7.2 2.683 17.4 4.171 87. 9.327 470. 21.679 7.3 2.702 17.6 4.195 88. 9.380 480. 21.909 7.4 2.720 17.8 4.219 89. 9.434 490. 22.136 7.5 2.739 18. 4.243 90. 9.487 500. 22.361 7.6 2.757 18.2 4266 91. 9.539 525. 22.913 7.7 2.775 18.4 4.290 92. 9.592 550. 23.452 7.8 2.793 18.6 4.313 93. 9.644 575. 23.979 7.9 2.811 18.8 4.336 94. 9.695 600. 24.495 68 PRACTICAL HYDRAULICS. FLOW OF WATER THROUGH VERTICAL, RECTANGULAR ORIFICES IN THIN PARTITIONS. The assumption that the mean velocity of a stream of water flowing through a vertical rectangular ori- fice is at the middle of the opening, has been shown by equation (22) to be not strictly true. But, owing to its simplicity of application, and its close approxi- mation to the truth, hydraulicians, for the most part, are wont to adopt it, and to correct the error involved by coefficients obtained by experiment. Table 7, derived from Fanning's Hydraulic En- gineering, embraces a w T ide range of coefficients so determined. Thus, it is suited to heads of water from two-tenths (.2) of a foot to fifty (50) feet, and to orifices one foot wide, whose hights vary from four (4) feet to one and one-half (1J) inches. PRACTICAL HYDRAULICS. 69 TABLE 7. Flow of Water per second through rectangular orifices in thin vertical partitions, and the coefficients employed in the computation. Head on Center. Coeffi- cient. 4 feet high; 1 ft. wide Coeffi- cient. 2 feet high; 1 ft. wide. Coeffi- cient. 1 feet high ; 1 ft. wide Coeffi- cient. Ifoot high; 1 ft. wide 0.6 .598 3.72 0.7 .599 4.02 0.8 .613 6.60 .600 4.31 0.9 .613 7.01 .601 4.57 1.0 .614 7 39 .601 4.87 1.25 .619 11.11 .614 8.26 .602 5.29 1.50 .619 12.16 .614 9.06 .603 5.92 1.75 .619 13.13 .615 9.79 .603 6.40 2.00 .618 14,04 .614 10.45 .604 6.85 2.25 .618 14.89 .614 10.96 .604 7.27 2.50 .629 31.92 .618 15.67 .614 11.66 .604 7.67 2.75 .628 33.43 .617 16.43 .614 12.24 .605 8.05 3.00 .627 34.75 .617 17.15 .613 12.78 .605 8.41 3.50 .625 37.54 .616 18.49 .612 13.79 .605 9.08 4.00 .625 40.09 .615 19.74 .611 14.71 .605 9.97 4.50 .623 42.39 .614 20.90 .610 15.58 .604 10.29 5.00 .621 44.55 .612 21.98 .609 16.48 .604 10.84 6.00 .616 48.42 .609 23.96 .606 17.88 .602 11.84 7.00 .612 52.23 .606 25.75 .604 19.23 .601 12.76 8.00 .609 55.29 .604 27.39 .602 20.50 .601 13.64 9.00 .606 58.35 .602 28.98 .601 21.72 .601 14.47 10.00 .604 61.26 .602 30.53 .601 22.88 .601 15.25 15.00 .604 75.09 .602 37.42 .601 28.02 .601 18.68 20.00 .605 86.78 .602 43.24 .601 32.37 .601 21.50 25.00 .605 99.06 .603 48.39 .601 36.19 .601 24.12 30.00 .605 106.46 .603 53.34 .602 39.68 .601 26.43 35.00 .606 115.08 .694 57.35 .602 4288 .601 28.55 40.00 .607 123.13 .605 61.36 .603 45.86 .602 30.53 45.00 .606 130.39 .605 65.14 .603 48.68 .602 32.39 50.00 .609 138.12 .606 67.21 .603 51.36 .602 34.15 Mean. Mean. Mean. Mean. .614 .610 .608 .602 70 PRACTICAL HYDRAULICS. TABLE 7. Plow of Water per second through rectangular orifices In thin vertical partitions, and the coefficients employed in the computation. Head on Center. Coeffi- cient. 9 fett high; 1 t. wide, cu. ft. Coeffi- cient. 6 feet high; 1 ft. wide, cu. ft. Coeffi- cient. 3 feet high; i ft. v ide cu. ft. foeffi- c ent. li feet high; 1 ft. wide, cu. ft. 0.2 .633 .28 0.3 .629 .69 .633 .35 0.4 .614 1.56 .631 .80 .633 .40 0.5 .605 2.57 .615 1.74 .631 .89 .633 .45 0.6 .606 2.83 .616 1.91 .632 .98 .633 .49 0.7 .607 3.06 .616 207 .632 .06 .633 .53 0.8 .608 3.27 .617 2.21 .632 .14 .633 .59 0.9 .609 3.48 .617 2.35 .632 .20 .632 .60 1.0 .609 3.67 .617 2.48 .632 .26 .632 .63 1.25 .610 4.02 .617 2.71 .632 .39 .631 .69 1.50 .610 4.50 .617 3.03 .631 1.55 .630 .77 1.75 .610 4.86 .617 3.27 .631 1.67 .630 .83 2.00 .610 5.20 .617 3.50 .630 1.79 .629 .89 2.25 .610 5.51 .616 3.71 .629 1.89 .629 .95 2.50 .610 5.81 .616 391 .628 1.99 .628 1.00 2.75 .610 6.09 .616 4.10 .627 2.09 .627 1.04 3.00 .610 6.36 .615 4.27 .627 2.18 .627 1.09 3.5 .609 6.36 .615 461 .625 2.35 .625 1.17 4.00 .609 7.32 .614 4.92 .624 2.50 .624 1.25 4.5 .607 7.75 .613 5.21 .622 2.65 .622 1.32 5.00 .606 8.16 .611 549 .620 2.78 .620 1.39 6.00 .604 8.91 .609 5.98 .615 3.03 .615 1.51 7.00 .603 9.61 .606 6.43 .611 3.24 .611 1.62 8.00 .602 10.25 .603 6.84 .607 3.45 .609 1.71 9.00 .602 10.86 .602 7.25 .605 3.64 .607 1.83 10.00 .601 11.44 .601 7.62 .603 3.83 .606 1.92 15.00 .601 14.01 .601 9.34 .603 4.69 .607 2.36 20.00 .601 16.18 .602 10.80 .604 5.42 .607 2.72 25.00 .602 18.10 .602 12.08 .604 6.06 .608 3.05 30.00 .602 19.84 .603 13.47 .604 6.64 .609 3.35 35.00 .602 21.44 .603 14.31 .605 7.18 .610 3.62 40.00 .603 22.94 .604 15.32 .606 7.68 .611 3.79 45.00 .603 24.35 .604 16.26 .606 8.16 .613 4.12 50.00 .604 25.68 .605 17.16 .607 8.61 .614 4.35 Mean. Mean. Mean. Mean. .606 .611 .620 .622 PEACTICAL HYDRAULICS. An inspection of Table 7 discloses that the coeffi- cient of flow is variable, both with respect to the head of water and form of orifice. Thus, the orifice being ' 'four feet high," the maxi- mum coefficient .629, is due a head of 2.50 feet ; thence the coefficient gradually diminishes to . 604, as the head increases to 10 feet; thence is constant to 15 feet: thence gradually increases to .609, with the in- crease of the head to 50 feet. In the other given orifices, variations obtain, but to a less extent. With respect to the variation of coefficients arising from the form of orifice, it will be seen, by running the eye horizontally to the right, from and for any given head, that the values of the coefficients diminish as the hights of the orifices decrease from four feet to one foot, and increase as the hights of the orifice de- crease from one foot to one and one-half (1J) inches. In illustration take several heads, as 3, 10, 25, 50 feet, and the coefficients due the several forms of orifice. Head. Feet. 4'xl' Coef. 2'xl' Coef. li' x 1' Coef. 1'xl' Coef. 9" x 1' Coef. 6x1' Coef. 3" x 1' Coef. H'xl" Coef. 3 10 25 50 .627 .604 .605 .69 .617 .602 .603 .fi6 .613 .601 .601 .603 .605 .601 .601 .602 .610 .601 .602 .604 .615 .601 .602 .605 .627 .603 .604 .607 .627 .606 .608 .614 72 PRACTICAL HYDRAULICS. TO FIND THE FLOW OF WATER IN CUBIC FEET PER SECOND THROUGH VERTICAL RECTANGULAR ORIFICES IN THIN VERTICAL PARTITIONS BY TABLE 7, THE HEAE ON CENTER AND SIZE OF OPENING BEING MADE. Rule 26. In "head on center" column, Table 7, find the given head, opposite which, in column headed by the given hight of orifice, will be found the flow for an orifice one foot wide, which multiply b}^ the given width in feet. Ex. 40. The head being ten feet, and orifice four feet wide and nine inches high, what is the flow per second? Cal. In column "9" high 1 foot wide," opposite 10 feet in "head on center" column, will be found 11.44 cubic feet, which, multiplied by four feet, the given width, gives: 11.44X4=45.76 cubic feet. Ans. The heads, sizes of orifices, and the computed flow of water given in Table 7, will be found highly con- venient for ready reference in a great number of cases, but are seen to be too limited to fully meet the re- quirements of practice. Indeed, a table sufficiently ample for that purpose would be too un wieldly for use. The general formula for the low of water per sec- ond through vertical rectangular orifices in thin par- titions, is: (92) In which Q denotes the flow in cubic feet ; c, coefficient PKACTICAL HYDRAULICS. 73 of discharge; a, the area of the orifice in square feet; and ti, the head on the center of the orifice: h! is equal to the half sum of the respective heads on the bottom and top of the orifice, as seen in equation (21). In case the hight of the orifice and the head on its top are given, then h r is equal to the sum of the given head and half the hight of the opening; or if the hight of the opening and the head on its bottom are given, then h r is equal to the difference between the given head and half the hight of the orifice. TO FIND THE FLOW OF WATER IN CUBIC FEET PER SECOND, THROUGH VERTICAL RECTANGULAR ORIFICES IN THIN PARTITIONS. * Rule 27. Multiply 8.025 times the square root of the head on the center of the orifice, by the product of the area of the orifice and the coefficient of discharge. Rule 27 corresponds to formula (92). With respect to the "square root of the head," and "the coefficient of discharge," contemplated in Rule 27, it will be remembered that Table 6 gives the square roots of numbers likely to be required, and Table 7, the coefficients of discharge. In finding a proper co- efficient of discharge, in case the given hight of orifice is found in Table 7, the coefficient corresponding to that hight and to the given head is to be employed; but in case the given hight of orifice is an inter- mediate, or lies between the hights contained in the 74 PRACTICAL HYDRAULICS. table, its coefficient will need be computed. The tabulated coefficients are, in fact, ordinates of curves, determined by experiment. In determining these intermediate ordinates or co- efficients between any two adjacent hights in Table 7, as 4 feet and 2 feet, 1.5 feet and 1 foot, no appreciable error will occur by substituting a right line for a curve. The determination of the intermediate coeffi- cients will then be effected by arithmetical differences. In illustration: let it be required to find the coefficient due a head of 2.5 feet, and orifice 3.5 feet high. Now 3.5 is between the adjacent hights, 4 and 2 feet, in Table 7. The respective coefficients due a head of 2.5 feet are .629 in "4 feet high" column, and .618 in "2 feet high" column. Difference of hights, 42=2 feet. Difference of greater and given hights, 4 3.5 .5 feet. Quotient of these differences, 2-v-.5 4 divisor. Difference of coefficients, .629 .618=. Oil Arithmetical difference sought, .Oll-j-4=.003 nearly. Coefficient due 3.5 feet, .629 .003=.626 The intermediate coefficients corresponding to 3 feet and 2.5 feet are now readily found. Thus: Coefficient due 3 feet, .626 .003=.623 Coefficient due 2.5 feet, .623 ;003=.620 EXAMPLES AND CALCULATIONS. Ex. 41. An orifice is 3,5 feet wide, 1.25 feet high PRACTICAL HYDRAULICS. 75 and the head on its center is 7 feet. What is the flow in cubic feet per second? Cal By Table 6, square root of 7 feet=2.646. By Table 7, coefficient due 7 feet; for orifice, 1.5 feet high=.604; for orifice, 1 foot high^ .601. Difference of tabulated hights, 1 . 5 1 = . 5 Difference of greater and given hights, 1.5 1.25=. 25 Quotient of these differences, . 5 -=- .25 2 div . Difference of coefficients, . 604. 60l=.003 Arithmetical difference, .003-^-2=.0015 Coefficient due 1.25 feet, .604 .0015=. 6025 Area of orifice', 3.5X1.25=4.375 square feet. Flow=8. 025 X . 6025 X4. 375 X 2. 646=55. 97 cubic feet. Ans. Ex. 42. Given the head on the bottom of a rec- tangular orifice 12 feet, the head on its top 11 feet, and the width of orifice 4 feet, what is the flow in cubic feet per second? Cal. Head on center =^=11. 5 feet. By Table 6, square root of head on center =3. 391 feet. Hight of orifice=12 11=1 foot. By Table 7, coefficient due head of 11.5 feet, and orifice 1 foot high =.601. It will be observed that the coefficient is constant for head from 10 to 1 5 feet, inclusive. Area of orifice=4Xl=4 square feet. Flow=8.025X.60lx4x3.391=65.42 cubic feet. Ans. 76 PRACTICAL HYDRAULICS. Ex. 43. The head on the top of a rectangular ori- fice 6 inches high and 6 feet wide being 7.25 feet, what is the flow in cubic feet per second? CaL Half the hight of orifice 6"-*-2= 3" .25 feet, Head on center =7. 25 + . 25=7.5 feet. By Table 7, coeflicient due head of 7 feet=.606. Coefficient due head of 8 feet=.603. Mean coefficient on that due 7.5 feet=.6045. By Table 6, square root, 7.5 feet 2.739. Area of orifice, 6X .5=3 square feet. Flow=8. 025 X .6045 X 3 X 2.739=29.89 cubic feet. Ans. Ex. 44. The head on the bottom of a rectangular orifice 9 inches high and 3 feet wide, being 15.875 feet, what is the flow in cubic feet per second ? CM. Half the hight of orifice, 9"-^2=4.5"=.375 feet. Head on center =15. 97 5 .375=15.6 feet. By Table 7, coefiicient due head of 15.875 feet, and orifice 9" high=.601. Observe that the coefficient is constant from 10 feet to 20 feet, inclusive. By Table 6, square root of 15.6=3.95 feet. Area of orifice=3X.75=2.25 square feet. Flow=8.025X. 601X2.25X3. 95=42.86 cubic feet. Ans. The preferable unit for measuring the flow of water is 1 cubic foot, but so widely is the "miner's inch," employed in California as a unit of measure, that we cannot well pass it in silence. PRACTICAL HYDRAULICS. 77 "MINER'S INCH." The term "miner's inch" is employed to express that quantity of water which, under a given head or pres- sure, as 4, 7, 9, etc., inches, will flow through each square inch of a discharge opening ; or, in other words, which will flow through each square inch of cross sec- tion of a stream of water. The quantity of water so flowing in a minute, an hour, 24 hours, etc., is designated minute inch, hour inch, 24:-hour inch, etc., according to the length of time specified. STATUTORY MINER'S INCH. Under the head, "Water Rights," the Civil Code of the State of California, Sec. 1415, provides in these words, "That he (the locator) claims the water there flowing to the extent of (giving the number) inches, measured under a four-inch pressure." On this data, the value of the statutory miner's inch, the mean coefficient of discharge being in prac- tice .6216, is as follows: For one second (second inch), 0.02 cubic feet. For one minute (minute inch), 1.20 cubic feet. 78 PRACTICAL HYDRAULICS. For one hour (hour inch), 72.00 cubic feet. For 24 hours (24-hour inch), 1728 cubic feet. If a cubic foot be divided by the flow in one sec- ond, there will result the number of miner's inches whose discharge is equal to a cubic foot per second. Thus, 1^-. 