-/ . . - . . -" Hi BY . v iv ;i Wf / BATTLES OF AMERICA BY SEA AND LAND WITH BIOGRAPHIES OF NAVAL AND MILITARY COMMANDERS. VOLUME I. COLONIAL AND REVOLUTIONARY. BY ROBERT TOMES, M. D. ILLUSTRATED WITH NUMEROUS STEEL ENGRAVINGS, NEW YORK JAMES S. VIRTUE 12 DEY STEEET. COPYRIGHT, 1878, BY ROBERT TOMES. LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS, VOL. I. COLONIAL AND REVOLUTIONARY. PAGE. BATTLE OF BUNKER S HILL - Frontispiece. WASHINGTON AT VALLEY FORGE Vignette Title. THE SIEGE OF LOUISBURG 2 FALL OF BRADDOCK - 7 WASHINGTON RAISING THE BRITISH FLAG AT FORT DU QUESNE Io6 WOLFE S INTERVIEW WITH PITT, BEFORE HIS DEPARTURE FOR CANADA - 108 THE STRUGGLE ON CONCORD BRIDGE 145 SPAULDING MONUMENT, FOREST HILL CEMETERY, BUFFALO - I?! GENERAL HOWE EVACUATING BOSTON - 251 INTERVIEW OF HOWE*S MESSENGER WITH WASHINGTON - 310 LORD STIRLING AT THE BATTLE OF LONG ISLAND - 328 BATTLE OF HARLEM - 354 WASHINGTON CROSSING THE DELAWARE - ~ 4 2 ^ BATTLE OF PRINCETON " 435 GENERAL STARK AT BENNINGTON - 5 22 LAFAYETTE WOUNDED " 534 SURRENDER OF BURGOYNE 573 MOLL PITCHER - " "4 1 INDIAN MASSACRE AT WILKESBARRE, (VALLEY OF WYOMING) - 654 LAST MOMENTS OF MAJOR ANDRE " 7 8 7 DEATH OF FERGUSON, AT KING S MOUNTAIN 800 INTRODUCTION. To the general reader history would be uninteresting were it not for its battle scenes. Take the battle scenes out of the famous histories which have come down to us from Ancient Greece and Rome, and what would be left of them ? It is the battle pictures which give life to the pages of Xenophon and Thucydides, of Livy and Tacitus ; and the modern historians have found it as much a pleasure as a necessity to dwell upon these scenes in which nations are seen struggling against some fierce internal enemy, or measuring their strength with a powerful foreign foe. What more readable book than Napier s History of the Peninsular War ? Gibbon is nevermore brilliant than when he lingers over a battle scene. And who would read through the bulky volumes of Alison and Thiers were it not for the wars of the Great Napoleon, which occupy the chief portions of the narrative. It is the object of the author to present in detail in the following pages, the great battles which have been associated with the rise and progress of America ; and it is his confident belief that the work will commend itself to all who take any interest in the welfare and prosperity of the Great Republic. History seems to teach that conflict and progress are convertible terms ; and, indeed, no Nation has ever risen to eminence that has not passed through a succession of conflicts, either within itself, or in defensive war against the encroachments of powerful neighbors. To mark the course of these, and to observe how victory almost always has finally remained with a people true to themselves and firmly united against the aggressor, however powerful, is a source of unmingled satisfaction to every friend of man ; and, indeed, nothing can more excite the sympathy of the right-minded than to follow in history the fortunes of a heroic people, struggling for the preservation of independence and liberty against overwhelming forces, and finally throwing off the oppressor by force of. heroism and superior capacity for self-sacrifice and perseverance. Such a series of conflicts America has passed through ; and it is pro posed in this work to give a compendious account of the struggles and heroic conflicts by which it has risen from the condition of a few feeble and scattered r*" INTRODUCTION. colonies to a position among the first, if not the very first, of the great Nations of the modern world, and to indicate therefrom something of the future grandeur that awaits them. It will adopt tl^e order of time, and begin with the colonial struggle with the French, in the course of which occurred the capture and siege of Louisbourg, accomplished mainly by the daring and energy of the men of New England ; the disastrous defeat and death of General Braddock, memorable as the scene of Washington s early distinction, the loss of Fort William Henry, the capture of Fort Du Quesne, the battle on the Heights of Abraham, the death of Wolfe and Montcalm, and the capture of Quebec. It will then take up the Revolutionary War, and omit no conflict of those days which tried men s souls. From the battle of Lexington to the surrender at Yorktown, every contest will be described : the struggle on Concord Bridge, the capture of Ticonderoga by Ethan Allen and the "Green Mountain Boys," the battle of Bunker s Hill, in which the provincials first discovered that they were a match for British regulars, the surrender of Montreal and the unsuccessful siege of Quebec, the capture of Johnstown by Schuyler, the defeat of Lord Dunmorc in Virginia, the British evacuation of Boston, the defence of Charles ton and Fort Sullivan by General Moultrie, the battle of Long Island, the evacuation of New York by the Patriot forces, the battles of Harlem and White Plains, the siege and capture of Fort Washington by the British, the naval engagement on Lake Champlain, the battles of Trenton and Princeton, the fall of Ticonderoga and the battle of Hubbardtown, the battle at Fort Stanwix and the death of Herkimer, the battles of Bennington and the Brandywine and Bemis s Heights, followed by the surrender of Burgoj iie, the battles of Gcrmantown and Monmouth, the massacre at Wyoming, the defence of Charleston, the capture of Vincennes. the storming of Stony Point, the exploits of Paul Jones, and the desperate fight between the Bon Homme Richard and the Serapis, the disastrous assault on Savannah under D Estaing and Lincoln, the fall of Charleston, the battles of Camclen, King s Mountain, the Cowpens, Guilford Court House, Hobkirk s Hill and Eutaw Springs, the siege of Yorktown and the surrender of Cornwallis, with all the minor incidents and exploits that contributed to make the war memorable, and the States independent. Then, also in the order of time, will come the battles of the War of 1812, brought about by arbitrary French decrees and the British orders in council, together with the right of search claimed by British cruisers. After sketching the affairs of the Leopard and the Chesapeake, and the President and Little Belt, and Harrison s victory at Tippecanoe events that immediately preceded and hastened the outbreak of actual hostilities will be narrated the long series of triumphs, with a few reverses, of the American Navy, so gratifying at home, and INTRODUCTION. Ill producing such astonishment in Europe, among which may be named as deserving the reader s special attention, the memorable chase of the frigate Constitution by a British squadron, the battles between the Alert and the Essex, the Guerriere and the Constitution, the daring exploits of Decatur at Tripoli, and the capture of the Macedonia, the battles between the Frolic and the Wasp, the Constitution and the Java, the Hornet and the Peacock, the Chesapeake and the Shannon, the Pelican and the Argus, the Enterprise and the Boxer, the Essex and the Pho3be, off Valparaiso, the battles of Lakes Erie and Champlain, and other less memorable sea fights, in which American courage and daring were conspicuous. Turning to military operations, it will be seen that though at first these were less fortunate, there were not wanting displays of daring and energy, worthy of more brilliant success. It will be necessary to tell of the shameful surrender of General Hull at Detroit, and of the massacre of Captain Heald s command at the beginning of the war, and subsequently of the surrender of Winchester and the massacres at the Eiver Eaisin and Fort Mines. Less painful will be the task of the historian in narrating Taylor s gallant defence of Fort Harrison, the battle of Queenstown and the defence of Fort Niagara, and of Fort Stephenson by Croghan, the siege of Fort Meigs and the capture of York (now the large and nourishing City of Toronto) and Fort George, the battle of Sackett s Harbor, the battle of the Thames and death of Tecumseh, the battles of Chippewa, Lundy s Lane, Bladensburg, Baltimore, and New Orleans one of the memorable battles of the world. In the War with Mexico the Nation will be exhibited no longer contending with the superior forces of an aggressive European Power, but taking the offensive to secure the independence of Texas, threatened by the persistent claims of the Mexicans. In the account of this war the historian has little more to do than to recount a succession of victories. The superiority of the American troops, in everything but numbers, soon made it evident that there could be only one conclusion to a contest between Anglo-Saxon and Mexican. Beginning with the disaster to Colonel Thornton s command, then will follow the world-renowned battles of Palo- Alto and Kesaca-de-la-Palma, of the gallant defence of Fort Brown, of the battles of Monterey and Buena Vista, El Paso and Sacramento, the siege and capture of Vera Cruz, the battles of Cerro Gordo, Contreras and El Molino del Rey, the capture of Chapultepec, and the surrender and occupation of the City of Mexico the crowning triumph of the war. In the Four Years War into which the Nation was permitted to fall, will be narrated a series of battles of a magnitude with few parallels in modern times, as might be expected when men of the same race and country were arrayed against each other in vast armies of equal numbers, and commanded by officers IV INTRODUCTION. of similar experience and training, and whose operations extended through every Southern State, there will be seen no longer, as in Mexico, a rapid succession of victories, but a series of persistent and terrific struggles, of which the termination might well seem doubtful to European observers. From the first gun fired on Fort Sumter, whose echoes rang throughout the world, to the final surrender of General Lee, occurred a vast multitude of actions and operations, on land and sea, of which only a few of the more prominent can be named here. It will be the duty of the historian to describe the battles of Booneville, Rich Mountain and Carrack s Ford, the disastrous defeat of Bull Run, the battle of Springfield, the bombardment of Fort Hatteras, the battles of Ball s Bluff and Drainsville, the capture of Port Royal, the battle of Mill Spring, the capture of Forts Henry and Donelson and of Nashville, the battle of Pea Ridge, the battle between the Monitor and the Merrimac, the battles of Winchester the battle at Pittsburg Landing and Shiloh, the capture of New Orleans, McClellan s siege of Yorktown, the battle of Williamsburg, the attack at Drury s Bluff, the battles of Hanover Court House, Fair Oaks and Green Pines, the naval battle before Memphis, the Seven Days battles on the Peninsula, the battles of South Mountain, Antietam and Fredericksburg, the tedious siege of Yicksbnrg and Charleston and Fort Sumter and Petersburg, the bombardment of Fort Fisher, Farragut s twenty days work at Mobile, the engagement between the Kearsarge and Alabama, the great battles of Chancellorsville, Salem Heights, Lookout Moun tain, the Wilderness, Spottsylvania Court House, Cold Harbor, the Chickahominy, Atlanta, Nashville and Five Forks, Sheridan s battles in the Shenandoah Valley, Sherman s great march to the sea, and the brilliant closing events of the war. But attractive, as it is hoped the literary portion of this work will be, the pictorial illustrations all steel engravings of the first class will be pronounced unrivalled for their beauty and accuracy. These will be profusely distributed, and will consist of battles on sea and land, accurate pictures of battle-fields, fortresses, and scenes of memorable events ; also fine portraits of all the more distinguished military and naval commanders. Besides which will be given a number of beautifully colored maps, by means of which the reader may readily follow the movements of armies in the fields. In brief, it is confidently anticipated that "The Battles of America" will be made so complete a work that nothing can be added to it with advantage ; and that, in all time to come, the United States may have no more battles to record, but that peace may become the true panoply of all Nations. BATTLES OF AMERICA, PART I, COLONIAL BATTLES, CHAPTER I. The Rivalry between England and France in the Old World revived in the New. France s Lnst of Dominion m Amer ica. Jealousy of English Colonists. Frequent Conflicts, with no Results but Spilling of Blood. Louis the Four teenth s Contemptuous Disregard of his American Subjects. His Fatal Concessions to Great Britain by the Treaty of Utrecht. The Consequent Danger of Canada. The French guard against it by the Founding of Louisburg. Its Extensive Fortifications. The Jealousy of the English Colonists excited. Their Trade endangered. The French deemed a Horde of Dangerous Interlopers. Anxiety to get rid of them. The French commence Hostilities. Can- seau attacked by the French and captured. Annapolis repels the Invaders. New England aroused Governor Shir ley, of Massachusetts, boldly resolves upon a Secret Expedition against Louisburg. The Secret disclosed by a Pious Member of the General Court. Shirley asks the Aid of the Home Government for the Defence of Nova Scotia. So licits the Assistance of the English West-India Fleet. Shirley opposed by the Legislature. He finally triumphs over the Opposition. Massachusetts foremost in voting Men and Money. Land-Forces and the Fleet of New England. Embarrassment of the Governor in the Choice of a Commander of the Expedition. Colonel William Peppercll finally chosen. Governor Wentworth passed over, on the Score of Ill-Health. Wentworth, disappointed, declares he nas thrown away his Crutches, and offers his Services, but too late. Pcpperell hesitates to accept. The famous Whitcfield advises him religiously. The Expedition against Louisburg a Religious Crusade. The Pious Enthusiasm of the People. Pepperell s Origin, Life, and Character. A Great Merchant. Immense Popularity. Military Experience. Recruits crowd to his Standard. Shirley, anxious to take Louisburg by a Coup de Main, cuts off all Communication with the Place. The Expedition prepares to sail. A Heavy Blow, and Great Discouragement. Admiral Warren, of the West-India Station, at the Last Moment, refuses to co-operate. Prayers and Sermons. Expedition sails for Canseau. THE rivalry between England and France in the Old World was revived in the New under circumstances calculated no less to excite jealousy, and stir up con tention, than those which had for ages brought these tw r o nations in another hemisphere into almost constant conflict. As in Europe, so in America, the English find French were near neighbors; and with this proximity of two different and aspiring people, came naturally a clash ing of interests, and repeated struggles for supremacy. France, in possession of Canada and Louisiana, was, with its usual lust of dominion, eager to enlarge the boundaries of its American territory: with this view, she claimed the whole region which extended back of the original Brit ish colonies from the mouth of the St. Lawrence to that of the Mississippi, and strove on every occasion to make good her claims by military possession. The English settlers, with their rapidly-devel oping commercial and trading interests, looked at these encroachments with a jealous eye, and sought every opportuni- BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART i. 1713, ty to check the advances of their French rivals. Frequent collisions ensued in consequence, and the colonial annals are fall of recorded conflicts between the two competitors for American dominion. The temporary military triumph of the one or the other was the only result of these re peated contests, and the combatants were left, for the most part, in the possession of their original territorial claims. In 1713, however, Louis XIV., with a contemptuous disregard of the interests of his American subjects, ceded to Great Britain, by the treaty of Utrecht, the province of Nova Scotia called by the French Acadie Newfound land with its wealth of fisheries, and the territory bordering Hud3on s bay. This concession was a fatal blow to French dominion in America. Newfound land and Nova Scotia should have been retained at all hazards by France, as they were, from their position off the mouth of the St. Lawrence, the natural guards to Canada. It is true that the island of Cape Breton, to the west, was reserved for the protection of the Canadian possessions; but its proximity to the coast of New Eng land, and to Nova Scotia from which it was only separated by a narrow strait, exposed it to attack from those quarters. The French were alive to the danger incurred by the concessions of the treaty of Utrecht, and strove to secure the safety of their Canadian territory by strongly for tifying Cape Breton, as their only means of guarding the approach to the St. Law rence, and thus protecting the extensive territory of which that river is the outlet. They accordingly founded a walled town on a tongue of land, at the southeastern part of Cape Breton, and called it Louis- burg, in honor of their monarch. The most skilful engineers of France were commissioned to fortify it on the most extensive plan, and according to the best approved systems of defence. The site of the town and fortifications embraced a circumference of no less than two and a half miles ; while a solid ram part of masonry, with a height of more than thirty feet and a ditch of the width of eighty feet, was constructed to protect every part that was approachable. Tow ard the sea, there was no occasion for more than the defence of a dike and pick ets, since the water here was so shallow and so underspread with dangerous reefs, that there was no danger from the ap proach of armed vessels. The entrance to the harbor was only four hundred yards wide, and this was defended by the con struction of a battery of thirty twenty- eight pounders upon a small island which was conveniently situated in the very centre of the strait. Another battery was built on the land bordering the up per part of the harbor, and directly facing the town. This was termed the Royal battery, and was provided with twenty- eight forty-two and two eighteen-pound cannon. On the elevated ground of the main-land opposite to the fortified island, stood the lighthouse, and at some distance to the north were built the necessary magazines and storehouses. The town itself was handsomely con structed of wood and stone, and was en tered through a gate at the west over a drawbridge, which was defended by a cir- COLONIAL.] LOUISBURG AND ITS FORTIFICATIONS. cular battery containing thirteen twenty- four pounders. The cost of the \vhole construction, of town and fortifications, amounted to no less than six millions of dollars ; and such had been the deliber ate care with which the works were con ducted, that they required twenty-five years for their completion. The English colonists of the New Eng land coast naturally beheld the rising of this strongly-fortified citadel with anx ious alarm. They began to fear for the safety of their trade and commerce : they saw, in Louisburg, a cover for French cruisers and privateers, which, on the least pretence of hostility, might sail out and pounce upon their merchantmen and fishing-vessels. The English, with a natu ral instinct for trade, had largely devel oped the Atlantic fisheries and commerce, while the French, more intent upon mili tary possession, seemed eager only for the glory of dominion. The latter, there fore, were regarded by the former as a horde of dangerous interlopers, whom it was necessary to get rid of at all hazards, as fatal obstacles to British colonial pros perity. Odious, however, as the threatening aspect of the fortified Louisburg was to the New-Englanders, and eager as they were to rid themselves of so dangerous a neighbor, it was not before the French had provoked the attack, that the Eng lish prepared to commence hostilities. Nova Scotia, in possession of Great Britain, was poorly defended by two small English garrisons : one on the is land of Canseau, at the mouth of the strait of that name, which separates No va Scotia from Cape Breton; and the other at Port Royal, or Annapolis, situ ated to the north. The French com mander at Louisburg, anticipating a dec laration of war between France and Eng land, sent out a detachment of nine hundred men against the garrison of Canseau. The English, consisting only of a single company of soldiers, and sus pecting nothing, were taken by surprise and conveyed to Louisburg as captives. A similar attempt was made upon An napolis; but William Shirley, governor of Massachusetts, anticipating the dan ger, had sent a small force from Boston to the aid of the garrison, which succeed ed with much difficulty in repelling the French attack. The colonists of Massachusetts were greatly provoked by these invasions, and prepared to take revenge. Their thoughts naturally turned to Louisburg, the pos session of which by the French was be lieved to be so dangerous to the British colonial interests. The prisoners who had been captured at Canseau and taken to L ouisburg, had been set free. On their arrival in Boston, their imprisonment be came naturally a general topic of conver sation, and served to stimulate the desire for an attack upon the place of their cap tivity. They, moreover, were enabled to give the exactest information in regard to Louisburg and its fortifications. With this definite knowledge, Governor Shir ley conceived the bold idea of getting uj a secret invasion of the French citadel, with the view of taking it by surprise and capturing it at once by a coup de main. Shirley was so bent upon his scheme. BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART i. and so convinced of the necessity of se crecy, that he extorted from each mem ber of the general court a solemn oath not to divulge his plan. The secret was, however, only kept for a few days ; it having been disclosed through the piety of one whose voice was heard, not only in the legislature, but the church. In his capacity as member of the latter, be ing called upon to pray, he piously in voked the blessing of Heaven upon Shir ley s scheme, and thus disclosed the gov ernor s important secret. The subject now became the common talk, and gen eral opinion was freely expressed against the proposition, as reckless and impossi ble Shirley strove even to mystify the British ministry ; and, while he invoked their aid, he carefully concealed from them the exact purpose of his demand. He wrote to the home government, ask ing for the assistance of a naval force, on the plea that Nova Scotia was threatened by the French ; and addressed also a let ter to Warren, who had the naval com mand on the West-India station, and was then at Antigua, soliciting his aid. The indefatigable Shirley was not to be balked of his favorite purpose by the opposition of the legislature, which had reported, through a committee, unfavor ably to the attack on Louisburg. He accordingly used his influence with the traders of New England, to prevail upon them to get up a petition to the legisla ture to reconsider its former vote. This was done, and had its effect ; for a new committee was appointed, which report- ed in favor of the expedition. Upon the report being warmly and longly discussed, the governor s plan was finally carried by the majority of one. The vote was given ; there was no longer any opposi tion to carrying out its object ; and all the colonists warmly seconded the efforts 01 Shirley for the execution of the proposed attack upon Louisburg. New England, and particularly Massa chusetts, felt naturally the greatest inter est in the enterprise, and the share borne in it by that portion of the colonies was accordingly the greatest. Massachusetts was foremost, and voted to contribute more than three thousand men. Next came Connecticut, with five hundred ; and then Rhode Island and New Hamp shire, with three hundred each. Aid was solicited from the other colonies, but there was little active sympathy show r n Avith the cause, and New England was left to bear the chief burden. Pennsyl vania, however, sent some provisions, and New York contributed a small supply of artillery. In addition to the land-forces, there were fourteen small armed vessels, with an aggregate of two hundred and four guns, made up of the various cruis ers kept always in service by the sea board colonies. With the transports, the whole fleet amounted to no less than a hundred sail. A provincial, of the name of Edward Tyng, was appointed commo dore of this colonial squadron. It was a matter of greater difficulty to find a commander for the land-forces, and a general leader of the expedition. The governor of Massachusetts seemed em barrassed in making a choice, as might naturally have been expected among a COLONIAL.] WILLIAM PEPPERELL. people whose occupations were of com merce and trade. It was not difficult to find among the fishermen, lumberers, sail ors, and mechanics, of New England, har dy and bold men enough for any under taking requiring courage and endurance ; but who among them had that knowl edge of military art necessary to disci pline their rude force into the order re quired for regular warfare ? It is true, there were not wanting those who had gathered their countrymen together from the bench, the field, and the fishery, and led them against the savages, in defence of their lives and property. These were, however, mere Indian skirmishes in which there was no occasion for military art. Governor Shirley was supposed to have hesitated for some time between two dis tinguished New-Englanders : Wentworth, governor of New Hampshire, and Colonel William Pepperell, president of the coun cil of Massachusetts. He finally chose the latter, but evidently not without some compunctions of injustice toward the for mer, to whom he wrote, after the appoint ment of Pepperell, to this effect: "It would have been an infinite satisfaction to me, and done great honor to the ex pedition, if your limbs would have per mitted you to take the chief command." Shirley alluded to Wentworth s gout, as his reason for passing him by. The gov ernor of New Hampshire, however, did not care thus to be invalided, and wrote in reply that he had thrown away his crutches, and was ready, in spite of the gout, to march at the head of the expe dition. But it was too late, as Pepperell had already received his appointment. 2 No better selection could probably have been made, in the want of any reg ular military tactician. Pepperell, how ever, was very doubtful of his own capa city for the undertaking, and hesitated to accept the position. Governor Shir ley strenuously urged him to comply, on the ground that his influence with those upon whom the expedition depended for its success could not be dispensed with. He, however, still pondered the matter, and determined to consult his friends be fore coming to a final conclusion. At this time, the celebrated George Whitefield,theeloquentMethodist preach er, had reached New England, in the course of his evangelizing labors in Amer ica, and was stopping at the house of Pepperell, in Maine. The host took this occasion of consulting his famous guest in regard to his appointment, and is sup posed to have been influenced by White- field s advice, in his resolution to accept. The divine said, he did not think the scheme very promising ; that the eyes of all would be upon him ; that if it should not succeed, the widows and orphans of the slain would reproach him ; and if it should succeed, many would regard him with envy, and endeavor to eclipse his glory; that he ought, therefore, to go with a single eye, and he would find his strength proportioned to his necessity. This was good religious advice, and gave a holy sanction to the enterprise, which seems to have had its influence in determining Pepperell to undertake it, and in inspiring many of the New-Eng land people with a pious ardor in favor of the cause. Many of Whitefield s own 10 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART i converts offered themselves with enthu siasm as recruits, and all began to con sider the expedition as a sanctified one. There is no doubt that the Puritan feel ing of New England was aroused in reli gious hostility to the French, in conse quence of their Roman Catholic faith. Whitefield himself seems to have given such a direction to the sentiment of New England by the motto which he furnished for the flag of the expedition. Nil des- perandum, Christo duce " With Christ for our leader, nothing is to be despaired of" were the words supplied ; and none could have been better chosen, to give the tone of a religious crusade to the un dertaking. That such, in effect, was the result, may be gathered from the fact that clergymen, with axes on shoulder, prepared to demolish popish images, read ily enlisted for service ; and from such letters as this from one Deacon Gray, ad dressed to Pepperell : " that I could be with you and dear Parson Moody in that church, to destroy the images there set up, and hear the true gospel of our Lord and Saviour there preached ! My wife, who is ill and confined to her bed, yet is so spirited in the affair, on hearing of your taking the command, that she is very willing all her sons should wait on you, though it is outwardly greatly to our damage. One of them has already enlisted, and I know not but there will be more. She sends her duty to you, and says, so long as she has life she shall importunately pray for you." There was no man in the whole colony more popular than Pepperell. He was a thorough New-Englander, by birth, edu cation, religion, habits, and occupation. His father, at an early age, had emigrated from Wales and settled at Kittery, on the banks of the Piscataqua, the river which separates Maine from New Hampshire. Commencing as a fisherman, he finally reached the more imposing position of a merchant, and became colonially famous for wealth and integrity. His son William was born in 1696 at Kittery. His early education was the best that could be supplied by the vil lage school, and consisted only of the ele mentary reading, spelling, and arithme tic. Having soon exhausted these aca demic resources, he was taken into his father s trading establishment, and there finished his education, which was, of course, more of a practical than scholas tic character. The Pepperells were great merchants for those times, and dealt large ly in timber, fish, and Wesi^Indian molas ses, rum, and negroes. The elder Pepperell, from a fisherman s apprentice, had passed rapidly through the various transitions of fisherman, pro prietor of fishing-boats, shopkeeper, and factor, until he finally became ship-owner and merchant. He had his coasters to send to the West Indies with lumber, in exchange for sugar and other tropical productions ; his ships to take these and other colonial produce to Europe, and bring back manufactured goods ; and, in fact, he carried on as important commer cial transactions as the colonial trade al lowed. His son William soon became a partner in the paternal house, and add ed rapidly to its importance and wealth. On his father s death, he succeeded him COLONIAL. J MILITARY ARDOR. 11 as the principal member of the firm, and in a few years was known throughout New England as the wealthiest and most influential of its merchants. Taking an active part in the public concerns of the colony, he soon secured a large share of colonial honor. He suc cessively became justice of the peace, a captain, major, lieutenant-colonel, colonel, and commander-in-chief, of the militia of Maine, and finally member of the coun cil of Massachusetts. It was his military prominence, combined with his great per sonal influence and popularity, which had induced Governor Shirley to give him the command of the expedition about to set out for the attempt upon Louis- burg. Pepperell s command as colonel of the militia seems to have inspired him with considerable military ardor. He devoted himself with great spirit to his duties, and, by frequent drills, musters, and pa rades, imparted to his miscellaneous regi ment of fishermen, lumberers, and me chanics, all the discipline of which they were capable. As the neighborhood was particularly exposed to the incursions of surrounding savages, there was the mo tive of constant and imminent danger to prompt to alertness of military prepara tion. The ardor of their commander was thus readily shared by his fellow-colo nists ; and it may well be conceived that the troops of Maine were as effect ive as the best of the irregulars. None could have surpassed them in courage and endurance, and few equalled their skill in the use of the firelock. In the frequent skirmishes with the Indians, they had become practised in savage warfare ; while not only their occupa tions as fishermen and lumberers, but their amusements on the sea and in the forest, served to inure them to danger and fatigue, as well as to accustom them to the exercise of their strength and skill. All they required was the practice of act ing together in large bodies; and this they were about learning, for the first time, in the hazardous attempt upon Lou- isburg. The recruits came in rapidly, as soon as it was known that Colonel Pepperell had accepted the command of the pro posed expedition. His personal influ ence was so great, that all his immediate neighbors capable of bearing arms seem ed eager to join his standard. The whole town of Berwick turned out almost to a man. There was no difficulty in obtain ing the necessary quota of soldiers for the ranks, but there was some trouble in reconciling the officers to assuming cer tain subordinate positions. Some of these, even in Berwick, were accordingly back ward in offering their services. Pepper- ell, referring to this remissness, wrote : " I have not the least doubt that the com missioned officers in Berwick are as brave and as good men as any in this province, and would willingly venture their lives with their colonel. Please to tell them all I sincerely value and love them, and that should there be occasion for forces to be sent after us, I don t doubt in tin least but they will be ready to come. 1 beg all their prayers." Governor Shirley was still bent upon his scheme of taking Louisburg by sur- 12 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART i prise ; and accordingly, although he had failed to keep the purpose of his expedi tion a secret from his own people, he re solved to use every precaution to mysti fy the French. All communication with Louisburg was cut off, by prohibiting the sailing of colonial vessels to that place ; and it was strictly forbidden for copies to be taken of the orders read to the com panies, or for any soldier to disclose their purport. Shirley s plan of taking Louis- burg by surprise, and carrying it by a coup dc main, was based upon his knowl edge, not only of the strength of that citadel, but of the weakness of the colo- j nial forces. He naturally supposed that an undisciplined militia had not the ne cessary skill, or even the patience, for executing the operations of a systematic siege. He knew, moreover, that the col onists, to a man, would do all that enter prise and courage could do in the want of art, and accordingly trusted for success to these well-known characteristics of the New-England troops. It was, therefore, no Quixotic scheme of Shirley to design a rapid movement, a sudden surprise, and a quick execution, by which the skilled soldier in command of the French for tress would be thrown off his guard, and be prevented from bringing to bear the resources of military art against his un disciplined opponents. The governor of Massachusetts, accordingly, as Bancroft says, " wisest of all, gave instructions for the fleet of a hundred vessels to arrive together at a precise hour; heedless of the surf, to land in the dark on the rocky shore ; to march forthwith, through thick et and bog, to the city and beyond it ; and to take the fortress and Royal bat tery by surprise before" daybreak." The troops all being raised within the brief period of two months, and to the number of over three thousand, prepared to sail in the fleet now at anchor in the roads of Nantucket. Some of the fleet est of the provincial cruisers were sent in advance, to hover about Louisburg, and intercept all French vessels bound thither. The rest were detained to trans port the provincial forces. A day was now set apart for prayer^ and to invoke the blessing of Heaven upon the expedi tion. Large crowds gathered together on the shore, on the Sunday preceding the day of embarkation ; solemn prayers were offered up to the God of battles, imploring his aid in the coming struggle ; and sermons were delivered in every church, setting forth the holiness of the cause, and urging the duty of each sol dier to do his "manfullest in the service of the Great Captain of our salvation." On the day before the departure, a heavy blow and great discouragement came, in an answer from Warren, the commodore of the West-India squadron, to Governor Shirley, refusing to give the aid solicited. The colonial forces had ex pected to be reinforced by this squadron before sailing ; but the cause of the non- arrival of Warren with his ships having been kept a secret by the prudent gov ernor, and only disclosed to Pepperell (now lieutenant-general) and his second in command, General Wolcot, the troops embarked in ignorance, and expected merely a temporary delay of the naval assistance still confidently hoped for. COLONIAL.] SAILING OF THE EXPEDITION. 13 The small settlement of Canseau, in the strait of that name dividing Nova Scotia and Cape Breton, having been de termined upon as the rendezvous, the various vessels set sail. The troops of Massachusetts, which formed the larger proportion of the forces, sailed first, on the 24th of March, and were sue- 1 r ceecled at brief intervals by those of New Hampshire and Connecticut. CHAPTER II. Arrival at Canseau. Detained by Ice. A proposal to float into Lonisburg upon Icebergs. Encouraged by a Capture. The Judicious Pcppcrell keeps his Troops busy. The Encouraging Arrival of a British Squadron. Admiral Warren. His Life and Character. His Nephew, Sir William Johnson. Pepperell superseded in the Naval Department. His Judicious Behavior. Shirley s Letter. His Desire to give Warren the Pre-eminence. Pepperell tenacious of his Rights. Anxious to secure the Glories of the Coming Conquest for the New-Englanders. The Ice clears away. Departure for Louisburg. The French unexpcctant of the Attack. Sailing into the Bay. Landing. The Alarm of the Fortress. The Enemy put to Flight. The Capture of Morepang. Encampment before the Town. Admiral Warren doing Good Service on the Coast. Colonel Vaughan sent to reconnoitre. The Garrison of the Grand Bat tery frightened by a Smoke. Their Flight. The Hoisting of a Ked Coat. A Sortie from the Fort. The French driven back. The Grand Battery reinstated and held by the Ncw-Englandcrs. The French strive by a Brisk Cannonade to make it too hot to hold. Their Want of Success. The Siege regularly begun. Erection of Batteries. The Diffi culties spiritedly overcome. The Island Battery a Great Annoyance. The Attempt upon it postponed by the Advice of Pepperell. The Town summoned to surrender. The Defiant Answer of the French. Councils-of-War. A De termination to carry Louisburg by Storm. Postponement. The Siege expected to be long. The New-Englanders, however, still hopeful. The Sufferings of the Besiegers. Pcppcrell forced to send to Shirley for Reinforcements. A Heavy Fire opened against the Walls A Breach made. Compliments passed between the Hostile Parties. Split ting of Cannon. Captures by the Fleet. Impatience of the Admiral. Pepperell cautious and temporizing. Another Attempt upon the Island Battery proposed, and again postponed. A Small Triumph for the Enemy. A Gix>at Triumph for the British Fleet. The Capture of the Vigilant. A General Attack by Sea and Land proposed. An Unsuccessful Attempt upon the Island Battery. THE vessels with the Massachu setts troops on board reached Can seau on the first of April, and were in a few days joined by the rest. Here they were unfortunately detained, in conse quence of the ice, which, breaking up in that season, had drifted in such masses in and about the harbor of Louisburg, that it was impracticable to attempt its entrance. There was great disappoint ment felt at this untimely detention, by the ardent and sanguine ; and it was even gravely suggested by some, more impul sive and impatient than the rest, to float the troops into Louisburg on the ice ! The men, however, kept up their spirits successfully, in spite of the untoward de lay. An opportune chance at an ene my s vessel served to occupy their minds and reinvigorate their hopes. A French colonial vessel, laden with tropical prod uce, rum, and molasses, appeared off the coast, making its way to the port of Lou isburg. The New-England cruisers at once pounced upon it, and, making it an easy capture, brought the prize into Canseau, much to the satisfaction of the impatient invaders. Care was taken by the judicious Pep perell to keep his men busy. Some were put to preparing the ammunition ; some were set to building fortifications, struo 14 BATTLES OF AMERICA. LPAUT i tures, and hospitals, for the more effect ive protection of the small garrison of Canseau; and others were sent out in detachments to practise themselves in skirmishes with the neighboring savages and French. Important information in regard to Louisburg was gathered from those taken captive in these engage ments. Three weeks had thus passed with the troops still at Canseau, in consequence of the ice, when the appearance of three large vessels off the harbor was an nounced. These, to the great satisfac tion of the colonists, proved to be British men-of-war, under command of Warren. Soon after this officer had written to Gov ernor Shirley, refusing to co-operate on his own responsibility with the colonial expedition, he received orders from the British government directing him to ren der with his squadron all the aid in his power to the New-England enterprise. Warren, who was a prompt officer, im mediately set sail in the Superbe, ac companied by the Launceston and the Mermaid. He was making for the port of Boston, quite unaware of the proposed attack on Louisburg, when he fell in with a New-England vessel, from which he learned that the troops had sailed for Canseau. He accordingly directed his course at once for that place, where the arrival of his three effective men-of-war was now hailed with joyful acclamation. Warren was a brave, impulsive Irish man, and a most skilful sailor and judi cious commander. His long service on the American coast had made him famil iar with its navigation, and no naval offi cer accordingly could be better fitted to guard provincial seaboard interests. He was, moreover, bound by a family tie to the colonies, having married the daugh ter of James Delancy, lieutenantrgovern- or of New York. He had become also a large landed proprietor, owning an exten sive territory watered by the Mohawk. His nephew was the well-known Sir William Johnson, who, having been in vited by his uncle to take charge of his American estates, became so enamored of the wild life on the borders, that he passed the remainder of his years among the Indians, over w 7 hom he exercised an influence perhaps never equalled by any European. These various circumstances served to identify Warren with colonial interests, and caused him to support them with ardor. Warren and his ships were a great ac cession to the colonial troops, and their arrival gave increased confidence to all. Pepperell might, perhaps, have been par doned a little feeling of jealousy, on the arrival of the English admiral, who was to supersede him in part of his command. Pepperell had been appointed lieutenant- general and commander-in-chief of both the land and sea forces. He was now re quested, by a letter from Shirley, to make over the command of the colonial fleet to Warren. "You will perceive," says Shirley to Pepperell, " upon your perusal of his majesty s orders to me, that in any attempt against the enemy s settlements, he has plainly given Commodore Warren the command of the shipping or naval force with which I am ordered to assist him ; hence in general upon any expedi- COLONIAL.] ARRIVAL OF ADMIRAL WARREN. tion, which you are sensible must super sede any commission from me, as to any sea-command ; and doubtless Commodore Warren will expect and insist upon the armed vessels with which, since my re ceiving his majesty s orders, I am assist ing him in obedience to the royal com mands, the command of those ships ; and I doubt not, sir, from the extraordinary conduct and vigilance with which you have hitherto acted for his majesty s ser vice, that you will instantly give orders to Tyng and the other cruisers to follow the commodore s directions and orders to them, the omitting of which may create a most unhappy disagreement and vari ance between you and Mr. Warren, which may prove fatal to the service. Had I not received these precise orders from his majesty, which so evidently give Mr. Warren a general command at sea, in all expeditions from hence, I should have insisted upon my command given you over the sea-forces (which, as it is, is only suspended during Captain Warren s pres ence, and would revive upon his going off), against every person whatsoever; and you must be sensible that this is not a preference given to him by me, but only acting in obedience to his majesty s orders." It is quite evident that Shirley was particularly anxious to shift the respon sibility of this change from himself, and at the same time not the less desirous of securing as large a share of the command as possible for Warren. It has even been asserted that the governor was desirous of giving the English commodore the en tire control of the expedition. There is no occasion, if this be true, to attribute Shirley s conduct to jealousy of his friend Pepperell. It was quite natural that, in his anxiety for the success of the expedi tion, of which he was the originator, the governor should have more faith in the leadership of one who, like Warren, was of established fame, than in Pepperell, who, with all his well-known qualities as a good and true man, had had no oppor tunity of giving proof of his capacity as a military commander. Pepperell, though tenacious of his own rights, was the first to welcome Warren s arrival, and did not hesitate to yield his naval command to the English commo dore, although he brooked no interfe rence with his leadership of the land- forces. In Pepperell s first letter to War ren, in which he hurried to congratulate him upon his arrival, he took care at once to define what he supposed to be the es pecial function of the naval branch of the service : " I am confident," he says, " that nothing which the strictest vigilance and prudence can foresee or bravery execute will be wanting on your part, and doubt not you will succeed in preventing ihe in troduction of provisions and succors into Lou- islurg, and that we shall soon have the pleasure of a meeting there." Pepperell was a positive, self-confident man, and relied, with all his inexperience and that of his troops, upon his and their efforts mainly for the attempt upon Lou- isburg. He, however, was a prudent man withal, and was not disposed, upon a mere question of etiquette, to quarrel with War ren, to whom and whose ships he looked for such important aid in the approaching 16 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART i enterprise. It was now agreed between the two commanders that the naval squad ron should proceed to blockade the har bor of Louisburg, and thus cut off all communication by sea ; while the troops should be transported at the earliest mo ment, and, disembarking at the most con venient point, should attack by land the French citadel. The ice did not clear away sufficiently until toward the close of the month of April, to allow of the sailing of the troops. It was thus as late as the 29th of April when the transports weighed anchor and sailed for Louisburg. In accordance with Governor Shirley s design, it was intend ed to reach that place in the dead of night, and therefore the departure from Canseau had taken place early in the morning. Though starting with a fair breeze, the wind in the course of the evening so far lulled, that the vessels did not arrive at their destination until an early hour next day. It was hoped that they would have reached the bay of Chapeaurouge,or Gabarus as it was called by the English, upon the shores of which it was determined to land, without being discovered by the inhabitants of Louis burg. Every precaution had been taken to prevent a knowledge, on the part of the French, of the proposed attack, and with complete success. The English men- of-war had been observed cruising in the neighborhood, but their purpose was not suspected ; while their diligent capture of coasting and other vessels bound to and from Louisburg, put a stop to all communication from without, by which the French might have been made aware of their impending danger, and have pro tected themselves accordingly. It was not until the New-England fleet of a hundred sail, soon after daybreak on the morning of the last day of April, came sailing into their bay under full canvas, that the French were conscious of their danger. Great was the alarm and great the confusion at Louisburg when the ap proach of so formidable an enemy was observed. There can be little doubt that if the colonial troops (so unexpected was the invasion) had arrived as was intend ed, marched to the town, and made an assault under cover of the night, Louis burg would have fallen at once, and Shir ley s bold design been fully justified by a triumphant success. The provincial troops were no less ea ger for the attack than the French were dejected at its prospect. The vessels had hardly come to anchor in the bay, when the boats were lowered and pulled off, loaded down with soldiers, ea ger to reach the shore and commence the affray. As they neared the land within a short distance of the walls of the town, the fort was aroused to a great state of excitement. The bells began to sound a general alarm, and the signal-guns were fired in quick succession. Finally, a de tachment of French troops appeared is suing from the gates of Louisburg, and marching rapidly to the point where the provincials seemed about to land. These latter, however, having made a feint of pulling their boats to a certain spot, sud denly changed their course, and disem barked farther inland, before the enemy could arrive and dispute their landing. COLONIAL.] FLYING THE RED COAT. 17 They had some difficulty in getting safe ly in with their boats, in consequence of the great surf, but finally succeeded ; and had no sooner sprung to the shore, than they became the pursuing force, and rushed eagerly to meet the French, whom they defeated at the first collision, killing seven or eight, and wounding and captu ring as many more, among whom was the French commander Morepang. The rest of the enemy took to their heels and fled back in panic to the town. The provin cials came out of the encounter without any loss, and with only one or two wound ed ; and, being in fine spirits, their com mander was eager to give them a " time for a general push." The troops now succeeded in landing, without fear of mo lestation; and in the course of a few days, the whole force had disembarked, and encamped before the town. In the meantime, Pepperell kept up almost dai ly communication by letter with Warren, who, with his squadron off the mouth of the bay, was doing good service in block ading the harbor, and protecting by the cover of his guns the provincial camp on shore. As soon as a sufficient number of the soldiers had landed, Pepperell sent, on the very first day of their arrival, Colonel Vaughan (the same man who had pro posed the bold expedient of floating the troops upon the ice into Louisburg), at the head of a company, to reconnoitre Louisburg and its environs. This officer approached as near as possible to the garrison, and, having let them hear the sound of three hearty cheers, he marched his men to the acclivity of an eminence 3 called Green hill, which overlooked the Royal battery, at some distance from the town, to the northeast of the harbor. Here Vaughan, having arrived at night> fall, found several dwellings and struc tures, to which he set fire, making a most portentous-looking blaze and smoke. Du ring the night Vaughan sent back most of his men, and encamped with thirteen only on the spot ; and at break of day next morning, ascending the summit of Green hill, to make a survey of the Grand battery, which was situated within distinct view below, he was surprised to find that there was every appearance of its being deserted. There was no flag flying, no smoke rising from the barrack- chimneys, and in fact no indication of its containing a single soldier. He now de scended and entered the battery with his thirteen men, and sent back immediately to the provincial camp, asking for a rein forcement to aid in holding the position, and a British flag to fly from the fort. In the meantime, one of the thirteen, strip ping off his red coat, and taking it in his teeth, climbed the staff, and nailed it to the top. It seems that the smoke and blaze from the conflagration on the acclivity of Green hill, during the night before, had been observed from the Grand bat tery, and had so frightened the soldiers of the garrison, who supposed that the whole force of the enemy was approach ing, that they deserted their post and fled into the town. The French soon discovered their mis take, and sent out boats, with a hundred men or so, to regain possession of the 18 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART battery before Vaughan and his handful of men could be reinforced by the pro vincial camp. The brave Vaughan, how ever, leading out his thirteen to the shore, succeeded in keeping the Frenchmen at bay, and prevented their landing, until aid from Pepperell arrived, when the en emy were forced to betake themselves hurriedly to the town. The provincials, finding that the can non had been spiked by the French pre vious to deserting the battery, set some, twenty smiths, under the supervision of one Pomeroy, a gunsmith by trade, and now a major of a Massachusetts regiment, to work at drilling the guns. They thus found themselves in possession of twenty- eight serviceable forty-two pounders, be sides a good supply of shells, balls, and other ammunition. The powder, how ever, had been thrown into a well. With the Grand battery thus reinstated, the provincials were enabled to turn upon the enemy their own guns with great effect. The French were much vexed at the result, and strove, by keeping up a brisk fire, to render the position too hot for the provincials to hold ; but the lat ter succeeded in maintaining possession, and in returning more than they received. The Grand battery remained, impregna ble, in the hands of the colonists, to the end of the siege. The coup de main suggested by Shirley having been now abandoned, there was every prospect of a long siege ; and Pep perell accordingly made preparations for a systematic attack. He be^an erectini; J O o batteries at various points, from which he might direct his fire upon the town. One was constructed on Green hill, fifteen hundred yards from the northwestern wall ; another in the same direction, some six hundred yards nearer ; and a third within seven hundred yards of the town. These batteries were composed of brush wood, fagots, and turf, which naturally suggested themselves to the militia, who made no pretension to skill in military art, and who in fact ridiculed its techni calities. It was a labor of great difficulty to land the cannon and place them in po sition. In consequence of the boggy na ture of the soil, the Avheels of the gun- carriages sank deeply into the morasses ; and it was found necessary to transport them upon sledges, which were construct ed by a New-Hampshire colonel, of the name of Messerve. The men, having har nessed themselves to these by means of straps drawn over their shoulders,dragged them, as they sank knee-deep into the mud, to the batteries. For a full fort night, by day and by night, they were thus occupied in this fatiguing work of getting the cannons into place. The provincials were much annoyed by a strong battery of the enemy, built on an island situated at the opening of the harbor, and facing the town. This island battery was keeping up constantly a brisk fire upon Pepperell s works, and he was of course anxious to silence its guns at his earliest chance. Commodore Warren, had soon discovered the impor tance of carrying it, and proposed to aid Pepperell in the undertaking. Councils- of-war, on land and on shipboard, were held from day to day, to devise some plan for this purpose. The commodore Avas UOLONIAL.J THE SPIRIT OF THE POMEROYS. 19 for attempting it at once ; but Pepperell, more cautious and prudent, insisted upon waiting until his battering cannon and mortars were ready to play on the town. The attempt, therefore, was postponed ; while the provincials, in the meantime, busied themselves in completing and fur nishing their batteries, and bringing them nearer and nearer to the walls of the cit^ adel. The two commanders now de termined to send a flag of truce to the town, with a summons to surrender. To the demand of the English the French returned the defiant answer that their reply would be at the cannon s mouth. After a momentary cessation of hostili ties, during this brief parley, the firing was renewed with greater vigor than ev er ; and the provincials, with the addition of a fourth fascine battery, within two hundred and fifty yards of the west gate of the town, were now enabled to send such a shower of balls and shells against the walls as to do the enemy great mis chief. Warren now urged again his favorite project of an attack upon the island bat tery. The war-council, however, did not approve of it, considering it too hazard ous, although Pepperell favored the com modore s proposition. The objections of the army were overruled, and, for several nights in succession, boats were got ready for an attack ; but it was found imprac ticable, in consequence of the weather. The two commanders were in constant communication, and for the most part in harmony in regard to the operations of the siege. Councils-of-war were daily held May 9. on sea and land, and the results of their deliberations communicated through Pep perell and Warren. It was finally agreed that the town of Louisburg be attacked by storm, in the night, with all the vigor possible. Before the night set in, how ever, it was found advisable to postpone the assault, " inasmuch as there appears a great dissatisfaction in many of the offi cers and soldiers at the designed attack of the town by storm this night ; and as it may be attended with very ill conse quences if it should not be executed with the greatest vigor whenever attempted, the said attack of the town be deferred for the present, or until the cannon are all mounted and in full play, and the enemy more reduced by the siege." "Louisburg is an exceedingly strong place," wrote Major Pomeroy, the gun smith, to his wife, " and seems impregna ble. It looks as if our campaign would last long ; but I am willing to stay till God s time comes to deliver the city into our hands." The good dame answered in the same spirit of patriotic and pious confidence : " Suffer no anxious thought to rest in your mind about me. The whole town is much engaged with con cern for the expedition, how Providence will order the affair, for which religious meetings every week are maintained. I leave you in the hand of God." The spirit of the Pomeroys was that of the whole provincial force ; and the men went on, day by day and night by night, toiling without a murmur and with a pious resignation, waiting for the " com ing of God s good time." Their labors 20 BATTLES OF AMERICA. Alvl I were heavy and their sufferings great, but their energies never flagged and their spirits were equal to every trial. With out regular tents, they were obliged to house themselves under temporary erec tions of turf and brushwood, and to sleep upon the ground. The weather, fortu nately, was unusually dry ; but, notwith standing, the men suffered from disease in consequence of their severe hardships and exposure. Pepperell found so many of his men disabled, that he was forced to send to the governor of Massachusetts for another reinforcement of a thousand men, for the bringing of whom he had despatched fourteen transports, which he took occasion to load with a number of the prisoners that had been taken. The provincials continued their labors, adding battery to battery, and keeping up a brisk fire night and day from the works already erected. " Yester day," writes Pepperell, " we gave the west gate about one hundred shot from our fascine battery," and concludes hopefully : " I hope that, under God, we shall soon be masters of this island, and that I shall have the pleasure of writing you from within the walls of Louisburg." He had now raised his fourth fascine bat tery, termed Titcomb s, in honor of one of the bravest and most daring of the New-England captains. Having mount ed this with some of the heavy French guns taken from the Grand battery, the provincials were enabled to open a de structive fire upon the town. As they were only distant two hundred and fifty yards, they could point their guns with such effect, that they succeeded in de- May 16, stroying the western gate, with its draw bridge, and making a small breach in the walls. The soldiers on both sides, on this occasion, were brought into each other s view, and so closely, that they passed mocking compliments, with invitations to take a glass of wine, and exchanged vol leys with their muskets, by which some Frenchmen were toppled off dead from the walls. The enemy did not appear to be doing as much damage to the besiegers as the besiegers seemed to be doing to them selves, for the latter reported several as wounded by the " splitting" of their own cannon. Pepperell was apparently very well satisfied with the progress of his op erations, and wrote : " We have had con siderable success hitherto, having cleared three forty-twos at the Grand battery, and have done some execution, lodging several shot in the citadel ; the mortars and cohorns throw into the tow r n in most instances." Warren, however, was not so well satisfied with the state of affairs, and complained of the apparent delay. Still, the two commanders remained on the most friendly terms with each other, and we find Pepperell thanking the com modore for the " claret and lemons, and repeated kind offers." Warren took care to keep his squad ron busy; and, with an occasional capture of an enemy s privateer and some dozen merchantmen, and a bombardment of two neighboring French settlements, his ac tivity told to a good purpose. Pepperell went on in his usual patient way with the batteries, to which, having found thir ty cannon in the east harbor at low-water OG COLONIAL.] A TRIUMPH. 21 mark, he added another near the lightr house. Here he hoisted an English flag, and sent a regiment to guard the posi tion. The French crossed over in boats from the town opposite, and attempted to dislodge them, but were repulsed with loss. Warren wa-s getting more and more impatient, and continued to urge Pepper- ell daily by letter to more active opera tions, and particularly to an attack on the island battery. The latter answered these suggestions courteously, but never failed to justify his own conduct. " It is my great concern," he says. May 17th, " that our progress against our enemies on shore is so slow ; but when the diffi culties of attacking the island battery are duly considered, there being but criti cal moments in which it can possibly be done with hopes of success ; also the diffi culty of scaling walls, without a breach, by undisciplined troops ; of landing our cannon in so bad a harbor; of getting them conveyed on such bad grounds in the face of our enemy s fire, while we can not annoy them at all ; and a general ill ness through the army : these and such like things considered, I hope your pa tience will not tire. The probability of the speedy arrival of a French sea-force I duly consider, but I hope the best, and nothing in my power shall be wanting toward the greatest despatch and most vigorous attack." Warren had proposed another plan for the attack on the island battery, which Pepperell laid before his council-of-war. The provincials did not seem to approve of it, as the commodore wished to bring in his squadron and trust chiefly to the naval forces for the enterprise. The troops were desirous, if honor was to be won, that they should secure for them selves a fair share of it. Pepperell, ac cordingly, went on with his systematic siege, and seemed satisfied with its prog ress. " We have continued," he says, " our fire on the enemy from the west-gate bat tery, which has shattered the wall con siderably; but we were so unfortunate last night as to split one of the f + ;JL May 20, lorty-two pounders. The enemy about this time enjoyed a small triumph, in the arrival of a Bor deaux merchantman, laden with provis ions, which succeeded, under the cover of a dark and stormy night, in escaping the vigilance of Warren and his cruisers, and reaching the harbor of Louisburg in safety. At the same time there arrived a less welcome visiter in the shape of a fire-ship, which Pepperell, taking advan tage of the darkness of the night, had sent in, and which did considerable dam age to the enemy s shipping. Commodore Warren, however, won the greatest triumph of all, having taken a French man-of-war of sixty-four guns, manned by six hundred men, and laden with military stores. The capture of the Vigilante, as she was named, produced a burst of joy in the army, and animated the soldiers with fresh courage to perse vere. Pepperell himself seemed now to tire of the slowness of his own operations, and proposed a general consultation, in order to determine upon a speedy and vigorous attack with the whole united o forces, both sea and land. Warren re- 22 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PATCT I. ceived this suggestion with a hearty wel come, and, with the advice of his council, proposed a plan for an attack upon the town. It was proposed that all his majesty s ships, and all the colonial cruisers except two, with the schooners and transports, should sail into the harbor and attack the town and batteries with the utmost vig or, "with his majesty s ships in such order of battle as shall be agreed on, and that all the unarmed vessels anchor in the northeast harbor, out of gunshot." It was, moreover, proposed that sixteen hundred of Pepperell s men should go on board the vessels of the squadron, to aid in the attack, while the marines should be land ed under the command of M Donald, their colonel, who was to lead the attack on shore, and be sustained by the provincial troops. This proposition was by no means wel come to Pepperell and his army, as its whole scope was to place the provincials in a very subordinate position, and de prive them of all chance of glory in the proposed undertaking. Pepperell and his council had other reasons to urge. The Indians, they con tended, might come in upon their backs, while the troops were on board the ships, and attack what forces remained in the camp and hospitals. Moreover, they de clared that the army was so reduced by sickness, that the soldiers were unfitted for such service as proposed ; and that if the plan should miscarry, as it probably would from this inefficiency, the result would be disastrous to the colonies. Pep perell s council then proposed that a gen eral attack be made upon the town by the land and naval forces forthwith ; that five hundred men be impressed from the cruisers and transports, to embark in the Vigilante (the vessel captured from the French), and that the other men-of-war follow her into the harbor ; that five hun dred provincials put off in boats from the Grand battery at a given signal, to land and scale the walls in front of the town, under cover of the guns of the squadron and the land-batteries ; that the marines and sailors of the fleet should put off and join them; that five hundred of the troops should scale the walls at the southeast part of the town, and that the same num ber should make a breach at the western gate, leaving half a thousand disposable men to aid any party that might need their services. This plan of Pepperell s council was not sent at once to Warren, in conse quence of a dense fog. The commodore became impatient, and wrote, asking why he had not received an answer to the proposition sent two days be fore ; and, after reiterating some of its details, peevishly remarked, " For God s sake, let us do something, and not waste our time in indolence !" The provincials began to sympathize with Warren s anxiety to do something, and the council-of-war proposed that the general should go on board the commo dore s ship, and try to decide upon some mutual plan for immediate action. War ren, although he had been reinforced by several additional men-of-war* which had joined him from the various American and West-Indian stations, was fearful that May 26, COLONIAL.] A REPULSE. 23 the arrival of the French fleet, daily ex pected, would give him so much to do in looking after it, that he would no longer have it in his power to aid in the attack upon Louisburg. He therefore pressed this enterprise with all his energies. As a preliminary to the general assault, War ren thought it necessary to silence the island battery, which guarded the ap proach to the town, and was seriously in the way of his ships making an attack. He accordingly prevailed upon Pepperell to make an attempt on the island, though the army generally was averse to it, as too hazardous, and as likely to result in disappointment. A volunteer party of provincials was now enlisted for the purpose, and started with scaling-ladders to make the assault. Although it was in the darkness of the night, and every precaution was taken to elude the vigilance of the enemy, the garrison of the island battery caught the alarm, and began to fire upon the boats before they reached the shore. On the provincials now attempting to land, they got so wetted in the heavy surf that many of the firelocks could not be discharged, and some of the party were driven back at once in confusion to their boats ; oth ers succeeded in making a stand on the shore for awhile, but were, after an hour s hard struggle, compelled to yield to the French. Sixty were killed, and no less than a hundred and sixteen taken pris oners. " Providence seemed remarkably to frown upon the affair," as one of the pious provincials wrote, in giving an ac count of this melancholy disaster to his friends in New England. CHAPTER III. Exultant Shouts of the Enemy. Pepperell discouraged. A more Vigorous Push. A General Attack proposed. Opposed by the Admiral. A French Deserter reports the Enemy in Good Spirits. A Plan to dash them. A Successful Ruse. An Attack upon the Island Battery again proposed. Opposed hy Pepperell. The Bombardment of the Town brisker than ever. The General Assault decided upon. The " Three Smokes and Dutch Flag." Great Preparations. Louisburg suffering more than ever. The Attempt begun. Stirring Addresses from the General and the Commo dore. The Enemy sends out a Flag of Truce. Proposes to capitulate. Terms of Surrender agreed upon. Pepperell and Warren disputing about the Keys. The General triumphs. Louisburg entered. Its Strength and its Weakness. Glorification. Dinner. Parson Moody agreeably disappoints his Friends with a Short Grace. Pepperell and War ren Joint Governors. The French Flag hoisted as a Decoy. Fat Prizes. Glorification and Thanksgiving in New England. Ditto in Old England. The King delighted. The Admiral promoted, and Pepperell made a Baronet, the first and last in New England. The Effect of the Victory. THAT night s repulse of the attack on the island battery was a sad blow to the provincials, who, as the morning dawned upon them in their camp, heard the ex ulting shouts of the enemy over the first success they could claim since the begin ning of the sieg3. Although Pepperell had made fair progress in investing the citadel with his batteries, by which he had succeeded in doing much damage to the town, and had beaten back the French on every sortie from their walls, he was, after the defeat of the previous night, evidently somewhat disheartened. 24 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART i "It is now," says Pepperell himself, "the twenty-ninth day since the army invested Louisburg and drove in the inhabitants. Five fascine batteries have been erected, with hard service to the men, who have drawn the cannon and mounted them ; the enemy has been distressed, some breaches have been made in their walls," and it is not doubted but that " we shall soon reduce the circular battery. Five unsuccessful attempts have been made upon the island battery, in the last of which one hundred and eighty-nine men and many boats were lost. Scouts have been sent out, and have succeeded in destroying the enemy s settlements and in preventing surprise. Fatigue, however, has brought on disease, and left not more than two thousand one hundred men fit for duty, six hundred of whom are gone in pursuit of two large bodies of French and In dians eastward and westward of the pro vincial camp." This was the not very encouraging state of things, when Pepperell resolved upon a more vigorous push. He was anxious now for a consultation with War ren, but was prevented for several days by the fog from going on board the com modore s ship. He finally, however, suc ceeded in reaching him, and proposed a joint attack on the town. Warren, how ever, was not now disposed to concur in this proposition, although it had origi nally been made by him. He thought it better not to send his ships into the harbor until further execution had been done against the enemy s batteries. Pepperell, in the meantime, continued June 4i to do his best in pushing on the siege. He, however, was in great straits for want of ammunition and effective men. In his despatch to Governor Shirley, he says: "Powder and balls are nearly used up, oil account of which many of our guns are silent. We have one thousand five hundred sick, and a reinforcement there fore of three thousand men is absolutely necessary." The French, on the other hand, seemed to be in excellent condition, and by no means discouraged as to their ability to hold out against the besiegers. A French soldier deserts, and, reaching the provincial camp, reports that there are within the garri son three thousand six hundred that bear arms, seven or eight hundred of w T hom. are soldiers ; that they have provisions to last till October, and considerable am munition ; that the enemy judged vari ously the provincial forces from one thou sand to four thousand live hundred men ; that they have burst one of their mortars and several cannon; that they are pre pared to receive an attack every night in all parts of the town ; and that if their expected ships are taken they will have to surrender, but they do not expect the British ships will venture into the har bor. Commodore Warren, learning from this deserter, who was sent to him by Pepper ell, how well the French kept up their spirits, resolved upon a plan to try and dash them somewhat. The inhabitants of Louisburg had not yet heard of the capture of the Vigilante, although she had been in the hands of the English for nearly three weeks. Warren thought if COLONIAL.] A KUSE. 25 this intelligence could be conveyed to the French commander, it would natu rally have the effect of lowering his hopes of a continued successful resistance. The commodore, accordingly, pretending that he had heard of the cruel treatment of some of the provincials held by the ene my s garrison as prisoners, suggested to the former commander of the Vigilante, who was now a captive of the English, to write to Duchambon, the governor of Louisburg, and interpose in their behalf. The Frenchman readily complied, and prepared this letter : "ON BOARD THE VlGILANTE, WHERE I AM A PRIS ONER, BEFORE LOUISBURG, June 8, 1745. " Herewith I send you, sir, the copy of a letter written me by Mr. Warren, commander of a squadron, who informs me that the French have treated some English prisoners with cruelty and inhu manity. I can scarcely believe it, since it is the intention of the king our master that they should be well treated on ev ery occasion. You are to know that on the 20th of May I was taken by the squadron, as I was about to enter your harbor; and it is fitting you should be informed that the gentlemen, the captains and officers, treat us not as prisoners, but as their good friends, and take a very particular care that my officers and equi page should want nothing. To me it seems just you should treat them in the same manner, and see that those be pun ished who act otherwise, and offer any insult to those whom you may make prisoners. " Yours, &c. U DE LA MAISON FORTE." To carry out his ruse more effectually, Warren selected one of his officers, who understood the French language, Captain Macdonald, and intrusted the letter to him to deliver. This officer was accord ingly sent to Louisburg under a flag of truce, and was duly received by the gov ernor, who was greatly startled by the letter, which gave him the first intelli gence of the capture of the Vigilante. Captain Macdonald, who communicated with the French officers only through an interpreter, was supposed to be ignorant of their language ; and accordingly they freely expressed their thoughts and opin ions in their native tongue, without the least fear of berno- understood. The Eno;- o o lish officer was thus enabled to bring back to Warren a faithful account of the fright occasioned by this untoward news of the capture of that large man-of-war, the Vigilante, the safe arrival of which they had been expecting, with supplies of men, provisions, and ammunition. The French were further disheartened by learning of a large accession to the British squadron, and disappointed at the delay of their own expected fleet. Pep- perell, too, had been reinforced, by a timely arrival of recruits and ammuni tion, not only from the neighboring Britr ish settlements of Canseau and Annapo lis, but from Massachusetts ; and was thus enabled to keep up, by a more effectual fire from his batteries, the lively appre hensions of the French, first aroused by a knowledge of the fate of the Vigilante, By a council-of-war held in the squadron, it was determined that it was not practicable or advisable to at- Juiie 8. 26 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART i. tack the town of Louisburg, without the island battery should be first taken. It was therefore proposed that, if proper pilots could be found, the ships should be anchored within half a cable s length of the island, and General Pepperell hav ing supplied the commodore with live hundred provincials, that these, together with the sailors and marines of the squad ron, should land under cover of the ships, and attack the island fortress. Pepperell, on being consulted, did not altogether approve of this plan, being especially opposed to the attack on the island by embarking the troops in the whale-boats, which a few musketrballs might sink. He therefore urged again his former proposition of a general attack upon the town. As for the island bai> tery, the squadron, he suggested, might bombard it from the outside, and be safe to retreat. Pepperell sent accordingly three pilots from his own transports, to take charge of the ships and bring them to a safe anchorage as near as possible to the point of attack. While this plan of Pepperell is being considered, the provincials set to work, with renewed energy, in their bombard ment of Louisburg, and threw into the citadel a continued shower of red-hot balls. The French, too, were not back ward, and returned the fire with great spirit. They succeeded in planting six cannon, during the night, to protect the west gate, which w r as the chief object of attack ; but the provincials had the good fortune to silence them early the next morning. Warren finally consented to bring in his ships, in accordance with Pepperell s plan ; and it was agreed that, as soon as the wind w r as fair for the squadron to sail into the harbor, the attack upon Lou isburg should be made. The commodore was to hoist a Dutch flag under his pen nant at the maintop-gallant masthead, as the signal of his having weighed anchor ; and Pepperell was to answer, when he should be ready, with " three smokes." " When I hoist a Dutch flag," says Warren in his communication, " you should march toward the town, drums beating and col ors flying ; w T hen I hoist the red flag on the flagstaff, you may then be assured I shall be in and begin the attack in about half an hour." Pepperell was as eager as the commo dore, and was making ready with all pos sible despatch. He ordered all the trans ports out to join the squadron, the boats to be fitted with oars and ladders, and sent to Warren a supply of cohorns and shells, and what oakum and moss could be collected. He got ready three more forty- twos to play upon the circular bat tery, and prevent it from annoying the ships. He was keeping up a constant fire from his lighthouse battery upon the island fortress, and had succeeded in al most silencing it. His other batteries, too, were kept busy; and Louisburg was evidently suffering more than ever it had done during the whole six w r eeks of the siege. Everything w r as now in readi- f 1 lee 1 rn Jlllie !4 ness lor the genera I " push. 1 he provincial vessels had sailed out of the bay to join the squadron ; the brushwood had been gathered and placed on the COLOlSriAL.J SURRENDER OF LOUISBURG. 27 June 15. summit of Green hill, preparatory to the raising the signal of "three smokes ;" and all was now eager expectation of the com ing event. Warren hoisted his Dutch flag; Pepperell answered with his "three smokes" from Green hill; War ren replied with his red flag ; and soon the fleet sailed in before the wind, and anchored in a line near the town. The commodore pulled off at once for the shore, and, meeting the general, they were received by the troops on parade. Both Pepperell and Warren, having ad dressed them in a few stirring words, pre pared to assume their several positions, and fulfil the duties of the day. Before they had parted, however, it being late in the afternoon, a flag of truce was seen advancing from the west gate of the gar rison. The bombardment ceased at once, and the captain of the foremost of the provincial batteries approaching half way, met the French officer who bore the flag, and received from him a proposal for the suspension of hostilities, in order to give the garrison an opportunity for the con sideration of terms of capitulation. Pep perell and Warren sent back their answer as follows, having written it in the camp as late as half-past eight at night: "June loth. " GOVERNOR DUCHAMBON : "We have yours of this date, propo sing a suspension of hostilities for such a time as shall be necessary for you to determine upon the conditions of deliver ing up the garrison of Louisburg, which arrived at a happy juncture to prevent the effusion of Christian blood, as we were together, and had just determined upon a general attack. We shall com ply with your desire until eight o clock to-morrow morning ; and if in the mean time you surrender yourselves prisoners- of-war, you may depend upon humane and generous treatment. " We are your humble servants, "PETER WARREN, " WILLIAM PEPPERELL" Next morning, Duchambon sent back his terms for the surrender of Louisburg, but they were rejected by Warren and Pepperell, who insisted upon conditions less favorable to the enemy. These were accordingly accepted by the French, who, however, demanded that their troops might be allowed to march out of the garrison with their muskets and bayo nets, and colors flying. This privilege was freely granted by Pepperell and War ren, who thought it not worth while to "stickle at trifles." Terms of capitula tion having been agreed upon, hostages delivered, and all preliminaries arranged, the two commanders prepared to take possession. There now sprang up a feel ing of rivalry between Pepperell and War ren, as to who should enter Louisburg first and receive the keys of the fortress. Both seemed anxious for awhile to frus trate the other ; and each wrote to Du chambon, demanding that the town should be given up to him. Pepperell, to whom probably precedence belonged, wrote tc the French governor that he would send Colonel Bradstreet with a detachment at four o clock in the afternoon, to r t! ^ Juue 17t take possession ol the town and 28 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART I. June 16* forts, to whom he desired that the keys be delivered. Warren, having stolen a march upon his rival, had previously written to Du- chambon, demanding that the keys of the town be delivered to such officers and troops as he should appoint. The French governor seemed inclined rather to yield to the commo dore, who probably passed with him as the superior officer. Duchambon accord ingly showed Pepperell s letter to War ren, who was so angered by its purport, that he wrote reproachfully to the pro vincial general, telling him he was sorry to find by his " letter a kind of jealousy which I thought you would never con ceive of me, after my letter to you of last night. And give me leave to tell you I don t want at this time to acquire reputation, as I flatter myself mine has been pretty well established long before." After this little spirt of rivalry between the two commanders, the affair was final ly adjusted by Warren conceding to Pep- perell what fairly belonged to him as commander-in-chief of the expedition the right of receiving the keys. The French fortress was now delivered up ; and, as the troops entered, they were so struck with the strength of the fortifications, that they considered their own success as a marvel of God s good ness. " God," wrote an eye-witness, " has gone out of the way of his common prov idence, in a remarkable and almost mirac ulous manner, to incline the hearts of the French to give up and deliver this strong city into our hands." Strong as it was, however, Pepperell 1745, had succeeded with his batteries in shat tering its strength very effectually. In his despatch to Shirley he said : " I be lieve such ruins were never seen before, which, however, is not to be wondered at, as we gave the town about nine thousand cannon-balls and six hundred bombs be fore they surrendered, which sorely dis tressed them, especially the day before they sent out a flag of truce, when our incessant fire on the town prevented their showing their heads or stirring from their covert ways; and from lighthouse bat tery we played upon the island battery with our cannon and large mortar, so that some of them ran into the sea for shelter." On entering Louisburg, it was found to contain two thousand inhabitants, in addition to about four thousand troops, of whom about six hundred and fifty only were regulars. All these, by the terms of the surrender, were to be sent to France, and pledged not to bear arms against Great Britain or its colonies for the pe riod of twelve months. A large quantity of provisions, sufficient to have lasted the garrison for half a year, and immense sup plies of ammunition and military stores, were taken possession of by the captors. The occasion of the capture was cele brated by a public dinner, given by Pep perell to his officers, of which a clerical anecdote is recorded as the most memora ble incident. The general had been ac companied by a number of the New-Eng land clergy, among whom was his wife s brother, one Parson Moody. This divine being the eldest, was entitled to the hon or of saying "grace before meat." As COLONIAL.] EXULTATION OF VICTORY. 29 he, however, was apt to be very long- winded on such occasions, the company were in a state of nervous anxiety, lest he should inflict upon them his usual pro lixity. Moody, however, only gave vent to the following brief invocation, much to the relief of the anxious and hungry guests : " Good Lord ! w r e have so many things to thank thee for, that time will be infinitely too short to do it ; we must therefore leave it for the work of eterni ty. Bless our food and fellowship upon this joyful occasion, for the sake of Christ our Lord. Amen." :|: Pepperell and Warren became the joint governors of Louisburg on taking posses sion of the city in the name of his majes ty George II. ; but they continued to fly the French flag from the fortress, with the view of deceiving the French vessels expected to arrive. By this deception, they succeeded in ensnaring a large num ber of prizes, amounting in all to no less than a million of dollars. There w r ere two East-Indiamen supposed to be worth one hundred and seventy-five thousand pounds sterling, and a South-sea ship of the enormous value of eight hundred thou sand pounds. This prize-money, however, much to the dissatisfaction of the provin cials, fell exclusively to the naval forces. When they heard in New-England of the success of the expedition, there was great joy throughout the colony. Bos ton was illuminated as it had never been before. " There was not a house in town, * " The Life of Sir William Pcppcrcll, Bnrt., by Usher Parsons. Boston: Little, Brown, & Company, 1855." A work of careful research, to which the author of the " Battles of America" has been indebted for much valuable informa tion. in no by-lane or alley, but joy might be seen through its windows." The bells rang, the cannons roared, and the people shouted the whole day, while bonfires burnt and houses blazed with light all the night. A day was set apart through out the province to return thanks " to God for his appearance on our behalf." Nor did the news of the victory excite less joy in Old England. " We are ma king bonfires for Cape Breton," wrote Horace Walpole. George II, who was on a visit to his Hanoverian possessions when he received the intelligence of the capture of Louisburg, was aroused to an unusual pitch of enthusiastic delight. He made Warren an admiral at once, and governor of Louisburg; and issued his letters-patent, dating them from Hano ver, by which he conferred a baronetcy upon Pepperell. Sir William was the first and only native New-England colo nist ever raised to that dignity. In London the news created great ex citement ; the tower and park guns were fired, and the city illuminated. On the return of George II. to his British domin ions, he was met by congratulations and addresses of the towns and public bodies, upon the happy event. The ministry of the duke of Newcastle had involved Great Britain in a war with France, which had hitherto only resulted in disgrace to the former and glory to the latter. The English had now the conquest of Louis burg, " the Dunkirk of America," as a set- off to the French triumph at Fontenoy. The Americans became exalted at once in the estimate of their British fellow- subjects, as they alone had succeeded in 30 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART i vindicating the fame of their country by a great victory over its enemies. The reduction of Cape Breton, said a contem porary writer, " by the people of New England, was an acquisition so unexpect ed and fortunate, that America became on that remarkable event a more general topic of conversation. Of such conse quence to the French was the possession of that important key to their American settlements, that its restitution was in reality the purchase of the last general peace of Europe." The effect upon the future destinies of America was no less than upon the actu al position of affairs in Europe. At the siege of Louisburg, the American colo nists learned their first lesson in regular warfare, and acquired that self-confidence which did not hesitate, in behalf of their own great cause of independence, to try the chances of battle with European troops. At Louisburg, too, were schooled those famous officers, Wooster, Whitin^, / O Gridley, and others, who became as heroic Revolutionary leaders in the battle for " life, liberty, and happiness," as they had been faithful soldiers in the service of their king, whom they only loved the less because they loved their country more. CHAPTER IV. The New-Englandera eager for Conquest. Proposal to invade the Canadas. The French burning with Revenge. An Avenging Fleet. Its Fate. A Second French Fleet. Met and conquered by the British. Peace. The Concession of Louislmrg to the French. New-Englanders dissatisfied. France again lusting for Dominion. Desires to unite the St. Lawrence and the Mississippi. Who shall be supreme, France or England? Might not Right. Marquis Du Quesne, Governor of Canada. His Activity. Forts built. Ohio Company alarmed. Appeal to Governor Dinwid- die, of Virginia. A Commissioner sent to expostulate with the French. Failure of the Mission. George Washing ton appointed. A Bootless Errand. The Ohio Company constructs a Fort. Dinwiddie sends a. Force to protect it. Washington declines the Honor of the Chief Command, but accepts the Second Rank. His March to the Ohio. The French Invasion. Washington and his Difficulties. Spirited Conduct. The American Fort on the Ohio at tacked and the Virginians routed. The Garrison arrive in Washington s Camp at Will s Creek. Their Story and Adventures. Monsieur Contreco3ur. A Wily Old Indian. Washington perplexed. A Council-of-War. March to Redstone Creek. Road-Making. Little Meadows. Excessive Labors. The Indians propose the River Route. The River found impracticable. Road-Making resumed. Rumors of the French. Arrival of the Enemy. Washington goes in Pursuit. Finds the French, attacks and beats them. The Death of Jumonville. A Spy or an Embassador 7 Washington slandered by the French. 1745, THE New-Englanders were so ela ted by their success at Louisburg, that their minds were stirred with a de sire for further conquests. They were now prepared to carry the war into Can ada ; and a plan for a campaign was act ually devised, by Shirley, the governor of Massachusetts, and the two heroes of Louisburg, Pepperell and Warren, within the walls of that citadel. The British minister, the duke of Newcastle, seemed to favor greatly the American design ; and, having conferred colonelcies upon Shirley and Pepperell, ordered them to recruit their regiments to the number of a thousand each, preparatory to the in vasion of the French possessions in Can ada. COLONIAL.] DESTRUCTION OF THE FRENCH FLEET. ,31 The French, on the other hand, hav ing heard with great vexation of the loss of their famous citadel, determined to take revenge. They accordingly fitted out a large fleet, at an immense expense, in the port of Brest, and, placing it under the command of the duke d Anville, despatched it to America, with the view of reconquering Cape Breton, and striking a severe blow upon the coasts of the British provinces in America. Great preparations were made in New England to defend it against this formidable ene my. Forts were erected along the coast, the militia of the various provinces gath ered to protect the exposed points, and sentinels were placed on the hilltops to watch for the first signs of the coming of the French ships. Sir William Pepperell, the hero of Louisburg, had now returned to Maine, and assumed his old command of its militia. He was full of martial spirit on the occasion, and had his com panies mustered by their captains, their accoutrements put in order, and every possible arrangement made for the ap proaching emergency. D Anville and his fleet did not arrive, however. They had put to sea in great force, with no less than eleven ships-of- the-line, thirty small vessels-of-war, and various transports containing three thou sand regular troops. Nova Scotia, then as now in possession of the English, w r as to be the first point of attack. Calcula ting upon the sympathy and active aid of the French residents of this the for mer Acadie,they anticipated an easy con quest. Once in possession of this penin sula, they proposed to retake Louisburg, and thence invade the New-England coasts. The design was extensive, and the preparations had been on a scale of grandeur in accordance. But man pro poses and God disposes. The fleet had hardly sailed out of Brest in gallant trim, and fairly got to sea, when a storm arose, which wrecked many of the vessels, and separated the rest. The duke d Anville succeeded in reaching the American coast in his own ship, and was soon joined by a few of the smaller ves sels. His sudden death, how r ever, put a stop to all his plans ; and the command fell, by succession, to the vice-admiral. This commander resolved upon returning to France, in consequence of the dimin ished number of his vessels and their shattered condition ; but his council-of- war overruled him. So excited was the vice-admiral by the opposition of his offi cers, that he ran himself through the body with his sword. The aged De laJonquiere now succeed ed, who, in spite of his nearly seventy years, had not only advocated the bolder policy in opposition to the vice-admiral, but now, in command, was prepared to carry it out with the greatest energy. All, however, was in vain : another storm arose, off Cape Sable, and the few vessels that escaped returned in a damaged state, to give testimony of the fatality which had attended the great French expedi tion. The government of France, however, was not discouraged, and soon had in readiness another fleet to invade the Briir ish colonies. England, early con scious of this renewed attempt, had 32 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART i. also equipped a large naval force, by which it was proposed to intercept the French. Anson was made admiral of the English fleet, and Warren, the naval hero of Louisburg, rear-admiral. On hearing that the French were about to sail, the English put to sea, and await- ed the enemy off Cape Finisterre, on the coast of France. The two met on the 3d of May, 1746, and immediately began battle. The French were worsted after a severe struggle, leaving all their ships- of-the-line in the hands of the -British, with a large quantity of bullion, and Ad miral de la Jonquiere, the newly-appoint ed governor of Canada, to reward and grace the English triumph. There was now, with the exception of an occasional brush between the English and French on the frontiers, an almost entire suspension of hostilities. The Brit ish finally disbanded the provincial army; and the colonists were thus prepared, in anticipation, for the event which now oc curred, that of the declaration of peace by the treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle. By this treaty, the island of Cape Breton, with the hard-won fortress of Louisburg, was given up to the French, much to their satisfaction, and to the vexation of the New-Englanders, who considered the possession of this town as essential to their own security. It was true, the right of Great Britain to Nova Scotia was acknowledged; but the French inhabitants of that peninsula under the advice, as was suspected, of the govern ment of France resisted the English claim. The treaty, therefore, was very distasteful to New England, and natural ly, for its best interests had been sacri ficed by the mother-country, in her anx iety to bring to a close a war which had cost so much, and profited her so little. The French, in spite of the peace, be gan soon, not only covertly, as in Nova Scotia, but openly, to encroach upon Eng lish colonial rights. France had long en tertained the grand idea of connecting its northern possessions in Canada with those she held on the gulf of Mexico. Her possession of Louisiana, with its then widely-extended boundaries, gave her the command of the Mississippi; while her Canadian territory, stretching from the mouth of the St. Lawrence to the great lakes, brought her upper dominion so close to the Ohio, that nothing was want ing but the mastery of that river to give her the united power, north and south, which she coveted. The English colonies could not look calmly upon this scheme, which was, if consummated, destined, as has been in geniously said, to catch them in a net, that, being tightened at either end, would inevitably bring them entirely within the power of the French. There were claims and counter-claims urged by France and Great Britain to the territory watered by the Ohio, but those of the one and the other were equally baseless. The ques tion was not one of disputed rights, but of contending powers. The whole mat ter resolved itself into this : " Who shall be supreme in the West, France or Eng land ?" It was of little importance that the latter claimed unlimited territory from the Atlantic to the Pacific, and that the former insisted, by the right of dis- COLONIAL.J GEORGE WASHINGTON. 33 1753, co very and the command of the Missis sippi, on the possession of all its tributa ries, and the rich land west of the Alle- ghany mountains watered by them. It was clear, with such unbounded claims on each side, that neither could secure its supposed right but by an appeal to might. The French first threw down the gaunt let. The marquis du Quesne was appoint ed governor of the French dominions in America and was instructed to 1 l^L. make good the widest claims of his country, by military possession. He ac cordingly hurried to carry the orders of his government into effect. He organ ized the militia of Quebec and Montreal, find placed all the forces under his com mand on the most effective footing. He now sent various detachments to the banks of the Ohio, for the pur pose of establishing forts and securing the command of that river, that he might thus unite it with the Mississippi by mili tary posts, and complete the cordon from Canada to Louisiana. Such was the ac tivity of Du Quesne s movements, that, before the end of the year, he had estab lished a line of forts from Montreal to the Riviere aux Boeufs, now known as a small stream, in Pennsylvania, by the name of French creek. The " Ohio Company" was the first to complain of what they called an invasion of their rights. This company was an English association chartered some time in the year 1749, and was composed of a large number of native and colonial Eng lishmen. Its purpose was to colonize, and trade, principally for furs, with the 5 Indians ; and accordingly five hundred thousand acres of land west of the Alle- ghanies had been granted to the compa ny. It was this extensive territory which had been encroached upon by the French, and the Ohio Company therefore called upon Dinwiddie,the governor of Virginia, to take some action toward dispossessing the intruders. Dinwiddie, who was a pro prietor of the company, saw at once the necessity of interference, and sent a com missioner to expostulate with the French on their invasion of the rights of Virginia. Captain William Trent, who had been selected to perform this duty, returned without having fulfilled it, but came back with more alarming accounts than ever of the French invasion. George Washington, who was only twenty-two years of age, was then selectr ed by the governor of Virginia. His pro fession as a surveyor had led him into the uncultivated parts of the countiy, and made him familiar with the wild life of the savage and the borderer. He had had also some experience as a military disciplinarian, having served, before he was of age, as one of the adjutant-gener als of the province, whose duty it was to organize and drill the militia. He was now appointed adjutant-general and com missioner to bear the summons of the governor of Virginia to the French com mander on Lake Erie, requiring him to retire from what was claimed to be Eno-- t> lisli territory. The errand of Washino- ton proved bootless, and the French con tinued to seize and disperse the English traders, and prepared to descend the Ohio and take military possession, by 34 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [I ART I establishing forts at each available point on the river. The Ohio Company had commenced the construction of a fortified post on the Ohio river, at the junction of the Alle- ghany and Monongahela. This was sup posed to be a point that would attract the invaders at once. It was therefore determined by the governor of Virginia to send a force there, to aid in the con struction of the fort, and defend it against every attack. Captain Trent was accord ingly despatched at the head of a hun dred militiamen on this service. The youthful Washington was also called upon again by Dinwiddie, and of fered the chief command of the three hundred men whom it was proposed to enlist. Washington, how ever, modestly declined the honor, and gave way to a Colonel Joshua Fry, under whom he served as lieutenant-colonel. Washington, preceding his colonel, set out for the fork of the Ohio on the 2d of April, at the head of two companies, numbering one hundred and fifty men. Fry was to follow with the rest and the artillery. The French at this time were in pos session on Lake Erie, within the limits of the present town of Erie, of a log-fort, which had been built for several years, and which was well protected with pick ets, bastions, and ditch, and a strong gar rison of soldiers. They had also taken possession of a spot where now stands the village of Waterford, and construct ed a fort on the Riviere aux Bceufs, so called from the numerous herds of buf falo which fed upon the fertile meadows watered by that stream, now known as the French creek, in Pennsylvania. Far ther on, again, toward the Ohio, they had also lately established another fortified post, which was called Venango. This was situated on the Alleghany, at the mouth of the "Riviere aux Bceufs," or French creek. A strong garrison was maintained during the whole winter at the fort on the Riviere aux Bceufs, and large additional forces were ordered to 1754, rendezvous there the subsequent spring. Accordingly, at this time, some five hundred to a thousand well- organized French-Canadian soldiers had mustered, and prepared, under the com mand of Monsieur de Contrecoeur, to ad vance down the Ohio and take military possession of its banks. It was to meet this anticipated inva sion that Washington was now inarching with his one hundred and fifty men. He found his progress obstructed by every possible difficulty. On reaching Win chester, he was forced, in order to obtain the necessary horses and baggage-wag ons, to put into effect the militia-law of Virginia, which authorized him to take by compulsion what could not be gotten from the freewill of the reluctant farmers. With all this arbitrary exercise of power, he had to wait more than a week for only ten horses, which was literally but a tithe of the number demanded. At this disad vantage, Washington was forced to con tinue his march, over a country that was mountainous and unsupplied with roads. The men were obliged, in consequence of the sorry condition of the horses im pressed from the farmers, to put theii COLONIAL.] ARRIVAL OF ENSIGN WARD. shoulders constantly to the wheels of the wagons, and assist them over the steep passes and through the boggy soil. They were not disheartened, however, and pro ceeded bravely on their toilsome march, until they reached Will s creek, now the Cumberland river, where they found Cap tain Trent. From him they learned that lie had left his men under the command of one Lieutenant Frazier, all well, and hard at work in finishing the fort on the Ohio. Washington was anxious to push on ; but as Trent had failed to provide the pack-horses expected, he was forced to send and make another levy upon the reluctant patriots of Winchester. As this town was at a distance of forty miles, the youthful colonel was obliged, much to his dissatisfaction, to repress his impatience to move. In the meantime, all uncer tainty about the fate of the men at the Ohio fork was settled by their appear ance, on the 25th of April, at Will s creek, loaded down with their working-tools, and commanded by one Ensign Ward. The cause of this unexpected arrival was soon explained. While the men only fifty in number, thirty-three of whom alone were effective were busily en- o-asred on the works of the fort, Monsieur o O Contrecceur suddenly made his appear ance, at the head of a thousand men, and well provided with artillery and other means of attack. He had just come from the fortified post of Venango, on the Al- leghany, having floated his force down that river, in sixty batteaux and three hundred canoes. He now summoned En sign Ward, who in the absence of Trent and Frazier had been left in command, to surrender, and gave him one hour in which to give his answer. Ward was perplexed, as in the absence of his supe riors he hardly cared to take the respon sibility of making any capitulation, how ever urgent might appear its necessity. In this dilemma, he consulted the Indian half-king Tanacharisson, who was an ally of the English, and happened at that time to be in the fort. This wily old savage suggested to Ward to plead want of au thority, and to ask the French command er to be polite enough to postpone the affair for the present. The ensign fol lowed the advice of his Indian counsel lor; but Monsieur Contrecoeur was not to be dissuaded from his purpose, and in sisted more urgently than ever upon im mediate surrender. There was no alter native for Ward ; for what could he do, with only thirty-three men able to bear arms, and a half-built fort, against a thou sand soldiers, and a whole park of artil lery? The fort was accordingly given up, the men being allowed to depart with their tools. These were the visiters who had arrived at Will s creek, and such the story they had to tell of their adven tures. Washington, with his handful of men, was sadly perplexed as to his movements. The French greatly outnumbered him in force, and had succeeded by liberal pres ents in winning over to their side the larger tribes of the Indian savages of the wilderness. The French were, moreover in daily expectation of receiving rein forcements from Canada and their south ern possessions ; and no less than six hun dred warriors of the Chippewa and Otta- BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART i. \va nations were said to be making their way to join the camp of Contrecoeur. All that Washington could calculate upon, in addition to his own small troop, were the hundred and fifty men with the artillery under Fry. These, however, might yet be detained for a long time. As for Trent and his men, no reliance could be put in them. The captain himself was timid and improvident, and his followers a set of independent vagabonds, who, having been enlisted as volunteers, exercised their volition in doing nothing, and in terfering with the general good discipline of the troops. Washington now called a council-of- war, in which it was resolved to march to Redstone creek, where the Ohio Com pany had a post. It was proposed to pro ceed thither, and, having encamped, to for tify their position as best they could, un til reinforcements should arrive, or some expedient should suggest itself in the course of events to extricate themselves, or to justify action. Two Indians had come into Washington s camp in compa ny with Ensign Ward and his men. These savages had been sent by Tanacharisson, the chief of the western tribes of Indians, who were friendly to the Virginians. The two Indian warriors bore a speech, pledg ing fidelity to the English, and a belt of wampum as a symbol of friendship for the governor. The wampum was for warded, under the care of its Indian bearer, to Dinwiddie ; and Washington sent back the other Indian with a return speech, in which he invoked the aid of the half-king in council, and called upon him to come down, in company with an other sachem, and meet him at a certain point on the road. Washington s march began, but w r as exceedingly toilsome and slow, as he was obliged to make the road on which he moved, not only for his own present pur poses, but for the future passage of Fry s artillery. He had sent some sixty men in advance, several days before he set out with the remainder of his whole force, numbering, all told, only one hundred and sixty. The advance party was soon overtaken, as they had made but slow progress in their labors. The rest of Washington s men, on coming up, fell to work also ; but, with all their combined efforts, it was found that they could not get on at the best with more than four miles a day. It took them ten days to reach Little Meadows, only twenty miles from Will s creek, whence they had set out. They, however, continued their la borious undertaking, and labored day af ter day, slaving (as Washington himself describes it) through woods, rocks, and mountains. They finally reached the river Yough- ioney, where they were obliged to build a bridge. While engaged in this work, which was an affair of several days, some friendly Indians entered the camp of Washington. On hearing of his plan of constructing a road over the mount ains to Redstone creek, they remonstra ted with him upon the impracticability of such a work. He then, by their ad vice, set out, in company with a guard and an Indian guide, to try the practica bility of the river-route. This was found, however, so full of rocks arid shoals, and COLONIAL.] APPROACH OF THE ENEMY. 37 so interrupted by rapids and falls, that it was useless to attempt to navigate it with boats sufficiently large for military pur poses. Washington accordingly resolved to continue his arduous land-route. From day to day, as the Virginians remained encamped on the banks of the Youghioney, and were going on with their work upon the bridge, Indian scouts and white traders came in with every variety of rumor in regard to the enemy. Some told how the French commander was building a strong fort at the fork of the Ohio ; some reported that he had re ceived large reinforcements from Canada, and was preparing to come down the riv er; others, however, declared that the French were only eight hundred strong, and that one half of them had been sent out from the fort on a secret expedition, the object of which was suspected to be an attack upon the English. This latter suspicion was confirmed by a direct message from Tanacharisson, the Indian chief, who said : " It is reported that the French army is coming to meet Major Washington. Be on your guard against them, my brethren, for they in tend to strike the first English they shall see. They have been on their march two days. I know not their number. The half-king and the rest of the chiefs will be with you in five days to hold a coun cil." This Avas information that could not be disregarded, and Washington made preparations to act in accordance. As he was examining the neighborhood for a proper position in which to entrench his force, and to await the coming up of the French, he heard that they had al ready arrived within eighteen miles, and were fording the very river upon the banks of which the Virginians were at that moment encamped. Washington now decided at once upon his position, which was at a spot called the Great Meadows, and with which he was so pleased, that in his journal he terms it "a charming field for an encounter." The space being cleared of its scattered trees, long grass, and thick brushwood, the Virginians were here encamped, and protected by entrenchments. Although scouts were sent out, who diligently coursed the surrounding country, there was no sign of an enemy. Washington s men were, however, in a state of excited expectation, and were prepared for an attack at any moment. There were fre quent alarms ; and on one occasion, in the middle of the night, the sentinels fired upon some men in the dark. Next morning, it was discovered that six sol diers had deserted. All doubt now of the approach of an enemy was removed by the arrival of an Indian messenger, who reported that his chief and some of his tribe had reached the neighborhood, and were now only six miles distant. The half-king sent word that he had fallen in with the track of Frenchmen, and did not doubt that they were lurking near by, awaiting a good chance to attack Washington and his par ty. Washington now determined to go at once, although it was night, to meet his friend the half-king, and accordingly started with forty men, and the Indian messenger as guide, to the chief s lod^e 33 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART i. It was morning before Washington reached the end of his journey, which, as it was through a rough and unbroken country, and during an unusually dark night, with a heavy, pouring rain, was necessarily tedious and fatiguing. The half-king received Washington with a warm welcome, and w r as ready to comply at once with his plans. At his request, Indian scouts were sent out, who soon came back, with the report that they had tracked the French to their encampment. With these Indian scouts as his guides, Washington now started with his forty men, and accompanied by the Indian chief Tanacbarisson and a small num ber of his warriors. As they approached the position of the enemy, Washington drew up his men in single file to the right, with himself at their head, and sent the Indians to the left. As the object was to take the French by surprise, the force moved on in perfect silence, so that their approach was not suspected until they met face to face, within gunshot. The French, though taken off their guard, promptly sprang to their arms, and be gan returning the fire of the Virginians. Washington, at the head of his men, had been the first to show himself from behind the rocks and trees which con cealed the path that led into the hollow where the enemy was encamped. He accordingly was exposed to the first and hottest fire of the French ; one of his men was killed by his side, and three wound ed, at the first volley. There was not much difference in the numbers of the two opposing parties ; but the French, taken at a disadvantage, w r ere forced to give up the struggle, and took to their heels. They w r ere immediately pursued and overtaken, and about a score of pris oners thus secured, whom Washington had some difficulty in keeping out of the merciless bands of his savage allies, who w r ere eager to exercise their tomahawks upon them for the sake of " a little blood ying the edge of the hatchet," as the In dian chief himself, in his broken English, expressed it. A young Frenchman, of the name of Jumonville, the leader of the French par ty, was killed at the first fire. As he was much beloved, and was from his influen tial connections of considerable social im portance, his early death w r as the subject of much expressed grief and remark. M. do Villiers, who held a command under De Contrecoeur, w r as the brother-in-law of Jumonville, and, from his desire to screen the memory of his young connec tion, determined to give a complexion to the affair in w T hich he was engaged that is not at all borne out by the facts. De Villiers and the French generally declared that Jumonville was only sent out as an embassador, to warn the Eng lish from territory claimed by France ; and that the attack upon him by Wash ington was unjustifiable, and the fatal re sult only deserved to be termed an assas sination, as in fact it was termed in all the French reports. It might be enough for us to know that the great and good Washington was an actor in the affair, to denounce the French statement as a base slander ; but we have, in his own words, the true version of the character of Jumonville s party, w T hich COLONIAL.] SPY OR EMBASSADOR? settles the matter beyond any chance of doubt. In his despatch to Governor Din- vviddie, Washington says : " I doubt not but they [the prisoners] will endeavor to amuse you with many smooth stories, as they did me ; but they were confuted in them all, and, by circumstances too plain to be denied, almost made ashamed of their assertions. " I have heard since they went away, they should say, they called on us not to fire ; but that I /mow to be fake, for I was the first man that approached them and the first whom they saw, and immediate ly they ran to their arms, and fired brisk ly till they were defeated. I fancy they will have the assurance of asking the privileges due to an embassy, when in strict justice they ought to be hanged, as spies of the worst sort" They were spies undoubtedly, but they may have been embassadors as well. It seems, in fact, to have been the object of their orders, to give Jumonville and his force this double character. The written instructions, found on the body of the young French leader, directed him to use every secret means he could to obtain information of the proceedings of the English, and send it back to his chief in command as soon as obtained. It is true he was also ordered to summon the Eng lish to retire from what was claimed to be French territory, but only after he had exhausted his resources as a spy was he expected to begin upon his more digni fied duty of an embassador. Jumonville was caught in the act of his preliminary and less honorable functions, and was dealt with by Washington accordingly. CHAPTER V. Washington wins his Spurs. "A Brave Braggart." The Death of Jumonville declared by the French an Assassination. Plans for Revenge. Fort Du Quesne. Expedition against Washington. He fortifies himself at Great Meadows. Nothing daunted, but prudent withal. Tanacharisson s Blood up. Promises to come to the Rescue. Fort Necessity. Sufferings and Trials. Famine approaching. Arrival of Indians. Relief. Promotions. Van Braam a Captain. Captain Mackay and his Independent South-Carolinian Volunteers. The French approach. Return of Washing ton. Stops at Great Meadows. Fortifications. The Idle Carolinians. Washington puts his own Hands to the Work. Fort Necessity described. Desertion of the Half-Chief and his Indians. Tanacharisson s Excuse. The Approach of the Enemy. Attack begun. A Parley proposed. Washington consents to treat. Van Braam appointed Negoti ator. His Knowledge of French and English. Capitulation. Washington made to call Himself an Assassin. Van Braam a Blunderer or a Rogue. How Washington was deceived. He marches out with Colors flying. The French Slanders. Washington s Arrival at Williamsburg. Vote of Thanks. Tanacarisson s Opinion of Washington. Fort Necessity destroyed by the French. Honors paid to the Memory of Jumonville. De Villiers s Return to Mon sieur de Contrecunir. A Reverse in the State of Affairs at Fort Du Quesne. A Reinforcement from Canada. Cham pagne and Costly Velvets. The Court at Versailles exultant over French Successes in the Wilderness. Jumonville called a Hero, Washington an American Fanner and Assassin. A Fanfaron. Louis XV. resolves upon pushing his American Conquests. England feebly remonstrates. The Duke of Cumberland indignant. An accomplished Sec retary of State. The Young Gates. General Braddock. THE Virginian colonel had now first "won his spurs," and no ancient knight better deserved to wear them. Young as Washington was, being only twenty- two years of age, he had borne the brunt of the battle with the steadiness of a vet- 40 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART i. eran, although lie liad exposed himself perhaps with the too reckless spirit of a youthful adventurer. In writing to a brother, he gives vent to the heat of his young blood in the following burst of enthusiasm : " I fortunately escaped with out any wound ; for the right wing, where I stood, was exposed to and received all the enemy s fire ; and it was the part where the man was killed and the rest wounded. / heard the bullets whistle, and., believe me, there is something charming in the sound"* Horace Walpole termed this the rhodomontade of "a brave braggart;" and George II. is said to have remarked, when he heard of it, " He would not say so if he had been used to hear many [bullets]." Washington, at a later peri od of life, when time had subdued the reckless daring of youth into the prudent courage of age, replied, when asked if he had ever made the remarks about the whistling of bullets, " If I said so, it was when I was young." A French Canadian, having escaped the fate of most of his companions, suc ceeded in reaching the headquarters of Contrecoeur, and gave in his account of the death of Jumonville, and the fatal result of his expedition. De Villiers, the brother-in-law of Jumonville, was greatly excited by these tidings of wo, and, swear ing revenge, declared at once in favor of the most violent and vindictive measures. He was, however, overborne by the more judicious of his fellow-officers ; and it was finally agreed in the council that six hun- * This letter is endorsed by Washington Irving, in his "Life of Washington," as genuine, although the expression italicized lias been hitherto suspected to have been a mere bit of idle scandal propagated by the gossip Walpole. dred men should be despatched immedi ately, under Monsieur de Villiers as chief in command, to meet the Virginians. Contrecoeur had, ever since he had ejected Ward and his thirty men from the fork of the Ohio, been busy in strength ening that important point. The works had been placed under the supervision of Mercier, an artillery-officer of merit, and he had succeeded in completing a very substantial fort, which Contrecoeur had called, in honor of the governor of Canada, Fort Du Quesne. Mercier s work being over, he was in readiness to join De Villiers, to whom he was appointed second in command ; and the French force sallied forth, without more ado, in search of Washington. Washington, in the meantime, had re turned to his camp at the Great Mead ows, and, having sent off his prisoners and despatches to the governor of Vir ginia, prepared to strengthen his position with the expectation of an early attack by the French. He had heard of the completion of the new fort of Du Quesne, and of the large number of troops gath ering there. He knew that Contrecoeur would not be long in striking a blow, in return for the death of Jumonville and the defeat of his party. He was there fore in daily expectation of an attack and an attack in which he would be at the disadvantage of an inferior force. lie, however, was nothing daunted. " I shall expect every hour to be attacked," he writes, " and by unequal numbers, which I must withstand, if there are five to one." Young and daring as he was, Washington was not wanting, even at COLONIAL.] FORT NECESSITY. 41 that early age of self-confidence, in the prudence and foresight which marked his subsequent life. " Your honor," he declares in his despatch to the governor of Virginia, u may depend I will not be surprised, let them come at what hour they will." His deeds confirmed his words, and he set about diligently ma king every preparation for the coming attack. He finished his entrenchments at Great Meadows, and began to erect a palisade. He sent a messenger with all despatch to Colonel Fry, who was ill at Will s creek, with a request that he would send at once as many of his men as he could spare. The half-king Tanacharis- son did not require much urging, as his savage blood, having become heated in the late fight with the French, was now boiling fiercely for another struggle. The chief accordingly, having sent the scalps token from the French dead, and the sig nificant hatchet, to his Indian allies, the Mingoes and Shawnees, strove to engage them to take up arms for his brothers the English. He himself went away to join his own people, promising soon to return with forty or more of his own war riors. Having completed his fortification at the Great Meadows, Washington gave it the name of Fort Necessity, as well he might, from the compulsory trials to which he had been subjected in the course of its construction. Here he was forced to make a stand to await the ap proach of an enemy that far outnum bered his own small force. Here he heard of the death of Fry at Will s creek; and here his men, worn out with daily 6 toil, were deprived of their daily bread. The small camp almost suffered from fam ine in consequence of the neglect of the trader Croghan, who had contracted to supply the troops with flour. For nearly a week they were deprived of this essen tial staff of life. The scarcity, moreover, which was so great as to bring Washing ton s men to the verge of starvation, was further increased by the arrival at the camp of the half-king, his forty warriors, and all their families. Supplies, however, fortunately soon reached the almost fam ished garrison. Washington succeeded to the chief command by the death of Fry, upon the arrival of whose detachment from Will s creek the force at Fort Necessity was in creased to three hundred. A further ad dition was expected from South Carolina, which had enrolled an independent com pany of one hundred men, under the com mand of a Captain Mackay, whose arri val was daily looked for. Some changes in rank occurred among the other officers in consequence of Wash ington s advancement. Captain Adam Stephen was promoted to a majority, and Jacob Van Braam, Washington s old com panion and interpreter, was made a cap tain. Fort Necessity having been put in a tolerable condition, Washington (leaving the hundred men of South Carolina and their captain, Mackay, who had lately ar rived, as a garrison to defend it) took up again his old route for Redstone creek. Washington had so much trouble with Mackay s troop, as they considered them selves in the light of volunteers, and thus BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART i relieved from the obligation of ordinary military duty, that he determined to pro ceed without them in the toilsome labors of completing the military road. The Virginians had not been many days gone, when intelligence was received of the ap proach of the force which we have seen was sent out from Fort Du Quesne. Wash ington sent immediately for Captain Mac- kay, and on his arrival a council-of-war was held, at which it was resolved that it was necessary to take up some more se cure position than that where they were then encamped, although they had pro tected themselves by hurriedly throwing up entrenchments. The whole force now began to retire ; and, after a toilsome retreat, for want of a sufficiency of pack-horses and wagons, finally reached Fort Necessity. The Virginians complained loud ly during the whole route of the Carolin ians, who left all the work of clearing the road, carrying the baggage, and dragging the artillery, to them, while those inde pendent military gentlemen considered it inconsistent with their dignity to do anything else but march in battle array. When Washington reached the fort, he found that his own men, either worn down with fatigue, or influenced by the bad example of the Carolinians, would not move a step farther, and was fain to rest at the Great Meadows, and there await the coming of the French. There was no time to spare, and Wash ington set his men at work at once upon the fort, which he strove to strengthen by a breastwork of timber. The Caro linians still looked idly on, while the Vir- July 1, ginians,with Washington himself putting his own hands to the work, laboriously cut down the trees, and rolled up their great trunks to protect the small en trenchment. Fort Necessity was a rude stockade, about a hundred feet square, and sur rounded by trenches. It stood in the middle of the Great Meadows, on a level spot hemmed in by hills mostly covered with wood. A small stream ran near the place, and continued its course along the base of the high ground and through the valley which opened into the Great Mea dows. Washington, while thus manfully pre paring to defend himself with his hand ful of men against the larger force which was coming to attack him, was further weakened by the desertion of the half- chief and his Indians. Tanacharisson pre tended to be disaffected in consequence of not having been sufficiently listened to by Washington in the formation of his plans. It was, however, suspected that the Indians wished only to secure the safety of their families ; and, as they were aware of the overpowering num bers of the French, they feared the fatal result of an encounter at such odds. As some few of the Indians who had no wives still remained, it was supposed that the motive just given was the real cause of the desertion of those who went away. The first sign of the approach of the enemy was the arrival, early in the mom ma; of a wounded sentinel, who , , , Jiy s, came staggering in from the outr posts. Washington immediately drew up COLONIAL. CAPITULATION OF FORT NECESSITY. 43 his men on the plain to meet the antici pated attack, which was now made cer tain by the arrival of the scouts with in formation that a large body of French and Indians was within a few miles, and rapidly approaching. Toward noon the enemy had taken possession of a neigh boring hill, and commenced a fire from under cover of the trees. Their shots at first fell short, and were not returned by the provincials. The fire, however, of the French soon began to tell more effectual ly, and Washington wa.- forced to order his men within the fortifications; and here they kept up a straggling fire with the enemy, seldom securing a good aim at them, as they were hid among the trees. This kind of skirmishing lasted the whole day, the English having already lost thirty while the French had only three killed, when, night coming on, De Villiers proposed a parley. After some hesitation on the part of Washington, who suspected a ruse, he consented to send an officer to treat with the French commander. Van Braam, who had some pretensions to the knowledge of the language, was selected. He made several journeys backward and forward, between the fort and the enemy s camp, before he brought terms of capitulation to which Washington was willing to as sent. These were sent by the French com mander, written out in clue form ; and, upon being delivered to Washington by Van Braam, that officer was called upon to translate them. This he undertook to do, and how far he was equal to the undertaking will be found by the result. Washington and his officers, neither of whom understood a word of French, be lieved that they had got a fair idea of the terms of capitulation proposed, al though Van Braam was evidently not quite at his ease either in French or Eng lish. There was no objection made to any of the stipulations as translated, with the exception of that which proposed that Washington should give up all his artillery and ammunition to the enemy. This he would not concede, and De Vil liers accordingly altered it. The besieged were in a condition not very favorable certainly for insisting up on the most liberal terms. Their cattle had fallen into the hands of the enemy, and Washington had only two bags of flour and a little bacon left to feed his whole three hundred men upon; while all were so worn out with the hard and hurried labor upon the works during the three days and nights previous, that it required all the undaunted spirit of their young commander to cheer on their flag ging energies. The weather, too, Avas unfavorable. The rain poured in such torrents, that it overflowed the trenches, and, wetting the firelocks of the men, prevented them often from returning the fire of their assailants. Washington, however, was, even un der such circumstances of discourage ment, not disposed to make any but the most honorable terms of capitulation witli the enemy. He accordingly insisted that he should be allowed to depart with all the honors of war, with drums beating and colors flying. That Washington, therefore, could have been aware, when 44 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART i. lie signed the capitulation, that it con tained the expression, " the assassination of Jumonville," is preposterous. The death of that young Frenchman, however, was thus described, and Washington had sign ed the paper upon which the base word was written ! Of course, no one now be lieves that Washington ever knowingly was made to condemn his own honorable action, which resulted in the death of Ju monville, as the deed of an assassin. The French at the time, however, made a great deal of this admission, which appears to have been particularly sweet to De Vil- liers s desire to revenge his young rela tive. In his report of the affair at Fort Necessity, he says : " We made the Eng lish consent to sign that they had assas sinated my brother in his camp." It has been suspected that the cunning French commander had bribed Van Braam to misconstrue purposely the word assas- sinat, in order that the French might in dulge a stolen pleasure of revenge. It is, however, more probable that the stu pid Van Braam, who knew very little English and much less French, made an unintentional blunder in the translation. Still, the French ^vord assassinat corre sponds so nearly with our own " assas sination," that we could hardly conceive how Washington himself, even with his ignorance of the French language, should have been misled, were it not from this fact. The paper with the written stipu lations was brought in at nicrht, and read O O in the trenches, by means of a candle held close to the face of the blundering Van Braam, who was undertaking to read and explain its purport in broken Eng- July 4, lish. The rain w^as pouring in torrents at the same moment, and Washington and his officers were gathered in a confused group about the reader, while there was the greatest difficulty to see with suffi cient distinctness to make out the wri ting, or even to keep the candle burning. Washington probably, in the confusion and uncertain light, never saw the origi nal word, and intrusted implicitly to his interpreter. Early next day, Washington, having destroyed his artillery, and hid away his military stores, as had been agreed upon, led out his men, with all the honors of war. Van Braam, who could be Avell spared, and a Captain Stobo, who was a man of different arid more gen uine metal, were left with the French commander as hostages for the fulfilment of the terms of the capitulation. De Vil- liers, in his report, utters a contemptuous lie, declaring that " the English, struck ivith panic, took to flight, and left their flag and one of their colors." They did leave their regimental flag, because it Avas too burdensome to carry, but their colors they bore away flying, as they were enti tled to by the concession made by this same De Villiers who forged the lie. The French had been better occupied in keeping their own word than in de vising false accusations against others. They had pledged themselves that Wash ington and his men should be allowed to march out without molestation ; and yet they had hardly got out of the fort, when the Indians from De Villiers s camp be gan plundering the baggage, and it was found necessary, in consequence, to tie- COLONIAL.] TWO OPINIONS OF WASHINGTON. 45 *troy the greater part of it, in order to get rid of these ravenous savages. In a few days, after a toilsome journey, Wash ington succeeded in leading his jaded and disheartened force to Will s creek, where, with abundant provisions, and in a snug encampment, they were left to recruit their strength and health, until they might be in proper condition to march homeward. Washington himself pushed on directly for Williamsburg, to give in his report of the unfortunate but honor able results of the expedition. His own province justly estimated Washington s services, and he received a vote of thanks from the Virginia house of burgesses for his courage and the prudence of his con duct. The old chief Tanacharisson, however, who had deserted his " white brother" in his emergency, took, as it seems, a very different view of Washington s manage ment. " The colonel," he said, " w r as . a good-natured man, but had no experi ence ; he took upon him to command the Indians as his slaves, and would have them every day upon the scout, and to attack the enemy by themselves, but would by no means take advice from the Indians. He lay in one place from one full moon to the other, without making any fortifications, except that little thing in the Meadow ; whereas, had he taken advice, and built such fortifications as he (Tanacharisson) advised him, he might easily have beat off the French. But the French, in the engagement, acted like cowards, and the English like fools." De Villiers, having taken possession of Fort Necessity on its surrender, set i about destroying its rude and incomplete works, and then started on his return to Fort Du Quesne. As there was little to be done in demolishing the simple defences of the English provincials, the French were enabled to get through their labors in a single morning, and marched out on the very same day that Washing ton departed. Their force was now di vided into two parties, and both went to work destroying all the English trading- posts and stockades met with in the course of their different routes. De Vil liers led his detachment to the scene of Jumonville s defeat and death, and, with pious affection, seeking out from among the mangled corpses of the slain (who, in accordance with Indian warfare, lay scat tered about with their skulls bared by the tomahawk) his brother s body, buried it w r ith the honors of a soldier s grave. This pious duty performed, De Villiers hastened on to Fort Du Quesne, where he arrived on the 7th day of July. Monsieur de Contrecccur and his gar rison on the Monongahela were not found by De Villiers in such a flourishing con dition as when he had left them on his expedition down the Ohio. Supplies, which had been sent out for the provis-. ion of the fort, had been delayed on the route. Those who had charge of them had wandered from their way, and, not succeeding in finding horses and wagons to carry their burden, were obliged to bear it themselves. With the fatigue, the delay, and the scarcity of provisions, the men sickened ; and no less than four hundred of the party died from the effects of hunger, exhaustion, and the scurvy. r 46 BATTLES OF AMERICA. LPAKT i Those who escaped finally broke open (.he packages with which they were charged, and helped themselves freely to their contents. They thus got an abun dant supply of the generous wines of Champagne and Bordeaux., and in their wild orgies dressed themselves, in the midst of the wilderness, in the costly vel vet uniforms sent to grace the dignity of Monsieur de Contrecoeur and his fellow- officers. When they arrived at the fort, they had hardly anything to offer but themselves, tricked off in the gaudy suits of their superiors. Fresh instalments, however, from Canada, soon put Fort Du Quesne on a more satisfactory foot ing, and its commander was enabled to carry out his plans, for the possession of the Ohio, in a manner to gratify the un bounded appetite of his sovereign for do minion. The court at Versailles were in raptures with French success in America; and, while they slandered the young Wash ington., they elevated the unfortunate Jumonville to the rank of a hero. His death was mourned in story, as that of the brave and the good ; while Washing ton, ce plantcur Americain that American farmer who in a few years afterward was to be hailed as the regenerator of the human race by the people of France was held up to scorn, by the minions of a lewd king and his shameless mistress, as an assassin ! In England, there was hardly any more disposition to do Washington justice ; and we are not surprised to find Wai pole recording, in one of his gossiping letters, that " the French have tied up the hands of an excellent fanfaron., a Major Wash ington, whom they took and engaged not to serve for a year." Throughout Eng land, however, the ill success of the Vir ginian expedition, whatever may have been thought of its young and heroic leader, was received with undisguised vexation. The government remonstra ted, through their embassador at the court of Versailles, the dissolute Albc- marle, against the aggressions of the French in America. These remonstran ces, however, produced no effect, Louis XV. continued to send reinforcements to Canada, and made no secret of his deter mination to follow up his successes at Fort Necessity with further attempts up on the territory west of the Alleghanie^. Great Britain, with unusual equanimity of temper, contented itself with opposing these overt acts of hostility by sending a little advice to its colonies. These were urged to unite for their common protec tion, and defend themselves against the w r hole pow r er of France. The languid hands of Pelham, and the weak grasp of the incapable duke of Newcastle, then held the reins of power, and the active aid necessary could hardly be expected from the indolent prime minister and his feeble brother. The duke of Cumberland was indig nant at the inaction of his government, and swore that, rather than lose one foot of ground in America, he would oppose the enemies of his country in that part of the world himself. To this prince, in fact, the colonies were finally indebted for the aid, such as it was, that the} re ceived. Little, certainly, could be ex- i - L_ COLONIAL.] GENERAL BRADDOCK. pected, when left to himself, from the duke of Newcastle, " a statesman without capacity, or the smallest tincture of hu man learning ; a secretary who could not write ; a financier who did not understand the multiplication-table ; and the treasur er of a vast empire who never could bal ance accounts with his own butler." Such a man could be of little assistance any where, and least of all in a country of which he knew so little, that, when it was suggested that Annapolis should be de fended, replied : " Annapolis, Annapolis ! Oh, yes, Annapolis must be defended ; to be sure, Annapolis should be defended : where is Annapolis ?" After considerable delay, when noth ing was done, the necessity of doing something was agreed upon, but how to do it was the puzzling question. The duke of Newcastle, in his ignorance, was reduced to all sorts of makeshifts for his want of knowledge and capacity. Hav ing heard of a young officer of the name of Gates, who had just returned from America where he had, while on duty in Nova Scotia, learned something of American affairs his grace of Newcas tle sent for him. On being closeted with the minister, Gates was asked for a plan for an Ameri can campaign ; but he pleaded his youth and inexperience, and modestly declined. Others were resorted to in the emergen cy. Pitt, on being asked his views, slyly answered : " Your grace knows I have no capacity for these things ; and there fore I do not desire to be informed about them." Sharpe, who had been a lieuten- antrgovernor of Maryland ; Hanbury, the chief of the Ohio Company ; L ords Towns- hend and Walpole, had all been consult ed in turn when, finally, it was found advisable to leave the whole regulation of the American difficulty to the duke of Cumberland. This martial prince w r as for sending out immediately a military force to drive the French from the banks of the Ohio. Two regiments of the line were accordingly detached at once for service in Virginia, and the command bestowed upon General Braddock. CHAPTER YI. General Braddock. His Life and Character. Braddock s Family. His Sister, Fanny Braddock. Her Love, and Tragic Death. A Brother s Tribute to a Sister s Memory. An Iroquois. Braddock s Military Career. His Life in Lon don. Mrs. Upton and her Last Shilling. Braddock s Duel with the Earl of Bath. A Poor Dog ! His Farewell of a Frail but Constant Friend. Braddock exiled by Poverty. Eecalled by the Duke of Cumberland, and given the Command of the American Expedition. His Age and Military Character. 1754, " DESPERATE in his fortune, brutal in his behavior, obstinate in his sen timents, he was still intrepid and capa ble," are the few, biting words in which Walpole sums up the character of the general appointed to command the regi ments now about to be sent out to Amer- Six feet high, of Atlantean shoul- ica. ders, of good appetite, and a lover of his bottle, he was equal to any effort of per- 48 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART i sonal vigor. He was a match for the best swordsman in the army, and could drink his whole mess under the table ! He swore copiously, as troopers were wont to do in those days. Turbulent and pugnacious, he was never so much at his ease as in the hurly-burly of war. Intrepid and loyal, he was always ready to fight for his king or his great master, his royal highness the burly duke of Cumberland, whom he was proud to copy as the model soldier. Of Braddock s early history little is known, although there is sufficient proof that he was not altogether the low ad venturer it has been the habit of histo rians to represent him. His father him self was a soldier, and possessed of suffi cient patronage or desert to have reached the rank of major-general, with a colo nelcy in the guards. He was known as a retired veteran officer, living in his old age at the fashionable town of Bath, where he died on the 15th of June, 1725. He was evidently a man of competent fortune, for on his death he left no less than six thousand pounds as a provision for his two daughters, and probably a much larger sum to his only son, Edward Braddock. One of the daughters died early, and her sister, Fanny Braddock, became pos sessed of her share of the father s legacy. Goldsmith, in his life of Beau Nash, has told the romantic story of Fanny, under the name of " Miss Sylvia S ," with his usual sweetness of narrative and gen tle kindness of sympathy. She was de scended, he says, from one of the best families in the kingdom, and was left a large fortune upon her sister s decease. Whatever the finest poet could conceive of wit, or the most celebrated painter im agine of beauty, were excelled in the perfections of this young lady. She was naturally gay, generous to a fault, good- natured to the highest degree, affable in conversation ; and some of her letters and other writings, as well in verse as prose, would have shone among those of the most celebrated wits of this or any other age, had they been published. But these qualifications were marked by another, which lessened the value of them all. She was imprudent. " By which," says the kind biographer, " I only mean she had no knowledge of the use of money." She was arrive d at the age of nineteen, when the crowd of her lov ers and the continued repetition of new flattery had taught her to think that she could never be forsaken, and never poor. " Young ladies are apt to expect," wisely moralizes Goldsmith, in a strain that re minds us of a passage in the " Vicar of Wakefield," " a certainty of success from a number of lovers ; and yet I have sel dom seen a girl courted by a hundred lovers that found a husband in any. Be fore the choice is fixed, she has either lost her reputation or her good sense ; and the loss of either is sufficient to con sign her to perpetual virginity." Among the number of this young la dy s lovers was a handsome, good-natured, easy kind of fellow, of whose name we can learn nothing beyond its initial " S." He was " constitutionally virtuous," but practically it appears quite the contrary, for he followed the " dictates of every COLONIAL.] FATE OF FANNY BRADDOCK. 49 newest passion." He loved Fanny Brad- dock, and Fanny Braddock loved him. The vices of the man (Goldsmith gently terms them "imprudences") soon ruined him, and he was thrown into prison for debt. Fanny Braddock, with the disin terestedness of a pure and loving woman, was resolutely bent on freeing him, and sacrificed her whole fortune in relieving her lover from his obligations to his cred itors, and thus restored him to liberty. S , instead of improving in friendship or affection, only studied to avoid a cred itor he could never repay ; for, " though small favors produce good will, great ones destroy friendship," says Goldsmith, who could utter maxims worthy of Solomon, while he lived as riotously as the Prodi gal Son. Poor Fanny, however, was ruined, in reputation as well as in fortune, by this profuse generosity to her ungrateful lov er. Beau Nash, then meeting with her among some of his friends in London, prevailed upon her to go with him to Bath, where the Beau, being paramount in power, might introduce her to the best company, and leave it to her merit to do the rest. People of distinction courted her acquaintance, and strove to divert her with the social enjoyments and fashionable frivolities of the place ; but it was apparent that a settled melancholy had taken possession of her mind, and she moved among, but was not of, the gay throng. With loss of love, loss of for tune, loss of friends, and loss of health, she was finally induced, as a mere refuge from her own wretchedness, to yield to the invitation of a Dame Lindsey, who 7 desired to secure so much beauty, as an additional temptation to those who re sorted to her gambling-rooms. Although * } o o she yielded to Dame Lindsey s invitation, Fanny Braddock is believed never to have been tainted with any other vice than that of presiding at the hazard-table for the advantage of others. She could not long, however, endure this disgrace, and preferred the humble condition of a housekeeper in a gentle man s family, to which her poverty now reduced her. Here she remained, always sad, but faithful to her duty. The gen tleman with whom she lived now went up to London with his wife, leaving the children and the house to her care. On the day when he was expected to return, Fanny, after the discharge of her daily household duty, went into the dining room and wrote these lines upon one of the window-panes: " O Death ! them pleasing end of human wo ! Thou cure for life, thou greatest good below ! Still mayst thou fly the coward and the slave. And thy soft slumbers only bless the brave." Some visiters coming in, she entertained them cheerfully, and, on their going out, she went to the library, where she had ordered supper. Here " she spent the remaining hours preceding bed-time in dandling two of Mr. Wood s (the gentle man in whose family she lived) children on her knees. In retiring thence to her chamber, she went into the nursery, to take her leave of another child, as it lay sleeping in the cradle. Struck with the innocence of the little babe s looks, and the consciousness of her meditated guilt, she could not avoid bursting into tears> 50 BATTLES OF AMERICA. LPART i and hugging it in her arms. She then bade her old servant a Good-night, for the first time she had ever done so, and went to bed as usual. "It is probable she soon quitted her bed. She then dressed herself in clean linen and white garments of every kind, like a bridesmaid. Her gown she pinned over her breast just as a nurse pins the swaddling-clothes of an infant." She then took a pink-silk girdle, and, length ening it with another made of gold thread, she made a noose at one end, and tied three knots at a small distance from each other. She now sat down to read that passage in Ariosto s " Orlando Furioso," where Olympia is abandoned by her bosom friend, and ruined. Having laid aside her book, she arose, took the girdle she had prepared, and, tying it about her neck, stepped upon a stool, and, throw ing the end of the girdle over a closet- door, attempted to hang herself. The girdle, however, broke with her weight ; and she fell with such a noise, that a workman, who was passing the night in the house, was awoke. He, nevertheless, thinking nothing more of it, turned over and fell asleep again. She now made another attempt, with a stronger girdle, made of silver thread, and succeeded. Her old maid next morning waited as usual the ringing of the bell, and pro tracted her patience, hour after hour, till two o clock in the afternoon, when the workmen, at length entering the room through the window, found their unfor tunate mistress still hanging, and quite cold. Such is the history of Fanny Braddock, for the most part as related by Goldsmith. " Hundreds in high life," says he. u la mented her fate." Her brother, when he heard of it, remarked, " Poor Fanny ! I always thought she would play till she would be forced to tuck herself up." Hor ace Walpole might well say, " Braddock is a very Iroquois in disposition." Braddock was early led to a military life, by its being his father s profession. He probably entered the army, as is the custom with " young bloods" in England, before he had got out of his teens, and too soon to have acquired much educa tion. His first commission dates from the llth of October, 1710, when he be came ensign in the Coldstream guards. His promotion, although not very rapid, was sufficiently so to show that he had either the command of money or the ben efit of patronage. He probably had both, as his father was an officer of high rank, and withal tolerably rich. The fact of the son beginning in a crack regiment, like that of the Coldstream, proves that his career must have opened with the advantage of either family, favor, or for tune. In six years from the date of his first commission he becomes a lieutenant ; in twenty years more he is a captain ; and, in the brief period of seven years, we find him with the high rank of lieu tenant-colonel in the line, and second major in his own regiment, the second of the Foot-guards. Braddock had considerable opportuni ties of seeing service. He had served in Flanders and Spain, and distinguished himself at the battle of Fontenoy, where COLONIAL. J BRADDOCK S LIFE IN LONDON. 51 the French won so brilliant a victory, and the Guards, of whom Braddock was an officer, fought so furiously in the action, and drew off with such cool courage and steady discipline in the retreat, as to win for the English soldier almost enough credit to compensate for his being beaten. Braddock was promoted, immediately af ter the battle of Fontenoy, to the first majority of his regiment, and in a few months later to a lieutenantrcolonelcy. He served under the duke of Cumber land in Scotland, when that "sanguinary" prince was engaged in his cruel raid against the Young Pretender and his Jac obite defenders. Braddock had evident ly won the esteem of Cumberland, who sought every opportunity to serve him. After service in Scotland, and a further campaign in the Low Countries, peace was declared, and Braddock returned with his regiment to London. While in the capital, Braddock, like most officers, lived a gay life. He was known about town as a gallant blade, reckless of every virtue save that of cour age, and as prodigal of his money as he was careless of character. He gambled, as did all the men of the world of his day ; and his losses at hazard often placed him in such strait, that he was tempted to re sort to means to replenish his purse, if we can believe some of the stories told of him, which proved him to be far from the gallant gentleman that he doubtless wished to be considered. It is said that a certain Mrs. Upton, well known to (ill) fame in London, was a paramour of Braddock, and we are told this anecdote of his relations with her : " One day, Mrs. Upton frankly an swered a demand for money by pulling out her purse, with but twelve or four teen shillings in it. With the keen eye of an experienced forager, Braddock saw cause to suspect that this was not all its contents. Let me see that! he cried, and snatched it from her hand. In the farther end he found five guineas. Coolly emptying all the money into his pocket, he tossed the empty purse into his mis tress s lap. Did you mean to cheat me ? cried he ; and he turned his back upon the house, to see her no more." This piece of dirty meanness was freely talked about in every coffee and club house in London ; and, finally, Fielding held Brad- dock up to public contempt, by bringing him on the stage, as Captain Bilkum, in the " Covent-Garden Tragedy."* The au thor of the book just quoted has ferreted out this interesting literary item, and gives the following passage from Field ing s play, in which Braddock s dirty transaction with Mrs. Upton is supposed to be alluded to : " Oh ! tis not in the power of punch to save My grief-strung soul, since Hecatissa s false Since she could hide a poor half-guinea from me ! Oh ! had I searched her pockets ere I rose, I had not left a single shilling in them !" Braddock s inveterate habits of gam bling kept him constantly in debt, and often involved him in quarrels with some of his fellow-debauchees. It was in con sequence of some dispute at the hazard table, or some refusal to settle a claim * The History of the Expedition against Fort Du Qnesne, &c., by Winthrop Sargent, M. A. : Philadelphia, 1855. A valuable work, to which we have been indebted for many of the facts in this narrative 52 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART I incurred there, which brought him a chal lenge to fight from a Colonel Gumley,the brother-in-law of the earl of Bath. When they reached the ground and were going to engage, Gurnley, who had good hu mor and wit, said : " Braddock, you are a poor dog ! Here, take my purse ; if you kill me, you will be forced to run away, and then you will not have a shil ling to support you." Braddock refused the purse, insisted on the duel, was dis armed, and would not even ask for his life. Braddock, as a man of wit and pleas ure, and, moreover, with the reputation of a brave officer and a good swordsman, could have had no difficulty in making his way in the best society of London. He, however, suffered in the estimation of those whose virtues were no better, but w r hose manners were ; and he conse quently was shunned by the refined for the brutality of his conduct and the rude ness of his behavior. Yet he has found an apologist, in a fair but frail lady,* with whom Braddock was an intimate. She says, in giving an account of her last in terview with him, on the night before his setting out for America : " Before we parted, the general told me he should never see me more, for he was going with a handful of men to conquer whole nations ; and, to do this, they must cut their way through unknown woods. He produced a map of the country, saying, at the same time, Dear Pop, we are sent like sacrifices to the altar. The event * George Anne Bellamy, the actress, from whose Apolo gy for her Life this passage is quoted in the Appendix of Sargent s " History," &c. of the expedition too fatally verified the general s expectations. This great man," she adds, " having been often reproached with brutality, I am induced to recite the following little anecdote, which evidently shows the contrary. As AVC were walk ing in the Park one day, we heard a poor fellow w r as to be chastised, when I re quested the general to beg off the offend er. Upon his application to the general officer, whose name was Dury, he asked Braddock how long since he had divest ed himself of brutality and the insolence of his manners. To which the other re plied : You never knew me insolent to my inferiors. It is only to such rude men as yourself that I behave with the spirit which I think they deserve. " It was doing the handsome thing for Miss Bellamy, the pretty actress (for she was the fair apologist), to come to the rescue of the fame of Braddock ; but we must not forget that she was a prejudiced party, as the general had been one of her most favored and devoted lovers, had bestowed upon her putative husband the profitable agency of his regiment, and left him by his will his whole property, amounting to something like thirty-five thousand dollars. Braddock, as Gumley had said, w T as " a poor dog," and had got so deeply in debt, that he was obliged to leave Eng land. His influential friends, however, secured him an honorable exile, by ob taining for him the rank of colonel in a regiment then at Gibraltar. While there, his old patron, the duke of Cumberland, was mindful of him ; and, upon the ex pedition for America being determined COLONIAL.] BRADDOCK AS A SOLDIER. 53 upon, Braddock was recalled, ele vated to the rank of major-general, made commander-in-chief of all the Brit ish forces on the western continent, and given the command of the troops now ordered there for the especial service we shall recount. That Braddock was a good soldier in the European sense, there could be no doubt. He was now advanced in years (having reached threescore), and a vet- eran in service, having served no less than three-and-forty years as an officer in the Guards, during which time he had been engaged in most of the great bat- ties of his country. He was a martinet in discipline, and, however loose in pri vate life, no one could find fault with him for want of strictness in the field or on parade. His regiment was alwaj^s among the most effective in the army, and had under his command gained un dying laurels for its steady behavior and brave bearing in the unfortunate field of Fontenoy as well as in the cruel triumphs of Culloden. At St. James s park, too, in days of peace and holyday, Braddock s men were marked and admired as among the most orderly and soldierly looking of all the household troops in London. He was just the man to please the duke of Cum berland, who, brought up in the school of the great Frederick, was a devoted believer in the pow r dered, bewigged sol dier and the formal tactics then prevail ing in all the camps of European warfare. Braddock had undoubtedly courage, and had besides a most thorough schooling, under the eye of Cumberland himself, in those very formalities and methods which were thought to be the necessary frame work of all military art. The selection, perhaps, could not have been better, for a regular European campaign ; but how it suited the eccentricities of American warfare, will be shown in the course of our narrative by the result. CHAPTER VII. Braddock in Council with the Duke of Cumberland. Objects of the Expedition to America. The Pioneer of the Enter prise. Braddock becomes impatient. Sails from Portsmouth, in advance of the Troops. His Companions. The Departure of the Troops English Opinions of the Expedition. Walpole s Gossip. Arrival of Braddock in Vir ginia. Consultation with Governor Dinwiddie, of Virginia. The Arrival of the Troops. A Poetical Welcome. The American Governors in Council. Their Governments recreant to Duty. Braddock storms at American Delin quency. The Little Fire which enkindled the Revolutionary Flame. Fort Du Quesne the Great Object of the Expe dition. The Young Washington is solicited to join. Becomes an Aid-de-Camp of General Braddock. His Associ ates of the Camp. A Storming Quartermaster. Sir John St. Clair raging like a Lion rampant. Pennsylvania back ward in Duty. Benjamin Franklin comes to the Rescue. His Interview with, and Impression upon, the General. His Opinion of the Expedition. His Ruse. Its Success. Braddock s Coach and State. His Triumphal Entrance into Fort Cumberland. BRADDOCK had frequent conferences with the ministry, and especially with the duke of Cumberland, who w r as the master-spirit of the American enterprise. These resulted in the formation of a plan for the campaign, the objects of which, r- 54 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART i. in accordance with the policy of the gov ernment and the advice of the military authorities, were To eject the French from the lands which they held unjustly in the province of Nova Scotia. To dislodge them from a fortress which they had erected at Crown Point, on Lake Champlain, within what was claimed as British territory. To dispossess them of the fort which they had constructed at Niagara, between Lake Ontario and Lake Erie. To drive them from the frontiers of Pennsylvania and Virginia, and recover the valley of the Ohio. It was more particularly, however, the last object which was reserved for Brad- dock ; and his instructions were so far specific in this respect, that he was or dered to march as soon as possible after his arrival in America and attack the French fort of Du Quesne, situated on the fork of the Ohio. LieutenantrColonel Sir John St. Clair was sent out in advance to Virginia, as deputy quartermaster-general, to obtain every possible information, and to make the preliminary arrangements for the fur therance of the objects of the proposed expedition. Braddock himself, soon after his arri val in London, hurried to Cork, where the troops were to embark. He, however, got impatient at the delay in recruiting the soldiers and fitting out the expedi tion, and went to Portsmouth, whence he , soon after sailed. The general was on board the Norwich, in company * Life of Washington, by Irving. with one of his aids, Captain Robert Orme, and his military secretary, Mr. William Shirley, the son of the governor of Mas sachusetts. Two other vessels, the Cen turion and the Siren, with a small mili tary guard and a company or so of the soldiers, sailed with the Norwich. The transports, with the rest of the troops, the artillery, and supplies, were to follow as soon as ready. There was considerable delay in get ting the troops off, notwithstanding they were so few in number ; it having been determined to send out only two regi ments the forty-fourth, with Sir Peter Halket as colonel, and the forty-eighth, Colonel Thomas Dunbar. These were to make up their numbers each to no more than five hundred before leaving, with the intention of adding three hundred by recruits in America. One thousand, there fore, was the whole force of regulars sent out by the government, and these were to form a nucleus about which it was hoped to gather, in the provinces, an ar my of some four thousand. The soldiers were finally recruited ; the stores, artil lery, and ammunition, prepared and put on board ; the whole force embarked ; and the fleet of transports, amounting to more than a dozen, sailed under the convoy of two men-of-war, on the 14th of February, three weeks subse quent to the departure of the command ing general. The hopes of England were not very sanguine about the success of this expe dition to America, if we can trust what that gossip Walpole wrote : " The French have taken such liberties with some 01 1755 COLONIAL.] BRADDOCK IN AMERICA. our forts that are of great consequence to cover Virginia, Carolina, and Georgia, that we are actually despatching two regiments thither. As the climate and other American circumstances are against these poor men, I pity them, and think them too many if the French mean noth ing further, too few if they do. Indeed, I am one of those who feel less resent ment when we are attacked so far off: I think it an obligation to be eaten the last." After a voyage of nearly two months, Braddock arrived in Hampton roads, in Virginia, and proceeded at once to Wil- liamsburg, to join Governor Dinwiddie, and consult with him in regard to the details for carrying out the proposed ex pedition. Sir John St. Clair, the deputy quartermaster-general, and Commodore Keppel, commander of the British fleet, soon after repaired to Williamsburg also. On consultation with these officers, it was determined by Braddock that the troops should disembark at Alexandria. Orders were now sent for the transports, as they should arrive, to sail up to that place. They came in at slow intervals, the last vessel being as late as the 14th of March, and, as was directed, after anchoring in Hampton roads, proceeded up the Poto mac to Alexandria, where the troops dis embarked in fine condition, in spite of the long voyage. The colonies hailed this aid from the mother-country with great joy, and gave an enthusiastic welcome, after their pro pitious voyage, to those ships- Freighted with wealth, for noble ends designed ; So willed great George, and so the Fates inclined," 1755, as a native poet, in anticipatory poetical enthusiasm of the great event, had writ ten. Braddock, soon after the arrival of his troops, had invited the governors of the different British colonies to meet him at Alexandria; and accordingly, on the 14th of April, a great council was held. Here were Robert Dinwiddie, gov ernor of Virginia ; General William Shir ley, governor of Massachusetts ; and here also were the three lieutenantrgovernors, James Delancey,of New York; Sharpe,of Maryland ; and Morris, of Pennsylvania. Braddock the general and Keppel the commodore completed the number of this august council. The various governors were first reminded, by the reading of the orders of the home government, of the duty of their several provinces to raise a colonial revenue, and make pro vision for the expenses of the expedition. They all, however, without an exception, had a most unsatisfactory account to give of their endeavors to fulfil the obligations that had been imposed upon them. Their several assemblies had been diligently urged, but had refused to vote the tax necessary to establish the fund; and the governors now convened declared unani mously that " such a fund can never be established in the colonies without the aid of Parliament. Having found it im practicable to obtain in their respective governments the proportion expected by his majesty towards defraying the ex penses of his service in North America, they are unanimously of opinion that it should be proposed to his majesty s min isters to find out some method of com- 56 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART i. pelling them to do it, and of assessing the several governments in proportion to their respective abilities." Braddock s arbitrary spirit was chafed by this colonial recreancy, and he stormed loudly, with anger, that " no such fund had been yet established." He sent the resolves of the council to the home gov ernment, accompanying them with a let ter from himself, in which he fiercely com plained of the neglect of their duty by the colonies, and urged the necessity of compelling them, by taxation, to do it effectually for the future. Here was the little fire by which the great flame of revolution was kindled, and which final ly, after a period of unsettled, nebulous light, concentrated in the glorious stars of American Independence. The opinion of the governors in council in regard to some other matters, showed a wiser discretion. They proposed that New York should be the point from which the movements of the campaign should be directed. Braddock would not or could not listen to such suggestions. It was sup posed that he had received positive or ders to march upon Fort Du Quesne, and that he was thus obliged to carry on the expedition across the Alleghanies, with all the disadvantages of a wild country. It would have been wiser, doubtless, to have attacked the French settlements in Canada, as they could be reached by sea, and the land-forces might have been sus tained by a naval squadron. Fort Du Quesne, however, was the point proposed, and against this Braddock determined to lead his forces. The two battalions raised and commanded by Governor Shirley and Sir William Pepperell, the hero of Louisburg, were directed upon Niagara; General Johnson was ordered to muster his Indians for an attack upon Crown Point, at Lake Cham plain; and the Brii> ish colonel Monckton, with the provincial colonel Winslow, were sent to do service against the French in the bay of Fundy. Sir John St. Clair had succeeded in ob taining the Virginian recruits before the arrival of the British troops, and they now, on Braddock s men landing, pre pared to join them. They were, hoAvev- er, taken hold of at once, for drill, by an ensign of the forty-fourth, who had been ordered by the general " to make them as like soldiers as possible." There was one greater than all the rest who at this time offered himself as a volunteer, in a cause in which his beloved Virginia was so deeply concerned. This was Washington. " The din and stir of warlike preparation," says Irving, "dis turbed the quiet of Mount Vernon. Wash ington looked down from his rural retreat upon the ships-of-war and transports, as they passed up the Potomac, Avith the ar ray of arms gleaming along their decks. The booming of cannon echoed among his groves. Alexandria Avas but a feAv miles distant. Occasionally he mounted his horse and rode to that place ; it Avas like a garrisoned toAA r n, teeming Avith troops, and resounding with the drum and fife. A brilliant campaign AA r as about to open, under the auspices of an expe rienced general, and Avith all the means and appurtenances of European Avarfare. HOAV different from the starveling expe ditions he had hitherto been doomed to COLONIAL.] INVITATION TO WASHINGTON. 57 conduct ! What an opportunity to efface the memory of his recent disaster ! All his thoughts of rural life were put to llight. The military part of his charac ter was again in the ascendant ; his great desire was to join the expedition as a volunteer." When General Braddock heard of this desire on the part of young Washington, and learned who he was his high social position in Virginia, his great personal worth, and the experience he had already had in border warfare he invited him to become one of his aids. This is the letter bearing the invitation: " WILLIAMSBURG, 2d March, 1755. "Sin: The general, having been in formed that you expressed some desire to make the campaign, but that you de clined it upon some disagreeableness that you thought might arise from the regu lations of command, has ordered me to acquaint you that he will be very glad of your company in his family, by which all inconveniences of that kind will be obviated. "I shall think myself very happy to form an acquaintance with a person so universally esteemed, and shall use ev ery opportunity of assuring you how much I am, sir, your most obedient ser vant, " ROBERT ORME, Aid-de- Camp" Orme was a young lieutenant of the Guards, of a good English family, which had supplied many a brave soldier for the service of their king. He had now nominally the rank of captain, and, being a great favorite of Braddock, had been appointed by him one of his aids-de-camp. He was a spirited, well-educated, and high-bred young fellow, and commended himself greatly to the friendship of Wash ington, with whom during the campaign he became very intimate. The offer of Braddock was gladly ac cepted by Washington ; and, in spite of his mother s entreaties, and all the house hold interests of Mount Vernon which had gathered about him during his retire ment, he determined, as soon as he could settle his affairs at home, to join the ex pedition. He was greatly gratified at the appointment he had received. He was fond of a military life, and had only been prevented from taking a position, as an officer in the Virginian troops, in consequence of the contempt of those bearing colonial commissions implied by a parliamentary act, which gave all the British officers the precedence of them in rank and pay. Washington s pride, as a Virginian gentleman, revolted at this, and naturally ; for he might thus, at any moment, be placed in an inferior position to some ignorant, low-bred person, sud denly elevated above him by a commis sion which had been either bought for money or truckled for by fawning servil ity. The young Washington had conse quently smothered all his burning ardor for military glory, rather than sacrifice his own self-respect. The offer of Braddock now came to give him, what he so much desired, an opportunity for honorable service. The position as aid-de-camp, which he had ac cepted, gave him rank among the high est of his years, and was one of those BATTLES OF AMERICA. LPART i. gentlemanly offices for there was no pay that particularly commended it self to a disinterested Virginian cavalier. There was the further advantage that, as aid-de-camp, Washington would have the best opportunity of improving him self, and that this was a great object with him he confesses in writing to Orme : " I wish earnestly to obtain some knowledge in the military profession ; and believing a more favorable opportunity can not of fer than to serve under a gentleman of General Braddock s abilities and experi ence, it does, you may reasonably sup pose, not a little influence my choice." Washington did not join the army for several weeks after-receiving his commis sion. When he presented himself he was warmly welcomed by the general, and received into the intimate friendship of Braddock s two aids-de-camp and secreta ry, Orme, Morris, and Shirley, who were of about the same age as the young Vir ginian. While the congress of governors was being held at Alexandria, Sir John St. Clair, the deputy quartermaster-general, was sent again along the proposed route of the army, to look up the contractors, and find out how far they had kept their engagements. He soon discovered that their promises, of which so favorable an account had been reported to Braddock, were far from being fulfilled. The road that was to have been made by Pennsyl vania, had not yet been begun ; and there was no sign of the provisions required of that province. Sir John became highly indignant at this remissness, and stormed like a lion rampant. He declared to the Pennsylva nia commissioners that, instead of march ing to the Ohio, he would in nine days march the army into Cumberland county to cut the roads, press horses and wag ons ; that he would not suffer a soldier to handle an axe, but by fire and sword oblige the inhabitants to do it; and to take away to the Ohio every man that refused, as he had some of the Virgin ians. He would kill all kind of cattle, and carry away the horses, and burn the houses. If the French defeated the troops by the delays of the province, he would with his sword drawn pass through it, and treat the inhabitants as a parcel of traitors to his master. He would write to England immediately by a man-of-war, shake the proprietorship of Mr. Penn, and represent Pennsylvania as a disaffected province. He would not stop to impress the assembly ; his hands were not tied, Sir John said, and they should find it out. He did not value a d , the wrothy bar onet declared, what the governor or as sembly did or resolved, as they were dil atory, and had retarded the march of the army, and that the commissioners might tell them so ; and, moreover, go to the general if they pleased, who, if they did, would give them ten bad words for one he gave ! He (Sir John) would do their duty himself, and not trust to them ; but he declared with an oath that they should have to pay dearly for it ? and " by G-d" he was in earnest ! Even Braddock, as little mealy-mouthed as he was, could not approve St. Glair s violence, and, on its being reported, rebuked him severely. It seemed not to have been without its COLONIAL. J SCARCITY OF SUPPLIES. 59 effect, however, upon the Pennsylvani- ans, who set about the road, though dil atorily, and did not make much prog ress in sending forward the promised supplies. Other provinces were equally back ward with Pennsylvania. Only twenty wagons, two hundred horses, and some utterly worthless provisions, came in, out of the twenty-five hundred horses, two hundred and fifty wagons, and eleven hundred head of cattle, which had been promised by Maryland. Braddock was thus detained at Alexandria, with the ar tillery and military stores, for want of means to convey them. He finally re solved to proceed to Fredericktown, in Maryland, to endeavor to hasten the levy of horses and wagons. He left behind him, at Alexandria, four companies of the forty-fourth regiment, under the com mand of Lieutenant-Colonel Gage, who was ordered to forward the artillery, am munition, and stores, as means should ar rive for their conveyance. The main body of the troops were at Frederick- town, where the general now joined them. The Virginian regiments had, however, been ordered to Winchester, with the ex ception of the rangers, sent to build stock ade forts on Greenbrier river, under Cap tain Lewis, subsequently, in our revolu tionary struggle, a brigadier-general, and an especial favorite with Washington for his soldierly qualities. Six companies of the forty-fourth regulars soon after moved on also, under the command of Sir Peter Halket, to Winchester, where they were ordered to remain, with the Virginians, until the road was in proper condition, and then to march to Fort Cumberland. Commodore Keppel had also detached a number of seamen from his ships, who by their knowledge of the use of ropes and tackle, and practice in rowing and hauling, might assist in ferrying the ar my over the rivers, making the bridges, and moving the heavy artillery up and down the acclivities of the steep roads. This naval detachment awaited at Alex andria the movements of the companies left there, to come on with the guns and military stores. When Braddock reached Frederick- town, he found the troops in great want of provisions, there being no cattle laid in as yet. He applied to Governor Sharpe, of Maryland, in the emergency ; but so little influence had this official in his own province, that he could not get either wagons or provisions. The general sent round the country, however, and succeed ed in purchasing a few head of cattle. While Braddock was thus harassed, and his movements almost entirely stopped, Benjamin Franklin fortunately arrived at Fredericktown. The nominal purpose of his visit, as he was then at the head of the colonial postoffice department, was to make suitable provision with Brad- dock for the conveyance of despatches to and from the provincial governments. Franklin s real object, however, was un doubtedly to acquaint himself with the details of the expedition, and to reinstate if possible, his own province of Pennsyl vania in the good opinion of the army. On Franklin s arrival in Fredericktown, Braddock expressed a particular desire GO BATTLES OF AMERICA. ART T to see him, and, from the first interview, was greatly impressed with the superior sagacity of his visiter, and solicited his advice. Franklin now became a daily guest at Braddock s table, and has left in his autobiography an interesting record of his occasional talk with the general : " One day, in conversation with him," says Franklin, " he was giving me some account of his intended progress. After taking Fort Du Quesne, said he, I am to proceed to Frontenac, if the season will allow time ; and I suppose it will, for Du Quesne can hardly detain me above three or four days : and then I can see nothing that can obstruct my march to Niagara. " Having before revolved in my mind," Franklin observes, " the long line his ar my must make in their march by a very narrow road, to be cut for them through the woods and bushes, and also what I had heard of a former defeat of fifteen hundred French, who had invaded the Illinois country, I had conceived some doubts and some fears for the event of this campaign ; but I ventured only to say : * To be sure, sir, if you arrive well before Du Quesne with these fine troops, so well provided with artillery, the fort, though completely fortified, and assisted with a very strong garrison, can proba bly make but a short resistance. The only danger I apprehend of obstruction to your march, is from the ambuscades of the Indians, who, by constant practice, are dexterous in laying and executing them ; and the slender line, nearly four miles long, which your army must make, may expose it to be attacked by surprise on its flanks, and to be cut like thread into several pieces, which from their dis tance can not come up in time to support one another. " He smiled at my ignorance, and re plied : These savages may indeed be a formidable enemy to raw American mili tia, but upon the king s regular and dis ciplined troops, sir, it is impossible they should make an impression. I was con scious," adds Franklin, " of an impropri ety in my disputing with a military man in matters of his profession, and said no more." This was just the advice wanted, and the general, with his wrong-headed ob stinacy and old-fashioned camp prejudice, was just the man to disregard it. In an other matter, however, where his milita ry self-conceit did not interfere, the gen eral listened to Franklin, and, as we shall see, to advantage. " It is a pity the troops had not landed in Pennsylvania, where every farmer has his wagon," remarked Franklin. " Then, sir," answered Brad- dock, " you, who are a man of interest there, can probably procure them for me, and I beg you will." Franklin undertook to obtain at once what was wanted, and was as good as his promise. A paper being drawn up by the general, giving Franklin due authori ty to hire for the use of the army, fifteen hundred saddle or pack horses, and one hundred and fifty wagons, to be drawn by four horses each, that man, so prompt and full of resource, had them all in read iness to send in less than a fortnight. The means he adopted were characteris tic of Franklin s shrewd knowledge of COLONIAL.] FRANKLIN TO THE RESCUE. 61 mankind, and his business tact. He had a handbill printed, and sent everywhere about the country. In this document Franklin shrewdly appealed to the fears of the people, by reminding them that " it was proposed to send an armed force immediately into the various counties, to seize as many of the best carriages and horses as should be wanted, and compel as many persons into the service as should be necessary to drive and take care of them." "I apprehended," says Franklin, " that the progress of a body of soldiers through these counties on such an occasion, especially considering the temper they are in and their resent ment against us, would be attended with many and great inconveniences to the in habitants ; and therefore more willingly undertook the trouble of trying first what might be done by fair and equitable means." He concluded w.ith the most telling point when he said, " If this meth od of obtaining the wagons and horses is not likely to succeed, I am obliged to send word to the general in fourteen days ; and I suppose Sir John St. Clair, the hussar, with a body of soldiers, will immediately enter the province, of which I shall be sorry to hear, because, / am, very sincerely and truly, your friend and ivell- ivisher, B. FRANKLIN." The inflammatory Sir John had already made himself, by his explosive wrath on former occasions, sufficiently formidable to those who had been exposed to it; but this threatening aspect of him as " the hussar," was calculated to make him still more terrific, particularly to the Ger man farmers of Pennsylvania, who re tained a very lively dread of the summa ry proceedings of the hussars of their fatherland. This home-thrust had such an astonishing effect, that the Germans, from being the most remiss- before, sud denly became the most forward, and con tributed more than their share of the re quired supplies. Braddock was so gratified with the success of Franklin s exertions, that, in his despatches to the British government, he said emphatically it was almost the first instance of integrity, address, and ability, that he had met with in all the provinces. Franklin volunteered to do another act of gracious service to the army, and did it with the same promptitude. While at Fredericktown, he was supping with Colonel D unbar, the second in command, when that officer remarked that his sub alterns were hard put to it, with their small pay and the dearness of everything on the route of an army on the march, to provide themselves with what was ne cessary to their comfort. Franklin, on his return to Philadelphia, bore this in mind, and succeeded in squeezing out of the assembly sufficient money to buy a small stock of luxuries for each of the subalterns, of whom there were a score, under Dunbar and Sir Peter ILilket. Packages were accordingly made up, con taining tea, good butter, some dozens of old Madeira, a couple of gallons of Ja maica, six dried tongues, and various smaller comforts for the inner man, and despatched. These timely supplies were very welcome, and the officers who re ceived them gratefully returned their r: 62 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART i hearty thanks to those who " had been so good as to think of them in so genteel a manner." The general, having sent forward the forty-eighth regiment under Colonel Dun- bar, soon after followed, accom panied by his aids-de-camp and secretary. Braddock had purchased a coach from Governor Sharpe,of Maryland, in which he now travelled, with consid erable state, having, as he dashed along, April 30. a bodyguard of lightrhorse, with his staff at their head, galloping on either side. In this style the general reached Win chester, and, not finding the Indians he expected there, started for Fort Cumber land. Coming up with the forty-fourth regiment, under Dunbar, the general en tered, with the troops following him, and their drums beating "The Grenadiers March ;" and, on his arrival, was saluted with a volley of seventeen guns. CHAPTER VIII. The Hard March to Fort Cumberland. The General swears terribly. Delay. What is thought of it in England. Am val of the Artillery. Their Hard Experience by the Route. A Rattlesnake Colonel. Braddock s Force smaller than expected. British Contempt of Provincial Troops. The Grand Display of Braddock s Camp. Order. Exercises. Amusements. Death. Good Cooks and Good Eating at Headquarters. Good Morals. Arrival of Indians. While Thunder and his Daughter Bright Lightning. Entertainment of the Savages. " Drams round." The Indians disaf fected. The Indian Women the Cause of the Trouble. Departure of the Indians. An Occasional Delaware shows Himself. Delawares suspected of Villany. Captain Jack and his Indian-Killers. The Captain s History. Brad- dock s Contempt. The Consequences. Captain Jack goes off in a Huff, and all his Indian-Killers with him. Arri val of Horses and Wagons sent by Franklin. First Appearance of Daniel Morgan on the Field of History. Daniel and the British Officer. No Flour and Beef. A Detachment of Cavalry and Wagons ordered out for Supplies. Braddock in a Rage. The March begun. The Hard Road. Five Miles in Two Days. Lightening the March. Women and Baggage sent back to the Fort. Shades of Death. Arrival at Little Meadows. THE army had had a tedious march to Will s creek, or Fort Cumberland, as it was now called, in honor of the British prince. The general himself, having had a good opportunity of seeing the absurdi ty of the route, and, as Washington writes, " of damning it very heartily," was deter mined now to abandon his fine coach and his stately progress, and submit himself to the hard requirements of the wild country in which he had begun his cam paign. Twenty-seven days had been already consumed in the march, and there was every prospect of a long detention now at Fort Cumberland. The British min isters, when they heard of the delays, were greatly vexed. " The duke of Cum berland," says Walpole, " who is now the soul of the regency, is much dissatisfied at the slowness of General Braddock, who does not march as if he was at all impa tient to be scalped. It is said for him that he has had bad guides, that the roads are exceedingly difficult, and that it was necessary to drag as much artillery as he does This is not the first time," adds the malevolent gossip, " that the duke has found that brutality did not neces sarily constitute a general." COLONIAL.] CAMP AT FORT CUMBERLAND. 63 Braddock, however, was not to blame for these delays, which fretted his impet uous temper as much as they could pos sibly have annoyed his patron the duke of Cumberland. The general had met with disappointment at every point and turn. Here at the fort, where he had been prom ised the greatest plenty of all kinds of provisions, none that were fresh could be obtained. The men had already marched through an uninhabited wilderness, with out anything but salted meat, and there was every reason to fear that their health would suffer in consequence. The gen eral did all in his power to remedy these deficiencies by offering large rewards and lending money out of his own pocket to several people, in order to enable them to provide the camp. By these means some supplies were procured, but not in sufficient abundance to satisfy their wants. The artillery, after being; de- May 20, J tamed at Alexandria a whole fortnight, awaiting wagons and horses, now came in, under the command of Lieutenant-Colonel Gage. The party, which was accompanied by the naval de tachment of seamen, had suffered greatly on the route. They had been often with out provisions for themselves and fodder for their horses. The men, worn out with hauling the guns over "prodigious mount ains," and exposed to the fitful changes of the spring weather, now suffering from the sultry heat and again from the damp cold and heavy dews, became ill, and some so disabled, that they were obliged to be left on the route. They found lit tle encouragement from the various semi- barbarous frontiersmen at whose losr- houses and forts they stopped on their march. There was " one Cressop, a rattle snake colonel and a d d rascal," whom they had a particular reason for remem bering for his roguery and ill service. The forces were now all collected at Fort Cumberland. There were the two regiments sent out from England, com posed of a few hundred more than their original strength of a thousand, but not up to their full complement of fifteen hundred, as the expected recruits from Maryland and Virginia had not been ob tained. There was the troop of Virginia light>horse ; the two independent compa nies from New York, under Captain Ho ratio Gates ; two companies of " hatchet- men," or pioneers ; a company of guides ; the detachment of sailors, and a few In dians, making in all about two thousand men. The British officers, with their set no tions about military order and appear ance, were not very well pleased with the looks of the provincials. They had been submitted to a systematic drill. Ensign Allen, their drill-master, "had taken great pains with them, and they performed their evolutions and firings as well as could be expected ; but their languid, spiritless, and unsoldier-like appearance, considered with the lowness and igno rance of most of their officers, gave little hopes of their future good behavior." Their " future good behavior," however, was such as to put to the blush the boast ed superiority of the regulars, and to prove how little they deserved this con tempt, which was common to British gen eral and British subaltern. G4 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART i Braddock shared in this depreciation of the provincial soldier, and wrote : "The American troops have little courage or good will. I expect from them almost no military service, though I have em ployed the best officers to drill them." lie became so rude in his denunciations of the provincials, that Washington s pa triotism was wounded, and he warmly took up the defence of his countrymen. He, however, gave up the general, as of impracticable obstinacy and prejudice, and as one who was " incapable of argu ing without warmth, or giving up any point he had asserted, be it ever so incom patible with reason or common sense." Doubtless the provincial troops did ap pear, during these comparatively holyday tunes at Fort Cumberland, to great dis advantage with the British regulars. Du ring the compulsory detention here, Brad- dock had a fine opportunity of displaying some of his London-park tactics, and even Washington was struck with admiration at the effective show and strict discipline of the British grenadiers. The general himself kept up considerable state. He held a daily levee at his tent every morn ing from ten to eleven o clock, and ex pected his. various officers to present themselves in full uniform. The camp was arranged on the most approved prin ciples of military art, and the strictest system and most regular order every where established. The troops were dai ly exercised and submitted to the seve rest discipline. None of the usual cere monies were omitted, but all as strictly celebrated as if the troops had been sta tioned under the Tower-guns at London, instead of being encamped in a wilder ness. A Cap tain Bromley dies, and his funeral takes place, with every detail of military order and respect, notwithstanding the discomforts of the camp on "an exces sively hot day." A captain s guard march ed before the corpse, with the captain of it in the rear, the firelocks reversed, and the drums beating "The Dead March." On coming near the grave, the guard formed two lines, facing each other, rest ing OR their arms with the muzzles down ward, and leaning on the butts of their muskets. The body, with the sword and sash of the dead captain on the coffin, was now carried between the two lines of soldiers, and followed by the officers, walking two and two. The chaplain, a Mr. Philip Hughes, having read the ser vice, the guard fired three volleys over the grave, and marched back to the o camp. There was, however, with all this strict- ness of discipline, an effort made to keep up the spirits of the camp by occasional amusements. The young officers got up races and hunting-parties ; and the gen eral, who had his cooks from Europe, and prided himself upon his kitchen, gave fre quent invitations to dinner. There was, however, a strict attention paid to the morals of the troops. No sutler was al lowed to sell more than one gill of spirits a day to each man, and this was to be diluted with three gills of water; and every soldier found drunk was sent im mediately to the guardhouse, and when sober, next morning, received two hun dred lashes. Theft was punished with COLONIAL.] INDIAN CHIEFS AND BEAUTIES. 6f> death. Gambling was prohibited to the non-commissioned officer and common soldier, under a penalty of three hundred lashes; and all lookers-on were deemed principals, and punished the same. Of all the Indians who had been prom ised, only thirty as yet had arrived at the fort. These were some chiefs and war riors belonging to the Six Nations. There was Monicotoha, the wise man, whose duty it was to do all the speaking ; White Thunder, who had " a daughter called Bright Lightning ;" he it was who had charge of the wampum-belts ; and there were also Silver-Heels and Great Tree, all potent men in their various tribes. As soon as they arrived, the general re ceived them at his tent, surrounded by all his officers in full uniform, and with his guard drawn up and presenting arms. The interpreter was instructed to tell the assembled chiefs that their brothers the English, who were their old friends, were come to assure them that every misunderstanding that had been in for mer times should now be buried under that great mountain, which was throw ing its shadow over the camp. A belt of wampum was then passed, with still further assurances of friendship, and the whole concluded with " the ceremony of drams round." Again, on the next day, the general had another reception of his Indian friends, when he expressed his great sor row at the death of the half-king, old Tanacharisson, Washington s capricious friend, and his desire that they should take up the hatchet for the great king of England, their father, against the French. 9 Presents of rings, beads, knives, and paint, being distributed, the Indians went of^ greatly rejoicing, and, to "show they were pleased, made a most horrible noise, dan cing all night." " For a time all went well," says Wash ington Irving, whose description of the issue we borrow; for when he once -gets upon his favorite subject of the Indians, his narrative becomes so charmingly pic turesque and humorous, that we listen to it with such delight as not to care to in vestigate its accuracy. "The Indians had their separate camp," writes Irving, " where they passed half the night, sing ing, dancing, and howling. The British were amused by their strange ceremonies, their savage antics, and savage decora tions. The Indians, on the other hand, loitered by day about the English camp, fiercely painted and arrayed, gazing with silent admiration at the parade of the troops, their marchings and evolutions ; and delighted with the horse-races, with which the young officers recreated them selves. " Unluckily, the warriors had brought their families with them to Will s creek, and the women were even fonder than the men of loitering about the British camp. They were not destitute of at tractions, for the young squaws resemble the gipsies, having seductive forms, small hands and feet, and soft voices. Among those who visited the camp was one who no doubt passed for an Indian princess. She was the daughter of the sachem, White Thunder, and bore the dazzling name of Bright Lightning. The charms of these wild-wood beauties were soon 66 BATTLES OF AMERICA. acknowledged. The squaws/ writes Sec retary Peters, bring in money plenty; the officers are scandalously fond of them. "The jealousy of the warriors was aroused ; some of them became furious. To prevent discord, the squaws w r ere for bidden to come into the British camp. This did not prevent their being sought elseAvhere. It was ultimately found ne cessary, for the sake of quiet, to send Bright Lightning, with all the other wo men and children, back to Aughquick. White Thunder and several of the war riors accompanied them for their protec tion." The Indians, for some reason or other, never returned with their warriors in such numbers as they had promised. Some have blamed the general, saying that he underrated their services. It is probable, with his contempt for every thing but " regular" warfare, he did ; but, at the same time, he seems to have treat ed his savage visitors always with great consideration. Franklin says, " He slight ed or neglected them, and they gradually left him, although they might have been of great use to his army as guides or scouts, if he had treated them kindly." It was not, however, so much the fault of the general, as the treacherous char acter of the people he had to deal with. Some of the Indians evidently were act ing faithlessly from the beginning, and only coquetting with the British, to ob tain gifts, or aAvaiting the result of the struggle with the French, in order to give in their adherence to the stronger. Delaware warriors were, almost daily, coming into the camp, with offers of ser vice, and pretended information of the enemy. The British officers were from the beginning suspicious; and the out spoken sailor, who has left a journal of the expedition, says, " These people [the Delawares] are villains, and always side with the strongest." This he says just after some of them had come into the camp and told the general that they would return home, collect their warriors, and meet him on their march. Another Delaware turns up again, with some du bious information about Fort Du Quesne, when our sailor declares, " I believe this fellow is a villain, as he is a Delaware, who never were our friends." Whatever may have been the cause, Braddock had never at any time over half a hundred Indians with him, and of these only eight were left at the close of the expedition. The general, however, was more to blame for another loss, that of Captain Jack and his band of "Indian-killers." This man was an early settler on the frontiers of Pennsylvania, where with his family he lived the life of an occasional hunter and farmer. During the season for game, he was abroad in the forest- wilderness, with his gun upon his shoul der, and in his leathern suit, engaged in the chase for deer, the bear, and the fox. He thus supplied his family with wild meat, and gathered skins for barter at the various trading-posts with the fur- dealers, who supplied him in exchange with guns, ammunition, Jamaica spirits, and articles of food and clothing required by himself and family. When not occu pied in the chase, he busied himself in cultivating the patch of cleared ground COLONIAL.] CAPTAIN JACK. G7 which surrounded his rude log-house, and planting it with potatoes and Indian corn. Though roughened by the wild life he led on the frontier, he had taken to him self a wife, who had borne him several little ones, and his independent and some what reckless disposition was thus still in subjection to the ties of civilization. One day, the hunter returns, loaded with game, in eager expectation of a warm welcome from wife and children, when, as he reaches the familiar spot of his home, he finds his log-house burned to the ground, and his family lying dead and mangled amid the ashes ! This cruel work he knew at once to have been that of the ruthless savage. The rude ele ments of the man s character now swelled up with a violence that overmastered all the gentler emotions, Avhich were once, but alas ! no longer called forth, at the soft entreaty of wife and child. He swore revenge against the whole race of Indians ; and, gathering about him other frontiersmen, broken loose like himself from the bonds of kindred and civilized life, he commenced a career of such fierce onslaught upon his savage enemies, that "The Black Hunter of the Forest" for thus he was called, from the swarthiness of his visage was a terror from the northern lakes to the Chesapeake. Such was the Captain Jack, who with his men had now offered himself to Brad- dock, and been rejected, because forsooth the British guardsman would not bate a jot of his Hyde-park rules of discipline, even in the wilderness ! Jack had made it a condition of his services that he and his men should not be subjected to the May 20, routine of military discipline. Braddock, with an absurd obstinacy, refused compli ance. The captain and his "Indian-kil lers" moodily departed. The general made a great mistake. These bold woods men, familiar as they were with the wild life of the borders, and the habits of the Indians whom they even resembled in appearance, their faces being blackened by exposure to sun and weather, and their garb being of the rude Indian ma terial and make would have been the best force to act as guides through the forest, and as a protection against the chances of a savage ambuscade. The horses and wagons which, as will be recollected, Franklin had undertaken to supply, and had so promptly got ready, now reached the camp, after considerable detention on the rough roads. There came with the wagons a remarkable man, of whom we shall hear more in the progress of our history of the battles of America,. This was Daniel Morgan, of Pennsylvania. Living a some what reckless and dissipated life, but be ing sufficiently well to do in the world as to own a wagon and horses, he had joined the expedition. He was a person of humble position, but of high spirit; and had hardly started in this new enter prise, when an officer, taking advantage of the former, had an opportunity of find^ ing out the latter. Daniel, being behind time one day with his horses, was severe ly reprimanded by the military gentle man in command, to whom he answered in terms not usually addressed in the Brit ish army to a superior. The officer drew his sword. Daniel brandished his whip. 68 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART i. The officer made a thrust. Daniel knock ed the weapon out of his hand, and lashed him with his w T hip. The teamster was accordingly arrested and punished. Five hundred lashes was the sentence ; but, as Daniel fainted after the first four hun dred and fifty, the last half-hundred were remitted. Daniel has reported that the officer subsequently acknowledged that the fault was his own, and handsomely apologized. Although the wagons and horses had arrived, they did not bring with them the supplies of food and stores expected. That " rattlesnake colonel" Cressop had allowed the teams to pass his fort at Co- negogee without sending the flour con tracted for; and the fellow s father turned out to be as great a rogue as the son, for, although he had sent the beef, it was ne cessary to bury it as soon as it reached the camp. The father had been paid to salt this beef, whereas the old rascal had put it up without pickle, and in dry casks which could never have contained any. Without flour and beef, the general was obliged to send thirty wagons, with a detachment under Washington, to Win chester, over sixty miles of mountainous and rocky country, for a supply. Three hundred pack-horses were also ordered off for flour; and a troop of light-horse to bring up the rascal Cressop from Co- negogee, full ninety miles distant. Braddock became every day more and more inflamed against the provinces, and with reason, for they all failed in their en gagements toward him. Governor Mor ris s secretary, Mr. Richard Peters, came in for a large share of the general s anger, having just arrived in camp when the raging storm w r as at its height. Peters asked for a guard to protect the laborers on the road which was being made, in accordance with Braddock s requisition, to connect Fort Cumberland with the high-roads of Pennsylvania, in order to se cure a communication for reinforcements and provisions from that province. He would not supply guards for wood-cut ters, not he, declared the general, with an oath ; let Pennsylvania do it. Subse quently, however, Braddock did do it himself, as without his aid the road would never have made any progress ; for the laborers were so constantly harassed by their fears, and occasionally by the In dians themselves, that they hardly ven tured to go to their work in the wilder ness. Everything that was done had to be done by the general himself. It was only / o after he had thus taken the work into his own hands, that he got the necessary supplies, and was prepared to march. Six weeks of valuable time had been al ready lost, in awaiting the slow and re luctant action of the provincial govern ments. He was again detained a month afterward in doing what ought to have been done long before by the colonial authorities. Toward the close of May, a council-of war having been called, the plan of march was agreed upon. The first preliminary step was accordingly made immediately after, by sending; a detachment * I i * j ^ May 29, of six hundred men, under the command of Major Chapman, to act as pioneers and open the way. They started COLONIAL.] THE HARD MARCH. 69 June 7. at daybreak, and when night came they had only got about two miles from the camp, and no wonder ; for there was a mountain in the way, the ascent and de scent of which were almost a perpendic ular rock. Three wagons were entirely destroyed in the operation of getting past this obstruction, and "many more were extremely shattered," although three hundred men, with a company of miners, had been engaged several days previous ly in making that hill passable. A pas sage, however, was soon after discovered through a valley by Lieutenant Spend- lowe of the naval brigade, by which the "great mountain" could be avoided, and this was adopted by the general for the march. Sir Peter Halket was the next to follow Major Chapman, with his brigade, artillery, and baggage-wag ons. Three days subsequently, Colonel Dunbar marched with his division ; and a few hours afterward, General Braddock, accompanied by his aids-de-camp, set out with the remainder of the forces. The general was not long in discover ing that he had engaged in an underta king full of difficulty and danger. The march was over a rough country now through a deep forest, which required to DC cleared at every step ; and again over mountains, which demanded all the skill of the sailors, and the constant labor of the soldiers, to scale with their heavy ar tillery and baggage. Lieutenant-Colonel Burton had ridden back to the general, and reported that he had been two days in marching about five miles, on a better June 10. road than they were to expect afterward. This induced Braddock, on consultation with his officers, to diminish the heavy load with which the army was encum bered. Two six-pounders, four cohorns, and a considerable quantity of stores and ammunition, were sent back to the fort, and twenty wagons thus cleared; the load of each man was reduced, and the horses allowance of two hundred weight it was found necessary to diminish one half, as most of the animals were sorry nags, in capable of full duty. Even the officers determined to rid themselves of much of their personal baggage, and, giving up the marquees and their luxurious ap pointments, resolved to content them selves with the common soldier s tent and its bare necessities. They were thus en abled to make over their superfluous horses for the common service. The general himself gave up twenty, which proves him to have had rather an exor bitant stud. The weakest men in the ranks, together with all the women, with the exception of two to each company, were also sent back to the fort. Lightened and relieved even as they were now, the march continued to be exceedingly difficult and slow, and the whole force did not reach Little Mead ows, twenty-four miles only from Fort Cumberland, until the 1 8th of June. D u- ring this march, although "all possible care was taken," the line was sometimes extended to a length of four or five miles. So soon came to pass what Benjamin Franklin foretold of the army making " a slender line nearly four miles long, which may expose it to be attacked by surprise 70 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART i. on its flanks, and to be cut like thread into several pieces, which from their dis tance can not come up in time to sup port one another." Thus they toiled along, sickened with hard work, exposure, and bad fare ; and thus they passed sadly and slowly through that forest of pines, aptly termed " The Shades of Death," and ominous of a ter rible future, until they finally came to a halt and pitched their tents at Little Meadows. CHAPTER IX. Braddock disposed to change his Tactics. Consults Young Washington, his Aid-de-Camp. The Army divided. Sir John St. Clair in advance. A Foretaste of the Future. An Indian Ambuscade. Braddock advances with the Choicest of the Troops. Dunbar left behind, to proceed leisurely with the Rest. Braddock still indulging in his Old- fashioned Notions. Great Crossings in a Week. Indians skulking about. Sickness among the Troops. Washing ton ill. Obliged to halt. Tracks of Indians and French. Braddock becomes cautious. Encampment at Tliickety Run. News and Scalps from Fort Du Qtiesne. Gist s Report. Smoke in the Valley. Washington rejoins Brad- dock. Monakatuca Camp. The Unfortunate Death of the Young Monakatuca. The Reverence paid by Braddock to the Dead. The Monongahela Route. Crossing the Monongahela. The Brilliant Display of the Troops. The Virginians in the Rear. The Conflict. The Brave Struggle. The Courage of Braddock. Four Jlorses shot under Him. The General falls. The Retreat. Its Horrors. Washington unhurt, though exposed to the Hottest Fire. Havoc of Officers. AT Little Meadows, the various bri gades came in in slow succession, at in tervals of two or three days of each oth er ; and the men, fatigued and dispirited by the tedious, laborious, and melancholy march, were glad to tent themselves with in the camp, which had been fortified by Sir John St. Clair and his advance- party. Braddock now became conscious of the necessity of waiving some of his old-fashioned, European notions of mili tary progress. His line he found was dangerously weakened by the great ex tent of baggage ; his men were worn out by the fatigue of remaining so many hours under arms ; and the horses grew fainter every day, and many died. The proud British general now de scended from his high state of dignified self-sufficiency, and deigned to consult his young provincial aid-de-camp. Wash ington s advice was solicited, and given straightforwardly, but with a discreet modesty. The garrison at Du Quesne, he reminded the general, was weak at this time ; and there was little prospect, while the rivers were low, of any addi tion to its strength from the coming in O o of more men and supplies. Now was the time, urged the young Virginian, to make a rapid march and strike an irresistible blow. He would advise, therefore, that the general should push on at once with a light division, and leave the heavy troops and baggage to follow after. Braddock approved of this view, and de termined to lay it before his council-of- war, where Washington himself, of course, from his position, had no voice. The plan of the young Virginian aid-de-camp was adopted, and preparations made at once to carry it into effect. COLONIAL.] BRADDOCK ON THE ADVANCE. 71 Juiie 18. Sir John Sinclair, the deputy quartermaster-general,whose du ty it was to act as pioneer, now set out with four hundred men, under Gage, to cut and make the road to the "Little Crossings," situated on a small stream emp tying into Casselman s river. They took with them the pack-horses, laden with tools and provisions, and two six-pound ers for defence. The Indians also ac companied them, to act as scouts. Sir John St. Glair s detachment had not pro ceeded far, when the peculiar hazards of the march were strikingly exhibited. The Indian chief Monokatuca, or Scaro- vyadi, as he was sometimes called, had strayed, in company with his son, in ad vance of the party, when he fell into an ambuscade of French and savages. The former were for killing him at once ; the Indians, however, refused, and declared that they would join the English if they did so. They then agreed to tie him to a tree, and leave him there. The son escaped, and, bringing word to his Indian brethren of the whereabouts of his father, the old chief was released at once. Braddock himself set out the next day after the departure of St. Glair, taking with him the two veter an grenadier companies and five hundred rank and file of the best of the remain ing troops, under the various commands of Sir Peter Halket, Lieutenani>Colonel Burton, and Major Sparks, which, with the eighteen Virginia light-horse and the small party of seamen, made up a divis ion of eight hundred, all told. Dunbar and others left behind were sorely vexed at the preference given by the general June 19. to the troops with which he marched as it was well understood that his pur pose had been to select those he believed to be the best. Disencumbered as the general compar atively was, his march was still slow r . He had rid himself of much of his artil lery and baggage, taking with him only four ho witzers,each drawn by nine horses; four twelve-pounders, with seven horses each ; and thirty wagons, with four horses each. Braddock was still too set in his old military notions, to adapt himself to the requirements of the country ; for, as Washington says, " instead of pushing on with vigor, without regarding a little rough road, they were halting to level every molehill and to erect bridges over every brook, by which means we were four days in getting twelve miles." With this deliberate kind of procedure, there was little chance of reaching Fort Du Quesne by the 28th of June, the time proposed, in order to anticipate the arri val of the half-thousand regulars who were reported to be on their march to the aid of the French garrison. They did not, in fact, reach the " Great Cross ings" on the Youghioney river until the 24th of June, although it was but seven teen miles, which had taken a week to march. Braddock found himself always on the heels of the advance-party under Sir John St. Glair, with whom he was constantly coming up. The general was thus obliged to halt until the sides of a mountain were cut through, or the swamps were made passable. He was not without disturb ance, too, from daily rumors of the ap- 72 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART i. proach of the enemy, and occasional har assment by hostile Indians. At one time the guides came running in, extremely frightened, and reporting that a great body of the enemy were marching to at tack the advanced guard. This alarm over, intelligence was brought that some men, who had roamed beyond the out posts, had been shot and scalped ; while Indians were constantly observed skulk ing about, to waylay a straggler, or to watch the progress of the march. Horse- thieves abounded, too ; and it was with the greatest difficulty that the fatigued nags, after a hard day s work, could get a nibble of pasture, before they were driven off by some of the freebooters of the forest. Sickness also prevailed among the offi cers and soldiers, in consequence of the fatigue and bad provisions. One of the commanders of the naval brigade was prostrated by fever, and sent back to Lit tle Meadows. Washington fell ill, and, being unable to sit any longer on his horse, was obliged to allow himself to be conveyed in a covered wagon. He was finally forced by his disease to give in, and was induced at the earnest solicita tion of Braddock to whom he had be come greatly endeared from his virtues, and was now almost indispensable from the excellence of his judgment and the value of his opinions to stay behind. Washington s ardor to go on was only appeased by the solemn promise of Brad- dock that he should have a chance of joining him before he engaged with the enemy. As Braddock moved on slowly from Juue 25. the " Great Crossings," he had more and more proof that he was in the Indian country, and greater reason to be on his guard against the ambuscades of the wily savages. During one day s march, an Indian camp was discovered, that had been just abandoned, and which, from the number of huts, proved that some hun dred and seventy of these savages had lately occupied them. They had stripped the barks from the trees, and inscribed upon them with paint all kinds of threats and bravadoes, in the Indian and French languages. They now passed the Great Meadows, and encamped about two miles on the other side. Some Indians making their appearance in the neigh boring woods, the general sent the light- horse, a few Indian scouts, and some vol unteers, to surround them ; but they re turned without success. On taking up their march again, next day, they had made but a quarter of a mile from their late encampment, when they reached the summit of so steep a hill, that it was ne cessary to call in the aid of the sailors, and let down the wagons with tackle. On this day, in consequence of the badness of the road, the army could only make four miles. At the halting-place, which was situated where the Indian path to the Monongahela ter minates, was found an Indian camp which had been so recently abandoned, that the fires were still burning. Triumphant bra vadoes were seen written upon the trees, with the number of scalps that had been taken two days before. There had evi dently been some French with them, for June 26. COLONIAL.] RETURN OF WASHINGTON. 73 they had inscribed also their names, and many insolent expressions, in their own language. The position of the Indian camp was strongly fixed upon a high rock, with a narrow and steep ascent to the top. In the middle flowed a spring. It was by the Indian pass, which led to this camp, that the French and Indian force had come which attacked Washing ton at Fort Necessity. Traces were dis covered of the route taken by those who had so recently abandoned the place, and some ninety volunteers, provide 3 with guides, issued out at night, toward the Monongahela, in pursuit; but although they found by the way some provisions and a batteau, which they destroyed, they saw no men. Great precautions were now taken, at every halting-place on the march, lest the Indians and the French should come upon them unawares. The pickets were doubled ; the men kept constantly under arms, with fixed bayonets ; and no fire, on any account, allowed to be lighted in front of them. In cleaning the guns, the soldiers were strictly ordered to draw the charges, and not fire them off, lest the enemy should be within hearing, and thus be made aware of the approach of the troops. The cartridges were carefully examined, and, when injured by the wet, exchanged for fresh ones. Although it was the 30th of June when the line had crossed the Youghioney the men wading through a depth of three feet, and across a breadth of water of two hun dred yards it was not before the 4th of July, so slow was the progress, the march frequently not exceeding two miles a day, 10 July 6. that they came up to " Thickety Run/ where they encamped. The country now became less mountainous and rocky ; and the white-oak woods less dense, and not offering so good a cover for a skulking enemy. A couple of Indians, who had been sent out toward Fort Du Quesne, now returned, bringing the scalp of a French officer, whom they had fallen in with-while he was out shooting, and the intelligence that there were few men or tracks about, and no additional works at the fort. Gist, the general s provincial guide, brought back a very similar re port, with the additional and most impor tant information, however, that he had observed some smoke in a valley between the English encampment and Fort Du Quesne. Gist had had a narrow escape ; for while attempting at night to get closer to the fort, he had been observed by a couple of Indians, who pursued and came very near catching him. While encamped at Thickety Run, the captain with his detachment of one hun dred men, who had been sent to Dunbar s camp at Little Meadows for provisions, came in with a very welcome supply. The delay incurred in waiting for this seemed absolutely necessary, but, as the sequel will prove, was disastrous to Brad- dock. With the party, however, came Washington, who had so far recovered as to join the troop on its way to the gen eral s camp. He was warmly welcomed on his arrival by Braddock and his fellow- aids-de-camp, Morris and Orme, who had kept him during his absence well in formed, by frequent letters, of every de- 74 BATTLES OF AMERICA. |_PART 1. tail of the march. He came in the very nick of time, for the army was only dis tant fifteen miles from Fort Du Quesne, and might expect hot work at the earli est moment. The next day after Wash ington s arrival had been, in fact, appoint ed as the day of attack. The place where Braddock had now halted was styled " Monakatuca Camp," from an unhappy accident that occurred in its neighborhood. A few stragglers in the rear of the march had been at tacked by hostile Indians, and ruthlessly scalped. A company of grenadiers hav ing been ordered out to look after these savages, met with a party of Indians be longing to the English line, and, mista king them for the enemy, fired upon them notwithstanding the countersign agreed upon, raising a bough and ground ing amis, was made and killed the son of the chief Monakatuca. When his body was brought to the camp by the wailing Indians, the general did everything in his power to console the father and the rest. The usual presents were bestowed, a mil itary funeral with all its solemnities was ordered, the officers attended, and a vol ley was fired over the forest-grave where the young chief was laid. This marked respect to their dead seemed to have greatly won for Braddock the attachment of the few Indian followers left to him. On taking up his march, Brad- clock strove, in order to avoid the dangerous pass called "The Narrows," to cross the narrow stream known as Tur tle creek. He had not, however, pro ceeded far, when he reached a precipice that it was impossible to descend. Sir July 8, John St. Clair was therefore ordered to take a captain and a hundred men, some light-horse, and Indian guides, and recon noitre thoroughly the country round about. The main body having in the meantime encamped for the night, the reconnoitring party returned with the report that another route, by fording the Monongahela, had been discovered, by which both the precipice and the narrows might be avoided. It was determined, therefore, to pursue the Monongahela route, by which the ar my would be obliged to cross that river twice in order to reach Fort Du Quesne. The road through the Narrows was the more direct one ; but, as it was but a nar row pass of two miles in length, with a river on the left and a very high mount ain on the right, and in such a rough con dition that it would require much time and labor to make it passable for car riages, it seemed right to abandon it The next morning, therefore, Braddock, who had been encamp ed the previous night within two miles of the Monongahela, made his arrange ments for passing his forces across the two fords, one of which would take them to the opposite bank, and the other bring them back to the side whence they start ed, but in the immediate neighborhood of the fort. Accordingly, at daybreak, LieutenantrColonel Gage was ordered to march with two companies of grenadiers, one hundred and sixty rank and file of the forty-fourth and forty-eight, Captain Gates s independent company of New Yorkers, some four hundred men in all, two six-pounders, and proper guides. His July 9, COLONIAL.] CROSSING THE MONONGAHELA. 75 instructions were, to pass the two fords of the Monongahela, and on crossing the second to post himself so as to secure the passage of the river. Washington is said to have ventured to propose that the ran gers, of Virginia, accustomed to the wild country and Indian warfare, should lead the advance ; but that Braddock peremp torily and angrily refused to listen to any such proposition, and, to show his supe rior confidence in the regulars and his contempt for the provincials, ordered the Virginians to the rear. Gage advanced and crossed the fords, as had been or dered, meeting with no opposition but a show of hostility from some thirty Indi ans, who, however, took to their heels at once and disappeared. The general now moved his main body, and it marched across the two fords in admirable order. The troops were in full uniform, their colors were flying gayly, the drums were beating, and the fifes playing " The Grenadiers March." The provincials were struck with admiration at the gallant martial display, and the whole line thrilled with confident hope of a speedy and glorious termination to their long march. Both passes having been got over in such gallant array, with out any disorder or interference, they began to think that the enemy would not even venture to make an attack, " as they might have done with so many ad vantages a little time before." " Washington," says Irving, " with his keen and youthful relish for military af fairs, was delighted with the perfect or der and equipment of the troops, so dif ferent from the rough bush-fighters to which he had been accustomed. Roused to new life, he forgot his recent ailments, and broke forth in expressions of enjoy ment and admiration, as he rode in com pany with his fellow aids-de-camp, Orme and Morris. Often in after-life he used to speak of the effect upon him of the first sight of a well-disciplined European army, marching in high confidence and bright array, on the eve of a battle." From early morning, the advance par ty under Gage having moved before day break, until the afternoon, it being near ly two o clock when the rear-guard passed the second ford, Braddock had been en gaged in getting his forces again in the line of march toward the fort. As soon as all were over, there was a general halt, and then the army fell into marching or der. First went an engineer, three guides, and six light-horsemen, to lead the way, followed closely by the grenadiers, and flanking-parties distributed along the edge of the wood which bounded the march. Next came the working-force, under Sir John St. Clair. Then marched the main body with Braddock himself, while the un appreciated Virginians sullenly brought up the rear. The banks of the river along which the army was now formed rose gradually from the water in natural terraces, gen tly sloping from one to the other, until suddenly bounded by the steep, rocky , wall of the mountain-range. The ground upon which they halted, immediately 01 the border of the Monongahela, where it was crossed by the second ford, was for a fourth of a mile almost level, with an open, park-like growth of hickory-trees 74 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART i. tail of the march. He came in the very nick of time, for the army was only dis tant fifteen miles from Fort Du Quesne, and might expect hot work at the earli est moment. The next day after Wash ington s arrival had been, in fact, appoint ed as the day of attack. The place where Braddock had now halted was styled " Monakatuca Camp," from an unhappy accident that occurred in its neighborhood. A few stragglers in the rear of the march had been at tacked by hostile Indians, and ruthlessly scalped. A company of grenadiers hav ing been ordered out to look after these savages, met with a party of Indians be longing to the English line, and, mista king them for the enemy, fired upon them notwithstanding the countersign agreed upon, raising a bough and ground ing arms, was made and killed the son of the chief Monakatuca. When his body was brought to the camp by the wailing Indians, the general did everything in his power to console the father and the rest. The usual presents were bestowed, a mil itary funeral with all its solemnities was ordered, the officers attended, and a vol ley was fired over the forestrgrave where the young chief was laid. This marked respect to their dead seemed to have greatly won for Braddock the attachment of the few Indian followers left to him. On taking up his march, Brad- dock strove, in order to avoid the dangerous pass called "The Narrows," to cross the narrow stream known as Tur tle creek. He had not, however, pro ceeded far, when he reached a precipice that it was impossible to descend. Sir July 8, John St. Glair was therefore ordered to take a captain and a hundred men, some light-horse, and Indian guides, and recon noitre thoroughly the country round about. The main body having in the meantime encamped for the night, the reconnoitring party returned with the report that another route, by fording the Monongahela, had been discovered, by which both the precipice and the narrows might be avoided. It was determined, therefore, to pursue the Monongahela route, by which the ar my would be obliged to cross that river twice in order to reach Fort Du Quesne. The road through the Narrows was the more direct one ; but, as it was but a nar row pass of two miles in length, with a river on the left and a very high mount ain on the right, and in such a rough con dition that it would require much time and labor to make it passable for car riages, it seemed right to abandon it. The next morning, therefore, Braddock, who had been encamp ed the previous night within two miles of the Monongahela, made his arrange ments for passing his forces across the two fords, one of which would take them to the opposite bank, and the other bring them back to the side whence they start ed, but in the immediate neighborhood of the fort. Accordingly, at daybreak, LieutenantrColonel Gage was ordered to march with two companies of grenadiers, one hundred and sixty rank and file of the forty-fourth and forty-eight, Captain Gates s independent company of New Yorkers, some four hundred men in all, two six-pounders, and proper guides. His July 9, COLONIAL.] CROSSING THE MONONGAHELA. 75 instructions were, to pass the two fords of the Monongahela, and on crossing the second to post himself so as to secure the passage of the river. Washington is said to have ventured to propose that the ran gers, of Virginia, accustomed to the wild country and Indian warfare, should lead the advance ; but that Braddock peremp torily and angrily refused to listen to any such proposition, and, to show his supe rior confidence in the regulars and his contempt for the provincials, ordered the Virginians to the rear. Gage advanced and crossed the fords, as had been or dered, meeting with no opposition but a show of hostility from some thirty Indi ans, who, however, took to their heels at once and disappeared. The general now moved his main body, and it marched across the two fords in admirable order. The troops were in full uniform, their colors were flying gayly, the drums were beating, and the fifes playing " The Grenadiers March." The provincials were struck with admiration at the gallant martial display, and the whole line thrilled with confident hope of a speedy and glorious termination to their long march. Both passes having been got over in such gallant array, with out any disorder or interference, they began to think that the enemy would not even venture to make an attack, " as they might have done with so many ad vantages a little time before." " Washington," says Irving, " with his keen and youthful relish for military af fairs, was delighted with the perfect or der and equipment of the troops, so dif ferent from the rough bush-fighters to which he had been accustomed. Roused to new life, he forgot his recent ailments, and broke forth in expressions of enjoy ment and admiration, as he rode in com pany with his fellow aids-de-camp, Orme and Morris. Often in after-life he used to speak of the effect upon him of the first sight of a well-disciplined European army, marching in high confidence and bright array, on the eve of a battle." From early morning, the advance par ty under Gage having moved before day break, until the afternoon, it being near ly two o clock when the rear-guard passed the second ford, Braddock had been en gaged in getting his forces again in the line of march toward the fort. As soon as all were over, there was a general halt, and then the army fell into marching or der. First went an engineer, three guides, and six light-horsemen, to lead the way, followed closely by the grenadiers, and flanking-parties distributed along the edge of the wood which bounded the march. Next came the working-force, under Sir John St. Clair. Then marched the main body with Braddock himself, while the un appreciated Virginians sullenly brought up the rear. The banks of the river along which the army was now formed rose gradually from the water in natural terraces, gen tly sloping from one to the other, until suddenly bounded by the steep, rocky wall of the mountain-range. The ground upon which they halted, immediately 01 the border of the Monongahela, where it was crossed by the second ford, was for a fourth of a mile almost level, with an open, park-like growth of hickory-trees 78 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART i cover of the trees, and thus wage an equal battle with the enemy. Braddock was so maddened by the ill conduct of his men, or so wedded to system, that he would not listen to such a proposal, and insisted upon his soldiers keeping the ranks. Moreover, whenever he found a poor fellow covering himself behind a tree, he would ride up to him, and, stri king him with the flat of his sword, and fiercely calling him a coward, drive him back to the open ground. A company of Virginians, however, familiar with the Indian warfare, succeeded in gaining the cover of a large trunk of a felled tree, and thence fired upon the enemy with excel lent effect. The British soldiers, unable in their fright and confusion to distin guish friend from foe, no sooner saw the flashes and smoke of the provincials fire locks, which were doing such good ser vice, than they turned their guns upon them, and thus killed fifty out of the whole Virginian company of eighty, and forced the small remnant to fly for their lives ! Everything had been done that cour age could do by the officers, hardly one of whom was now able to keep the field. Sir Peter Halket had been struck down soon after arriving upon the ground ; and his son, a young subaltern, was shot by his side, and fell dead across his fa ther s body. Not a single one of the gen eral s aids, with the exception of Wash ington, escaped ; all being either wound ed or killed. Shirley, Braddock s secreta ry, was shot dead by a musketrball, which struck him in the head. Orme and Mor ris, the two aids-de-camp, were severely wounded, and so early in the engage ment, that the duty of carrying the or ders of the general devolved solely upon Washington, whose escape seemed mar vellous. He was everywhere, and ex posed to the hottest fire throughout the action. He had two horses shot under him, and four bullets passed through his coat ; and yet he did not receive a single wound. Amid the terrible massacre which was going on about him, Braddock himself remained in the centre of the field, brave ly struggling for a long time against fate. At last, when almost all his officers had fallen when nearly two thirds of the army had been slain, and the rest so panic-stricken as to be hardly capable of keeping their ranks, in formal obedience to his command the general saw that all was lost, and gave the order to re treat. The retreat became at once a pre cipitate flight. " They ran as sheep pur sued by dogs, and it was impossible to rally them." Braddock had hardly given the order, when he was struck with a musket-ball, which passed through his right arm into his lungs. He fell immediately from his horse to the ground. (0) COLONIAL.] THE FLIGHT. CHAPTER X. Braddock prostrate on the Field. The Affectionate Devotion of the Surviving Officers. The Panic of the Soldiers. Men bribed to bear away the Fallen General. Braddock s Desponding Courage. Demands his Pistols, and threatens Suicide. The Coolness of Washington in Covering the Retreat across the Monongahela. Braddock still mindful of Duty. Attempts to rally the Fugitives. His Failure. Washington sent in Advance to summon Dunbar to the Res cue. Braddock continues the Retreat, lying on a Litter. Kindness of the Dying General. Arrival at Dunbar s Camp. Its Disorder. Last Words, Death, and Burial, of Braddock. A Retrospect. The French at Fort Du Qucsne. The Works nt the Fort. The Despair of Contrecreur. The Daring Proposition of a Subaltern. DC Beau- jeu and his Indian Allies. Do Beaujcu s Effective Appeal. The Cruelty of the Conquerors. A Scene of Ferocious Barbarity. Dunbar s Fright and Pell-mell Flight. What he did do, and what he might have done. Preparations in Philadelphia for the Celebration of the Expected Victory of Braddock. Franklin s Wet Blanket. News of the Defeat, and its Effect upon the Philadelphians. Shirley and Fort Niagara. IN the general, helter-skelter 1 7 i *5 flight which succeeded the order to retreat, the wounded Braddock lay upon the ground, abandoned by all but those few of his officers who were still alive and yet able, in spite of their wounds, to bestow upon him their affec tionate and faithful services. His aid-de camp Orme, though disabled, succeeded in reaching the side of his fallen general, and called upon the flying soldiers to come to his aid and bear him from the field. He ordered; he urged; he begged; he finally strove to bribe, with a purse of gold, the panic-stricken fugitives, but in vain : they continued their flight throwing away their arms and ammuni tion, and even their clothes, to escape the faster from the deadly aim and the ruthless tomahawk of their savage ene my. Orme was almost in despair for the safety of his general, when Captain Stew art, the commander of the Virginia light- horse, came up, and, sharing with the young aid-de-camp his kind and devoted sympathy for their wounded chief, offered his services. They at last succeeded, by the assistance of some servants attached to the army, who were bribed by a guin ea and a bottle of rum to each, in placing the helpless Braddock in a tumbril, and thus bore him off the field. The general, however, at first refused to be carried away, declaring that he wished to be left on the spot where he had fallen. He even became impatient of the death which was fast coming, and begged the pistols of a bystander, that he might thus, like an ancient Roman, put an end, by suicide, to the torturing reflections of a despairing courage. The retreat continued ; the British sol diers flying in confused fright, and the Indians following after, howling in fierce pursuit, and only ceasing their deadly fire when they stopped to scalp some prostrate fugitive. The retreat was thus harassed to the bank of the Monongahela river, which, however, was crossed with mitigated suffering, thanks to the cool ness of Washington, who succeeded in rallying a small force of men, sufficient to keep at bay the pursuing savages, 80 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART i. while the remnant of the troops were hurriedly crossing the ford. When about a quarter of a mile on the other side of the Monongahela, al though most of the soldiers still contin ued their flight, Braddock succeeded in bringing to a halt about a hundred men. The general, though his life was ebbing fast, and though his pride had been so mortally wounded by the disgrace of the day, did not lose his sense of duty. He still, though prostrate under the hands of the surgeon, gave his orders, and strove to hold the position where he was until he might be reinforced by Dunbar, with the hope of yet revenging himself for the defeat he had suffered from the en emy. Washington was sent accordingly to Dunbar, with orders for that officer to hasten on immediately with his troops. Braddock in the meantime moved his few men to an advantageous spot about two hundred yards from the road. Small parties and sentinels were then posted about, and it was intended to keep pos session of that ground until the arrival of Dunbar. All the men, however, be fore they had been there an hour, ran off, leaving the general and his wounded officers, with none but a small remnant of the vanguard. It was of course use less, after this desertion, for Braddock to remain ; and, trying at first to mount a horse, but finding himself unable from his increasing weakness, he w r as obliged to be carried on a litter. Borne thus, and accompanied by Orme and Morris, his wounded aids-de-camp, on litters like himself, the general begun his ad jour ney. He had left the field at five o clock in the afternoon, and the shades of even ing began now to fall. He travelled slowly on, with the darkness of night gathering, to throw an added gloom upon his saddened heart. On crossing the second ford of the Monongahela, Braddock was joined by LieutenantrColonel Gage, who had suc ceeded in rallying some eighty men, who now offered themselves as a timely escort to the dying general and his wounded officers. Thus reinforced, they marched all that night and the next day until ten o clock in the evening, when they reached Gist s Plantation. Here they found a timely supply of wagons, provisions, and hospital-stores, which had been brought on from Dimbar s camp by Washington, who, having fulfilled his commission, was now on his return to meet the gener al. After a slight halt for refreshment at Gist s Plantation, they all proceeded to Dunbar s camp, some thirteen miles distant. The first thing done by Brad- dock, on arriving there, was to send a sergeant s party back with provisions, to be left on the road from the Mononga hela, for any stragglers who might have lost their way on the route. It is pleas ing to record this proof of a kindly im pulse on the part of a man who, like Braddock, was so often accused of bru tality. At Dunbar s camp all was disobedience and confusion. Many of those, princi pally the Pennsylvania wagoners, who had fled from the fatal field without ceas ing a moment their flight, had come in here, with the sad tidings of the defeat, JOLONIAL.J which they hurried to communicate in despairing cries, exclaiming, "All is lost ! Braddock is killed ! Wounded officers have been borne off from the field in bloody sheets ! The troops are all cut to pieces !" Dunbar s camp itself became infected with the panic, and many of his men had run away, while those who were left seemed to have forgotten all disci pline. The presence of the general se cured a little more order in the camp, and he had still hoped so far to reassure his troops as to be able to march them again toward Fort Du Quesne. Finding, however, Dunbar and his men in a con dition of hopeless disaffection and disor der from fright, the dying Braddock re solved to give up all hope of redeeming the disgrace of the fatal defeat, and sadly but firmly from his camp-bed, where he lay prostrate, ordered the troops to retire to the seaboard. The military stores were now destroyed, much of the artillery was buried, the wagons burned, the powder- casks stove in, and the powder emptied into a spring of water. Nothing was pre served but what was actually w r anted for the march. Braddock lingered on, though growing weaker and weaker. His heart seemed to give \vay before his life-blood ceased to run; and he was heard to utter, in accents of despair, "Who would have thought it !" He, however, occasionally rallied in spirits, and exclaimed, with a gleam of hope, " We shall better know ho\v to deal with them another time." DEATH OF BRADDOCK. 81 July 13, The march having been be gun, the troops succeeded in reaching Great Meadows in tolerable or- der, the general and his wounded officers having been conveyed to that place on litters borne by horses. A halt had hard ly been ordered, and the prostrate Brad- dock borne to his tent, when the brave- but unfortunate general died. He, how ever, retained his self-possession to the last, and availed himself of the few re maining moments of his life to thank those who were about him, and who had been devotedly kind and faithful to him during the struggle on the battle-field, as w r ell as in the agony of death. Wash ington he particularly signalled out, ask ing his forgiveness for his irritable tem per toward him, and, to prove his grati tude for the young Virginian s fidelity and friendship, left him his favorite horse and his negro-servant Bishop. The last sad duty to the remains of the general w r as paid, in consequence of the chaplain being wounded, by Wash ington, who read the funeral-service over the grave. The burial was conducted with the greatest reverence, although the usual drum-beat and the volley of guns were omitted, for fear that the watchful ness of some lurking savages in the neigh borhood might be aroused, and that they might thus seek out the spot and dese crate the last resting-place of the unfor tunate Braddock. " Whatever may have been his faults and errors," says Irving, "he in a manner expiated them by the hardest lot that can befall a brave sol dier, ambitious of renown an unlion- ored grave in a strange land ; a memory clouded by misfortune ; and a name for ever coupled with defeat." Let us now turn back, in regard to BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART i. time, and observe the condition and con duct of the enemy when anticipating the approach of the English on that expedi tion against Fort Du Quesne which re sulted in the disastrous defeat we have just recorded. The French fort, which was situated on the triangular piece of land at the junc tion of the Monongahela with the Alle- ghany, had been tolerably well construct ed, and Avas, with a strong garrison, able to endure a long and vigorous siege. It was well protected on one side, and nat- urally, by the river Monongahela, on the eastern bank of which it stood ; and its more exposed points, facing the land, were fortified with bastions built up of great logs to the height of a dozen feet, and filled in with firmly-packed earth and sod. These bastions were joined by a strong stockade of piles driven deep into the ground, and fenced with thick, transverse poles, between Avhich inter stices were left for loopholes for cannon and muskets. A ditch, with a stockade to support it, surrounded the whole on the land-side. The inner part of the fort, containing the magazines and the officers and men s quarters, was made of heavy logs ; and its walls were so deeply laid down in the ground, that the earth al most reached the top. The roof, which was the only part exposed, was thickly covered with clay. The whole fortifica tion was deemed so strong as to be only pregnable to hot shot or bombs thrown upon it from the neighboring hills ; and here Sir John St. Clair, after his prelimi nary survey, had proposed to Braddock to mount his artillery, and thence direct his attack a plan which, it is supposed, had obtained the concurrence of the gen eral. During the spring of 1755, at the time when Braddock s forces were originally intended to have reached Fort Du Quesne, Contrecceur, who was in command, had only two hundred men, including French and Indians, to garrison the place. Re inforcements were urgently solicited from Canada; and, although there were rumors which had reached the English camp that a large force was on its march to strength en the garrison, none had arrived when Braddock approached. As the English drew near, and no word came of aid from Canada, Contrecceur so far despaired of defending himself, that he had almost made up his mind to sur render without striking a blow. He had, in fact, prepared the solitary gun, tr inarch out with, on his being granted which was evidently intended to be the extent of his demand the honors of w r ar on capitulation. Contrecoeur had been kept well informed of all the particulars of Braddock s march by means of the In dians in the French interest, who were constantly skulking about the British line ; and it was not until the 8th of July, when an Indian scout brought in word that the army was about to ford the Mo nongahela, that there was entertained the least hope of successful opposition. It was at this time that De Beaujeu, a young and spirited French officer, proposed to prepare an ambuscade, by which he might surprise the English forces, and attempt to stop their progress as they recrossed the second ford of the Monongahela. COLONIAL.] FRENCH BARBARITY. 83 The old French commander shrugged his shoulders doubtingly as he listened to his youthful subaltern s hazardous pro posal. He was, however, so far won over by the urgent enthusiasm of the young officer, that he consented, provided he could get volunteers for his rash enter prise. De Beaujeu took his commander at his word, and submitted the plan to the garrison. The whole, to a man, im mediately declared themselves ready to join him. The Indians, however, were more back ward, and said to young Beaujeu, taunt ingly, after he had laid before them his plans : " We are only eight hundred men, and you ask us to attack four thousand English !" They then told him plainly that what he had said showed he had no Reuse. They promised, however, to sleep over the proposition for a night, and give in their final answer next morning. Ac cordingly, on the succeeding day, at an early hour, De Beaujeu started out with a handful of French, and, arousing the Indians, asked them whether they were ready to go. They answered him with a very decided negative. Beaujeu, who was prompt in an emergency, and ready- witted, then exclaimed : " I shall go out myself against the enemy; I m sure of victory ! Will you allow your father to go out alone ?" They then, with one ac cord, answered the implied rebuke with a burst of enthusiastic devotion to their leader, and expressed their willingness to follow him. We know the result, so fa tal to Braddock and the English, and so successful to the French,though it brought death to the gallant De Beaujeu. Out of the fourteen hundred and sixty English, four hundred and fifty-six were killed, and four hundred and twenty-one wound ed ; giving a total of eight hundred an seventy-seven, of whom sixty-three were officers. The French only had three of ficers killed and four wounded, and lost besides some score of Indians and sol diers. Everything in the way of baggage had been lost by the English, even to their personal clothing. Artillery, cattle, provisions,military treasure amounting to more than a hundred thousand dollars, and all the private letters and despatches contained in Braddock s chest, fell into the hands of the French. The conquerors shamed the chivalry of their country, and their own fame, by permitting the Indians to glut their sav age instincts, in the torture of the Eng lish prisoners. Contrecoeur and his French garrison are described as having looked from the bastions of the fort, if not un moved, still without interference, upon a terrific scene, which an observer has de scribed as if K Hell had given a holiday, and turned loose its inhabitants upon the upper world !" Here is the spectacle, with all its details of horror elaborately wrought up by the fervid pen of an an nalist:* "An hour before sunset, the French and Indians, returning to the fort, halted within a mile s distance, and announced their success by a joyful uproar, discharg ing all their pieces, and giving the scalp halloo. Instantly the great guns respond ed, and the hills around re-echoed to their * The History of an Expedition against FortDu Quesne &c., by Winthrop Sargent, M. A. Philadelphia, 1855. 84 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PATCT 1. roar. Pushing hastily on, the majority of the savages soon appeared, blood-stained and laden with scalps, and uncouthly ar rayed in the spoils of the army. Tall grenadiers caps surmounted their paint ed faces, and the regimental colors trailed disgracefully at their heels. With less disordered pace the French succeeded, es corting a long train of pack-horses borne down with plunder. Last of all, and while the parting light of day lingered on the beautiful bosom of the Ohio, ap peared a small party who had dallied be hind to make the needful preparations for the crowning scene of horror. Before them, stripped perfectly naked, their faces blackened and their hands bound behind their backs, with reluctant steps were driven twelve British regulars, on whom God s sun had shone for the last time. u Delirious with excitement, their bar barous conquerors could hardly wait for the tardy night., to consummate their un hallowed joy. A stake was at once sunk on the opposite bank of the Alleghany, whither the crew repaired ; the prisoners lost in dumb sorrow at the surprising fate which they now began to comprehend. Here, one by one, they were given to the most cruel and lingering of deaths. Bound to the post under the eyes of their remaining comrades and of the French garrison, who crow T ded the ramparts to behold the scene, they were slowly roast- ed alive ! Coals from an adjacent fire were first applied to various parts of the victim s person. Sharp splinters of light, dry pine-wood were thrust into his flesh, and ignited, to consume and crackle be neath the skin, causing the most exquis ite tortures. His trunk was seared with red-hot gun-barrels ; blazing brands w r ere thrust into his mouth and nostrils ; boil ing whiskey was poured in flames down his throat; and deep gashes made in his body, to receive burning coals. His eye balls were gradually consumed by the thrusts of pointed sticks or the applica tion of a heated ramrod ; and the warrior was prized the most highly who could farthest prolong sensibility in his prey, and extract a renewed cry of anguish from the wretch who had almost ceased to suffer his weary soul hanging upon his trembling lips willing to take its leave, but not suffered to depart ! The last expedient was generally to scalp the poor creature, and on his bare, palpita ting brain, flash gunpowder or throw a handful of live embers ! . . . . The horrors of this night endured till dawn." After Braddock s death, Colonel Dun- bar, who had succeeded to the chief com mand, seemed to have lost all self-posses sion, and, without regard to duty or to the consequences of its neglect, began and continued one of the most disgrace ful retreats on record. If he had made a stand upon the frontier, and reassured his troops, it would not have been diffi cult, with reinforcements from the prov inces, to have again marched upon Fort Du Quesne ; and probably, with the ben efit of the experience of Braddock s dis astrous faults, the English would have struck a successful blow, as the enem}^ though cheered by their unexpected vic tory, were awaiting in timid anxiety an other attack, against which they were ill prepared. Dunbar himself, however, was COLONIAL.] THE EFFECT OF BRADDOCK S DISASTER. panic-stricken, and had no control over his men. He was despised by his own soldiers for his cowardice ; and, as they neither feared nor respected, they would not obey him. The consequences showed themselves in the retreat, in which the soldiers, loosened from all control, wan dered at their will over the country, and devastated it with a wantonness which left its inhabitants nothing to dread from an enemy. The provinces were not prepared to hear of Braddock s defeat. They were, in fact, so confident of victory, that in Philadelphia they had begun to prepare for its celebration. The preliminary sub scription had even begun to circulate, when the shrewd Franklin threw the wet blanket of his prudence upon the scheme, and effectually put out the kindling en thusiasm of his fellow-citizens. " I looked grave," Franklin writes, in his own ac count of the premature affair, " and said it would, I thought, be time enough to prepare the rejoicing when we knew we should have occasion to rejoice. They seemed surprised that I did not immedi ately comply with their proposal. Why, the devil ! said one of them, you surely don t suppose that the fort will not be taken? I don t know that it will not be taken ; but I know that the events of war are subject to great uncertainty. " Governor Morris, who, while on the frontier, supervising the construction of the Pennsylvania road, had learned the melancholy news, hastened to Philadel phia to carry it, but on his arrival was insulted for venturing to give out that General Braddock was defeated ! The people began, however, to suspect truth when the frightened fugitives came in, one after another, and told with trem bling lips the story of the disaster. And yet they were not finally persuaded of the fact until Braddock s own messengers passed from post to post, from tavern to tavern, from a The Whip" to the "Indian Queen," with that open letter, which au thoritatively published the catastrophe. Dunbar himself finally came in with his fifteen hundred men, and tookmp his winter-quarters in Philadelphia in mid summer, where we hear of him and his gallant officers getting up a military ball, to do honor to the beauty of the Penn sylvania dames. Smollett has truly said of the French success and of the English retreat : " On the whole, this was perhaps the most ex traordinary victory that ever was ob tained, and the farthest flight that ever was made." The effect of Braddock s unfortunate campaign was something far greater than the loss of a battle, with its waste of life and treasure. It so weakened the tie between the colonies and mother-coun try, that it finally gave way in the Amer ican Revolution. The provinces now no longer trusted to the courage and skill of British regulars, and had learned to confide in the strength of their own forces, which had shown themselves so much superior as allies, that they had no reason to dread the possible position of enemies. The British contempt for the provincial militiaman had been proved to be so little merited, that the Ameri can, no longer humbled, became assured BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PATCT 1 of his own power; while his pride, in- Hamed by the humiliating treatment it had received, burned to vindicate itself against those who had wantonly offend ed it. Shirley, of Massachusetts, one of the most energetic and able of the provincial governors, had the command of the ex pedition ordered for the reduction of Fort Niagara. His force consisted principally of the two provincial regiments of New England known as those of Shirley and Pepperell, both of whom had been made British colonels, in reward for their ser vices in the conquest of Louisburg. This energetic commander had reached Alba ny, and was preparing to move on to Os- wego, when the news of Braddock s mis fortune reached him, and struck a panic to the hearts of his men. Many of his troops deserted him, and all the native boatmen and fur-hunters whom he had engaged to man his batteaux for the con veyance of his force and its supplies west ward, fled away, and could not be pre- Aiiff, 18, vailed upon to return. Shirley, however, with the remnant left him, boldly pushed on, and, being reinforced by a detach ment of Royal artillery spared him from the troops disheartened by the defeat of Braddock and the inglorious retreat of Dunbar, reached Oswe^o, with O 7 some hope of a successful at tempt on Niagara. At Oswego, on the southeast side of Lake Ontario, there was a fortified trading-post in the English in terest. Here it was hoped to obtain a large accession of Indians ; but these wa ry savages, having heard of the French success on the Monongahela, were not disposed to join those whom they be lieved to belorig to the weaker party. Deprived of this Indian aid, and finding the season advanced and provisions scan ty, Shirley was forced to return from Os wego, without proceeding to Niagara. He, however, strengthened the Oswego fort, and left a garrison of seven hundred men, under Mercer, for its more effectual protection against the French. COLONIAL.] COLONEL WILLIAM JOHNSON. 87 CHAPTER XL Colonel William Johnson at Crown Point. Johnson s Career, Character, Magnificence, and LiAucnce upon his Savage Dependants. His Baronial Hall and its Guests. Partial Success at Lake George. Surprise. Repulse of the French. Great Rewards and Small Deeds. Johnson made a Baronet. An Indian in London. One Shilling Each Person. A Spirited Subaltern. The Easy Triumph in Acadia. A Garden turned into a Desert. Trie Energy of the French. The Gallant Bradstreet. His Desperate but Successful Expedition to Oswego. The Pertinacious Resistance of the French. The British Government making a more Vigorous Demonstration. The Earl of Loudoun s Appointment. Grand Preparations. Major-General Abercrombie arrives in Advance. Does nothing. The Earl of Loudoun ar rives, and does likewise. British Contempt of Colonial Troops. The French make Great Preparations. The Mar quis de Montcalrn. His Life and Character. His Heroism at Exilles. Montcalm s Energy. A Winter Attack on Fort Ontario. Victory. Canadian Exultation. " Bring Lilies with Full Hands." The English in Despair. Inac tivity of Lord Loudoun. The Massacre at Kittanang. COLONEL WILLIAM JOHNSON commanded the third expedition. This set out to at tack the French fort at Crown Point, on Lake Champlain. Johnson was selected, not from any proof he had given of mili tary skill, but in consequence of the won derful influence he was known to possess over the Indians. Having been early in duced to leave his native Ireland by his uncle, Admiral Warren, who had large possessions in the western part of the province of New York, and who wished him to take charge of them, the young Irishman came over to America. His home was now fixed on the banks of the Mohawk, then almost a wilderness, with no inhabitants but the roaming Indians. Johnson became fond of this wild life, and sought to share with his savage neighbors in their untrammelled habits. His personal appearance as he was tall, well-proportioned, and possessed of <i handsome face, with an expression of calm dignity such as belongs to those born to command commended him at once to Indian admiration, which is free ly extended to those who can claim pre tensions to manly strength and beauty. He was, moreover, so cool, that he never seemed to lose his self-possession; and. although ordinarily a man of few words, yet, when the occasion prompted, he was fervid and even eloquent in speech. He was fond, too, of the exciting dangers of the chase. He excelled as a marksman, with his rifle ; while, incapable of fatigue, he could follow the game with as long and untiring an endurance as that of the most practised native hunter. The In dians found, in these characteristics of the young Irishman, so much that was con genial to their own nature, that they readily welcomed Johnson among them as one of themselves. His powers of com mand soon effected the rest ; and, from appreciation of him as a companion, came naturally admiration of his superior na ture, and a ready subjection to his will. With a lingering attachment, in spite of his love of a forest-life, for the luxu ries and comforts of civilization, he built on the banks of the Mohawk two spn- cious mansions, known as his castle and his hall. In the former he shut himself 88 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART i. up in the winter, and the latter was his summer residence. Here he received all British officers or adventurous travellers whom duty or love of travel had brought there, and entertained them with the free hospitality of an old English baronial hall. Here, too, the Indians came in tribes ; and five hundred of them have been known to be welcomed by him to the profuse conviviality of the hall by day, and to have thrown themselves at night on the ground, with their liberal host in their midst, and thus have slept over the effects of the carouse. Johnson had won such an influence over the Indians, that he never feared, though the only white man present, thus to trust himself unguarded to his savage neighbors. With the Five Nations he ruled almost supreme ; and now that he was called upon to do ser vice for his country, Hendrik, a Mohawk chief, followed him at his bidding, with three hundred warriors of his tribe. Besides his Indian allies, Johnson had mustered at Albany a large provincial force, consisting of several thousand men, chiefly from Connecticut and Massachu setts. Most of these were sent forward, to establish a post between Lake George and the Hudson river. This was done, and the place was called Fort Edward. Johnson himself followed after with his Indians and the rest of the troops, and, joining the advance-party at the fort which they had completed, marched on, with all his force, excepting a small gar rison of three hundred left to guard Fort Edward. Passing through the wilderness, where there was neither house nor fort, Johnson halts his men on the southern borders of a lake, to which he gives the name of his sovereign, and which has ever since been known as Lake George. Bancroft, with his usual artistic skill, paints a picture of the scene thus : " The lake protects him on the north ; his flanks are covered by a thick wood and a swamp. The tents of the husbandmen and me chanics, who form his summer army, are spread on a rising ground ; but no forti fications are raised, nor is even a trench thrown up. On week-days, the men, ac customed to freedom, saunter to and fro in idleness ; or some, weary of inaction, are ready to mutiny and go home. On Sunday, all come forth and collect in the groves for the worship of God ; three hun dred men, also, regularly enlisted under the English flag, and paid from the Eng lish treasury, seat themselves on the hil lock, and, while the light of a summer s afternoon is shedding its sweetest influ ence on the tops of the forest-clad mount ains and on the still waters of the deep, transparent lake, they listen gravely to the interpretation of a long sermon. Meanwhile, wagon after wagon brought artillery, and stores and boats for the troops that were listlessly whiling away the season." This idle state of existence was, how ever, interrupted by the return of some scouts with the intelligence that Dieskau was approaching with a large force ; but what were their exact numbers, the scouts (who were Indians, and unable to count) could not tell. Johnson now resolved upon sending out a force to check the French advance. Accordingly, one thou sand provincials and two hundred Indians COLONIAL.] JOHNSON S SMALL SUCCESS. 89 were despatched for this service, under the command of Colonel Ephraim Wil liams. Among his private soldiers was Israel Putnam, of Connecticut, of whom, in the course of our history, we shall have much that is memorable to relate. They had hardly gone three miles from the camp on Lake George, and fairly en tered the ravine through which the nar row road passed, when they were at tacked by the French and Indians, who had awaited them in ambush among the forests and wooded swamps extending on either side of the long line of march. With this disadvantage, the English pro vincials, though they resisted bravely, were utterly routed, and pursued to with in a short distance of the camp, where the French were brought to a check by a vigorous onset of a party of three hun dred men sent by Johnson to drive off the pursuers. The camp had not been intrenched. So, while the enemy was brought to a pause, Johnson began to prepare a tem porary defence, by cutting down trees and rolling them together, in order to form a breastwork, behind which several cannon were dragged and placed in posi tion. The wagons and baggage were also arranged so as to serve as a cover for the provincial marksmen. Johnson had hardly time to make these hasty preparations, before Dieskau and his French and Indians made a rush for the camp. The English artillery now began to play with such good effect, that the savages were scattered at once, and hid themselves in the pine-wood covert on the neighboring rising ground, from 12 which they kept up a desultory and al most harmless fire. The Frenchmen, how ever, under their gallant commander, still advanced in the very mouth of the can non, until finally almost every man was struck down, and among the foremost fell the baron Dieskau himself, mortally wounded. Two of his soldiers hurried to his relief, and one being shot down, the other was ordered away; and the dying commander, crawling to the fallen trunk of a tree, seated himself upon it, and calmly awaited, amid a shower of bullets, the issue of the struggle. The result was a complete victory, the French having lost no less than eight hundred men, while the Americans suffered only to the extent of two hundred and twenty killed and nineteen wounded. Johnson himself was wounded early in the strug gle, and was obliged to retire to his tent. Lyman, his second in command, however, completed the success of the day by pur suing the enemy for a short time at the close with great slaughter. The Canadians and Indians, as they retreated, were met by a party of a hun dred and twenty New-Hampshire men, under a youth of the name of M Ginnes, and, being attacked, were put to the rout, although the young American leader was killed. This small success of Johnson was such an exceptional case of triumph during that year for the English arms in Amer ica, that the British government was dis posed to make the most of it. A baro netcy was accordingly bestowed upon Colonel Johnson, and a grant of five thou sand pounds, as a reward for his services. 90 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART The public interest in England in John son s success was kept alive by the exag gerated importance given to it by the authorities ; and in this contemporary ad vertisement in the Public Advertiser of the year 1755, we read the appeal of a show man, which illustrates the general curi osity of London on the occasion: " THE ONLY INDIAN IN ENGLAND SINCE THE REIGN OF QUEEN ANNE ! " JUST ARRIVED FROM AMERICA, and to be seen at the NEW YORK AND CAPE BRETON COFFEE-HOUSE, in Sweeting s Alley, from 12 to 3, and from 4 till 6, to the latter end of next week, and then will embark for America in the General Webb, Captain Boardman, a famous MOHAWK INDIAN WAR RIOR ! the same person who took M. DIES- KAU, THE FRENCH GENERAL, prisoner at the BATTLE OF LAKE GEORGE, where GENERAL JOHNSON beat the French, and was one of the said General s Guards. He is dressed in the same manner with his native In dians when they go to war ; his face and body painted, with his SCALPING-KNIFE, TOM- AXE, and all other implements of war that are used by the Indians in battle ; a sight worthy the curiosity of every TRUE BRITON. " PRICE, one shilling each person? The conduct of Colonel Johnson was hardly such as to merit all the distinc tion and public notice it received. How ever brilliant his success at Lake George, his proceedings afterward showed less energy and spirit than might have been expected from the supposed courage and activity of this remarkable man. Instead of pushing on, while his troops were in the full tide of victory, and making a bold stroke for the position at Crown Point, which was the object of the expedition, Johnson remained at L ake George. Here it is true he kept his men busy, for he built a fort, which he named Fort Henry, and garrisoned it with a small detach ment of provincial troops; he then moved the main body of his forces back to Al bany, and sent the men to their several homes. A spirited subaltern, of the name of Rogers, who was left at Lake George, did something; however, by his activity and boldness, toward retrieving what was lost by the remissness of Johnson. Rogers made frequent sallies against the French in the neighborhood of Crown Point, by which he succeeded in cutting off many of their detached parties, and keeping a watchful eye upon their proceedings. Thus, he learned that the French had collected together some two thousand Canadians and Indians, and a good force of artillery, at Ticonderoga, situated .at the northern end of Lake George, and that they were busy in fortifying that post. ^ To this partial success of Johnson, the British could only add that of the cruel expulsion of the Acadians from Nova Sco tia. It is not for us, however, to do more than make a passing mention of what cer tainly can not properly be included in "The Battles of America." It is true that New England sent its two thousand men, and some heavy artillery served by British regulars, to compel by force, if need be, the submission of the French inhabitants of the English province of Nova Scotia. The troops were landed COLONIAL.J RELIEF OF OSWEGO. 91 without interruption ; they paraded gay- ly upon the shores, and, after a night s quiet repose,marched deliberately against the Acadians, who hardly ventured to op pose them. The fort of Beausejour sur rendered in four clays. That of St. John was abandoned and burnt ; and the other small fortresses capitulated without resist ance. The inhabitants were declared trai tors, their possessions forfeited, and all the men, women, and children, exiled for ever from their homes and their altars, their gardens and their pastures ! This was persecution, not war. Hate tortured her victims. Courage did not strike a blow. The tears of the weak and inno cent were poured out. Not a drop of blood was shed by the strong in the might of resistance. We pass, therefore, gladly from woman s tears and children s cries, wrung by cruelty, to listen to the shouts of men and heroes battling for right or might. Our duty, thank Heav en, is to record the deeds of the manly brave, not the work of the inhuman per secutor ! The French were prepared to recom mence hostilities with the opening of an other year, and their first move ment was a success. There was a small English fort on the Oswego route. This was now the point of attack. Three hundred and fifty Canadians, under M. Chaussegros de Levy, arrived before the fort. Lieutenant Ball, in command, with two dozen men, was summoned to sur render. He refused, determined to resist to the last. The French began their at- tack, and overpowered their handful of opponents, who, with the exception of two, were mercilessly scalped by the French savages. Another expedition from Canada now set out to attack the provincial fort at Oswego ; but, before reaching it, the French halted at a short distance, and erected a small fortification of their own, so hid in the forest as to be unseen by their opponents ; and thus succeeded in greatly harassing them, by cutting off supplies and preventing reinforcements. LieutenantrColonel Bradstreet, who had w r on the confidence of Sir William Pep- perell in the famous siege of Louisburg, by his prowess, now went to the rescue of Oswego. His men were chiefly raw Irish recruits, but Bradstreet knew how to control their irregular impulses, and succeeded in getting a great deal of ef fective work out of them. He succeeded in reaching Oswego, and supplying the garrison with provisions. A French force of seven hundred men tried to intercept him, but, having lost their way in the for est, did not discover, until it was too late, that Bradstreet was in advance of them. They now determined to lay in wait for him on his return. Bradstreet, having relieved Oswego, now commenced to retrace his steps. His route lay by the river Onondaga, on the banks of which the French had con cealed themselves, awaiting his approach. He, either conscious of this danger, or from his experience of American warfare became exceedingly wary, and hit upon an excellent expedient for avoiding the dangers of an ambuscade. Bradstreet accordingly took the precaution of divi ding his men into three parties, each one BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART I. of which was placed in a separate fleet of canoes, which were ordered to ascend the Onondaga at small distances apart. In this way, if one party was attacked suddenly, the others might come up pre pared to sustain it. Bradstreet himself took the lead, in the very first canoe ; the others followed after, bold and eager enough for a fight ; and it was with the greatest difficulty that their prudent lead er could keep the Irish blood of his men sufficiently cool for the discreet conduct that was necessary. Bradstreet s experience in border war fare led him to expect, at any moment, to see the flash of the Canadian musket, or hear the war-whoop of the savage, from the dark clumps of cedars, and the crags of the rugged banks which bordered the river.* It was on the 3d of July when they embarked. The stream was low, and difficult of navigation ; and the trees and underwood, luxuriant with their mid summer foliage, afforded complete con cealment to the enemy. For a length of nine miles the canoes were forced up the Onondaga with great toil, but with no interference. They had thus reached a point where there was a small island sur rounded by rapids, and the banks of the river were thickly shaded by a dense for est-growth, when suddenly a volley of musketry and an Indian war-whoop burst through the silence of the wilderness. The effect upon those in the advance- canoes was terribly fatal ; but Bradstreet and six of his men pushed at once for the island, where a score of the enemy, * The Conquest of Canada, by the Author of " Hochela- ga," &c. New York : Plarper and Brothers. having plunged into the river and made their way through a ford, had arrived be fore him. So spirited, however, was the onset of the colonel and his half-dozen men, that he succeeded in driving back the enemy to the mainland. The French, however, now came up again to the attack with increased num bers. Bradstreet, too, in the meantime had been reinforced by fourteen other men, who had just landed from those ca noes w r hich had brought up the rear of the advance-party. The French were forced again to retire ; and, renewing for a third time the attack, with more men still, a fierce struggle ensued, which last ed nearly an hour. Bradstreet w r as again victorious, and with his twenty men suc ceeded in putting to a complete rout all who were left of the seventy Frenchmen who had attempted to dislodge him from the island. The rest of Bradstreet s forces had land ed on the shore lower down, and were marching to the relief of their comrades on the island. The main body of the French, observing this movement, crossed the stream, to prevent the junction. But Bradstreet, having now succeeded in beat ing off the enemy s attack on the island, was free to join the rest of his troops which he succeeded in doing, and led them with a vigorous onslaught against the main body of the French, who were forced back into the river. Many fell dead before the brisk fire of Bradstreet s men, but many more were drowned in their attempts to cross the river. The enemy, in spite of these repeated defeats, still pertinaciously prolonged the COLONIAL.] BRADSTREET S VICTORY. 93 struggle. A number, while Bradstreet was below, on the mainland, began to cross the ford below, near the small isl and ; but they had hardly reached the opposite bank, and made ready for an attack, when the English came rushing down, and with one impulsive effort drove them back into the stream. The French lost more than a hundred men, who were either shot or drowned, while seventy were taken prisoners. The loss of Brad- street, too, was no less than sixty killed or wounded. The English troops were too much fa tigued to continue the pursuit immedi ately; and when, next morning, they were reinforced by a company of grena diers on their way to Oswego, and some two hundred men besides who had come to their aid from that fort, Bradstreet found that the Onondaga was so flooded with the pouring rain during the night, that it would be quite impracticable to follow the enemy. The company of gren adiers, therefore, accompanied the detach ment from the fort back to Oswego, and Bradstreet with the rest of his forces went on his way to Albany. The British government, having now at last declared an open war against the French, was disposed to carry on hostilities in America with greater vigor. The earl of Loudoun, a great stickler for the prerogatives of the crown, and a proportionate opponent of all co lonial disenthralment, was sent out to America, with unusual powers. Pie was made general-in-chief of all the forces on the American continent, and colonel of a regiment of four battalions, to be corn- June. posed principally of the Swiss and Ger man Protestants in America, and to be commanded by officers of their own na tive countries. To give additional dig nity to his lordship s appointment, he was also made governor of Virginia. Previous, however, to the setting out of the earl of Loudoun, Major-General Abercrombie had been ordered to pre cede him, and hold the command until his lordship s arrival. Abercrombie was now at Albany, with four regiments of British regulars, two of which had accompanied him from Eng land, the New-England battalions, eight independent companies, and a large body of provincial militia, making all together the formidable army, for those days, of ten thousand men. At Albany, too, was assembled the council of governors from the various provinces, to confer with the British general in regard to the plans of a campaign against the French in Amer ica. Abercrombie resisted the urgent ap peals of the council to carry out a scheme of general attack, on the plea that his force was not sufficiently large for so ex tensive an undertaking. He, therefore, declined to act on his own responsibility, and determined to await the arrival of his superior in command, the earl of Lou doun. He, however, was prevailed upon to send General Winslow, with the pro vincial forces, to the English fort William Henry, on Lake George, where he was to await reinforcements, and then march against the French post at Crown Point, on Lake Cham plain. On the arrival of the brave Bradstreet at Albany, he hurried to the quarters of BATTLES OF AMERICA. fl ART I. General Abercrombie, and, giving in the report of his own successes, laid before him the dangerous position of Oswego, and earnestly urged the necessity of de spatching immediate relief. The British officer, Colonel Webb, was accordingly ordered to hold himself in readiness to march with his regiment on this service ; but, for some reason or other, a long and fatal delay ensued. The provincial coun cil and Abercrombie were supposed to be at loggerheads. The former declared for Crown Point : the latter favored the march to Oswego. So, to settle the dif ference, nothing was done. Lord Loudoun now arrived at Albany, and assumed command at once ; but, full of his own dignity, and reserved in his communications with oth ers, he would listen to no suggestions from those who knew so much of a coun try about which he knew so little. He had the proverbial contempt of his coun trymen for the colonies, and had no faith either in the wisdom of the colonial gov ernor or the courage of the colonial sol dier. The force at Albany was large amounting, as we have seen, to ten thou sand men ; but more than half of these were provincials "mostly vagabonds picked up by the New-Englanders at ran dom," wrote Abercrombie, who exclaimed, " With such troops, what can we do ?" Loudoun no doubt echoed, with fellow- contempt, these opinions so disparaging to the colonists. They could not learn the simple lesson of experience, which, if they had, would have taught them that all the victories had been w r on in these colonial battles by the " vagabonds," while the de feats were to be set down to the boasted " regulars." Abercrombie did nothing; : o CD Lord Loudoun did no more. The French, however, were not inac tive. The court at Versailles had sent out a considerable force of regulars to America, under the command of the mar quis de Montcalm. A better leader could not have been chosen. Montcalm had a wise head and a dauntless spirit. Born of a noble family, he had inherited the traditional chivalry of his race. On his escutcheon he bore the motto of " Extin guisher of the Dragon," as a perpetual record, handed down from generation to generation, of the prowess of an ances tral Templar of St. John, who had deliv ered the isle of Rhodes from the ravages of some mysterious monster. He was de scended from a long line of heroes, and w r as destined to illustrate, in his own ca reer the heroic temperament of his fain- ily. His education was carefully conducted by a distinguished man of science, who bore the name of Dumas. Under his tui tion, the young Montcalm was so endued with a love of study, that, although he entered the army at the early age of four teen, he preserved his taste for science and literature amid all the tumultuous life of the camp, and became remarkable for his mental acquirements. Montcalm s military career was rapidly made brilliant by his gallant behavior. He was wounded three times at the bat tle of Plaisance, and twice in the heroic struo-o-le at Exilles. This latter was the Oo battle where was enacted a scene that has only been paralleled since by the COLONIAL. J CHARACTER OF MONTCALM. charge of the English "Light-Brigade" at Balaklava, when " Into the valley of Death Rode the six hundred !" The count of Belleisle had been prom ised the baton of a marshal if he should succeed in the campaign in Piedmont. Meeting the enemy at Exilles, the count began an imprudent attack, which result ed in the defeat of the French. He felt so greatly the ill success of an attempt which had been disapproved of by all experience, that in his desperation he put himself at the head of his officers, and led them in a column against the intrenchments Avithin which the enemy had withdrawn ! Few only escaped. Belleisle himself, wounded in both hands, madly strove to tear down with his teeth the palisades of the wall, when he re ceived a mortal shot. Montcalm was one of this heroic brigade, which, true to dis cipline, obeyed even the insane command of their leader. But a few years past forty, Montcalm, although full of the enterprising spirit of youth, was, from his long service in the army, a veteran in experience. He was short in person, but of a wiry struc ture. Active, and of great powers of en durance, he possessed all the gay vivaci ty 6f his countrymen, and was lively in times of social enjoyment as he was all activity in business. He was quick to observe, and bold and prompt in action. He soon proved that he was the right man in the right place. There was no dilly-dallying about Mont calm. He had not been at Quebec a week before he was ready to set out with his Aug. 12. French troops for Oswego, which had been so disgracefully neglected by the dilatory Abercrombie and the self-suffi cient Lord Loudoun. De Vaudreuil was sent in advance with a considerable force of Canadian militia, raised at Montreal. Montcalm was not long behind him, with his regulars, and ready to commence op erations. The French commander s first object was to attack Fort Ontario, which was situated on the river Onondaga, at its mouth, where it empties into Lake Ontario, and opposite to the more im portant Fort Oswego. Here accordingly he opened his trenches at once, and, with his usual promptness, beginning at the dawn of day, succeeded in overcoming the resistance of the be sieged before nightfall. Taking posses sion of Fort Ontario, from which the gar rison had fled to Oswego, without spiking all the cannon in their hurry, Montcalm turned the remaining guns with great ef fect upon the fort opposite. It w r as not long before the walls of Oswego gave way ; and the English seeing, with their leader Mercer struck down, and a breach made in their fortress, no hope of a longer resistance, capitulated. The victory for the French was a great one. They became possessed of an im portant post, took captive twelve hundred prisoners, and obtained several armed ves sels, two hundred batteaux, and a vast quantity of treasure, military stores, and provisions. They made the most of their triumph, sending the British flags to be hung in the churches of Quebec and Mon treal; erecting crosses at Oswego, with the inscription, " This is the banner of 9G BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART r. victory;" and raising triumphant columns, upon which their joy was illustrated^ by the exultant words, carved in stone " Bring lilies with full hands !" Montcalm razed the fort at Oswego to the ground, and began a desolating inarch eastward, burning the dwellings and the crops of the frontier settlers of New York, and killing and scalping all the unfortu nate inhabitants he met. Colonel Webb, in the meantime, with his seventeen hun dred men, who had been kept back until it was too late to render any service to the neglected fort at Oswego, was slowly making his way, until he heard of the French success, when he precipitately took to flight. Walpole might well say, when this disastrous news reached Eng land : " The negligence and dilatoriness of our government at home, and the lit tle-minded quarrels between the regular and irregular forces, have reduced our af fairs in that part of the world [America] to a most deplorable state. Oswego, of ten times more importance even than Mi norca, is so annihilated, that we can not learn the particulars." Something was naturally expected from the expedition of General Winslow, an able officer, who had acquired great re nown in the siege of Louisburg; but, al though the French fort at Crown Point, on Lake Cham plain, was its original des tination, it got no farther than the Eng lish forts Edward and William Henry. i/ These Winslow strengthened by leaving a portion of his force ; but was prevented from striking a blow against the enemy by the inactivity and pusillanimous con duct of his superiors. Lord Loudoun having so far done nothing, now seemed resolved to do nothing for the future ; and, after an inglorious inactivity at Al bany, he sent the provincials to their sev eral homes. The English colonists obtained some consolation for their repeated ill fortune, by a small success against the Indian town of Kittanang, lying in a valley among the Alleghanies. This was the nest of a horde of Indian savages, who had stolen upon the English settlers scat tered about the western frontier, and mas sacred a thousand of them. About three hundred men now hurriedly collected to gether, and, choosing one Armstrong for their leader, determined to revenge the merciless murder of their countrymen. They pushed on, forgetting the fatigues and perils of the hard and dangerous road of some hundred and fifty miles in length, in their eagerness for revenge. On arri ving at the Indian settlement at night, they heard the savage murderers exult ing, in songs and dances, over their late massacre. Armstrong awaited until dawn the next morning, when, suddenly pre senting himself, he offered the Indians quarter, on their immediately surrender ing. The savages dared not accept it ; and then the provincials began an attack, which resulted in a slaughter and a cru elty that could have only been equalled by the Indians themselves. Some of the savages were shot, some beaten down with the butt-ends of muskets, some shut up in their huts and burned to death, some blown up with gunpowder, and others seized and scalped as the Indians themselves would have seized and scalped COLONIAL.] ACTIVITY OF MONTCALM. 97 the English if they had been victims in stead of avengers. This was one of the pitiful successes which were to weigh against the prepon derating victories of the French during the whole campaign of 1756. CHAPTER XII. A North -American Winter. Montcalrn s Vigor. Attack upon Fort William Henry. Repulse. Lord Loudoun s Great Means and Small Results. Sails with a Great Fleet to Halifax. Does nothing. Success of Montcalm against Fort William Henry. Lord Loudoun returns to New York. England in Despair. Pitt comes to the Rescue. The Right Men in the Right Place. Amherst. Boscawen. James Wolfe. His Life, Character, and Personal Appearance. The Expedition against Louisburg. Wolfe the first to land. The French repulsed from the Shore. Cooke the Navi gator. Victory at Louisburg. Wolfe returns Home ill. Seeks Employment in the next American Campaign. Pitt s Liberal Measures toward Provincial Officers. Abercrombie succeeds Lord London in Command in America. An Immense Provincial Force marches against the French Fort of Ticonderoga. Surprised by the French. Death of the Gallant and Youthful Lord Howe. Grief at his Full. Failure of the Attack upon Ticonderoga. Bradstreet s Expe dition. Its Success. The Expedition against Du Quesne. The Highlanders. A Celt in Kilt taken for an Indian. A Catastrophe. The Highlanders in Difficulty. A Canny Scot gets the Advantage of the Indians. Escapes Torture Fort Du Quesne abandoned. Washington plants the British Flag. Pittsburg. 1757, WITH the successes of the previ ous year, the French, under the ever vigilant and active Montcalm, were emboldened to begin 1757 with great vigor. It was January. Canada was bound with the fetters of winter. The waves of those great inland seas, the northern lakes, were stilled. The rivers ceased to flow. The waters everywhere had turned to ice. The snow covered the mountain-tops, and filled in the val leys. Fields, roads, and by-paths, had departed with the life of the year, and were now overspread with the universal shroud of winter. The smoke of a few hamlets, under the cover of the hillsides, scattered distantly over the wide, wintry expanse, betokened the existence of oc casional home warmth and comfort but for the most part the scene was one of universal wintry desolation. It was not in the nature of Montcalrn s 13 active spirit to grow torpid, even under the influence of a North-American win ter. In the very depth of this season of frost and snow, he determined to send a force against the English fort William Henry, at the southern end of Lake George. Fifteen hundred men, four hun dred of whom were Indians, were accord ingly selected for this service, and placed under the command of Rigaud de Vau- dreuil. The route was a long one. One hun dred and fifty miles were to be travelled before reaching the fort. Sledges were made ready, and dogs harnessed to them with thongs, as in the arctic regions, to drag the provisions and stores through the snow and over the ice. Each man was clad like an Esquimaux, in furs, and given a leathern mask to protect his face from the fatal touch of the biting wind and the frost, and a bearskin within which 98 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [_PART 1. to enfold himself when encamped at night upon the snow. Thus equipped., they set out, passing rapidly over the frozen sur face of Lake Champlain and of Lake George with their sledges and their snow- shoes. As they approach the English fort, they await the coming of night, and are more cautious in their movements. Pioneers are sent in advance, with axes in hand, to try the strength of the ice, and to guide the force in safety to the walls of the enemy. With cautious steps they reach the spot in the dead of night, and are lifting the scaling-ladders against the fortifications, when the sentry ob serves them, and gives the alarm. The garrison are in a moment on their de fence, and, with a brisk volley from their cannon and musketry, drive back the as sailants. Next morning the French renew the attack, but without effect ; and again make an attempt later in the day, but are once more driven back. They now summon the officer in command, a Major Eyres, to surrender. He resolutely re fuses. The French continue the assault, and, after making in all five unsuccessful efforts, they give up in despair. The stronghold can not be taken. The ene my, however, revenged themselves for their repulse, by destroying such out works of the fort as were within their reach. Vaudreuil now sent reinforce ments to the French forts at Ticondero- ga, Crown Point, and Niagara, and then returned to Montreal. The garrison at Fort William Henry does not allow the winter to pass in idle ness. Its rangers accordingly sally out, under the gallant subaltern Stark, and succeed in falling in with sledges on their route, with men and provisions, for the French forts. Stark, with some seventy men, takes a party thus by surprise, at tacks them, and comes off victorious. He is, however, intercepted by a considera ble force on his return to the fort, with his prisoners and booty, and a third of his adventurous rangers are laid low ; but Stark and the survivors so gallantly defend themselves, that the enemy are obliged to re-treat, and the English come off with all the glory. Lord Loudoun, having done nothing where he could do something, now un dertook to do something where he could do nothing. Taking a large provincial force from the colonies, where they wer^ needed, he embarked them on board ai Eno-lish fleet consisting of numerous men- o o of-war and transports,and sailed with them to Halifax, in Nova Scotia. With nine teen ships-of-the-line and a large number of smaller vessels in that harbor, and no less than thirteen battalions of troops landed after a prosperous voyage, Lou doun was in a condition to have under taken anything, no matter how formida ble. The time was, nevertheless, wasted in parade and mock-fights. Louisburg, which, after the famous conquest by Sir William Pepperell, had been ceded to France, was supposed to be the object of attack of this magnificent armament. News arriving, however, to the effect that the French, with some three thousand troops, a considerable body of Indians and militiamen, and a fleet of eighteen ships-of-the-line, were prepared to defend COLONIAL.] FALL OF FORT WILLIAM HENRY. 99 themselves, it was determined by the pru dent Loudoun to postpone the attempt upon Louisburg. When Loudoun sailed away from the place where he was most wanted, Mont- calm took occasion to avail himself of his absence, by making an attack upon Fort William Henry, on Lake George. Gath ering some eight thousand men at the French fort at Ticonderoga, he marched with his usual rapidity against Fort Wil liam Henry, and met with a brave resist ance from the English commander, Mun- ro, who, to a haughty demand to surren der, answered thus spiritedly : " I will defend my trust to the last extremity !" It was, however, in vain. The English, disappointed in their hope of relief from the timid Webb, who was running away, instead of coming to their assistance, were obliged to capitulate. Lord Loudoun, while at Halifax in a state of inaction, heard this disastrous news of the capture of Fort William Hen ry, and immediately returned,with a large proportion of his troops, to New York ; but, with what purpose, it would be diffi cult to conjecture. He left the English admiral at Halifax ; but that officer did nothing but sail to Louisburg and back again. When this intelligence reached England, Walpole wrote, on the 3d day of September, 1757: "We had a torrent of bad news yesterday from America. Lord Loudoun has found an army of Iwenty thousand French, gives over the design on Louisburg, and retires to Hali fax. Admiral Holborne writes that they have nineteen ships to his seventeen, and that he can not attack them. It is time for England to slip her own cables, and float away into some unknown sea." Lord Loudoun arrived at New York, and thence made his way to Fort Edward, the only northern post left to the Eng lish. Here he gave some directions for defence, and prudently retired to Albany. Nothing, however, was done ; and the British people and the British govern ment became aware at last that, without some change in men and measures, Brit ish dominion in the West would be lost to them for ever. " My lord, I am sure that I can save this country, and that no one else can !" were the proud, self-reliant words of the great commoner, William Pitt. His coun try took him at his word ; and, with the power to execute what his comprehen sive genius had conceived, he made good his grand promise. The incapable duke of Newcastle, deserted by Fox, Avas forced to let drop from his feeble hands the reins of government. Fox himself now strove to form a ministry ; but, with all his great talents, he felt himself incapa ble of the charge of administration with out the aid of Pitt, and solicited his alli ance. The " great commoner," however, rejected all overtures from his superior, in wealth and rank, but by far his in ferior in moral influence. Pitt, conscious of the faith of the British nation in him, and him alone, was determined to share with no other the glory of delivering that nation from her agony of shame and dis grace. "Whoever is in or whoever is out," writes Lord Chesterfield, in despair of his country, " I am sure we are undone, 100 BATTLES OF AMERICA. I PART 1. both at home and abroad : at home, by our increasing debt and expenses; abroad, by our ill luck and incapacity The French are masters to do what they please in America. We are no longer a nation. I never yet saw so dreadful a prospect." The British people, however, still had a hope : that hope was William Pitt. The lords were in despair, and yet resisted, in their mad pride of birth, the aid of a commoner. But such was the resolute will of the nation to be governed by Pitt, that king and peers were obliged to yield, and suffer him to take hold of the helm and guide the ship of state. With Pitt s administration began a new era for British arms in America. His first act was to get rid of the incapables, and to put the right men in the right place. The weak and capriciousLoudoun,aswell as the over-cautious and inactive Admi ral Holborne, were recalled, and men of sterner stuff sent to America to replace them. Amherst, the resolutely brave, the spiritedly active, and the coolly judicious, was, in spite of the formalities of milita ry precedence, promoted to the rank of major-general, and given the command of the land-forces destined for America. Boscawen, a dashing naval officer, of known skill and courage, was made admi ral of the fleet then off Halifax, in Nova Scotia. Louisburg was marked out in the plan of the campaign as the first object of at- tack. Amherst sailed with a large arma- ment on the 19th of February for Halifax, but was delayed in his voyage by storms and unfavorable winds, and did not arrive off that port until the Juiie 2. 28th of May, when he met the impatient Boscawen coining out, with all his ships, on his way to Louisburg. The two forces, land and naval, thus combined, presented a formidable array. There floated the grand fleet, with twen ty-two ships-of-the-line, fifteen frigates, and one hundred and twenty smaller ves sels. There gathered the eleven thou sand six hundred troops, mostly British regulars, with their battalions of infantry, their formidable artillery, and their skil ful engineers. Amherst s land-force was divided into three brigades, under the sev eral commands of the brigadier-generals Whitmore, Lawrence, and Wolfe. This effective armament now sailed for Cape Breton, and in a few days reached Gabarus bay, within can non-shot of Louisburg. There was one in this expedition whose subsequent career of heroism entitles him to more than a mere enumeration among a list of other gallant officers. This was Wolfe. JAMES WOLFE was the son of a soldier. His father had won an honorable name as an officer under Marlborough. The elder Wolfe had sought after his mar riage with a Miss Thompson, the sister of the member of Parliament for York a temporary retreat in the neighborhood of that city, in the quiet village of West- erham. Here his son was born, on the 2d of January, 1727, at the modest vicar age-house, which the father had rented for his temporary residence. At West- erham the young Wolfe was sent to a good private school, where he remained until he was fourteen years of age. As COLONIAL.] JAMES WOLFE. 101 a boy, he was spirited and clever, but not remarkable for his devotion to work. His father being now ordered to join Lord Cathcart s expedition to Flanders, he took with him his son, although but fourteen years of age. On the journey, the lad, who was always feeble in health, fell ill, and was landed at Portsmouth. In a short time, however, he recovered his strength, and rejoined his father at the camp, where he entered at once with youthful ardor upon all the duties of a military life. A commission was secured for him, and the boy of fourteen became an officer in a battalion of marines as early as 1741. In another year he was made ensign, and then fought his first battle at Dettingen. In 1 743, he becomes a lieutenant, and is engaged in active ser vice in Flanders. He next receives the command of a company, and we hear of the youthful officer fighting under the duke of Cumberland at Fontenoy, and redeeming, by his gallant behavior, in common with the other British officers, the misfortunes of that day. The young Wolfe s merit was so obvi ous, that nothing could resist his advance ment, and he was rapidly promoted. Ev ery step he took in rank was more than justified by his progress in the path of glory. A major under Cumberland at the battle of Feldt, his conduct was so admirable, that his general-officer loudly (hanked him, in the presence of the whole army, on the battle-field. Pitt, who was ever alive to merit, had his eye upon young Wolfe, who plucked fresh laurels on every occasion. It was not only that the youthful officer was 1757, dashingly gallant in battle, but he was remarkable for his judgment, and the careful study of his art. He was, more over, not purely a professional routinist, but possessed of a general culture, which had liberalized and refined his whole life and character. When General Sir John Mordaunt and Admiral Barker were sent against Eoche- fort, with a large force, Pitt chose Wolfe, for his merit alone, as the quartermaster-general. The expedition arrived in the Basque roads. The lead ers were quarrelling, and nothing was be ing done. Wolfe, impatient of this slug gishness, takes a boat and lands alone upon the shore. He now quietly walks into the enemy s country for a mile or more, observing with a soldier s eye its weaknesses and its strength. He returns on board the admiral s ship, and reports the result of his observations to the lead ers of the expedition. He urges them to land and begin an attack on Eochefort at once, as there Avas no obstacle suffi cient to resist it. His advice is scorned. He now, in his earnestness, declares that if three ships-of-war and five hundred men are given him, he will carry the place himself. His proposition is rejected. The expedition, making no attempt up on Eochefort, re turned ingloriously home. Wolfe s conduct becoming known to Pitt, confirmed that statesman in his high es timate of him. The public welcomed him as the only hero of the occasion, and the minister elevated him to the rank of colonel. On the 23d of January, Wolfe 1758 was appointed a brigadier-general, 102 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART i. under Amherst, and now has arrived off Louisburg, in command of one of the three divisions of the large force about to attack that citadel. It was hoped to take Louisburg by surprise. Arriving before the break of day, Amherst gave orders that not a light should be shown, and no noise be made, in order that the transports might work their way silently into the harbor, and the troops be landed so suddenly as to come upon the garrison unexpectedly. As the morning broke, however, a thick fog shrouded the land so completely, that it was impossible to attempt to disembark the troops. As the day advanced, the fog dispersed ; but a strong wind then began to blow, bringing in with it from the At lantic a great swell, which broke in such a high surf upon the shores of the bay, that it was quite impossible for a small boat to ride through it in safety to the land. The general, however, in the com pany of Wolfe and another officer, ven tured to approach the shore during the night, for the purpose of reconnoitring, and saw that the French had been very busy in adding to the defences, by out works and posts, which greatly increased the risks of landing. For a week the Atlantic continued to pour in its great waves, so as to cause such a swell in the harbor, and dash such a surge upon the beach, that 110 attempt was made during that whole time to land. On the eighth day, however, the sea went down, but still leaving a dangerous surf. A naval officer having made a prelimi nary survey, and reported a favorable place for disembarking, the troops were ordered out before daybreak into the boats, to prepare for the attempt. There were three divisions. The right and cen tre were under the commands of Whitr more and Lawrence. Wolfe led the left at the head of his grenadiers, five hundred infantry, and a company of provincial rangers. He was the first to approach the shore. The French gathered in large force to oppose the landing, but withheld their fire until their enemy came close in ; and, as the boats rose in the white crests of the surf, as it curled up from the shore, they began a near and murderous fire : the English suffered greatly, but, retaining their coolness, and not returning a shot, vigorously drove their boats through the surf, into the very mouths of the French muskets. Wolfe now succeeded in land ing his troops, and began an onslaught which soon drove the enemy in disorder from their outworks, to the very walls of the city. The pursuit was continued with great slaughter, until checked by the cannon of the citadel, when Wolfe retired to a position near where he had landed, bringing back with him seventy prison ers. The other divisions had succeeded also in landing, but not until they had lost a hundred boats, and a large number of men, from the violence of the sea. Another severe storm coming on, the artillery was not brought on shore for two or three days. This postponed the siege, which, however, was soon com menced in good earnest. The guns in position and the intrenchments dug, the bombardment began. Day and night the English poured from their batteries on land, and their ships in the bay, such a COLONIAL.] SURRENDER OF LOUISBURG. tempest of balls, bombshells, and red-hot shot, that finally, the citadel having been on fire, the barracks burnt to the ground, and the walls so crumbled and brought so close within the approaching land-batr teries, that the enemy were unable to stand to their guns ; and the French com mander was forced, after a spirited resist> ance, which was prolonged for several weeks, to make an unconditional surren der. The shipping of the harbor, and a fine French fleet at anchor in the bay, were almost annihilated. Two of the vessels- of-war, toward the close of the siege, still remained secure ; when a volunteer par ty, in a number of small boats, moved into the harbor, in spite of a hot fire kept up by the enemy, and, boarding the sur viving ships, gallantly took them. With this volunteer party was Cook, then a petty officer on a British ship-of-war, af terward the famous Captain Cook, who sailed round the world. The victory was a great one. England rejoiced at it, and did honor to the gal lantry of her soldiers. The French flags were hung, with solemn ceremonies, on the walls of St. Paul s cathedral ; and thanks and honors were decreed by Par liament to the brave officers and soldiers who had so valiantly won a victory in their country s cause. Wolfe, having per formed a painful duty in expelling a rem nant of Acadians, still in Nova Scotia, from their homes, was attacked with a severe illness, and was obliged to return to England. On his arrival there, his first act was to address a letter to Mr. Pitt, in which he modestly but spiritedly offered 103 his services for the ensuing campaign in America. The British government, under the ad ministration of Pitt, had expressed its res olution to redeem, at every hazard, the disasters which had sullied English fame in the North and West. England voted men, arms, ammunition, provisions, and all that was necessary for a campaign; and for the first time, at the suggestion of the able Pitt, bestowed upon provin cial officers the rank and pay of regulars. The American colonies sympathized with these liberal measures of the home gov ernment, and raised a large force of pro vincial militia : seven thousand men came from Massachusetts, five thousand from Connecticut, nine hundred from New Hampshire, and large numbers from Rhode Island, New York, and New Jer sey, and gathered together at Albany, un der the command of Abercrombie, who, since the departure of Lord Loudoun,had become command er-in-chief. In addition to the large provincial force, amounting to over nine thousand, there were nearly seven thousand British regulars, well offi cered by some of the most brilliant of England s military chiefs, among whom was the young Lord Howe, " the idol and soul of the army." This great force now set out. " On the fifth day of July," says Bancroft, " the whole armament of more than fifteen thousand men, the largest body of European origin that had ever been as sembled in America, struck their tents at daybreak, and in nine hundred small boats and one hundred and thirty-five whale-boats, with artillery mounted on 104 BATTLES OF AMERICA. LPART i. rafts, embarked on Lake George. The fleet, bright with banners, and cheered by martial music, moved in stately pro cession down the beautiful lake, beaming with hope and pride, though with no wit- ness but the wilderness. They passed over the broader expanse of waters to the first narrows ; they came where the mountains step down to the water s edge, and, mantled with forests, enhance the picturesque loveliness of the scene ; and, in the richest hues of evening light, they halted at Sabbath-day point. Long after ward, Stark (who was now a captain) re membered that on that night, Howe, re clining in his tent on a bearskin, and bent on winning a hero s name, questioned him closely as to the position of Ticon- deroga, and the fittest mode of attack." At Sabbath-day point they halted but a few hours ; and, while it was yet night, the troops took to their boats again, and sailed along the lake until they reached the Narrows, where they arrived at break of day. Here the brave Colonel Brad- street was put ashore at once with two thousand men to reconnoitre, who, find ing no enemy, were followed immediate ly by the rest of the forces. The French fort of Ticonderoga,against which the English were now marching, was placed on the narrow strip of land between Lake George and Lake Cham- plain. Montcalm was vigilant, and, aware of the approach of the British, had sent out a small force to the borders of Lake George, to oppose their landing. This force, however, observing the large num bers advancing, began to retire ; but, in attempting to return, they got lost in the forests, which crowded thickly the sur rounding country. A small party of the English, under Lord Howe, being in ad vance, reconnoitring, fell in with the French ; and a desperate struggle began at once, in the midst of the tangled woods and in the yielding swamp. The English fought gallantly, and the enemy stoutly resisted. The heroic Howe was foremost in the fight, but, struck early by a mus ket-ball, fell instantly dead. The loss of their good and chivalrous young leader gave the intensity of revenge to the cour age of his men, and they battled more desperately than ever with the enemy ; but such was the obstinate fierceness with which the French held their ground, that they did not yield until they were nearly all exterminated, with but a single hun dred out of their whole force of half a thousand left ! The death of Howe was so discoura ging to the troops and to their general, that both seemed to lose heart. Aber- crombie himself acted almost like a mad man. With no purpose that was intelli gible, he marched his forces back again to the spot whence they had come the day before, with the greatest trial to their spirit and endurance. He, however, soon recovered sufficient courage to act, but only to act with reckless imprudence. He marched upon Ticonderoga, and, en countering the French, to the number of four thousand or more, in an intrenched camp at Cerrillon,in front of the fort, gave them battle. With an unreflecting au- dacity,Abercrombie led his troops against the impregnable centre of the enemy s position, though the flanks were exposed, 106 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART i. the sad experience of Braddock, to pro vide against the trials and dangers of a passage through the wilderness. He met with no reverse until within about nine ty miles of the fort, when one of his too impulsive Scotch officers, while in advance to reconnoitre the enemy s position, sound ed his bagpipes and challenged the French to battle. The challenge was accepted ; and the impatient Highlander, with his eight hundred kilted followers, was worst ed, lie had to pay for his rashness by his own captivity and that of three hun dred of his men. The Highlanders who were raw re cruits, fresh from their mountain-fastnes ses were constantly, by their ignorance nnd disregard of military discipline, get ting into all sorts of serious difficulties. On one occasion, a man was seen coming out of the woods, with his long hair all awry, and his body wrapped in some dark- colored drapery. The sentinel challenged him, but receiving no answer, or not un derstanding it, shot him dead. It turned out that the poor fellow, who was sup posed to be a skulking Indian in a blan ket, was no more than a raw, unkempt, and innocent Hielander, in his mountain- plaid, astray in the woods. He had prob ably answered the sentinel s challenge in his native Gaelic, his only tongue ; and the Saxon soldier had mistaken it for Choctaw, or some other Indian dialect ! Again, on another occasion, several of these Highland soldiers, by their undis ciplined habits of wandering, fell into an ambush of Indians. These savages be gan their cruel tortures, when one Allan Macpherson, finding his turn had come, was resolved upon escaping, if not death, at any rate the lengthened agonies of savage torture. He accordingly hit upon this ingenious expedient : He gave out that he knew the secret of a great medi cine, which, if applied to the skin, would make it invulnerable. He was believed by his barbarous listeners, who allowed him to gather the necessary herbs, with which Allan made a decoction, and ap plied it to his neck. " Strike, now," he told them, "with all your might, and you ll see the power of the great medi cine !" The savage raised his tomahawk, and, bringing it down with all the force of his arm, sent poor Allan Macpherson s head rolling off several yards ! The In dians saw the trick, by which the shrewd Highlander had saved himself the tor ments of a lingering death. They were so tickled with Macpherson s ingenuity, that they became sufficiently good-na tured to spare his surviving comrades, not from death, but from a long and pain ful journey to it. Torture w r as not in flicted upon the rest of the victims. In spite of the mishap in which the recklessness of his officers had involved him, Forbes persevered in his advance, and had the satisfaction of finding, on reaching Fort Du Quesne,that the French had fled. The British took possession of the deserted fort, with Washington and his " really fine corps" of Virgin ians among the first to plant the English flag, and called the place Pitts- burg, in honor of the great statesman who was now redeeming everywhere the glo ry of his country. Thus ended the cam paign of 1758. NOT, 25, pa COLONIAL. J CANADA TO BE CONQUERED. 107 CHAPTER XIII. Pitt determines to wrest America from the Dominion of France. Expedition to Canada, under Amherst. Its Failure. Johnson s Success at Niagara. Wolfe appointed to command the Expedition against Quebec. His Interview with Pitt Wolfe s Enthusiasm. His Better Qualities. Poet and Soldier. Honor and Piety. The Expedition sails. The Force. The Officers. The Voyage. Arrival on the American Coast. Off Quebec. Wolfe s Impetuosity of Temper. Promptitude of Action. Landing of a Small Detachment on the Island of Orleans. Audacity stronger than Numbers. The Whole Force debarked. Wolfe s Contemplation of the Scene of the Coming Struggle. His Reflections. A Storm, and an Overshadowed Heart. Clear Weather, and Bright Hope. A Nocturnal Incident. A Fire-ship in the Night. Wolfe s Proclamation. A Gentle Nature curdled by Blood. 1759, THE attention of England was now concentrated upon its Ameri can colonies. Pitt, encouraged by the triumphs which his active administration had succeeded in winning, and cheered by the sympathies of the whole British nation, resolutely bent all his energies toward wresting complete^ the domin ion of America from the grasp of France. The English Parliament seconded, almost with one mind, this spirited design of their leader, and, to carry it out, gener ously voted the large sum of two hun dred thousand pounds. The great object was, to conquer Canada ; and, with this purpose, he determined to send three ex peditions against those strongholds of French power in America Niagara, Montreal, and Quebec. Amherst, who had been so successful at Louisburg, was appointed commander- in-chief of the British forces in America, and ordered to advance toward Canada, by the northern lakes. He accordingly marched, with an immense force, and, al though with much toil, delay, and occa sional opposition, succeeded in possessing nimself of the two French forts of Ticon- deroga and Crown Point, and, after a most unaccountable procrastination, sailed at length to the north of Lake Champlain. The enemy had feared to meet the pre ponderating numbers of the English on their march ; and, as the latter came near Montreal, the inhabitants of that city, al though making every effort to prepare for resistance, were in a state of great alarm. The English, however, turned back again when within reach and almost certain of victory. The expedition against Niagara had, with the aid of Johnson and his Indian force, been successful, and that important position had surrendered also to the Eng lish. It was to Wolfe that Pitt intrusted the expedition against Quebec. In January, 1759, the young officer was gazetted a major-general, and given the command- in-chief of the troops destined for Canada Wolfe was now thirty-tw r o years of age. He is not described as being particularly well-favored in looks. His frame was meager, and indicative of a feeble const! tution. His features were sharp and an gular, his forehead receding, his complex ion coarse and freckled, and his hair red dish. His mouth, however, bore a refined 108 BATTLES OF AMERICA. ! PAKT I and gentle expression, while his large blue eyes beamed with intelligence and a sweet sensibility. His manner was not particularly engaging to strangers, but all who knew him well loved him well. He was frank and sincere. Warm in his af fections, and of a loving nature, he clung to his parents, and particularly to his mother, w r ith the devotion of a pure and fond heart. He was naturally domestic in his tastes, notwithstanding his military life, and in writing to his mother he says of himself: " I have a turn of mind that favors matrimony prodigiously; I love children, and think them necessary to people in their later days." He became enamored of a beautiful woman at an early age, but his love was not at first returned. Persisting, howev er, in his suit, he was finally accepted by Miss Lowther, a celebrated beauty (sub sequently the duchess of Bolton), whom he was to marry on his return from the Canadian expedition. He gave his be trothed, on his last farewell, a necklace of pearls. She wore it ever after, but, in a few months, always wrapped in Mack velvet. Wolfe was excitable in manner, and somewhat impetuous in temper. His na ture was an enthusiastic one, and he pur sued with ardor whatever touched his heart. His warmth occasionally caused those, who did not know him well, to doubt his discretion. A day or two after he had received his command, he dined with Pitt. After dinner, the subject of his expedition to Quebec naturally com ing up, Wolfe became so excited, that he sprang from his seat, strode about the room, flourishing his sword, and spoke of what he would do in such a boastful man ner, that Pitt was said to have been fright ened for a moment at having intrusted to apparently such a frivolous character so weighty a matter as the fate of na tions. Wolfe s mercurial temper was, howev er, balanced by a strong and well-culti vated intellect. He was fond of study, and, by diligent application, though most of his life had been spent in the camp, had become no mean scholar. He wrote both prose and verse with facility. That famous camp-song is his which still echoes in every tent where the British soldier is serving his country: " How stands the glass around ? For shame ! ye take no care, my boys, How stands the glass around ? Let mirtli and wine abound, The trumpets sound, The colors they are flying, boys : To fight, kill, or wound, May we still be found Content with our hard fate, my boys, On the cold ground ! " Why, soldiers, why, Should we be melancholy, boys ? Why, soldiers, why ? Whose business tis to die ! What, sighing ? fie ! Do n t fear, drink on ; be jolly, boys ! Tis he, you, or I ! Cold, hot, wet, or dry, We re always bound to follow, boys, And scorn to fly ! " Tis but in vain I mean not to upbraid you, boys T is but in vain For soldiers to complain: Should next campaign COLONIAL.] THE MAD WOLFE. 109 Send us to HIM who made us, boys, We re free from pain ! But, if we remain, A bottle and a kind landlady Cure all again !" Wolfe s affectionate and domestic na ture, in sympathy with the devotional sentiment of his pious mother, whom he so strongly loved, was religiously dis posed. He had even the reputation of being fanatical. A courtier remonstrated with the king on the appointment of Wolfe, saying, " He is mad" (meaning by "mad," over-religious). "If he be mad," replied the sovereign, " I wish he would bite some of my other generals !" Wolfe tells his mother, in a letter from Scot land : " I have observed your instructions so rigidly, that, rather than want the word, I got the reputation of being a very good Presbyterian, by frequenting the kirk of Scotland till our chapel opens." On the 14th of February, the British land-forces, under Wolfe, sailed for America. The transports which bore them were convoyed by a large English squadron, commanded by Saun- ders, " that admiral who was a pattern of most sturdy bravery united with the most unaffected modesty. No man said less or deserved more. Simplicity in his manners, generosity, and good nature, adorned his genuine love of his coun try." On the 21st of April, the whole armament arrived off Cape Breton, but could not enter the harbor of Louisburg, as was originally intended, in consequence of the large quantity of floating ice. They set sail for Halifax, in Nova Scotia, and 1759, anchored in that port. Here were now gathered a magnificent fleet of twenty two ships-of-the-line, five frigates, nine teen smaller vessels, and a crowd of trans ports, under the flag of Admiral Saunders. General Wolfe mustered eight thousand troops under his command. A detach ment of artillery and engineers, ten bat talions of infantry, and six companies of rangers, made up the whole force, which, however, was afterward increased by the addition of several companies from the garrison at Cape Breton, and which formed what was called the corps of Lou isburg grenadiers. " On board one of the ships," says Ban croft, " was Jervis, afterward Earl St. Vin cent; another which followed bore as mas ter James Cook, the navigator who was destined to explore and reveal the un known paths and thousand isles of the Pacific. The brigades had for their com manders the brave, open-hearted, and lib eral Robert Monckton, afterward govern or of New York and conqueror of Mar- tinico ; George Townshend, elder brother of Charles Townshend, soon to succeed his father in the peerage, and become known as a legislator for America, a man of quick perception but unsafe judgment; and the rash and inconsiderate Murray. For his adjutant-general Wolfe selected Isaac Barre, an old associate at Louis- burg ; an Irishman of humble birth, elo quent, ambitious, and fearless. The gren adiers of the army were formed into a corps, commanded by Colonel Guy Carle- ton. A detachment of light infantry were to receive orders from Lieutenant- Colonel, afterward Sir William* Howe." llu BATTLES OF AMERICA. |_PART 1 The ice having cleared, Admiral Saun- ders bore away for Louisburg. He de tached from his fleet, however, a small squadron, under Admiral Darrell,to inter cept the French vessels which were said to be making; their wav to the St. Law- O / rence, in order to carry relief to Quebec. On the arrival of the ships and troops in the harbor of Louisburg, the two com manders (Saunders and Wolfe) counselled together in regard to the plans of the proposed attack on Quebec ; and orders were soon after issued to all the vessels, in case of separation, to make Gaspe bay, in the gulf of St. Lawrence, the first, and the island of Bic, one hundred and fifty miles iip the river St. Lawrence, the sec ond rendezvous. All the forces, land and sea, were in a state of high confidence, and impatient for action. They were just ready to start, when bad news arrived. Darrell had lost his chance at the French squadron, which had given him the slip and sailed up the St. Lawrence. This, however disappoint ing, did not bate a jot of the confident enthusiasm which filled the heart of ev ery British soldier and sailor. On the 6th of June, as the splendid fleet cleared the dismal, snow-covered shores of Cape Breton, the troops drew up on the decks, and the crews manned the yards of each vessel, from the proudest ship-of-the-line to the humblest tender, and gave one shout of joyful hope of soon meeting the enemy. There was victory in the full sound of this burst of confident enthusi asm. The men relied upon their own strength and courage, and trusted in the skill of their leaders. Each tar knew Saunders to be every inch a sailor. No soldier doubted the courage and ability of young Wolfe. Affection, too, warmed the faith of every follower into devotion to his leaders. Saunders, and more espe cially Wolfe, were beloved b}^ their men. With fine weather and favorable winds the fleet moved on gallantly past New foundland, in its mantle of snow ; along the Bird islands, with a " ten-knot breeze ;" and, on the llth of June, came up with the Gaspe headland. One frigate, how ever, had pushed on ahead. the Richmond, which bore the impatient Wolfe, and which with his eagerness to be foremost he had selected as the fastest in the fleet. On the 13th of June, the dangers of the island of Anticosti, lying threateningly at the mouth of the gulf of St. Lawrence, were safely passed ; and, on the 18th, the fleet came to anchor not far from the island of Bic. At this point, although the ships had " kept well together," the Richmond, with Wolfe aboard, had already arrived-, having been to this moment far in ad vance of all the rest. The fleet moved on again the next day. There was a calm off the mouth of the Saguenay, where there was some danger of wreck to the small vessels from the current-drifts, but from which they were fortunately relieved by the evening wind blowing off the land ; there was a cap ture of a French vessel, with a distin guished lady belonging to the family of the marquis de Vaudreuil, governor of Canada, and some nuns, all of whom were most courteously treated, and sent to Quebec ; and nothing more of incident until the whole fleet came to anchor in COLONIAL.] WOLFE BEHOLDS QUEBEC. Ill the evening of the 23d of June, off the village of St. Joseph. Here there was a slight brush with the enemy. Some sur- v ; ey-boats were shot at by the inhabitants, and the English took summary revenge with a company of grenadiers, who, with lire and slaughter, laid waste the Cana dian hamlet. On the 26th of June, the whole fleet of men-of-war and transports anchored off the island of Orleans, from which could be distinctly seen the lofty cliffs of jag ged slate on which QUEBEC stood, with its citadel grimly defiant. Wolfe s love of action for, although judicious, he was impetuously prompt would not allow him to waste a moment. He ordered his troops at once to make ready to land ; and on the very first night he sent a small reconnoitring force of forty rangers, un der the command of a lieutenant, to make their way silently to the island, and gain what intelligence they could. The ran gers landed cautiously and without ob servation, but, in groping their way qui etly over the ground, came suddenly upon a large number of the inhabitants, busily engaged in burying in the earth their valuables, to secure them against the invaders. The British officer looked somewhat aghast at the overpowering crowd, but, finding that his only safety was in audacity, boldly confronted them, and began at once an onslaught. The Canadians struggled manfully for awhile, but, fearful of a larger body of the ene my in reserve, soon gave way and fled. The English were too glad at their happy escape, to risk anything by pur suit, and, quietly making their way to a neighboring farmhouse, rested there un til the next morning. During the night all the inhabitants made their escape, leaving the island in possession of the lieutenant and his twoscore of rangers. They were, however, soon joined by the whole of Wolfe s troops, who landed early in the day. The boats had made for a cove, and the men landed on a spot near a church, on the walls of which the priest had reverently inscribed an appeal " to the worthy officers of the British army," invoking them to spare the holy edifice and its sacred altars. The church was spared. While the men encamped on the beau tiful island, and, when off duty, lingered with delight over its fertile fields and rich gardens, all in the freshness and bloom of early summer, their anxious command er was thoughtful only of duty. His first impulse was to make his way, in compa ny with the chief-engineer and an escort, to the farthest west of the island, that he might look upon the scene of the great work in which his whole mind was now absorbed. "A magnificent but disheartening scene lay before him," says Warburton. " On the summit of the highest eminence, over the strait in the great river from whence the basin before him opened, the French flag waved. The crest of the rocky height was crowned with formidable works, re doubted and flanked. On every favora ble spot, above, below, or on the rugged ascent, were batteries bristling with guns. This stronghold formed the right flank of a position eight miles in extent ; the falls and the deep and rapid stream of 112 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART i. the Montmorenci was the left. The shoals and rocks of the St. Lawrence pro tected the broad front ; and the rich val ley of the St. Charles, with the prosper ous and beautiful villages of Charlesburg and Beauport, gave shelter and hospitali ty in the rear. A crested bank of some height over the great river marked the main line of the defences from east to west ; parapets, flanked at every favora ble spot, aided their natural strength. Crowded on the embattled bank, swarm ing in the irregular village-streets, and formed in masses on the hills beyond, were twelve thousand French and Cana dian troops, led* by the gallant Mont- calm." Wolfe looked on with momentary feel ings of despair ; and, as he gazed, ponder ing upon the undertaking which loomed in such immensity before his imagination, there came up a heavy cloud, which had gathered over the city, and now burst in a violent storm over his head. The hur ricane blew with great fury ; and, as the lightning flashed, the terrible effects of the raging wind were visible. The fleet of vessels were in a state of great com motion, being thrown about almost at the mercy of the agitated waters. The iron chains which moored the transports were rent in twain as if they had been of straw; the small boats were reft from their moor ings, and dashed in useless wrecks upon the shore ; and the great ships-of-the-line could hardly hold to their heavy anchors. Wolfe, almost overwhelmed with what appeared to be an omen of fatal disaster to his great enterprise, turned away from the melancholy scene in deep thought, full of sad presage for the future. His mind, however, soon turned in retrospect to the land he had left, and to that coun try which had intrusted him with the guardianship of its glory. Other feelings now stirred his heroic soul ; despair and irresolution gave way to hope and firmness. He had promised that "no dangers or difficulties should discourage him," and he now determined that none should. As the calm self-reli ance which belongs to genius settled up on his mind, and all the disordered fan cies which had momentarily vexed his thoughts were scattered, Nature, as if in sympathy with the noble Wolfe, became also lulled to quiet. The storm passed suddenly away ; and, as night darkened, all was in repose, with but a star here and there gently twinkling a faint light. The British soldiers now encamped, and all soon were sleeping on their arms, except the watchful sentinels who passed to and fro along the shore. As the night advanced, the darkness deepened, and the quiet became more still. Nothing was heard but the ripple of the water, and nothing seen but the waving glim mer of scarcely a star, here and there, in the slight surf -where the waves beat at the feet of the sentinels. Some dark ob jects appear suddenly, however, like black clouds, floating on the surface of the riv er. Those on the watch are bewildered as they look upon the strange phenome non, and exchange whispering words of surprise and doubt. In a moment, before the sentinels have decided to arouse the drowsy camp, there burst from those dark objects, which had now floated, with the COLONIAL.] A PANIC. 113 tide, into the neighborhood of the an chored fleet, a terrible volley of hissing bombs., rattling muskets, and booming cannon. Louder and more frequent was heard the noisy cannonade ; nearer and nearer approached the dreaded objects. Now, in an instant, when almost within reach of the English fleet, the mystery was revealed by one burst of lurid light. The sentries did not pause to look, where all was now as bright as noonday, but turned and fled in fright toward the camp, arousing every soldier in confused alarm. The whole army was panic-stricken, and each affrighted man wandered about, lost in bewilderment, and regardless of disci pline and order. Some officers, more cool than their comrades, hurried to the farthest extrem ity of the island looking toward Quebec. Here, in the blaze of light, which threw its bright glare over the whole scene, they could see that the cause of the com motion was the appearance of a number of fire-ships, which the enemy had sent down to destroy the English fleet. The contrivance had failed, for the " diaboli cal machines" had blazed prematurely, and thus failed of their intended effect. Admiral Saunders had coolly, but with bated breath, watched the threatening approach ; and when he saw that the fire- ships, from the premature discharge of their explosives, had been deprived of their chief means of injury, he coolly or dered out boats to grapple with them, and tow them far out of reach of harm to his fleet. Order in the course of the night was restored to the camp on the island of Or- 15 leans. Next day, before commencing a systematic attack, Wolfe sent forth to the inhabitants of Canada this proclamation "WE HAVE A POWERFUL ARMAMENT. W ARE SENT BY THE ENGLISH KING TO CONQUER THIS PROVINCE, BUT NOT TO MAKE WAR UPON WOMEN AND CHILDREN, THE MINISTERS OF RELI GION, OR INDUSTRIOUS PEASANTS. WE LAMENT THE SUFFERINGS WHICH OUR INVASION MAY IN FLICT UPON YOU ; BUT, IF YOU REMAIN NEUTER, WE PROFFER YOU SAFETY IN PERSON AND PROP ERTY, AND FREEDOM IN RELIGION. WE ARE MASTERS OF THE RIVER : NO SUCCOR CAN REACH YOU FROM FRANCE. GENERAL AMHERST, WITH A LARGE ARMY, ASSAILS YOUR SOUTHERN FRON TIER. YOUR CAUSE IS HOPELESS, YOUR VALOR USELESS. YOUR NATION HAVE BEEN GUILTY OF GREAT CRUELTIES TO OUR UNPROTECTED SET TLERS ; BUT WE SEEK NOT REVENGE : WE OFFER YOU THE SWEETS OF PEACE AMID THE HORRORS OF WAR. ENGLAND, IN HER STRENGTH, WILL BEFRIEND YOU : FRANCE, IN HER WEAKNESS, LEAVES YOU TO YOUR FATE." This was a clever production, undoubt edly from Wolfe s own pen. Nothing could have been more judiciously word ed ; but its author hardly expected any other effect from it than it produced. It was more for the purpose, as is usual with military conquerors, to give a coloring of right and a tone of confidence to his new enterprise, than to persuade those to whom it was addressed to forsake their own country in its adversity, and to em brace with affection that country s bitter est enemy. The proclamation was met, on the side of the French, by an earnest appeal to the Canadians from their priests, to fight for their faith, against the heretic 114 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART i. English ; and counter-manifestoes from O / the fierce Montcalm, containing some ter rible threats against traitors. The Canadians, of course, remained faithful to their country, and proved their devotion by liberal contributions of men and means to the cause. More than this : they became so ferocious in their enmity, that they joined with the Indians in in flicting savage cruelties upon all the Eng lish who fell into their hands. Wolfe ap pealed to the humanity of Montcalm, to stop these atrocities ; but the French gen eral could not, or would not. The almost feminine sensibility of the brave and hu mane Wolfe was so far worked into a fer mentation of cruel anger by the result of his appeal to the humanity of Mont- calm, that he issued this order: "THE GENERAL STRICTLY FORBIDS THE IN HUMAN PRACTICE OF SCALPING, except WHERE THE ENEMY ARE INDIANS OR CANADIANS DRESSED LIKE INDIANS." Such is war, that even the gentlest spirit is curdled into cruel rage by its touch of blood ! CHAPTER XIV. The British Fleet draws nigh Quebec. Point Levi taken. De Vaudreuil and Montcalm quarrel. The French strive ii drive away the British Fleet. Quebec not yet taken. Wolfe s First Manoeuvres. The British Rangers in the Forest. Pursued by the Savages. The Murder of the Innocents. Failure of Wolfe on the Montmorenci. De Chassier a Night-Attack. Its Catastrophe. Admiral Holmes moves his Ships farther up the St. Lawrence. Consternation of the French. Wolfe takes a Survey, and does not admire the Prospect of the Heights of Quebec. Wolfe s Second Attempt and Failure. A Touching Incident. Ochterlony and Peyton, the Two Friends. Escape from the Savages Death of Ochterlony, and Safety of Peyton. Wolfe unsuccessful, but not despondent. News from Johnson and Amherst, and its Effect. Wolfe s Illness. The General commands, and forms Plans, on his Sick-Bed. A French Priest arouses his Flock to Action. Mutual Barbarity. 1759, ADMIRAL SAUNDERS, made aware by the effects of the storm, from which his ships had so greatly suffered, of their insecurity, was now anxious to move them from the channel between the island of Orleans and the south shore, where they were moored, to the safer an chorage of the " Basin," facing the city. Point Levi, however, which commanded the place to which he proposed to take the fleet, was held by the enemy, with a considerable force of artillery, by which they could keep up an annoying fire. Monckton was accordingly ordered by Wolfe to pass over from the island of Orleans with his brigade, and drive away the French from the point. After some difficulty, and two or three repulses, Monckton finally succeeded in his object, and the village of Levi fell into his pos session. The Canadian troops and Indi ans were forced to fly, and, crossing the St. Lawrence, took refuge within the walls of Quebec. The loss of Point Levi was severely felt by Montcalm, who had, with his usual judgment, early discovered the impor tance of the position, and had strongly COLONIAL. J CAPTURE OF POINT LEVI. urged upon the marquis de Vaudreuil the necessity of so strengthening it as to resist any attempt of the English. The governor had, however, obstinately ob jected ; and when the result that Montr calm had feared occurred, and the town of Levi was taken by his enemy, he was so vexed, that he never forgave De Vau dreuil. From that time, the two were no longer friends. This quarrel fatally interfered with the success of the French arms. The English, once in possession of Point Levi, began to fortify it with batteries, placed upon various elevations which commanded Quebec ; and were able, al though the distance across the river was three quarters cf a mile, to throw a dam aging fire upon the city. The French for awhile made a useless effort to dis lodge Monckton s force, by means of float ing batteries moored in the river; but they were soon silenced by the guns of one of Saunders s frigates, sent to drive away the annoyance. Wolfe daily increased his fortifications on Point Levi, and continued to fire with great effect upon the city. With red-hot balls and bombshells he succeeded in set ting fire to over forty houses in one night, destroying the greater part of the lower town, and so angering the inhabitants, that they volunteered to cross the St. Lawrence in a body and drive away the invaders. This was, however, but a tem porary fit of enthusiasm ; and the citizens, becoming more discreet, thought better of their rash determination, and retired from their ruined habitations to the se curity of the citadel, which, perched on July 9, the heights, the English guns could not reach. The British had now been a fortnight before Quebec ; and, although they had made good their possession of the St. Lawrence, and had suc ceeded in keeping up a brisk fire from the Point-Levi batteries, no impression had been made upon the citadel itself, and the object of the expedition seemed almost as remote from accomplishment as ever. Wolfe now determined upon a plan of operations by which he hoped to get at the enemy more effectually. Montcalm had extended his camp from the citadel, along the northern bank of the St. Law rence, as far as the river and falls of Montmorenci. Wolfe proposed to land his forces on the side of this river and these falls opposite to the farthest east ern extremity of the French encamp ment. In order to divert the enemy, while Wolfe was engaged in crossing the St. Lawrence to the Montmorenci, the smaller vessels of the fleet were worked in close to the northern shore, and began to play their guns upon the French, and with such success, that they were forced to draw back their troops from the bor der of the river to the higher ground behind. Monckton, too, was ordered to make a diversion, on Point Levi, toward Quebec. He accordingly sent out a small compa ny of his rangers, under Lieutenant Rog ers, to prepare the way for a larger move ment on the southern shore of the river. The rangers pushed on with such zeal, that they got lost in the thick woods, 11C BATTLES OF AMERICA. LPATT and, night coming on, were forced to pass it in the forest, sleeping on their arms. Next morning, while making their way to Monckton s camp, they observed, in some rising smoke, signs of habitation, and accordingly, having cautiously ad vanced, came upon a log-house, where they found a Canadian settler and his three children, the eldest of whom was less than fifteen years. They were taken captive, and were being led back to the camp, when suddenly the whoop of the Indian sounded upon their ears, and they discovered that a large body of these sav ages were close upon their track. There was no hope now but in conceal ment and flight. The rangers, skilled in forest-warfare, plunged at once into the woods, and strove to dodge the Indian pur suit amonff the trees and undergrowth. O O They moved on with the greatest possi ble haste, dragging their prisoners with them, and endeavored to keep so silent as not to be heard by the savages, who were beating the woods like so many bloodhounds. Silence, however, was im possible. The Canadian father and his eldest son were readily kept quiet ; but the two younger children, who w T ere al most infants, kept up such a continual cry of fear and anguish, that it was found impossible to stop them. Threats were tried in vain, and persuasions were found equally useless. They were urged by Lieutenant Rogers to leave him, and find their way home ; but they would not be entreated, and continued their lamenta tions, so that the woods rang with their cries. The savages, guided by the noise, were fast approaching. Rogers was al most in despair. His only hope was now in a terrible sacrifice. The children must be silenced ; and silenced they were, by death ! A sword was plunged into the heart of each of the innocents, and their bodies cast aside, to be eaten by the wolves. Rogers now succeeded in reach ing Monckton s camp in safety with all his rangers and the bereaved remnant of his prisoners. Wolfe succeeded without difficulty in conveying a large force from the island of Orleans to the opposite bank of the river, and there encamped them. The river and the falls of Montmorenci were now between him and the enemy : he was on the east side of the stream, whose course is north and south, and they on the west. The falls, with a descent of three hundred feet, and the rapids of the river, near where Wolfe was encamped, formed an impassable barrier between the two camps. The ground which the English, after a slight struggle with the Indians and bush-rangers, now held, was in a commanding position, and so lofty, that from its cliffs the eye readily looked down within the intrenchments of the enemy on the opposite side. A crossing- place was now searched for, and a ford found some three miles distant from the mouth of the Montmorenci. But the French side was so well protected by the natural barriers of precipice and throng ing woods, and the strong intrenchments which the alert Montcalm had thrown up, that it seemed almost impracticable to attempt it. Several efforts were, not withstanding, made which, however, were repulsed each time by a murderous COLONIAL.] THE FLEET ASCENDS THE ST. LAWRENCE. 117 fire from the Indians hidden in the forest covert. Wolfe now abandoned for ever all hope of crossing at that point. Montcalm became confident and more daring when he found Wolfe s plan had failed ; and, believing that the English had made a fatal error in dividing their force, tried to profit by it. He accord ingly sent a body of troops from Quebec to the south bank of the St. Lawrence, to the west of Point Levi, where Monck- ton was encamped, and gave orders for a night-attack. Wolfe, hearing of this movement, made his way across at once, and took command in person of the troops in Monckton s camp. Not conscious of the dangers which were pressing to over whelm them in the darkness, the British soldiers threw themselves down, after a day s hard duty at the w T orks, and now lay in profound repose. Two thousand French, Canadians, and savages, as soon as the shades of evening had begun to fall, took up their silent march. De Chassier, a brave man, lord of the domain of Point Levi, and familiar with every landmark and forest-path, led the force. This was separated, as it ap proached the British camp, into two di visions. One was sent in advance, and the other followed at some distance in the rear. As the first proceeded through the wood in the increasing darkness, the men became suddenly alarmed, and fled back in confusion. The other division oming up, and hearing the approaching footsteps of their retreating comrades, took them for the enemy, and commenced a deadly fire, which was returned ; and the awful mistake was not discovered until seventy had been killed, and both parties had been put to flight in opposite directions ! The only result of this un fortunate expedition was this sad suici dal slaughter. While the British troops were busily engaged on Point Levi and the bank of the Montmorenci, in throwing up their intrenchments, Wolfe continued active in studying the defences of the enemy, and the natural position of the surrounding country. A portion of the fleet, under Admiral Holmes, having been moved du ring the night, much to the surprise and alarm of the inhabitants of Quebec, up the St. Lawrence, and even beyond that city, where they were anchored, Wolfe seized the opportunity of taking a survey of the northern bank of the river, to the west of the town. He accordingly took a barge and pushed off from the shore to the nearest ship in the stream. The barge was observed, and immediately the enemy s guns began to play upon her; but she happily succeeded, with only the loss of her mast, in carrying her precious freight to the safe guardianship of a sev enty-four. Wolfe did not like the look of things above Quebec. The northern banks of the St. Lawrence rose in rugged precipices from the shore, there as else where, about the site of the formidable citadel. Moreover, the French had de fended the approach by intrenchments and a strong battery at Sillery, which crowned the high ground of the northern shore of the river. Wolfe, therefore, for the present, turned his attention else where. Near where the Montmorenci empties 118 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART i. into the St. Lawrence, the stream, after its turbulent course over the falls and rapids, becomes smooth, and at low tide go shallow, that it can in some places be crossed on foot. Montcalm, conscious of the natural facilities here for the approach of the enemy, had fortified the place with a redoubt below the bank ; while the bank itself rose so precipitately, and was so strongly intrenched, that even if an op posing force should succeed in gaining the shore, they would have a tough work before them in an attempt to scale the precipitous heights in the very mouths of a threatening battery. Wolfe, how ever, growing impatient as he had al ready been five weeks before Quebec, and had done nothing to satisfy the impulsive energies of his restless spirit was now resolved upon the desperate undertaking of throwing his troops across to this very point, so strongly resisting, and present ing so little hope, even to the most dar ing and resolute. The general, notwith standing, undertook it, and failed. The brigades succeeded in getting across from the opposite side of the Montmorenci, and Monckton s force landed in fine or der from Point Levi. But the grenadiers were in too great a hurry, and, pushing with too much eagerness for the intrench- ments, were repulsed, and came flying back in disorder; although Monckton s men, with admirable coolness, formed and held the ground where they had landed, and thus prevented a precipitate and con fused retreat. The attack had been de layed by the grounding of some of the boats. Night was now approaching, and the tide rising fast; so Wolfe withdrew his men, and give up the attempt as fu tile. In this unfortunate repulse, there oc curred an incident which so beautifully illustrates the manly affection of comrade for comrade, and affords so bright a rev elation of the gentle goodness of brave hearts, while even steeled to the cruel duties of war, that we interweave with heightened pleasure this pure page of brotherly feeling with the leaves of the " Battles of America," stained as they are by fratricidal blood : Captain Ochterlony and Ensign Pey ton belonged to the regiment of Royal Americans. They were nearly of an age. which did not exceed thirty. The first was a North Briton, the other a native of Ireland. Both were agreeable in per son and unblemished in character, and connected together by the ties of mutual friendship and esteem. On the day that preceded the attempt which \ve have just related, Captain Ochterlony had been obliged to fight a duel with one of the German officers of the mercenary troops employed under Wolfe, in which, though he wounded and disarmed his antagonist, yet he himself received a dangerous hurt under the right arm, in consequence of which his friends insisted on his remain ing in camp during the action of the fol lowing day. But his spirit was too great to comply with this remonstrance. He declared it should never be said that " a scratch," received in a private rencounter had prevented him from doing his dutj when his country required his service ; and he took the field, though he was hardly able to carry his arms. In lead- COLONIAL.] PEYTON AND OCHTERLONY. 119 ing up his men to the enemy s intrench- ments, he was shot through the lungs with a musket-ball ; but he still contin ued advancing, until, by the loss of blood, he became too weak to proceed farther. About the same time, Mr. Peyton was lamed by a shot, which shattered the small bone of his left leg. The soldiers, in their retreat, earnestly begged, with tears in their eyes, that Captain Ochter- lony w r ould allow them to carry him and the ensign off the field. Mr. Peyton, with a generous disdain, rejected their good offices, declaring that he would not leave his captain in such a situation; and in a little time they remained the sole survi vors on that part of the field. Captain Ochterlony sat down by his friend; and, as they expected nothing but immediate death, they took leave of each other. Yet they did not altogether lose hope of protection as prisoners ; for the captain, seeing a French soldier with two Indians approach, started up and ac costed them in the French tongue, which he perfectly understood, and expressed his expectation that he and his compan ion would be treated as officers and gen tlemen. The Frenchman, however, came up to Mr. Peyton, as he lay upon the ground, and snatched his laced hat from him, and robbed Ochterlony of his watch and money. This outrage was a signal to the Indians, who seemed to be entire ly under the control of the French mis creant, to begin. Accordingly, one of these savages struck at the captain be hind with the buti>end of his musket, but, missing his head, at which he armed, the blow fell upon his shoulder. At the same moment the other Indian, with his muzzle to the breast of the unfortunate Ochter lony, poured its contents into his chest. " Peyton," cried out the captain, " the villain has shot me !" The savage, not yet satiated in his cruelty, then sprang upon him and stabbed him in the belly with his tomahawk. The captain was without a single weapon of defence. The Frenchman and his associate savages now strove to strangle him with his own sash ; and he seemed completely at their mer cy, struggling upon his knees with all his might. Peyton, observing the position of his friend, lifted himself from the ground, and, levelling his double-barrelled mus ket, brought one of the savages down, who fell dead upon the spot. The sur viving Indian now made for Peyton, who seeing the savage coming, fired with a sure aim his second barrel at him, but apparently without effect. The Indian then returned the fire, which wounded Peyton in the shoulder ; and, to complete his bloody work, rushed upon him and thrust his bayonet through his body. The young English officer was, however, not yet despatched ; and, as a second at tempt was being made with the bayonet, he seized the musket of the Indian, and, dragging him close to him, succeeded in drawing the dagger at his side, and plunged it into his antagonist. Now en sued a fierce struggle for life or death ; but Peyton managed to get the better of the Indian, and with another thrust with the poniard the savage rolled over, and, with one last agony, breathed no more. At this moment the young British officer 120 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART .. was seized with an uncontrollable curi osity to find out whether his shot, which had seemed to be a sure one, had taken effect. On stripping the blanket off the dead body of the savage, he discovered that his ball had passed quite through the chest ! Peyton now managed to raise himself on one leg, and to hobble toward the place where he saw his friend Ochterlony standing up, with the Frenchman at his side, not far from the French battery. " Captain, I am glad to see," cried out his friend, " that you have at last got under protection ; but beware of that villain with you, who is more barbarous than the savages themselves ! God bless you, my dear fellow ! I see some Indians coming this way, and expect to be murdered im mediately." The Indians were, indeed, coming some thirty of them who, having left off pillaging and scalping the dead who had fallen in the late unfortunate attempt, were now making for Peyton. He, dis abled as he was, made a run for life, but had not proceeded far, when he found himself unable to continue his flight. He now came to a stop, and had just loaded his musket, when two of the Indians, ahead of their fellow-savages, came al most within range of his lire ; but, as he aimed at them, they suddenly paused, awaiting the coming up of the others. The French, in the meantime, began to play with their cannon and musketry up on the poor, solitary, and maimed Pey ton ! This was his almost hopeless posi tion, when he caught a sight in the dis tance of a Highland officer, to whom he waved his hand, in signal of distress. It was fortunately noticed, and three men were immediately sent to his aid. The three British soldiers, in spite of a terrible fire, succeeded in reaching Pey ton, and one of them bore him off on his shoulders. The Highland officer was his kinsman, and, having heard that Peyton had dropped on the field, had come out with a party ; and, driving off the oppo sing French and savages, had thus suc ceeded in bringing him rescue, and car rying him off in triumph. Ochterlony was conveyed as a prisoner to Quebec, where he soon after died of his wounds the surgeons declaring that he might have recovered of the two shots in his breast, if it had not been for the fatal plunge of the savage s tomahawk in the belly. * The failure at the Montmorenci so wrought upon the sensitive nature of Wolfe, and his feeble constitution had been so broken by fatigue and exposure, that he now fell ill, and was prostrate in his camp with fever and dysentery. His proud soul recognised death alone as the alternative of conquest ; and, while there was life, he resolutely strove for victory. He now, stretched as he was on the bed of sickness, bated not a jot of his energy and resolute courage. He issued his or ders with his usual promptness, and ex ercised his command with the same strict ness of discipline. The impetuous rush of the grenadiers had lost the day, and he now sternly rebuked them : " The check which the grenadiers met * Smollett tells this story, and we have repeated it very nearly in his own words. COLONIAL.] ILLNESS OF WOLFE. 121 with will, it is hoped," said Wolfe, " be a lesson to them for the time to come. Such impetuous, irregular, and unsoldier- like proceedings, destroy all order, and put it out of the general s power to exe cute his plans. The grenadiers could not suppose that they alone could beat the French army ; therefore it was necessary the corps under Brigadiers Townshend and Monckton should have time to join them, that the attack might be general. The very first fire of the enemy was suf ficient to have repulsed men who had lost all sense of order and military disci pline. Amherst s and the Highland regi ment, by the soldierlike and cool manner in which they formed, would undoubted ly have beaten back the whole Canadian army if they had ventured to attack them. The loss, however, is very inconsiderable, and may be easily repaired when a favor able opportunity offers, if the men will show a proper attention to their offi cers." Wolfe, however, was not the man to linger despondingly upon the errors of the past. His impulsive spirit was ever looking forward with hope to the future, and his sense of duty prompted him to act as long as there was any chance of doing something for the cause to which he had pledged his service and his honor. There was no hesitation in his conduct ; and he promptly sent Murray, immedi ately after the repulse on the Montmo- renci, with twelve hundred men, to aid Admiral Holmes in effecting a landing- above Quebec. Little, however, was ac complished by this movement, as Mont- calm had so strongly fortified every point, 16 and so diligently guarded against sur prise, that it was found impossible to do more than destroy the small village of Dechambaultin the course of the passage up the river. Some prisoners of distinc tion were here taken, and letters found upon them, which gave the first informa tion of the success of Amherst at Crown Point, and that of Johnson at Niagara. This news was brought back by Murray exultingly, with the hope of cheering his general ; Wolfe, however, derived but lit- tie comfort from the intelligence, as he saw at once that there was no hope now of aid from either Johnson or Amherst, so dilatory had been their progress. Wolfe now became so ill, that he could no longer bear the daily presence of his officers ; but his mind continually dwelt upon the great undertaking, the fate of which rested on him alone. He devised plans of attack, and from his bed dictated their several details, with this general letter to his brigadiers : " That the public service may not suf fer from the general s indisposition, he begs the brigadiers will meet and con sult together for the public utility and advantage, and consider of the best meth od to attack the enemy. " If the French army be attacked and defeated, the general concludes that the town would immediately surrender, be cause he does not find that they have any provision in that place. " The general is of opinion that the army should be attacked in preference to the place, because of the difficulties of penetrating from the lower to the upper town ; in which attempt neither the guns 122 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART i of the shipping nor of our own batteries could be of much use." Wolfe s plans, which accompanied this letter, were all in accordance with his view of attacking the army and not the citadel based upon operations against the French encampment extending along the northern shore from the city of Que bec to the river Montmorenci. The brig adiers met and deliberated, and finally determined on another and bolder pro ject, said to have been suggested* by Colonel George Townshend, that heroic officer who had abandoned rank, position, parliamentary influence, and the endear ments of domestic life, to share in the hardships and dangers of the American campaign. Wolfe did not hesitate to adopt the daring suggestion of his infe rior in command, and now bent all his energies to crown it with triumph. The whole army welcomed the pros pect of some decisive action. They had been harassed by the irregular warfare with the Indians and Canadians, who were constantly provoking them into skirmish es, which merely fevered cruelty with a thirst for blood, and brought them no nearer to the settlement of the great struggle. The Christian soldier was laps ing into the barbarity of the heathen sav age. In fact, the cdnversion would seem already to have been made. For exam ple : A French priest armed some eighty * YVarburton. of his flock, and fortified himself in a large stone-house, about ten miles east ward of the British camp at Montmoren ci. Thence he sent a message, challen ging to combat, an English detachment posted in his neighborhood. At the same time, with eccentric French courtesy, he sent a polite invitation to the English commander to do him the honor of dining with him, offering him a safe-conduct for the occasion. The invitation was cour teously refused. Soon after, a company of light-troops, with a fieldpiece, was sent against the belligerent French priest and his flock. The English placed themselves in a wood near by, and by a stratagem succeeded in enticing the. French out of their fortified house ; and, surrounding some thirty of them, killed and scalped the whole, including the gallant priest That the victims were disguised as Indi ans, was pleaded as an excuse for the savage cruelty with which they were treated!