mr,: ^, o\seAHD DISCARD OGOHISTOK/ OF THE LOS ANCELESooe STATE mtmi SCHOOL 1882 aVARTEH CENTENNIAL 1901 1 PHSSSQS^ 1 1 ^ 1 1 6 THE LOS ANGELES State Normal School A QUARTER CENTENNIAL HISTORY 1882 1907 LB The Los Angeles State Normal School FROM PUEBLO TO CITY The California of today is so unlike the California of yesterday that yesterday seems a long way off. In the days since the ships of Juan Rodriguez Cabrillo came to anchor off the bay of San Diego, as great a transformation has taken place in Southern California as the fourteen or fifteen centuries have wrought in England since first the Anglo-Saxon set his conquering foot upon her shores. From the degraded Indian village of Yang-na on the banks of the Porciuncula, with its wild inhabitants welcoming the little retinue of Gasper de Portola with weird and savage cries sounding to the ears of the padre who recorded the event "like the howling of wolves," to the beautiful modern city whose name commemorates that second day of August of one hundred and thirty- eight years ago, and in whose very heart the site of that forgotten village lies, the imagination takes as wide a sweep as in retracing a dozen centuries in many another land. Even to go back a quarter century in the life of that city takes one into conditions vastly different from those of the present time. Twenty-five years ago there were in California four cities, each larger than Los Angeles — San Francisco, Oakland, San Jose, and Sacramento, the population of Los Angeles then being about eleven thousand. The business section of the city was bounded on the south by First Street, and contained few buildings more than two stories in height. The streets were dimly illuminated with gas lights. A local newspaper of 1 882 contains "A History of the Wonderful Electric Tower in San Jose," and urges the citizens to provide the "new light" for the streets of Los Angeles, arguing that "from the hills such a tower would not only light up the entire city, but also the beautiful orange groves for miles around." At that time the few street cars were drawn by horses. According to a current newspaper joke, cowbells were for a time hung upon the horses' necks to give notice that the cars were actually approaching in the distance. In an account of the growth of Los Angeles during the year 1 881 , a writer of the time says "It has been a year of great progress for the city," supporting the assertion with a list of buildings erected during the year whose "aggregate cost was nearly $200,000." Main Street was the chief commercial thorough- fare. Broadway, then called Fort Street (from Fort Moore built in 1847 on the hill now pierced by the Broadway tunnel) was a sparsely settled resi- dence street. During this year a lot on this avenue between First and Second streets was sold for $675 ; and a five-room house with a large lot near the Normal School was offered at $1,800. The leading hotels were the Cos- mopolitan, the Pico (now the National Hotel), the St. Elmo, and the St. Charles. The Nadeau was built during the year and was the tallest and most pretentious structure in the city ; but its location was considered to be too far out of town for hotel purposes, and the building was rented for offices and apartments. The number of pupils in the city public schools was sixteen hundred and eight; the City Superintendent was paid a salary of fifteen hundred dollars. 215844 MORE The City Hall was a one-story adobe building on Spring Street, between Temple and Franklin. INCEPTION It was in the spring session of this year that the State Legislature pro- vided for the establishment of the Los Angeles State Normal School. At that time there was but one normal school in California. This had been established in San Francisco in 1862, but had been afterward removed to San Jose. In the year 1 880 the San Jose Normal School building was destroyed by fire. This accident appeared to the people of Southern California to offer a fit op- portunity for their urging a claim to some of the State institutions, and an ef- fort was made to have the Normal School rebuilt in Los Angeles. This effort soon proving futile, a bill was introduced in the Legislature February 24, 1 880, providing for the establish- ment in Los Angeles of a branch Normal School; but the measure was defeated by northern opposition — a cir- cumstance that gave new impetus to the prevailing agitation of the question of State division, as well as an added determination on the part of Los Angeles to secure some share in the apportionment of State institutions. The first bill introduced in the Assembly of 1881 (January 4) was presented by Hon. R. F. Del Valle, and provided for the establishment of a branch Normal School in Los Angeles. In the Senate an identical bill was introduced by Senator J. P. West, whose efforts, ably seconded by those of Gen. John R. Brierly, of Los Angeles, Secretary of the Senate, and others, secured its passage. It was then transmitted to the Assembly, where it was substituted for the Assembly bill already mentioned. Here its fate remained doubtful for some time, most of the northern representatives being opposed to it. But fortune at last favored it. In his championship of the measure, Mr. Del Valle became a target for the Workingmen's Delegation of San Francisco, some members of which in the heat of debate made use of sharp personalities. A private conference for the adjustment of the matter resulted in the agreement on the part of the northern representatives to make the amende honorable by supporting the Normal School bill. It was the carrying out of this agreement that enabled the measure to pass March 3, 1881. It became a law on re- ceiving the signature of Gov. Geo. C. Perkins March 14. So it was that the second State Normal School was founded in the second pueblo of Califor- nia — Pueblo de Nuestra Senora la Reina de los Angeles — as the first Normal School had been established in the first pueblo, San Jose de Guadalupe. The bill appropriated fifty thousand dollars for erecting the building, two thousand five hundred dollars for furnishings, and seven thousand five hundred 4 dollars for teachers' salaries and general support. It directed that the Board of Trustees of the State Normal School proceed to Los Angeles and select a site for the building. FINDING A LOCATION Upon their arrival in the city, the Board found a number of available locations, one in Boyle Heights being urged as particularly desirable. But the citizens living west of the river wanted the school in their part of the city; and as the City Council had decided that no appropriation from city funds could be made to purchase a site, a number of enthusiastic "west-siders" col- lected subscriptions, bought the site, and presented it to the State. Contribu- tions to the purchase fund were made by over two hundred citizens, in amounts ranging from one dollar to five hundred dollars. THE ASSEMBLY ROOM The tract chosen consisted of an orange orchard of a little more than five acres in area, owned by Victor Beaudry, and known as Bellevue Terrace. The price asked for it was eight thousand dollars. Five hundred dollars was de- ducted from the price as the grantor's subscription to the purchase fund, but a clause in the deed stipulated that the orange crop then on the trees should remain his property. A contemporary account of the newly established school says that "it is situated three-quarters of a mile from the business section on an eminence about two hundred feet above the general level of the city. From the grounds the visitor has a birds-eye view of the entire city, and for miles around beautiful orange groves loom up in all their semi-tropic grandeur." To-day the noise of traffic on every side, the proximity of business houses, and the toilsome climb required to reach the building suggest the desirability of a change of site to secure freedom from these and other objections connected with the present location. 