02=50 statutory miner's inches; that is, fifty statutory miner's inches are equal to one cubic foot flow per second. NORTH BLOOMFIELD, ETC., MINER'S INCHES. At the North Bloomfield, Milton and Columbia Hill hydraulic mines, the water is measured in its flow through a rectangular orifice 50 inches long, 2 inches wide, and under a pressure of 7 inches on the center of the opening. The flow per square inch of orifice, for 24 hours, due this head, as given me by Hamilton Smith, Jr., C. E., formerly chief engineer of the North Bloomfield Works, and president of the Miners' Association, is 2230 cubic feet; of which the coefficient of discharge is found to be .6064. Mr. Smith's ex- periments made with a module of equal dimensions under a 7-inch head, at Columbia Hill in 1874, found, as stated by Aug. J. Bowie, Jr., M. E., in an article entitled "Bowie on the Measurement and Flow of Water," found the value of the 24-hour inch to be 2260.8 cubic feet, and the coefficient of discharge to be .616. Mr. Bowie, in the article referred to, gives, in PBACTICAL HYDRAULICS. 79 addition, substantially the following data, with respect to the SMARTSVILLE MINER'S INCH. Hight of orifice, 4 inches; head on center, 9 inches; value of 24-hour inch, 2534.4 cubic feet; coefficient of discharge, .6078. SOUTH YUBA CANAL INCH. Hight of orifice, 2 inches; head on center, 6 inches. And with respect to a series "of experiments made by himself at La Grange with an orifice 12 inches high, 12.75 inches wide, under a pressure of 6 inches on the top of the orifice, or head of one foot on the center. The mean of which experiments gave as the value of otfe miner's inch for 24 hours, 2159.146 cubic feet; effective coefficient of efflux, .5905. The flow through this module was assumed equal to 200 miner's inches. A comparison shows that these coefficients of dis- charge approximate closely those given in Table 7, obtained on equal data. The results of these experi- ments also clearly show that the value of a coefficient of discharge depe.nds, among other things, upon the form of the module. In illustration, the module be- 80 PRACTICAL HYDRAULICS. ing 50 inches long, 2 inches wide, the coefficient of discharge is found to be .5905. Should we estimate the effect of the difference between the given heads (7 inches and 1 foot) on the coefficients of discharge, there would result .5885 instead of .5905. The variety of values comprised in the term, miner's inch, as employed in California, is often a source of no little annoyance and confusion. To aid in overcoming this difficulty, Table 8 prepared from Table 7, is given. Each result so obtained is a mean of the experiments of the world's ablest hydraulicians. TABLE 8. Flow of water through rectangular orifices due Miner's Inches of different values. Head Orifice. | ec. inch Min. inch Hour inch 24-hour 1 Cub. Ft. on Cent. High Wide. Coef. j Flow. F.ow. Flow. inch Flow. Flow j;er Sec. In. In. In. Cub. Feet. Cub. Feet. CuH. Feet. Cub. Pfeet. Miner'sln. 3 2 12. .631 .01758 .055 63.29 1519. 58.87 4 2 12. .631 .02030 .218 73.10 1754. 49.24 5 2 12. .632 .02274 .364 81.85 1964. 43.98 6 2 12. .632 .02490 .494 89.65 2152. 40.15 7 2 12. .632 .02690 .614 96.84 2324. 37.17 8 2 12. .632 .02876 .725 103.53 2484. 34.77 9 4 12. .624 .03011 1.807 108.42 2602. 33.20 10 6 12. .617 .03139 1.883 113.00 2711. 31.85 11 9 12. .609 .03249 1.949 116.98 2807. 30.77 *12 12 12.75 .601 .02562 1.537 92.24 2214. 39.03 *The flow due the given opening, 12" x 12 75" = 153 square inches, divided by 200, has been proposed, as hereinbefore stated, as the standard miner's inch. Its adoption seems to be but local. PRACTICAL HYDRAULICS. 81 EXAMPLES AND CALCULATIONS. Ex. 45. A water right location is made for 6000 miner's inches. What is the equivalent flow in cubic feet per second? Gal. 1st. The statutory miner's inch is estimated, as stated, under a 4-inch pressure. By Table 8, opposite 4 inches in "head on center" column, find 49.24 miner's inches in "1 cubic foot flow per second" column, 6000^-49.24=121.6 cubic feet. Ans. CaL 2d. For the most part in practice, 50 miner's inches measured under a 4-inch pressure, are adopted as 'equal to a flow of one cubic foot of water per sec- ond. This results, as shown in discussing the statu- tory miner's inch, from taking the mean coefficient .6216 for different heads, instead of the tabulated co- efficient .632 for the given 4-inch head. Whence, 6000-^50=120 cubic feet. Ana. Ex. 46. In a water right claim of 5000 miner's inches, measured under a 4-inch pressure, are how many North Bloomfield miner's inches miner's inches measured under a 7- inch head? Col. 1st. By Table 8, the value of a second inch, under a 4-inch head, is .0203 cubic feet flow; and the value of a second inch, under a 7-inch head, is .0269 cubic feet flow. 82 PRACTICAL HYDRAULICS. Whence, .0203X5000-^.0269=3773 miner's inches Ans. Cal. 2d. In the discussion of the miner's inch, it has been shown that in common practice the value of the 24-hour inch, under a 4-inch head, is 1728 cubic feet; and under a 7-inch head at North Bloomneld is 2230 cubic feet. Whence, 1728x5000-+- 2230=- 3874 miner's inches. Ans. Ex. 47. In 2000 miner's inches, through a rectan- gular opening 2 inches high, and under a 6-inch pres- sure, as employed at the South Yuba canal, are how many miner's inches flowing through a rectangular opening 4 inches high and under a 9-inch pressure, as adopted at Smartsville? Cal. 1st. As the result will be the same, whether the calculation be made in second, minute, hour, or 24-hour miner's inches, let the 24-hour inch be em- ployed ; then by Table 8, under a 6 -inch pressure through an opening 2 inches high, the value is 2152 cubic feet ; and under a 9-inch pressure through an open- ing 4 inches high, the value is 2602 cubic feet; whence, 2000x2152-^-2602=1654 Smartsville miner's inches. Cal. 2d. Under the heading Smartsville, Bowie "On Measurement and Flow of Water," makes that miner's inch, 2534.4, due coefficient of discharge .6078. instead of .624, as adopted in Table 8. Whence, 2000X2152 + 2534.4=1698 Smartsville miner's inches. Ans. Cal. 3d. Table 8 shows that the coefficient due a PRACTICAL HYDRAULICS. 83 6 -inch head, and opening 2 inches high, is .632, and that the coefficient due a 9-inch head, and opening 4 inches high, is .624. Now, as commonly practiced, the "mean" coefficient .62 would be employed; so that, the result sought would depend upon the square root of the ratio of the given heads, 9 inches=.75 feet, and 6 inches-=.5 feet; thus, by Table 5, .8165X2000=1633 Smartsville miner's inches.- Ans. EXAMPLES AND CALCULATIONS. Ex. 48. The head being 2.25 feet on the center of a circular orifice .0328 feet diameter, what is the dis- charge in cubic feet per second? Gal. 1st. Rule 27 is equally applicable to rectangu- lar and circular orifices. By Table 6 the square root of given head 2.25 feet 1.5 feet. Area of given orifice .0323 feet diameter is equal to the square of the diameter, multiplied by .7854 ; (.0328) 2 X. 7854= .000845 square feet. By Table 9, coefficient of discharge due a head of 2.25 feet, according to Castel, is approximately equal to .673 ; then by Rule 27, .873X8.025Xl.5X. 000845=. 00685 cubic feet. Ans. Cal. 2d. According to Weisbach,the coefficient due a head of 2.25 feet, and orifice .0328 feet diameter, is 84 PRACTICAL HYDRAULICS . approximately .628. Employing this coefficient in- stead of .673, .628X 8.025X1. 5X- 000845=. 00639 cubic feet. Ans. Weisbach observes, that "for square orifices from 1 to 9 square inches area, wrth from 7 to 21 feet head of water, according to the experiments of Bossut and Michelotti, the mean coefficient of efflux is ?7i=.610; for circular ones of from J to 6 inches diameter, with from 4 to 21 feet head of water, m=.6l5." A mean of the coefficients of Table 9 is equal to .62 nearly. In ordinary practice this is employed. When greater accuracy is required, reference will need be had to Table 9. PARTIAL CONTRACTION. Experiments show that if contraction be suppressed, the flow of water through an orifice will be increased accordingly. Let 7i- the ratio between the entire perimeter of an orifice and the part suppressed that is, if p denote the entire perimeter, and p t the part suppressed, then *=? c=coefficient of discharge due perfect contraction. c n coefficient of discharge due partial contraction. #= a number deduced from experiment, which, be- ing multiplied by the product of the ratio, n, and the coefficient, c, gives cxn, the increase due partial con- traction; thus, Cn==c (1+ajw) . PRACTICAL HYDRAULICS. 85 TABLE 9. Coefficients for the Flow of Water through circular orifices. Extracts from D'Aubiussoc, Fannies and Weisbach. OBSERVERS. Diam 1 Heads. Feet. ' Feet. Mariotti 0.0223 5.8712 .0223 25.9120 Castel ! .0328 2.1320 J .0328 1.0168 0492 0.4526 .0492 0.9840 Eytelwine .* 0856 2.3714 Bossut 0889 42640 Michelo^ti | .0889 7 3144 Castel i .0984 05510 Veatari '....! .1345 2.8864 Bossut I .1771 12.4968 Michelotti 1771 7.2160 .2657 73472 .2657 12.4968 .2657 22.1728 .5314 6.9208 .5314 12.0048 Mean. Gen. Ellis 2 1.7677 .2 5.8269 .2 96381 .1 1.1470 .1 10.8819 .1 17.7400 .5 2.1516 I .5 9.0600 .5 17.2650 Weisbach | .0328 2.0000 | .0656 20000 '. I .0984 2.0000 n .1312 2.0000 .0328 .8333 .0656 .8333 .0984 .8333 .1312 .8333 Mean. PRACTICAL HYDRAULICS. An inspection of Table 9 shows that the coefficient of flow for small orifices and for small velocities, is greater than it is for large orifices and for great velocities. It will also be observed that the results of experi- ments differ considerably, though the data employed is approximately similar. Thus Castel finds the coefficient of flow for an ori- fice .0328 feet diameter, under a head of 2.132 feet, to be .673: while Weisbach finds it, for an orifice .0328 feet diameter, under a head of 2 feet, to be .628. Bidone's experiments give, for circular orifices, x= 0.128, and for rectangular orifices, x= 0.1 25. Weisbach's experiments give, for rectangular ori- fices, #=0.134. Weisbach, however, employs for rectangular ori- fices the mean between these results that is, Substituting these values in Eq. (93) there results, for circular orifices: .12871). (94) And for rectangular orifices: (95) PEACTICAL HYDRAULICS. 87 TO FIND THE COEFFICIENT OF DISCHARGE OF PARTIAL CONTRACTION FOR CIRCULAR AND FOR RECTANGULAR ORIFICES. Rule 28. Case 1st The orifice being circular, add 1. to .128 times the ratio of the entire perimeter to the part suppressed, and multiply this sum by the coeffi- cient of discharge of perfect contraction. Case 2d The*" orifice being rectangular, add 1 to 0.143 times the ratio of the entire perimeter to the part suppressed, and multiply this sum by the coeffi- cient of discharge of perfect contraction. Ex. 49. A rectangular orifice being 1 foot wide, 6 inches high, and the head 10 feet, what is the coeffi- cient of discharge if the contraction at one end be suppressed? Gal. By Table 7, coefficient of perfect contraction for the given head and given orifice is -=.601. Part suppressed 6 inches .5 feet. Entire perimeter 1 + 1-J-.5 + .5 3 feet. Ratio of entire perimeter to paTt suppressed / 0. 143 times this ratio ; 0. 143 X V = . 024. Sum of 1 and this product = 1.024. This sum, multiplied by .601, the coefficient of per- fect contraction, .60l)<1.024=- .615, the coefficient of partial contraction.= ^.7is. Ex. 50. A rectangular orifice being 1 foot wide, 88 PRACTICAL HYDRAULICS. 6 inches high, and the head 10 feet, what is the co- efficient of partial contraction if the contraction at both ends be suppressed? Gal. By Table 7, the coefficient of perfect con- traction, for the given head and given orifice, is .601. Part suppressed 6" + 6"=12"=l foot. Entire perimeter, 1 + 1-f .5+.5=3 feet. Ratio of entire perimeter to part suppressed=J, 0.143 times the ratio; 0.143X J=0.048. Sum of 1 and this product= 1.048. This sum, multiplied by .601, the coefficient of per- fect contraction. .601X1. 048=. 630, the coefficient of partial con- traction. Ans. TO DETERMINE THE COEFFICIENT OF CONTRACTION FOR A GIVEN ORIFICE AND GIVEN HEAD OF WATER. Let a=the hight of orifice; & the breadth of ori- fice; ft head of water. And let c, c n , n, p, p t and x have the same offices as assigned them under the heading, "Partial Con- traction;" c 6 =the coefficient of contraction due the breadth. In Table 7, the hights of the orifice vary from 4 feet to 0.125 feet, while the breadth of each orifice is 1 foot. It is evident, if the contraction be suppressed at both ends of any orifice given in Table 7, the con- PRACTICAL HYDRAULICS. 89 traction due the horizontal lips only, each 1 foot in length, will obtain. Now if the lips be increased any given number of times 1 foot, the contraction will be proportionately increased. This being done, if the contraction due the ends be restored, and the result divided by the length of the elongated orifice, or by the given number of times that the lips were increased in length, the quotient will express the mean contrac- tion due 1 foot breadth of the given orifice. For an orifice in Table 7, whose hight is a, and whose head of water is h, if the contraction of both ends be suppressed, the ratio n~~ 2-Ka> an( i the co ~ efficient of partial contraction: Multiplying both sides of Eq. (96) by b, the breadth of the given orifice, restoring the end contraction, 2lil> dividing the result by the breadth 6, substituting c b for left hand member, and reducing, /-. . 