* With such unholy and unsatisfactory warfare to noble spirits, it was not sur prising that the whole army was eager for a change. The soldiers, too, suffered from hardships and want of provisions. Horseflesh had already been served out as occasional rations. Moreover, two months had been passed in vain, and all felt the impatience which awaits imsatr isfied expectation. * Warburton. COLONIAL.] WOLFE S DISCOURAGEMENT. 123 CHAPTER XV. Wolfe s Letter to Pitt. The Great Commoner s Dismay. Walpole s Babble. Townshend suggests a Plan for the Cam paign. Wolfe adopts it. Reconnoitres the Heights. Finds a Place of Landing. Wolfe s Cove. The Army kept in Ignorance. The Wisdom of the Caution. A Deserter from the French. The Enemy losing Heart. Montealm writes despairingly to Count Mole. His Remarkable Prophecy. The British proceed to the Attack. Wolfe s Night- Sail. His Song. The Plan of the Attack. Wolfe and Gray s Elegy. Wolfe on the Shore. The British on the Heights of Abraham. Montealm doubtful. Assured at last. The Battle. Gallantry on Both Sides. Wolfe falls. The British victorious. Wolfe dies " happy." De Bougainville blusters loudly, and flies. Montcalm s Heroic Death. News of the Victory reaches England. Joy and Sorrow. Honor to the Brave. End of the Canadian Campaign. 1750, WOLFE, after several weeks of ill ness, had sufficiently recovered his strength to present himself again to his troops. He showed, as always, the same undaunted air of confidence to his sol diers, cheering them by his inspiriting words, and encouraging them by his self- reliant example. His tone, however, to the British government was more dis trustful. "I am so far recovered," he wrote, " as to do business ; but my con stitution is entirely ruined, without the consolation of having done any consid erable service to the state, or without any prospect of it." Pitt was dismayed at these despairing words, and began to tremble for the glory of his country, and to fear lest he had intrusted it to the guardianship of feeble hands. The unfa vorable news began to circulate in Lon don, and its great people to quake with fear. Walpole caught up the echo from the aristocratic circle which gathered about the personages of state, and re peated it in a gossiping letter : " In short, you must not," he says, "be surprised that we have failed at Quebec, as we cer tainly shall How this little army will get away from a much larger, and in this season, and in that country, I don t guess yes, I do." Walpole s "guess," which was sure, in accordance with his small, tittle-tattle spirit, to take a mean direc tion, was very far from doing justice to the great character of Wolfe. Walpole "guessed" that the British would run away ! The plan which Wolfe had adopted, at the suggestion of Townshend, was to con vey a large force above the town, and thus draw Montealm from his citadel to an open fight. This was the general de sign : the details were now to be settled. Wolfe allowed no weakness or tardy convalescence to interfere with the activ ity of his movements. He started him self at once on board one of the frigates in Admiral Holmes s squadron, and, sail ing up the stream, landed in a cove on the northern bank of the St. Lawrence, three miles above Quebec, while the men-of-war diverted with a busy fire the various French batteries, and covered the landing of the general and his brigadiers who accompanied him. The place where they had driven in the boat was slightly hollowed out in the course of that great volcanic movement Sept, 9, 124 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART which, ages ago, had reft in two the land, and made way for the rush of the waters, which now calmly flow, in the beautiful river St. Lawrence, between its rugged banks of slate. The place has ever since been called " Wolfe s Cove." From the scant spot of alluvial shore where Wolfe landed, there led up the precipice, which frowned high above, a narrow and wind ing way to the summit. Once at the top, the ground becomes almost like a table land, and stretches with but gentle ele vations to the walls of Quebec, which stands upon a part of this high level, and defiantly from its guarded height, raised upon steep sides of stone, would seem to scorn all invaders. Wolfe resolved upon taking his troops up the path at the foot of which he had landed, and which led to the " Plains of Abraham," as the level land at the top of the headlong cliff was called. This was such a daring resolve so hazardous, so remote from probability and apparent possibility that even Montcalm, with all his vigilant foresight, could not anti cipate it. Secrecy was absolutely neces sary, and it was therefore determined to land the troops in the dead of night, Wolfe took great care to keep his own counsel ; and, although he at once made active and thorough preparations for car rying out his design, he let no word es cape, by which the precise object of his operations might be known to the sol diers, and his plans thus exposed to the chance of reaching the enemy through a deserter. In his orders to the troops, he spoke of their embar kation and disembarkation, specifying Sept, 11, the hours of the night ; and directed the men to be quite silent, and not on any account, when about to land, to fire from the boats. He said nothing, however about the specific object of his design, but confined himself to the general order to " the army to hold themselves in readi ness to land and attack the enemy." Wolfe s caution was wise ; for, on the very morning which preceded the night of his proposed attempt, one of his soldiers deserted to the ene my. Knowing nothing, however, this fel low had nothing to communicate to the French. One of Montcalm s regulars, who in his turn deserted to the English camp, had more to say. From him it was learned that the French general believed the attack would only be made on the Montmorenci side, and accordingly still kept his main force below the town ; that a large detachment of troops had been sent off (thus weakening the garrison of Quebec) to meet Amherst, whose success at Crown Point, and that of Johnson at Niagara, had greatly alarmed the Canar dians ; that M. de Bougainville, with fifteen hundred men, was watching the move ments of the British fleet above the town ; and, finally, that the French were in great want of provisions, and much disheart ened. The French had too much occasion to lose heart. The British fleet rode in their waters, in triumphant mastery of the St. Lawrence, cutting oft all hope of aid by sea. Amherst and Johnson threatened the Canadian frontier by land. And, worse than all, the able Montcalm was thwarted by the obstinate resistance to OOLONIAL.J THE LAST ORDERS. 125 his plans by the less capable De Vau- dreuil. " You have sold your country !" cried out the general, in excited rage against the governor ; " but while I live," added the resolute Montcalm, " I will not deliver it up !" He wrote, almost in the bitterness of despair, to M. de Mole, presi dent of the Parliament of France : " The enemy are in a condition to offer battle when they please, and I can not refuse them, although I shall be beaten. My Canadians, without discipline, and deaf to the call of the drum, will fly at the first charge ; and what will be left for me, but to be overwhelmed without a resource ? Such is my position a posi tion so terrible for a general, that it gives me some awful moments of reflection ! But, come what will, be assured I shall not survive the loss of the colony. There are times when all that is left for a gen eral is to die with honor." He then " con soles" himself, as he declares, with a re markable prophecy of the fatality which should attend British dominion by the conquest of Canada : " I shall console my self, writes Montcalm, with the serious earnestness of a prophet of wo, " for my defeat, by the certain conviction that that defeat will one day be worth more to my country than a single victory, and that the conqueror, in widening his dominion, will but open for himself a tomb." Mont calm was conscious that his chief danger lay above Quebec, and wrote : " Unless Wolfe lands above the town, and forces me to a battle, I am safe." Yet, on the very night that the danger he feared threatened him, he knew nothing of its ipproach ! The British troops were embarked. Wolfe himself was on board. The night had set in. The evening was clear. The wind was fair, with the promise of a fresl breeze to carry the ships rapidly up the St. Lawrence. The plan of sending the larger vessels, with the mock show of landing a force on the northern bank of the river, near the Montmorenci,had been successful, and the enemy were still un suspicious of Wolfe s real design. The British general now issued his last orders, in which, having reminded his army that the fate of Canada might be determined by a vigorous blow struck at this moment, he tells them mysteriously, still keeping his secret, that they are to land where the French would least expect it. " The first body that gets on shore is to march directly to the enemy. The battalions must form on the upper ground with ex pedition, and be ready to charge what ever presents itself. .... The officers and men will remember what is expected from them, and what a determined body of soldiers, inured to war, is capable of doing, against five weak French battal ions, mingled with a disorderly peas antry." Wolfe, absorbed as he was in the prep arations for his great enterprise, and anx iously disturbed with thoughts of its haz ards, and the importance of the stake, still preserved his cheerful, confident tone in the presence of all. At his evening mess he was even joyous in the company of his fellow-officers, and sang his own song " Why, soldiers, why, Should we be melancholy, boys ? 126 BATTLES OF AMERICA. Why, soldiers, why ? Whose business tis tc die !"* The ships, with a part of the troops, now sailed, and, with a favorable breeze, soon passed up the St. Lawrence to the rendezvous, eight miles above Quebec, where they joined the fleet stationed there under Holmes. That portion of the army at Point Levi moved simulta neously along the southern bank of the river, and, halting opposite to the ships, embarked. The troops, to the number of sixteen hundred, were then removed into flat-bottomed boats, in the utmost silence. Everything promised success. The enemy were evidently quite uncon scious of the English movement, although an event occurred which had nearly ex posed the whole affair, and might have spoiled the enterprise. A couple of French deserters had sought refuge on board one of the ships-of-war, and, giving information of an expected convoy of provisions, destined to Quebec, from De Bougainville s force up the river, the cap tain of the ship was on the lookout, and determined to stop the supplies. The movement among the English, while the troops were getting into the small boats, was observed- by the French deserters, and it was supposed that they were the convoy preparing to make for Quebec. The British captain, whose vessel was at some distance, and who was unconscious of Wolfe s plan, had pointed his guns and was about to fire, when fortunately his * We have already quoted the whole of this song, as given in that most excellent and accurate work of the brothers Duyckinck, " The Cyclopaedia of American Literature." The song is supposed to have been composed on the night when it was first sung by Wolfe, that of the attack. preparations, in consequence of the noise and bustle, were observed by Wolfe, who succeeded in setting the zealous naval officer aright, and thus preventing him from killing his countrymen and alarm ing the French. About an hour before daybreak, the fleet of flat-bottomed boats began to move down with the ebbing tide. Wolfe, in company with some of his officers, led the van. The rowers, with muffled oars, just touched the rippling stream, and they glided silently and calmly on. The stars shone out bright in the clear sky. The stillness and darkness of the night, the gentle movement, the regular dip of the oar, the pulsation of the tide against the ribbed gunwale of the boat, the stifled throbbings of the expectant hearts, natu rally subdued all to quiet and serious thought. Wolfe was the first to break the silence, by uttering, in a tone of gen tle melancholy, this verse of Gray s Ele gy; * k The boast of heraldry, the pomp of power, And all that beauty, all that wealth e er gave, Await alike the inevitable hour The path of glory leads but to the grave ! " Now, gentlemen," said Wolfe to his offi cers, " I would rather be the author of that poem than take Quebec." * The boats now approached the land, and, cautiously floating under the over hanging cliffs, they at last reached the cove which Wolfe had selected for the place of disembarkation. The general * This incident is told by a gentleman who was a mid shipman, doing duty on board Wolfe s boat on that night, and became afterward Professor John llobinson, of the Uni versity of Edinburgh. COLONIAL.] ON THE PLAINS OF ABRAHAM. 127 himself, in the foremost boat, was the first to leap ashore. Some of the boats, carrying a company of Highlanders, had been borne by the tide to some distance below. Donald Macdonald, their captain, however, without hesitation, leaped on shore, and, nothing daunted by the steep ascent above him, sprang at an overhang ing tree ; and, bidding his men to follow, climbed up the jagged precipice to the top, with his soldiers close behind him. On the summit was a French sentinel, w r ho, hearing approaching steps, cried out, " Qid vive?" "La France!" was the quick reply of Macdonald, who fortunately un derstood the French language. "A qucl regiment? " pertinaciously inquired the Frenchman. " De la Heine !" answered the captain, who knew that was De Bou gainville s. And the French soldier, mut tering, "Passe" continued to pace his round. The Highlanders, however, as they scrambled up among the bushes, and the loosened slate of the precipice, made a rustling noise, which alarmed the enemy s guard, who, after rushing toward the edge of the clifi^ and firing a volley, took to their heels. Wolfe, with his brigadiers Monckton and Murray, and the first division of the army, were not less successful below. They all clambered along the precipitous path, so narrow that but two could go abreast, and reached the top without op position. The French pickets stationed on the summit were overpowered at once, and the rest of the forces continued to come up in rapid succession, without re sistance. As the day broke, the whole army had reached the " Plains of Abra ham," and, being formed on solid ground, were ready for the enemy at any mo ment. When a messenger arrived at Mont calm s quarters with the intelligence of the English army being drawn up on the plains of Abraham, he would hardly be lieve it, and contemptuously declared, " It can be but a small party, come to burn a few houses and retire." After more explicit information, however, he became assured of the fact, and cried out, angrily : " Then they have, at last, got to the weak side of this miserable garri son. I must give battle, and crush them before noon!" Montcalm acted accord ingly, and unwisely. His gallantry mis led him. His true policy would have been the discreet one of retiring within the citadel, and awaiting there, safe with in its walls, until he had exhausted the patience and resources of his enemy. He recklessly determined, however, to give battle ; and, hastily collecting his forces from Quebec and from below, along the northern shores of the St. Lawrence, to the Montmorenci, he drew them up, and marched to face the foe. At eight o clock in the morning, the French column was observed from the English camp to be advancing up the rising ground from the river St. Charles to the plains of Abraham. Wolfe had succeeded in dragging up the cliff but a single piece of artillery ; but this solitary gun was made to play with such effec upon Montcalm s forces, that they were obliged to alter their line of march. At ten o clock, Montcalm had reached the battle-field, and began to form hin 128 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART i army. As he came up, however., De Bou gainville, who had been summoned by the French general to his aid, sent up, in advance of his own inarch, a body of light cavalry, which made a show of attack up on Wolfe s left, but were easily checked by Townshend, at that post. Montcalm formed his centre of seven hundred and twenty regulars, of the regiments of Bearne and Guienne, with twelve hun dred militia, and led it in person. To his right he placed the regiments of La Sasse and Languedoc, some sixteen hun dred strong, all veteran soldiers ; with these was a militia force of less than five hundred, and a single small fieldpiece. On the left were thirteen hundred infan try of the Royal Rousillon regiment, to gether with twenty-three hundred Cana dian militia and a marine battalion. The whole French force thus amounted to half a hundred less than eight thousand, without counting the Indians, who were distributed about, to hide themselves in the neighboring bush, and thus execute what annoyance they could by their usu al mode of warfare. Less than a half of Montcalm s force, however, were regulars, and the rest were raw Canadians, in whom he had no confidence. Wolfe himself enumerated his enemy thus contemptu ously " Five weak French battalions, mingled with a disorderly peasantry !" But this was his statement to his own men, for the sake of encouragement. He knew that he had one of the most skilful generals of the age, with some of the most experienced soldiers, pitted against him. The English from an early hour had awaited, in battle array, the coming up of the enemy. Wolfe himself led the front line, on the right with Monckton, and Murray the left. The second line was under the command of Townshend, who, with his light-infantry and the Royal Americans, took position at the extreme left. A reserve was thrown back in a third line, under Burton and Howe. Wolfe s whole force was less than five thousand, but each man was a trained soldier. Montcalm had sent in great haste for De Bougainville and De Vaudreuil to come up with their troops, and in the meantime checked his impatience for the onset by a diversion with his three small pieces of artillery, which, in his hurry, were all he had brought with him. For an hour he continued firing his cannon upon the British, who rejoined with their single gun ; and thus, during that time, an ineffective fire was kept up. Montcalm now lost all patience, and began the attack in earnest. His first attempt was, by a Hank movement, to crowd the English down the precipice. With this purpose in view, the French veterans on the right swept round the English left^ under Murray, with impetu ous force, and poured in a murderous fire upon the light-infantry in the rear, under Howe. This young officer gave them a warm reception, and stayed their prog ress until Townshend came up to his re lief with his infantry and the Royal Amer icans, and drove the French back to their lines in greatly-diminished numbers. The attempt upon the light-infantry in front of the British centre was more suc cessful, and came near deciding the day COLONIAL.] WOLFE FALLS. 120 disastrously for Wolfe. Observing these troops yielding before the French marks men, and fearing lest, as they fell back in their flight, they might force the main body into confusion, Wolfe hurried along the line, and, encouraging his men, bade them to hold back their fire, and not to move a step until ordered. He was none too soon; for the soldiers in the rear, having become conscious of the confused movement in front, were in a state of anxious excitement. Wolfe s presence, however, and his few inspiriting words, calmed them at once, and they again firmly stood their ground. Now Montcalm, encouraged by the suc cess of his skirmishers, bore down with his whole centre toward the English right wing. The French* as they halted, poured in a terrible fire. The British fell fast be fore it ; and Wolfe himself, who was in the foremost van, was among the first to suffer. A shot wounded him in the wrist; but hastily wrapping a handkerchief around it, he continued to pass from rank to rank, exhorting each man not to fire. The troops, true to discipline, obeyed; and these "unknown demigods" coolly bore the murderous attack of the enemy with out a waver, moving only to step over the dead bodies of their heroic comrades, into their empty ranks. Wolfe waited until the enemy had reached within a distance of forty yards, and then ordered the whole line to fire. The effect was terrific. The French col umns seemed to stagger as one body un der the shock. Whole ranks fell in heaps together leaving to the view, as the smoke cleared away, the scattered sol- 17 diers standing aghast here and there, and marking, like monumental stones, the places of the dead. Officers and men had suffered alike. St. Ours and De Zen- czergnes were dead, and Montcalm him self severely wounded. The French vet erans, a ghastly remnant, still stood their ground, but the Canadian militia had fled in fright. The victory was won, but the gallant Montcalm would not give up the fight. Though deserted by all the Cana dians, and though his own faithful French men had been fearfully diminished in numbers, the general brought together the scattered remnant of his regulars, and cheered them on for another attack. They halted, and prepared to fire. Wolfe at this moment ordered his line to advance, and the whole army moved forward and calmly returned the volley which just came from the enemy. The British soldiers, however, provoked by the resistance of the shattered French ranks, could no longer restrain themselves, and began, in spite of discipline, to run with an impetuous rush at the enemy, sweep ing all before them. Wolfe was leading on the twenty-eighth and the Louisburg grenadiers, as with fixed bayonets they charged the steady French veterans (who, though falling fast, kept up an obstinate fire), when he was wounded a second time, in the body, but carefully concealed it. Again, as he bravely bore on in front, a ball from the enemv s redoubt struck / him in the breast. Staggering with the shock, he quietly said to an officer by his side, " Support me, that my brave fellows may not see me fall." He, however, after an effort to rally his strength, sank im- 130 BATTLES OF AMERICA. LPART f mediately into the arms of his friend, and with the aid of some soldiers was borne to a short distance in the rear. Monckton was sent for, to take com mand; but he had been wounded, and could no longer do duty. Townshend was then summoned, and, coming up to the spot where his general lay in agony, cast a momentary glance of despair, and then hurried away, as chief, to complete the victory of the day. The French still gallantly resisted, for Montcalm was yet on the alert, and impetuously urging his troops to form and to fight. He was ev erywhere, riding about among them, and shouting out brave words of encourage ment. His troops did continue to strug gle manfully, but it was useless ; the Eng lish, thronging up, drove all before them. Montcalm himself was now struck down, and his soldiers fled in dismay. The dying Wolfe struggled against the agonies of death, with his mind still in tent upon duty. As his strength weak ened, he made a strong effort to bring back his departing vitality. With his hand he strove to brush away the web which Death was busily weaving before his eyes, and at the same moment suc ceeded in raising himself to a sitting pos ture. At this instant, an officer cried out, " See ! see ! how they run !" " Who runs ?" exclaimed Wolfe. " The enemy, sir ; they give way everywhere," was the answer. " Go, then, one of you, to Bur ton, and tell him to march Webb s regi ment to the bridge, and cut off the re treat," said the dying general, who to the last was mindful only of his duty. " Now, God be praised, I shall die happy !" he faintly uttered ; and, turning over his body, shuddered with the last agony : his eyes closed ; and the brave Wolfe lived only, but for ever, in memory. The rout of the French was complete ; the English pursuit fierce and pertina cious. The Highlanders, with their clay mores, made a great havoc among the fu gitives, some of whom begged piteously to be spared, as they had not been among those at Fort William Henry.* Many of the enemy made for the citadel, and were not safe until they had succeeded in getr ting within its walls. The British troops, in the ardor of the pursuit, were in a state of confusion ; but Townshend, expecting the coming up of De Bougainville with his fresh force, took care to recall his dis ordered battalions, and draw them up in readiness for the still-unconquered por tion of the enemy. De Bougainville had hurried up with his fifteen hundred men ; but, so rapid had been the defeat of Montcalm s troops, that he found none to co-operate with. So complete, moreover, had been the Eng lish victory, that De Bougainville s forces, although composed of the choicest of the French grenadiers and light-infantry,were so discouraged by the total rout of their countrymen, that they hardly dared to show an opposing front to the troops Tow r nshend sent against them. Their advance was checked at once by a cou ple of regiments and two fieldpieces ; and the French scarcely caught a glimpse of them, before they were off in a precipi- * The conduct of the victorious French at Fort William Henry had been cruel, and the English burned to retaliate upon the enemy for their ferocity on that occasion. COLONIAL.J DEATH OF MONTCALM. 131 tate retreat along the northern bank of the river, above Quebec. De Vaudreuil was still more in a hurry; and, as soon as he heard of Wolfe s success, he made off with his fifteen hundred Canadians, leaving behind him his artillery, ammu nition, and all his stores. De Vaudreuil was conscience-stricken, and feared great ly lest he should fall into the hands of the English, who, as Walpole says, " were determined to scalp him, he having been the chief and blackest author of the cruel ties exercised on our countrymen. Some of his letters were taken, in which he ex plicitly and basely said that i peace was the best time for making war on the English ! " The whole loss of the British on the plains of Abraham was only fifty-five killed and six hundred and seven wound ed ; while that of the French could not have been less than fifteen hundred in all. The brave Montcalm, when he was w T ounded, was borne to the citadel ; and when the surgeon began to examine his wound, he was asked by the general if it was mortal. Being told that it was, Montcalm calmly rejoined, " I am glad of "t," and asked, " how long can I survive ?" " Perhaps a day, perhaps less," was the surgeon s answer. " So much the better ; I shall not live to see the surrender of Quebec !" exclaimed the gallant Mont calm. He now prepared for death, and, when asked for his commands in regard to the citadel, he refused to give them, saying : " My time is very short, so pray leave me. I wish you all comfort, and to be happily extricated from your pres ent perplexities." The priest was then summoned, who performed extreme unc tion, and remained by his side until he breathed his last. With his dying word he paid this tribute to his foe : " Since it was my misfortune to be discomfited and mortally wounded, it is a great con solation to be vanquished by so great and generous an enemy. If I could sur vive this wound, I would engage to beat three times the number of such forces as I commanded, with a third of their num ber of British troops." De Vaudreuil, on reaching Cape Rouge where he had retreated and joined his forces to those of De Bougainville, grand iloquently expressed the opinion to the assembled officers, that " they should take their revenge on the morrow, and endeav or to wipe off the disgraces of the day. The council, however, more discreetly re solved upon continuing the retreat, and De Vaudreuil himself was not backward in giving in his adhesion to the prudent resolve. They retired to Point aux Trem bles, where they were soon joined by De L e vi and his troops from Montreal, whence he had commenced his march as soon as he heard of Montcalm s defeat. After this junction there was a momentary feeling of hope, and the generals wrote to Rain- say, in command of the garrison at Que bec : " We exhort you by all means to hold out to the last extremity. On the 18th [September] the whole army shall be in motion. A disposition is made to throw in a large supply of provisions, and to relieve the town." It was too late : Quebec was surrendered on the very morning (September 18, 1759) that De 132 BATTLES OF AMERICA. Vaudreuil s messenger reached the gates of the citadel. The joyful news of Wolfe s great vic tory was received in England with a uni versal acclamation of delight. " You may now give yourself," writes Walpole to the British embassador at the Hague (Sir H. Mann), " what airs you please ; you are master of East and West Indies It was a very singular affair, the generals on both sides slain, and on both sides the second in command wounded in short, very near what battles should be, in which only the principals ought to suffer. If their army has not ammunition and spirit enough to fall again upon ours be fore Amherst comes up, all North Amer ica is ours ! . . . . What a scene ! an army in the night dragging itself up a preci pice by stumps of trees, to assault a town and attack an army strongly intrenched and double in numbers. Adieu ! I think I shall not write to you again this twelve month ; for, like Alexander, we have no more worlds left to conquer." Pitt, the great minister, in the afflu ence of his glowing rhetoric, spoke to the British senate of " the horror of the night; the precipice scaled by Wolfe; the empire he with a handful of men added to England ; and the glorious catastro phe of contentedly terminating life where his fame began. . . . Ancient story may be ransacked, and ostentatious philosophy thrown into the account, before an epi sode can be found to rank with Wolfe s 1" These eloquent words of Pitt prefaced his motion that a monument should be erected in Westminster Abbey to the memory of the hero. The British people, LFAKT i pious, grateful, and exultant, joined in public thanksgiving to God for the vic tory ; bestowed, through their represen tatives in Parliament, a liberal largess upon Wolfe s family ; and raised with one voice, throughout England s wide domin ions, a burst of triumph on a day set apart for holyday rejoicing. In West minster Abbe}^, sculptured art and classic learning record the gratitude and sorrow of Great Britain. A tall column of stone rises above the heights of Quebec, to tes tify to the taste and feeling of a noble Englishman. A small stone, planted on the plains of Abraham, tells the traveller that " HERE WOLFE DIED VICTORIOUS." But the memory of Wolfe requires neither sculptured art, nor lofty column, nor tab let of stone : it is fixed for ever in the hearts of all who love the good and the brave. " Who the deuce was thinking of Que bec ?" asks Walpole. " America was like a book one had read and done with, or, at least, if we looked at the book, one just recollected that there was a supple ment promised, to contain a chapter on Montreal, the starving and surrender of it; but here we are on a sudden reading our book backward. An account came two days ago" (Walpole is writing on the 20th June), "that the French, on their march to besiege Quebec, had been attacked by General Murray, who got into a mistake and a morass, attacked two bodies that were joined when he hoped to come up with one of them before he was enclosed, enibogged, and defeated." The gossiping Walpole thus tells the whole story in a pleasant way. All we have to add is COLONIAL.] AMHERST S EXPEDITION. 133 1760. that Murray, who had been left in command, did foolishly march out with his small force against De Levi s troops, ten thousand strong, and was beat en back within the walls of Quebec, which would probably have fallen, had not a British fleet arrived, sailed up the St. Lawrence, and driven away the French besiegers encamped upon its banks. General Amherst (now Sir Jeffrey Am- herst), calm, cautious, and slow, had moved too deliberately to satisfy the impulsive spirit of Wolfe. He had, however in time to complete the conquest of Canada succeeded in concentrating his large force of over ten thousand men, including the provincials under Gage and the In dians led by Sir William Johnson, on the shores of Lake Ontario, from the waters of which two British ships had driven the French cruisers, and forced them to seek refuge in the intricate and labyrinthine channels of the " Thousand Isles." On the 7th of August, the grenadiers and light-troops, including a battalion of Highlanders, were sent forward, to post themselves at the end of the lake, where the St. Lawrence receives its waters. On the 10th, Amherst in person followed, with the remainder of the regulars and the Indians; but the lagging Gage did not come up with his provincials until the 12th, when the whole army was gath ered at La Galette, on the banks of the St. Lawrence. Embarked once more, the whole force dropped down the river to Isle Royale, capturing on their way a French cruiser, which was spiritedly attacked by some soldiers in the whale-boats, and gallantly Aug. 23 carried. Fort Levi, on the island, was still in possession of the enemy, and, though invested by Amherst s immense force, with all the reg ularities of a siege, and a severe cannon ade opened, was so spiritedly defended by its little garrison, that one of the Brit ish vessels was obliged to strike her col ors. Amherst, checked by this unex pected vigor on the part of the French, put off the assault until the next day. In the meantime, the French command ant, finding that it was impossible to hold out long against the overwhelming force of his assailants, surrendered at discre tion. When the fort was given up, Johnson s Indians, who had been thirsting to wreak their vengeance upon the Frenchmen, would have begun their cruel work, had not Amherst, with a noble humanity, in terposed. He immediately gave orders to Sir William to deter the savages, if pos sible, from their purpose, promising them all the stores found in the fort ; but warn ing them, at the same time, that if they persisted, he would restrain them by force. The Indians, in sullen submission, return ed to their camp, but fiercely resented the interference ; and Sir William John son informed the general that they would probably quit the army. Amherst an swered : " Although I wish to retain their friendship, I will not purchase it at the expense of countenancing barbarity ; and tell them that, if they commit any acts of cruelty on their return home from the army, I will assuredly chastise them."* The Indians left him, but the humane * Wai-burton. 134 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART i Amherst won a triumph worth more than hundreds of bloody victories. Levelling the captured works on Isle Royale, the troops descended the stream, and entered the turbulent and dangerous passage of the Cedars. As the heavily- laden boats got among the broken rocks and boiling eddies, they were so crowd ed and tossed together, that some were swamped, and others dashed to pieces. Sixty-four, laden with artillery and stores, were in this manner lost, and eighty men drowned. On landing upon the island of Montreal, the French retired within the walls of the city, and Amherst invested the place. Murray in the mean time had sailed from Quebec, with all the disposable force which could be spared, and joined Amherst on the 7th of Sep tember, with twenty-four hundred and fifty of the conquerors of Quebec. Colo- t* Sept, 8. nel Haviland, who had come from Crown Point, arrived the next day with another body of troops, and now upon the island of Montreal were gathered sixteen thou sand British. The marquis de Vaudreuil, who had fled to Montreal after Wolfe s conquest of Quebec, now gave up all in despair, and signed a capitulation, by which all Canada was lost to France for ever. After long negotiations, protracted by the expansive demands of the imperious Pitt, the war between Great Britain and France ceased with the treaty of peace at Paris, in 1763. The French ministry yielded with reluctance ; and the proud Choiseul, who resigned his place, asked, despairingly: "But what can we do ? The English are furiously imperious ; they are drunk with success and, unfortunately, we are not in a con dition to abase their pride." END OF PART I P A E T IT. 1775 TO 1783. PART II CHAPTER I. Representation and Taxation. Tyranny of Great Britain. Resistance of Massachusetts. The Stamp-Act. The Tea- Party. Boston Port-Bill. Starvation. General Gage. His Life and Character. Gage s Proceedings. His Seizures. Fortification of Boston. Indignation and Vigilance of the Patriots. Secret Designs discovered. March on Con cord. The Struggle. Lexington. The Conflict. The Excitement throughout the Country. The Return of the British toward Boston. Galled by the Patriots. 1774, " THEY say you have no right to tax them without their consent. They say truly. Representation and tax ation must go together : they are insepa rable."* This was the American cause : Representation and taxation must go together a cause which the colonists, almost with one voice, had now determined to seal with their blood. British Tyranny resolved to force submission. American Liberty determined to oppose resistance. The struggle began. Battles were fought, and continued to be fought, until inde pendence was won. These it is our pur pose to record, to which we shall proceed now without further preface. General Thomas Gage, having been ap pointed captain-general and governor of Massachusetts, was now at Boston, in command of the British troops ; while English men-of-war floated threateningly in the harbor. He hid been selected by the government of Great Britain to en- * Earl Chatham s speech in the house of lords. 18 force, by threats if possible, by violence if necessary, the obedience of New Eng land to the tyrannical edicts of the moth er-country. The people of Massachusetts had been the first although the other colonies showed the same spirit of inde pendence to resist, by overt act, the tyrannical exercise of British authority. They, in common with the rest of the people of the provinces, had contented themselves with opposing, by petition and protest, the stamp-act ; and, on its repeal, only exhibited their spirit of in dependence by a burst of joy. The ex ultation of these lovers of liberty was, however, soon vexed into the excitement of passionate resistance by other tyran nical acts of Great Britain. The colonists now, almost with one voice, determined upon retaliation. They would punish the mother-country by not consuming her products, and thus weaken her strength by diminishing her revenue. Great Brit ain, in spite of her suffering trade and 138 BATTLES OF AMERICA. commerce, and the urgent appeals of her men of business to change her odious co lonial policy, madly persisted., and strove to compel where she had failed to per suade. An effort was made to force upon the colonies the consumption of tea. A cargo arrived at Boston. A "tea-party" was formed, composed of fifty men "very dark-complexioned persons, dressed like Mohawks, of very grotesque appearance." With an Indian whoop, these Bostonians and "solid men" they were rushed to the wharf, boarded the ships, and in the course of two hours threw into the river three hundred and forty-two chests of tea. This was no impulsive act of riot, but the deliberate proceeding of men of determined character, appointed to carry out the calm resolutions of their fellow- townsmen. The tea-proceeding, when heard of in England, was received with applause by the friends of liberty, and with indigna tion by the government and its favorites. Tyranny now suggested an act of oppres sion as a punishment for those who had dared to disobey its caprices. It was readily acceded to, with the object of re ducing the people of Boston to " starva tion" a word then first coined, in the British Parliament, by a tory member, whose inveteracy of hate could find no expression in the English language suffi ciently strong to bear the impress of his cruel purpose. The punishment of Bos ton came in the form of the " Boston pori> bill," the object of which was to deprive the refractory town of its privileges and rights as a place of commerce. Gage and his British soldiers were now on the spot to carry that bill into execution. Gage had proved himself a gallant sol dier in the unfortunate campaign of Brad- dock ; but he was nothing else than a soldier, with all the decided sentiments in favor of absolute authority engendered by a long military life. lie was, more over, a thorough aristocrat in feeling, and a tory by political association. He did not understand what "the mob" (as he called the people), as long as they had enough work, and could eat and drink abundantly, had to do with political prin ciples. Their whole public duty, he be lieved, was obedience. To govern, or even to say who w r as to govern, w r as not their vocation. Gage, however, should have learned something of the character of the American colonists. He had been a good deal among them, and had mar ried a native lady of New York. But, nevertheless, he did not understand them, and seemed as unconscious as the khan of Tartary of the devotion of Americans to liberty, and of their resolute firmness to defend it against any oppressor. His associations in the colonies were too much with the loyalists, who were always fawn ing about royal governors, and whisper ing into their ears what w r ould flattering ly exaggerate the self-importance of the dignitary, and contemptuously depreci ate " the rabble." In New York he had found among his kindred, and the pre tentious aristocracy of its tory society, a more obsequious courtiership than ever licked royal hands at the court of St. James. He was now in Puritan New England ; and while among his own suite. REVOLUTIONARY.] CHARACTER OF GAGE. 139 and surrounded by a few exceptional Massachusetts tories, he did not seem to be conscious of the difference in his po sition. He took no account of the great body of the Puritan people, who had learned from their ancestors, under the orders of Cromwell, and the teachings of Milton, those principles of liberty which they carried with them to America, and taught their children not only to vener ate, but to guard, at all hazards of life or fortune, against the oppressor. It was claimed for Gage that he was a man naturally frank, and of a gay, social disposition. This he may have been, among those he considered his " equals," but to his "inferiors" he was haughty and arrogant. He was, in fact, in every thing except capacity, a perfect instru ment to compel " a full and absolute sub mission" to the tyrannical acts of his mas ters. With his British troops to back him, he did not hesitate at fulfilling the most cruel purpose of despotism. Gage, in common with most British officers and many British statesmen, held the colonial opposition in great contempt. The American leaders were, in his opin ion, without capacity, their followers with out courage. While he thus increased the hostility against him, he diminished his power of resistance. Gage never just ly appreciated the sentiments or rightly measured the strength of his enemies. :i: While the Americans declared "No dan ger shall affright, no difficulties shall in timidate us ; and if, in support of our * " General Gage, in his private letters, encouraged the ministers to be firm, and that if they would be so, they would prevail." WALPOLE. rights, we are called to encounter even death, we are yet undaunted, sensible that he can never die too soon who lays down his life in support of the laws and liberties of his country" Gage called the authors of these heroic resolves " a despicable rabble," and undertook to keep them quiet with five regiments, saying, " The Americans will be lions only as long as the English are lambs !" So, too, a Colonel Grant, who until then was only known in America by his folly which had nearly ruined the expedition under Forbes against Fort Du Quesne now, with the attempted wisdom of a counsel lor, declared that the Americans were cowards. "With five regiments," said this braggadocio to the assembled Parlia ment of England, " I could march through all America." Truth, however, was burst ing from the eloquent lips of Lord Chat ham almost at the same moment and within the same walls : " My lords," said the great orator, "there are three mil lions of whigs. Three millions of whigs. my lords, with arms in their hands, are a very formidable body." But English Tyranny closed its ears and eyes to truth, and rushed recklessly on to destruction. The king said loudly, and with a scornful laugh, that " he had as lief fight the Bos- tonians as the French." " Corruption," wrote Walpole in England, " smiled, and was not afraid of swords at such a dis tance." On the first day of the operation of the " Boston pori^bill," the people contented themselves with signifying their o / o affliction at this invasion of their rights by tolling their church-bells, by 140 BATTLES OF AMERICA. TART li Augusti fasting and prayer, and by hanging their houses and public buildings with crape. It was not until those further acts of the British Parliament which virtually de stroyed the charter of Massachusetts deprived the people of the right of pub lic meetings, thus cutting away the scaf folding of English freedom, and interfered with the trial by jury, that an armed re sistance was determined upon. A meet ing was held at Faneuil hall, composed of delegates from various parts of Massachusetts. It was by them resolved that " a provincial Congress is necessary to counteract the systems of despotism, and that, as a necessary means to secure the rights of the people, the military art ought to be attentively prac tised." A provincial Congress was ac cordingly held ; the militia mustered, and, arming themselves, prepared for resistr ance. Gage, not satisfied with dissolving meet ings at Boston with his soldiers, seized the artillery and ammunition which be longed to the city, and thus greatly ex cited the indignation of the townspeople. The seizure of the powder was magnified, by the excited imaginations of the Mas sachusetts men, into a cannonade of Bos ton ; and the neighboring colonists began to ring their alarm-bells, light up the bea con-fires, and hurry in armed crowds to the scene of the supposed danger. Gage him self became anxious, and wrote to the gov ernment at home that " the flames of se dition had spread universally throughout the country, beyond conception ;" that " civil government was near its end ;" and that " the time for conciliation, rnodera- 1775, tion, reasoning, was over." Nothing now, he believed, could be done but by force, and this he resolved upon using. " The torrent should be stemmed, not yielded to."* The Massachusetts people were, in their turn, making preparations for the struggle, by disciplining their militia, and collecting together their arms and am munition. Gage, strengthened by addition al troops, had fortified Boston neck, and turned the city into a camp, where his four thousand men stacked their guns in Faneuil hall, and converted the church es into mess-rooms. He now decided up on a movement, by which he hoped to overwhelm the Massachusetts men, and put an end to their means of mischief. His plan was, to take the colonists by surprise, and destroy their magazine of arms and ammunition at Concord, some eighteen miles from Boston. Gage em ployed every possible means to keep his purpose secret. He sent out his officers in disguise to make sketches, and to bring back reports of the position of Concord, its strength, and the various approaches to the place. He also determined, in or der to further conceal his design, to make the attack under the cover of the night. The patriots were vigilant, and became conscious of Gage s movements. They accordingly strengthened their guard at Concord,and removed some of their stores secretly to other places. Gage continued * Gage was, however, seemingly not without some sense of discretion, for Walpole records : " It was said, on Gen eral Gage receiving orders to sei/e and send over hither the chief patriots, he had for answer that, should he attempt to do any such thing, that would be the last letter the . vould ever receive from him, for he should be knocked on the head." .REVOLUTIONARY.] HANCOCK AND ADAMS. 141 his preparations, but each act of his was watched closely by the alert patriots; and, seeing the boats one night launched and moored under the sterns of the April 15, British men-ot-war, took care to send intelligence of the fact to Concord. A few days after, some English officers were sent out on the roads leading from Boston, to prevent any messengers going out to carry information of the proposed expedition. The night finally arrived. When elev en o clock struck, some nine hun dred of the choicest of the Brit ish troops, under the command of Lieu tenant-Colonel Smith, embarked in small boats at the foot of Boston common, and, landing near Lechmere point,began their silent march to Concord. The patriots, however, were on the alert. Warren, the Boston physician whose whole soul was in the cause, and who was one of the most active members of the committee of safety had already sent messengers to his friends at Concord; and when the British embarked, he or dered the lantern, which was agreed up on as the signal, to be hoisted from the steeple of the North church in Boston. Gage, much to his surprise, discovered that his secret was known. Having com municated his design in the evening to Lord Percy, that officer retired, and was on his way to his quarters, when, crossing the common, he fell in with a group of citizens in earnest conversation, in the course of which one was heard to say, "The British troops have marched, but will miss their aim!" "What aim?" asked his lordship. " Why. the cannon at Concord," was the answer. Percy re turned at once to Gage, and told what he had heard, when orders were immedi ately issued that no person should be al lowed to leave the town. It was, how ever, too late : the vigilant Warren had already despatched a couple of messen gers, and given orders for the hoisting of the warning lantern. The whole country was aroused. The town of Lexington, through which the road to Concord passed, was especially on the alert ; and its minute-men, to the number of about a hundred and thirty, turned out in the middle of the night, and were assembled together on the com mon until two o clock in the morning, with their guns " loaded with powder and ball." At this time a messenger returned, with the word that no troops had yet shown themselves on the road. Accord ingly, as the morning was chilly, the men were dismissed to a neighboring tavern, with orders to make their appearance on the first sound of the drum. The tAvo messengers, who had been sent on to give Concord the alarm, were met by a party of British officers, when a scuffle ensued, and one of the patriots was taken prisoner ; while the other succeeded in escaping by leaping a stone-wall, and, running off, made his way to the place where Hancock and Samuel Adams had temporarily concealed themselves. These two, Hancock and Adams, both men of distinction in Boston, had early made themselves conspicuous as earnest friends of the popular cause ; and, as theii safety was regarded as of the utmost im portance, they were induced to hide them 142 BATTLES OF AMERICA. selves from observation, lest they should be taken prisoners by the British. Dor othea Quincy, Hancock s betrothed, in sisted upon accompanying them, and she was now with the two patriots ; and the three were sitting down to an " elegant dinner" at the house of a friend, when suddenly a man broke in upon them with a shriek, and the alarm was given that the regulars were upon them. Hancock and Adams were then led along a cart- way to another and more humble house, where they were glad to make up for their lost spread of good things, by a dish of " salt pork and potatoes." In the meantime, the British troops, under LieutenantrColonel Smith, were fast approaching. The route they had taken led them through a morass, into which the men plunged waist-deep until they reached the high-road to Charles- town. Their midnight march was cau tious and stealthy ; not a drum was al lowed to beat, nor a fife to sound. Some members of the provincial Congress, stop ping at a roadside inn, where they had been holding a "rebel" conclave, aware of the approach of the troops, were up, and silently watching the soldiers as they carne on. The front ranks passed by steadily, but with measured tread. The centre, however, no sooner reached a point opposite to the tavern, than there was a halt ; and, directly, an officer and a file of men were seen advancing to the house. But the " rebels" were too quick for them; and, while the soldiers were ransacking the tavern, those of whom they were in search were in a field hard by, securely hid from their pursuers. The British commander soon discov ered that all the precautions which had been taken to keep the expedition a se cret had failed. Although it was night, the whole country was aroused. Every church was ringing its bells, beacon-fires were blazing, and signal-guns firing. The British officers who had been on the road, on a tour of observation, now joined the troops, and reported that at least five hundred of the " rebels" were in arms, in readiness for the attack. Smith sent Ma jor Pitcairn forward with six companies of light-infantry, to secure the bridges at Concord ; and an orderly back to Gage, at Boston, for a reinforcement. Pitcairn pressed on hurriedly, only stopping on the road to capture any straggler he could pick up. One man, however, was too much on the alert to be caught ; for. getting a glimpse of the British coming up the road, he turned his horse, and, laying on his whip, galloped into Lexing ton, with the news that the "red-coats" were at hand. Captain Parker ordered his drums to beat, and alarm-guns to be fired immedi ately; and soon the minute-men began to turn out and to muster on the ground about the meetinghouse. These men formed a part of that resolute band "the constitutional army" which had been authorized to make a forcible and regular resistance to any hostility by the British soldiery ; and there they were ready to do their country s bidding. Be fore they had fairly mustered and formed, the British were in sight, at a short dis tance from the ground. Pitcairn, seeing the assemblage, and REVOLUTION ART.] BLOOD FLOWS AT LEXINGTON. 14* hearing the drums of the patriots, halted his troops and ordered them to load. He then brought them on in double quick time. Some sixty or seventy only of the minute-men had mustered and found time to present an orderly rank in front, when the regulars rushed forward, shouting., with their commander at their head, wa ving his sword, and crying out : " Ye vil lains ! ye rebels! disperse! Lay down your arms! Why don t you lay down your arms ?" Two or three shots were now fired, but without effect. Then en sued a general volley, by which some of the minute-men were killed and wound ed. Their fellow-patriots now no longer withheld their fire, which they had hith erto done in obedience to the command of Parker, their captain. Their shots, however, were straggling, and did little damage, only wounding two of the pri vates and the horse of the British major. The regulars fired with much greater ef fect, killing eight, wounding ten, and put ting the rest to flight. One daring fellow, who had always said "he never would run from the British," though wounded, stood his ground, and, while loading his piece, was thrust through and through by a bayonet, and died on the spot where he had so firmly planted himself. An other was pursued to the road facing the common, and was struck down by a shot within view of his own house. The blood was gushing from his breast, but he start ed up, and stretching out his hands tow ard his wife, who was at the window, staggered a moment, and fell again. Striving once more to stand, he could only succeed in raising himself upon his hands and knees, and thus crawled tow ard the door of his dwelling. His wife was there to meet him, but only to see him dying at her feet. The British now formed on the com mon, and, exulting in their " victory," fired a feu-de-joie, gave three loud huzzas, and marched on toward Concord. There were two thoughtful observers of this Lexing ton affair, in a house near by, who could have told the British that this was no time for exultation. They knew, with the foresight of wisdom, that no defeat, ever suffered by English troops, was so disastrous as this " victory." Samuel Ad ams and John Hancock saAV, in the blood which flowed at Lexington, that which was to cement the colonies into an indis soluble union, and thus secure a founda tion upon which to establish the great hope of their patriotic hearts the inde pendence of America. " Oh, what a glo rious morning is this !" exclaimed Adams, as he walked abroad ; for, although his countrymen were falling, and he and his companion were driven from home and fortune by the cruelty of tyrants, he saw that that morning w r ould be "glorious" for all time, as the first gleam of the per petual light of American liberty. The provincials, though put to flight, did not lose heart. Some retreated along the road, but the most gathered again on a height to the north of the Lexington common, formed readily under their lead er, and eagerly awaited his orders to go when and where their country required their services. The British, once again on the road to Concord, were joined by the rest of the troops, under their colonel. 144 BATTLES OF AMERICA. LPART n Concord, as it appeared in those days, was a town covering considerable space, between two hills which completely com manded it. It had its church, jail, and courthouse; and its dwellings, though not very numerous, were scattered over a large expanse of ground. Through the town winds sluggishly the Concord river, which was crossed by two bridges, the north and the south, as they w T ere called. The British had determined to possess themselves of these bridges, so that they might cut off all approach to the town, while they should be engaged in destroy ing the magazines and military stores there collected and guarded by the pro vincials. The town, however, was on the alert. The people had been timely warned, and, when they heard of the skirmish at Lex ington, were roused to fierce indignation. The militia were for marching immedi ately to meet the British on the road, and they accordingly started ; but, on dis covering that the numbers of the enemy amounted to treble their own force, they fell back and took up their position on a high ground which rises to the north, not far from the centre of the town. There they stood, around the liberty-pole lately raised, and awaited the approach of those who came as determined enemies to that freedom of which it was the emblem. Concord was but six miles distant from Lexington ; and it was still early when the British troops carne marching in, with drums beating, fla^s flying and Aoril 19 with the light of the morning sun reflected glitteringly upon their pol ished guns and gilded accoutrements. Many of the militia were for giving fight at once ; but their commander, Colo nel Barrett, checked their reckless enthu siasm, and prudently withdrew his men when the enemy were seen advancing, within a quarter of a mile. Barrett con ducted his force along the road which led to the north bridge, and, having crossed the Concord river, drew them up on the high ground about a mile from the cen tre of the town. On the British now coming up, one di vision posted itself on the hill just left by the provincials, arid the rest of the troops continued their march along the main road until they reached the centre of the town. The enemy now began their work. Two hundred men were de tached to hold the north bridge, and pre vent the advance of the militia ; another party took possession of the south bridge. The rest of the troops were occupied in carrying out the especial object of their visit. Some were sent to the house of Barrett, the militia-colonel, on the out skirts of the town, to destroy the military stores concealed there. The remainder went about their work of destruction in the town itself. Threescore or less of barrels of flour were staved in, three can non were spiked and otherwise maltreat ed, some sixteen carriage-wheels were burnt to cinders, three or four barrelsful of wooden spoons reduced to ashes, the liberty-pole felled, the courthouse set on fire, but put out by a woman with a pail of water, and half a thousand iron balls rolled into the river. " These," says Gor don, " were all the stores they could dis cover and destroy ; on the account of REVOLUTIONARY.} STRUGGLE ON CONCORD BRIDGE. 145 which a civil war has commenced be tween the colonies and the parent-state. The inhabitants of Britain may see rea son, for many ages, to cnrse the memory of the man or men who has or have been at the foundation of this fatal catastrophe, should they ever be known." While the British troops were thus occupied for a couple of hours, the provincials were not less busy. The neighboring towns and country, fully alive to the doings of the English soldiery, began to send in their " minute- men," as the militia were called, until the force of patriots on the hill numbered nearly five hundred. These, in addition to the Lexington people, were composed of men from Carlisle, Chemlsford, West- ford, Littleton, and Acton. They were farmers, tradesmen, mechanics, from six teen years of age to sixty, who came in with their guns with which they had oft en followed the Indian, the bear, and the wolf; and many of them were dressed in the homespun suits which had been wo ven at their own winter firesides. Even the clergy presented themselves, and, al though debarred by their calling from active hostilities, did what they could in giving advice to the men, and quieting the alarms of the women and children. The militia-officers joined in council, when it was proposed to dislodge the en emy from the north bridge. One ardent captain declared that he "hadn t a man that was afraid to go." The British sol diers could be easily seen, and their do ings were watched with painful anxiety. As the fires began to blaze, and it was observed that the meetinghouse had al- 19 ready caught, the people began to fear for their town and their homes. The militia were eager to rush to their res cue ; and accordingly, without more ado, Colonel Barrett ordered his men to the north bridge, and to strive to pass it, but not to fire a shot unless they were first at tacked. In double file, and with trailed arms, the detachment moved on. The British on the bridge, observing the advance of the provincials, retired to the east side of the river, and began to remove the planks. The American ma jor in command of the militia, as he ap proached, cried out to the enemy to stop doing what he claimed they had no right to do, and hurried on his men to prevent it. When the provincials had reached within a few feet of the bridge, the Britr ish troops began to fire, but with no effect, as but few guns were let off, and with no fixed aim. A second and fuller volley succeeded, and with a different result, killing two of the provincials and wound ing a third. Their captain now cried out, " Fire, fellow-soldiers ! for God s sake, fire !" when his men, true to the word, did fire, and brought down a number of the ene my. The British then fled, and the pro vincials after them, when a thoughtless lad, coming up with a wounded grena dier, struck him on the head and dashed out his brains. The provincials did not continue their pursuit far ; but, dividing, one party went back with their dead and wounded, while the rest proceeded on the road and took up their position on a height which over looked it. Smith, the British colonel, now gathered together his force, and pre- 146 BATTLES OF AMERICA. |_> AET II. pared to return to Boston, but lingered at Concord nearly two hours before he commenced his march. This delay near ly proved the total destruction of his whole force. All the country round was now in a state of great excitement, and every man was eager to rush to the rescue of the patriot cause. Each village was alive with preparation. All the inhabitants turned out, and there was hardly a man under seventy and above sixteen years of age who did not shoulder his musket and present himself for parade on the church green. Thence, after a blessing from their pastor, they were marched off to the scene of action. Although the most were fresh from their farms and shops, and knew little of military disci pline but what they had learned in an oc casional militia muster, there were among them some gray-headed veterans who had fought at Louisburg and Quebec. They were all, however, more or less familiar with the use of firearms, and had become practised shots in pursuit of the game which abounded in the yet uncleared foresi>wilds. With a sober determination to make the cause of their country a ho ly one, each man dwelt with pertinacious conscientiousness upon the fact that " the regulars had fired the first." The blow having been given, they all prepared to return it. None now talked of forbear ance or peace. Every voice was urgent for war. It was mid-day before the British colo nel began his march, and he was soon convinced of and greatly startled by the hubbub he had created throughout the country. So full were the roads and hill sides of the armed provincials, that it ap peared to the British as if "men had dropped from the clouds." Smith threw out a flank-guard on the side of the main road, to protect his march ; but in the woods, on each hill, and behind every wall, there were gathered the vigilant provincials, who with a sure aim were bringing down a British soldier at every step. The enemy suffered terribly as they advanced for miles between two fires, which were incessant from both sides of the road. The British quickened their march almost to a run, but this only served to hasten their death, as they offered themselves more rapidly to the successive shots of the American marks men. Smith, the British colonel, was se verely wounded ; and another officer, on a fine blood-horse, while brandishing his sword and urging on his men, was killed by a shot from behind a rail-fence. As his rider fell dead, the horse ran in his fright toward the fence, leaped it, and joined the provincials. Just as the troops were hastening into Lexington, one of the British soldiers lagged behind, and, falling in w r ith a militia-man, levelled his musket and cried out, "You re a dead man!" "So are you!" was the answer. Both fired at the same instant, and both were killed. The British troops, thus constantly galled by this incessant and most fatal fire along the road, began to lose all self- command, and, as they approached Lex ington, became so confused and disor dered by their suffering and despair, that they would have fled precipitately, had REVOLUTIONARY.] PERCY TO THE RESCUE. 147 not their officers placed themselves in front, and threatened the men with in stant death if they moved without or ders. At this moment a welcome relief presented itself, in a reinforcement from Boston. CHAPTER II. Lord Perry to the Rescue. Dancing to " Chevy Chase." His Lordship s Arrival at Lexington. General Heath arrives and takes Command of the Provincials. Doctor Warren on the Alert. The Briflsh retreat to Boston. The Slaugh ter on the Route. The British arrive at Charlestown. The Panic in the Town. Arrival at Boston. The Killed and Wounded. The General Excitement. Meeting of the Provincial Council. Their llemons^pnce. General Artemas Ward appointed Commander-in-Chief. The Whole Country aroused. Israel Putnam. Benedict Arnold. American Troops called out. Cambridge made Headquarters. A Second Continental Congress. Washington s Reflections on the Lexington Affair. Canada. Ticonderoga and Crown Point. Action of Connecticut. Ethan Allen and the Green-Mountain Boys. Expedition to Ticonderoga. Arnold volunteers. Fall of Ticonderoga. Skeensborough. The Meeting of the Continental Congress. Washington chosen Commander-in-Chief. The Army organized. 1775, GENERAL GAGE, having received Colonel Smith s request for a rein forcement, sent to his relief nine hundred men and two pieces of artillery, under the command of Lord Percy, u a penurious,* undignified young man," as Walpole call ed him. At nine o clock in the morning, this detachment marched out of Boston, the bands " playing, by April 19, * "When Lord Percy was in Ireland with his regiment, the fifth infantry, he consented, after much consideration, to give a dinner to the officers in garrison at Limerick. The gallant but cautious earl ordered the repast at a tavern, spe cifying that it should be for fifty persons, at eighteen pence oer head. The officers heard of the arrangement, and they ordered the landlord to provide a banquet at a guinea per nead, promising to pay the difference in the event of their entertainer declining to do so. When the banquet was served, there was but one astonished and uncomfortable in dividual at the board, and that was the earl himself, who beheld a feast fit for the gods, and heard himself gratefully complimented upon the excellence of both viands and wines. The astonished earl experienced an easily-understood diffi culty in returning thanks when his health was drunk with an enthusiasm that bewildered him ; and, on retiring, early sought out the landlord, in order to have the solution of an enigma that sorely puzzled him. Boniface told the un adorned and unwelcome truth ; and the inexperienced young carl acknowledged his mistake, and discharged the bill with a sigh on himself and a check on his banker." DORAN, " Table-Traits, and Something on Them " way of contempt, Yankee Doodle] a song composed in derision of the New-England- ers, scornfully called Yankees." A " smart" boy, observing it as the troops passed through Roxbury, made himself extreme ly merry with the circumstance, jumping and laughing so as to attract the notice O o of his lordship, who, it is said, asked him at what he was laughing so heartily ; and was answered, " To think how you will dance, by-and-by, to Chevy Chase /" It is added that the repartee stuck by his lord ship the whole day.* Percy suffered but little annoyance on his march to the relief of Smith and his men. At Charlestown he found the bridge taken up, but, as the planks were discov ered near by, they were readily replaced ; and he marched on without difficulty un- * Gordon s History of the American Revolution. Th allusion to Chevy Chase will be understood by the reader, if he calls to mind that a Lord Percy is the hero of that old ballad. The Lord Percy spoken of in the text is the one afterward duke of Northumberland, of whom Halleck writes : " who, when a younger son, Fought for K mg George at Lexington, A major of dragoons." 148 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART n. til he reached Lexington, where he found the retreating force " so much exhausted with fatigue, that they were obliged to lie down for rest on the ground, their tongues hanging out of their mouths, like those of dogs after a chase." Percy, bringing his fieldpieces to bear from a commanding position upon the provin cials (who were hanging upon his troops, prepared to gall them with their shots whenever they took up their march), there was a brief cessation of hostility. The friends of the patriot cause had, in the meantime, been busy in Boston. General Heath, who had been authorized by the provincial Congress to take com mand of the minute-men whenever called out, now hurried to the scene of action ; having in his route given orders suita ble to the emergency, and directed the Charlestown people to form a barricade of the planks of their bridge, and there post themselves to oppose the British as they returned to Boston. When he ar rived at Lexington, Heath took com mand of the provincials, and strove to form them in military order. Warren, too, the patriotic physician of Boston, was active in cheering and advising his countrymen, as he rode forward to meet the British. "Keep up a brave heart," he said to one. " They have begun it that either party could do ; and we 11 end it that only one can do." To an other, who exclaimed, " Well, they are gone out," he answered, "Yes, and we ll be up with them before night!" "His soul," as it was justly said, " beat to arms as soon as he learned the intention of the British troops." Percy did not halt long, as he found the provincials gathering so fast, and so bent upon resisting him to their utmost. He had now over eighteen hundred well- disciplined men under arms ; but he had evidently determined upon no act of hos tility, beyond what might be necessary to protect his retreat to Boston. So, af ter proper refreshment of his men, and placing the harassed force of Colonel Smith as far as possible under the cover of his fresher troops, he began his retreat. The British, however, no sooner began to move, than the Americans renewed their harassing attacks. The soldiers, in spite of the efforts at restraint of Lord Percy, were excited to such a pitch of uncon trollable rage, that they began to retal iate by acts of devastation and cruelty. They rushed into the houses and mur dered the sick, the helpless, and even mothers with their babes at the breast! They drove the inhabitants away at the point of the bayonet, and burned their dwellings. But the provincials, nothing daunted, kept up their harassing fire, and did not hesitate to come out in throngs upon the road and skirmish with the reg ulars. Fierce slaughter raged on both sides. The British fell fast, and Lord Percy himself nearly lost his life from a musketrball which shot off a button from his coat. The provincials, too, suffered greatly, but continued to hang on the rear of the British troops, and harass them with their sharp-shooting. Harris and Warren were constantly cheering on the men, and bravely taking the lead in every struggle. Warren barely escaped with his life, a muskei>shot having struck REVOLUTIONARY.] BACK TO BOSTON. 149 his hair, and driven out the pin by which it was gathered behind his ears. When the British troops were about entering Charlestown, and had reached the base of Prospect hill, the attack of the provincials became terribly severe ; but Percy, after playing his fieldpieces with effect, hurried on his men to a run, until they reached Charlestown neck, and were protected by the guns of the men- of-war. Charlestown had been the whole day in a state of great excitement. The schools had been dismissed ; the men had marched to the relief of their fellow-pa triots ; the shops had been closed ; and the old and feeble, the women and chil dren, huddled together in anxious groups in the houses, or gathered in knots about the streets, discussed with alarm the ter rible events of the day. Now that the enemy were returning, a general panic ensued, and the people scattered in all directions, crying out, " The British are coming, with fire and slaughter !" Lord Percy had his troops under sufficient con trol during his march through Charles- town to keep them from doing much mis chief, and the inhabitants were accord ingly more frightened than hurt. None were harmed, and all the troops insisted upon was " something to drink." The main body of the British occupied Bun ker s hill, and the rest entered Boston, perfectly worn down with fatigue. The officers immediately thronged the tavern in the square, and called upon "mine host" for supper and wine ; while the men were ordered to their quarters, to sleep off the effects of their hard day s work. General Gage strengthened the guards throughout the city, and, posting a party at the neck, ordered them to allow no one to leave Boston that night. The whole loss of the Americans was computed at forty-nine killed, thirty-nine wounded, and five missing, with a de struction of property amounting to about three thousand pounds. The British had seventy-three killed, one hundred and seventy-four wounded, and twenty-seven missing. Among these were no less than eighteen officers. In the record of bat tles, the affairs of Concord and Lexing ton rank merely as skirmishes. In the history of America, they are the great events which began the War of the Rev olution. Gage and his chief officers, now aware of the evil consequences of the rash attack which had been made upon the provincials, affected great indignation at the conduct of Pitcairn, in his charge upon the militia at Lexington. Startled as they were, they might well be solicit ous about incurring the responsiblity of an act which had inflamed the indigna tion of the whole country, and which, in the foresight of the wise, was the com mencement of a revolution which was destined to tear from the crown of Great Britain the American jewel, without which, Lord Chatham declared, it would not be worth the wearing. The inhabitants were now everywhere in arms ; and they collected in such num bers about Boston, that they seemed ef fectually to invest the city, and created great anxiety on the part of General Gage and his British troops. The pro vincial Congress met almost im mediately after these occurren- April 22, 150 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [>AUT II ces at Lexington and Concord, and drew up a " narrative of the massacre," which, with an address, they sent to the British throne. Yet disposed to be loyal, if the king could only be just, they declared that " these marks of ministerial ven geance" had not yet detached them from their royal sovereign, whom they were still ready to defend in " person, family, crown, and dignity." They were, how ever, resolutely determined, as they said, not to submit tamely to tyranny; but, with God on their side, to die or be free. The Congress, moreover, prepared for the worst, by everywhere organizing the mi litia, and by the appointment of General Artemas Ward as commander-in-chief. The feeling in Massachusetts was soon communicated to all the colonies. Every colonist felt that the cause of the Boston people was his own ; and crowds flocked in, to unite with those who had already struck a blow on the memorable day of Lexington and Concord. They came from every part of New England. Old Israel Putnam, now threescore years of age, who had seen service in the French war, had retired to his Connecticut farm, and, like another Cincinnatus, was plough ing his field, when one of his sons ran up to him with the last news from Boston. The veteran dropped the handle of the plough, unharnessed his horses, and, sad dling one of them, galloped away to join the Massachusetts patriots. Stark, too, of New Hampshire, an old campaigner, came in, offering his services. The people now looked up to these veterans for counsel, and readily submitted to the guidance of the one, who from a private had reached the militia rank of general ; and of the other, who was known as colonel in the same service. Another and more remarkable man still, whose life supplies the darkest page in American annals, was then among the first to devote himself to the patriotic cause. This was Benedict Arnold, of New Haven, a Yankee skipper and small tra der. He had been chosen the captain of a volunteer company ; and no sooner did the Lexington news reach him, than he called his men together, and asked them whether they would march off with him. the next morning, for the neighborhood of Boston, distant about one hundred and fifty miles. They agreed to a man, and mustered at the time appointed, in front of the tavern where the Connecticut com mittee of safety were in session. Arnold applied to these gentlemen for a supply of powder and ball. They demurred, 011 the ground that he was not duly author ized. He then proposed to his soldiers to help themselves, by force, if necessary, to which they agreed. Arnold next sent word to the committee, of his resolution. Colonel Wooster now came out, and tried to persuade him to wait until he had re ceived proper orders. The impetuous Arnold answered, " None but Almighty God shall prevent my marching!" He got his ammunition, and marched to Bos ton. The provincial Congress, still in session, resolved that thirty thousand men be im mediately raised, and that all New Eng land be urged to add their quota of men to the Massachusetts troops. Cambridge, near Boston, was made the headquarters ; REVOLUTIONARY.] RESPONSE OF THE PROVINCES. 151 and the college there (the venerable Har vard) was emptied of its students, that room might be made for the provincial militia. The appeal of Massachusetts to the oth er New-England provinces was respond ed to with spirit. Connecticut voted six thousand men, two thousand of whom were for its own defence, and the rest to send in aid to the neighboring colony, under the command of the veteran Put nam (already on the ground), and Spen cer and AVooster. New Hampshire did not, as yet, organize an army, but ex pressed an ardent sympathy with the cause, and recommended supplies to be sent to the gallant Stark and his volun teers. Rhode Island was already repre sented by Nathaniel Greene, a blacksmith by trade and a Quaker in religion now, however, " read out of meeting," for his warlike propensities. This little prov ince, notwithstanding, voted an army of observation, numbering fifteen hundred men, and invested the bellicose young " friend" with the chief command. Penn sylvania held public meetings, appointed a " committee of safety," with Benjamin Franklin as its chairman, enrolled volun teer companies, and expressed the most patriotic resolutions. The people of New York, struggling against the adverse in fluence of a tory assembly, met together in spite of strong opposition, and united in an " association for the defence of co lonial rights," and recommended the ear ly meeting of a provincial Congress, " to deliberate on and direct such measures as may be expedient for our common safety." At the South, too, each prov ince Delaware, Virginia, the Carol inas,* and all was firm for the patriotic cause, and prepared to act in its defence. To give unanimity to the action of the colonists, a second continental Congress was to be held, at Philadelphia. Wash ington was at Mount Vernon, preparing to set out as a delegate to this assembly, which was to meet in May, when he re ceived news of the affair at Lexington. "Washington s feelings," says Irving, " were of a mingled nature. They may be gathered from a letter to his friend and neighbor, George William Fairfax, then in England, in which he lays the blame of this deplorable affair on the ministry and their military agents ; and concludes with the following words, in which the yearnings of the patriot give affecting solemnity to the implied resolve of the soldier : Unhappy it is to reflect that a brother s sword has been sheathed in a brother s breast ; and that the once- happy and peaceful plains of America are to be either drenched with blood or in habited by slaves. Sad alternative ! But can a virtuous man hesitate in his choice? " The impression produced in England may be learned from this record of Walpole in his journal, after the victories of Con cord and Lexington were announced : "Stocks immediately fell. The provin cials had behaved with the greatest con duct, coolness, and resolution. One cir cumstance spoke a thorough determina tion of resistance. The provincials had sent over affidavits of all that had passed, and a colonel of the militia had sworn in * In North Carolina they even precipitated matters, by a " Declaration of Independence." 152 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART 11 an affidavit that he had given his men order to fire on the king s troops if the latter attacked them. It was firmness, indeed, to swear to having been the first to begin what the Parliament had named rebellion ; thus was the civil war begun, and a victory gained, the first fruits of which were on the side of the Americans, whom Lord Sandwich had had the folly and rashness to proclaim cowards." Let us, however, pass from what was said to what was done by the patriots ; for the purpose of our history is to tell how they fought, and not what they thought. When the struggle between the colo nies and the mother-country became im minent, the attention of some thoughtful men in New England was directed to the probable position of Canada in the com ing contest. Few doubted but that it would remain loyal under any circum stances ; and, with such a disposition, it wa>s quite evident that Canadian territo ry would offer to the British a firm hold ing-ground, upon which they might es tablish a basis of military operations, and through which they could do continued mischief to all the colonies, and particu larly to New England and New York. The main route from the Canadas to the provinces south was over Lake Cham- plain ; and upon this lake were the two forts of Ticonderoga and Crown Point, held each by a British garrison. These, accordingly, commanded the way. To acquire them, therefore, was thought of great importance to the patriot cause by the wise in counsel. The bold in action were not wanting to offer to do what was deemed advisable to be done. The neces sity of securing Ticonderoga and Crown Point had been urged by many through out New England, but Connecticut was foremost in proposing a plan of action, and sending out an expedition. Several members of the assembly of Connecticut got up the enterprise, but kept it a secret, as it might not have been safe to intrust a knowledge to those who, however patriotically disposed, had not yet declared themselves boldly for war. Money was obtained, and a few volunteers enlisted in Connecticut and Massachusetts. The projectors of the un dertaking, however, looked for the main staple of their force to the "Green-mount ain boys" of the "New-Hampshire grants." This territory was then a wild region : it is now the state of Vermont. In those early days it was settled by a few hardy men, who joined to the strong attach ment of the farmer to his land, the wild and fierce characteristics of the forest- borderer. The territory in their posses sion was derived from New Hampshire. New York, however, claimed the title, which was confirmed, on appeal, by royal authority. The latter province then at tempted to eject the settlers of the " New- Hampshire grants," but found itself re sisted by a band of resolute fellows who called themselves " The Green-mountain boys." The legislature of New York now outlawed these bold resistants,and offered a reward for their apprehension. Ethan Allen, born in Connecticut, but living from childhood among the Green mountains, was the chosen leader of these " New-Hampshire grant" outlaws. He ad vised arming and defiance : his followers REVOLUTIONARY.] ETHAN ALLEN. 153 adopted his counsel, and pledged them selves to resist New York to the death. Allen was bold almost to fierceness, a natural contemner of authority, yet one Avho, with all his reputed disregard of traditional religious opinion, was of the strictest integrity. "An anecdote is re lated of him," says Lossing, " which illus trates the purity of his principles. He owed a citizen of Boston sixty pounds, for which he gave his promissory note. It was sent to Vermont for collection. It was inconvenient for Allen to pay, and the note was put in suit. Allen em ployed a lawyer to attend the court, and have the judgment postponed until he could raise the money. The lawyer de termined to deny the genuineness of the signature, as the readiest method of post poning the matter, for in that case a wit ness at Boston would have to be sent for. When the case was called, it happened that Allen was in a remote part of the courthouse, and to his utter astonishment heard his lawyer gravely deny the sig nature of the note. With long and fierce strides he rushed through the crowd, and, confronting the amazed lirnb of the law, rebuked him in a voice of thunder : Mr. , I did not hire you to come here and lie ! That is a true note I signed it I ll swear to it and I ll pay it! I want no shuffling ; I want time. What I employed you for was to get this busi ness put over to the next court ; not to come here and lie and juggle about it ! The result was, the amicable postpone ment of the claim, arranged between the two lawyers." The style of the man as a speaker 20 for he had some pretensions to a rude eloquence is described as that of "a singular compound of local barbarisms, scriptural phrases, and oriental wildness and, though unclassic and sometimes un- grammatical, highly animated and forci ble." And Washington said there was " an original something in him which commanded admiration." The small force collected together in Connecticut and Massachusetts now rap idly pushed on to join the " Green-mount- ain boys," who readily flocked to the call of their old leader, Ethan Allen. Castle- ton was the rendezvous, and here soon the whole force was gathered, amounting to two hundred and seventy, all of whom, with the exception of forty, were " Green- mountain boys." Now a council-of-war was held. On the road, the small Con necticut detachment had met with one who was apparently a countryman, from whom they had gathered such an account of the formidable position of things in Ti- conderoga, that their hearts almost failed them. This incident was laid before the council, and was thus reported by the witnesses : While they were on their way, they fell in with one who appeared to be an undesigning, honest traveller. They addressed him. " From whence carne you ?" " From Ty" (so Ticonderoga was called, for shortness) ; " left it yesterday," at such an hour. " Has the garrison re ceived any reinforcements?" "Yes; I saw them : there were a number of artil lerymen and other soldiers." " What are they doing ? Are they making fascines ? " Fascines ? I do n t know what you call fascines. They are tying up sticks and BATTLES OF AMERICA. brush in bundles, and putting them where the walls are down." This account so alarmed many of the party, that there was some thought of re turning ; and it was only determined by a majority of one, that they should push on. And well they did; for the "coun tryman" was a shrewd fellow, affecting not to know anything, and yet knowing enough to deceive, by giving such infor mation as he thought would save the British forts, and which information was very far from the truth. Ethan Allen was no sooner appointed to command the whole expedition, by the council of offi cers at Castleton, than there came one, in great haste, to dispute the honor with him. This was Benedict Arnold. Arnold, fresh from Connecticut, where the expedition against Ticonderoga and Crown Point was the subject of talk among the patriots, no sooner arrived at Boston and not finding much there at that moment for the occupation of his busy activity than he laid before the Massa chusetts committee of safety a proposi tion for an attack upon the British forts. He was readily listened to w r hen he spoke of the dismantled condition of Ticonder oga, its great stock of cannon and milita ry stores, and of how easily it might be taken, defended as it was by only two- score men. The committee approved of his proposition, and appointed him colo nel, with the authority to raise four hun dred men. Arnold, however, knowing that Allen was before him, did not wait for recruits, but pushed on and arrived at Ca-stleton with a single servant. Here he showed his Massachusetts commission, and claimed the supreme command ; but, finding that the men, who were mostly u Green-mountain boys," insisted upon be ing led by their old commander, Allen, he was fain to content himself with the position of second. One Captain Noah Phelps now came in with certain intelligence in regard to Ticonderoga, This bold fellow had dis guised himself as a rustic laborer, and had gone into the fort, requesting to be shaved by the barber of the garrison. Suspect ing nothing, he w r as readily admitted ; and, as he was searching for the man of the razor, he went all about the fort, pry ing into every nook and corner, and ask ing, with the affected greenness of a coun tryman, all sorts of questions. After spending the better part of the day thus, and getting rid of his beard at the hands of the barber, he left, and returned to his fellow-patriots, with the fullest informa tion of what he had seen and heard. It was determined to make the attack at once, and the adventurous Noah Phelps undertook to guide the party to the fort. On the 9th of May, Allen began his march, and reached Lake Cham- plain, at a point opposite to Ticonderoga, in the middle of the night. There were but few boats to be had, but Allen was too impatient to wait until more could be obtained ; so he and Arnold, with eighty-three men, crossed at once. When on the other side, it was suggested that they should await the arrival of the rest of the force ; but Allen would not listen to it for a moment, and declared that he was for striking a blow on the instant, " It is a desperate attempt, I know," said REVOLUTIONARY.] FALL OF TICONDEROGA. 155 he, " and I ask no man to go against his will. I will take the lead, and be the first to advance. You that are willing to follow, poise your firelocks !" Every firelock was "poised." The fort stood upon a height above them, and they now rapidly climbed the hill, with Phelps and a farmer s lad they had picked up, guiding the way. On reaching the top, a sentry on the outer wall snapped his fusee at Allen, and then retreated within. A dispute now took place between Arnold and Allen. The former " became assuming, and swore he would go in first; the other swore he should not." At last it was agreed that they should go in together ; so Allen and Arnold entered the port leading to the fort side by side. It was in the early gray of the morning, as they si lently marched in, followed by their handful of men. A soldier on guard struck at one of the officers, but was soon brought to his knees by a blow from Al len s sword upon the head, and forced to beg for quarter. As the provincials, with a loud shout, rushed into the parade within the walls, the garrison came flying out, and were easily made prisoners. Allen now made his way (with the aid of the farmer s lad, who knew every turn in and out of the fortress) to the quarters of Captain Dela- place, the commander, who was still in bed. Allen gave a thundering rap at the door with the hilt- of his sword, which at once aroused Delaplace, who came out half-dressed, " with the frightened face of his pretty wife peering over his shoulder," and demanded, with an air and tone of May 10, affected firmness, what the disturbance meant. Allen insisted upon his instant surrender. " By what authority ?" asked Delaplace. " In the name of the Grea Jehovah and the continental Congress !" was the memorable answer, rounded off with the usual oath of the leader of the wild " mountain-boys." It is true, at that moment there was no continental Con gress ; and it might be very questionable whether a profane character like Allen could justly claim divine authority : but there was the provincial force in posses sion, to which their leader had only to point, which settled the matter, and put an end at once to all questions. Dela place had nothing else left him but to surrender ; and accordingly Ticonderoga was immediately given up, with all its effects, including the captain with his for ty men, and a large stock of artillery and military stores. Arnold, \vith his usual uneasy longing for power, insisted impetuously upon the command of Ticonderoga being given to him ; but was forced to yield to Allen, who had the advantage of being second ed by the predominating majority of his " Green-mountain boys," with whom he was so great a favorite. Arnold, how ever, protested, and sent a letter of com plaint to the Massachusetts committee. The rest of the force now coming up from the lake, they were detached to take pos session of Crown Point, in which they succeeded without firing a gun. It sur rendered on the 12th of May, being al most without defence, as the garrison numbered only a dozen men, under the command of a sergeant. Its hundred 156 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [FART II. cannon and various stores were, however, a timely addition to the meager supplies of the provincials. Arnold s restlessness now found vent in an enterprise that was concocted in council at Ticonderoga. A small detach ment, composed of some thirty men, had been sent to Skenesborough, to secure the son of Major Skene, who was an ar dent royalist, and a man of large wealth and influence, by which he was enabled greatly to serve the cause to which he was devoted. They had succeeded in taking young Skene by surprise, while out shooting. Otherwise, they might have had tough work in effecting their object; for Skene was quite a lord in his way, with his numerous tenants and ne groes, who were ready to do his bidding at all hazards, and to defend him and his family to the death. The provincials seized the son known, as well as his fa ther, as a Major Skene his strong stone- house and fortress, a number of his de pendants and slaves, and his boats, among which there was a good-sized schooner. They likewise made another capture, of which they had but little expectation. It was that of the elder Skene s wife, who had not accompanied her husband, as might naturally have been expected, to England, where he had gone. On ran sacking the great stone-house, they found the mistress of the mansion in the cellar. She had been there, it seems, many years. The good lady, however, was dead, and had been so for a long time ; but her hus band, having a strong attachment to an annuity which was to be continued to her " while she remained above-ground," had taken care to secure the object of his affection, by keeping his wife s body out of the grave. The provincials reveren tially removed the remains, and buried them behind the great stone-house. It was now determined that Arnold should lead the men who had been so successful at Skenesborough, and, em barking them on the boats which they had captured, sail with them down Lake Champlain, and take St. Johns, a Cana dian post on the river Sorel. Arnold him self, who had been a sailor in early days, took command of the schooner, and with a fair wind succeeded in outsailing the batteaux, which were left so far behind, that he had landed and captured the place with his small advance-party before the rest could come up. Arnold, now learn ing that the troops from Canada were coining, destroyed what he could not car ry away, and, taking with him an armed vessel and some military stores, set sail up the lake again. He had not got far, when he was met by Ethan Allen and his men, in the slow-moving batteaux. Arnold exultingly saluted his rival com mander with a broadside of cannon, which Allen returned with a volley of musketry from his militia. An interview on board Arnold s royal "man-of-war" of seventy tons folio wed, when Allen was informed of the particulars of the late success. The latter then determined to continue his course for St. Johns, and make an at tempt to hold it. He was, however, fore stalled by a superior British force, and had to turn back to Ticonderoga. :i: * This account is derived from Irving, who gives rathe"- a different version from other writers. REVOLUTIONARY.] WASHINGTON MADE COMMANDER-IN-CHIEF. 157 1775. The second continental Congress assembled in Philadelphia on the 10th of May. Almost the first subject which came before them was, the state of things in Massachusetts. In the attitude of the British government toward that province, they saw a subversion of its charter, and advised the organization of a government which might restore, as far as possible, the former laws of Massachu setts. The Congress, however, so far as sumed a conciliatory tone, as to resolve upon another petition to the British throne. The New-Englanders,with whom the spirit of independence was rife, op posed all further efforts at conciliation ; and John Adams was among the foremost to denounce them as "imbecile." The petition to the king was, however, car ried. Still, the Congress continued to act as if the colonies were already inde pendent, and proceeded to deliberate up on measures of offence and defence as if they constituted a separate nation. That the people of New England were in arms to resist the British government, was a fact that could not be concealed ; and that their interest was the common interest of the whole country, every one felt, and determined to sustain it. The question now came up, as to who should be commander-in-chief to lead the forces which were fast gathering to the rescue of their country. There was no little jeal ousy, even at this early period, between the North and the South. The Massa chusetts men were greatly in favor of Hancock, of Boston, and he himself un doubtedly aspired to the high position. Colonel Washington was the choice of the South. That great man, however, mod estly thought not of himself, but of his country only. John Adams now, with the consent of most of the New-England- ers, made a concession to the southern provinces, by proposing Mr. George Wash ington, " a gentleman whose skill and ex perience as an officer, whose independent fortune, great talents, and excellent uni versal character, would command the ap probation of all America, and unite the cordial exertions of all the colonies bet ter than any other person in the Union." As soon as Adams had uttered these words, " Mr. Washington, who happened to sit near the door.... with his usual mod esty, darted into the library-room." There were many New-Englanders op posed to this nomination, and one who was particularly chagrined. It was Han cock, who was sitting at that time as president of the Congress, in the absence of Peyton Randolph, who had returned to Virginia, to preside at the assembly of his own province. Adams says : " While I was speaking on the state of the colo nies, the army at Cambridge, and the en emy, Hancock heard me with pleasure ; but when," he adds, " I came to describe Washington for the commander, I never remarked a more sudden and striking change of countenance. Mortification and resentment were expressed as forci bly as his face could exhibit them." The election was delayed for a few days, in consequence of the opposition ; when, finally, GEORGE WASHINGTON was unanimously chosen command er-in-chief of the provincial for ces. On his election beino; announced Juiie 15, 158 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART n. Washington arose and modestly said, af ter thanking the Congress for the honor conferred upon him: "Lest some un lucky event should happen unfavorable to my reputation, I beg it may be remem bered, by every gentleman in the room, that I this day declare, with the utmost sincerity, I do not think myself equal to the command I am honored with. As to pay, I beg leave to assure the Congress that, as no pecuniary consideration could have tempted me to accept this arduous employment, at the expense of my do mestic ease and happiness, I do not wish to make any profit of it. I will keep an exact account of my expenses. These I doubt not they will discharge, and that is all I desire." In the congressional resolution to ap point a commander-in-chief, a provision was made for his support to the amount of five hundred dollars a month. The army which had been gathering, princi pally from the various parts of New Eng land, was now formally adopted by the continental Congress ; and a commander- in-chief having been appointed, they pro ceeded to organize the whole military staff. Artemas AYard was chosen second in command, Charles Lee the third, Phil ip Schuyler the fourth, and Israel Putnam the fifth, all with the rank of major-gen eral. Seth Pomeroy, Richard Montgom ery, David Wooster, William Heath, Jo seph Spencer, John Thomas, John Sulli van, and Nathaniel Greene, were the eight appointed as brigadier-generals. Horatio Gates had the same rank, with the espe cial function of adjutant-general. There was a good deal of opposition to the ap pointment of Lee and Gates, but Wash ington s earnest advocacy secured their elections. They were both Englishmen, and were looked upon with suspicion as military adventurers, more concerned about their own private interests than the public good of a country to which they were comparatively strangers. CHAPTER III. The Provincial Camp before Boston. Men and Officers. The Country round. Charlestown and Boston : their Aspect.- The British reinforced. Burgoyne, Clinton, and Howe. Gage s Proclamation. Indignation of the People. Breed s and Bunker s Hills. Taken Possession of by the Provincials. The Fortifications. Colonel Prescott. His Martial Air. Character. The Labors and Anxieties of the Night on Bunker s Hill. The Morning. The Surprise of the British. The Bombardment of the Works by the British Ships. Colonel Prescott encourages his Men. The British Troops prepare to attack. Activity of Putnam. Lord Howe. His Character. The Preparations for the Struggle. The Excitement of the People. The Stir in the Provincial Camp. Putnam on the Move. 1775, SIXTEEN thousand New-England patriots were now in arms before Boston. Of these, about three fourths were from Massachusetts ; and the rest from Connecticut, New Hampshire, and Rhode Island. One common sentiment of patriotism united them all in a firm resolve to defend their country against the oppressor. This was their strength, which was sure to frive them the ultimate REVOLUTIONARY.] WHO WERE THE PROVINCIALS? 159 victory over their enemies. They had their weaknesses, however; and these greatly diminished their efficiency as an army gathered to resist the disciplined troops of Great Britain. With the ex ception of a few veterans, who had fought in the British ranks at Louisburg and Quebec, most of the men were fresh from the shop and the field. All varieties of trades and occupations had their repre sentatives in the American ranks. There was even a divine, the Reverend John Martin,* of Rhode Island, who, having delivered a stirring sermon on the text " Be not ye afraid of them : remember the Lord which is great and terrible, and fight for your brethren, your sons, and your daughters, your wives, and your houses" (Neh. iv. 14), shouldered his mus ket, and took his position as a private in the line. Most of the Americans, at best, had had but a few days militia-training, and knew nothing of war but its "first steps." They could form ranks, face to the right and left, and march, keeping an irregular step to the village drum and fife, to the undisguised ridicule of the critical looker-on. There was hardly a man, however, in those early days, who could not steadily poise his gun and bring down his game with the sure aim of a " good shot," In appearance, they had none of the look of a soldier. In dress they pretended to no uniformity, and civilized broadcloth coats, homespun jackets, and coarse shirt sleeves, indiscriminately diversified the patriot ranks. Some shouldered fowling- pieces rusty from neglect, or polished * He fought bravely at Bunker s hill. smooth with long use ; some carried blun derbusses ; others implements of peaceful husbandry, sharpened into weapons of war ; and but few were provided with the " regulation" musket and its efficient bay onet. There was a general scarcity of mili tary stores. The artillery was scanty, the ammunition small in quantity, and there was a great want of tents, clothing, and even roofs, to protect the troops from ex posure to the weather. There was, more over, worse than all, an absence of unity in command. " The Massachusetts men had their own commander, Connecticut and the other provinces theirs ;" and each insisted upon being governed exclusively by his own leader. They were all, how ever, ready to fight for the one cause ; and we shall see how this unanimity of feeling, in the time of trial, smoothed many of the irregularities which came from a want of discipline. Among the officers there were men of military experience, and well able, with proper materiel, and under favorable cir cumstances, to organize an army, and to command it. Artemas Ward, the gener al of the Massachusetts men, had fought gallantly under Abercrombie. " Old Put," of Connecticut, had learned a good deal of war while serving as a private in the French campaign. Pomeroy had distin guished himself at Louisburg, and so had Gridley, where he had shown great skill as a military engineer. Prescott and Stark, too, \vere veterans, who had fought bravely while serving in the British ranks against the French. The men looked up with veneration to these leaders, and con- 160 BATTLES -OF AMERICA. [PART n. dently obeyed their orders. Such was the patriot force now loosely scattered over some ten miles of country surround ing Boston, and holding that city in a state of siege. The town itself and the suburbs were emptied of their inhabitants. Charles- town was almost entirely deserted, but one or two hundred out of two or three thousand of the population being left. A few only of the citizens returned occa sionally, to plant their gardens, mow their grass, and look after the property which they could not take away with them. The removals of the citizens from Boston into the country were so frequent, that General Gage became alarmed ; and, al though he had pledged himself to give passes to those who desired to leave, he threw all kinds of obstructions in their way to prevent their departure. The passes were made out in such a manner as to prevent those who bore them from carrying anything with them. " All mer chandise was forbid ; after awhile, all pro visions were forbid; and now all merchan dise, provisions, and medicine. Guards were appointed to examine all trunks, boxes, beds, and everything else, to be carried out." The passports, too, were often so worded as to separate men from their wives and children, whom the gov ernor was particularly desirous of retain ing as pledges for the " good conduct" of the patriots. Passes finally were refused altogether. The whole city was given up almost entirely to the British soldiery. Occasional skirmishes occurred between Gage s outposts and the American patri ots, but nothing was effectually done un- June. til the arrival of reinforcements from Great Britain. A large number of British troops now arrived, w r hich, added to Gage s previous force, gave him an ar my of ten thousand Avell-disciplined sol diers, mostly by long service inured to war. Three British generals of renown also arrived Howe, Clinton, and Bur- goyne. As the Cerberus man-of-war, on board of which these officers came, was entering the harbor, she spoke a coaster ; and the skipper, being asked what news there was, replied, " Boston is surround ed by ten thousand country-people." " How many regulars are there in the town ?" asked General Burgoyne ; and, being told there were afaout five thou sand, he cried out, with astonishment: " What ! ten thousand peasants kee p five thousand king s troops shut up ? Well, let us get in, and w r e ll soon find elbow- room !" This expression. " elbow-room," * stuck by Burgoyne during all the time he remained in America. The British generals might well be surprised at the state of things in Boston ; for, when they left England, they had no thought of be ing obliged to draw the sword, and sup posed that their mere appearance would settle all the difficulties. They had ac cordingly prepared themselves with fowl ing-pieces and fishing-rods, with the view * " General Burgoyne is designated by Elbow-room in the satires of the times. It is said that he loved a joke, and used to relate that, after his Canada reverses, while a pris oner-of-war, he was received with great courtesy by the Bos ton people, as lie stepped from the Cluirlestown ferry-boat; but he was really annoyed when an old lady, perched on a shed above the crowd, cried out at the top of a shrill voice : Make way, make way the general s coming ! Give him elbow-room ! " FKOTHINGIIAM. REVOLUTIONARY.] THE PROVINCIALS AND THEIR LEADERS. 161 of " good sport" in America, during their leisure hours, when off duty. Gage, thus reinforced, prepared for ac tive hostilities. As a beginning, he is sued a proclamation which excited the indignation of each patriot, and fixed him more firmly in his resolve to fight for his country. The British fretted greatly at the idea of being shut up within Boston, and now resolved to extend their " elbow- room." It was accordingly proposed, in council, to take possession of Dorchester and the other heights which surrounded the city. The provincial leaders heard of these designs of the enemy, and prepared to counteract them. Several plans of oper ation were considered, and, among oth ers, that of occupying Bunker s hill. This hill formed, with that of Breed s, the heights which, overlooking the northern end of Boston,were at the back of Charles- town, and gradually descended to the neck of the peninsula upon which that town is situated. The object was, to hem the Brit ish in effectually on that side, and pre vent all sallies. Many, however, opposed the plan, as too hazardous, deeming the militia not sufficiently expert as yet to be capable of a sustained military op eration. But others contended that the country was growing discontented with the inactivity of the army, and that the soldiers themselves were eager for work. The veteran Putnam and the martial Prescott strongly advocated the posses sion of Bunker s hill, by which means they might draw out the British and have a fair fight with them. These officers professed great faith in the provincials, 21 and Putnam said : " The Americans are not afraid of their heads, though very much afraid of their legs ; if you cover these, they will fight for ever." Genera Ward and Warren (who had been ap pointed a brigadier-general, but had not yet received his commission) opposed the plan. The advice of Putnam and Pres cott, however, carried the day. The American forces were much scat tered about the neighborhood of Boston General Thomas was at Koxbury, with four thousand Massachusetts men ; Gen eral Greene was at Jamaica Plains, with the Rhode-Islanders; where also was Gen eral Spencer, with the larger portion of his Connecticut regiment. The main body of the American militia, consisting of some nine thousand men and four ar tillery-companies, was in and about Cam bridge, where General Ward had his head quarters. This part of the forces was dis tributed over a considerable surface of ground, and, extending through most of the villages over Charlestown neck, with its outposts it reached even the base of Bunker s hill. With the main body, besides General Ward of Massachusetts, were Putnam of Connecticut, Stark and Reed of New Hampshire, and Gridley the engineer. The officers and men were quartered in the college-buildings, churches, taverns, farmyards, and in tents under the few breastworks which had been hastily erect- ed here and there. It may be well here to give a more specific description of the scene of the struggle which we are about to record. We borrow it from Frothing- ham, who says : BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART n. " The peninsula of Charlestown is situ ated opposite to the north end of Boston, and is separated from it by Charles river. It is about a mile in length from north to south ; and its greatest breadth, next to Boston, is about half a mile, whence it gradually becomes narrower until it makes an isthmus, called The Neck, con necting it with the mainland. The Mys tic river, about half a mile wide, is on the east side ; and on the west side is Charles river, which here forms a large bay a part of which, by a dam stretching in the direction of Cobble hill, is a millpond. In 1775, the Neck, an artificial causeway, was so low as to be frequently overflowed by the tides. The communication with Boston was by a ferry where Charles- river bridge now is, and with Maiden by another called Penny Ferry, where at present Maiden bridge is Bunker hill begins at the isthmus, and rises gradually for about three hundred yards, forming a round, smooth hill, sloping on two sides toward the water, and connected by a ridge of ground on the south with the heights now known as Breed s hill. The easterly and westerly sides of this height were steep ; on the east side, at its base, were brick-kilns, clay -pits, and much sloughy land ; and on the west side, at the base, was the most settled part of the town The easterly portions of these hills were used chiefly for hay-ground and pasturing ; the westerly portions con tained fine orchards and gardens." Friday night (16th of June) was the time appointed for taking pos session of and fortifying Bunkers hill. Ac cordingly, orders were issued for the as- 1775, sembling of the troops drafted for the purpose ; and, at six o clock in the even ing, they mustered ready for duty. They were some twelve hundred men in all, mostly of the Massachusetts regiments, although Connecticut supplied a fatigue- party of two hundred. Colonel William Prescott, of Pepperell, was appointed to command the Massachusetts detachment; Captain Thomas Knowlton, a favorite of Putnam, and an officer in his regiment, led the Connecticut men. The two field- pieces and forty-nine artillerymen were in charge of Captain Samuel Gridley, a son of Colonel Richard Gridley, who was the chief-engineer of the enterprise, and was to plan the fortifications about to be constructed. The men came, as had been ordered, provided with all the intrenching-tools that could be found in the camp, and with packs, blankets, and provisions for twenty-four hours (it was supposed, for that had been the order). They were not informed of the precise object of the en terprise in which they were about to en gage. Their leader, Prescott, had received a written order from General Ward, direct ing him to proceed that evening to Bun ker s hill, build fortifications there, and to defend them until relieved. This order was, however, not to be communicated to his force until they had reached Charles- town neck. Colonel Prescott presented himself in full uniform, being equipped with a three- cornered hat, a top-wig, and a single-breastr ed blue coat, with facings, and lapped up at the skirts ;" and, as he paraded his men, his tall figure, thus magnificently arrayed, REVOLUTIONARY.] THE MARCH TO BUNKER S HILL. 103 and his military bearing for he was a veteran, having served as a lieutenant at the siege of Louisburg were the admi ration of his raw and miscellaneously- clothed troops. He had, moreover, not only the look und spirit of a good soldier, but was known to be a most determined patriot. A few months before this time, while he commanded a regiment of min ute-men, his brother-in-law, Colonel Wil- lard, was at his house, and endeavored to dissuade him from the active part he was taking against the king s government. Upon his being reminded that if he should be found in arms against his sovereign, his life and estate would be forfeited, Pres- cott replied : " I have made up my mind on that subject. I think it probable I may be found in arms, but I will never be taken alive. The tories shall never have the satisfaction of seeing me hanged." Such was the resolution of the man who was intrusted with the important com mand at Bunker s hill. The men having been reviewed on the common by General Ward, President Langdon offered up an earnest prayer, and dismissed the force with a blessing. It was nine o clock w r hen they began their march, which had been purposely delayed until that late hour, in order that it might be under the cover of the dark ness of the night, and that the enemy might thus remain unsuspicious of the movement. Each man was ordered to keep the utmost silence ; and, with two men carrying dark lanterns in front, they thus continued their still and groping march to Charlestown neck, where they came to a halt. Here the veteran Put nam rode up, and Major Brooks joined them. A guard now having been de tached to the town of Charlestown, the main body cautiously continued their march along Charlestown neck, to the base of Bunker s hill, where there was another halt, when Prescott communi cated his orders to his chief officers. A question now arose as to the hill to be fortified. Bunker s hill was the place specified in the written orders ; but, as Breed s hill was nearer Boston, it was thought by most of the officers to be the most suitable for the purpose intend ed. There seemed considerable difficul ty in coming to a decision ; but, as the night was passing, Gridley declared there was no longer any time to spare, and it was finally determined to proceed to Breed s hill, and there erect the main fortifications although, at the earnest persuasion of General Putnam, it was al so agreed to raise some works on Bun ker s hill as well. The men were now marched farther along to the heights of Breed s hill, and, when near the top, they halted, stacked their guns, threw off their packs, and prepared for the duty of the night. Gridley marked out the lines rap idly, and at twelve o clock had his men fairly at work. In the meantime, Prescott was greatly anxious lest the labors of the provincials should be detected by the British. He sent a party below to patrol the shore, and keep a close watcli upon the men-of war lying in Charles river, within gun shot, and upon the battery at Copp s hill, at the north end of Boston, just across the river. Prescott might well be anx- BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART 11. ious, with the enemy so threateningly near, and who, if once aroused, before the American works were completed, would be sure to defeat the whole enterprise. The patriots had so far succeeded, by their exceeding caution, in escaping ev ery danger. They had passed the neck in safety, under the very guns of a man- of-war stationed to guard that approach. There was now more occasion than ever for watchfulness, as their present position was commanded by no less than three armed vessels and several floating batte ries, whose guns pointed directly at the height where the Americans, as they busi ly worked, were totally unprotected. As their thousand spades were diligently plied, the progress was rapid ; and the men continued their labor without inter ruption, listening with eager ears to the bell-watches of the British men-of-war, and the " All s well !" of the sentries on the opposite shores. Prescott himself, as the night was passing, became more and more anxious. He continued to urge on his men constantly to increased effort; and went down himself to the shore, to watch the enemy, and try if he could catch the least sound of movement among the ships or the troops. He could hear nothing, in the quiet summer night, but the hour-watches striking, and the sen tries cry, and returned up the hill with words of renewed encouragement and hope. The men went to work with great- er spirit than ever ; and Colonel Prescott saw, with great satisfaction, as the dawn of morning approached, the intrenchment rising fast : for he was particularly anx ious to have a screen for his raw troops, since he believed it would be difficult to keep them, however firm in their patriot ism, steady enough to stand for the first time in an open field against artillery and well-disciplined soldiers. When morning broke, so diligent had been the Americans, that they had al ready fortified their position with a re doubt almost complete, and an intrench ment of six feet in height. All this, more over, had been done in such silence and secrecy, that nothing was observed or suspected by the British, until the sailors, as day dawned, saw from the decks of the men-of-war the American fortress, which had risen upon the hill during the night as if by magic. The captain of the Lively immediately put a spring on his cable, and, hauling in, opened a fire on the works. This was done without or ders ; and, upon the admiral being made aware of it, it ceased momentarily, and then each of his ships opened its broad side and played unceasingly upon the hill. The British battery on Copp s hill also joined in with a brisk cannonade. The firing aroused all Boston and the neighboring suburbs ; and the inhabitants poured out, taking their positions on the housetops, the roofs of the churches, and the hills, looking anxiously at what was going on. The patriots continued their work, in spite of the fatigue of the night s labor and the heat of the summer sun, as it came out, dartiiig its burning rays upon them. For awhile, the firing from the British ships and the battery on Copp s hill did no damage, as the provincials were pro tected by the intrenchments. A private, June 17. REVOLUTIONARY ] THE FIRST KILLED. 165 however, having ventured out, was struck down by a ball and instantly killed. This created quite a panic among the raw troops, and some of the men made off in fright. Colonel Prescott, in order to reassure his inexperienced soldiers, now mounted the parapet, and, walking deliberately upon it, encouraged them at their work, and talked laughingly of the chances of war. At this moment, General Gage was watching with his glass the patriot move ment on the hill, and, seeing a tall per son on the top of the works, asked Coun cillor Willard, at his side, " Who is that person, giving orders ?" " It s my broth er-in-law Prescott," was the answer. " Will he fight?" inquired the general. "Yes, sir," replied Willard ; " he s an old soldier, and will fight while there is a drop of blood left in his veins!" "The works must be carried," was all that Gage said in rejoinder. Colonel Prescott, succeeding in allay ing the panic, and getting his men again at work, the fortifications continued to make fair progress ; although the day, as it advanced, became fearfully hot, and the troops suffered greatly, not only from the heat, but from excessive fatigue and want of refreshments, which they had strangely neglected to provide them selves with. The men at last began to grow discontented, and some murmured loudly. The officers took up their cause, and urged the colonel to send to General Ward, at Cambridge, for other men to take the place of those who had worked all night. Prescott refused, saying : " The <meiny will not dare to attack us ; and if they do, they will be defeated. The men who have raised the works are the best able to defend them ; already they have learned to despise the fire of the enemy. They have the merit of the labor, and shall have the honor of the victory." The patriots were certainly becoming fast inured to warfare, under the severe discipline of Prescott, who gave them a foretaste of the summary mode of doing business in the time of war, by the man ner in which he disposed of their com rade, the first killed by a cannon-ball. His death was reported to the colonel by one of the subaltern officers, who asked what was to be done with the body. " Bury it," replied Prescott. " The chap lain," says Irving, describing this scene, " gathered some of his military flock about him, and was proceeding to perform suita ble obsequies over the first martyr, but Prescott ordered that the men should disperse to their work, and the deceased be buried immediately." The object of the colonel was, no doubt, to remove as soon as possible from the thoughts of his agitated men this by no means unusual event of battle, upon which they were disposed to dwell with a persistency of grief quite unsuitable and inconvenient to the occasion. The British troops now began to move, and evidentlv with the view of attacking * O the American works on Breed s hill. Gen eral Gage had held a council of his offi cers in the morning, when there was a dispute respecting the plan of operations. Some, of whom Clinton was one, had ex pressed themselves strongly in favor of lauding in the rear, and, by thus cutting 166 BATTLES OF -AMERICA. [_PART II. off the retreat of the patriots from the hill, proposed to hem them in within the peninsula between two British fires : oth ers, and among them Gage, who decided the question, were for crossing directly from Boston, and attacking them in front. This was the bolder expedient, but far the more dangerous, and which would probably never have been entertained, had it not been for the general s absurd contempt of the prowess of the provin cials. The Americans heard the commotion in the British camp with some degree of anxiety. As the sound of the wheels of the artillery-wagons rattling in the streets of Boston, and of the beating to quarters of the troops with drum and fife, came across the waters, it startled the raw mi litia with such an alarming expectation of approaching battle, that they began to show considerable solicitude for relief. Their officers now urged again upon Pres- cott to send to General Ward for fresh men as substitutes for those on the ground, who were completely worn out by the night s fatigue and the want of refreshment. Prescott would not listen to anything which should deprive the men then under his command of the glo ry which he earnestly believed would be the result of the day, but was induced to send a messenger, soliciting reinforce ments and a supply of provisions. Ward had been already urged to send aid to Prescott early in the morning, by General Putnam, whose experienced eye saw that the struggle was to be on the hill, and that the day would be a hard one. The general had consented, some what unwillingly, and had ordered Stark and Reed, with the New-Hampshire men, to reinforce Prescott. These were on their march when the messenger arrived from the hill. Ward now refused to send any more, as he was convinced that the British attack was to be in his own direc tion, and not against the American forti fications on Breed s hill. As the clay advanced, the British suc ceeded, by means of the flood-tide, in floating in toward the Charlestown pen insula several batteries, by which, in ad dition to the ships, they were enabled greatly to increase their fire. The pro vincials, however, took no further notice of the cannonade, than by an occasional return-shot from a single gun in their re doubt. They went on with their work until eleven o clock, when they stopped from their labors, and, having laid aside their intrenching- tools, anxiously awaited the arrival of the expected refreshments and reinfoi cements from Cambridge. General Putnam now rode up to the redoubt, and, hurrying to Colonel Pres cott, told him that the intrenching-tools must be sent off, or they would be lost. The colonel replied that, if he sent any of the men away with the tools, not one of them would return. To this the gen eral answered, " They shall every man return !" A large party was then sent off with the tools, and not one of them returned ! Some of the tools, however, and men to use them, got no farther than Bunker s hill, where Putnam put them to irood service in raising; a breastwork. o <-> At about noon, the British became ac tive in their preparations for attack. The REVOLUTIONARY.] CHARACTER OF GENERAL HOWE. June 17. men-of-war were hauled closer in toward the Charlestown shore, and their guns began to play briskly along the low lands opposite to the north end of Boston, where the British troops were embarking in their boats and barges. Under the cover of this fire from the ships, and a continued cannonade from the battery on Copp s hill, the troops left the Boston side, and began to cross the river. The barges, twenty-eight in number, crowded with soldiers, moved regularly across in parallel lines. It was a bright summer s day, and the mid-day sun was pouring down a flood of light, which glowed brilliantly in the stream, and upon the flashing accoutrements of the English officers and soldiers in their uniforms of scarlet, and with their pol ished arms and gilded ornaments. The troops were three thousand of the choi cest of Gage s army, and were led by Major-General Howe. WILLIAM HOWE was a younger brother of the gallant earl who fell at Ticonder- oga in 1758. So greatly had that youth ful nobleman endeared himself, by his amiable qualities, to the Americans, while fighting with them in the common cause against the French, that they now saw with exceeding pain his brother present ing himself as their enemy. " America is amazed to find the name of Howe in the catalogue of her enemies ; she loved his brother," were the warm words of an address of the continental Congress to the people of Ireland. William Howe himself, however, was not the man to sympathize strongly with any sentimen tal affection. He was a careless, good- natured man, " the most indolent of mor tals, and never took further pains to ex amine the merits or demerits of the cause in which he was engaged than merely to recollect that Great Britain was said to be the mother-country ; George III. king of Great Britain ; that the king and Par liament formed the supreme power ; that a supreme power is absolute and uncon trollable ; that all resistance must conse quently be rebellion ; but, above all, that he was a soldier, and bound to obey in all cases whatever."* Being a younger son, he was " provided for" by a commis sion in the army, and, confidently trustr ing to the influence of his aristocratic family for advancement, gave himself lit tle anxiety about the present or the fu ture. He was brave, like all his race, and with his handsome figure, six feet in height, and his frank, chivalrous air, made a gallant-looking officer. He had no pre tensions, however, to the genius which can conceive great enterprises, and bring them to triumphant results. He had nei ther the active sympathy with the good, of the young lord who fell at Ticonder- oga, nor the administrative ability and energy of Admiral Howe (at this time the earl) ; but, like his two brothers, he possessed courage, and, as that was all that was required in the present emer gency, he had the spirit equal to the oc casion. Lee dashes off his character thus : " He is naturally good-humored, complai sant, but illiterate and indolent to the last degree, unless as an executive soldier, in which capacity he is all fire and activity, brave and cool as Julius Cassar. His un- * General Charles Lee. 168 BATTLES OF AMERICA. LPAHT n. derstanding is rather good than other wise ; but was totally confounded and stupefied by the immensity of the task imposed upon him. He shut his eyes, fought his battles, drank his bottle, had his little advised with his counsellors, received his orders, shut his eyes, fought again." Howe succeeded in landing his men in admirable order on the Charlestown shore, and drew them up in three June 17, lines. Covered as they were by the British men-of-war and batteries, no attempt was made by the patriots to dis pute their landing; and they quietly took up their position at the bottom of Breed s hill at the north, without even a musketr shot being fired. Howe now reconnoi tred the American fortifications, and, find ing them more formidable than he had supposed, thought it would be necessary to have reinforcements before he could effectually perform the duty of the day, which was, " to drive the rebels from their works." He accordingly sent to Gage for more troops and ammunition, as, by a stupid blunder, the cartridges he had brought with him were too big for his fieldpieces ! In the meantime, refresh ments were plentifully distributed to the men, who were allowed to stack their arms, and gather in groups upon the grass, while they ate and drank to their fill. The landing, however, of the British troops at Charlestown, though unresisted, created a great commotion in Cambridge, where General Ward had his headquar ters, and where were gathered, not only the main body of the provincial troops, but large numbers of old men, women, and children, whose sons, husbands, and sires, had shouldered their muskets, and were awaiting a struggle which, brought it victory or defeat, would certainly bring death and sorrow to many a loving heart. The bells of the churches and college at Cambridge were ringing ; drums beat in the American camp ; and horses clattered through the streets, bearing messengers with orders for the commanders to assem ble their regiments and prepare to march. Adjutants were seen riding fast from point to point. One comes by at full gallop. "What is the matter?" shouts a youth, coming quietly out of his lodgings after dinner. " Have you not heard ?" " No." "Why, the regulars are landing at Charlestown, and we are all to meet and march immediately to Bunker s hill, to oppose the enemy." The adjutant puts spurs to his horse, and is away, shouting, " Turn out ! turn out !" The youth waits not, but runs, gets his arms and ammuni tion, and hastens to his company in the church where it has its barrack, and finds his comrades almost ready for the inarch. They are soon equipped with their frocks and trousers of "blue turned up with red," drawn over their other clothes ; for they are loth, with a rising martial pride, to expose themselves in other than a mili tary trim. Thus prepared, off they start. General Putnam, who seemed to be ev erywhere that day (riding hurriedly now to Bunker s hill and urging on his favor ite work there, now to Breed s, and then to Cambridge), at this moment came gal loping his horse to headquarters, and, or dering out those of the Connecticut men REVOLUTIONARY.] WARREN TO THE RESCUE. 169 that were left, led them forward to the aid of Prescott on the heights. General Ward, retaining two or three regiments to protect Cambridge, sent on the remain der of the Massachusetts troops to Charles- town. The patriots on the hill, still without reinforcements, and with but a scanty supply of refreshments, looked down from their intrenchments upon the brilliant array of the enemy below them with re spectful awe, and almost with envy, as, half famished themselves, they beheld the "red-coats" making jolly over their abun dant food and " bucketfuls of grog." The patriots became irritable and suspicious, and even charged their leaders with wan tonly exposing them to destruction. The men were almost exhausted by fatigue and hunger ; they were conscious of their inexperience as soldiers ; they saw a for midable British force, with its immense resources of art, threatening them. It was natural that a raw militia, under such circumstances, should be disheartened, and, wanting self-confidence, should tem porarily lose trust in their leaders. A the reinforcements did not come, as the supply of provisions failed them, they not unnaturally became disaffected. They were, however, now cheered by the time ly arrival of Generals Warren and Pome- roy, who as they came in were welcomed with loud hurrahs. These were true pa triots, whom none, the most suspicious, ever doubted. Their assurances of ap proaching aid, and their own resolute dec laration to share as volunteers in the dan gers of the day, soon dispelled all suspi cion, and encouraged the men to renewed hope and confidence. The ever-active Putnam, too, came riding in, cheering all by his hearty words and his undaunted bearing, and then galloping away again, to hurry on the approaching reinforce ments. CHAPTER IV. The Works on Bunker s Hill described. The Approach of the British Troops. Arrival of Warren. Howe s Address to his Soldiers. The Struggle. The British repulsed. "Old Put" at the Guns. Cheers of Victory. The British again driven back. Charlestown set on Fire. General Clinton volunteers. Another Attack and Repulse. The Sub limity of the Scene. A Final Rally of the British. The Last Struggle, and Retreat of the Provincials. Howe does not pursue. The Dead and Wounded. The Moral Victory of the Provincials at Bunker s Hill. Death of Warren, and the Public Grief. His History. The English Loss. 1775, THE patriots, with renewed spirit, indulged less in despairing reflec tions about the formidable aspect of the enemy which threatened them, and set to work in making further preparations for defence. Although it was as late as 22 June 17. three o clock in the afternoon, and the British might be expectr ed at any moment, the fortifications on Bunker s hill were by no means complete. The redoubt which had been built was small, being only eight rods square ; and 170 BATTLES 0V AMERICA. [PART IT although tolerably strong in front, with its projecting angles, it was weaker on the other sides. On the east was a large field, which was commanded by the guns of the redoubt on that side. Continuous with this eastern side of the redoubt, a breastwork extended a hundred yards north, to what was called " The Slough." Beyond this slough there was a space of some three hundred feet entirely unpro tected ; while, still farther on, there was a rail-fence. The redoubt and the breast work were cannon-proof The rail-fence merely offered a partial cover to a marks man, and could not be styled a defence, though it might slightly obstruct the ap proach of the enemy. Thus, to the north of the breastwork from the ridge of the hill down to the water s edge of the Mys tic river, there was nothing but a rail- fence ; and in this direction there offered an opportunity for the British to approach in security. Howe began now to move his troops ; and, as his right wing seemed to be ta king a direction along the shore, which was thought to indicate the design of making a flank movement through the unprotected approach at the north, Pres- cott ordered Captain Knowlton, with his Connecticut men, to go down the hill and prepare to oppose the British advance in that direction. Knowlton marched and took up his position to the rear of the redoubt, on the low ground which sepa rated like a shallow valley the two hills of Bunker and Breed. Here he found a rail-fence, which topped a foot-wall of stone, and, with ready Yankee ingenuity, turned it into a very tolerable breast work. Having gathered together a num ber of rails, he erected another fence, be hind the original one, and filled in the space between them with new-mown hay which he found ready to his hand in the neighboring fields. While the Connecticut men were thus engaged in their novel style of construct ing a fortification, Stark came to their aid with his New-Hampshire men. He had been long in crossing from Medford, whence he had set out early by the or ders of General Ward. As he was com ing deliberately along Charlestown neck, and the British man-of-war which com manded that point was blazing at him and his troops, an officer suggested to Stark that it might be well to quicken their march. But the veteran shook his head, and replied, " One fresh man in ac tion is worth ten fatigued ones." His troops continued their slow and regular step as before. When Stark reached the ground, he addressed a few pithy words to his men, and, after sending some of them to aid General Putnam at the works upon Bunker s hill, set the rest, to labor with Knowlton s party at the rail-and- hay battery. When the struggle was about to com mence, Warren stationed himself in the redoubt. As he came in, he was offered by Prescott the chief command, but de clined, saying, "I am come to fight as a volunteer, and feel honored in being al lowed to serve under so able a command er." Pomeroy went down to do duty at the rail-fence, and here Warren had also gone and remained momentarily, when the command there was likewise offered REVOLUTIONARY.] THE FIRST ONSET AT BUNKER S HILL. 171 him. " No," he replied ; " I only wish to know where I can be of most service as a private soldier." "The redoubt," said General Putnam, who also remarked that he would be there under cover. " Do n t think I seek a place of safety ! where will the attack be the hottest?" sharply re joined Warren. Putnam again replied : " The redoubt, for that is the enemy s ob ject ; and, if that can be maintained, the day is ours." This decided Warren, and he returned to the redoubt ; but nothing would induce him to take the command, as, although he had been chosen general, he had not yet received his commission. This was now the disposition of the American force at the moment of acting. Colonel Prescott was at the redoubt- and breastwork, with the Massachusetts part of the detachment which had arrived on the ground the evening before, and had raised the fortifications. The Connecti cut troops, under Knowlton, together with the New-Hampshire men, commanded by Stark, were at the rail-fence battery ; and here also, for a time, was General Putnam. Captains Gridley and Callender had their artillery-company and fieldpieces posted at the exposed space between the breast work and the rail-fence. As a reinforce ment of Massachusetts troops came up at the last moment, some of them entered the redoubt, while others planted them selves on the outside, to the right. The British forces having remained at Moulton s point, where they landed, un til they had received the reinforcements and ammunition which had been sent for to Boston, now prepared, at three o clock in the afternoon, to make the assault on the American works upon Breed s hill. His troops being drawn up, General Howe rode in front and addressed them: " Gentlemen, I am very happy in hav ing the honor of commanding so fine a body of men. I do not in the least doubt but that you will behave like English men, and as becometh good soldiers. " If the enemy will not come from their intrenchments, we must drive them out, at all events ; otherwise the town of Bos ton will be set on fire by them ! " I shall not desire one of you to go a step farther than where I go myself at your head ! "Remember, gentlemen, we have no recourse to any resources, if we lose Bos ton, but to go on board our ships, which will be very disagreeable to us all !" These spirited words were received by the soldiers with a hearty cheer, and then the army began to move. The left wing, under General Pigot, was to advance up the hill in face of the redoubt, and at tempt to take it by assault. Howe him self was to lead the right wing against the American lines at the rail-fence, and thus endeavor, by a flank movement, to surround the rear and cut off the retreat from the works. This disposition having been made, the march began. Howe orders his artillery on the flank to fire ; and simultaneously the English ships, the floating batteries, and Copp s hill, join in w r ith a furious can nonade, in order to cover the British ad vance. The people in Boston, crowding the tops of the houses and churches, are listening to the thundering cannon with stifled hearts ; and watching, at every 172 break in the thick smoke, with eager glance, to catch a sight of the slightest movement. On Copp s hill stand the two British generals Clinton and Burgoyne, coolly contemplating with professional interest the military manoeuvres, and not for a moment doubting the success of the British regulars. Howe s artillery soon ceased its fire ; not, however, before it had silenced the guns of Gridley and Callender on the hill. The latter even withdrew to Bun ker s hill, declaring that his cartridges were useless from being too large. Here he was confronted by the ubiquitous Put nam, who would listen to no excuses, and ordered him back to his post on Breed s. The panic-stricken Callender, however, did not return, and his men abandoned him in contempt. His fieldpieces were then, by the order of Putnam, dragged by some of his own men to the rail-fence, and there posted for its defence. Howe s artillery had ceased its fire, on account of another stupid blunder, twelve-pound balls having been for the most part sup plied in lieu of six-pound, which the guns required. They were then ordered to be charged with grape. The artillery-wag ons, however, got mired at the base of the hill, and became fixed in a position where the guns were of little service General Pigot was now advancing up the hill, at a deliberate and regular pace. His men began at once to fire, although they were at a great distance, and con tinued to discharge their muskets as fast as they could load them, and at every step forward. The Americans had been ordered not to return a shot until the BATTLES OF AMERICA [PART n. British were within thirty or forty paces. " Powder is scarce, and must not be wast ed !" "Fire low: aim at the waistbands!" " Wait until you see the white of their eyes!" "Aim at the handsome coats!" "Pick off the commanders !" Such were the expedient but rather un military or ders hurriedly given by raw officers to raw men. Some of the provincials, how ever, lost patience, and began to return the British fire. Colonel Prescott angrily rebuked them for their disobedience ; and some of his officers sprang on the top of the parapet of the redoubt, and kicked up the muskets which the men were lev elling, and about to let off! Pigot had now brought his grenadiers quite close to the works, wlien Prescott ordered his whole line to fire. The effect of the volley was murderous, for, as each American was a marksman, hardly a gun missed its aim. The British, however, quickly filled in the empty places of their dead, and, firmly holding their ground, returned the fire, but with little damage to the Americans, who were protected by their redoubt and breastwork. The sec ond volley, which is even more effective than the first, is so terrible, that the ene my are staggered, confused, and driven back in flight. The officers run down after their men, and, brandishing their swords, passionately urge them back. They succeed in rallying them again to face the redoubt, but are once more re pulsed ; and Pigot, agonized by the car nage, and hopeless of success, orders a retreat. The Americans shouted out a loud and triumphant hurrah as the ene my retired. REVOLUTIONARY.] CHARLESTOWN IN FLAMES. 178 While Pigot was thus repulsed in front, Howe was marching his right wing in confidence against the left of the Ameri cans. These latter were ready for the en emy ; and as soon as the British showed themselves, General Putnam ordered the artillery abandoned by the inefficient Cal- lender to fire, which was done with ex cellent effect, " Old Put" himself pointing the pieces. As the enemy advanced, but when still at some distance, several of the provincials, contrary to orders, began to fire. Putnam, however, soon put a stop to this, declaring he would strike down the next man who dared to disobey. The premature musket- balls succeeded in drawing the fire of the British lines, which then began a regular succession of vol leys ; but their shots were too high, and passed over the heads of the Americans. The eager provincial marksmen were now permitted to return the enemy s fire, which they did with the usual efficacy of such good shots. Each man rested his musket upon the fence, and, deliberately taking aim, did not fail to bring down his victim. The officers were here, as at the redoubt, picked off the first. " There ! see that officer!" "Let us have a shot at him !" they cried, in their eager rival ry to shoot. The execution was as ter rible as it was sure ; and the British ranks were so affrighted by the carnage, that they began to retreat in disorder, after the very first volley. The Americans were in high spirits, to which they gave vent in cheers of victory. When these repulses, so disheartening to the British, were observed by Gage, he determined to fulfil a purpose which he had resolved upon before the strug gle. This purpose Avas, to burn Charles- town. Orders were now given to the battery at Copp s hill to shower shells upon the town ; and soon, as the houses and buildings were of wood, the whole place was in a blaze. Simultaneously, Howe and Pigot had rallied their troops, and were commencing a second assault. General Clinton, who had been so coolly looking on from the heights of Copp s hill in the beginning, no sooner observed the repulse of his boasted regulars, than, without awaiting orders, he jumped into a boat, crossed the river, and hurried to the aid of his comrades. The Americans, too, in confident en thusiasm, were spiritedly preparing for the renewed struggle. Colonel Prescott was encouraging his troops with well- deserved praise, and urging them to obe dience in regard to the reserve of their fire. The busy Putnam had galloped off for reinforcements, and was back with a few stragglers only. He inspirited his men, however, who had done their duty so well before, with promises of the same success on the same good conduct in the corning action. The struggle again began. The Britr ish troops seemed resolved on victory, but did not alter their plans of attack. As before, Pigot was moving up the hill in front of the redoubt, and Howe was renewing his flank movement. The well- disciplined regulars marched slowly and steadily to their work. To the beholder, the whole scene of action was terrific. General Burgoyne, who was a looker-on from the battery at 174 BATTLES OF AMERICA. |_PART n. Copp s hill, said : " Sure I am, nothing ever has been or can be more dreadfully terrible than what was to be seen or heard at this time. The most incessant discharge that ever was heard by mortal ears ! . . . Terrible indeed was that scene/ he repeats, " even at our distance. The western horizon was one huge body of smoke, and in the evening a continued blaze ; and the perpetual sound of can non and volleys of musketry worked up our imaginations to a high degree of fright," The scene was no doubt terrific, but the patriots beheld it without dismay, though not without indignation. The provincial troops were not even inconve nienced, for, as the summer breeze quick ened toward evening, the dark clouds of smoke were driven aside, and the enemy so revealed to view, that each American musket could mark its victim in the clear light of the summer afternoon. The British came on as before, firing at every step as they advanced. The Americans, more obedient than on the former occasion, reserved their fire until the enemy were close to them, and then sent forth a murderous volley. The Brit ish troops bore it well, notwithstanding its fatal effect upon their ranks, and held their ground. The second volley stag gered them, however, and sent them fly ing back. Their officers did their best to rally them ordering, threatening, and even trying to goad them back to their duty with the points of their swords. It was, however, nil in vain : the men fled to the bottom of the hill. Howe was con spicuous among the officers in their efforts to encourage the troops by their words and own daring example. He was con stantly in the van during the attack up on the fence ; and, as one after another of his aids was shot down, and his men were falling back, he was left almost alone, exposed as a prominent mark to the whole American line of sharp-shoot ers. But neither his example, his com mands, nor his threats, could induce his troops to advance in the face of the ter rible fire of their foes. They continued their retreat, and in great disorder ; some even rushed to the shore, and sprang in to the boats. At this moment, the thousands of pa triots who beheld the scene, from every neighboring point of view, were cheered with almost certain hope of final victory ; while the British looked on from Boston with anxious alarm. Burgoyne;who was a witness of the whole action from Copp s hill, acknowledged that the moment was critical, for he saw that Howe s forces were staggered. He declared loudly that it Avould require the utmost exertion ol all the officers, from the generals down to the subalterns, to repair the disorder which the hot and unexpected fire of the Americans had produced. A long pause now ensued, while Howe and his gener als were striving to reform their disor dered troops. Prescott, in the meanwhile, pointing to the heaps of the dead and dying, which lay scattered on the hill to within a few yards of the works, reminded his men of the good service they had done, and en couraged them to meet with the same spirit the next attack. "If they are driven back once more," said he, " they REVOLUTIONARY.] THE LAST ASSAULT. 175 will never rally again." The men an swered him with a cheer, and cried out, " We are ready for the red-coats again !" The colonel, however, felt more anxiety than he cared to express. He knew that the ammunition was failing ; and so long had he been expecting in vain the arri val of reinforcements, that he almost gave up all hope Of any aid reaching him in time. The British still hesitated about renewing the attack ; and the pause ap peared so long, that the Americans began to hope that the work of the day was over, and that the victory was theirs. While Prescott was anxiously await ing reinforcements, Putnam was doing his best to bring them. He rode to the rear of Bunker s hill, and, meeting with a regi ment of Massachusetts men, detailed some for work on the fortifications, and sent the rest to do duty at the fence. He found Gridley falling back, with the view of covering, as he said, the retreat of the patriots, and tried to bring him to the ground again, but did not succeed. Put nam was indefatigable, but failed to get the aid which he hoped, and returned to his post. Howe now determined upon another assault. Some of his officers loudly op posed it, saying it would be downright butchery to lead the men against the ter rible American fire. The general, how ever, insisted, declaring that British hon or was at stake. They must " fight, con quer, or die," as it would never do for English soldiers to give way before a rabble rout of rustic rebels ; and, besides," he continued, " there is no chance now to retreat, as all the boats are on the other side of the river." General Clinton ar riving at this moment, and bringing with him a timely reinforcement of four hun dred marines, the men were encouraged, and resigned themselves, though with a disheartened air, to the seemingly des perate orders of their commander. Howe had learned wisdom from the " rustics," and prudently assumed their mode of warfare. His troops were ordered to re serve their fire until close to the works, which it was now determined to make the main object of attack. The artillery was, moreover, to be applied more effect ually, and to be brought up in such a position as to rake the breastwork and fence. Clinton and Pigot were to lead the left division, against the redoubt; while Howe had reserved for himself and his grenadiers and light-infantry the at tack on the breastwork. The British officers were determined to carry the American works at all haz ards of toil and death. They were en couraged by the .discovery that the "rebels "were almost without ammuni tion, and the fact from the raking fire which the English ships and batteries succeeded in keeping up across Charles- town neck that the Americans had but little chance of receiving reinforcements. The troops were ordered, if their fire should prove ineffectual, to carry the works at the point of the bayonet. To lighten them for this active service, the men were told to throw off their knap sacks ; and some of the soldiers, on that hot day, stripped themselves to their shirt-sleeves. Prescott now beheld the steady ap- 176 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART n. proach of the British with unusual anxi ety. His ammunition was reduced to a few artillery -cartridges. These he or dered to be opened, and the powder they contained to be distributed to his troops, begging them " not to waste a grain of it, and to be sure to make every shot tell." A few only of the Americans had bayonets to their muskets, and these were stationed at the most exposed points of the redoubt. Such were the desperate straits to Avhich the rest were reduced for want of means of defence, that they collected together heaps of stones, to use as missiles against the enemy; and the men, laying hold by the barrels, bran dished their muskets, and declared that they would beat back the British with the butt-ends. Howe first made a show of attack on the rail-fence, but he soon concentrated his force against the works. His artille ry was so brought to bear, that it swept the breastwork from end to end, and drove its defenders into the redoubt. Prescott saw the success of this manoeuvre, and feared the fatal result. He was, however, firm in his determination to resist to the last, and continued resolutely to give his orders, with his usual calmness. His men, whose powder was reduced to little more than a single charge each, were again and again ordered to reserve their fire until the latest moment. When the enemy had reached within twenty yards of the redoubt, the word " Fire !" was given, and the Americans sent forth another of their volleys, with the usual terrific effect : the British ranks were broken by the numer ous dead, and the whole body staggered momentarily ; but the columns quickly formed again, and, without returning the fire, advanced steadily forward. As usual, the English officers suffered the most by the American fire, several of them having been killed, and General Howe himself wounded in the foot. He continued, how ever, to lead on his troops, without giving a momentary regard to his own suffering. The Americans, with hardly any am munition left, could no longer fire their fatal volleys ; and their shots were so scant, that the British troops succeeded in marching up to the redoubt, and be gan to scale its w r alls. A spirited young Irish officer was the first to mount the parapet, which he had just reached, shout ing, " The day is ours !" when he was shot down, and with him fell those who had immediately followed. Major Pitcairn. who commanded the British in the skir mish at Lexington, was among the earli est on the wall, and, as he mounted, cried out, " Now for the glory of the marines !" when he was toppled over by a mortal shot, from a negro volunteer. The British soldiers now began to swarm over, while the Americans inef fectually attempted to resist them by hurling stones at them. This only en couraged the enemy, for they were con scious that the ammunition of the re doubt was exhausted. The strnsro-le now GO was hand to hand. The British had the advantage of their bayonets and reserved fire, but the Americans made a manful resistance with the stocks of their mus kets. It was, however, in vain. Gener al Pigot had succeeded, by the aid of a tree, in mounting the wall ; and, spring- REVOLUTIONARY.] RETREAT OF THE PROVINCIALS. 177 ing down into the redoubt, was followed by swarms of his men, whose bristling bayonets filled the space within; and their thronging steps, stirring up the ground, raised such a cloud of dust, that the outlet of the fortress could scarcely be seen. Colonel Prescott, seeing that all hope of further successful resistance was gone, ordered his men to retreat. Driven as they were into a corner, it was difficult for them to get out. Some scram bled over the top of the walls, and others had to cut their way through the oppo sing enemy. Prescott himself was the last to retire, and only succeeded in es caping by striking down, with his sword, bayonet after bayonet, thrust at his life. He retained his martial bearing through out. " lie did not run, but stepped along, with his sword up." Notwithstanding his cool and deliberate movements, he got off unharmed, although both his " banyan and waistcoat were perforated in several places."* As the British took possession of the American works, they set up a loud huz za of triumph. They then reformed, and began to fire upon the retreating provin cials, doing more havoc than they had yet done. Warren was at this moment killed by a shot through the head ; and, as he was among the last to leave the works, there were none to carry him from the field. Colonel Gardner was killed ; Gridley and Bridge were wounded ; and a number of other officers, with many privates, suffered. The Americans at the rail-fence, in the meanwhile, had gallantly held their posi- * Frothinghum. 23 tion, having resisted all attempts to turn their flank. When, however, they saw that the redoubt was in possession of the enemy, and that their comrades were in full retreat, they also retired, but with wonderful regularity for such raw troops. Their steady courage and excellent or der saved Prescott s force from being ex terminated; for, by defending the rear, they prevented the British troops from surrounding the American main body, and thus cutting off its retreat. General Putnam steadily withdrew his men, from their position at the base, up the ascent of Bunker s hill, where he strove to bring the rest of the retreating forces to a stand. He rode to the rear of the troops, while the British bullets w r ere flying thick and fast about his head, and entreated them to turn again and front the enemy. " We can make a stand here !" he cried ; " we can stop them yet. In God s name, form and give them one shot more !" The slaughter continued dreadful; and still " Old Put," nothing daunted, stopped an artillery-piece, and, pointing it against the pursuers, stood by it until the Brit ish bayonets were almost at his breast. Pomeroy, too, another veteran, planting himself with his broken musket in his hand at the side of the resolute Putnam, endeavored by his words and example to rally his retreating comrades. The tor rent, however, could not be stayed : the patriots continued their flight over the top and down the side of Bunker s hill, across Charlestown neck (terribly galled as they fled by a fire from the English men-of-war and batteries), and into the country, until they reached Cambridge. 178 BATTLES OF AMERICA. The British did not continue the pur suit, although General Clinton earnestly begged Howe to follow up his success by pushing on his troops to Cambridge. He seemed, however, satisfied at present with his hardly-earned victory. His men were exhausted by the day s work, and discour aged by the loss of their comrades, among whom the carnage had been so terrible. It was getting late, moreover, it being past five o clock when the British in pur suit reached Bunker s hill. Here they paused, and, receiving additional forces from Boston, spent the night in raising abreastwork to protect the position. When Colonel Prescott reached Ward s headquarters at Cambridge, he found the general in great alarm, lest the enemy should advance upon him and catch him when so ill prepared for resistance. Pres cott, however, set his mind somewhat at ease, telling him he did not think that the British would be in a very exulting mood after that day s success. The colo nel, after receiving Ward s thanks for his gallant conduct, declared that it was true lie had been vanquished, but that the en emy had no reason to triumph ; for, if the handful of men under his command, though exhausted by fatigue and hunger, had been supplied with sufficient ammu nition and with bayonets, he could have held his position. He offered, moreover, to retake the hill that very night, if fif teen hundred men, properly equipped and supplied, should be given him. But the more cautious Ward was not disposed to accede to this daring proposition. The loss of the British in killed and wounded, in this momentous conflict, w r as at least one thousand and fifty-four, while that of the Americans was no more than four hundred and fifty. Though forced to retreat, the Ameri cans gained a great moral victory, while the British sustained equally a defeat. The raw militia had proved that they could not only stand the fire of regular troops, but that they could resist them effectually, with a fair hope of victorious success. Critical judgments severely con demned the conception of the enterprise as rash, but all united in praising the courage and steadiness with which it was executed. An orator in the British house of commons could not withhold his admi ration of the American gallantry on the occasion : " To a mind," he said, " which loves to contemplate the glorious spirit of freedom, no spectacle can be more af fecting than the action at Bunker s hill. To see an irregular peasantry, command ed by a physician, inferior in number, opposed by every circumstance of can non and bombs that could terrify timid minds, calmly wait the attack of the gal lant Howe, leading on the best troops in the world, with an excellent train of ar tillery, and twice repulsing those very troops, who had often chased the chosen battalions of France, and at last retiring for want of ammunition, but in so re spectable a manner that they were not even pursued who can reflect on such scenes, and not adore the constitution of government which could breed such men ? * The struggle on Bunker s hill might * Governor Jolinstonc, in a speech in the house of com mons, October 30, 1775. REVOLUTIONARY.] JOSEPH WARREN. 179 well be condemned on stragetic princi ples, for nothing was gained in a purely military point of view. It had, however, a great influence in promoting the patri otic cause ; it gave increased hope to the defenders of that cause, and lessened the confidence of its opponents. The most in veterate tories in Great Britain acknowl edged, when they heard of this dearly- bought victory, that " affairs wore a seri ous aspect in America ;" and none now pretended that " with a couple of regi ments" the whole of the colonies could be subjected. The friends of America were no less elated than its enemies were depressed. When Washington heard of the struggle at Bunker s hill, his first question was, whether the militia had stood the fire of the British regulars. On o being told that they had, he answered, " The liberties of the country are safe." Though joy was the more common feeling throughout the country at the re sult of the contest, there was a universal grief at the loss sustained in the death of Warren. Howe passed the highest eu- logium on him when he said, as he saw the body of the illustrious patriot lying upon the battle-field, that " his death was worth to the British five hundred of the provincials." WARREN was still a young man when he gave up his life to the cause of his country. He was born in 1740, at the farmhouse of his father in Roxbury. Though of comparatively humble origin, lie enjoyed the best opportunities of cul ture that his country afforded. He grad uated at Harvard college, and studied medicine under the most eminent physi cian at Boston, where he himself prac tised his profession, and rapidly reached its highest rank. Though devoted to his art, his impulsive nature soon exhibited a warm sympathy with the patriot cause and he took an active part in the liberal colonial politics of his day. He boldly joined the bands of the " Sons of Liber ty," and became conspicuous as a leader among this brotherhood pledged to the cause of freedom. He was a man cool and judicious in counsel, and yet fervid and even eloquent in utterance. He had so much the reputation of an orator, that he was chosen to deliver, in 1771, the ora tion commemorative of the Boston mas sacre. In 1775, he volunteered to per form the same duty, for no other reason than because the British officers had threatened to take the life of any man who should venture upon its perform ance. Warren s offer was accepted, and the day arrived. The meetinghouse was the place appointed, and the British offi cers seemed determined upon executing their threat, for they filled the pews, the aisles, and even the pulpit, with armed soldiers. The young orator was obliged to make his way, by means of a ladder, through a window, to a back part of the pulpit. The audience, though threaten ing in look, kept a profound silence, while Warren began his oration. Such was the power of his earnest eloquence, that even his military auditors, w T ho had come steel ed to vengeance, were softened to tears of sympathy and compassion for those martyrs of freedom whose sacrifice the youthful orator so feelingly described. Warren was so highly esteemed in New England, that he was chosen to succeed 180 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART u John Hancock as president of the provin cial Congress ; and when hostilities with Great Britain were imminent, he received the commission of major-general. A con temporary of Warren has said : " He was valued in private life for his engaging manners, and as a physician for his pro fessional abilities. The death of an ami able consort had made his life of the greatest importance to his children; he was willing, however, to risk it in the ser vice of the public. His intrepidity and zeal for the cause he had espoused, to gether with the electing voice of the pro vincial Congress, induced him to enter upon the military line. Within four days after his appointment to a major-general ship, he fell a noble sacrifice to the natu ral rights of mankind. He was of a mid dling size, and of a lowish stature. The ladies pronounced him handsome." There were memorable officers, too, who fell on the British side. Lieutenant- Colonel Abercrombie was killed while leading on his grenadiers up the hill. As his soldiers were bearing him from the field, he begged them to spare his old friend Putnam. "If you take General Putnam alive, don t hang him, for he s a brave man," were among his dying words, which showed how his brave heart was beating true to a noble gallantry in its latest pulsations. Major Pitcairn was also greatly beloved, and his death sincerely mourned. " I have lost my father !" cried his son, who was of the same regiment. " We all have lost a father !" was the ui> terance of each soldier in it. Spendlove and Addison, too, were gallant men; the former a veteran of forty years service, and the latter a worthy . collateral de scendant of the gentle author of " The Spectator." Only a single aid-de-camp of Howe, so fatal to the British officers had been the struggle, lived to reach England Lieutenant Page whose escape from the bloody conflict on Bunker s hill made him memorable.* CHAPTER V. A Sad New-England Sabbath. The Anxieties of the British at Boston. The Stir in the American Camp. Arrival of Washington. His Life. Personal Appearance. The Effect of his Presence in the Camp. A Council of War. Or ganization of the Army. Reform and Discipline. Wants. Want of Government. Want of Respect. Want of Uniformity. Want of Clothing. Want of Powder. Want of Money. No Lack of Spirit. 1775, IT was an unusual Sunday for New England, the day after the bloody struggle on Breed s hill. The British cannonade disturbed the peace of the sabbath with its threatening roar. "It has not ceased yet, and it is now three June 18, o clock, sabbath afternoon," writes Mrs. Adams. "It is expected they will come out over the Neck to night, and a dreadful battle must ensue. Almighty God ! cover the heads of our * Frothin<rham. REVOLUTIONARY.] A SAD SABBATH. 181 countrymen, and be a shield to our dear friends." A rumor was abroad that the British were about to march to Cam bridge, and take dreadful revenge for the slaughter they had suffered on the previ ous day. From the whole country round crowds w T ere hurrying to the American camp. Some were volunteers, coming with their muskets on their shoulders, to proffer their aid in the approaching dan ger ; and many were fathers, too old to bear arms, mothers, wives, and daugh ters, who, with hearts stifled with com pressed doubts and fears, anxiously sped on their way, and breathlessly caught the joyful word of hope or the agonizing sentence of despair. They came to hear of the life or the death of those they loved. It was a day of mourning to ma ny, and not a joyful sabbath to a single soul. The country was in the agony of its trial, and the throes of its suffering sorely wrung the hearts of the bravest. The British, however, were in no hu mor or condition to execute the ven geance which was feared. Their victory, with its terrific slaughter, had staggered them more than an ordinary defeat. As the dead, during that whole day, were borne through the streets of Boston, offi cers and soldiers looked upon the remains of their comrades with gloomy thoughts, to which they gave utterance in murmurs against their leaders, on account of the sacrifice they had wrought. Those inhabitants still left in the city whose sympathy was with the patriotic cause, could not conceal their indigna tion at an army which seemed deter mined, at any cost of blood, to crush out American liberty. It was feared by the British generals that the " rebels" of Bos ton would arise in their rage, attack and burn the town. All "unsuspected" citi zens were called upon to relieve the mili tary guards by establishing night-patrols. Governor Gage issued a proclamation, re quiring the inhabitants to surrender up their firearms, and declaring that " all persons in whose possession any firearms may hereafter be found shall be deemed enemies to his majesty s government." Gage was alarmed, and only thought now of defence, and not of active hostilities. He had good occasion for anxiety, when he saw from day to day the increased ani mation of the patriotic spirit, and the ac tivity with which the Americans prepared to sustain the cause of their country. The American camp was soon astir with the daily arrivals of fresh troops from all parts of New England. The patriots, al though anxiously expectant of an attack from the British, were now in high spir its, and they even longed to " speak with them again." The militia had learned a great deal at Bunker s hill, and they be came not only more cautious and vigi- lant,but tolerably skilful in availing them selves of the means and appliances of military art. They at once set about throwing up various kinds of defence, and busied themselves in intrenching the heights which they commanded in the neighborhood of Boston. General Put nam, as usual, was indefatigable. After the retreat from Bunker s hill, he had posted his Connecticut men on Prospect hill, and at once began throwing up for tifications. Such was the untiring ener- 182 BATTLES OF AMERICA. H-AKT n. June 19. gy of this aged veteran, that here he was found, as described by his son, two days after the battle, hard at work with his own hands, without hav ing " put off his clothes or washed him self" since. At Roxbury, Winter hill was newly fortified, and Cambridge strength ened by additional works. Little was done, by either the Ameri cans or British, for a fortnight, in the way of hostility. There was an occasional skirmish. At one time, a couple of In dians, belonging to a Massachusetts tribe which had joined the Americans, had sur prised, in ambush, an outpost of British soldiers, and shot down with their arrows four of them. This brought in revenge a cannonade from Boston. Bombs were frequently thrown by the enemy, which, however, beyond setting a house or a barn on fire, did little damage. The pa triot army was now awaiting the arrival of their new general, GEORGE WASHINGTON, whose reputation, as a gallant officer in the colonial battles, gave great hopes to every man in the American ranks. Most biographers have fondly traced back the origin of Washington to a Wil liam de Hertburn, who lived in the mid dle of the thirteenth century. This gen tleman came into the possession of a man orial estate, in the county of Durham, in England, called Washington, which name he thence assumed, and his descendants after him. A long line of reputable doc tors, divines, lawyers, and squires, fol lowed. Among them there was even a knight, a gallant Sir Henry Washington, who fought loyally for King Charles I., bravely sustained the siege of Worcester against the parliamentary forces, and dis tinguished himself at the taking of Bris tol. Diligent investigators have discov ered that, in 1538, there was a Lawrence Washington, w T ho had been a lawyer of Gray s Inn, and mayor of Northampton, to whom the manor of Sulgrave,in North amptonshire, was granted. Two great grandchildren of this gentleman went as settlers to the colony of Virginia, about the year 1657. Their eldest brother re mained at home ; and proof is given of his importance, by the statement of the fact that he married a half-sister of the duke of Buckingham. John and Law rence were the names of the two emi grants to Virginia, who, being younger brothers, were forced to shift for them selves. The American hero was immediately descended from Augustine Washington, the second son of Lawrence, the elder of the first two settlers in the colony. Au gustine was married twice. By his first wife, Jane Butler, he had four children : Butler, who died in infancy; Lawrence; Augustine ; and Jane, w r ho did not sur vive her childhood. By his second wife, Mary Ball, whom he married on the 6th of March, 1730, he had six children George, Betty, Samuel, John Augustine, Charles, and Mildred. GEORGE WASHINGTON was born on the 22d of February, 1732, on an estate which his father held and cultivated as a plant er, on the banks of the Potomac, in Wesi> moreland county. The father died at the age of forty-nine, leaving landed property of sufficient extent to bequeath to each of his sons a plantation, and to make suit- REVOLUTIONARY."] GENERAL WASHINGTON. 183 cable provision for his widow and daugh ter. Mrs. Washington, upon whom the care of five children devolved, the eldest of whom at the time of the death of her husband was only eleven years, showed herself equal to her charge, and was re warded for her tender and wise manage ment by a long life, which was graced by the virtues of all her offspring, and ren dered triumphant by the glory of her eldest son. The young George was sent to one of the best schools in Virginia, where, how ever, there was little in those days to be acquired beyond the elementary reading, writing, and arithmetic. He was a docile child, and soon learned all that the hum ble learning of his teacher could impart. He was of a kindly, affectionate disposi tion, and, though somewhat hotrtempered, was a great favorite with his schoolfel lows. Strong in constitution, and active and supple in movement, he took the lead in the playground, and few could equal him in wrestling, running, and jump ing. He is said even in his boyhood to have shown a martial taste, and to have frequently got up mimic battles, in which he always bore a prominent part, as the leader of one of the fighting-parties. He was remarkable, at a very early age, for his love of system and order. His copy-books were always written and kept with great neatness ; and he seems to have shown, while yet a child, a taste for business. A manuscript book exists, written when he was but thirteen years of age, in which page after page contains copies of bills of exchange, leases, receipts, and land-warrants, all penned with the greatest care, and with hardly a scratch or a blot. He was no less systematic, it would appear, in his study of the propri eties of conduct ; for in the same manu script book there is a part devoted to " Rules of Behavior in Company and Con versation." This consists of written max ims of manners and morals. Arithmetic was his favorite study, and as he advanced in age he pursued dili gently the elements of the higher math ematics, and became proficient in geome try, trigonometry, and surveying. These latter studies were his chief occupation during his last two years at school, which he quitted just before he reached his six teenth birthday. His brother Lawrence, who had served with credit as a British officer in the West Indies, and had won the respect and friend ship of General Wentworth and Admiral Vernon (from whom he called his plan tation "Mount Vernon"), was enabled, through the influence of these distin guished friends, to obtain for George a midshipman s warrant. The lad was all eagerness at this prospect of being a young officer ; but his mother would not consent, and Washington was reserved for another and more glorious destiny. The boy, disappointed of his naval but tons, went to live with his brother Law rence at Mount Vernon,, and there passed the winter in the study of mathematics, with the purpose of preparing himself for the profession of a surveyor. Law rence had married the daughter of Wil liam Fairfax, of a noble English family, and high colonial distinction. Fairfax re sided at Belvoir, near Mount Vernon. and 184 BATTLES OF AMERICA. |_I J ART at this period he had as a guest at his house no less a personage than Lord Fairfax. His lordship, an accomplished Oxford man, and a writer for " The Spec tator," was fond of study, and, becoming naturally a recluse in his habits, had late ly arrived with the intention of living upon one of his Virginian estates. Law rence Washington presented his brother to the Fairfaxes, and an intimacy at once ensued, which in the course of a few months was turned to the profit of the young surveyor. Lord Fairfax held a large tract of ter ritory lying among the valleys of the Al- leghany mountains. As the land was wild and not surveyed, settlers were con stantly encroaching upon it. His lord ship was therefore desirous of having his property accurately measured and bound ed. He accordingly chose Washington for the purpose, who readily undertook the enterprise, as it suited both his busi ness and his tastes. The journey through the wilderness was rough and dangerous, but was accomplished spiritedly, and its object satisfactorily gained. Other en gagements ensued, and the youthful sur veyor passed three years busily and prof itably in his profession. The threatening troubles with the French and Indians on the frontiers, called out the militia of the province ; and Washington, at the age of nineteen, received his first military appointment. He was made adjutant-general, with the rank of major, and the pay of a hundred and fifty pounds a year. His duty was to discipline the militia of one of the dis tricts into which the province was divided. This appointment revived his military tastes, and he devoted himself with great eagerness to his new pursuit. His broth er Lawrence s experience was now of good service, as it enabled him to tutor the young officer in the military art ; and he accordingly gave him daily lessons in the use of the sword, the manual exer cise, and tactics. George at the same time read industriously all the books he could obtain, and mastered pretty thor oughly the theory of war. These martial pursuits were now inter rupted by the illness of Lawrence, who was in consequence advised to take a voyage to the West Indies. George ac companied him, and they sailed for Bar- badoes in September, 1751. They had hardly arrived there, when the younger brother was taken sick with the small pox; but, although the disease was se vere, he so soon recovered in that tropi cal climate, that he was able to be out again i-n less than three weeks. Law rence appeared in the meantime so great ly to have improved, that it was agreed that George, now entirely well, should return to Virginia and bring his brother s wife to Bermuda, where Lawrence pro posed to proceed. Lawrence, however, on reaching this island, and finding that he grew weaker, hastened back to Mount Vernon, where he died soon after his arrival. Of Washington s subsequent military campaigns against the Indians and the French we have already given a record, and the rest of his military history will be developed in the course of this nar rative. REVOLUTIONARY.] ARRIVAL OF WASHINGTON. 185 Mount Vernon fell to the possession of Washington, by the death of his brother s daughter ; and there, in the intervals of his military career, he lived the life of a southern planter. On the 6th of Janua ry, 1759, he married Mrs. Martha Custis, a widow three months younger than him self, and the mother of a son and daugh ter by her former husband, John Parke Custis. She received one third of this gentleman s property, which consisted of several large estates and forty-five thou sand pounds sterling in money. Wash ington thus became greatly enriched, for those early times, by his marriage. Al though he had won fame in the wars of the province, and still continued, as a member of the house of burgesses in Vir ginia, to bear somewhat the character of a public man, Washington retired, soon after his marriage., to his estate on the banks of the Potomac, with the view of passing the remainder of his days in the privacy and simplicity of a country gen tleman. His country now had called him ; and he did not hesitate to give up the ease and happiness of his home for the lead ership of a cause whose trials and dangers were immediate, while its triumphs, how ever certain in the future, were yet too indefinite greatly to tempt the desires of the most ambitious. Washington set out from Phila delphia, on the 21st of June, to take command of the troops at Cam bridge, now adopted as the army of the twelve confederated colonies. He was accompanied by Generals Lee and Schuy- ler, and all three started on horseback, 24 1775, escorted by a troop of gentlemen of Phil adelphia. The newly-appointed general was received everywhere on the journey with great distinction. Each town an village was on the alert, and welcomed Washington and his cavalcade with ev ery possible exhibition of respect. Dep utations of the principal gentlemen rode out to meet him, and, escorting him to the places whence they came, addressed him in highly-eulogistic terms, expressive of their joy at his appointment. Washington, even at this late moment, still hopeful of a reconciliation with the mother-country which he so warmly loved, declared to the committee of the provin cial Congress of New York, who had ad dressed him, that " every exertion of my worthy colleagues and myself will be ex tended to the re-establishment of peace and harmony between the mother-coun try and these colonies." It was at New York that the news of the battle of Bunker s hill was first an nounced to Washington, when he anx iously inquired whether the militia had stood their ground against the British regulars. Upon being* told that they had, he answered in these memorable words : " The liberties of the country are safe." He was now more anxious than ever to reach the camp at Cambridge, and sped on with unusual haste. As he entered Massachusetts, he was met by a cavalcade of New-England gentlemen and a com mittee of the provincial Congress, who addressed him in the usual congratulato ry terms, to which the general suitably responded. Washington s personal appearance pro- 186 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART 11 ducecl an impression,, upon all who now beheld him for the first time, in every respect corresponding to the reputation which preceded him. His figure was tall and commanding, and the sedate dignity of his demeanor secured respect, while his refined courtesy of manners invited approach. His excellent horsemanship, perfected in the chase, of which he was so fond, added much to the popular effect of his manly appearance. He had, more over, the true martial bearing : his ser vice in the provincial campaigns, and as an aid-de-camp under that military mar tinet Braddock, had given him the air of a veteran ; for, young as he was, being little over forty, he always appeared old er than his years. The nice fastidious ness he exhibited in his dress, which was in character with the systematic regulari ty of all his personal habits, served still more to distinguish him in the public eye. All the particularities of military costume were seen to be rigidly observed in his personal adornment, and thus a con temporary describes " his blue coat with buff-colored facings, a rich epaulette on each shoulder, a buff under-dress, an ele gant small-sword, and a black cockade in his hat," The chastened severity of his countenance, and his formal and some what paternal manners, did not even pre vent the softer sex from warming in ad miration of the new general. " I was struck," writes Mrs. Adams to her hus band, " with General Washington. You had prepared me to entertain a favorable opinion of him, but I thought the half was not told me. Dignity, with ease and complacency, the gentleman and soldier, look agreeably blended in him. Modes ty marks every line and feature of his face. ..." Though "much too old a young man 1 to please the Mrs. Mountains of the cav alier times of Virginia, this sedateness of anticipated age was but an additional claim to the admiration of the prim and pious New-England ladies, who, in the calm sobriety of Washington s manners, saw with no disappointment the absence of any proof of "early wild oats," but looked with satisfaction upon the signs of a well-ordered youth, and anticipated with confidence the hopes they gave of a manhood endowed with a strength of virtue equal to its highest and gravest duties. The young southern aids-de-camp the Mifflins and Randolphs doubtless found more favor in the eyes of the Mrs. Mountains of those days, than the rigidly- virtuous Washington. On reaching Cambridge, Washington was received by the whole army, drawn up to do honor to the oc casion. The firing of the artillery, and the loud shouts of the patriots, echoed the welcome with which his presence was hailed. Washington was now escorted to the handsome quarters provided for him, where he and his suite, having alight ed and tarried awhile, they returned on foot to the Cambridge common. The general, having stepped forward out of the group of the chief officers who sur rounded him, spoke a few words to the assembled troops, and with drawn sword formally assumed command of the conti nental army. General Greene, of Rhode Island, testified for himself and his officers July 3, REVOLUTIONARY.J "JXEW LORDS, NEW LAWS." 187 in a few well-spoken and dignified words, the satisfaction they should feel in serv ing under Washington as their command er, and that commander had never a more faithful subordinate. Washington, with his quick sense of duty, lost no time, but at once set about learning what he had to do and how it was to be done, and doing it. His pres ence was immediately felt everywhere in the camp by the change effected by his orders. " There is a great overturning in the camp as to order and regularity," writes a contemporary. " New lords, new laws. The generals Washington and Lee are upon the lines every day. New or ders from his excellency are read to the respective regiments every morning after prayers. The strictest government is ta king place, and great distinction is made between officers and soldiers. Every one is made to know his place, and keep in it, or be tied up and receive thirty or for ty lashes, according to his crime. Thou sands are at work every day from four till eleven o clock in the morning. It is surprising how much work has been done. The lines are extended almost from Cam bridge to Mystic river, so that very soon it will be morally impossible for the ene my to get between the works, except in one place, which is supposed to be left purposely unfortified, to entice the ene my out of their fortresses. Who would have thought, twelve months past, that all Cambridge and Chaiiestown would be covered over with American camps, and cut up into forts and intrenchments, and all the lands, fields, orchards, laid com mon horses and cattle feed ins: in the choicest mowing-land, whole fields of corn eaten down to the ground, and large parks of well-regulated locusts cut down for fire wood and other public uses ? This, I must say, looks a little melancholy. My quar ters are at the foot of the famous Pros pect hill, where such great preparations are made for the reception of the ene my. . . . "It is very diverting to walk among the camps. They are as different in form as the owners are in their dress ; and ev ery tent is a portraiture of the temper and taste of the persons who encamp in it. Some are made of boards, and some of sail-cloth ; some partly of one and part ly of the other. Again, others are made of stone and turf, brick or bush. Some are thrown up in a hurry; others curi ously wrought with doors and windows, done with wreaths and withes, in the manner of a basket. Some are your proper tents and marquees, looking like the regular camp of the enemy. In these are the Rhode-Islanders, who are fur nished with teni>equipages, and every thing in the most exact English style. However, I think this great variety is rather a beauty than a blemish in the army."* Soon after his arrival at Cambridge, Washington summoned the major and brigadier generals to a council of war. The military appointments by the gen eral Congress, it will be recollected, were, in addition to Washington as command er- in-chief, four major-generals, in the rank and order named, viz. : 1. Artemas Ward. * Letter of Reverend William Emerson, quoted by Sparks in his Life of Washington. 188 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART n. 2. Charles Lee. 3. Philip Schuyler. 4. Is rael Putnam; and eight brigadier-gener als, viz. : 1. Seth Pomeroy. 2. Richard Montgomery. 3. David Wooster. 4. Wil liam Heath. 5. Joseph Spencer. 6. John Thomas. 7. John Sullivan. 8. Nathan iel Greene. The precedence which this established was not altogether satisfacto ry. Spencer grumbled at the advance ment of General Putnam over his head ; and Thomas was dissatisfied with the su perior rank given to Pomeroy. General Spencer, in fact, took what he considered his relative degradation in such high dud geon as to leave the army, without hav ing paid his respects to Washington ; but he was induced to return, on being pro moted to the first rank after Putnam. Pomeroy s resignation gave Thomas a chance of advancement, and the urgent advice of his friends induced him to re main and take the benefit of it. These were some of the minor difficulties which thronged in upon Washington, and em barrassed his action. He continued, how ever, in the calm and resolute perform ance of his duty, and went systematically about the organization into an army of the miscellaneous crowd of patriots un der his command. At the council of war, an inquiry was instituted in regard to the numbers and condition of the two armies. Eleven thou sand five hundred regulars were given as the estimate of the British force ; while the Americans had seventeen thousand men enrolled,of whom only fourteen thou sand five hundred were considered capa ble of duty. The patriotforce was deemed inadequate, and it was resolved to make an effort to increase it to twenty-two thousand. The position of the two opposing camps at this time is best described in a letter written by Washington himself: "I found the British," he says, strongly ^ intrenching on Bunker s hill, about a mile from Charlestown, and ad vanced about half a mile from the place of the late action, with their sentries ex tended about one hundred and fifty yards on this side of the narrowest part of the Neck, leading from this place [Cam bridge] to Charlestown. Three floating batteries lie in Mystic river, near their camp, and one twenty-gun ship below the ferry-place, between Boston and Charles- town. They have also a battery on Copp s hill, on the Boston side, which much an noyed our troops in the late attack. Up on Roxbury neck they are also deeply intrenched and strongly fortified. Their advance-guards, till last Saturday, occu pied Brown s houses, about a mile from Roxbury meetinghouse, and twenty rods from their lines ; but, at that time, a par ty from General Thomas s camp surprised the guard, drove them in, and burned the houses. The bulk of their army, com manded by General Howe, lies on Bun ker s hill, and the remainder on Roxbury neck, except the light-horse, and a few men in the town of Boston. " On our side we have thrown up in- trenchments on Winter and Prospect hills the enemy s camp in full view, at the distance of little more than a mile. Such intermediate points as would admit a landing, I have, since my arrival, taken care to strengthen, down to Sewall s farm, REVOLUTIONARY.] WANTS OF THE PATRIOTS. 189 where a strong intrenchment has been thrown up. At Roxbury, Thomas has thrown up a strong work on the hill, about two hundred yards above the meeting house ; which, with the brokenness of the ground, and a great number of rocks, has made that pass very secure. The troops raised in New Hampshire, with a regiment from Rhode Island, occupy Winter hill ; a part of those of Connecticut, under Gen eral Putnam, are on Prospect hill. The troops in this town (Cambridge) are en tirely of the Massachusetts ; the remain der of the Rhode-Island men are at Sew- all s farm. Two regiments of Connecti cut, and nine of the Massachusetts, are at Roxbury. The residue of the army, to the number of about seven hundred, are posted in several small towns along the coast, to prevent the depredations of the enemy." Washington arranged the army in three great divisions. The centre, at Cambridge, was under the command of Major-General Putnam; the right, at Rox bury, under Major-General Ward ; and the left under Major-General Lee, part of which was at Prospect hill, and the rest at Winter hill. The country, once so beautiful at this season (July), was now sadly changed. The landscape described as so charming with its hills and valleys, rocks and woods, interspersed with strag gling villages, with here and there a spire peeping over the trees, and with every where fields of the most charming green that delighted eyes ever gazed on, pre sented now a universal scene of prepara tion for war. The wide-spread camp cov ered a surface of several miles in extent ; farmhouses were turned into barracks, and pastures into parade-grounds ; and the quiet of the country was disturbed by the daily beatings to arms of the as sembled troops. Washington found a disorderly crowd of followers, whom it required all his gen eralship to drill into the shape of soldiers ; " a mixed multitude of people," he said, " who are under very little discipline, or der, or government." Disrespect to offi cers and unsoldierlike conduct were the chief vices of his irregular forces ; and Washington did his best, by means of fines, the pillory, the wooden horse, whip ping, and drumming out of camp, to in culcate among his independent militia lessons of respect and subordination. The chiefs military eye was greatly offended at the ragged and miscellaneously-assort ed dresses of his men. One of his first efforts was to get a supply of ten thou sand hunting-shirts, to clothe the naked ness and to give some uniformity of ap pearance to the troops. There was a meagerness of supply, in another respect, more serious than any scantiness of clothing. The American army was short of powder. Washington found his " situation in the article of pow der much more alarming than he had the most distant idea of." "We reckoned upon three hundred quarter-casks," wrote his secretary, Reed, " and had but thirty- two barrels." The scarcity, in fact, had become so great, that an order was issued, forbidding any one to waste it in shoot ing birds, or in any kind of sport. This deficiency became very alarming, as the enemy seemed to threaten an attack, and 190 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART 11 were daily keeping up a brisk cannonade at the American lines, though fortunate ly with but little effect, except when the imprudence of the raw militia exposed them to danger. "Two were killed," writes Reed, " at the lines last week, by running after cannon-shot. We scarcely lie down or rise up, but with the expec tation that the night or the day must produce some important event." The want of ammunition was not only alarm- ing,but exceedingly vexatious,as it forced Washing-ton to " bear with the rascals on o Bunker s hill, when a few shot, now and then, in return, would keep the men at tentive to their business, and give the enemy alarms." Nor were these the only wants which Washington required to be supplied. He was in need of money, being much em barrassed, as he wrote to the president of Congress, for want of a military chest. He also solicited the appointment of a commissary-general,a quartermaster-gen eral, a commissary of musters, and a com missary of artillery. With all these dis advantages of want of discipline, want of ammunition, and want of the means of organization, the American troops were not distrustful of their powers to cope with the enemy, and, in frequent skir mishes with the British, showed no lack of spirit, but often " played the man and beat them." CHAPTER VI. Rumors of a Sortie of the British from Boston. Gage discouraged. The III Condition of the British Force. The Suf ferings of the Patriots at Boston. Forced Gaycty of the Tories. The American Prisoners. 111 Treatment. Sharp Correspondence hetween Washington and Gage. Long Inaction. A Bombardment. Arrival of Ammunition. Ex pedition to Canada determined upon. 1775, RUMORS now began to circulate in the American camp, of an in tended sally of the British from Boston. Gage, however, was not much in the hu mor for active operations against the be siegers. Although reinforced by some troops originally intended for New York, he began to think, and so wrote to the government at home, that his position was the most disadvantageous possible for action. He now felt himself to be on the defensive, and talked of what he would do in case " the rebels presumed \ July, to make an attack." The troops suffered severely from their fatiguing duties, being kept constantly on the alert by the " au dacity" of the provincials, who were con tinually advancing near to the British lines ever since the " arrival of Generals Washington and Lee to command them." The men, unaccustomed to an American climate, suffered greatly from the heat, to which they were much exposed in their encampments. Their food, too, was so scanty, that even the sick and wounded had often nothing to eat but " salt pork REVOLUTIONARY.] SUFFERINGS OF THE ENEMY. 191 and fish." Strong drink, however, they had in abundance, from which it was im possible to keep the soldiers, for a six pence would buy a quart of West-India and fourpence the same quantity of New- England rum. With the excessive thirst engendered by the heat of the summer sun, and by their hard work, the men freely indulged in the liquor which was so cheaply obtained, and destroyed their vigor and health. Fevers and dysentery prevailed in the camp, attributed to " the fatigue of duty, bad accommodation, and the use of too much spirits." An occa sional supply of fresh provisions would be obtained by a lucky capture, by the British men-of-war, of some stray coaster, when the bells of Boston were rung, as if in honor of a triumph, so greatly over joyed were the half-starved soldiers at the prospect of a mess of fresh beef or mutton : " Britons, with grief your bosoms strike ; Your faded laurels loudly weep ; Behold your heroes, Quixote-like, Driving a timid flock of sheep !" Thus, with less heart than truth, sneered a whiff, ffish waff of London, on the an- OO O nouncement that General Gage had suc ceeded in capturing " eighteen hundred sheep and above some one hundred head of oxen, which will be some relief to the troops in general, and of great benefit to the hospitals." The few patriots left in Boston were subjected to all kinds of annoyances and injury. Now one was clapped into the guardhouse, for seditious conversation ; again, another was thrown into prison on suspicion of being a spy, and signalling the enemy from the church-steeple ; and all were daily exposed to insult from the soldiers and wrong from the authorities. It was not until food became scarce, that Gage would allow the patriots to leave the city, and thus escape his persecutions. Even then they were not permitted to carry away with them their valuables or any money, beyond a few pounds each. Many, however, succeeded in eluding the vigilance of the guards ; and women were known to have carried out their silver spoons, sewed in the lining of their petr ticoats. The tory citizens suffered, in common with all, from the scant supply of the luxuries and even the necessities of life, but kept up their hearts with the confi dent hope that a better time was soon corning, and, as one wrote, that " Boston will be this winter the emporium of Amer ica for plenty and pleasure." These loy al folks rather pitied the patriots, and in their letters to those of their friends en gaged in the American cause, " heartily wished" they were as safe as they them selves were. They kept up a forced gay- ety within the besieged town, by an oc casional concert and farce, at the play house in Faneuil hall, during the week ; and managed on Sundays to form a " gen teel audience" to listen to the " excellent discourse" of the tory parson, who had " received a call to the elegant new church" vacated by the flight of its pa triotic rector. There were certain sufferers within the besieged city, whose position awakened especially the sympathy of the patriots : these were the prisoners who had been 192 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PAKT II. taken at Bunker s hill. Washington, hav ing learned that they were treated with severity, and that, no distinction being made between officers and soldiers, both were thrown into a common jail, deter mined to write to the British general, and demand redress. His letter was calm and dignified. The British general sent an answer, which was unnecessarily irritating and impolitic. Gage must have recalled the old times when he and Washington were comrades in Braddock s campaign ; and, although the lapse of twenty years had brought the great change which placed them in antagonism as enemies, nothing had ever occurred to ruffle the relations which the two bore to each other as gen tlemen. Gage might therefore have for borne the use of those expressions of con tumely in which he indulged. Washington rejoined in severe but well- merited terms, and, true to his word, treat ed his British prisoners as Gage had treat ed the Americans. He ordered those who had enjoyed comparative liberty at Wa- tertown and Cape Ann, to be thrust into jail at Northampton. His humanity, how ever, soon revolted at this severity, and in a few days he countermanded those orders. The correspondence with Gage here closed for ever, as Washington had thought probable. It was now two months since the arri val of Washington ; and, although he had been active in strengthening his defences and in organizing the army with such a success, that he flattered himself that in a little time he should work up the " raw materials into a ocood manufacture" yet little had been done in the way of active hostility. The British were so hemmed in, and so depressed, that they showed even less than the Americans any disposition toward beginning an attack. A battery, however, which in the course of a night had risen under the i f +u A Aug. 26, busy hands 01 a thousand patri ots, on the top of Ploughed hill, excited the enemy to action, and they began a brisk cannonade from Bunker s hill upon the new American works. At one time the British were seen to move, and it was thought that they were preparing for an attack. Washington, accordingly, with hopes of an engagement, sent down five thousand men on the Charlestown road to meet the enemy, and be prepared to give battle. The British, however, did not come out; and, as a contemporary chronicler records, " the most awful si lence was observed on both sides." The next day the bombardment was resumed, which the Americans, careful of their am munition, did not return, except by firing a single pounde^ with which they suc ceeded in sinking a floating battery. The American camp was greatly en couraged by the timely arrival of a sup ply of ammunition from Rhode Island. It was said to have been got from the various British posts on the coast of Af rica, by means of the New-England coast ers, which went laden with native rum, and brought back a " fiery commodity of a different quality." So successful was this venture, that every garrison visited on the African coast was supposed to have given up its last ounce of powder, in ex change for the highly-marketable Yankee REVOLUTIONARY.] ARNOLD ASTIR. 193 liquor. The British, however, still kept within Boston, and would give Washing ton no opportunity to use with effect his fresh supply of ammunition. But while thus condemned to a forced inactivity at Canada. Sept, 12, Cambridge, he found an occasion for the employment of a portion of his troops in active service. He had resolved upon sending an expedition to CHAPTER VII. Allen and Arnold disputing for the Command at Ticonderoga. Arnold called to Account by the Massachusetts Legisla ture. Throws up his Commission in High Dudgeon. Returns to Cambridge. Is pacified by the Prospect of a Com mand in the Expedition to Canada. Appointed to co-operate with Schuyler. Daniel Morgan and his Rifle-Corps. Arnold sets out for Canada. Schuyler sets out also. Illness of Schuyler. Montgomery succeeds to the Command. - -His Life and Character. Siege of St. Johns. Allen succeeded in Command of the Green-Mountain Boys by Seth Warner. Allen goes on an Expedition on his own Account. Is defeated and taken Prisoner. Sir Guy Carleton de feated. St. Johns surrendered. WITH the successes of Ethan Al len and Benedict Arnold at Ticon- deroga and Crown Point, there began a strife between these adventurous leaders for the command of the forts, which was, as has been already related, temporarily decided by the Connecticut committee, which had accompanied the expedition, in favor of Allen. He therefore remained with his " Green-mountain boys," as com mandant of Ticonderoga and its depen dencies. Arnold was forced to yield, but did it with an ill grace, while still declar ing that his rights had been usurped. " Colonel Allen," he wrote, in a statement of his grievances sent to the Massachu setts committee of safety, " is a proper man to head his own wild people, but en tirely unacquainted with military affairs ; and, as I am the only person w r ho has been legally authorized to take posses sion of this place, I am determined to in sist upon iny right." Allen and his friends 25 of course had their own views upon the subject, and took care to make them known to the authorities. In the meantime, the restless Arnold found w r ork for his busy activities. Hav ing armed the sloop, schooner, and the batteaux he had captured at Skenesbor- ough and St. Johns, he appointed his cap tains, and hoisted his flag as the self-con stituted admiral of this Lilliputian squad ron. Crown Point was his naval station ; and when he heard rumors of the ap proach of a British force of four hundred from Montreal, he valiantly resolved with his armed vessels and his hundred and fifty men to defend his post, and remain master of the waters of Lake Champlain, upon which his adventurous flag floated so defiantly. Arnold was enabled to gather valuable information of the proceedings of the Brit ish in Canada. He had, during former trading-enterprises, made acquaintances 194 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART n. in both Montreal and Quebec, with whom he now, by means of a trusty messenger, held confidential communication. The result Arnold reported to the continental Congress. In his statement he said that there were certain persons in Montreal who had agreed to open the gates to an American force ; and that General Guy Carleton,the Canadian governor, had only five hundred and fifty effective men, scat tered at different posts, to oppose an at tack. He, moreover, expressed his belief that a successful expedition against all Canada could be undertaken with two thousand men ; and, offering to lead it, pledged himself for its success. Arnold was waiting impatiently at Crown Point for an answer to his propo sition laid before the Congress, when he was disagreeably surprised and his ardent hopes dashed by the arrival of a " com mittee of three" from the Massachusetts legislature, empowered to make certain inquiries in regard to his " spirit, capaci ty, and conduct." The impetuous Arnold could not brook any interference, and he was greatly indignant when the commitr tee laid their instructions before him. There were no charges specified ; and, without them, he declared, and with seem ing justice, that an inquiry into his " con duct" was against all law and precedent. As for the investigation into his " capa city and spirit," this he in a great rage denounced as an insult. As for the ac count of expenses which was required of him, all he had to say w r as, that he had already paid a hundred pounds out of his own pocket, and had incurred debts in behalf of his forces which must be paid, or he himself would be personally dishon ored. Connecticut, to which province Massachusetts had left the decision of the question between Arnold and Allen, had settled it by the appointment of Colonel Hinman as commandant of the forts on Lake Champlain. This so enraged Ar nold, that he swore he never would sub mit to the degradation of being super seded by a junior officer. Full of wrath and disappointment, he resolved upon throwing up his commission, and wrote a letter of resignation. His men were discharged by Arnold, and, as they were unpaid, they became as unruly and resist ant as their discontented leader. They were, however, soon pacified by the lib. eral promises of the committee, and most of the soldiers were induced to re-enlist. Arnold himself hurried back to the army at Cambridge, where he continued vio lent in his complaints of wrong, and rest lessly discontented, until Washington conscious of the daring and capacity of the man found in the proposed expedi tion against Canada a suitable scope for the exercise of that turbulent spirit which seemed only calm in difficulty and dan ger. Congress was naturally distrustful of the propositions which it had received from such men as Allen and Arnold. When the former was writing in such a " Bombastes" vein of what he could and would do ; and when the plans of the lat- ter, however rational they might seem, came from one whose conduct was a sub ject at least of question, it was right that no hasty act of legislative concurrence should commit the Congress to plans com- REVOLUTIONARY.] THE EXPEDITION TO CANADA. 195 ing from such apparently doubtful sources. Both Arnold s and Allen s letters were characteristic of the men. Those of the former were arrogant and self-seeking, and those of the latter exaggerated and incoherent. Allen writes to the provin cial Congress of New York: " I wish to God America would, at this critical juncture, exert herself agreeably to the indignity offered her by a tyran nical ministry. She might rise on eagles wings and mount up to glory, freedom, and immortal honor, if she did but know and exert her strength. Fame is now hovering over her head. A vast conti nent must now sink to slavery, poverty, horror, and bondage, or rise to unconquer able freedom, immense wealth, inexpres sible felicity, and immortal fame. " I will lay my life on it, that, with fif teen hundred men and a proper train of artilleiy. I will take Montreal. Provided I could be thus furnished, and if an army could command the field, it would be no insuperable difficulty to take Quebec." Arnold, after stating the plan he pro posed, which we have alreadv mentioned, writes to the continental Congress at Phil adelphia: " I beg leave to add that, if no person appears who will undertake to carry the plan into execution, I will undertake, and with the smiles of Heaven answer for the success, provided I am supplied with men, to carry it into execution without loss of time "In order to give satisfaction to the different colonies, I propose that Colonel Hinman s regiment, now on their march from Connecticut to Ticonderoga, should form part of the army say one thousand men five hundred men to be sent from New York, five hundred of General Ar nold s regiment,including the seamen and marines on board the vessels (no Green- mountain boys)." The " no G-reen-mountain boys" in the pa renthesis, was a vindictive thrust at Allen, whom Arnold hated as a rival, and feared, from his adventurous spirit and his pop ularity among the wild settlers of the "New-Hampshire grants," as a competi tor in his own line of daring enterprise. The services of both Allen and Arnold, however, were too valuable to be disre garded ; and both, as we shall see, were to be again availed of. Schuyler, of New York, who had been appointed one of the major-generals of the army, was, after some hesitation and delay, directed by the continental Con gress to attempt, by the way of the forts on Lake Cham plain, an invasion of Canada. The time was now supposed to be favorable, as the governor, Guy Carleton, was strengthening the Ca nadian fortifications, and awaiting rein forcements, to retake Ticonderoga and Crown Point. It was believed that the French-Canadians, averse to British do minion, were ready to w r elcome any pros pect of deliverance from their English masters, and that they would be ready to enroll themselves under the banner of the first continental force that should pre sent itself. Schuyler was accordingly urged to advance as rapidly as possible into Canada, that he might avail himself of the present favorable disposition of the people, and anticipate the preparations June 17. 196 for defence which had been made by the British authorities. Washington saw Arnold often at head quarters, and was so struck with the un daunted spirit of the man, and his evident familiarity with the ground and position of affairs in Canada, that he did not hesi tate to confide to him the command of the force he had resolved upon sending, to co-operate with Schuyler. Eleven hun dred men were detached for this service. They were for the most part picked New- England troops, to which were added three companies of riflemen from Penn sylvania and Virginia. At the head of this rifle-corps was Captain DANIEL MOR GAN, who, on his arrival in the camp with his band of sharpshooters a few weeks before, had greatly excited the curiosity of the whole army. Morgan himself was a remarkable man in appearance, with his great, stalwart frame ; and his follow ers were no less conspicuous for their size and strength. Many of them were gaunt Irishmen, and their leathern hunts men s dress added to their wildness of aspect. Each wore upon his breast the motto "Liberty or death!" and, what with their fierce look and unrestrained manners, Daniel Morgan and his men were regarded by the prim New-England- ers very much as if they were so many savages. The camp was not averse to their departure, as, apart from their some what rude bearing, the fact of so many of them being Irishmen was no recom mendation in those early days to popular favor. Arnold, having been appointed colonel by Washington, set out, on the 13th of BATTLES OF AMERICA. 1775, September, with his eleven hun dred men, for Canada. The expe dition was one full of danger and diffi culty, and was thus peculiarly attractive to its bold and adventurous leader, as it was to other youthful and ardent spirits, who fretted impatiently against the inac tivity of the camp at Cambridge. Aaron Burr, then only twenty years of age, was at that time serving in a New r -Jersey regi ment, but, when he heard of Arnold s ex pedition, offered himself as a volunteer, and was accepted, much to the satisfac tion of his martial longings. The chief officers under Arnold as the colonel, were LieutenantrColonel Christopher Greene, Lieutenant-Colonel Roger Enos, and Ma jors Bigelow and Meigs. The route to be taken by the expedi tion was by the Kennebec river, through a wilderness, to Canada, and was known only through the reports of some rare traveller or the vague accounts of the Indians. Two explorers were sent in advance, to make their way secretly to Quebec, and to return to Arnold on his march with what information they could obtain. Washington had made every possible provision for the success of the enterprise. Transports were provided at Newburyport, and carpenters sent from Cambridge to construct two hundred bat- teaux on the banks of the Kennebec for the conveyance of the troops up that riv er. Arnold marched to Newburyport, and thence, after taking care to send out several small boats, to look if the coast was clear of British cruisers, embarked his force in the eleven vessels which had been provided, and sailed on the 19th of REVOLUTIONARY.] EICHARD MONTGOMERY. 197 September for the mouth of the Kenne- bec river. General Schuyler had in the mean while, in accordance with the orders of Congress, left New York for the north, reaching Ticonderoga on the 18th of Ju ly, where he was long delayed in fortify ing that post. Having placed the fort under the command of General Richard Montgomery, Schuyler returned to Alba ny, to meet with the chiefs of the Caugh- nawagas and of the Six Nations, assem bled to confer with him, with the view of a treaty. While here, he received a despatch from Washington at Cambridge, informing him of the project he had de vised of sending a detachment of his troops to Canada, This intelligence was joyfully received by Schuyler, as it fell in very opportunely with the expedition which he himself had just resolved in consequence of some information he had received of the position of affairs in Can ada to send against that province. He answered Washington s despatch, with a very hopeful expression of the probable success of the proposed enterprises, and immediately prepared to perform his share of the undertaking. From Albany Schuyler pushed on to Ticonderoga, but, on arriving there, found Montgomery had gone, leaving w r ord for his superior to follow him at once in a whale-boat. Montgomery had heard of a proposed movement of Sir Guy Carle- ton, by which that British officer intend ed, with a fleet of armed vessels, w T hich were nearly ready, to sail from St. Johns through the Sorel river into Lake Cham- plain. To anticipate this manoeuvre, Mont- Aug. 30. gomery embarked in haste with a thou sand men and two fieldpieces, and sailed from Ticonderoga to the Isle aux Noix, with the view of taking possession and fortifying that island, at the entrance of the Sorel river, and thus preventing the approach of the enemy. Schuyler, on his arrival at Ticondero ga in the night, was so ill with fever, that he was unable to fol low Montgomery until the next morning, and then by the slow conveyance of a batteau instead of a whale-boat, as he was too weak to proceed except on a bed, which could only be spread in the larger craft. It was several days before he over took Montgomery ; and then, assuming the command, the force proceeded to the Isle aux Noix, which they reached on the 4th of September. Trusting to the re port of very formidable preparations by the enemy, Schuyler, after sailing down the Sorel to within a mile and a half of St. Johns, and receiving a few shots from the garrison, determined to return to the Isle aux Noix. Upon reaching this place, Schuyler yielded up the command to Montgomery, and returned himself to Ti conderoga, to recruit his broken health, and do what he could in furthering the objects of the expedition, by forwarding men and supplies. RICHARD MONTGOMERY was perhaps as ardent and hasty as Schuyler was cool and cautious. Quick blood was charac teristic of the Irish descent of the former, and torpid phlegm was not unnatural in one of Dutch origin. Montgomery, al though born in Ireland, came early to America, as a young subaltern in a Brit 198 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART n. ish regiment., but won a commission as lieutenant by his bravery at Louisburg. Subsequently serving with Amherst, he was promoted to a captaincy ; and at the close of the French War, he retired to Eno-land. His visit to America, however, O had attached him to the land and its peo ple. He accordingly sold his commission, and, purchasing an estate on the banks of the Hudson, retired there with a wife whom he had married in New York : here he desired to live a quiet life, in domes tic happiness and the peaceful pursuit of husbandry. His repose, however, lasted but three years. The disturbances with the mother-country having broken out, he joined the popular cause, and was, from his earnest attachment to the prin ciples of liberty, and his military experi ence, elected by the continental Con gress second in rank of the brigadier- generals. He was still a young man, not having reached his fortieth year, but had the reputation of prudence in counsel, al though known to be impetuous in spirit. His personal appearance was all in his favor, having a frank, handsome face, and a well-proportioned, manly figure. He was a great favorite with his men, and in action they did not hesitate to follow wil lingly wherever their gallant commander led them. Montgomery, now in command, was eager to be at work : so he prepared at once to invest St. Johns. He first sent forward a force of five hundred men, to command the junction of the two roads which lead to Chambly and Montreal, and thus cut off supplies and reinforcements from that direction. Montgomery then, having thrown across the entrance to So- rel river a quantity of trees and brush wood, to stop the progress of the enemy s vessels into the lake, advanced his forces and artillery to within a short distance of St. Johns. Here, while exposed to a brisk fire, he commenced his operations for a siege, constructing batteries and other covers for his attack. His means, however, proved miserably scanty. His artillery was deficient in guns, and not of sufficient weight ; his ammunition was small in quantity, and his men were not sufficiently skilled in the management ot the cannon. The ground, too, on which he had taken his position was swampy, and so crowded with trees and under growth as to interfere greatly with the works. To add still more to his misfor tunes, disease broke out among the troops, who, finally losing spirit, began to grow disaffected. Montgomery now proposed to change his position to a spot at the northwest, where some heights would give him more suitable ground, and a bet ter chance at the enemy. This plan, after some opposition on the part of the men and officers, was finally adopted ; and the troops shifted their position, and began to throw up anew some works on the fresh place selected. While Montgomery was at the Isle aux Noix, Ethan Allen and Major Brown had been sent with a few men on a secret enterprise into Canada, to endeavor to obtain recruits among the inhabitants of that province, who were reported to be favorably disposed toward the patriot cause. Allen had been obliged to yield the command of his beloved Sept, 5, REVOLUTIONARY.] ETHAN ALLEN IN CANADA. 199 " Green-mountain boys" to Seth Warner. In his own account of his loss he said : " Notwithstanding my zeal and success in my country s cause, the old farmers on the New-Hampshire grants, who do not incline to go to war, have met in a com mittee meeting, and. in their nomination of officers for the regiment of Green- mountain boys, have wholly omitted me. I find myself in the favor of the officers of the army and the young Green-mount ain boys. How the old men came to re ject me I can not conceive, inasmuch as I saved them from the encroachments of New York." "The old men," says Ir ving, who quotes this letter, " probably doubted his discretion." Allen, thus deprived of his command, was so desirous of having a share in the expected glories of the northern expedi tion, that he solicited employment from Schuyler, and was accordingly attached to the army. That so harum-scarum a character should be intrusted with the delicate service upon which he was now engaged, seems very remarkable ; but his success was still more astounding, if we can take his own word : " I am now," Allen writes to Montgom ery, "at the parish of St. Ours, four leagues from Sorel, to the south. I have two hun dred and fifty Canadians under arms. As I march, they gather fast. You may re ly on it, that I shall join you in about three days, with five hundred or more Canadian volunteers. I could raise one or two thousand in a week s time ; but I will first visit the army with a less num ber, and, if necessary, go again recruiting. Those that used to be enemies to our cause, come cap in hand to me ; and I swear by the Lord, I can raise three times the number of our army in Canada pro vided you continue the siege. The eyes of all America, nay, of Europe, are or will be on the economy of this army and the consequences attending it." Brown and Allen, who had separated in the course of their recruiting-duties in Canada, now met between Longueuil and La Prairie. Brown, declaring that the garrison at Montreal was composed only of some thirty men, suggested that the occasion was favorable for an attack upon that city. Allen s adventurous spir it was up in a moment, and he eagerly seized the opportunity of distinguishing himself. It was then agreed between the two, that the enterprise should be under taken by them jointly; and it was ar ranged that Allen should return with his force to Longueuil, and cross the St. Law rence to the opposite bank a little below Montreal, while Brown should proceed farther up the river with his two hundred men and land above the city. The two forces were then to march from their sev eral positions, and attack Montreal simul taneously from two opposite points. The two men separated, and Allen led his eighty Canadians and thirty Ameri cans for this was the whole extent of his force, notwithstanding the grandilo quent account he had sent to Montgom ery of the success of his recruiting-service back to Longueuil. On arriving at this place, \vhich is nearly opposite to -,. . . n . Montreal, he was disappointed m not finding a sufficient number of canoes to take all his men over the river at once. 200 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART IT. He succeeded, however, in getting them all across in the course of the night, and in safety, notwithstanding that the weath er was boisterous, and the stream so dis turbed by the blustering wind, that it was with difficulty the canoes were kept from being overset. Sending out guards on the road to Montreal, to prevent a sur prise, Allen anxiously awaited to hear of Brow r n s landing. The night was fast pas sing, and no word came from Brown ; day dawned, and still nothing was heard of the impatiently-waited-for Brown. In the meanwhile, the enemy had got the alarm, and sent out forty regulars and a considerable number of Canadians and Indians, to drive away the invaders. Al len could not retreat, as there were not enough canoes to take his men back to the opposite side of the river, and he ac cordingly prepared to give battle. A se vere struggle ensued, which lasted for nearly two hours ; but most of Allen s raw Canadian recruits having given w r ay, he was left with only twenty-eight Amer icans, seven of whom were wounded. There was no alternative now for Allen but surrender, and he accordingly yield ed himself up to the British major and his force, with the condition, however, of honorable terms for himself and his men. He was then led into the city, and brought before General Prescott, the command ant, when "He asked me," writes Allen, "rrry name, which I told him. He then asked me whether I was that Colonel Allen who took Ticonderoga. I told him I was the very man. Then he shook his cane over my head, calling me many hard names, among which he frequently used the word rebel, and put himself in a great rage." The wild appearance of Allen and his men, with their rough huntsmen s shirts, had certainly nothing of the military reg ulation" character, and it was not surpri sing that a general of the " regular army" should look at his prisoners as so many freebooters. " Their leader," says Irving. " albeit a colonel, must have seemed wor thy of the band ; for Allen was arrayed in rough, frontier style a deerskin jack et, a vest and breeches of coarse serge, worsted stockings, stout shoes, and a red woollen cap." Ethan was treated without regard to his rank as colonel, and he and his men were indiscriminately handcuffed, shack led, and sent away to be thrust into the hold of the Gaspee schooner-of-war, and thus carried to England ; the British com mandant of the fort swearing at Allen as he was led off, and telling him he deserved a halter. Allen, before the schooner sailed, took occasion to write to General Prescott, in his usual rhetorical vein, and then reluc tantly yielded to his fate. The Gaspee schooner was his prison for five weeks, and then he was transferred at Quebec to another British vessel, which carried him to Falmouth, in England, where he was confined in Pendennis castle. Sub sequently he was sent back to America, and, after an imprisonment of a year and a half at New York while in possession of the British forces, he was exchanged for an English officer, when he retired to his home in Vermont, and lived there to a good age, to talk and write copiously REVOLUTIONARY.] SURRENDER OF ST. JOHNS. 201 about his wonderful exploits and adven tures. While poor Ethan Allen s ambitious flights were thus suddenly clipped at Montreal, a great triumph awaited his old band of " Green-mountain boys," un der the command of Seth Warner, with the aid of Brown, who, for some reason or other Avhich has never been explained, instead of fulfilling his agreement with Allen, had returned to the main body un der Montgomery. General Guy Carle- ton, having finished his boats, and gath ering a large but miscellaneous force of British, Canadians, and Indians, embarked them at Montreal, with the view of pro ceeding to the relief of St. Johns, invest ed by Montgomery. Carleton, however, in attempting to cross the St. Lawrence, met with an unexpected opposition from Seth Warner, who with his " Green-mount ain boys" posted on the bank of the river near Longueuil, opened such .a brisk fire upon the enemy, that they were forced in great confusion to fall back again into Montreal. This, together with Brown s success at Chambly, and his defeat of a band of Highlanders on their march to co-operate with Carleton, decided the fate of St. .Johns. Montgomery, as soon as he received word of the defeat of Carle- ton, summoned the garrison to surrender, informing the commandant that his ex pected reinforcement had been cut off. The brave Preston, the British command ant, doubted the truth of the report, and declared that he would still hold out for four days ; but, provided the aid he anti cipated did not come in the course of that time, he would give up the fort. The aid of course did not come. St. Johns was then surrendered. Montgomery now ad vanced upon Montreal, the gates of which were opened without resistance, and the Americans entered in triumph. Nov. 12, CHAPTER VIII. Arnold sails up the Kennebec. The Difficulties and Dangers of the Passage. The Falls of Norridgewock. The Portage and its Trials. The Great Portage. The Dead River. A Deluge. A Camp overflowed. The Swollen Stream, and the Dangers of its Navigation. Discouragement of the Men. Return of the most Discouraged. Retreat of Enos, contrary to Orders. Washington s Confidence in Arnold s Success, in spite of Bad News. Increasing Difficulties. Snow and Ice. Arnold, with a Small Party, pushes on in advance. Entrance of the Chaudiere. "A Fall ahead." Narrow Escape from Destruction. Safe Arrival at Sertigan. Abundance of Provisions. Relief sent to those in the Rear. Arnold well received by the Canadians. Pushes on, and reaches the Bank of the St. Lawrence opposite to Quebec. Disappointed in not finding Boats. Crosses in Canoes. Lands in Wolfe s Cove. Scales the Heights of Abraham. Summons Quebec to surrender. Answered by a Fire. Retires, and awaits the Approach of Montgomery 1775, ARNOLD entered the Kennebec on the 20th of September, and sailed up to Gardiner without difficulty, save the grounding of one or two of his trans- 26 ports, which were, however, finally got off At Pittston, opposite to Gardiner, he found in readiness the two hundred bat- teaux which had been constructed by the 202 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART II. carpenters sent by "Washington from the camp at Cambridge ; and he accordingly transhipped his men and provisions into these boats, and continued his route to Fort Western. On reaching this point, Arnold found an Indian messenger, with news from the two pioneers he had sent on in advance to obtain information of the proposed route of the expedition. There was little, however, that was satis factory in the communication received, as the pioneers had only penetrated as far as the head-waters of the Dead river, and sent back such discouraging accounts of the dangers and difficulties of the wil derness, that it was presumed they had given ear to the exaggerated tales of the Indians, who, although professing to be friendly to the Americans, were suspect ed to be in the interest of the British in Canada. Arnold, however, was not the man to be swerved from his purpose by any re ports of danger, nor in fact by danger it self. He accordingly persisted in his plan of forcing his way through the wilderness, in spite of its terrors. The course he marked out for himself was along the western branch of the Kennebec, called the Dead river, and through Lake Megan- tic into the Chaudiere. Arnold, having sent in advance two parties of half a dozen men each, to survey the route and obtain what information they could, began to move his whole force. The army was divided into four parts, each of which set out on separate days, that there might be always a day s distance between the divisions. Morgan, with his riflemen, led the van ; on the next day went Greene and Bigelow, with three companies ; on the third, Meigs with four ; and finally, on the fourth, Enos with the remainder. Arnold having, with great personal ef fort, succeeded in starting his forces, now set out himself in a birch- canoe, and pushed his way so rapidly along the Ken nebec, that on the third day he reached the van of his little army under Morgan, who had got as far as the falls of Nor- ridgewock. Here there was a portage, and it became necessary to land and car ry the boats around the falls, to the part of the stream above, where it was naviga ble. As the banks of the river were com posed chiefly of irregular rocks, the labor of the men was immense ; but Arnold, always active, and personally overseeing all the details of the work, succeeded in getting each division, as it came up, in safety around the falls. They were not able to set out again on their route for nearly a week, in consequence of the con dition of the batteaux, which, being new and hastily constructed, leaked so badly, that much of the provision was damaged. They had their carpenters, however, with them, who set to work making the neces sary repairs, and all the boats were again launched and pushing on their course. Arnold remained until the last batteau had shoved off, and then betook himself again to his birchen canoe, with his In dian guide, and paddled swiftly on, pas sing all the boats, until he reached the "Great Carrying-place," between the Ken nebec and its western branch, or Dead river. The first two divisions of his force had already arrived at this place, and here awaited them a labor more toilsome than REVOLUTIONARY.] THE GREAT PORTAGE. 203 even what they had already undergone. The men thus far had successfully over come all the difficulties of their arduous voyage. They had forced their course against the rapid current by often jump ing into the stream up to their waists, and shoving their boats along by main strength. "You would have taken the men," wrote Arnold to Washington, " for amphibious animals, as they were great part of the time under water." They had been obliged to drag or carry their boats already over no less than four portages. The men, however, had borne the labor and exposure so far without much suffer ing ; for, although the effective force was reduced, by illness and desertion, from eleven hundred to nine hundred and fif ty, there had been but one death. Ar nold was, as usual, full of hope, and san- guinely held out to his men that he would take them to the Chaudiere river in lit tle more than a week. But the " Great Portage" was now be fore them, and its obstacles proved more formidable than was anticipated by Ar nold. The batteaux were to be alter nately carried by the men, dragged by oxen, and floated, through a space of some fifteen miles of rugged territory, with pre cipitous granite rocks, morasses, ponds, and other rude features, of what was then a remote wilderness, and is still a wildly- picturesque country. Arnold, however, undertook the work, and accomplished it. His men were able to obtain a welcome refreshment in the large quantities of sal mon and trout which they caught in the lakes and streams ; and Arnold judicious ly built a log-house on the route, where he left the sick and disabled, and thus dis embarrassed himself of those who only encumbered his progress. On reaching the Dead river, and launching their bat- teaux upon its waters, the men, as they moved easily on its smooth surface, with hardly a resistance from the gentle cur rent, were cheered with the hope that their greatest trials were over. They continued their course in fine spirits, and looked with delighted wonder upon the solemn beauties of the scenery, where great mountains, topped with snow, rose high and clear above the forest wilder ness. On reaching the base of one of the highest of the mountain-range, Arnold hoisted the American flag, and encamped his men, for several days repose. There seems to have been still a superfluity of animal spirits in the army, for one of the officers took occasion to mount to the top of the peak which is now called " Mount Bigelow," from, the adventurous major of that name who accomplished the ascent. Arnold now began to fear that his pro visions would fall short ; so he sent back a party of ninety men for supplies : but, directing them to make the utmost speed, so as not to detain him, he continued to pursue his route. The riflemen he sent on in advance, and followed himself with the second division a day subsequently. He had no sooner started, than it began to rain, and did not cease for three days, pouring down a perfect deluge, drench ing the men to the skin, and wetting the baggage through and through. The riv er now beo;an to swell from the effects of 204 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART n. the constant rain, and the current became so rapid, that it was with the utmost dif ficulty the boats could stem the torrent. Worn out with fatigue, the men landed and encamped at the close of a day of hard work, upon some low ground on the margin of the stream, and had hardly laid down for a night s repose, when the river, which had overflowed its banks, came rushing in upon them so rapidly, that they barely succeeded in reaching their boats. Embarked again, they found themselves bewildered in their attempts to keep their course, and were constantly wandering out of their way into the smal ler branches of the river, which had been swollen into great streams by the deluge. The waters, too, were so thick with drift wood and so turbulent, that there was danger every moment of the whole fleet of boats being swamped ; and finally sev en of the batteaux were upset, and ev erything in them swept away in the tor rent. The men now became so disheartened by this accident, which greatly dimin ished their supplies, that Arnold thought it expedient to land and consult with his officers upon what should be done in the emergency. By the advice of their lead er, who was never despondent, it was re solved to persevere, after the force should be relieved of those who were too ill or faint-hearted to proceed. A number were accordingly sent back, and with them or ders to Greene of the third, and Colonel Enos who had command of the last divis ion, at some distance still in the rear, to select their strongest men, and, hurrying forward with them, to leave the rest to return along with Arnold s own invalided party to Norridgewock. Greene did as he was bid ; but Enos, instead of obeying his orders, retreated with his whole force to Cambridge, where he was tried by a court-martial, and acquitted on the plea of a want of provisions. Washington, on hearing of Enos s aban donment of his leader,was greatly grieved, though he did not seem to doubt but that Arnold would ultimately overcome every obstacle. "Notwithstanding this great defection," wrote the commander-in-chief, " I do not despair of Colonel Arnold s suc cess." Arnold showed himself in every respect worthy of this confidence in his resolute energies, and continued, under increasing trials to his patience and coui*- age, to strive on as manfully as ever. The weather continued to get worse, for the rain changed to a heavy fall of snow, and the men suffered now from ex cessive cold as well as from the dripping wet ; while, to add to their discomforts, ice formed upon the water, through which they had to break when wading and drag ging their boats along. Arnold, unwil ling to force his army through difficulties which seemed too much for their powers of endurance, now determined to push on with a small party in advance, with the hope of being soon able to reach the riv er Chaudiere, and to send back, from the settlement on its banks, provisions of which they stood greatly in need to re- invigorate those left behind, and thus en able them to continue their arduous prog ress. He accordingly set out with sixty men, along a route which was but a repe tition of the same difficulties and obstruo- REVOLUTIONARY.] ARNOLD ARRIVES AT SERTIGAN. 205 tions which he had already experienced. The weather continued bad, the portages did not diminish in number, and the men were constantly exposed to the severe cold, and kept hard at work dragging their boats through the river while up to their waists in the water, or carrying them for miles together over the rugged land, past fall after fall. On entering Lake Megan tic, Arnold overtook the pioneers who had been sent in advance to cut away the wood with the hatchet, and otherwise clear the way, and was met by one of his messengers, who brought back most favorable accounts of the friendly disposition of the Canadi ans toward the expedition. This was en couraging ; but what was more particu larly required now by the half-famished men was, something to satisfy their hun ger. So scarce had food become, that O they were obliged to kill their dogs and eat the flesh ; and when this supply was exhausted, they were reduced to the ne cessity of making a soup out of their mooseskin moccasins ! Arnold now felt the urgent necessity of an immediate ef fort for relief; and, accordingly, landing his main force on the bank of the lake, with orders to move leisurely on by land, he hastily equipped half a dozen boats, and, taking sixteen men with him, pushed on up the lake. They quickly reached the northern extremity of Lake Megan- tic, and entered the Chaudiere. Without guides they began the dangerous naviga tion of this turbulent stream, and, getting among the rapids, three of the boats were overturned, and six of the men had a hard struggle for life. They were, however, Oct. 30. saved from drowning, and conveyed to the land, where, after drying their clothes, they took to their remaining boats, and prepared to hurry forward. At this mo ment, one of the party, having proceeded for some distance in advance, cried out, " A fall ahead !" And, sure enough, they were just on the verge of a cataract, and barely had time to save themselves from being swept over, with the result of cer tain death to every man of them. They were now obliged to carry their boats around this dangerous fall ; and, starting again, they finally succeeded, without fur ther accident, in reaching the French sei> tlement of Sertigan, near the Chaudiere and Des Loups riv ers. Arnold found abundance of provis ions here, and immediately sent back a supply to his famished troops. The re lief proved timely, for they had been re duced almost to starvation. They were found coming slowly and disconsolately along the banks of the river, having lost all their boats, with most of the baggage, in the turbulent waters of the Chaudiere. Refreshed with abundance of food, they hurried their march, and soon began, in straggling detachments, to enter Sertigan, where they all finally arrived in a few days. Arnold now, as he was approaching the Canadian capital, was anxious that Schuyler, with whom he was to co-oper ate, should be made aware of his move ments. He therefore, with an imprudent confidence,intrusted a chance Indian with a despatch to the American general, which was enclosed in a letter to one of Arnold s friends in Quebec. Arnold was encour- 206 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART n. aged by the reception which he met with among the inhabitants of the valley of the Chaudiere. He had followed the di rections of Washington, who had urged upon him to treat the Canadian people with great kindness, to avoid offending in any respect their religious prejudices, and strictly to regard their rights of prop erty. Arnold had been provided with printed manifestoes, setting forth the cause of the provincials, and appealing to the Canadians for active sympathy. These were diligently distributed, and appeared to produce everywhere a favor able effect. After a delay of a few days in the enjoyment of the abounding hospi tality of the generous and simple-minded French inhabitants of that sequestered valley, Arnold moved on with all his force, and arrived at Point Levi, opposite to Quebec, on the 13th of November. Arnold was disappointed, on reaching the shore, to find that there were no boats to take his force across the St. Lawrence. The enemy, in fact, had learned the par ticulars of his march through the despatch to Schuyler, which had been intrusted to the Indian messenger, and who had treach erously delivered it up to the British of ficer in command at Quebec. The boats were accordingly all withdrawn to the Quebec side of the river, a frigate and a sloop-of-war stationed in the St. Lawrence to intercept the invaders, and additional troops from Sorel and Newfoundland hur ried in to reinforce the garrison. Ar nold s impetuosity, however, was not to be checked ; and getting together, through the agency of the Indians and Canadians 1775, who had joined him, a number of birchen canoes, he succeeded, in the course of a night, in setting all but a hundred and fifty of his men on the Plains of Abra ham, having landed at "Wolfe s cove," and clambered with his men the same rugged path up which that brave gener al had led the British troops. The American commander, conscious of the increased strength of the garrison, could have had little hope of a successful assault ; but, as he had reason to believe that the inhabitants of Quebec were dis affected toward their rulers and favorably disposed toward his own enterprise, he was determined to try the temper of the people. Arnold accordingly inarched his force close to the walls of the city, and ordered them to send up three loud huz zas, with the hope that the troops would be provoked to make a sally, and that the gates being thus opened, the Cana dians would take the occasion of co-oper ating with him. He was, however, disap pointed in the effects of his bravado, for the garrison only answered it by a salute from their guns. Arnold next tried the lieutenant-governor, with a pompous de mand, in the name of the American Con gress, to surrender. This, of course, the British officer, confident in his superior force, and the humble means of his ene my, contemptuously disregarded. Arnold was now fain to depart, partic ularly as he heard from some of his old friends in Quebec that the British were about coming out to attack him with a large force, and knew that his own troops were so deficient in numbers and in sup plies of ammunition for they had but REVOLUTIONARY.] MONTGOMERY IN MONTREAL. 207 five rounds of cartridge to a man that it would be folly to attempt a resistance. He acordingly marched up the banks of the St. Lawrence, and took post at Point aux Trembles, to await the approach of Montgomery. CHAPTER IX. Montgomery enters Montreal without Opposition. Sir Guy Carleton enclosed between two American Forces. Escapes in Disguise, but loses his Flotilla. Montgomery worried by the Disobedience of his Troops. Many refuse to follow Him. He marches, however, with a Few, and joins Arnold. Montgomery assumes the General Command, and marches to the Plains of Abraham. Quebec summoned to surrender. A Siege. Vain Attempts to communicate with the Disaffected Inhabitants of Quebec. An Ice-Battery. An Assault determined upon. Trouble among the American Troops. The Assault begins. Its Progress. Death of Montgomery. Morgan s Desperate Struggle, and Final Capture. Failure of the Assault. Arnold succeeds to the Chief Command, and is promoted to the Rank of Brigadier-General. Retires to a Short Distance from Quebec, and prepares to receive an Expected Attack from the British. 1775, As Montgomery entered Montre al without opposition, on the 12th of November, Sir Guy Carleton, the gov ernor of Canada, passed hurriedly out with his officers and small force, and, em barking in a half-dozen river-craft, sailed down the St. Lawrence with the view of reaching Quebec. The Americans, how ever, under the command of Major Brow r n, after their success at Chambly, and the defeat of the Highlanders sent to rein force Carleton, had taken possession of a post at the mouth of the Sorel, which they fortified, so placing their guns as to command the passage of the St. Lawrence between Montreal and Quebec. Carle- ton attempted to pass this resistance, and was driven back, with his small flotilla. He now found himself imprisoned be tween Montgomery above, at Montreal, and the American batteries at the mouth of the Sorel below, with hardly a hope of escape. Montgomery was eager to get hold of Carleton as his capture, he believed, might settle the fate of Canada. Carle- ton was equally anxious to save himself) but was perplexed to discover the means, and remained fixed,, with his vessels an chored in the St. Lawrence, with the en emy above and below. Montgomery now made a move which appeared decisive. He came down from Montreal with a fleet of batteaux, mounted with guns, de termined to crowd Carleton down upon the American battery at the mouth of the Sorel, and so close in upon him as to make sure of his capture. Carleton, see ing the approaching danger, gave up all hope of the safety of his flotilla, but re solved upon making an effort to secure himself from capture. He accordingly disguised himself as a Canadian voyageur, and taking a boat, with six men to pull it, set off in the midst of a dark night, and silently floated down the St. Law rence with muffled oars, passed all the dangers of the mouth of the Sorel, and 208 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART n getting on board a vessel below, reached in safety the city of Quebec at the very moment Arnold took his departure. In the meanwhile, Montgomery had reached the British vessels, which at once surren dered, with all on board, among whom was General Prescott, the former com mander at Montreal, of whose rough treat ment Ethan Allen had reason to make so much complaint. Montgomery had met with great suc cess in his efforts toward conciliating the people of Montreal. His courtesy, and careful regard of their rights and privi leges, proved to them that he was no mil itary adventurer, and they became favor ably disposed toward a cause sustained by a man so peaceful in his bearing and so just in his conduct. His own troops, however, gave him great trouble, and so worried him by their disobedience and importunate demands to be sent home, that he quite sickened of his command, and wrote to Schuyler, expressing the hope that his health would soon allow of his resuming a position of which he him self wearied and disgusted. " I must go home," he added, " if I walk by the side of the lake. I am weary of power, and totally want that patience and temper so requisite for such a command." Montgomery had received intelligence of the arrival of Arnold at Point aux Trem bles, and was anxious to march with his troops and co-operate with him in an at tack on Quebec. He was trying " to pre vail on the troops to accompany" him, but was met with all kinds of objections. Some were too ill to go j some declared that their time was out ; others openly refused ; and a few only were disposed to obey orders, or rather to yield to persua sion, for in those days the militia were mostly inclined to enjoy their indepen dence before they had won it. Mont gomery was, however, determined to go, notwithstanding the reluctance of most of his army, and accordingly embarked with some three hundred men, who were all that were willing to follow him, and sailed down to Point aux Trembles, where he formed a junction with Arnold, and took command of the whole force, which amounted to nine hundred in all. Mont gomery seems to have been struck with admiration by the soldierly appearance of Arnold s troops, and by the character of their leader. " There is a style of dis cipline among them," he wrote to Schuy ler, " much superior to what I have been used to see in this campaign. He [Ar nold] himself is active, intelligent, and enterprising." Favorably impressed as he was with what he saw of Arnold s troops who were well-disciplined, had been re freshed, and comfortably clad with a sup ply of woollens from Montreal Mont gomery became sanguine of success in the contemplated attack upon Quebec. Ar nold, however, was less hopeful, and wrote to Washington that it would require five thousand men to reduce that stronghold. Montgomery calculated upon the dis affection of the inhabitants of Quebec; the miscellaneous character of the British troops, made up of sailors, raw recruits, and a few regulars ; and the great extent of the fortifications, which seemed to re quire a larger number for their defence than Carleton possessed. The latter, how- REVOLUTIONARY.] MONTGOMERY BEFORE QUEBEC. 209 Dec. 1. ever, though unpopular from the reserve of his aristocratic manners, was a man full of vigorous energy in an emergency, and he accordingly prepared to meet with spirit the expected assault. To assure loyalty, he turned out all suspected per sons from official position, and even sent " trooping out of the town" all those in habitants who showed any unwillingness to put forth their might in its defence. He had, by this thinning out, so far di minished his numbers within Quebec, as to leave only fifteen hundred men, near ly double that of the American force ; but although Carleton was not conscious of this disparity, he confidently awaited the coining of his enemy. As soon as the junction of the Ameri can forces had been formed, Montgomery marched to the Plains of Abra ham. Immediately on his arri val, he attempted to send a summons to the British commander to surrender ; but Carleton would not allow any flag to ap proach the walls, and all communication was refused. Montgomery then began to play with his artillery upon the town and its suburbs, but with no effect beyond the occasional burning of a house, and the killing of a man or two. After this ill success, a ruse was tried, with the hope of communicating with some of the in habitants supposed to be favorably dis posed toward the American cause. A wo man was induced to carry letters into the city, addressed to some of the merchants, who were promised every possible favor in case of co-operation with Montgomery. With these letters there was a summons to surrender, with an exaggerated state- 27 ment of the American force, intended for the eye of Carleton. This was handed him ; but the British commander, nothing daunted, merely imprisoned the messen ger in petticoats, withheld all answer to the communication of the American gen eral, and steadily persevered in strength ening his defences. Montgomery, disappointed in not pro ducing, by summons and letters, any im pression upon Carleton, or apparently up on the inhabitants of Quebec, now began a systematic attack. Approaching with in four hundred yards of the centre of the walls, opposite to one of the gates, he commenced the construction of a breast work. The army had but a poor supply of intrenching-tools to work with ; and the ground, moreover, was so hardened by the severe frost, that it was only with the greatest labor that pick or spade could make any impression upon it. A snowstorm had set in as soon as Mont gomery left Montreal, and was still in full blast, so that the men were much incom moded by the weather. The snow, how ever, which now in great depth covered the ground, was turned to advantage, for it was used to fill in the space behind the trees and brushwood which formed the frame of the breastwork. After being well packed, and covered with water which froze immediately in those cold De cember days the snow became a mass of solid ice. Haifa dozen small fieldpieces were here planted, and kept firing bombs into the city, with the hope of frighten ing the inhabitants, and inducing them to force Carleton into submission. No such result, however, ensued ; and then Mont- 210 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART n. gomery tried the expedient of attaching letters to arrows, and ordering the Indi ans- to shoot them into the town, that the citizens might pick them up, and, reading them, be advised to insist upon a surren der, which was the purport of what was written. This also failed in its effect. After the "ice-battery" had been for live days ineffectually trying its artillery upon the walls, and its powers of persua sion upon the people within, the general took occasion one night to pay a visit to the captain in command Lamb was his name. Montgomery had hardly arrived, when a ball came plump from the ene my s guns against the walls of ice, shat tering them like so much glass, overturn ing the light fieldpieces, and wounding ing several of the men. " This is warm work, sir," said the general to Lamb. " It is, indeed, and certainly no place for you, sir." "Why so, captain?" "Because there are enough of us here to be killed, without the loss of you, which would be irreparable."* This was the end of the brittle ice-battery ; for Montgomery, see ing its entire inefficiency and danger, im mediately ordered Lamb and his brave men to abandon it. Three weeks had been spent in these vain attempts to influence the inhabit ants, when it was finally decided to make a general assault upon the city. Mont gomery w r as distrustful of his means for a successful attempt ; but, as his troops were growing dissatisfied with the long delay, and discouraged by-labors and suf ferings undergone without any compen sating advantage, he felt it necessary, * Life of John Lamb, p. 125, quoted by Irving. either to strike a blow, or retire. He could not submit to the latter alterna tive, for he knew that his country expect ed much of him, and his own brave spirit prompted him to deeds of daring. Mont gomery was, indeed, conscious that his men were hardly in a condition to under take so hazardous an enterprise ; for they had suffered (ill clothed and ill provided as they were with food) from the severity of the weather, and they not only mur mured loudly, but even refused to obey orders. The commander, however, hoped that their martial ardor, warming with the prospect of action, would melt away disaffection, and soon reunite the hearts of all in common sympathy. The plan of operations being settled, the various divisions of the troops were ordered to be drawn up, to prepare for their separate duties. At this moment word was brought to the general that three companies of Arnold s detachment refused obedience, declaring that they would no longer serve, unless placed un der a different command. Montgomery CJ / might well be discouraged by such an oc currence at such a moment ; but he mas tered his feelings, and promptly present ing himself to the disorderly troops, suc ceeded by his firmness in bringing them back to their duty. The whole force was now mustered, and it was found that disease for the small-pox had broken out among them and desertion had reduced the troops to the small number of seven hundred and fifty. These were then detailed for duty. One division, under Montgomery, was to descend the cliffs, and, proceeding along REVOLUTIONARY.] ASSAULT OF QUEBEC. 211 the river around Cape Diamond, attack the town in that quarter ; another, under Arnold, was to advance on the other side by the suburb of St. Roque, and the two were to fight their way from these oppo site directions until they met. The third division, under Brown and Livingston, was to advance from the Plains of Abra ham, set fire to St. John s gate, and make a show of assault against the walls of the fortress on the heights, in order to divert the enemy from the movements of the main body below. It was arranged that these various attacks should be simulta neous, on the letting off of some signal- rockets. It was two o clock in the morning, in Dec. 31. the midst of a heavy snowstorm, when the movement began. Mont gomery led his men down the rugged path to Wolfe s cove below, and along the shore of the river, without opposition, until he reached a narrow point below the slate-crags of Cape Diamond. Here he found a fence of pickets, which the carpenters soon cut away with their saws, the general helping to pull them down with his own hands. Montgomery was the first to enter, followed by his aid-de camp. The men hesitated and lingered. About fifty yards before them, with the river on one side and a precipitous rock on the other, stood a blockhouse or redoubt, strongly fortified, mounted with some heavy guns, and garrisoned with fifty of the enemy. Montgomery fancied his ap proach was unperceived, and confidently advanced along the narrow and irregular path, doubly insecure from the accumu lated ice, urging his New- York regiment j to follow, saying : " Men of New York, you will not fear to follow where your general leads ! Push on, brave boys, and Quebec is ours!" Montgomery, with sword in hand, then hurried in advance, and had hardly made a dash at the re doubt, when a sudden light flashed upon the darkness, and a volley of cannon-shot swept the American column, killing the general, his two aids, and many of the rank and file, at the first discharge. The rest of the men were driven back in con fusion to Wolfe s cove, where they were rallied by Colonel Campbell, who, how ever, did not attempt to bring them up again to the attack. The signal-rockets had been by some accident let off too soon, and the diver sion which was to have been made by the division on the Plains of Abraham had failed : so the enemy within the city was on the alert, prepared to receive Ar nold and his detachment, in their attack through the suburb of St. Roque. Arnold, at the head of an advanced guard of a lieu tenant and thirty men, led the van ; next went the artillery-company, under Cap tain Lamb, with a single fieldpiece on a sledge ; Morgan and his riflemen, together with a company in charge of scaling-lad ders, brought up the rear. They proceed along the bank of the St. Charles, floun dering in the depths of the drifted snow, and go groping in the dark into the low er town. Here, with the narrow, irregu lar streets, the crowded houses, the stores, boats, and wharves, all seems inextrica ble confusion; but Arnold continues to lead on his advance-guard in single file each man making his way as best he can 212 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART n. after him. He now comes upon a two- gun battery stretched across the street, and halts momentarily for his fieldpiece ; but, finding that it can not be dragged up through the deep snowdrifts, Arnold be gins the attack: he is, however, so severely wounded in the knee on the first advance, that he has to be carried back to the rear, and is obliged to leave the assault to Mor gan, the next in command, who hurries up with his riflemen, and after a severe struggle, which lasts nearly an hour, car ries the battery. The enemy, although they fired their muskets briskly, and even a discharge of grapeshot, did but little mischief beyond wounding Arnold and killing one man. Morgan was so rapid in his approach, and came so close to the battery, that his riflemen were enabled to shoot through the embrasures and drive the men from their guns ; and thus give free scope for the use of the scaling-lad ders, which were at once planted against the pickets. The Americans now clam bered over and took the captain and his thirty men captive. Pushing on immediately along the street, Morgan finds himself obstructed by another and more formidable battery. The citizens, too, are now everywhere on the alert, and keep firing from their win dows upon the Americans, who, though sorely galled, continue to advance. Mor gan leads his men as before right up to the barrier, which, strongly fortified with pickets, and planted with heavy guns, stretched from the precipice which over hangs the lower town down to the river. The riflemen, getting close under the en emy s cannon, fire away, aiming through the embrasures, and succeed in making room for the ladders. The men, howev er, are driven back with their scaling- implements ; they are planted again and again, but without success. The Amer icans, with a fire now concentrated upon them from every point of the city forti fications, are obliged to withdraw, and protect themselves in the narrow alleys and the neighboring houses, where they continue, however, to keep up a brave struggle against the enemy. Rallying again for another attack upon the battery, they finally succeed in carrying it, but not without a severe loss of life. Lamb, the captain of the artillery, was struck at the last moment by a grapeshot, which tore away a part of his jawbone. As the gun ners were about retreating from the bar rier, one of them determined to have one more shot, when Lamb, observing his purpose, levelled a musket at the fellow, but missed his fire, and received in full face the discharge of grape which so ter ribly mutilated him. The battery taken, Morgan and his men prepared for a rush into the town ; and they issued out for the purpose, but were forced by overwhelming numbers to take refuge in a stone building, whence they kept up a severe fire upon the enemy thronging the street below. Morgan now heard of the death of Montgomery, and that a large detachment from the garri son had come down, and, suddenly burst ing through the gates upon the American rearguard under Cap tain Dearborn, forced it to surrender. He was thus so com pletely hemmed in, and cut off from all reinforcement, that he offered no further THE AMERICAN LOSS. REVOLUTIONARY.] resistance, and yielded himself up with his men to the enemy. Arnold now resumed the command, and determined, in spite of the severity of a Canadian winter, and the mere hand ful of troops left him, to blockade the city, and await reinforcements. He was en couraged in this resolution by the appa rent distrust in which Caiieton, the Brit ish commander, seemed to hold his own strength ; for, after his success within the town, he did not even attempt to pursue the remnant of Americans beyond the walls. Arnold, however, anticipating a pursuit, had withdrawn his men to a dis tance of three miles from Quebec, and there, hastily fortifying himself, awaited an expected attack. The loss of the Americans in this un successful attack was heavy, being about one hundred and sixty killed and wound ed, while that of the enemy amounted to only twenty. The patriots mourned, in the death of Montgomery, one of the bravest and purest of the defenders of their cause. The enemy respected his character; and Carleton eulogized his worth, and reverently ordered his remains 213 to be buried with military honors in a sol dier s grave. M Pherson and Cheesman, his two aids-de-camp, who had fallen with their commander, were men of spirit, whose loss was grieved, as is always that of the young and the brave. Cheesman is supposed to have had a presentiment of approaching death, and on the day of the fatal struggle had dressed himself with even more than the usual care of the youthful officer. As he prepared to go out, he thrust some gold pieces into his pocket, saying laughingly, " This will in sure me a decent burial." The continental Congress rewarded Ar nold for his persevering courage and skill while leading his troops through the wil derness, and his gallantry at Quebec, by promoting him to the rank of a brigadier- general. The other officers proved their merit by their conduct during that night s struggle at Quebec ; and there was hard ly one whose name we shall not afterward find memorable in the subsequent history of the battles of the Revolution. They need no tribute but the record of their names: Morgan, Dearborn, Meigs, Greene, Lamb, Oswald, Thayer, and Potsfield. 214 BATTLES OF AMERICA. LPART 11. CHAPTER X. Inactivity of the American Camp at Cambridge. Washington s Anxieties. Gage summoned to England. Succeeded in Command by Howe. Howe s Plans for Incursions on the Coasts. The Burning of Falmouth. American Priva teers. Howe increases his Fortifications. Churches turned into Barracks and Stables. Harsh Proceedings of Howe against the Patriots. Retaliation. A Committee of Congress visits the American Camp. Benjamin Franklin. An Attack upon Boston considered in Council. Franklin takes Occasion to collect a Debt. Treason in the American Camp. Washington laughs. Doctor Church s Trial. His Condemnation and Subsequent Fate. A Small Ameri can Fleet fitted out. The Various Fortunes of the Vessels. Sickness in the American Camp. A Visit from some Indian Gentlemen. Comparison with some of the New-England Gentry. 1775, WASHINGTON, in the movement against Canada, in which he took a great interest, found some relief for his forced inactivity at Cambridge. Here, however, in his camp, although desirous by " some decisive stroke" to drive the enemy from Boston, he could do nothing, as the condition of his troops was such as not to justify any offensive operations. Still, he had been so importuned to ac tivity, that he determined to call a coun cil of war, and consult upon the expedi ency of making an immediate attack on Boston. It was, however, unanimously agreed " that it was not expedient to make the attempt at present." The state of the army was certainly not very en couraging. The time of service of many of the troops would soon expire, and they already anticipated their liberty by a free indulgence in their own caprices, and a general disobedience of orders. " My sit uation," wrote Washington, " is inexpres sibly distressing ; to see the win ter fast approaching upon a na ked army, the time of their service within a few weeks of expiring, and no provis ion yet made for such important wants. Added to these, the military chest is to- Sept, 21, tally exhausted ; the paymaster has not a single dollar in hand. The commissary- general assures me he has strained his credit for the subsistence of the army to the utmost. The quartermaster-general is precisely in the same situation ; and the greater part of the troops are in a state riot far from mutiny, upon the de duction from their stated allowance." Nor were these the only troubles against which Washington had to contend. All New England was disaffected toward him, because he refused to send out detach ments from his army to protect the towns along the coast from the marauding par ties of the enemy. " I would like to ex tend protection to all," he said, " but the numerous detachments necessary to rem edy the evil would amount to a dissolu tion of the army, or make the most im portant operations of the campaign de pend upon the piratical expeditions of two or three men-of-war and transports." The British, in the meantime, with their small cruisers, were doing a good deal of mischief by sailing into the harbors and helping themselves to supplies, of which they stood greatly in need. The local militia, however, soon became watchful, ftF.VOLUTIOXARY.] BURNING OF FALMOUTH. 215 and so well able to defend themselves, that the enemy were often disappointed, and seldom succeeded in their object with out a hard and bloody struggle. The British troops in Boston were not more actively occupied than the besieg ers without. A change, however, in the chief command was an event which ex cited no little interest. Governor Gage was recalled, and sailed for England on the 10th of October, leaving Gen eral Howe as his successor. Howe was in favor (as Gage had been) of an evacuation of Boston, and in his despatch es to the government advised large rein forcements, and a transfer of military op erations to New York. In the meantime, he prepared to " distress the rebels by in cursions along the coast." With this view, one of his first acts was, to send out a small armed squadron, under a Lieuten ant Mo watt, against Falmouth (now Port land), the authorities of which had given great offence by preventing the sailing of a ship loaded with some tories and their property. Mowatt appeared before the town in the night, and, sending word to the inhabitants that he would allow them two hours to remove themselves, determined to burn it. A committee of citizens was immediately appointed to confer with the lieutenant, who told them, on their arrival on board his ship, that his orders were to fire every town on the coast between Boston and Halifax, and that he had no alternative but obe dience. A respite was, however, at the earnest solicitation of the citizens, granted until the next morning, when the committee again made their appearance, and prayed that their town might be spared. Mow att offered to do so, provided they would send him off four carriage-guns, deliver up all their arms and ammunition, and four prominent citizens as hostages. These conditions were, however, considered too dishonorable to comply with. The com mittee then returned on shore, and the lieutenant hoisted his signal for the at- tack to commence. The squadron now began to throw its bombs into the town, and the firing continued until the close of the day, when most of the houses were destroyed. The burning of Falmouth spread an alarm all over the New-Eng land coast, but produced no disposition to submit to British arms. The indigna tion it excited, in fact, only served to give greater intensity to the resistance of the patriots. " Oh," wrote General Greene, " could the Congress behold the distres ses and wretched condition of the poor in habitants driven from the seaport towns, it would kindle a blaze of indignation against the commissioned pirates and li censed robbers People," he adds, " be gin heartily to wish a declaration of in dependence." Howe, in his despatch to the govern ment, " hoped Portsmouth, in New Hamp shire, would feel the weight of his majes ty s arms;" and the inhabitants of that place, as well as of Newport, in Rhode Island, were in daily expectation of being served as had been the people of Falmouth. The patriots now began, under an act of the general court of Massachusetts, to fit out privateers for the defence of the sea- coast, and were soon able to take revenge 216 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART n upon the British cruisers for their cruel devastations. Although Howe had resolved upon keeping quiet at present within Boston, he took care to find w r ork for his men. He strengthened his fortifications on Bun ker s and Breed s hills, where General Clinton had now the command, and add ed to those on Charlestown neck, where he set six hundred men to labor. Within the city, houses were pulled down to clear space for the exercise of the troops ; re doubts were built on the common ; and the meetinghouse "where sedition had been often preached" was made K a riding- house for the light dragoons." How r e did not confine himself to in sulting those of the patriots still left in Boston, but persecuted them with all the rigor of martial law. In his proclama tions he spoke of some who had escaped to Cambridge as those who had "lately absconded to join his majesty s enemies, assembled in open rebellion," and declared his determination to punish with " mili tary execution" any who should attempt to follow their example. Those who suc ceeded he pronounced traitors, who were to be treated accordingly by a " seizure of their goods and effects." These harsh proceedings led to retaliation on the part of the patriots ; and, by a general order from Washington, those officers of gov ernment known to be devoted to the throne were seized and imprisoned. Congress having appointed a commit tee to visit the camp at Cambridge, and confer with Washington and the various delegates from the provinces of New Eng land in regard to the reorganization of Oct. 15, the army, the three gentlemen who composed it now arrived. These were, Benjamin Franklin, of Penn sylvania ; Thomas Lynch, of South Caro lina ; and Colonel Benjamin Harrison, of Virginia. Franklin was regarded by all as an example of prudence and an oracle of wisdom. " I had the honor," says Gen eral Greene, of Ehocle Island, " to be in troduced to that very great man Doctor Franklin, whom I viewed with silent ad miration during the whole evening," and adds, in his enthusiastic rhetoric, " Atten tion watched his lips and conviction closed his periods." The conference committee immediately began their sessions, with Washington as president, and Joseph Reed as secretary. The first question was, the new organization of the army ; and the satisfactory result was, the adop tion of a plan for the enlistment, for one year, of twenty-six regiments, of eight companies each, besides riflemen and ar tillery, based upon the respective capaci ties of the colonies as stated by the dele gates. This would give an effective force of twenty-two thousand, two hundred and seventy-two men and officers, whom it was proposed, as far as possible, to recruit from those already in service, that the army might not be altogether composed of un disciplined and inexperienced troops. The subject of the inactivity of the present army now came up, and the pro priety of an immediate attack on Boston was discussed. Washington formally put the question as to whether he should at tack the British, at the expense of the destruction of the city. The delegates preferred that so important a matter REVOLUTIOXARY.J COUNCIL OF WAR. 217 should be left to the decision of Congress. A council of his officers had been previ ously held, at which Washington declared he had summoned them in consequence of having learned that Congress desired an attack upon Boston, if practicable. Their opinions are best given in their own words : GENERAL GATES. " That under present circumstances it is improper to attempt it." GENERAL GREENE. " That it is not prac ticable, under all circumstances ; but, if ten thousand men could be landed at Bos ton, thinks it is." GENERAL SULLIVAN. " That at this time it is improper. The winter gives a more favorable opportunity." GENERAL HEATH. " Impracticable at present." GENERAL THOMAS. " Of the same opin ion." GENERAL PUTNAM. "Disapproves of it at present." GENERAL LEE. " Is not sufficiently ac quainted witli the men, to judge ; there fore thinks it too great a risk." GENERAL WARD. "Against it." Such were the opinions of the gener als, with whom Washington also agreed ; but the delegates, although hesitating to decide upon the question, were for the most part in favor of an attack. Doctor Belknap dined with a party of general officers and gentlemen belonging to the various committees, when the absorbing topic naturally became the subject of after-dinner conversation. The doctor tells us that Lynch, Harrison, and Wales, wished to see Boston in flames. Lee told 28 them it was impossible to burn it unless they sent men in with bundles of straw on their backs to do it. He said it could not be done with carcass and hot shot; and instanced the Isle Royal, in St. Law rence river, "which was fired at in 1760 a long time, with a fine train of artillery, hot shot, and carcasses, without effect." The delegates now returned home. Their presence had given increased en couragement to the patriots in arms. Franklin s devotion to the public inter ests was especially appreciated, as his comprehensive policy and systematic bu siness-habits enabled him to suggest plans that were not only grand, but feasible. He had an opportunity, moreover, of at tending to a little private business, and succeeded in obtaining from the Massa chusetts general court the sum of eigh teen hundred and fifty-four pounds ster ling, as payment in full of his services while acting as agent in England for the colony. " The doctor might," says a con temporary, "have liked specie, at the time such grants were made, better than the present paper-money; but his foresight will undoubtedly transform the latter into some solid substance !" Franklin, how ever, had to make, from the handsome sum which he was paid, a deduction of one hundred pounds in favor of a com mittee "appointed to wait upon him with in a day or two, being the amount of a sum sent by several persons in England, for the relief of those Americans who were wounded in the battle of Lexington, and of the widows and children of those who were there slain." The greatest consternation was created 218 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART 11. in the camp at Cambridge, by the sup posed discovery of a treasonable Oct. 15, f , .,, correspondence 01 a hitherto un suspected patriot with the enemy. Early in July, a woman presented herself at Newport, to a Mr. Wainwood, with a let ter, which she wished him to aid her in conveying to Captain Wallace, the British officer in command of the man-of-war off the harbor. Wainwood, who was a patri ot, was suspicious of any correspondence with the enemy; but, concealing his thoughts, he prevailed upon the woman to leave the letter with him. She was induced to do so, and Wainwood imme diately advised with a friend, upon whose recommendation the letter was broken open, and found to be written in charac ters entirely unintelligible. Thus the matter remained until Wainwood, having received a note from the woman, inqui ring about the disposition of the letter, had his suspicions reawakened, and it was then determined to send it to Washing ton. The woman, on again presenting her self in the camp, was arrested. " Tradi tion," says Irving, "gives us a graphic scene connected with her arrest. Wash ington was in his chamber at headquar ters, when he beheld from his window General Putnam approaching on horse back, with a stout woman en croupe be hind him. He had pounced upon the culprit. The group presented by the old general and his prize, overpowered even Washington s gravity. It was the only occasion throughout the whole campaign on ^hicli he was known to laugh hearti ly. He had recovered his gravity by the time the delinquent was brought to the foot of the broad staircase in headquar ters, and assured her, in a severe tone from the head of it, that unless she con fessed everything before the next morn ing, a halter would be in readiness for her." The woman for a long time resisted every attempt to extort the truth from her; but finally she confessed that the letter had been given to her by Doctor Church, of whom, in fact, she was said to be the " kept mistress." Church was a prominent man among the patriots, being a member of the Massachusetts house of representatives, and surgeon-general of the army-hospitals. On being arrested, and confronted with the charge of trea sonable correspondence with the enemy, he was greatly agitated, and showed ev ery mark of guilt. The letter having been successfully deciphered, and found to contain little beyond an exaggerated account of the American force, the doc tor wrote to Washington a vindication of himself, stating that his object was mere ly to use his efforts in bringing about an accommodation of the dispute with the mother-country, and that he was entirely innocent of any traitorous design. He was now brought before a coun cil of war, which, unable to sat isfy itself of his innocence, unanimously decided upon referring the matter to the Congress. The legislature of Massachusetts then "summoned Church before the bar of the house, and the doctor made a long speech in his defence. He endeavored to evade the censure of the house, by insisting that Get, 23, Rl-.VOLUTIONATCY.J THE PROVINCIAL FLEET. 219 Oct. 27, as the affair would be before an other court, where the matter must have a final issue, should the house proceed to expel him, it would have a fatal effect whenever a final judgment was to be given on his conduct. He made the most solemn appeal to Heaven that the letter was written with the de sign of procuring some important intelli gence. He observed that there was not o a single paragraph in it which contained information that could hurt the Ameri cans ; and that the exaggerated accounts of their force, strength, and unanimity, tended to dishearten the enemy and keep them quiet, a,t a time when the Ameri cans, for want of powder, were poorly able to have withstood a vigorous attack. " If the force of rhetoric and the powers of language," says a contemporary, "if the most pathetic arts of persuasion, en forced by all the ingenuity, sense, and spirit of the doctor, could have made him innocent, he would have appeared spot less as an angel of light." The house, however,w r as not convinced, and expelled him. Congress inflicted the punishment, resolving " that he be close confined in some secure jail in Connecticut, without the use of pen, ink, and paper, and that no person be allowed to converse with him, except in the presence and hearing of a magistrate or the sheriff of the coun ty." The doctor was accordingly clapped into the jail at Norwich, whence he was subsequently released, on the plea of ill health, and removed to Boston, where his personal liberty was given him on his parole, backed by a surety of one thou sand pounds, that he would hold no cor respondence with the enemy, or leave the colony without permission. He was eventually allowed to depart for the West Indies, but the vessel in which he sailed was never heard of afterward. The legislative assemblies of the vari ous New-England provinces had author ized at an early period the fitting out of small armed vessels; and several w r ere now in commission, doing effective ser vice in protecting the coasts against the British cruisers. Washington, having re ceived instructions from Congress to en deavor to capture the transports laden with supplies for the army at Boston, and especially " two north country built ships with military stores," began to fit out a small fleet, and succeeded toward the end of October in having six schooners in com mission. These were the Lynch, Captain Broughton, and the Franklin, Captain Sellman, which were ordered to the St. Lawrence ; the Lee, Captain Manly, the Warren, Captain Adams, the Washington, Captain Martindale, and the Harrison, Captain Coit, sent to cruise about the coast. Washington felt a great interest in this humble naval movement as a means of obtaining supplies, for he writes, " I am in very great want of powder, lead, mor tars indeed, of most sorts of military stores." Efforts had been made, and not without success, to supply the army with ammunition, but still the quantity fell short of what would be needed in a pro tracted campaign. The manufacture oi saltpetre had been commenced in every colony, and powder-mills had been erect ed at Philadelphia and New York. A ! hundred barrels of gunpowder had also 220 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART H. been received from Bermuda, by a cou ple of coasting-schooners, the crews of which had succeeded in landing on that island in the night, and rifling the maga zine, at some distance from the town, of its contents. Some of the inhabitants, with a favorable disposition toward the American patriots, were supposed to have connived at or aided in the proceeding ; and Congress responded to their friend liness by this grateful resolve : " That the inhabitants of Bermuda appear friendly to the cause of America, and ought to be supplied with such a quantity of the prod uce of these colonies as may be necessa ry for their subsistence and home con sumption." Washington s little fleet was not en tirely successful. One or two were lost, from the inexperience of the officers ; and another was taken by the enemy, and the captain and crew sent to England. The Lee, however, under Captain Manly, vin dicated the "pine-tree flag"- for this, which was composed of a white ground, a pine-tree in the middle, and the motto " We appeal to Heaven," was the stand ard hoisted upon the floating batteries, and adopted by the colonial fleet. We shall see, in the progress of events, the fortunate result of Manly s cruise. There was a good deal of suffering in the camp at Cambridge, from sickness, which a chronicler of the times quaintly accounts for : " Many of the Americans," says he, " have sickened and died of the dysentery, brought upon them, in a great measure, through an inattention to clean liness. When at home, their female rela tions put them upon washing their hands and faces, and keeping themselves neat and clean ; but, being absent from such monitors, through an indolent, heedless turn of mind, they have neglected the means of health, have grown filthy, and poisoned their constitution by nastiness." The weather, too, was becoming very cold ; and the soldiers, with insufficient barracks, and a want of wood, were great ly exposed. Several regiments were obliged to keep the field, and some were tented in bleak positions upon the high tops of hills, where it was difficult to drag up what supplies of fuel they could get. The camp, however, with all this suf fering of the soldiers, and their by no means presentable condition, if we are to believe the chronicler just quoted, was cheered by the presence of " gentlemen, ladies, and others, from neighboring and distant colonies, attracted by curiosity." A number of native gentlemen, too, ar rived : these were Indian chiefs, who had come to see and judge for themselves how far the stories which they had heard iu their own wigwams of the quarrel of the Americans with King George were true. Washington received them at headquar ters with great consideration, and they were entertained by him and his officers with a banquet and a ball. Two of the Indians had with them their squaws, who were remarkably well -looking women, making all allowance for their very dark complexions. They both joined their husbands at the ball at headquarters, and were much admired, although one seemed rather low-spirited, from having recently lost a papoose. When the Indians danced in company with the American gentle- REVOLUTIONARY.] ARMY MANNERS AND MORALS. 221 men and ladies, both the chiefs and their squaws kept time with the greatest pre cision, and showed an example of grace and dignity by which Washington and his Virginian friends thought that some of their New-England associates might benefit. At that time, in fact, in the early days of anticipated independence, there was great room for improvement in the man ners of even the officers. Many of them, elected by their own troops, allowed them selves to be treated too much as equals by the men ; and the captain or the lieu tenant carried his ideas of behavior from the ranks, where they were naturally pop ular, to headquarters, where, under the strict regime of the formal Washington, they were not by any means so attrac tive. Many of the higher officers felt as Montgomery wrote, from Canada: "1 wish some method could be fallen upon for engaging gentlemen to serve. A point of honor, and more knowledge of the world, to be found in that class of men, would greatly reform discipline, and ren der the troops much more tractable. There were worse faults, however, than bad manners. Gordon says : " It is a mor tifying truth that some of the Massachu setts officers disgrace the colony by prac tising the meanest arts of speculation. Every subtlety that avarice can invent, or rascality carry on, are used to cheat the public, by men who procured commis sions, not to fight for the liberty of their country, but to prey upon its distresses. The army about to be enlisted will un doubtedly be better officered." CHAPTER XI. Want of Officers and Men. Washington s Troubles. The Tailors set to work in the Army. A Spirited Affair. inf British in search of Beef. The Schooner Lee and Captain Manly. A Capture. Its Welcome in Congress. Anec dote. " Old Put" acting Godfather to a Big Gun. The Difficulties of Enlistment. The Desertion of the Connecticut and Massachusetts Men. Arrival of Mrs. Washington. Its Effect at Headquarters. Indian Guests. "Bows and Scrapes." Ground broken at Lechmere s Point. A Sanguine Colonel. The American Camp unusually prosperous. Plenty to eat. An American Fleet organized. The Brutal Wallace. His llaids upon the American Coast. His Conduct at Newport. General Lee sent to Rhode Island. Lee s Conduct. Life and Character of Lee. His Pro fanity. 1775, WASHINGTON was in hopes that his forces might be "better, offi cered," and strove to effect so desirable an object, now that he was engaged in reorganizing the army, in accordance with the decision of Congress. He was, however, perplexed not only how to get " better," but any officers at all, or even men. As the number of regiments was to be reduced under the new arrange ment, and the officers necessarily dimin ished, Washington was desirous of select ing those that were best qualified. He found great difficulty from both officers and men. The first were clamorous for high rank ; and the latter were insisting 222 BATTLES OF AMERICA. LPART n. Nov. 28, upon being subjected only to the com mand of those whom they themselves should choose. After completing his list of officers, he had hoped to have succeed ed readily in recruiting his new army out of his present forces, but was greatly dis appointed in finding so few disposed to re-enlist. Colonel Reed had resigned his post, and was now at Philadelphia ; but Washing ton, strongly attached to him, kept up an intimate correspondence, in which he opened his heart to his former secretary. K Such dearth of public spirit," he emphat ically writes to Reed, " and such want of virtue ; such stockjob bing, and fertility in all the low arts to obtain advantage of one kind or another in this great change of military arrange ments, I never saw before, and I pray God s mercy that I may never be witness to again. What will be the end of these manoeuvres is beyond my scan. I trem ble at the prospect. We have been till this time enlisting about three thousand five hundred men. To engage these, I have been obliged to allow furloughs as far as fifty men to a regiment ; and the officers, I am persuaded, indulge many more. The Connecticut troops will not be prevailed upon to stay longer than their term, saving those who have enlist ed for the next campaign, and are mostly on furlough ; and such a mercenary spirit pervades the whole, that I should not be surprised at any disaster that may hap pen Could I have foreseen what I have experienced and am likely to expe rience, no consideration upon earth should have induced me to accept this command." General Greene was disposed to think the commander-in-chief somewhat incon siderate in his judgment of the New-Eng- landers, and wrote : " His excellency has been taught to believe the people here a superior race of mortals ; and finding them of the same temper and disposi tions, passions and prejudices, virtues and vices of the common people of other gov ernments, they sank in his esteem." Washington, however, perplexed as he was, steadily resolved to overcome all ob stacles, and reorganize an army. He was desirous, too, of giving his men more of the appearance of soldiers, and issued an order in which he recommended the non commissioned officers and- soldiers to lay out their money in shirts, shoes, stock ings, and a good pair of leather breeches, and not in coats and waistcoats, as it was intended that the new army should be clothed in uniform ; to effect which, the order declared that the Congress would lay in goods upon the best terms they could be obtained anywhere for ready money, and that they would be sold to the troops without any profit, and thus enable each soldier to get a uniform coat and waistcoat cheaper than any other kind. The written order then closed with the notice that " a number of tailors will be immediately set to work to make regi mentals for those brave men who are wil ling at all hazards to defend their inval uable rights and privileges." Notwithstanding Washington s com plaints of the backwardness of his troops generally in re-enlisting, he had occasion to be gratified by the spirited conduct of some of them in a slight affair which oc- KEVOLT7TIONARY.] A SPIRITED AFFAIR. 223 Nov. 9, curred with the enemy. Some four hun dred British soldiers, under Lieutenant- Colonel Clark,landed on Phipps s farm, at Lechmere s point, with a view of making a raid upon the cattle there, for the benefit of the half-starved troops and people in Boston, where such was the scarcity of provisions, that beef, mutton, and pork, had risen to one shil ling and a penny halfpenny sterling the pound ; geese ten shillings and fowls five shillings apiece ; while half a guinea was asked for a dozen of eggs. Owing to the high tide which overflowed the causeway that led from the camp, and prevented the Americans from crossing, the British were left for an hour or more without in terference, when they employed them selves shooting the cattle, with the view of making off with the carcasses. Colonel Thompson, with a regiment of American riflemen, was ordered to displace the in vaders. The tide was still high, but the Colonel ordered his troops to the attack ; and the men for the most part (though some hesitated) plunged readily into the water breast-high, and waded a quarter of a mile in the face of a fire from a man- of-war and several floating batteries, which covered the British marauders. As the Americans advanced, the enemy hastened to their boats, with a booty of ten cows, but leaving two of their men killed by the fire of the riflemen, whose alacrity on the occasion was highly extolled by Wash ington, though he reprimanded the back wardness of others, and some of the offi cers for the unmilitary appearance and conduct of their regiments. A Major Mifflin, who "flew about as though he Nov. 30, would have raised a whole army," came in for a large share of the honor of the day by his active gallantry. The whole camp was IIOAV in a high tide of cheerful excitement, in conse quence of the success of Captain Manly with his armed schooner the Lee. Several British vessels had al ready been captured and taken safely in to harbor, when, as he was cruising on the coast, Manly fell in with and took the brig Nancy, an ordnance-ship from Woolwich, full of everything in the great est abundance that was necessary for camps and artillery. There was found on board a large brass mortar, of a new construction ; two thousand muskets ; sev eral pieces of fine brass cannon ; one hun dred thousand flints ; thirty thousand round shot ; thirty tons and more of mus ket-shot ; plenty of powder, and "all man ner of tools, utensils, and machines." This anecdote illustrates the welcome with which this capture was received. The naval committee of the Congress was in secret session, deliberating on the means of obtaining certain small articles which were indispensable to the equipment of vessels-of-war, but which were not to be had in the country, when a clamor for admittance at the door interrupted the proceedings. Admittance was denied, but the intruder insisted on entering. The door was finally opened, when a gentle man appeared, with an inventory of the stores found in the captured brig Nancy, and among which were the very articles wanted. When the fact was ascertained, Mr. Adams arose and exclaimed with his wonted earnestness : " We must succeed 224 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART n. Providence is with us we must suc ceed!" The Nancy was carried into Cape Ann, and her cargo conveyed thence to the camp at Cambridge. Great was the ex ultation on its arrival. " Such universal joy," writes an officer, " ran through the whole camp as if each grasped victory in his hand. To crown the glorious scene, there intervened one truly ludicrous which was, Old Put mounted on the large mortar, which was fixed in its bed for the occasion, with a bottle of rum in his hand, standing parson to christen, while God father Mifflin gave it the name of Con gress. The huzzas on the occasion, I dare say, were heard through all the ter ritories of our most gracious sovereign in this province." The " huzzas on the occasion" were at any rate heard in Boston, where the offi cers spitefully remarked that, "should their expected reinforcements arrive in time, the rebels would pay dear in the spring for all their petty triumphs." Man ly continued his successes on the coast until he became a terror to every Brit ish vessel. A man-of-war was sent out in pursuit of him, but he escaped by run ning his vessel ashore in Gloucester har bor, where the enemy, after firing broad side after broadside at him, was obliged by the spirit of Manly s crew, aided by the inhabitants, to leave him, after the British ship had lost nearly one half of its men. Manly got his schooner afloat soon after, and again sailed on a cruise. Washington was still greatly annoyed by the conduct of his troops in regard to re-enlistment. The Connecticut regi ments refused to serve after their time, Avhich would soon expire, unless they re ceived a bounty. This was refused, and they became mutinous, declaring that they would quit the camp. Washington, to meet the emergency, determined to make a requisition upon the general court of Massachusetts for reinforcements. This body, in answer to the demand, promptly voted that three thousand of the minute- men of Massachusetts and two thousand of New-Hampshire should be called out and ordered to present themselves in the camp 011 the 10th of December. This was the period at which the service of most of the Connecticut troops would ex pire, and they were ordered to remain until then. Their officers confidently ex pressed their belief that not a man would disobey ; but they were disappointed and greatly chagrined to find that the order had hardly been given out, when the men began to desert. " Yesterday morning," writes Washing ton, " most of them resolved to leave the camp ; many went offj and the utmost vigilance and industry were used to apprehend them ; several got away with their arms and ammuni tion." They had suffered greatly, it is true, from the intensity of the cold, and the want of necessities with which they ought to have been better supplied. The army, however, and the country were not disposed to justify, under any circum stances, the desertion of their cause in the time of its agony ; and as the desert ers made their straggling way to Con necticut, they were hooted and treated with other significant marks of opprobri- Dec, 2, R K VOLUTIOXA R Y. J ARRIVAL OF MRS. WASHINGTON. 225 inn, in every town and village through which they passed. They were not se cure from reproach even at their own firesides ; and the scolding of wives, and the averted glances of sweethearts, drove and shamed many a deserter back again to duty. That the Connecticut men were not alone in their reluctance to serve al though more recreant than others, by their open desertion appears from the records of the time. " The Massachusetts people," says a chronicler, "show as much backwardness as the others. In short, they expect to be hired, and that at a very high price, to defend their own lib erties ; and choose to be slaves unless they can be bribed to be freemen. Quid facit libertas, cum sola pecunia regnat ? Ho w must it afflict General Washington to observe in the present crisis so little of that patriotic spirit which he was taught to believe was the characteristic of the Massachusetts people, and on which he relied greatly for support ! . . . . " While burdened with an apprehen sion that he might possibly be deserted, he could recollect the severity of the sea son, and the distresses of his fellow-crea tures at a distance, and wrote to the gen tleman with whom he had intrusted the management of his concerns at Mount Vernon; Let the hospitality of the house be kept up with respect to the poor. Let no one go hungry away. If any of this kind of people should be in want of corn, supply their necessities, provided it does net encourage them in idleness. I have no objection to your giving my money in charity, when you think it will be well 29 1775. bestowed. I mean it is my desire that it should be done. You are to consider that neither myself nor wife are now in the way to do these good offices. " His wife, as this letter indicates, was now with Washington at headquarters, where she had arrived on the llth of De cember, with her son John Parke Custis. The coming in of the "gen eral s lady" was quite an event in the camp ; and the plain New-England pro vincials did not fail to remark upon the grand style of the Virginian dame, who drove into Cambridge with a chariot-and- four, with negro postillions in scarlet-and- white liveries. Her presence greatly en livened headquarters, and invitations to dinner with the general became more fre quent after she began to rule the house hold. Her example, too, had a cheering influence upon others of the " best socie ty" of the camp; and party succeeded par ty, night after night, during the gloomy month of December. Adjutant-General Mifflin, who, though bred up with the for malities of Quakerism, had received a dash of liveliness from a residence in France, was prominent among the gayest of the officers, and provoked the conviv iality of the camp by frequent invitations to supper and dinner. "I dined," says John Adams, " at Colonel Mifflin s, with General Washington and lady, and a vast collection of other company, among whom were six or seven sachems and warriors of the French Caughnawaga Indians, with their wives and children. A savage feast they made of it, yet were very po lite in the Indian style. I was introduced to them by the general as one of the 226 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART 11. Dec. 13, grand council at Philadelphia, which made them prick up their ears. They came and shook hands with me, and made many low bows and scrapes."* Massachusetts and New Hampshire had come nobly to the rescue on the desertion of the Connecticut regiments, and the re cruits came in rapidly from these prov inces. Washington was quite inspirited, and wrote : " I have the satisfac tion to tell you that things wear a better complexion here than they have done for some time past. The army is filling up. The barracks go on well. Fire wood comes in. The soldiers are made comfortable and easy. Our privateers meet with success in bringing in vessels that were going to the relief of Boston." Washington, reinforced with new troops, and encouraged by the better spirit of the men, was enabled now to proceed vigorously with his defences. The American general carried his ap proaches to within half a mile of Boston, and broke ground at Lechrnere s point. The enemy did not attempt any hinder- ance, and allowed the Americans to pro ceed with their works for several days without firing a shot. This puzzled Wash ington, who could not understand their object, unless it was to lull him into a fatal security. He was, however, on the alert, for it only increased his vigilance, and in duced him to fortify all the advances to * Irving, who quotes this extract, remarks upon the " bows and scrapes" with which Adams states the Indians received him, that it is a kind of homage never paid by an Indian warrior. If, however, Irving admits the " shaking of hands," he might concede to the savages the further progress in civilized politeness of "bows and scrapes," es pecially on calling to mind that the Indians were French Caughnawagas. the camp, and to guard any approaches upon the ice. He was in hourly expec tation of an attack. The work contin ued, notwithstanding ; and the men had succeeded in constructing a causeway over the marsh, nearly to Lechmere s point, when the enemy s ships and batte ries at last began to fire. The Americans were driven away, with one man wound ed, and did not renew their labors until the next morning, when the British man- of-war was forced by the artillery in the camp to shift its moorings. The British batteries, however, still played upon the spot ; but the men, growing familiar with the bombs which were bursting and scat tering the dirt over them, and learning how to dodge them as the sentinels cried out, " A shot !" continued their labors : so that, in spite of the snow, the frozen ground, and the dangerous proximity of the enemy, there were soon two redoubts built on Lechmere s point, with a cause way and a covered approach leading to them. " Give us powder and authority," says an enthusiastic colonel, " I say give us these, and Boston can be set in flames." So important did he, as in fact all his comrades, esteem these new works. Everything seemed now unusually pros perous in the camp. The soldiers were supplied with abundant food getting corned beef and pork four days, fresh beel two days, and salt fish one day, in the week ; a quart of spruce-beer, or an equiv alent in molasses daily, in the way of li quid refreshment ; and fair proportions of such delicacies as rice, Indian meal, hog s lard, and butter, on stated occasions. A spectator describes the appearance of REVOLUTIONARY.] PROVINCIAL FLEET. 227 the American camp with enthusiasm : "About two months ago," he says, "I visited the camps at Roxbury and Cam bridge. The lines of both are impregna ble; with forts (many of which are bomb proof) and the redoubts, supposing them to be all in a direction, are about twenty miles; the breastworks of a proper height, and in many places seventeen feet in thickness ; the trenches wide and deep in proportion, before which lay forked im pediments ; and many of the forts, in ev ery respect, are perfectly ready for bat tle. The whole, in a word, the admira tion of every spectator ; for verily their fortifications appear to be the works of seven years, instead of about as many months. At these camps are about twen ty thousand men. The generals and other officers, in all their military undertakings, solid, discreet, and courageous ; the men daily raving for action, and seemingly devoid of fear. There are many floating- batteries, and batteaux in abundance ; besides this strength, ten thousand mili tia are ordered in that government to appear on the first summons. Provisions and money there are very plenty, and the soldiers faithfully paid. The army in great order, and very healthy, and about six weeks ago lodged in com fortable barracks. Chaplains constantly attend the camps morning and night; prayers are often offered up for peace and reconciliation, and the soldiers very attentive. The roads at the time I viewed the camps were almost lined with spec tators, and thousands with me can declare the above respecting the camps to be a just description." Dec, 13. Congress had determined upon the or ganization of a fleet, and had or dered five ships of thirty-two guns, five of twenty-eight, and three of twenty-four, to be built; but while these were in process of construction, the coasts of New England suffered greatly from the British cruisers. The American pri vateers were on the alert, but being of small force and few r in number, were (al though some continued to give a good account of themselves) unable to effect much against the powerful English squad ron, which continued its depredations along the coast from the St. Lawrence to the bay of New York. Rhode Island had been a great sufferer, and now called up on Washington for aid to protect her har bors from the severe exactions of a Brit ish naval captain, Wallace. Wallace was a brutal fellow, who had been long on the coast, and was notori ous in America, even before the war, for his coarseness and insolence. Being asked once by the mistress of a boarding-house in Philadelphia, where he happened to be a lodger, if he would be helped to a dish before her, Wallace replied, "Damrne, madam, it is to be supposed that at a pub lic table every man has a right to help himself, and this I mean to do !" The poor woman, with tears in her eyes, begged the brute s pardon. On another occasion, Wallace got as much as he gave, from a cool Quaker with whom at dinner he had made very free, twitting him about his broad brim, and theeiny and iliouing him very familiarly. The Friend bore it very patiently until after dinner, when he at length ventured to say to his persecutor: 228 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART n. " Captain, thee has made very free with me, and asked me a great many ques tions, which I have endeavored to answer to thy satisfaction. Wilt thou now per mit me to ask thee one in my turn ?"- " Oh, by all means !" exclaimed the cap tain, " anything thee please, friend ; what is it?" "Why, then, I wish to be in formed what makes thee drink so often : art thou really dry every time thou car- riest the liquor to thy mouth ?" The cap- tain,drunk as he was,felt this home thrust, frowned savagely, and, swearing a loud curse, asked, "What! do you think I am like a hog, only to drink when I am dry ?" The fellow was as cruel in disposition as he was coarse and violent in manner. This Wallace had stationed his vessel- of-war off Newport, where he would land his sailors and marines, to make depreda tions upon the inhabitants. A party of these marauders had lately gone ashore, and, not satisfied with killing and carry ing off the cattle, had broken into, plun dered, and finally burned, some of the houses. It was also feared by the Rhode- Islanders that the British admiral at Bos ton was about sending a large naval force, with the view of subjecting, by the con nivance of the tory residents, the whole island to British military rule. The governor of Rhode Island, in soli citing the aid of Washington, had sug gested that Lee might be sent; and he accordingly was ordered to Newport with several companies of riflemen, which were joined on the march by a considerable number of militia. Lee was the very man for the emergency ; his usual faults of character became merits on the occa sion. His self-willed temper made him prompt in the execution of his measures. He entered Newport, and at once sum moned before him all persons known or suspected of giving countenance to the enemy. He then forced them to take an oath by which they " religiously swore they would neither directly nor indirect ly assist the wicked instruments of min isterial tyranny and villany commonly called the king s troops and navy, by fur nishing them with provisions and refresh ments;" and swore, moreover, to denounce " all traitors before the public authority, and to take arms in defence of American liberty, whenever required by Congress or the provincial authority." We may conceive of the terror infused into the hearts of the tories by the determined conduct of Lee, when he succeeded in extorting such an oath from all but three of those who were brought before him. He soon returned to Cambridge. As Lee will, from this moment, begin to appear more prominently upon the scene, we may here give a record of his history. CHARLES LEE can almost be said to have been born a soldier. His father was a general in the British army, and the son received a commission at the early age of eleven years. Born in Wales, in 1731, young Lee had all the impulsive charac teristics of the Welsh. He was ardent and brave, irascible and headstrong. In the army, where he began so early a ca reer, his energetic courage was soon no ticed, and led to his frequent employment in active service. In 1756, he first came to America, and won renown in the colo nial battles as an officer in the royal army. REVOLUTIONARY.] CHARLES LEE. 229 From his earliest days his disposition had been wayward, and his conduct socially irregular. He now gave signal proof of his eccentricity, by abandoning civilized life, and casting himself adrift among the roaming Indians. He was welcomed by the Mohawks, whom he had joined, and made by them a chief, with an Indian name, which signified " Boiling Water." This title, so characteristic of the restless disposition of the man, was a remarkable proof of the shrewd insight of his savage friends who conferred it. The capricious- ness of Lee, which had led him to leave, induced him to return to civilization. A new whim took possession of his mind. He wished to take part in political strife. He had always been fond of books, and, having an ambition as a writer, often in dulged in literary compositions, chiefly of a partisan character. On his return to England, however, Lee was induced to take up arms again, and, having received a colonel s commission, served under General Burgoyne in Por tugal, where he exhibited great daring, on one occasion swimming the Tagus at the head of his troops. After the war, he lived in London, where he made him self somewhat famous as a political wri ter and advocate of liberal principles. In a short time he wearied of this life, and sought promotion from the British au thorities, who, however, would not listen to the appeal of a man who had been no toriously engaged in attacking them with all the bitterness of which he was capa ble. Indeed, such was the keenness and vigor of his pen, that some even attrib uted to him the authorship of the cele brated letters of " Junius." Lee now went abroad, and travelled for several years on the continent of Europe, where he ac quired a knowledge of various languages, and succeeded in making the acquaint ance of the great, with whom he so far in gratiated himself, that he was commend ed by them to Stanislaus Augustus, king of Poland, who made him his aid-de-camp. From Poland he repaired, in some official capacity, to Constantinople. After a short residence in Turkey, Lee threw off his al legiance to the Polish king, and went to Paris. In 1773, he returned to America, determined to make it his home for the rest of his life. By the advice of his old comrade and countryman Gates, he pur chased an estate in Virginia, and was there living, with his books and his dogs, the easy life of a southern planter, when the struggle with Great Britain commenced. Lee, who was always a liberal, promptly declared for the Americans. His acces sion to the cause was gladly welcomed, and his experience as a military leader induced Congress to make him a briga dier-general. Lee was an eccentric person, who, al though possessed of the breeding of a gentleman, was fond of ruffling the for malities of society by personal irregular ity of manners. He was slovenly in his dress, and not seldom careless in behav ior. " Plain in person even to ugliness, and careless in his manners even to a de gree of rudeness, his nose was so remark ably aquiline that it appeared as a real deformity. His voice was rough, his garb ordinary, his deportment morose. He was ambitious of fame, without the dig- 230 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PAKT II. nity to support it. In private life, he sank into the vulgarity of the clown." Such was the by no means flattering ac count given of Lee by an observant lady. He does not seem to have been a favor ite with the gentle sex, of whom another is reported to have said that he was " a crabbed man ;" and Mrs. Adams declares that " the elegance of his pen far exceeds that of his person." He is supposed to have suffered in the good opinion of the ladies by his fondness for dogs, a pack of which always followed him wherever he went, to the manifest disorder of the good housekeeping of his female friends. " I was very politely entertained and noticed by the generals," writes Mrs. Adams " more especially General Lee, who was very urgent for me to tarry in town and dine with him and the ladies present at 1 Hobgoblin hall ; but I excused myself. The general was determined that I should not only be acquainted with him, but with his companions too; and therefore placed a chair before me, into which he ordered Mr. Spada (his dog) to mount, and pre sent his paw to me for a better acquaint ance. I could not do otherwise than ac cept it." The New-Englanders were dreadfully shocked by Lee s impiety. He " swore like a trooper," and did not fear to scoff openly at the ordinances of religion. When a day was appointed to invoke the aid of Heaven upon the American cause, Lee ridiculed it, and remarked, "Heaven is ever found favorable to strong battalions !" Tom Paine said of him that "he was above all monarchs, and below all scum." CHAPTER XII. The Sufferings of the British in Boston. British Officers, however, make an Effort to console themselves. Turn Play wrights and Actors. An Incident at the Play. A Sudden Exit. The Attack on the Works at Charlestown. The First of January in the American Camp. Troubles of Enlistment. Washington s Afflictions. The Patriotic Spirit still alive. The King s Speech. Its Reception in the American Camp. Washington eager to destroy the "Nest in Boston." Arrival of a British Squadron. New York threatened. Washington provides for the Emergency. Lee sent to New York. His Journey thither. Arrival and Conduct at New York. An Emphatic Menace. One of Lee s Tremendous Oaths. New York Tories. Sir John Johnson. His Manoeuvres. Watched hy Schuyler. A Forcible Argument applied to the Indians. Schuyler proceeds to Johnstown. Sir John forced to capitulate, and pledge Him self to Inaction. Approval of Schuyler s Conduct. 1775. THE British in Boston had more than their share of the sufferings of the winter. The distress of the troops and inhabitants was spoken of as " great beyond all possible description. Neither vegetables, flour, nor pulse for the inhab itants; and the king s stores so very short, none can be spared from them ; no fuel, and the winter set in remarkably severe. The troops and inhabitants are absolutely and literally starving for want of pro vis- ions and fire. Even salt provision is fif teen pence sterling per pound." The small-pox, too, broke out in Boston, ter- REVOLUTIONARY.] THE BRITISH FARCE. 231 ribly alarming the people, whom even the thought that the disease was the best pro tection against the assault of the enemy did not reconcile to its infliction. The weather was so severe, with its freezing cold arid drifting snows, that it was found necessary to order General Clinton and the larger portion of his troops to take refuge within the town from the exposed heights of Bunker s hill, where only a small garrison was left in three redoubts. Wood, too, was as scarce in Boston as in the American camp ; but Howe had less scruples than Washington in supply ing his wants. The British general issued orders for pulling down the old North meetinghouse, containing a great deal of timber, and a hundred wooden dwelling- houses and other buildings to be used for fuel. The trees on the common were hewed down, and the celebrated Liberty- tree furnished fourteen cords of wood ! Though they succeeded in thus supply ing one want, they had much greater diffi culty in satisfying others. An occasional coaster from Nova Scotia would escape the American privateers, and succeed in landing a cargo of beef, poultry, and hay; but such was the scarcity of these articles, that they were snatched up at once, at the most exorbitant prices, by the few who were rich enough to buy them. The great mass of the troops and people were forced to live exclusively upon salt pro. visions, and even upon meager supplies of those. The necessary result was, the prevalence of scurvy and fatal dysen teries. The British officers, however, made a commendable effort to sustain the spirits of their men under these severe trials. They got up concerts, balls, and plays, in Faneuil hall, to enliven the people. In their dramatic performances they tried to serve the double purpose of making the audience, by provocatives to their cheerfulness, less discontented with them selves, and, by appeals to their sense of ridicule,more regardless of their enemies. The Americans were " taken off" by the military playwrights, and " shown up" to the manifest delight of a nightly con course of tories and red-coats. The bills of the plays were, with a refined irony, frequently sent by some anonymous to ries to Washington and his generals. The " Blockade of Boston," supposed to have been composed by Burgoyne himself, who was known even at that time to have a dramatic turn, having heen written with the express purpose of ridiculing Wash ington and his troops, drew together on the night of its performance an unusually large audience. " The Busy-body," the first piece on the bill, being over, the curtain drew up for the farce of " The Blockade of Boston." Washington was, of course, a prominent character, and appeared with a large wig on his head, a long rusty sword by his side, and followed by his orderly sergeant, who had on his shoulder a rusty gun seven feet long, and was otherwise ludi crously equipped. These dramatic per sonages had hardly made their appear ance, when a real character presented himself in the shape of a British sergeant, who came running on the stage, and, throwing down his musket, called out lustily," The Yankees are attacking Bun- 232 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART n. ker s hill !" The audience thought that this was a part of the play, until Howe, who was present, cried out, "Officers, to your alarm-posts /" when the military por tion of the crowd made great haste away, leaving the ladies shrieking and fainting, and the rest of the audience in a state of great consternation. The alarm had been caused by an at tack of two hundred men, under Captain Knowlton, sent out by General Putnam, from his works on Cobble hill, to destroy some houses in Charlestown : these houses, about fourteen in number, were all that were left after the general fire, and were occupied by the British. The Americans started out at night, and, crossing the ice at the dam, succeeded in burning eight or ten of the houses, killing one man, and taking captive the guard, with their arms. The British garrison on Bunker s hill were alarmed by the flames, and commenced a brisk fire, doing no damage to the Amer icans, but greatly disturbing the equanim ity, as we have seen, of the troops and people within Boston. The opening of the year in the American camp was a time of great anxiety. The period of service of most of the regiments had expired ; and the old troops were in such a hurry to get away, and the new were so slow in com ing in, that during the early days of Jan uary there were hardly ten thousand men before Boston. Washington was not only full of care, from the great interests at stake, but annoyed exceedingly by the resistance with which his orders were met by the disbanding troops. Many of the fresh men had come in unprovided with 1776, arms, and it became necessary to insist that those who were leaving the ranks should sell their guns, at a price fixed by inspectors appointed for the purpose. This caused dissatisfaction, and much grumbling. Washington, observing the dissatisfied spirit of his forces, appealed to their patriotism in a general order, in which, after reminding them that " an army without order, regularity, or disci pline, is no better than a commissioned mob," he entreated them to conduct them selves like true soldiers, as " everything dear to freemen was at stake," and could only be secured by the faithful perform ance of their military duties. The care which weighed upon Wash ington s mind at this time was known then only to his most intimate friends, to whom in the confidence of his letters he unbur dened his heart. To his former secretary (Reed) he writes: "Search the volumes of history through, and I much question whether a case similar to ours is to be found : namely, to main tain a post against the flower of the Brit ish troops for six months together, with out powder; and then to have one army disbanded, and another to be raised, with in the same distance of a reinforced army. What may be the issue of the last manoeu vre, time only can unfold. I wish this month were well over our heads." Again he writes, a few days later : "The reflection upon my situation, and that of this army, produces many an unea sy hour, when all around me are wrapped in sleep. Few people know the predica ment we are in, on a thousand accounts ; fewer still will believe, if any disaster REVOLUTIONARY.] THE KING S SPEECH. 233 happens to these lines, from what cause it flows. I have often thought how much happier I should have been, if, instead of accepting of a command under such cir cumstances, I had taken my musket on my shoulder and entered the ranks; or, if I could have justified the measure to posterity and my own conscience, had re tired to the back country, and lived in a wigwam. If I shall be able to rise supe rior to these, and many other difficulties which might be enumerated, 1 shall most religiously believe that the finger of Prov idence is in it, to blind the eyes of our enemies; for surely if we get well through this month, it must be for the want of their knowing the disadvantages we labor under." With all this discouragement, the pa triotic feeling in the camp does not seem to have flagged. When for the first time, on New-Year s day, the flag with thirteen stripes, symbolical of the union of the thirteen colonies, was hoisted, there was apparently great enthusiasm, which found vent in loud hurrahs. On the same day, the British commander sent in with a flag of truce a " volume" of the king s speech at the opening of Parliament. This, how ever, only served to fire the patriotic ar dor of the troops although, singularly enough, the hoisting of the new flag, and the loud rejoicings of the American camp, were " received in Boston as a token of the deep impression which the speech had made," and as " a signal of submis sion." " By this time" (January 4th), writes Washington, " I presume they be gin to think it strange that we have not made a formal surrender of our lines." ao The king s speech, on the contrary, was received with a feeling the very reverse of that which might lead to the hoisting of "a signal of submission." The patriots now talked of absolute independence, and looked forward with hope to raising in America " an empire of permanent dura tion, supported upon the grand pillars of truth, freedom, and religion, based upon justice, and defended by her own patri otic sons." The obstinate resolve ex pressed by George III., not to give up the colonies at any expense of blood and treasure, and the proof he gave of his determination (by the fact of his recom mendation that the navy and army of Great Britain should be increased, and the mercenary aid of the Hessians hired, for the purpose of suppressing the " re bellious war"), did not shake the firmness of the Americans, but greatly excited their patriotic rage. The Congress, after a long debate, hav ing passed a resolution authori- \_ . . l!ec, 22, zing Washington to make an as sault upon the enemy, " in any manner he might think expedient, notwithstand ing the town and property in it might be destroyed," he began seriously to contem plate an attack. In his anxiety to do something, he went so far as to declare to the council of war called to deliberate upon the question, that " it is indispensa bly necessary to make a bold attempt to conquer the ministerial troops in Boston before they can be reinforced in the spring, if the means," he cautiously add ed, however, " shall be provided, and a favorable opportunity shall offer." How great his desire for an assault, 234 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART. n. Jan. 24. and how inadequate his means, may be learned from this letter to the Congress at Philadelphia : " No man upon earth wishes more ardently to destroy the nest in Boston than I do ; no person would be willing to go greater lengths than I shall to accomplish it, if it shall be thought advisable. But if \ve have neither powder to bombard with, nor ice to pass on, we shall be in no bet ter situation than we have been in all the year ; we shall be worse, because their works are stronger." To strengthen his force, Washington had proposed to call out the New-Eng land militia ; and accordingly a requisi tion was made on Massachusetts, New Hampshire, and Connecticut, for thirteen regiments, to assemble at Cambridge on the first of February. While this plan was in operation, Washington felt more keenly than ever the inadequacy of his forces, for he had heard of the defeat and death of the gallant Montgomery, and would have desired to send reinforce ments at once to the aid of Arnold. He could not, however, spare a man from his own camp ; and his only alternative was to order three of the new regiments of militia, when filled, to proceed to Que bec. Washington was thus, as it were, fast ened in his camp, unable to move in con sequence of th-e want of troops and am munition, although other circumstances seemed favorable to action. How keenly he felt his position is told in every letter he wrote. To Congress he writes : " To have the eyes of a whole continent fixed with anxious expectation of seeing some great event, and to be restrained in every military operation for want of the neces sary means to carry it on, is not very pleasing, especially as the means used to conceal my weakness from the enemy, conceal it also from our friends, and add to their wonder." Washington, however, had some diversion for his pent-up ener gies, in the prospect of activity in another quarter, where, if his personal presence was not required, the exercise of his judg ment became necessary. Information had been brought to head quarters, by a trustworthy person from Boston, of great activity in the British fleet. Admiral Shuldham, appointed to supersede Graves, had arrived in the har bor with a squadron and considerable reinforcements. On his arrival, a busy movement began : troops were detailed off for service, baggage packed, provisions inspected, biscuit baked, and ammunition taken out of store, with the evident pur pose of making ready for sea, preparatory to an attack against some place or other. Finally, five transports loaded with troops under the command of Sir Henry Clinton, with munitions of war, two bomb-vessels, and a number of flat-bottomed boats, sailed away from Boston under the convoy of the Scarborough and Fowey men-of-war. It was supposed that Long island was the destination of this force, and Washington accordingly was anxious to provide a resistance to meet it. He had written to Congress, urging them to have some of the New-Jersey troops thrown into New York; but, not getting much satisfaction in that quarter, he determined to act for himself. REVOLUTIONARY.] LEE AT NEW YORK. 235 General Lee, who was at that time in Connecticut, had written a letter to Wash ington, in which, with his usual emphatic earnestness, he said : " New York must be secured, but it will never. I am afraid, be secured by direct order of Congress, for obvious reasons. You must step in to their relief. I am sensible no man can be spared from the lines under present circumstances; but I would propose that you should detach me into Connecticut, and lend your name for collecting a body of volunteers." Lee was especially anx ious to lay his hands upon the " danger ous banditti of tories" in New York, who were giving great countenance and aid to the enemy. " Not to crush," said he, " these serpents before their rattles are grown, would be ruinous." Lee s proposition accorded with Wash ington s views, but he was anxious not to overstep his authority, and therefore hesi tated to act until he had consulted with John Adams, who highly approved of the plan, " as practicable, expedient, and as properly lying within his excellency s au thority without farther directions from Congress." Washington accordingly or dered Lee to raise a volunteer force in Connecticut, to march to New York, and, with the aid of the New-Jersey troops, under Lord Sterling, to put the city and its immediate neighborhood in a posture of defence. Lee was, moreover, author ized to disarm or secure that " dangerous banditti of tories" whom he so cordially hated. With the aid of Governor Trumbull, Lee soon gathered together the respect able force of twelve hundred men, and marched to Stamford. There he was met by a communication from the New York committee of safety, who expressed a very decided aversion to his entering the city, lest it might provoke hostility on the part of the British ships-of-war in the harbor. Lee replied with unusual suavity, which was the more remarkable, as he was at the time suffering from a fit of the gout. Toward the end of his letter, however, there is a very perceptible spasm of dis ease or temper. "If the ships-of-war," growls he, " are quiet, I shall be quiet ; but I declare solemnly, that if they make a pretext of my presence to fire on the town, the first house set on flames by their guns shall be the funeral-pile of some of their best friends !" Lee got to New York as soon as his gout would permit him, arriving there just two hours after Sir Henry Clinton had come to anchor in the lower bay with the Mercury and a transport-brig. The inhabitants were in a state of great alarm, in consequence of two such belligerent arrivals. Though it was Sunday, they began moving away their effects, and continued to do so the whole night. The town seemed in a state of convulsion with the confusion of the hurried exodus : carts were going, boats loading, women and children crying, and distressed voices w r ere even heard along the roads in the dead of night. Clinton, however, soon relieved the city s fears, by giving out that his object was merely a visit to his friend Governor Tryon, who at that time held state in the secure quar ters of a British man-of-war anchored in the North river. In a few days, Sir Henry 5236 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART n. sailed away to North Carolina, and left Lee to deal with the tories. Lee began his administration with an emphatic menace, by declaring, " If the men-of-war set one house on fire in con sequence of my coming, I will chain a hundred of their friends together by the neck, and make the house their funeral- pile !" " He would," says Gordon, " in all likelihood, have retaliated in some manner." The American commander busied him self in removing the cannon on the Bat tery, and those in the king s store, to a place of safety, notwithstanding the "per dition to the city" threatened by the Brit ish men-of-war. They, however, withheld their fire ; the naval authorities publish ing a " pleasant reason" for their reserve, saying that as it was evidently Lee s pur pose to bring destruction on the town, they were determined not to indulge him. Lee, laughing at them and their reasons, continued his work, and, after removing the cannon, made good use of them by planting them in the redoubts and breast works which he erected in various places about New York. Besides, he ferreted out his old enemies the tories, and ad ministered to them one of his " tremen dous oaths," which led Congress to resolve " That no oath by way of test be imposed upon, exacted, or required, of any of the inhabitants of these colonies, by any mil itary officer." Lee s martial law was not seldom in conflict with legislative enact ment, and his measures were too often laid with gunpowder not to startle the timid counsels of the prudent. He wished to pursue a very high-handed course with all in opposition to the patriot cause; and. justly suspecting that the friends of the enemy were especially strong in New York, he was particularly anxious to make them feel the weight of his blow. Governor Tryon. in consequence of his influence upon many of the " respectable" inhabitants of New York, was extremely odious to Lee. " The propensity, or ra ther rage, for paying court to this great man," he writes, u is inconceivable. They can not be weaned from him. We must put wormwood on his paps, or they will cry to suck, as they are in their second childhood !" Lee s energetic measures, however, were soon checked by a call to duty elsewhere. The tories were not confined to the city ; in the interior of the province they had gathered in strong force at the call of Sir John Johnson, the son of Sir Wil liam, renowned in the French war. Sii John had succeeded to his father s estate on the Mohawk, and his baronial influence over the Highland tenants and Indian re tainers. Fortifying Johnson hall, he was preparing, it was believed, to set out with his clansmen and savages along the val ley of the Mohawk, with the view of for cing submission to the king s authority. General Schuyler, having kept watch of his movements, sent word to Congress, which, in answer, committed to him the business of checking Sir John s proposed enterprise. There being no troops at Al bany, Schuyler was obliged to have re course to thesub-committee of the county, with whose aid he succeeded in raising some seven hundred militia. With this force he commenced his march, and was REVOLUTIONARY.] SIR JOHN QUASHED. 237 gratified to find that such was the enthu siasm in behalf of the patriot cause, that he had not gone far before his troops were increased by volunteers to the number of three thousand. Even Tryon county, sup posed to be the stronghold of the tories, supplied him nine hundred men. As Schuyler proceeded with this aug mented force to Johnstown, he was met by a deputation from the Mohawks, which addressed him in magniloquent Indian rhetoric, and haughtily forbade him to advance against their "father," Sir John. Schuyler replied that he had full proof that many people in Johnstown and the neighborhood thereof had for a consider able time past made preparations to carry into execution the wicked design of the king s evil counsellors. " We have no ob jection," said Schuyler in conclusion, "nay we wish, that you and your warriors should be present to hear what we shall propose to Sir John and the people in and about Johnstown, who are our ene mies. But we beg of you to tell your warriors that, although we have no quar rel with them, yet if we should be under the disagreeable necessity of fighting with our enemies, and your warriors should join them and fight against us, that we will repel force by force." The Indian chiefs had occasion, on en tering the American camp, and casting their wary eyes upon the large number of soldiers, to become convinced of the force of Schuyler s last argument, and ac cordingly when they replied, meekly said: " Brother Schuyler, the great man, attend ! Everything that has been said to us, broth er, has been perfectly agreeable to us." Schuyler now sent a letter to Sir John Johnson, requesting a meeting with him next day, and assuring him that he and such persons as he might choose to at tend him should pass safe and unmolest ed to and from the place appointed for the rendezvous. Sir John accordingly met the general about sixteen miles from Schenectady, when Schuyler s proposal having been submitted, Johnson asked until the following day for time to an swer. Schuyler consented, and in the meantime advanced his troops on the frozen Mohawk to within four miles of Johnstown. Sir John s response now came, but, not being satisfactory, Schuy ler resolved that he would march against the Johnson stronghold, at the same time informing the baronet that he would give o O him until twelve o clock at night to re consider his answer. Sir John, true to time, sent in precisely at that hour a sat isfactory reply. He agreed to deliver up all the arms and military stores in his possession, with the exception of a few favorite family arms which Sir John was allowed, at his own request, to retain. He pledged himself besides, on his parole of honor, neither to take up arms against America, nor to move in the county be yond certain specified limits. His follow ers were, of course, bound by similar ob ligations. The next day Schuyler pro ceeded to Johnstown, and drew up his men in the street, when Sir John s Hio hlanders, some two or three hundred O in number, marched to the front of the lines and grounded their arms. Schuy ler then dismissed them with an exhort a Jan, 20, 238 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART n. tion strictly to observe the terms of their agreement, and to refrain from all acts of hostility. The conduct of the American general, throughout this whole transac tion, was highly approved by Congress, and applauded by the patriots. CHAPTER XIII. Patrick Henry in the Legislature of Virginia. The Virginian Volunteers. The Culpepper Corps. The Eattlesnake Device. Lord Dunmore s Proceedings. The Fight at Great Bridge. Lord Dunmore retires from Norfolk. The City burned. Description of Norfolk. Plantations laid waste. North Carolina. The Manoeuvres of the Tories. IT Donald and M Leod. Their Highland Followers. General Moore and the Patriots. MvDonald retreats. Moore pursues. The Battle at Moore s-Creek Bridge. M Leod falls. The Enemy put to Flight. The Spirit in South Carolina and Georgia. 1775, " THERE is no longer any room for hope. If we wish to be free ; if we wish to preserve inviolate those in estimable privileges for which we have been so long contending ; if we mean not basely to abandon the noble struggle in which we have been so long engaged, and which we have pledged ourselves never to abandon until the glorious object of our contest shall be obtained, w r e must fight ! I repeat it, sir, we must fight ! An appeal to arms and the God of hosts is all that is left us." These were the words uttered by Patrick Henry, in the course of his eloquent speech in support of the resolutions he introduced in the Virginia legislature, recommending a levy of vol unteer troops: the resolutions were passed by a large majority. The appointment of a committee of safety followed, which at once proceeded to raise an armed force, of which Patrick Henry was made com- mander-in-chief. Volunteers came in read ily, among whom was a corps of men from the county of Culpepper, whose appear ance gave promise of doughty service. Dressed in green hunting-shirts, like so many Eobin-Hood foresters, with bucks tails in their slouched hats, and with tom ahawks and scalping-knives bristling from their belts, their very looks frightened the people.* Their flag, with the device of a coiled rattlesnake, and the motto, " Don t tread on me !" and the inscription on the bosom of each man s shirt, of "Lib erty or death," taken from Henry s speech, were no less alarming. These Culpepper men proved themselves no less formida ble than they looked. Lord Dunmore, the governor of Vir ginia, had been frightened away from Williamsburg, the seat of government, by * " Companies were raised in nearly every county ; among the rest, in Culpepper, adjoining Fauquier. This troop, which was three hundred and iifty strong, assembled near an old oak, which is still standing ; and Colonel Thomas Marshall was elected major. His son John was made lieu tenant. The flag of the troop presented a coiled rattlesnake the head for Virginia, and the twelve rattles for the other states: the mottoes, DON T TREAD ON ME! and LIBER TY OR DEATH ! These latter words were also painted upon the breasts of the green hunting-shirts of the company. Tne men were armed with rifles, tomahawks, and knives. Such WHS the warlike guise in which the afterward famous chief justice appeared at the head of his ardent troop." JOHN ESTEN COOKE. REVOLUTIONARY.] BATTLE OF GREAT BRIDGE. the energetic conduct of the patriots, and taken refuge on board of a ship-of-war. Arming several vessels, and collecting to gether a number of tories and negroes, lie determined to inflict punishment up on the " rebels." He sailed with this force along the coast, doing all the damage in his power, seizing here and there a patri ot, destroying plantations, carrying off negroes, and burning houses. Having received a reinforcement of soldiers, he prepared to make an attempt on Hamp ton. His vessels, in the course of the night, warped in close to the town, and in the mgrning began a furious cannon ade. A company of the Culpepper rifle men had in the meantime reached Hamp ton, and, being properly dispersed and hid, commenced firing at the ships, and with such effect, that the enemy were forced to haul off precipitately, for no man who ventured to show himself on deck was secure from the deadly aim of the Virginia marksmen. Dunmore was terribly vexed at being thus repulsed by a few raw militiamen, and took his revenge by proclaiming mar tial law, requiring all persons capable of bearing arms to resort to his majesty s standard, or to be looked upon as trai tors ; and declaring all indentured ser vants, negroes, or others (appertaining to " rebels"), who were able and willing to bear arms, free, upon serving with the royal troops. Dunmore was at this time at Norfolk, where there were a goodly number of tories, and his proclamation brought some hundreds of them, both black and white, to his standard. With this miscellaneous rabble added to his two hundred regulars, he prepared to meet a force of Virginian patriots who were rapidly advancing to drive him from Norfolk. His lordship s first operation was, to take possession and remove the planks of the Great bridge, which was the only approach to the town ; and then, with the utmost expedition, he began building a redoubt on the Norfolk side. He had not made much progress when the Vir ginians arrived, under the command of Captain Woodford, who took up a posi tion at the other end of the bridge, at cannon-shot distance from Dunmore, and began throwing up intrenchments. The two parties thus remained for several days, busy at their works, without firing a shot, when the Virginians, becoming impatient, resolved to provoke an attack. For this purpose they availed themselves of a ruse. A servant belonging to one of the Virginian officers was directed to join Dunmore s force, as a pretended de serter, and report that the patriots only numbered three hundred " shirtmen" (so the riflemen were called from their hunt ing-dress) in all. The negro performed his part admirably ; and the enemy, swal lowing the bait, determined to attack the patriots in their intrenchments. The British regulars, under Captain Leslie, were accordingly detailed for the service, together with about three hun dred " white and black slaves." The party set out at three o clock in the morning, in order to take the Virginians by sur prise before dawn. Leslie, having re placed the planks of the Great bridge, marched his men across, with Captain For- 240 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART n. dyce, at the head of his grenadiers, lead ing the van. The regulars, with fixed bayonets, advanced steadily along the causeway directly up to the American intrenchments. The Virginian riflemen, however, were on the alert, and, waiting until the enemy were close to them, be gan a murderous fire, by which Fordyce and several of his men were at once killed. The grenadiers held their ground with a coolness and intrepidity that excited the admiration of all ; and such was their dis cipline, that they continued to advance until not one of them escaped either death or capture. Leslie, who was in the rear with the main body, now ordered a re treat, when the whole of the British force retired to their fort under the cover of its guns, having lost sixty-two men killed and wounded. The Virginians did not lose a single man, and had only one slight ly wounded. Captain Fordyce was buried with the honors due to his rank and gal lantry ; and all the prisoners, with the ex ception of the American royalists, who were rigorously dealt with, were treated kindly by their captors. The British forces retired during the next night with in Norfolk. Leslie now refused to serve any longer on shore, until assured of a better support from the tory inhabitants ; and the loyalists, both white and black, on their part declined to serve, unless aided by a stronger reinforcement of reg ulars. Under these discouraging circum stances, Lord Durnnore determined to abandon his position at Norfolk. The Virginians entered the city as the British withdrew, and found that the tory inhabitants had gone Dec, 14, 1776, on board the English ships, with the ex ception of the poor negroes, who had been left to shift for themselves. Colonel Wood- ford now resigned the command of the provincials to Colonel Howe, who re mained in possession of Norfolk until the beginning of the ensuing year. Lord Dunmore was still \vith his ships in Hampton roads, unable to effect anything until the arrival, on the first of January, of the British frigate Liv erpool. A flag of truce was then imme diately sent into the town, with a demand for supplies. These being positively re fused, Dunmore determined to, bombard and set fire to Norfolk, where the Vir ginia riflemen, under cover of the ware houses by Elizabeth river, were continuing greatly to harass the ships by their sharp- shooting. Notice having been given to the inhabitants, that they might have an opportunity of removing the women and children from danger, the British vessels began their cannonade, while parties of sailors and marines were sent ashore to set fire to the buildings by the water s edge. The whole town, which was built of wood, was soon in flames and reduced to ashes, notwithstanding every exertion made by Howe and his men to extinguish the fire. Norfolk at that time was a place of great importance, having a population of six thousand, and a thriving commerce. It was thought to be " an odious business for a governor to be himself a principal actor in burning and destroying the best town in his government," and great in dignation was excited in consequence throughout the province. The patriots REVOLUTIONARY.! DUNMORE PUT TO FLIGHT. were able greatly to harass his lordship, in revenge for his cruelty, by cutting off supplies from the ships. The plantations along the Norfolk shore were laid waste ; and their proprietors, who were chiefly loyalists, were forced to retire into the interior with their stock and stores of provisions, so that they might not have it in their power to supply the necessi ties of the British. Dunmore was thus driven away from Norfolk; and, after con tinuing his depredations upon the banks of the southern rivers and coast and car rying off some thousand negroes, he be took himself with his piratical fleet to St. Augustine, in the then Spanish province of Florida. In North Carolina, the patriots were emulating the spirit of their Virginian brethren. The British governor, Martin, had been early forced, like Lord Dun- more, to seek refuge on board a man-of- war, where for the most part he had been obliged to content himself with the proc lamation, without the exercise, of his au thority. Learning, however, that Sir Henry Clinton had sailed for North Car olina, and that an expedition was to be sent out from Great Britain probably for the same destination, Martin took cour age, and began to intrigue with the Scotch settlers in the western districts of the province, who were known to be favora bly disposed to the crown. Among these were a large number of Highlanders, and Martin selected two gentlemen among them, who had been British officers, of the names of M Donald and M Leod, and gave them commissions, with authority to raise a body of troops. These two per- 31 sons had not been long in the country but their names were enough to excite all the clannish predilections of the High landers, who gathered as if rallying about their chieftains among their native hills, and enrolled themselves to the number of sixteen hundred under the royal stand ard, which they regarded little, except as unfurled by a M Donald and a M Leod. The North Carolina patriots were on the alert; and General Moore, assembling some eleven hundred militiamen,marched to meet the enemy. Coining up within seven miles of the " Regulators," as they were called, and the Highlanders, who were encamped in the neighborhood of Cross creek (now Fayette ville ), which was in the midst of those Scotch settlers who were favorably disposed toward the king, Moore halted in a strong position. The enemy then advanced within four miles, and sent in to the patriots with a flag of truce one of the governor s manifestoes, and a letter to their general, summoning him to join the royal standard or be treat ed as an enemy. Moore, in his answer, declined the proposition for the present, but promised a more specific reply on the next day. M Donald, in command of the royalist force, received accordingly, the following morning, Moore s promised let ter, in which the American general, as a significant offset to the Scotchman s sum mons, called upon him to sign the patri otic association of the province. While Moore was expecting a rejoin der to his communication, he learned that M Donald, without waiting to indite a re ply, had crossed the river in the night, and pushed on rapidly toward the coast. 242 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART It. Moore, after ordering off a detachment LO join the approaching reinforcements of eight hundred militia which were coming from Newbern, under the command of Colonel Caswell, and another party to se cure the ford of Cross creek, marched him self in pursuit. The Newbern militia for tunately reached Moore s-creek bridge in time to take possession of it, and oppose the retreat of the royalist force. The Americans, however, had held pos session only a few hours, during which time they had destroyed a portion of the bridge, and raised a small breast work, when the enemy came up. M Leod, who was now in command, in consequence of the illness of M Donald, no sooner saw that his progress was op posed, than he led his men at once against the American works. They marched up within thirty paces, when they were met by a well-served fire from the American breastwork. Captain M Leod fell at the first volley, pierced with twenty bullets, Feb. 27, and his troops immediately took to flight. Even McDonald s influence could not suc ceed in rallying them ; and he, complete ly abandoned, was forced to surrender himself a prisoner. General Moore, com ing up soon after, confronted the fugi tives, and took nearly nine hundred of them captive. The royalists lost about seventy killed and wounded ; the patri ots only two wounded. A good supply of arms also fell into the possession of the conquerors. In South Carolina and Georgia, little was done in the way of active hostility as yet by the patriots, beyond the seizure of an occasional vessel. There was, how ever, sufficient evidence of a resolute spir it of resistance ; and in the course of this narrative we shall have occasion to record abundant proofs that the southern no less than the northern provinces were willing and able to strike a blow for the liberties of the country. We must now return to Washington and his camp at Cambridge. CHAPTER XIV. Everything thaws but "Old Put." An Assault on Boston proposed, but rejected by the Council of War. Arrival of Knox from Ticonderoga, with an Abundant Supply of Ammunition, &c. The taking Possession of Dorchester Heights proposed. Morals of the Camp protected. Bombardment of Boston. Expedition for Dorchester sets out. The Enemy oppose, and are defeated. Great Preparations of Lord Howe. A Storm. The Attack postponed. A New Missile invented. Howe at last acknowledges the Position of Dorchester Heights to be too formidable for him. He prepares to evacuate Boston. A Flag of Truce. A Communication from the Selectmen of Boston. Attempt on Nook s Hill. A Terrible Cannonade. "THE bay is open. Everything thaws here except Old Put. He is still as hard as ever, crying out for powder, powder! ye gods, give us pow der! " wrote an officer. And Washing ton, too, had his complaints to make on the same score. "The weather," he writes, " turns out exceedingly mild, insomuch KEY OLDTION AK Y.j FORTIFYING DORCHESTER HEIGHTS. 