5 The grounds of the Normal School originally constituted a portion of the old pueblo lands. Under Spanish and Mexican rule a pueblo, or legally organized settlement, was entitled to a tract of land for the various uses of the community and its members. Pueblo lots were sold or distributed to residents by the municipal authorities. In Los Angeles such granting of city lands con- tinued after the American conquest of California. In 1853 a considerable tract of these lands in the southwestern part of the city was divided into thirty-five- acre lots known as Donation lots, and offered free to settlers who would im- prove them, it being required that two hundred dollars should be expended on each lot as a condition of the transfer of title. Because of the lack of water for irrigating purposes, but very few of the lots were accepted on these terms. It is on a part of one of these Donation lots that the Normal School buildings now stand. In the year 1858 the city of Los Angeles transferred to William Moore its title to nearly nine hundred acres, including the present site of the Normal School, for one dollar per acre. After several other transfers, the ground came into the possession of Prudent Beaudry, whose deed to his brother Victor contains the description: "The tract of land whereon I have an orange orchard planted, known as Bellevue Terrace, said tract being situated between Flower and Charity streets." THE LOCAL HABITATION Not long after the purchase of the site, the erection of the Normal School building was begun under the direction of S. H. Kent of San Francisco, superintendent of construction. John D. Campbell of San Jose was foreman, and Gen. John R. Brierly of Los Angeles, clerk of construction. The corner stone of the new building was laid Saturday, Dec. 17, 1 88 1 , the ceremonies being conducted under the auspices of the local lodge of the Masonic order. The procession left the Masonic Hall on N. Main Street at one o'clock, headed by a brass band, and proceeded by way of First, Spring, and Fifth streets to the school grounds, where, in spite of the intense heat, about five hundred people had assembled to witness the dedication. Lieut. Gov. J. S. Mansfield presided over the exercises. After the invocation and the sprinkling of the corner stone with corn, wine, and oil, the superintendent of construction presented a box containing a number of articles, contributed by various citizens, to be placed in the receptacle in the corner stone. Among these articles were copies of the daily papers of Los Angeles, San Francisco, San Jose and other cities, statistics of Los Angeles and some of its institutions, autographs of a number of prominent citizens, a number of relics of the recently martyred President Garfield, and a collection of coins and medals. The oration was delivered by Hon. R. F. Del Valle. Toward the end of August, 1882, the building was sufficiently near com- pletion, though only partly painted and furnished, to permit the school to open — some three weeks later than had been intended. The magnificent modern buildings that have arisen on all sides in Los Angeles since those days, have by contrast made the Normal School look old-fashioned and plain. The earlier descriptions of it as a "magnificent structure," "one of the finest edifices in the State," etc., are no longer appro- priate. But in comparison with other buildings of its class it is not insignificant, and, in its sightly location above the business center, it is still a noticeable struc- ture among the buildings of the newer and larger city. THE OPENING OF DOORS The Branch Normal School began its work on the twenty-ninth day of August, 1882, under the direction of Charles H. Allen, Principal of the State Normal School at San Jose. The Board of Trustees consisted of Governor Perkins; Fred. M. Campbell, State Superintendent of Public Instruction; James Denman, of San Francisco; T. Ellard Beans, Benjamin Cory, and A. S. Evans, of San Jose; and O. W. Childs, of Los Angeles. Charles H. Allen was Secretary of the Board. Eighty candidates for admission were examined, sixty-one of whom were admitted. Of these candidates thirteen were young men, and forty-eight young women. The formal opening of the school occurred on the afternoon of September 9, 1882, that day being the thirty-first anniversary of the admission of Califor- nia into the Union as a State. The exercises were held in the Assembly Hall in the presence of the students and some four hundred visitors. The principal speakers were Governor Perkins and State Superintendent Campbell. On the Monday preceding the formal opening, six grades of the city school system had been organized as a Training School and established in the rooms on the ground floor of the Normal School building. The floor above, with the exception of the library and the offices, was rented by the city Board of Education, and occupied by three classes from the high school and one from the grammar school. The Normal School occupied the next floor above. The immediate management of the school was entrusted to C. J. Flatt, Vice-Principal of the Normal School at San Jose, who, with Miss Emma L. Hawks, Preceptress, and J. W. Redway, Instructor in Natural Science, taught the classes of the school during the first year. By the end of the first term the students numbered eighty-five, divided into three grades or classes. Ten of these students were graduates of high schools; fourteen counties of the State were repre- sented in the student body. At the beginning of the second year, Ira More, then Vice-President of the San Jose Normal School, was appointed Presi- dent of the Branch Normal School. The first class, numbering twenty- two, was graduated from the Normal School in June, 1 884. At that time the grounds of the school still presented a decidedly unfinished and crude appear- ance. The space in front of the building was then occupied by orange and walnut trees. The walk to the street consisted of planks laid lengthwise, very steep in places, and dangerously slippery in rainy weather. The natural drainage of the hills to the north was through a ravine known as the Arroyo de las Reyes, that crossed the rear portion of the Normal School grounds where the Annex now stands. During periods of heavy rainfall, this watercourse became a rushing torrent, rendering impossible all approach from the south and west. The space now occupied by the boiler-house and the tennis courts was then the bottom of a slough filled with debris washed down from the hills — a convenient and well patronized dumping ground of the neighborhood. MELVILLE DOZIER PERIOD OF DEVELOPMENT During the first six or seven years of President's More's administration the school steadily increased in numbers and in facilities for effective work, its repu- tation as a training school for teachers becoming thoroughly established, largely through the professional success of its graduates. In 1887 the Branch Normal School at Los Angeles was made an independent institution by the establishment of a Board of Trustees distinct from that of the school at San Jose. Until the year 1 890 the only regu- lar physical drill required of the students was a weekly exercise in calisthenics, in- tended rather as a preparation for teach- ing the subject than as a means of needed exercise. In that year what is believed to have been the first normal school gym- JOSEPHINE E. SEAMAN nasium in the United States was added to the equipment of the school, and a required course in physical training made a permanent feature of its work. The vacancy caused by the resignation of President More in 1 893 was filled by the appointment of President Edward T. Pierce of the State Normal School at Chico, California. Among his first duties was the expenditure of a legislative appropriation of seventy-five thousand dollars for a much-needed improvement of the building. The improvements made not only more than doubled the capacity of the building, but included a complete rearrangement of appointments, a widening of the scope, and a more thorough systemization of the work of the institution. Laboratory facilities were provided where needed ; a chemical laboratory was built and equipped ; and the manual training department, then a new feature of normal school work in the United States, KINDERGARTEN GYMNASIUM AND GARDEN was organized. The department of psychology and pedagogy was united with the superintendency of the training school, and the course of study was lengthened from three to four years. In 1 896 the kindergarten department was established for the training of teachers desiring to specialize in kindergarten teaching. A two years' course was provided, admitting graduates of accredited high schools and those who had completed the first two years of the normal school course. This department has done excellent service, the number of applicants for admission often having been in excess of the number of students for whom provision