2ax \ 2cax /Q7\ Substituting in (97) the values of #=0.143, and c b = c (1 + 14371) ^=s. (98) Rule 29. Find, as by Rule 28, the value of the co- efficient of partial contraction for an orifice of the given hight, 1 foot wide, and having the contraction at both ends suppressed. From the value so found deduct the quotient arising 90 PBACTICAL HYDRAULICS. from dividing 0.143 times the product of the coeffi- cient of perfect contraction, and the ratio of the entire perimeter of the orifice 1 foot wide, to the part sup- pressed, by the breadth, of the given orifice. The re- mainder will be the coefficient of contraction due the given orifice. Rule 29 is derived from formula (98). Ex. 51. A rectangular orifice being 5 feet wide, 3 inches high, and the head of water 3 feet, what is the coefficient of contraction? Gal. By Table 9, the coefficient of perfect con- traction, for an orifice 1 foot wide, 3 inches high, un- der a head of 8 feet, is=.607. Part suppressed=3"+3"=6"==.5 feet. Entire perimeter=l-f-l-{-.5-=2.5 feet. Ratio of entire perimeter to part suppre8sed^~^ fi T = .2; 0.143 times this ratio; 0.143X .2-= .0286. Sum of 1 and this product= 1.0286. This sum, multiplied by .607, the coefficient of per- fect contraction, gives the value of the coefficient of partial contraction, when the contraction of both ends is suppressed, c n =1.0286X.607=-.6244. By Rule 29, 0.143 times the product of the coeffi- cient of perfect contraction, and the ratio of the en- tire perimeter of the orifice 1 foot wide, to the part suppressed, divided by the breadth of the given ori- fice, 0.l43x.2X.607-f 5=.0035; c 6 =.6244 .0035-. 621. Ans. PRACTICAL HYDRAULICS. 91 Ex. 52. A rectangular orifice being 2 feet wide, 4 feet high, and under a head on center of 2.5 feet, what is the coefficient of discharge? CaL By Table 7, the coefficient of perfect con- traction, as determined by experiment, for an orifice 1 foot wide, and otherwise conforming to the given con- ditions, is -=.629. Part suppressed (both ends) 4+48 feet. Entire perimeter, 1 + 1 + 810 feet. Ratio of entire perimeter to part suppressed =^-5- -=.8; 0.143 times this\ratio; 0.143X.8-0.1144. Sum of 1 and this product= 1.1144. This sum multiplied by .629: 1.1144X.629 = .70l. By Rule 29, .0.143 times the product of the coeffi- cient of perfect contraction, and the ratio of the entire perimeter of the orifice 1 foot wide, to the part sup- pressed, divided by the breadth of the given orifice; 0.l43x.8X.629-+-2=-0.036, Cb= . t 701 .036 -=.665. Ans. Formulas (95) and (98), and Rules 28 and 29, based upon the mean results of the experiments of Bidone and Weisbach, give but approximations to the true coefficients sought. They are, however, sufficiently accurate for most cases occurring in practice. Ex- ample 52 is an extreme case.- Yet the coefficient .665, determined from its solution, seems practically correct, or not too large, in presence of the fact that the area of the given orifice is twice as great as that of the tabulated orifice whose coefficient of discharge is .629; 92 PKACTICAL HYDBAULICS. while the perimeter or contracting boundary of the former is to that of the latter as 12 is to 10. Still it is to be admitted that, in determining the coefficient for a given orifice, the result is more satisfactory when the hight of the tabulated orifice employed does not much exceed' its breadth. IMPERFECT CONTRACTION. A G FIG. 16. In the flow of a stream from an orifice, the head of water being nominally still, and the orifice small, in relation to the side of the vessel in which it lies, the contraction is called perfect; the water arriving with considerable velocity at the orifice, as through a con- duit, A G F E, Fig. 16, which cross section varies from 1 to 20 times that of the orifice, the contraction thence is termed imperfect. Let c coefficient of perfect contraction; c n coeffi- cient of imperfect contraction; n ratio of the cross section of the conduit, A G F E, Fig. 16, through A E, to the area of the orifice O; A area of orifice; A, area cross section of conduit. PKAOTICAL HYDEAULICS 93 The values of imperfect contraction given by Weis- bach, as determined by his experiments and calcula- tions, are: 1st. For circular orifices: c n =^c [1 + 0.04564 (14.821" 1) ]. (99) 2d. For rectangular orifices: c n =c [1 + 0.76 (9l)]. (100) Equation (99) for circular orifices is readily resolved into this form : 1^=0.04564 (14.821" 1), (101 ) c And equation for rectangular orifices into this: =^=0.076 (9 n 1). (102) C The length of the conduit or adjunct is assumed to be three times its diameter, or not sufficiently great for the flow of water to be sensibly affected by side friction, as occurs in long pipes. A^ By giving fractional values to n=-r- , or values not A / greater than 1, numerical values corresponding, are f> Q found for the expression - - in equations (101) and (102). In illustration : assume the areas of the orifice equal 94 PRACTICAL HYDRAULICS. to 1 square foot, and the area of the cross section of the conduit, A G F E, equal to 2 square feet; then n= Substituting the value of n in Eq. 102, ^=^-0.076 (941). (103) Now the | power of 9, in other words the square root of 9=3; 31=2; hence ^==^ 0.076X2 -.152, c correction found for n J 0.5, in Table 2. In the computation of Tables 10 and 11, different values from 71-=. 05 the common difference being .05 to Ti 1, are employed. TABLE 10. Corrections of the Coefficients of Plow for Circular Orifices. Weisbach. n 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30 0.35 0.40 0.45 0.50 -* _ 0.007 0.014 0.023 0.034 0.045 0.059 0.075 0.092 0.112 0.134 c H 0. 55 0.60 0.65 0.70 0.75 0.80 0.85 0.900 0.95 1.00 f~lf\A\ =0.641 ! =0.641 n\ c A Whence, (105) To FIND THE COEFFICIENT OF DISCHAEGE UNDER A HEAD OF WATER IN MOTION. Rule 30. Add 1 to .641 times the square of the ratio of transverse sections that of the canal to that of the orifice and multiply this sum by the coeffi- cient of discharge due the given orifice and given head as though it were in still water. Rule derived from formula (105J. TABLE 12. Corrections of the Coefficients of Plow Through Rectangular Orifices Under a Head of Water in Motion. Weisbach. n 10.05 Cn ~ c 00 0.10 0.006 0.15 [0.20 [0.25 0.014|o.026|0.040 0.30 0.058 0.35 0.079 0.40 (0.45 0.1030.130 0.50 0.160 c 1 PEACTICAL HYDKAULICS- 101 Ex. 56. A dam containing a rectangular orifice 5 feet wide, 1 foot high, put across a flume 6 feet wide, raises the water 5 feet in hight above the bottom of the flume, and 3.5 feet above the lower edge of the orifice. What is the discharge in cubic feet per sec- ond ? Gal. 1st. Half hight of orifice=.5 feet. Head on center 3.5 .5=3 feet. Area of orifice 5X1=5 square feet. Cross section of flume, 6 X 5=30 square feet. Ratio of transverse sections ^V~i- Square of ratio () 2 =0.0278. By Table 7. Coefficient of perfect contraction for an orifice 1 foot wide, 1 foot high, under a head of 3 feet is=.605. By Rule 28. Part (both ends) suppressed 1 + 1=2 feet. Entire perimeter (tabulated) =4 feet. Ratio of en- tire perimeter to part suppressed, =.5 ; 0.143 times this ratio; .143X .5=.0715. This sum multiplied by .605, the coefficient of perfect contraction, gives the value of the coefficient of partial contraction when the con- traction of both ends is suppressed. c.=1.0715X .605^.648. By Rule 29. 0.143 times the product of the coefii- cient of perfect contraction and the ratio of the entire perimeter of the orifice 1 foot wide, to the part sup- pressed, divided by the breadth of the given orifice; 0.143x.5X.605-^-5=.009. 102 PRACTICAL HYDRAULICS. Whence, c 6= .648 .009=.639. Substitute the value of c & =.639 for c, and the value of the square of the ratio; () 2 =.0278 informula (105) or employ Eule 30. c n =(l + .64lX.0278)X.639=.650. By Table 6: Square root of given head of 3 feet=1.732. By Rule 27: #=.650X8.025X5xr.732=45.17 cubic feet per second. Ans. Gal 2d. By Table 7: The discharge found for an orifice 1 foot wide, 1 foot high, under a head of 3 feet, is 8. 41 cubic feet per second. If it be assumed that for practical purposes the discharge through the given orifice, 5 feet wide, 1 foothi^h, in Example 56, will be proportionate to the tabulated discharge, there will result : 8.41X5=42.05. Ans. A discrepancy of 3.12 cubic feet, or 7 T 4 per cent. FLOW OF WATER THROUGH SHORT TUBES. Short tubes or adjutages are cylindrical, conical or compound in form. Cylindrical Tubes. The length of a cylindrical UNIVERSITY OF vV "^ PBAOTICAL HYDBAULICS. 103 tube being from 2.5 to 3 times its diameter, the mean coefficient of flow through it as determined by the ex- periments of Bidone, Eytelwine, D'Aubuisson and Weisbach, is .815, while under otherwise similar cir- cumstances, the mean coefficient of discharge through an orifice in a thin plate is .615. The ratio of .815 to .615 is 1.325; that is, the discharge through a short tube of the given proportions (2.6 to 1), is 1.325 times as much as the discharge through an orifice of equal diameter in a thin plate. For practical purposes this ratio may be assumed general in its application with- out material error. Hence, to find the coefficient for a short tube, hav- ing given the coefficient of an orifice in a thin plate, of equal diameter, and under an equal head. Rule 31. Multiply the given coefficient of the ori- fice by 1.325. Ex. 57. The diameter of a short tube length to diameter as 2.6 to 1 being 6 inches, and the head 9.06 feet, what is the coefficient of discharge? CaL Given diameter 6"=. 5 feet. By Table 9, coefficient due orifice, .5 feet diameter, under 9.06 feet head=.602. By Rule 31, . 602 X 1.325=. 798. Ans. In case there are no experiments on which to rely, the mean coefficient .815 is to be employed. Let d== diameter in feet of a cylindrical tube whose length is from 2.5 to 3 times the diameter. &=head of water on center. c=.8l5, coefficient of discharge. 104 PEACTICAL HYDBAULICS. a=.7854c? 2 , area of cross section of tube. (2=discharge in cubic feet per second. Substituting the values of a, c and h=h t in equa- tion (92). Q=.815X8.025X.7854dV*. (106) Whence, Q=5.137dV*. (107) To find the flow of water through a cylindrical tube whose length is from 2.5 to 3 times the diameter. Rule 32. Multiply the square root of the head of water on center by 5.137 times the square of the di- ameter of the tube. Rule 32 derived from equation (107). Ex. 58. A tube being 3 inches in diameter and 8 inches long, and the head of water in the center being 5 feet, what is the discharge in cubic feet per second? Gal. Diameter 3"=. 25 feet. Square of diameter .25X .25=. 0625 square feet. By Table 6: Square root of head, i/ 5 =2.236. Q=5.137X.0625X2.236=.718 cubic feet.=^7is. In case the proportion of length to diameter is much changed, as 1 to 1, the coefficient of flow is nearly the same as that for a thin plate, or if the length be much increased over three times the diame- ter, the coefficient .815 becomes diminished according to the occurrence of friction of the sides of the lengthened tube, which is termed a pipe. Conical Tubes. Conical tubes are convergent or divergent. The outer orifice being smaller than the " PRACTICAL HYDRAULICS. 105 inner, the tube is convergent: but if larger, the tube is divergent. Convergent Tubes. Extensive experiments have been made by D' Aubuisson and Castel on the flow of water through convergent tubes. These were made with tubes of various sizes and proportions; but mostly with those .61 inches diameter at the discharging end, 1 .59 inches at the inlet end, and under a head of water 9.84 feet. The results of their experiments, as stated by Weisbach, are given in the following table: TABLE 13. Coefficients of discharge and velocity for How through conlcally convergent tubes. Smaller diameter=.61 inches. Angle of Convergence Coefficient of Flow. Coefficient of Velocity. Angle of Convergence Coefficient of Flow. Coefficient of Velocity. 0' 0829 0.829 13 24' 0.946 0.963 1 36' 0.866 0.867 14 28' 0941 0.966 3 10' 0895 0.894 16 36' 0.938 0.971 4 10' 0.912 0.910 19 28' 0.924 0.970 5 26' 0.924 0.919 21 0' 0.919 0.972 7 52' 0.930 0.932 23 0' 0914 0.974 8 58' 0.934 0.942 29 58' 0.895 0.975 10 20' 0.938 0.951 40 20' 0.870 0.980 12 4' 0942 0955 48 0' 0.847 0.984 Ex. 59. The smaller diameter of a conically con- vergent tube being 6 inches, the angle of convergence 106 PEAOTICAL HYDEAULICS: 5 26' and the head of water on center 9.06 feet, what is the flow of water in cubic feet per second? Gal. Diameter 6 inches=.5 feet. By Table 9 the coefficient corresponding to the given diameter and head= .602, and coefficient cor- responding to .61 inches on which Table 13 is based =.618. By Table 13 the coefficient corresponding to the given angle of convergence 5 26' is=.924. Ratio of coefficients .602-.618=.974. Then coefficient of flow due the given diameter .924X .974=.900. And cross section of tube . 5 X. 5 X. 7854 1963 square feet. By Table 6, square root of head=y / 9jo6=3.01 nearly. By Rule 27, Q=.900X8.025X. 1963X3.01=4.27 cubic feet. Ans. Divergent Tubes. Experiments show that the flow of water through a shor divergent tube is similar to that in a 'thin plate, the coefficients of which are given in Table 9. In ordinary practice .62 is em- ployed. In case a vacuum is formed in a divergent tube, the flow is greatly increased, so that it may then even ex- ceed the theoretical flow due the force of gravity, through an orifice in a thin plate, whose diameter is equal to that of the smaller diameter of the divergent tube ; in other words, its coefficient of flow becomes greater than unity. The conditions effecting this re- PKACTICAL HYDRAULICS. 