24, Fcb, 16. as to promise nothing favorable from ice. . . . And no appearance of powder." To ward the middle of February, however, some " freezing weather" having formed " some pretty strong ice," which afforded a wider and consequently less dangerous approach to Boston, Washington was in favor of an assault, notwithstanding the militia were not all come in, and there was little or no powder for a regular can nonade or bombardment. A council of war was accordingly summoned, but the enterprise being thought too dangerous, it was abandoned for the present. A few days subsequently, Colonel Knox arrived in the camp with a welcome sup ply of cannon, mortars, and howitzers, which that spirited officer had succeeded, in the depth of a northern winter, in bring ing from Crown Point and Ticonderoga. By means of sleds, and with the utmost labor, Knox dragged for hundreds of miles through the drifted snows and over the frozen lakes an armament of immense w r eight, " a noble train of artillery," as he called it, and safely deposited it at Cain- bridge, where he received, as he well mer ited, the praises of the commander-in-chief and the applause of the whole army. Si multaneously with this acquisition came a supply of shells and powder, captured from the enemy. The militia had come in, too, in considerable force. Under these prosperous circumstances, the council of war was at last so far inspirited as to de cide upon action. It was resolved that Dorchester heights should be taken pos session of as soon as possible, with the view of drawing the enemy out. " How far," wrote Washington, who had suggested this movement, " our expecta tions may be answered, time only can de termine ; but I should think, if anything w 7 ill induce them to hazard an engage ment, it will be our attempt to fortify these heights [Dorchester]; as, that event s ta king place, we shall be able to command a great part of the town and almost the whole harbor." Great activity and ani mation now pervaded the camp. Carts loaded with in trenching- tools, carts with fascines and huge bundles of hay, went by the hundreds lumbering along the roads, flanked by guards and followed by detachment after detachment of working- parties; the surgeons and surgeons mates throughout the army were busy in pre paring lint and bandages ; of the latter two thousand had been ordered, although a sanguine member of the medical depart ment expresses the hope that " not one quarter of the number will be required, whatever may be the nature of the occa sion." To add to the seriousness of the approaching events, the soldiers were re minded of their duty by these severely earnest orders, which could only have been addressed with effect to men like those of Washington, fighting for con science sake : "All officers," rigidly declares the or der, "non-commissioned officers, and sol diers, are positively forbid playing at cards, and other games of chance. At this time of public distress, men may find enough to do in the service of their God and their country, without abandoning themselves to vice and immorality. "As the season is now fast approaching 244 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART 11. when every man must expect to be drawn into the field of action, it is highly impor tant that he should prepare his mind, as well as everything necessary for it. It is a noble cause we are engaged in ; it is the cause of virtue and mankind ; every temporal advantage and comfort to us and our posterity depends upon the vigor of our exertions ; in short, freedom or slavery must be the result of our conduct. There can, therefore, be no greater in ducement to men to behave well. But it may not be amiss for the troops to know that, if any man in action shall pre sume to skulk, hide himself, or retreat from the enemy without the orders of his commanding officer, he will be instantly shot down as an example of cowardice ; cowards having too frequently disconcert ed the best-formed troops by their das tardly behavior." A night was now appointed for the at tempt on Dorchester heights. The time, at the suggestion of the New-England officers, was the 4th of March ; the next day, which probably would be the day of action, being the anniversary of the " massacre of Boston," which, it was be lieved, would stimulate by its memories the courage of the Massachusetts troops. For two days previously, the Ameri cans bombarded Boston, but with no ef fect on the enemy, beyond splintering a few of their wooden buildings and wound ing a soldier or two. The Americans themselves, however, met with a serious loss in the bursting of two heavy mortars, one of which was the big gun the " Con gress," Old Put s christling. The bom bardment, notwithstanding, had the effect intended, of concealing from the enemy the preparations for taking possession of Dorchester heights. General Howe, not suspicious of anything more serious, con tented himself with responding to the American fire, and threw a shower of bombs, but fortunately without serious damage. All things being ready, the expedition sets out for Dorchester on the night ap pointed. The covering-party of eight hundred men lead the way ; then go the carts with the intrenching- tools, followed by the working-detach ment of twelve hundred men, under Gen eral Thomas; while the rear of the pro cession is closed by a long train of more than three hundred carts laden with fas cines and bundles of hay, and dragged by oxen. The bundles of hay are de signed for Dorchester neck, which is very low, and exposed to be raked by the en emy on one side, where accordingly they are to be laid to cover the Americans in passing and repassing. " Every man," says Gordon, who describes the whole af fair quaintly yet graphically, " knows his place and business. The covering-party, when upon the ground, divides; half goes to the point nearest to Boston, the other to that next to the castle. All possible silence is observed. But there is no oc casion to order the whips to be taken from the wagoners, lest their impatience and the difficulty of the roads should in duce them to make use of them, and oc casion an alarm. The whips used by the drivers of these ox-carts are not formed for making much noise, and can give no alarm at a distance. The men in driving REVOLUTIONARY.] AN ASSAULT 245 their oxen commonly make most noise with their voices ; and now a regard to their own safety dictates to them to speak to their cattle, as they move on, in a whis pering note. " There are no bad roads to require an exertion ; for the frost having been of long continuance, they are so hard frozen as to be quite good. The wind lies to carry what noise can not be avoided in driving the stakes, and picking against the ground (still frozen above eighteen inches deep in many places), into the har bor between the town and the castle, so that it can not be heard and regarded by any who do not suspect what is going on, especially as there is a continued cannon ade on both sides. Many of the carts make three trips, some four ; for a vast quantity of materials has been collected, especially chandeliers and fascines. " By ten o clock at night the troops have raised two forts, one upon each hill, sufficient to defend them from small-arms and grape-shot. The night is remarka bly mild; a finer for working could not have been selected out of the three hun dred and sixty-five. They continue work ing with the utmost diligence until re lieved at three o clock next morning. It is so hazy below the heights, that the men can not be seen, though it is a bright moonlight night above on the hills. " It is some time after daybreak before the ministerialists in Boston can clearly discern the new-erected forts. They loom to great advantage, and are thought to be much larger than is really the case. General Howe is astonished upon seeing what has been done ; scratches his head, and is heard to say: I know nci: what I shall do ; the rebels have done more in one night than my whole army would have done in months ! " Washington felt confident that this movement of his troops would bring on an attack from the enemy ; and he pre pared in case of this event which he not only supposed probable, but eagerly hoped for to make an assault, while the British should be engaged in the direc tion of Dorchester heights, on another part of Boston to the west. He had ac cordingly ordered four thousand picked troops to be in readiness to embark on forty-five batteaux which had been pre pared for the purpose, and were moored at the mouth of Charles river, under the cover of two floating batteries. These troops were formed in two divisions : General Sullivan leads the first, General Greene the second ; and all are under the general command of Putnam. The whole plan of defence and offence has been settled by Washington. Every movement of the enemy is watched : from the hills, which command a view of Bos ton, the officers can observe with their glasses everything that takes place in the city which lies below them. Proper sig nals are arranged, by which intelligence can be rapidly communicated from height to height from Dorchester to Roxbury, and from Roxbury to Cambridge. The boats being prepared, and the troops in readiness to embark, Washington is on the alert, when the enemy attack the American position on Dorchester heights, and are defeated, to signalize to Putnam to send his four thousand men across from 246 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART 11. Cambridge to assault the city, while the British are in a state of confusion from their expected repulse. All is hurry and bustle in Boston. Gen eral Howe is collecting all the ladders in town, and having them cut to the proper length for scaling. A large body of troops is drawn up by the water-side ; and the transportrvessels are weighing their an chors, in readiness to receive them. The men finally embark ; an observer reports that most look pale and dejected, and some are heard to say, with a sad pre sentiment, "It will be another Bunker s- hill affair, or worse !" while others, in a spirit of bravado, talk of how they intend " to serve the rebels." The gallant Lord Percy commands the force, and all seems read} for the attack. The Americans, as they behold this movement of the British troops, clap their hands for joy, and " wish March 5. J n J > them to come on. Washington is on the heights, and says to those about him, " Remember it is the 5th of March, and avenge the death of your brethren !" "What says the general ?" eagerly in quire those who had not distinctly heard his words. " Remember it is the 5th of March, and avenge the death of your brethren !" is repeated in answer, and passed rapidly from man to man, until the whole body of troops is aroused to martial excitement, as by an electric flash. Crowds of people gather upon the sur rounding hills, and with hushed lips and beating hearts fearfully await the com ing struggle. They wait and wait un til the evening, straining their eyes to catch, if possible, through the gathering darkness, the approach of the enemy. Night closes; the tide ebbs; the struggle is put off until another day ; the specta tors go homeward, with sad expectations of the morrow. Mrs. Adams is amon^ O these anxious beholders, and on return ing home, before retiring for the night, writes a hurried note to her absent hus band : " I have just returned," she says, " from Penn s hill, where I have been sit ting to hear the amazing roar of cannon, and from whence I could see every shell which was thrown. The sound, I think, is one of the grandest in nature, and is of the true species of the sublime. Tis now an incessant roar; but oh, the fatal ideas which are connected with the sound ! How many of our dear countrymen must fall !" She goes to bed, but not to sleep, for she writes on the following morning : " I went to bed about twelve, and rose again a little after one. I could no more sleep than if I had been in the engage ment; the rattling of the windows, the jar of the house, the continual roar of twenty-four pounders, and the bursting of shells, give us such ideas, and realize a scene to us of which we could scarcely form any conception." The troops continue their work, while the whole camp is on the alert for the call of duty at any moment. The bom bardment goes on from both sides during the whole night. The British transports and floating batteries are hauled out in the night, to be in readiness for the de barkation of the troops on the next day; but, in attempting to make their way to Castle William, their rendezvous, the wind REVOLUTIONARY.] EVACUATION OF BOSTON RESOLVED UPON. 247 proves unfavorable, and blows with such a gale, that three of the vessels are driven ashore, and the rest are obliged to return. The gale increases to a storm which rages all the night and next day, while torrents of rain keep pouring down. The attack is postponed once more ; for, with the vio lence of the wind, and the heavy surf beating against the shore, it is in vain to attempt to land the troops. In the meantime, the Americans con tinued to strengthen their fortifications. The quartermaster-general, Mifflin, who had the supervision of the work, was in defatigable in his exertions. Having brought upon the ground the buildings already framed, he had the men in three days under the cover of fairly comfortable barracks. Moreover, he ingeniously de vised a new species of arms, which prom ised to prove of great effect. These were barrels filled with stones, gravel, and sand, and placed round the works in readiness to be rolled down against the enemy, in order to break their ranks and legs, if they should venture to attempt to ad vance up the hill. Another day passes, and the weather continuing unfavorable the British still hold back ; and, finally, giving up all hopes of dislodging the pa triots from their now formidable position on Dorchester heights, they determine to evacuate Boston. Howe had no other alternative. The last spirited and effect ual movement of the Americans, favored by the weather, so propitious to them and so fatal to their enemy, had made the town untenable. The admiral had told Howe that, if the Americans contin- Marcli 6, ued in possession of the heights of Dor chester, not one of his majesty s ships could be kept in the harbor; and Howe was now forced to admit that his enemy was too formidable to be dislodged. The British army, thus hemmed in, was use less for offence, and would soon be inca pable of defence ; the fleet, thus exposed, was in hourly danger, and could only save itself by sailing away. Howe had long been in favor of remo ving the scene of hostilities from Boston to New York, but had never expressed a doubt of the safety of his army in its present position. He had, in fact, in his despatch to the British government, de clared, " We are not under the least ap prehension of an attack upon this place from the rebels, by surprise or otherwise." So far was he from having any fears on that score, that he expresses the wish that " they would attempt so rash a step, and quit those strong intrenchments to which they may attribute their present safety." He had felt perfectly secure, and had de termined to take his own good time, when the spring had fairly advanced, and rein forcements had come in from Great Brit ain, in shifting the scene of war from Mas sachusetts to a southern province. On the morning when those works on Dor chester heights which had been raised in a single night, " with an expedition," as a British officer wrote, " equal to that of the genii belonging to Aladdin s won derful lamp" struck the astonished eyes of Howe, he felt for the first some "ap prehension" of the "rebels." When, more over, Nature herself seemed to join the Americans, and he was baffled by the 248 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART n winds and storms in his only hope of tri umph, he wisely submitted to his misfor- t une, and judiciously giving up all thought of victory, sought only a means of escape. Great preparations were now made in Boston, evidently for departure. The transports were preparing for sea with the utmost expedition. There was the greatest movement and confusion among the troops. Night and day they were hurrying down their cannon, ammunition, and stores, to the wharves. Such was the haste with which they were loading the vessels, that no time was taken to make even a memorandum of what was put on board. The carpenters were hard at work on the transports, fitting up bunks for the soldiers and cabins for the officers, and there was everywhere proof of an early intention on the part of the British to escape from Boston. Intelligence of Howe s resolution was now conveyed to the American camp, in a manner which, although not directly official, could leave no doubt of the fact. A flag of truce came out from the enemy, with a letter, which was received by Colo nel Learned, in command of the advance post at Roxbury. This communication, being taken to headquarters, was there opened by Washington, for whom it was evidently intended, although not so ad dressed. Here is the letter : "BOSTON, 8th March, 1776. "As his excellency General Howe is determined to leave the town, with the troops under his command, a number of the respectable inhabitants being very anxious for its preservation and safety, have applied to General Robertson for this purpose, who at their request has communicated the same to his excellen cy General Howe, who has assured him that he has no intention of destroying the town, unless the troops under his com mand are molested during their embarka tion, or at their departure, by the armed force without ; which declaration he gave General Robertson leave to communicate to the inhabitants. If such an opposition should take place, we have the greatest reason to expect the town will be exposed to entire destruction. Our fears are qui eted with regard to General Howe s in tentions. We beg we may have some assurance that so dreadful a calamity may not be brought on by any measures with out. As a testimony of the truth above, we have signed our names to this paper, carried out by Messrs. Thomas and Jona than Amory and Peter Johannot, who have, at the earnest entreaties of the in habitants, through the lieutenant-govern or, solicited a flag of truce for the pur pose. "JOHN SCOLLAY, "TIMOTHY NEWELL, " THOMAS MARSHALL, " SAMUEL AUSTIN." Howe had succeeded in frightening the inhabitants by his threat to burn the town in case of his being assaulted by Wash ington s troops, and effected the object he is said to have intended. His pride is supposed to have revolted at making terms of capitulation directly with the " rebel" leader ; and at the same time, be ing conscious how much he was at the mercy of his enemy, he was desirous of securing conditions of safety to his army. The citizens of Boston, as was expected, KISVOIMJTrOXARY.] NO ATTACK NO FIRE. 249 took the alarm, and, by writing the letter, did as was hoped and probably suggested. Washington, on receiving the commu nication, called together such of the gen eral officers as he could immediately as semble, and with their advice determined not to answer it, as it was not addressed to him, nor signed or authenticated by General Howe. It was, however, thought proper to direct Colonel Learned, to whom the letter had been first presented, to an swer it thus : ROXBURY, March 9, 1776. " GENTLEMEN : Agreeably to a promise made to you at the lines yesterday, I waited upon his excellency General Wash ington, and presented to him the paper handed to me by you, from the selectmen of Boston. The answer I received from him was to this effect: that as it was an unauthenticated paper, without an ad dress, and not obligatory upon General Howe, he would take no notice of it. I am, with esteem and respect, gentlemen, your most obedient servant, "EBENEZER LEARNED. "To MESSRS. AMOIIY AND JOHANXOT." Somehow or other, the object of the letter was obtained, through a tacit un derstanding between the two general;?, although each dodged the responsibility of committing himself to a written agree ment. "General Washington," writes a chronicler of the time, brought himself under no obligation ; but expressed him self in words which admitted of a favora ble construction, and intimated his good wishes for the towns-people." General Howe probably never thought seriously of burning the city. His preparations for 32 departure were such as to indicate no such intention. Washington himself had come to that conclusion ; for he infers, " from the destruction they are making of sundry pieces of furniture, of many of their wagons, carts, &c., which they can not take with them," that there is no de sign to burn the city, for in that case the whole might have been destroyed togeth er. At any rate, Washington did not at tack, and Howe did not burn. The Americans, however, went on with their works, and now attempted to take possession of Nook s hill, which was still nearer Boston than Dorchester heights, and completely commanded the town. Washington sent out during the . March 8, night a strong force to raise a redoubt, and establish a position there. On reaching the height, however, some of the men imprudently lighted a fire, which alarmed the British, and drew from their ships a heavy cannonade, which, al though well returned by the American batteries, was so severe, that the patriots were forced to retire. The camp and the whole country round were kept in a state of anxious excitement by the incessant firing throughout the night. Mrs. Adams is again on the alert with her ever-ready pen, and writes to her husband on Sun day evening, March 10: "A most terrible and incessant cannonade from half-after eight till six this morning. I hear we lost four men killed, and some wounded, in attempting to take the hill nearest to the town, called Nook s hill. We did some work, but the fire from the ships beat off our men, so that they did not secure it, but retired to the fort on the other hill." 250 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART n. CHAPTER XV. * General Howe s Proclamation. Crean Brush, Esquire. His Proceedings. Impatience of Howe to depart. The Licence of Sailors and Soldiers. Howe threatens. Offers Rewards. Washington hastens the Departure of the British by another and Successful Attempt on Nook s Hill. The Result. The British depart. The Inhabitants of Boston. Alarms of Fire. The Precipitate Hurry of the Enemy. The Tories anxious to get away. Many of them unable to escape. The Patriot Army enters Boston. Appearance of the City. Washington s Letters to his Brother and John Hancock. The Small-Pox. General Heath sent with a Detachment to New York. The Puzzling Movements of the British Fleet. It sails at last. The Joy of the Enemy at getting away. Tribute of Honor to Washington. The Evacuation of Boston. How received in England. 1776. Mar. 10. THE attempt on Nook s hill, al though temporarily unsuccessful, served to hasten the preparations for de parture of the British. General Howe issued a proclamation, which was addressed to Crean Brush, Es quire, an inveterate tory of New York, who had become notorious as an impor tunate adviser and an active and insolent agent of British tyranny. The procla mation was printed in the form of a hand bill, and was circulated throughout the city. These are its words : "Sin: I am informed there are large quantities of goods in the town of Bos ton, which, if in possession of the rebels, would enable them to carry on war. And whereas I have given notice to all loyal inhabitants to remove such goods from hence, and that all who do not remove them, or deliver them to your care, will be considered as abettors of rebels, You are hereby authorized and required to take into your possession all such goods as answer this description, and give cer tificates to the owners that you have re ceived them for their use, and will deliv er them to the owners order, unavoidable accidents excepted. And you are to make inquiry if any such goods be se creted or left in stores ; and you are to seize all such and put them on board the Minerva ship or the brigantine Elizabeth. " Given under my hand, at headquar ters, Boston, this 10th day of March, 1776. " W. HOWE, Com. Chief. " To CREAN BRUSH, Esquire." This order was interpreted by Crean Brush, Esquire, with all the liberality of insolence for which he was notorious. Va rious shops, belonging to persons in the country were broken open, and all goods of whatever sort or kind (although Howe had more particularly specified, in one of his orders, linens and woollens) were ta ken out and put on board ship, to be car ried away. Brush was not content with despoiling the absent, but, growing more audacious, in the confusion of the ap proaching departure of the troops, he be gan to strip the shops of all their goods, in the very face of the owners who were in town ! Under this apparent official sanction, the soldiers and sailors went about plundering and committing depre dations. Shops, stores, and dwelling- houses, were entered by these ruthless robbers, who destroyed what they could REVOLUTIONARY.] NOOK S HILL TAKEN. 251 not carry away. Howe strove to check the villains by proclamations and or ders ; but, although he threatened the guilty with death, they continued their pillage. The British commander was now evi dently impatient to depart. The streets were barricaded in different parts of the town, and proclamation was made by the crier for every inhabitant to keep to his house from eleven o clock in the morning till night, that there might be no interference with the troops, who were now disposed in readiness for em barkation. The wind, however, being unfavorable for the ships, the departure was postponed, and the troops sent back to their quarters. The soldiers thus de tained were thrown loose from their or dinary discipline, and had "little else to study but mischief, which they practised to a great degree, by breaking open stores and tossing the contents, being private property, into the dock ; destroying the furniture of every house they could get into, and otherwise committing every kind of wantonness which disappointed malice could suggest." The naval depart ment acted in ready concert of licentious ness with the military, and sailors landed in gangs from the ships of war (led, it was said, by officers), and went about the city, rifling and destroying everything within their reach. Howe continued by procla mation to threaten the rogues with hang ing, but with little or no effect. He proved his anxious loyalty by securing safety to its appurtenances, by the more effective system of pecuniary awards: he offered fifty pounds sterling for the con- Mar, 13. Mar, 16. viction of any one found cutting or de facing the king s or queen s picture hang ing in the townhouse, which had already been entered and somewhat damaged by his lawless soldiers. These delays of the British in evacua ting Boston were a disappointment to Washington, as he fully expected that he would have got rid of them before. He was now well per suaded of their intention of going, as all their movements indicated it ; but he felt that it was necessary to continue on his guard, lest after all it should prove a feint to deceive him. He resolved, with the advice of his council, to precipitate Howe s movements, by making another attempt on Nook s hill. A strong force was ac cordingly detached for this pur pose; and it succeeded in taking possession, erecting a breastwork, and holding that important post, in spite of a sharp cannonade from the enemy. This successful movement of the Amer icans was what " the king s troops had most fearfully dreaded," as Nook s hill gave Washington the entire command of Boston neck and the south end of the town. The British commander now no longer hesitated, and began to embark his troops as early as two o clock on the next morning (Sunday), and had every man on board and the ships under sail before ten. The whole number of soldiers thus hastily shipped amounted to seven thousand five hundred and sev enty-five. These, with the sailors and marines, made up the entire available force of the British, to the number of about ten thousand. Mar. 17. 252 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART 11. So soon as the last red-coat disappeared, the inhabitants hurried out of their dwel lings and began anxiously to seek for any lurking evidences of fire. Combustibles, so placed as to indicate a design of burn ing the town, were found in some of the houses. These preparations had proba bly been made to carry out the threat of Howe, in case of being fired upon during embarkation. The Americans, however, did not fire a shot. " Our troops," wrote an English officer, " did not receive the smallest molestation, though the rebels were all night at work on the near hill ...and we kept a constant fire upon them from a battery of twenty-four pounders. They did not return a single shot. It was lucky for the inhabitants now left in Boston they did not ; for I am informed everything was prepared to set the town in a blaze, had they fired one cannon." The hurry of the retreat is shown by this graphic letter of another British offi cer : " Our not being burdened with pro visions, permitted us to save some stores and ammunition, the light fieldpieces and such things as were most convenient of carriage. The rest, I am sorry to say, we were obliged to leave behind; such of the guns as, by dismounting, we could throw into the sea, was so done. The carriages were disabled, and every precau tion taken that our circumstances \vould permit; for our retreat was by agreement. The people of the town who were friends to government, took care of nothing but their merchandise, and found means to employ the men belonging to the tran sports in embarking their goods, so that several of the vessels were entirely filled with private property, instead of the king s stores. By some unaccountable ac cident, the medicines, surgeons chests, instruments, and necessaries, were left in the hospital. The confusion unavoidable to such a disaster will make you conceive how much must be forgot, where every man had a private concern. The neces sary care and distress of the women, chil dren, sick, and wounded, required every assistance that could be given. It was not like breaking up a camp, where every man knows his duty; it was like depart ing your country with your wives, your servants, your household furniture, and all your incumbrances. The officers, who felt the disgrace of their retreat, did their utmost to keep up appearances. The men, who thought they were changing for the better, strove to take advantage of the present times, and were kept from plunder and drink with difficulty ."* The departure of the British from Bos ton had been so sudden and unexpected, that there had not been provided a suffi cient number of vessels, properly appoint ed, for carrying away the fugitives. In addition to the troops, there were nearly a thousand of the inhabitants who were either so attached to the royal cause that they preferred to go, or who were so far suspected of tory principles that they did not think it prudent to remain. These greatly encumbered the transports with their numbers, and their plunder and ef fects. The ships, too, had been hurried away so quickly, that many of them were quite unfit for sea. Some had hauled out even before their yards, booms, and bow- * Remembrancer, vol. iii., p. 108 ; quoted by Irving. HEVOLU-nONARY.] THE PROVINCIALS ENTER BOSTON. sprits, had been bent ; and the fleet was now supposed to be delaying, in the Nan- tasket roads, where it had come to an chor, in consequence of not being in a fit condition to sail, particularly at a season when the equinoctial gale was hourly to be expected. As soon as the British troops had left Bunker s hill, and were observed passing in crowds to the ships at anchor below the castle, the continental forces were drawn out in parade. Several regiments, under the command of Putnam, then em barked immediately in boats, and went down the river; while two men were sent in advance to Bunker s hill, to reconnoi tre that position and report upon its con dition. As the latter approached, they were surprised to find the British sentries still at their posts; but, advancing cau tiously till they came close to the works, they discovered that the supposed sol diers on guard were merely wooden men, with muskets on their shoulders, which the enemy had put up there, to conceal the moment of their departure, and thus guard themselves against an attack du ring their flight. The two Americans, finding the fort entirely deserted, made a signal to the camp, and a detachment of soldiers was immediately ordered to take possession. The troops which sailed down the river had in the meantime landed at Sewall s point, where, learning that all the British had left Boston, a portion of them entered to take possession, and the main body re turned to Cambridge. At the same time, General Ward with about five hundred troops, under the immediate command of Colonel Learned who unbarred and opened the gates entered Boston from the Roxbury quarter. On their way over the Neck, the men picked up numbers of crowfeet, which had been scattered there by the enemy. The "crowfoot" is an iron instrument, consisting of a round ball with spikes, so arranged that it will wound the step of horse or man in whatever manner it may be thrown. Everything in Boston showed the pre cipitation with which the British had de parted. Their barracks and other works on Bunker s hill, although of wood, were all left standing, while but a small part of their lines was destroyed. Some two hundred and fifty cannon, among them a very large iron mortar, had been left behind, and one piece of artillery was thrown into the water from the end of the wharf. Some thirty thousand pounds of powder, twenty-five hundred chaldrons of sea-coal, twenty-five thousand bushels of wheat, twenty-three hundred bushels of barley, six hundred bushels of oats, a hundred jars of oil, and a hundred and fifty horses, were among the stores left by the British in their haste to get away. Washington, in a letter to his brother, says: "The enemy left all their works standing in Boston and on Bunker s hill; and formidable they are. The town has shared a much better fate than was ex pected, the damage done to the houses being nothing equal to report. But the inhabitants have suffered a good deal in being plundered by the soldiery at their departure. All those who took upon themselves the style and title of govern ment-men in Boston, in short all those 254 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART n who have acted an unfriendly part in this great contest, have shipped themselves off in the same hurry, but under still greater disadvantage than the king s troops, be ing obliged to man their own vessels, as seamen enough could not be had for the king s transports, and submit to every hardship that can be conceived. One or two have done, what a great number ought to have done long ago, committed suicide. By all accounts, there never ex isted a more miserable set of beings than these wretched creatures now are : taught to believe that the power of Great Brit ain was superior to all opposition, and, if not, that foreign aid was at hand, they were even higher and more insulting in their opposition than the regulars. When the order issued, therefore, for the em barking the troops in Boston, no electric shock, no sudden explosion of thunder, in a word, not the last trump, could have struck them with greater consternation. They were at their wits end, and, con scious of their black ingratitude, they chose to commit themselves, in the man ner I have above described, to the mercy of the waves at a tempestuous season, rather than meet their oifended country men." Washington, in his letter to John Han cock, the president of Congress, was en abled to say: "I have a particular pleas ure in being able to inform you, sir, that your house has received no damage worth mentioning. Your furniture is in toler able order, and the family pictures are all left entire and untouched." This was a fortunate result, which Hancock well merited for his patriotic readiness of self- sacrifice, when, in communicating the re solve of Congress (December 22), author izing Washington to make an assault up on the enemy, "notwithstanding the town and property in it might be destroyed," he had written : " May God crown your attempt with success ! I most heartily wish it, though I may be the greatest suf ferer." The small-pox was prevailing with se verity in several parts of Boston, and ac cordingly Washington, to prevent the spread of the infection, forbade any one to enter the town without a pass, which was given but to few, except those who had had the disease, or been protected by inoculation. A great many, however, who were from inland places, and had never been in a seaport, were so far ex cited by the natural curiosity of rustics to see " the great town of Boston," that they did not hesitate to resort to tricks and fraud in order to gain admission. "The thought of being liable to catch the distemper would have terrified them in the highest degree a little while back ; but to gratify a different passion they suppressed their fears, which might oper ate for the preventing of their taking the infection. The works of the enemy nat urally engaged their attention. These, by judicious persons who have surveyed them, are acknowledged to be excellent, and every one is convinced that it would have been a most hazardous attempt to have endeavored forcing them." Washington, believing the scene of war was to be shifted to New York, sent five regiments and some artille- ry there, under the command of REVOLUTIONARY.] BRITISH FLEET SAILS. 255 General Heath, and moved his main body into Boston. On the next day he issued a proclamation, enjoining mutual good feeling and treatment on the part of the soldiers and citizens ; and soon a concourse of people from the coun try came crowding into the town, " full of friendly solicitude." Then were wit nessed " the tender interviews and fond embraces of those who had been long separated under circumstances so pecu liarly distressing." The British fleet, after having, by fire and powder, destroyed the works on Cas tle William, dropped down, and lingered for ten days in Nantasket roads. In the .meantime, Washington was kept quite anxious by its movements. " The ene my," he says, " have the best knack at puzzling people I ever met with in my life. They have blown up, burnt, and de molished the castle totally, and are now all in Nantasket road. They have been there ever since Wednesday. What they are doing, the Lord knows." After spec ulating upon various supposed causes of the enemy s delay, Washington adds : " My opinion of the matter is, that they want to retrieve their disgrace before they go off, and I think a favorable op portunity presents itself to them. They have now got their whole force into one collected body, and no posts to guard. We have detached six regiments to New York, and have many points to look to ; and, on Monday next, ten regiments of militia, which were brought in to serve till the first of April, will be disengaged. From former experience, we have found it as practicable to stop a torrent as these people, when their time is up. If this should be the case now, what more favor able opening can the enemy wish for, to make a push upon our lines, nay upon the back of our lines at Roxbury, as they can land two miles from there, and pass behind ? I am under more apprehension from them now than ever, and am taking every precaution I can to guard against the evil ; but we have a kind of people to deal with who will not fear danger till the bayonet is at their breast, and then they are susceptible enough of it." Washington went on preparing for the worst, by fortifying ; and when he had made considerable progress with his works on the commanding position of Fort hill, he had the satisfaction of finding the ene my gone. The fleet finally sailed, with the exception of a few cruisers, which were left for the protec tion of any British vessels which might arrive off the New-England coast with supplies for the British troops. The de lay in the harbor seemed to have greatly vexed the patience of some of the Eng lish officers : "We were," writes one, "can nonaded fourteen days by the provincial army, and, at last, after many losses, em barked on board several vessels, and are got thus far. We do not know where we are going, but are in great distress.... I wish I was with you." "Our men have suffered," writes another, who, better in formed, knew where he was going. " We have one consolation left. You know the proverbial expression, Neither Hell, Hull, nor Halifax, can afford worse shelter than Boston. To fresh provision I have, for many months, been an utter stranger. Mar, 27, 256 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART n. An egg was a rarity. Yet I submit. A soldier may mention grievances, though he should scorn to repine when he suffers them. The next letter from Halifax." Halifax, in fact, was the destination of the fleet, and not New York, as Washing ton supposed. The evacuation of Boston by the Brit ish was hailed throughout the colonies as a great triumph for the American cause, and Washington received congratulations from all quarters on his success, and flat tering testimonials to his skilful conduct of the siege. First came the selectmen of Boston, with an address ; then a long and flattering testimonial from the coun cil and house of representatives of Massa chusetts ; and finally from Congress a vote of thanks moved by John Adams, and this letter, drawn up by him, John Jay, and Stephen Hopkins : PHILADELPHIA, April 2, 1776. " Sir : It gives me the most sensible pleasure to convey to you, by order of Congress, the only tribute which a free people will ever consent to pay the tribute of thanks and gratitude to their friends and benefactors. " The disinterested and patriotic prin ciples which led you to the field have also led you to glory; and it affords no little consolation to your countrymen to reflect that, as a peculiar greatness of mind in duced you to decline any compensation for serving them, except the pleasure of promoting their happiness, they may, without your permission, bestow upon you the largest share of their affection and esteem. " Those pages in the annals of America will record your title to a conspicuous place in the temple of fame, which shall inform posterity that, under your direc tions, an undisciplined band of husband men, in the course of a few months, be came soldiers ; and that the desolation meditated against the country by a brave army of veterans, commanded by the most experienced generals, but employed by bad men, in the worst of causes, was by the fortitude of your troops, and the address of their officers, next to the kind interposition of Providence, confined for near a year within such narrow limits as scarcely to admit more room than was necessary for the encampments and for tifications they lately abandoned. " Accept, therefore, sir, the thanks of the united colonies, unanimously declared by their delegates to be due to you, and the brave officers and troops under your command ; and be pleased to communi cate to them this distinguished mark of the approbation of their country. " The Congress have ordered a golden medal,* adapted to the occasion, to be struck, and when finished to be presented to you. "I have the honor to be, with every sentiment of esteem, sir, your most obe dient and very humble servant, " JOHN HANCOCK, President" * "The medal, which was struck in Paris, contains on the obverse a head of Washington in profile, exhibiting an excellent likeness, and around it the inscription : Georgio Washington supremo duci exercituum adsertori libertatis comitia Americana. On the reverse is the town of Boston in the distance, with a fleet in view under sail. Washington and his officers are on horseback in the foreground, and he is pointing to the ships as they depart from the harbor. The inscription is : Hostibus primo fugatis Bostonium re- cuperatum xvii. Martii, MDCCLXXVI." SPARKS. REVOLUTIONARY.] AN ENGLISH DUKE APPLAUDS THE PATRIOTS. 257 Private individuals no less than public bodies too 1 , occasion to congratulate and compliment Washington upon his tri umph. "I congratulate you," wrote John Adams, " as well as all the friends of man kind, on the reduction of Boston ; an event which appeared to me of so great and decisive importance, that, the next morning after the arrival of the news, I did myself the honor to move for the thanks of Congress to your excellency, and that a medal of gold should be struck in commemoration of it." Eldridge Ger ry declared, " I am at a loss to know how Great Britain will reconcile all this to her military glory." The intelligence of the evacuation of Boston was received in England with a feeling of such surprise that few would believe it true. There were those, how ever, who were well aware of the fact, and the duke of Manchester, in a remark able speech in the house of lords, showed that he was not only fully informed of the circumstances of the flight from Bos ton, but conscious how much they les sened the prestige of Great Britain and brightened the fame and hopes of the colonies. " To come now, my lords," said the duke, "to that which has cast the deepest stain on the glory of the British arms, to that which must rouse the indig nation of all who feel for her disgrace ; the arnry of Britain, equipped with every possible essential of war, a chosen army, 33 with chosen officers, backed by the power of a mighty fleet, sent to correct revolted subjects, sent to chastise a resisting city, sent to assert Britain s authority, has for many tedious months been imprisoned within that town by the provincial army, who, their watchful guards, permitted them no inlet to the country, who braved all their efforts, and defied all that their skill and abilities in war could ever at- tempt. One way, indeed, of escape is left ; the fleet is still respected ; to the fleet the army has recourse ; and British generals, whose names never met with a blot of dishonor, are forced to quit that town, which was the first object of the war, the. immediate cause of hostilities, the place of arms, which has cost this na tion more than a million to defend. We are informed of this extraordinary event by a gazette, published by authority from government, in which it is related that General Howe had quitted Boston ; no circumstances mentioned to palliate the event, no veil but that of silence to cast over the disgrace. But, my lords, though the government account is short and 1111- circumstaiitial,yet private intelligence and public report, on which, till it is with au thenticity denied, I must rely, informs us that General Howe quitted not Boston of his own free will ; but that a superior enemy by repeated efforts, by extraordi nary works, by the fire of their batteries^ rendered the place untenable." 258 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART n CHAPTER XVI. Washington still perplexed about the Enemy s Movements. Another Command proposed for Lee. Canada first pro posed. Finally the South. Lee goes to Virginia. Lord Stirling left in Command at New York. His Life and Char acter. Sterling continues the Works at New York and on Long Island. Washington resolves upon going to New York. General Thomas appointed to the Command of the American Troops in Canada. Arnold before Quebec. General Wooster arrives at last. The Small-Pox among the Troops. Thomas, anxious to do something, sends down the St. Lawrence a Fire-Ship. Failure. Retreat. Carleton sallies out. His Success. Death of Thomas. The Canadians less favorably disposed toward the Cause of the Patriots. Washington s Solicitations about Canada. Schuyler censured. His Character. Unpopular with the New Englandcrs. Why ? Defended by Washington. Schuyler justifies himself. His life. Mar, 27, WASHINGTON was perplexed about the destination of the British fleet. " Whither they are bound and where they will next pitch their tents I know not," he says, but bolieving that New York was to be the place he ordered the main body of his army there, and determined soon to fol low himself. General Lee, it will be remembered, had with his usual energy repressed the mischie vous machinations of the tories, and driven by his military operations, Governor Try- on and the enemy s ships from the North river to the safer distance of the bay, where they were now moored off Staten island. Congress had other occupation in view for L ee, and ordered him to take the command in Canada. These orders were hardly giv en, however, when they were changed, and it was resolved to send Lee to the South. He would have preferred the Canadian command, as he thought himself, from the fact that he was the only general officer on the continent who could speak or think in French, the best adapted for that quar ter. Washington seemed to be of the same opinion, and wrote to Lee, saying: " I was just about to congratulate you on your appointment to the command in Canada, when I received the account that your destination was altered. As a Vir ginian, I must rejoice at the change ; but as an American, I think you would have done more essential service to the com mon cause in Canada. For, besides the advantage of speaking and thinking in French, an officer who is acquainted with their manners and customs, and has trav elled in their country, must certainly take the strongest hold of their affection and confidence." Washington had a high opinion of Lee s capacity, but was not unconscious of his irritable and capricious temper. To his brother John Augustine, who remained at Mount Vernon, Wash ington writes: "General Lee, I suppose, is with you before this. He is the first officer, in military knowledge and expe rience, we have in the whole army. He is zealously attached to the cause, honest and well-meaning, but rather fickle and violent, I fear, in his temper. However, as he possesses an uncommon share of good sense and spirit, I congratulate my countrymen (Virginians) upon his ap pointment to that department." REVOLUTIONARY.] HIS LORDSHIP OF STIRLING. 259 Lee accordingly proceeded to Virginia, . and soon after his arrival, in an swer to a letter he had received from Washington at Boston, giving an account of his success there ; wrote : " I must sincerely congratulate you, I con gratulate the public on the great and glorious event, your possession of Boston. It will be a most bright page in the an nals of America, and a most abominably black one in those of the beldam Britain. Go on, my dear general, crown yourself with glory, and establish the liberties and lustre of your country on a foundation more permanent than the capitol rock." What he says of himself in the same let ter, does not seem so satisfactory, and is stated in his usual half-humorous, half- discontented tone : " My situation is just as I expected. I am afraid I shall make a shabby figure, without any real demerits of my own. I am like a dog in a dancing school. I know not where to turn my self, where to fix myself. The circum stances of the country intersected by navigable rivers, the uncertainty of the enemy s designs and motions, who can fly in an instant to any spot they choose with their canvass wings, throw me, and would throw Julius Cesar, into this inevitable dilemma, I may possibly be in the north, when, as Richard says, I should serve my sovereign in the west. I can only act from surmise, and I have a very good chance of surmising; wrong;. I am sorrv O O */ to grate your ears with a truth, but must at all events assure you, that the provin cial Congress of New York are angels of decision when compared with your coun trymen, the committee of safety assem bled at Williamsburgh. Page, Lee, Mer cer, and Payne are indeed exceptions ; but from Pendleton, Bland, the treasurer, and Company, libera nos domine" When Lee departed for the South, Lord Stirling was left in command of the troops at New York. William Alexander was the genuine name of his "lordship," but he was always called Lord Stirling by the Americans, probably to compensate him for the obstinate resistance to his claim in Great Britain, where he had made an unsuccessful effort for a recognition of his title as earl. He was a great stickler for the lordship. On one occasion being present at the execution of a soldier for desertion, the criminal repeatedly cried out, "the Lord have mercy on me;" his lordship, with warmth, exclaimed, " I wont, you rascal, I wont have mercy on you."* His father was a Scotchman who had gone to America to escape the consequences of having engaged in the unsuccessful rebellion in behalf of the Pretender in 1715. He settled in New York where he married the daughter of a fortunate speculator called "Ready-money Provost," and where his son William was born in 1726. The youth had an early inclina tion for war, and volunteering for the French and Indian campaign, served as aid-de-camp to General Shirley. Subse quently, visiting England, he laid his claim to the earldom of Stirling before the house of lords, and upon its not being allowed, he returned to America, where his rights to the "lordship" were always afterward recognised by courtesy. He now married the daughter of Philip Liv * Thacher. 260 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PAKT II. ingston, the " second lord of the manor," and building " a fine mansion" in New Jersey, went to live there. On the break ing out of the difficulties with Great Brit ain, Lord Stirling joined the popular cause, and after being appointed colonel of the first battalion of New Jersey militia, was finally promoted by Congress to the rank of brigadier-general. Lee spoke of him as " Alexander pas le grand, mais le gros" Stirling being now in command of some twenty-five hundred men, and continuing to carry into execution the plans of defence for New York and Long island which had been formed by General Lee, awaited the arrival of the main body of the army. Washington having sent most of his troops in two large detachments, the first under the immediate command of Brigadier- General Heath, and the second under Brigadier-General Sullivan, ordered Gen eral Putnam to New York, to assume the general command, and to pro ceed " to execute the plan pro posed by Major-General Lee for fortifying the city and securing the passes of the East and North rivers." Washington himself did not propose yet to set out for a week or more. While Washington had determined to proceed to New York, and Lee had been sent to Virginia to meet the expected operations of the enemy in those quar ters, Congress was not unmindful of the important interests at risk in the North. General Thomas was accordingly ap pointed to take command of the Ameri can troops in Canada, where we left them, as will be recollected, after the repulse of their assault upon Quebec, encamped Mar, 29, within three miles of the walls of the city, apparently for the winter. Arnold s small force having received some additions from a few straggling soldiers who, in spite of the severity of the season and the hardships of a long journey through the snow and over the frozen rivers, had succeeded in making their way to the camp, the Americans were enabled to hold their ground, and do something, by means of their ice-bat teries, in keeping up the show of a siege. Sir Guy Carleton kept within his walls and showed a degree of caution that could only be attributed to the distrust of his own people, whose loyalty was somewhat dubious, and not to any dread of his ene my, whose aspect was by no means for midable. He seemed more desirous of exercising benevolence than hostility toward his opponents. He treated his prisoners with a kindness and generosity, so great, that no chronicler of the events of those days has failed to give his testi mony to the humanity of Governor Carle- ton. He sent out to the American camp for the clothes of those held captive in Quebec, and allowed their friends to send them money and such necessaries and luxuries as they might require. General Wooster passed the whole win ter in inactivity at Montreal, while Arnold was encamped before Quebec. He came at last as the spring opened, and brought such an addition to the American force as raised it to the ap parently respectable number of two thous and eight hundred and fifty-five ; but one third at least of these, were prostrate with small-pox. A girl, who was a nurse in April 1. REVOLUTIONAKY.] A SALLY FROM QUEBEC. 261 the hospital at Quebec, had some friends in the American camp, whom she came oat to visit, and was supposed thus to have brought the infection among the troops. The disease soon after broke out and began to spread, when many of the men inoculated themselves, and thus be came disabled for duty. On the arrival, however, of Wooster, in spite of the con dition of the troops, something was at tempted in the way of action, by cannon ading the enemy, and more vigorous measures, doubtless, would have followed, had not Arnold been disabled by an inju ry to his wounded leg from the fall of his horse. This accident, which kept him in bed for a fortnight, was a serious matter for the Americans, for without Arnold the soul of the enterprise was gone. With this misfortune, and with his spirit chafed at the conduct of Wooster who, being his superior in command, did not yield as readily to Arnold s imperiousness as he would have wished, Arnold asked leave of absence, which was granted, and he retired to Montreal. Wooster did nothing until the arrival of General Thomas to whom he yielded up the command. Thomas, on his arrival, was anxious to attempt something, and he therefore, as the St. Lawrence was free of ice, prepared a fire-ship. At the same time making ready his scaling-ladders, he drew up his forces with the view of mak ing an assault. The fire-ship was sent adrift at night, and floating with the flood- tide toward Quebec was supposed by the enemy at first to be a friendly vessel. As she neared, however, the shipping, her true character was discovered, and the May 1, batteries began to fire upon her. The crew on board finding that their purpose was discovered, lighted the train and took to their boats. The ship was soon in a blaze, but the sails taking fire, she lost her headway, and the tide beginning to ebb, she was carried down the river and the whole attempt failed. Next day, General Thomas, disappoint ed by the failure of his plan, and finding from the condition of his troops and the scarcity of provisions that it was use less to make an assault or to continue the siege, determined to retreat. When making preparations to carry out this purpose, the enemy received a reinforce ment by the arrival of a squadron from Great Britain with several hundred troops on board. Carleton, with this addition to his troops, sallied out and made an at tack upon the Americans who, in the con fusion of their retreat which had already begun, and being pressed by the enemy, were forced to fly precipitately and aban don their baggage, artillery, and stores. There were a great number of sick among the provincials, some of whom, with the small-pox full upon them, strove, ill as they were, to escape, while others gave themselves up at once to the assailants, and were treated by Carleton with his usual considerate kindness. The British did not continue the pur suit far, or they might have totally de stroyed the provincials. These, however, continued their flight, night and day, for a distance of forty-five miles. On reach ing the mouth of the Sorel they halted, and being reinforced by the arrival of several regiments, encamped there for 262 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART n. several days, during which period General Thomas, who had sickened with the small pox, died. As he had forbidden his troops, that they might not be disabled by their temporary illness, to b inoculated, he refused himself to take advantage of the only means then known of protection against the fatal disease, and thus became a sacrifice to the severity of military dis cipline. General Sullivan now succeeded to the command, superseding Wooster. Affairs in Canada were a source of great anxiety to all engaged in the Amer ican cause. The friendly disposition at one time evinced by the Canadians seems greatly to have changed. When General Montgomery first penetrated into the country, he readily obtained men, wag ons, and provisions; and when he was before Quebec, offers of service were made to him from a number of parishes, in the neighboring country. His death, how ever, added to other occurrences, had caused such a change in the disposition of the people, that, as an American offi cer wrote, " we no longer look upon them as friends, but, on the contrary, as waiting an opportunity to join our enemies." The clergy and landed proprietors had not been properly conciliated, and they be came unanimously opposed to the Amer ican cause, and even while Montreal was held by our troops, many of the inhabit ants of consequence were supposed to be carrying on a correspondence with Carle- ton at Quebec. "With respect to the better sort of people, both French and English," wrote the same officer just quoted, "seven eights are tories, who would wish to see our throats cut, and perhaps would readily assist in doing it." The Americans were to blame greatly for this result, for they not only neglected to conciliate the better classes, but had ill-used the peasantry. The inhabitants had been " dragooned at the point of the bayonet to supply wood for the garrison at a lower rate than the current price. For carriages and many other articles furnished, certificates had been given that were either not legible or without a sig nature, and the consequence was that on being presented they were rejected by the quartermaster-general." The people thus deceived became importunate in their claims, which being only met by vague promises, they concluded that their labor and property had been expended in vain, and had no longer faith in the united colonies, which they believed bank rupt. Washington shared in this so licitude about Canada, and wrote to Schuyler : " The commotions among the Canadians are alarming. I am afraid proper measures have not been taken to conciliate their affections; but rather that they have been insulted and injured, than which nothing could have a greater ten dency to ruin our cause in that country. For human nature is such, that it will ad here to the side from whence the best treat ment is received. I therefore conjure you, sir, to recommend the officers and soldiers in the strongest terms to treat all the inhabitants, Canadians, English. and savages, with tenderness and respect, paying them punctually for what they receive, or giving them such certificates as will enable them to receive their pay." REVOLUTION ART.] SCHUYLER VERSUS THE DEMOCRATS. 263 Congress, too, was so far impressed with ihe unfortunate state of affairs in Canada, and the necessity of a remedy, that it appointed Dr. Franklin. Samuel Chase, Charles Carroll of Carrollton, and the Rev. John Carroll, a Roman catholic priest, as commissioners to proceed to the North, with the view of investigating and remov ing grievances, and conciliating the Cana dian people. Everything seemed to be in such an ill condition, in regard to the military operations in Canada, as almost to justify the sweeping remark of a trav eller of those days, who, after descanting freely upon men and things in that quar ter, declared over his bottle to some Amer ican officers who were his chance com panions at an inn in Albany : " In short, gentlemen, we have commissioners there without provisions; quartermasters with out stores ; generals without troops ; and troops without discipline, by G d." General Schuyler was held responsible by many of the New Englanders for the disastrous condition of things at the North. " In a time of adversity," says Irving, who never fails to say a good word for Schuy ler, " it relieves the public mind to have some individual upon whom to charge its disasters. General Schuyler, at present, was to be the victim." He was charged with having neglected to send forward supplies and reinforcements to the troops in Canada, and even treason was hinted at by some of his enemies, in the bitter ness of their hostility. Schuyler was not a popular man with the New England officers, many of whom were of too coarse a mould to please his somewhat fastidious tastes. His own associations were aristo cratic, while theirs were of the true demo cratic stamp. . He was a stickler for the respect due to rank ; they, with a dispo sition to yield to popular majorities, made common cause with the ranks. He was re served and formal toward his inferiors; they, free and " hail fellows" with all, as they acknowledged no superiority. Schuy ler had the incidental circumstances of distinguished birth, and of refinement and wealth, to give him personal and so cial importance ; the New England officers were, for the most part, men of humble origin, of little education, and, when drawn from the field or the bench, had nothing but their military pay. He was a conventional gentleman ; they made no pretensions to anything beyond the rude simplicity of honest manners. Graydon, in his gossiping memoirs gives us, probably, a better insight than more dignified historians, into the true cause of Schuyler s unpopularity with the New Englanders. Graydon, then a young officer of a Pennsylvania regiment, had been appointed by Congress to carry a sum of money in specie to Schuyler. He arrives at Lake George, and gives this account of his visit to the general : " Though General Schuyler has been charged with such haughtiness of demean or, as to have induced the troops of New England to decline serving under his command, the reception we met with, was not merely courteous but kind. His quarters being contracted, a bed was pre pared for us in his own apartment, and we experienced civilities that were flat tering from an officer of his high rank. Though thoroughly the man of business, 264 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PAKT II. he was also a gentleman and a man of the world ; and well calculated to sustain the reputation of our army in the eyes of .the British officers (disposed to depre ciate it), as is evidenced by the account given by General Burgoyne of the man ner in which he was entertained by him at Albany. But that he should have been displeasing to the Yankees, I am not at all surprised : he certainly was at no pains to conceal the extreme contempt he felt for a set of officers, who were both a dis grace to their stations and the cause in which they acted ! Being yet a stranger to the character of these men, and the constitution of that part of our military force which in Pennsylvania was consid ered as the bulwark of the nation, I must confess my surprise at an incident which took place while at dinner. Beside the general, the members of his family, and ourselves, there were at table a lady and gentleman from Montreal. A New Eng land captain came in upon some business, with that abject servility of manner which belongs to persons of the meanest rank : he was neither asked to sit or take a glass of wine, and after announcing his message, was dismissed with that peevishness of tone we apply to a low and vexatious in truder. This man, in his proper sphere, might have been entitled to better treat ment; but when presuming to thrust him self into a situation, in which far other qualifications than his were required, and upon an occasion, too, which involved some of the most important of human interests, I am scarcely prepared to say it was unmerited." Schuyler, however, found a nobler ad vocate in Washington, who, on sending to him a letter containing charges against his conduct, accompanied by documents which had been received at headquarters from a committee of Kings county, wrote : " From these you will readily discover the diabolical and insiduous acts and schemes carrying on by the tories and friends of government, to raise distrust, dissensions, and divisions among us. Hav ing the utmost confidence in your integ rity, and the most incontestable proof of your great attachment to our common country and its interests, I could not but look upon the charge against you with an eye of disbelief, and seniiments of de testation and abhorrence ; nor should I have troubled you with the matter, had I not been informed that copies were sent to different committees and to Governor Trumbull, which I conceived would get abroad, and that you, should you find that I had been furnished with them, would consider my suppressing them as an evidence of my belief, or at best of my doubts, of the charges." On receiving this letter, Schuyler wrote to Washington, insisting upon a court of inquiry, and in the meantime some who had been ready to give credence to the charges, frankly acknowledged their sus picions unfounded, although there were others in whom the feeling against the New York general continued to rankle. General Philip Schuyler, of whom we have said so much, and of whom we shall have occasion to say more, was born in Albany, on the 22d of November, 1733. His family was of colonial distinction. His grandfather was mayor of Albany, REVOLUTIONARY.] A SORRY SET. 265 and proprietor of one of the Dutch man ors, which descended by the law of prim ogeniture to John Schuyler his son, and the father of Philip who, being the eldest son, inherited the estate, and with unex ampled generosity divided it with his brothers and sisters. His mother was Cornelia Van Cortlandt,a woman of great force of character, and remarkable for the graceful dignity of her manners. Philip Schuyler served during the French campaign, and won the friendship of the gallant and young Lord Howe, who fell at Ticonderoga, He was a prominent man in the colonial assembly, and an early advocate of the American cause. In 1775 he was a delegate to the conti nental Congress, and in the same year was appointed third major-general of the American army. CHAPTER XVII. General Putnam at New York. His Cousin. The Appearance of the Troops. The Officers. Colonel Putnam coming Home from Market. Alexander Hamilton. His Life. Personal Appearance. His first Acquaintance with General Greene. Washington at New York. The Provincial Navy. Commodore Hopkins. His Exploits. The Engage ment between the Alfred and Glasson. The American Squadron puts into New London. Hopkins censured by Con gress. Washington s Despair of Reconciliation with Great Britain. Perplexities of Business. Uncertainty of the Enemy s Movements. 1776, GENERAL PUTNAM had arrived at New York and went busily to work at once, carrying out the plans of Lee in fortifying the exposed points of the island, and disciplining the troops. His cousin, Colonel Rufus Putnam, had been, in want of a better, appointed to the head of the engineer department, and though, like the general, an illiterate man, seemed, as Washington said, " tolerably well quali fied for conducting that business." Gray- don says, " Mr. Putnam might have been a good practical artist, though misterming the Gorge the George? The same viva cious writer gives us an account of the troops gathered in New York at that time. " They were," he says, " chiefly from the eastern provinces. The appear ance of things was not much calculated 34 to excite sanguine expectations in the mind of a sober observer. Great num bers of people were indeed to be seen, and those who are not accustomed to the sight of bodies under arms are always prone to exaggerate them. But this pro pensity to swell the mass had not an equal tendency to convert it into soldiery; and the irregularity, want of discipline, bad arms, and defective equipment in all respects, of this multitudinous assemblage, gave no favorable impression of its prow ess." The eastern battalions, especially, seem ed to have offended the eye of the young military aspirant. The ranks were un promising, and particularly the officers, " who were in no single respect distin guishable from their men, other than in 26 6 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART u. the colored cockades, which, for this very purpose, had been prescribed in general orders; a different color being assigned to the officers of each grade." So far from aiming at a deportment which might raise them above their privates, and thence prompt them to due respect and obedience to their commands, the object was by hu mility, to preserve the existing blessing of equality : an illustrious instance of which was given by Colonel Putnam, the chief engineer of the army, and no less a personage than the cousin of the ma jor-general of that name. " What," says a person meeting him one day with a piece of meat in his hand, "carrying home your rations yourself, colonel !" " Yes," says he, " and I do it to set the officers a good example." There were, however, other officers who better pleased the fastidiousness of our annalist ; those of New York, for ex ample, among whom was Alexander Ham ilton. Hamilton at that time was barely twenty years of age, and had not only shown that ardor of youthful spirit and genius which always excites a sympathetic glow of appreciation among the young, but had w r on, by the premature manli ness of his character and judgment, the respect of the old. Hamilton was born on the West Indian island of Nevis. His father was a Scotch trading captain of the name of Hamilton. His mother, a Creole woman, of Spanish or French ori gin. The child, not over carefully watched by parental solicitude, was left to wander very much at his will. On one occasion he had strayed into the counting-house of a distinguished merchant, who was so much struck by the lively and precocious parts of the boy, that he proposed to " make his fortune for him." The benev olence of the merchant met with no re sistance from his natural guardians, and young Hamilton was accordingly taken by him into his counting-house. Child as he was, he made such rapid progress in the knowledge of business, that in the temporary absence of the "head of the firm," he was left sole manager of its con cerns, at the age of fourteen. From the West Indies he was sent to assume a more important station in the New York branch of his patron s establishment. His remark able talents and the great zeal he had shown for study induced his generous friends to give him the benefit of a clas sical education. He was accordingly put to school at Elizabethtown, and thence, in 17 73, admitted into King s, now Colum bia college, with the view of preparing for a medical education. Young Ham ilton had an early taste for literature, and, by frequent clever articles, some times lively and sometimes severe, writ ten on the exciting political topics of the day, showed a natural power and acquired great facility as a writer. Yet a student, he had an occasion to prove that he could speak as well as write. A meeting of the New York whig citizens had been called together to express their indignation at the new blow of British tyranny which had fallen upon the New Englanders in the shape of the Boston port-bill. Naturally self-reliant and with his confidence in his own powers, stimu lated by the warmth of his interest in the popular cause, young Hamilton, then hard- REVOLUTIONARY.] ly seventeen years of age, ventured to address the meeting, and spoke with a force of eloquence which, from so juvenile an orator, surprised very listener. He now took an active part in the political movements of the times, both as a speak er and writer. On the war breaking out he formed a company of artillery and was chosen the captain. He was thus serving, when Graydon seems to have marked him out as an exceptional officer for his gentlemanlike air and bearing/" Irving gives this account of the im pression the youthful captain made upon another more acute military observer: " As General Greene one day, on his way * At a later period in life he is described by another ob server as bring " under middle size, thin in person, but re markably erect and dignified in his deportment. Plis hair was turned back from his forehead, powdered, and collected in a club behind. His complexion was exceedingly fair, and varying from this only by the almost feminine rosiness of his cheeks. His might be considered, as to figure and color, a very handsome face. When at rest it had rather a severe and thoughtful expression ; but when engaged in conversa tion it easily assumed an attractive smile. He was expected one day [the writer is speaking of as late a period as 1795] at dinner, and was the last who came. When he entered the room it was apparent from the respectful attention of the company that he was a distinguished individual. He was dressed in a blue coat with bright buttons; the skirts of his coat were unusually long. He wore a white waistcoat, black silk small clothes, white silk stockings. The gentleman who received him as a guest, introduced him to such of the com pany as were strangers to him ; to each he made a formal bow, bending very low, the ceremony of shaking hands not being observed. The fame of Hamilton had reached every one who know anything of public men. His appearance and deport ment accorded with the dignified distinction to which he had attained in public opinion. At dinner, whenever he engaged in the conversation, every one listened attentivelv. His mode of speaking was deliberate and serious ; and his voice engagingly pleasant. In the evening of the same, he was in a mixed assembly of both sexes ; and the tranquil reserve, noticed at the dinner table, had given place to a social and playful manner, as though in this alone he was ambitious to excel." Familiar Letters on Public Characters and Public Events, from the Peace of 1783 to the Peace of 1815. Bos ton. 1834. ALEXANDER HAMILTON. 267 to Washington s headquarters, was pas sing through a field then on the out skirts of the city, now in the heart of its busiest quarter, and known as " the park" he paused to notice a provincial com pany of artillery, and was struck with its able performances, and with the tact and talent of its commander. He was a mere youth, apparently about twenty years of age ; small in person and stature, but remarkable for his alert and manly bearing. It was Alexander Hamilton. " Greene was an able tactician and quick to appreciate any display of mili tary science; a little conversation sufficed to convince him that the youth before him had a mind of no ordinary grasp and quickness. He invited him to his quar ters, and from that time cultivated his friendship." Washington followed the army to New York, where he arrived on Saturday, the thirteenth of April, having passed through Providence, Norwich, and New London. While at the latter place, Commodore Hopkins put into the harbor after a cruise which was not supposed to redound much to the fame of the embryo provincial navy. It will be recollected that Con gress had in December established the basis, however humble, of a naval force. The following were the resolutions passed at that time (December 22d, 1775.) "Resolved that the following naval offi cers be appointed: Ezek Hopkins, Esquire, commander-in-chicf; Dudley Salterstall, captain of the Alfred; Abraham Whip- pie, captain of the Columbus ; Nicholas Biddle, captain of the Andrea Dora; John B. Hopkins, captain of the Cabot. First 2C8 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PATCT II. Lieutenants, John Paul Jones, Rhodes Arnold, Stansbury, Heysted Hacker, and Jonathan Pitcher. Second lieuten ants, Benjamin Seabury, Joseph Olney, Elisha Warner, Thomas Weaver, and McDougal. Third lieutenants, John Fanning, Ezekiel Burroughs, and Daniel Yaughan. Most of the vessels were purchased, and ill adapted for the purpose intended. There was not a tolerable sailer in the whole fleet. The Alfred was the largest of them all, and she had only a main-deck battery of twenty, and quarter-deck and forecastle guns, varying from two to ten. It was on board this vessel that the first American man-of-war ensign was ever hoisted, and it Avas done by John Paul Jones, then a lieutenant, of some of whose future more important deeds w r e shall have occasion to speak. The device of that flag is supposed to have been the Massachusetts one of a pine tree, w T ith the addition borrowed from Virginia of a coiled rattlesnake about to strike, and the motto, "Don t tread on me." The squadron, consisting of the Alfred twenty- four guns, Columbus twenty, Dora four teen, and Cabot fourteen, having been got ready for sea, rendezvoused under Cape Henlopen early in February. Soon after they were joined by the Hornet ten, Wasp eight, and Fly, three small vessels which had been equipped at Baltimore. Hopkins, who had received from Congress the title of commander-in-chief, was gen erally spoken of by the sailors as commo dore, although not seldom styled admiral. The commodore, as we shall call him, having received orders to cruise to the southward, in order to try to fall in with Lord Dunmore s fleet, and stop its ravages on the coast, sailed in that direction on the seventeenth of February. He was on the third night out, going before the wind with a stiff breeze, when the Hornet and Fly parted company and were not again seen during the cruise. Abaco, in the Bahamas, was the place of rendezvous appointed, which was reached in fifteen days, without any oc currence of moment. The island of New Providence being but a short distance and known to contain a supply of military stores, Hopkins determined to make a descent upon *it. Accordingly, setting sail one night, he landed on the island ear ly the next morning some" three hundred marines, who met with no resistance until a fort was reached at some distance from the place where they had debarked. Here, as they approached, the garrison fired a volley at them, and then spiking the guns retired. The Americans taking possession of the fort tarried there until next day, when they marched into the town without interruption. The of ficer in command w r ent straightway to the governor and demanding the keys, which were given up at once, entered the fort within the town, where was found a good supply of cannon and mortars. There was, however, no powder, for the governor, having taken the alarm, had sent it all off the night before. After having shipped their plunder, and taken on board the governor, his lieutenant, and a counsellor, the squadron put to sea again on a cruise. Hopkins course was now to the north, REVOLUTIONARY.] AN ESCAPE. 269 April I. and on reaching the east end of Long island he captured a British schooner, and on the day after a bomb brig of eight guns in command of a son of the Wallace who had rendered himself so notorious on the New England coast by his brutal violence. As the American squadron, somewhat scattered, was moving on during the night-watch, with a light breeze and smooth sea, an enemy s ship was observed bearing down apparently for the Alfred. Shortly, how ever, she went on another track, which brought her in the direction of the Cabot, when the younger Hopkins, who com manded the latter, closed in with his lit tle vessel and fired a broadside though with not much effect, as his metal was too light to do much damage to his for midable opponent. The enemy returned the fire with much greater force, and can nonaded the Cabot so heavily that she was obliged to haul off, with her captain severely wounded, her master and several of the crew killed, and her hull and rig ging badly damaged. The Alfred now bore up and ranged alongside of the Brit ish ship, which proved to be the Glasgow of twenty guns, Captain Tyringham Howe. The two were at once engaged as hot as possible, broadside to broadside, and both were delivering their fires with great spirit when the Providence came up under the stern of the enemy, and the Dora approached near enough to give some effect to her guns. For nearly an hour they were thus briskly keeping up the fight, when a shot from the Glasgow unfortunately carried away the block and wheel rope of the Alfred, which made her unmanageable, and she broached to. This gave the British ship an opportuni ty to rake her effectually. The day was now beginning to dawn, and Howe could see, as the several vessels of the Ameri can squadron bore up, the strength of his antagonist. He accordingly found it prudent to give up the battle, and making all sail he could crowd upon his ship stood in for Newport. The squadron did its best to overtake him, and kept up a. running fire in pur suit, but the Glasgow proved the better sailer and distanced the American vessels which were so deep with the stores with which they had been laden at New Prov idence, and not very fast goers at their best, that they could not keep up. Hop kins, as they approached Newport, fear ing that the British fleet off that harbor might come out, gave up the chase, and, contenting himself with the capture of the Glasgow s tender, took his vessels into New London. The enemy was a ship of twenty guns, with a crew of a hundred and twenty souls, and was well appointed in every respect, as she was well handled by her commander. Her loss was slight, how ever, having had only one man killed and three wounded. The Alfred had six men killed and six wounded. The Cabot had four killed and seven wounded, and one man on board the Columbus lost his arm from a shot from the enemy during the chase. The hull and rigging on both sides were well cut up, and showed the severity of the encounter. Hopkins conduct was so much disap proved that he was summoned to answer 270 BATTLES OF AMERICA. May 15, for it before Congress. He was charged with disobedience of orders for having returned northward after his descent up on New Providence, as that action was deemed a poor compensation for the ex pense of fitting out a fleet, and by no means an heroic beginning to the history of the American navy. Hopkins, on reaching Philadelphia, did not succeed in satisfying Congress as to the propriety of his conduct, and he conse quently received the censure of the house. Washington preceded the arrival of some of his troops, which had set out on the same day with him from Cambridge. Although on his journey he had done everything in his power to expedite the march, he found, from the badness of the roads and the difficulty of procuring teams for bringing the stores and baggage, that his army would be still delayed for a week or more in reaching New York. Washington, being now, after the tri umph of Boston, relieved from the duties of conducting aspecial military operation, began to be more conscious of the scope of the cause of which he had been chosen leader. He had given up all hopes of reconciliation with the mother-country, and confessed freely his conviction that he was engaged in a struggle not only for freedom but independence. He gave but little heed to what he heard of the plans of the British for negotiation with the view to bring back the colonies to their loyalty. He was told that the Eng lish government was about to send over a large number of commissioners to Amer ica, and that they were to make advances to the colonies separately. Mark how [rAirr n. he scouts the idea ! " The account given of the business of the commissioners from England seems to be of a piece with Lord North s conciliatory motion last year, built upon the same foundation, and. if true, that they are to be divided among the colonies to offer terms of pardon, it is as insulting as that nation ; and only designed, after stopping all intercourse with us, to set us up to view in Great Britain as a people that will not hearken ! to any propositions of peace. Was there ; ever anything more absurd than to repeal | the very acts which have introduced all this confusion and bloodshed, and at the same enact a law to restrain all intercourse with the colonies for opposing them ? The drift and designs are obvious; but is it possible that any sensible nation upon earth can be imposed upon by such a cob web scheme or gauze covering? But 1 enough." This was written while he was at Cam- I bridge, and although emphatic in denun ciation of British policy, it still shows from the very fact of arguing the ques tion, that there was in Washington s heart a lurking hope of accommodation. Again, still in Cambridge, he writes : " If the commissioners do not conic over with full and ample powers to treat with Con gress, I sincerely wish they may never put their feet on American ground, as it must be self-evident, in the other case, that they will come over with iusiduous intentions, to distract, divide, and create as much confusion as possible. How, then, can any man, let his passion for reconcil iation be ever so strong, be so blinded and misled as to embrace a measure evi- Apr. 15. REVOLUTIONARY.] dently designed for his destruction ? No man does, no man can wish the restora tion of peace more fervently than I do ; but I hope, whenever made, it will be on such terms as will reflect honor upon the councils and wisdom of America." This, too, is emphatic language, but it does not express such a decided hopelessness of England as that which, only a fortnight later, he uses in writing to John Adams. It is true Washington begins, " I have ever thought," but he has not before given such a definite form to his views. "I have ever thought," he says, " and am still of opinion, that no terms of accommodation will be offered by the British ministry, but such as can not be accepted by America. We have nothing, my dear sir, to depend upon but the protection of a kind Providence, and unanimity among ourselves." While Washington became thus con vinced of the greatness and probable length of the struggle in which he was engaged, he found himself plunged deeper and deeper, from day to day, in the per plexities, troubles, dissensions, and com plications of business, his military leader ship of the patriot cause necessarily in volved him. The recruiting went on slowly, and when troops were got it was hard to find equipments for them. There was equal difficulty in obtaining arms and men. Provision was not only to be made for the defence of New York and Long island, but reinforcements were to be sent to Canada. Officers were com plaining for want of pay, and militia-men were insisting upon returning home. The tories of New York were exciting anxiety WASHINGTON IN NEW YORK. 271 by their relations with Governor Tryon and the enemy s ships in the harbor, and news had arrived of the great prepara tions made by the British ministers to crush, as they believed, the " rebels." With these cares and labors we can well understand how Washington should be so devoted to business as to declare, " I give in to no kind of amusement my self; and consequently those about me can have none, but are confined from morning till evening, hearing and answer ing the applications and letters of one and another." To his brother Augustine, too, he gives " the hurry and multiplicity of business in which I am constantly en gaged from the time I rise out of my bed until I go into it again" as the true cause for not writing oftener. Washington, however, struggled brave ly with all these cares and embarrassments. He sent as many troops as he could spare to Canada. He checked the tories by putting a stop to their correspondence with the enemy, by his own decided meas ures, and a firm and dignified appeal to the New York committee of safety. He only succeeded after much difficulty in gathering together an army of ten thou sand men, and while disciplining them and keeping them busy at the works of de fence, strove, by every effort, to prepare himself for the enemy. Washington was perplexed about the intentions of Howe, who, with his army strongly reinforced by troops from Great Britain, might be daily expected to arrive and begin the campaign. The whole American army was so small as yet that to make it effective it was necessary to 272 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PAKT IT. concentrate the forces. When Congress, therefore, requested the opinion of Wash ington as to whether it was necessary to send more troops to Canada, he answer ed them in these dubious words: "With respect to sending more troops to that country, I am really at a loss what to advise, as it is impossible at present to know the designs of the enemy. Should they send the whole force under General Howe up the river St. April 26. Lawrence to relieve Quebec and recover Canada, the troops gone and now going will be insufficient to stop their progress ; and should they think proper to send that or an equal force this way from Great Britain, for the purpose of possessing this city and securing the navigation of Hud son s river, the troops left here will not be sufficient to oppose them ; and yet for anything w r e know, I think it not improb able they may attempt both." CHAPTER XVIII. Arnold at Montreal. The Disaster at the " Cedars." Arnold sends forward a Deputation of Caghnawaga Indians. Ar nold arrives at St. Annes. Perplexed. Takes a View of the Enemy. Retires. Comes to Terms with the Enemv though unwillingly. General Sullivan. His Life. Affairs in Canada. Sullivan sanguine. Washington gives him some Discreet Advice Washington s Opinion of Sullivan. Thompson sent by Sullivan to attack the Enemy at Three Rivers. The unfortunate Result. Sanguine Sullivan triumphing in an imaginary Victory. His bright Anticipations clouded. His Retreat. The Enemy strengthened by fresh Troops. Burgoyne leading the Advance. Sullivan pur sued. Arnold abandons Montreal, and retreats with the Enemy close at his Heels. Junction with Sullivan at St. Johns. Arnold s Energy and Courage. The last Man to leave the Enemy s Shores. Sullivan reaches Crown Point. The end of the Northern Campaign. Adams s Survey of its Misfortunes. 1776, AFTER Arnold had, in consequence of his accident and his dissatisfaction Avith the bearing of General Wooster, his superior in command, retired to Montreal, he remained there for several weeks with little inclination, in consequence of illness, for service, and without any especial work to do. He was now, however, aroused to activity by the disaster at the " Cedars," which he determined to make an effort to repair. Before tracing Arnold s move ments, however, let us describe the affair which prompted them. Early in May three hundred and ninety Americans were posted, under Colonel Beadle, in a small fort at a place called the Cedars, situated on the St. Lawrence about forty miles above Montreal. Cap tain Forster, a British officer with forty regulars, a hundred Canadians, and five hundred Indians, descended from the mouth of the Oswegatchie, and approach ed the fort. The American colonel in command, as soon as he became aware of this approach, cowardly hurried off to Montreal, under the plea of seeking re inforcements, and left the command of the garrison to Major Butterfield, who, emulating the faintheartedness of his su perior, surrendered the fort to Forster without a blow. Major Henry Sherbourne was immedi REVOLUTIONARY.] AFFAIR AT THE CEDARS. 273 ately, on the arrival of Beadle at Montre al, although that discreet colonel refused himself to return, despatched with one hundred and forty men to reinforce the garrison at the Cedars. Sherbourne, how ever, was too late, for the garrison had surrendered the day before he had got across Lake St. Louis. He, however, was not aware of the fact, and leaving forty of his men as a rear guard, pushed on with the hundred others, and had reached within five miles of the fort, when he was set upon by five hundred Canadians and Indians from under the cover of a thick wood. The Americans defended themselves as best they could for more than an hour and a half against the fire of the enemy, but were finally completely overwhelmed by the Indians, who rushed upon and disarmed them. They had al ready lost in action twenty-eight killed and wounded, when many more were massacred in cold blood by the savages, and the rest, being stripped almost naked, were driven to the fort and delivered up to Captain Forster, from whom the Amer icans now learned, for the first time, that Butterfield had surrendered himself and garrison. The enemy had but some twenty-two killed, among whom was a chief of the Senecas, whose death greatly excited the ferocity of the savages. This was the affair at the Cedars which had stirred Arnold to revenge, and he hastened with about eight hundred men to inflict it. On setting out, he sent for ward some Caghnawaga Indians in his interest, to demand of the hostile savages to deliver up the American prisoners at once, or in case they refused, to declare 35 May 26. to them that he would sacrifice every In dian who should fall into his hands, and burn their villages. On reaching St. Annes, at the western extremity of the island upon which Montreal is built, Arnold and his men could see the American prisoners, as they were being taken off by the ene my in their batteaux from an island about a league distant, and conveyed to the op posite shore of the St. Lawrence. Arnold was now impatient for the arrival of his batteaux which were coming down the riv er, but which he and most of his men, hav ing reached by land, had preceded. The batteaux were delayed until sunset, and in the meantime Arnold s Caghnewagas O O came back with an answer to his demand and a threat from the hostile Indians, who sent word that they had five hundred American prisoners in their power, whom they would put to death if any attempt was made to rescue them, and give no quarter to any others they might capture. Arnold was perplexed. "Torn," he says, " by the conflicting passions of re venge and humanity; a sufficient force to take ample revenge, raging for action, urged me on one hand : and humanity for five hundred unhappy wretches, who were on the point of being sacrificed if our vengeance was not delayed, pleaded equally strong on the other." He, how ever, decided not to turn back, and crowd ing his men into the batteaux, rowed to the island whence he had seen the prisoners taken off He found there five Americans still left, who were almost bare of clothes and nearly famished. From these he learned that all the others 274 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART IT. had been carried off to Quinze Chiens, with the exception of two who, being too ill to move, had been killed. Arnold now crossed with his boats toward Quinze Chiens, which was about four miles below on the opposite shore. When within less than a mile of the shore, the enemy be gan firing at him with their field-pieces and musketry. As the day was closing, and Arnold, not knowing the ground, feared to expose his men to the risks of a night attack, he returned. On reaching St. Annes in the evening, a council-of-war was immediately called, when it was determined by all the offi cers that an attack should be made on the next morning. The whole force was astir with busy preparations until past midnight, when a flag of truce was ob served coming from the enemy. It was borne by Lieutenant Park, who came to submit to Arnold a copy of the articles which had been agreed to between Major Sherbourne and Captain Forster for the exchange of prisoners Sherbourne hav ing been informed by Forster that the prisoners who were crowded together in the church at Quinze Chiens would cer tainly fall a prey to the savages, whose ferocity that British officer professed to be unable to control, unless the Ameri cans submitted to the terms proposed. Sherbourne, under these circumstances, was forced to sign them, and Arnold was now expected to confirm the act of his subordinate in command. Arnold was greatly vexed that he should be thus balked of his purpose by this ungenerous advantage taken by the enemy, and, though he longed to have his revenge upon "these savages and still more savage British troops," could not but give heed to the proposition, as Captain Forster de clared positively, that the fate of the American prisoners depended upon his confirmation of Sherbourne s capitulation. There was one condition which Arnold rejected at once without hesitation. By this it was insisted that the American prisoners should not again take up arms, and that they should pledge themselves not to give any information, by word of mouth, or writing, or by signs, which might be prejudicial to his majesty s ser vice. The other terms, having been mod ified by Arnold and consented to by For ster, were finally agreed to. By these it was arranged that the Americans should be released on parole, in exchange for British prisoners of equal rank, and repa ration made for all property which had been destroyed by the continental troops. It was moreover added, that four Ameri can captains should be sent to Quebec, and remain as hostages until the exchange should be effected, while six days were allowed to the British for the delivery of the prisoners at St. Johns. Congress re fused to ratify these terms, although Washington expressed strongly the opin ion that it was a military convention, which, although extorted by a barbarous threat, was sufficiently regular to be bind ing. Arnold returned to Montreal, full of fierce rage at being thwarted in his revenge, and burned for a more favorable occasion to give it vent. General John Sullivan, it will be recol lected, had arrived at the mouth of the Sorel with reinforcements, and assumed REVOLUTIONARY.] CHARACTER OF SULLIVAN. 275 the command of the troops, immediately after the death of Thomas. Sullivan was a New-England man, having been born at Berwick, Maine, in 1740. He was now in the vigor of life, and although origin ally a farmer, and subsequently a lawyer, he had already, in addition to the usual military training of his fellow-provincials, acquired some military experience. After retiring from the continental Congress, of which he had been a member, he made his first essay in warfare as a joint leader, with Langdon, the speaker of the New Hampshire Congress, of a small party of continentals in an attack on Fort William and Mary at Portsmouth, and succeeded in carrying off all the cannon. On the organization of the American army, in 1775, Sullivan was appointed one of the eight brigadier-generals, and in 76, a major-general. Having served under Washington at the siege of Boston, he now, so rapid was the experience of those days, presented himself with almost the claims of a military veteran. Affairs in Canada seemed to have been in the worst possible condition just pre vious to the arrival of Sullivan, for the commissioners sent there by Congress give this doleful account : " You will have/ they say, writing from Montreal, " a faint idea of our situation, if you figure to yourself an army, broken and disheartened, half of it under inocu lation and other diseases, soldiers without pay, without discipline, and altogether reduced to live from hand to mouth, de pending on the scanty and precarious supplies of a few half-starved cattle, and trifling quantities of flour, which have hitherto been picked up in different parts of the country." Sullivan s presence, ac cording to his own letters, which gener ally gave a more rose-colored view of things than was justified by reality, pro duced a most encouraging effect upon the hitherto suffering and disheartened troops. "It was," he writes, "really affecting to see the banks of the Sorel lined with men, women, and children, leaping and clapping their hands for joy, to see me arrive ; it gave no less joy to General Thompson, who seemed to be wholly for saken, and left to fight against an une qual force or retreat before them." He continued to write in the same strain, and while every one else was down with de spair, he was exalted with confident hope. "I venture to assure you," he writes to Washington, " and the Congress, that I can, in a few days, reduce the army to order, and with the assistance of a kind Providence, put a new face to our affairs here, which, a few days since, seemed al most impossible." It was no wonder, then, that with such an expression of san guine self-confidence from Sullivan, that Washington himself, in spite of the cool calculations of the Congressional com missioners, and the melancholy forebo dings of the saturnine Schuyler, should grow more hopeful. " Before it [the letter from Sullivan just quoted] came to hand," writes Washing ton, " I almost dreaded to hear from Can ada, as my advices seemed to promise nothing favorable, but rather further mis fortunes. But I now hope that our af fairs, from the confused, distracted, and almost forlorn state, in which you found 27fi BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART n. them., will emerge and assume an aspect of order and success." In a postscript, how ever, Washington apparently becomes somewhat dubious of Sullivan s glowing account of affairs, and puts him on his guard against the dangers of deception. " Knowing your great zeal," says Wash ington, "for the cause of your country, and your desire to render her every pos sible service, I must caution you not to put too much to the hazard in your ex ertions to establish her rights, and to receive with a proper degree of caution the professions which the Canadians may make. They have the character of an ingenious, artful people, and very capable of finesse and cunning. Therefore, my advice is, that you put not too much in their power; but seem to trust them, rather than actually do it too far. I would also have you keep all your posts as you go, well secured, to guard against any treacherous conduct." Washington knew Sullivan very well, and the next day after writing the post script just quoted, he had occasion to give an opinion of him, apropos to a private let ter w T hich he had received, and from which he inferred that Sullivan was aiming at the command in Canada, "Whether he wants it or not," Washington writes, " is a matter to be considered ; and that it may be considered with propriety,! think it my duty to observe, as of my own knowledge, that he is active, spirited, and zealously attached to the cause. That he does not want abilities, many members of Congress can testify ; but he has his wants, and he has his foibles. The latter are manifested in his little tincture of vanity, and in an over desire of being popular, which now and then lead him into embarrassments." Sullivan was eager to realize his san guine expectations, and accordingly he sent out a force of eighteen hundred men under General Thompson, to attack the British at Three Rivers, while he himself remained at the mouth of the Sorel, engaged in constructing works for the defence of that post. Thompson in the meantime having embarked his men in fifty boats, coasted along the south side of that wide part of the St. Lawrence called Lake St. Peter, until he reached Nicolet, whence, waiting until night, he floated down the river and passed to the left bank, within a few miles of Three Rivers. It was intended to have reached this place at night, in order to take the enemy by surprise. There had been, however, an unexpected delay, so that it was near daylight when the troops landed. In order to make up for the loss of time, a forced march had to be made, and the men were hurried on to a run ; and when they had thus gone for several miles, and were greatly fatigued, it was discovered that the wrong road had been taken through the ignorance or the de ception of the Canadian guide. They were obliged to turn back, and as they hurriedly retraced their steps the day began to break, and all hope of a night attack was gone. They, however, suc ceeded in finding the proper route, and continued to move on briskly, until, by a turn in the road, they came in sight of the enemy s shipping lying off Three REVOLUTIONARY.] DEFEAT AT THREE RIVERS. 27- Rivers. Thompson knew that it was use less to attempt to conceal his approach, and therefore ordering his drums to beat And fifes to play, marched on until he came within range of the men-of-war s guns, when he turned off from the road by the river, to another at a right angle with it, and thus avoided exposure to the fire of the enemy. The Americans had, however, got so close to the ships, that the orders to land, resounding through the speaking-trumpets of the deck-officers, were distinctly heard. Thompson having been obliged to leave the route by the river, prepared to enter the town by the rear. When within about two miles, there was found a great morass, through which the men had to flounder up to their waists. They, how ever, succeeded in struggling through, and reached some solid ground, where Thompson was enabled to form his men. The enemy were ready, with a large force under General Fraser, to receive them, and as soon as the Americans began to advance, they were met by so severe a fire that they were staggered at once and thrown into confusion. Thompson tried to rally his men, but in vain ; on they fled, each man looking out for himself, straggling back again through the mo rass, and making his way as rapidly as possible along the road by which he had come. Hearing from the Canadians they met that the enemy had sent a de- achrnent with artillery to seize their ooats and cut off their retreat, and knowing that there was a large body in hot pursuit of them, the straggling fugitives were brought to a halt, but entirely bewildered how to act. At this moment, Colonel Maxwell, taking advantage of the pause in the flight, called together the officers about him, and asked, " What shall we do ? Shall we fight those in the front or in the rear ? or shall we tamely submit ? or shall we turn off into the woods, and let each man shift for himself?" The last question was the only one they were prepared to answer, and with an affirmative reply to it, the fugitives, without more ado, scattered off down the hill, and through the woods to the river. As they fled, the enemy in their rear fired at them, but fortunately without much effect. The boats had been removed out of harm s way, by those left in the care of them, and thus a great number of the Americans succeeded in escaping, by straggling parties, after wandering dur ing the night in the covert of the forest. General Thompson and Colonel Irvine, the second in command, several other officers, and some two hundred of the men, were left in the hands of the enemy, while nearly thirty were killed. The king s troops lost hardly a man. While this complete rout of Thompson s force was taking place under the hot cannon ade of the British, Sullivan, at the mouth of the Sorel was triumphing over an imaginary victory, and writing a despatch full of sanguine anticipations of Thomp son s success. " He has proceeded," writes the confident Sullivan, "in the manner proposed, and made his attack at day light, for at that time a very heavy can nonading began, which continued with some intervals to twelve o clock. It is 278 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART n. now near one p. M., the firing has ceased, except some irregular firing with cannon, at a considerable distance of time one from the other. At eight o clock a very heavy firing of small arms was heard even here, at the distance of forty-five miles. I am almost certain that victory has de clared in our favor, as the irregular firing of the cannon for such a length of time after the small arms ceased, shows that our men are in possession of the ground." Sullivan s bright anticipations were destined to be soon dispersed, by the ar rival of the shattered remains of his force, with a sad account of their misfortunes, which supplied the general with a less jubilant subject for his next despatch. He triumphed no longer in imaginary victories. He had the sad fact to com municate of the total defeat and discour agement of his officers and men. He spoke, however, of his own manful spirit, and declared his determination to hold his ground as long as any person would "stick by" him. He seemed, in fact, re solved to keep the post at the mouth of the Sorel, and went on strengthening its fortifications. This, however, was but the desperation of an unfortunate general, struggling against inevitable fate. It was clear to all that there was no alternative but retreat, and retreat was determined upon. The Americans had less than three thousand men, discouraged by defeat, sur rounded by a hostile people, and threat ened by an overwhelming British force. Flight afforded the only hope of escape from total destruction. Carleton, strengthened by several regi ments from England under Burgoyne, and by a body of mercenary troops from Brunswick under Baron Reidesel, hao now at his command nearly thirteen thousand men. When Wooster was driven from before Quebec, Carleton moved on a large force by land under General Fraser, and another by water under General Nesbitt, to Three Rivers. These two had just made a junction when the Americans began their attack, unconscious of the overwhelming num bers prepared to receive it. The result was necessarily fatal. Carleton now de termined to pursue the advantage the large numbers of his troops gave him ; and accordingly, moving on his reinforce ments as they arrived at Quebec, he sent Burgoyne with a strong advance-column to drive the Americans out of Canada. Sullivan, now persuaded of the neces sity of retreat, abandoned his post, but not until the enemy were at his heels ; for the fleet of trans ports arrived, and Burgoyne took pos session of the works at the mouth of the Sorel, only a few hours after the rear of the Americans had left. Sir Guy Carle- ton had over-can tiously ordered Bur goyne not to pursue his enemy farther up the river than St. Johns. This saved the Americans, who had got but little start of their pursuers. Sullivan having embarked his men, sailed off with them up the river in advance, leaving Major Fuller to follow with the baggage. The wind proved favorable and good progress was made for several hours, when the breeze lulled, and the vessels were be calmed. In the meantime the British were gaining upon them, and had ad- June 14. REVOLUTIONARY.] RETREAT OF SULLIVAN. 279 vanced so near to Fuller that he sent to Sullivan in advance, asking for orders what to do, in the probable emergency of being overtaken. The general promptly sent a hundred batteaux to bring off the men and baggage, and orders to burn the large vessels. The major had hardly time to accomplish this duty, before the enemy could reach him. He succeeded, how ever. Arnold was determined to hold Mont real until the last moment ; but hearing of the disaster at Three Rivers, and aware of the approach of the large force of the enemy, he found that nothing was left him but to retreat, and form a junction with Sullivan. He accordingly crossed from Montreal to Longueil on the main land, and pushed forward to St. Johns, " making a very prudent and judicious retreat, with an enemy close at his heels," for Carleton,with a large detachment, was striving to intercept him. While Arnold was marching to St. Johns, the fleet with Burgoyne s troops were sailing up the river to the same place, and would have arrived at the same moment, probably, had not the wind failed. Joining Sulli van at St. Johns, preparations were made at once for embarking the troops. " To this work," says Sparks, "Arnold applied himself with his usual ability and vigil ance, remaining behind till he had seen every boat leave the shore but his own. He then mounted his horse, attended by Wilkinson, his aid-de-camp, and rode back two miles, when he discovered the ene my s advanced division in full march un der General Burgoyne. They gazed at it, or, in military phrase, reconnoitred it, for a short time, and then hastened back to St. Johns. A boat being in readiness to receive them, the horses were stripped and shot, the men were ordered on board, and Arnold, refusing all assistance, pushed off the boat with his own hand ; thus, says Wilkinson, " indulging the vanity of being the last man who embarked from the shores of the enemy." The sun was now down and darkness followed, but the boat overtook the army in the night at " Isle aux Noix." The retreat was full of hardship and danger, but yet it was considered credit able to Sullivan. Though worked to the utmost extent of endurance by the sever ity of their labors, in the course of which they had to drag their batteaux, heavily laden with cannon and baggage, up the rapids, and though threatened constantly by the approach of an overwhelming force in their rear, they succeeded in bringing off all their boats and baggage, destroying everything that might be of aid to the enemy, and escaping with the loss only of a single man. After a short delay at the Isle aux Noix, Sullivan continued his course along Lake Champlain, until he reached Crown Point. Thus closed the campaign of the northern army, which left Canada, as John Adams expressed it, " disgraced, defeated, discontented, dis pirited, diseased, and undisciplined ; eat en up with vermin, no clothes, beds, blan kets, or medicines, and no victuals but salt pork and flour." 280 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART n. CHAPTER XIX. General Ward at Boston. A Naval Success. " One Mugford." Capture of the Hope. Mngford gives the Enemy a Broadside of Oaths and forces him to strike. Exultation on a Boston Fast-Day. Mugford has another Struggle with the Enemy. Falls. Victory. General Lincoln s Plan for driving the British Cruisers away. Its Success. Arrival of English Vessels in the Harbor of Boston. Obstinate Resistance. Capture. Lieutenant-Colonel Campbell taken Prisoner. Generals Ward and Frye Resign. Gates promoted to a Major-Generalship. His Life, Character, and Per sonal Appearance. His Letter to Lee. The " Traveller s Rest." Gates appointed to the Command of the Northern Army. Counter-claims of Schuyler. The Question between them settled in Favor of Schuyler. Gates and Schuyler in Harmony. Resolution to abandon Crown Point. Opposed by the Subordinate Officers. Extraordinary Proceedings. Washington rebukes the Conduct of the Officers but favors their Views. The Enemy greatly reinforced. Washing ton called to Philadelphia by Congress. General Putnam in Command at New York. Fortifications in New York. General Greene on Long Island. Tryon s Plan for seizing Washington. A Traitor discovered among Washington s Guard. The Traitor hung. Concourse of Spectators. 177G, April 1. WHEN Washington set out for New York, he left five regiments under General Ward to complete the works at Boston, and provide, by new fortifications, against the return of Howe, which seemed greatly to have been feared by the New-Eng- landers. A few British vessels-of-war still lingered in Nantasket roads, much to the annoyance of the Bostonians, who were bent upon driving them away at the ear liest moment. Nothing, however, was done for two months. In the meantime, there was a naval success in the very sight of the English ships which served to encourage the patriots of Boston to further effort. One Mugford, as Gordon calls him, who was a trading skipper, applied for the command of the Franklin, a continental cruiser then unemployed. His request being granted, Mugford made all haste, got possession of the vessel, put on board a supply of powder and ball, shipped a crew of twenty men, and hauled off into the bay. Ward, in the meantime, had been beset bv some of his religious New */ O England friends, who gave him such a bad account of the morals of Mugford. that he sent off an express to withdraw his orders. It was, however, too late, the enterprising skipper had sailed, and al ready, before he had got well out of the harbor, pounced upon a prize. This was the ship Hope, last from Cork, a vessel of two hundred and seventy tons, four guns and seventeen men, and laden with fifteen hundred barrels of gunpowder, and a large supply of arms, implements, and other necessaries, intended for Howe s army supposed to be still at Boston. As soon as Mugford got a sight of her, he ran his little schooner alongside and or dered her to strike, which she did at once without resistance, although her captain, seeing that the British men-of-war were so near that they would be able to come shortly to his aid, ordered his men to cut the top-sail, halliards, and ties. Mugford heard the order, and knew that if it was REVOLUTIONARY.") ONE MUGFORD. 281 executed he would certainly lose his prize, for it would give time to the British men- of-war to send their boats to the relief of the Hope, before she could be managea ble. Mugford s impiety, which had near ly lost him his command, now appeared to serve him a good purpose, for he opened, says Gordon, upon the Hope s captain with vollies of oaths and execra tions; and in the most horrid manner threatened him and every one on board with immediate death, if the order was executed, upon which the captain was so terrified as to desist. It was fast-day in Boston, and its good people were just returning from church, but, notwithstanding the seriousness be coming such a religious occasion, they could not contain their manifestations of delight as Mugford came into the harbor with his prize. Our skipper, encouraged by the success of his first attempt, soon started out for another cruise with the Franklin and the Lady Wash- May 19, . ington, but in going down the bay the former got aground, and the two dropped their anchors. While thus anchored, they w r ere observed by the British admiral who sent off at midnight thirteen boats to attack them. The men on both sides struggled manfully, and Mugford succeeded in sinking two of the boats. While foremost in the fight, how r - ever, he was mortally wounded, but con tinued to cheer on his men, shouting out with his last breath, as he fell, " Do not give up the ship you will beat them off." And the men, without the loss of a single life but that of their gal lant commander, did beat the enemy off! 36 The Bostonians, exceed inglv anxious o / as they were to get rid of the British war-vessels, which, numbering some ten sail in all, presented a threatening aspect, readily concurred in General Lincoln s plans for driving them away. Every thing being in readiness, the cit- JllI16 13 izens of Boston were made aware by beat of drum that the expedition was to set out. One detachment of soldiers, amounting to nearly six hundred men, was accordingly embarked and sent to Fetlock s island and hill, another detach ment took post on Morn island, Hoik s neck, and Point Olderton, while a third with artillery sailed for Long island. The troops did not arrive at their several places of destination until near morning, but were active and alert for action. The cannon were soon planted, and a single shot fired as an announcement to the enemy of their intention. The commo dore immediately hoisted a signal for the fleet to get under way, but in the mean time returned the Americans fire, and did not succeed in getting under sail un til a shot from Long island had damaged, somewhat, his upper rigging. Thus, on the very anniversary of the day on which, two years before, the British government had prohibited the sailing of any vessel from Boston, w T as its harbor made free. No sooner had the British admiral gone than several English vessels arrived off the harbor of Boston, and as they sup posed Howe still in possession, they came in without suspicion, and were thus cap tured. Among these were the George and Anabella, transports, which arrived after a passage of seven weeks from Scot- 282 BATTLES OF AMERICA. land, in the course of which they had no opportunity of speaking a single ves sel which could inform them of the evac uation of Boston. When off the coast, they were attacked by four privateers, with whom they fought until evening, when the latter bore away and the trans ports sought protection, as they supposed, by sailing for the harbor of Boston. They stood in and were passing up Nantasket roads, when an American battery opened upon them, and gave them the first proof that they had got among enemies instead of friends, as they had anticipated. The wind had died away, and the tide being still on the flood, there was no chance for them to get out again. The priva teers, which had had a brush with them outside, now came up and prepared to renew the fight, the transports being hailed to strike the British flag. The sailors were ready to yield at once, but the lieutenant-colonel in command of the troops on board persisted in resistance, and was readily obeyed by his soldiers. The fight now began, and was continued for an hour and a half, when all their ammunition being expended, the British vessels surrendered, after losing one offi cer, and some twenty-five others killed or wounded. The troops which were captured amounted to over three hundred men, and with them was taken also as a prisoner Lieutenant-Colonel Campbell, a man of rank and an officer of distinction. Major-General Ward and Brigadier- General Frye had sent in their resigna tions, which were accepted by Congress on the twenty-third of April, but they continued to serve until the operations [PART II. at Boston we have just narrated were brought to a close, when they were re lieved by new appointments. Through the New England influence, which watch ed with great jealousy the advancement of the military leaders who belonged to the middle and southern provinces, Con gress now made another promotion which caused no little trouble in New York. Gates, having been sent by Washington to Philadelphia to confer with Congress in regard to the disastrous state of affairs in Canada, succeeded in obtaining pro motion to a major-generalship and the command of the northern army , ,, . a June 18, principally through the influence of the New-Englanders, with whom he had greatly ingratiated himself, during his service before Boston. Horatio Gates was born in England. "He was," says Horace Walpole, "the son of a housekeeper of the second duke of Leeds, who marrying a young husband had this son by him. That duke of Leeds had been saved of a Jacobite plot by my father, Sir Robert Walpole, and the duke was very grateful and took notice of me when quite a boy. My mother s woman was intimate with that housekeeper, and thence I was God-father to her son, though I believe not then ten years old myself. This God-son, Horatio Gates, was pro tected by General Cornwallis when gov ernor of Halifax, but being afterward disappointed of preferment in the army, he joined the Americans." He first came to America as an officer in an expedition against the French in Nova Scotia. On his return to London, he was consulted by the British ministry in regard to the .REVOLUTIONARY.] HORATIO GATES. 283 proposed campaign under Braddock, but modestly pleading his youth, declined to give any advice. He, however, served in that famous expedition which resulted so fatally, and showed himself a brave and efficient officer. It was then that he became acquainted with Washington, and formed a warm friendship for him. Through this alliance he became familiar with colonial life in Virginia, and so strongly attached to the country, that he determined to settle there. This res olution was strengthened by his mar riage to an American woman. Accord ingly, selling out his commission in the British army, he bought a plantation in Virginia. Here he retired within his "Traveller s Rest," as he fondly called his estate, apparently resolving no longer to mingle in the busy world without. To General Charles Lee, who was an old comrade, and whom he desired to become his neighbor and participator with him in the delights of his rural re treat, he w r rites : " I know not how you find it ; but the older I grow, I become less and less in clined to new acquaintance. Selfishness and sycophancy possess so generally the minds of men, that I think the many are best avoided, and the few only, who are liberal and sincere, to be sought for and caressed. I therefore stick steadily to the cultivation of my farm, am intimate with few, read when I have time, and content myself with such domestic com forts as my circumstances and fortune afford me. I wish, therefore, most anx iously, you would come to my retreat, and there let us philosophize on the vices and virtues of this busy world, the follies and the vanities of the great vul gar and the small. " Laugh when we please, be candid when we can, And justify the ways of God to man. " Mrs. Gates is earnest in desiring to see you under her roof, where a good bed is provided for you, two or three slaves to supply all your wants, and space enough about us for you to exercise away all your spleen and gloomy moods, when soever they distress you. In my neigh borhood there is this moment as fine a farm-mill and tract of land to be sold as any in America, and provided it is con venient to you to pay down half the price, I am convinced you may have it a very great bargain. It is altogether two thousand four hundred acres, at thirty shillings sterling an acre. I am satisfied you might have it so. By pay ing dow r n about one thousand eight hun dred pounds sterling, you may be put in possession of an estate that ten years hence will be worth seven thousand pounds sterling ; and I take it for grant ed that you may have the payment of the rest of the purchase-money at easy installments, and that, too, without in terest ; so, by laying out a thousand pounds sterling more in stocking and improvements, your produce will yield you a fine living, and wherewithal to pay your annual installment bargained for in the purchase." Lee was tempted by the supposed at tractions of rural life, and, in common with Gates and Washington, retired to cultivate his own acres, but was soon 284 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART 11 called to exchange the ploughshare for the sword ; and not reluctantly, we would believe, apart from his devotion to a cause which would have prompted him to make every sacrifice of personal ease and comfort. All three were soldiers by nature, and would not have been long content with harvests of corn and tobacco, while there were laurels to reap on the field of battle. When the troubles with the mother-country began to agitate the provinces, Lee, Gates, and Washington were often together, and warming with indignation, as they talked over the op pressive acts of English tyranny, began already to think of taking down their hanging swords, and girding them on for the coming campaign. " I am ready to resign my life to preserve the liberty of the western world," says Gates at the close of the very letter just quoted, in which he philosophizes on the charms of the retirement of his " Traveller s Rest." Together with Lee, he accompanied Washington to Cambridge, to whose in fluence he was chiefly indebted for his appointment as adjutant-general. Wash ington was so conscious of the military deficiencies of the militia leaders, that he was greatly anxious to secure the soldier ly attainments of his friends Lee and Gates, whom he knew to be accomplished officers. In the beginning of the struggle they were almost indispensable. Time revealed, and experience perfected the military talents of some American of ficers upon whose skill Washington could equally trust, and in whose disinterested patriotism he had more faith. Gates was now at the height of popu larity. He was personally always a favor ite from his courteous manners and kindli ness of heart; but he was misled by vanity to an undue appreciation of his capacity. He was not a man of brilliant qualities ; and though his ambition prompted him to aspire to the loftiest military position, he was not possessed of the genius of a great commander. At the beginning of the Revolutionary war, Gates was between fifty and sixty years old ; with his scant gray hair and <: spectacles on nose," he looked fully his age. He had a brisk, good-natured manner, and was of a cheerful and social humor. Being appointed to the command in Canada, Gates proceeded to the North, but found on his arrival in Albany that there was no longer, in consequence of the retreat to Crown Point we have al ready described, any force in Canada to command. Gates would seem, therefore, to have been very much in the position of Sancho Panza, in his imaginary Bara- traria, a governor without a government. He, how r ever, was not disposed to rest con tented w r ith this impersonal condition, and laid claim to the command of the northern army wherever it might be. In this he seems to have been instigated not only by his own ambitious longings, but by the officious provocatives of his zealous New England friends. " I find," writes Joseph Trumbull to Gates, " you are in a cursed situation, your authority at an end, and commanded by a person who will be willing to have you knocked in the head, as General Montgomery was, if he can have the money-chest in his power." RE VOL UTIONARY.] DISCORD AND DISORDER. 285 Schuyler resisted Gates s claims ; and as they could not agree upon the matter between themselves, they referred it to Congress, while in the meantime they resolved to act as harmoniously as pos sible with each other, until an authorita tive decision should be received. Gen eral Sullivan, too, thought himself entitled to grumble at the appointment of Gates, who certainly superseded him in rank, however Schuyler s position might be affected. Sullivan accordingly obtained leave of absence from Washington, and made his way to Philadelphia, where he laid his grievances and his resignation before Congress, but being soothed by compliments upon the judiciousness of his late retreat from Canada, was induced to recall his resignation and return to his duty. The question between Gates and Schuy ler was soon settled by the decision of Congress in favor of the pretensions of the latter. Washington had been much harassed by these bickerings among his officers, whose example had been very extensively followed even by the soldiers, who were in a constant state of irritabil ity from sectional feeling. He incloses a copy of the Congressional decision to Schuyler, and takes occasion to say, in regard to his dispute with Gates : "I hope that harmony and a good agreement will subsist between you, as the most likely means of advancing the interests of the cause which you both wish to promote." A few days subsequently, in another let ter, he writes : " I am extremely sorry to have such unfavorable accounts of the condition of the army. Sickness of itself July 6 is sufficiently bad ; but when discord and disorder are added, greater misfortunes can not befall it, except that of a defeat. I must entreat your attention to these matters, and your exertions to introduce more discipline, and to do away the un happy and pernicious distinctions and jealousies between the troops of different governments." Sufficient harmony seems finally to have been established between Schuyler and Gates for co-operation, after receiv ing the decision of Congress ; and the two proceeded together to the American army at Crown Point, accom panied by Arnold, who had gone to Albany to report the state of the troops after the retreat, and the threat ening progress of the enemy. Upon reaching Crown Point, a council of war was held, and it was resolved unanim ously that that post should be abandoned and the army removed to Ticonderoga. This was opposed by many of the subor dinate officers, who resorted to the un- military proceeding of preparing and signing a remonstrance against the deci sion of their superiors. Washington him self, on receiving this extraordinary paper, although he condemned the signers of it, seems to have been impressed with the views they held in regard to the abandon ment of Crown Point. "I doubt not," he writes, " that the measure was duly weighed by the general officers in coun cil, and seemed to them best calculated to secure the colonies, and prevent the ene my from penetrating into them. How ever, I can not but observe though I do not mean to encourage in the smallest 286 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART n. degree, or to give the least .sanction to inferior officers to set up their opinions against the proceedings and councils of their superiors, knowing the dangerous tendency of such a practice that the reasons assigned by the officers in their remonstrance appear to me forcible and of great weight." The subject was sub sequently greatly discussed, and finally the opinion of all military men concurred in justifying the expediency of the re moval of the army to Ticonderoga. Washington, troubled by the unfor tunate result in Canada, could get but little consolation from the state of things in New York. Howe was hourly ex pected, with his army greatly increased by large reinforcements of British regu lars, and mercenary troops composed of Hessians, Brunswickers, and other Ger mans; and Washington knew that his own force was neither in such numbers nor condition as to resist successfully a vigorous attack. Called to Philadelphia by Congress, to aid them with his coun sels in this emergency, he succeeded in prevailing upon them to vote a reinforce ment to the army of thirteen thousand eight hundred militia, the formation of a flying camp to consist of ten thousand men, and the construction of as many fire rafts, gondolas and floating batteries as might be deemed necessary by Wash ington for the defence of the bay and rivers surrounding New York. During his absence, General Putnam succeeded to the temporary command, and contin ued to push vigorously the various works at New York, while Greene was no less active on Long Island. Washington, on his return, as he thought that the enemy would probably soon after their arrival, attempt to force their way up the North river, determined to erect new, and strengthen the old for tifications on its. banks, with the view of preventing the passage of the British ves sels. He accordingly ordered Colonel James Clinton, a New York officer, to take the command, and complete the con struction of Fort Montgomery, near the Highlands, and Fort Constitution on an island opposite to West Point. Other works were also begun under the super vision of the chief engineer, Colonel Eu- fus Putnam, at King s Bridge and on the neighboring heights. There were a breastwork to defend the bridge, a redoubt on a hill overlooking the Hudson river, where, by means of the Spuyten Duyvil creek, it joins the Harlem river, and forms the northern water-boundary of the island of New York, and a strong fortification called Fort Washington, also on the Hud son, but several miles nearer New York. This last work was directly opposite to Fort Lee, w T hich was on the west side, and it was supposed that the two together could command the passage. Washington, while thus providing de fences against the open enemies of the country, was beset by the machinations of some secret plotters against him and his army. By the disclosure of one of Washington s own guard, who had been tampered with, a conspiracy was discov ered, which was supposed to have for its object the capture of Washington, a gen eral massacre of his principal officers, the spiking of the guns, the blowing up of REVOLUTIONARY.] TRYON S PLOT. 287 the forts and magazines, and the securing of the passes of the city, in order that New York and the patriot army might be at the mercy of Howe on the day of his arrival. An investigation having taken place, the plot was traced through the dirty sources of various pot-houses, tavern- keepers, gunsmiths, negro servants, drum mers, fifers, and the mayor, Matthews, to the arch-conspirator Tryon himself. This tory governor, it seems, had, from his safe refuge on board a man-of-war off Sandy Hook, where the British ships were at anchor, devised the scheme, and tempted the worthless to co-operate with him by the offer of five pounds and two hundred acres of land to each man who should enter the king s service, one hundred acres to his wife, and fifty to each child, with the understanding that he should remain in New York and lend his aid se cretly to the royal cause. The mayor, in conjunction with many of his fellow tory citizens, readily concurred in and gave their aid to Tryon s plot. A large number of worthless fellows, who were in the habit of resorting to the low pot houses of the town, were easily won over by the governor s bribe, and among these were some of the most dissolute of the sol diers. Washington s own guard even supplied two of the villains. One of the name of Thomas Hickey, an Irish deserter from the British army, a stout, dark-faced fellow, was tried by court-martial, and, being found guilty of mutiny and treason, was led out by a strong military guard, and hung in a field, now forming a part of the Bowery, before a crowd of twenty thousand spec tators. June 28. CHAPTER XX. Sir Henry Clinton on the Move. The South his Object. The Provincials timely informed. Arrival of British Fleet auu Troops off the Coast of South Carolina. Clinton s Life and Character. Charleston on the Alert. Preparations to receive the Enemy. General Lee on the Ground. Assumes the Command. Lee suggests to swear the Militia in. Governor Rutledge opposes. Lee s emphatic Appeal. The Provincial Deficiencies. Lee s Anxiety. The English Fleet taking Position. Lee lectures his Men. The Attack on Fort Sullivan begins. The Response from the Ameri can Batteries. The unsuccessful Attempt of the British to land. Lee encouraged by the Good Conduct of the Militia. The British beaten off. The Havoc. Sir Peter s " Honor gone." Wounded in the Breech. The heroic Sergeant Jasper. MacDonald. The Actaen in Flames. Moultrie s Gallantry. Fort Sullivan receives the Name of Moultrie. The beaten British sail for New York. 1776, IT will be recollected that Sir Henry Clinton, as has been already recorded, left Boston with a small fleet in the month of January. New York was at that time supposed to be the ob ject of the expedition, and in fact Clin ton called in there with a single vessel, where Lee, having been sent by Wash ington to oppose his landing, happened to arrive on the same day, and wrote thus of the occurrence : " He [Clinton] brought no troops with him, and pledges 288 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART n. his honor none are coming. He says it is merely a visit to his friend Tryon. If it is really so, it is the most whimsical piece of civility I ever heard of." What ever might be Clinton s purpose in his visit to New York, an attack on that city was certainly not the object of his expe dition. Howe had received a despatch from the British government, in which it was stated that assurances had been received that the inhabitants of the southern colo nies were so loyally disposed that they were ready to join the king s army on the least show of force there. Clinton was accordingly to be sent with a respect able display of British power, in order to encourage the manifestations of the cautious loyalty of the South. If, how ever, these expectations of tory concur rence should prove unfounded, he was to gain possession "of some respectable post to the southward, from which the rebels might be annoyed by sudden and unex pected attacks on their towns upon the sea-coast during open winter," and Clin ton was positively ordered to destroy any towns which would not submit to the king s authority. Clinton had sailed from Boston with orders from Howe, based on this despatch. The Americans became aware of the ob ject of his expedition, by the fortunate capture of a British vessel, on board of which was found this letter addressed by the British government to Governor Eden of Maryland: "WHITEHALL, December 23, 1775. "Sir: An armament of seven regi ments, with a fleet of frigates and small ships, is now in readiness to proceed to the southern colonies, in order to attempt the restoration of legal government in that part of America. It will proceed in the first place to North Carolina, and from thence either to South Carolina or Virginia, as circumstances shall point out." This fleet of men-of-war and transports was under the command of Admiral Sir Peter Parker, and reached the rendezvous at Cape Fear in May, where they joined the small squadron which had brought Sir Henry Clinton and his troops from Boston. gmia, Nothing could be done in Vir- as Lord Dunmore s ill success proved ; and nothing in North Carolina, as was equally clear from the mishap of Governor Martin, with his Highlanders and Regulators in that colony. It was therefore determined to try South Caro lina, and begin by making an attempt on Charleston. Confident in their large naval armament under Parker, and their numerous troops which amounted in all to three thousand men under Cornwallis and Clinton, who now assumed the com mand of all the land forces, they sailed down the coast, in full anticipation of an easy victory. The admiral s well-known dash and courage gave spirit to his men, and the soldiers obeyed with alacrity their general, who, although still young, had served with honor in the wars of Europe. Henry Clinton was of distinguished family. His grandfather was the earl of Lincoln, and his father was appointed, through the influence of his aristocratic connections, governor of New York in 1743. The son entered the army at an REVOLUTIONARY] DEFENCES OF CHARLESTON. early age, and had served in a European campaign, when he was raised to the rank of major-general, and ordered to Boston with General Howe in 1775. He showed his martial spirit and courage while there by dashing across the river to the aid of Howe during his struggle with the patri ots on Bunker s hill, although without a command on that day. He had now been chosen for a service of moment, not only on account of his prominent military rank, but also for his well-known skill and dar ing. Clinton was not popular with the multitude, but his friendship was cher ished by the few. He looked the Eng lishman with his " short and fat" body, " his full face and prominent nose " and had that cold reserve of manner, with casual acquaintances, which is supposed to characterize his countrymen. South Carolina was not unprepared for the formidable force now sailing down its coast, and threatening destruction to its chief city. Throughout the province the patriots had been diligent, and particu larly at Charleston, which, from its impor tance as a commercial town, the excel lence of its harbor, and the command it gave of the interior country and the southern coast, presented a desirable cap ture to the enemy. To secure the town against such a misfortune, the patriots busied themselves in fortifying it, and principally the islands which command the approach to the harbor. The chief works were erected on the southwestern extremity of Sullivan s and on James s islands, in order to defend the passage between the two, which leads from the sea to the harbor. On the former was 37 built a strong fort of palmetto, w r hich is peculiarly serviceable for the purpose of defence, since, from its spongy texture, a ball on striking it sinks into it, withou splitting the w r ood or shattering the struc ture. Colonel Moultrie had constructed this fort, and, mounting it with twenty- six heavy cannon, now garrisoned it with three hundred and seventy-five South- Carolina regulars and some few militia men. The work on James s island, which was called Fort Johnson, was in charge of Colonel Gadsden, commanding a sin gle regiment. Cannon, with breastworks, were also placed on the northeastern end of Sullivan s island ; at Wad dell s point, on the mainland to the north ; and along the w r harves in front of the town. When the intelligence reached Charles ton that the British fleet had an chored off the coast about eigh teen miles from Sullivan s island, the whole country around was aroused into activity by the firing of the alarm-guns from the forts. The militia were every where called out, and hurried to the de fence of the capital. Some, on their ar rival, were distributed among the several garrisons ; while others joined the inhab itants, in strengthening the immediate de fences of the city. Stores on the wharves were pulled down to make w r ay for breast works ; barricades were thrown across, and cannon planted in, the streets. Some seven hundred negroes were ordered down from the country, to assist in the labor ; and so universal was the interest, " that hoes and spades were in the hands of every citizen" day and night, and men willingly exchanged their beds and home 290 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART n. comforts for the ground and open air, with nothing but "blankets and knap sacks." General Lee had arrived, to assume the chief command ; and " the great opinion which was everywhere entertained of his ability and experience, added to the spir its of the troops and inhabitants." With his usual fondness for swearing, Lee in augurated his command by a proposition to bind the militia by an oath. Governor Rutledge had scruples about the legality of the measure ; but the men themselves were so ardent at that time, that they all came forward, with the exception of two, and volunteered to swear in accordance with Lee s desire. The orders of the general are charac teristic. Each word in the following snaps like a firelock: " As it now appears almost a certainty (from the intelligence of some deserters) that the enemy s intention is to make an attack on the city ; and as the general is confident that the numbers and spirit of the garrison will prevent their landing, it only remains to guard against the in jury which the city may receive from their cannon. " The continental troops, provincials, and militia, are therefore most earnestly conjured to work with no less alacrity, than fight with courage. Courage alone will not suffice in war ; true soldiers and magnanimous citizens must brandish the pickaxe and spade, as well as the sword, in defence of their country : one or two days labor, at this critical juncture, may not only save many worthy families from ruin, but many worthy individuals from loss of limbs and life. On this principle the general does not, simply in his capa city of commanding officer, order, but en treat the whole garrison (those on the necessary duties excepted) to exert them selves in forwarding the requisite works of protection. " The colonels, or commanding officers of the corps, are to review their men s arms this evening at roll-calling ; to take care they are in as good order as pos sible, and that they are furnished with good flints. The officers commanding the different guards are to do the same with their respective guards. " For the future it must be observed, as an established rule, that no artillery- officer fires a single cannon without pre viously acquainting the general." All seemed to be actuated by a very determined spirit of resistance at Charles ton, and the preparations to meet the enemy were made with great energy, and with as much skill as could be com manded. The resources of the patriots, however, were in some respects very de ficient. Powder was so scarce, that each soldier in the forts was allowed only a limited number of rounds ; and lead so scanty, that it became necessary to strip the windows of the dwelling-houses in the town of their weights, to melt and run into bullets. Lee was very anxious about the result, for he had little faith in the steadiness and discipline of the American troops, most of whom were either raw recruits or militiamen. He w r as particularly de sirous to strengthen the works on Fort Sullivan, which to his experienced eye REVOLUTIONARY.] LANDING OF THE ENEMY. 291 appeared by no means to satisfy the de mands of military art. He accordingly, after making a thorough personal inspec tion, points out the deficiencies, and or ders that " the screen behind the aperture of the traverse be immediately begun and finished with all possible expedition; that a breastwork of timber, six feet high, be raised on the rampart ; and that a ban quet be raised behind the traverse, so as to enable the musquetry to fire over; the parapet to be made higher, the ditch deeper and wider, a screen to be thrown up behind the entrance, and a facade of fascines or old timber to be constructed, as necessary to keep up the light sand of which the breastwork of the rear-guard is composed." Lee was all astir, going from fort to fort, and issuing these em phatic orders. Thirty-six of the English transports finally came up, and all crossed the bar in safety, with the exception of two, one of which was got off, but the other went to pieces. The vessels then anchored off Long island, which is situ ated to the northeast of Sullivan s, from which it is only separated by a narrow channel or creek. Sir Henry Clinton here landed two thousand of his troops and about five hundred sailors, with the intention of passing over to Sullivan s island, but was prevented by the depth of the creek, which was no longer forda- ble, in consequence of the large quantity of water driven into it by the strong and long-continued easterly winds. Clinton was accordingly forced to raise two bai> teries to secure his position upon Long island, and to cover a proposed landing June 7. with his boats (to which he would now be obliged to resort) upon the eastern end of Sullivan s, where the Americans principally riflemen, under the command of Colonel Thompson had posted them selves behind a breastwork. General Lee was especially anxious about this position, and says to Thomp son, in a characteristic order for the day " It is a certain truth that the enemy entertain a most fortunate apprehension of American riflemen. It is equally cer tain that nothing can diminish this ap prehension so infallibly as a frequent in effectual fire. It is with some concern, therefore, that I am informed that your men have been suffered to fire at a most preposterous distance. Upon this prin ciple I must entreat and insist that you consider it as a standing order, that not a man under your command is to fire at a greater distance than one hundred and fifty yards, at the utmost ; in short, that they never fire without almost a moral certainty of hitting their obj ect. Distant firing has a doubly bad effect : it encour ages the enemy, and adds to the perni cious persuasion of the American soldiers, viz., that they are no match for their antago nists at close fighting. To speak plainly, it is almost a sure method of making them cowards. Once more, I must request that a stop be put to this childish, vicious, and scandalous practice. I extend the rule to those who have the care of the field- pieces ; four hundred yards is the great est distance they should be allowed to fire at. A transgression of this rule will be considered as the effect of flurry and want of courage." 292 BATTLES OF AMERICA. I FART II. Some of Thompson s men. from fool- nardiness or curiosity, had crossed the creek to Long island; whereat Lee is greatly inflamed, and asks, in a postscript to his order : " Is this wise ? Is it soldier like ? Is it to show the enemy where our weakness is ?" Sir Henry, while busy with his works on L ong island, took occasion in the mean time io issue a proclamation, appealing to the loyalty of the people of Charles ton ; but it only served to inflame them to greater patriotism and to more active efforts for defence. The British com mander seemed in no haste to attempt to cross over to Sullivan s island ; and in the meantime his troops suffered greatly, while laboring at the works, from the sweltering summer heat,from which there was no relief of shade on the sandy, des ert island upon which they had landed. Some of them became sun-struck, many ill with dysentery, and all more or less affected by the severe heat and the brack ish water with which they were forced to satisfy their burning thirst. The admiral was less patient than Clin ton, and hastened to take his position off Sullivan s island, which he proposed to make the object of his attack. He had, soon after his arrival, moved the Bristol, his own ship, a fifty-gun vessel, opposite to the large fort on the western extremity of the island. He ex perienced some difficulty in crossing the bar, but, by lighting the ship of some of her cannon, finally succeeded in anchor ing her in position. It was not until the 28th of June (when he was joined by a large man-of-war of fifty guns, the arrival June 10. of which he had been awaiting) that he determined to make his attack. On that day accordingly, at eleven o clock in the morning, he began to move his ships. He brought the Experiment of fifty, the Active of twenty-eight, and the Solebay of the same number of guns, in line with his own ship the Bristol, and moved them all in close to the front of the fort; and ordered the Action, Siren, and Sphinx, each twenty-eights, to try to get inside, within the western extremity of the isl and, where the fort was known to be in complete. These vessels, however, in at tempting to get into position, got aground upon a shoal called the Middle Ground. The Actseon stuck fast, and all efforts to move her proved ineffectual. The other two got afoul of each other, and the Sphinx lost her bowsprit in consequence ; but they finally succeeded, in the course of several hours, in getting off, although in the meantime they were exposed to a severe fire from the fort. As the vessels were getting into posi tion, the Thunder (bomb) was throwing her shells upon the island, but not with much effect, for most of them fell into a morass, w r here the fuses were soon cxtin guished. The Active was the first to haul in and anchor in front of the fort. As she approached, the Americans fired a shot or two at her, to try, as it were, the range of their guns. She was soon followed by the other ships ; and when they had fairly let go their anchors, they began to pour in their broadsides, whicii were returned by a deadly fire from the forts. The vessels kept up an incessant and well-directed cannonade ; but their REVOLUTIONARY.] SUCCESSFUL DEFENCE OF CHARLESTON. 293 balls, although well aimed, did but little mischief, as they sank into the spongy palmetto-wood without causing injury to the works. The American riflemen, in consequence of their small allowance of powder, did not fire rapidly, but always with effect. Thus the struggle was kept up, from noon till night. There was a pause for a long time in the fire of the fort, from a want of ammunition, and the enemy began to think they had won the day ; but Lee, who was stationed at Had- drell s point, on the mainland, took care to send a supply, and soon the riflemen were enabled to renew their deadly shots. Clinton in the meantime made an at tempt to land from Long island with a flotilla of small boats ; but Thompson and his men, bearing in mind Lee s orders, took care to wait till they reached with in musket-shot, and then poured upon them such a volley, that Clinton was forced to retire. The struggle still con tinued between the ships and Fort Sul livan. Lee was full of anxiety during this prolonged contest. He knew that the garrison was composed entirely of raw troops ; he knew that their ammunition was short; and as the bridge of boats, which he had begun to construct between the island and the mainland, was not yet completed, by which he might send rein forcements, he was fearful that all would be lost. He attempted to reach the isl and ; but his boat, carried adrift by the wind and the tide, could not make the place. His aid-de-camp w r as more fortu nate, and came back from his visit with the most inspiriting accounts of the tem per of the garrison. Lee was for awhile doubtful of the prudence of continuing the conflict ; but, on hearing of the spirit of those in the fort, " I determined," he says, " to support it at all hazards. On this principle I thought it my duty to cross over to the island, to encourage the garrison by my presence ; but I might have saved myself that trouble ; for I found, on my arrival, they had no occa sion for any sort of encouragement : I found them determined and cool to the last degree : their behavior would, in fact, have done honor to the oldest troops." Another witness tells us that so little con fusion and disorder existed in the fort when General Lee visited it, in the height of the action, that the " officers laid aside their pipes in order to receive him with proper respect." The fight was continued from noon un til eleven o clock at night, w r hen Sir Peter Parker was forced to slip his cables and draw off his ships. The havoc upon his decks had been terrible. The fight has been eloquently described by no less a person than Edmund Burke, who at that time edited the "Annual Register," of Dublin : " Whilst the continued thunder from the ships seemed sufficient to shake the firmness of the bravest enemy, and daunt the courage of the most veteran soldier, the return made by the fort could not fail of calling for the respect, as well as of highly incommoding, the brave sea men of Britain. In the midst of that dreadful roar of artillery, they stuck with the greatest constancy and firmness to their guns ; fired deliberately and slowly, and took a cool and effective aim. The 294 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART II. ships suffered accordingly; they were torn to pieces, and the slaughter was dread ful. Never did British valor shine more conspicuous, nor never did our marine, in an engagement of the same nature with any foreign enemy, experience as rude an encounter. The springs of the Bristol s cable being cut by the shot, she lay for some time exposed in such a man ner to the enemy s fire, as to be most dreadfully raked. The brave Captain Mor ris, after receiving a number of wounds, which would have sufficiently justified a gallant man in retiring from his station, still with a noble obstinacy disdained to quit his duty, until, his arm being at length shot off, he was carried away in a condi tion which did not afford a possibility of recovery. " It is said that the quarter-deck of the Bristol was at one time cleared of every person but the commodore, who stood alone, a spectacle of intrepidity and firm ness which has seldom been equalled, never exceeded. The others on that deck were either killed or carried down to have their wounds dressed. Nor did Captain Scott, of the Experiment, miss his share of the danger or glory, who, be sides the loss of an arm, received so many other wounds, that his life was at first de-spaired of." Lord William Campbell, a brother of the duke of Argyle, and the royal gov ernor of the province of South Carolina, served as a volunteer, and was mortally wounded while directing a gun on the lower deck of the Bristol. Sir Peter Par ker exposed himself during the whole fight with great courage, and continued, although bleeding from a wound, to give his orders calmly and discreetly. The wags of Carolina amused themselves sub sequently with writing verses on Sir Pe ter s mishap, for the shot which struck him had taken a direction which natural ly provoked the humorous if it did not inspire the poetical. Thus trolled one of the newspaper versifiers of the day : " If honor in the breech is lodged, As Hudibras hath shown, It may from hence be fairly judged Sir Peter s honor s gone !" The loss of the British was very heavy, being nearly two hundred men in all, killed and wounded. The vessels were greatly damaged, particularly the two fifty-gun ships, the Bristol and the Ex periment, at which the fire of the garri son was chiefly aimed. On the former, in addition to the commodore, Lord Camp bell, and Captain Morris, the two latter mortally, sixty-nine men were wounded and forty killed. On the Experiment, her commander and seventy-nine of her officers and men were among the killed and wounded. This terrible havoc proves how greatly these two vessels were ex posed. Their masts and rigging were cut up and riddled with shot, the Bristol having had over seventy balls put into her; their hulls were so battered and broken, that several of the ports were knocked into one. Moultrie, in the be ginning of the engagement, had shouted to his men, " Mind the commodore and the fifty-gun ships !" We have seen how w r ell they obeyed the word. The Americans lost only thirty-five in killed and wounded ; but the soft palmet- REVOLUTIONARY.] HONORS OF VICTORY. 295 to-wood of the fort was studded with balls as full as a birthday-pudding with plums. Almost every tree and hut on the island was levelled to the ground ; and no less than twelve hundred balls of different weights, with a large number of shells, were picked up next day in and about the fort. All the Americans behaved them selves with admirable steadiness through out, and some of them showed great dar ing. In the beginning of the action, the flagstaff was shot away ; when Sergeant Jasper, of the grenadiers, immediately leaped over the parapet, and, picking up the flag, which had fallen on the outside upon the beach, fastened it to a sponge staff He then mounted the merlon, and, while the balls from the ships were fall ing fast about him, coolly fixed the staff in its place. Sergeant M Donald was mor tally wounded, but, as he fell, exhorted with his last words his comrades to con tinue steady in the cause of liberty and their country. Next morning, all the men-of-war had hauled off and anchored about two miles from the island, with the exception of the Actseon, which remained where she first struck. The garrison began to fire at her, and she returned several shots ; but finally her crew set fire to her, and took to their boats, leaving her colors flying, guns loaded, and all the ammuni tion and stores aboard. A party of Amer icans then put off from the shore, and boarded her These daring fellows, hav ing hauled down the flag, taken posses sion of the ship s bell, and filled their boats with as many sails and stores as they could hold, prepared to return. They, however, though the flames were already bursting through the deck and sides of the burning ship, stopped to have a shot at the commodore : so they pointed three of her guns at the Bristol, and fired them, before they took to their boats. They had not been half an hour away, when the fire reaching her magazine, the Ac- tceon was blown up, and nothing left of her but a shattered remnant of her hull. The British admiral made no further attempt upon the island. Clinton, how ever, strove again, early in the morning, to land, but was repulsed. Colonel Moultrie came in for the chief share of the honors of the victory. Lee, in his despatch, awards great credit to him, and all the officers and men. " I beg leave," he says, "to recommend in the strongest terms, to the Congress, the commanding officer,Colonel Moultrie, and his whole garrison, as brave soldiers and excellent citizens ; nor must I omit at the same time mentioning Colonel Thompson, who, with the South-Carolina rangers and a detachment of the North-Carolina regu lars, repulsed the enemy in two several attempts to make a lodgment at the other* extremity of the island. " Our loss, considering the heat and du ration of the fire, was inconsiderable ; we had only ten men killed on the spot and twenty-two wounded; seven of whom lost their limbs, but with their limbs they did not lose their spirits, for they enthu siastically encouraged their comrades nev er to abandon the standard of liberty and their country." Lee had never, from his distrust of the raw American troops, been very sanguine 206 BATTLES OF AMERICA. |_PATCT n of success. He wrote that Charleston was "utterly defenceless/ and he had been very anxious to secure a retreat from Sullivan s island, by means of a bridge of boats connecting it with the mainland at Haddrell s point. During the whole action he kept his men busy at this work ; but he could not get boats enough, and was forced to resort to the expedient of fastening planks upon emp ty hogsheads. This, however, proved ineffectual, and the bridge was never made practicable for the purpose intend ed. Colonel Moultrie had more confi dence in his men, and he knew them bet ter than Lee. " For my part," says Moul trie, " I never was uneasy in not having a retreat, because I never imagined that the enemy could force me to that neces- sity." Moultrie did not over-estimate the steady courage and endurance of his men ; but all their good conduct would probably have proved vain, if the three vessels-of-war which Parker had ordered around the western extremity of the isl and had succeeded in getting into posi tion, for they would have poured their broadsides upon a part of the fort which, being unfinished, could not have with stood the first cannonade. The American colonel was fitly hon ored by an act of the legislature of Caro lina, changing the name of Fort Sullivan to that of Fort Moultrie. Congress, too, voted him, as well as Lee and Thomp son, the thanks of the country. The brave Sergeant Jasper was rewarded on the day after the victory, by Governor Rutledge, who presented him with the sword from his own side. He offered him, moreover, a lieutenant s commission ; but the humble Jasper, who could neither read nor write, refused, saying: "I am not fit to keep officers company ; I am but a sergeant."* The British vessels anchored off Lon^ o island to refit; and such was the dam aged condition of the larger ships, that they were detained a long time in getting ready again for sea. General Clinton and Lord Cornwallis, in the mean while, sailed with the troops, in a fleet of transports, under the escort of the Solebay frigate, bearing the flag of Commodore Parker, and bound for New York. * Lossing. June 30. REVOLUTIONARY.] THOMAS MIFFLIN. 297 CHAPTER XXI. Washington s Troops busy with the Pickaxe and Spade on Long Island. The Bustling Mifflin. His Character. A Military Dandy s Sneer at the Provincials. Takes the "Measure" of the Outward Man. Provincial Jealousies and Quarrels. Washington rebukes the Quarrelsome. Is anxious about the Approach of the Enemy. The British ar rive at Sandy Hook. Washington on the Lookout. Strengthens the Posts on the Hudson. Sir William Howe awaits his Brother s Arrival. Washington expects a Struggle, and appeals to the Patriotism of his Army. 1776, " TRUE soldiers and magnanimous citizens must brandish the pickaxe and spade as well as the sword," said Lee ; and the army under Washington at New York was now in full appreciation of this military truth. The men were kept bu sily at work digging, ditching, and in trenching, on Long island, under Greene, and at Kingsbridge, under the ever-active Mifflin. The latter was a " bustler" who, as one of the sufferers reports, " harassed us unnecessarily, and, considering the un avoidable severity of our duty, to the real injury of the health of the troops." The manners of Mifflin " were better adapted to attract popularity than to preserve it. Highly animated in his appearance, and possessing in an eminent degree the tal ent of haranguing a multitude, his ser vices in giving motion to the militia" were acknowledged. " He assumed a lit tle of the veteran from having lain be fore Boston," and was very fond of telling his men that he would bring them into " a scrape." " He was a man of educa tion, ready apprehension, and brilliancy ; had spent some time in Europe, particu larly in France, and was very easy of ac cess, with the manners of genteel life, 38 though occasionally evolving those of the Quaker." General THOMAS MIFFLIN, with all his eccentricities, was undoubtedly one of the most useful men of the Revolution. Af ter serving, as we have seen him, at the siege of Boston, as quartermaster-general, with unsparing energy and inexhaustible ingenuity of resource, he was appointed by Congress a brigadier-general, and now, at the early age of thirty-two, has com mand of the forces engaged in the con struction of the works at Fort Washing ton and Kingsbridge. The gentlemanly qualifications, and his ease " of access, with the manners of genteel life," if not the higher virtues of Mifflin, were appreciated by the military coxcombs of the day, one of whom* has been very free in his revelations of the graces and want of graces of his comrades while with them engaged in brandishing "the pickaxe and spade" about Fort Wash ington, a duty certainly not very favor able to over-nice appearances for, as oui authority acknowledges, it gave them all the look of "scavengers." He tells us how Colonel Putnam carried home from mar- * Graydon. 298 BATTLES OF AMERICA. ket his own meat, by the way of showing a good example to his officers, and re marks : " But if any aristocratic tenden cies had been really discovered by the colonel among his countrymen, requiring this wholesome example, they must have been of recent origin, and the effect of southern contamination." This fastidious gentleman is especially shocked by the want of nice social discrimination on the part of the New-England officers, and, al though rather unnecessarily delicate in his genteel sensibility, he seems justified in his sneers when colonels were known to make drummers and fifers of their sons, in order to put their pittance of pay into the family purse, and when oth er New-England officers turned their chil dren into waiters.* The ridicule of our fine gentleman was greatly moved by the arrival in camp of a body of Connecticut lighkhorse : " These consisted of a considerable number of old- fashioned men probably farmers and heads of families, as they were generally middle-aged, and many of them appa rently beyond the meridian of life. They were truly irregulars ; and whether their clothing, their equipments, or caparisons, were regarded, it would have been diffi cult to have discovered any circumstance of uniformity ; though in the features de rived from local habitation they were one and the same. " Instead of carbines and sabres, they generally carried fowling-pieces ; some of them very long, and such as in Penn sylvania are used for shooting ducks. Here and there one, his youthful gar- * Thacher. ments well saved, appeared in a dingy regimental of scarlet, with a triangular, tarnished, laced hat. In short, so little were they like modern soldiers, in air or costume, that, dropping the necessary number of years, they might have been supposed the identical men who had in part composed Pepperell s army at the taking of Louisburg." These men were volunteers, and might have proved fair soldiers, notwithstand ing their " dingy regimentals" and " sorry jades," had they been a little more trac table. Washington discharged them not, however, because they did not look like regular soldiers, but because they were not very ready to submit to become such. "The Connecticut light- horse," says Washington, in his despatch to Con gress, "mentioned in my letter of the llth, notwithstanding their then promise to continue here for the de fence of this place, are now discharged, and about to return home, having per emptorily refused all kind of fatigue-du ty, or even to mount guard, claiming an exemption as troopers. Though their assistance is much needed, and might be of essential service in case of an attack, yet I judged it advisable, on their appli cation and claim of such indulgences, to discharge them ; as granting them would set an example to others, and might pro duce many ill consequences." A more sober authority is no less free in his revelations of the manners and con duct of the New-England officers than the fine gentleman we have already quoted. " It was the case," says Gordon, " in di vers instances, that, when a company was Jnly 17. REVOLUTIONARY.] MILITARY DRESS AND MANNERS. 299 forming, the men would choose those for officers who consented to throw their pay into a joint stock with the privates, from which captains, lieutenants, ensigns, ser geants, corporals, with drummers and pri vates, drew equal shares. Can it then be wondered at, however mortifying it may prove, that a captain should be tried and broken for stealing his soldiers blankets, or that another officer should be found shaving his men in the face of distin guished characters ?" There is a single exception " to these miserably -constituted bands from New England" made in favor of the regiment of Glover, from Marblehead "There was," says our fastidious military critic, "an appearance of discipline in this corps; the officers seemed to have mixed with the world, and to understand what be longed to their stations. Though defi cient, perhaps, in polish, it possessed an apparent aptitude for the purpose of its institution, and gave a confidence that myriads of its meek and lowly brethren were incompetent to inspire." But even Glover s seems, in the nice eyes of Gray- don, to have a blot ; for in his regiment " there were a number of negroes, which, to persons unaccustomed to such associa tions, had a disagreeable, degrading ef fect." Even aristocratic Virginia failed to come up to the high standard of our genteel annalist.* " Neither," he says, " did the fighting department appear to be fash ionable among the gentry of Virginia. It must be admitted that she furnished some gentlemen aids-de-camp and volun- * Gray don. teers, and afterward corps of cavalry, re spectably officered ; but the serious, drudg ing business of war devolves on the in fantry ; and, in this description of force, she evinced but little brilliancy." He then tells us of a Virginian commander whom he knew, who had " the appearance of a reputable planter," and concedes that "he might have been both patri otic and brave," but adds, " neither him self nor his officers were of the kind that bespoke the elite of their country." The general officers even did not es cape the tailor-like scrutiny of Graydon, who says, " The celebrated General Put nam, riding with a hanger belted across his brawny shoulders, over a waistcoat without sleeves (his summer costume), was deemed much fitter to head a band of sicklemen or ditchers than musketeers." General Greene, too, did not " shine with all the eclat" that might have been de sired by the army coxcombs. He also doubtless stripped his " brawny shoul ders" to the work along with " Old Put." The " city-bred Marylander," however, seems to have been faultless, for " he was distinguished by the most fashionably- cut coat, the most macaroni cocked hat, and hottest blood in the Union." One battalion," that of Smallwood, appears to have been particularly worthy of admi ration, for " its officers exhibited a mar tial appearance, by a uniform of scarlet and buff." There was something, however, more serious than these small distinctions of dress and manners between the various officers and men. Provincial jealousies often arose, and, although starting from 300 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART n. the most trifling causes, led to the most serious results. " A singular kind of riot," says Thacher, " took place in our bar racks last evening, attended by some un pleasant consequences. Colonel A W , of Massachusetts, made choice of his two sons, who were soldiers in his regiment, to discharge the menial duties of waiters ; and one of them, having been brought up a shoemaker, the colonel was so inconsiderate as to allow to work on his bench in the same room with himself. The ridiculous conduct has for some time drawn on the good old man the contempt uous sneers of the gentlemen-officers, es pecially those from Pennsylvania. Lieu tenant-Colonel C , of Wayne s regi ment, being warmed with wine, took on himself the task of reprehending the * Yankee colonel for thus degrading his rank. With this view, he rushed into the room in the evening, and soon despatched the shoemaker s bench; after which he made an assault on the colonel s person, and bruised him severely. The noise and confusion soon collected a number of offi cers and soldiers, and it was a consider able time before the rioters could be quelled. Some of the soldiers actually took to their arms and dared the Yankees, and then proceeded to the extremity of firing their guns. About thirty or forty rounds were aimed at the soldiers of our regiment, who were driven from their huts and barracks, and several of them were seriously wounded." A reconcilia tion ensued, but it only added to the dis- reputableness of the affair. " It was in the power of Colonel W ," adds Thacher, " and in fact it was his du ty, to bring the audacious offenders to exemplary punishment ; but, as if to com plete the disgrace of the transaction, Colo nel C sent some soldiers into the woods to shoot a fat bear, with which he made an entertainment, and invited Colo nel W- - and his officers to partake of it ; this effected a reconciliation, and Colo nel W - was induced to overlook the high-handed assault on his own person and on the lives of his soldiers." At the close, Thacher puts in a good word for his commander and fellow-provincial, say ing, " Our colonel is a serious, good man, but is more conversant with the econo my of domestic life than the etiquette practised in camp." This occurred in Gates s army, at the North. In New York, the troops seem to have been no less jealous of, and quarrelsome with, each other; for Washington finds it necessary to issue this order : " It is with great concern that the general understands that jealousies have arisen among the troops from the different provinces, and reflections are frequently thrown out, which can only tend to irritate each other, and injure the noble cause in which we are engaged, and which we ought to support with one hand and one heart. " The general most earnestly entreats the officers and soldiers to consider the consequences ; that they can no way as sist our enemies more effectually, than by making divisions among ourselves ; that the honor and success of the army, and the safety of our bleeding country, depend upon harmony and good agree ment with each other ; that the provinces August 1. REVOLUTIONARY.] GENERAL HOWE AT NEW YORK. 301 are all united to oppose the common enemy, and all distinctions sunk in the name of an American. To make this name honorable, and to preserve the lib erty of our country, ought to be our only emulation ; and he will be the best sol dier and the best patriot who contributes most to this glorious work, whatever his station or from whatever part of the con tinent he may come. "Let all distinctions of nations, coun tries, and provinces, therefore be lost in the generous contest who shall behave with the most courage against the ene my, and the most kindness and good hu mor to each other. " If there be any officers or soldiers so lost to virtue and love of their country as to continue in such practices after this order, the general assures them, and is authorized by Congress to declare to the whole army, that such persons shall be severely punished and dismissed from the service with disgrace." Washington was naturally anxious,with his army as yet only reinforced by a small portion of the militia levied by Congress, and with considerable distrust of the good conduct of some of his troops, whose oc casional disorderly behavior may be in ferred from the facts which we have al ready stated. Although we have some what anticipated events for the sake of illustration, whatever we have said, in re gard to the conduct of both officers and men, will apply to the earlier as well as the later period. When, therefore, Washington learns, on the 28th of June, that General Howe had, on the 9th, left Halifax with a fleet of one hundred and thirty sail, bound to Sandy Hook, it is not surprising that he should write : " I could wish General Howe and his armament not to arrive yet, as no more than a thousand militia have come in, and our whole force, inclu ding the troops at all the detached posts, and on board the armed vessels, which are comprehended in our returns, is but small and inconsiderable, when compared with the extensive lines they are to de fend, and most probably the army that he brings." Washington, seldom perturbed, and never more calm than in danger, was still fully conscious of the difficulties of his position. " We expect a bloody sum mer in New York," he wrote to his broth er, " and I am sorry to say that we are not, either in men or arms, prepared for it. However, it is to be hoped that, if our cause is just, as I most religiously believe it, the same Providence which has in many instances appeared for us, will still go on to afford its aid." Again Wash ington writes to Schuyler : " Our , ... , June 28, most vigorous exertions will be required in every instance. I am con vinced our enemies will strain every nerve against us this campaign, and try to injure us wherever we may be unpro vided." On that day (28th of June) four Brit- ish ships on one of which, the Grey hound, was General Howe came to an chor in the bay of New York. On the 29th, the officer appointed to keep a look out on Staten island sent an express to Washington, with the word that forty- five more vessels had arrived off Sandy 302 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART n. Hook. " I am hopeful," writes Washing ton on the occasion, "before they are prepared to attack, that I shall get some reinforcements Be that as it may," he resolutely adds, " I shall attempt to make the best disposition I can of our troops, in order to give them a proper reception, and prevent the ruin and destruction they are meditating against us." It was supposed that Howe would im mediately begin an attack. Washington accordingly was active in preparation, and strenuously urged on the arrival of the expected militia from the neighbor ing provinces. His old Virginia friend, Doctor (now General) Mercer, was ap pointed to the command of the "flying camp," and kept busy at Amboy, in con junction with General Livingston, of New Jersey, in recruiting and keeping a watch upon the enemy. As it was thought probable that the British would force their way up the Hudson, with the view of opening a communication with Carle- ton s victorious forces at the North, Wash ington directed his attention especially to the strengthening of his posts along the banks of that river. Great vigilance was urged upon the commanders of all the forts, and Mifflin " the bustler" was especially on the alert at Kingsbridge and Fort Washington. His lines were manned every morning before daylight, and his ranks formed for action. The men were led to believe, by the confident assertions of their com mander, that the enemy had already landed in the neighborhood. One of the officers, harassed by these early risings and frequent calls to duty, finally came to the conclusion that the general was merely crying " Wolf !" and that it was a contrivance of that "bustler" Mifflin to inure his troops to alarms and render them alert. Although at the head of ten thousand men, General Howe was not yet prepared to make a demonstration. He was await ing the arrival of his brother, Admiral Lord Howe, with a formidable fleet, hav ing on board a large reinforcement of those hated Hessians. Washington be came aware of Howe s purpose, and, as the admiral was hourly expected, strove to prepare his army for the formidable en counter which awaited them. He issued the following order, which, in earnestness of patriotic feeling and force of expres sion has never been surpassed by the most ardent appeals to men to fight for their freedom: " The time is now near at hand, which must probably determine whether Amer icans are to be freemen or slaves ; wheth er they are to have any prop erty they can call their own? whether their houses and farms are to be pillaged and destroyed, and they con signed to a state of wretchedness, from which no human efforts will probably de liver them. " The fate of unborn millions will now depend, under God, on the courage and conduct of this army. Our cruel and un relenting enemy leaves us no choice but a brave resistance or the most abject sub mission. This is all that we can expect. We have, therefore, to resolve to conquer or die. Our own country s honor calls upon us for a vigorous and manly exer- July 2, JIEVOLUTIONARY.] THE GREATEST QUESTION. 303 tion ; and if we now shamefully fail, we shall become infamous to the whole world. " Let us rely upon the goodness of the cause, and the aid of the Supreme Being, in whose hands victory is, to animate and encourage us to great and noble actions. The eyes of all our countrymen are now upon us, and we shall have their blessings and praises, if happily we are the instru ments of saving them from the tyranny meditated against them. Let us animate and encourage each other, and show the whole world that a freeman contending for liberty on his own ground is superior to any slavish mercenary on earth. " The general recommends to the offi cers great coolness in time of action, and to the soldiers a strict attention and obe dience, with a becoming firmness and spirit. Any officer or soldier, or any par ticular corps, distinguishing itself by any acts of bravery and courage, will assu redly meet with notice and rewards ; and on the other hand, those who behave ill will as certainly be exposed and punished ; the general being resolved, as well for the honor and safety of the country as of the army, to show no favor to such as refuse or neglect to do their duty at so important a crisis." CHAPTER XXII. Declaration of Independence. The Sentiment of the Country. "Common Sense." Thomas Paine. His Life, Charac ter, and Services. The Reception of the " Declaration" at Philadelphia. In the Army. By the Citizens of New York. Destruction of the Statue of George III. Washington rebukes the Riotous Inhabitants of New York. Gen eral Howe in High Spirits. The Rose and Phoenix again up the Hudson. Arrival of Lord Howe. His Life and Character. Commissioners to treat. Proclamation. Franklin and Lord Howe. Proof against Seduction. A Flag. " George Washington, Esquire, &c., &c., &c." The Superscription not acknowledged. The British General, taught better, writes " General Washington." 1776, " THE greatest question ever de bated in America, and as great as ever was or ever will be debated among men," as John Adams called it, was de cided by this resolution of Congress on the 2d day of July, 1776: "THAT THESE UNITED COLONIES ARE, AND OF RIGHT OUGHT TO BE, FREE AND INDEPENDENT STATES." The Declaration of Independence was not, however, adopted until the 4th of July, an event which is now so wrought into the heart of every American, that it is superfluous for the historian to record the day or the year of its occurrence. This is an historical fact which requires no book for its record ; it is so early learned by every child of America, that his knowledge of it seems an instinct of his nature. When this momentous act was passed, the people were not unprepared for it. Many of the provinces had already, by vote in their assemblies, resolved upon independence from Great Britain; and North Carolina, we believe, claims not only to have anticipated the act, but even the words of the declaration. By the thoughtful men of the country 304 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART n the possibility and even the necessity and desirableness of separation from Great Britain, had long been considered. As early as November, 1774, Josiah Quincy wrote : " Doctor Franklin is an American in heart and soul. His ideas are not con tracted within the narrow limits of ex emption from taxes, but are extended on the broad scale of total emancipation. He is explicit and bold on the subject." Others capable of comprehensive views of national policy had undoubtedly seen at an early period, in common with Ben jamin Franklin, the ultimate result of the difficulties between the colonies and the mother-country. It was long, however, before the sen timent of the country was fully moulded to the definite idea of independence. This was a result which might have crowned with honor the noble endeavors of the highest : it was, however, reserved as a triumph for the humble stayrnaker of Thetford. All agree in attributing to Thomas Paine the preparation of the pop ular mind for independent government. " Common Sense," as its title promised, was a direct appeal to the general intelli gence of the people. Clear, forcible, and familiar in style, straightforward in ar gument, and free from all theoretical abstractions and subtleties, this famous work was read and understood by all. "That celebrated pamphlet," Burke called it, " which prepared the minds of the peo ple for independence." "Common Sense" circulated every where throughout the provinces. It was read by the Virginian planter while loun ging beneath his portico on the banks of the Potomac, and by the New-England farmer at his fireside during the long nights of winter. The soldier fired anew with martial spirit as, amid the stir and noise of war, he glanced at its pages of stirring eloquence ; and the statesman learned w T isdom from its clear exposition of political rights and principles. THOMAS PAINE was born at Thetford, in the county of Norfolk, England, in the year 1737. His parents, who were Qua kers, were reputable townspeople, and brought up their son in accordance with their own position. He was apprenticed to a staymaker in his own town, but, with a fondness for books, and some early suc cess as a writer, he tired of his trade, and became subsequently a schoolmaster. By means of some small patronage, Paine succeeded in getting the appointment of an exciseman, and while thus occupied wrote a pamphlet upon a subject con nected with his business. It was this early effort which is said to have first at tracted the notice of Franklin, then in London, to the author. Paine was poor, and desirous of bettering his condition ; and was thus induced by Franklin to try his fortune in America. He settled, on his arrival, in Philadelphia, where he be came the editor of a journal, and soon attracted notice by the vigor of his politi cal articles. In January, 1776, he pub lished his " Common Sense ;" and its in fluence was so great, that it almost justi fied the remark that " Paine did as much for the American cause by his pen as Washington by his sword." The announcement of the DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE was received everywhere REVOLUTIONARY.] DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE 305 by the patriots with exulting joy. In Philadelphia, thousands of the citizens, expectant of the event, gathered in the streets, and thronged about the entrance of the Hall of Independence. The bell man was posted in the tower above, and a messenger at the doors of the hall with in which the representatives of America were assembled. The vote passed ; the result was declared ; a shout of enthusi asm followed ; the bell rang vigorously ; and the crowds without caught up the joyful sounds, and re-echoed them with loud hurrahs. That bell, which first pro claimed the news to the people of Phila delphia, had been wrought in London twenty-three years before, and upon it prophetically inscribed these words from the Bible : " Proclaim liberty throughout all the land, unto all the inhabitants there of." Washington, on receiving from Con gress the " Declaration," ordered it to be proclaimed before all the army, accompanying his order with the expression of the hope " that this impor tant event will serve as a fresh incentive to every officer and soldier to act with fidelity and courage, as knowing that now the peace and safety of his country de pend, under God, solely on the success of our arms; and that he is now in the service of a state possessed of sufficient power to reward his merit and advance him to the highest honors of a free coun- try." Washington, accompanied by his staff, was present himself at the reading of the declaration to the brigade encamped on the common, or the park, as it is now 39 July 9. called, in New York. The ranks w r ere formed into a hollow square, and Wash ington placed himself in the centre on horseback, while one of his aids read out with a full voice each word of the famous document. The soldiers, and people gath ered about, shouted at the conclusion with great spirit. Graydon, who added to his other arti ficial accomplishments that of showing a genteel contempt for a sensation, acknowl edges that, " If it [the declaration] was not embraced w r ith all the enthusiasm that has been ascribed to the event, it was at least hailed with acclamations, as no doubt any other act of Congress, not flagrantly improper, would at that time have been The propriety of the meas ure," he adds, " had been little canvassed among us ; and perhaps it was to our hon or that we were so little of politicians. A predilection for republicanism, it is true, had not reached the army, at least the Pennsylvania line [to which Graydon himself belonged] ; but as an attempt to negotiate, in our unorganized situation, would probably have divided and ruined us, the step was considered wise, although a passage of the Rubicon, and calculated to close the door to accommodation. Be ing looked upon as unavoidable, if resist ance was to be persisted in, it was ap proved ; and produced no resignation among the officers that I am aware of, except that of Lieutenant-Colonel Wil liam Allen. He called at our camp, on his way to Philadelphia, where he ap peared somewhat surprised and mortified that his example had no followers." The citizen-patriots of New York did 306 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART n. not receive the " Declaration" as coolly as Graydon s comrades. The crowd, af ter hearing the document read on the common, rushed tumultuously to the " Bowling-Green," and pulled down the equestrian statue of King George III.. which stood there. The royal effigy w T as of lead, but had a coating of gilt. When it was torn down, it was broken into pieces ; and a faithful annalist records that most of them were sent to Weath- ersfield, in Connecticut, where Governor Wolcott s family of two daughters and a son patriotically melted them into " forty- two thousand bullets."* Washington, finding that some of his soldiers had taken part in this act, which partook too much of a riotous character to accord with his views of discipline, cen sured his men in the order of the day, and, while commending the newly-ap pointed chaplain to their reverential re gard, concluded with this general advice to the army in regard to their conduct : " The blessing and protection of Heaven are at all times necessary, but especially so in times of public distress and danger. The general hopes and trusts that every officer and rnon will endeavor so to live and act as becomes a Christian soldier, defending the dearest rights and liberties of his country." General Howe seems to have been much encouraged on his arrival at Staten island, by the cheering aspect and liberal promises of his tory friends. " I have the satisfaction," he writes to Lord George Germain, " to inform your lordship that * After the destruction of the statue of George III., he was called in New York, says Walpole, " the late king." there is great reason to expect u i ^^-11, a numerous body of the inhab itants to join the army from the prov inces of New York, the Jerseys, and Con necticut, who in this time of universal apprehension only wait for opportunities to give proofs of their loyalty and zeal for government. Sixty men caine over a few days ago with a few arms from the neighborhood of Shrewsbury, in Jersey, who are all desirous to serve ; and I un derstand there are five hundred more in that quarter ready to follow their exam ple. This disposition among the people makes me impatient for the arrival of Lord Howe, concluding the powers with which he is furnished will have the best effect at this critical time ; but I am still of the opinion that peace will not be re stored in America until the rebel army is defeated." The provincial Congress of New York, having changed its name, in accordance with the Declaration of Independence, to that of the " Convention of the Represen tatives of the STATE of New York," had appointed a secret committee to sit in the city and counteract the machinations of the royalists, upon which Howe was so confidently relying. Persons of known disaffection and enmity to the cause of America were thus ferreted out and sent away to the jail at Litchfield, Connecticut, and elsewhere. These measures forced such men as the Robertsons and Delan- ceys to join the enemy openly, and com pelled some more timid partisans either to forego all active hostility or to give in their adhesion to the American cause. The enemy s force continued to gather REVOLUTIONARY.] COMMOTION UP THE HUDSON. 307 July 12, daily. On the llth of July, Washington writes : " General Howe s fleet from Hali fax has arrived, in number about one hun dred and thirty sail. His army is between nine and ten thousand, being joined by some of the regiments from the West In dies, and having fallen in with part of the Highland troops in his passage. He has landed his men on Staten island, which they mean to secure, and is in daily ex pectation of the arrival of Lord Howe, with one hundred and fifty ships, and a large and powerful reinforcement. This we have from four prisoners who fell into our hands, and some deserters. They add that nothing will be attempted until his arrival." Next day, however, the enemy did something, which, although trifling in itself, produced a great com motion. Early in the afternoon, two of the British ships-of-war, the Rose and the Phoenix (one of forty and the other of twenty guns), with three tenders, weighed anchor, and with a brisk and favorable breeze sailed up the North river with the flood-tide. The American batteries along the city and the Jersey shore, and the forts on the banks of the Hudson, kept up a heavy and incessant cannonade, which was returned by the ships as they passed by, but without much effect on either side. Even Fort Washington, with all its formidable preparation, proved of no avail. It seems to have been so placed, that it could neither do nor receive an injury. "We were too high for their guns," says an officer who was present, " to be brought to bear upon us with any certainty, though one ball was thrown into the fort. Our elevated situation was nearly as unfavorable for the success of our fire upon them." The men-of-war, it is true, had been guarded by sand-bags spread over the decks and raised along the bulwarks, so as to protect them against the American riflemen ; while they glided by so rapid ly, with the wind and tide in their favor, that it was difficult to point a cannon at them with precision. Their rigging, how ever, was somew r hat damaged, and several shots touched their hulls. Having run the gauntlet of all the batteries and forts, the ships finally came to anchor about forty miles up the river, in the middle of that broad part of the Hudson called Ha- verstraw bay, where they were out of reach of any shot from either bank. Washington expected that this move ment of the two ships would be immedi ately followed by others, with the view of landing and seizing the passes in the Highlands. He accordingly sent an ex press at once to Brigadier-General George Clinton, who commanded the New-York militia on Hudson river, with orders to him to call out instantly as many men as he could, and post them in such a way as to prevent, if possible, the supposed object of the enemy. Clinton, however, had anticipated these orders, having been notified of the ap proach of danger by a signal-gun from his brother, who, as colonel, was in com mand of Fort Constitution below, and by the exaggerated reports of the captains of some sloops who came up the river with the story that New York was at tacked. They had seen and heard the 308 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART n. firing in the distance between the forts and the Rose and Phoenix, and, putting on all sail, had hastened away with the alarming intelligence of a general attack. Clinton accordingly had ordered out three regiments of militia, one of which he sta tioned at Fort Constitution, opposite West Point ; another at Fort Montgomery be low, under his own immediate command ; and the third at Newburg, beyond these points. He also had sent word to the masters of all the river-craft which could be reached, to bring their vessels and an chor them ofFFort Montgomery, that they might be ready to stretch across the nar rowest part of the Hudson there, as a bar rier, and to be set fire to in case the en emy s ships attempted to break through them. The Rose and Phoenix were not imme diately followed by any other ships, and, having anchored, remained quietly, while their boats were sent out daily to take soundings. The people, however, on the Hudson, fretted greatly at their presence, and watched every opportunity to harass and to drive them from the river. Toward evening, o,n the same day that the Rose and Phoenix sailed up, several ships arrived from sea and entered the narrows. One of these had a St. George s flag flying from her foretopmast-head, and was saluted as she came in with full volleys from the vessels and the batteries at Staten island. This was the Eagle, which bore the admiral, Lord Howe. RICHARD (Earl) HOWE was born in 1725, and entered the navy as a midshipman at the age of fourteen. By merit, aided July 12, by a powerful patronage, he passed rap idly through the grades of lieutenant, captain, and rear-admiral ; and now, on being sent to America, was promoted to the rank of vice-admiral of the blue. On the death of his brother, Lord Howe (who fell at Ticonderoga in 1 758), he succeeded to the peerage. The admiral, like the general, had a tall and well-proportioned figure, but his face was dark and stern in expression. His manners, too, were reserved, and he was thought to be some what haughty in disposition. He was a brave and skilful officer, and, unlike the general, active and indefatigable in busi ness. The two brothers had been appointed by Parliament commissioners for resto ring peace ; and accordingly, as soon as Lord How r e arrived, he drew up, jointly with the general, a proclamation. This document promised pardon to those who, having forsaken their allegiance to the crown in the time of excitement and trou ble, would return to their duty. It also offered rewards to those who should aid in the restoration of public tranquillity. The paper was then sent to Franklin, the colonial governor of New Jersey, with the request to circulate it as freely as possi ble among the people. A copy was ob tained by General Mercer, in command of the flying camp at Amboy, and for warded by him to Washington, who thus spoke of it in his despatch to the presi dent of Congress : " When the letter and declaration, from Lord Howe to Mr. Franklin and July 22, the other late governors, come to be published, I should suppose the REVOLUTIONARY.] MR. WASHINGTON. warmest advocate for dependence on the British crown must be silent, and be con vinced, beyond all possibility of doubt, that all that has been said about the com missioners was illusory, and calculated ex pressly to deceive and put off their guard not only the good people of our own coun try, but those of the English nation that were averse to the proceedings of the king and ministry." Lord Howe is supposed to have sin cerely desired peace, and greatly to have regretted that his arrival had been de layed until after the Declaration of Inde pendence. He is known to have been early interested in the difficulties between the home government and the colonies ; and it is related that, when Franklin was in London, he was invited by his lord ship to dinner, with the view of extort ing from him some information in refer ence to the probable measures of the American leaders. Lord Howe was ably seconded on this occasion by the diplom acy of his sister. While the former freely circulated the Madeira, the latter brought to play upon the philosopher all the en ticements of her seductive graces. But Franklin s sober reason w r as proof against the intoxication of either the one or the other; and the domestic conspiracy of Lord and Miss Howe was defeated by the strength of head and steadiness of principle of the American patriot. On the second day of Lord Howe s arrival in the bay, about three o clock in the afternoon, word was brought to Washington that a flag had come up from his lordship, and was now detained by two of the American whale- July 14, boats on guard a few miles from the city. Washington immediately convened such of the general officers as were not upon other duty, and asked their opinion as to whether he ought to receive any letter directed to him as a private gentleman. Finding that they agreed with his own view, that he should not, he sent Colonel Reed (his former secretary, now adjutant- general) down to meet the flag, and to act accordingly. Reed went down as or dered ; and, after passing the usual civili ties, the British officer informed him that he had a letter from Lord Howe to Mr. Washington, which he showed, with the address, " To George Washington, Esquire" Colonel Reed replied that there was no such person in the army, and that a let ter intended for the general could not be received under such a direction. The officer expressed great concern, and, stating that it was a letter rather of a civil than a military nature, declared that Lord Howe regretted that he had not arrived sooner, since he had great powers. The anxiety on the part of the officer to have the letter received was very apparent, although he disclaimed all knowledge of its contents. Colonel Reed, however, had received positive or ders, and accordingly took his leave. Al ter the two had separated and got some distance away from each other, the officer with the flag put about again with his boat, and asked how General but, catch ing himself, Mr. Washington, would wish to be addressed.* Colonel Reed answered that the general s station was well known, and they could not be at a loss how to * Irving. 310 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART n. direct to him. He added, moreover, that a proper address would obviate all diffi culty of communication, as Lord Howe himself must be aware, since this matter had already been discussed in the course of the previous year. " I would not," says Washington, com menting upon this affair, " upon any oc casion sacrifice essentials to punctilio ; but in this instance, the opinion of oth ers concurring with my own, I deemed it a duty to my country and my appoint ment to insist upon that respect which, in any other than a public view, I would willingly have waved." Congress showed its approval of his conduct in this matter by the resolution " That G eneral Washing ton, in refusing to receive a letter said to be sent from Lord Howe, and addressed to George Washington, Esquire] acted with a dignity becoming his station." Notwithstanding Lord Howe s want of success, his brother the general attempt ed the same manoeuvre, and sent a flag- addressed to " George Washington, Esquire" with the addition of " etc., &c., &c" It was, of course, not received. A few days subsequently, Ho we accordingly hit upon another expedient. He sent Lieutenant Colonel Patterson, the British adjutant- general, with a flag. This dignified messenger was met with the usual formalities, and, as he was sent officially by General Howe to the American commander-in- chief, was by the order of Washington conducted ashore and admitted into his presence. The usual preliminary compli ments having passed, during which the British colonel addressed Washington by July 20, the title of excellency, as he did through out the interview, business began. Colonel Patterson commenced by say ing that General Howe much regretted the difficulties which had arisen in re spect to the letter. He then justified the propriety of the address, on the ground that it was usual with embassadors and plenipotentiaries, when disputes or diffi culties of rank arose. The colonel then reminded Washington that he had, du ring the previous summer, sent a letter to General Howe with the address, " To the Honorable William Hoive, Esquire." Lord Howe and General Howe, he continued, did not mean to derogate from the re spect or rank of General Washington, whose person and character they held in the highest esteem ; and, as for the ad dress upon the letter, the " &c., &c., &c.," implied everything which ought to fol low. The colonel here produced a letter, which, however, he did not directly offer to General Washington, but, remarking that it was the same as had been already presented, laid it upon the table, where the address, " To George Washington, Es quire, &c., &c., &c.," could be readily seen. Washington declined to receive it, and remarked that a communication directed to a person in his public character should have some indication of his station, other wise it would appear a mere private let ter. As for the " &c., &c., &c.," Washing ton said it was true they implied every thing, but they also implied anything. In regard to the letter which had been addressed to General Howe without men tion of his rank, that had been sent, Wash ington exDlained, in answer to one simi- REVOLUTIONARY.] THE MATTER OF TITLES. 311 larly addressed to himself, and which had only been received because the officer on duty had not refused it when first pre sented. Washington now having firmly declared that he should decline to receive any letter directed to him as a private person, when it related to his public sta tion, Colonel Patterson said that General Howe would not urge his delicacy fur ther, and repeated his assertion that no failure of respect was intended. Patterson then, saying that he w r ould endeavor as well as he could to recollect General Howe s views, briefly gave them, and on finishing took a paper out of his pocket, and, having glanced over it for a moment, remarked that he had expressed nearly the words. A conversation now ensued in regard to the treatment of pris oners; and finally Colonel Patterson al luded to the object of the mission of Lord and General Howe, stating that the good ness and benevolence of the king had in duced him to appoint these two gentle men his commissioners to accommodate the unhappy dispute with the colonies ; that they had great powers, and would derive the greatest pleasure from effect ing an accommodation ; and that he ( Colo nel Patterson) wished to have his visit considered as making the first advance toward this object. Washington replied that he was not vested with any powers on this subject by those from whom he derived his au thority; but, from what had appeared, Lord and General Howe were only to grant pardons, and that those who had committed no fault wanted no pardon. " We are only defending," added Wash ington, " what we deem our indisputable rights." To which Colonel Patterson an swered, " That would open a very wide field for argument." The greatest courtesy prevailed during the conference, and at its close Colonel Patterson strongly expressed his acknowl edgments that the usual practice of blind folding had been dispensed with in his case. Washington pressed him to par take of a collation which had been pro vided, but " he politely declined, alleging his late breakfast." After staying a few moments to be introduced to the general officers, he took leave. Colonel Reed and one of Washington s aids-de-camp ac companied him in the president s barge to his own boat, which awaited him some four miles below the city, where they separated in the best good nature, after a lively chat during their short fellowship. " This interview," wrote General Howe to Lord George Germain, " was more po lite than interesting. However, it in duced me to change my superscription for the attainment of an end so desirable ; and in this view I flatter myself it will not be disapproved." Washington w r as subsequently always addressed by the title of " general." Lord Howe, how r ever, though evidently desirous from the be ginning of being courteous in this par ticular, hesitated for fear of disapproval on the part of the British ministry, whose insolent tyranny hesitated at no insult, however gross. An interview with Lord Howe, ten days after the visit of Colonel Patterson, showed that his lordship was still haggling about this matter of titles. Colonel Palfrey, paymaster-general of 312 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART n. July 30, the army, was sent, together with anoth er officer, on board the Eagle, Lord Howe s ship, to negotiate an exchange of prisoners. The colonel gave this account of his visit, in a letter to Congress : " We were treated with the utmost politeness and civility by Lord Howe. He spoke with the highest re spect of General Washington, and lament ed the nice distinctions which, he said, prevented his addressing him by letter ; and said he wished to convey his senti ments to him in any mode of address that might prevent his being blamed by the king his master. " In all his discourse he called him Gen eral Washington, and frequently said the states of America. He said the Congress had greatly hurt his feelings by remind ing him, in one of their publications, of the esteem and respect they had for the memory of his brother, and drawing by manifest inference a contrast between the survivors and the deceased ; that no man could feel more sensibly the respect shown to their family than his lordship and the general ; that they should always esteem America for it, and particularly Massachusetts Bay ; and added, I hope America will one day or other be con vinced that, in our affection for that coun try, we also are HOWES. His lordship, when speaking of his brother, was great ly affected, and I could perceive a tear standing in his eye. " He hinted an inclination that I should take the letter to General Washington, with the addition of l &c., &c., &c., which he said w r ould imply everything that we could desire, and at the same time save him from censure. I gave him to under stand that, as it had been before refused under the same circumstances,! could not with propriety receive it, especially as it was against the express direction of Con gress. When we parted, he desired his compliments to General Washington." :i: This closed the chapter of " &c., &c., &c." CHAPTER XXIII. The Phoenix and Rose up the Hudson. The Inefficacy of the Forts. A Chain put across the River. Anderson s Firc- Sliips. Old Put s Pet Project. Chevaux-de-Frise, Chains, Booms, &c. The "American Turtle." Washington rejoices over the Victory at Charleston. The Ten Thousand British on Staten Island. Washington determines to remain on the Defensive. The British Thirty Thousand strong. The Americans about half the Number. The Fire- Galleys put in Operation on the Hudson. The Rose and Phoenix forced to shift their Quarters. The Fate of Ander son, the American Turtle, c. 1776, THE Americans were greatly dis turbed by those two British ships, the Phcenix and Rose, quietly lying at their anchors up the Hudson. There they were, only forty miles above New York, cutting off all communication by water between the city and Albany, and be tween Washington s army and that of Schuyler upon the lakes. It was true * Sparks s Life of Washington. REVOLUTIONARY. ANDERSON S PROJECT. 313 they were watched so closely by Clinton and his militiamen stationed on the banks of the river, that they were prevented from making a landing, or from having communication with the tories who, with " the most diabolical dispositions and in tentions," abounded in those quarters. Washington was aware of the ineffica- cy of the American forts ; and when the two ships ran by them, it exhibited a proof, he says, " of what I had long most religiously believed, and that is, that a vessel with a brisk wind and strong tide can not, unless by a chance shot, be stopped by a battery, unless you can place some obstruction in the water to impede her motion within reach of your guns." The ingenuity of all was now being exercised to destroy or drive away these impudent intruders. Clinton was busy above, and particularly active when he discovered that the ships had one night moved still farther up the river, and an chored within six miles of Fort Montgom ery, where he himself was stationed. He was anxious lest they might " take advan tage of a dark night and slip by him in the deep shadows of the mountains." He accordingly determined to be on the alert. Guards were sent below, and preparations made with combustibles to light alarm- fires, so soon as the ships should move. Fire-rafts were constructed atPoughkeep- sie, and sloops filled with inflammable ma terials of all kinds, and kept ready to be lashed together and sent down against the Rose and Phoenix ; while an iron chain was forged, to stretch across from Fort Montgomery to Anthony s Nose, in 40 order to put a stop to their progress should they attempt to sail up. Washington, too, was vexing himself with all sorts of contrivances to do some thing eifective from below against the audacious tars. Governor Trurnbull, of Connecticut, had sent him two row-gal leys, fitted out by the whalemen of New London, and promised him a third ; while Cooke, the governor of Rhode Island, had been urged to do something with the nau tical resources of his province in the emer gency. One " Mr. Anderson" had been received into the confidence of the com- mander-in-chief, to whom he had been es pecially commended by the president of Congress. He had laid before that body a plan for the destruction of the British fleet in the harbor of New York, which had been received with such favor, that he was sent to Washington, with the re quest that he would facilitate his pro posed operations. Anderson himself was so sanguine, that he declared he was wil ling to risk his life in the experiment. He was confirmed in his self-confidence by a previous trial of his plan against the British vessels off Quebec, which would have succeeded, as he believed, " had it not been defeated by the accident of his being burnt himself" instead of the ships, " and by the enemy s getting intelligence of his plan and taking measures to coun teract it." He was now at work under the eye of Washington, who writes that " the fire-ships are going on under Mr. Anderson s direction, but rather slowly." Anderson himself, with the usual en thusiasm of projectors, gives a more en- July 27, 314 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART II. July 31, couraging account of his progress. "I have been," he writes to the president of Congress, "for some time past very assiduous in the prepara tion of fire-ships. Two are already com plete, and hauled off into the stream; two more will be off to-morrow, and the resi due in a very short time. In my next, I hope to give you a particular account of a general conflagration, as everything in my power shall be exerted for the de molition of the enemy s fleet. I expect to take an active part, and be an instru ment for that purpose. I am determined (God willing) to make a conspicuous fig ure among them, by being ( a burning and a shining light, and thereby serve my country, and have the honor of meet ing the approbation of Congress." " I am preparing," writes Washington, " some obstructions for the channel near ly opposite the works at the upper end of the island." And a few days later he says : " The hulks and three chevmix-de- frise, that had been preparing to obstruct the channel, have got up to the place they are intended for, and will be sunk as soon as possible." This contrivance was due to the Yankee ingenuity of " Old Put," who was as full of enthusiasm for his pet project as Anderson, whose darling invention, it would seem from the follow ing letter, that Putnam had adopted with all the affection as if it had been his own offspring : " The enemy s fleet," he writes to General Gates, " now lies in the bay very safe, close under Staten isl and. Their troops possess no land here but the island. Is it not very strange July 26, that these invincible troops, who were to destroy and lay waste all this country with their fleets and army, are so fond of islands and peninsulas, and dare not put their feet on the main ? But I hope, by the blessing of God and good friends, we shall pay them a visit on their island. For that end we are preparing fourteen fire-ships to go into their fleet, some of w r hich are ready charged and fitted to sail, and I hope soon to have them all fixed. " We are preparing chevaux-dc-frise, at which we make great despatch by the help of ships, which are to be sunk ; a scheme of mine, which you may be as sured is very simple, a plan of which 1 send you. The two ships sterns lie tow ard each other, about seventy feet apart. Three large logs, which reach from ship to ship, are fastened to them. The two ships and logs stop the river two hundred and eighty feet. The ships are to be sunk, and, when hauled down on one side, the picks will be raised to a proper height, and they must inevitably stop the river if the enemy will let us sink them." Nor was this the last of the projects. A mechanician of Connecticut, of the name of Bushnell, .had invented a boat, so contrived as to be rowed and steered, and raised and sunk under water, at the will of the operator within. To a part of this submarine craft was attached a moveable magazine of powder, which was to be exploded by means of a clocldike piece of mechanism. It was proposed to get a bold navigator to start with this machine, dive down into the bay, and bring up under an enemy s vessel ; and REVOLUTIONARY. J THE "AMERICAN TURTLE." 315 then, detaching the magazine, and boring through "the ship s copper, to fasten it like a barnacle to the bottom. This be ing done, the magazine was to be wound up, and its going off so timed, that the adventurous submarine navigator might have an opportunity of making good prog ress homeward bound when the "Ameri can Turtle," as the machine was called, should begin its infernal operations. " Old Put" likewise took kindly to the "American Turtle." " Major-General Put- nam," says Thacher, " was decidedly of opinion that its operations might be at tended with the desired success ; accord ingly, he encouraged the inventor, and resolved to be himself a spectator of the experiment on the British shipping in New- York harbor." While these schemes of destruction were plotting, an attempt was made against the enemy, according to the principles of more regular warfare. Ship after ship continued to add its strength to the formidable fleet in the bay. Crowded transports had come and landed their thousands ; and now came Sir Henry Clinton and Earl Corn- wallis, after their defeat before Charleston. Washington, cheered by the intelligence which he had received some few days before the arrival of the British from the South, of the American success, concludes his letter full of anxious busi ness, addressed to Schuyler, with the un usually lively remark for the sedate com- mander-in-chief : "Sir Peter Parker and his fleet got a severe drubbing in an at tack made upon our works on Sullivan s island." To his army Washington announces the southern victory with a decorous gravity, and makes it an occasion for the encouragement of the martial spirit and patriotic emulation of his soldiers : " The general has great pleasure," are the words of the order of the day, " in communica ting to the officers and soldiers of this army the signal success of the American arms, under General Lee, in South Caro lina. This glorious example of our troops, under the like circumstances with us, the general hopes, will animate every officer and soldier to imitate and even outdo them, when the enemy shall make the same attempt on us. With such a bright example before us of what can be done by brave and spirited men fighting in de fence of their country, we shall be loaded with a double share of shame and infamy if we do not acquit ourselves with cour age, or a determined resolution to con quer or die." Washington had but little hope of act ing offensively with advantage against the enemy. The British had a much supe rior army in numbers, discipline, and con dition. General Howe had already land ed ten thousand troops on Staten island ; and his army, with those afloat in the transports in the bay, and those hourly expected, would amount soon, it was sup posed, to twenty-five thousand men all told. The Americans could only count on about ten thousand men fit for duty ; while the whole of Washington s army, including the sick and others, did not number much more than seventeen thou sand. " Our situation at present," says Washington, " both in regard to men and other matters, is such as not to make it 316 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART n. advisable to attempt anything against them, surrounded as they are by water, and covered with ships, lest a miscarriage should be productive of unhappy and fa tal consequences. It is provoking, nev ertheless, to have them so near, without being able to give them any disturbance." There was little to be done but to re main on the defensive, and await the op erations of the enemy. Washington, how ever, was not much more sanguine of his means of defence than of his powers of offence. "What kind of opposition we shall be able to make," he says, " time only can show. I can only say that the men appear to be in good spirits, and, if they will stand by me, the place shall not be carried without some loss, notwith standing we are not yet in such a pos ture of defence as I could wish." Washington, nevertheless, determined to make " some efforts to annoy the en emy," but not to put " too much to haz ard, or in any manner to risk." It was accordingly proposed to begin at Staten island. It was found "impracticable to do anything upon a large scale," and it was therefore resolved merely to make an humble attempt from the Jersey shore. Major Knowlton, who was stationed at Bergen, New Jersey, and General Mercer, in command of the flying camp at Ainboy, were directed to concoct a plan and carry it into execution. These two according ly got ready a small force and some boats, and, marching down to the shore in the evening, prepared to embark when it should become sufficiently dark. The night, however, proved so stormy, and the waters of the "Kill" were in such a state of agitation, that it was thought ad visable to postpone the enterprise. On a subsequent occasion it was proposed to make another attempt, and a formidable force of nearly four thousand men was ordered out for the purpose ; but it was found to be impossible to procure boats enough to carry more than half of the troops across to the island. All such at> tempts were therefore abandoned, and the attention of the whole army was now being concentrated upon the probable movement of the enemy. Two deserters having come in, are ta ken to headquarters, and from them Washington learns " that General Clinton and Lord Cornwalli; , with the whole southern army, have ar rived on Staten island from South Caro lina, in number about three or four thou sand ; that the fleet which carne in a few days since, are the Hessians and Scotch Highlanders, part of twelve thousand who were left off Newfoundland, in the whole making about thirty thousand men ; and that it is said by the officers of the army and navy, they are to attack New York and Long island in the course of a week." " When," says Washington to Governor Trumbull, of Connecticut, " I consider the weakness of our army by sickness, the great extent of ground we have to de fend, and the amazing slowness with which the levies come forward, I think it is ab solutely necessary that the neighboring militia should be immediately sent to our assistance." Washington s anxiety may be inferred from what he adds in the same letter: "The disgrace of the British arms to the REVOLUTIONARY.] ATTACK ON THE ROSE AND PHCENIX. 317 southward, and the season being far ad vanced, will make them exert every nerve against us in this quarter. To trust alto gether in the justice of our cause, without our own utmost exertions, would be tempt- ing Providence ; and, that you may judge of our situation, I give you the present state of our army. (Present fit for duty, 10,514 ; sick present, 3,039 ; sick absent, 629; on command, 2,946; on furlough, 97 : total, 17,225.) By this you will see we are to oppose an army of thirty thou sand experienced veterans with about one third the number of raw troops, and these scattered some fifteen miles apart." There was now an opportunity of test ing the various means of mischief so in geniously devised against the Rose and Phoenix. Six of the row-galleys were soon got ready, and, being sent up the river, were manned by crews of doughty fresh-water men, principally belonging to Tarrytown, and commanded by Colonel Tupper. This little fle*et boldly pushed out into the " Tappan sea," and began an attack upon the two British cruisers. The fight was gallantly maintained for nearly two hours, in the course of which the big ships were repeatedly hulled ; but the little fleet, being badly damaged in re turn, was finally obliged to " haul off." " Never," says a writer quoted by Irving, " did men behave with more firm, deter mined spirit, than our little crews. One of our tars, being mortally wounded, cried to his companions : I am a dying man ; revenge my blood, my boys, and carry me alongside my gun, that I may die there. We were so preserved by a gra cious Providence, that in all our galleys we had but two men killed and fourteen wounded, two of which are thought dan gerous. We hope to have another brush with these pirates before they leave our river; which God prosper." The fire-ships, too, were brought into play, and not without effect. Two of them were sent up the river, in order to set fire to the British vessels. One got alongside of the Phce- nex and grappled with her for some min utes, but she succeeded in clearing her self. The other made an attempt upon the Rose, but, failing to reach her, fell afoul of one of the tenders, and soon had her in a blaze. The crews behaved with great resolution and intrepidity ; and one of the captains stuck so long to his fire- ship, that he was finally obliged to make his escape by plunging into the water and swimming for his life. Next morning the Rose- and Phoenix, evidently very much discomposed by the dangerous encounter of the day before, made ready to shift their quarters. While the ships were weighing anchor, a bold militia lieutenant and two men pushed off in a boat from the shore, and towed in the hulk of the burnt tender, in spite of the enemy s guns, which kept up a brisk fire. The Phoenix and Rose, now taking advantage of a fresh and fair wind and an ebbing tide, hoisted all sail and hurried away.after a sojourn of five weeks. The American riflemen along the banks of the river were on the alert, and did not fail to shoot with their usual skill at the flying vessels ; but most of the men were kept so close below, and those on dutv upon deck were so well guarded by the 318 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART n. thick ramparts of sandbags, that the rifles failed to do much execution. The forts, too, were busy, and their cannon were so well pointed, that the Phoenix was three times hulled and a tender once by the shots from Fort Washington ; while the Rose did not escape without a ball from the opposite side of the river. They finally succeeded in passing without much damage, and were not stopped even by the chevaux-de-frise upon which " Old Pat" had expended so much ingenuity and la bor, and so greatly calculated. By some oversight or other, his famous obstruc tion had not been completed, and the vessels passed through the opening left unclosed. Of Anderson s project and extensive preparations nothing more was heard ; and he failed to prove "a burning and a shining light" of as mighty an illumina tion and conflagration as he had prom ised. His fellow-projector Bushnell, the Connecticut mechanician, also disappoint ed the expectations of his enthusiastic friends. Though it is somewhat in anti cipation of events, it may be as well to finish here the history of these famous projects, by recording the end of the " American Turtle." It was determined to make the first experiment upon Lord Howe s own ship, the Eagle, of sixty-four guns. Accordingly, the machine was got ready, and a night appointed. A number of officers collected together on the wharf at Whitehall, among whom General Put nam, as the chief patron of the scheme, was in a high state of active enthusiasm on the occasion. At the very beginning, however, there was a serious disappoint ment. Bushnell s brother, having been well drilled for the purpose, was to navi gate the machine; but unfortunately, just as he was about to make his adventurous voyage, he was suddenly taken ill. " Old Put," however, was not to be thus put off; so he selected a sergeant out of his own Connecticut regiment, in whose native ingenuity he had naturally great faith, and appointed him to the command of the "American Turtle." The sergeant readily consented to take charge, and, be ing installed, strove at once to make him self acquainted with the mysteries of the machine. All being ready, the " Ameri can Turtle" was started on its adventu rous voyage. " Old Put" and his fellow- officers, having bid a God-speed to the bold sergeant, remained upon the wharf, anxiously awaiting the result. The night passed slowly, the day began to break, and still the great ship of the admiral reposed quietly in her smooth berth off Governor s island The Eagle was evi dently there ; but the "American Turtle" where was it ? The waters of the bay were undisturbed ; the bell-watches of the ship were striking with their usual regularity ; the island had still the appa rent solidity of terra firma ; and the sun appeared to be rising as orderly and in as good time as ever ! At last, the officers from the wharf at Whitehall see a movement on Governor s island. A barge filled with men shoves off and rapidly approaches the admiral s ship. It is seen suddenly to stop, and then to return in great haste, as if fright ened by a dark object which can now be discerned floating quietly upon the sur- REVOLUTIONARY.] FAILURE OF THE "TURTLE." 319 face of the bay. In a moment after, a loud noise is heard, "like thunder," and a great column of water rushes up with the force of a waterspout just alongside the Eagle. Instantly her cables are cut, and she drifts down the bay with the eb bing tide. The adventurous Connecticut sergeant in the meantime pops up from below, in his submarine boat ; but, finding that he is within range of the sentries on Gov ernor s island, he dives down again, and does not make his appearance upon the surface of the water until within hailing distance of his patron, " Old Put," on the Whitehall wharf. He is now towed in by a small boat, and on his arrival gives an account of his voyage. It seems he had reached in safety the place whither he was bound, under the bottom of the Eagle ; but, finding that her copper was too thick to penetrate, for the purpose of attaching his magazine of powder, he had visited some of the other vessels : meeting, however, the same difficulty un der them, he finally let off his infernal machine, which produced, as we have seen, the commotion in the water and the agitation in the fleet. The officers on the Eagle reported afterward that they had been aware of something under the bot tom of their ship, but, supposing it was nothing but a floating log, they took no further thought of the matter. CHAPTEE XXIV. General Greene on the Alert at Long Island. The British Plan of Attack The Tories on Long Island ferreted out, and dealt with vigorously. Washington touched with the Sufferings and Dangers of the People of New York. Rumors of Peace. Greene falls ill. Putnam succeeds to the Command on Long Island. The Enemy cross, land, and beat back the Provincial Outposts. The Excitement in New York. Washington s Preparations for the Worst. The Pro vincial Defences. The Struggle. 1776, GENERAL GREENE, in command of the American troops and works on Long island, was on the alert, watching every movement of the enemy. August 9, , .. , , , . * Now he sends word to Washing ton, at New York, that his lookouts had reported that on the previous evening a hundred boats were seen bringing troops from Staten island to the transports, and that three of the men-of-war had moved down toward the narrows. A general embarkation, it was supposed, had begun, and an attack might be hourly expected. Deserters came in, and confirmed these reports. The plans of the Howes were even openly discussed. Ships were to sail up the North and East rivers, and land the British troops on both sides of the island of New York, and, forming a junction, to hem in the Americans and hold them at their mercy. Washington was active, and hurried to bring all his resources to bear on the emergency. He writes to General Mer- 320 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [TART IT. cer, in New Jersey, to send him two thou sand men from his flying camp, but con fesses that he knows not where they are to come from, for, according to the " gen eral s last return, not more than three or four hundred of the new levies had come Smallwood s battalion of Maryland- m. ers had, however, already been sent. The convention of New York was emphatical ly urged to do its best, and responded by a call upon the militia of the state, to join the encampment above Kingsbridge. The summons was urgent, and all were to come, however accoutred, it being or dered " that each man who shall not have arms shall bring with him a shovel, spade, pickaxe, or a scythe straightened and fixed on a pole." Even all the disarmed and disaffected, from sixteen to fifty years of age, were to be brought forcibly along, that they might serve as fatigue-men to the respective regiments. The recreant were to be severely dealt with ; and when, for example, it was dis covered that the inhabitants of Kings county, on Long island, did not intend to oppose the enemy, a committee was appointed to visit them, and, if they found them still in that temper, was authorized to disarm and secure the disaffected per sons, remove or destroy the stock of grain, and if they should judge it necessary, to lay the whole county waste. Some of these Long-islanders did not appear very formidable, as may be judged from the account of a party of tories by General Greene, who was actively engaged in fer reting them out: " I have examined the prisoners," says Greene, " and find them to be a poor par cel of ignorant, cowardly fellows. Two are tailors and the other two common la borers. They candidly confess that they set off with an intention of going to Stat- en island ; not with any intention of join ing the enemy, but only to get out of the way of fighting here. There has been a draft amongst the militia to fill the new levies, and it was rumored that these per sons were drawn. It was also reported that they were to go to the northern ar my, and that almost all that went there either died or were killed. The prospect was so shocking to them, and to their grandmothers and aunts, that I believe they were persuaded to run away. Never did I see fellows more frightened. They wept like children, and were exceedingly sorrowful. I beg your excellency s direc tion how to dispose of them. They do not appear to be acquainted with one public matter. They have been ioryisli ; .1 fancy not from principle, but from its being the prevailing sentiment in the country." The tories, however, were not by any means all of this character. New York was full of men of wealth and position who were lending their aid and encour agement to the enemy. Washington was very solicitous to have them removed ; and suspected persons were being daily arrested and sent off to Connecticut, where they were confided to the safe keeping of the patriotic Governor Trumbull. " There are but few of them," says Washington, "who will not defray their own expenses," and they were promised every indulgence consistent with the public safety. They expressed " a very earnest desire to be REV OLUTIONARY.] ILLNESS OF GREENE. 321 permitted to choose their own lodgings nnd accommodations," to which Washing ton, with his usual gentlemanly consider ation, says, " I see no objection." Washington s good heart was touched and his gentle humanity called into ex ercise by the condition of the helpless in New York. He writes to the New-York convention : " When I consider that the city of New York will in all human prob ability very soon be the scene of a bloody conflict, I can not but view the great num bers of women, children, and infirm per sons remaining in it, with the most mel ancholy concern. When the men-of-war passed up the river, the shrieks and cries of these poor creatures, running every way with their children, were truly dis tressing ; and I fear they will have an unhappy effect on the ears and minds of our young and inexperienced soldiery. Can no method be devised for their re moval ?" General Howe still lingered in his pur pose, and had so long delayed his attack, that the American soldiers, at the sugges tion of artful emissaries from the enemy, began to discuss the probability of peace. This became so general, that Washington thought it necessary to allude to it in the order of the day: "The general being informed, to his great sur prise, that a report prevails, and is indus triously spread far and wide, that Lord Howe has made propositions of peace, calculated by designing persons probably to lull us into a fatal security ; his duty obliges him to declare that no such offer has been made by Lord Howe, but, on the contrary, from the best intelligence 41 , 20. he can procure, the army may expect an attack as soon as the wind and tide shall prove favorable. He hopes, therefore, that every man s mind and arms will be prepared for action, and, when called to it, show our enemies and the whole world that freemen contending on their own land are superior to any mercenaries." While artful gossips were distracting the minds of his soldiers with rumors of peace, the American chief was awaiting the " bloody conflict" which he knew was inevitable. He expected the enemy each moment. The signals and alarms were ready: two cannon were to be discharged from Fort George, at the lowest part of the city; a flag in the daytime, or a light at night, was to be raised on Bayard s hill, and three guns of its battery fired quickly but distinctly, to signify to the troops to proceed to their alarm-posts and prepare for action ; while the drums were to beat to arms at the first sound of the alarm-cannon. The position of the Americans was not very encouraging, and, to add to their disadvantages, General Greene unfortu nately fell ill. "I am very sorry," he writes to Washington, " to be un der the necessity of acquainting you that I am confined to my bed w r ith a raging fever. The critical situation of affairs makes me the more anxious ; but I hope, through the assistance of Provi dence, to be able to ride, before the pres ence of the enemy may make it absolute ly necessary." This was a serious mis fortune, as Greene had the command on Long island, and, having directed the con struction of the works there, and thor- Aug, 15, 822 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART u. oughly studied the topography, he alone probably was capable of a judicious de fence. Washington, aware of Greene s effi ciency, anxiously awaited his return to duty, and hesitated to appoint a succes sor. The threatening aspect of the ene my, however, forbade any further delay, and the chief finally ordered Putnam to the general command on Long island, and General Sullivan to the special charge of the troops without the lines. The loss of Greene at this moment was especially felt, as it appeared probable that the ene my would first move against Long island. Washington, it is true, knew that it was impossible to prevent Howe from land ing on the island, as its great extent af forded "a variety of places favorable for that purpose," and the whole of the Amer ican works were "at the end opposite to the city." With Greene in command, he had hopes, no doubt, of holding the posi tion at Brooklyn. Now, howev er, he seems less sanguine, and says, " We shall attempt to harass them as much as possible, which will be all that we can do." The long-expected movement of the enemy at last began. The men-of-war had been anchored at the narrows, to cov er the landing ; and, as soon as the day dawned, the tents on Staten isl and were struck, and the troops embarked. Soldiers, too, principally Hes sians, crowded the decks of the fleet of transports, and thronged over the ships sides into the boats. Boat followed boat in quick succession, and, passing rapidly to the shore, and making for Gravesend Aug. 20, Aug. 22, bay, landed the men near Gravesend and New Utrecht, on Long island. As the troops debarked, and crowded up in thou sands toward the high ground, Colonel Hand retired with his riflemen from his post on the hill, burning the wheat and destroying whatever else might fall into the hands of the British. " Nine thousand men have landed and approached within three miles of the Amer ican lines," is the intelligence brought by a hurried messenger to Washington. He immediately sends six battalions to rein force the troops at Brooklyn, and is ready to detach five more in case that this move ment of the enemy does not prove a feint, and that the fleet should not move up with the remainder of the army and make an attack upon New York. While in this state of uncertainty about the pre cise manoeuvres of Howe, Washington is well persuaded that, whatever they may be, "a little time will produce some im portant events I hope," he says, K they will be happy." He is encouraged some what by the temper of his men. The reinforcement sent off had gone in "high spirits," and " the whole of the army, that are effective and capable of duty, discov er the same and great cheerfulness." Still farther to encourage the good spirit of his soldiers, and to remind them of their high duties, Washington addres ses them in these ardent words : "The enemy have now landed on Long island, and the hour is fast ap proaching on which the honor and suc cess of this army, and the safety of our bleeding country, will depend. Remem ber, officers and soldiers, that you are Aug. 23, REVOLUTIONARY.] PREPARING FOR THE WORST. 323 freemen, fighting for the blessings of lib erty ; that slavery will be your portion, and that of your posterity, if you do not acquit yourselves like men. Remember how your courage and spirit have been despised and traduced by your cruel in vaders ; though they have found by dear experience at Boston, Charleston, and other places, what a few brave men, con tending in their own land, and in the best of causes, can do against hirelings and mercenaries. " Be cool, but determined ; do not fire at a distance, but wait for orders from your officers. It is the general s express orders that if any man attempt to skulk, lie down, or retreat without orders, he be instantly shot down as an example. He hopes no such will be found in this army ; but on the contrary, that every one for himself resolving to conquer or die, and trusting in the smiles of Heaven upon so just a cause, will behave with bravery and resolution. Those who are distinguished for their gallantry and good conduct, may depend upon being honor ably noticed, and suitably rewarded ; and if this army will but emulate and imitate their brave countrymen in other parts of America, he has no doubt they will, by a glorious victory, save their country, and acquire to themselves immortal honor." The inhabitants of New York were in the meantime in a state of great excite ment. The struggle was now almost at their doors, and they hourly, as they lis tened with trembling to the sound of the cannon s roar, expected that the enemy would be in their midst. To the certain horrors of the sword were added the ter rors of fire, which they feared was about to desolate their homes. It was rumored throughout the town that, in case the American army should be obliged to re treat, the city would be burned. The New- York convention wrote with anx ious alarm to Washington, who replied : " I can assure you, gentlemen, that this report is not founded upon the least au thority from me ; on the contrary, I am so sensible of the value of such a city, and the consequences of its destruction to many worthy citizens and their fami lies, that nothing but the last necessity, and that such as should justify me to the whole world, would induce me to give orders for that purpose." Washington, with his usual caution and systematic regard to business, had placed all the papers he held " respecting the af fairs of the state " in a large box, nailed them up, and committed them to the care of Lieutenant-Colonel Reed, brother of his old secretary (now adjutant-general), to be delivered to Congress. " I hope," he says," the event will show the caution unnecessary; but yet prudence required that it should be done, lest by any acci dent they might fall into their hands." Mrs. Washington had left New York some time previously, and was now on her way to Mount Vernon ; while the rest of the wives and families of the general officers had also gone for security to their homes, or into the interior of the country. All were evidently preparing for the worst. The British continued to land on Long island without opposition. On the first day eight thousand came, and in two days more the whole Aug. 22. 324 BATTLES OF AMERICA. invading force, amounting to ten thou sand men and forty cannon, reached the ground. Forming as they arrived, they marched inland for several miles and then encamped. General Putnam was now in command of the American troops within the lines. The works, consisting of redoubts and in- trenchments, stretched from Wallabout bay on the north to Gowanus on the south across the neck of that peninsula over which a city now expands, but within which at that time there were only a few scattered houses, forming the village of Brooklyn. Opposite, to the northwest, stands New York, separated from Brook lyn by the East river, nearly a mile broad at that point. To the west lies Govern or s island, where the Americans had erect ed a fort ; and at Red Hook, on the south west corner of the peninsula, was a strong battery. Beginning about two and a half miles to the east of the American lines, there was a ridge of hills, which, covered with thick wood, extended for three miles tow ard Jamaica on the northeast, and to the narrows for the same distance on the southwest. Through this natural barrier across the island, there were three nar row roads, bounded on each side by ac clivities. One passed along the shore, from Gowanus to the narrows ; a second led directly east to Jamaica, through Bed ford ; and the third, which was between the two, passed through the hills to Flat- bush on the south. There were, however, by-paths and a narrow causeway, which, clearing the ridge, passed well to the east, and by which the passes through the hills [PART n. near their termination on the Jamaica road could be reached. Two of these passes through the hills were guarded by outposts of eight hundred men each, and hastily-constructed breastworks of trunks of trees and brushwood ; the third, lead ing through Bedford, seems to have been overlooked. Colonel Miles was, however, posted beyond the hills, to the south of Bedford, to watch the advance of the en emy in that quarter, and to reconnoitre the approaches toward the Jamaica road. The chief command of all the forces out side the lines was intrusted to General Sullivan, who had arrived on the ground but a few days before the engagement, and was now posted in person with a con siderable force, defended by a redoubt, within the mountain-pass on the road to Flatbush. General Howe, well informed by his tory confederates on Long island, had ar ranged his plan of attack with skilful adaptation to the nature of the country. His army was separated into three divis ions : the centre, composed chiefly of the Hessians, under De Heister; the left wing, of a small force of British, under General Grant ; and the right, which constituted the chief body of troops, under General Clinton, aided by Earls Cornwallis and Percy, and accompanied by Howe him self. Soon after landing, the army began its march. Grant led his force with slow deliberation along the road overlooking the river, and leading toward the right of the Americans. De Heister marched his centre from New Utrecht direct to Flatbush ; while Howe and Clinton hur- REVOLUTIONARY.] BATTLE OF LONG ISLAND. 325 ried with their right, composed of the main force, to Flatlands, and thence tow ard the Jamaica road. Howe s plan was, by means of this cir cuitous route, to turn the left of the Amer icans, and thus taking them by surprise, to hem them in between his right com ing from behind, and the left and centre advancing in front. Grant and De Heis- ter were accordingly ordered to move de liberately, and not to precipitate an at tack until signal-guns from Clinton, who had the chief active command, should an nounce to them the success of his ma noeuvre. De Heister, finding the central pass occupied by Colonel Hand and his rifle men, who had retired there upon the landing of the British at New Utrecht, did not give immediate battle, but re tired, in accordance with his orders, to Flatbush, where he posted his men for the night. Grant in the meantime advanced along the road by the shore, driving before him the Americans, who fled without firing a gun. He continues his march unopposed during the night, and at break of day has got through the pass in the hills, and is marching toward the American lines be yond. General Parsons, in command of the outpost, now succeeds in rallying some of the fugitives, and, posting them advantageously on a hill, checks the Brit ish advance within about two miles of the American camp, until the arrival of Lord Stirling, who is sent by Putnam to his aid with fifteen hundred men. Washington meanwhile crosses over to Brooklyn, and anxiously strives to dis- Aug, 26. cover the manoeuvres of the enerny. He remains the whole day with Put nam in his camp, and counsels him in the emergency. He observes " a scattering, unmeaning, and wasteful fire" from his undisciplined soldiery, and he therefore desires Putnam " to call the colonels and commanding officers with out loss of time" before him, and to "let them afterward do the same by their re spective officers, and charge them in ex press and positive terms to stop these ir regularities, as they value the good of the service, their own honor, and the safety of the army, which, under God, de pends wholly upon the good order and government that is observed in it." Prop er lines of defence were ordered to be formed around the encampment, and works raised on the most advantageous ground. The guards were to be strictly instructed in their duties, and a brigadier of the day was to remain constantly up on the lines, that he might be on the spot to command and see that orders were ex ecuted. Field-officers were also to be ap pointed, to go the rounds and report the situation of the guards ; and no person was to be allowed to pass beyond with out special order in writing. The woods were to be secured by abattis; the wood next to Red Hook was to be well attend ed to, and some of " the most disorderly riflemen" posted in it; while the militia who " have seen least service" were to be kept within the interior works, and the "best men" were to do their utmost to prevent the approach of the enemy. Foreseeing a general attack, Washing ton returns to the city at night, full of 326 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART n. anxious expectation of what the morrow may bring forth. Lord Stirling arrived early in Aug. 27, ?, . / the morning with his fifteen hun dred men, composed of the reinforcements sent by Washington, which were the choi cest of his troops. These were Atlee s, Haslet s, and Small wood s regiments, of Pennsylvania, Delaware, and Maryland. Stirling posted most of his force on the acclivity of what is now called " Battle hill," in Greenwood ; and the rest, under Atlee, in a neighboring wood, some little distance in advance. Grant continued to approach until he reached an orchard, within a hundred yards or so of Stirling, when the latter briskly attacked him. The right wing of the British, having reached Flatbush, began their silent march at nine o clock in the evening. General Clinton led the van ; then came Earl Per cy, with the artillery and dragoons ; while Earl Cornwallis, accompanied by Howe, the commander-in-chief, followed in the rear with the reserve. Guided by a tory Long-islander through by-paths and over a causeway raised above a swamp, the van continues to march without disturb ance. On arriving within a half-mile of the Jamaica road, Clinton brings his men to a halt, and sends out a reconnoitring- party. They soon return, bringing back a mounted patrol of American officers whom they have captured, and the word that the road is unoccupied. Clinton im mediately sends forward a body of light- infantry to secure it, and following at the break of day with the rest of his force, takes possession of the hill through which the road passes. The defence of this pass had been over looked ; and, moreover, the outposts had been apparently neglectful in watching and reporting in time the progress of Clinton s force. Colonel Miles, whose du ty it was to guard this quarter, was not aware, until too late, of the enemy s ap proach ; and General Sullivan himself seems to have been remiss in not sending out fresh patrols when he found those previously sent were so long in return ing, as they well might be, since they had, as we have related, fallen into the hands of the enemy. IIKVOLUTIONARY.] LORD STIRLING SURROUNDED. 327 CHAPTER XXV. The Struggle continued. Success of General Howe s Plan. Assisted by his Brother, Lord Howe. The Firmness of the Delawarcs and Marylanders. Lord Stirling hemmed in. Tries to escape. Is forced to surrender. De Heister and the Hessians. Sullivan retreats. The Hessians show no Mercy. Sullivan taken Prisoner. The Loss on Both Sides. The Americans withdraw within their Line of Defence. Sullivan excuses Himself. The Americans rein forced. The Movement of the British. Washington resolves to retreat. 1776, CLINTON, possessed of the Jamaica road, passed rapidly on with his van through the pass in the Bedford hills. His light-infantry then pushed on in the direction of the American lines ; and find ing no opposition but here and there a small post, which was attacked and speed ily forced, they continued their march. The artillery coming up, Clinton ordered two signal-guns to be fired, to signify to Grant and De Heister that his manoeuvre had succeeded, and that they were now to begin a vigorous attack. The design of Howe had been successful. The atten tion of the Americans had been diverted from Clinton s fatal movement on their left by Grant s leisurely advance on the ric iit. Lord Howe, too, had aided in fur- D thering the deceit by bringing up some of his ships from the narrows, and open ing a noisy cannonade upon Governor s island and the battery at Red Hook. Put nam and Sullivan were induced to believe that the chief danger was on the right of their lines, and they had accordingly concentrated all their force in that direc tion. Grant had coquetted for several hours \vith Lord Stirling and his force: now advancing his light troops within a hun dred yards or so. and exchanging fires with the American riflemen, then order ing them back to his main body; and, again, commencing a desultory cannon ade with his two fieldpieces, and thus ap pearing to fear a general engagement. Colonel Haslet, in command of the south ern troops, who was unconscious of the enemy s purpose, says : " The Delawares and Marylanders stood firm to the last ; and, after a variety of skirmishing, the Delawares drew up on the side of a hill, and stood upward of four hours, with a firm, determined countenance, in close ar ray, their colors flying, the enemy s artil lery playing on them all the while, not daring to advance and attack them., though six times their number, and nearly surrounding them" The Delawares and Marylanders were undoubtedly as brave men as ever fought; but Grant, in holding off, was merely obeying orders. The firing of Clinton s troops in his rear now first awakens Stirling to the consciousness that he is hemmed in be tween them and Grant in front. The earl s only thought at this moment is of escape ; while Grant, catching the sound of the guns, knows that it is a signal for action, and pushes on his advance. The Americans nearest at hand are dispersed, and Atlee their colonel taken prisoner. 328 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART n. Lord Stirling strives to make his way back to the American lines by a circuit- ous route toward the shore, in course of which he would be obliged to ford a creek at Yellow Mills. He reaches this place, and finds himself opposed by Lord Corn- wallis, who has been detached from the British right with a strong force, and, having taken a position at the creek, de fends its passage. Stirling had with him but a small remnant of his troops, princi pally composed of the brave " Delawares and Marylanders." Washington and a group of officers were on the heights, watching with anxi ety the movements of Stirling, who was only separated from the American lines by the creek which emptied into Gowa- nus cove, the southern boundary of the Brooklyn peninsula. " The earl will sure ly surrender," thought Washington and each of his officers, as they observed his desperate position. Stirling, however, was evidently bent on an attempt to reach the lines. He prepares to attack Lord Cornwallis, strongly posted as he is with out and within the mill, which commands the passage of the creek. Sending most of his men to make the best of their way through the water, he leads about half of Srnallwood s brave regiment against the enemy. Washington, surprised at this daring movement, exclaims to the officers at his side, " Good God ! what brave fellows I must lose this day !"* The attack began : Stirling was driven back, but, rallying on his men, the assault is renewed. He is again and again, for five or six times, repulsed ; but, bringing * Irvinjr. up his handful of brave troops once more to the charge, he is " on the point of dri ving Lord Cornwallis from his station; but, large reinforcements arriving, ren dered it impossible to do more than pro vide for safety." The slaughter was ter rific. Colonel Smallwoocl s regiment of Marylanders suffered extremely, and was almost cut to pieces. It lost two hundred and fifty-nine. " This loss was much re gretted, on account of their being young men of the best families in the country." While the struggle was going on, some succeeded in crossing the creek ; one man, however, was drowned. The rest came into the American lines drenched, be- mired, and covered with blood, but bring ing in with them twenty-three prisoners. " Twenty-seven of the Delawares," writes Colonel Haslet, " next morning were mis sing. In that number were Lieutenants Stewart and Harney, the latter a prison er, the other not yet heard of. Major M Donough was wounded in the knee ; a ball passed through the sleeve of his coat, without wounding the arm or his body. Lieutenant Anderson had a bell lodged in his throat; Lieutenant Corn a ball still in his back. The standard was torn with grapeshot in Ensign Stephan s hand, who is now in his element, and a most excellent officer. Such is our fate. The Delaware battalion, officers and men, are respected throughout this army."* Lord Stirling tried still to reach the lines ; but, in attempting to escape, he found that in front he was met by a con siderable body of troops, and was pursued by others on his right and left, and all * Sparks. REVOLUTIONARY. STIRLING AND SULLIVAN SURRENDER. 329 pouring a hot fire upon him and his few remaining brave Mary landers. His lord ship now gave up all hopes of escape, and, falling back behind a hill in his rear, determined to seek out General De Heis- ter, and surrender himself. De Heister, too. had strictly obeyed or ders, and awaited the signal of Clinton before he made a serious attempt. His troops, after sleeping on their arms at Flatbush during the night, were early aroused, and marched along the road. As soon as the signal-guns of Clinton were heard, De Heister sent forward Count Donop with his regiment to storm the redoubt which protected Sullivan and defended the pass through the hills, while he himself led forward the rest of his Hessians to the attack. A bloody strug gle was the consequence. The Ameri cans, however, did not long continue their resistance ; as Sullivan, becoming con scious of Clinton s manoeuvre, ordered a retreat, with the view of preventing him self from being shut out from the Ameri can lines. He was, however, too late ; for Clinton was ready to intercept him, and, meeting the American troops on the road, drove them back upon the Hessians. De Heister and his soldiers showed no mercy, and pitilessly bayoneted every man within their reach. Driven thus backward and forward between Clinton in front and De Heister in the rear, the Americans, with hardly a chance of es cape, suffered terribly. The ferocity of the Hessian soldiers was such as to give countenance to the rumor, which was gen erally circulated, that General Howe had said to De Heister on his arrival, " The 42 Americans will give the foreigners no quarter;" and that De Heister had an swered, " Well, as I know it, I am ready to fight on these terms." The soldiers ears, too, were said to have been indus triously filled with the most terrific ac counts of the cruelty of the Americans, who were represented as more than half savages, and would, if they caught a Hes sian alive, stick his body "full with pieces of pine-wood," and burn him to death ! The Hessians, it must be confessed, if such was their belief, proved themselves on that day fit to cope with the most barbarous enemies. A few of the Americans succeeded, un der the cover of the woods, in making their escape to Brooklyn, but most were either killed or taken prisoners. Sulli van surrendered himself, together with a number of his officers. General Howe now closed in with his separate divisions, and pursued the scat tered remnants of Stirling s and Sullivan s forces to within a few hundred yards of the American lines. The British soldiers, exulting in their success, would have rushed at once against the works, but Howe cautiously withdrew them out of the reach of the American guns, to the cover of a wood, and, encamping his ar my, prepared to make an assault upon the fortifications of Brooklyn by deliber ate approaches. The enemy had suffered little comparatively, their loss being only three hundred and eighty in all; while that of the Americans was over two thou sand in killed, wounded, and captured, among whom were the two generals, Sul livan and Lord Stirling, and a large num- 330 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART II. her of other officers. Sullivan was anx ious to exonerate himself from all respon sibility for the loss of the day, and wrote to the president of Congress a letter which shows a care to redeem his own charac ter, at all hazards to the fame of others. He says : I know it has been generally reported that I commanded on Long island when the action happened there. This is by no means true. General Putnam had taken the command from me four days before the action. Lord Stirling com manded the main body without the lines. I was uneasy about a road, through which I had often foretold that the enemy would come, but could not persuade others to be of my opinion. I went to the hill near Flatbush to reconnoitre, and with a pick et of four hundred men was surrounded by the enemy, who had advanced by the very road I had foretold, and which I had paid horsemen fifty dollars for patrolling by night, while I had the command, as I had no foot for the purpose. "What resistance I made with these four hundred men against the British army, I leave to the officers who were with me to declare. Let it suffice for me to say, that the opposition of the small party lasted from half-past nine to twelve o clock. " The reason of so few troops being on Long island was because it was generally supposed that the enemy s landing there was a feint to draw our troops thither, that they might the more easily possess themselves of New York. I often urged, both by word and writing, that, as the enemy had doubtless both these objects Alls, 28, in view, they would first try for Long island, which commanded the other ; and then New York, which was completely commanded by it, would fall of course. But in this I was unhappy enough to dif fer from almost every officer in the army, till the event proved my conjectures were just." The night after the engagement on Long island was one of gloomy anxiety to the Americans. Pros trated by defeat, and doubtful of the se curity of their position, they passed a sleepless night, full of ill forebodings of the future. The morning came, but with it no bright summer sun, and no hope to cheer the spirits of the troops. A dull mist overhung land and water, and so darkened the day, that every visible ob ject had lost its summer glow, and seemed dimmed, like the hearts of the patriots, with a breath of sadness. The enemy, with an overwhelming force, were within a few hundred yards ; and the guards could see their working-parties turning- out, with the spade and the pick, to be gin their approaches. The Americans were, however, momen tarily cheered by the arrival in the early forenoon of the orderly battalions of Shee, Magaw, and Glover. " The faces that nad been saddened by the disasters of yestei- day, assumed a gleam of animation" as they approached ; while " a murmur of approbation" was heard among " the spec tators, occasionally greeting each other with the remark, t These were the lads that might do something ! " Compara tively well dressed, well armed, and well disciplined soldiers, in fact, of whom REVOLUTIONARY.] ANXIOUS SUSPENSE. 331 Washington himself had said, " They had been trained with more than common at tention," their appearance in that moment of danger, naturally won the admiration and aroused the hopes of their less-hap pily-conditioned comrades. The misfor tunes of the previous day had taught even the most self-confident of the mili tia of the disadvantages of a want of or der and martial training. They now ex hibited no rude contempt for " fine feath ers and fine airs," but heartily welcomed the very looks of a soldier. General Mifflin had been ordered, on the previous afternoon, to bring down from Kingsbridge the battalions of Shee, Magaw, and Glover, forming in all some fifteen hundred men, and the next morn ing they were sent from the city, where they had passed the night, to take post in Brooklyn near Wallabout bay. The men cheerfully took their position on the ground. It was low and unfavorable for defence, and, with nothing but a /raised ditch in front, gave little promise of se curity ; while the enemy, within a few hundred paces, were rapidly constructing batteries upon the heights which com manded Mifflm s position. The drizzling mist of the morning had closed in a heavy rain, and the men, unprovided with tents, were drenched to the skin. Each soldier had drawn his rations, but without the or dinary camp conveniences he was forced to eat " his pickled pork" without the pre liminary boiling which, although gener ally considered " desirable," was found " not absolutely necessary" by these self- denying patriots, who, as one of them tells us, discovered in the course of their hard experience that " the article was es culent without culinary preparation." It is comforting to know, however, that there was occasionally a more savory morsel for a lucky mouth than the " es culent without culinary preparation ;" for, says the same military annalist we have quoted, " I remember, however, on one of the days we were in this joyless place, getting a slice of a barbecued pig, which some of our soldiers had dressed at a deserted house which bounded our lines." During the day the enemy were driv en from their works by the drenching rain to their tents. There was, however, a constant skirmishing between their out posts and the Americans. Those within the lines continued to suffer greatly from exposure to the weather. "Yesterday," says Washington, writing on the 29th of August, " it rained severely the whole afternoon, which distressed our people much, not having a sufficiency of tents to cover them, and what we have not be ing got over yet. I am in hopes they will be all got to-day, and that they will be more completely provided for, though the great scarcity of these articles dis tresses us be3^oud measure, not having anything like a sufficient number to pro tect our people from the inclemency of the weather ; which has occasioned much sickness, and the men to be almost bro ken down." In the evening the rain ceased to fall, and the British resumed their advances toward the American lines. Washington was with the army at Brooklyn, and re mained in anxious suspense, undeter- 332 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PATCT n. . 29, mined about the future, which, from the ill condition and discouragement of the troops, was not very cheering. The night was passing, and still he and his aids were on horseback, riding from post to post, throughout the whole extent of the lines, examining the defences, consulting w r ith the officers, and encouraging the men. With the mornino; came a heavy log, which so covered the land and water, that nothing could be seen of the enemy s troops or fleet. Gen eral Mifflin, however, accompanied by Ad jutant-General Reed and Colonel Gray- son, one of Washington s aids, rode to Red flook, at the farthest end of the Ameri can lines toward the bay, to strive to catch a glimpse of the British fleet, and discov er its movements. While straining their eyes in vain to see through the shroud of m st, a light breeze suddenly sprang up, and so dispersed the fog, that the ships at the narrows could be distinctly seen. Lord Howe was evidently making ready for a movement. All were astir. The yards were manned, anchors were being weighed, and boats were passing from ship to ship. Reed galloped back to Washington, to report what had been seen. Mifilin and Grayson followed. So impressed were they all with the idea that Lord Howe was preparing to ad vance with his ships up the East river, with the view of hemming in the Ameri cans at Brooklyn, and so persuaded were they of the necessity of an immediate retreat, that Reed was authorized by his companions to suggest it to Washington. The command er-in-chief immediately called a council of war in an old stone church, standing near the centre of the village. There was no difference of opin ion. It was now apparent to all that a retreat was necessary. Some had from the earliest moment thought it advisable. As soon as Mifflin arrived from New York, and had examined the relative condition and position of the two opposing forces, he said to Washington : " You must either fight or retreat immediately. What is your strength?" "Nine thousand," was the answer. "It is not sufficient we must therefore retreat," rejoined Mifflin. When the council was consulting, Mif flin undertook to propose the retreat ; but lest, in making such a proposition, he might incur the suspicion of a want of spirit, he stipulated that, in case it was determined upon, he should command the rear, but, if action was the resolve, the van.* Immediate retreat was, however, unan imously determined upon by the officers of the council, for these cogent reasons : the great loss sustained, by death and capture, in the late action ; the injury which the arms and ammunition had re ceived from the heavy rains ; the proba bility that the enemy would succeed in getting their ships up the East river, and thus cut off the communication between Long island and New York ; the divided condition of the troops, having so many points to defend; and the expectation that the enemy s ships, now in Flushing bay, would transport across the sound a part of the British army, who would form an encampment above Kingsbridge, and thus command New-York island. * Gordon. K KV OLUTIOXARY.] THE RETREAT. 333 CHAPTER XXVI. Preparations for the Retreat. The Retreat begins. The Night. Crossing the East River. Glover and his Marblehead Men. A Change of Wind. A Dreadful Mistake. The Providential Fog. The Quick Steps of the Rear. The Last Boat. The Next Morning. General Howe s Matutinal Surprise. The Unbelief of the British. A Harmless Cannonade. General Sullivan a Messenger from Lord Howe to Congress. Washington does not approve. Lord Howe moves his Fleet nearer New York. Washington doubtful of his Power to hold the City. The "Weakness within" more feared than the " Strength without." 1776, 29, " THIS day passed off like the last, in watching, skirmishing, and rain. After dark, orders were received and com municated to us," says the lively annal ist whom we have so often quoted, " to hold ourselves in readiness for an attack upon the enemy to take place in the course of the night. This excited much speculation among the offi cers, by whom it was considered a truly daring undertaking, rendered doubly so from the bad condition of our arms, so long exposed to the rain; and, although we had bayonets, this was not the case with the whole of our force, upon whom we must depend for support. It was not for us, however, to object to the measure : we were soldiers, and bound to obey. Several nuncupative wills were made up on the occasion, uncertain as it was wheth er the persons to whom they were com municated would survive, e ither to prove or to execute them." Graydon, who thus reports the rumors of the camp, was soon relieved from his anxieties about the at tack. " There was a deep murmur," he says, "which indicated some movement, and the direction of the decaying sounds was evidently toward the river. About two o clock, a cannon went off with a tre mendous roar. If the explosion was with in our lines, the gun was probably dis charged in the act of spiking it." The retreat had begun; and the Pennsylvania battalion, in which Graydon was an offi cer had been appointed to cover the movement. Eight o clock in the evening was the hour when the troops were ordered to be drawn out, in readiness to be moved tow ard the river. The soldiers were kept in ignorance of Washington s purpose, and they were not conscious of it until they began to embark. The preparations had been made with the utmost secrecy and despatch. Early in the day, craft of all kinds sloops and periaguas, flat-bottomed scows and row-boats had been collected from the wharves, the stream, up and down the rivers, and gathered at Brook lyn. Colonel Glover, with his men of Marblehead (each one skilled, from his experience in the fisheries, in the man agement of the sail and the oar), had charge of the boats. The colonel was active from an early hour, passing fre quently from Brooklyn to New York and back again, in collecting and fitting out his flotilla for the perilous passage of the night. 334 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART n A delay occurred in moving the troops, and it was nine o clock before the militia had reached the river, ready for embar kation. The boats were hauled close in shore ; Glover and his men were on duty, showing, in thoir skilful handling of the craft, their Marblehead experience. The tide was at the flood, and swept along the shore in a rapid current; the wind, too, began to blow freshly from the northeast. The " old sailors" shook their heads, and declared that, with wind and water against them, it would not do to attempt the pas sage under sail. The small boats, how ever, were filled with troops, and began to cross. Still, with the row-boats only, it seemed impracticable to convey nine thousand men across a river three quar ters of a mile in breadth ; and General M Dougall, who was stationed on the Brooklyn shore to superintend the em barkation, was so discouraged, that he sent word by Colonel Grayson to Wash ington, that he thought it impracticable to accomplish the retreat that night. Grayson went and returned without find ing the commander-in-chief, and the slow operation of the crossing and recrossing of the small boats was continued. Now, however, a fortunate change oc curred : the wind sprang up from the op posite quarter, and, blowing freshly from the southwest, would carry the sailing- craft straight to New York. The nautical skill of the Marblehead men was at once put into requisition ; and, with sails all set, they were soon, with their fleet of sloops, periuyuas, and sail-boats (although loaded with men deep down to the gun wales), dashiiv across to the city. / f / The delay had been long, and morning was approaching, when the enemy would be on the alert to dash the hopes of all by an attack, the result of which was too terrible to contemplate. " Providence in terposed in favor of the retreating army, by sending a thick fog about two o clock, which hung over Long island, while on the New-York side it was clear." This fog proved no less a merciful interposi tion for those still in the American camp. Washington had despatched an aid-de camp, Colonel Scammel, to General Mif- flin, with orders to hasten down all the troops on their march. Scammel hur ried away, but soon returned, followed by Mifflin and all the covering-party ! Good God ! General Mifflin," exclaimed Washington, as soon as he saw him, "I am afraid you have ruined us, by so un seasonably withdrawing the troops from the lines." "I did so by your order," qi~ ; okly answered Mifflin. " It can not be," emphatically replied Washington. "By G-d I did !" as resolutely rejoined the oth er, and asked, Did Scammel act as aid- de-camp for the day, or did he not?"- " He-did," answered Washington. " Then," replied Mifflin, "I had orders through him." Washington then calmly said : " It is a dreadful mistake ; and, unless the troops can regain the lines before their absence is discovered by the enemy, the most disastrous consequences are to be apprehended."* The fog was here again their salvation. Mifflin succeeded in leading his troops back without the British having discov ered that they had been absent. "This * Irving. REVOLUTIONARY.] TORPIDITY O* THE HOWES. 33; was a trying business for young soldiers," reports one of them, and particularly so in this case ; for, on their march to the ferry, there had already been a cry that the British light-horse were at their heels, and the battalion had halted and formed, while the front rank, kneeling, had pre sented pikes " to receive the charge of the supposed assailants." When ordered to return to the lines, the men willingly obeyed. " Whoever," says another mili tary annalist, " has seen troops in a simi lar situation, or duly contemplates the human heart in such trials, well knows how to appreciate the conduct of these brave men on this occasion." It is not surprising, when a genuine order did come, that they " did not lin ger ;" and, though they naturally "moved with celerity," it is no more than we ex pect of such true soldiers that they " guard ed against confusion." They were the last of the troops to leave the linos ; and, succeeding in reaching the place of em barkation without annoyance from the enemy, took to the boats in readiness for them, and crossed to New York in safety. " I found," says Graydon, " a boat, pre pared for my company, which immediate ly embarked, and, taking the helm my self, I so luckily directed the prow, no object being discernible in the fog, that we touched near the centre of the city." The whole manoeuvre was a great suc cess, and, although much aided by the providential" fog. reflected no little cred it upon Washington s military skill. The cannon and stores were, for the most part, brought off without loss or damage. A few heavy pieces of artillery were, how ever, left behind, which it was found im possible to drag away, in consequence of the wheels of the carriages sinking up to the hubs in the earth which had been sat urated with the severe and long-contin ued rains. A few heads of cattle, also, which had been driven within the lines, were abandoned, after various attempts to force them across the water. Wash ington himself and his staff, though often entreated, would not leave the shore of Brooklyn until the last body of troops had embarked. At about eight o clock, the fog cleared away. Four boats were still on the river : three half way over, filled with croops ; the fourth, containing three fellows who had tarried behind to plunder, was so near the shore, that the enemy, who at this moment thronged into the lines deserted by the Americans, coin manded it with their guns and forced it to return. Howe had only been aroused to tne fact of the retreat at early dawn of day. " The high-feeding English gen eral," says a compatriot of his own, " s^ept on ; and his brother the ad miral, not so apt to do^e, did not move a single ship or boat, and was to all appear ance unconscious of what was going on." The first intelligence brought to General Howe was by a negro-servant of a Mrs. Ilapelye, of Brooklyn. This lady s hus band, suspected of tory proclivities, had fallen under General Greene s scrutiny, in the course of his raid against the dis affected, and been duly secured. His wife, however, had tory inclinations of her own, which were now sharpened by revenge from the forced absence of her Aug. 30. 336 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART n. husband. Remaining in Brooklyn, she became aware, in the evening, of the re treat of the Americans, and sent her ne gro, with information of the fact, to the British camp. The first man into whose hands he fell chanced to be a Hessian, who could not understand a word of the poor African s English splutter ; so he was clapped into the guardhouse for the night, and only brought before the British gen eral next morning, by whom his message was understood, when it was too late to be of service. Even now the story was hardly be lieved ; and it was only when Captain Montressor, fortified by the presence of an armed party, had cautiously approach ed the lines, and, climbing up the em bankment, had peeped over and found the place abandoned, that Howe was ful ly persuaded of the mortifying fact that the American army had escaped from his clutches. The drums now beat the morn ing reveille ; and, while the British troops were striking their tents and preparing to move, small bodies of light-horse gal loped to various points toward the shore to reconnoitre ; and some fieldpieces were hurried into Brooklyn, and began to pour a harmless cannonade at the retreating O boats. On the succeeding night, the Ameri cans also brought away their ar tillery, stores, and tents, from Governor s island. One man, however, lost his arm by a shot from a British man- of-war, while engaged in this dangerous enterprise. During the whole of this per ilous time, Washington was personally so active, that for forty-eight hours previous Aug. 30, to the completion of the retreat from Long- island, he had hardly been off his horse, or closed his eyes ; " so that I was quite unfit," he says on the next day, :; to write or dictate till this morning." General Sullivan, when taken prisoner during the battle of Long island, was im mediately sent on board the admiral s ship. Here Lord Howe had frequent in terviews with Sullivan, and took occasion to tell him how desirous he was of accom modation with the colonies, and of fulfil ling the purpose of his nppointrnent by the British government as a commission er to treat with the Americans. With this object in view, his lordship expressed the wish of seeing some of the members of Congress. The American general was so far impressed by the admiral s earnest desire, that he consented to go (on his parole) to Philadelphia with a verbal mes sage, the purport of which was, that, al though Lord Howe could not treat with Congress as such, he was desirous of con ferring with some of its members as pri vate gentlemen only, whom he would meet at any place they would appoint; that in conj unction with General Howe, his broth er, he had full powers to compromise the dispute with America, on terms advanta geous and honorable to both the colonies and the mother-country ; that he wished a compact might be settled at this time, when no decisive blow was struck, and neither party could allege being com pelled to enter into such agreement; and that in case Congress were disposed to treat in the manner suggested, ninny things not yet asked might be granted them ; and if, upon the conference being REVOLUTION" ABY.] BRITISH IN POSSESSION OF BROOKLYN. 337 held, there should arise good ground for the accommodation, this might lead to an acknowledgment of its authority, as oth erwise the compact could not be com pleted. Sullivan was put ashore at New York on the day after the retreat from Long island, and immediately presented himself to Washington, with a statement of his desire to lay before Congress the message which he had received from Lord Howe. Washington urges no objection. "I have consented," he says, " to his going to Phil adelphia, as I do not mean, or conceive it right, to withhold or prevent him from giving such information as he possesses in this instance." Washington evidently did not sympathize very warmly with this diplomatic movement, the issue of which we shall have occasion to record in the course of our narrative. General Howe now took possession of the American works at Brooklyn, and, gar risoning them with a force principally of Hessians, distributed the rest of his troops along the shores of Long island which overlooked the East river; posting them at Bushwick, Hellgate, Flushing, and New- town. The admiral, too, now began to close with his fleet toward the city, and, anchoring most of his ships off Governor s island, sent on the night after the battle a forty-gun frigate up the East river. She succeeded in passing up between Gov ernor s and Long islands, and, although fired upon by the American batteries, was enabled to reach an anchorage in Turtle bay without damage. The next morning, however, Washington despatched Major Crane, of the artillery, with two twelve- 43 pounders and a howitzer, which, hulling her several times, forced her to take shel ter behind Blackwell s island, where she remained. Several other British ships- of-war, with a whole fleet of store and transport vessels, which had come round Long island, were also stationed in the sound above. As the enemy were thus closing about him, Washington began to be doubtful of the possibility of continuing to hold the city of New York. He felt the need of disciplined troops, and ordered General Mercer to send the thousand men intend ed for the flying camp to the city; while a corresponding number of the militia were to be detached to take their place in New Jersey, and try to make a diver sion, if practicable, upon Staten island. " Till of late," says Washington, in unusu ally despairing words for him, "I had no doubt in my own mind of defending this place; nor should I have yet, if the men would do their duty; but this I despair of." He was already contemplating an evacuation, and writes to the president of Congress, asking " If we should be obliged to abandon the town, ought it to stand as winter-quarters for the enemy ? They would," he continues, "derive great conveniences from it, on the one hand ; and much property would be de stroyed on the other. It is an important question, but will admit of but little time for deliberation. At present, I dare say the enemy mean to preserve it, if they can. If Congress, therefore, should re solve upon the destruction of it, the reso lution should be a profound secret, as the knowledge of it will make a capital change BATTLES OF AMERICA. [l AKT II. in their plans." Washington s great diffi culty was, however, with his troops, which, since the defeat on Long island, were so disheartened and disorganized, that no re liance could be placed upon them as an army, either for offence or defence. The American commander-in-chief was thus placed almost hors de combat, not so much by the strength without as by the weak ness within. CHAPTER XXVII. Discouragement of the American Troops. Desertion. Villany and Rascality. Washington calls loudly for lleform. Low Fellows in High Places. Fort Constitution garrisoned and strengthened. Removal of Stores from the City of New York. The Enemy threaten to cross the East River and cut off the Communication with the Country. New York to be burned, or not ? Opinions on the Subject. The New Disposition of the American Army. The Howes pause for a Reply from Congress. 1776, Sept. 2, WASHINGTON would be particular ly happy, he writes to Congress, if he could transmit to them information that would be agreeable to their wishes; but " unfortunately for me, unfortunately for them," it is not in his power. " Our situation," he declares, " is truly distressing. The check our de tachment sustained on the 27th ultimo has dispirited too great a proportion of our troops, and filled their minds with apprehension and despair. The militia, instead of calling forth their utmost ef forts to a brave and manly opposition, in order to repair our losses, are dismayed, in tractable, and impatient to return. Great numbers of them have gone off; in some instances, almost by whole regiments, by half ones, and by companies, at a time. This circumstance, of itself, independent of others, when fronted by a well-appoint ed enemy superior in number to our whole collected force, would be sufficiently dis agreeable ; but, when their example has infected another part of the army, when their want of discipline and refusal of al most every kind of restraint and govern ment have produced a like conduct but too common to the whole, and an entire disregard of that order and subordination necessary to the well-doing of an army, and which had been inculcated before, as well as the nature of our military estab lishment would admit of our condition becomes still more alarming; and with the deepest concern I am obliged to con fess my ivant of confidence in the generality of the troops." These were strong words, which, how ever, seemed unfortunately too well justi fied by the conduct of the army, and es pecially of the militia. "Almost every villany and rascality are daily practised; so many of our officers want honor, and so many of our soldiers want virtue, civ il, social, and military, that nothing but the severest punishments can keep them from ruining the American cause" was REVOLUTIONARY.] CHARACTER OF MILITIA. 330 the testimony of others besides Washing ton. A contemporary declares, "I have heard some tales of wo, occasioned by the robberies of our army, which would ex tort sighs from the hearts of tigers." An other emphatically asserts : " Unless some speedy and effectual measures are adopt ed by Congress, our cause will be lost. The few who act upon principles of dis interestedness are, comparatively speak ing, no more than a drop in the ocean. As the war must be carried on systemat ically, you must establish your army up on a permanent footing, and give your officers good pay, that they may be and support the character of gentlemen, and not be driven, by a scanty allowance, to the low and dirty arts which many of them practise, to filch the public of more than the difference of pay would amount to. The men must be engaged by a good bounty, for the continuance of the war. To depend upon militia is assuredly rest ing on a broken staff They can not brook subordination. It would be cheaper to keep fifty or a hundred thousand in con stant pay, than depend upon half the number, and supply the other half occa sionally by militia. If I was to declare, upon oath, whether the militia have been most serviceable or hurtful, upon the whole, I should subscribe to the latter. No man who regards order, regularity, or economy, or who has any regard for his own honor, character, or peace of mind, will risk them upon militia." The system of choosing their own offi cers, in the militia-companies, seemed de structive of all order and discipline. The men would select those only who consent ed to throw their pay into a joint stock, from which captains, lieutenants, ensigns, sergeants, corporals, drummers, and pri vates, drew equal shares. With this sys tem, low fellows naturally were found in high places ; and accordingly it was not surprising that a captain should be proved guilty of stealing his soldiers blankets ; that another officer should be found sha ving his men "in the face of distinguished characters ;" and that many of the regi mental surgeons made a practice of sel ling recommendations to furloughs and discharges at a less sum than a shilling a man.* Washington finds that affairs were not changing for the better, and the militia were daily so diminishing, that "in a lit tle time I am persuaded," he writes, " their number will be very inconsiderable." He found it impossible to check the desire of these men to return to their homes. Al though he refused to give them their dis charge, they insisted upon going, and did go, so fast, that in a few days the Con necticut militia were reduced from six to less than two thousand ! Washington was forced to acquiesce in these shameful de sertions, which, however, greatly harassed him. In the meantime, little could be done, either for offence or defence. General Mercer was, however, ordered to detach a force from Amboy, where he was sta tioned, to take possession of and strength en the works on the Jersey bank of the Hudson, called Fort Constitution, and sub sequently Fort Lee, opposite Fort Wash ington on the New-York side. Wash- * Gordon. 340 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART it. ington, moreover, as he thought it " ex pedient to guard against every contin gency," and that he might have resources left if obliged to abandon New York, be gan to remove all the stores, not imme diately wanted, above Kingsbridge. The evacuation of the city was now, in fact, a subject of constant talk and considera tion. The probability of such an event, and the possibility of the destruction of New York, had been discussed in Con gress, which hurried to pass and send to the commander-in-chief this resolution : " Resolved, That General Washington be acquainted that Congress would have spe cial care taken, in case he should find it necessary to quit New York, that no dam age be done to the said city by his troops on their leaving it ; the Congress having no doubt of their being able to recover the same, though the enemy should for a time obtain possession of it." As the British were closing in with their ships, and extending their encamp ments along the Long-island shore of the East river, there was reason to suppose that they intended to make a landing above or below Kingsbridge, in order to hem in the American army, and cut off its communication with the country. This called for prompt action ; and Washing ton immediately summoned a council of war, to fix upon some system of conduct to be pursued, in order to baffle the ef forts and counteract the schemes of Gen eral Howe, and also to determine as to the expediency of evacuating or attempt ing to maintain the city and the several posts on the island of New York. The council of general officers rnet, ac cording to the summons.* There , . . Sept. 7, was a division of opinion. JJut all agreed that New-York city would not be tenable if the enemy resolved to bom bard and cannonade it. Some, howev er (not a little influenced in their opin ion by the supposition that Congress de sired it to be maintained at every haz ard), were opposed to the evacuation. Others strongly advocated the immedi ate and total abandonment of the town. This was the opinion of General Greene, who strenuously presented it in a letter to the commander-in-chief two days be fore the assembling of the council. " The object under consideration is," he writes, " whether a general and speedy ^etreat from the island is necessary or not. To me it appears the only eligible plan to oppose the enemy successfully and secure ourselves from disgrace. I think we have no object on this side of Kingsbridge. Our troops are now so scattered, that one part may be cut off before the others can come to their support. In this situation suppose the enemy should send up the North river several ships of force, and a number of transports at the same time, and effect a landing between the town and the middle division of the army ; that another party from Long island should land directly opposite ; and that these two parties should form a line across the island and intrench themselves. The two flanks of this line could be easi ly supported by the shipping. The cen tre, fortified with the redoubts, would ren- * Among them were some of those lately promoted : for Congress had appointed Heath, Spencer, Greene, and Sul livan, major-generals; and James Reed. Nixon, St. Clair, M Dougall, Parsons, and James Clinton, hrigadier-generals. REVOLUTIONARY.] A COMPROMISE. der it very difficult, if not impossible, to cut our way through. At the time the enemy are executing this movement, they will be able to make sufficient diversions, if not real lodgments, to render it impos sible for the centre and upper divisions of the army to afford any assistance here. Should this event take place and, by- the-by, I do not think it very improbable your excellency will be reduced to that situation, which every prudent general would wish to avoid : that is, of beino; " S obliged to fight the enemy at a disadvan tage, or submit." Greene went even fur ther, and advised the destruction of New York. "I would burn the city and its suburbs," he says, and thinks that they should net be put into competition with the general interests of America, for " two thirds of the property of the city and the suburbs belong to the tories." Putnam, too, agreed with Greene, while Mercer, Spencer, Heath, and Clinton, were of the opposite opinion. Washington him self was evidently in favor of evacuation. " It is now extremely obvious," he says, "from all intelligence, from their move ments, and every other circumstance, that having landed their whole army on Long island, except about four thousand on Staten island, they mean to enclose us on the island of New York, by taking post in our rear, while the shipping effectual ly secures the front ; and thus, either by cutting off our communication with the country, oblige us to fight them on their own terms, or surrender at discretion ; or by a brilliant stroke endeavor to cut this army in pieces, and secure the collection of arms and stores which they well know we shall not be able soon to replace." With this view of the enemy s tactics, Washington, while considering the best means of opposing them, says it is " im possible to forget that history, our own ex perience, the advice of our ablest friends in Europe, the fears of the enemy, and even the declarations of Congress, demon strate that on our side the war should be. defensive (it has even been called a war of posts) ; that we should on all occasions avoid a general action ; riot put anything to risk, unless compelled by a necessity into which we ought never to be drawn. With these views," he oontinues, " and being fully persuaded that it would be pre sumption to draw out our young troops into open ground against their superiors both in number and discipline, I have never spared the spade and pickaxe." A compromise was finally agreed upon between these extreme opinions, and it was determined by the council to arrange the army under three divisions : five thou sand to remain for the defence of the city; nine thousand to be stationed at Kino-s- O bridge and its neighborhood, in order not only to secure the posts there, but to be ready to attack the enemy, who were moving eastward on Long island, if they should attempt to land ; and the rest of the army to occupy the intermediate space, in readiness to support either di vision above or below. Washington immediately proceeded to put into execution these plans. He made preparation to shift his own headquarters to Kingsbridge. Rough Avooden struc tures were ordered to be built there for the troops, and the sick removed from 342 BATTLES OF AMERICA. |_PAUT IT. New York to Orangetown, in New Jersey. The enemy, although hourly and anx iously expected to begin their manoeu vres, seemed to hesitate, probably await ing the issue of the interview just about to take place between Lord Howe and the committee appointed by Congress to meet him on Staten island. CHAPTER XXVIII. The Result of Sullivan s Mission. Franklin. Adams, and Rutledge, sent to meet Lord flowc and hie Brother. Lord Howe s Honeyed Words to Franklin. Franklin s Stinging Answer. The Journey of the American Commissioner :. The Scenes on the Road. The Incidents of a Night. Adams and Franklin Bedfellows. Franklin s Theory of Colds. Arrival at Amboy The Hostage. Interview with Lord Howe. The House, as it now appears. His Lord ship s Hospitality. The Business of the Conference. The Discussion. The Result. Sullivan s Mission a "Fool s Errand." Washington s Opinion. 1776, GENERAL SULLIVAN had arrived at Philadelphia, in his capacity of em- bassador from Lord Howe, and, having laid before Congress the verbal message of his lordship, was requested to reduce it to writing. This having been done, Congress, after a long discussion, resolved that they could not send any of their members in a private capacity ; but were willing, as they were desirous of an hon orable peace, to appoint a committee to wait upon his lordship, who might receive them in whatever character he pleased. Benjamin Franklin of Pennsylvania, John Adams of Massachusetts, and John Rut- ledge of South Carolina, were accordingly chosen in fulfilment of these resolutions. They immediately set out to meet Lord Howe on Staten island. A private letter had already been writ ten to Franklin by his lordship, who had stated the object of his mission, and ex pressed to his " old acquaintance and wor thy friend," whom he had known in Lon don, his earnest desire to hav< it success fully accomplished. Franklin s answer was somewhat pungent, but seemed justi fied by the apparent desire of Lord Howe to obtain his concurrence in a movement which no American patriot could believe was favorable to the interests of his coun try :- "Directing pardons," writes Franklin, "to be offered to the colonies, who are the very parties injured, expresses indeed that opinion of our ignorance, baseness, and insensibility, which your uninformed and proud nation has long been pleased to entertain of us ; but it can have no other effect than that of increasing our resentments. It is impossible we should think of submission to a government that has, with the most wanton barbarity and cruelty, burnt our defenceless towns in the midst of winter; excited the savages to massacre our peaceful farmers, and our slaves to murder their masters ; and is even now bringing foreign mercenaries REVOI.TTTIONAKY.] A PUNGENT LETTER OF FRANKLIN. 343 to deluge our settlements with blood. These atrocious injuries have extinguish ed every spark of affection for that pa rent-country we once held so dear. But were it possible for us to forget and for give them, it is not possible for yon (I mean the British nation) to forgive the people you have so heavily injured " Your lordship may possibly remem ber the tears of joy that wet my cheek, when, at your good sister s in London, you once gave expectations that a recon ciliation might soon take place. I had the misfortune to find these expectations disappointed, and to be treated as the cause of the mischief I was laboring to prevent. My consolation under that groundless and malevolent treatment was, that I retained the friendship of many wise and good men in that coun try ; and, among the rest, some share in the regard of Lord Howe. " The well-founded esteem, and permit me to say affection, which I shall always have for your lordship, make it painful to me to see you engaged in conducting a war, the great ground of which, as de scribed in your letter, is the necessity of preventing American trade from passing into foreign channels. To me it seems neither the obtaining nor retaining any trade, how valuable soever, is an object for which men may justly spill each oth er s blood ; that the true and sure means of extending and securing commerce are the goodness and cheapness of commodi ties ; and that the profits of no trade can be ever equal to the expense of compel ling and holding it by fleets and armies. I consider this war against us, therefore, as both unjust and unwise ; and 1 am per suaded that cool and dispassionate pos terity will condemn to infamy those who advised it ; and that even success will not save from some degree of dishonor those who have voluntarily engaged to conduct it. " I know your great motive in coming hither, was the hope of being instrumen tal in a reconciliation ; and I believe, when you find that to be impossible, on any terms given you to propose, you will then relinquish so odious a command, and return to a more honorable private sta tion." With such preliminaries, his lordship could not have much hope of a success ful negotiation with Franklin. We shall find that his associates, Adams and Rut- ledge, were no less inflexible in their spir it of patriotic independence. The committee finally set out on their journey, Franklin and Rutledge driving in a " chair," and Adams riding on horseback. On the first night they reached Brunswick, in New Jersey, where they lodged at an inn. They had now an opportunity of seeing something of the soldiery, about whom they had lately received so many complaints while in Congress. There were numbers, both of officers and men, straggling about the roads and loitering in the public houses, whose conduct and condition were such as not to inspire very sanguine hopes of the country s cause intrusted to such de fenders. The three patriotic legislators, however, consoled themselves with the expectation that the disorderly military characters which thev had thus encoun- Sept, 9, BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART n. tercd would be " chastised into order in time." The taverns at Brunswick were so full of rollicking troopers, that it was difficult to find entertainment, Finally, a single hed was obtained for the joint occupancy of Franklin and Adams, in a chamber lit tle larger than the bed, without a chim ney, and with only one small window. Here they turned in for the night. The window was open ; and Adams, who was an invalid, and afraid of the night air, shut it close. " Oh !" cried out Franklin, " do n t shut the window : we shall be suffocated !" " I am afraid of the night air," replied Adams. Doctor Franklin rejoined : " The air within this chamber will soon be, and indeed is now, worse than that without doors. Come ! open the window, and come to bed, and I will convince you. I believe you are not acquainted with my theory of colds." Whereupon, Adams opened the win dow, and, leaping into bed, began a dis cussion with his philosophical bedfellow upon his theory of colds. He had read, Adams said, Franklin s letters to Doctor Cooper, in which he had advanced the opinion that nobody ever got cold by going into a cold church or any other cold air; but he declared it was so in consistent with his experience, that he thought it a paradox. Notwithstanding. Adams added that he was so curious to have Franklin s views, that he would be glad to hear them, even at the risk of a cold. The doctor then began a harangue up on air and cold, and respiration and per spiration, and with so much profundity of science, that he soon put his bedfellow asleep. " I soon," says Adams, " left him and his philosophy together, but I believe they were equally sound and insensible within a few minutes after me, for the last words I heard were pronounced as if he was more that half asleep." The next morning, Kutledge, who prob ably had slept alone, or at any u j Sept, 10, rate had not enjoyed the honor or suffered from the theory of a " philo sophical bedfellow," joined Franklin and Adams, and the three continued their journey to Amboy. On reaching this place, Lord Howe s barge was in waiting to take them over to the opposite shore of Staten island. A British officer had also arrived, who was to give himself up to the Americans as a hostage for the se curity of the committee. Adams, how ever, as soon as he saw him, told his col leagues that he thought it would be child ish to depend upon such a pledge ; and. they agreeing, the three accordingly in sisted upon taking the hostage back again to the island. The officer, declaring that he was at their disposition, could not, of course, refuse to comply, and crossed with the committee. As they approached the shore, Lord Howe (having been on the lookout from his house, which stood not far from the water) observed the barge, and immedi ately went down to the water s edge to receive his congressional visiters. On their landing, his lordship, looking at the returned hostage, remarked, " Gentlemen, you make me a very high compliment, REVOLUTIONARY.] HOUSE ON WARD S POINT. 345 and you may depend upon it I will con sider it as the most sacred of things." They then walked up together to the house " between lines of guards of gren adiers, looking fierce as ten furies, and making grimaces and gestures, and mo tions of their muskets," which were sup posed to be in accordance with military etiquette, " but which we neither under stood nor regarded," says the inflexible republican Adams ; who, however, must have been struck with the difference be tween the "grimaces" of the British gren adiers and the "straggling and loitering" of his own undisciplined countrymen on the roads and about the doors of the pub lic houses. The house occupied by Lord Howe still stands, a solid stone structure, upon Ward s point. It is a simple farmhouse. Cattle feed peacefully upon the meadow, which stretches from the door to the wa ter s edge. Well-cultivated fields extend back to the road; on the right there is a grove, where school-children in the sum mer time come from the stifling streets of the great city, to enjoy within the shade of the cedars the innocent gayeties of the pic-nic, find to breathe the pure air which blows fresh from sea and land ; beyond, on the opposite shore, crowded town succeeds town; on the water in front, sail-boats and steamers pass and re- pass in bus}^ but peaceful activity; while everywhere upon the island is a calm landscape, varied with hill and wooded vale, and dotted with low cottage-roofs of plain farmers and imposing villas be longing to the opulent merchants of New York. 44 The house on Ward s point was then, when visited by the congressional com mittee, the headquarters of Lord Howe. It had been the habitation of military guards, and was as dirty as a stable. His lordship, however, had prepared to do honor to his distinguished guests, and had accordingly got ready a large, hand some room, by spreading a carpet of moss and green sprigs, from bushes and shrubs in the neighborhood, till he made it not only wholesome, but romantically elegant, and entertained his visiters with " good claret, good bread, cold harn, tongues, and mutton." While thus sharing Lord Howe s hos pitality, a lively conversation took place, in the course of which his lordship, look ing toward Mr. Adams, expressed in warm terms his gratitude to the state of Massa chusetts for erecting a marble monument in Westminster abbey to his elder broth er, Lord Edward Howe, who fell at Ti- conderoga during the French War. " He esteemed, said he, that honor to his fam ily above all things in this world ; and that such was his gratitude and affection to this country, on that account, that he felt for America as for a brother; and if Amer ica should fall, he should feel and lament it like the loss of a brother." Doctor Franklin, "with an easy air and a collect ed countenance, a bow, a smile, and all that naivete which sometimes appeared in his conversation," replied, " My lord, we will do our utmost endeavors to save your lordship that mortification." The earl s sensibility was not a little wound ed by this unexpected and rather rude shock; but he merely remarked, with his 346 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART II. usual courtesy, "I suppose you will en deavor to give us employment in Eu rope." Lord Howe now turned the conversa tion toward business, and began by say ing that he could confer with his visiters not as members of Congress, but only as private gentlemen and British subjects. Hereupon Mr. Adams quickly rejoined : "Your lordship may consider me in what light you please; and indeed I should be willing to consider myself, for a few mo ments, in any character which would be agreeable to your lordship, except that of a British subject !" At these words, Lord Howe turned to Doctor Franklin and Mr. Rutledge, and said, with a grave arid sol emn air, " Mr. Adams is a decided char acter." It must be conceded that his lordship was in a fair way of being roughly han dled by these knotty republicans. He, however, now took care to confine him self to business, and not expose his soft compliments to any further chance of hard usage. The earl then repeated, in a more serious tone, that he could not receive the committee as delegates from Congress; but that, as his powers enabled him to confer and consult with any pri vate gentlemen of influence in the colo nies, on the means of restoring peace be tween the two countries, he was glad of the opportunity of conferring with those present on that subject, if they thought themselves at liberty to enter into a con ference with him. The committee replied that their busi ness was to hear, and that his lordship might consider them in what light he pleased, and communicate such proposi tions as he was authorized to make; but that they could consider themselves in no other character than that in which they were placed by order of Congress. His lordship then spoke at considera ble length, but in all he said there was nothing but this which could be regard ed as an explicit proposition of peace, namely, that the colonies should return to their allegiance and obedience to the government of Great Britain. The rest of the earl s remarks were simply assu rances that there was an exceedingly good disposition on the part of the king and his ministers to make the government easy to its American subjects; and that, in case of their submission, the offensive acts of Parliament should be revised, and the instructions to the governors of the several provinces be reconsidered, in or der that, if any just causes of complaint should be found, they might be removed. To this the committee replied that in their opinion a return to the domination of Great Britain was not now to be ex pected, as the colonies had declared them selves independent states, and it was not in the power of Congress to agree for them to return to their former condition of dependence. There was no doubt, how ever, they said, an inclination to peace, and a willingness to enter into a treaty with Great Britain, which might be ad vantageous to both countries. As his lordship had at present no power to treat with them as independent states, he might (if there was the same good disposition on the part of the British government) much sooner obtain fresh powers for such REVOLUTIONARY.] EVACUATION OF NEW YORK. a purpose, than could be obtained by Con gress from the several states, to consent to a submission. Lord Howe, then remarking that he was sorry to find no accommodation was likely to take place, put an end to the conference. The committee, therefore, took leave of his lordship, and, having passed over by barge to Arnboy, returned through New Jersey, to their duties in Congress. Sullivan s mission was generally con sidered a "fool s errand." Adams expres ses himself emphatically upon this point. He says: "The conduct of General Sulli van, in consenting to come to Philadel phia, upon so confused an errand from Lord Howe though his situation, as a prisoner, was a temptation, and may be considered some apology appeared to me to betray such a want of penetration and fortitude, and there was so little pre cision in the information he communi cated, that I felt much resentment, and more contempt, on the occasion, than was perhaps just. The time was extremely critical. The attention of Congress, the army, the states, and the people, ought to have been wholly directed to the de fence of the country. To have it divert ed and relaxed, by such a poor artifice and confused tale, appeared very repre hensible." Washington says briefly of the whole affair, " The mode of negotiation pursued by Lord Howe I did not approve of." CHAPTER XXIX. Evacuation of New York resolved upon. Hale, the American Spy. His Life, Character, and Fate. The Movement of the British Ships up the East Kiver. The Americans on the March out of New York. Washington s Headquarters. The Morris Home. The Landing of the Enemy. The Flight of the Provincials. Washington s Indignation. Putnam and the Rear-Guard in Danger. Aaron Burr comes to the Rescue. The Enemy too late. Escape of Put nam and his Force. The British arrive in Full Strength. An Agreeable but Expensive Visit. " Mrs. Murray saves the American Army." The British take Possession of New York. The Action on the Plains of Harlem. Death of Knowlton and Leitch. 1776, GENERAL WASHINGTON, having re ceived a despatch on the 12th of September from President Hancock, sta ting that it was by no means the sense of Congress that the army or any part of it should remain in the city of New York a moment longer than he should think it proper for the public service, was left to act according to his own judgment. His opinion, as we have seen, was evidently in favor of evacuating the town; and he was now confirmed in his views by a pe tition, signed by seven of his general offi cers, headed by General Greene, who urged the calling of a council of war, to decide upon such action as the circum stances seemed to require. A council was accordingly summoned ; and it was 348 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART n. Sept, 12, determined, by a majority of ten out of the thirteen present, that the removal of the army was not only prudent, but absolutely necessary, as they were entirely convinced, from a full and minute inquiry into their situation, that it was extremely perilous: for it appeared from every movement of the enemy, and the intelligence received, that their plan of operations was to get in the rear of the Americans, and, by cutting off the communication with the mainland, oblige them to force a passage through the Brit ish lines, or to become prisoners in some short time, for want of necessary supplies of provisions. Anxious to have more explicit infor mation of the condition and the intended movements of the enemy, it was deter mined to send a spy into the British camp on Long island. Colonel Knowlton was requested by Washington to obtain some one from his regiment, which had a high character for its daring, to undertake this perilous duty. Captain NATHAN HALE, a young Connecticut officer, immediately volunteered his services, and, being pro vided by Washington with an order to the commanders of all American vessels to convey him wherever he desired to go, set out. Crossing the sound, Hale reached Huntington, on Long island, and thence proceeded to the British camp, where, by skilfully avoiding suspicion, he gathered such information as he had sought. He now returned to Huntington, and was about recrossing to New York, when he was arrested by a British guard, and, be ing taken before General Howe and ex amined, condemned to die. When Howe removed his headquarters to New York, Hale was brought over from Long island and confined in the greenhouse attached to the Beekman mansion, on the East river, of which the British commander- in-chief had taken possession in the ab sence of its patriotic owner. Hale was treated with great severity. Pronounced guilty without the form of a trial, he was not even allowed the usual privileges of a condemned criminal. His bible was taken from him, the presence of a cler gyman denied him, and his last written words to his mother and sisters were de stroyed. He was led out to be hanged, and, as he stood beneath the fatal tree,* he said, " I only lament that I have but one life to lose for my country." Hale was young, and full of patriotic enthusi asm. He had left Yale college but three years before, and had, by his zeal for study, given great promise of distinction in the higher walks of civil life. His ar dent temperament was, however, greatly inflamed by the wrongs of his country ; and when the Revolutionary struggle be gan, he threw aside his books, and took up the sword with the patriotic resolute ness of a young Brutus. Four ships-of-war, two of forty and two of twenty-eight guns, had moved up the East river, and anchored about a mile above the city. The fort at Governor s island, now in possession of the British, kept up a brisk cannonade, and the ships were pouring broadside after broadside upon the works at New * " He was hanged upon an apple-tree in Rutgers or chard, near the present intersection of East Broadway and Market street." LOSSINQ. Sept. 13. REVOLUTIONARY.] REMOVING STORES. 340 York, as they sailed with a gentle breeze slowly up the river. The Americans re turned the fire, and Washington was ri ding on horseback from point to point, encouraging the cannonade. As he was entering one of the forts, a ball fell within six feet of his horse ; and another struck down and killed with one blow three citi zens who were looking with idle curiosi ty upon the scene. General Howe had also landed a considerable body of his troops upon Buchanan s and Montressor s (now Ward s and Randall s) islands, in the East river, off the mouth of the Harlem river. Six more of the enemy s ships, trans ports, and men-of-war, now joined the other British vessels in the East river. Soon an express came hurriedly to Wash ington at his headquarters, with word from Colonel Sargent at Horen s Hook, that the enemy had crossed with large reinforcements to the encampment on Montressor s island; and again, immedi ately after, another messenger rode in, with a despatch from General Mifflin, sta ting that he discovered "uncommon and formidable movements" among the Brit ish troops. Washington at once galloped to Harlem and Morrisania, where he sup posed the principal attempt to land would be made. Nothing, however, was done until next day. In the meantime, the measures deter mined upon by the council of war were being carried out with all possible de spatch. The first movement was, to get the sick, the ordnance, the stores, and the provisions, safely away from the city. Colonel Glover and his ready-handed Marblehead fishermen were especially employed for that service. The work was begun late at night. An attack from the enemy was expected every moment. Some five hundred sick were, however, safely carried over the river to New Jer sey, without interruption, before sunrise next morning. On the following day, Glover with his active brigade was back again to the city, at work from morning until late at night, in striking the tents and carrying the heavy stores and ord nance to the water s side, ready to be transported by boats up the North river ; while wagons were loaded with the light baggage, prepared to start by land. The commander-in-chief was anxiously await ing the result of Glover s labors. "I fully expected," he writes on the 14th of Sep tember, "that an attack somewhere would be made last night. In that I was disap pointed ; and happy shall I be, if my ap prehensions of one to-night, or in a day or two, are not confirmed by the event. If it is deferred a little while longer, I flatter myself all will be got away, and our force be more concentrated, and of course more likely to resist them with success." Washington had already moved the main body of his army, which had been principally stationed along Turtle and Kip s bays (leaving, how ever, a force of militia to guard the works at those points), to the upper part of the island. General Putnam had been left with four thousand men within the city, as a rear-guard to protect the removal of the stores, and with orders to close up with the rest of the army whenever he Sept, 13. 350 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART n. should find it necessary, from any move ment of the British. The chief himself took possession of the mansion of Colonel Roger Morris, his old companion-in-arms under Braddock, and his successful rival for the hand of the rich Mary Philipse. Morris had, since his mar riage, made America his home, and had retired to his beautiful country-seat, in the enjoyment, as he hoped, of a secure retreat for life. On the possession of the island of New York by the American ar my, however, he was obliged to abandon his home, and seek safety at the house of his brother-in-law, Beverly Robinson, in the Highlands. The Morris mansion still stands, upon the high ground which rises from the marshy margin of Harlem river ; and, not withstanding the ambitious city already claims it as its own, and fixes it with nu merical precision in "one hundred and sixty-ninth street," it yet retains in its situation much of its former picturesque beauty. Standing upon the heights of Harlem, it commands an extensive view of land and water. At the base of the hill upon which the house is built, flows the Harlem river, where it is spanned by the High-bridge aqueduct, through which runs a stream (drunk up by the daily thirst of the great city) more copious than the whole river below ! Toward New York are the plains of Harlem, up on which houses now are crowded, but which then were green meadows and not seldom bloody battle-fields. Beyond, to the east, is the sound, now enlivened by steamboats and the peaceful sails of com merce, but then gloomy with threatening men-of-war. The Morris mansion was then all astir with the busy activity of a commander-in-chief s headquarters : it is now the solitary dwelling of an eccentric Frenchwoman,* the widow of Aaron Burr. The American chief s apprehensions of an attack were proved to be well found ed. Early in the morning which succeed ed the night when he had been hastily summoned to Harlem, the enemy began their operations. Three ships-of-war sailed up the North river as high as Blooming- dale, and thus put a total stop to the re moval (which Colonel Glover from an ear ly hour had begun) of the heavy baggage by water. As the day advanced, the fleet in the East river began also with a most severe and heavy cannonade to " scour the country," and thus cover the landing of a large body of British troops. As soon as he caught the sound of the firing, Washington hurried to the breast works between Turtle bay and Kip s bay, where some militia had been left to guard them, and where the enemy were now landing. He found to his " great surprise and mortification" the troops which had been posted in the lines retreating with the utmost precipitation ; and Parsons and Fellows Connecticut brigades, which had been ordered to support them, flying in every direction and in the greatest con fusion, notwithstanding the exertions of their generals to form them. Washington rode up, and, finding his own attempts to stop the fugitives fruitless, was so indig nant at their cowardice, that he drew his sword, threatened to run them through, and cocked and snapped his pistols at * Madame Jumcl. REVOLUTIONARY.] WASHINGTON IN A RAGE. 351 the "scoundrels." He used every means in his power to rally them, but his efforts proved ineffectual; and when a small par ty of the enemy, not more than sixty or seventy, made their appearance, the dis order of the cravens increased, and they continued to run away, without firing a single shot, leaving Washington himself in so hazardous a situation, that his at tendants, to extricate him, caught the bridle of his horse and gave him a differ ent direction. There he was, within eigh ty yards of the enemy, "so vexed," wrote General Greene, " at the infamous con duct of his troops, that he sought death rather than life." Washington dashed his hat upon the ground, and cried out, almost in despair, as he beheld the flight of his soldiers, "Are these the men with whom I am to defend America!" The cowardly militia continued their headlong scamper across the island until they were met by Colonel Glover with his spirited Marblehead men and other troops, who had been suddenly called away from their works, to come to the defence of the posts on the eastern part of the city. The fugitives, encouraged or shamed by the presence of these steady brigades of Glover, now halted, and, be ing formed in rank, marched on along the Bloomingdale road, and took post on the heights of Harlem. Cheered by the presence of the more regular troops, the militia seemed eager to redeem their tarnished valor, and would have faced about at once to attack the approaching British, who now appeared, coming up in large force. Washington at first encouraged this newly-awakened zeal, and ordered them to give battle to the enemy; but, after a moment s reflec tion upon their late conduct, he natural ly distrusted their courage, and counter manded the order. The chief s great anxiety was now for Putnam and his rear-guard, who were still within New York, and in imminent dan ger of being hemmed in by the enemy, as they thronged upon the shore, and prepared to stretch their lines across the island. Washington immediately sent an express to Putnam, ordering him to hast en away from his perilous position ; and, fearful lest the British might pass over from the East river to Harlem plains, and cut off the retreat of that part of the ar my still in the city, he ordered the heights of Harlem to be secured in the best man ner by the troops which were stationed on or near them. Putnam, finding that the enemy had landed and taken possession of the main roads which led from the city to the up per part of the island where Washington had extended his lines, was greatly per plexed to discover a means of escape. His aid-de-camp, Major Aaron Burr, ob serving the perplexity of Putnam and his general officers, and being well ac quainted with the ground, suggested a road which led along the North river from Greenwich to Bloomingdale. Put nam now hurriedly abandoned the city, leaving in his necessary haste most of the heavy cannon and a part of the stores and provisions which had been got ready for removal. Taking the road suggested by Burr, the troops were urged on to a rapid march. Putnam would allow of no 352 BATTLES OF AMERICA. flagging; and he himself was flying about on his horse, covered with foam, and stir ring up the energies of the whole column. The day was stifling hot; the road was in a continued cloud of dust; a large num ber of women and children, who had fol lowed the troops out of the city, embar rassed the march, and the men suffered greatly; but "Old Put," by his own per sonal exertions, infused such a spirit of activity into his men, that they moved on rapidly in spite of every obstacle. They were just turning into a cross- path which led from Bloomingdale to Harlem, when an aid-de-camp rode up to Putnam in full speed, to inform him that a column of British infantry was coming up against his right flank. The order for the troops to file to the right with all speed was hardly given, when the enemy came within firing distance of Putnam s rear and opened a volley. One of the colonels fell at the first shot. Some sev enteen men were killed and three hun dred taken prisoners. With no other loss, the troops succeeded just at nightfall in reaching the American lines at Harlem heights. Putnam s escape was, however, due to a fortunate incident, which shows how great events may often be traced to the most trifling causes. The British troops had landed in large force, and to the num ber of some eight thousand were stretch ing across the island. Having put to flight the militia who had so ignominiously de serted their posts at Turtle and Kip s bays, the enemy halted temporarily before ex tending their lines as they designed, and by which they would have certainly cut off Putnam s retreat. The day, as before observed, was hot, and the British gener als were thirsty: so Governor Tryon, well acquainted with the ground, volunteered to guide them to a place where good re freshments might be secured. He accord ingly took them to the country-house of a Mr. Robert Murray, a patriotic Quaker, who lived on Murray hill, near by. On entering, they were met, in the absence of her husband, by the wife, who cour teously received her visiters, and offered them the best cheer she had. Wine and cake were served up in abundance ; and the thirsty and gallant British officers, gratified with the good Madeira, and charmed with the courtesies of their host ess, were disposed to linger. Tryon was in the most jovial humor, as the morn ing s work so far had been a great suc cess ; and he was particularly pleasant when bantering Mrs. Murray, who was a devoted patriot, upon the conduct of her American friends. Hour after hour was passed delight fully. While Mrs. Murray was thus suc cessful in entertaining her British guests, she was saving her American friends; for while Tryon was joking the hostess, and Clinton and his officers were drinking her wine, their troops were resting on their arms, and giving Putnam and his men \vho were only a mile from them an opportunity of escape. It was ever after the remark in the patriot camp that "Mrs. Murray saved the American army." The British now took possession of the city with a large detachment of troops under General Kobertson; while the main body of the army, under General Howe f REVOLUTIONARY.] BATTLE OF HARLEM. 353 encamped on the outskirts of the town. The line which bounded the British camp at the north extended from Horen s Hook on the East river, across the island to Bloomingdale on the Hudson, and was at once protected by breastworks and bat teries. Behind were posted a strong body of Hessians, under De Heister, and anoth er of British, under Earl Percy ; while each flank, on the right and the left of this large body of troops, was protected by the English men-of-war, at anchor in both rivers which bound the island. Harlem plains spread for more than a mile in width between the British and the en campment of Washington s army. The former numbered nearly twenty-five thou sand, while the latter had not more than fourteen thousand fit for duty, so reduced were the American troops by sickness and desertion. The front line of the Americans em braced the heights of Harlem, which ex tend from the river of that name to the Hudson. About a quarter of a mile be yond, to the north, was another line ; and about the same distance still beyond was Washington s headquarters at the Morris mansion. Again, at the distance of a mile farther to the north, stood Fort Washington, on the North river, held by a strong garrison of Americans. King s bridge, which crossed the Harlem river at the most northern part of the island, some eight miles from the city, and was the only communication with the main land, was also defended by a detachment of Washington s troops. The Americans, however, had posted two advanced guards of considerable force 45 Sept, 16. between their front and that of the Brit ish one at M Gowan s pass, and the oth er at Harlem. The former was command ed by Putnam and the latter by Spencer. The enemy were not long in making a demonstration. Washington was expect ing an attack, and wrote these words : " We are now encamped with the main body of the army on the heights of Harlem, where I should hope the enemy would meet with a defeat in case of an attack, if the generality of our troops could behave with tolerable brave ry. But experience, to my extreme af fliction, has convinced me that this is rather to be wished for than expected. However, I trust that there are many who will act like men, and show them selves worthy of the blessings of free dom." The letter which contained this sentence had just been despatched by the post, when word was brought that the enemy had appeared in several large bod ies upon the plains of Harlem. Washing ton immediately galloped from his head quarters to the advanced posts, a distance of about two and a half miles, and dis covered that a small company of Con necticut rangers, under the brave Colonel Knowlton, were already engaged with an advanced party of the enemy, who were reported to be only three hundred strong. Washington now ordered Major Leitch, with three companies of Weedon s Vir ginia regiment, to advance to the aid of Knowlton ; and directed that they should try to get in the rear of the enemy, while they made a feint of attacking them in front. The last part of the order was faithfully obeyed ; and the British, seeing 354 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART n. the Americans in considerable force com ing directly upon them as they supposed, ran down the hill and took possession of some fences and bushes, under the cover of which they stood and began a smart fire, but with little execution, as they were at such a distance. The Americans now made a circuit as they advanced, but com menced their attack too soon, and thus made it rather in flank than in rear. A severe engagememt ensued, and Major Leitch fell almost immediately, severely wounded with three balls in his side, and was carried off the field. He was soon followed by Colonel Knowlton, who had been shot through the head. The men,however, persevered,and con tinued the engagement with the greatest resolution. Washington,find ing that they wanted a support, advanced some of the Maryland and New-England troops at hand to their aid. These charged the enemy with great intrepidity, and drove them from the wood where they had sought a cover, into the plain ; and had succeeded in nearly silencing their fire, when Washington, expecting that large reinforcements would be sent to the aid of the British, withdrew his troops. Colonel Knowlton died of his wounds soon after the engagement ; and, " when gasping in the agonies of death, all his Sept, 17. inquiry was whether we had driven in the enemy." He was "a brave and a good officer," said Washington in one of his letters ; and in the order of the day he did not forget to do public honor to his gallantry, as well as to that of Major Leitch and all their brave soldiers : " The general most heartily thanks the troops commanded yesterday by Major Leitch who first advanced upon the enemy, and the others who so reso lutely supported them. The behavior of yesterday was such a contrast to that of some troops the day before, as must show what may be done where officers and sol diers exert themselves. Once more, there fore, the general calls upon officers and men to act up to the noble cause in which they are engaged, and to support the hon or and liberties of their country. The gallant and brave Colonel Knowlton, who would have been an honor to any coun try, having fallen yesterday while glori ously fighting, Captain Brown is to take the command of the party lately led by Colonel Knowlton." The name of Leitch was given as the parole for the next day ;* but the hero who bore it only lived for a short time to enjoy the good fame he had acquired by his gallant conduct. * Irviug. REVOLUTIONARY.] NEW YORK ON FIRE. 355 CHAPTER XXX. New York on Fire. Who were the Incendiaries? The British Accounts. The Ravage. "Our General." His own Account of the Enterprise against Montressor s Island. A Failure. Reorganization of the American Army. Wash ington urges the Enactment of more Rigorous Laws. Congress slowly consents. Inactivity of General Howe. The Abounding Tories. Oliver Delancey. His Life and Character. His Influence. Plans to counteract it. Major Rogers and his Rangers. His Career. His Cunning. The Americans eager to catch Him. 1776, IN the middle of the night of the 20th of September, the guards on the advanced pickets of the American line beheld a great light in the direction of the city, apparently rising at a distance of nine miles. Soon it became so intense and wide spread, that " for a considerable extent the heavens appeared in flames."* It was thought that New York was on fire. This supposition was confirmed on the arrival in camp next day of one of the aid-de-camps of General Howe, with a flag, and a letter to Washington in re gard to the exchange which was about being arranged for General Sullivan, Lord Stirling, and Daniel Morgan, then held as prisoners by the British. The aid-de camp spoke of the great extent of the conflagration in the city, and stated that several Americans had been punished with death as incendiaries, some by hang ing, and others by burning on the spot, who were caught in the act. A number of incendiaries, according to the British accounts, had stayed behind, on the evacuation of New York by Wash ington, and concealed themselves in the houses. Combustibles had been careful ly prepared ; and, taking advantage of a * Gray don. brisk gale of wind, these desperadoes be gan their work about midnight, when most of the citizens and troops were bu ried in sleep. But when the spreading flames gave the alarm, the soldiers were beat to quarters, detachments of sailors from the fleet were landed, and, after a hard struggle, the fire was stayed, though not before it had reduced nearly a third part of the fair city to ruins. It was then that some of the incendiaries were "caught in the act," and were either de spatched by the sword or bayonet, or thrown into the flames which " they had kindled" by the " infuriated soldiery." In furiated soldiers are not apt to be very calm investigators of a charge of crime, when the suspected persons chance to be long to the enemy. Fortunately, there were other less partial observers, whose testimony is much more satisfactory and convincing. They all agree in attribu ting the conflagration to accident. C5 O The fire was discovered about midnight, first breaking out at the lower end of the city, near the wharf of Whitehall, in a small wooden building, a miserable pot house and brothel, resorted to by sailors. Most of the houses were either of wood or of brick covered with shingles; the 356 BATTLES OF AMERICA. |_FART II. weather had been dry for a long time, and on the night of the fire a brisk south wind was blowing. Few citizens had been left in town ; and the fire-engines, pumps, and leathern buckets, were either out of order from neglect, or not readily to be got at or worked from the absence of those who knew where to find or how to use them. The flames spread rapidly, licking up house after house along the narrow streets, and, stirred by the blast of the strong southerly wind, went on ravaging in every direction. Whitehall and Broad streets were soon in ruins, and then Bea ver; finally Broadway was swept from left to right ; the old church of Trinity,* erected at the beginning of the century, caught, and was left in a short time a gut ted ruin from the pinnacle of its tall spire to the lowest step of its porch ; the fire raged on, and the "new" church of St. Paul was in peril. Now, however, the sailors from Lord Howe s fleet and the soldiers from the camp, turning out at beat of drum from their night-quarters, came to the rescue. The fire at length was stayed, but not before nearly five hundred houses were laid in ashes. Wash ington, in speaking of the fire, says, " By what means it happened we do not know." Even if it were the act of American in cendiaries, it is clear that it was without authority, for it had been resolved by the council of war to leave the city unin jured. The American army had been much * "Among the buildings consumed," says an English au- ;hority, "was the old English church. When the Ameri cans stationed at Paulas Hook [now Jersey City] saw the Ueeple fall, they gave three cheers, probably rejoicing in a double sense, and more as Presbyterians than as patriots." Sept, 22 encouraged by the spirited conduct and partial success of their comrades under the gallant leadership of Knowlton and Leitch. The soldiers found it required only " resolution and good officers to make an enemy they stood too much in dread of" give way. Thus inspirited, the Americans began to be eager for an opportunity to distin guish themselves. General Heath, who boasted himself quite a tactician, found an occasion for the vent of some of the abounding martial spirit of his troops. We shall let " our general," as he calls himself, describe the occurrence : " Two seamen, belonging to the La Brune, a British ship-of-war, which lay near Mon- tressor s [Randall s] island, deserted and came to our general s [Heath s] quarters, and informed him up on examination that the British had then but a few men on the island, stating the number ; that the piece of cannon, which had been put on the island, was taken back again on board the La Brune ; that there were a number of officers at the house, in which there was a considerable quantity of baggage deposited, &c. " Our general [Heath] supposed that these troops might be easily taken ; and having called the general officers of his division together, took their opinion, who all coincided with him in sentiment. He then communicated his intention to the commander-in-chief, who gave it his ap probation. Two hundred and forty men were destined for this enterprise. The command was given to Lieutenant-Colo nel Michael Jackson, of the Massachu setts line, with Majors Logan and - REVOLUTIONARY.] "OUR GENERAL." 357 (whose name can not be recollected ),* of the New- York troops. They were to embark on board three flat-boats, cov ered by a fourth with a detachment of artillery, with a light three-pounder, in case it should be found necessary in re treating from the island. The mode of attack was settled, and every circum stance seemed to promise success. They were to fall down Harlem creek with the ebb. The time was so calculated, that the young flood was to be so much made at the break of day as to cover the flats at the island sufficiently for the boats to float. " Matters being thus settled, our gen eral ordered the two sailors to be brought in. He then told them that, in conse quence of their information, an enterprise against the British troops on Montressor s island was to take place that night ; that he had ordered them to be kept in safe custody until the next morning, when, if their declarations respecting the state of the British on the island proved to be true, he would give them a passport to the back country, whither they wished to iro : but. in case their information was O I false, he would order them hanged imme diately as spies ; that he gave them the opportunity, if they had made a wrong statement to him, then to correct it. They both answered, with perfect com posure, that they would cheerfully sub mit to the condition. " Major Thomas Henley was now one of our general s aids-de-camp. He impor tuned that he might go with the detach ment. He was refused, and told that he had no business there ; that he could ex- * Such is fame ! ercise no command. He grew quite im patient, returned again to the general s room, and addressed him : Pray, sir, con sent to my going with the party ; let me have the pleasure of introducing the pris oners to you to-morrow. All his friends present advised him not to go. The gen eral finally consented. " The troops, at the hour assigned, em barked. Our general informed them that he, with others, would be spectators of the scene, from a certain point near Har lem creek. Notice had been given to the guards and pickets on the York-island side, not to hail the party as they went down. Unfortunately, the lower sentinel had not been so instructed.* He was nearly oppo site to the point where our general was to be ; and just at the instant when he arrived, had challenged the boats, and or dered them to come to the shore. From the boats they answered, Lo ! we are friends. The challenge was repeated. The answer was, We tell you we are friends hold your tongue ! A bounce into the water was heard ; and instantly Major Henley came wading to the shore., stepped up to our general, catched him by the hand, and said, Sir, will it do ? Our general, holding him by the hand, replied, I see nothing to the contrary ; to which Henley concluded by saying, Then it shall do? He waded back to his boat, and got in. The sentinel called again: If you don t come to the shore, I tell you I ll fire ! A voice from some one in the boats was, Pull away ? * It is well for history, that an occasional simple-minded and truthful chronicler like Heath presents himself, who not onlv tells us what he did, but what he ought to have done. 358 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART n. " The boats went on, and the sentinel fired his piece. The boats reached the island almost at the moment intended, just as the glimmer of the dawn was dis coverable. The three field-officers were in the first boat. Their intention, on the moment of landing, was, for the two sec onds in command to spring, the one to the right and the other to the left, and lead on the troops from the other two boats, which were to land on each side of the first boat. The field-officers land ed, and the men from the boat. The en emy s guard charged them, but were in stantly driven back. The men in the other two boats, instead of landing, lay upon their oars ! The British, seeing this, returned warmly to the charge. The Americans, finding themselves thus de serted, returned to their boat ; but not un til Lieutenant-Colonel Jackson received a musket-ball in his leg, and Major Hen ley, as he was getting into the boat, one through his heart, which put an instant end to his life. The boat joined the oth ers, and they all returned, having in the whole about fourteen killed, wounded, and missing ; Major Henley deeply re gretted."* Washington was fully convinced, not withstanding an occasional spirt of spirit, that an entire reorganization of the army was necessary, in order to give it that effi ciency required to sustain a struggle with disciplined troops. The term of service of almost every man was to close in about three mouths, and Washington believed that it would be impossible to induce them to re-enlist without higher pay. " We * Heath s Memoirs, pp. 63-66. are now," he writes to Congress, Sept, 24, " as it were upon the eve of an other dissolution of our army. The re membrance of the difficulties which hap pened upon the occasion last year, and the consequences which might have fol lowed the change if proper advantages had been taken by the enemy, added to a knowledge of the present temper and situation of the troops, afford but a very gloomy prospect in the appearance of things now, and satisfy me, beyond the possibility of doubt, that unless some speedy and effectual measures are adopt ed by Congress, our cause will be lost." It was useless, thought Washington, to rely upon patriotism for the recruiting of an army. When men are irritated, and their passions are inflamed, they hastily and cheerfully fly to arms ; but when the first ebullition of feeling has subsided, to " expect among such people as compose the bulk of an army, that they are influ enced by any other principles than those of interest, is to look for what never did and I fear never will happen." The army should be established upon a permanent footing, and the officers be well paid, in order to induce gentlemen and men of character to engage iu the service. "They ought to have such al lowances," continues Washington, "as will enable them to live like and support the character of gentlemen, and not be driven by a scanty pittance to the low and dirty arts which many of them .practise." He also contends that nothing but a good bounty (as, for example, a hundred acres of land, with a suit of clothes, &c., to each man) can secure permanent soldiers. REVOLUTIONARY.] LAWLESS SOLDIERS. 659 The officers, too, should stand by char acter and social position in such a rela tion toward the privates as to secure their respect and obedience. " But while," em phatically writes Washington, " the only merit an officer possesses is his ability to raise men while those men consider and treat him as an equal, and, in the charac ter of an officer, regard him no more than a broomstick, being mixed together as one common herd no order nor disci pline can prevail." As for placing any dependence upon militia, it is " assuredly resting upon a broken staff Men just dragged from the tender scenes of domestic life, unaccus tomed to the din of arms, totally unac quainted with every kind of military skill, are timid, and ready to fly from their own shadows." Some more severe laws for the govern ment of the army are necessary, or else " but for the name," says Washington, " it might as well be abandoned The infa mous practice of plundering" began to pre vail to the most alarming extent. "Un der the idea of tory property, or property that may fall into the hands of the ene my, no man is secure in his effects, and scarcely in his person." The lawless sol diers would frighten quiet citizens out of their houses, under pretence that it had been ordered to burn them, and then en ter and seize the goods ! Washington strove to stop these horrid practices, but with " the lust after pi under, and the want of laws to punish offenders," he might, he declares, " almost as well attempt to move Mount Atlas." To illustrate the difficulty of checking these crimes, he sends to Con gress the proceedings of a court-martiaJ which had acquitted an officer who with a party of men had robbed a house, a lit tle beyond the American lines, of a quan tity of valuable property. This consist ed, among other things, of four large pier looking-glasses, some women s clothes, and a variety of articles which could be of no possible use to officer or soldier, certainly, in their military capacity. A major of brigade, meeting the rogues, loaded down with -their booty, ordered the officer at the head of the party to re turn the property ; whereupon that mili tary vagabond drew up his men for a fight, and swore that he would defend his possession of pier-glasses, women s petti coats, and all, at the hazard of his life ! Though this fellow escaped on his first trial, Washington, by ordering a recon sideration of the matter, and obtaining fresh evidence, made a shift finally to cashier him. These views of the command er-in-chief, when laid before Congress, made a strong impression. So great, however, was the dread of a standing army, that it was only after a long debate, during more than a fortnight, that the resolution was passed to reform the army into eighty-eight bat talions, " to be enlisted as soon as possi ble, and to serve during the war." Wash ington s suggestions, too, in regard to the appointment of officers, their pay, and that of the soldiers, were, for the most part, adopted.* * To encourage enlistments, a bounty of twenty dollars and of one hundred acres of land was offered to each non commissioned officer and soldier. The commissioned offi cers were also to receive bounties of land in the following proportions : a colonel, five hundred acres ; lieutenant-cold 360 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART n. Washington, thoroughly conscious of his weakness from the disorganized con dition of his army, which must be known to the enemy, was surprised at the inac tivity of Howe. That general, however, remained within his lines, without making a movement for nearly three weeks. The American commander, in the meantime, was strengthening his position by means of redoubts, breastworks, and abattis, and presented a front which the British evi dently deemed formidable ; for General Howe (now Sir William, as he had been created a knight for his Long-island vic tory) wrote to the ministry in England : " The enemy is too strongly posted to be attacked in front, and immeasurable diffi culties are in our way of turning him on either side, though his army is much dis pirited from the late success of his majes ty s arms; yet have I not the smallest prospect of finishing the combat this cam paign, nor until the rebels see prepara tions in the spring that may preclude all thoughts of further resistance. To this end I would propose eight or ten line-of- battle ships to be with us in February, with a number of supernumerary seamen for manning boats, having fully experi enced the want of them in every move ment we have made. We must also have nel, four hundred and fifty ; major, four hundred ; captain, three hundred; lieutenant, two hundred; ensign, one hun dred and fifty. A certain number of the eighty-eight battal ions voted by Congress was assigned to each state, as its quota. The states were to appoint all officers as high as colonels, and to fill up vacancies ; and also to provide arms and clothing for their respective quotas the expense of clothing to be deducted, as usual, from the soldiers pay. All officers were to be commissioned by Congress. Articles of war were also passed, better suited to the requirements of the army, and more calculated to secure discipline. SPARKS. recruits from Europe, not finding the Americans disposed to serve with arms, notwithstanding the hopes held out to me upon my arrival in this port." Tories by profession abounded since the British success on Long island. Stat- en island, New York, and Long island, were now filled with those who were pro fuse in their expressions of loyal attach ment, but by no means as free in giving their services as they were bountiful in professions of good will. There was one, however, who, now that he was embarked in the cause, was evidently doing his best to aid Howe. This was OLIVER DELANCEY, the son of a Huguenot colonist, who had early come to America, and, having re ceived an extensive grant of land in West- chester county, became wealthy, and the founder of an influential family. Oliver, like his brother James, the lieutenant- governor of New York, reached a posi tion of high influence in the province. When the French War began, and he was solicited to accept the command of the New-York regiment, he said that, if he did, he could in ten days raise the whole quota of troops required of that colony. Nor was this the mere boast of a bragga docio. He was strongly attached to his country, and boldly advocated its rights ; but when the question came of separa tion, he opposed it, and, so soon as the Revolutionary struggle began, he staked his all on the side of the British throne. On Howe s arrival at Staten island, De- lancey was the first American loyalist to be made a brigadier-general in the royal army. Great hopes were entertained of his REVOLUTIONARY. OLIVER DELANCEY. 361 influence in obtaining recruits in New York and its neighborhood. He, howev er, although only required to obtain fif teen hundred men in all, was more than a year in getting six hundred to join his standard, and during the whole war they never amounted to eight hundred. He was now at work on Long island, tempt ing the Americans by offers of the same pay and treatment as English soldiers, and Washington supposed with such suc cess, that he thought it necessary, if pos sible, to counteract his manoeuvres. Gen eral George Clinton was accordingly sent from his station on the Hudson, beyond Kingsbridge, to meet General Lincoln, just appointed to the command of the new levies of troops from Massachusetts. Clinton was to proceed to Fairfield, in Connecticut, and there concoct with Lin coln a plan to make a descent upon Long island, and try to check Delancey s " per nicious practices." The expedition was, however, finally abandoned, for want of the necessary boats. The tories, too, seemed to be very ac tive at this moment in Westchester and Dutchess counties. Washington had been informed that there were several compa nies of men preparing to go off and join the king s army. Accordingly, he ordered the guard-boats and the sentries at the works on Mount Washington to keep a strict lookout, in case these American re cruits for the British army should attempt to come down the North river. General Heath also, then in command at Kings- bridge, was urged to do his utmost, by means of his troops, to intercept any coin ing down the East river, with the purpose 4G of joining the enemy s forces on Long island. Washington was determined to use every precaution in his power " to prevent these parricides from accomplish ing their designs." On Long island there was another man, of a different stamp from Delancey, one Major Rogers, who was all the more for midable as he was entirely unscrupulous. ROBERT ROGERS was born in New Hamp shire, where his father emigrated from Scotland. During the French War, he en tered the British service, and command ed a corps of New-England riflemen, who became renowned for their exploits, un der the name of Rogers Rangers. When peace with France was declared, Rogers retired, on half-pay, to his native town. He did not, however, long remain at rest, but soon took up arms in the campaign against the Cherokee Indians. He was rewarded for his services by being ap pointed governor of Michillimackinac in 1766 ; but his artfulness of character, and want of directness of conduct, exposed him to the suspicion of laying a plot to plunder his own fort and join the French. He was accordingly put in irons, and sent to Montreal for trial. He escaped con demnation, however, and went to Ens 1 - 7 O land, where he contrived to establish him self on such a respectable footing, that he was presented to the king. But his good fortune soon failed him, and he was clapped into prison for debt. When the difficulties between Great Britain and her colonies were fast ap proaching the crisis of war, Rogers again made his appearance in America. So lit tle scrupulous was he supposed to be, BATTLES OF AMP] RICA. [PART n. that it was the opinion of all who knew him, that he was ready to join either the British or the Americans, as his personal interest might prompt, or chance direct. When the Revolutionary War began, Rog ers kept wandering about the country, and haunting the quarters of Americans in authority, civil or military, with the view of either selling his services, or ful filling his duties as a spy, in which char acter he was suspected to have been al ready employed by the British. In the course of his wanderings, he fell in with Doctor Wheelock, of Dartmouth college, who wrote : " The famous Major Rogers came to my house, from a tavern in the neighborhood, where he called for refreshment. I had never before seen him. He was in but an ordinary habit for one of his character." He treated the doctor with great respect, and gave him an account of his travels. He spoke of his visit to London, where the doctor s college, he said, was in great repute, and that Lord Dartmouth and many other noblemen had spoken of it in his hearing with " expressions of the highest esteem and respect." He told of his deeds in for eign lands, and how he had fought two battles in Algiers, under the dey; and, with the apparent desire to live thereaf ter in peace and innocence, he declared that he had now returned to his native country "to take care of some large grants of lands made to him," and to visit his sister and his wife, whom he had not seen since his return" from England. He had been, however, according to his own ac count, very deliberate in performing his conjugal duties ; for he had already spent twenty days with the Congress at Phila delphia, and as many more in New York. He had been offered and urged, he said, to take a commission in favor of the colo nies ; but, with a scrupulous delicacy, as he w r as on half-pay from the crown, he thought it proper not to accept it, The major wound up his interview with the doctor by declaring that he was a great friend to his college, and volunteered to assist in obtaining a large grant of land for it. Rogers, as we have seen, had been in Philadelphia, where he had been arrest ed ; but having " solemnly promised and engaged, on the honor of a gentleman and soldier, that he would not bear arms against the American united colonies, in any manner whatsoever, d uring the Amer ican contest with Great Britain," he was set free, and provided with a passport by the Pennsylvania committee of safety. Thus fortified, Rogers proceeded (about a month after his visit to Doctor Whee lock) to the American camp before Bos ton, and w r rote Washington a letter, re questing his signature to his Philadelphia certificate, and making this emphatic pro fession of patriotism : " I love America ; it is my native country, and that of my family, and I intend to spend the even ing of my days in it." About the same time that Washington received this letter, Doctor Wheelock also wrote him that "two soldiers, returning O from Montreal, informed him that our offi cers were assured by a Frenchman (a cap tain of the artillery, whom they had taken captive) that Major Rogers was second in command under General Carleton ; and REVOLUTIONARY.] MAJOR ROGERS. 363 that he had been, in an Indian habit, through our encampment at St. Johns." Washington sent General Sullivan to have an interview with Rogers, who was then within a few miles of Cambridge. Sullivan confronted the major with this statement of Doctor Wheelock about his service in Canada. Rogers denied his having been there, but confessed that he had gone to the westward of Albany. As Washington did not care to see the ma jor, and could not know of any reason Avhy he should be haunting the American camp, Sullivan was directed to tell him that he could neither be received at head quarters nor get his passport signed ; but that he might depart, and enjoy such se curity as the papers with which he was already provided might give him. The next event in the history of the major was his arrest, by the order of Washington, at South Amboy, where he was prowling about the American camp, and in the neighborhood of the British on Staten island, under suspicious circum stances. Washington sent him to Phila delphia, under the care of an officer, as Rogers had declared that he was on his way to make a secret offer to serve Con gress a body which, however, the com- mander-in-chief took care to put on its guard, by suggesting to President Han cock " whether it would not be danger ous to accept the offer of his services." Congress would have nothing to do with the major, but handed him over to the provincial legislative assembly of New Hampshire. Rogers now appeared in his true char acter, as a colonel in the British army, engaged in recruiting his famous corps, called the Queen s Rangers. By an offer to recruits "of their proportion of all rebel lands," he was filling his ranks with a set of desperate adventurers, who made them selves notorious, throughout the war, as among the most audacious and unscrupu lous of the enemy. He was now on Long island, getting men, out of the abounding tories there. He had made his headquarters at Hun- tington ; and Connecticut seemed greatly alarmed lest he should carry out his threat of landing at Norwalk, taking the conti nental stores, and laying waste the town. Governor Trumbull says : " I hope we shall be able to frustrate his designs. I have no need to apprize you [he is wri ting to Livingston] of the art of this Rog ers. He has been a famous scouter, or woods-hunter, skilled in waylaying, am buscade, and sudden attack."* Rogers was a dangerous fellow, as cunning as an Indian, and as unscrupulous as a highway man. His tricks were a constant topic of conversation in the American camp, and all the officers and soldiers of spirit were anxious, if possible, to catch the wily colonel. * Sparks s Life of Washington. 364 BATTLES OF AMERICA. |_PART CHAPTER XXXI. The Americans at Tieonderoga. The 111 Condition of the Troops. Their Sufferings. Reinforcements. Boat-Building at Skenesborough. Arnold and his Fleet. Arnold again in Trouble. Condemned by the Court. Gates comes to his Rescue, and dissolves the Court. Activity of Sir Guy Carleton. Arnold sets sail. Prepares to fight the Enemy. The Action. Victorious Result. Arnold s Escape. Humanity of Carleton. Carleton takes Crown Point. Re connoitres Ticonderoga. Gates makes a Great Show of Defence. Carleton frightened awav. Retires into Canada. 1776, SOON after the arrival at Crown Point of Generals Sclmyler, Gates, and Arnold, who had met at Albany and set out together to join the northern ar my, the troops, it will be recollected, were withdrawn to Ticonderoga. General Sir Gny Carleton, the governor of Canada, Avas at St. Johns (on the Sorel river, near the northern extremity of Lake Cham- plain), and might be expected, so soon as he could construct proper vessels for the purpose, to sail up the lake and attack the Americans. The latter began to pre pare, in all haste, to defend themselves. The old French fort was strengthened by new defences, and the neighboring hills and grounds cleared of their forest-wood, and fortified with redoubts and batteries. The American troops, when they had reached Crown Point, after their retreat under General Sullivan, were in a state of extreme misery. " I found them," said Adjutant-General Trumbull, " dispersed, some few in tents, some in sheds, and more under the shelter of miserable bush huts, so totally disorganized by the death or sickness of officers, that the distinction of regiments and corps was in a great de gree lost ; so that I was driven to the ne cessity of great personal examination : and I can truly say that I did not look into tent or hut in which I did not find either a dead or dying man. I found the whole number of officers and men to be five thousand two hundred, and the sick who required the attentions of a hospital were two thousand eight hundred ; so that when they were sent off, with the number of men necessary to row them to the hospital, which had been established at the south end of Lake George, a dis tance of fifty miles, there would remain but the shadow of the army." With this " shadow of the army," how ever, the Americans began their opera tions at Ticonderoga, and with their new duties their old sufferings did not end. As the forest was cleared for the encamp ment, the exhalations from the earth, thus exposed for the first time to the rays of a midsummer sun, together with the mi- asm from the lake, soon produced a fever, which not seldom carried off the strong est men in two or three days after an at tack. Reinforcements, however, soon arrived from New England and Pennsylvania, so that the post at Ticonderoga began to as sume the aspect of military strength and activity. Ship-carpenters had also arrived REVOLUTIONARY.] FLOTILLA AT CROWN POINT. 36 from Boston and New London, and were at once set to work at Skenesborough, building the hulls of boats and galleys. These as soon as launched were towed down the lake to Ticonderoga, where they were equipped and armed. General Gates had appointed Arnold,from his well-known activity and his experience as a sailor, to superintend the fitting out of this little fleet, and promised him the command. The difficulty of obtaining proper mate rials for ship-building, and the distance to which they had to send for skilful work men, interfered greatly with the work ; but Arnold s energy so overcame every obstacle, that by the middle of August he had a squadron of one sloop and one schooner of twelve guns, two schooners of eight, and five gondolas with each three. Arnold, however, with his usual facility of quarrel, had just now a difficulty on hand, which nearly led to the loss of his command. When about leaving Quebec, he lawlessly ordered some goods to be seized belonging to merchants in Mon treal, but gave receipts to the owners, who were promised payment on present ing them to Congress. They had made their claims, and Arnold was now called upon to account for his disposition of the goods. All he had to say was, that they had been damaged and plundered, and that Colonel Hazen was responsible, for he had disobeyed orders in not taking proper charge of them. Hazen accord ingly was arrested, and tried by court- martial. Arnold brought forward, as his principal witness, a Major Scott. His tes timony, however, was rejected by the court, on the ground that, as he had seized the goods, though under the or ders of Arnold, he was a party concerned. Arnold became so enraged at this, tha. he completely lost all self-control, and addressed an insulting communication to the court. They insisted upon an apol ogy, in vindication of their wounded dig nity. This only made Arnold still more intemperate in his rage ; and, insultingly refusing to apologize, he hinted so broad ly that he was ready to give each mem ber personal satisfaction, that the whole court considered themselves as being chal lenged ! This was, of course, too outra geous a contempt of their dignity to be passed over without rebuke and punish ment ; and General Gates was according ly appealed to, to interpose the severity of his executive power. Gates, however, was not disposed to spare his admiral of the lake-fleet, and therefore acted " dicta- torially," as he himself calls it, and dis solved the court-martial. To Congress, Gates justified his conduct, saying, " The United States must not be deprived of that excellent officer s [Arnold s] services at this important moment."* The vessels being equipped, and Ar nold in command, the flotilla rendez voused at Crown Point. Here floated the Royal Savage, the Enterprise, the Revenge, and the Liberty, the four larger craft, together with the half-dozen gon dolas and several new galleys. Sir Guy Carleton was not less busy and active than Arnold. Bringing a large force of shipwrights, riggers, and sailors, from Que bec, together with frames of vessels, sup- * Sparks s Life of Arnold. 366 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PAKT II. plies of timber, cordage, guns, and every thing that "was necessary for constructing and fitting out ships-of-war, the Canadian governor was soon enabled to launch at St. Johns a formidable fleet. Toward the end of September, Arnold was prepared for a cruise, and set sail down the lake. General Gates had or dered him not to advance beyond the Isle-aux-Tetes (near what is now called Rouse s point), at the northern part of Lake Champlain, where its waters are narrowed toward the outlet of the Sorel river. When Arnold had reached Wind mill point, within four miles of the Isle- aux-Tetes, observing that that island and the neighboring shores were in posses sion of the British, he came to anchor, moving his flotilla across the lake. Hav ing occasion to land his men, in order to cut some timber and brushwood for the purpose of raising the bulwarks of his little vessels, and thus prevent them from being so accessible to boarders, he found that his position was not yet secure from annoyance by the enemy. A party that he had sent ashore had, in fact, been set upon by an ambuscade of Indians, and driven to their boats, with the loss of sev eral killed and wounded. Arnold now weighed anchor, and sailed back some eight or ten miles, until he reached Isle- la-Motte. From this point scouts were sent along the banks of the lake, and guard-boats stationed in advance along its waters, in order to watch the approach of the ene my, and obtain information of their move ments. From what was thus learned, Ar nold thought it advisable to move still farther down, and accordingly sailed back and took a position with his flotilla in the narrowest part of the channel between Valcour island and the western bank of the lake. Here he stretched his little vessels in line across and toward the up per part of the strait. While thus moored, awaiting the approach of the enem^, he was reinforced, from Crown Point, by the cutter Lee, of four guns; the three gal leys Congress, Washington, and Trumbull, each of ten guns ; and several additional gondolas. His whole force in guns now amounted to ninety ; in metal, six hun dred and forty-seven pounds ; and in men, most of whom were soldiers, to six hun dred. The advance guard-boats were constant ly on the lookout, as the approach of the British was hourly expected. At break of day, accordingly, Carleton s Oct Hi fleet hove in sight off Cumber land head to the north, and its approach was duly reported. As vessel after vessel bore down, the appearance of the enemy was truly formidable. There was the ship Inflexible, of sixteen guns ; the schooner Maria, of fourteen ; the schooner Carle- ton, of twelve ; the razee Thunderer, of fourteen ; the gondola Royal Consort, of six ; together with a score of gun-boats, four long-boats, each armed witli a gun, and four-and-twenty other small craft. Carleton had almost proved himself a match in activity for even the energetic Arnold. The ship Inflexible had been got ready to sail within twenty-eight days after her keel had been laid ; and between July and October, so great had been the despatch of the enemy, that no less than REVOLUTIONARY.] FIGHT ON LAKE CHAMPLAIN. 