could be made ; and its graduates having been in greater demand from the beginning than could be supplied. The department of domestic science, providing practical training in sewing and cooking, was organized in 1 900. In the year following, the gymnasium was removed to its present location, enlarged by the addition of a number of rooms, now occupied chiefly by the training school, and connected with the second floor of the main building by an elevated hallway. These changes made it practicable for the domestic science department to undertake the management of a self-supporting lunch room for the use of members of the school, an innovation that has proved not only a great convenience, but without question a means of conserving the health of both teachers and students. CURRENT HISTORY After a period of eleven years of efficient, energetic service, during which time the work of the school was in many ways extended and improved. President Pierce resigned his position, the resignation taking effect June 30, 1904. In that year President Jesse F. Millspaugh, of the State Normal School at Winona, Minnesota, was called to the presidency of the institution. At the beginning of his work a change that had been contem- plated for several years was car ried into effect. Formerly students who had completed the work of the ninth grade were admitted to the four-year course of the Normal School; since February, 1904. only graduates of high schools approved by the State University have been regularly admitted, the work of the two preparatory years of the four- year course being discontinued. The admission requirements are now substantially identical with those of the State University. Within the past three years a number of other improvements have been made in the school, both in material equipment and in organi- zation and methods of work. In the summer of 1 906 it was found necessary to make extensive repairs to the foundation of the building, and to install a complete steam heating plant, many of the rooms having until then been heated by stoves. The library, the offices, and a number of the class-rooms were improved with new decorations and furnishings, and a special room was fitted up as a rest-room and as a place for students' meetings and minor entertainments. Among recent changes are the addition of courses in nature study and agriculture, and the partial completion of a reorganization and improvement of the school museum, the aim being to make it serve a larger use in the educative purposes of the school. The establishment of a Normal School extension department is another recent advance step, the purpose of which is a fuller cooperation between the Normal School and other educational interests of Southern California. The work of this department is carried on through lectures given by various instructors EDWARD T. PIERCE 10 before study circles, women's clubs, teachers' associations and farmers' clubs with which they may have a common interest, or through conferences with other teachers on the methods, material, or literature of the various subjects offered. No expense is connected with the extension work further than reimbursement for traveling expenses incurred. One of the most radical and important of recent changes is the addition of a third year to the course of study, and a closer affiliation with the State University and Leland Stanford University. Students entering the school without conditions may still secure its diploma upon the completion of two years' work; but to those who elect it, at the beginning of the second year a three years' course is open, the completion of which not only entitles the student to the diploma of the school, but also to full Junior standing in either of the two universities; i. e., to two years of credit on the four years of the University course. This plan makes it possible for an aspiring student to complete half of his uni- versity course at the Normal School near at home, while securing a preparation to teach, and thus, it may be, provide himself with the means of finishing his course at the University. ADMINISTRATION Throughout its history, the Los Angeles State Normal School has been most fortunate in its Board of Trustees. The members of this Board have been enterprising, fair-minded, intelligent men of business and professional life, whose practical wisdom in the selection of administrative officers and teachers, and whose conservative but liberal management of the school have made its life of a quarter of a century a record of abundant success. At much personal sacrifice of time and labor, they have always been willing to uphold the best interests of the institution. It is to the wise and far-seeing policy of these THE GYMNASIUM 11 HARRIET E. DUNN Thrown upon his own resources in pubhc-spirited and progressive guardianr of its welfare that the Los Angeles Stat. Normal School is under the greatest obli- gation for every advance step it has been en- abled to take, and for the steady enlarge- ment of its opportunities for useful service to the commonwealth of which it is a part ; and it is in full and deep recognition of this debt to these men that this simple acknowledgment, however inadequate, is made by the school. EXECUTIVE The first president of the school was Charles H. Allen, who continued to serve as President of the State Normal School at San Jose while exercising general super- vision over the Branch Normal School at Los Angeles. But at the beginning of its second year, the latter school was provided with a separate and independent admmis- trative head by the appointment to the presidency of Professor Ira More, a man possessed of sterling moral and intellectual qualities and great decision of character. early life, he early developed the stern integrity and self-reliant spirit that char- acterized all he undertook. After graduating from the Normal School at Bridge- water, Massachusetts, and later from Yale College, he did efficient work as a teacher in the Bridgewater Normal School, the Chicago High School, the Illinois Normal School, the University of Minnesota, the State Normal School at St. Clou4, Minnesota, the State Normal School at San Jose, and finally as Presi- dent of the Los Angeles State Normal School, which position he filled with honor for ten years. In 1 893, having earned the right to a period of rest and freedom by forty years of faithful service in the cause of public education, he retired to his country home near Cucamonga, where he spent the four remaining years of his life. His sucessor. President Edward T. Pierce, was a graduate of the State Normal School at Albany, N. Y., and of the Law School of the same city — now affiliated with Union College. After considerable experience as a teacher in eastern schools, Mr. Pierce came to California, where he continued to work m his chosen profession. After demon- strating his ability in a smaller field, he 12 SARAHP . MONKS was called to take charge of the schools of Pasadena, where he gained so fa- vorable a recognition that upon the establishment of the State Normal School at Chico, he was appointed as its President. After some years of successful work in that capacity, he was again called to assume still larger responsibilities as President of the Los Angeles State Normal School. He entered upon this work at a time when it involved particularly heavy and exacting duties, which he met in a way that proved his fitness for the place he filled. During the eleven years of his connection with the school he devoted his best thought and his most energetic efforts to the upbuilding of its mterests, and had the satisfaction of seeing it steadily develop in scope of effort and usefulness. Upon the resignation of President Pierce in 1 904, the administration of the school was committed to the care of Dr. Jesse F. Millspaugh, formerly President of the State Normal School at Winona, Minnesota. President Mills- TH E KINDERGARTEN paugh is a graduate of the University of Michigan of the class of 1879. Upon his graduation he served as principal of the Frankfort, Indiana, high school for two years. He then reentered the University of Michigan as a student of medi- cine, but obtained his medical degree from the University of Pennsylvania in I 883. Choosing to reenter the teaching profession in preference to the practice of medicine, in the fall of the same year he accepted the principalship of the academic department of the Collegiate