107 suit are a high velocity of flow in a tube of small di- vergence, and whose length is several times its smaller diameter. Thus, the smaller diameter of a divergent tube being 1.32 inches, the length 9 times this diame- ter:^ 1.88 inches, the included angle of the tube equal to 5 6', and the head of water 2.89 feet, Ven- turi found the coefficient of flow equal to 1.46, or 2.4 times that of an equal orifice in a thin plate. If the entry end of an otherwise similar tube be bell- mouthed in form, the coefficient of flow estimated for the smaller diameter will evidently exceed that ob- tained by Venturi. The principle of the formation of a vacuum by flowing water at a high rate of velocity, through a divergent tube, and thereby greatly increas- ing the volume of discharge, was known to the ancients. D'Aubuisson states that the application of the principle, at a distance less than 52.5 feet from the public conduits of Rome, by Roman citizens having grants of water, was prohibited by Roman law . TABLE 14. Coefficients of the flow of water through divergent tubes. Length of Lenffth of Angle. Tube. Coefficient. Angle. Tube. Coefficient. Feet. Feet. 3 30' 0.364 0.93 5 44' .193 .82 4 38' 1.095 1.21 i 10 16' .865 .91 4 38' 1.508 1.21 10 16' .147 .91 4 38' 1.508 1.34 14 14' .147 .61 5 44' 0.57 1.02 108 PRACTICAL HYDEAULICS. Ex. 60. In a divergent tube the smaller diameter being .61 of an inch, the length 1.508 feet, the angle included between its sides 4 38', and the head on cen- ter 2.89 feet, what is the volume of flow in cubic feet for 24 hours? Cat. Diameter .61 inches=.0508 feet. By Table 14, mean coefficient of discharge (1 .21 + 1.34)^2=1.275. Area of cross section of tube, . 0508 X- 0508 X. 7854 = .002027 square feet. By Table 6, square root of head 1/^9= 1.7. By Rule 27, volume of discharge per second, Q=1.275X8.025X.002027X1.7=. 03525. In 24 hours are 86,400 seconds; hence, .03525 X 86400=3046.05 cubic feet. Ans. Ex. 61. In a compound tube, Fig. 18, the cylin- drical part, P, is .0853 feet in diameter, 2.0605 feet in length; the convergent part, C, .2559 feet long; the divergent part, D, .7667 feet in length; and the head 2.3642 feet. What will be the discharge in 10 hours? CaL By Table 15, the coefficient of flow due CPD=.905. Compound Tubes. Compound tubes are of various forms. Eytelwine, as stated by J. T. Fanning, after experimenting with cylindrical tubes of uniform diameter and different lengths, placed between them and the reservoir convergent tubes of the form of the contracted vein, and renewed the experiments; then PRACTICAL HYDRAULICS. 109 added to the discharge end a divergent tube with 5 6' angle. Fig. 18. D FIG. 18. In Fig. 18, C represents the conically convergent part of the tube of the form of the contracted vein; P, the cylindrical part of uniform diameter, but of different lengths, and the conically divergent part with 5 6' angle. The results obtained are given in the following table: '% < TABLE 15. Coefficients of the flow of water through compound tubes. Head. Feet. Diameter of P Feet. Liength of Pin Diameter. Length of Pin Feet. Coefficient for P. Coefficient forCP. Coefficient forCPD. 2.3642 0.0853 0.038 0.0033 0.62 2.3642 0.0853 1.000 0.0853 .62 .967 2.3642 0.0853 3.000 0.2559 .82 .943 1.107 2.3642 00853 12.077 1.0302 .77 .870 .978 2.3642 0.0853 24.156 2.0605 .73 .803 .905 2.3642 0.0853 36.233 3.0907 .68 .741 .836 2.3642 0.0853 48.272 4.1176 .63 .687 ;762 2.3642 0.0853 60.116 5.1479 .60 .648 .702 110 PBACTICAL HYDEAULICS. Area of cross-section of tube P, .0853X-0853X .7854=. 005761 square feet. By Table 6, the square root of head 1/21*642= 1.5 4 nearly. By Rule 27, Q=.905X8.025x.0057X1.54=.06367 cubic feet per second. In 10 hours are 3600X10=36,000 seconds; hence, .06367X36000=2292.07 cubic feet. Ans. Divergent and Compound Tubes. These tubes sel- dom find a place in practice. The lessons, however, which they teach, are of interest, and serve to stimu- late the vigilance of the engineer, lest irregularities occurring from design or otherwise, shall elude his ob- servation in matters of importance. PRACTICAL HYDRAULICS. Ill FLOW OF WATER THROUGH PIPES. 'p^f^r :Tx~ft 3) gggZk-J* ft FIG. 19. The flow of water through a pipe is estimated to begin at a point where the stream, after contraction, expands so as to fill the pipe, as at F G, Fig. 19. The part, D F G ; performing the office of a short tube, is, as hereinbefore shown, from 2 .6 to 3 times the diameter of the pipe. The total head, AD, consists of three parts: AB, which generates the velocity ; B C, which overcomes the resistance of entry; and C D, which overcomes all resistances in the pipe, FGE. CE is termed the hydraulic gradient, and is such, if the pipe is running 112 PRACTICAL HYDRAULICS. full, the water will rise to this grade through tubes, as a b, cd and ef. Short and Long Pipes. A pipe, exclusive of the tube portion described, in case its length does not ex- ceed a thousand times its diameter, is termed a short pipe, and in case its length exceeds a thousand times its diameter, is termed a long pipe. Let, in Fig. 19: h=A~D, the total head. h v ==A.l$, the velocity head, or head necessary to generate the velocity v. h e ~B C, the entry head, or head necessary to over- come the resistances of entry. h^=h v +h e = A C, the inlet head, or head necessary to generate the velocity, v, in the pipe, and to over- come the resistances of entry. h f =C D, the head necessary to overcome the resist- ances within the pipe. v=the measured velocity of discharge. ^=the theoretical velocity due the head h t =A. C. c=the coefficient of flow in a short tube (length to diameter as 3 to 1), as determined by experiment. c v =c, the coefficient of velocity, as the stream, after contraction, fills the pipe. c e the coefficient of entry. c y a variable coefficient for the resistances within pipes, as determined by experiment. c=internal diameter of pipe. j=perimeter or internal contour of pipe. a=area of cross section of pipe. PEACTICAL HYDRAULICS. 113 =length of pipe. s=sine of slope. r=hydraulic mean radius. /amount of resistances to flow in the pipe. w= weight of water discharged during the time of resistance to its flow. Then there results: Equation of total head, h=h v + h e + h f . (108) Equation of entry head, h e =h i h v . (109) By equation (8), velocity head, ^ p = . &9 ?; 2 By equation (8), inlet head, h i = f ^. (Ill) 49 Equation of theoretical velocity due inlet head, *,= (112) Substituting the value of v ( of (112) in (111), Substituting the values of h t of (113), and of h v of (110) in (109), (114J Putting c .= | 1^1 (U5) 114 PRACTICAL HYDRAULICS. Substituting c e for J 5 1 j- in (114), K J /> -1 2 (116) The work performed by the weight, w, falling ver- tically by the force of gravity through the distance, hj, in one second, is ~F=wh f , "foot pounds." (117) Experiments show that the amount of resistances occurring from friction of the internal surfaces of a pipe, and from other causes, varies nearly as the s'quare of the velocity, v. Experiments also show that the amount of resist- ances increases directly as the length, I, of the pipe, and inversely as its diameter, d, or hydraulic mean ,. a radius, r= . P The work performed by the force of gravity, in overcoming these resistances, so as to effect the dis- charge of the weight, w, of water with the velocity, v, per second, as first proposed by Chezy, and sub- quently adopted by most authors on hydraulics, is: a in which c f is a variable coefficient whose values are determined by experiment. PBACTICAL HYDEAULICS, 115 v 2 Substituting the value of h v =- of (HO) in (118), and equating (117) and (118), Dividing (119) by w, V=- ( 12 ) Substituting the values of h v of (HO), h e of (116), and h f of 120, in (108), ' Factoring (121), fc=| 1 + c +^}^- Transposing (122) with respect to v, I tgh U a n ( 2 d Hydraulic radius, r== ~ == ~ == ' Substituting I for of (124) in (123), U ,rrw^ (125) Factoring (125), H 1 U - 7l (126) Under the heading, "flow of water through short 116 PRACTICAL HYDRAULICS. tubes," the value of the mean coefficient of discharge has been shown to be c='.815. But c==c w =.815; that is, the coefficient of flow at the inlet orifice of a short tube, is equal to the coefficient of velocity in the pipe, estimating the beginning at that point, where the stream, after contraction, expands so as to fill the pipe . Substituting the value of c t; =.815 in equation (115), c e =.505. (127) Substituting the value of c =.505 in (125), r J In determining the velocity of flow in a pipe, whose length exceeds a thousand times the diameter, the value of (l+c e ) (in 125), being small in comparison with the value of is usually omitted as insignifi- cant;* or, more direct, let equation (120) be transposed 1 with respect to v, and - be substituted for -: x (129 ) c f Substituting s=~, the sine of slope, CED, in (129), Hydraulicians have given different empirical formu- las for the determination of the values of c f . Thus: Weisbach, assuming that the resistance of friction in- PEACTICAL HYDRAULICS. 117 creases simultaneously as the square, and as the square root of the cube of the velocity finds as follows: 3=(4 c,)=0.01439+ _5; whence, Cf== .0057. Ans. 120 PRACTICAL HYDRAULICS. Cat. 2d. By Darcy's formula (132), hydraulic mean radius r=J=-|=J.. Substituting value of r in (132), c/ =.0052. -Ans. Gal 3d. By Table 16, Fanning's: c,=.0047. Ans. Ex. 64. The velocity in a clean pipe 4 feet diame- ter, being 9 feet per second, what is the coefficient of resistance? Gal. 1st. By Weisbach's formula (131), square root of velocity, } /v= l /9=S. Substituting value of ^v in (131), 2=4c/=0.01439 5 ; whence, c/ --=.0050. Ans. Gal. 2d. By Darcy's formula (132), hydraulic mean radius r=.==l. Substituting value of r in (132), c / =.0051. Ans. Gal. 3d. By Table 16, c/ =.0037. Ans. Ex. 65. The velocity in a clean pipe 8 feet diame- ter, being 9 feet per second, what is the coefficient of resistance? PRACTICAL HYDRAULICS, 12X Cat, 1st, By Weisbach's formula (131), square root of velocity, /v=]/9:=3. Substituting value of ]/v in (131), z=^4i ^=0. 01439 4-jL_o_yj_5_5; whence, =4.966 feet, and the value of rirs~ 0.001221, in equation (130) and resolving with respect to the coefficient of resistance, C f=Q. 003188. Referring to Table 16, we find the coefficient of re- PRACTICAL HYDRAULICS. 123 sistance corresponding to a velocity of 5 feet (nearest approximate to 4.966 feet) in a pipe 4 feet diameter, (y=0.0037. Substituting the value of ^=0.0037 in Eq. (130), and resolving with respect to the coefficient of velocity, c, as employed by Mr. Stearns, there results: c=131.9, as compared with 142.11. Mr. Stearns further states, in the paper referred to, as follows : "The experiments of Hamilton Smith, Jr., M. Am. Soc. C. E. (transactions for April, 1883), give curves of coefficients for pipes up to 30 inches diameter. Ex- tending these curves would give for a 48 -inch pipe, with velocity of 5 feet per second, a coefficient of 128, as compared with 142.1 above." " The experiments of S. N. Tubbs, M. Am. Soc. C. E., on pipes of 2 and 3 feet diameter, would give by extending the curves a coefficient about the same as that in the average above." "The experiments of Dr. Lampe, at Danzig, give results somewhat higher than those of Mr. Hamilton Smith, Jr." The formulas applied to Example 3, to find the values of the coefficient of resistance for a 3-inch pipe, give by Weisbach, c/=0.0079. And by Darcy, c,=0.0066. The value by Fanning is . For example, the velocity of flow being 3 feet per second, let it be required to determine the values of c/ due the diameters 30, 36, 42 and 44 inches, between 24 and 48 inches. The hydraulic mean radii of 24 inches and 48 inches, are respectively |=| and =1. By Table 16, the value of Cf due a pipe 24 inches diameter is .0048, and that due a pipe 48 inches diameter is .0038. Substi- tuting these values of r and c/ in Eq, (133), there re- sults ; (134) and m + 7i=. 0038. (135) Subtracting (135) from (134), 7i=.0010 ; (133) Substituting value of n of (136) in (134), m=.0028. (137) The hydraulic mean radii corresponding to the given intermediate diameters, are respectively f , f , | and If Substituting the values of m=.0028, n.QQlQ, and r=f , |, f and \\ in (133), there results for the given diameters : 30", C/ =.0028+ I (.0010)=. 0044; (138) 36", c/=.0028+ 4 (.0010)=. 0041; (139) 126 PRACTICAL HYDRAULICS: 42", c f =. 0028+ 4 (.0010)=.0039; (160) 44", c/=.0028 + H- (.0010)^.0039; (141) to be interpolated as required. Thus, by interpolation, may Table 16 be completed with the approximate values of the coefficient (c/) of resistance. To FIND THE VELOCITY OF WATER FLOWING THROUGH SHORT PIPES. Rule 33. Extract the square root of 64.4 times the given head (total head) in feet, divided by 1.505, increased by the product of the length of the pipe in feet, and the coefficient of resistance coefficient found in and computed from Table 16 due the given di- ameter, divided by the hydraulic mean radius. Rule 33 corresponds Eq. (128). EXAMPLES AND CALCULATIONS WITH RESPECT TO THE FLOW OF WATER THROUGH SHORT PIPES. Ex. 66. A pipe being 1 foot in diameter, 10 feet long, and the head of water being one hundred feet, what will be the velocity of flow per second? Gal. As the pipe is very short, it is evident that a large portion of the head will be expended in gener- ating the velocity. Let it be assumed that not less PEACTICAL HYDRAULICS, 127 than one-half the total head will be so expended. In which case the velocity will exceed 50 feet per sec- ond. Turning to Table 16, we perceive that the co- efficient of resistance due a velocity of 16 feet in a pipe 1 foot diameter is .0049, and that the decrease of the preceding coefficients in the 1 foot diameter col- umn, corresponding to the increase of velocity, is very small. Let, then, the least coefficient in column be taken, c/=.0049. Hydraulic mean radius r=J. Substituting these values of c/=.0049, r=J; also, the values of 2^=64.4, h=lOO feet, and 1= 10 feet in Eq. (128) ; or, in other words, apply Rule 33 : 64.4X100 Whence, v=6l.53 feet. Ans. It will be remembered that equation (128), or Rule 33, is to be employed in finding the velocity when the given length of the pipe is less than one thousand times its diameter. Ex. 67. The head being 10 feet, what will be the velocity of water flowing through a pipe 2 feet in di- ameter and 1000 feet long? Cat. Assume by way of trial that the velocity will be 9 feet per second. By Table 16, the coefficient of resistance due 9 feet velocity in a 2-foot pipe is c/=.0045. Hydraulic mean radius r=|=J. Substituting the values of c/=,0045, r=J, h=10, 128 PRACTICAL HYDRAULICS. =100, and 2 generating the ve- locity, the ratio j TQQO ~ f f 1 80 or n > ^ the an ~ gle of deflection or length of bend, and the coefficient of resistance, corresponding to the ratio of the radius of curvature to the radius of the pipe. Ex. 83. The velocity of water in a pipe 2 inches diameter, is 16 feet per second: what additional head will be requisite to overcome the resistances of a bend in the pipe, whose radius of curvature is 2 inches, and angle of deflection 90? Oal. Head generating velocity, equal to the square 164 PRACTICAL HYDBAULICS. of the velocity, divided by 64.4, as ^=16X16-^-64.4 =3.97 5 v 90 p=i=.5, ratio of given radii; 6=r-Q-Q=J, ratio * loU of 180, to given angle of deflection. By Table 20, the coefficient corresponding to .5, the ratio of radii is .294. Then by Rule 41, 3.975 X J X .294=.584 feet. Ana. V=0. 