367 " thirty fighting-vessels of different sorts and sizes, and all carrying cannon," had been equipped. Carle ton, however, had all the resources of the British fleet, then at Quebec, at his command. British men- of-war supplied abundant materials, edu cated naval officers to superintend the work, skilful artificers to execute it, and all the possible requirements for building and equipping vessels-of-war. The prep arations had all been conducted by Cap tain Douglas, of the Isis ; and, when the fleet was ready to sail, seamen to the num ber of more than seven hundred were drafted from the naval ships at Quebec, to man the squadron of the lake ; while each vessel was officered by lieutenants and midshipmen, and the whole were commanded by the British naval captain Pringle, of the Lord Howe. Carleton himself, though yielding the direction of the fleet to the nautical experience of Pringle, could not restrain his ardor to be a witness of the struggle, and accordingly went on board the flag-ship, the Inflexible, determined to share the common danger. o The young officers, some of them now for the first time in separate command, were full of eager desire to distinguish them selves. Among the midshipmen was the youthful Pellew (already noticed for his gallantry), afterward famous as Lord Ex- inouth. The British fleet bore for the southern point of Valcour island, with the view of rounding it, and bringing the whole force against Arnold s line stretched across the strait to the north. The wind, however, was unfavorable for this manoeuvre, and only the smaller craft were able to enter the channel, as the larger vessels had not room to beat up, and could not sail suffi ciently close hauled. Arnold, observing the difficulty, and seeing the British force thus divided, or dered three of his galleys and his schoon er the Royal Savage to get under way. He himself took the lead, on board the Congress galley, and sailed, followed by the rest, to attack those of the enemy in advance, which consisted of all their small craft and the schooner Carleton of twelve guns, commanded by Lieutenant D acres. The engagement soon began, hot and heavy, and continued from eleven o clock in the morning till five in the afternoon. The American boats suffered greatly, and none more than the Congress, which Ar nold took care to keep in the hottest of the struggle. He was constantly on deck, pointing the guns with his own hands; and, when the enemy retired from the fight, Arnold s galley was almost a wreck, with her hull riddled with shot, her mast barely standing, her rigging torn into shreds, and a large proportion of her men killed or wounded. The Washington gal ley, commanded by Waterbury, had hard ly suffered less, her captain being wound ed, her lieutenant with many of her men killed, and the vessel itself well shattered. One gondola lost every officer but her captain, and another sank immediately after the engagement. No less than six ty in all were either killed or wounded. The Royal Savage, in attempting to reach the line, got aground, when she was set on fire by her crew, and abandoned. The larger British vessels, which were un able to take part in the action, strove, by 368 BATTLES OB" AMERICA. [PART. 1 1. landing their men and some Indians on Valcour island, to harass the Americans with musketry ; but, although they kept up a constant fire, they only added to the confusion and excitement of the scene, and foiled to do much damage. Arnold, upon retiring to his former an chorage, called a council of his officers, when it was unanimously resolved that, with the superiority in ships, men, and armament, of the British, it was impossi ble to cope with them, and that the only resource left was to attempt to escape back to Crown Point. How to accom plish this was, however, the great diffi culty, as the enemy had stretched their vessels across the strait, Avithin only a few hundred yards of the American line. As the night was dark, and the wind blew favorably from the north, Arnold deter mined upon the bold expedient of pas sing through the British fleet. The at tempt was made, and with perfect suc cess. The Trumbull galley, commanded by Colonel Wigglesworth, of the Massa chusetts militia, led the retreat, with bare ly enough sail set to give her steerage- way, and a lantern under her stern, so masked as not to be seen except by those directly in her wake. The rest of the squadron (each with a lantern hung at her stern in the same manner) followed in succession, at intervals of two or three hundred yards. The night was profound ly dark, and a heavy fog hung over the lake. Strict silence was enjoined, and thus each vessel sailed, in the dead of night, through the enemy s line, Arnold bringing up the rear with his usual dis regard or rather love of danger. The Oct. 13, British were so completely kept in the dark., that they were unconscious of his escape until next morning, when he had reached Schuyler s island, some ten miles up the lake. Arnold was now brought to a stop by the ill condition of his vessels, which had been so damaged in the fight, that all of them were either leaking or required to have new sails bent. Two of the gondo las were such complete wrecks, that they were abandoned and sunk. The neces sary repairs detained him for half a day at Schuyler s island, and Arnold was not enabled to get under way again until the evening. The wind proving favorable, Arnold made good progress during the night. In the morning, however, a fresh breeze sprang up from the south, dead ahead ; and, although it was unfa vorable for both the pursued and the pur suing, the enemy succeeded in gaining upon the rear of the American flotilla. The two galleys, the Washington and Con gress, and four of the gondolas all of which were in bad sailing-condition, from the damages they had suffered were soon overtaken by the leading British vessels, which crowded all sail in chase. The Washington was the first to suffer, and, having received a broadside or two, was forced to strike. The enemy now bore up against Arnold s galley, the Con gress. Arnold did not refuse the fight, notwithstanding the odds against him of a ship and two schooners. Unequal as was the struggle, he resolutely engaged in it, and with such a brave and skilful resistance, that it was prolonged for four RE\ OLUTIONARY.] hours; and Arnold did not withdraw his galley until she was nearly a wreck, and the enemy had been reinforced by four additional vessels, and thus with seven of their larger craft were preparing to sur round him on all sides. Arnold, finding himself in this extremi ty, ran the Congress and the four gondo las ashore. He then ordered all the boats, with their flags flying, to be set on fire, and his men to spring overboard with their muskets in hand, and, having waded to the land, to draw up and keep off the enemy s small boats should they attempt an attack. Arnold himself was the last man to leave the galley ; and, on reach ing the shore, he stood his guard until the flames had so enveloped the whole flotilla, that hardly a plank was left to fall into the hands of the enemy. Arnold then pushed on by land through the forest to Ticonderoga, where on his arrival he found the remnant of his flo tilla the two schooners, two galleys, one sloop, and the gondola which, by being in advance, and in fair sailing-condition, had succeeded in escaping Carleton s fleet. Every one awarded to Arnold great cred it for his daring and the skill with which he managed his little flotilla in so unequal a struggle, although some have doubted his prudence in engaging with the ene my under such disadvantages. Sir Guy Carleton treated the prisoners with his usual humanity and chivalrous courtesy. He ordered his army-surgeons to take the same care of the American wounded as they did of his own men. The others he sent for on board his own ship, where " he first treated them to a 47 ARNOLD S DARING AND SKILL. 3G9 drink of grog," and then praised their courage; and, after expressing a regret that it had not been displayed in the ser vice of their lawful sovereign, offered to send them home to their friends, on their giving their parole that they would not again bear arms against Great Britain un til they should be exchanged. General Waterbury,who had command ed the Washington, was invited by Carle- ton into his cabin below, and asked for his commission. When it was shown, and observed to be signed by Governor Trum- bull, of Connecticut, the courteous Sir Guy gave his prisoner his hand, saying : " General Waterbury, I am happy to take you by the hand, now that I see that you are not serving under a commission and orders of the rebel Congress, but of Gov ernor Trumbull. You are acting under a legitimate and acknowledged authority. He is responsible for the abuse he has made of that authority. That which is a high crime in him, is but an error in you : it was your duty to obey him, your legitimate authority."* In a few days after Arnold s defeat, a number of row-boats pulled up the lake, and lay upon their oars off the advanced posts of the Americans. The boats bore a flag of truce, and contained General Waterbury and one hundred and ten pris oners, who were now returned on parole by Sir Guy Carleton. This noble-hearted Englishman had treated those who had fallen into his hands by the chances of war with so much humanity and even gentle courtesy, and each man who re turned was so full of gratitude and ex- * Autobiography, &c., by John Trumbull. 370 BATTLES OF AMERICA. LPATIT IT. pressions of good feeling toward Sir Guy, that he was thought to "have made a very dangerous impression." The boats, therefore, which contained the prisoners were placed under the guns of a battery, and orders given that not a man should be allowed to land, lest by intercourse with the American troops he might affect them with a dangerous good will toward the enemy. The prisoners were accord ingly, immediately after their arrival was reported to General Gates, ordered to pro ceed to Skenesborough, on their way to their homes ; and they went forward the same night, without being permitted to land. We know of no such illustration as this fact exhibits, of the humanity of a chivalrous enemy, as well as of the policy of such conduct. Many such British offi cers might have proved fatal to the Amer ican cause. Sir Guy meanwhile did not neglect the more positive duties of his command. He advanced with his whole force, and took possession of Crown Point; and thence sent out a reconnoitring-party to observe the condition of the Americans at Ticon- deroga. Gates was prepared to make an effective display of his powers of resist ance. He had been largely reinforced, and now mustered nearly thirteen thou sand men, who by proper care and time ly supplies of food and clothing, were in a tolerably effective condition. So soon as Carleton s boats appeared off a point within three miles of Ticonderoga, Gates ordered his whole force under arms, and each man to his post. The American lines must have made an imposing show to those on the lake. The summits of the rising ground on both sides of the water were crowned with redoubts and batteries, bristling with cannon, and full manned with soldiers, while above all floated the new flag of the United States. The enemy s boats retired, but Gates did not neglect to continue to prepare for an attack. The works were manned at daylight each morning, and the troops kept busy the whole clay in strengthen ing the defences. Poles of twelve feet in length were cut in the neighboring; * / O O forests, armed with sharp iron points, and kept in readiness within the breastworks to thrust back the assailants in case of an assault. Carleton, however, did not ad vance, whether owing to the formidable appearance of his antagonists at Ticon deroga, or to the strong southerly wind which had continued to blow in his teeth ever since his arrival at Crown Point, and prevented the advance of his vessels. Fi nally, Gates, growing impatient, ordered a detachment of troops to march toward Crown Point, to reconnoitre. They soon returned, with the information that Sir Guy with his whole fleet and army had abandoned that post, and withdrawn into Canada. The enemy gone, there was less occasion for the American army to remain. A small force, under General St. Clair, having been left to gar rison the post at Ticonderoga, the remain der of the troops were ordered to other service. Gates proceeded to Albany, and Arnold to join Washington s army. Nov. 1, REVOLUTIONARY.] BRITISH SHIPS SAIL UP THE HUDSON. CHAPTER XXXII. Sir William Howe disposed to move. English Vessels-of- War sail up the Hudson. In efficacy of Chevaux-de-Frise, &c. The Last of the American Turtle. General James Clinton astir. Agitation of the Convention of the State of New York. The Enemy at Throw s Point. Return of General Lee. Elation of the Army in consequence. Lee s Views of the British Flans. Council of War. Lee opposed to holding Fort Washington. Greene in favor. Movement of the Enemy. General Heath. His Life and Character. An Attempt to catch Rogers. Its Failure. The Enemy outflanked by Washington. Retires to White Plains. Lee s Headquarters. Oddities. Approach of the Enemy. 1776, SIR WILLIAM HOWE, after his long inactivity, began at last to show some disposition to move. Early one morning the British men-of-war, the Roe buck, Phoenix, a frigate of twenty guns, and several tenders, which had been sta tioned off Bloomingdale, taking advan tage of a fair southerly breeze, got under way and sailed up the Hudson. Oct 9 The batteries and forts on both sides of the river kept up a heavy fire, but the ships sailed by them without much damage. The famous chevaux-de-frise, that had been stretched across the stream un der the auspices of " Old Put," proved still less an obstruction, notwithstanding the old gap in it had been filled in. The ships, borne by a strong flood-tide and a fair wind, came with head on, and broke through the barrier with hardly a check to their way, chasing before them the two vessels laden down with stories, ready to be sunk, to add to the strength of the O chevaux-de-frise, the four armed galleys sta tioned to protect it, an American vessel from the West Indies, with a cargo of rum and molasses, anchored for safety / under the cover of the guns of the fort, and a small schooner containing Bush- nell s "American Turtle." The two ships were driven ashore by their pursuers ; two of the galleys secured a retreat ; two were run aground and fell into the ene- , my s hands, although their crews saved themselves by swimming; the West-India skipper was forced to strike his flag ; and a well-aimed shot sent the small schoon er, with Bushnell s submarine exploder, to the bottom meeting a fate, as Gen eral Heath remarks, " finely in contrast with its design ;" for the purpose of the "American Turtle" was to destroy, and not to be destroyed. Washington saw in this movement of the enemy s ships an intention to stop the navigation of the Hudson, and thus cut off his communication and supplies by that river. He immediately sent an express to General James Clinton, who commanded at the Highlands, to put him on his guard, in case there should be any attempt upon the posts and forts above. He also ordered a detachment of troops from his camp to hurry along the eastern bank of the river, to oppose the enemy in case they should land. As Putnam was still sanguine of the efficacy of his favorite chevaux-de-frise., Washington was induced to send a party to try and get off the two stone-laden ships which had 372 BATTLES OF 1 AMERICA. [PART n. o>-ot aground, and in the meantime to or- O O / der some old hulks to be filled up and towed down to close the break in the ob struction across the river, and thus pre vent, if possible, the return of the ships to their anchorage in the bay. The convention of the state of New York were greatly agitated by the ad vance of the enemy s ships up their main river. They had great distrust of many of the population, and believed that this movement was in co-operation with the disaffected, with the view of seizing such passes as would cut off the communica tion between the interior and Washing ton s army, and thus prevent supplies. They therefore strenuously urged upon the commander-in-chief the propriety of sending a body of men to the Highlands or to Peekskill, to " secure the passes, pre vent insurrection, and overawe the dis affected." Washington was induced by these ap prehensions which the convention were under, on account of the disaffected whom they had reason to suppose were plotting so much mischief, to order up a part of the militia which had lately come in from Massachusetts, under the new general, Lincoln, to prevent if possible the conse quences which might happen, and which it was believed the conspirators had in contemplation. "I am persuaded," says Washington, " that they are upon the eve of breaking out, and that they will leave nothing unessayed that will distress us and favor the designs of the enemy, as soon as their schemes are rife for it." The attention of the command er-in- chief was, however, soon called to a more Oct. 12, pressing danger near at hand. The en emy had landed on " Trog s" point (Throgg s it is now always called, though Washington writes Trog s) in large force. Nine ships and a great number of transports and store-vessels, " full of men," had been observed to pass up the sound the night before, and it was believed that the greatest part of Howe s army had moved upward with the view of getting in the rear of Washington s lines and cutting off his communication with the country. " Our situation here," writes Washington, " is not exactly the same as it was at New York. It is rather better." He had some hope, by extend ing his force, now consisting of some nine teen thousand, toward East and West Chester, to oppose the enemy, and pre vent the accomplishment of their plans. General Howe, after landing, did not seem to be very impatient to begin op erations. He was waiting (he afterward said, in explanation) for the arrival of re inforcements and stores, while the Ameri cans believed that he was forced to hold back in consequence of the state of the causeway, which had been broken up, and which was necessary for the conveyance of his troops and artillery from Throgg s point to the mainland. His landing, more over, was opposed by some vigorous man ifestations on the part of the American forces. Howe finally re-embarked, and landed at Pell s point, whence he began to move his troops toward New Kochelle. The arrival of General Lee at this anxious time, on his return from the South, was welcomed by the whole American army. " The troops," REVOLUTIONARY.] LEE S URGENT LETTER TO CONGRESS. 373 says a contemporary, " were mightily ela ted with his presence, and felt themselves stronger by one thousand men upon the occasion ; for they had great confidence in his abilities, and expected much from him, because of the success which had at tended him at Charleston." Washington at once gave him the command of the di vision stationed above Kingsbridge. The other three divisions were under Generals Heath, Sullivan, and Lincoln. Greene had command of the post on the Jersey shore, opposite to Fort Washington, pre viously called " Fort Constitution," now changed to "Fort Lee," in honor of the general whose arrival seemed so greatly to be welcomed by all. Lee s success in the South had greatly added to his reputation ; and when Wash ington s army was apparently in such a strait at New York, Congress despatched an express to Georgia, ordering him to repair immediately to Philadelphia, He at once obeyed the summons ; and, hav ing waited on Congress, and consulted O O 3 with that body, it was resolved that he should proceed to Washington s camp without delay, although leave was grant ed to him to visit the American posts in New Jersey. Lee accordingly, before pre senting himself at Washington s headquar ters, visited the camp at Amboy, just pre vious to crossing to New York. While there, he took occasion to make a survey of the enemy s position and movements on Staten island. Here, on the day of his arrival, Lee beheld a great encamp ment of Hessians, and on the next morn ing discovered that every tent was struck, and the whole force had disappeared. Thereupon he writes to Congress, and in his usual emphatic style says : " I am confident they will not attack General Washington s lines ; such a measure is too absurd for a man of Mr. Howe s genius ; and unless they have re ceived flattering accounts from Burgoyne that he will be able to effectuate a junc tion (which I conceive they have not), they will no longer remain kicking their heels at New York. They will put the place in a respectable state of defence, which, with their command of the waters, may be easily done, leave four or five thousand men, and direct their operations to a more decisive object. "They will infallibly proceed either immediately up the river Delaware with their whole troops ; or, what is more prob able, land somewhere about South Am boy or Shrewsbury, and march straight to Trenton or Burlington. On the sup position that this will be the case, what are we to do ? What force have we ? What means have we to prevent their possessing themselves of Philadelphia ? General Washington s army can not pos sibly keep pace with them. The length of his route is not only infinitely greater, but his obstructions almost insuperable. In short, before he could cross Hudson river, they might be lodged and strongly fortified on both banks of the Delaware. . . . For Heaven s sake, arouse yourselves ! For Heaven s sake, let ten thousand men be immediately assembled and stationed somewhere about Trenton ! In my opin ion, your whole cause depends upon it. I set out immediately for headquarters, where I shall communicate my apprehen- 374 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART II. Oct. 16. sion that such will be the next operation of the enemy, and urge the expediency of sparing a part of his army (if he has any to spare) for this object." :;: A few days after writing this letter, General Lee had an opportunity of ma king known his views and sustaining his opinions before a council of war called by Washington. A warm dis cussion took place, and Lee was among the foremost in the debate, stren uously urging the necessity of extending the American lines toward East and West Chester, in order to outflank the enemy, whose purpose evidently was to hem in Washington by drawing a line in his rear. There was considerable opposition to his views, it being contended that the island of New York, as it was well defended by strong posts, and difficult of access, might be held, and that it was there that the army should remain and await the attack of the enemy. Lee asked what they meant by thinking of holding their posi tion, while Howe had the command of the water on each side of them, and was so strong both in front and rear, and there was but a single communication with the mainland held by themselves, and that only a bridge (King s bridge), over which they must pass to escape being enclosed. He declared that it was fallacious to sup pose a position was good merely because its approaches were difficult,- and stoutly argued against the policy of having any thing to do with the islands, adding that for his part he " would give Mr. Howe a fee simple in them." * Amoncan Archives, fifth series, 11, 1008, quoted by Irvine. These opinions, emphatically express ed, evidently had their effect; so that when the question was put " Whether, it having appeared that the obstructions in the North river have proved insuffi cient, and that the enemy s whole force is in our rear at Throgg s point, it is now deemed possible in our present situation to prevent the enemy from cutting off the communication with the country, and compelling us to fight them at all disad vantages or surrender prisoners at discre tion?" it was agreed, with the single dissenting voice of General Clinton, that it was not possible to prevent the com munication from being cut off, and that one of the consequences mentioned must certainly follow. Lee was equally emphatic in denoun cing the attempt to hold Fort Washing ton, but not equally successful in impres sing the council with his views. The gen erals were probably influenced by a late resolution of Congress, desiring Washing ton, " by every art and at whatever ex pense, to obstruct effectually the naviga tion of the river between Fort Washing ton and Mount Constitution, as well to prevent the regress of the enemy s frig ates lately gone up, as to hinder them from receiving succor." Apart from this, there were some who believed that the fort should be held at all risks. Among them was General Greene, who was sta tioned at Fort Lee. He contended that the possession of Fort Washington would divert a large body of the enemy, and thus divide the force of Howe ; and that it, in conjunction with Fort Lee opposite, would serve to cover the transportation REVOLUTIONARY, j WILLIAM HEATH. 375 Oct. 22. of provisions and other articles up the North river for the service of the Ameri can troops. He moreover held that, at the worst, the garrison would be safe, as they could be conveyed away at any mo ment by boats from the Jersey side of the river. It was finally agreed by the council of war that Fort Washington be retained as long as possible. More than two thousand men were accordingly as signed for that purpose ; and Colonel Ma- gaw, to whom the command was given, was urged to defend the position to the last. Sir William Ho we, reinforced by a large body of Hessians under General Knyp- hausen, just arrived from Germa ny, continued to gather his forces on the New- York border of the sound, and to extend them northward. Washington, in the meantime, having stationed Lee on Valentine s hill, beyond Kingsbridge, with one of the four divis ions of the army, the rest followed and formed a line of detached camps along the western side of the river Bronx, ex tending from Lee s position to White Plains, a distance of thirteen miles. The chief himself abandoned the Morris man sion, on Harlem heights, and, after re maining a few days with Lee at Valen tine s hill, established his headquarters near White Plains. General Heath, who had the command of the division of the army toward Long-island sound, was di rected to watch and harass the enemy as much as possible in that quarter, while landing and marching into the interior. WILLIAM HEATH, a native of Koxbury, in Massachusetts, like many of the New- England officers, was a farmer, and had left the plough to gird on the sword. He had, however, according to his own ac count, a very early proclivity toward martial life, and read every book which fell in his way on military tactics, until he became, as he tells us, quite a profi cient in the theory of war. He was com missioned by the Congress of his own province, in 1775. During the siege of Boston, he was present as a general offi cer, but when offered the command of a division, "he declined the hazardous service."* Having been appointed a few months before by Congress a major-gen eral in the continental army, he was now in command of one of its divisions. Heath was in person corpulent and bald-headed, and seemed flattered by being reminded that he resembled the marquis of Gran- by. He had little opportunity of playing the hero, but proved himself an officer who was always faithful to duty ; and, though of an easy temper, he was not without spirit when called upon to sus tain his own dignity or the honor of his country. Howe did not succeed in marching in to position without some stout resistance. Glover s brigade was on the alert, and dis puted the ground with the advancing par ties ; and battalions of American riflemen, stationed behind the stone-fences, suc ceeded in greatly annoying them. Twice the British were repulsed, and it was not until they came up for the third time, and in solid columns, that they were able to force their way. The right and cen tre of Howe s army now moved two miles * Timelier. 376 to the northward of New Rochelle, on the road to White Plains. The two armies, in the course of this simultaneous movement, were for some distance in a line with each other from north to south, and several skirmishes ensued between the outposts. The great desire of the Americans to get hold of that slippery rogue, Colonel Rogers, was very nearly being gratified. Howe, when encamped beyond New Rochelle, ordered Rogers with his Queen s Rangers to take possession of Mamaroneck, and there es tablish an outpost. Lord Stirling, who had now rejoined the army (having been lately exchanged), heard of the where abouts of Rogers, and determined, if pos sible, to entrap him. A detachment of Colonel Haslet s " Delawares and Mary- landers" were selected for the purpose, and the night was chosen, in or der that darkness might increase the chances of a successful surprise. Ev erything was conducted with great cau tion, and the Americans succeeded in coming upon the "Rangers" and taking them unawares. The guard and an offi cer were put to the sword, thirty-six were taken prisoners, and a pair of colors, sixty stand of arms, and a supply of clothing and provisions, captured. Rogers, how ever, succeeded in making his escape, having skulked off in the dark. These skirmishes became quite fre quent, and the spirit with which the Americans conducted them forced Howe to extreme vigilance, and checked the confidence and rapidity of his move ments. Washington thus, together with Howe s delay in landing., was enabled to BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART n. outflank him. The whole movement of the Americans was well conducted. By keeping the Bronx river on his right, and presenting a constant front of well-pro tected posts to the enemy, Washington was enabled to remove his stores and bag gage, and rapidly to extend his line so far into the country, as to defeat the en emy s intention of getting in his rear and hemming him in. At White Plains, where Washington had proceeded with the advanced divis ion, he chose and fortified his position in such a manner as to afford a cover for his whole army. He defended the front of his camp, which was situated on high ground, by a double line of intrench- ments. The right wing, as well as part of the rear, was protected by a bend of the river Bronx, while the left was se cured by a deep lake. As the British continued to advance, and after Wash ington had succeeded in bringing up all his baggage and stores, he ordered the detached posts to be abandoned, and with drew all his army, with the exception of the garrison at Fort Washington, within his fortified camp at White Plains. Lee, of course, came in with his divis ion, and none was more conspicuous than he, looked up to as he was by all for his supposed military skill, and made not the less remarkable by his whims and oddi ties. He lodged in a small house near the road by which General Washington and his officers frequently passed when out reconnoitring. On returning, they would occasionally stop and take a din ner with Lee not, perhaps, so much on account of the good fare of the house, as REVOLUTIONARY.] WASHINGTON AND LEE AT WHITE PLAINS. 377 for the amusing characteristics of the host. Lee, however, affected to be annoyed by these frequent visits, and said one day to his aids: "You must look me out anoth er place, for I shall have Washington and all his puppies continually calling upon me, and they will eat me up !" The next morning, seeing Washington, surrounded by a suite of officers, coming up the road, the eccentric Lee, expecting another vis it, ordered his servant to chalk upon the door of his house, " No victuals dressed here to-day." When the cavalcade of the chief passed by and read the obvious hint, they spurred on their horses, and laughingly returned to dine that day at their own quarters. Lee, notwithstanding, was one of the most frequent companions of Washington on these reconnoitring expeditions, and, with no modest reserve, was always of his opinions very free in criticising the dis position of the army. Washington had a deservedly great opinion of Lee s mili tary talents, and always listened to his suggestions with marked attention. On one occasion, the two rode out together, in company with some officers, when Lee objected to the ground occupied by the army, and, pointing to some heights in the distance, said, " Yonder is the ground we ought to occupy." "Let us, then, go and view it," answered Washington. He had, however, hardly turned his steed in that direction, when a light-horseman rode up in haste, and quickly exclaimed, "The British are in the camp, sir!" " Then, gentlemen, we have now other business than reconnoitring," said Wash ington ; and he galloped with all speed back to the camp, followed by his com panions. On reaching his headquarters, he was informed that the advance-guards had been driven in, and that the enemy were advancing. Washington then dis missed his officers, saying, " Gentlemen, you will repair to your respective posts, and do the best you can." :S: CHAPTER XXXIII. Washington takes a Final Survey. The Battle of White Plains. "A Brilliant but Formidable Sight." A Sudden Change in Howe s Tactics. The Struggle. The British twice driven back. Young Alexander Hamilton secures his Fieldpieces. The End. The Loss. The " Terrible Horse." The Sufferings and Hardships of the American Troops. Contempt of the British. Hard Work with Spade and Pick. A Night of Expectations. An Incident. Washington retires with his Whole Army. Howe outmanoeuvred. Evacuation of White Plains. Burning of the Church. The Denunciation of the Act by Washington. 1776, THOUGH the intelligence of the advance of the enemy came some what suddenly to Washington and his re connoitring-party, the army had already 48 been posted in order of battle, and was not unprepared to meet the threatened attack. Washington, however, rode along * Heath s Memoirs, p. 77. 378 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PATCT TI. the lines to take a final survey, to en courage his men, and make such changes in the disposition of his troops as the cir cumstances of the moment might suggest. On the right, within a short distance of the camp, there was a height called Chat- terton s hill. This was an advantageous position, as it commanded the right wing, which, however, was somewhat protected by the river Bronx, which enclosed by its windings that part of the camp within an elbow. Some militia had already been posted upon the hill ; but Washington now sent Colonel Haslet, with his spirit ed Delawares and Marylanders, and two pieces of artillery under Captain Alexan der Hamilton, to reinforce the position, while General M Dougall was ordered to take the command of the whole. The enemy now showed them selves, advancing in great force along the acclivities of the heights upon which they had been encamped. They came on in two columns, their right un der the command of Sir Henry Clinton, and their left under the Hessian De Heis- ter. It was a fine October noon, and the arms and gay accoutrements of the well- appointed army glistening in the mid-day sun, appeared to the eyes of the Ameri cans "a brilliant but a formidable sight." The solid British columns moved stead ily on, bearing directly for Washington s front, apparently with the view of driving everything before them by main strength. As they approach the village of White Plains, and toward the American breast works, there is a sudden pause in the march, as if momentarily hesitating in their purpose. The general officers ride Oct. 28. up and gather together in the middle of a wheatfield, and hold council. Soon the result is apparent: Howe changes his pur pose. His right and centre are still mo tionless., but there is a great stir on his left. The artillery is rapidly drawn into position and pointed toward Chatterton hill, on Washington s right ; and working- parties hurry forward to the Bronx river, followed by a large detachment of Brit ish and Hessian troops, commanded by General Leslie. At the same moment, a Hessian brigade, under Colonel Rahl, falls back to some distance from the left wing, and covers the Bronx below. General Leslie, under the cover of the artillery, which keeps up a constant and heavy fire, passes over with his whole de tachment,and, leaving his cavalry to skirt the base, pushes directly up the hill with his body of grenadiers and lightrinfantry. His troops are th nned by the two field pieces under the skilful handling of the young Hamilton, and severely galled by the musketry of the Marylanders. Rahl has in the meantime crossed the river be low, and is ascending the hill toward the right flank of the Americans. The two detachments now form a junction and throng up the heights together, filling every ravine and covering every acclivi ty with their numbers. The American militia soon disposed of themselves. A shot from the enemy s artillery at the beginning of the engage ment had carried away one man s thigh, and so frightened the others, that Gener al M Dougall had great difficulty in keep ing them from running away. He finally posted them,however, behind some stone- REVOLUTIONARY.] BATTLE OF WHITE PLAINS. 379 walls, and had got them in a fair way of doing some service, when the sight of about two hundred and fifty British light- horse, dashing about the base of the hill, so alarmed them, that they at once took to their heels ! The combined force of Leslie and Rahl did not gain the summit of the hill with out a hard fight. M Dougall, by the cow ardice of the militia, had been left with only six hundred men. but these were the brave troops of Haslet, Smallwood, andRitzema,and they clung to the ground with such resolution, and resisted the en emy so spiritedly, that the British were twice driven back, and did not finally win the position until after a hard struggle, wdiich lasted for nearly an hour. Gen eral M Dougall brought off the remnant of his men in good order, who disputed every inch of ground with the enemy, as the latter pursued them down the hill, until they were met by General Putnam and a detachment of troops to cover their retreat to the camp. Young Hamilton succeeded in securing his two effective fieldpieces, and nothing was left behind but the bare breastworks upon the hill. Even the wounded were carefully carried off the field. The loss on both sides was about equal, amounting to some three hundred each in killed, wounded, and ta ken prisoners. The British, in possession of Chatter- ton hill, busied themselves in strengthen ing the position by additional intrench- ments and breastworks. General Howe contented himself for the rest of the day with the success of the morning, and tow ard evening merely moved his right wing closer to the American camp, so that his whole front presented a semicircle. The British troops, resting on their arms du ring the night, waited for further actio until the coming of the next day. The American militiamen, who had been so frightened by the sight of the English cavalry, gradually in scattered groups found their way back to the lines from the neighboring hills to which they had fled. The undisciplined provincial troops seem to have had as great a dread of a horse with a trooper on his back as the ancient Mexicans when they beheld the mounted warriors of Cortez. Wash ington, perceiving that this absurd fear of cavalry was creating a great deal of mischief, found it necessary to issue an order, in which he says : " Observing that the army seems unacquainted with the enemy s horse, and that when any par ties meet with them they do not oppose them with the same alacrity which they show in other cases, thinks it necessary to inform the officers and soldiers that, in such a broken country, full of stone walls, no enemy is more to be despised, as they can not leave the road." Wash ington then tells his militiamen that they can at any time attack a body of horse to advantage by taking post in the woods by the roads, or along the stone-walls, where mounted troops will not venture to follow them. Moreover, "as an en couragement to any brave parties who will endeavor to surprise some of them," the general " offers one hundred dollars for every trooper, with his horse and ac coutrements, who shall be brought in, and so in proportion for any part, to be 380 BATTLES OF AMERICA. LPATCT n. divided according to the rank and the pay of the party." General Howe was no less disposed to take advantage of this terror of cavalry than Washington was to remove it. Hav ing early observed how apt the militia were to be scared away by a show of mounted troops brandishing their swords, Howe took care to collect throughout the country all the horses he could, in order to keep up his cavalry regiments, which had been greatly thinned by the losses at sea in the course of the long voyages of the transports. He also wrote to the British government for an additional sup ply ; and, whenever occasion offered, he was sure to send out his mounted troop ers, to make as clattering and brilliant a dash as possible, in order to frighten the weak nerves of the uninitiated. Washington was expecting an attack at any moment. His lines were accord ingly manned during the whole night, and the men kept at work at the redoubts and breastworks, with but rare intervals of repose, when they were forced to lie down in the " cold trenches." So much exposed, so hard-worked, and in such a wretched condition (from want of proper food and clothing), were the American troops, that some of the officers began to believe that if the enemy did not destroy the American army, it would perish of itself without fighting. The British offi cers looked on all this misery with undis guised contempt, and spoke mockingly of " the tatterdemalions who have but a few coats among them but what are out of elbows," and of " whole regiments in which there is scarce a pair of breech- Oct, 29, es."* We shall find, however, that these " tatterdemalion," ragged and shirtless as they were, succeeded under Washington in checking and outmanoeuvring all the brilliant and haughty battalions mar shalled by Sir William Howe and his proud staff of officers. Meager as Washington s resources were, he made the most of them ; and in justice to his troops it may be stated that how ever poor a military show they might make in battle array, they were indefati gable in their labors with the pick and the spade. They worked well and long during that night of anxious expectation, and, before morning, had doubled the in- trenchments and raised three re doubts. The breastworks were rudely made of the best material at hand. Cornstalks were plucked from the neigh boring fields, and served, with the earth clinging to their roots, the purpose of sods and fascines. General How r e, when he observed the result of one night s work upon Washing ton s line, seemed in no disposition to be gin a general attack ; and, waiting for reinforcements, he limited himself to an occasional skirmish with the more ad vanced American posts. Early in the morning, however, he moved his right wing still closer to the left of the Ameri cans. Washington supposed that Howe s design was to get to his rear, according to his original plan. Every measure was taken, therefore, to prevent this move ment. The stores and baggage were hur ried toward the rear as fast as possible, and the left of the army fell some dis- * Quoted by Irving. REVOLUTIONARY.] A SKIRMISH THE WIDOWS GARDEN. 381 tance back, to prevent being outflanked by Howe s advancing right wing. When this manoeuvre of the enemy began, Wash ington s secretary was writing to Congress thus : u Our post, from its situation, is not so advantageous as could be wished, and was only intended as temporary and oc casional, till the stores belonging to the army, which had been deposited here, could be removed. The enemy coming on so suddenly has distressed us much. They are now close at hand, and most probably will in a little time commence their second attack ; we expect it every hour; perhaps it is beginning. I have just heard the report of some cannon." The firing which was heard by the sec retary came from a hot skirmish between a detachment of Hessians and Colonel Glover s brigade. The colonel held pos session of a height in advance of the American camp, where he had posted his troops behind a breastwork mounted with one brass twenty-four, a six and a three pounder, and three iron twelve-pounders. As the British closed in with their col umns, in order to approach nearer to the American camp, Glover determined to harass them. Their line extends from right to left, with the cavalry and artil lery in front, as far as can be seen, and no less a number than twelve thousand men appear to be under arms. They ap proach Glover s position, but he withholds his fire until some of the troops have en tered a valley and are about to ascend the heights which bound it. He then begins with his three-pounder, next with his six, and finally w r ith his twenty-four. The British are much confused by this brisk cannonade, but persevere in trying to mount the high ground with their light-horse and artillery. After firing a few rounds, however, they are obliged to retire, and content themselves with a po sition farther back, and out of reach of Glover s cannon. Howe evidently was not disposed to risk a general engagement ; and, having encamped his army within " long cannon- shot" of the American lines, he awaited the arrival of reinforce ments under Earl Percy, who had been ordered up from Harlem, where he was stationed. While the two armies lay opposite to each other, an incident occurred which a diligent annalist has not thought too friv olous to record, in the absence, during that night of expectation, of more impor tant events. It happened that a garden of a widow woman, which lay between the two hostile camps, had been repeat edly robbed. Her son, a mere boy, and "little of his age," asked permission to try to find out and secure the thief, in case he should return. His mother hav ing consented, the lad, armed with a gun, concealed himself at night among the overgrown weeds of the garden. Soon a great strapping Highlander came gro ping his way among the cabbages, and, having filled a large bag he carried, pre pared to decamp. The lad stole softly after him, and, coming close to the fellow, cocked his gun and called out : " You are my prisoner. If you attempt to throw your bag down, I ll shoot you dead ! Go forward in that road." The man did not venture to turn around, but went on as 382 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART n. Oct. 30, he was bid, with the boy and his gun close after him, and was thus driven into the American camp, where he was se cured. The strapping grenadier was now permitted to come to a halt, whereupon he threw down his bag, and turned to look at his captor. When he discovered that he was a mere boy, and "little of his age," he gave vent to his indignant vexation, exclaiming, " A British grena dier made prisoner by such a d d brat by such a d d brat!"* Another day passed without any show of active hostility. The British general, however, kept his troops at work in entrenching his camp. In the evening Earl Percy arrived, and the next morning was appointed for the attack upon the American lines. But at mid night, a heavy storm with wind and rain began, and continued during the whole of the following day, so that the British commander was again forced to remain inactive. Washington, having learned from a de serter, of the arrival of Earl Percy, and of Howe s intended movements, deter mined to shift his position. According ly, in the course of the night, he withdrew his army from White Plains, for a distance of five miles, to the higher ground toward Newcastle and the Croton river, leaving a strong rear-guard on the heights and in the woods of White * Gordon. Oct. 31. Plains. Washington s ground was admi rably chosen ; and with the breastworks which he threw up, extending from hill to hill, he could bid defiance to the ene my. Howe, becoming aware in the ear ly morning of this movement, discovered that, with all his brilliant advantages, he had been outmanoeuvred, and that it w r as hopeless to attempt by an assault to dis lodge the Americans from their new po sition. He therefore contented himself with making a demonstration against Washington s rear-guard on the heights of White Plains; but, before his troops could advance to the attack, they were driven back again into camp, to take shel ter from the heavy rain. During the night while the Americans were evacuating White Plains, the village church, the courthouse, and other build ings, were set on fire and burnt by the order of a major in the command of the guards and sentries, w r hile " heated with liquor." Washington was indignant at this act, and warmly expressed himself upon the subject, saying in the general order of the next day : " It is with the utmost astonishment and abhorrence that the general is informed that some base and cowardly wretches last night set fire to the courthouse and other buildings, which the enemy had left. The army may rely on it that they shall be brought to justice, and meet with the punishment they deserve." REVOLUTIONARY.] THE BRITISH RETREAT AMERICANS REVOLT. 383 CHAPTER XXXIV. The Enemy decamp. Puzzling Conduct. Washington still worried about the Army. Rebellion among the Troops. The Americans abandon Fort Independence, &c., on the Approach of the Enemy. Fort Washington strengthened. Doubts about holding it. Washington opposed, Greene in favor, and carries the Day. Washington at Peekskill. The Great Preparations of the Enemy against Fort Washington. Description of the Fort. The Fort invested. Sum mons to surrender. Magaw s Spirited Response. The Defences. Operations of the Assailants. 1776, THE British, after remaining sev eral days in front of the American lines without attempting anything, final ly broke up their encampments on the 4th of November, and marched toward the North river and Kingsbridge. Their purpose was a matter of anxious specu lation in Washington s camp. Some sup posed that they were going into winter- quarters, and would sit down in New York, content with doing nothing more than in vesting Fort Washington. The general himself wrote : " I can not subscribe whol ly to this opinion myself. That they will invest Fort Washington is a matter of which there can be no doubt ; and I think there is a strong probability that General Howe will detach a part of his force to make an incursion into the Jerseys, pro vided he is going to New York. He must attempt something on account of his rep utation ; for what has he done as yet with his great army ?" Governor Livingston, of New Jersey, to whom this letter was written, was then urged by Washington to place the militia of his state on the best possible footing, and recommended to see that the inhabitants contiguous to the water should be prepared to remove their stock, grains, effects, and carriages, upon the earliest notice. Washington believed that New Jersey was to be the scene of the coming campaign, and de clared that, as soon as he was satisfied that the movement just made by the en emy was a real retreat, and not a feint, he would, with the utmost expedition, throw over into Jersey a body of troops, to assist in checking Howe s progress. Washington was still anxious lest he should be left almost without troops. The dissolution of the army was fast approach ing, and there seemed but little prospect of levying a new one. " The situation of our affairs," he says, " is critical and alarm ing."* He wrote to the assembly of Mas sachusetts to raise at once four thousand men properly accoutred and equipped, to supply the place of those under General Lincoln, who it was feared would not be prevailed upon to stay a moment longer than the time they first engaged for. The New- York militia were in a state of mutiny, and, refusing to do duty, de clared that General Howe had promised them peace, liberty , and safety, and that was all they wanted. " What is to be done with them ?" writes General Greene, who had come over from Fort Lee, and found the New-Yorkers stationed at Kingsbridge 384 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PATIT II. in this condition of almost open revolt. "This spirit," he declares, "should be checked in its infancy I propose," he adds, " to send to the colonel about fifty men, and I have directed him to acquaint the militia that if they refuse to do duty, agreeably to the orders of the state, I will send up a regiment and order them to Fort Lee, to do duty there." Knyphausen had been despatched by General Howe, previous to his own move ment in that direction, with six battalions of Hessians and Waldeckers, to take pos session of Kingsbridge. He started from New Rochelle, and marched across the country to the west, and, after crossing the Harlem river at Dykeman s bridge, took up his post on a plain near King s bridge. The Americans, deserting Fort Independence and all the works in that neighborhood on his approach, retired to Fort Washington. General Howe had now reached the North river with his main body, and was encamped at Dobbs s ferry. A Nov. 6. _ . J frigate and two transports were immediately despatched by his brother, Lord Howe, from the fleet in New-York harbor, to carry supplies to the general. They succeeded without difficulty in pas sing through the chcvaux-de-fnse and the forts again, and anchored safely in the river. As the main purpose of holding Fort Washington seemed to be thus en tirely frustrated, the commander-in-chief had doubts about the expediency of de fending that post. He accord- Nov, 8, . 3 . ingly writes to General Greene : The late passage of three vessels up the North river, of which we have just re ceived advice, is so plain a proof of the inefficacy of all the obstructions we have thrown into it, that I can not but think it will justify a change in the disposition which has been made. If we can not pre vent vessels from passing up, and the en emy are possessed of the surrounding country, what valuable purpose can it an swer to attempt to hold a post from which the expected benefit can not be had? I am therefore inclined to think that it will not be prudent to hazard the men and stores at Mount Washington ; but as you are on the spot, I leave it to you to give such orders as to evacuating Mount Wash ington as you may judge best, and so for re voking the order given to Colonel Magaw to defend it to the last." The opinion of Washington is here very explicitly de- clared against holding the post, but he modestly waived his own views, and, as he had great confidence in Greene s judg ment, he left more to his discretion than he otherwise probably would have done. The defence of Fort Washington was a pet measure with Greene ; and, in spite of the opposition of the commander-in- chief, of General Lee, Colonel Reed, and the most skilful of the officers, he advo cated it with resolute pertinacity. Gen eral Greene answers Washington s letter, saying : " The passing of the ships up the river is, to be sure, a full proof of the in sufficiency of the obstructions to stop the ships from going up ; but that garrison employs double the number of men to in vest it that we have to occupy it. They must keep troops to Kingsbridge, to pre vent a communication with the country ; and they dare not leave a very small REVOLUTIONARY. J WASHINGTON S INSTRUCTIONS TO LEE. 385 number, for fear our people should attack them. Upon the whole, I can not help thinking that the garrison is of advan tage ; and I can not conceive it to be in any great danger." Greene was confirmed in his view of the strength of the position by the con fident declaration of Colonel Magaw, in command of the garrison, that it would take the enemy, to get it, at least until the end of December. Moreover, Greene held that if matters should grow desper ate, the men could be brought off at any time ; and even the stores, though not so easily removed, might be got away. Fi nally, he concludes, " if the enemy do not find the fort an object of importance, they will not trouble themselves about it ; if they do, it is a full proof that they feel an injury from our possessing it. Our giving it up will open a free communi cation with the country by the way of Kingsbridge. That must be a great ad vantage to them, and injury to us." The enemy now prepared to invest Fort Washington ; and the garrison, in command of the brave Colonel Magaw, to defend it. Washington, believing that Howe was preparing for an expedition to New Jer sey, disposed his troops accordingly. The Maryland and Virginia regiments, under Lord Stirling, were the first sent across, and the commander-in-chief himself pre pared soon to follow them. The posts in the Highlands, including the passes on both sides of the Hudson, and the upper forts, Constitution, Montgomery, and In dependence, were placed under the com mand of the faithful Heath, with his Con- 49 Nov. II, necticut and Massachusetts troops, and a brigade of New-York militia under Gen eral George Clinton. Washington fol lowed this division to Peekskill, in order to examine the passes in the Highlands, and direct the construc tion of such works as might be neces sary. General Lee was left in command of the troops remaining at the old encamp ment at Newcastle. The confidence of the commander-in-chief in Lee s capacity, as well as Washington s own modest ap preciation of himself in comparison with his high esteem of his subordinate, may be inferred from the nature of his " in structions." " The late movement of the enemy," says Washington, " and the probability of their having designs upon the Jerseys, confirmed by sundry accounts from de serters and prisoners ; rendering it neces sary to throw a body of troops over the North river, I shall immediately follow, and the command of the army which remains, after General Heath s division marches to Peekskill, will devolve upon you. u A little time now must manifest the enemy s designs, and point out to you the measures proper to be pursued by that part of the army under your com mand. I shall give no directions, there fore, on this head, having the most entire confidence in your judgment and milita ry exertions. One thing, however, I will suggest, namely, that the appearance of embarking troops for the Jerseys may be intended as a feint to weaken us, and rea der the strong post we now hold more 386 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART 11. vulnerable ; or the enemy may find that troops are assembled with more expedi tion and in greater numbers than they expected, on the Jersey shore, to oppose them ; and as it is possible, from one or the other of these motives, that they may yet pay the army under your command a visit, it will be unnecessary, I am per suaded, to recommend to you the pro priety of putting this post, if you stay at it, into a proper posture of defence, and of guarding against surprises. But I would recommend it to your considera tion, whether, should the above conjec tures be realized, your retiring to Croton bridge, and some strong post still more easterly,covering the other passes through the Highlands, may not be more advisa ble than to run the hazard of an attack with unequal numbers." The troops under Lee now numbered about eight thousand men. Among these there were, however, over four thousand militia from Massachusetts and Connecti cut, whose term of service was about ex piring. General Lee strove to induce them to remain, and made one of his usu al stirring appeals to their patriotism, re minding them of the sacred cause in which they were engaged. His eloquence, how ever, proved of no avail, and the home sick militiamen could not be persuaded to remain even a single day beyond their term. The governors of Connecticut and Massachusetts were, nevertheless, doing their best to fill their places by new lev ies of militia. Washington, after his arrival at Peeks- kill, passed a day in inspecting the posts and forts in the Highlands. He then, by Nov. 13. a circuitous march of about sixty miles (which he was obliged to take in conse quence of the British ships which opposed the passage at the lower ferries of the Hudson), repaired with five thousand men to Hackensack, in New Jersey, where he formed an encampment. Fort Lee, on the river, where Greene commanded, was in front of him, and this was his daily post of observation. The movements and intentions of the enemy were still perplexing. Sir William Howe had moved his main force from Dobbs s ferry in the direction of Kingsbridge ; " and it seems," says Washington, " to be generally believed on all hands that the investing of Fort Washington is one ob ject they have in view ; but that can em ploy but a small part of their force." He thought that a southern expedition was in tended, which opinion seemed to be con firmed by the fact that many transports were " wooding and watering." Fort Washington was, however, at this moment, the great object of all the ene my s preparations. On the night of the 14th of November, thirty flat-boats had been sent up from the British fleet in the bay of New York, and, having passed up the Hudson between the forts unobserved in spite of all the watchfulness of the American guards got safely into Spuy- ten-Devil creek, and thence into the Har lem river. At this point the boats were kept in readiness for the use of General Howe s army, now brought down and en camped on Fordham heights, preparatory to the investment of Fort Washington. By means of this water-conveyance, the British commander was enabled to throw REVOLUTION ATCY.] INVESTMENT OF FORT WASHINGTON. 387 across the Harlem river at any point on New- York island, above or below, those troops which might be required to aid his operations. Mount Washington, which was destined to be the scene of the coming conflict, presents a good site for a defensive work. The hill, with a height of some six hun dred feet above the Hudson, is protected on all sides, except toward the south, by steep acclivities. Upon the summit is a stretch of table-land, of several acres in extent, which always affords some point for the command of each approach. Here was built the fort, which had been hastily thrown up by Colonel Rufus Putnam soon after the march of Washington s army from Boston to New York. The design was, to give a pentagonal form to the cit adel, and surround it with five bastions. However, from want of engineering skill, of time, or of care, the works remained incomplete, as may be gathered from this description by one who was doing duty in its defence : " There were no barracks, or casemates, or fuel, or water, within the body of the place. It was an open, earth en construction, with ground at a short distance on the back of it equally high, if not higher ; without a ditch of any con sequence, if there was a ditch at all ; no outworks (an incipient one on the north, not deserving the appellation), or any of those exterior, multiplied obstacles and defences, that could entitle it to the name of a fortress, in any degree capable of sustaining a siege. It required no paral lels to approach it: the citadel was at once within reach of the assailants."* * Graydon. It was garrisoned at first by only about two thousand men, to which were added, however, some troops from the flying camp, sent over by General Greene from Fort Lee, making the whole number near ly three thousand, under the several com mands of Colonels Magaw, Cadwallader, Baxter, and Rawlings. Magaw, as the senior of these officers, was command er- in-chief of the post. He was a spirited fellow, and spoke confidently of his abil ity to hold the place. The original pur pose of the fort (which was, to command the entrance of the Hudson) had been so often defeated by the enemy s ships and boats defiantly passing it, that its defence was by many considered unnecessary and impolitic. The matter, however, had been left to the discretion of General Greene, and he encouraged Magaw in bravely re sisting to the last. The enemy now made such a disposi tion of their troops, that they were ena bled to environ the whole fortress. Gen eral Kivyphausen was near Kingsbiidge, at the north, with five hundred Hessians and Waldeckers,in two divisions, the right one of which was commanded by Colonel Rahl. To the east was General Mathew, at the head of the first and second battal ions of guards, supported by Lord Corn- wallis with the thirty-third regiment and a body of British grenadiers. These were on the east side of the Harlem river, which they were ready to cross, under the cover of two redoubts raised there for that pur pose. Lord Percy had been ordered down to the neighborhood of Harlem plains, whence he was prepared with a large force of English and Hessian troops to 388 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART n. Nov. 15, attack the American position from the south. A third division, composed prin cipally of the forty-second regiment, was under Lieutenant-Colonel Stirling, who was directed to be in readiness to embark on board the flat-boats, and drop down the Harlem, with the view of making a feint of landing, or such an attack as cir cumstances would justify. Gen eral Howe, being thus prepared, summoned Magaw to surrender, threat ening extremities in case of refusal. To this summons Magaw unhesitatingly an swered : " SIR : If I rightly understand the pur port of your message from General Howe, communicated to Colonel Swoope, this post is to be immediately surrendered, or put to the sword. I think it rather a mistake than a settled purpose of General Howe, to act a part so unworthy of him self and the British nation. But give me leave to assure his excellency that, actu ated by the most glorious cause that man kind ever fought in, I am determined to defend this post to the very last extrem- ity. "ROBERT MAGAW." A copy of this spirited answer of Ma gaw was handed to General Greene, who was then at Fort Washington, and by him despatched immediately to the command- er-in-chief at Hackensack. Washington at once hurried to Fort Lee, and, taking a boat, began to push across the river. He had got partly over, when he was met by Generals Putnam and Greene, on their return from Fort Washington. They in formed him that the troops were in high Nov. 16. spirits, and would make a good defence. Washington, after this satisfactory intel ligence, and it being late at night, was induced to return. Magaw now prepared to defend his po sition. Early next morning, he posted his troops, partly in the lines which had been thrown up by the army in the neighborhood of Mount Wash- ington.on evacuating New York, and part ly on a commanding hill lying toward the north. Magaw seemed conscious of the inadequacy of the defences of the fort, and therefore preferred, instead of coop ing up his troops where they would be ill able to resist an assault, to extend them in such a way as to command, if possible, the approaches to Mount Washington, upon the summit of which stood the ill- conditioned fortress. The lines thus oc cupied by the American troops embraced a circuit of some four or five miles ; and when we recollect that the whole num ber amounted to only about three thou sand men, it may be easily conceived that there could be at no single point any great concentration of strength. An at tacking force of nearly eight thousand men at its command could therefore out number greatly its opponents in every direction. On a hill to the northward of the fort there was a redoubt, called Fort George. Here Colonel Rawlings was posted, with most of his troops, principally Maryland riflemen. He held, however, with a few men, an outpost called Cock-hill fort, sit uated beyond, just at the entrance of Spuyten-Devil creek ; and another, called Fort Tryon, in the same direction, but REVOLUTIONARY.] PREPARATIONS FOR DEFENCE. 389 nearer Mount Washington. Colonel Raw- lings presented a front to oppose Knyp- hausen and his Hessians, stationed before him on the plain reaching to Kingsbridge. On the wooded and hilly banks of the Harlem river, eastward of the fort, was Colonel Baxter, with a body, chiefly of militia, detached from the flying camp, and sent by Greene at the last moment, from New Jersey. These troops were not very efficient, and so few in numbers in proportion to the long extent of ground to be guarded, that for a distance of a mile or more the heights on the east, along the Harlem river, w r ere in reality without defence. Baxter was to watch the movements of the enemy on the op posite side of the river, where General Mathew was posted, in readiness to cross and attempt to make a landing in front of the fort, under cover of the redoubts which had been raised by the British for that purpose. Colonel Lambert Cadwallader, of Phil adelphia, with about eight hundred men, chiefly the Pennsylvania regiment of Ma- gaw, was posted about two and a half miles to the southward of the fort, to de fend the American works in that quarter. These were composed of two lines, each about a mile in length, nearly parallel, which extended from near the Harlem river, across the island, to the Hudson. The first line, toward New York, was " a slight intrenchment, with a few weak bas tions, without platforms for cannon, and furnished with no other ordnance than a few old iron pieces of small calibre, scarce ly fit for use, and an iron six-pounder mounted on trucks. The second and in ner line was stronger, both from the na ture of the ground, which afforded small eminences for bastions closed in the rear, and from having the intervals between the bastions strongly picketed. The first line seemed calculated rather for retard ing the approach of the enemy, than as a seriously defensive work ; it being noth ing more (with the exception of the bas tions) than a shallow ditch, with the earth thrown outward. The second line was formed at a proper distance from the first, so as to protect the latter by musketry as well as cannon, and to drive out the enemy, should he get possession of it: but this second line, on the day of the attack of Fort Washington, was from ne cessity wholly without defence, either of troops or artillery of any description."* Earl Percy, with his fifteen hundred Brit ish and Hessians, threatened the fort on the south. Colonel Cadwallader and his eight hundred men were posted to defend the outer lines, and if possible to prevent his lordship s approach in that direction. Colonel Magaw himself remained within the fcrt. * Gray don. 390 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART 11. CHAPTER XXXV. Fort Washington. The Attack of the Enemy. The Separate Divisions. Rahl with the Right of the Hessians. Knyp- hausen with the Left. Their Reception by the Provincials. Mathew and the British Guards. Their Success. Death of Baxter. Flight of his Men. Earl Percy and his Force. Spirited Resistance of Cadwallader. Dropping down the Harlem River. The "Enemy secure a Landing. The Marylanders forced to retire. The Hard Struggle. Capture of Forts George, Cock-Hill, and Tryon. Concentration of the Hessians. Successful Retreat of Cadwallader. Wash ington watching the Movement. His Company. His Tenderness. The Americans driven within the Fort, and sum moned to surrender. Washington sends a Messenger, to advise holding out. Too late. Surrender of Fort Washing ton. Lee s Emotions. " A Cursed Affair." Washington s Grief. Greene consoles Himself. The Policy of holding Fort Washington considered. The Loss. Fort Lee abandoned to the Enemy. The Retreat of Washington in New Jersey. Critical State of Affairs. A Strong Call for Reinforcements. General Discouragement. 1776, AT noon, on the 16th of Novem ber, the enemy, under the cover of a powerful artillery, began their attack upon Fort Washington simultaneously from all points. From the north, Knyp- hausen and Rahl approached with their separate divisions of Hessians. On the east, the British redoubts from the oppo site side of the Harlem river began a heavy cannonade, under cover of which General Mathew embarked his "British Guards," and pushed across the stream. On the south, Earl Percy marched with his force from the plains of Harlem, and approached the American lines ; while Lieutenant-Colonel Stirling began to float down the Harlem river with another di vision of British troops. Colonel Rahl, who commanded the right of the Hessians, pushed on for the Cock- hill fort, and began to clamber up the woody height, in the face of a sharp fire from the small party which defended that post. General Knyphausen at the same moment moved with his left against Fort George. He soon got entangled in a woody defile, which led to the rugged heights he was attempting to ascend, and was thus exposed to a murderous fire from Colonel Rawlings s riflemen, as well as from the guns of the redoubt above. Mathew, with his British guards, under the cover of a fire from the redoubts, soon crossed the river, in front and to the east of the fort. Colonel Baxter, posted with his militiamen on the heights, was only able to offer a short and ineffectual re sistance to the landing of the enemy. Baxter, while cheering on his men, was killed by a British officer ; and the Amer ican troops, overpowered by numbers, fled to the fort : while the British, taking a redoubt and two hundred prisoners on their way, inclined toward the left, and began to skirt the southern border of Mount Washington, apparently with the view of cutting off Colonel Cadwallader s force stationed within the outer line be low. In the meantime, Earl Percy, having marched across the plains of Harlem, ap proached the American lines from the south, under the cover of a wood, where he began to form his troops for an assault, REVOLUTIONARY.! FORTS GEORGE, COCK-HILL, AND TRYON, TAKEN. 391 and at the same time to fire with his ar tillery upon the American breastworks. Cadwallader s Pennsylvanians kept firm ly to their ground, and spiritedly resisted the enemy as they approached. Cadwal lader, now learning that the British were dropping down the Harlem river in large force, apparently with the view of getting between him and the fort, detached a hun dred and fifty men, with an eighteen- pounder, to dispute their landing. The detachment arrived in time to open a fire upon the assailants before they reached the shore, and it was well directed and deadly. Nevertheless, the superiority of the enemy s strength in men and artillery enabled them to force a landing, and, by extending themselves, to gain the heights upon the bank of the river. Here there was a sharp contest ; but, with the odds of eight hundred British against one hun dred and fifty Americans, the latter were so outnumbered, that they were obliged to retreat toward the fort. The British troops which had thus made good their landing were those under Lieutenant- Colonel Stirling, and they now marched unopposed toward the southern acclivity of Mount Washington, and, together with Mathew s division, were endeavoring to interpose themselves between Cadwalla- der and the fort. The Marylanders, under Rawlings, at the north, had made a brave defence, but they were finally obliged to retire to the fort. Knyphausen, however, did not win the position until after a long and hard struggle. The American riflemen contin ued their fire until their arms became so fouled from repeated use as to be of no longer service, and only gave way when overpowered by the numbers of the ene my. Knyphausen having carried Fort George, and Rahl the outposts of Cock- hill and Fort Tryon, the two combined their forces and marched up Mount Wash ington to within a short distance of the fortress, and took post behind a large stone-house. Cadwallader, finding himself about to be caught between two fires, called off his troops from the right and left of the line, and ordered a retreat. He supposed that Mathew and Stirling would take pos session of the second and inner line ; but. as they suspected that the enclosed bas tions concealed a number of men, they seemed to hesitate. Cadwallader took advantage of this pause, and pushed rap idly for the fort, in a direction toward the North river. He made good his retreat, and, though attacked upon his flank by Stirling, and pursued in the rear by Lord Percy, succeeded in gaining the fort with but a small loss. Washington, with Greene, Putnam, and Thomas Paine, watched from Fort Lee every movement during this engagement with anxious interest ; and when he saw the Hessians in pursuit of the brave troops of Rawlings, bayoneting them even when asking for quarter, "he cried with the tenderness of a child, and exclaimed at the barbarity that was practised." When the American troops had been driven into the fort, and the enemy had thronged up the hill from all sides within a few hundred yards of the fortress, Colo nel Rahl, who was first on the ground with his column, sent in a summons to 892 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART n. Magaw to surrender. Washington, see ing from Fort Lee a flag of truce going into the fortress, understood the object, and immediately wrote a note to Colonel Magaw, directing him to hold out, and he would endeavor in the evening to bring off the garrison. A Captain Gooch brave ly volunteered to be the bearer of the message, and, hurrying down to the river, jumped into a small boat, pushed across, landed on the shore, ran up to the fort, delivered Washington s letter, and hur ried back, dodging the Hessian guards by the way, who attempted to bayonet him as he passed. He reached the shore, and, leaping into his boat, returned in safety to Fort Lee. The letter was, however, too late : Ma gaw had already entered too far into a treaty to retract, and now delivered up the fort, and surrendered the garrison as prisoners-of-war, as he could " obtain no other terms ;" but the men were allowed to keep possession of their baggage, and the officers of their swords. The arms, ammunition, and stores, however, were all given up. "When General Lee," says Gordon, " read the letter, sent by express, giving an account of Fort Washington being ta ken, resentment and vexation led him, unfeeling as he was in common, to weep plentifully." He wrote to Washington : " Oh, general, why would you be over- persuaded by men of inferior judgment to your own ? It was a cursed affair !" Washington himself grieved at it no less than Lee. He writes to his brother Augustine : " This is a most unfortunate affair, and has given me great mortifica tion ; as we have lost not only two thou sand men that were there, but a good deal of artillery, and some of the best arms we had. And what adds to my mor tification is, that this post, after the last ships went past it, was held contrary to my wishes and opinions, as I conceived it to be a hazardous one ; but it having been determined on by a full council of general officers, and a resolution of Con gress having been received strongly ex pressive of their desire that the channel of the river, which we had been laboring to stop for a long time at that place, might be obstructed if possible, and know ing that this could not be done unless there were batteries to protect the ob struction, I did not care to give an abso lute order for withdrawing the garrison, till I could get round and see the situa tion of things, and then it became too late, as the fort was invested. Upon the passing of the last ships, I had given it as my opinion to General Greene, under whose care it was, that it would be best to evacuate the place ; but as the order was discretionary, and liis opinion differed from mine, it unhappily was delayed too long, to my great grief; as I think Gener al Howe, considering his army and ours, would have have had a poor tale to tell without it, and would have found it diffi cult, unless some southern expedition may prove successful, to reconcile the people of England to the conquest of a few piti ful islands, none of which were defensible, considering the great number of their ships, and the power they have by sea to surround and render them unapproach able." REVOLUTIONARY.] THE FALL OF FOET WASHINGTON. 393 The whole letter is pervaded by a tone of melancholy. Washington, after mourn ing over the difficulties in levying proper troops, says that he is almost compelled " to bid adieu to every hope of getting an army from which any services are to be expected ; the different states, without regard to the qualifications of an officer, quarrelling about the appointments, and nominating such as are not fit to be shoe blacks, from the local attachments of this or that member of assembly. I am wea ried almost to death with the retrograde motion of things, and I solemnly protest," he declares, " that a pecuniary reward of twenty thousand pounds a year w T ould not induce me to undergo what I do ; and after all, perhaps, to lose my charac ter, as it is impossible, under such a va riety of distressing circumstances, to con duct matters agreeably to public expec tation or even to the expectation of those who employ me, as they will not make proper allowance for the difficulties their own errors have occasioned." General Greene consoled himself, for the loss of his pet fortress, by the reflec tion that the enemy had " suffered great ly on the north side of Fort Washington," where Colonel Rawlings s regiment was posted, and had " behaved with great spir it." He moreover persisted that the fort would not have been given up could Colo nel Magaw have got the men to man the lines. He continued to declare that Fort Washington was tenable, and, when re proached for having attempted to hold it, exclaimed, " I would to God we had had ten thousand men there I"* The * Memoirs of our Own Times, by General J. Wilkinson. 50 holding of Fort Washington, however, was almost universally considered an er ror on the part of Greene ; but we shall find that he amply redeemed it by his glorious successes in the future. When the British hoisted their flag at the fort, its name was changed to Knyp- hausen, and that general was left in com mand of it, with a garrison of his Hessians. By the surrender, two thousand eight hundred Americans, according to Sir Wil liam Howe s return, became his prisoners ; and these were marched, the very mid night after their capture, to the city of New York. It has been estimated that the enemy lost, in English and Hessians, over a thousand men. This is probably an exaggeration.* The British acknowl edged a loss of only eight hundred. The next object of the enemy, after the capture of Fort Washington, was Fort Lee, on the Jersey shore opposite. Corn- wallis, with six thousand troops, . . Nov. 20. crossed the Hudson from the en campment near Yonkers, and landed on the Jersey shore at a place called Closter, about a mile and a half from the English Neighborhood. The flat-boats which had been brought up from the bay of New York, and stationed in Spuyten-Devil creek, afforded him the means of trans port, and he was thus enabled to carry his men rapidly across the river, while the ships-of-war protected their passage. Cornwallis, on debarking, immediately formed his men, and marched along the Jersey shore toward the object of attack. * Gordon says, " It is imagined on good grounds that the royal army lost in the attack full twelve hundred men, in killed and wounded." 394 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART n. As Fort Lee was not tenable, and of no possible advantage after the loss of Fort Washington, it had been determined to evacuate it. The ammunition and some of the stores had already been removed, when intelligence was brought early in the morning, while General Greene was in bed, of the approach of the enemy. He immediately ordered the garrison out and marched them to join the commander-in- chief at Hackensack. The British were on the banks of the North river, only six miles above the fort; and their evident intention was, to draw a line from that point to the bridge across the Hacken sack, and thus hem in Washington s force between the two rivers. The American commander, however, was too quick for his lordship, and gained the bridge be fore him : he thus secured a retreat for all his men, but was forced to leave be hind him some hundred barrels of flour, most of the cannon, and " a considerable parcel of tents and baggage." Finding himself still enclosed between two rivers, the Hackensack and the Passaic, and in the same danger of being pent up as be fore, should the enemy continue to ad vance, Washington was obliged to cross the Passaic and retreat to Newark. Even here he did not propose to make a stand. The level and open nature of the coun try forbade it ; and his force, which was now only about thirty-five hundred men, did not admit of the possibility of a pitched battle with the army of Cornwallis. He encamped at Newark, as the British did not seem in a hurry to molest him. Wash ington, however, was prepared at a mo ment s notice to retreat to Brunswick, in order to form a junction with the troops at that place under the command of Lord Stirling. Washington was fully conscious of his danger. Flying, with a dispirited rem nant of troops (amounting in all to little more than three thousand men), before the triumphant army of the enemy, he might well say, " The situation of our af fairs is truly critical, and such as requires uncommon exertions on our part." In order that Congress might be fully ap prized of the weakness of his position, and of the necessity of obtaining early succor, it was determined by the com mand er-in-chief, with the advice of all his general officers, to send General Mifflin to Philadelphia, to the end that he might make known personally the severe straits in which the American army was placed. Washington used every exertion to ob tain reinforcements. He wrote to Liv ingston, governor of New Jersey, to give all the aid in his power, and try to induce that state to do more than it had done ; for Washington found that, instead of meeting with "many of the militia," as he had expected on his arrival, there were not more than from four to five hundred at the different posts. General Schuyler was also written to, and directed to send down from the army in the northern de partment the New-Jersey and Pennsylva nia troops. General Lee had been re peatedly urged to come over from his encampment at Newcastle, with the regi ments under his command. The flying camp, which was on the point of dissolv ing, Washington was anxious to retain in service ; and in his letter to Congress REVOLUTIONARY.] LEE URGED TO CROSS THE HUDSON. 395 he suggests that an "early and immediate supply of money" should be sent to pay them, as it u might have a happy effect." With the srnallness and wretched con dition of his force, and the difficulty with which his efforts to increase the one and improve the other were opposed, it was not surprising that Washington should have almost despaired of bringing an ar my into the field capable of meeting the enemy. It was under such a feeling of discouragement in his emergency at New ark that he asked Colonel Reed, " Should we retreat to the back parts of Pennsyl vania, will the Pennsylvanians support us?" "If the lo\ver counties are sub dued and give up, the back counties will do the same," was the discouraging an swer. Washington then passed his hand across his throat, and said with a manner half serious and half playful : " My neck does not feel as though it was made for a halter. We must retire to Augusta county, in Virginia. Numbers will be obliged to repair to us for safety ; and we must try what we can do in carrying on a predatory war ; and, if overpowered, we must cross the Alleghany mountains." CHAPTER XXXVI. General Lee urged by Washington to join him in New Jersey. Lee s Answer. His Proposition to General Heath. Re fusal of Heath to accede. Lee s Procrastination in obeying Washington s Orders. His Excuses. The Correspond ence. The Motive of Lee s Conduct. His Vanity. His Partisans. Joseph Reed. His Life and Character. His Intimacy with Washington. His Infidelity to his Friend. Proof of the Fact. Letter from Reed to Lee. Lee s Con duct accounted for. Washington by an Accident discovers the Infidelity of Reed. Lee s Letter to Reed. A Rebuke. Severely polite. " Dear Sir." Lee still recreant. Complains of Heath. The Latter justifies Himself. " Our General s" Account of his Interview with Lee. Lee crosses the Hudson. Still disobedient of Orders. More tender of Horse than of Man. 1776, WASHINGTON, as we have said, had repeatedly urged General Lee to ! break up his encampment at Newcastle, and come with his troops to his aid in New Jersey. After Lord Cornwallis had crossed the Hudson, Washington wrote to Lee from Hackensack : " I am of opinion, and the gentlemen about me con cur in it, that the public interest requires your coming over to this side of the Hudson, with the continental troops, leaving Fellows s and Wadsworth s bri gades to take care of the stores during Nov. 21, their short stay, at the expiration of which I suppose they will set out for home. " My reasons for this measure, which I think must have weight with you, are, that the enemy is evidently changing the seat of war to this side of the North riv er. Unless some new event should occur, therefore, or some more cogent reason present itself to the contrary, I would have you move over by the easiest and best passage." This was explicit as regards Washing ton s opinion, but it is expressed rather 396 BATTLES OF AMERICA. Nov. 24, as a suggestion than as an order a not unusual thing at that time with the com- mander-in-chief when addressing Lee, to whose military experience he was disposed to defer. General Lee, in answer, wrote to Wash ington, saying that he had received his orders, and would " endeavor to put them into execution;" but al leged that he would not be able to take with him any considerable number of troops, " not so much from a want of zeal in the men, as from their wretched con dition with respect to shoes, stockings, and blankets, which the presentbad weath er renders more intolerable." In the mean time he had sent orders to General Heath, who was stationed at Peekskill, to trans port two thousand men across the river. Heath refused. " That great man," as Lee sarcastically writes in his letter to Wash ington, " (as I might have expected,) in trenched himself within the letter of his instruction, and refused to part with a single file, though I undertook to replace them with a part of my own." At the conclusion of his letter, Lee declares : " I should march this day with Glover s bri gade, but have just received intelligence that Eogers s corps, a part of the light- horse, and another brigade, lie in so ex posed a situation as to present us the fairest opportunity of carrying them off If we succeed, it will have a great effect, and amply compensate for two days de- lay." Washington was surprised, on receiv ing this letter, that Lee had not yet set out, and wrote at once: " My for- ]\ov, 27, J mer letters were so full and ex- Nov, 30, plicit, as to the necessity of your march ing as early as possible, that it is unne cessary to add more on that head. I con fess I expected you would have been sooner in motion." "You complain," writes Lee in reply to Washington, " of my not being in mo tion sooner. I do assure you that I have done all in my pow er, and shall explain my difficulties when we both have leisure. I did not succeed with Rogers, and merely owing to the timidity or caution of the enemy, who contracted themselves into a compact body very suddenly. I am in hopes I shall be able to render you more service than if I had moved sooner. I think I shall enter the province of Jersey with four thousand firm and willing troops, who will make a very important diver sion ; had I started sooner, I should have only had an inferior number of unwil- ling." Washington himself was so sincere in his friendship and so loyal to duty, that he did not suspect those about him to be capable of infidelity to either. He was, therefore, though puzzled by the conduct of Lee, not disposed to attribute it to that love of self-aggrandizement which facts, then unknown to Washington, now prove to have been the motive. Lee had been spoiled by the welcome he had received on his arrival at New York after his suc cess at Charleston. He was regarded by the army as a military oracle. Washing ton himself always listened to his opin ions with deference ; and the officers, par ticularly the younger ones, while observ ing this marked respect on the part of REVOLUTIONARY.] JOSEPH REED. 397 their commander-in-chief, warmed natu rally into admiration of the military qual ities of Lee. They were disposed to ai> tribute every successful manoeuvre since his arrival in the camp to action suggest ed by his advice. His well-known oppo sition to General Greene s pertinacious resolve to hold Fort Washington, now served to increase his reputation as a gen eral. From the apparently desperate con dition in which the disastrous loss of that fort had left the American army, there were doubtless many who believed that in Lee s military capacity was the only hope of extrication. Among those who were the especial admirers of Lee at this time, and believed that he was the only military saviour of the country in its sad trial, was General Reed. JOSEPH REED was now thirty years of age. Born in New Jersey, and edu cated at Princeton college, he had com menced the study of law, and for awhile was entered at the Temple in London. On his return to his native land, he early sided with the patriots in their struggle for liberty, and was chosen president of the first popular convention in Philadel phia. When Washington was in that city and received his appointment as com mander-in-chief, he formed an acquaint ance with Reed, which soon warmed into a sincere friendship, and ripened into the most intimate confidence. Washington appointed him his private secretary, and took him with him to Cambridge, where he remained until nearly the close of the siege of Boston, when he was called home to Philadelphia, to attend to some private affairs. He was subsequently appointed adjutant-general of the American army, and was now serving in that capacity with the forces in New Jersey. Washington had a high regard for Reed s abilities, and frequently took counsel with him in re spect to the conduct of affairs. A still stronger attachment than that which was to be traced to their mutual relations as honest co-workers in behalf of the public cause, sprang up between them. They became friends ; and Washington, as his letters show, unburdened himself to Reed with a freedom of revelation that can not be found even in his communications to his own family. The adjutant-general may possibly nev er have swerved in his affection for Wash ington as his private friend ; but he un doubtedly wavered in his opinion of him as a public leader. The following letter, which Reed wrote, proves that at that time he thought Lee, and not Washing ton, was the man for the occasion : " HACKENSACK, November 21, 1776. "DEAR GENERAL: The letter you will receive with this contains my sentiments with respect to your present station ; but besides this, I have some additional rea sons for most earnestly wishing to have you where the principal scene of action is laid. I do not mean to flatter nor praise you at the expense of any other, but I confess I do think that it is entire ly owing to you that this army and the liberties of America, so far as they are dependent on it, are not totally cut off. You have decision, a quality often want ing in minds otherwise valuable ; and I ascribe to this our escape from York isl and, from Kingsbridge, and the Plains; 398 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART n. and I have no doubt, had you been here, the garrison of Mount Washington would now have composed a part of this army : and, from all these circumstances, I con fess I ardently wish to see you removed from a place where I think there will be little call for your judgment and experi ence, to the place where they are likely to be so necessary. Nor am I singular in my opinion. Every gentleman of the family, the officers and soldiers, generally have a confidence : the enemy constantly inquire where you are, and seem to me to be less confident when you are pres ent. " Colonel Cadwallader, through a spe cial indulgence, on account of some civili ties shown by his family to General Pres- cott, has been liberated from New York without any parole. He informs, that the enemy have a southern expedition in view; that they hold us very cheap in consequence of the late affair at Mount Washington, where both the plan of de fence and execution were contemptible. If the real defence of the lines was in tended, the number was too few ; if the fort only, the garrison was too numerous by half. General Washington s own judg ment, seconded by representations from us, would, I believe, have saved the men and their arms ; but, unluckily, General Greene s judgment was contrary. This kept the general s mind in a state of sus pense till the stroke was struck. gen eral ! an indecisive mind is one of the greatest misfortunes that can befall an army : how often have I lamented it this campaign ! " All circumstances considered, we are in a very awful, alarming state ; one that requires the utmost wisdom and firmness of mind. "As soon as the season will admit, I think yourself and some others should go to Congress, and form the plan of the new army, point out their defects to them, and, if possible, prevail on them to bend their whole attention to this great object, even to the exclusion of every other. If they will not or can not do this, I fear all our exertions will be vain in this part of the world. Foreign assistance is solicit ing, but we can not expect they will fight the whole battle. " I intended to have said more, but the express is waiting ; and I must conclude, with my clear and explicit -opinion that your presence is of the last importance. " I am, with much affection and regard, your very affectionate, humble servant, "JOSEPH REED, Adjutant- General " MAJOR-GENERAL LEE, " At the White Plains." Such a letter, from such a source the most intimate friend of Washington was surely calculated to increase the van ity and stir the ambitious longings of a man like Lee, among whose virtues no one has ever ranked modesty and con tentment. There were others like Reed, not only officers, but men high in civil authority, who were writing to Lee in the same strain of praise of his own mili tary capacity, and in depreciation of that of the commander-in-chief. Lee yielded to this influence, and doubtless thought that the star of Washington was setting, and that his was the bright luminary which was on its rise and might shine in REVOLTJTIONARY.J LEE S CORRESPONDENCE WITH REED. 399 its place. These aspirations will account for Lee s conduct in not obeying Wash ington s orders. He was only too willing, by withholding his aid ; to allow the com- mander-in-chief to be sacrificed, while he himself, by acting independently, might have a chance of striking a blow against the enemy, which would establish his su periority and secure him the chief com mand. Lee, therefore, while excusing himself on various pretences for not joining his chief in New Jersey, was purposely de laying, and trying to increase his force by obtaining a reinforcement from Gen eral Heath, that he might have an oppor tunity of attacking the enemy in the rear or the flank, while in pursuit of Washing ton s meager remnant of troops, and thus gaining a triumph which would give such an eclat to his military fame as could not fail to make him as prominent as his vault ing ambition aspired to be. Washington hitherto had been appa rently unsuspicious of Lee s true motives in continuing to delay, although repeat edly urged to hasten to form a junction with him in New Jersey. The enemy continued to advance and Washington to retreat. The American force was infi nitely inferior in numbers, and such as could not "give or promise the least suc cessful opposition." It was greatly re duced by the departure of the Maryland flying camp, and by sundry other causes. Washington had now retreated as far as Brunswick, from which place he writes to Lee, " I must entreat you to hasten your march as much as possible, or your arrival may be too late Dec. 1. to answer any valuable service." When Washington wrote this, which has a more peremptory character than his previous communications, he had accidentally dis covered a correspondence which must have greatly weakened his confidence in Lee, as it certainly did in one in whom his orginal faith was much stronger. We have read Reed s letter to General Lee. Washington never did, but he saw Lee s answer, and in this way : Reed was absent, and in the meantime a letter came to his address in the camp, which Wash ington opened and read. Here it is: " CAMP, 24 November, 1776. " MY DEAR REED : I received your most obliging, flattering letter. I lament, with you, that fatal indecision of mind, which, in war, is a much greater disqualification than stupidity or even want of personal courage. Accident may pat a decisive blunderer in the right, but eternal defeat and miscarriage must attend the man of the best parts, if cursed with indecision. " The general commands in so pressing a manner as almost to amount to an or der, to bring over the continental troops under my command ; which recommenda tion, or order, throws me into the great est dilemma, from several considerations. Part of the troops are so ill furnished with shoes and stockings, blankets, &c., that they must inevitably perish in this wretch ed weather. Part of them are to be dis missed on Saturday next, and this part is the best accoutred for service. " What shelter we are to find on the other side of the river is a serious consid eration ; but these considerations should not sway me. My reason for not having 400 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART n. marched already is, that we have just re ceived intelligence that Rogers s corps, the light-horse, part of the Highlanders, and another brigade, lie in so exposed a situation as to give the fairest opportuni ty of being carried off I should have at tempted it last night, but the rain was too violent ; and when our pieces are wet, you know our troops are hors du combat. This night I hope will be better. If we succeed, we shall be well compensated for the delay. We shall likewise be able in our return to clear the country of all the articles wanted by the enemy. In ev ery view, therefore, the expedition must answer. " I have just received a most flattering letter from the governor of New Orleans. He gives me the title of General de los Estados Unidos Americanos] which is a tol erable step toward declaring himself our ally in positive terms. The substance is, that he is sensible of the vast advantages which must result from the separation to his master and nation ; that he can not positively enter into a regular system of commerce without consulting his master ; but, in the meantime, he will render us all the service in his power. I only wait myself for this business I mention of Rog ers and Company being over. I shall then fly to you ; for, to confess a truth, I really think our chief will do better with me than without me. I am, &c., K CHARLES LEE." Washington could not feel flattered by this epistle, and must have been greatly grieved to find that his friend, whom he had trusted above all, was carrying on a correspondence, the whole purport of which was his own depreciation and the elevation of Lee. Washington, having opened the letter unsuspiciously, imme diately enclosed it to Reed, with the fol lowing explanation : "BRUNSWICK, 30 November, 1776. " DEAR SIR : The enclosed was put in to my hands by an express from White Plains. Having no idea of its being a private letter, much less suspecting the tendency of the correspondence, I opened it, as I had done all other letters to you, from the same place and Peekskill, upon the business of your office, as I conceived and found them to be. This, as it is the truth, must be my excuse for seeing the contents of a letter which neither incli nation nor intention would have prompt ed me to. " I thank you for the trouble and fa tigue you have undergone in your jour ney to Burlington, and sincerely wish that your labors may be crowned with the desired success. With best respects to Mrs. Reed, I am, dear sir, &c., " GEORGE WASHINGTON." The formal politeness of this letter where the "Dear sir" stands in place of the former "Dear Reed" shows that the heart of Washington s friendship for Reed was paralyzed by this secret and unsuspected blow. From that moment there was no longer the same cordiality between the two, though there were the most courteous relations, and finally, in subsequent years, some return to former intimacy. While Washington believed that, in ac cordance with his orders, Lee was on his REVOLUTIONARY.] LEE S INTERVIEW WITH HEATH. 401 route to join him, he received from that recreant general a letter dated " Peeks- kill, 30th November," in which he says : " The day after to-morrow we shall pass the river, when I should be glad to re ceive your instructions ; but I could wish you would bind me as little as possible; not from any opinion, I do assure you, of my own parts, but from a persuasion that detached generals can not have too great latitude, unless they are very incompe tent indeed." Lee also complained of General Heath s resolute adherence to his instructions. This faithful officer had refused Lee s re peated solicitations to send two thousand men across the Hudson. Lest, however, he might thus be depriving the command- er-in-chief of aid that was necessary, he wrote to him, asking him whether his con duct was approved. Washington, in his answer, justified Heath in his refusal, and ordered him to persist in it. Thus forti fied, Heath adhered with continued per tinacity to his orders. Lee, notwithstand ing, was still urgent, and went so far as to assume the responsibility of ordering out two of Heath s regiments. We shall, however, let General Heath narrate this occurrence in his own words, which he uses freely, speaking of himself always in the third person, as " our general." "Just before dinner, General Sullivan arrived at our general s [Heath s] quarters ; and, in the afternoon, General Lee arrived. He called at the door; when our general, waiting upon him, requested him to alight, he asked if he could have a cup of tea, and was an swered that he should have a good one. 51 Nov. 30, Upon coming into the house, before he sat down he wished to speak in private, which being instantly granted, he told our general that, in a military view or, to use his own words exactly In point oflaiv, you are right ; but, in point of pol icy, I think you are wrong. I am going into the Jerseys for the salvation of Amer ica ; I wish to take with me a larger force than I now have, and request you to or der two thousand of your men to march with rne. Our general answered that he could not spare that number. He was then asked to order one thousand; to which he replied that the business might as well be brought to a point at once that not a single man should march from the post by his order. " General Lee replied that he would then order them himself. He was an swered that there was a wide difference between the two ; that General Lee was acknowledged by our general to be his senior; but, as he had received positive written instructions from him who was superior to both, he would not himself break those orders. If General Lee was disposed to counteract them, its being- done by him could not be imputed to any other person ; and that he knew the com- mander-in-chief did not intend any of the troops should be removed from that post having expressed it no^ only in his instructions, but also in a letter just re ceived from him. " On the letter being shown to General Lee, he observed, The commander-in- chief is now at a distance, and does not know what is necessary here as well as I do asked if he might be favored with 402 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART n. the return-book of the division. Major Huntington, the deputy adjutant-general, was directed to hand it. General Lee ran his eye over it, and said, I will take Pres- cott s and Wyllis s regiments ; and, turn ing to Major Huntington, said, You will order those two regiments to march ear ly to-morrow morning to join me. Our general, turning to the major, said, * Issue such orders at your peril! and then, turning to General Lee, addressed him : Sir, if you come to this post, and mean to issue orders here which will break those positive ones which I have received, I pray you to do it completely yourself, and through your own deputy adjutant- general, who is present, and not draw me, or any of my family, in as partners in the guilt. General Lee replied : It is right. Colonel Scammel, do you issue the order ; which he did, and Huntington communi cated it to the regiments, who were now posted at the gorge of the mountains, near Robinson s bridge, afterward called the Continental village. " Matters carried thus far, our general turned to General Lee again : i Sir, I have one more request to make, and that is, that you will be pleased to give me a cer tificate that you exercise command at this post, and do order from it Prescott s and Wyllis s regiments. Lee replied, I do not know that I will comply with your request. General Clinton, who was pres ent, observed, General Lee, you can not refuse a request so reasonable. Upon which General Lee wrote as follows: " PEEKSKILL, December 1, 1776. " For the satisfaction of General Heath, and at his request, I do certify that I am commanding officer, at this present wri ting, in this post ; and that I have, in that capacity, ordered Prescott s and Wyllis s regiments to march. " (Signed), " CHARLES LEE, Maj. Gen. " General Lee, stepping out on the piazza, observed to an officer, General Heath is right. Early the next morn ing, the regiments moved from their can tonment toward Peekskill ; but, before they had reached it, General Lee, now ready to pass into the Jerseys, rode up to our general s door, and, calling him, observed : Upon further consideration, I have concluded not to take the two regi ments with me. You may order them to return to their former post: This con duct of General Lee s appeared not a lit tle extraordinary, and one is almost at a loss to account for it."* Lee finally crossed the Hudson with his troops, and, having taken two days (the 2d and 3d of December) for the pas sage, began a slow, lingering march. The commander-in-chief still continued to re treat before the enemy, and, having ar rived at Trenton, writes again to Lee, saying, "The sooner you can join me with your division, the sooner the service will be benefited." In regard to Lee s complaints of Heath s tenacity of his instructions, and of his refusal to allow any of his troops to cross the river, Washington says, very peremptorily, "As to bringing any of the troops under Gen eral Heath, I can not consent to it." Lee, in his next letter to his superior, fairly discloses his purpose of acting in- * Heath s Memoirs, pp. 94-96. REVOLUTIONARY.] LEE S ARROGANT ASSUMPTIONS. 403 dependency, although he strives to con ceal it beneath the shallow pretence that, since Washington had quitted Brunswick, it was impossible for him to know where to join him ! " But although," continues Lee, U I should not be able to join you at all, the service which I can render you will, I hope, be full as efficacious." The north ern army, it will be recollected, had been ordered by Washington to join him. Lee, it appears from his letter, had resolved that the junction should be with his own troops, and not with those of the com- mander-in-chief. "The northern army has already advanced nearer to Morri^town than I am, and," grandly adds the ambi tious Lee, "I shall put myself at their head to-morrow." He not only thus ac knowledges that he is about to assume a command to which he is not entitled, but even alludes to the tactics which he pro poses to pursue. " We shall," he says, " upon the whole, compose an army of five thousand good troops, in spirits. I should imagine, dear general, that it may be of service to communicate this to the troops immediately under your command. It may encourage them, and startle the enemy. In fact, their confidence must be risen to a prodigious height, if they pursue you, ivith so formidable a bodf/ hang ing on their flanlc and rear" Here we leave General Lee, lagging on his march from Haverstraw to Morris- town, where he hoped to receive the re inforcements from the North, and watch his opportunity of marching and inflict ing that triumphant blow upon the flank or rear of the enemy. Lee s only anxi ety about Washington s hazardous posi tion seems to be lest it should endanger the safety of his horse, for he writes, " I entreat you [General Washington] to or der some of your suite to take out of the way of danger my favorite mare, which is at that Wilson s, three miles beyond Princeton." He truly remarks, however, previously, that " it is paltry to think of our personal affairs, when the whole is at stake." 404 BATTLES OF AMERICA. PART II CHAPTER XXXVII. Washington quits Newark. Cornwallis enters. Washington at Brunswick. He strives to obtain Reinforcements. Brit ish Interests in the Ascendant in New Jersey. The Persuasiveness of the Howes Proclamation. Mercy promised. "Lord, deliver us from his Mercy!" The Tory Disposition of the Magnates. Washington hopeless of making a Stand in New Jersey. He continues his Retreat. Alexander Hamilton keeps the Enemy in Check. Destruction of the Bridge at Brunswick. The March to Princeton. Washington crosses the Delaware. Retreat of Lord Stirling from Princeton. Putnam ordered to Philadelphia, to fortify. Lee still recreant. His Cool Impudence. Washington entreats. Letter upon Letter. Lee intercepts the Forces from the North. Gates ordered to the Rescue. Capture of Lee. Wilkinson s Account of it. The Secret of the Capture disclosed. 1776, WASHINGTON was not enabled to linger on his march. After a week at Newark, it became necessary to move on again. " It was the wish of all," says Washington, " to have remained there longer, and to have halted before we came thus far ; but, upon due consideration of our strength, the circumstances attending the enlistment of a great part of our lit tle force, and the frequent advices that the enemy were embarking or about to embark another detachment from Staten island, with a view of landing at Arnboy," it was judged necessary to proceed. The advance-guards of Cornwallis entered the town as the American rear left. Bruns wick was the next point which Washington reached. Here the flying camp continued to dissolve. Not only did those whose services had ex pired go away, but even those who were engaged for a month longer departed al so, so that the army was " reduced to a mere handful." Washington made an urgent appeal to the governor of New Jersey to " fall up on the proper means to draw forth the strength" of his province to his support. Livingston was earnestly patriotic, but he could do little at that time toward getting recruits for service in the good cause. The British interests were in the ascendant. A miserable remnant of troops in retreat represented the one ; a trium phant army supported the other. Un der these circumstances, the proclamation of the two Howes proved wondrously persuasive. On the 30th of November the two brothers, his lordship and Sir Wil liam, industriously circulated throughout the Jerseys a document, by which pardon was offered to all such as had opposed the king s authority; and who should, within sixty days, subscribe a declaration that they would remain in peaceable obe dience to his majesty, neither taking up arms themselves nor encouraging others to take up arms against him. Washing ton reports that a clergyman, " who was a staunch friend to the cause," in allusion to the latitude of pardon extended by Lord Howe, said, "No one man in the continent is to be denied his mercy," but added, "The Lord deliver us from his mercy !" Numbers, who had been pro vincial congressmen, committee-men, jus tices, and the like, though out of the wny of immediate danger, ran to take advan- REVOLUTIONARY.] WASHINGTON CROSSES THE DELAWARE. 405 Dec. 2, tage of the proclamation. Many of the whigs shifted about. Only a few of for tune stood firm to the cause. It was the middle rank of people in general that re mained steadfast in this day of trial. The success of the royal army extended its in fluence also to Pennsylvania. Mr. Gallo way, the family of the Aliens, with some others, repaired to the commissioners, to claim the benefits of the general pardon.* Washington had little hope of being able to make a stand in New Jersey in re sistance to his pursuers and their accumu lating allies. He therefore began to for ward a part of his stores to Philadelphia, even while at Brunswick. The enemy were close behind him, and, now showing themselves on the opposite bank of the Raritan, the American general quitted Brunswick, taking care to destroy the bridge which crossed the river at that town, Captain Alexander Hamilton keeping the British in check with his artillery. Princeton was the next point at which the retreating army halt ed, where, in order that the country might in some measure be covered, Washington left two brigades (consisting of the five Virginia regiments and that of Delaware, containing in the whole about twelve hun dred men fit for duty), under the com mand of Lord Stirling and his old Virgin ia comrade in the French War, Stephen, who had been lately appointed a brigadier- general. This detachment was set about transporting the baggage and stores over the Delaware, while Washington moved on with the rest of his troops to Trenton. He now proposed to reinforce Lord * Gordon. Dec. 8. Stirling, whom he had left at Princeton, with twelve hundred men ; but while pre paring to march in that direction, he re ceived an express from his lordship, wh informed him that he was retreating to Trenton. The earl gave as his reasons for this movement, the advance of the enemy by different routes by one of which they were attempting to get in his rear; and the indefensibility of Prince ton, from the nature of the place, and the small number of Americans to hold it. The British were again close at hand ; and one of the two divisions of Cornwal- lis reached the Delaware at mid night, just as the rear-guard of Washington s army gained the opposite bank. The American troops had dwin dled away to the scant number of about three thousand. All the boats along the river were secured ; and Washington, al though trying his utmost to check the progress of the enemy, thought it impos sible with his small force to give them any considerable opposition in the pas sage of the Delaware, should they at tempt it. Under these circumstances, the securi ty of Philadelphia was Washington s next object. He thought that a communica tion of lines and redoubts might soon be formed from the Delaware to the Schuyl- kill, on the northern entrance of the city ; the lines to begin on the Schuylkill side about the heights of Springatebay, and run eastward to the Delaware, upon the highest and most advantageous grounds, If something of the kind should not be done, he believed that the British might march directly in and take possession. 406 BATTLES OF AMERICA. n. " We have ever found," says Washington, " that lines, however slight, are very for midable to them. They would at least give a check till the people could recover from the fright and consternation that naturally attend the first appearance of an enemy." Washington acted promptly, in accord ance with these views. General Mifflin had just arrived and informed him that all the military stores yet remained in Philadelphia. He therefore thought there was no time to be lost in fortifying that city ; and he accordingly despatched Ma jor-General Putnam to superintend the works and give the necessary directions, and ordered Mifflin back again to take charge of the stores. In the meantime. General Lee was so absorbed in his own magnificent schemes, that he did not seem to trouble himself about the commander-in-chief and his re peated summons. " I have no certain in telligence of General Lee," writes Wash ington on the 8th of December, "although I have sent frequent expresses to him, and lately Colonel Hampton, to bring me some accurate accounts of his situation. I last night despatched another gentle man to him, Major Hoops, desiring he would hasten his march to the Delaware, in which I would provide boats, near a place called Alexandria, for the transpor tation of his troops. I can not account for the slowness of his march." Lee had only got as far as Morristown, having taken three weeks to reach that place, when Colonel Hampton arrived. What that officer could have reported in regard to the condition of Washington s Dec. 8. army, we can not say ; but if he confined himself strictly to the truth, the follow ing seems a marvel of cool impudence on the part of Lee, when he writes to the commander-in-chief: "If I was not taught to think that your ar my was considerably reinforced, I should immediately join you ; but, as I am as sured you are very strong, I should im agine we can make a better impression by hanging on their rear, for which pur pose a good post at Chatham seems the best calculated. It is at a happy distance from Newark,Elizabethtown,Wood bridge, and Bound brook ; it will annoy, distract, and consequently weaken them." Lee seems to have met with more suc cess in recruiting than Washington, and estimates that, with the militia, added to the twenty-seven hundred troops which he brought with him across the Hudson, his army amounts to about four thousand men. Washington suggested the idea of surprising Brunswick. Lee, however, in those days of self-exaltation, was little disposed either to listen to the sugges tions or obey the orders of his superior. " The post I propose taking," he replies, " offers the greatest probability of success; but we are so ill shod, and destitute of light-horse, that this desultory war is hard upon the poor soldiers. But I must do them the justice to say, that they have noble spirits, and will, I have no doubt, render great service to their country." The recreant Lee concludes this impu dent self-assertion of authority with a " God bless you, general !" Washington received this communica tion by Colonel Hampton on his return, REVOLUTIONARY.] LEE S CONTINUED RECREANCY. 407 Dec, 10. and immediately despatched an other summons. Taking care to inform Lee that his situation was directly the opposite of what he (Lee) supposed it to be, and that General Howe was pres sing forward with the whole of his army to possess himself of Philadelphia, Wash ington continues : " I can not but request and entreat you, and this too by the ad vice of all the general officers with me, to march and join me with your whole force with all possible expedition. The utmost exertions that can be made, will not be more than sufficient to save Phila delphia. Without the aid of your force I think there is but little, if any, prospect of doing it Do come on ; your arrival may be fortunate, and, if it can be effect ed without delay, it may be the means of preserving a city, whose loss must prove of the most fatal consequence to the cause of America." Previous to the receipt of this commu nication, Major Hoops had arrived atLee s quarters with a letter from the command- er-in-chief, in which the smallness of his force was stated. Lee, in answer, as if suddenly startled by the fact, describes himself " shocked to hear" that Washington s force was so inad equate to the necessity of his situation, as he had been " taught to think" that he had been considerably reinforced. Lee can not persuade himself that Philadel phia is the object of the enemy ; and, hav ing posted himself at Chatham, he seemed determined not to budge, let Washington beg, entreat, and order, as he might. " I have put myself in position," writes Lee to the chief, " the most convenient to co- Dec, 8, operate with you, by attacking their rear." And, again: "It will be difficult, I am afraid, to join you ; but can not I do you more service by attacking their rear ?" Three days subsequently, Lee writes again to Washington, and would seem to be in a more compliant humor, for he talks of crossing the Dela ware ; but, as he also alludes to taking a route by the road toward Burlington, he evidently clings to his old idea of a sepa rate attack upon the enemy, with a view of cutting their cordon, contrary to Wash ington s views and commands. General Howe, it must be understood, held the banks of the Delaware at that point, and as far north as Pennington ; and Lee was directed to take a northerly route through Pittstown to Tinicum ferry, at Alexan dria, by which he might avoid the British; and join Washington s enfeebled force at Trenton. Orders, it will be recollected, had been sent by Washington to General Schuyler to despatch the northern troops as rapid ly as possible to the aid of the army in New Jersey. These orders were commu nicated to General Gates, then at Albany, who despatched a detachment of three regiments, under General St. Clair, to de scend the North river to New Windsor, and then march to reinforce the army in New Jersey. Lee, however, intercepted all that remained of these troops, with an order to join him ! Gates himself, accom panied by General Arnold, led the rem nant of the northern army, consisting of four regiments, and, having sailed down the North river, landed at Esopus, whence he proposed to join Washington in New 408 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART 11. Dec. 14. Jersey. The latter, aware of his approach, sent a despatch, with the hope of its meeting him on his route. In this, Gates was entreated not to delay a moment in hastening to Pittstown. " I expect General Lee will be there," says Washington, "this evening or to-morrow." At the moment this was written, Lee was, however, unknown to Washington, in the hands of the enemy. The lofty flights of that ambitious general had been suddenly checked, on the morning of the 13th, by his capture, the particulars of which we now give in the words of one who was present. Wilkinson (then a major), whose story we relate, presented himself to General Gates on the 5th of December, having been temporarily absent from his com mand in consequence of ill health. Gates, says he, " had at that time heard of Gen eral Washington s crossing the North riv er, and the loss of Fort Washington, but had received no satisfactory information of posterior incidents and movements, though a thousand vague reports were in circulation. Thus circumstanced, his in structions led him to take the back route from Esopus, by the Delaware and the Minisink, and we reached Van Kempt s, near the Wallpeck, in very intemperate weather. In this sequestered valley we were thrown out of the ordinary current of intelligence, and cut off from all au thentic information respecting the ad verse armies. The winter had set in with severity; our troops were bare of cloth ing ; numbers barefoot, and without tents, provisions, or transport of any kind. The men and officers sought shelter wherever they could find it in that thinly-settled tract. We were halted on the llth [of December] by a heavy fall of snow, which increased the general s anxiety for infor mation from General Washington, and, to relieve his solicitude, I volunteered my services to find him. The proposition was adopted, and a letter (to Washington) prepared, with which I was despatched on the morning of the 12th of Decem ber. "I crossed the hills to Sussex court house, where I received advice that Gen eral Washington had passed the Dela ware several days before, and that the enemy had reached Trenton. In conse quence of this information, I employed a guide, and proceeded down the country. On the road I casually met an officer of my acquaintance, who informed me that the boats had been removed from the fer ries, and that I should find some difficulty in getting across the Delaware, and that Major-General Lee was at Morristown. " Finding such obstacles in my way to the commander-in-chief, I determined to seek his second, and to ask orders from him for General Gates; and, although dark, I continued my journey without halt. About midnight, passing a house by the wayside, I discovered a glimmer ing light, and, on application to my guide, was informed it issued from a tavern. I dismounted, and, after a short parley at the door, gained admittance, and found the women on the watch over the embers of an expiring fire ; for I perceived the whole country to be in terror and alarm. These women knew nothing of General Lee; but, after some whispering, informed i REVOLUTIONARY.] MAJOR WILKINSON S NARRATIVE. me two strange officers were in bed above me, on which I desired one of the party to awaken and inform them an express desired to speak with them. The maid proceeded with a candle to execute my orders, and soon after I heard a loud shriek. " I instantly mounted the stairs, and, guided by the light, entered the cham ber, when a momentary scene of some interest took place. Two gentlemen were sitting up in the same bed, and the maid standing at a distance from them, in an apparent agony, with the candle in her hand. The shriek had been caused by the conduct of one of the gentlemen, whom the girl had awoke ; but his wan ton levity was in a moment changed into painful apprehensions. Awaking out of a sound sleep in the dead of night, the unexpected and menacing appearance of an officer, with a Canadian capot, a scarlet under-coat, and a gold-laced hat, with a pistol in each hand, was sufficient to dis sipate all sense of an amorous nature, and to excite those frigid sensations which can not be realized so sensibly as when an unarmed man believes himself in the power of an enemy. For a moment the gentlemen were struck dumb with alarm ; literally naked and defenceless, and be lieving me to be a British officer, their situation appeared hopeless, and it was several seconds before they demanded, Who are you? " The major soon relieved their fright, and, after making himself known, and re ceiving their names and quality in return, a greeting ensued, which was, however, so emphatic in expression proving in- 52 dubitably that " our army swore terribly" in the Jerseys that we prefer to omit the verbal relation of Wilkinson. The gentlemen thus suddenly aroused wer Colonel Gibson and a Mr. Nourse. They " had parted from General Lee the even ing before, and were absent on furlough ; and Mr. Nourse being General Lee s pri vate secretary," continues Major Wilkin son, " they could of course direct me with precision where to find him. Taking leave of them, I pursued my journey, and about four o clock in the morning reached his quarters at White s tavern, on Bask ing ridge. " I was presented to the general as he lay in bed, and delivered into his hands the letter of General Gates. He exam ined the superscription, and observed it was addressed to General Washington, and declined opening it, until I apprized him of the contents, and the motives of my visit ; he then broke the seal and read it, after which he desired me to take re pose. I lay down on my blanket before a comfortable fire, amidst the officers of his suite ; for we were not in those days encumbered with beds or baggage. " I arose at the dawn, but could not see the general, with whom I had been pre viously acquainted, before eight o clock. After some inquiries respecting the con duct of the campaign on the northern frontier, he gave me a brief account of the operations of the grand army, which he condemned in strong terms. He ob served that our siege of Boston had led us into great errors ; that the attempt to defend islands against a superior land and naval force was madness; that Sir Wil- 410 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PATCT II. liam Howe could have given us check mate at his discretion ; and that we owed our salvation to his indolence, or disincli nation to terminate the war. When I reached the army on York island/ said Lee, all hands were busily employed in collecting materials and erecting bar racks ; and I found little Mifflin exulting in the prospect of fine winter-quarters at Kingsbridge. I replied to him : " Winter- quarters here, sir ! and the British army still in the field ! Go, set fire to those you have built, and get away by the light, or Sir William Howe will find quar ters for you !" " General Lee wasted the morning in altercation with certain militia-corps who were of his command, particularly the Connecticut light-horse, several of whom appeared in large, full-bottomed perukes, and were treated very irreverently. One wanted forage, another his horse shod, another his pay, a fourth provisions ; to which the general replied : Your wants are numerous ; but you have not men tioned the last: you want to go home, and shall be indulged, for, d n you, you do no good here ! The call of the adju tant-general for orders also occupied some of his time, and we did not sit down to breakfast before ten o clock. " General Lee was engaged in answer ing General Gates s letter, and I had risen from the table, and was looking out an end-window, down a lane about one hun dred yards in length, which led to the house from the main road, when I discov ered a party of British dragoons turn a corner of the avenue at full charge. Star tled at this unexpected spectacle, I ex claimed, Here, sir, are the British caval ry ! Where? replied the general, who had signed his letter in the instant. Around the house ! for they had opened files, and encompassed the building. Gen eral Lee appeared alarmed, yet collected, and his second observation marked his self-possession: Where is the guard? d n the guard! why don t they fire? And, after a momentary pause, he turned to me and said, Do, sir, see what has be come of the guard. " The women of the house at this mo ment entered the room, and proposed to him to conceal himself in a bed, which he rejected with evident disgust. I caught up my pistols, which lay on the table, thrust the letter he had been writing into my pocket, and passed into a room at the opposite end of the house, where I had seen the guard in the morning. Here I discovered their arms ; but the men were absent. I stepped out of the door, and perceived the dragoons chasing them in different directions; and, receiving a very uncivil salutation, I returned into the house. " Too inexperienced immediately to penetrate the motives of this enterprise, I considered the rencontre accidental ; and, from the terrific tales spread over the country, of the violence and barbarity of the enemy, I believed it to be a wanton, murdering party, and determined not to die without company. I accordingly sought a position where I could not be approached by more than one person at a time, and with a pistol in each hand I awaited the expected- search, resolved to shoot tlip first and the second person who REVOLUTIONARY.] GENERAL LEE TAKEN PRISONER. 411 might appear, and then to appeal to my sword. " I did not remain long in this unpleas ant situation, but was apprized of the ob ject of the incursion by the very audible declaration i If the general does not surren der in five minutes, I will set fire to the house! which, after a short pause, was repeated, with a solemn oath ; and within two min utes I heard it proclaimed, Here is the general he has surrendered! A general shout ensued ; the trumpet sounded the assembly ; and the unfortunate Lee, mounted on my horse, which stood ready at the door, was hurried off in triumph, bareheaded, in his slippers and blanket- coat, his collar open, and his shirt very much soiled from several days use." It seems that a New- Jersey tory " a domestic traitor," as Major Wilkinson calls him who had passed Lee s quarters that morning, fell in on the road with Colonel Harcourt, at the head of a troop of British dragoons, out reconnoitring, and gave in formation of the general s whereabouts. Harcourt, however, might not have been in time, had not Lee lingered so long in bed, and spun out the morning chatting with his visiter, scolding at his militia- officers, and writing his letter to General Gates. If it had not been for this un timely delay, he would probably not have been caught at White s tavern, but have reached his camp at Veal town. . The guard were al careless as the general. The morning being cold and the sun bright, the men had stacked their guns, left their station, crossed the main road, and were sunning themselves on the south side of a house about two hundred yards from the tavern, when the British colonel rode up and cut them off from their arms. CHAPTER XXXVIII. General Lee s Motives explained. His Letter to General Gates. A Traitor? The Effect of the Capture. Exultation of the Enemy. Major Wilkinson s Escape, and his Account of it. Gates affected by Lee s Capture. Gates on his Route to join Washington in New Jersey. Washington perplexed, but not in Despair. The Congress at Philadelphia alarmed by the Approach of the Enemy. Baltimore appointed as the Next Place of Meeting. Washington s Powers extended. His Scrupulous Exercise of them. The Condition of the American Army. Effort to save Philadelphia. The Banks of the Delaware guarded. The Enemy will not cross the River. The Provincial Force strengthened. Washington resolves upon Offensive Operations. A Letter of Advice from Colonel Reed. A Day appointed for an Attack. General Gates goes to Philadelphia. His Opinion of Washington as a Tactician. " On his Way to Con gress ! on his Way to Congress !" 1776, GENERAL LEE, at the time of his capture, was evidently not disposed to cross the Delaware, as he had repeat edly and most urgently been ordered to do by Washington. After lingering at Morristown for several days, he left it on the 12th of December; but, when taken, his army had only marched twelve miles, to Vealtown. Major Wilkinson, moreo ver, tells us that " when Colonel Scammel, 412 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART n the adjutant-general, called on him from General Sullivan, who was encamped with the troops, for orders of march on the morning of his capture, after musing a minute or two, he asked the colonel if he had with him the manuscript map of the country, which was produced and spread on a table. It attracted my attention, and I observed General Lee trace with his finger the route from Vealtown to Pluckimen, thence to Somerset court house, and on by Rocky hill to Prince ton ; he then returned to Pluckamin, and traced the route in the same manner, by Boundbrook to Brunswick, and, after a close inspection, carelessly said to Scam- mel, Tell General Sullivan to move down toward Pluckimen that I will be soon with him. " The order to Sullivan to march to Pluckimen was not inconsistent with an intention to obey the command of Wash ington to cross the Delaware at Alexan dria ; but if the tracing of his finger on the map, so closely observed by the vigi lant eye of Wilkinson, is to be taken as an indication of Lee s intended march, he clearly at the last moment was preparing to strike a blow against the enemy, at the risk of his fair fame. He was ready to hazard all on the chance of success. A victory, he thought, would raise such a flood of popular applause as to drown all inquiry. A defeat, he knew, could only result in disgrace and punishment for dis obedience of orders. Lee was not, how ever, apparently very confident of win ning in the hazardous game he was play ing. His letter to Gates, which Wilkin son hurriedly thrust into his pocket be fore it was folded, is desponding, although it confirms the suspicion that he was about to act independently of Washington, and in disobedience to his orders. Here it is: "BASKING RIDGE, December 13, 1776. " MY DEAR GATES : The ingenious ma noeuvre of Fort Washington has unhinged the goodly fabric we had been building. There never was so d d a stroke. En- tre nous, a certain great man is most dam nably deficient. He has thrown me into a situation where I have my choice of difficulties : if I stay in this province, I risk myself and army; and, if I do not stay, the province is lost for ever. I have neither guides, cavalry, medicines, mon ey, shoes, or stockings. I must act with the greatest circumspection. Tories are in my front, rear, and on my flanks ; the mass of the people is strangely contami nated ; in short, unless something, which I do not expect, turns up, we are lost: our counsels have been weak to the last degree. As to what relates to yourself, if you think you can be in time to aid the general, I would have you by all means go ; you will at least save your army. It is said that the whigs are determined to set fire to Philadelphia : if they strike this decisive stroke, the day will be our own ; but unless it is done, all chance of liberty in any part of the globe is for ever van ished. Adieu, my dear friend ! God bless you " CHARLES LEE." General Lee s capture was suspected by many at the time to have been made by collusion with the enemy. The letter just read, however, proves that the senti REVOLUTIONARY.] GENERAL GATES AND HIS JEWISH HOST. 413 ment at least of that eccentric command er was at the last moment true to liber ty ; and his rude treatment by his British captors is unquestionable evidence that Lee was not considered by them as their friend. They exulted greatly, however, in his capture, declaring, " We have taken the American palladium !" Some of the Americans thought no less, and seemed to imagine that, with the loss of Lee, had passed away all hopes of the salvation of the country. Washington spoke calmly of the event thus, in a letter to his broth er Augustine : " Before you receive this letter, you will undoubtedly have heard of the captivity of General Lee. This is an additional misfortune, and the more vexatious, as it was by his own folly and imprudence, and without a view to effect any good, that he was taken." Let us, however, return to Major Wil kinson, and learn from his own account how he escaped from the dilemma in which he found himself on the capture of Lee. "So soon," says Wilkinson, "as Lieutenant- Colonel Harcourt retreated with his prize, I repaired to the stable, mounted the first horse I could find, and rode full speed to General Sullivan, whom I found under march toward Pluckimen. I had not examined General Lee s letter, but believing a knowledge of the con tents might be useful to General Sullivan, who succeeded him in command,! handed it to him, who, after the perusal, returned t with his thanks, and advised me to re join General Gates without delay, which I did the next morning at Sussex court house, whither he had led the troops from Van Kempt s." Gates seems to have been greatly af fected by the capture of his old comrade and friend, and no doubt sympathized fully with the views expressed in Lee s letter. Immediately after Wilkinson s ar rival, the troops were put in motion. Brigadier-General Arnold led them di rectly to Easton, in Pennsylvania. Gates and his suite, with a light-guard of horse, took a more circuitous route, and, having reached the Delaware river some distance above Easton, in the night, lodged at "one Levy s." Gates had a predilection for his host, for he said that the Jews were whigs. Levy, however, in the course of the first interview, let drop certain remarks " a little mysterious," which made his guests somewhat suspicious of their host s patri otism. Gates accordingly desired those who accompanied him to conceal his name and rank, as well as those of Colonel John Trumbull, then adjutant-general, and at terward the patriotic panel-painter. The general presented himself as " Captain Smith, of Berkeley, Virginia." Levy s sharp eyes seemed to recognise an old ac quaintance in Trumbull, and he observed that " he thought he had seen the colonel in Connecticut." General Gates, however, quickly answered, " No ! he is a neigh bor s son in Berkeley." The scrutinizing observation of Levy so alarmed his guests, that it was thought more prudent to short en their stay ; and accordingly the gen eral, although the night was very inclem ent, ordered the horses to be saddled, " and," says Wilkinson, " we made a per ilous passage of the river, through float ing ice, and marched until midnight, be fore we lay down, in a dirty store-room, 414 BATTLES OF AMERICA. | PART II. Dec. 16. which almost suffocated me." The next morning they reached Nazareth in good time, and then pushed on for Bethlehem, where they overtook Arnold with the troops from the North, and Lee s army, with General Sullivan, who had changed his route the moment he found himself in command, and hurried forward to join Washington. While Gates was at Beth lehem, he received that letter from Wash ington which, as we have seen, was wrii> ten on the 14th of December, and con tained an account of the " melancholy sit- nation" of affairs in New Jersey. The troops were now hurried on, and joined the commander-in-chief in the neighborhood of Coryell s ferry. Washington s forces were considerably increased by the addition of Sullivan s and Gates s divisions, but his difficulties were " not sensibly diminished." His ar my was rapidly dissolving, and in ten days there would be (in consequence of the expiration of the time of service of many) only fourteen hundred men left, and "mis erably provided in all things." Washing ton was deeply sensible of the dangers of the country. " I saw him," says Wilkin son, " in that gloomy period, dined with him, and attentively marked his aspect; always grave and thoughtful, he appeared at that time pensive and solemn in the extreme." Perplexed as he was, however, Washington did not despair. To his broth er he writes, " Under a full persuasion of the justice of our cause, I can not enter tain an idea that it will finally sink, though it may remain for some time under a cloud." Such was the imminency of the ap- Dec. 12. proach of the British to Philadelphia, that it was thought advisable by Congress on its adjournment to choose Balti more as the next place of meet ing. Before adjourning, however, it was "resolved, that, until Congress shall oth erwise order, General Washington be pos sessed of full power to order and direct all things relative to the department and to the operations of war." This was a wide extension of authority ; but Wash ington, always so scrupulous in the exer cise of his delegated powers, does not as sume it without an explanation, which seems almost like an apology to the state. He orders three battalions of artillery to be recruited. He promises officers and men that their pay shall be increased twenty-five per cent. This was obviously not transcending the authority conferred upon him by the resolution of Congress, but Washington fears that what he has done may appear " premature and unwar rantable." In the same letter to Congress, however, he can not refrain ( urged as he is by the emergencies of his position) from declaring the neces sity of acting occasionally on his own re sponsibility. If, in the short interval in which great and arduous preparations must be made against the enemy, " every matter that in its nature is self-evident is to be referred to Congress, at the dis tance of a hundred and thirty or forty miles, so much time must elapse," he says, " as to defeat the end in view " It may be said," continues the scrupu lous and disinterested Washington, " that this is an application for powers that are too dangerous to be intrusted. I can Dec. 20. REVOLUTIONARY.] WASHINGTON ADVOCATES A STANDING ARMY. 415 only add that desperate diseases require desperate remedies ; and I with truth de clare that I have no lust after power, but I wish with as much fervency as any man upon this wide-extended continent for an opportunity of turning the sword into the ploughshare. But my feelings, as an offi cer and a man, have been such as to force me to say that no person ever had a great er choice of difficulties to contend with than I have. It is needless to add that short enlistments, and a mistaken depend ence upon militia, have been the origin of all our misfortunes, and the great ac cumulation of our debt. We find, sir, that the enemy are daily gathering strength from the disaffected. This strength, like a snowball by rolling, will increase, unless some means can be devised to check effectually the progress of the enemy s arms. Militia may possibly do it for a little while ; but in a little while also, and the militia of those states, which have been frequently called upon, will not turn out at all ; or, if they do, it will be with so much reluctance and sloth as to amount to the same thing. Instance New Jersey ! Witness Pennsylvania ! Could anything but the river Delaware have saved Phila delphia ?" With no confidence in a militia, "who come in you can not tell how, go you can not tell when, and act you can not tell where, consume your provisions, exhaust your stores, and leave you at last at a critical moment," Washington ventures to advise the establishment of" a large stand ing army sufficient of itself to oppose the enemy." Not less than a hundred and ten battalions, he declares, should at once be raised, as the eighty-eight proposed by Congress are by no means equal to the opposition that must be made. "It is not a time," says he, " to stand upon ex pense." Emboldened by the necessities of the occasion, Washington declares he shall encourage those officers who offer to raise men upon continental pay and es tablishment, and "regiment them when they have done it." His scrupulous sense of his responsibility to the state, however, here again shows itself in these remark able words : " If Congress disapprove of this proceeding, they will please to signi fy it, as I mean it for the best. It may be thought I am going a good deal out of the line of my duty, to adopt these measures, or to advise thus freely. A character to lose, an estate to forfeit, the inestimable blessings of liberty at stake, and a life devoted, must be my excuse." "What a wretched spectacle did our troops present in retreating through the Jerseys !" exclaims an American officer, "without cavalry; but partially provided with artillery ; deficient in transport foi the little we had to carry ; without tents tools, or camp-equipage ; without maga zines of any kind ; half clothed ; badly armed ; debilitated by disease, disheart ened by misfortunes, and worn out with fatigues." The very steps of the soldiers during that toilsome retreat could be traced upon the snow by stains of the blood which had dropped from their na ked feet ! Crippled and exhausted as the army was, Washington could not make a show of offensive operations, and resorted to the only means in his power of saving 416 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART n Philadelphia, which Congress had resolved should be defended to the last extremity. He did what he could to prevent the Brit ish from crossing the Delaware. For thir ty miles along the western bank of that river (from Dunk s ferry, below Trenton, to Cory ell s ferry above), at the ferries and fords, he distributed his force into patrolling-parties and stationary guards. The craft on the Delaware were secured, and the larger vessels formed into a chain of guard-ships. With the advantage of after-sight, which is the privilege of his torians, we now discover that the enemy s design was not to march upon Philadel phia. General Lee s conjecture was cor rect. Sir William Howe did not intend to cross the Delaware during that win ter s campaign. The British general, as appears from his despatch, was satisfied with establishing himself in New Jersey, and thus securing shelter, forage, and pro visions, for his army, till the spring should open, and reinforcements arrive for car rying out other and more extensive de signs. Washington s army, reinforced by the division of Lee, the regiments from the northern army under Gates, and the mi litia from Pennsylvania, drawn out by the spirited exertions of the ever-active Mif- flin, now numbered nearly six thousand effective men. With this addi- Dect 22i tion to his force, the commander- in-chief resolved upon commencing offen sive operations. How far he was actu ated in this determination by a letter re ceived from the adjutant-general, Colonel Reed, it is difficult to decide. It detracts nothing from the character of Washington to concede that he acted from the sug gestions of those in whose capacity and character he trusted. One of the most striking characteristics of the great man was the readiness with which he adopted any measure, come from what source it might, which be believed to be conducive to the welfare of the great cause in.which he was engaged. No obstinate self-esteem ever interrupted the course of his gener ous love of country. Reed was at the time with Colonel Cad- wallader and a body of Pennsylvania mi litia, stationed at Bristol, when Dec* 22 he wrote this letter to Washing ton : " If we could possess ourselves again of New Jersey, or any considerable part, the effect would be greater than if we had not left it. Allow me to hope that you will consult your own good judg ment and spirit, and let not the goodness of your heart subject you to the influence of the opinions of men in every respect your inferiors. Something must be at tempted before the sixty days expire which the commissioners have allowed ; for, however many may affect to despise it, it is evident a very serious attention is paid to it : and I am confident that, un less some more favorable appearance at tends our arms and cause before that time, a very great number of the militia- officers here will follow the example of Jersey, and take benefit from it. Our cause is desperate and hopeless if we do not strike some stroke. Our affairs are hastening apace to ruin, if we do not re trieve them by some happy event. De lay with us is near equal to a total de feat. We must not suffer ourselves to REVOLUTIONAKY.] GATES "ON HIS WAY TO CONGRESS. 417 Dec. 23. be lulled into security and inactivity, be cause the enemy does not cross the river. The love of my country, a wife and four children in the enemy s hands, the respect and attachment I have to you, the ruin and poverty that must attend me and thousands of others, will plead my excuse for so much freedom." Washington, influenced or not by this outspoken letter, had so far carried out his purpose of offensive operations as to appoint the time for an attack ; for he writes to Reed that " Christmas- day, at night, one hour before day, is the time fixed upon for our at tempt at Trenton. For Heaven s sake, keep this to yourself, as the discovery of it may prove fatal to us our numbers, sorry am I to say, being less than I had any conception of; but necessity, dire ne cessity, will, nay must, justify an attack. I have ordered our men to be pro vided with three days provisions, ready cooked, with which and their blankets they are to march ; for if we are success ful, which Heaven grant, and the circum stances favor, we may push on." Washington at this moment naturally expected the cordial co-operation of Gen eral Gates, but that officer unfortunately was " unwell, and had applied for leave to go to Philadelphia." He was, however, desired by his superior, "if his health would permit him," to call and stay two or three days at Bristol, on his way, to give his aid in settling some probable dis putes about rank; for "the colonels of the continental regiments," says Wash ington, " might kick up some dust about command." But Gates was not then in 53 the humor to co-operate with the com- mander-in-chief. He had probably aims of his own, which he was more anxious to direct, than to aid in furthering those of Washington and of the country. Ma jor Wilkinson rode with Gates to Phila delphia. They set out together on the 24th of December. On the road the gen eral appeared much depressed in mind, and frequently expressed the opinion that while General Washington was watching the enemy above Trenton, they would privately construct batteaux, cross the Delaware in his rear, and take possession of Philadelphia, before he was aware of the movement ; and that, instead of vain ly attempting to stop Sir William Howe at the Delaware, General Washington ought to retire to the south of the Sus- quehanna river, and there form an army Gates, moreover, declared that it was his intention to proceed to Baltimore, and there lay this plan before Congress. Wil kinson was entreated to accompany him, but refused. At night, Gates wrote a let ter to Washington, with which he charged Wilkinson, who then took leave of him, and prepared to return to the army. "I was on horseback early the next morning (Christmas-day)," says Wilkin son, " and reached Newtown about two o clock. On my arrival there I discov ered, to my surprise, that General Wash ington had transferred his quarters to that place, and had himself marched with the troops in that neighborhood. From Colonel Harrison, the general s secretary, who had been left in charge of his papers, I received the necessary directions, and proceeded in quest of the troops, whose 418 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART n. route was easily traced, as there was a little snow on the ground, which was tinged here and there with blood, from the feet of the men who wore broken shoes. " I got up with my brigade near M Con- key s ferry about dusk and, inquiring for the commander-in-chief, was directed to his quarters. T found him alone, with his whip in his t *-ad, prepared to mount his horse, which I perceived as I entered. When I presented the letter of General Gates to him, before receiving it, he ex claimed, with solemnity " What a time is this to hand me let ters! " I answered that I had been charged with it by General Gates. ( By General Gates ! Where is he ? " 1 1 left him this morning in Philadel phia. " What was he doing there ? " I understood him that he was on his way to Congress. "Washington then earnestly repeat ed - " On his way to Congress ! on his way to Congress! " and broke the seal ; where upon Wilkinson made his bow, took his leave, and, joining his brigade, prepared to bear his part in the eventful enterprise of that stormy Christmas-night. CHAPTER XXXIX. The British Troops in New Jersey. Their Confidence in Themselves, and Contempt of their Enemy. Colonel Rahl at Tronton. His Military Character. Daring and reckless. A Warning unheeded. A Christmas-Dinner. A Hand at Cards. Another Warning disregarded. The Approach of Washington. Disposition of his Force. Crossing of the Delaware. The Storm. Squibbing. The Advance and Charge. The Attack on the Hessians at Princeton. Per sonal Exposure of Washington. The Assault led by Stark. The Enemy driven from the Town. The Brave Rahl. He rallies and returns to the Charge. He falls. Flight of his Hessians. They are overtaken and surrounded. Their Surrender. The Loss on Both Sides. The March of Cadwallader. Its Delays and Failure. Reinforcement from Putnam at Philadelphia. Count Donop left in the Lurch. The Dyinf ^iahJ visited and consoled by Washing ton. No Pursuit. Washington recrosses the Delaware. THE British troops in New Jersey w r ere stretched in a line of canton ments across from Brunswick to the river Delaware, and along its banks to Burling ton. The main body was at Brunswick, and the rest were so widely scattered as to leave but small forces at the various other posts. Confident in the possession of the country, and despising the meager and ill-conditioned army of Washington, Lord Corn wall is believed himself so se cure, that ne was no longer vigilant. He himself, in fact, had requested leave of absence, and had gone to New York, to prepare to embark for England. His sense of security was shared by the offi cers and the army which he left behind, and none doubted their immunity from attack. Trenton was held by Colonel Rahl with three regiments of Hessians (those of An- spach, Knyphausen, and Rahl), number REVOLUTIONARY.] COLONEL RAHL AND HIS CHRISTMAS-DINNER. 419 ing fifteen hundred men, and a troop of British light-horse. Rahl was a brave and active executive officer, but careless of danger even to recklessness. He was a bustling disciplinarian, and was ever har assing his men by his minute attention to the formalities of dress and parade. He was, however, no tactician, and could neither foresee danger nor provide against it. He had, moreover, a great contempt for his enemy ; and when it was suggest ed that an assault was possible, and that he should fortify his position, he made a jest of it, exclaiming, " Works ! pooh ! pooh! An assault by the rebels? Let them come : we ll at them with the bay onet !"* He had given proofs of his dash ing qualities as a spirited officer in the attack on the lines at Fort Washington, and was placed in command at Trenton as a compliment to his bravery. Notwith standing his general want of forecaste, he is said to have been aroused to a tempo rary apprehension for the security of his frontier post, and to have applied for a reinforcement from General Grant, who replied : " Tell the colonel he is very safe. I will undertake to keep the peace in New Jersey with a corporal s guard." He was soon lulled into his habitual confidence, which remained undisturbed, although he was warned that the Americans threat ened an attack. On the afternoon of Christmas-day the whole garrison was suddenly aroused to arms by a firing at one of the outposts. Colonel Rahl hastened to the point, and found that a picket-guard had been fired upon, and six men wounded. The ene- * Irving. my, however, had retired. So the colonel, thinking all was over, hurried back to his dinner and his bottle, to which he was de votedly attached. It was Christmas, and of course a high festival with the German soldiers. Rahl himself was a guest on the occasion, at the house of one Abraham Hunt,* who was a trader, and made no nice distinctions between whigs and to- ries, provided they were his customers. The Christmas-dinner was eaten, the wine circulated freely, and finally cards were proposed. The convivial colonel was as fond of play as of his bottle, and soon be came deeply absorbed in both. Thus the afternoon and night passed gayly. " Just at dawn a messenger came in haste with a note to Colonel Rahl, sent by a tory on the Pennington road, who had discovered the approach of the Americans." There was a negro-servant at the door, and he refused admittance to the messenger, tel ling him that " the gemihen can t be dis turbed." The bearer of the note, howev er, aware of its pressing importance, in sisted upon the negro carrying it in. He did as he was bidden, and handed it to Rahl. The hilarious colonel carelessly thrust the note into his pocket without reading it, and continued his game. The men, like their master, were revelling, and forgetting all sense of danger and duty in drunken frolic. Washington had chosen this night of Christmas for his attack with the expec tation that his Hessian enemy, thus yield ing to the festivities of the day, would be more exposed to a surprise. His plan was, to cross the Delaware with three di- * Lossin<r. 420 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART u. Dec, 25, visions of his army. One, under Cadwal- lader and Reed, was to pass the river at Bristol ; another, under Evving, at the fer ry a little below Trenton ; and the main body, consisting of twenty-five hundred men, Washington proposed to lead him self (in conjunction with Sullivan, Stir ling, Greene, and Colonel Knox of the artillery) across M Conkey s ferry, nine miles above Trenton. The British posts at Mount Holly, Burlington, Black Horse, and Bordentown, were the points of at tack set down for the first two divisions. Trenton itself was reserved for the com- mander-in-chief Boats having been got in readiness, Washington ordered the troops to be pa raded early in the evening "back of M Conkey s ferry," and began to embark them as soon as it grew dark. He hoped to be able to throw them all over, with the artillery, by midnight, and thus arrive at Trenton by five o clock in the morning, the distance from the point of landing on the opposite side being about nine miles. The darkness of the night, however ; the frost, by which ice was rapidly made ; the severity of the cold, so great that two or three men froze to death; and the force of the current, rendered still more violent by a high wind, impeded the passage of the boats so much, that it was three o clock before all the artillery could be got over, and nearly four when the troops took up their line of march. Washington, thus delayed, despaired of surprising the town, as he knew that he could not reach it before the day had fairly broken. He deter- */ */ mined, nevertheless, to push on, as he could not retire without being discovered, and harassed while recrossing the river. On landing, Washington formed his de tachment in two divisions. One, under the command of Sullivan, was ordered to march by the lower or river road, and enter Trenton to the south. The other, Washington was to lead himself by a cir cuitous route to the Pennington road, and thus into the town at the north. In or der that the two divisions might be ready to attack simultaneously, the general-in- chief, as he had a circuit to make, ordered Sullivan to halt for a few minutes at a cross-road, to give him time to come up. The final order being issued, that the troops, having first forced the outguards, should push directly into the town, and thus charge the enemy before they had time to form, each division took up its march. When the division on the lower road halted, in accordance with Washington s order, it was discovered that the snow storm which was beating violently in the soldiers faces, had so wetted the best- secured arms, that they were not in firing condition. The fact was announced to Sullivan. He cast a look at General St. Clair, who was at his side, and observed, " What is to be done ?" " You have noth ing for it but to push on and charge," was St. Glair s immediate answer. The march was then continued, the troops being or dered to clear their muskets in the best manner they could as they moved along, and a great deal of " squibbing" ensued. In the meantime an officer was sent to Washington, to inform him of the condi tion of the arms. He returned for answer REVOLUTIONARY.] BATTLE OF TRENTON. 421 that the soldiers "must advance and charge." It was now broad day, and both divis ions having reached the outskirts of the town at the same moment, their fires were heard by each other, as they began their simultaneous attacks upon the ene my s pickets. As his column approached the town, Washington kept near the front, and, coining up with a man chopping wood by the roadside, he asked, "Which way is the Hessian picket?" "I don t know," replied the fellow, with an air and tone as if he were concealing the truth. Captain Forrest, who was in command of the artillery, was on horseback at the side of the commander-in-chief, and, observing the reluctance of the man, said, "You may speak, for that is General Washing ton." The man was astonished at the discovery, and raising his hands to heav en, exclaimed, addressing the general : "God bless and prosper you, sir! the picket is in that house, and the sentry stands near that tree." Captain Wash ington was immediately ordered to dis lodge it, which he did with great prompts ness. The artillery was now unlimbered, and the column proceeded. As Forrest opened his battery, Washington kept on the left, and, advancing with it, directed the fire. He was thus so much exposed, that the officers repeatedly entreated him to fall back ; but he continued on, not withstanding their solicitude for his safe- fcy- Colonel Stark commanded the advance- guard of Sullivan s division, and made quick work with the picket on his side. Having forced this, he pressed on into the town, dealing " death wherever he found resistance, and breaking down all opposition before him." The whole col umn followed close at the heels of the dauntless Stark. The enemy made a mo mentary show of resistance by a wild and aimless fire of musketry from the win dows of the houses in which they were quartered, but were soon compelled to abandon their cover as the Americans ad vanced. A troop of British dragoons, with about five hundred infantry, took to flight across the Assumpink, and joined Count Donop at Bordentown. Colonel Rahl seemed to have lost all but his courage in the confusion of the surprise. He was riding wildly about on his horse, endeavoring to rally his men. and crying, " Forward ! march ! advance ! advance !" His troops, thus encouraged by the presence of their comrnander,made an attempt to form in the main street. Captain Forrest, however, opened his bat tery (with General Washington at his side, directing the fire) at the head of King street, and greatly confused the forming battalions ; while Captain Wil liam Washington, who, seconded by Lieu tenant James Monroe (afterward presi dent), led the advance-guard of General Washington s column, perceiving that the Hessians were endeavoring to form a bat tery in the street, rushed forward, drove the artillerists from their guns, and took two pieces just as they were about being fired. Captain Washington and Lieuten ant Monroe were both wounded in this perilous act, the former in his wrist and the latter in the fleshy part of his shoul der. This gallant conduct of the advance- 422 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART n guard was of great service ; for, if the en emy had been able to serve their artillery in the narrow street, the Americans might have been checked. Colonel Rahl succeeded, by a great ef fort, in withdrawing his troops from the town into a field near by. Here he formed his grenadiers, and, instead of retreating, as prudence would have suggested, he recklessly led them on against the town, now filled by the triumphant soldiers of his enemy. He madly pushed on, right in the teeth of the fire of the artillery sweeping the streets, and the brisk mus ketry of the American riflemen taking deliberate and sure aim from the doors and windows of the houses. At the first onset, the gallant Rahl was shot from his horse. His men, seeing their leader fall, turned by their right along the river As- sumpink, which runs through the town, and endeavored to escape to Princeton. General Washington, observing their pur pose, instantly threw Colonel Hand with his riflemen in their way, and ordered the Virginia troops Tinder Colonels Scott and Lawson to take them on their left. Thus hemmed in on every side, the Hessians halted and formed in order of battle. At this moment General Washington ordered the guns of Forrest s battery to be turned on them, " with a discharge of canister." " Sir, iliey have struck !" was Forrest s an swer to the command. " Struck !" replied the general. " Yes," said Forrest, " their colors are doivn." " So they are," observed Washington, and, putting spurs to his horse, he galloped toward them, followed by Forrest and his officers. The enemy having ordered their arms, Washington summoned them to surrender, when they at once agreed to do so at discretion. The wounded Rahl was now borne, by a file of sergeants, to present his sword to General Washington. At this moment, Wilkinson rode up, having been sent for orders. " On my approach," says he, " the commander-in-chief took me by the hand and observed, Major Wilkinson, this is a glorious day for our country ! his counte nance beaming with complacency ; while the unfortunate Rahl, who the day before would not have changed fortunes with him, now pale, bleeding, and covered with blood, in broken accents seemed to im plore those attentions which the victor was well disposed to bestow on him." The whole loss of the Americans was trifling, amounting in all to lour men wounded, two killed, and two frozen to death. The enemy had their command er, six officers, and four men, killed ; and surrendered to Washington twenty-three officers, nearly one thousand non-commis sioned officers and privates, four stand of colors, twelve -Irums, six brass field- pieces, and a thousand stand of arms and accoutrements. The triumph was great, and it might have been much greater had Washington s plan been carried out in all its details. But General Cadwallader, who was to have crossed the Delaware at Bris tol, and Ewing at Trenton ferry, had both failed him. General Putnam, too, who had been urged to lend his aid in the af fair, had been prevented from carrying out fully the orders of Washington. Ewing did everything in his power to cross ; but the quantity of ice in the river was so great, that he could not possibly REVOLUTIONARY.] ATTEMPTS TO CROSS THE DELAWARE. 423 o-et over. Cadwallader was also hindered D by the same difficulty in crossing above Bristol. He then made an attempt at Dunk s ferry, below. As soon as it was dark, he sent down all the boats that he could, muster, and marched down about eight o clock. A few men were first em barked, to line the river, and prevent any persons from escaping to give intelligence to the enemy ; next followed a part of the first battalion of militia, and then two fieldpieces, with which Cadwallader him self crossed, in order to see if it was prac ticable to land them. Upon reaching the other side, and finding, in consequence of the thickness of the ice, that it was impossible to get the guns on shore, he called together his field-officers, and con sulted as to whether it would be proper to march without the artillery. They all agreed that it would not. In the mean time, another battalion of troops had suc ceeded in crossing. They were, however, all taken back to the Pennsylvania side of the Delaware, where, in consequence of the ice and stormy weather, they did not arrive until four o clock in the morning. Cadwallader then marched to Bristol. "I imagine," he said, in writing to Washing ton, and giving an account of his own un successful operations, " the badness of the night must have prevented you from pas sing over as you intended." General Putnam had answered Wash ington s solicitation for aid in the attack upon Trenton, by a statement that such was the insubordinate and defective con dition of the militia, and the threatening aspect of affairs (foreboding an insurrec tion) in Philadelphia, that it was impos sible for him to march in person, or be of any material aid. At the last moment, however, he sent off Colonel Griffin, with a meager detaohment of Pennsylvania mi litia. This officer reached the Jerseys in time, but being indisposed himself, and his troops ill conditioned, he declined to join in the attack, and wrote to Cadwal lader at Bristol, that he thought he could be of more service by diverting Count Donop at Bordentown,and thus draw him off from giving his aid to Colonel Rahl at Trenton. Griffin acted accordingly. He marched toward Donop s camp sufficient ly near to be observed, and to provoke the enemy to come out. He then retired leisurely, skirmishing here and there, fol lowed by a large body of the Hessians, until they reached Mount Holly, when Griffin rapidly retreated, leaving Donop in the lurch, who was left to find his way back to Bordentown. If all the details of Washington s plan could have been successfully carried out. not a man would have escaped from Tren ton ; and, with the aid of Cadwallader, he would have been able, as he hoped, to drive the enemy from all their posts be low that town. He was well satisfied, however, with the conduct of those troops who were with him and won the day. He pays this tribute to them in his letter to the president of Congress : " In justice to the officers and men, I must add that their behavior upon this occasion reflects the highest honor upon them. The difficulty of passing the river in a very severe night, and their march through a violent storm of snow and hail, did not in the least abate their ardor; but when they came to the 424 BATTLES OF AMERICA. charge, each secme 1 to vie with the other in pressing forward : and were I to give a preference to any particular corps, I should do great injustice to the others." When the wounded Rahl had surren dered his sword, he was borne to a tavern, kept by a Quaker of the name of Stacey Potts. Rahl s wound was mortal, and, as he was dying, Washington, in company with General Greene, visited and consoled him with expressions of sympathy, and well-deserved praise for his heroic daring. The Hessian commander was soothed, but declared that he preferred rather to die than to outlive his honor. General Greene and Colonel Knox(the latter of whom had been made a briga dier-general the next day by Congress, without a knowledge of the triumph at [PART n. Trenton) were solicitous that Washing ton should push on and increase the alarm of the enemy by striking a succession of immediate blows. The general-in-chief himself was apparently inclined to this bold policy, but most of the officers were against it ; and " his excellency did not then think he could answer going con trary to the judgment of the majority of a council of war."* Washington, therefore, with inferior numbers to the enemy posted below, and with "a strong battalion of light-infantry" at Princeton above him, thought it most prudent to return; and accord ingly, on the evening of his tri umph, he re crossed the Delaware with the prisoners and artillery which he had taken. Dec. 26* CHAPTER XL. The Americans greatly encouraged by the Triumph at Trenton. Pennsylvania comes more readily to the Rescue. New- Jersey Whigs more decided. The Tories more vacillating. The Insolence of the Hessians. Conduct of the British Troops in New Jersey. "Protections." No Rights of Property. Rapine, Ravage, and Rape. New Jersey becomes more favorable to the Patriots. Cadwallader crosses the Delaware, and marches to Burlington. No Resistance. "Down with the Red Rags !" Panic of the Enemy. Cadwallader at Bordentown. Washington makes Great Prepa rations to attack. Sir William Howe aroused. Lord Cornwallis sent to take the Command in New Jersey. Wash ington without Money. Rol ert Morris called upon. His " Ways and Means." A Friend indeed. Washington crosses the Delaware. Reed *jnt out to reconnoitre. His Capture of a Foraging-Party. Riding double. Washing ton s Position on the Assumpink. The Arrival and Position of the Enemy. Washington made Military Dictator. His Dignified Acceptance of the Trust. The Enemy postpone their Attack. The Americans in Danger. A Chance of Escape. 1776, THE triumph at Trenton was a great encouragement to the Ameri can cause. The troops were so much in spirited by their success, that all were more eager for the fight, and some whose term of service was about expiring were induced to re-enlist. Influences which be fore proved unavailing were now brought to bear with effect. When such as ap peared determined to go off and return to their homes were harangued, artfully * Gordon. REVOLUTIONARY, j BRITISH AND HESSIAN OUTRAGES. 425 reminded that they would be called cow ards should they leave, and promised a bounty of ten dollars each man, more than half agreed to remain six weeks longer. The militia more promptly an swered to the call upon them. Pennsyl vania was now roused, and General Mif- ilin was enabled in the course of a few days to send a reinforcement of upward of a thousand men to Washington s army. The vacillating whigs of New Jersey be came more decided, and no longer feared to declare and act for the American cause; while even many of the tories clung less tenaciously to British interests. The in solence and violent outrages of the royal troops, and especially of the Hessians, had increased the virulence of their origi nal foes, and even provoked some of their former friends to hostility. When the royal army entered the Jer seys, most of the inhabitants remained in their houses, and many thousands received printed " protections," signed by Sir Wil liam Howe. But these saved their hold ers neither from insult nor robbery : their property was taken or destroyed, without distinction of persons. They might show their "protections :" the Hessians could not or would not understand them, and the English took care to have their share of the plunder. The officers, both Hes sian and British, were no less ready to violate the rights of property than their soldiers. The carriages of gentlemen " of the first rank" were seized, their arms de faced, while the commissioned plunderers blazoned their own on the panels, and thus insolently paraded throughout town and country. 54 "Discontents and murmurs increased every hour at the licentious ravages of the soldiery, both British and foreign, who were shamefully permitted, with unre lenting hand, to pillage friend and foe in the Jerseys. Neither age nor sex was spared. Indiscriminate ruin attended ev ery person they met with. Infants, chil dren, old men and women, were left in their shirts, without a blanket to cover them, under the inclemency of winter. Every kind of furniture was destroyed and burnt ; windows and doors were bro ken to pieces : in short, the houses were left uninhabitable, and the people with out provisions for every horse, cow, ox, and fowl, was carried off! " Horrid depredations and abuses were committed by that part of the army which was stationed at or near Penny town. Six teen young women fled to the woods, to avoid the brutality of the soldiers, and were there seized and carried off One man had the cruel mortification* to have his wife and only daughter (a child of ten years of age) ravished. Another girl of thirteen was taken from her father s house, carried to a barn about a mile ofi^ there dishonored and abused by five oth ers. A most respectable gentleman, in the neighborhood of Woodbridge, was alarmed with the cries and shrieks of a most lovely daughter : he found a British officer in the act of violating her, and in stantly put him to death. Two other offi cers rushed in with their fusees, and fired two balls into the father, who was left languishing under his wounds."*]" * Rather a mild term for so heinous a crime ! t Gordon. 420 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART n. Dec, 27, Exasperated by such enormities, the people of New Jersey Avere ready, at the least show of strength on the part of Washington s army, to rally to his aid. The commander-in-chief,thus assisted, not only by reinforcements to his troops, but by an accession of feeling in his favor, de termined to cross over into New Jersey again, and make another demonstration against the enemy. General Cadwallader, having heard of Washington s successful attack upon the Hessians at Trenton, crossed into Jersey early the next morning, with fif teen hundred of the Pennsylva nia militia. He had no sooner landed most of his troops, when he learned that Washington had recrossed the Delaware the night before, and was then on the Pennsylvania side. As Cadwallader was thus defeated in his intention of forming a junction with the main body, he was much embarrassed which way to proceed. He himself thought it most prudent to retreat. Colonel Reed, who was with him, warmly advocated the bolder policy of marching to Burlington, lest the fluctua ting militia, whose spirit was now up, should be discouraged by a second disap pointment. It was soon discovered that there was little fear of immediate oppo sition from the enemy. Although Cad wallader crossed the river in open day light, there was no show of resistance to his landing ; notwithstanding, with the overpowering force of the enemy, they could have readily overcome him. They were, in fact, so panic-stricken by their defeat at Trenton, that they fled precipi tately, as we shall see, abandoning their posts at Black Horse, Mount Holly, Bur lington, and Bordentown, and were now retreating toward South Amboy. General Cadwallader, meeting with no opposition, now did not hesitate to accede to Colonel Reed s views, and determined to push on, though cautiously. Reed, ac companied by two other officers, rode on in advance to reconnoitre. On approach ing Burlington, the enemy s outposts were found abandoned ; and, on entering the place, there were all the signs of a late and precipitate retreat. As Reed and his companions in their continental uniforms rode through the streets of the town, the inhabitants pulled down the " red rags," which had been nailed to their doors as a demonstration of loyalty to the British flag, and gladly welcomed the protection of another color. So Reed pushed on, from post to post, sending back intelli gence from each point to Cadwallader, who followed with the troops. The coun try was found everywhere clear of the enemy as far as Bordentown ; and here, when all arrived, they halted. Cadwal lader immediately wrote to Washington, informing him of his arrival at that place with eighteen hundred men, and that five hundred more were advancing from be low. Washington, in reply, ordered Cad wallader to remain at Bordentown until he himself should pass over the Delaware, which he proposed to do on the 29th of December, when the troops might be suf ficiently refreshed for another movement. The commander-in-chief was making extensive preparations for his enterprise. He wrote to Generals M Dougall and Max well, who were at Morristown, to use their REVOLUTIONARY.] ROBERT MORRIS AND HIS QUAKER FRIEND. 427 utmost efforts in collecting a body of mi litia, with which to harass the enemy on Hank and rear, should they advance or retreat. They were informed that the continental regiments from the eastern provinces had agreed to stay six weeks beyond their term of enlistment, and that lie had agreed to pay them for " this ex traordinary mark of their attachment to their country" a bounty of ten dollars each man. " I hope," added Washington, " this noble example will be followed by the four regiments under your command. Promise them the same reward, and en deavor to work upon them by every means in your power." He also wrote to General Heath to cross the Hudson from Peekskill with the New-England militia, and advance southerly by way of Hack- ensack, in order that he might be ready, on receiving orders from his chief, to co operate with him, as " I think," he wrote, " a fair opportunity is offered of driving the enemy entirely from Jersey, or at least to the extremity of the province." Every precaution in his power had been taken for subsisting the troops, and all other preparations made ; and "I shall/ says Washington, " without loss of time, and as soon as circumstances will admit of it, pursue the enemy in their retreat, try to beat up more of their quarters, and, in a word, adopt in every instance such measures as the exigency of our af fairs requires and our situation will just- ify-" In the meantime, Sir William Howe heard with alarm of the defeat of the Hessians at Trenton, and of the panic of the troops. Earl Cornwallis was imme diately sent from New York (where he was preparing to embark for England) to resume the command in New Jersey. He accordingly hastened to Princeton, where he was followed by a large force from the British encampment at Brunswick. Washington, by his liberal promise of a bounty of ten dollars to each man, had succeeded in keeping his army together, but was puzzled, with an empty military chest, to find means for the fulfilment of his word. The army treasury was so far exhausted, that the commander-in-chief, when requiring a small amount of money for secret service, had been obliged to write to ROBERT MORRIS, a wealthy banker at Philadelphia, in these terms : " If you could possibly collect a sum, if it were but one hundred or one hundred and fifty pounds, it would be of service." Morris, with his usual promptness, at once sent the sum. His financial resources, howev er, were now to be more severely tasked. Washington wanted a large sum to meet the payment of the promised bounty to the troops. The " patriot financier" was the only resource ; but he himself, when written to, was, with all his facilities, mo mentarily puzzled to meet the demand. Morris pondered over the ordinary ways and means of raising the money, but, discovering that none were availa ble, sallied out from his counting-house almost in despair. He had not gone far when he met a Quaker fellow-citizen, who was known to be wealthy. Morris stopped him, and acquainted him with his wants. "Robert, what security wilt thou give?" asked the Quaker. "My note, and my honor," answered Morris. " Thou shalt 428 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART n. Dec. 30. have it," was the prompt rejoinder.* The next day, by the timely aid of his Quaker friend, Morris was enabled to write to Washington : " I am up very early this morning, to despatch a supply of fifty thousand dollars to your excellency. You will receive that sum with this letter; but it will not be got away so early as I could wish, for none concerned in this movement except myself are up. I shall rouse them immediately. It gives me great pleasure that you have engaged the troops to continue ; and if further occa sional supplies of money are necessary, you may depend on my exertions either in a public or private capacity." Washington, being now fully prepared, crossed the Delaware with the van of his troops. The river, however, was so full of drifting ice, and the passage so difficult, that it was im possible to get the entire army over un til late on the following day. During this movement, Washington sent Colonel Reed out, at the head of twelve dragoons, to reconnoitre and try to discover if the enemy were approaching, about whose operations nothing certain was known. Reed, being well acquainted with the country, had no difficulty in scouring it pretty effectually. In the course of his ride, he discovered that a British commis sary, with a foraging-party, was in a house on the road. Reed accordingly rode up w r ith his dozen men and immediately sur rounded the place. The party within, which amounted in numbers to the same as that of the Americans, was so taken by surprise, and panic-stricken, that it * Lossing. surrendered without a blow. Reed and his men galloped back to the American camp ; and, as each trooper rode in with a prisoner mounted behind him, he was received with a loud shout of applause. Washington could obtain no certain in telligence of the number and situation of the enemy ; but, from the most reliable accounts, it appeared that they had col lected the principal part of their force from Brunswick and the adjacent posts at Princeton, where they were throwing up some works. Their number was reported to be from five to six thousand. Gener al Howe was also said to have landed at Amboy with a thousand light-troops., with which he was on his march. As soon as he had crossed the Dela ware, Washington took up his position on the high ground to the east of Trenton, along the bank of the Assumpink creek, and was thus separated from the town by this small stream. His delay in passing his troops over the Delaware had given the enemy an opportunity of drawing in their several cantonments and assembling their whole force at Princeton. They evidently meditating an attack, and had pushed forward strong advanced pickets toward Trenton. Washington, with his small force, now felt himself to be in a most critical situ ation, lie was embarrassed, as was fre quently the case, by a want of reliance upon his militia. He could not act mere ly as the military tactician, and move his men as a general could a well-disciplined army. The American commander was forced to become the politician, and con sult the caprices of his fluctuating and REVOLUTIONARY.] WASHINGTON GIVEN DICTATORIAL POWERS. 429 1777, irregular troops. He might, as a strate gist, have wished to retire ; but " to re move immediately was again destroying every dawn of hope which had begun to revive in the breasts of the Jersey mili tia." He therefore determined to hold his present position, dangerous as it was, and strengthen himself by ordering the troops lying at Crosswicks, under Gener al Cadwallader, and those under General Mifflin, to join him at Trenton, although it was " to bring them to an exposed place." They accordingly came, and, af ter a hard night s march, reached the camp on the first day of the new year. Washington had now about five thou sand men, encamped in a line of two miles in length, along the Assumpink creek. The bridge and the fords which crossed that stream were strongly guard ed with artillery, and General Greene was sent out with a detachment to harass the advance of the enemy. Greene, by pro voking him to frequent skirmishes, suc ceeded in delaying the approach of Lord Cornwallis. While Greene was spiritedly holding the British in check on the road from Princeton, within a short distance of Trenton, Washington rode up, and, join ing the advanced detachment, thanked the troops, and particularly the artillery, for the services of the day. Then, hav ing given orders for them to make as ob stinate a stand as they could where they were without risking the safety of their cannon, he rode back to marshal his troops on the other side of the Assumpink. The commander-in-chief "stood fairly commit ted to a general action if the enemy had Jan, 2. provoked it."* He was therefore partic ularly anxious to retard their march un til nightfall. His orders were so well obeyed, that the head of the British col umn did not reach Trenton un til four o clock in the afternoon, while their rear was as far back as Maid enhead. As soon as the enemy entered the town, they made a rush for the bridge and the fords across the Assumpink creek, but finding them well guarded, and re ceiving a hot fire from the American ar tillery, they halted and kindled their fires. Thus the two opposing forces remained until dark, with the small stream between them, and cannonading each other with their fieldpieces. On the day before only. Washington had received intelligence of a resolution of Congress, which, although it freed him from accountability to others, must have greatly added to the feeling of personal responsibility which now weighed upon him at this trying time. He had, by the deliberate act of the representatives of his country, been endowed with the pow ers of a dictator. The great cause of achieving the independence of the com bined states was confided to him alone. With what a simple yet lofty calmness does he accept the trust ! " Instead of thinking myself," Washing ton wTites to the committee of Congress, " freed from all civil obligations, by this mark of their confidence, I shall constant ly bear in mind that, as the sword was the last resort for the preservation of our liberties, so it ought to be the first thing * Memoirs of our Own Times, by General James Wilkin son. 430 BATTLES 0* AMERICA. [PART ir. laid aside when those liberties are firmly established."* * The following was the resolution of Congress, which w;is then in session at Baltimore : "December 27, 1776. This Congress, having maturely considered the present; and having perfect reliance on the wisdom, vigor, and uprightness, of General WASHINGTON, do hereby "Resolve, That General WASHINGTON shall be, and he is hereby, vested with full, ample, and complete powers, to raise and collect together, in the most speedy and effectual manner, from any or all of these United States, sixteen bat talions of infantry, in addition to those already voted by Congress; to appoint officers for the said battalions of in fantry ; to raise, officer, and equip, three thousand light- horse, three regiments of artillery, and a corps of engineers, and to establish their pay; to apply to any of the states for such aid of the militia as he shall judge necessary ; to form such magazines of provisions, and in such places, as he shall think proper; to displace and appoint all officers under the rank of brigadier-general, and to fill up all vacancies in ev ery other department in the American army; to take, wher ever he may be, whatever he may want for the use of the army, if the inhabitants will not sell it, allowing a reason able price for the same; to arrest and confine persons who refuse to take the continental currency, or are otherwise dis affected to the American cause ; and r^Mirn to the states of A^ which they are citizens, their names, and the nature of their offences, together with the witnesses to prove them. " That the foregoing powers be vested to General WASH INGTON for and during the term of six months from the date hereof, unless sooner determined by Congress." A copy of these resolutions was sent to the governor of each state, together with the following letter : " BALTIMORE, December 30, 1776. " SIR : Ever attentive to the security of civil liberty, Con gress would not have consented to the vesting of such pow ers in the military department as those which the enclosed resolves convey to the continental commander-in-chief, if the situation of public affairs did not require at this crisis a de cision and vigor which distance and numbers deny to assem blies far removed from each other, and from the immediate seat of war. " The strength and progress of the enemy, joined to pros pects of considerable reinforcements, have rendered it not only necessary that the American forces should be augment ed beyond what Congress had heretofore designed, but that they should be brought into the field with all possible expe dition. These considerations induce Congress to request, in the most earnest manner, that the fullest influence of your state may be exerted to aid such levies as the general shall direct, in consequence of the powers now ^iven him; and that your quota of battalions, formally fixed, may be com pleted and ordered to headquarters with all the despatch that an ardent desire to serve the public happiness can dictate. <; I have the honor to be, <kc. " JOHN HANCOCK, President." Washington was only a thousand yards distant from the front of his enemy. It was true, there was the little stream of the Assumpink intervening, but this was ford able at almost every point. Corn- wallis s columns were displayed in great force along the border of the town and the heights beyond. "Thirty minutes would have sufficed to bring the two ar mies into contact, and thirty more would have decided the combat." But it was growing dark, and the British troops were fatigued with the long march of that day " from sunrise to sunset." They had been under arms for twelve long hours ; they were consequently languid, and required rest. Moreover, Cornwallis thought he had " the enemy safe enough, and could dispose of them the next morning." He therefore ordered his men to make fires refresh themselves, and take repose. The other British officers coincided with their chief, with the exception of Sir William Erskine, who could not control his vexa tion at this imprudent resolution, and ex claimed impetuously, "My lord, if you trust these people to-night, you will see nothing of them in the morning /" Sir William, how ever, was not heeded : the fires were light ed, the men ordered to supper, and the advanced sentries posted for the night. Opposite was Washington s army, ap- The committee of Congress, composed of Robert Morris and George Clymer of Pennsylvania, and George Walton of Georgia, who remained in Philadelphia, sent the resolu tions of Congress to Washington, with these words : " We find, by these resolves, that your excellency s hands will be strengthened with very ample powers ; and a new reforma tion of the army seems to have its origin therein. Happy it is for the country that the general of their forces can safely be intrusted with the most unlimited power, and neither per sonal security, liberty, nor property, be in the least degree endangered thereby !" SPAKKS. REVOLUTIONARY.] THE ESCAPE FROM CORNWALLIS. parently preparing, like the enemy, for repose ; with fires blazing up here and there along the whole line, and the sen tinels pacing the bank of the Assumpink stream, within a hundred and fifty yards of their antagonists. But the approach of night did not bring with it any sugges tion of repose to the minds of Washing ton and his general officers. They were anxiously pondering upon the hazardous position of their army. With an enemy greatly superior in numbers and disci pline before them, and with the Delaware river (clogged with floating ice) behind, there was certainly enough in the pros pects of the dangers of the coming morn ing to disturb the slumbering influences of night. Washington, fully conscious of all the hazards of his position, early in the even ing called together his general officers in council. He had but a brief statement to make. The situation of the army was known to all : a battle was certain if his troops remained where they were until the morning, and a defeat hardly less sure, with the superior advantages of the enemy ; if a defeat without means of re treating, the result would be disastrous, and perhaps fatal to the cause. What, then, was to be done, was the question submitted. Some were in favor of re treating at once ; while others were dis posed to await the chances of the morn ing, and risk a general engagement, with all its hazards to the troops and to the country. In the course of the day, General St. Clair, when charged with the guarding of the fords of the Assumpink, and while ex amining the ground to his right, had dis covered a circuitous route, which was called the " Quaker road," or that leading to the Quaker bridge and meetinghouse.* He, therefore, is said to have suggested this as a way by which Princeton might be reached, and the rear of the British (under the command of General Leslie, on the high-road) be avoided. Washing ton heartily welcomed this suggestion, and adopted it without hesitation. It was accordingly determined to march at once by this roundabout Quaker road to Prince ton, where it was concluded, from the large force which Cornwallis had thrown into Trenton, that he could not have left many troops, and might have left stores. " One thing I was certain of," says Wash ington, " that it would avoid the appear ance of a retreat (which was of conse quence, or to run the hazard of the whole army being cut off), whilst we might, by a fortunate stroke, withdraw General Howe from Trenton, and give some rep utation to our arms." * Wilkinson. 432 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PAUT II. CHAPTER XLI. The Quaker Road Providential Change of Wind. The Stolen March. A Successful Ruse. The Night. The Route to Princeton. General Mercer and the Advance. Meeting with the Enemy. A Surprise. A Conflict. The Pro vincials beaten back. Washington to the Rescue. His Personal Exposure and Danger. The Enemy routed. " The Day is our own !" Turned out of College. The Pursuit. A Fine Fox-Chase. Bayoneting of General Mercer. Lord Cormviillis bewildered. " Washington at Princeton !" No Pursuit. Loss on Boih Sides Death of Mercer. Biographical Sketch. Washington retires from Princeton. The Winter s Bivouac. Alarm of Cornwallis, and his Rapid March to Brunswick. The American Winter-Quarters at Morristown. Movements of General Heath. Au Affair, and Heath s own Account of it. 1777, THERE was one serious difficulty in carrying out the plan proposed of a rapid movement that night (January 2d) along the rough and circuitous route called the " Quaker road." The weather for two days had been unusually mild, and the ground had become so soft, that it would be almost impracticable to get on with the cattle, carriages, and artille ry. While the council of war, however, are pondering over this difficulty, it is providentially removed. The wind sud denly changes into the northwest ; the weather becomes intensely cold ; and the ground freezes so hard, that soon the road is like a solid pavement. There is now no obstacle to the manoeuvre, and imme diate preparations are made for its exe cution. Great precautions are taken to prevent the suspicions of the enemy. Washing ton orders the guards to be doubled at the bridge and the fords of the Assumpink stream, sends a strong fatigue-party with their picks and spades to work on an in- trenchment within hearing distance of the British sentries, and directs the camp-fires to be kept blazing by using the neighbor- Jan, 2, ing fences for fuel. The first movement is to send off the baggage to Burlington, which is done early in the night. The troops are not prepared to march until twelve o clock. The army was filed off silently by de tachments. The night was ex ceedingly dark, although calm, clear, and severely cold. The working- parties, guards, and those charged with keeping the fires blazing, were left be hind, with orders not to retire until tow ard the break of day. The stratagem is entirely successful. The whole American army gets away without exciting the least suspicion on the part of Earl Cornwallis, who reposes for the night in the confi dent expectation of "catching the fox in the morning," as he himself declared to his officers. The Quaker road, comparatively new, and not much used, was so scored with deep, frozen ruts, and studded with stumps of trees, that the march was greatly ob structed. Washington s purpose was, to have reached Princeton before daylight, with the expectation of taking the Brit ish troops there by surprise, and of then REVOLUTIONARY.] THE MUTUAL SURPRISE AT PRINCETON. 433 pushing on rapidly to Brunswick, and seizing the magazine and stores before the enemy should take the alarm. The march, however, was so long dehoyed, that the day broke before his van arrived at Princeton. Washing ton, crossing the lower bridge over the Stony brook, kept his main body on the "Quaker road" until he reached a thick wood, when he denied to the right, with the view of taking a by-path toward the town. He ordered General Mercer, how ever, with three hundred and fifty men (composed of the fragments of Colonel Smallwood s brave Delawares and Mary- landers, of the first Virginia regiment, and some few volunteers), together with two fieldpieces, to continue to the left on the Quaker road, which conducted along the Stony brook, until he reached the bridge over which passed the highway that led from Princeton to Trenton. Here he was to take possession of the bridge, for the double purpose of intercepting the fugi tives from Princeton, and to guard against an attack from Cornwallis at Trenton. The British had left three regiments at Princeton, under the command of Lieu tenant-Colonel Mawhood, when the main body pushed on to Trenton. These were the seventeenth, fortieth, and fifty-fifth. They had been quartered during the pre vious night in the town ; but, at early dawn, the first-named regiment (the sev enteenth), with Mawhood at its head, had marched out by the main road, to join Cornwallis. Passing the bridge over Sto ny brook, they reached some high ground a little distance beyond, on their route, at the moment when Washington s troops 55 were emerging from behind the wood, around which they were defiling toward the town. The morning was fine, and in the clear frosty air every object could be distinctly seen. /The British and Americans seemed at this moment to have caught a simul taneous view of each other. On looking across the country toward the Trenton road, some of Washington s officers saw the reflection of arms in the light of the rising sun, as the enemy were ascending the high ground. It was but for a mo ment, however, for the British had imme diately shifted their position. That they had not been less observant was soon evi dent, for two of their horsemen were seen to leap a fence and advance through the fields for the purpose of reconnoitring. After a hurried glance, they galloped back ; and soon the enemy, having faced about, were observed rapidly descending the hill and retracing their steps toward Princeton. They had succeeded in re- crossing the bridge, when, without sus pecting its approach, they suddenly came upon General Mercer s detachment, which was hurrying along the Quaker road tow ard its junction with the highway, for the purpose of securing, in accordance with Washington s orders, the crossing of Stony brook near that point. The two parties were within less than five hundred yards of each other when the mutual surprise took place for Mercer, like Mawhood, was unconscious of the approach of his enemy. The two hostile detachments now hur ried to anticipate each other in getting possession of some rising ground, about 434 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PATCT ir. half a mile north of Stony brook, to the east of the main road, and on the west ern edge of the town. The Americans, manoeuvring for this purpose, had got in to the orchard behind the house of Wil liam Clark, when they observed the Brit ish, from an opposite point, making for the height. Mercer pushed on his de tachment in all haste through the orchard, and succeeded in first gaining the ground beyond, and so disposing his men as to leave a "worm fence" stretching curvi- cally across the acclivity between them and the enemy. Mercer, in possession of the ground, began the attack, under the cover of the fence, with a volley from his riflemen. Mawhood returned the fire, and then or dered his men to charge. The Americans fired again and again, and with terrible effect ; but, as they were only armed with rifles, they could not withstand the onset of the British troops thrusting home their formidable bayonets, and were obliged to retire. At the first volley from the ene my, Mercer s gray horse was shot in the knee, and that gallant officer was forced to dismount, and struggle with the foe hand to hand. The British continued to pursue, and the Americans to retreat, when Washington, hearing the fire, im mediately summoned the Pennsylvania militia and Moulder s battery of two guns to the support of General Mercer, and led them in person against the enemy. Colonel Mawhood, observing a large force coming up, is suddenly checked in in the midst of his hot pursuit, and, halt ing, brings up his artillery. The Ameri can militia hesitate to advance, waver be fore the shot, and are giving w r ay, when Washington gallops forward and strives to press them on. He is thus, while bran dishing his sw r ord, and spurring his white charger in front of the lines, a conspicu ous target for the enemy. His death ap pears inevitable. His aid-de-camp, Colo nel Fitzgerald, a warm-hearted Irishman, is in a moment aware of the danger of his chief. He drops the reins upon his horse s neck, and draws his hat over his face, that he may not see him die a fate which he believes that Washington at that moment can not possibly escape. A shout of victory immediately suc ceeds, and Fitzgerald ventures to raise his eyes. Washington is safe : the mili tia have rallied, Moulder s battery has dis charged a volley of grapeshot, and the British are flying in confused haste, over fields and fences, toward the road lead ing to Trenton, leaving their artillery be hind them. Colonel Fitzgerald, who was " celebrated as one of the finest horsemen in the American army," digs his spurs in to his steed, dashes forward, and, bring ing up by the side of Washington, ex claims, " Thank God, your excellency is safe !" The sudden reaction from despair to joy was too much for the impulsive Irishman, and he " wept like a child." The chief grasped his hand with warmth, and only said : " Away, my dear colonel, and bring up the troops. The day is our own !" While the enemy s seventeenth regi ment was being hotly engaged, the fifty- fifth was marching to its aid ; but, on dis covering that their comrades had been put to flight, they returned to the college, REVOLUTIONARY.] BATTLE OF PRINCETON. 435 at the north of the town; where, being re inforced by the fortieth, quartered there, they marched out again to encounter the American detachment under General St. Glair, which had been sent after them. A ravine separated the parties, which, al though deep and precipitous, the Ameri cans did not hesitate to cross. While as cending the acclivity on the opposite side, and when within sixty or eighty yards of them, the British wheeled about, and hur ried back to the college. On reaching it, they began to knock out the windows, that they might have free scope for the use of their musketry. The Americans, as they came up, expected warm work ; but they had hardly got within a quarter of a mile of the building, when the ene my rushed out at the front, and retreated by long and loose files to Rock hill, and thence to Brunswick. As St. Glair had no cavalry, he could not pursue the fugi tives, although such was the disorder of their flight, that " two troops of dragoons would have picked up the two regiments." While Colonel Mawhood was fly ing over the fields and fences toward the road to Trenton, Washington was encouraging his troops in pursuit, and, as his riflemen were charging them, he shouted, " It is a fine fox-chase, my boys !" The American gen eral, no less spirited a sportsman than Lord Cornwallis, was evidently enjoying " the run" as much as that nobleman had anticipated for himself, when, on the pre ceding night, he so complacently talked of " catching the fox in the morning." General Mercer s horse was crippled by a shot, as we have seen, in the begin ning of the engagement, and he himself obliged to dismount. As he was in front of his men, trying ineffectually to rally them, he was left alone on the field, and the British soldiers, coming up, knocked him down, bayoneted him, and left him for dead. He was afterward found near the barn of William Clark, still alive, and conveyed to Clark s house, where he lin gered for awhile under the effect of his fatal wounds. The distant firing was heard in the Brit ish camp at Trenton. Some thought it w r as thunder ; and Earl Cornwallis, with an expression of anxiety, asked his sur rounding officers what it could be. Sir William Erskine (who had so earnestly recommended an attack on the evenino- o before) immediately answered, "My lord, it is Washington at Princeton !" While the American troops were gath ering together in Princeton, there was great alarm felt for the safety of Wash ington, who had followed the enemy in pursuit several miles along the road to Trenton. He continued after the fugi tives, and did not turn back until General Leslie, commanding the rear of the Brit ish at Maidenhead, discovering that Wash ington s army was behind and not before as he had supposed, changed his front, and, followed by Cornwallis and his main body, began to march toward Princeton, which he reached just as the rear-guard of the Americans was leaving Wash ington, on his return, having ordered his troops to march immediately. The pre caution was taken to break down the bridge over Stony brook ; but the British commander, not waiting to replace it, or dered his men (he himself showing them 436 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PATIT II. the example) to plunge into the shallow stream and wade across. Thus thorough ly wetted, and then stiffened into ice by the frost, the troops hurried on into the town and thence along the road toward Brunswick, which, with its stores and mag azines, was supposed to be Washington s next point of attack. The Americans were not disposed to linger at Princeton, with the whole army of Cornwallis pressing by a forced march on their rear. Washington s original plan was, to have pushed on to Brunswick ; but the harassed state of the troops, many of them having had no rest for two nights and a day, and the danger of losing the advantage he had gained by aiming at too much, induced him, "by the advice of his officers," to give it up. But " in my judgment," says Washington, " six or eight hundred fresh troops, upon a forced march, would have destroyed all their stores and magazines, taken their mili tary chest containing seventy thousand pounds, and put an end to the war." The result at Princeton was sufficiently successful to greatly encourage the Amer icans and dishearten the enemy. Wash ington had only lost about a hundred in all, fourteen of whom were buried on the field. The British, in killed, wounded, and prisoners, suffered a loss of nearly six hundred. Amono; the killed of the Ens;- O O lish officers was a Captain Leslie, son of the earl of Levin, who was so much be loved, that those who were taken prison ers besought the privilege of his being buried with the honors of war ; and when it was gran ted, the men who had belonged to his company were observed to weep bitterly over the grave of their young commander. Washington, too, grieved over the death of some of the most able and spirited of his officers. These were, Colonels Haslet and Potter; Major Mor ris ; Captains William Shippen, Fleming, and Neal; and, above all, General Mer cer. Mercer was at first supposed to have died on the field, or Washington would have endeavored to bring him away, al though he believed, as he declared, " that it could not have been effected." When he heard that he was still lino-erin^ at o O Princeton, the commander-in-chief sent his nephew, Major Lewis, under a flag, to the enemy, to visit him. Mercer was dying ; but with his aid-de-camp, Major Arm strong, constantly at his side, and the family of the Clarks (in whose house he was) ever at hand to administer to his wants, the last moments of the general, though his w r ounds gave him acute pain, were greatly soothed. He died in the fifty-sixth year of his age, in the arms of Major Lewis, on the 12th of January. HUGH MERCER was a Scotchman by birth and a Jacobite, having served on the side of the Young Pretender, Prince Charles Edward, as a surgeon s mate, at the battle of Culloden, in 1746. When the cause of the Stuarts was extinguished for ever, and its friends dispersed, Mercer emigra ted to Virginia. In the French border wars, he laid aside the scalpel for the sword, and became a military officer, serv ing in the campaigns of 175-5 and 1756 as a comrade of Washington, by whom he was greatly beloved. Mercer was liv ing in Fredericksburg, Virginia, when the EEVOLUTIONAEY.] HUGH MERCER. ALARM OF THE BRITISH. 437 American Revolution began, and, though he was practising as a doctor with suc cess, he gave up his profession, and vol unteered to bear arms in the cause of the colonies. In 1775 and 1776, he organ ized and commanded large bodies of the Virginia militia; and on the 5th of June, of the latter year, he was appointed by Congress a brigadier-general. He was an intimate associate of Washington s moth er and sister, who were his neighbors at Fredericksburg, and highly esteemed by Washington himself, who knew him as a faithful comrade and sincere friend. He spoke of him, while mourning his death, as " the brave and worthy General Mer cer." Having given up all thought of march ing immediately upon Bruns wick, Washington now retired from Princeton. He was not greatly en cumbered with baggage, for that of his own army he had sent to Burlington, and there was nothing of the enemy s to take away but some blankets, shoes, and a few other trifling articles. The two fieldpieces which had been captured from the Brit ish could not be brought away for the want of horses. The hay and " other such things" as the shortness of the time would admit were destroyed, and then the army marched out. The Americans proceeded down the Millstone river, and halted for the first night at Somerset courthouse, where many of the militia on that January night were obliged to lie down in the open air without blankets, which with the rest of their baggage had been sent to Burlington. Next morning, Washington marched to Jan. 4. Pluckimen, where he halted for several days. The hardships of a winter campaign would, it was feared, discourage the militia, as well might be the case, when they were day after day and night after night in midwinter with out " any cover," and many of the " poor soldiers quite barefoot and ill clad in oth er respects. . . They have undergone, how ever," says Washington, "more fatigue and hardship than I expected militia, es pecially citizens, could have done at this inclement season." Earl Cornwallis was in a state of great alarm for the safety of his stores, maga zines, and well -filled military chest, at Brunswick. He pushed on with his whole army, in the greatest speed, to save them. The camp at Trenton was broken up and totally abandoned. Princeton was en tered, and, after a check from the battery of the American rear-guard which delayed him over an hour, Cornwallis hurried on again, and by forced marches (here and there retarded by the want of bridges, which Washington had taken care to de stroy) reached Brunswick. The enemy seemed to be panic-struck, and Washington was in " some hopes of driving them out of the Jerseys." In or der to effect this, he wrote to General Putnam, then at Philadelphia, and also to General Heath at Peekskill, to co-operate with him in his design. To the former he says : " It is thought advisable for you to march the troops un der your command to Crosswicks, and keep a strict watch upon the enemy in that quarter. If the enemy continue at Brunswick, you must act with great cir- Jau. 5. 438 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART n. Jail. 5. cumspection, lest you meet with a sur prise. As we have made two successful attacks upon them by surprise, if there is any possibility of retaliating, they will at tempt it. You will give out your strength to be twice as great as it is. Forward on all the baggnge and scattered troops be longing to this division of the army, as soon as may be. " You will keep as many spies out as you may see proper. A number of horse men might be kept going backward and forward for this purpose ; and if you dis cover any motion of the enemy which you can depend upon, and which you think of consequence, let me be informed thereof as soon as possible by express." To General Heath Washington wrote : " The enemy are in great con sternation ; and, as the panic af fords us a favorable opportunity to drive them out of the Jerseys, it has been de termined in council that you should move down toward New York with a consider able force, as if you had a design upon the city." It was hoped that, by such a diversion, the British would be obliged to draw a large part of their force from New Jersey, for the protection of New York. General Lincoln was ordered, after leav ing four thousand of the New-England militia with Heath, to cross the Hudson with the remainder, and march them to join the commander-in-chief at Morristown, where he had now moved his troops. Washington had gone to Morristown, as the place best calculated in that quar ter to accommodate and refresh his army. Its resources proving less than he expect- Jan. 6. ed, and his men becoming so impatient from the severity of the season and their consequent sufferings, that they left him in considerable numbers, he thought of removing. He finally determined, how ever, to take up his winter-quarters at the place, for he did not know where else to procure covering for his troops. Wilkin son says : " This position,little understood at the time, was afterward discovered to be a most safe one for the winter-quarters of an army of observation, and such was General Washington s. The approach to it from the seaboard is rendered difficult and dangerous by a chain of sharp hills, which extend from Pluckimen by Bound- brook and Springfield to the vicinity of the Passaic river ; it is situate -in the heart of a country abounding with forage and provisions, and is nearly equidistant from New York and Amboy, and also from New ark and New Brunswick, with defiles in rear to cover a retreat should circum stances render it necessary." Washington, on arriving at Morristown, repeated his orders to General Heath in regard to advancing on the city of New York,but suggested that General Lincoln should remain with him, instead of ac companying the New-England detach ment ordered to Morristown. Heath at once began to make his dispositions in ac cordance with Washington s orders. He moved his troops down from Peekskill, advancing them gradually toward New York. On one day a regiment is marched to Newcastle, and on another the militia is ordered to White Plains. Again, " our general," as he always designates himself, moves to the southward, and arrives at REVOLUTIONARY.] "OUR GENERAL" ADVANCES AND RETREATS. 439 Newcastle before sunset. Soon he is again on the march, and " our general" reaches the outposts of the enemy at Fort Inde pendence and Kingsbridge, where his three divisions have also arrived: "Gen eral Lincoln s on the heights above Colo nel Van Cortland s; Wooster s at Wil- liams s ; and Scott s on the back of Vol- en tine s." Here occurred an engagement, which we shall allow Heath to describe in his own words: " Our general, who moved with the cen tre division, knew that Yolentine s house was the quarters of one of the guards ; he did not know but it might be defend ed. As he approached it, he ordered Cap tain Bryant to advance a fieldpiece to the advance-guard, and, if there was any op position from the house, to cannonade it immediately. He then ordered two hun dred and fifty men from the head of the column (as it was moving on) to incline to the right, and by a double step to push into the hollow, between the house and the fort, to cut off the guard who were at the house, in case they should run tow ard the latter. At this instant, two lightr horsemen, who had been sent out by the enemy as the day broke to reconnoitre the vicinity, came unexpectedly, at the descent of a hill, plump upon the head of Wooster s column. They attempted to turn about, but, before it could be fully effected, a fieldpiece was discharged at them : one of them was pitched from his horse and taken prisoner ; the other gal loped back to the fort, hallooing as he passed, The rebels ! the rebels ! This set all the outguards and pickets running to the fort, leaving in some places their arms, blankets, tools, provisions, &c., be hind them. Those who fled from Volen- tine s and the Negro fort were fired at as they ran, but none were killed : one who could not run so fast as the rest was ta ken prisoner. Ten muskets were taken at Volentine s house. The guard above Van Cortland s was as completely sur prised as the others, where General Lin coln took about forty arms, some blan kets, &c., &c. "The left and centre divisions moved in to the hollow, between Volentine s house and the fort, from whence our general im mediately sent a summons to the com manding officer of the fort to surrender." As " our general" modestly withholds the lofty words he used on that occasion, we here supply them : " Forty minutes only," said Heath, " can be allowed for the gar rison to give their answer; and, should it be in the negative, they must abide the consequences." No answer was given ; and the only consequence which followed was the firing of a gun at an outpost ! In a few days, General Heath, with all his usual skill in tactics, drew back his army up the Hudson having learned from a soi-disant deserter that Governor Sir Guy Carleton s Canadian troops had lately arrived in New York by water, and that a detachment from Rhode Island, un der Lord Percy, was about to land in Westchester county. Fearful of being thus surrounded, and threatened by " the appearance of a severe snowstorm com ing on," Heath cautiously retired. " Our general," who prided himself upon being, above all things, a good tactician, could hardly have felt flattered by this criticism 440 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART n. from Washington on these late manoeu vres : " This letter," he says, writing to Heath, "is in addition to my public one of this date. It is to hint to you, and I do it with concern, that your conduct is censured (and by men of sense and judg ment, who have been with you on the expedition to Fort Independence) as be ing fraught with too much caution, by which the army has been disappointed, and in some degree disgraced. Your summons, as you did not attempt to ful fil your threats, was not only idle, but farcical, and will not fail of turning the laugh exceedingly upon us. These things I mention to you as a friend, for you will perceive that they have composed no part of my public letter. Why you should be so apprehensive of being surrounded, even if Lord Percy had landed, I can not con ceive. You know that landing men, and procuring horses, are not the work of an hour, a day, or even a week." Heath had a word to say for himself: " Every officer," he declares, " objected to a storm, as they apprehended the militia inadequate to such enterprise." In his memoir, Heath says that his " success at the outposts flew through the country, and was soon magnified to a reduction of the fort and capture of the garrison. It reached General Washington long before the official account, and he had commu nicated the report to Congress ; hence a double disappointment, when the true state of facts was received." CHAPTER XLII. The Hessian Prisoners. Their Reception. Hootings and Revilings. Interposition of Washington. " A Very Good Rebel." Treatment of American Prisoners. Prison-Ships at New York. Disease and Death, Famine and Filth, Robbery and Insult. The Waste-House. Otho Williams s Experiences. Ethan Allen a Prisoner in New York. His Emphatic Opinion of Loring and of Cunningham. Washington writes to General Howe, on Behalf of the Ameri can Prisoners at New York. The Letter. General Lee at New York. Exchange proposed and refused. Retaliation. Lieutenant-Colonel Campbell the First Victim. His own Account of his Sufferings. Washington disapproves of the Treatment of Campbell. He remonstrates with Congress. The Reply of that Body. 1777, THE Hessian prisoners, who had been taken after the successful sur prise at Trenton, were carried across the Delaware, and then sent through the in terior of Pennsylvania to Winchester, in Virginia. As they passed from place to place, the exasperated common people of the country, looking upon them with hor ror and detestation as so many hired rob bers and murderers, hooted and reviled them at every step. Washington, how ever, with a feeling of humanity and a motive of policy, ordered notices to be posted about the country, calling upon the inhabitants to treat the Hessian sol diers with kindness, as they were not re sponsible for the war, but mere passive instruments in the hands of a tyrannical and cruel government. It was hoped that many of the prisoners, while proceeding REVOLUTIONARY.] HESSIAN AND AMERICAN PRISONERS CONTRASTED. 441 through Pennsylvania, and mingling with the German population of that province, mi flit, by kindness and association with those speaking their own language, be conciliated toward the American cause. Washington s interposition was not with out its effect ; for " from this time," con fesses a Hessian officer, " things went bet ter with us. Every clay came many out of the towns, old and young, rich and poor, and brought us provisions, and treated us with kindness and humanity."* They felt grateful to Washington for a treatment which was so much beyond their expec tations, and did not hesitate to style him " a very good rebel."f The American prisoners in the hands of their British captors met with a very different fate. Those who had been ta ken at the surrender of Fort Washington were driven through the streets of New York, amid the hootings and revilings of soldiers tribes and other vagabonds, male and female, who are always hanging, like so many screeching vultures, about an ar my, and living upon its plunder and cor ruption. " Which is Washington ? which is Washington?" cried these ill-omened creatures, who believed that the war was at an end, and that the American leader himself was among those who were thus exposed to their foul aspersions. The men were thrust in crowds into the prison -ships, churches, and sugar- houses. Here they were enclosed within bare walls, scantily supplied with provis ions of bad quality, wretchedly clothed, and destitute of sufficient fuel, if indeed they had any. Disease was the inevita- * Quoted by Irving. ( Timelier. 5G ble consequence, and the prisons where the American captives were immured soon became hospitals. A fatal malady was generated, and the mortality thence en suing was enormous. Some fifteen hun dred prisoners were supposed to have per ished in the course of a few weeks in the city of New York ! The dead, too, were treated with brutal dishonor ; their bod ies being allowed to lie in numbers un co ffined and exposed, to the horror of their living comrades, and to the jeers of the insulting enemy. Some of the American officers had less to complain of, and were enabled to en joy " the benefit of free air and the use of their limbs." Graydon, who was a prisoner in New York at that time, says : " I ventured to take boarding at four dol lars per week. I knew that I had an ex cellent banker in Philadelphia, and that if specie was to be procured, my good mother would take care to get it and send it to me." But all had not, like Graydon, the specie of a banker, or the more sterling fund of a mother s affection, to draw upon. Graydon, too, with the clever tact of a man of the world, suc ceeded in conciliating the good will of the oppressors, by whom he was treated with exceptional indulgence, although not seldom " berebelled." The fate of others was more cruel. Many of the American officers were plundered of their baggage, robbed of their side-arms, hats, and cockades, and otherwise grossly ill treated. A Major Otho Holland Williams, of Colonel Raw- lings s rifle-regiment, was one of those who fell into the hands of the enemy 442 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART IT. after the surrender of Fort Washington. He and three companies of the regiment were put on board the Baltic merchant man, used as a hospital-ship, and then ly ing in Long-island sound. Here he was placed upon such a small allowance of food, that he was only saved from fam ishing by " a pittance of pork and pars nips" which a good-natured sailor spared from his own mess. In a few days, Wil liams and his companions were taken ashore, and, having been put into one common dirt-cart, were dragged through the city of New York, amid the hootings of the crowd, to an old "waste-house," near the Bridewell. Here they were glad to find a rest from the insults and suffer ings which they had endured, although it was in a place which, from its " open ness and filthiness," had a few months be fore, while Washington was in possession of the city, been refused as barracks for the private soldiers. Such officers as had not the banking facilities or the maternal resources of Graydon, were obliged to take their board in the "waste-house," and con tent themselves with "six ounces of pork, one pound of biscuit, and some peas, per day, and two bushels and a half of sea- coal per week, for each." Such ill-condi tioned quarters and meager fare soon had their natural effect upon the health of the officers. Ethan Allen s great stalwart frame had lost its robustness ; and his gay suit of blue-and-gold, which had been bestowed upon him by his admirers in Cork, hung loosely upon his body, collapsing under his meager prison-diet. After his capture in Canada, and a voyage to England and thence back to Halifax, Allen had been conveyed to New York, where he was now a prisoner, startling both friend and foe with his emphatic denunciations and his stories of his strange adventures and doughty deeds. No doubt his British jail ers congratulated themselves upon hav ing caged so formidable a fellow. There must have been something to be dreaded in one who could growl so fiercely and bite so effectively. His captors he sav agely denounced, and particularly Loring, the British commissary of prisoners, say ing : " He is the most mean-spirited, cow ardly, deceitful, and destructive animal, in God s creation below ; and legions of in fernal devils, with all their tremendous horrors, are impatiently ready to receive Howe and him, with all their detestable accomplices, into the most exquisite ago nies of the hottest regions of hell-fire !" Of Cunningham, the provost-marshal, he said that " he was as great a rascal as the army could boast of." and other testimony seems to confirm Allen s opinion ; for this British official w T ould stride about the prison, whip in hand, and send the pris oners to bed as if they had been so many hounds, with the cry " Kennel, ye sons of bitches! kennel, G-dd n ye !"* That Allen s persecutors might be made con scious that "his bite was as good as his bark," he used to show a fracture in one of his teeth, occasioned by his twisting off with it, in a fit of anger, the nail which fastened the bar of his handcuffs, while in irons on shipboard ! " D n him, can he eat iron ?" was the exclamation of his as tonished listeners. * Graydon. REVOLUTIONARY.] WASHINGTON REMONSTRATES. 443 Washington, hearing of the treatment of the American prisoners at New York, immediately wrote to General Sir William Howe, denouncing it, and threatening re taliation in case it was not changed for the better. Those prisoners, who had re cently been restored to liberty, " give the most shocking account," writes Washing ton, "of their barbarous usage, which their miserable, emaciated countenances con firm If you are determined," he says to Howe, " to make captivity as distres sing as possible, let me know it, that we may be upon equal terms, for your con duct must and shall regulate mine." To the admiral, Lord Howe, Washington has also occasion to write, in consequence of the complaint of a Captain Sanble, of the ill treatment which he and other naval prisoners had suffered. In these words of dignified remonstrance his lordship is addressed : " From the opinion I have ever been taught to entertain of your lordship s humanity, I will not suppose that you are privy to proceedings of so cruel and unjustifiable a nature; and I hope that, upon making the proper in quiry, you will have the matter so regu lated, that the unhappy persons whose lot is captivity may not in future have the miseries of cold, disease, and famine, added to their other misfortunes. You may call us rebels, and say that we de serve no better treatment ; but remem ber, my lord, that, supposing us rebels, we still have feelings as keen and sensi ble as loyalists, and will, if forced to it, most assuredly retaliate upon those up on whom we look as the unjust invaders of our rights, liberties, and properties. I should not have said thus much, but my in jured countrymen have long called upon me to endeavor to obtain a redress of their grievances ; and I should think my self as culpable as those who inflict such severities, were I to continue silent." General Lee, who had been at New York ever since his surprise and capture by the British, was kept a close prisoner, being considered by Sir William Howe as a deserter. Lee, however, was not brought to trial, as it was doubted wheth er, by his public resignation of his half- pay as lieutenant-colonel in the British service, previous to his acceptance of a commission in the American army, he was still amenable to military law for deser tion. Howe informed the English minis try of his doubts, and received this per emptory answer : " As you have difficul ties about bringing General Lee to trial in America, it is his majesty s pleasure that you send him to Great Britain by the first ship-of-war." In the meantime, how- ever,Washington had refused to exchange the Hessian field-officers taken at Tren ton, or Lieutenant-Colonel Campbell, un less General Lee was recognised as a pris oner-of-war. Howe, in consequence, fear ing that his German troops might grow discontented if their officers should suffer from Washington retaliating upon them for the treatment of Lee, waited for fur ther instructions from the home govern ment before sending him away. The next despatch from the British minister was in these words : " His majesty consents that Lee (having been struck off the half-pay list) shall, though deserving the most ex emplary punishment, be deemed as a pris- 444 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PATCT II. oner-of-war, and may be exchanged as such, when you may think proper." It is but just to state that both Lord Howe, the admiral, and Sir William Howe, the commander of the land-forces, indig nantly repelled all responsibility for the ill treatment of the American prisoners in their hands. His lordship emphatical ly declared : " I abhor every imputation of wanton cruelty in multiplying the mis eries of the wretched, or of treating them with needless severity." Sir William in sisted that the prisoners were " provided with proper habitations, sufficient and wholesome food, and medicines." The illness and speedy death of many were, however, not denied. Those gentlemen were, no doubt, guiltless of the inhuman ity of direct and intentional cruelty, al though they were justly held responsible for the sufferings (probably somewhat ex aggerated) caused by their agents. During the early period of General Lee s imprisonment, Sir William Howe, while awaiting instructions from his gov ernment, resisted all appeals toward miti gating the severity of his captivity. Five Hessian officers were offered in exchange for Lee, but refused. Congress accord ingly determined to retaliate, and Wash ington wrote to General Howe : " I must give you warning that Major-General Lee is looked upon as an officer belonging to and under the protection of the United Independent States of America ; and that any violence you may commit upon his life or liberty will be severely retaliated upon the lives or liberties of the British officers, or those of their foreign allies, at present in our hands." Lieutenant-Colonel Campbell, who had been taken prisoner on board a transport captured off Boston, was the first to suf fer. He was lodged in the common jail of Concord, and there treated as if he had been a criminal condemned for the most atrocious crimes. His dungeon was but twelve or thirteen feet square, and shut out from the adjoining yard by two doors, with double locks and bolts. Although O it was in the depth of winter, the window was barred only with iron, and unglazed. He had, however, an inner apartment, but this was described as " a loathsome, black hole, decorated with a pair of fixed chains," from which its former occupant, a felon, had just been removed, leaving his litter and filth behind him. "The attendance of a single servant," said Campbell, in a letter to General Howe, "is also denied me, and every visit from a friend posi tively refused. In short, sir, was a fire to happen in any chamber of the jail which is all wood, the chimney-stacks ex- cepted I might perish in the flames be fore the jailer could go through the cer emony of unbolting the doors ; although, to do him justice, in his station, I really think him a man of humanity : his house is so remote, that any call from within, especially if the wind was high, might be long of reaching him effectually." This was certainly hard treatment for a colonel in the British army, and a mem ber of Parliament, and one who had as yet been guiltless of American blood. Washington remonstrated with the coun cil of Massachusetts for this excessive se verity, reminding them that Campbell, according to the act of Congress, was to REVOLUTIONARY.] WASHINGTON APPEALS TO CONGRESS. 445 have exactly the same treatment as was received by General Lee; and, as that officer was " only confined to a commo dious house, with genteel accommoda tions," there was no right or reason in be ing more severe upon Colonel Campbell, whom " I should wish," adds Washington, " should immediately upon the receipt of this [letter] be removed from his present situation, and put in a house where he may live comfortably." To Congress Washington also wrote, strongly denouncing this treatment of Campbell, as a retaliation which had been prematurely begun. On the point of policy, apart from the inhumanity, he condemned it. "The balance of prison ers," he says, " is greatly against us ; and a general regard to the happiness of the whole should mark our conduct. Can we imagine that our enemies will not mete the same punishments, the same indigni ties, the same cruelties, to those belong ing to us, in their possession, that we im pose on theirs in our power ? Why should we suppose them to possess more human ity than we have ourselves? Or why should an ineffectual attempt to relieve the distresses of one brave, unfortunate man, involve many more in the same ca lamities ? However disagreeable the fact may be, the enemy at this time [March 1] have in their power, and subject to their call, near three hundred officers be longing to the army of the United States. In this number there are some of high rank, and most of them are men of brave ry and of merit. The quota of theirs in our hands bears no proportion, being not more than fifty at most. Under these circumstances, we should do no act to draw upon the gentlemen belonging to us, and who have already suffered a long captivity, greater punishments than they have experienced and now experience. If we should, what will their feelings be, and those of their numerous and exten sive connections ? "Suppose the treatment of the Hessians should be pursued, will it not establish what the enemy have been aiming to effect by every artifice and the grossest misrepresentation I mean an opinion of our enmity toward them, and of the cruel conduct they experience when they fall into our hands, a prejudice which we on our part have heretofore thought it politic to suppress and root out by every act of lenity and kindness ? It certainly will. The Hessians would hear of the punishments with all the circumstances of heightened exaggeration ; would feel the injury, without investigating the cause or reasoning upon the justice or necessity of it. The mischiefs, which may and must inevitably flow from the execution of the resolves, appear to be endless and innu merable." Thus was the judicious Wash ington always humane in his policy ; and if politic in his humanity, it was only to avoid sacrificing the broad philanthropy of a patriot to the personal benevolence of the sentimentalist. Congress, on the receipt of this letter, resolved "that General Washington be informed that Congress can not agree to any alteration in the resolve passed on the 6th of January." This resolve was, " that the board of war be directed im mediately to order the five Hessian field- 446 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART n. officers and Lieutenant-Colonel Campbell into safe and close custody, it being the unalterable resolution of Congress to re taliate on them the same punishment as may be inflicted on the person of General Lee." In regard, however, to the com plaints of Colonel Campbell, Congress deigned to declare that it was never their intention that he should suffer any other hardship than such confinement as was necessary for his security, to carry out the object of their resolve. CHAPTER XLIII. Increased Popularity of the American Cause in New Jersey. General Howe responsible for the Violation of the Rights of Property. His Manifesto of Rapine. American Scoundrels, too. Washington checks and punishes them. His Order against Disorder. His Proclamation to the People of New Jersey. Its Effect. Nothing but Skirmishes. Lord Cornwallis. His Chain of Posts. His Force. The American Line and Posts. Successful Skirmishes with the Enemy. General Philemon Dickinson. His Position and that of his Brother. The Martial Brother. His Engage ment with the British Plunderers. Communications between the Opposing Armies. A Letter from General Lee. His Proposition. Refused by Congress. Lee s Disappointment and Sombre Reflections. Washington regrets the Refusal of Congress. General Putnam s Ruse to magnify his Force in the Eyes of the Enemy. A College Illumina tion. The Effect. The Meager American Force. Fewer Men than Miles to guard. Tardy Reinforcements. Wants. French Applicants for Commissions General Arnold in Rhode Island. An Abortive Plan. New Regi ments and New Officers. Take none but Gentlemen. Five New Major- Generals. 1777, THE American cause had greatly increased in popularity among the New-Jersey people. The Hessian and Brit ish troops spared neither friend nor foe in their cruel devastations ; and, although Sir William Howe could scarcely have been such a monster of iniquity as to justify the brutalities practised by his soldiery upon the defenceless mothers, wives, and daughters, of the country, he clearly made himself responsible for the violation of the rights of property when he issued such orders as this: " All salted meat and provisions, which may be judged to exceed the quantity necessary for the subsistence of an ordi nary family, shall be considered as a mag azine of the enemy, and seized for the king, and given to the troops as a saving for the public." This allowed a wide latitude to the pro pensities of a soldiery for plunder, whose only control was the word of command, and who looked for no principle of action beyond the order of the day. The Amer ican army had its brutal vagabonds, too, eager to rob and destroy ; but in Wash ington their commander they ever found one who, with a scrupulous regard to the rights of person and property, was at all times prompt to punish with severity the least violation of them. It was this which greatly aided now in conciliating to the American cause the people of New Jer sey, who, though afflicted by the horrors of war, triumph who might, could yet dis- REVOLUTIONARY.] PROCLAMATIONS. THE OPPOSING ARMIES. 447 tinguish between a brutality licensed by authority and that which was emphatic ally denounced and threatened with pun ishment. Washington, indignant at the conduct of some of his troops, issued the following emphatic order : " The general prohibits, in both the militia and continental troops, in the most positive terms, the infamous practice of plunder ing the inhabitants, under the specious pretence of their being tories. Let the persons of such as are known to be ene mies to their country be seized and con fined, and their property disposed of as the law of the state directs. It is our business to give protection and support to the poor, distressed inhabitants, not to multiply and increase their calamities. After the publication of this order, any officer, either militia or continental, found attempting to conceal the public stores, plundering the inhabitants under the pre tence of their being tories, or selling at vend ue plunder taken from the enemy, in any other manner than these orders direct, may expect to be punished in the severest manner." Copies of this order were then immediately circulated among all the troops. Taking advantage of the favorable dis position of the people, Washington now issued a proclamation, in which he called upon all those who, while the British forces were in the as cendant in New Jersey, had signed decla rations of fidelity to the king of Great Britain, to come forward and take an oath of allegiance to the United States of Amer ica. Those, however, who preferred " the Jan, 25* interest and protection of Great Britain to the freedom and happiness of their country," were told to withdraw them selves and their families forthwith within the enemy s lines. Many of the people gladly welcomed this opportunity of giv ing their names to a cause in which their hearts were already engaged ; while oth ers, who had only been able to secure British protection by swearing allegiance to the king, hesitated, not because they were less friendly, but more scrupulous. Some of the substantial farmers of the country had thus committed themselves ; and now, although their hearts had been won over to Washington, they felt com pelled to withhold their hands. Beyond an occasional skirmish,in which the Americans not seldom got the advan tage, there was little opportunity for ac tion, as Sir William Howe, with his usual caution or indolence, was not disposed to move. Lord Cornwallis, with the main body of the army, was at New Brunswick, w r hile his communication Avith the Hud son river and New York was kept up by means of a chain of small posts. His force was great not less, it was supposed, than eight thousand. The Americans, with their fluctuating militia, were constantly varying in number ; which, however, was never large, seldom over four thousand, and at times reduced as low as fifteen hundred. But the enemy thought them much more numerous ; and, fortunately, they had been favorably impressed by their prowess in the occasional skirmish es which had occurred. The whole line of Washington s army was widely extended ; he himself 448 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART n. with the centre and main body at Morris- town, while General Putnam commanded the right at Princeton, and General Heath the left in the Highlands. From these different points occasional small detach ments (generally militia, for the sake of breaking them gradually into warfare) would be sent out to harass the enemy s outposts, and to pounce upon their fora- ging-parties. In these encounters, the Americans, with the advantage of a thor ough knowledge of the country, and the sympathy of the inhabitants, were gener ally successful. On one Sunday morning, for example, some fifty Waldeckers were fallen in with by about the same number of militia,, and so taken by surprise, that ten of the enemy were killed or wounded, and the rest taken prisoners, while the Americans came off without the least damage. On another occasion, General Philemon Dickinson, by a gallant little action, won from the commander the praise "His behavior reflects the highest honor upon him." Dickinson was a man of fortune and influence, belonging to New Jersey, and was now in command of the militia of that state. He was brother to John Dickinson, who, although an earnest po litical writer in behalf of the American cause, opposed (while a delegate to Con gress from Pennsylvania) the Declaration of Independence, as premature. He, in consequence, lost his popularity, but nev er his patriotism. His spirit was not of the warlike stamp of that of his brother. " Where duty and honor require my pres ence," said John Dickinson, " there I shall be; but much, much rather would I choose that these severe masters would give me up to my dear connections, my books, and my friends, an intercourse and employ ment for which my constitution is better formed, than for the toils of war, and to cultivate which my temper is more dis posed, than to relish all the united glo ries, could I obtain them, of every heroic death from the Roman Curtius to the British Wolfe." The martial brother had just now dis tinguished himself, though not in a way to rival a Curtius or a Wolfe, still in a manner worthy of all praise. General Dickinson had the command of the Amer ican outpost nearest to the enemy at New Brunswick, stationed on the west bank of Millstone river. On the opposite side was a mill, with a large stock of flour ; and Cornwallis, covetous of the booty, had sent out a party to seize it, and take whatever other plunder they could lay their hands on. Dickinson was on the alert, and, heading four hundred New- Jersey militiamen, plunged into the river, and, pouncing upon the plunderers, put them to rout, and relieved them of forty wagons, upward of a hundred horses "most of them of the English draughtr breed" and a number of sheep and cat tle which they had collected. The ene my returned, with nothing to carry back to the camp of Cornwallis but " a good many dead and wounded in light wag ons." The ordinary communications between opposing armies were kept up during this period of inactive hostility. Now Lord Cornwallis has a convoy of money and stores to send to the Hessian KEVOLUTTONAKY.] CONGRESS REFUSES GENERAL LEE S REQUEST. 449 prisoners, and wishes a safe-conduct for it through New Jersey and Pennsylvania. Washington answers his lordship that no molestation will be offered by any part of the regular army under his command. " But I can not," he says, " answer for the militia who are resorting to arms in most part of this state, and who are exceedingly exasperated at the treatment they have met with, both from Hessian and British troops." Again, flags are passing to and fro, and messengers and bearers of letters coming and going between the hostile camps. On one of these occasions a packet ar rives from General Lee, containing a let ter to Congress under cover of one to Washington, who is most earnestly en treated to despatch it immediately, and order that body to be as expeditious as possible. The letter to Congress contains the request from General Lee that two or three delegates may be sent immedi ately to New York, to whom he had to communicate something, as he avowed, of the greatest importance. What it was, Lee did not say; but it was evidently something concocted between him and the brothers Howe, for he declares that these commanders would grant a safe- conduct to the gentlemen sent. Congress, probably not anxious for the second time to play a part in such a frivolous negoti ation as was the result of the swelling preliminaries arranged by General Sulli van and Lord Howe, resolved that it was inexpedient to send any of their members 1o confer with Lee. Notwithstanding, the imprisoned general reiterated his re quest, and was a second time answered 57 with a refusal. Lee s captivity had given him an opportunity of reflecting upon the uncertainty of all human greatness ; and 1iis manner, if we may judge from his let ter, had lost all its early flash, in the som bre shadow now cast over his thoughts. He writes to Washington in this subdued strain, expressive of his disappointment : " It is a most unfortunate circumstance for myself, and I think not less so for the public, that the Congress have not thought proper to comply with my request. It could not possibly have been attended with any ill consequences, and might with good ones. At least, it was an indulgence which I thought my situation entitled me to. But I am unfortunate in everything, and this is the severest I have yet expe rienced. God send you a different fate ! " Adieu, my dear general. Yours most truly and affectionately, " CHARLES LEE." Washington appears to have sympa thized with Lee, or, at any rate, not to have approved of the resolve of Congress, for he says, in a letter to Robert Morris : " I wish, with all my heart, that Congress had gratified General Lee in his request. If not too late, I wish they would do it still. I can see no possible evil that can result from it ; some good I think might. The request to see a gentleman or two came from the general, not from the com missioner ; there could have been no harm, therefore, in hearing what he had to say on any subject, especially as he had de clared that his own personal interest was deeply concerned." During these communications between 450 BATTLES OF AMERICA. |_PAnT the British and the American lines, Wash ington was particularly anxious lest the meairerness of his force should be disco v- O ered by the enemy. He accordingly in sisted that his officers should avail them selves of the ordinary military expedient authorized by such circumstances, and give out the strength of the army to be twice as great as it was. General Put nam, who was stationed at Princeton, now that he had been deserted by a large party of New-Jersey militia, and left with only a meager remnant of troops, had es pecial reason to bear in mind the order of his commander-in-chief. A British offi cer, who was lying mortally w y ounded in Putnam s camp, requested the privilege of a visit from a friend and comrade sta tioned at Brunswick, under Lord Corn- wallis. The request was granted. A flag was sent, and returned witli the wound ed man s friend. lie was, however, not allowed to enter Princeton until he was blindfolded, and the night had advanced. General Putnam, mindful of Washing ton s orders, and not indisposed to exer cise his Yankee ingenuity in the execu tion of a ruse, took the occasion to pro duce an impression, the largeness of which it was hoped would compensate for the smallness of the American force. He ac cordingly had a light put in every room in the college-buildings, and of the empty houses in the town, and kept his handful of men so noisily parading about, that the British visitor returned to the camp of Earl Cornwallis with the report that the Americans at Princeton were at least five thousand strong !* * Irviiu Jan. 24. The Americans, indeed, had every rea son to strengthen themselves in the eyes of the enemy with imaginary reinforce ments, for the real troops came in but slowly to take the place of those rapidly departing. Putnam, at one time, had few er men than miles of frontier to guard ! The militia were constantly in a state of fluctuation. " We have a full army one day," says Washington, " and scarce any the next ; and I am much afraid that the enemy, one day or the other, taking ad vantage of one of these temporary weak nesses, will make themselves masters of our magazines of stores, arms, and artil lery. Nothing but their ignorance of our numbers protects us at this very time; when, on the contrary, had we six or eight thousand regular troops, or could the militia, who were with me a few clays ago, have been prevailed upon to stay, we could have struck such a stroke as would have inevitably ruined the army of the enemy, in their divided state." The reinforcements came in so extreme ly slow, there was at times actually dan ger (in the interval of the dissolution of the old and the organization of the new army) that Washington might be left en tirely destitute of men ! Under these cir cumstances, he wrote in the most urgent manner to the governors of the several states to forward on their regiments with all possible expedition. Although, from the supineness of the enemy, there was a long cessation of active hostility, Wash ington was full of work. On one day, he is writing to Governor Trumbull, of Con necticut, entreating him to hasten and equip the lines from that state ; and to REVOLUTIONARY.] ORGANIZATION OF THE NEW ARMY. 451 Governor Livingston, suggesting a differ ent organization of the militia of New Jersey, whose " officers are generally of the lowest class of the people, and instead of setting a good example to their men, are leading them into every kind of mis chief, one species of which is plundering the inhabitants, under the pretence of their being tories." On another day, the general-in-chief is writing to Congress about the destitution of the commissariat department, from the want of money or the want of clothing ; or about the exchange of prisoners, the appointment of officers, and the proper place of the laboratories. Again, he is beset by a number of French officers who come to headquarters applying for com missions in the army. " This evil," says Washington, " is a growing one ; for, from what I learn, they are coming in swarms from Old France and the islands. There will, therefore, be a necessity of providing for them, or discountenancing them. To do the first is difficult; and the last dis agreeable and perhaps impolitic, if they are men of merit; and it is impossible to distinguish these from mere adventurers, of whom 1 am convinced there is the greater number." Then, on yet another day, Washington is conferring by letter with General Ar nold about his schemes on Rhode Island. The British were at Newport, to the num ber of six thousand, under the command of Earl Percy. Arnold, immediately after his arrival from the North at the camp of Washington, had been ordered, in con junction with General Spencer, to take command of the American force sent to Rhode Island. This consisted of some four or five thousand militia, who were now encamped at Providence. As a de tachment had been ordered away from the camp of the British, which had re duced their numbers to four thousand, Arnold and Spencer proposed an attack on Rhode island. Washington, upon be ing consulted, examines the map sent to him, together with the plan of the enter prise ; and, after suggesting the difficulty of passing a body of water to attack an enemy, and of making a good retreat in case of repulse, advises that the assault should not be made, unless with a strong probability, amounting almost to a cer tainty, of success. The enterprise was finally given up. The subject, however, which was upper most in Washington s thoughts at this time, was the recruitment of the new ar my. To this he was directing all his en ergies. Eighty-eight battalions, accord ing to a resolve of Congress, were to be enlisted. Colonel Hazen was sent to su perintend this service in New York and the New-England states; and Lieutenant- Colonel Antill in New Jersey, Pennsylva nia, Maryland, and Virginia. With these gentlemen the commander-in-chief was frequently communicating by letter, ur ging them to exert themselves as much as possible in filling the companies, and sending them forward with the utmost despatch. Over the appointment of the officers to these battalions Washington had but little control, each state choosing its own according to its quota of troops. There were, however, sixteen additional regiments, where the choice of the officers 452 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART n. was left to the commander-in-chief. He generally contented himself with the ap pointment of the colonels, and left the subordinate commissions to be distributed by them, subject to his approval. Nathan iel Gist, John Patton, William Grayson, Thomas Hartley, Samuel B. Webb, David Henley ,Ezekiel CornellJIenry Sherburne, Alexander Scammel, and Henry Jackson, were the colonels appointed in January, and they were now busily engaged in ob taining men and officers for their regi ments. Colonel Gist was authorized to raise four companies of rangers, and was instructed to proceed to the Cherokee or any other nation of Indians and attempt to procure a number of warriors, not ex ceeding five hundred, who were to be sup plied with arms and blankets, and paid like the continental troops. There was, however, a good deal of reserve on the part of the Americans in availing them selves of the aid of the Indians; and du ring the whole war the British, with less scruple, always succeeded, by their pro fuse largesses, in obtaining a preponder ance of savage auxiliaries. While Washington gave his colonels the privilege of choosing their officers, he earnestly recommended them to be cir cumspect in their choice. " Take none," he says, " but gentlemen ; let no local at tachments influence you ; do not suffer your good nature, when an application is made, to say Yes, when you ought to say l No ; remember that it is a public, not a private cause, that is to be injured or benefited by your choice ; recollect, also, that no instance has yet happened of good or bad behavior in a corps in our service, that has not originated with the officers. Do not take old men, nor yet fill your corps with boys, especially for captains." Washington had constantly urged up on Congress the necessity of hastening the appointment of the general officers. " We have very little time," he says, " to do a very great work in ;" and tells them that, if they are withholding the commis sions from parsimonious principles, they are mistaken. He, with a delicate reserve, did not pretend to direct the choice of Congress, but could not refrain from sug gesting the names of two officers for thf new appointments: General Cadwallader, whom he pronounces a man of ability, a good disciplinarian, firm in his principles, and of intrepid bravery ; and Colonel Reed, whom he recommends for the command of the horse, as a person in every respect qualified. Congress finally responded to these ur gent appeals of the commander-in-chief, and appointed five major-gener- als. These were Stirling, Mifllin, St. Clair, Stephen, and Lincoln. Two days after, eighteen brigadier- generals were chosen, namely : Poor, Glover, Patterson, Learned, Varnum, Huntington, Clinton, Wayne, DeHaas,CadAvallader,Haucl,Eeed, Weedon, Muhlenberg, Woodford, Scott, Nash, and Conway.the latter an Irishman. Cadwallader, however, did not accept the appointment. Even this act of Congress, as we shall find, served to add to the em barrassment and anxious cares of Wash ington. Jealousies were excited and dis appointments created, which the chief was called upon to remove and allay. REVOLUTIONARY.] MOVEMENTS OF THE BRITISH. 453 CHAPTER XLIV. Activity of the Enemy. Lord Percy arrives at Amboy. Sir "William Howe in New Jersey. " Some Push" intended. Its Purpose uncertain. Washington persuaded that Philadelphia is the Object of the British. More American Forces, or " the Game at an End." The Indolent Howe true to his Character. The Americans on the Alert. Skirmishes. Success of Nielson of Brunswick. Washington s Skilful Management. Lauded in Europe. Botta s Opinion. Gen eral Arnold s Non-Promotion. Washington takes up his Cause. Arnold s own Protestations. He asks for a Court of Inquiry. Washington opposes, and gives Good Advice. Not taken by Arnold, who persists. Discontent of other Officers, who are soothed by Washington. Difficulties in Recruiting. A Remarkable Letter. The Small-Pox in the Army. Inoculation. Its Mild Effects. Want of Arms. A Timely Arrival from France. Resignation of Colonel Joseph Reed. General Gates offers his Services to Washington. A Dilemma, from which Gates is relieved. He is appointed to the Command of the Forces at Ticonderoga. Irascibility of General Schuyler. He is rebuked by Con gress. Alexander Hamilton appointed Secretary to Washington. 1777, Feb. 20, THERE was now some appearance of activity on the part of the ene my. A detachment of their troops, un der Lord Percy, with several pieces of heavy artillery, had moved from Newport, Rhode Island, and landed at Am boy. Sir William Howe, too, had forsaken his snug quarters at New York, with its convivial delights, and come over the Hudson. It was now probable that, with a force of nearly eight thousand men in New Jersey, and the reinforcements just landed and marching to join them, General Howe was "on the point of ma king some push." Whether his object was to beat up the American quarters and extend his own, to make a large for age and collection of provender of which the enemy were in great want, or to cross the Delaware with the view of marching to Philadelphia, could not be determined. Washington was on the alert, but nat urally anxious, when he knew his force was so small as to be quite unequal to a successful opposition. Sir William Howe would surely move forward, thought the American general, with Philadelphia as his object. The British were at least ten thousand strong. The Americans were only four thousand. The former were well disciplined, well officered, and well appointed ; the latter raw militia, badly officered, and under no government. Gen eral Howe s numbers, it was true, could not in any short time be increased. As for Washington s, "they must be," he said, " very considerably, and by such troops as we can have reliance upon, or the game is at an end." With what propriety, then, can the enemy miss so favorable an op portunity of striking a heavy blow at Philadelphia, from which the Americans are deriving so many advantages, and the carrying of which would give such eclat to the British arms ? " The longer it is delayed," wrote Washington, who believed the attack was almost certain, " the bet ter for us, and happy shall I be if am de ceived." Sir William Howe did not, however, be lie his reputation for indolence. He can toned his reinforcements with the rest of 454 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART II. his army at Brunswick and the adjacent posts, and sat down to contemplate his magnificent designs for a future campaign. The Americans, notwithstanding, were vi gilant, and attentive at their several posts to guard against surprises ; while every preparation for resistance was made that the feeble state of their little army ad mitted of. Small skirmishes continued ; and, although in one week a militia-guard in Monmouth, near the Hook, is taken by a party of British troops, in the next full revenge is obtained by the success of Colo nel Nielson, of Brunswick. This officer, with a small detachment of militia, sallies out and takes by surprise Major Stockton, of General Skinner s corps of New-Jersey royalists, whom he captures, together with fifty-nine of his men, and all their arms. Thus was presented, during the Avhole winter, " the extraordinary spectacle of a powerful army, straitened within narrow 7 limits by the phantom of a military force, and never permitted to transgress those limits with impunity, in which skill sup plied the place of means, and disposition was the substitute for an army."* The conduct of Washington was everywhere greatly extolled. Botta, the Italian his torian of America, expresses the admira tion with which it was appreciated in Eu rope : "Achievements so astonishing gained for the American commander a very great reputation, and were regarded with won der by all nations, as well as by the Amer icans. Every one applauded the prudence, the firmness, and the daring, of General Washington. All declared him the sav- * Alexander Hamilton. iour of his country ; all proclaimed him equal to the most renowned commanders of antiquity, and especially distinguished him by the name of the American Falim. His name was in the mouths of all men, and celebrated by the pens of the most eminent writers. The greatest person ages in Europe bestowed upon him praise and congratulation. Thus the American general wanted neither a noble cause to defend, nor an opportunity for acquiring glory, nor the genius to avail himself of it, nor a whole generation of men com petent and well disposed to render him homage."* Horace Walpole wrote thus to Mann : "Washington, the dictator,has shownliim- self both a Fabius and a Camillus. His march through our lines is allowed to have been a prodigy of generalship." In the list of the new major-generals chosen by Congress, the name of Arnold had been omitted, although those thus appointed w r ere all his juniors in rank. This gave Washington great concern, and he w r rote to Richard Henry Lee, a mem ber of Congress from Virginia : " I am anxious to know whether General Ar nold s non-promotion w r as owing to acci dent or design ; and the cause of it. Sure ly a more active, a more spirited and sen sible officer, fills no department in yotu army. Not seeing him, then, in the list of major-generals, and no mention made of him, has given me uneasiness; as it is not to be presumed, being the oldest brig adier, that he will continue in service un der such a slight," Fearing the effect of this neglect upon the irascible temper of * Quoted by Sparks. REVOLUTIONARY.] GENERAL ARNOLD S NON-PROMOTION. 455 Arnold, Washington wrote to entreat him not to take any hasty steps, and he would use his best endeavors to remedy any er ror that might have been committed. Arnold, after courteously acknowledg ing Washington s interposition in his be half, expresses his sense of the wrong he has suffered by a self-complacent state ment of his fastidious conscientiousness, his sensibility to disgrace, and the claims he has upon his country for his patriotic services. " My commission," writes Ar nold, " was conferred unsolicited, and re ceived with pleasure only as a means of serving my country. With equal pleas ure I resign it, when I can no longer serve my country with honor. The person who, void of the nice feelings of honor, will tamely condescend to give up his right, and retain a commission at the expense of his reputation, I hold as a disgrace to the army, and unworthy of the glorious cause in which we are engaged. When I entered the service of my country, my character was unimpeached. I have sac rificed my interest, ease, and happiness, in her cause. It is rather a misfortune, than a fault, that my exertions have not been crowned with success. I am con scious of the rectitude of my intentions. In justice, therefore, to my own charac ter, and for the satisfaction of my friends, I must request a court of inquiry into my conduct ; and, though I sensibly feel the ingratitude of my countrymen, yet every personal injury shall be buried in my zeal for the safety and happiness of my country, in whose cause I have repeated ly fought and bled, and am ready at all times to risk my life." Washington, who was fully conscious of Arnold s ability, and had at that time no reason to doubt the sincerity of his professions of patriotism, was anxious to place him in the position to which he was thought to be entitled. The commander- in-chief continued to solicit his friends in Congress to repair the wrong supposed to have been done to that officer, and re quested General Greene, who was then at Philadelphia, to investigate the causes which had influenced their action. The only satisfaction obtained was the pro fessed motive, on the part of the mem bers of Congress, of proportioning the general officers to the number of troops supplied by each state, and the explana tion that, as Connecticut had already two major-generals, it was necessary to pass Arnold by. Washington, in answer to Arnold s demand for a court of inquiry, replied that he could not see upon what ground he could ask it, as no particular charge was alleged against him. Public bodies are not amenable for their actions. They place and displace at pleasure ; and all the satisfaction that an individual can obtain, when he is overlooked, is, if inno cent, a consciousness that he has not de served such treatment for his honest ex ertions. This was a kind of advice which came naturally from the upright mind of the commander-in-chief, but which was far from calming the perturbed spirit of Ar nold. The purest air of heaven will only inllame an angry sore : an appeal to con science gives no relief to a corrupt heart. Arnold was obliged to give up all hopes of a court of inquiry ; but he determined 456 BATTLES OF AMERICA. | PART II. to visit headquarters, and obtain permis sion from Washington to proceed to Phil adelphia, and seek an investigation into the cause of the treatment which had so disappointed his ambition and stirred his anger. There were others besides Arnold who had been wronged, as they supposed, by being passed over in the recent appoint ments by Congress. Washington strove to soothe the wounded sensibilities of these latter as he had those of the former. Brig adier-General Andrew Lewis had reason to expect promotion to a major-general ship. He had been disappointed. Wash ington writes to him: "Let me beseech you to reflect that the period is now ar rived when our most vigorous exertions are wanted ; when it is highly and indis pensably necessary for gentlemen of abil ities in any line, but more especially in the military, not to withhold themselves from public employment, or suffer any small punctilios to persuade them to re tire from their country s service." Gen eral Lewis, however, did not yield to this patriotic appeal, but resigned his commis sion, which was accepted by Congress. Again, William Woodford, although pro moted to the rank of brigadier-general, was named after two of his juniors. In this instance also, Washington, anticipa ting a wound to Woodford s feelings, en deavors to divert him from all personal considerations, by invoking the generosi ty of his patriotism. " Trifling punctil ios," he says, " should have no influence upon a man s conduct in such a cause, and at such a time as this. If smaller matters do not yield to greater, if trifles Mar, 15, light as air in comparison with what we are contending for, can withdraw or with hold gentlemen from service, when our all is at stake, and a single cast of the die may turn the tables, what are we to ex pect ?" A remarkable letter, written about this time by Washington to General Sullivan, shows the vexations to which he must have been subjected by the jealous rivalries and fancied slights of some of the officers under his command. " Do not, my dear General Sullivan," says Washington, "torment yourself any long er with imaginary slights, and involve others in the perplexities you feel on that score. No other officer of rank, in the whole army, has so often conceived him self neglected, slighted, and ill treated, as you have done and none, I am sure, ha^ had less cause than yourself to entertain such ideas. Mere accidents, things which have occurred in the common course of service, have been considered by you as designed affronts Why these unrea sonable, these unjustifiable suspicions suspicions which can answer no other end than to poison your own happiness, and add vexation to that of others ? But I have not time to dwell upon a subject of this kind. I shall quit it with an earnest exhortation that you will not suffer your self to be teased with evils that only ex ist in the imagination, and with slights that have no existence at all." Sullivan was vain, and sensitive, as all vain men are ; but, as he was a sincere patriot and a faithful friend of Washington, it is not doubted but that he took this severe les son in good part, and benefited by it. REVOLUTIONARY.] SMALL-POX IN THE ARMY. ARMS FROM FRANCE. Iii addition to these troubles on the score of the officers, Washington was much perturbed by the difficulties and obstructions which interfered with the recruiting of his new army. The spring had already opened ; and yet such was the delay in the enlistments, that Washing ton expected to be left on the 15th of March with only the remains of five Vir ginia regiments, containing less than five hundred men ; parts of two or three oth er continental battalions, "all very weak;" and some small parties of New-Jersey and Pennsylvania militia, on which but little dependence could be put, as they " come and go when they please The enemy must be ignorant of our numbers and sit uation, or they would never suffer us to remain unmolested, and," adds Washing ton, " I almost tax myself with impru dence in committing the secret to paper." Nor were the recruits who came in so slowly and in such scant numbers imme diately available. The small-pox hither to had created terrible ravages among the American troops, and Washington was determined to use the only means then known to protect them from its fatality. All the officers and soldiers in the can tonment at Morristown were now inocu lated, and each recruit as he came in was subjected to the same operation. Whole regiments were thus suffering under the disease at the same moment. Fortunate ly, little or no mortality ensued; and " the disorder Avas so slight," says an annalist, doubtless with some exaggeration, " that from the beginning to the end of it there was not a single day in which they could not, and if called upon would not, have turned out and fought the British." If the inoculated had been able to take the field, they could not have brought against their enemy a more formidable powei than the terrors of the dreadful disease which presented its horrid front in the American ranks. When the new recruits presented them selves, Washington was perplexed to find means for equipping them. The old regi ments, at the expiration of their term of service, returned home, taking their arms with them. How to provide the new ar my was now the question, which was so embarrassing, that all began to consider it with dismay, when it was fortunately */ / solved by the arrival of a supply of arms from France. One ship, escaping all the vigilance of the British cruisers, had ar rived at Portsmouth, in New Hampshire, laden with a cargo consisting of twelve thousand fusees, one thousand barrels of powder, and a good stock of blankets and military stores. Another French vessel had reached Philadelphia in safety, with six thousand fusees for the United States, and five thousand for sale on private ac count. The whole army could now be equipped, and there was no longer any anxiety on the score of arms. Colonel Joseph Reed s resignation as adjutant- general, although it was wel comed by a large number of New -Eng land men (with whom, in the course of the sectional jealousies in the army, he had incurred great unpopularity), was a serious loss to the service, and a source of perplexity to Washington. There was difficulty in finding for that important office a successor of equal efficiency with 458 BATTLES OF AMERICA. its former active incumbent. President Hancock wrote to General Gates, propo sing that he should atmin become the o O adjutant-general,, a position to which he had been appointed on the organization of the first American army. Gates s as pirations had in the meanwhile risen to a greater height. He evidently was not flattered by Hancock s proposition. His vexation was ill concealed beneath a pro fession of willingness to serve, in a letter which he wrote to Washington : " I own," he writes, referring to the letter of the president of Congress, " I was surprised at the contents ; and the more so, as it was not preceded by one on the same subject from your excellency. Unless it is vour earnest desire that such a meas- */ ure should directly take place, I could by no means consent to it." Washington wrote to General Gates in answer : " Although I often wished in se cret that you could be brought to resume the office of adjutant-general,! never even hinted it, because I thought it might be disagreeable to you, for the reason which you yourself mention that you com manded last campaign at the second post upon this continent and that therefore it might be looked upon by you as a deg radation. But you can not conceive the pleasure I feel when you tell me that, if it is my desire that you should resume your former office, you will with cheer fulness and alacrity proceed to Morris- town. Give me leave to return you my sincere thanks for this mark of your at tention to a request of mine which, now you give me an opening, I make, and at the same time assure you that I look up- [PART II. on your resumption of the office of adju tant-general as the only means of giving form and regularity to our new army." The frank and direct manner in which Washington took Gates at his word might have been supposed to greatly embarrass that officer, who was not disposed to re strain his ambition within the narrow bounds of a subordinate position. The timely appointment of the command of the northern army at Ticonderoga, how ever, relieved him from the apparent di lemma in which his own professions, and Washington s sincere belief in them, had placed him. Still, there is reason to be lieve that General Gates had anticipated this means of escape from his unpleasant situation, and that he was eagerly await ing the command which he now received when offering his services to Washington in the humbler position. Timothy Pick ering, of Massachusetts, became the new adjutant-general. Gates was indebted to the irascibility of General Schuyler for his new appoint ment. Schuyler had involved himself in a quarrel with Congress. His enemies had been industrious, and made various charges against him. He insisted upon resigning his commission, but Congress would not accept his resignation. The surgeon of his army, a Doctor Striger, had been removed from his office; whereat Schuyler is greatly angered, and writes to Congress : " As Doctor Striger had my recommendation to the office he had sus tained, perhaps it was a compliment due to me that I should have been advised of the reason of his dismission." Colonel Jo seph Trumbull had insinuated that Gen- REVOLUTIONARY.] SCIIUYLER AND TRUMBULL. ALEXANDER HAMILTON. 459 eral Schuyler had suppressed a commis sion intended for his brother, whereupon the angry commander writes to Congress, complaining of the base insinuation, and says : " I hope Congress will not enter tain the least idea that I can tamely sub mit to such injurious treatment. I ex pect they will immediately do what is in cumbent on them on the occasion. Un til Mr. Trumbull and I are upon a footing, I can not do what the laws of honor and a regard to my own reputation render indispensably necessary. Congress can put us on a par by dismissing one or the other from the service." ::: Congress would not gratify this pugnacious desire of the general, whereupon he is vexed to ex ceeding wrath, and tells them " I really feel myself deeply chagrined on the oc casion. I am incapable of the meanness he [Colonel Trumbull] suspects me of; and I confidently expected that Congress would do me that justice which it was in their power to give, and which I humbly conceive they ought to have done." For awhile Congress passed these com munications over in silence, but finally its offended dignity vindicated itself by a resolution, in which certain passages in Schuyler s letters were pronounced "ill advised and highly indecent," and by the appointment of Gates to supersede Schuy- ler in the command of the northern army. The latter, however, lost none of his ar dor in behalf of his country s cause ; and, as a major-general of the army, he con tinued to serve with undiminished inter est and energy. Stationed at Philadel phia, he was busily engaged in fortifying * Quoted by Irving. the southern bank of the Delaware, and in reorganizing the 3ommissary depart ment. Early in the spring, while Washington was still at Morristown, young ALEXANDER HAMILTON became one of his aids-de-camp, and was received into what is technically called his "family." General Greene, as we have seen, had been early struck with the skill of the youthful captain of artil lery, and had spoken of him with admi ration to the commander-in-chief. Wash ington, too, at White Plains, and during the perilous retreat through New Jer sey, had noticed the art with which, in the one instance, he had directed the con struction of the works, and, in the other, the daring and skill with which he had brought his guns to bear upon the pur suing enemy. Young as he was, being only twenty years of age, Hamilton had already become a marked man. He had acquired a reputation as a writer, and Washington gladly availed himself of his fluent pen. Colonel Harrison (" the old secretary," as he was always termed) be ing now employed in other service, the new aid-de-camp took his place. As the commander-in-chief never allowed any idlers about him, he took care that the industry and capacity of his young sec retary should be put thoroughly to the test ; and that they were, and proved equal to the trial, no one has ever doubt ed. It was left, however, for an aspiring descendant and biographer, not conten with the greatness of his distinguished parent, to claim for him that which be longs to Washington himself The two other members of the chief s 460 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART n. military family at this time were Colonels Meade and Tench Tilghman, both men of gallant spirit and gentlemanly bearing. Colonel Robert H. Harrison, the former secretary, although frequently employed in other service, was still a constant wri ter at headquarters. He looked with ad miration upon his youthful successor, whom he styled " the little lion." Wash ington himself is said to have often in dulged in the fond expression of "my boy" when speaking of Hamilton, to whom he became warmly attached, and whose great abilities and sterling integrity he did not fail fully to appreciate. Hamil ton is described at this time as " a youth, a mere stripling, small, slender, almost delicate in frame." His vivacity made him the favorite companion of the young, while his ripe intelligence and great in tellectual powers won for him the regard of the old. CHAPTER XLV. The Enemy in Canada. Ticonderoga or Philadelphia 1 Washington and Congress. General Howe suffers a Collapse Grand Schemes. Disappointment. Pennsylvania now his Object. Invasion by Sea. Possible Co-operation in the Future with Forces in Canada. Preparations of the Enemy for the Campaign. Howe tries his Strength. An Attack upon Pcekskill proposed. A Ruse. Its Success. The British Fleet and Transports up the Hudson. The Landing. Retirement of General M Dougall. The Enemy burn and destroy. They are checked by Willett. The Loss. The Liveliness of the British in New Jersey. Boundbrook taken. General Lincoln makes good his Retreat. The Expedition to Danhury. The People aroused to Arms. General Arnold to the Rescue. The Enemy reach Danhury. The Militia march out as the British march in. Fire and Rapine. Revenge provoked. Terrible Result. Depart ure of the Enemy from Danbury. They are attacked by the Provincials. Fall of General Wooster. Arnold in Dan ger. He saves himself by a Timely Shot. Governor Tryon hurries away with the British. Harassed on the Route. Embarkation. The Struggle and Loss. Life and Character of Wooster. Washington hopeful. 1777, IT was thought probable that du ring the winter, the British forces in Canada, under Sir Guy Carleton and General Burgoyne, taking advantage of the frozen lakes, would make a vigorous attack upon Ticonderoga. To provide against it, the fifteen new battalions to be supplied by Massachusetts were or dered, as fast as they were raised, to be forwarded to the North. The spring was now opening, however ; the attack by the British had not been made ; and it was conjectured that, secure in the possession of the lakes, the greater part of the ene my s force would be drawn from Canada, by the St. Lawrence, and that Ticonder oga, at least for the present, would be dis regarded. Washington and his general officers were persuaded that the deter mined resolution of the British was to take possession of Philadelphia as soon as the roads, after the spring thaw, became passable for their artillery and wagons. Washington considered it a waste of power to send so many troops to Ticon deroga, and acccordingly ordered eight of the battalions originally intended for that post to be sent to Peekskill, on the Hudson river. A concentration of force here would be advantageous, to give the REVOLUTIONARY.] THE PLANS OF GENERAL HOWE. 461 required support to the army of the east ern or middle states. Should the enemy strive to penetrate the country up the North river, the troops at Peekskill would be well posted to resist them. Should the British attempt to march into New England, the troops at Peekskill would be well stationed for opposition ; should they move westward, the eastern and southern forces would be enabled easily to form a junction ; and, with a strong American force so near as Peekskill, Sir William Howe would be obliged to keep a powerful garrison in New York, and thus diminish his resources for active op erations elsewhere. Even granting that the army in Canada had designs against Ticonderoga, the post at Peekskill would not be disadvantageously situated for de spatching reinforcements to the north. Washington was convinced that the army in Canada would be governed in a great degree by the operation of General Howe s, then in New Jersey. " If this is held at bay, curbed and confined," he said, " the northern army will not dare to pen etrate." Washington would have great ly wished to give Howe some " capital stroke" in the early part of the season, that he might open the campaign with the eclat of a triumph. The aspirations of Congress, however, greatly transcended those of the coinmander-in-chief. They eagerly desired that the enemy might be confined in their present quarters, pre vented from getting supplies from the country, and totally subdued before they Avere reinforced. " Could such grand ob jects be accomplished, I should be happy indeed," wrote Washington, in answer to War, 14. the impracticable and rather im portunate suggestions of Con gress. His whole force was but " a hand ful," and the greater part of this was made up of militia. Under such circumstances, the commancler-in-chief felt it necessary not only to curb his own heroic desires, but to extinguish the brilliant expecta tions of the national counsellors. " I con fess, sir," writes Washington to President Hancock, " I feel the most painful anxie ty when I reflect on our situation and that of the enemy. Unless the levies ar rive soon, w r e must before long experi ence some interesting and melancholy event." The swelling conceptions of General Howe were also destined to a collapse. He, while doing nothing during the long winter, had consoled himself with the hope of doing a great deal in the coming summer and autumn. He had magnifi cently resolved upon making an incur sion into Rhode Island and Massachu setts, taking Boston ; ascending the Hud son river to Albany ; attacking Philadel phia ; and invading Virginia ! This grand scheme was concocted in the heat of his success in New Jersey. The subsequent defeat of the Hessians at Trenton, how ever, somewhat clipped the wings of his imagination, and confined its flights to the single state of Pennsylvania, which he proposed to reduce. He wanted, nev ertheless, thirty thousand men to execute what had been so brilliantly conceived. These he was told by the prime minister he could not get, and Sir William was again forced to restrict still further his designs. 4G2 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PATCT IT. General Howe now gave up all hope of making an attempt upon New Eng land, or any important movement up the North river. New Jersey being almost wrested from his possession, he was fain to change his purpose of marching through that state in order to reduce Pennsylva nia. The latter he now proposed to in vade by sea. This was to be the main object of the coming campaign. Gov ernor Tryon, however, was to be left at New York with three thousand provin cial troops, in order that he might be pre pared to act on the Hudson or against Connecticut, as circumstances might di rect. To Sir Guy Carleton, in Canada, no hopes were held out of co-operation, in the outset of the campaign, although General Howe thought he would be able to spare a sufficient force to open a com munication through the Highlands on the North river for the passage of the men- of-war, and that these troops might co operate with the British army in the North. These designs of the enemy, although now fully known to the historian, could only be conjectured or learned by the Americans through the irregular and un certain means of the spy or the deserter. That the British troops were preparing to move in some direction, was clear. At the camp at Brunswick, they were very busily employed in building a bridge, to be supported by flat-boats, which were to be transported by land on carriages. It was inferred by the Americans that this bridge was designed for crossing the Delaware, and that the British commander intend ed to march through New Jersey into Pennsylvania; while the transports which were getting ready at New T York should bring troops thence by water to Philadel phia, in order to co-operate with the main body of the army, marched over land from Brunswick. General Howe,before opening the cam paign, and bringing his whole army into the field, inflicted several small blows, to try, as it were, the temper of his troops, and the powers of resistance of his an tagonists. General Heath, who was in command of the American forces at Peekskill, had obtained leave to visit his home in New England. Being subsequently appointed to the command of the garrison at Boston, he did not retire. General M Dougall, as his second, succeeded him, and was now in command at Peekskill. Howe, tempted by the large amount of military stores and provisions collected at Peekskill, devised a scheme for taking or destroying them. To divert the Amer icans from his real purpose, an American officer, who was one of the prisoners ta ken at Fort Washington, was allowed to hear, with affected inadvertence, the con versation of some British officers. The American was then sent out with a fla^ C5 to the outposts of General M Dongall, and there left, with the understanding that he had been exchanged. Getting among his countrymen, and suspecting nothing of the enemy s ruse, his first step was toward headquarters, to report himself and give all the information which he possessed. Accordingly, he communicated to General M Dougall all that he had gathered from the conversation to which he supposed REVOLUTIONARY.] THE BRITISH SUCCESS AT PEEKSKILL. 463 he had been unintentionally made a par ty. The enemy, he said, talked of ma king an incursion into Westchester conn- O ty, with the design of taking off the for age. With this view, they were about sending out three detachments : one to proceed up Long-island sound to Mama- roneck ; another by the Hudson to Tarry- town ; and the third to go by land, by way of Kingsbridge. General M Dougall had only two hun dred and fifty men, and could hardly ven ture to oppose so formidable an invasion, of which he had been thus fictitiously in formed. He, however, did all he could : he began to send away the stores which were at Peekskill to Forts Montgomery and Constitution, that they might be more secure. While thus engaged, the enemy made their appearance, with ten sail, in the North river, off Tar ry town; and, on the same evening, two of the vessels advanced to within twelve miles of Peekskill. By noon on the fol lowing day, the whole fleet (con sisting of the Boome frigate, two ships and two brigs, three galleys and four transports) rode at anchor in Peeks- kill bay. In an hour s time, five hundred men and four pieces of artillery, under the command of Colonel Bird, w r ere land ed at Lent s cove. General M Douarall, finding the mini- O / O ber of the enemy double that of his own, :lid not venture to oppose them, but re treated to the hills behind the town having, however, first set fire to some of the storehouses situated by the river-side, and sent orders to Lieutenant-Colonel Marinus Willett to march with a detach- Mar, 23, ment of troops from Fort Constitution to his aid. The British were left undisturbed du ring a whole day, when they secured some of the stores, and burned the greater part, as the only wharf at which they could be shipped had been destroyed by the fire ordered by M Dougall as he retreated. In the meantime, Willett had come up with his reinforcement, and finding that a party of the British had the next morn ing detached themselves from the main body and taken possession of some high ground near the town, he attacked them with such spirit, that they were forced, after a loss of nine killed and wounded, to retire to their comrades in the town. The whole British force, having accom plished their purpose, now prepared to embark, setting fire, as they went, to the houses and the boats along the bay. Fa vored by a moonlight night, they were soon on board their transports, and sail ing down the river. " The loss of rum, molasses, flour, bis cuit, pork, beef, wheat, oats, hay, tallow, iron pots, camp-kettles, canteens, bowls, nails, wagons and carts, barracks, store houses, sloops and petticmgcrs laden with provisons," says Gordon, " was very con siderable, far beyond what was given out by the Americans, though not of that im portance and magnitude as to answer the expectations of General Howe." The enemy were evidently in a more lively disposition for attack, and their at tempts became more frequent. They even showed a disposition to disturb the Americans in New Jersey. General Lincoln was posted with his di- Vjnil 13, 464 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART n. vision (in which there were only about five hundred effective men) at Bound- brook, who had to guard an extent of five or six miles. Lord Cornwall! deter mined to attack the post thus weakened. Lincoln was not unexpectant of such a manoeuvre, and had put his men on their guard against a surprise. The patriots, however, became neglectful ; and the en emy, numbering about a thousand men, led on by Lord Cornwallis and General Grant, succeeded in crossing the Raritan, a short distance above Lincoln s quarters, and were not discovered until they had advanced within two hundred yards of the American lines. While these were attempting to surround the general, two thousand more British troops marched along the banks of the Raritan to attack the Americans in front. Lincoln barely had a chance to escape, but succeeded, together with one of his aids, in getting off; but his other aid-de-camp, with all his papers, fell into the hands of the enemy. Lincoln immediately galloped to the front of his troops, while Earl Cornwallis threw a part of his force in the rear of their right, and attempted to pass another de tachment on their left, with the purpose of surrounding and cutting off the retreat of the Americans. Lincoln saw the de sign, and, while these two detachments of the enemy were closing and about to hem him in, he with great promptness pushed his force through the passage between them, and thus effected his escape, with the loss only of sixty killed and wound ed. Cornwallis was left in possession of Boundbrook ; but, after destroying score */ o of barrels of flour, a few casks of rum, and some miscellaneous stores, he evacuated the place. Sir William Howe now struck another preliminary blow against the Americans Learning that D anbury, in Connecticut, had been made the depot of a large quan tity of stores, he fitted out an expedition at New York to destroy them. Governor Tryon was given the command, and with him were associated General Agnew and Sir William Erskine. Two thou sand troops were detailed for the service ; and, being embarked on board twenty-six British men-of-war and trans ports, the whole expedition sailed up Long-island sound exciting by its for midable appearance the greatest alarm along the shores of Westchester and Con necticut. As the fleet stood in toward the villages of Norwalk and Fairfield, the inhabitants hurried to their arms and prepared for resistance. The vessels having come to anchor, the boats were lowered and the British troops landed on the low shore which stretches out from the base of the Compo hill, near the mouth of the Saugatuck river. Try- on, having planted his artillery, was en abled soon to disperse the miscellaneous throng of people which had gathered to oppose him, and take up his march, al though his men were severely galled here and there by the American marksmen, who as they retired fired upon their in vaders from under cover of the woods and stone-fences. The British, however, pushed their way for seven miles into the interior of the country, and halted for the night. General Silliman, of the Connecticut REVOLUTIONARY.] BRITISH ATROCITIES AT DANBURY. 46n militia, who was at Fail-field, so soon as he was aware of the landing of the ene my, sent out expresses in every direction to call the inhabitants to arms. Early next morning, the militia, obe- ApriI26, dient to the summons, came in to the number of five hundred men, and Silliman marched them to Reading, in pursuit of the enemy. It happened that General Arnold, who was on his way from Providence to Philadelphia, to lay before Congress his complaints, was sojourning with his friends at New Haven when the intelligence arrived of the British inva sion. Forgetting momentarily all his pri vate troubles, his ardent spirit was roused to active sympathy with the public cause. He immediately mounted his horse, and, joining General Wooster, who was also at New Haven, rode with him in great haste to overtake Silliman, some thirty miles distant. Stirring up with their ar dent appeals the people along the road, Wooster and Arnold succeeded in bring ing in with them, when they reached Sil liman at Reading, over a hundred men. The whole body now moved on toward Danbury, which was known to be the ob ject of the enemy, but halted within four miles of that town, at Bethel, which they did not reach until midnight, in conse quence of the heavy rain. The British, after their night- halt, were on the march again early the next morning, and proceeded with such despatch, that, with the aid of two native tories as guides, they reached Danbury at two o clock in the afternoon. The inhabitants were not aware of their approach until some of the frightened 59 April 26, country-people rode in with the intelli gence that the enemy were but nine miles off, and were coming with all speed. The alarm was great in Danbury. Any at tempt at resistance, with the scanty mi litia force of only a hundred and fifty men, which was the whole number in the place, was felt to be useless. Those who could leave, fled with their wives, chil dren, and effects, to the woods and neigh boring villages; for, with exaggerated fears of the cruelty of the British, they believed them capable of every outrage. The small militia force made their way out of Danbury at one extremity while the enemy marched in at the other, and succeeded in joining General Silliman at Bethel. The British, as soon as they entered the town, began to destroy the public stores, and made great havoc, turnin^ out * O / O of the episcopal church the barrels of flour and pork with which it was crammed to the galleries, and the contents of two oth er buildings, and then burning them. In this manner, eighteen hundred barrels of pork and beef, seven hundred of flour, two thousand bushels of wheat, rye, oats, and Indian corn, clothing for a whole regi ment, and seventeen hundred tents, the greatest loss of all, were consumed. Their object accomplished, the enemy did not seem disposed to commit any fur ther outrage. They were, however, pro voked to an act of revenge by the sense less conduct of four of the inhabitants, who, well charged with liquor, and armed with rifles, had posted themselves in one of the houses, and commenced to fire up on the troops. The British soldiers, thus 466 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART n. irritated, rushed forward, and, seizing the four men, thrust them into the cellar, and burnt the house and the poor wretches with it ! This was a signal for general riot, and the troops began to break open the casks of rum, and help themselves freely to their contents. The whole force was consequently in such a state of in toxication that night, that the men could have been readily mastered by the Amer ican militia, few as they were. Generals Silliman, Wooster, and Ar nold, however, had deemed it imprudent, with their small force, to risk an attack upon the enemy while at Danbury : they preferred to await their return, and try to cut them off from their ships. They soon had an opportunity of beginning op erations. Tryon, finding that his men were fast losing all sense of discipline in their debauchery, and fearing that the Americans (whom he knew to be at Beth el) might come upon him in the midst of disorder^ prudently determined to with draw his troops from Danbury as soon as the drunkards had partially slept off the effects of their liquor, and the wearied their fatigue. Before the morn ing broke, therefore, Tryon be gan his march, having first set fire to all the buildings in the village, with the ex- O O ception of those which had been previ ously marked with a cross, to indicate that they were in possession of his tory friends, and were to be spared. From the contrast of the darkness of the lingering dawn on that stormy morning, the blaze of Danbury on fire was visible through out a wide extent of the adjacent coun try, and the inhabitants were inflamed to April 27, great indignation against these modern Vandals. As Governor Tryon was conscious that the Americans would attempt to cut off his retreat to his ships lying in the sound, he took an indirect route, with the view of giving the impression that he was about returning to New York by land through Westchester, the county bordering on Connecticut. This led him to Ridgeway. o / The veteran Wooster, who, as senior in rank, had taken the chief command of the militia, on discovering this movement of the enemy, sent Generals Arnold and Sil liman, with four hundred men, to march and post themselves in front of Tryon, in order to oppose his advance, while he him self, with two hundred, prepared to hang upon his rear and do what he could to harass it. Arnold arrived at Ridgefield (which the enemy would be obliged to pass, on their way to Cornpo) about ten o clock, and took a position in a narrow road where it entered the northern end of the village. Here he hastly gathered as many carts and logs as he could, and built them up, with earth, into a barri cade across the road, between a house on one side and a ledge of rocks on the oth er; and with his force now increased to five hundred by the militiamen that lie had picked up on his route, he awaited the approach of the enemy. As Tryon hurried on, General Wooster, with his two hundred men, followed after, and came up with the rear-guard of the British within a few miles of Ridgefield. The Americans succeeded in picking up a score of stragglers, and then continued to push on, when the enemy turned, and. RKVOLUTIONATCY.J DEATH OF GENERAL WOOSTER. 467 planting their artillery, discharged a vol ley of shot, which caused Wooster s little band of militia to falter. The old gener al, riding at their head, and full of spirit, though a veteran of nearly seventy years, strove to rally his troops, and cried out, " Come on, my boys ! Never mind such random shots !" At this moment a ball struck him in the side, and he fell mor tally wounded. His men gave up the pursuit, and bore their dying general to D anbury. The enemy pushed on toward Ridge- field, sending their flanking-parties out on either side, and marching with their main body in solid array direct for Arnold s bar ricade. The Americans gave them a warm reception as they came up ; but, as the British gained the ledge of rocks on his flank, and began to pour down upon his little band volley after volley of musket ry, Arnold was forced to order a retreat. lie himself, with his usual dare-devil spir it, was the last to leave the ground ; and, when thus left in the rear of his men, he became a prominent target for the fire of the enemy. Just as he was turning his horse to follow, a shot struck the animal, which brought it down upon its knees. While Arnold w r as still in the saddle, try ing to get his foot out, which had got en tangled in the stirrup, a Connecticut tory rushed at him with his bayonet, crying out " Surrender ! you are my prisoner !" " Not yet !" answered Arnold, who at the moment, drawing a pistol from his holster, shot the man dead ; and then, ex tricating himself from his wounded horse, he made for a swamp by the roadside and April 28, escaped, although followed by the bullets of a whole platoon of the enemy. Tryon now entered Ridgefield, and allowed his troops, harassed by the day s hard work, the rest of a night. At dawn next day, the British, having burnt four houses at Ridgefield, w r ere again on the march, and continued their route for Compo, through Norwalk. The ever-active Arnold was OP the alert. Again in the saddle, he had rallied his scattered militia, and posted them on the road leading to the bridge across the Saugatuck river, prepared once more to oppose Tryon s retreat; while at the bridge itself he had stationed Colonel Lamb and his corps, and planted three fieldpieces, under Lieutenant-Colonel Os wald. Tryon, finding his way thus op posed, turned his column toward a ford of the stream above, and ordered his men to get across with all possible expedition His object was, to anticipate the Ameri cans before they could pass over and be able to oppose his retreat. He partially succeeded, but did not escape without a severe struggle, as his rear came in col lision with the van of his pursuers just crossing the bridge. Colonel Hunting- ton, too, posted on the other side, with Wooster s men and the militia of Danbu- ry, gave Tryon a good deal of annoyance on his flank. The enemy, however, pushed on, with the whole body of the Americans close after them. On reaching Compo, Tryon took his position upon the hill, while the Americans came to a halt and waited till he should attempt to embark his troops, when they hoped greatly to harass him. 468 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [rART II. Sir William Erskine, observing the dan gerous position of Tryon, immediately landed from the fleet lying off the shore a large body of sailors and marines, who drove back the pursuers, and thus suc ceeded in covering the embarkation of the whole British force, when the ships set all sail and moved down the sound. In the struggle, Arnold, as usual, was foremost; and, although he himself es caped, his horse was shot in the neck. Colonel Lamb was dangerously wounded by a grapeshot while directing his bat tery, and gallantly standing his ground among the last. The British, although they had effected their main purpose in the expedition, were much the greater losers in men, having lost in killed, wounded, and prisoners, at least three hundred, while the loss of the Americans was only one hundred. The death of the veteran Wooster, which oc curred at D anbury on the 2d of May, was greatly regretted. Though sixty-seven years of age when he fell, he had all the spirit and gallantry of youth. DAVID WOOSTER was one of the few lead ing military men of his day who, when the Revolutionary War began, brought into the field a practical knowledge of tac tics derived from experience. lie had served in the French War, fought under Sir William Pepperell at Louisburg, and commanded with honor as a colonel and subsequently a brigadier in the French and Indian campaign of 1763. Taking part with the revolutionists in 1775, he was appointed, on the organization of the continental army, the third in rank of the eight brigadier-generals then chosen. After a brief command in Canada in 1776, he returned to his native state of Con necticut, when he received the appoint ment of major-general, the first in rank, and thus became the chief in command when Governor Tryon attacked Danbury. His birth in Stratford, education at Yale college, his marriage with the daughter of the president of that institution, and his devotion to the interests of Connecti cut, had greatly endeared him to the peo ple of that state. On hearing of the result of the inva sion by Tryon, Washington wrote : " I regret our loss of stores at Danbury, and the misfortunes of our brave men who fell, and of those who were wounded. However, from these latter events we de rive this consolation, that the sentiments of the people are still powerfully directed to liberty, and that no impression of the enemy, be it ever so sudden and unex pected, will pass with impunity." Wash ington was always confident in the up rightness of the American cause, and nev er despaired of its final triumph, w T hile his countrymen remained true to it, how ever they might be temporarily over whelmed by the profuse resources of a powerful enemy. REVOLUTIONARY.] GENERAL ARNOLD COMPLAINS TO CONGRESS. 469 CHAPTER XLVI. General Arnold s Gallantry. Applause and Howards. Arnold made a Major-General. He is still dissatisfied. Seeks Satisfaction from Congress. His Enemies and Friends. Arrival at Headquarters. Reception by Washington. Ho is justified by tlie Board of War. Unfavorable Aspect of Arnold s Accounts. The Report of Congress intentionally postponed Washington and the Foreign Officers. Rebuke to Monsieur Malmedy. Monsieur Colerus. Monsieur Ducoudray. A Rebuke from Congress. The End of Monsieur Ducoudray. Colonel Conway. He is made a Major- General. First Impressions. Koscinsko. "Try me." Appointed Aid-de-Camp by Washington. His Earlv Life. French Engineers. "None but Natives." The Washington Guard. All Personal Aggrandizement sternly resist ed. Description of the Camp and Headquarters at Morris town. General Wayne. Dinner at Washington s Table. The Company. Alexander Hamilton. Innocent Gayety encouraged. Serious Thoughts. Anxieties. Peculation The Provincial Attack on Sag Harbor. Meigs s Gallantry. Applauded by Washington. 1777, GENERAL ARNOLD S gallantry was highly applauded. Congress imme diately raised him to the rank of a major- general, and voted him the gift of a horse " properly caparisoned, as a token of their admiration of his gallant conduct in the action against the enemy in their late en terprise to Danbury, in which General Ar nold had one horse shot under him and another wounded." There was, however, even in these honors conferred by Con gress, an implied censure, which the irri table temper of Arnold could not brook. The date of his commission still kept him below the five other major-generals whose elevation had so greatly stirred his angry spirit. Washington did his best to soothe the chafed feelings of the man. Conscious of his merits as a military officer, he gave him the command of the important post of guarding the North river at Peekskill. Arnold was flattered by this tribute to his worth, but was not appeased. He still impetuously insisted upon an examina tion into his conduct; and, declining for the present the command at Peekskill, he asked the permission of Washington to go to Philadelphia and confront Congress with a statement of his wrongs. "I arn exceedingly unhappy," wrote Arnold to Congress, " to find that, after having made every sacrifice of fortune, ease, and domestic happiness, to serve my country, I am publicly impeached of a catalogue of crimes, which, if true, ought to subject me to disgrace, infamy, and the just resentment of my countrymen. Con scious of the rectitude of my intentions, however I may have erred in judgment, I must request the favor of Congress to point out some mode by which my con duct and that of my accusers may be in quired into, and justice done to the inno cent and injured." If Arnold had bitter enemies in Con gress, he also had strong friends. Among the latter was Richard Henry Lee, of Vir ginia, who warmly advocated his cause. In regard to the charges so industriously circulated against Arnold, Lee wrote: " One plan now in frequent use is, to as sassinate the characters of the friends of America, in every place and by every means ; at this moment they are reading 470 BATTLES OF AMERICA. L PART II. May 12, in Congress a bold and audacious attempt of this kind against the brave General Arnold." When Arnold presented him self at headquarters at Morristown, on his way to Philadelphia, Washington received him with marked favor, and so far advo cated his cause as to give him a letter to Congress, in which Arnold s claim to be O / heard in his own vindication was urged. Although Washington, with his usual re serve, withholds all expression of opinion in regard to a matter not within his own sphere of observation, he does not hesi tate to say of Arnold s military character that " it is universally known that he has always distinguished himself as a judicious, brave officer, of great activity, enterprise, and perseve rance." The board of war, to whom the charges were referred, reported that they w r ere entirely satisfied with Arnold s character and conduct, which had been " so cruelly and groundlessly aspersed." Congress confirmed the report, but did not go fur ther and elevate Arnold to that priority of rank among the major-generals which he claimed as his right, and desired more than any unsubstantial testimonials of character. Congress acted with apparent inconsistency ; but it must be recollected that, if all admired the military genius and personal daring of Arnold, there were also many who considered his moral char acter at the best equivocal, the tenden cies of which it behooved them to check. There was now a test of character by which Arnold was more severely tried. His accounts were submitted to Congress, and these not only presented the irregu larity of outlay without vouchers, but ex travagant expenditure in his own favor. Arnold was known to have been a poor man, and of no personal pecuniary credit ; and, therefore, when he claimed an enor mous balance for money spent from his private purse, it was naturally inferred that he was asking what was not his due. His enemies openly declared that a fraud was attempted, and his friends hesitated to defend a man so obviously guilty. The report of the committee was intentionally delayed ; for Congress, in the emergency of the country, did not care to be de prived of the services of one to whom none denied the possession of the highest military qualities, though all deplored his destitution of moral principle. Washington was perplexed by the sen sitiveness of his officers in regard to rank, but particularly with that of the foreign gentlemen who came to headquarters in crowds, expecting to be provided for. " I take the liberty," he writes to Richard Henry Lee, "to ask you what Congress expect I am to do with the many foreign ers they have at different times promoted to the rank of field-officers, and, by the last resolve, two to that of colonels." There was a Monsieur Malmedy, who had, on the recommendation of General Lee,received thecommission of brigadier- general of the state of lihode Island. 1 le was subsequently appointed a colonel in the continental service. This appeared to him such a descent in rank, that he was dissatisfied, and so pestered Washington with his complaints, that he was obliged to write to him : " Though I wish not to offend or wound, yet justice both to you REVOLUTIONARY.] MONSIEUR DUCOUDRAY. THADDEUS KOSCIUSKO. 471 and myself requires that I should plainly inform you that your scruples and diffi culties, so often reiterated, and under a variety of shapes, are exceedingly per plexing to me, and that I wish them to cease." A certain Monsieur Golems, too, was somewhat importunate in his demands ; and Washington, having made a major of him, lets him know that, if the appoint ment does not satisfy, he has no other in his power, and that if monsieur should take "a calm and dispassionate view of things," he would expect no more. Then comes a Monsieur Ducoudray, who had been promised by Silas Deane, the American agent in Paris, the command of the artillery, with the rank of major- general. Washington, being well satisfied with the gallant and able Knox, is not dis posed to oust him, in order to make way for the French gentleman, and says, more over, that " it may be questioned, with much propriety, whether so important a command as that of the artillery should be vested in any but a native, or one attached by the ties of interest to these states." It having been reported that Ducoudray had been appointed a major- general in the army, with the command of the artillery, Generals Greene,Sullivan, and Knox, were so indignant, that each wrote a letter to Congress, desiring per mission, if it were so, to resign at once. Congress had not acted as was rumored ; and, when that body received the letters of the American generals,it rebuked them for an attempt to inlluence its decisions. Deane s treaty was not ratified, and Du coudray was accepted only as a volunteer. All further question about his rank was settled, a few months after, by a mishap which terminated his life. While crossino- O the Schuylkill in a flat-bottomed boat, his horse, an unruly young mare, could not be controlled by Ducoudray, and plunged with him into the river, where he was drowned. A great difficulty with these French officers was, their want of knowledge of English. This objection could not be urged against Colonel Conway, who was an Irishman by birth, although an officer in the French army. He was therefore more readily provided for, and appointed a brigadier-general. He had presented himself to Washington, and seems to have made a not unfavorable impression upon him. " From what I can discover," says the commander-in-chief, "he appears to be a man of candor." We shall find that in this, as in many other cases, first ap pearances are often deceitful. Though the feeling of Washington was naturally more favorably disposed toward his countrymen, who had everything at stake, than toward foreigners, who were for the most part merely military adven turers, seeking either the pay of the mer cenary or the satisfaction of a restless am bition, he was ready to do justice to the claims of the worthy, come from where they might. Kosciusko, at the first in terview, won Washington s confidence. The noble Pole came to headquarters, with no better title to consideration than a host of others, soliciting employment in the army. " What do you seek here ?" inquired Washington. 472 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PATCT II. " I came to fight as a volunteer for American independence," replied Kosci- usko. "What can you do?" " Try me," was the brief response of the Pole. Washington was pleased with his frank and self-reliant bearing, and at once made him one of his aids-de-camp. THADDEUS KOSCIUSKO had been well ed ucated at the military schools of his na tive country and of France, and his scien tific acquirements were soon made avail able in the engineer department, in which he chiefly served. Of his early life the romantic story is told that, having eloped with a young and beautiful girl of a no ble family, he was overtaken by the fa ther, who drew his sword and attempted to wrest his daughter by violence. Kos- ciusko, finding that he must either kill the one or give up the other, saved the father and lost the daughter. On his departure for America, Doctor Franklin, who had known him in Paris, commend ed him by a letter to the notice of Wash ington, and his own personal qualities ac complished the rest. Apart from those officers of note who afterward fought in the American cause, there was a number of engineers engaged in France by Deane, in accordance with an act of Congress. The services of these were of the greatest importance, for the country was naturally deficient in that particular class of officers. Washington at this time had not much faith in foreign aid. " I profess myself," he says, " to be of that class who never built sanguinely upon the assistance of France, further than her winking at our supplies from thence for the benefits de rived from our trade." His chief reliance was upon his own country and his coun trymen. In all places of trust he greatly preferred Americans. When forming his guard, he wrote to the four colonels from whose regiments he was to receive the men, " Send me none but natives." He was, however, too discreet to offend the sensibilities of the foreigners, and guards o ? O his officers against any intimation of his preference of natives. Washington was solicitous about this guard. He desired that it should be com posed of men of undoubted integrity, for during the campaign his baggage, papers, and other matters of great public import, would probably be committed to their sole care. Always mindful, too, of a good soldierly effect, he wished that his guard " should look well and be nearly of a size/ and therefore ordered that the men should neither exceed in stature five feet ten inches nor fall short of five feet nine inch es, and be " sober, young, active, and well made." He wanted, he said, men of good character, and those " that possess the pride of appearing clean and soldierlike." That this was not to gratify his own personal pride, or to increase his individ ual importance, was evident even at that early period, for Washington had rebuked with severity every tendency among his officers and men toward worship of him self, or any separate power or interest of the state. Two of the new regiments had been called " Congress s own" and " Gen eral Washington s Life-Guards;" and Con gress had, with a quick sensibility to the danger of such distinctive appellations, REVOLUTIONARY. WASHINGTON S CAMP AT MORRISTOWN. 475 passed a resolve by which they were con demned as improper, and ordered not to be kept in use. Washington s fastidious delicacy in the matter had, however, an ticipated the action of that body. " I can assure Congress," he says, " the appella tion given to the regiments officered by me was without my consent or privity. As soon as I heard it, I wrote to several of the officers in terms of severe repre hension, and expressly charged them to suppress the distinction." We obtain a glimpse of the camp and headquarters of Washington at Morris- town, about this time, in the lively ac count of a visit by Graydon, who during the winter had been a prisoner in New York and on Long island, and, having been released on parole, was now on his way to his native city of Philadelphia. While Graydon and his companions were rambling in a "coal-wagon" along the road within a few miles of Morristown, they met Washington on horseback, with three or four attendants. He recognised them, and after a salutation, a few words of courteous congratulation on their re lease from captivity, and saying he should return to the camp in a few hours, where he expected to see them, the general rode on. Accordingly, in the evening, Gray don and his friends went to pay their re spects to Washington, at his marquee. The chief topic of conversation was nat urally the probable objects of Sir William Howe in the coming campaign, and the American commander requested to hear from his visitors their opinion, as far as they could give it consistently with their parole. One of them answered that he GO thought a co-operation with the northern army, by means of the Hudson river, was General Howe s purpose. Washington, however, although he allowed that indi cations seemed to point in that direction, w r as of the opinion that the enemy s ob ject was Philadelphia. Graydon spent two days in the camp at Morristown. He found everybody about headquarters in the most cheerful mood. The appearance of the army did not, how ever, seem to justify the good spirits of the officers. " I had been," says Graydon. " extremely anxious to see our army. Here it was, but I could see nothing which deserved the name. I was told, indeed, that it was much weakened by detachments ; and I was glad to find that there was some cause for the present pau city of soldiers." The brave and daring General Wayne was apparently in a high state of exhilaration, and, notwithstand ing the drooping of his feathers, and his faded appearance "in a dingy red coat, with a black, rusty cravat, and tarnished laced hat," he could yet crow exultingly. " He entertained," says Graydon, " the most sovereign contempt-for the enemy. In his confident way, he affirmed that the two armies had interchanged their orii>i- O o na.1 modes of warfare : that, for our part, we had thrown away the shovel, and the British had taken it up, as they dared not face us without the cover of an intrench- ment." The appearance of the soldiers brought to mind the answer of a gentle man when asked what was the uniform of the army. " In general," he said, " it is blue-and-buff, but by this time it must be all bull" The period of " all bull " 474 BATTLES OF AMERICA. LPAKT 11. seemed to be rapidly approaching, from the " motley, shabby covering" of the sol diers who, however, like the spirited Wayne, had not, it is presumed, lost their pluck with the tarnish of their regimen tals. There was apparently no want of so cial enjoyment. Graydon was dined at Washington s table, where there was a large company, among which there were several ladies, Mrs. Washington no doubt among the rest, for she was at that time at Morristown. Colonel Alexander Ham ilton presided, " and he acquitted himself with an ease, propriety, and vivacity," says Graydon, " which gave me the most favorable impression of his talents and ac complishments." In the evening, escort ed by Colonels Tilghman and Hamilton, both aids of Washington, Graydon was taken to " drink tea with some of the la dies of the village," where a part of the dinner-company was again assembled. Washington, in fact, did all he could to encourage the cheerfulness of both offi cers and men. While, however, he pro moted innocent pleasures, he was ever mindful of the seriousness of the cause in which he was engaged, and took care that his army should not lose sight of the mor al influence which it was expected to ex ercise. In his instructions to the briga dier-generals, Washington says: "Let vice and immorality of every kind be discour aged as much as possible in your brigade ; and, as a chaplain is allowed to each regi ment, see that the men regularly attend O / divine worship. Gaming of every kind is expressly forbidden, as being the foun dation of evil, and the cause of many a brave and gallant officer s ruin. Games of exercise for amusement may not only be permitted, but encouraged." There were, however, at this time, not withstanding the mood of appa- Aftril y,| t rent cheerfulness in the Ameri can camp, not a few sources of anxiety. The remissness in the appointment of general officers, the resignation of some of them, the non-acceptance of others, " and I might add," says Washington, " the unfitness of a few, joined to the amazing delay in assembling the troops, and the abuses which I am satisfied have been committed by the recruiting-officers, have distressed me and the service exceeding ly." To the slow recruiting was to be added the further trouble of frequent de sertions. The men were not regularly paid, and were going off to the enemy. where at least they were sure of their wages ; and common soldiers are not, un der such circumstances, very apt to dis criminate between a good and a bad cause. The military chest was nearly exhausted. "But there is a cause," said Washington, "which I fear will be found on examina tion too true, and that is, that the officers have drawn large sums, under pretence of paying their men ; but have been obliged, from extravagance and for other purposes, to appropriate this money to their own use." With all these drawbacks, there were not wanting sterling men in the army to do their duty when called upon. The bold and successful enterprise of Lieu tenant-Colonel Meigs gave such proof of gallantly and ability as to encourage the most despairing. The British had been REVOLUTIONARY.] COLONEL MEIGS S EXPLOIT AT SAG HARBOR. 475 May 21, Catherine* forage, strain, and other neces- O O O 7 O / saries for the army, which were deposited in large quantities at Sag Harbor, on Long island. General Parsons, having become aware of the fact, proposed to make a de scent and destroy the stores. Lieuten ant-Colonel Meigs, a spirited officer, who had served under Arnold in Canada, was selected to conduct the enterprise. He accordingly left New Haven with two hundred and thirty-four men in thirteen whale-boats and sailed to Guil- ford. Here he was delayed, as the sound was so rough, that he could not venture to cross to Long island. On the 23d, how ever, early in the afternoon, he embarked one hundred and seventy of his men, and sailed from Guilford, accompanied by two armed sloops. On reaching Southold, in the evening, where he expected to meet some of the enemy, Meigs learned that the troops had left the place two days before and crossed over to New York. He was informed, however, that at Sag Harbor he would probably find a party. Meigs accordingly made all haste to come up with them. The distance was fifteen miles, with a stretch of land, over which the men were obliged to carry the whale- boats, before reaching the bay which sep arates the northern from the southern branch of the island on which Sag Harbor is situated. At midnight, Meigs had reached, with all his men, the opposite side of the bay, about four miles from Sag Harbor. Here he secured his boats in a neighboring April 24, wood, and, leaving a party to guard them, marched on with the remainder of his force. At two o clock in the morning, he arrived at the place, and at once began the attack. The guards having been bayoneted, Meigs led his men to the wharf, and commenced the work of destruction. An armed schooner of twelve guns, lying off some hundred and fifty yards or so, opened a fire,Avhich was continued uninterruptedly for three quar ters of an hour, but without the least ef fect. Colonel Meigs never ceased till his pur pose was fully accomplished, and only departed after he had destroyed twelve brigs and sloops, one of which was an armed vessel of twelve guns, a hundred and twenty tons of pressed hay, a con siderable amount of corn and oats, ten hogsheads of rum, and a large quantity of merchandise. Moreover, after having killed six of the enemy, he brought off ninety prisoners, while he had not a man killed or even wounded. Meigs with all his men was back again at Guilford as early as two o clock on the same after- ternoon, having been absent only twenty- five hours, during which time a distance of ninety miles of land and water had been traversed. Meigs s gallantry was publicly acknowledged by General Wash ington, and rewarded by Congress with the vote of a sword, as a token of their sense of the " prudence, activity, enter prise, and valor," with which he had con ducted the enterprise. 47G BATTLES OF AMERICA. CHAPTER XLVIL The Enemy s Bridge. Washington anxious about the North River. Generals Greene and Knox sent to inspect the Forts on the Hudson. Report in f;ivor of Additional Strength, Chains, and Obstructions. General Putnam despatched to superintend the Works. Old Put" in Full Activity. Secret Expedition against the British at Kingsbridge. Wash ington shifts his Encampment to Middlebrook. His Plans. Sir William Howe on the Move Prospect of Action. Provincials guard the Delaware. Heady for the Enemy. Howe apparently changes his Plans, and makes a New Move. Washington on the Alert to harass Him. Greene and Magaw attack the British Rear. Howe at Amboy. He crosses with his Whole Force to Staten Island. All New Jersey in Possession of the Americans. Great Stir in the Bay of New York. A Junction of Howe with Burgoyne in the North conjectured. Preparations to prevent it. Washington moves toward the Hudson. Washington at Pompton. Affairs at the North. General Schuyler rein stated in his Command. General Gates offended. He seeks Redress from Congress. Is rebuked for insulting the House. General St. Clair at Ticonderoga. Is Burgoyne coming ? Washington s Opinion. 1777, THE designs of the British were not yet clearly revealed, but it was believed that Philadelphia was their main object. They were still busy at work on the bridge ; and Washington was so fully persuaded that it was to be used when finished to cross the Delaware, that he ordered the exact breadth of the river for a considerable distance to be obtained, in order to compare it with the length of the bridge, a knowledge of which he hoped to acquire through his spies, and thus discover the part of the stream in tended to be traversed. It was, however, believed that General Howe would also make an effort to secure the North river ; and Washington was ac cordingly very anxious to resist any at tempt in that direction. The British had anchored several transports at Dobbs s ferry on the Hudson, with the purpose, it was conjectured, of diverting the atten tion of Washington from their movements toward the Delaware. It was possible, moreover, that they might attempt from Brunswick to make an incursion into the country back of Morristown, in order to seize the passes through the mountains; and thus try to cut off the communica tion of the American army with the North river. The general-in-chief accordingly urged General M Dougall, at Peekskill, to be on the alert, and George Clinton (re cently appointed a brigadier-general) to post as large a body of troops in the pas ses of the Highlands as he could spare from the forts which he commanded on the Hudson. Major- General Greene and General Knox, tw r o of his officers in whose capa city and fidelity Washington had great trust, were sent by him to examine into the state of the defences on the Hudson and at the Highland passes. They pro ceeded to Peekskill, and, meeting there 7s O with Generals M Dougall, Clinton, and Wayne, the five officers began their in vestigations. They inferred that the pas ses through the Highlands were so " ex ceedingly difficult," that the British would not attempt to operate by land, provided the river was effectually obstructed. For REVOLUTIONARY.] CHANGE OF THE AMERICAN ENCAMPMENT. 477 this purpose, they recommended in their report to Washington that a boom, or chain should be stretched across the river at Fort Montgomery, with one or two iron cables in front to break the force of any vessel should it attempt to pass the bar rier. These, with two armed ships and two row galleys stationed above, ready to fire upon the approach of the enemy, were believed to be sufficient to defeat any efforts they might make to sail up. Washington approved of the views of Greene and his associates, and immedi ately sent the vigorous and laborious Putnam to superintend the work, while Congress was urged to supply without delay the necessary means. That body was advised by the commander-in-chief to purchase the iron cables at Philadel phia, as they could not be procured else where, and which, as they were to be laid diagonally across the river of five hun dred and forty yards in breadth, should not be less than four hundred and fifty fathoms long, and of the " largest size that can be had." In the meantime, while Congress was deliberating about the cables, Old Put s ingenuity was put to the task in fixing a boom. Presuming upon his exhaustless activity, other work was also provided for the veteran general. Washington pro posed that he should get up a secret ex pedition against the British at Kings- bridge, on the upper end of the island of New York. Two plans were suggested. A number of troops might be embarked in boats, under pretence of transporting them and their baggage across the river to Tappan, as if to join Washington s ar my in New Jersey. To give this purpose the appearance of greater plausibility, a number of wagons might be got ready at the landing on the Jersey side, as if wait ing for the baggage. If this plan did not suit, there was the other of embarking the troops at Peekskill, under pretence of reinforcing the garrison on the Hud son, in order to expedite the works, and to set off as bound thither ; and then, un der the cover of the night, to turn and push down the river. The place proposed for the landing of the troops was the hol low between Fort Washington and Spuy- ten-Devil creek. Here was a good spot to land upon, and a passage into the road leading from the fort to Kingsbridge : this route, being deeply hidden, would enable Putnam to fall in upon the back of the British troops at Fort Independence, by which their surprise would be greater, and their retreat cut off " Thence," says Washington, in his instructions, "your troops might, or might not, march up by land, and sweep the country before them of the enemy and provisions, as circum stances might justify." Washington, now that his army was somewhat reinforced, determined to shift his encampment. His troops, however, even at this time, hardly num bered eight thousand, as most of the regiments were greatly scant of their full complement of men. :;: Forty-three regiments (those of New Jersey, Pennsyl vania, Delaware, Maryland, and Virginia, together with Colonel Hazen s) composed the army in New Jersey, under the im mediate orders of the commander-in-chief. * Sparks, May 28, 478 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PATCT II. These were divided into ten brigades, un der Brigadier-Generals Muhlenberg, Wee- don, Woodford, Scott, Small wood, Wayne, Deborre, De Haas, Conway, and Maxwell. The divisions were five, of two brigades each, under Major-Generals Greene, Stir ling, Sullivan, Stephen, and Lincoln: Gen eral Knox commanded the artillery. The New-York and New-England troops were chiefly at Ticonderoga, under Generals Gates and St. Glair; and at Peekskill, un der Generals Putnam, M Dougall, and Clin ton. The new position taken by Washing ton was a strong one on the high ground about Middlebrook, and several miles near er than Morristown to the main body of the enemy at Brunswick. There was no attempt on the part of the British to op pose this movement, beyond sending out a body of light-horse, which, after skir mishing with the advance-guard, retired on finding a large detachment of the American army coming forward. Wash ington s purpose was to oppose the march of General Howe to the banks of the Del aware, which it was thought to be his de sign to cross on the way to Philadelphia. The American chief, however, was not sanguine of his power to check the ene my, in consequence of the meagerness of his force. " If," says he, " some effectual mode is not devised to fill the regiments, it is impossible, at least very unlikely, that any effectual opposi tion can be given to the British army w itli the troops we have, whose numbers diminish more by desertion than they in crease by enlistments." (general llowe finally began to move. Reinforced from New York and June 13. Rhode Island, he commenced his march in the evening, and in the course of the night his front had reached Som erset courthouse, where it halted, while his rear remained at Brunswick. It ap peared to be his intention to push direct ly for the Delaware, although Washington did not know whether it was a real move toward Philadelphia or an endeavor to draw the Americans from the heights o which they occupied along the whole front of the enemy. Howe s only object, as we now know, was to brino; Washin<>-- O O ton to a general action, for he had deter mined to attack Philadelphia by sea. His plans then, however, could only be con jectured by the Americans, and they pre pared to act in accordance with their sur mises. As the prospect of action approached, the militia began to turn out in a more spirited manner; and they, together with the continental troops, seemed determined to harass and oppose the enemy " upon their march through the country." Gen eral Howe would have great difficulty, thought Washington, in crossing the Del aware. Arnold (who had been ordered from Philadelphia) and Mifllin would be ready with a considerable force to meet him on the western side of the river, while Washington s army on the opposite bank would " hang heavily on his rear." The American troops were withdrawn from Peekskill, with the exception of a thou sand men, who were supposed sufficient (now that the enemy had diminished their force by their drafts for New Jersey) to prevent any surprise from New York. REVOLUTIONARY.] MOVEMENTS OF GENERAL HOWE. 479 The hostile armies now confronted each other, mutually expectant. The main body of the Americans was encamped upon the high ground at Mid- dlebrook, while a considerable force un der General Sullivan was posted on the lowland hills. The position at Middle- brook was naturally very strong, but was further strengthened by works. The pas ses in the mountains were too difficult to be attempted ; and, although the right of the army was not so well defended, two or three redoubts were all that were ne cessary to secure it effectually. The en emy were also strongly posted. Well for tified on their right, with the river Rari- tan all along their front and the Millstone creek on their left, they were in a situa tion where an attack upon them was not warranted by a sufficient prospect of suc cess, and might " be attended with the most ruinous consequences." Under these circumstances, Washington determined to collect all the force at Middlebrook that could be properly withdrawn from other quarters, so as to bring the security of his army to the greatest possible certain ty, and be ready to take advantage of any fair opportunity of attack which might offer. In the meantime, he would send out light bodies of militia (accompanied by a few continental troops to keep them in countenance by their more soldierly bearing), to harass and weaken the enemy by frequent skirmishes. Whatever might be the ulterior pur pose of the British, it was conjectured by Washington that their first object was to destroy his army, and then get possession of Philadelphia. The risk would be too great for the enemy to attempt to cross the Delaware, when they must expect to meet a formidable opposition in front, and have the whole American army in their rear. " They might possibly be success ful," writes Washington, " but the proba bility would be infinitely against them. Should they be imprudent enough to do it, I shall keep close upon their heels, and do everything in my power to make the project fatal to them." The British gen eral, however, had apparently no design upon the Delaware at that time, or he would have made a secret, rapid march for it, and not have come out openly, and as light as possible, leaving all his bag gage, provisions, boats, and bridges, at Brunswick. From the position he had taken, his purpose was, more probably, to prepare for an attack upon Washington s right, which was the weakest point. But whatever might be General Howe s ob ject, the people were in a high state of animation, and apparently ready for the enemy. Howe soon made another change, that gave rise to much speculation at head quarters. After having moved his main body from Brunswick, and extended his van to Somerset courthouse, encamping between these two posts, and beginning a line of redoubts, he suddenly marched back his whole army to the for- . u. i June 19, irier place, burning the houses and devastating the country along his route. Washington at this time was con stantly in the saddle, reconnoitring and sending out his light-troops to hover as near as possible about the enemy, who, however, secured as they were on their 480 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART n. June 22, Hanks by the Raritan and Millstone riv ers, had no great difficulty in reaching their former posts. In three days more, the Brit ish camp was again all astir night and day. A movement was evidently in prospect. Washington accordingly sent an express to General Maxwell to lie be low Brunswick and Amboy, in order to intercept any British parties which might be passing ; and detached three brigades, under Major-General Greene, to fall upon the enemy s rear as soon as they should move ; while the main body of the army was paraded upon the heights of Middle- brook, to support Greene if there should be occasion. Sir William Howe began his march, and the Americans were on the alert to harass him. A party of Colonel Morgan s light-infantry pushed forward betimes and drove in the Hessian picket before the sun was up ; while the rest of Morgan s regi ment and General Wayne s brigade fol lowed rapidly, and posted themselves op posite to Brunswick. The enemy, how ever, crossed the bridge, and took posses sion of the redoubts which they had con structed on the north side of the river. General Greene, now advancing his troops briskly toward them, they quitted their position and retired by the road to Am boy, with Morgan and his riflemen close at their heels, keeping up a sharp fire, which " did considerable execution." Greene continued to pursue the enemy as far as Piscataway, but finding it impos sible to overtake them, and fearful lest he might be drawn away too far from the main body, he returned to Brunswick, reporting with great praise the conduct and bravery of General Wayne and Colo nel Morgan, and of their officers and men, who constantly advanced upon an enemy far superior to them in numbers, and well secured behind strong redoubts. General Maxwell, unfortunately, missed the ex press messenger, who had by accident or design fallen into the hands of the Brit ish ; otherwise their rear-guard, as they themselves confessed, would have been cut off Maxwell was now reinforced by Lord Stirling and his division. General Howe, on reaching Amboy, de spatched some of his troops across to Staten island ; but he soon brought them back, and advanced to ward Westfield with his whole army. Washington liad moved the entire American force to Quibble town, in order to be nearer the enemy <v +1 4.- r-n June 24, after their evacuation of Bruns wick, and ordered Lord Stirling to move his division still closer to Howe s lines. When the enemy began apparently to re turn, with the purpose of turning the American left, Washington marched his main army back to the secure position at Middlebrook, but continued to hang up on the British flank with a body of light- troops and Morgan s riflemen. After some slight skirmishing, General Howe again withdrew, plundering and burning all be fore him, to Amboy, and finally passed over to Staten island with his en tire army, using the bridge which had been so laboriously constructed at Brunswick for the purpose of transport ing his artillery and baggage. The Amer icans were thus left in complete posses sion of New Jersey. The next move of / REVOLUTIONARY.] SCHUYLER REINSTATED IN HIS COMMAND. 481 the enemy was now the object of anxious speculation. A great stir among the shipping in New- York bay, the general striking of the tents, and the marching of the troops from that part of Staten island opposite to Amboy to the other side, in the neigh borhood of the anchorage of the fleet, made it apparent that General Howe had in contemplation some movement by wa ter. At this time, intelligence was re ceived from General St. Clair, command ing at Ticonderoga, that the British army in Canada evidently had designs upon that fort. It was thence inferred that Howe s purpose might be to push imme diately up the Hudson, in order to co operate with the British troops marching from the North. In case this should be the enemy s design, Washington prompt ly ordered General Putnam, at Peekskill, to reinforce St. Clair with a portion of his eastern troops ; but, while Howe s object was not clearly manifest, he was in great uncertainty how to direct his main body. His situation was " truly delicate and per plexing." Should he march his army to Peekskill, leaving the British commander on Staten island, there would be nothing to prevent his crossing to South Amboy, and pushing thence to Philadelphia,. On the other hand, if the North river and the possession of the Highlands should be General Howe s object, the keeping of the army in New Jersey would give the enemy the opportunity of effecting their purpose without resistance in that quarter. " We shall attempt in this di lemma," says Washington, " to do the best we can." In the meanwhile, he wrote to Gl July 11. Generals Putnam and George Clinton, ur ging them to put forth every exertion in their power, and instantly to call out a " respectable" body of militia to aid in the defence of the important posts on the North river. Washington also advanced a division of his army, under General Sul livan, to Pompton, in order to be nearer the enemy should they attempt to ascend the Hudson. Further intelligence from the North induced Washington to believe that the possession of the Hudson and the commu nication with Canada, by which the east- ern and southern states might be sepa rated, was probably the intention of the enemy ; and he therefore moved his whole force to Morristown, and thence to Pompton, from which place he prepared to march still farther toward the Hudson. Let us now for a moment glance at the condition of affairs at the North. General Gates, as we have seen, had su perseded General Schuyler in the com mand of the northern army, but had only served from the 25th of March, when on the 22d of May he was obliged to give it up. Schuyler had obtained from Congress the investigation which he had sought so pertinaciously, and was rewarded for his perseverance by a reinstatement in his command; not, however, before he had ad dressed a memorial to Congress, in which an apologetic explanation was made of the expressions in his former letter which had given so much offence. New Eng land resisted Schuyler s appointment to the last, and it was only secured by the absence of some of the delegates from 482 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART n. that quarter. It was, however, generally conceded that his influence in the state of New York rendered him the most ef fective man for the position. Gates was greatly vexed at the result, and. refusing to serve under Schuyler, who offered him the command at Ticon- deroga, requested permission to proceed to Philadelphia. Here he arrived, and so lost all self-control, that he presented him self on the floor of Congress, and began to indulge in some personal reflections on one of the members, which excited the indignation of the house, and, after a noi sy debate, led to a request that he would withdraw. There was a great deal of partisan feeling exhibited in the discus sion of the relative commands of Schuy ler and Gates, and the reinstatement of the former was considered to be a triumph of what was then termed the New- York party over that of New England. As soon as Schuyler reached Albany from Philadelphia (where he had been stationed during the interval of his loss of the northern command), he ordered General St. Clair to Ticonderoga. Both Schuyler and St. Clair be lieved that the enemy were preparing to come in great force from Canada by way of the lakes. A British spy, one Ames- bury, had been taken and examined, who stated that the main body of the Canadi an army was advancing by St. Johns, and that a detachment of English, Canadians, and Indians, was about penetrating to the south by the Mohawk river. Apart from the information which he was to gather, Amesbury was intrusted with a canteen by a Judge Levins, of Canada, with direc- June 5, tions to deliver it to General Sullivan, and request him to remove a false bot tom, within which he would find a letter. The canteen was obtained by Schuyler, the concealed letter found directed as had been stated by the spy, and at once for warded, through the commander-in-chief. It proved to be an appeal to General Sul livan to betray the American cause. It is needless to say that against this subtle exhortation that officer was patriotically proof. This information of the probable ad vance of the Canadian army by way of the lakes took Washington by surprise. as he, together with his chief officers and Congress, had entertained the opinion that the British troops at the North would have come round by the St. Lawrence and the sea, to reinforce General Howe at New York. Ticonderoga had conse quently been neglected, and frequent de mands for reinforcements of the American strength at Albany and beyond not re sponded to. Washington had, moreover, received exaggerated accounts of the force at the command of Schuyler and St. Clair. Even as late as the 2d of July, he says : " I .see no reason for apprehending that it [Ticon deroga] can possibly fall into the hands of the enemy in a short time." He was still perplexed about the designs of his antagonists. " If a co-operation is intend ed," he writes to Schuyler, General Howe must speedily throw off the mask, and make his preparations for going up the North river ; if he does not, I shall think that the fleet and a small force of Indians and light-troops are amusing you upon REVOLUTIONARY.] JOHN BURGOYNE. 483 the hike, while the main body comes round and forms a junction by water. One rea son operates strongly against this, in my opinion, and that is, a man of General Burgoyne s spirit and enterprise would never have returned from England mere ly to execute a plan from which no great credit or honor was to be derived." CHAPTER XLVIII. vjeneral Burgoyne. His Life and Character. His Parliamentary Career. His Dramatic Works. His Military Career. Horace Walpole s Estimate of Him. Commandcr-in-Chief of the British Forces in Canada. Plan of the Campaign. Sir Guy Carleton s Magnanimity. A Sufferer for his Humanity. Estimate of Burgoyne s Force. His Officers. Beginning of the Campaign. Burgoyne meets the Indians in Council. Swollen Rhetoric. Pompous Proclamation. General Schuyler at Ticonderoga. He strengthens the Fortifications. Goes to Albany. Sends Stores and Men. He is sanguine about the Security of Ticonderoga. Washington entertains the Same Opinion. General St Clair in Command of the Fort. The Defences. The Weak Points. Wasted Energies. 1777, GENERAL BURGOYNE is now about to act a more important part in the American War ; and we shall here, as we meet him for the first time in the capaci ty of a commander-in-chief, give some ac count of his life and character. This was his third visit to America. He had served in Boston, under Governor Gage ; in Can ada, under Sir Guy Carleton; and had recently, after visiting England, returned to take command of the British forces in the North. The time and place of the birth of JOHN BURGOYNE a man who rose to no mean celebrity as a writer, a senator, and a mil itary oilicer are unknown. Even his parentage has not been ascertained with certainty, although he is generally sup posed to have been the natural son of Lord Bingley, who died an old man in 1774. He was probably early destined for a military life. There is, however, no record of the dates of his grades in the army until 1758, when he was raised to the rank of lieutenantrcolonel. lie dis tinguished himself in Portugal, where he was a comrade of the eccentric Charles Lee, who, under the orders of Burgoyne, swam the Tagus at the head of three hundred and fifty British soldiers, and surprised the Spanish camp. After the campaign in Portugal, Burgoyne was re warded with a colonelcy. In 1761, he was elected a member of Parliament for Midhurst, a position for which he was no doubt indebted to some powerful patronage through his putative relationship to Lord Bingley. In 1768, Burgoyne was again returned to Parlia ment for the borough of Preston ; and his election drew upon him the brilliant invective of " Junius," who, considering him a satellite of the duke of Grafton treated him with the same unsparing se verity. Burgoyne was now appointed governor of Fort William, and in 1772 raised to the rank of general. As a mem ber of Parliament he began to take a 484 BATTLES OF AMERICA. LPAKT n prominent share in its debates. In 1772, he took the lend in denouncing the cor rupt conduct of the officials of the East- India Company, and introduced with a brilliant and effective speech the motion that a committee be appointed to "in quire into the nature, state, and condi tion of the East-India Company, and of the British affairs in the East Indies." The committee having been appointed, Burgoyne as its chairman was frequently called upon to defend the conduct and measures of himself and his colleagues, and never failed to do it with great tact and power. While a dashing young subaltern, Bur goyne made the acquaintance of a daugh ter of the earl of Derby. The two be came deeply enamored, and were married clandestinely, greatly to the indignation of his lordship of Derby, who declared that he would never admit them to his presence. Burgoyne, however, with his brilliant, promise as a soldier, and a rising man in Parliament, aided by his gentle manly tact, soon reconciled the earl of Derby to the alliance. With this recog nised relationship, we find Burgoyne, in 1774, acting as master of ceremonies in the fete given at the seat of the family, " The Oaks," to celebrate the marriage of his brother-in-law, Lord Stanley, with Lady Betsey Hamilton, the daughter of the duke of Hamilton. It was on this occasion that Burgoyne first publicly dis played his talents as a dramatist. He wrote a " dramatic entertainment, in five acts," styled The Maid of the Oaks," which was played at the marriage-festival, and afterward successfully brought out (un der the auspices, and with some touches of the pen, of Garrick) at Drury Lane. The pen was, however, soon dropped for the sword, and it was not until after his several campaigns in America that he re newed his literary pursuits. He then wrote " The Lord of the Manor" a comic opera in three acts a light, sparkling piece, which was acted, and welcomed with much applause. Writing verse with facility, he contributed two lively, satiri cal compositions, " The Westminster Guide " and a "Probationary Ode" to one of the cleverest political jeu d csprits of the day. In 1786, he brought out on the stage the comedy of " The Heiress" and, soon after, the historical drama of "Richard Occur de Lion" In all these, Burgoyne exhibits a knowledge of society and the world, a quick fancy, and a flexible hand. Ilia temper was gay, and his disposition so cial. He loved pleasure, but was active in business. A thorough soldier, he never failed to do his duty, though he always strove to soften the severities of war by acts of generosity and humanity, to which his natural kindliness of heart prompted him. Horace Walpole says of him smart- ingly, that he had " a half-understanding that was worse than none ;" that he was "a classic scholar who had more reading than parts ;" that he " was fond of writing, and did not want eloquence, but judg ment extremely ;" and, again, that he was " the most verbose and bombastic boaster that ever bore a truncheon," though " he did not want spirit, not knowledge, not any zeal for serving his master." We have seen Burgoyne at Boston, and subsequently in Canada ; and now, for the REVOLUTIONARY.] GENERAL BURGOYNE BEGINS HIS MARCH. 485 third time, we find him in America as commander-in-chief of the British troops at the North. This appointment had been conferred upon him by the British gov ernment in order to carry out the pro posed plan of penetrating toward Albany from Canada, and thus form a junction with a portion of Sir William Howe s ar my which was to advance up the Hudson, that the American communication might be cut off between the northern and east ern states. Burgoyne, when consulted, had declared that a force of eight thou sand regulars, two thousand Canadians, and one thousand Indians, would be ne cessary to secure the success of the plan. On arriving in Canada, General Bur goyne met with some disappointment in filling up the complement of his army, but was able, however, to commence op erations with an effective force. Sir Guy Carleton had been superseded, and might have justly complained of neglect, and want of acknowledgment of his previous services; but, waiving all personal feel ing, he magnanimously welcomed Bur goyne with great friendliness, and ear nestly aided him in executing his plans. Carleton, in character with his usual be nevolence, is supposed to have objected to the employment of the Indians, and therefore been supplanted by Burgoyne, who had fewer scruples on this point. Carleton sent his resignation to England as governor of Canada, but in the mean time tendered his services to the newly- appointed commander-in-chief; and, with his knowledge of and influence in the country, he proved of great advantage. By his means the Indian tribes were con ciliated, and the native Canadians induced to remain faithful to British interests. Burgoyne s European force amounted to seven thousand men, of whom nearly one half were hired mercenaries from the principality of Brunswick, in Germany. To these were added four hundred Indi ans and about a hundred and fifty Cana dians. His artillery corps and train were of the most serviceable character, " prob ably the finest and the most excellently supplied as to officers and private men that had ever been allotted to second the operations of any army." His officers were men of great repute for skill and daring. General Phillips commanded the artillery ; Generals Fraser, Hamilton, and Powell, the various British divisions ; and Baron Reidesel and General Specht, the B runs wickers. Having first detached Colonel St. Leger from St. Johns with a miscellaneous force, consisting of British, Germans, Sir John Johnson s New -York tory confederates, and savages (amounting in all to about eight hundred), in order to make a diver sion on the Mohawk river, Bur- 1 If .I K- JUUC 14 goyne himself set out with his force. After proceeding some distance, he encamped his army at the river Bou quet, on the western side of Lake Cham- plain, near Crown Point. Here he met the Indians in council, and gave them a war-feast. Burgoyne was naturally soli citous about the conduct of his savage al- o lies, and took care to impress upon them the humane requirements of civilized war fare. They were told that they should only kill those who opposed them in arms; that old men and women, children and 486 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART n. prisoners, the wounded and the dying, should be spared the hatchet; and that none but those who had been slain in bat tle should be scalped. Burgoyne prom ised them rewards for prisoners, but de clared that he would call them to strict account for every scalp they brought in. Having swollen his rhetoric, in his ad dress to the savages, in accordance with the supposed requirements of Indian ora tory, Burgoyne, it would seem, found it difficult to bring his imagination within its ordinary range ; for the proclamation which he immediately afterward issued to the people of the country was full of pompous declamation. There was some thing in it, however, worse than its style. It held out the threat of savage cruelty. " I have," said he, " but to give stretch to the Indian forces under my direction, and they amount to thousands, to overtake the hardened enemies of Great Britain and America. I consider them the same, wherever they may lurk." Soon after sending St. Clair to Ticon deroga. General Schuyler him- IIIIIP 17 self went to examine into the condition of affairs there. They did not ippear as satisfactory as he had antici pated. Instead of the force of five thou sand, which Washington supposed to be the strength of the garrison at this post, it was found that there were less than twenty-five hundred effective men in all, to defend both the works at Ticonderoga, on the west side of the lake, and Mount Independence, on the east. Such a mea ger supply of troops, it was clear, was quite inadequate to defend the two posts. Without reinforcements, in case of an at tack from the enemy, one or the other would have to be abandoned. In such an event, Mount Independence was con sidered as the post at which it would be desirable to concentrate all the available force. Attention was accordingly direct ed chiefly to this point. All the cannon and stores, not immediately wanted on the Ticonderoga side, were taken over; and Kosciusko, who was the engineer-in- chief of the northern army, at once com menced repairing the old and adding new works, in order to strengthen the by-no- means strong fortifications of Mount In dependence. There was such a deficiency of provisions, that it was inferred that the garrison, unless soon supplied, would not be able to hold out for many days. With all these drawbacks, it was still thought O advisable to obtain reinforcements and supplies, and to maintain the two posts as long as possible. It was deemed pru dent, however, to collect and repair the batteaux, in case a retreat should become necessary. General Schuyler, thus made aware of the weaknesses and wants of Ticondero ga, hastened back to Fort George, and so bestirred himself, that he was soon able to send a good supply of provisions, and some working-men to aid in the construc tion of the works. He seemed, however, to be in very little anxiety about the post, for he writes to Congress : " I trust we shall still be able to put everythm< % in J O such order as to give the enemy a good reception, and, I hope, a repulse, should they attempt a real attack, which I con jecture will not be soon, if at all."* * Irvinjr. REVOLUTIONARY.] DEFENCES OF TIGONDEROGA. 487 July 1, Washington, too, from the information ho had obtained, which was unaccounta bly inexact, continued to believe that Ti- conderoga was beyond the chance of dan ger. "As the garrison at Ticonderoga," he writes to Schuyler, " is sufficient to hold it against any attack, I do not think it politic, under your representation of the scarcity of provisions, to send up troops to consume what oiiiHit to be thrown into O the fort." He soon received intelligence which placed it beyond any chance of doubt, that Burgoyne was advancing; but he was still confident of St. Glair s security until the last moment, when a letter from Schuyler appears to have conveyed for the first time a truthful account of the condition of Ti conderoga. Washington thereupon im mediately ordered General Putnam to de spatch a brigade, under Nixon, to rein force the northern army. Schuyler, in the meantime, was divert ing himself with the idea that Burgoyne would march his main body from St. Fran c-is or St. Johns to the east and invade New England. " I am," he writes, " the more continued in this conjecture, as the enemy can not be ignorant how very dif ficult, if not impossible, it will be for them to penetrate to Albany, unless in losing Ticonderoga we should lose not only all our cannon, but most of the army de signed for this [the northern] depart ment." St. Glair, even at Ticonderoga, w r as for a long time in a state of uncertainty about the strength and designs of the enemy. In the meanwhile he kept his men busily occupied in increasing the defences of the place. There were not wanting some among the officers who were doubtful of the policy of holding the post. The gar rison were so few in numbers, and the la bors of all so much increased by the works and the strong guards necessary on the threatened approach of the enemy, that the men became prostrated by fatigue and watching. " If fortitude," wrote an officer at that time, "if enterprise, if perseve rance or temerity, could avail, I would not complain ; but, in the name of Heav en, what can be expected from a naked, undisciplined, badly-armed, unaccoutred body of men, when opposed to a vast su periority of British troops?" The American lines were greatly ex tended, from Mount Independence, on the east side of Lake Champlain, to Ticon deroga on the west. The two places were connected by a floating bridge, supported on twenty-two sunken piers of very large timber, and the spaces between filled with separate floats, each about fifty feet long and twelve wide, strongly fastened to gether by iron chains and rivets. On the northern side of this bridge was stretched a boom made of large timber, well secured by riveted bolts, and a double iron chain, with links of one and a half inches square. The length of this combined bridge, boom, and chain, w r as four hundred yards, and its construction had cost an immensity of labor and expense. The work was sup posed, however, to be admirably adapted to the double purpose of a communication between Ticonderoga and Mount Inde pendence, and of an impenetrable barrier to any approach of the enemy by way of the lake. 4S8 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART n. There were two hills which command ed the works : one cnlled Mount Hope, rising about half a mile in advance of the old French lines on the Ticonderoga or west side of the lake; and another, known as the Sugar-Loaf hill, or Mount Defiance. Mount Hope was the least important of the two hills, as it only commanded the left of the works at Ticonderoga, and was unprotected, probably in consequence of the meagerness of St. Glair s force, which, composed of less than three thousand men of whom nine hundred were raw militia, but just come in was not suffi cient, when the troops were ordered to man the lines, to occupy their whole ex tent. The S n gar-Loaf hill was, however, en tirely neglected, from the prevalent im pression that it was inaccessible for artil lery, and too distant, even if in possession of an enemy, for their balls to reach the fort. This hill, which is the northern ter mination of the mountairi-ridffe dividing O o Lake George from Lake Champlain, rises precipitously to a height of six hundred feet, and completely commanded both the works at Ticonderoga, from which it was only separated by the outlet from Lake George, and those at Mount Independ ence, from which it was divided by the narrowest part of Lake Champlain. A year before, John Trumbull (then Gen eral Gates s adjutant at Ticonderoga, and subsequently the well-known painter) had been impressed with the importance of guarding the Sugar-Loaf hill. " I had for some time," he says, "regarded this emi nence as completely overruling our en tire position. It was said, indeed, to be at too great a distance to be dangerous ; but by repeated observations I had satis fied my mind that the distance was by no means so great as was generally sup posed : and at length, at the table of Gen eral Gates, where the principal officers of the army were present, I ventured to ad vance the new and heretical opinion that our position was bad and untenable, as being overlooked in all its parts by this hill. I was ridiculed for advancing such an extravagant idea. I persisted, how ever ; and, as the truth could not be as certained by argument, by theory, or by ridicule, I requested and obtained the general s permission to ascertain it by experiment. " General (then Major) Stevens was bu sy at the north point of Mount Indepen dence in examining and proving cannon. I went over to him on the following morn ing, and selected a long, double-fortified French brass gun (a twelve -pounder), which was loaded with the proof-charge of best powder, and double shotted. When I desired him to elevate this gun so that it should point at the summit of Mount Defiance (Sugar-Loaf hill), he looked sur prised, and gave his opinion that the shot would not cross the lake. That is what I wish to ascertain, major, was my an swer. I believe they will ; and you will direct your men to look sharp, and we, too, will keep a good lookout. If the shot drop in the lake, their splash will be easi ly seen ; if, as I expect, they reach the hill, we shall know it by the dust of the im pression which they will make upon its rocky face. " The gun was fired, and the shot was REVOLUTIONARY.] THE BRITISH APPROACH TICONDEROGA. 