Institute of Salt Lake City. Two years later he was appointed Superintendent of the institution. In 1 890 he was placed at the head of the city school system, being the first Superintendent of City Schools of Salt Lake City. Under his direction the schools were organized and unified; and during the eight years of his administration of them attained a well-merited distinction for efficiency. Doctor Millspaugh laid down the su- perintendency of the Salt Lake City schools to become President of the 13 Minnesota State Normal School at Winona in 1 898, in which position he con- tinued until called to the presidency of the Los Angeles State Normal School in 1904. During the three years of his work in this school, he has been instrumental in promoting a number of advance movements, some of which have been mentioned elsewhere in this sketch, and under his leadership the school has enjoyed a full continuance of development and progress. THE INSTRUCTORS The members of the faculty have been brought together during the years past from widely separated places, and have had very diversified modes of traming. Some came di- rectly from the largest eastern univer- sities, others from Stanford and Berkeley, and several were alumni of the Los Angeles Normal School. Some of them had been previously engaged in college teaching, others in normal school teaching, and still oth- ers were in closest touch with high school or elementary school work. Uniting a broad experience with a common purpose and endeavor, the instructors of the Normal School have always put forth every effort to give the students breadth of outlook as well as specialized traming. The faculty has been character- ized by an enthusiasm which has per- meated every department of the school's work — its instruction, its so- cial life, its larger service in behalf of public education. There is nothing more essential to success than a well-founded belief in the value of the work undertaken, and in the power of accomplishing it; this has always been an important factor in the Normal School life. The faculty has constantly exemplified the spirit of co- operation. Since all have been engaged in working out the same idea, each performing some peculiar office m the organic whole, the presence of an esprit de corps is natural and inevitable. Because this common bond of sympathy has been and is enthusiastically held, the ideals of a normal school are being realized. A prominent characteristic of the faculty has been its disposition toward liberality and independence. Cooperation does not prevent liberty of action. Each works out his own philosophy of life, contributing in the way he feels it in him to contribute; each has his own individual part to perform, free from unreasonable restriction. A group of earnest, honest people, students of education, leaders in edu- cational theory and in the practical solution of pedagogical problems, but, above all, real men and women — such has been and is the faculty of the Los Angeles Normal School. JESSE F. MILLSPAUGH 14 STUDENTS AND ALUMNI The Los Angeles Nor- mal School takes a just pride in the character and work of its students and graduates. It has been par- ticularly fortunate in the ma- terial that it has had to draw upon ; for the stream of pop- ulation that has been pour- ing into Southern California for the past twenty-five years has consisted m large part of energetic, intelligent and cul- tivated people, so that the general level of character and intelligence is high. The elementary and secondary schools, too, upon which the Normal School must depend for the greater part of its students, are of acknowledged excellence. The advantages of these conditions are obvious. The definite purpose with which students enter a normal school promotes earnestness of spirit and high ideals of character and scholarship, and the life of this institution has from the beginning been distinctly marked by these qualities. Among the students is a considerable and increasing number of teachers of more or less experience, who are seeking additional preparation for their work; and of college and university graduates, who are taking their professional training here. The greater maturity and wider culture and experience of these students react favorably on the whole student body. With few exceptions, the graduates of the school enter the profession for which they have prepared themselves, and a large proportion of them remain in it either permanently or for a num- ber of years. That their work is highly regarded is evidenced by the de- mand that is made upon the school for teachers. To their faithful and intelli- gent labors, the schools of Southern California owe much of their efficiency. THE LIBRARY The library has become a collec- tion of about fifteen thousand volumes, classified according to the Dewey deci- mal system and arranged on shelves to which the students have free access. Though the desirability of supply- ing good reading for leisure hours is not overlooked in the choice of books, the main purpose has been to provide the means for pursuing the branches pre- scribed in the courses of study. The 15 subjects most fully represented are: psychology and education, science, travel, history, and literature. About five hundred new volumes are added annually. Great care is taken in the selection of books; the liberal use made of the library by students shows that the collection fulfills its purpose. The past year shows an average monthly circulation of forty-five hundred, exclusive of books used in the library. Convenience of use is fa- cilitated by a card catalog containing, besides the title and subject of every book and the name of its author, many references to maga- zines and other sources, the titles of which do not indi- cate the contents. The library is supplied also with most of the best current literature, professional and general. MISCELLANEOUS STU- DENT ACTIVITIES The pursuit of the course of study and the meeting of the various duties prescribed have always been the main concern of students, and comparatively little leisure has remained for engaging in efforts not directly connected with the main work of the school. But in its wider sense, education includes more than study, more than class- room exercises, more even than all the formal prescriptions of the schools. From the first, therefore, the administration has encouraged the formation and develop- ment of all voluntary student movements and interests whose aims were re- garded as wholesome. Of such enterprises some of the more important are the following : LITERARY SOCIETIES The L. O. L. Society will be remembered with pleasure by many of the older graduates of the Normal School. Organized with the first class in 1 882, for ten years it occupied a place of chief importance among the student activities. As its name (Lovers of Literature) indicates, this was at foundation a literary organization, although most of the social events of the school centered about its meetings. In common with most societies of like nature, the programs of the L. O. L. were drawn from the field of literature, art, and music, with much debating and many oratorical contests, and occasionally a farce or scene from some drama. As the school grew in numbers, class organizations began to take the place of the L. O. L., and by 1893 its formal meetings were discontinued. The new associations followed much the same plan of work as the old literary society, adding parliamentary drill, current events, and ethical problems to the topics of cultural interest. About the year 1883 a group of the young men formed themselves into a club for the express purpose of debate and training in oratorical delivery. They appropriately named themselves the "Webster Club." Under its influence 16 debaters and parliamentary leaders were prepared for work in the class literary so- cieties, and many a Normal man looks back to its unpre- tentious meetings as a place in which valuable training was received for the public po- sition he now holds. From this club came the sugges- tion that resulted m the pub- lication, in January, 1 894, of the first number of the Normal Exponent. This was established as a monthly school journal with editor- in-chief and business man- ager appomted semi-annually by the Webster Club. In November, 1896, some fifty young people of the school organized the Utopia Society. As its aim was "the improvement of its members in literary