124+3.104 j^U. (179) In Eq. (179), from which Table 21 is computed, r represents half the width of a rectangular pipe; and R, the radius of curvature of the axis. TABLE 21. Coefficients of Resistance of Curvature in Pipes with Rectan- gular Transverse Sections. r E,"" 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0..7 0.8 0.9 1.0 z /r . . . t.124 .135 .180 .250 .398 .643 1.015 1.546 2.271 3.228 Remark. Rule 41 applies to finding the additional head required to overcome the resistance of curvature of a bent pipe, whose cross section is rectangular, by employing Table 21 instead of Table 20. Total head. Let in general: PRACTICAL HYDRAULICS. 165 represent the additional head requisite to overcome the resistances of n, given bends angular or curved in a pipe, the form of whose cross section is given circular or rectangular. Combining (180) and (122), observing that c=.505 of (127), ^= and 2#=64.4, Ex. 84.- A pipe 1 foot diameter, 500 feet long, has five quadrant or right angled bends: the radius of curvature of each bend is 1 foot; the velocity of water through the pipe is 8. 025 feet per second. What is the total head ? Gal. By Table 16, the coefficient corresponding to a velocity of 8 feet per second in a pipe whose diame- ter is d=l ft., is c/=.0052. Square of velocity divided by 64.4 ; 8.025X8.025 -^-64.4=1. In the present case n r .5 =2.5. Ratio of the given radii, -=.==.5. By Table 20, when-^-=.5, s=-!=.294. Aw Ou Substituting in (181) the values of c,=.0052, d= 1 foot, Z=500 feet, %=2.5, and a; =0 1 =. feet. Ans. 166 PRACTICAL HYDRAULICS. FLOW OF WATER THROUGH NOZZLES. The resistance to the flow of water in conically con- vergent tubes, estimated for the smaller orifice, is less than the resistance in a cylindrical tube with equal orifice. Thus, Table 13 shows that the coefficient of velocity from a tube converging with an angle 3 10' is .894: and that the coefficient for a cylindrical tube of equal diameter is .829. Let t represent this ra- tio: ; j' . .894 -329- Let i> the experimental velocity of water in a cyl- indrical pipe, the ratio of whose diameter to length is as I'-W') v 1 =ihe theoretical velocity in same pipe; cy= coefficient of resistance, varying from .006 to .004; c /l =mean coefficient of velocity with respect to the smaller orifice of the nozzles: c n =t^~ J. (183) Substituting the values of Substituting the .value of df of (195) in (194), . 1085 n w $ c*k \ xt ) Differentiating (196), omitting the constant factor outside the parenthesis, ^ = _^-i + | .-f = 0. (197) doc o A n Reducing (197), x=-f. (198) Decomposing (197) into factors, and differentiating 176 PRACTICAL HYDRAULICS. that factor which reduces to (zero), the second dif ferential becomes: d 2 W 4a- which, being positive, determines that "W is a mini- mum, when x=-^, as found in Eq. (198). o SPECIAL VERIFICATION. To verify, by special example, the correctness of the result, showing that the weight, W, of an in- verted siphon, carrying a given quantity, q, of water, is a minimum, when the head, hf=x=-^-: substitute o the value of #==- , also different values, one greater o and one less than -~-, as x=-n-, and # = - in Eq. o O o (196). For convenience of notation, let / ; =the constant factor outside of the parenthesis. The substitutions being made: ~~3' W=2.971/,a*; (200) \\r-i. Z> a When #,=--, W / =2.989/ / or; (201) PRACTICAL HYDRAULICS. 177 Sa And when x 4t ~-n-a, W y/ =3/>l * (202) Since the literal factors in Eqs. (200), (201) and (202) are identical, the numerical factors in these equations express the relative weights of W, W y and W /; in the given order. These factors conclusively show that the greatest economy is attained in the weight of the siphon, when 4a the value of x-~- t as determined in Eq. (198). o MINIMUM WITH RESPECT TO PRESSURE ; DIAMETER, THICKKESS, AND WEIGHT OF AN INVERTED SIPHON MINIMUM MEAN PRESSURE PER SQUARE INCH. Substituting the value of OS=-Q- in Eq. (191), (203) MINIMUM DIAMETER. a Substituting in (155), the values of x=- of (198), =h f , (204) c,=3.l514-T Y of ( 151 )' and recollecting that ii=h f , 178 MINIMUM MEAN THICKNESS. Substituting the values of fi=-q-, and of d, of (204 1 ) in (192), (205) MINIMUM WEIGHT. Substituting the values of d t of (204), and of t of (205) in (193), (206) In obtaining the value of (206), the inner diameter of the pipe has been employed the same as used with respect to discharge whereas the shell of the pipe being exterior to this diameter, its weight is somewhat greater than represented by the value of W (206), as will readily appear by the following: Let A=area of cross section of pipe with respect to internal diameter. A 7 =area of cross section with respect to external diameter. Then A=5rf,'; (207) PEACTICAL HYDRAULICS. 179 And A--d+2t 2 ==d'+^dt + . (208) Deducting (207) from (208), and decomposing the difference into factors, A A=ftd,*l+-. (209) Farther, the pipe has been regarded seamless, whereas, in most cases, water pipes especially the larger class are constructed with rivets and laps, or bands, whose weight must be added to that of W of (206). Let n= this weight, expressed in form of percent- age; thus: W/-W (l+n). (210) Let W ;/ =the entire weight of pipe, including cor- rections shown by (209) and (210). Then as fid, t only, as respects area of cross section of shell, is involved in the value of W of (206), will (211) If the pipe is very thin, the factor -1 1 + -? r may be omitted; if seamless (l-\-n), will be omitted. TO FIND THE MEAN HYDRAULIC PRESSURE BELOW THE LEVEL OF THE OUTLET. Rule 45. Find in square feet, from the levelling 180 PRACTICAL HYDRAULICS. data, the area embraced, as represented in Fig. 20, within the boundary of the line of pipe, O G C (axis of pipe), and the horizontal line, O C, drawn from the outlet, O, and intersecting the pipe line in C. Divide this area by the length of the line, O C, in feet, the quotient will be the mean hydrostatic ordinate in feet, represented by OA. The length of this ordinate, multiplied by the decimal, .484, will be the mean hydrostatic pressure in pounds sought. Rule 45 corresponds to Eq. (189). TO FIND THE HYDRAULIC HEAD, SUCH THAT THE WEIGHT OF THE MATERIAL EMPLOYED IN THE CON- STRUCTION OF THE PIPE CARRYING A GIVEN QUANTITY OF WATER, SHALL BE A MINIMUM. Rule 46. Divide four times the length of the hy- drostatic ordinate, as found according to Rule 45, by 3; the quotient will be the hydraulic head, CI (Fig. 20), required. Rule 46 corresponds to Eq. (198). Remark. In Fig. 20, I represents the point at which the pressure in the pipe begins. This point de- termined, that of I ; will readily be found, from the levelling data, and will require to have an additional head sufficient only to discharge the given quantity of water at I. PRACTICAL HYDRAULICS. 181 TO FIND THE MEAN ORDINATE, E F, FlG. 20, IN- VOLVING BOTH THE HYDRAULIC HEAD, I, AND THE HYDROSTATIC ORDINATE, 'A O. 47, Divide the sum of the hydraulic head, C I, and twice the hydrostatic ordinate by 2. Rule 47 corresponds to Eq. (190). TO FIND THE MEAN PRESSURE PER SQUARE INCH IN POUNDS FOR THE ENTIRE PIPE. Rule 48. Multiply the mean hydrostatic ordinate, O A, Fig. 20, in feet by the decimal .7234. Rule 48 corresponds to Eq. (203). To FIND THE MINIMUM DIAMETER. Rule 49. The minimum diameter is equal to .5965 times the fifth root of the quotient arising from divid- ing the product of the coefficient of resistance, the length of the pipe and the square of the discharge per second, by the hight of the hydrostatic ordinate, O A, Fig. 20, in feet. Rule 49 corresponds to Eq. (204). 182 PRACTICAL HYDRAULICS. TO FIND THE MINIMUM MEAN THICKNESS. Rule 50. Multiply the fifth root of the product of the coefficient of resistance, the length of the pipe, the square of the discharge per second, and the fourth powfjr of the mean hydrostatic ordinate, O A, Fig. 20, by the quotient arising from dividing 2.5908 by the modulus of the working load or of safety, as shall be required. Rule 50 corresponds to Eq. (205). TO FIND THE MINIMUM WEIGHT. Rule 51. Case 1. The pipe being very thin, mul- tiply the fifth root of the product of the square of the coefficient of resistance, the seventh power of the length of the pipe, the fourth power of the discharge per second, and the cube of the mean hydrostatic or- dinate, A, Fig. 20, by the quotient arising from dividing .4046 times the weight of a cubic foot of the material in the pipe by the modulus of the material. Case 2. The pipe being thick as y\ of an inch or more, and seamless, multiply the result obtained, ac- cording to Case 1, by 1 (unit), increased by the quo- tient arising from dividing the thickness of the shell by the inner diameter. PRACTICAL HYDRAULICS. 188 Case 3. The pipe being thick, as T 3 ^ of an inch or more, and constructed with rivets and laps or bands, multiply the result obtained, according to Case 2, by 1 (unit), increased by their relative weight to that of the pipe. Rule 51 corresponds to Eq. (211). The moduli with respect to the strength, working load, and safety are given in Table 23. The modulus of working load, as shown in Ex. 90, is &=17,549 pounds. Unless the iron is extra in quality, the modulus ought to be less, as &=14,000. The weight of a cubic foot of iron is usually esti- mated at 480 pounds. 184 TEACTICAL HYDRAULICS. TABLE 24. Number, Thickness and Weight of One Square Foot of Sheet Iron. BIRMINGHAM GAUGE. AMERICAN GAUGB. HASWELL No. Thi'k in. Lbs. No Thi'k in. Lbs. No. Thi'k in. Lbs. No. Thick in. Lbs. 0000 .454 18.35 17 .058 2.34 0000 46 18.63 19 .036 1.45 000 .425 17.18 18 .049 1.98 000 .41 16.58 20 .032 1.29 00 .38 15.36 19 .042 1.70 00 .365 14.77 21 .028 1.15 .34 13.74 20 .035 1.42 .325 13.15 22 .025 1.03 1 .3 12.13 21 .032 1.29 1 .289 11.70 23 .023 .913 r .284 11.48 22 .028 1.13 2 .258 10.43 24 .020 .814 c t! .259 10.47 23 .025 1.01 i 3 .229 9.29 25 .018 .724 4 .238 9.62 24 .022 .889 ^ .204 8.27 26 .016 .644 .22 8.89 25 .02 .808 5 .182 7.37 27 .014 .574 e .203 8.21 26 .018 .723 6 .162 6.56 28 .013 .511 7 .18 7.28 27 .016 .647 7 .144 5.84 29 .011 .455 8 .165 6.67 28 .014 .566 8 .128 5.20 30 .010 .405 9 .148 5.98 29 .013 .525 9 .114 4.63 31 .009 .360 10 .134 5.42 30 .012 .485 10 .102 4.13 32 .008 .321 11 .12 4.85 31 .010 .404 11 .091 3.67 33 .007 .286 12 .109 4.41 32 .009 .364! 12 .081 3.27 34 .0063 .254 13 .095 3.84 33 .008 .323 13 .072 2.92 35 .0056 .226 14 .083 3.36 34 .007 .283 14 .064 2.59 36 .005 .202 15 .072 2.91 35 .005 .202 15 .057 2.31 37 .0045 .180 16 .065 2.63 36 .004 .162 16 .051 2.05 38 .004 .159 17 .045 1.33 39 .0035 .142 18 .040 1.63 40 .0031 .127 Ex. 91. The following data from a sheet-iron in- verted siphon being given, viz: Length of pipe, 128.5 miles. ^Elevations with respect to sea level: <( Point of inlet, 1300 feet. I Point of outlet, 350 feet. PRACTICAL HYDRAULICS. 185 Mean hydrostatic ordinate, as O A, Fig. 20, 305.5 feet; discharge of water per second, 37.57 cubic feet; modulus of safety of the iron, 14,000 pounds; weight of iron per cubic foot, 485 pounds; allowance for bands, laps and rivets, 15 per cent; cost of laid pipe per pound, 10 cents. Required, the minimum diameter, thickness of shell, weight and cost of the siphon ? Required, also, the diameter, thickness of shell, weight and cost of the siphon, if 950 feet, the full hydraulic head, be employed ? Cal. 1st. The given hydrostatic ordinate is 305.5 feet. By Rule 46, corresponding to Eq. (198), 305.5X4-^- 3=407.34 hydraulic head; 407.34-f-128.5=3.17 feet fall per mile. By Table 17, it is seen that for 3.17 feet fall per mile, the pipe carrying 37.57 cubic feet per second will approximate 48 inches in diameter, and that the corresponding velocity is 3.20 feet per second. By Table 16, for a velocity oi 3 feet in a 48-inch pipe, the coefficient of resistance is=.0038. By Rule 49, corresponding to Eq. (204), . 5965 (^H2=_wet perimeter; m pSiir perimeter; m= coefficient of air perimeter; T= hydraulic mean depth. Thenr=-- (212) P (213) p-f mp Other things being equal, the greater the ratio of the perimeter to the area of the cross section of a stream of water, the less will be the resistance to flow. The forms of cross sections, generally applied to water ways, are rectangular and trapezoidal. FORM OF RECTANGLE OF MAXIMUM CARRYING CAPA- CITY. Let p= perimeter (omitting air perimeter) ; o;=hight of rectangle; Then p 2# width of rectangle. PRACTICAL HYDRAULICS. 