489 plainly seen to strike at more than half the height of the hill. I returned to head- ~ quarters, and made my triumphant re port, and after dinner requested the gen eral and officers who were with him to walk out upon the glacis of the old French fort, where I had ordered a common six- pound field-gun to be placed in readiness. This was, in their presence, loaded with the ordinary charge, pointed at the top of the hill, and when fired it was seen that the shot struck near the summit. " Thus, the truth of the new doctrine was demonstrated but still it was insist ed upon that this summit was inaccessible to an enemy. This also I denied, and again resorted to experiment. General Arnold, Colonel Wayne, and several oth er active officers, accompanied me in the general s barge, which landed us at the foot of the hill, where it was most pre cipitous and rocky, and we clambered to the summit in a short time. The ascen n as difficult and laborious, but not imprac ticable ; and when we looked down upon the outlet of Lake George, it was obvious to all that there could be no difficulty in driving up a loaded carriage." Notwithstanding this demonstration of the importance of Mount Defiance a year before, no regard was paid toward secu ring it; and the engineers and the dispir ited troops went on wasting their ener gies in ceaseless labors upon works which alone were useless for defence, unless the enemy should be equally heedless, and dash their force against them in an as sault. CHAPTER XLIX. Stealthy Approach of the Enemy. General St. Clair in Despair. The Beginning of the Attack. A Hasty and Ineffect ual Fire. A Jolly Hibernian. St. Clair hopeful of an Assault. General Burgoyne discovers the Weak Point. He takes possession of Sugar-Loaf Hill. St. Clair calls a Council of War. A Retreat determined upon. The Night s Silent March. The Enemy aroused. The Scene described. The Provincials escape to Skenesborough. They are overtaken by Burgoyne. Burning of Galleys and Batteaux. The Struggle on Land. " The Indians at our Heels." The Fight at Fort Anne. Disasters and Adventures of the Fugitives. The Lost St. Clair. His Wanderings. The Success of the British at Hubbardtown. Unsuccessful Attempt of St. Clair to aid the Discomfited Provincials St. Clair turns up in Vermont. A Royal Conqueror. 1777, THE occasional si^ht of the Indi an warriors at the American out posts (some of General Burgoyne s savage allies), as they were prowling about the adjacent forests, indicated the approach of the enemy. General St. Clair, however, was yet in ignorance of their force and All his efforts to obtain infor- 62 designs. mation had been in vain. Although the heights of Ticonderoga afforded an ex tended view of the country, the approach es were concealed by mountain headlands and dense woods. Reconnoitring-parties were sent out, but they were either cut up, captured, or driven in, by the Indian scouts of the enemy. 490 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART n. Burgoyne s force, however, was reveal ing itself more clearly from day to day. On the 30th of June, a part of his fleet had sailed up the lake from Crown Point, and troops debarked on the west side, within three miles and in full view of Ti- conderoga. Another detachment, com posed of Indians and Canadians, had land ed on the opposite side, and, falling in with an American scouting-party,attacked and put it to the rout. St. Clair was anx ious, but yet, as he was ignorant of the strength and purpose of the enemy, un decided upon what he should do. Per fectly aware, however, of the weakness of his own position, St. Clair wrote to Gen eral Schuyler : " Should the enemy invest and blockade us, we are infallibly ruined ; we shall be obliged to abandon this side [theTiconderoga side], and then they will soon force the other from us, nor do I see that a retreat will in any shape be prac ticable. Everything, however, shall be done that is practicable to frustrate the enemy s designs ; but what can be expect ed from troops ill armed, naked, and un- accoutred ?" lie was in hopes, notwith standing, that Burgoyne s force was too small for an investment of the posts on both sides of the lake, and that he would attempt an assault, in which case St. Clair encouraged himself with the belief that, by withdrawing all his troops within the works at Mount Independence, a success ful resistance might possibly be made. Burgoyne s whole army now began to move from Crown Point. On the western shore the British came marching forward, and on the left the German troops, while the fleet sailed up the lake in advance. The British imme diately and without resistance took pos session of Mount Hope, which command ed the left of the works at Ticonderoga. Desiring to possess themselves of another piece of rising ground in advance, within only a thousand yards of the American lines, they sent forward Captain Frazer, with a detachment of riflemen and sev eral hundred Indians, to clear the way. They came on so audaciously, that they ventured to attack an American picket of sixty men, within two hundred yards of a battery of eight guns, and, having dispersed this outguard, approached to within less than a hundred yards of the main work, where, scattering themselves along the front among the brushwood, they kept up a brisk fire. General St. Clair, who had consoled himself with the hope of an assault, be lieved that it was now about to take place, and that the detachment which had approached so boldly had been sent for ward to draw his iire and create disorder, preliminary to the general attack, lie accordingly ordered his troops to sit down on the banquet, with their backs to the parapet, to cover them from the shot of the enemy, and to prevent their throw ing away their own fire. One of the o Ul cers at this moment, as he leaned on the parapet, observed a British light-infantry man, who, having crept within forty paces of the ditch, and taken a position on his knees behind a stump, was loading and firing. "I stepped," says Wilkinson (for he was the ollicer, and gives the account of the incident), to a salient angle of the line, and ordered a sergeant to rise and REVOLUTIONARY.] ST. GLAIR S DOUBTS. THE JOLLY HIBERNIAN. 491 shoot him. The order was obeyed, and at the discharge of the musket every man arose, mounted the banquet, and without command fired a volley ; the artillery fol lowed the example, as did many of the officers, from the colonels down to subal terns: and, notwithstanding the exertions of the general, his aids, and several other officers, three rounds were discharged be fore they could stop the firing." The whole result of this hurried fire and large consumption of powder was the wound ing of a single lieutenant, and the fright of the rest of the party, who, when the smoke had dispersed, were observed at three hundred yards distance, retreating helter-skelter to the British position on Mount Hope. One drunken fellow, how ever, was left upon the field, who, having been brought into the American lines, proved of some service. St. Glair was still ignorant of the force of the enemy, and of their purpose. He now hit upon an expedient for obtaining the information he desired. The tipsy captive, who had been picked up in front of the works, was clapped into the guard house, and, as he was supposed to be in a social and communicative humor, it was proposed to get what he knew out of him. An Irishman, one Captain Johnson, of the American artillery, temporarily as suming the character of a tory (putting on a ragged suit, and concealing about his person a bottle), was thrust in with the prisoner. Johnson s brogue, rags, and whiskey, dispelled all doubts of his coun try, and he soon succeeded in commend ing himself to the fellowship of the cap tive, who was also a jolly Hibernian. The prisoner proved to be not only communicative,but intelligent; and John son w T as enabled to draw from him the number and name of every corps under General Burgoyne, and an estimate of the strength of his whole force. It would appear, moreover, to have been pretty clearly ascertained that the enemy s ob ject was to invest the place. The American commander, however, still deluded himself with the hope that Burgoyne would hazard an assault. Ac cordingly, for several days, he held his ground ; and, although the British were in possession of Mount Hope, and contin ued to make their approaches, he opened his batteries and kept up a brisk cannon ade. St. Glair strove with all his might to animate his fatigued troops, and or dered every man at morning and evening roll-call to the alarm-posts; while the greatest vigilance and alertness were en joined. Burgoj ne, in the meantime, having thoroughly examined the American posi tion, discovered its weak point. This was the unoccupied Sugar-Loaf hill, on the south side of the outlet from Lake George into Lake Champlain. A party of light- infantry had already encamped at its base, and the question was soon started wheth er it were possible to scale the hill and establish upon its summit a force suffi cient for operations against the forts. The directing engineer of the British, Lieu tenant Twiss, having been ordered to re connoitre, reported that the hill had the entire command of the works and build ings of both Ticonderoga and Mount In dependence, at the distance of about four- 492 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART n. teen hundred yards from the former and fifteen hundred from the latter; that the ground might be levelled so as to receive cannon, and that the road by which to convey them, although difficult, might be made practicable in twenty-four hours ; that the hill also commanded in reverse the bridge of communication across the lake between Ticonderoga and Mount In dependence ; and that from the summit the exact situation of the vessels could be seen, while not a movement of the Americans could be made during the day without being discovered, and even hav ing their numbers counted. Burgoyne, after this report, immediate ly ordered General Phillips to take pos session of Sugar-Loaf hill. It was not effected without difficulty ; for such was the steepness of the ascent, that it became necessary to hoist the cannon from tree to tree. :i: The final success, however, was complete ; and, on the 5th of July, the British were in full possession, and signal ized their triumph by christening the hill anew, by the name of " Mount Defiance." When St. Clair beheld the English flag flying from the summit, and the bristling cannon threatening his doomed post, he turned to his officers, saying, " We must away from this, for our situation has be come a desperate one." A council of war was immediately called. General St. Clair, having stated July i> . . to his officers that there was ev ery reason to believe that the batteries of the enemy were ready to open on the Ticonderoga side, that the camp was very much exposed to their fire, and that a * Thucher. simultaneous attack would probably be made upon Ticonderoga and Mount Inde pendence, requested their opinion as to whether the whole of the troops, artillery, and stores, should be drawn over to Mount Independence for the defence of that post. The council unanimously agreed that they should be, on that very night. The gen eral then proposed the question whether, after this movement,Mount Independence itself could be defended ; and, if not, whe ther a retreat into the country were prac ticable. They unanimously expressed the opinion that, " as the enemy have already nearly surrounded us, and there remains nothing more to invest us completely but their occupying the neck of land betwixt the lake and the East creek (which is not more than three quarters of a mile over), and possessing themselves of the narrows betwixt that and Skenesborough and therebycutting off all communication with the country a retreat ought to be un dertaken as soon as possible, and that we shall be very fortunate to effect it." The retreat having been determined upon, everything was done to effect it, without arousing the suspicions of the enemy. A cannonade was kept up every half hour from the redoubt against the advanced battery of the British ; and, pre vious to striking the tents, all the lights were put out. The cannon left behind were ordered to be spiked, but the trun nions not to be knocked oflj lest the noise might arouse the enemy. The evacua tion had been resolved upon at three o clock in the afternoon, but night was waited for, that it might be carried into execution with greater secrecy. Accord- UEVOLUTIONARY.] THE FUGITIVES FROM TICONDEROGA. July 6. hm-ly, in the middle of the night July 5, the whole camp was aroused, and be ""an to move from both Ticonderoga O O and Mount Independence, with the usual bustle and confusion of a hasty retreat. The sick, the wounded, and the women, were brought out to the shore, together with as many of the cannon and stores as could be collected in the hurry. They were then thrust aboard of two hundred batteaux and boats, which, at three o clock in the morning, pushed up Lake Champlain for Skenesborough, followed by an escort of five armed gal leys and a guard of six hundred men, un der Colonel Long, of New Hampshire. The main body of the troops crossed over the bridge from Ticonderoga to Mount Independence ; and St. Glair, taking an unfinished road through the wilderness, on the east or Vermont side of the lake, led them on toward Hubbardton and Cas- tleton, with the view of reaching Skenes borough by a circuitous march. The retreat had been begun with great caution in the silence and darkness of the night, and the enemy seemed to be quite unconscious of the movement. But, by some blunder or accident, the house of General De Fermoy had been set on fire, and suddenly a blaze of light arose from Mount Independence, by which the Brit ish from their lofty position on the hills could see the Americans in full retreat. At ouce the sentries gave the alarm ; the drums beat to arms; and the enemy, Hock ing into the deserted forts, prepared to follow in immediate pursuit. The party on the lake got safely off; and, though looking " back with regret and forward with apprehension," there were not wanting those who were awa kened to the picturesque interests about them. " The night was moonlit and pleas ant ; the sun burst forth in the morning with uncommon lustre ; the day was fine ; the water s surface serene and unruffled. The shore on each side exhibited a vari egated view of huge rocks, caverns, and clefts, and the whole was bounded by a thick, impenetrable wilderness."* There were, fortunately, other available means to keep up the spirits of those less sensi ble to the exhilarating influence of the beauties of Nature. The drum and the fife struck up their cheering music ; and among the hospital-stores gathered in the haste of the retreat, there were found ma ny " dozen bottles of choice wine," which, by " breaking off their necks," were made available for the enlivenment of the de- sponding.f Thus they sailed on during the night and a part of the next day, until they reached Skenesborough at three o clock in the afternoon, the far thest point of the lake navigable by the galleys. Having got thus far in safety, there was no suspicion of further danger. The boats were lying quietly at the wharf, and the people, having landed, were loi tering without concern upon the shore, when suddenly the enemy s fleet hove in sight, and began to pour a broadside into the American galleys and batteaux. General Burgoyne was on board the frigate Royal George, on the lake, when he first learned the retreat of the Ameri cans. He immediately ordered General * Timelier. | Jb. 494 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PAKT II. Fraser with his brigade, and Baron Rei- desel with a detachment of B runs wickers, to follow St. Clair by land, while he him self promptly pursued with his fleet the fugitives on the lake. The famous bridge. O O chain, and boom, which had cost such an immensity of labor and money, and were deemed so impenetrable, were before him. This was the security in the faith of which the Americans were reposing so compla cently at Skenesborough. Bridge, boom, and chain, however, all gave way before the " uncommon efforts and industry" of Burgoyne, and so rapidty, that his gun boats reached Skenesborough only two hours after the arrival of the American flotilla. He had thus almost overtaken it on the lake ; and, if he had, " horridly disastrous indeed would have been our fate," exclaims one of the pursued. Nor were they yet safe. The galleys at the wharves resisted for some time ; but soon two struck their colors, and the rest were blown up. While the British gun-boats advanced to Skenesborough, the frigates came to anchor a short distance to the north, and landed a body of British soldiers and In dians. Colonel Long strove to rally his guard, and with them to give battle ; but his efforts were useless. His men were panic-struck, and, having set fire to the fort, mills, and batteaux, scattered in ev ery direction, each one seeking only his personal safety in flight. A number of them, however, soon gathered together for mutual safetv, and fled through a / O narrow defile, so closely pursued by the enemy, that those in the rear were con stantly calling out, " March on ! the Indi ans are at our heels !" Thus the fugi tives pushed on the whole of that night, and until five o clock the next morning, when they reached Fort Anne. Some of the sick succeeded in arriving at the same post, having made their escape in the boats by Wood creek, a small, navigable stream, which branches off from the lake at Skenesborough. All the artillery, provision, most of the bag gage, and some of the invalids, fell into the hands of the enemy. General Schuyler, being at Fort Ed ward, and hearing of the disaster, sent a small reinforcement, which so encouraged the fugitives under Colonel Long, that they not only stood their ground at Fort Anne, but prepared to sally out against their pursuers. Lieutenant-Colonel Hill, with the ninth regiment of British regulars, had followed the panic-struck fugitives from Skenesborough, and had posted himself under cover of the woods near Fort Anne. Early the next morning the Americans sallied out, and, while one par ty attacked him in front with great vigor, another crossed a creek in order to take him in the rear. Colonel Hill was forced to shift his ground for fear of being sur rounded, and post himself upon the sum mit of a hill. Here he was pursued and attacked, when a hot struggle ensued, which lasted for nearly t\vo hours. Vic tory was almost in the grasp of the Amer icans, when a number of savages de tached by Burgoyne from Skenesborough rushed out of the neighboring forests, and sent up their terrible war-whoop, which was answered by three cheers from July 7, REVOLUTIONATCY.J GENERAL ST. CLAIR S RETREAT. 49 July 9, the British troops, and Colonel Long s men gave way. Ketiring to Fort Anne, which was a small picket-fort of little im portance, the Americans set fire to it, and then proceeded to Fort Edward, on the Hudson, some thirty miles distant. Here they found General Schnyler, who had come on with the small reinforcement sent from Peekskill, which he had been anxiously awaiting, for the purpose of inarching to the aid of the post at Ticonderoga. " I am here," writes Schuyler from Fort Edward, " at the head of a handful of men (not above fifteen hundred), with little ammunition (not above five rounds to a man), having neither balls nor lead to make any. The country is in the deep est consternation ; no carriages to remove the stores from Fort George, which I ex pect every moment to hear is attacked ; and what adds to my distress is, that a report prevails that I had given orders for the evacuation of Ticonderoga." Schuyler could learn nothing of the / o fate of General St. Clair and the main body of the troops. The Americans who had escaped by the lake to Skenesbor- ough, and arrived at Fort Edward, could not clear up the mystery. They merely reported the retreat from Ticonderoga, and their own disasters and adventures. Whether St. Clair had been cut off by the enemy, or had succeeded in making his escape, and was now wandering through the forest wildernesses, was a question the solution of which was anxiously looked for. In two days more the solution came, in the intelligence that St. Clair was safe, with a remnant of his troops, in Vermont. Let us now trace his course from the mo ment of abandoning the posts at Ticon deroga and Mount Independence. It was three o clock in the morning: be- July 7, fore St. Clair had begun his re treat with his van, and his rear was still lingering not far from the forts, when the enemy took possession. Gen eral Fraser, a brave and active officer, had no sooner planted the British flag, than he was out in pursuit with his brigade. Baron Reidesel, with his Brunswickers, had been ordered to reinforce him ; but the heavy, formal Germans did not move with the same celerity as Eraser s light- troops, which pushed on quickly in ad vance. St. Clair, too, did not linger, but moved on the whole day through the forest wil derness with great speed, and did not halt his advanced troops until the afternoon, at Hubbardton. Here he remained a short time for his rear-guard and strag glers ; but, learning that they were coin ing, St. Clair left Colonel Warner, with a hundred and fifty men, to await their ar rival, and pushed on until night, when he reached Castle ton, some thirty miles dis tant from Ticonderoga. Warner had been ordered to join the rear-guard when it arrived at Hubbard ton, and then advance with it toward Cas- tleton. When, however, Colonel Francis, who commanded the rear-guard, came up, he and Warner, either confiding in their numbers, which amounted to over fifteen hundred men, or underrating the activity of their pursuers, determined to halt for the ni^ht at Hubbardton. Ear- i ii *i ly the next morning they were 496 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART n. parading their troops, in readiness to fol low St. Glair, when General Fraser sud denly marched into Hubbardton ! This brave and expeditious officer had kept close upon the heels of Warner the whole day before ; and, as his own force was small, amounting to only eight hundred and fifty men, and he knew that St. Glair could not be far in advance, he ordered his troops to lie on their arms for the night, waiting to attack the rear of the Americans when their van should be suf ficiently distant. The occasion was now offered ; and Fraser, although with an in ferior force, being too impatient to await the coming up of the Germans, at once began an attack. The Americans gener ally bore the onset gallantly ; but Colo nel Hale, who is said to have been dis pirited by a long illness, fled immediate ly with his whole regiment of militia in the direction of Castleton. This greatly diminished the force of the Americans; but those left bravely stood their ground, and at their very first fire made great havoc in the front ranks of the enemy, striking down twenty-one men, killing Major Grant, a distinguished British offi cer, and wounding the young earl of Ba,l- carras, at the head of the light-infantry. Colonels Warner and Francis led on their men with great gallantry, and were them selves foremost in the fight. The Amer icans were apparently driving their oppo nents from the ground, when the drums were heard of the German troops coming up to reinforce Fraser. This dispirited the Americans and encouraged the Brit ish. The latter now made a vigorous charge with their bayonets, and remained masters of the field. The loss of the en emy was a hundred and eighty-three in killed and wounded ; that of the Ameri cans amounted to over three hundred, twelve of whom were officers, and among them Colonel Francis. The recreant Hale and his militia met with a characteristic fate : they surrendered to a small party of British troops, much inferior to them selves. General St. Glair, at Castleton, hearing O the firing, immediately sent his aid-de camp to order two militia regiments which were encamped three or four miles in his rear to reinforce the troops at Hubbardton. They, however, refused to obey. St. Glair then prepared to march himself; but, finding that the Americans had been put to flight, he continued his retreat. Skenesborough had been his ob ject, in the circuitous route which he had taken ; but an officer of one of the Amer ican galleys having come in and reported that the British were pursuing in force toward that place, he changed his line of march, and struck the woods to his left, on the route to Bennington (in the New- Hampshire grants, now Vermont) ; and, while on his way thither, intelligence was first received by General Schuyler,at Fort Edward, of his safety. " The king," says Horace Walpole, " on receiving the account of the taking of Ticonderoga, ran into the queen s room, crying, I have beat them beat all the Americans ! " REVOLUTJONAITC J WASHINGTON MOVES TOWARD THE HUDSON. 497 CHAPTER L. Washington incredulous of the Fall of Ticonderoga. He does not doubt the Advance of General Burgoyne. Prepares to give Him a Check. Urges that General Arnold be sent North for the Purpose. Moves his own Army nearer the Hudson. Encamps at the Clove. He disapproves of the Abandonment of Ticonderoga. Disappointed, but not dis heartened. General St. Glair at Fort Edward. The American Force at the North. Its Sorry Condition. Fortunate Delay of Burgoyne. General Schuyler fortifies a Camp at Moses Creek. The Discouragement of. the Country. Schuyler slandered. St. Glair assumes the Responsibility. A Lost Post : a Saved State. The American Troops disaffected. Arnold arrives at Moses Creek. His Disinterested Conduct. Burgoyne on the Move. A Difficult March. Proclamations and Counter-Proclamations. The British caught napping in Rhode Island. A Novel Batter ing-Ram. Capture of General Prescott. 1777, July 10, WHEN the first rumor of the loss of Ticonderoga reached Washing ton, he was loath to believe it. General Schuyler had written him from Stillwater, while on his way to Fort Ed ward, what he had heard ; but the en tire account appeared so confused to the eommander-m-chief, that he could not "es tablish any certain deduction from it," and hoped that it might prove " prema ture and groundless." Whether true or not, he was no longer in doubt that Gen eral Burgoyne had come up Lake Cham- plain, determined to push his way toward the Hudson, and that a check to his prog ress was absolutely necessary. The mi litia from New York and the New-Eng land states must be instantly called out in full force, and an active, spirited officer appointed to conduct and lead them on. General Arnold was recommended as the man for this business. " He is active, ju dicious, and brave, and an officer in whom J the militia will repose great confidence ;" and, besides, " he is well acquainted with that country, and with the routes and most important passes and defiles in it," 63 wrote Washington to Congress, advising that body to send Arnold at once from Philadelphia to the northern department. Believing, too, that Sir William Howe would push against the Highland passes, in order to co-operate with General Bur goyne, Washington moved his own army toward the North river. From Morris- town, where he had encamped after leav ing Middlebrook, he marched to T> TT July 13, rompton plains. He was now no longer in doubt concerning the fall of Ticonderoga, for General Schuyler had sent him more specific information from Fort Edward. Washington pronounced the evacuation of the posts upon Lake Champlain as " among the most unfortu nate that could have befallen us." Schuy ler, having written that he had not been able to learn anything about General St. Clair and the army under him, Washing ton writes in answer that he is astonished beyond expression. " I am totally at loss," he says, " to con ceive what has become of them. The whole affair is so mysterious, that it even baffles conjecture." He was sufficiently July 13, 498 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [_PART II. July 15. sanguine, however, to hope that they might have " changed their design of re treating from the forts, and returned to them," although he feared that they had all fallen into the hands of the enemy. Washington, having marched his army still nearer to the Hud son, and encamped at the Clove, he here receives a despatch from General Schuy- ler, clearing up the mystery in regard to St. Clair. He expresses his chagrin and surprise that Ticonderoga and Mount In dependence should have been evacuated an event, he snys, "not apprehended, nor within the compass of my reasoning." Even at this late moment, Washington, by some strange and inexplicable neglect on the part of Schuyler, had not been correctly informed of the condition of St. Clair and his troops previous to their re treat. He very naturally declares that he knows not upon what principle the evac uation was founded, and that it was diffi cult to be accounted for, u if the garrison amounted to five thousand men, in high spirits, healthy, well supplied with provisions and am munition, and the eastern militia marching to their succor." Washington, however, does not allow himself to indulge long in useless regrets. "This stroke," he writes, "is severe indeed, and has distressed us much." But, with his usual firm reliance upon the justice of his cause, he calmly says : " Notwith standing things at present have a dark and gloomy aspect, I hope a spirited op position will check the progress of Gen eral Burgoyne s army, and that the con fidence derived from his success will hur ry rhim into measures that will in their July 12, consequences be favorable to us. We should never despair. Our situation has before been unpromising, and has changed for the better : so I trust it will again. If new difficulties arise, we must only put forth new exertions, and proportion our efforts to the exigency of the times." General St. Clair finally succeeded in reaching Schuyler, at Fort Ed ward, with the remnant of his jaded troops, after their long and painful march through a wild country of forest, mountain, and morass. The whole north ern army, when thus concentrated, num bered only four thousand four hundred men, inclusive of the militia. They were deficient in almost every requirement : they had neither tents, houses, barns, boards, nor any shelter, except a little brushwood ; their supply of ammunition was so scanty, that the inhabitants of Al bany were obliged to strip the windows of the shops and houses of their leaden weights to melt into balls; provisions they had in tolerable abundance, but means to cook them were so scarce, that only one camp-kettle could be afforded to every twenty men. Under these circumstances disease increased, and the troops were so disheartened, that desertions began to pre vail to an alarming extent. Fortunately for the Americans, G cneral Burgoyne lingered atSkenesborough and in its neighborhood, waiting for the arri val of tents,baggage,and provisions. This delay of the British general gave Schuy ler an opportunity of making some efforts to strengthen himself and oppose the march of the enemy. A position was se lected for a fortified camp at Moses creek, REVOLTJTIONAKY.] GENERALS SCHUYLER AND ST. CLAIR SLANDERED. 499 on the Hudson, five miles below FortEcl- wa rcl. Kosciusko, who was chief-engineer, had chosen the ground and superintend ed the works. Everything was done, by the destruction of bridges, and the felling of trees across the roads and passes, to obstruct the march of the enemy from the north. Schuyler, however, with all his activity, found that his exertions were of little avail. His troops were daily di minishing by disease and desertion, and the country failed to respond to his ear nest appeals for aid. " Every letter I re ceive from the county of Tryon," he says, " advise me that the inhabitants of it will lay down their arms unless I support them with continental troops The district of Schoharie," he adds, " has also pointedly intimated that, unless continental troops are sent them, they will also submit to the enemy." The country was, in fact, greatly dis heartened by the loss of the northern posts, for which Generals Schuyler and St. Clair were unjustly held responsible. It was even believed that they had acted the part of traitors to their country, and absurdly rumored that they had been paid for their treason by Burgoyne in silver balls, which he had shot into the American camp ! General St. Clair soon relieved Schuyler from all responsibility for the abandonment of Ticonderoga and Mount Independence. " He knew noth ing of the matter until it was over," was St. Glair s public refutation of the slan ders against Schuyler. "As to myself," he continues,"! was perfectly easy. 1 was conscious of the uprightness and pro priety of my conduct, and despised the July 27, vague censure of an uninformed popu lace." More than this, St. Clair justified his act, not only on the ground of its ne cessity, but its policy. " Although I have lost a post," he exclaims, " I have event ually saved a state ;" and, notwithstand ing the slanders which for a time were visited upon him by the ignorant and un charitable, it was not long before his proud boast was recognised as the statement of a fact. These slanders against the generals, however, circulated so freely and with so much effect in the army, that the troops became widely disaffected, and either lost all spirit for the service or abandoned it altogether. Schuyler himself gives this discouraging account of his force : " It consists of about twenty-seven hundred continental troops; of militia from the state of Connecticut, one major, one captain, two lieutenants, tw r o ensigns, one adjutant, one quartermaster, six sergeants, one drummer, six sick and three rank and file fit for duty ; the rest, after remaining three or four days, desert ed us : of those from the county of Berk shire (in the Massachusetts), who consist ed of upward of twelve hundred, half of which were to have remained, somew T hat more than two hundred are left, the re mainder having also deserted : of Colonel Moseley s regiment from the county of Hampshire (Massachusetts), about ten or twelve are left, the rest having deserted : of Colonel Porter s regiment of the coun ty of Hampshire, about two hundred left : of the militia of the county of Albany, ten hundred and fifty are left, being forty-six more than half of what were upon the 500 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART IT. ground, when it was resolved to let half 3 / return to their habitations." " That torpor," adds Schuyler, as a com mentary upon the facts he had just stated, kk criminal indifference, and want of spirit, which so generally prevails, is more dan gerous than all the efforts of the enemy. Nor is that jealousy and spirit of detrac tion, which so unhappily prevails, of small detriment to our cause." Major-General Arnold, flattered by the complimentary preference of Washington, and eager for action, did not hesitate to proceed to the North when ordered by Congress, in accordance with the advice of the commander-in-chief. Although he would thus be obliged to serve under St. Clair, who was one of the five major-gen erals whose promotion above him had so grievously wounded Arnold s spirit, he yet for the present generously waived all personal feeling, and took the subordinate position. On joining General Schuyler, at Fort Edward, Arnold moved with the army to Moses creek, and received the command of the left division, encamped on one side of the Hudson river ; while Major-General St. Clair commanded the right, on the opposite side. General Burgoyne, after lingering three weeks at Skenesborough, at length began his march toward the south. Instead of returning to Ticonderoga,and thence pro ceeding by Lake George to Fort George (whence there was a good road to Fort Edward, which was his object), he deter mined to strike across the country by a more direct route. Fearful, however, that turning back would appear like a retreat, and thus destroy the prestige of his late triumph, or influenced by the opinion of the tory Major Skene, of Skenesborough (who is suspected of having advised the land-route, that the value of his property, of which he was an extensive holder in that neighborhood, might be enhanced by a military road), Burgoyne marched for ward. His route was naturally a difficult and laborious one, through a country of forest and swamp, where he had to cut down trees, plunge into morasses, and throw bridges across the numerous creeks, ravines, and gulleys. The weather, too, was sultry, and the musketoes abounded, greatly tormenting his men, whose Euro pean freshness seemed to provoke these annoying insects to more than ordinary bloodthirstiness. Schuyler s precautions in destroying the bridges, and obstructing the roads and passes with felled trees, also added greatly to the difficulties and de lays of Burgoyne s march. He, however, continued his route toward Fort Edward ; while General Phillips, with the artillery, provisions, and baggage, guarded by a strong detachment of troops, proceeded by the way of Lake George, with the pur pose of forming on the Hudson a junc tion with the main body, which had pre ceded him by land. In the course of his progress, while the country was impressed by his recent tri umphs and his overwhelming force, Bur goyne strove to induce the inhabitants to abandon the American cause. He issued a swelling proclamation, abounding in the usual promises of reward for compliance and threats of punishment for disobedi ence. General Schuyler put forth a no less rhetorical counter-edict, in which the REVOLUTIONARY.] CAPTURE OF GENERAL PRESCOTT. 501 people, being reminded how the British in New Jersey had "cruelly butchered, without distinction of age or sex; ravished children from ten to women of eighty years of age ;" burned, pillaged, and de stroyed, not even sparing " in their sacri legious fury those edifices dedicated to the worship of Almighty God," were told that the same fate awaited them. While everything thus appeared so dis astrous for the American cause in the North, an event occurred in Ehode Isl and which, however trifling in itself, great ly stimulated the spirit of the country. General Prescott was in command of the British troops at Rhode island, and held his headquarters at a farmhouse near the water, about five miles from Newport. Lieutenant-Colonel Barton, in command of a regiment of Rhode-Island militia, de termined to surprise him and carry him off. He accordingly selected thirty-eight men, in whom he had confidence, and set out on the expedition one dark night. From Warwick neck they rowed over in two boats, with muffled oars, to the op posite side of the bay, a distance of ten miles. Having passed the British men- of-war and guard-boats without exciting alarm, they landed, and silently proceed ed on. Upon reaching the house, they secured the sentinel, and entered. Arri ving at the door of the room where the British general slept, they found it locked; whereupon a negro of the name of Prince, who was at Barton s side, and is spoken of as his " confidential friend," with a leap " plunged his head against the door, and knocked out the panel, through which the colonel entered."* Prescott was found in bed, and immediately secured. His aid- de-camp attempted to escape from the house by leaping through a window, but was caught and carried over to the main land together with the general. Barton and his party returned with their prize across the bay, silently and cautiously as they came. Prescott, who seemed great ly surprised at the success of Barton s en terprise, remarked to him as they landed, " Sir, I did not think it possible you could escape the vigilance of the water-guards." The boldness, skill, and success, with which the enterprise had been conducted, were highly lauded. Congress voted Bar ton a sword, and promoted him to the rank of a colonel of the continental army. The country exulted more particularly over the capture of Prescott, because in an officer of his rank they held an equiv alent for Major-General Lee, still a pris oner, for whom Washington immediately proposed to exchange the British com mander. In the meanwhile, Prescott was ordered to be " genteelly accommodated, but strongly guarded," and removed into some place " where the people are gener ally well affected." He was refused his liberty on parole, and it was determined to treat him in every respect as Lee was treated by the British. * Holmes s Annals of America. 502 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART n. CHAPTER LI. Puzzling Conduct of General Howe. He is supposed to seek a Junction with General Burgoync. Lord Stirling sent to Peekskill. The Departure of the British Fleet from New York. A Pithy Letter from General Putnam. A Trick of the British exposed. The Enemy off the Capes of Delaware. They sail away again. Washington perplexed. lie moves his Army to Germantown. Washington in Philadelphia. Meeting with the Marquis de Lafayette. His Life and Character. His Devotion to the American Cause. His Interviews with Franklin and Deane. His Escape from Franco. Arrival in America. His First Impressions. His Joyous Progress. His First Rebuff. Final Success. Appointed Major-General. Becomes a Member of Washington s Family. Washington s Opinion of Him Count Pulaski. His Life and Character. He is appointed Major-General and Commander of the Cavalry. 1777, GENERAL HOWE S " conduct is puz zling and embarrassing beyond measure ; so are the informations which July 22, I get/ writes Washington. " At one time the ships are standing up toward the North river; in a little they are going up the sound ; and in an hour after they are going out of the Hook." Washington, however, was for awhile so far persuaded that Howe s object was to form a junction with General Burgoyne, by the Hudson, that he sent Lord Stir ling with his division to Peekskill, and moved with the rest of his army to Ram- apo. But, while here, he learned that , Sir William Howe had left New York, with a fleet of two hun dred and sixty-seven sail, and a land-force of about sixteen thousand men, made up of thirty-six British and Hessian battal ions, a powerful artillery, a New-York corps called the Queen s Rangers, and a regiment of light-horse. Sir Henry Clin ton was left at New York with seventeen battalions, a regiment of light-horse, and a corps of American loyalists. Clinton had been to Europe, and his return was first made known to General Putnam by receiving from him a flag of truce, with a demand to give up Lieutenant Palmer. This provoked the following memorable reply :- "HEADQUARTERS, 7 Aug., 1777. " Edmund Palmer, an officer in the ene my s service, was taken as a spy, lurking within our lines; he has been tried as a spy, condemned as a spy, and shall be executed as a spy, and the flag is ordered to depart immediately. "ISRAEL PUTNAM. " P. S. He has been accordingly exe cuted." Washington also received such infor mation as induced him to believe that tlie Delaware was General Howe s desti nation. It became necessaiy, therefore, to move the army back again in that di rection, and to recall the divisions of Lord Stirling and General Sullivan from the Hudson river. As Washington was preparing for his march toward the Delaware, he received through General Putnam the following letter, addressed to General Burgoyne, O / / which a young man had brought into the American camp at Peekskill: REVOLUTIONARY.] A BRITISH TRICK. WASHINGTON PERPLEXED. 503 (< NKW YORK, July 20, 1777. SIR: I have received your let ter of the 14th of May, from Quebec, and shall fully observe the contents. The expedition to B n [Boston] will take place of that up the North river. If, ac cording to my expectations, we may suc ceed rapidly in the possession of B , the enemy having no force of consequence there, 1 shall, without loss of time, pro ceed to co-operate with you in the defeat of the rebel army opposed to you. Clin ton is sufficiently strong to amuse Wash ington and Putnam. I am now making demonstration to the southward, which I think will have the full effect in carrying our plan into execution. Success attend you! "W. HOWE." The story of the young man who had presented himself, and given up the let ter, was this : He had, he said, been a pris oner in New York, and was offered a hand some sum for carrying the letter to Gen eral Burgoyne, which at first he refused to do, but subsequently consented, with the intention of taking it to she American camp. Washington no sooner read the letter, than he saw that it was a trick. "It was evidently intended," says he, " to fall into our hands. The complexion of it, the circumstances attending it, evince this beyond a doubt in my mind." He accordingly urged Putnam to lose no time in sending on General Sullivan and Lord Stirling with their divisions, while Wash ington himself moved the main body to Coryell s ferry on the Delaware, in order to be ready to cross that river as soon as the enemy made a movement toward Philadelphia. To General Gates, who was then in that city, Washington wrote, ur ging him to be on the alert for informa tion, and to transmit it as soon as he had ascertained it to his satisfaction ; for he declares that he himself will pay no re gard to any flying reports of the appear ance of the fleet. From Philadelphia soon came the in telligence that the enemy had arrived off the capes of Delaware. Next day, how ever, an express came hurrying into the camp with the news that the fleet had borne away again, taking an easterly course. "Now, surely the North river must be their object," thought Washing ton ; and he orders General Sullivan back again to Peekskill, for the " importance of preventing Mr. Howe s getting posses sion of the Highlands, by a coup de mam, is infinite to America." Washington, thus perplexed by the strange movements of the enemy, finally moves his army across the Delaware, and encamps at German- town, about six miles from Phila delphia. His letter to his broth er Augustine at this time is the best ex position of his movements and perplexi ties : "Since General Howe removed from the Jerseys," writes Washington, "the troops under my command have been more harassed by marching and counter marching than by any other thing that has happened to them in the course of the campaign. After he had embarked his troops, the presumption that he would co-operate upon the North river, to form a junction with General Burgoyne, was so strong, that I removed from Middle- brook to Morristown, and from Morris- 504 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART n. town to the Clove, a narrow passage lead ing through the Highlands, about eigh teen miles from the river. Indeed, upon some pretty strong presumptive evidence, I threw two divisions over the North riv er. In this situation we lay till about the 2 4 th ultimo [July], when, receiving cer tain information that the fleet had actu ally sailed from Sandy Hook, and upon the concurring sentiment of every one, though I acknowledge my doubts of it were strong, that Philadelphia was their object, we countermarched, and got to Cory ell s ferry on the Delaware, about thirty-three miles above the city, on the 27th [July], where I lay until I received information from Congress that the ene my were actually at the capes of Dela ware. This brought us in great haste to this place [German town], for the defence of the city [Philadelphia]. But, in less than twenty-four hours after our arrival, we got accounts of the disappearance of the fleet on the 31st [July] ; since which, nothing having been heard of them, we have remained here in a very irksome state of suspense ; some imagining that they are gone to the southward, whilst a majority, in whose opinion upon this oc casion I concur, are satisfied that they are gone eastward. The fatigue, however, and injury, which men must sustain by long marches in such extreme heat as we have felt for the last five days, must keep us quiet till we hear something of the destination of the enemy." While the army was encamped at Ger- mantown, Washington was frequently in Philadelphia. On one of these occasions Ii9 for the first time met the marquis de Lafayette, at dinner. When the party was breaking up, Washington took him aside, and, having complimented him up on the noble disinterestedness which he had shown in behalf of the American cause,invited him to headquarters, telling him that he might always consider it as his home, and himself as one of the fam ily. The American commander, however, remarked in a tone of pleasantry that he could not promise him the luxuries of a court, or even the conveniences which his former habits might have rendered essential to his comfort- but added that, since the young nobleman had become an American soldier, he would doubtless try to accommodate himself to the char acter which he had assumed, and submit to the manners, customs, and privations, of a republican army. The marquis GILBERT MOTHER DE LA FAYETTE was born on the 6th of Septem ber, 1757, at Chavagnac, in the province of Auvergne, France, and was married be fore he was eighteen years of age to the grand-daughter of the due de Noailles. Like most French youth of rank and for tune at that time, he entered the army ; and, while on duty at Metz, he tells us that his enthusiasm in behalf of the Amer ican cause was first awakened. The duke of Gloucester, a brother of King George III, happened to be on a visit to Metz, where he was complimented with a din ner by the commandant of the place. The young marquis de Lafayette was one of the guests on the occasion. The Ameri can war (apropos to some despatches late ly received in England) became a topic of conversation at dinner; and, although REVOLUTIONARY.] MARQUIS GILBERT MOTTIER DE LAFAYETTE. 505 the royal English duke was not likely to have given a very favorable coloring to the cause of the "rebels," Lafayette s in terest was at once so much awakened by his grace s talk, that, even before he arose from the table, the thought suggested it self to him of offering his services in be half of a people struggling for independ ence. With his young heart filled with en thusiasm for liberty, the marquis hurries to Paris, and there seeks out his two bo som friends, Count Segur and Viscount de Noailles, to whom he announces his intention to go to America, and entreats them to join him in the enterprise. They readily consent ; but, on consulting their parents, upon whom they are dependent for support, they are forced to abandon the scheme. They, however, kept their friend s secret. Lafayette, being in the enjoyment of an income of nearly forty thousand dollars a year, was in a position of greater independence than his youth ful companions, and therefore resolutely clung to his original plan. He soon ob tained an interview with the count de Broglie, then prime minister under Louis XVI., who, with the cautious prudence of age, strove to deter the young enthusiast from what appeared to him a rash and dangerous enterprise. " I have," said the veteran, " seen your uncle die in the wars of Italy ; I witnessed your father s death at the battle of Minden ; and I will not be accessory to the ruin of the only re maining branch of the family." De Broglie continued urgently to coun sel the youthful marquis against the un dertaking ; but, finding his efforts useless, he introduced him to Baron de Kalb, a Prussian officer, who had been in Amer ica, in order that the inexperienced La fayette might obtain from him the intro ductions and information he desired. De Kalb presented him to Silas Deane, the American commissioner in Paris. " When I presented my boyish face to Mr. Deane," says Lafayette, "I spoke more of my ar dor in the cause than of rny experience ; but I dwelt much upon the effect my de parture would excite in France, and he signed our agreement." The purport of this agreement was, that the young mar quis should, on joining the American ser vice, receive from Congress the appoint ment of major-general, and be conveyed to America in a vessel about to sail, with munitions of war for the patriot armies. In the meantime, news having arrived of the success of the British at Fort Wash ington, and of the subsequent retreat of the American army through New Jersey, the activity of French sympathy was so far checked, that the despatching of the French vessel with supplies was necessa rily abandoned. The enthusiasm of the ardent Lafay ette was, however, proof against the most disastrous news. When urged to give up his scheme, he answered : " My zeal and love of liberty have, perhaps, been hitherto the prevailing motives ; but now I see a chance for usefulness, which I had not anticipated. I have money: I will purchase a ship, which shall convey to America myself, my companions, and the freight for Congress." Accordingly, he did purchase a ship j and, while it was fitting at Bordeaux, for sea, Lafayette took the 506 BATTLES OF AMERICA. PATCT II. occasion of visiting England. His wife s uncle, the marquis de Noailles, was the French embassador in London ; and un der such auspices he was, of course, read ily admitted to the court and the society which gathered about it. His first visit, however, was to an American, Mr. Ban croft. He was subsequently presented to the king ; he danced at the homes of Lord George Germain, then minister of Ameri- O can affairs, and of Lord Rawdon, who had just returned from New York ; and joined General Sir Henry Clinton in his box at the opera, whom he was destined after ward to meet as an enemy on the field of battle. Lafayette says, in regard to these intimacies with the society of Lon don : " Whilst I concealed rny intentions of going to make war in America, I open ly avowed my sentiments; I often defend ed the Americans ; I rejoiced at their suc cess at Trenton ; and my opposition spirit obtained for me an invitation to break fast with Lord Shelburne. I refused the offers made me to visit the seaports, the vessels fitting out against the rebels, and everything that might be construed into an abuse of confidence." On Lafayette s return to France, he concealed himself for some days at Passy, where he saw but a few of his personal friends and some Americans, among whom was Doctor Franklin, who, with Arthur Lee, of Virginia, had become joint com missioners with Deane. Franklin admired the spirit and generous disinterestedness of the marquis, and furthered his objects. On Lafayette s leaving for Bordeaux, to embark, the French government, thro ugh the complaint of the British embassador in Paris, was on the alert, and strove to prevent his departure. His family also, with the exception of his young wife, who shared in her husband s enthusiasm for the American cause, were anxious that he should abandon his scheme. He suc ceeded in reaching Bordeaux, and imme diately set sail for Passage, a small sea port in Spain, where he proposed to wait for the ship s papers. Here, however, fol lowed him a lettre de cachet from the king, forbidding his departure, and letters from the government ministers and from his family, insisting up the abandonment of his enterprise. But finally, after some hair- breadth escapes from pursuit, and meeting with one or two romantic adven tures, he got safely to sea, leaving his young wife and child behind him. Bar on de Kalb and several other military personages, looking for service in Amer ica, accompanied him. The ship arrived at Charleston, and the young marquis s impressions seem to have been of the most agreeable kind. The democratic features of American life were the first to catch the eye of the high-born noble man fresh from the ceremonious court of Versailles, but the effect was apparently no less delightful than new. " I will now tell you," writes Lafayette to his wife, " about the country and its inhabitants. They are as agreeable as my enthusiasm had painted them. Sim plicity of manners, kindness, love of coun try and of liberty, and a delightful equal ity, everywhere prevail. The wealthiest man and the poorest are on a level ; and, although there are some large fortunes, I challenge any one to discover the slight- REVOLUTIONARY.] LAFAYETTE JOINS THE ARMY. HIS IMPRESSIONS. 507 cst difference between the manners of these two classes respectively toward each other. I first saw the country-life at the house of Major Huger. I am now in the city [Charleston], where everything is very much after the English fashion, ex cept that there is more simplicity, equal ity, cordiality, and courtesy, here than in England. " The city of Charleston is one of the handsomest and best built, and the inhab itants among the most agreeable, that I have ever seen. The American women are very pretty, simple in their manners, and exhibit a neatness which is every where cultivated, even more studiously than in England. What most charms me is, that all the citizens are brethren. In America, there are no poor, nor even what we call peasantry. Each individual has his own honest property, and the same rights as the most wealthy landed propri etor. The inns are very different from those of Europe : the host and hostess sit at table with you, and do the honors of a comfortable meal ; and, on going away, you pay your bill without higgling. When one does not wish to go to an inn, there are country-houses where the title of a good American is a sufficient passport to all those civilities paid in Europe to one s friend." Receiving everywhere a flattering wel come, the young Lafayette goes on joy ously from South to North Carolina, and thence through Virginia to Maryland and Pennsylvania. On reaching Philadelphia, where Congress was assembled, he sub mits his letters to Mr. Lovell, the chair man of the committee of foreign affairs, The next day, Lafayette presents himself at the hall of Congress, where Mr. Lovell comes out to meet him, with the discour aging intelligence that, as Congress had been embarrassed with the applications of so many foreigners, there was but little chance of his success. The young mar quis, however, was not to be driven away by such a rebuff: so he immediately wrote to the president of Congress, asking per mission to serve in the American army, on these two conditions : that he should receive no pay, and that he should act as a volunteer. These terms were so differ ent from those asked by the crowd of for eign military adventurers, that they were at once accepted ; and the youthful La fayette, not yet twenty years of age, was appointed major-general in the American army. His encouraging reception by Wash ington, added to the success of his final application to Congress, greatly inspirited Lafayette, and he became eager for ser vice. His horses and equipage were im mediately sent to the camp at German- town ; and he availed himself of the com- mander-in-chief s invitation, and became, as it were, a member of his family. On the very next day after making his ac quaintance at the dinner-party, Washing ton invited him to ride out with him, to inspect the fortifications on the Delaware. These courtesies flattered the marquis, but did not satisfy his desires. He did not seem to understand the honorary na ture of his major-generalship, and expect ed the rank to be accompanied by a com mand. It is true he has said," writes Washington, " that he is young and inex- BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART n. perienced, but at the same time has al ways accompanied it with a hint that, so soon as I shall think him fit for the com mand of a division, he shall be ready to enter upon the duties of it, and in the meantime has offered his services for a smaller command ; to which I may add, that he has actually applied to me, by direction, he says, from Mr. Hancock, for commissions for his two aids-de-camp." Washington was perplexed by the perti nacity of the young and ardent French man, and asked for instructions from Con gress. That body replied that Lafayette s appointment was only honorary, and that Washington was at liberty to use his own judgment in regard to the bestowal of a command. The young marquis was ac cordingly left for the present in the en joyment only of the rank of a major-gen eral, while he served in the army as a volunteer. Lafayette is described as being at this early period nearly six feet high, large but not corpulent, and not very elegant in person, his shoulders being broad and high. His features were irregular, his forehead remarkably high, his nose large and long ; his eyebrows projected promi nently over his eyes, which were full of fire, and of a hazel color. He spoke but few words of broken English/ 11 Baron DE KALB, who came over from France with Lafayette, was also (though subsequently to the appointment of the marquis) made a major-general. The ser vices of most of the other French officers, howeveiyvvho accompanied them,were not accepted, and they returned home. * Timelier. Another distinguished foreigner soon presented himself at the headquarters of the command er-in-chief. " Count Pulaski, of Poland, an officer famous throughout Europe for his bravery and conduct in defence of the liberties of his country against the three great invading powers of Russia, Austria, and Prussia, will have the honor of delivering this into your ex cellency s hands," were the words of Doc tor Franklin, in the letter written by him at Paris to Washington, introducing the illustrious Pole. Count CASIMIR PULASKI, in the rebellion against King Stanislaus Augustus, of Po land (who, as a creature of the empress Catharine II., was upheld on the throne against the wishes of the nation), had al ready given proof of his devotion to lib erty. His father had sacrificed his life in the same cause, and the son succeeded him as the leader of the insurgents ; but, failing to gather a sufficient force to re sist the efforts of Russia, in conjunction with the Polish king, to subdue his coun try, young Pulaski determined to possess himself of the person of Stanislaus, and compel him to head the people in their struggle for independence. Accordingly, Pulaski, with thirty-nine bold associates, entered Warsaw, seized the king, and were carrying him off, when the guard came up and rescued the royal prisoner. Pu- laski s meager force of patriots was soon after beaten by the combined armies of Russia and Prussia, and he himself forced to fly from the country. He subsequent ly joined the Turks, in whose service he fought against his old enemies the Rus sians. When the war was over, Pulaski REVOLUTIONARY.] COUNT CASIMIR PULASKL BURGOYNE S ADVANCE. 509 went to Paris, where he met Franklin, by whom, on his resolving to go to America, he was commended, as we have seen, to Washington. The commander-in-chief proposed that Pulaski should have the command of the cavalry, in which hitherto there had been no officer of higher rank than colonel. GeneralJosephReed had been offered the appointment, but had declined. Washing ton recommended Pulaski for the com mand, saying to the president of Congress : " This gentleman, we are told, has been, like us, engaged in defending the liberty and independence of his country, and has sacrificed his fortune to his zeal for those objects. He derives from hence a title to our respect, that ought to operate in his favor, as far as the good of the ser vice will permit." Count Pulaski was raised to the rank of brigadier-general by Congress, and, af ter the battle of the Brandywine, given the command of the cavalry, in accord ance with the suggestion made by the commander-in-chief. CHAPTER LI I. Burgoyne s Progress. General Schuyler moves his Camp to Fort Miller. Alarm of the Country. Schuyler rebukes the Cowards. His Efforts for Defence. Burgoyne rallies the Savages. Unchecked Ferocity. Story of Jane M Crea. Burgoyne horrified. Impotent Attempt to punish the Murderers. The Effect of the Tragedy upon the Country. Burgoyne pushes on to Fort Edward. The Americans retire to Stilhvater. The British besiege Fort Stanwix. A Summons unheeded. Peter Gansevoort in Command. Old Herkitner to the Rescue. A Struggle. A Fratricidal Fight. The Patriots in Possession of the Field. Death of Herkimer. Schuyler sends Relief to the Patriots on the Mohawk. 1777, GENERAL BURGOYNE continued his toilsome march toward the Hudson, and so slow was his progress, that he did not reach Fort Anne till the end of July, On his approach, General Schuyler aban doned his position at Moses creek, and moved down the Hudson to Fort Miller. The inhabitants of the country were still in great alarm, and fled from their houses and their farms, abandoning to the enemy their flocks and ripening harvests as ths British advanced. The people even in Albany were panic-stricken, and called upon Schuyler for protection. Vexed at their unmanly fears, Schuyler strove to inspire them with greater fortitude. " Is it," he writes, " becoming rational beings, when a misfortune has happened to them, to despond and not to counteract the evil ? Surely not; and, if the militia would do their duty, we should soon make the en emy repent their ever having come into the country, and retreat with infinitely more loss than we have experienced ; but if the militia will sit still, folding their arms, and not make use of those exer tions which God has put in their power to make use of for their own defence, they certainly will become the victims of an enemy whose very mercies are cruelty." 510 BATTLES OF AMERICA. LPAKT n. General Schuyler in the meantime was unwearied in his efforts to bring all the resources of the country to bear in its de fence. He wrote the most pressing let ters to the governors of New England, to ,he committees of safety, and to Washing ton, asking for reinforcements. From the commander-in-chief he soon received the encouraging response that he would de spatch General Lincoln, of Massachusetts, to use his great influence in calling out the militia of New England ; and Colonel Morgan, with his riflemen, to protect the country against the barbarous Indian al lies of the British. General Burgoyne had gathered to gether a large force of Indian warriors. To those which he had brought with him from Canada were now added the Otta- w r as and allied tribes. It was supposed by the British government that these sav ages would terrify the country, and such had been its object in employing them. Burgoyne, naturally a humane person, had hoped to keep the cruel instincts of the Indians in check by the exercise of military discipline, and the influence of the French-Canadians who led them on. These wild denizens of the forest fully served the purpose designed of inspiring terror, but it was soon found impractica ble to keep them within the constraints of civilized warfare. A tragic incident now occured, which proved how useless had been Burgoyne s attempt to tame the ferocity of his Indian allies. The British army had reached Fort Anne, and was preparing to move on to Fort Edward. The Americans had retired with their main body, leaving a rear-guard at the fort, ready to evacuate it on the approach of the enemy in force. Near Fort Edward lived a Mrs. M- Neil, who, being a royalist in sentiment and a kinswoman of General Fraser, remained, awaiting without alarm the approach of the British troops, while most of the in habitants were flying. With Mrs. M-Neil there lingered one, however, who, though belonging to an American family, did net share in the anxious alarms of her coun trymen. This was Jane M Crea, the daugh ter of a Scotch Presbyterian clergyman, of New Jersey. Her father was dead, and she had gone to live with a brother resi ding near Fort Edward, but who, as he was a patriot, had abandoned his home on the approach of the enemy, and fled to Albany. He strove to persuade his sister to accompany him, but without sue cess. He wrote to her again and again, to entreat her to join him, but she still lingered behind. She was now a guest of Mrs. M Neil, and, like that lady, fear lessly awaited the approach of the Brit ish, for she knew that she had one among them who would protect her to the ut most of his power. This was her lover. In the neighborhood of her brother s home at Fort Edward there lived a youth of the name of David Jones. He and Jane M Crea became lovers, and were be trothed. His family, however, were loy alists, while hers were wings ; and, when war broke out, a separation took place. Young Jones volunteered to serve in the royal army, and, leaving his betrothed at the home of her patriot brother, went to Canada, where he received the king s com- mission as a lieutenant. Having joined REVOLUTIONARY.] THE STORY OF JANE M CREA. Burgoyne, he was now marching, with the division under General Fraser, toward his former home, and with eager expectation of meeting his beloved. As rumors reached MissM Crea s broth er, at Albany, of the advance of the ene my, and of the terror with which their savage allies were filling the whole coun try, he sent a peremptory command to his sister to go down to him. She finally though reluctantly consented, and pre pared to leave, in company with several families, in a large batteau, which w r as about to sail. On the morning of the day proposed for departure, the whole region was suddenly alarmed by the intelligence that some of Burgoyne s Indians were prowling in the neighborhood. The home of Mrs. M Neil was one of the most exposed, and the household was soon thrown into great consternation by a negro-boy, who came running in, cry ing that the Indians were close by, and then scampered away to the fort. Before the people in the house could hide them selves, the savages had entered. Seizing Mrs. McNeil and Miss M Crea, the Indians dividing into t\vo parties, each with a prize bore them off toward Burgoyne s camp. Those who had charge of Miss M Crea had not gone far, when they halt ed at a spring. Here the Indians quar relled among themselves for the posses sion of their captive. All their savage ferocity was aroused ; and one, in his wild rage, settled the dispute by killing the poor girl. They then tomahawked her, and bore her scalp as a trophy to the British camp. :i: * Wilkinson. This is the commonly-received account of the tragic event. There are, however, other versions of the sad story. Every annalist has his own. One tells us that the fatal shot came from the Americans at Fort Edward, who, observing the In dians escaping with their prize, fired at them, and unfortunately killed the fair captive, whereupon the savages immedi ately scalped her. Another reports that the Indians had been hired by Lieutenant Jones to bring his betrothed to the British camp, and that in their quarrel for the re ward (a keg of rum) they tomahawked her. This is the more popular version ; but, as it was solemnly denied by Jones himself, who asserted his entire ignorance of the affair until he beheld the reeking scalp of the victim, it should no longer be accepted. Burgoyne was no less horrified than every other civilized being at this act of savage ferocity. He determined, more over, to punish the murderer. A council of his Indians was called, and a demand made upon them for the surrender of the criminal. This, however, greatly angered the savages, for he who had done the cruel deed was a chief. Burgoyne would, not withstanding, have still persisted, had not those who were supposed to be more fa miliar with the Indian character, together with some of his officers (fearful lest the savages might become so indignant as to abandon the British alliance), persuaded him no longer to urge his demand. The story of the murder, however, was everywhere told with an exaggerated ac count of the complicity of the British, and served to inflame the feelings of the whole 512 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART n country against them. " The story," says Lossin;, " went abroad with all its horrid O embellishments; and the blood of Jane M Crea pleaded eloquently for revenge. Burke, in the exercise of his glowing elo quence, used the story with powerful ef fect in the British house of commons, and made the dreadful tale familiar to the ear throughout Europe." Burgoyne s civil ized notions of justice, moreover, so far disagreed with the sentiments of his sav age allies, that they became discontented, and deserted him so rapidly, that he was soon left with but few Indians in camp. General Burgoyne now reached Fort Edward, while the Americans continued to re tire farther down the Hudson, moving first to Saratoga, and thence to Stillwater. The British commander in the meantime halted, to await the arrival of General Phillips, with the artil lery and baggage, and to receive intelli gence from the detachment of the army sent under Colonel St. Leger to make a diversion by the way of Oswego, and with whom it was intended to form a junction at Albany. Word soon came that St. Leger was investing Fort Stanvvix (or Schuyler, as it had been lately called) situated at the head of navigation on the Mohawk river. Colonel Peter Gansevoort, of Albany, who had served under Montgomery at Quebec, commanded the post, with a garrison of seven hundred and fifty regular troops from Massachusetts and New York. The fort had been built during the French War, and was of considerable strength, but had been allowed to decay. The Americans, however, had lately repaired Aug. 3. Aiiff, 4. it, though not in such a manner as to make its defences complete. Colonel St. Leger now threatened the post with a large and very miscellaneous force, composed of nearly seventeen hun dred men in all, among whom there were a few British, Hessians, Canadians, and American loyalists, while the majority were Indian warriors, under Brant, the Mohawk chief, and Sir John Johnson. On the 3d of August, St. Leger sent in a flag, with a summons to surrender, and a copy of a pompous proclamation which he had spread over the country. The garrison took no notice of either, but re solved upon defending their post. On the next day, the English com mander commenced the siege by throwing a few bombs, and sending out parties of Indians to approach close to the fort, and, under cover of the trees, to pick off those at work on the parapets ; while at night the savages were ordered to keep up a wild howl, with the view of frightening the garrison. Although the country had been panic- stricken by the advance of the enemy, the aged Herkimer, general of the militia of Tryon county, had succeeded by great efforts in gathering eight hundred men, with whom he had marched to Oriskany, within eight miles of the fort. He now sent to inform Colonel Gansevoort of his approach, and to request him to signify the arrival of his messenger by firiii"- o / 3 three guns. On hearing these signals, General Herkimer proposed to force his way through St. Leger s troops, to the be sieged garrison. As the enemy were on the alert, and had surrounded the fort, REVOLUTIONARY.] COLONEL ST. LEGKR BESIEGES FORT SCHUYLER. with the view of cutting off its commu nication with the neighboring country, the messenger had great difficulty in reaching Gansevoort. He finally succeed ed by wading through a swamp supposed by the enemy to be impassable, but only after a long delay ; for, although he had started in the night, with the hope of de livering his message before morning, he did not arrive until ten o clock the next day. Old Herkimer, in the meanwhile, re mained at Oriskany with his militia, anx iously awaiting the discharge of the three guns, which were to be the signal for his advance. His men chafed at the delay, and their officers, sharing in their impa tience, urged Herkimer to press on. The veteran, with true Dutch phlegm, smoked his pipe-, and did not heed their importu nities. At last, two of his officers (Colo nels Cox and Paris), irritated by the ob stinate prudence of their cautious com mander, lost all self-control, and in their anger charged Herkimer with cowardice and treason. The fact that he had a broth er and other relatives in the ranks of the enemy appeared to give some show of probability to the accusation. The old man, however, was true as steel, and, con scious of his integrity, calmly replied, " I am placed over you as a father and a guardian, and shall not lead you into dif ficulties from which I may not be able to extricate you." His officers,notwithstand- ing, persisted in their ungenerous taunts, when Herkimer yielded, and gave the or der to advance; but he took care to tell those who were so anxious to press for ward, and were so boastful of their cour- G5 age, that they would probably be the first to run at the sight of the enemy. Colonel St. Leger had received intelli gence of General Herkimer s approach, and sent out Major Watts, with a party of Johnson s Greens, Colonel Butler with his Rangers, and a considerable body of Indians under Brant, to oppose it. Colo nel Gansevoort had observed from the first this movement of the enemy, but was unconscious of its object, until Her kimer s messenger arrived, when it be came obvious that St. Leger s object was to cut off the old veteran s party. Gnnse- voort immediately fired the three signal- guns, and ordered out a detachment of two hundred men drawn from his own and Wessen s regiments, with a single iron three-pounder, to make an attack upon the position occupied by Sir John Johnson s division, which had been weakened by the detachment sent off against Herki mer. Lieutenant-Colonel Willett, a veteran Long-islander, who had served in the French Wars, and like Gansevoort fought under Montgomery at Quebec, had charge of this enterprise. Willett drew up his men and prepared to make a sortie from the fort, when the rain fell in torrents, and prevented his departure. It proved, however, but a summer shower, and after a short delay he was able to sally out. Willett s charge upon Sir John Johnson s "Royal Greens" and Indian allies was so impetuous, that the advanced guard was pushed in upon the encampment, and the whole force driven in confusion from its ground. Sir John was so taken by sur prise, that he had no time to put on his 514 BATTLES OF AMP: RICA. [PART n. regimental coat, and, thus unaccoutred, strove to rail} 7 his troops. His efforts, however, were unavailing, and he and his Royal Greens were forced to cross the river and seek refuge in St. Leger s camp on the opposite bank, while the Indians fled in all directions through the surround ing forests. A large quantity of stores, live British flags, and the papers and bag gage of Sir John Johnson, fell into the hands of Willett, who had not lost a sin gle man in the enterprise. On his return to the fort, the English flags were hoisted beneath the American standard ; and his men, mounting the ramparts, gave three loud hurrahs. Herkimer moved on. in no complacent humor; and his undisciplined militia, shar ing in the contentions of their officers, followed him with little order or caution. The enemy, in the meanwhile, had pre pared an ambuscade. Across the road by which Herkimer was advancing there was a ravine, through which he would be obliged to march. The enemy, on reach ing this, posted their few regulars in the front, toward the fort, and concealed the Indians in the thick wood on each side of the road. The latter were ordered to let the Americans pass through the ravine, and only attack them when they had pushed on in the struggle with the small party of British in front. In this manner it was intended to surround Herkimer s force, and completely hem it in front, flank, and rear. The Americans came on carelessly and without suspicion. Their main body had got fairly into the ravine, followed by the baggage-wagons, while the rear-guard was still some distance behind on the road, when suddenly the Indians, too impatient to wait for orders, shouted their terrible war-whoop, and rushed impetuously from their cover down upon Herkimer and his men. The rear-guard immediately turned and fled, leaving those in advance to bear the whole brunt of the attack. General Herkimer was brought down at the first fire, by a musket-ball which killed his horse, and shattered his own leg near the knee. The brave old man, however, re fused to be carried from the field, and or dered his men to bear him to the foot of a beech-tree near by, where, sitting on his saddle, and calmly lighting his pipe, he remained, giving orders. The fight continued for more than an hour with great spirit, when the enemy strove to settle the engagement with a charge of the bayonet. The Americans, however, formed in circles, by which they were enabled to present a front to their assailants from all sides, and keep them off by their effective musketry. The day had been cloudy and unsettled, and now came a heavy rain, with thunder the same shower which, as we have seen, de layed Willett s sortie from the fort. The storm for awhile put an end to the strug gle, and both parties sought a cover in the woods. During this temporary lull, the Ameri cans shifted their ground, and determined to change their manoeuvres. The savages had been observed to await the discharge of the muskets, and then rush upon each man of the scattered troops while he was separated from his fellows, and tomahawk him. To guard against this, it was re- REVOLUTIONARY.] SEVERE FIGHT. DEATH OF GENERAL IIERKIMER. 515 solved by the Americans to post them selves, two together, behind the trees, so that when one had fired his musket and prepared to reload, the other might come forward ready to take his place and cover his comrade. With this improvement in their tactics, the Americans found the In dians much less formidable, and soon got so far the advantage of them, that they began to lose spirit and disperse. Major Watts now brought up a detach ment of the "Johnson Gre-ens," which had hitherto been kept in reserve. These were men belonging to the Mohawk val ley ; and, being thus brought into conflict with the American patriots, among whom there were not only those who were neigh bors, but some even who were their kins men,, the horrors of a fierce family feud were added to the usual terrors of war fare. The old quarrels and animosities which had before occurred between those taking separate sides in the early contro versies and troubles of the colonies, grow ing out of the dispute with the mother- country, were now aroused to increased fury. There was no check to passion, and no scruple to forbid the shedding of blood. Actual war authorized all, and neighbor joined in deadly struggle with neighbor without a qualm of conscience. The en gagement was fierce, and the result ter ribly fatal. The battle was so pertinaciously con tested on both sides, that neither seemed disposed to give way. The Indian allies of the British, however, were the first to lose heart; and, shouting their retreating- cry, " Oonah ! oonah /" these ruthless war riors at length fled precipitately to the adjoining forests. The white men heard these ominous shouts of their savage con federates, nnd saw their hasty retreat to the woods, but nevertheless continued to fight, and did not cease their deadly strug gle, until the distant firing from the at tack of Colonel Willett (in his sortie from the fort) began to be heard ; whereupon, the British commander, anxious for the safety of St. Leger s camp, withdrew his troops from the field, leaving the patriots in possession, and marched back to rein force the arch-leader of the " tories," Sir John Johnson. The victory, in the engagement thus abruptly brought to a close, remained un decided. The loss in killed and wound ed on both sides was about equally great, amounting to over three hundred each. Of the American officers, Colonel Cox and Captain V^an Sluyk were killed at the first fire. The brave old commander, Herki- mer, and the rest of the wounded, were borne off the field on litters made from the branches of trees. The general died ten days after the battle, at his own resi dence, on the Mohawk river. His shat tered leg was amputated, but (from the complex nature of the wound) so unsuc cessfully, that he never recovered from the effects of the operation. He bore his sufferings cheerfully, and calrny awaited his death, smoking his pipe and reading his Bible, to quote the graphic words of an annalist, " like a Christian hero." His patriotic example was greatly venerated by his countrymen, and his illustrious name was subsequently conferred by the legislature of New York upon one of the newly-formed counties of the state. 516 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART n. The enemy had retired from the field of action in such haste, that one of their officers (Major Watts, who was severely wounded) was left for dead. He there remained for two days, when he was dis covered by an Indian scout, near a spring of water, where he had crawled to quench his burning thirst, and was borne into St. Leger s camp. When General Schuyler received in telligence, at Stillwater, of this tragic con test, he despatched a force of eight hun dred continental troops, under the com mand of Brigadier-General Learned, to reinforce the patriots. Aug. 13, A few days subsequently, General Ar nold volunteered his services, which were accepted by Schuyler, who or dered him to proceed immedi ately to the " German Flats," where he was to assume the chief command, and, calling out the militia of the neighboring country, relieve Fort Schuyler, if practi cable ; otherwise, to adopt such precau tionary measures as would most effectu ally cover the settlements of the Mohawk valley from the ravages of General Bur- goyne s advancing British and Germans, and their more terrible Indian allies, who filled the countrv with consternation BATTLES OF AMERICA. CHAPTER LIII. General Burgoyne in Straits. His Wants. He seeks Relief by an Expedition to Bennington. Opposition of Officers. Major Skene, of Skcnesborough, carries the Day. The Force. The Hessians and Colonel Baume. Small Means and Great Ends. The Slow Germans. The Plodding Baume. A Capture. Encouragement and Discouragement. The Americans on the Alert. General Stark and his Quarrels. His Influence. Colonel Seth Warner and the Green-Mountain Boys. Stark comes up with the Enemy. A Successful Skirmish. A Soaking Rain. Breyman and his Lumbering Germans. Intrenchments of the Enemy. A Fighting Parson. Molly Stark s Prospects of Widow hood. The Fight. Victory. Losses. " One Little Hair" too late. Stark s Glory and Rewards. 1777, GENERAL BURGOYNE had so far ex hausted his resources in his difficult march to Fort Edward, and Schuyler s efforts to deprive him of the natural sup plies of the country had been so success ful, that he found himself unable to pros ecute his onward route to Albany, where, forming a junction with Colonel St.Leger, he proposed to concentrate his forces. His chief want was horses with which to draw his baggage-wagons and artillery, and to mount his cavalry regiments. Having learned that Bennington, in the " New- Hampshire grants" (now Vermont), was used by the Americans as a deposite for stores, and that it contained not only live stock in abundance, but large quantities of corn and flour, he determined to send an expedition against the place. General Phillips, of the artillery, arid Baron Rei- desel, who commanded the Hessians, op posed the enterprise. They contended that, to send a detachment into the heart of the enemy s country, would be to in cur too great a danger. Burgoyne him self thought that a large force might be required ; but Major Skene, of Skenes- borough, who pretended thoroughly to know the country and the sentiments of the people, declared that the friends of the British cause were as five to one, and that they only required the appearance of a protecting power to show themselves. General Burgoyne accordingly, trusting to Skene s apparently superior knowledge, followed his advice, and despatched but a small force to Bennington, consisting of about five or six hundred men in all, with two light fieldpieces. Of this small de tachment, one hundred were Indians, a few British and Canadians, but the great er part Hessians, among whom were two hundred dismounted dragoons beloninntr to Reidesel s regiment. Lieutenant-Colo- 517 518 nel Baume, a German, was appointed to the command ; and Major Skene was sent to accompany him, and aid in the execu tion of an enterprise of which he was the chief instigator. The force was meager, but it was ex pected to accomplish great purposes, as may be inferred from Burgoyne s instruc tions to Lieutenant-Colonel Baume, who was ordered to proceed through the New- Hampshire grants; cross the mountains; scour the country from Rockingham to Otter creek ; to get horses, carriages, and cattle, and mount Reidesel s regiment of dragoons ; to go down Connecticut river as far as Brattleborough, and return by the great road to Albany, there to meet General Burgoyne ; to endeavor to make the country believe it was the advanced body of the general s army, who was to cross Connecticut river and proceed to Boston, and that at Springfield they were to be joined by the troops from Rhode Island. All officers, civil and military, acting under the Congress, were to be made prisoners. He (Baume) was to tax the towns where they halted, with such articles as they wanted, and take host ages for the performance. " You are to bring all horses," adds Burgoyne, "fit to mount the dragoons or to serve as battal ion horses for the troops, with as many saddles and bridles as can be found. The number of horses requisite, besides those for the dragoons, ought to be thirteen hundred ; if you can bring more, so much the better. The horses must be tied in strings of ten each, in order that one man may lead ten horses." With these great designs in view, Lieu- BATTLES OF AMERICA. [TAUT n. Aug. 13. tenant- Colonel Baume, with his small force, set out on his expedition. General Burgoyne, at the same time, moved his army along the eastern shore of the Hudson, and encamped near ly opposite to Saratoga,, where, having thrown a bridge of boats across the river, he sent over his advanced guard, under General Fraser. Baume had not a long march before him, Bennington being only about twen ty-four miles to the eastward of the Hud son, but he and his heavy Germans were slow in their movements. "The worst British regiment in the service," says Sted- man, the English military annalist, " would with ease have inarched two miles for their one." Rapidity of motion was not one of the virtues of the German troops. They were not only naturally less active than the British, but were weighed down by the monstrous accoutrements intro duced by Frederick the Great into the Prussian armies. Their hats and swords alone weighed nearly as much as the en tire equipment of a British soldier ! The Germans were the last men who should have been selected for attempting a sur prise, which requires above all things ce lerity of movement. Baume went on. plodding his way slow ly but faithfully. On the first night he reached Cambridge, where his advanced guard of Indians and Canadians succeed ed in dispersing a small party of Ameri cans guarding some cattle. The follow ing day he got possession of the mill of " Sa.ncook," with a large supply of "very fine Hour," a thousand bushels of wheat, twenty barrels of salt, and about " one REVOLUTIONARY.] THE MARCH TO BENNINGTON. GENERAL STARK. 519 thousand pounds of pearlash and potash," which the Americans, flying before him, had left as a prize behind them. From this place, on the morning of the 14th of August, he writes a despatch to General Burgoyne, which, upon the whole, is quite encouraging. " By five prisoners taken here," he says, " they agree that from fif teen to eighteen hundred are at Benning- ton, but are supposed to leave it on our approach People are flocking in hour ly, but want to be armed." There were, however, already some drawbacks to his successful progress. The Americans were breaking down the bridges, and delaying his march ; and the Indians were giving him no little trouble. " The savages," he declares, " can not be controlled ; they ruin and take everything they please." With their superior skill in horse-steal ing, the Indian allies were the first to get possession of these animals ; and, unless they received hard cash for them, they would either destroy or drive them off. Baume, notwithstanding, is still hopeful, and adds, in his deliberate way, " 1 will proceed so far to-day as to fall on the en emy to-morrow." The Americans, however, were vigilant, and were preparing to receive the lieu tenant-colonel and his Germans. Ever since the success of General Burgoyne at Ticonderoga, the eastern states had been making strenuous efforts to protect their frontiers from invasion. New Hampshire, being the first exposed, was foremost in preparing to defend herself. The militia of the state was called out. and a detach ment under General Stark ordered im mediately to the frontier. Stark had only accepted the command of the New-Hampshire militia on the con dition of being left at liberty to serve or not under a continental commander as he pleased. The general was vexed by the treatment which he had received at the hands of Congress, that body having, by the appointment of younger and less- experienced men above him, slighted, as he thought, his superior claims. He had therefore left the general service in dis gust, but was too devoted a patriot to abandon his country in the crisis of its trials ; and, when his native state was threatened, he did not hesitate to come forward in her defence. JOHN STARK had, while a youth, fought in the French wars. At the first sound of the cannon at Lexington, he had left his sawmill, and, calling together the back woodsmen of New Hampshire, had hast ened to Boston, w T here he was foremost in the struggle at Bunker s hill. He had served in Canada under Montgomery and Arnold; and he had shared in the victo ry at Trenton under Washington. Al though these services may have been for gotten by Congress in the strife of parti sanship, they were held in fresh remem brance by his own state. Stark s influence in New Hampshire was so great, that his appointment was no sooner made, than fourteen hundred men rallied to his standard. These were not raw militia, but brave and true sol diers, well officered, who had already, like their veteran commander, seen service. Stark s resolve to act independently of the orders of any continental command er was soon put to the test. General 520 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PAKT II. Lincoln, who had been sent by Washing ton to the North, to aid Schuyler, had now reached Manchester, some twenty miles north of Bennington. Here Stark met him, and was ordered to join Schuy ler at Stillwater. With this order, how ever, he refused compliance, confronting Lincoln with the "condition of service" which the state of New Hampshire had accepted. The matter was finally referred to Congress for adjustment, when that body resolved " that the council of New Hampshire be informed that the instruc tions which General Stark says he has re ceived from them are destructive of mili tary subordination, and highly prejudicial to the common cause at this crisis ; and that therefore they be desired to instruct General Stark to conform himself to the same rules which other general officers of the militia are subject to, whenever they are called out at the expense of the United States." Stark, however, was a plain man, and had no fastidious regard for the nice dis tinctions of legislative privileges. Pie would do everything, he said, to promote the public good, but nothing that was in consistent with his own honor, and went on, resolutely bent upon the sole object of defending his state, now threatened with danger. Having heard of the ad vance of Lieutenant-Colonel Baume, the veteran Stark hurried back to Benning ton, where he was soon followed by Colo nel Seth Warner and his " Green-Mount ain Boys," who had returned to New Hampshire after St. Glair s surrender and retreat from Ticonderoga. , On reachingBenuington,Stark learned Aug. 14. that Baume s Indians were at Cambridge, twelve miles north of him. He immedi ately sent forward Lieutenant- Colonel Gregg, with two hundred men, to oppose them ; and the next morning, having rallied his brigade and the militia, and being reinforced by War ner, who had come into Bennington with his men drenched by a soaking rain, he inarched himself with all speed to meet the enemy. Warner s regiment was left behind to "dry" and refresh themselves. Stark had got but seven miles on his way, when he met Gregg and his party in full retreat, with Baume s force in pursuit, only a mile in their rear. Stark at once halted his troops, and drew them up in order of battle. The enemy coming up and seeing his strength, did likewise, taking their position on a hill very advantageously situated. Stark confined himself to sending out small par ties to skirmish with their advance-guards, and with such good effect, that thirty of the enemy were killed or wounded, with out any loss on his own side. As his ground was not suitable for a general ac tion, the American commander withdrew his troops a mile farther back, and en camped. The whole of the fol lowing day was mostly lost, for it rained heavily from morning till night, A council of war, however, was called, at which a plan of action was agreed upon. Two detachments were to be sent to at tack the enemy in the rear, while a third should oppose them in front, Lieuten ant-Colonel Baume, in the meanwhile, took advantage of this pause to send to Burgoj iie for a reinforcement ; and Colo- 15, REVOLUTIONARY.] BATTLE OF BENNINGTON. 521 nelBreyman was immediately despatched with five hundred men to his aid. His progress, however, was so slow, with his lumbering Germans, that, although he had but twenty-four miles to march, he took over two days to accomplish it ! " This Breyman," says the author of "KnigMs History of England? "like most of his school, was a pedant and a formalist, who had no notion of marching, even through a rough country, except with all the order and precision of the drill-ground : he halted ten times an hour to dress his ranks." Of course, such a laggard was not likely to be up to time, and we shall find that his arrival was too late for him to render any aid. Baume, in the meantime, continued by means of intrenchments to strengthen the position which he had chosen, upon the high ground, within a bend of the little Wallormscook river. Although the rainy weather kept the two opposing parties, for the most part, within their encamp ments, there was an occasional skirmish between them ; and the Indians were so frequently picked off by the New-Hamp shire riflemen, that they be^an to desert / / cj Baume, telling him that they would not stay, because the woods were filled with Yankees.* General Stark, before leaving Benning- ton, had sent expresses in all directions throughout the country, to summon the militia, and they now began to come in. Before break of day on the morning of the IGth of August, Colonel Symonds marched into camp with a considerable body from Berkshire county, Massachu- * Lossing. GG Aug. 16. setts. Among the volunteers was a war like clergyman of the name of Allen. So impatient was he for the fight, that he no sooner arrived, than he presented himself to Stark, saying, " General, the people of Berkshire have been so often summoned without being allowed to fight, that they have resolved, unless you now give them a chance, not to turn out again." " You wouldn t surely wish to march while it is dark and raining !" replied Stark. " No, not just now," answered Allen. " Well," responded the general, " if the Lord will only give us once more some sunshine, and I do not give you fighting enough, I ll never ask you to come out again." As the day advanced, the rain ceased, and the sun shone brightly ; so Stark prepared to begin his op erations against the enemy. In accord ance with the plan agreed upon with his officers on the previous day, the general sent Colonel Nichols, with two hundred men, in the rear of the enemy s left, and Colonel Herrick, with three hundred, in the rear of their right, with orders to join their forces and make a simultaneous at tack. To the right, Colonels Hubbard and Stickney were detached, with two hundred men, while a hundred were sent to the front, in order to draw the atten tion of the enemy in that direction. The command of the main body the general reserved for himself, with the view, as soon as the action began, to push his men forward and make a charge in front. It was three o clock in the afternoon when tl>e attack was begun, by the ad vance of Colonel Nichols upon the rear of Baume s intrenchments. "Forward 1 " BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART n. shouted Stark, at the sound of the first gun, as he led his troops on against the enemy s front. " See there, men !" con tinued he ; " there are the red-coats ! Be fore night they are ours, or Molly Stark will be a widow !" And his brave fellows, responding to this homely speech of their general with a loud huzza, pushed for ward. In a few minutes the action was general. "It lasted two hours," wrote Stark, " the hottest I ever saw in my life. It represented one continued clap of thun der." The Indians were the first to give way. Finding that they were about to be hemmed in by the Americans in the rear, they fled, yelling and jingling their " cow-bells," but received a fire by which three were killed and two wounded as they ran between the two detachments of Nichols and Herrick, that were closing to form a junction. The Germans, nevertheless, spiritedly resisted, clinging to their guns within the oreastworks as long as their ammunition lasted ; and then strove to defend them selves with sword in hand, and with the brave Baume at their head. The Ameri cans, however, though armed only with their " brown firelocks," and with hardly a bayonet, mounted the fortifications and assailed them with such dashing gallant ry, that the enemy were obliged to give way. " Our martial courage," said Stark, " was too hard for them." After a severe loss in killed and wounded, amon<; the o latter of whom was Baume himself, they were driven from their around, leaving O O their artillery and baggage behind them. Stark s militiamen, who had been prom ised by him all the plunder taken in the enemy s camp, now left their ranks to se cure their booty. The retreating Ger mans, hearing of the advance of Colonel Breyman with a reinforcement, began to rally, and might have renewed the en gagement to the disadvantage of the un disciplined Americans, scattered about in their search for plunder, had not Colonel Warner s regiment, which had been left behind at Bennington, luckily come up at this moment, and began the attack afresh. Stark, too, gathered as many of his dispersed men as he could, and, form ing them, pushed forward. The battle was renewed, and continued obstinately on both sides until sunset. The enemy, however, were forced to. retreat, with Stark close at their heels, who pursued them until dark. " Had day," said he, "lasted an hour longer, we should have taken the whole body of them." The laggard Breyman came up with his slow Germans only in time to meet Baume s force in full retreat. " Had he been one little hour sooner, the fate of the day," according to the British authorities, "might have been different; but now he had nothing to do but to put the fugi tives of Baume s detachment into some order, and retreat to the place he had come from." Seven hundred of the enemy were ta ken prisoners, among whom was Baume, who soon after died of his wounds. Two hundred and seven of them were left dead on the field. The Americans had about one hundred killed and nearly the same number wounded. Stark himself lost " his horse, bridle, and saddle," in the action. Four pieces of brass cannon, sev- UKVOLUTIONARY.] STARR S REWARD. A COURT OF INQUIRY. eral hundred stands of amis, and a mis cellaneous collection of brass -barrelled drums, stores, swords, and baggage-wag ons, fell into the hands of the Americans. These (or their value) were claimed by Stark for his troops, since, as he declares in his official account, that he promised " the soldiers should have all the plunder taken in the enemy s camp." The Americans were everywhere great ly inspirited by this triumph at Benning- ton. The gloom, which had previously so darkened the hopes of the people in the North, now began to disappear before this dawn of victory in the East. The mi litia became more self-reliant, and proved themselves more worthy of the trust of others. They had succeeded in overcom ing European regulars, and had put to flight the much-dreaded Indian savages arrayed against them. General Stark s share in the victory was handsomely acknowledged. Con gress, forgetting their .own wrongs, now thought only of his rights, and, appoint ing him a brigadier-general in the conti nental army, reinstated him in the posi tion which he claimed. CHAPTER LIV. Court of Inquiry upon Generals Schuyler and St. Clair. Sohuyler superseded. Washington declines to nominate a Suc cessor. Unpopularity of Schuyler, and its Causes. General Gates appointed to the Command of the Northern De partment. Courtesy of Gates and Schuyler. Schuyler chagrined. Gates agreeably disappointed. Gatcs s Attack upon General Burgoync with his Pen. Military Rhetoric. Burgoyne s Answer. Movements of General Arnold. A Master of Grandiloquence. A Yankee Trick. Yan Yost Cuyler. The Success of his Mission. The British for saken by the Indians. An Indian Practical Joke. Fort Schuyler relieved. Arnold hastens to join Gates. 1777. CONGRESS had determined that Aug. 1. a court of inquiry should be held, to investigate the conduct of Generals Schuyler and St. Clair, in consequence of the surrender of the posts at Ticondero- ga and Mount Independence. They were accordingly ordered, though the time was not yet specified, to hold themselves in readiness to proceed to headquarters. In the meantime, it was resolved to supersede General Schuyler in the command of the northern depart ment. The appointment of his successor was referred by Congress to Washington, who, however, declined this responsibili ty, telling them in reply : " The northern department in a great measure has been considered as separate, and more pecu liarly under their direction; and the offi cers commanding there always of their nomination. I have never interfered fur ther than merely to advise, and to give such aids as were in my power, on the re quisitions of those officers. The present situation of that department is delicate and critical, and the choice of an officer to the command may involve very inter esting and important consequences." 524 T.ATTLKS OF AMERICA. [PART n. When Congress authorized Washing ton to make the appointment, the New- En ^l and delegates were so anxious that O o their favorite should receive it, that they Avrote to the commander-in-chief, urging him to appoint General Gates, and ex pressing the opinion that "no man will be more likely to restore harmony, order, and discipline, and retrieve our affairs in that quarter." This attempt to influence his judgment probably induced Washing ton to decline all interference in the mat ter. On the question being again brought up before Congress, Gates received the appointment. General Schuyler, of whose patriotism and active devotion to the interests of his country there could be no doubt, was ex ceedingly unpopular with New England. The cause has been attributed to the old quarrel growing out of the dispute in re gard to the boundary-line between his native colony of New York and that of Massachusetts Bay. Schuyler had served as a boundary-commissioner., and, in his zealous defence of the claims of New York, is supposed to have incurred the ill feel ing of New England. It is far more prob able, however, that the formal manners, and the claims to social distinction of the more aristocratic " ; New-Yorker," did not accord with the rude simplicity of the equality-loving "Yankee." Gates, who was of a social turn, and easy in his man ners, on the other hand, succeeded in con ciliating the New-England people, and possessed at this time all their love and confidence. His appointment, therefore, was gladly welcomed ; and, although witli the success at Bennington, and the diffi- Ang. 19, culties then in the way of Burgoyne, by the strenuous exertions of Schuyler, the army and the inhabitants of the North and East had got rid of much of their panic, there is no doubt that the appearance of Gates served greatly to quicken the res toration of their confidence and courage. Schuyler courteously received Gates when he presented himself at the camp at Van Schaick s island (where the Mohawk enters the Hudson), to assume the command of the army. Ee- pressing his vexation at the treatment of Congress, the superseded general told his successor that he intended to remain in the camp for the present, and begged him to avail himself freely of his services. That Schuyler was deeply wounded is apparent from his letter to Washington. " It is," writes he, " matter of extreme cha grin to me to be deprived of the command, at a time when soon, if ever, we shall probably be enabled to meet the enemy when we are on the point of taking ground where they must attack to disad vantage, should our force be inadequate to facing them in the field when an op portunity will in all probability occur, in which I might evince that I am not what Congress have too plainly insinuated, by the resolution taking the command from me." General Gates, when first setting out, was not much encouraged by the pros pect of his northern command ; but when he reached the camp, he found that the tide of affairs had taken a more favorable turn. " Upon my leaving Philadelphia," he wrote to Washington, " the prospect this way appeared most gloomy ; but the Hi; VOLUTION ART.] GATES S CHARGES AGAINST BURGOYNE. 525 severe checks the enemy have met at Bennington and Tryon county have giv en a more pleasing view of public affairs. I can not sufficiently thank your excel lency for sending Colonel Morgan s corps. They will be of the greatest service to the army ; for, until the late successes this way, I am told it was quite panic- struck by the Indians, and their tory and Canadian assassins in Indian dress. Few of the militia demanded are yet arrived, but I hear of great numbers on their march." Gates inaugurated his command by on attack with his pen on Burgoyne. That general had sent in a complaint of the treatment received by the prisoners ta ken at Bennington. Gates retorted by denouncing the employment of the Indi ans, and holding Burgoyne responsible for their cruelties. In the course of his letter he described, in a strain of turgid rhetoric, the tra.gic death of Jane M Crea, and concluded by saying, " The miserable fate of Miss M Crea was peculiarly aggra vated by her being dressed to receive her promised husband, but met her murderer, employed by you!" Nor was this all; he added: "Upward of one hundred men, women, and children, have perished by the hands of ruffians, to whom it is assert ed you have paid the price of Mood /" After Gates had elaborated his epistle, he called General Lincoln and his adju tant-general (Wilkinson) into his apart ment, read it to them, and asked their opinion. They modestly declined to give it. The general, however, pressed them, when they both declared, as might be ex pected from the extracts which we have given, that the letter was too personal. Gates, with the usual vanity of author ship, replied testily, " By G-d, I don t be lieve either of you can mend it !" It was therefore sent without amendment. Burgoyne was naturally indignant at the charges of Gates, and took pains, in a long answer, to refute them. In regard to the tragic death of Miss M Crea, he de clared that it was no premeditated bar barity ; that no one regretted it more than himself; and that, moreover, the murderer should have been executed, had it not been believed that a pardon on the terms to be granted would be more effi cacious to prevent further outrage. As for the other Indian cruelties, Burgoyne denied them, and, in regard to the com plicity of which he was accused, emphat ically asserted "I would not be con scious of the acts you presume to impute to me, for the whole continent of Amer ica, though the wealth of worlds was in its bowels, and a paradise upon its sur face." It may be presumed that Gates himself did not believe that Burgoyne was the criminal which his letter would seem to indicate. His object was to exaggerate the cruelties of the enemy, in order to excite the horror and indignation of the country. He was merely availing him self of what he believed to be a justifia ble ruse de guerre, and it proved wondrous- ly effective. Gates s exaggerated state ments and rhetorical bombast accorded with the excited and unreflecting senti ment of the times, and his letter became immensely popular. General Arnold, who, as we have seen, BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART n. had gone to the relief of the garrison at Fort Schuyler, soon overtook the detach ment of eight hundred men, under Gen eral Learned, which had preceded him. On reaching Fort Dayton, at the German Flats, where there was a small guard of continental troops, it was found that the whole force which could be mustered amounted to only nine hundred and for ty-six regulars and one hundred militia. It was therefore deemed imprudent, with so meager a force, to attempt an attack upon Colonel St. Leger, who was invest ing Fort Schuyler with a miscellaneous body of Indians, Canadians, and regulars, numbering no less than seventeen hun dred. Arnold sent to Gates for reinforce ments, and in the meantime tried the effi cacy of a proclamation. He was a great master of grandiloquence, and on the present occasion outdid his usual efforts. Presenting himself as the " Honorable Benedict Arnold, Esquire, general and commander-in-chief of the army of the United States of America on the Mohawk river," he proclaimed a free pardon to all who joined or upheld him, " whether sav ages, Germans, Americans, or Britons," provided they should lay down their arms and take the oath of allegiance to the United States within three days. Those who would not were threatened with the "just vengeance of Heaven and their ex asperated country," from either of which no mercy was to be expected ! Colonel St. Leger was denounced as a "leader of a banditti of robbers, murderers, and trai lers, composed of savages of America and more savage Britons," who were threat ening ruin and destruction to the people. This swelling manifesto had its effect, but proved less efficacious than another de vice which sprang from the teeming womb of Yankee ingenuity. LieutenantrColonel Brooks, of the Ma.s- sachusettsline,suggested the employment of a man of the name of Hanyost Schuy ler, or Yan Yost Cuyler, as an emissary to be sent into the camp of the enemy, with an exaggerated report of Arnold s numbers, in order to alarm the Indians. This fellow, who was known to be a tory, had been arrested while prowling about the American encampment, and was con demned to be executed as a spy. He was now brought before General Arnold, who promised him a pardon if he would perform the service required of him. He readily consented, and was sent away to St. Leger s camp; while, to secure his fidelity, his brother was kept as a host age. Cuyler is spoken of as a half-witted fellow, but he was evidently much more of a rogue than a fool, as was proved by the cunning with which his mission was accomplished. He was, however, greatly aided by some Indian confederates, one of whom suggested that he should shoot bullets through his coat, in order that his story might appear more probable to the enemy. One or two Indian accomplices also agreed to follow Cuyler, and sub stantiate his reports of the strength of the Americans. Cuyler accordingly presented himself among the Indians before Fort Schuyler, telling them how he had barely escaped (of which his riddled coat was indubitable proof) from the bullets of the enemy, who REVOLUTIONARY.] COLONEL ST. LEGER AND HIS INDIANS. 527 pursued him and were advancing in vast numbers. The savages listened unsuspi ciously, and asked with alarm, * How ma ny are coining?" " A thousand !" he had seen in one body, answered Cuyler, and "a thousand in another," and he did not know " how many more," but, looking up into the surrounding trees, he declared that he believed " they were as numer ous as the leaves." Soon came in one of Cuylcr s Indian confederates, about whom his fellow-savages pressed as eager listen ers ; and receiving from his lips a confir mation of Cuyler s story of the approach of the Americans, and still more extraor dinary accounts of their force, they be came greatly alarmed. Colonel St. Leger was soon conscious of the agitation among his Indians, cre ated by these reports. The chiefs hurried to him, and, confronting him angrily, thus addressed him : " You mean to sacrifice us ! When we marched down, you told us there would be no fighting for u*s In dians ; we might go home, and smoke our pipes ; whereas numbers of our warriors have been killed !" St. Leger strove to allay their fears and anger, promising to lead them on himself against the enemy, and cover them with a van of three hun dred of his best troops. They appeared quieted for the time, and agreed to go out the next morning to choose the prop er ground for a field of battle. St. Leger went out accordingly early on the following day with his Indian war riors, and, having chosen his ground, drew up his force. Soon, however, there came an Indian, a second confederate of the wily Yan Yost Cuyler, with the report that the enemy were advancing with two thousand men ; and immediately he was followed by a third dusky fellow, who de clared that all Burgoyne s army had been cut to pieces, and that General Arnold was pushing forward by rapid and forced marches with three thousand men ! The savages now became so pnnic-stricken, that two hundred decamped immediately, and the rest threatened to follow. St. Leger called Sir John Johnson to his aid in this emergency, but even his undoubt ed influence over the Indians proved on this occasion of no avail. The savages persisting in their deter mination to leave St. Leger, unless he should retreat, he was forced to comply. He proposed, however, to retire with de liberation during the night, having first sent on before him his sick, wounded, and artillery. But the Indians were too im patient to go, and too eager for the con fusion of a hurried movement, to consent to a delayed and orderly retreat. They artfully kept up the alarm in the camp, by causing messengers to steal away and come in again, with rumors that the ene my were approaching. The colonel, not withstanding, resisted their importunities to march, until the savages " grew furious and abandoned ; seized upon the officers liquor and clothes, in spite of the efforts of their servants ; and became more for midable," says St. Leger, " than the enemy we had to expect." He was now forced to retire before night, and, having called in his advanced posts, hurried off toward Oswego. They went oft;" says Cordon, and St. Leger was, about noon of the 22d [Au- 528 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART n. gust], in such hurry and confusion, as to leave his bombardier asleep in the bomb- battery. His tents, with most of the ar tillery and stores, fell into the hands of the garrison. Some of the Indian sa chems, who were highly disgusted with him, concluded to play upon him, and di vert themselves at his expense. In the evening the flying troops came to a clay soil, pretty soft. St. Leger and Sir John Johnson were in an altercation, St. Leger reproaching Sir John about his Indians, and Sir John blaming St. Leger for not carrying on the siege differently. "A couple of Indian chiefs, upon a ri sing hill at a small distance, with light enough to observe their situation, and near enough to notice their wranglings, which proceeded almost to fighting, di rected an Indian to withdraw some con siderable way behind them, and then to run after them, crying out with all ima ginable earnestness in the Indian lan guage, Then are coming! then are coining! and to continue it. " St. Leger and Sir John, upon hearing the dismal note, made off as fast as they could, but often tumbled into the dirt. The men pushed off in the greatest hur ry. The Indians renewed the joke ; and continued thus, and in like ways, till the royalists arrived at the Oneida lake." The garrison at Fort Schuyler were greatly mystified by this sudden move ment of the enemy. Colonel Gansevoort knew the strength of the besiegers, and how day after day they had been labori ously proceeding with their works, appa rently with full confidence in a success ful issue to their operations. They had peremptorily summoned him to surren der ; and, although he had resolutely an swered that he would defend the fort to the last extremit} , there had seemingly occurred nothing in the relations between the besiegers and besieged to justify this sudden retreat of the enemy. The mys tery, however, was soon cleared up by the arrival of the cunning Cuyler at the fort. Fearful that his trick might be de tected, and he meet with the punishment which he deserved, the rogue had fled in the night, during the confusion of St. Le- ger s retreat, and made his way to Colo nel Gansevoort, to whom Cuyler, himself the principal agent, now disclosed the ruse by which St. Leger had been forced to raise the siege. General Arnold did not await the re sult of his cunning device against the enemy nor reinforcements from Gates, before marching. He resolved, with his usual impetuosity, to push on to the re lief of Gaiisevoort with the force at his command, however small. But he had not <>;ot far when a New- York regiment O * > found him, having been sent by Gates, to whom Arnold thus wrote from the Ger man Flats : " I leave this place this morn ing, with twelve hundred conti- Ang, 21. nental troops and a handtiil ot militia, for Fort Schuyler, still besieged by a force equal to ours. You will hear of my being victorious or no more. As soon as the safety of this part of the coun try will permit, I will fly to your assist ance." He was still pressing forward in his march toward the fort, when he heard of the success of his ruse, and accordingly determined to return and join Gates. REVOLUTIONARY.] THE BRITISH FLEET IN CHESAPEAKE BAY. CHAPTEE LV. Washington in Perplexity. The British in Chesapeake Bay. General Howe s Object. Philadelphia. The Course and Voyage of the British Fleet. Washington marches from Gcrmantown. The March of the Americans through Phila delphia. Landing of General Howe. Want of Horses. Forestalled by the Patriots. Young Henry Lee. "Light Horse Harry." General Sullivan under a Cloud. Washington determines to give Howe Battle. The Indefatigable Commander. Chad s Fort. Order of Battle. Approach of the Enemy. Battle of the Brandywine. Vain Efforts of Gallantry. Retreat of the Americans. The Killed and Wounded Conduct of the French Officers. Gallantry of Lafayette and De Floury. Lafayette wounded. Sullivan again under Censure. He is recalled and retained. 1777, 21. WASHINGTON, after being a long time perplexed in regard to the movements of General Howe, and forced to shift his encampment hither and thith er, now to one side of the Delaware and again to the other, finally concluded, to gether with his officers in coun cil assembled, that the enemy s fleet had most probably sailed for Charles ton. It was, however, thought expedient not to follow Howe to the southward, but to move the army toward the North riv er. On the very day that Washington was preparing to march in accordance with this resolution, he received intelli gence that two hundred sail of the ene my had anchored in Chesapeake bay, off Swan point, nearly two hundred miles from the capes. There was now no doubt that Philadelphia was Sir William Howe s object, although the route he had taken, (is Washington remarked, was " a very strange one." The course of the British fleet, which had caused so much perplexing specula tion, had been directed, not according to any wily schemes of General Howe, but by the caprice of the weather, and the force of circumstances beyond his control. 67 The army had embarked on the 5th of July, but was detained by a head-wind at Sandy Hook until the 23d, and after sail ing did not make the capes of Delaware until the 30th. It was Howe s intention to have sailed up the Delaware to Phila delphia, but, receiving intelligence that the Americans had raised prodigious im pediments on that river, he changed his mind and stood for the mouth of the Elk, which opens into Chesapeake bay. He was now so baffled by the prevalent south erly winds of the season, that he did not succeed in entering the Chesapeake until this late period (the 21st of August). His troops, both cavalry and infantry, crowded into the holds of the transports, during the hottest season of the year, and unpro vided with the necessaries and comforts for a long voyage, suffered greatly. The soldiers were weakened by the protracted confinement on shipboard, and the horses became nearly useless. Washington now changed the direction of his march, and determined to proceed from Germantown, where he was then en camped, in a southerly direction along the western bank of the Delaware, in or der to meet and oppose the approach of 530 BATTLES OF AMERICA. LPAKT 11. the enemy. He also sent for General Sul livan, who was at that time on the North river, to join him with his division. With the view of exerting " some influence on the minds of the disaffected there, and those who are dupes to their artifices and opinions," Washington marched his army through Philadelphia. The whole force amounted to nearly nine thousand men, and that their march through the city produced the impression desired may be inferred from the account given by Graydon, who from " the coffee-, house corner" beheld them as they passed. " These," he says, " though indifferently dressed, held well- burnished arms, and carried them like soldiers, and looked, in short, as if they might have faced an equal number with a reasonable prospect of suc cess." Passing on through Philadelphia without halting, the army continued its march through Derby and Chester, to Wilmington. Sir William Howe, in the meantime, had landed on the banks of the Elk river, at the head of Chesapeake bay, and moved his troops to within two miles of the town of Elk (Elkton), in Maryland, where he encamped them up on the hills. Howe had lost so many horses during his long voyage, that he was unable to send out those mounted parties by which he had hoped to scour the country, and secure supplies. The Americans were thus enabled to frustrate him ; and, being now provided with an excellent cavalry-force, they succeeded not only in securing a good portion of the public stores deposited at the head of the Elk, but in greatly harassing the Aug. 25, British advanced pickets. Young Harry Lee, with his lii>;ht-horse, did i>reat ser- O * O vice in these skirmishes. Lee was a young Virginian at this time only twenty years of age. His name sake, General Charles Lee, declared that "he came forth a soldier from his mother s womb." Washington warmly welcomed the youth when he first offered his ser vices, gave him the command of a com pany of light-horse, and watched ever af ter with fond admiration his spirited ca reer. " Perhaps," says Irving, " there was something beside his bold, dashing spirit, which won him this favor. There may have been early recollections connected with it. Lee was the son of the lady who first touched Washington s heart in his schoolboy days, the one about whom he wrote rhymes atMountVernon and Green- way Court his lowland beauty." Lee s gallantry, in fact, was noticed by the en tire army, and his services as a cavalry- officer were so remarkable, that he was popularly known as "Light-horse Harry." Washington took care to record the deeds of his youthful compatriot: " Ten o clock. This minute twenty-four British prison ers arrived, taken yesterday by Captain Lee of the light-horse," is a postscript to his letter to the president of Congress, dated Wilmington, 30th of August. General Sullivan, in obedience to Wash ington s orders, had joined the army with his division. He came back, however, with some imputations resting upon his con duct in an unsuccessful enterprise against Staten island. It was resolved to appoint a court of inquiry to investigate the mat ter, while in the meantime he was left in REVOLUTIONARY.] POSITION OF THE HOSTILE ARMIES. 531 full command. Sullivan was frequently exposed to charges of ill conduct ; but, as he always brought forward proof of his courage and the sincerity of his patriot ism., he never failed to reinstate himself, if not in public opinion, at any rate in his rank in the army. Washington s army now amounted to fifteen thousand men, although the effect ive force, from sickness and other causes, was calculated at only eleven thousand. He had determined, however, to give the enemy battle, though the latter were es timated to possess the greatly superior strength of eighteen thousand. There were not wanting those who considered Washington s resolution to fight under the disadvantage of such inferior num bers as imprudent. He believed, never theless, that, with the choice of a good position, he might make an effective re sistance. Moreover, he thought that, to retreat before General Howe, and allow him to march to Philadelphia without op position; would dispirit the country and injure the cause even more than a de feat. Washington was indefatigable in pre paring for the contest. He was constant ly in his saddle, riding about the country, in spite of the heavy rains, to reconnoitre the position of the enemy, and to select proper ground for opposing their advance. It was finally concluded to move from Wilmington to Newport, where the army was posted in a line along the bank of the Red-Clay creek. The British, in the meantime, had advanced within eight miles, and taken their posi tion on Iron hill. Skirmishes ensued be- Septi 7. tween the advanced pickets of both ar mies, but with little advantage to either side. General Howe now made another for ward movement, with the appa- tj ftf C rent intention of attacking the Americans. Washington waited for him the whole day ; but finding that he had halted at Milltown, within two miles of the American encampment, and it appear ing probable that the enemy only intend ed " to amuse us," says Washington, " in front, while their real intent was to march by our right, and by suddenly passing the Brandy wine, and gaining the heights up on the north side of that river, get be tween us and Philadelphia, and cut us off from that city," he judged it expedient to move his position immediately. Washington accordingly retired, and, crossing the Brandy wine, posted his army on the heights, near to Chad s ford. The Brandywine, rising by two branches, that unite at what is called the Fork, flows in a small stream from west to east, and empties into the Dela ware, about twenty-five miles south of Philadelphia, The principal ford of the river was Chad s, on the direct road to the north, although there were others above and below. Having crossed the Brandy wine, Wash ington posted his centre along the east ern bank, near Chad s ford, where, expect ing the main attack of the enemy, he com manded in person. His right wing, un der General Sullivan, was moved two miles above, on the same side of the riv er ; and his left, consisting of Pennsylva nia militia, under General Armstrong, to BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART n. Sept. 10, the same distance at a ford below Chad s. The main body, with the general-in-chief, was composed of Wayne s brigade, Wee- don s and Muhlenberg s, under General Greene, together with a body of light-in fantry commanded by General Maxwell, and the artillery. Sullivan, on the right, had his own division and those of Lord Stirling and General Stephen. With Arm strong, on the left, where the position was considered of less importance, there were no troops but militia. On the following day, the en emy had advanced to Kennet Square, within seven miles of the Bran dy wine. Washington, in the meantime, sent General Maxwell and his light-in- faritry across the stream, to post them selves on the high ground on both sides of the road leading to Chad s ford, the passage of which they were ordered to resist to the utmost. Sullivan, too, was directed to be on the alert in watching the fords above. This officer was appa rently vigilant, but only extended his watchfulness to some four miles to his right, as far as the fork where the two branches of the Brandywine unite, and beyond which it was thought there was no likelihood of the enemy attempting to cross. After halting a night at Kennet Square, the British moved on early on the morn ing of the next day, in two col umns. One, under the command of the Hessian general, Knyphausen, ad vanced in a direct line along the road to Chad s ford. The other, commanded by Lord Cornwallis, and accompanied by General Howe, diverged to their left, and Sept, 11, Sept, 11, proceeded by way of the Lancaster road, which ran nearly parallel to the principal stream of the Brandywine, and crossed the two branches or forks which form it at its rise. As soon as General Knyphausen was discovered advancing toward him, Wash ington prepared to give him bat tle, thinking that his column was the main body of the enemy. Knyphau sen came on, firing his artillery, but was O */ 7 soon checked by General Maxwell, who from the heights on each side of the road poured down upon the advanced guards such a severe fire, that they were forced to fall back until reinforced by the rest of the troops. So large a force now came pushing on to their aid, that the Ameri cans were obliged to retire across the ford and join their main body under Washing ton. Three hundred of the enemy were supposed to have been killed and wound ed in this preliminary skirmish, while the loss of Maxwell was only about fifty men. Knyphausen held back his troops, halting them on the heights from which the Amer ican light-infantry had retired. He did not seem anxious to renew the engage ment, though frequently provoked to do so by skirmishing-parties from the other side. Maxwell crossed the ford a second time with his light-corps, and drove an advanced party from their ground, with a loss to the British of thirty men left dead on the spot, and a number of in- trench ing-tools with which they were en gaged in throwing up works for a battery. Knyphausen still held back, and some of the Americans on the other side of the river beinin to indulge in the belief that REVOLUTIONARY.] APPROACH AND MANOEUVRES OF THE BRITISH. 533 they had effectually put a stop to his fur ther progress. The wary Hessian gener al, however, had a part to perform, as we shall see, and designedly resisted all prov ocations to engage. While Washington was speculating up on the probable manoeuvres of the Brit ish in his front, he received a despatch, at about twelve o clock, from General Sullivan, informing him that one of his officers had reported that a large body of the enemy, supposed to amount to five thousand, with sixteen or eighteen field- pieces, was marching along the Lancas ter road. Washington immediately sent orders to Sullivan to cross the Brandy- wine and attack this division, while he himself proposed to advance by Chad s ford against the other. The former was the main body of the British, which, as we have seen, had marched under Gener al Howe and Lord Cornwallis to the left, with the view of taking a long, circuitous route, leading across the unguarded fords of the branches of the Brandywine, and thus gaining the rear of the Americans. The division in front of the commander- in-chief, though supposed by him to be the main body of the enemy, was only a smaller column sent under Knyphausen to divert the Americans in front, while the main attack should be made by Howe and Cornwallis against their right flank and rear. Washington, having thus discovered the march of the British column under Howe and Cornwallis, was in a fair way of thwarting their designs, when another messenger arrived in all haste with intel ligence from Sullivan, contradicting the information which he had sent but a few moments before. Major Spear, of the mi litia, had come in from the fork of the Brandywine, and, having heard nothing of the enemy, "was confident" that they were not in that quarter. The orders for crossing the Brandywine were now coun termanded ; but Washington took care to secure more certain intelligence by send ing Colonel Bland, with a troop of cav alry, to reconnoitre the country beyond General Sullivan s position, and report at the earliest moment to that commander the result. In the mean time, one Thomas Cheyney, a farmer of that neighborhood, and a firm patriot, came riding in upon his " spirited mare all in a foam," and declared that he had seen the British, in a large body, on the north side of the river. Washington affirmed that it could not be, for he had just received contrary information. " My life upon it," answered Cheyney, with a round oath, to give emphasis to his dec laration, " it is true !" He was, however, listened to incredulously, when his story was confirmed a moment after by the fol lowing despatch, received by Washing ton : "Two O CLOCK, P. M. " DEAR GENERAL: Colonel Bland has this moment sent me word that the enemy are in the rear of my right about two miles, coming down. There are, he says, about two brigades of them. He also says he saw a dust back in the country for above an hour. I am, &c., " JOHN SULLIVAN." Howe and Cornwallis had thus carried out their design with success. They had 534 BATTLES OF AMERICA. LPAUT ii. succeeded, by a long circuit of seventeen miles, in crossing the Brandywine at the fords over the two branches of the river, and gained the rear of the right wing of Washington s army without opposition. They now took an advantageous position on the high ground near the Birmingham meetinghouse, which Sullivan s delay in waiting for orders gave them an oppor tunity of doing without the least show of resistance. The order to attack came from Washington as soon as he learned the approach of the enemy. General Sullivan was directed to bring his "whole right wing to bear at once against Howe and Cornwallis ;" while Wayne was ordered to keep Knyphausen in check at Chad s ford ; and General Greene to post himself with the Virginia brigades in a position between the two, and hold himself in reserve and ready to assist either as might be required. Some absurd misunderstanding about etiquette delayed Sullivan s troops in get ting into line of battle after marching to meet the enemy. General Deborre, a veteran Frenchman, who had a command in Lord Stirling s division, assumed the post of honor, on the extreme right. Sul livan claimed this as his own position, and, while manoeuvring his men to take it, the British began the attack, and came upon the Americans w r hile in the confu sion of the change. The consequence was, an almost immediate rout of the right and left wings. The centre resisted spirited ly for awhile, but it soon gave way, and fled with the rest through the woods in their rear. While the enemy got somewhat bewil dered among the trees, in the course of their pursuit, the American officers strove to rally their men. Among them was La fayette, who had hurried from the side of Washington to join Sullivan s division so soon as he found that it was likely to be in the hottest of the fight, and had been engaged in the struggle as long as the centre held its ground. Now that it had given way, he dismounted, and, with Sullivan and Lord Stirling, was striving to bring back the men to the attack, when he was wounded by a musket-ball in the leg. His aid-de-camp was, fortunately, near by, and, lifting the marquis upon his horse, hurried him off. Knyphausen, as soon as he heard the first gun from General Howe s column, which was the signal agreed upon, strove in earnest to push his way across Chad s fbrd. Wayne, however, succeeded in keep ing him pretty well in check. Washington, who found that the right wing would be hard pressed, ordered Gen eral Greene to the relief of Sullivan ; and that officer moved with such speed, that his division marched four miles in forty minutes ! He came up, however, only in time to meet the Americans in full flight, closely followed by the British. He then, by skilfully opening his ranks to allow the fugitives to pass, and closing them afterward, succeeded in protecting their retreat. While checking the pursuit of the enemy by his artillery, Greene retired to a narrow defile at a short distance be yond Dilworth, where he made a gallant stand with his Virginians. The British repeatedly attempted to force him from his position, but were constantly foiled REVOLUTIONARY.] BATTLE OF THP: BRANDYWINE. 535 by the stubborn resistance they encoun tered. Greene was thus enabled to cover the retreat of the whole army. General Howe finally drew off his troops from the pursuit. In the meantime, General Wayne strug gled manfully against Knyphausen, at Chad s ford, until the defeat of Sullivan, when he ordered a retreat. This, how ever, soon became a confused flight, in the course of which his baggage and ar tillery fell into the hands of the enemy. The Pennsylvania militia, under General Armstrong, had been too far removed from the scene of conflict to be engaged, and retired early in safety. The whole American army was now in full retreat. " Fugitives, cannon, and bag gage," wrote Lafayette, "crowded with out order along the road leading to Ches ter." It was the young marquis s first taste of actual war, and the impression of its horrors was naturally very strong. In spite of " that dreadful confusion," and the " darkness of the night," of which he speaks, having had his bleeding wound bound up by a surgeon, he was, however, as he tells us, indefatigable in trying to check the flight of the fugitives at Ches ter bridge, where he posted a guard. On reaching this place, Washington reformed his scattered troops, and halted until the next morning, before continuing the re treat toward Philadelphia. The number of the killed and wound ed has never been accurately ascertained. The loss of the Americans, however, was declared by General Howe to be three hundred killed, six hundred wounded, and tour hundred taken prisoners; while his Sept. 12. own was estimated by him at only ninety killed, four hundred and eighty- eight wounded, and six missing. On the day after the battle, the British gen eral wrote to Washington, in forming him that the wounded Ameri cans were so numerous, that his own sur geons could not attend them. The French officers took a prominent share in the Brandywine battle. The young Lafayette, as we have seen, gal lantly sought the place of danger, and was wounded. The veteran Deborre who had insisted upon the command of Sullivan s right had, in consequence of the flight of his troops, been the first to yield to the enemy. Congress voted to inquire into his conduct on the occasion. At this resolution he was greatly indig nant, and wrote to that body, resigning his appointment, while he declared that, if the Americans did run away, it was not his fault. His resignation was readily accepted ; for, whatever may have been his military qualities, he had become so personally unpopular in the army, that Congress was rejoiced to get rid of him. Captain Louis de Fleury fought so brave ly, that he won Washington s admiration, and was rewarded by Congress with the gift of a horse, to compensate him for the one that he had lost in the engagement. The baron St. Ouary (or Ovary) was less fortunate, having been taken prisoner. General Conway (who was a Frenchman by adoption) had stood among the fore most with his eight hundred men in the centre, while the right and left had given way. General Greene complained that the 530 BATTLES OF AMERICA. LPART IT. Virginia regiments of Weedon and Muh- lenburg, which, under his command, had so gallantly defended the pass at Dil- worth, were not noticed by Washington in his report to Congress. The command- er-in-chief explained that he had been more reserved in praise of them because they were Virginians, and lest it might be supposed that he was prejudiced in their favor. General Sullivan was held responsible by public opinion for a large portion of the disasters of the day at the Brandy- wine. A resolve was passed by Congress, recalling him from the army until a court of inquiry should be held. Washington, however, declared that he could not spare him at such a crisis in the public affairs, and Sullivan was accordingly left undis turbed in his command. CHAPTER LVI. General Burgoyne in Receipt of Bad News. The British Commanders mutually in the Dark. Burgoyne determines to advance. General Gates proposes to meet Him. His Resources. General Lincoln hanging on the Rear of the Enemy. Successes of Colonel Brown. The Americans at Stillwater. Bemis s Heights and their Fortifications. Burgoyne willing to risk All. "A Victory, and an Empire!" A Brilliant Plan. The Arrival of the Enemy. A Halt. The Opposing Lines. Arrival of General Stark. A Hearty Welcome. The First Battle at Saratoga. Morgan "ruined." The Impetuous Arnold. Progress of the Struggle. Burgoyne claims a Victory. The Baroness Reidusel and Lady Harriet Ackland. Their Devotion and Fortitude. Life in a Camp. Following the Drum. Battle Horrors WHHN the discouraging intelli gence of the defeat of Baume at Benninorton and the flight of St. Lei^er o o o from Fort Schuyler readied General Bui- */ goyne at Battenkill, on the Hudson, he would have fallen back with his troops to Fort Edward, within reach of his mag azines on the lakes, and there waited the progress of events. He had, however, been positively ordered by the British government to form a junction with Sir William Howe, and he determined at all hazards to perform his part. He never theless looked in vain for the co-opera tion of Howe. That general, in conse quence of his long delay on the coast, after leaving New York, did not receive his despatches in time to pursue the plan of operations laid down bv the govern- ^ O ment. He was already in Chesapeake bay before the orders to co-operate with Burgoyne reached him. He was then too far engaged in his expedition to Phil adelphia to obey them. Burgoyne, how ever, having no intelligence from Howe, still looked for a junction from New York, and determined to push on toward Alba ny, in order to do his part toward effect ing it, so soon as he should receive from the north the necessary supplies for a march. The American army, having retired be fore the British to Van Shaick s island, where the Mohawk unites its waters with KKVOI.UTIONAKY.] GENERAL BURGOYNE CROSSES THE HUDSON. 537 those of the Hudson, was now so strength ened by reinforcements, and encouraged by the late reverses of the enemy, that General Gates determined to march his troops back to meet the advance of Bur- goyne. Gates felt confident in his means. His army now numbered about six thousand strong. With him was General Arnold, restless and eager for action, who had re turned after his successful ruse against St. Le^er. With him, too, was the famous <_; f f Colonel Morgan, with his five hundred riflemen, to whose ranks were added two hundred and fifty picked soldiers from the line, under the command of Major Dearborn, who had marched with Arnold through the wilderness of Maine, and was an old comrade of Morgan. Colonels Van Cortlandt and Livingston had lately come in with their two New-York regiments. Arnold was Gates s major-general; Poor, Learned, Nixon, Glover, and Patterson, were his brigadiers. Morgan, Cook, Van Cortlandt, Henry and James Livingston, Cilley, Scammel, Hale, Brooks, Butler, Bailey, Wesson, Jackson, and Marshall, were the colonels. Morris, Dearborn, and Hull, were among the majors. General Wilkinson was deputy adjutant-general, and Colonel Morgan Lewis quartermas ter-general. General Lincoln was now in the New- Hampshire grants, with the militia, which was daily gathering in force, hanging on the left and rear of Burgoy lie s army, and watching an opportunity for action. This soon offered. While Burgoyne was kept in forced inactivity, waiting supplies, Lin coln gained his rear and sent forward a 08 Sept. 18. detachment of five hundred men, under Colonel Brown, against the British posts on the lakes. This enterprise was con ducted with such secrecy and address that Brown succeeded in surprising and gaining possession of all the out posts between the landing at the north end of Lake George and the for tress of Ticonderoga. Mount Defiance, Mount Hope, the old French lines, two hundred batteaux,an armed sloop, several gun-boats, and two hundred and ninety- three prisoners, were captured, almost without a blow. The fortresses at Ticon deroga and Mount Independence were too strongly garrisoned for Brown to mas ter with his small force ; but he succeed ed in releasing a hundred Americans held as prisoners, and bringing off as a trophy the continental flag which had been left by St. Clair on his retreat. He still con tinued in Burgoyne s rear. The American army began to retrace its steps toward the enemy on the 8th of September, and next day reached Still- water. Here Kosciusko, who was the chief engineer, traced a line for intrench- ments, and set a thousand men to work ; but the position being discovered to be untenable, Gates moved his army to Be- mis s heights, and began to fortify his ground by breastworks and redoubts. Burgoyne, having finally received his baggage, artillery, military stores, and thirty days pro visions, from Lake George, on the 13th and 14th of September he crossed the Hudson with his whole army to Saratoga. He had now risked all up on the chance of forcing his way to Al bany. He had concentrated his troops, BATTLES OF AMERICA. [_l AR7 I 1 he had abandoned his communication with the lakes, and his only hope was now to move forward. " There was much to dis courage and positively nothing to encour age" such an advance, but Burgoyne was determined to obey orders; and, more over, there was something so enticing to a military leader in a plan, the successful execution of which it was believed would not only secure a victory, but an empire, that it is not surprising he should have risked all on the chance, however remote, of such a prize. The British ministry believed that Bur- goyne s force by moving southward along the banks of the Hudson, and Sir William Howe s by advancing northward, could form a junction at Albany. Here there would be gathered a great army, which would cut off all communication between the eastern and southern provinces, and crush out all further opposition. " With out question," says an English writer,* K the plan was ably formed ; and had the success of the execution been equal to the ingenuity of the design, the recon- quest or submission of the thirteen Uni ted States must in all human probability have followed ; and the independence which they proclaimed in 1776 would have been extinguished before it existed a second year." Burgoyne, after crossing the Hudson to Saratoga, moved forward toward the American encampment. As the country was rugged, and seamed with creeks and water-courses, his progress was necessa rily slow, for he was forced to construct bridges and build temporary causeways + Creary. before his army could move. Gates, too, took care to harass the British working- parties, by sending out the ever-active Arnold, with fifteen hundred men, who so greatly annoyed Burgoyne, that he was forced to advance whole regiments be fore he could i> et a bridge con- Sept, 18, structed. I he enemy at length came to a halt within two miles of Gates s army. The ground upon which the two oppo sing forces were encamped may be thus described : On the north was what is now called Wilbur s basin, where the main body of Burgoyne s army was encamped. On the east was the Hudson, with its nar row alluvial flats. Westward from the Hats were the river hills and an elevated plateau, terminating in Bemis s heights. Through the plain, branching in various directions, ran Mill creek, along the main channel of which was a ravine. South of this was a second ravine ; and nsrain a O third and larger one, still more to the south. Bet\veen these two latter were the principal American defences. The whole ground was covered with a dense forest, except the flats and some cleared fields called Freeman s farm, which was situated toward the middle of the plain, between the two encampments.* The American defences consisted of a line of breastworks along the brow of the hills, toward the river, about three quar ters of a mile in extent, forming a curve, with its convexity toward the enemy. A strong redoubt was raised at each extrem ity, and one near the centre, so as to com mand the flats. From the base of the * A. B. Street. KKVOLUTIONAKY.J THE AMERICANS AND BRITISH AT SARATOGA. 539 hills was an intrenchment, reaching across the fiats to the Hudson, with a battery on the margin of the river, guarding a float ing bridge. In advance, on the western border of Mill creek, near where it emp tied into the Hudson, were also a breast work and battery. On the morning of the 19th of Septem ber the following was the position of the two armies : General Poor s brigade, con sisting of three New-Hampshire regiments under Colonels Cilley,Scammel,and Hale; two of New York, under Colonel Philip Van Cortlandt and Lieutenant-Colonel Henry Livingston; Colonels Cook and Latimer s Connecticut militia ; Colonel Morgan with his rifle-corps, and the two hundred and fifty infantry under Major Dearborn, composed the left wing of the American army, under the command of Major-General Benedict Arnold, and rest ed on the heights, nearly a mile from the river. The centre, composed of General Learned s brigade; three Massachusetts regiments, under Colonels Bailey, Wes son, and Jackson ; and one of New York, under Colonel James Livingston, occu pied the elevated plain. The main body, consisting principally of the brigades of Nixon, Patterson, and Glover, and com manded by General Gates in person, com posed the right wing, extending across the river hills and ilats toward the Hud son. The American army was greatly en couraged by the arrival of General Stark, with those troops which had so gallantly won the day at Bennington. Loud huz zas from the lines welcomed them as they entered the camp, aud great service was expected from them in the approaching engagement. They were, however, inde pendent militia, and did not seem disposed to submit to discipline. They swaggered about in loose array from tent to tent, peering curiously into everything, and apparently undetermined whether to stay or to go. They now began to collect in groups, and whisper mysteriously togeth er. Finally, with their knapsacks still on their backs, they boldly reminded their officers that their time of service had expired thai day, and that they had resolved to go home. Stark urged them to remain, but his appeals were in vain ; and the heroes of Bennington inarched back again, on the very day they had arrived. Rapidly as they hurried off, they could not have got beyond the sound of the guns when the action began ! The left wing of the British, with the large train of artillery, under General Phillips and the baron de Reidesel, occu pied the flats toward the river. The cen tre and right wing, of which most were Germans, commanded by Burgoyne in person, extended across the plains to the west. Their position was covered by the grenadiers and light-infantry, under Gen eral Fraser and Colonel Breyman. On the flanks and in front was a miscellane ous throng of American loyalists, Cana dians, and Indians.* About eight o clock in the morning the officer commanding; an Amer- Sept, 19 ican picket reported that the en emy had struck most of their tents on the plain, and that Burgoyne with his centre was passing westwardly in the direction * Street. 540 BATTLES OF AMP: RIG A. [l-ART II. of the American left. Soon a more gen eral movement was observed. Fraser, with his light-infantry, was marching, by a circuitous route, from the right of the British, in the same direction as Bur- goyne; and Phillips and De Reidesel were bringing up the artillery from the left, along the flats bordering the Hudson. The Indians and Canadians, in front of the British line, were also moving toward the outposts of the American centre. Bur- goyne s object was, while the Indians and Canadians should divert Gates in front, and Phillips and De Reidesel on his right, to move round through the woods, and get to the rear of the American left. General Gates remained impassive, ap parently determined to await the attack ; but Arnold, in command of the left, grew so impatient, that he sent aid-de-camp af ter aid-de-camp to Gates, urging him to be allowed to send out a detachment, in order to check the advance of the enemy. The general finally consented, when about noon Arnold ordered out Morgan and Dearborn, with their riflemen, to the at tack. They soon came upon a body of Indians and Canadians in the woods, and scattered them at the first fire. The rifle men now pushed on in pursuit, when they found themselves suddenly brought to a check by being confronted with the whole British line. A complete rout of the Americans en sued, and Morgan s corps was so scattered, that he himself was left with only two of his men ! As the old forest-hunter was striving with his shrill " turkey-call" ( from the conch-shell which he wore suspended from his neck) to whistle back his dis persed troops, Wilkinson, the adjutant- general, rode up. " I am ruined, by G-d !" exclaimed Morgan, with tears in his eyes. " Major Morris ran on so rapidly with the front, that they were beaten before I could get up with the rear, and my men are scattered God knows where !" Mor gan, when marching into action, always brought up the rear himself, " to see," as he said, "that every man did his duty; and that cowards did not lag behind while brave men were fighting." Several officers and men of Morgan s corps had been taken prisoners. Major Morris, who had led them on so impetu ously, only saved himself by dashing his horse through the ranks of the enem}^ who surrounded him, and making oft by a circuitous route. The " turkey -call" soon brought back the fugitives, and Mor gan with his corps reformed, and being joined by Colonels Cilley, Brooks, and Scammel, and Major Hull, with their New Hampshire regiments, is now again pre pared for action. It is renewed with great spirit on both sides ; now the Brit ish are gaining ground, and again the Americans ; and so the contest is contin ued, with fluctuating result, until each party finally retires within the intrench- ments, while neither claims the advan tage. Arnold, in the mean time, keeping watch over the movement of General Fraser who is attempting to turn the American left determines to thwart him by cut ting him off from the main body of the British. He accordingly pushes on rap idly with Colonel Hale s New-Hampshire regiment, three of New York under Van RKVOLUTIONAKY.J BATTLE OF BEMIS S HEIGHTS. 541 Cortland and Livingston, and a body of Connecticut militia, with the view of turn ing Eraser s left. As, however, he is stri ving to carry out his manoeuvre unob served, under the cover of the forest, he suddenly comes upon Fraser with his whole force, and a struggle ensues ; but General Phillips soon making his appear ance with his artillery, gave the enemy so greatly the advantage, that the Amer icans prudently retired. There was now a pause in the action. It was, however, soon renewed. The British stood in line, in advance of their encampment, upon the slope of a rising ground, amid scattered pines. The American ranks, formed ready for battle, were opposite, but closely hid from their enemy, in a thick forest. Between the two was "Freeman s farm," a cleared field, once cultivated by the hand of the peace ful husbandman, now choked with weeds and abandoned to the tramp of the sol dier. This Freeman s farm, between the opposing armies, was now the field of bat tle. The British provoke the conflict by a discharge of artillery. The Americans, however, remain unmoved. Soon the smoke clears away, and the ranks of the enemy are seen in motion, hurrying down the slope with apparent irregularity, as the sight is confused by the scattered pines. They now show themselves, how ever, in close and well-ordered array, ad vancing in the cleared ground below. They come on quickly, nearer and near er ; they halt, level their muskets, firing a volley, and then rush forward, charging with their bayonets. The Americans with hold their fire until the British are close up, and then with a sure aim pour upon them such a discharge, that their ranks, reeling with the shock, finally break and give way. The Americans now rush from their forest-covert and follow the enemy in close pursuit across the field. The British, reaching the high ground, and being covered by their artillery, now ral ly, and again charging with the bayonet, drive the Americans in their turn back to the woods. The marksmen once more with their deadly fire compel the enemy to flee, and again pursue them to the cov er of their encampment. The British rally and charge as before ; and thus did " the battle fluctuate, like waves of a strong sea, with alternate advantage, for four hours, without one moment s inter mission." Gallantly they fought on both sides, and night alone ended the conflict. Neither the British nor the Americans could justly claim the victory. The loss was nearly the same, amounting to more than three hundred each ; while the num ber engaged was also about equal, though some have stated that the Americans on ly brought twenty-five hundred into the field against three thousand of General Burgoy ne s troops. In the course of the struggle, the Amer icans succeeded in gaining possession of some of the British artillery, but they had to fight hard for it. The captain and thirty-six men, out of a company of forty- eight, were struck down before their gun could be taken, so manfully did they cling to their piece. The cannon taken, how ever, for want of horses to bring them off, were left upon the field, and conse- 542 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [TART n. quently again fell into the hands of the enemy. General Burgoyne claimed the victory, as appeared by some letters found in the pouch of an Indian, who was shot dead by one of the American scouts on the lookout throughout the whole country around for British spies and messengers. The letters were writ: en by Burgoyne to Sir Guy Carleton, in Canada. In one he wrote : " I take the first opportunity to inform you we have had a smart and very honorable action, and are now encamped in the front of the field, which must de monstrate our victory beyond the power of even (in American newspaper writer to explain away." In another letter he declared : " We found live hundred of their [the Americans ] bodies the morn ing after." There were two women of rank in the British camp, w T hose noble devotion to their husbands and spirited endurance of the trials of affection and fortitude to which they were exposed in the course of the terrors and horrors of actual war, have given a romantic interest to Bur- goyne s campaign. No historian has failed to record the remarkable adventures of the baroness Reidesel and Lady Harriet Ackland. The former has, in her own natural narrative, left the best history of her sad experience in America. The baroness Reidesel was the wife of the Hessian general in command of the Germans. Lady Harriet Ackland was the sister of the earl of Ilchester. arid the wife of Major Ackland, of the grenadiers. They had accompanied their husbands to Quebec, where they were urged to remain during the campaign. Lady Ackland. however, having heard that the major had received a wound in the affair at Hubbardton, she hurried to join him in spite of the risks and trials of the jour ney. She could not be prevailed upon afterward to leave him, and accompanied the army during the dreary and tedious march to Fort Edward. Here the tent in which she lodged took fire, and she barely escaped with her life. She still resolutely persevered in clinging to her husband, and followed each advance of the British army, driving in " a small, two- wheeled tumbril, drawn by a single horse, over roads almost impassable." :i: The baroness Reidesel, equally devo ted, followed her husband also. "I or dered," she writes, " a large calash to be built, capable of holding my three chil dren, myself, and two female-servants ; in this manner we moved with the army in the midst of the soldiery, who were very merry, singing songs and panting for ac tion." She thus followed the army, gen erally remaining about an hour s march in the rear, where she received daily vis its from her husband the baron. When Burgoyne encamped opposite to Gates, Major Williams of the artillery proposed, as the frequent change of quarters was in convenient, to have a house built for her, "with a chimney," quite an unusual lux ury in that hard campaign. As it would cost "only five or six guineas" some twenty-five dollars the baroness con sented, and the dwelling was constructed, and named " The Blockhouse," from its square form, and the resemblance which * Thucher. REVOLUTIONARY.] THE BARONESS REIDESEL AND LADY ACKLAND. 543 it bore to buildings so called, erected for purposes of defence. On the bloody day of the 19th of Sep tember, however, the "Blockhouse" was abandoned ; and the baroness Reidesel, together with Lady Ackland and the wives of Major Ilamage and Lieutenant Rey- nell, being advised to follow the route of the artillery, took refuge, when the en gagement commenced, in a small hut near Freeman s farm, the ladies retiring into the cellar as the danger increased. " I was an eye-witness," says the bar oness, " to the whole affair ; and as my husband was engaged in it, I was full of anxiety, and troubled at every shot I heard. I saw a great number of the wounded, and, what added to the distress of the scene, three of them were brought into the house in which I took shelter." One was Major Harnage, who was very badly wounded ; and, soon after, word came that Lieutenant Reynell was shot dead ! The wives of both were in the hut, with the baroness Reidesel and Lady Ackland. " Imagination wants no help," wrote Burgoyne, " to figure the state of the whole group." CHAPTER LVII. A Gloomy Morning. Gayly to Arms ! Anxious Expectation. Attack postponed. Another Delay. News from oir Henry Clinton. General Burgoyne s Only Hope. The Treacherous Iroquois. Nothing more from Sir Henry. Im patience of Burgoyne. Fortifies. No Sleep. The Provincials in High Spirits. Trouble in the American Camp Generals Arnold and Gates. Their Quarrel. Arnold resigns. A Second, Sober Thought Arnold without Com mand. Blustering ahout the Camp. 1777, THE morning after the battle of Bemis s heights opened dull and gloomy. A thick mist rose from the river, and, overspreading plain and forest, hung in heavy folds about the sides of the hills. The dead and the wounded had been gathered during the night from the field of battle. Sufferers were groaning with pain in tent and hos pital ; mourners were weeping over the fresh graves of their buried comrades ; surgeons with probe and knife were busy at their bloody but merciful work; and priests were uttering the solemn words :>f prayer. Yet, amid the gloom of Na ture, the groans of the dying, and the mourning for the dead, the drums beat gayly to arms in the British camp, and soldiers were briskly stepping into the ranks. The thick fog hid the two armies from each other, but both were ready to renew the bloody struggle of yesterday. A de serter came into the American camp, his mouth all smutched with the biting of cartridges. He had been, he said, in the whole of the action of the previous day. The night was spent in removing the wounded and the women to the encamp ment and hospital tents near the river. 544 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART IT. Fresh ammunition bad been served out to the troops ; his own cartridge-box was now crammed with sixty rounds ; and he declared that when he left the British ranks, only a quarter of an hour before, the whole of the enemy s force was un der arms, and orders had been given to attack the American lines. In ten min utes more, he added, Burgoyne would march. Trusting to this report, General Gates ordered his lines to be manned immedi ately ; and he and his officers exhorted the troops to show themselves, in the com ing conflict, w r orthy of the cause for which they fought. The men, though wearied with a struggle which had lasted until night of the previous day, readily obeyed the summons for another day s work ; and eagerly, as they stood in rank, strove to pierce with their straining eyes the thick mist, and catch a glimpse of the approach ing enemy. Gates, however, did not share in the enthusiasm of his troops. Each minute, as it passed, was one of anxious solicitude. He was ill prepared that day (as he and some of his officers only knew) to meet the enemy. His ammunition was nearly exhausted, and he was anxiously awaiting a supply from Albany. An hour of excited expectation and anxious suspense passed, during which hope and fear played with the imagina tion. Some thought they could hear the movement of the enemy, and others that through the floating mist they could catch a sight of the advancing British troops. The sun, now dispersing the vapor, shone out not flashing upon the arms of a threatening enemy, but only revealing in its bright reflection the sparkling surface of the Hudson, and the verdure of the forest, still freshly green in the early au tumn, upon hill and plain. Gates now gladly dismissed the troops. Burgoyne had drawn up his arm} , and was about ordering it to march to the at tack, when General Fraser (whose ability and dauntless courage had gained for him great and well-deserved influence with his commander) besought him to post pone the assault, as the grenadiers and light-infantry, who w r ere to take the lead, seemed wearied by the hard work of the day before. Burgoyne accordingly or dered his troops back to camp, and de termined to postpone the attack until the next morning. Burgoyne s design was, how r ever, again put off! His anxious desire to hear from New York was now gratified. In the mid dle of the night a spy entered his camp, with a letter in cipher from Sir Henry Clinton, in which that general stated that he was about making an attack upon the forts on the North river. The American srouts were everywhere so much on the alert, that the ingenuity of the British commanders was greatly taxed to keep up a communication. Let ters were often copied in duplicate, and even in triplicate; and, although each was sent by a separate messenger, it was sel dom that either arrived. Burgoyne now heard from Sir Henry Clinton for the first time. Greatly disappointed as he was to find that General Howe with his whole force was not coming to Albany, Sept, 21, REVOLUTIONARY.] HOPES AND FEARS OF BURGOYNE. 545 to co-operate with him, as he had been led to expect when the plan of the cam paign was laid down by the English gov ernment, he was still encouraged by the mere show of an advance of a British force, however small, from New York. In answer to Sir Henry Clinton, Burgoyne wrote : " An attack, or the menace of an attack, upon Montgomery [the fort of that name on the North river], must be of great use, as it will draw away a part of this force, and I will follow them close. Do it, my dear friend, directly." He now determined to wait a few days, in order to give Sir Henry Clinton an op portunity to begin operations, before ma king his attack. His provisions could not last beyond the 20th of October ; and, as his communication with Canada w r as so completely cut off, that he could not re ceive a man or a biscuit from that quar ter, his only hope was, with the aid of General Clinton, to be able soon to move forward. He could wait until the 12th, he declared, and no longer. Colonel St. Leger had succeeded, after his flight from Fort Schuyler, in making his way back to Ticonderoga with a mea ger remnant of troops, and would have joined Burgoyne had he been able to reach him. Colonel Brown was in his way with a detachment of General Lin coln s New-Hampshire troops, which, af ter retiring from an unsuccessful attempt upon Fort Diamond, was now hanging in the rear of the British encampment, and completely cutting it off from all commu nication with the north. Burgoy ne s Indians, too, had suffered so terribly from Morgan s sharpshooters, Gi) and their propensities for scalping and plundering been so checked by the hu mane restrictions of the British command er, that they lost all inducement to serve, and could no longer be prevailed upon to remain. A band of Iroquois, amount ing to more than a hundred and fifty, treacherously transferred their uncertain fealty to what they believed to be the stronger side, that of Gates. The Cana dians and American loyalists likewise lost heart, and deserted in numbers. General Burgoyne, however, was still firm ; and his regulars shared in the resolute spirit of their undaunted commander, who de clared to his men that he would either force his way to Albany or leave his bones on the field of battle. Burgoyne heard nothing more from Sir Henry Clinton, but cheered himself and his army with the hope that intelligence would soon arrive of a successful result to the promised ef forts at co-operation from New York. While Burgoyne was awaiting news from Sir Henry Clinton, he began to for tify his encampment. He raised breast works on the flats by the river to his left, on the plain at his centre, and up the ac clivity of the hills on his right, strength ened here and there by abaltis of heaped- up rails and by redoubts. His men were kept constantly at work, and on the alert. " From the 20th of September to the 7th of October," wrote Burgoyne, in his nar rative of the expedition, " the armies were so near, that not a night passed without firing, and sometimes concerted attacks upon our advanced pickets. I do not be lieve either officer or soldier ever slept in that interval without his clothes; or 54G BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PAHT II. that any general officer or commander of a regiment passed a single night without being upon his legs occasionally at differ ent hours, and constantly an hour before daylight." Gates and his army, although equally on the alert, had less labor and anxiety. Their defensive works had already been raised, and nothing was now left but to strengthen them here and there. The Americans were in high spirits ; for, al though they did not claim the victory on the 19th of September, they had been able, with equal if not with fewer num bers, to fight a drawn battle with the choicest of the British troops, and were thus encouraged to further effort. Rein forcements, too, came thronging in : Gen eral Lincoln had arrived, with two thou sand New-Hampshire men ; and the mili tia offered themselves freely from the sur rounding country, which was now inspir ited by the perils threatening Burgoyne, and the triumphs awaiting Gates. Sup plies also of food and ammunition were daily brought into the American camp in great abundance, while the scanty rations of Burgoyne s soldiers were rapidly di minishing. There was, however, trouble brewing 111 the American camp. The impetuous Arnold, never very submissive, had been vexed into a great rage by the somewhat arbitrary conduct of General Gates. On the opening of the battle of the 19th, Ar nold had repeatedly and urgently sent to the general-in-chief for reinforcements be fore his demand was complied with, and he attributed the delay to an envious spir it on the part of Gates. The next day, Arnold importunately insisted Sept, 20, upon Gates giving battle to the enemy ; but his advice, very intrusively and persistently urged, was finally reject ed, although the reason was left unex plained. Gates s reason was a good one (his supply of ammunition having given out), but he did not deign to state it leaving Arnold to put his own construc tion upon his motives. The latter attrib uted it to envy, and gave vent to his feel ings of indignation. "I have lately ob served," he wrote to Gates, "little or no attention paid to any proposals I have thought it my duty to make for the pub lic service ; and when a measure I have proposed has been agreed to,- it has been immediately contradicted. I have been received with the greatest coolness at headquarters, and often huffed in such a manner as must mortify a person with less pride than I have, and in my station in the army." Arnold began to talk freely in camp of Gates s opposition to him, and succeeded in gaining the sympathy of some of the officers, among whom there were those who were attached to General Schuyler, and were indignant that he should have been superseded. He was thus encour aged in the indulgence of his spirit of in subordination. General Wilkinson, on the other hand, was at that time a great par tisan of Gates ; and, being unfriendly tow ard Arnold,he lost no opportunity of grat ifying the one and vexing the other. He / O o accordingly, with apparently no better motive than piquing Arnold, induced the commander-in-chief to issue the following o order: "Colonel Morgan s corps, not be- REVOLUTIONARY.] QUARREL BETWEEN GATES AND ARNOLD. 547 ing attached to any brigade or division of the army, he is to make returns and re ports to headquarters only, from whence alone he is to receive orders." This greatly angered Arnold, for he declared it was notorious to the whole army that Colonel Morgan s corps had done duty "for some time past" with his division. He hastened to headquarters, and, confronting the conimander-in-chief, " asserted his pretensions to the command of the elite, and was ridiculed by General Gates. High words and gross language ensued."* In the course of this interview, Gates told Arnold that he did not know that he was a major-general, or had any command in the army ! Arnold retired in a great rage, and immediately wrote a letter to Gates, in which he said : " As I iind your observation very just, that I am not or that you wish me of little conse quence in the army, and as I have the in terest and safety of my country at heart, I wish to be where I can be of most ser vice to her. I therefore, as General Lin coln is arrived, have to request your pass to Philadelphia, with my two aids-de-camp and their servants, where I propose to join General Washington ; and may possibly * Wilkinson. have it in my power to serve my coun try, although I am thought of no conse quence in this department." Gates was well pleased thus easily to get rid of one who, by his brilliant talents and his dashing courage as a soldier, was likely to throw into the shade the more sober qualities of his superior. The pass was immediately written and sent to Ar nold, in accordance with his request. Sev eral formal notes subsequently passed be tween them, mutually recriminatory ; but Arnold still lingered in camp, and finally wrote to Gates, saying, " I am determined to sacrifice my feelings, present peace, and quiet, to the public good, and con tinue in the army at this critical junc ture, when my country needs every sup port." Arnold, therefore, remained without a command, Gates himself having taken his division on the left. It was, however, freely rumored that General Lincoln was to assume the command, which he finally did. In the meantime, Arnold blustered about the camp, and de clared that it would be death to any offi cer who should venture to interfere with his division in the expected battle. :i: * Irving. Sept. 25. 548 BATTLES OF AMERICA. II. CHAPTER LVIII. Sir Henry Clinton prepares for an Expedition. The American Forts on the Hudson. The Patriotic Clintons. ijenerai Putnam at Peekskill. Sir Henry Clinton sails up the River." Old Put" astir. Mistaken Calculations. Landing of the British. Governor George Clinton at Fort Montgomery. A Traitorous Messenger. Sir Henry Clinton lands at Stony Point. The Plan of Attack. An Unexpected Resistance. Hard but Unsuccessful Struggle of the Ameri cans. Demands for Surrender. The Refusal. Desperate Assault. The Americans overpowered. Escape of the Clintons. The Loss on Both Sides. Count Gabrowski. Died like a Soldier. Burning of the American Vessels. A Sublime Scene. Booms and Chevaux-de-Frise all gone. The Victorious Advance of the British. The Clintons rallying again. A Spy, and the Effects of Tartar-Emetic. Sir Henry s Letter from Fort Montgomery. Esopus in Ruins. Old Put discouraged. 1777, ALTHOUGH General Bnrgoyne was ignorant of the movements of Sir o Henry Clinton, that spirited officer was losino- no time in doing all and even more O O than he had promised. The reinforce ment from England of two thousand men, under General Robertson, having been " shipped in Dutch bottoms," did not ar rive at New York until the end of Sep tember, after a protracted voyage of three months. On their arrival, Sir Henry was ready to set out on his expedition up the North river. He had already prepared everything in advance. A fleet of trans ports and flat-bottomed boats had been anchored off the upper end of the island of New York ; troops had been gathered together at Kingsbridge a supply of hard bread had been baked ; and as soon as General Robertson and his troops land ed to garrison New York in his absence, Sir Henry Clinton embarked three thou sand men and sailed up the Hudson. General Putnam was still at Peekskill with a force, however, reduced to the small number of twelve hundred conti nental troops and three hundred militia, in consequence of the drafts made upon him by Washington to reinforce the army in Pennsylvania. The forts, too, on the river were but feebly garrisoned. Fort Independence, on the east side of the Hudson, was near Putnam s post at Peeks- kill ; but he could spare only a few men from his meager force to defend it. Forts Clinton and Montgomery, on the west side and above, were manned by not more than six hundred militia, divided between the two. George Clinton, the governor of New York, commanded Fort Montgom ery, while his brother had charge of Fort Clinton, which was situated a hundred yards or so to the south, and separated from the northern fort by a deep inlet from the Hudson, called " Peplopenkill." From a short distance above the kill to Anthony s Nose, opposite, were stretched a chevaux-de-frise, a boom, and a huge iron chain, which, with the armed gallej^s, the two frigates anchored above, and the guns of the forts, were supposed to be an effect ual obstacle to the ascent of the river. General Putnam, at Peekskill, was on the alert. He had received information REVOLUTIONARY.] SIR HENRY CLINTON UP THE HUDSON. 549 of the arrival of British reinforcements at New York, and of Sir Henry Clinton s preparations for his expedition. The de signs of the enemy he supposed to be either "against the posts of the High lands., or some part of the counties of Westchester or Dutchess." He had sent due notice to Governor Clinton, who was absent at the time from his military post, and engaged in the performance of his civil functions elsewhere. The governor immediately returned to Fort Montgom ery, having first ordered out the militia of the state of New York. The farmers, as it was nearly seedtime, and they had not yet sown their grain, did not muster very readily at the call of the governor. A considerable force was, however, finally gathered ; part of which was stationed at the forts, and the rest sent to Peekskill. But the men be came " extremely restless and uneasy ;" and General Putnam, who in his old age was becoming quite the reverse, gave ear to the grumblings of the discontented yeomen, and allowed them to return to their fields. The governor, however, who was disposed to be more exacting, called one half of them back again, with the un derstanding that, after they had served a month, they should be dismissed, and the other half called in to take their places. While this plan was being carried into effect, there was so much delay in set tling who should serve first and who last, that neither got ready in time to be of service in the approaching emergency. The wind having been unfavorable, Sir Henry Clinton was detained till the night of Saturday the 4th of October, when, with a fair breeze, the fleet, under the command of Commodore Holtham, stood up the river. In advance sailed two men- of-war, three tenders, and a large flotilla of flat-bottomed boats. Soon after fol lowed a frigate, five square-rigged vessels, and a number of small craft. Putnam was on the watch at Peekskill, and, hav ing stationed guard-boats along the river, soon heard of the enemy s approach. His next intelligence was, that Sir Henry Clinton had landed at Tarrytown, some thirty miles from New York. This being on the same side of the river, and below Peekskill, " Old Put" quite made up his mind that his post was Clinton s object, and he accordingly sent off parties to harass him, " if prudent," on his march. Sir Henry, however, at that moment had no designs upon Peekskill, and had merely landed at Tarrytown in order to divert Putnam from his real purpose. He accordingly, after marching his men five miles into the country ,marched them back again, re-embarked them on board his ves sels, and sailed farther up the river. Clin ton, still bent upon concealing his object from Putnam, proceeded up the Hudson as far as Verplanck s Point, on the east side, where he again landed with a con siderable force, only eight miles below Peekskill. Putnam was now still more confident that his post and Fort Indepen dence were threatened ; and while con sulting with General Parsons, and cau tiously reconnoitring the supposed posi tion of the maiii body of the British, Sir Henry Clinton, taking advantage of a fog gy morning, crossed over next day at an early hour from Verplanck s Point, with 550 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART n. two of his three thousand men, to Stony Point opposite, and marched for Forts Clinton and Montgomery. Putnam s scouts brought in word that some of the enemy had landed on the west side of the river, where a building had been set on fire ; but it was supposed that those who had crossed composed only a small force, whose object was to burn the storehouses at Stony Point, and that the principal body still remained at Ver- planck s Point. Putnam was not unde ceived until he heard " a very heavy and hot firing, both of small-arms and cannon, at Fort Montgomery," which immediately convinced him that the British had gone over in the morning with a large force. He then, at this late moment, detached five hundred men to reinforce the garri sons at Forts Montgomery and Clinton. Before they could cross the river, howev er, Sir Henry Clinton, as we shall see, had gained his object. Governor Clinton, at Fort Montgome ry, was aroused to the danger threatening the forts ; and, having first sent a messen ger to General Putnam, asking for a rein forcement, he ordered out Major Logan, an alert officer, well acquainted with the ground, with thirty men, to reconnoitre and gain intelligence of the enemy. The major did not return until nine o clock the next morning, when he declared that, from the sound he had heard of the row ing of boats, he believed that the British had crossed with a considerable force, but, as the morning was foggy, it had been impossible to see them and compute their numbers. The governor, on hearing this intelligence, despatched Lieutenant Jack son, with a small party, to watch their movements, and anxiously awaited a re sponse to his message to General Putnam asking reinforcements. These, however, never came ; for the messenger proved a traitor, and went over to the enemy. Sir Henry, on landing at Stony Point, left a strong guard there to secure his communication with the war-ships, and marched by a circuitous route toward the forts, which were in a direct line, about twelve miles distant. While the trans ports were anchored off Stony Point, three of the British men-of-war (the Tartar, the Mercury, and the Preston) moved a short distance up the river, and moored near Fort Independence, in order, to keep the Americans in check on that side of the Hudson, and prevent Putnam from send ing aid to the garrisons opposite. The British, guided by a tory, well ac quainted with the country, proceeded through a narrow and rugged defile skirt ing the western base of the Dunderberg or Thunder mountain, which rises with rocky cliffs abruptly from the border of the Hudson. On reaching a ravine at the north, between Dunderberg and Bear hill, Sir Henry Clinton divided his force. One division, under Lieutenant^Colonel Campbell, was ordered to proceed to Fort Montgomery, while Sir Henry himself led the other against Fort Clinton. With Campbell s division were nine hundred men, some of whom were American loy alists, under the command of Colonel Bev erly Robinson, of New York; some Brit ish grenadiers, led by the youthful Lord Rawdon, who was accompanied by his friend Count Gabrowski, a Pole ; and the REVOLUTIONARY. I FORTS CLINTON AND MONTGOMERY STORMED. 551 rest of the force was composed of Hes sians. Lieutenant-Colonel Campbell was or dered to make a circuitous march to the west around Bear hill, and the rear of Fort Montgomery, which he was directed to attack when Sir Henry himself was pre pared to begin upon Fort Clinton, toward which he now led his division. Sir Henry had but a small distance to march, as Fort Clinton was the nearer of the two fortresses, and could be reached by a shorter circuit. While Campbell s route led off to the left of Bear hill, that of Sir Henry Clinton was to the right, through a ravine, and thence in a direct line to the fort, between a pond called Sinipink lake and the river. Sir Henry advanced cautiously, though he deluded himself with the hope that his movement was unsuspected. He soon had reason to know that the Americans were on the alert; for his advance-guard, on reaching Doodletown, on the Haver- straw road, fell in with Lieutenant Jack son and his scouting-party, who had been sent out to reconnoitre. The British fired as Jackson came up, who, after giving them a volley in return, was forced to re treat with his handful of men. The firing was heard at Fort Clinton, and General James Clinton, who was in command there, immediately despatched fifty continental troops, under Lieuten ant-Colonel Bruyn, and the same num ber of militia, under Lieutenant-Colonel M Claughrey, to meet Sir Henry and op pose his approach. They soon became engaged in a hot struggle, but the Brit ish were too numerous for them, and they fell back disputing the rough ground, however, inch by inch, to the walls of the fort, Lieutenant-Colonel Campbell s march to Fort Montgomery, through the defile on the west side of Bear hill, was no less disputed than Sir Henry s advance to Fort Clinton. Colonel Lamb (he who had so gallantly served his battery at Quebec, under Arnold) had been sent out with a covering-party of sixty men from the fort, to plant a fieldpiece in an advantageous position,cornmanding the narrow and rug ged path through which the enemy would be obliged to advance. A second detach ment of sixty were also ordered to follow Lamb and sustain him. Campbell came leading on his men at a quick pace, \vhen he was suddenly brought to a check by a discharge of grapeshot from Lamb s gun and a well-directed fire of musketry from the Americans posted on the high ground on a border of the defile. The shock was so severe, that the whole British force was driven back, and at each effort to push forward again was so effect ually checked, that Campbell was obliged to withdraw his men. He now, however, divided his troops, and filing them off by the right and the left through the woods, attempted to surround the Americans, who, seeing his purpose, abandoned their fieldpiece, after first spiking it to render it useless to the enemy, and then retired. Governor Clinton, in order to cover their retreat and harass the foe, ordered out a twelve-pounder, which, being well served with grapeshot, greatly annoyed the Brit ish, and gave the Americans an opportu nity of reaching the fort with very little BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PATCT II. loss, except the capture of Captain Fen- no, who commanded the gun. It was now about two o clock in the afternoon, and the enemy continued to push on toward the forts. They were, however, so checked in their advance by the abattis of felled trees and the opposi tion they met, that they were not ready to begin the attack till nearly five o clock. Lieutenant- Colonel Campbell now ap proached with a flag, when Lieutenant- Colonel Livingston was sent out to meet him, and demand his rank and business. Campbell, having announced who he was, said that he came to demand the surren der of the fort in five minutes, to prevent the further effusion of blood ; and he de clared that, if the garrison would give themselves up as prisoners-of-war, they might depend upon being well treated. Livingston rejected the proposition with scorn, and informed Campbell that he might begin his attack as soon as he pleased, as it was determined to defend the forts to the last extremity. In about ten minutes the enemy at tacked both posts with desperate ener;v. o/ They met with spirited resistance on the part of the meager garrisons in the forts. The numbers of the assailants, however, were overwhelming. With fixed bayo nets they came rushing against the forti fications, nlounting on one another s shoul ders, and climbing through the embra sures by the sides of the guns, hot with incessant firing. They crowded in upon the ramparts, but the brave garrison still resisted, fighting desperately in a hand- to-hand struggle. Seeing themselves, how ever, surrounded on all sides, and night coming on, the Americans found it use less to dispute the possession any longer. Most w r ere obliged to throw down their arms and surrender; but others fought their way through the enemy, and thus escaped. Among these were Governor Clinton and his brother James. The lat ter, though wounded in the thigh, slid down a precipice one hundred feet high, into the ravine between the forts, and got off through the woods. His brother, the governor,let himself down the steep rocks and reached the river-side just as a boat was pushing off with a number of other fugitives. They pulled back to take him in ; but as the boat was loaded down to the gunwale, he declined to- go, for fear of risking their safety. They, however, having insisted, and declared that the boat could easily hold him, he was induced to get in, and succeeded in crossing the Hud son in safety. He now hastened to join General Putnam.* The loss of the Americans in killed, wounded, and prisoners, amounted to al most three hundred ; that of the enemy, in killed and wounded, to only a hundred and forty. The British loss in officers was, as usual, disproportionately large. Among those who fell were Lieutenant- Colonel Campbell, who led the division against Fort Montgomery ; Major Grant, of the New- York loyalists ; Captain Stew art, of the grenadiers ; and Major Lile, of the sixty-third regiment. The gallant count Gabrowski likewise fell, mortally wounded by three balls. He had ad vanced to the storming of the fort by the side of his young friend Lord Kaw- * Irving. REVOLUTIONARY.] TUP: BRITISH TRIUMPHANT ON THE HUDSON. 553 don (afterward the marquis of Hastings), at the head of the British grenadiers. As they became entangled among the felled trees, and each man was obliged to find a path for himself, Gabrowski was sepa rated from his lordship, when he received the fatal shot. As he fell, he took the sword from his side, and, handing it to a grenadier, begged him to deliver it to Lord Kawdon, and tell him that he had died like a soldier. It was dusk when the struggle ceased, and dark night before the fall of the forts became known to those on board the American vessels which were stationed above the chevaux-de-frise across the river. As they feared that Admiral Holtham who, during the contest on shore, had moved up, and while cannonading the forts had brought his ships within gun shot of the American frigates and galleys would now direct his attention to them, an attempt was made to get them so far above the chevaux-de-frise as* to be out of reach. The officers accordingly called all hands to slip the cables, hoist sail, and o-et under weigh. The vessels, however, O 3 ^ being badly manned, the tide on the ebb, and the wind having died away, it was found impossible to manage them. The frigate Montgomery, which was nearest to the chain, lost her headway and drift ed down so close t:, the enemy, that the captain and his crew were forced to set lire to and abandon her. The other frig ate, the Congress, got aground near Fort Constitution, and was burnt, as were also the two galleys and the sloop. " The flames," says Stedrnan,the British annalist, " suddenly broke forth, and, as 70 Oct. 7, every sail was set, the vessels soon be came magnificent pyramids of fire. The reflection on the steep face of the oppo site mountain, and the long train of rud dy light which shone upon the water for a prodigious distance, had a wonderful effect; while the ear was awfully filled with the continued echoes from the rocky shores, as the flames gradually reached the loaded cannons. The whole was sub limely terminated by the explosions,which left all a<rain in darkness." O The next day, the boom, chain, chev- aux-de-frise, and all, which had cost a quar ter of a million of dollars, were destroyed by the English sailors ; and a flying squadron of small frigates, under Sir James Wallace, with a detach ment of British troops on board, com manded by General Vaughan, moved tri umphantly up the Hudson. On land, Fort Constitution, opposite West Point, and Fort Independence, near Peekskill, were abandoned. General Vaughan now land ed his force and inarched against Esopus (now Kingston), and, having put to flight a small band of militia, burnt the village to the ground, together with a large sup ply of military stores. General Putnam, after the fall of the forts, retired from Peekskill, and, march ing along the east side of the Hudson, posted himself in a defile in the mount ains near Fishkill. Governor Clinton, in the meantime, having collected two con tinental regiments and a straggling force of militia, moved along the western side of the river, with the view of keeping be tween the enemy and Albany, where he hoped to be joined by General Putnam, 554 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART II who was to proceed along the eastern bank. On reaching New Windsor, Governor Clinton s advanced guards brought in a couple of British spies, on their way from Sir Henry Clinton to General Burgoyne. One of them, as soon as caught, was ob served to put something into his Octi 9 mouth and swallow it. A severe dose of tartar-emetic was at once admin istered, which brought from him a .small silver bullet. In the hollow of it was found this letter: " FORT MONTGOMERY, Oct. 8, 1777. "Nous y void, and nothing between us but Gates. I sincerely hope this little success of ours may facilitate your opera tions. In answer to your letter of the 20th Sept., by C. C., I shall only say I can not presume to order or even advise, for reasons obvious. I heartily wish you suc cess. Faithfully yours, H. CLINTON." The spy, moreover, confessed that Cap tain Campbell, who had brought despatch es from General Burgoyne, w r as on his re turn, with the news of the fall of Forts Clinton and Montgomery. He started on the 8th of October. Governor Clinton now followed close upon the heels of Gen eral Vaughan, but readied Esopus only in time to find it in ruins. He then, af ter hanging the British spies to an apple- tree, moved forward, spiritedly resolved to do his best to frustrate the enemy in their endeavor to reach Albany before him. " Old Put" was evidently very much discouraged. On the 8th of October, he wrote to General Gates, saying, " I can not flatter you or myself with the hopes of preventing the enemy s advancing ; therefore, prepare for the worst." The next day his words are still less cheerful : " The Connecticut militia came in yester day and the day before in great numbers, but I am sorry to say they already begin to run away. The enemy can take a fair wind, and, with their flat-bottomed boats, which have all sails, go to Albany or Half- Moon with great expedition, and I be lieve without opposition." In the meantime, we shall see that great events were occuring in the North, destined to change the relative prospects which seemed so dismal for the Ameri cans and so encouraging to the British on the North river. Let us now go back to the hostile camps near Saratoga. REVOLUTIONARY.] BURGOYNE S STRAITS. ARNOLD IMPATIEN1. 555 CHAPTER LIX. Battle of Bemis s Heights continued. The Opposing Armies. General Burgoyne in the Dark. His Diminishing Sup plies. His Impatience. General Gates strong, confident, and patient. Arnold in a Hurry. "To Arms!" The Game begun. The Order of Battle. The Conflict. Fall of General Eraser. The Tragic Scene. Stained with British Blood. The Wounded Ackland. The Mad Arnold. He is down, but up again. The Victory. 1777- Sept, 19, THE two armies of Burgoyne and Gates remained within cannon-shot of each other ; neither having yielded an inch of ground since the bloody conflict of Bemis s heights. Both con tinued busy with their fortifica tions, and the adjoining forest resounded from mornino- till nio;ht with the strokes O o of the axe. Burgoyne was waiting anx iously for further news from Sir Henry Clinton. It was now the 7th of October, and he had received no intelligence since the arrival of the spy in his camp on the night of the 20th of September. He knew nothing of Clinton s success on the North river of his capture of the forts Mont gomery and Clinton ; of the advance of the British fleet up the Hudson ; and of the unopposed march of General Vaughan, who was hastening to Albany, to bring hope to Burgoyne of a junction, and of a triumphant result to his eventful cam paign. The necessities, however, of the British commander, made him impatient; and, receiving no intelligence from Sir Henry Clinton, he could wait no longer. His provisions were so rapidly diminishing, that he had been already obliged to re duce the rations of each soldier ; and now that he prepared to give battle, his wants were so urgent, that he was about stri king a blow more from necessity than from policy. General Gates, on the other hand, with his daily increasing strength, and the con stantly diminishing resources of his an tagonist, was not disposed to hurry into action, and put to the hazard of a battle the certainties of a position which were proving so fatal to his adversary. The impatient Arnold, in the meanwhile, was striving by his importunate communica tions to provoke him to engage the ene my : "I think it my duty," he wrote to Gates, " (which nothing shall deter me from doing) to acquaint you the army .ire clamorous for action." The general- in-chief, however, wisely gave no heed to Arnold s advice, which was intrusively urged more to irritate than to guide. He prudently waited until Burgoyne should make the first move. He did not wait long. On the afternoon of the 7th of October, the advanced guard of the American cen tre suddenly beat to arms. The alarm at once ran throughout the line, and the troops hurried to their posts. General Gates, who was at his headquarters, ea- 550 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [1 ART 11. srerlv caught at the sound of the drums, o */ O and immediately sent off Adjutant-Gen eral Wilkinson to seek out the cause. Wilkinson., mounting his horse, galloped to the guard which had first struck up the alarm, but could learn nothing more than that some person had reported that the British were advancing against the American left. He then rode forward for some distance in front, and as he reached the rising ground he saw several columns of the enemy moving into a field of stand ing wheat to the left, about half a mile from the line of the American encamp ment. After getting into the field, the O {~f British troops formed a double line, and the soldiers sat down, with their muskets between their knees, while the foragers began to cut the wheat. Some of their officers in the meantime had mounted a hut, and with their glasses were striving to reconnoitre the American left, which was almost hid from their view by the intervening forests. Wilkinson now galloped back to head quarters, and reported to Gates what he had seen. " What do they seem to be doing ?" asked the general. " They are foraging, and endeavoring to reconnoitre your left; and I think, sir, they oiler you battle." " What is the nature of the ground, and what your opinion ?" rejoined Gates. Their front is open, and their flanks rest on woods, under cover of which they may be attacked ; their right is skilled by a lofty height," answered Wilkinson. I would indulge them," he added. " Well, then, order on Morgan to begin the game," was the reply ; when Wilkin son immediately galloped off to do as he was bidden. The British commander, having left Generals Hamilton and Specht to guard his line on the plain, and General Gall the fortifications on the flats bordering the Hudson river, had advanced with fif teen hundred men, under the several com mands of Generals Fraser, Phillips, and De Reidesel, and ten pieces of artillery, to the right of his encampment, and about half a mile beyond the American left. Burgoyne was now stationed where Wil kinson had observed him, in the wheat- field. The foragers having supplied them selves, and Burgoyne having sent forward a party of Canadians and Indians, began to deploy his troops into line. In his centre were placed some British and Ger man regiments, under Phillips and De Reidesel; on his left the grenadiers and artillery, under Majors Ackland and Wil liams, bordering a w r ood and a small ra vine, through which flowed a rivulet; on his extreme right was Lord Balcarras, with the English light-infantry, and five hundred men in advance led by General Fraser, the latter being covered by the well-wooded heights on the west of the carnp, and by a " worm-fence." The Canadians and Indians, being now pushed forward, commenced an irregular attack upon the advanced pickets on the American left. They succeeded in dri ving the guards before them close to the American redoubt called " Fort Neilson," which had been raised by Gates to pro tect his left toward the hills. Colonel Morgan, however, having received orders REVOLUTIONARY. J SECOND BATTLE OF BEMIS S HEIGHTS. 557 tomarch.was leading his riflemen through O o the woods, in order to gain the heights to the right of the enemy, when he came upon the Indian and Canadian party, and soon forced it back to the British lines. Morgan now continued his circuitous route through the woods, and was hast ening to begin his attack; while General Gates, as had been agreed upon, was wait ing for him to come up with the enemy s right before he himself should send out a force against their left, Sufficient time had elapsed for Morgan to make his cir cuit, and Gates now accordingly ordered General Poor s brigade of New- York and New-Hampshire troops to move against Burgoy ne s left flank and front. The two attacks were made simultane ously. Morgan had reached the heights in the very nick of time, and from the cover of the woods poured down upon the enemy below a torrent of fire. The English light-infantry, under General Fra ser, taken on their flank, were manoeuvring to change their front in order to meet the shock, when at this moment Major Dearborn (who was Morgan s second in command) pushed his corps rapidly for ward. After delivering a close and mur derous fire, the men leaped the "worm- fence," and, charging with a loud shout, forced the British to retire. The young earl of Balcarras, however, coming up to the aid of Fraser, the men were rallied, and renewed the struggle. General Fraser, in the full uniform of a British field-officer, and mounted upon a fine gray horse, was soon a marked object to the American riflemen. One rifle-ball had already cut in two the crupper, and another had passed through the mane of his charger; when his aid-de-camp, observ ing his danger, rode up to his side, and begged that, as the marksmen were cer tainly singling him out, he would take a less exposed position. " My duty forbids me to fly from danger," firmly answered the brave Fraser ; and he fell almost as he spoke. Morgan, having called two or three of his best marksmen to his side, and, point ing to the doomed Briton, had said : " Do yon see that gallant officer ? That is Gen eral Fraser. I respect and honor him ; but it is necessary he should die !" He fell, as we have seen, mortally wounded, and was carried off the field. Fraser s loss was deeply felt by the British troops ; but Lord Balcarras spiritedly urged them on to revenge his death, and they strug gled manfully to hold their ground. In the meantime, General Poor s bri gade advanced steadily and silently, for each soldier had been ordered not to fire a shot until the first discharge from the enemy. The British grenadiers and ar tillery are drawn up on a rising ground to the left of Burgoyne, and grim as the solemn pines which cover them, stand with poised musket and loaded cannon, ready to begin their work of death upon the approaching columns. The Ameri cans reach the slope, and are rapidly but deliberately marching up, when the ene my open their fire. The Americans now pour back a volley in return, and, with out faltering, push right on, with a loud hurrah. They rush up the hill, driving the grenadiers before them, and strug gling hand \ hand with the artillerymen BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART IT. for the possession of the cannon. The enemy rally and come back again to the attack, and the conflict is renewed with greater fierceness than ever: when final- O ly the Americans gain possession of the ground, and the British are driven within their encampment. The spectacle which presented itself on this part of the field of battle at that moment was a mingled one of tragic hor ror and wild excitement. Upon the earth, within the space of ten or fifteen yards, were stretched eighteen grenadiers in the agonies of death. Three British officers, two of them mortally wounded and bleed ing profusely,lay with their heads propped up against some stumps of trees. Colonel Cilley, of New Hampshire, straddling a brass twelve-pounder, loudly exulted in its capture ; while a surgeon, who was dressing a wound, raised his bloody hands, exclaiming, "I have dipped my hands in British blood !" Such was the scene, as he tells us, wit nessed by General Wilkinson, when he came up with Ten Broeck s brigade of militia, which he had been sent for to reinforce General Poor s division, and aid in the pursuit of the retreating enemy. As he rode on, Wilkinson saw another and sadder spectacle still. " Turning my eyes," says he, " it was my fortune to ar rest the purpose of a lad, thirteen or four teen years old, in the act of taking aim at a wounded officer who lay in the angle of a worm-fence. Inquiring his rank, he answered, I had the honor to command the grenadiers. Of course, I knew him to be Major Ackland, who had been brought from the field to this place on the back of a Captain Shimpton of his own corp/, under a heavy fire, and was here depos ited to save the lives of both. I dismount ed, took him by the hand, and expressed the hope that he was not badly wounded. Not badly, he replied, but very incon veniently; I am shot through both legs. Will you, sir, have the goodness to have me conveyed to your camp ? " Wilkin son, having; ordered his servant to alight / o * > from his horse, they lifted Ackland into the saddle, and sent him to the American headquarters. When the fresh reinforcement of three thousand New-York militia, under Ten Broeck, together with Learned s brigade, came up, the action became general. Mor gan was slowly but surely forcing the enemy s right before him ; their left had given way before Poor s brigade ; but the British grenadiers were disputing ev ery inch of ground as they retired : and now the reserved troops sent forward by General Gates were hotly engaged with Burgoyne s centre, principally composed of Hessians, and led by the commander- in-chief himself. General Arnold, who had remained in the camp, as he declared he would, was without command. When the battle be gan, however, his impetuous nature fret ted greatly against the constraint of his position. On the first beat to arms, he mounted his black horse, and rode about the camp, talking loudly and fiercely of his wrongs, and, brandishing his sword, threatened vengeance against those who had dared to revile and injure him. Such was his state of excitement, that it was believed that, in his attempt to drown his REVOLUTIONARY.] MAD PRANKS OF ARNOLD. THE VICTORY. troubles in wine, he had drunk so freely as to lose all sell-control. Dashing about thus, in wild agitation, he no sooner saw that the engagement with the enemy had become general, than he spurred his horse furiously into the midst of the fight, where General Learned s brigade on the left which had belonged to Arnold s own di vision was bravely struggling with the Hessians, who formed the British centre. Here Arnold assumed the command, and, riding in front along the line, he led the American troops forward again and again, and broke the ranks of the Germans at every charge. But, gallantly as his men pushed on, nothing seemed to satisfy the mad fury of their commander, W 7 ho con tinued to dash about wildly, spurring his charger to the height of his speed, and, flourishing his sword, fiercely to call upon his troops to come on. In his mad ex citement, he became so beside himself, that he struck one of the officers upon the head and severely wounded him, with out being conscious (as he afterward de clared) of the act. On the impulse of the moment, the officer raised his fusee to shoot Arnold, but, suddenly checking him self, he began to remonstrate ; when the general was off again, digging the spurs into his horse, and riding to another part of the field, like a madman. General Gates being told of the erratic movements of Arnold, sent Major Arm strong after him, with orders. Arnold, however, as soon as he caught a glimpse of him, and probably aware of his object, only quickened the speed of his horse, and led the major such a break-neck chase hither and thither, that he was fain to give up the pursuit. He was now on the American right, and again in a moment to the extreme left, having dashed along the whole length of the line, between the fires of the two armies, without receiving a wound or even the graze of a shot. Morgan and Dearborn, on the Ameri can left, had succeeded in driving Lord Balcarras and his light-infantry within their intrenchments. Arnold dashed up, and, calling upon a company of riflemen in advance to follow him, strove to force his way into the enemy s camp. Finding his efforts foiled here by the gallant re sistance of Balcarras, he turned his horse and galloped to his left, where Lieuten ant Colonel Brooks was storming the ex treme right of the British fortifications, held by a reserve of Hessians, under Lieu tenant-Colonel Breyman. In spite vabat- tis and redoubts, the Germans are obliged to give way, having first lost their spir ited commander; and Arnold is among the first to dash with his horse through a sally-port right in the midst of the en emy, who fire a last volley as they retire, killing Arnold s black charger, and stretch ing his rider upon the ground with a shot in the same knee which was w T ounded at Quebec. By this success of the Americans on the extreme right, the whole British en campment was laid open ; but, as night was rapidly coining on, and the troops were fatigued by hard fighting, General Gates did not further push his advantage, but remained satisfied with the glorious victory of the day. BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART n. CHAPTER LX. Comparative Strength of the two Armies. The Killed and Wounded. The British retreat. A Trying Night. The Baroness Ileidesel. Her Sad Experiences. Lady Harriet Ackland. A Wife mourning for her Lord. The Death of General Fniser. His Burial. Honors to a Gidlant Enemy. A Dismal Night. The Journey of the Baroness Ileidesel. Her Husband and Children. An Expected Attack. Saving the Valuables. The Baroness in Trouble. General Gates takes Possession of the Abandoned Intrenchments. Lady Ackland. Woman s Devotion. Visit to the American Camp. A tolerably Comfortable Night. A Happy Meeting. Continued Retreat of the British. Pur suit by Gates. Headquarters in a Hovel. Alarm of the Enemy. Further Trials of the Baroness. A " Horrid Situation." 1777, Oct. 7, THE second battle near Bemis s heights had lasted from noon until night. General Gates had undoubtedly much the superior force, although the numbers on both sides actually engaged in the fight were near ly equal. General Burgoyne s whole ar my amounted to less than six thousand ; that of Gates to two or three thousand more than that number. The loss of the former in killed, wounded, and prisoners, was about seven hundred, among whom were a number of officers of high rank, in cluding General Fraser, Lieutenant-Colo nel Breyman, Sir Francis Clarke, an aid of Burgoyne, and others. Burgoyne him self was greatly exposed ; his hat was shot through, and his waistcoat torn by a ball. The Americans lost but one hun dred and fifty in killed and wounded ; General Arnold was the only commis sioned officer who even received a con tusion, and he was without a command. Burgoyne, finding his position untenable, broke up his camp and moved his whole army in the midst of the night after the battle, to some heights near the river Hudson, and about Oct. 7, a mile to the northward of his former en campment. The trials and incidents of that night have been recorded in affect ing words by the baroness Reidesel, who entered in her narrative the events of the whole day as well as of the night. "Se vere trials," she writes, " awaited us ; and on the 7th of October our misfortunes began. I was at breakfast with my hus band, and heard that something was in tended. On the same day I expected Generals Burgoyne, Phillips, and Fraser, to dine with us. I saw a great move ment among the troops : my husband told me it was merely a reconnoissance, which gave me no concern, as it often happened. I walked out of the house and met sev eral Indians, in their war-dresses, with guns in their hands. When I asked them where they were going, they cried out. War! ivar / (meaning that they were going to battle). This filled me with ap prehension, and I had scarcely got home before I heard reports of cannon and mus ketry, which grew louder by degrees, till at last the noise became excessive. "About four o clock in the afternoon, instead of the guests whom I expected, REVOLUTIONARY.] THE BARONESS REIDESEL. DEATH OF FRASER. 561 General Eraser was brought on a litter, mortally wounded. The table, which was already set, was instantly removed, and a bed placed in its stead for the wounded general. I sat trembling in a corner ; the noise grew louder and the alarm increased. The thought that my husband might per haps be brought in, wounded in the same manner, was terrible to me, and distressed me exceedingly. General Fraser said to the surgeon : Tell me if my wound is mortal ; do not flatter me. The ball had passed through his body, and unhappily lor the general he had eaten a very hearty breakfast, by which the stomach was dis tended ; and the ball, as the surgeon said, had passed through it. I heard him often exclaim, with a sigh : fatal ambition ! Poor General Burgoyne ! my poor wife ! He was asked if he had any re quest to make, to which he replied that, if General Burgoyne would permit it, he should like to be buried at six o clock in the evening, on the top of a mountain, in a redoubt which had been built there. " 1 did not know which way to turn ; all the other rooms were full of sick. Tow ard evening I saw my husband coming; then I forgot all my sorrows, and thanked God that he was spared to me. He ate in great haste, with me and his aid-de camp, behind the house. We had been told that we had the advantage of the enemy, but the sorrowful faces I beheld told a different tale ; and before my hus band went away, he took me on one side, and said everything was going very bad ; that I must keep myself in readiness to leave the place, but not to mention it to any one. I made the pretence that I 71 would move the next morning into my new house, and had everything packed up ready. " Lady Harriet Ackland had a tent no far from our house ; in this she slept, and the rest of the day she was in the camp. All of a sudden, a man came to tell her that her husband was mortally wounded, and taken prisoner. On hearing this, she became very miserable. We comforted her by telling her that the wound was only slight, and at the same time advised her to go over to her husband, to do which she would certainly obtain permission, and then she could attend him herself. She was a charming woman, and very fond of him. I spent much of the night in comforting her, and then went again to my children, whom I had put to bed. " I could not go to sleep, as I had Gen eral Fraser and all the other wounded gentlemen in my room ; and I was sadly afraid my children would awake, and by their crying disturb the dying man in his last moments, who often addressed me, and apologized for the trouble he gave me. About three o clock in the morn ing I was told he could not hold out much longer. I had desired to be informed of the near approach of this sad crisis ; and I then wrapped up my children in their clothes, and went with them into the room below. About eight o clock in the morn ing he died. . . . . " The corpse was brought out, and we saw all the generals attend it to the mountain ; the chaplain, Mr. Bru- denell,performed the funeral ser vice, rendered unusually solemn and aw ful from its being accompanied by con- 56: BATTLES OF AMERICA. I AKT II. slant peals from the enemy s artillery. Many cannon-balls flew close by me, but I had my eyes directed toward the mount- ain,where my husband was standing, amid the fire of the enemy, and of course I could not think of my own danger." General Burgoyne had not hesitated to grant the dying request of his brave and true-hearted friend, notwithstanding the delay and inconvenience which it caused to the retreat he contemplated. Burgoyne has also left a touching description of the scene of the burial of General Fraser, and recorded his admiration and love for the gallant soldier : "The incessant cannon ade daring the ceremony ; the steady at titude and unaltered voice with which the chaplain officiated, though frequently cov ered with dust which the shot threw up on all sides of him ; the mute but expres sive mixture of sensibility and indigna tion upon every countenance ; these ob jects will remain to the last of life upon the mind of every man who was present. The growing darkness added to the scene ry, and the whole marked a character of that juncture which would make one of the finest subjects for the pencil of a mas ter that the field ever exhibited. To the canvas and to the faithful page of a more important historian, gallant friend ! I con sign thy memory. There may thy tal ents, thy manly virtues, their progress and their period, find due distinction; and long may they survive long after the frail record of my pen shall be forgotten!" The firing from the American lines was in consequence of ignorance of the object of the gathering upon the height. When it was discovered, the artillery no longer Ocl, 8, threw hostile shot,but discharged minute- guns in honor of the memory of Fraser, whose gallantry was acknowledged both by friend and foe. As soon as Burgoyne had paid the last sad duties to his brave comrade, he began his retreat, The fires in the old camp were left burning,and some tents standing ; and orders were given to the troops to move in profound silence. The night was stormy; the rain poured in torrents, and it was with the greatest difficulty that the weak and half-starved horses could draw the baggage-wagons over the broken roads in which the wheels sank deep into the mire. Constant halts took place, to give the wearied troops moments of rest, and to bring up by the river the lagging boats, laden with the artillery and stores. The sad march con tinued from time to time throughout that dismal night. Burgoyne had left his sick and wound ed behind him, in the hospital in his late camp, with a letter to Gates, commend ing them to the protection " which I feel, wrote the British commander, " I should show to an enemy in the same case." Some of the wounded officers, however, in spite of their injuries, crept from their beds, and determined; rather than stay behind, to suffer all the tortures of a pain ful journey. The officers wives who were with the army were sent on in advance. The baroness Reidesel s calami was made ready for her, but she would not consent to go before the troops. The baron, see ing her thus exposed to danger by re maining in the rear, ordered the children and servants into the carriage, and inti- KEVOLUTIOXA RY.] GENERAL BURGOYNE RETREATS. 56:3 mated to his wife to follow and depart without delay. " I still prayed," says the baroness, "to remain; but my husband, knowing my weak side, said. Well, then, your children must go, that at least they may be safe from danger. " She then con sented, got into her calash, and drove off. At six o clock the next morn ing there was a full halt. " The delay," says the baroness (whose anxie ties were naturally for her husband and her children), -seemed to displease every body ; for, if we could have only made another good march, we should have been in safety." Burgoyne was, however, pru dently preparing against the chances of attack from his triumphant enemy in the rear. He halted in order to count and range his cannon, and to bring his strag gling troops out of the confusion unavoid able in a hurried retreat. He soon found reason for his discretion ; for he had hard ly begun his march, when the alarm was given that the enemy were in sight. A halt was again immediately ordered ; but it was soon discovered that the fright had come from a small reconnoitring-party of Americans, only two hundred strong. In the meantime, however, the retreat ing army expected an engagement, and prepared for the worst. Some of the Ger man officers collected their valuables, and strove to place them in security, so that their property might have a chance of safety, whatever might be the risks to which their lives were exposed. " Cap tain Willoe," says the baroness, " brought me a bag full of bank-notes, and Captain Geismar his elegant watch, a ring, and a purse full of money, which they request ed me to take care of, and which I prom ised to do to the utmost of my power." The army, nevertheless, soon recovered from its fright,and moved slowly on again. But the poor baroness, with the anxieties for her husband, the care of her little chil dren, and her despairing servants, was overwhelmed with trouble. " One of my waiting-women," she says, " was in a state of despair which approached to madness. She cursed, and tore her hair; and when I attempted to reason with her, and to pacify her, she asked me if I was not grieved at our situation ; and, upon my saying, I am, she tore her cap off her head, and let her hair drop over her face, saying to me : It is very easy for you to be composed and talk ; you have your husband with you : I have none, and what remains to me but the prospect of perish ing, or losing all I have ? " All that the baroness could do was to bid her take comfort, and promise that she should be compensated for all her losses. " About evening," continues the baron ess, " we arrived at Saratoga. My dress was wet through and through with rain, and in that state I had to remain the whole night, having no place to change it. I, however, got close to a large fire, and at last lay clown on some straw. At this moment, General Phillips came up to me, and I asked him why we had not continued our retreat, as my hus band had promised to cover it, and bring the arm}- through. Poor, dear woman, said he, I wonder how, drenched as you are, you have the courage still to perse vere and venture farther in this kind of weather. I wish, continued he, you were Oct. 9, 564 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART II. Oct. 9. our commanding general : General Bur goyne is tired, and means to halt here to night and give us our supper. " On the morning after Burgoyne s re treat, the whole of Gates s army, with the exception of the camp -guards, moved forward and took posses sion of the enemy s abandoned intrench- ments. The British commander was still in the position, on the heights, which he had taken on the night of the battle. Du ring the day while he remained, previous to beginning his retreat, a desultory fire was kept up between the pickets of the opposing camps ; and General Lincoln, while reconnoitring, had his leg broken by a shot from the enemy. Burgoyne, as we have seen, was allowed to begin his retreat on the night of the 8th of Octo ber, without interruption ; for Gates pru dently avoided an engagement, and de termined so to surround his enemy as to force him to a, surrender. He according ly, when Burgoyne was retreating, sent off General Fellows, with a detachment of fourteen hundred militia, to cross the Hudson, and post themselves on the high ground, on the eastern bank of the river, opposite to Saratoga, and at a ford where the British would desire to cross. Other troops were also detached to Fishkill ; while Fort Edward, on the Hudson, and Fort George, on Lake George, to the north of Saratoga, were already held by Colonel Cochrane, in command of a force which was daily gathering strength from the flocking in of the militia of the whole country round. General Gates, with his main body, re mained quietly for two days in the camp Oct. 9, abandoned by Burgoyne. "The weath er," says Wilkinson, "was unfavorable, the commissariat dilatory, and the men seem ed to prefer repose to action." The delay fretted the young deputy adjutant-gener- al, but Gates was unmoved, and was calm ly and discreetly abiding his time. An incident now occurred which brings again to our notice one of the gentle wo men of whom we have already had so much to say, to whose constant heroism of woman s love during these trying times w r e all eagerly turn, from the hot bravery flushing up in the angry paroxysms of the battle-struggle. Lady Harriet Ackland, when she heard that her husband (Major Ackland, of the grenadiers) was wounded and a prison er, was determined to go to him, as she had done when he was a sufferer before, and by her sympathy and her tender care soothe him whom she loved so deeply. When she sent to Burgoyne, asking per mission to proceed to the American camp, he was greatly surprised. " Though I was ready to believe." he says, " that patience and fortitude, in a supreme degree, were to be found, as well as every other virtue, under the most tender forms, I was as tonished at this proposal. After so long an agitation of spirits, exhausted not only for want of rest, but absolutely want of food, drenched in rains for twelve hours together that a woman should be ca pable of such an undertaking as deliver ing herself to an enemy, probably in the niuiit, and uncertain of what hands she o might fall into, appeared an effort above human nature. The assistance I was en abled to give was small indeed ; 1 had not REVOLUTIONARY. J LADY HARRIET ACKLAND. 565 even a cup of wine to offer her : but I was told she had found, from some kind and fortunate hand, a little rum and dirty water. All I could furnish to her w r as an open boat, and a few lines (written upon dirty, wet paper) to General Gates, rec ommending her to his protection." On the " dirty, wet paper" the British cominander-in-chief wrote as follows, in a rapid scrawl : " SIR : Lady Harriet Ackland, a lady of the first distinction by family, rank, and by personal virtues, is under such concern on account of Major Ackland her husband, wounded and a prisoner in your hands, that I can not refuse her request to com mit her to your protection. " Whatever general impropriety there may be in persons acting in your situa tion and mine to solicit favors, I can not see the uncommon perseverance in every female grace and exaltation of character of this lady, and her very hard fortune, without testifying that your attentions to t/ O / her will lay me under obligation. " I am, sir, your obedient servant, "J. BURGOYNE. " October 9, 1777. " MAJOK-GENICUAL GATKS." Lady Ackland, thus provided, set out in the midst of a storm of rain, on her trying journey, in an open boat upon the Hudson. Mr. Brudenell, the chaplain, had offered to accompany her ; and he, to gether with a waiting-maid, and her hus band s body-servant (who had still a ball in his shoulder, which he had received while searching for his master on the bat tle-field), were her only companions. It was at dusk in the evening when she be gan her journey, and it was late at night when she reached the American outposts. A sentinel, hearing the oars of the boat, challenged it, when Mr. Brudenell, the chaplain, called out that he bore a flag of truce from General Burgoyne. The sol dier, fearful of treachery, and threatening to shoot them should they land, kept them off until he had sent word to Major Henry Dearborn, who commanded the American advanced guard. The major, upon learning that there was a lady in the boat, immediately pre pared to receive her. His guard occupied a log-cabin, in which there was a back apartment appropriated to his own use. This he had cleared for her reception, and orders were given that the party should be allowed to land. Upon reaching the cabin, Lady Ackland was assured of her husband s safety ; and a fire having been lighted, and a cup of tea made, she was enabled to pass the night with tolerable comfort. Early the next morn ing, the party again embarked, and sailed down the river to the Ameri can camp, " where General Gates, whose gallantry will not be denied," says Wil kinson, " stood ready to receive her with all the tenderness and respect to which her rank and condition gave her a claim. Indeed, the feminine figure, the benign as pect, and polished manners, of this charm ing woman, were alone sufficient to attract the sympathy of the most obdurate ; but if another motive could have been want ing to inspire respect, it was furnished by the peculiar circumstances of Lady Har riet, then in that most delicate situation, Oct. 10, 506 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART 11. which can not fail to interest the solici tudes of every being possessing the form and feelings of a man." Her wounded husband, Major Ackland, had already been conveyed to Albany, where Lady Harriet proceeded immedi ately to join him, and had the happiness of finding that his wound was not mortal, and that he was rapidly recovering from its effects.* General Burgoyne did riot remain long at Saratoga, but, having refreshed his ar my after its painful inarch with a few hours of such repose as his troops could obtain by throwing themselves on the wet ground during the pelting rain, he began to continue his retreat to the northward before break of day. A detach- Oct, 10, ... . J ment 01 Americans had reached the ground, on the bank of the Fishkill, * The subsequent history of Lady Harriet and Major Ack land was thus first told by Wilkinson, and has been adopted by most other writers: " Ackland, after his return to Eng land, procured a regiment ; and at a dinner of military men, where the courage of Americans was made a question, took the negative side with his usual decision ; he was opposed, warmth ensued, and lie gave the lie direct to a Lieutenant Lloyd, fought him, and was shot through the head. Lady Harriet lost her senses, and continued deranged two years ; after which, I have been informed," continues Wilkinson, "she married Mr. Brudenell, who accompanied her from General Burgoyne s camp, when she sought her wounded husband on the Hudson s river." This story, however, is now contradicted ; and it is declared, apparently on good authority, that Major Ackland did not tight a duel, and was not killed ; that Lady Harriet did not become insane, and did not marry the chaplain, Mr. Brudenell. "Major John Dyke Ackland," says Lossing, in his Life of Washington, " was the eldest son of Sir Thomas Dyke Ackland. He died from the effects of his wounds received at Saratoga, Novem ber, 1778. His wife, the Right Honorable Lady Harriet Ackland, was sister of the earl of Ilchester, and mother of the late countess of Carnarvon. Lady Ackland survived her husband many years, arid, contrary to the generally- received opinion, appears to have remained his widow until her death, on the 21st. of July, 1815. ... Lady Ackland and the eminent Charles James Fox were cousins." (See Amer ican Historical Maijaziue, New York, vol. ii., p. 121.) before the British commander; and, al though on his advance, they had retreat ed to the opposite side of the river, where General Fellows was posted on the heights with his fifteen hundred men, they had taken care to break down the bridges. Burgoyne was thus delayed in getting his baggage and artillery over the Fisl kill, which small stream, running into th Hudson from west to east, stretched di rectly across his route. After destroying the buildings on the south bank, among which were the house and mills belonirinur O O to General Schuyler, the British crossed over and posted themselves on the heights north of the Fishkill, where they at once began to intrench their camp. General Gates, in the meantime, drew near in pursuit; although, in consequence of the heavy rains, and some delay in wait ing for supplies, he did not march before the afternoon of the 10th of October. By four o clock, however, he reached Sarato ga, and took his position on the wooded heights, about a mile south of the Fish- kill, separated from Burgoyne s camp by this small stream. The general s own quar ters were humble enough, being in a small hovel about ten feet square, situated at the foot of a hill, out of which it had been partially scooped. The floor was simply the ground, and Gates s pallet was spread upon rude boards, supported by four fork ed pieces of timber, with cross-pieces, iu one corner; while Wilkinson, with his saddle for a pillow, lay upon the straw in another. Finding the enemy still busy in moving their stores, Gates ordered out tw r o light fieldpieces, to disperse a fatigue party engaged in unloading the batteaux REVOLUTIONARY.] THE BARONESS REIDESEL IN A CELLAR. 567 which had followed Burgoyne up the Hudson. The object was attained ; but Major Stevens, who was serving the field- pieces, was soon obliged to withdraw, by a severe cannonade from the whole park of the enemy s artillery. To the baroness Reidesel s narrative we must again recur for a true impression of passing events in the British camp. " The greatest misery," she says, " at this time prevailed in the army, and more than thirty officers came to me, for whom tea and coffee was prepared, and with whom I shared all my provisions, with which my calash was in general well supplied ; for I had a cook who was an excellent caterer, and who often in the night crossed small rivers and foraged on the inhabitants, bringing in with him sheep, small pigs, and poultry, for which he very often for got to pay, though he received good pay from me, as long as I had any, and was ultimately handsomely rewarded. Our provisions now failed us for want of prop er conduct in the commissary s depart ment, and I began to despair. " About two o clock in the af ternoon, we again heard a firing of cannon and small-arms. Instantly all was alarm, and everything in motion. My husband told me to go to a house not far off. I immediately seated myself in my calash with my children, and drove off; but scarcely had we reached it, be fore I discovered five or six armed men on the other side of the Hudson. Instinct ively 1 threw my children down in the calash, and then concealed myself with them. At that moment the fellows fired, and wounded an already wounded Eng- Oct. 11. lish soldier, who was behind me. Poor fellow ! I pitied him exceedingly, but at that moment had no means or power to relieve him. " A terrible cannonade was commenced by the enemy, which was directed against the house in which I sought to obtain shelter for myself and children, under the mistaken idea that all the generals were in it. Alas ! it contained none but wound ed and women. We were at last obliged to resort to the cellar for refuge ; and in one corner of this I remained the whole day. my children sleeping on the earth with their heads in my lap, and in the same situation I passed a sleepless night. Eleven cannon-balls passed through the house, n,nd we could distinctly hear them roll away. One poor soldier, who was ly ing on a table, for the purpose of having his leg arnputated,t was struck by a shot which carried away his other. His com rades had left him, and when we went to his assistance we found him in a corner of the room, into which he had crept more dead than alive, scarcely breathing. My reflections on the danger to which my husband was exposed now agonized me exceedingly ; and the thoughts of my children, and the necessity of struggling for their preservation, alon^ sustained me. " The ladies of the army who were with me were, Mrs. Hamage, a Mrs. Kennels, the widow of a lieutentant who was killed, and the wife of the commissary. Major Hamage, his wife, and Mrs. Kennels, made a little room in a corner, with curtains to it, and wished to do the same for me ; but I preferred being near the door, in case of fire. Not far off my maid slept, and 568 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART n. opposite to us three English officers, who, though wounded., were determined not to be left behind ; one of them was Captain Greene, an aid-de-camp to Major Phillips, a very valuable officer and most agreea ble man. They each made me a most sacred promise not to leave me behind ; and, in case of a sudden retreat, that they would each of them take one of my chil dren on his horse : and, for myself, one of my husband s was in constant readi ness. " Our cook, I have before mentioned, procured us our meals, but we were in want of water ; and I was often obliged to drink wine, and to give it to my chil dren. It was the only thing my husband took which made our faithful hunter (Rockel) express one day his apprehen sions that the general was weary of his life, or fearful of being taken, as he drank so much wine. The constant danger which my husband was in, kept me in a state of wretchedness ; and I asked myself if it was possible I should be the only happy one, and have my husband spared to me / unhurt, exposed as he was to so many perils. He never entered his tent, but lay down whole nights by the watch-fires. This alone was enough to have killed him, the cold was so intense. "The want of water distressed us much. At length vse found a soldier s wife, who had courage enough to fetch us some from the river, an office nobody else would un dertake, as the Americans shot at every person who approached it ; but, out of re spect for her sex, they never molested her. "I now occupied myself through the day in attending the wounded. I made them tea and coffee, and often shared my dinner with them, for which they offered me a thousand expressions of gratitude. One day, a Canadian officer came to our cellar, who had scarcely the power of holding himself upright, and we con cluded he was dying for want of nourish ment. I was happy in offering him my dinner, which strengthened him, and pro cured me his friendship. I now under took the care of Major Bloomfielcl, anoth er aid-de-camp of General Phillips. He had received a musket-ball through both cheeks, which in its course had knocked out several of his teeth and cat his tongue. He could hold nothing in his mouth ; the matter which ran from his mouth almost choked him, and he was not able to take any nourishment except a little soup or something liquid. We had some Rhenish wine, and, in the hope that the acidity of it would cleanse his wound, I gave him a bottle of it; he took a little now and then, and with such effect, that his cure soon followed. Thus I added another to my stock of friends, and derived a satis faction which, in the midst of sufferings, served to tranquillize me, and diminish their acuteness. " One day, General Phillips accompa nied my husband, at the risk of their lives, on a visit to us, who, after having wit nessed our situation, said to him : I would not for ten thousand guineas come again to this place ; my heart is almost broken ! In this horrid situation we remained six days." UEVOLUTIONAHY.] BURGOYNE S DESPERATE SITUATION. K39 CHAPTER LXI. Desperate Situation of General Burgoyne. Desperate Expedients. A Masked Movement. The Americans tricked A Skirmish with the Pickets. The British surrounded. Despair of Burgoyne. Proposals to negotiate. The Terms settled. Surrenderof Burgoyne. Convention not Capitulation. News from Sir Henry Clinton. Too late. Fresh Beef. The Baroness Reidesel refreshed. The Convention signed. Meeting of Burgoyne and Gates. Splendor and Simplicity. The Formalities of the Surrender. The British Commander pleads Illness. The " Stars and Stripes" for the First Time. The Adventures of the Baroness continued. Courtesy of General Sehuyrer. French Gallantry. Kindness of Schuyler. The Numbers surrendered. The News of Victory reaches Congress. Gates moves toward the Hudson. Retreat of General Vaughan. The Result of the Surrender at Saratoga. Its Effect in France, Eng land, and throughout Europe. The Earl of Chatham. " You can not conquer America!" 1777, GENERAL BURGOYNE was now in a desperate position, with a powerful body of Americans under General Fellows extending beyond his left flank, on the eastern bank of the Hudson ; with the country before him, toward the north, filled with provincials, who held Fort Ed ward, and swarmed in every mountain- pass and forest-path which led to Fort George, and even to the borders of Lake Cliamplain ; and with a triumphant ene my behind him. His situation was des perate, and his plans for extrication equal ly so. He proposed to ascend the Hud son, along the western bank, where he was now posted, to Fort George, at the southern end of the lake of that name. A rugged country, with mountains, mo rasses, ravines, and deep streams, was be fore him. Roads were to be made and bridges built by an army half famished and threatened on all sides by a numer ous and triumphant enemy. Great as were the obstacles, the British general made the attempt to overcome them. He sent out working-parties to open roads and construct bridges ; but the American riflemen were everywhere on the alert, and from each rocky defile and forest- covert came the fetal bullets : and, after one day s trial, Burgoyne s artificers were forced to retire to the cover of the camp, and give up all hope of the route to Fort George by the western bank of the Hud son. Burgoyne now hit upon the desperate expedient of marching his army a short distance along the Hudson, and forcino- C> O his passage across that river in the very face of the large body of Americans on the eastern bank. Making up his rnind to abandon the artillery, and giving each man his share of the few days provisions which were all that were left to carry in his knapsack on his back, he hoped that his troops, by dint of personal daring and physical endurance, might succeed in working their way to Fort Edward and the lakes, and thence by a circuitous route find safety in Canada. With this object in view, Burgoyne sent a detachment up the river in ad vance, intending to follow with the whole of his army in the course of the night. Oct. 10, BATTLES OF AMERICA. PART IJ Oct. 11. This movement almost proved fatal to Gates. Intelligence was brought late at niu;lit O o o into the American camp that the main body of the British had abandoned their intrenchments on the north side of the Fishkill, and were marching to Fort Ed ward. Gates accordingly ordered Mor gan, with his rifle-corps, and Nixon and Glover, with their brigades, to cross the Fishkill at break of day, and attack the enemy s encampment, supposed to be de fended merely by a rear-guard. The morning, as is common at that season of the year, opened with a dense fog ; but the alert Morgan had at the earliest hour groped his way across the stream, and was soon engaged with an advanced picket of the British on their right. The firing brought the brigades of Patterson and Learned to his support. Nixon, too, had crossed the Fishkill, to move against the centre of the enemy s camp ; Glover was about doing the same ; and General Gates had moved his whole army forward, prepared to follow, when a British soldier came wading; through o O the water. He proved to be a deserter, and brought intelligence that Burgoyne was still in camp, with the main body of his troops. Glover immediately checked the march of his brigade, and strove to call back Nixon from the other side of the stream. At this moment the fog suddenly lifted and rolled away, and the day became clear, revealing the whole British army, drawn up in formidable array before their camp on the heights. Fifteen hundred Americans, under Nixon, had crossed the river, and were now brought face to face with the full force of the enemy, who im mediately began a heavy fire of artillery and musketry, which soon drove him back, and sent him with his scattered brigade across to the American encampment, Morgan and his riflemen, after their engagement with the advanced picket of the enemy, had warily moved, under cover of the fog, around Burgoyne s right, and taken their position on some heights in its rear, which they firmly held. The brigades of Patterson and Learned, which had gone to the support of Morgan, also succeeded, after a slight skirmish with an advanced party of the British, in gaining a strong position under the cover of a wood, and maintaining it, though on the same side of the Fishkill with Burgoyne s encampment. The two armies, thus drawn close to each other, kept up an incessant cannon ade ; but the British commander, finding himself completely hemmed in, and all resources of escape cut off but the chance of relief from Sir Henry Clinton (of which, after lingering so long in anxious expec tation, he now at last abandoned all hope), was in despair of saving his army. " A series of hard toil," wrote Burgoyne himself; "incessant effort, and stubborn ac tion, until disabled in the collateral branch es of the army by the total defection of the Indians ; the desertion or the timidity of the Canadians and provincials,some indi viduals excepted ; disappointed in the last hope of any co-operation from other ar mies; the regular troops reduced by losses from the best parts to thirty-five hundred fighting men, not two thousand of which REVOLUTIONARY. J SURRENDER OF GENERAL BURGOYNE. 571 Oct. !3, were British ; only three days provisions, upon short allowance, in store ; invested by an army of sixteen thousand men, and no appearance of retreat remaining, I called into council all the generals, field- officers, and captains commanding corps, and by their unanimous concurrence and advice I was induced to open a treaty with Major-General Gates." While the council was in session, an eighteen-pound ball passed over the table, as there was not a spot of ground in the whole British camp which was not exposed to the fire of the Americans. It having been determined to open a treaty, Burgoyne imme diately wrote a note to General Gates, saying that he was desirous of sending a field-officer "upon a matter of high mo ment to both armies/ and requesting to be informed at what time General Gates would receive him the next morning. A note in reply was promptly sent, in which Gates appointed ten o clock as the hour. Accordingly, next morning, at the hour appointed, Major Kings ton presented himself at the American advanced post, and, being blindfolded, was led to headquarters, where he delivered the following message from the British to the American commander: "After hav ing fought you twice, Licutenant-General Burgoyne lias waited some days in his present position, determined to try a third conflict against any force you could bring against him. He is apprized of the supe riority of your numbers, and the disposi- / V tion of your troops to impede his sup plies, and render his retreat a scene of | carnaire on both sides. In this situation | Oct. 14, he is impelled by humanity, and thinks himself justified by established principles and precedents of state and war, to spare the lives of brave men upon honorable terms. Should Major-General Gates be inclined to treat upon that idea, General Burgoyne would propose a cessation of arms during the time necessary to com municate the preliminary terms by which, in any extremity, he and his army mean to abide." Gates was prepared with his answer in advance ; and, as soon as Major Kingston had done, the general put his hand into his side-pocket, and, pulling out a paper, said, " There, sir, are the terms on which General Burgoyne must surrender."* The major was somewhat taken by surprise at the promptness of the reply, but read the paper, while Gates surveyed him cu riously through his spectacles. Kingston was not pleased with the terms, which proposed, " as Burgoyne s retreat was cut off," an unconditional surrender of his troops as prisoners-of-war ; and he at first objected to convey them to the British commander, but was finally prevailed up on. Kingston soon came back with a nea:- o o ative answer, and word from his general that he would never admit that his re treat was cut off while his troops had arms in their hands. Hostilities in the mean time ceased; and other proposals were then made, and passed backward and for ward, when finally, after a two or three days delay, the following terms were agreed upon : General Burgoyne s troops were to march out of their camp with all the hon- * Wilkinson. 572 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART II. Oct. 15. ors of war; and the artillery to be moved to the banks of the Hudson river, and there left, together with the soldiers arms, which were to be piled at the word of command from their own officers. It was agreed that a free passage to Great Britain should be granted to the troops, on condi tion of their not serving again in the pres ent contest ; that all officers should retain their ba^nge and side-arms, and not be GOO 7 separated from their men ; and that all, of whatever country they might be, fol lowing the camp, should be included in the terms of capitulation. The conditions of the surren der being settled, the two gener als were preparing to sign and carry out the terms of the treaty, and about to ex change signatures, when Burgoyne sent word to Gates that it had been unguard edly called a treaty of capitulation, while his army only meant it as a treaty of con vention. Gates, without hesitation, admit ted the alteration ; and the next day (the IGth) he was expecting to receive from the British commander a copy of the con vention, properly signed, when instead a note arrived, in which Burgoyne, having heard of the departure of some of the American militia (who, with their usual in dependence, had gone off without leave), declared he had " received intelligence that a considerable force had been de tached from the army under the command of Major-General Gates" during the ne gotiation, and in violation of the cessation of arms agreed upon. This gave rise to another delay; and, in the meanwhile, word was at last received at the British headquarters from Sir Henry Clinton. Burgoyne immediately called a coun cil of war, and submitted to it the ques tion " whether it was consistent with pub lic faith, and if so, expedient, to suspend the execution of the treaty, and trust to events." At this anxious moment there were those in the British camp who, hav ing, during the cessation of hostilities, mo mentarily enjoyed the blessings of repose and security, were in fearful alarm lest they should soon be again awakened to the horrors of the battle-field. " One day," says the baroness Reidesel, " a message was sent to my husband, who had visited me and was reposing in my bed, to attend a council of war, where it was proposed to break the convention ; but, to my great joy, the majority was for adhering to it. On the IGth, however, my husband had to repair to his post, and I to my cellar. This day fresh beef was served out to the officers, who until now had only salt provision, which was very bad for their wounds. The good woman who brought us water, made us an excel lent soup of the meat, but I had lost my appetite, and took nothing but crusts of bread dipped in wine. The wounded offi cers (my unfortunate companions) cut oil the best bit and presented it to me on a. plate. I declined eating anything; but they contended that it was necessary for me to take nourishment, and declared they would not touch a morsel until I afforded them the pleasure of seeing me partake. I could no longer withstand their pressing invitations, accompanied as they were by assurances of the happiness they had in offering me the first good thing they had in their power ; and 1 par- REVOLUTIONARY.] INTERVIEW BETWEEN BURGOYNE AND GATES. 573 took of a repast rendered palatable by the kindness and- good will of my fellow- sufferers, forgetting for the moment the misery of our apartment and the absence of almost every comfort." The British commander-in-chief. though 7 O himself inclined to believe that he might honorably withdraw from the convention, yielded to the majority of his officers, and signed it on the 17th of October. This was a happy moment for the baroness Reidesel. " General Burgoyne and the other generals," she says, " waited on the American general ; the troops laid down their arms, and gave themselves up pris- oners-of-war. And now the good woman who had supplied us with water, at the hazard of her life, received the reward of her services. Each of us threw a hand ful of money into her apron, and she got altogether about twenty guineas. At such a moment as this, how susceptible is the heart of feelings of gratitude !" The deputy adjutant-general, Wilkin son, was the master of ceremonies chosen to conduct the formalities of the surren der. He accordingly visited General Bur goyne in his camp, and returned with him to present him to Gen eral Gates. The British commander came dressed in a rich royal uniform, and sur rounded by a brilliant staff of officers, all mounted on horseback. On reaching the American head quarters, General Gates, in " a plain blue frock," was on the ground, ready to receive his visiters, who, having approached within about a sword s length of him, reined up their horses. At this moment, General Burgoyne, raising his hat most gracefully, said, The fortune of Get, 17, war, General Gates, has made me your prisoner ; to which the conqueror, return ing a courtly salute, replied, I shall al ways be ready to bear testimony that it has not been through any fault of your excellency. " General Gates acted with great courte sy throughout, during these occurrences, so trying to the sensibilities of the brave soldier. Wilkinson was the only Ameri can who was allowed to witness the sur render of the British army. The spot having been first selected by him, Gener al Burgoyne s troops were drawn up on the level ground in front of Fort Hardy, on the north bank of the Fishkill, where that stream joins with the Hudson. Here the soldiers emptied their cartridge-boxes and grounded their arms at the word of command from their own officers. The place was within sight of the American encampment; but Gates, with a courteous regard for the feelings of his gallant ene my, took care to order every man to keep within the lines, that there should be no exulting witness of the humiliation of the British troops. In the afternoon, the American army was drawn up in two lines, bordering the road which led to their encampment to the extent of a mile. The British troops now crossed the river, and, escorted by a company of light dragoons, were inarched between the American soldiers, preceded by two American officers, unfurling for the first time the "stars and stripes;"* * In June, 1777, Congress first resolved that "the stars and stripes" should Ixi used, but not unfurled until Septem her. Previously the flag was the union one, with the com bined crosses of St. George and St. Andrew, and thirteen stripes, alternately red and white. 574 BATTLES OF AMERICA. while the bands struck up the lively tune of " Yankee Doodle" Burgoyne, attended by his staff, was with Gates, in front of his marquee ; and, at the moment when his troops were filing between the Ameri can lines,he stepped back, drew his sword, and presented it to his victorious oppo nent. Gates received the sword with a courteous acknowledgment, and immedi ately returned it, when the two generals retired within the tent. The foreign soldiers, especially those of Germany, who had been drilled in all the stiff formalities of Prussian military regulation, were struck with the undress appearance of the American troops ; they observed that none of them were uniform ly clad, but that each had on the clothes he had worn in " the fields, the church, or the tavern." They could not, however, withhold their admiration of the natural good looks of " such a handsome, well- formed race," and were surprised at their conduct. "The men all stood so still, that we were filled with wonder. Not one of them made a single motion as if he would speak with his neighbor," was the testimony of one of the Brunswick- ers.* The officers, in their motley dres ses some in brown turned up with sea- green, some in buff-and-blue,somein home ly gniy,but most in old-fashioned unkempt wigs and every-day dress, with only a white belt to distinguish their rank in the army were the objects of great won der and hardly-suppressed merriment to the German military martinets/}* Let us again trace the fortunes of that gentle and noblest of camp-followers, the Quoted by Irving. tlb. baroness Reidesel: " My husband s groom," she says, " brought me a message to join him with my children. I seated myself once more in my dear calash, and then rode through the American camp. As I passed on, I observed (and this was a great consolation to me) that no one eyed me with looks of resentment, but that they all greeted us, and even showed compas sion in their countenances at the sight of a mother with her children. I was. I con fess, afraid to go over to the enemy, as it was something quite new to me. When I drew near the tents, a handsome man approached and met me, took my children from the calash, and hugged and kissed them, which affected me almost to tears. You tremble, said he, as he offered me his arm ; < be not afraid. No, I replied, you seem so kind and tender to my chil dren, it gives me courage. He then con ducted me to the tent of General Gates, where I found Generals Burgoyne and Phillips on the most friendly footing with him. General Burgoyne said to me, i Nev er mind now, your sorrows are all over. I replied that I should be much to blame to have anxieties when he had none, and was on such friendly terms with General Gates. "All the generals remained to dine with General Gates. The same gentle man who had received me so kindly now came and said to me : You may feel em barrassed in dining with all these gentle men; come with your children to my tent, where you will find a frugal meal offered with the best will. I replied, You must certainly be a husband and a father, you show me so much kindness. He now REVOLUTIONARY.] THE BARONESS REIDESEL AND GENERAL SCHUYLER. 575 told me that he was General Schuyler. He regaled me with excellent smoked tongue, beefsteaks, potatoes, and good bread and butter. I could riot have de sired a better dinner. I was happy and contented, and saw that those about me were so likewise ; and, what was best of all, my husband was out of danger. "After dinner, General Schuyler told me that his residence was at Albany, that General Burgoyne had promised to be come his guest, and invited myself and children also. I consulted my husband, and he advised me to accept the invita tion. General Schuyler politely sent me back under the escort of a French gen tleman, who, after leaving me at the house where I was to remain, went back. "In the house I found a French sur geon, who had under his care a Bruns wick officer, who was mortally wounded, and died a few days afterward. The Frenchman boasted a good deal of his treatment of his patient, and possibly was skilful enough as a surgeon, but otherwise a great fool. He seemed delighted when he discovered I could speak his language. He began to address many empty and impertinent speeches to me. Among oth er things, he said he could not believe I was a general s wife, as he was certain a woman of such rank would not follow her husband. He expressed the wish that I would remain with him, as he said it was better to be with the conquerors than the conquered. I was shocked at his impu dence, but dared not show the contempt and detestation I felt for him, because it would deprive me of a place of safety. Toward evening he begged me to take part of his chamber. I told him that I was determined to remain in the room with the wounded officers, when he at tempted to pay me some stupid compli ment. At this moment the door opened, and my husband with his aid-de-camp en tered. I then said, l Here, sir, is my hus band ! and at the snme moment looked at him with scorn, w r hen he retired abashed. He was, however, polite enough to offer us his chamber. "Soon after, we arrived at Albany where \ve had so often wished ourselves but we did not enter it as we expected we should, victors. We were received by the good General Schuyler, his wife, and daughters, not as enemies but kind friends, and they treated us with the most marked attention and politeness, as they did Gen eral Burgoyne, who had caused General Schuyler s handsome house to be burned. In fact, they behaved like persons of ex alted minds, who were determined to bury all recollection of their own injuries in the contemplation of our misfortunes. " General Burgoyne was struck with General Schuyler s generosity, and said to him " ( You show me great kindness, al though I have done you much injury. " That was the fate of war, replied the brave man. Let us say no more about it. " Burgoyne was not unmindful of Schuy ler s generous hospitality and chivalrous courtesy, and took occasion on his return to England, where he resumed his place in the Parliament, to acknowledge, in the presence of the assembled British senate, his sense of gratitude. 576 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART n The whole British force which surren dered at Saratoga amounted to five thou sand seven hundred and ninety-one men, of whom two thousand four hundred and twelve were Germans. A train of brass artillery, consisting of forty-two cannon, howitzers, and mortars, and four thousand six hundred and forty-seven muskets, to gether with a large supply of ammunition, fell into the possession of the Americans. Among the British officers who had sur rendered were some of the most distin guished Englishmen. There were six among them who were members of Par liament. The prisoners were subsequent ly removed to Boston, where they re mained under the especial guard of Gen eral Heath and the garrison under his command. In the meanwhile, Gates hastened to Albany, in order to encounter the British troops advancing up the Hudson under the command of General Vaughan. But when Sir Henry Clinton heard of Bur- goyne s surrender, he immediately re called Vaughan (who had reached within only four hours sail of Albany), and with drew all his force from the river to New York. Major Wilkinson was despatched with the report of the America,!! triumph to Congress, then in session at Yorktown. He was received with great honor, and had the rank of brigadier-general imme diately bestowed upon him, in accordance with the recommendation of Gates, who also received every tribute which a grate ful people could give. Gates s military reputation was now at its height, and the esteem of his friends and his own vanity led him to entertain hopes of the chief command of the patriot armies. The success at Saratoga was a great triumph for the American cause. Creasy has justly ranked Gates s victory as one among " the fifteen decisive battles of the world." The Americans themselves were now more sanguine than ever of achiev ing their independence, and their luke warm advocates in Europe at once be came staunch friends. When news first reached France of the triumphant march of Burgoyne from the North, the French government immediately despatched in structions to Nantz and other seaports of the kingdom, that not an American pri vateer should be allowed -to enter them, except in case of indispensable necessity, for repairs or provisions. Franklin, Ad ams, and Deaue, the American commis sioners at Paris, were about leaving that city in disgust with the selfish conduct of the French government, when the in telligence arrived of Burgoyne s surren der. Now all was changed, and France unhesitatingly came to the aid of a peo ple who had proved that they were so well able to defend themselves. She was ready to make a treaty, lend her money, send a fleet and troops, or do anything by which to strengthen the power of her new ally in striking the destined blow against her old enemy. In December following the memorable month of Sep tember a treaty was arranged, and in Feb ruary, 1778, the minister of Louis XVI. signed it, and acknowledged the independ ent United States. French fleets, and troops, and money, soon gave proof of the sin cerity of French promises, and hastened REVOLUTIONARY.] EARLS COVENTRY AND CHATHAM ON AMERICA. 577 the consummation of the hopes of Amer ica. Spain and Holland, soon afterward, acknowledged the independence of the "UNITED STATES;" and England was left alone to struggle in her obstinate pride against the inevitable fate which was to sever for ever the American colonies from her dominion., but only to bind the great nation of the West in firmer ties of inter est, if not of friendship, with Great Brit ain. Even in England, the steadfast friends of the American cause saw its final tri umph in the failure of Burgoyne s cam paign, and boldly declared it. "Attend," said the earl of Coventry, in the house of lords, with the spirit and solemn utter ance of a prophet, " to the vast extent of the one [America], and the diminutive figure of Britain; to their domestic situ ations ; to the increase of population in the one, and the inevitable decline of it in the other ; the luxury, dissipation, and all the concomitant effects, in this coun try, and the frugality, industry, and con sequent wise policy, of America. These, my lords, were the main grounds on which I presumed to trouble you from time to time on this subject. I foresaiu then, as I continue to do, that a period must arrive when America tuould render herself independent; that this country would fall, and the seat of empire be removed beyond the Atlantic /" The great earl of Chatham rose feebly upon his crutch, but there came from his ardent heart and eloquent lips the same full gush, as of old, of generous sentiment and burning words. " You can not," he 73 exclaimed, "I venture to say it, you can not conquer America. . . . You may swell ev ery expense, and every effort, still more extravagantly ; pile and accumulate ev ery assistance you can buy or borrow ; traffic and barter with every little pitiful German prince, that sells and sends his subjects to the shambles of a foreign po tentate : your efforts are for ever vain and impotent doubly so from this mercena ry aid on which you rely ; for it irritates to an incurable resentment the minds of your enemies, to overrun them with the mercenary sons of rapine and plunder devoting them and their possessions to hireling cruelty ! If I ivere an American, as I am an Englishman, ivhile a foreign troop ivas landed in my country, 1 never would lay down my arms never never never! You can not conciliate America by your present measures; you can not subdue her by any measures. What, then, can you do ? You can not conquer, you can not gain : but you can address you can lull the fears and anxieties of the mo ment into an ignorance of the danger that should produce them. But, my lords, the time demands the language of truth : we must not now apply the flattering unc tion of servile compliance or blind com plaisance. In a just and necessary war, to maintain the right or honor of my coun try, I would strip the shirt from my back to support it; but in such a war as this, unjust in its principle, impracticable in its means, and ruinous in its consequences, I would not contribute a single effort or a single shilling !" 578 BATTLES OF AMERICA. n. CHAPTER LXII. Retreat of Washington to Germantown. Slow Advance of General Howe. Ho crosses the Sehuylkill. Storm versus Battle. Succe>s of General Grey, and Defeat of Wayne. The British ahead. A Forced Contribution. The Scru pulous Washington. Forts and Obstructions on the Delaware. Franklin s Ingenuity. Entry of the British into Philadelphia. The Show. The Officers described. Adjournment and Removal of Congress. The British Fleet in the Delaware. General Howe sends out a Force to co-operate. Attack on Germantown Washington s Plans. Pre liminary Skirmish. The Enemy driven back. Musgrave in Chew s House. General Knox on Tactics. Panic of the Americans. Their Retreat. Almost a Victory. Pursuit by the British. The Losses on Both Sides. 1777. Sept. 13. WASHINGTON, after the battle of the Brandywine, collected his scat tered troops at Chester, and then contin ued his retreat, marching through Derby, crossing the Schuylkill, and finally halt ing to refresh his army at Ger mantown, within six miles of Philadelphia. Sir William Howe, as usu al, was dilatory, and for several days con tented himself with merely sending for ward detachments to take possession of Concord, Chester, and Wilmington. While in camp at Germantown, Wash ington detached a part of the militia, un der General Armstrong, with the aid of General Joseph Reed (who had volun teered his services, as he was familiar with the country), to throw up redoubts on the banks of the Schuylkill, and occupy the eastern or Philadelphia side of the river, while he himself should cross with his main body, to oppose the advance of the enemy. The cominander-in-chief re mained but twenty-four hours in German- town ; and then, having ordered General Putnam to send him a detachment of fif teen hundred continental troops from his post on the Hudson, he returned across the Schuylkill river, and, taking the Lan caster road, determined to offer battle to General Howe. The British commander, however, had suddenly become unusually alert, and by a quick movement had reached the Schuyl kill, and crossed it, on his way to Phila delphia, after Washington had advanced to give him battle on the opposite side. The two armies were, in fact, upon the point of coming to an engagement pre vious to Howe s crossing the river, but were prevented by a most violent storm of rain, which continued a whole day and niii ht. When the weather cleared, it was o discovered that all the muskets were un fitted for service, and that the ammuni tion, of which each man had been supplied with forty rounds, was entirely ruined! Nothing now was to be done but to saek out a strong piece of ground where the troops might be secure, while the arms were being put in order, and a fresh sup ply of ammunition obtained. Washing ton had encamped for this purpose near Warwick, on French creek, when General Howe succeeded in his manoeuvre of cros sing the Schuylkill; not, however, without REVOLUTIONARY.] WAYNE S DEFEAT. HOWE APPROACHES PHILADELPHIA. 579 an attempt to harass his rear. General Wayne, with fifteen hundred men, was sent off in the night., in order to take the enemy by surprise. But his purpose hav ing been detected, Howe detached a large force under General Grey, who, coming suddenly upon the Americans, and charg ing them with the bayonet, drove them from their covert in the woods, with the loss of two or three hundred men. " They had so far got the start," wrote Washington, " before I received certain intelligence that any considerable num ber had crossed, that I found it in vain to think of overtaking their rear with troops harassed as ours had been with constant marching since the battle of Brandy wine." The men were so destitute of clothing, and particularly of shoes, that the want of this last essential article was a very se rious obstruction to the progress of the army. No less than one thousand of the American soldiers were barefooted, and forced to march in that condition ! Shoes and blankets were now the great deside rata, and to obtain them Washington was (painful though he confesses it to have been) obliged to extort a forced contri bution from the inhabitants of Philadel phia. His young aid-de-camp, Colonel Alexander Hamilton, was sent forward as the agent in this unpleasant business; but the commander-in-chief took care to en join upon him the utmost delicacy and discretion in its execution. General Howe was now sure of Phila delphia, toward which city he immediate ly marched; but Washington strove to make his situation there as little "agree able" as possible. He hoped to cut oil Howe s supplies by land and by water, and was disposed to think that the acqui sition of Philadelphia might prove his ruin instead of his good fortune. The American army now crossed the Schuyl- kill at Parker s ford, and encamped near Pottsgrove, to refresh and await the rein forcements expected from General Put nam at Peekskill. In the hope of check ing the advance to Philadelphia of the British fleet, at that time anchored in the Delaware, and of preventing the co-oper ation of Admiral Lord Howe with his brother the general, Washington was very solicitous about the fortifications and ob structions which had been constructed in the river. Benjamin Franklin, before proceeding to Paris in his diplomatic capacity, had already exercised his manifold ingenuity in planning works to be raised on tho Delaware, to protect his adopted city. Subsequently, rows ofckevaux-de-frise, con structed of immense beams of timber, bolted together and stuck full of iron spikes, were sunk in the channel of the Delaware, near where it forms its junc tion with the Schuylkill. Above these, and about seven miles from Philadelphia, was a battery, with heavy cannon, called Fort Mifflin, situated upon the flat and marshy ground of Mud or Fort island ; while opposite, at Red bank, on the New- Jersey shore, was a strong redoubt, with intrenchments, called Fort Mercer, pro tected in front by another fortified island. Below, there was a further series of clicv- aux-de-frisc in the channel of the Delaware between Billing s island and Billingsport, at which latter point, on the New-Jersey i. . 530 BATTLES OF AMERICA. ]_PART II. side, there was also a strong redoubt, There were, moreover, several American armed vessels, a number of row-galleys, some fire-ships, and floating batteries, an chored to defend the chevaux-de-frise, and pi-event the approach to Philadelphia by water. General Sir William Howe had in the meanwhile encamped at Gerniantown, whence he sent a large body of troops, under Earl Cornwallis, to take possession of Philadelphia. Their entry into the city was impressive. The inhabitants, natu rally in expectation of violence and rap ine, were greatly relieved by the orderly conduct of the enemy. Their houses and shops were closed, but the people, dressed in their best apparel, did not fear to show themselves in the streets. The British grenadiers, of "tranquil look and digni fied appearance," led the van, Lord Corn wallis at their head, who, with his some what short and thick-set person, his ami able face, and affable manners, had no very formidable look. The grenadiers, howev er, were followed by some of the dreaded Hessians, and in the eyes of the citizens they appeared terrific. Their " brass caps, their mustachios, their countenances, by nature rnorose,and their music, that sound ed better English than they themselves could speak, Plunder! plunder! plunder / gave," says an eye-witness of the scene, a desponding, heart-breaking effect, as I thought, to all." The meager, erect, and sharp-featured Hessian general, Knyphau- sen (a stiff formalist and military marti net, though courtly in his way), was not calculated to relieve the inhabitants from their excited apprehensions of his merce nary troops. Some of the more thought ful of the citizens appeared sad, and the timid frightened ; but to the great mass the entry of the British troops, with their gay accoutrements and lively music, was a show upon which they looked, if not with pleasure, certainly with a cheerful curiosity. Congress had, on the advance of the British, adjourned to Lancaster, and sub sequently to Yorktown, beyond the Sus- quehannah river, where its members as sembled, and continued to hold Sept, 30, their sessions as long as Phila delphia remained in possession of the enemy. Sir William Howe, desirous of a co-op eration with the fleet, in order to secure supplies for his army, first directed his attention toward the attainment of that object. His army was, therefore, no soon er encamped, than he began to erect bat teries on the Delaware, near Philadelphia. At the same time, he sent out a detach ment of troops, with orders to cross the river and make an attempt upon the American works at Billingsport, on the New-Jersey side, which commanded the chevaux-de-frise, and interfered with the advance of the British fleet to Philadel phia. Washington, discovering this move ment of the enemy, and being reinforced by fifteen hundred men detached by Gen eral Putnam, determined to at- Sept, 27. tack them m their encampment at Gerniantown, as, in consequence of their force being weakened by the detach ment sent out against Billingsport, it was thought a favorable opportunity offered. REVOLUTIONARY.] WASHINGTON PLANS AN ATTACK OX HOWE. 581 The commander-in-chief was now at Pen- nibacker s mill, on the Skippack road, within fourteen miles of Germantown ; and he proposed to march that distance in the night, and if possible take General Howe by surprise. To understand Washington s plan of attack, it is necessary to call to mind the position of Germantown. This place, now as it were a suburb of Philadelphia, was then a small town or village, about six miles northwest from that city. It was chiefly composed of two rows of small houses, extending over a mile in distance, one on each side of the Skippack road, which ran (forming one street, bordered with peach-trees) directly through Ger mantown from north to south, and, before reaching the village, passing over the two eminences of Chestnut hill and Mount Airy. On the outskirts of Germantown, to the north, and situated on the Skip- pack road, was a large stone-house, be longing to Chief-Justice Chew, a distin guished Pennsylvania^, inclined to be whiggish, but rather vacillating in his po litical principles. Wissahickon creek, that empties into the Schuylkill, was, together with that river, at that time a rather re mote western boundary of the village. In addition to the Skippack road, which ran directly through the centre of Ger mantown, there were three other roads which approached it from the north : the Limekiln and Old York roads were on the east of the central or Skippack road, and the Manatawny or Ridge road to the west, which, leading between Wissahickon creek and Schuylkill river, crossed the former at the southern border of the town. Howe s encampment stretched diago nally across the lower part of German- town, being thus divided as it were by the main street, or the Skippack road ; to the west of which lay the left wing, under General Knyphausen, extend ing to the banks of the Schuylkill ; while to the east stretched the right, commanded by General Grant. The British centre occu pied the houses in the main street or the Skippack road the village itself, in fact. To the north, there was posted on this road an advanced guard, consisting of a battalion of light-infantry and the fortieth regiment of the line. The left wing was covered by the German chasseurs, horse and foot, who were stationed at " Van Deering s mill," on the Schuylkill ; and the right was guarded by the Queen s Rangers, posted on the Old York road, and by the light-infantry on the Limekiln. Washington s plan of attack, as de scribed by himself, was, to march a divis ion of his army by each of the four roads which, as we have seen, led to German- town. The divisions of Generals Sullivan and Wayne, supported by Conway s bri gade, were to enter the town by the Skip- pack road from the north, to attack the British centre. The divisions of Greene and Stephen were to take the Limekiln road, and attack their right wing in front ; while Generals Small wood and Forman, with the Maryland and New-Jersey mili tia, were to march by the Old York road, and fall upon their rear. The enemy s left, on the Schuylkill, was reserved for General Armstrong and the Pennsylvania militia, who were to proceed by the Man atawny road. Lord Stirling, with Nash s 582 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [I AIJT II Oct. 3, and Maxwell s brigades, was to form a corps de reserve. The inarch began at seven o clock in the evening, Washing ton accompanying Sullivan s division in person. The distance was long, the night dark, and the road rough ; and it was con sequently daybreak before Sullivan s ad vanced guard emerged from the woods on Chestnut hill. Here it was expected to find an advanced picket of the enemy, but none made its appearance. A detach ment was now sent forward under Cap tain M Lane, who led his men on cautious ly, as the morning was foggy, and noth ing could be seen in the distance until he reached "Allen s house," on Mount Airy, where he fell in with an advanced picket of the enemy posted there with two six- pounders. M Lane attacked it, and drove it down the hill arid back to the body of light-infantry stationed in its rear, and about two miles on the road in advance of General Howe s centre in the town. This preliminary skirmish soon aroused the enemy, and the whole British encamp ment was immediately astir, with the drums beating to arms. General Wayne hastened for ward to sustain M Lane, as the British light-infantry presented itself, in full force, to dispute the passage of the road. Wayne s troops came on so impet uously, that the enemy broke before the encounter. Their officers, however, re formed them, and a fierce firing ensued. They were nevertheless forced from their ground ; but, being supported by the grenadiers, they came up once more, and renewed the struggle with great spirit. Get, 4, Sullivan s division and Conway s brigade now arrived to the aid of Wayne, when the British were unable to hold their po sition, and were forced back, struggling awhile as they retired ; but Wayne s men charged them so fiercely with the bayo net, that they finally fled for their lives, hard pushed by the Americans, and beg ging for mercy, but receiving none. At this juncture, however, Colonel Musgrave, with six companies of the fortieth regi ment, succeeded as he retreated in get ting possession of Chew s large stone house. While Wayne, with the advanced body, continued to pursue the retreating British into Germantown, the remainder of the Americans were brought to a halt by Colo nel Musgrave,. This officer had barricaded the doors of Chew s house, and from the windows his light-infantry kept up a mur derous fire upon their pursuers. A dis cussion now took place among the Ameri can officers. Some were in favor of storm ing the house, and others were opposed to the consequent delay. General Reed was for pushing on ; General Knox, of the ar tillery, however, contended that it was contrary to fill military precedent to leave " a fort," possessed by the enemy, in the rear. " What !" exclaimed Heed, " call that <a fort, and lose the happy moment?" Kuox s opinion, nevertheless, prevailed ; and, that everything might be done ac cording to the " rules of war," it was de termined to send a summons to the com mander of " the fort" to surrender. A youth was therefore sent with a flag in due form ; but he had no sooner reached within musket-range, than he was shot REVOLUTIONARY.] BATTLE OF GERMANTOWN. 583 dead. The artillery was now brought up, but even cannon-balls proved ineffectual. Attempts were at last made to set fire to the house. Some with bundles of straw, and others with firebrands of pine-wood, made their way amid a shower of bullets to the lower part of the building, where they strove to effect their purpose ; but Musgvave s men were on the alert, and, getting into the cellar of the house, shot down each man before he could accom plish his object. A half-hour was thus lost in these vain and absurd efforts to carry out Knox s formal tactics, and the rear of Sullivan s division was prevented from giving that aid to General Wayne which might have proved of effective service. General Sullivan, however, in spite of this delay of a part of his troops, being reinforced by Nash s and Conway s bri gades, succeeded, by leaving the Skip- pack road, crossing a field, and marching rapidly for a mile, in coming up with the left of the enemy, and by a vigorous at tack forcing it to retire. The divisions of Generals Greene and Stephen had, in accordance with Wash ington s plan, gained the Limekiln road ; but the latter having diverged, to assist in the attack on Chew s house, Greene was left to march against the enemy s right with none but his own troops, con sisting of Scott s and Muhlenberg s bri gades. He succeeded, however, in dri ving an advanced guard of light-infantry before him, and in making his way to the market-house in the town, where the Brit ish right wing, under General Grant, was posted. Greene began the attack with spirit; and, as Forman and Smallwood, with the militia of New Jersey and Ma ryland, were rapidly getting by the Old York road to the rear of the British right, there was every prospect of success. At this moment, however, whether from the complicated nature of the plan, the thick fog, or the mere nervous excitement of the troops, a general panic seized upon the Americans. A great confusion now prevailed, and friend was mistaken for foe. General Wayne s division, in the heat of pursuit, was suddenly turned and put to flight by the approach on its flank of some American troops which were be lieved to be those of the enemy. Ste phen s division, too, was thrown into dis order by making the same mistake in re gard to Wayne s corps. Sullivan s men, having shot their last round of ammuni tion, had also been panic-struck by the cry that the enemy were surrounding them. " In the midst," said Washington, "of the most promising appearances, when everything gave the most flattering hopes of victory, the troops began suddenly to retreat, and entirely left the field, in spite of every effort that could be made to rally them." It was not known until afterward how near the Americans were of gaining a com plete victory. The action had lasted two hours and forty minutes, and the enemy had been so hard pressed, that they were about retreating to Chester. Washington succeeded in bringing off all his artillery, but lost, in killed, wounded, and missing, nearly a thousand men ; while the ene my, according to their own account, lost but about five hundred. General Nash 584 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART n. of North Carolina was killed, and Colonel Mathews of Virginia taken captive, to gether with a large number of prisoners which he had obtained in the beginning of the engagement. The British general Agnew was mortally wounded, together with other officers. It was during the retreat, after the sin gular panic which seized upon the army, when the loss of the Americans was the greatest. As soon as the British discov ered how strangely the advantage of the day was turning in their favor, they pur sued it with great promptitude. Their left wing was brought up by General Grey, and, being joined on the road by Lord Cornwallis with a detachment of light-horse from Philadelphia, the fugi tives were followed in hot pursuit. Gen erals Greene and Wayne, however, cov ered the retreat with great skill, and ofLen brought their pursuers to a stand. Wash ington continued to retire until the close of the day, when he reached Perkimen creek, some twenty miles distant from Germantown. CHAPTER LXIII. General Howe s Works on the Delaware. Destruction of the American Ships. Success of the British at Billingsport. Gups in the Chevaux-de-Frise. A Clear Run. Attack on Fort Mercer. Its Gallant Defence. Repulse of the Hes sians. Death of Count Donop. A Victim of Ambition arid Avarice. Attack on Fort MiiHin. Repulse of the Brit ish. Burning of a Ship-of-War. Effect of the American Triumph. Another Effort for the Command of the Dela ware. A Second Attack upon Fort Mifflin. Irs Heroic Defence. Desperate Straits of the Garrison. Showers of Bombs and Balls. Fall of Fort Mifflin. Washington in want of Reinforcements. Dilatoriness of Generals Gates und Putnam. Effect of Age upon Putnam. 1777, GENERAL SIR WILLIAM HOWE no sooner reached Germantown, and took possession of Philadelphia, than he strove to obtain the command of the Del aware, in order to secure the co-operation of the fleet commanded by his brother, Admiral Lord Howe. For this purpose, as we have seen, he had begun to con struct three batteries near the city, and prepared to attack the American forts on the river. Philadelphia, being a seaport, and at that time the largest town in the United States, presented the greatest facilities for constructing and fitting out naval vessels. The few armed cruisers, both public and private, then employed, had accordingly been for the most part built and prepared for sea on the Delaware, where they remained until ordered lot- service. Although, on the approach of the British fleet off the mouth of that river, some of the vessels had succeeded in making their escape to sea, there were others which had been left, and had now sought refuge above the forts and obstruc tions in the stream. Some of these were at this time above and others below the city; and when General Howe began to erect his three batteries, it was obvious REVOLUTIONARY.] DEFENCES OF THE DELAWARE. FORT MERCER. 585 that the communication between them would be cut off. The Delaware, a twen ty-four, and the Doria, a fourteen-gun ves sel, together with several smaller armed craft, accordingly moved in front of the British works and opened a cannonade. The Delaware, however, was so unfortu nately placed, that she took the ground on the ebb of the tide ; and her guns be coming unmanageable, she was obliged to strike to the enemy, who had brought some fieldpieces to bear upon her. Her consorts then retired, and General Howe was allowed to continue the construction of his batteries without interference. The detachment of British troops, un der Colonel Stirling, that had crossed the Delaware to attack the American works at Billingsport, on the New-Jersey side of the river, had succeeded in carrying them. The works having been disman tled, the British frigate Roebuck broke through the chevaux-de-frise which crossed the channel of the Delaware at that point, and made a gap sufficiently wide to ad mit the largest man-of-war. The enemy s next attempt was upon the forts and che- vaux-de-frisc above. Great preparations were made for their defence, as they were deemed of the utmost importance by the Americans. Washington himself declared that the enemy s hopes of keeping Phila delphia, and " finally succeeding in the present campaign," depended upon them. Efforts to cany them were made by the British corresponding with those which were put forth in their defence. After the redoubt at Billingsport was taken and the chevaux-de-frise broken by the enemy, the defence of the Delaware 74 depended upon the works above Fort Mercer, at Red bank, on the eastern or New-Jersey side; and FortMifflin,on Mud island, on the western or Pennsylvania side. The fortifications of both were fair ly constructed, and consisted of redoubts and outworks. Two Maryland regiments, commanded by Lieutenant-Colonel Sam uel Smith, garrisoned Fort Mifflin ; and two of Rhode Island, under Colonel Chris topher Greene, occupied Fort Mercer. With Greene was a young Frenchman, Captain Manduit Duplessis, who was serv ing in the American army, and who, in consequence of his skill as an engineer, had been sent down to superintend the construction of the additional fortifica tions supposed to be necessary. The clic- vaux-de-fnse in the channel below the isl ands, which were his work, having been finished, he was now busy in strengthen ing the defences at Fort Mercer. While a party of men, under the super intendence of Duplessis, was engaged, on the morning of the 22d of October, at work on the outer defences, which were still incomplete, a large force of Hessians was seen suddenly to come through the woods, and form almost within cannon- shot. The garrison amounted to only four hundred men. The enemy were twenty- five hundred strong. The outworks of the fort, as before remarked, were unfin ished, and the redoubt within the enclo sure was mounted with only fourteen guns. Colonel Greene, however, deter mined upon defending his post to the last extremity. When the Hessians came to a halt. Count Donop, who commanded them, or- 586 BATTLES OF AMERICA. |_PART ir. Oct. 22, dered a parley to be beaten by the drums. and sent forward an officer with a Hag, who summoned the garrison to surrender, and threatened that, in case of refusal, no quarter would be given. " Tell your com mander," replied Greene, " that we ask no quarter, and will give none !" Count Do- nop now advanced his men within a short distance of the fort, and began to raise a battery. Colonel Greene was aware, from the incomplete state of his outworks, that it would be in vain to attempt to defend them, and therefore resolved upon con centrating his whole strength within the O o inner redoubt. Here, with his little gar rison, he resolved to hold his ground, and if possible beat off the superior force of his antagonist. In the afternoon, Count Donop, having completed his battery, began a severe cannonade, and under the cover of the fire inarched forward his troops in two divisions. One was to take the works on the north side ; while the other, led by himself, was to make the assault by the south. The Americans awaited the approach of the enemy, and gave one fire before retiring to the redoubt. The Hessians suffered severely; but as they advanced, and found the outworks suddenly aban doned, they believed that the garrison had iled in fright. With one triumphant shout, the enemy then pushed on, from both the north and south sides. Passing through the abalti*, crossing the ditches, and leaping the pickets, they hurried for ward, with Hag in hand, to plant it exult- ingly upon the ramparts. Greene waited until the scattered Hessians had closed in together from the surrounding outworks, and crowded toward the central redoubt ; and, while they were thus concentrated in a dense throng, he opened his artillery upon them with terrible effect. The assailants quailed before the unex pected shock, and, as their comrades fell thickly about them, would have fled, had not the brave Count Donop sprung for ward and rallied them. They came on again impetuously, but a second cannon ade from the redoubt checked their on set, and caused them to waver. Rallying once more, they were again pushing for ward to the assault, when another mur derous fire drove them back, and they fled in confusion from the works. As they were retreating from the outer defences, the American flotilla of gun-boats and gal leys, under Commodore Hazelwood, di rected its guns upon the fugitives, and galled them severely. The loss of the Hessians amounted to nearly four hundred, while that of the Americans was only eight killed and twen ty-nine wounded. While the young en gineer, Captain Duplessis, was out with a small detachment, making a survey of the results of the engagement, he heard a voice from among the dead and dyin^: o / O " Whoever you are, draw me hence." It was that of Count Donop. Duplessis had him instantly borne into the fort, where he lingered for three days, and finally died, at the age of thirty-seven. "This is finishing a noble career early," said he shortly before his death, " and I die the victim of my ambition and of the avarice of my sovereign."* * Tliu elector of Ile.sse Cusscl. REVOLUTIONARY.] BURNING OF BRITISH SHIPS. FORT MIFFLIN. The second in command of the Hes sians, Lieutenant-Colonel Mingerode,was also severely wounded in the assault, and Lieutenant -Colonel Linsing succeeded. He strove to reform his troops, but, in spite of his efforts, they fled in confusion to Haddonfield. Simultaneously with the attack by land on Fort Mercer, the British vessels in the Delaware made an attempt upon Fort Miillin, on the opposite side of the chan nel. Admiral Howe sent up from below (where his fleet was anchored off the Pennsylvania shore, between Ruddy isl and and Newcastle) a squadron, consist ing of the Augusta, a sixty-four, the Mer lin sloop-of-war, the Roebuck, a forty-four, and several smaller ships. They succeed ed, after the successful attack at Billings- port, in readily passing through the gap in the chevaux-de-frise which had been con structed ; but, while sailing up toward the fort, the Augusta and the Merlin got fast aground, in consequence of the channel having been altered by the obstructions placed above. This delayed the attack, and it was put off until the fol lowing day. When the morning opened, the men-of-war began a heavy cannonade upon Fort MifTlin, which was returned by both the fort itself and from the American galleys in the river. In the meantime, every effort was made by the English to get off the Augusta and the Merlin, but they stuck so fast, that it was found impracticable. The Americans now sent down some fire-ships, in order to destroy them, but without effect. Soon after, however, the Augusta took fire from some pressed hay which had been secured Oct. 23, on her quarter to render her shot-proof. The rest of the squadron dropped down the river, and abandoned the attack, to avoid the dangerous neighborhood of the burning ship, which, after blazing a short time, and the fire having reached her magazine, blew up with a terrific ex plosion. Most of her crew succeeded in saving themselves, but the second-lieuten ant, the chaplain, a gunner, and several sailors, perished. The Merlin being still fast, the British determined to leave her to her fate ; and accordingly the crew, having set fire to her, took to their boats, and pulled off to the other vessels. The successful resistance of the fcitv on the Delaware was a source of great satisfaction to the country, and Congress gave expression to the feeling by voting thanks and swords to Colonels Smith and Greene and Commodore Hazelwood. As General Howe s security at Phila delphia (where he now proposed to make his winter-quarters) depended upon his wresting the command of the Delaware from the Americans, he and his brother resolved to persist in their efforts, in spite of their first fruitless attempts. Washing ton, too, was equally determined to throw every obstacle in their way within his power. But he was greatly crippled for want of troops, General Gates having withheld the reinforcements which the commander-in-chief had expected from the northern army ; and, until their arri val, it was with difficulty that a single man could be spared from his camp for operations elsewhere. Small detachments of troops \vere, however, sent to both Fort Mifllin and Fort Mercer; and General Var- BATTLES OF AMERICA. [_PAUT II. mini was despatched with his brigade to Red bank, in order to be in readiness to give any aid that might be required by either garrison. Between the Pennsylvania shore and Mud island, upon which Fort Mifllin was situated, was Province island, an oozy bit of larid ; mostly under water. There were, however, two dry spots upon it. only about four or five hundred yards from the west ern side of Fort Mifllin, where the de fences, consisting only of palisades, a sin gle cannon, and two blockhouses, were exceedingly weak. Lieutenant- Colonel Smith, in command of the garrison of Fort Mifflin, strove to provide against the danger from this quarter. He erected a two-gun battery on Mud island (where his fort was), to command the dry place on Province island. The enemy, in the meantime, had marched down in consid erable force from Philadelphia, in order to take possession of this ground, with the view of operating against Fort Mifflin. They had sent a party, under an officer, to make a preliminary survey of Prov ince island, preparatory to the erection of their works, when Lieutenant-Colonel Smith brought such a well-directed fire to bear upon them from his new battery, that they were forced, after the loss of their commander, to retreat to the main land. The British, however, crossing over in larger numbers, soon made good their po sition upon Province island, and were en abled to erect no less than five batteries within only five hundred yards of Fort Miillin. This looked so formidable, that Lieutenant-Colonel Smith began to give up all hopes of a successful resistance, and wrote to this effect to Washington ; but he was urged, in reply, to defend the post to the last. Smith, accordingly, did his utmost. The British at length had everything in readiness for an attack, and began to open their batteries from Prov- i 1 mi CT^ ^ OV I0t mce island. 1 he garrison ol b ort Mifllin returned the fire with spirit; but the heavy guns of the enemy, firing both shell and ball, were doing irreparable mis chief. On the first day, the blockhouses and the new two-gun battery, on the out side of the fort, were demolished, and Lieutenant Treat killed. On the next. away went the strong palisades, a cannon in one ol the emora- sures, and the barracks shattered into ru ins. Lieutenant-Colonel Smith was now disabled. He was engaged in writing a note to General Varnum, in command of the reserve force on the New-Jersey side of the Delaware, when the chimney of the barrack-room, being struck by a cannon- ball, fell, scattering the bricks in every direction, one of which knocked the com mander senseless to the ground. He was then borne away and taken across to Red bank. Lieutenant-Colonel Russell was the next in command, but lie was unable. from ill health and fatigue, to take charge ; and Major Thayer, of Rhode Island, vol unteered to assume the duty. On the third day the garrison still held out ; but the British, by their incessant cannonade, having demolished the outer works, it was found ne cessary to keep within the fort. Colonel Fleury, the French engineer, made every Nov. 11, Nov. 12, REVOLUTIONARY.] FALL OF FORT MIFFLIN. Nov. 13, effort to repair the works, but without success. The enemy kept up their fire night and day. Fleury, however, declared that the fort could still be defended, pro vided reinforcements should arrive. The reinforcements came from General Var- num, and the garrison still persisted in their gallant resistance. Daring the night of the third day, the British fleet succeeded in co-operating with their land-force. A merchantman was cut down, and, being made into a floating battery, was towed within g tin-shot of the fort, and early in the morning began a heavy cannonade ; but before noon its guns were silenced by a well-directed fire from the still-re sisting garrison. On the following day, several men-of-war also bore up to the attack : two passed into the channel be tween Province island and the fort ; two took position in front ; and others an chored toward the New-Jersey shore, that their guns might bear upon Fort Mercer. In spite of this formidable force, the brave garrison, exhausted as it was with fatigue, still held out. The enemy continued to pour in their shot and bombshells from land-battery and ship s broadside, and yet not a si<m of surrender from those reso- o lute men. The fort was in ruins, many of the guns dismounted., and almost every wall beaten down level with the marsh of the island. The British ships had com pletely surrounded the place, and closed in so near, that hand-grenades were flung into the fort, and men were killed upon the platforms by sailors in the maintops; and yet the garrison struggled manfully on through the whole day against fate. Nov. 15, In the evening, Major Thayer deter mined to give the survivors a chance of escape, and accordingly sent most of the garrison ashore. He, together with Cap tains Fleury and Talbot (although the two latter were wounded), remained with thirty men until midnight, in order to re move the military stores. This being ac complished, they retired to Red bank, having first set fire to what was left of the woodwork of the fort. The loss of the Americans during this gallant struggle of the little garrison at Fort Mif- flin against such overwhelming odds, was two hundred and fifty in killed and wound ed. The loss of Fort Mifflin led to a good deal of invidious remark on the part of the censorious, and Washington thought it necessary to justify his conduct. It was contended that he should have given greater relief to the fort, but it was clear that he had done all that his resources enabled him to do. He had thrown such a garrison into Fort Mifilin as had been found before sufficient to defend it to the last extremity ; and he had likewise sta tioned General Varnum s brigade at For.t Mercer, opposite, to be in readiness to give his aid. The only other practicable mode of giving relief to the beleaguered fort would have been to dislodge the en emy from Province island. To have done this, however, it would have been neces sary to remove the whole or a consider able portion of the army to the western bank of the Schuylkill. There were many and very forcible reasons against such a movement. The stores at Easton, Beth lehem, and Allentown, would have been 590 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART uncovered, and the post at Red bank un protected. It was also shown that, with the army on the west side of the Schuyl- kill, the British would have been able to throw over such a force into New Jersey as to overpower the garrison at Red-bank, and so cut off all supplies from Fort Mif- flin, opposite ; and " thus we should," said Washington, " in all probability, have lost both posts by one stroke." The enemy, too. by taking possession of the fords up on the Schuylkill, after Washington had crossed, might have rendered the expect ed junction of the northern army imprac ticable ; and " should any accident have happened to them," continued the com- inander-in-ciiief, " we should have stood a very poor chance of looking General Howe in the face through the winter, with an inferior army." The chief diffi culty in the way of energetic operations was the delay of the march of the troops from the North. The want of the reinforcements from General Gates s army greatly embarrassed all Washington s measures ; and so anx ious was he for their arrival, that he de spatched Colonel Alexander Hamilton, to do his best to push them forward. It was not only Gates, at Albany, who was so dilatory, but Putnam also, at Peekskill. Both of these generals were evidently anxious to do something on their own" account, and were not disposed to dimin ish the forces under their commands, and thus lessen the hopes of striking a blow which might resound to their glory. Both may have been actuated by the best of motives, although it was supposed that Gates was influenced by an ignominious desire of thwarting Washington, whom he was suspected of intriguing to supersede in the chief command. The patriotism of General Putnam was beyond suspicion, but in the course of increasing years he had become self-willed, and, having enter tained the project of an attack upon New York, was not inclined to give up his pet idea, which he nursed with all the fond ness of dotage, however chimerical and absurd. Young Hamilton, nevertheless, though he found "many unaccountable delays thrown in his way," succeeded by his prompt energies in overcoming them, and soon extorted from the aged Putnam and the unwilling Gates those reinforce ments from Albany and Peekskill, which, had they come at an earlier day, might have saved the forts on the Delaware, and rendered Philadelphia at least "a very ineligible situation for the enemy" during the winter. REVOLUTIONARY.] FORT MERCER SURRENDERS TO LORD CORNWALLIS. 591 CHAPTER LXIV. Fall of Fort Mercer. Washington too late. The British command the Delaware. A Gallant Naval Exploit. The Raleigh and the Alfred. Their Cruise. Successful Attack upon a Fleet. Success of American Privateers. Wash ington at Whitemarsh. Arrival of the Northern Army. Its Miserable Plight. Shoes wanted. A Substitute proposed. Raw-Hide a Failure. Plans of Attack. Sir William Howe on the Move. General Greene ordered to march. The Marquis Lafayette finds a Chance for Glory. His Extensive Designs. Martial Fancies. Lafayette gets into Danger, but gets out of it. [Ms own Account of the Affair. He is rewarded with the Command of a Division. Gen eral Stephen superseded. Howe offers Battle. Washington remains on the Defensive. Howe returns to Philadel phia. Washington in search of Winter-Quarters. 1777, FORT MERCER., situated, as before described, at Red-bank, on the New- Jersey side of the Delaware, was still in possession of the Americans. The fort was held by the garrison which, under the command of Colonel Greene, had so gal lantly repulsed Count Donop and his Hes sians ; and General Varnuin with his bri gade was stationed in the neighborhood. As this post partially commanded the Del aware, thus embarrassing the movements of the British fleet, and protecting the few American armed vessels in the river, it was determined to make an effort to hold it. With this view, Generals St. Glair and Knox, and Baron de Kalb, were sent down by Washington to take a survey of the ground, and to endeavor to form a o - judgment of the most probable means of securing its possession. Soon afterward intelligence was received that a large Brit ish force, commanded by Lord Cornwal- lis, Lad crossed the Delaware from Phila delphia to New Jersey ; and it being in ferred that his object was Red-bank, Wash ington ordered Generals Greene and Hun- o tingdon, together with Glover s brigade, to march to its support. They were, how ever, too late. Cornwallis approached with so large a force, before the reinforce ments sent by Washington could arrive, that it was futile to attempt resistance ; and Red-bank was thus abandoned to the enemy, leaving the Delaware, from the capes to Philadelphia, in the full posses sion of the Howes. The Americans now destroyed the few sea-vessels which they had in the river, consisting of the Andrea Doria, of fourteen guns, and the Hornet and the Wasp, of ten and eight respect ively. The galleys, by keeping close in to the New-Jersey shore, were enabled to make their escape to the shallow water above the city. While these occurrences were taking place on the Delaware, there was a gal lant little exploit effected at sea, which proved that there was still some spirit left among American naval men, although their character for daring had been some what tarnished by the conduct of Com modore Hazelwood and his officers, who were thought to have been less efficient than they might have been during the brave but unsuccessful struggle to hold the forts on the Delaware. 592 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PAKI The Raleigh, a twelve-pounder frigate, having been fitted out at Portsmouth, in New Hampshire, was put under the com mand of Captain Thompson, and sailed in company with the Alfred, a twenty-gun vessel, commanded by Captain Hinman. Their first commission was to proceed to France, in order to bring thence military stores that were awaiting transportation to America. They got to sea, and made a <Ood run of the coast, when thev fell in o * with the Nancy, a trader, and captured her. From her captain it was discovered that she had been left the day before by the Windward-island fleet of merchant men, bound to the West Indies, which was under the convoy of four British men-of- war, the Camel, the Druid, the Weasel, and the Grasshopper. Captain Thomp son, having learned their probable posi tion, resolved to give chase. In twentj^- four hours he got sight of them from his masthead, and before night he was close enough to count the sixty sail composing the convoy, and to discover the positions of the men-of-war. Thompson, having obtained from his prize (the Nancy) the signals of the enemy, sig nalled his consort as if she belonged to the convoy. The two were astern, and to the windward of the British fleet; and at night Thompson spoke the Alfred, and told her commander to keep near him, as he intended to run in among the enemy and lay the commodore aboard. In the course of the night the wind came round to the northward; and the licet having hauled by the wind, the Ra- leigh and the Alfred were brought to the leeward. At break of day the breeze Sept. 3, freshened ; and as, in order to effect his purpose, it was necessary to carry more sail, Thompson ordered the canvas to be spread. Unfortunately, the Alfred could not bear it, and fell to the leeward a long distance; while the Raleigh, under double- reefed topsails, fetched handsomely into the fleet. Thompson could not shorten sail, lest he might be detected as a stran ger; and, giving up all hope of aid from his consort, he boldly steered in among the enemy s ships, and hove to, in order that the merchantmen astern might draw o more ahead of him. He now filled away, and, steering directly through the con voy, made for the vessel-of-war most to the windward. As he passed, he spoke some of the merchantmen ; and, in order to keep up his deception, he gave them orders about their course, and continued to use the enemy s signals. With her guns housed and her ports lowered, and there being no visible preparations for action, none as yet suspected the true character of the Raleigh. Captain Thompson now ran his ship alongside the Druid, of twenty guns, com manded by Captain Carteret, and, running out his guns and setting his ensign, or dered the enemy to strike. The Druid was so taken by surprise, that everything on board of her was thrown into confu sion, and even her sails got aback. The Raleigh at this moment threw into her a heavy broadside, which served to increa.se the disorder. Thompson continued firing, and with such rapidity, that in twenty minutes he had poured into his enemy a dozen broadsides, without receiving hard ly a shot in return. A squall coining on, UKVOLUTIONAKY.] CAPTAIN THOMPSON S GALLANT NAVAL EXPLOIT. 593 Sept. 5. closed in the two vessels from all view of the rest; but, when it cleared away, the convoy was seen scattered, and making off in all directions. The other vessels- of-war, however, were coming up to the rescue of the Druid, and Thompson found it necessary to leave his adversary. He therefore ran to the leeward and joined his consort, the Alfred. Shortening sail, the two ships waited for the British men- of-war to come up ; but, night ap proaching, the latter hauled in with the fleet again. Thompson followed them for some days, but did not succeed in provoking them to a combat. The Druid was so greatly damaged in the encounter, that she was obliged to return to England for repairs. Her loss was six killed and twenty-six wounded ; that of the Raleigh was only three men killed and wounded.* During the whole year 1777, the loss of the British commercial marine was no less than four hundred and sixty-seven sail, principally taken by American pri vateers, though seventy men-of-war were kept on the American coast alone to pro tect English vessels.f Washington s present encamp ment was at Whitemarsh, within fourteen miles of Philadelphia. While here, the northern army at last arrived, and in such wretched condition in regard to clothing, that a large part of Morgan s corps had to remain in camp for want of shoes, and only a hundred and seventy were sufficiently well shod to be able to march when Washington was sending those reinforcements to Red-bank which * History of the Navy of the United States, by J. Fcnni- more Cooper. t Ib. 75 Nov. 22. arrived too late to save it. Shoes had become so scarce in the camp, that the commander-in-chief was induced to offer a reward for a substitute. Accordingly the following was posted about, as a stim ulus to the inventive genius of the army : " The commander-in-chief offers a re ward of ten dollars to any person who shall, by nine o clock on Monday morn ing, produce the best substitute for shoes, made of raw-hides. The commissary of hides is to furnish the hides, and the ma jor-general of the day is to judge of the essays, and assign the reward to the best artist." What the result was, has never been recorded ; although it is probable that, as shoes remained for a long time subse quently a pressing want in the army, the raw-hide substitute never came into use. While Lord Cornwallis was inarching against Red-bank, a council of war was held in the American camp, to consider the propriety of taking advantage of the occasion of his absence, to make an attack on Philadelphia. Four of the fifteen gen eral officers were in favor of it, but eleven opposed it, and the idea was abandoned. This, no doubt, was a judicious resolve; for, although the enemy left at Philadel phia were not greater in number than Washington s army, now that he was re inforced by the northern troops, their dis cipline and condition were much better. Sir William Howe, too, having concentra ted his troops within the cit}^, had pro tected them by skilfully-constructed de fensive works. His lines on the north side of Philadelphia stretched from river to river, and were defended by a chain 594 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [l-AllT II of fourteen strong redoubts, with here and there abattis and circular works, while his flanks were each protected by a river, and his rear by the junction of two. General Howe, finding that Washing ton was not disposed to attack him in his encampment at Philadelphia, resolved up on a forward movement himself, hoping, as he said in his despatch to the British minister, that it would " be attended with the success that is due to the activity and spirit of his majesty s troops." Washing ton had been well informed of the inten tions of the enemy, and as early as the 28th of November declared that he would not be disappointed if they come out this night or very early in the morning.? He accordingly wrote to General Greene (who was now returning from his futile inarch into New Jersey, where he had ar rived too late to thwart Cornwallis s ex pedition against Red-bank), urging him to push forward the rear brigades with all despatch, and hasten on himself to the camp. During this march of Greene, the young marquis de Lafayette had an opportunity, for which he was ever eager, of gratifying his desire for military glory. After his wound at the battle of the Brandy wine, he had been conducted to Bethlehem, in Pennsylvania, where he remained, under the nursing care of the kindly Moravians, for nearly two months. While listening to the sermons of the peace-loving breth ren, the marquis, with the ardor so natu ral to youth, was concocting all kinds of military schemes. He planned a descent upon the English West-India islands,which he proposed to attack with the connivance of the French commander of Martinique, to whom he wrote, explaining his design. He also conceived an extensive expedi tion against the British possessions in the East Indies, and solicited permission from the French prime minister to conduct an American force to the Isle of France. whence he proposed to strike his great blow against the English power in the East. The marquis found the good Mo ravians as little disposed to concur \\iih his grand views of stirring up the whole world to contention as he was to follow their precepts of universal love. They ceased not to deplore " his warlike poli cy," but he continued to indulge in his martial fancies. They preached peace, but his voice was " still for war/ Lafayette now became impatient, and determined, although not yet completely cured of his wound, to seek an opportu nity of carrying his martial theories into practice. When General Greene s trum pets, therefore, sounded in his ears, he bade good-by to the peaceful Moravians, and buckled on his sword again. Greene welcomed the young marquis, and grati fied his eagerness for fight, by allowing him, in accordance with his own request, to reconnoitre Cornwallis on the earl s re turn from Red-bank, and to make an at tack if the circumstances should justify it. Lafavette accordingly went off in *- t_/ t- high spirits, with ten light-horse, about a hundred and fifty riflemen, and two pick ets of militia. Lord Cornwallis was just on the point of sending his troops across the Delaware at Gloucester, when Lafayette, in his ea gerness to reconnoitre, came so close to REVOLUTIONARY.] LAFAYETTE SUPERSEDES GENERAL STEPHEN. the enemy, that he was near being cut off by a company of dragoons sent to inter cept him. lie escaped, however, and lived to engage in a skirmish, and to describe it, which he did as follows in a letter to General Washington : "After having spent," wrote the mar quis, the most part of the day in making myself well acquainted with the certainty of the enemy s motions, I came pretty late into the Gloucester road, between the two creeks. I had ten light-horse, almost one hundred and fifty riflemen, and two pickets of militia. Colonel Arrnand, Colonel Lannney, and the chevaliers Du- plessis and Gimat, were the Frenchmen with me. A scout of my men, under Duplessis, went to ascertain how near to Gloucester were the enemy s first pick ets; and they found, at the distance of two miles and a half from that place, a strong post of three hundred and fifty Hessians, with fieldpieces, and they en gaged immediately. As my little recon noitring-party were all in fine spirits, I supported them. We pushed the Hes sians more than half a mile from the place where their main body had been, and we made them run very fast. British rein forcements came twice to them, but, very far from recovering their ground, they always retreated. The darkness of the night prevented us from pursuing our ad vantage. After standing on the ground we had gained, I ordered them to return very slowly to Haddonfield." The young marquis had only lost one man killed and six wounded, and was so charmed with the good conduct of his troops, that he thus emphatically praised it in the conclusion of his letter : " I take the greatest pleasure in letting you know that the conduct of our soldiers was above all praise. I never saw men so merry, so spirited, and so desirous to go on to the enemy, whatever force they might have, as that small party, in this little fight."* When the account of the skirmish was transmitted to Congress by Washington, with this acknowledgment of Lafayette s gallantry " I am convinced he possesses a large share of that military ardor which generally characterizes the nobility of his country" that body appointed the mar quis to the command of the division in the continental army lately vacated by the dismission of General Stephen, of Vir ginia, who had unfortunately acquired habits which rendered him unfit for ser vice, and threw a shade over the bright reputation of his earlier days. The movement of General Howe did not occur quite as soon as was expected, and it was not until the 4th of December that word was brought into Washington s camp atWhitemarsh that the enemy were about attacking it that night. A detach ment of one hundred men, under Captain M Lane, was immediately sent out to re connoitre. They soon discovered a van guard of the British on the Germantown road, and managed to harass and check its approach during the night. Dec. 5. At break of day the next morn ing, the enemy appeared in full force up on Che.stnut hill, on the Skippack road, only three miles from Washington s en campment. Brigadier-General Irvine was sent forward with six hundred Pennsyl- * Sparks. 596 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART II vaiiia militia, to harass the British light advanced parties. A skirmish ensued, in which Irvine was wounded and taken prisoner, his men having given way after the first encounter, and left their disabled commander, with a half-dozen of his sol diers in the same plight, on the field. Nothing more occurred during the day, but General Sir William Howe with his staff of officers was seen to reconnoitre the ground. During the night, the British advanced still closer, and took a position on the left, and only a mile from Washington s encampment. Here they remained for two days, and then moved a little farther to the left, with the evident purpose of provoking battle. Washington, however, w r as on strong ground, and was not dis posed to pit his ill-disciplined and suffer ing troops against the well-conditioned regulars of General Howe s army, and so throw away the advantage of his position on the hazard of an unequal conflict. Notwithstanding, some skirmishes took place between the advanced parties of the two armies. On one occasion, Colonel Morgan with his rifle-corps, and Colonel Gist with the Maryland militia, had a short but hot engagement with the ene my on Edge hill, in which both parties suffered severely, but the Americans were compelled to retreat before the superior force of their antagonists, after a loss of nearly fifty killed and wounded. Among the latter was Major Morris, of Morgan s rifles. On the following day, the manoeuvres of General Howe induced the Dec. 8, Americans to believe that he con- Dec, 9, templated a general assault. Washing ton was not only prepared for him, but, as he always was on the approach of an engagement, eager for the attack. He was constantly on horseback, riding along his lines, and exhorting his men to duty. He earnestly entreated them to stand firm, and to rely mainly upon their bayo nets to resist the assault of the enemy. His resolute presence, and earnest though calmly-spoken words, served to bind each man in faithful obedience to their great leader s commands. The day passed, ho \y- ever, without the occurrence of the ex pected event. The next day it was discovered that the enemy had taken occasion of the night, after having lit up all their camp-fires, to retire silently toward Philadelphia. They had gone too far to be pursued, and Washington s disappoint ment at the change in the purpose of the British is strongly expressed in these words to the president of Congress : " I sincerely wish that they had made an at tack, as the issue in all probability, from the disposition of our troops and the strong situation of our camp, would have been fortunate and happy. At the same time, I must add that reason, prudence, and every principle of policy, forbade us from quitting our post to attack them. Nothing but success would have justified the measure, and this could not be ex pected from their position." General Howe s reason for not making the attack was equally well founded. He saw that the American army was too strongly posted, and feared lest the issue which Washington anticipated would be REVOLUTIONARY.] WASHINGTON SELECTS VALLEY FORGE. 59 . so happy and fortunate to the Americans, should prove quite the reverse to the British. There seemed little prospect now of further active hostilities during the pres ent campaign, and Washington was anx iously considering how to dispose of his army for the rest of the winter. The great question with all was, " Where to look for winter-quarters ?" CHAPTER LXV. The Question of Winter-Quarters. Valley Forge selected by Washington. Description of Valley Forge. Motives for the Selection. The Winter of 1777- 78. Destitution of the Army. A Day of Praise and Thanksgiving. Construc tion of lints. Rewards of Labor. Hunger and Cold. Remissness of Congress. The Commissariat Department in Fault. Not a Hoof. Twelve Thousand Hungry Men. No Soap. No Shirts to wash. The Soldiers harefoot and naked. No Blankets: no Sleep. Cry of the Destitute: "No Pay, no Clothes, no Provisions, no Rum!" Famine, Disease, and Death. Washington still hopeful. Washington in Prayer. He rebukes the Interincddlers of Pennsyl vania. Occasional Murmurs and Disobedience. Coercive Measures. Their Danger. Resistance of the Inhabitants. Putrid Camp-Fever. Dissolution of the Army imminent. 1777, THE question of a proper place for winter-quarters for his army was submitted by Washington, with his usual modest regard for the opinion of his mili tary associates, to a council of war. The officers, however, differed widely in their views. Some were in favor of quarter ing the troops at Wilmington ; some were for cantoning them in the valley of Tre- dj fme, a few miles west of the Schuylkill river while others argued in favor of sta tioning them in a line from Reading to Lancaster. Such was the diversity of opinions, that Washington, as frequently happened, was left to decide the matter according to his own judgment. He de termined to winter the army in Valley Forge. Valley Forge is a small and shallow valley in Chester county, Pennsylvania, about twenty miles from Philadelphia, formed between some rugged hills con taining!; iron-ore, from the working of tj / o which it derived its name. It is situated on the western bank of the Schuylkill river. There is now a town of some im portance on the site of the old camping- ground, but during the Revolution there were only a few scattered settlers on the banks of the little stream which flows through the bottom of the valley. On the sides of the hills Washington now proposed to encamp his troops, and there winter them in huts to be built out of the forest-timber growing wildly about, and having their interstices filled with clay from the untilled soil. The motive which governed the commander-in-chief in selecting this position was explained by him in the following order to his ar my previous to taking up his march : " The general," he said, " ardently wish es it were now in his power to conduct the troops into the best winter-quarters. 598 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART n. But where are these to be found ? Should we retire to the interior parts of the state, we should find them crowded with virtu ous citizens who, sacrificing their all, have left Philadelphia, and fled thither for pro tection. To their distresses, humanity for bids us to add. This is not all : we should leave a large extent of fertile country to be despoiled and ravaged by the enemy." Washington believed Valley Forge to be the position which would enable his army to inflict the least distress and give the most security ; and there w 7 e must make ourselves," he said, " the best shel ter in our power." While the huts were yet unbuilt, Washington, conscious of the trials to which his badly-clothed troops, unprovided with shelter in the midst of winter, would be subjected, expresses, in an appeal to their fortitude, the hope that " the officers and soldiers, with one heart and one mind, will resolve to surmount every difficulty, with a fortitude and pa tience becoming their profession, and the sacred cause in which they are engaged. He himself," adds the general, " will share in the hardships and partake of every inconvenience," Never was human endurance more se verely tasked than in the trials of the whole American army during the hard winter of 1777-78. When the troops moved from Whitemarsh to Valley Forge, they were already so des titute of shoes and stockings, that their footsteps might be tracked in blood on the hard, frozen ground. It seemed al most mockery that on the very day be fore the army entered the valley which was destined to be the scene of so much Dec. 11. suffering, was that which, in ac- Dec, IS. Dec. 19. cordance with the appointment of Congress, was to be kept as " a day of praise and thanksgiving." The army halt ed, and the solemnities of the day being reverentially observed by every officer and soldier, the whole body of troops, on the following morn ing, resumed the march to Valley Forge, where they arrived the same day. The troops were at once scattered over the rugged hills, and, being divided into parties of twelve men each, were busily occupied in constructing those rude huts which were to be their only shelter from the severity of a North American winter. The very orders of the army, giving uni formity to misery, show the hard neces sities to which all alike were now com pelled to submit. The huts were to be fourteen feet by six; the sides, ends, and roofs, to be made with logs ; the roofs to be made tight with split slabs, or in some other way; the sides to be made tight with clay ; a fireplace to be made of wood, and secured with clay on the inside, eigh teen inches thick ; the fireplace to be in the rear of the hut ; the door to be in the end next the street; the doors to be made of split oak-slabs, unless boards could be procured ; the side-walls to be six and a half feet high. One such hut was ap portioned to each twelve soldiers, while no person under the rank of a field-officer was entitled to the privilege of a hut io himself. The whole were to be arranged, as is usual with an encampment, in regu lar streets. Should necessity alone not prove a suf ficient stimulus to labor, the soldiers were REVOLUTIONARY.] DESTITUTION AND SUFFERING IN THE ARMY 599 encouraged " to industry and art" by the promise of a reward of twelve dollars to the party in each regiment which should finish its hut in " the quickest and most workmanlike manner." And, as boards for the covering of the huts were difficult to be got, a provocative to the exercise of ingenuity was offered in the prize of a hundred dollars to any officer or soldier who, in the opinion of three gentlemen appointed to be judges, should devise a substitute equally good, but cheaper, and more quickly made. With a little ingenuity and much labo rious perseverance, it was found practi cable to raise huts ; but there were other necessities which no industry or skill of the soldier could provide or power of en durance surmount. The men must be fed and clothed. Hunger and cold are too severely extortionate to be resisted by any conscientous appeals to the vir tue of self-denial. Congress, by some un wise changes, had so completely disorgan ized the commissariat department, that it failed almost entirely in providing for the wants of the army. Colonel Joseph Tru in- bull, who had been appointed commissary- general by Washington, resigned at the beginning of the year, in consequence of the officious meddling of Congress with the department, and ever since the com missariat had been at the mercy of im provident folly and cunning dishonesty. " I do not know/ wrote the Commander- in-chief, " from what cause this alarming deficiency, or rather total failure of sup plies, arises." Again, he says : " Unless some great and capital change takes place in that line, this army must be inevitably reduced to one or other of these three things starve, dissolve, or disperse, in order to obtain subsistence in the best manner they can." But few days had passed in Valley Forge when this " melancholy and alarm ing truth" was discovered, that the com missary in the camp had not " a single hoof of any kind to slaughter, and not more than twenty-five barrels of flour" to feed some twelve thousand hungry men ! " The soap, vinegar, and other ar ticles," wrote Washington, " allowed by Congress, we see none of, nor have we seen them, I believe, since the battle of Brandywine. The first, indeed, we have now little occasion for ; few men having more than one shirt, many only the moi ety of one, and some none at all. In ad dition to which, as a proof of the little benefit received from a clothier-general, and as a further proof of the inability of an army, under the circumstances of this, to perform the common duties of soldiers (besides a number of men confined to hos pitals for want of shoes, and others in farmers houses on the same account), we have, by a field-return this day made, no less than two thousand eight hundred and ninety-eight men now in camp unfit for duty, because they are barefoot and otherwise naked." Thousands of the soldiers were without blankets, and many kept cowering and awake the whole night about the camp- fires, for fear lest, if they went to sleep, they might be frozen for want of cover ing. It was with the greatest difficulty that a sufficient number of men coul.l be found in a condition fit to perform the GOO BATTLES OF AMERICA. [FATCT n. ordinary routine of camp-duty ; and men able-bodied but naked, were often obliged, when ordered out, to borrow clothes from those who happened to have any. One of the foreign officers, while walking with Washington through the encampment, looked with such alarm upon the miser able soldiers (as their famished frames, scantily covered with a dirty blanket, slunk in the wintry air from hut to hut), and heard with such dismay, through the open crevices between the logs of their wretched dwellings, the woful cry, " No pay, no clothes, no provisions, no rum!" that he despaired of the independence of the country. u The unfortunate soldiers," declared Lafayette, " were in want of everything ; they had neither coats nor hats, shirts nor shoes. Their feet and legs froze till the>/ became black, and it ivas often necessary to amputate them. From want of money, the officers could obtain neither provis ions nor any means of transport ; the colo nels were often reduced to two rations, and sometimes even to one. The army frequently remained a whole day without any provisions whatever!" Washington now found himself encum bered with a great mass of starving men, so weakened by famine and pinched by the winter s cold, that they were capable of little beyond that last effort of nature, crying for a supply of the necessities for its existence. Ever on the alert for the performance of his duty as a military com mander, Washington, hearing of a move ment of the British, would have sent out a force to check it. He according;! v or- O J dered some of his- troops to be ready to march : when from General Huntininlon, O who commanded one division, came a let ter, saying : " I received an order to hold my brigade in readiness to march. Fight ing will be far preferable to starving. My brigade are out of provisions, nor can the commissary obtain any meat. I am ex ceedingly unhappy in being the bearer of complaints to headquarters. I have used every argument my imagination can invent to make the soldiers easy, but I despair of being able to do it much long er." From General Varnum, too, came a let ter. " According to the saying of Solo mon," wrote the general, " hunger will break through a stone-wall. It is there fore a very pleasing circumstance to the division under my command, that there is a probability of their marching. Three days successively we have been destitute of bread ; two days we have been entire ly without meat. The men must be sup plied, or they can not be commanded. The complaints are too urgent to pass un noticed. It is with pain that I mention this distress. I know it will make your excellency unhappy ; but, if you expect the exertion of virtuous principles, while your troops are deprived of the necessa ries of life, your final disappointment will be great in proportion to the patience which now astonishes every man of hu man feeling." Washington, always trustful in the ho liness of his cause, never despaired of its ultimate triumph. We can readily be lieve that, in these times of trial, with the piety which never forsook him in adver- ,sitv or prosperity, he often on his knees ^ 1 1 / / REVOLUTIONARY.] WASHINGTON REBUKES THE INTERMEDDLERS. 601 implored in prayer the mercy of God up on his suffering troops. It is recorded by a contemporary witness that, on one oc casion, while .strolling along the stream which flowed through the bottom of the valley, he heard a voice, as of one in sup plication and prayer, coining out of a se cluded spot. On approaching the place, Washington s horse was found tied near by. The intruder immediately turned his steps homeward ; and, as he told his wife what he had seen, he said, with a burst of tears, " If there is any one on this earth whom the Lord will listen to, it is George Washington."* The commander-in-chief would, howev er, have been more or less than human, if his patience had not been disturbed by the officious intermeddling of the Penn sylvania legislature with his plans, and its censorious strictures in a " Remon strance" against his conduct. " We find gentlemen," said Washington, " without knowing whether the army was really going into winter-quarters or not (for I am sure no resolution of mine would war rant the remonstrance), reprobating the measure as much as if they thought the soldiers were made of stocks or stones, and equally insensible of frost and snow ; and moreover, as if they conceived it ea sily practicable for an inferior army, un der the disadvantages I have described ours to be, which are by no means exag gerated, to confine a superior one, in all respects well appointed and provided for a winter s campaign, within the city of Philadelphia, and to cover from depreda tion and waste the states of Pennsylvania *L<: and Jersey. But what makes this matter still more extraordinary in my eyes is, that these very gentlemen who were well apprized of the nakedness of the troops from ocular demonstration, who thought their own soldiers worse clad than others, and who advised me near a month ago to postpone the execution of a plan I was about to adopt, in conse quence of a resolve of Congress for seiz ing clothes, under strong assurances that an ample supply would be collected in ten days agreeably to a decree of the state (not one article of which, by-the-by, is yet come to hand) should think a winter s campaign, and the covering of these states from the invasion of an ene my, so easy and practicable a business !" Washington then proceeds to rebuke these interrneddlers of Pennsylvania with a warmth of feeling excited not only by their reckless disregard of the sufferings of his troops, but by his own humane sympathy with them : "I can assure these gentlemen," he wrote, " that it is a much easier and less distressing thing to draw remonstrances in a comfortable room, by a good fireside, than to occupy a cold, bleak hill, and sleep under frost and snow, without clothes or blankets. However, although they seem to have little feeling for the naked and distressed soldiers, I feel superabundantly for them, and from my soul I pity those miseries which it is neither in my power to relieve nor to prevent." That the army, in the state of destitu tion and suffering in which it was, should occasionally break out in mutinous com plaints, and refuse to do duty, was niitii- 76 C02 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PAKT II. 1778, Feb. 12, rally to be expected. The long for bearance of his soldiers surprised Washington himself, and won from him a grateful tribute to their patient endu rance. " Naked and starving as they are," he said, " we can not enough admire the incomparable patience and fidel ity of the soldiery, that they have not been, ere this, excited by their suf ferings to a general mutiny and deser tion." In order to make up for the deficien cies of its ill-managed commissariat, Con gress authorized Washington to resort to the desperate expedient of exacting sup plies from the people by force. Wash ington unwillingly consented to avail him self of this legal authority, in the pressing necessities of his army, but declared that it would never do to procure supplies of clothing or provisions by coercive meas ures. " Such procedures," he emphatic ally adds, " may give a momentary relief; but, if repeated, will prove of the most pernicious consequence. Besides spread ing disaffection, jealousy, and fear, among the people, they never fail, even in the most veteran troops, under the most rigid and exact discipline, to raise in the sol diery a disposition to licentiousness, to plunder and robbery, difficult to suppress afterward, and which has proved not on ly ruinous to the inhabitants, but, in many instances, to armies themselves. I regret the occasion that compelled to the meas ure the other day, and shall consider it among the greatest of our misfortunes if we should be under the necessity of prac tising it again." Was there ever a leader of armies who 1778, thus spoke and acted like a brother-man and fellow-citizen ? When this reserve in regard to private property was observed, too, in a country hostile to American in terests, how much greater appears Wash ington s honorable fastidiousness ! When, in order to save his men from absolute famine, he reluctantly exercised the pow- er conferred upon him by Congress, the inhabitants resisted his authority even unto arms. Washington issued a procla mation, in which he required all the farm ers within seventy miles of Valley Forge to thrash out one half of their grain by the first of February, and the other half by the first of March, under the penalty of having the whole seized as straw. Many of the disaffected Pennsyl- vanians, who abounded in that quarter, refused to comply with the requisition ; and when troops were sent out for sup plies, and a fair price offered for them, the farmers defended their grain and cat tle with violence, and in some instances burned what they could not protect, so resolutely hostile were they to the Amer ican cause. Without the necessities of life, man and beast soon began to sicken. The horses died for want of forage ; and the poor, famishing soldiers were forced to yoke themselves to wagons and sledges, to bring in what fuel and scanty stores could oc casionally be obtained. There was as yet no improvement in the commissary de partment. The suffering army was con^ stantly being tantalized with accounts from all quarters of the prodigious quan tity of clothing which was purchased and forwarded for their use, while little or REVOLUTIONARY.] AMERICANS STARVING BRITISH LUXURIATING. 603 none reached them, or that little so badly sorted as to be totally useless. The poor soldier had a pair of stockings given him without shoes, or a waistcoat without a coat or blanket to his back. The little man had a large pair of trousers, and the large one, like the big boy in the Cyro- pcvdia, a small coat; so that none were benefited. " Perhaps by midsummer," said Jl / Washington, with bitter irony, " he [the soldier] may receive thick stockings,shoes, and blankets, which he will contrive to get rid of in the most expeditious man ner. In tli is way, by an eternal round of the most stupid management, the pub lic treasure is expended to no kind of purpose, while the men have been left to perish by inches with cold and naked ness !" A putrid camp-fever was the natural consequence of this terrible destitution Feb. 12, of all the necessities of life ; and so many sickened, while such numbers deserted daily, that the army was thought to be in danger of dissolution. "The situation of the camp," wrote General Varnum to General Greene, "is such, that, in all human proba bility, the army must soon dis solve. Many of the troops are destitute of meat, and are several days in arrear. The horses are dying for want of forage. The country in the vicinity of the camp is exhausted. There can not be a moral certainty of bettering our circumstances while we continue here. What conse quences have we actually to expect? Our desertions are astonishingly great; the love of freedom, which once animated the breasts of those born in the country, is controlled by hunger, the keenest of necessities." CHAPTER LXVI. The British revelling in Philadelphia. Plenty of Money. Plenty of Friends. Gold versus Paper. Six Hundred Dol lars for a Pair of Boots. The British waxing fat. Luxury and Dissipation. Loyally drunk. The Effect. The Profligates among the Quakers. " A Housekeeper wanted." Gambling. Run of 111 Luck. Penniless Officers. A Jolly Parson. General Howe in "High Jinks." May Pemberton s Coach and Horses. Old Men wag their Heads. Admiral Lord Howe in Philadelphia. British and Hessian Generals. Major Andre in Franklin s House. A Com plimentary Theft. Deserters from the American Camp. Their Talc of Misery. The Sock and Buskin. British Officers turned Players. The Mischianza. The Pageant described. Regatta. The Tournament. Fair Ladies and Brave Knights. The Queen of Beauty. Ball and Banquet. The Victorious Miss Franks. A Single and Signal Defeat. 1778, FROM the starving camp of Wash ington at Valley Forge we turn to the winter-quarters of the British army at Philadelphia, where Sir William Howe, his officers, and men, were revelling in the midst of abundance. Provisions were, indeed, scarce and dear, and many of the inhabitants were obliged to curtail the luxuries if not the necessities of life ; but the army-chest, being always kept well 604 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART n. replenished by the prodigal mother-coun try, the British troops enjoyed both. The inhabitants of the surrounding country were inclined in favor of the royal inter ests, and particularly well disposed tow ard their own. They preferred selling their hay, corn, and cattle, to General Howe, not only because he was apparent ly in the ascendant, but because he could pay in sterling gold for what Washing ton was only enabled to give them in ex change the almost valueless continental money. When an American commissary presented himself with his worthless pa per, the farmer, with his rusty musket to his shoulder, resolutely fought for each grain of his harvest and starveling of his flock, and yielded neither until forced to comply ; while barns were readily emp tied out, and whole herds driven forth, at the demand of the British agents, sup plied with gold. Congress might issue its millions of bits of paper, and call each a dollar ; but when half a thousand could be readily bought for two golden guineas, it was natural that the trader, whatever might be his love for political freedom, should prefer to pocket the latter, even with its insult ing impress of the hated King George, to taking the former with all its eloquent flourishes of liberty and independence. Thus, a man with a guinea in his pocket was often a more welcome customer than he who had hundreds of continental dol lars; and, while the one could purchase a pair of boots, the other was forced to go barefoot. Six: hundred dollars in con tinental currency were not seldom paid for a single pair of boots, and a skein of silk was thought cheap at ten dollars of the depreciated currency ! Waxing fat with the abundance and in the indolence of their winter encamp ment, the British yielded themselves up to luxury and dissipation. Their own his torians have declared that they reversed the standing maxim of Marshal Turenne, and seemed to think the more drinking, gaming, and licentiousness, in a, garrison, the better.* The whole winter of 1777- 78 was spent in indolence, or in dissipa tion and revelry. Every regimental mess was a scene of nightly orgies. When op portunity offered, the men, whether on or off duty, got most loyally drunk. A want of discipline and proper sub ordination pervaded the whole British force ; and if famine and sickness thinned the American army encamped at Valley Forge, abundance and indulgence perhaps did no less injury to the British troops. During the winter, a very unfortunate in attention was shown to the feelings of the inhabitants. They experienced many of the horrors of civil war. Some of the leading inhabitants, and many of these, too, of the orderly sect of Quakers, were forced to quarter reckless young officers, who were even indecent enough to intro duce their mistresses into the mansions of their compulsory hosts.f A pair of youthful profligates had the audacity to advertise in the public journal : " Wanted to hire with two single gentlemen, a young woman to act in the capacity of house keeper, and who can occasionally put her hand to anything. Extravagant wages will be given, and no character required. * Pictorial History of England. t Steclman. REVOLUTIONARY.] GENERAL HOWE S "HIGH JINKS." MAJOR ANDRE. 605 Any young woman who chooses to oiler, may be further informed at the bar of the City Tavern."* Gaming of every species was permit ted, and even sanctioned. This vice not only debauched the mind, but, by seden- taiy confinement and the want of season able repose, enervated the body. A for eign officer held the bank at the game of faro, by which he made a very consid erable fortune; and but too many respect able families in Britain had to lament its baneful effects. Officers who might have rendered honorable service to their coun try were compelled, by what was termed a " a bad run of luck," to dispose of their commissions, and return penniless to their friends.f It is some satisfaction to find that these graceless fellows "very frequently attend ed different places of worship," although " Friends meetinghouses were not much to their tastes." J They naturally pre ferred to attend the service of their own chaplains, who seemed to be on very ex cellent terms with their reprobate listen ers. A "jolly parson Badger," who was billeted with a demure Quaker, was in the habit, after parades, of bringing a set of rollicking young officers into his "front room up-stairs," who rather disturbed the staid propriety of the small, quiet house hold of his broad-brimmed host. General Howe himself also kept such " high jinks," that he scandalized the older officers, although he only grew more pop ular with the younger ones. He took possession of one of the finest houses in * Watson s Annals of Philadelphia t Stx dmun. J Watson. town, in High street, afterward occupied by General Washington, and drove about with " May Pemberton s coach and horses," which he had seized and kept for his own use. His conduct was so free, with a set of jolly young officers, that some of the veterans shook their heads, and declared that, before his promotion to the chief command of the army, he always sought for the company and counsels of officers of experience and merit ; while now his companions were usually mere boys and the most dissipated fellows in the whole army* His brother, Admiral Lord Howe, be haved himself with more sobriety of de meanor. Having moved his fleet to the city, he too now resided in Philadelphia, taking possession of an imposing mansion in Chestnut street. Earl Cornwallis and General Knyphausen were also lodged in accordance with their dignity ; and Major Andre dwelt in Doctor Franklin s house, which had been vacated by his daughter, Mrs. Bache, on the entrance of the British into Philadelphia. Andre seems to have conducted himself generally with a prop er regard to the rights of the owner of the dwelling; for Mrs. Bache, in writing afterward to her father, in Paris, confesses that she found the house and furniture upon her return in better order than she had reason to expect from "such a rapa cious crew." The major, however, carried off the renowned philosopher s portrait; but, as the theft is presumed to have been intended as a compliment to the scientific attainments of the great original, it may be ranked among the pardonable sins. * Waison. 606 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART n. Franklin, though his own house, with his pet books, his ingenious mechanical toys, and his scientific apparatus, was ex posed to the rude handling of a vandal enemy, received the news of the posses sion of the city by the British with won derful equanimity. " General Howe," he said, "has not taken Philadelphia : Phila delphia has taken General Howe!" And the luxury and wantonness which demoral ized both officers and soldiers, while in winter-quarters in that city, con firmed the shrewd remark of the philosopher. Thus the winter passed in all gnyety in the city of Philadelphia, while it was all gloom on the rugged hills of Valley Forge. In the British camp there was no reminder of the possibility of suffering and misery, except when some hungry, barefooted, half-naked deserter, covered only by a dirty blanket bound around his lean loins with a leathern belt, stole away from the famishing camp of Washington, and fled to the well-fed ranks of the ene my. These poor wretches gave a doleful account of the sufferings of the Ameri cans, of which they themselves were the most expressive illustrations ; and yet the British commander, much to the vexation of some of his more martial associates, never moved from his comfortable quar ters to strike the blow against the Ameri can army in its distress which they be lieved would have crushed it at once, and thus paved the way to a speedy subjec tion of the whole country to the royal authority. "Had General Howe," said one, led on his troops to action, victory was in his power and conquest in his train." In this dark hour of the Ameri can Revolution, it was perhaps fortunate for the safety of Washington s army, if not for the ultimate triumph of liberty itself, that the chief command of the Brit ish forces devolved upon the indolent and procrastinating Howe instead of the active Cornwallis or the vigilant and energetic Clinton. Every one in the British camp, howev er, was now absorbed in the pursuit of pleasure. The officers no longer troubled themselves about winning or losing bat tles : they were far more intent upon the chances of the faro-table. They cared not to have the roar of the cannon thundered in their ears, while they could listen to the voluptuous tunings of the.sweet voices of the " tory ladies" of Philadelphia. The glory and real tragedies of the battle-field were gladly exchanged for the mock he roics and the melodramatic horrors of the stage. As an officer of the army presided over the gaming-table, so British colonels, majors, captains, lieutenants, and ensigns, turned players, and got up theatrical per formances. They enacted tragedy, and comedy, and pantomime ; and won more decided triumphs on the stage than they had ever hoped for on the field of battle. Major Andre, with his ready accomplish ments with the pen and the pencil, was in great requisition. He wrote farces, and painted scenes. His " waterfall " drop- curtain was a masterpiece of theatrical art, and hung in the Southwarlcihcalrc, c <\i\\\\- adelphia, long after the unfortunate mili tary artist ceased to live. The New-York loyalist captain, Delancey, was one of An dre s most active coadjutors in the dra matic department. In the grand balls. REVOLUTIONARY.] GENERAL HOWE RESIGNS. THE " MISCIIIANZA." G07 as in all the gayeties of the season, these two officers shone also as chief masters of ceremonies. The revels of the British army reached their climax in the ever-memorable Mis- cliianza. This, as its Italian name indi cates, was a "medley" entertainment. We must, however, somewhat anticipate the progress of events, in order to understand the occasion of this splendid folly. The British government., having become dis satisfied with Sir William Howe s conduct of the campaign, was free in its censures. The general was no less ready to justify himself, declaring that his plans had been thwarted by the obstructions thrown in his way by the ministry. They both con tinued to indulge in mutual recrimina tion, until finally Sir William resigned his command. His resignation was accepted, and the general was about departing for England, when his officers, with whom he was a great favorite from the suavity of his manners (and probably also from his too lax discipline), determined to express their regard for him by getting up the Mischiama in his honor. The entertainment took place on the 18th of May, 1778, and consisted of two principal parts a regatta on the water, and a tournament on laud. For the ex penses of the occasion, all the army would have joyfully contributed, as Sir William was a universal favorite ; but it was final ly agreed that they should be defrayed by twenty- two field-officers. Sir John Wrottlesey, Colonel O Hara, Major Gar diner, and Montressor, the chief-engineer, were the managers appointed. Major An dre, however, who wrote a glowing ac count of all the glories of the occasion, might have said, " Quorum magnapars sui;" for he, together with his dramatic coad jutor Delancey, bore a prominent part in the preparations and celebration of the Mischianza. He painted the scenery, sug gested the decorations, and planned the pageant. The very cards of invitation, in their preliminary display, gave promise of the brilliancy of the coming show. These were as large as playing-cards, and upon them was engraved in a shield a view of the sea, with the setting sun, Sir William Howe s crest and motto, "Vive vale!" and the complimentary words, "Lncco discc- dens, aucto splcndore rcsuryam : I SHINE EVEN WHILE SETTING, AND SHALL ARISE WITH IN CREASED SPLENDOR!" alluding to the gen eral s popularity at his departure, and prophesying his future glory. Around the shield was a wreath of laurel; while such military insignia as flags, swords, can non, and field-batons, completed the pic ture. A grand regatta began the entertain ment. It consisted of three divisions. In the first was the Ferret galley, with Sir William and Lord Howe, Sir Henry Clin ton (who had arrived from New York as Howe s successor in the command), the officers of their suites., and some ladies. The Cornwallis galley brought up the rear, having on board the earl himself, General Knyphausen and his suite, three British generals, and a party of ladies. On each quarter of these galleys, and forming their division, were five flat-boats, lined with green cloth, and filled with ia- dies and gentlemen. In advance of the 008 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PAT?T 11. whole were three flat-boats, with a band of music in each. Six barges rowed about each flank, to keep off the swarm of boats that covered the Delaware from side to side. The galleys were dressed out in a variety of colors and streamers, and in each Hat-boat was displayed the flag of its own division. In the stream, opposite the centre of the city, the armed ship Fanny, magnifi cently decorated, was placed at anchor ; and at some distance ahead lay his maj esty s frigate Roebuck, with the admiral s Hag hoisted at the fore-topmast head. The transport-ships, extending in a line, the whole length of the town, appeared with colors Hying, and crowded with specta tors, as were also the opening of the sev eral wharves on shore, exhibiting the O most picturesque and enlivening scene which the eye could desire to look upon. The rendezvous appointed for the whole was at Knight s wharf, at the northern extremity of the city. By half-past four o clock in the morning the whole company was embarked, and the signal being made by the ship-of-war Vigilant, the three divis ions rowed slowly down, preserving their proper intervals of distance, and keeping time to the music, which led the fleet. Arrived between the Fanny and the Mar ket wharf, a signal was made from one of the boats ahead, and the whole lay upon their oars, while the bands played God save the King!" and three cheers giv en from the vessels were returned from the multitude on shore. By this time the Hood-tide became too rapid for the gal leys to advance ; they were therefore May 18, quitted, and the company disposed of in different barges. The landing-place was at the old fort, near the present navy-yard, a little to the southward of the town, before Wharton s mansion, from which a broad greensward, lined with rows of tall trees, stretched in a gentle descent for four hundred yards down to the water-side. As soon as the general s barge was seen to push from the shore, a salute of seventeen guns was fired from the Roebuck, which was followed. after a short interval, by the same num ber from the Vigilant. The company, as the} disembarked, arranged themselves in a line of procession, and advanced through an avenue formed by two files of grena diers, and a line of light-horse supporting each file. The avenue led to a square lawn of one hundred and fifty yards on each side, lined with troops, and properly prepared for the exhibition of a tilt and tournament, accord ing to the customs and ordinances of ancient chivalry. The pro cession marched through the centre of the square. The music, consisting of all the bands of the army, moved in front. The managers, with favors of blue and white ribbons on their breasts, followed next in order. The general, the admiral, and the rest of the company, proceeded promiscuously. In front appeared Wharton s large and elegant mansion, which bounded the view through a vista, formed by two triumphal arches erected at proper intervals in a line with the landing-place. Two pavil ions, with rows of benches rising one / O above another, and serving as the " ad vanced wings" (as Andre, in his militarv REVOLUTIONARY.] THE GRAND TOURNAMENT. phrase, describes them) of the first tri umphal arch, received the ladies; while the gentlemen arranged themselves in convenient order on each side. On the front seat of each pavilion were placed seven of the principal young ladies of the country, dressed in Turkish habits, and wearing in their turbans the favors with which they designed to reward the sev eral knights who were to contend in their honor. These arrangements were hardly com pleted, when the sound of trumpets was heard at a distance ; and soon a band of knights, dressed in ancient habits of white and red silk, and mounted on noble gray horses, richly caparisoned in trappings of the same colors, entered the lists, attend ed by their esquires on foot, in suitable apparel, in the following order: four trum peters, properly habited, their trumpets decorated with small pendent banners ; a herald, in his robe of ceremony, with a device of his band on it, consisting of two w r hite roses intertwined, with the motto, " We drop when separated! Lord Cathcart, mounted on a superb horse led by grooms, appeared as chief of these knights. Two young black slaves, with sashes and draw ers of blue and white silk, wearing large silver clasps round their necks and arms, their breasts and shoulders bare, held his stirrups. On his right and left walked his two esquires, one bearing his lance and the other his shield, upon which was the device of Cupid riding a lion, with the motto, " Surmounted />// Love" His lord ship appeared in honor of Miss Auchmuty. Then followed his six knights, each splen didly accoutred and mounted, accompa- 77 nied by his esquire bearing his shield, and prepared to d o service for his "lady e love." Among these " KNIGHTS OF THE BLENDED ROSE" appeared Andre himself, then hold ing the rank of captain, with his youth ful brother, only nineteen years of age, a lieutenant in the army. After the knights had rode up and made the circuit of the square, they sa luted the ladies as they passed before the pavilions, and then ranged themselves in a line with the seat of the dames of the "Blended Rose," whose pre-eminent beau ty, wit, and accomplishments, they were prepared to prove by their arms, as their herald declared, against all who should dare to deny them. Three times the chal lenge was sounded. At the third, a her ald, with four trumpeters, dressed in black and orange, galloped into the lists. He was met by the herald of the " Blended Rose," and, after a brief parley, he of the " KNIGHTS OF THE BURNING MOUNTAIN" loud ly sounded his trumpet, and proclaimed defiance to the challenge, declaring that the knights of the "Burning Mountain" came to disprove by deeds, and not by words, the vainglorious assertions of the knights of the " Blended Rose." The knights of the " Burning Mount ain" now rode in, headed by their chief. Each had his squire, shield, and device, and was ready to do service for his espe cial dame. They, having made the cir cuit of the lists, and their obeisance to all the ladies, reined up their horses defi antly in front of the knights of the "Blend ed Rose." The chief of the latter then threw down his gauntlet, which \vas or dered to be taken up by the esquire of 610 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART n. the chief of the "Burning Mountain." Each knight now took his lance and shield from his esquire ; and the two opposing bands, after making a general salute to each other by a graceful movement of their lances, turned to take their career, and, encountering in full gallop, shivered their spears. In the second and third en counters they discharged their pistols. In the fourth they fought with their swords. At length the two chiefs, spurring for ward into the centre, engaged furiously in single combat, till the marshal of the field rushed in between the champions, and declared that the fair damsels of the "Blended Rose" and "Burning Mount- were perfectly satisfied with the am proofs of love and the signal feats of val or given by their respective knights, and commanded them, as they prized the fu ture favors of their mistresses, that they would instantly desist from further com bat. Obedience being paid to this order, the chiefs joined their respective array of knights. A passage being now opened between the two pavilions, the knights, preceded by their squires a.nd the bands of music, rode through the first triumphal arch, and arrayed themselves to the right and left. This arch was erected in honor of Lord Howe. It presented two fronts, in the Tuscan order. The pediment was adorned with various naval trophies, and at the top was the figure of Neptune, with a trident in his right hand. In a niche on each side stood a sailor with a drawn cutlass. Three plumes of feathers were placed on the summit of each wing, and in the entablature was a Latin inscription, saying that praise was his due, but that his soul was above praise. From this arch led an avenue three hundred feet long and thirty-four broad, lined on each side with troops; while beyond all the colors of the army were planted at prop er intervals, between which the knights and squires took their stations. The bands struck up a succession of martial tunes, and the procession then moved forward. The ladies, in their Turkish habits, led the way ; and, as they passed, they were saluted by the knights, who dismounted and joined them. Thus the whole com pany passed through a second triumphal arch into the garden which fronted the " Wharton mansion." The second arch, like the first, was of the Tuscan order, and was dedicated to Sir William Howe. On the interior part of the pediment was painted a plume of feathers, and various military trophies. At the top stood the figure of Fame, and in the entablature was this Latin inscrip tion : "_Z, boiio, quo virtus tua te vocat ; I pcde famto : Go, GOOD ONE, WHERE THY VIRTUE SHALL CALL THEE ; MAY PROSPERITY ATTEND THY STEPS !" On the right-hand pillar was placed a bomb, and on the left a flaming heart. The front of the arch next to the house Avas covered with fireworks, ar ranged in ornamental forms, ready to be fired in the course of the night. From the garden a flight of steps cov ered with carpet led to a spacious hall, which was adorned with panelling paint ed in imitation of Sienna marble, cleverly executed by Captain Andre himself, who had transferred his brush from the canvas of the theatre to the walls of the Whar- REVOLUTIONARY.] THE BALL AND THE BANQUET. 