work, parliamentary knowledge, and public speaking," it at once joined the Pacific Lyceum League. Opportunity was thus given during the four years' contests of this society for Normal women, as well as men, to gain practice in public speaking. Its meetings furnished occasion, also, for some of the pleas- antest social events of the school life of the period. The Delta Sigma, another literary and parliamentary society, was, like the Webster Club, composed exclusively of young men. Its meetings were attended with great regularity by its limited number of enthusiastic members, but its influence upon the school was not great. Organized in 1897, it passed out of existence as a society with the graduation of the '02 men. The history of the literary societies of the Normal School shows on the students' part a marked desire for training in public speaking. Since the estab- lishment of the Department of Reading in 1 895, this, and dramatic interests, have found opportunity for expression in recitals, platform readings given before the school, and in carefully pre- pared plays presented as part of the class work or in connection with some school celebration. In like manner, under careful direction, the musi- cal talent of the students has for many years contributed to the general enjoyment in assembly exercises, in chor- uses for Christmas, Easter, and Thanksgiving, and in special musicales or recitals, while the aid of the Normal Glee Club has become an established adjunct to the 17 graduating exercises and various entertainments growing out of the interests of the student body. CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATIONS It is somewhat difficult to trace the origin of these associations. In the early days of the school a group of students, young men and women, united for the purpose of holding regular meetings at each others' homes for religious services and for the discussion of questions of moment in the spiritual life of the student. Out of this simple beginning grew the Y. W. C. A. and Y. M. C. A. Although no record is left, it is probable that these societies had their definite origin about 1887. For some years the Young Women's Christian Association held meetings with fair regularity but its membership was small and it could hardly be called a vital part of the school life. The year 1 900, with the coming to the Coast of a national secretary. Miss Harriet Taylor, marks the re-organization of the Y. W. C. A. of California. The Normal Association received new inspiration; it became associated with sister organizations in other schools of Southern Cal- ifornia; a member of the faculty was chosen to represent the girls on the State Committee; an Advisory Board was formed consisting of five women connected with the faculty; new activities were started as Bible and mission study classes under competent leadership, and the custom was established of sending del- egates to the Pacific Coast Conference at Capitola. The strongest expression of school life began to center about the meetings and functions of the Asso- ciation and out of it all grew a spirit of happy social life and companionship very helpful, especially to the students boarding in the city and separated from home associations. A feeling of loyalty to this institution of their Alma Mater has been growing in late years among the women graduates of the school resulting in the formation, in 1 906, of an Alumnae Association of the Y. W. C. A. The financial help offered by this organization has enabled the Normal girls to join with the University of Southern California in securing the services of a student secretary to aid in organizing and carrying on Association work. The Alumnae organization now numbers thirty; it meets twice a year at the Normal School, its June meeting being made the occasion of a supper and reunion with the Association girls still in school. Its membership is open to all women graduates who have at heart an interest in the Normal Y. W. C. A. and its work. For about fifteen years the Young Men's Christian Association held a fairly important place in the student life of the school. Its time of greatest stre.igth was in the year 1 902 when all but two of the Normal men were en- rolled in its membership. At that time most of them were engaged in active Bible study in one of the two classes, carried on under student leadership. Delegates were then, as they had been during the few years preceding, sent to the Y. M. C. A. Conference at Pacific Grove. Upon the adoption of the high school basis of admission, the number of men attending the school rapidly de- creased and in 1 904 the Y. M. C. A. was discontinued, the smallness of attend- ance not warranting the effort necessary to keep up the organization. THE NORMAL EXPONENT One of the more significant of the many voluntary activities of Normal students is that represented by the establishment and publication of a periodical devoted to student interests. As previously stated, the origin of the Normal 18 Exponent grew out of a desire of the Webster Club for an organ to represent its work. Beginning in 1 894, for thirteen years this bright pubhcation has con- tinued to play well its part of furnishing instruction and entertainment to stu- dents and alumni. For several years it was published as a monthly; afterwards it was brought out as an annual by succeeding senior classes near the close of the school year and has continued as the representative of senior class interests until the present time. Every number has been most creditable and the grade of ex- cellence has steadily increased. ATHLETICS Although gymnastic exercises received attention from the first, regular physi- cal training was impossible until the building of the gymnasium in 1 890 and the addition to the faculty of a special teacher of physical training. With the new advantages the young men of the school became interested in special phases of exercise. At first basket ball received general attention both in inter-class games and in contests with outside players. By 1896 tennis became a close rival. Women of the class came to the front organizing teams and preparing for tournaments. In this they were joined by tennis enthusiasts among the young men and members of the faculty. "The Peculiar Hill Tennis Club" will long be remembered, not only for its exciting contests with local clubs but for its good work in the Nordhoff tennis tournament. By 1896 basket ball interests gave way for a time to field athletics. In February, 1897, the L. A. N. Athletic Association was formed and after a series of "try-out" contests, joined the Southern California Inter-scholastic Association. In the first contest the Normal men did excellent work, tieing the Los Angeles High School for first place. The next year second place was gained; then in- terest waned, football coming to the front to claim attention. With the coming into the school of the '02 men, field athletics received a new impetus. At the Ventura meet in 1 900 second place was gained and numerous prizes and medals secured, and at the subsequent meets at Santa Barbara and Los Angeles third place was held in the contest with seven associations. During this time the Nor- mal men held an important place in the councils of the Athletic Association. With the 1902 meet in Los Angeles they took the leadership as hosts arrang- ing for the two days' entertainment of visiting teams and a grand reception and promenade in the Normal gymnasium to close the event. For sucessful athletics men are necessary. The L. A. N. Association withdrew from the Inter-scholastic Association and disbanded as an organ- ization in 1903. This was partly due to the graduation the year before of many of the "stand bys" of Normal athletics and also because entrance to the school was then limited to high school graduates, resulting in a marked de- crease in the number of men seeking admission. Basket ball interests survived, however, and the next few years saw some remarkably good league work by the men of the school. Up to the present time each year has seen the formation of a team that has labored, often against heavy odds, to keep up the old Normal en- thusiasm for athletics. The young women of the school have never entered field athletics, but great enthusiasm has been aroused by competitive drills between picked teams from the different classes. Basket ball has long had its place as part of their gymnasium training, but as a game the height of its popularity was reached in 1904, when an energetic team of Normal girls tried their varying fortimes against players from sister schools and league teams of Southern California. 