UC-NRLF A TRAGEDY IN by WALLACE X PRINTER'S INK IRWIN from TAYLOR NASH CSi, TAYLOR No. 412 Mission Street San Francisco California A ;KP TRAGEDY IN PRINTER'S INK BY To which are added a few Quotations taken from Letters and Magazines Commenting on Good Printing SAN FRANCISCO TAYLOR 'NASH & TAYLOR MDCCCCXIII COPYRIGHT 1913 BY TAYLOR "NASH & TAYLOR SAN FRANCISCO A TRAGEDY IN PRINTER'S INK If THE PRINTING ART, Cambridge : Mention of type founders 1 type, rule and ornament. was made in this department last month of Such work is of the kind one wishes to some very handsome specimens of printing keep, and it should be an encouragement received from Taylor, Nash 6? Taylor of for other printers in America to aim for San Francisco. Since then a few other ex- the same high ideals in typography. Many amples have come to hand which are all up j of the announcements and other work pro- to the same high standard. It is dif- ficult to describe how charming is the appearance of thebook/'ABitof OldChina,"which will be prised high- ly by all lovers of beautiful printing. It is set in Book- man with double rule borders in a rich orange, and is 'OHANNUS was a printer man Well set from A to Z, But much besmeared with printer's ink, richness of ^effed: A black-faced type was he. duced by this firm ^ P rint f 1 u P on hand-made paper, which gives that And well he loved a queenly maid, The fair Elvira Green, As beautiful a Roman type As ever there was seen. that so satisfactor- ily supports good typographic effort. IJ SAN FRANCISCO CHRONICLE: Clar- ence T. Urmy's po- ems are very well known. For years he has been wri- printed on the chamois color of Normandy ting verse in praise of California. Some of Vellum. This stock has a slight pink tinge j his new poems are published in a dainty which harmonises well with the orange ink ; volume entitled" A CaliforniaTroubadour." used. The Japan Paper Company's Haik- The publisher has given the book a beau- wan Bamboo is used for the double cover, tiful dress, the pages having red-line border which is printed in gold and orange. The and the paper being an imitation of parch- booklet is enclosed in an envelope of the ment. The printing and presswork by Tay- same stock, on which is printed part of the j lor, Nash & Taylor are something which cover design. There is not space here to i will delight any lover of good book work. describe the other examples, all of which j Ijj THE GRAPHIC ARTS, Boston: There is no show charming and unusual color schemes, i mistaking the individualistic style and fine as well as very pleasing typography. Ijj THE | workmanship of the Christmas brochure AMERICAN PRINTER, New York : A firm that j which you so kindly sent to us. Please ac- is upholding the prestige of the printing ; cept our thanks for remembering us. We business in the United States is Taylor, already have in hand several pieces of your Nash 6? Taylor of San Francisco, the per- work and we hope to arrange before long sonnel of which was dwelt upon in the to make some editorial use of this with ap- January number. On the insert opposite preciative credit to you. If PRINTING TRADE is presented a program produced a few NEWS, New York: One of the most beautiful months ago by this Pacific Coast firm of pieces of printing that was ever executed good printers, and there is shown on this was recently turned out by Taylor, Nash 6P page a group of specimens composed mainly Taylor, 412 Mission Street, San Francisco. 272990 A TRAGEDY IN PRINTER' S INK This was an exquisitely printed copy of printing work I never would use them, and Dickens' "Christmas." This famous little it was not until I began to see your work essay was done up into a small book, free that I ever countenanced them. That you from all advertising matter. The book was have converted me is shown by the fact executed in a style that is peculiar to the that you are doing a specimen sheet for us, house of Taylor, Nash 6? Taylor, which and I only wish that you were more close' concern turns out a product that for beauty of design and adherence to all the correct prin- ciples of typogra- phy excels that of any other printing house in the Uni' ted States. This de- lightful book was a 450 edition ; 200 were sold and 250 distributed among So poor Johannus' passion raged Tempestuous as a storm, Whene'er he saw his lady love's Divinely printed form. But when the heartless maiden viewed Johannus' love-lorn fix, She quickly took his measure and Was crosser than two sticks. ly in touch and that the distance was not so great so that we could cooperate oftener. I should like to sit down and write a detailed review of all of these exam' pies and tell you just what I think of them, but you know that they are good and you the friends of the company. The book will know how inadequate a means a letter is be kept and treasured by all those receiving to express such things. Your handling of a it who possess a love for printed matter of commercial