189 2~=r, maximum. (21 4) P Differentiating (214), x=, hight; (215) $^3a>M w idth. (216) FORM OF TRAPEZOID OF REGULAR FIGURE OF MAX- IMUM CARRYING CAPACITY. In Fig. 21, let =BAE, angle of slope of bank; g=a side; then hight=f sin t. Mean width f -j-| cos -t: ^ 2 (sin + sin t cos t)r maximum. (2>7) Differentiating (217), observing that sin 2 =1 cos 2 2, cosM + ^-W (218) Reducing (218), cos *=i=.5. (219) By table natural sines, =60. (220) Of the regular figures, the semi-circle consisting of an infinite number of sides, so that at any point cos t =l=r, offers the least resistance to flow. By equations (215) and (216), it is seen that the form of a rectangle, offering the least resistance to flow, has its base or width equal to twice its hight; and by equations (219) and (220), it is seen that of the 190 PRACTICAL HYDRAULICS. regular figures, the trapezoid whose angle of slope is 60, in other words the semi-hexagon, offers the least resistance to flow. THE ANGLE OF SLOPE AND THE AREA BEING GIVEN TO DETERMINE THE MOST APPROPRIATE FORM OF A CANAL. B iie. 21. Let in Fig. 21, p=A. B + B C + CD perimeter; b= BC=bottom; Wangle A; n = cot t; a area; xd= B E, depth of canal. Then ix- (221) ')i ; (222) 2 ) ; (223) a=(b+nx)x-, (224) - . ,^^^r^ whence b=~ (225) x Substituting value of b of (225) in (223) and divid- ing then both members by a, minimum. (226) X CL ^ Differentiating (226) and reducing, (227) PRACTICAL HYDRAULICS . Substituting" the values of TI cot - COS t sin t " sin* cos From (225) b=x cot . 191 and (228) (229) TABLE 25. Dimensions of the most suitable forms of Canals, corres- ponding to different angles of slopes, and to a given area of cross section. Angle of Slope =t. Ratio of Perp. to Base. Relative Slope. n. Depth. d' v Bottom Width. b ft nd ft Top Width. b+2nd T/a Perimeter. P l/ 90 00' lonO .0 0.707 1.414 .0 1.414 2.828 78 41' Son 1 0.200 0.734 1.217 0.147 .510 2.713 75 58' 4onl 0.250 0.734 1.161 0.186 .533 2.692 71 34' 3onl 0.333 0.752 1.079 0.251 .580 2.656 03 26' 2onl 0.500 0.759 0.938 0.379 .697 2.635 60 00' 26 on 15 0.577 0.760 0.877 0.439 .755 2.632 56 19' 3 on 2 0.667 0.759 0.812 0.506 .824 2635 53 8' 4 on 3 0.750 0.757 0.753 0.568 1.892 2.645 51 20' 5 on 4 0.800 0.753 0.724 0.603 1.960 2.654 45 00' lonl 1.000 0.740 0.613 0.740 2.092 2.704 40 00' 21 on 25 1.192 0.722 0.525 0.860 2.246 2.771 36 52' 3 on 4 1.333 0.707 0.471 0.943 2.557 2.828 35 00' 7 on 10 1.402 0.697 0.439 0.995 2.430 2.870 33 41' ?on3 1.500 0689 0.418 1.034 2.465 2.989 30 00' 23 on 40 1.732 0.664 0.356 1.150 2.656 3012 26 34' Ion 2 2.000 0.636 0.300 1.272 2.844 3.144 21 48' 2on5 2.500 0.589 0.228 1.471 3.170 3.397 18 26' Ion 3 3.000 0.548 0.188 1.645 3.478 3.646 14 2' Ion4 4.000 0.485 0.119 1.941 4.001 4.121 11 19' Ion 5 5.000 0.441 0.062 2.205 4.472 4.519 semi-cir. 0.798 1.596 2.507 192 PEACTICAL HYDRAULICS. TO FIND THE DIMENSIONS OF THE MOST SUITABLE FOEM OF CANAL, WHEN THE ANGLE OF SLOPE OF THE BANKS AND THE AEEA OF CEOSS SECTION AEE GIVEN. Rule 52. Employing Table 25, multiply the square root of the given area of cross section by the num- ber in the table, which is opposite the given angle of slope of bank, and in the column of the denomination of the dimension sought, as "depth," "bottom width," "top width," "perimeter" (wet). Ex. 92. What dimensions must be given to the cross section of a canal trapezoid of regular form whose discharge of 64 cubic feet, with a velocity of 4 feet per second, is a maximum? Gal By Eq. (220), it is shown that the angle of slope 60, when the carrying capacity of a regular trapezoidal canal is a maximum. 64-=- 4 =16 square feet, area of cross section. (16)^ = 4 square root of area of cross section. By Table 25, Rule 52, opposite 60, the angle of slope in "depth" column, find .760; that is, -^--=.760; or But, as shown above, the square root of the area o? cross section is=4 feet; hence, d, = .760X4 = 3. 01 feet, depth of canal. Ans. Farther, opposite 60, in "bottom width" column, PRACTICAL HYDRAULICS. 193 find .877; that is, -7-- =.877; or 6=.877i/t, but 'as 1/66 shown above ]/c6=4; hence, &=. 877X4=3.508 feet, bottom width. Ans. Farther, opposite 60 find in " top width col- umn" 1.755 feet; that is, b + 2nd === 1.755 feet; or b + "]/ (A> _2?id=l. 755X4=7.020 feet, top with. Ans. Farther, opposite 60 in "perimeter column," find 2.632; that is, p=2. 632X4=10.528 feet peri- meter. Ans. Ex. 93. The following data for a canal in loose earth being given, viz : Discharge of water, 50 cubic feet per second; velocity of flow, 2 feet per second ; angle of slope, 26 34' equivalent to 1-2; it is re- quired to determine the dimensions of the most appro- priate form of cross section of the canal ? Cal. 50-^-2=25 square feet, area of cross section; l/ ~ =1/25=5 square root of area of cross section. By Table 25, opposite 26 34', the given angle of slope (l'-2), in depth column, find .636; that is 4= .636; or c/ y =.636 i/a. I a Substituting value of j/a=5; in this, d / =. 636x5= 3.18 feet, depth. Ans. Farther, in column of ''bottom width," find 6= .300 i/a, or by substituting -5 for /, Z>=. 300X5=1.5 feet, bottom width. Ans. Farther, in column of "top width," find />X 2 H M*- ( 272 ) PRACTICAL HYDRAULICS. 209 To reduce metrical measures employed in Eq. (272) to those of a different system, let e denote the ratio of the former to the latter, noting that n and s, repre- senting ratios, are not affected by the reduction. Substitute ?=23 + --h > ; (273) . Ti S (274 ) (275) Let z, x', r and v represent respectively the terms to which z,x, r and v, of the metrical system are to be z x' r , v' reduced, then will z , x~ , r=~ and v=-. - e e e e Substituting these values of z } x, r and v in (275) (276) Multiplying in (276), both numerator and denomi- nator within the parenthesis by e 4 ; also, multiplying both sides of the equation by e, 210 PRACTICAL HYDRAULICS. z x' Substituting the values of ~=e^z, and -fe^tx. in e-2 62 (277). With respect to the Kutter formula, equation (278) is general for the reduction of the measures employed in it to those of another system. An inspection shows that by multiplying z and x, by e* (the square root of the ratio of the different measures), each term of the equation [1 (unit) being common,] will be the de- nomination sought. To render the equation in terms of English feet, Let e=3.281, the number of feet in a meter. (279) Substituting the value of e*=1.811 in (278) after restoring the values of z and x of (273) and (274), and omitting the accents with respect to v and r', Equation (280) for the purposes of application may be somewhat simplified in the following manner. Putting the numerator inclosed in brackets under the following form : PRACTICAL HYDRAULICS. 211 Numerator^- 41.6 + ' + 1 - 811 > ( 281 ) and putting x=^l.6+n. (282) S x Substituting x for its value in (280), and then multiplying both numerator and denominator by r% there results: = _ . s I. (283) n APPLICATION OF THE KUTTER FORMULA AS REN- DERED BY EQS. (282) AND (283). Ex. 97. In a rectangular flume or canal four feet wide, two feet deep, the fall per mile is 4.752 feet (equivalent to a sine of slope, s=.0009), and the co- efficient of roughness of whose bed is 7i=.025. What is the velocity of flow per second? Gal. Area of cross section, 4X2=8; wet peri- meter, 4+2+28. Hydraulic mean depth, 8-^-8=1. Square root hydraulic mean depth. r i =/i=l. Square root of sine of slope, s i =i/.^=.03. Substituting the given values of s=.0009, and n .025 in Eq. (282), . 025=1418. 212 PRACTICAL HYDRAULICS. Substituting the value of ?i=.025, and the values as found of ^=1.118, s*=.03, and r*=l in Eq. (283), L.118 + 1.81K 1.118 + 1 ) X - 8 ' Reducing, ^=4orx .03=1.658 feet. Ans. Ex. 98. In a rectangular flume or canal four feet wide, two feet deep, the fall per mile is 4.752 (equiva- lent to a sine of slope s .0009), and the coefficient of roughness, of whose bed is n .012, what is the ve- locity of flow per second? Cat. It will be noted that Ex. 98 differs from Ex. 97, as relates to coefficient of roughness of the bed only. Substituting the given value of ?i=.012, the values as found of =.536, s*=.03, and r*=l in Eq. (283), Reducing, v=83.33 j X .03 = 3.82 feet. Ans. Ex. 99.- It is required to construct a rectangular canal, whose fall per mile shall be 2.112 feet (equiva- lent to sine s=.0004), and coefficient of roughness of bed 71=. 025, what must be its depth and width, for it to discharge 108.2 cubic feet per second? Gal. Let q a v = 108.2 cubic feet, the discharge per second. ' (a) PRACTICAL HYDRAULICS. 213 Substitute the value of v of (283) in Eq. (a), arxK + l.Sllx . M q-= ( L_ \s*. (b) n\ x~t~i* ) Arranging terms of Eq. (6) with respect to r, * (c \ Substituting the values of s and n in (282), In a rectangular canal, whose depth is d, and width 2d, the hydraulic mean depth is: d area, a=2d 2 . (/) Substituting the values of a? 1.216, s^ .02, ^= 025, r=|, a=2cZ 2 , and 5=108.2 in Eq. (c), and ob- erving that d*=d' t cZ* 31.59 di=54.33. 214 PRACTICAL HYDRAULICS. Solving Eq. (g) by Hutton's method for the resolu- tion of equations of the higher order: 31.59 54.33 2 4 8 16 32. .82 9 g 24 64 .41 53.51 4 12 32 80 160. 43.06 2 12 48 160 54.89 10 4"> 6 24 80 240 215.3 8.65 2 16 80 34.5 62.3 1QA 8 40 160 274.5 277.6 1.79 2 20 12.5 37.1 10.7 10 60 172.5 311.6 288.3 2 2.4 13. 39.8 10.8 12 62.4 185.5 351.4 299.1 2.5 13.5 6.4 64.9 199.0 357.8 2.5 14. 67.4 213. 2.6 2. 70.0 215. 2.6 2.236 72.6 Thus #=2.236. (h) Squaring, d= 5 feet depth; whence 2d = 10 feet width. Ans. Ex. 100. In a rectangular canal two feet deep, four feet wide, the fall per mile is 4.752 feet, equiva- lent to sine of slope s=.0009, and the observed ve- PRACTICAL HYDRAULICS. 215 locity per second 2.578 feet, what is the value of the coefficient n for the roughness of the bed? Gal Let m=.41.6+^?i. (a) s Substituting m of (a) for its value in (282), x=mn. (b) Substituting mn for x in (283), and arranging terms with respect to n, /v r* r shn\ n*-f(- -lnp=1.8llr> 3 (c) V V 771 / Substituting the value of s=.0009 in Eq. (a), 44.7. (d) From the given data, the hydraulic mean depth is found to be: r=4X2-*-(4-f2 + 2)=l. (e) Substituting in Eq. (c), the values of ??i=44.7 of Eq. (d), r=l, r-=l, s s =.03, and the given value of v=2.578 feet. 7i 2 +. 01072^=. 000471. (/) Completing, square ^ 2 +J 1 +(.00536) 2 =,. 0004997. (^J Extracting root and transposing, n =.017. Ans. Ex. 101. In a rectangular canal two feet deep, four feet wide, the coefficient of roughness of the bed is7i=.012, the observed velocity of flow 4.946 feet per second, what is the sine of slope? 216 PRACTICAL HYDRAULICS. Cal. Arranging terms of Eq. (280), with respect to s, s /41.6 n z v4-nv rK 2 /- .00281?" r-f-1 7it;rK | / . 00 .811r/ 88 + Ul.6 w r __ + l.SlTr (") Substituting the given values of t; 4.946, n= .012, and the value of .r=l, r' 1, as found in the preceding example, in Eq. (a): si .03852 si -f- .00001459 s*=. 0000008663 . (I) Solving Eq. (b) by Hutton's method for the resolu- tion of cubic equations: .03872 - .03852 .03 + .0000146 - .0002556 + .0000008663 - .000007230 - .00852 .03 -.0002410 .0006444 .C000080963 .OU00070336 .02148 .03 .0004034 .0004758 .0000010647 .0000010306 .05148 .008 .0008792 .0005398 .0000000341 .0000000308 .05948 .008 .0014190 .0000533 33 .06748 .008 .0014723 .0000538 .07548 .0007 .0015261 .0000015 .07618 .0007 .0015276 .07688 .0007 .07758 PRACTICAL HYDEAULICS. 217 Thus 8*=. 03872. (c) Squaring, s=.00l5, sine of slope. Ans. Remark. It will be observed that Eq. (c) obtained in the solution of Ex. 98, Eq. (c) in that of Ex. 99, and Eq. (a) in that of Ex. (100), are general and ap- plicable for the solution respectively of all similar problems. Table 27 has been computed by the author of the present work direct from Eqs. (282) and (283), for the velocity of water in open streams differing in regime and slope, and varying from the size of a small ditch to that of the Mississippi river. The computation has been made for four different values of n, to-wit: n= .012, ?i=.0l7, n= .025, and w=.035. (For explanation of the values of n, see Table 26.) Thus, the hydraulic mean depth being r=-~ =1, and the fall per mile F=5.28 feet, or sine of slope s=.001, the velocity per second for the respective values of n, as shown by Table 27, are: When %=.012, the velocity is v= 4.028 feet; 7i=.0l7, the velocity is v=2.720 feet; 71,=. 025, the velocity is ?; 1.755 feet; 7i=. 035, the velocity is #=1.190 feet. In the several headings of the table, F represents in feet the fall per mile, and s the equivalent sine of slope. Table 28 has been prepared to be used in connection 218 PEACTICAL HYDRAULICS. with Table 27. In the trapezoidal forms of canal beete, considered -in this table, the bottom and sides are equal each to each in the same cross section. Table 29 has been computed to facilitate in finding the wet perimeter of the bed of a trapezoidal canal. Let 6=bottom width; d depth of water depth of bank; m=ratio of depth to base of bank; m d=base of bank; y=slope of bank; jp=wet perimeter. Then y=d (1 + m 2 )*; (284) p=2d (1 + m 2 ) * + &. (285) The computed values of the base and bank slope for a unit depth are ari&nged under their respective headings. PRACTICAL HYDRAULICS. 219 TABLE 27. Flow of Water per Second in Open Streams, the Coefficient of Roughness of whose beds is n=.O12. if s * ^"l ^">T w^J |f 21? " II || ^|y ^?^ ^IT J^I !! g. 2. g ||i lllg go* of" I ||E i-2- a? 2 I S |H 3~$ VJ ai** *.2j 4S 4fp.S ? lid 32% F=.264. =. 00005. Velocity. Feet. o^ to S-2.2M ' ?Z$ *21? |8^ ^s? O ' M r fPs *j|f ? ! S-88 - * f* ^00 *J II- 1 i g. Q. o to ,fr- .25 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7 .8 .9 1. 1.25 1.5 2. 2.5 3. 3.5 4. 1.5 5. 5.5 6. 8.5 7. 7.5 B. 3 5 .7893 .9128 1.143 1.358 1.558 1.748 1.928 2.102 2.268 2.658 3.020 3.678 4.271 4.817 5.324 5.802 6.255 6.684 7.096 7.491 7.871 8.212 8.594 8.938 9 166 .8463 .9785 1.200 1.455 1.708 1.871 2.064 2.249 2.427 2.654 3.231 3.931 4.567 5.149 5.823 6.200 6.683 7.141 7.583 8.003 8.408 8.797 9.178 9.545 9 902 .9002 1.039 1.303 1.546 1.773 1.988 2.193 2.445 2.578 3.020 3.430 4.174 4.844 5.462 6.036 6.526 7.086 7.572 8.036 8.483 8.912 9.324 9.683 10.12 10 49 .9508 1.074 1.375 1.632 1.872 2.098 2.314 2.521 2.720 3.185 3.618 4.401 5.108 5.758 6.362 6.931 7.469 7.979 8.469 8.7?5 9.390 9.824 10.25 10.66 11 05 1.172 1.354 1.693 2.009 2.302 2.580 2.844 3.098 3.344 3.911 4.543 5.347 6.260 7.053 7.790 8.484 9.141 9^164 1TO6 10.93 11.48 12.01 12.53 13.01 13 51 1.358 1.568 1.961 2.325 2.664 2.985 3.290 3.568 3.863 4.521 5.130 6.540 7.231 8.145 8.995 9.794 10.95 11.26 11.95 32.61 13.25 13.86 14.45 15.03 15 23 2.160 2.494 3.116 3.eaL 4.2HF 5 '219 5.680 6.124 7.163 8.143 9. 