19 THE STUDENTS LOAN FUND The men and women of the year 1900, besides joining their sister class of '01 in a noble gift to their Alma Mater, established the Students' Loan Fund — a monument of devotion and enthusiastic desire for helpfulness to fellow stu- dents. Through their efforts a fund was raised by the sale of that year's Ex- ponent, the last few copies being sold at auction, at great profit. Con- tributions have since been added by individual students and classes, the notable memorial gift of $101.50 by the June class of 1905, bringing the amount to nearly $400.00. Certain conditions regulate the distribution of this fund. Students bor- rowing must be members of the senior class and must agree to repay the amount within a year from the date of graduation. An interest rate of five per cent is charged. Through its agency four or five students each year have been assisted to graduation. Thus far a member of the class which inaugurated the movement, with the President of the school, has had direction of the loaning of the fund; but it is hoped that the Alumni Association will, in the near future, assume the full management of this helpful agency, started by its members. CLASS GIFTS TO THE NORMAL SCHOOL For many years it has been the custom for the Normal classes, as they graduate, to leave behind them some memento that might serve as a reminder of the part they had played in Normal life, and as an earnest of their loyalty to their Alma Mater. In each case, excepting that of the class of 1905, the memento has been a valuable gift, generally the reproduction of some work of art, either a picture or a piece of statuary. In the memorial gifts that now grace the assembly room and halls of the old building there is a value deeper far than any financial consideration involved — a value that has grown with the years, and left a lasting impression on students and alumni alike. 20 Officers and Members of the Board of Trustees GOVERNORS OF THE STATE Ex-Officio Members GEORGE C. PERKINS, Oakland 1882 GEORGE STONEMAN, Los Angeles 1883-86 WASHINGTON BARTLETT, San Francisco 1887 R. M. WATERMAN, San Bernardino 1887-90 H. H. MARKHAM, Pasadena 1891-94 JAMES H. BUDD, Stockton 1895-98 HENRY T. GAGE. Los Angeles 1899-1902 GEORGE C PARDEE, Oakland 1903-06 JAMES N. GILLETT, Eureka 1907- SUPERINTENDENTS OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Ex-Officio Members F. M. CAMPBELL, Oakland 1882 WM. T. WELCKER, Berkeley 1883-86 IRA G. HOITT, San Francisco 1887-90 J. W. ANDERSON, San Francisco 1891-94 SAM'L T. BLACK, Ventura 1895-98 C. T. MEREDITH, Ventura 1898 THOMAS J. KIRK, Fresno 1899-1906 EDWD. HYATT, Riverside 1907- PRESIDENTS OF THE BOARD GOV. GEO. C. PERKINS 1882 GOV. GEORGE STONEMAN 1883-86 O. W. CHILDS, Los Angeles 1887-89 STEPHEN M. WHITE, Los Angeles 1889-91 JOHN MANSFIELD, Los Angeles 1891-96 A. E. POMEROY, Los Angeles 1896-99 N. P. CONREY, Los Angeles 1899-1901 R. H. F. VARIEL, Los Angeles 1901-03 JOHN WASSON, Pomona 1903- MEMBERS OF THE BOARD A. S. EVANS, San Jose 1882-83 O. W. CHILDS, Los Angeles 1882-89 JAMES DEN:\IAN, San Francisco 1882-87 T. ELLARD BEANS, San Jose 1882-87 RALPH LOWE, New Almaden 1882-87 HON. LAWRENCE ARCHER, San Jose 1884-87 A. S. DAVIDSON, San Bernardino 1887-96 MRS. CLARA S. FOLTZ, San Diego 1887 GEORGE H. SMITH, Los Angeles 1887-89 STEPHEN M. WHITE. Los Angeles 1887-91 21 W. W. BOVVERS, San Diego 1888-89 CHAS. F. HOLDER, Pasadena 1889-90 A. E. POMEROY, Los Angeles 1890-99 JOHN MANSFIELD, Los Angeles 1890-96 T. P. LUKENS, Pasadena 1892-99 F. P. MOLYNEAUX, Pomona 1892-96 PERCY R. WILSON, Los Angeles 1896-99 J. MARION BROOKS, Los Angeles 1896-99 TELFAIR CREIGHTON, Los Angeles 1896 N. P. CONREY, Los Angeles 1899-1901 R. H. F. VARIEL, Los Angeles 1899-1903 H. W. O'MELVENY, Los Angeles 1899-1903 JOHN S. COLLINS, Ventura 1899-1903 E. J. LOUIS, San Diego 1899-1905 LEE A. PHILLIPS, Los Angeles 1902-03 C. D. WILLARD, Los Angeles 1903-05 JOHN WASSON, Pomona 1903- J. P. GREELEY, Santa Ana 1903-05 DR. LEWIS S. THORPE, Los Angeles 1903- RICHARD MELROSE, Anaheim 1905- JNO. H. BRALY, Los Angeles 1905-07 GEORGE I. COCHRAN, Los Angeles 1905- WM. A. ANDERSON, Los Angeles 1907 ALONZO B. CASS, Los Angeles 1907- PRESIDENTS OF THE SCHOOL CHAS. H. ALLEN (President San Jose Normal School), non-resident Presi- dent .1882-83 IRA MORE 1883-93 EDWARD T. PIERCE 1893-1904 JESSE F. MILLSPAUGH 1904- MEMBERS OF THE FACULTY C. J. FLATT, Vice-Principal— Mathematics 1882-90 EMMA L. HAWKS, Preceptress— English 1882-94 J. W. RED WAY— Geography and Natural Science 1882-84 ISABELLA G. OAKLEY— Geography and History 1883-84 SARAH P. MONKS— Biology and Drawing 1884-1906 MRS. E. J. VALENTINE— Music 1883-85 MELVILLE DOZIER, Vice-President— Physics and Mathematics. .1884-1906 HARRIET E. DUNN, Secretary of Faculty— History 1884- MRS. M. A. HEATH-ENGLISH— Arithmetic and Chemistry. .. .1885-87, 1891- *R. L. KENT— Music 1885-92 JOSEPHINE E. SEAMAN— English 1887- ALICE J. MERRITT— Botany 1887-97 HELEN COOLEY— Chemistry 1889-91 ♦CHARLES E. HUTTON— Mathematics 1890-1902 TH. BESSING— Physical Culture 1891-95 MRS. JULIET P. RICE— Music 1892-98 ♦Deceased. 22 MRS. ISABEL W. PIERCE, Preceptress— English 1894-1903 FLETCHER B. DRESSLAR, Supt. Training School— Psychology and Pedagogy 1894-97 DR. JAMES H. SHULTS— Physiology and Physics 1894-1904 AGNES CAREY— English 1894-99 *MARY A. LATHROP— Manual Training and Drawing 1894 ADA M. LAUGHLIN— Drawing 1894-1906 CHARLES M. MILLER— Manual Training 1895-1905 JAMES F. CHAMBERLAIN— Geography 1895- GRACE JONES— Reading 1894-95 EMMA J. BRECK— English 1895-99 EVERETT SHEPARDSON— Psychology and Pedagogy, Supt. Training School 1895- SARAH J. JACOBS— Physical Culture 1895- ETTA E. MOORE— English 1896-1901 ZETELLA EBERT— Reading 1896 JESSIE VANCE— English 1896-97 C. D. VON NEUMEYER— Reading 1896-1904 *FLORENCE LAWSON— Director Kindergarten 1896-1904 ROBT. E. HIERONYMUS— English 1897-98 B. MARSHALL DAVIS— Biology 1897-1904 KATE BROUSSEAU— Psychology 1897-1904 MARY MAYNES SMITH— Drawing 1897-1903 C. C. VAN LIEW, Supt. Training School— Psychology and Pedagogy . .1897-99 JENNIE HAGAN— Music 1898- CORNELIA BRUfiRE— English 1899-1900 MRS. MARY BARNUM— English 1899-1904 *MARY LEWIS— Drawing 1898-99 LOU HELLMUTH— English 1899-1902 AGNES ELLIOTT— History 1899- GEO. F. JAMES, Supt. Training School— Psychology and Pedagogy. 1899-1902 MRS. M. EVA BLAKE— Domestic Art 1900 ABBIE M. WHITE— Drawing 1902 and 1904 LUCY J. ANDERSON— Domestic Art 1900-04 MRS. JESSICA C. HAZZARD— Domestic Art 1901- JOSEPHINE DEVINE— English 1902-03 KATE GERTZ— Kindergarten 1902-03 HARRIET A. MOORE— Geography 1903-04 T. H. KIRK— Psychology and Pedagogy 1903-04 ELLEN MATTHEWS— Biology 1903-04 WILLARD S. SMALL, Supt. Training School— Psychology and Ped'gy. 1902-04 ELLA G. WOOD— English 1903- MARION C. WHIPPLE— English 1904 FRED. ALLISON HO WE— English 1904- T. R. CROSWELL, Supt. Training School— Pedagogy 1904-06 KATHERINE GILL— Reading 1904-06 FREDERICK H. BEALS— Physics 1904-06 LOYE HOLMES MILLER— Biology 1904- JESSIE B. ALLEN— Psychology 1904- *Deceased. 23 ISABEL C. FRENCH— Kindergarten 1904- ELIZABETH SULLIVAN— Psychology and Pedagogy 1904-05 WAYNE P. SMITH— History 1905- CHARLES W. KENT— Manual Training 1905- JOHN B. CLEVELAND— Mathematics 1906- LEWIS M. TERMAN— Psychology and Pedagogy 1906- ERNEST B. BABCOCK— Nature Study and Agriculture 1906- ALICE M. OSDEN— Reading 1906- NELLIE H. GERE— Drawing 1906- MRS. MARY ALLEN-GROVES— Music 1906-07 TEACHERS OF TRAINING SCHOOL OLIVE E. GIBSON. Principal 1882-83 MARTHA M. KNAPP (Principal after '83) 1882-91 MARGARET A. DESMOND 1882-86 ANNIE BOYER 1882-83 MARIA E. MURDOCK 1883-86 FRANCES QUESNAL-BYRAM (Principal after '91) 1886-1903 CLARA STOLTENBERG 1886-92 CARRIE REEVES 1891-1906 AGNES ELLIOTT 1892-97 MRS. ALBERTINA SMITH 1894- J. B. MONLUX 1894-96 ALICE GREGORY 1894-95 FRANCES HAWKS 1894-96 MRS. CLARA M. PRESTON 1894- KATE F. OSGOOD (Principal after 1903) 1894-96, 1903- MINNIE EAGAN 1896 MRS. MARY A. GORDAN 1895-96 LELIA BROUILLETTE 1896 FLORENCE POYAS 1895-96 GRACE BARNES— Kindergarten 1896-97 ALICE GRAY— Kindergarten 1896-97 MRS. EMMA EDWARDS 1897-1901 BERTHA M. ANDREWS— Kindergarten 1897-99 GERTRUDE LAWSON— Kindergarten 1899-1903 *MRS. KATE POLLANS 1902 HELEN MACKENZIE 1901- FRANCES BROWN 1902-03 M. BELLE STEVER 1905- ELIZABETH SULLIVAN 1903- GAIL HARRISON— Kindergarten 1903- MRS. BEATRICE C. PATTON 1906- SECRETARIES TO THE PRESIDENT MATTIE M. TOWNSEND 1897-1903 MARGARET O'DONOUGHUE 1903- *Deceased. 