611 ton house for this grand occasion. In the hall and in the adjoining apartments were prepared ten, lemonade, and other cooling drinks, to which the company seated them selves according to the comfortable prac tice of those good old-fashioned times. While they were thus regaling them selves, the knights came in, and on bend ed knees received their favors from their respective ladies. There was one apartment of the man sion especially devoted to the most ab sorbing interest of that time. Here was the faro-table ; and, as if mocking at their own vice, these reckless debauchees had painted on a panel over the chimney, so that it might be the first object seen on entering the room, a cornucopia, filled to overflowing with flowers of the richest colors, while over the door of exit was represented another, which was shrunk, reversed, and emptied ! Thus was sym bolized the doom of the gamester, who, en tering; with abundance, was destined to O ^ go away empty from that fatal hall. Above these lower apartments were ball and refreshment rooms, illuminated with hundreds of wax-lights, hung with rose-colored dmpery, painted with grace ful forms and rich devices, festooned with wreaths of natural flowers, and all reflect ed brilliantly from the numerous mirrors on the walls. The ball was opened by the knights and their ladies, and the dance was kept up until ten o clock, when the windows were thrown open on that warm spring night, and a magnificent bouquet of rockets began the display of fireworks, which had been prepared under the su- pei vision of Cap tain Montressor, the chief- May 18, engineer. As the rockets shot into the air, and the fire-balloons burst into a blaze of light, the interior of the triumphal arch was illuminated. The military trophies shone out resplendently in variegated col ors ; and Fame appeared at the summit, spangled with stars, and blowing from her trumpet in letters of light, " Lcs lauricrs sont immortels : His LAURELS ARE IMMORTAL." At twelve o clock at night, sup per was announced ; and large folding-doors, until this moment artfully hidden, were suddenly thrown open, dis covering a magnificent saloon of two hun dred and ten feet by forty, and twenty- two feet in height, with three alcoves on each side, which served as sideboards. The ceiling was the segment of a circle ; and the sides were painted of a light straw- color, with vine-leaves and festoons of flowers, some in a bright, some in a dark ish green. Fifty-six large pier-glasses, or namented with green-silk artificial flow ers and ribbons ; one hundred branches, with three lights in each, trimmed in the same manner as the mirrors ; eighteen lustres, each with twenty-four lights, sus pended from the ceiling, and ornamented as the branches; three hundred wax-ta pers, disposed along the supper-tables; four hundred and thirty covers; twelve hundred dishes ; twenty-four black slaves in oriental dresses, with silver collars and bracelets, ranged in two lines, and bend ing to the ground as the general and the admiral approached the saloon, formed together " the most brilliant assemblage of gay objects, and appearing at once as we entered by an easy descent," wrote Captain Andre, in his glowing account of 612 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PATCT II. the scene, " exhibited a coup d adl beyond description magnificent." Toward the close of the ban quet, the herald of the " Blended Rose," habited in his robes of ceremony, and attended by his trumpeters, entered the saloon, and proclaimed the health of the king, the queen, and the royal fami ly ; the army and the navy, with their re spective commanders ; the knights and their ladies; and the ladies in general each of the toasts being followed by a flourish of music. After supper ; the dan cing was resumed, and was kept up until four o clock the next morning. The ladies present on the occasion were all Americans, with the exception of Miss Auchmuty, the subsequent bride of Cap tain Montressor. They became memora ble ever after as the " Mischianza ladies" and a rigid patriotism frowned awhile up on them, but it soon yielded to the smiles of beauty ; and Americans, in their pro verbial gallantry toward the other sex, forgot all distinctions between "tory" and " whig." Miss Shippen, one of the fairest damsels of the Miwhianza, became after ward the dashing bride of General Ar nold. Miss Franks, rendered famous by General Charles Lee s witty letter ad dressed to her, was the reigning belle on the occasion. She attracted all by the blaze of her beauty, only to wither them in the fire of her wit. " Give us Britons, strike home / " shouted Sir Henry Clinton to the musicians. "The commander-in- chief has made a mistake," exclaimed Miss Franks; he meant to say, Britons go home!" 1 She is acknowledged to have been beaten only once in those martial days, in the war of words, which she was ever ready to wage with whig or tory, general or subaltern, and then by that old campaigner, in the letter to which al lusion has been made, and which she re ceived with anger, a sure sign of defeat. "Paine," observes Lossing, "in one of the numbers of his paper called The Cri- s/s, gfwe a laughable account of this farce" (of the Mischianza). "Alluding to Gen eral Howe, he says, t He bounces off, with his bombs and burning hearts set upon the pillars of his triumphant arch, which, at the proper time of the show, burst out with a shower of squibs and crackers, and other fireworks, to the delight and amaze ment of Miss Craig, Miss Chew, Miss Red man, and all the other misses, dressed out as the fair damsels of the Blended Rose, and of the Burning Mountain, for this farce of knight-errantry. * How strange that such sensible men as these two com manders were, should have consented to receive such gross adulation !" REVOLUTIONARY.] THE CONSPIRATORS AT WORK. CONWAY AND GATES. 613 CHAPTER LXVII. Washington and his Slanderers. General Gates in Opposition. General Conway. Letter from Washington. Conway made Inspector-General. The Anti-Washington Faction in the Ascendant. The Cabal. Intrigue. Exposure. General Wilkinson. His Account of the Affair. Lord Stirling in his Cups. A Challenge. No Blood shed. Con- way detected and exposed. His Resignation. His Duel with General Cadwallader. Atonement of a Dying Man. An Immortality of Dishonor. Improvement at Valley Forge. Supplies. Arrival of Mrs. Washington. Visitors. General Charles Lee exchanged. His Arrival in the American Camp. Ethan Allen. Lafayette appointed to com mand an Expedition to Canada. The Marquis remains faithful to Washington. He is flattered in vain by the " Ca bal." To Albany and back again. Baron Steuben. His Life and Character. He is appointed Inspector-General. Anecdotes. The Baron s Services. 1778, THERE were not only the trials of the command of an army of fam ishing soldiers, constantly on the verge of mutiny, to which their crying wants provoked and almost justified them in yielding, to perplex the head and wound the heart of Washington; he was now tormented by the stings of scandal, and harassed by the opposition of the factions in the army and in Congress. The com- mander-in-chief had long been conscious that there were some who were disposed to depreciate his military character, and elevate their own at his expense. He saw that General Gates, forgetful of his old friendship, and though bound to him by every tie of gratitude, had become dis affected, and neglected no opportunity of wounding his sensibilities and thwarting ! his purposes. Gates was a vain man, and his triumph at Saratoga, and the flatte ries which followed, seem to have raised him to such a giddy height in his own esteem, that his head turned. After the surrender of Burgoyne, ordinary courtesy should have impelled General Gates to write to Washington, but he was guilty of the indignity of neglecting this obvi ous duty. The commander-in-chief, with conscious dignity, either left these marks of disrespect and indications of opposition unnoticed, or remarked upon them as the usual accompaniments of high trust and position. When, however, he discovered that his enemies were seriously organi zing into a party to overthrow him, and to take the lead in the conduct of affairs, he was resolved to check them, if not for his own sake, yet for the sake of the cause which he loved too much to expose to the mercy of such guides. The first notice which the general-in- chief deigned to take of the intrigues of his enemies, was this note from him to General Conway : " CAMI>, Nov. 16, 1777. " SIR : A letter which I received last night contained the following paragraph : " In a letter from General Conway to General Gates, he says, "Heaven has deter mined to save your country, or a wca/c general and bad counsellors ivould have ruined it." " I am, sir, your humble servant, "GEORGE WASHINGTON." 614 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART II. Dec. 16. General Conway, on the receipt of this, without denying the words which were attributed to him, strove immediately, by letter, or an interview with the command- er-in-chief, to explain them away 5 but the result was so unsatisfactory, that, appa rently in conscious guilt, he offered his resignation. This was not accepted, and in the course of a month, and near the close of the year 1777, Conway was appointed inspector-general of the army, with the rank of major-gen eral. The bitterest opponent of Wash ington was thus elevated by Congress to this high position even after his intrigues against the commander-in-chief had be- o come known, and when Washington had already (before he was aware of Conway s personal attacks upon him) written these words while the question was being agi tated months before about such an ap pointment: "It will be as unfortunate a measure as ever was adopted ; I may add, and I think with truth, that it will give a fatal blow to the existence of the army." The faction opposed to Washington, however, was now in the ascendant in Congress. A board of war was appoint ed, in which those suspected of intrigues against the commander-in-chief formed the majority, and were the most promi nent members. General Gates became president ; General Mifflin, supposed to be leagued with Gates and Conway in an effort to supplant Washington, and place one of the three in the chief command, was a member; Timothy Pickering, late adjutant-general, Joseph Trumbull, the former commissary, and Richard Peters, composed the rest of the new board. Si multaneously with the creation of this board, Conway received his appointment as inspector-general, with the rank of major-general, and was thus promoted above all the brigadiers of older date ! The army, by whom Washington was be loved above all, became indignant, and the officers and soldiers freely denounced the faction which they did not hesitate to de clare controlled the action of Congress, to the injury of the great interests of the country. But faction continued awhile to govern that body, and some of its mem bers strove by secret as w r ell as by open means to accomplish their partisan ends. Anonymous letters were written to the governors of the states and to the officials of Congress, to sound them and to gain them over, by attacks upon the military conduct of Washington and his favorite officers, by laudatory accounts of the tri umphs of Gates, and of the ability of that general and his friends. The letter of Washington to Conway, however, brought the whole intrigue to an issue ; and when the army and the country showed their indignation at this attempt to destroy the character of the commander-in-chief, there was not one of those suspected who was not anxious to clear himself of all suspicion of being a participator in the disreputable scheme. On hearing of Washington s letter to Con- way, General Gates at first seemed only eager to discover the person who had be trayed his confidence ; but when popular indignation was excited, his subsequent efforts, in the course of which he wrote several prevaricating and contradictory letters to Washington, were directed tow- RKVOLUTTONATIY.] WILKINSON AND LORD STIRLING. G15 ard explaining the offensive passage quo ted, winch, having been repeated in the course of conversation, may not have been literally given, though it is now general ly believed to have presented the spirit of the original words. Wilkinson, who was a heedless, loqua cious youth, at that time, and much given to vaunting his intimacy with the then "great man" of the day (General Gates), was the one to whom was traced the abuse of confidence of which Gates so strongly complained. It will be recollect ed that Wilkinson was sent to Congress, to present Gates s report of his triumph at Saratoga. In the course of his jour ney, his progress was so slow (whether from a desire of prolonging the glory re flected upon him by his message, or from the mere distractions of pleasure natural to youth), that when it was proposed in Congress, upon his arrival, that a sword should be voted him as the bearer of such good news, Doctor Witherspoon, then a member, shrewdly observed in his native Scotch, " I think yc ll better gie the lad a pair spurs /" While Wilkinson was leisurely pursuing his way, big with the importance of his commission, he put up at Reading, in Pennsylvania. But we shall let him tell his own story : " I arrived," says Wilkinson, " the even ing of the 27th [of October], and was vis ited by General Mifflin, with whom I had been acquainted at the siege of Boston. He wished me to take tea with him, and I found two eastern members of Congress at his house. I was minutely questioned by them respecting the military opera tions in the North; General Washington s misfortunes were strictured severely by them, and General Conway s criticisms again mentioned. General Mifflin ap peared exceedingly despondent, and ob served that he considered the insurance of buildings at Eeading against the dep redations of the enemy worthy reflection. " This evening it began to rain, and the next day it fell in torrents. Lord Stir ling was confined at this village [Read ing], in consequence of a fall from his horse ; and being myself detained by the weather, for I dared not ride in the rain, I consented at his earnest request to take a pot-luck dinner with him, and was hap py to meet my friend Major Monroe (af terward president), in capacity of aid-de camp to his lordship. With a noble de portment and dignified manners, Lord Stirling combined sound education and respectable talents. I speak of his foibles with reluctance, for he was an officer of conspicuous gallantry. His addictions were notorious, and his fondness for a long set not the least remarkable, for no man could be more strongly disposed to fight his battles over again. The earl had another aid-de-camp, by the name of M Williams, whom I had never seen be fore. " We dined agreeably, and I did not get away from his lordship before mid night, the rain continuing to pour down without intermission. In the course of the day, his lordship fought over the bat tle of Long island in detail, and favored me with recitals of all the affairs in which he had subsequently performed a part; and I reciprocated information of such transactions in the North as could inter- GIG BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART n. est or amuse him. The conversation was too copious and diffuse for me to have charged my memory with particulars, and from the circumstances of it was confi dential." His lordship, notwithstanding his "ad dictions," did not seem on that occasion to have poured down wine of sufficient potency to steal away his brains ; for his memory remained in such full possession, that he distinctly recollected that Wilkin son had said that General Gates had re ceived a letter in which were these words, Avritten by Gonway : " Heaven has deter mined to save your country, or a weak general and bad counsellors would have ruined it," The earl immediately wrote the words down, and sent them to Wash ington, with his authority ; and the coin- mander-in-chief, as we have seen, sent them back to Conwa}^ and thus brought the " Conway cabal" (as it has been called) to light, and subsequent dishonor. Wilkinson was provoked at being dis covered as the cause of the excitement which ensued, and being made the object of the indignation of his patron, General Gates. In the fretting of his youthful spirit, he declared, " My lord shall bleed for his conduct!" but he first determined that the blood of Gates should flow, the general having denounced him in strong terms for his abuse of confidence. A chal lenge was given and accepted, and the preliminaries for the duello were all ar ranged, when Wilkinson, according to his own report of the occurrence, being fully armed and accompanied by his seconds, on proceeding to the ground, was called aside by Captain Stoddert, and informed that General Gates desired to speak with him. "I expressed my astonishment," says Wilkinson, " and observed it was impos sible. He replied, with much agitation : 1 For God s sake, be not always a fool ! Come along, and see him ! Struck with the manner of my friend,! inquired where the general was. He answered, In the street,near the door. The surprise robbed me of circumspection. I requested Colo nel Ball [his second] to halt, and followed Captain Stoddert. I found General Gates unarmed and alone, and was received with tenderness but manifest embarrassment. He asked me to walk, turned into a back street, and we proceeded in silence till we passed the buildings, when he burst into tears, took me by the hand, and asked me how I could think he wished to injure me. I was too deeply affected to speak, and he relieved my embarrass ment by continuing : /injure you? It is impossible ! I should as soon think of injuring my own child. This language not only disarmed me, but awakened all my confidence and all my tenderness." Wilkinson went away satisfied, but still bent upon carrying out his bloody de signs against Lord Stirling. Wilkinson wrote a letter to his lord ship, in which he did not pretend to deny having quoted the words sent to Wash ington, although in his explanations with Gates he appeared to be entirely uncon scious of having done so, but merely re quired from Stirling a statement that the conversation he had published "passed in a private company during a convivial hour." The earl could not refuse so rea- REVOLUTIONARY.] CONWAY S " CABAL." DUEL WITH CADWALLADER. 617 sonable a request, and readily certified to the fact; which was so satisfactory, that it not only proved a balm to the wound of Wilkinson s nice sensibility, but a pre ventive of the mischief threatening his lordship. General Conway was deemed the main instigator of these disgraceful intrigues against Washington ; and the country soon began to discover, as the command- er-in-chief had predicted, that he was u a secret enemy, or, in other words, a dan gerous incendiary." Sustained by a ma jority in Congress, Conway enjoyed a short triumph ; but, as he became inso lent and overbearing in success, he soon disgusted even those who had been his warmest friends. Not satisfied with wri ting letters to the commander-in-chief, which the latter did not hesitate to term " impertinent," demanding the command of a division in the army, he ventured to complain to Congress of ill treatment, and to offer his resignation, in such terms of contemptuous disrespect, that even his friends did not oppose the vote that it should be accepted. Conway himself was sorely displeased at being taken at his word, and afterward strove, by letter and personal interview, to withdraw his resig nation, but without effect. Without em ployment, he still lingered in America, venting his spleen upon Washington and his army, when he was called to account by G eneral Cad wallade r. A d tiel was the consequence ; and Conway received the ball of his antagonist, which passed into his mouth and through the upper part of his neck, in its course justly lacerating that "unruly member" which had villified 78 the character and motives of the great o chief. He believed himself to be a dying man, and had the grace to write the fol lowing letter to Washington : " SIR : I find myself just able to hold the pen during a few minutes, and take this opportunity of expressing my sincere grief for having done, written, or said any thing disagreeable to your excellency. My career will soon be over ; therefore justice and truth prompt me to declare my last sentiments. You are, in my eyes, the great and good man. May you long en joy the love, veneration, and esteem, of these states, whose liberties you have as serted by your virtues. " I am, " With the greatest respect, &c., "THOMAS CONWAY." The wounded general, however, sur vived his injuries, and returned to France, his adopted country ; leaving behind him, as an immortality of dishonor in America, the ill-favored association of his name with the disreputable " Conway cabal." Toward spring, the aspect of the Amer ican camp became more encouraging. A committee of Congress had been sent to Valley Forge, to confer with Washington upon the organization of a better system for the army. The commander-in-chief, in conjunction with his officers, prepared a document, in which a plan of reform was laid down, which subsequently was for the most part adopted. There was yet much suffering, before the new sys tem could be thoroughly carried out ; but already supplies began to arrive, and the troops, if still deprived of comforts, were r~ 618 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART n. no lono;er in imminent dread of frost and O famine. The camp was also enlightened by the arrival of some distinguished visitors. Mrs. Washington had come to solace with her presence the trials and anxieties of the general, and was cheerfully submit ting to the rude hospitalities of the log- huts of Valley Forge. General Greene, Lord Stirling, and General Knox,likewise had their wives now in camp. Bryan Fair fax, his old Virginia friend and neighbor, who, though still loyal to his king, did not fail to show his warm attachment to the American general by a cordial visit on his way from the banks of the Poto mac to New York, and again on his re turn. General Charles Lee, by an ex- ihange for the British general Prescott captured on Rhode island), was now re instated in his old position as second in command, and, although still tenacious of his oddities, was observed to be more sub dued in the exhibition of them. During the later days of his captivity he had had little to complain of in his treatment. He enjoyed, as he tells us, the full liberty of the city of New York and its limits ; had horses at his command, furnished by Sir Henry Clinton and General Robertson ; and had lodged with two of "the oldest and warmest friends" he had in the world, Colonel Butler and Colonel Disney, of the forty-second regiment. With this taste of the conventional comforts of life and of the pleasures of society, Lee seemed temporarily sweetened to a better humor, and his return was cordially welcomed. He soon recurred, however, to his old bit terness of temper. The brawny Colonel Ethan Allen was also restored to liberty, and was flashing out, in his stormy eloquence, the lightning of his indignation against the tyrants of his country. He found ready listeners, in the camp at Valley Forge, to his rude oratory and to the wondrous story he had to tell of his strange adventures and daring feats during his long captivity and compulsory travels. He was, he declared, ready again to meet the foes of his coun try ; and Washington having obtained for him a colonel s commission, it was expect ed that he would still have remained to do doughty deeds, but he preferred to return to his adopted country (Vermont), where he lived to tell over and over, in swelling words, the history of his strange experience. The young marquis Lafayette had been temporarily withdrawn from the camp. The new board of war, under the presi dency of General Gates, had proposed an expedition against Canada. This was supposed to have been devised for the es pecial glory of the " Con way cabal ;" and an appointment in the enterprise was of fered to the young Frenchman, with the hope of securing his adhesion to that fac tion. Lafayette accepted the offer not. however, until he had consulted Washing ton and soon proved that all attempts upon his fidelity to the coinmander-in- chief were futile. His first rebuke, ad ministered to the conspirators, was at Yorktown, where he had gone to receive from Congress his instructions. Here he was welcomed by the " cabal," and flat tered by every possible attention. Dining with General Gates, who was surrounded REVOLUTIONARY. J ARRIVAL OF THE BARON STEUBEN. 619 by <i circle of his particular friends and admirers, the wine passed freely, and, as was usual in those days, toasts were given. As the company were about rising, La fayette filled his glass, and, reminding those at the table that they had forgot ten one toast, gave deliberately, " The commander-in-chief of the American ar mies." It was received with a coolness which ^proved what he had suspected that he was not surrounded by the friends of Washington. Lafayette, however, proceeded on his journey ; but, on reaching Albany, where he had been led to believe that at least three thousand men and a large supply of military stores were in readiness for the expedition to Canada, he met with a great disappointment, which is emphatic ally described in his letter to Washing ton : "I don t believe," he writes, "I can find, in all, twelve hundred men fit for duty, and the greatest part of these are naked, even for a summer campaign. I was to find General Stark, with a large body; and, indeed, General Gates told me, General Stark will have burned the fleet be fore your arrival! Well, the first letter I receive in Albany is from General Stark, who wishes to know what number of men, from where, what time, and for what ren dezvous, I desire him to raise" The young marquis, with the nice sense of ridicule peculiar to a cultivated French man, was heartily ashamed of the affair, and, with rather unnecessary sensitive ness, was fearful that he was disgraced in the eyes of the world for the failure of an expedition so fruitful in promise but so abortive in issue. He wrote to Wash ington, expressing his anxieties, and re ceived an answer, in which he was judi ciously told that his fears respecting his reputation were " excited by an uncom mon degree of sensibility." The young Frenchman soon returned to the camp at Valley Forge, w r here he resumed his com mand of a division of the army, and his frequent intercourse with Washington, by whom he was greatly beloved. There was another arrival in the camp, of more importance than all. It was that of the baron FREDERICK WILLIAM AUGUSTUS STEUBEN, a distinguished Prussian officer. An old aid-de-camp of the great Freder ick, he had learned and practised war un der the first military tactician of Europe, and now came with a singular vicissitude to impart to a people struggling for in dependence the lessons which he had ac quired in the service of the most arbitra ry of kings. Steuben s repute in Europe was so high, that crowned heads competed for him as an officer in their armies. The emperor of Austria and the king of Sar dinia both liberally bid for his services ; and he was created grand marshal of the court of Prince Hohenzollern-Heckingen, and lieutenant-general and knight of the order of Fidelity under the prince-mar grave of Baden, and in the enjoyment of other dignities, with an emolument which amounted to about three thousand dollars annually, when he resolved upon going to America. While visiting Paris, the baron listened with interest to the accounts which he heard from the French ministers of the American cause, and they succeeded in persuading him to join his fortunes with 620 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART n. it. Franklin and Deane, then the Ameri can ngents in France, gladly welcomed the acquisition of the baron, from whose thorough practise as a military disciplina rian they expected good service in the training of the loosely-ordered American army, and gave him strong letters of rec ommendation. The versatile Beaumar- chais, the author of "Figaro"- by turns watchmaker, playwright, courtier, and financier was just then, while perform ing in the last capacity, under the aus pices of the French court, supplying the United States with money and military stores. Under the assumed mercantile names of" Roderique, Hotales, and Com pany," the ever-active Beaumarchais had got ready a ship and a cargo for his cus tomers in America, and he now offered the baron Steuben a passage. Lc Ilmrmx (for that was the well-omened name of the vessel) made a rough and dangerous voyage, but finally landed the baron in safety at Portsmouth, in New Hampshire, on the 1st of November, 1777. On his arrival, he sent forward his letters from Franklin and Deane, with one from him self, to Washington : " The object of my greatest ambition," wrote the baron, " is to render your coun try all the service in my power, and to deserve the title of a citizen of America, by fighting for the cause of your liberty. If the distinguished ranks in which 1 have served in Europe should be an obstacle, I had rather serve under your excellency / * as a volunteer than to be an object of dis content among such deserving officers as have already distinguished themselves among you. " I could say, moreover, were it not for fear of offending your modesty, that your excellency is the only person under whom, after having served under the king of Prussia, I could wish to pursue an art to which I have wholly given myself up." Franklin, in his letter, spoke warmly of the claims of Steuben. " He goes to America with a true zeal for our cause, and a view of engaging in it, and render ing it all the service in his power. He is recommended to us by two of the best judges of military merit in this country, M. le comte de Vergennes and M. le comte de St. Germain, who have long been per sonally acquainted with him, and inter est themselves in promoting- his voyage, from the full persuasion that the knowl edge and experience he has acquired by twenty years study and practice in the Prussian school may be of great use in our armies." Steuben, on presenting himself to Con gress, offered his services as a volunteer, which w r ere accepted with expressions of acknowledgment for his generous disin terestedness. He then proceeded to the camp at Valley Forge. The baron made a favorable first impression upon Wash ington, who thus wrote : "He appears to be much of a gentleman, and, as far as I have had an opportunity of judging, a man of military knowledge, and acquaint ed with the world." He had not been many days in camp, when Washington so highly appreciated his abilities, that he recommended Congress to appoint him inspector-general of the army, an office to which the faction had raised General Con- way, but who never fulfilled its duties. REVOLUTIONARY.] CHARACTER AND SERVICES OF STEUBEN. 621 May 5, The baron Steuben was accordingly ap pointed inspector-general of the army, with the rank of major- general, and immediately assumed his new position. Other inspectors were ap pointed, subordinate to him. Of these were Ternant and Fleury, both of whom were gallant and efficient officers, who had been disciplined in the armies of France, and who, being fair English schol ars, were enabled to act as interpreters to the baron, of whose aid in this respect he stood greatly in need, as his own Eng lish vocabulary was as yet very limited. Steuben was also glad to avail himself of the assistance of Captain Walker, who un derstood French, and whom he appointed his aid. The baron, with his portly form, his somewhat venerable appearance (though he was but forty-eight years of age), his rich uniform, his splendid diamond-and- gold order of Fidelity hanging from his neck, and his military formalities of man ner, made a great impression upon the raw troops whom he now undertook to teach the tactics of war. He was a rigid disciplinarian, and exacted the most mi nute obedience to orders. His scrutini zing eye was everywhere along the line, and upon each soldier, closely inspecting every position and every article of accou trement and dress. He required that the musket and bayonet should exhibit the brightest polish ; not a spot of rust, or defect in any part, could elude his vigi lance. He was as severe in his exactions of duty from the officers as from the men. His attention was directed to every de partment. From the surgeons he re quired lists of the sick, a statement of their accommodations and mode of treat ment, and did not hesitate to visit the hospitals himself. His trials may well be conceived to have been severe, with the rude, inde pendent material which he was striving to form into an orderly soldiery ; and on some occasions his patience and his vo cabulary were alike exhausted. " Viens, Walker ; men, bon ami, curse ! Gd d n de yaucherie of dese badauts ! je ne puis plus I can curse dem no more T cried out the baron one day to Captain Walker, his aid- de-camp, when the stupidity of some raw recruits had drawn so liberally upon his polyglott vocabulary of oaths as to leave him destitute of resource. Severe, however, as Steuben was as a military disciplinarian, he was the kindest of human creatures. He was so charita ble, and gave away his money so freely, that he never had a dollar for himself! Washington said that if any specific sum, however large, were bestowed upon Steu ben, his generous heart would keep him poor, and he would die a beggar. He was simple in his habits, an early riser, and a moderate man at the table ; but he was so socially inclined, that he always kept open house for all who came. He was so generous, that he was known to have sold his watch, to supply the wants of a sick friend ; and his horse, to enter tain a guest! He was only careless of his own interests ; and while his own ex chequer was empty, and his accounts in confusion, he was so regardful of the pub lic property confided to his trust, that, while inspector-general, only three mus- 622 BATTLES OF AMERICA. LPAHT n. kets were found deficient, and these ac counted for in his return to the war de partment. Before his appointment., five thousand muskets were always the allow ance made in the estimate for loss, in the number actually supplied. Steuben s services in organizing and drilling the American army were so great, that the regulars who had been formed under his eye were said never to have been beaten in a fair engagement with the enemy. CHAPTER LXVIII. Occasional Skirmishes. "Light-Horse Harry." A Successful Defence. Wayne and Pulaski. Successful Encounters. Captain Barry and his Row-Boats. A Prize. Sir Henry Clinton in Danger. The Play not worth the Candle. Fortification of West Point. Kosciusko. The British Forayers. The Queen s Rangers. Hay and Corn. Sir Henry Clinton in Command at Philadelphia. He proposes to retire. Lafayette set to watch the British. He is caught in a Critical Position. A Skilful Manoeuvre and Fortunate Escape. The Enemy return to Philadelphia. A Successful Raid by the British over the Delaware. 1778, FEW occurrences, of a strictly military character, took place while the two armies were in winter-quarters. There were, however, occasional skirmish es between parties sent out to forage. Captain Henry Lee, as usual, did good service with his light-horse, and cheered the heart of Washington (who was so much attached to him) by his frequent feats of gallantry. While stationed with his troop of cavalry as an advanced guard at Derby, Lee was attacked by a party of the enemy s dragoons, nearly two hun dred in number, who endeavored to sur prise him. About daybreak they made their appearance. Lee was on the alert, and manned the doors and windows of the large stone-house where he was quar tered. The British dragoons, trusting to their vast superiority in numbers, attempt ed to force their way into the building. The contest became very warm, but the spirit of Lee s men baffled the enemy, and they were driven off from the house. They made an attempt to carry off the horses, but they were also forced from the stables, without being able to take a single animal. The British had one com missioned officer, a sergeant, and three soldiers wounded, and three privates ta ken prisoners. The Americans lost four privates, who belonged to the patrol- guard, and who, being stationed outside of the building, were overpowered while struggling manfully against the whole troop of dragoons. A sergeant was also taken prisoner, and a lieutenant and two soldiers wounded. A small force had been stationed by Washington during the winter at Tren ton, to keep in check the foraging-parties of the enemy. While Wayne and Count Pulaski were in command of their respect- j ive troops in this quarter, three thousand REVOLUTIONARY.] BARRY S EXPLOIT. PLAN TO CAPTURE CLINTON. 623 British crossed the Delaware and attempt ed to surround them. The Americans, however, succeeded in escaping, and har assed the enemy severely on their return across the ferry. Pulaski behaved with great daring on the occasion, and during a smart skirmish had his horse wounded. After the British returned to their camp in the city, General Wayne crossed the Delaware, laid waste the forage in Phila delphia and Bucks counties, and retired over the river, driving before him the horses and cattle. On the water, too, Captain Barry, of the navy, had by his gallantry won a small triumph. Having manned four boats at Burlington, in New Jersey, he rowed down the Delaware with muffled oars, and took two British transports and an armed schooner by surprise. They were from Rhode Island, and bound to Philadelphia. The transports were laden with forage, and the schooner was well mounted with four- pound cannon and howitzers. The exploit was gallantly ex ecuted, as the river was in full possession of the enemy s ships. Barry, in fact, had no sooner seized his prizes, than he was obliged to burn one, to prevent its being retaken ; and " 1 fear the other," he wrote to Washington, " will share the same fate after discharging her; but I am deter mined to hold the schooner at all events." There was another affair which would probably have been successful, had it not been concluded that " the play was not worth the candle." While Sir Henry Clin ton was in command in New York, he occupied the house of Captain Kennedy, of the British navy, near the " Battery." General Washington had learned the ex act position of all the approaches to the dwelling, and even of the bedchamber of Sir Henry ; and it was proposed to carry him off Eight or ten light whale-boats, manned by a hundred and fifty Marble- head seamen (dressed in red, that they might pass for British soldiers), were to move down the Hudson with muffled oars from the Highlands to New York, where the men were to land and seize the Brit ish general. Everything was in readiness for carrying out the enterprise, which gave every promise of success, when Colo nel Hamilton took occasion to ask Wash ington, " Have you examined the conse quences of it?" "In what respect?" re plied the general. " Why, it has occurred to me," rejoined Hamilton, " that we shall rather lose than gain by removing Sir Henry Clinton from the command of the British army, because we perfectly un derstand his character; and, by taking him ofi^ we only make way for some oth er, perhaps an abler officer, whose char acter and disposition we may have to learn." The good sense of this remark was immediately acknowledged by Wash ington, and the scheme abandoned. The importance of holding the High lands of the Hudson was never disregard ed ; and, after the fall of Forts Clinton and Montgomery, it was determined to select some other position, and strongly fortify it. General Putnam s attention was directed to this important matter, and he, together with the Clintons of New York, carefully reconnoitred the banks of the river, with the view of selecting a proper site for a fort. West Point was 024 deemed most eligible by them, as well as by a committee of the legislature of New York; although Radio re, the French en gineer, did not approve of the site. There was some delay in constructing the works in consequence of the absence of General Putnam from his command on the Hud son. Brigadier-General Parsons, of Mas sachusetts, who succeeded him tempora rily, not feeling authorized to act, noth ing was done until the arrival of General M Dougall, who assumed the command. As Radiere had objected to the site of West Point, which it was now determined to fortify, Kosciusko was chosen in his place ; and the works were begun, and pushed on with great vigor. The chief redoubt, constructed of logs and embankments of earth, was finished before the month of May. It was large, and well placed upon a cliff rising nearly two hundred feet above the water. Fort Clinton was the name given to it, in hon or of the governor of New York. There were other redoubts planned and finally erected upon the eminences in the neigh borhood, while connected with the works were barracks and quarters for nearly six hundred men. There was also a heavy chain stretched across the river, to pre vent the passage of vessels. Although Sir William Howe was inac tive with the main body of the British army at Philadelphia, some of his fora- ging-parties showed great enterprise and alacrity. Colonel Mawhood and Major Simcoe, with the corps of America loyal ists called the " Queen s Rangers," made themselves memorable by their success ful activity at Salem and at Quintian and BATTLES OF AMERICA. May 18, Hancock s bridges. " They generally suc ceeded in their petty objects," says one of their own historians. " The fighting was chiefly for hay and corn, clothes and blankets." As it was rumored that Sir Henry Clin ton (who had taken command of the Brit ish army on the resignation of Sir Wil liam Howe) was about to evacuate Phila delphia, the young marquis Lafayette was detached with twenty-four hundred of the choicest of the American troops and five fieldpieces, " to move," as Washington said, " between the Delaware and the Sell ivy 1- kill, for restraining the enemy s parties and procuring intelligence, and to act as circumstances may require." Lafayette accord ingty marched from headquarters, and took post at Barren hill, on the east side of the Schuj lkill river, about half way be tween Philadelphia and Valley Forge. Here his troops were encamped on com manding ground, with the artillery in front, the Schuylkill and rocky precipices on the right flank, and wooden and some strongly-built stone houses on the left. In advance of the left wing was posted Captain M Lane with his company, and about fifty Indians. On the roads lead ing to Philadelphia, videttes and pickets were stationed ; and six hundred Penn sylvania militia were ordered to watch those which led to Whitemarsh. At a short distance from the left of the en campment was a church, where two roads joined, both of which led to Valley Forge, one by Matson s ford and the other by Swedes ford, leading across the Schuyl kill. RKVOLUTIONARY.] SKILFUL RETREAT OF LAFAYETTE. May 20. Early on the second morning / after encamping, while Lafay ette was conversing with a young girl, who was about setting out for Philadel phia, to collect information, under the pre text of visiting her relatives, intelligence was brought to him that some cavalry, dressed in red, had been seen at White- marsh. The marquis was expecting some American dragoons; and at first he in ferred that, as they were to come in that direction, those reported to have been seen were his own men. To make sure, however, he sent out an officer to recon noitre, who soon returned with the alarm ing intelligence that one column of the enemy was in full march from White- marsh to Swedes ford, and that their front had already gained the road which led from Barren hill to Valley Forge ; while another column was approaching by the Philadelphia road. The Pennsyl vania militia, whose duty it was to watch at Whitemarsh, had shifted their position without orders, and thus exposed Lafay ette to a surprise. The young marquis now found himself in a critical position ; but, without losing for a moment his presence of mind, he calmly yet rapidly set about extricating himself. He first changed the front of his troops, and, having so disposed them as to bring them under the cover of the woods and stone-houses, in case of a sud den attack from the approaching enemy, he then strove to seek out a way of re treat. The direct road to Valley Forge, by Swedes ford, was in possession of a large force of the British. The only route left was the somewhat circuitous one by 79 Matson s ford. This was his only chance of escape, and this he availed himself of. He first sent off the advanced guard, un der the command of General Poor, and followed himself with the rear. To conceal his intention, however, from the enemy, who, as the road to Matson s ford was hidden by an intervening hill covered with trees, could not see the re treating Americans, Lafayette now and then despatched small parties through the woods to make a demonstration, as if they were heads of columns inarching to an attack. The enemy were completely de ceived. General Grant, w 7 ho commanded the detachment of British advancing in that direction, halted and prepared for action. This gave the young marquis an opportunity of accomplishing his purpose; and he succeeded in throwing his main body across the Schuylkill at Matson s ford, without the least interruption, and posting it on some stony ground on the opposite bank. The artillery naturally lagged behind, and, before it could pass the river, some skirmishing occurred with the enemy, who came up, undeceived, at the last moment. The Americans lost nine killed and taken prisoners, and the British two or three in all. General Grant, finding himself outma noeuvred, pushed on toward Swedes ford, where he joined the other British detach ment, which Sir Henry Clinton himself commanded. They reached the river, and took a survey of the marquis and his troops on the other side; but, finding them too securely posted to be dislodged, they turned and marched back to Phila delphia. 626 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART II. When Washington heard the firing, he was in great anxiety for the safety of the o / J marquis. He and his officers ascended some rising ground beyond the camp at Valley Forge, and with their field-glasses watched the movements of the troops with the deepest solicitude, which was not relieved until Lafayette arrived in camp, bringing the report and proof of his clev erly-managed escape from the enemy. The British were more successful in a raid which they made upon the water. A party ascended the Delaware in flat- bottomed boats, and set fire to the small American vessels which had sought ref- O uge in the shallow part of the river above. and destroyed the storehouses at Borden- town, on the New- Jersey side. There was little else accomplished, wor thy of record, until the beginning of sum mer. There were, however, other events occurring in the meantime, which were of more importance in their effect upon the cause of American independence than any of the inglorious feats of arms that we have had occasion to narrate in this chapter. To these matters let us now turn our attention. CHAPTER LXIX. Good News at Valley Forge. Treaty between France and the United States. Celebration. Brilliant Appearance of tne American Army. -Public Dinner. Huzzas! Simeon Deane. His Arrival at Yorktown. French Diplomacy. Lord North s " Conciliatory Bills." British Commissioners. Free Circulation of the Bills. Counter-Statements. Warm Reception of the Bills in Rhode Island. Arrival of the Commissioners. The " Dandy Carlisle." His Asso ciates. Secretary Ferguson. Departure of Sir William Howe. Evacuation of Philadelphia. Discouragement of the Inhabitants. The Commissioners refused a Passport. British Address to Congress. No Negotiation without Independence. Intrigue. Attempt at Corruption. Memorable Reply of Reed. Justification of Johnstone. Appeal to the People. Lafuyetta challenges Lord Carlisle. A Sensible Answer. 1778, WEDNESDAY, May 7th, was a day of such exulting joy in the camp at Valley Forge as the most sanguine, du ring that winter of privation and suffer ing which had just passed, never ventured to hope for. " Our independence is un doubtedly secured our country must be free !" was now the feeling which glad dened the hearts of even the most de sponding patriots, on learning that a trea ty had been signed between France and the United States. It was proper that such an ocoasion should be marked by every observance and ceremonial which could fix it in the memories of all. Ac cordingly, Washington determined to cel ebrate the auspicious day. With that reverence for religion which was a strong characteristic of the com- mander-in-chief in his public as well as private conduct, the first part of the day set apart for the celebration of the occa sion was devoted to a grateful acknowl edgment of the Divine goodness, " it hav ing pleased the Almighty Ruler of the universe to defend the cause of the Uni- REVOLUTIONARY.] REJOICINGS AT THE TREATY WITH FRANCE. 627 ted American states, and finally," in the words of Washington s order for the day, " to raise us up a powerful friend among the princes of the earth, to establish our liberty and independence upon a lasting foundation." The brigades were all as sembled at nine o clock in the May 7, . . morning ; and the intelligence of the treaty having been communicated j o to them by the chaplains, prayer, thanks giving, and a " discourse suitable to the occasion," followed. At half-past ten o clock, a cannon was fired, as a signal for the men to be under arms. The dress and accoutrements hav ing been inspected, the battalions formed, and, the order to load and ground arms given, a second cannon was fired as a sig nal to march. The whole army then pa raded. A discharge of thirteen cannon now took place, followed by a fcu-de-joie of musketry running along each line. A signal having been given, the entire ar my burst forth, shouting, "Long live the king of France /" A second discharge of thirteen cannon, and a feu-de-joie of mus ketry, followed. Then another shout "Lone/ lice the friendly European powers I" Again, a third discharge of artillery and musketry, closing with a loud huzza for < The American Slates /" The army made a most brilliant appear ance on parade, and entered with great spirit into the celebration. In the after noon, Washington dined in public, with all the oflicers of the army, and attended by a band of music. " I never was pres ent," wrote one of the American oflicers, where there was such unfeigned and perfect joy as was discovered in every April 13. countenance. The entertainment was concluded with a number of patriotic toasts, attended with huzzas. When the general took his leave, there was a uni versal clap, with loud huzzas, which con tinued till he had proceeded a quarter of a mile, during which time there were a thousand hats tossed in the air. His ex cellency turned round with his retinue, and huzzaed several times." The treaties of commerce and alliance between France and the United States were signed as early as the 6th of Feb ruary. They were brought to the Uni ted States by Simeon Deane, the brother of Silas Deane, one of the American com missioners in Paris. He arrived at Fal- mouth (now Portland), in Maine, on board the French frigate Sen sible, of thirty-six guns, which Louis XVI. had expressly ordered to convey him. Deane did not present himself to Con gress, at Yorktown, until the 2d of May ; and five days more passed before the im portant intelligence which he bore was received at the camp at Valley Forge. The French government strove to con ceal from England the fact of the signing of the treaty with the United States un til it had made some progress in carrying out its objects. The British cabinet, how ever, though not directly informed, had received such intelligence as to induce its members to believe it, and act accord ingly. Lord North, the prime minister, in order to counteract the French alliance, immediately introduced his " conciliatory bills," which were rapidly passed through Parliament. Tlie.se conceded more than was ever asked by America as a colony, 028 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART u. and would have been thought generous in 1774. In 1778, all concessions offered by Great Britain to the United States were considered as gratuitous insults to an independent nation, and were thrown back with indignant contempt. British ministers, however, were still hopeful ; and, having secured the passa-ge of the conciliatory bills, they sent copies of them to be industriously circulated in America, and appointed three commissioners to car ry out their purpose. There was some anxiety felt even in the United States about the possible ef fect of these measures of the English gov ernment. Lafayette declared he feared the arrival of the commissioners more than that of ten thousand men. Wash ington himself was fearful that Congress O O might not be equal to the emergency. " This more than ever," said he, " is the time for Congress to be filled with the first characters from every state, instead of having a thin assembly, and many states totally unrepresented, as is the case at present." The British agents spared no exertions in distributing copies of the conciliatory bills ; and Tryon, the tory governor of New York, was, as usual, among the most prominent of them, lie sent Washing ton a supply, impertinently asking him to circulate them among his officers and men. " They were suffered," wrote the American general, in answer, " to have a free currency among the officers and men under my command, in whose fidelity to the United States I have the most perfect confidence." lie also returned Tryon a Roland for his Oliver, in the shape of sev eral printed copies of a resolution of Con gress, offering pardon io all who had taken up arms against the United States, with the request that he would be instrumental in communicating its contents, as far as it might be in his power, to the persons who were intended to be the objects of its op erations. - The benevolent purpose it is intended to answer," added Washington, O 7 sarcastically, " will, I persuade myself, suf ficiently recommend it to your candor." The popular feeling in reference to the " conciliatory bills" was in character with that so emphatically expressed by the peo ple in Rhode Island, who seized and burnt them under the gallows. Congress, as well as the nation, was proof against the British bills. That body unanimously re solved "that these United States can not with propriety hold any conference or treaty with any commissioners on the part of Great Britain, unless they shall, as a preliminary thereto, either withdraw their fleets and armies, or else in positive and express terms acknowledge the inde pendence of the said states." This did not promise very favorably for the com ing commissioners. In accordance with the provisions of the "conciliatory bills," three commission ers were duly appointed, who arrived at Philadelphia in the early part of the summer. They were all no table men, though perhaps not the best adapted for such an embassy. The earl of Carlisle was well known as an aristo cratic dandy or maccaroni, as he would have been called in those days. No one had fluttered his ruffles more gayly on the matt in St. James s park. He was fresh June 6. REVOLUTIONARY.] THE BRITISH COMMISSIONERS IN PHILADEPHIA. 629 from exchanging scandal with Walpole at "Arthur s," and from playing hazard at " Brooke s," where his companions may have been statesmen, but he knew them only in their pleasures, and not in their business. His intimate friend was George Selwyn, the man of fashion, of whom he was a correspondent ; and not Charles James Fox, the statesman and orator, who condemned his appointment declaring that Governor Johnstone was the only member of the commission " who could have the ear of the people in America."* Johnstone, who had been governor of Florida, was prominent in Parliament as an advocate for the American cause, and was believed to be a firm friend of the colonies. He, however, like the earl of Chatham and others, who boldly stood forward, at the beginning of the struggle, for political concessions to the Americans as colonists, was strenuously opposed to their acknowledgment as an independent nation. The third commissioner was Wil liam Eden, afterward Lord Auckland, the brother of the colonial governor of Ma ryland. The secretary of the commission was Doctor Adam Ferguson, who was at that time about fifty-five years of age, and, by his "Essay on ike History of Civil Socie ty" had obtained a high rank, among the Humes and Smiths of his native Scotland, as a philosophical writer. He subsequent ly became still more famous by his pro found and learned " History of the Progress * " Lord Carlisle was a voting man of pleasure and fash ion ; fond of dress and gaming, by which he had greatly hurt his fortune; was totally unacquainted with business; and, though not void of ambition, had but moderate parts and less application." HORACE WALPOLK. and the Termination of the Roman Republic." Ferguson had a most gallant spirit in a martial frame of body, and was as well fitted to fight battles as to describe them.* When the commissioners reached Phil adelphia, the easy, indulgent Sir William Howe had been gone a fortnight. His departure was deeply regretted, for he was greatly beloved by both his officers and men ; having been, as is sarcastically observed by an English writer, "on all occasions extremely careful of their lives" and attentive to their comforts. The parting was tender and affecting. The bravest of the band are said to have shed tears when the general stepped into his barge. Admiral Lord Howe would have accom panied his brother home to England, but he had been urged to stay by the British ministers, who anticipated that a, French war, which was imminent, would soon fur nish an occasion for the active services of him and his fleet. Although their names were included in the commission, the Howes resolved not to act under the leadership of Lord Carlisle, from some feeling of pique or jealousy toward him, or from discontent with the conduct of the ministers. The commissioners were received by the inhabitants of Philadelphia with ev ery manifestation of joy ; and they would have been sanguine of the success of their embassy, had they not found, much to their surprise and vex ation, that orders had been sent out to Sir Henry Clinton, unknown to them, to evacuate the city. Everything was in great confusion as the British army was * Pictorial History of En<rland. June 6. 630 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [TAUT n. about leaving; and thousands of Philadel phia tories were crowding on board the transport-ships, as they did not care to trust their loyalty to the tender mercies of the pat-riots. The inhabitants, loath to leave their homes, clung to the com missioners with earnest appeals for pro tection. " Why were you so long in com ing? Do not abandon us!" they cried, and entreated that the army should be retained and sent against Washington. They were also liberal of promises, and declared that twenty thousand men were ready to arm as soon as they were sup plied with the means and the British gen eral should take the field. Johnstone was inclined to believe them, and said after ward in Parliament, "I am persuaded, if we had been at liberty to have acted in the field, our most sanguine expectations would have been fulfilled." But General Howe could have told them that the American loyalists were more liberal in promise than in execution. The commis sioners, however, had no power to alter the destination of the army, as Sir Henry Clinton s orders to evacuate Philadelphia were peremptory. The first act of the commissioners was to charge their secretary with despatches for Congress; and Sir Henry Clinton ad dressed a letter to Washington, asking for Ferguson a passport to York town, where that body was in session. English writers have declared that this request was harshly refused. Washington s let ter on the occasion to Sir Henry Clinton disproves the charge. Nothing can be more courteous than the terms in which it is couched : " HEADQUARTERS, Jane 9, 1778. "SiK: At nine o clock this evening I had the honor to receive your excellen cy s letter of this date. I do not conceive myself at liberty to grant the passport you request for Doctor Ferguson, without being previously instructed by Congress on the subject. I shall despatch a copy of your letter to them, and will take the earliest opportunity of communicating their determination. "I have the honor to be, sir, &c., " GEORGE WASHINGTON." Without waiting for the decision of Congress upon the application of Sir Hen ry Clinton for a passport for Ferguson, the commissioners forwarded their de spatches. Among these was an "address" to Congress, which the president was de sired to read immediately. He began at once, and continued reading till he came to a passage containing strong expres sions of disrespect to the king of France, when he was interrupted ; and the house, directing him to seal up the papers, ad journed. At a subsequent session, the subject was resumed ; when Congress or dered a reply to be sent to the commis sioners, in which their previous resolution was reiterated, not to enter into negotia tions with Great Britain for peace with out an explicit acknowledgment of (lie independence of the United States, or a withdrawal ef British ileets and armies. The commissioners, now" giving up all hope of formal negotiation, made a vain effort to effect by intrigue and bribery what they had i ailed to obtain by honest means. Governor Johnstone wrote a let ter to Robert Morris, the financier, in REVOLUTIONARY.] which he said: I believe the men who have conducted the affairs of America in capable of being influenced by improper motives. But in all such transactions there is a risk, and I think that whoever ventures should be secured at the same time; that honor and emolument should naturally follow the fortunes of those who have steered the vessel in the storm and brought her safely into port. I think Washington arid the president [of Con gress] have a right to every favor that grateful nations can bestow, if they could once more unite our interests, and spare the miseries and devastations of war. I wish above all things to see you, and hope you will so contrive it." Morris was an acquaintance which Johnstone had formed while living in America as governor of West Florida- Henry Laurens, of South Carolina, who was now president of Congress, was an other old friend, to whom a similar epis tle was addressed. A correspondence also took place with General Joseph Reed, but a still bolder attempt was made upon his integrity, as he stilted in Congress, of which he was a member. A " married lady of character, having connections with the British army," intimated to Reed that ten thousand pounds in money, and any office in the colonies which the king could bestow, awaited his exertions toward the reconciliation of the colonies with the mother-country. Reed s memorable an swer was: "I am not worth purchasing; but, such as I a,m, the king of Great Brit ain is not rich enough to do it." It is but just to Johnstone to state that Adam Ferguson, who w r as the soul of BRITISH ATTEMPTS AT BRIBERY. 631 honor and truth, declared that Johnstone denied (and confirmed the assertion by proofs and documents) that the bribe proffered to Reed was authorized by him. He could not, however, deny the letters to Laurens and Morris, although his as sociates in the commission (Lord Carlisle and Eden) disclaimed all responsibility for or even knowledge of them, until they appeared in the newspapers. Congress had declared these letters of Johnstone to be atrocious attempts upon its integrity, and resolved that no further correspond ence should be held with the commission er who had been guilty of them. Finding all their efforts to negotiate with the members of Congress in their private or public capacity fruitless, the commissioners appealed to the people, and artfully strove to bring the prejudice against the French, which the Americans shared in common with their English rel atives, to bear in opposition to the alli ance with France. Lafayette s Gallic sen sibility was greatly wounded by the at tacks upon his native land, and in his youthful ardor he challenged Lord Car lisle ; but his lordship coolly answered that he did not hold himself responsible to any but his king and country for his public conduct, and refused to accept the challenge.* * "Lord Carlisle, before lie left that quarter of the world, had received a challenge from the marquis de Lafayette, a young Frenchman of quality, married into the powerful family of Noaillcs, and who, from enthusiasm for liberty, had resorted to America seemingly without the approbation of his court, though certainly with its connivance, as at his return he received only a short exile ten miles from Paris, and had been very active in the service of the Congress. This young adventurer hud taken offence at expressions reproachful to his country in the proclamation of the com missiuners, and very absurdly had addressed himself to Lord 032 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PAKT II. This last effort of the British commis sioners, however, proved no less unsuc cessful than their previous attempts ; and being thus totally balked, they finally left the country with a feeling of con tempt on the part of the American peo ple toward them, and an ill-concealed dis gust with themselves for having engaged in an embassy that proved to be a fool s errand. CHAPTER LXX. Evacuation of Philadelphia. Secrecy of Sir Henry Clinton. Washington in the Dark. A Divided Council. Opinion of Washington. The Retreat of the British to be harassed. Washington crosses the Delaware. General Lee in Op position. He gives up his Command to Lafayette, and retreats. Sir Henry Clinton changes his Line of March.- - Lee ordered to the Advance. His March. Washington s Eagerness. Lee ordered to attack. Contradictory Orders. Bewilderment. Plans. Lee in High Spirits. General Wayne s Charge. Altercation between Lee and Lafayette. Washington summoned. Retreat of Lee. Meeting with Washington. Fierce Words. Nothing further to do.- - The Struggle at Monmouth. Hot Engagement. Check of the British. Formation of the American Line. The Enemy beaten back. Fall of General Monekton. The Day over Washington sleeps on the Field. 1778, June 18, SIR HENRY CLINTON, in pursuance of his orders from the British min istry, was about evacuating Philadelphia ; but so adroitly had he made his prepara tions, that even on the very day of his march, his destination and route were unknown in the American camp. "As yet," wrote Washington, on the morning of that day, " I am not fully ascertained [informed] of the enemy s des tination ; nor is there wanting a variety of opinions as to the route they will pur sue, whether it will be by land or sea, ad mitting it to be New York." On the previous day a council of war was held, in which the question as to the policy of attacking the British army on Carlisle for satisfaction. The latter, in a very sensible let ter, told him that he did not at all think it became him to answer for his conduct as a public minister to a private man, and that he thought the national quarrel would be best decided by Admiral Byron and Comte D Estaing." HORACE WALPOLE. its march from Philadelphia (should New Jersey be the route) was submitted. A */ great variety of opinion was entertained, but most of the officers considered it too hazardous to make a general attack ; for, although the Americans had, including O / i_; the militia, nearly fourteen thousand men, and the British numbered less than ten thousand, the latter w r ere effective troops. General Lee was opposed to doing any thing beyond skirmishing with the out- guards, and harassing the enemy as cir cumstances would permit. His influence in the council was great, and he carried with him many of the other officers. The decision of the majority was therefore in accordance with Lee s views. After the council broke up, however, Generals Greene, Lafayette, and Wayne, wrote to Washington, explaining more fully their opinions, which differed from those of the majority. They did not do- KKVOLUTIONATIY.] LEE AND LAFAYETTE. THE BRITISH MOVING. 633 clfire in favor of pushing the enemy at all events to a general action, but they strongly urged an attack upon their rear with a large detachment, and such a dis position of the main body of the army as to be ready for an engagement should cir cumstances seem favorable. Washington s o own opinion being in accordance with this plan, he determined (if the British gave him an opportunity) to adopt it. He, how ever, as soon as he was well assured of Sir Henry Clinton s movement across the Delaware, sent out General Maxwell with his brigade to co-operate with the New- Jersey militia in obstructing the inarch of the British. In accordance also with the decision of the council, Washington ordered a detachment of fifteen hundred men, under General Scott, to act on the enemy s left flank and rear, preliminary to carrying out the more general plan of attack which he anticipated, in further ance of his own views, and those of Gen erals Greene, Wayne, and Lafayette. Washington now broke up his camp at Valley Forge, and, crossing the Delaware at Coryell s ferry, marched with his main body to Cranberry. Having here learned that the British were taking the route toward Monmouth courthouse, he deter mined to carry out his plan, and ordered a thousand of his choicest troops under Brigadier-General Wayne to advance im mediately, and, having formed a junction with Maxwell s brigade, the force under Scott, and the other detachments which had already been sent forward, to attack the enemy s rear and flanks. As General Lee was second in rank, the whole advanced corps fell under his com- 80 mand. Lafayette, however, always eao;er V O for an opportunity to distinguish himself, was glad to take advantage of Lee s sup posed reluctance to execute a plan which he had so strenuously opposed. Accord ingly, the young marquis, suggesting to Washington the probability of Lee s em barrassment, offered himself as a substi tute. The commander-in-chief answered that such an arrangement would be agree able to him, but that it was necessary to obtain General Lee s consent, La.fa.v- \J ette s desire met with no opposition from Lee, who immediately resigned the com mand to him, with an emphatic denunci ation of the plans of Washington, which he was sure, he declared, would fail, and that he was therefore glad to be rid of any responsibility in their execution. General Lee, on reflection, however, repented of the readiness with which he had granted the request of Lafayette, and strove to get back his command. He wrote to Washington, and, acknowledge o t / o ing that he had been rash, asked to have his command restored to him. But the commander-in-chief declared that he could not reinstate him without the consent of Lafayette. Lee appealed to the young marquis, who said that, as the command had been yielded to him freely, he was very reluctant to give it up. Lee, how ever, becoming urgent, Lafayette finally consented, provided (as he was now on his march) he did not come up with the enemy during that day. In the meantime, Sir Henry Clinton, on inarching from Allentown, had changed the disposition of his army, by placino- the baggage in advance, under the guard 634 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PATCT II. of Knyphausen and his Hessians, and his best troops, consisting of the British gren adiers, light-infantry, and chasseurs of the line, under the command of Earl Cornwal- lis, in the rear. Washington, on discov ering this, found it necessary to strength en his advanced corps, and immediately detached Major- General Lee, with two brigades, to form a junction with Lafay ette at English town. This nt once set tled all difficulty between these two offi cers; as Lee, being the higher in rank, on being ordered to reinforce the ad vanced troops, necessarily assumed the general command. Washington s object, in sending Lee with the reinforcement, was, to relieve him of his " uneasiness," which was " rather increasing than aba ting At the same time that I felt for General Lee s distress of mind," observed Washington, writing to Lafayette, "I have had an eye to your wishes, and the deli cacy of your situation ; and have there fore obtained a promise from him that, when he gives you notice of his approach and command, he will request you to prosecute any plan you may have already concerted for the purpose of attacking or otherwise annoying the enemy." Washington, in the meantime, having lightened his march by leaving his baggage behind, moved on with the rest of the troops, and encamped within three miles of Englishtown, where the advanced corps, now consisting of five thousand men, under the command of General Lee, was posted. Sir Henry Clinton, on reaching Allen- town, found Washington almost in front; and, not wishing to hazard a battle, he June 25. June 27. changed his original purpose of marching his troops to the Karitan, and embarking them at Brunswick or South Amboy for New York. He now turned to the right, and took the road toward Monmouth, with the intention of proceeding in all haste to Sandy Hook. The British, being hindered by their immense baggage and camp-appurtenan ces, fagged by their fatiguing marches in the hot summer weather, and harassed by the skirmishing of the country militia, were slow in their movements. They encamped in a strong po sition, with their right extending about a mile and a half beyond Monmouth court house, and their left along the road from Allentown to the village of Monmouth. Their right flank lay on the skirt of a small wood, while their left was secured by a very thick one. There w r as a morass in their rear, and again another, together with a wood, in their front. The position of the enemy was deemed too strong for an attack, and Washington awaited the moment when they should begin to march, to commence operations. He accordingly ordered General Lee to make his disposition for the assault on the British rear as soon as they should get in motion from their present ground. Lee was directed to keep his troops con stantly tying upon their arms, in order to be in readiness at the shortest notice ; for Sir Henry Clinton had only ten or twelve miles to march in advance, to reach the heights of Middletown, where it would be impossible to attempt anything against him with a prospect of success. The at tack, to be made at all, must be made in TSKVOLTJTIONAHY.J WASHINGTON S ANXIETY. LEE S BEWILDERMENT. (335 the interval of time between his march from his present strong ground to the still stronger one beyond. The greatest alertness was therefore necessary, to seize upon the critical moment. Washington not only enjoined this upon Lee, but took care to secure it on the part of the troops under his immediate command, which he kept in reserve at Cranberry, several miles distant, and was prepared to bring up to sustain the advanced corps so soon as it should have begun its attack on the ene- nry s rear. Washington was so anxious lest the British should escape him by decamping unobserved before the break of day, that at midnight he sent word to General Lee to order out a corps of observation. The New-Jersey militia, under General Dick inson were accordingly sent forward, to lie as close as possible to the enemy, in order to watch their movements. At five o clock the next morning;, an ex- Juii6 28 press from Dickinson came into Washington s camp, with the intelligence that Sir Henry Clinton s front had begun to move. The day had no sooner broken, than General Knyphausen marched with his long train of baggage and bat-horses, extending ten or twelve miles along the narrow road. It was about eiiHit o clock O when Sir Henry Clinton followed with the rear, composed of the main body of the army and the choicest troops, under the immediate command of Lord Cornwallis. As soon as he received intelligence of the enemy s march, Washington sent one of his aids to General Lee, with orders to move on and attack them, " unless there should be very powerful reasons to the contrary." The commander-in-chief liim- v self, having ordered his men to throw off their packs and blankets, that they might march with the greater rapidity and com fort during that sweltering summer day, immediately advanced to the support of Lee, to whom he had sent due notice of his approach. General Lee, on receiving Washing ton s orders, despatched a body of light- troops in advance to skirmish with the enemy, while he moved forward with the brigades of Wayne and Maxwell to sus tain it. In the course of his march, Lee received a variety of contradictory re ports. Now one aid-de-camp rode back with the intelligence that the main body of the British was marching to attack him ; and, again, another brought word that Sir Henry Clinton had moved off in precipitation, and left only a covering- party to protect his retreat! Lee was obliged to manoeuvre accordingly; and, skirmishing as he went, he advanced and retired again and again. At one time, hoping to find the enemy in small force, he crossed the bridge over the morass on his route, in order to attack them ; at an other, fearing that their main body was approaching, he rapidly retired, lest he should be caught in the dangerous posi tion, with a morass in his rear, and only a narrow bridge to cross it. While thus bewildered, Lafayette came up with the main body of Lee s division, which, when united with the advanced troops, formed a force (exclusive of Morgan s corps and the New-Jersey militia,, then out skirmish ing) of about four thousand men. Thus reinforced, Lee pushed forward until he 03 6 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART n. reached the plains of Monmouth. on the edi^e of which, and within the cover of a o wood, he formed his line, that it might be concealed from the view of the Brit ish. General Lee, accompanied by Wayne, now rode out to reconnoitre ; and, from his own observations, and the intelligence received from his scouts, he concluded that the troops of the enemy which he saw were only a covering-party, and that there was a sufficient distance between them and their main body to allow of a chance to cut them off. Lee formed his plans accordingly. lie sent off Wayne, with seven hundred men and two field- pieces, to attack them in the rear, but not with such impetuosity as to drive them either to seek safety by a junction with their main body in advance, or to cause reinforcements to be sent to their aid. Lee himself proposed to take them with a strong force in front, and strove accord ingly to carry out his purpose by leading his men along a short and cross route by which he expected to intercept the en emy. Full of confidence in his plan, the gen eral was riding at the head of his troops, and hurrying on their march, when he was accosted by an aid-de-camp of Wash ington, who rode up for intelligence. Lee was in high spirits, and his face beamed with an expression of confident success, while with a firm tone of voice he told the aid-de-camp to inform his excellency that the rear of the enemy was composed of only fifteen hundred or two thousand men, and that they did not seem to un derstand the roads that the route he was on cut off* two miles of distance; that he expected to fall in with them, and felt great certainty of cutting them off; and that General Wayne and Colonel Butler were amusing them with a few loose shot while he was inarching to the attack. As Wayne approached and prepared to skirmish with the rear of the enemy, a party of British dragoons were seen pa rading as though they were about charg ing the American light-horsemen in ad vance, when General Lee s aid-de-camp rode forward and suggested to the officer in command of the latter, to appear to await the attack, and then at the last moment to retire toward General Wayne and allow him to receive it. This ma noeuvre succeeded : the British dragoons made the charge, and, while in pursuit of the retreating; American horsemen, came o within the fire of Wayne s troops, when they were suddenly compelled to wheel round and gallop back. General Wayne s men now pushed on with fixed bayonets, and charged the en emy with such spirit, that Lee sent word, in order to check his impetuosity, that lie (Wayne) was only to feign an attack, or \ i/ / / o / otherwise he would spoil his game. Colo nel Oswald, in command of the artillery, observing the impression which Wayne s charge had made upon the British, be lieved that they were about retreating, and hurried forward with his two field- pieces across the morass in front, and, planting them on some high ground on the other side, commenced a cannonade. Wayne was disappointed by the check which he received in the orders of Lee, but he obeyed them; although, with his REVOLUTIONARY.] GENERAL LEE S DISGRACEFUL RETREAT. 637 usual sanguineness of temper, lie believed that his obedience had cost him an almost certain victory. He, however, waited in the hope that Lee, by a vigorous blow in front, would retrieve the loss. General Lee, however, was proceeding with caution ; and, as he approached the British, instead of coming: forward at once O with his whole force and striking a rapid blow, his troops made their appearance emerging from the woods in separate de tachments. The enemy were drawn up to receive him, and, as Lee was formin<- o his line, their cavalry began to manoeuvre in the direction of the American riirht. O Lafayette s ardentand youthful spirit was much chafed by General Lee s cautious movements, and, eager for action, he at this movement begged to be permitted to try to get to the rear of the enemy. "Sir," answered Lee, -you do not know British soldiers ; we can not stand against them; we shall be certainly driven back at first, and we must be cautious." "It may be so, general," responded the young marquis, "but British soldiers have been beaten, and may be beaten again ; at any rate, 1 am disposed to make the attempt." Lee so far yielded to the desire of the impulsive Frenchman as to allow him to wheel his column to the right, for the purpose of attacking the enemy s left flank. Lafayette seems to have been so much dissatisfied with Lee s conduct, that he took the occasion of the riding up of one of Washington s aids-de-camp to send back word to the commander-in-chief that his presence on the ground was absolutely necessary. Lee continued to act with the same deliberate circumspection, and seemed by no means impatient for action. While reconnoitring, the enemy were dis covered to be in so much greater num bers than he expected, that Lee acknowl edged that he had been mistaken in their strength. Sir Henry Clinton, moreover, was making preparations for a vigorous attack upon the Americans in his rear, with the view of forcing them to call to their aid Dickinson with his militia and Morgan with his rifle-corps, who were se verely harassing the British van, which was marching with the ba^ini^e. While O o O O Lee was cautiously manoeuvring, to pre pare to meet the enemy, a confusion took place, either in his orders or in the under standing of them by his subordinate offi cers : one whole brigade having retreat ed when it had been ordered merely to fall back, the rest of the troops followed in disorder, pursued by the British. General Washington, in the meantime, was pushing on to the support of Lee. When he reached the church at Free hold, where two roads joined, General Greene with the right wing took one, in order to prevent a flank-movement on the part of Sir Henry Clinton ; while Wash ington led the rest of the force along the other directly to the rear of General Lee, who was supposed to be at that time en gaged with the enemy. This disposition having been made, the march had hardly been resumed, when a countryman was met, with intelligence that the continen tal troops were in full retreat. Washing ton could not believe it, as he had re ceived from Lee such an encouraging ac count of his prospects, and there had been 638 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART n, June 28, no indication of an engagement, beyond the sound of a cannon or two. Soon, how ever, others- came up with the same report ; and finally the re treating troops themselves followed. "The conviction that Lee was a TRAI TOR," says Lossing, " and that this retreat was the first bitter fruit of his treason, now flashed upon the mind of Washing ton. Already the belief that he was un true, and a dangerous man in the army, had been forced upon the consideration of many officers; but, until the previous evening, the generous heart of the com mand er-in-chief would not harbor such a suspicion. Late at night, the Reverend David Griffiths, a Welshman, and chap lain of the third Virginia regiment, had repaired to headquarters, and warned the chief, in presence of Hamilton, Harrison, and Fitzgerald, not to employ General Lee in commanding the advance on the ensuing morning. Washington received the warning doubtingly ; when the rev erend gentleman, on retiring, observed, 1 am not permitted to say more at present, but your excellency will remember my warning voice lo-morrov.^ in the battle / Now that warning voice, Lee s opposition to attack ing Clinton at all, and his changefulness respecting the command of the advance, all combined to make Washington feel that Lee had ordered this retreat for the purpose of marring his plans, and disgra cing him by the loss of a battle, so as to fulfil the traitor s own predictions of its failure." Washington accosted each officer as he rode up, ordering him to halt his men. and asking him for an explanation of what seemed so incomprehensible. He could get no satisfactory answer, and therefore determined to seek out General Lee him self. Putting spurs to his horse, he gal loped rapidly along the road until he reached an ascent, from which he caught a glimpse of Lee, with the remainder of his troops, coming on in full retreat. The commander-in-chief was greatly troubled at what had occurred, and, holding Lee responsible, could not, on meeting him, contain his indignation. " What is the meaning of this, sir ?" he demanded of Lee, looking at him sternly, and speaking with angry emphasis. "1 desire to know, sir, the meaning of this disorder and confusion !" repeated Wash ington, before the recreant general could sufficiently recover himself from the ef fect of being thus accosted, to reply. Lee now in turn gave issue to his own temper, and answered fiercely, while he hurriedly strove to justify his conduct, saying that he had not been disposed to face the whole British army with such a force as he had. " I have certain information," replied Washington, " that it was only a cover ing-party." " Covering-party or not," declared Lee, " it was stronger than mine, and I was not disposed to run the risk." " I am very sorry, then." rejoined Wash- ington/ thatyou undertook the command, unless you meant to light the enemy." " I did not think it prudent to bring on a general engagement," retorted Lee. " Whatever your opinion may have been, I expected my orders would have been obeyed," said Washington. During UEVOLUTIONAKY.] BATTLE OF MONMOUTH. 639 this brief interview, the enraged chief is said, on the authority of Lafayette, to have called Lee "a damned poltroon;" and the marquis observed that this was the only instance in which he ever heard the general swear. The ardent Hamil ton, too, who also remembered the chap lain s warning, here dismounted, and, un sheathing his sword, addressed Washing ton : " Your excellency and this army are betrayed; and the moment has arrived when every true friend of America and her cause must be ready to die in their defence !"* There was no time for further alterca tion, as the British were rapidly pressing forward in pursuit of the fugitives. Wash ington rode off hastily to the extreme rear of the retreating troops. Taking a rapid survey of the ground, and finding it favorable for forming, the chief ordered the battalions of Colonel Stewart and Lieutenant-Colonel Ramsay to face about and march to the left, where, under the cover of the wood, they might be some what protected from the enemy s artille ry, and also be enabled to check their ad vance. General Lee, on being told by one of his aids that Washington had taken the command of his division, said, "Then I have nothing further to do ;" and, turning his horse, he rode back to where the com- mander-in-chief was forming a front out of the rear of the retreating troops to op pose the enemy s approach. As he came up, Washington asked: " Will you command on this ground or not? If you will, 1 will return to the * Lossin<c. main body, and have them formed on the next height." " It is equal with me where I com mand," was Lee s reply. " I expect you will take proper meas ures for checking the enemy," said Wash ington, emphatically. " Your orders shall be obeyed," prompt ly answered Lee, "and I will not be the first to leave the field !" Washington now hurried back to the main body, which he formed on a height, with a morass in front, and between him and Lee s advanced division. He had hardly gone, when the British brought up their artillery, and began a severe can nonade on Lee s right, which was, howev er, well returned by the Americans. At the same time the enemy pushed forward their light-horse, which, making an im petuous charge, followed by a large body of light-infantry, drove the battalions of Stewart and Rarnsay before them. The engagement now became hot be tween the British and Varnum s brigade united with Livingston s regiment, which had been stationed in front of the bridge across the morass, in order to cover the retreat of the artillery and the advanced troops. They, too, were obliged to give way before a charge of the enemy, but retired in good order. Lee, having post ed Colonel Ogden in a wood near the bridge, ordered him to defend it to the last extremity, and remained in person on the ground until the orderly retreat of his whole force was secured, when he himself crossed the bridge, and rode up to Washington. "Sir," said Lee, "here are my troops : how is it your pleasure 640 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART n. that I should dispose of them ?" As they were jaded by the day s work, the coni- mander-in-chief ordered them to June 28. . , to be marched to the rear, in the neighborhood of Englishtown, that they might be refreshed by repose. While the enemy were thus checked by Lee s division, Washington had an op portunity of forming his line, with care ful deliberation. Lord Stirling command ed the left wing, where he had posted some heavy artillery ; and Greene, when he discovered Lee s early retreat, had changed the direction of his march, and was now posted with his whole force on his lordship s right. The British continued to advance in front, but Earl Stirling soon checked them with his artillery, and by detachments of infantry pushed forward to oppose them. They then attempted to turn his flank, but were repulsed. A movement toward the American front proved equally un successful ; for Greene had advanced a body of troops, and Knox with his artil lery , to take possession of some rising ground in advance, by which the design of the enemy was checked, and their en tire front enfiladed. General Wayne, as usual, among the most active with his brigade, having been posted in an orchard close to the foe, when Colonel Monckton, of the British grenadiers, determined to make an effort to drive him off. So, form ing his men in close ranks, he ordered them to charge with the bayonet. Wayne bade his men withhold their fire until the enemy should be close up. On they came, with their colonel at their head, waving his sword, and shouting to his men, when the Americans opened their fire, and the brave Monckton fell amid heaps of his slaughtered grenad iers. The British now fell back to the posi tion occupied by General Lee in the morning. Here their flanks were secured by thick woods and morasses, while their front could only be approached through a narrow pass. Washington was not dis posed, how r ever, well covered as they ap peared to be, to let them escape without another attempt to get at them. lie ac cordingly ordered General Poor, with his own and the Carolina brigade, to move toward their right, General Woodford to their left, and the artillery to be brought up so as to gall them in front. But be fore this disposition could be made, the day was well spent; and the men were so fatigued by their marching and coun termarching in the sandy Jersey soil, and so prostrated by the excessive heat (the day being one of the most sultry of the whole season), that it was determined to postpone the attack till the next 1 . . June 29, morning. Ihe troops were ac cordingly ordered to lie upon their arms, in order to be in readiness for action at the earliest moment ; while the general- in-chief himself wrapped his cloak about him and lay down, with the young mar quis de Lafayette by his side, at the foot of a tree, talking over the events of the day, until they both sought, in a short night s sleep, refreshment for the expect ed struggle of the coming morning. Thus ended the battle of Monmouth, which was one of the most hotly-contest ed of the war, and in which great skill was exhibited on both sides. REVOLUTIONARY.] RETREAT OF THE BRITISH. LOSSES AT MONMOUTH. 641 CHAPTER LXXI. The Dawn of Morning, The Enemy gone. Pursuit impracticable. Fresh Graves. Losses on Both Sides. Loss of the British from Heat and Desertion. Their March through New Jersey. Washington moves toward the North River. A Painful March. Horses dying in Troops. A Refreshing Halt at Brunswick. Court-Martial on General Lee. His Letter to Washington. lie complains of " Cruel Injustice." Washington s Answer. Lee s Rejoinder. Postponement of the Trial. Lee s Skilful Defence. He is found guilty. The Verdict. Confirmed by Congress. Lee s Duel with Laurens. Version of Lee. His Retirement to Virginia. His Morose and Secluded Life. His Eccentricity. His Death. His Singular Will. A Traitor? Justification of Washington. 1778, THE morning came, and the Amer ican troops were aroused to arms by the early beat of drum; but the ene my had disappeared. Sir Henry Clinton, having employed the early part of the night in burying some of his dead, and collecting his wounded, marched off at twelve o clock, and with such cautious silence, that the most advanced of the American outposts had not the least sus picion of the movement. Nothing was left of the whole army in the June 29, . J morning but lourollicers and ror- ty soldiers, who had been so severely wounded, that they could not be carried oil! The extreme heat of the weather, the continued fatigue of the men from their march through a low, sandy country, al most destitute of water, and the distance which the British had gained by their se cret march in the night, made a pursuit impracticable. Washington was particu larly apprehensive of the fatal effects of the excessive heat. Many of the men in both armies had fallen dead on the field, without a shot, while exposed to the hot glare of the noonday sun. 81 The enemy left two hundred and forty- five non-commissioned officers and pri vates dead on the field of Monmouth, and four officers, among whom was the gal lant Colonel Monckton, of the grenadiers. There were also several fresh graves ob served, where in their haste they had bu ried some of their dead ; and more than a hundred prisoners were taken. " Fifty- nine of their soldiers," says Lossing, " per ished by the heat. They were found un der trees and by rivulets, whither they had crept for shade and water, without a wound." A large number of wounded were carried off with them during the action, and until midnight, when, as Wash ington said, " they stole off as silent as the grave." The American loss was, seven officers and fifty-two rank and file killed, and sev enteen officers and a hundred and twen ty privates wounded. The only two im portant officers who suffered were LieiN tenant-Colonel Briuiier, of Pennsylvania, and Major Dickinson, of Virginia. The British, in their inarch through New Jersey, suffered a loss, including the lesertions, which was estimated in all at 642 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART n. about two thousand men. More than six hundred deserters went back to Philadel phia, and many joined the American ar my. One of the German regiments was considered so disaffected, that Sir Henry Clinton did not venture to trust it on land, and accordingly sent it to New York by sea from Philadelphia, while he took up his march through New Jersey. The British were now left almost uninterrupt ed to pursue their way to Sandy Hook, and thence to New York, where they en camped in the vicinity of the city. Washington, having left the New-Jer sey brigade, Morgan s corps, and some other light parties behind him, to hover about the enemy, in order to countenance desertions from their ranks, and as far as possible to prevent depredations, moved on the rest of his army through New- Jer sey toward the North river, with the in tention of forming a junction with Gen eral Gates, then in command at Fishkill. The march from English town to Brunswick was " inconceivably distressing to the troops and horses." The route lay for twenty miles through a deep sand, during the extrernest heat of the season, while there was but one shallow stream, throughout the whole distance, where a drop of water could be obtained. Some of the men died and many were dis abled in consequence, and the horses fell dead in troops. Upon the " airy, open grounds" in the neighborhood of Bruns wick, Washington, though eager to pur sue his march, now halted his army for a week, that his men might obtain the re pose and refreshment they so greatly re quired. June 30, July 4, At Brunswick the court-mar tial first assembled which was appointed to try General Lee on the fol lowing charges: "First. Disobedience of orders, in not attacking the enemy on the 28th of June, agreeably to repeated instructions. "Secondly. Misbehavior before the ene my on the same day, by making an unne cessary, disorderly, and shameful retreat. "Thirdly. Disrespect to the command- er-in-chief, in two letters, dated the 1st of July and the 28th of June." The irascible Lee was so provoked by the angry reprimand of Washington for his retreat at Monmonth, that, unable to control his temper, he wrote a letter 1o the commander-in-chief, in which he in dulged in personal reflections such as no superior officer could, with a proper re gard to his own dignity, pass by without rebuke. " From the knowledge I have of your excellency s character," wrote Lee, "I must conclude that nothing but the misinformation of some very stupid or misrepresentation of some very wicked person could have occasioned your ma king use of so very singular expressions as you did on my coming up to the ground where you had taken post. They implied that I was guilty either of disobedience of orders, want of conduct, or want of courage. Your excellency will therefore infinitely oblige me by letting me know on which of these three articles you ground your charge, that I may prepare for my justification, which I have the happiness to be confident I can do to the army, to the Congress, to America, and to the world in general." REVOLUTIONARY.] TRIAL AND CONVICTION OF GENERAL LEE. Lee then, with his usual self-sufficiency, having not only justified his retreat, but claimed for it the merit of having saved the day, took occasion, after telling Wash ington that he thought him "endowed with many great and good qualities," to complain that he had been " guilty of an act of cruel injustice toward a man who certainly has some pretensions to the re gard of every servant of this country. . . . And I think, sir," added Lee, "I have a right to demand some reparation for the injury committed ; and, unless I can ob tain it, I must in justice to myself, when this campaign is closed, which I believe will close the war, retire from a service, at the head of which is placed a man ca pable of offering such injuries. But at the same time, in justice to you, I must repeat that I from my soul believe that it was not a motion of your own breast, but instigated by some of those dirty ear wigs, who will for ever insinuate them selves near persons in high office." Washington wrote firmly in answer, telling Lee that his letter was, as he con ceived, expressed in terms highly improp er, and that he was not conscious of hav ing made use of any very singular ex pressions at the time of meeting him da- ing his retreat. " What I recollect to have said," added Washington, " was dictated by duty and warranted by the occasion." He closed by promising him the oppor tunity which he had asked for justifying himself. Lee petulantly rejoined, saying : " You can not afford me greater pleasure than in giving me the opportunity of showing to America the sufficiency of her respec tive servants. I trust that temporary power of office, and the tinsel dignity at tending it, will not be able, by all the mists they can raise, to obfuscate the bright rays of truth." General Lee was now arrested and tried. The court-martial was convened as early as the 4th of July, but its ses sions were interrupted by the movement of the army, and it did not come to a de cision until the 12th of August. Lord Stirling was president, and the rest of the court was composed of a major-general, four brigadiers, and eight colonels. Lee defended himself with great skill. He contended that, as his orders were discre tionary, he could not be justly charged with disobedience. In regard to the re treat, he declared that he did not wish or give any orders for a retrograde manoeu vre from the first point of action, adding : "Even when I was informed of our left being abandoned, the retreat, however necessary, was, I am ashamed to own it, done contrary to my orders and contrary to my intentions. He claimed that, in falling back and taking the ground that he intended when his division was reti ring, the enemy would probably have been drawn from a good position, and the advantage given to the Americans. The weak point in Lee s conduct was the fact of his not having sent word to Wash ington of the retreat of his troops by which neglect the safety of the whole army was hazarded. This looked either like premeditated injury or uncontrolla ble confusion. General Lee was found guilty of all the charges, though in the second the ex- BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART u. Dec. 5, pression " shameful" was omitted, and the term " disorderly" mitigated by the inser tion of " in some instances." The sentence was, suspension from all command in the armies of the United States for the term of twelve months. The finding of the court was now re ferred to Congress for its action. Lee went to Philadelphia at the time, and was not a little wounded in spirit to find his old popularity so much on the wane, that, although he had still strong friends, the majority of the members were evidently against him. He strove to better his cause, by writing a clever defence, which he termed " General Lee s Vindication to the Public." The opinion of Congress was, however, unfavorable ; and in an exceedingly thin house, fifteen voted in the affirmative and seven in the negative, thus confirming the decision of the court-martial. General Lee s temper was not improved by these adverse circumstances. He be came greatly embittered against Wash ington, and took every occasion to rail at him and his military conduct. The lat ter remained in stoical indifference ; but one of his aids, Colonel Laurens, was hot and young enough to take up the quar rel, and wrote to Lee, declaring that, in contempt of decency and truth, he had " publicly abused General Washington in the grossest terms," and that the relation in which he (Laurens) stood to him for bade him to pass such conduct unnoticed. He therefore demanded the satisfaction which he was entitled to ; and desired that, as soon as General Lee should think himself at liberty, he would appoint time and place for a hostile meeting, and name his weapons." Lee did not hesitate to accept the chal lenge, and, taking advantage of his privi lege, as the challenged party, of choosing his weapons, he selected pistols instead of the smallsword, in the use of which he was a great adept, but which he now de clined in consequence of being in a some- wluit weak state of body, on account of a fall from his horse, and a recent fit of the gout. His courage was undoubted, and Lee bore himself in the encounter with cool intrepidity. His antagonist, however, proved the better shot, and wounded him slightly in the side. Lee was especially envenomed against the members of Congress who were prom inent in favor of confirming the decision of the court-rnartial ; and William Henry Drayton, of South Carolina, drew upon himself the most concentrated bitterness of the wrathful general, who tells him in a letter, " I find that you are as malignant a scoundrel as you are universally allowed to be a ridiculous and disgusting coxcomb." tJ e7 Again, he says : " You tell me the Ameri cans are the most merciful people on the face of the earth. I think so too ; and the strongest instance of it is, that they did not long ago hang you up, and every advo cate for the stamp-act. And do not Hatter yourself that the present virtuous airs of patriotism you may give yourself, and your hard-labored letters to the commis sioners and the king, will ever wash away the stain. If you think the terms I make use of harsh or unmerited, my friend Ma jor Edwards is commissioned to point out your remedy." REVOLUTIONARY.] RETIREMENT AND DEATH OF GENERAL LEE. 645 Lee was not indulged in his wish for another duel, but was allowed to retire to his plantation in Berkeley county, in Virginia, and there in solitude nurse his discontent. But he nevertheless still ex hibited his malevolence toward Washing ton, by publishing his " Queries., Political and Military" in which there was a labored attempt to depreciate the military quali fications and conduct of the commander- in-chief. When the " Queries" were sent to the publishers of the Philadelphia pa pers, they refused to publish them; but they were finally printed in the "Mary land Journal" of Baltimore. Their publi cation caused a storm of indignation, and the deeply-incensed people insisted upon the name of the author of the gross li bels. Lee now became an object of al most universal scorn.* The spirit of the fallen general contin ued to grow more and more irritable and morose. Having heard a rumor that he was to be deprived of his commission at the close of the term for which he was suspended, Lee, without waiting to ascer tain the truth or falsity of the report, wrote an insulting letter to the president of Congress, saying : " Sir, I understand that it is in contemplation of Congress, on the principle of economy, to strike me out of their service. Congress must know very little of me, if they suppose that I would accept of their money, since the con firmation of the wicked and infamous sentence * Among the " Queries," twenty-five in number, arc the following, showing the malignant spirit which animated the whole : " Whether it is salutary or dangerous, consistent with or abhorrent from the spirit and principles of liberty and republicanism, to inculcate and encourage in the people an idea that their welfare, safety, and glory, depend on one man ? Whether they really do depend on one man ?" which ivas passed upon me"* This was re ceived in high dudgeon by Congress, and provoked that body to do the very act which it been unjustly suspected of in tending: Lee was summarily dismissed from the army. He now hid himself from all public observation, slinking away in his half-ruined house on his Virginia es tate, and avoiding all companionship but that of his horses and dogs. " His dwel ling," says his biographer, " was more like a barn than a palace. Glass-windows and plastering would have been luxuri ous extravagance, and his furniture con sisted of a very few necessary articles." Without partitions, the one apartment of the house was divided into parts by lines of chalk ; and the eccentric old cam paigner, as he looked upon his bed in one corner, his guns, whips, and saddles, in another, his library in a third, and his kitchen in a fourth, congratulated him self that he could sit and oversee the whole without moving from his chair! Thus he lived for several years, until he found that hoeing tobacco, as he termed it, was rapidly bringing him into debt. He now removed to Philadelphia, where he took lodgings at an inn in Market street, known by the sign of " The Connes- tijoe Wayyon" A few days after his arri val, he was attacked by a fever, which proved fatal, and he died on the 2d of October, 1782. The last words which the veteran was heard to utter in his delirium (doubtless inspired by the flickering re membrance of his European campaigns) were, "Stand by inc., my brave grenadiers /" * Subsequently, however, on learning that the report wag without foundation, he offered an apology to Congress. BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PABT II. In his will, General Lee showed his gratitude to those friends who had been faithful to him through all the vicissitudes of his strange career. Among his old aids- de-camp he divided his landed estate and distributed most of his horses, his " brood mares and his fillies," of which he had a choice variety. To his " old and faithful servant, or rather humble friend, Guiseppi Minghini," he bequeathed three hundred guineas, to his housekeeper one hundred and his stock of cattle, with all his negroes to be divided equally between the two. He also took care to leave money to buy "rings of affection" for this and that friend in whose memory he desired still to lin- This characteristic request closed the will : " I desire most earnestly that I may not be buried in any church or church yard, or uithin a mile of any Presbyterian or Anabaptist meetinghouse ; for, since I have resided in this country, I have kept so much bad company when living, that I do not choose to continue it when dead. ::: "I recommend my soul to the Creator of all worlds and of all creatures ; who must, from his visible attributes, be indif ferent to their modes of worship or creeds whether Christians, Mohammedans, or Jews ; whether instilled by education or taken up by reflection ; whether more or less absurd ; as a weak mortal can no more be answerable for his persuasions, notions, or even skepticism, in religion, than for the color of his skin." * Notwithstanding this expressed wish, Lee was interred in Christ churchyard, at Philadelphia, with military honors, and in presence of a large assemblage of the people, drawn together more by curiosity than veneration, to look upon the remains of one_whose life had been so eventful Lee passed away under a cloud which has perhaps for ever obscured his charac ter and motives. His conduct at Mon- mouth has been differently appreciated. At the time, most men were of the opin ion that it was actuated by envy of Wash ington, whom he had hopes of supplant ing in the chief command, if, by thwarting his purposes, he could make it appear that the general-in-chief was unequal to his position. Others have not hesitated to charge Lee witli treasonable designs, and have connected with his conduct at Monmouth an incident which occurred a short time previously: "Soon after General Lee rejoined the army at Valley Forge," says Sparks, " a curious incident occurred. By order of Congress, General Washington was re quired to administer the oath of allegi ance to the general officers. The major- generals stood around Washington, and took hold of a bible together, according to the usual custom ; but just as he began to administer the oath, Lee deliberately withdrew his hand twice. This move ment was so singular, and was performed in so odd a manner, that the officers smiled, and Washington inquired the meaning of his hesitancy. Lee replied : As to King George, 1 am ready enough to absolve myself from all allegiance to him; but I have some scruples about the prince of Wales. The strangeness of this reply was such, that the officers burst into a broad laugh, and even Washington could not refrain from a smile. The ceremony was, of course, interrupted. It was re newed as soon as a composure was re stored proper for the solemnity of the oc REVOLUTIONARY] CHARACTER OF LEE. HIS TREASON PROVED. 647 ensiori, and Lee took the oath with the other officers."* While most men attributed Lee s con duct at Monmouth to envy, and some to treason, there were others who justified it, as the general himself strove to do, on the score of its propriety. Even Marshall, the impartial judge, declares that the rea- * A document, found among the papers of Lord and Sir William Howe, has lately come into the possession of the New-York Historical Society, which proves that Lee was guilty of an act of treason while a prisoner at New York, whatever may have heen his conduct before or after. This document is in the handwriting of the general, and is en dorsed " LEE S PLAN, 1777," by Strachey, the secretary of Lord and Sir William Howe. It contains an elaborate plan for a campaign against the Americans, by which the war, as the writer of the document says, " may be effectually put an end to." The paper was evidently drawn up for the benefit of the enemy, and submitted to the Howes, while Lee was a captive in New York. He proposed an expedi tion against New England, so as to keep the inhabitants there at home, and make it an easy matter for the British to hold possession of New York and the Jerseys. He suggest ed that, simultaneously with this movement eastward, a con siderable force should be sent up the Chesapeake bay, to land at and take possession of Annapolis, and march into the interior of Maryland as far as Queen Anne county. An- . other was to be despatched up the Potomac, and take pos session of Alexandria, when the two invading armies might form a junction ; while a third should ascend the Delaware and capture Philadelphia. The middle states would now be in subjection, and New England and the southern states would be too wide apart to act in efficient concert. " These things accomplished," adds Mr. Lossing, " and the system of resistance dismembered, all that would be necessary, to insure a complete subjugation of the revolted states to the crown, would be the issuing of proclamations of pardon to all who should desert the republican standard, and return to their allegiance to King George." The paper seems to have had its effect, for the subsequent southern campaign of the British accorded witli the views set forth by Lee in his plan, upon the success of which he emphatically declares that he is ready to stake his life. With this document the treason of General Lee is proved beyond a doubt; and his conduct at Monmouth was doubtless prompted by a desire to throw the game into the hands of the enemy, to whose interest while at New York he had pledged himself. (This " plan" of Lee was discovered at the close of 1857, among some papers said to have been brought from Nova Scotia, and offered for sale in New York. It was published in 1859 under the auspices of Professor George H. Moore, the libra rian of the Historical Society.) sons given by Lee for his retreat were such that, "if they do not absolutely es tablish its propriety, they give it so ques tionable a form as to render it probable that a public examination never would have taken place, could his proud spirit have stooped to offer explanation instead of outrage to the commander-in-chief." It has been inferred, from the fact that Washington, after Lee s retreat, and hav ing temporarily deprived him of his com mand, should have immediately reinstated him on the field, that therefore it was his intention to have overlooked his conduct, until he was provoked into noticing it by Lee s insolent letters. This supposition, however, seems so to belittle the motives of Washington, by giving them a person al character, that it is surprising that his torians have ventured thus to dishonor the great man. " I will defy any person out of my own family," said Washington himself, " to say that I have ever mentioned his name, if it w r as to be avoided ; and when not, that I have studiously declined expressing any sentiment of him or his behavior." Lee did his utmost to provoke recrimination, but Washington passed by his malevo lence without notice, declaring : " I have neither the leisure nor inclination to en ter the lists with him in a newspaper; and, so far as his production points to personality, I can and do from my inmost soul despise it." Lee havjng by will left his papers in charge of Mr. Goddard, the editor of the "Maryland Journal" who in 1785 proposed to publish them, and wrote to Washington, to know if he wished to examine them previously ; but the latter 048 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART n. declined, solemnly averring : " I can have no request to make concerning the work. I never had a difference with that gen tleman but on public grounds; and my conduct toward him, on this occasion, was such only as I felt myself indispensably bound to adopt in discharge of the public trust reposed in me. If this produced in him unfavorable sentiments of me, I can never consider the conduct I pursued with respect to him either wrong or improper, however I may regret that it may have been differently viewed by him, and that it excited his anger and animadversions. Should there appear in General Lee s wri tings anything injurious or unfriendly to me, the impartial and dispassionate world must decide how far I deserved it, from the general tenor of my conduct." In passing judgment upon the charac ter of General Lee, it must be borne in mind that from the beginning he seems to have acted from interested and selfish motives. Thus, when on the 19th of July, 1775, the continental Congress appointed a committee to wait upon him and notify him of his appointment, they reported that Lee gave for answer : " That he had the highest sense of the honor conferred upon him by the Congress ; that no effort in his power shall be wanting to serve the American cause ; but, before he en tered upon the service, he desired a con ference with a committee, to consist of one delegate from each of the associated colonies, to whom he desired to explain some par ticulars respecting his private fortune." A committee having been appointed, and reporting favorably, Congress " resolved that the colonies tvill indemnify General Lee for any loss of property which he may sustain by entering into their service ; and that the same be done by this or any future Con gress, as soon as such loss is ascertained." This was in marked contrast to the con duct of Washington, who, though incur ring a pecuniary risk far greater than that of Lee, not only required from Congress no surety for the safety of his private for tune, but nobly served throughout the war without personal reward. General Charles Lee "must hereafter be deservedly ranked with Church and Arnold, among the traitors whose deeds stain the annals of the American Revo lution Reckless and unprincipled, he was willing to be a traitor to both par ties; but, fortunately for the republican cause, he was deprived of opportunities for doing mischief at a most critical time. As a military adventurer, he was con tinually aiming to secure personal advan tages. Proud of his abilities, and puffed up by flatterers, he aspired to be the com- rnander-in-chief of the American armies. His ambition was checked at the outset. His meteoric light was dimmed by the steady planetary lustre of a greater than he; and, chafed by disappointment, and hopes deferred, and a jealous spirit of ri valry, he was ready to betray the people who confided in his honor, and to seek preferment, fame, and fortune, through the dark lanes of treason and its abiding infamy."* REVOLUTIONARY.] THE BEAUTIFUL VALLEY OF WYOMING. G49 CHAPTER LXXII. Description of the Vale of Wyoming. An Indian Paradise. " Delightful Wyoming." A Change. Quarrel of the Shawnees and the Delawares. The Lords of Wyoming. The First White Man. Count Zinzendorf. An Unbeliev ing Audience. A Miracle. Conversion. Yankee Adventurers. The Susquchanna Company. Peace and Happi. ness. A Sudden Change. Indian Massacre. The Pennsylvania Company. The Quarrel with Great Britain. The Patriots of the Valley. Wyoming in Danger. Colonel Zehulon Butler. Preparations for Defence. Approach of the Enemy. The Butler Rangers. Encingerachtan. The Battle. Fratricide. Massacre. Suffering. Horror upon Horror. Surrender of Fort Forty. Savage Orgies. Tragic Laughter. Flight of the Inhabitants. Adventure and Suffering. Desolate Wyoming. A Metamorphosis. 1778, AMONG the mountains of Pennsyl vania, between the Blue Ridge and the Alleghanies, lies the valley of Wyo ming. Through a gap in the rugged wall of mountain which encloses it, the river Susquehanna bursts, and then winds in a gentle flow among the rolling fields and level meadows which, for more than a score of miles in length and three miles in breadth, form the fertile area of the vale. As the river turns and turns in its tortuous course through groves of wil low, sycamore, and rnnple, it widens here and there into lake-like expanses, where its waters are increased by the flow of other and smaller streams, which gush in noisy torrents from the mountains on all sides, but soon subside into gentle rivu lets as they course smoothly through the level meads. The scene of beauty pre sented by Wyoming is unsurpassed in Nature. The mountains, often precipi tous and rugged, and jagged here and there with wild ravines, either choked with the forest-growth or flooded with turbulent torrents, increase by contrast the gentle beauties of the valley which they enclose. 82 Inviting, however, as is this beautiful valley to repose and happiness, it had hardly been the abode of either at the time of which we write. Long before the white man, attracted by its promise of generous reward to labor, sought to fix his home upon its fertile soil, the Indian had made it his favorite resort. The sav age may have been unconscious of the beauties, but he was familiar with the advantages, of the valley. Its seclusion offered comparative security to his wig wam, his squaw, and his children, hidden from a vindictive enemy among the ma ples on the river-bank, while he roamed beyond the mountains in pursuit of the elk. The stream which flowed close by his door was filled with fishes of all kinds with the perch, the pike, the bass, the catfish, the roach, and the shad. Small game, too, abounded everywhere in the valley. The quail whistled in the mead ow ; the pheasant rustled in its leafy cov ert; the wild-duck reared her brood and bent the reed in every islet ; and even the red deer ventured to browse upon the acclivities of the surrounding hills/ - * Miner s History of Wyoming. 050 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART IT. With nothing but the rude culture of the Indian, the maize grew abundantly on the fertile land ; while the wild plum, the grape, the hazelnut, and the butter nut, yielded a profuse harvest, without the care or labor of man. Such was " delightful Wyoming" by Na ture ; but it was never long a scene of peace and repose. Different tribes of In dians came to build their villages in the valley. There was plenty of room for all. The Nanticokes had settled on the east side of the Susquehanna, and the Shawnees in the meadows on the west ; when the Delawares, driven away from their native river by the warlike IroquoLs, came also to settle in the valley, on the banks of the first-named stream. For awhile, peace reigned among them. The Delawares, however, being away up on the mountains, on a hunting-expedi tion, some of their squaws with their chil dren went to gather wild fruits along the banks of the river, when they came upon a company of Shawnee mothers and little ones. A Shawnee boy (so runs the tradi tion) having caught a large grasshopper, a quarrel arose between him and some of the little Delawares as to whom it be longed. The mothers now took part in the dispute, and from words they came to blows ; when, after several had been killed in the strife, the Shawnees were forced to take to their canoes and paddle across to the side of the river where they belonged. When the Delaware warriors returned from the mountains, and heard of the quarrel and its fatal consequences, they resolved upon revenge. A fierce conflict ensued, in which nearly one half of the whole tribe of the Shawnees were killed, and the rest were driven for ever from the valley.* In the course of time, the Delawares became the sole lords of Wy oming. The first white man who penetrated through the mountains to this secluded valley was Count Zinzendorfj who came with pious enthusiasm to convert the In dians, f He arrived in 1742, accompanied only by an interpreter, and boldly set up his tent on the outskirts of the village. He told the Indians, as they gathered threateningly about him, that he had crossed the great waters, and was a mes senger from the Great Spirit sent to teach them the true worship. They listened, but did not believe his word ; and, think ing that his object was to take their lands from him, they determined to destroy the intruder. With the genuine nature of Indians, they chose the night for the pur pose, and, with their tomahawks in their hands, groped their way to the good man s tent. As they lifted its folds, and were stealing in with cautious steps, they saw * They migrated to North Carolina, thence to Ohio, and were finally removed to the " Indian reservation" in Kansas, where they now remain, in charge of Quakers. t Count NICHOLAS Louis ZINZENDORF, the restorer of the sect of Moravians, was born at Dresden, in 1700. He was son of the elector of Saxony s chamberlain; and was educated at Halle and Wittenberg. He early manifested an enthusiastic turn of mind with respect to religious concerns. In 1721, having given an asylum on his estate to some of the persecuted Moravian brethren, he espoused their doc trines, and became the head of their church. To spread those doctrines, and procure toleration for the professors of them, he travelled over a large part of continental Europe, visited England, and made two voyages to America. He died in 1760. The Moravians, and their head, were long the subject of many gross calumnies, from which, however, their meritorious conduct has amply vindicated them. Cy clopaedia of Biography. REVOLUTIONARY.] COUNT ZINDENDORF. MASSACRE OF WHITES. 651 Zinzendorf seated upon a bundle of reeds which he had cut from the margin of the river, and writing in a book before him. At that moment a huge rattlesnake, which had been enlivened by the warmth of the fire that the count had lighted, came out of the hollow of a tree, and crawled over his feet, apparently without his being con scious of it. The deadly purpose of the savages was at once arrested ; and, believ ing that their visiter was under the pro tection and truly a messenger of the Great Spirit, they stole quietly back to the vil lage, and told of the wonder which they had beheld. This secured a favorable re ception for Zinzendorf among the Dela- wares j and the Moravians date their suc cess as missionaries among the Indians from this event. Other white visiters, however, soon came, with very different objects from those of the benevolent Zinzendorf. In 1750, a band of shrewd New-Englanders crossed the mountains, and, gazing from the summits of the surrounding hills upon the fertile valley of Wyoming, were at once impressed with the advantages it offered for a profitable enterprise. On contrasting the rugged hills of their na tive Connecticut with the fat lands which had gladdened their eyes from the mount ain-tops of the Susquehanna, they became dissatisfied with their home, and deter mined to emigrate. The " Susquehanna Company" was accordingly formed, for the purpose of trading with the Dela- wares for their beautiful valley, and ma king arrangements for the proposed set tlement. The Indians were readily per suaded to part with " delightful Wyoming" for the sum of " two thousand pounds of current money of the province of New York." It was not, however, till the year 1762, after the close of the French War, that the New-Englanders took possession of their purchase, when some two hundred men entered the valley, and commenced clearing farms. They had cut down the timber, built their log-houses, and, before the winter frosts set in, had sown broad fields with wheat. They now concealed their implements of husbandry, that they might be secure from the depredations of the Indians, who still preserved their villages in the valley, and returned to pass the winter in Connecticut. In the spring of 1763 they came back with their wives and their children* their cattle and their household furniture, intending to make Wyoming their permanent home. The season had been favorable ; their crops had proved abundant, and the set tlers were looking forward with hope to a life of peace and happiness, when sud denly a large party of their savage neigh bors burst upon them with a loud war- whoop, and began an indiscriminate mas sacre. Twenty fell at the first attack, and the rest of the white settlers fled in fright to the mountains. The Indians, fearful that they would suffer a severe retribution from the hands of the whites, disappeared altogether from the valley ; when again, after an interval of six years, another hardy band of settlers came from Connecticut. There were no longer any red men to oppose them, but some hardly less savage whites now disputed posses sion of the valley. BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART IT. A Pennsylvania company, in the mean while, had prevailed upon the Indians to sell their land over again, and repudiate the purchase of theNew-Englanders. Accord ingly, when forty of the latter, under the authority of the Susquehanna Company, came to take possession of Wyoming, they found a formidable number of represen tatives of the rival association prepared to dispute it with them. A fight ensued, and the " Yankees" were driven off; but, coming back with a reinforcement, they fi nally, after a prolonged struggle,succeed- ed in securing possession of the ground. The dispute, however, still remained un decided, when the breaking out of the Revolutionary War diverted the inhabit ants of the valley from their own quarrel to that with Great Britain. The people, with prompt patriotism, eagerly came forward to sustain the cause of liberty. Two companies, of eighty-two men each, were raised in the town of Westmoreland, as the chief settlement in the valley of Wyoming was called. These readily obeyed the summons of Congress to join Washington, and aid in fighting the battles of the country. They were with the continental army in its camp at Brunswick, when their homes on the Sus quehanna were threatened with devasta tion by the savage allies of the British. Letters came from aged fathers, mothers, from wives and sisters, urging their nat ural protectors to hasten to the defence of all they loved. The summons was heard, but could not be obeyed. The men begged for permission to leave the army, and go to Wyoming, but were re fused. Congress and their own state of Connecticut were appealed to, but in vain. At the last moment, some twenty men, willing to risk all, deserted, and five com missioned officers resigned, and hastened to Wyoming, with the sad foreboding that they might be too late, and even power less if in time, to avert from their beloved vale the impending blow, but determined to share the common peril with their kin dred. Colonel Zebulon Butler, a continental officer, had been successful in his appli cation for leave of absence from the army, and, being chosen leader, now prepared to make every resistance which the val ley with its diminished population was capable of. On each side of the Susque hanna were several old forts, rudely con structed of logs. The principal one on the west, about two miles above Wilkes- barre, was " Fort Forty," so called from having been raised by the forty pioneers who came into the valley in 1769. This had been strengthened when the Revo lutionary War began, and blockhouses were now added to it, to shelter the wo men and children when forced to seek refuge from the enemy. Colonel Zebulon Butler now mustered all the force that he could gather. This amounted but "to two hundred and thirty enrolled men and seventy old people boys, civil magistrates, and other volun teers." Most of the able-bodied men were with Washington s army, and those who had been left in the valley were the few whose labor w r as necessary to cultivate the land ; while the rest of the male in habitants were the aged and the sick. They all now came forward in the urgen- REVOLUTIONARY.] WYOMING INVADED BY TORIES AND INDIANS. 653 cy of danger. The strong men abandoned the fields ; the old men and the feeble left their retreats beneath the sweet shades of the honeysuckled porch; the boys played no longer about the school- house. Age, youth, and sickness, were nerved to unusual vigor ; and every one, with musket on his shoulder, prepared to strike a blow for the defence of his home. While the men were being drilled from morning till night at the fort, the \vomen and the girls cheerfully went forth into the fields to plant seed, make hay, or gar- iier corn. They also bore a share in the military preparations. A " pounder" was brought into the settlement; "and the women took up their .floors, dug out the earth, put it in casks, and run water through it (as ashes are leached); then took ashes in another cask, and made lye ; mixed the water from the earth with weak lye, boiled it, set it to cool, and the saltpetre rose to the top. Charcoal and sulphur were then used, and powder pro duced for the public defence."* The expected foe finally approached. On the last day of June, 1778, Colonel John Butler, a tory of Tryon county, in New York, an ally of Sir William and Sir Guy Johnson, and like them famous as a leader of the Indians, entered the head of the valley of Wyoming. The force with him numbered about eleven hun dred men, and was composed of the But ler Rangers, a detachment of Johnson s Royal Greens, and about six hundred In dians, led on by Encingcrachtan., a chief of the " Turtle" tribe of the Senecas. Among Butler s troops were some tories who be- * Miner s History. longed to Wyoming valley, and who, hav ing been driven away from their homes, burned to revenge themselves upon the patriots, although they had been their old neighbors, and among them were their kindred. At the head of the valley there were still some settlers left who clung to the tory interests ; and as soon as Butler pre sented himself, his plans were facilitated by their connivance. Fort Wintermost was in the control of a family of that name, who, being loyalists, did not hesi tate to yield it up at once ; while another fort was forced to surrender. Butler then sent a summons to Fort Forty, which the resolute patriots who held it answered by a prompt refusal. As soon as the enemy had entered the valley, Colonel Zebulon Butler mustered alt his force at the fort, where the settlers had fled for refuge. The summons to sur render having been refused, a council was held, to consider what next was to be done. The majority were for marching out against the foe, and giving them bat tle at once. Butler and some of the old er officers were in favor of delay, in the hope that some reinforcements which they had urgently entreated might be sent to their aid, would arrive. The impatience of the rest, however, could not be con trolled ; and Colonel Butler, though still opposed to the march, mounted his horse, exclaiming, "I tell you we go into great danger, but I can go as far as any of you !" and led forth his meager band of "three hundred men, old men, and boys." They set out on their march at three o clock in the afternoon ; and, as 65 t BATTLES OF AMERICA. they advanced toward the head of the val ley, they saw Fort Wintermost in flames, which had been set on fire by the enemy, to give the impression that they were re tiring. The colonel pushed on until he came w r ithin sight of the enemy, posted on a plain between the river Susquehanna and a marsh, when, selecting his ground, he drew up his little force. On the right of "Indian Butler" (as lie was called, to dis tinguish him from the commander of the patriots) were his savage allies and the tories of Wyoming, while on his left were his own Rangers and Johnson s Royal Greens. The patriot Butler formed his line of the same extent, directly opposite, posting his right near the river, and his left, under Colonel Denison, toward the marsh. " Men, yonder is the enemy !" exclaim ed the patriot colonel. " We come out to fight, not only for liberty, but for life itself; and, what is dearer, to preserve our homes from conflagration, and our women and children from the tomahawk. Stand firm the first shock, and the Indi ans will give way. Every man to his duty!" "Be firm! everything depends on resistingthe first shock," repeated Colo nel Denison on the left : and the whole line was ordered to fire, and at each dis charge to advance a step. The men behaved themselves with cool ness, and kept up the fire steadily and with such effect, that at one moment the enemy appeared to waver; but the Indi ans now came to their rescue. These sav ages plunged into the morass, to turn the left flank of the patriots ; while others, [PART n. skulking behind the bushes and the pine- trees which grew near the river, kept up a galling fire on the right. Colonel Deni son strove to prevent the Indians from outflanking him, and ordered the left wing to fall back, that it might present a front to them. His raw militia, however, mis understood the order, and began to re treat. "Don t leave me, my children," cried their colonel, " and the victory is ours !" But it was too late. The great est confusion prevailed, and the patriots finally turned and fled in all directions, with the savages in fierce pursuit. Few escaped the merciless tomahawk; no quar ter was shown, and many of those taken prisoners were put to d^eath with cruel tortures. The Indians counted two hundred and twenty-seven scalps as their barbarous trophies of the day, and only spared the lives of five of the captives, who were saved with the greatest difficulty by the interposition of their white leader, Butler. Great as were the horrors of the massa cre, they were much exaggerated by the contemporary reports, which have been repeated by most subsequent historians. Two well-authenticated incidents., howev er, were of a nature sufficiently terrible to set the imagination brooding;, until hor- O O- 7 ror accumulated upon horror. Several of the fugitives, having thrown away their arms, succeeded in swimming to an island in the river called Monocko- nock, and hid themselves amid the brush wood. The enemy were in hot pursuit, arid followed them across the stream, and, having deliberately wiped their muskets, which had been wetted by the water, re- KKVOLUTIONART.] FRATRICIDE. FORT FORTY SURRENDERED. 655 loaded them, and began to beat up the island in search of the hidden fugitives. One of the pursuers was a former tory settler of Wyoming ; ( and as he passed slowly along, carefully scrutinizing every covert, he suddenly came upon a fugitive, who proved to be his brother ! " So, it is you, is it ?" exclaimed he fiercely. The poor fellow, finding himself discovered, came out of his hiding-place, and, throw ing himself upon his knees, begged his brother to spare his life ; declaring that, if he would, he would live with him and serve him as a slave for the rest of his days. " All this is mighty good, but you are a d d rebel !" was the only answer to this fraternal appeal ; and the monster levelled his rifle, and shot his brother dead upon the spot. One Elijah Shoemaker, while endeav oring to escape, plunged into the river; but, not being able to swim, he feared to venture beyond his depth. At this mo ment he was observed by one of the ene my, a tory of the name of Windecker, who had been indebted to Shoemaker for many an act of neighborly kindness in former days. " Come out. Shoemaker !" hallooed Windecker. "I am afraid you will give me up to the Indians," was the reply. No," rejoined Windecker, "I ll save you ; they sha n t hurt you." The poor fellow, trusting to his word, no soon er came within his reach, than the per fidious Windecker dashed his tomahawk into his head, and sent the lifeless body floating down the stream. Some fugitives escaped by swimming the river ; others by crossing the morass to the mountains, and hiding themselves until night, when they made their way back to Fort Forty. The two colonels, being mounted, were the first to reach the fort, and bring the sad intelligence of the day s disaster to the defenceless old men, Avomen, and children, there hud dled together. After they had drawn up terms of capitulation to be offered to the enemy, Colonel Butler crossed the river to Wilkesbarre ; and early next morning, throwing a feather-bed across his horse, and mounting with his wife behind him, he made his escape from the valley, leav ing Colonel Denison in chief command of the fort. In the evening, a small reinforcement of militia from the neighboring towns of Salern and Huntington arrived at Fort Forty, which somewhat strengthened the garrison, but did not encourage them to hold out. On the next morning, f Colonel John, the " Indian" But ler, sent in a summons to Colonel Deni son to surrender, which, after a short ne gotiation, was complied with. The terms agreed upon were, that the settlers should lay -down their arms, and not resume them during the contest; that the fort be de molished ; that the continental stores be given up ; that the British prisoners in the fort be released ; that the inhabitants be allowed to occupy their farms, that their lives and property be preserved, and that Colonel Butler should use his utmost influence with his troops and Indians in securing these conditions. It was also agreed that the property taken from " the people called tories" should be made good, and that they should be allowed to re main in the peaceable possession of their BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PATCT II. July 5. farms, and unmolested in pursuing a free trade throughout the settlement. On the ensuing day, the gates of Fort Forty were thrown open, and the tory Butler entered with his Ran gers, followed by the Seneca chief En- cingerachtan and his Indian warriors. o The arms of the garrison were all stacked, and Butler, pointing to them as his sav age allies came in, exclaimed, " See what a present the Yankees have made you !" During the day, the Indians contented themselves with skulking about the set tlement, and peering with their painted faces through the doors of the houses ; and, although they greatly terrified the inhabitants, they did not harm them or their property. The savages, however, soon gave way to their instincts for plun der. Helping themselves to the rum in the shops and taverns, they soon became so wild with drink, that their leader, But ler, lost all control over them. He was remonstrated with by Colonel Denison, for not extending the protection to the inhabitants which had been guarantied by the treaty. Butler, however, waved his hand significantly, and declared, "I can do nothing with them." Without further effort to check their barbarous propensities, he marched out of the val ley with his tory confederates, and left the settlement to the mercy of his savage allies. The Indians, in company with their squaws, now went prowling about from house to house, from barn to henroost, in search of plunder. Nothing escaped them. They tore the hunting -shirts from the men s backs, and pulled the bonnets from the heads of the women. The " great chests" were ransacked, and the stores of household linen, so dear to good house wives, carried off by the filthy hands of drunken squaws. The ovens were robbed of the last loaf, before the wistful eyes of famishing children. They seized upon the feather-beds, flung out the feathers, and, cramming in their plunder, threw them upon the horses stolen from the sta bles ; and then decking themselves in ill- assorted finery, they paraded in grotesque triumph throughout the settlement. The drunken, -painted squaw, with bonnets put on all awry, and towering three deep upon her head, with a bright scarlet cloak hanging before her, a terrific wand in her hand strung with bloody scalps, and jolt ing upon some sorry nag along the road, presented a horrid picture, }^et so gro tesque, that it did not fail, even in those hours of trouble, to raise a laugh from the suffering spectators. Thus the savages revelled in riot and robbery from day to day for a week, un til they finally set fire to all the houses in the settlement, and gave up the fields of grain to the. trampling hoof of horse and cattle. The inhabitants fled for ref uge to the fort, where they remained for a fortnight, living upon a concealed store of provisions, which had fortunately es caped the observation of the Indian rob bers, who did not leave " a hoof, a kernel, or a morsel of bread or meat," which they could either carry away or burn. As their provisions were being rapidly exhausted, as all hope of aid from beyond the mountains passed away, and as the savages still prowled about, and peered into the very embrasures of the fort, and HK VOLUTION ART.] DESOLATION OF WYOMING. 657 jeered at the poor wretches huddled to gether with the cruel threat, " Wild In dians come soon kill Yankee and eat em !" it was determined to abandon the ill-fated colony. Their work of devasta tion .accomplished, the savages returned to their homes, having burnt every dwel ling but a few near the fort at Wilkesbarre. A general exodus of the survivors now took place. Some constructed rude boats, and risked their all upon the dangerous waters of the Susquehanna; some few were fortunate enough to find a stray horse or a pair of oxen, while the greater portion were obliged to travel their wea ry wny on foot. With a scanty supply of provisions to begin their journey, they had exhausted them all long before they reached the hospitable homes of their countrymen beyond the mountains. In their hunger they were forced to feed themselves on the twigs and roots of the sassafras and the wild berries which grew by the roadside. Women and children sickened and died by the way, and strong men almost gave up in despair when they found themselves powerless to save those they loved. In a few weeks, however, the fugitives began to return, in order to secure such of their crops as had escaped destruction. In October they undertook to gather the remains of their comrades who had fallen, and to give them decent burial. The weather had been so hot and dry, that the mutilated corpses were shrivelled up and inoffensive. They could be recognised only by the clothing that remained upon them. They were taken up with pitch forks, and deposited in a common grave,- 83 which remained unmarked for more than half a century. At last a granite monu ment was erected over the spot, bearing appropriate inscriptions, and recording the names of those who fell in that fatal battle. During the remainder of the war, Wy oming was harassed by prowling bands of Indians. No man who went into the fields in the morning had any security that he would not be waylaid, shot, and scalped, before night. Scarcely a month passed which was not marked by some murder committed by the marauding sav ages. Thus was the beautiful vale of Wyo ming made desolate by a savage enemy. The dark morasses of the Pocono river, through which the wretched fugitives from the battle fled before the ruthless tomahawks of Butler s pursuing Indians now received the fitting appellation of "Tlie Slmdes of Death." The valley had never resembled the picture which Camp bell, with a poet s license, had painted of its earlier days: " Delightful Wyoming ! beneath thy skies The happy shepherd-swains had naught to do But feed their flocks on green declivities, Or skim perchance thy lake with light canoe." In these later times, there is but little hope of an Arcadian revival, with such unpastoral elements as a puffing locomo tive, a smoky furnace-chimney, or a board ed factory. Wyoming, with all its attrac tions, will ever owe more to the genius of the poet for its picturesque reputation than to the rich bounty of Nature or the homely virtues of its inhabitants. 658 BATTLES OF AMERICA. LPART n. CHAPTER LXXIII. A Timely Escape. Arrival of a French Fleet. The Count D Estaing. Encampment of the Americans. Character ot D Estaing. French Hyberbole. Arrival of the French Minister and the American Agent. Admiral Lord Howe on the Move. Spirit of the British Tars. The two Fleets in Sight. D Estaing prudently sails away. He arrives at Newport. Another Chance lost. Expedition against Rhode Island. Active Preparations by Washington. John Hancock in Arms. Plans of Attack. Postponement. Gallic: Sensibility. An Apology demanded. Appearance of Lord Howe. D Estaing sails out to meet Him. Manoeuvres. General Sullivan begins the Siege. A Terrible gtorm. No Appearance of D Estaing. He arrives at Last. The Adventures of his Fleet. The Storm. Fight with the British. A Drawn Battle. D Estaing goes to Boston to refit. Disappointment of the Americans. Quarrel with Sullivan. A Satirical Order. Complaint of D Estaing to Congress. Lafayette interposes. The British Attack. The Americans on the Defensive. Retreat of Sullivan. New Bedford laid in Ruins. 1778, July 8, SIR HENRY CLINTON with his army and Admiral Lord Howe with his ships had escaped just in time. They had left Philadelphia and the Delaware only a few days before the formidable French fleet, under Count D Estaing, ap peared off the mouth of the riv er. The voyage from Toulon, pro longed by head winds, had lasted eighty- seven days, and the French admiral was thus balked of his purpose of caging the English earl within the Delaware. D Es- taing s fleet, composed of twelve ships-of- the-line and six frigates, and having on board, in addition to full crews, troops amounting to over four thousand men, was in a condition to have effectually checked the movements of the British, if not, with the co-operation of Washing ton s army, to have forced both Howe and Clinton to terms. This practical demonstration of the ad vantages of the "French alliance" gave great encouragement to the Americans, and they warmly welcomed the arrival of D Estaing. His personal reputation was not such as to be particularly assu ring, or the reverse ; but the substantial aid be brought with him, in the shape of great ships and powerful armaments, to gether with thousands of men, were such accessions of strength, that for the first time the people felt that they had such resources at command as to remove all dread of being overwhelmed by the ma terial weight and wealth of the powerful nation against which they were bravely struggling. Count CHARLES HENRY D ESTAING, the French admiral, was a native of the prov ince of Auvergne, and had acquired some reflected glory while serving under the great Marshal Saxe, and in the East In dies under the famous native Irishman and naturalized Frenchman De Lally. D Estaing had somewhat stained his gal lantry by breaking his parole when a pris oner in the hands of the English ; but his rank and family influence in France se cured him promotion, and, although his early career had been in the army, when appointed to the command of the fleet now sent to the succor of the American cause, he was among the most prominent REVOLUTIONARY.] COUNT CHARLES HENRY D ESTAING. 659 of the French naval commanders. On arriving off the mouth of the Delaware, he immediately sent a despatch to Wash ington, which was characteristic of the man, who had more than the usual Gallic fondness for hyberbole. He was charged, he said, witli the glorious task of giving his allies, the United States of America, the most striking proofs of his royal mas ter s affection. His happiness in perform ing it w r as enhanced, he declared, by the consideration of serving with General Washington, whose talents and ureat ac- < - * O tions " have insured him, in the eyes of all Europe, the title truly sublime of De liverer of America" The count, disappointed in his expecta tion of catching Lord Howe in the Dela ware, now sent a small vessel to convey to Philadelphia Monsieur Gerard, the first minister from France, and the recalled American agent, Silas Deane, who had come passengers with the fleet, and then went in pursuit of his lordship. In the meantime, Admiral Howe, hav ing heard of the count s arrival, prepared to receive him. The British lleet was lying within Sandy Hook, and, although it was small compared with the French (consisting only of six ships of sixty-four guns, three of fifty, two of forty, and a lew small frigates and sloops, making six hundred and fourteen guns in all, with which to oppose D Estaing s eight hun dred and fifty-four), it soon showed a very vigorous manifestation of resistance. The spirit of the English sailors was aroused to great enthusiasm by the prospect of fighting with their ancient and heredita ry enemies. D Estaing arrived off New York, but seemed to hesitate about ven turing into the bav. He remained at an- / chor for eleven days off Sandy Hook with his formidable fleet, separated only by a narrow strip of sand from his adversary. During this delay, Lord Howe had a good opportunity of putting his ships in order and recruiting his crews. English sea men of all classes readily offered their services. A thousand volunteers were im mediately despatched from the transports to serve in the fleet; others were daily coming in, and among them masters and mates, who did not hesitate to abandon their traders in order to have a brush with the French. So many officers and soldiers of the army contended eagerly to serve on board the rnen-of-war as ma rines, that it became necessary to choose them by lot. Count d Estaing, however, had doubts, strengthened by the judgment of his pi lots, about the safety of carrying his large vessels across the bar ; and, after his lon<; 77 o delay, he weighed anchor and set sail for Newport. He again lost the chance of a success. A few days after he put to sea, several British men-of-war arrived, which belonged to Admiral Byron s fleet, that had been scattered in a storm. Within a week after D Estaing s departure, no less than four vessels, each one singly, came and anchored inside of the Hook. They were so damaged by the severe weather to which they had been exposed, that they were little more than so many wrecks, and were so incapable of resist ance, that they would have struck imme diately had they encountered the French fleet on their arrival. To add to D Es- G60 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART n. tiling s chagrin, he soon learned that, a few days after he had left the Delaware, a large convoy of ships laden with pro visions for the British forces, of \vhich they were in great need, had entered the river. By a neglect on the part of the British ministry, these storeshipshad been allowed to sail for Philadelphia, although orders to evacuate that city had been pre viously sent out. Count d Estaing de clared, with an emphatic sacre, that the English had the devil s own luck. The expedition against the British on Rhode island, which was now undertaken by the French fleet, was suggested by Washington, who did his utmost, by an active co-operation, to secure a successful result. He urged General Sullivan, then in command at Providence, to be on the alert, and make all possible preparations by land. Militia were ordered to be called out from New England to reinforce the regulars in the proposed enterprise, and Washington sent additional troops from his own camp in New Jersey. These lat ter, with their officers, as far as possible, were selected from those who were con nected with New England, and especially with Rhode Island, in order that to the incentive of duty there might be added the spur of interest. The Massachusetts and Rhode Island brigades of Glover and Varnum were accordingly despatched; and General Greene, a Rhode-Islander, al though he could be ill spared, as he was then performing the important functions of quartermaster-general, was ordered to take command of one division, and La fayette of the other. The young marquis had been selected because he was a com patriot of D Estaing, and it was thought his presence might serve to regulate and harmonize the naturally-discordant com bination of Americans with the French. General Sullivan, already in command at Providence, was of course commander-in- chief of the land-force, which soon num bered ten thousand men. Such was the eagerness to co-operate with their new allies, and their confidence of a triumph ant success, that thousands of gentlemen- volunteers had thronged in from Boston, Salem, Newburyport, and Portsmouth, to offer their services. John Hancock, who had retired from the presidency of Con gress, had buckled on his sword and led the militia of Massachusetts as their ma jor-general, but was not destined to gar ner from the field of battle any fresh lau rels to add to those which he had har vested in the state. Count D Estaing now arrived with his formidable fleet off Point Judith, but it was not until some days after that he moved in toward the har bor, where General Sir Robert Pb-ott. the O / commander of the British forces, made preparations for receiving the expected attack. The squadron, consisting of four- frigates and several smaller vessels, were burned or sunk by the British; and Pigott withdrew all his troops, amounting to six thousand, from the various forts scattered over Rhode island, within his strong in- trenchments, about three miles from New port. D Estaing, having concocted with Gen eral Sullivan the plan of operations, by which the former was to push into the har bor with his fleet, and the latter should July 29, REVOLUTIONARY.] BRITISH AND FRENCH FLEETS OFF RHODE ISLAND. 061 August 8, cross from the main over Seaconnet chan nel and attack the British intrenchments by land, was prepared to begin his part, when unfortunately a delay took place. Sullivan sent word to the count that he was not ready, in consequence of the non- arrival of some expected troops. The at tack was therefore postponed until the 10th of August. In the meantime, the French admiral took his fleet into the harbor, under a heavy fire from the Brit ish batteries (which, however, he soon passed), and anchored his ships above the town. General Sullivan had also moved forward to Tiverton, ready to cross Sea connet channel at the time agreed upon ; but finding on arriving there in the night (August 8th), that the works on the op posite side had been abandoned in con sequence of the withdrawal by the British commander of all his troops within his in trenchments near Newport, he could not resist the temptation of crossing. Early the next morning, Sullivan ac cordingly threw his whole force across to the northern part of Rhode isl and, on which Newport is situated, and thus made this movement one day sooner than had been agreed upon with D Es taing. The French admiral, who had not been informed of the change in the plan of op-- erations, felt highly vexed at this appa rent want of respectful consideration for a man of his rank and dignity, and now refused to act until his wounded sensibil ity was relieved by an explanation or healed by an apology. While the irrita ble Frenchman was undergoing the sooth- August 9. ing process, the appearance of Admiral Lord Howe and his fleet off Newport put a sudden stop for the time being to all thought of an attack upon the island, and D Estaing concentrated his attentions up on his naval antagonist. As soon as he had discovered the des tination of the French, Lord Howe hast ily refitted the shattered vessels belong ing to Admiral Byron s squadron, and with his fleet thus reinforced sailed from New York in search of D Estaing. The wind blew directly in for the harbor of Newport, but Earl Howe thought it more prudent to come to anchor off Point Ju dith. The count was eager to try his metal with his lordship, and, considering his arrival a challenge to an encounter, he determined to accept it. The wind changing, gave D Estaing an opportunity to stand out with all his fleet; and ac cordingly, the next morning, at an early hour, he sailed out of Newport harbor, sending word to General Sullivan before he left that on his return he would be prepared to carry out the concerted plan against the British on the island. In the meantime, Lord Howe wei;hed o anchor and made preparations to receive his antagonist; but, not willing that the latter should have the advantage of the weather-gage of him, the earl tacked and manoeuvred his fleet, in order to get be tween him and the wind. D Estaing was not less anxious to retain his position ; and the two squadrons, while thus trying to outmanoeuvre each other, ran out to sea, and out of sight of Rhode island. General Sullivan had already advanced Aug. 10, 662 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART n. All*, 12, from the northern point of the island, where he had landed, to Quaker hill, about ten miles from the British lines near New port ; and when he heard that his French ally, instead of co-operating with him, had gone to give battle to Admiral Howe, he was so vexed, that he determined to car ry out the enterprise without waiting for the impracticable Frenchman. Lafayette, with a natural sympathy for his compa triot, strongly urged Sullivan not to be gin operations until the return of D Es taing; but the American officers were all strenuously in favor of commencing the siege at once, without waiting for the count, whose delays and punctilious for malities had greatly disgusted them. The siege began ; but little progress had been made, howev er, when a severe storm came on, which raged with the violence of a tropical hur ricane, blowing down the tents, damaging the ammunition, and causing the death of sa>me of the soldiers and horses. The storm lasted two days. On the third, the sun shone brightly ; and the troops, al though somewhat dispirited by their suf ferings, prepared themselves to continue the siege. A day having been spent in drying the arms and ammunition, and re pairing the tents torn by the wind, the soldiers on the next morning marched to Honeyman s hill, within only two miles of the British intrenchments. Here they took post, and began to advance against the enemy s works by regular approach es. The men for some time kept spirit edly to their duty, encouraged by the hourly expectation of the return of the French fleet to their aid. When, howev- Aug. 19. er, they waited in vain day after day, they became discouraged. At last, the camp was suddenly en livened by the appearance of D Estaing and his ships off the harbor, whose adven tures during his absence we shall now re late. Lord Howe, having been unable, with all his manoeuvring, to get the weather- guage of his antagonist, finally hove to, formed his ships into line to the leeward, and waited for the French fleet to bear down upon him. D Estaing, doubtless, would not have hesitated to accept the challenge ; but just at this moment, a fu rious storm (the same which had pros trated Sullivan s \vhole camp) began to rage. The vessels of both fleets were at once dispersed, and all greatly damaged. The Languedoc, of ninety guns, Count D Estaing s flagship, w r as dismasted, and several others were completely disabled. On the third day, when the storm had abated, Admiral Howe had gathered only seven of his scattered fleet, but he was still disposed for the fight; and two of his ships, the Renown and the Preston, falling in with the dis masted Languedoc and the Tormat, gave them a rough handling, and would have captured them, had not other vessels of the French come to their rescue. A day or two subsequently, chance brought to gether two other ships which had suffered less in the storm than any of their con sorts. These were the Isis, of fifty guns, commanded by Captain Rayner, and the C8esar,of seventy-four, commanded by the renowned De Bougainville. They fought desperately for an hour and a half, being Aug. 14, REVOLUTIONARY.] COUNT D ESTAING AND GENERAL SULLIVAN. 663 for the greater part of that lime close alongside of each other. De Bougainville, with his superior weight of metal, had borne down upon the Isis with confidence of victory, but his guns were overloaded and badly served. Finding his antago nist too strong for him, he made off be fore the wind, with his deck strewed with seventy men killed and wounded. The Isis was so severely damaged in her masts and rigging as to be unable to give chase, although her crew had suffered but little one man only having been killed and three wounded. De Bougainville lost an arm and an eye. There being no farther disposition for battle between the shattered fleets, Lord Howe bore for New York to refit, and D Es tiling returned to Newport, and was making for that harbor, when his sudden appearance, as we have seen, enlivened General Sullivan s troops with the pros pect of assistance and a successful result to the enterprise in which they were en gaged. As soon as the French fleet came to anchor, Generals Greene and Lafayette pushed off to visit the admiral. They were sadly disappointed to find that he had determined to sail for Boston, in or der to refit his damaged vessels. They entreated him not to desert them at the very crisis of the enterprise, when the British garrison was so dispirited by its disappointment in not receiving supplies from Earl Howe and reinforcements from Sir Henry Clinton at New York, that it would probably surrender at the mere sight of the return of the French fleet to the harbor. D Estaing, however, resisted all their entreaties, declaring that he was disposed to yield, but that his officers unanimously insisted upon obedience to the orders of the French government, which had di rected that, in the event of damage to his vessels, he should put into Boston for repairs. Greene and Lafayette returned to the camp before Newport with the un welcome intelligence. General Sullivan was very indignant, and sent a remon strance to the French admiral, which was signed by every one of his officers except Lafayette. In this paper, Sullivan pro tested against D Estaing s taking the fleet to Boston, as derogatory to the honor of France, contrary to the intention of his most Christian majesty Louis XVI. and the interests of the French nation, de structive to the welfare of the United States, and highly injurious to the alli ance formed between the two nations. The remonstrance, however, only served to offend the pride of the French admiral, and not to alter his resolution. He sailed with his fleet to Boston. Sullivan, who was fluent with his pen, and rather prided himself upon his skill in turning a period, could not resist the temptation of indulging in what he prob ably supposed was a very delicately ex pressed bit of satire ; and he accordingly nrade the following allusion to the de parture of the French in his order to his troops: u The general can not help la menting the sudden and unexpected de parture of the French fleet, as he finds it has a tendency to discourage some who placed great dependence upon the assist ance of it, though he can l>// no means sup pose the anny or any part of it endangered CG4 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART n. by this movement. He yd hopes the event will prove America able to procure that by her men arms which her allies refuse to assist in obtain ing: On reaching Boston, D Estaing wrote to Congress, justifying himself, and com plaining of the remonstrance of the Amer ican officers, and Sullivan s uncourteous allusion quoted above. It required all the prudence of Washington and the con ciliatory tact of Greene to prevent this quarrel from putting an abrupt termina tion to the French alliance. The old anti- Callicnn prejudice which the Americans had inherited from England was aroused to such an extent, that the French officers in Boston were hooted in the streets ; and in some of the seaports riots occurred, in which French and American sailors came to blows, that in several instances proved fatal. General Sullivan, though hopeless of any aid from D Estaing, continued the siege of Newport. Lafayette, how r ever, trusting to his iniluence as a fello\v-coun- trynien, and having volunteered to pro ceed to Boston, in order to persuade the French admiral to return to Rhode island, was permitted to go. The young mar quis, nevertheless, met with no success beyond an offer on the part of the count, who was rather more of a soldier than a sailor, to march by land, with the French troops of his fleet, to the succor of Sul livan. The American general, however, find ing his militia deserting him by whole regiments at a time, now gave up all hopes of a successful siege of Newport, and only thought of means of escape. Aug. 29, His chance of retreat was endangered by the diminution of his force, but Sullivan extricated himself with great prudence and skill. Having sent off his i 1-n i All 2G| heavy artillery and baggage, tie on the second night afterward retired from before the British lines toward the north end of the island, where he had first landed. Here it was determined to for tify the camp, and aw^ait the result of the mission of Lafayette, who had gone off very sanguine of its success. Early on the next morning after the Americans had begun to retreat, their de parture was discovered by the British, who immediately came out in pursuit in full force. Greene, with the regiments of Colonels Livingston and Laurens, covered the American rear, and gallantly kept off the enemy until Sulli van had reached the northern end of the island. Here the troops were drawn up in order of battle. The British continued to advance. Greene proposed that the Americans should march to meet them, as he believed that they were coming on in separate detachments, and that they might be advantageously fought in detail. O Q */ O His plan, however, was rejected as being too hazardous, and it was determined to remain on the defensive. The enemy were now close at hand. The Americans were well posted, with two redoubts in front of their lines, and waited confidently the approach of the foe. On closing in, the British stationed themselves on Quaker hill, facing the American lines, and began a brisk can nonade from their batteries, which was well returned from the redoubts. The REVOLUTIONARY.] SULLIVAN RETREATS. BRITISH DEVASTATIONS. 665 Aug. 30, enemy now attempted to turn the Amer ican right, in command of Greene, who gave them a warm reception, and, being reinforced by troops from the centre and left, was soon enabled not only to defeat the manoeuvre of the British, but to drive them back with great slaughter. On the following day, a Brit ish squadron being seen off the harbor, General Sullivan determined not to linger any longer upon the island. As the sentries of both armies were only four hundred yards apart, the greatest caution was necessary lest the enemy should be come aware of his purpose, and interfere with the retreat. The night was accord ingly selected; and, during the day pre ceding, tents were pitched, and the men kept at work on the intrenchments, in or der to make it appear that it was intend ed to remain on the ground and resist to the last. The night came, and the camp-fires be ing lighted, Sullivan began his retreat, without exciting the suspicion of the en emy. It was near midnight, and all had been nearly accomplished, when Lafay ette made his appearance, having ridden in all haste from Boston, in order that he might share in the engagement which he knew to be imminent. He was greatly mortified that lie had missed the light of the preceding day. He arrived, however, in time to aid in the retreat, and brought 84 off the pickets and covering-parties in ad mirable order. Not a man was left be hind on the island, and not a single ar ticle lost. General Sullivan had retired just in time from Rhode island ; for the British ships, of which he had caught a glimpse off the coast, had Sir Henry Clinton on board, with about four thousand troops. Finding himself a day too late, Sir Henry put to sea again, for New York. That his enterprise, however, might not be without some result, he, on leaving his ships at New London, directed General Sir Charles Grey ( No-flint Grey," as he was called, from his fondness for the bay onet) to proceed to New Bedford and ef fect as much damage as he could. Grey showed his usual promptitude in devas tation, and laid waste an immense quan tity of American property. He burned ships (more than seventy in number), magazines, stores, wharves, warehouses, vessels on the stocks, mills, and dwellings, amounting in value to hundreds of thou sands of dollars. After laying New Bed ford in ruins, General Grey proceeded to Martha s Vineyard, where, after destroy ing a few vessels, he mulcted the inhabit ants, by a compulsory levy of arms, of all the public funds, three hundred oxen, and ten thousand sheep. He now re-em barked and the squadron returned to New York, laden with spoils. . 66G BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART 11. CHAPTER LXXIV. The American Naval Force. Difficulties and Casualties. Cruise of the Raleigh and the Alfred. Cruise of the Ranger. John Paul Jones. His Life and Character. His Adventures. A " Hard Man." Cruelty. Abandons his Native Country. His Arrival in Virginia. Command of an American Vessel. Arrival in France. Cruise off the English Coast. Attack on Whitehaven. Raid Upon Lord Selkirk. The Family Plate. Naval Dignity. Capture of the Drake. Return to France. Gallant Exploit of Rathburne Less Glory. Destruction of Vessels in the Delaware.- Captain Barry. The Cruise of the Raleigh. Her Fate. Privateering. 1778, THE United States had been very unfortunate in their early attempts to establish a naval force. The possession of New York and Philadelphia by the en emy, and their command of the Hudson and the Delaware, had led to the destruc tion of the principal men-of-war which had been built by the Americans. The few small vessels which had succeeded in getting to sea, met with various fortunes. The Randolph, a thirty-two gun ship, un der the command of Cap tain Nicholas Bid- die, a spirited young officer, had blown up while in action with a British vessel, the Yarmouth, off Barbadoes. The Han cock, also of thirty-two guns, commanded by Captain Manly, after a successful fight or two, finally struck to a superior force, and was taken as a prize, by the British, into Halifax. The Raleigh and the Al fred, commanded by Captain Thompson, whose gallantry in sailing with his ship into the midst of a whole squadron of the enemy we have already had occasion to describe, having made their voyage in safety to France, now sailed on their re turn to America. Their course was kept well to the south, as was usual in those days, in order to escape the large British cruisers, and to pick up small West-India traders. They had been several weeks at sea, when the British ships Ariadne and Ceres hove in sight and gave them chase. The Raleigh was considerably in advance of her escort, and escaped; but the Alfred, being overtaken, and finding it useless to fight with the odds of two to one against her, struck. The most memorable cruise of the year was that of the Ranger, an eighteen-gun ship. She is described as a crank, clum sy vessel, with a gun-deck, but no arma ment above, and a dull sailer. Her de fects, however, were more than compen sated by the excellent nautical qualities of her commander, who was no less a per sonage than the famous Paul Jones, " a short, thick, lithe fellow, about five feet eight inches in height, and of a dark, swarthy complexion," as he is described. JOHN PAUL was born on the Gth of July, 1747, at Arbigland, Selkirkshire, on the frith of Sol way, in Scotland. His father was the gardener of a Mr. Craik, a gen tleman of property in that neighborhood. The son, bred up on the seacoast, natu rally took to a sailor s life, and at the age of twelve years readily consented to be come the apprentice of a shipmaster in command of a small vessel trading with REVOLUTIONARY.] JOHN PAUL JONES 667 the American colonies. This first brought him to Virginia, where he found his broth er, married and settled, and from whom he acquired an inclination toward a colo nial life. He was, however, obliged to re turn, but did not remain long with his master, whose bankruptcy released him from his indentures. Young John Paul s next transition w r as to the forecastle of a slaver ; and subse quently, by the death of the captain and mate, to the quarter-deck, as commander. In this capacity he served for several years ; and it may be supposed that, al though he was in a good school for the improvement of his nautical skill and the development of his daring qualities, he was not likely to have his sensibilities refined. The youthful commander was already known as a " hard man," and not seldom complaints we re made of his cruelty by his sailors. On one occasion, he was called to account before a court in the West In dies by Mungo Maxwell, one of his crew, who complained of ill treatment. The complaint was dismissed as frivolous ; but Mungo, shipping soon after in another vessel, died suddenly at sea, and there were not wanting people to blame Cap tain Paul for his death. This created a prejudice, which, together with the ill re pute of his occupation, clung to him so tenaciously, that he determined to leave his native country. In 1773, his brother died, and John Paul went to Virginia to settle. There, changing his name simultaneously with his life and country, he began his new career as JOHN PAUL JONES. He had re solved to quit the sea for ever, when the Revolutionary War breaking out, he be came an enthusiastic American patriot, and was appointed, in consequence of his well-known abilities as a seaman, a lieu tenant in the navy. His first cruise was in the Alfred, from which he was soon transferred to the Providence as captain, and again in a short time promoted to the Ranger, the cruise of which we shall now relate. Jones had gone to France, with the expectation of receiving the command of the Indien ; but she had been given, pre vious to his arrival, as a present to King Louis XVI., and the ambitious young cap tain had to content himself with the Ran ger, which was thought quite unworthy of so gallant a commander. He was prom ised a better ship, but he had not the pa tience to wait, and accordingly put into Brest, to refit his vessel and prepare for a cruise. Having completed her- preparations, the Ranger sailed for the Irish channel, where Jones was perfectly " at home," and knew almost every foot on the land and fathom of the sea. As he passed along the coast, he made several prizes, and then bore away for Whitehaven, England, with the intention of burning the colliers crowded into that port. The weather, however, was unfa vorable for the project, and he sailed to the north until he reached the coast of Scotland, where, having pursued a reve nue-vessel without success, he bore aw 7 ay for Ireland. While off Carrickfergus, he observed a vessel at anchor in the roads ; and ha vino- learned from some fishermen, April 10. 668 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PATtT II. who boarded the Ranger, that she was the Drake sloop-of-war, Jones determined to run in and try to take her. The night was chosen for the purpose ; and Jones having, daring the daylight, ac curately taken the hearings of the Drake, now in the dark stood for the roads where she was anchored. His intention was, to brino; his vessel close to the bows of his o enemy ; but the anchor was not let go in time, and she drifted astern of the Drake. Jones, finding his object defeated, ordered his cable to be cut; and, making sail, he hauled his ship by the wind in all haste. A gale coming on, he barely succeeded in weathering the land, and getting back into the channel. The wind now being favorable, Captain Jones determined to carry out his design upon Whitehaven. The Ranger accord ingly stood for the Cumberland coast, on the English side of the channel, and soon made the port which was the object of attack, and out of which the captain had often sailed in his early days when a tra ding-skipper. He waited until night, and then dividing -into two parties as many of his crew as could be spared from the ship, lowered his boats and pulled for the shore. As he was familiar with the ground, Jones took the lead in command of one party, and his lieutenant Wallingford fol lowed in charge of the other. The forts were seized, the guns spiked, and the sen tries gagged and bound. The men had been provided with candles in lanterns, which were to be used not only as lights, but as torches to set fire to the shipping. There was, however, some delay, and the candles had sill burned out when they were wanted for the secondary purpose. The day was fast approaching, and there was but little time to spare. The lieu tenant and his party, therefore, giving up all hope of success, took to their boat and pulled back to the ship, without effecting anything. / o The resolute captain, however, was not to be thus balked of his purpose. So he sent one of his men to a neighboring cot- o O tage, and obtained a candle. Thus pro vided, Jones boarded a large ship in the port, and with a barrel of tar kindled a fire in her steerage, and soon had her in flames. As the tide was out, and the ves sel lay high and dry in the midst of a large fleet of other craft, he was in hopes that they would all take fire, and his ob ject be thus effectually accomplished. The burning ship soon alarmed the inhabit ants, w ho rushed out in numbers, crowd ing the adjacent heights, and thronging to the rescue of the shipping. Jones and his party still remained ashore, and with their drawn hangers presenting a resolute attitude, kept back the people till it was thought that the ship was sufficiently in flames to secure a general conflagration, and then the captain drew off his men to their boat, and pulled back for the Ran ker. The inhabitants, however, succeeded in extinguishing the fire before it had done much harm to the shipping ; and, recov ering somewhat from their panic, they were enabled to bring a gun or two to bear upon Jones s boat, but not in time to reach it with a single shot. The fright o Q produced by this audacious attempt was such that, even to this day, the name of REVOLUTIONARY.] JONES ON THE BRITISH COAST. 600 PAUL JONES is a terror nlong the whole English coast. The Ranger now stood for the oppo site shore of Solway frith ; and Captain Jones again took to his boats, and landed a party at the mouth of the Dee, near to the town of Kirkcudbright, on the Scot tish coast. Jones was here upon his na tive soil, and knew every point of rock and inch of ground. He at once led his men to St. Mary s isle, where the earl of Selkirk had a country-seat, and where Jones is said to have lived while his fa ther was in his lordship s service. The earl and his family were absent, and the servants left in charge were overpowered and the mansion plundered. One of the officers brought away with him a quanti ty of the family plate, whereat the cap tain was greatly indignant, it being in his opinion an act quite unbecoming the dig nity of a naval officer. He accordingly determined to restore it, and, having paid his crew out of his own pocket the sum of a hundred pounds sterling (the sup posed value of the plunder, which they claimed as their prize), he sent back the plate, with a courteous note to the count ess of Selkirk, expressive of his regret that it had been carried off. Jones fretted to think that the Drake had escaped him, and it was a point of honor with him to make another attempt at her capture. He accordingly sailed again for the Irish coast, and was pleased to find, on arriving off" Carrickfergus, that the Drake still lay in the roads. The saucy Ranger was soon observed from the English man-of-war, and a boat sent out to discover who the stranger was. and what she wanted. As soon as he saw the boat, Jones began to manoeuvre his ves sel in such a way, that only her stern could be seen. The British officer in com mand was thus induced to pull alongside the Ranger, which was just what Jones wanted, as it gave him the opportunity, of which he immediately took advantage, of seizing the boat, officer, and crew. From his prisoners he learned that intelligence of the Ranger s audacious proceedings at Whitehaven and St. Mary s isle had reach ed Ireland, and that the commander of the Drake was on the alert. Jones expected that the detention of the boat would bring the Drake herself out in search of it, and in this expecta tion he was not disappointed. The Eng lish ship immediately got under way in the roads, but soon lay to, waiting for the Ranger to come on. Jones, however, stood off the land, in order to draw his antago nist more into the channel. The Drake, observing the manoeuvre, began to work out of the roads; but, as the tide was against her, she moved slowly, and did not succeed in drawing near the Ranker o o until almost nightfall; but she came out defiantly, with her decks crowded with volunteers, eager for a brush with "the American privateer," and accompanied by a number of small craft to see the fight. As soon as the Drake closed in suffi ciently, she hailed her antagonist, and asked her name ; which she received, with a challenge to come on. The two ships were standing on. The wind was light, and such as to admit of but little manoeu vring. As the Drake was somewhat to o leeward and astern, the Ranger put her i 670 BATTLES OF AMERICA. helm up. The enemy followed suit, when Jones poured in his first broadside. The two vessels, now running free under easy canvas, continued to cannonade each oth er for an hour and four minutes, when the Drake, hauling down her ensign, called for quarter. She had suffered severely, her hull and rigging being well cut up, her captain and lieutenant wounded mor tally, and forty of her crew killed or dis abled. The Ranger, although carrying fewer guns and a smaller crew, suffered much less than her antagonist. Lieuten ant Wallingford and one of the crew were the only killed, and there were but five wounded. Captain Jones, putting a crew on board his prize, and securing his prisoners, sailed away triumphantly, with the captured Drake in company, for France. Pie took the North channel, and, although chased repeatedly on his round-about passage by British ships-of-war, succeeded in reaching Brest in safety with his prize. A gallant little exploit was achieved by Captain Rathburne, in command of the Providence, a twelve-gun sloop. Her met al was only of the weight of four-pound ers, and she carried a crew of but fifty men. Rathburne, however, with his little vessel, bore for New Providence, one of the Bahamas, and lauded on the island with twenty-five men. Here he was joined by about thirty Americans, who were held as prisoners by the British authorities; and with this small force he r took posses sion of the forts and stores, and in fact of the whole island. The vessels in the har bor, six in number, among which there May 8, was a privateer of sixteen guns, fell into his hands. The inhabitants attempted to overpower him, but Rathburne kept them in check by threatening to set fire to the town. After holding the place for two days (during which a British sloop-of-war looked into the harbor, but finding the Americans in possession, she hurried off again), Rathburne withdrew. On leav ing, however, he spiked all the guns of the fort, burned two of his prizes, and took off with him all the ammunition and the rest of the vessels. In this daring expedition the Americans did not lose a man. The very audacity of the enter prise filled the enemy with such terror, that they were not capable of striking a blow in their defence. A less glorious fortune than that of the little Providence awaited some of the ves sels lately built. The Virginia, a twenty- eight gun ship, had just been launched, and w r as proceeding down the Chesapeake on her first cruise, in command of Captain Nicholson, when she got aground during the night, and lost her rudder. Her an chor was let go, and the next morning, as preparations were being made to refit her, two British vessels-of-war were ob served near at hand. Captain Nicholson now thought it advisable to leave her, and went ashore with his papers, while the enemy took possession of his ship. Con gress, after investigating the conduct of the captain, acquitted him of all blame, although there were many who censured him for deserting his vessel. We have already had occasion, in speak ing of the movements of the British while in possession of Philadelphia, to allude to REVOLUTIONARY.] CRUISE OF CAPTAIN BARRY AND THE RALEIGH. 671 the destruction of the American vessels on the Delaware. It is appropriate that in this chapter we should narrate the facts more in detail. E;irly in May, an expedition, headed by Major Maitland, left Philadelphia, and ascended the Delaware, in order to de stroy the American vessels which had been taken above the city for the purpose of escaping the British men-of-war below. To the land-force of a battalion of light- infantry and two fieldpieces was joined a flotilla, under the command of Captain Henry of the British navy, consisting of the schooners Viper and Pembroke, the galleys Hussar, Cornwallis, Ferret, and Philadelphia, four gun-boats, and eighteen flat-boats. The- expedition succeeded in its pur pose, without the least show of resistance. Landing a little above Bristol, the enemy burnt the Washington, of thirty-two guns, and the Effmgham, of twenty-eight, both of which, being new ships, had never been to sea ; also several privateers, and a num ber of merchantmen. Their next point was Crosswise creek, where the Sturdy Beggar, an eighteen-gun privateer, and eight other vessels, were destroyed. Six more craft were set fire to at Bill s island ; and on descending the river, on their re turn to Philadelphia, the British burned as many more, among which were proba bly the Hornet, the Sachem, the Independ ence, and the Musqueto, as nothing is re corded of them after that period. Captain Barry, whose spirited capture of the enemy s armed storeships in the Delaware has already been described, had soon another opportunity of distinguish ing himself. The Raleigh had been taken from Captain Thompson, in consequence of his having allowed his consort the Al fred to be captured by the enemy without going to her assistance, and was now given to Barry. " Under the orders of this new com mander," says Cooper, of whose authority as a naval historian we have freely availed ourselves, " the Raleigh sailed from Bos ton on the 25th of September, at six in the morning, having a brig and a sloop under convoy. The wind was fresh at northwest, and the frigate ran off north east. At twelve, two strange sail were seen to leeward, distant fifteen or sixteen miles. Orders were given to the convoy to haul nearer to the wind, and to crowd all the sail it could carry, the strangers in chase. After dark the Raleigh lost sight of the enemy, as by this time the two ships were ascertained to be, and the wind became light and variable. " The Raleigh now cleared for action, and kept her people at quarters all night, having tacked toward the land. In the morning it proved to be hazj 7 , and the strangers were not to be seen. The Ra leigh was still standing toward the land, which she shortly afterward made ahead, quite near. About noon, the haze clear ing away, the enemy were seen in the southern board, and to windward, crowd ing sail in chase. The weather became thick again, and the Raleigh lost sight of her two pursuers, when she hauled off to the eastward. " Finding nothing visible at six in the morning, the Raleigh crowded sail once more, and stood southeast by east. At 672 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART n. . 26, half-past nine, the two ships were . ,. -, again discovered astern, and in chase. The Raleigh now hauled close upon a wind, heading northwest, with her larboard tacks aboard. The enemy also came to the wind, all three vessels carry ing hard with a staggering breeze. The Raleigh now fairly outsailed the stran gers, running eleven knots two fathoms, on a dragged bowline." Oo Unfortunately., at noon the wind mod erated, when the leading vessel of the en emy overhauled the Raleigh quite fast, and even the ship astern held way with her. At four o clock in the afternoon, the Raleigh tacked to the westward, with a view to discover the force of the advanced vessel in pursuit; while at the same time she made several signals, which were not recognised. " At live o clock, the leading vessel of the enemy having nearly closed, the Raleigh edged away and crossed her forefoot, b railing her mizzen and taking / O O in her staysails." In passing, the Raleigh delivered her broadside, which was re turned by her antagonist, who set the St. George s ensign, and showed her force, which proved to be a battery of fourteen guns of a side, including both decks. The Englishman now came up under the lee quarter of the Raleigh, and the two were soon warmly engaged ; but the former, apparently getting the worst of it, shot ahead. The Raleigh having lost her fore-top mast and mizzen-top-gallantmast. her crew were busy in clearing the wreck ; and an opportunity was thus given to the enemy to get to the windward, and fire at the disabled vessel from a distance. The Eu<>- lishman, however, soon edged away, and made an attempt to rake the Raleigh ; when Barry, finding that, with the loss of his spars, he could not manoeuvre his ship as he had done before, bore up and bringing her alongside strove to board his antagonist. But the enemy, having all his canvas, and sailing best in the light wind then blowing, succeeded in defeat ing the American s object. The Englishman s consort now draw ing near, Barry called a council of his officers, when, as in the crippled condi tion of the ship there was no chance of escaping by flight, it was determined to run her ashore upon one of the unknown islands observed early in the afternoon, and which was now only a few miles dis tant. The Raleigh therefore wore round, and stood directly for the land, with her antagonist close to her side, while both ships in the meantime kept up a brisk fire. Thus they continued till midnight, when the Englishman hauled off, for fear of grounding, and left the Raleigh to pursue her dangerous course alone among the islands. Captain Barry now began to bend new sails, with the hope of escaping, as he was concealed by the increasing darkness of the night. It was not long, however, be fore both of the enemy s ships again hove in sight, closing fast. The Raleigh wan driven with all speed right on the land, firing her stern-guns as she went, which O o 7 kept off her pursuers awhile. They nev ertheless soon renewed the attack, pour ing in their shot, which Barry gallantly returned until his ship struck the ground. The enemy hauled oftj to avoid a similar MOVEMENTS OF WASHINGTON UP THE HUDSON. 673 fate, and, taking a position at a safe dis tance 011 the Raleigh s quarter, opened their broadsides upon her. Barry now determined to land, to burn his ship, and defend the island. He had got a large portion of his crew ashore, and was about returning for the rest, when he found that the Raleigh, through the treachery of one of his officers, had struck to the enemy ! Barry and his men escaped from the isl andwhich proved to be Wooden Bell, one of the group of rocky islands ott the mouth of the Penobscot and on reach ing the mainland, and relating the ac count of their struggle, were greatly ap plauded for their gallantry. The Raleigh was immediately taken possession of by the two antagonist ships, which turned out to be the Experiment, of fifty guns, Captain Wallace, and the Unicorn, of twenty-two. It was the latte which clung so closely and so obstinately to the Raleigh during the long engage ment. She was well cut up in hull and rigging, and had ten men killed and a considerable number wounded. The en tire loss of the Americans was twenty- five killed and wounded. Little else, beyond what has been nar rated in this chapter, was done or suffered during the year 1778 by the navy of the United States, privateering was, howev er, carried on with great spirit and suc cess. CHAPTER LXXY. Washington at Wkite Plains. Strengthening of Forts and Highlands of the North River. General Putnam at West Point. Small Designs of Sir Henry Clinton. Attack on Egg Harbor. Washington at Fishkill. Lord Comwallis plans a Surprise.- General Wayne timely warned. Baylor less fortunate. "No-Flint Grey." Yagers caught. Cruelty of Grey. A Worthy Son, Earl Grey. Devastation at Egg Harhor. Work of Death. Indians rooted out. A Formidable Expedition. Suffering: Return from Schoharie. A Salvo of Artillery. Tories and Savages. Butler and his Rangers. Cherry Valley. Massacre. Cruel Indians and Hardened Partisans. General Sullivan sent against the Indians. Desolation. A Severe Lesson. The Savage less formidable. 1778. WASHINGTON, after moving his en campment from BrunswicK to Pa- ramus, finally quitted New Jersey, and, crossing the Hudson, took post at White Plains, in Westchester county, New York. Here he remained until September, when he made a different disposition of his ar my, with the view of protecting both the Highlands of the Hudson and New Eng land, either of which it was thought might be the object of the extensive prepara- 85 tions being made by Sir Henry Clinton in New York. Washington accordingly strengthened the forts on the North river, and posted General Putnam with two bri gades at West Point. G eneral Gates with three brigades, and General M Dougall with two, were despatched to D anbury, in Connecticut; while Washington him self encamped his main body at Freder- icksburg, on the borders of Connecticut, and about thirty miles distant from West 074 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [FART n. Point, in order that lie might be in readi ness to defend either the Hudson or New England, as the plans of the enemy should render necessary. Sir Henry Clinton, however, did not ap pear to have any very extensive military designs, and contented himself with ap- O - 1 - parently insignificant forays. He now planned an attack upon Little Egg Har bor, on the New-Jersey coast, where the Americans had a number of privateers and prizes, and some extensive salt-works. But, in order to divert the attention of Washington from his object, and at the same time to procure a supply of forage and fresh provisions for his troops, the British general-in-chief sent Lord Corn- wallis with one detachment to New Jer sey, and General Knyphausen with an other to the cast side of tlte Hudson. These two, being separated only by the river, and well supplied with boats, were able to form a junction within twenty-four hours and thus with their combined troops pre sent a very formidable force. Washington, on discovering this move ment, believed its object was to forage, and therefore sent General Wayne with a detachment of troops to aid the militia of New Jersey in checking the enemy. In order, however, to be ready for any more serious attempt which might be made upon the forts on the Hudson, Put nam was directed to be on the alert nt West Point, and Washington himself with a division of his army marched to Fish- kill. General Wayne had posted himself at New Tappan, with the militia; but Lieu tenant-Colonel Baylor had taken up his quarters, with his detachment of light- horse, at Old Tappan, near the enemy. Lord Cornwallis now devised a scheme with Knyphausen for surprising the en tire American force. The former was to send a detachment to take the Americans under Wayne ; while the latter was to throw across the river another detach ment, to take those under Baylor. Some deserters from Knyphausen s troops, how ever, having gone over to General Wayne, gave him timely warning, by which he was enabled to defeat the Hessians part in the scheme. Baylor was less fortunate. His men, quite unconscious of the movement, lay unguardedly in barns, when. General Sir Charles Grey, who had been despatched for the purpose by Lord Cornwallis, came suddenly upon them in the middle of the night, Having cutoff the sergeant s pa trol of twelve men quickly, the enemy were enabled to fall upon Baylor s troop ers while they were asleep and unarmed. "No-Hint Grey," with his usual faith in cold steel, ordered his men to take the flints out of their muskets, that they might be confined entirely to the use of their bayonets. They thus rushed in upon the helpless dragoons, who, finding themselves unable to strike a blow in their defence, sued for quarter. Little quarter, howev er, was given ; and the merciless enemy were thrusting their bayonets wherever they could find any sign of life, until one of the British officers, less ferocious than his commander, interposed and saved the lives of forty prisoners. Sixty-seven, out of the one hundred and four of Baylor s company, were either killed, wounded, 01 taken. Baylor himself escaped with a severe but not a dangerous wound. " It was a small compensation" for this affair, as Washington said, that Colonel Butler, three or four days subsequently, with a party of infantry and Major Lee s light-horse, surprised about a hundred German yagers (riflemen) below Tarry- town, killed ten on the spot, and took a lieutenant and eighteen men prisoners. The American public was greatly in dignant at the cruelty of Grey, and did not hesitate to term his action a cold blooded massacre. Grey made himself memorable by his unsparing cruelty, but was considered so efficient a servant by those who employed him, that he was soon after raised to the peerage, as a re ward for his military services. He gave birth to Earl Grey, the famous whig min ister, who was as firm an advocate for lib erty as his father was a rigid executioner of tyranny. The expedition to Little Egg Harbor, on iJie eastern coast of New Jersey, was in the meantime in full progress. Captain Ferguson was selected to conduct this enterprise, and he sailed from New York with three hundred reg ular troops and a number of New-Jersey royalists. The people at Egg Harbor, having heard of his coming, sent out to sea such of the privateers as could be got ready; hauled the larger vessels, chieil y / / O / prizes, to Chestnut Neck, about twenty miles from the mouth of the river; and the smaller privateers and other craft still farther. None but those which put to sea,, however, escaped the insatiable Fer guson. On reaching Egg Harbor, and Oct. 8, REVOLUTIONARY.] BRITISH EXPEDITION TO LITTLE EGG HARBOR. C7f> not being able to enter with the trans ports, the troops took to the boats, and pushed up the river until they arrived at Chestnut Neck, where they landed. Here all the vessels, shipyards, store and dwel ling houses, and salt-works, were burned. These were inglorious enterprises for the Britons, but they inflicted great injury upon the Americans, and especially upon privateering, which had become a very effective though independent branch of service. The purpose of the enemy was to destroy those places where the priva teers were chiefly built, fitted out, and supplied for sea, On Ferguson s return to the ships, he found a French captain and several pri vates, who had deserted from Count Pu- laski s legion, then stationed in New Jer sey. They gave such an account of the careless manner in which three troops of horse and the same number of companies of infantry were cantoned, at no great dis tance, that the British naval and military officers made up their minds to beat up their quarters. The ships were accord ingly moved along the coast to a favora ble point, and two hundred and fifty men embarked in boats. Af ter rowing ten miles, the troops landed and took possession of an unguarded bridge, to which they were directed by the deserters, as necessary to secure their return to the vessels. Having posted a guard at the bridge, the rest of the men pushed on. After a short march in the darkness and silence of the night, they came suddenly upon Pulaski s force ; and the cruel Ferguson, as ruthlessly as "No- flint Grey," bayoneted fifty of them with- Oct. 15. GV8 BATTLES OF AMERICA. LPART n. Oct. 1. out heeding their cries for quarter ! Two French officers were left among the dead, Baron de Bos-e and Lieutenant de la Bor- .lerie. As soon as Pulaski was aroused, he brought his cavalry to the rescue, and the enemy were thus driven away from their work of death. The American loyalists and their sav age confederates the Indians had, by their ruthless depredations, excited so much in dignation, that it was determined to at tack them in their haunts and root them but. Accordingly, Colonel William But ler set out from Schoharie coun ty. New York, with a Pennsylva nia regiment, and some riflemen and ran- o gers to act as scouts. [laving gained the head-waters of the Delaware, he marched for two clays along its banks, and then crossed the Alleghany mountains to the Susquehanna. The journey was toilsome and dangerous. Each man carried on his back provisions for six days, and, thus loaded down, was forced to wade through 7 o streams and to swim rivers. As the sol diers were without tents, they were ex posed to the heavy rains and cold nights of that autumnal season. They reached their destination, however, but were dis appointed in finding that the Indians and tory settlers had by flight cheated them of their revenge. After having totally destroyed every Indian fort and village, and laid waste the tory settlements, But ler led his men back. The hardships of the return were still more formidable than those of the ad vance march. The smaller streams and the Susquehanna itself had become great ly swollen by the heavy rains. The pa triots were in an enemy s country, their provisions were nearly consumed, and it seemed impracticable for them to con tinue their journey. Butler, nevertheless, overcame every obstacle. He mounted his men, one after another, upon the few horses which he had brought with him. and, forcing the animals to swim the swol len* waters, succeeded in getting them all over in safety. On their arrival in Scho harie, they were so overjoyed at reaching their homes, of which they had almost despaired, that they gave vent to their happiness by firing thirteen round of can non and a feu de joie of musketry. The tories and their Indian allies, not withstanding, continued as active in their cruelties as ever. Walter Butler (the son of Colonel John Butler, who led the at tack against Wyoming in the preceding July), having escaped from his prison at Albany, where his neck had only been saved from the gallows by the interposi tion of some of his father s friends, was now thirsting for revenge. The elder Butler soon gave his son the opportunity which he sought. A detachment of ran gers, and the Indians with Brant the fa mous Mohawk chief as their leader, were placed under the command of young But ler, to carry out an expedition against the settlers of Try on county. Walter Butler, eager for the enterprise, hastened from Niagara with his rangers. and formed a junction with the Indians at Genesee. Brant disliked young But ler, and was moreover piqued at being obliged to serve in subjection to so youth ful a leader. He was, however, finally prevailed upon to join the expedition. REVOLUTIONARY.] SULLIVAN DEVASTATES THE INDIAN COUNTRY 677 which now numbered a combined force of seven hundred men. Cherry Valley, situated near the head waters of the eastern branch of the Sus- qnehanna, within the state of New York, was the chief object of the proposed at tack, as it was the most thriving of all the settlements. Colonel Ichabod Alden, with two hundred and fifty men, was in command of the fort called by his name. Fort Alden was, however, merely a strong stone dwelling-house, which had been for tified, and surrounded with rude pickets and earthen embankments. The colonel had been duly informed of the approach of his barbarous enemy, but he gave no heed to the intelligence. The inhabit ants, nevertheless, were greatly alarmed, and begged that they and their most val uable property might be received within the fort. Alden, ridiculing their fears, re fused, and was only prevailed upon by their earnest entreaties to send out scouts to gain information, and to keep guard against any sudden surprise. The scouts seem to have shared in the confident security of their colonel ; for, on being sent out, they had not gone far, when they lighted a fire, and laid them selves down to sleep. The enemy caught them napping and made them prisoners, and, obtaining from them the intelligence which they wished, pushed on and took post upon a wooded hill that overlooked the settlement of Cherry Valley. Here they encamped until the next morning, when they rushed into the vil- IVov, 10, . ... lageand began an indiscriminate O O slaughter of the defenceless innabitants. Whole families were destroyed by the 1779, savage invaders. Old men. women, and children, appealed equally in vain to the cruel instincts of the Indian and the still more cruel ferocity of the hardened par tisan. In the course of the next year, Wash ington determined to strike a de cisive blow against the Indians in their homes and haunts. He accordingly placed a considerable body of continental troops under the command of General Sullivan, to whom was soon after joined General Clinton, of New York, with one thousand men. The Mohawks, or the Six Nations* as they were termed, were the principal objects of the expedition. These tribes inhabited the fertile tract of land lying between New England, the middle states, and the province of Canada. At the beginning of the Revolutionary War. they had pledged themselves to neutrali ty, but soon proved faithless to their word. The Oneidas, and a few besides, alone re mained faithful ; while the rest, won over by the Johnsons and the profuse gifts of the British agents, became hostile to the Americans, and destroved their lives and ./ property on every occasion. The Indians, on becoming aware of the approach of the Americans, made prepa- * This confederacy of Indians, first known as the "Five Nations," was composed of the Scnecas, Cayugas, Oneidas, Oriondagas, and Mohawks; but, in 1713, the Tuscaroras, being driven out of the Carolinas by the whites, migrated northward and joined the former tribes, who were thence called the " Six Nations." After Sullivan s expedition, a large portion of them moved to Canada (from which coun try they appear to have been forced southward at a remote period by the great confederacy of the Algonquins). The warlike Senccas and others of the Six Nations, or Iroqiiois, as the French called them, in their migrations spread their deadly hostility to the American whites throughout all the tribes of the Northwest. 678 BATTLES OF AMERICA. l_PAUT rations to meet them. They concentrated their forces, selected a good position, and fortified it with considerable skill. For two hours they stood their ground man fully against the whole of Sullivan s force, but were finally compelled to give way j before his artillery. The savages, once driven from their stronghold, made not ; an effort to rally, but fled in despair. | Sullivan s avenging troops pursued them closely, and, penetrating into the heart of their country, spread desolation every where.* " Many settlements," says Bamsay, " in the form of towns, were destroyed. All j their fields of corn, and whatever was in a state of cultivation, underwent the same fate. Scarcely anything in the form of a | house was left standing, nor was an In dian to be seen. To the surprise of the Americans, they found the lands about the Indian towns well cultivated, and their houses both large and commodious. The quantity of corn destroyed was immense.^ Orchards, in which were several hundred fruit-trees, were cut down ; and of them many appeared to have been planted for a long series of years. Their gardens, replenished with a variety of useful ve getables, were laid waste. J * Tliis region of country, then known as Tryon countv, hut now comprising Chemung and other counties, received, from the cruel devastations and massacres of the savages, the appellation of The Dark and Blood;/ Ground. \ It was estimated that not less than a hundred and sixty thousand hushels of corn in the granaries and fields were thus destroyed. In one fortnight tin s beautiful country was cast hack a century in its progress toward civilization. J Washington, who had conceived amV planned this most righteous expedition, and ordered its rigid execution in the manner in which it was performed, received from the sav- nges the name of An-nn-ta-kau-lcs, wtiich signifies, in the Seneca language, trwn-drst.roi/i r. At a council held in Phil adelphia, iw 1702, Corn-Planter, the distinguished Seneca " The Americans were so full of resent ment against the Indians for the many out rages they had suffered from them, and so bent on making the expedition decisive, that the officers and soldiers cheerfully agreed to remain till they had fully com pleted the destruction of the settlement. The supplies obtained in the country les sened the inconvenience of short rations. The ears of corn were so remarkably large, that many of them measured twen ty-two inches in length." Necessity suo;- */ o / o gested a novel method of grinding the grains. The soldiers thrust their bayo nets through the camp-kettles, and thus produced a rough surface upon which they rubbed the corn into a coarse meal. This severe lesson had its effect upon the Indians, who became thenceforward less bold in their cruelties and depreda tions. The frontiers now enjoyed com parative security from the incursions of the savages. Brant and his tory confed erates still fostered their wolfish propen sities in their lair at Niagara, and would occasionally find an opportunity to glut them in the blood and spoils of the un guarded settlers. These occasions, how ever, after General Sullivan s successful raid became known, were availed of with chief, thus addressed President Washington: "FATHER The voice of the Seneca nation speaks to yon, the great counsellor, in whose heart the wise men of all the thirteen fires have placed their wisdom. It may be very small in vour ears, and therefore we entreat you to hearken with at tention, for we arc about to speak to yon of things which to us arc very great. When your army entered the country of the Six Nations, we called you Tlic. Town- Destroy er ; and to this dav, when that name is heard, our wcrn.cn look behind them and turn pale, and our children cling close tc the necks of their mothers. Our counsellors and warriors are men, and can not be afraid ; but their hearts are grieved with the fears of our women and children, and desire that it may ho buried so deep that it may be heard no more,." EVOLUTIONARY.] LAFAYETTE PLANS THE CONQUEST OF CANADA. 679 less frequency and more timid caution. Nevertheless, Brant, with sixty of his sav ages and twenty-seven white men attack ed the Mininsink settlement du- July 23, . /i^n\ ring the same summer (1779), and burnt ten houses, twelve barns, a fort, and two mills. He moreover carried off several prisoners and a large quantity of plunder. The neighboring militia gath ered together and went in pursuit, but were driven back by the Indians. In South Carolina, Generals William son and Pickens carried out an expedi tion like that of Sullivan, and with simi lar success. The villages and harvests of the savages were destroyed, and they themselves forced to fly beyond the fron tiers. Colonel Broadhead, too, was equal ly successful in Pennsylvania. The In dians from this time became much less formidable, although we shall yet have an occasional atrocity to record. CHAPTER LXXVI. Lafayette in a " Cul de Sac." A Brilliant Flight. Cheeked by Washington. Return of Lafayette to France. Tlio Ship Alliance. The Voyage. A Conspiracy. Its Terrible Objects. The Disclosure. The Conspiracy put down. An Enemy avoided. Arrival at Brest. Lafayette in High Favor. A Formal and Royal Rebuke. His Reception by Queen Marie Antoinette. Commander of the King s Guard. Washington s Winter-Quarters. Disposition of tho Troops. Hutting. Washington visits Philadelphia. General Putnam in Trouble with his Troops. A Rebellion quelled. Jollity in the Camp. A Christmas Dinner. A Holyday. A " Splendid Entertainment." Hospitality at Headquarters. Colonel Hamilton at the Dinner-Table. Visit of Monsieur Gerard. A Grand Review. Native Gen tlemen. General Gayetv. An Occasional Duel. Affection under the Gallows. 1778, LAFAVETTE, while shut up in a cul de sac, as he termed it, at Bristol, on a neck of land, with a bay on the one side arid a river on the other (where General Sullivan had placed him, after the retreat from Rhode island, to watch the motions of the British), plumed his wings for a broader flight. He had conceived a bril liant plan for an expedition against Can ada. He would obtain from his sovereign, Louis XVI., a large army and a powerful ileet, to reduce Halifax and Quebec, while the Americans should co-operate by the lakes, and thus wrest every spot of earth in North America from British possession. Congress seemed to sanction the scheme ; but Washington, who, with every trust in the disinterestedness of the ardent young marquis, placed little faith in that of his country, defeated the wild and dangerous enterprise by his cautious counsels. Lafayette proposed to return to France, but had postponed his voyage for the pur pose of furthering his Canadian project. "If you have entertained thoughts, my dear marquis," quietly remarks Washing ton, - of paying a, visit to your court, to your lady, and to your friends, this win ter, but waver on account of an expedi tion into Canada, friendship induces me to tell you that I do not conceive that the prospect of such an operation is so 080 BATTLES OF AMERICA. favorable at this time as to cause you to change your views." Lafayette now pre pared to go home, and would have imme diately set sail, but was detained by a se vere illness. The finest frigate in the embryo navy of the United States, the Alliance, was or dered to convey the young marquis to France. On his recovery, he proceeded to Boston to embark, but found the ship not yet manned. The government of Massachusetts went so far in its courtesy to its distinguished visiter as to offer to obtain a crew by impressment. This was, however, an encroachment upon the rights of man to which the young French disci ple of freedom most positively objected. Recourse was therefore had, in manning the Alliance, to a number of British sail ors, some prisoners, and a few Frenchmen, who were taken indiscriminately from the docks of Boston. The captain of the Alliance was Lan- dais, a Frenchman and a gallant officer, to whom the command had been given as a compliment to France, whose friend ship every effort was at that time made to strengthen, and to which the very name of the ship was a tribute. The prejudice against serving under a Frenchman was, however, one of the chief difficulties in manning the Alliance with American sail ors, and forced Landais to content him self with a motley crew, of all countries and characters. With this difficulty about a crew, the Alliance did not finally get^to sea until Jan II tlie Beginning oi> tne J ear 1779. The passage was boisterous, and the frigate lost a topmast and sprang a leak ; and, when she had got within two days sail of the English coast, a conspi racy was discovered among the crew by one of the sailors, who was an American by birth, but, having lived a long time in Ireland, was supposed by his English ship mates to be an Irishman, and therefore taken by them into their confidence. It was not, however, until the morning of the very day for carrying their plans into execution, that the conspirators disclosed them to the American sailor. He pre tended to enter into (heir views with his whole heart, and thus got from them ev ery detail. He watched his opportunity to convey the intelligence to the captain, but was not able to do so until some time after three in the afternoon, although the hour appointed for carrying out the plot was four o clock. According to this American sailor s ac count, the conspirators were mainly com posed of Englishmen, and their purpose was bloody and determined. By the ori ginal plan, the cry of " Sail ho !" was to be raised about daylight, which it was supposed would bring all the officers and passengers (of whom there were several besides Lafayette) on deck, when it was intended to seize them. The mutineers had divided themselves into four parties, of which one was to get possession of the magazine, the second of the wardroom, the third of the cabin, and the fourth of the upper deck aft. In case the officers should resist, the four nine-pound guns on the forecastle (which one of the muti neers, a gunner s mate, had secretly load ed with canister) were to be pointed aft, and thus sweep the quarter-deck. A ser- REVOLUTIONARY.] LAFAYETTE S RECEPTION IN FRANCE. 681 geant of marines, who was also one of the party, had privately distributed firearms and side-weapons among his associates. The officers, passengers, and those who were in the interest of the ship, were sev erally to be dealt with as follows : Cap tain Landais, who was particularly odious, was to be heavily ironed, and sent adrift on the sea, in a boat, without food, water, oars, sails, or compass. The marine offi cer and the surgeon were to be hanged and quartered. The gunner, carpenter, and boatswain, were to be killed on the spot. The sailing-master was to be seized, hanged up to the niizzen-mast, scarified, cut into morsels, and thrown overboard. To each of the two lieutenants was to be offered the choice of either navigating the ship into the nearest British port or of * walking the plank." The passengers were to be more humanely treated, as it was intended only to iron them and de liver them up in England as prisoners. This diabolical conspiracy was, however, thwarted by the disclosure of the Ameri can sailor. Not a moment was to be lost; and ac cordingly, Captain Landais, having armed his officers and passengers, rushed up with them in a body on deck just in time to seize the ringleaders of the mutiny before the signal was given for the beginning of operations. Thirty or forty English sailors were put in irons; but, as at this moment a twenty-gun ship of the enemy hove in sight, it was thought imprudent to arrest any more. Landais, with most of his crew in a state of mutiny, did riot care to show fight, and therefore so ma noeuvred as to avoid an engagement, and, 80 Feb. 6. crowding on sail, made his way with all haste to the harbor of Brest, where the Alliance arrived after a short passage.* The young marquis was greeted on his arrival with great applause. "I had the honor," he wrote, " of being consulted by all the ministers, and, what was far better, embraced by all the ladies. Those em braces lasted but one day ; but I retained for a greater length of time the confidence of the cabinet, and I enjoyed both favor at the court of Versailles and popularity at Paris. I was the theme of conversa tion in every circle." Louis XVI. deemed it necessary to vin dicate his authority by the formality of a rebuke to the young marquis for his for mer disobedience in leaving the country contrary to orders ; but, with wonderful French tact, his majesty contrived to sweeten his censure with a compliment. Lafayette was forbidden to quit Paris for some days, and told to avoid those places in which the public "might consecrate his disobedience by their loud applause." Queen Marie Antoinette, then in all the pride of her youthful beauty, and with no dread of days of terror, received the rev olutionary hero with every mark of favor. Through her intercession, Lafayette was given the command of the dragoons of the king s guard; and this young enthu siast of liberty was warmed in the very bosom of despotism. In the beginning of December, Wash ington disposed his army in its winter quarters. The troops under Gen eral Putnam were stationed at Dan- 1778, * c oopcr. 682 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART n. bury, in Connecticut; those under Gen eral M Dougall, in the Highlands of the Hudson ; and the main body, under the commander-in-chief, in the neighborhood of Middlebrook, in New Jersey. Here the old expedient of hutting was resort ed to ; but, as the soldiers were better clothed, and as it was hoped that they would be better provisioned, the prospect was more promising at Middlebrook than during the previous year at Valley Forge. Washington was urged to pass the win ter, with his wife, at Philadelphia, where General Arnold was in command, and where Joseph Reed, now president of Pennsylvania, dwelt. " Were I to give in to private conveniency and amuse ment," he wrote in answer, " I should not be able to resist the invitation of my friends to make Philadelphia, instead of a squeezed-up room or two, my quarters for the winter. But the affairs of the army require my constant attention and presence, and, circumstanced as matters are at this time, call for some degree of care and address to keep it from crum bling." The commander-in-chief, however, vis ited Philadelphia during the winter, where Congress had been in session since the evacuation of the city by the British in the previous May. His object was to con fer with the members of the government in regard to the coming campaign (1779). The result was, a determination to pursue at the North a defensive polioy, with the exception of the expedition against the Indians, which we have already related. Washington s patriotism was greatly shocked by the selfish intrigues and par tisanship of the public men by whom he found himself surrounded at the capital. " If I were called upon," he wrote, " to draw a picture of the times and of men, from what I have seen, heard, and in part know, I should in one word say that idle ness, dissipation, and extravagance, seem to have laid fast hold of most of them ; that spec ulation, peculation, and an insatiable thirst for riches, seem to have got the belter of every other consideration, and almost of every order of men ; that part?/ disputes and personal quarrels are the great business of the day ; ivhile the MOMENTOUS CONCERNS OF AN EMPIRE, a great and accumulating debt, ruined finances, depre ciated money, and ivant of credit (ivhich in its consequences is the want of ever //thing), are but secondary considerations, and postponed from day to day, from iveeJc to week, as if oi:r affairs wore the most promising aspect." By his personal efforts and tact in the control of others, Washington succeeded in securing unusual comfort and good dis cipline among his troops. By timely in- terposition,he prevented what threatened to prove a serious mutiny on the part of the officers attached to the New-Jersey brigade of General Maxwell, who were ordered to join Sullivan in the expedition against the tribes of the Six Nations. The officers were induced to withdraw a me morial which they had drawn up and sent to the legislature, in which they declared that they would not march until their ar rears of pay were settled ; and, by the dis creet management of Washington, they were prevailed upon to proceed to their duty. General Putnam was not so successful with his division at Dauby The men did REVOLUTIONARY.] HOLYDAY FESTIVITIES IN THE AMERICAN CAMP. 683 1779, not get under cover in their huts until some time in January; and while obliged to remain in their tents in the height of winter, they suffered greatly from the exposure to cold. Provisions, too, became so scanty, that for six or nine days together the soldier was in want of his ration of bread. A revolt took place in consequence in the brigade under Gen eral Huntington. Four hundred men got under arms and marched out of the camp to an advantageous ground in the neigh borhood, where they took post, and ex pected to be joined by others. General Putnam, however, finally succeeded in dis persing the mutineers and quelling the rebellion. Though for awhile there seemed an end to active campaigning, the dull rou tine of camp-life was enlivened by various distractions. "Military duty not being very urgent," says a contemporary annal ist, " our officers appear disposed to relax in their discipline, and contract a habit approaching to dissipation." Late sup pers, with music and dancing continued " through half the night," became the fa vorite amusements, particularly of those hot bloods the Virginian and Maryland officers. Brigadier-General Muhlenberg, who had doffed the surplice for the con tinental uniform, and preached his fare well sermon in sword and cockade, was among the most hospitable of the military Amphytrions. We re-ad of his table being loaded with "fourteen different dishes," and surrounded by "forty-one respecta ble officers" as guests. The wine circu lated freely, toasts passed, and " humor ous and rnerry songs" were sung; while the conviviality and gayety were length ened out to a late hour in the night with military music, dancing, and punch. Christmas was not allowed to pass with out its appropriate banqueting ; and on the opening of the year, " Colonel Gibson made an entertainment, and invited all the officers of his regiment to dine at his quar ters in the country, a short distance from, camp." The guests did not leave the "amply-furnished" table until evening, when they were invited to the hospitable quarters of the ci-devant parson, Muhlen berg. "Here we were introduced," says the writer before quoted, " to a number of ladies assembled to unite with the gen tlemen in the ballroom; a very elegant supper was provided, and not one of the company was permitted to retire till three o clock in the morning. Thus have the gallant Virginians commenced the new year."* The anniversary of the alliance with France affords the camp an occasion for a holyday, and it is celebrated in " prop er style" near headquarters. A "splen did entertainment" was given by General Knox and the officers of the artillery. General and Mrs. Washington, the prin cipal officers of the army and their wives, and a number of the leading gentry of the neighborhood, formed " the brilliant assembly." About four o clock, sixteen cannon were discharged, and the guests collected in a large public building to partake of the banquet prepared for the occasion. In the evening fireworks were let off, and the celebration was concluded " by a splendid ball, opened by his excel- * Thachcr. 684 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART n lency General Washington, having for his partner the lady of General Knox." The commander-in-chief gives an ex ample of hospitality by " inviting a cer tain, number of officers to dine at his ta ble every day." As his excellency can not possibly be acquainted with every officer by name, his invitations are given through the medium of general orders, in which is mentioned the brigade from which the officer is expected. At these dinners the table is " elegantly furnished and the provisions ample, but not abound ing in superfluities." Colonel Hamilton, the aid-de-camp and secretary, does the honors at the head, while General and Mrs. Washington sit at the side of the table. " In conversation, his excellency s expressive countenance is peculiarly in teresting and pleasing ; a placid smile is frequently observed on his lips, but a loud laugh, it is said, seldom if ever es capes him. He is polite and attentive to each individual at table, and retires after the compliments of a few glasses. Mrs. Washington combines in an uncommon degree great dignity of manner with the most pleasing affability, but possesses no striking marks of beauty." The visit to the camp of Monsieur Ge rard, the French minister, and Don Juan de Mirilliars, a secret Spanish agent whose arrival is announced by the firing of thirteen cannon was the occasion for a grand review of the army, when Baron Steuben s good offices as a disciplinarian were made manifest. , The whole of the army was paraded in martial array in a spacious field, and a stage was erected for the accommodation of the spectators. " At the signal of thir teen cannon, the great and splendid cav alcade approached in martial pomp and style. A very beautiful troop of light- horse, commanded by Major Lee, a Vir ginian, marched in front; then followed his excellency the commander-in-chief and his aids-de-camp ; next the foreign ministers and their retinue ; while the general officers and their aids closed the procession. Having arrived on the field of parade, the commander-in-chief, with the foreign ministers and general officers ; passed in front of the line of the army, from right to left, in review, and received the military honors due to their rank; after which the gentlemen -dismounted and retired to the stage, and took seats with Mrs. Washington, Mrs. Greene, Mrs Knox, and a number of other ladies, who had arrived in their carriages. "The army then performed the field manoeuvres and evolutions, with firing of cannon arid musketry. The business of the day was closed by the troops deploy ing: and marching in front of the stage, O o tj / and paying the marching salute to their excellencies." Washington s tall figure and command- O O ing air made him conspicuous above all others. "While mounted on his noble bay charger," continues our annalist, " his stature appears remarkable ; and, being a good horseman, he displays a lofty car riage and benign dignity of demeanor."* In a few days more, some native gen tlemen present themselves in the camp, when Washington treats them to a re view. "His excellency," says Thacher, * Thacher. RKVOLUTIOXARY."] CAMP-SCENES AT MIDDLEBROOK. 685 " with his usual dignity, followed by his mulatto-servant Bill, riding a beautiful gray steed, passed in front of the line and received the salute. He was accompa nied by a singular group of savages, whose appearance was beyond description ludi crous. Their horses were of the mean est kind, some of them destitute of sad dles, and old lines were used for bridles. Their personal decorations were equally farcical, having their faces painted of va rious colors, jewels suspended from their ears and noses, their heads without cov ering except tufts of hair on the crown, and some of them wore dirty blankets over their shoulders waving in the wind." Thus passed the winter and early spring of 1779, in a current of cheerfulness, only disturbed by an occasional duel or an ex ecution. Captain E gives offence to Captain H , and is challenged to mor tal combat. E refuses, and H horsewhips him. E now challenges H ! They fight; but, quaintly ob serves our annalist, "no blood is shed, and not even a hair of their heads in jured." Both, however, retire from the ground perfectly satisfied that the breach in their "honor" is made whole until the next occasion for repair! Five soldiers, condemned to death for desertion and robbery, are led to the gal lows in a cart, seated on coffins, and with halters about their necks. A detachment of troops guards the unhappy criminals, and a large concourse of spectators gath er in a circle about the place of execution. While these poor wretches are awaiting the fatal moment which is to end their earthly existence, three of them receive a pardon from the humane commander-in- chief, " who," justly remarks the narrator of these incidents, "is always tenderly disposed to spare the lives of his soldiers." Two of the condemned, more culpable than the others, are obliged to submit to their fate. One is accompanied to the gallows by his brother. Their warm ex pressions of affection bring tears upon the cheeks of every beholder. They cling together in the fondest embrace, kissing each other, until the hangman is forced to part them, and to perform his cruel function. 080 BATTLES OF AMERICA. fl AUT II. CHAPTER LXXVII. The Tory Plunderers in East Florida. General Robert Flowe marches against Them. Off for Georgia. Fort Tonyon abandoned. General Howe retires to Savannah. Disappointment. The British Expedition. Colonel Campbell. His Character. His Arrival in Georgia. He attacks and beats Howe. Howe tried and acquitted by Court-Martini. His Fault. General Prevost on the March. He takes Sunbury. He arrives at Savannah. All Georgia for the British. Howe recalled. General Lincoln appointed to the Command of the Americans. His Life and Character. His Arrival in Georgia. Success of Moultrie at Port Royal. Lincoln resolves to act, General Ashe defeated bv Campbell. Restoration of Confidence among the Tories. March of Prevost through South Carolina. Retreat of Moultrie. Charleston aroused. Energy of Governor Rutledge. Gallant Sortie of Count Pulaski. Proposition of the Charleston Authorities. No Politician. Lincoln advances. Prevost retires. 1778, THE tories bad gathered in con siderable force in East Florida late in the autumn, whence they crossed into Georgia, and plundered and laid waste the country. General Robert Howe, who was chief in command of the troops of the southern states, now collected a force of two thousand men (a few of whom were continental soldiers, but the greater por tion South-Carolina and Georgia militia), and prepared to advance into Florida and attack the tory depredators in their own haunts. He was already on his march, when he learned that the enemy, with a body of tories and Indians, were also on the move, to invade Georgia. General Howe hastened to meet them ; and, on reaching Fort Tonyon, situated on the St. Mary s river, he found the works par tially demolished and abandoned by the enemy, who had retired as he advanced, and were retreating to ward St. Augustine. Dissension now occurred among Howe s officers, and the climate of that region of swamps began to sicken the men. In a short time, disease and death had so di minished and weakened the troops, that hardly one half were fit for duty. The American commander therefore resolved upon retiring, and returned to Savannah, where, upon his arrival, he gave such a sorry account of his expedition as created great disappointment. Sir Henry Clinton, apprized of the ap parent ascendency of the loyalists at the South, determined to strengthen the Brit ish influence there by a vigorous mani festation of force. Although the larger portion of the fleet under Admiral Byron, who succeeded Lord Howe, had sailed for the West Indies (after looking into Bos ton harbor, and finding Count d Estainsj O O too strongly moored to be disturbed), a considerable number of men-of-war were still at New York. Sir Henry Clinton ac cordingly despatched a body of about two thousand troops for the South under the orders of Lieutenant-Colonel Campbell, in a squadron commanded by Commodore Hyde Parker. Campbell was the officer who had been captured off Boston, and suffered so long an imprisonment, till he was exchanged for General Lee. He was possessed of RKVOLDTIONAUY.] INVASION OF GEORGIA. AMERICANS DEFEATED. GS7 Dec, 29, great military skill, and tact in concilia ting his enemies. No better man could have been selected to conduct the south ern expedition. He arrived off the coast of Georgia near the close of the year, and, having sailed up the Tybee for twelve miles, debarked his troops about three miles below Savannah, the capital of the state. General Prevost, who was in command of the British force in Florida, was ordered to co-operate with Campbell by marching into Georgia from the south. Major-General Howe, who had just re turned from his unfortunate expedition against the tory and Indian marauders of East Florida, was posted with one thou sand five hundred men within half a mile of Savannah. His ground had been well selected. Parallel to and in advance of his front was a lagoon, over which the main road to Savannah passed by means of a bridge, but which the American com mander destroyed, in order to prevent the advance of the British from the town. His right flank was covered by a morass, mostly overgrown with a thick wood, with here and there a house, however, where some riflemen were posted. His left was protected by the swamps of the Savannah river, which, in order further to strength en his position, he had connected with the morass on his rit-ht by db inno; a trench o J oO O along his front. The town and works of Savannah covered his rear. Howe, con fident in the strength of his ground, calm ly awaited the approach of the enemy. As the British van came up, a skirmish took place, but with little result, beyond the loss of a few men and a brave Eng lish officer. Lieutenant- Colonel Camp bell had pushed forward with the first division of his troops, and was reconnoi tring Howe s position, when a negro pre sented himself, who undertook to point out a by-path that led through the swamp to the American rear. Campbell gladly availed himself of the negro s information and guidance, and instantly made them available in action. Sir James Baird was detached with the light-infantry and the corps of New-York loyalists, to take the path to the American rear disclosed by the negro ; while Camp bell himself remained in front, arranging his line and preparing for action. He in tentionally delayed his attack until a fire in the American rear gave proof that Sir James had accomplished his object. The first gun was a signal for general assault. Campbell pushed on promptly in front, while Baird pressed in toward the Ameri can rear. General Howe s troops, thus surround ed, were broken and driven in confusion from their ground. The defeat was in stantaneous and decisive. Never was a victory of such magnitude so completely gained with so little loss, the British hav ing but seven killed and nineteen wound ed.* The Americans were hotly pursued through Savannah, and Howe was only able to save a small remnant of his force by fleeing up the river and escaping into South Carolina. He left behind him five hundred and fifty men either dead, wound ed, or prisoners, together with all his ar tillery and baggage. General Howe was subsequently tried * Lee s Soutltern Wur. 088 BATTLES OF AMERICA. by court-martial, but acquitted. What ever may have been his skill, however, in the choice of his ground, and his gallantry in awaiting the attack of a superior ene my, he certainly was amenable to the charge of a want of due circumspection, in leaving the by-path which led to his rear, open to the advance of the enemy. It could hardly have been from ignorance f or " how happens it," as the historian asks, " that he who had been in command in that country for many months, should not have discovered the by-way passing to his rear, when Lieutenant-Colonel Camp bell contrived to discover it in a few hours ?"* Brigadier-General Prevost was equally effective in accomplishing his part of the enterprise. Early in January, he rapidly marched northward and en tered Georgia. Immediately investing Sunbury, below Savannah, he compelled it to surrender ; and, having left a garri son in the fort, proceeded to the latter town without opposition. Being superior in rank, Prevost assumed the chief com mand of all the royal forces at the South, and detached his subordinate against Au gusta. Campbell got possession of the town without striking a blow. In the course of a short month, the whole state of Georgia was restored to the authority of the British crown. Nor was this result due more to the strength of the enemv s o / arms than to the conciliatory tact of the British generals. Both Campbell and Pre vost spared the property and protected the lives of the vanquished. This pru dent policy soon produced its legitimate * Lee. fruits, and was rewarded with the affec tions of the people, who now flocked to the British standard. After taking possession of Augusta, as already mentioned, Lieutenant- Colonel Hamilton was detached into the interior of Georgia, in order to crush any remain ing resistance, and to encourage the loy alists to come forward and aid in com pleting the establishment of royal author ity in the state. Colonel Pick ens, of South Carolina, hastily gathered his regiment of militia, and marched into Georgia, with the view of thwarting the progress of Brit ish influence. Advancing toward Hamil ton, he was on the point of giving him battle, when, finding him too strong, sus tained as he was by the co-operation of the inhabitants, he retired. On his re turn, Pickens fell in with a party of loy alists, under Colonel Boyd. These ma rauders were desolating the frontier of South Carolina, on their way to join the royal troops, and were now encountered at Kettle creek, within two days . , . / Feb. 14, march 01 Augusta. A sanguina ry struggle took place, in which the tory leader and seventy of his followers hav ing been slain, and an equal number ta ken prisoners, the rest fled. This was the only check received by the British during their invasion of Georgia, Savan nah being made the headquarters of their army in the South, and retained as such " until near the close of the contest, in 1782, when every rood of the soil, .out side of the intrenchments around that city, was in possession of the republicans." The fatality which seemed to attend the expeditions of General .Robert Howe REVOLUTIONARY.] created a strong prejudice against him ; and the delegates in Congress from South Carolina and Georgia clamorously insist ed upon the substitution in his place of a more experienced general. At the same time, the states of Virginia and North Carolina were urgently appealed to for succor. The latter promptly responded, and sent to the aid of her suffering sister- state two thousand militia, under Gener als Ashe and Rutherford. As these were, however, unarmed, it was some time be fore they could be of effective service. In the meantime, Congress appointed Major- General Lincoln, of Massachusetts, com mander of the southern department, in the place of General Howe, who joined the main army, under Washington. BENJAMIN LINCOLN led the life of a farm er near Hingharn,in Massachusetts, his na tive town, until he was more than forty years of age. Patriotism made a soldier <>{ him, and, after serving as an officer in the militia, he was appointed in 1777 a major-general- in the continental army. He served with Gates at Saratoga, where he was wounded. His great influence in his native state was exercised much to the advantage of the American northern campaign, at a time when the first tri umphs of Burgoyne had depressed the hopes of the eastern patriots. " Upright, mild, and amiable, he was universally re spected and beloved ; a truly good man, and a brave and prudent but not consum mate soldier," is the character written of him by Harry Lee. In person, he was large and corpulent, and the heaviest offi- , cer in the army, his weight at one time j being about three hundred pounds. 87 BENJAMIN LINCOLN. General Lincoln reached Charleston in January, soon after Howe s disaster at Sa vannah, and immediately hurried into Georgia, where he gathered the scattered American force, and, uniting it with the Carolina troops, stationed his army at Purysburg, on the Savannah riv er, about fifteen miles above the city of Savannah. The American troops were less than four thousand in number, and of these only eleven hundred were regu lar soldiers, the rest being raw militia. The enemy s forces amounted to about the same as the Americans ; but, as they were distributed at different posts from Savannah to Augusta, a distance of one hundred miles, they were not sufficiently concentrated to act with much effect on the offensive. The British general, more over, was for the present contented with the possession of Georgia, which he strove to retain by maintaining his long line of defence. Lincoln, in the meanwhile, al though he held his force compactly to gether, did not for some time seem to be disposed to begin operations. General Prevost, anxious to establish a post in South Carolina, preparatory to the future purposes of his campaign, de tached two hundred men by sea to take possession of Port Royal, an island near Charleston. They succeeded in making good their landing, but were soon ousted by the brave Colonel Mo ul trie, who, at the head of a few hundred militia, drove the British from the island, and would have totally destroyed them had not the am munition given out. Some well-known Carolina names, as Barnwell, Heyward, Rutledge, and Wilkins, were among those 690 BATTLES OF AMERICA. IMPART II. which became distinguished in the con flict of that day. General Lincoln, being strengthened by a large accession of militia from the Carolina*?, now resolved upon action. Fif teen hundred men, of whom one hundred only were regulars, were detached, under General Ashe, of North Carolina, to take post on the Carolina side of the Savannah river, opposite Augusta. Lieutenant-Colonel Campbell, who was stationed in the town, fell back immedi ately on the approach of the Americans, and, crossing Brier creek, encamped at Hudson s ferry, twenty-four miles above Ebenezer, where General Prevost had his headquarters. Lincoln s object was, if possible, to cut off the enemy. from the northern part of Georgia; and therefore, after securing the posts along the Savannah, on the Carolina side, he ordered General Ashe to cross the river, with the view of keeping the Brit ish within the lower country, along the seaboard, where the malaria of that un healthy region would prove a formidable scourge to the invaders during the ensu ing summer heats. Ashe, in accordance with General Lincoln s directions, posted himself behind Brier creek, where it falls into the Savannah, forty miles below Au gusta. Prevost determined to dislodge him. To conceal his object, the British general made a feint of crossing the Sa vannah with his main body. While Ashe was concentrating his attention upon this demonstration, Prevost marched with a strong detachment for a distance of fifty miles forded Brier creek, fifteen miles above the American camp and fell sud- March 3. denly upon its rear. The hand ful of continental troops, under Elbert, made a brave though vain resist ance ; but the militia were driven away in confused flight. The British loss was insignificant, while only four hundred and fifty of the Americans ever rejoined the army. Some were killed, others perished in the morasses, and many were drowned in attempting to cross the Savannah riv er. By this disaster, one fourth part of Lincoln s small force was destroyed. The spirit of loyalty in Georgia to the British throne, which had been tempora rily discouraged by the advance of the American troops, and the retirement of Lieutenant-Colonel Campbell from Au gusta, was now revived by the success of Prevost. But in the neighboring state of South Carolina:, the disasters of the American arms in Georgia only served to reanimate the people to more vigorous exertions for the cause of independence. John Kutledge, being immediately ap pointed governor, and invested with the powers of a dictator, imparted resolution to all by his wise counsels, his eloquent appeals, and firm conduct. The militia rallied to the American standard, and Gen eral Lincoln (whose force had now in creased to five thousand men) was en couraged in his efforts to hold Augusta and the upper part of Georgia. Having left a thousand men, under the command of Moultrie, to defend the posts of Purysburg and Black, swamp, Lincoln in the latter part of A >ril moved toward Augusta. While he -vas marching along the right bank of the Savannah, General Prevost, aware of the movement, took ad- THE BRITISH APPEAR BEFORK CHARLESTON. 691 vantage of the American commander s absence, and crossed the river to Purys- burg with two thousand regulars, and a considerable body of loyalists and Creek Indians. After entering South Carolina, and finding Purysburg abandoned, the British general made a forced march du ring the night, in the hope of overtaking Mo ul trie at Black swamp. He was, how ever, three hours too late. Moultrie, being joined by Colonel M b ln- tosh, who had made a timely retreat from Purysburg, took post at Tulifinnee bridge, leaving Lieutenant-Colonel Laurens, with a small party of continental troops and a body of militia, at Coosawhatchie bridge ; which, however, after a gallant defence, in which he was wounded, he was forced to abandon on the advance of Prevost. The British general s object was Charles ton, by threatening which he hoped to divert Lincoln, who had now recrossed the Savannah, from his Georgia project. The latter, however, thinking Prevost s movement was but a feint, persevered, and contented himself with despatching a party of three hundred infantry, under Colonel Harris, to reinforce Moultrie, and aid him in opposing the inarch of the Brit ish through South Carolina. General Prevost, nevertheless, proceeded on his march toward Charleston. Moultrie continued to re treat before him ; and, having no cavalry, he was unable to check the British advance, and only to embarrass it by destroying the bridges. The march of the British commander through South Carolina was triumphant. General Lincoln was away in Georgia ; Governor Rutledge, with the May 1, reserve militia, was in the interior ; Moul trie, with his handful of men, was in re treat; the inhabitants of the state were panic-stricken, and many in their frigh appealed to the British for protection. Prevost might now have pushed on and carried Charleston by a coup de main. For some unaccountable reason, however, he delayed for two or three days on his march, and lost his chance. The threatened city, in the meantime, was aroused from the lethargy of despair to the activity of hope. The lieutenant- governor and the council made the great est exertions to stimulate the energies of the inhabitants. Every effort was made to fortify the town. " Masters and ser vants, boys and girls," says Lee, a mixed in the honorable work of self-defence." All the houses in the suburbs were burnt. Intrenchments and abattis of trees were extended from Ashley to Cooper rivers, and cannon mounted across the whole ex tent of Charleston neck. The militia of the neighborhood thronged in at the call of the lieutenant-governor. General Moultrie s retreating troops at length arrived. Governor Rutledge and the militia, with a reinforcement of con tinental troops, followed, having hurried forward by forced marches. On the 10th of May, all were in the town. It was not until the next day that nine hundred of the British troops crossed the Ashley river, and appeared be- . . May lit fore the town. Hie mam body, with the baggage, were left on the other side. The spirited Pulaski, with his le gion of light-horse, arrived to aid in the rescue of Charleston on the very day on 692 BATTLES OF AMERICA [PAKT II. which the British presented themselves. He strove to make himself useful on the moment. The English had hardly arrived two hours, when the gallant Pole led a body of horse and some infantry beyond the lines, and, having stationed the latter in a valley, behind a small breastwork, endeavored to draw the enemy into an ambuscade. Advancing at the head of a troop of horse, Pulaski provoked an en gagement with the British cavalry, and then retreated to the infantry. The lat ter, however, in their eagerness to engage, had left their ambush, and thus thwarted the design. A struggle ensued, in which the Brit ish, with their superior numbers, had the advantage. Count Pulaski, by personal activity and bravery, did all in his power to compensate for the imprudence of his men, but was finally obliged to retreat within the lines. That the town might not be assaulted by surprise during the night, tar-barrels were lighted up in front of the works. This precaution gave rise to an accident which was greatly lamented in South Car olina, as it deprived the state of one of its most devoted patriots. Governor Rut- ledge, having discovered a breach in the abattis, sent Major Benjamin Huger, at the head of a small party, to repair it. The. garrison, seeing by the light of the tar- barrels some men at the works, and not being aware of their purpose, took them for enemies, and fired upon them, killing Huger and twelve of his men. On the following day a council was held, when, as there was little Nay 12, trust to be put in the military conduct of the ohree thousand three hun dred troops which defended the city, they being chiefly raw militia; and as, although Lincoln was now marching to their assist ance, the time of his arrival was uncertain, it was determined by a majority of the civil (though not of the military) officers to make a proposition to the British gen eral. The proposition was as follows : " That South Carolina will remain in a state of neutrality till the close of the war, and then follow the fate of its neighbors, on condition that the royal army will with draw."* The British commander bluntly rejected this offer, declaring that he was no politician, and demanded that, as the garrison were in arms, they should sur render as prisoners-of-war. This was an swered by an absolute refusal. * "To gain time," says Simms, "was of the utmost con- ;quence. A day was consumed in tendering and returning /jgs. Prevost was deluded. The better to beguile him, a urge hope was held out as a lure to expectation. The com missioners were instructed to propose the neutrality of South Carolina during the war, and that the future of the state should be determined by the event of the war. "It has been assumed, by certain writers, that this offer was made in good faith ; aruHt was the policy of Rutlcdge that it should appear so. There were hundreds of loyalists in the city who found means to communicate by night with the enemy. It was necessary that people and army should equally believe that the governor and his council were in earnest, in order that Prevost should believe it also. Mean time, the end was gained. "Prevost discovered, after awhile, that the negotiations did not include the army ; that, even if the city were surren dered, the troops in it might all cross to the east side of the Cooper, and escape ; and that he should only possess the shell of the oyster. He demanded lo treat with the military commandant, who was Moultrie. When Rutledge referred the matter finally to him, he exclaimed, I will save the city ! and his exclamation excited the people to enthusiasm. They had heard of the negotiations. They were roused to mutiny, people and army ; and, had the governor and coun cil persisted, which we have no reason to suppose that they designed to do, they would have been torn in pieces." Hin- lory of South Carolina, p. 233. REVOLUTIONARY.] PREVOST RETREATS. WESTERN" FORTS CAPTURED. 693 Provost now prepared for an assault; but, having for some days hesitated to begin operations, an express from Lincoln was in the meantime captured. This sud denly changed his plans ; for, learning that the American general was rapidly advancing toward Charleston, he feared that he might be caught between two fires. The British commander now pre cipitately quitted his ground. He had scarcely crossed the Ashley river, when Lincoln arrived at Dorchester, within a short distance of Charleston. Prevost began his retreat, by means of the boats at his command, along the seacoast; and, having first crossed to James s island, he finally passed over to John s island, where he awaited the reinforcements which he expected to receive from Sir Henry Clin- on at New York. West of the Alleghanies, where pio neers from the seaboard states had plant ed sparse settlements, the storm of war was meanwhile sweeping. Border forays had occurred soon after the war broke out; and finally, in 1778, a regular expe dition ngainst the English frontier posts northward of the Ohio had been led by Major George Rogers Clarke, the most active of the military commanders of that region. He was a Virginian by birth, and commanded a company in Governor Lord Dunmore s army in 1774. The following year he went to Kentucky, and became the leader of the armed settlers in that region. He was in active service most ol the time till the close of the Revolution. Subsequently, he was created a major- general in the armies of France, and was to take command of the expedition which Genet, the French minister, endeavored to organize in Kentucky against the Span iards on the Mississippi, but which failed. Clarke s operations in 1778 were in the present states of Indiana and Illinois : the British posts of Kaskaskia, Cohokia, and Vincennes, were successively captured. In January, 1779, the commander of the enemy s post at Detroit retook Vin cennes. Clarke, with one hundred and seventy-five men, penetrated the country from the Ohio, in February, to recover it. Foi a whole week they traversed " the drowned lands" of Illinois, suffering ev ery privation from wet, cold, and hunger. When they arrived at the Little Wabash, where the forks of the streams are three miles apart, they found the intervening space covered with snow-water to the depth of three feet. Over a distance of five miles those hardy soldiers travelled through the chilling flood, in the deep forest, the water sometimes up to their armpits. At last they appeared, with their faces blackened with gunpowder a fearful apparition be fore the fort at Vincennes. Two days j afterward, the stars and stripes were wa ving in triumph over that little fortress.* * Lossinp. Feb. 18, 094 BATTLES OF AMERICA. ("PART II. CHAPTER LXXYTTL General Lincoln smacks the Enemy. Forced to retire. The British Policy in South Carolina. Devastation. Plunder of Property. Negroes er.tieej. The British from New York invade Virginia. Fall of Portsmouth and Norfolk. Wanton Devastation and Robbery. Vain Remonstrance of the Assembly of Virginia. Grand Expedition of Sir Henry Clinton. He takes the Fort at Stony Point. Verplanck s Point surrendered. The British Fleet ascends the Hudson. Washington moves his army toward West Point. Disposition of the American Force. General Wayne on the Practicability of retaking Stony Point. British Expedition against Connecticut. Plunder of New Haven. Gov ernor Tryon s Devastations at East Haven. Fail-field in Ashes. Tryon s Conscience pricked. Loss to Connecticut. Tryon glorified. Wayne in Readiness. Description of Stony Point. Negro Pompey. Plan and Disposition of the Attack. The Guards gagged. Fleury in Advance. The Struggle. Wayne down. He is carried into the Fortress. The Victory. A Characteristic Despatch. The Enemy s Guns turned. The British Fleet slip Anchors. Stony Point abandoned. The Works at West Point 1779, PiiEVOST, as related in the previ ous chapter, having crossed from James s to John s island, General Lincoln on leaving Dorchester moved along the mainland until he came opposite to the British encampment, from which he was now only separated by Stono inlet. Pre- vost having marched with a body of his troops to the Savannah river, Lincoln took the occasion of attacking Lieutenant- Colonel Maitland, who was left in com mand of the remnant of the British force on the island. The attack was made spirited ly and as spiritedly resisted. The object of the Americans, however, was not gained, and they were forced to retreat to the mainland. The loss on both sides was about equal. It was now the hottest season of these southern latitudes, and all active hostili ties ceased. Prevost reached Savannah, and Lieutenant-Colonel Maitland, remain ing in South Carolina, took post at Beau fort, on the island ot Port Royal. Lin- join, with his force diminished, by the re- Juiie 20, turn of the militia to their homes, to about eight hundred men, established himself at Sheldon, that he might conveniently watch the movements of the enemy at Beaufort. The British, on their march through South Carolina ; did not pursue the same generous policy by which they had gained over the inhabitants of Georgia. The plantations were wantonly laid waste, and the houses plundered of plate and jewel ry. The negroes were tempted by prom ises of freedom to abandon their masters, and they came in hundreds to join the British, to whom they revealed the hiding- / o places of the planters property. Three thousand slaves were thus lost to their masters ; some were enrolled in the Brit ish ranks, but not a few were shipped to to the West Indies and sold. South Car olina estimated its loss in labor at no less than two hundred and eighty thousand dollars.* Sir Henry Clinton, still intent upon his plan of detached expeditions to ravage * Lossing. REVOLUTIONARY.] VIRGINIA INVADED. THE BRITISH UP THE HUDSON. 695 May 5, and destroy, determined now to make a descent upon Virginia. He accordingly selected two thousand troops for the purpose, and put them un der the command of General Matthews. Having embarked on board Sir George Collier s squadron, they reached Hamp ton roads on the 9th of May. On land ing, Portsmouth, which was defenceless, and Norfolk, which was still in ruins, fell at once into the possession of the inva ders. The troops pushed on by land, and destroyed houses, stores, and property of all kinds, at Suffolk, Kemp s landing, Gos- port, Tanner s creek, and elsewhere. The British men-of-war were no less active in wrong and injury. Within the fortnight during which the expedition continued on the coast, the damage they did was enormous. More than one hundred and thirty vessels of all kinds (merchantmen, privateers, and men-of-war) were either burned or captured. Seventeen British prizes and three thousand hogsheads of tobacco were seized at Portsmouth and carried away. The assembly of Virginia resolved that the governor be required to remonstrate to the British commander against such a cruel and unprecedented manner of wa ging war, not authorized by any civilized nation." Unfortunately, the more pow erful argument of men and arms could not be urged ; and the appeals to their humanity were not listened to by the en emy in those days of embittered hostility. The British returned to New York, after an absence of only a month, when other service was found, equally congenial to those heartless depredators. Sir Henry Clinton had for some time projected an attack upon the two Ameri can posts at Stony Point and Verplanck s Point. These sites on the Hudson river, just below the Highlands, and a little south of Peekskill, had been selected for the erection of forts, in order to guard the mountain-passes beyond, and King s ferry, forming the most convenient com munication between the eastern and mid dle states. At Verplanck s Point, on the east side of the river, a strong fort had already been completed, and was now gar risoned by seventy men, under Captain Armstrong. The works on Stony Point, opposite, were unfinished, and were de fended only by forty soldiers. The British commander-in-chief deter mined to lead the expedition in person; and, having added to his party some of the marauders just returned fromVirginia, he set out from New York with ,, May 30, a iieet or not less than seventy sail and one hundred and fifty small boats, carrying five thousand troops. General Vaughan,who commanded the land-force, debarked on the east side of the Hudson ; while Sir Henry Clinton, advancing far ther up the river, landed with some ma rines and guns on the western bank, and took possession of the unfinished fort at Stony Point without op position. Here cannon and mortars were dragged during the night to the summit of the rocky heights. The next morning, Clinton opened his batteries, and poured a storm of fire upon Verplanck s Point, which was completely commanded from his position. In the meantime, General Vaughan, who had made a long circuit May 31, 690 BATTLES OF AIM ERICA. [l-ART II. June through the hills, arrived and invested the fort by land. The garrison, finding it useless to resist, sur rendered themselves as prisoners-of-war. The enemy now applied themselves dil igently to completing and strengthening the works, while their fleet still lingered up the Hudson. Washington, becoming solicitous about West Point and the other forts above, moved his army in that di rection. From Middlebrook, in New Jer sey, he inarched to Smith s clove, where he left the main bod} under the command of General Putnam, and established his own headquarters at New Windsor, where he might be near West Point, which im portant position he was most anxious to secure. General M/Dougall had been sub stituted, in command of this latter post, for Putnam, who had now become less efficient from the effects of age. Three brigades, under General Heath, recently transferred from Boston, were posted on the eastern side of the river ; Nixon s was at Constitution island ; Parsons s opposite to West Point, with instructions to send fatigue-parties daily across the river to assist in constructing the works yet in O \J progress; and Huntington s on the prin cipal road leading to Fishkill. Washington, conscious of the impor tance of the two posts lately wrested from him by the British, eagerly sought an op portunity to recover them. To General Wayne, who was in command of the light- infantry stationed between the main ar my at Smith s clove and Fovt Montgom ery, Washington wrote: "The importance of the two posts of Verplanck s Point and Stony Point to the enemy is too obvious to need explanation. We ought, if pos sible, to dispossess them." Sir Henry Clinton had returned with most of his troops and ships to New York, with a view to making other incursions ; and Washington thought the occasion might be convenient for the execution of his design upon Stony and Verplanck s Points. "It is a matter I have much at heart," he said, " to make some attempts upon these posts in the presentweak state of the garrisons." Wavne was then en- O */ treated to use his best endeavors to ac quire the necessary information, and to give his opinion on the practicability of a surprise of one or both of these places, especially of Stony Point. Wnyne s reply was prompt and emphatic. " General." answered he, "I ll storm h-11, if you will only plan it!" We shall see hereafter how far his actions responded to his words in the lesser attempt upon Stony Point. Throughout the whole period of the Revolution, and especially during the lat ter years of the contest, the inhabitants of Connecticut were among the greatest sufferers by the frequent marauding expe ditions sent out from the enemy s head quarters at New York. Thus, early in the present year (1779), the cruel , . rn -11 /> and infamous Iryon, the last of the royal governors of New York, marched into Connecticut from Kingsbridge, with fifteen hundred British regulars and Hes sians, to destroy some salt-works belong ing to Americans at Horseneck. and to o attack a detachment under General Put nam, lying at Greenwich. The republi cans were dispersed, and Putnam barely escaped capture by some dragoons, who REVOLUTIONARY.] TRYON S RAVAGES IN CONNECTICUT. 697 pursued him hi his flight toward Stain- ford.* He rallied his troops at the latter place, pursued the enemy on their retreat through Wesfchestcr county, recaptured a quantity or* plunder in their possession, and took thirty-eight of them prisoners. The British government having delib- o o erately determined upon a fresh preda tory expedition into Connecticut, and in structed Sir Henry Clinton to that effect, he appointed Governor Tryon to the con genial command of the marauders. Twen ty-six hundred troops, a large portion of them Hessian mercenaries, embarked on board of about fifty transports, and, being escorted by the Camilla and Scorpion men-of-war, sailed from New York up the East river and Long-island sound for New Haven. Before coming to anchor in the bay, Governor Tryon concocted with General Garth, his second in command, a proclamation to the inhabit ants of Connecticut. In this document, the people were urged to return to their duty and allegiance ; and all, except the civil and military officers of the govern ment, should they remain peaceably at home, were promised protection in per son and property. The proclamation was sent ashore, and the next day the British fleet came to anchor in New-Haven bay. Without giving the people an opportunity to consult upon the promises offered in the proclamation, and to agree upon action, Governor Tryon at * " It was on this occasion," observes Mr. Lossing, " that Putnam s alleged descent of a flight of stone steps, on horse back, took place. That he fled down a steep hill, near a flight of steps that had been formed for the accommodation of the neighboring inhabitants in taking a direct way to a church on the eminence, there can be no doubt; but, that he * - ent all the way down the steps, is a pure fiction." July 5. once debarked his troops. One division, commanded by himself, landed at East Haven; the other, under General Garth, at. West Haven. The latter pushed on to New Haven, being somewhat harassed by the militia who had gathered to oppose him. The town was delivered up to pro miscuous plunder. Whigs, and even to- ries, who had not provided themselves with protections, suffered greatly. Many of the inhabitants deserted their homes, and fled with their wives and children to East rock, a hill in the neighborhood of the town ; and from its heights, while trembling for their lives, they looked down upon the marauders who were pil laging and destroying their property in the town. The houses were robbed of plate and money ; and the hogsheads of rum, molasses, and sugar, in which New Haven in those days carried on so large a trade, were turned out of the West- Indian warehouses, and wantonly broken and wasted. Personal collisions occurred between the drunken soldiers and the in jured inhabitants, and occasional scenes of bloodshed and cruelty ensued. On the following day, the militia be gan to collect in such threatening force, that Garth drew off his troops, having burned the storehouses upon the wharf before his departure. At East Haven, during the same day, Tryon not only plundered but burnt the houses, and destroyed the cattle. He, however, like Garth, was frightened away from fur ther barbarity by the threatening aspect of the provoked inhabitants. The next point of attack was Fairfield. On the fleet coming to anchor oft" the July 6. 698 BATTLES OF AMERICA. n. July 7, town, Try on sent ashore a copy of his proclamation, with a flag of trace to Colo nel Whiting, who commanded the militia, and giving him an hour to consider upon a reply, by which he might save the town. The colonel did not long- deliberate, and sent back an nn- o swer in behalf of the Connecticut people, saying, "The flames have now preceded their answer to your flag, and they will persist to oppose to the utmost that pow er which is exerted against injured inno cence." This reached the fleet at sunset. Throughout that night and the ensuing morning, the British plundered and de stroyed, until the whole town of Fairfield was laid in ashes, and the country for two miles around was devastated. Norwalk was the next object of these ruthless invaders, and its fate was fully as merciless as that of Fairfield. July 12, Churches were burnt in common with the houses. Governor Tryon, feel ing some compunctions of conscience for his conduct, justified the destruction of the dwellings on the ground that the oc cupants fired from them upon his troops, and expressed his regret at " the loss of two places of public worship at Fairfield, which took fire unintentionally by the flakes from other buildings ; and," he add ed, " I gave strict orders for the preser vation of that at Norwalk." Neverthe less, it is said that while Norwalk was in flames, the merciless Tryon, with a sorry imitation of Nero, seated himself in a rock ing-chair upon a neighboring eminence, and gloated over the scene of desolation. It is also asserted that when he had com pleted the work of destruction in these pleasant and beautiful villages, he boast ed of his clemency, declaring that the existence of a single house was a monu ment of the king s mercy ! Truly has it been aid that Tryon was a disgrace to the British name. He was a fit instrument for an infatuated ministry; and, for his wrong doings in America, before and du ring the Revolution, the English people thoroughly disliked him. The estimated loss to (he people of Connecticut by these depredations was one hundred and twelve thousand six hundred and forty-seven dollars, at New Haven ; one hundred and eighty-one thou sand three hundred and sixty-six dollars, at Fairfield ; and one hundred and sixty- eight thousand eight hundred and sixty- eight dollars, at Norwalk comprising a large amount in those days of limited means and simple habits. Tryon was arrested in the midst of his barbarous raids upon Connecticut, by a recall from Sir Henry Clinton, to confer upon an attack on New London, which town, being a great harbor of refuge for American privateers, it was determined to treat with the utmost severity. Sir Henry had been persuaded that this pet ty system of depredations which he was now pursuing would, by striking at the homes and property of the people, be more effective than a nobler warfare. Its effect, however, was onl} 7 to increase the feeling of hostility, while it did not seri ously diminish the means. Still, the government of Great Britain did not seem dissatisfied with the result; and the minister, Lord George Germain, wrote to Sir Henry Clinton, say ing : " The REVOLUTIONARY.] STONY POINT. POMPEY, THE SHREWD NEGRO SPY. 699 expedition into Connecticut, upon which you detached Major-General Trvon. was / 7 ably planned and well executed ; and you will acquaint Major-General Tryon, and the otticers that were under his care, that their conduct has met with his majesty s ap probation." His lordship, notwith stand ing, had some misgivings about the barbari ties practised, for he adds : " I can not help lamenting, with you, that the be havior of the rebels, in firing from their houses upon the troops, rendered it ne cessary to make use of severities that are ever painful to British soldiers to inflict." General Wayne was now ready for the attack upon Stony Point, which, in ac cordance with the suggestion of Wash ington, he had been contemplating for some time. The works had been com pleted by the British. Standing upon a high promontory of rock, with the waters of the Hudson on three sides, a morass (which could only be crossed at low tide by a narrow causeway) on the fourth, and strongly fortified by art, Stony Point now presented a formidable fortress. Fortifica tions, compactly built, crowned the sum mit; heavy cannon threatened every ap proach; and on the acclivities were two rows of abalLis. A garrison of sixhundred choice British troops, under Lieutenant- Colonel Johnson, manned the works, and several English gun-vessels were floating in the river within cannon-shot. Wayne had diligently followed the ad vice of Washington, and in conjunction with the brave Major Lee had examined in person the position of the fort. Infor mation had been carefully sought from deserters, and spies had been sent in to gain every possible intelligence. To a faithful negro belonging to a Captain Lamb, an ardent patriot of the neighbor hood, Wayne was indebted for the most useful services. Pompey, this shrewd ne gro, succeeded in gaining admission into the fort, under the pretence of selling fruit, and soon established a traffic by which he was enabled to make frequent visits without exciting suspicion. As the season advanced, Pompey pleaded that his labors in the field (it being "hoeing- corn time") would prevent his visits by day; whereupon, as he expected, he was desired to make them by night. He was accordingly provided with the counter sign, "The fort is our own" in order that he might be readily admitted at all hours with his indispensable supplies for the re freshment of the garrison. Pompey thus acquired the most important information, of which Wayne was glad to avail him self, and chose him as his guide in the cornirrg assault.* General Wayne was now stationed at Sandy beach, distant about four teen miles from Stony Point, and here he was joined at this time by the Massachusetts infantry under Lieutenant- Colonel Hale. Thus reinforced, Wayne marched at noon, in the height of the sweltering heat of the midsummer sun, over craggy hills and through narrow de files and deep morasses, to within a mile and a half of the fort. So difficult and narrow was the route, that for the great est part of the way the troops were forced to move in single file, and dixl not reach their destination until eight o clock in the * Lossing. July 15, 700 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART n. evening. Here, as they came Vipon the ground, Wayne formed his force. The regiments of Colonels Febigerand Meigs, and Lieutenant- Colonel Bale s detach ment of Massachusetts infantry, composed the right column ; and Colonel Butler s regiment, with the two companies of Ma jor Murfey, formed the left. One hun dred and fifty men volunteered to form the van of the right, and were placed un der the command of the gallant French man, Lieutenant-Colonel Fleury. A hun dred men, under Major Stewart, offered themselves for the same position on the left. Twenty picked men were selected as a forlorn hope to precede each van, and to remove the abattis and other obstruc tions ; one party was led by Lieutenant Gibbon, and the other by Lieutenant Knox. Three hundred men, under Gen eral Muhlenberg, were to remain behind as a reserve, in case support should be required, or a retreat become necessary. General Wayne now rode forward with his officers to reconnoitre, and, on his re turn, prepared to begin the assault at half- past eleven o clock that night, the time fixed upon. Before moving, Wayne ex horted his men to obey his injunctions strictly, and not on any account to fire, but to trust entirely to their bayonets. Pompey s services were now put in re quisition, and he led the way, accompa nied by two stout and active soldiers, dis guised as farmers. On coming up to the first sentry, the negro repeated the coun tersign; and, while engaging him in talk, Pompey s stalwart companions suddenly sprang upon the man and gagged him. The next sentinel was caught and treated m the same way. Thus the troops, with out alarming the enemy, advanced to the causeway, where they were detained im- til past midnight, in consequence of the fullness of the tide. Once across the causeway, the columns of the right and left advanced to their work. Wayne himself headed the for mer, and, repeating his order to his men to rely entirely upon their bayonets, led them on. The van had arrived within pistol-shot of the pickets on the heights of the promontory before the guards were roused, when their fire alarmed the whole garrison, which soon began to pour down a fire of musketry and grape. The Amer icans, however, obedient to command, did not return a shot, but pushed steadily on with fixed bayonets, and forced their way in spite of every obstacle. Both the right and left columns met in the centre of the enemy s works almost at the same mo ment. Lieutenant-Colonel Fleury was the first to enter and strike the British standard, closely followed by Major Posey, his sec ond in command, who sprang upon the ramparts, shooting the enemy s counter sign, " The fort is our oivn !" Wayne, while advancing up the ascent, was struck on the head by a musket-ball, and brought to the ground. Thinking himself mortal ly wounded, he cried to his aid-de-camp, who came to his assistance, " Carry me into the fort, and let me die at the head of my column !" He was lifted up and borne into the fortress in the midst of his victorious troops. His wound proved less serious than he had at first supposed, and the general revived in time to share in REVOLUTIONARY. I STONY POINT REOCCUPIED BY THE BRITISH. 7ul the immediate exultation on the success of his enterprise. The British yielded themselves up as prisoners-of-war; and, before the morning dawned, Wayne was enabled to send in telligence of his victory to Washington, in this characteristic despatch : " STON-V POINT. July 16, 1779. ) " Two o clock, A. At. \ " DEAR GENERAL : The fort and garrison, with Colonel Johnson, are ours. Our offi cers and men behaved like men who are determined to be free. " Yours most sincerely, " ANTHONY WAYNE." Next morning, General Wayne turned the guns of the captured fortress on the works ol Fort Lafayette at Verplanck s Point opposite, and upon the English ves sels in the river. The latter were forced to slip their cables and move down the stream. The former stood fire ; for the detachment of Americans under General Robert Howe, which had been ordered to attack the fort at Verplanck s Point, in co-operation with Wayne, had failed | in consequence of neglect to bring with them the implements necessary for the | success of the enterprise. The loss of the Americans amounted to fifteen killed and eighty-three wound ed; that of the British to sixty-three in killed, while the commander and all the garrison (numbering fiv.e hundred and forty-three officers and men) were taken prisoners. The forty gallant men who had volunteered to lead the van of the Americans were the greatest sufferers in the assault. Their daring officers, Lieu tenants Gibbon and Knox, were especial ly commended by Wayne in his despatch for " their distinguished bravery." On hearing of the fall of Stony Point, Sir Henry Clinton immediately broke up his conference at Throgg s Point, where in conjunction with Tryon he was plan ning an expedition against New London ; and, abandoning that scheme, he hurried up the Hudson with reinforcements. It was hoped that Washington would risk a battle for the possession of Stony Point ; but, finding that it could not be held with less than fifteen hundred men a force which he could ill spare from his army the commander-in-chief decided to aban don it. The fort, having been dismantled of its cannon, and its stores removed, was de stroyed ; whereupon the enemy resumed possession of the site, and reconstructed fortifications of greater strength than ever. Washington, solicitous for the safety of West Point, now removed his head quarters to that post, and urged on the completion of the works in progress, un der the supervision of Kosciusko. The army was stationed, in two divisions, in the Highlands of the Hudson, where it remained until going into winter-quarters in December. The right wing, consisting of the Pennsylvania, Maryland, and Vir ginia troops, were on the west side of the river, and commanded by General Put nam. The left wing, made up of New- England troops, under General Heath, rested on the east side. July 18. 702 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART 11. CHAPTER LXXIX. Paul Jones in France. He gets a Squadron. The Bon Homme Richard. Sailing of the Ships. Refitting at Brest. A British Cruiser taken. L Orient. The Richard all alone. A Hundred American Tars. First-Lieutenant Dale. A Fresh Cruise. Occasional Prizes. Attempt on Leith. A Gale. The Bon Homme Riehurd aoandoned by her Consorts. A Daring Plan. Falls in with a British Fleet. The Fight begins. Jones abandoned by Captain Landais. The Serapis. A Close Hug. The Enemy attempt to board. The Repulse. The Man in the Tops An Explo sion. Terrible Havoc. A Friend turned Enemy. Panic. Treason. Quarter. Fierce Oaths. The Fight renewed Fire. The Serapis strikes her Flag. The Richard abandoned, and goes down. Jones hoists his Flag on board the Serapis. The Blood spilt. 1779, PAUL JONES S spirited and success ful cruise in the Ranger, on the Eng lish coast, had won for him great renown in France ; and consequently he found his ambitious projects readily seconded by the French government. A small squad ron, consisting of the Duras, the Alliance, the Pallas, the Cerf, and the Vengeance, was now placed under his command. The Alliance was the only American-built ship among them, but they were all to carry the American ensign, and were to be gov erned and considered in every respect as American vessels. Benjamin Frankli-n, then the United States minister at the court of Versailles, had rendered effective aid in obtaining and fitting out the squadron ; and Paul Jones complimented the philosopher by changing the name of his Hag-ship, the Duras, to the Bon Homme Richard, a free rendering in French of the proverbial "Poor Richard." This vessel had been an | Indiaman, and was clumsily constructed, with an old-fashioned poop, which rose from the stern like a tower. She was originally a single-decked ship, but Jones caused twelve ports to be cut in the gun room, where he mounted six old eigh teen- pounders, which had done service in the French navy for thirty years. Her whole armament amounted to forty-two guns, of varying weights, but generally rattier light. The crew consisted of a motley mix ture of English, Scotch, Portuguese, Amer icans, Germans. Spaniards, Swedes, Ital ians, Malays, and channel-islanders. The officers, however, were for the most part Americans. One hundred and thirty-five marines, hardly less diversified in their nationality than the crew, were taken on board, chiefly to assist in preserving the discipline of the vessel. The Alliance was the best ship in the fleet; but, as related in a previous chapter,* she was command ed by Captain Landais, a Frenchman, and failed under his handling to be of the <>i- fective service that was expected. All the other vessels, with the exception of the Bon Homme liichard, were likewise under French commanders. The squadron got under weigh from L Orient, and, having convoyed June 19. some transports and coasters to * See page 164- REVOLUTIONARY.] PAUL JONES IN THE NORTH SEA. 703 heir destined ports in France, prepared for a cruise. While lying- to, the Alli ance, by clumsy management, got foul of the Richard, losing by the collision her own mizzen-mast, and carrying away the head, cut-water, and jib-boom, of her con cert. They were now forced to return to L Orient for repairs. While making for port, the Cerf was sent in chase of a strange sail, and suc ceeded in coming up with what proved to ue a small English cruiser of sixteen guns. After a sharp action of about an hour, the enemy was forced to strike her flag , but the Cerf had to abandon her, on the appearance of a larger British vessel, and made her way to L Orient, with a loss of several men killed and wounded. The rest of the squadron, in the mean time, had caught sight of three British men-of-war, which bore down before the wind as if disposed to engage ; but, prob ably frightened by the apparent magni tude of the Richard, which stood high out of the water, and looked like a two-decker, they soon hauled up and made off with all the sail they could carry, and thus es caped. The Richard was now left alone, the Alliance and the Pallas having parted company, and the Vengeance having been sent into port. Captain Jones, however, continued to look out for an antagonist, and soon fell in with two British cruisers ; hut, after first threatening to engage, they made off again, as if alarmed, like their countrymen on the previous occasion, by the iormidable aspect of the pretentious American. Jones now 7 made the best of Ins way to his old anchorage, under the isle of Groix, off L Orient. Here the en tire squadron was reunited. Jones was detained by the necessary repairs to his vessel, the session of a coiir* of inquiry appointed to investigate the conduct of Landais (of the Alliance) in running foul of the Richard, and other matters, for more than six weeks. In the meantime, however, he ha,d the good for tune to gain a very welcome accession to his crew by the arrival in France of more than a hundred American sailors. These were men who had been held as prison ers in England, and were now exchanged. They almost to a man joined the Ameri can squadron, and were chiefly divided between the Richard and the Alliance. Jones now 7 counted no less than three hundred and eighty souls on board his ship, and nearly a hundred of these were Americans, as were all his quarter-deck officers, with the exception of himself and a midshipman. A young American offi cer, of the name of Richard Dale, who had made his escape from an English prison, and joined the squadron on its first cruise, won so greatly the esteem of his commander, that he was now pro moted to the rank of first-lieutenant. The squadron at length put to sea for the second time, with a reinforcement of two French privateers, the Monsieur and the Granville. A dis pute about the division of a prize taken a few days after sailing, however, caused the commander of the Monsieur to leave, which was felt to be a serious loss, as his ship mounted no less than forty guns. With various incidents, and an occasional success in taking a prize, the squadron Aiiff, 14, 704 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART n. Sept, 13, (with the exception of the Cerf, which had returned to France) sailed around Ireland and Scotland, until it came off the frith of Forth Jones, having learned that a twenty-gun ship and two or three men-of-war cutters were lying off Leith, the port of Edinburgh, two miles distant, determined to make a descent upon the town. He accordingly beat into the frith with the Richard, until he arrived within gun-shot of Leith, when he got out his boats and manned them. His first-lieu tenant, Dale, who was to command the sailors on the occasion, was about receiv ing his last orders, when a sudden squall struck the ships and nearly dismasted them. Jones strove to keep his ground, with the view of carrying out his pur pose, but the wind became too strong, and he was obliged to bear up. A severe gale followed, in the course of which all the vessels were driven into the North sea, and one of the prizes foundered. Another still more daring enterprise was planned by the bold commodore, but his French subordinates strenuously pro tested against carrying it into effect. The scheme has never been explained, but it is said to have been warmly sanctioned by every officer from lieutenant to mid shipman. Apparently with the fear that Jones would not be deterred from his project by the opinions of his colleagues, two of them determined to thwart him by their acts, and accordingly the com manders of the Pallas and the Vengeance sailed off with their ships. As the com modore could ill spare any of his little squadron, he reluctantly abandoned his Sept, 23 scheme, and sailed to the south, to over take the absentees. OffWhitby. on the coast of Yorkshire, the Pallas and the Vengeance again joined company with the commodore, and with the aid of the latter he entered the Hum her and took and destroyed a number of vessels. The wdiole coast now became greatly alarmed, and the inhabitants were so frightened, that many of them began to bury their plate and money. With this general excitement on shore, Jones thought it advisable to keep off the land, and he accordingly bore away in the di rection of Flamborough head. While steering toward the north, two sails were made, which turned out to- be the Alli ance and the Pallas; and on the second day after leaving the mouth of the Humber, occurred the most, memorable event in the career of Paul Jones. The wind was southerly and light, ami the sea smooth, as the American squadron now composed of the Richard, the Al liance, the Pallas, and the Vengeance gathered together. Soon a fleet of more than forty sail was seen stretching out from behind Flamborough head, and turn ing down toward the straits of Dover. It was mainly composed of traders re turning from the Baltic, under convoy of the Serapis (forty-four), Captain Bicliard Pearson, and the Countess of Scarborough (twenty-two), Captain Piercy. The for mer was a new ship, with a good reputa tion as a sailer. She carried fifty guns twenty eigh teen-pounders on the lowei gim-deck,twenty nine-pounders on the up per, and ten six-pounders on her quarter I i REVOLUTIONARY.] THE BON HOMME RICHARD AND THE SERAPIS. 705 deck and forecastle, and was manned by a regular man-of-war s crew, numbering three hundred and twenty, of whom some fifteen were Lascars. The Scarborough was not a naval vessel, but had been armed and was now being temporarily used as such. Commodore Jones, on discovering the character of the fleet, hoisted a signal for the rest of the squadron to begin a gen eral chase, and crossed royal yards on board his own vessel. The English fleet of merchantmen were alarmed by these signs of hostility, and, hurriedly tacking together, firin<; alarm-guns, letting fly o o o o / their top-gallant sheets, and making oth er signals of the danger they were in, ran to leeward or sought shelter closer in with the land. The Serapis, on the contrary, signalling the Scarborough to follow, hauled boldly out to sea, until she got far enough to windward, when she tacked and stood in shore again, to cover her convoy.* Captain Pearson had been informed, by the bailiff of the town of Scarborough, of the presence of the Amer ican squadron, and was accordingly on his guard. The Alliance, being the fastest sailer, took the lead in the chase. As she moved ahead, Captain Landais spoke the Pallas, and told her commander that, if the ene my proved to be a fifty-gun ship, there was nothing to do but to try to get out of his way. Landais acted accordingly; for he had no sooner closed in sufficiently with the land to discover the size of the Serapis, than he hauled off again. His * Cooper, whose ;iccount we follow, as being the most authentic on record. 89 example was also followed by the Pallas ; but, as her commander conducted himself so well in the subsequent part of the ac tion, it has been readily allowed that he was under the supposition, as he afterward declared, that the crew of the Richard (since she was observed heading for the land) had mutinied, and were running off with her. It was now quite dark, and Jones was obliged to use a night-glass in order to follow the movements of the enemy. The Richard, however, stood steadily on, and about half-past seven she came up with the Serapis, while the Scarborough was a short distance to leeward. The American ship was to windward, and, as she slowly drew near, Captain Pearson hailed her: " What ship is that ?" The answer was, " Come a little nearer, and I ll tell you." " What are you laden with ?" rejoined the Englishman. " Round, grape, and double- headed shot!" was the ready-witted re sponse to what was considered by a man- of-war a contemptuous demand ; and the two ships, without further parley, poured in their broadsides almost simultaneously. The discharge proved terribly disas trous to the Richard ; for two of the eigh- teen-pounders which Jones had caused to be placed in the gun-room, and from which he had expected so much good service, burst on the first fire, killing many of the men, and blowing up the deck above. All faith in these old eighteen-pounders be ing now gone, the men were ordered to abandon them, and trust entirely to their other guns. The inequality of the con test was in this way greatly increased, for / o / it reduced the armament of the Richard 706 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART n. to nearly a third less than that of her an tagonist. The Richard, having backed her top sails, exchanged several broadsides, when she filled again and shot ahead of the Serapis, which ship luffed across her stern, and came up on the weather-quarter of her antagonist, taking the wind out of her sails, and in her turn passing ahead. In the meantime, while the two ships were engaged closely and furiously, the Scarborough approached ; but in the dark ness of the night not being able to distin guish friend from foe, she edged away, without firing a shot. The Scarborough, however, exchanged broadsides with the Alliance at a great distance, and was at lf.ot brought tc close quarters by the Pal las, and, after a struggle of about an hour, forced CD strike her flag. Let us, however, return to the two main antagonists. " As the Serapis kept her luff," says Cooper, " sailing and work ing better than the Richard, it was the intention of Captain Pearson to pay broad off across the latter s forefoot, as soon as he had got far enough ahead ; but, ma king the attempt, and finding he had not room, he put his helm hard down to keep clear of his adversary, when the double movement brought the two ships nearly in a line, the Serapis leading. By these uncertain evolutions the English ship lost some of her way; while the American, having kept her sails trimmed, not only closed, but actually ran aboard of her an tagonist, bows on, a little on Jier weather- quarter." At this moment, Jones cried out: "Well done, my brave lads; we ve fc ot her now! Throw on board the grappling-irons, and stand by for board ing! A As, during these manoeuvres, not a shot had been fired for some time, Captain Pearson hailed his antagonist, demanding, " Have you struck your colors?" "I have not yet begun to fiyht /" was Jones s answer. The chains of the grappling-irons having been cut away, and the yards of the Rich ard being braced back, while the sails of the Serapis were filled, the two vessels separated. As soon as she was at a suffi cient distance, the Serapis put her helm hard down, laid all aback forward, shiv ered her after-sails, and wore short round on her heel, or was box-hauled, with a view, most probably, of 1 n (Ting up athwart the bow of her enemy, in order to rake her. " In this position, the Richard would have been fighting her starboard and the Serapis her larboard guns ; but Commo dore Jones, by this time, was conscious of the hopelessness of success against so much heavier metal ; and, after having backed astern some distance, he filled on the other tack, luffing up with the inten tion of meeting the enemy as he came to the wind, and of laying him athwart hawse."* In the smoke and confusion as the firing continued the whole time from deck to main-top there was necessarily great difficulty in manoeuvring, and the two vessels ran foul again, the bowsprit of the Serapis passing over the Richard s poop. As the weather was mild, neither ship had much headway, and no damage was done by the collision. Paul Jones, having now got the enemy fast, resolved * Cooper. REVOLUTION ART. J THE DESPERATE FIGHT. 707 not to let him go again ; and accordingly, taking some lashings, he fastened with his own hands the head-gear of the Sera- pis to the Richard s mizzen-mast. Stacey, the sailing-master, a Yankee skipper, was at Jones s side, assisting him, and was swearing with all the energy of an old tar. " Mr. Stacey," exclaimed the commo- / J dore, who was ordinarily not very honey- tongued himself, " this is no time for swear ing you may be the next moment in eternity ; but let us do our duty."* The Serapis, being before the wind, now had her hull swung round by her after-sails, and the two ships fell close alongside of each other. The jib-boom, however, of the Serapis, which Jones had lashed, gave way in the strain ; but her spare anchor having got hooked into the quarter of the Richard, and additional lashings got out, she became faster than ever. Captain Pearson, finding that the ves sels were foul, dropped an anchor, with the hope that, as the current was setting strong, his enemy might drift clear of him ; since, knowing the superiority of his ship, he preferred a regular combat with his guns to a close hand-to-hand struggle. The vessels, however, were too fast to part thus. The hulls were jammed * close alongside ; the yards were inter locked, so that the sailors of the Richard could pass from her maintop to the fore- top of the Serapis ; strong lashings bound the ships close together fore and aft ; and the mouldings and ornamental work of the bows and sterns of the two had got so inextricably caught, that all hope of * Analectic Magazine, vol. viii. An eye-witness. working clear had to be given up. Find ing themselves thus locked in a fatal em brace, the English strove to board, but were driven back. The fight now raged fiercely. The low er ports of the Serapis, which had been closed as she swung, to prevent boarding, were now blown off. as there was no room between the closely-jammed hulls to raise them. The guns were actually so close to the sides of the Richard, that in load ing them the rammers projected into her ports. These heavy guns of the Serapis, with their muzzles thrust into the very ports of her enemy, cleared all before them ; and the Americans were obliged to forsake their main-deck, and gather above. Some mounted the upper deck and forecastle, while others got upon the yards and into the tops, whence they kept up a constant fire of musketry, and threw hand-grenades. The enemy was having the fight all to himself below, tearing the hull of the Richard to pieces with his heavy guns. The guns, amidships, from the close con tact of the two vessels, were of no use, for they could neither be sponged nor loaded. Jones could only bring into ser vice three or four of his smaller cannon on the quarter-deck, one of which he had dragged over from the larboard side, and stood by it himself directing its fire through the whole action. The enemy seemed determined to carry the day, and would have done so, but for the activity and spirit of the Richard s men in the tops. Jones s sailors and marines lay out on the Richard s main-vard : and. while some 708 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART n. threw grenades down upon the enemy s deck, others kept up a constant fire with musketry, blunderbusses, pistols, and every other kind of firearm which they could get hold of. Almost every man of the SerapLs was thus driven below. They were not even safe here. One bold fellow had provided himself with a bucketful of combustibles and a match, and taken his post on the extreme end of the Richard s yard, whence he dropped his grenades down into the very main- hatchway of the Serapis. One of these grenades probably settled the day. By the carelessness of the powder-boys of the Serapis, a number of cartridges had been left on the main-deck, in a line with the guns, when a grenade dropped right among them, and in a moment the whole exploded in a flash from main to mizzen mast ! The effect of the explosion was terrific. More than a score of men were killed out right, and so completely torn to pieces, that of some nothing was left but the col lars and wristbands of their shirts, or the waistbands of their duck trousers. Thir ty-eight more were wounded, and some so severely, that there was little hope of recovery. Nearly sixty of the Serapis s crew were thus disabled, and all were greatly disheartened by the fatal acci dent. The sufferings and cries of the in jured were so heart-rending, that the peo ple of the Serapis, who were all crowded below, and were thus compelled to wit ness and hear them, began t9 give up in despair. Their drooping spirits, however, were suddenly aroused to hope, if not by an alleviation of their own misery, yet by a misfortune which now happened to their enemy. The Alliance came bearing down, and, although the moon was up and the night clear, began to fire upon both friend and foe, her shots telling more severely upon the Richard than upon the Serapis. Fifty voices from the former at once hailed her, to tell her captain that he was firing up on the wrong; vessel, and the usual niirht- O c^ signal of three lanterns was shown on the off side, while Jones ordered Landais to lay his ship aboard the enemy. He was asked if he understood the order, and he declared that he did. Landais then hauled off to some distance, but soon after drew closer, and began his fire again, pouring his broadsides indiscriminately into both vessels. Ten or twelve of the Richard s men on the forecastle fell ; and an officer of the name of Caswell, who was killed, complained during the last moments of his life, with a bitterness which added to the agony of death, that he died by the hands of his friends. The Alliance did great damage to the o O Richard. Her men became discouraged, and, leaving their guns, declared that the Englishmen on board the former had got possession of the ship. The Richard s tops were cut up, and her hull so damaged by the fire of the Alliance, and the water came in so freely through the shot-holes, that she began to settle. There was now a panic on board among the crew. A ru mor circulated between- decks that the commodore and all his principal officers were slain, that the gunners were now in command, and that the ship had four or five feet of water in her hold. The sail- REVOLUTIONARY.] CAPTURE OF THE SERAPIS. 709 ors accordingly delegated the gunner, the carpenter, and the master-at-arms, to go on deck and beg quarter of the enemy. The English prisoners belonging to the prizes which had been taken, who num bered about one hundred, were let loose in the meantime, to save their lives ; and one of them crept from the port of the Richard into that of the Serapis, and in formed the British commander that in a few minutes all would be over with his enemy. The gunner, in the meantime, reached the main-deck, followed by his associate delegates, and bawling out aloud, " Quar ter, quarter, for God s sake quarter ! our ship is sinking !" they got upon the ship s poop, in order to haul down the colors. The ensign and ensign-staff, however, had long since been shot away, and the three accordingly proceeded to the quarter-deck and began to haul at the pendant, still crying, "Quarter!" "What rascals are those ? Shoot them kill them!" fiercely shouted Jones, who had now for the first time caught si<>-ht of the fellows, as he had O O been away for a moment on the forecas tle. The carpenter and the master-at-arms no sooner heard that terrible voice, than they skulked below, where the gunner was attempting to follow them, when the commodore hurled a pistol at his head, which knocked him down at the foot of the gangway, where he lay senseless un til the end of the battle/ 5 Captain Pearson, having heard the cry for quarter, and listened to the story of the English prisoner, now hailed his an tagonist, crying, "Why don t you haul * An eye-witness. Analeetie Magazine. down your pendant ?" The ensign, as we have seen, had already been shot away. "Haul down our pendant?" cried Jones. "Ay, ay ! ive tt do that when we can fight no longer : we are tvaiting for yours to come down first!" The conflict was now renewed, with greater vigor than ever, but was soon sus pended by the Richard taking fire. The ship had already been several times in flames, which had, how r ever, been easily quenched by the tub of water in the fore- top. The tub, nevertheless, was emptied again and again without effect, when at last the crew, by pulling off their coats and jackets, and first smothering the fire, succeeded in putting it out. The English captain now hailed again, to ask if Jones demanded quarter ; and, mistaking thu answer, which was in the negative, he o> dered his men to take possession of the prize. He soon found out his mistake, however; for when some of his crew got on the gunwale of the Richard, they were met by a gang of boarders with their pikes, and forced to retreat in haste to their own ship. The American top-men now drove the crew of the Serapis (who had been ordered on deck) down below again, where they resumed their position at the lower guns, and continued their fire through and through the Richard s hull. All fighting, however, soon ceased, as both ships were on fire, and their crews were busy in extinguishing the flames; while many of the men on board the Rich ard were kept constantly at the pumps, to prevent her sinking. The Serapis had been on fire twelve times duriny; the ac- 710 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [TAUT 11. tion,and her antagonist may be said never to have ceased burning during the whole time. It was past midnight, and senti 9 3. about three and a half hours since the first gun had been fired, when Captain Pearson at last determined to strike to Jones. None of the crew could be persuaded to mount the quarter-deck for the purpose, so fearful were they of a shot from the Richard s top-men, and the British commander was obliged to haul down the flag of the Serapis with his own hands. As soon as it was known that the col ors of the English had been lowered, Mr. Dale, the first-lieutenant, got upon the gunwale of the Richard, and, laying hold of her main-brace pendant, he swung him self on board the Serapis. On her quar ter-deck he found Captain Pearson, almost alone, where he had remained through out nearly the whole action. While Mr. Dale was speaking to him, the first-lieu tenant of the Serapis came up from be low, to inquire if the Richard had struck, as her fire had ceased. He was, however, informed that it was his own ship which was in that predicament ; when he pro posed to go below, and stop the firing. But Dale would not consent ; and the en emy s guns did not cease till the British captain and his lieutenant had reached the quarter-deck of the Richard, and sur- Sept, 24. rendered their swords into the hands of Paul Jones.* The Richard, having been so damaged in the action, and being still on fire, it was found necessary to abandon her the next day, and soon after she went down, head foremost. The Sera- pis had suffered much less in her hull, but her mainmast had been so riddled with balls that it fell, bringing down with it the mizzen-topmast. Commodore Jones, having; first hoisted ? O his flag on board the captured ship, now sailed with the remains of his squadron and his prize to the coast of Holland, where he put into the Texel, for repairs. The loss of lives on both- sides seems to have been about equal, and amounted to nearly one half of all en^ao-ed. The / o o conflict had lasted nearly four hours, and, sanguinary as it had been, it would have proved still more so, and far less protract ed, had it not been for the fact that the crew of the Serapis were fighting below, while the crew of the Richard were fight ing above. * "It is with <^reat reluctance that I am obliged to resign my sword to a man with a halter about his neck," are the apocryphal words attributed to the British commander on this occasion, to which Jones is said to have answered chiv alrously, " Sir, you have fought like a hero, and I do not doubt but that your sovereign will reward you handsomely." Pearson was afterward rewarded with the title of baronet, when Jones is again said to have remarked, " The next time I fall in with him, I 11 make a lord of him ! ; REVOLUTIONARY.] MAJOR LEE S EXPLOIT AT 1 AULUS HOOK. 11 CHAPTER LXXX. Henry Lee s Attack on Paulas Hook. Its Success. A Massachusetts Enterprise. Great Enthusiasm. Extensive Preparations. Military and Naval Forces. Parallels and Approaches. An Obstinate Enemy. Massachusetts gives up Penobscot Buy in Despair. The Fate of the Massachusetts Fleet. The South. The French Fleet. Its Arrival off the Coast of Georgia. The British taken by Surprise. Captures. Flight. Cuunt d Estaing in Haste. Too po lite and self-confident. General Prevost fortifies Savannah. The Spirited Maitland. Prevost will defend Himself to the Last Extremity. The Siege begun. Description of Savannah and its Fortifications. Impatience of D Estaing. The Assault. The Struggle. Death of Count Pulaski. Defeat of the AUies. The Loss. Count d Estaing sails away. End of the Southern Campaign of 1779. A Clever Ruse. Valueless Victories. 1779. THE gallant Major Henry Lee was always eager for action ; and, as there was little prospect of a general campaign, he took care to find out a sphere for the exercise of his own super fluous energies. He was now stationed with his light-troops, as an outpost, on the New-Jersey side of the Hudson, a short distance behind Hoboken. Here he was constantly on the alert, keeping watch over the movements of the enemy, and, when occasion offered, pouncing up on their foraging-par.ties. Near his post was Paulus Hook (now Jersey City), a long and low peninsula, stretching into the Hudson river, and joined to the main land by a marsh. The British had forti fied the position strongly, and occupied it with a garrison of several hundred men, under the command of Major 1 Sutherland. The works were formidable, consisting of o two redoubts, mounted with heavy can non, enclosed within breastworks, abattis, and trenches. A deep ditch was dug across the narrow marsh which separated the hook from the mainland, and a draw bridge, protected by a barred gate, thrown over. While keeping his watchful eye .,n the place, Lee had noticed the negligence of the garrison, who, trusting to the strength * / O O of their works, became heedless cf the usual precautions. The major therefore determined, if possible, to take the hook by surprise. Washington, on being con sulted, at first considered the enterprise too hazardous; but afterward, upon con ferring with Lee personally on the sub ject, he gave his approval. . He declared, however, that if the post could not be taken in an instant, by surprise, the at tempt must not be made. Thus fortified by the approbation of the commander-in-chief, Major Lee start ed with three hundred infantry soldiers and a troop of his own dismounted dragoons, to execute his haz ardous enterprise. To deceive those ir?. the country who were friendly to the en emy, Lee took care to have it rumored that he was going out merely to forage, and took a long and circuitous route. His march through the country excited no suspicion, as these foraging-excursions were of c very-day occurrence. On am- / */ ving at the New bridge, on the Hackei.- Aiig. 18. 712 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART IT. sack river, Lee halted his party till Lord Stirling should come up with his five hun dred men, who were to remain there as a reserve, in case their aid should be re quired. When the night was sufficiently advanced, Lee pushed forward through the rugged country between the Hack- ensack and the Hudson. Having crossed Harsimus creek, be passed over the draw bridge, and through the barred gate, into the works, without exciting the least sus picion. A party of the enemy was fortu nately out foraging, and the Americans weie thought by the careless guards to be their GWL countrymen, and were per mitted to enter without question. Major Lee s purpose was effected al- | most without a blow. Major Sutherland and some Hessians, however, at the last moment, succeeded in escaping into a blockhouse, after Lee had secured a hun dred and fifty-nine prisoners, and thence began ai. irregular (ire, by which two of j.Qe s party were killed and three wound ed. There was no time to dislodge them, as the alarm had now extended to the English men-of-war in the North river, and would soon rench the British head quarters opposite, in New York ; while, moreover, Lee had been strictly enjoined by Washington not to risk the lives of his men by remaining to destroy barracks or artillery. In the assault the British had thirty killed. The American commander made good his retreat, under the cover of General Lord Stirling, and had the sat isfaction of being welcomed back to camp with the applause of every officer and sol dier for his triumphant gallantry. Med- a?e had been awarded by Congress to Gen eral Wayne and the leaders of the two divisions in the storming of Stony Point ; and the same honor was now conferred upon Major Lee for his brave exploit at Paul us Hook. A more pretentious but less successful enterprise was got up in Massachusetts. Colonel M Lean, in command of the- Brit ish troops in Nova Scotia, had gone with nearly seven hundred men and three sloops-of-war to establish a post on Penob- scot bay, in order to obtain timber from the forests of Maine for the shipyards at Halifax, and to check the incursions of the New-Englanders. M-Lean selected some high ground on a peninsula, with a small bay toward the sea, in which the three sloops-of-war now rode at anchor, and a steep ascent on the land-side. Here he commenced the construction of a fort, which was still incomplete when he re ceived intelligence of the setting out of a large force to attack him. Massachusetts was greatly provoked by this invasion of its territory, and the state determined to make a vigorous ef fort to defend itself and vindicate its in sulted honor. Confident in its own re sources, the government at Boston proud ly disdained all aid, and neither consulted Washington at West Point nor General Gates at Providence, nor asked them for troops. The enterprise was got up on a scale that was supposed to insure success, and Massachusetts was resolved to allow none other to share in the expected tri umph. Great military enthusiasm prevailed on the occasion, and some three thousand en terprising militiamen were enrolled under RKVOLUTIONARY.] DISASTROUS EXPEDITION TO THE PENOBSCOT. 713 the standard of Lovell, who was the gen eral appointed to the command. The na val preparations were no less spirited and extensive.. An embargo was laid by the general court of Massachusetts, for forty O v days, upon all shipping, in order that a full supply of seamen might more readily be obtained. Captain Saltonstall, the state commodore, now gathered under his broad pendant a formidable fleet of no less than twenty armed vessels, brigan tines and pri vateers, in addition to twenty-four trans ports for the conveyance of the troops. The fleet, being wind-bound for some time in Nantasket roads, at length made its appearance off the Penobscot. Julv ^5t Finding the entrance to the lit tle bay, below the enemy s fort, barred by the three British sloops-of-war, which were anchored across its mouth, the Amer icans sought another anchorage and more convenient landing-place. After a delay of three days, the troops finally debarked. Having climbed up the steep approach from the land, and dragged their heavy camion after them, they took their posi tion within seven hundred and fifty yards, and in regular form began to lay siege to the fort. While General Lovell was proceeding, according to the most approved military art, with his parallels and approaches, the British colonel improved the opportunity of strengthening his incomplete works, and finally became so confident in his means of resistance, that, after refusing the summons to surrender, he fearlessly scorned all threats of assault. Lovell continued the protracted siege, with an occasional attempt at co-opera- Aug. 14. tion on the part of Commodore Salton- sta,ll, who made several not very vigorous efforts to enter the harbor, which were, however, always defeated by the British sloops-of-war on guard at its entrance. The militia now began to grow weary of the long trial of their undisciplined pa tience ; and Lovell was fain to send to General Gates, at Providence, for a rein forcement of regular troops, which were despatched, but did not arrive in time. After a brisk but ineffectual cannona ding (which was returned with spirit from the fort) had continued day after day for a fortnight, the English colonel vras surprised one morning to discover that his enemies had, during the previous night, suddenly abandoned their camp-works and re-embarked. The cause was soon made apparent by the appearance off the bay of Admiral Sir George Collier, with a British squadron of five formidable men-of-war. While Col lier lay at Sandy Hook, he got wind of the Massachusetts expedition, from a com municative paragraph in a Boston news paper, and made all haste to the rescue of the Penobscot fort. The American ves sels, under Commodore Saltonstall, pre sented a threatening aspect on the arri val of Sir George. They were " drawn up seemingly with the view of disputing the passage. Their resolution, however, soon failed, and an ignominious flight took place."* Two of the largest armed ves sels strove to run out of the bay and get to sea, but were intercepted, when one was taken, and the other, being driven on shore, was blown up by her own crew. * Gordon. 714 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART n. The rest made for the mouth of the Pe- nobscot river, Avhere the sailors and sol diers got ashore and made their escape by land, abandoning their vessels to the enemy. The fugitives had a weary jour ney before them, being forced to make their way to their homes for a hundred miles through the forest-wilderness of Maine and New Hampshire, and" did not reach Boston until the latter part of Sep tember. Many perished from hunger and fatigue, in the attempt. Neither general nor commodore escaped the severe re bukes of their state and fellow-citizens for the ignominious result of the great Mas sachusetts expedition against the enemy at Penobscot. Let us now record events at the South, where the British seemed disposed to car ry on the war. The French fleet, after being thoroughly refitted at Boston, had sailed for the West Indies, where Count d Estaing achieved some small triumphs. As the hurricane-months were approach ing, and an intermission of active opera tions in the tropical seas must occur, the Americans in the southern states deter mined to invoke the aid of the French admiral. Governor Rutledge, of South Carolina, and General Lincoln, in com mand at Charleston, with the concurrence of the French consul in that city, wrote to D Estaing an earnest appeal, which was immediately responded to by his setting sail with his whole fleet for the American coast. The French admiral, with, his formida ble fleet of twenty-four ships-of-the-line, fourteen frigates, and a flock of small craft, and having on board a land-force of six thousand men, appeared so sud- Sept, 1, denly off the coast of Georgia, that the British were completely taken by surprise. The Experiment, of fifty guns, under the command of Sir James Wallace, together with three frigates, were at once captured, and the rest of the squadron on that station was only saved by running up the Savannah river. General Prevost, who held possession of the town with a small British force, was in great anxiety about its safety, and immediately ordered Lieutenant-Colonel Conger, at Sunbury, andLieutenant-ColonelMaitland,whowas stationed at Beaufort, in South Carolina, with a considerable number of troops, to march with all despatch to his aid. Count d Estaing, in the meantime, had met Governor Rutledge and General Lin coln at Charleston, and with them formed a plan for wresting Savannah from the British. While the admiral sailed to join his fleet, Lincoln pushed on by land ; and Rutledge promptly seconded the objects of both, by obtaining at Charleston boats of light draught, to aid the former in landing his troops, and enrolling the mi litia of South Carolina, and marching him self at their head to reinforce the latter. The admiral was the first to arrive, and, immediately after landing his troops at Beaulieu, he marched toward Savannah, and summoned the British gar- , . /7 , Sept, 13. nson to surrender to the arms of the king of France. Lincoln and Rutledge soon followed, and heard with no little vexation of the count s hasty proceed ings, and his eagerness to monopolize for his own sovereign the expected honors. General Lincoln, reminding his French REVOLUTIONARY.] D ESTAING AND LINCOLN BESIEGE SAVANNAH. ally that the United States claimed some consideration in the affair, the count was prevailed on, after a little angry alterca tion, so far to modify his future action as to acknowledge the Americans as a party concerned. The combined forces thence forth acted with amiable co-operation. The British general, on receiving the summons of D Estaing to surrender, asked for a delay of twenty-four hours, to con sider the demand. This the courteous and imprudently self-confident French man granted. Prevost had been joined by Conger from Sunbury, but was still waiting with anxiety for the accession of Maitland s veteran troops from Beaufort. Having gained time by this ruse, the Brit ish general confidently relied upon the arrival of the spirited Maitland, and in the meantime continued his preparations for defence. He had every soldier, citizen, and negro, whom he could muster, busy at the works, in which he was greatly aid ed by Captain Henry, in command of the small naval force which had fled up the river on the approach of the French fleet. The guns from most of the vessels were landed and mounted on the batteries, and the sailors and marines sent ashore to work them and reinforce the garrison. One brig, however, was allowed to retain her guns, and was anchored above Sa vannah, so as to cover the right of the British lines. Several vessels were sunk across the channel below the town, in or der to prevent the nearer approach of the French fleet; and others in like manner above, where a boom was thrown across the river, to hinder all attempts by water in that direction. The welcome Maitland arrived in time. Great were the obstacles which he had to encounter. Being cut off by the French fleet from the customary route to Savan nah, he w r as obliged to take one which led him over land and water, through deep creeks and marshes, where his soldiers were forced to drag their boats. With all these difficulties, Maitland, though ill with a bilious fever, made his way to the Savannah river, where, embark ing in boats above the anchorage, he entered the towr before the expiration of the truce. His arrival " diffused universal joy, not only because he added one third to the number of the garrison, and that too in troops of the best quality, but because he added himself, always the source of comfort where danger reigned."* His purpose gained by the truce, the British general now confidently answered D Estaing s summons by declaring that he should defend himself to the last ex tremity. The allies, having coni- /., . Sept, 23, pleted their preparations, broke ground for the siege, and pushed their approaches with the greatest diligence, so that in twelve days fifty-three pieces of battering-cannon and fourteen mortars were mounted. They now opened their fire, and with such terrible effect upon the town, that General Pre vost sent out a flag, with the request that the aged, the women, and the children, might be allowed to remove to a place of safety. This was, however, refused by the confederate commanders, probably on the ground that their absence would pro- * Henry Lee, who is always as candid as an historian ai lie was brave as a soldier. Oct, 4, 716 BATTLES OF AMERICA. LPART n tract the resistance of the garrison ; al though, accord ic g to Lee, the request was sustained by the claims of humanity, and if granted would have tended in no way to the benefit of the besieged or the in jury of the besiegers. The British force was comparatively small, amounting to less than three thou sand men, even including Maitland s eight hundred veterans. When D Estaing had first sent in his summons, Prevost had hardly a dozen guns mounted ; but, by j immense exertions, he had succeeded, du ring the protracted operations of the be siegers, in mounting no less than a hun dred cannon of all kinds and calibres. The British engineer, MoncriefF, was a, marvel of energy, and full of resource. He with great ingenuity strengthened all the weak parts of the town with impale ments, traverses, abattis, and redoubts, and in their construction availed himself free ly of the native palmetto, which, from the spongy nature of the wood, receives a ball without a shock or a splinter. The in terstices of the framework formed by the trees were filled in with mud and sand. A deep morass and the river gave se curity to two sides of Savannah. Fields surrounded the other parts of the town. Here the allies were approaching, and here were erected the enemy s defences. So well prepared had the besieged now become, that they eagerly wished their works might be assaulted, for their fate would otherwise be certain in time, un less relieved by a British fleet., They ac cordingly did not waste their strength by attempts to impede the advances of the allies ; and only made two cautious sorties, more with a view to provoke as sault than to strike a blow. General Prevost calculated that the French would resolve upon storming his works, knowing the danger they would consider themselves exposed to from the approaching autumnal gales, besides the chance of the arrival of a British fleet. "He also counted upon the impatient temper of the French, identified in the character of their commander, not doubt ing," says Henry Lee, "from his being our voluntary assistant, he would take his measures from and for himself. Lin coln s Avisdom, Lincoln s patience, Lin coln s counsel, would be very limited in its effect." The calculation of the British general was well founded. D Estaing became im patient, for he had already been delayed a month by an enterprise which he had been led to believe, when his aid was so licited, could be readily accomplished in ten days. His officers were still more im patient than himself; and, being anxious for the safety of the fleet which they thought was imperilled by the approach of the stormy season, and the probable arrival of a British naval armament they remonstrated against further delay. The count accordingly declared to Gen eral Lincoln that Savannah must be forth with stormed, or the siege raised. The cautious American leader would have continued his slow but sure system ; nevertheless, rather than abandon the enterprise, he consented to the hazardous expedient of a storm. The 9th of Octo ber was the time appointed ; and when the day dawned, the allied troops moved REVOLUTIONAKY.] THE ASSAULT AND REPULSE. DEATH OF PULASKT. 717 to the assault. The chief point of attack, which was supposed to be the most vul nerable, was on the right of the enemy, where Prevost, aware of its weakness, had posted his choicest troops, under the com mand of the gallant Maitland. The allied forces were divided Oct. 9, . into three columns. l\vo, com posed of three thousand live hundred French troops and six hundred continen tals, were to make the main assault, on the right ; while the third, chiefly militia, was to move upon the British centre and left, to create if possible-a division of at tention in that direction, or to act in re serve. The first column, headed by D Es taing and Lincoln jointly, led the attack ; and the second, under Count Dillon, was directed to follow. The approach to the right of the enemy s works was along some sunken ground, by which the ad vance could be made almost to the ditch without exposure to fire. Along this con cealed way D Estaing and Lincoln now pushed on, and, aided by the darkness of the early morning, got close to the re doubts unobserved. The assailants. ad vanced gallantly, but were met by a heavy and well-directed fire from the batteries in their front, and iralled in their flank bv o / a sharp cannonade from the British armed brig in the river. The first fire from the works was ter ribly fatal, and thinned the ranks of the allies ; but they pushed forward resolute ly, and, forcing the abaUis there in ad vance, succeeded in planting a French and an American standard on the para pet. Before their comrades could come to their support, however, the English, strengthened at the point of attack by a reserve force, came up impetuously, and, tearing away the defiant standards, drove back the assailants with their bayonets. Count Dillon, in the meanwhile, had lost his way, in consequence of the dark ness of the morning, and thus failing to bring his column up in time, weakened the force of the assault. To this misfor tune was added that of the death of the brave Count Pulaski, at the head of his troop of two hundred horsemen, while at tempting to force his way into the rear of the town. On his fall, his men retreat ed, and an effort was thus arrested which might have changed the issue of the day. The body and the banner of the gallant Pole were borne away by his faithful aid, Count Litomiski. Although the French and Carolina* standards had thus been. torn down, yet important breaches had been made, and another assault promised a successful re sult ; but D Estaing perversely refused to renew the attack. The indignant Lin coln concealed his wrath, and, being too weak to resume the siege alone by regu lar approaches, he at length consented to abandon it. The siege was raised just as victory lay within the grasp of the allies. Thus a second time did the French admi ral bitterly disappoint the just hopes of the Americans. After a struggle which had lasted for nearly an hour, the allied commanders * It was a point of honor that these colors should not ho lost. Lieutenant Gray was mortally wounded in attempting to remove them. Jasper, the brave man who replanted the crescent flag at Fort Moultrie in 1776, hore them back from the bloody heights and delivered them in safety to his com rades, but lost his life in the chivalrous act, receiving a mor tal wound, from which he died soon after. SIMMS. 718 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART n. drew off their troops, without an attempt on the part of the British to harass them in their retreat, beyond firing a few shots from their cannon. The loss of the allies was heavy. The French killed and wounded amounted to seven hundred men ; the American reg ulars to two hundred and forty, and the Charleston auxiliaries to seven. D Es- taing, who, with Lincoln, braved every danger, was slightly wounded. The ene my, being well protected by their works, lost only one hundred and twenty killed and wounded. Their only officer killed was Captain Tarves, of the provincials or loyalists, who fell dead at the gate of the redoubt, with his sword thrust into the body of the third one of the assailants whom he had slain. A few days after the struggle, Colonel Maitland died of the fever from which he had suffered ever since leaving Beaufort. Friend and foe alike spoke with admiration of his gal lantry. In about ten days after the disastrous assault upon Savannah, Count d Estaing re-embarked his troops and sailed away with his ships. They had hardly got to sea, however, when the whole fleet w r as scattered by a gale. The count, who had met with an almost unbroken succession of reverses from his first arrival on the coast, soon took his farewell of the Amer ican continent, and returned to France. Lincoln s militia, almost to a man, went back to their homes ; and the commander himself, left with a small force of regulars, marched into South Carolina and resumed his post at Charleston. During the siege of Savannah, a clever ruse was executed by Colonel John White, of the Georgia line A hundred British were posted, under Captain French, near the Ogechee. Five small English vessels, fourof which were armed, with theircrews (amounting in all to about forty men), lay at anchor in the river. White determined, with five other persons, one of whom was his servant, to carry off the whole, soldiers and arms, sailors and shipping. The colo nel and his party accordingly lighted up a series of fires not far from the enemy, to impress them with an idea that there was a large encampment in their neigh borhood, and then boldly summoned Cap tain French to surrender; threatening, if he failed to comply instantaneously, to cut to pieces his whole force ! The cap tain, completely deceived, did not hesi tate ; and thus a hundred and forty men, a hundred and thirty stand of arms, and five British vessels, were delivered to the American colonel and his six associates. The prisoners were safely conducted by three of the captors for twenty-five miles to an American post. Thus ended the southern campaign of 1779. The most gloomy apprehensions respecting their country took possession of the southern people.* Still, although so frequently victorious, the British could boast of little material advantage from their conquests. After overrunning the whole state of Georgia, they were now reduced to the limits of Savannah. Hav ing been deceived in their reliance upon the co-operation of the tories, they could only secure what they were able to hold by military possession. * Ramsay. REVOLUTIONARY.] THE AMERICAN CAMP AT MORRISTOWN. 719 CHAPTER LXXXI. Winter-Quarters at Morristown. A Severe Winter. A Tremendous Snow-Storm. Suffering. Wants. No Supplies No Money. Valueless Paper. Clamorous Soldiers. Trials of Washington. An Incapable Army. A Winter Enterprise. A Sleigh-Ride. Failure of Lord Stirling. Successes of the Enemy. The Neutral Ground. Sir Henry Clinton moves to the South. The British Fleet scattered. Disembarkation near Charleston. Slight Opposition. Deliberate Operations. Colonel Tarleton. His Life and Character. General Lincoln at Charleston. Spirit of the Inhabitants. The Fortifications. Description. The American Squadron. The Disposition of the Enemy s Ships. Sir Henry Clinton and his Parallels. Arrival of Reinforcements. Governor Rutledge astir. Tarleton leading a Charge. A Run across the Country. A Dragonade. The British surround Charleston. The Country scoured. An Offer of Surrender. It is refused. Fire opened. The Last Blow. Surrender of Charleston. Losses. Terms 1780, THE heights of Morristown had been selected by Washington for the winter-quarters of his army, where the troops were now engaged in constructing log-huts, as before in Valley Forge. The winter opened with great severity, and, while the men were still in tents, the snow fell until it was nearly six feet in depth upon the ground ! " The weather for several days," writes a suffering campaigner, " has been re markably cold and stormy. On the 3d of January, we experienced one of the most tremendous snow-storms ever re membered ; no man could endure its vio lence many minutes without danger of his life. Several marquees were torn asun der, and blown over the officers heads in the night; and some of the soldiers were actually covered while in their tents, and buried like sheep under the snow My comrades and myself were roused from sleep by the calls of some officers for as sistance : their marquee had blown down, and they were almost smothered in the storm before they could reach our mar quee, only a few yards, and their blankets and baggage were nearly buried in the snow. *We are greatly favored in having a supply of straw for bedding; over this we spread all our blankets, and with our clothes and large fires at our feet, while four or five are crowded together, pre serve ourselves from freezing. But the sufferings of the poor soldiers can scarce ly be described. While on duty, they are unavoidably exposed to all the inclemen cy of storms and severe cold ; at night, they now have a bod of straw on the ground, and a single blanket to each man. They are badly clad, and some are destitute of shoes. We have contrived a kind of stone chimney outside, and an opening at one end of our tent gives us the benefit of the fire within. The snow is now from four to six feet deep, which so obstructs the roads as to prevent out receiving a supply of provisions. " For the last ten days, we have re ceived but two pounds of meat a man ; and we are frequently for six or eight days entirely destitute of meat, and then as long without bread. The consequence is, the soldiers are so enfeebled from him- 720 BATTLES OF AMERICA. ["PART n. ger and cold as to be almost unable to perform their military duty, or labor in constructing their huts."* The commissariat department was, as usual, badly managed, and the financial embarrassment of the country increased the difficulty of obtaining supplies. The continental money had so depreciated, that a pair of shoes could not be purchased for less than jive hundred dollars in the cur rency which Congress was vainly striving to force upon the acceptance of the peo ple. With no supplies, and with a treas ury-only filled with valueless paper, the army was reduced almost to a state of starvation. The troops were always on short allowance of food, sometimes with out meat, sometimes without bread, and not seldom destitute of both. Under such trials, the soldiers conducted themselves so well, that they won from Washington these words of praise : " They have borne their sufferings with a patience that mer its the approbation and ought to excite the sympathy of their countrymen." That men thus half starved and badly clothed, however, during the rigor of the coldest of winters, should occasionally be come clamorous, riotous, and even muti nous, was naturally to be expected. It was the severest of all trials to the forti tude of Washington when he was obliged to enforce discipline in a camp where there was so much temptation to irregu larity. He was, nevertheless, inflexible in his purpose of preserving order among his troops, and plunderers as well as mu tineers were punished with all the sever ity of military law. The former were * Timelier. brought to the gallows, and the latter shot down in the ranks. By urgent appeals to the governors of Pennsylvania and New Jersey, and forced contributions from the inhabitants of the latter, Washington was finally enabled tc obtain some alleviation to the sufferine-a O of his troops. His army, however, was never in a condition, during that winter, to be of effective service. The number of soldiers was hardly ten thousand, and Washington considered these barely able to defend their encampment, and much less fit to carry on offensive operations. The excessive vigor of the winter had, by freezing over the rivers and the bay of New York, offered an occasion for attack upon the enemy, which it was desirable to improve, but which the state of the army rendered almost impossible. " Circumstanced as things are men half starved, imperfectly clothed, riotous, and robbing the country-people of their subsistence from sheer necessity I think it scarcely possible to embrace any mo- ment,howeverfavorable in other respects, for visiting the enemy on Staten island ; and yet, if this frost should have made a firm and solid bridge between them and us, I should be unwilling, indeed I can not relinquish the idea of attempting it." Thus wrote Washington, at the opening of the j^ear; and, em barrassed as he was, he succeeded, a few days subsequently, in arranging an expe dition against the British troops posted on Staten island. Lord Stirling was chosen to conduct the enterprise, and he set out from the American camp with twenty-five hundred Jau, 9, REVOLUTIONARY.] THE BRITISH AT THE SOUTH. 721 troops, conveyed in five hundred sleighs. Having reached Dehart s point, he crossed the ice, and arrived early in the morning at Staten island. On approaching the British forts, Lord Stirling found the enemy (who had re ceived timely intelligence of the expedi tion) ready to receive him. It was also discovered that the channel, which it was supposed had been closed by the ice, was still open to New York, whence reinforce ments had reached the island. The at tempt on the enemy s forts was therefore abandoned, and the earl inarched back to Elizabethtown, skirmishing during his re treat with the British in pursuit. Two or three were killed on each side, and a few prisoners were carried away by the Americans. All suffered greatly from the excessive cold, and nearly five hundred men were frost-bitten. A few days afterward, General Knyp- hausen ordered the British at Staten -isl and to make in their turn an incursion into New Jersey, in retaliation for the at tempt of Earl Stirling. They succeeded in surprising the picket-guard at Eliza bethtown, wantonly burning the Presby terian church, and carrying off a major and forty privates. Another successful attempt was made by the British outposts upon " Young s house," near White Plains, garrisoned by three hundred Americans. This post was on "The Neutral Ground" ns it was called, embracing almost the whole of Westches- ter county, and had been established to obstruct the supplies which the enemy in Mew- York city drew from the country The British 9i bordering on the Hudson. had been long provoked by the daring of the "rebels" at Young s house, and now determined to root them out. A large force, consisting of British guards, Hes sians, and yagers, started out from Kings- bridge in sleighs, in the night, in order to surprise the post. The snow, however, was so deep, that the soldiers were forced to abandon the sleighs and artillery, and trudge on foot. The sun was up before they arrived at Young s house, and the Americans were on their guard ; but the British, notwithstanding, pushed forward to the attack, and, after a spirited resist ance, succeeded in capturing the garrison. Having secured ninety prisoners (among whom were many of the yeomanry of the country), and burnt the house, the enemy returned to their lines, boasting that they had lost but two men killed and twenty-three wounded. Their prisoners were thrown into loathsome jails in New York. The British, however, had concentrated their energies in an expedition against the southern states. Sir Henry Clinton, finding that Count d Estaing had sailed away from the American coast with his fleet, and that New York could be left in security with but a small number of Hes sian and British troops under the general command of the vigilant Knyphausen, re solved to proceed to South Carolina., and there begin a campaign. On the arrival of Admiral Arbuthnot with his ships, he had the means of transport, and a safe convoy : and he accordingly set v Dec, 26, sail from New lork with about live thousand of his choicest troops and two thousand marines. 722 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART n. The fleet, however, had hardly got to sea, when a long and terrible storm scat tered the vessels, and drove them far out of their course. Some of the transports were taken by the American privateers ; others were lost, among which was one, loaded with ordnance and heavy siege- trains, that foundered ; and all were more or less damaged. Nearly all the horses belonging to the artillery and to Colonel Tarleton s cavalry-legion died during the voyage. It was not until the close of January, that Sir Henry Clinton arrived in Tybee bay, on the Georgia coast, with the crippled remnant of the fleet. The damaged ships having been refitted, the squadron sailed for North Edisto sound, in South Carolina, where it arrived on the 10 th of February. On the following day the troops were disembarked on John s island, within thirty miles of Charleston. Here the British general was reinforced by twelve hundred men, sent by Prevost from Savannah. Clinton proceeded with great deliber ation in his movements. After a long o delay, he crossed the Ashley riv- er on the south, and landed on Charleston neck. He had been engaged in the meantime fortifying the interme diate posts, in order to secure a commu nication with Admiral Arbuthnot s fleet, and in obtaining horses for his artillery, as well as to remount the dragoons of Tnrleton, who had been dismounted by the disastrous effects of the voyage from New York. , The British commander, however, did not succeed in making good his position without some opposition, though slight. Feb. 11, When his van had reached the banks of the Ashley, Colonel William Washington, in command of a troop of American CLV airy, made a successful attack upon Tarle ton s newly-mounted dragoons, and car ried off a few prisoners, among whom was Lieutenant-Colonel Hamilton, of the Roy al regiment of North Carolina. Again, after passing the river, the British van was gallantly attacked by Lieutenant- Colonel James, in command of a corps of lightrinfantry ; and the earl of Caithness, aid-de-camp of Clinton, was wounded in the skirmish. Lieutenant-Colonel Tarleton s activity in the southern campaign has made him memorable. BANASTRE TAREETON was a thorough soldier, who allowed no tender sentiment of humanity to soften the hard teachings of a military life. His personal appearance accorded with his character. He was rather below the middle stature, strong and heavily made, with large, mus cular legs, but was uncommonly active. His complexion was dark, and his eye small, black, and piercing.* His early years had been spent in the study of law, but his talents were evidently better suit ed for the tragic conflicts of war than for the bloodless wrangling of the bar; and when Tarleton entered the army, he soon proved himself equal to its most cruel demands iipon his naturally severe dis position. At about the age of twenty-six. he came to America with Lord Cornwal- lis, and was highly valued by that noble man as the surest reliance in his most merciless enterprises. Tarleton frankly declared that " severity alone could otfect * Watson. KK VOLUTION ART, TARLETON. CHARLESTON AND ITS DEFENCES. 723 the establishment of regal authority in America," and did not fail to carry out fully the opinion which he so freely pro fessed. In the course of the southern campaign we shall have occasion to re cord the effects of the cruel energies of this unscrupulous soldier, who had now succeeded, by his forays on the surround ing plantations, in mounting himself and his dragoons. General Lincoln held Charleston with only fifteen hundred men, but was ex pecting the arrival of the southern regi ments sent by Washington from his camp at Morristown. In the meantime, though somewhat doubtful of the policy which was urged upon him by the inhabitants, of attempting to hold the city, Lincoln was making every effort to strengthen its defences, in which he was seconded by the spirited co-operation of Governor Rutledge, who had been invested by the legislature of the state with every power but that of life and death. Charleston stands on the southern ex tremity of a short and narrow neck of land, with the Cooper river on the east and the Ashley on the west. The bay and harbor is formed by the junction of the two streams, which, MS they flow to gether to the sea, bend in their curves among a number of fertile islands, on one of which (Sullivan s) was Fort Moultrie, under the command of Lieutenant-Colo nel Pinckney, and on another (James s) the ruins of Fort Johnson. In addition to these defences seaward, a small Ameri can squadron, commanded by Commodore Whipple consisting of nine vessels, of which the largest mounted only forty- four guns was at anchor in the bay. With the forts, the supposed difficulty of large ships-of-war in passing the bank of sand, or bar as it is called, and the Ameri can squadron to dispute the passage, the city was considered tolerably secure tow ard the sea. Every effort was now made to defend the approaches by land. Governor Rut- ledge, in the exercise of his ample pow ers, called out the militia, and ordered three hundred negroes from the planta tions to labor upon the works. Soon a canal was dug in the rear of the town, from the marshy borders of one river to those of the other. Beyond the canal were two rows of deeply-laid abattis, and a double picketed ditch ; while within, toward the main works, deep holes were dug, to interrupt the inarch of the enemy, strong redoubts and batteries were raised on the right and left, and in the centre was an enclosed housework of masonry, forming a kind of citadel. Other works were erected at every point where a land ing was practicable. The great object of the American squad ron was, to prevent the British fleet from passing the bar; but Commodore Whipple found that, in consequence of the shallow- ness of the water, he could not anchor near enough to dispute the passage. The ships were accordingly moored abreast of Fort Moultrie, by co-operation with which it was hoped effectual opposition might be offered to the advance of the -enemy s fleet. The British admiral lay with his ships lightened of their guns outside of the bar for two weeks, waiting for wind and tide ; 724 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [>AKT IT. War, 25, April 9, but he finally crossed it without the least difficulty, and came to anchor in Five-Fathom hole, the previous station of the American squadron. Com modore Whipple now moved bis vessels a second time ; and, fearing lest the Brit ish would enter Cooper river, where they mi i^ht bring: their guns to bear with effect o o o upon the town, and cut off the only com munication of the garrison with the coun try, he anticipated them by placing his own squadron in that position. Here, af ter landing his guns, to assist in the de fence of the town, he sunk most of his vessels, in order to obstruct the channel of the river. Admiral Arbuthnot weighed anchor again, and, with a strong southerly wind and on the flood of the tide, passed Fort Moultrie, in spite of the op position of Colonel Pinckney and his gar rison; only twenty-seven men were killed or \voimded, as the admiral triumphant ly passed and anchored his eight men-of- war and two transports within the harbor, near the ruins of Fort Johnson, and out of reach of all damage from the American batteries. The British ships, however, sustained considerable damage in passing the fort. The fore-topmast of the Rich mond was shot away, and the Acetus run aground near Haddrell s point, and was destroyed by her crew, under a heavy fire from two fieldpieces, commanded by Colo nel Gadsden; the crew escaped in boats. " Fort Moultrie being now of less use than the men who manned ,it, they were in great part withdrawn, and it soon fell into the hands of the enemy. Colonel Pinckney s force, together with that which had served to man the small fleet of the Americans, was transferred to the city where they helped to swell the inconsid erable numbers of the garrison. This force, at no time, amounted to four thou sand men ; they were required to defend an extent of works which could not be well manned by less than ten thousand : yet even for this small army a sufficient quantity of provisions had not been fur nished, and, before the siege was over, the citizens were suffering from starvation."* On the day the British admiral made his successful advance into the harbor, Sir Henry Clinton, who was proceeding according to all the deliberate formalities of a scientific siege, had completed his first parallel. He now demanded the sur render of the town. General Lincoln re plied : "Sixty days have been past since it has been known that your intentions against the town were hostile, in which time has been afforded to abandon it ; but duty and inclination point to the pro priety of supporting it to the last ex tremity." The British commander now rejoined with a severe cannonade, which was kept up almost without intermission. The expected reinforcements sent by Washington at length arrived ; and Brig adier-General Woodford, having marched five hundred miles in twenty-eight days, with seven hundred men of the Virginia o line, was gladly welcomed as he entered Charleston. General Lincoln had now only one communication open with the country by which to receive reinforce ments or supplies; this was by the Coop er river, on his left, and on the east of * Siinms. REVOLUTIONARY.] TARLETON SURPRISES COLONEL WASHINGTON. 725 the beleagured city. He strove to secure it. Governor Rutledge, with one half of the executive council, had gone out, leav ing the other half and the lieutenant-gov ernor to perform all the civic functions in his absence, and was now doing his best to stir up the militia to the defence of the country between the Santee and Cooper rivers, through which was the only communication to the besieged in Charles ton. Rutledge s success was meager in com parison with the fullness of his dictato rial powers, and he was only able to en roll a small number of militia, which he divided into two portions, stationing one between the Cooper and the Santee, and the other at the ferry on the latter river. Lincoln had despatched Brigadier-Gen eral linger, with some militia, and Lieu tenant-Colonel Washington s corps of cav alry, to Monk s Corner, thirty miles above Charleston, and near the head-waters of the Cooper river. A small force was also sent to throw up works on the Wando, a branch of the Cooper, nine miles above the town, and to Lanprier s Point, so as to guard the pass in that direction. Sir Henry Clinton went on perseve- ringly with his parallels, and, while en gaged upon the second, sent out Lieuten ant-Colonel Webster, with fifteen hundred men, to strike at the American posts on the Cooper, and thus complete the inves titure of Charleston. The fierce and en ergetic Tarleton with his dragoons, and the spirited Ferguson, with his rillemen, composed the van of Webster s corps, and to them and their ferocious followers was intrusted the enterprise of attacking by April 13. surprise the American post at Monk s Corner. As Tarleton started out at night on his concealed expedition, he caught sight of a negro, skulking near his van ; and, having seized him, he found upon his person a letter from one of Hu- ger s officers, from which information was obtained about the American position. The negro, moreover, was readily bribed by a piece of gold to shift his service to the British, and he became their guide, leading them through some neglected by paths to the post. The American guards were on the watch a mile in advance of their post, and Colonel Washington had his cavalry-horses all bridled and saddled ; but Tarleton drove in and followed the videttes with such promptitude, that he entered the camp with them. The assault was so rapid and impetu ous, that the American cavalry was rout ed without resistance. General linger, Colonel Washington, and most of his corps, saved themselves by pushing their horses across the country, with every foot of which they were familiar. Tarleton and his dragoons showed little mercy ; arid Major Bernie, of Pulaski s legion, who was mangled shockingly, died cursing the o o */ o British for their barbarity in having re fused quarter after he had surrendered. Four captains, one lieutenant, and two privates, of the Americans, were killed, and some seventeen more wounded or taken prisoners. Nearly two hundred horses, and a large quantity of ammuni tion, baggage, baggage-wagons, and mili tary stores, likewise fell into the hands of the enemy. 726 BATTLES OF AMERICA. |_PAKT II. Some British dragoons, brutalized by the plentiful supply of ruin which had fallen to them as their share of booty, entered a gentleman s house in the neigh borhood, and attempted to gratify their lusts upon the defenceless women of the family. The ladies, however, succeeded in making their escape, and were protect ed from further violence by the interpo sition of the English officers. The dra goons themselves were arrested and ta ken to Monk s Corner, where Lieutenant- Colonel Patrick Ferguson/ 1 who was as gallant as he was brave, would have put them to instant death. Colonel Webster, however, was opposed to the exercise of such extreme measures, and sent the vil lains, under guard, to the British head quarters, where " I believe," says the Eng lish historian Stedman, " they were after ward tried and whipped." Colonel Webster was now enabled to establish a post on the Wando, and thus secure the whole country between that river and the Cooper. General Lincoln learned with dismay of this position, so fatal to his only communication with the country, and determined to attack it ; but a council of war being called, it was de cided that a sufficient force could not be spared for the purpose. Thus this post, held by only six hundred infantry and two hundred and fifty horse, was left un disturbed. Sir Henry Clinton had now 7 received from New York a reinforcement April IS, or three thousand troops, under * Ferguson was a. spirited officer, and almost as formida ble as Tarlcton in partisan warfare, but freer from the charge of cruelly. He was a famous shot, and was as sure with his rifle as the best of the American marksmen. the command of Earl Cornwallis and Lord Rawdon, and was thus enabled to throw a large force on the east side of Cooper river, to complete the work of investing Charleston in that quarter which was be gun by Colonel Webster. As soon as Cornwallis presented himself, the posts at Lanprier s Point and on Wando river were abandoned ; and the British had almost free range of the country, although there was still some show of opposition on the part of a remnant of H tiger s force. The American cavalry, after its surprise at Monk s Corner, had withdrawn to the north of the Santee, where Lieutenant- Colonel White took the command. This officer, discovering that Lord Cornwallis extended his fo raging-parties to the south ern banks of the river on which he was encamped, determined to intercept them. Accordingly, upon the first notice of the enemy s approach, White passed the San- tee, struck at the foe, and captured most of the party. He now r retired with his prisoners to Lenud s ferry, where he had ordered boats to be in readiness, and Colo nel Buford, who was stationed on the op posite bank of the river, to be on the alert to cover the transportation of his men. Neither the colonel nor the boats, however, were to be found, and White in- cautiouslv lingered at the place. */ O 1 Tarleton, in the meanwhile, who was scouring the country with his usual activ ity, having learned of White s late success and his present position, made all haste after him. On reaching Lenud s ferry. Tarleton with his dragoons made one of his habitually rapid and impetuous on slaughts, and succeeded in killing and cap- REVOLUTIONARY.] SIEGE AND FALL OF CHARLESTON. 72: April 12. luring between thirty and forty of the American cavalry. Colonels White, Wash ington, Jamieson, and the rest of the offi cers and men, took to flight, and escaped by swimming the river, or hiding them selves in the swamps. Though the lines of Charleston were field-works only, the British commander made his advances with great caution. At the completion of his first parallel, the town was summoned to surren der ; and its defiance was the sig nal for the batteries on both sides to open, which they did with great animation. Sir Henry Clinton, having completed his second parallel, and entirely invested the town (having cut off the only com munication of the besieged with the coun try), a spirited but ineffectual night-sortie of two hundred men, under Lieutenant- Colonel Henderson, was the last effort of the garrison, when a council of war was called by General Lincoln. At April 26, . . this time the flesh provisions of the city were not sufficient for a week s rations. There was now no hope of de fending the to\vn, and no chance of es cape by retreat. The engineers admitted that the lines could not be maintained ten days longer, and might be carried by assault in ten minutes. There was no prospect of either supplies or reinforce ments. It was therefore determined to make an offer of surrender, on the con dition that the inhabitants should be se cured the safety of their persons and prop erty, and the garrison allowed to continue in arms. " General Lincoln," says Sinims, " was disposed to accept Clinton s offer, but he was opposed by the citizens, who were required by Clinton to be considered as prisoners on parole." The above offer, made in council, being sent out to the British commander with a flag, it was at once rejected, and the third parallel be gun, answer being returned that hostili ties should be rene\ved at eight o clock in the evening. When that hour arrived, the garrison looked for the most vigorous assault, and prepared, with a melancholy defiance, to meet the assailants at their ruined bulwarks. But an hour elapsed without a gun being fired. Both armies seemed to dread the consequences of an assault, aod to wish for a continuance of the truce. At nine in the even- xi i p ,i May 6, ing, the batteries oi the garrison were reopened, and, being answered by those of the British, the fight was resumed with more vigor and execution than had been displayed at any time from the be ginning of the siege.* The third parallel having been com pleted, Sir Henry and the British admiral now demanded a surren der for the third time. General Lincoln saw, as before, that there was no hope of resistance, and assented at once to give up his troops; but the inhabitants ear nestly begged him to make an exception in their favor. This exception was made accordingly in his answer, but was de clared inadmissible by the enemy. The siege was now renewed. Two hundred heavy cannon and mortars were brought to bear. Ships and galleys, the forts on James s and John s islands, on Wappoo, and the army on the neck, uni- * Simms. 728 BATTLES OF AMERICA. PART It Hay 11. ted in cne voluminous discharge of iron upon the devoted garrison. Shells and carcasses were constantly thrown into the town, and at one time it was on fire in five different places. The batteries of the third par allel were opened, and, under their fire, the works were pushed to the brink of the canal. This was drained by sapping the dam. A double sap was also carried under the abattis, and the enemy, in possession of the outer defences, were close to the main works of the besieged. The fire was constant and severe from the British batteries. The opposing parties were brought within speaking-distance of each other ; and " the rifles of the Hessian yagers," says Simms, " were fired at so short a distance as never to be discharged without effect. The defenders could no longer show themselves above the lines with safety. A hat raised upon a cane was instantly riddled with bullets." Sir Henry Clinton was now prepared to strike the decisive blow, and was about to give orders to begin the assault, when at midnight, General Lincoln, seeing that further resistance would be sheer mad ness, called a council of the civil authori ties. The inhabitants of Charleston, fear ful of the approaching horrors, should the city be taken by storm, with one accord begged Lincoln to waive the exception made in their favor, and accept the terms proffered by the enemy. At two o clock in the morning, a proposition was therefore made fof a surrender. The firing then ceased. All the guns were silent at daybreak, and at noon the continental troops marched out and laid down their arms. The British command er did not presume upon the advantage at which he now had the town, but hon orably agreed to the terms which had been before proffered and were rejected, Charleston was thus surrendered, on the 12th of May, six weeks after Clinton had sat down before it and begun the siege. "Lincoln had maintained his post with honor," adds Simms, " if not with success ; had shown himself steadfast and firm, if not brilliant. For nearly three months, with less than four thousand ill-fed, ill-clad, and undisciplined militiamen, he had main tained himself in Avails the lines of which required thrice that number to man them, and had thus long baffled fully twelve thousand of the best troops in the British service, headed by their best generals." The enemy had lost seventy killed, and had one hundred and ninety-nine wound ed. The whole loss of the Americans was one hundred and two killed and one hun dred and fifty-seven wounded. Lincoln s force which surrendered amounted to not more than twenty-five hundred ; but the British estimated their prisoners at five thousand in all, as they probably included all the citizens capable of bearing arms. Nearly four hundred pieces of ordnance were given up. The loss of ammunition, stores, and shipping, was likewise heavy, and was greatly deplored throughout the whole country. By the terms of the ca pitulation, the troops of the garrison were permitted to march out to a place desig nated, where they were to deposite their arms. The drums were not to beat a Brit ish march, and the colors were not to be uncased. REVOLUTIONARY.] TARLETON IN PURSUIT OF BUFORD. 729 CHAPTER LXXX1I. Operations of Sir Henry Clinton. Proclamations. Expeditions. Prepress of Earl Cornv/aliis. Tarleton in Pursuit. Speed and Bottom. Colonel Buford surprised. No Quarter. A Bloody Massacre. The British at Camden. Sir Henry Clinton departs for New York. Lord Cornwallis in Command in Carolina. His Lordship as an Administra tor. The Tories suffer. Prostrate Patriotism. Thomas Sumter. Hif Life and Character. Francis Marion. His Life and Character. Pickcns. Guerilla Warfare. Hard Eiders and Good Marksmen. Success of Sumter. The Patriots encouraged. The March of De Kalb. General Gates appointed to the Command at the South. Northern Laurels and Southern Willows. 