869 11.44 12.88 14.22 15.48 16.67 17.81 18.88 19.93 20.93 21.88 22.82 23.73 24 61 3.C61 3.534 4.414 5.230 5.9S8 6.707 7.474 8.042 8.669 10.14 11.44 13.96 16.18 18.22 20.11 21.89 23.57 25.17 26.70 28.17 29.48 30.94 32.26 33.54 9 9 597 10 25 10 86 11 44 13 98 16 13 25.46 9 5 9 914 10 59 11 22 11 82 14 44 16 66 ) 10 22 10 91 11 57 12 18 14 89 17.18 10 82 11 55 12 24 12^93 15 76 18 18 2 11 39 12 16 12 89 13*67 16 58 19.12 11 95 12 75 13 51 14 23 17 38 20 00 1 12 48 13 32 14 11 14 86 18 10 > ' 13 99 13 86 14 69 15 47 18.89 5' *. 13 49 14 36 15 25 16 06 19 61 f 13 97 14 91 15 79 16 64 20.31 j '*. 14 44 15 41 16 32 17 19 | 14 89 15 90 16 80 17 73 o 15 34 16 33 17 34 18 26 1 15 78 16 82 17 83 18 78 2 16 20 17.29 18.31 19.28 3 16 62 17 73 18 78 19 77 1 1 7 03 18 17 19 24 5. 17.43 18.59 19.69 PRACTICAL HYDRAULICS. 223 TABLE 27. Flow of Water per Second in Open Streams, the Coefficient of Roughness of whose beds is n=.O25. Hydraulic Mean Depth, r=-- p tl? *. *?S5 v& 2.J NfSB ifi 1 *|ip <<*> 3 *j2j II w -3*> *4 iHi <*-?; 01 ' ^ ^^ ^11 ? bcj 0, N .|| n o - vT.^K <^*a igg & fl II a o g *4pS *2T? Is-S* r 4i .25 .0365 .1022 .1584 .2394 .3031 .3528 ....3978 .4387 .3 .0435 .1206 .1862 .2802 .3519 .4142 .4642 .5117 .4 .0624 .1564 .2394 .3580 .4483 .5238 -.5899 .6498 .5 .0712 .1909 .2901 .4316 .5393 .6296 -.7086 .7800 .6 .0848 .2243 .3388 .5017 .6258 .7296 ,8208 .9027 .7 .0982 .2567 .3858 .5691 .7089 .8256 .9282 1.020 .8 .1115 .2884 .4311 .6341 .7887 .9180 1.031 1.134 .9 .1247 .3192 .4761 .6966 .8653 1.006 1.130 1.243 1. .1378 .3494 '.5183 .7576 .9400 1.093 1.226 1.348 1.25 .1662 .4223 .6211 .9025 1.117 1.297 1.457 ' 1.598 1.5 .2017 .4921 .7186 1.039 1.283 1.488 1.669 1<832 2. .2636 .6239 .9006 1.291 1.590 1.841 2.06? 2.264 2.5 .3235 .7134 1.079 1.514 1.872 2.164 2.422 2.655 3. .3826 .8641 1.227 1.739 2.132 2.464 2.755 3.020 3.5 .4399 .9758 1.377 1.943 2.303 ;2.746 3.068 3.361 4. .4965 1.083 1.519 2.136 2.610 3.010 3.371 3.684 4.5 .5518 1.214 1.656 2.321 2.832 3.264 3.645 3.993 5. .6062 1.290 1.7S6 2.496 3.045 3.506 3.921 4.279 5.5 .6600 1.382 1.913 2.666 3.247 3.738 4.161 4.566 6. .7128 1.476 2.034 2.831 3.443 3.962 4.420 4.838 6.5 .7650 1.567 2.153 2.988 3.634 4.180 4.662 5.100 7. .8165 1.655 2.267 3.141 3.815 4.388 4.893 5.352 7.5 .8671 1.741 2.379 3.291 3.996 4.592 5.121 5.599 8. .9202 1.826 2.488 3.433 4.169 4.788 5.340 5.840 8.5 .9607 1.909 2.594 3.575 4.337 4.982 5.552 6.070 9. .016 1.990 2.697 3.712 4.500 5.168 5.760 6.295 9.5 .065 2.069 2:790 3.846 4.661 5.352 5.961 6.518 10. .113 2.146 2.898 3.978 4.818 5.530 6.160 6.734 11. .208 2.353 3.091 4.357 5.101 6.056 , 6.568 7.131 12. .299 2.444 3.276 4.491 5.413 6.208 6.911 7.552 1:5. .392 2.583 3.455 4.714 5.695 6.530 7.267 7.939 14. .482 2.724 3.629 4.941 5.967 6.838 7.612 8.311 15. 1.569 2.793 3.797 5.162 6.228 7.136 7.942 8.671 16. 1.658 2.988 3.960 5.375 6.484 7.426 8.262 9.021 17. 1.742 3.115 4.127 . 5.585 6.732 7.708 8.575 9.362 18. 1.828 3.241 4.278 5.788 6.975 7.986 8.879 9.695 19. 1.915 3.362 4.419 5.985 7.209 8.272 9.186 10.02 20. 1.992 3.480 4.514 6.178 7.439 8.532 9.488 10.33 21. 2.074 3.598 4.719 6.368 7.647 8.770 9.749 10.68 22. 2.155 3.712 4.862 6.553 7.884 9.020 10.02 10.95 23. 2.234 3.824 5.000 6.734 8.018 9.264 10.30 11.24 24. 2.312 3.934 5.150 6.911 8.310 9.502 10.56 11.52 25. 2.390 4.052 5.270 ;7.085 8.516 9.738 10.82 11.81 50. 4.127 6.325 8.064 10.70 12.80 14.61 16.21 17.67 100. 6.916 9.673 12.00 15.89 18.94... 21.58 224 PRACTICAL HYDRAULICS. TABLE 27. Plow of Water per Second in Open Streams, the Coefficient of Roughness of whose beds is n=.O25. -If -tjdJI ll_ <*l ~~ ~ ** ^ ^ ^y, ft* J' || ^2 ii if *T\ 3- 11 il hel L 11 11 w ^L 11 II i-ri <' 1! 11 *2-l.|. *tl! ?|l| *ffi So gin -tii ^ili *f|| S 4IP j?^' .25 .0251 .0674 .1033 .1551 .1947 .2279 .2565 .2832 .3 .0300 .0799 .1219 .1825 .2288 .2676 .3011 .3322 .4 .0397 .1040 .1545 .23^3 .2944 .3439 .3867 .4215 .5 .0493 .1280 .1929 .2860 .3571 .4166 .4682 .5160 .6 .0588 .1546 .2266 .3347 .4171 .4862 .5462 .6015 .7 .0683 .1737 .2594 .3817 .4752 .5547 .6215 .6841 .8 .0771 .1959 .2944 .4274 . 5313 .6184 .6941 .7628 .9 .0870 .2177 .3225 .4718 .5858 .6815 .7648 .8412 1. .0963 .2391 .3555 .5152 .6389 .7429 .8334 .9165 1.25 .1192 .2911 .4267 .6212 .76ri3 .8898 .9976 1.096 1.5 .1418 .3413 .4972 .7521 .8872 1.029 1.153 1.266 2. .2160 .4372 .6303 .9035 1.112 1.288 1.442 1.583 2.5 .2298 .5283 . 7542 1.076 1.322 1 . 528 1.711 1>75 3. .2727 .6297 .8734 1.296 1.518 1.753 1.961 2.100 3.5 .3147 .6991 .9861 1.392 1.704 1.966 2.198 2.407 4. .3562 .7800 1.094 1.539 1.881 2.169 2.423 2.653 4.5 .3971 .8583 1.198 1.6SO 2.050 2.363 2.638 2.888 5. .4374 .9343 1.296 1.815 2.213 2.543 2.846 3.113 5.5 .4774 1.008 1.396 1.946 2.370 2.728 3.045 3.331 6. .5168 1.081 1.490 2.075 2.464 2.902 3.238 3.540 6.5 .5558 1.151 1.583 2.195 2.669 3.069 3.425 3.744 7. . 5944 .219 1.671 2.314 2.811 3.232 3.605 3.940 7.5 .6327 .287 1.759 2.431 2.971 3.391 3.782 4.132 8. .6706 .353 1.802 2.544 3.0S6 3.545 3.953 4.319 8.5 .7080 .418 1.927 2.655 3.218 3.695 4.120 4.501 9. .7454 .482 2.009 2.763 3.347 3.843 4.284 4.678 9.5 .7823 .514 2.089 2.868 3.473 3.986 4.444 4.851 10. .8189 .605 2.163 2.972 3.597 4.127 4.600 5.022 11. .8911 .726 2.315 3.173 3.837 4.401 4.904 5.351 12. .9625 .842 2.463 3.368 4.068 4.663 5.195 5.668 13. 1.033 .958 2.612 3.556 4.204 4.917 5.477 5.974 14. 1.102 2.063 2.751 3.738 4.508 5.163 5.750 6.271 15. 1.171 2.174 2.886 3.914 4.717 5.401 6.014 6.557 16. 1.238 2.279 3.017 4.086 4.921 5.633 6.271 6.836 17. 1.305 2.382 3.146 4.253 5.120 5.858 6.500 7.108 18. 1.372 2.483 3.271 4. 489 5.314 6.079 6.765 7.373 19. 1.437 2.582 3.394 4.576 5.502 6.293 7.003 7.631 20. 1.501 2.679 3.514 4.732 5.688 6.503 7.235 7.883 21. 1.569 2.774 3.632 4.885 5.869 6.709 7.463 8.131 22. 1.629 2.867 3.747 5.033 6.046 6.909 7.6S2 8.372 23. 1.692 2.951 3.861 5.180 6.228 7.105 7.903 8.607 24. 1.754 3.049 3.972 5.324 6.398 7.299 8.118 8.840 25. 1.816 3.139 4.0S1 5.465 6.556 7.488 8.327 9. 068 50. 3.223 5.038 6.385 8.420 10.04 11.44 12.70 13.81 100. 5.825 7.878 9.991 12.71 1 .10 17.15 19.03 20.68 226 PRACTICAL HYDRAULICS. TABLE 27. Flow of Water per Second in Open Streams, the Coefficient of Roughness of whose beds is n=.O35. IT * ** **t ^ . jl Ij ||?l M ill? |f fill nil *j2.^f | $. 2. o to ' *|*|| Ur^i irsp NjB. & p t. - <" ^ bo .25 .3071 .3294 .3503 .3700 .4562 .5163 .8401 1.190 .3 .3603 .3365 .4108 .4339 . 5345 .6191 .9843 1.395 .4 .4621 .4954 .5266 .5561 .6346 .7927 1.259 1.784 .5 .5590 .5992 .6368 .6723 .8273 .9577 1.521 2.155 .6 .6517 .6983 .7419 .7832 .9634 1.115 v 1.770 2.507 .7 . 7408 .7937 .8241 .8901 1.094 1.266 2.010 2.846 .8 .8270 .8858 .9411 .9932 1.221 1.412 2.240 3.173 .9 .9107 .97f>3 1.036 1.097 1.343 1.555 2.464 3.488 1. .9920 1.062 1.128 1.190 1.482 1.691 2.682 3.797 1.25 1.186 1.270 1.343 1.422 1.734 2.019 3.200 4.529 1.5 1.370 1.468 1.556 1.64/1 2.615 2.329 3.6S9 5.221 2. 1.672 1.330 1.943 2.049 2.512 2.903 4.596 6.502 2.5 2.026 2.167 2.299 2.424 2.972 3.433 5.430 7.632 3. 2.393 2.482 2.643 2.650 3.400 3.927 6.201 8.783 3.5 2.600 2.779 2.947 3.107 3.804 4.393 6.945 9.820 4. 2.865 3.061 3.247 3.422 4.188 4.836 7.642 10.80 4.5 3.118 3.331 3.543 3.723 4.556 5.270 8.307 11.74 5. 3.361 3.590 3.807 4.011 4.907 5.663 8.945 12.65 5.5 3.594 3.840 4.070 4.239 5.246 5.928 9.559 13.57 6. 3.820 4.081 4.325 4.557 5.573 6.429 10.15 14.35 6.5 4.039 4.314 4.572 4.817 5.889 6.793 10.72 15.16 7. 4.250 4.539 4.810 5.067 6.194 7.145 11.28 15.94 7.5 4.459 4.759 5.044 5.313 6.493 7.490 11.81 16.70 8. 4.657 4.973 5.269 5.551 6.783 7.823 12.34 17.44 8.5 4.853 5.181 5.490 5.783 7.065 8.148 12.85 18.16 9. 5.044 5.372 5.705 6.008 7.340 8.475 13.05 18.87 9.5 5.231 5.584 5.916 6.230 7.610 8.775 13.84 19.56 10. 5.413 5.778 6.121 6.447 7.855 9.079 14.32 20.23 11. 5.781 6.155 6.521 6.8B7 8.385 9. 668 15.24 12. 6.108 6.504 6.904 7.269 8 . 674 10.47 16.13 13. 6.438 6.740 7.227 7.661 9.538 10.78 17.03 14. 6.757 7.209 7.635 8.033 9.811 11.30 17.80 15. 7.064 7.537 7.982 8.403 10.25 11.82 18.62 16. 7.365 7.856 8.320 8.759 10.69 12.31 19.40 17. 7.657 8.167 8.643 9.104 11.11 12.80 20.16 18. 7.942 8.471 8.970 9.442 11.52 13.27 19. 8.031 8.763 9.231 9.769 11.92 13.71 20. 8.489 8.849 9.58fl 10.09 12.30 14.18 21. 8.755 9 125 9.886 10.4* 12.69 14.61 22. 9.015 9.614 10.18 10.71 13.06 15.05 23. 9.263 9.884 10.46 11.01 13.43 15.47 24. 9.518 10.15 10.74 11.31 13.78 15.88 25. 9.763 10.41 11.02 11.60 14.14 16.28 50. 14.86 15.84 16.75 17.62 21.43 PEACTICAL HYDRAULICS. 227 TABLE 28. Dimensions of Water Ways Corresponding to Their Given Hydraulic Mean Depths. M a Square. Rectangle. Triangle. Semi-circle. If V "7 \ 7 -TI II 5- 1:1 112 \oy V_x II J bide. Area. D'ptfc Width Area. Side. Area. Diam'tr Arei. i Feet. Sq. Ft. Ft. Ft. Sq. Ft. Feet. Sq. Ft. Feet. Sq. Ft. .25 .75 .563 .5 1.0 .5 1. .5 1. .393 .3 .9 .81 .(i 1.2 .72 1.2 .72 1.2 .565 .4 1.2 1.44 .8 1.6 1.28 1.6 1.28 1.6 1.005 .5 1.5 2.25 1 .0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.00 2. 1.571 .6 1.8 3.24 1 .'2 2.4 2.88 .2.4 2.88 2.4 2.262 .7 2.1 4.41 ] .\ 2.8 3.92 2.'8 3.92 2.8 3.079 .8 2.4 5.76 ] .(i 3.2 5.12 3.2 5.12 3.2 4.021 .9 2.7 7.29 ] .S 3.6 '6.48 3.6 6.48 3.6 5.089 1. 3. 9.00 2.0 4.0 8.00 4. 8.00 4. 6.283 1.25 3.75 14.06 2.5 5.0 12.5 5. 12.5 5. 9.818 1.5 4.5 20.25 3.0 6.0 18.0 6. 18.0 6. 14.137 2. 6. 36. 4.0 8.0 32.0 8. 32.0 8. 25.133 2.5 7.5 56.25 5:0 10.0 50.0 10. 50.0 10. 39.27 3. 9. 81. 6.0 12.0 72.0 12. 72.0 12. 56.549 3.5 10.5 110.25 7.0 14.0 98.0 14. 98. 14. 76.696 4. 12. 144.00 * 16.0 128. 10. 128. 16. 100.53 4.5 13.5 182.25 9. 18.0 162. IS. 162. 18. 127.23 5. 15. 225.00 10. 20.0 200. 20. 200. 20. 157.08 5.5 16.5 272.25 11. 22.0 242. 22. 242. 22. 190.07 6. 18. 324.00 12. 24.0 288. 24. 288. 24^ 226.2 6.5 19.5 380.25 13. 26.0 338. 26. 338. 26. 265.5 7. 21. 441.00 14. 28.0 392. 28. 392. 28. 307.0 7.5 22.5 506.25 15. 30.0 450. 30. 450. 30. 353.4 8. 24. 576.00 16. 32.0 512. 32. 512. 32. 402.1 9. 27. 729.00 18. 36.0 648. 36. 648. 36. 508.9 10. 30. 900.00 20. 40.0 800. 40. 800. 40. 628.3 228 PEACTICAL HYDKAULICS. 1 00 l\ II Hydraulic Mean Depth, r- r- IH r- r- t a e> o -H < i S O5 00 kO t- CO CO 00 00 Tt< S-l 'O * L^ * 1^ -* i-( OO 1H '~ ( rtrHrH5-]^M^COCO-*lO< r- i- i- i- i- 240 PRACTICAL HYDEAULICS. been computed, and the results arranged in Table 30. In Eq. (286), v denotes the mean velocity, and V the central surface velocity of a stream of water. TABLE 30. Central Surface and Corresponding Mean Velocities of Streams. Central Surface Velocity. Feet. Mean Velocity. Feet. Central Surface Velocity. Feet. Mean Velocity. Fett. .5 .382 3.5 2.852 1.0 .774 4.0 3.284 1.5 1.174 4.5 3.721 2.0 1.584 5.0 4.165 2.5 2.000 5.5 4.609 3.0 2.424 6.0 5.058 Ex. 114. What is the quantity of flow in a stream in which the cross section is 50 square feet and the central surface velocity 3 feet per second? Gal. In Table 30, opposite the given central sur- face velocity 3 feet, find in mean velocity column 2.424 feet. Then 2.424X50=121.2 cubic feet per second. Ans. Rough Approximate. A rough approximate is readily found by taking one-half the product of the surface width, central depth, and central velocity of a stream. This rough approximate rule is based on the as- PRACTICAL HYDRAULICS. 241 sumption that the cross section of stream is parabolic, and the mean velocity equal to three-fourths (.75) of the central surface velocity. Ex. 115. The surface width of a stream is 25 feet, the central depth 4 feet, and the central surface ve- locity 1.5 feet, what is the flow per second? Gal 25X4X1.5-^-2=75 cubic feet. Ans. QUANTITY OF WATER REQUIRED FOR VARIOUS MINING PURPOSES. Hydraulic Mining. Hydraulic mining, properly, comprises all classes of mining in which the metallic substance sought is separated from its earthy mass or. matrix by means of water. The term, however, as employed in California, is, for the most part, restricted to that class of mining in which a stream of water is projected under great pressure from a nozzle against a deep gravel deposit or earthy formation for the pur- poses of disintegrating the mass, thence freeing the gold and carrying off the debris. The relation of the quantity of water employed to that of material re- moved varies in different mines and in different parts of the same mine. Duty of an Inch of Water. This phrase involves in its meaning the work of disintegration; but as the projecting head is variable from 50 to 350 feet and upward, the phrase seems to refer chiefly to that por- tion of the work performed by the water in carrying off the debris in a sluice, the grade of which is usually 242 PBACTICAL HYDRAULICS. 6 inches per 12 feet. Experience shows that the duty of a 24-hour miner's inch, under a 7-inch head, equiva- lent, as shown by Table 8, to 2,230 cubic- feet flow in twenty-four hours, is in the lower portions of certain mines as follows: Cubic Yards. North Bloomfield Mine 3.5 Milton Mine 2.4 Excelsior Mine 2.0 Gold Run Mine 3.5 In the upper portions of the same mines the duty of the miner's inch was much greater, say 5 to 10 cubic yards. Thus, at the Gold Run mine, for six years to No- vember 1, 1881, 4,389,791 cubic yards were worked with 1,124,367 miner's inches of water; whence the duty of per inch was 3.9 cubic yards. In the State Engineer's report to the legislature of the State of California, 1880, the estimated inch duty is as follows, viz.: Cubic Yards. Yuba River Mines 3.5 Bear River Mines 3.0 American River Mines 4.5 One instance is brought to the attention of the writer showing the inch duty to have been 19 cubic yards. Drift Mining. Drift mining consists in excavating the lower material of a gravel mine by hand, raising it through a shaft to the surface, or carrying it by wheelbarrows and cars through a tunnel to a dump, whence it is shoveled or piped into a sluice to be freed of its gold, and thereupon carried off as debris. A PRACTICAL HYDRAULICS. 