24 LIBRARIANS HARRIET E. DUNN (Teacher) 1884-1903 ELIZABETH FARGO (Assistant before 1903) 1900- LOUISE RHODABECK, Assistant 1903-04 MRS. JENNIE E. CONBOYE, Assistant 1905- HEAD EMPLOYES SINCE 1903 EDWIN P. CARR, Engineer and Mechanic 1894- THOMAS FARNHAM, Gardener 1894- J. C. MAJOR, Resident Janitor 1903- DIRECTORY OF THE ALUMNI OFFICERS FOR 1906-1907 MRS. MARY BABCOCK LAUBERSHEIMER, President, Class of '02. MISS BERTHA KNIGHT, Secretary, Class of -06. MISS RUTH B. ATHERTON, Treasurer, Class of '96. TRUSTEES Frank A. Bouelle, '93; W. W. Tritt, '93; Birney H. Donnell, '93. The Board of Trustees OF THE LOS ANGELES NORMAL SCHOOL JAMES N. GILLETT Governor of California Ex-Officio EDWARD HYATT Superintendent Public Instruction Ex-Officio JOHN WASSON Pomona LEWIS S. THORPE, M. D Los Angeles RICHARD MELROSE Anaheim GEORGE I. COCHRAN Los Angeles ALONZO B. CASS Los Angeles OFFICERS OF THE BOARD JOHN WASSON President J. F. MILLSPAUGH Secretary EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE JOHN WASSON RICHARD MELROSE LEWIS S. THORPE 25 Faculty For the Year 1906-07 J1-:S5I-: 1'. MILLSPAUGH, A. M., M. D., President. School Economj- and School Law. HARRIET E. DUXX. Secretarj- of Facultj'. *MAV A. EXGLISH, Chemistry and ]\Iathematics. JOSEPH I XE E. SEAMEX, Englisli. JAMES F. CHAMBERLAIX. Ed. B., B. S., Geography and Physiography. EVERETT SHEPARDSOX. A. M.. Supervisor of Training School. SARAH J. JACOBS, Director of Physical Training. JEXXIE HAGAX, Music. AGXES ELLIOTT. A. B., Historj'. JESSICA C. HAZZARD, Domestic Science and Domestic Art. ELLA G. WOOD, A. B.. English and French. FRED ALLISOX HOWE. LL. B., PH. D.. English. JESSIE B. ALLEX, PH. D., ■ Psj-chology. LOYE HOLMES MILLER, M.S., Biology and Xature Study. *Absent on leave. 26 WAYNE P. SMITH, PH. D., History and German. CHARLES W. KENT, B. S.. Manual Training. ERNEST B. BABCOCK, B. S., Elementary Agriculture and Museum. NELLIE H. GERE, Art. JOHN B. CLEVELAND, A. B., Mathematics. ALICE M. OSDEN, Reading. LEWIS M. TERMAN, PH. D., Child Study and Pedagogy. KINDERGARTEN TRAINING DEPARTMENT ISABEL FRENCH. Director. GAIL HARRISON, Assistant. TRAINING SCHOOL Training Teachers KATE F. OSGOOD, City Principal, CLARA M. PRESTON, HELEN C. MACKENZIE, ELIZABETH SULLIVAN, A. B., M. BELLE STEEVER, BEATRICE CHANDLER P.-\TTON, ED. B. MARGARET O'DONOUGHUE, Office Secretary. ELIZABETH H. FARGO, Librarian. JENNIE E. CONBOYE, Assistant Librarian. EDWIN P. CARR. Engineer. J. C- MAJOR, Head Janitor. THOMAS FARNHAM, Gardener. 27 Graduates CLASS OF JUNE, 1884 Present Years Name Address Occupation T'ch'ng Ball, Elma (Stuart) Pasadena 1 Ball, Hanna P. (Harris) .... Pasadena 1 Barkla, Laura ( Starr) Stephenville, Texas 8 Barrows, Ada F. (Weyse ) . . . 2359 Thompson St., L. A 1 Brousseau, Kate Craftonville, Cal T'ch'ng in col. . . 11 }/2 Chandler, Willard R Tropico, Cal Teaching 17J/2 Clark, Edwin 202 W. Ave. 53, L. A Trav. Salesman.. 12^ Devin, Minnie 830 S. Figueroa St., L. A 23 Dixon, Ella M. (Smith) 136 N. Daly St.. L. A Teaching 20 Fitzmeier, Nellie (Allender) . 1130 Ingraham St.. L. A Teaching 17 Getchell, Cora M. (Clifford) . Pasadena ' 13i^ Gilchrist, Sophia Deceased Lamb, Cora E 1047 E. 23rd. St.. L. A Teaching 22 Olsmstead, Vesta 4533 Marmion Way, L. A. . . .Teaching 18 Parmelee, Maria (Stewart) . .815 Stewart Ave., L. A 7 Quesnel, Fannie (Byram) . . . 1436 Valencia St., L. A Philanthropic work 19 Quinn, Eliza J El Monte, Cal Teaching 22 Reed, Elsie Riley, Spurgeon V 125 S. Ave. 63, L. A Physician 6 Stoltenberg, Clara Stanford University T'ch'ng in col. . .20 Verhave, Adeline Died Aug. 25, 1900 6 Wright. Fannie (Herrmann (.343 S. Olive St.. L. A 8 CLASS OF DECEMBER, 1884 Boley, Anna B. (Garner) .... San Bernardino. Cal 2'/2 Carver, Rosa Deceased Cowan, Mary E 824 W. 10th St., L. A 11 Curtis, Jennie L. (Throop) . .2322 Tobermann St.. L. A. . .Teaching 22 Dryden, Josephine 1071 W. Jefferson St., L. A. .Teaching 18 Fleishman, Emma (Felder). . Wilbur. Wash 9 Jessup, Emma (Poindexter) .2519 W. Pico St., L. .A Vz Lazard, Jeannette (Lewin) . .657 S. Westlake Ave., L. A Yt. McCormack, Ida M 325 W. 17th St., L. A Teaching 21 Rives, Logan Phoenix, Ariz Mining Eng 9 Rorick, Mabel (Marsh) 862 W. Washington St., L. A 15 Stewart. Mary E 912 E. 20th St., L. A 9 Stockton, Joanna (Willits) . . El Monte, Cal Teaching 6 Voight, Julius Died Sept.. 1886 1 Whitney, Alberta (Hinch- man) 433 Citizens Nat. Bank Bldg., L. A Stenographer ... 4 29 CLASS OF MAY, 1885 Barrows, Abby S Died July 26, 1893 2 Blakelcy, Eva Buckham, Mary H 1370 E. 16th St., L. A Teaching 18 Cowan, Portia (Riley) 125 S. Ave. 63, L. A 1 Desmond, Nora 909 Grattan St., L. A Photographer 12 Dranga, Amelia A Pittsburg, Penn Physician 12 Ellis, Florence A. (Bolla) ... Freeman, Georgia (Gate) Post grad., '91 ) Long Beach. Cal 6 Gower, Thomas C Phoenix, Ariz Gray, Alice C 3605 McClintock Ave., L. A.. Teaching 22 Hitchens, Lizzie Hobbs, Eugenie ' 1006 W. 23rd St., L. A 10 Huie, Ellen S Died Jan. 3, 1893 6 Mahar, John C Deceased Scott, Louise B. (Worth)... Santa Rosa, Cal 12 Sw^an, Helen E. (Wedgwood) Died May 28, 1888 1 Taylor, Chas. E. (Post grad., '91) Orange, Cal Teaching (H.S.).21 Walker, Mary E. (Lancaster). San Diego, Cal 1 Williams, Louise A 401 S. Hope St.. L. A Teaching 20 Wright, Wm. H San Gabriel, Cal CLASS OF DECEMBER, 1885 Atkinson, Carrie W 973 E. 33rd. St.. L. A Bookkeeper .... 1 1 Bailey, Ida M. (Malin) Hollywood, Cal Gushing, Alice J 2709 S. Grand Ave., L. A. . . .Teaching 19 Day, Olivia (Green) Oakland, Cal 12 Downing, Margie C 1515 Santee St., L. A Teaching 21 Fisk, Henry A San Francisco Preaching 2 Foy, Mary Emily Garvanza Sta., L. A 19 Gerry, Ellsworth Santa Paula, Cal Fruit grower .... 1 Gill, Jessie (Patten) Riverside, Cal Good, Ray (Sawtell) Visalia. Cal 7 Grow, Jessie C 1342 Wright St., L. A Teaching 17^ Hamilton, Emily J Alameda, Cal Teaching and writing 13j^ Hassler, Leonora ( Harper) . .2816 Hobart Blv'd, L. A 8>4 Haydock, Richard B Ventura, Cal City supt. schls . . 20 Huie, Lucy B. (Butcher) Died June 19, 1903 1 King. Corinne E. ( Wright j . . San Gabriel, Cal Morrison, Anna D. (Mc- Clatchey) Route 6, Los Angeles Horticulture 7 Plank, May Smith, Alice E. (Sanderson) . Died May 24, 1892 1 Smith, Mary E. (Woodruflf) . Grand Island, Neb 1 ^ Taylor, Fred W Died May 5, 1900 4 W'illiamson, Louise (Hutch- ison) The Palms, Cal 10 CLASS OF MAY, 1886 Bailey, Ella M Berkelev, Cal Teaching 21 Blake, Marian E. (Lotz) .... San Pedro, Cal 6^^ Califif, Emma N. (Post grad., ■91) 1939 Oxford Ave., L. A Teaching 20 Campbell, Peter C Deceased 30 >^onnor, Joseph D San Pedro. Cal Real estate 11 Dryden, Ada 1071 W. Jefferson St., L. A 9 Field, Helen H. (Harris) . . .2323 S. Hope St., L. A 2 Foster, Wm. A Long Beach, Cal Civil Eng 1 Gilbert, Sophie H. (Smith ) . . Ventura, Cal Grunsky, Clotilde A. (Fisk)..San Francisco Settlement work Yy^ Harrow, Frances X 920 Grattan St., L. A Teaching (H.S.).21 Henning, May J Ventura, Cal Teaching 20 Holladay, Wm. R 356 S. Spring St., L. A Dentist 6 Kellam, Edwd. R Pasadena, Cal Coal merchant . . Mcllmoil, Lucy L (Gordon) . Hawkinsville, Cal Teaching 19 .Mcllmoil, Wm. Henry Sisson, Cal Teaching 21 Mueller, Christine (Wal- denfens) 514 W. 20th St., L. A 18 Pease, Jessie F 957 S. Hoover St., L. A Pinkham, Lillian (Foster) . . . Long Beach, Cal Shrode, Viola (Norman) .... Santa Ana, Cal 7 Taft, Gertrude Chin Kiang, China Missionary CLASS OF DECEMBER, 1886 Baird, Lillian M. (Holmes) . . Baker, Mary M. (McGregory) Pasadena, Cal 12 Bryan, Marg't H. (Laidley) Orange, Cal 85^ Crowley, Frances .a. (Han- non) El Monte, Cal 3j^ Ellis, Josephine Grant, Lucy Maude Salt Lake City 2^ Guidinger, August M Santa Monica, Cal Undertaker 3 Haizlip, Alary E. (Caldwell).2607 Darwin Ave., L. A 5 Henderson, Elizabeth C. (Stephens) Kercheval, Venia A Los Angeles, Cal King, Alary F Los Angeles, Cal Teaching 20 McFadden, Isabel 812 Stewart St., L. A Teaching l^V^ Pallett, Martha A. (Carter) . . North Bloomfield, Cal 2 Perry, Mary H Reese, Elizabeth E. (Ludwig) 1951 Magnolia Ave., L. A 1 Swan, Mary C. (Stephens) . . 376 S. Bonnie Brae St., L. A 35/2 Taylor, Harriet (Hayes) .... Poplar Bluff, Mo 13^/2 Tombes, Aura C Placentia, Cal Vickery, Dora C. (Call) 1033 Beacon St., L. A Walker, James L Lindsay, Ind. Ter Hardware Mcht. 2 CLASS OF JUNE, 1887 Bergman, Caroline Bowles, Hattie H Santa Monica Teaching X'iVz Bryan, Luella H 466 E. 32nd St., L. A Wz Clark, Maggie S Desmond, Kate 909 Grattan St., L. .