TC 425 S2A33 10 -O O GIFT OF GTPT MAR so LOCATION OF THE SUTTER BY-PASS. The Sutter by-pass, part of the by-pass system of the Sacramento Flood Control Project, was fixed in the so-called "Eastern" location by order of the State Reclamation Board made March 31, [1913, on the advice of the State Engineering Department, and with approval of the California Debris Commission acting for the Federal [Government. Certain interests in Sutter County desired the location changed back to that suggested in the original tentative plans of the [California Debris Commission the so-called "Central" location and [urged Hon. William Kent, congressman from the First District, which includes Sutter County, to secure the change if possible. Mr. Kent commissioned J. H. Dockweiler, consulting engineer of San Francisco, to make an exhaustive examination and report of the relative merits of the two locations. The report was made in May, 1916, and accom- panied by a number of maps and documents. The introduction to the report, which contains briefly the general conclusions, is as follows: SAN FRANCISCO, CAL., May 13, 1916. \H