1 780, AFTER the fall of Charleston, Sir Henry Clinton, in order to confirm his conquest, issued proclamations, prof fering pardon to those who should return to their allegiance to the British crown, and sent out troops to subject those who were still in open resistance. Retaining a small force to hold the town. Clinton despatched the main body of his army, under Lord Cornwallis, toward the fron tiers of South Carolina. One division, under Lieutenant-Colonel Brown, moved up the Savannah, to Augusta ; another, commanded by Lieutenant-Colonel Bal- four, marched along the southern banks of the Wateree, to Ninety-Six ; and Earl Cornwallis himself pushed on with the third toward Camden, where Colonel Bu ford, who was on his way to reinforce General Lincoln, had retired on hearing of the surrender of Charleston. Augusta and Ninety-Six yielded, on the approach of the British, without a blow. Colonel Buford abandoned Camden, and marched precipitately into North Caroli na, Lord Cornwallis, as he crossed the Santee, having learned of Buford s flight, moved with a portion of his troops to 92 take possession of Camden, and sent his trusty Tarleton in pursuit of the fugitives. This famous colonel of dragoons was at once in his saddle, at the head of his cav alry. His corps had been strengthened by the addition of a hundred mounted in fantry and a three-pounder; but Tarle- ton s impatience would not allow him to wait for these tardy riders : so he spurred on in advance with his hundred and sev enty dragoons. He got so rapidly over the ground, that in fifty-four hours he had made a hundred and five miles, although his Carolina horses were neither remark able for mettle nor high condition. The weather was hot, and some of the animals gave out; but Tarleton always pressed on ahead, followed by those of sufficient speed and bottom to keep up with him. When within twenty miles of Buford, who was hastening to form a junction with a force in North Carolina, Tarleton sent one of his best-mounted captains for ward, with a summons to Buford to sur render, while he himself and his troopers galloped close at his heels. The captain overtook Buford on the banks of the Wexhaw river, and handed 730 him Tarleton s summons to surrender, on the same terms as had been granted to the garrison at Charleston, accompanied with this threat, however : " If you are rash enough to reject them, the blood be upon jour head !" Without halting his troops, Buford spoke for a moment with the British captain, and then gave him this brief and emphatic answer: " SIR : I reject your proposal, and shall defend myself to the last extremity. "ABM. BUFORD. " LlKUTKNANT-COLONKL TARLETON, " Commander of British Legion." The rapid Tarleton was close at hand, and, upon receiving Buford s reply, was ready for an onslaught. The hit- May 29, 3 ter behaved with neither decis ion nor prudence. His rear-guard of a sergeant and four dragoons having fallen, O o o Buford was thus first apprized of the close approach of the enemy. He had barely time to draw up his men in an open wood, and send his artillery and baggage in ad vance, when Tarleton and his merciless dragoons, with drawn sabres, came down the road with an impetuous swoop. Lit tle resistance was made ; and the Ameri cans, taken so suddenly and surrounded, soon sued for quarter, but no quarter was shown. Tarleton, who was foremost in the at tack, at the head of thirty of his trustiest troopers, was dismounted by a chance shot. His dragoons, however, did not lin ger in their barbarous woi;k, but forced their horses on, sabring their unresisting enemy right and left. It soon became a bloody massacre, in which no less than a BATTLES OF AMERICA. PART IT. hundred and thirteen of the Americans were slaughtered, while a hundred and fifty were, according to Tarleton s own account of the butchery, so badly man gled as to be incapable of removal from the field of action. That the British met with butfeeble resistance, may be inferred from the fact that their loss amounted to only seven killed and twelve wounded. Tarleton and his dragoons now rode to Camden, carrying with them fifty-three American prisoners, the few who had been spared in that merciless attack. Lord Cornwallis received his cruel officer with a warm welcome, and bestowed the high est praise upon him for his bloody enter prise. Friend and foe, ho we-ver, have not hesitated to speak of the conduct of Tarle ton as an outrage upon humanity. Even in England, the liberal press and all men of humane views denounced his ferocity ; and his own conscience smote him, if not to repentance, at least to an attempt at justification. He declared that his men, on the one hand, became exasperated to revenge upon supposing, when he was dismounted, that he had been slain ; and that, on the other, his dragoons had been provoked to rage by the firing of the Americans after they had surrendered and begged for quarter. To the errors of Buford may be ascribed the defeat of his party ; but the effect of this wanton massacre was beneficial to the southern country, in rousing a proper spirit of re sentment in the breasts of its defenders. The Americans thenceforth were taught to expect no indulgence from their foes. The name and barbarity of the English cavalry-leader were now synonymous; REVOLUTIONARY.] THOMAS SUMTER AND FRANCIS MARION. 731 June 5. and even his mercy was deemed so piti less, that "Tarleton s quarter" became a proverbial expression for cruelty: and a spirit of revenge, in all subsequent con flicts, gave a keener edge to the military resentments of the people in the south ern states. Sir Henry Clinton, after his military triumphs., finally believing that he had secured the state of South Carolina in firm allegiance to the throne, embarked at Charleston for New York, with a portion of his troops, leaving Earl Cornwallis in command of four thou sand regulars, to carry the war into North Carolina and Virginia. His lordship, for a time unopposed by any active military hostility, had an opportunity of exercising his talents as a civil administrator. Hav ing left Lord Rawdon in command of the division which Sir Henry had led up the Santee to Camden, he himself proceeded to Charleston, where he was ensured in 7 o O administering the affairs of the state un der its renewed royal government. As Cornwallis proposed to make an in cursion into North Carolina as soon as the hot season was over, he was preparing his way by an active correspondence with the royalist inhabitants. He urged upon them to remain patient until he was pre pared to enter their province with his troops. But in the fullness of their loy alty they could not avoid making a pre mature manifestation, and thus brought down upon themselves a crushing blow from the patriots. Some eight hundred, however, of the loyal North-Carolinians, under Colonel Bryan, with a band of reso lute republican militia at their heels, suc ceeded in making their escape, though in a sorry plight, to the British post at Che- raw hill. Prostrate as South Carolina was, there were still some of her inhabitants who clung resolutely to their arms ; and, al though forced temporarily to leave their own state, they were impatiently wait ing for a favorable opportunity to strike a blow against the invaders of their homes. Among these was THOMAS SUMTER, one of the most gallant of the southern patriots. Though past the meridian of life, such were the fighting qualities and resolute spirit of the man, that he was popularly known as " The Gamecock of Carolina" In his youth he had fought against the Indi ans, and had served as a soldier in Brad- dock s unfortunate campaign. When the Revolutionary War broke out,Sumter was among the earliest in the field, and re ceived the command of the South-Caro lina riflemen, as their lieutenant-colonel. He was a man of inflexible firmness and daring courage. Large, strong, and ac tive, his body was equal to all the trials of endurance to which his enterprising spirit constantly subjected it. " Deter mined to deserve success, he risked his own life and the lives of his associates without reserve. Enchanted with the splendor of victory, he would wade in tor rents of blood to attain it."* He trusted, f however, more to personal prowess than to military skill. He was far less inclined to plan than to execute, and often under took and succeeded in enterprises which a more prudent officer would never have hazarded. * Lee. 732 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART IL Sumter s home, on the Santee river, had been devastated by the enemy, his house burned to the ground, and his wife and children driven forth without shelter. He now sought refuge in North Carolina, where he soon gathered about him a band of his fellow-exiles, who chose him as their leader, and determined to vindicate the rights of their country and avenge their own wrongs. FRANCIS MARION was another of those dauntless partisan leaders, to whose en ergetic courage the Carolinas were in- O o debted for their final rescue from the thraldom of a triumphant enemy. The youngest son of a wealthy planter, of Huguenot extraction, his youth was en couraged with the prospect of a life of prosperity and ease, when his father be coming impoverished, he was suddenly made conscious that he was to rely upon his own efforts for support. The youth did not hesitate, but promptly sought em ployment as a sailor. * On his first voyage to the West Indies, the vessel was wrecked, and young Marion took to the boat with the rest of the crew, where for seven or eight days they subsisted upon the raw ilesh of a dog which, like themselves, had escaped from the wreck. After land ing, the yo ivthful Marion aban doned the sea, and took to farming. In the expedition against the Cherokees, he was made a lieutenant under Moultrie, and subsequently served as a captain in a second Indian expedition. When the Pievolutionan- War began, he was chosen captain of a company, and assisted (hav ing in the meantime been promoted to the rank of major) in the gallant and suc cessful defence of Fort Moultrie, in June, 1776. In the late siege of Charleston, he commanded a regiment as lieutenant- colonel ; but, having by accident broken his leg, he became incapable of military duty. Leaving the city before its sur render, he fortunately escaped falling with the rest of the garrison into the hands of the enemy. He now took refuge in North Carolina, and sought, like Sumter, an oc casion to redeem his native land. Marion was now forty-eight years of age. Small in stature, meager in frame, and of a sallow, hard visage, he had not a very martial appearance. He was, nev ertheless, a man of great powers of endu rance, which were strengthened by his severely abstemious habits. He drank nothing but water, and ate sparingly. "His dress was like his address plain, regarding comfort and decency only: * He was a reserved, cautious man, and, though well informed, seldom disposed to conversation. Trusting to his own fer tility of expedient, he rarely sought coun sel from others, and his success as a strat egist seemed to justify his self-reliance. He was a rigid disciplinarian, and he not only made his men good soldiers, but took care of them. Never avoid in u* danger, O O he never rashly sought it ; and, acting for all around him as he did for himself, he risked the lives of his followers only when it was necessary. He was so up right, that, " during the difficult course of warfare through which he passed, calum ny never charged him with violating the rights of person, property, or humanity .""j" His fellow-countrymen, knowing him to * Lee. t Ib. 11 1C VOLUTION ART.] RISING OF THE CAROLINA PATRIOTS. 73S be ft without fear and without reproach," styled him " The Bayard of the South ;" but his British and tory enemies denominated him "The Swamp-Fox." ANDREW PICKENS, though born in Penn sylvania, and a younger man, was hardly less effective than Surnter and Marion in the partisan warfare of South Carolina. Governor Rutledge, with a shrewd judg ment of character, had singled out these three, and appointed them brigadier-gen erals in the militia of the state. Marion, Sumter, and Pickens, all made themselves formidable in the guerilla war fare in which they were engaged, and greatly contributed to the final triumph of the Americans in the South. Their troops were at first few in number, and made up of a miscellaneous assortment of ill-dressed and poorly-equipped whites and blacks. All were mounted, and most of them armed with rifles. A few only acted,how r ever,as cavalry, and brandished old mill-saws converted into broadswords, or knives at the ends of poles, until they could supply themselves at the enemy s expense with sabres and lances.* When about making an attack, most of the men dismounted, leaving their horses in some hidden spot near by, in readiness to re mount for either pursuit or flight. The men were all hard riders and good marks men ; they endured the longest and most toilsome marches without fatigue, seldom feeding more than once a day, and w r ere prompt in action.-j- Governor Rutledge had, fortunately, left Charleston before the disastrous close of the siege, the better to employ himself * Irving. * Lee. in other states for the benefit of his own. He personally sought the several authori ties and people of North Carolina, Vir ginia, and finally Congress, and received liberal promises from all. With these he returned to South Carolina, full of hope, to give vigor and concentrative energy to all the efforts that might be employed against the invader. In the meanwhile, General Rutherford had succeeded in raising fifteen hundred men, whom he brought together at Char lotte, in North Carolina, the well-known "Hornet s Nest" as this whig region was called by the royalists. This force w r as sufficient to discourage the approach of Tarleton in that quarter; and Lord Raw- don, who had established a post at the Wexhaws, now deemed it prudent to abandon it. But time was required to arouse the country; and in the meantime, under Brit ish auspices, the loyalists grew active and audacious. A large force of these, raised in North Carolina, had collected at Ramsour s, under a Colonel Moore. A detachment of General Ruth erford s troops, under Colonel Locke, at tacked and defeated them. Other par ties of loyalists were growing in both the states ; but they did not grow alone : their rising sufficed to give new spirit to the patriots. They, too, soon showed them selves here and there in North and South Carolina, in bodies more or less numer ous, mostly small and badly armed at first, but full of eagerness, and perhaps vindictive passions. Such was the char acter of the small troop which had re treated before the British, from the low r June 22, 734 BATTLES OF AMERICA. or swamp regions, as the latter advanced into the back-country ; and, strengthened by volunteers from North Carolina, it was now, under the brave Snniter, returning to its native state at the very moment when the cause of liberty seemed most hopeless to the inhabitants. " The attitude of this forlorn few," says Simms, " was no less melancholy than gal lant. The British were everywhere tri umphant, the Americans desponding ; the state without any domestic government, and utterly unable to furnish supplies to this little band, whether of arms, clothing, or provisions. Never did patriotism take the field with so few encouragements or so many difficulties. The iron tools of the neighboring farms, the ploughshare and the saw, were worked up into rude weapons of war by ordinary blacksmiths. The partisans supplied themselves in part with bullets by melting the pewter which was given them by private housekeepers. Sometimes they went into battle with less than three rounds to a man ; and one half were obliged to keep at a distance until supplied by the fall of comrades or ene mies with the arms which might enable them to eniiragre in the conflict. When O O victorious, they relied upon the dead for the ammunition for their next campaign. The readiness with which these brave men resorted to the field, under such circum stances, was the sufficient guaranty for their ultimate success." Sumter was the first of these partisan warriors to cross the border into South Carolina, and renew the war with the vic torious British. With a hundred July 12, and thirty- three followers, this [PAKT ii irallant leader attacked and routed a de- o tachinent of royal troops posted on the frontier. This was the first advantage gained over the enemy in South Carolina j since their landing in the beginning of I the year. The affair of the 12th of July took place at Williamson s plantation, in the upper part of the state. The enemy, consisting of a large detachment of British militia and tories, were under the command of Colonel Ferguson (not the one already described, in the British army) of the for mer, and Captain Houck of the latter. The royalists, not apprehending an ene my, were posted at disadvantage in a lane, both ends of which were entered at the same time by the Carolinians. Ferguson and Houck were both killed, and their men completely routed and dispersed. At the fortunate moment in which the attack was made, a number of prisoners were on their knees, vainly soliciting mercy for themselves and families at the hands of the British officers. Houck had become notorious for his cruel atrocities, in the very performance of which the retributive Providence decreed that he should be slain. On this occasion, Colonel Bratton and Captain M Clure particularly distin guished themselves. These two gallant officers had already made their mark up on a large body of marauding British and tories, in an affair only a month previous, at Moblev s meetinghouse, in Fairfield dis- */ O trict (within a few weeks after the sur render of Charleston), where they had attacked the enemy, and, after a severe handling, succeeded in dispersing them. One of the gallant young partisans, in the EVOLUTIONARY.] EXPLOITS OF SUMTER AND CLARKE. 735 July 30, August 6. affair with Houck and Ferguson, became well known long afterward as the distin guished General Ad air.* Sumter s success inspirited the inhabit ants, who came forward with such alac rity to join his standard, that in a few days his force was increased to six hun dred. Emboldened by this reinforcement, an attack was made on the Brit ish at Rocky mount, where the patriots, however, were less successful ; and Sumter, finding that, without artille ry, he could make no impression on the enemy s works of logs and earth, retired. Ever active himself, and fearful lest his militia might disband unless kept on the move by constant enterprise, the dar ing and spirited partisan leader attacked a British regiment (the Prince of Wales s) and a large body of to- ries, posted at a place called Hanging Rock, eastward of the Catawba. The assault was prompt and effective. The regiment of regulars was so com pletely cut to pieces, that there was left only the small remnant of nine out of two hundred and seventy-eight men ; and the North-Carolina, tories, under Colonel Bryan, who had been so impatient to show their loyalty, were, after suffering severely, totally routed and dispersed. In July, Colonel Clarke, with a hundred and ninety men, proceeded to the neigh borhood of Cedar springs, in the Spartan- burg district. Here they were suddenly warned by two women that they would soon be attacked by a large force of Brit ish and tories, commanded by Colonel Dunlap. They prepared themselves ac- * Simms. cordingly, and were all in readiness when the enemy came on, an hour before day light. It was almost too dark to distin guish friends from foes ; but the British, expecting to surprise the Americans, were in some degree themselves the subject of surprise. They were met firmly, hand to hand, and a fierce conilict took place, in which they were defeated, and were pur sued for nearly a mile. The enemy lost twenty-eight dragoons and about a score of loyalists. Most of the wounds given were with the broadsword. On the re treat, Dunlap was joined by Colonel Fer guson, and their united forces amounted to more than five hundred men. The Americans retired without precipitation or pursuit, and with the loss of only fivo killed and thirty wounded. These gallant enterprises of Sumter and others had tended greatly to encourage the desponding Carolinians, and to abate the panic which had been occasioned by the fall of their chief town. All that was wanted by the scattered bands of patri ots were good weapons, ample munitions, and an able military leader, capable of showing the way. Hence the continual call upon the main army of Washington for general officers. The patriots were now still further inspirited by learning that regular troops were marching from the North to their succor. While the siege of Charleston was im pending, some fourteen hundred conti nentals, consisting of the Delaware and Maryland lines, and some Virginia troops, had been ordered by Congress to rein force General Lincoln in defence of the beleagnred city. They were confided to 736 BATTLES OF AMERICA. |_PART II. the command of Major-General Baron de Kalb. After some delay from embarrass ment in the commissariat department, the brave and experienced German April 10. , . , Ar set out from the camp at Morris- town on his long southern march. The journey, by land, was tolerably expedi tious for the first part of the route; but, lacking means of transportation, without cash or credit, and relying for facilities of march upon states so thinly settled as Virginia and North Carolina, the progress of these troops had been too slow for the succor of the besieged city. They were still on the march when the tidings were received of the fall of Charleston. But the march was not arrested. De Kalb led his men with a proper care, and with due regard to their sufferings, which were great, through a wild and almost uninhabited region. He had pushed his progress, to the South by the direct route from Petersburg, in Virginia, for Camden, in. South Carolina. When he had j i. n -11 r> arrived at Coxs mills, on Deep river, in North Carolina, the baron was brought to a halt for want of provisions, and also by doubt as to his future course. No supplies could be obtained from the authorities of the state, and very little by forced contributions from the inhab itants. De Kalb was obliged, nevertheless, to continue his march, in order to keep his trcops from starving, as he hoped to reach a part of the country where there might be found a better prospect of subsistence. He accordingly moved along the Deep river, and encamped near Buffalo ford. whence he sent out his forajmiayparties. O O J. <> With all his activity, however, he could hardly obtain a sufficient supply of grain for the immediate subsistence of his army, and the only meat that could be procured was the lean beef of the wild cattle which roamed in the pine-woods and the cane- brakes. Major-General Caswell, in com mand of the North-Carolina militia, was, moreover, in advance ; and his hungry troopers were skinning all the " fat of the land," and leaving nothing but a meager residue behind them. The baron strove to induce Caswell to join him, but he and his militia preferred the independence of campaigning on their own account. De Kalb remonstrated, but in vain, and appealed to the state legisla ture and to Congress. While thus per plexed, and doubtful of the future, Gen eral Gates presented himself in camp. Although Congress relied with conli- O O dence upon the patriotism and devotion of Baron de Kalb, it was deemed best to despatch a general commander to organ ize a southern army who was better known through the country, and the prestige of whose name would induce the patriots of the South to rally to his standard. Ear ly in the spring, Washington, seeing the necessity of more vigorous operations in the Carol inas, had intended to recommend General Greene as the fittest officer to lead the destined reinforcements to the aid of Lincoln, and to take the general command of all the southern forces; but after hearing of the fall of Charleston and the capture of Lincoln, Congress, without consulting the commander-in-chief in this important matter, had appointed General Gates to that momentous service. The RE VOLUTION A It f.J LEE S PROPHETIC WARNING. MARCH OF GATES. 737 latter was then enjoying a brief repose upon his estate in Virginia, where he and his old friend, General Charles Lee, fre quently discussed public affairs, and un doubtedly in a spirit and temper most unfriendly to Washington. On his arrival, General Gates, of course, superseded De Kalb. The baron gladly yielded up his irksome authority,but mod estly consented to remain in the subordi nate command of the Maryland division. Gates himself may have assumed his new position with no very sanguine hopes, when he recalled the parting words of his friend Lee, who, on bidding him fare well in Virginia, said, "Beware that your northern laurels do not change to southern ivil- lows !" CHAPTER LXXXTII. General Gates on the Move. Plenty of Rum and Rations. The Troops inspirited. Precipitation. A Suffering Army. The Promised Land. Hope deferred. Green Corn and Lean Beef. Crossing of the Pedee River. Marion and Ins Troopers. Disappointment. Junction with the Militia. Lord Rawdon at Camden. British Reinforcements. Earl Cornwallis to the Rescue. His Promptitude. Order of Battle. Battle of Camden. Panic of the Militia. Flight. Effects of Diet on Courage. Good Conduct of the Regulars. Victory of the British. Death of Baron de Kalb. Gates goes with the Torrent. No Rally. Tarlcton and Sumter. A Sudden Burst. Pursuit. The Losses. A Sad Train. A Mortifying Picture. Gates humbled. 1780, THE ceremonies of his reception being over the little park of ar tillery having fired a continental salute, and an interchange of courtesies having passed between the polite De Kalb and his successor General Gates promptly ordered the troops to be in readiness to move at a moment s warning. This cre ated great surprise and much grumbling in the army, as, from its long-suffering in consequence of meager supplies, it was in an ill condition for a march. The sol diers, however, were encouraged by their new general s assurances that an abun dance of "rum and rations" was on the route, and would soon overtake them. The troops, inspirited by such July 27 a prospect, hesitated no longer, and accordingly began to move. General Gates, eager to signalize his command by a promptitude of action that might con trast favorably with the Fabian policy of other commanders whose slowness he was wont so freely to censure, determined to push right on, form a junction with Gen eral Caswell, and strike at the enemy. He therefore took the route over Deep river, by Buffalo ford, leading to the ad vanced post of the British at Lynch s creek, on the road to Camden, at which latter place, about one hundred and ten miles northwest from Charleston, Lord Rawdon was posted with his main army. Colonel Otho Holland Williams, adju tant-general, ventured to expostulate with Gates upon " the seeming precipitate and 738 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART IT. inconsiderate step he was taking." The country through which he was about to march, Williams declared, was naturally barren, abounding in sandy plains, inter sected by swamps, and but thinly inhab ited ; while the scant supplies of provis ions and forage produced on the banks of its few streams had already been swept away by the devastations of the enemy and the hordes of tory freebooters. The colonel advised with earnestness a north west route, leading across the Pedee, to the town of Salisbury, lying in the midst of a fertile country, and inhabited by warm friends of the patriot cause. Gates, however, was not to be diverted from his resolution, and persevered in the route which he had begun. His men were already reduced to the "scraps" in their knapsacks, as their only food ; and, as they continued their march, they found that there was but little promise of plen ty. The country proved even \vorse than it had been represented. With its wide stretches of sanely plain and deep moras ses, there was but little cultivation ; and those rare spots where the sparse settlers had built here and there a log-house, and raised a meager patch of corn, were found devastated and abandoned. The soldiers suffered greatly from the want of supplies, but bore up manfully with the prospect in advance of reaching the fertile banks of the Pedee. Even here, however, in the fatter land, the sufferings of the army did not cease. The fields, it is true, were rich with prom ising crops; but the Indian corn was not yet ripe, and, as the harvest of the previ ous year was exhausted, the soldiers in August 3. their hunger were forced to pluck the green ears. These, boiled with the lean beef, and eaten with green peaches as a substitute for bread, constituted their on ly diet, which, though it satisfied the ap petite, did not fail to produce severe dys enteries. The officers were enabled to thicken their soup with the hair-po\vder left in their toilet-bags ; and thus congrat ulated themselves upon a more whole some repast. The little army, however, continued to move on, and, crossing the Pedee river, General Gates w r as met on the opposite (western) side by Lieu tenant-Colonel Porterfield and his small corps of Virginians, who, ever since the fall of Charleston, had remained in South Carolina, where they had continued roam ing about the country, picking up what food they could get by foraging. Colonel Marion, too, had joined the march with his few followers, " distinguished by small black leather caps and the wretchedness of their attire. Their number did not ex ceed twenty men and boys, some white, some black, and all mounted, but most of them miserably equipped : their appear ance was, in fact, so burlesque, that it was with much difficulty the diversion of the regular soldiery was restrained by the of ficers ; and the general himself was glad of an opportunity of detaching Colonel Marion, at his own instance, toward the interior of South Carolina, with orders to watch the motions of the enemy and fur nish intelligence."* It was not long, how ever, before the sneering regulars would have gladly welcomed back Marion and * Williams s Narrative. REVOLUTIONARY.] GATES AT CLERMONT CORNWALLTS AT CAMDEN. 730 his men, to aid in saving them from im pending destruction on the fatal field of Camden. As the troops continued their march, disappointment met them at every step. On reaching May s mill, they had expect ed Inrge supplies; but, not finding them, the men began to murmur., and threaten mutiny. The officers, however, by show ing their own empty canteens and mess- cases, satisfied the soldiers that all suffered alike, and quieted them for the time by promising that, if the expected supplies did not arrive, detachments should be al lowed to go out from each corps, and to pick up what provisions they could get. Fortunately, a small quantity of Indian corn was soon brought into camp. The mill was now set to work, and, as soon as a mess of meal was ground, it was deliv ered to a squad of men, and so on until all were served, the general and field of ficers taking their share, and not the most abundant, among the last. In his impatience, Gates now Aug. 10, / rode on and reached General Cas- well s camp of militia, about fifteen miles eastward of the British advanced post on Lynch s creek. Next day the army fol lowed and formed the junction with Cas- well s troops. All were cheered by the event, and the combined forces marched with invigorated spirits to Cler- mont, about twelve miles from Camden, at which place Lord E-awdon, on the near approach of Gates, had concen trated all his troops. The British commander was not dis posed to disturb the American camp until he should receive reinforcements from Aug. 13. Aug. 14. Lord Cornwallis at Charleston, and in the meantime he kept his troops employed in strengthening his defences. On the day after his arrival at Cler- mont, Gates was reinforced by the junc tion of Brigadier-General Stevens, with seven hundred Virginia militia. His en tire force now amounted to three thou sand and fifty-two men fit for duty, of whom a third only were regular troops. Earl Cornwallis, made aware that the post at Camden was threatened, hastened there in person, followed by a small body of troops. He now assumed the command of the whole force himself, which numbered about twenty- one hundred men. These were, however, with the exception of a few hundred loy alist militia, choice British regulars. His lordship, with his usual promptitude, had been only a single day in camp, when he was prepared to sally out against his enemy ; and at ten o clock at night he began his march to Clermont. By a curious coincidence, General Gates had fixed upon nearly the same moment to lead out his force from Rugely s mills tow-ard Camden. Gates had received a request from Surnter for a reinforcement of regular troops to aid him in an attempt to cut off a considerable convoy of British wagons, which, laden with clothing, am munition, and other stores, and guarded by an escort, was on its way by M Cord s ferry from Charleston to the camp of the enemy. The general had accordingly or dered a detachment of four hundred men, including one hundred infantry and two brass fieldpiecus, under Lieutenant-Colo nel Woolford, to join Sumter. In order 740 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART n. to facilitate this enterprise by a diversion, ignorant of the arrival of Cornwallis by forced marches, and confident that Lord Rawdon would retire on his advance, and fall back upon Charleston, General Gates had taken up his march with the inten tion of posting himself near Camden. Colonel Armand and his cavalry-legion led the van, flanked by Lieutenant-Colo nel For terfi eld s corps of Virginia regulars in Indian file on his right, and by Major Armstrong s light-infantry of the North- Carolina militia in the same order on his left. The main body followed, with the Maryland and Delaware regulars forming the front division, in command of Baron de Kalb ; the militia of North Carolina, under General Caswell, next in order; and the militia of Virginia, under Briga dier Stevens, bringing up the rear. General Gates was in ignorance of sev eral facts which he might have known, and which it was of infinite importance to his objects that he should have known. Not only was he uninformed of the rapid march of Earl Cornwallis to the relief of Rawdon, and thus underrated the British strength, but he had given himself little time to learn anything. He committed a variety of blunders. He undervalued cavalry, one of the most important por tions of every army, and one especially so in a level and sparsely-settled country like that through which he had to pass. Ho hurried his men, when fatigued, with- 7 O J out necessity, and commenced a night- movement with untried mrlitia, in the face of an enemy. In this march he ex hibited none of that vigilance upon which the success of all military enterprises must Aug. 16. mainly depend. Lord Cornwallis, on the contrary, appears to have been accurately informed of every particular in relation to the Americans which it was important for him to know. It is even said that an emissary of the British commander suc ceeded in passing himself upon Gates as a fugitive from Camden, and, having won his confidence, made his escape to his British employer. In a fatal state of se curity, the result of his own self-delusion, the American general hurried his troops blindly forward to their doom.* The two armies thus moved on in the darkness of the night, without being con scious of each other s approach, the deep sands muffling the sound of every foot step, until they met, about two o clock in the morning, at San- ders s creek, seven miles north of Camden, and nearly midway between that place and Clermont. A smart interchange of small-arms between the advanced guards first revealed the contact of the hostile armies; and a heavier fire immediately ensued. Colonel Armand s vanguard of cavalry a miserable apology for a legion," re marks Simms, " made up of the worthless outcasts of foreign service" wheeled at the first discharge from the enemy, and in their retreat threw the Maryland bri gade in their rear into confusion. Por ts terfield, however, on the right, with his Virginia infantry, held his ground; but he himself was soon carried off the field, with his leg terribly shattered by a can non-ball. As if by tacit consent, the two armies recoiled, and, bewildered as it were * Simms. REVOLUTION ART. J BATTLE OF CAMDEN. by the sudden encounter in the darkness, now ceased from all further hostility, and prepared to await the daylight for the conclusion of the strife. Some prisoners having been taken by O / the Americans, one of them was conduct ed to the general, who extorted from him intelligence of the position and strength of the enemy. When he thus declared that Lord Cornwallis was commanding in person nearly three thousand troops (as he reported) within five or six hundred yards of the American lines, Gates was aghast ; as he now discovered, for the first time, the arrival of his lordship, and the considerable strength of his force. O All the general officers were at once assembled in council, in rear of the line, when Gates, communicating to them the unwelcome intelligence, asked, " Gentle men, what is to be done ?" For awhile no one said a word ; until General Ste vens, of Virginia, breaking the silence, ex claimed, " Gentlemen, is it not too late now to do anything but fight?" "Then we must fight," rejoined Gates. " Gentle men, please to take your posts." Both commanders now anxiously waited for the light of day, and employed the remainder of the night in arranging the order of battle for their troops in the morning. The American army was ordered to form with the second Maryland brigade, including (lie Delawares, under Gist, on the right; the North-Carolina militia, un der Caswell, in the centre ; and that of Virginia, under Stevens, on the left. The first Maryland brigade, under the brave General Srnallwood, was to be held in re serve, about two hundred yards in rear of the first line. The artillery was placed in the centre of the first line, and the light- infantry of the North-Carolina militia, un der Major Armstrong, was ordered to cov er a small interval between the left wing and the swampy grounds in that quarter. Each flank of the whole line was protect ed by a marsh. Baron de Kalb, the sec ond in command, took post on the right, with the Delaware and second Maryland brigades; while General Gates, directing the whole in person, placed himself on the road between the main body and the re serve. The British right, under the command of Lieutenant-Colonel Webster, consisted of a small corps of light-infantry, and the twenty-third and thirty-third regiments; and their left, under Lord Kawdon, was formed by the volunteers of Ireland, the infantry of the legion, a portion of Lieu tenant-Colonel Hamilton s Royal North- */ Carolina regiment, and four fieldpieces, two of them six and two three pounders, directed by Lieutenant M Leod of the ar tillery. The seventy-first regiment, with a six-pounder, composed the reserve, one battalion being placed in the rear of the right division and the other of the left; while the cavalry was stationed in the rear of the whole. The ground upon which the British halted was favorable, as each flank rested on an impervious swamp. At break of day, before the opposing lines were completely formed, the British were observed to be advancing, , . , . ,. , Aug. lo. and, in the uncertain light, ap peared to be displaying their columns by the right. The adjutant-general, Colonel 742 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [rAttT IT. Williams,ordering the artillery in front to open its fire, immediately galloped to the commanding general, in the rear of the second line, to explain to him the cause of the fire. Gates seemed disposed to await events, and gave no orders for im mediate action. Colonel Williams, how ever, having observed that if the enemv, O */ J while in the act of displaying, were brisk ly attacked by General Stevens s brigade, which was already in line of battle, the effect might be fortunate, and first im pressions were important, Gates replied : "Sir, that s right; let it be done." Williams now hastened to General Ste vens, who, having received his orders, ad vanced at once with his brigade of Vir ginia militia, apparently in fine spirits. It was too late, however, to attack the ene my while they were in the act of display ing. They were already in line. In order to provoke the fire of the Brit ish at some distance, and render it less terrifying to the militia, Williams led for ward, within fifty yards of the enemy, a small party of volunteers. These posted themselves behind the trees, and began their fire, but without effecting the pur pose expected. The British infantry now came rush in o- ^ o on, when Stevens, encouraging his men, called out to them, "My brave fellows, you have bayonets as well as they ; we ll charge them !" The militia, however, ap palled by the impetuosity with which the enemy advanced, firing and huzzaing, be came i)anic-stricken,a?zJ,//j/wfwyr down their loaded arms, iled in terror from the field ! The North-Carolinians soon followed the base example of the Virginians, although Colonel Dixon s regiment held its ground long enough to fire two or three rounds of cartridge. The greater portion of the militia, however which formed nearly two thirds of the whole army fled v:ilh~ out firing a shot, with Tnrleton and his dra goons in fierce pursuit. "It can not ap pear excessively strange," says an apolo gist, " that such raw militia could not stand before bayonets, when it is consid ered that for some time they had subsist ed on fruit scarcely ripe, without any reg ular rations of flesh, flour, or spirituous liquors."* Another declares that they were weakened bv the effects of " a hastv t/ ,y meal of quick-baked bread and fresh beef, with a dessert of molasses "mixed with mush or dumplings."^ The regulars, however, being now left to bear the whole brunt of the battle, did it manfully. The Delaware and Mary land brigades, though repeatedly broken, formed again and again, and renewed the attack with such spirit, that the result seemed for awhile in suspense. " The ar tillery was lost; the cavalry were swal lowed up in the woods ; and the regular infantry, reduced to a mere point in the field, and numbering but nine hundred men, were now compelled to bear the un divided pressure of two thousand veter ans. But they resisted this pressure no bly, and, their bayonets locking with those of the foe, bore them back upon the field, in many places yielding them pris oners from the very heart of the British line. This triumph was momentary only ; these gallant men \vere unsupported.";]. The enemy, having collected their corns. v / \_ / * Gordon. t Williams. t Simms. UEVOLUTIONARY.] DEFEAT OE GATES. DEATH OF BARON DE KALB. 743 and directing their whole force against these two brigades, a tremendous fire of musketry was kept up for some time on both sides. Corn wallis, however, finding that there was no cavalry to oppose him (for Armand and his horse had never re turned since their flight during the night). pushed forward his dragoons, under the ubiquitous Tarleton, who, having returned from pursuit of the fugitive militia, and charging at the same moment as the in fantry, put an end to the contest, and com pleted his victory.* Never did men behave better than the continentals ; but they were now obliged to fly. The only chance that remained to avoid a surrender on the field, and es cape from the sabres of the dragoons, in whom the British were very strong, was to break away for the morass in their rear, into which they could not be pursued by cavalry. This was done, and by this meas ure alone did any portion of this devoted corps find safety. "Although the royal army fought with great bravery," says Simms, " it must have been beaten but for the flight of the militia. The terrible con flict which followed with the continentals proves what must have been the event had the former behaved like men." Baron de Kalb, while fighting on foot at the head of the second Maryland bri gade, fell, mortally wounded, into the hands of the enemy. Colonel du Buys- son, his aid-de-camp, preserved him from instant death by throwing himself upon him, and crying out, "Save, save the baron de Kalb!" and thus receiving the thrusts of the bayonet intended for the * Williams. prostrate general. De Kalb, having re ceived eleven wounds, died a few days after, and was buried by the British at Camden. With his latest breath he dic tated a letter expressive of the warmest affection for the officers and men of his division; of the satisfaction which he felt at the testimony given by the British ar my to the bravery of his troops; of his being charmed with the firm opposition which they made to a superior force, when abandoned by the militia ; and of the in finite pleasure which he received from the gallant behavior of the division he commanded/ General Gates " was borne off the field by a torrent of dismayed militia. "f Gen eral Caswell followed close in his wake. When the two commanders reached Cler- mont, they attempted to rally the fugi tive militia, in order to cover the retreat of the regulars ; but the farther the troops fled, the more they scattered : and the generals, giving up all as lost, and aban doned by all but their aids-de-camp and some twenty or thirty followers, retired to * " The baron de Kalb was a native of Alsace (a German province ceded to France), and a knight of the royal mili tary order of merit. He was educated for war in the French army, and, having been there connected with the quarter master-general s department, his experience was of much service in America. He had been in the colonies toward the close of the French and Indian War, as a secret agent of the French government, when lie travelled in disguise. He came over with Lafayette in 1777, when Congress com missioned him a major-general, he having held the office of brigadier in the French service. De Kalb died at Cam- den three days after the battle. He was buried there, and the citizens of Camden have erected a neat marble monu ment to his memory, the corner-stone of which was laid in 1825, by Lafayette, when he visited the grave of his old friend arid companion-in-arms. On the 14th of October, 1780, Congress also resolved to erect a monument to his memory in Annapolis." LOSSINO. t Gordon. BATTLES OP AMERICA. [PAKT II. Aiiff, 15 Charlotte, in North Carolina, sixty miles distant from the field of battle, and thence to Hillsborough. On Gates s route, an officer overtook him with the intelligence that Surnter had succeeded in his enterprise against Ca rey s fort on the Wateree, having taken the enemy s post, and intercepted the es cort of stores, which were all captured, together with forty baggage- wagons and O / C3 O O a hundred prisoners. This oc curred on the evening previous to the battle of Camden. The success. however, was now of no advantage to the defeated commander, and merely served to add to the bitterness of his own mis fortune. All lie could do was to send or ders to Sumter to retire in the best man ner he could. On hearing of the defeat of General Gates, Sumter began his retreat up the south side of the Wateree. His move ments were greatly impeded by his cap tured baggage-wagons, filled with booty of the very kind that the Americans were most in need of. He was encumbered, also, by three hundred prisoners. Before Sumter could effect his escape, Cornwallis had sent Tarleton with his le- gion in pursuit of him, nccompa- /lHg I 7 1 -11 nied by a detachment of infanty. This prompt officer pushed on with his usual rapidity ; and finding, before he had proceeded far, that more than half of his horses had given out from sheer exhaus tion, he galloped ahead with the remain der, consisting of only one -hundred and sixty. Sumter, believing himself secure in his position at the mouth of Fishing creek, where he had halted, became less cau tious than he should have been. Satis fied with the precaution of posting two videttes in advance on the road, he al lowed his tired men to relax at pleasure. They accordingly stacked their arms, and began to indulge themselves, some in bath ing, some in strolling, and others in sleep. Two shots were heard, but were unheed ed, as they were only supposed to be fired by some of the militia out in search of cattle. They were, however, shots from the videttes, who had thus endeavored to alarm the camp, and put Sumter and his men on their guard ; for they had caught sight of Tarleton and his dragoons, who were rapidly approaching. The British now burst suddenly upon them. Sumter strove to rally his men in defence; but although here and ,, f i i i -i Aug. 18, there some few struggled awhile with the enemy behind the wagons and baggage, there was soon a general rout. Nearly four hundred were struck down, and either killed or wounded. Sumter himself and about three hundred of his men succeeded in making their escape through the woods and river, leaving all their baggage, the stores, and the prison ers, which they had lately taken, in the hands of Tarleton. The loss by Gates s defeat at Camden was heavy. Two hundred and ninety American wounded prisoners were car ried by the enemy into the town. Of these, two hundred and sixty were con- nentals ; eighty-two were North-Carolina militia : and of the Virginia militia, so ef fectual had been their flight, there were only two. The Americans lost the whole REVOLUTIONARY.] THE LOSSES AT CAMDEN. WILLIAMS S SUCCESS. 745 of their artillery, and most of their bag gage. Each corps was broken in action and dispersed, and all the officers sepa rated from their respective commands. The fugitives were pursued for more than twenty miles by Tarleton arid his legion; and as they fled they left everything on their route, so that the way was strewn Avith arms, baggage, and upward of two hundred wagons. The entire American loss was about one thousand in killed, wounded, and prisoners. The British loss was also severe, amounting, according to their own official report, to three hundred and twenty-five; though one of their histo rians states it at four hundred and thirty- four. General Gates succeeded in rallying about a hundred and fifty of the conti nentals at Charlotte, but the militia dis persed rapidly to their homes in Carolina and Virginia, Gates now hastened to Hillsborough, where he hoped, with the aid of the general assembly of North Car olina, to devise some plan for renewing military operations. The scattered continentals gathered slowly at Charlotte, and marched thence to Salisbury. A sad train moved along the road. " It consisted," says Williams, " of the wretched remnants of the late southern army, a great number of dis tressed whig families, and the whole tribe of Catawba Indians (about three hundred in number, some fifty or sixty of whom were warriors, but indifferently armed). Among the rest were six soldiers who had left the hospitals with other convales cents ; they had all suffered in Buford s unfortunate affair, and had but two sound 94 arms among them : indeed, four of them had not one arm among them, and two only an arm apiece. Each of them had one linen garment. Some of the wounded were in wagons, some in litters, and some on horse back, and their sufferings were "indescri bable. The distresses of the women and children who fled from Charlotte and its neighborhood ; the nakedness of the In dians, and the number of their infants and aged persons ; and the disorder of the whole line of march, conspired to render it a scene too picturesque and compli cated for description. A just represen tation would exhibit an image of com pound wretchedness ; care, anxiety, pain, poverty,hurry, confusion, humiliation, and dejection, would be characteristic traits in the mortifying picture." As a small offset to the overwhelming defeat at Camden, almost at the very mo ment when General Gates found himself a fugitive from the field of battle, Wil liams, a bold partisan of South Carolina, assisted by Bratton, Shelby, M Dowal, In- inan, and others, achieved one of his hap piest successes at Musgrove s mill (Gor don s), with an inferior force of a hundred and fifty men, against a detachment of British and loyalists who numbered three hundred, one half of whom were regulars, under the command of Colonel Innis, sec onded by Major Fraser. Williams formed a very pretty little ambuscade for his enemy along the river- thickets, and by adroit management suc ceeded in drawing the British colonel into it. Innis was surrounded by a circular fire, at the moment he supposed himself to be riding down a band of fugitives. Aug. 18. 746 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [FART IT. The sharp-shooters of Williams and his colleagues then poured in their fire, and rushed upon the foe. Taken by surprise, confounded by assailants on every hand, Innis and Fraser fled with their regulars, breaking through the fiery circle, but at o O great loss of life. His militia were left to their fate ; and such of them as did not bite the dust, were made prisoners. They lost nearly ninety men slain, and one hun dred prisoners. Williams, from this and other adventures, became the hero of the popular ballad ; fragments of rustic verse yet remain, which show how strongly he had impressed himself on the confidence of the people.* But with the defeat and dispersion of Gates s army, the British ascendency in the South was completely re-established ; and, at the close of the summer of 1780, there were no republicans in arms in South Carolina, except Marion and his little band of followers, who took refuge in the mor asses and swamps bordering on the San- tee. General Lee s ominous words were now fulfilled, and Gates s "northern lau rels" had verily changed to "southern willows." Within the brief space of three months the two armies of Lincoln and Gates had been annihilated, and one of the most formidable of the partisan corps that of Smnter was scattered to the winds ! The pride of Gates had received an ir retrievable blow, and, in letters addressed to the cornmander-in-chief from Hillsbor- ough, in North Carolina,, he involuntari- * Simms. ly paid the highest compliments to the noble man whom he had frequently in sulted, and at times affected to despise." Conscious that official disgrace awaited him for the disastrous result of the south ern campaign, he appealed to the gene rosity of Washington in language which showed the real confidence he felt in his chief s justice and magnanimity. "If I can vet render good service to the Uni- */ o ted States," he wrote, " it will be necessa ry it should be seen that I have the sup port of Congress and of your excellency ; otherwise, some men may think they please my superiors by blaming me, and thus recommend themselves to favor. But you, sir, will be too generous to lend an ear to such men, if such there be, and will show your greatness of soul rather by pro tecting than slighting the unfortunate. If, on the contrary, I am not supported, and countenance is given to every one who will speak disrespectful of me, it will be better for Congress to remove me at once from a command where I shall be unable to render them any good service. This, sir, I submit to your candor and honor, and shall cheerfully await the decision of my superiors." In his reply, Washing ton confessed the surprise which he felt at the result of the campaign., but spoke highly of the bravery of the continental troops. " The accounts," he said, " which the enemy give of the action, show that their victory was dearly bought. Under present circumstances, the system which you are pursuing seems to be extremely proper." REVOLUTIONARY.] KNYPHAUSEN S RAVAGES IN NEW JERSEY. 747 CHAPTER LXXXIV. Knyphansen in New Jersey. Movements of British Troops. Mortal Wound of General Sterling. Dayton and the Militia. --Rising of the Country. Elizabethtown spared. Ravage of Connecticut Farms. The Fighting Parson. Murder of Mrs. Caldwell and Child. A Ruined Home. Knyphausen marches to Springfield. He is checked. Movement of Washington. Retreat of Knyphausen. Arrival of Sir Henry Clinton. A Stratagem. General Greene deceived. Marches and Countermarches. The Struggle on the Railway. Strong Post of Greene. Springfield burnt. " Watts into them, Boys !" Retreat of the British to Staten Island. 1780, INTELLIGENCE of the success of Sir Henry Clinton at Charleston hav ing reached New York, General Knyphau sen became emulous, and strove to signal ize himself before the arrival of his supe rior in command. He accordingly deter mined to make a descent into New Jer sey. With this view, five thousand men were thrown over in two divisions du ring the night from Staten isl and to Elizabethtown Point. Brigadier- General Sterling led the first division, and succeeded in making good his landing ; but he had not marched far on the road, when his approach was dimly perceived in the darkness by an American advance- guard. Colonel Day ton, who commanded some Jersey militia at Elizabeth town, hav ing heard of the projected incursion of the British, had stationed twelve men on the shore to be on the lookout. They heard the tramp of the troops, and ob scurely discerned the moving mass, when they challenged the invaders, and, receiv ing no answer, fired and retreated. Gen eral Sterling, riding in advance of his col umn, received this random shot in the knee ; the wound finally proved mortal. A short delay ensued, while the wound ed general was borne back, and Knyphau sen came to take his place. Dayton, in the meantime, mustered his militia, and aroused the country. Alarm-guns were fired, and signal-fires lighted ; and every patriot who could bear arms shouldered his musket or brandished his pitchfork. The enemy, however, came on. A clat tering squadron of Siincoe s dragoons, with their drawn sabres and glistening accou- trements,led the van, followed by the solid ranks of the British and Hessian infantry. The undisciplined militia and the miscel laneous throng gathered from the neigh borhood did not venture to oppose so for midable a foe, but, leaving the village of Elizabethtown to the invaders, pushed in to the country, where they hoped to be able to harass them more effectually, and thwart their further progress. Knyphausen, satisfied with the desola tion he had made on a previous occasion, spared Elizabethtown from further cru elty, and pressed on for the village of Connecticut Farms (now Union), about five miles distant. Harassed on the road by the fire of the country-people from un der cover of the woods and stone-walls, i 748 BATTLES OF AMERICA. LPAKT n the British troops finally reached the vil lage, where they met with a spirited re sistance from General Maxwell, who with his brigade had joined the retreating mi litia under Colonel Dayton. Knyphau- sen, however, reinforced by his rear di vision, commanded by Brigadier-General Matthews, was enabled to drive away its defenders, and take possession of the place. Infuriated by the opposition they had met, the British and Hessian soldiery now wreaked their rage upon the village of Connecticut Farms. They began to plun der and destroy, first gutting the houses and then burning them. Among those living in the place was Mrs. Caldwell, the wife of the Reverend James Caldwell, a Presbyterian clergyman. After his church had been burnt in Elizabeth town, he had removed to Connecticut Farms, where the parsonage was occupied by his family and himself, when not under marching orders, for he served as a chaplain in the army. As the enemy advanced, Caldwell retreat ed with his regiment, and left his wife and her children in the village. Alarmed by the firing in the street, Mrs. Caldwell had retired to a back room, and was sitting on the bed, holding the hand of her child of three years of age in her own, while her infant of eight months was in the arms of a nurse close by, when a musket was levelled at the window and discharged. Two balls struck Mrs. Cald well in the breast, and she instantly fell dead. Her body was allowed to be re moved, and then the house was burned to the ground. In the confusion and riot of the sack ing of the village, it was difficult to dis cover who was the perpetrator, and wheth er his act was one of premeditated cru elty, or the result of reckless barbarity Believed by the New-Jersey people, how ever, to be the deliberate work of a Brit ish soldier, the deed greatly exasperated them, and goaded the country to a fiercer resistance. Caldwell, anxious for the safe ty of his family, and ignorant of their fate, returned the next day, under the protec tion of a flag, to Connecticut Farms, where he found his wife dead and his home in ruins. Always a zealous patriot, he had never ceased, both in the meetinghouse, where he was noted as " a rousing gospel preacher/ * and in the field, where he was no less famed as a vigorous " fighting par son," to stir up his countrymen manfully to resist their cruel enemies. With pri vate wrongs now added to stimulate his O just indignation, Cald well s voice and arm were raised with more energy than ever in behalf of the patriot cause.f Knyphausen, having left Connecticut Farms in desolation, marched to Spring field. On approaching the bridge over the Rahway, at the entrance of the town, he was brought to a halt by the retreat- O v ing troops under General Maxwell and Colonel Dayton, and by the discovery that Washington, with the main body of his troops, was posted on the Short hills, in, the rear of Springfield, where he had arrived to check the progress of the ene my in their march toward Morristown. * Irving. t By a singular fatality, a little more than a year after the melancholy death of his wife, Mr. Caldwell himself was shot by an American sentinel near Elizabethport, because he ro- fused to obey his orders ! REVOLUTION ART.] SECOND INCURSION OF KNYPHAUSEN. 749 The Hessian general, finding himself thus opposed, and disappointed in his ex pectation of the people joining him (as he had been led to believe from the ru mors in New York, that New Jersey was discontented in consequence of the fre quent impressments and forced levies of supplies made to relieve the necessities of the continental army), was compelled to retreat. He found some difficulty in crossing to his encampment on Staten island, and being indisposed to return with so poor an account of his somewhat pretentious expedition, he therefore lin gered at Elizabethtown. In the meantime, Sir Henry June 17. Clinton arrived in the harbor of New York from his triumphant southern expedition; and though, when he heard of General Knyphausen s movement, he could not entirely approve of it, he imme diately determined, as the British troops were still in New Jersey, and as Washing ton had left his encampment at Morris- town, to attempt bringing him to action, and if possible to destroy his stores. Sir Henry first landed his troops at Staten island, as if to reinforce Knyphausen, and then re-embarked them almost immedi ately on transports, with the apparent in tention of sailing up the Hudson on an expedition against West Point. His ob ject was, to divert the attention of the American commander from Knyphausen, that he might have an opportunity of ma king another and it was hoped a more successful effort in New Jersey. Clinton s stratagem was partially suc cessful. Washington, thinking it possible that the Hudson might be the object of the British general, moved with a large body of his troops in that direction, taking the road to Pompton ; though he took care to leave a considerable force, consist ing of the brigades of Maxwell and Stark, Lee s dragoons, and the New-Jersey mili tia, under General Greene, posted on the Short hills, in order to oppose any move ment which the enemy might make tow ard Morristown, while he himself moved warily, that he might be conveniently placed, to push forward or return, as cir cumstances might require. His march had been intentionally so slow, that he had got only eleven miles beyond Morris- town, when he heard of the second ad vance of Knyphausen. General Greene, thoroughly impressed with the idea that the main object of the enemy was the North river, and Knyp- hausen s movement therefore only a feint, had with the greatest persistence urged the march of the army toward the High lands of the Hudson, and was hardly con vinced of his error until the last moment, when he despatched this note by express to the commander-in-chief : " June 2M, 6 o clock. " The enemy are out on their march toward this place in full force, having re ceived a considerable reinforcement last ni<r lit" Washington immediately sent off a de tachment to the aid of Greene, and fell back with the rest of his troops some five or six miles, in order to be near at hand, to give him further support should he re quire it The enemy, having been strengthened 750 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART II. by Sir Henry Clinton and his troops, be gan their march from Elizabeth town at five o clock in the mornincr, in Jime23, two columns : one took the mam road, leading directly to Springfield ; and the other the Vauxhall road, which makes a circuit to the north, and joins the first at the pass through the Short hills, about a mile to the west of the town. The Rail way river, one branch of which flows on the east and the other on the west of Springfield, is 3rossed by bridges on both roads, but the stream is here and there ford able. General Greene, finding the British ap proaching with the formidable force of five thousand infantry, an imposing body of cavalry, arid fifteen or twenty pieces of artillery, made the best possible dispo sition of his meager supply of troops, in order to defend the village, to guard his own flanks, and to secure a retreat. Colonel Angell, with two hundred men and a fieldpiece, was posted at the bridge over the Railway, at the entrance of the town on the east; and Colonel Shreve, with his regiment, was stationed at the bridge over the branch of the river which flows to the west and back of Springfield, in order to cover the retreat of Colonel Angell s advanced pnrty if it should be driven back. Major Harry Lee, with his dragoons and a picked guard, was posted at the bridge on the Vauxhall road, with Colonel Ogden to support him. The re mainder of the brigades of Generals Max well and Stark was drawn up on the high ground in the rear of the town, flanked by the militia. The first encounter, with the right col umn of the enemy, was on the Vauxhall road, where Major Lee with great obsti nacy disputed possession of the bridge ; which, however, he was finally obliged to yield, as the British forded the river and gained some high ground which command ed his position. Colonel Angell, on the main road, made an equally manful struggle with his hand ful of men against the British left division, and only gave up the bridge after a con test of more than fort}^ minutes, when he retired in good order through the town tc the second bridge, where Colonel Shreve covered his retreat, and kept the enemy at bay until called off by the command ing general. Greene, fearful lest the British, though successfully opposed at the bridge, might ford the river and surround his small ad vanced parties, ordered them to fall back, and concentrated his whole force on the heights in the rear of the town, where the two roads meet and lead to the pass through the Short hills. Here, strongly posted, the American commander awaited the junction of the two columns of the enemy and their combined attack. He, however, waited in vain. Sir Henry Clin ton and General Knyphausen, having uni ted their force, reconnoitred Greene s po sition, and for awhile threatened to assail it, but finally concluded upon retreating without striking a blow. On retreating through Springfield, the British burnt every building except four houses; and, giving up all further attempt to advance upon Morristown and destroy the American stores and magazines there, which had been the chief object of the REVOLUTIONARY.] LAFAYETTE S RETURN FROM FRANCE. 751 expedition, they continued their retreat to Elizabethtown. As they went, they were closely followed by the militia, and were greatly harassed. Parson Caldwell made himself conspicuous in the pursuit. " The image of his murdered wife," says Irving, " was before his eyes. Finding the men in want of wadding, he galloped to the Presbyterian church and brought thence a quantity of Watts s psalm and hymn books, which he distributed for the purpose among the soldiers. Now] cried he, piil Watts into them, boys / " Lee was also active with his dragoons, and picked up a number of stragglers and a large quantity of stores and baggage. The enemy s loss was considerably more than that of the Americans, who had but twenty killed and sixty wounded in the various encounters. The British finally crossed over to Sta- ten island, and, destroying their bridge of boats, apparently gave up all further designs upon the much- vexed territory of New Jersey, which had hitherto suffered so much by the war. June 25, CHAPTER LXXXV. Return of Lafayette. His Warm Welcome. Tears of Joy. Good Tidings. Dear Americans. The Marquis welcomed by Congress. Count de llochambeau. His Life and Character. French Aid. Gallant Nobles of France. Recep tion at Newport. "Our General" in Rhode Island. Plan of Combined Attack. Sir Henry Clinton on the Alert. Movements and Counter-Movements. Lafayette s Troops. The French Fleet blockaded. General Arnold makes his Appearance. His Disappointment. He is appointed to the Command of West Point. A Significant Request. 1780, THE marquis de Lafayette s re turn to America was one of the most encouraging events of the year. The young Frenchman had greatly en- deared himself to Washington by his faithful friendship, and won popular ad miration by his generous enthusiasm in behalf of the cause of American indepen dence. His arrival was welcomed with every expression of delight. Tears of joy rose in the eyes of Washington, on reading Lafayette s letter announcing his arrival at Boston ; and when the youthful marquis reached head quarters, the stately cornmander-in-chief April 27, " folded him in his arms in a truly pater nal embrace."* Lafayette was doubly welcome, for he was the messenger of glad tidings. He brought word that his most Christian ma jesty Louis XVI. was sending to his good allies the American states a French fleet, under the chevalier de Ternay, and a body of troops, commanded by Count de llochambeau. The rnarquis might well feel proud as the bearer of this important intelligence, which he was permitted as yet only to communicate to Washington and to Congress. The result which he * Irving. BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART n. announced was- greatly due to his own efforts in his secret mission to the court of Versailles. So zealous was he in be half of the American cause, and so per suasive were his appeals, that old Count de Maurepas, the French prime minister, remarked one day in council, " It is for tunate for the king that Lafayette does not take it into his head to strip Versailles of its furniture, to send to his dear Americans., as his majesty would be unable to refuse it /"* In addition to the request for troops and vessels-of-war for the American ser vice, the marquis had also asked for large supplies of clothing, arms, and ammuni tion, for the patriot army. But he did not ask more of others than he was wil ling to do himself. He purchased on his own account, and brought with him to America, a large quantity of military equi page, which he presented to the officers of light- infantry which he commanded during the next campaigns. With skill and foresight, Lafayette had likewise planned the terms of the milita ry alliance before he left France, so as to leave nothing in point of courtesy or eti quette to be settled thereafter between the two commanders-in-chief; these terms Avere embodied in the instructions of the French minister to Count Rochambeau, and were intended to promote perfect harmony between the officers and troops of the two nations. The French were to be, in all cases, under the general com mand of Washington ; and when the two armies should be united, they were to be considered as auxiliary to the Americans, and to yield precedence by taking the left. * Sp-n-ks. The American officers were to command French officers of equal rank ; and in all military acts and capitulations the Amer ican generals were to be named first, and to sign first. So judiciously were these instructions drawn, that perfect harmony subsisted between the two armies from the moment of the arrival of the French till their departure, two years afterward.* As a token of friendship and alliance, Washington recommended his officers to wear a cockade of white and black inter mixed, the American cockade being black, and that of the French white, the latter being the color of the reigning house of Bourbon. From headquarters, in New Jersey, La- fa.yette hastened to Philadelphia, where he was welcomed by Congress with a com plimentary resolution, in which his re turn to America was acknowledged as a proof of his disinterested zeal, and the offer of his services accepted with pleas ure. The French fleet, which sailed from France on the 1st of May, w T as seen off the capes of Virginia on the 4th of July, and at length safely entered the harbor of Newport, in Rhode Island. It consisted of seven ships-of-the line, several frigates, and a number of transports (including two bornb-vessels), which had on board six thousand troops. The land-force was commanded by Count de Rochambeau and the fleet by Cheva lier de Ternay.f Rochambeau was a veteran officer, who had served with honor against the Prus- * Liossing. t Tenuiy died at Newport while in command of the fleet. July 12, REVOLUTIONARY.] COUNT DE ROCHAMBEAU ARRIVES AT NEWPORT. 753 siansand English serving under Frederick the Great, in the Seven Years War. His name was JEAN BAPTISTE DONATIEN DE Vi- MEUR, though he is more generally known by his title of Comte de Rocliambeau. He was born at Vendome, in 1725, and en tered the army at the age of sixteen. In 1746, he became aid-de-camp to Louis Philippe, duke of Orleans (the father of Philippe Eyalite, who was beheaded in the Re volution, and grand father of King Louis Philippe). Afterward obtaining the com mand of the regiment of La Marche, he distinguished himself at the battle of La- feldt, where he was wounded. He won fresh laurels at Cre veldt; at the battle of Minden, where the French received a terrible defeat; and also at Corbach and Clostercamp. For these services he was made lieutenant-general.* As soon as it became known that troops were to be sent to the United States, the young French nobility zealously sought to serve under Washington, who had been appointed by Louis XVI. lieutenant-gen eral of France, and vice-admiral of its fleet, in order that, as before remarked, the French officers might be made subor dinate to the American commander-in- * After the return of Count de Rochambeau from Amer ica, he was raised to the rank of marshal by Louis XVI., and, after the French Revolution, he was appointed to the command of the army of the north ; but he was superseded by more active officers, and, being calumniated by the pop ular journalists, he addressed to the National Assembly at Paris a vindication of his conduct. A decree of approbation was consequently passed in May, 1792, and he retired to his estate, near Vendomo, with a determination to interfere no more with public affairs. He was subsequently arrested, and narrowly escaped suffering death, under the tyranny of Robespierre. In 1803, he was presented to Napoleon, then first consul, who granted him a pension, and the cross of grand officer of the Legion of Honor. He died ia 1807, at the advanced age of eighty-one years. 95 chief, without wounding their national sensibility. As more offered themselves for appointments than the service re quired, many eager solicitors were disap pointed. Those who came were among the noblest and most gallant youth of France. There was the handsome, witty, and brave, but profligate, duke de Lauzun, at the head of his legion ; there was the mar quis de Chastellux,* a relative of Lafay ette, a soldier, courtier, and a man of let ters ; and there was the son of the count de Rochambeau, in command of the regi ment of Auvergne, which his father had often led to victory. They had " brought out with them," said the count himself, " the heroic and chivalrous courage of the ancient French nobility." The first impression, on the arrival of the French at Newport, does not seem to have been encouraging. " I landed with my staflfj" wrote the general, K without troops ; nobody appeared in the streets ; those at the window s looked sad and de pressed." In a short time, however, there was an agreeable change. "I spoke to the principal persons of the place," con tinues the count, " and told them, as I wrote to General Washington,that this was merely the advanced guard of a greater force, and that the king was determined to support them with his whole power. In twenty-four hours their spir its rose, and last night all the streets, houses, and steeples, were illinni- nated,_in the midst of fireworks and the greatest rejoicings." * Francis John Chastellux, a field-marshal, was the au thor of "Travels in North America," &c. July 13. 754 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [I AKT II. General Heath bad been ordered by "Washington to proceed to Ehode Island, in order that he might be present to give advice and assistance, as well as to do the honors suitable to the occasion. As soon as the French fleet appeared off the coast, "our general"* immediately prepared to cross over from Providence to Newport; but the day being calm, the packet did not reach the town until twelve o clock at ni$?ht. General Rochambeau had gone O *-> on shore in the evening. Early the next morning, General Heath likewise went ashore, and waited on the count; from which moment the warmest friendship commenced between "our general, the count, and all the French officers." Lafayette also hastened to greet his compatriots, and confer with Rochambeau upon the plans of a campaign which had been concerted with Washington. The arrival of the French was announced to the troops in general orders, and the commander-in-chief express ed the hope that the only contention be tween the two armies would be, to excel each other in good offices and in the dis play of every military virtue. He was, however, in a state of great solicitude, when he reflected upon the utter weak ness of the American army at this time, from the want of supplies of every kind, and the miserably deficient state of the quartermaster s and commissary s depart ments. The army, in the plan of the cam paign of 1780,had been lixed by Congress at thirty-five thousand two hundred and eleven men ; instead of which, the actual * General Heath, who, us the reader will recollect, always spciiks of himself as "our general." July 20, force in the field and under arms, at the end of June, amounted to only about five thousand five hundred men ! Indeed, the allied forces of the Americans and French were still inferior to those of the British commander at New York. The plan drawn up by Washington, and now submitted by Lafayette to the French general and admiral, was, to attack New York with the combined forces. Wash ington was to march upon the city by land, in conjunction with Rochambeau, who was to debark on Long island with his troops; while De Ternny was to at tack the British squadron, or blockade it in the harbor. The plan, however, was defeated for the present by tlie arrival of Admiral Graves at New York with six ships-of-the-line, which gave the British the naval superiority. It was now re solved to postpone the expedition until the arrival of the second division of the French force, which had been left at Brest, awaiting transports; or of the squadron of the count de Guichen, which was daily expected from the West Indies. In the meantime, Sir Henry Clinton, having obtained information of the pro posed project of the allies, determined to thwart it by attacking the French at New port. He therefore embarked eight thou sand men and sailed up Long-island sound with his transports ; while Admiral Ar- buthnot put to sea with his squadron, in order to co-operate. Washington now r proposed to take ad vantage of the absence of Sir Henry Clin ton, and either to strike a blow at New York, or to make such a- demonstration as would cause the British commander to REVOLUTIONARY.] INACTION OF THE ALLIES. GENERAL ARNOLD. 755 return to its defence, and abandon his at tack upon Newport. The army, which was on the west, was accordingly thrown across to the east side of the North river. The troops were ordered to disencumber themselves of all their heavy baggage, which, with the women and children, was sent to West Point. Provisions for two days were cooked in advance, the horses of the baggage-wagons were kept con stantly in harness, and every man was ordered to be in readiness to march at a moment s notice. The young Lafayette was among the most eager. He was now in command of a light-infantry corps, consisting of two brigades, selected from the different regi ments of the army. He had supplied his officers and men, as we have seen, with extra equipments, at his own expense ; and with conscious pride he displayed his troops in review before Washington and his general officers, by all of whom they were pronounced to be, in accoutrement and bearing, equal to any soldiers in the world. Their uniform was neat, each man wearing a leathern helmet, with a crest of horse-hair. Both officers and privates car ried swords, which Lafayette had himself brought from France and presented to them. The marquis was also anxious to prove that his corps was no less effective in the field than showy on parade. He was, however, disappointed in his martial aspirations. On discovering; Washington s move- O C5 merit across the Hudson, and his prepa rations for a inarch upon New York, Sir Henry Clinton gave up his part of the proposed attack on Rhode island, and re turned with his land-forces to his head quarters; while Admiral Arbuthnot pro ceeded to blockade the French fleet in the harbor of Newport, and to endeavor to cut off the expected reinforcements. Intelligence soon came that the second division of the French armament was blockaded at Brest by an English squad ron, and that the count de Guichen had sailed from the West Indies for Europe. This compelled the allies to abandon all thought of an attack upon New York, and forced Rochambeau to continue in active during the remainder of the year. The American army now recrossed the Hudson, leaving a small detachment to raise some works and establish a post at Dobb s ferry, on the eastern side, in or der to secure a communication for future operations against New York, if found to be practicable. Washington took post at Orangetown (or Old Tappan), opposite Dobb s ferry, where he remained until winter. While the army was crossing the river at King s ferry when the movement against New York was contem plated, and Washington was on horseback, directing the passage of the last division General Arnold suddenly presented himself. He seemed anxious to know, and hurriedly asked, what place had been assigned to him. The general- in-chief answered that it was the left wing, which was the post of honor, and which was his right by rank. Arnold made no response, but his face was quickly cloud ed with an expression of dissatisfaction. Washington, deeply engaged in directing the movement of his troops, had no time July 31, i 756 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART n. for further parley, and dismissed Arnold, with a courteous request that he would ride to headquarters, where he would soon see and speak with him more at leisure in regard to the matter. On Washington s return, he learned from Colonel Tilghman, his aid-de-camp, that Arnold had been speaking freely with him about his interview with the commander-in-chief, and had expressed his disappointment at the result, declar ing that in consequence of his wound he was unfit for the field, and that the only post at which he could do good service was West Point. Washington seemed to be surprised, for this was so unlike the daring Arnold, to prefer the restriction of garrison-duty to the free action of the o */ field ! Still, he was aware that Arnold had before expressed a desire for the com mand at West Point, although he believed that this had been a mere passing caprice of that restless officer, and not the ear nest wish of his heart. General Arnold, however, was deeply in earnest, and had been so ever since he had solicited the command. Thus, he had urged in his behalf the interposition of his friends in Congress, and the exercise of the influence of General Schuyler and of Mr. Robert R. Livingston, the member from New York, who wrote to Washing ton, asking for the appointment of Arnold to the command at West Point, upon the ground that he was not only an officer of tried courage and ability, but stood high in the estimation of the people of New York, and was popular with the militia, whose services would be required. Liv- 8. i, however, made no allusion to the fact that he had been prompted by Ar nold himself to make this application, and left it to be inferred by Washington that his only motive was the suitableness of the appointment. Recalling to mind the previous solici tations which had been made, and now finding that Arnold himself was resolute ly bent upon obtaining the appointment, Washington no longer hesitated, but gave him the command at West Point, whither he immediately proceeded. Ar- All! nold s headquarters were estab lished at the former residence of Colonel Beverly Robinson, a loyalist in the ser vice of Great Britain. The- " Robinson house," as it was called, is situated (for it still exists) on the eastern and opposite bank of the Hudson to that of West Point, and between two and three miles below that post. On taking leave of Washington and his officers, when about to assume his com mand, General Arnold suggested to La fayette, who had spies in his pay at New York, that, as their intelligence might sometimes come more conveniently by the way of West Point, it would be as well to intrust him (Arnold) with their names, that intercourse with them miVht o be thus facilitated. The young marquis unhesitatingly declined, on the principle that he was bound in honor to keep the names of the spies to himself. Nothinf more, at the time, was thought of it; but subsequent events revived its remem brance, and gave great significance to Arnold s request. REVOLUTIONARY.] SCHEMES AND PECULATIONS OF ARNOLD. 757 CHAPTER LXXXVI. General Arnold as Governor of Philadelphia. His Restlessness. Abortive Schemes. Suspicious Conduct. Charges. - Resignation. Splendor and Expense. The Penn House. Banquets. Coach-and-Fonr. The Marriage. A Reign ing Toast. The Beautiful Margaret Sliippen. A Needy Prodigal. Verdict of the Court-Martial. Gentle Words of Washington. A Sore Conscience. Desperation. A French Rebuke. Good Advice. Contemplated Treason. Arnold s Unpopularity. His Correspondence with Major Andre. " Gtistavus." Life of Major Andre. A Youthful Adjutant. 1780. GENERAL ARNOLD, it will be recol lected, was appointed military gov ernor of Philadelphia in May, 1778, im mediately after the evacuation of that city by the British troops under Sir Hen ry Clinton. Here he soon incurred the dislike of the inhabitants by his arbitrary conduct, and their suspicion by his equiv ocal transactions. His restlessness of dis position, or his desire to escape from the observation of those who regarded him with no friendly eye, prompted him to seek another field for his active energies, and a month had hardly passed when he solicited an appointment in the navy. Abandoning this design, either from its impracticability or from his own caprice, Arnold resolved to take the command of a privateer. This scheme was in its turn also given up while preparations were ma king for its accomplishment. His next project was, to obtain a grant of land in the western part of New York, for the es tablishment of a settlementfor the officers and soldiers who had served under him, and for such other persons as might be disposed to join them. This plan, too, was nursed for awhile, and finally aban doned by its capricious parent. Among the various other projects with which his restless mind teemed, he at one time en tertained the idea of forming a vast con federacy of the Indian tribes, of which he might then become its great and power ful chief. General Arnold s conduct, in his capaci ty as military commandant of Philadel phia, at length became so suspicious, and doubts of his integrity were so freely ex pressed, that the council of Pennsylvania was forced to take cognizance of them. An investigation ensued, which resulted in the presentation of certain charges, some of which imputed criminality, and all implied abuse of power. These were submitted to Congress, and referred to a committee of inquiry, which reported fa vorably to Arnold. The authorities of Pennsylvania, however, still clung to their charges, and insisted that Arnold should be tried by the military tribunal to which, as an army-officer, he was amenable. Con gress assented, and it was resolved that the charges should be referred to a court- rnartial for its decision. The accused gen eral complained that he was unfairly treat ed, and sacrificed by Congress to a desire on its part to conciliate the state of Penn- 758 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [I AUT II. sylvania. In the meanwhile, kept in sus pense by repeated postponements of his trial, he fretted angrily under the impend ing accusations. Under pretence of the wants of the army, he had forbidden the shopkeepers of Philadelphia " to sell or buy; he then put their goods at the dis posal of his agents, and caused them af terward to be resold at a profit. At one moment, he prostituted his authority to enrich his accomplices; at the next, he squabbled with them about the division of the prey."* Arnold now resigned his command, but remained in Philadelphia, where since his first arrival he had lived in a style of unexampled splendor and expense. He took possession of the " Perm house," one of the most imposing in the city, gave magnificent banquets, and drove a coach- and-four,with liveried coachman and lack eys. When Monsieur Gerard, the French embassador, first arrived in Philadelphia, Arnold gave him a grand dinner, a,nd en tertained him and all his suite in his house for several days. His marriage with Miss Margaret Ship- pen, the daughter of Mr. Edward Ship- pen (afterward chief-justice of Pennsyl vania, though at that time supposed to be favorably inclined toward the tories), added still more to Arnold s love of ex pensive display and ostentation. lie was forty years of age, and a widower. Miss Shippen was a beauty of eighteen, and fond of gayety and public admiration. She had been a reigning toast of the town while the British occupied Philadelphia, and was one of the fair ladies whose su- * American Register, vol. ii., p. 23, 1817. premacy in " wit, beauty, and every ac complishment," the knights of the "Blend ed Rose" in the famous Mischianza assert ed by " deeds of arms" against all rivals.* Her attractions had made such an im pression upon the British officers, that, after leaving Philadelphia, no name was more frequently heard in the toast and sentiment which, as was the custom in those days, flavored the after-dinner Ma deira, than that of the beautiful Margaret Shippen. With Andre, the captivating aid-de-camp of the English commander-in- chief, her remembrance was kept fresh by a sentimental correspondence, which was continued even after her marriage.-j- The associations of his wife s family were with the more pretentious and tory people of Philadelphia, and Arnold was thus brought in constant contact with those whose habits were neither calcu lated to lessen his prodigality, nor their principles to increase his patriotism. * See page 91, of this volume. t " It was from one of the disaffected or tory families thai Arnold selected his wife. He loved her with passionate fondness, and she deserved his attachment, by her virtues and solidity of understanding. In addition to these advan tages, she possessed an extraordinary share of beauty, dis tinguishable even in a country where Nature has been prodi gal of her favors to the sex. A considerable time before this marriage, when Philadelphia was still in the hands of the enemy, the relatives of the lady had given an eager wel come lo the British commanders. His marriage, therefore, caused some surprise ; but he was pledged to the republic by so many services rendered and benefits received, that the alliance gave umbrage to no one." American Register, 1817. "It is generally believed," adds Mr. Lossing, " that Ar nold s wife was instrumental in weakening his attachment to the American cause." W T hen he received from Washington the command at West Point, " the news of this unexpected success reached Mrs Arnold in the midst of a large assem bly at an evening party in Philadelphia, and so affected her that she partly swooned ; yet no one suspected the real cause of her emotion, and, when she recovered, they all eongratu latcd her upon the resolution and good success of her bus band !" RKVOLUTIONARY.J TRIAL AND REPRIMAND OF ARNOLD. 759 Arnold, living in a style of profuse splendor, which he had not the means to support, was soon driven to the usual re sources of the needy prodigal. He in curred debts as long as his credit enabled him; but when this means failed, he re sorted to other expedients. He specula ted in privateer-risks and various trading- projects. When Count d Estaing with his fleet approached New York, and it was supposed that the British would be forced to evacuate the city, Arnold formed a partnership with two other persons, to purchase (on the expected decline of the market) goods to the amount of thirty thousand pounds sterling within the lines of the enemy. These projects of antici pated profit failing, Arnold, whose pride would not permit him to diminish his ex penditures, was prepared to resort to any means to supply his reckless prodigality. In the meantime, the court-martial, ap pointed more than a year previous, con vened at Morristown, whither Arnold re paired. Having investigated the charges against him, that tribunal, on the 20th of January, pronounced him guilty of two of them,* though with miti gating circumstances, and sentenced him to be reprimanded by Washington. Nev er was the sword of justice more delicate ly tempered, and a smoother wound given * The two charges which were sustained in part, but not so far us to imply criminality, were these : 1. That Arnold, when at Valley Forge, before the evacuation of Philadel phia by the British, had given a written protection to the commander of a vessel to proceed to sea and enter any port within the United States. The mitigating circumstance was, that the vessel was the property of persons who had taken the oath of allegiance to the state of Pennsylvania. 2. That Arnold had used the public wagons of Pennsylvania for pri vate purposes. The mitigating circumstance in this instance was, that their use was paid for at private expense. 1779, to an irritable conscience, than when wield ed by the hand of the commarider-in-chief on this occasion. When Arnold appeal ed before him, Washington addressed him gravely but kindly, saying : " Our profes sion is the chastest of all. Even the shad ow of a fault tarnishes the lustre of our finest achievements. The least inadver tence may rob us of the public favor, so hard to be acquired. I reprimand you for having forgotten that, in proportion as you had rendered yourself formidable to your eneuiies, you should have been guarded and temperate in your deport ment toward your fellow-citizens. Ex hibit anew those noble qualities which have placed you on the list of our most distinguished commanders. I will furnish you, as far as it may be in my power, with opportunities of regaining the esteem of your conn try." Arnold s conscience, however, like an ulcerated sore when exposed to the pure air of heaven, was only the more inflamed by these gentle words of the pure and up right Washington. He was maddened to rage, and spared no one, from command- er-in-chief to subaltern, all of whom he charged with envy of his own brilliant military fame. He had already, under an assumed name, opened a correspondence with the enemy, but hesitated to take the last and basest step of overt treason un til he had exhausted every other resource for the supply of his greedy prodigality. Nearly four years before Arnold s defec tion, Colonel Brown, denouncing him in a handbill, used these memorable words: " Money is this man s God, and to yet cnouyli of ii he would sacrifice his couniry /" 760 BATTLES OF AMERICA. II. Shortly after his trial, Arnold renewed a petition to Congress for a settlement of his accounts, in which he made claims for an exorbitant balance in his favor. He was pertinacious, but his demands were evidently so unjust, that neither his ene mies, disgusted with his effrontery, nor his friends, wearied with his importunity, were disposed to listen further to his ap peals. Yet Arnold was sinned against. Many officers were envious of his deserved rep utation as a soldier. He had been made to feel the shafts of their envy in many ways. The very men who had conspired against Washington, in 1777 and 1778, were most prominent in opposition to Ar nold ; and the same faction in Congress withheld deserved honors from him. With contracted vision he saw, in the conduct of these individuals, the ingratitude of his country; and the resentment which he felt toward them he extended to the cause, and all engaged in it. This feel ing, and the hope of large pecuniary re ward, by which he might relieve himself of heavy and increasing embarrassments, seemed to have extinguished every spark of patriotism, and beckoned him to the bad pre-eminence of a mercenary traitor.* Arnold, in his desperation,now resorted to the expedient of appealing for a loan of money to the French envoy, Monsieur de la Luzerne (the successor of M. Ge rard), with whom he was on terms of so cial intimacy in Philadelphia. The gener al spoke of his disinterested services, his sacrifices, his wounds; he complained of the ingratitude of his country, the injus- * Lossin<r. tice of Congress, and the persecuting mal ice of his enemies. He declared that his fortune had been ruined by the war, and that, unless he could borrow sufficient money to pay his debts, he would be com pelled to go into retirement, and quit a profession which rewarded him only with poverty. He finally intimated to M. de Luzerne that it would be for the interest of his king to secure the attachment of an American officer so high in rank, and that it might be done for the amount of the loan asked !* The French minister, a man of great honor and just sentiments, although an admirer of Arnold s talents, could not ap prove of such a method of raising money, and in his reply administered a mild but firm rebuke. " You desire of me a ser vice," he said, "which it would be easy for me to render, but which would de grade us both. When the envoy of a for eign power gives, or, if you will, lends money, it is ordinarily to corrupt those who receive it, and to make them the crea tures of the sovereign whom he serves ; or rather he corrupts without persuading; he buys, and does not secure. But the firm league entered into between the king and the United States is the work of jus tice and of the wisest policy. It has for its bases a reciprocal interest and good will. In the mission with which I am charged, my true glory consist in fulfil ling it without intrigue or cabal, without resorting to any secret practices, and by the force alone of the conditions of the alliance." To this somewhat formal manifesto of * Sparks. REV OLUTIONARY.] MAJOR JOHN ANDRE. 761 political principle, Monsieur de Luzerne freely added some moral advice. Arnold, however, "wanted money, not advice;" and, not getting it, from either America or France, he was determined upon ob taining it from Great Britain. He now made the last desperate move, and, hav ing lost himself, staked his country upon the issue. He renewed his correspond ence with the enemy, which had been opened with intentional vagueness, that he might continue or terminate it, as cir cumstances should prompt. The command of West Point, which Arnold secured, as we have seen, gave him the means he sought for consumma ting his treason. His departure from Philadelphia was not regretted, as his ar bitrary temper, his pretentious bearing, and his corrupt conduct, had made him so much detested and so unpopular, that he hardly dared to show himself in the streets. On one occasion he was assault ed by the populace ; and, having com plained to Congress, he demanded a guard of continental troops for his protection, saying, " This request, I presume, will not be denied to a man who has so often fought and bled in the defence of -his country." Congress, however, did not or der the guard, but referred him for pro tection to the governor of Pennsylvania. Arnold found, in the correspondence of his w r ife with Major Andre, a conveni ent means of opening a communication with the enemy. His advances to Sir Henry Clinton were accordingly made through this channel. He wrote his let ters in a disguised hand, and under the assumed name of " Gustavux ;" while his 96 correspondent, Major Andre, took that of "Jo/in Anderson." To avoid detection, the true meaning of the letters was disguised under the cover of a commercial corre spondence, in which mercantile phrases apparently expressed trading -purposes. Arnold warily avoided committing his own name to paper; but Sir Henry Clin ton, from the beginning, discovered that his correspondent was an American officer of influence, and was soon convinced that "Gustavus" was no less a personage than Major-General BENEDICT ARNOLD. Adjutant-General Major JOHN ANDRE, the British agent who bore so important a part in this dark transaction, was born in London, in 1751, whither his parents, who were Swiss, had removed from Gene va. Originally intended for a merchant, he was placed in early youth in a London countinghouse,and before he had reached his eighteenth year fell in love with Miss Honora Sneyd. She returned his affec tion ; but her cautious father, seeing but little prospect of young Andre s advance ment in his career, refused his consent to their marriage. The lover now sought a relief for his disappointment in the ex citement of a military life; while his "dear Honora" consoled herself by becoming the second wife of " that man of many wives/ Richard Lovell Edgeworth,* a young wid- * RICHARD LOVKLL EDGEWOUTH, of Edgeworthtown, Ireland, was born at Bath, in England, in 1744. Possessing a large fortune, he devoted much of his time to agricultural improvements, as well as to the amelioration of the exist ing modes of education, by writing, in conjunction with his highly-gifted daughter, many useful works. He also wrote his own " Memoirs ;" and, among his various mechanical in ventions, was a telegraph. Mr. Edgeworth was innrrii-d three times. His first wife was the mother of Miss Maria Edgeworth ; his second spouse was Miss Sneyd, Andre s "dear Honora;" and his third was Elizabeth Sneyd, whom 762 BATTLES OF AMERICA. ower of only twenty-six, and the father of the celebrated Miss Edge worth.* Andre continued to cherish a sentimental affec tion for his lost beauty ; and his corre spondence with Anna Seward/j" of L itch- field, and of Johnsonian celebrity, who was a bosom friend of Miss Sneyd, was filled with tender allusions to " Honor;)," he married "just seven months and twenty-five days after the death of Honora." He died in 1817, at the age of sev enty-two years. * MARIA EDGEWORTH, the celebrated Irish novelist, whose works have had great influence in promoting the cause of education and of social morality, was born in Ox fordshire, England, in 1766 She commenced her career as an authoress about 1800, and in her early literary efforts she was greatly assisted by the advice of her father. The fa mous "Essay on Irish Bulls," the joint production of her self and her father, was published in 1801. Her "Castle llackrent" abounds in admirable sketches of Irish life and manners. Her " Belinda," a novel of real life and ordinary characters, is also descriptive of some of the striking traits of the Irish character. In 1804, she published Iter "Popu lar Tales ;" and two years afterward, " Leonora," a novel in two volumes. In 1809, she issued "Tales of Fashionable Life," of a more powerful and varied cast than any of her previous productions. Three other volumes of " Fashion able Tales" appeared in 1812, and fully sustained the high reputation which she had now attained. In 1814, her nova] of " Patronage" was published. For many years, indeed, literary composition formed the chief business of her life. Originality and fertility of invention, and a power of depict ing Irish manners unequalled among modern authors, are her chief characteristics as a novelist. She died in 1849, in the eighty-fourth year of her age. t ANNA SEWAKD, daughter of the Ilev. Thomas Seward, himself a poet, and the author of an edition of Beaumont and Fletcher, was born at Eyam, in Derbyshire, England, in 1747. She evinced a poetical taste in early life. In 1782, she published her poetical romance of " Louisa ;" and she subsequently printed a collection of sonnets, and a "Life of Dr. Darwin," in which she asserted her claim to the first fifty lines of that author s "Botanic Garden." She died in 1809. as were his occasional verses, in which a ready faculty at turning a rhyme led him to indulge. Receiving a commission of lieutenant in the British army, his first service was in Canada, where he was taken prisoner, on the fall of St. Johns, in 1775, and "stripped of everything," as he wrote to a friend, " except the picture of Honora, which I concealed in my mouth." Being exchanged in the course of the war, Andre rejoined the army, and by merit alone (for he had no powerful pa tronage at home to advance his interests) he rapidly rose in rank, became a captain, and was appointed by Major-General Sir Charles Grey (father of Lord Grey, the distinguished statesman) his aid-de-camp. Andre was a man of versatile talent; he was by turns soldier, poet, musician, and painter, and his qualifications were set off with the advantage of a handsome person and amiable manners. After General Grey returned to Europe, Sir Henry Clinton received Andre as his aid-de-camp, and was so impressed with his abilities, that, upon the resignation of Lord Rawdon, he appointed him adjutant-general. After some reluctance on the part of the British prime minister, who objected to Andre s youth, he was finally promoted to the rank of major, and confirmed in his office as adjutant, at the early age of twenty- nine. REVOLUTIONARY.] ARNOLD AND SIR HENRY CLINTON. 763 CHAPTER LXXXVII. Treasonable Correspondence renewed. General Arnold at West Point. Major Andre chosen. Failure. A Bare Es cape. Washington out of the Way. An Artful Ruse. Washington en Route to Hartford. A Startling Remark. Communication with the British Sloop Vulture. "John Anderson." A Change of Mind. A Flag of Truce fired upon. A Remonstrance and a Ruse. Joshua Hett Smith. The White House. A Postponement. Difficulties. Reluctant Boatmen. Boarding the Vulture. Interview between Arnold and Andre. Impatience. Unfinished Busi ness. A Startling Reflection. 1780, SIR HENRY CLINTON, although he studiously kept up his communica tions, through Major Andre, with his un declared correspondent, whom he had no doubt was General Arnold, was not impa tient to complete his bargain until the traitor had something more valuable to offer than himself. It was not, therefore, until Arnold was in command of West Point, that Clinton cared to bring to a final issue the base negotiation which had now been going on for nearly eighteen months. West Point, with its important position, its armament, garrison, and stores, was an object worth purchasing ; and the British commander was at last prepared to make his bargain with the military Judas, who was eager to clutch the " pieces of silver." Arnold, in his letters, had expressed an earnest desire to have apersonal interview with some one " of his own mensuration," as he said, evidently with the purpose of securing the payment of his price. Sir Henry had thought of some one else ; but General Arnold having insisted on Major Andre being sent, that young officer con sented to go. The great difficulty now was, to effect an interview without exci ting suspicion. Arnold s fertility of craft was equal to the occasion. The first attempt, nevertheless, failed. Andre, accompanied by Colonel Beverly Robinson, now as a confederate, had come to Dobbs s ferry, in order to meet Arnold, as he had appointed ; but the traitor him self, after coining down the river in his barge, and passing the night at Smith s house, near King s ferry, was, upon at tempting next morning to reach the ren dezvous (being unprovided with a flag), fired upon by the British gun-boats. His barge was so closely pursued, that Arnold barely escaped losing his life or being cap tured ; and, after another unsuccessful ef fort to obtain an interview, he returned to the Robinson house, and Andre and his companion to New York. To explain his passage down the Hudson, which be came generally known, Arnold took care to write to Washington, stating that his object had been to establish signals and give directions about the guard-boats. As Washington was about proceeding to Hartford, to hold a conference with Count de Rochambeau and the French officers in regard to a proposed campaign, and would cross King s ferry on his route, 764 BATTLES OF AMERICA. LPART II. Arnold was careful to put off any inter view until the commander-in-chief was out of the way. Sir Henry Clinton, how ever, disappointed at the failure of the sev eral previous attempts, sent the sloop-of- war Vulture, with Colonel Robinson on board, to anchor up the river near Tel ler s Point, and thus be at hand to facili tate a meeting. Robinson immediately wrote a letter, artfully addressed to Gen eral Putnam, as if thinking that he was in command at the Highlands, and asked for a personal conference on private busi ness. This letter was enclosed in anoth er addressed to Arnold, in which the same favor was solicited from him in case Put nam should be absent. This artful ruse of the two addresses, and the careful word ing of the letters, removed any chance of suspicion in case they should fall into the hands of others than Arnold. These letters were delivered on the very day that Washington had set out on his journey to Hartford, and Arnold had read and held them in his pocket at the time he was convey ing the commander-in-chief in his bar<>-e O across the river to Verplanck s Point. The Vulture was lying in full view ; and while Washington was looking at the ves sel, and speaking in a low tone of voice, Arnold was observed to manifest some uneasiness, although its cause was not sus pected. As Count de Guichen s squadron was expected daily from the West Indies, it naturally became the topic of conversa tion. Lafayette, merely alluding to the free communication between New York and West Point, and frequent opportuni ties of intelligence, startled Arnold with Sept, 18. the remark, " General, since you have a correspondence with the enemy, you must ascertain as soon as possible what has be come of Guichen." The traitor, evident ly for a moment thrown off his guard, ab ruptly demanded what he meant, but soon recovered his self-control and dropped the subject.* While Arnold was accompanying the general-in-chief to Peekskill, he showed him the letters written by Colonel Rob inson ; and, not suspecting their real pur pose, Washington recommended Arnold not to hold the proposed conference, as Robinson s object, which was supposed to have reference to his property, was one that belonged properly to the civil and not to the military jurisdiction. Little did the commander-in-chief sus pect that the brave officer now escorting him, w r ho had served his country with so much zeal and gallantry, and who at that interview handed him a written opinion concerning the propriety of an attack on New York, based upon statements which he had received from his chief, of the con dition and prospects of the American ar my, was about to betray that army and his country, and to make use of that very statement as one of the instruments of his treason. The very paper containing this statement, which Washington had sent to Arnold (as to others of his general officers), was one of those afterward taken from Andre s boot >}- Arnold now had an opportunity, of which he gladly availed himself, of an open communication with the Vulture. A personal conference with Colonel Rob- * Sparks. f Lossing. R H VOLUTION AKY.] ANDRE AND THE SLOOP VULTURE. 765 inson, however, after Washington s de cided objection, was no longer thought of; but there was no difficulty in com municating with him by letter. Arnold accordingly sent openly to the Vulture, by an officer in a flag-boat, a sealed pack et which contained three letters, in the outer one of which he stated, in general terms, that he had consulted with the commander-in-chief, who disapproved of Robinson s proposition. The second ex plicitly stated that on the night of the 20th of September he would send a per son to Dobbs s ferry, or on board the Vul ture (which was requested to be kept where she then was), who would be fur nished with a boat and a flag of truce, and whose secrecy and honor might be depended upon. In a postscript he thus artfully gave the appearance of public business as his object, and information of the time when Washington intended to return : " I expect General Washington to lodge here on Saturday night next, and I will lay before him any matter you may wish to communicate."* There was also enclosed a third letter, which was a copy of one previously sent to "John An derson" appointing a place and time of meeting Major Andre at Dobbs s ferry. On the morning after Sir Henry Clin ton received these letters, which were im mediately despatched to him, Andre set oil and went to Dobbs s ferry, Sept, 20, receiving as his last instructions from the British commander, not to go into the American line, not to disguise himself, and not on any account to receive pa per?. ] I was in fact supposed that Arnold * Sparks. himself, although speaking of a third par ty, intended to go on board the Vulture, and there settle the terms of his bargain in person. Andre, arriving at a late hour at Dobbs s ferry, where it was originally his inten tion to have requested the commander to drop down with his vessel, changed his mind, and took a boat, in which he sailed up the river and boarded the Vulture at seven o clock in the evening. Here lie remained all night, anxiously expecting every moment the arrival of Arnold ; but, as the latter did not come, he beo;an to 7 O fear that the whole project would fail. Thinking that Arnold, possibly unaware of his having got on board the Vulture, might be expecting him at Dobbs s ferry, Andre took an occasion which accident ally offered of giving him information of his whereabouts. A flag of truce havin- o o been shown at Teller s Point, apparently inviting a communication with the ship for some purpose or other, a flag-boat was sent off; but as it approached the land, it was fired upon. The captain now sent a second boat with a flag, to remonstrate ; and Andre (in order that Arnold might \ O infer that he was on board the Vulture) penned the letter of remonstrance, though it was dictated and signed by Captain Sutherland. Colonel Livingston, in command of the American post at Verplanck s Point, re ceived the letter, and handed it to General Arnold, who had ar rived there just as the Vulture s boat was returning. The latter recognised Andre s handwriting at once, and, making the in ference intended by the writer, prepared Sept, 21 766 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART II. to send to the Vulture on the coming night. Arnold had succeeded in securing the services of a Mr. Joshua Hett Smith, a gentleman of reputable standing, and one who, by various patriotic acts, had given proof of his attachment to the republican cause. His residence, the " White house," as it was called, was situated on the west side of the Hudson, in Haverstraw bay, about two miles below Stony Point, and was conveniently placed for Arnold s pro posed interview with Andre. Smith had consented to board the Vul ture in the night, and bring on shore the person whom he would find there, and moreover to allow his house (for which purpose he had removed his family to Fishkill) to be used as the place of ren dezvous. Provided by Arnold with an or der upon Major Kierse, the quartermaster at Stony Point, for a boat, the usual pass for a flag of truce, and letters for the Vul ture, Smith was to have executed his com mission on the night of the 20th of Sep tember. Various difficulties, however, were in the way. The boat could not be readily obtained ; and a tenant of Smith, one Samuel Colquhoun, who had been urged to go with him, refused on account of his dread of the guard-boats. The affair was accordingly postponed. The nextmorning, Arnold pro ceeded down the Hudson to Ver- planck s Point, where, as we have seen, he had read the remonstrance of Captain Sutherland of the Vulture.and recognised O the handwriting of Andre. He now de termined to secure the accomplishment of his purpose by his own personal efforts. Crossing over to Stony Point, and finding no boat there, he sent an officer in his barge to obtain one at " Continental vil lage." Leaving orders with Major Kierse to have it brought down to Haverstraw creek, Arnold in the meanwhile proceed ed to Smith s house. The American guard-boats had been ordered not to interfere with Smith, as he was employed by the general to obtain important intelligence, and the watch word " Congress" was agreed upon to se cure the recognition of his boat. The only difficulty now was to obtain the services of a boatman. Samuel Colquhoun still refused to go, as did likewise his brother. Smith s appeals were all in vain; and even Arnold could not succeed in overcoming their scruples until he threatened, if they persisted in their obstinacy, and refused to give their assistance when required for the c/ood of the count) //, to arrest them as dis affected persons ! They now no longer re sisted, and were further encouraged in their obedience to Arnold s peremptory orders by the promise of fifty pounds of flour to each.* "It was half-past eleven o clock in the night," says Sparks, of whose careful col lation of the incidents we have freely availed ourselves, " when Smith and his two boatmen arrived at the landing, near the mouth of Haverstraw creek, to which place Major Kierse had sent the boat. They muffled the oars by General Ar nold s directions. The night was tran quil and serene, the stars shone brightly, the water was unruffled except by the gentle current, which was hardly percep- * It was never jrivcu. it K VOLUTION ARY.] THE MIDNIGHT MEETING OF ARNOLD AND ANDRE. 767 Andre was so completely wrapped in i blue overcoat, that his uniform could not be seen ; and Smith always declared that he had no idea at that time that he was any one else than " Mr. John Ander son," a plain citizen, who was acting in behalf of Robinson. Smith and Andre now descended into the boat alongside, where the boatmen had remained, and were rowed in silence to the shore. Here they landed, about midnight, at the base of a mountain called Long Clove, six miles below Stony Point. Arnold had come down on horseback from Smith s house, accompanied by a servant, and stood hidden in a thicket near the landing, awaiting the arrival of the boat. As soon as Smith had stepped ashore, he groped his way up the bank in search of Arnold, and, having discov ered him, came back to guide Andre to the place, where, being requested to do so, he left them. The boatmen, wearied and unsuspicious, soon fell asleep ; but Smith, anxiously in quisitive, and disappointed that he was not allowed to be present at the inter view, passed the tedious midnight hour in wakeful impatience. His powers of endurance finally gave out; so he made his way through the bushes to the busy plotters, and, reminding them that the night was nearly past, declared that the boat could not be kept much longer. Ar nold, finding that his work was not yet done, told Smith that he need remain no longer. The latter accordingly aroused the boatmen, and proceeded up the river with the boat; while Arnold, accompanied by Andre who mounted the servant s tible in that wide part of the river, and the boat glided along silently, without being discovered or meeting with any hinderance, till they were hailed by a hoarse seaman s voice from the Vulture, inquiring who they were, and whither bound. Smith answered that they were from King s ferry, and on their way to Dobbs s ferry. "The boat was immediately ordered alongside ; and a torrent of uncourtly epithets, peculiar to the sailor s vocabula ry, was poured out upon them for presu ming to approach one of his majesty s ships under the cover of darkness." Smith in the meantime clambered up the sloop s side, and a boy came up from below, where the noise had been heard, with orders that he should be shown into the cabin. Smith, upon entering, imme diately recognised Colonel Beverly Rob inson, whom he had known before, and gave him Arnold s letter. Smith was under the impression that Robinson was the person whom he was to bring ashore ; and accordingly, when Major Andre, under the name of Mr. John AndcrsoiijWds presented, Colonel Robinson gave as his reason for not going himself that he was in ill health, but stated that his friend would answer the same purpose. Andre, it would seem, had insisted upon going, in accordance with the request of Arnold, although Robinson strenuously 7 . o / objected to his trusting himself to a man who was so unprincipled as to betray his country. So_ eager, however, was Andre to accomplish his purpose, that he seemed to be entirely unconscious of all danger attending its accomplishment. 7(38 BATTLES OP^ AMERICA. fPART II. }, orse rode to Smith s house, three or four miles distant. It was not until, in the course of their ride through Haver- straw village, on being challenged in the dark by a sentinel, that Andre was con scious of his being within the American lines. For a moment, the peril of his po sition startled him; but. nerving himself, he rode on by the side of his desperate associate. CHAPTER LXXXVIII. A Sudden Cannonade. Alarm of the Conspirators. Anxious Watching. Small Gun. Momentous Effect. Negotia tions continued between Arnold and Andre. Settlement of the Price of Treason. Completion of the Bargain. All ready. Departure of Andre. No Boat. Journey by Land. His Adventures. The Challenge. An Inquisitive Captain. Fear of the Cow-Boys. Two in a Bed. Return of Cheerfulness. A Good Housewife. Change of Route. A Sudden Surprise. Fallen among Enemies. The Search. " My God, a Spy!" The Captors. "Not Ten Thou sand Guineas!" Despair of Andr6. Blunder of Jameson. Arnold on his Guard. 1780, IT was just at daybreak when Arnold and Andre pulled up their horses at Smith s house ; and they had hardly dismounted, when a severe can nonade broke upon the stillness of the early morning. Engaged in a dark and dangerous business, the two conspirators were intensely alive to the least alarm ; and, on discovering that the firing was against the sloop-of-war Vulture, their anxieties became fearfully excited. An dre, from the window of the house, which commanded a view of the river, watched each new development of the scene with breathless interest. He continued to look on in silence, and with an evident expres sion of anxiety, which did not leave him until he saw that the ship, by moving far ther down the river, was beyond the reach of cannon-shot. Colonel Livingston, the commander at Verplanck s Point, had discovered on the previous day that the Vulture was so close to Teller s Point that she might be reached by cannon-shot from the shore, and had accordingly sent down a four-pounder to the river-bank for that purpose. He had asked General Arnold for heavier guns, but was put off by some frivolous excuse, and was obliged to do his best with what he had. Colonel Lamb had sent Livings ton some ammunition for the occasion, but could not forbear saying, as he grudg ingly supplied it, " Firing at a ship with a four-pounder is, in my opinion, a waste of powder." Livingston s small gun, how ever, had a momentous effect; and the Vulture, as we have seen, was forced to weigh her anchor and move down the river. The firing having ceased, Andre recov ered his usual gay spirits ; and, after par taking of breakfast, he and Arnold were again left alone by Smith, in order to com plete their project of treason. It is sup posed that Arnold first insisted upon set- REVOLUTIONARY.] THE PLOT COMPLETED. ANDRE ON HIS RETURN. 769 tling the price; when it was agreed that he should receive ten thousand pounds in money, and the rank of brigadier-general in the British army. Andre was now sup plied with accurate plans of West Point, and exact reports of its strength in guns and men. Through the sound judgment and forethought of Washington, and the skill of French engineers, this post had been very strongly fortified, and present ed a most formidable barrier to British incursions northward from New York. A strong garrison was placed in each of the forts, under the command of General Rob ert Howe. Immense stores and muni tions of war had also been collected there. In the vaults of one of the forts, besides the ammunition for its own defence, the stock of powder for the whole army was lodged. After the trial and conviction of Ar nold for his misdeeds at Philadelphia, his pride would not allow him to enter the British army as a deserter, and he there fore resolved to rejoin that of Washing ton ; pretend a forgetfulness of what he deemed the injustice of Congress ; obtain, if possible, the command of the most im portant post held by the Americans, and then betray it, with its arms, and, garri sons, and stores, into the hands of the en emy. In this manner, he would gratify his thirst for revenge, and obtain a large personal reward for his treason. His suc cess in securing the desired appointment we have already related ; and now, in the absence of the ever-vigilant chief upon his conference with Count de Rochambeau at Hartford, the arch-traitor proposed to carry his perfidious scheme into immedi- 97 Sept, 25, ate execution. He promised so to dispose the garrison as to weaken the post as much as possible b}^ the dispersion of the troops, and gave Andre a paper in which the proposed disposition was accurately described. Washington had intended to leave West Point for Hartford on the 17th of September, but he was detained, and did not set out until the 20th. As he was expected to return from the latter place and be at Arnold s headquarters on the 25th, Andre also conceived the bold project of capturing the American chief and his suite on that day. Before noon, the whole business was arranged between the conspirators. The time was now appointed for the delivery of the fortress ; and as Sir Henry Clinton had his troops already embarked, under the feint of despatching them to the Chesapeake, he only awaited the return of Andre, to sail up the Hud son, and by the easy capture of West Point to consummate the deed which had been planned by the artful Arnold. The great point now was, for Andre to return to New York. He insisted that he should be put on board the Vulture, to which Arnold agreed ; but the latter evidently entertained some doubt of its feasibility, for, on quitting Smith s house (about ten o clock in the morning), he wrote three passports, two of which were intended for a land-route. The passports were given to Smith, drawn as follows : 1. "Joshua Smith has permission to pass with a boat and three hands, and a flag, to Dobbs s ferry, on public business, and to return immediately." 2. "Joshua Smith has permission to 770 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART n. pass the guards to the White Plains and to return, he being on public business by my direction." 3. " Permit Mr. John Anderson to pass the guards to the White Plains, or below if he chooses ; he being on public business by my direction." Before taking leave of his confederate, Arnold strove to persuade Smith to put Andre on board the Vulture. His efforts were, however, in vain ; and, although he suggested a land-route as the most safe and convenient, he left Andre with the impression that he was to be placed on board the sloop. " Arnold quitted me," said the major, " having himself made me put the papers I bore between my stock ings and feet. Whilst he did it, he ex pressed a wish, in case of any accident be falling me, that they should be destroyed ; which I said would of course be the case, as when I went into the boat I should have them tied about with a string and a stone. Before we parted, some mention had been made of my crossing the river and going another route ; but I objected much against it, and thought it was set tled that in the way I came I was to re turn." Audit?, however, could not persuade Smith to take him to the ship, the latter subsequently alleging, as his reason for the refusal, that he had a fit of the ague, and his health would not allow of his ex posure in a boat. But it was, no doubt, his fear of the danger to his life, in case the Vulture (which had resumed her for mer berth in the river) should be fired upon from Teller s Point, that deterred him from making the attempt to board her. Andre had now no alternative but to proceed by land. Smith promised to accompany him until they should get be yond the American posts. At a little before sunset the two set out, attended by a negro-servant. Andre had taken off his military coat, and put on a citizen s, one belonging to Smith, over which, as before, he wore his dark- blue overcoat, with a wide cape, buttoned close to the neck. The young British emissary was in no cheerful mood, as the fact of his being in disguise within the enemy s lines gave rise to reflections that were by no means consolatory to the feel ings of a brave and frank soldier. While his companion stopped to pass a word of greeting with a neighbor on the road, or to join some acquaintances at the tavern over a bowl of punch, Andre would walk his horse ahead, and, when overtaken by Smith, would barely open his lips to talk. On crossing King s ferry, and passing at dusk through the works at Verplanck s Point, Smith called at Colonel Livings ton s tent, and was invited to supper, but Andre and the servant rode on. Smith, however, declined the invitation which he received, and soon overtook his com panion. They proceeded on their route with out interruption, until they were chal lenged, between eight and nine o clock, by the sentinel of a patrol-guard, near Crowpond, about eight miles from Ver planck s Point. They were ordered to stop, when Smith dismounted, and, giv ing the bridle of his horse to his negro- servant, walked forward and asked who commanded the patrol. At this moment REVOLUTIONARY.] ADVENTUEES OF SMITH AND ANDRE. Captain Boyd presented himself, declar ing that he was the commander. The captain was particularly inquisi tive, but Smith answered all his questions readily, and, saying that he had a pass from General Arnold requested permis sion to proceed at once. Boyd, however, was not satisfied until he had conducted the travellers to a house near by, where (as it was dark) he could procure a light to examine them and their passport more minutely. Arnold s sign-manual satisfied the captain that all was right, but he still seemed very curious to know something about the mysterious business they were upon. Smith, in behalf of himself and his fellow-traveller, Mr. Anderson, respond ed to the questions as best he could, and told his inquisitor generally that their ob ject was to obtain intelligence, and that the general had sent them to White Plains to meet a person for that purpose. Boyd now seemed only anxious for their safety, and earnestly warned them against the danger of travelling any far ther that night, as the Cow-~boys were out, and had advanced far up the country .* Smith s courage was not proof against the chance of a collision with these merciless marauders, and he at once fell in with Boyd s proposition to postpone the con tinuance of their journey until the next morning. Andre, however, was not so ea sily persuaded, and would have gone on at all events had he not found it irnpos- * The Cow-hoys were desperate freebooters who infested the " Neutral Ground" of Westdiester county, and were en- frayed in plundering cattle, which they drove into New York. The Cow-boys were lories ; while the Skinners, whose occu pation was the same, and their character no better, generally lived within the American lines, and professed themselves friendly to the patriot cause. 771 sible to move his companion, who was un alterably fixed in his resolve not to run the risk of a night s rencontre with the Coiv-boys. The travellers accordingly, at the recommendation of Captain Boyd, re traced their route a short distance, until they reached the cottage of one Andreas Miller, where they were hospitably re ceived, but so humbly entertained, that Andre and Smith were obliged to content themselves with the same bed. After passing a wakeful night within the very embraces of his enemy, the Brit ish major was up betimes in the morning, in great eagerness to start. At the first dawn of light, he roused the negro, and ordered the horses to be got ready. After thanking their host, who refused all com pensation, they were soon in their sad dles, and riding at good speed along the road to Pine s bridge. When Andre had got fairly beyond the beat of the patrol, he for the first time on the journey showed his natural cheer fulness, and began to chat in the liveliest manner, much to the surprise of Smith, to whom he had hitherto appeared a remark ably gloomy and taciturn companion. Having arrived within two and a half miles of Pine s bridge, on the Croton river, they stopped to breakfast at a Dutch farm house by the roadside. The good house wife had lately suffered from an inroad of the Cow-boys, who had plundered her larder and depopulated her pastures, but was able to serve her guests with some hasty-pudding and milk. After refresh ing themselves, Smith divided with Andre the small sum of money he had in conti nental bills, and took leave. The former BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART n. rode rapidly back on his way to Fishkill, where his family had been removed, and stopped to dine as he passed with General Arnold, at the Robinson house, to whom he reported the results of his journey. Having crossed Pine s bridge, Andre called to mind a remark of Captain Boyd, who, in order to put the travellers on their guard against danger, had said that the Cow-loys (in the interest of "the lower" party, or British) had been far up on the Tarrytown road. He therefore resolved to take this instead of the White-Plains route, believing that, if more dangerous to an American, it would probably prove safer to an Englishman. Accordingly, ta king the Tarrytown road, Andre pursued it without interruption until he reached a part where it crosses a brook within half a mile of the village, and about a dozen miles north of Kings- bridge. Here the young officer was riding along in a cheerful mood, and indulging the most pleasant anticipations of complete success in his scheme, when three armed men suddenly sprang out of the bushes by the roadside ; and the foremost man, putting his firelock to the breast of An dre, and ordering him to stand, asked which way he was going. " Gentlemen," said Andre, " I hope you belong to our party."" What party ?" asked the man. " The lower party" was the immediate an swer ; for Andre, observing that his inter rogator had on a British refugee uniform, believed that he was among his friends. The men then declared that they also be longed to the lower party ; when Andre said, " I am a British officer, out of the county on particular business, and I hope you will not detain me a moment ;" and, to show that he was of the importance which he professed to be, he took out his watch, which, being gold, was in those days considered an evidence of superior position.* Andre was now ordered to dismount, when he discovered that he had fallen, not among friends, as he had supposed, but among his enemies. "My God, I must do anything to get along !" exclaimed the captive, with a forced laugh, as he sought to explain away what he had previously said, and thereupon pulled out General Arnold s pass : " Permit Mr. John Ander son to pass the guards to the-White Plains, or below, if he chooses ; he being on pub lic business by my direction." Andre was, however, compelled to dis mount ; and, as he found that his captors were disposed to cling to him, he said : " Gentlemen, you had best let me go, or you will bring yourselves into trouble ; for your stopping me will detain the gen eral s business" and explained that he was going to Dobbs s ferry, to meet a per son there, and get intelligence for General Arnold. He was told that he must not be offended, as nothing would be taken from him ; and that, as many bad people were going along the road, it was neces sary to examine him. They then took him into the bushes, and ordered him to pull off his clothes, which he did without hesitation, but no papers were found. "His boots must come off too /" said one ; but Andre, changing */ f O O color, objected, saying that they came ofl * Irving. REVOLUTIONARY.] CAPTURE AND EXAMINATION OF ANDRE. 773 Sept, 23, with difficulty, and begged that he might be spared the trouble and delay. They, however, persisted. One boot was pulled off, and nothing found then the other; when, some papers being felt in the bot tom of his stocking, he was ordered to pull off that, and three papers were found in it. " My God, he is a spy !" was the exclamation of one of the party, as he cast his eyes hurriedly over the papers. This one was JOHN PAULDING, and his companions were DAVID WILLIAMS and ISAAC VAN WART, three countrymen of Westchester county. They belonged to a party of seven persons, who had agreed to set out on that morning, in order to intercept any suspicious travellers, or droves of cattle, with the view of benefitting by a law of the state of New York, and of a military custom, which entitled American captors to the possession of all property seized in that way. Four of the seven had stationed themselves on a hill, which commanded a long view of the road ; while the other three had taken their position under the shelter of some bushes by the roadside, where two were playing a game of cards, and the third was standing guard, on the lookout for travellers, when the British emissary passed by. When he found, by the exclamation of Paulding, that his true character was dis covered, Andre was ready to purchase his escape at any price. Williams asked him what he would give to be let go. " Any sum of money," was his answer. Would he give his horse, saddle, bridle, watch, and one hundred guineas ? " Yes, all !" Would he give more ? " Yes, any quan tity of dry-goods, or any sum of money, and bring it or send it to any spot which you may select." "No! if you ivoidd give us ten thousand guineas, you should not stir one step r resolutely interposed Paulding. Andre now gave up all hope, and, beg ging that he might be asked no more questions, mounted his horse, and allowed himself to be led away a prisoner by his captors, one of whom walked in front, with his hand occasionally on the bridle, and the others on either side. About noon they stopped at a farmhouse, where the family were at dinner. The good house wife, struck with the sorrowful air of the " poor gentleman," pressed him kindly to take something to eat. As he refused, say ing that he had no appetite, she, " glan cing at his gold-laced crimson coat," apol ogized for her humble fare. " Oh, mad am," said Andre, in reply, with a shake of the head, " it is all very good ; but, in deed, I can not eat."* The nearest military post belonging to the Americans being at North Castle, the prisoner was taken there, and, together with the papers found upon his person, delivered into the hands of the command ant, Colonel Jameson. The documents, which were in the handwriting of General Arnold, without any attempt at disguise, Jameson despatched to Washington ; but Andre he sent under a guard, commanded by Lieutenant Allen, to Arnold himself, together with a letter, in which he stated that the prisoner was a certain John An derson, who had been captured on his way to New York. " He had a passport," add ed Jameson, " signed in your name ; and * Irving. 774 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART n. a parcel of papers taken from under his stockings, which I think of a very dan gerous tendency," and which the writer took care to inform Arnold had been de spatched to Washington. The conduct of Jameson was most absurdly irrational, granting, as every one does, that he was innocent of having designedly put Arnold upon his guard against the effects of his treason, and thus enabled him to escape. CHAPTER LXXXIX. The Astonished Tallmadge. A Diabolical Treason. The Prisoner brought back. The "Innocent" Arnold. Letter of Major Andre to Washington. A Free Confession. An Agreeable Prisoner. The Return of Washington. Waiting Breakfast. Young Men in Love. Coolness of Arnold. An Abrupt Departure. Mrs. Arnold senseless. Escape of the Traitor. An Act of Meanness. Washington crosses the Hudson. No Salute ! Meeting with Colonel Hamilton. An Important Packet. Astounding Developments. Prompt Action. Composure of Washington. A Letter from Arnold. Sympathy for Mrs. Arnold. Her Tears and Ravings. Her Sincerity doubted. Mrs. Arnold at Philadel phia. She joins her Husband. 1780, Sept, 23, WHEN Major Tallmadge,who was Colonel Jameson s second in com mand, returned in the evening to the post at North Castle, whence he had been ab sent during the day on duty, and heard of the capture of "John An derson" and of the disposition which had been made of him,he was greatly astound ed at the conduct of his superior. Tall- rnadge had very little doubt, as soon as he heard the story, that a diabolical treason had been detected, and that General Ar nold was the chief traitor. He frankly expressed his opinion to that effect to Jameson, and, urging him to take ener getic measures accordingly, declared that he was ready to assume the responsibil ity of such action. Jameson at first seemed to waver, but finally, refusing to entertain^ any suspi cion of the guilt of his commanding gen eral, would do nothing which might indi cate it. He nevertheless reluctantly con sented to send for the prisoner ; not, how ever, to keep him out of the hands of Arnold, but to prevent his being retaken by the enemy, of which there was some danger, as a party of them were known to be in the country " above." Jameson accordingly despatched a messenger to overtake Allen in all haste, with a note, in which that officer was requested to bring back his prisoner, with the guard. and send on a courier with the letter to Arnold s headquarters. As soon as Major Andre was brought back, Tallmadge was persuaded that he was an officer, from the manner in which, in striding back and forth in the room, he turned upon his heel, ana from his general military bearing. Jameson, too, soon became of this opinion, but he still obstinately persisted in believing Arnold innocent. As North (or Lower) Salem, about nine miles above North Castle, was farther within the American lines, it was REVOLUTIONARY.] ANDRE WRITES TO WASHINGTON. 775 determined, for security s sake, to send the prisoner to that place. Major Tallmadge commanded the es cort, and conveyed Andre to North Sa lem, where, soon after his arrival, finding that there was no prospect of his being sent to Arnold, and conscious that the papers found upon his person had been transmitted to Washington, by which all would soon be revealed, the captive wrote this letter : "SALEM, 24 September, 1780. "Sin: What I have as yet said con cerning myself was in the justifiable at tempt to be extricated ; I am too little accustomed to duplicity to have succeed ed. "I beg your excellency will be per suaded that no alteration in the temper of my mind, or apprehension for my safe ty, induces me to take the step of addres sing you ; but that it is to rescue myself from an imputation of having assumed a mean character for treacherous purposes or self-interest 5 a conduct incompatible with the principles that actuate me as w r ell as with my condition in life. " It is to vindicate my fame that I speak, and not to solicit security. " The person in your possession is Ma jor JOHN ANDRE, adjutant-general to the British army. "The influence of one commander in the army of his adversary is an advantage taken in war. A correspondence for this purpose I held ; as confidential (in the present instance) with his excellency Sir Henry Clinton. "To favor it, I agreed to meet, upon ground not within the posts of either ar my, a person, who was to give me intel ligence ; I came up in the Vulture man- of-war for this effect, and was fetched by a boat from the ship to the beach. Being there. I was told that the approach of day would prevent my return, and that I must be concealed until the next night. I was in my regimentals, and had fairly risked my person. " Against my stipulation, my intention, and without my knowledge beforehand, I w r as conducted within one of your posts. Your excellency may conceive my sensa tion on this occasion, and will imagine how much more must I have been affect ed by a refusal to reconduct me back the next night as I had been brought. Thus become a prisoner, I had to concert my escape. I quitted my uniform, and was passed another way in the night, without the American posts, to neutral ground, and informed I was beyond all armed par ties, and left to press for New York. T was taken at Tarrytown by some volun teers. " Thus, as I have had the honor to re late, was I betrayed (being adjutant-gen eral of the British army) into the vile con dition of an enemy in disguise within your posts. " Having avowed myself a British offi cer, I have nothing to reveal but what relates to myself, which is true, on the honor of an officer and a gentleman. " The request I have to make to your excellency, and I am conscious I addres? myself well, is, that in any policy rigor may dictate, a decency of conduct toward me may mark, that, though unfortunate, I am branded with nothing dishonorable, 776 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART n. as no motive could be mine but the ser vice of my king, and as I was involunta rily an impostor. " Another request is, that I may be per mitted to write an open letter to Sir Henry Clinton, and another to a friend for clothes and linen. " I take the liberty to mention the con dition of some gentlemen at Charleston, who, being either on parole or under pro tection, were engaged in a conspiracy against us. Though their situation is not similar, they are objects who may be set in exchange for me, or are persons whom the treatment I receive might affect. " It is no less, sir, in a confidence of the generosity of your mind, than on account of your superior station, that I have cho sen to importune you with this letter. " I have the honor to be, with great re spect, sir, your excellency s most obedient and most humble servant, "JoiiN ANDRE, Adjutant-General " His Excellency General WASHINGTON." Andre immediately gave this letter to Major Tallmadge to read, and, having as sumed his real character, he regained his usual cheerfulness of demeanor. Those about him found him not only social and communicative, but even exuberant of gayety. Having refreshed himself by a change of linen from the proffered toilet of one of the American officers, the cap tive felt and appeared like himself, and, with his usual fertility of resource, con tributed by his conversational talents and other accomplishments to the enjoyment of those who surrounded him. Taking his pen, he began to exercise his skill at sketching, and drew a humorous picture of himself and his guard under march. To Mr. Benson, a subaltern officer, whose apartment he shared, he presented the drawing, saying, " This will give you an idea of the style in which I have had the honor to be conducted to my present abode." Washington and his suite, it will be re membered, had gone to Hartford, to con fer with Count de Rochambeau and the French admiral, and was accordingly ab sent during the time when the occurren ces which we have narrated took place. Having been unable to effect anything of importance by his conference, the com- mander-in-chief had hastened back two days sooner than he was expected by Ar nold, and, having changed his route on his return, reached Fishkill, only eighteen miles from Arnold s headquarters, on the very day when Sir Henry Clin ton was to have sailed up the Hudson to take possession of West Point. Washington intended to have arrived at Arnold s quarters (at the Robinson house) the same night, and had actually set out ; but, on riding two or three miles along the road, he was met by the French min ister, M. de la Luzerne, who was on his way to visit Count de Rochambeau ; and, as he expressed a great desire to converse with the American chief on matters of importance, he prevailed upon him to re turn to Fishkill, wherG he spent the night. Early on the following morn ing, having sent forward the bag gage, with a message to General Arnold that they might be expected at breakfast, Washington and his suite followed imme diately on horseback. On arriving at a Sept, 24, Sept. 25, REVOLUTIONARY.] ARRIVAL OF WASHINGTON. ARNOLD S FLIGHT. 777 place opposite to West Point, and in the immediate neighborhood of the Robinson house, Washington turned his horse down a road which led to the river. " General," called out Lafayette, "you are going in a wrong direction ; you know Mrs. Arnold is waiting breakfast for us, and that road will take us out of our way." "Ah !" re plied Washington, laughingly,"! know you young men are all in love with Mrs. Arnold, and wish to get where she is as soon as possible. You may go and take your breakfast with her, and tell her not to wait for me. I must ride down and examine the redoubts on this side of the river, and will be there in a short time." The officers, however, remained with Washington, with the exception of two aids-de-camp, who were directed to go on in advance, and explain the delay. On the arrival of the aids at the Robinson house, they found breakfast ready, and General Arnold with his family waiting. As Washington was not coming immedi ately, they all sat down to the table ; but, before they had finished, a messenger was announced. He bore a letter for Arnold, which he instantly opened and read while at breakfast. The letter was from Colo nel Jameson, at North Castle, written two days before, and contained the Sept, 23, ./ intelligence 01 the capture or "John Anderson" This was startling news to Arnold. He suddenly turned pale, but with wonderful self-control so stifled his emotion as to excite no notice. Rising from the table, the traitor coolly apolo gized for his abrupt departure, by say ing that he was suddenly sent for across the river, and begged that the aids-de- "&ev 98 camp would mention the circumstance to Washington on his arrival. As Arnold went out, he beckoned to his wife to follow him. He had no time to spare : so he abruptly told her, when they reached her apartment, that he must leave her, and perhaps for ever, as his life depended upon his escape at that mo ment. Mrs. Arnold no sooner heard her husband s words, than she fell senseless Hastily kissing her and their infant child, Arnold hurried down the stairs, and sent to her assistance the messenger who had brought Jameson s letter, probably in or der to keep her away from the presence of the other officers.* The traitor, finding the horse of one of Washington s aids-de-camp ready at the door, sprang into the saddle, and rode with all speed down a steep by-way, since called "Arnold s Path," to the landing-place of the river, where his barge was moored. He jumped in, and ordered his six oars men to pull with all their might into the middle of the stream, telling them that he was going to the British sloop-of-war Vulture with a flag, and was in a hurry to be back in time to meet General Wash ington on his arrival. In order to keep them well to their work, Arnold encour aged them with a promise of two gallons of rum. The men rowed with energy, and Arnold, holding up a white handker chief for a flag of truce, was soon placed alongside of the Vulture, which lay off Teller s Point, a little below her anchor age where Andre left her. The traitor had no sooner presented himself to the captain, than he called in the coxswain * Irving. BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART n of his barge, and told him that he and the rest of the men were prisoners. The latter, however, declared that he and his companions were not prisoners, as they had come out under the protection of a flag. The captain, who did not seem to approve of Arnold s act, although he did not interfere with his orders, told the cox swain that he might go ashore on his pa role, to obtain some clothing for himself and the others. They were all finally re leased on the arrival of the Vulture at New York, by Sir Henry Clinton, who held " in just contempt such a wanton act of meanness" on the part of Arnold.* The traitor had but just gone when Washington rode up with his suite, and, learning the supposed cause of his ab sence, hurried through his breakfast, and determined to cross over at once to West Point. Here he expected to meet Arnold, as the latter had left word with the aids- de-camp that he had been suddenly sum moned there. All Washington s officers accompanied him, with the exception of Colonel Hamilton, who remained behind at the Robinson house, where all were expected to return to dinner. While crossing the river, Washington remarked, as he looked upon the impres sive scenery of the Hudson, " Well, gen tlemen, I am glad, on the whole, that Gen eral Arnold has gone before us, for we shall now have a salute, and the roaring * O of the cannon will have a fine effect amon^ o these mountains." As they approached the fort, however, not a gun was heard ! "What!" exclaimed the commander-in- chief, " do they not intend to salute us ?" * Sparks. Soon an officer was seen coming down the bank to the shore. It was Colonel Lamb, who, when he recognised the gen eral, was greatly surprised, and apolo gized for the apparent neglect of the usual ceremonies, saying that the visit was entirely unexpected. "How is this, sir! is not General Ar nold here?" abruptly exclaimed Washing ton. " No, sir," answered the colonel ; " he has not been here these two days, and I have not heard from him during that time." "This is extraordinary," rejoined Washington, with an expression of sur prise ; " we were told that he had crossed the river, and that we should find him here. However, we must not lose our visit. Since we have come, we will look around, and see how things are with you." The commander-in-chief and his offi cers having spent some time in inspecting the fortress and garrison, crossed the riv er again and returned to the landing- place about four o clock in the afternoon, after an absence of several hours. As they went up the river- bank toward the Robinson house, Colonel Hamilton was seen to be coining down hurriedly to meet them. He at once singled out Washington, and, taking him aside, spoke to him in a low voice, but with an evident expression of earnestness. They now hastened to gether to the house, where the papers which Colonel Jameson had scut, and also Major Andrd s letter, had arrived, the im portant revelations of which Hamilton had just communicated to the generai-in- chief. The messenger whom Jameson had despatched with the papers found Sept, 25, REVOLUTIONARY.] ARNOLD S LETTER TO WASHINGTON. 779 upon the person of Andre* had taken the "lower road" to Hartford, and had thus missed Washington, who, as may be rec ollected, returned by the upper one. The messenger, discovering the fact in the course of his journey, hastened by the shortest route to West Point, which led by Colonel Sheldon s post at North Sa lem, where he arrived just in time to be the bearer of Andre s letter, and delivered it together with the papers of General Arnold. When the messenger arrived at the Robinson house, and spoke of his packet being of the greatest importance, Hamilton broke the seal, and read the contents ; and now, on the return of the commander-in-chief, he immediately sub mitted them to him. Washington acted promptly. He sent off Hamilton, with directions to gallop in {ill haste to Verplanck s Point, and order the commander of that post to intercept Arnold, if possible, as there could be no doubt that he was going or had gone over to the enemy. In the meantime, Wash ington so completely retained his natural composure of manner, that he bore no ap pearance of agitation. The treason which he had discovered he kept as a secret from most of his officers, and only disclosed it at the moment to General Knox and La fayette. " Whom can we trust now ?" he mournfully exclaimed to the young mar quis. This was the only indication that the patriot chief gave of the feeling with which he contemplated the crime of Ar nold. The same calmness marked his de meanor throughout. On the announce ment of dinner, he said, " Come, gentle men, since Mrs. Arnold is unwell, and the general is absent, let us sit down without ceremony ;" and during the whole time he was at table there was no observable change in his usual habits. Colonel Hamilton s ride to Verplanck s Point was, of course, of no avail. Arnold, having left at ten o clock, some six hours before Washington was cognizant of the cause of his absence, was safely on board the Vulture. In fact, while Hamilton was at the Point, a flag of truce arrived from the sloop, with a letter from Arnold to Washington, which was immediately sent forward to the chief. The object of this letter was, to entreat a kind consideration for his wife, who, Arnold wrote, was " as good and as innocent as an angel, and in capable of doing wrong." He exonerated Smith and his aids-de-camp from all com plicity in his act, which, with a " heart conscious of its own rectitude," he would not condescend to palliate, nor ask any favor for himself, for he had too often ex perienced the ingratitude of his country to attempt it. The Vulture im mediately sailed down the river to New York, where on the same night the traitor held an interview with his new commander-in-chief, Sir Henry Clinton, and received the reward of his treachery ; but the design against West Point, now that the Americans were on the watch, under the vigilant eye of their chief, was abandoned. Washington needed no letter from her husband to engage his sympathies in be half of Mrs. Arnold. Her position wrought upon every manly heart. But one year a mother, and not two a bride, the poor young creature had received a blow of Sept, 25, 780 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART IT. the most appalling nature.* " She for a considerable time," wrote Hamilton, " en tirely lost herself. The general went up to see her, and she upbraided him with being in a plot to murder her child ! One moment she raved, another she melted into tears. Sometimes she pressed her infant to her bosom, and lamented its fate, occasioned by the imprudence of its father, in a manner that would have pierced insensibility itself. All the sweet ness of beauty, all the loveliness of inno cence, all the tenderness of a wife, and all the fondness of a mother, showed them selves in her appearance and conduct. We have every reason to believe that she was entirely unacquainted with the plan, and that the first knowledge of it was when Arnold went to tell her he must banish himself from his country and from her for ever. She instantly fell into con vulsions, and he left her in that situa tion."* The tenderest care was bestowed upon the unfortunate lady by all in attendance at the Robinson house, and she was soon escorted in safety to Philadelphia, where, after residing some time with her rela tives and friends, she joined her husband at New York. CHAPTER XC. Washington on his Guard. The Strengthening of Posts. Arrests. A Conversation with Major Andre. His Probable Fate. The Case of Captain Nathan Hale. Civil Treatment. Strong Guards. A Court-Martial convened at Tap- pan. Efforts to save Andre. The Prisoner before the Court. His Frank Confession. His Magnanimity and Deli cacy. A Spy. Sentence of Death. Letter from Andre to Sir Henry Clinton. Offer of Exchange of Andre for Arnold. Its Refusal. Unjust Suspicion against General St. Clair. A Jluse. The Suspicion cleared. A Cunning Paper. the commander of every post on the Hud son was directed to be particularly watch ful. Washington despatched an officer to arrest Joshua Hett Smith (the guide of Andre previous to his capture), and at the same time sent orders to Colonel Jameson to forward his prisoner under a 1780, WASHINGTON, although of opinion that, by the capture of Andre, the purpose of General Arnold s treason had been thwarted, carefully guarded against danger by prudently providing every se curity. General Greene, who had been left in command of the army at Old Tap- pan, in New Jersey, during the absence of the chief at Hartford, was ordered to march the left wing with all despatch to King s ferry. The defences of West Point were immediately manned, and put in the best possible condition for resistance ; and * Lossing. * Mrs. Arnold had only arrived at West Point ten days before the discovery of her husband s treason, and there was no reason to suppose that she was at all cognizant of his purpose. Some have, however (hut upon no better author ity, we believe, than that of Aaron Burr), declared that she was throughout well informed of Arnold s proceedings, and that the tears and convulsive agonies were merely shams got up for the occasion. RKVOLUTIONATCY.] REMOVAL OF ANDRE TO TAPPAN. 781 strong guard immediately to the Robin son house. The summons reached North Salem in the middle of the night; and Andre, being aroused from his bed, was hurried off in the darkness, while torrents of rain were pouring down, to add to the dismalness of the time. Early the next morning, the captive arrived at Sept, 26, the Kobmsonhouse,where Wash ington declined seeing him. The same evening he was taken across the river to West Point, where he remained for two days, and was thence conveyed to the American camp at Tappan. When we left West Point for o ... ,, - , . rl , , , i Tappan, says Major Tallmadge, who commanded the guard, " early in the morning, as we passed down the Hudson river to King s ferry, I placed Andre by my side, on the after-seat of the barge. I soon began to make inquiries about the expected capture of our fortress, then in full view, and begged him to inform me whether he was to have taken a part in the military attack, if Arnold s plan had succeeded. He instantly replied in the affirmative, and pointed me to a table of land on the west shore, which he said was the spot where he should have land ed, at the head of a select corps. He then traversed in idea the course up the mount ain into the rear of Fort Putnam, which overlooks the whole parade of West Point. And this he did with much greater exact ness than I could have done ; and as Ar nold had so disposed of the garrison, that little or no opposition could be made by our troops, Major Andre supposed he should have reached that commanding eminence without difficulty. In case, that important key of our country would have been theirs [the enemy s], and the glory of so splendid an achieve ment would have been his. "The animation with which he gave the account I recollect perfectly delight ed me, for he seemed as if he was enter ing the fort sword in hand. To complete the climax, I next inquired what was to have been his reward, if he had succeed ed. He replied that military glory was all he sought ; and that the thanks of his general, and the approbation of his king, were a rich reward for such an underta king. I think he further remarked that, if he had succeeded (and, with the aid of the opposing general, who could doubt success?), he was to have been promoted to the rank of brigadier-general. " After we disembarked at King s ferry, near Haverstraw, we took up our line of march, with a fine body of horse, for Tap- pan. Before we reached the Clove, Major Andre became very inquisitive to know my opinion as to the result of his capture. In other words, he wished me to give him candidly my opinion as to the light in which he would be viewed by General Washington and a military tribunal, if one should be ordered. This was the most unpleasant question that had been propounded to me, and I endeavored to evade it, unwilling to give him a true an swer. When I could no longer evade his importunity, or put off a full reply, I re marked to him as follows: " I had a much-loved classmate in Y;ile college, by the name of Nathan Hale, who entered the army in 1775. Immediately after the battle of Long island, General BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART II Washington wanted information respect ing the strength, position, and probable movements, of the enemy. Captain Hale tendered his services, went over to Brook lyn, and was taken just as he was passing the outposts of the enemy on his return. Said I with emphasis, ( Do you remember the sequel of this story? Yes, said Andre, he was hanged as a spy. But you surely do not consider his case and mine alike ? I replied, Yes, precisely similar, and similar will be your fate ! He endeavored to answer my remark, but it was manifest he was more troubled in spirit than I had ever seen him before. " We stopped at the Clove to dine, and to let the horse-guard refresh. While there, Andre kept reviewing his shabby dress, and finally remarked to me that he was positively ashamed to go to the head quarters of the American army in such a plight. I called my servant, and directed him to bring my dragoon-cloak, which I presented to Major Andre. This he re fused to take for some time ; but I insist ed on it, and he finally put it on, and rode in it to Tappan." Washington sent orders that the cap tive should be carefully guarded, but at the same time he added, I wish the room for Major Andre to be a decent one, and that he may be treated civilly." The pris oner was accordingly confined to a single room of the stone-house in which he was imprisoned (but a short distance from the headquarters of the commander-in-chief), and out of which he was riot allowed to go on any pretext whatever; and, in ad dition to the usual guards, two officers, with drawn swords, remained constantly in the apartment, while the others were ordered to " keep walking the entry and around the sentries, to see that they are alert." Andre not only received the ci vility which Washington enjoined, but was treated by every one with a kindness of manner in accordance with the universal sympathy felt for the accomplished young officer who had been seduced to ruin by that arch-traitor Arnold. The commander-in-chief, having taken every possible precaution at West Point and on the Hudson, returned to the camp at Tappan, and immediately convened a board of fourteen general offi- . b Sept, 29, cers in the Dutch church near at hand, to investigate the case of Major Andre. It consisted of Major-Generals Greene,Stirling,St.Clair, Lafayette, Howe, and Steuben; and of Brigadiers Parsons, James Clinton, Knox, Glover, Paterson, Hand, Huntington, and Stark. General Greene was president of the board ; and Colonel John Lawrence, subsequently a distinguished legislator and jurist, acted as judge advocate-general.* In the meantime, great efforts were be ing made by the British commander, Sir Henry Clinton, and the other officers, by all of whom Andre was greatly beloved, to obtain his release. Sir Henry s first communication was merely a direct re quest that his majesty s adjutant-general might be permitted to return immediate ly to his orders. This was, however, ac companied by a letter from General Ar nold, in which the whole responsibility of * Colonel Lawrence was a member of Congress through out President Washington s administration, and was then appointed a judge of the district court of New York. He was four years in the United Statos senate. REVOLUTIONARY.] ANDRE CONDEMNED. HIS LETTER TO CLINTON. 783 Sept, 29, Andre s conduct was assumed by himself. He had sent a flag of truce to bring him on shore ; he had given him the papers written by himself; he had directed him to assume a feigned name, and he had furnished him with a passport to go to New York by White Plains. These were acts which Arnold declared he himself had not only done, but, being in com mand, had a right to do : if wrong, there fore, the traitor insisted that the respon sibility should rest with him and not with Major Andre. The board assembled, and Andre was brought before it. He was treated with every indulgence, and w r as not required to answer any interrog atory which might embarrass his feelings. The prisoner, in a few words, gave a nar rative of the incidents which had occurred from the time of his coming on shore to his capture ; but, while he frankly con fessed everything relating to himself, he took care not to implicate others. His delicacy in this particular was such, that when General Greene spoke of Smith s house as the place of meeting with Ar nold, Andre quickly interposed, " I said a house, sir, but I did not say whose house." " True," replied Greene, "nor have we any right to demand this of you, after the condition we have allowed." When Andre was asked whether, when he came on shore, he considered himself under the protection of a flag of truce, he frankly declared that "it was impossible for him to suppose he came on shore un der the sanction of a flag ; and added that, if became on shore under that sanction, he might certainly have returned under it." Without any examination of witnesses, and from the prisoner s own confession alone, the board reported that in its opin ion Major Andre ought to be considered a spy, and to suffer death accordingly. When the decision was announced to the captive, he received it with manly forti tude, and remarked to Colonel Hamilton, whose sympathies, with those of all the younger officers, were warmly enlisted in behalf of the condemned man : " I foresee my fate, and, though I pretend not to play the hero, or to be indifferent about life, yet I am reconciled to whatever may hap pen ; conscious that misfortune, not guilt, has brought it upon me." With a delicacy characteristic of Andre, he seemed more sensible of the grief that his condemnation might cause to others than of the fatal consequences to himself. To Sir Henry Clinton he wrote the fol lowing letter: "TAPPAN, 29 September, 1780. "Sin: Your excellency is doubtless al ready apprized of the manner in which I was taken, and possibly of the serious light in which my conduct is considered, and the rigorous determination that is im pending. " Under these circumstances, I have ob tained General Washington s permission to send you this letter; the object of which is to remove from your breast any suspi cion that I could imagine I was bound by your excellency s orders to expose my self to what has happened. The events of coming within an enemy s posts, and of changing my dress, which led me to rny present situation, were contrary to my own intentions, as they were to your 784 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART n. orders ; and the circuitous route which I took to return was imposed (perhaps un avoidably) without alternative upon me. "I am perfectly tranquil in mind, and prepared for any fate to which an honest zeal for my king s service may have de voted me. "In addressing myself to your excel lency on this occasion, the force of all my obligations to you, and of the attach ment and gratitude I bear you, recurs to me. With all the warmth of my heart, I give you thanks for your excellency s profuse kindness to me ; and I send you the most earnest wishes for your welfare which a faithful, affectionate, and respect ful attendant, can frame. " I have a mother and two sisters, to whom the value of my commission would be an object, as the loss of Grenada has much affected their income. It is need less to be more explicit on this subject ; I am persuaded of your excellency s good ness. " I receive the greatest attention from his excellency General Washington, and from every person under whose charge I happen to be placed. " I have the honor to be, with the most respectful attachment, your excellency s most obedient and most humble servant, " JOHN ANDRE, " Adjutant- General." Washington sent with this letter one from himself to Sir Henry Clinton, in which he announced the decision of the board, and repeated the circumstances which in his opinion justified it. There was now but one hope for Major Andre. Could the enemy be persuaded to deliver up Arnold., then Andre would be set free. Washington himself could hardly venture to hope that a proposition to that effect could be entertained, and he therefore made no formal advances for the purpose. Captain Aaron Ogden, however, was sent with an escort to carry despatches to the British post at Paulus Hook (now Jersey City) for Sir Henry Clinton at New York, and at the same time was authorized to declare that Andre would be given in ex change for Arnold. But the English com mander would not listen to the sugges tion for a moment. As Captain Ogden was mustering his escort to return to the American camp, he found that the sergeant -was missing. Seeking for him in vain, he came back with the conclusion that he had lost the man by desertion to the British. The sergeant, however, was playing a part un suspected by his captain, but in accord ance with the direction of Washington, who had prevailed upon him to enter the enemy s lines, under the pretence of be ing a deserter. The object of the com- mander-in-chief was, to obtain information in regard to the truth of a paper implica ting General St. Clair in Arnold s treason, and which had been intercepted. The sergeant acted his part successfully, and came back with the satisfactory intelli gence that there was no foundation what ever for the imputed treason ; and it was inferred that the paper was a contrivance of the enemy, to cause distrust and dis sension in the American army. " The treason of Arnold," says Lossing, "so un expected and so appalling, aroused for a moment the most unjust and ungenerous RETOLUTIONABT.] SUSPICION AGAINST ST. CLAIR. NO HOPE FOR ANDRE. 785 suspicions against many of the most faith ful republicans in and out of the army. The old slanders against the unfortunate St. Clair, propagated after his retreat from Ticonderoga in 1777, were awakened from their slumbers; and these, assuming a new shape, were put into active circulation through anonymous letters and papers, and other cowardly means. In them he was charged with direct complicity with the traitor. The mind of Washington was disturbed, yet his sense of justice would not allow him to condemn any man, even by his own impressions, with out ample proof of guilt. His tenderness also would not allow him to accuse with out a solid ground for belief of guilt ; and he employed the trusty Major Henry Lee (who was stationed upon the lines with his dragoons) to investigate the matter secretly. The result was, a full convic tion of St. Glair s innocence. " Colonel Richard Varick and Major Franks, the aids of Arnold, were also in cluded in those unjust suspicions : indeed, almost every hour a malicious whisper against the fidelity of the best men reach ed the ear of the commander-in-chief. But his uneasiness soon gave way to confi dence and serenity ; and the treason of Arnold served to make the true friends of the cause of freedom more vigilant." CHAPTER XCI. No Hope for Major Andre. Commissioners and Letters. Threats of Arnold. Unsuccessful Attempt to abduct the Trai tor from the British Camp. Sergeant Champe. The Halter or a Ball. Affecting Letter of Andre" to Washington. Stern Sense of Duty. The Hanging of Andr6. Description by an Eye-Witness. His Fortitude. Sight of the Gal lows. Last Words. A Momentary Pang. The Burial. The Remains removed to England. A Monument in West minster Abbey. Royal Honors. Sympathy of Americans. Monument at Tarrytown. Rewards of the Captors of Andre. Their Conduct. Incorruptible Patriots. Their Graves. Rewards of Arnold. Contempt for Him by the English. His Duel. Vicissitudes in the Life of Mrs. Arnold. 1780, THERE was now no hope for Ma jor Andre. Washington had ap proved the sentence of the court-martial which tried and condemned him, and had signed his death-warrant. The time ap pointed for his execution was the first of October, at five o clock in the afternoon. Sir Henry Clinton, however, still strove to save the unfortunate youth; and the execution was delayed one day, in con sequence of a letter from the British com- 99 mander, asking for a conference between commissioners on the subject, to be held at Dobbs s ferry. That conference was held, at which the British commissioners endeavored to prove that Andre was not a spy, and therefore did not merit the penalty ; but nothing was presented by the friends of the prisoner to warrant a change in the decision of the court-mar tial. General Arnold now wrote another let- 86 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PAKT II. ter to Washington, in which, as before, he not only assumed the responsibility of Andre s conduct, and claimed immuni ty for him, but threatened retaliation in case he should be executed. " If, after this just and candid representation of Major Andre s case," said Arnold, at the close of his letter, " the board of general officers adhere to their former opinion, I shall suppose it dictated by passion and resentment ; and if that gentleman should suffer the severity of their sentence, I shall think myself bound by every tie of duty and honor to retaliate on such un happy persons of your army as may fall within my power, that the respect due to flags, and to the law of nations, may be better understood and observed. " If this warning should be disregarded, and he suffer, I call Heaven and earth to witness that your excellency will be just ly answerable for the torrents of blood that may be spilt in consequence." In the meanwhile, as the honor of the British commander would not allow him to deliver up Arnold in exchange for the captive Andre, a scheme was finally laid to abduct the traitor, convey him to the American camp, and execute him. Spies in New York informed the American com- mander-in-chief of Arnold s quarters, his habits, his hours of privacy, and the im portant fact that he walked late every night alone in a garden that led down to the shore of the Hudson. Washington sent for Major Henry Lee, a man in whom he could confide implicit! y,,and asked his aid in efforts to secure the traitor. Lee selected Sergeant Champe, of his legion, for the enterprise, who deserted by per mission, went to New York, enlisted in Arnold s corps, and matured a plan for his abduction on some occasion when he should be walking in the garden. Whale- boats were to come from the Jersey shore at a certain hour, when the traitor was to be seized, gagged and bound, and carried away. On the very day when the scheme was to be executed, Arnold and his corps, including Sergeant Champe, sailed on a predatory expedition into Virginia, and the plan failed. Some months afterward, Champe deserted and rejoined his legion, then in North Carolina.* Andre, made aware of his fate, showed neither surprise nor fear. He calmly awaited his death, although he said that there was still " a choice in the mode," which would make a material difference in his feelings. He desired that he mi<z;ht O O be shot, instead of being hung, as is usual in the case of spies. To obtain this favor, he wrote to Washington: "TAPPAN, 1 October, 17 SO. "Sin: Buoyed above the terror of death, by the consciousness of a life devoted to honorable pursuits, and stained with no action that can give me remorse, I trust that the request I make to your excel lency at this serious period, and which is to soften my last moments, will not be rejected. "Sympathy toward a soldier will sure ly induce your excellency and a military tribunal to adapt the mode of my death to the feelings of a man of honor. " Let me hope, sir, that if aught in iny character impresses you with esteem tow ard me, if aught in my misfortunes marks * Lossing. REVOLUTIONARY.] EXECUTION OF ANDRE. 787 me as the victim of policy and not of re sentment, I shall experience the opera tion of these feelings in your breast, by being informed that I am not to die on a gibbet. " I have the honor to be your excellen cy s most obedient and most humble ser vant, "JoiiN ANDRE." Oct. 2. This letter could not fail to impress Washington, as it has done all who ever read it, by its dignified pathos; but its request was denied, from a stern sense of duty. The hour of Major Andre s execution was fixed at twelve o clock. An eye-witness thus described it: "The principal guard-officer, who was con stantly in the room with the prisoner, re lates that when the hour of his execution was announced to him in the morning, he received it without emotion ; and, while all present were affected with silentgloom, he retained a firm countenance, with calm ness and composure of mind. Observing his servant enter the room in tears, he exclaimed, Leave me till you can show yourself more manly ! His breakfast be ing sent to him from the table of General Washington, which had been done every day of his confinement, he partook of it as usual ; and, having shaved and dressed himself, he placed his hat on the table, and cheerfully said to the guard-officers, I am ready at any moment, gentlemen, to wait on you. " The fatal hour having arrived, a large detachment of troops was paraded, and an immense concourse of people assem bled; almost all our general and field- officers, excepting his excellency* and his staff, were present on horseback ; melan choly and gloom pervaded all ranks, and the scene was affectingly awful. I was so near during the solemn march to the fatal spot as to observe every movement, and participate in every emotion which the melancholy scene was calculated to produce. " Major Andre walked from the stone- house in which he had been confined, be tween two of our subaltern officers, arm- in-arm. The eyes of the immense mul titude were fixed on him, who, rising su perior to the fears of death, appeared as if conscious of the dignified deportment which he displayed. He betrayed no want of fortitude, but retained a complacent smile on his countenance, and politely bowed to several gentlemen whom he knew, which w r as respectfully returned. It was his earnest desire to be shot, as being the mode of death most conform able to the feelings of a military man, and he had indulged the hope that his request would be granted. At the moment, there fore, when suddenly he came in view of the gallows, he involuntarily started back ward, and made a pause. l Why this emo tion, sir ? inquired an officer by his side. Instantly recovering his composure, he said, I am reconciled to my death, but I detest the mode. " While waiting, and standing near the gallows, I observed some degree of trepi dation ; placing his foot on a stone, and rolling it over, and choking in his throat, as if attempting to swallow. So soon, * Washington is believed never to have seen Andre, or at least to have held any direct personal intercourse with him. 788 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART n. however, as he perceived that things were in readiness, he stepped quickly into the wagon, and at this moment he appeared to shrink ; but instantly elevating his head with firmness he said, It will be but a momentary pang ; and, taking from his pocket two white handkerchiefs, the pro vost-marshal with one loosely pinioned his arms, and with the other the victim, after taking off his hat and stock, band aged his own eyes with perfect firmness, which melted the hearts and moistened the cheeks, not only of his servant, but of the throng of spectators. The rope being appended to the gallows, he slipped the noose over his head and adjusted it to his neck, without the assistance of the awkward executioner. Colonel Scammel now informed him that he had an oppor tunity to speak, if he desired it. He raised the handkerchief from his eyes, and said, I pray you to bear me witness that I meet my fate like a brave man. The wagon being now removed from under him, he was suspended, and instantly ex pired ; it proved, indeed, but a moment ary pang."* Thus perished the brave, amiable, and accomplished John Andre, at the early age of twenty-nine years. The regiment als in which he was executed were given to his servant. His body was interred at Tappan, near the place of execution, and there it remained until 1821, when, under the auspices of the duke of York (the next younger brother of George IV., and com- mander-in-chief of the British army), the remains were removed to England, and deposited in Westminster abbey. * Thacher. King George III., in order to wipe away the stain of his mode of death from the family, bestowed the order of knighthood upon a younger brother, and ordered a magnificent monument to be erected to the memory of Andre in Westminster ab bey, on which was inscribed a glowing epitaph. Sir Henry Clinton also paid the follow ing tribute to his adjutant in his general orders to the army on the occasion of his death : " The unfortunate fate of this offi cer calls upon the commander-in-chief to declare that he ever considered Major An dre a gentleman of the highest integrity and honor, and incapable of any base ac tion or unworthy conduct." Even among the Americans there was a sad feeling of regret at the necessity which existed for the condemnation of Andre. " While every one acquainted with the facts," observes Lossing, "regard ed the sentence as just, there was a uni versal feeling of sympathy for the unfor tunate young officer. In all the trying scenes to which he was exposed, his de portment was noble and winning. Death appeared to have no terrors for him, but he was deeply grieved at the manner in which he was doomed to suffer. He dis claimed all intentions to become a spy, declaring that he was left within the American lines by accident ; and upon this plea some have predicated a severe judgment concerning the part taken in the matter by Washington and his gener al officers. But the judgment of military men, and those who have weighed all the circumstances dispassionately, is, that the sentence was just, and its execution expe REVOLUTIONARY.] THE CAPTORS OF ANDRE. ARNOLD IN NEW YORK. 789 dient. Could the members of the court- martial, with due regard to the good of their country, have made a decision in consonance with their feelings, he would not have suffered death. In the army, and among the people, there was a strong desire to substitute Arnold for Andre; and sympathy for the victim of a villain s wiles has ever been a predominant feeling in the breasts of Americans when consid ering the treason of Arnold. That sym pathy found expression a few years ago, when a monument to the memory of the unfortunate young officer was erected up on the spot, at Tarry town, where he was arrested by the three republicans." The men who had captured Andre* Paul ding, Van Wart, and Williams were highly applauded for their noble spirit. "Their conduct," said Washing ton, in a letter to the president of Congress, " merits our warmest esteem, and I beg leave to add that I think the public will do well to make them a hand some gratuity. They have prevented, in all probability, our suffering one of the severest strokes that could have been meditated against us." Congress acted upon this suggestion, and generously re warded each of the captors with a pen sion for life of two hundred dollars, and honored each with a silver medal, on one side of which was inscribed Fidelity, and on the other Vincit Amor Patrice "THE LOVE OF COUNTRY CONQUERS." Major Andre had stated that, when these men first discovered him, they were playing a game of cards ; and that, after they had captured him, their sole object seemed to be money. They ripped up Oct. 7, the housings of his saddle and the cape of his coat, to seek for it; but, finding none, one of the three exclaimed, " He may have it in his boots !" Andre be lieved that, if he could have given them a small sum of money at first, he might have escaped. Granting, however, as is probable, that the first object of the cap tors was money, there can be no question that, when they discovered, by means of the papers, the true character of their prisoner, they resisted all appeals to their own interests, and were constant to those of their country. Their integrity was cer tainly proof against bribery, and they de serve to be recorded in history as incor ruptible patriots. The remains of Pauld- ing sleep beneath a handsome white mar ble monument, in the burial-ground of St. Peter s church, near Peekskill ; those of Van Wart are under a similar monu rnent in the Greenburg churchyard, near the banks of the beautiful Neparan, in Westchester county; and those of Wil liams lie in the churchyard at Livings- tonville, in Schoharie county. Soon after the traitor s arrival in New York, with the hope of alluring the dis contented to his standard, he published " an address to the inhabitants of Amer ica," in which he endeavored to justify his conduct. This was followed in about a fortnight by a proclamation, addressed " to the officers and soldiers of the conti nental army, who have the real interest of their country at heart, and who are de termined to be no longer the tools of Congress and of France" But these proclamations did not in the least produce the effects designed. 790 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART n. Arnold reaped the reward of his trea son the elevated rank of brigadier-gen eral in the British army, and the hand some sum of ten thousand pounds ster- lincr though it has been affirmed that o O he obtained only a portion of the money stipulated for. In gaming these, however, he lost everything else. He was looked upon with contempt by those very per sons who had sought to profit by his treachery; and was taunted with being the author of an abortive treason, in the conception and partial execution of which he stood alone, and as the only American officer who forsook the cause of freedom, turned his sword against his country, and so left to his children " a name of hateful celebrity." It is true he was employed subsequently in the war, in consequence of his military talents, and his acquaint ance with the country ; and into the ser vice of his royal purchaser the traitor now entered with a ferocious spirit of revenge, mercilessly ravaging the coast and sea port towns of Virginia, and desolating with fire and sword the property of his in jured countrymen of Connecticut almost within sight of his childhood s home : but he never acquired the confidence of his superiors, the friendship of his equals, nor the respect of his inferiors. Indeed, he was both hated and despised by his new companions-in-arms. The British officers shunned his society ; and the common sol diers on guard, while acknowledging his official rank with a salute, would whisper to each other as he passed, "There goes the traitor Arnold T Thus wrote Colonel Laurens, in a letter to Washington, concerning the death of Andre : " Arnold must undergo a punish ment comparatively more severe, in the permanent, increasing torment of a men tal hell." Washington, however, viewed his case in a different light, and regarded Arnold as callous. " He wants feeling," replied the chief. " He seems to have been so hackneyed in villany, and so lost to all sense of honor and shame, that, while his faculties will enable him to con tinue his sordid pursuits, there will be no time for remorse." On arriving in England, after the close of the war, Arnold was recognised offi cially as it were, by those in authority only, while the rest of the world regarded him with contempt. The British people, though they might "love the treason, de spised the traitor." On one occasion, as Arnold was standing near the throne, while a petition for a bill \vas being pre sented in the usual form to the king, he was observed by Lord Lauderdale, who, when he returned to the house of peers, declared that, " however gracious might be the language he had heard from the throne, his indignation could not but be highly excited at beholding his majesty supported by a traitor." On another oc casion, the earl of Surrey, as he arose to speak, caught a glimpse of Arnold in the gallery, when he at once sat down, and, with his finger pointed at him, exclaimed, "I will not speak while that man is in the house!" It may well be conceived that Arnold, with his revengeful spirit and reckless physical courage, could ill brook such contemptuous treatment, and that noth ing but their privilege as peers saved REVOLUTIONARY.] CLOSING CAREER OF ARXOLD. HIS WIFE. 791 them from being held amenable to the code of the duelist. One nobleman, how ever, who had insulted Arnold, permitted a friend to accept his challenge to fight. The next morning, at the hour appoint ed for the meeting, in a secluded quarter of London, Arnold appeared promptly on the ground, and his opponent somewhat late. The parties having taken their re spective positions, and the word to fire about to be given, Arnold prematurely discharged his pistol, but without hitting his antagonist ; upon which the latter, raising his weapon aloft, fired it in the air, and then with a glance of scorn, cool ly turned upon his heel, and left the spot. Arnold resided principally in England after the conclusion of the war ; though he was for a while in Nova Scotia, where he found a welcome among the refugee American loyalists. He was afterward in the West Indies, where he was taken prisoner by the French ; but, making his escape, he returned to England, and end ed his life in comparative obscurity, in Gloucester place, London, June 14, 1801. A spirit of avarice seems to have been the ruling trait in the character of Ar nold. When Washington learned the de fection of his general, he was almost over whelmed by the discovery; but calling to mind Arnold s habits of extravagance and his peculations, he said, " I thought that a man who had shed his blood in the cause of his country could be trusted, but I am convinced now that those tuho are wanting in private probity are unworthy of public confidence." The unfortunate wife of the traitor became an exile from her country, and shared in a degree the coldness of pub lic feeling abroad toward her husband. When she returned to Philadelphia, at the time of his treason, she resolved to separate from him for ever; but the ex ecutive council of Pennsylvania, sus pecting her of complicity in his commu nications with Andre (it being known that she had corresponded with that offi cer before her marriage), would not con sent, and ordered her to leave the state within fourteen days, and not return again during the war. Joining her hus band in New York, she went with him to Nova Scotia, and thence to England. BATTLES OF AMERICA [PART u. CHAPTER XCII. Lord Cornwallis in Camp at Camden. A Savage Proclamation. Cruelty to Prisoners. Awe not Subjection. Marion in the Swamps. Spirit of the Patriots. Victory of Britton s Neck. Tarleton "on a Fox-Hunt." The British beaten at Broad River. Sumterat Black Stocks. Victory. Sumter wounded. Ferguson on his March. The "Mountain- Men." An Appeal to the Loyalists. Ferguson posted on King s Mountain. The March of the Mountain-Men. Campbell, of Virginia. His Life and Character. The Farmers astir. A Grim Audience. King s Mountain. De scription. Order of Attack. The Struggle. The Fourth Charge. Desperate Fight. The Last Charge. Fall of Ferguson. Victory of the Patriots. Death of Edmonston. The Results. LORD CORNWALLIS, triumphant as 1780 lie had been at Camden over Gen eral Gates, on the 16th of August, did not immediately pursue his conquests. The extreme heat of the weather, and the want of supplies, kept him in his camp at Camden. His lordship, however, was ac tive in preparations for the coming cam paign. He sent his emissaries into North Carolina, to encourage the loyalists there to take up arms and assemble, with the promise of soon marching to their sup port. In the meantime, every measure of rig or was adopted which might be supposed effective in crushing out the remnants of "rebellion" in the Carolinas. A savage proclamation was issued by the earl, ac cording to which all those who, after hav ing once submitted, had again taken up arms against the king, were to be impris oned, and their property taken from them or destroyed ; and every militiaman who had once served with the British, and af terward joined the Americans, was threat ened with immediate hanging! These cruel threats, however, instead of effect ing his lordship s object of extinguishing the " rebellion," gave the strength of des peration to resistance. No measure of Lord Cornwallis was more odious and more exasperating than his treatment of the prisoners taken on the fall of Charleston. Finding letters from some of these in the baggage which had fallen into his hands after the defeat of Gates, the earl charged them with hav ing broken their parole, and made this accusation a cover for the greatest severi ty. Regardless of his previous promises, he caused many of the leading republi cans of South Carolina, including Christo pher Gadsden, the lieutenant-governor of the state, Doctor David Ramsay, the his torian of the war, most of the civil and militia officers, and a large number of the principal inhabitants of Charleston, about sixty in all, to be dragged from their beds early in the morning by armed parties ; and, after being mus tered at the public exchange, they were hurried on board a guard-ship and trans ported to St. Augustine, in Florida, where they were subjected equally to bondage and every form of indignity, and kept as I so many hostages for the good behavior Aug. 27, REVOLUTIONARY.] AMERICAN PRISONERS AT ST. AUGUSTINE. 793 of the citizens. After Major Andre s ex ecution, these hostages were frequently threatened with the halter, in retaliation for the fate of that officer. The deter mination of the British commander ap peared to be to annihilate the spirit of independence by trampling upon the per sons of its best asserters. On their arri val at St. Augustine, the prisoners were offered paroles to enjoy liberty within the precincts of the town. The sturdy pa triot Gadsderi refused acquiescence, for he disdained making further terms with a power that did not regard the sanctity of a solemn treaty. He was determined not to be deceived a second time. " Had the British commanders," said the lieu tenant-governor, " regarded the terms of capitulation. at Charleston, I might now, although a prisoner, enjoy the smiles and consolations of my family under my own roof; but even without a shadow of ac cusation preferred against me, for any act inconsistent with my plighted faith, I am torn from them, and here, in a distant land, invited to enter into new engage- 7 O O ments. I will give no parole !" " Think better of it," answered Governor Tonyn, who was in command ; " a second refusal of it will fix your destiny : a dungeon will be your future habitation." " Prepare it then," rejoined the inflexible patriot. "I will give no parole, so help me God!" And the petty tyrant did " prepare it ;" and for forty-two weeks that incorrupti ble old republican of nearly threescore years never saw the cheerful light of day, but lay immured in the dungeon of the castle of St. Augustine/ 5 * Lossing. 100 Aug. 18. Of the prisoners taken at the battle of Camden, and at Sumter s defeat by Taiieton two days afterward, several were selected, bound with cords, and carried to Camden, where they were hung without trial as rebels, under the express order of Lord Cornwallis. In al most every section of the state, the prog ress of the British was marked with blood and with other deeds of equal atrocity. Many of the militia were executed on va rious and worthless pretexts, and most unfrequently without even the form of trial; and private citizens were closely confined on board of prison-ships, where they perished of foul diseases and with out attendance. The spirit of the patriots was overawed but not subdued by these harsh proceed ings. Opposition was not extinguished. The policy of the British commander was short-sighted. True manhood is never more resolute than when it feels itself wronged ; and the Carolinians were nev er more determined for their liberties than in the moment of their greatest de nial and disaster.* Marion and S unite r, with their partisan bands, were watching from their fastnesses every opportunity of striking a blow for the recovery of their country and their homes. After the defeat of General Gates, Ma rion had left South Carolina for a short time, but soon returned to the swamps and defiles below and along the San tee river, and under every disadvantage con tinued to struggle against an overwhelm ing enemy. For weeks he could muster but seventy men, and at one time this * Simms. 794 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [rAKT II. number was reduced to only twenty-five. With the saws of the neighboring mills turned into sabres for his horsemen, and frequently without ammunition, Marion kept the hosts of the enemy at bay. Hearing that a body of prisoners taken at the defeat of Gates, about one hundred and fifty in number, was under march for Charleston, guarded by a strong escort, Marion determined upon the rescue of the captives. Placing his mounted men in ambush, in one of the swamps that skirt the wood from Nelson s ferry to Monk s Corner, he darted upon the escort and succeeded in capturing the whole party. Having put the arms of the British into the hands of the rescued Americans, he hurried across the Santee, and did not pause until his prisoners were safely disposed of within the limits of North Carolina. He was far upon his way beyond the arm of danger before the parties detached by Cornwallis, to drive him from his covert, had reached the scene of his enterprise. Every scheme was adopted by the en emy to ferret out Marion, and prevent the inhabitants of the surrounding country from joining him. A ruthless corps of Brit ish soldiery, under Major Wemyss, was detached to devastate that region. Scores of houses were burnt on the banks of the Pedee and Black rivers, but the patriotism of the inhabitants was only stimulated to greater efforts by these wanton cruelties ; and, burning with revenge, they sought a home in the camp of Marion and his men. Here, with no shelter but the recesses of the swamps, they suffered every hardship, but felt themselves amply compensated for all when they could sally out under their brave leader and avenge their mani fold wrongs upon their cruel enemy. Marion took care that his spirited fol lowers should not want opportunities for action. Always on the alert, he pounced upon a body of tories, under Major Gai- ney, at Britton s Neck, and gained a com plete victory, without losing himself a single man. Again, in an hour after, he fell upon Captain Barfield and some loy alists, a few miles distant, and put them to total rout. Colonel Tarleton was or dered by Cornwallis to hunt up and strive to entrap the " Swamp-Fox ;" but the indt>~ fatigable British dragoon, though always in full cry after him, could -not succeed, for Marion skilfully turned and turned in his swamp-cover, and thus eluded every effort of his pursuer. Tarleton strove to bring him to action, and Marion was thus tempted to come out, but, finding his en emy overwhelmingly strong, he retired again to his secure retreats. Cornwallis, having obtained his sup plies, was prepared to begin a campaign. He accordingly, early in September, de tached Colonel Ferguson, the brave and efficient leader of the seventy-first regi ment, in advance, and proposed to follow him immediately from Charlotte, in North Carolina, whither he had penetrated after the defeat of General Gates at Camden. Ferguson was directed to visit the north western settlements of the Carolinas, up to the Virginia frontier, in order to en courage the loyalists of that quarter to vigorous action. He had under his com mand a strong but disorderly force, con sisting of tories and British, nearly fifteen REVOLUTIONARY.] COLONEL FERGUSON AND "THE MOUNTAIN-MEN." 795 hundred in all ; and his route through the country was distinguished by every sort of atrocity and violence. On his march, he heard of the unsuccessful attack of Colonel Clarke, with about five hundred Americans, upon the British garrison at Augusta ; and, as the latter was now re turning from Georgia, Ferguson resolved to cut him off This turned the British commander from his route, and he there fore marched to Gilbert-town, a village on the frontier, to ward the mountains. Here, although far removed from the support of the main body of the army under Earl Cornwallis, he felt secure, as he believed in that remote district there was not a force which was strong enough to dare to " look him in the face." Ferguson, how ever, did not know the country and the spirit of its people. Westward of the Alleghanies lived " the mountain-men," a race of hardy settlers, who fed their flocks in the valleys and on the mountain-sides. In the constant pur suit of game, and in frequent rencontres with the Creek and Cherokee Indians, in that wild country, they had become in ured to danger, and skilful in the use of firearms. They were, moreover, ardent patriots. The lively representations of those who had suffered at the hands of the British marauders, now awakened the mountaineers to a sense of their own dan ger. Hitherto, they had only heard of war at a distance ; and, in the peaceable possession of that independence for which their countrymen along the seaboard had been contending, they had in a measure been indifferent to the issue. But the approach of Colonel Ferguson aroused them from their apathy, and they deter mined to embody themselves for their own defence. Such were the formidable opponents who gathered their several bands from remote tracts from the wa ters of the Cumberland, in Virginia, or from the Saluda and Savannah, in Caro lina and rendezvoused in the valley of the Watauga, to oppose the British com mander and his troops. They came nearly three thousand in number most of them on horseback, but many afoot, some dressed in the fringed hunting-shirt and buckskin leggings, others in home spun, and bearing on their shoulders the long, small-bore rifle of that day.* Colonel Ferguson, surprised by such a formidable gathering, made an earnest appeal to the loyalists of the country to join his standard : " If you choose," said he, " to be trodden upon for ever and ever by a set of mongrel curs, say so at once, and let women look out for real men to protect them ! If you desire to live, and bear the name of men, grasp your arms in a moment, and run to camp !" Finding but few of the inhabitants dis posed to come to his aid, Ferguson began to retire toward the main body of the British army, and sent word to Cornwal lis, announcing his movement, and ex plaining its cause in the sudden appear ance of a formidable and unexpected op position. His messengers, however, were were intercepted. In the meantime, he crossed the Broad river, at the Cherokee ford, in Yorkville dis trict, with eleven hundred and tw r enty- Oct, 1, * Address of the Honorable John S. Preston, Yorkville, South Carolina, 1855. 796 five men, and took post on King s mount- ain, about two miles below tbe line that divides North and South Carolina, where lie was so confident of the strength of his position, that he wrote in one of his de spatches, " All the rebels out of hell can not drive me from it !" The " mountain-men" were now follow ing in hot pursuit. Being unencumbered with baggage, their movements were rap id and prompt. " Each man set out with his blanket, knapsack, and gun, in quest of Colonel Ferguson, in the same manner he was used to pursue the wild beasts of the forest. At night the earth afforded them a bed, and the heavens a covering ; the running stream quenched their thirst, while a few cattle driven in their rear, to gether with the supplies acquired by their guns, secured them provision." On reaching Gilbert-town, which had been evacuated by Ferguson, and fearful lest he might escape and form a junction with Cornwallis, about nine hundred of the strongest mountaineers, mounted on the swiftest horses, were chosen to lead the chase. Without waiting for daylight, these bold riders sped on. " The night after leaving Gilbert-town, on a short halt, in council, the officers selected a chief to act until they could receive orders from Gates. Their little army was composed, then, of men nearly in equal numbers from Virginia, North Carolina, and South Carolina. Each band was led, rather than commanded, by its own officer. Sevier, Shelby, Campbell, Cleveland, Williams, and M Dowell, were the colonels, and had all seen hard service, either in the Indian BATTLES OF AMERICA. (_PART II. wars or in this struggle. After full delib eration, they unanimously elected Camp bell, of Virginia,, to command in the ap proaching fray.* He was a man in the vigor of life not quite forty years of age of pure Scotch descent, thoroughly ed ucated in the classics and all the science of the day, and had been a soldier from his earliest manhood. He had married the sister of the famous Patrick Henry, and was an intimate friend of Mr. Jeffer- ,son, and had joined in all the early move ments of resistance. Having a large fam ily connection in western Virginia, and an extensive property, and that region being still subject to imminent perils from the Indians of Tennessee and Kentucky, he declined commissions tendered him in the continental army and the Virginia lines, and accepted the honorable, labori ous, and dangerous post of county lieu tenant. In this he succeeded Evan Shel by, the father of his associate in this ex pedition. He immediately gave the care of his family and property to a kinsman, and devoted himself to the cause of free dom. " His manner was grave and dignified, his person strong and graceful, his cour- ao-e of the most daring and reckless char- O O acter,his patriotism of the sternest mould, enthusiastic and uncompromising, with a fierce and relentless hatred of those who refused to join the patriot cause, and with al a skilful, judicious, and practised officer. He brought to the expedition four hun- * It is said that Colonel Williams, of South Carolina, had Governor Rutledge s commission in his pocket, as a briga dier, at this very time, but that he magnanimously suppressed the fact, fearing perhaps that its assertion might cause jeal ousies and distrust. SIMMS. REVOLUTIONARY.] THE AMERICANS OVERTAKE FERGUSON. 797 dred and fifty men (many of them his kinsmen,friends, and neighbors), of wealth and position equal to his own ; and most of them of that true Scotch-Irish breed whose fathers had fought for kirk and covenant, and among whose descendants were the Clays, Calhouns,Scotts, and Tay lors, of our day." :I: After a hurried council, at which each man sat holding his own horse, and squat ting on the ground, amid the pastures of Cowpens, Colonel Campbell ordered his resolute followers to mount. Off they went in the darkness of the night, with their rifles under their arms, to protect them from the pelting rain. About day light they crossed the ford at Broad river, twelve miles from King s mountain. Here they halted and killed two beeves, from which they made a hurried repast, and, again springing to their saddles, did not check a rein until they arrived (at noon) within three miles of the enemy. Halting for a moment, the order was given, and passed rapidly along from man to man, " Tie up overcoats, pick touch-holes, prime fresh, and be ready to fight !" The neighboring farmers, aroused from O O their work by the clattering of hoofs, and the noisy turmoil of the troopers gather ing among their fields, dropped the han dles of their ploughs, and, unloosing their horses, came "riding bare-back, with dan gling trace-chains," to join their gallant countrymen. Acquainted with every foot of the land, and with the exact position 01 the enemy, these fresh recruits offered their services as guides, and now under- * Preston. Get, 7, took to lead on the resolute band to the mountain where the enemy had so defi antly posted themselves. Their command er, Colonel Ferguson, was one of the ablest of the British light-infantry officers. He was specially renowned as a leader of ri flemen, and had himself made considera ble improvements in the rifle and its use. His force, as we have seen, was a mixed one, and composed of British regulars and loyalists. " The latter," says Simms, " it was known, would fight they fought with halters round their necks. They, too, were expert riflemen." The order of attack was now hurriedly made by the Americans. Sevier was to form the right, Cleveland and Williams together the left, and Campbell the cen tre, with Shelby on his left. They had scarcely mounted, when a captured mes senger was brought in. A paper was found upon his person, which proved to be a despatch from Ferguson to Cornwal- lis. " Read it aloud !" was the cry of many voices, which rose from those who under stood and affected no military formalities. It was read aloud ; and, as they listened to its defiant words "I hold a position on the King s mountain] and all the rebels out of hell can not drive me from it!" a grim smile for a moment varied the res olute expression of their faces, but not a loud word was uttered, as they nervously clutched their rifles. With a bound they were off again, and in twenty minutes were in sight of the enemy s camp. Here the pursuers drew up along the bank of a little brook, and, dismounting, tied their horses to the saplings and the branches of the trees. Leaving a small 798 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART u guard behind them, the Americans now arranged themselves in the order agreed upon, and pushed on to the attack. The three divisions were about equal in num ber, and it was decided that all should scale the mountain at the same moment from the various points of starting, and strive to join each other at the British encampment perched on the crest of the ridge. King s mountain, one of the spurs of the Alleghanies, rises precipitously above the neighboring hills, from which it is di vided by a deep valley and broken ra vines. A narrow ridge of irregular rock forms its summit, from which rugged sides of outcropping slate and thick wood fall steeply to the base. Colonel Ferguson had perched his camp upon the top, and thence looked down with defiant con tempt upon the undisciplined band which was now about to make the attempt to drive him from his strong position. The three divisions having taken their respective positions, Campbell gave the signal for the ascent, and all began simul taneously to climb the mountain. Cleve land, as he led his men to the attack on the left, addressed them in these homely but telling words : " My brave fellows, we have beat the tories already, and we can beat them again. They are all cowards. If they had the spirit of men, they would join with their fellow-citizens in support ing the independence of their country. When engaged with them, you are not to wait for the word of command from me. I will show you by my example how to fight. I can undertake no more. Ev ery man must consider himself as an offi cer, and act from his own judgment. Fire as fast as you can, and stand your ground as long as you can. When you can do no better, get behind trees, or retreat; but I beg of you not to run quite off. If we are repulsed, let us make a point to return and renew the fight. Perhaps we may have better luck in the second at tempt than the first. If any of you are afraid, such have leave to retire, and they are requested immediately to take themselves off r This was a good speech, which his men could understand, and its effect was such as every commander must desire. The action now commenced. As Colo nels Campbell and Shelby, at the head of their men, began to lead up the centre, the British fired a volley, but with little effect, as their shots were badly aimed. The right, under Sevier, now emerging suddenly into view from a wooded hol low, drew upon it the whole attention of the enemy, and a severe conflict ensued. Ferguson, however, finding his men no match for the American riflemen, ordered a charge of bayonets. This was made with the usual impetuosity by the British regulars, and Sevier was forced nearly to the base of the mountain. Williams and Cleveland, with the left, coming up at this moment, began a mur derous fire upon the right ilank of the enemy, by which they diverted them from the pursuitof Sevier,and drew upon them selves all their fury. The charging col umns, being recalled, were wheeled rap idly to the right, and, making a dash at Williams s and Cleveland s men, drove them down the declivity before them, as they had previously driven Sevier. See- REVOLUTIONARY.] BATTLE OF KING S MOUNTAIN. FERGUSON SLAIN. 799 ing their comrades in extremity, Camp bell and Shelby pushed on nimbly in front, and poured upon the British such a volley, that they were forced to desist from further pursuit, and retire to the summit of the ridge, which they did, how ever, in perfect order. Ferguson now gathered his whole force, and bore down with an impetuous charge directly upon the American centre. Be fore this irresistible onset, Campbell and Shelby gave way. In the meanwhile, however, Cleveland and Sevier, having rallied their men, came to the rescue with a terrible fire on either flank of the ene my, and brought them suddenly to a stop. The British soldiers, with poised bayonets, hesitated for a moment, and then retreat ed up the hill. The centre of the Ameri cans now rallied, wheeled, and rushed af ter them with shouts and huzzas, thinking that the battle was won. The bold Ferguson, however, was not yet disposed to yield the day. Rapidly throwing his men into three columns, one facing each division of his foe, he made a fourth charge with the bayonet. But it was too late. The " mountain-men" now brought to bear with effect the peculiar warfare in which they had acquired skill in their frequent conflicts with the wild beasts and the Indian savages on the fron tiers. From behind the rocks and trees, under the cover of which they loaded their never-missing rifles, they sprang for ward and fired with such effect upon the British, that they drove them back with in their lines upon the ridge. As the three divisions of the mountain eers approached the summit in pursuit, they closed together and completely sur rounded their enemy. The British, thus at bay, fought desperately. The regulars, with firm hand, still clung to their mus kets, and strove to keep off their pursu ers by a vigorous use of their bayonets ; while the tory volunteers, with their long hunting-knives fastened in the muzzles of their guns, showed in their despair no less fierceness of resistance. At every discharge of their rifles, how ever, the Americans closed in, narrowing more and more the fatal circle in which they held their doomed enemy. " The British cavalry was ordered to mount. It was the very thing for the American rifle, as it raised the mark clear above the bush es ; and, as each man threw his leg over the horse, he fell dead on the other side. Ferguson, with a gallantry which seemed to rise with his desperate condition, rode from rank to rank and from post to post, cheering, driving, and encouraging his men, until he found his army pressed, act ually huddled together, on the ridge, and falling as fast as the Americans could load and shoot." Ferguson s valor was una vailing, and the success of his bayonets gave him barren ground, which he could only for a moment retain. Still he re fused to surrender. His shrill silver whis tle was heard over all the cries of the con flict, as he sped from side to side. " He determined on one more desper ate charge, and, taking his position at the head of his cavalry, in a voice that rose loud above the din of the battle, he sum moned his men to crush the d d rebels into the earth ! "* * Preston. 800 BATTLES OP AMERICA. The Americans heard the order, and silently prepared for the conflict. Each man was ordered to load, and not fire a shot until the foe was within sixty paces. The command was faithfully obeyed. The enemy bore down from the summit of the ridge in one mass, with the brave Ferguson at their head. Impetuously and threaten ingly, however, as they came, they were soon stayed by the close fire and sure aim of the Americans. Ferguson fell at the first discharge, and his affrighted horse went scampering down the hill. His sec ond in command, Captain De Peyster, when he found that his brave command er was no more, and saw the fatal havoc made among the troops, gave up all hope of further successful resistance, hoisted the white flag of surrender, and begged for quarter. The battle began about three o clock in the afternoon, and last ed an hour. Two hundred and forty of the enemy were killed and two hundred wounded ; some seven or eight hundred were taken prisoners. Out of the whole British force but two hundred escaped. Of the Americans, only twenty-eight were killed and sixty wounded. In the Vir ginia division, out of the thirteen, no less than twelve were officers ! Fifteen hun dred stand of arms were captured. " In this battle," says Preston, " the offi cers not only went before, but every one, commander, colonels, captains, all carried and used the rifle in addition to the sword. It thus becomes known thart the gallant Williams, seeing Ferguson cheering his men with his voice and famous silver whistle, drew up his rifle to shoot him ; Oct. 7, but, perceiving that Ferguson was armed only with sword and pistols, he threw away his gun, exclaiming, I will have a single hand-tussle with him, or die ! He dashed at the Briton, but, before he reach ed him, received two balls, and was borne from the field by his two sons, lads of fourteen and sixteen.* Williams survived until the next day, and learned that the victory was complete. He raised his eyes to heaven, and said, I thank God for my country s deliverance; and placing a hand on the head of each of his children, he said, God bless you, my brave boys ! tell your mother and our friends I die con tent/ Within a few months, those two noble youths were inhumanly butchered by the tories at Hay s station. "The pure and brave Captain Edmonds- ton fell in front of his company, near his colonel. The stern Campbell was seen to brush away a tear as that brave, good friend was borne back. Edmondston lay under a tree, with one hand clutching his side to keep in life until the battle was over. He heard the shout of victory, as his commander and friend grasped his other hand. He could not speak then ; he kissed Campbell s hand, smiled, loosed the hold which stanched in life, and the Christian and patriot went to his reward. Four Edmondstons fell in this fight, and, with them, Craigs and Beatties, Bowens and Willoughbys, Blackburrfs and Craw- fords, Campbells and Cummings." * " The tradition," says Simms, " reports that Williams and Ferguson perished by each other s hands ; that, after Ferguson had fallen by the pistol of Williams, and lay wounded on the ground, the latter approached and offered him mercy ; and that his answer was a fatal bullet from the pi-stol of the dying man!" REVOLUTIONARY.] VENGEANCE. GATES AND CORXWALLIS. 801 The bloody conflict of King s mountain was marked by a crowning sacrifice of vengeance. Ten of the prisoners loy alists, conspicuous for their outlawries, and well known were tried, condemned, and hung, by the conquerors, almost in the moment of victory. Thirty were con demned, but twenty respited. They are all alleged to have been notorious for their crimes, the monstrous atrocity of which forbade the plea of pity in the ears of their captors. They had long been doomed, by a thousand threats of ven geance, from as many outraged enemies. Something, too, is alleged in behalf of this wild and summary justice, in the right and policy of retaliation for the murders which Cornwallis had committed on his captives at Camden, Ninety-six, and Au gusta. The deed was supposed to be justi fied by that code which requires eye for eye, tooth for tooth, life for life.* To this day the traveller reads on a rude stone at the foot of the scene of bat tle, and near the spring from which he quenches his thirst, this inscription : " Sa cred to the memory of Major William Chronicle, Captain John Mattocks, Wil liam Robb, and John Boyd, who were killed at this place on the 7th day of Oc tober, 1780, fighting in defence of Amer ica." On the opposite side of the stone is read : "Colonel Ferguson, an officer of his Britannic majesty, was defeated and killed at this place on the 7th day of Oc tober, 1780." CHAPTER XCIII. General Gates arid his Wretched Force. Lord Cornwallis discouraged. Retreat of the British. Their Sufferings and Disasters. The March to Winnsborough. Illness of Cornwallis. Lord Rawdon in Command. Tarleton and Sum- ter. General Greene supersedes Gates. An Affecting Incident. Life and Character of Greene. His Age and Per sonal Appearance. His Manners. His Fidelity, and Friendship for Washington. 1780, GENERAL GATES, having gathered the scattered remnants of his army at Ilillsborough, in North Carolina, found that his whole continental force, exclu sive of the militia, did not exceed fifteen hundred men. These, moreover, were in want of almost every necessity. En camped in the woods near the town, the soldiers, in lieu of tents, built wigwams of fence-rails, and rudely thatched them with Indian-corn sheaves. 101 Although in rags, without pay, " with only a half ra tion, and never with a whole one," the men bore up with wonderful fortitude, and cheerfully submitted to the severest discipline. In the meantime, Lord Cornwallis had pushed on as far as Salisbury, near the borders of Virginia ; and, in the expecta tion of being able to reach that State, a reinforcement of troops intended for him Kimms. 802 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [I AKT II. under General Leslie, was ordered to en ter the Chesapeake. After learning the fatal result at King s mountain, however, the earl was no longer disposed to pene trate farther into a country whence had suddenly risen such a formidable band of foes as Campbell had led to victory. His lordship now no longer thought of ex tending his conquests northward. His only care was to secure those which he had already made. He was determined to retire to South Carolina, and there con centrate his force, lest he should be sur rounded and cut off from that province by some of the bold and active " mount ain-men." The retrograde movement commenced about the middle of October. It was a difficult and disastrous re treat, as the Brit ish authorities themselves acknowledge. It rained for several days without inter mission, and the roads were knee-deep in mud and water. The men had no tents, and hardly enough food to support life. At one time, they had beef and no bread ; at another, bread and no beef. For five days their only sustenance was the Indian corn which they collected as it stood in the fields. They were, moreover, greatly harassed by the militia of the co nutty, who would come upon them unawares, and shoot down their guards and cut off their foraging-parties. Nor could the ut most vigilance on the part of the British general secure his troops against these surprises. The militia, being mounted, and \\ ell acquainted with, the country, were here, there, and everywhere. At the most unexpected moment, a rifle-shot from some covert would lay low a sentry ; Get, 29, and, before the alarm was fairly given, the hidden marksman was again in his saddle and away, without fear of pursuit in that wild country, where neither foot nor horse soldier ventured to follow. On the march from Charlotte, single riflemen often rode up within gunshot of the ene my, singled out their victims, and, having discharged their pieces, galloped away in safety. After this long and trying tramp, the British army reached the Catawba river, which they were obliged to ford at a part where it was six hundred yards wide, and in some places as deep as nine or ten feet. The enemy now encamped at Winnsborough, midway between the Catawba and Broad rivers, in Fail-field district, South Carolina. Here Cornwal- lis was taken ill with a bilious fever, and the command devolved upon the young Lord Rawdon, who remained inactive, however, until an answer should be re ceived from General Leslie, who had ar rived in the Chesapeake with a force des tined for Virginia, but which Cornwallis now wished to co-operate with him in the Carolinas. Leslie was therefore instruct ed to proceed by sea to Charleston. The retreat of Cornwallis, following thus closely upon Ferguson s defeat, and the confession of weakness betrayed by this retreat, gave new encouragement to the Americans. They everywhere began to repair in considerable numbers the sparseness of population considered to the camps of their respective command ers. Of these there were large numbers, captains and colonels, in the field, of whom the historians say little ; and day by clay REYOLUTIONARY.] PARTISAN" WARFARE. DEFEAT OF WEMYSS. 803 they achieved successes, on a small scale, of which but little has been reported. These parties, with their leaders, now began to acknowledge and to exercise a better discipline, and to become more effi cient as soldiers. They had suffered too many disasters from the neglect of duty by the militia not to feel the necessity of vigilance, and a better observance of the duties of the regular service. The legis lature of North Carolina put all the mili tia of the state under General Smallwood, of the continental army. Generals Sum- ner and Davidson had likewise large com mands of militia, and were good officers. Major Davie was also an active and effi cient partisan of that state, as were Shel by, Se vie r,M/Do well, and Lock. Georgia contributed several able officers, in Colo nels Clark, M Call, Jackson, and Twiggs; and there was not a precinct in South Carolina that had not some body of troops in the field, under a favorite leader, Ham mond, the Hamptons, Harden, Cleveland, as well as Marion, Sumter, and Pickens. It was one of the mistakes of the Brit ish to suppose that the spirit of the coun try, thus excited and active, could be sub dued by cruelty and terror. Cornwallis issued his orders to hang, and burn, and oppress the " rebels," in every possible way; and his lieutenants, such as Tarle- ton, Wemyss, and others, were not unwil ling to follow out his decrees to the ful lest extent of privilege and persecution which they allowed.* The active British cavalry-leader, find ing all attempts to surprise the ever-vigi lant Marion futile, now directed his eflbrts * Sirnms. Aug. 18, against the audacious Sumter. This gal lant partisan-leader, after the surprise of his band, had soon collected an other, composed of the remnant of his old corps and some fresh volunteers from among the people of York district, a section of the state which had never made any concessions to the invaders. Though unsupported by any continental force, Sumter was enabled to keep the field. Varying his position about the En- oree, Broad, and Tiger rivers, he made frequent attacks upon the British. He beat up their quarters, cut off their con voys, and kept them in a constant state of alarm and disquietude. Having re cruited his command to an imposing force, he advanced within twenty-eight miles of the British camp at Winnsborough. This audacity suggested to Cornwallis a plan of surprising him in his encamp ment. Such importance was attached to securing his individual person, that an officer, with five dragoons, had it special ly in charge to force their way to his tent and take him, dead or alive. " The Gamc- Coclc" as Sumter was called by the Caro linians, was, in the language of his lord ship, the greatest trouble which the Brit ish had encountered in the country. The conduct of this enterprise was in trusted to Major Wemyss, who, with a con siderable force of cavalry and infantry, approached the encampment of the par tisan leader at Broad river with equal promptitude and caution. Fortunately, Sumter had given unusual strength to his advanced guard. His force had lain so long in its position, that he naturally ex pected attack. Colonel Taylor, by whom 804 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PAUT ii. Xov, 12. the advanced guard was commanded, had taken particular precautions. Fires had been lighted in front of his line, and his men were ordered, in case of alarm, to form so far in the rear of the fires as to be concealed, while the approaching ene my would be conspicuous in their light. The videttes and pickets did their duty, and the guard was ready to receive the attack. A murder ous discharge prostrated twenty-three of the British as they reached the fires. The rest recoiled, then retreated for a hundred yards before they rallied. They were brought again steadily to the attack, and a close conflict followed ; but the well- directed fire of the Americans completed what their advanced guard had so well be^un. The British were driven from the O field, and found safety only in the dark ness of the night. Wemyss fell into the hands of the Americans, being wounded through both thighs, and deserted by his men in the precipitation of their flight. After this affair, Sumter changed his position ; and Tarleton, having given up his vain pursuit of Marion, now turned in headlong chase after the former, whom he overtook at Blackstock s,near Tiger river, and had no difficulty in bringing him to action. Blackstock s house, situated on the southwest bank of the stream, consisted of a large van, built of logs, the apertures of which formed capital loopholes for marksmen. It af forded a favorable position for the em ployment of a small force in battle, and Sumter stationed his troops so as to avail himself of all its advantages. On this oc casion, he had with him Clarke, Kov, 20, and Chandler, of Georgia ; and Colonels Thomas, Bratton, and Majors M Call and Samuel Hammond, of South Carolina, who had joined forces with his some ten days before. Notdoubting that Tarleton s en tire force was upon him, he resolved to maintain his ground during the day, and, under cover of the night, escape across the river. Tarleton s command consisted of his le gion, a battalion of the seventy-first regi ment, a detachment of the sixty-third, and a lieutenant s command of the royal ar tillery, with one fieldpiece. But, of this force, only four hundred mounted men had yet come up with the Americans. As soon as Sumter made this discovery, his plans were changed ; and he resolved to commence the attack, and cut up his enemy in detail. Tarleton, supposing that he had the game in his own hands, had, immediately on arriving, secured an ele vated piece of ground in front of Sumter s position, and, dismounting his men to re lieve themselves and horses, prepared to await the arrival of his infantry and ar tillery. But the assault of Sumter compelled him to take to his arms. The Americans descended from their heights, and poured in a well-directed fire upon the enemy. They were met by the bayonet, and, be ing armed only with rifles, were obliged to retire. The British now advanced, but were met by a reserve of rifles, which pros trated many and repulsed the rest. As he beheld his danger, Tarleton ordered a second and desperate charge, directly up the hill ; but the Americans stood firm, and received him with their rifles, under REVOLUTIONARY.] TAULETOX S DEFEAT. REMOVAL OF GATES. 805 the united fire of which his men could not be made to stand. Drawing off his whole force, he now wheeled upon Sumter s left, where the ground was less precipitous. Tarleton was here met by a little corps of Georgians, about one hundred and fifty in number, who displayed the courage of veterans. Clarke and Hammond, espe cially, distinguished themselves in this action. But the pressure of the whole British force was too much for them to contend against. They yielded, after a noble resistance, and gave way ; but the timely interposition of the reserve, under Colonel Winn, and the fire of a company stationed at the house, determined the issue. Tarleton fled, leaving nearly two hundred men upon the field of conflict. The loss of the Americans was trifling, but their brave commander received a severe wound in the breast, which kept him for several months from active service. On being disabled, Colonel Twiggs succeeded to the command.* Lord Cornwallis having retired to the south, General Gates moved his force and took post at Charlotte, soon after its evac uation by the enemy, in the latter part of October, with the view of making it his winter-quarters. While here, Gates was overwhelmed with misfortune. First came the sad intelligence of the death of his only son ; and next followed a de spatch informing him that he had been superseded in the command of the south ern department by General Greene. Heavy, however, as were these blows, General Gates s sensibility was still more wrought upon by an affecting incident Simms. which we give in the words of an eye witness: "I found him," says the narra tor, " traversing the apartment which he occupied, under the influence of high ex citement. His agitation was excessive ; every feature of his countenance, every gesture, betrayed it. Official despatches, informing him that he was superseded, and that the command of the southern army had been transferred to General Greene, had just been received and pe rused by him. His countenance, however, betrayed no expression of irritation or re sentment; it was sensibility alone that caused his emotion. An open letter, which he held in his hand, was often raised to his lips and kissed with devotion, while the exclamation repeatedly escaped them i Great man ! Noble, generous proce dure ! When the tumult of his mind had subsided, and his thoughts found utter ance, he with strong expression of feeling exclaimed : I have received this day a communication from the commander-in- chief, which has conveyed more consola tion to my bosom, more ineffable delight to my heart, than I had believed it pos sible for it ever to have felt again. With affectionate tenderness he sympathizes with me in my domestic misfortunes, and condoles with me on the loss I have sus tained by the recent death of an only son ; and then, with peculiar delicacy, lament ing my misfortune in battle, assures me that his confidence in my zeal and capa city is so little impaired, that the com mand of the right wing of the army will be besto\ved on me as soon as I can make it convenient to join him. "* c Thacher. 806 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PAHT II. Dec, 4, General Greene now arrived at Char lotte, to assume the command of the southern army. As we are about to narrate the history of a cam paign in which this Revolutionary hero, although heretofore among the most con spicuous of Washington s generals, won his most signal triumphs, it seems appro priate that we should here briefly record the early incidents of his life. NATHANIEL GREENE was born at Warwick, in Rhode Island, May 27, 1742, on the banks of the Potonhommeth, where his father, a blacksmith by trade, worked a mill and forge. The elder Greene was a rigid Quaker, and frequently held forth at the " meeting," where he was noted as among the soundest and most forcible of the preachers. The son was brought up in the strictest principles of the sect, but early exhibited a desire to give his mind a freer scope than was conformable with the restricted views of his somewhat as cetic father. With a strong passion for books, the young Greene was resolved upon pursuing a course of more liberal study than could be taught by the well- thumbed family bible and the old homi lies on the paternal book-shelf. He re ceived no encouragement in this pursuit from his father, who looked suspiciously upon an} wanderings in the fields of "pro fane" literature. The youth, however, suc ceeded by his own efforts in buying books and reading them, in spite of the paternal protest. The father, at last finding how resolute his son was in the pursuit of learning, ceased to thwart him, and final ly allowed him to provide himself with a teacher, who was able to impart to the earnest student of fortune the elements of Latin and mathematics. The black smith s son at the same time was no less busy at his father s forge ; and, while his mind was ripening with study, his body was daily growing in strength. The fa ther, moreover, finding thai the youth s ardor for learning did not lessen his labor or diminish its profits, ceased to oppose, though he continued to regret, the world ly tastes of his son. The severity of the Quaker was, how ever, too rigid to relax when he found that his son was not only devoted to "pro fane" studies, but was likewise given to " profane" amusements. The youth, now over eighteen, was tempted by the charms of the gay daughters of the neighborhood to indulge in the pleasures of the dance. But these were only to be enjoyed secret ly ; and the young man would steal away at night, when the whole house was quiet in sleep, and, after taking his fill of the forbidden enjoyment, return cautiously to his bed again without disturbing the o o repose or agitating the principles of the slumbering Quaker. He was not always, however, equally lucky. There was a great ball in the neighbor hood, to which young Greene had been secretly invited. In the night, watching his opportunity, he made his escape by the usual window, and after dancing, the gayest of the gay, until midnight, groped his way homeward. Arriving near the house, his eye caught a glimpse of his fa ther, standing, with a whip in his hand, below the window through which alone he could gain entrance. " There was no means of escaping him. The stern old REVOLUTIONARY.] NATHANIEL GREENE. 807 Quaker was one of that class of people who are apt to unite the word and blow together, the latter being quite likely to make itself felt before the other. In this emergency, conscious that there was no remedy against or rescue from the rod, young Greene promptly conceived an idea which suggests a ready capacity for military resource. A pile of shingles lay at hand ; and, before he supposed his fa ther to behold his approach, he insinuated beneath his jacket a sufficient number of thin layers of shingle to shield his back and shoulders from the thong. With this secret corslet he approached and received his punishment with the most exemplary fortitude."* Greene, however, never allowed his love of pleasure to master his habits of industry and study. He pursued his busi ness so steadily, and so much to the sat- isfaction of his father, that in his increas ing prosperity he made him his partner, and manager of a new mill which he erect ed at Coventry. The son, in the mean time, added to his librarv, and increased / / his acquirements. Young Greene soon became a noticeable person from his ac complishments, and, as he sympathized with the popular sentiment in political affairs which were at that time agitated by the quarrels with the mother-country, he soon became prominent as a revolu tionist. When, however, on the prospect of war, he began to add the works of mil itary authors to his library, and to carry out their principles in actively organizing the militia of the neighborhood, his peace ful fellow-Quakers first rebuked, and, at Life of General Greene, by W. Gilmore Simms. last, when they found him pertinacious, "read him out of meeting." In 1770, Greene was elected a member of the general assembly of the colony of Rhode Island. In 1774, he enrolled him self in the ranks of the "Kentish Guards;" and in the same year he married Cathe rine Littlefield. whose attractions had first led him to those forbidden balls. After the battle of Lexington, in April, 1775, he was raised to the command of the mi litia of Rhode Island, with the rank of major-general. His subsequent career, till his appointment to the head of the south ern armies, has been already fully nar rated in the course of this history. At the beginning of the Revolutionary War, Greene was thirty-three years of age. His personal appearance at this pe riod was impressive. In height he was about five feet and ten or eleven inches. His figure was stout and muscular. His face, though somewhat disfigured by a blemish in one of his eyes from the effects of small-pox, was pleasing from the fresh ness of its complexion and the elevation of its expression. His air was that of a calm and thoughtful person, rather than of an impulsive man of action. He was, however, elastic in his movements, though his right leg was slightly lame from the effects of his severe labors in early life. His manners were quiet, but courteous ; and General Greene, notwithstanding the rude experiences of his youth, was notice able as among the most gentlemanly as well as accomplished of the American of ficers. He was greatly beloved by Wash- in o-ton, and was held in such general es- O / O teem, that it was common to speak of him BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART n. as th e probable successor to the command- er-in-chief, should any misfortune have de prived the country of his great services. Washington always relied upon him in his severest trials. On the discovery of Arnold s treason while the chief hardly knew whom to trust, he did not hesitate to confide the command of West Point to General Greene ; and again, when the southern country in its despair called for succor, it was Greene whom Washington sent to raise it from its despondency .* CHAPTER XCIV. Interview between Generals Greene and Gates. Generous Friendship of Greene. Retirement of Gates. Gratitude ot Virginia. Greene and his Troops. Good Feeling and Good Service. State of the Country. Success of Morgan. The Rugelys surrender. An Unlucky Colonel. Greene on the Pedee. Earl Cornwallis for North Carolina. Tarle- ton pushing ahead. Pursuit of Morgan. Morgan at Cowpens. Tactics. Disposition of Troops. Morgan to his Men. The Battle. American Victory. Colonel Washington. The Resolute Tarleton. Washington and Tarleton. Personal Conflict. Losses. Lord Cornwallis on a March. Lightening the Troops. Quick Pursuit. Morgan for the Catawba. 1789, THE interview between Generals Greene and Gates at Charlotte was marked by every manifestation of cour tesy. The former was modest in assu ming, while the latter was diinii- Uec, 4, f fied in resigning, the command. General Greene was announced to the army as commanding officer ; and on the same day the new general addressed the troops, and paid his predecessor the com pliment of confirming all his standing or ders. Directions had been given that a court of inquiry should be instituted by Greene on his arrival, to investigate the conduct of Gates at Camden ; but, as Baron Steu- ben had been left in command in Virginia, there was no major-general to fill the va cancy in the number requisite to consti tute the court. The investigation was accordingly postponed ; and Greene, who looked with great indulgence upon his un- Dcc. 5. fortunate predecessor, pleaded his cause so successfully, that Congress was finally induced to rescind its resolution, and to restore Gates to his old command in the northern army. The unhappy general, subdued by private griefs and public mis fortune, started on his way to the North the day after Greene s ar rival at Charlotte, and in the meanwhile retired to his "Traveller s Rest" as his es tate was called, in Virginia. The general assembly of his adopted state generously consoled the feelings of the fallen officer by appointing a committee to wait upon him, and assure him of the high regard and esteem in which he was held by its members, and that their remembrance of his former glorious services was never to be obliterated by any reverse of fortune At the close of the Revolution, General Greene returned to Rhode Island. In 1785, he removed with his family to Georgia, where he died suddenly in June of the following year, in the forty-fourth year of his age. REVOLUTIONARY.] ARRIVAL OF GREENE. RETIREMENT OF GATES. 809 Ever mindful of his great merit, they de clared that they would omit no opportu nity of testifying to the world the grati tude which Virginia, as a member of the American Union, owed to him in his mili tary character.* * In the neighborhood of Leetown, in Jefferson (formerly Berkeley) county. Virginia not far beyond the Blue Ridge and the Shenandoah, but nearer still to theOpequan, anoth er stream which has had the good fortune to retain its musi cal Indian name are the ancient and dilapidated residences of three distinguished generals of the Revolution. Here, within a radius of a mile or two, lived, long and weary years, CHARLES LEE, the sinister hero of Monrnouth ; HOHATIO GATES, loser of the battle of Camden, and of the southern campaign : ADAM STEPHEN, the early friend of Washington, but whose irregular habits induced Congress to remove him from his command of a division and to bestow it upon the marquis Lafayette ; and WILLIAM DAKKE, a hero of the frontier, and the victor in a hundred personal combats with the savages. In this little valley, beneath the shadow of the great forests, remote from camps and the flashing world, whose light and noise never penetrated the remote depths of their retirement, these first-named warriors rusted out long years of vigorous manhood in inglorious repose, their swords in moth-eaten scabbards, their hearts in the great struggle which approached its termination, but their bodies far away from it. The eccentric career and death of General Lee have already been detailed. Somewhat removed from the county road, and between the little villages of Kerneysville and Leetown, stood, and still stands, the house of " Traveller s Rest," to which Gates retired after the disastrous day of Camden. The only pecu liarity perhaps worth noting in the dwelling, is the appear ance of one of the apartments. It is a large room in one wing of the house, with three windows, singularly arranged. The origin of so eccentric an arrangement was, that some of General Gates s family in England sent him, while the man sion was in process of construction, three large damask cur tains, of resplendent color then a great luxury. The win dows of the great dining-room were made to fit these cur tains, and they duly took their place. The house is going to ruin. This banqueting-room was lately used as a corn- crib by the owner of the estate. Alas for human pride, and the glory of the world which passes away ! Gates went to Mount Vernon to see Washington imme diately upon his arrival from England ; and here he met with Lee, an old friend and companion in-arms. As yet the three men thus assembled were as brothers, consulting upon the safety of the republic. But when the Revolution broke out. and Washington was made its chief, both Lee and Gates had their partisans, who advocated a change of leadership, the deposition of Washington, and the substitution of one or the other of the successful Englishmen. Gates was known 102 Dec. 10, General Greene found himself in com mand of the mere shadow of an army. He brought with him no troops, and but a single aid-de-camp. The returns of the whole force, made six days after he joined the army at Charlotte, gave but nine hundred and seventy con tinentals and eleven hundred and thirteen militia. The soldiers, moreover, were des titute of pay, tents, or blankets, only half clothed, and were but scantily supplied with food and ammunition. Greene felt the difficulties of his position. " Good feeding," he says, " is the first principle of good service. It is impossible to pre serve discipline where troops are in want of everything ; to attempt severity will to desire it, and to work for the result. His attempt to cor rupt the inflexible Morgan is well known, and the great sol dier s noble reply: "I have one favor to ask of you, which is, never to mention that detestable subject to me again ; for under no other man than Washington, as commander-in- chief, will I ever serve !" The battle of Camden came; and Gates, the conqueror of Burgoyne, the rival of Washington, came here to this house of the "Traveller s Rest unattended and alone. Alas, how fallen from his high estate! So ended the military career of this man (who had shone as the king of the camp) as the ca reer of Lee had ended. Gates did not die as unhappily as his old companion, however. He removed, finally, to New York ; served in the legislature there in 1800; and died in April, 1806 (in the seventy-eighth year of his age), in his house on Rose hill, near what is now the corner of Twenty- third street and Second avenue. Washington had been dead for nearly seven years, but "still lived" a more enduring life than before. But Gates had died nearly a generation before, on the day of Camden ! Gates always preserved a bland and courteous carriage, with no little dignity of tone and address, as may be seen in his correspondence, even when laboring under the severest public odium. Personally, the contrast with his friend Lee was very striking. The former was tall, thin, rude in his manners, and slovenly in his apparel. Gates was full-faced, with a florid complexion, and inclined to corpulency. His manners were those of a courtier insinuating, mild, and specious, producing in all the impression that he was famil iar with "public offices and ante-chambers," and that he would flatter and wheedle gentleman or commoner to gain his ends. Harper $ Magazine, September, 1858. 810 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART n. only thin the ranks by a more hasty de sertion." The southern country, too, with its ex tensive territory, its feeble administration of government, and its dissensions, was in o a condition unfavorable for a campaign. The whigs and tories were pursuing each other with the most barbarous rage ; and the interior was so disaffected, that it was impossible to send out a wagon with the smallest load of stores without a guard. The very face of the country, seamed with deep rivers and impassable creeks, and with morasses, rendered every military manoeuvre liable to the most fatal chances. Greene, however, who was " capable of doing much with little," met every diffi culty with a manly resistance, and by his energetic perseverance effected such a tri umph over natural and artificial obstacles as secured him final success. The British regular army at this time, in South Carolina, numbered five thou sand men, exclusive of loyalists, and were so stationed as to cover the most impor tant precincts in the state. They were thus enabled to overawe the populous set tlements. The garrison atWinnsborough (which was now the headquarters of Earl Cornwallis) completed a chain of posts which the enemy had established, from Georgetown to Augusta, in a circle, the centre of which, equidistant from Charles ton and Savannah, would have been Beau fort, in South Carolina. These posts con sisted of Georgetown, Camden, Winnsbor- ough, Ninety-six, and Augusta. Within this circle was another chain of posts, con sisting of Fort Watson, on the road to Camden ; Motte s house ; and Granby, on the Congaree. Dorchester, Orangeburg, Monk s Corner, and other places, were for tified as posts of rest, deposite, and com munication. These stations were all ju diciously chosen, as well for procuring subsistence as for covering the country. At this period there were three distinct commands of the South-Carolina militia: Marion, in the low country; Sumter, in the middle ; Williams, in the upper; and, after his death, Pickens, assisted or sec onded by Colonels Clarke and Twiggs, of Georgia.* While General Gates was still in com mand of the remnant of the defeated ar my at Hillsborough, in North Carolina, he had detached Brigadier-General Morgan, early in October, with three hundred Del aware and Maryland continental troops, and some eighty dragoons, under Colonel William Washington, to assist the patriots in the counties of Mecklenburg and Row an. Passing over the border into South Carolina, this force now occupied the very ground which had witnessed the defeat of Gates. On the very day of Greene s arrival at Charlotte, General Morgan, who had been sent into the country toward Camden on a foraging-excursion, returned with no cattle or grain, it is true, but with the re port of a small triumph over the enemy, which was hailed by the troops as a hap py omen of prosperity under their new leader. A Mr. Hugely, proprietor of the estate of Clermont, near Camden, and a devoted loyalist, had been raised to the rank of lieutenant-colonel of militia, and his son-in-law to that of major, in the ene- * Simms. REVOLUTIONARY.] HUGELY CAPTURED. MOVEMENT OF GREENE. 811 my s service. Fortifying a large log-barn with intrenchrnents and abattis, the Ruge- lys garrisoned it with about a hundred troops, regulars and volunteers. Morgan, on his return from his unsuccessful fora- ging-expedition, ordered Colonel Wash ington with his troop of cavalry to go and reconnoitre the post. The colonel, find ing on his approach that the garrison was evidently in a state of alarm, determined to profit by it. Being without artillery, and as it was useless to attempt to carry the stockade by a cavalry-charge, Wash ington resorted to a stratagem, in the ab sence of the proper materials of war. He accordingly dismounted his men, in order that they might appear as infantry. A pine-log, ingeniously hewn so as to resem ble a fieldpiece, and mounted upon a pair of wagon-wheuls, was brought up with due formalities and pointed tow ard the fort. This innocent piece of timber, thus brought to bear upon the eyes of the garrison, if not upon its works, was invested by the militiamen with such formidable power, that when a corporal of dragoons was sent to summon the Rui> - e- o o lys to surrender, they were exceedingly glad to find a prompt acceptance of their submission. They did not hesitate a mo ment in complying, and the whole garri son marched out prisoners-of-war. But the surrender was fatal to Colonel Ruge- ly, as a hero and military man. His hope of promotion was for ever cut off by his too ready recognition of this new instru ment of warfare. "Rugely will not be made a brigadier-general," was the signifi cant comment of Lord Cornwallis when he was informed of this ludicrous event. Dec, 4, The unlucky colonel did not again appear in arms.* General Greene now moved his army from Charlotte. The division under the command of Brigadier-General Morgan, and composed of four hundred continen tal infantry, under Lieutenant-Colonel Howard, of the Maryland line, two com panies of Virginia militia, under Captains Triplett and Tait, and a troop of a hun dred dragoons, under Lieutenant-Colonel Washington, numbering in all about one thousand men, was ordered to pass the Catawba. Morgan was directed to add to his ranks from the militia on his route, and take post near the junction of Broad and Pacolet rivers, toward the station of Ninety-six, in Union District, South Caro lina, and some fifty miles to the left of Lord Cornwallis, at Winnsborough. The general-iii-chief marched the main body down the Pedee, and encamped on its eastern bank, at the junction of Hick s creek, nearly opposite to Cheraw hill, and about seventy miles to the right of Corn wallis. "I am here," wrote Greene, "in my camp of repose, improving the discipline and spirits of my men, and the opportunity for looking about me. I am well satisfied with this movement, for it has answered thus far all the purposes for which I intended it. It makes the most of my inferior force, for it compels my adversary to divide his, and holds him in doubt as to his own line of conduct. He can not leave Morgan be hind him to come at me, or his posts O A Ninety-six and Augusta would be exposed. And he can not chase Morgan far, or pros- * Irving. Dec. 26. 812 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PAUT II. ecute his views upon Virginia, while I am here, with the whole country open before Greene had now stationed himself in a fertile region near the head of boat-nav igation on the Pedee, which had not yet been traversed by an army of any mag nitude. From this point he despatched his engineers to explore the country. The routes in all directions were carefully set down; and, with Governor Rutledge, of South Carolina, in his camp, he was not suffered to remain in ignorance of any matters which he deemed essential to his contemplated invasion of the state. While Generals Gates and Greene had been busy in the accumulation of an army, it must not be supposed that the little bands under Marion and other partisan commanders had been inactive. Marion, whose mode of warfare had acquired for him the nom de guerre o( "T/ie Swamp-Fox" was never inactive. " Hundreds of little successes," says Simms, " that do not prop erly belong to the main stream of regular history,yet concurred to render his career memorable, and to influence equally the hopes of his countrymen and the hostility of the enemy. His command was a pe culiar one, being chiefly formed from the little and insulated section of country in which he lived. His warriors were his neighbors and friends, and the tie that bound them together brought, into equal activity the duty of the soldier and the affections of the comrade. * Marion s bri gade was the extra-military epithet which distinguished his command. It might con sist of live or five hundred it was still Marion s brigade a membership in which had a sort of Masonic value in the estimation of his followers, which amply compensated for all its privations and fa tigues. Constantly active, it would be im possible for the pen of the historian to fol low the progress of the little corps." After surprising Major Gainey and his large band of tories which he had collect ed between the Great and Little Pedee, Marion defeated a second party of tories at Shepherd s ferry, near Black Mingo swamp. The loyalists were well posted to receive the attack, and a desperate con flict ensued. The parties were so near each other, during the greater part of the fight, that the wadding of their guns con tinually struck on each side. Neither party had bayonets, and buckshot was quite as frequently used as ball. This victory increased the " brigade" to nearly four hundred men, with which Marion inarched upon Colonel Tynes, who had raised a large force of loyalists upon Black river. Tynes was surprised, several of his men slain, and his force dispersed, while Marion lost not a man. In all these inarches and conflicts, the partisans lived entirely in the swamps, with no shelter but the forest, almost without blankets or clothing, commonly with no food but po tatoes, and meat without salt. Marion himself, for a long time, had neither hat nor blanket ! The arrival of General Greene abridged the independence of Marion s movements. His brigade constituted a portion of the men of the state, and was necessarily com prised within the command of that officer. The activity, courage, and successful con duct of Marion, indicated him to Greene REVOLUTIONARY.] THE BRITISH OFFICER DIXIXG WITH MARION. 813 Jan, 25, as one well calculated, by his knowledge of the country, for active employment; and Colonel Henry Lee being joined to his "brigade," a combined attempt was made to surprise the strong British post at Georgetown, on Winyaw bay, for the purpose of obtaining supplies. This was a more serious business than Marion had yet undertaken. The town was entered, and many w r ere killed and taken ; but the garrison was on the alert, and, after a se vere skirmish with a large party of Brit ish and tories near the town, he was re pulsed with loss. The failure of the as sailants is ascribed to various causes ; but the alarm of the guides, who missed their way, and thus defeated the plan of co-operation between the sev eral parties, is a sufficient reason. With this affair, General Greene opened the campaign of 1781. This failure, however, was more than compensated by a brilliant event which happened a few days before in the west ern extremity of the state, to which Gen eral Greene had detached Morgan with a strong force, in order to restrain the bru tal passions of the loyalists in that quar ter. Shortly after his arrival, Morgan sent Lieutenant-Colonel Washington, with a regiment of foot and two hundred horse, to attack a body of tories who had been plundering the whig inhabitants. Wash ington came up with them near Ham mond s store, charged them vigorously, and defeated them. General Cunning ham, with a detachment of one hundred and fiftj British militia, was also dispersed by a party of Americans under Cornet Simons, of Washington s command. After the repulse of Marion at George town, he marched up the country to the confluence of Lynch s creek and the Pe- dee, and formed a stationary camp upon Snow s island, which consisted chiefly of high-river swamp, dry, and covered with a heavy forest abounding in game. He fortified it as well as his means would al low ; and from that almost inaccessible re treat he led and sent out detachments, as circumstances required, for many weeks, which accomplished wonderful results in harassing the superior foe, cutting off his convoys, or breaking up, before they could well embody, the gathering and undisci plined loyalists. It was while encamped upon this island, toward the close of 1780, that an event occurred which, insignificant in itself, is peculiarly illustrative of the heroism displayed by the Americans at that period, under the greatest privations. A young British officer was sent from the post at Georgetown to Marion s swamp- camp, to effect an exchange of prisoners. He had never seen Marion, and was great ly astonished at finding such a noted man so diminutive in size, especially when com pared with the British generals then in the field, whose average weight, it is said, exceeded two hundred pounds. Having finished their business, the young officer prepared to depart, but was invited by Marion to stop and dine. The invitation was accepted, and the entertainment was served up on pieces of bark. It consisted entirely of roasted potatoes, of which the general ate heartily, and requested his guest to do the same, adding, "Hunger is the best sauce." "But surely, general," said the astonished Briton, " this can not 814 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART IT. Dec, 13, be your ordinary fare ?" "Indeed, sir, it is," replied Marion," and we are fortunate on this occasion, entertaining company, to have more than our usual allowance." It is said that the young officer, on returning to his post, threw up his commission, de claring that men who could contentedly endure such privations were not to be subdued.* In accordance with the orders of Lord Corn wallis, Major-General Leslie gave up his expedition to Virginia, and proceeded to Charleston, whence he marched with fifteen hundred of his three thousand troops to reinforce the main army of the British at Winnsbor- ou<: h. While waiting for this accession o o to his force, the earl determined to clear the way for his intended invasion of North Carolina. It would not do to leave Mor gan in his rear, who was now only fifty miles from him, and threatening the post of Ninety-Six. He therefore ordered his faithful Tarleton to proceed with eleven hundred men five hundred of whom were the formidable legion which had been carrying terror and con quest through every quarter of the state for so long a time, and the remainder in fantry, supported by some fieldpieces and push the daring Morgan "to the ut most." That there should be no chance for the escape of his prey, who lay on the west side of Broad river, it was concerted that the earl himself, with his main body, should move deliberately northward as far as King s mountain, that Morgan s re treat might be cut off, and he compelled to fight. ThatMorgan himself should de- c Life of General Marion, by W. Gilmore Simms. 1781, sire to encounter either of them, the Brit ish commanders do not for a moment ap pear to have suspected. Tarleton was not the man to linger, and was at once in his saddle, in eager pursuit of his foe. The brave n Jan, 11. old Morgan, "always accustomed to fight and conquer," instead of wishing to avoid, was no less desirous of a collis ion than the redoubtable British dragoon. He would have stood his ground arid of fered him immediate battle ; but finding that Cornwallis, simultaneously with the advance of Tarleton, had moved forward, ready to co-operate, and fearful lest he might be surrounded by an overwhelm ing: force, Morgan, though at first inclined O D O to dispute the passage of the Pacolet (a small river, which is ford able in many places), found it advisable to cross that stream, and retire toward Broad river. After a severe inarch of several days through a wild and rugged country, the British commander came upon the traces of his enemy, and passed through the de serted American camp, on the banks of the Pacolet, which, with its fires still burning, and the half-cooked provisions scattered about, showed that Morgan had but just left. Having cap tured two of the videttes, Tarleton learn ed that his antagonist had halted at a place among the Thicketty mountains, in Spartanburg district, called the Cow- pens, not far in front of him, and about six miles from Broad river; and in the middle of the night, without taking a mo ment s rest, and leaving his baggage be hind, he hurried on to overtake him. The zealous British dragoon hoped to catch REVOLUTIONARY.] BATTLE OF COWPENS. 815 his foe off his guard, and in the midst of a con fuse; 1 flight. Morgan, however, was determined to stand his ground, and had no thoughts of further retreat. His officers entreated him to cross Broad river ; but he was not to be moved from his position on the heights of Cowpens, an eminence which ascended gently for about three hundred and fifty yards. It is true that the open woods which covered this eminence af forded a good field for the action of cav alry, of which he knew his enemy had much the greater strength. His flanks, moreover, were unprotected ; and Broad river, flowing parallel to his rear, cut off all chances of retreat. He was, however, resolved that his men should fight; and, with the invincible Morgan, to fight was to conquer. He characteristically justi fied his position against all the arguments of the tacticians, by declaring that, if he crossed the river, one half of the militia would abandon him. The old rifleman, in his rough way, thus vindicated his judg ment in after-years : " I would not have had a swamp in view of my militia on any consideration ; they would have made for it, and nothing could have detained them from it. As to covering my wings, I knew my adversary, and was perfectly sure I should have nothing but downright fight ing. As to retreat, it was the very thing I wished to cut off all hope of. I ivould have ilianlicd Tarlcton had he surrounded me ivith his cavalry. It would have been bet ter than placing my own men in the rear to shoot down those who broke from the ranks. When men are forced to fight, they will sell their lives dearly ; and I knew that the dread of Tarleton s caval ry would give due weight to the protec tion of my bayonets, and keep my troops from breaking, as Buford s regiment did." Whatever may have been the different opinions in regard to Morgan s choice of ground, all agreed that the disposition of his troops was masterly. At daybreak, finding his enemy at hand, the J *i n 1 7 American commander formed his men in order of battle. He advanced two parties of picked riflemen three hun dred in all under Colonel Cunningham of Georgia and Major M Dowell of South Carolina, about a hundred and fifty yards in front of the heights. Scattered loosely along the whole line, they had orders to feel the enemy as they approached, and, while keeping up a desultory but well-aimed fire, to retire to the front line, composed of the main body of the militia, led by the brave partisan, Colonel Pick- ens, who, with his force of three hundred practised riflemen, had joined Morgan on his march. The continental infantry and two companies of Virginia militia, most of whom had already served as reg ulars, under Captains Triplett and Tait, were stationed on the slope of the ad vanced height, at some distance in the rear, and composed the second line, un der the general command of Lieutenant- Colonel Ho\vard, whose whole force num bered four hundred men. Lieutenant- Colonel Washington, with his dragoons, reinforced by a company of mounted mi litia, armed with sabres, and commanded by Major M Call (one hundred and twen ty-five in all), held the reserve, and took post on the acclivity of the second of the 816 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PATCT n two heights, which were about eighty yards distant from each other, and formed the main ground upon which the Ameri can commander awaited battle. By this disposition, the militia, in whom there was less trust, but who were skilful marksmen, were thrust forward in sight, to distract the enemy, while the regular troops were held back in concealment, ready to push forward with their firm and well-ordered ranks in the crisis of the engagement. Morgan now rode along the lines, and exhorted his men to duty. First addres sing himself to the militia, " he extolled the zeal and bravery so often displayed by them, when unsupported with the bay onet or sword ; and declared his confi dence that they could not fail in main taining their reputation, when supported by chosen bodies of horse and foot, and conducted by himself. Nor did he forget to glance at his unvarying fortune, and superior experience ; or to mention how often, with his corps of riflemen, he had brought British troops, equal to those be fore him, to submission. He described the deep regret he had already experi enced in being obliged, from prudential considerations, to retire before an enemy always in his power; exhorted the line to be firm and steady; to fire with good aim; and if they would pour in but two volleys, at killing distance, he would take upon himself to secure victory. To the conti- nentals he was very brief. He reminded them of the confidence he had always re posed in their skill and courage ; assured them that victory was certain if they act ed well their part ; and desired them not to be discouraged by the sudden retreat of the militia, that being part of his plan and orders. Then, taking post with this line, he waited in stern silence for the enemy."* His troops, refreshed by the night s repose and the morning breakfast, were eager and in good condition for the fight. Tarleton, with his usual impetuosity, finding that Morgan was prepared to give him battle, hastened into action. His troops, without being allowed a moment for rest or refreshment, jaded as they were by their long and rapid march, were quickly formed. Hurrying his infantry into line, with two fieldpieces in the cen tre and a troop of dragoons on either flank, and ordering the seventy-first regi ment under M Arthur, and the rest of the reserve cavalry, to hold themselves in re serve, Tarleton in person recklessly led on the advance column before his whole force had completely formed. The light parties of militia soon gave way, and ranged themselves with the first / / o line, under Colonel Pickens. Tarleton and his men pushed on with a shout, but were met by a close and effective fire from the militia marksmen. The British suf fered severely, but continued to advance with fixed bayonets, forcing the front line back upon the second. Here the conti nentals and the experienced Virginia mi litia, under Colonel Howard, firmly stood their ground, and gave the British ad vance such a spirited reception, that their commander was obliged to order up his reserve. With this increase of force, the enemy outstretched the American front, and their cavalry threatened to turn its * Lee. REVOLUTIONARY.] TARLETON AND COLONEL WASHINGTON. 817 right flank. Howard, seeing the danger, immediately ordered his right company to change its front. His men, however, o / / mistaking the order, fell back, and the whole line followed, threatening total con fusion. But at this moment Morgan rode forward, and ordered them to retire to the second height, where Colonel Washington was ready to sustain them with the re serve. The continentals, strengthened by this support, and cheered by a rapid mes sage from Washington," Give them a fire, and I will charge them," fell back in ad mirable order. The British, in the meantime, seeing this backward movement, and believing that it was a flight, came on in a hurried and confused pursuit. At this moment, Colonel Howard ordered his continentals to face about ; when they wheeled on the instant, and poured upon the enemy a close and murderous fire. The British recoiled ; and Howard, seizing the favor able opportunity, followed his advantage with a charge of bayonets. In this crisis of the battle, Colonel Washington encoun tered the cavalry of Tarleton in a success- fid charge. The militia recovered, and, forming a new reserve, were ready to obey the command of Morgan " to give them but one more fire, and make the victory secure !" The onset of Howard s conti nentals, whose bayonets were interlocked with those of the enemy, was irresistible. They drove their antagonists before them, and the day was won. The concerted action of Morgan s whole force at this most important moment was the certain guaranty of victory. The en emy were within thirty yards, tumultu- 103 ously shouting and advancing, when the final fire of the Americans was given : the survivors of the terrible discharge threw down their weapons and fell upon their faces.* During the heat of the action, some of Tarleton s cavalry gained the rear and fell upon the militia, who, after retiring, had sought their horses, which, as was custom- ary with them on going into battle, had been picketed near by. Colonel Wash ington, however, coining to the rescue, drove off the English troopers, and joined in the general and vigorous pursuit of the enemy, who fled in confusion. Tarleton strove to bring up the cavalry left in reserve, with the hope of rallying his whole force ; but, struck with panic, they refused to obey his call. He him self, with a few officers and a handful OL brave men, struggled on with resolute courage to the last, and were left almost alone on the field. The fugitive British dragoons were pur sued by Colonel Washington for several miles, but most of them escaped. Excited by the prospect of capturing the formi dable cavalry-leader whose successes had hitherto been so uniform and so produc tive of disaster to the Carolinas, the stal wart Washington, who was a bold rider and reckless of danger, had in the ea<;er- O O ness of his pursuit advanced nearly thirty yards in front of his regiment. Three British dragoon-officers, observing him, wheeled their horses about, and sprang at him to cut him down. The officer on the left had raised his sabre, and was about striking a fatal blow, when Ser- * Sinmis. 818 BATTLES OF AMERICA. geant-Major Perry, who had galloped for ward to the rescue of his colonel, with a rapid and timely movement smote the Englishman s sword-arm, and it fell pow erless to his side. But the officer on the right supplied the place of his disabled comrade, and crossed swords with Wash ington. The blade of the latter, being of inferior temper, broke in the encounter, and left him at the mercy of the foe. At this moment, when a second blow would have brought him to the ground, a little henchman, or page, not fourteen years of age, who was devoted to his master, and carried no other weapon than a pis tol at his saddle-bow, seasonably rode up, and by a fortunate aim discharged its con tents into the shoulder of the assailant, whose arm dropped nerveless at his side. The colonel in the meantime was engaged in front with the third officer, who was no less a personage than the formidable Tarleton himself. Washington was ready for him, and with his broken weapon skil fully parried every sword-thrust; but his antagonist, backing his horse a few paces, drew a pistol, and firing, wounded him in the knee, and brought the noble steed which bore him to the ground. The fortunate approach of the Ameri cans arrested the further attempts of the Briton upon their leader. The moment was lost, and his flight was resumed. "The British dragoons of Tarleton," observes Simms, "had really never fought well. They had repeatedly hacked to pieces a fugitive or supplicating militia; but nei ther at Bluckstock s, where they encoun tered Sumter,nor at Co wpens, where they met with Washington, did they maintain Jan. 17. the high renown which they had hitherto acquired rather from good fortune than desert. The star of Tarleton waned from this moment. His operations grew lim ited in extent and small in importance. His defeat on this occasion, with that of Ferguson at King s mountain, were the first links in a grand chain of causes which drew down ruin on the British interest in South Carolina." The whole loss of the Americans at the important engagement of Cowpens was seventy men, of whom, strange to say, only twelve were killed. One hundred of the British, including ten officers, were killed, and nearly two hun dred wounded ; twenty-three officers and five hundred privates were taken prison ers. " Mark the epaulette men !" was the significant whisper of Pickens s riflemen to each other on the first advance of the British column ; and the large number killed or disabled in the action shows the heed given to the suggestion by these o Co / sharpshooters, many of whom were burn ing with a keen sense of personal injury. Two fieldpieces, two standards, eight hundred muskets, thirty-five baggage- wagons., with a large amount of ammuni tion, one hundred dragoon-horses, a trav elling-forge, seventy negroes, and all the music, were the spoils taken by the vic torious Morgan, whose services on that day were highly lauded throughout the country. Congress presented him with a gold medal, commemorative of his vic tory ; to Colonel Pickens was given a sword, to Lieutenant -Col on els Howard and Washington each a silver medal, and to Captain Triplett a sword. REVOLUTIONARY.] MORGAN S RETREAT. ARNOLD IN VIRGINIA. 819 Lord Corn wallis, in his camp on Turkey creek, within twenty-five miles of Cow- pens, and whither he had marched to fol low up the presumed success of Tarleton, now heard with dismay of the defeat of his trusty dragoon. This failure, like that of the capable Ferguson, seemed to be a fatal omen to the proposed North-Caro lina campaign. His lordship had been sanguine of success now as then, and in both instances the result had been equal ly disastrous. The earl, however, spirit edly strove to repair his past losses by the most vigorous efforts to secure suc cess for the future. In order to quicken his movements for he found that nothing could be done in that rough country, and against his alert enemy, without light troops his lordship determined to sacrifice his bag gage. Everything was destroyed except a small supply of clothing, and a sufficient number of wagons for the conveyance of hospital-stores, of salt, of ammunition, and for the accommodation of the sick and wounded. The earl, showing the exam ple, by first destroying his own baggage, his officers and men cheerfully followed, and every superfluity was given up. Thus lightened, and being reinforced by fifteen hundred troops from Charles ton, under General Leslie, Cornwallis con centrated his forces and hastened in pur suit of the victorious Morgan, who, imme diately after his triumph, crossed Broad river, and pushed on to the Catawba. CHAPTER XCV. General Arnold bids for Traitors. Chafing for Action. Expedition to Virginia. Debarkation of Arnold. The Fight at Richmond. Escape of Jefferson. Huthless Devastations. Richmond burnt. Jefferson to the Rescue. Retreat of Arnold to Portsmouth. Discontent of the American Troops. Mutiny of the Pennsylvanians. General Wayne in terposes. March of the Mutineers. Appeal from the Enemy. Mutiny not Treason. Agitation in Philadelphia. Reed to the Rescue. Fate of the British Emissaries. Revolt of the New-Jersey Troops. Quelled by General Howe. The Ringleaders shot. A Sad Execution. Desperate Tampering with Patriotism. Strength of the American Cause. The Good Results following the Mutinies. 1780, ARNOLD, now a brigadier-general in the British army, finding his ef forts to justify his crime in his "address to the inhabitants of America" as futile as was his "proclamation" to induce the American officers and soldiers to follow his example of treason, burned with ma licious spite to revenge his disappoint ment upon his country, which he had so basely striven to ruin. Chafing, too, at the undisguised contempt of those to whose corrupt service he had sold his honor, he sought relief from the scorn of others, and perhaps from his own remorse, in the excitement of action. Sir Henry Clinton soon gave Arnold the opportunity he sought of staining his sword with the blood of his countrymen. The troops under General Leslie having been diverted to South Carolina, it was 820 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [TAUT n. determined to send another expedition to Virginia. A miscellaneous detachment D of seventeen hundred men, consisting of British regulars, refugees, and German mercenaries, was accordingly despatched on this service. The renegade Arnold was given the chief command, although Sir Henry Clinton, naturally distrustful of his new ally, took care to associate with him Colonels Dundas and Simcoe, men of well-tried fidelity, whom Arnold was strict ly ordered to consult, and without whose concurrence he was forbidden to take a single step of importance. The object of the expedition, which was one of plunder and devastation, suited well the present tem per of the arch-traitor ; and, as he sailed away from the harbor of New York, with his troops on board some fifty small ves sels, he uttered the malignant boast that he would give the Americans a blow that would "make the whole continent shake." The fleet had hardly sailed, when a severe storm arose, which scattered the ships; and, to keep them from foundering, one half of the cavalry-horses and several of the large guns had to be thrown over board. The half-wrecked vessels, with the exception of three transports and a man- of-war, at last gathered together off the Dec, 30, Cape>S f tllt3 Chesapeake, and en tered Hampton roads. The mis sing ships did not arrive until four days afterward. 1 78 1, Wifa his usual promptitude of action, Arnold immediately seized upon some small boats, put nine hundred men on board, and, like a pirate, sailed up James river, plundering and rava^in"- as Jan, he went, and finally landed at Westover, the ancient seat of the Byrd family, only twenty-five miles below Richmond, the capital of Virginia. Thomas Jefferson, then governor of the state, immediately called out the militia ; but so few obeyed the summons, that Jef ferson was forced to give up all hope of defending Richmond. Some of the pub lic property was hastily removed to the country ; and the governor and the state officers, finding that the rapid Arnold had already reached Four-mile creek, only twelve miles below Richmond, speedily followed. Jefferson fled during the nio-ht. O O Early next morning, Arnold was in pos session of the capital, where he had hoped to catch the governor ; but he had made his escape just in time. Thus foiled in his effort to capture the illustrious author of the Declaration of Independence, the traitor sent a deputation of the citizens of Richmond to him, with the declaration that he would not destroy the city if the British vessels were allowed to come up without interruption to the docks, and load with the tobacco. This proposition was, however, scornfully rejected by Jef ferson. Arnold now no longer withheld his de vastating hand. He despatched Colonel Simcoe, with four hundred men, to destroy the storehouses ani foundries at Wrotham. Arnold s coadju tor faithfully did his bidding, and not only destroyed the property of the state, but also some of the public documents and archives which had been conveyed there for security. Simcoe returned to Rich mond without having received the least Jan, 6, REVOLUTIONARY.] SUFFERING IN THE AMERICAN ARMY. 821 hinderance in his ruthless expedition, and joined Arnold in his destruction of that city. All the public buildings were set on fire, as well as the tobacco-warehouses ; and, leaving "an atmosphere that smelt as if a million of pipes and a million of cigars were smoking together," the rene gade quitted the capital and encamped at Four-mile creek. On the following day, Arnold descended James river to West- over, where he had first landed. In the meantime, Governor Jefferson returned to the ruins of Richmond, and, by another effort succeeded in bringing a small mili tia-force into the field, which made an oc casional resistance to the marauders, but without much effect. Arnold, finding that Baron Steuben, who was in command in Virginia, was preparing to cut him off, and Jefferson having offered a reward of five thousand guineas for his capture, now hastened to his boats and proceeded down the stream to Portsmouth, oppo site Norfolk, on Elizabeth river, where, being reinforced by the arrival of more troops from New York, he fortified and prepared to hold the town. Arnold s " proclamation" to the officers and soldiers of the American army, which he had issued at New York immediately after the detection of his treason, and two months before his marauding expedition to Virginia, was artfully addressed at the most opportune period for his malignant purpose. The American soldiers were discontented. " Poorly clothed, badly fed, and worse paid, some of them not having received a paper dollar for nearly twelve months; exposed to winter s piercing cold, Jan, 20, to drifting snow, and chilling blasts, with no protection but old worn-out coats, tat tered linen overalls, and but one blanket between three men. The officers in gen eral, as well as myself, find it necessary to stand for hours every day, exposed to wind and weather, among these poor na ked fellows, while they are working at their huts and redoubts, often assisting with our own hands, in order to procure a conviction to their minds that we share, and more than share, every vicissitude in common with them sometimes asking c to participate in their bread and water." Such is the relation, by their commander, Wayne, of the sufferings of the Pennsyl vania troops of the line, while in their winter -quarters at Morristown. These consisted of six regiments (about two thousand men), who were exposed to ev ery privation and hardship. Their mis ery was the misery of all the troops com posing the northern army at the close of the year 1780 ; and such was the general discontent, that universal mutiny seemed not improbable. The Pennsylvania regi ments, however, were those to show the example. They were excellent soldiers, and, although mostly natives of Ireland, of undoubted fidelity to the cause of their adopted country. But they were char acteristically excitable, and more readily led into sudden bursts of passionate ex cess ; while apart from the common in citement to re volt, there was an additional grievance to stir their indignation. The promises which had been often made by Congress had been as often unfulfilled ; and now the expression in their enlist ment agreement, to " serve for three years, BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART IT or during the war," which was intended for less than three years if the tuar should sooner end, was ungenerously interpreted to mean until the end of the tear, if it should last longer. This interpretation was nat urally regarded by them as chicanery, at which they felt greatly exasperated. In common with others, they had suffered year after year from lack of money, cloth ing, and sometimes food. The little conti nental money which they had been receiv ing was now worthless, and hitherto there had been a continued loss upon it by de preciation ; and the pay of both officers and men was greatly in arrears. Still, up to the close of 1780, these troops had ex hibited nothing beyond the usual signs of discontent. The three years enlistment of most of the Pennsylvanians expired at the begin ning of the new year; and they had the mortification of seeing a bounty of about twenty-five dollars of fered to raw recruits, while they, the vet erans of three years, whose wages yet re mained unsettled, were offered no more. All these grievances combined formed a serious cause for complaint. The officers had already murmured some; and the common soldiers, encouraged by their ex ample, acted with boldness.. According ly, on the night of the first of January, when inflamed with the drink and excite ment of the new-year holyday, they sud denly broke out into open revolt. On a signal being given, the non-com missioned officers as well as the privates of three regiments of the Pennsylvania line, who considered their terms of en listment as expired, and mmiberincr in all thirteen hundred men, turned out under arms, and declared that they would march to Philadelphia, and either obtain a re dress of their grievances from Congress or serve no longer. The officers of the line collected those who remained, and with these strove to quell the mutiny, and arrest the march of the insurgents, but a captain was killed and three other officers wounded in the vain attempt. The mu tineers then forced the minority to join them, under a threat of instant death if they should refuse. Their commander, General Wayne, in terposed, and strove to appease them with words, but the excited soldiery would not listen to what he had to say. He then drew his pistols, and advanced upon them as if to fire. Presenting their bayonets to his breast, they exclaimed : " We love and respect you ; but, if you fire, you are a dead man ! We are not going to the enemy. On the contrary, if they were now to come out, you should see us fight under your orders with as much alacrity as ever ; but we will no longer be amused. We are determined on obtaining what is our just due." Electing temporary officers from their own body, and giving a sergeant-major (who was a former deserter from the Brit ish army) the chief command, with the title of major-general, the mutineers pro ceeded to the magazines, and supplied themselves with ammunition, and provis ions for immediate use ; seized six field- pieces, and horses from Wayne s stables to drag them; and then set out on their march to Princeton. General Wayne, in order that theirnecessitiesmight notforce REVOLUTIONARY.] REVOLT OF THE PENNSYLVANIA LINE. 823 them to make depreciations on private property, sent them supplies of provis ions, and soon after followed in company with Colonels Butler and Stewart, whom they highly esteemed, that he might ex ercise the moral influence which he still possessed in guiding their movements and checking their excesses. He at the same time despatched two officers to Philadel phia, to warn Congress of their approach. The mutineers received their commander with respect, but still insisted upon the redress of their grievances as the condi tion of a return to duty. When Washington, who was then at New Windsor, on the Hudson, heard of the revolt, he advised General Wayne not to employ force, for the number of the insurgents was too great and their com plaints too just to risk the hazard of such a step. Besides, he was not sorry to see the derelict Congress aroused by bayonets to a proper sense of its duty toward the suffering army. The commander-in-chief had great confidence in Wayne, and rec ommended him to get from the revolters a statement of their grievances, which he promised in a candid spirit to lay before Congress and the general assembly of Pennsylvania. Accordingly, on halting at Princeton, the mutineers presented a written programme of their demands to Wayne, who immediately forwarded it to Congress. Sir Henry Clinton received news of the revolt of the American troops simultane ously with Washington, and, thinking the opportunity favorable for gaining over the mutineers to the British cause, sent two emissaries to Princeton to treat with them. At the same time, mustering his troops and ships at New York, he pre pared to take advantage of the auspicious result which he anticipated. The emis saries (a British sergeant and one Ogden, a tory of New Jersey) presented them selves with a document, in which Sir Hen ry promised the insurgents their arrears of pay, including the amount of the de J. */ O preciation of the continental currency in their possession, in gold, good clothing, a free pardon for all past offences, and the protection of the British government, if they would lay down their arms and march to New York, where no military service, unless voluntary, would be re quired of them. This proposition was re jected by the Pennsylvania line to a man, with scorn, and the document delivered up to Wayne. The British emissaries, however, were retained by the revolters until their demands should have a hear ing from the state. Philadelphia was in a state of great agi tation when the two officers despatched by General Wayne galloped into the city with news of the revolt. Joseph Reed, the president of Pennsylvania, accompa nied by some of the civil officers and a committee of Congress, and escorted by a mounted guard, hastened forward to meet the disalfected troops. It was, how ever, thought inexpedient to trust them selves among them ; and Reed halted at Trenton, whence he wrote to Wayne, that, after the treatment of the marquis Lafayette and General St. Clair, who had been peremptorily ordered away from the rebellious camp, whither they had gone to interpose their good offices, he could 824 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PAKT II. not venture to put himself in the power of the excited soldiery. This letter was read aloud by "Wayne to the troops, and evidently with a favor able effect. Thronging about the mes senger who had brought it, the men anx iously inquired if the president was un friendly to them ; while some did not hesi tate to express their aversion to the affair in which they were engaged. Finding, however, that the mutineers had rejected the wily proffers of Sir Hen ry Clinton, and trusting to their patriot ism, Reed no longer hesitated to meet them. " I have but one life to lose," he wrote to the executive council of Penn sylvania, " and my country has the first claim to it." But no such sacrifice was exacted from the patriotic president. On approaching Princeton, Reed was received with all the military honors : the mutineers were drawn up in full array, with arms presented ; and the artillery would have fired a jubilant salute, had it not been prevented, lest it might alarm the country. A conference ensued, when terms were agreed upon, by which the revolters, having been guarantied a re dress of their grievances, returned to duty. The emissaries of the British command er were now brought forward and deliv ered up to General Wayne. "See, com rades," exclaimed one of the leaders in the mutiny, " Clinton takes us for traitors ! Let us show him that the American army can furnish but Q^Q Arnold, and that Amer ica has no truer friends than we." The emissaries were subsequently tried, con demned as spies, and hung. Sir Henry thus found that the American soldiers. however loose in discipline, were firm in patriotism. He might have spared his attempts at corruption, had he called to mind the total failure of the proclamation of Arnold, who was in every respect his master in the art. But the fidelity of these soldiers did not stop with the seizure of the emissa ries. When the reward of fifty guineas each, which had been offered by General Wayne for the apprehension of the British agents, was proffered to the two sergeants who brought them to the commander, they refused it, saying, " Necessity wrung from us the act of demanding justice from Congress, but we desire no reward for do ing our duty to our adopted country !" The ill example of the Pennsylvanians was soon followed by some of the New- Jersey troops. In the middle of Inn OQ the night, a portion of the line, nearly three hundred in number, then sta tioned at Pornpton, revolted, claiming the same privileges which had been conceded to the Pennsylvanians, whose success was well calculated to encourage the same conduct in others. Washington, howev er, who justly feared the effect of the in dulgent treatment of the first mutineers, was resolved to act more summarily with the New-Jersey troops. He accordingly despatched General Robert Howe, at the head of five hundred men of the Massa chusetts line, to force the malcontents to unconditional submission. At dawn of day, General Howe halted within sight of the mutinous camp at Pompton. Here, with some anx iety lest his men, fraternizing with their rebellious comrades, should re- Jau. 27. REVOLUTIONARY.] EXECUTION OF MUTINEERS AT POMFPOX. 825 fuse to comply, he ordered his troops to load. Each soldier obeyed with alacrity, when Howe harangued his troops, and de clared to them that the mutineers were to be brought to unconditional submis sion. Two fieldpieces were then drawn forward, and the men ordered to surround the huts in which the revolters had their winter encampment, and where they were mostly asleep at that early hour. The general now sent his aid-de-camp to summon the mutineers to appear on parade unarmed, in front of their huts, within five minutes. The time passed, and none showed themselves. Another messenger was sent to repeat the order. It was instantaneously obeyed. Every man presented himself as he had been ordered, unarmed and without the least show of resistance. Three of the ring leaders were at once singled out, and, be ing tried by the court-martial, standing grim and cold on the spot, covered deep with snow, were condemned to be imme diately shot. Twelve of the most guilty of their comrades were selected to be the executioners ; and, when ordered to load their muskets, they burst into an agony of tears, at the dreadful office to which they had been condemned. The first criminal was a sergeant, and an old offender. He was led a few yards distant, and placed on his knees. Six of the twelve executioners fired at the first signal, three aiming at the head and three at the breast. Their shots were ineffect ual ; when the other six, who had been reserved for such an emergency, fired and put an end to the sufferings of the vic tim. The second culprit was killed in- 104 stantaneously by the first fire ; and the third, in the moment of expected death, was pardoned by the intercession of his officers. Sir Henry Clinton had, in this instance, made another desperate effort to tamper with the patriotism of the mutineers, but found his last attempt no less futile than his previous ones. Thus ended the mem orable mutiny of 1781 in the American army, which so greatly alarmed the fears of the patriots and so greatly encouraged the hopes of their enemies. The result, however, served to prove more than ever the strength of the cause of America, for it exhibited the most unruly and discon tented of her people firm and constant in loyalty to their country These events, moreover, aroused the people and Congress to more vigorous action ; and efforts hitherto unprecedent ed were made to raise money and supply the wants of the army. Taxes were im posed, and cheerfully acquiesced in ; and during the year(1781) the "Bank of North America" was established at Philadelphia, under the supervision of Robert Morris, a wealthy merchant of that city, to whose superintendence Congress had recently intrusted the national treasury. There can be little doubt that it was principally owing to the financial operations of this distinguished patriot that the American army was not disbanded by its own act, and that Congress was enabled to com mence offensive operations on the open ing of the spring campaign for this year. He assumed the collection of taxes, and the supply of the army with flour ; and he likewise used his private fortune and 826 BATTLES OF AMERICA. his personal credit, without stint, to sus tain the government* Efforts had previously been made to negotiate loans of money and obtain mili tary supplies in different parts of Europe. Spain had loaned only fourteen thousand dollars, when nearly half a million was the amount asked ; and France seemed to feel that she had done quite enough in sending her fleets and armies to Amer ica. Colonel John Laurens, son of the ex-president of Congress, was, in this ex tremity, sent, on a special commission to France ; and, contrary to usual etiquette, he presented his memorial in person to the king. He succeeded in obtaining a subsidy of six millions of livres (one mil lion two hundred thousand dollars), with a further sum by way of loan, and guar anty for a Dutch loan of five millions of guilders (two millions of dollars). This was intimated as being the very last pe cuniary aid that could be granted to the United States.* CHAPTER XCVI. Lord Cornwallis on the Heels of Morgan. His Escape. Interposition of Providence. General Greene to the Relict. Promptitude in Business. A Hard Gallop. Greene on the Catawba. Hope in Misery. Cornwallis crosses the River. A Dangerous Ford. The British in the Dark. The American Riflemen. A Bare Escape. A Noble Charger. Tarleton in Pursuit. A Parthian Shot. Greene in Danger. At Stcele s Tavern. Penniless and hungry. Generos ity of a Female Patriot. Flight and Pursuit. The British brought to a Halt. The Yadkin. Greene at Guilford Courthouse. His Tactics. 1781. LORD CORNWALLIS, having disen cumbered himself of his baggage, as already related, was able to push for ward in pursuit of General Morgan with great rapidity. He was, however, so bent upon coming up with his energetic ene my, that, quickly as his whole army was moving, he yet detached a body of light- troops to hasten on in advance. Not a moment was lost; and, by forced marches night and day, the detachment succeeded in making such rapid progress, that it was Boon at the heels, with every prospect of immediately overtaking, Morgan and his men. The American general, too, was spar- * Losbing. ing no effort to escape from his formida ble pursuers ; but, encumbered as he was with the wounded, the prisoners, and the captured baggage, his progress was neces sarily slower than that of his adversary. Nevertheless, rapid as had been the move ments of Cornwallis, his lordship, in de stroying his heavy baggage and making other preparations for the pursuit, had consumed two days, which excited the censure of the more active Tarleton, and gave Morgan so much the start. The lat ter finally reached and crossed the great Catawba river, at Gowan s ford, thirty miles north from the boundary of South Carolina. The British came up in hot pur- * Sparks. REVOLUTION A UY.] CROSSING THE CATAWBA. 827 Jan. 23, suit just two hours after he had touched the opposite bank of the stream. It be ing late at night, and feeling con fident of his prey, as he had been at Trenton more than four years before, the earl deferred his passage until morn ing. But during the night the river had so swollen by a sudden and heavy rain, that it was impassable. Morgan was safe, and with pious enthusiasm gratefully ac knowledged that his escape was due to a specinl interposition of Providence. The waters of the rivers continuing to overflow for two days, gave Morgan an opportunity of sending off the prisoners toward Virginia which he had taken at Cowpens, and mustering the North-Caro lina militia of the neighborhood to defend the fords of the Catawba. General Greene, at his camp on the Great Pedee, heard of the " glorious ac tion" at Cowpens, and soon afterward of the rapid movements of Lord Cornwallis. Finding Morgan hard pushed, he deter mined to hasten to his relief. Business pressed in upon him at the moment of departure, but the prompt and energetic Greene was equal to every emergency. Word came that a British squadron had entered the Cape-Fear river, and landed troops at Wilmington, in North Carolina. Their object was doubtless to co-operate with Earl Cornwallis, and measures were taken to prevent it. The southern states were to be called to duty in the crisis; and accordingly despatches were written and sent forward to the governors of Vir ginia and the Carolinas, urgently entreat ing them to furnish aid in men, money, and provisions. Baron Steuben, who was in Virginia, pursuing Arnold toward the seaboard, was urged by letter to hasten forward his recruits for the southern army. The mountaineers, who had been led to victory by Campbell at King s mountain, were besought to rally again from their homes beyond the Alleghanies to the res cue of their country. The Virginia mili tia were quickly put in marching trim, and sent forward to take charge of Mor gan s prisoners and conduct them to their own state, whither they themselves were about to return, as their term of service would soon expire. Provisions were col lected, magazines established, stores re moved to places of safe deposite, detach ments called in, and all the complicated details of preparation for a campaign, promptly but efficiently accomplished by the resolute Greene. In his impatience to be with Morgan, Greene did not await the marching of his troops, but hurried on in advance, leaving General Huger, of South Carolina, in com mand, with orders to proceed by forced marches to Salisbury, which was agreed upon as the rendezvous for the whole ar my. The general-in-chief, accompanied only by an aid-de-camp, a guide, and a ser geant s guard of dragoons, rode on in all haste to join Morgan, whom he reached at Sherrard s ford, after a hard gallop of a hundred miles through a rough country from his encampment op posite Cheraw, a little below the bound ary-line between the Carolinas. General Greene found but seventeen hundred men, including the militia, mus tered under Morgan ; while Cornwallis, now come up with his main body, was only 828 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART n. hindered by the still swollen waters from crossing the Catawba, and bringing into action his much more formidable force of twenty-five hundred. The condition of the American troops was not encoura- o-iri"- "More than half our numbers," o O wrote Greene, " are in a manner naked ; so much so, that we can not put them on the least kind of duty. Indeed, there is a great number that have not a rag of clothes on them, except a little piece of blanket, in the In dian form, around their u aists" Yet such was the undaunted spirit of their com mander, that almost at the same moment he could thus cheerfully express himself in regard to the future : " I am not with out hopes of ruining Lord Cornwallis, if he persists in his mad scheme of pushing through the country." His lordship was pursuing a course similar to that of Bur- goyne, in 1777; and what the action at Bennington had been to the latter, the battle of Cowpens was likely to prove to the former. The Catawba was falling fast, and the enemy were eagerly watching for an op portunity to cross. Greene did not pro pose to dispute the passage, but deter mined to retard it with a few militia, in order to give his main body an opportu nity of securing a safe retreat. His only policy, with his meager and ill-conditioned force, was to retire before his formidable antagonist until he could form a junction with the rest of his troops on their march to Salisbury. The river having now become fordable, both armies made ar rangements to move accordingly. The general-in-chief ordered Morgan to march Jan, 31, in the evening with the main body, and make all speed away, while he himself remained behind to superintend the op erations at the river. Two hundred of the militia were distributed at the vari ous fords ; while the rest, some three hun dred in number, skilful riflemen, under General Davidson, were stationed along the banks of the stream, in order to watch the movement of the enemy, and harass them whenever and wherever they should cross. Cornwallis wisely chose the night for making the passage ; and, in order to de ceive the Americans, he sent a detach ment, under Colonels Webster and Tarle- ton, to cross without concealment at Beat- tie s ford, as if this were the chosen route, while he should throw his main body si lently over at Gowan s. Hoping to find this unfrequented ford without guard, his van bewail to cross at one o clock in the o morning. The night was exces- . 1 el), I, sively (Lark and rainy. General Davidson, however, not deceived by the earl s manoeuvre, was on the alert, on the opposite bank of the river, with his rifle men hid under the cover of the woods, ready to meet the enemy with their fatal and unexpected fire. The British troops found they could not move with the ease and rapidity that they expected. The approach to the ford was through a woody swamp ; and the wheels sank so deeply into the marsh, that great delay w r as occasioned in get ting the artillery-carriages forward. The van of the troops, however, passed on into the river, followed immediately by Corn wallis in person, as it was feared that the REVOLUTIONARY.] TARLETON AFTER THE FUGITIVES. 829 Btrearn might again become so swollen by the rain which was falling as to render it un ford able. The Catawba at this point was about five hundred yards in width; and the cur rent was so rapid, and the bed of the river so rough with loose stones, that the men were obliged to support each other by keeping in close ranks, lest they should be thrown down and swept away by the stream. The noisy turbulence of the wa ters, and the exceeding darkness of the night, prevented their approach from be ing discovered until they had proceeded nearly halfway across, when an American sentry, having first challenged them three times, fired. The guide, hearing the whistling of the balls, and finding that the ford was guard ed, suddenly became alarmed and fled, leaving the troops to find their way over by themselves. Colonel Hale, who led the van at the head of the grenadiers, forbidding his men to fire till they should land, immediately pushed on ; and, not knowing the direction of the ford, which crossed diagonally, he followed a straight course, by which his men, though obliged to flounder through much deeper water, succeeded in crossing in safety, and land ing at a point where they were unexpect ed by Davidson and his militia. The Brit ish were thus saved from meeting the fire of the American riflemen, and its effect was accordingly much less disastrous, al though three of the enemy were killed and thirty-six wounded by the first vol ley. Colonel Hale was shot down as his horse was springing to the bank. Lord Cornwallis himself had a narrow escape, for a rifle-ball wounded his horse in the midst of the stream, although the spirited animal bore his rider safely to the shore, and then fell dead. General Davidson now shifted his po sition, in order to give his men a more direct aim; but, in making the movement, he was brought between the light of his own fires and the advancing columns of the British, who had landed in numbers. Before he could form, the enemy pressed forward, and, having killed or wounded about forty of the Americans, put the re mainder to flight. Davidson himself was shot dead while mounting his horse to follow his little band of riflemen. No sooner had Cornwallis crossed the Catawba, than he ordered Tarleton in pur suit of the fugitives. This bold colonel of dragoons was immediately in his saddle, and, pushing on with full speed at the head of his troopers, soon came upon the traces of those whom he sought. About a hundred of the militia, having reached a tavern some ten miles from the river, in cautiously tarried there to refresh them selves. Suddenly the videttes came gal loping in, with the cry, "Tarleton is upon us !" The militia hurried to their horses, and had scarcely mounted, when, surely enough, the British dragoons were seen hastening down the road. The American riflemen, checking their steeds a moment, rose in their stirrups, and, turning upon their enemy, fired one volley from their never-missing rifles, and then galloped ofi at full speed. Tarleton, angered by this Parthian shot, by which seven of his dra goons and twenty horses had fallen, now quickened his pace, and succeeded in com 830 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART u. ing up with some of the laggards in the rear, who were badly mounted, and cut- tin" 1 down about a score of them. O General Greene himself, accompanied only by his suite of officers, was but seven miles farther on the road, where Tarleton could have readily captured him had he known of his whereabouts. The Ameri- < can commander awaited the arrival of Da vidson and his men, but waited in vain, until midnight, when finally, with a heavy heart, he rode on to Salisbury. "As Greene made his appearance at Steele s tavern," says his biographer, who describes the incident, " the disordered state of his garments, the stiffness of his limbs, the languor of His movements, the dejection of his mood and manner, became painfully apparent to every eye. Ap proaching him, as he alighted from his horse, his friend Doctor Read addressed him with inquiries of most anxious solici tude; to which he replied, not able to re press his anguish, that he came alone, ex hausted, penniless, and hungry. The re ply did not escape the ears of the excel lent landlady. His breakfast was soon prepared and smoking; and he had scarce ly finished it, when she presented herself; closed the door of the apartment, and, producing a small bag of specie in each hand, she forced them upon him. " Take them, said the noble woman; you will need, and I can do without the money. " Never did help come at a better sea son. An acquisition so important to the public service was not to be rejected through scruples of mere delicacy ; and Greene rose from the breakfast-table, no Feb. 2. longer penniless no longer succumbing to the condition which had made him feel himself so utterly alone."* From Salisbury, Greene (having first sent word to General Huger to hasten on with his division of the army to Guilford courthouse) rode forward to join Morgan, whom he overtook in the even ing, just as he was about crossing the Yadkin. Lord Cornwallis was push ing on close after him ; and an advance detachment, under General O Hara, came up so rapidly, that it overtook the rear of the Americans, with whom it had a brisk skirmish as they were crossing the river. Greene having, by a happy foresight, se cured all the boats and "flats," and the rains in the meanwhile having flooded the stream so as to render it unfordable, the British had the provocation, as previously at the Catawba, of beholding their enemy passing over during the night and early the next morning, without being able to follow or harass them. General O Hara, however, succeeded in capturing a few baggage-wagons, which the Americans were unable to take across before he ar rived. Earl Cornwallis, on coming up to the western bank of the Yadkin, and finding it impracticable to cross at that point, inarched along the shore for a distance of twenty-five miles, until he reached the upper fords, which still remained passable. He now crossed the river, and commenced a rapid pursuit o* the Americans, determined to force them to fight before they could get reinforce ments from Virginia. His lordship s de- * Simms. Feb. 3, R EVOLUTION ART.] THE FLIGHT ACROSS THE DAN. 831 Fcl), 7, lay enabled Greene and Morgan to reach Guilford courthouse and refresh their troops, where two days af terward they were joined by General lin ger with his division, whose march from the Pedee had been one of great trial and suffering. General Greene s object was not mere ly to escape from Cornwallis, but also to entice him forward in pursuit, with the hope of getting him into the interior of the country, where his resources would be exhausted, and the inhabitants would rise in resistance. Thus, the American commander halted at the Catawba until the British were able to march; and then, again, he lingered on the banks of the Yadkin. Cornwallis, having forded the river, encamped at Salem, on the same side of the Yadkin with the Americans, and about twenty-five miles from Guil ford courthouse, then the capital of Guil ford county, North Carolina, where Gen eral Greene had halted with his army. CHAPTER XCYII. To fight, or not to fight? Retreat of General Greene continued. Across the Dan. The Light-Corps. Ingenious Rnse. Good Service. Otho Williams. Suffering from Cold. Blood on the Ground. Cornwallis retires to Hillsborough. A Patriotic Woman. Watching the Enemy. Greene recrosses the Dan. A Campaign in North Carolina. Pick- ens and Lee after Tarleton. Attempt at a Surprise. The Enemy gone ! Another Attempt. Enemies for Friends. Success. A Bloody Conflict. No Mercy. 1781, THE self-reliant Greene, with un usual deference to the opinion of others, called a council of war, and sub mitted to his officers the question wheth er it was expedient to fight the enemy. The Americans numbered but two thou sand and thirty-six men fit for duty. The British were three thousand. The latter were all well-disciplined regulars, fully supplied with provisions, clothing, and ammunition, and in perfect fighting or der. About five hundred of the former were militia, and all were but half clothed, half fed, and much discouraged by their long flight. The council, with one mind, agreed that it was expedient to continue the retreat to Virginia. Greene s purpose was now with the ut most despatch to reach the river Dan, which, rising in the mountains of Yirginia, flows in its winding course into North Carolina, and thence back again into the former state. He hoped, by crossing this stream, and putting its waters between him and his pursuers, to gain sufficient time to gather such reinforcements as would enable him to stem the progress of, and perhaps drive back, the formidable Cornwallis. The American commander, with his usual foresight, had made pro vision for a supply of boats, and was thus enabled to direct his course over the low er and deeper part of the Dan ; while his enemy, unconscious of his resources, be- BATTLES OF AME1UCA. [PAKT II. lieved that his only practicable route was across the upper fords, which alone were passable in that season of freshet. To protect his retreat, and to conceal its direction from the enemy, General Greene formed a light-corps of seven hun dred men, made up of some of the choicest infantry under Lieutenant-Colonel How ard ; of Lee s legion, which had joined Huger on his march to Guilford court house ; of the cavalry of Colonel Wash ington ; and of a few mounted militia ri flemen. While Greene hurried forward with the main body to the Dan, the light- corps was ordered to keep between him and Cornwallis, and so to direct its move ments as to give the enemy the idea that it composed the rear of the army, and was pursuing the same route, while its course should be devious, and tending as it were to the upper fords of the river. The command of this corps was offered to General Morgan, but he refused it, as he had determined to retire from the ar my, in consequence of illness.* Colonel Otho Williams, of Maryland, was then ap pointed. The service of these troops, under their spirited and skilful commander, was of signal benefit. Lord Cornwallis was de luded by the judicious manoeuvres of Wil liams. While the light-corps was now here and now there at one time halting for a skirmish with the British vanguard, and again retiring before the approach of the main body his lordship believed that Morgan soon after resigned his commission. In 1794, lie commanded the militia of Virginia, called out to aid in suppressing the whiskey insurrection in Pennsylvania, and continued in the service until the following year. He was alter ward elected to a seat in Congress. He died in 1799. he had the whole American army before him, and concentrated all his attention upon Colonel Williams and his seven hun dred men. Greene, in the meantime, was pursuing his route to the river Dan, without the least obstruction from the enemy. Other difficulties, however, beset him on his toil some and painful march. The cold had become intense, and the rough roads fro zen so hard, that the soldiers, who were generally barefoot, left the tracks of their bruised feet in blood upon the ground ! Clothing was so scarce, that few of the men had coats to their backs ; and in the best-supplied corps a single blanket was the allowance of covering during those nights of winter for four men. But the troops bore up manfully against every trial, and after a weary march of four days they reached Irwin s ferry, on the river Dan, seventy miles from Guilford. Here boats were found in readiness, and General Greene imme diately threw his army across the river; while he sent word to Williams to come up with his light detachment. With con summate skill and daring, this brave sol dier had kept his handful of troops far in the rear of his commander, and almost in the very grasp of Lord Cornwallis. He had now a march of forty miles to make, with the whole British army after him, before he could reach the western bank of the Dan. These forty miles, along a deep and broken road, incrusted with ice, Williams accomplished in four-and-twenty hours. Lee, who brought up the rear of the de tachment, crossed the ferry (Boyd s) with Feb. 13. BKVOLDTIOXARY.] GENERAL GREENE RECROSSES THE DAN. 833 Fcb, 14. his last troop of horse, at nine o clock at night, and landed on the eastern bank, as the British dragoons in advance rode down to the shore which he had just left! "So tangible was the hand of Providence in this," says Lossing, " that it was regarded throughout the whole country as a mark of special favor to the American cause, and in no small degree strengthened the hopes of the re publicans. During this retreat of nearly two hundred miles, not a single man de serted from the American ranks. This fact is well established by official reports, yet a late British writer has asserted that the militia had nearly all deserted Gen eral Greene when he reached the Dan." Lord Cornwallis thus foiled in his at tempt to overtake Greene, and finding it neither easy nor safe to follow him into Virginia, sullenly retired southward from the banks of the Dan to Hillsborough, in North Carolina. Here he established a camp, raised the royal standard, and by proclamation invited the inhabitants to repair to it. The loyalists of Hillsbor- oiiffh and its neighborhood did not come o o forward to enroll themselves as freely as was expected. " Hundreds," wrote Colo nel Tarleton, " rode into the camp to talk over the proclamation, inquire the news of the day, and take a view of the king s troops. Some of the more zealous prom ised to raise companies, and even regi ments, but their followers and depend ants were slow to enlist." His lordship accordingly sent Tarleton, with five hun dred troops, to beat up the country be tween Haw and Deep Rivers, for loyal recruits. 105 In the meanwhile, General Greene was refreshing and strengthening his wearied army in the fertile county of Halifax, in Virginia, and in the midst of a friendly population. Apprized of the movement of Cornwallis, by means of a white hand kerchief, which a patriotic woman dis played on the opposite side of the Dan, according to her promise, showing the departure of the enemy, Greene now de spatched across the river a body of light> troops, under Pickens and Lee, to watch their manoeuvres. Soon after, he himself followed with his whole army, anxious to counteract, if possible, by a show of force, the influence which Cornwallis, according to an exaggerated rumor, was exercising upon the inhabit ants of North Carolina, to whom even the patriots were disposed to submit while there was no army in the state to sustain their cause. Pickens and Lee had been ordered to gain the front of Cornwallis; to place themselves as close to him as safety would permit; to interrupt his communication with the country; to repress the medi tated rising of the loyalists ; and, at all events, to intercept any party of them which might attempt to join the enemy. Greene was so anxious that his plans should be faithfully executed, that, re gardless of danger and fatigue, he crossed the Dan in advance of his army, accom panied only by a small escort of cavalry, and rode on until he overtook Pickens and Lee, with whom he passed the night in busy consultation. Early the next day he was again across the river, preparing to move his army from its comfortable 834 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART 11. quarters in Virginia, and once more ex pose them to the trials and uncertainties of a campaign in North Carolina. In the meantime, Pickens and Lee, on the alert for service, eagerly caught at the news, brought in by a scout, that Tarleton was out with horse, foot, and ar tillery, and was moving toward the Haw. Pickens and Lee resolved on an attempt at a surprise, and hastened to the river, which they forded on hearing that Tarle ton had already crossed. A countryman was overtaken at noon by the roadside, from whom it was learned that the British colonel was encamped only three miles in advance, where, with his horses unsaddled, he was apparently resting in confident se curity. Lee and Pickens were now hope ful of success, and, immediately disposing their troops in order for attack, cautiously moved through the woods to the place where they expected to pounce upon an unsuspecting enemy. The movement was conducted prompt ly and carefully, and without an untoward occurrence they soon came in sight of the farm and farmhouse, the " expected thea tre of glory," when, lo and behold ! the enemy had gone. Two of Tarle ton s staff- officers, however, who had remained be hind to settle for provisions, were taken prisoners ; and from them it was learned that their commander would not proceed more than six miles farther. It was de termined therefore to follow at once, and make another effort to entrap the wily colonel of dragoons. In order to give success to this second attempt, it was resolved, if possible, to pass as a reinforcement sent from Hills- borough to the aid of Tarleton. The two British officers who had been captured were placed in the centre of the cavalry, and ordered to give color to the decep tion ; while the sergeant in charge was directed to shoot them down at once, in case of the least demonstration to the con trary. The country-people, though famil iar with the sight of the British troops, were less likely to detect the stratagem, since Lee s legion, both cavalry and infan try, with their short green coats and their accoutrements, had very much the look of the enemy s lightrcorps. The effect of the ruse was soon mani fest. Two young Carolina loyalists came riding up the road, and, being accosted by the hoi semen in advance, in their assumed character of British officers, expressed their joy at the meeting, and freely de clared that they had been sent forward to find out Tarleton s encampment by Colo nel Pyle, who was on his way with four hundred loyalists to join that officer. While the two young men were being conducted to Lieutenant-Colonel Lee, Pickens was requested to keep his rifle men on the left flank, well concealed in the woods, as the green twigs in their hats (which the southern patriot militia always wore as a distinguishing mark) would cause them to be recognised, and defeat the stratagem. Lee so skilfully kept up the deception, that the youths took him for Tarleton himself. One of them was now sent back with the compliments of the pretended British colonel, and a request to Colonel Pyle that he would draw out his troops along the margin of the road, in order to REVOLUTIONARY.] LEE S RUSE. SLAUGHTER OF THE LOYALISTS. 835 give room for the expected British force to pass at once without delay. The -oth er tory was kept by the side of Lee him self as a guide; and, as they rode on to gether, the youthful loyalist was profuse in his expression of respectful devotion to the fictitious Tarleton, and full of glee at the prospect of the junction with Colo nel Pyle. In the meantime, his comrade, who had but a short distance to go, gal loped back, after having successfully ac complished his errand. He brought word from the tory commander that he would " be happy to comply with the wishes of Colonel Tarleton." Colonel Pyle and his loyalists were now soon in sight, on the right of the road, drawn up as had been requested by the pretended Tarleton. Lee had concluded, as he himself states, "to make known to the colonel his real character as soon as he should confront him, with a solemn as surance of his and his associates perfect exemption from injury, with the choice of returning to their homes, or of taking a more generous part, by uniting with the defenders of their common country against the common foe." But, unfortunately for Pyle, the position of his troops, on the right side of the road, made it necessary for Lee to pass along the whole line of the loyalists before he could reach him at the head of his men. The loyalists presented a fair array of sturdy yeomen, mounted on good, ser viceable nags, and with their rifles and fowling-pieces slung across their right shoulders. They were advantageously placed for the republicans, in the event of a sudden discovery of the ruse; for the muzzles of their pieces being in an oppo site direction to the approach of Lee s cav alry, they could not fire without a change in their position, which was not very easy to be effected, with a body of dragoons, with drawn swords, " close in with their horses heads." " I passed along the line," writes Lee, " at the head of the column, with a smi ling countenance, dropping occasionally expressions complimentary to the good looks and commendable conduct of my loyalist friends. At length I reached Colo nel Pyle, when the customary civilities were promptly interchanged. Grasping Pyle by the hand, I was in the act of con summating my plan, when the enemy s left, discovering Pickens s militia, not suf ficiently concealed, began to fire upon the rear of the cavalry commanded by Captain Eggleston. This officer instantly turned upon the foe, as did immediately after the whole column. " The conflict was quickly decided, and bloody on one side only. Ninety of the royalists were killed, and most of the sur vivors wounded. Dispersing in every di rection, not being pursued, these escaped. During this sudden rencontre, in some parts of the line the cry of Mercy ! was heard, coupled with the assurance of be ing our best friends ; but no expostulation could be admitted in a conjuncture so criti cal. Humanity even forbade it, as its first injunction is to care for your own; and our safety was not compatible with that of the supplicants, until disabled to offend. Pyle, falling under many wounds, was left on the field as dying, and yet he survived. We lost not a man, and only one horse." 836 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART 11. CHAPTER XCVIII. Lee and Pickens up with Tavleton. His Escape. Lord Cornwallis thwarted. He shifts his Quarters. General Greene in Pursuit. Success of the Guerilla Leaders. Williams pursued. Greene reinforced. Repose. Policy of the Tories. Greene at Guilford Courthouse. He awaits Battle. Cornwallis accepts the Challenge. Tarleton put to Flight. Renewal of the Engagement. Order of Battle. First Success of the British. Charge of Colonel Washington. A Desperate Manoeuvre of Cornwallis. Friends and Foes. Hard-earned Victory of the Enemy. Orderly Retreat of the Americans. The Losses. A Terrible Night. 1781. LEE S troopers, while their sabres were dripping with the blood of Colonel Pyle s loyalists, were again on the road, led by their spirited commander, still panting for action. Tarleton, whom Lee was always most eager to meet, was within a few miles of him; and he now hastened to overtake him. A short ride brought the leading horseman in sight of the British camp. As soon as Pickens came up with his militia, the two com manders consulted anxiously together. The sun was setting, and for awhile Lee and Pickens hesitated whether im mediate action, even at that late hour, was not the most eligible. The troops, however, being fatigued, and the night fast approaching, it was determined to put off the attack until the next day. Sev eral hours before dawn, Lee and his le gion were in their saddles, and, lighted by naming pine-torches, advanced along the road to reconnoitre. Tarleton was equally on the alert. He andhisofficers,having supped gayly,were anxiously longing for the dawn of day, that they might revenge themselves for the slaughter of Pyle s tories, when a mes senger rode in haste from Lord Cornwal lis, with orders for Tarleton to recross the Haw without delay. Soon after, came two other hurried riders, on the same mission, so fearful was his lordship (who had heard of Greene s return to North Carolina, and of the movements of Lee and Pickens) lest his indispensable colo nel of dragoons should be surprised and cut off with all his force. Tarleton now, in obedience to orders, thought only of escape, and by a prompt movement suc ceeded in crossing the Haw before Lee and Pickens could come up with him. He then rejoined in safety the main body of the British, under Cornwallis. The earl was so thwarted in his plans by the return of Greene to Carolina, and the terror produced in the country by the bloody catastrophe of the royalists under Pyle, that he was forced to change his tactics. The tories, moreover, were so discouraged, that few were now wil ling to serve ; and many, who had already corne out to join his lordship, returned to their homes, prudently to await the issue of events. Finding himself, as he wrote, "among timid friends, and adjoining to inveterate rebels," at Hillsborough, he re solved to shift his quarters, and march in to a neighborhood where he hoped to find stronger and more srenerous adherents of o O REVOLUTIONARY.] GREENE REINFORCED. PRELIMINARY MOVEMENTS. 837 Feb. 26, the royal cause. Accordingly, the British commander crossed the Haw with his army, and took a posi tion near Allamance creek. General Greene, following the move of Lord Cornwallis, crossed the Haw near its source, and encamped between Trou blesome creek and Reedy fork, about fif teen miles above the British position. At the same time, the American commander threw out his light-corps under Colonel Williams, aided by Pickens and Lee, to hover near the enemy. These active gue rilla leaders met with their usual success. Rapidly moving here and there about the foe, they harassed him in every possible manner cutting oif his supplies, inter cepting his messengers, capturing his for- aging-parties, skirmishing with his ad vanced troops, embarrassing his marches, and exhausting not only his resources, but his spirit and patience. His lordship, tired of this annoyance, strove to surprise Williams s force, and by a sudden blow to crush it at once while too remote to de rive any support from the main body un der Greene ; or to steal a march upon the former, and, interposing himself between the two, force the latter into action in de fence of the advanced detachment. Williams, though uninformed of this movement of Cornwallis, was so vigilant ly guarded, that the approach of his lordship was discovered when within two miles of the camp. A rapid mase ensued across Reedy fork to Wet- zul s mills. Williams, however, with his start ahead, succeeded in distancing his competitor, and, gaining the opposite side of the stream, strove to hold his ground, March G, but was obliged to give way before the superior numbers of the British. In the meanwhile, General Greene, having been informed, by a timely message from Wil liams, of the approach of Cornwallis, had retreated across the Haw, where he was soon joined by Williams, whom the enemy had ceased to pursue. General Greene encamped on Trouble some creek, and awaited reinforcements. Soon came in Lieutenant-Colonel Greene, with his new levies ; Brigadier-General Lawson, with the Virginia militia ; Camp bell, Preston, and Lynch, with their corps, six hundred strong; followed by the mi litia of North Carolina, under the com mand of Brigadier-Generals Butler and Eaton. Thus was mustered a force of four thousand five hundred in all, horse, foot, and artillery, of which sixteen hun dred men were regulars, though mostly raw recruits. Greene, glad of the oppor tunity given him by the temporary inac tivity of Cornwallis, gave his troops re pose, and sought to drill and organize his new levies for the conflict, which he did not care long to postpone, now that he was reinforced, and well supplied with stores and provisions. Hitherto, the fluctuations in numbers, of Greene s little army, caused by the in stability of the militia, who were chiefly volunteers and who, the general said, "after every little skirmish, went home to tell the news" had led him to be ex ceedingly cautious and circumspect, and to employ the Fabian policy of warfare which he had learned from Washington ; but,now that he had substantial reinforce ments, in regular recruits from Virginia 838 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART n. and North Carolina, he felt strong enough to oope with Cornwallis, and earnestly de sired an engagement. His lordship, failing in his attempt to interpose himself between Williams and Greene, and thus force the latter to a dis advantageous conflict, retired to Bell s mill, on Deep river, where, in the repose of the camp, he sought to refresh his troops, until an opportunity should offer to try his strength with his energetic an tagonist. The British army under his immediate command now amounted to only two thousand four hundred men, a force too small to be frittered away by skirmishing, while there was no imme diate prospect of reinforcements. His lordship could only afford to expend his strength in a decisive blow. The loyal ists of the country held back their aid, in timid anxiety about the result. "They determined to repress their zeal, and to wait in quietude until the British superi ority should be manifested by signal suc cess." Greene was now prepared, and reso lutely bent upon meeting his antagonist, who had so long striven to provoke him to battle. Calling in his detachment of dragoons (which, under Colonel Lee, had been sticking close to the British camp, much to the annoyance of Cornwallis, in tercepting his messengers and darting up on his foraging-parties), and leaving his heavy baggage at the iron-works on Trou blesome creek, the American commander now moved his whole army ten miles in War. 14. advance > to Guilford courthouse. Here, taking his position within twelve miles of the camp of the enemy, Mar, 15. he calmly awaited the coming up of the earl. Lord Cornwallis did not hesitate to ac cept the challenge which was so distinctly proffered by this close advance of Greene. The whole British force was on the move at break of day, and before sunrise the advance-guards of both armies came into collision. Tarleton led the one, Lee headed the other. With the British colonel were his troopers, a corps of light-infantry, and the Hessian yo.gcrs. "Light-horse Harry" was at the head of his famous legion of horse and foot, to gether with some mountaineers and Vir ginia militia. Tarleton came riding up leisurely with his troop; and Lee, per ceiving his approach, turned his force with a rapid wheel, to get closer to the camp. The British took this sudden movement for a retreat, and, firing their pistols, came on at a quick pace, and with a loud shout charged. At this moment, Lee brought his dra goons to the right about, and fell with the whole weight of his column upon the en emy. Tarleton sounded a retreat on the instant he discovered that the supposed fugitives had turned upon him. Before he could escape, however, many of his troopers were dismounted, some of them killed, and others made prisoners, while their horses were thrown to the ground. The strong, active, and high-conditioned chargers, with the skilful horsemanship of their Virginia riders, bred to the sad dle, gave Lee s legion much the superior ity in every contest with the cavalry of Tarleton, who was forced to content him self with any sorry animal that he could R EVOLUTIONARY.] BATTLE OF GUILFORD COURTHOUSE. 839 pick up, while his troopers knew nothing of riding but what they had learned in the barrack-school. Not a single Ameri can soldier or horse was injured in the encounter. Tarleton fled with rapidity, hard pressed by Lee, w r ho continued in pursuit until he caught sight of the British guards coining up, when he ordered his cavalry to retire. The legion infantry, however, supported by some Virginia riflemen, coming to his rescue, Lee soon came to a stand, and, after a sharp action with the guards (as he found Cornwallis approaching), again withdrew toward the main body. In the meanwhile, Greene had drawn up his army in three lines on a wooded height near Guilford courthouse. The first, composed of the North-Carolina mi litia, under Generals Butler and Eaton, was posted behind a rail-fence, with a long and narrow open field in front, and woods in the rear and on either side. At some distance in advance of the militia, on the road along which the enemy were expect ed to approach, stood two six-pounders, under Captain Singleton. Three hundred yards behind the first line, across the road, and under the cover of a deep wood, was placed the second, composed of the Vir ginia militia, under Generals Stevens and Lawson. The third line, made up of the four regiments of regulars, was thrown back several hundred yards to the rear of the second, and posted in a field on the right of the road. The two Virginia regiments formed the right wing, under the command of Huger, and the two Ma ryland the left, under Williams. Lieu tenant-Colonel Washington with his cav alry, Captain Kirkwood with the Dela ware company, and Colonel Lynch with a battalion of Virginia militia, covered the right flank ; and Lieutenant-Colonel Lee with his legion, together with some Vir ginia riflemen under Colonel Campbell, covered the left. In the rear of the whole was stationed a small park of artillery. As the head of the British came up the road, Captain Singleton opened afire from his two six-pounders in front of the Ameri can lines, which was briskly returned by a cannonade from the enemy s artillery. Cornwallis came spiritedly to the attack, rapidly forming his whole force as he ap proached into one line. The seventy-first British regiment,with the Hessian of Boxe, were on the right, commanded by General Leslie, and covered by the first battalion of the guards, under Colonel Norton. The left, under the command of Lieutenant- Colonel Webster, was composed of the twenty-third and thirty-third regiments, and covered by General O Hara with his grenadiers and the second battalion of the guards. The artillery, supported by the lightrinfantry of the guards, and i\\Q yagers (German riflemen), moved along the road in the centre ; and the cavalry in column, under Tarleton, formed a corps of obser vation and reserve behind. As the British regulars came steadily up, their undaunted look and confident shouts struck terror to the hearts of the inexperienced North Carolina militia/who, after firing, contrary to orders, some dis tant shots, turned and fled. The officers strove to rally them, but all in vain, al though not a man had been touched by the enemy s shots! Like a torrent they 840 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART n. rushed headlong through the neighboring woods, throwing away their arms, knap sacks, and even canteens ! The British advance was, however, checked awhile by Lee s legion, which came up to the sup port of the front. The second line, composed of the Vir ginia militia, stood their ground manful ly. Their commander, General Stevens, had taken the precaution to station sen tinels behind them, with orders to shoot down the first man that flinched. Open ing their ranks to allow the fugitives of the first line to make their way in their fright to the rear, the Virginians closed again, and presented such a firm front to the enemy, that they were forced to bring up a part of their reserve. The Virgin ians were, however, finally compelled to yield before the British bayonets and the charge of their cavalry ; but not until the brave General Stevens, who had hitherto kept his men so well to their work, was wounded in the thio;h. and while beinw; o / o carried off the field, ordered a retreat. Supported by Colonel Lee s legion and Campbell s riflemen, the spirited Virgin ians were able to retire in good order to the third line, where the regulars were now prepared to bear the brunt of the battle. The British troops, inspirited by their success in their attack on the front lines, came down upon the American regulars in the rear with great impetuosity. Colo nel Webster, however, who led the left wing of the enemy, was so stoutly met by the first regiment of Marylanders on the American right, that he was forced to fall back beyond a ravine in his rear, and take post on a height, until the rest of the Brit ish line came up. The second regiment of Marylanders, who were mostly raw re cruits, held their ground less firmly, and gave way before Stewart, leading on the British guards. The veterans of the first regiment of Marylanders, however, who had just driv en back Webster, came to the rescue of their flying comrades, and began a ter rific onslaught with fixed bayonets upon their pursuers. The enemy, nevertheless, fought desperately, and the issue seemed uncertain ; when Colonel Washington, ma king a charge with his cavalry, gave the Americans manifestly the advantage. In the ensuing struggle, the guards, having lost their commander (Stewart), turned and fled. At this moment, Lord Cornwallis re sorted to a desperate manoeuvre to save the fortunes of the day. He brought up his artillery, and opened a fire indiscrimi nately upon friends and foes ! Brigadier O Hara, among the bravest of the brave, ventured to remonstrate, declaring that it was suicidal. "True," replied his lord ship ; " but it is a necessary evil, which we must endure, to arrest impending de struction." The fire was renewed, and every ball discharged at the Americans endangered the life of a British soldier. Both friend and foe suffered terribly; but Cornwallis, by this desperate expedient, saved the day. The guards had a chance to rally, as their pursuers were checked by the cannonade ; and Colonel Webster, returning in the meanwhile to the attack, came up in time to throw his whole weight in their favor, and thus to gain at last the REVOLUTIONARY . LOSSES AND RESULTS OF THE CONFLICT. 841 hard-earned victory. Tarleton, in com mand of the cavalry in reserve, made a faint show of pursuit, but Cornwallis soon recalled his wearied troops. Greene was enabled to draw off his force in good or der to the bank of the Reedy fork (the small stream which ran in the rear of his position) ; and detached parties here and there, under the cover of the woods, as they retired from the field, still kept up a skirmishing fire, by which the ene my suffered severely. The conflict, which lasted nearly two hours, was one of the severest of the war. Although the enemy remained masters of the field, they were too much crippled to follow up the victory. Their soldiers, as usual, fought with great braver} 7 ; and, as Marshall justly observes, " no battle in the course of the war reflects more honor on the courage of the British troops than that of Guilford." A large part of Gen eral Greene s force was, as we have seen, untried militia; not one thousand of his men had ever seen service ; and the vet eran volunteers under Pickens had, some days previously, been despatched to South Carolina, where they were imperatively demanded to meet the " black brigades" which the British were seeking to em body in that quarter during the absence of the American army. The havoc in both armies was great. Of the British, ninety-three were killed in the action, four hundred and thirteen wounded, and twenty-six were missing. Their officers, as usual, suffered greatly. The Honorable Lieutenant-Colonel Stew art, of tho guards, and four other officers, 106 were killed. Brigadier-Generals O Hara and Howard (the latter a volunteer), Lieu tenant-Colonels Webster and Tarleton nine captains, four lieutenants, five en signs, and two adjutants, one of whom was a younger brother of the great Charles James Fox, were among the wounded. Webster s wound proved mortal, and Gen eral O Hara s recovery from his injuries was lon^ doubtful. O The loss of the Americans was more than four hundred killed and wounded, and eight or nine hundred missing; the latter were principally the North-Carolina militia, who had so disgracefully fled at the beginning of the action. Although the British claimed the vic tory, it proved a barren one, and they de plored its results as much as if it had been a defeat. "Another such would ruin the British army," said Fox, in the house of commons. Frightful was the amount of human suffering, as the English them selves admitted, by which they had ob tained their triumph. The wounded were collected as expeditiously as possible; but as they were scattered over the great ex tent of wild ground which composed the field of battle, many perished before the} 7 could be reached. The army was also destitute of tents; and there w r as not a sufficient number of houses, in that mea- gerly-settled country, to receive the suf ferers. The night which followed was in tensely dark, the rain poured down in tor rents, and the cries of the wounded and dying, sounding dismally from the field of conflict throughout every hour, struck each human heart with terror. 842 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART n. CHAPTER XCIX. General Greene still hopeful. Retreat of a Conqueror. Colonel Lee hangs on the Rear of Lord Cornwallis. Ureene again in Pursuit. A Precipitate Flight. Greene in South Carolina. Cornwallis at Wilmington. Another Cam paign. The Earl goes to Virginia. Strike the Traitor. Expedition against Arnold. Lafayette on the Move. Movements of the French Fleet. Action with the British. Disputed Victory. General Phillips in Virginia. York- town taken. Fire and Devastation. Success of Lafayette. The British at Mount Vernon. Terms. Rebuke of Washington. Movements of Cornwallis in Virginia. His Exultation. His Contempt of Lafayette. Charley. Les sons of Washington. Cautious System of Tactics. Tarleton on the Alert. 1781. GENERAL GREENE was worn in body by the fatigues and anxieties of the hard struggle at Guilford courthouse, but his resolute spirit was undismayed. From the field of battle, where fate had decided against him, he re treated to the iron-works on Troublesome creek. Here he tarried two days, in order to call in his scattered forces, and while awaiting the manoeu vres of the British commander, to make ready to meet or thwart him. "Lord Cornwallis," wrote Greene, " will not give up this country, without being soundly beaten. I wish our force was more com petent to the business." He added, how ever, more cheerfully, "But I am in hopes, by little and little, to reduce him in time." Cornwallis was in no disposition to fol low up his dearly-bought triumph at Guil ford courthouse with any immediate at tempt at another such victory. With nearly a third of his force slain, many of his best officers killed or wounded, and not a single benefit gained, he resolved, conqueror as he was, to abandon western Carolina to the possession of the Ameri cans, and retreat toward the seaboard. Accordingly, three days after his success (having first issued an exultant but inef- Mar. 18. fectual proclamation, in which he boasted of victory, called upon all good citizens to join his standard, and offered pardon to all " rebels" who should lay down their arms), his lordship destroyed all his bag gage, left his hospital and seventy of his wounded to the vanquished foe, and set out by slow marches, as befitted the condition of his maimed ar my, toward Cross creek. Greene was on the alert, and followed the retreating march of Cornwallis, and would have hastened to overtake and give him battle had he not been delayed by the want of ammunition. Lee, with his legion, and a militia-corps of riflemen, however, being sent in advance, hovered about the lagging march of the British army, which was still so prostrated by its disastrous victory, thnt hardly an attempt was made to drive off the pertinacious American skirmishers. At length, obtaining the necessary sup plies of ammunition, Greene again moved on in pursuit, and reached liam- say s mills, on the Deep river, in Chatham county, just after Cornwallis had crossed the stream. So precipitately had his lordship decamped, that some of his 28. REVOLUTIONARY.] OPERATIONS IX VIRGINIA. 843 dead lay on the ground nnburied ; and a welcome supply of fresh beef had been left behind, upon which the famishing pa triot soldiers fed voraciously. Here the American commander was stayed by the conduct of the militia, who, worn out by their march through a rough country, stripped of its meager supplies by the en emy in advance, now insisted upon their discharge, as their term of service had ex pired. Greene was compelled to forego his eager desire to overtake the earl, and, after a short repose at Ramsay s mills, found it expedient to shift the scene of action to the southward. Accordingly, with only a handful of continental troops left, he marched toward Camden, in South Carolina, where he ex pected the co-operation of those active partisans Sumter, Pickens, and Marion. Cornwallis, though among staunch loy alists in the Highland-Scotch settlements on Cross creek, finding that the country was too poor to support his troops, con tinued his march to Wilmington, at the mouth of Cape-Fear river, where Major Craig had been established with a small British force, and a large supply of stores and provisions. The earl had no sooner arrived at Wilmington, and refreshed his suffering troops, than he began, with his usual prompt energy, to make ready for another campaign. Hearing of General Greene s movement to South Carolina, he would have gone to the aid of Lord Raw- don, at Camden, to whose danger he was fearfully alive. It was too late, however, to succor him now. To remain at Wil mington was useless. His lordship there fore determined to march his small force (now consisting of only fourteen hundred and thirty-five men, so fatal had been the victory at Guilford courthouse and the subsequent retreat) through North Caro lina to Virginia, and there form a junction with Generals Phillips and Arnold. Arnold s destructive foray into Virgin ia, and his threatening attitude at Ports mouth, caused every American eagerly to desire to crush the traitor. To extin guish the malevolent power which the ability of the man rendered him so capa ble of exercising, was not the only motive, however. To punish the betrayer of his country was the desire of every patriotic heart. When, therefore, the French fleet was released from the harbor of Newport, in Rhode Island, by a furious storm which scattered the English blockading squad ron, the opportunity of striking a blow at Arnold was gladly welcomed. The chevalier de Ternay having died at Newport, M. Destouches, his successor, agreed to send a portion of his naval force to sail up the Chesapeake and blockade Arnold in Portsmouth, while Washington should despatch a detachment from his army, under the command of Lafayette, to enclose the traitor by land. Washing ton subsequently urged the French ad miral to proceed with his whole fleet and a thousand troops (the French infantry had been placed in winter-quarters atNew- port in November, and the cavalry, de tached from the legion of the duke de Lauzun, were sent to the barracks con structed at Lebanon, in Connecticut) to the coast of Virginia; but M. Destouches had already sent M. de Tilly to sea with 844 BATTLES OF AMERICA LPAKT n. Fob, 0, Feb. 20. one ship of the line and two frig ates, and was now unable, as the British were again off Newport, to get any more ships out of port. Lafayette, with twelve hundred men, followed De Tilly, marching by land to form a junction with the baron Steuben, who then commanded in Virginia. " You are to do no act what ever with Arnold," said Washington, in his instructions to the young marquis, " that directly or by implication may screen him from the punishment due to his treason and desertion, which, if he should fall into your hands, you will execute in the most summary manner." The ardent Lafayette set out with san guine hopes of success, which were, how ever, dashed on his march by intelligence of the failure of M. de Tilly, who found on his arrival off Portsmouth that the wary Arnold had cautiously moored his vessels out of harm s way, up Elizabeth river. The Frenchman, in attempting to follow him, ran one of his frigates aground O O and was obliged to give up the pursuit. He now returned to Newport, having the good luck on the southern coast to fall in with the Romulus, a British fifty-gun ship, which he captured. In the meantime, Washington, during a personal interview at Newport with the French commanders, had prevailed upon them to send their whole fleet and eleven hundred men, un der Baron de Vionienil, to attack Arnold at Portsmouth. Lafayette s hopes were again in the ascendant when he heard of the grand demonstration which was to be made by his countrymen, and hastened II- h ( to join and welcome them. Leaving his troops at Annapolis, in Maryland, he sailed down Chesapeake bay in an open boat to Virginia. Having paid a flying visit to Steuben at York, where the veteran was stirring up the whole population to arms, the young marquis pressed forward to Pe tersburg, where he learned that a fleet had indeed arrived in Hampton roads, but that the British admiral Arbuthnot, and not the chevalier Destouches, commanded it ! Lafayette now turned back with his troops, until, receiving orders from Wash ington, he once more took up his march for Virginia. The French fleet had sailed from New port two days after the interview J March 8. between the allied commanders. The English squadron, under Arbuthnot, followed in pursuit on the 10th, and on the 16th the two fleets came together ofl Cape Henry, and had a sharp but brief action, which lasted about an hour. The English admiral gained his purpose by driving the French ships away, and flying his flag in triumph in the Chesapeake ; although M. Destouches, forced as he was to return to Newport, claimed the glory of the victory. Major-General Phillips, who was among the officers captured at Saratoga, on the surrender of Burgoyne, having arrived at Portsmouth with a re inforcement of more than two thousand men, assumed the chief command. Up to that time, the traitor Arnold had shared neither the honors nor the booty won by his marauding exploits in Virginia. The British were now in such force as to justify an inroad into the interior of Mar, 2(5. RE VOLUTIOX A R Y. ] THE BRITISH AT MOUNT VERNON. April 1. the state. After remaining several weeks at Portsmouth, to strengthen the fortifi cations, General Phillips accordingly em barked some twenty-five hundred men in small armed vessels, and, accompanied by Arnold (who was now subordinate in com mand), ascended James river. Williams- burg was taken, and all the public prop erty in it destroyed. Yorktown was also captured, and its shipyard, together with some armed vessels and stores, burned. The whole country about, villages and plantations, were laid waste. Phillips and Arnold next advancedagainstPetersburg, and, after a spirited but ineffectual resist ance on the part of the militia under the command of General Muhlenburg, destroyed its tobacco and public warehouses. Dividing their forces at Petersburg, Phillips marched to Chesterfield court house, where he destroyed the barracks and stores. Arnold, in the meanwhile, went to Osbrunes, where he destroyed the tobacco ; and thence proceeded to War wick, where he opened a fire from the bank of James river upon a flotilla of American armed vessels, which caused their crews to scuttle them and fly to the opposite shore. Phillips and Arnold, again joining their forces, now marched to Manchester, a vil lage opposite to Richmond, with the view of crossing James river to the latter place. They had previously driven the baron Steuben, with his little army of a thou sand militia, across the Appomattox. The energetic Lafayette, however, had antici pated the invaders, having arrived just the night before, and was now strongly posted in the city with two thousand reg ulars and militia, and a company of dra goons. Phillips thereupon gave up his design against Richmond ; and, after de stroying the stores and a great quantity of tobacco at Manchester, he and Arnold retraced their devastating steps to Ber muda Hundred. They soon afterward re-embarked their troops and proceeded down the river, when Lord Cornwallis, who was then at Wilmington, gave them notice that he was about marching into Virginia. The two commanders then re turned to Petersburg, where they await ed the arrival of his lordship from North Carolina. It was during these marauds of the British along the rivers of Virginia, that an English cruiser sailed up the Potomac, burning the dwellings, laying waste the plantations, and exacting supplies from the inhabitants. On coming to anchor off Mount Vernon, a party of marines was sent ashore to make a levy (with a threat of destruction if resisted) upon Washing ton s estate; when Mr. Lund Washington, who, in the general s absence, acted as his agent, went on board the frigate with a supply of provisions, conciliated the com mander, and saved the property. When General Washington heard of the trans action, he sternly rebuked his kinsman Lund for making terms "with a parcel of plundering scoundrels," and declared, in his letter to him, " It would have been a less painful circumstance to me, to have heard that, in consequence of your non- compliance with their request, they had burnt my house and laid rny plantation m ruins. 846 BATTLES OF AMERICA. Way 13, In consequence of the death of General Phillips, three days after his arrival at Petersburg, Arnold again succeeded to the chief command of o the enemy s forces in Virginia.* Lord Cormvallis, although his march was a long and labrious one from North Carolina, succeeded in completing it al most without opposition, and in less than a month. His journey had been greatly facilitated by two boats mounted on car riages, which were carried along with the baggage of the army. His lordship, on marching into Petersburg, was in a state of high exultation. His anxiety for the safety of the royal forces in South Carolina was relieved by the in telligence of Lord Rawdon s successful re sistance to General Greene; and now r that he had succeeded in forming a junction, he believed his army sufficiently strong to secure him the possession of Virginia. Of the opposition of Lafayette and his force he spoke with contempt. " The boy can not escape me," wrote the earl in his despatch to the British government. Cornwallis, relieving Arnold (who re turned to New York) of his command, with his usual promptitude, delayed but a few days at Petersburg, and then set out in pursuit of the young marquis. Cros sing James river, he entered Richmond, which Lafayette, with his inferi or force, was obliged to evacuate. The earl now directed his march through May 27 * It is said that, while on this expedition, Arnold in quired of an American captain, whom he had taken prison er, what the Americans would do with him, if he should fall into their hands. The officer replied that they would cut off his lame leg. and hury it with the honors of war, and hang the remainder of his hody on a gibbet. Hanover county, closely watched by his youthful antagonist, though at a guarded distance. While the two generals were on the same side of James river, Cornwal lis formed a plan for taking the young Frenchman by surprise, but was diverted from his intention by an American whom Lafayette had sent into the British camp as a spy, to obtain intelligence. Gordon tells the story : " The marquis was very desirous of ob taining full intelligence concerning his lordship; and concluded upon prevailing, if possible, upon one Charles (generally called Charley) Morgan, a Jersey soldier, of whom he had entertained a favorable opinion, to turn deserter, and go over to the British army, in order to his execu ting the business of a spy more effectu ally. Charley was sent for, and agreed to undertake the hazardous employ; but insisted that, in case he should be discov ered and hanged, the marquis, to secure his reputation, should have it inserted in the Jersey paper that he was sent upon the service by his commander. " Charley deserted, and, when he had reached the royal army, was carried be fore his lordship, who inquired into the reason of his deserting, and received for answer I have been, my lord, with the American army from the beginning, and while under General Washington was sat isfied; but, being put under a Frenchman, I do not like it, and have left the service. His lordship commended and rewarded his conduct. Charley was very diligent of his military duty, and was not in the least suspected, but at the same time care fully observed all that passed. One day, REVOLUTIONARY.] CORNWALLIS AND CHARLEY MORGAN. 847 while on particular duty with his com rades, Cornwallis, in close conversation with some officers, called Charley to him, and said, How long will it take the mar quis to cross James river? Charley paused a moment and answered, l Three hours, my lord. His lordship exclaimed, Three hours ! why, it will take three days. f No, my lord, said -Charley; the marquis has so many boats, and each boat will car ry so many men. If your lordship will be at the trouble of calculating, you will find he can cross in three hours. His lordship turned to the officers, and in the hearing of Charley remarked/ The scheme will not do. " Charley concluded that this was the moment for his returning to the marquis. He as soon as possible plied his comrades with grog till they were well warmed, and then opened his masked battery. Pie com plained of the wants that prevailed in the British camp, commended the supplies with which the Americans abounded, ex pressed his inclination to return, and then asked, What say you, will you go with me ? They agreed. It was left with him to manage as to the sentries. To the first he offered, in a very friendly manner, the taking of a draught out of his canteen. While the fellow was drinking, Charley secured his arms, and then proposed his deserting with them, to which he consent ed through necessity. The second was served in like manner. Charley Morgan, by his management, carried off seven de serters with him. When he had reached the American army, and was brought to headquarters, the marquis, upon seeing him, cried out, Ha ! Charley, are you got back? Yes, and please your excellency, and have brought seven more with me, was the answer. When Charley had re lated the reason of his returning, and the observations he had made, the marquis offered him money ; but he declined ac cepting it, and only desired to have his gun again. The marquis then proposed to promote him to the rank of a corporal or a sergeant. To this Morgan replied : I will not have any promotion. I have abilities for a common soldier, and have a good character ; should I be promoted, my abilities may not answer, and I may lose my character. He, however, nobly requested for his fellow-soldiers, who were not so well supplied with shoes, stockings, and clothing, as himself, that the marquis would promise to do what he could to re lieve their distresses, which he easily ob tained." Cornwallis strove in vain to force the young marquis to action, who, under the teachings and example of Washington, had learned to repress his youthful ardor, and was now prudently carrying out a cautious system of tactics. Lafayette s force, moreover, was small ; and, before attempting any offensive operations, he desired to unite with General Wayne, who, sent by Washington, was now on his way with eight hundred troops of the Penn sylvania line, to form a junction with the southern army. The whole force of the marquis hardly amounted to three thou sand men, of whom two thirds were mi litia, Lord Cornwallis, on the contrary, rein forced by a detachment of troops from New York, now led an army of four thou 848 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PAKT II. sand regulars, of whom eight hundred were cavalry, and many of them mounted on the choicest horses from the stables of the rich Virginia planters. Tarle ton s troopers were never before in such fine condition for service, and that renowned colonel was ready to make a dash here, there, and everywhere, against the con tumacious " rebels," at the quick bidding of his prompt commander. CHAPTER C. Colonel Tarle ton in Full Activity. Beating up the Governor. Pouncing upon the Assembly. Bare Escape of Jefferson. Respect for Literature. A sup of Good Wine. Destruction of Stores. Junction with Colonel Simcoe. Steuben deluded. Lafayette reinforced. "The Boy" not easily caught. Increased respect for the Marquis. Lord Cornwal- li-s retreats to Portsmouth. A Drawn Battle. Stratagem of Corn wall is. Impetuosity of General Wayne. Success of his Lordship. Losses. Alarm of Sir Henry Clinton. Orders and Counter-Orders. Lafayette in Credit. Scheme of General Greene. Its Dangers. Cornwallis in Straits. Greene before Camden. Tory Information. Camden unas sailable. Greene strives to provoke Earl Rawdon to Battle. Lee and Marion. A Fighting-Pen.- Mayham s Tower. The Enemy forced to capitulate. His Lordship resolved on an engagement. The Americans at Hobkirk s Hill They are reinforced and supplied. Battle of Hobkirk s Hill. The Order of Battle. The Struggle. Gunby s Veter ans. An Error. Victory of the British. The Pursuit checked. The Losses. 