243 the larger cobble, bowlders and barren blocks of rock are usually left in a drift mine, and the material broken smaller than in hydraulic mining, a corres- pondingly less quantity of water is required for work- ing a cubic yard. The duty of a 24-hour inch (2,230 cubic feet) in this class of mining varies according to the character of the gravel, whether hard and cemented, clayey or sandy, from 3 to 20 cubic yards. Quartz Mining. The contents of one ton of quartz, in its normal condition in the lode, is estimated at 13 cubic feet, and at 20 cubic feet when the quartz is broken, as it usually comes from the mine. Adopting the lode measurement it is seen that a cubic yard of quartz is 27-*- 13=2.08 tons nearly. Experience shows that the duty of a miner's inch is as follows: Duty of a miner's inch (under 4-inch pressure) in the reduction and amalgamation of silver ores in a "stamp silver mill," Nevada, 3.25 cubic yards or 6.76 tons; in the reduction and amalgamation by riffles, or copper plate, in "stamp gold mill," California, 5.T8 cubic yards or 12 tons. Duty of miner's inch (under 7-inch pressure) in the former case (silver) 4.3 cubic yards, or 8.93 tons; in the latter case (gold) 6.65 cubic yards, or 15.88 tons. The volume of water to that of ore is, in working silver ores, Nevada, 19.5 to 1; in working gold ores, California, 11.1 to 1; in working copper ores, Lake Superior, 20 to 1. 244 PRACTICAL HYDRAULICS. QUANTITY OF WATER REQUIRED FOR PURPOSES OF IRRIGATION. As the area of land is usually expressed in denomi- nation of acres, a convenient unit of measure for irri- gating purposes is that quantity of water which will cover one acre one inch deep. This quantity is 3,630 cubic feet. The total depth of irrigation, as practiced in Cali- fornia, varies for different soils and products from two to five feet. Ex. 116. It is proposed to irrigate 1000 acres of land, 50 inches in depth, in 100 days, by means of a canal whose fall per mile is to be 1.056 feet (s=.0002), coefficient of roughness of bed 7i=.0l7, bottom width equal to slant width of side, and ratio of depth to base of bank as 1 2, what will be the dimensions of the canal? CaL 3630X50-^-100=:1815 cubic feet; 1815 X 1000 1815000 cubic feet per day; 1815000^86400- 21.007 cubic feet per second. Assume, by way of trial, the hydraulic mean depth to be 1.25. Then, in Table 27, for =.017, the ve- locity for hydraulic mean depth 1.25 is 1.386 feet per second; whence, 21.007-^- 1.386=15.16 square feet, area of cross section of canal. By Table 28, for hydraulic mean depth 1.25, the sectional area is 16.59 square feet, under trapezoid 1 ' 2. This approximate is sufficiently near to meet the re- quirements of practice. The dimensions of the canal PRACTICAL HYDBAULICS. 245 then, as per Table 28, are: side =bottom 4.426 feet; depth=1.980 feet. Ans. If greater accuracy be required, proceed as in the solution of Ex. 99. Ex. 117. How many acres can be irrigated 40 inches in depth in 75 days, by means of a semi- hexagonal canal five feet deep, the fall per mile being 1.584 feet (s=.0003), and the coefficient for roughness of bed being n = .025? Cal. By Table 28, it is seen that the hydraulic mean depth and the area of a semi-hexagon five feet deep, are respectively: 2.5 feet and 43.301 square feet. By Table 27, for w=.025, fall per mile 1.584 feet, the velocity corresponding to hydraulic mean depth 2.5 is 1.872 feet per second. Then 43.301X1-872=81. 059472 cubic feet per sec- ond; 81.059472X86400X75=525265378.5 cubic feet; 3,630X40=145200 cubic feet per acre; 525265378.5 -*- 145200 -3617.5 acres. Ans. MEASUREMENT OF THE POWER OF WATER AS A MOTOR. The unit in the measurement of power is a foot- pound that is, the amount of energy necessary to raise one pound weight vertically through a distance of one foot. On the other hand, one pound falling by the force of gravity through a distance of one foot, generates a foot-pound. The amount of energy required to raise one pound vertically 550 feet, is equal to the amount of energy 246 PRACTICAL HYDRAULICS. necessary to raise 550 pounds vertically one foot in bight. This amount .of energy rendered in one second is termed a horse-power that is, 550 foot-pounds ren- dered in one second, is the value of a horse power in mechanics. The weight of a cubic foot of fresh water is esti- mated in practice at 62.5 pounds. Ex. 118. How many horse-power will 10 cubic feet of water, applied to an overshot water wheel, 40 feet diameter, render, the efficiency of the wheel being 75 per cent, and one foot being allowed for clearance? Gal. 40 1=39 feet, effective head; 62.5X10X39 X .75H-550---33.24 horse-power. Ans. TABLE 30. Limiting Velocities in Open Streams. Jackson's Hydraulic Manual. Feet per Second. For the worst or most sandy soil 2.5 For sandy soil generally 2 . 75 For ordinary loam 3 . For firm gravel and hard soil 4 . For brick work, ashlar, or rubble in cement ....5.5 to 7.5 For hard, sound, stratified rock 10 . For very hard homogeneous rock 14 . or 15 . Limits usual for canals 1 . to 4 . Limits for irrigating channels , 1 . to 3 . Limits for sewers and brick conduits 1 . to 4 . 5 Limits for self -cleans ing sewers and drainage pipes 2.5 to 4.5 Remark. The importance of the data, given in Table 30, will be seen at a glance. Thus, if a velocity exceeding 2.5 feet per second be given a stream in very sandy soil, destruction by eros- I PRACTICAL HYDRAULICS. 247 ion of the bed of the canal will ensue; while on the other hand, if the velocity shall not exceed one foot per second at first, the canal will be liable to become choked up by the growth of vegetation. FLOOD-FLOW OF STREAMS. Various formulse have been devised for the flow of streams in times of floods. These empirical formulae are, at best, but rough approximates to the true flow. The following formula, given by Fanning, is an ex- pression for the " recorded flood measurement of American streams" in New England and the Middle States: Q=200 M*, (287) in which Q denotes the number of cubic feet discharge per second, and M the area of water shed in square miles. As California is more mountainous than New Eng- land and the Middle States, and fully as subject to heavy downfall of rain in the mountainous regions, it is not improbable that the flood discharge here will exceed that indicated by formula (287). Let it hence be accepted until otherwise determined. Ex. 119. The water-shed of the main Sacramento river contains twenty-four thousand seven hundred and eight square miles. What will be its flood dis- charge per second? . (24,708)1x200=915647 cubic feet. Ans. 248 PEACTICAL HYDRAULICS. TABLE 32. Miscellanies. 1 cubic foot of distilled water (U. S. standard), ba- rometer 30 inches, 39.83 Fahr. =62.3793 Ibs. 1 cubic foot of distilled water (British standard), ba- rometer 30 inches, 62 Fahr.---62.32l Ibs, 1 cubic foot of distilled water (U. S. standard) = 7.48052 gallons. 1 cubic inch of distilled water (U. S. standard) = 0.0361 Ibs. 1 gallon (U. S. standard) --231 cubic inches= 0.133681 cubic feet 8.3389 pounds water. 1 gallon, imperial (British standard) =277. 12,3 cu- bic inches=- 0.160372 cubic feet= 10 Ibs. water. 1 gallon (N. Y. statute measure), barometer 30 inches, 39.83 Fahr.=221.184 cubic inches=8 Ibs. water. 1 pound avoirdupois=16 ounces=7000 grains (U. S. standard)=27.7015 cubic inches. 1 pound Troy=l pound apothecary =12 ounces= 5760 grains. 1 ounce avoirdupois=437.5 grains. 1 ounce Troy=l ounce apothecary =480 grains. 1 chain=100 links=4 rods=66 feet 792 inches. 80 chains=l statute mile=320 rods==1760 yards= 5280 feet 63, 360 inches. 1 geographical, nautical or sea-mile = 6,086. 5 feet in longitude; and 6,076.5 feet in latitude. 1 league (English) =3 nautical miles. 1 metre=3. 2808992=3.281 in practice. 1 square metre=l centiare=10.7643 square feet. 1 are=100 square metres=1076.43 square feet. 1 cubic metre=l stare= 35.3166 cubic feet. 1 vara=2.75 feet. PRACTICAL HYDRAULICS. 249 1 legua (Mexican) =5000 varas linear= 13,750 feet =2.60417 miles. 100 vara lot=100 varas square -=75625 square feet 1.73611 acres. 1 legua, Mexican (of land) 6.7817 square miles 4340.27778 acres. 1 acre=4 roods 10 square chains 160 square rods 43560 square feet. 1 section=l square mile 640 'acres. 1 township=36 sections=6 miles square= 36 square miles. 1 cubic yard=27 cubic feet=16,656 cubic inches. 1 hundredweight (British) =8 stone=112 pounds. 1 ton (long ton), commercial- 20 hundredweight 2240 pounds. 1 ton (short ton), U. S.=2000 pounds. 1 quintal^ 100 pounds. 1 fathom=6 feet; 1 cable length 120 fathoms. 1 point -fg of an inch. 1 line=6 points^^ of an inch. 12 inches=l foot; 3 feet = l yard. 5J yards=l rod. 1 foot board measure =1 foot square and 1 inch thick. 12 feet board measure=l cubic foot. 1 foot-pound- work required to raise one pound vertically one foot. 1 second foot-pound=work required to raise one pound vertically one foot in one second of time. 1 minute foot-poundwork required to raise one pound vertically one foot in one minute. 1 (one degree), centigrade =1.8 (degrees), Fah- renheit. 1 barometric inch column of mercury, with one square inch base and one inch high. 250 PKACTICAL HYDRAULICS. Atmospheric pressure per square inch=14.7 pounds =30 barometric inches nearly, at 39.83 Fahr. 1 ounce Troy, gold, 1000 fine=$20.67l8. 1 ounce Troy, gold coin, U. S., 900 fine=$l8.6046. 1 pound avoirdupois, gold coin, U. S., 900 fine= $271.375. 1 ounce Troy, silver, 1000 fine-=$l. 29293. 1 ounce Troy, silver, U. S., 900 fine=$l.l63636. 1 pound avoirdupois, silver coin, U. S., 900 fine= $16.96969. 1 dollar, U. S. gold coin=23.22 grains gold + 2. 58 grains copper 25.8 grains. 1 dollar, U. S. silver coin=37l.25 grains silver + 41.25 grains copper=412.5 grains. 1 pound sterling 1 so vereign=l 13.001 grains gold 4-10.273 grains copper =; 12 3. 274 grains weight, fine- ness 22 carats= 916.6667. 1 grain gold, 1000 fine=- $.0430663 mint value. 1 grain silver, 1000 fine=-$. 0026936 mint value. 1 gramme gold, 1000 fine $.6646142 mint value. 1 gramme silver, 1000 fine $. 0415686 mint value. 1 cubic foot air^. 0806726 pounds --=564.7082 gr's. 1 pound of air at 39.83 = 12.387 cubic feet by vol. 1 cubic foot hydrogen^. 005042 pounds=35.2743 grains. 25 cubic feet of sand=l ton. 18 cubic feet of earth =l'ton. 17 cubic feet of clay=-l ton. 13 cubic feet of quartz, unbroken in lode = l ton. 18 cubic feet of gravel or earth, before digging 27 cubic feet when dug. 20 cubic feet of quartz, broken (of ordinary fineness coming from the lode) 1 ton, contract measurement. 1 horse-power (H. P.)=550 second foot-pounds= 33000 minute foot-pounds. OF THE WNIVER HOSKIN'S NEW HYDRAULIC GIANT. Of all the Hydraulic Nozzles or Giants made, no other has been so universally adopted or so satisfactory in results. It is no exaggeration to say that it is now almost exclusively used in all mining countries, and its great superiority every- where acknowledged, so that the Hoskin Giant has come to be regarded as the standard for this class of appliances. Several improvements have recently been made which greatly increase its efficiency, as well as its security and convenience. Horizontal and vertical motions are now made with only one joint, and this so protected as to be durable and easily kept in order. The Nozzle Butt is at- tached to the pipe in such a way as to counteract the downward movement com- mon to this class of machines when working under great pressure. The pipe is balanced by matching the notch in its flange with corresponding one in the flange of the elbow. This Machine is fully secured by Letters Patent in this, as well as other mining countries, and full protection guar- anteed to all purchasers. HOSKIN'S & PERKINS' PATENT DEFLECTORS. Special attention is called to the many advantages of these Deflectors, and to the fact that they are adapted to no other Giants. By means of a hand-lever the stream can be deflected to any desired angle without moving the body of the machine, and it is moved so easily that any child can operate it. This is the most valuable invention that has ever been applied to this class of machines, and gives the Hoskin Machine great pre-eminence over all others. ROMAN'S SAFETY PRESSURE EQUALIZER. A simple and most effective device for equalizing the strain on hydraulic pipes, and compensating for*all variations of pressure. It relieves the direct shock upon the pipes, and prevents the collapse or disastrous breaks so common from this cause. It is an indispensable and universally recognized necessity for all hydraulic operations. One required for each line of pipe. FOR CIRCULAR AND PRICE LIST. Address PACIFIC IRON WORKS, 127 First Street, 1OO N. Clinton St., 145 Broadway, SAN FRANCISCO. CHICAGO. NEW YORK. JOSHUA HENDY MACHINE WORKS, (INCORPORATED SEPTEMBER 29, 1882.) Nos. 39 to 51 Fremont St., San Francisco, Cal. MANUFACTURERS OF- Hydraulic Gravel Elevators HYDRAULIC GIANTS, HYDRAULIC MINING PIPE, QUARTZ and SAW-MILL MACHINERY, NEW and SECOND-HAND BOILERS, ENGINES AND MACHINERY OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. AGENTS FOR THE SALE OF "Cummer" Engines, from Cleveland, Ohio,* Porter Manufacturing Co.'s Engines and Boilers, "Baker" Rotary Pressure Blowers, "Wilbraham" Rotary Piston Pumps, " Boggs & Clarke " Centrifugal Pumps, The Volker & Felthousen Manuf'g Co.'s Buffalo Duplex Steam Pumps, P. Blaisdell & Co.'s Machinists' Tools. 1.64453