catalogue such as " California's the better kind, if THOMAS N AST FAIRBANKS, Greatest Industry" presents a type page that Japan Paper Company, New York : To say answers all the commercial requirements that would serve to ruin such a catalogue and yet permits of a decorative treatment that is delightful. The color and register that you have used in the "Christmas in that the samples you sent me interested me would be to put it mildly. They not only filled me with admiration, but made me feel that such a collection should have some form of publicity that would serve to stim- ulate the so-called foremost printers of the East to a realization of the fact that they are not nearly so competent as their tradi Bohemia " and the " Lamb in Bohemia " are beautiful. " Into the Light " interests me particularly. Was this printed for com' mercial sale, and, if so, was it successful ? tional complacency leads them to believe. It certainly ought to be and I am glad to No criticism can be made of the mechani- cal execution of your work and no criti' cism can be made of the taste, and above possess this copy. I must not undertake to treat each one of these as I should like to, but I cannot pass the " Memorial to Frank all no comparison can be made of the mar' Norris " without congratulating you on velous way in which you handle rules and every detail of this work, but especially the the infinite variety of forms in which you mechanical execution of the gold rule. You place them. Personally I have always been may rest assured that all of these examples brought up to hate rules and in my early will be very highly treasured by us in New A TRAGEDY IN PRINTER'S INK York and that they will be given every bit ically, is a Christmas Greeting sent out by of publicity that we are able to accomplish. < the San Francisco branch of the American In closing I might add that I am glad to see j Type Founders Company. Here red and you have the courage to use the Alberti, as | gold are also used, but the green is of a this is my favorite color and seems to be i darker shade, as befits the Christmas season, above the heads of the average printer as it | and the type face is Cloister. As the greet "Elvira fair," the swain began, Poetic from the start, "Your sacred name in upper case Is graven on my heart ; "I work my galleys like a slave Who bitter chains endures, But as I labor at my forms I see no form but yours." is difficult to treat. of Cameo Post Card. A booklet for the Pan- ama-Pacific Exposition has a cover of white Cameo Post Card, the text pages being on Seymour Company's Exeter Antique Book. The type used is Bodoni, and the color scheme, blue and black, is a charming one. ^GEORGE FRENCH, Boston: I have several times been over the book, "A California Troubadour," each time with added admira- tion. It seems to me an admirable piece of A TRAGEDY IN PRINTER'S INK Drk and very much more. It is difficult commonplace. Cj KEYSTON BROS., San Fran- find a flaw in it. I have not yet found cisco: We are in receipt of catalogues as work to find a llaw in it. 1 have not yet found cisco: We are in receipt of catalogues as one, looking at it from what was evidently per copy submitted, and congratulate you your viewpoint your motive. I shall place upon turning out the finest piece of print' it with the few books that I keep apart ing of this character that we have ever from the general ruck of my library, because it is so admirable, and so admirably different; but first I shall find time to read it, as I believe you told me that it will bear reading. I would appreciate it if you would send me more sam' pies of your work, that I may get a better idea of the average work of seen. Correct your errors, sir," she said, The while she held aloof, If you would prove the things you say Then let me read your proof." " No proof have I," Johannus cried, " Because my hot distress Has melted all my metal down Before it went to press." We are perfectly satisfied in every manner with the treatment afforded us, and you may feel confident that when we are com' piling other cata' logues you will hear from us. The services you have rendered us have been efficient and most satisfactory in every respedt. CJ JOSEPH D. RED' your shop, which I am sure is high and fine. ! DING, San Francisco : Permit me to congrat' W THE PRINTING ART, Cambridge : One of ulate you on the beautiful work you have the handsomest specimens of printing this done in bringing out the Grove Play Book magazine has received in several months this year, "The Atonement of Pan." The is a program entitled " Music of Bohemia," publication is a delight to the eye, showing which bears the imprint of Taylor, Nash & \ great taste in the selection of paper, type, Taylor of San Francisco. It is printed in I color and treatment. I do not believe that orange and brown on cafe color Old Hamp' \ the edition could be published more beau' shire Bond with an Old Hampshire Bond ! tifully in this country.