1781, LORD CORNWALLIS found active ser vice for the bold Colonel Tarleton. He was detached, with one hundred and eighty of his dragoons and seventy mount ed infantry, to beat up Governor Jeffer son and the members of the state assem bly, who had removed from Richmond to Charloltesvile, to be out of harm s way. Tarleton and his men, with their Virginia racehorses, made a rapid stride across the country from the capital ; destroyed a quantity of supplies for the American ar my on the way ; dashed through the Ri- vanna, a branch of James river, that wash es the ibot of the hill on which Charlottes- ville stands ; dispersed a militia-guard on the opposite bank ; spurred up the hill into the town, and suddenly pounced up on the assembly. Seven only of the mem bers, however, were captured, the rest hav ing made their escape on fresh horses, which Tarleton s cavalry, blown by their hard day s run, could not overtake. Gov ernor Jefferson had hardly been gone ten minutes, when some of Tarleton s men entered the dwelling from which he had made his escape on a fleet horse, by a narrow lane leading across the country from the rear of his house at Monticello. The books and papers of the governor were not harmed, but the thirsty troop ers made free with his wine. After de stroying one thousand new firelocks, four hundred barrels of gunpowder, a quantity of military stores, and many hogsheads of tobacco, Tarleton quitted Charlottesville, and led his force down the river, to join Colonel Simcoe, who had been detached with five hundred infantry to destroy the military stores at the Point of York, fifty miles above Richmond, where the Rivan- na and the Fluvanna join their waters. REVOLUTIONARY.] CORNWALLIS RETIRES TO THE SEABOARD. Baron Steuben, however, was on the alert; and when the British arrived on one side of the stream, they found that he had moved the stores and all his force but a small guard to the other. Simcoe, notwithstanding, who was as cunning as a fox, by extending his encampment, suc ceeded in giving the veteran Steuben the impression that the whole British army was before him. The baron, thus deluded, felt compelled to fly during the following night, and in such haste and confusion, that he left behind him his arms and mil itary stores. A small patrol, however, re mained to watch the enemy; but the next morning a detachment of Simcoe s force crossed the river in canoes, and, dispersing the patrol, destroyed the stores. Steuben now hastened to join Lafay ette, who was on a rapid march to meet General Wayne. The junction with Wayne and Steuben being effected, in the valley of the Rappahan- nock, the marquis was enabled to turn and face the enemy. Lord Cornwallis had succeeded in getting between him and a large deposit of military stores at Albemarle Old courthouse, at which his lordship was now aiming. The marquis, however, was able to steal a march upon his antagonist by taking a cross-road, and strongly posted himself at the place sev eral hours before the earl made his ap pearance. Cornwallis, finding that "the boy" was not so easily caught, began to entertain a greater respect for his youth ful adversary. He now evinced his in creased good opinion of him by declining to accept his challenge to battle, and re treated (while followed by Lafayette) to 107 June 7. June 23, Richmond, and subsequently down the peninsula, across the Chickaho miny, until he arrived at Wil- liamsburg. Here his lordship, four days afterward, received a despatch from Sir Henry Clinton, with orders to take post near the seashore, and to send a portion of his troops to New York, as there was great alarm felt by the British command- er-in-chief at the discovery that Washing ton, together with Count de Rochambeau and the French fleet, designed a joint at tack upon that city. Followed so closely as he was by the young marquis, whose force now num bered about four thousand men, Cornwal lis felt that he could not prudently re main at Williamsburg, with a diminished force, and he consequently determined to seek the cover of Portsmouth, protect ed by the fleet and fortifications. While preparing to move, he sent out Colonel Sirncoe and his rangers to destroy some stores on the Chickahominy river, and to drive in the cattle from the neighboring plantations. Lafayette resolved to inter cept them, and for that purpose detached a skirmishing-party under the command of Lieutenant-Colonel Butler and Major M Pherson. A struggle ensued, in which both parties fought spiritedly, but with such equal results, that neither could just ly claim the victory. Having completed their preparations for departure, the British now inarched from Williamsburg to the ford T July 4, at old Jamestown, across James river. Here Cornwallis cunningly made a feint of passing over his whole army ; while, with a great show of bustle, his 850 BATTLES OF AMERICA. July 6, lordship merely sent across a vanguard. On the following day the wheel-carriages were transported, and on the 6th the bat- horses and baggage were all passed over. The object of the earl was, to deceive Lafayette, who had now followed within nine miles, and was watching the oppor tunity to fall upon the British rear-guard after the main body had crossed. To give further efficacy to the stratagem, Tarleton instructed one of his dragoons and a negro to pretend to be deserters, and, throwing themselves in the way of the American sentinels, to give out that the main body of the British army had passed the river. The stratagem was successful. General Wayne and his force of eight hundred Pennsylvanians were de spatched in advance, to make the first at tack, while Lafayette held back in reserve to sustain them. As the Americans came up, the British pickets were ordered to allow themselves to be driven in, in or der to further still more the deception. Wayne continued to push on with his usual impetuosity, until he found himself confronted by the whole British army ! Even now, with reckless valor, he ordered his men to charge, and was soon engaged in a desperate encounter with an over whelming force. Lafayette, now discov ering Wayne s danger, rode up and or dered him to retire, which he did in tol erable order, under cover of the militia, though he was obliged to leave his can non behind him. Night was now closing, and the British commander did not pur sue. The conflict, though brief, had been bloody. The English lost five officers and seventy-five privates. The American loss in killed, wounded, and prisoners, amount ed to one hundred and eighteen in all, in cluding ten officers. On the same evening, Cornwallis, hav ing called in all his detachments, passed over to Jamestown island. A few , P , , , , T July 12. days afterward, tie crossed James river with his whole force, and proceeded leisurely by land toward the seaboard. After a march of a little over two weeks, his lordship arrived at Portsmouth, oppo site Norfolk, where he embarked the portion of his troops which Sir Henry Clinton, in his fears for New York, had called for. Before the trans ports had set sail, however, a counter-or der was received, as Sir Henry found that New York was no longer in danger, since Washington and his French allies had changed their plans. Lafayette, after the struggle, retired up James river to Green springs, where he halted to refresh his troops and await events. In the meantime, he congratu lated himself with the reflection that his Virginia campaign had not been inglori ous, as he had succeeded in inflicting upon " his lordship the disgrace of a retreat." lie did not fail, however, to acknowledge that Washington s tactics, in drawing the attention of the enemy to New York, and thus weakening Earl Cornwallis, had been more effective than his own military ma noeuvres. The young marquis, neverthe less, earned great credit for the prudence (hardly to be expected from so ardent a youth) with which he had conducted the campaign. Moreover, in consideration of the great military talents which he had .] DEVASTATIONS. MURDER OF COLONEL GREENE. 851 displayed during this short campaign in Yinnnia, Kino; Louis XYI. commanded o o the French minister of war to express to the marquis his approbation, and assure him that he should he raised to the rank of a field-marshal of France as soon as the American war should terminate. The whole British force in Yirginia at this time amounted to about seven thou sand men. In the bold and rapid march of Cornwnllis into the state from North Carolina, which we have detailed, a vast amount of public and private property was laid waste. The growing crops were destroyed upon the ground, the barns were burned, and all the fences and land marks of the plantations were scattered to the winds. It is estimated that in the course of the several invasions of Collier, Leslie, Arnold, Phillips, and Cornwallis, about thirty thousand slaves were carried off from Yirginia, and property destroyed to the amount of fifteen millions of dol lars ! Cornwallis suffered dwelling-houses to be plundered of everything; and it was well known that his lordship s table was furnished with plate thus obtained from private families. His march was more frequently that of a marauder than of an honorable general. While these operations were in prog ress at the South, Washington was com pelled to remain comparatively inactive, so far as military movements were con cerned, because of the weakness of his army. According to the resolves of Con gress, there was to have been a little more than thirty-seven thousand men under */ arms at the beginning of the year 1781 ; yet, in May, Washington s whole force in camp, on the Hudson, amounted to only a little more than four thousand effective men ! At that time, clouds of danger appeared upon the northern frontier, and among the Six Nations; and Colonel Delancey and other tory leaders were making fierce forays upon American outposts in West- chester county, New York. In one of these, Colonel Christopher Greene, the he roic follower of Arnold through the wil derness of Maine, the brave soldier at Que bec, the admirable defender of Fort Mer cer, on the Delaware, and the humane friend of his opponent, the dying Count Donop, was barbarously murdered, with several of his comrades, by a portion of Delancey s corps. Colonel Greene was beloved by Washington, and this coward ly assassination aroused the chief s hot test indignation. Greene was carried to headquarters, and interred with military honors ; and Washington would have de spatched a sufficient force to chastise the Westchester marauders, had not his atten tion at this time been called to more im portant concerns.* Let us now turn our attention to the events transpiring in the far South. Du ring the operations of the contending ar mies in North Carolina, the republicans in South Carolina were everj^where gath ering in arms. The absence of Cornwal lis had withdrawn from the state that su perior body by which he had held it in subjection. Pickens, with his brigade, was operating between Ninety-Six and Augus ta; and Lee, with his legion, and a por tion of the second Maryland regiment, was * Lossintr. BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART 11. now advancing to co-operate with Gen eral Marion on the San tee. General Sumter, though not yet fully recovered of his wounds received at Black- stock s, had drawn his men to a head, and had penetrated to the Congaree, which he crossed earty in February, and appeared before Fort Granby. Such was the vigor with which he pressed the fort, that his marksmen, mounted upon a temporary structure of rails, had reduced the garri son to the last straits, when it was relieved by the unexpected approach of succor, un der Lord Rawdon, who appeared on the opposite bank of the river. Unable to contend with the superior force of the British, Sumter made a sud den retreat; and, two days after, he cap tured an escort of British regulars, going from Charleston to Camden with stores, in wagons, which yielded a booty equally necessary to both parties. Thirteen of the British were slain, and sixty-six made prisoners. The wagons, containing a pro fusion of provisions, clothing, arms, and ammunition, fell into the hands of the victors. Proceeding with his accustomed rapidi ty, Sumter swam the Santee river, with three hundred men, and appeared next before Fort Watson. From this point he was again driven by Lord Rawdon, who inarched to its relief. He then retired to the swamps on Black river, where he re mained for awhile to recruit, though not inactive. Emerging from this retreat, the parti san general was attacked, near Camden, by Major Fraser, at the head of a consid erable force of regulars and tory militia ; but the major was defeated, after a severe handling, in which twenty of his follow ers were slain. After this event, Sumter retired to the borders of North Carolina, where he contrived to increase his force to three small regiments of state troops. His return, with that of the continental army, renewed the war in South Carolina with more regularity and vigor. Marion had been as busy in his fast nesses as his great contemporary Sumter ; and while General Greene and the conti nentals gave full employment to the reg ular British army, his little brigade had met the loyalists in a spirit not unlike their own. Their savage murders, wan ton excesses, and bitter cruelties their house-breaking and house-burning, their blasphemies, impieties, and horrors had put them completely out of the pale of military civilization. "No quarter to the torics /" became the cry of the brigade, when going into battle ; and with this spirit, and guided by the skill and intelli gence of their leader, the career of the partisans was as sleepless and rapid as its temper was now unsparing and vin dictive. To conquer, merely, was not to complete the purpose for which Marion s men fought to destroy was their object also; and so resolute had they shown themselves, and so active and vigilant, that to root them out was as difficult as it had become desirable. A new and well-concerted attempt to annihilate this body was now arranged be tween Colonels Watson and Doyle. The former was to move down from Camden, along the Santee ; and the latter was to cross Lynch s creek, and follow its course REVOLUTIONARY.] MARION AND COLONEL WATSON. 853 on the eastern bank. They were to unite their forces near Snow s island, which was the favorite hiding-place of the "brigade." Marion heard first of the approach of Watson, and went out with all his force to meet him. At Taucaw swamp, nearly opposite to the month of the present San- tee canal, he laid an ambush for his ene my, which he placed under the command of Colonel Ilorry. At this time, he had but a few rounds of ammunition for each man. His orders to Horry were, to give two fires and retreat. A second ambush was placed in a con tiguous situation, which promised certain advantages. This was a party of cavalry, under the command of Captain Conyers. Horry s ambuscade gave its fires with great effect, but was compelled to retire. Watson, having made good his passage of the swamp, sent a detachment of cav alry, under Major Harrison, in pursuit of Ilorry. This party was encountered by Conyers, who slew Harrison with his own hand. His detachment was dispersed, af ter suffering severe loss from the charge of Conyers. Marion, too feeble to assail his oppo nent openly, continued in this way to em barrass his progress and weaken his force, until they had reached nearly to the low er bridge on Black river, seven miles be low King s tree. Here Watson made a feint of taking the road to Georgetown. Too weak to detach a party to the bridge, Marion took an advantageous position on that road. Suddenly wheeling, Watson changed his course, and gained possession of the bridge on the western side. This gave him the opening to a very important pass, leading into the heart of Williamsburg district and to Snow s island. The river, on the west, runs under a high bluff; the grounds on the east side are low, and the stream, though generally fordable, was at that time swollen by freshets, so as near ly to reach the summit of the opposite shore. This prospect seemed to appal the British colonel. While he hesitated, the less wary partisan led the way for his troop, plunged in, and, safely reaching the opposite bank, marched forward to occu py the eastern end of the bridge. Ma rion now detached Major James, with for ty musketeers, and thirty riflemen, under M Cottry, to burn the bridge. The riflemen were posted to advan tage, and under cover, on the river-bank. The attempt of the musketeers to burn the bridge drew upon them the fire of Watson s artillery. Against this Marion had provided, and the artillerists of the enemy were picked off by M Cottry s ri fles as fast as they approached to apply their matches to the gun. The bridge was fired and consumed in the face of the enemy, who, baffled and harassed at all points, turned from the pursuit of the wary partisan, and proceeded by forced marches to Georgetown. But the British commander was not suffered to leave behind him the foe whom his pursuit had seemed only to awaken. Marion hung upon his progress now up on his flanks, now in front, and now in the rear while his rifles exacted heavy toll from the enemy at every mile in their journey. Watson,atlast,reached George town in safety j but the implacable rifle- 854 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART n men had followed his flying footsteps till the latest moment. Never had man been more harassed ; and the complaint of the British colonel, that Marion would not "fight like a Christian and a gentleman? has passed, from its ludicrous solemnity, into a proverbial phrase of merriment in the South. Colonel Doyle, the coadjutor of Wat son, was encountered in like manner, and with similar results. A single conflict drove him back to Camden, with a con siderable loss in men and a greater loss in baggage. This affair was followed, on the part of the brigade, by a sharp rencontre with a body of tories. These were routed, and their captain slain. A nephew of Marion also fell in the conflict. A second descent which Marion made upon Georgetown, about this time, was more successful than the first. It fell into his hands, but was afterward set on fire by an armed party from a British vessel, and upward of forty houses were reduced to ashes. After the return of the command er-in- chief of the southern department into the state from his pursuit of Lord Cornwallis, Marion ceased to act independently; and the exploits of his brigade, no longer act ing by itself, became merged in those of the liberating army.* General Greene s resolution to carry the war into South Carolina had not been taken without a consciousness of its haz ards. " The manoeuvre will be critical and dangerous," he wrote to Washington, * For many interesting details connected with the guer illa warfare in the Carolinas, during the campaigns of 1780 and 1781, we are indebted to Simins s admirable "History of South Carolina," revised edition, 1859. " but necessity obliges me to commit my self to chance. The troops will be ex posed to every hardship ; but I shall share it with them." The scheme was bold and full of peril, but its apparent temerity was not without justification. Those active partisans, Sumter, Marion, and Pickens, had, by their successful guerilla warfare, as we have already shown, prepared the way, and Greene knew that he could al ways calculate upon their energetic co operation. It is true, he was turning his back upon a weakened enemy; but Lord Cornwallis was in such a position, that, move as he might, he could hardly win his game. If he followed the American general into South Carolina, Virginia and North Carolina would be relieved from the pressure of British influence; and if he carried the war into the latter states, his possession of the first was endangered. General Greene, accordingly, broke up his encampment on the Deep river, in Chatham county, North Carolina, where he had given over the pursuit of the British army, and, after a tedious march for one hundred and thir ty miles through an exhausted and hos tile country, at length arrived 7 before Oamden. He had hoped to take the place by surprise. While he was detained, however, for several days on the banks of the Pedee, for want of boats, the active tory emissaries took care to carry information of his approach to Lord Kawdon at Camden. This is a beau tiful village, situated on a plain covered on the south and east sides by the Wa- teree, and a creek which empties itself into that river. On the western and north- April 5, April 19, REVOLUTIONARY.] MARION AND LEE CAPTURE FORT WATSON. 855 ern sides it was guarded by six strong re doubts, and Earl Raw don s garrison num bered about nine hundred choice troops. His lordship, now on the alert, placed Camden in such a posture of defence, that General Greene found it futile to attempt to assault it. He accordingly took post on the Wexhaw road, within half a mile of the British lines, with the hope of pro voking the earl from his stronghold. The o o challenge, however, was not accepted, and the American general thereupon moved his troops to Hobkirk s hill, a mile and a quarter farther away from Camden. On his march from North Carolina, Gen eral Greene had detached Colonel Henry Lee, with his legion, to join Marion, and co-operate with that partisan in an expe dition against the British post of Fort Watson, on the San tee. Lee having, with no little difficulty, succeeded in finding Marion "the Swamp- fox" amid the cover of the morasses of Black river, started out with him on the proposed enterprise. The enemy were posted in a stockade fort, erected on one of the largest of the old Indian mounds which skirt the San tee. It was elevated about forty feet above the level of the plain, and far from any eminence which could command it. Its garrison consisted of about eighty regulars and forty loyal ists, commanded by Lieutenant M Kay of the regular troops. Unprovided as were Marion and Lee with artillery and in- trenching-tools, it was impregnable to the besiegers, who despaired of a successful assault, since the steep sides and strong palisades of the eminence discouraged any attempt to storm it. April 14, One of the first efforts made to subdue the fort was by cutting off the garrison from Scott s lake, by which it was supplied with water. From this danger M Kay re lieved himself by sinking a well within the stockade. Thus foiled, and without cannon, the besiegers must finally have been baffled, but for one of those ingeni ous devices which are perhaps more read ily found by a primitive than by an edu cated people. At a short distance from the fort there grew a small wood, which suggested the proper means of annoyance. From this, Major Mayham, of South Carolina, sug gested that they should "cut down a num ber of suitable trees, and with them erect a large, strong, oblong pen, to be covered on the top with a floor of logs, and pro tected on the side opposite to the fort with a breastwork of light timber." The expedient was adopted, and the "pen" forthwith constructed during the night, within a proper distance of the fort, and dignified with the appellation of "May- ham s tower." This enabled the assail ants to command the fort. At earliest dawn the next morning, a party of riflemen took post in the tow er ; and a detachment of musketeers, un der the cover of the riflemen, advanced to make a lodgment in the enemy s ditch, supported by the infantry of Lee s legion with fixed bayonets. When the light en abled the riflemen from their lofty tower, which overlooked the fort, to single out their victims, a shower of bullets drove the enemy from their works. Lieutenant M Kay, being destitute of artillery, was soon forced to capitulate ; and Marion, April 23. 856 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PAIJT II. pushing his prisoners before him, hurried forward to join Greene. Thus a contri vance which the lion-hearted Richard had used with such effect against the Saracens at the siege of Acre, in the days of the crusades, proved no less effective in the hands of those equally chivalrous modern soldiers, Marion and Lee. Cblonel Watson, while on his march to succor the fort of his name, had been re called to Camden by Lord Rawdon, who could ill spare any of his small force, now that he was threatened by the energetic Greene. Lee and Marion were on the watch, and so manoeuvred that they them selves were in a position to form a junc tion with Greene long before Watson could effect one with Rawdon. His lord ship, thus discovering that delay would probably benefit his enemy more than himself, determined to give battle to the American commander. Hobkirk s hill, where General Greene had taken post, was about a mile and a half in advance of the British redoubts. It is a narrow sand-ridge, of little eleva tion, which divides the head-springs of two small streams, the one emptying into the Wateree river, the other into Pine- tree creek. A deserter having come in durin"- the o o night, with exact information of the American position on Hob- kirk s hill, and also with intelligence that the expected artillery had not yet arrived in the American camp, the British com mander decided upon immediate action on the coming day. Accordingly, at nine o clock the next morning, Lord Rawdon, having left Cam- April 24, 25. den in charge of his convalescents, led out his nine hundred men (which was all the effective force he could muster) to the at tack. The American camp was 1 J il L. xl cheered that morning by the ar rival of abundant supplies, and of the ar tillery, upon the absence of which his lordship was so greatly calculating. Pro visions had been scarce, and now being plentifully distributed, most of the troops were busy in cooking or feasting; some were washing their clothes, and others were cleaning their muskets. General Greene himself was breakfasting; and al though, in the well-ordered camp, there were all the usual precautions against surprise, there was no suspicion of the approach of the enemy (who had begun their march at dawn, and silently pushed on toward the American position by a cir cuitous way, under the cover of a swamp- forest), until the British vanguard fell up on the republican pickets. These acted with the utmost coolness, gathering in the videttes, and forming with great deliber ation under Colonel Kirk wood s Delaware command. His position formed the Amer ican advance, and met the first shock of the enemy s charge. Here the conflict was maintained for a while with singular obstinacy ; and this little squad retired slowly, fighting with resolute determina tion, step by step, as they receded before the accumulating pressure of the foe. The noise of the firing aroused the en tire American camp. The drums beat to arms, and Greene sprang to his saddle, and rapidly formed his army. The Vir ginia brigade, with General linger at its head, having under him Lieutenant-Colo- UKV OLUTIONARY.] BATTLE OF IIOBKIRK S HILL. 857 nels Campbell and Hawes, was posted on the right of the road ; the first regiment, under the former, composing the extreme right. The Maryland brigade, led by Colo nel Otho Williams, seconded by Colonel Gunby and Lieutenant-Colonels Ford and Howard, took the left. The three field- pieces, conducted by Colonel Harrison, were placed in the centre ; and the cav alry, under Colonel Washington, together with two hundred and fifty North Carolina militia, under Colonel Reade, were held back as a reserve. LordRawdon advanced with the royal American regiment on his right, the New- York volunteers in his centre, and the sixty-third regiment on his left. His right wing was supported by Robertson s corps, and his left by the volunteers of Ireland. The reserve consisted of the tory regi ment raised in South Carolina, with a few dragoons, who composed all the cavalry. Neither force was large, but Greene s pre ponderated, and the Americans felt con fident of victory. The number of Euro pean troops engaged in this conflict was very small. Most of Rawdon s army was composed of Americans by birth or im migration. The front which he advanced was comparatively small, nearly one half of his troops being in reserve. He had, besides, taken a lesson from the American leaders, and employed flanking-parties of picked tory riflemen, who moved abreast of his wing among the trees, and did much toward deciding the issue of the day. "Greene," to use the words of Lee, an historian as well as hero of the southern campaign, " examining attentively the British disposition, discovered the very 108 narrow front it presented ; and, gratified as he was with the opportunity, so unex pectedly offered, of completing by one blow his first object, he determined to avail himself of the advantage given by the mode of attack. " He directed the lieutenant-colonels Campbell and Ford to turn the enemy s flanks; he ordered the centre regiments to advance upon him, ascending the height (Hobkirk s hill, upon which Greene was posted); and detached Lieutenant-Colo nel Washington with his cavalry to gain his rear. Rawdon no sooner cast his eyes on our disposition, than he perceived the danger to which his unequal front ex posed him, and, bringing up the volun teers of Ireland into line, he remedied the defect seized by Greene in time to avert the expected consequences. " The battle opened from right to left with a vigor which promised a keen and sanguinary contest; but the superiority of our fire, augmented by that of our well- served artillery, must have borne down all opposition, had the American line maintained itself with becoming firmness. On the right, Huger evidently gained ground; Washington was carrying every thing before him in the rear; and Lieu tenant-Colonel Hawes, with fixed bayo nets, conformable to order, was descend ing the hill, ready to fall upon the New- York volunteers. "In this flattering moment, the veteran regiment of Gunby, having first joined in the fire, in violation of orders, paused, its right falling back. Gunby unfortunately directed the disordered battalion to rally by retiring to its right company. Retro- 853 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART n. grade being the consequence of this order, the British line, giving a shout, pressed forward with redoubled ardor; and the regiment of Gunby, considered as the bul wark of the army, never recovered from the panic with \\ hich it was unaccounta bly seized." In forming his line, before the engage ment, Greene, conjecturing that the ene my knew nothing of his having artillery, had closed the two centre regiments, so that it was completely masked. "The effect may well be imagined," observes Simms, " when these two regiments, sud denly retiring from the centre, left (hem free to vomit their showers of grape upon the dense ranks of the enemy preparing for the charge. " The confusion and dismay were con spicuous. The British squadrons sank, and wheeled, and fled, beneath the terri ble discharge ; and nothing more seemed to be necessary than to give the command to close upon their flanks with the regi ments right and left, and cut them off from escape. The order was given : Let the cavalry make for their rear ; Colonel Campbell will wheel upon their left; Colo nel Ford upon their right; the whole cen tre will charge charge with trailed arms ! "Such were the commands of Greene, which his aids rushed to convey to the several subordinate officers. The roll of the drums announced their tenor; and Washington, at the head of his cavalry, disappeared among the trees which lay between his troop and the rear of the enemy. "The American general already be lieved his victory to be secure. But he had no ordinary adversary in Rawdon. With the quickness of instinct, this com mander threw out his supporting columns ; and the Americans, but a moment before in the fullest conviction that they had out flanked the enemy, were themselves out flanked. Their wings were enfiladed and their rear threatened. "At this crisis, when everything de pended upon the greatest coolness, and a composure which might look undaunted upon the scene, the first Maryland regi ment, by excellence esteemed, in the lan guage of Roman eulogium, the tenth legion of the American army that band to which all eyes were turned for example ; which had conquered the British with their own weapon, the bayonet, at the noble passage of valor at the Cowpens ; which alone had fought half of the battle at Guilford, and obtained more than half of the triumph of that no less bloody day now unaccountably shrank away from the issue, in a panic which could not be overcome ! "Greene, at this moment, was leading on the Virginia regiment of Campbell in person, on the extreme right, when he was called away by the confusion of the centre. Vainly, by voice and gesture, did he seek to restore their confidence, and bring them once more into the action. They heard, and halted; but the day was already lost. They were already at the bottom of the hill, and the cheers and clamors of the enemy now commanded his attention in another quarter. Urging his horse up the eminence, he saw for the first time the utmost extent ot his mis fortune. But a single regiment remained REVOLUTIONARY.] THE DEFEAT. EXPLOIT OF COLONEL WASHINGTON". 859 entire. His artillery was uncovered on the summit of the hill. To bring his troops off in order, and to save the artil lery, were the only remaining objects; and, amid a shower of bullets, the Ameri can general delivered his commands with composure, to draw off the right and left regiments and form them on that of Gun- by, which was now rallied; while their retreat should be covered by the second Virginia. " This order, well executed, left to Greene the choice of deliberate retreat or a renewal of the battle. During its execution, the main efforts of the British were to secure possession of the artillery. Horse and foot were ascending the hill, and the matrosses were about to fly, when the American general applied his own hand to the drag-ropes. This ex ample was not to be withstood. A little band rallied to their rescue, bearing their loaded muskets in one hand while apply ing the other to the ropes. The fight was renewed in this endeavor. " A British corps appeared on the hill, moving to the charge. Dropping the ropes, the little troop, forming in the rear of the artillery, met them with a fire which, repeated with deliberate resolu tion until escape was impossible, was ter ribly destructive. Thrice was the attempt renewed, and with the same effect. The assailants were driven off with loss, until an overpowering force of infantry and ri flemen came to their assistance, and every man of this gallant little band, but forty- five in number, was either killed or ta ken. The artillery now seemed lost ; but at this crisis, Colonel Washington charged in upon the road, and put an end to the strife around it. " This officer, in addition to the rescue of the artillery, captured more than two hundred prisoners. His humanity is al leged by the British to have been detri mental to his objects. A severe military judgment insists that he should have cut down instead of making captives." This would have been the course of the mer ciless Tarleton under like circumstances. Washington s prisoners encumbered his movements, and the time lost in taking- 7 O them might have been of lasting benefit if it had been employed unsparingly upon the British rear. Lord Rawdon was not in a condition to pursue the Americans far. The latter halted at a distance of two miles, in order to recover stragglers and take re freshment. At noon, the retreat was resumed, and the army finally en camped at Saunders s creek, about four miles from the scene of action, to which place Colonel Washington was ordered back to reconnoitre. As he proceeded in obedience to this command, he was told that Earl Rawdon had returned to Cam- den, leaving Captain Coffin with his cav alry and a body of mounted infantry in charge of the field of battle. This intelligence suggested to Colonel Washington the prospect of anew achieve ment. Retiring with his cavalry into a thicket on the roadside, he pushed for ward a small detachment, with orders to approach under covert till within a short distance of the enemy s position. His stratagem produced the desired effect : Coffin s whole troop pursued, and fell into April 25. 860 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PAET II. the ambuscade. Washington rose from liis hiding-place as they reached it, and the entire party were either cut to pieces or compelled to save themselves by flight. The field of Ilobkirk thus actually re mained in possession of the Americans.* The loss of the two armies in the main battle was about equal, although that of the British, by reason of the field-pieces which the Americans brought into the action, was somewhat greater ; it amount ed to nearly three hundred each. Two .of the bravest of the American officers, Colonel Ford and Captain Beattie, were killed in the beginning of the fight, and their fall was a principal cause of the un fortunate disorder which followed among the troops. The British escaped without the death of a single officer of note, but six were taken prisoners. CHAPTER CI. General Greene disappointed, but not discouraged. Junction of Colonel Watson with Lord Rawdon. Greene retires.-- Hot pursuit by Rawdon. His Lordship checked. Partisan warfare again. Back to the Mountains. A Gloomy In terview. Good News Rawdon evacuates Camden. Its Destruction. Miserable Fate of the Loyalist Inhabitants. Vigor of the Partisan Leaders. Fall of Posts. Lee and Pickens take Fort Griesson. Desperate Struggle. Honor able Capitulation. Death of Griesson. Reward offered. Greene at Ninety-Six. New- York Loyalists. Judicious Defences. Kosciusko s Parallels. The Star- Fort. A Sally. Its Success. Greene more cautious. Arrival of Lee. The Summons to surrender. Defiant Answer of Cruger. Fire opened. Picking off the Gunners. Night-Sal lies. Desperate Position of the Enemy. Naked Negroes. Flaming Arrows. Attempts to tire. Renewed Hope. A Despatch from Earl Rawdon. His Lordship to the Rescue. Three Alternatives. Storming. The Assault. The Ever-ready Cruger. Desperate Fighting. Greene withdraws from Ninety-Six. 1781. GENERAL GREENE, after his unex pected defeat at Hobkirk s hill, re tired sadly disappointed, though not dis couraged. Ever ready to act as the oc casion demanded, he had hardly gathered his scattered troops, when he prepared to thwart the manoeuvres of his young and spirited antagonist, and to deprive him of the benefits of his victory. Another disappointment soon came to the American general, however, in news of the successful junction of Colonel Wat son and his force with Lord Rawdon, at Camden. This union had been effected notwithstanding the vigilance of Marion, * Simins. Lee, and Sumter, who were beating the country around, and of Greene himself, who, from his camp on the Wateree, was eagerly on the watch. Very soon after the battle of Hobkirk, Greene detached a reinforcement to Ma rion on the Nelson s-ferry road ; A k A* W * Ma ? 3< and he now crossed the Wateree with his main body, and took such posi tions as would enable him to prevent suc cors from going into Camden from that quarter. Earl Rawdon, being thus strengthened by Watson and his four hundred men, was emboldened to challenge the Ameri cans to another battle. General Greene, REVOLUTIONARY.] LORD RAWDON EVACUATES AND BURNS CAMDEN. 861 May 8, however, disappointed in not receiving his expected reinforcements from Virginia, a.nd finding his troops fagged and discour aged, thought it more expedient to retire before the enemy. He accord ingly moved several miles far ther into the country. His impetuous young antagonist, nevertheless, seemed determined to provoke an engagement, and, forcing the American pickets, pressed on to strike Greene in his encampment. The earl, however, finding his enemy too firmly posted to be dislodged, prudently withdrew at the last moment. The boldly offensive attitude of Lord Rawdon, now that he was reinforced, gave the American commander great anxiety, conscious as he was of the weakness of his own troops. On the evening of the day following his lordship s dar ing demonstration, as the patriot general sat at the table with a map be fore him, Colonel Davie entered. " You see," exclaimed Greene, "that we must again resume the partisan war. Rawdon has now a decided superiority of force. He has pushed us to a sufficient distance to leave him free to act on any object within his reach. He will strike at Lee and Marion, reinforce himself by all the troops that can be spared from the sev eral garrisons, and push me back to the mountains You observe our dangerous and critical situation. The regular troops are now reduced to a handful, and I am without militia to perform the convoy or detachment service, or any prospect of receiving any reinforcement We must always calculate on the maxim that your enemy will do what he ought to do. We May 9, will dispute every inch of ground in the best manner we can ; but Rawdon will push me back to the mountains. Lord Cornwallis will establish a chain of posts along James river; and the southern states, thus cut off", will die like the tail of a snake !" After this gloomy interview, Colonel Davie, at the request of Greene, retired to write to some of his friends in Phila delphia, who were members of Congress, and inform them of the imminent danger of the army and its pressing needs. At daylight, the next morning, the colonel, who had been up all night writing his let ters, was summoned to headquarters, when General Greene met him with a beaming face and these encouraging words : " I have sent to inform you that Rawdon is preparing to evacuate Camden ! That place was the key of the enemy s line of posts. They will now all fall, or be evac uated. All will go well. Burn your let ters. I shall march immediately to the Congaree !" Lord Rawdon, finding that there was no hope of aid from Cornwallis, of whose march to Virginia he had just received intelligence that his supplies were fail ing daily, and that his force was too small to allow of his detaching any portion of it to strengthen the weaker posts de termined to retire toward Charleston, in order to secure his communication with that city. Cainden was evacu ated, and the jail, mills, and pri vate dwellings of the town, were burned. A great deal of the baggage of the army was also consumed in the flames, that his lordship might move with greater celeri ty. " The British commander," remarks May 10, 862 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PAKT II. Simms, "baffled and disappointed, wreak ed his vengeance upon the town which he had so long garrisoned, but which he felt himself no longer able to maintain. Camden was reduced to ashes, and amid the shrieks of its people, and the * curses, not loud, but deep, of the loyalists whom he could no longer protect, Lord Rawdon prepared to descend the country. The fall of Fort Watson had broken the chain of communication with Charleston, and Marion was even now busy in the leaguer of Fort Motte. Having devastated the country, it no longer yielded support to Rawdon s troops. These the British com mander resolved to save, though by the loss of the post and the confidence of the tories. These miserable people, whose sav age fury had so long hunted their coun trymen with fire and sword, no longer pro tected from their vengeance by the arms of the British, were compelled to abandon their homes and follow the fortunes of the enemy. They dared not await the jus tice of the Americans. Hundreds followed his lordship, scorned and despised by their allies, and hated by their countrymen. Their history may be dismissed in this place. After sharing all the vicissitudes of an army retiring before a pursuing foe, they reached Charleston, and built for themselves a settlement of huts without the lines. This hamlet, by a miserable mockery, was called Rawdontoivn? Here men, women, and children, were crowded together in a wretched condition of pov erty and shame. They had dwelt hap pily on their farms near Camden; and perished in the utmost destitution, utter ly unnoticed and unassisted by those for whom they had sacrificed the ties of so ciety and all the first claims of country. The victims equally of disease and want, they died, to use the emphatic language of that time, like rotten sheep, upon the suburbs." In the meantime, the American parti san leaders were active. British post after post fell rapidly before them, and completed the recovery of the state to within thirty miles of the* sea. General Greene, concluding, after the evacuation of Camden by Lord Rawdon, that it would be the earl s object to withdraw his posts on the Congaree, and concentrate them below the Santee, despatched expresses to Marion and Sumter to prepare them selves for such an event. He himself, or dering the army to proceed by the Cam den road for the Congaree, took an escort of cavalry and moved down in person toward Fort Motte. On reaching M Cord s ferry, Greene re ceived the tidings of the capitulation of Fort Motte. This post lay above the fork on the south side of the Congaree. The works of the British were built around the mansion-house of the lady whose name it bore, and from which, in their savage recklessness of shame, the British officers had expelled her. It was a noble dwel ling, of considerable value, but not of so much worth as to abridge the patriotism of the high-spirited owner. Defended by a strong garrison, under a resolute com mander, the fort promised to baffle for a long time the progress of the besiegers. Under these circumstances, Mrs. Motte, who had been driven for shelter to a neigh boring hovel, produced an Indian bo\v, RKVOLUTIONAKY.] CAPTURE OF BRITISH FORTS. 863 May 12, which, with a quiver of arrows, she pre sented to the American general. " Take these," she said, " and expel the enemy. These will enable you to fire the house." Her earnest plea that this course might be adopted, prevailed with the reluctant Marion. Combustibles were fastened to the arrows, which were shot into the roof of the dwelling; and the patriotic woman rejoiced in the destruc tion of her property, when it secured the triumph of her countrymen. Driven out from their place of shelter, the garrison at Fort Motte was forced to surrender; and the force under Marion was ready for operation in other quarters. A portion of it, under Colonel Lee, was immediately despatched by Greene, as the van of the army, for the reduction of Fort Granby, situated near the present city of Columbia, and at about the centre of the state. The fall of Fort Motte increased the panic of the British ; and, two days after that event, they evacuated their post at Nelson s ferry, blew up the defensive works, and destroyed their stores. Fort Granby, after a brief conflict, was surrendered, with all its garrison, consist ing of nearly four hundred men. May 15, J I he terms oi capitulation granted by Colonel Lee were greatly complained of by the Carolinians. These terms gave the enemy the privilege of carrying off their baggage, in which was included an immense quantity of plunder. The ap proach of Lord Rawdon, with his w T hole army, is said to have hastened the opera tions of Lee, and to have led to the lib- 31 ay 11, end concessions which he made to the garrison; but he has incurred the re proach of hastening the capitulation, in order to anticipate the arrival of General Sumter and the main army. The siege had been begun some time previously by Sumter, who had left Colonel Taylor, with a strong party, to maintain his position, while he himself made a sudden descent upon the enemy s post at Orangeburg, on the North Edisto, in which he was thor oughly successful. Sumter himself con ceived that he had suffered injury by the capitulation, in which nothing was gained but the earlier possession of a post which could not have been held many days long er, and must have fallen, without condi tions and with all its spoils, into the hands of the Americans. It was with bitter feel ings that the whig militia beheld the cov ered wagons of the enemy drawn by their own horses, and which they knew to be filled with the plunder of their farms and dwellings driven off before their eyes.* On the day after the evacuation of Camden, the garrison at Orange- burg, numbering about one hun dred men, with all their stores and a large supply of provisions, surrendered to Gen eral Sumter, after a spirited assault. A little later, Colonel Lee sent a detachment of his legion, under the command of Major Rudolph, which reduced the British post at Silver Blufls. The task of holding Lord Rawdon in check in Charleston was confided to Ma rion and Sumter. In the execution of this duty, they closed in upon him, until feiiams. May 21. 804 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART n. he established a line of fortified posts, ex pending from Georgetown, by the way of Monk s Corner, Dorchester, &c., to Coo- sawhatchie. The British were frequent ly harassed by the partisans, who made incursions within this line ; but the force of the assailants was not adequate to any serious attack upon any one of them, that of Georgetown alone excepted. This sta tion, on Winyaw bay, having been left with a small garrison, and being separated from the rest of the line by swamps and water-courses of such magnitude as to prevent any sudden relief from reaching it, was attacked and carried by Marion. The British fled to their galleys ; while the American leader de liberately moved all the military stores and public property up the Pedee, demol ished the fortifications, and returned with out loss to his position in St. Stephens. Thus in the space of about three weeks, the British lost six posts, and abandoned all the northeastern extremity of South Carolina. The station at Ninety-Six, and Forts Cornwallis and Griesson, however, at Augusta, in Georgia, still held out. From Fort Granby, Lee was detached to join General Pickens, and lay siege to Augusta; and three days after the fall of the former post, his legion was arrayed before the walls of the latter. General Greene reserved the enemy s post at Ninety-Six for himself, against which he now marched with his main body. Lee and Pickens were successful at Au gusta, but met with a desperate resist ance. " The garrison," says Ramsay, " bu ried themselves in a great measure under May 18, June 5, ground and obstinately refused to capitu late, till the necessity was so pressing. that every man who attempted to fire on the besiegers was immediately shot down. At length, when further resistance would have been madness, the fort, with about three hundred men, surrendered on honorable terms of capitula tion." During the siege, the Americans lost about forty men. After the surren der, Lieutenant-Colonel Griesson, of the British militia, was killed by an American, who forced his horse into the house where the prisoner was kept, and, without dis mounting, shot him dead, and escaped be fore he could be arrested. A reward of a hundred pounds sterling was offered for the discovery of the perpetrator of the deed, but without avail. In the meanwhile, General Greene had encamped within cannon-shot of the fort of Ninety-Six. The reduction of ,i f -A 11 K Wa y 22t this formidable station was an ob ject of the greatest interest. The village of Cambridge (or, as it was called in that day, the post of Ninety-Six) was at this time the pivot of very extensive opera tions. To possess it, therefore, was to give the finishing blow to the British strength in the interior of the state. Greene s whole force consisted of one thousand men. The enemy were but five hundred and fifty strong, three hundred and fifty of whom were royal Americans from New York and New Jersey, who had enlisted at an early period of the war, and were considered among the best sol diers in the British army. The remain ing two hundred were volunteer tory ri flemen recruited from the neighborhood. REVOLUTIONARY.] THE AMERICANS BESIEGE FORT NINETY- SIX. 805 These latter were men desperate from their social position, and skilful marks men, who were conspicuous in the suc cessful defence of the place. The whole were under the command of Lieutenant- Colonel Cruger, a brave and zealous New- York loyalist. The fortifications of Ninety-Six were old works which had been erected at the commencement of the Revolution, as a protection against the incursions of the Indians, whose settlements were then in its near neighborhood. The place was remarkable as being the scene of the first conflict in the southern war ; for here, in 1775, began that sanguinary hostility be tween the whigs and tories which subse quently desolated the beautiful country around it. During the invasion of the state by the British, the works at Ninety-Six had been reconstructed, according to all the rules of military art, by some of the ablest of the engineers in the army of Cornwal- lis. On the approach of Greene, Cruger had still further strengthened them by judicious additions and improvements. The principal work was the star-redoubt, with sixteen salient and returning angles, a ditch, frieze, and abattis. This star-bat tery was defended by three pieces of ar tillery, on wheel-carriages, which could be moved readily from one point to an other. There was also a stockade-fort, strongly built on high ground, at conve nient distances within which were erect ed blockhouses of notched logs, that com municated with the star-redoubt ; while Cruger and his garrison had, by the most laborious efforts, succeeded in throwing 100 up parapets of earth, making traverses, and in otherwise increasing and strength ening the works. On the north of the village extends a valley, through which flows a rivulet that supplied the garrison with water. The county jail, lying near, was fortified, and commanded the valley on the side next the village ; its fire also reached to the strong stockade-fort, with its two blockhouses, on the opposite side of the valley, which covered the commu nication with the rivulet from that quar ter. A covert way led from the town to the rivulet. Thus secured, the enemy were bold and defiant. General Greene, when he beheld the strength of the place, apprehended the failure of his enterprise ; but this doubt did not discourage him from his design, and he accordingly broke ground on the day after his arrival. Koscius- ko, the skilful Polish engineer, had hardly marked out his first parallel, and the Americans commenced opera tions before the formidable star-fort, which was the first object of attack, than Cruger prepared to interrupt them. He threw out a platform in one of the angles of the fort, mounted it with his three pieces of artillery, and manned it with infantry. Thus prepared, he began a brisk fire of cannon and musketry, under the cover of which a party sallied out of the fort with fixed bayonets, and, making an impetuous rush upon the American guards and work ing-parties, drove all before them, demol ished their works, and returned loaded with their intrench ing- tools. The only loss of the enemy was the death of the gallant lieutenant who led them. Gen- SCO BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART IT. eral Greene sent a detachment to sustain Kosciusko and liis working-party, but it arrived too late upon the ground to give succor. Greene now found it necessary to be more cautious. He therefore ordered the approaches to be commenced at a more respectful distance, and under the cover of a ravine. The star-redoubt was still the sole object of the besiegers, until the the arrival (on the 8th of June) of Colonel Lee, who, after his triumph at Augusta, had hastened to co-operate with Greene. After the completion of the first parallel, a mine, directed against the star-fort, had been begun, under the cover of a battery erected on the enemy s right. The work was prosecuted by the besiegers day and night without intermission. The troops labored alternately in the ditches, some on guard while others toiled, and even sleeping on their arms, to repel the sal lies of the besieged, which were bold and frequent, and resulted in long and spirited conflicts. The American works steadily advanced, however, in spite of these sal lies ; but a fierce strife followed every step in their progress, and not a night passed without the loss of lives on both sides. The second parallel having been fin ished, the garrison was summoned to sur render. Cruger defiantly reject- JIII16 O ed the demand, and continued his daring but ineffective sallies. The third parallel was then begun, when the resolute enemy became still more active and pertinacious in defence. Cruger had, moreover, with timely prudence, incorpo rated with his army his negro laborers ; and he was further aided from without by a marauding force under William Cun ningham, which materially interfered with the supplies, the recruits, and the general intelligence, of the Americans. The three field pieces from the platform of the star-redoubt were plied by the foe day and night. Greene built lofty tow ers of roughly-hewn logs, mounted them with riflemen, and, by picking off the ar tillerymen, succeeded in silencing theii guns by day, although they still kept up a nightly discharge, and strove by red- hot balls to set fire to the wooden struc tures which were proving so formidable. The enemy, however, finding that these attempts were ineffective, from the uncer tainty of the aim of the artillerymen in the darkness of the night, and the incom bustible nature of the green wood of which the towers were constructed, final ly ceased to throw hot shot. On the arrival of Colonel Lee, that of ficer was immediately ordered to begin regular approaches against the stockade-fort on the enemy s left. His ditch was soon ready, his battery erected and mounted with a six-pounder, and his advances under their cover rapidly made. Cruger still continued his nightly sallies with undiminished spirit, striving to pos sess himself of the trenches of the besieg ers, and to " destroy with the spade what ever he might gain by the bayonet." He was, however, constantly foiled by the ac tivity and vigilance of Greene, who was ever on the alert. The works of the besiegers were now so near completion, that a further defence of the place was limited to four days. Be- Jime 8. REVOLUTIONARY.] STUBBORN DEFENCE. APPROACH OF RAWDON. 8G7 sides the towers before spoken of, one of which was within thirty yards of the ene my s ditch., the besiegers had several bat teries of cannon within a hundred and forty yards. One of these so completely commanded the star-fort, that the garri son were compelled to shelter themselves behind bags of sand, which increased its elevation by three feet. Through these sand-bags, apertures were left for the use of small-arms by day, and the withdrawal of the sand-bags left embrasures for the employment of the cannon by night. Thus, for ten days, the besiegers and besieged lay watching each other. Du ring this time, not a man could show his head on either side without incurring the shot of the riflemen. Cruger s position, however, as his besiegers closed hourly upon him, was becoming desperate. His water, too, was in danger of being cut off by Lee s approach to the stockade-fort, that defended the rivulet from which the supply of the garrison was obtained. The men were already forced to resort to the expedient of sending out naked negroes in the night to procure the water, trust ing that, by the duskiness of the one and the darkness of the other, they would es cape the aim of the American marksmen. Lee, conscious of the importance of pos sessing or destroying the stockade-fort, oy which alone the enemy were able to command the stream, became impatient of the slow siege-operations, and, follow ing the example of Marion in the capture of Fort Motte, strove to set fire to it with flaming arrows. The enemy, however, unroofed their buildings, and averted the catastrophe. Lee now sent a sergeant with nine pri vates of the legion, loaded with combus tibles, to burn the fort, under the cover of a dark storm which was threatening. The brave men obeyed the order with alacrity. They approached for awhile, hidden by the nature of the ground ; but when it became more open, they were forced to move along on their bellies, to avoid being seen. The sergeant, with three of his men, succeeded in reaching the ditch, the rest of the party being close behind them, and was in the act of ap plying the fire to the stockade-fort, when he was discovered. In a moment, hun dreds of muskets were aimed and fired. The sergeant and five of his gallant band were shot dead. Four escaped unhurt, and, amid a shower of musket-balls, re tired to the camp. Notwithstanding the stubborn resist ance of Colonel Cruger and his loyalist garrison, there seemed little prospect of their holding out much longer, when an event occurred which at once aroused their energies afresh and renewed their hopes : " In the evening," says Lee, who de scribes the incident, of which he was an eye-witness, " a countryman was seen ri ding along our lines south of the town, con versing familiarly with the officers and soldiers on duty. He was not regarded, as from the beginning of the siege our friends in the country were in the habit of visiting camp, and were permitted to go wherever their curiosity led them, one of whom this man was presumed to be. At length he reached the great road lead ing directly to the town, in which quarter 868 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART n. were only some batteries thrown up for the protection of the guards. Putting spur to his horse, he rushed with full speed into town, receiving the ineffectual fire of our sentinels and guards nearest to him, and holding up a letter in his hand as soon as he cleared himself of our fire. The propitious signal gave joy to the garrison, who, running to meet their friend, opened the gate, Avelcoming his arrival with loud expressions of delight. He was the bearer of a despatch from Rawdon to Cruder, communicating his ar- o / O rival at Orangeburg in adequate force, and informing him that he was hastening? o o to his relief. This intelligence infused new vigor into the intrepid leader and his brave companions." Simms gives the following explanation of this curious incident : "A woman was the instrument employed by the British for encouraging @ruger to protract the siege. Residing in the neighborhood, she had visited the camp of Greene, under some pretence of little moment. The daughter of one tried patriot and the sis ter of another, she had been received at the general s table, and permitted the free dom of the encampment. But she had formed a matrimonial connection with a British officer, and the ties of love had proved stronger than those of any other relationship. In the opportunities thus afforded her, she contrived to apprize the garrison that she had a communication from Lord Rawdon. A young loyalist re ceived it from her lips, at a farmhouse in June 17, tlienL % nl)0rnoo ^nd,underthe fires of the sentinels, dashing suc cessfully and at full speed by the pickets, he was admitted with hurrahs into the garrison." General Greene had for several da}^s been aware of the approach of Lord Raw don, who, after waiting with anxious im patience at Charleston for expected rein forcements, was finally rejoiced by the arrival of three regiments from Ireland. Conscious of the danger awaiting Cruger. at Ninety-Six, his lordship at the head of twenty-five hundred men hastened for ward by forced marches to the relief of his subordinate. Greene strove to delay his approach, ordering General Sumter (to whose aid he had sent Lieutenant- Colonel Washington with his cavalry and Pickens with his militia) to keep in the earl s front, and check his advance. Ma rion, too, was directed to be on the alert, and hasten from the low country as soon as it should become apparent that Raw don was marchinsr to Ninety-Six. This O / prospect of succor had, however, by the vigilance of the Americans, been carefully kept from the knowledge of Cruger, who knew nothing of it until the bold push of the countryman into the fort at this late moment. Lord Rawdon had, moreover, succeeded in outmanoeuvring Sumter, and getting between him and Greene. His approach was hourly expected ; and the American commander, therefore, had to choose at once between assailing the fort, meeting his lordship, or retiring. Greene decided upon storming the for tress without delay. Lieutenant-Colonel Campbell, of the first Virginia regiment, with a detachment from the Maryland and Virginia brigades, was to lead the assault on the left, and Lieutenant-Colo- REVOLUTIONARY.] THE ASSAULT AND REPULSE AT NINETY-SIX. 869 nel Lee with the legion infantry, and Cap tain Kirkwood with the remains of the Delaware regiment, on the right. Lieu tenant Duval, with a company of Mary- landers, and Lieutenant Selden, with an other of Virginians, led the forlorn hope of Campbell ; and Major Rudolph, of the legion, that of Lee, which was directed against the stockade-fort. Fascines were made ready to fill in the ditches, and long poles, with hooks, to pull down the sand bags with which the enemy had increased the height of their parapets. The third parallel having been manned, and the sharpshooters stationed on the lofty tow er in front of the star-fort, with orders to clear the parapets of the garrison previ ous to the advance of the storming-party, the first signal was given, when the as sailants entered the trenches, with every manifestation of eagerness to begin the attack. At noon, the second cannon was fired. Campbell and Lee rushed to the assault. " Cruger, always pre pared," says Lee, who was on the spot, and relates his own experience, " received them with his accustomed firmness. The parapets were manned with spike and bay onet ; and the riflemen, fixed at the sand bag apertures, maintained a steady and destructive fire. Duval and Selden en tered the enemy s ditch at different points, and Campbell stood prepared to support them, in the rear of the party furnished with hooks to pull down the sand-bags. This party had also entered the enemy s ditch, and began to apply the hook. Un covering the parapet now would have given us victory ; and such was the vig- Juue IS. orous support afforded by the musketry from the third parallel, from the riflemen in the tower, and from the artillery mount ed in battery, that sanguine anticipations of this happy issue were universally in dulged. The moment the bags in front were pulled down, Campbell would have mounted the parapet, where the struggle could not have been long maintained. Cruger had prepared an intermediate bat tery with his three pieces, which he oc casionally applied to right and left. At first, it was directed against Lee s left; but very soon every piece was applied upon Campbell s right, which was very injurious to his column. "Major Greene, commanding ir the star- redoubt, sensible of the danger to which he was exposed, if the attempted lodgment upon his front curtain succeed ed, determined to try the bayonet in his ditch as well as on his parapet. To Cap tains Campbell and French was commit ted this bold effort. Entering into the ditch through a sally-port in the rear of the star/ they took opposite directions, and soon came in contact, the one with Duval, the other with Selden. Here en sued a desperate conflict. The Americans, not only fighting with the enemy in front but with the enemy overhead, sustained gallantly the unequal contest, until Duval and Selden became disabled by wounds, when they yielded, and were driven back with great loss to the point of entry. The few surviving escaped with the hookmen to our trenches, where yet remained Colo nel Campbell, the sand-bags not being re moved. " On the left, the issue was very differ- 870 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART n. ent. Rudolph gained the enemy s ditch, and, followed by the column, soon opened his way into the fort, from which the en emy, giving their last fire, precipitately retreated. Measures were in train, on the part of Lee, to follow up his blow, by pas sing the rivulet, entering the town, and forcing the fortified prison, whence the left might have yielded substantial aid to the attack upon the star, by compelling Cruger to struggle for the town, or forcing him with all his troops to take refuge in the star; a situation not long to be held, crowded as he must have been, and desti tute of water." General Greene, however, at this mo ment, sent orders to Campbell to with draw, as his brave men were being sacri ficed without apparent advantage ; and Lee was commanded to hold the stock ade-fort, but to cease advancing. Nearly two thirds of the assailants were struck down in the attack on the star-battery, yet the strife was maintained for almost three quarters of an hour ; and in their retreat, though still under a galling fire from the garrison, the survivors brought off the greater number of their wounded comrades. One hundred and eighty were the killed and wounded on the side of the Americans, and eighty-five on that of the enemy. June 18. The attempt to carry the works of the foe by assault was thus shown to be fruit less. Moreover, intelligence soon came that Lord Rawdon, with his twenty-five hundred men, having broken through the obstructions offered by the partisan forces under General Marion, had appeared in the neighborhood, and was now rapidly approaching, to give his promised succor to the beleagured loyalists. Under these circumstances, with a far inferior force, and his troops dispirited by their repulse, there was nothing left to the American commander but immediate retreat. As soon, as the night closed in, ac cordingly, Lee was ordered to abandon the stockade-fort which he had so gallantly taken, and Greene withdrew from Ninety-Six with his whole force. " Had a few days time been allowed to Greene s approaches on Ninety-Six," ob serves Simms, " or had the supplies of mi litia promised from Virginia reached him, the prize for which he struggled must have been in his possession. Now, baf fled, if not beaten, he fell back slowly and sullenly before the pursuit of Rawdon, until the latter, weary of a chase which promised to be hopeless, and warned by circumstances which called him elsewhere, abandoned equally the pursuit and the country." REVOLUTIONARY. J EAWDON ABANDONS NINETY-SIX. THE LOYALISTS. 871 CHAPTER OIL Mortification a General Greene. He resolves to conquer the Country, or die. His Retreat. Lord Rawdon in Pursuit. His Lord.ship back again at Ninety-Six. Retirement of Rawdon. Desertion of the Loyalist Inhabitants. Greene faces about. Pursuit. Challenge to Battle. Bold Stroke of Colonel Lee. Hurry of Rawdon. Arrival at Granby. Orangeburg. Mutinous Soldiers. Another Challenge. Greene among the High Hills of the Santee. His Camp of Repose. Sumter s Expedition. Thundering at the Gates of Charleston. Rapid Movements. Fall of Dorchester. Wade Hampton before the Walls of Charleston. Fright of the Inhabitants. Stolen Thunder. Junction. The Enemy abandon Monk s Corner. Coat.es surprised. Fight at the Bridge. Bold Leap. Success of Coates. Prepara tion for Sumter. Another Conflict. Discord among the Americans. Their Retirement. Earl Rawdon departs for Europe. Inaction. Civil Strife. Blood and Slaughter. Execution of Colonel Isaac Hayne. Inhuman Insult. Want of Reinforcements by the Americans. Victory or Ruin. Services of the Partisan Leaders. General Greene marches to meet the Enemy. Ready for Battle. 1781, IT was exceedingly mortifying to General Greene that, after an ardu ous siege of twenty-eight days, he should be obliged to leave Ninety-Six, defeated in his object, at the very moment that a triumph was about to crown his labors. Some of his friends were so disheartened at the result, and so distrustful of the fu ture in South Carolina, that they urged him to quit the state, and retire with his small force to Virginia, " No," answered Greene, resolutely ; u I mU recover the coun try, or die in the attempt !" He thus began his retreat, vanquished for the moment, but still hopeful. On the second day after his repulse at Ninety- Six, he crossed the Saluda. On the 24th he arrived on the banks of the Guorree, and did not come to a halt until he had crossed that river, as also the Tiger and the Broad. Lord Rawdon pursued the retreating Americans until he reached the banks of the Guorree, when, finding it impossible to come up with Greene, he returned to Ninety-Six. His march had served only June 20, to extricate Cruger from his immediate difficulty. He now determined to aban don that post, as it was too remote to be readily supported ; and the proofs were convincing, all around him, that the day had gone by when a foreign foe could maintain itself among the recovering in habitants. The famous post of Ninety- Six, in defence of which so much blood had been already shed, was accordingly evacuated, and left in possession of the patriots, from whom it had been so lately rescued. The neighboring loyalists, who had so bravely fought for the royal cause, claimed all the s}^mpathy of the English earl, and he so far provided for their safe ty as to leave Colonel Cruger, with one half his force, to escort them, when ready, to Charleston ; while he himself pushed on, with eight hundred infantry and sixty horsemen, toward the Congaree river. Piteous, indeed, was the misery of the wretched loyalists, whom this abandon ment of Ninety-Six virtually surrendered to the rage of the long-persecuted patri ots. A fearful day of retribution was at 872 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART n. hand, which they did not venture to await. At a season when their farms were most lovely in the promise of a plenteous har vest, they were compelled to surrender them and fly. Vainly did their chiefs expostulate with the British chief against his desertion of those who, to serve the cause of their sovereign, had incurred the enduring hos tility of their countrymen. But the ne cessity was not less pressing upon Lord Eawdon than upon his wretched allies ; and, with a last look upon their homes, a mournful cavalcade of men, women, and children, prepared to abandon the fields of equal beauty and plenty which their treachery to their country had richly for feited, but for which they were still wil ling to perish rather than depart. Sullenly the strong men led the way, while, with eyes that streamed and still looked backward, the women and chil dren followed reluctantly, and with souls full of wretchedness and grief. How bit terly in their ears, at such a moment, must have sounded the notes of that drum and trumpet which had beguiled them from the banners of their country to those of its invader ! AVhat a pang to the bosoms of the fathers ! what a lesson to the sons, guiltless of the offence, yet condemned to share in its penalties I* On discovering the retrograde move ment of Lord Rawdon, and the division of his force, General Greene immediately faced about, to pursue in his turn, and provoke his lordship to battle. The ac tive Lee was sent in advance, with his cavalry, to hover about the British, and * Simms. to harass them in their retreat, should they refuse to stand their ground and to accept the challenge which Greene was proffering them. The earl, however, had no disposition to lose a moment by the way, as his object was to hasten to Gran- by, where he had summoned Colonel Stew art to meet him with a small detachment of troops from Charleston. In the advance which Greene contin ued to make upon the retreating foe, an opportunity offered to Lee of striking a blow at his cavalry. Rawdon had with him but a small number of dragoons, his chief strength in this description of troops being engaged in distant operations. Major Eagles ton, with a strong body of the American cavalry, throwing him self in advance of the enemy, placed an ambush in reserve, and presented himself with a small number in view of the Brit ish. This drew upon him, as was antici pated, an attack of the whole hostile cav alry. His flight enticed them to the thick et where the rest of the troop was con cealed, and their joint charges completely overwhelmed the foe. Many were slain, and forty-five men and horses, with sev eral commissioned officers, within a mile of the whole British army, fell into the hands of the Americans. This bold stroke of Lee s legion, togeth er with the accumulating numbers and au dacity of the Americans, greatly alarmed Earl Rawdon, and gave increased speed to his flight. Indeed, so urgently did he press on his men in their march, that no less than fifty fell dead by the roadside, from fatigue, privation, and the excessive heat of the weather ! His lordship thus KfJVOLUTIONARY.] EXPEDITION TO THE LOW COUNTRY. 873 succeeded, by his unwonted,, efforts, in reaching Granby before General Greene could come up. The expected reinforce ments from Charleston, however, not hav ing arrived, the earl sought safety by re tiring to Orangeburg, where he posted himself on strong ground, and waited for the junction of Colonels Stewart and Cru- ger. Here he could give a breathing-time to his hard-pressed troops, whose powers of endurance had been at last so exhaust ed, that they were ready to lay down their arms in mutinous disobedience if ordered to continue their march. Greene, with the aid of Marion, strove in vain to prevent the junction of Stew art with Rawdon. After this disappoint ment, he moved forward and encamped within five miles of Orangeburg. Here he endeavored to provoke his lordship to battle. The earl, how r ever, refused to be drawn from his strong ground, and the American general was too feeble to justi fy an attack upon him in his works. Sev eral efforts which he made with his cav alry, to arrest the approach of supplies to the British, having proved abortive, and tidings having reached him of the advance of Cruger with fifteen hundred men to the relief of Rawdon, compelled General Greene to retire from a position which he could not have retained after this accession of strength to his antago nist. Finding it thus imprudent to strike a blow, the American command er withdrew to a camp of repose among the "High hills" of the San tee, while he meditated upon other modes for the expulsion of the enemy from their strong position on the Edisto. 110 July 5. In the meanwhile, General Pickens and his militia had been equally unsuccessful in preventing the junction of Cruger with Earl Rawdon, which so strength ened his lordship, that he would now have gladly gone out with his pow erful force against the Americans ; but, by his timely and prudent retreat on the previous day, Greene had placed himself out of reach beyond the Congaree. While the American general was thus in his " camp of repose," he was not the less active in preparing means for driving out the enemy from South Carolina. The evacuation of Camden having been effect ed by striking at the posts below it, it was now proposed to try the same plan to force the British from Orangeburg. An expedition to the low country was imme diately set on foot for this purpose, con sisting of about a thousand men, most of whom belonged to the Carolinas, although o / o Lee with his legion, and a small artillery- force with one fieldpiece, were added. This was the famous " raid of the clou;- o days." It took place in midsummer, when the continentals dared not inarch. The chief command of the expedition was giv en to Sumter, with whom were united Ma rion, Lee, the two Hamptons, Taylor, ITor- ry, Maham, and Lacy, all gallant officers of the South. General Greene well knew the men whom he had intrusted with this enterprise, and spoke to them in sympa thy with their adventurous and energetic spirit. " There is no time to be lost," wrote Greene, in his orders to Sumter. " Push your operations night and day. Keep a party to watch the enemy s motions at Orangeburg, as they move down. Should 874 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART n. they move in any other direction, I will advise yon. Keep Colonel Lee and Gen eral Marion advised of all matters from above, and tell Colonel Lee to thunder even at the gates of Charleston !" These gallant men eagerly strove to obey the spirited instructions of their commander. Sumter at once moved rap idly down with his main body along the south side of the Congaree. Lee, with Lieutenant-Colonel Wade Hampton, was despatched to attack the British post at Dorchester. Colonel Henry Hampton was stationed at Orangeburg, to keep a watch on the main body of the enemy ; and all were to reunite at Monk s Corner, and at tack its strong works, which were held by Colonel Coates. On his march, Lee took all the wagons and wagon-horses belonging to a convoy of provisions. He then advanced to Dor chester, which fell at once. The garrison, which had been much reduced, and was in a state of mutiny, no sooner discovered the approach of the small party which had been sent by Lee, under Wade Hampton, to the bridge at Goose creek, in order to cut off the communication with Monk s Corner, than it precipitately abandoned the post. While Lee was collecting the spoils at Dorchester, consisting of about two hun dred horses and a large supply of ammu nition, Colonel Wade Hampton dashed down the road to Charleston, captured a party of fifty dragoons by the way, and suddenly appeared so close to the walls of the town, that the inhabitants, in their terror, believed the whole American army had come. The bells of the churches were rung, the alarm-guns fired, and every man was up in arms. Hampton had thus sto len a march upon Lee, and robbed him of the " thunder" with which Greene had bidden him knock at the gates of Charles ton. Lee arrived next day, but too late to win any laurels.* In this foray, Hampton also burnt four vessels, laden with valuable stores for the British army. Lee and Hampton now hastened to join Sumter, and unite with him in the contemplated attack upon Colo nel Coates at Monk s Corner. Meanwhile a detachment of Marion s men, under Colonel Mali am, passing the head of Cooper river and Wad boo creek, penetrated below to the eastward of Big gin church, to obstruct the retreat of the garrison at the church, by destroying the Wadboo bridge. The church near Biggin bridge was a strong brick building, about a mile from Monk s Corner, where the British had a redoubt. The church covered the bridge, and secured the retreat at that point by way of the corner. It was strongly gar risoned by a British force of nearly seven hundred men ; and the detachment under Maham did not dare to advance with any confidence w T hile unsupported by the main force of the Americans. Lee and Hampton having effected a junction with General Sumter, the latter advanced to support Maham in his attempt upon the bridge. Ke- inforcing his troop with a detachment un der Colonel Peter Horry, the command devolved upon that oflicer, who at once proceeded to the destruction of the bridge. * Irving. July 16. REVOLUTIONARY.] FIGHT AT QUINBY BRIDGE. 875 The cavalry of the enemy now advanced boldly to defeat his purpose, but were re ceived by the mounted American riflemen, who broke entirely through them, killing some, and taking a number of prisoners. This defeat drew out the British in such force, that the party engaged in destroy ing the bridge was compelled to fall back upon the main body. Sumter, believing that the enemy had marched out to give him battle, retired behind a defile at a little distance in the rear, and prepared to receive the attack in the most advan tageous position. But the British colonel had no such purpose. In proportion as the confidence of the Americans rose in the conflict, that of the invaders invariably fell. The de sign of Coates was simply to wear out the day. With the approach of evening, he accumulated the stores of the garrison within the church, and then set them on fire, to prevent their falling into the hands of the Americans. During the night, the British decamped, taking the road to the eastward by Wadboo and Quinby. As soon as the flames were ob served bursting through the roof of the sacred edifice, and Sumter had thus discovered the departure of the enemy, he led out his troops in pursuit ; but, un fortunately, Lieutenant Singleton, with a piece of artillery, was ordered to remain upon the ground, that he might not de lay the movements of the infantry. Lee and his legion, with Colonel Hampton, were in advance, until, having passed the Wadboo, they discovered that the cavalry of the enemy had separated from the in fantry, and had taken the route to the right. Hampton accordingly diverged in this direction, urging his panting horses to the utmost, in the hope of overtaking the dragoons before they could effect their passage of the river. In this he was un successful, and only returned to witness the equally fortunate escape of the ene my s infantry, the only remaining object of pursuit. Marion s cavalry had in the meantime joined that of Lee, and, after a quick run of eighteen miles, they came up, about a mile to the north of Quinby creek, with the rear-guard of the retreating army, consisting of one hundred men. These, being composed of raw recruits, were so frightened at the approach of the cavalry in furious onset, as to be almost incapable of the power of resistance. They threw down their arms without firing a gun, and begged for quarter, which was granted them. Colonel Coates, having crossed Quinby bridge with his main body, had already commenced its demolition, and was only awaiting the passage of the rear-guard and his baggage to complete its destruction. The planks which covered the bridge were loosened from their sleepers, and a how itzer, at its opposite extremity, was so placed as to protect the party engaged in throwing them off At this moment, Captain Armstrong, with the advance sec tion of Lee s horse came dashing up. As the rear-guard had been overcome with out any fight, no alarm -gun had been fired, and no express had been sent to ap prize the British commander of his dan ger. Thus taken by surprise, he was al most wholly unprepared for defence. The 876 BATTLES OF AMERICA. LPATJT TT. panic oy which he had lost one important part of his force, had nearly involved the destruction of the remainder. He happened, however, fortunately for himself, to be at the bridge when the cav alry of the Americans came rushing into view. His main body was at this moment partly on the causeway, on the south side of the bridge, and partly pressed into a lane beyond it. Thus crowded, they were wholly disabled for immediate action; but Coates nevertheless coolly prepared him self, as well as he might, to remedy the difficulties of his situation, and make his resistance as effectual as possible. Orders were despatched to his troops on the ad vance to halt, form, and march up. while the artillerists were called to the howit zer, and the fatigue-party to the renewal of their labors for the destruction of the bridge. If the situation of the British was thus perilous, that of the pursuing Americans for a time became scarcely less so. The planks sliding into the water, and the open jaws of the howitzer, ready to send destruction into their crowded ranks, left them little time for deliberation. Pres sing upon each other, a dense mass upon a narrow causeway, they felt that the withdrawal of the enemy s fatigue-party from the bridge would be the signal for applying the lighted port-fire to the how itzer. A moment longer, and the iron hail would have mowed down their col umns ! Armstrong saw the danger, and availed himself of the single moment that was left him. Dashing across the bridge, he O drove the artillerists from their gun. In the rush of their horses, Armstrong and his troopers had displaced some of the loose planks of the bridge. This left a gap, over which Lieutenant Carrington and the second section of Lee s dragoons were obliged to leap, as they spurred on to the succor of their comrades. Colonel Lee himself now came up with his third section ; but, as the gap had been much enlarged, the horses faltered, and refused to take it. Maham, however, at the head of Marion s men, feeling the halt, charged by the legionary cavalry ; but the death of his steed arrested his progress. Cap tain M Cauley, who led his front section, pressed on, passed over the fearful chasm, and joined in the fierce hand-to-hand melee that was going on upon the causeway be yond. The stream was too deep and the banks too muddy to attempt to ford, and Lee was obliged to retire, while Carring ton, Armstrong, and M Cauley, were thus bravely struggling with the enemy within his sight on the opposite side. The narrow causeway was now crowd ed, and a confused and desperate encoun ter ensued. Some of the working-party, snatching up their guns, delivered a sin gle fire, and then fled. Two of Lee s dra goons fell dead at the mouth of the how itzer, and several were badly wounded. Still, the others remained unhurt. Colo nel Coates, with his officers, covered by a wagon, opposed them with their swords; while the British infantry, having formed, hastened forward to find an opening in which they might display. In the meanwhile, some of Lee s men were engaged with Maham and Doctor Ir ving, his surgeon, in replacing the planks REVOLUTIONARY. CONFLICT AT SHUBRICK S PLANTATION. 877 upon the bridge, so as to enable the rest of the force to cross to the relief of the few brave men who had already effected their passage. At this moment, Armstrong, Carring- ton, and M Cauley,found themselves alone. Their men had failed to cross the bridge o while the passage was available, and, of the few by whom they had been followed, but a single soldier was left. Coates and his officers occupied the causeway, pro tected by a wagon in front, and, until the planks which he had succeeded in casting from the sleepers could be restored, they could hope for no assistance from their countrymen. Had they been promptly followed, the enemy might have been cut in pieces. Now, they beheld nothing but the seeming certainty of their own fate. The resolution of these brave men, in this predicament, was equally prompt and decided with that by which they had be come involved in it, and they saw that their only hope of escape was in instant flight. They knew that they should be safe from the lire of the enemy in front as long as Coates and his officers were in the rear. Accordingly, putting spurs to their horses, they dashed through the con fused thron<>; still flyim*; alonijr the cause- O J O O way, rapidly passed over it, gained the shelter of the woods, and, wheeling to the left, made their way along the bank of the stream, until they reached a ford, by which they succeeded in returning safely to the opposite side. Colonel Coates now completed the de struction of the bridge, and pressed for ward with his whole force to the neigh boring plantation of Shubrick. Here, in the dwellinghouse, outhouses, negro-huts, and behind the fences, he stationed his I men, and awaited the detachment under ; Surnter. The Americans, being obliged to make a long circuit before reaching; a <J o ! ford, did not come up until three o clock I in the afternoon. Sumter found ,-, , , .. July 17. the enemy drawn up and ready to receive him. As the American force consisted chiefly of riflemen and cavalry, and very few had bayonets, it would have been madness to advance directly to the attack. The precedent of King s mount ain furnished the partisan with his order of battle. Accordingly, on reaching the ground, he formed his men into three di visions, his own brigade composing the one, and Marion s (at that time much re duced) the other two. The former, led by Colonels Middleton, Polk, Taylor, and Lacy, was ordered to advance under cover of a range of negro-huts, and take posses sion of them ; and the latter to the right, and within short gunshot of the building which the British occupied in force, and there was no shelter against their fire except the open rail-fences. The cavalry of Lee was held back as a reserve, and to cover the retreat should it be necessary. The several parties moved to the attack with alacrity. Sumter s men soon gained their object, took possession of the negro- huts, and under their cover, were enabled to keep up a secure and effective fire with their rifles. Colonel Taylor, with a small command of forty-five men, pressed for ward to the fences on the enemy s left, whence he poured in a volley. This drew upon him the British bayonet, which com pelled him to retire, 878 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [FATCT n. Marion s brigade had much harder and more perilous work before it. As the men advanced to the rescue of Taylor s command, under none but the slight cov er of the rail-fences, they were greatly exposed, but kept pushing on spiritedly, until the enemy were driven into the va rious buildings. From within these, and from a picketed garden, the British main tained the conflict till the sun was down. The Americans, having no artillery with them, and finding their ammunition al most entirely exhausted, w r ere obliged to retire, after a contest of three hours, in which they lost forty men in killed and wounded. All those killed in the action were of Marion s men. The British loss was seventy killed. Their force nearly doubled that of the Americans, and was composed chiefly of Irish troops, but for whose inexperience in the use of firearms the loss of Marion s men must have been far more severe than it was. Sumter drew ofFhis force in excellent order, and, having repaired the bridge at Quinby, sent for his artillery and a supply of ammunition, with the view of return ing to the attack. In the meantime, the men of Marion s brigade,fmding that they had been the chief losers in the conflict, began to complain loudly that the brunt of the battle had been imposed upon them, while Sumter had favored his own men by placing them under shelter. This gave rise to such discontent, that the separate divisions refused to act any longer togeth er, and Sumter thus found his command entirely disorganized. He would, never theless, have again sought the enemy at Shubrick s plantation, but he was not only still short of ammunition, but also feared the approach of Lord Eawdon, who was reported to be advancing from Orange- burg. He therefore made his way, with all speed, to the camp of General Greene, on the " High hills" of the Santee, where Colonel Lee had gone in advance of him. The British lost, in the several engage ments of the expedition, apart from the slain and wounded (the numbers of whom could never be accurately known), nearly two hundred prisoners, including nine commissioned officers, a large quantity of valuable stores, wagons, and horses, and a prize no less rare than valuable in the eyes of the starving Americans seven hundred and twenty guineas, taken in the paymaster s chest, with the baggage, at Quinby bridge. The expedition of Sumter, though not as successful as it might have been for Coates s entire command might have been captured was of the highest service, as it inspired the country with a wholesome confidence in its native valor. The troops actually engaged in the attack on Colo nel Coates were almost exclusively South- Carolina militia, and they displayed, with the vivacious audacity of the partisan, the firm, collected resolution of the drilled vet eran/ 11 While General Greene lay at the hills, a large portion of his men were on the sick-list, and repose was therefore abso lutely necessary to their recovery. But this repose did not imply idleness. To discipline his troops, no less than to re store the sick, was a leading object of the commander. His mind was occupied with * Simms. REVOLUTIONARY."] DEPARTURE OF LORD RAWDON. 879 the necessity of grappling, on better terms of equality, with the two able British gen erals with whom he had already tried his strength. His earnest desire was to drive Lord Rawdon to Charleston, and confine him within the limits of that city. This would enable him to turn his arms against Cornwallis, or at least contribute to the detention of that formidable commander in Virginia, But the business pressing on the hands of Greene proved too vari ous, and his resources too few, for the ac complishment of his designs; and, fortu nately for the cause of American liberty, Cornwallis found other foes, too numer ous for his safety or escape, in the state which he had invaded. In the meantime, Marion, with his bri gade, returning to his old field of opera tions, traversed the borders of the San tee with a success and an activity that did not suffer diminution because of the in tense heats of August, He was still the same cautious but enterprising, bold, yet vigilant captain always in motion, and always successful that he had shown himself from the first. His contempora ry, Sumter, at the same time, with equal activity, returned to the Ninety-Six dis trict, where the sanguinary war of whig and tory had been renewed among the inhabitants with great ferocity. Sumter s incursion into the low coun try induced Lord Rawdon to give up his command in the field, and proceed rap idly to Charleston, where he only stayed long enough to sully his military honors by many shameful and sanguinary acts, and then, taking his final departure from South Carolina, sailed for Europe. Lieutenant-Colonel Stewart succeeded his lordship in the command at Orange- burg, but toward the close of July shifted his post to the south side of the Congaree, near its junction with the Wateree. Thus the two armies were only fifteen miles apart, and within sight of each other s watch-fires : but two rivers and innumer able swamps intervened, and the exces sive heat during the height of the sum- o <~j mer served to prevent immediate hostil ities. Though the regular soldier was repo sing for awhile on his arms, blood was still flowing freely. " The whole country," wrote General Greene, " is one continued scene of blood and slaughter." The civil strife among the patriots and the royal ists raged with unwonted fury. Houses were burnt, property destroyed, and even the women and children Avere not spared, while the strong men were engaged in their fierce partisan conflicts. " No lan guage," says Simms, " can do justice to, and visit with proper execration, the do ings of that dismal civil war, which deso lated the fair fields of Carolina, and del uged her dwellings with the tears and blood of her children In the single dis trict of Ninety-Six there were no less than fourteen hundred ividows and orphans made by this savage ivarfare /" The animosity which prevailed was ex cited to a still greater degree by the cruel execution of Colonel Isaac Hayne,an emi nent and beloved citizen of South Caro lina, a planter of good family and educa tion, and highly esteemed for his amiable manners and unblemished character. At the siege of Charleston, he commanded a 880 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART IT. troop of horse, and served meanwhile as a senator in the state legislature. His corps of cavalry, which operated in the rear of the British army, and not within the city, did not share in the general cap tivity of the citizens in the fall of Charles ton, but was supposed to be included in its terms of capitulation. His men being disbanded, Hayne returned with his fam ily to the privacy of his plantation. The British traversed the state, and declared it to be conquered. In the meantime, a military government was established over it, and successive commandants were ap pointed for the administration of its af fairs, who, under Governor Bull, exercised dictatorial powers. Among the most con spicuous of these was Lieutenant-Colonel Balfour, the commandant of Charleston, a vain man, proud of his authority, and solicitous of its exercise a sycophant to the great, and a tyrant to the humble. Under the despotic system of govern ment thus inaugurated, there was only one mode left for safety to those unhap py Carolinians who, still devoted to their country s liberties, were yet liable to be torn and tortured through the bosom of their exposed and suffering families. This was to accept of the protection of British power against the aggravated excesses of their own infatuated countrymen. This protection was granted only to those who claimed it as British subjects. To this wretched necessity was Colonel Hayne soon reduced. A mean artifice of a British officer seduced him from his plantation to the city, where he was close ly imprisoned, and obtained his release from this duress, at the call of his dying wife and of his children, only by subscri bing a declaration to the British crown. This he did, though not without expressly excepting to that clause which required him with his arms to support the royal government ; and he received a verbal as surance that such services would never be required at his hands. " When the regular forces of his majesty," were the words of the British officers, -need the aid of the inhabitants for the defence of the province, it will be high time for them to leave it." But, owing to the various successes of the Americans, they required this aid much sooner than they imagined. Hayne, having made his peace with the British government on the only terms which it would admit, had scarcely re turned to his plantation, where he received the last breath of a dying wife, and buried a second one of his children, when he was peremptorily required to join the royal standard ! His resolution was that of the patriot. Forced to draw the sword, he drew it in behalf of his country. He repaired to the American camp, recruited his troop, and commenced a career which was destined to be as short as it was spirited. By a sudden dash which he made upon the quarterhouse, an outpost of the enemy in the immediate neighborhood of Charles ton, he succeeded in making General Wil liamson a prisoner. This man was a traitor to the state, and his life was forfeited to the gallows. To rescue him from this probable fate, the British commandant in the city ordered out his whole cavalry, which succeeded in overtaking Hayne s party, dispersed it, REVOLUTIONARY.] EXECUTION OF COLONEL IIAYNE. 881 and rescued Williamson. Unfortunately, Colonel Hayne also fell into their hands. He was carried to Charleston, and kept in close custody until Earl Rawdon, leav ing Stewart at Orangeburg, arrived in the city. Hayne was then brought before a court of inquiry. The members of the court upon this examination were not sworn, nor were the witnesses; yet, in con sequence of this examination, "Lord Raw don and the commandant, Lieutenant- Colonel Nesbitt Balfour, resolved upon his execution, for having been found under arms, and employed in raising a regiment to oppose the British government, though he had become a subject, and accepted the protection of that government after the reduction of Charleston." Such were the terms and reasons for this decision, which was ordered to be car ried into effect two days after. This sud den, unlooked-for, and unjust sentence, was equally unexpected by the prisoner himself and by the citizens. It was not supposed that a mere court of inquiry could be resolved into one of final trial and cond-emnation. The men of the city, including many British and loyalist resi dents, with Governor Bull at their head, pleaded in his behalf; the women peti tioned in person, and with his little chil dren implored on bended knees for remis sion of the sentence ; but Raw r don and Balfour were inexorable. It has likewise been suggested that Hayne was only a chosen sacrifice to the manes of the vic tim of Arnold s treachery. Balfour en dorsed one of the petitions, offered in be half of Hayne, with the two words, "Major Andre! The unhappy man was less moved 111 than his fellow-citizens and friends. He expressed no alarm at the event, nnd only requested the existing authorities to ac commodate the mode of his execution to a soldier s feelings ; but this was denied him, and he perished on the scaffold. The proceedings in his case were obvi ously parallel to those of Andre. Attend ed by thousands of spectators, gloomy and sad as by an impending calamity to them selves, he walked to the place of doom. His carriage was firm, manly, and unos tentatious. To his eldest son, a lad about thirteen years of age, on the morning of the fatal day, he delivered all the papers which were connected with his fate, and gave his final instructions as to the dis position of his remains. Ascending the scaffold, he parted from his friends with the simple assurance that he would en deavor to show them " how an American should die ;" and, with that unshaken res olution which had distinguished his de portment throughout the painful scene, he himself gave the signal which hurried him into eternity. The execution of Hayne greatly an gered the whole country. General Greene himself determined to revenge the out rage, and wrote: "It is my intention to demand the reasons of the colonel s bein; O put to death ; and if they are unsatisfac tory, as I expect they will be, to publish my intention of giving no quarters to British officers, of any rank, that fall into our hands." Unsatisfied by the explanations which were offered by the British commander, Greene subsequently issued a proclama tion, in which he declared it to be his res- 882 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART II. olute purpose " to make reprisals for all such inhuman insults as often as they take place." This proclamation was in duced by the voluntary self-devotion of all the officers of the southern army, who met together and addressed a memorial to the general-in-chief, in which, after de- clarino- what had reached their ears of the o enormous cruelties practised by the Brit ish, and of the bloody execution which has just been recorded, they recommend measures of immediate retaliation by a similar treatment of all British subjects ; avowing their perfect readiness to abide by a recommendation which, in the event of capture, at once placed themselves en tirely without the pale of mercy from the enemy. " But," concludes this noble doc ument, " we had rather commit ourselves to the most desperate situations than pros ecute this just and necessary war upon terms so dishonorable." Fortunately for the cause of humanity, but a little time elapsed after this when the policy of the war rendered unneces sary the adoption of such rigorous meas ures. Still, the American general wore the countenance of one who was inflexible in his determination. A very few days after the execution of Ilayne, Marion s cavalry captured three British officers with an enemy s party ; and the affair of the Eutaw placed in the hands of Greene a prisoner sufficiently distinguished to awaken all the apprehensions of Balfour for his safety .* General Greene was disappointed of his expected reinforcements. Wayne, with his Pennsylvanians, had been held back * Simms. by Washington, who reserved him for the more important field of action at York- town. Only five hundred of the three thousand five hundred North-Carolinians promised had come forward, and these were without arms. The seven hundred mountaineers from beyond the Allegha- nies, under Colonel Shelby, of Virginia, had turned back, under the supposition that Greene was too strong to need them. General Sumter, being ill and displeased, had retired from the service, leaving but a small remnant of his band, under the command of Colonel Henderson. The patience of Greene was exhausted. " We must have victory or ruin !" was the em phatic expression of his eagerness to be on the move. The partisan corps, however, had not been idle during this repose of the main body upon the " benign" hills of the San- tee. Colonel Washington had been doing effective service in the country bordering on the lower Santee, in which he cap tured two bodies of the enemy s horse. Colonels Lee and Henderson, crossing the Congaree with their cavalry, penetrated between the main body of the British ar my and the post at Orangeburg, and, in sight of the latter place, drove in, dis persed, and captured, several of their de tachments. Equally active with these of ficers were Marion and Maharn, together with Harden and his mounted militia, in covering the low country bej^ond the. Edisto. Greene, speaking of his cavalry in these expeditions, asserts it to be unexcelled by any in the world. In this guerilla ser vice the Americans soon proved their su {EVOLUTIONARY.] MOVEMENTS OF GREENE AND STEWART. 883 Aug. 22, perior activity. Colonel Stewart, having his communications with the interior thus constantly interrupted, and his provisions cut off, was confined to the sole resource of getting his supplies from Charleston, and this became everyday more and more precarious. For every wagon-load of pro visions he paid the price in blood. General Greene, having resolved upon action, broke up his camp on the hills of the Santee, crossed the "Wateree near Camden, then the Conga- ree, and, moving along its southern bank, finally reached Howell s ferry, on the lat ter river. While the American Aug. 28, general, in consequence of the swollen swamps and water-courses, was obliged to make this extensive circuit of more than seventy miles, Stewart took the occasion to fall back to Eutaw springs, some forty miles from his late post, and within about sixty of Charleston, in order to secure a junction with some reinforce ments and provisions on their route from that city. The British commander was followed by Colonel Lee, who was pushed forward to watch his movements ; while General Pickens, with the state militia, and Colo nel Henderson, with the remnant of Sum- ter s brigade, advanced with a similar ob ject to the neighborhood of the enemy s post at Orangeburg. These various corps joined the main army of the Americans as it moved slowly down the south bank of the Congaree, toward the old post at Motte s, where Greene, having resolved upon a discontinuance of the pursuit, de termined to await the progress of events. This resolution, as it seemed to indicate a want of confidence in the American com mander, encouraged the British. Halting upon his ground at Eutaw, Stewart pre pared to meet and fight his enemy. Hav ing withdrawn his garrison at Orangeburg (which he established at Fairlawn), he re called to his aid that which had been sta tioned at the latter post as a foil to Ma rion. This movement he was enabled to make in consequence of the disappear ance of the " Swamp-Fox," who, in one of his secret expeditions, had rapidly crossed the country to Pon-Pon, where Colonel Harden was closely pressed by a British force of five hundred men. To pass through both lines of the ene my s communication with Charleston ; to surprise, defeat, and disperse this force, under Major Fraser, numerically superior to his own ; to return by the same route, pass the Santee, put his prisoners in safe ty, and then to advance upon the Eutaw, where he effected a junction with the main army, was but the work of a few days and of ordinary effort with this able warrior. At Lamson s place, the point of junc tion with Marion, General Greene left be hind his baggage and tents, and pushed on with greater rapidity until he arrived at Burdell s tavern, with in seven miles of the enemy, with whom he determined to try his strength on the coming morning. The general-in-chief, with his usual read iness to share the hardships of the com mon soldier, lay down that night upon the bare ground, with his head resting upon the protruding root of an " ancient China- tree." 884 BATTLES OF AMERICA. PART II- CHAPTER GUI. Battle of Eutaw Springs. Comparative Numbers. Order of Battle. The Attack begins. The British Line. The Ke- serve . The Struggle. The Militia give way. Spirit of the North-Carolinians. A Fierce Charge. The Marylanders and Virginians. Fixed Bayonets. Desperate Resistance of the Enemy. Colonel Washington and his Troopers suf fer. Washington receives a Wound. Heaps of Dead and Wounded. The Militia at the Hum-Casks. Sally of the Enemy. General Greene in Possession of the Field of Battle. A Disputed Victory. Death of Colonel Campbell. "I die content." The Prisoners. Major Barry. An Undignified Lift. "The Very Man." Colonel Stewart at Monk s Corner. Greene on the Hills of the Santee. Close of the Campaign in Carolina. 1781. NEXT morning, at the early hour of four, the American troops were on the march to attack the enemy. Gen eral Greene s force was small, amounting to only two thousand men. That of the British numbered twenty-three hundred. The former had the superiority in caval ry, the latter in general discipline as well as in numbers. Greene led on his troops in Sept, 8, two columns. Ihe first, com posed of the militia of North and South Carolina,, was commanded by Marion and Pickens, and Colonel de Mulmedy. The second, comprising the continental troops from North Carolina, Virginia, and Mary land, were led on by General Simmer, Lieutenant-Colonel Campbell, and Colo nel Otho Williams. Lee, with his legion, covered the right flank ; and Henderson, with the troops of Sumter, the left. Colo nel Washington, with his cavalry, and Cap tain Kirkwood, with the Delawares, com posed the reserve. Two pieces of artil lery moved at the head of each column. So completely had the detached par ties of the Americans cut off those of the British, that the advance of their army was unsuspected. The only patrol had been captured during the night; and so entirely secure did Stewart esteem him self in his position, that an unarmed par ty of a hundred men had been sent out to gather sweet potatoes. Two deserters from Greene s army con veyed to the British commander the first intelligence of the approach of the Amer icans ; and Captain Coffin, at the head of his cavalry, was sent out, as well to recall the "potato-rooting" party, as to recon noitre the Americans and cover the par ty. When the American advance had ar rived within four miles of the enemy s camp, it was encountered by the detach ment of horse and foot, about two hundred strong, under Coffin, who charged it at once with a confidence which showed his ignorance of its strength, and of the great er force of which it was the precursor. He was quickly repulsed by the Ameri cans, who charged briskly in turn, killed several, took forty prisoners, and put the rest to flight. The firing alarmed the po tato-diggers, who all fell into the hands of the Americans. In the meantime, Stewart pushed for- REVOLUTIONARY.] BATTLE OF EUTAW SPRINGS. 885 ward a detachment of infantry, in order to keep the Americans employed while he prepared for battle. But Greene, per suaded by the audacity of Coffin that his party formed the van of the British, im mediately halted and formed his troops for action, in two lines, which was readily effected from the line of march. The col umn of militia, when displayed, composed the first ; the South-Carolinians, in equal divisions, being on the right and left, and the North-Carolinians in the centre. Ma rion commanded the right, Pickens the left, and Colonel de Malrnedy the centre. The continentals formed the second line, with the Virginians, under Lieutenant- Colonel Campbell, on the right ; the Ma- rylanders, under Williams and Howard, on the left; and the North-Carolinians, under Sumner, in the centre. Lee and his legion covered the right flank ; and Colonel Henderson, with the state troops, including Sumter s brigade, the left. Colo nel Washington, with his cavalry, and the Delawares of Kirk wood, under cover of the adjoining woods, formed the reserve. Two three-pounders were posted in front of the first line, and two sixes in the same position in the second. Thus formed, the troops marched for ward, but slowly, as the ground was cov ered with wood, until within a mile of the enemy s camp, when they encount ered a strong detachment of infantry. The American van, however, spiritedly attacked this advanced body, and drove it back to the British line, which Stewart in the meanwhile had drawn up for bat tle about two hundred rods west of the Eutaw springs. The British troops were arrayed in a single line, in a wood. Their right was composed of the third regiment ( " the Buffs"), resting on the Eutaw creek ; the remnant of Cruger s brave royalists was posted in the centre ; and the left, formed of the veteran sixty-third and sixty-fourth regiments, extended across the Charleston road. Major Marjoribanks, with three hun dred choice light-infantry, was posted in the thickets which bordered the Eutaw creek, so as to cover the right, and watch the flank of the Americans, should it be opened at any time to attack. The ar tillery was distributed along the line ; and a corps of reserve, consisting of Cof fin s cavalry and a detachment of infantry, was so posted, under cover of the wood, as to support the left and command the Charleston road. At a few hundred paces in the rear of the line were some cleared fields, where the tents of the British encampment still remained standing, and bounded on the north by the creek flowing from Eutaw springs. This creek is a bold one, having a high bank, thickly bordered with brush and undergrowth. From the dwellin-- o o house on the premises to this bank ran a garden enclosed with palisades ; and the windows of the house, which was two sto ries high, with garret-rooms, commanded the entire adjoining fields. The house was strongly built of brick, and surround ed with the usual tenements of stables, outhouses, and barn, the latter standing 7 O at a short distance to the southeast of the dwelling. The Americans approached from the west. Their large superiority in cavalry 880 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART n. made the house a point of great impor tance to the British commander, who ac cordingly gave orders to Major Sheridan to occupy it at the first symptom of de feat, and to cover the army from the up per windows. The American front line pressed on with loud shouts after the enemy s re tiring detachment which it had first met, until it found itself engaged with the en tire British line. The day was fair, and intensely hot ; but the action opened in a wood, the shade of which afforded some relief to the combatants. The battle was begun with great spirit, and the carnage was severe. The field- pieces on both sides were dismounted ; and the struggle was manfully sustained by the militia, whose valor and unflinch ing perseverance, amid the continued fal ling of their comrades around them, won the admiration of both armies. Unfalter ingly they stood their ground until they had discharged seventeen rounds, when they gave way before a general move ment of the enemy in advance. General Sumner now came up with the North Carolina regulars of the second line, who made such an impression by their spirited onset upon the enemy, that Colo nel Stewart was compelled to bring up the infantry of his reserve on his left The engagement between these two fresh corps now became hot. At length, Sum- ner s brigade, after sustaining the conflict with numbers far superior to its own, also fell back. Elated at this result, and conceiving the victory to be sure, the British rushed forward in pursuit, and their line in con sequence became deranged. At this im portant crisis, the American commander ordered up Williams and Campbell, with the Marylanders and Virginians, to the rescue, and to sweep the field with their bayonets. This order was obeyed with promptness ; the two brigades received it with a shout, and advanced with a de gree of impatience which scarcely heeded the deliberate and measured guidance of their officers. When within thirty yards of the enemy, they delivered a destruc tive fire, and the whole body, with trailed arms, rushed forward to the charge, ap parently unmoved by the stream of lire that blazed incessantly before them. Nothing could surpass the intrepidity of both officers and men on the occasion. They continued to press firmly on with out flinching through a heavy shower of cannon and musket balls, until they bore down all before them. The enemy s ad vanced left recoiled beneath the desper ate resolution of this charge. Their dis order became visible, and was confirmed by the prompt movement of Colonel Lee. Wheeling the legion infantry round from its position on the extreme right flank, he poured in upon the British left and rear a close enfilading fire, and their confusion became irretrievable. Colonel Henderson was wounded early in the action, and, while the command was being shifted to Colonel Hampton, the state troops became momentarily disor dered, but soon recovered themselves and made a spirited charge, in which they took a hundred prisoners. The British troops on the left were now put to total rout, and, as their officers REVOLUTIONAKY.] AN UNEXPECTED REVERSE. strove to rally them, Colonel Washington brought up his reserve and prevented their efforts to reform. The centre and right of the enemy still remained much more numerous than the American, and awaited the threatened charge with a con stancy that seemed unshaken. But the disorder and flight of the left had its ef fect upon the other divisions of the army ; and the pressure of the fugitives from the left upon the centre, imparted a portion of their panic to the rest of their compan ions. The advance of the Marylanders, at this lucky moment, helped to increase the confusion of the foe. The former de livered their fire with deliberation and fatal effect, and the enemy yielded along their whole front. Completely triumphant, as they now supposed themselves, the Americans pur sued the enemy back through the open fields, and strove to cut them off from the brick house, to which the fugitives natu rally turned their eyes. Successful in this, the victory would have been complete; for the great loss which the foe had sustained must have compelled his surrender, unless he could secure this shelter, which was now his object. It was in striving to de feat this object that the Americans sus tained their greatest loss; and the affair, which so far had promised a glorious vic tory, ended in the complete disappoint ment of the conquering army, and the temporary defeat of its proudest hopes. At this stage of the battle, Major Mar- joribanks. from the cover of the thickets on the borders of the creek, still showed fight, and kept up a harassing fire upon the Americans. General Greene saw that he must be dislodged from this position, and despatched Colonel Washington to perform the duty ; but his cavalry got so entangled and separated in the woods, that it was impossible for it to charge, and each horseman was thus left to defend himself apart from his comrades against the whole corps of infantry. An attempt to gain the enemy s rear was still more disastrous. This unequal struggle soon proved fatal to Washington and his dra goons. The colonel himself received the thrust of a bayonet, and would have been slain, had he not been saved by a British officer and taken prisoner. Hardly one of Washington s officers escaped death or a wound ; while the ground was strewn with the horses and troopers, either dead or struggling in the last agonies. Mar- joribanks still held his ground, although Hampton had come up to the rescue of the cavalry. Kirkwood s Delawares now made an impetuous rush with the bayo net, to revenge their fallen companions, and succeeded in expelling the British from this strong position. But Marjori- banks retired slowly, still holding on to the thickets, and making for a new posi tion, of nearly equal strength, behind the palisades of the garden. Here the British army had partly ral lied, though nothing could well exceed the terror in its encampment. Every thing was given up for lost. The com missaries destroyed their stores ; and the numerous retainers of the army, mostly loyalists and deserters, who dreaded fal ling into the hands of the American, seiz ing the horses wherever they might be found, lied in terror, carrying consterna- BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART 11. tion where they went, even down to the gates of Charleston. Their alarm might not have been groundless, had it not been for the misfortunes of the Americans, in i the losses of Washington s cavalry, and the rash pursuit, by the infantry, of the disordered British. By the time that Marjoribanks had gained the palisades, Major Sheridan had thrown his troops into the house ; and some of the routed companies from the British left had made good their retreat into the picketed garden, from the inter vals of which they could fire with secu rity and effect. The whole British line was now in full flight before the American bayonet. The retreat of the enemy lay directly through their own encampment, where their tents were all standing, and a thousand objects scattered around in grateful profusion, which, to the famished troops of Greene, were too tempting to be withstood. Fa tigued, and almost naked, panting with heat, and suffering from thirst at the same time believing their victory to be secure the pursuing Americans fell in to acts of insubordination, to which the fire of the British from the contiguous buildings eminently contributed. The shelter of the tents from this fire became an excuse of which these brave men did not scruple to avail themselves : and here happened one of those miserable reverses which so often baffle equally the calcula tions of wisdom and the deeds of valor ; here the American line got into irretriev able confusion. Its officers, nearly aban doned by their soldiers, became conspic uous marks for the British in the house, who now poured their fire with deadly aim from its windows. In vain did they seek to rescue their men from the bane ful consequences which had folio wed their entrance into the encampment : they had dispersed without order among the tents, had broken open the casks of rum, and drunk so freely, that they became lost to all sense of discipline, and utterly unman ageable. The British officers promptly availed themselves of this miserable condition of things. Marjoribanks and Coffin made simultaneous movements; the one from his thicket on the left, the other with his dragoons from the wood on the right of the American line. General Greene saw the danger which threatened him, and strove to avert it by ordering Lee to fall upon Coffin. That officer, however, not being within reach, having probably dis appeared in pursuit of fugitives, his subor dinate, Major Eggleston, hurried up with a few troopers of the legion, and made an onset upon the enemy s cavalry ; but his force was too small to make the de sired impression, and he was driven back by Coffin, who immediately after hastened to charge the rear of the Americans, now dispersed among the tents. Here, how ever, he encountered Hampton, who was advancing to the relief of Eggleston, and by him was successfully charged and beat en in turn. After a severe struggle, the British cavalry was forced back to its cov er within the wood. A moment after, the command of Colo nel Hampton was almost annihilated by a fire from the picketed garden, where Mar joribanks had concealed himself. This REVOLUTIONARY.] KESULTS OF THE BATTLE OF EUTAW. 889 skilful officer, to whom the British army chiefly owed its safety, having dispersed the cavalry of Hampton, proceeded to the performance of another movement, which was decisive of the strife. The British artillery, which had been captured by the Americans when they swept the field, had been brought up and opened upon the brick house, where the enemy were strongly sheltered. Unfor tunately, in the hurry of the fight, the pieces had been brought too near the house, and were commanded by its fire, which very soon killed or disabled all the artillerists. As soon as Marjoribanks had scattered Hampton s cavalry, he sallied into the field, recaptured the pieces, and hurried them under cover. Then, being reinforced by parties from the house and garden, he charged the Americans, scat tered among the tents, drove them before him, and bayoneted some of the soldiers who were still clinging to the rum-casks lying about. The fugitives found safety only in the cover of the wood, where the army of Greene had rallied ; and the Brit ish, too much crippled to venture into con flict beyond the shelter of the house and outbuildings, slowly fell back upon their position. General Greene, having possessed him self of the field of battle, left a strong picket-guard there, and withdrew with the rest of his troops to the encampment (since there was no nearer place to find water), some seven miles distant, whence he marched in the morning. Thus ended the severe engagement of the ELI taw, in which both parties claimed the victory. There is no diflicLilty, how- 112 ever, in settling the question of dispute between them : the advantage remained with the patriots. The British were driven from the field of battle at the point of the bayonet, and took refuge in a fortress. So closely had they been pressed, and so narrow was their escape, that a forward party of the Americans was only prevent ed from entering with them by a sudden closing of the doors in the face of some of their own officers and men, who were taken prisoners in consequence, and inter posed by the captors as shields for the protection of their persons while retreat ing under the mouths of the musketry which lined the windows. The results of the action are undoubtedly as we have given them, but the details are subjects of considerable question. " The partisans of the South," says Siinms, " were espe cially dissatisfied with the reports of the affair. That they did their duty well is undeniable. They make, however, an un favorable report of the performances of other parties of whom the official report speaks favorably. It is very certain that, in the management of the conflict, there were many mistakes, if not much bun gling." The loss on both sides was very heavy. The Americans lost about five hundred (a fourth of their whole force), including sixty officers ! Among the killed was the brave Colonel Campbell, of Virginia, who fell as he was leading on his brigade. Like the great Wolfe at Quebec, under similar circumstances, he asked with his expiring breath, " Who flies ?" and when told that the British were giving way, hn exclaimed, " I die content " 890 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART n, The loss of the enemy was about eleven hundred, comprising nearly one half of their entire force ! The loss of British officers was also very severe, but not so great as that of the Americans. Colonel Stewart himself was wounded, and Major Marjoribanks, who had so highly distin guished himself during the day, died of fever during the march to Charleston. The spot where he lies buried is still shown by the roadside. To the descend ants of his enemies he is indebted for a tornb covering his remains. General Greene carried off no less than four hundred and fifty British prisoners. Among these was Major Barry, " a dapper little gallant," and the secretary of Bal- four, the commandant of Charleston. His capture is thus humorously related by the biographer of Greene: "Barry fell into the hands of Lieuten ant Manning, of Lee s legion. Manning, finding the upper windows [of the brick house] to be full of British musketeers, about to measure his person with their muzzles, did not scruple to seize Barry, and, before the astonished Briton could conceive his purpose, to hoist him upon his shoulders. Thus covered with the scarlet of a British uniform, with the per son of one of their officers completely cov ering his own, the lieutenant reasonably calculated that he should interpose a suf ficient physical as well as moral reason why he should not incur the penalty of a shower of British bullets. It was in vain that Barry interposed in the lan guage of offended dignity : < Sir ! said he, sir, I am Henry Barry; I am deputy- adjutant of the British army; captain in Sept, his majesty s fifty-second regiment; sec- retary to the commandant of Charleston/ &c. ; major of, &c. The very man Iwaz in search of, answered Manning. I am delighted to make your acquaintance ! Fear nothing, Adjutant Barry, fear noth ing. It is my policy to take care of you. and I am determined you shall take care of me : we must, in times like these, take care of each other. And so saying, the stalwart lieutenant strode off with his captive to the American line."* If further proof were needed to estab lish the claim of the Americans to victo ry, it was found in the events of the day succeeding the engage ment. Colonel Stewart, leaving his dead unburied, and seventy of his wounded to the humanity of General Greene, break ing the stocks of one thousand muskets, and destroying his stores, abandoned his position, and retreated with precipitation before his enemy. The Americans advanced within five miles of him to Ferguson s swamp, where he made his first halt. It was Greene s intention to have renewed the action the next day ; and he despatched Marion and Lee to watch the line of communication between the Eutaws and Fairlawn, where the British had a strong force, under Colo nel M Arthur, so as to prevent the junc tion of this body with the enemy s main army. The simultaneous movement of the two corps of Stewart and M Arthur enabled them to meet at mid-distance, and to outnumber the American detachment. By this movement, their junction was se cured on the evening of the day after the * Simms. EVOLUTIONARY.] GREENE PURSUES. THE BRITISH AGAIN ADVANCE. 891 battle, and their retreat immediately con tinued. General Greene pressed the pursuit du ring the whole of one day, but without success. The escape of Stewart Sept, 10, was secured for the time, and the American general was compelled to forego his object, and yield his earnest attention to the prisoners and wounded in his hands. The British wounded narrowly escaped capture by Marion. This vigilant parti san, learning that they had been shipped at Fairlawn for Charleston, descended the country rapidly by night, and would have intercepted them, but for a slave of one of the plantations, who gave intelligence of his movements to the British. This brought out a strong detachment against him from the camp, and he was obliged in turn to steal away and avoid intercep tion. Returning from the pursuit of Colonel Stewart, Greene recrossed the San tee, and resumed his position at the hills. His mi litia soon left him. Only one hundred of the North-Carolinians now remained, and their term of service had nearly expired. Marion, Pickens, and Hampton, with the South-Carolina militia, were necessarily detached to cover the country ; and with his continentals alone he had to perform all the painful and fatiguing services re quired by six hundred wounded, half of whom were prisoners. There was also much sickness in camp : and ten Sept, 18, _ _ J days alter the battle or liditaw the American general would have found it impossible to muster, at headquarters, a thousand men lit for action. In the meanwhile, intelligence reached the South that Cornwallis contemplated a return from Virginia to the Carolinas by land ; and Colonel Stewart, having re cruited his army from below, and made his cavalry far superior to that of his op ponents, once more advanced to the Eu- taws, driving Marion and Hampton across the San tee. But in this movement the enemy exhibited little vigor, and the de tachments of the patriots soon presented themselves tauntingly before their posts, but failed to bring them forth. Subse quently, while the British lay at Monk s Corner, Captain Maham, of Marion s bri gade, captured one of their positions, and took eighty prisoners, in the face of their whole army. Dunns;; the illness of Colonel Stewart, O s who was still suffering from his wound re ceived at Eutaw, the command devolved upon Major Doyle (afterward a general in the British service in India), who took post at Fludd s plantation, three miles above Nelson s ferry, with more than two thousand men, exclusive of the three hun dred under M Arthur at Fairlawn. This force, so superior to that of Greene, gave to the enemy the undivided command of the country to the south of the Santee and Congaree,and westward to theEdisto. But this superiority did not long con tinue. Greene s army was recruited by Colonels Shelby and Sevier with five hun dred riflemen from the mountain region, and a hundred and sixty infantry came from North Caroliiwa. The artillery de stroyed at Eutaw had been replaced from Virginia, and the cavalry (so essential in such a country) was greatly augmented. 892 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART n. In two months from the battle of Eutaw, the American general was in a capacity to act. Marion, with Sevier, Shelby, Hor- ry, and Mali am, was ordered to operate between the San tee and Charleston; Suin- ter, with his brigade of state troops, and some companies of militia, was ordered to take post at Orangeburg, and defend the country against the loyalists from the city; while Pickens, with two regiments, maintained the frontier from the Indians, and covered it against the predatory war fare still raging in that quarter. In the beginning of November, Sumter and Marion crossed the rivers and moved against the enemy. The former soon en countered a strong body of tories, under General Cunningham, who had advanced upon Orangeburg ; and one of his officers, a Major Morris, fell into an ambuscade, in which he sustained some loss. The forces of Sumter and Cunningham, being nearly equal, operated as mutual checks upon each other. The latter, who had issued from Charleston on a predatory expedi tion into the country, was obstructed in his progress ; while the former,, to con tinue this restraint upon his enemy, and secure himself, fell back for the present upon a strong and well-selected position. About this period a foray was under taken by William Cunningham, who, by his savage ferocities, had acquired the nom dc guerre of "Bloody Hill" which is gener ally known in Carolina tradition as "The Bloody Scout! Cunningham, with two or three hundred men, made his way from Charleston to the interior. Rendezvous ing at Rogues ford, on the Edisto, his fol lowers spread themselves on every hand, and committed the most horrible exces> ses against persons and property. In most cases, they found only defenceless people in their houses. No mercy to age or sex was shown by these wretches. The men were commonly shot or cut down ; the women experienced various brutalities; boys of fifteen were hewn to pieces ; the horses and all moveable property carried off, and, when not moveable, burnt. " The horrid massacres, on Cloud s creek, of Tur ner s troop," says Simnis, from whom we gather the closing details of the southern campaign, " at Edgehill, of Hayes party, where scores of men were butchered at the same moment after capture, are still reported w r ith shuddering by the people of the regions where these terrible atro cities were committed The detailed crimes of this bloody scout, as still dwelt upon by the preserving tradition, would crowd a volume." But his banditti was finally dispersed and destroyed, few es caping the red hand of the avenger. The miscreant leader survived the war, and re turned to Europe ; but, in all the region of country thus ravaged, he remains to this day the proverbial monster. His atro cious deeds were indignantly repudiated by the British General Leslie, and also by General Cunningham, the representative of a remote branch of the same family. In the meanwhile, Colonel Stewart was busy ravaging the low country, laying in pro visions for sustaining a siege in Charles ton, and accumulating that plunder with which the enemy s fleet of three hundred sail was laden when they afterward took flight from the waters of Cooper river. In the space of a few weeks, Major Doyle REVOLUTIONARY.] GREENE MOVES TOWARD THE SEABOARD. 893 had succeeded in stripping the country on the Santee and Congaree of every negro, and of almost every thing else in the shape of property that could be carried away, and would have extended his ravages be yond those rivers, but that Marion and Hampton guarded their opposite banks. The intelligence of the surrender of Yorktown reached Greene s headquarters about the last of October, and the day w r as observed as a jubilee in the camp, and the grateful tidings increased the de sire of the American general to cross the rivers which separated him from the ene my, and drive them down to the sea. The camp at the HiiHi hills of Nov. 18. . the ban tee was at length broken up, and the American army again put in motion. As the route led away from the support of Marion, who was to guard the left wingon the march, Captain Eggleston, with the legion and a detachment of Vir ginians, was sent to strengthen him. The main army proceeded by the way of Sim- mons s and M Cord s ferries, through Or- angeburg, to Riddlespurger s ; thence by the Indianfield road to Ferguson s mill, where that road crosses the Edisto the intention of Greene being apparently to gain a position on Four Holes, in order to cover the country beyond him, and con trol the movements of the enemy on his right. Another object was to intercept the flight of the British to Savannah, in telligence having been received by Mari on, from Charleston, that such was their design. About this time, to the astonishment of all, the mountaineers, in the absence of Colonel Shelby, deserted the camp, af ter a service of only three weeks. They had been placed under the command of Marion, who sought to give them suffi cient employment ; but, though his num bers were much inferior, he found it im possible to bring the British into the open field. Detachments of about two hundred of the mountain-men, however, supported by Maham s cavalry, had moved against the redoubts at Wappetaw, which were abandoned at their approach. The same body attacked Fairlawn, while the enemy lay at Wantoot. In passing the latter post, Marion showed himself, but did not succeed in decoying the British cavalry into the field. At Fairlawn, the attack by Colonel Shelby was successful : the place surrendered at discretion ; and the whole garrison, with some three hundred stand of arms, stores, and provisions, fell into the hands of the Americans. The house with its con tents, and the abatiis, were com mitted to the flames. The sudden desertion of the mountain eers greatly weakened the army of Gen eral Greene, but he had advanced too far to recede ; Marion had passed the Santee, and any disaster to him would have com pelled an immediate retreat. Greene re solved to act with boldness, and if possi ble force the British commander to retire into Charleston. With this object, he left the army, on its march, under the com mand of Colonel Williams, of Maryland ; and, at the head of two hundred cavalry, and as many infantry, moved briskly tow ard Dorchester. The cavalry consisted of Lee s and Washington s, and one hun dred men drawn from the command of Sumter. The infantry were those of the 894 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PAKT II legion, and some of the Virginia and Ma ryland troops. The command of this de tachment was given to Colonel Hampton. Greene flattered himself that he should be able to surprise the post at Dorchester; but the enemy, hearing of his approach, lay upon their arms all night. A party which had been sent out to obtain intel ligence was cut to pieces by Hampton s advanced guard, and the survivors hotly pursued close to the enemy s post. The whole British cavalry and a strong force of infantry now issued forth to charge the pursuers, and Greene with pleasure saw their approach; but they recoiled and fled from the fierce onset of Hampton s horse. Twenty or thirty were slain, wounded, or captured ; and such an alarm did the pres ence of Greene in person inspire among them, under the belief that his whole ar my was at hand, that the garrison at Dor chester destroyed everything during the night, threw their cannon into the river, and made a rapid retreat to Charleston. The panic of the enemy increased, their outposts were all abandoned, and their whole force concentrated at the quarter- house, six miles from the city. At this point, where the isthmus is narrow, the fugitives halted, and were joined by Colo nel Stewart, who meantime had been hur rying toward the town by another route. General Leslie now succeeded Stewart, and prepared for immediate attack. His force was nearly five thousand men, exclu sive of the negroes which he embodied in regiments, while Greene could not mus ter in all more than eight hundred, but the fears of the fugitives had magnified nis force to more than three thousand. Thus driven in from all their outposts, the British were confined in their opera tions to the city, the neck, and the neigh boring islands. The object of General Greene, and all that he could effect, in the feeble condition of his army, was attained; and in January, after an interreg num of nearly two years, Governor Rutledge convened the legislature of the state at Jacksonborough, a little village on the Edisto river, about twenty miles from the sea, and thirty from Charleston. The army, in the meantime, took post at the plantation of Colonel Skirving, some six miles below Jacksonborough, and on the road leading to the city. But few military movements occurred during the season. A vain attempt was made to dislodge the British from John s island. In a skirmish on the Combahee, the brave Colonel John Laurens ,. n TJ T -, . ., Aug. 27. fell. He was succeeded in the command of the light-troops near Charles ton by Kosciusko.* General Wayne had been sent into Georgia, where he forced the British to abandon their outposts, and * After the American war, this illustrious Pole returned to his native country, where he lived in retirement till 17S9, when the diet appointed him. a major-general. In the brief struggle of 1792 he behaved with distinguished valor; hut as soon as the fate of Poland was scaled, he retired into vol untary exile. lie kept up, however, a correspondence with the friends of liberty in his native land; and when, ir. 1794, the Poles resolved to make one more effort to break their chains, they placed Kosciusko at their head. He began his career by defeating the Russian general, Denisoff, at liashi- vice. But the enemy poured in on all sides, and at length, after having for six months delayed the fall of Poland, he was wounded and taken prisoner, on the 4th of October, at the battle of Macciowiee. He was sent to St. Petersburg, and incarcerated until the accession of the emperor Paul, who visited him in prison, embraced him, and set him at liberty. His latter years were spent in America, France, and Swit zerland, but chiefly in France. He died at Soleure, in Swit zerland, October 17, 1817, aged seventy-one years REVOLUTIONARY.] EVACUATION OF CHARLESTON. 895 finally to evacuate Savannah, the garrison retiring to Charleston. In September, Sir Samuel Hood arrived, with a convoying fleet, to cover the departure of the British. Meanwhile, General Leslie pressed his preparations for the final evacuation of Charleston. Greatly constrained by the cordon which the American general had contrived to maintain around his foe, Les lie, in order to eke out his provisions, suf fered numerous loyalists to leave the city and make their peace with their country men, a privilege of which hundreds readi ly availed themselves. He also expelled from the town all those who were alleged to favor the American cause. Having levelled the walls of the town and of Fort Johnson, the British command er opened a communication with General Greene, apprizing him of the intended evacuation, and proposing terms, in order that his departure might be a peaceable one. An arrangement accordingly fol- o o / lowed, by which the Americans w r ere to take possession as the enemy s rear-guard retired ; the former pledging themselves to forbear all hostile attempts upon the movements of the British, on condition that they should do no injury to the city. On Saturday, the 14th of December, 1782, this event took place. The morn ing gun was the signal for the British rear guard to abandon its advanced redoubts. General Wayne, at the head of three hun dred infantry, the cavalry of the legion, and a detachment of artillery, with two six-pounders, having been sent from the American army, had crossed Ashley river the previous night, and was stationed in readiness to follow up the enemy. At the sound of the morning gun, the two parties were put in motion, at an as signed distance asunder of two hundred yards. They moved down the King-street road, till they had passed the lines, when the British filed off to Gadsden s wharf, where they embarked in boats that await ed them. " It was a grand and pleasing sight," says General Moultrie in his me moirs, " to see the enemy s fleet, upward of three hundred sail, lying at anchor from Fort Johnson to Five-Fathom Hole, in a curve-line, as the current runs ; and what made it more agreeable, they were ready to depart." The reluctance of the one party to leave, and the impatience of the other to succeed them in the possession of the city, led the British, now-and-then during the march, to cry aloud to General Wayne that he was pressing too rapidly upon them a proceeding highly characteristic of "Mad Anthony? who fully sympathized with the natural impatience of the Carolinians to behold those dear homes from which they had been so long exiled.* Wayne moved forward, and halted on the south side of Broad street, nearly opposite to Church. Next to the American advance came Gov ernor Rutledge and General Greene, es corted by two hundred cavalry, and fol lowed by the council and long troops of officers and citizens on horseback, amid the acclamations of the populace."}* * At the close of the war, General Wayne retired to his native state of Pennsylvania. In 1737, he was a member of the state convention which ratified the constitution of the United States. In 1792, he succeeded to the command of the western army on the defeat of St. Clair, and gained a comjlete victory over the savages at the battle of the Mi- anris, in 1794. He died iu 1796, at the age of fifty -one. \ Simms. 896 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART n. CHAPTER CIV. Lord Cornwallis from Portsmouth to YorUtown.- Description of Yorktown. Its Defences. Confidence of his Lordship. A Change. Arrival of a French Fleet. Skilful Manoeuvres of Lafayette Contemptuous Indifference of Cornwal lis. Arrival of Count de Grasse. Landing of Troops. Junction with Lafayette. Cornwallis shut up by Sea and Land. A Desperate Expedient. Hopeful of Aid. Washington s Plans. Proposed Attack upon New York. The Scheme abandoned. A Ruse. The March to Virginia. The British at New York kept in the Dark. March of the Allies. Entrance into Philadelphia. Appearance of the American Troops. The "Gay artel Glorious" French. Admiration of the Ladies. A Grand Review. The French Minister. A Public Dinner. Good News. "Long live Louis XVI.!" The Grumbling Americans. Out of Pocket. A Windfall. Progress of the March southward. Arrival at the Head of the Elk, Washington at Mount Vernon. Old Virginian Hospitality. Washington at Wil- liamsburg. The Allies before Yorktown. 1781, LORD CORNWALLIS having, in ac cordance with the instructions of Sir Henry Clinton, again landed at Ports mouth the detachment of troops about to sail for New York, moved his whole force, consisting of about seven thousand men, to Yorktown. This small place, Aug. 22, , L 4r i situated on I ork river, was se lected as a good defensive post, and one capable of affording protection to ships- of-the-line. Sir Henry, with this purpose in view, had suggested Yorktown, or Old Point Comfort, as a point d appui for the coming campaign in Virginia. By the advice of his naval officers and engineers, the earl chose the former. On the north and opposite side of the river, which was a mile wide, and of sufficient depth for large vessels, was Gloucester Point, which, like Yorktown, had a high and command ing position. His lordship now proceed ed to fortify both places (at the former of which was stationed Colonel Tarleton and a part of his legion), and with such satisfactory progress, that, confident of his security, he soon wrote to Sir Henry Aug. 30. Clinton, offering to send a detachment of a thousand men to the aid of New York, then threatened, as was supposed, by an attack from Washington. Earl Cornwallis was, however, suddenly aroused from his sense of security by the arrival in the Chesapeake of Ad miral Count de Grasse, with a French fleet of twenty-eight sail-of-the- line and several frigates, having upward of three thousand troops on board. The young marquis Lafayette, a ware of Wash ington s designs against the enemy in Vir ginia, and prepared by early intelligence for this arrival of his countrymen, had in the meantime skilfully manoeuvred to co operate with them. His object was to cut off the escape of Cornwallis by land, while the French fleet should close up his egress by sea. Lafayette had made every disposition of his force necessary to his purpose with out exciting the suspicion of Cornwallis, who, intent upon his fortifications, regard ed his young antagonist almost with con teinptuous indifference. Having sent the REVOLUTIONARY.] ARRIVAL OF COUNT DE GRASSE. 897 Pennsylvania troops, commanded by Gen eral Wayne, to the south side of James river, under the feint of attacking Ports mouth, and collected a large militia-force, the marquis himself inarched to Williams- burg, in order to form a junction with the French troops as soon as they should land. On the arrival of Count de Grasse, he was met off Cape Henry by an officer de spatched by Lafayette to inform him of the exact state of affairs in Virginia. De Grasse, guided by this information, imme diately sent four ships-of-the-line to block ade York river, and to convey the land- troops to James river, where Lafayette was awaiting them. Nothing occurred to mar these designs so skilfully laid. Corn- wallis found himself shut up by sea, and obstructed on land by the combined forces of Lafayette and the marquis de St. Si mon, who, taking post at Williamsburg, kept close watch upon his lordship. The earl was at last conscious of his danger, and would have striven to break through the toils which had been so artfully woven, and to force his way into North Carolina, had he not hoped that such aid would soon reach him from Sir Henry Clinton as to render so desperate an expedient unnecessary. In the mean time, Washing ton, in his camp in New Jersey, was seal ing the fate of his unconscious lordship. Let us now turn to the North. When intelligence was first received of the intention of Count de Grasse to sail from the West Indies to the United States with his powerful fleet, Count de Rocham- beau, who had also received despatches from the French court, requested a per sonal interview with Washington, to con- 113 May 18, cert a plan of action for the approaching campaign. The latter suggested Weath- ersfield, in Connecticut, as the place of meeting, and the 22d of May as the time Accordingly, the commander-in-chief set out from headquarters, at New Windsor, accompanied by Gen erals Knox and Du Portail, and met Ro- chambeau and the marquis de Chastellux at the time agreed upon. A French frig ate had recently arrived at Boston, hav ing on board the count de Barras, who was appointed to succeed the deceased Admiral de Ternay in the command of the French fleet at Newport, and he was expected to join the conference at Weath- ersfielcl, but the appearance of a British squadron off Block island prevented his attendance. At that interview, the respective com manders, being as yet ignorant of the in vasion of Virginia by Lord Cornwallis, discussed the propriety of a joint expe dition to the Carolinas. The difficulties of such an expedition, at that time of the year, when the sickly season was about to set in at the South, were fully consid ered, and it was agreed that an effective blow might be made by the combined ar mies for the recovery of the city of New York, which would at the same time re lieve the southern states. It was finally determined, as a preliminary step toward opening the campaign, that the entire land-force of the French (whose infantry had remained in repose at Newport for nine months), with the exception of about two hundred, who were to be left as a guard over their heavy baggage at Provi dence, should march with all despatch to i, 898 BATTLES OF AMERICA. LPART n. join Washington s army at the Highlands of the Hudson, and at a proper time the united force was to move toward New York. The commander-in-chief at once sent letters to Governor Livingston, of New- Jersey, and the executive authorities of New England, urging them to provide immediately the quotas of men and sup plies which had been voted by their re spective states. General Rochambeau, in the meanwhile, despatched a messenger to the West Indies, to inform the count de Grasse of the proposed attack upon New York, and to solicit the co-operation of his fleet. Toward the close of June, while the French troops were moving through the western part of Connecticut, on their way to the Hudson, Washington made strong preparations to oppose the British on York island and in Westchester county. He planned a joint expedition against Colo nel Delancey s corps of loyalists stationed at Morrisania, and the military works on the upper end of the island. The duke de Lauzun, with his fine cavalry-legion, was to conduct the former; and General Lincoln, with detachments from the main army, had charge of the latter. But the enemy were on the alert. Lincoln, with a force of eight hundred men, went down from the camp at Peekskill, in boats propelled by muffled oars. At the same time, leav ing his baggage, Washington followed on land with the main army, and encamped at Phillipsburg, near Dobbs s ferry, nearly twelve miles from the north end July 1, July 4, of York island. Lincoln, accom panied by one or two officers, crossed to Fort Lee, on the western bank of the Hudson, to reconnoitre Fort Washington from the cliffs of the Palisades, when he discovered a British encampment on the upper end of the island, and a vessel-of- war lying in the river, off Spuyten-devil creek. He at once saw that a surprisal of the enemy s forts was impossible ; and, accordingly, landing his troops, he took possession of the high grounds lying to the northeast of Harlem river, with the intention of offering aid to the duke de Lauzun. In this position, Lincoln was attacked by a fo raging-party, numbering about fif teen hundred men. A desultory skirmish followed ; and De Lauzun, who had just arrived at Eastchester, hearing the sound of cannon, hastened forward to meet his American ally. Washington likewise ad vanced, and the British, believing that the whole force of the Americans was ap proaching, fled to their boats, and retired in haste to their camp. The surprise of Delancey s corps being regarded as improbable, Washington with drew to Dobbs s ferry, at which place he was joined by General Rochambeau. The American and French forces now encamped among the verdant and beau tiful hills of Greenburg, near Tarrytown, about thirty miles from New York. The former, who lay in two lines, had their right resting on Dobbs s ferry, and ex tending eastward toward the Neparan or Sawmill river ; and the latter encamped in a single line upon the hills still farther to the east, with their left resting on the river Bronx. In this position they re- July 0. REVOLUTIONARY.] MOVEMENTS OF THE ALLIES NEAR NEW YORK. mained upward of three weeks, without making any movement of importance. In the meantime, the invasion of Vir ginia by Lord Cornwallis had caused great alarm throughout that and the adjoining states ; and the American chief received urgent letters, earnestly imploring him to advance southward with a powerful force, and expel the earl and his followers. The time for such an expedition, however, had not yet come. Washington, accompanied by Rocham- beau and other French officers, now pro ceeded to the summit of the Pali- July 18, sades, for the purpose or recon noitring the British posts on the north end of York island. On the following day, they took a view of those at Kings- bridge ; and it was resolved that a force of five thousand Americans and French, commanded by Generals Lincoln and De Chastellux, should occupy a line across the entire county of Westchester from the Hudson to the East river, in order to cover an extended reconnoissance, break up the haunts of the tories, and confine Colonel Delancey s corps of marauders within the British lines. This important movement was begun with great secresy on the evening of the 21>st, the three separate columns moving simultaneously toward York island, while detachments of infantry scoured the fields between the lines of march. Before day break the entire force confront- Jtily 22. ed the British on the upper end of the island. The flashing of the arms of the allies in the beams of the morning sun was the first intimation which the enemy had of the movement. While the British were held in check by this strong force, Washington and Ro- chambeau, with their respective attend ants, effected a complete reconnoissance from the Hudson to Long-island sound ; and in the meantime the American light- troops, and De Lauzun s lancers, broke up every post of the loyalists and refugees. Having made a thorough and scientific reconnoissance of the whole ground, the allied troops returned to their respective encampments among the Greenburg hills Sir Henry Clinton became alarmed at this movement, and despatched a message to Lord Cornwallis, directing him to order three of the regiments in South Carolina to sail immediately for New York, and to hold a portion of his own troops in readi ness for the same destination. On hear ing of this requisition, Washington made the following comment in a let- Julv 30, ter to Lafayette: "I think we have already effected one part of the plan of the campaign settled at Weathersfield ; that is, giving a substantial relief to the southern states, by obliging the enemy to recall a considerable part of their forces from thence." With great anxiety, and some degree of impatience, the commander -in -chief had waited for the recruits and supplies which had been voted by several of the state legislatures ; and again he addressed a circular letter to the governments of the New-England states, imploring them in the most urgent man ner to be prompt and generous in send ing on the required aid, for without it the enemy must triumph, and the allies be come disappointed and disgusted. "It August 2, 900 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PATiT II. Avill be no small degree of triumph to our enemies," added Washington, " and will have a very pernicious influence upon our friends in Europe, should they find such a failure of resource, or such a want of energy to draw it out, that our boasted and expensive preparation end only in idle parade." About this time, intelligence was re ceived from Lafayette that " thirty trans port-ships, full of troops, most of them red-coats, and eight or ten brigs with cav alry on board," had arrived in Hampton roads. A despatch was also received from Admiral Count de Grasse, stating that he expected to sail from St. Domingo on the 3d of August, with nearly thirty ships-of- the-line and a considerable land-force, di rectly for Chesapeake bay, and that his stay must be short. On receiving this information, Wash ington changed his plans. The scheme against New York was abandoned, as be ing too perilous without the aid of the expected French fleet and troops. Be sides this, early in the month, Augusts, J feir Henry Clinton had received a reinforcement of nearly three thousand troops, British and Hessians. Strength ened by this arrival, the baronet, as we have seen, countermanded his orders for Lord Cornwallis to send a portion of the southern troops northward, as he deemed his own force amply sufficient for the de fence of New York. It was therefore resolved by Washing ton and Rochambeau to concur with the plans of De Grasse, and, proceeding with the allied armies southward, strike a blow against the British in Virginia. Robert Aug. !7, Morris, the great financier, and Richard Peters, the active secretary of war, were at headquarters at the time. Af ter informing them of his reso lution, Washington turned to Peters, and asked, " What can you do for me in aid of this expedition ? I may want," he add ed, "a month s pay in advance for some of the troops." " With money, everything without it, nothing" quickly replied Peters, at the same time casting a significant glance at Robert Morris. The financier comprehended the meaning of that look, and said, "Let me know the sum you desire." Washington soon completed his estimates ; and when the troops passed through Philadelphia, not long afterward, Morris, upon his own responsibility, bor rowed twenty thousand dollars in specie from Rochambeau, promising to replace it by the first of October. With assurance of aid, the commander-in-chief prepared immediately for the southward march. ::: This change of purpose was, however, carefully concealed from the enemy; and. to keep up the idea that New York was still his object, Washington wrote mislead ing letters, which he intended should be intercepted ; had ovens built, fuel collect ed, and a large encampment marked out for his army in New Jersey, near Amboy, and opposite to Staten island. In the meantime, the allied armies, having com pleted their preparations to move to Vir ginia, began their inarch. The pretence of an attack upon New York was kept up to the last moment. Reconnoitring and pioneer parties were sent forward to examine and clear the * Lossintr. luff, 19, REVOLUTIONARY.] THE ALLIED TROOPS IN PHILADEPHIA. 901 roads from the encampment at the Green- burg hills toward Kingsbridge ; and when the troops were paraded for the march, they faced in that direction. They were, however, much to the surprise and per plexity of their own officers, who were in ignorance of the chief s designs, imrnedi- o O * ately ordered to the right about, and pro ceeded up the Hudson to King s ferry at Verplanck s Point, where they crossed to New Jersey. The secret of Washington s design was kept as strictly from his own army as from the enemy. " Our destination," as Timelier records, " has been for some time matter of perplexing doubt and uncer tainty. Bets have run high, on one side, that we were to occupy the ground mark ed out on the Jersey shore, to aid in the siege of New York; and, on the other, that we are stealing a march on the ene my, and are actually destined to Virginia, in pursuit of the army under Lord Corn- wallis." Seven years later, Washington wrote a letter to Noah Webster, in which, after admitting the finesse employed to "misguide and bewilder Sir Henry," he added, "Nor were less pains taken to de ceive our own army, for I had always con ceived when the imposition does not com pletely take place at home, it would never sufficiently succeed abroad." Leaving General Heath in command of a sufficient guard for the posts in the Highlands, the allied armies began their movement across New Jersey, under the general charge of Lincoln, the American troops marching one day in ad vance of the French. They pro ceeded by different routes, and were far Au.ff, 25. Sept, 3, on their way in rapid march toward the Delaware before Sir Henry Clinton sus pected their destination to be other than Staten island and New York. On the seventh day after leaving the Hudson, the Americans crossed the Dela ware, and entered Philadelphia, followed on the next day by the French. "The streets being extremely dirty," says Timelier, " and the weather warm and dry, we raised a dust like a smothering snowstorm, blinding our eyes and covering our bodies with it. This was not a little mortifying, as the ladies were viewing us from the open windows of every house as we passed through this splendid city Our line of march, inclu ding appendages and attendants, extend ed nearly two miles. The general officers and their aids, in rich military uniform ; mounted on noble steeds elegantly capari soned, were followed by their servants and baggage. In the rear of every bri gade were several fieldpieces, accompa nied by ammunition-carriages. The sol diers marched with slow and solemn step, regulated by the drum and fife. In the rear followed a great number of wagons, loaded with tents, provisions, and other baggage, such as a few soldiers wives and children ; though a very small number of these are allowed to encumber us on this occasion." The entry of the French troops was characteristically gay and glorious. Hav ing halted a short distance from the city, in order to furbish up their uniforms "of white broadcloth, faced with green" (the colors of the old house of Bourbon), they marched in, with a full band of music pre- 902 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART n. Sept, 4, coding them, to the manifest admiration of the people who crowded the streets, and of the ladies who "appeared at the windows in their most brilliant attire." A grand review took place on the following day, when " at least twenty thousand persons, and a vast num ber of carriages, remarkable for their light ness and elegance, added to the lustre of this exhibition which was still height ened," adds the ardent Frenchman* who describes the scene, " by the pleasantness of the situation and the remarkable se renity of the day." The day "was destined for favorable omens," continues the same warm color- ist. " M. le chevalier de la Luzerne, who on this occasion received his countrymen with the dignity and generosity of the representative of a great monarch, and the frankness and cordiality of an indi vidual, after the review invited all the officers to dine with him. Hardly were we seated at the table, when, an express arrived. A disquieting silence immedi ately seized every guest ; our eyes were fixed on the chevalier de la Luzerne, ev ery one endeavoring to guess what the message would turn out to be. Thirty- six ships-of-the-line, said he, commanded by Monsieur le comte de Grasse, are ar rived in Chesapeake bay, and three thou sand men have landed, and opened a com munication with the marquis de Lafay ette. Joy and good humor immediately resumed their place on every counte nance." The news soon spread through out the city, and the people hurried in crowds to the residence of the minister * Quoted )v Thacher. of France, shouting, "Long live Louis XVI. !" The American army, however, did not share fully in this gay enthusiasm. The New-England troops grumbled at being marched at such a distance to the South while their pay was in arrears. As be fore related, a loan of twenty thousand dollars was obtained from Rochambeau s military chest, on a promise of repayment on the first of October, which gave tem porary relief. Fortunately, at this mo ment, Colonel John Laurens, who had been sent to France as American agent to solicit a loan, returned with abundant supplies and half a million of dollars in specie. Moreover, he brought intelligence of a successful negotiation with France and Holland for a large sum in addition. The zeal and ability with which the ne gotiation was conducted by the American envoy deserve more than a passing allu sion. Colonel John Laurens, a son of Henry Laurens (ex-president of Congress, who was long confined in the Tower of Lon don), was made a prisoner on the surren der of Charleston to the British, and re leased on parole. He arrived in Paris in the spring of 1781, and immediately en tered upon the duties of his mission with all the ardor of his nature. He soon be came impatient of the delays which he experienced on the part of the French ministry. In earnestly pressing his suit one day with Count de Vergenues, that adroit diplomat reminded him that per haps he had forgotten that he was not de livering the orders of his commander-in- chief, but addressing the minister of a REVOLUTIONARY.] WASHINGTON VISITS MOUNT VERNON. 903 monarch who had every disposition to fa vor his country. Laurens withdrew to the opposite side of the room, and replied with emphasis : " Favor, sir ! The respect which I owe to my country will not ad mit the term. Say that the obligation is mutual, and I cheerfully subscribe to the obligation. But, as the last argument I shall offer to your excellency, the sword which I now wear in defence of France, as w r ell as of my own country, unless the succor I solicit is immediately accorded, I may be compelled within a short time to draw against France, as a British subject ! I must now inform your excellency that my next memorial will be presented to his majesty in person." This bold reply had a great effect upon Vergennes, for the reconcilia tion of Great Britain and the United States was an event he most dreaded. True to his promise, Laurens attended at the au dience-chamber of the king the next day, and presented his memorial in person to his majesty. It was handed to Count Se- gur, and on the following day Laurens was officially informed that the required aid should be given. That succor, as we have seen, now came to hand at a most important crisis, and in two short months, by the aid of French funds, and French soldiers arid seamen, Lord Cornwallis was to be captured, and the death-blow given to British power in America.* While in Philadelphia, Washington re ceived despatches from Lafayette, in form ing him of the destination of Cornwallis s o flotilla seen in Hampton roads, with the assurance that he should make every ex ertion to prevent the earl from moving Sept, 5, Sept, 6, into the interior. The French minister had as yet received no intelligence of the count de Grasse, and Washington in con sequence felt much anxiety. Yet he did not hesitate to advance. Both armies left Philadelphia in the morning, for the Head of Elk. Toward evening Washington was met by a cou rier, bringing the glad tidings that the o O O O French admiral with his great armament had arrived in the Chesapeake. The mes senger reached the chevalier de Luzerne, at Philadelphia the same evening, as be fore related, while his guests were at the banquet-table. The commander-in-chief arrived at the Head of Elk (the narrow, upper end of Chesapeake bay, which is called Elk river) in the evening, with the intention of embarking the troops, ord nance, and stores, at that point, and send ing them down the bay. There was a great lack of transports for the purpose, and the troops were therefore brought to a halt. While the armies were thus de layed, Washington improved the oppor tunity of making a flying visit to Mount Vernon. Accordingly, attended by Ro- chambeau, he rode to Baltimore, where the two chiefs were greet ed with a public address, and honored by bonfires and illuminations in the evening. Early the next morning, Washington set out for Mount Vernon with a single aid-de-camp (Colonel Humphreys), with the determination of reaching his home that night, for upward of six years had passed since he had been beneath its roof "The journey was accomplished," writes Lossing, " and great was the joy at Mount 004 BATTLES OF AMERICA. Yernon when the news spread over the estate that the master had come home. The servants flocked in from the fields to see him, and among them came Bish op, the venerable body-servant, who had lived with Washington since the bloody battle of the Monongahela, twenty-six years before, but who was now, at the age of almost fourscore years, too decrcpid to follow his master to the field." "It was a late hour," says Ir ving, " when Washington arrived at Mount Yernon ; where he was joined by his suite at dinner-time on the follow- Scpt. 9, ing day, and by the count de Rochambeau in the evening. General Chastellux and his aids-de-camp arrived there on the llth, and Mount Yernon was now crowded with guests, who were all entertained in the ample style of old Yirginia.ii hospitality. On the 12th, tearing himself away once more from the home of his heart, Wash ington with his military associates contin ued onward to join Lafaj^ette at Williams- burg." On this occasion he was attend ed by Mrs. Washington s son. John Parke Custis, who now for the first time went to the field, as one of the chief s aids. CHAPTER CY. Hoodwinking of Sir Henry Clinton. Aroused too late. Fair Promises. Arrival of Sir Samuel Hood. A British Fleet. Arrival off the Capes of Virginia. Sight of the French Ships. Eagerness of the Count do Grasse. Admiral Graves gives Battle. Manoeuvring. Do Grasse returns to the Chesapeake, and Graves to New York. Inversion by Sir Henry Clinton. Expedition against New London, in Connecticut. General Arnold in Command. Fort Griswold. Colonel Ledyurd. Spirited but Vain Resistance. Fall of the Fort. No Mercy. Massacre. Murder of Ledyard. Losses. New London in Ashes. Last Act of Arnold. His Departure for England. Impatience of De Grasse. Magna nimity of Lafayette. Arrival of Washington. The Villc de Paris. Meeting of the Allied Commanders. Arrival of the Combined Troops at Williamsburg. Their Orderly March. A New and Threatening Danger. De Grasse is in duced to remain. The Siege of Yorktown commenced. 1781. WASHINGTON, by his skilful ma noeuvring, had succeeded in so com pletely hoodwinking Sir Henry Clinton, that the combined armies, as previously shown, had proceeded on their march as far as the Delaware before he was per suaded that Earl Cornwall!* at Yorktown was their object. Sir Henry, in fact, had been so impressed with the delusion that an attack upon New York was intended, that even after Washington and Rocham- beau had crossed the Hudson into New Jersey, he believed that this move was only a feint to divert him from their real purpose. When he was fairly conscious of the truth, it was too late for him to send the desired assistance to Cornwallis, although at the last moment he wrote to his lordship, declaring that he would do his utmost for his relief. A prospect of aid was, however, pre sented by the arrival of Sir Samuel Hood at New York from the West Indies, with fourteen ships-of-the-line. Hood was now REVOLUTIONARY.] GRAVES AND DE GRASSE. ARNOLD IN CONNECTICUT. 905 joined by five ships then lying in the har bor, under Admiral Graves, who, being the senior officer, assumed the general com mand, and bore away without delay, with the intention of first intercepting the count de Barras, with the French squadron from Newport, and then attacking Admiral de Grasse, in the Chesapeake. As Graves sailed down the southern coast, he first looked into the Delaware, but, finding no enemy there, continued his course to the capes of Vir ginia, where he discovered the French fleet, lying just within Lynn-Haven bay. Count de Grasse, slipping and even cut ting his cables, in his eagerness, came out at once ; and when his fleet of twenty-four ships showed itself, Graves, who had only nineteen vessels to oppose him, and knew that De Barras could not be far off with the h wport squadron, became nervously anxiov s. The English admiral, however, gave the signal for battle, and his ships stretched in ; but when his rear was near ly even with the enemy s van, he made the signal for the whole fleet to wear, by which he got upon the same tack with his antagonist, and to windward almost parallel with him. The two fleets now steered to the eastward, and, as they got clear of the capes of Virginia, Graves bore down upon De Grasse. At four o clock in the afternoon, the ac tion commenced, but did not become gen eral, as only a few 7 of the vessels were en gaged, and at night the fleets separated. The French, whose advance-ships had suf fered considerably, bore away to get in a line with their centre. Graves kept the weather-gage during the night; but, as 114 Sept, 5, some of his ships had been severely dam aged, he was obliged to lay to for repairs. The Terrible, of seventy-four guns, leaked so badly, that in a day or two after she was abandoned and burnt. It was also with great difficulty that the Ajax was kept afloat, as she made water rapidly. The two fleets remained at sea for five days, without renewing the action, when De Grasse again bore away for the Ches apeake, taking two English frigates on his return, and having the satisfaction on ar riving at his old anchorage to find Count de Barras safely moored there with his Newport squadron of seven ships-of-the- line and fourteen transports, laden with artillery and stores. Graves looked into the bay, and, seeing the increased strength of his enemy, returned with his crippled fleet to New York, for he feared the equi noctial gales, that might be daily expect ed, more than the guns of his powerful adversary. In this action, the loss of the French was two hundred and twenty men, and that of the English three hundred and thirty. When Sir Henry Clinton discovered the real intentions of Washington, he strove to divert him from his purpose by an at tack upon New London, in Connecticut. Two British regiments, a battalion of loy alist volunteers from New Jersey, and a detachment of Hessian riflemen (yagers), numbering about twenty-three hundred in all, were embarked at New York for the service ; and the command of this ma rauding expedition against the state which had given him birth was intrusted to the arch-traitor, Benedict Arnold, as being an enterprise not only suited to his military 906 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART n. genius, but also to the malevolence of his heart. Arnold accordingly sailed up the river Thames, and appeared off New London, only fourteen miles south of Norwich, the birthplace of the traitor. Here, dividing his forces, he debarked one division, un der Lieutenant-Colonel Eyre, to Sept 6 attack Fort Griswold, on the east side of the harbor ; and landed with the other, under his own command, on the west side, where stood Fort Trumbull, a redoubt, and, three miles below, the town of New London itself. The fort and re doubt were abandoned, on the first ap proach of Arnold, by the few militiamen in them, who crossed the river to Fort Griswold, on Groton hill. The renegade pushed on, and quickly possessed himself of the town, being opposed only by a scat tered fire here and there from small par ties of the inhabitants who were hastily collected in defence of their homes. Fort Griswold, which was a strongly- built, square fortification, with all the ac cessories of a regular work, and contained a garrison of nearly two hundred men, commanded by the spirited Colonel Wil liam Ledyard, offered a resistance which was not so easily overcome. The defend ers were inexperienced militiamen, who had been so hastily mustered, that many of them were unprovided with firearms. But, under the inspiration of their brave leader, they fought with great resolution. Colonel Eyre, however, led on his regu lars and loyalists to the assault on three sides with a determination to carry the works at any sacrifice. His men were for a time staggered by the persistent cour age of the gallant little garrison. Eyre himself was mortally wounded ; but Ma jor Montgomery, his second in command, continued the assault with equal resolu tion. His men thronged into the ditch, scrambled over the ramparts, and made their way through the embrasures, until, by the force of numbers, they carried the works, though not without a heavy cost, Montgomery was shot dead as he was en tering one of the embrasures, and the loss of the enemy amounted in all to forty-six killed and one hundred and forty-three wounded. The Americans had only about half a dozen killed when the enemy thronged into the fort. The assailants, exasperated by the obstinate resistance which they had encountered, and their heavy loss, now showed little mercy. Major Brornfield, a New- Jersey loyalist, who succeeded to the command on the death of Eyre and Mont- gomerv, on entering the fort, asked fierce- o ^ ~ ly, " Who commands ?" Colonel Ledyard replied, "I did, sir, but you do now," giv ing up his sword as he spoke, which Brom- field took, and with it ran him through and killed him ! The Hessians and tories, following the example of their miscreant leader, immediately began an indiscrimi nate massacre of the disarmed garrison, and the slaughter which ensued increased the American loss to eighty-five killed and sixty wounded. Seventy only were taken prisoners. This horrible butchery justly excited the indignation of the republicans throughout the land, and disgusted the more conservative and humane portion of the loyalists. Arnold, on reaching New London, re- REVOLUTIONARY. J NEW LONDON BURNT. WASHINGTON IN VIRGINIA. 907 duced the town to ashes. Several vessels in the harbor were also burnt, while the rest escaped up the Thames. Large sup plies of West-India produce, together with an immense quantity of military stores, were consumed in the general conflagra tion, which not only ruined most of the inhabitants, but proved a serious loss to the public. In its spirit and execution, the whole expedition was unworthy of Sir Henry Clinton, but entirely in consonance with the character of the traitor-knave who conducted it. " It has been said." writes his biographer, "that Arnold, while New London was in flames, stood in the belfry of a steeple, and witnessed the conflagra tion ; thus, like Nero, delighted with the ruin he had caused, the distresses he had inflicted, the blood of his slaughtered coun trymen, the anguish of the expiring pa triot, the widow s tears, and the orphan s cries. And what adds to the enormity is, that he stood almost in sight of the spot where he drew his first breath ; that every object around was associated with the years of his childhood and youth, arid revived those images of the past which kindle emotions of tenderness in all but hearts of stone." ::: Arnold, having gratified his malignant spirit, and committed all the evil which lay in his power, returned with his Van dal mercenaries to New York. It was, fortunately, one of the closing acts of his career in America, being the last military service of any consequence in which he was employed ; and it served only to ren der still darker the shades which his foul * Sparks. treason had thrown over his name. He soon went to England,* and quitted the United States for ever, where his memory will probably outlive that of good men ; for nations, like individuals, are more con stant in hate than in love. The marauding expedition to Connect icut, however, as we have seen, utterly failed in its object, since Washington was not for a moment stayed in his course by these outrages, but pressed forward to Virginia. On the return of Admiral Graves from the coast of Virginia to New York, Count de Barras, at the request of Lafayette, de spatched transports up the Chesapeake to bring down the allied troops which, it will be remembered, were detained at Annap olis and the Head of Elk for the want of vessels. Meanwhile, in the even ing, Washington and Rocharn- Sept. 14. beau, with their respective attendants, on their way from Mount Vernon, arrived at the quarters of Lafayette, at Williams- burg, twelve miles above Yorktown. Admiral De Grasse had been so impa tient of delay, that, with St. Simon, who commanded his land-force, he urged La fayette to co-operate with him in an at tack on Lord Cornwallis before the arri val of Washington and Rochambeau, and thus secure a victory for the republicans and imperishable renown for himself. But the young marquis, with a generous and humane spirit, repressed his natural ardor for glory, and declined the proposition ol the count; for he saw that such an at- * Sec page 274 of this volume. " To Arnold," says Hor ace Walpole, " no countenance was denied by the king or ministers. The public, more equitable, despised him." 908 BATTLES OF AMERICA. fPAET II. tempt, even if successful, would involve a great sacrifice of life. He perceived, moreover, that a victory at this crisis of the war would in all probability give a, finishing blow to the contest. Yet, with characteristic magnanimity, he resolved to leave that victory to be achieved and all honors to be won by Washington ! As soon, however, as the commanders- in-chief of the allied land-forces arrived, Count de Grasse solicited an interview. Washington, therefore, accompanied by Rochambeau, Chastellux, Gener als Knox and Du Portail, sailed from Williamsburg in the Queen Char lotte for the Ville de Paris, the magnifi cent flag-ship of De Grasse, then lying in Lynn-Haven bay. They were received on board at noon the next day, when the admiral, a tall, fine-looking man, heartily embraced Washington, with the exclama tion, in broken English, "My dear little gen eral!" This adjective, applied to the stal wart form of Washington (who was over six feet in height, and weighed at this pe riod upward of two hundred pounds), was quite ludicrous ; and, while the polite and courteous Frenchmen concealed their feel ings, the fat sides of jolly Knox, it is said, shook with his laughter.* A council of war was now held on board the flag-ship, and meas ures were immediately concerted for re ducing Earl Cornwallis in Yorktown with the utmost promptness, on the arrival of the allied army, as the French admiral declared that he could not remain long or the station. All the arrangements hav ing been completed in a satisfactory man- * Custis s Recollections of Washington. Sept, 18, ner, Washington and his companions re turned to Williamsburg. The last division of the allies finally reached the general rendezvous at V/illiamsburg. The march of this army through a fertile country, from the banks of the Hudson to central Vir ginia, a distance of more than five hun dred miles, was remarkable for its order and discipline. "It was at a season," re marks Ramsay, " when the most delicious productions of nature, growing on and near the public highways, presented both opportunity and temptation to gratify the appetite. Yet so complete was its disci pline, that in this long march scarcely an instance could be produced of an apple or a peach being taken without the consent of the inhabitants." The French were particularly scrupulous. At Rhode island, " the Indians," writes De Rochambeau, in his narrative, " expressed their astonish ment at nothing but to see still laden with fruit the trees that overhung the tents which the soldiers had occupied for three months." In the meantime, news arrived which threatened to frustrate all Washington s plans. Graves at New York had been re inforced by Admiral Digby, with six ships- of-the-line. De Grasse, confident that ev ery effort would now be made for the re lief of Cornwallis, and that the combined fleet might soon be expected off the Ches apeake, wrote to Washington that, in or der to meet Graves and Digby, he should put to sea with all his fleet, excepting a few frigates which he would leave behind to blockade York river. Fearful lest in the absence of the French, the English REVOLUTIONARY.] SIEGE OF YORKTOWN. 909 might slip into their places, and thus wrest Earl Cornwallis from his grasp, Washing ton earnestly besonght De Grasse not to leave the Chesapeake. The French ad miral, by the joint entreaties of the Amer ican chief and Lafayette, was finally per suaded to remain, and the siege of York town was begun without delay. CHAPTER CVI. Advance of the Allied Force. Washington and De Rochambeau before Yorktown. A Bivouac. Position of the Amen cans. Position of the French. Despatch from Sir Henry Clinton. Concentration of the British Force. Confidence of Lord Cornwallis. Labor on the Works. Description of the Defences. The Besiegers take Possession of the Out works. A Skirmish. Death of Colonel Scamme!. De Lauzun s Legion. Conflict with Colonel Tarleton. Search) of Forage. Dead Horses. Tarleton unhorsed. His Retreat. Investment of Yorktown. The French. Their Troops and Position. The Americans and their Position. Governor Nelson s Patriotism. Coolness of Washington. The Breaking Ground. The First Parallel. Gener 1 Lincoln has the Honor. Opening Fire. Washington at the Guns. The Cannonade. First Salutation to Cormv;illis. Hot Shot. Fire among the Ships. A Sublime Spectacle. The Second Parallel. Redoubled Fury. Assault on the Redoubts. Rivalry of the French and Americans. Colonel Al exander Hamilton in the Van. Fall of the Redoubts. " D Auvergne sans Tache." The British Fire. Washington in Danger. " Billy, my Horse!" Desperate Situation of Cornwallis. No Relief. Sortie of the Guards. Bold Ex pedient of his Lordship. Its Failure. Propositions to surrender. Capitulation of Yorktown. Close of the War. ,781, Sept, 28, AT length, the combined armies, numbering twelve thousand strong, under Washington and De Rochambeau, moved by different roads from their en campment near Williamsburg. General de Choise, with the duke de Lauzun and his legion, the marines from De Barras s fleet, arid a brigade of Virginia militia, under General Weedon, proceeded to invest Gloucester ; and the main allied forces, marching to the right, posted themselves toward evening with in two miles of the outer works at York- town. Washington remained upon the ground with his staff during the whole night, sleeping under the cover of a mul berry-tree, and resting his head upon its root for a pillow. Early the next morning, the besiegers cautiously closed in toward the outer Sept, 29, works : the Americans, forming the right wing, taking their post on the east side ; and the French, forming the left, taking O 7 o theirs on the west. The British pickets and some squads of horse slowly retired as they approached, but not a gun was fired. In the evening, an express arrived in the British camp with despatch es from Sir Henry Clinton atNew York, dated on the 24th of September, in forming Lord Cornwallis that, at a coun cil of war held that day, it was resolved to send upward of five thousand troops, with a fleet, to the relief of his lordship ; and that, as Admiral Digby had just ar rived at New York with a squadron of twenty-three ships, the reinforcements for Yorktown might be expected to sail by the 5th of October. That night, the earl 910 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART n. withdrew his army from the outer works, and concentrated it within his fortifica tions nearer the town, where he confident ly awaited the issue of the siege. In his reply to Sir Henry Clinton, he boastfully declares : "I have ventured, these last two days, to look General Washington s whole force in the face in the position on the outside of my works, and have the pleas ure to assure your excellency that there is but one irish throughout the army, which is, that the enemy would advance I shall re treat this night within the works; and have no doubt, if relief arrives in any rea sonable time, York and Gloucester will be both in possession of his majesty s troops." Lord Cornwallis had been diligent in the construction of his works, which were extensive, though not entirely complete. Seven redoubts and six batteries, connect ed by in trench men ts, surrounded York- town on the land-side ; while field-works stretched beyond, with redoubts and abat- ti-s along the ravines, the creeks, and the York river. Gloucester Point, situated on the tongue of land on the northern and opposite side to Yorktown, was also forti fied, and occupied by Colonel Tarleton and Lieutenant-Colonel Dundas, with a detachment of six or seven hundred men. The communication between the two posts was commanded by batteries on either side, and also by the small British squad ron at anchor, under the land-guns, in the river, which, although only a mile wide at this point, was of sufficient depth for the largest vessels. Sept, 30. Next morning, the besiegers hastened to possess themselves of the outworks, which had been impru dently abandoned by his lordship, accord ing to some military critics; but, in his own opinion, tl e fortifications were too extensive and too weak to be held by his comparatively small force of little more than seven thousand men. As a detach ment of American light-infantry, with a few French troops, were proceeding to take possession of the abandoned field- works, Colonel Alexander Scamrnel ad vanced to reconnoitre, and was attacked by a small party of Hessians. Finding himself outnumbered, he surrendered, but was shot, though not instantly killed, and carried into Yorktown, whence he was al lowed, at the request of Washington, to be conveyed to Williamsburg, where he died. An active and spirited officer, his loss was universally mourned by his com rades, and particularly by the command- er-in-chief, whom he had served as an aid- de-carnp. While the main body of the allies was investing Yorktown, the forces under the duke de Lauzun and General de Choise had proceeded across the river, to keep watch on Dundas and Tarleton at Glou cester Point, A collision soon occurred. Forage had become so scarce with the en emy, that they were obliged to kill their horses in great numbers, the carcasses of which were "almost continually floating clown the river." Dundas determined, in spite of the vigilance of his enemy, to make a bold push for relief, and accord ingly sallied out with a part of his garri son to forage the country adjoining. He had succeeded in gathering a good sup ply of Indian corn, and was returning to the post with his wagons and horses laden REVOLUTIONARY.] DE LAUZUN AND TARLETON. GOVERNOR NELSON. with the spoil, when De Lauzun and a party of French hussars suddenly sprang upon him. Colonel Tarleton,with his dra goons, formed the rear-guard of the Brit ish, and, coming to the rescue, a severe struggle ensued, in which the loss of the French was two officers and fourteen pri vates, and that of the enemy one officer and eleven men. Tarleton was unhorsed in the engagement, and obliged to sound a retreat, but soon mounted again, and renewed the conflict- when, seeing De Choise coming up with a reinforcement, he retired within his works at Gloucester. Yorktown was now complete ly invested by the allies, whose lines, with the French on the left and the Americans on the right, extended around the southern and land-side of the town in a semicircle, at a distance of nearly two miles from the British works, and with each extremity resting upon York river. The French wing, under the general com mand of De Rochambeau, was composed of the West-India regiments, under the marquis de St. Simon, and the French light-infantry, under the baron de Viome- o / * nil, assisted by Montmorenci, Deuxports, Custine, and other Frenchmen of rank and military experience. The American wing, under the command of General Lin coln, was composed of the Virginia, Mary land, and Pennsylvania troops, command ed by the baron Steuben ; the New-York, Rhode-Island, and New-Jersey brigades, including the sappers and miners, under GeneralJames Clinton, of New York; and the light-infantry, under Lafayette. The French artillery was posted in the centre, near the quarters of Washington and Ro chambeau. On the right, across a marsh, was the American artillery, under General Knox, assisted by Colonel Lamb and oth er skilful officers. The count De Grasse, with his fleet, remained below, in Lynn- Haven bay, to beat off any naval force that might come to the aid of the British commander. Governor Nelson, of Virginia, had also brought into the field a goodly number of the state militia, who might have failed in their duty to their country on that occa sion, had it not been for the generous pa triotism of their commander. The treas ury of the state was empty, and the mi litia were threatening to disband for want of pay, when " Nelson learned that an old Scotchman, named R , had a consid erable sum in gold, which like most other moneyed persons of that period, he kept carefully concealed. The governor wait ed upon the man of gold, a rara avis in those times, and begged and prayed for a loan on behalf of the state. R was inexorable, saying, l l ken nacthing o your goovernment, but if ye ivutt liae Ihe siller for yourset) general, dell tak me but every bawlec of it is at your service / Nelson accepted the offer, and obtained on his own bond, and by his own personal influence, a loan for the state of Virginia, when that promi nent state had neither a coin in her treas ury nor credit to obtain one. The gov ernor received the gold, and quickly did its circulation give a new and cheering aspect to our destinies at that momentous period. And now," continues Mr. Custis, " it would be naturally asked, Who paid the bond and its accumulated interest ? Posterity would answer, A grateful and 912 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART n. admiring country, surely. Say, rather, the impoverished family of the patriot"* The erection of two redoubts Oct 2t during the night, by the Ameri cans, drew upon them a heavy cannonade from the enemy next morning. While the chaplain, Mr. Evans, was standing by the side of Washington, a ball struck the ground so near as to throw the sand upon his hat. Removing it from his head, the parson exclaimed, in great agitation, "See here, general !" " Mr. Evans," quietly an swered the chief, "you had better carry that home, and show it to your wife and children." After a delay of several days in land ing the heavy artillery and military stores from the French ships, the allied armies began to break ground, as the town was now fully invested. Upon Major-General Lincoln devolved the honor of opening the first parallel. Under cover of a dark and stormy night, he silently advanced to the ground with a large detachment. The armed troops led the way, followed by the working-parties bearing fascines and intrenching-tools on their shoulders, horses drawing cannon, and wagons loaded with bags filled with sand for constructing breastworks. Un disturbed by the foe, the troops worked laboriously that night; and, before day light, they had nearly completed the first parallel line of almost two miles in length, besides laying the foundations of two re doubts within six hundred yards of the enemy s works. On the afternoon of the third day, several batteries of eighteen * Recollections of Washington, p. 337. Oct. 6, Oct. 9, and twenty-four pounders were prepared to open upon the town, " when his excel lency General Washington put the match to the first gun, and a furious discharge of cannon and mortars immediately fol lowed," giving Earl Cornwallis his first salutation.* This cannonade was contin ued through the niucht, and ear- Oct, 10. ly the next morning the rrench opened three batteries upon the enemy. For eight hours the roar of the big guns was continuous, and hundreds of bomb shells and round-shot were hurled upon the British work. So tremendous was the bombardment, that very soon the cannon of the besieged were nearly silenced. At night the French discharged red-hot shot at the British squadron lying at anchor in the river, setting fire to the Charon, a forty-four gun ship, and to three trans ports. The Hash and thundering of the artillery, the burning of the vessels, the plunge of the balls into the river, followed by great spouts of water, produced, we can well believe, as a spectator declares, " one of the most sublime and magnificent spectacles which can be imagined." Throughout the night the allies kept up their cannonade, and the next morn- iim another British vessel was Oct. 11, set on hre by a red-hot ball, and was consumed. From the 9th to the 16th the siege continued; and in the meantime the French and Americans increased the number of their batteries, and maintained a tremendous and incessant firing," du ring which Lafayette, Hamilton, Laurens. Ogden, Gibbs, Stevens, Carrington, and other American officers, as well as many * Timelier. REVOLUTIONARY.] STORMING OF THE REDOUBTS. 913 Oct. 14, of their French comrades, distinguished themselves by their bravery. On the night of the llth, the second parallel was opened, and batteries were erected within three hundred yards of the British works. Both besiegers and be sieged now began to fire with redoubled fury. The enemy uncovered new embra sures, and were thus enabled to return a more effective cannonade. Two of their advance-redoubts flanked the second par allel, and so greatly annoyed the working- parties of the besiegers, that it was deter mined to take them by assault. Two detachments were accord ingly marched out in the even ing, one composed of American light-in fantry, under Lafayette, to attack the re doubt on the left; and the other of French grenadiers and chasseurs, commanded by the baron de Viornenil, to assail the re doubt on the right of the British lines. The advanced corps of the American de tachment was led by Colonel Alexander Hamilton, long the favorite aid-de-camp of the commander-in-chief, but now re stored to his rank and duty in the line.* * In the February preceding, General Sullivan had rec ommended the appointment of Colonel Hamilton as secre tary of the treasury. " It was at this time," savs Lossing, " that a misunderstanding occurred between Washington and Colonel Hamilton, which caused the withdrawal of the latter from the military family of the commander-in-chief According to Hamilton s account, the rupture was caused by his being charged with disrespect by Washington. He was passing Washington on the stairs, when the general told Colonel Hamilton that he wished to speak to him. The latter answered that he would wait upon him immediately. He went below, delivered a message to one of the aids, and stopped a minute on his way back, to converse with Lafay ette on matters of business. The general met Hamilton at the head of the stairs, and said, Colonel Hamilton, you have kept me waiting at the head of the stairs these ten min utes. I must tell you, sir, you treat me with disrespect. Hamilton replied, I am not conscious of it, sir ; but, since 115 Lafayette had, in the first instance, hon ored his own aid, Colonel Gimat, by giv ing him the command. Hamilton, how ever, had insisted that, as it was his tour of duty, he was entitled to the position. Upon referring the question to Washing ton, he decided in favor of his former aid- de-camp ; and it was finally agreed that Gimat s should take the advance of Ham ilton s battalion, but that the latter officer should take the precedence in command. At a given signal, the detachments ad vanced to the assault. The Americans made an impetuous rush for the redoubt on their side, pulling up the abattis with their hands, knocking down the palisades, leaping over the ditch, and scrambling up the walls into the enemy s works. Ham ilton was the first on the parapet avail ing himself, however, of the aid of one of his soldiers, upon whose shoulder, as the man knelt, the little colonel stepped, and was thus raised to the requisite height for mounting. Not a gun was fired, and the redoubt was taken by the push of the bayonet alone. The assault was so rap idly effected, that the loss of the Ameri cans was trifling, amounting only to nine killed and thirty-two wounded. Major Campbell, in command, with seventeen of his garrison, were taken prisoners. Eight you have thought it necessary to tell me so, we part. Wash ington rejoined, Very well, sir, if it be your choice. In less than an hour afterward, one of Washington s aids wait ed upon Hamilton with a tender of reconciliation. This the offended young gentleman would not accept. He seems, by his letter of explanation to General Schuyler, to have been anxious to leave his position in Washington s family, and have the command of a regiment. In that letter he says, I was always determined, if there should ever happen a breach between us, never to consent to an accommodation. This is the key to the whole matter. The affront, of itself, was too slight to have caused the rupture." 914 BATTLES OF AMERICA. LPATIT IT were killed in the heat of the assault, but not a man was touched after he ceased to resist. A New-Hampshire captain threat ened to shoot Campbell, in revenge for the death of Colonel Scammel, who was from his native state ; but Colonel Ham ilton interposed, and saved the major s life. " As the Americans were mounting the redoubt," says Custis, "Lieutenant-Colo nel Laurens, aid-de-camp to the command- er-in-chief, appeared suddenly on their flank, at the head of two companies. Up on Major Fish* hailing him with ( Why, Laurens, what brought you here ? the he ro replied, I had nothing to do at head quarters, and so came here to see what you all were about. Bravest among the brave, this Bayard of his age and country rushed with the foremost into the works, making with his own hand Major Camp bell, the British commandant, a prisoner- of-war. The cry of the Americans as they mounted to the assault was, Remember New London ! But here, as at Stony Point, notwithstanding the provocation to retaliate was justified by the inhuman massacres of Paoli and Fort Gris wold, mer cy perched triumphant on our country s colors." The French were not so expeditious in their assault. They were determined to do the thing according to the most ap proved rules of art, and would not ad vance till their pioneers had "regularly" cut down the nbattis. In the meantime, they were exposed to a galling fire. The marquis de Lafayette, with the Ameri- * Major Nicholas Fish, of the New York line, and father of Hamilton Fish, late governor of the state of New York. cans, having accomplished his duty, sent Major Barbour, his aid, to inform De Vio- menil that " he was in his redoubt, and to ask the baron where lie was." Barbour found the French commander, while his pioneers were "systematically" clearing away the abattis, waiting to begin the as sault. " Tell the marquis," he said, in an swer to Lafayette s message, "that I am not in mine, hit will be in five minutes /" The assault, once begun, was made with a gallant dash. The regiment of the Gati- nais, mindful of the promise of De Ro- chambeau, fought with great spirit. The French general, who had formerly served as colonel of the D Auversme regiment, o o " out of which the Gatinais had been formed, had promised them to get back from the king their old name of " D Auvcrgne sans tache" if they proved themselves worthy of it on that night. The name was re stored. The loss of the French was con siderable. Count de Deuxponts received a wound, and Count Charles de Lameth was shot by a musket-ball which passed through both his knees ; while nearly a hundred of the privates were either killed or w r ounded. The British kept up an incessant can nonade from all their works during (he assaults upon the two redoubts. Wash ington, with Generals Lincoln and Knox and their suites, having dismounted, stood watching the result. One of Washing o o ton s aids, observing that his position was an exposed one, became solicitous for his safety, and remarked: "Sir, you are too much exposed here. Had you not better step a little back?" "Colonel," replied the chief, "if you are afraid, you have REVOLUTIONARY.] DESPERATE EXPEDIENTS OF LORD CORNWALLIS. 915 liberty to step back." Soon afterward, a musket-ball, after striking a cannon, rolled at Washington s feet, when General Knox, grasping his arm, ventured to remark, " My dear general, we can t spare you yet." " It is a spent ball no harm is done," was the simple reply. When the last redoubt was taken, Washington turned to Knox and said, " The work is done, and well done," and then called to his servant " Billy, bring me my horse."* " Washington, during the whole of the siege," says Custis, "continued to expose himself to every danger. It was in vain his officers remonstrated. It was in vain that Colonel Cobb, his aid-de-camp, en treated him to come down from a parapet, whence he was reconnoitring the enemy s works, the shot and shells flying thickly around, and an officer of the New-England line killed within a very few yards. Du ring one of his visits to the main battery, a soldier of Colonel Lamb s artillery had his leg shattered by the explosion of a shell. As they were bearing him to the rear, he recognised the chief, and cried out, God bless your excellency ! save me if you can, for I have been a good soldier, and served under you during the whole war. Sensibly affected by the brave fel low s appeal, the general immediately or dered him to the particular care of his own surgeon; Doctor Craik. It was too late; death terminated his sufferings after an amputation was performed." The captured redoubts being now in cluded in the second parallel, which was almost completed, and the heaviest of the guns from the French ships mounted up- * Lossin"-- Oct. 15. on the batteries, together with the artil lery that had been taken, the besiegers were enabled to act with tremendous ef fect upon the town. The situation of Earl Cornwallis was becoming desperate. His works were crumbling to pieces, and nearly all the guns on his left were dis mounted or silenced. It was now ten days since the time appoint ed by Sir Henry Clinton for the sailing of the fleet and troops from New York to his lordship s relief; and yet there was not a sign of their approach, or a single word received to account for the torturing delay. Cornwallis, however, still strug gled against fate. To retard the progress of the second parallel, now nearly com pleted, and to gain still a little time, his lordship ordered a sortie of three hundred and fifty men, composed of guards and light-infantry, under Lieutenant-Colonel Abercrombie, against two of the French batteries, almost finished. The assault began a little before day break. Abercrombie divided his force into two detachments, send ing the guards against one battery and the light-infantry against the other. Botb attacks were made with a gallant dash : the French w r ere driven out, with the loss of a hundred killed and wounded, and all their guns spiked. A support, however, soon came up from the trenches, and drove the British out of the batteries again. The cannon had been so hurriedly spiked, that the spikes were readily withdrawn ; and before the ensuing night the batteries were finished, and now opened with great effect upon the town. Oct. 16. 916 BATTLES OF AMERICA. Oct. 16, On this day, Lord Cornwallis began to despair of being longer able to hold his position. His crumbling works could hardly show a mounted gun ; he was almost reduced to his last shell ; and his troops were so worn by their in cessant watching, exposure, and severe labor, that the hospitals were filled with the sick and wounded. Hopeless now of receiving aid from Sir Henry Clinton in time to save himself, his lordship was re duced to the alternative of surrendering or attempting an escape. The latter was a bold and hazardous expedient, but the earl bravely chose it. Looking across York river, and to the D wide-spreading country beyond, his lord ship hoped to save at least a portion of his troops by a daring and rapid move ment. He would secretly cross the river in the night, before break of day attack General de Choise (who had completely invested Gloucester), cut to pieces or sur prise his force, seize the French cavalry- horses and those he could find on his route, mount his infantry, make with all speed for the fords of the Rappahannock, Potomac, and other great rivers, and force his way through Maryland, Pennsylvania, and New Jersey, thus effecting a junction with the British commander-in-chief at New York. The artillery, military stores, baggage, and the sick and wounded, would have to be left behind ; but his lordship had determined even upon this sacrifice, in order to save himself the mortification of a surrender. Accordingly, at a late hour on the same night, the light-infan try, the greater part of the guards, and Oct. 16. Oct, 17, a portion of the twenty-third regiment, were embarked in boats, and landed on Gloucester Point. So secretly was this effected, that the besiegers on neither side of the river were conscious of the move ment. The rest of the army was ready to follow, when a violent storm of wind and rain arose, which prevented the boats from returning, and ruined the whole pro ject. Cornwallis now abandoned all hopes of escape, and recalled the troops from the other side. The day, however, was con- siderabty advanced before they were able to return, when they were seen by the besiegers, and exposed to their fire. The allies, in the meantime, had kept up their destructive cannonade. At day break, several new batteries in the second parallel were opened, by which a more terrible tempest of shell and round-shot was poured upon York- town than had yet been sent. It was on this occasion that Governor Nelson, who commanded the first battery, made a, most noble and touching display of patriotism. The incident is best related in the words of Lafayette, himself a prominent actor in the scene, who thus narrated it to Cus- tis, on his last visit to Mount Vernon, in 1825:- " I had just finished a battery," said the nation s guest, "mounted with heavy pie ces ; but, before I opened on the town, I requested the attendance of the governor of Virginia, not only as a compliment due to the chief magistrate of the state in which I was serving, but from his accu rate knowledge of the localities of a place in which he had spent the greater part of his life. To what particular spot would REVOLUTIONARY.] EARL CORNWALLIS IN THE CAVE. 917 your excellency direct that we should point the cannon ? I asked. There/ promptly replied the noble-minded, patri otic Nelson, to that house. It is mine, and is, now that the secretary s is nearly knocked to pieces, the best one in the town ; and there you will be almost cer tain to find Lord Cornwallis and the Brit ish headquarters. Fire upon it, my dear marquis, and never spare a particle of my property so long as it affords a comfort or a shelter to the enemies of my coun try. The governor then rode away, leav ing us all charmed with an instance of de votional patriotism that would have shed a lustre upon the purest ages of Grecian or Roman virtue."* " The first headquarters of Earl Corn wallis," adds Custis, " were in the house of Mr. Secretary Nelson, a relative of the governor, and a gentleman attached to the royal cause. It was a very large and splendid brick mansion, and, towering above the ramparts, afforded a fine mark for the American artillery, that soon rid dled it, having learned from a deserter that it contained the British headquar ters. His lordship remained in the house until his steward was killed by a cannon- * " When I visited Yorktown a few years ago," says Los- sin^, " Governor Nelson s house was yet standing, and was occupied by his grandson. It was a large, two-storied brick building, fronting the main street of the town, a short dis tance from the river bank. It bore many scars of the can nonade and bombardment alluded to; and in the yard, in front, lay an unexploded bombshell, cast there at the time of the siege. A few feet from the door was a fine laurel-iree, from whose boughs a handsome civic wreath was made, on the occasion of Lafayette s visit there, in 1824. The wreath was placed upon the brow of the nation s guest, when he in stantly removed it and laid it upon that of Colonel Nicholas Fish, of the Revolution, who accompanied him, remarking that no one was better entitled to wear the mark of honor than he." ball while carrying a tureen of soup to his master s table. " The British general then removed his headquarters to the house of Governor Nelson, and finally to npartments exca vated in the bank on the southern ex tremity of the town, where two rooms were wainscotted with boards, and lined with baize, for his accommodation." The cave, whose entrance was concealed by an old house, was probably made for the hiding of valuables. " It was in that cav ernous abode that the earl received his last letter from Sir Henry Clinton. It was brought by the Honorable Colonel Coch- ran, who, landing from an English cutter on Cape Charles, procured an open boat, and threading his way, under cover of a fog, through the French fleet, arrived safe ly, and delivered his despatches. They contained orders for the earl to hold out to the last extremity, assuring him that a force of seven thousand men would be immediately embarked for his relief. " While taking wine with his lordship after dinner, the gallant colonel proposed that he should go up to the ramparts and take a look at the Yankees, and upon his return give Washington s health in a bum per. He was dissuaded from so rash a proceeding by every one at the table, the whole of the works being at that time in so ruinous a state, that shelter could be had nowhere. The colonel, however, per sisted; and, gayly observing that he would leave his glass as his representative till his return, which would be quickly, away he went. Poor fellow ! lie did return, and that quickly, but he was borne in the arms ot his soldiers,not to his glass, but his grave." BATTLES OF AMERICA. Oct. 17. Under the terrible and inces sant cannonade of the besiegers, with which the earth trembled for a great distance around, the British works were so knocked to pieces, that hardly a gun could be fired from them. York town had now become so evidently untenable, that Lord Cornwallis felt that it would be mad ness to await an assault. After consult ing his engineers and officers, he accord ingly beat a parley about noon, and pro posed a cessation of hostilities for twenty- four hours, and the appointment of com missioners on either side, to settle the terms of a surrender. His lordship s ob ject was to gain time, as he was in hourly expectation of the arrival of a naval force from New York. Washington, in reply, objected to the long delay ; for he, too, had information of the expected arrival of succor for Corn wallis, and he was fearful his prey might escape. He therefore expressed the de sire that the earl, previous to the meeting of the commissioners, would state in wri ting his proposals, for which purpose a sus pension of hostilities for two hours would be granted. His lordship complied with the request, and sent back his written prop ositions. These, however, not being con sidered admissible, Washington rejoined with a statement of his own terms, which were agreed to by the earl, and made the basis upon which the capitulation was finally adjusted. Colonel John Laurens and Viscount de Noailles (the latter Lafayette s brother- in-law) were appointed the two commis sioners in behalf of General Washington, and Colonel Ross and Lieutenant-Colonel Oct. 18, Dundas on the part of Lord Cornwallis The commissioners met in the morning and discussed the terms of the surrender, on which they could not fully agree, and the entire day was spent in conferences and negotiations. Washington would not allow any fur ther delay, and early the next morning he sent a fair transcript of rough articles to Cornwallis, with a letter, in which he informed his lordship that he should ex pect them to be signed by eleven o clock that clay, and that the troops of the gar rison would march out to surrender by two o clock in the afternoon. To this the earl was obliged to submit. The articles were signed by the respective parties (at the house of Mr. Moore, in the neigh borhood), and, at the hour appointed, the garrisons at York town and Glou cester, the shipping in the har bor, and all the ordnance, ammunition, and stores, belonging to the British at York- town, were surrendered to the land and naval forces of France and the United States, after a siege of thirteen days. The following is an abstract of the ar ticles of capitulation : I. The garrisons at York and Gloucester to surrender them selves prisoners-of-war; the land-troops to remain prisoners to the United States the naval forces to the naval army of the French king. II. The artillery, munitions, stores, etc., to be delivered to proper offi cers appointed to receive them. III. The two redoubts captured on the 16th to be surrendered, one to the Americans, the other to the French troops. The garrison at York to march out at two o clock, with shouldered arms, colors cased, and drums REVOLUTIONARY.] SURRENDER OF LORD CORNWALLIS. 919 beating ; there to lay down their arms, and return to their encampment. The works on the Gloucester side to be deliv ered to the Americans and French ; the garrison to lay down their arms at three o clock. IV. The officers to retain their side-arms, papers, and private property. Also, the property of loyalists found in the garrison to be retained. V. The sol diers to be kept in Virginia, Maryland, and Pennsylvania, and to be subsisted by the Americans. British, Anspach, and Hes sian officers, allowed to be quartered near them, and supply them with clothing and necessities. VI. The officers allowed to go on parole to Europe, or to any part of the American confederacy ; proper ves sels to be granted by Count de Grasse to convey them, under flags of truce, to New York, within ten days, if they choose ; passports to be granted to those who go by land. VII. Officers allowed to keep soldiers as servants ; and servants, not soldiers, not to be considered prisoners. VIII. The Bonetta to be under the entire control of Cornwallis, to go to New York with despatches, and then to be delivered to Count de Grasse. IX. Traders not con sidered close prisoners-of-w r ar, but on pa role, and allowed three months to dispose of their property, or remove it. X. Loy alists not to be punished on account of having joined the British army. (Con sidering this matter to be of a civil char acter, Washington would not assent to the article.) XI. Proper hospitals to be fur nished for the sick and wounded, they to be attended by the British surgeons. XII. Wagons to be furnished, if possible, for carrying the baggage of officers attending the soldiers, and of the hospital-surgeons when travelling on account of the sick. XIII. The shipping and boats in the two harbors, with all their appendages, arms, and stores, to be delivered up unimpaired after the private property was unloaded. XIV. No article of the capitulation to be infringed on pretext of reprisal ; and a fair interpretation to be given, according to the common meaning and acceptation of words. These articles were signed, on the part of the British, by Lord Cornwallis, and by Thomas Symonds, the naval commander in York river ; on the part of the allied armies, by Washington, Rochambeau, De Barras, and De Grasse. The ceremony of the surrender present ed a scene of imposing interest. News of the defeat and expected capitulation of the British earl had spread throughout the adjoining country, and the inhabit ants by thousands flocked to the allied camp. Doctor Thacher, who was an eye witness, estimated that the spectators on the occasion w 7 ere in number equal to the military who were to capitulate. General Lincoln was appointed by the commander-in-chief to conduct the sur render, which was upon the same terms as those prescribed to that officer the pre vious year at the capitulation of Charles ton. Lincoln doubtless felt a natural sat isfaction in being thus made the instru ment in this "humiliation of those who had made him pass under the } r oke." At about twelve o clock, the combined army was drawn up in two lines, extending more than a mile in length. The Americans were posted on Oct. 19. 920 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PA TIT IT. the right side of the road leading from York town to Hampton, and the French on the left. At the head of the former, Washington, mounted on his noble steed, took his station, attended by his aids-de camp.* At the head of the latter was the count de Kochambeau, on a splendid bay horse, accompanied by his suite. The French troops, in complete uniform, pre sented a martial appearance. The Ameri cans, too, though not all in uniform, and many of them shabbily clothed, exhibited a soldierlike bearing. The immense crowd of spectators looked on in silence, but with a manifest expression of joy on their faces. It is also related that when the British soldiers were about to march out and lay down their arms, Washington said to his troops, " My boys, let there be no insults over a conquered foe ! When they lay down their arms, don t huzza: posterity tvill huzza for you /" At two o clock, the captive army came out of the intrenchments, and began to advance between the lines of the allies. Every eye gazed eagerly upon that pro cession, to catch a sight of the renowned and long-dreaded Cormvallis, the terror of the South, in this the hour of his ad versity ; but all were destined to disap- " On the day of the surrender, the commander-in-rhief rode his favorite and splendid charger, named Nelson, a light sorrel, sixteen hands high, with white face and legs, and re markable as being the first nicked horse seen in America. This famous charger died at Mount Vernon many years af ter the Revolution, at a very advanced age. After the chief had ceased to mount him, he was never ridden, but grazed in a paddock in summer; and was well cared for in winter; and as often as the retired farmer of Mount Vernon would be making a tour of his grounds, he would halt at the pud- dock, when the old war-horse would run, neighing, to the fence, proud to be caressed by the great muster s hands." CUSTIS S Recollections of Washington. pointment. His lordship, who so often had boldly confronted the Americans in battle, lacked the courage to meet them on this day of their triumph. Despond ing and humiliated, the earl, affecting in disposition, appointed General ILira to deliver up his sword to Washington, and to conduct the vanquished army to the place of surrender. O Hara, handsomely mounted, walked his horse at the head of the column of conquered troops, as they moved slowly along with shouldered arms, colors cased, and drums beating a British march. On observing Washington, how ever, he immediately rode up to where the chief was standing, in order to pre sent the sword of his superior, and, taking off his hat, apologized for the absence of Lord Cormvallis. Washington courteous ly referred him for directions to General Lincoln, who took the sword from O Hara, and then politely handed it back, to be returned to the earl. The British troops w r ere now conducted by Lincoln into a spacious field which had been selected for them to ground their arms. As they advanced, "it was remarked that the British soldiers looked only tow ard the French army on the left, whose appearance was assuredly more brilliant than that of the Americans, though the latter were respectable in both their cloth ing and appointments ; while their admi rable discipline, and the hardy and vet eran appearance of both officers and men, showed they were no carpet-knights, but soldiers who had seen service, and were inured to war. " Lafayette, at the head of his division, observing that the captives confined their REVOLUTIONARY.] DELIVERY OF THE ARMS AND STANDARDS. 921 admiration exclusively to the French ar my, neglecting his darling light-infantry, the very apple of his eye and pride of his heart, determined to bring eyes to the right. He ordered his nmsic to strike np Yankee Doodle. Then/ said the good gen eral, l they did look at us, my dear sir, but were not very well pleased. "* The royal army was in bright array. Every soldier wore a new uniform, for Cornwallis had opened his stores and sup plied each man with a new suit just be fore the capitulation. " But in their line of march," says Thacher, " we remarked a disorderly and an unsoldierlike conduct; their step was irregular, and their ranks frequently broken. But it was in the field, when they came to the last act of the drama,, that the spirit and pride of the British soldier was put to the severest test ; here their mortification could not be concealed. Some of the platoon-officers appeared to be exceedingly chagrined when giving the word Ground arms! and I am a witness that they performed this duty in a very unofficerlike manner; and that many of the soldiers manifested a sullen temper, throwing their arms on the pile with violence, as if determined to ren der them useless. This irregularity, how ever, was checked by the authority of General Lincoln." " When ordered to ground arms," says Custis, "the Hessian was content. He was tired of the war ; his pipe and his pa tience pretty well exhausted, he longed to bid adieu to toilsome marches, battles, and the heat of the climate that consumed him. Not so the British soldier: many * Custis s Recollections of Washington. 116 threw their arms to the ground in sullen despair. One fine veteran fellow displayed a soldierly feeling that excited the admi ration of all around. He hugged his mus ket to his bosom, gazed tenderly on it, pressed it to his lips, then threw it from him, and marched away dissolved in tears." One of the most painful events to the captives w r as the surrender of the twen ty-eight regimental flags. For this pur pose, twenty-eight British captains, each bearing a flag in a case, were drawn up in line. Opposite to them, at a distance of six paces, twenty-eight American ser geants were placed to receive the colors, and an ensign was appointed by Colonel Hamilton, the officer of the day, to con duct the ceremony. When the ensign gave an order for the captains to advance two paces, and the American sergeants to advance two paces, the former hesitated, saying that they were unwilling to sur render their flags to non-commissioned officers. Hamilton, sitting upon his horse at a distance, observed this hesitation ; he rode up, and, when informed of the diffi culty, ordered the ensign to receive all the colors, and hand them over to the ser geants. This ceremony being concluded, and the arms and accoutrements laid down, the ca.ptive troops were conducted back to their lines, under a sufficient guard. The number of men thus surrendered as prisoners amounted to seven thousand and seventy-three, of whom five thousand nine hundred and fifty were rank and file. These, added to two thousand sailors, fif teen hundred tories, and eighteen hun dred negroes, made the total British loss BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PATCT II. nearly twelve thousand. Their loss du ring the siege in killed, wounded, and mis sing, was five hund red and fi fty two. The allied force consisted of about seven thou sand regular American troops, more than five thousand French, and four thousand militia, forming a total of sixteen thou sand. The loss of the allies in the siege was only about three hundred. The ar tillery, and military stores and provision surrendered by the British, were of very considerable amount. There were sev enty-five brass and one hundred and sixty iron cannon ; seven thousand seven hun dred and ninety-four muskets ; twenty- eight regimental standards (ten of them English, and eighteen German) ; a great quantity of mortars, bombs, cannon and musket balls, carriages, etc. The military chest contained nearly eleven thousand dollars in specie. " The day after the surrender," says Custis, " Earl Cornwallis re paired to headquarters to pay his respects to General Washington and await his or ders. The captive chief was received with all the courtesy due to a gallant and un fortunate foe. The elegant manners, to gether with the manly, frank, and soldier ly bearing of Cornwallis, soon made him a prime favorite at headquarters, and he often formed part of the suite of the com- mander-in-chief in his rides to inspect the levelling of the works previous to the re tirement of the combined armies from be fore Yorktown. " At the grand dinner given at head quarters to the officers of the three ar mies, Washington filled his glass, and, af ter his invariable toast, whether in peace Oct. 20, or war, of All our friends] gave The Brit ish army I with some complimentary re marks upon its chief, his proud career in arms, and his gallant defence of York- town. When it came to Cornwallis s turn, he prefaced his toast by saying that the war was virtually at an end, and the con tending parties would soon embrace as friends ; there might be affairs of posts, but nothing on a more enlarged scale, as it was scarcely to be expected that the ministry would send another army to America. Then, turning to Washington, his lordship continued: And when the illustrious part that your excellency has borne in this long and arduous contest becomes matter of history, fame will gath er your brightest laurels rather from the banks of the Delaware than from those of the Chesapeake. "Colonel Tarleton, alone of all the Brit ish officers of rank, was left out in the in vitations to headquarters. Gallant and high-spirited, the colonel applied to the marquis de Lafayette to know whether the neglect might not have been acci dental. Lafayette well knew that acci dent had nothing to do with the matter, but referred the applicant to Lieutenant- Colonel Laurens, who, as aid-de-camp to the commander-in-chief, must of course be able to give the requisite explanation. Laurens at once said : No, Colonel Tarle ton, no accident at all ; intentional, I can assure you, and meant as a reproof for certain cruelties practised by the troops under your command in the campaigns of the Carolinas. What, sir! haughti ly rejoined Tarleton, and is it for severi ties inseparable from war, which you are REVOLUTIONARY.] THE JOYFUL NEWS IN PHILADELPHIA. 923 pleased to term cruelties, that I am to be disgraced before junior officers ? Is it, sir, for a faithful discharge of my duty to my king and my country, that I am thus hu miliated in the eyes of three armies? Pardon me/ continued Colonel Laurens, ( there are modes, sir, of discharging a sol dier s duty ; and where mercy has a share in the mode, it renders the duty the more acceptable to both friends and foes. Tarle- ton stalked gloomily away to his quarters, which he seldom left until his departure from Virginia.* " Upon the surrender of the post of Gloucester, Colonel Tarleton, knowing himself to be particularly obnoxious to the Americans from his conduct in the South, requested a guard for his person. This was afterward dispensed with ; but he was destined to be sadly humiliated upon his arrival in York town, being dis mounted in the street from a beautiful blood-horse that was claimed by a Vir ginian gentleman as his property. The colonel was on his way to dine with the baron de Viomenil ; and, but for a French officer who was passing, dismounting an orderly, and giving his steed to the unfor tunate colonel, this celebrated cavalier, badly calculated for a pedestrian, from a defect in one of his feet, must have trudged it to the baron s quarters, a distance of more than a mile." In the orders of the day suc ceeding the capitulation, Wash- * On his return to England, the inhabitants of his native city (Liverpool) elected him their representative in the house of commons. In 1798 he married the daughter of the duke of Ancaster, and in 1817 became a major-general in the Brit ish army. Upon the coronation of George IV., in 1821), General Tarleton was created a baronet, lie died in 1833, ut the age of seventy-nine years. Oct. 20, ington expressed his approbation of the conduct of both armies, making special mention of several officers, among whom were Knox and Du Porta.il, of the artille ry, who were each promoted to the rank of major-general. Thanks were also ren dered to Governor Nelson; and, that ev ery one might share in the general joy, all offenders under arrest were ordered to be set at liberty. Washington closed his order with a notice that on the morrow (which was the sabbath) divine service would be held in the several brigades and divisions; and he earnestly recommended that the troops, not on duty, should uni versally attend, " with that seriousness of deportment and gratitude of heart which the recognition of such reiterated and as tonishing interpositions of Providence de manded of them." Lieutenant-Colonel Tilghman was sent express to Philadelphia with Washington s despatches to Congress, and, as he spread intelligence of the great event on his way, the country became vocal with rejoicings. It was midnight when he entered Phila delphia. He made his way directly to the house of President M Kean, and delivered his despatches. Soon afterward the whole city was in commotion. The watchmen everywhere in proclaiming the hour, add ed, in loud voices, "and Cornwallis islaJccn /"* That annunciation, ringing out upon the frosty night-air, aroused thousands from their beds. Lights were soon seen mov ing in every house ; and before daylight the streets were thronged with people. Anxiously they had awaited this hoped- for intelligence from Yorktown, and now * Lossing. 924 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART IT. Oct. 24, their joy was complete. The old state- house bell rang out its notes of gladness, and the first blush of the morning was greeted with the roar of cannon. o At an early hour Congress assembled, and the members of that grave body were highly excited when Secretary Thompson read Washington s despatches. During the reading they could scarcely repress huzzas; and at its conclusion they resolved to go in procession at two o clock that day, "and return thanks to Almighty God for crowning the allied ar mies of the United States and France with success." The thanks of Congress were presented to Washington, Rochambeau, and De Grasse, and the officers and men under their respective commands. They also resolved that two stands of colors* taken from Cornwallis should be present ed to Washington, in the name of the United States; that two pieces of the field- * "I found in the Philadelphia Sunday Despatch," says Mr. Losing, "in one of a series of articles on the History of Clifstmit Street, from the pen of one of the editors, the fol lowing extract from an old paper, entitled the A/lied Mer cury, or Independent Intelligencer, of the date of 5th Novem ber, 1781, which relates to the British banners surrendered at Yorktown :" "On Saturday last (November 3, 1781), between three and four o clock in the afternoon, arrived here twenty-four standards of colors taken witli the British army under the command of Earl Cornwallis. The volunteer cavalry of this city received these trophies of victory at Schuylkill, from whence they escorted and ushered them into town amidst the acclamations of a numerous concourse of people. Con tinental and French colors, at a distance, preceded the Brit- i.-h, and thus they were paraded down Market street to the statchouse. They were then carried into Congress and laid at their feet. The crow.l exulting, fills with shouts the sky ; The walls, the woods, and long canals, reply: Base, Britons! tyrant Britons! knock under Taken s your earl, soldiers, and plunder. Huzza! what colors of the bloody foe,, Twenty-lour in number, at the slaleliouse door ! Look: they are, British standards; how they fall At the president s feet, Congress and all ! Oct. 19, ordnance captured at York should be pre sented to each of the French commanders, Rochambeau and De Grasse ; that a horse should be presented to Lieutenant-Colo nel Tilghman by the board of war, in the name of the United States; and that a marble column should be erected at York- town, in commemoration of the surrender. Congress likewise appointed the 30th of December as a day of general thanksgiv ing and prayer throughout the Union. On the very day of Earl Corn- wallis s surrender at Yorktown, the British fleet of twenty-five ships-of- the-line, two fifties, and eight frigates, un- J O O der Admiral Graves, sailed from New York with Sir Henry Clinton and seven thou sand of his choicest troops on board. On reaching the capes of Virginia, they stood of! the mouth of the Chesapeake until the 29th, when, finding that it was too late to be of any service to Cornwallis, they re turned to New York. After the surrender of Yorktown, Wash ington strove to persua.de De Grasse to co-operate with General Greene in an ex pedition against Charleston or Wilming ton. The French admiral, however, re fused compliance, on the ground of differ ent orders from his government* The * FRANCOIS JOSEPH PAUL, Count de Grasse, a .native of France, was born in 1723. He was the junior, in service, of Count de Barms, but was made his superior in command, with the title of lieutenant-general. His flag-ship, the Ville de Paris, was a present from the city of Paris to Louis XVI. She rated a hundred and ten guns, and carried thirteen hun dred men. " On her arrival in the Chesapeake," savs Cus- tis, " flowers and tropical plants were interspersed upon her quarter-deck, amid the engines of war; while her sides, cov ered with bright varnish, gave to this superb vessel a most brilliant and imposing appearance." On the 5th of Novem ber, De Grasse left the Chesapeake for the West Indies. On the 12th of April, 1782, he was attacked and totally defeated by Admiral Kodney. The Ville de Paris was reduced al- REVOLUTIONARY.] CLOSE OF THE WAR. 925 American army (with the exception of a body of men under General St. Clair, who marched southward to reinforce Greene) set out for the North, leaving Count de Rochambeau and three thousand French troops at Williamsburg, in Virginia. Within a fortnight, York town was evac uated by both victors and vanquished. A portion of the prisoners were removed to Winchester, in Virginia, and some to Fort Frederick and Fredericktown, in Mary land. The latter were finally marched to Lancaster, in Pennsylvania, and guarded by continental troops. The favor grant ed to Lord Cornwallis, of being allowed to send the Bonetta sloop-of-war to New York unsearched, gave his lordship an op portunity of sending off a number of to- ries to the protection of Sir Henry Clin ton, as he could not prevail upon his con querors to guaranty their safety. The earl himself/ "- with other British officers, most to a wreck by the Canada, commanded by Captain Cornwallis, brother of the earl, who seemed determined to avenge his kinsman s fate at Yorktown. Still, DC Grasse refused to yield to any ship carrying less than an admiral s flag. He finally struck to the Barfleur, of ninety-eight guns, commanded by Sir Samuel Hood, having but two men left alive on the quarter-deck ! Four of the prizes taken by the British (the Ville de Paris, Centaur, Glorieux, and Hector, and the English-built ship Ramilics) foundered at sea. On arriving at Portsmouth, the English sailors mounted De Grasse on their shoulders, and carried him in triumph to his lodgings. His later years were unhappy, through the bad conduct of his second wife and the neglect of the king. He died early in 1788, aged sixty-five years. * CHARLES, marquis of, and son of the first Earl CORN WALLIS, was born in 1738, and entered the army as soon as he had completed his education at Cambridge. In America, as we have seen, he acted a conspicuous part. In 178G, he was made governor-general and commander in-chief in India. In 1798, he was sent to Ireland as lord-lieutenant; and, in tlin trying and terrible scenes of the rebellion, he so con ducted himself as to gain the good opinion of the public, while vigorously upholding and vindicating the laws. In 1804, he was a second time appointed governor-general of India. He died the following year, aged sixty-seven. went by sea to New York, on parole, and were finally all exchanged/ 1 "- Soon after ward, Henry Laurens was liberated from the Tower of London, and exchanged foi General Burgoyne, who, though at large in England, and constantly debating in the house of commons against the minis try, was still held as a prisoner on parole. The success of the allies at Yorktown virtually closed the war. No one doubt ed that the United States had not only won its independence, but the tardy ac knowledgment of it from Great Britain. A treaty of peace was not signed, howev er, until the begrinnino; of 1783, JAH< 20 the British retaining their hold upon New York until the 25th of Novem ber following, although not an action oc curred in the meantime (excepting the campaign in South Carolina, already de tailed) of sufficient moment to deserve a record among the " BATTLES OF AMERICA."* Our narrative, therefore of the Revolu tionary War, closes with the decisive tri umph of Washington over Cornwallis, the greatest of the English generals. * The operations of the American navy, afror the exploits of Paul Jones (who had been made a rear-admiral in tho Russian service}, were so limited, that we need give them but a passing notice. In June, 1780, the twenty-eight gun ship Trumbull, commanded by Captain Nicholson, attacked the British ship Watt, of much greater force, and was dis abled, but not captured. She lost thirty-two in killed and wounded ; the enemy ninety-two. In October, the sixteen- gun sloop Saratoga, Captain Young, captured a British ship and two brigs, but, while convoying them into port, was over taken by the Intrepid, a seventy-four, and the prizes were retaken. The Saratoga escaped. On the 2d of April, 1781, the Alliance, Captain Barry, captured two Guernsey priva teers ; and, soon after, she captured two British men-of-war, one of which was retaken on its wny to America. In June, the Confederacy, Captain Harding, was taken by two armed British vessels In August, the Trumbull was captured by three British cruisers off the Delaware capes ; and on the 6th of September, the Congress, Captain Geddes, captured the British ship Savage, but the prize was subsequently retaken. 926 BATTLES OF AMERICA. [PART it. NOV. 27, In England, the intelligence of the ca pitulation of Yorktown produced a pow erful effect, and greatly perplexed the kinn; and his ministers. On the O assembling of Parliament, its first business was a consideration of American affairs. News of Cornwallis s surrender had reached the ministry at noon on Sun day, the 25th. Wraxall, in his Memoirs, says he asked Lord George Germain how Lord North " took the communication." "As he would have taken a cannon-ball in his breast," Lord George replied ; " for he opened his arms, exclaiming wildly, as he paced up and down the apartment for a few minutes, God! it is all over T words which he repeated many times, un der emotions of the deepest consternation and distress." Violent debates upon the subject im mediately ensued in the house of com mons, and Charles James Fox even went so far as to insinuate that Lord North was in the pay of the French ! The minister indignantly repelled the insinuation, and vainly attempted to defend the war on the ground of its justice, and the proper maintenance of British rights. Upon this point, however, he was fiercely assailed by Edmund Burke, who exclaimed : " Good God ! are we yet to be told of the rights for which we went to war ? excellent rights! valuable rights ! Valuable you should be, for we have paid dear at part ing with you. valuable rights! that IVov, 30, have cost Britain thirteen provinces, four islands, one hundred thousand men, and more than seventy millions of money !" The younger Pitt distinguished himself in this debate against the minis- . ... try. Ihe opposition now pro posed the bold measure (last adopted du- ing the Revolution of 1688) of withhold ing supplies till the ministers should give a pledge that the war in America should cease. This motion, however, was lost by a vote of nearly two to one. But every day the war grew more and more unpop ular in England ; and at length a resolu tion offered in the new Parliament by Gen eral Conway, in February, which j j j 1 7^9 was preliminary to an act ordering a cessation of hostilities, was lost by only one vote. Encouraged by this, the oppo sition urgently pressed the subject ; and on the 4th of March, Conway moved that " the house would consider as enemies to his majesty and the country all those who should advise, or by any means attempt. the further prosecution of offensive war on the continent of America." This reso lution was carried without a division, and the next day a plan for a truce with the Americans was introduced by the attor ney-general. After an administration of twelve years, Lord North now resigned the seals of office. Orders were accord ingly issued to the respective British mil itary and naval commanders in America for a cessation of hostilities. END OF PART II. INDEX. 927 INDEX. COLONIAL AND REVOLUTIONARY. ABETCCROMBIE, Col., makes a sortie at Yorktown, 915. Abercrombie, Major-Gen., at Albany, in 1756 and 1758, 9 J, 10-! ; his expedition against Ticonderoga, 104 ; his defeat and retreat to Fort Edward, 105. Acadians, expulsion of, from Nova Scotia, in 1755, 90. Ackland, Lady Harriet, with her husband in Bur- goyne s army, 542 ; visits her husband in the American camp, 564 ; her kind reception by Gates, 565 ; subsequent history of (not! }, 530. Ackland, Major, jit the second battle of Bemis Heights, 558 ; death of (not"), 566. Adams, John, nominates Washington as commander- in-chii f, 157 ; anecdote told by, of Franklin, 344 ; conversation of, with Lord Howe, 345, 34(5. Adam:;, Mrs., describes the cannonades at the siege of Boston, 246, 249. Adams Samuel, an early friend of the popular cause in Boston, 141. Agnew, Gen., in the expedition to Danbnry, 464. Aix-la-Chapelle, Cape Breton and Louisburg ceded to France by the treaty of, in 1748, 32. Alden, Col. Ichabod, his negligence at the defense of Cherry Valley, in 1778, 677. Alfred and Raleigh, American frigates, cruise of, 593. Alfred, American frigate, captured by the British, 666. Allen, a clergyman, at the battle of Bennington, 521. Allen, Ethan, capture of Ticonderoga undertaken by, 15-5 ; a favorite with the " Green-Mountain Boys," 155 ; Ic-tt -r of, to the provincial congress of New York, 195 ; superseded in command employed to rais3 recruits in Canada his attempt on Montreal, 199 ; made prisoner by the British and sent to England, 200 ; his abuse of his jailers, 442 ; visit of, to Valley Forge, and his return to Vermont, 618. Alliance, an American frigate, put at the disposal of Lafayette when returning to France in 1779 diffi culty in finding a crew conspiracy t:> mutiny dis covered on board, 680 ; in the,squadron of Paul Jones in 1779, 702 ; with the Bon Ilomme Richard during her action with the Serapis, 708. "American Turtle," attempt made by means of, to sink the ship Eagle, 318 : sunk in the Hudson by the British, 371. I a Amherst, Lord, his expedition against Louisburg, 100, 102 ; takes Ticonderoga and Crown Point retreats from Montreal. 1< 7 ; on Lake Ontario and the St. Lawrence, 133 ; Montreal surrendered to, 134. Anderson, Mr. , his plan for the destruction of Howe s fleet, 312 ; plan favored by Putnam, 314. Andre, Major John, quartered in Franklin s house in Philadelphia carries off portrait of Franklin, 605 ; theatrical tastes of, 60:> ; advances made by Arnold to Sir II. Clinton through assumed name of , Ju7tn Anderxon biographical notice of, 761 ; efforts of, to obtain an interview with Arnold, 763, 765 ; visits Arnold, 767 ; his adventures after parting with Arnold, 769 ; captured by Cowboys, 772 ; letter written by, to Washington, 775 ; removal of, from North Salem, 781 ; kind treatment of efforts made by Sir H. Clinton to obtain the release of, 782 ; trial of condemned to death letter written by, to Sir H. Clinton, 783 ; conference to consider the case of letter of Arnold to Washington in favor of, 785 ; letter of, to Washington Thacher s account of the execution of, 787 ; remains of, removed to West minster Abbey in 1821 testimony of Clinton to the character of feeling of sympathy for, 788 ; monu ment erected to the memory of, at Tarrytown captors of, rewarded by Congress, 789. Angell, Col., bridge over the Railway at Springfield defended by, 750. Arbuthnot, Admiral, fleet of, sails past Fort Moultrie into Charleston harbor, 724. Armstrong, Col. John, destroys Kittanning in 1756, 96. Armstrong, Gen. , commands the American left wing at the battle of the Brandy wine, 531. Armstrong, Major, at the battle of Camden, 741. Armand, Col., bad conduct of the cavalry of, at the battle of Camden, 740. Army, American, necessity for the reorganization of, in 1776, 358 ; bounties offered by Congress to encourage enlistments in (note}, 359. Arnold, Benedict, after the battle of Lexington, 150 ; his anxiety to lead the expedition against Ticonder oga, 154 ; enters the fort with Ethan Allen, 155 ; St. Johns on the Sorel captured and abandoned by, 928 INDEX. [PARTS 156 ; on Lake Cliamplain, 193 ; superseded in com mandhis disappointment and irritation desires to attempt the conquest of Canada, 194 ; proposes an expedition against Canada, 195 ; expedition against Canada entrusted to, 196 ; his progress from the Kenuebec to Quebec, 201-206 ; letter to Schuyler intrusted by, to an Indian, 205 ; arrives at Point Levi his approach known in Quebec, 206 ; wounded in his attack on Quebec, 213 ; attempts to blockade Quebec made brigadier -general, 213 ; movements of, after the siirrender of Butterfield at the Cedars, 273 ; convention made by, for an ex change of prisoners, 274 ; retreat of, from Montreal narrow escape of, from Burgoyne, 279 ; fleet equipped on Lake George through the energy of difficulty of, with the goods of Montreal merchants, 365 ; his engagement with Carleton s fleet on Lake Cliamplain, 367 ; escape of his fleet pursued and overtaken, fights again, 388 ; abandons his vessels and retires to Ticonderoga, 369 ; sent against the British on Rhode Island, 451; name of, omitted from the list of major-generals, 454 ; efforts of Washing ton in favor of, 455 ; attempts to intercept Tryon, on his retreat from Danbury narrow escape of, 467 ; appointed major-general horse presented to, by Congress letter in relation to his wrongs Richard II. Lee a strong friend of, 469 ; Washington a friend of, 470 ; recommended by Washington for the com mand of New York and New England militia, 497 ; service in the northern army accepted by, 500 ; move ments of, for the relief- of Fort Schuyler proclama tion issued by, 526 ; exaggerated stories of the force under, 527 ; goes to the assistance of Gates, 528 ; ac tivity of, at Bemis heights, 540 ; offended at Gates, 548 ; letters of, written to Gates, 546, 547 ; his resig nation accepted by Gates, 547 ; his excitement at the battle of Bemis heights, 559 ; command at West Point obtained by, 756 ; history of the treason of, 757 -780; extravagant style of living of, at Philadelphia, 758-759 ; tried by court-martial language of Wash ington s reprimand to early insight into the char acter of, 759 ; exorbitant claims of his attempt to obtain a loan from the French embassador, 760; de tested by the people of Philadelphia opens com munications with Sir II. Clinton, 761 ; his interview with Major Andre, 7(57 ; price demanded by, for his treason 769 ; receives intelligence of the capture of Andre, 777 ; escapes on board the Vulture, 778 ; dis covery of his treason by Washington letter writ ten by to Washington, exonerating Mrs. Arnold and others, 779 ; letters written by, in favor of Major Andre, 782, 786 ; scheme for the abduction of, 786 ; proclamation issued by, from New York, 789 ; des pised by the British officers and soldiers, 79:) ; expe dition against Virginia intrusted to, 820 ; reward offered for the capture of, 821 ; plan for blockading, in Portsmouth, 843 ; his escape from Lafayette and De Tilley, 844 ; succeeds to the chief command of the British forces in Virginia what an American captain said would be done with, if caught (noti-) returns to New York, 846 ; expedition against New London intrusted to, 905 ; gratification of, at the sight of New London in flames the last military service of, 907 ; publicly insulted in England, 790 ; death of, in obscurity, 791. Arnold, Mrs , parting of Arnold with, 777 ; letter of Arnold to Washington, requesting kind treatment for, 779 ; entirely innocent of her husband s treason, 780 ; little sympathy felt for in Ph.ladelphia, 791. Asdumpink creek, encampment of Washington on arrival of the British at, 429 ; critical position of Washington s army on, 430 ; deception practised on the British at, 432. Atlee, Col., taken prisoner at the battle of Long Island, 327. Augusta, Ga., taken possession of by the British, 688; surrender of, to Gen Pickens and Col. Lee Col. Griessoii killed at, after the surrender of, 864. B. BAIKD, Sir James, attack made by, upon the rear of Gen. 11. Howe s forces, near Savannah, 687. Balcarras, Lord, gallantry of, displayed at Bemis heights, 557, 559. Balfour, Col., tyrannical conduct of, in Charleston, 880. Ball, Lieut., surrender of, to the French, in 1756, 91. Baltimore, Congress adjourns to meet at, in 1776, 414. Barre, Isaac, in Wolfe s expedition against Quebec, 109. Barren hill, skilful retreat of Lafayette from, 624. Barrett, Col., at Concord, 144 ; the bridge at Concord defended by, 145. Barry, Capt., exploits of, on the Delaware, in 1778, 623 ; capture of the Raleigh, commanded by, 671. Barry, Major, Simms account of the capture of, 89>). Barton, Col., capture of Gen. Prescott by, on Rhode island honors and rewards received by, from Con gress, 501. Basking Ridge, capture of Gen. Lee at, 410 Baume, Col., expedition against Bennington command ed by instructions of Burgoyne to, 518, 521, 522 ; letter written by, to Burgoyne, 519 ; asks reinforce ments from Burgoyne, 520 ; deserted by his Indians, 521, 522 ; attacked in his intrenchments, 521 ; his brave defense mortally wounded, 5.2. Baxter, Col., position of, in the defense of Fort Wash ington, 389 ; killed in the attack, 390. Baylor, Col., surprise and massacre of light-Lorse under, 674. Beaumarchais, French financial agent, 620. Bellamy, George Anne, anecdote of Braddock told by, 52. B. lleisle, Count de, death of, at Exilles, 95. I AND IT.] IN DEX. 929 Bemis heights, the American army at, 537 ; encamp ments at, 538 ; position of the British and American forces at, 53!) ; battle at, 540 ; victory at, claimed by Burgoyne, 542 ; the ammunition of the Americans nearly exhausted at, 544 ; the second battle at, 556; killed and wounded at the second battle of, 500. Beunington, expedition against, under Bauine, 517 ; battle of, 521 ; consequences of the British defeat at, 52:3. Bermuda, inhabitants of, and the cause of America, 230. Bernie, Major, death of. at Monk s Corner, 725. Billingsport, works at, taken by Col Stirling, 585. Black Mingo swamp, party of tories defeated by Marion near, 812. " Bloody Hill," foray made by, from Charleston, 892. Bon llomme Richard, engagement of the, with the Scrap is, 704, 710. Bordentown, storehouses destroyed at, C26. Boston, artillery and ammunition of, seized by Gage, 140 ; citizens of, remove to the country, 160 ; dispo sition of the American forces near, 161 ; force and position of the American and British armies at the siege of, 188 ; sufferings of the British army in, 190, 230 ; hopes of the tory citizens of, 191 ; opinions as to the propriety of an attack upon. 217 ; firewood supplies disturbance of a dramatic performance in, 231 ; Washington authorized to make an assault upon, 233 ; movements of the British in, 234 ; Washington in favor of an assault upon, over the ice, 243 ; bombardment of the British in, 244 ; plan of Washington for an attack upon, 245 ; insecurity of the British in, 247 ; preparations for the evacua tion of, 248 ; plunder of stores in, 250 ; evacuation of, 252 ; departure of tories fiom, 252, 254 ; taken possession of, by the American forces, 253 ; small pox prevalent in, 254 ; joy caused throughout the colonies by the evacuation of, 256 ; news of the evacuation of, how received in England, 257 ; Brit ish ves<els-of war driven from British transports captured in the harbor of, 281. Boston Neck, fortified by Gen. Gage, in 1775, 140. Boston port- bill, 138, 139. Boston " tea-party," 138. Boundbrook. Lincoln driven out of, by Cornwallis, 464. Bowling -Green, New York, leaden effigy of George III. in destroyed, 306. Boyd, Capt , Major Andre delayed by, at Crowpond, 771. Braddock, Fanny, biographical notice of, 48 ; suicide of. 50. Braddock, Gen., biographical notice of, 47-52 ; a strict disciplinarian, 53, 64 ; arrives in Hampton Roads council of governors called by, at Alexandria, 55 ; slow progress of the army of 63 ; arrival of the army of, at Fort Cumberland, (13; a funeral in the canip of, 64; his treatment of the Indians. 65 ; his neglect of Captain Jack, 66, 67; his anger against the provinces, 68 ; his precautions against surprise, 73 ; sudden attack upon, at the Monongahela, 76 ; his conduct on the field of battle, 77 ; retreat ordered by mortally wounded, 78 ; his impatience for death, 79 ; deserted by his troops joined by Gage, 80 ; his death at Great Meadows funeral services for, read by Washington 81 ; effect of the defeat of, 85. Bradstreet, Col., his efforts for the relief of Oswego, 91, 94 ; sudden attack upon, by French and Indians, 92 ; in the expedition against Ticonderoga, 1U4 ; Fort Frontenac taken by, 105. Brandy wine river, position of Washington s army on, before the battle, 531 ; crossed by Howe and Corn wallis rout of Sullivan s division at the battle of, 534 ; the American army retreats after the battle of, killed and wounded at the battle of, 535. Brant, joins with Walter Butler, in an expedition against Cherry Valley, 676 ; Miuinsink settlement ravaged by, 679. Breed s hill, intrenchments thrown up on, 163 ; forti fications on cannonaded from Copp s hill and men- of-war, 164 ; panic among the men on, 1 i5 ; prepa rations by the British for an attack upon, 166 ; attack upon, intrusted to Maj.-Gen. Howe, 167 ; arrival of Warren and Pomeroy at, 169 ; the assault upon, 171 ; repulse of the British at, 172 ; officers picked off at, 173 ; second repulse of the British at, 174 ; reinforcements of marines brought to Howe at, Ii5 ; failure of ammunition to the defenders of, 175, 176 ; third attack of the British upon, 175 ; retreat from, 176 ; killed and wounded at, 178 ; British officers who fell at, 180. Breyman, Col. , at the battle of Bennington, 522. Brier creek, Ashe defeated at, by Provost, 690. Bromfield, Major, kills Col Ledyard, at Fort Griswold, after its surrender, 906. Bronx river, American army encamped on, 375. Brooklyn, troops at, reinforced, 322 ; visit of Wash ington to, 325 ; arrival of Mifflin in, with reinforce ments retreat from, determined upon by a council of war, 332 ; American works at, taken possession of by Gen. Howe, 337. Brunswick, Franklin and Adams at, on their way to the quarters of Lord Howe, 344 ; retreat of Wash ington to, 399 ; British kept in check at, by Alex. Hamilton, 405 ; march of the army of Washington to, after the battle of Monmouth court martial at, for the trial of Gen. Lee, 642. Brush, Crean, stores in Boston plundered by, 250. Buford, Col , his troops massacred by Tarleton, 729. Bunker s hill, occupation of, advocated, 161 ; the neighborhood of, described, 162 ; breastwork raised on, 166 ; defenses on, 169 ; disposition of the Amer ican forces at the battle of, 171 ; efforts of Putnam to rally the Americans at, 177 ; breastwork raised on, by the British, 178. 930 INDEX. [PARTS Burgoyne, Gen., anecdote of (,iote), 160; scene at the battle of Breed s hill described by, 173 ; biographi cal notice of. 483, 484 ; welcomed and aided by (Jov. Carleton. in Canada force under his directions to his Indian allies, 485 ; proclamation issued by, 488 ; approach of, to Ticonderoga, 490 ; breaks through the bridge, boom, and chain, supposed to protect Skenesborough, 494 ; delay of, at Skenesborougli, 498, 500 ; proclamation issued by, 500 ; slow prog ress of, towards Fort Anne, 509 ; unable to restrain his Indians, 510 ; greatly in need of horses, 517 ; ex pedition sent by, against Bennington encampment of, opposite Saratoga, 518 ; determination of, to form a junction with Howe, if possible, 536 ; crosses the Hudson to Saratoga operations of Lincoln in the rear of, 537 ; army of, harrassed on its march by Arnold, 538 ; letter of, to Sir G. Carleton, after the battle at Bemis heights, 542 ; letter received by, from Sir H. Clinton, 544 ; deserted by many of his Indians fortifies his camp advises an attack on Fort Montgomery scarcity of provisions in the camp of, 54") ; compelled to fight or starve, 555 ; narrow escape of, at the second battle of Bemis heights camp abandoned by, in the night, 560 ; cautious retreat of, towards Saratoga, 562, 563 ; re treat of, from Saratoga, 566 ; condition of affairs in the camp of, 567 ; desperate plans of, for extrication from his position. 569 ; completely hemmed in, 570 ; negotiates for surrender, and agrees on terms, 571 ; hears too late from Sir II. Clinton, 572 ; the surren der of, 573 ; friendly footing established between, and Gen. Gates, 574 ; a prisoner on parole. 925. Burr, Aaron a volunteer in Arnold s Quebec expedi tion. 196 ; way of escape from New York pointed out to Putnam by, 351. Burton, Col., at the battle of the Monongahela, 77. Bushuell, contrivance of, for blowing up British ships, 314 ; plan of, favored by Putnam, 315 ; his "Ameri can Turtle" sent to th:> bottom, 371. Butler, Col., yn jcrx surprised by, near Tarry town, 675. Butler, Col. John, British and Indians led by, against Wyoming, 653 ; Wyoming abandoned by, G50. Butler, Col W., expedition of, against Indians, 676. Butler, Col. Zc;b., defense of Wyoming undertaken by, 652 ; defeat and massacre of the troops under, 654. Butler, Walter, escape of, from prison, at Albany expedition of, against settlers in Tryon county, 676. C. CADWALLADER, Col. Lambert, at the defense of Fort Washington, 389; efforts of, to co-operate with Washington at Trenton, 423 ; march of, to Borden- town, 426; appointment as brigadier general not ace pted by, 452 ; dud of, with Gen. Conway, 617. Ctesar and Isis, battle between the, 602. Cald\\vll, Mrs., shot dead in her own house, 748. Caldwell, Rev. Mr. , shot by a sentinel (note), 748 ; distributes hymn-books to the militia for wadding, 751. Callender, Capt. , bad conduct of, at Breed s hill, 172. Cambridge, commotion created in, by the arrival of General Howe at Charlestown, 168 ; apprehensions of a British attack upon, 181 ; arrival of Washing-ton at, 186 ; centre of the continental army at, 189 ; want of discipline in the army at. 214 ; visit of the committee of Congress to the camp at, 216; sickness in the camp at, 220 ; appearance of the camp at, 227 ; copy of the king s speech sent to the camp at, by the British commander, 233. Camden, battle of, 740 ; killed and wounded at, 745 ; several prisoners taken at, hanged by order of Corn- wallis, 793 ; march of Gen. Greene towards, 843 ; attempt of Greene to surprise Lord Eawdon at, 854 ; evacuated and burned by Ilawdon, 861 ; miserable fate of the loyalists of, 862. Campbell, Col. , of Virginia, at King s mountain, 796 ; at Hobkirk s hill, 857 ; death of, at Eutaw Springs, 889. Campbell, Lieut.-Col., death of, in his attack on Fort Montgomery, 552. Campbell, Lieut.-Col., and British troops, made pri soners on board transports in Boston harbor, 282 ; harsh treatment of, at Concord efforts of Washing ton in favor of, 444 ; expedition sent to the South under the command of, 686 ; tro.ips landed by, near Savannah Gen. Pravost ordered toco-operate with, 687 ; Augusta taken possession of by, 688. Campbell, Lord W. , governor of South Carolina, mor tally wounded at the siege of Charleston, 294. Canada, conquest of, determined on by Pitt, 107 . expedition against, resolved upon by Washington, 193 ; desire of Benedict Arnold to attempt the con quest of, 194 ; invasion of, intrusted to Gen. Schuy- ler, 195; expedition against, intrusted to Arnold, 196; efforts of Ethan Allen and Major Brown to obtain recru ts in, 198 ; Gen. Lee ordered to take command of the army in, 258 ; letter of Washington to Schuyler, relative to affairs in, 262 ; commissioners appointed to visit, 263 ; condition of affairs in, as described by the commissioners, 275. Canadians, cruelties practised by, on English prison ers, during Wolfe s siege of Quebec, 114. Canseau, taken by the French, 7 ; the rendezvous of the expedition against Louisburg in 1745. 13. Cape Breton, captured by the provincials, CO ; ceded to France by the treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle, 32. Cape Finisterre, French fleet defeated off, in 1746, 32. Captain Jack, biographical notice of, 66. Carleton, Sir G., in Wolfe s expedition against Que bec, 109 ; at Ticonderoga and Crown Point, 195, 197; defeat of e.-cape of, at Montreal, 201 ; escape of, past the mouth of the Sorel, in disguise arrival of, at Quebec, 207 ; measures taken by, for the I AND II.] INDEX. 931 defense of Quebec, 208; humanity of, towards Ameri can prisoners, 2GO ; reinforcements received by, at Quebec, 278 ; fleet launched by, at St. Johns, 366 ; Crown Point taken possession of and abandoned by, 370 ; services rendered by, to Burgoyne, 485. Carlisle, Earl of, British commissioner, character of, 628 ; challenge sent to, by Lafayette, (note) 631. Caswell, Gen., in command of North Carolina militia, 736 ; forms a junction with Gates, 739. Cedars, a fort on the St. Lawrence, surrender of, 272. Cedar Springs, attempted surprise of Col. Clark at, 735. Champe, Sergt., attempts to abduct Arnold, 786. Charleston, preparations for the defense of, 289 ; chief command at, assumed by Gen. Lee, 290 ; aid brought to, by Pulaski, 691 ; propositions for surrender made by the defenders of, to Prevost retreat of Prevost from, on the approach of Lincoln, 692 ; siege of, by Sir H. Clinton, 723 ; surrender of, by Lincoln, 728 ; movements of Clinton after the fall of, 729 ; Lord Rawdon held in check at, by Marion and Sumter, 863 ; evacuation of, by the British, 895. Charlestown, panic in, 149 ; shelled and set on fire by order of Gage, 173 ; houses in, burned by order of Putnam, 232. Charlottesville, state assembly dispersed at, 848. Chastcllux, Marquis de, accompanies Rochambeau to America, 753 ; visit of, to Mount Vernon, 904. Chatham, Earl of, speech of, in Parliament, on Ameri can affairs, after the surrender of Burgoyne, 577. Chaudiere river, arrival of Arnold at narrow escape of Arnold and his party from a cataract on, 205. Cherokee Indians, Col. Gist authorized to raise a num ber of, for service against the British, in 1777, 452. Cherry Valley, expedition of Walter Butler and Brant against, 676 ; massacre of the inhabitants of, 677. Chesterfield, Lord, remarks of, on colonial affairs, 99. Cheyney, Thomas, important information given by, to Washington, at the battle of the Brandywine, 533. Church, Dr., attempted treasonable correspondence of, with Capt. Wallace, 218 ; subsequent fate of, 219. Clarke, Major G. R., biographical notice of expedition of, to recover Vincennes from the British, 693. Clinton, Col. and Gen. James, in command of Fort Montgomery and Fort Constitution, 286 ; warned by Washington of the approach of British ships-of- war, 371 ; wound received by, while defending Fort Clinton, 552 ; at the siege of Yorktown, 911. Clinton, Gen. Geo. , militia in command of, 807; co-oper ation of, with Heath, in the Highlands, 385 ; appoin ted brigadier-general, 452 ; New York militia called out by, 549 ; his defense of Fort Montgomery, 551 ; narrow escape of, before the surrender, 552 ; move ments of, after the fall of Forts Montgomery and Clinton, 553 ; hangs two British spies, 554. Clinton, Sir Henry, arrival of, at Boston, 160 ; bio graphical notice of, 288 ; at the siege of Charleston, 291 ; repulse of, 293 ; at the battle of Long island, 2-b 324 ; efforts of, to form a junction with Burgoyne, 548 ; lands at Tarrytown and Verplanck s Point, 549 ; sudden attack made by, upon Forts Clinton and Montgomery, 550 ; letter of, to Burgoyne, 554 ; scheme of Washington for seizing the person of, 623 ; Lafayette sent to watch the movements of, 624 ; secrecy of the movements of, 632 ; measures taken by Washington for harassing the retreat of, 633 ; puts his baggage in front and his best troops in the rear, 634; retreat of, after the battle of Monnurath losses sustained by the army of, 641 ; movement of, for the defense of Rhode Island, 6G5 ; attack upon Little Egg Harbor planned by, 674 ; expedition of, against South Carolina, 721 ; movements of, in South Carolina, 729 ; return of, to New York, 731 ; con tempt of, for the meanness of Arnold, 778 ; refuses to exchange Arnold for Andre, 784 ; emissaries sent by, among the mutineers at Morristown, 824 ; delu sion of, as to Washington s proposed attack upon New York, 904. Coates, Col., surprised at Quinby bridge, 875; stand made by, at Shubrick s plantation, 877. Coffin, Capt., command of, cut to pieces by Col. Wash ington after the battle at Hobkirk s hill, 860. Colerus, M. , annoys Washington by importunities, 471. Collier, Admiral Sir G., the Massachusetts expedition against McLean, at Penobscot bay, broken up by, 713. Commissioners, British, arrival of, at Philadelphia, in 1778, 628 ; personal description of, 628, 629 ; re ception of, 629 ; despatches sent by, to Congress reply of Congress to efforts made by, to bribe dis tinguished Americans, 630 ; efforts of, to turn to account the national prejudice against the French, 631 ; total failure of all their exertions, 632. "Common Sense," Paine s pamphlet, influence of, 30-1. " Conciliatory bills," of Lord North, how received, 628. Concord, design of Gen. Gage to seize arms and am munition at, 140; as it was in 1775 stores destroyed at, by Col. Smith, 144; the battle at the north bridge of, 145. Congress and Montgomery, burning of the frigates, on the Hudson, 553. Connecticut Farms, in New Jersey, plundered and burned by Knyphausen Mrs. Caldwell shot dead in her own house at, 748. Connecticut, mercenary spirit pervading the troops from, 222 ; troops from, anxious to leave the con tinental army, 224 ; places of troops from, supplied from Massachusetts and New Hampshire, 226 ; body of light-horse from, discharged by Washington, 298 ; desertions from the army in New York, of the militia from, 339. Continental army, adoption of, 158 ; generals chosen for, 158, 188 ; constituent elements of, 158 ; com mand of, assumed by Washington, 186 ; description of the camp of, at Cambridge generals appointed for, 187 ; little discipline in, 189, 214 ; hunting-shirts INDEX. [PARTS recommended for, 189 ; alarming want of ammuni tion in, 189, 190 ; arrival of ammunition in the camp of, 192 ; condition of, 220 ; characteristics of the Massachusetts officers in difficulty experienced in selecting officers for, 221 ; resolution to reorganize, 222; little patriotism displayed by the Massachusetts soldiers in, 225; improved condition of affairs in, 226; necessity for the reorganization of, 358 ; efforts of Congress to procure enlistments in (note), 359. Continental money, extreme depreciation of, 720. Contrecoeur, the British fort on the Ohio fork taken by, 35 ; his fears of the force of Braddock, 82 ; Indian cruelties towards British prisoners witnessed by, 83. Conway, Col. and Gen., impression produced upon Washington by, 471 ; at the battle of the Brandy- wine, 535 ; intriguing letter written by, 613 ; at tempt of, to explain away his words to Washington resignation offered by appointed inspector-gen eral of the army officers in conspiracy with, to supplant Washington cabal of, brought to an issue by Washington s letter, 614 ; instrumentality of Wilkinson and Lord Stirling in exposing the cabal of, 615, 616 ; impertinent letters written by, to Washington resignation of, accepted wounded in a duel with Gen. Cadwallader penitent letter writ ten by, to Washington, 617. Cook, Capt., the navigator, in the expedition against Louisburg, in 1758, 103 ; in Wolfe s expedition against Quebec, 109. Cornwallis, Earl, at the battle of Long island, 324 ; movements of, to attack Fort Lee, 393 ; carelessness of, in New Jersey, 418 ; command in New Jersey resumed by, 427 ; confidence of, at Assumpink creek, 432 ; hears thunder from Princeton, 435 ; alarmed for his stores at Brunswick, 437 ; permitted to send money and stores to Hessian prisoners, 448 ; takes possession of Philadelphia, 580 ; arrives at Charles ton, 726 ; left in command in South Carolina, 731 ; night-march of, towards Clermont, 739 ; rigorous measures of, after the battle of Camden, 792; retreats from Salisbury, 802 ; position of his forces, on Greene s taking command in the South, 810 ; bag gage destroyed by, to facilitate his pursuit of Morgan, 819, 826 ; crosses the Catawba river, at night 828 ; narrow escape of, while crossing the Catawba, 829 ; retires from the Dan to Ilillsborough, 833 ; leaves Hillsborough for Allamance creek, 836 ; harassed by Col. Williams, and by Pickens and Lee, 837 ; move ment of, to attack Greene at Guilford courthouse, 838 ; manoeuvre resorted to by, at Guilford court house, 840 ; retreats to Cross creek, 842 ; marches to Wilmington, N. C., determines to form a junc tion with Phillips and Arnold, in Virginia, 843 ; de terred from attempting to surprise Lafayette, 846 ; deception practiced by, on Lafayette ordered by Sir II. Clinton to send a portion of his troops to New York determines to seek the cover of Portsmouth, 849; devastations of , in Virginia and North Carolina, 851; concentrates his whole force at Yorktown, 896; shut up in Yorktown by Lafayette, St. Simon, and De Grasse, 897 ; ordered by Clinton to send several of his regiments to the North, 899 ; Washington s secret intention to march against, 901 ; reinforce ments promised to, by Clinton, 909 ; confidence of, to hold Yorktown, 910 ; situation of, at Yorktown, 915 ; last letter received by, from Clinton, 917 ; pro positions of, for the surrender of Yorktown, 918 ; a guest at the headquarters of Washington, 922 ; subsequent career of, 925. Cow-boys, arrest Major Andre near Tarrytown, 772. Cowpens, account of Col. Tarleton s defeat at, 814, 818. Cressop, "the rattlesnake colonel," roguery of, (J3, 68. Crown Point, expedition against, 87 ; capture of, by "Green-Mountain Boys," 155; determination to with draw the army from, 285 ; wretched condition of the American troops at, 364 ; fleet of Arnold at, 365 ; taken possession of, by Carleton, 370. Cruger, Col. defense of Ninety-Six by, 865 ; left at Ninety-Six to protect the retreat, 871 ; in command of American royalists, at Eutaw Springs, 885. Culpepper volunteers, flag and motto of, 238 ; Gov. Dunmore s attempt on Hampton defeated by, 239. Cunningham, (Jen., encounter of a body of tories under, with Gen. Sumter, 892. Cunningham, W., foray made by, from Charleston, 892. Custis, J. P., with his mother at Cambridge, 225 ; ac companies Washington as aid, 904. Custis, Mrs. Martha, marriage of, to Washington, 185. D. DAXBUKY,Tryon s expedition to destroy stores at Sul livan s efforts for the defense of, 464; stores at, des troyed, 465 ; retreat of Tryon from, 466 ; Gates and McDougall stationed at, 673. Dan river, retreat of Gen. Greene to, 831 ; recrossed by Greene after the retreat of Cornwallis, 833. D Anville, failure of, to recapture Louisburg, 31. Davidson, Gen., defends the fords of the Catawba against Cornwallis, 828 ; shot dead while mounting his horse, 829. Dearborn, Major IT., with Gates at Still water, 537. De Barras, arrives safe with his squadron in the Chesapeake, 905. De Beaujeu, death of, in his attack upon Braddock, 76; the ambuscade for Braddock was contrived by, 82. Deborre, Gen., ill conduct of, at the battle of the Brandywine, 534, 535. De Bougainville, retreat of, at Quebec, 130. Declaration of Independence, adoption of, 303 ; read to the American army in New York, 305. De Grasse, Admiral, arrives with a fleet in the Chesa peake, 896 ; fight between his fleet and that of Ad miral Graves, 905 ; Lafayette urged by, to attack Cornwallis, 907; interview of Washington with,908 ; I AND II.] INDEX. 933 urged to aid in the siege of Yorktown, 909 ; sub sequent career of (note), 924. De Heister, Hessians under, at the battle of Long Island, 324 ; surrender of Lord Stirling to, 329. De Kalb, Baron, arrives at Charleston, S. C., 506; made a major-general, 508 ; march of troops under, from Morristown to the South, 736 ; superseded by Gates in command of the Southern army, 737 ; at the. battle of Camden, 741 ; mortally wounded at the battle of Camden biographical notice of (note), 743. Delancey, Oliver, biographical notice of, 360 ; efforts of, to raise recruits among the tories on Long Island, 361 ; expedition planned by Washington against the loyalists under, at Morrisania, 898 Delaplace, Capt., Ticonderoga surrendered by, 155. Delaware, surrender of the, to the British, 585. Delaware river, crossed by the retreating army of Washington arrival of the troops of Cornwallis at, 405 ; efforts of Washington to prevent the British from crossing, 416; obstructions placed in, and forts on, 579 ; efforts of Sir W. Howe to secure the com mand of, 580, 584, 587 ; American vessels destroyed on, 591, 626, 671. Delawares and Shawnees, singular origin of a war between, 650. De Levi, defeats Gen. Murray, near Quebec, 133. Denison, Col., surrenders Fort Forty to Col. John Butler, 655. De Peyster. Capt. , surrender of, at King s mountain, after the death of Col. Ferguson, 800. D Estaing, Count, too late to cage Lord Howe in the Delaware biographical notice of, 658 ; in pursuit of Howe s fleet fears to attack Howe within Sandy Hook sails for Newport single vessels of Byron s fleet escape, 659; swears at the English luck, 660; sails out of Newport to fight the fleet of Howe, 661 ; fleet of, dispersed by a storm, 662 ; returns to Newport determines to return to Boston, to refit indigna tion of Sullivan at the conduct of offence taken by, at Sullivan, 663 ; letter written by, to Congress officers of the fleet of, hooted in the streets of Bos ton, 664 ; co-operates with Lincoln in the siege of Savannah, 714 ; the siege raised through the obsti nacy of, 717 ; returns to France, 718. Destouches, M., naval forces sent by, to blockade Arnold in Portsmouth, 843; blockaded by the British in Newport driven away from the Chesapeake by Admiral Arbuthnot, 844. DeVaudreuil, his conduct after Montcalm s defeat, 131. De Villiers, Fort Necessity surrendered to, 43. Dickenson, Gen. Phil., performs a gallant action, 448. Dieskau, Baron, approach of, to Lake George, 88 ; de feated by Col. William Johnson, at Lake George, 89. Dillon, Count, at the siege of Savannah, 717. Dobbs ferry, Gen. Howe with the main body of his army at supplies sent to, by Lord Howe, 384 ; Washington joined by Rochambeau at, 898. Donop, Count, defeat and death of, at Fort Mercer, 586 ; flight of the troops of, to Haddonfield, 587. Dorchester, S. C., abandoned by the garrison, on the approach of Lee and Hampton, 874; British garrison driven out of, by Greene, 894. Dorchester heights, preparations of Washington for an attempt upon, 243 ; description of the occupation of, 244; attempt to dislodge Washington from, given up by Howe, 247. Doyle, Major, succeeds Col. Stewart after the battle of Eutaw Springs, 891 ; ravages of, on the Santee and Congaree, 893. Drake, sloop-of war, captured by Paul Jones, 669. Duchambon, the surrender of Louisburg demanded from, by Pepperell and Warren, 27. Ducoudray, M. , claims of, to command American ar tillery drowned while crossing the Schuylkill, 471. Dunbar, Col. Thomas, in command of one of Brad- dock s regiments, 54 ; panic in the camp of, after Braddock s defeat, 81 ; cowardly retreat of, 84. Dundas, Col. , associated with Arnold in his expedition to Virginia, 820. Dunmore, Lord, refuge taken by, on board a ship- of - war his attempt on Hampton defeated joined by tories from Norfolk, 239 ; Norfolk cannonaded and burned by, 240 ; departure of, to St. Augustine, 241. Duplessis, strengthens the defenses at Fort Mercer, 585. Duquesne, Marquis, forts established by, in 1753, 33. E. EDEN, W., British commissioner to the United States, 629. Edge hill, near Philadelphia, skirmish at, in 1777, 596. Edge worth, Maria, notice of (note), 762. Edgeworth, Richard Lovell, notice of (note), 761. Edmondston, Capt., death of , at King s mountain, 800. Eggleston, Major, at the battle of Eutaw Springs, 888. Elizabethtown, British incursion to, from Staten Island, 721. Elk river, Howe s troops land on the, in 1777, 530. Emerson, Rev. W., describes the camp at Cambridge, 187. Enos, Col. , deserts Arnold on his Quebec expedition, 204. Erskine, Sir W., with Try on in his attack on Danbury, 464. Esopus, burned by the British under Vaughan, 553. Eutaw Springs, retreat of the British under Stewart to, 883 ; battle of, 884 ; killed and wounded at, 890. Eyre, Col., mortally wounded at Fort Griswold, 906. Eyres, Major, his defense of Fort William Henry, 98. F. FAIRFAX, Bryan, visits Washington at Valley Forge, 618. Fail-field, Conn. , laid in ashes by the British, 698. Fairlawn, British at, surrender to Col. Shelby, 893, INDEX. [PARTS Falmouth, bombardment and burning of, in 1775, 215. Ferguson, Capt., expedition against Little Egg Harbor intrusted to Pulaski s force surprised by, 675. Ferguson, Col. Patrick, humanity of, 726 ; defeat and death of, at King s mountain, 800. Ferguson, Adam, British commissioner to the United States, 629 ; refused a passport to Congress, 630. Fitzgerald, Col., at the battle of Princeton, 434. Five Nations, influence of Col. Wm. Johnson with, 88. Flatbusli, night-march of Gen. Clinton from, 326. Fleury, Capt. Louis, horse presented to, by Congress, 535 ; at the capture of Stony Point, 700. Forbes, Gen., expedition of, against Fort Duquesne, 105. Fordham heights, Howe s army encamped on, 386. Fordyce, Capt., death of, at the head of grenadiers, in a conflict with Virginia riflemen, 240. Fort Clinton, defense of, against Sir H. Clinton, by Gen. James Clinton, 550 ; surrender of, 552. Fort Clinton, at West Point, erected by Kosciusko, 624. Fort Constitution, opposite West Point, 286. Fort Duquesne, constructed by Mercier, in 1754, 40 ; determination of Gen. Braddock to proceed against, 56; feeble garrison of, 82; expedition against, under Gen. Forbes, 105 ; taken by Forbes in 1758, 10G. Fort Edward, the Northern army at, after St. Glair s defeat miserable condition of the army at, 489 ; Burgoyne determines to make a road through the forest to, 500 : arrival of Burgoyne at, 512. Fort Forty, at Wyoming, capitulation of refuge taken in, by the survivors of the Wyoming massacre, 655. Fort Frontenac, capture of, by Col. Bradstreet, 105. Fort Granby, near Columbia, surrender of, 863. Fort Griswold, defense of, by Col. Wm. Ledyard, 906. Fort Hardy, the scene of Burgoyne s surrender, 573. Fort Independence, summons of General Heath dis regarded by the garrison of, 439. Fort Johnson, near Charleston, 289. Fort Lee, evacuation of, by Gen. Greene, 394. Fort Levi, on Isle Royale, surrender of, in 1760, 133. Fort Mercer, defense of, by Col. Greene death of Count Donop at, 586 ; insufficient reinforcements sent to, 587 ; taken by Cornwallis, 591. Fort Mifflin, defense of, by Col. Smith. 587; batteries erected against, on Province island, 588; guns of the British Fleet brought to bear upon killed and wounded at, 589. Fort Montgomery, in command of Col. Jas. Clinton, 286 ; boom and chain recommended to be placed across the Hudson at, 477 ; defense of, by Gov. G. Clinton, 550 ; service rendered by Col. Lamb, in the defense of, 551 ; surrender of, 552. Fort Motte. surrender of, to Gen. Marion, 863. Fort Moultrie. (See Fort Sullivan.) Fort Necessity, constructed by Washington, 41 ; the attack of the French awaited by Washington at, 42, 43 ; surrender of, 43 ; terms of capitulation at, 44 ; destroyed by the French, 45 Fort Ontario, taken by Montcalm, 95. Fort Schuyler, movements of Arnold for the relief of, 526 ; siege of, abandoned by Col. St. Leger, 527, 528. Fort Stanwix, invested by Col. St. Leger defense of, by Col. Gansevoort efforts to relieve, 512 ; sortie made from, 513. (See Fort Schuyler ) Fort Sullivan, in Charleston harbor, erected by Col. Moultrie, 289 ; attack upon, 292 ; British cannonade upon, 295 ; name of, changed to Fort Moultrie, 296. Fort Washington, works at, under the superintendence of Gen. Mifflin, 297 ; useless for the defense of the Hudson, 307 ; Col. Magaw left in charge of, 375 ; doiibts as to the utility of holding, 384 ; Greene and Magaw in favor of defending, 385 ; investment of, 385, 386 ; condition of force of the defenders of disposition of the British forces when attacking, 887; attempt of Washington to reach, from Fort Lee inadequacy of the defenses of, 388 ; simultaneous attack of the British upon, 390 ; the attack npon, witnessed from Fort Lee, 391 ; surrender of, 392 ; name of, changed to Knyphausen prisoners taken in, sent to New York loss sustained by the British at the capture of, 393 ; treatment of the prisoners taken at, 441. Fort Watson, expedition of Marion and Lee agaiust singular expedient adopted by the besiegers of, 855. Fort William Henry, Vaudreuil s expedition against, 97 ; defense of, by Major Eyres, 98 ; capitulation of, 99. France, arrival of arms from, in 1777, 457 ; change in the policy of, after the surrender of Burgoyne independence of the United States acknowledged by, 576 ; arrival at Valley Forge of the news of the treaty with, 626 ; measures taken by the British on becoming aware of the American treaty with, 627 ; anniversary of the alliance with, celebrated in the American camp, 683. Franklin, Benjamin, visits Gen. Braddock at Fred- ericktown, 59 ; conversation of, with Braddock undertakes to procure wagons for the British army, 60 ; commendation bestowed upon, by Braddock luxuries procured by, for Dunbar s and Halket s subalterns, 61 ; his doubts of Braddock s success, 85 ; visits the American camp, at Cambridge, 216 ; payment made to, by the Massachusetts general court, for services in England money sent by the hands of, from England, for the sufferers by the battle of Lexington, 217 ; early intimacy of Admiral Howe with, 309 ; pungent reply of, to a letter of Lord Howe, 342 ; journey of, from Philadelphia to Staten Island, 344 ; sharp remark made by, to Lord Howe, 345 ; remark of, respecting the entrance of the British into Philadelphia, 606 ; aid furnished by, in fitting out Paul Jones squadron in France, 702. Fraser, Gen., defeat of Gen. Thompson by, at Three Rivers 277 ; commands a division of Burgoyne s army, 485 ; attacks Francis and Warner, at I AND II. J INDEX. 935 Hubbardton, 496 ; mortally wounded at Bemis heights, 557 ; dying request of, 561 ; Burgoyne s description of the burial of American honor to the memory of, 562. Fredericksburg, encampment of Washington at, 673. Fry, Col. Joshua, in command of troops sent to the Ohio, in 1754, 34 ; death of, at Will s creek, 41. G. GABROWSKT, Count, killed at Fort Montgomery, 552. Gadsden, Col., in command of Fort Johnson, near Charleston, 289 ; refuses liberty on parole, 793. Gage, Col. and Gen., with Braddock at the Mononga- hela, 76 ; appointed governor of Massachusetts, 137; American colonists not understood by, 138 ; design of, to seize arms and ammunition at Concord artil lery and ammunition belonging to the city of Boston seized by, 140 ; passes refused by force under the command of, 160 ; proclamation issued by, 161 ; alarm of, after the battle of Breed s hill, 181 ; suf ferings of the army of, 190 ; a comrade of Washing ton in Braddock s campaign correspondence with, in relation to prisoners, 192 ; superseded by Gen. Howe. 215. Gainey, Major, surprised by Gen. Marion, 812. Gansevoort, Col. P., in command of Fort Stanwix, 512. Gardner, Col., death of, at Breed s hill, 177. Garth, Gen., ravages of, in Connecticut, in conjunction with Tryon, 697. Gates, Horatio, appointed major-general, biographical notice of, 282 ; letter of, to Charles Lee, 283 ; com mand of the Northern army claimed by, 284 ; claims of, resisted by Gen. Schuyler, 285 ; troops sent by, to reinforce Washington, intercepted by Gen. Lee, 407 ; urged by Washington to hasten to Pittstown, 408 ; affected by the capture of Lee arrival of, at the Delaware suspicions of, 413 ; junction of his division with that of Washington, 414 ; conduct of, on the eve of the attempt upon Trenton, 417; unwilling to accept the position of adjutant-general, 458 ; supersedes Schuyler in command of the North ern army, 459 ; restores the command to Schuyler, 481 ; requested to withdraw from the floor of Con gress, 482 ; appointed by Congress to supersede Schuyler in command of the Northern army popu larity of, in New England letter of, describing the condition of his command, 524 ; charges of cruelty made by, denied by Burgoyne, 525 ; army of, large ly reinforced officers under the command of, 537 ; scarcity of ammunition in the camp of, 546 ; urged by Arnold to attack Burgoyne, 555 ; his slow pur suit of Burgoyne, 564 ; follows Burgoyne to the Fishkill, 566 ; mistaken movement ordered by, on Burgoyne s camp, 570 ; his courtesy towards Burg oyne, at his surrender, 573 ; his movements towards Albany, to meet Gen. Vaughan, 576 ; withholds re inforcements from Washington, 587, 590 ; improper conduct of, towards Washington, 613 ; appointed to command the forces in the South, 736 ; prophetic caution given to, by Gen. Lee precipitate march of, to meet Lord RaAvdon at Camden, 737 ; priva tions suffered by the troops of, on the march, 738, 739 ; detachment sent by, to reinforce Gen. Sumter reinforced by Gen. Stevens, with Virginia militia junction of the army of, with Gen. Caswell s militia, 739 ; unexpected meeting of, with Corn- wallis army, 740 ; total defeat of, 743 ; miserable condition of the wreck of his army, 745 ; British as cendency established in the South by the defeat of humiliation of, 746 ; wretched condition of the army of, at Hillsborough, 801 ; superseded by Gen Greene affected by the kindness of Washington, 805 ; subsequent career of (note), 809. George III., destruction of the leaden effigy of, at the Bowling-Green, New York, 306. Georgetown, on Winyaw bay, attacked and carried by Marion, 864. Gerard, M. , arrives in company with Silas Deane, from France, 659 ; grand dinner given to, by Arnold, 758. Germantown, Washington removes his camp to, 503 ; retreat of Washington to, 578 ; encampment of Gen. Howe at, 580 ; position of the British at plan of attack upon the British in, 581 ; night-march to British at, compelled to retreat battle at, lost by delay at Chew s house, 582 ; panic among the American troops at British nearly defeated at, 583 ; killed and wounded at retreat of Washington from, to Perkimen creek, 584. Gibbon, Lieut., forlorn hope led by, at the storming of Stony Point, 700. Gist, Braddock s guide, narrow escape of, 73. Glasgow, a British twenty-gun ship, escape of, 269. Gloucester, Va., investment of, by French and Amer ican troops, 909 ; cavalry skirmish near, 910. Glover, Col , regiment of, from Marblehead, 299 ; at the retreat from Long island, 333 ; services of, in removing the sick and stores, 349 ; resists Sir W. Howe, near White Plains, 375 ; skirmishes with Hessians, 381 ; appointed brigadier-general, 452 ; with Gates at Stillwater, 537. Grant, Col. and Gen., his opinion of American courage, 139 ; commands British troops on Long island, 324 ; Stirling attacks, at the battle of Long island, 326 ; out-manoeuvred by Lafayette at Matson s ford, 625. Grant, Major, death of, at Ilubbardton, 496. Graves, Admiral, attack by French and Americans upon New York prevented by the arrival of, 754 ships of, engage those of Count de Grasse off the capes of Virginia return of, with his crippled fleet, to New York, 905. Gravesend, Long island, landing of Howe s troops in the neighborhood of, 322. Graydon, treatment of, while a prisoner, 441 ; descrip tion by, of Washington s camp at Morristown, 473. 9 3G INDEX. [PARTS Great Meadows, a position chosen by Washington in 1754, 37 ; Fort Necessity constructed by Washington at, 41 ; arrival of Braddock at, 72 ; death of Brad- dock at, 81. Great Portage, formidable obstacles presented by, to Arnold, on his way to Quebec, 203. Greenburg, encampment of the French and American forces on the hills of, 898. Greene, Col. Christopher, his defense of Fort Mercer, 586 ; murdered by Delancey s men, 851. Greene, Nathaniel, joins the patriot army at Cam bridge, 151 ; commands the American troops on Long island, 319 ; sickness of, at the time of Howe s landing, 321 ; urgency of, for the evacuation of New York, 340 ; difficulty of, with the New York militia, 383 ; determined to defend Fort Washing ton, 385 ; how consoled for the loss of the fort, 393 ; covers the retreat at the battle of the Brandy wine, 535 ; movements of, in New Jersey, on the approach of Clinton and Knyphausen, 749, 750; supersedes Gates in the southern department, 805 ; biographical notice of, 806 ; movements of, in the South, 809 ; efforts of, to join Morgan after the battle of the Cowpens, 827 ; destitute condition of the forces under, 828 ; British pursuit of narrow escape of assistance rendered to, 830 ; object of, in retiring before Cornwallis, 831 ; sufferings of the army of, 832 ; receives reinforcements Fabian policy of, 837; attacked by Cornwallis at Guilford courthouse, 838; retreats to Reedy fork, 840 ; retreats to Troublesome creek pursues Cornwallis, 842 ; deserted by his militia, 843 ; marches into South Carolina, 854 ; surprised by Lord Rawdon at Hobkirk s hill, 856 ; gloomy forebodings of cheered by the news that Rawdon had determined to evacuate Camden, 861 ; Ninety-Six besieged by, 864 ; retreat of , pursued by Rawdon siege of Ninety-Six abandoned by, on the approach of Rawdon, 870 ; encampment of, on the High hills of the Santee, 873; activity of the cavalry of , 882 ; movement of, towards Eutaw Springs, 883 ; attacks the British at Eutaw Springs, 884 ; returns to the High hills of the Santee reinforcements re ceived by, 891 ; resumes offensive operations. 892 ; attempts of, to drive the British into Charleston, 893 ; panic in the garrison of Dorchester on the ap proach of, 894 ; peaceable evacuation of Charleston permitted by, on conditions, 895. " Green Mountain Boys" and the New-Hampshire grants, 152 ; hostility of Arnold towards, 195 ; ser vices rendered by. under Seth Warner, 201. Grenadiers, British, burned alive by Indians, 83. Grey, Sir C., depredations of, at New Bedford and Martha s Vineyard, COS ; light horse under Col. Baylor surprised by, 674. Gridley, Col. R., marks out lines on Breed s hill, 103. Griffin, Col., attention of Count Donop diverted by, during the attack upon Trenton, 423 Griffiths, Rev. David, warning given to Washington by, on the eve of the battle of Mon mouth, 638 Guilford courthouse, battle at, 838 ; killed and wounded at a dear victory to the British, 841. Guiiby, Col., regiment of, at Hobkirk s hill, 858. H. HACKENSACK, encampment of Washington at, 386. Hale, Capt. Nathan, hanged as a spy, 348. Hale, Col., flight of, with a militia regiment at Hub- bardton surrender of, to British troops, 496. Halket, Sir Peter, colonel of one of Braddock s regi ments, 54 ; death of, and his son, at Braddock s defeat, 78. Hamilton, Alexander, biographical notices of, 266, 459; personal appearance of (note), 267 ; good conduct of, at White Plains, 379 ; British held in check at Brunswick by the artillery of, 405 ; received into the military "family" of Washington, 459 ; affec tionate treatment of, by Washington, 460 ; rein forcements for Washington s army obtained by, from Putnam and Gates, 590 ; Washington aband ons the scheme of seizing the person of Clinton by the advice of, 623 ; Arnold s treason made known by, to Washington, 778 ; sympathy of, for Andre, 783 ; storms a British redoubt at Yorktown misunderstanding of, with Washington (note), 913. Hampton, Col. Wade, dragoons made prisoners by, 874. Hancock, John, an early friend of the popular cause, 141 ; desirous to be made commander-iu-chief, 157. Hand, Col., wheat destroyed by, on Long island, 322 ; appointed brigadier-general by Congress, 452. Harlem, position of both armies at the battle of, 353 ; death of Col. Knowlton and Major Leitch at, 354. Hartford, Washington visits, to meet Rochambeau, 763. Haslet, Col., conduct of the Dela wares and Maryland- era commanded by, at the battle of Long island, 327. Haw river, party of loyalists under Col. Pyle surprised near, 835 ; retreat of Tarleton across, 836. Hayne, Col. Isaac, executed in Charleston, 879; case of, similar to that of Andre proclamation issued by Gen. Greene relative to the execution of, 881. Hazelwood, Commodore, Hessians at Fort Mercer fired upon by, 586 ; thanks voted to, by Congress, 587. Heath, Gen , commands the provincials at Lexington, 148 ; biographical notice of, 375 ; forts under the command of, 385 ; orders of Gen. Lee disregarded by, 396 ; Lee s attempt to get two of his regiments, 401 ; certificate given to, by Lee, 402 ; letter of Washington to, 438 ; movements of, near Fort Inde pendence and Kingsbridge, 439 ; his conduct at Fort Independence criticised, 440 ; appointed to receive Rochambeau at Newport, 754. Heights of Abraham, how ascended, by the army of Wolfe, 127. Henderson, Col., night-sortie made by, from Charles- ton, 727 ; wounded at Eutaw Springs, 886. I AND II.] INDEX. 937 Henley, Major Thomas, death of, in an attempt upon Montressor s island, 358. Henry, Patrick, urges a levy of troops in Virginia, 238. Herkimer, Gen., efforts of, to relieve Fort Stanwix, 513 ; ambuscade laid for the troops of, 514 ; strug gle of the troops of, with the "Johnson Greens" death of, 515. Hessians, ferocity of, at the battle of Long island, 329 ; surrender of, at the battle of Trenton, 422 ; humanity of Washington towards, 440 ; their slow march to Bennington, 518, 521, 522 ; forbidding aspect of, to the Philadelphians, 580. High hills of the Santee, Greene s encampment on, 873 , Greene resumes his position on, 891. Highlands of the Hudson, militia ordered up to, 372 ; measures taken for the protection of, 673 ; position of Washington s army in, 701. Hillsborough, condition of Gates army at, 801 ; attempt of Cornwallis to raise recruits in, 833 ; abandoned by Cornwallis, 836. Ilinman, Capt., services of, at sea, in the Alfred, 592. Hobkirk s hill, battle at, 856 ; losses at, 860. Holland, independence of the United States acknow ledged by, after the surrender of Burgoyne, 577. Hood, Sir S., arrives with a fleet at New York, 904. Hopkins, Commodore, cruise of, 268 ; censure of. 270. Horseneck, salt-works destroyed by Tryon at, 696. Howard, Col., charge of, at the battle of the Cowpens, 817 ; silver medal presented to, 818. Howe, Admiral Lord K., arrives in New York bay biographical notice of proclamation by his early intimacy with Franklin, 309 ; intends to cut off the retreat from Long island, 332 ; committee of Con gress appointed to meet, at Staten island reply of Franklin to a letter of, 342 ; reception by, of the committee from Congress, 344, 345 ; conversation of the committee with, 345 ; success of the proclam ation issued by, 404 ; residence of, in Philadelphia, 605 ; prepares to receive D Estaing at Sandy Hook, 659 ; arrives off Rhode island, in search of D Estaing, 661 ; his fleet dispersed by a storm, 662 ; return of his fleet to New York, to refit, 663. Howe, Col. and Gen. Sir W., in Wolfe s expedition against Quebec, 109 ; arrival at Boston, in 1775 160 ; attack on Breed s hill intrusted to biographical notice of character of, 167 ; address to his soldiers at Breed s hill, 171 ; artillery of, at Breed s hill, 172 ; his courage at Breed s hill, 174 ; wounded at Breed s hill, 176 ; assumes chief command in Boston, 215 ; fortifications strengthened by harshness towards the patriots in Boston, 216 ; Boston spared by, 248 ; impatience of, to get away from Boston, 250 ; proc lamations issued by, 251 ; uncertainty of the move ments of, 272 ; arrives in the bay of New York, 301 ; awaits the arrival of Admiral Howe, 302 ; assistance from tories expected by. 306 ; superiority of the forces of, 315 ; plan of attack on Long island, 324 ; his movements after the battle of Long island, 329 ; unwilling to believe that the Americans had left the island, 336 ; inactivity within his lines rein forcements from England desired by, 360 ; moves towards Throgg s Point and New llochelle, 372 ; alarmed at the defeat of the Hessians at Trenton, 427 ; his movements in the spring of 1777, 453 ; his plan for the campaign of 1777, 461 ; his designs un known to Washington, 462 ; his movements near Brunswick, 478, 479 ; real object of the movements of, 478 ; retreats from Brunswick to Amboy and Staten island, 480 ; perplexing movements of, 502 ; his arrival in the Chesapeake, 529 ; lands on the banks of the Elk river, 530 ; before the battle of the Brandywine, 531 ; encampment of, at German- town, 580 ; indolence of, in Philadelphia, 606 ; com mand of the army resigned by, 607 ; the Mischianza got up in honor of, 607-612 ; careful of the lives and comfort of his men; 629. Howe, Earl Edward, death of, at Ticonderoga, 104. Howe, Gen. Robert, expedition of, against tories in Florida, 686 ; defeat of, near Savannah tried by a court-martial and acquitted, 687 ; superseded by Gen. Lincoln, 689 ; mutiny at Pompton suppressed by, 824. Hudson river, measures taken by the Clintons for the defense of, 308 ; British vessels-of-war sail up, 371 ; Washington s efforts to obstruct, 372 ; forts on, feebly garrisoned at the time of Sir H. Clinton s advance, 548. Huger, Gen., surprised at Mark s Corner, 725; junction of, with Greene and Morgan, at Guilford court house, 831 ; at Hobkirk s hill, 856. Huger, Maj.B., and twelve men, killed by mistake, 692. Huinber river, vessels destroyed in, by Paul Jones, 704. I. INDIANS, in the camp of Braddock, 65 ; cruelty of, to English prisoners, 83 ; visitors at the camp at Cambridge, 220; humanity of Burgoyne s directions to, 486 ; Burgoyne unable to restrain, 510. Isis and Caesar, French and English ships, battle between, in 1778, 662. Isle aux Noix, Montgomery and Schuyler at, 197. J. JACKSON, Col. M. , attempt on Montressor s island, un dertaken by, 356. Jameson, Col., his disposition of Major Andre and his papers unwilling to believe Arnold guilty of treason, 774. James river, ravages of Arnold on, 820 ; Lafayette and Wayne deceived by Cornwallis at, 850. Jasper, Sergeant, courage displayed by, at Fort Sulli van, 295 ; mortally wounded at the siege of Savan nah, 717. Jefferson, Thomas, efforts of, to save Richmond from 938 INDEX. [PARTS the British under Arnold narrow escape of, from Arnold. 820 : reward offered by, for the capture of Arnold, 821 ; escape from Tarleton s dragoons, 848. John s island, Sir H. Clinton lands his troops on Pre vost sends reinforcements to, 722 ; attempt to dis lodge the British from, 894. Johnson, Col., attacked by Wayne at Stony Point, 099. Johnson, Col., William, biographical notice of, 87 ; Baron Dieskau defeated by, at Lake George, 89. Johnson, Sir John, operations of General Schuyler to counteract the plans of, 236 ; Highlanders of, dis armed by Schuyler, 237 ; trick played upon, and St. Leger, by Indians, 528. Johnstone, Gov. , his language relative to the battle of Bunker s hill, 178 ; British commissioner, 629. Jones, John Paul, biographical notice of, 6GG ; squad ron placed under the command of, by the French government, 702 ; cruise of, before meeting with the Serapis and Countess of Scarborough, 702-704 ; account of his capture of the Serapis, 705-710 ; language ascribed to, on receiving the sword of Capt. Pearson (note), 710. Jonquiere, failure of, to recapture Louisburg, 31 ; fleet of, defeated and captured off Cape Finisterre, 32. Jumonville, death of, 38 ; claimed to have been assas sinated, 38, 44, 4G ; a spy as well as an embassador, 39 ; remains of, buried by Do Villiers, 45. K. KIVGSBRIDGE, intrenchmcnts thrown up at, by Mifflin, 297 ; headquarters of Washington at, 341 ; secret expedition against, proposed by Washington, 477. King s mountain, account of the battle of, 795-801 ; monument erected at the scene of the battle of, 801 ; plans of Cornwaliis changed by the battle of, 802. Kirkwood, Capt., at the battle of Eutaw Springs, 884. Kittanning, destroyed by a force under Armstrong, 96. Knowlton, Capt. , battery erected by, at Breed s hill, 170 ; mortally wounded at the battle of Harlem, 354. Knox, Col. and Gen., arrival of, with artillery, at Cambridge, 243 ; celebrates the anniversary of the French alliance, 683 ; at the siege of Yorktown, 911. Knox, Lieut., forlorn hope led by, at Stony Point. 700. Knyphausen, Gen., reinforces Sir W. Howe with Hessians, 375 ; sent by Howe to take possession of Kingsbridge, 384 ; at the investment of Fort Wash ington, 387 ; at the battle of the Brandywine, 532, 534 : incursion into New Jersey ordered by, 720 ; New York left to the care of, by Sir H. Clinton, 721 ; incursion of, into New Jersey, 747 ; movements of, in New Jersey, 748-750 ; reinforced by Clinton, 749. Kosciusko, Thaddeus, impression produced upon Washington by, 471 ; biographical notice of com mended by Franklin to Washington, 472 ; fortifi cation of Mount Independence intrusted to, 486 ; works at West Point put under the supervision of, 701 ; Greene s engineer at the siege of Ninety Six, 865 ; in command of light-troops near Charleston subsequent career of, (note), 894. L. LAFAYETTE, Marquis de, first meeting of Washing ton with biographical notice of, 504 ; arrives at Charleston his description of Charleston, 506 ; appointed major-general his anxiety for com mand, 507 ; his appearance, 508 ; wounded at the battle of the Brandywine, 534; in charge of the Mora vians impatience of, for action narrow escape of, from British dragoons, 594 ; skirmish of, with Hessians commended by Washington appointed to the command of Stephen s division, 595 ; attempt to make an instrument of, in an expedition against Canada, 618 ; returns to Washington, at Valley Forge, 619 ; retreats from Barren Hill, 624 ; dis satisfied with Lee s extreme caution, 637 ; with Washington, on the night after the battle of Mou- mouth. 630 ; in the expedition against Rhode island, 660 ; scheme of, to invade Canada, 679 ; returns to France, G80 ; his reception in France appointed to the command of the dragoons of the king s guard, 681 ; returns to America in 1780, 751 ; his reception by Congress, 752 ; equips his corps at his own expense, 755 ; Cornwaliis unable to force him to action, 847 ; junction of, with Wayne and Steuben, 849 ; retires up James river to Green springs, 850; his plans to prevent the escape of Cornwaliis by land, 896 ; refuses to attack Cornwaliis before the arrival of Washington and Rochambeau, 907. Lake Champlain, movements of Arnold on, 193 ; British fleet on naval engagement on, 367. Lake George, encampment of Col. William Johnson on the banks of, described by Bancroft named by Col. Johnson, 88. Lamb, Capt., ice battery of, destroyed at Quebec, 210 ; part of his jaw-bone shot away at Quebec, 212 ; wounded during Tryon s retreat from Danbury, 468 ; at the siege of Yorktown. 911. Laurens, Col. John, envoy to France, 902, 903 ; Major Campbell made prisoner by, at Yorktown, 914; death of succeeded by Kosciusko, 894. Laurens, Henry, exchanged for General Burgoyne, 925. Lauzun, accompanies Itochambeati to America, 753. Learned, Col. and Gen,, Washington and Howe agree to spare Boston, through the agency of, 248 ; ap pointed brigadier-general, 452 ; with Gates at Still- water, 537. Lechmere s Point, attack upon British soldiers at, 223 ; fortifications erected on, by Washington, 226. Ledyard, Col., killed by Major Bromfield, at Fort Griswold, after its surrender, 906. Lee, Gen. Charles, at Prospect hill , 189; biograph ical notice of called "Boiling Water" by tho Mohawks under Burgoyne in Portugal made a brigadier general personal appearance of, 229 ; I AND IT.] INDEX. 939 impiety of, 230 ; operations of, against the New York tories, 235, 23G; ordered to take command of the army in Canada sent to the South Washington s opin ion of the capacity of, 258 ; letter of, to Washington, 259 ; at the defense of Charleston Fort Sullivan strengthened by, 290 ; remarkable general orders of, 290, 291 ; Charleston pronounced defenseless by, 296 ; return of, from the South, 372 ; commands a divis ion at Kingsbridge reputation of, much increased by his success in the South letter of, respecting the probable movement of Howe, 373 ; recommends a change of position of the army opposed to hold ing Fort Washington, 374 ; anecdote of, at White Plains high opinion held by Washington of the military talents of, 377 ; in command at Newcastle, 385 ; efforts of, to induce his militiamen to remain, 386 ; mortification of, at the loss of Fort Washing ton, 392 ; urged by Washington to come to his aid in New Jersey, 395 ; reasons given by, for remain ing at Newcastle, 396 ; letters written to, by Gen. Reed and others, 397 ; motives of, in disobeying the orders of Washington letter of, to Reed, read by Washington, 399 ; letter of, from Peekskill, ad dressed to Washington efforts of, to get two of Heath s regiments, 401 ; Hudson river crossed by, 402 ; his purpose of acting independently, 403 ; his continued neglect of the summons of Washington Col. Hampton sent to, by Washington, for informa tion impudence of the reply of success of, in recruiting in New Jersey, 406 ; unwillingness of, to leave Chatham regiments intercepted by, 407 ; ac count of the capture of, 410 ; designs of, at the time of his capture letter of, to Gates capture of, supposed to have been made by collusion, 412 ; cap ture of, calmly spoken of by Washington, 413 ; a prisoner in New York, 443 ; requests that dele gates be sent to him from Congress, to receive a communication -non-compliance of Congress with his reqiiest Washington s sympathy for, 449 ; treatment of, while a prisoner exchanged for the British general Prescott, 618 ; opinions of, unfav orable to a general attack on Sir H Clinton, 632 ; resigns his command to Lafayette anxiety of, to resume his command, 633 ; ordered to form a junc tion with Lafayette at Englishtown, 634 ; ordered to attack Clinton s rear contradictory intelligence brought to, respecting Clinton s movements, 635 ; line formed by, on the plains of Monmouth mes sage sent by, to Washington, 636 ; confusion in the orders of movement of Washington in support of intelligence of the retreat of, given to Washing ton, 637 ; a traitor, according to the belief of many Washington warned against, on the eve of the battle of Monmouth language of Washington to, 638 ; subsequent conduct of. on the field of Mon mouth, 039 ; court-martial assembled at Brunswick to try, 642 ; letters written by to Washington, 642, I-d 643 ; skilful defense made by, 643 ; sentenced by the court-martial duel fought by, with Col. Laurens hostility of, to W. H. Drayton, of South Carolina, 644 ; malevolence of, towards Washing ton, 644, 645 ; summarily dismissed from the army his eccentric mode of life in Virginia death of, 645 ; will left by strange conduct of, at Valley Forge, 646 ; conduct of, at Monmouth, justified by some treason of, proved, (note) Washington s conduct towards, not influenced by personal feel ings, 647 ; ranked with the traitors Church and Arnold, 648. Lee, Capt. and Gen., services of, as a cavalry officer biographical notice of, 530 ; skirmish of, at Derby, 622 ; his surprise of Paul us Hook, 711 ; medal awarded to, 712 ; bridge at Springfield defended by, 750 ; deception practiced by, upon Col. Pyle, 834 ; at the siege of Ninety-Six, 866 ; attempts to set fire to the fort at, 867 ; prisoners taken by, from Rawdon s cavalry, 872 ; at the battle of Eutaw Springs, 886. Leitch, Major, death of, at the battle of Harlem, 354. Leith, descent upon, proposed by Paul Jones, 704. Leslie, Capt. , defeated near Norfolk, by Virginia rifle men, 240 ; death of, at the battle of Princeton, 436. Leslie, Gen., arrives at Charleston, with reinforce ments for Cornwallis, 814 ; British under, confined to the neighborhood of Charleston, 894 ; prepares to evacuate Charleston, 895. Lexington, battle of minute men fired upon at, 143 ; killed and wounded at the battle of, 149 ; effect in England of the news of the battle of, 157 ; relief from England for the sufferers by the battle of, 217. Lincoln, Gen. Ben., appointed major-general, 452; driven out of Boundbrook by Cornwallis, 464 ; joins Gates with New Hampshire militia, 546 ; Gen. R. Howe superseded by, in the Soutli biographical notice of, 689; loss sustained by, at Brier creek, 690 ; attack of, on John s island, 694 ; his siege of Savannah, 7L4; his defense of Charleston, against Sir H. Clinton, 723 ; attacked by the British on Harlem river expedition of, against Delancey s corps, at Morrisania, 898 ; opens the first parallel at the siege of Yorktown, 912 ; appointed to con duct the surrender of Yorktown, 919. Little Egg Harbor, expedition against, by Capt. Ferguson shipping and buildings burned at, 675. Little Meadows, arrival of Braddock at, 70. Livingston, Col., with Gates at Stillwater, 537. Livingston, Gov., letter of Washington to, anticlpA ting an attack by Howe on Fort Washington, 383 ; assistance requested from, by Washington, 394, 404 ; improved organization of the New Jersey militia suggested to, by Washington, 451. Long island, intrcnchments thrown up on, 297 ; Gen. Greene in command of the American troops on, 319; Greene s account of the tories in, 320 ; landing on, of the troops of Gen. Howe language of Washing- 940 INDEX. [PARTS ton to the troops sent to, 322 ; Howe s plan of at tack on, 324 ; battle of, 325 ; American officers out- generalled at tlie battle of, 327 ; comparative losses at, 329; arrival at, of the battallions of Shee, Magaw, and Glover, 330 ; retreat of the American army from, 333 ; Howe s ignorance of the American re treat from, 335 ; American army demoralized by the defeat in, 338 ; abundance of tories in, 360. Loudoun, earl of, sent to America as general -in-chief, 93 ; arrives at Albany, 94 ; expedition of, against Louisburg, 98 ; superseded by Gen Amherst, 100. Louisburg, fortifications of, 6 ; plan for the capture of, 7 ; arrival of the fleet at, 16 ; coup do main upon, abandoned, 18 ; sufferings at the siege of summoned to surrender, 19 ; plans for a general attack on, 22, 26 ; information given by a deserter from, 24 ; general attack upon, 27 ; surrender of, to Pepperell -ammunition and stores found in, 28 ; deception practised on French ships at effect in London of the news of the capture of, 29 ; influence of the capture of, 30 ; expedition for the recapture of failure of the expedition against, 31 ; ceded to France by the treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle, 32 ; Am- herst s expedition against, 100, 102 ; unconditional surrender of, 103. Lovell, Gen., in command of Massachusetts militia men, sent against McLean, at Penobscot bay, 713. Luzerne, M. de la, refuses to loan money to Arnold, 760 ; interview of Washington with, at Fishkill, 776. , Jane, story of the murder of, 510 ; attempt of Burgoyne to punish the murderer of, 511 ; Bur- goyne charged with procuring the murder of, 525. Macdonald, Capt. , at the siege of Louisburg, 25. Macdonald, Donald, at the heights of Abraham, 127. M Donald, Donald, royal standard unfurled by, in North Carolina, in 1776, 241 ; defeat of, at Moore s- crcek bridge, 242. M Dougall, Gen., succeeds Heath in command at Peekskill, 462 ; ruse practised upon, by Gen. Howe, 463 ; substituted for Putnam in the command of West Point, 696. M Leod, Col., death of, at Moore s creek bridge, 242. Macpherson, Allan, escapes Indian torture, 106. Magaw, Col. , in command at Fort Washington, 385 ; his reply to Howe s summons to surrender, 388 ; compelled to surrender Fort Washington, 392. Mahan, Capt. , British position at Monk s Corner taken by, 891. Maitland, Col., at the siege of Savannah, 715 ; death of, a few days after the raising of the siege, 718. Malmedy, M., Washington annoyed by the complaints of, 470 ; at the battle of Eutaw Springs, 884. Manchester, Va. , stores and tobacco destroyed at, 845. Manly, Capt., commander of one of the schooners fitted out by Washington, 220 ; British brig Nancy taken by, 223 ; continued successes of, 224. Manning, Lieut., Simms s account of his capture of Major Barry at Eutaw Springs, 890. Marion, Gen. Francis, biographical notice of, 732 ; miserable equipments of his men, 738 ; exploits of, in South Carolina, 794; title of "Swamp Fox" given to privations endured by men under, 812 ; failure of his attack on the British at Georgetown, on Winyaw bay anecdote of a British officer in vited to dine with camp formed by, on Snow s island, 813 ; operations of, in South Carolina attack upon, by Cols. Watson and Doyle, 852 ; his brigade dissatisfied with Sumter s partiality, 878 ; on the Santee, 879 ; at the battle of Eutaw Springs, 884. Marjoribanks, Major, at Eutaw Springs, 885. Martha s Vineyard, the inhabitants of, levied on, 065. Martin, Gov. of North Carolina, proceedings of, 241. Maryland, backwardness of, in affording aid to Brad- dock, 59 ; brigades from, at the battle of Camden, 742 ; troops from, at Guilford courthouse, 840. Massachusetts, aid from, to the expedition against Louisburg, 8 ; first in resistance to British tyranny, 137 ; expedition from, to Penobscot bay, 712. Mathew, Gen., at the investment of Fort Wasa- ington, 387 ; ravages of, in Virginia, in 1779, 695. Mawhood, Col., collision of, with Gen. Hugh Mercer, 433. Maxwell, Gen., at the battle of the Brandywine, 532 ; mutiny on the part of the officers of, prevented, 082. Megantic, Lake, arrival of Arnold at, 205. Meigs, Col. , stores destroyed by, at Sag Harbor, 475. Mercer, Gen. Hugh, at Amboy, on the approach of Sir W. Howe, 302 ; ordered to occupy Forts Con stitution and Lee, 339 ; collision of, with Col. Maw- hood, 433 ; his riflemen overcome by the British, 434 ; left for dead on the field of battle, 435, 436 biographical notice of, 436. Mercier, the constructor of Fort Duquesne, 40. Messerve, Col., makes cannon -si edges at Louisburg, 18. Middlebrook, American camp shifted to, from Morris- town, 478 ; strength of the American position at, 479. Mifflin, Gen. T., biographical notice of, 297 ; at Kings- bridge and Fort Washington, 302 ; takes reinforce ments to Brooklyn, 331 ; at the retreat from Long island, 332 ; retreats from the lines, through mis take, 334 ; sent to make known to Congress the straits of the American army, 394 ; appointed major-general, 452. Miles, Col., on the eve of the battle of Long island, 324. Militia, opinions as to the inefficiency of, 338, 339 ; bad conduct of, at W T hite Plains, 378 ; order of Washington to encourage, 879 ; their dread of cav alry, 380; unreliability of, 428; Virginia, throw down their loaded arms at the battle of Camden, 742. Mininsink settlement, ravaged by Brant, in 1779, 679. MiscManza, got up in honor of Sir W. Howe, in Phila delphia, 607-612; language of Paine respecting, 612. Mohawks, expedition against,under Gen. Sullivan, 677. I AND II. J INDEX. 941 Monakatuca, made prisoner by French and Indians, 71 ; his son killed by mistake, by Braddock s men, 74, Monckton, Gen. Kobert, in Wolfe s expedition against Quebec, 109 ; Point Levi, taken by, 114 ; death of, at the battle of Monmouth, 640. Moncrieff, (engineer) at the defense of Savannah, 716. Money, continental, great depreciation of, 604. Monk s Corner, Gen. Huger and Col. Washington surprised at, by Tarleton, 725 ; escape of the British under Col. Coates, from Sumter at, 875. Monmouth, position of the British before the battle of, 634 ; battle of, 635-640 ; fatal effects of the excessive heat at the battle of killed and wounded at, 641. Monongahela, fords of, passed by Braddock, 75 ; de feat of Braddock at the, 76 ; losses at the, 83. Monroe, Col. James, at the battle of Trenton, 421. Montcalm, Marquis de, biographical notice of, 94 ; operations of, against Oswego, 95 ; expedition of, against Fort William Henry, 99 ; vexation of, at the loss of Point Levi, 115 ; thwarted by Vaudreuil, 124 ; letter of, to M. de Mole, 125 ; unwilling to believe the English had attained the plains of Abraham, 127 ; disposition of his forces when at tacking Wolfe, 128 ; his conduct on the field of battle, 129, 130 ; mortal wound received by, 130 ; language of, on the approach of death, 131. Montgomery, Gen. Richard ; in command of Ticonde- roga biographical notice of, 197 ; operations of, against St. Johns on the Sorel, 198 ; entrance of, into Montreal surrender of St. Johns to, 201 ; want of discipline among the troops of j unction of, with Arnold, at Point aux Trembles, 208 ; operations of, before Quebec, 209 ; resolves to attack Quebec, 210 ; death of, 211 ; remains of, honorably buried, 213. Montgomery, Major, shot dead in the storming of Fort Griswold, New London, 906. Montgomery and Congress, American frigates, burned on the Hudson, 553. Montmorenci, attempt of Wolfe to cross the river near the falls of, 116, Montreal, invested by Gen. Amherst, in 1760, 134 ; entrance of Montgomery into, in 1775, 201. Montressor s island, attack upon the British on, planned by Gen. Heath, 356 ; unfortunate result of the attempt upon, 358. Moore, Gen., operations of, in North Carolina, 241. Moore s-creek bridge, Col. McDonald defeated at, 242. Morepang, death of, in defense of Louisburg, 17. Morgan, Charley, a spy in the camp of Cornwallis, 846 ; returns with deserters to Lafayette s camp, 847. Morgan, Gen. Daniel, arrival of, in the camp of Brad- dock anecdote respecting. 67 ; accompanies Arnold against Quebec, 198 ; batteries taken by, at Quebec made prisoner with his command, 212 ; with Gates at Stillwater, 537 ; defeat of his corps at Beniis heights, 540 ; Gen. Fraser shot by the rifle men of, 557 ; retires towards Broad river Tarleton sent against, 814 ; ground chosen by, at the Cow- pens, 815 ; addresses his troops, 816 ; gold medal presented to, 818 ; pursuit of, after the battle of the Cowpens, 819 ; encumbered with prisoners and bag gage, 826 ; saved by the swelling of the Catawba, 827 ; retires from the army, 832, Morris, Capt. , killed at the siege of Charleston, 294. Morris, Roger, house of, occupied by Washington, 350 Morris, Major, at the battle of Bemis heights, 540. Morris, Robert, money raised by, for the army treasury, 427 ; patriotic financial operations of, 825; money borrowed of Rochambeau by, 900. Morristown, winter-quarters of Washington at, 438 ; the troops at, inoculated, 457 ; description of the camp at, 473 ; desertions from the camp at social enjoyment in the camp at sources of anxiety for Washington at, 474 ; camp shifted from, to Middle- brook, 478 ; camp at, moved to Pompton Plains, 497 ; sufferings of the army in winter-quarters at, 719 ; inefficiency of the army at, 720 ; mutiny of regiments at sufferings of the army at, 821. Motte, Mrs., patriotism of, in South Carolina, 862. Moultrie, Col. William, fort erected by, on Sullivan s island, 289 ; honors to, for his defense of Fort Sullivan, 295, 296 ; British driven out of Port Royal by, 689 ; departure of the British from Charleston, in 1782, witnessed by, 895. Mount Bigelow, ascent of, by Major Bigelow, 203. Mount Defiance, commanding Ticonderoga, fortifica tion of, urged by John Trumbull, 488. Mount Hope, taken possession of, by the British, 490. Mount Independence, fortified under Kosciusko, 486. Mount Vernon, hospitalities to the poor at, 225 ; levy on the estate of, made by a British cruiser on the Potomac, 745 ; Washington visits, on his way towards Yorktown, 903. Mowatt, Lieut., bombards and burns Falmouth, 215. Mugford, account of his capture of the British ship Hope, 280 ; death of, defending his ship, 281. Muhlenberg, appointed brigadier-general, 452 ; hospi talities of, 683. Munro, Col., surrenders Fort William Henry to Mont- calm, 99. Murray, Gen., defeat of, near Quebec, by De Levi, 133. Murray, Mrs. Robert, Putnam s escape owing to, 352. Musgrove s mill, British under Col. Innis defeated at, 745. N. NANCY, a British ship, captured by Capt. Manly anecdote connected with the capture of, 223. Nantasket roads, delay of the British fleet in, after the evacuation of Boston, 255. Navy, American, early commanders of, 219 ; vessels and officers of, in 1775, 267 ; early attempts to es tablish, unfortunate, 666 ; summary of the opera tions of, after the exploits of Paul Jones (note), 925. 942 INDEX. [PARTS Nelson, Gov., money borrowed by, for the state of Virginia, 911 ; touching display of patriotism made by, 916 ; house of, in Yorktown (note), 917, " Neutral Ground," prisoners taken by the British, at Young s house on, 721. Newark, retreat of Washington to, after the loss of Fort Washington, 394 ; position of the army at, 395. New Bedford, depredations of Sir Charles Grey at, 665. New Brunswick, New Jersey, Lord Cornwallis at, 447 Newcastle, duke of, his ignorance and incapacity, 47. Newcastle, Gen. Lee left in command at, 385 ; Lee urged to break up his encampment at, 395. New England, interest taken by, in the expedition against Louisburg, 8 ; manners of the officers from, according to Gray don and Gordon, 298 ; account of "a riot," illustrating the manners of officers from, 300 ; measures taken by Washington for the pro tection of, 673 ; governors of, urged by Washington to forward troops and supplies, 899 ; disaffection of troops from, at being marched into Virginia, 902. Newfoundland, ceded to Great Britain by the treaty of Utrecht, 6. New-Hampshire grants and the "Green-Mountain Boys," 152. New Hampshire, victory obtained at Bennington by militia of, under Gen. Stark, 522. New Haven, ravages of Gov. Tryon in, 697. New Jersey, proclamation issued in, by the brothers Howe 404 ; outrages of British and Hessians on the people of, 425 ; command of the British forces in, resumed by Cornwallis, 427 ; sufferings of, from the soldiery of both armies, 446 ; efforts of Wash ington to prevent plunder in, 447 ; movements of Sir W. Howe in, in 1777, 453 ; inferiority of Amer ican forces in, 453, 457 ; Americans left in posses sion of, by the retreat of Howe to Staten island, 480; abandoned by Clinton and Knyphausen, 750; mutiny of the troops from, in 1781, 824. New London, destruction of, proposed by Sir H. Clin ton, 698 ; expedition against, postponed by Clinton, 701 ; expedition against, intrusted to Arnold, 905 ; reduced to ashes by Arnold, 907. Newport, Rochambeau and De Ternay at, in 1780, 752 ; project of Sir H. Clinton for an attack upon the French at, 754 ; French fleet blockaded in, by Admiral Arbutlmot, 755. New York, alarm occasioned in, by the simultaneous arrival of Clinton and Lee, 235 ; condition of the army in, 265 ; the army improving the defenses of, 297 ; jealousies existing among the troops at, 300 ; action of the secret committee of the state conven tion of, 306 ; statement of the American force in, at the time of the Howes arrival at Staten island, 317; commiseration felt by Washington for the helpless in Gen. Howe delays the attack on, 321 ; excite ment of the inhabitants of, on the landing of Howe on Long island Washington assures the people of. that the city should not be burned, 323 ; evacuation of, contemplated Congress interrogated as to the destruction of, 337 ; urgency of Gen. Greene for the evacuation of Washington directed by Congress to spare in case of evacuation, 340 ; Washington in favor of the evacuation of, 341, 347 ; British cannon ade upon the American works at, 348 ; efforts of Washington to have the sick and stores removed from, 349 ; taken possession of, by the British, 352; great fire in, 355 ; fire in. checked by the exertions of Howe s sailors, 356 ; abundance of tories in, 300; militia of, in a state of mutiny, 383 ; plan of Wash ington for an attack upon, 754 ; joint French and American attack upon, proposed by Washington and Rochambeau, 897 ; southern states relieved by Washington s threatened attack on, 899 ; plan for the attack upon, abandoned by Washington, 900. Niagara, surrendered to the British, 107. Nielson, Col., Major Stockton and fifty nine New Jersey royalists taken prisoners by, 454. Ninety- Six, siege laid to, by Gen. Greene garrisoned by American royalists, 864 ; description of t the fortifications of, 865 ; attempt to take the fortress of, by storm, 868 ; siege of, raised by Greene, on the approach of Rawdon, 870 ; abandonment of, by Rawdon, 871 ; dismal civil war in the neighbor hood of, 879. Nixon, Gen., with Gates at Stillwater, 537. Nook s hill, attempt of Washington to get possession of, at the siege of Boston, 249 ; second and success ful attempt to take possession of effect of the American occupation of, upon Gen. Howe s move ments, 251. Norfolk, defeat of Dunmore at, and burning of, 240. North Carolina, loyalists in, under Col Bryan, make their escape to Cheraw hill, 731 ; flight of the mili tia of, at the battle of Guilford courthouse, 839. North, Lord, "conciliatory bills" of, how received in the United States, 628 ; how affected by the sur render at Yorktown seals of office resigned by, 936. North river, plans for obstructing, 286; Highland passes on, intrusted to M Dougall and Geo. Clinton, 476. Norwalk, laid in ashes by the British, 698. Nova Scotia, ceded to Great Britain by the treaty of Utrecht, 6; expulsion of Acadians from, in 1755, 90. OCHTERLONY, Capt. .killed at the siege of Quebec, 119. O Hara, Gen., appointed by Cornwallis to give up his sword to Washington, 920. Ohio territory, claims of England and France to, 32. Orangeburg, surrender of, to Gen. Sumter, 863. Orme, Capt. R., invites Washington, by letter, to join Braddock, 57 ; wounded at Braddock s defeat, 79. Oswego, expedition of the French against, in 1756, 91; taken by the French under Montcalm, 95 ; destruc tion of the fort at, 90. I AND II.] INDEX. 943 P. PATNE, Thomas, influence upon the popular mind, of his pamphlet "Common Sense" biographical notice of, 304. Palfrey, Col., sent on board Admiral Howe s ship, to negotiate respecting prisoners, 312. Palmer, Edmund, hanged as a spy by Putnam, 502. Parker, Admiral Sir Peter, arrival of, at Cape Fear, 288 ; attacks Fort Sullivan, 292 ; wounded, 294. Parker, Capt., assembles minute-men in Lexington, 143. Parsons, Gen., at the battle of Long island Lord Stirling sent to the aid of, 325. Patterson, Col., sent by Gen. Howe with a flag to Washington 310 ; appointed brigadier-general, 452 ; with Gates at Stillwater, 537. Paulding, John, one of the Cow-boys who arrested Major Andre, 773 ; burial-place of, 789. Paulus Hook, surprise of, by Major Henry Lee, 711. Pearson, Capt., commander of the Serapis in the fight with the Bon Homme Richard, 705 ; obliged to haul down his colors himself made a baronet, (note), 110. Peekskill, visit of Washington to, 385 ; concentration of troops at, 460 ; stores destroyed at, by the British, 463 ; Putnam retreats from, 553. Pellew, in the fight on Lake Champlain, in 1776, 367. Pennsylvania, backward in affording aid to Braddock, 59 ; influence in, of the success of the brothers Howe, 405 ; intentions of Gen. Howe to confine his operations to, 462 ; the legislature of, interferes with plans of Washington, 601 ; American com missaries repulsed by farmers of, 602, 604 ; mutiny of regiments from, 821. Pennytown, outrages in, by British and Hessians, 425. Penobscot bay, expedition against Col. M Lean at, 712. Pepperell, William, commmander of the expedition against Louisburg, 9 ; biographical notice of, 10 ; great personal influence of, 11 ; superseded by Com modore Warren, 14 ; friendly intercourse of, with Warren, 20 ; letters of, relative to the progress of the siege of Louisburg, 21, 24 ; disheartened by want of success in a night attack, 23 ; reinforcements received by, 25 ; rivalry between, and Warren, 27 ; baronetcy conferred upon, 29. Percy, Lord, conversation overheard by, respecting the expedition to Concord, 141 ; penurious character of (note) reinforcements taken by, to Col. Smith, 147 ; narrow escape of, at the battle of Lexington, 148 ; in command of the force intended to attack Dorchester heights, 246 ; at the battle of Long island, 324 ; reinforcements brought by, to Gen. Howe, at White Plains, 382. Petersburg, ravages of Phillips and Arnold in, 845. Peyton, rescue of, from Indians, at siege of Quebec, 119. Phelps, Capt. Noah, Ethan Allen s guide to Ticon- deroga, 154. I e Philadelphia, people of, unwilling to believe the rumor of Braddock s defeat, 85 ; plans of Washington for the protection of, 405 ; Putnam charged with the fortification of, 406 ; supposed intentions of the British with regard to, 476 ; march of Washington s army through the streets of, 530; shoes and blankets procured from, 579 ; march of troops under Corn- wallis into, 580 ; a council of war decides against attacking Gen. Howe in, 593 ; British army in, well supplied with provisions, 603 ; want of discipline among the British troops in, 604, 605 ; Mischianza got up in, in honor of Sir. W. Howe, 607-612 ; joy ful reception of the British commissioners by the inhabitants of confusion in, on the evacuation by Sir H. Clinton, 629 ; promises made by the tories of, to the commissioners, 630 ; suspicious conduct of Arnold in, while military governor, 757 ; march of American and French armies through, 901. Phillipsburg, encampment of Washington at, 898. Phillips, Gen., commands Burgoyne s artillery, 485 ; chief command in Virginia assumed by, 844 ; ravages of, in Virginia, 845 ; death of, at Petersburg, 846. Pickens, Col., defeats loyalists at Kettle creek, 688 ; biographical notice of, 733 ; sword presented to, for his services at the Cowpens, 818 ; at the battle of Eutaw Springs, 884. Pickering, Timothy, adjutant-general, after Reed, 458. Pigott, Gen. Sir R., left wing of the British led by, at Breed s hill, 171 ; repulse of, at Breed s hill, 172 ; defends Rhode island against Sullivan, Greene, and D Estaing, 660. Pitcairn, Major, enters Lexington with British troops, 142 ; fires upon minute-men at Lexington, 143 ; his conduct at Lexington disapproved by Gage, 149 ; death of, at Breed s hill, 176. Pluckimen, halt of the American army at, 437. Point aux Trembles, retreat of De Vaudreuil to, 131. Point Levi, taken by Gen. Monckton, 114 ; defenses of, strengthened, 115 ; disastrous night-attack on, by Montcalm, 117. Pomeroy, Major, letter of, from before Louisburg, 19 ; his gallant conduct at Banker s hill, 177. Pompton, Gen. Sullivan stationed at, by Washington, 481 ; mutiny of New Jersey troops at, 824. Pompton plains, camp of Washington moved to, 497. Poor, Gen., with Gates at Stillwater, 537. Port Royal, British driven out of, by Col Moultrie, 689. Portsmouth, Va. , taken possession of, by Arnold, in 1781, 821 ; arrival of Cornwallis at, 850. Prescott, Col. William, ordered to fortify Bunker s hill personal appearance of, 162 ; intrenchments thrown up by, on Breed s hill, instead of Bunker s, 163 ; observed by Gen. Gage walking on the para pet at Breed s hill, 165 ; narrow escape of, at Breed s hill, 177. Prescott, Gen., capture of, at Rhode island treatment as a prisoner, 501 ; exchanged for Gen. Lee, 618. INDEX. [PARTS Prevost, Gen., operations of, in Georgia, in 1779, 688 ; Gen. Ashe defeated by, at Brier creek, 690 ; march of, to Charleston, 691 ; rapid retreat of, to John s island, 693 ; his defense of Savannah, 714. Princeton, retreat of Washington to, 405 ; march of Washington to, from the Assumpink, 431 ; entrance of Gen. Leslie into battle of, 435 ; retreat of Washington from losses at the battle of, 436. Pringle, Capt., British fleet under the command of, on Lake Champlain, 367. Prisoners, cruel treatment of, by the British, 441 ; letters of Washington to the Howes, in relation to the treatment of, 443 ; letter of Washington to Congress, in relation to the treatment of, 445. Providence, a twelve-gun ship, exploits of, 670. Pulaski, Count Casimir, biographical notice of, 508 ; brigadier-general, 509 ; daring of, displayed at Trenton, 623 ; legion of, surprised by Capt. Fergu son, 675 ; aid brought to Charleston by, 691 ; death of, at the siege of Savannah, 717. Putnam, Col. Rufus, anecdote of, 266 ; charged with the construction of forts on the North river, 286. Putnam, Gen. Israel, with Col. Williams when at tacked by Dieskau, 89 ; joins the patriots after the battle of Lexington, 150 ; at Breed s hill, 168 ; efforts of, to get reinforcements to Breed s hill, 175 ; efforts of, to rally the Americans at Bunker s hill, 177 ; Prospect hill fortified by, 181 ; woman con nected with Church s treason arrested by, 218 ; mor tar captured by Capt. Manly christened by, 224 ; in command of the army in New York, 260, 265 ; chevaux- de-frise devised by, to obstruct British ships on the North river, 314, 371 ; plans of Anderson and Bush- nell endorsed by, 318 ; in command on Long island, 822, 324 ; visit of Washington to, in Brooklyn, 325 ; favors the evacuation of New York, 341 ; commands the rear-guard, at the evacuation of New York, 349 ; abandons New York, 351 ; attacked by the British on their march to Harlem incident to which his escape was owing, 352 ; charged with the fortification of Philadelphia, 406 ; fails to co-operate with Washing ton at Trenton, 423 ; letter of Washington to, after the battle of Princeton, 437 ; small force under, at Princeton, 450 ; intrusted to place a boom across the Hudson at Fort Montgomery, 477 ; reply sent by, to Sir H. Clinton, on his demanding the liberation of Edmund Palmer, 502 ; in command at Peekskill, 549 ; discouraged by the successes of Clinton, 554 ; unwillingness of, to send reinforcements to Wash ington, 590 ; revolt in the division of, at Danby, 683 ; narrow escape of, at Greenwich, 696 ; Lossing s ac count of the escape of (note) subsequent vigorous action of, 697. Pyle, Col., deception practiced upon, by Pickcns and Lee, near the Haw river, 834 ; surprise and defeat of left for dying, but survived, 835 ; terror pro duced among the loyalists bv the surnrise of, 836. Q. QUEBEC, expedition of Wolfe against, in 1759, 109, 111 ; fortifications of, 111 ; fire-ships sent against the British fleet at, 113 ; movements of Lieut. Rogers at the siege of, 115 ; failure of Gen. Monck- ton s attack on, at the Montmorenci adventures of Ochterlony and Peyton during the siege of, 118 ; barbarity during the siege of, 122 ; position of the French at. 124 ; surrender of, to the British, in 1759, 131 ; expedition of Arnold against, in 1775, 196, 201-206 ; summoned to surrender, 206 ; departure of Arnold from, to Point aux Trembles, 207 ; oper ations of Montgomery and Arnold at, 209, 211 ; ice- battery constructed by Montgomery at, 209 ; de struction and abandonment of the ice -battery at, 210 ; united attack upon, by Montgomery and Arnold, 211 ; operations of Gen. Wooster at reinforcements received by Carleton in retreat of the American army from, 261. Queen s Rangers, prisoners made from, by Lord Stir ling. 376 ; successful foraging expeditions of, 624. Quinby bridge, exploits of Sumter, Marion, and Lee at, 875 ; desperate position of American officers at, 877 ; killed and wounded at, 878. R. RAHL, Col. , in the attack on Fort Washington, 390 ; force under, in Trenton, 418 ; twice warned of tho intended attack upon Trenton, 419 ; surprise of, when attacked, 421 ; shot at the head of his men, 422 ; Washington visits his death bed, 424. Rah way river, bridge across, defended by Col. Angel, against the troops of Sir H. Clinton, 750. "Raid of the dog days," in South Carolina, 873. Raisin river, battle at Frenchtown, near, 101, 102. Raleigh, cruise of, in company with the Alfred, 592 ; command of, given to Capt. Barry, 671 ; chase and capture of, by the Experiment and Unicorn, 671-673. Ranger, memorable cruise of Paul Jones in the, in 1778, 666 ; action of the, with the Drake, 669. Rapelye, Mrs , information sent by. to Lord Howe, of the American retreat from Long island, 335. Rathburne, Capt., cruise of, in the Providence, G70. Rawdon, Lord, at the storming of Fort Montgomery, 550,553 ; at Charleston, with reinforcements for Sir H. Clinton, 726 ; in command of the British at Camden, 731 ; command in South Carolina devolved upon, 802 ; compels Sumter to raise the siege of Fort Granby, 852 ; attempt of Greene to surprise, at Camden, 854 ; Greene surprised by, at Hobkirk s hill, 856 ; force of, at Hobkirk s hill, principally American royalists, 857 ; junction of Col. Watson with, at Camden, 860 ; Camden evacuated and burned by, 861 ; held in check at Charleston by Marion and Sumter, 803 ; Ninety-Six abandoned by, 871 ; pursuit of, by Greene retreat of, to Granby, 872 ; junction of Cols. Stewart and Cruger with I AND II.] INDEX. 945 strong- ground taken by, near Orangeburg, 873 ; re treats to Charleston, and departs for Europe succeeded by Stewart at Orangeburg, 879. Rawlings, Col., at the defense of Fort Washington, 388. Red-bank, fort at, taken by Cornwallis, 591. Reed, Col. Joseph, correspondence of Washington with, 222; state papers intrusted to, by Washington, 323 ; an admirer of Gen. Lee biographical notice of esteem of Washington for nattering letter written by, to Lee. 397 ; letter of Washington to, enclosing the letter of Lee, 400; letter from, to Washington, urging active measures, 416 ; letter of Washington to, informing him of the hour for the attack on Trenton, 417 ; British commissary and foraging party made prisoners by, 428 ; brigadier- general, 452 ; resignation of, as adjutant general, 457 ; answer made by, to British offers, 631 ; meas ures taken by, to end the mutiny of the Pennsylva nia troops, 823. Reidesel, Baron, in command of Brunswickers, 485. llcidesel, Baroness, with her husband in Burgoyne s army, 542 ; reminiscences of, of the night following the second battle of Bemis heights, 560 ; the British camp on the Fishkill described by, 567 ; her joy at the prospect of surrender, 572; 573 ; conducted to the tent of Gen. Gates by Schuyler, 574 ; taken by Schuyler to his own tent marked kindness of Schuyler s family to, 575. Revolution, battles of the, 137. Rhode Island, perfect tent-equipages of, in the conti nental army, 187 ; arrival of ammunition from, in the camp at Cambridge, 192 ; aid demanded by, from Congress, against the exactions of Capt. Wallace, 227 ; Arnold dissuaded by Washington from making an attack upon, 451 ; D Estaing s iieet at expedition against the British on, 660 ; delays in the attack upon, 661 ; want of co-operation in the attack upon, 661-663. Richmond, occupied by Arnold, 820 ; buildings burned in, 821 ; designs of Phillips and Arnold against, 845. Riviere aux Boeufs, French fort on, in 1754, 34. Robertson, Gen., arrival of, in New York, with rein forcements for Sir II. Clinton, 548. Robinson, Col. Beverly, headquarters of Arnold at the house of, 756 ; accompanies Major Andre to Dobbs ferry, to meet Arnold, 763 ; correspondence of Arnold with, on board the Vulture, 764. Rochambeau, Count de, news of the coming of, brought by Lafayette, 751 ; instructions of the French minis ter to, in relation to the precedence of American officers, 752 ; biographical notice of lands at New port, 753 ; his reinforcements blockaded in Brest, 755 ; conference of Washington with, at Hartford, 763 ; interview of Washington with, at Weathers- field, 897 ; money loaned by, to Robert Morris, 900; visits Mount Vernon, 904. Rogers, Major, biographical notice of, 361 ; Dr. Whee- lock s account of his interview with, 362 ; arrested at South Amboy the Queen s Rangers recruited by excites the Connecticut people by his threats, 363; Americans anxious to get possession of, 376. Rose and Phoenix, British ships of -war, pass the bat teries on the Hudson, 307 ; interrupt communica tions, 312 ; chain forged to prevent their progress, 313 ; their conflict with row-galleys, and withdrawal from the river, 317 ; not hindered by Putnam s c7ie- vaux-de frise, 318. Roxbury, Winter hill fortified at, 182 ; right of the continental army at, under Gen. Ward, 189. Rugely. Col., surrender of, with a wooden cannon, 811. Rutherford, Gen., patriot force gathered by, 733. Rutledge, Gov. John, patriotic conduct of, 690 ; militia called out by, 723 ; aid for South Carolina promised to, 733 ; with Greene in his camp on the Pedee, 812. S. SAG HARBOK, stores at, destroyed by Col. Meigs, 475. St. Clair, Gen., appointed major general, 452; at Ticonderoga, 487 ; Ticonderoga abandoned by, 492 ; mid-night retreat of, 493 ; pursued by Gen. Fraser and Baron Reidesel, 494 ; retreat of, to Hubbardton Castleton, and Bennington, 495,496; arrival of, at Fort Edward, 498 ; justifies the abandonment of Ticon deroga, 499 ; inquiry into his conduct at Ticonderoga, 523 ; suspected of complicity in Arnold s treason, 784. St. Clair, Sir John, sent to Virgnia, 54 ; obtains re cruits there, 56 ; threats made by, to the Pennsyl vania commissioners, 58. St. John, on the Sorel, capture and abandonment of, by Arnold, 156 ; surrender of, to Montgomery, 201. St. Leger, Col., gives up the siege of Fort Schuyler, 527 ; trick played upon, by Indians, 528 ; retreats to Ticonderoga, 545. Saltonstall, Capt., commands a Massachusetts fleet sent against Col. M Lean at Peuobscot bay, 713. Sandy Hook, French fleet under D Estaing at, 659. Santee river, encampment of Gen. Greene on the "High hills" of, 873,891. Saratoga, Gen. Burgoyne at, 537 ; retreat of Burgoyne to, 563 ; retreat of Burgoyne from, 566 ; British loss at, and consequences of Burgoyne s surrender at, 576. Saunders, Admiral, with Wolfe in his expedition against Quebec, 109. Savannah, Gen. R. Howe defeated near, 687 ; siege of, 714 ; siege of, raised death of Count Pulaski at the siege of Sergeant Jasper mortally wounded at the siege of, 717 ; losses at the siege of death of Maitland at, 718 ; British evacuation of, 895. Scammel, Col., in the retreat from Long island, 334 ; death of, at the siege of Yorkto\vn, 910. Schuyler, Gen. Philip, directed to undertake the in vasion of Canada, 195 ; fortifies Ticonderoga, 197 ; operations of, against Sir J. Johnson, 236 ; letter of Washington to, in relation to affairs in Canada, 262 ; 946 INDEX. [PARTS dislike of the New England troops towards Gray- don on the manners of, 263 ; letter of Washington to, in relation to imputations on his character biographical notice of, 264 ; resists the claims of Gen. Gates to the command of the Northern army, 285 ; irascibility of insinuations of Col. Trumbull against, 458 ; superseded by Gates, 459 ; reinstated in command, 481 ; his ignorance of the fate of St. Clair, 495 ; his account of the Northern army at Fort Edward, 499 ; proclamation issued by, 501 ; retreat of, before Burgoyne, 509 ; efforts of, to obtain rein forcements, 510 ; Congress determines to supersede, 523 ; Gates appointed the successor of noble con duct of, when superseded, 524 ; house and mills of, destroyed by Burgoyne, 566 ; kindness of, to Baroness Reidesel -generosity of, to Burgoyne, 575. Serapis, engagement of, with the Bon Homme Richard, 704-710 ; words said to have passed between Jones and Pearson at the surrender of, 710. Sevier, Col., at the battle of King s mountain, 797. Seward, Anna, notice of, 762. Shelby, Col., at the battle of King s mountain, 797; British at Fairlawn surrender to, 893. Sherbourne, Major, troops under the command of, made prisoners near the Cedars, in 1776, 273. Shippen, Miss Margaret, one of the "MiacManza" ladies, 612 ; marriage of, with Arnold corres pondence kept up by, with Andre, after her mar riage tory proclivities of her family, 758. Shirley, Braddock s secretary, death of, 78. Shirley, Gov., his scheme for the capture of Louisburg, 7; letter of, to Pepperell, 14; coup de main on Louis- burg abandoned by, 18 ; despatch of Pepperell to, relating to the siege of Louisburg, 28 ; design of, to invade Canada, in 1745, 30 ; expedition of, against Niagara, 86. Silliman, Gen., efforts of, to resist Tryon in his attempt on Danbury, 464. Silver Bluffs, British post at, reduced by Major Rudolph after the evacuation of Camden, 863. Simcoe, Col. , with Arnold in his expedition to Virginia, 820 ; despatched to the Point of York, 848 ; decep tion practised by, upon Baron Steuben, 849. Six Nations, Gen. Sullivan s expedition against sub sequent history of (note), 677 ; destruction of the houses and gardens of name of Town- Destroyer applied to Washington by, 678. Skene, Major, capture of the son of discovery of the body of the wife of, 156 ; Burgoyne advised by, to send an expedition to Bennington, 517 ; accompanies Col. Baume on the expedition, 518. Skenesborough, arrival of Burgoyne s gun -boats at efforts of Col. Long for the defense of reinforce ments sent to, 494 ; retreat of Col. Long from, to Fort Edward delay of Burgoyne at, 498, 500. Smallwood, Col., appearance of the regiment of, 299 ; Marylanders under, 320 ; regiment of, at the battle of Long island, 328; brigade of, at the battle of Cam- den, 741 ; commands militia of North Carolina, 803. Smith, Col. , expedition of, to seize arms at Concord, 141, 143 ; severely wounded on his retreat from Concord, 146 ; reinforced by Lord Percy, 147. Smith, Col., defends Fort Miillin, 587. Smith, Joshua Hett, instrumentality of, in procuring a meeting between Andre and Arnold, 766, 767 ; arrested on suspicion of complicity with Arnold, 780. Snow s island, camp formed by Gen. Marion on, 813. South Carolina, ravages of the British in, 694 ; ex pedition of Sir II. Clinton against, 721 ; operations of the patriots in, 851 ; march of Gen. Greene into, 854; conduct of militia from, at Quinby bridge, 878; legislature of, convened by Gov. Rutledge, 894. Spain, independence of the United States acknowl edged by, after the surrender of Burgoyne, 577. Specht, Gen., in command of Brunswickers, 485. Springfield, New Jersey, burned by the British, 750. Stacey, sailing-master on the Bon Homme Richard, reproved by Paul Jones for profanity, 707. Stark, John, in the garrison of Fort William Henry, in 1757, 98 ; in the expedition against Ticonderoga, 104 ; joins the patriots after the battle of Lexington, 150 ; his coolness under fire, on his way to Bunker s hill, 171 ; commands New-Hampshire militia biographical notice of, 519 ; refusal of, to obey the orders of Gen. Lincoln, 520 ; in the neighborhood of Bennington, 520, 521 ; his plan of attack upon Col. Baume, 521 ; celebrated speech of, 522 ; good influence of his victory, 523 ; militia under, refuse to remain at the battle of Bemis heights, 539. Staten island, troops of Gen. Howe lauded on, 307 ; great accumulation of British troops at, 316 ; tories in, 360 ; expedition against the British on, 720. Stephen, Gen. Adam, appointed major-general, 452. Sterling, Gen., mortally wounded by a sentinel, 747. Steubeu, Baron F. W. A., arrives at Valley Forge biographical notice of, 619 ; strongly recommended by Franklin and Deane complimentary letter of, to Washington, 620 ; appointed inspector-general of the American army character and personal ap pearance of, 621 ; important services rendered to the American army by, 622 ; evidence of the value of his labors, 684 ; Arnold pursued by, 827 ; driven by Phillips and Arnold across the Appomattox, 845; deception practised upon, by Col. Simcoe, at the point of York junction of, with Wayne and Laf ayette, 849 ; at the siege of Yorktown, 911. Stevens, Gen., at the battle of Camden, 741 ; wounded at the battle of Guilford courthouse, 840. Stewart, Col., succeeds Rawdon at Orangeburg, 879 ; retreat of, to Eutaw Springs, 883 ; attacked by Gen. Greene at Eutaw Springs, 884 ; wounded at Eutaw Springs, 890; command of, devolved on Major Doyle, 891 ; ravages of, in South Carolina, 892 ; succeeded by Gen. Leslie, 894. I AND II.] INDEX. 94? Stillwater, American army at, under Gates, 512, 537. Stirling, Col. , takes the works at Billingsport, 585. Stirling, Lord, in command of the troops in New York biographical notice of, 259 ; attacks Gen. Grant, 326 ; caught between the troops of Grant and Corn- wallis, 328 ; surrender of, 82!) ; sent to New Jersey with the Virginia and Maryland regiments, 385 ; appointed major-general, 452 ; chosen to conduct an expedition against Staten island, 720. Stobo, Capt. R. , left as a hostage at Fort Necessity, 44. Stockton, Major, and New-Jersey royalists, made pris oners by Col. Nielson, 454. Stony Point, capture of, by Sir II. Clinton, 695 ; history of the capture of, by Wayne, 699 ; losses at abandoned by Washington reoccupied by Sir II. Clinton, 701 ; medals to Wayne and others, engaged in the storming of, 712. Sugar-loaf hill, fortification of, urged by Col. Trum- bull, 488 ; importance of, discovered by Burgoyne, 491 ; taken possession of, by Gen. Phillips christ ened " Mount Defiance" by the British, 492. Sullivan, Gen. John, supersedes Wooster in Canada, 262 ; biographical notice of, 274 ; letter of, from Canada, 275; Washington s opinion of Gen Thomp son sent by, to attack the British at Three Rivers, 276 ; contradictory dispatches of, 277, 278 ; retreat of, from Canada, 279 ; in charge of troops on Long island, 322 ; negligence of, in not sending out patrols, 326 ; surrender of, 329 ; anxiety of, for the loss of the battle of Long island, 330 ; sent on board Lord Howe s ship, 336 ; sent with a verbal message from Lord Howe to Congress, 336-342 ; Adams opinion of his mission from Howe to Congress, 347; junction of, with Washington, near Coryell s ferry, 414 ; letter of Washington to, 456 ; letter conveyed to, urging him to betray the American cause, 482 ; charged with ill conduct at Staten island, 530 ; at the battle of the Brandywine, 531 ; route of the di vision of, at the battle of the Brandywine, 534 ; his conduct at the battle of the Brandywine. 536 ; ex pedition against the British on Rhode island under the command of, 660 ; movements of, without the co operation of D Estaing, 661, 662 ; indignation of, at the conduct of D Estaing, 663 ; deserted by his militia skilful retreat of battle fought by, with the British on Rhode island 664 ; escapes from Rhode island escapes from Sir H. Clinton, 665 ; his expedition against the Mohawks, 677. Sullivan s island, fort erected on, by Col. Moultrie, 289. Sumner, Gen., at the battle of Eutaw Springs, 884. Sumter, Col. and Gen., biographical notice of, 731; scarcity of arms and ammunition among the patriots under royal troops defeated by, 734 ; patriots Mock to the standard of Prince of Wales regiment cut to pieces by, at Hanging Rock patriots encouraged by the enterprises of, 735 ; prisoners and baggage- wagons intercepted by rapid pursuit of, and des- l-f truction of his force, 744 ; pursuit of, by Tarleton attempt of Major Wemyss to surprise, 803 ; Tarle ton defeated by, near Tiger river, 804 ; severely wounded, 805 ; Fort Granby invested by driven from the investment of Fort Watson attacked by Major Fraser, near Camden, 852 ; " Raid of the Dog- Days, " under the command of, 873 ; attacks Col. Coates, at Monk s Corner, 874 ; attacks Coates. at Shubrick s plantation, 877 ; returns to the camp of Gen. Greene, 878 ; retires from the service, 882 ; his encounter with Gen. Cunningham, 892. Sutherland, Major, in command at Paulus Hook, 711. " Swamp-Fox," a title given to Gen. Marion, 812. T. TALLMADGE, Major, conveys Andre to North Salem, 775 ; conversation of, with Andre, on his way to Tappan, 781. Tanacharisson, his advice to Ensign Ward, 35 ; his message to Washington, 37 ; at the attack on Jumonville, 38 ; at Fort Necessity, 41 ; deserts Washington, 42 ; his opinion of Washington at Fort Necessity, 45. Tarleton, Col. B., biographical notice of death of his cavalry-horses on the voyage from New York to Charleston, 722 ; night-attack of, at Monk s Corner, 725 ; surprises Col. White at the Santee river, 726 ; his massacre of troops under Col. Buford his ferocity denounced in England, 730 ; pursues militia at the battle of Camden, 742 ; decides the battle of Camden, 743 ; routs Sumter s force, 745 ; defeated by Sumter near Tiger river, 804; sent by Cornwallis against Morgan, 814 ; pursues Davidson s riflemen, 829 ; narrow escape of Gen Greene from, 830 ; at tempt of Pickens and Lee to surprise, 834 ; retreats across the Haw river, 836 ; troopers of, driven back at Guilford courthouse, 838 ; rapid ride of, from Richmond to Charlottesville narrow escape of Jef ferson from, 848; unhorsed in a cavalry-skirmish, 911 ; not invited to headquarters after the surrender at Yorktown, 922 ; subsequent career of, 923. Thayer, Major, obstinately defends Fort Mimin, 588. Thomas, Gen., commands the American forces in Canada, 260 ; retreats from before Quebec, pursued by Sir G. Carleton, 261 ; death of, 262. Thompson, Col. and Gen., attacks the British at Lech mere s Point, 223 ; sent by Sullivan to attack the British at Three rivers misled by his Canadian guide, 276 ; attacked, routed and taken prisoner by Gen. Fraser, 277. Ticonderoga, expedition against, in 1758, 103 ; death of Earl E. Howe at, 104 ; capture of, by Amherst, 107 ; expedition for the capture of, 152 ; capture of, 154 ; strife between Arnold and Allen for the com mand of, 193 ; operations of Sir G. Carleton against, 195, 197 ; placed under the command of Gen. Mont gomery, 197 ; artillery conveyed from, to Cambridge, 948 INDEX. [PATCTS 243 ; retreat of the American army to, 286 ; pre parations for the defense of, against Carleton rein forcements received at, 364 ; force collected at, by Gen. Gates Carleton retires from small force left at, under Gen. St. Clair, 870 ; threatening move ments in Canada in relation to, 481 ; supposed by Washington to be out of danger, 482, 487 ; St. Clair ordered to, by Schuyler, 482 ; force at, inadequate for its defense working-men and supplies sent to, by Schuyler, 486 ; description of the bridge connect ing, with Mount Independence, 487 ; the works at, commanded by Sugar-loaf hill and Mount Hope, 488 ; approach of Burgoyne to, 489 ; weakness of St. Glair s position at, 490 ; useless consumption of powder at, 491 ; intentions of Burgoyne to invest abandoned by St. Clair, 492 ; delight of George III. on hearing of the capture of, 496 ; Washington unwilling to believe the story of the loss of, 497 ; Washington misinformed as to St. Clair s means of defense at, 498 ; abandonment of, justified, 499. Townshend, Col. George, in Wolfe s expedition against Quebec, 109 ; suggestions of, adopted by Wolfe, 121 ; assumes command on the death of Wolfe retreat of De Bougainville before, 130. Trenton, hour fixed for the attack upon, 417 : Col. Ealil in command at, 418 ; Washington s plan for the attack upon, 419 ; men frozen to death on the march to. 420; names of officers at the battle of, 420, 421 ; losses at, 422 ; Washington commends his troops for their conduct at failure of Gen. Putnam to co-operate with Washington at, 423 ; effect of the success at, 424 ; attempt of the British to surprise Wayne and Pulaski at, 622. Trumbull, Gov., row-galleys sent to Washington by, to operate against the Rose and Phcsnix, 313 ; New York tories consigned to the keeping of, 320 ; urged to hastily equip the Connecticut troops, 450. Trumbull, John, recommends the fortification of Mount Defiance, commanding Ticonderoga, 488. Tryon, Gov., heads a tory conspiracy, 287 ; expedition under, to destroy stores at Danbury, 464 ; retreats from Danbury attempt of Arnold to intercept- pursued by Wooster, 466 ; retreats to his ships, 468; sends copies of Lord North s "conciliatory bills" to Washington resolutions of Congress offering pardon sent to, by Washington, 628 ; marauding expeditions of, 696, 697 ; salt-works destroyed by, 690 ; proclamation to the inhabitants of Connecticut issued by, 697 ; excuse given by, for his burning of houses in Norwalk thoroughly disliked by the English people-Fairfield and Norwalk, laid in ashes by, 698 ; his conduct approved by Lord George Germain, 699. V. VALLEY FORGE, description of Washington s reasons for selecting, for winter- quarters, 597 ; destitution of the American army at, 598, 599 ; testimony of Lafayette to the sufferings of the army at, 600 ; letters of Gens. Huntington and Varnum, in relation to the sufferings of the troops at anecdote of Wash ington overheard at prayer at, 601 ; patience of the troops at Washington authorized to supply the necessities of the troops at, by force, 602 ; camp- fever in, and desertions from the army at, 603 ; committee of Congress visit, 617 ; Mrs. Washington and other ladies in the camp at arrival of Gen. Charles Lee and Ethan Allen in the camp at, 618 ; arrival of Baron Steuben in the camp at, 619 ; re ception at, of the news of the treaty with France, 626 ; rejoicings at 627 ; camp at, broken up, 633. Vavtdreuil, Rigaud de, expedition of, against Fort William Henry, 97; capitulates to Gen. Amherst at Montreal, 134. Vaughan, Gen., the British under, burn Esopus, 553. Verplanck s Point, Sir H. Clinton lands at, 549 ; cap ture of, by Sir H. Clinton, 695 ; guns of Stony Point turned upon, by Gen. Wayne, 701. Vincennes, fort at, recovered from the British, 693. Viomenil, Baron de, leaves Newport for Portsmouth, 894 ; British redoubt at Yorktown stormed by, 913. Virginia, levy of troops in, urged by Patrick Henry, 238 ; ravages of the British in, 695 ; bad conduct of the militia from, at the battle of Camden, 742 ; ex pedition against, intrusted to Arnold, 820 ; militia from, at the battle of Guilford courthouse, 840 ; ravages of Phillips and Arnold in, 845 ; British de vastations in, 851 ; alarm caused in, by the invasion of Cornwallis, 899 ; Washington and Rochambeau determine to attack the British in, 900. Vulture, British sloop-of war, sent to Teller s Point, to facilitate a meeting between Arnold and Andre correspondence of Arnold with Col. Robinson on board of, 764 ; fired upon, from Teller s Point, 768; Arnold escapes on board the, 777. W. WALLACE, Capt., attempted treasonable correspond ence of Dr. Church with, 218 ; brutality of, 227 ; anecdotes of, 227, 228 ; depredations of, in Rhode island, 228. Walpole, Horace, remarks of, on colonial affairs, in 1756-7, 96, 99 ; on Wolfe s victory at Quebec, 132 ; on the battle of Lexington, 152; on the character of Burgoyne. 484 ; on Lafayette s challenge to the earl of Carlisle (note), 631. Ward, Gen. Artemas, experience of, under Abercrom bie, 159 ; sends aid to Prescott, on Breed s hill, 166 Warner, Col. Seth, supersedes Ethan Allen in com mand of the " Green-Mountain Boys," 199 ; his op portune arrival at the battle of Bennington, 522. Warren, Commodore, refuses aid in the expedition against Louisburg, 12 ; arrives with his fleet, at Canseau, 14 ; friendly intercourse of, with Pepperell. I AND 11. \ INDEX. 949 20 ; impatience of, at the slow progress of the siege, 21, 22 ; captures the French ship Vigilante, 21 ; rivalry between, and Pepperell, 27 ; made an admiral by the British government, 29. Warren, Dr. Jos., sends warning to Concord of the approach of Col. Smith, 141 ; at the battle of Lexing ton, 148 ; volunteers as a private soldier, 171 ; death of, at Breed s hill, 177 ; biographical notice of . 179. Washington, Capt. William, at the battle of Trenton, 421 ; Col. Hamilton and others made prisoners by, 723 ; surprise of, at Monk s Corner, 725 ; Col. Rugely and his command made prisoners of-war by, 811 ; body of tories attacked and defeated by, 813 ; at the battle of the Cowpens, 817 ; personal conflict of, with Tarleton silver medal presented to, for his services at the Cowpens, 818 ; at the battle of Guil- ford courthouse, 840 ; at Hobkirk s hill, 857, 859 ; Capt. Coffin s party surprised by, after the battle of Hobkirk s hill, 859 ; on the lower Santee, 882 ; at the battle of Eutaw Springs, 887. WASHINGTON, GEORGE, commissioner to the French on Lake Erie, 33; progress of, towards Little Meadows, 36 ; attacks the party of Jumonville 38 ; surrenders Fort Necessity, 43 ; little justice done to, in England slandered by the French, 46 ; invited by Braddock to become one of his aids, 57 ; his advice asked by Braddock at Little Meadows, 70 ; his sickness at Great Crossings, 72 ; rejoins Braddock at Thickety Run, 73 ; his escape at Braddock s defeat, 78 ; covers Braddock s retreat, 79 ; horse and negro servant left to, by Braddock reads the service at the burial of Braddock, 81 ; hears the news of the battle of Lex ington, 151 ; nominated as commander in-chief , 157; accepts the appointment, 158 ; biographical notice of, 182 ; school-days of midshipman s warrant ob tained for, 183 ; surveys land of Lord Fairfax initiated into military life visits Barbadoes, 184 ; marriage of called to take command of the army at Cambridge personal appearance of, 185 ; as sumes command of the army, 186 ; desires the com mencement of operations in Boston New England disaffected towards, 214; fits out a fleet of schooners, 219; annoyed by the Connecticut troops, 224; ap peals to the patriotism of the army, 232 ; unable to move for want of troops and ammunition, 234 ; honored for his services at Boston, 256 ; his opinion of the British plans for negotiation, 270 ; his cares and perplexities in New York, 271 ; conspiracy to capture the person of influences an increase of the army, 286 ; order issued by, in anticipation of the encounter with Gen. Howe s forces, 302 ; commiser ates the helpless in New York, 321 ; his anxiety on the eve of the battle of Long island his activity during the retreat from Long island, 336 ; has little confidence in his troops, 338 ; annoyed at the bad conduct of militia and Connecticut troops, 350 ; his remarks on the necessity of reorganizing the army, 358 ; his opinion upon militia his efforts to prevent the practice of plundering, 359 ; his anxiety lest he should be left without troops, 383 ; his perplexity as to Howe s movements, 386 ; letter of, in relation to the loss of Fort Washington unsuspicious of Gen. Lee, 396 ; duplicity of Lee and Col. Reed dis covered by, 399 ; gravity of his manner after cross ing the Delaware his confidence in final success increased powers given to, 414 ; his letter touching the difficulties of his position recommends the formation of a standing army, 415 ; endowed with the powers of dictator, 429 ; resolution conferring the dictatorship upon, 430 ; his dangerous position at Princeton, 434 ; anxiety felt for his safety at the battle of Princeton, 435 ; his perplexity with regard to the claims of foreign officers, 451, 470; his anxiety respecting the recruitment of a new army, 451 ; colonels of the new army appointed by, 452 ; appre ciation of, in Europe, 454 ; affectionate treatment of Hamilton by, 460 ; his preference of natives for places of trust composition of his life-guard, 472 ; his language respecting some of his officers at Mor- ristown, 474 ; his perplexity as to the British on Staten island and the Hudson, 481 ; unwilling to believe the story of the loss of Ticonderoga, 497 ; misinformed as to St. Glair s means of defense at Ticonderoga, 498 ; letter, addressed to Burgoyne, put into the hands of his camp removed to Ger- mantown, 503 ; his first meeting with Lafayette, 504 ; his movements before the battle of the Brandy- wine, 531 ; retreats to Germantown, 578 ; overheard in private prayer at Valley Forge his sympathy with the suffering troops at Valley Forge, 601 ; hia encampment at Fredericksburg, 673 ; his remarks on public men, 682 ; his hospitalities in camp, 684 ; hon ors bestowed upon, by Louis XVI., 755 ; conference of, with Count Rochambeau, 763 ; design of Arnold to capture, 769 ; visits Mount Vernon, 903 ; personal exposure of, at the siege of YorktoAvn, 912, 914, 915. Washington, Mrs. , arrives at Cambridge, 225 ; leaves New York for Mount Vernon, when Howe lands on Long island, 323 ; at Valley Forge, 618. Waterbury, Gen., taken prisoner in the naval engage ment on Lake Champlain released on parole, 360. Wayne, Gen. Anthony, brigadier-general, 452 ; his contempt for British soldiers, 473 ; defeated near the Schuylkill, 579 ; attacks the British at German- town, 582 ; Philadelphia and Bucks counties laid waste by, 623 ; at the battle of Monmouth, 636 ; scheme of Cornwallis and Knyphausen to surprise, 674; willing to carry out plans of Washington, 696; captures Stony Point, 699 ; wounded in the head, at Stony Point, 700 ; mutiny of his troops, at Morris- town, 821 ; led by a stratagem to make an attack on Cornwallis, 850 ; British driven out of Georgia by, 894 ; occupies Charleston on the departure of the British subsequent career of (note), 895. 950 INDEX. [PARTS Wemyss, Major, devastations of, on the Pedee and Black rivers, 794 ; attempts to surprise Surnter, 803 ; wounded and a prisoner in the hands of Sumter, 804. West Point, selected as a suitable site for a fort, G23 ; fortification of, intrusted to Kosciusko, 624 ; Gen. Putnam stationed at, 673 ; anxiety of Washington, for the preservation of, 696 ; headquarters of Wash ington at, 701 ; command of, solicited and obtained by Arnold, 756 ; plans of, furnished to Major Andre by Arnold troops of Sir H. Clinton embarked for the purpose of capturing, 769. Whitemarsh, reinforcements from the Northern army received by Washington at, 593 ; Washington s camp at, threatened by the British, 595 ; withdrawal of the British from, in the night, 597. White Plains, approach of Sir W. Howe s army towards Washington s headquarters established at Col. Glover at, 375 ; fortified camp at, 376 ; battle of, 378 ; Alexander Hamilton s gallantry at, 379 ; condition of the troops at, 380 ; Howe awaits reinforcements at, 381 ; retreat of Washington from courthouse and other buildings burned at, 882 ; withdrawal of the British from, 383 ; Washington at, in 1778, 673. Wilkinson, Maj. and Gen., his account of the capture of Gen. Lee, 408 ; escape of, after the capture of Lee, 413 ; life of Major Ackland saved by, at Bemis heights, 558 ; sole American witness of the sur render of Burgoyne, 573 ; made brigadier-general, 576 ; instrumentality of, in exposing Conway s cabal, 615, 616. Williamsburg, Va., property in, destroyed by Phillips and Arnold, 845 ; Washington and Ilochambeau arrive at, 907 ; rendezvous of the allies at, 908. Williams, Col. Ephraim, sent by Col. Johnson to meet Dieskau, 88 ; routed by Dieskau, 89. Williams, Col. Otho Holland, cruel treatment of, as a prisoner, 441 ; advice given by, to Gates, at the battle of Camden, 742 ; covers the retreat of Gen. Greene to the Dan rapid retreat of, to the Dan, 832 ; driven across the Haw by Cornwallis, 837 ; at Hobkirk s hill, 857 ; at Eutaw Springs 884. Wiuslow, Gen., sent against Fort William Henry, 93; strengthens Forts Edward and William Henry, 96. Wolfe, Gen. James, biographical notices of, 100, 107 ; in the expedition against Louisburg, 102 ; expedi tion against Quebec intrusted to personal descrip tion of, 107 ; famous camp song written by, 108 ; men afterwards distinguished, in his expedition against Quebec, 109 ; enthusiasm pervading the army under, 110 ; proclamation issued by, 113 ; ac tivity of, in studying the defenses of Quebec, 117 ; effect upon, of his failure at Moutmorenci, 120 ; news of the successes of Amherst and Johnson re ceived by devises plans of attack, during sick ness, 121 ; his despondent letter to Pitt, 123 ; daring- resolve of, to attain the Plains of Abraham obtains information, from a deserter, 124 ; last orders of, to his army, 125 ; disposition of his forces when at tacked by Montcalm, 128 ; his conduct on the field of battle mortally wounded, 129 ; death of, 130 ; honors paid to the memory of, 132. Wooster, Gen. David, inactivity of, at Montreal and Quebec, 260 ; disagreement of Arnold with, 261 ; superseded by Gen. Sullivan, 262 ; mortally wound ed, when in pursuit of Gov. Tyron death of, 467 ; biographical notice of, 468. Wyoming, description of the vale of, 649 ; frequently the scene of Indian warfare Count Zinzendorf the first white man who visited the valley of, 650 ; orig inally settled by New-Englanders, 651 ; claims of a Pennsylvania company in the vale of volunteers from, for the continental army threatened by the British and Indians, 652 ; efforts made in, for de fense, under the leadership of Col. Z. Butler, 652, 653 ; gunpowder made in, by the aid of the women inhabitants of, march to meet the enemy, 653 ; patriots defeated and massacred, 654 ; anecdotes of the massacre of, 654, 655 ; capitulation of the de fenders of, in Fort Forty, 655 ; abandoned by Col. John Butler to his Indians, 656 ; houses of, pillaged and burned by the Indians, 656, 657 ; exodus of the survivors of the massacre at monument erected at, 657. Y. YADKIN river, a rise in, interrupts the pursuit of Greene by Cornwallis march of Cornwallis to the upper fords of, 830. Yorktown, shipyard, vessels, and stores, destroyed at, 845 ; fortified by Cornwallis, 896 ; approach of the allied armies to, 909 ; confidence of Cornwallis in his power to defend description of the fortifications of, 910 ; investment of, by the allies, 911 ; opening of the first parallel at the siege of, 912 ; French driven from their batteries at, 915 ; articles of capitulation of, 918 ; imposing scene at the sur render of, 919 ; number of troops surrendered at, 922 ; Sir H. Clinton sails from New York for the relief of, on the day of the surrender, 924 ; evacu ated by both armies within two weeks after its sur render the surrender at, virtually closed the War for Independence, 925 ; reception in England of the news of the surrender of Lord North powerfully effected by the fall of, 926 ; operations of Gen. Greene after the surrender of, 893. Z. ZINZENDORF, Count, the first white man who pene trated the vale of Wyoming preservation of, from Indian murderers biographical notice of (note), 650. RETURN CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT 198 Main Stacks ALL BOOKS MAY BE RECALLED AFTER 7 DAYS Renewals and Recharges may be made 4 days prior to the due date. Books may be Renewed by calling 642-3405 MMI^HH hi IF AS STAMPED BELOW FORM NO. DD6 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, BERKELEY BERKELEY, CA 94720-6000 /u /o UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY t - v .v >.< jp \ PHI >:. \ v m mem ,-. ^ x"" " " f. t&^i^^JsaSiijjKMt ^*&