\ Teaching 15 Granet, Emma M. (Young).. Hall, Emma F. (Guidinger), . Santa Monica, Cal 4 Hawks, Franc (Weldon) .... San Pedro, Cal 14^/^ Huff, Fannie O. (Pann) Santa Ana, R. F. D. 5 11 Jepson, Ralph W Montalvo, Cal Teaching 9 Lightner, Mollie 2109 Toberman St.. L. A.. ..Teaching 19 McDonald, Mary ( Parker) . . Orange, Cal 8 Montgomery, Ella J. (Guth- Moody, Mary's.' (Bridge) '. ^ ^Died Jan. 1. 1896 5 Morgan, Ella (Stradley) .... Died June 26, 1905 4 Oliver, Elizabeth B 621 W\ 4th St., L. A 31 Pallett, Josephine La Cruz, Argentina, S. A 1 Penman, Mary N. (Moll) . . . Hollywood, Cal Reeves, Alice (Reynolds ) ... 71 1 N. Bunker Hill, L. A 16 Rennie, Mary H. (Frick) . . . .Ottawa and Georgia Sts., L. A 3l4 Reynolds, Emily B. (James) . Bristol, England Walker, Clara M 1469 E. 21st St.. L. A Teaching 17 Walton, Carrie A. (Seymore) 1249 W. 8th St., L. A Way, Amy M. (Wilson) Long Beach, Cal 7 Williams. Trva L (Swanner) . Santa Ana. Cal 5 Wright, John E Whitticr, Cal Teaching 20 Wolfe, Oona (Ludekins) . . ..4312 S. Flower St., L. A 10 Whitcomb, Jennie A. (Jolm- ston) 1714 Harvard Blvd., L. A 2 CLASS OF DECEMBER, 1887 Campbell, Laura J. (Gleaves)546 S. Grand Ave., L. A 19 Cowan. Estelle 824 W. 10th St., L. A Teaching 18^ Hamilton, .\nnette (Conk- ling) 622-23 Bryson Bldg., L. A 3-^ Hastings, Mary A 231 X. Ave. 25. L. A Teaching 18 Houghton, Clara H Hynes, Cal Teaching 16 Miles, Maud (Owings) 1619 Burlington Ave., L. A.. Teaching 13 Milncr, Louise r . ( Alton ) . . . San Mateo, Cal Montague, Mabel B. (Miller). 122 E. 28th St., L. A Copyist Morton, L u c r e t i a B. (Stearns) Ocean Park, Cal 3^ Niper, Andrew S Died 1893 S Pendleton, Matthew R Downey, Cal Teaching 17^ Shirley, Henry T Died May. 1905 5 Sullivan. Helen Hollywood, Cal Teaching 17 CLASS OF JUNE, 1888 Adams, Matilda F Benedict Marg't L. Hamil- ton) Norwalk, Cal 5 Cromer, Florence M. (Cole- man) Palo Alto, Cal 10 Fitzmier, Bertha F 1130 Ingraham St., L. A ... .Teaching 17 Hanlon, Annie R 1328 S. Hope St., L. A Teaching 19 Hays, Fannie M 1320 E. 21st St., L. A Teaching 18 Hutchinson, Mary 1 127 E. Ave. 41, L. A Teaching 19 Laubersheimer, Lillian L. (Cary) 2116 Thompson St.. L. .\ 4 Mueller, Caroline A. (Berk- lein) Hollywood, Cal 5 Myers, Julia A San Bernardino, Cal Teaching 18 Patten, Estelle (Meisen) .... Banning, Cal Art teacher 5 Porter, Wilmattie (Cockwcll) Boulder, Colo Teaching IS Rawson, Flora (Stephens ) . . 1108 W. 27th St., L. A 1 Reavis, Nancy E 1407 Sunset Blvd., L. A 15 Reeves, Carrie (Slayden ) . . . . 4543 Pasadena Ave., L. A 18 Reilly, Hattie V. (Wood ) . . . Santa Barbara, Cal 1 1^ Reilly, George A Ventura, Cal Farming 3 J/2 Stark, Frances (Packard) . . . Bakersfield, Cal 2 Stoermer, Rosella 421 E. 4th St.. L. .-^ Teaching 11 Stoltenberg, Ella L 210 S. Workman St., L. A. ..Teaching 15 Weir, Anna (Shryock) Santa Susana, Cal 7 Wiseman, Albertina (Smith).621 W. 4th St.. L. .A Teaching 17'^ 32 CLASS OF DECEMBER. 1888 Boquist, Laura L. (Tritt) . . .1841 Cimarron St., L. A 8 Cnopius, Gertrude M Santa Rosa, Cal Cummings, M. Elessie Davidson. Nellie L. (Hof- man) Upland, Cal 2i/2 Davidson, Susie S. (Hatfield). Fresno, Cal 5 Egan, May (Casey) 126 N. Ann St., L. A 17 Elliott, Agnes Pasadena, Cal Teaching (N.S.).14i^ Foss, C. Louise (Brockway) . Hollywood, Cal 6 Frazee, Susan I Pasadena, Cal Teaching (H.S.).14^ Laventhal, Sarah (Stern) .... Hollywood, Cal 2^2, Lazard, Rosalie (Louis) Died March 2, 1902 5 Marden, Lulla A. (Bullis) . . .Tropico, Cal 8 Melvin, Dolly B Danisville, Cal Paine, Winifred M Redlands, Cal Patterson, Ida AL (Kimbell). Riverside, Cal Teaching 8 Roberts, Sherman A Spalding, Cal Real estate 9 Rowan, Alice A. (Johnson ) . . Riverside, Cal Teaching music . 4 Rubottom, Jessie F. (Cud- deback) 824 W. 38th St., L. A 14 Skilling, Wm. T. (Post grad., '90) San Diego, Cal Teaching N. S. . . 11 Smith, Mary E. (Boone) . . . .Upland, Cal 4 Snook, Lulu M. (Firey) Pomona 5^ Stock, Alda (Conklin) Santa Barbara. R. F. D. 1 5 Taylor, H. Mary Thompson. Martha K. (Crable) 946 Dowey Ave.. L. A 2Vi Van Gorder, Arthur G Berkeley, Cal Real estate 18 Wertz, Dora (Beswick) Santa Ana, Cal 10 CLASS OF JUNE, 1889 Barraclough, Nellie A Oakland, Cal Teaching 14 Barron, Emma Compton. Cal Student of Osteopathy. . .13^ Billings, Fred N. (Post grad.. "90) Baton Rouge, La Teaching (La. Univ.) 8 Blakelev, Agnes ]\I. (Fred- ericks') 258 N. Union Ave.. L. A 8 Brown, Medora L. (Baker). . Ocean Park. Cal Teaching 7 Butterworth. Edwd. S 713 W. 32nd St.. L. A Real estate 1 Chambers, Jennie 2649 Sichel St., L. A 5 Corder, Lena E. (Post grad., '90) San Diego, Cal 3 Cox, Fannie (Westgate) .... Santa Ana. Cal.. R. F. 2 Cummins, Maggie R. (Raw- lings) Tustin. Cal 2 Davis. Angenette (Levering )Cebu. P. 1 10 Farnsworth, Angle Seattle, Wash Salvation Army Freeman, Hattie (Hollings- worth) Norwalk, Cal Teaching 12 Gregory. Pliny E. Pasadena, Cal 2 Hahn, Emma L. (Cowan) . . .Deceased Hays. Mary L. (Johnson) . . .Died March 22, 1903 Hazzard. Fred A Whittier, Cal Mining Eng. ... 14 Huey, Chas. J Johnston. Nettie E. (Tighe) . Fillmore, Cal 10 Kane. Ella H Died January 13, 1905 14 King, May 11 57'/- S. Grand Ave., L. A . . Teaching 18 33 King, Myra 127 E. Ave. 41, L. A Teaching 16 Maciden, Mrs. Kate L 101 Boyle Ave., L. A Teaching 18 Miner, Adelaide M San Bernardino. Cal Teaching (H.S.). 14 Reynolds, Annie 251 E. 31st St., L. A Teaching 18 Sheldon, Albert N Berkeley, Cal Teaching 16 Stout, Minnie L \l57y2 S. Grand Ave., L. A.. Teaching 14 Sutton, John R Oakland, Cal Teaching H. S. . .14 Taylor, Minnie San Francisco Teaching Jap. Home 6y2 Thorpe, Lev^ris S. (Post grad., '91) Covina, Cal T'liysician 7 Williams, Ada (Gains) Long Beach. Cal CLASS OF DECEMBER, 1889 Badham, Frank Died April 2. 1894 Vz Boquish, Harriet B. (Bow- ker) Prospect Park. Cal l/z Cox, Bessie M 15j^ Cox, Millie M Santa Cruz, Cal Eells, Georgia Died Aug. 28, 1904 13 Gearhardt. Jessie 1913 S. Union Ave., L. A . . . .Teaching 15 Gerry, Edmund Ventura, Cal Farming 5 Gould, Annie Pomona, Cal Teaching 11 Haas, Clara J 902 E. 14th St., L. A Teaching 17 Johnston, Cora D. (Hargitt).Nor\valk, Cal Teaching 2 Jones, Dora A. (Blacking- ton) El Centro, Cal 8^2 Tones, Melvania A. (Merrill). Lancaster. N. H 13 'Mcllmoil. Alpha O. (Hughes)505 Wall St., L. A 3 McPherson, Clara (Jones) . . El Modena 5y2 Peter, Alary E. (Cox) City of Mexico 11 Robinson, Ida E Pasadena, Cal Teaching 16 Sheldon, W. A Azusa. Cal Teaching (H.S.).15 Squires, Julia F. (Warren) . . Olive, Cal CLASS OF JUNE, 1890 Alexander, Mary B. (Spald- ing) Rivera, Cal . . 7 Allen, Lulu (Banta) Barton, Cora E. (Mclntyre) . Pasadena, Cal 4 Blanchard, J. Maud 621 W. 4th St., L. A Teaching (H.S.). 13 Blanford, Carrie M 217 W^ 30th St., L. A Teaching 17 Bray, Mary C. (Pollard) .... Yxytapalapa, Mex 10 Brownsill, M. Olive Berkeley, Cal Teaching (H.S.). 13 Caruthers. Mattie (McClure)Glendale, Cal 13^ Clark. Edith M. (Cheatham). East Las Vegas, N. M 3 Clough. Gertrude (Smither)..1500 W .Adams, L. A 1 Coleman. S. Ellsworth Oakland, Cal Teaching (H.S.).13 Gooch, Emma J. (Harris) . . . Covina, Cal 12^ Goodrich, Washington S. . . .Waterman, Cal Teaching 11 Hartzell, Carrie L. (Cadwell) Redlands, Cal 6 Higgins, Kate C. (Rovvell) . .Santa Barbara, Cal Teaching 10 Kerlin, Ada M 820 Bartlett St., L. A Teaching 17 Kincaid. Alice L Lang. Mary A San Francisco Teaching 16 Lee. Eldora LeVan. Mary E 7th and Hope Sts., L. A ... .Teaching 15 Long. Lola N Died June 10. 1906 2^ Longley, Florence M 1119 Arapahoe St., L. A. .. .Teaching 13 Massey, Clara L. (Billings).. Baton Rouge, La 3 34 McAnany, Philip Slauson & Xormanclie Sts., ^^ ^, . ^ ^ , L. A Mgr. of estate ..10 McClain, Kmma C. ( w allace) Santa Ana, Cal 5 McXoah, Grace Shores, Mary E. (Allen; .... Fatgietowst, Transvaal li^ Skilling, Chauncey F 1803 Cimarron St., L. A. Architect Tevis, Julia E Died Feb. 20, 1893 3 Wood, Ella G Pasadena Teaching (N.S.). 12 Yoder, Joseph P 1113 Elden Ave., L. A Teaching 16 POST GRADUATE CLASS OF JUNE, 1890 Billings, Fred H See June, '89 Corder, Lena E See June, '89 Skilling, Wm. F See Dec, '88 Wambold, Kate C Seoul, Korea Foreign Mis- sionary CLASS OF DECEMBER, 1890 Baca, Ysabel V. (Garcia) .... Bateman, Victoria (Stearns). 419 S. Grand Ave., L. A 6 Cockefair, Ellen A Decato, Cal Teaching 13 Crable, Jennie O. (Doe) .... Phillipsburg, Mont 5 Egan, Minnie E. (Aierrill) . . .Spadra, Cal Teaching 17 Fisher, Jessie A Gourley, Jennie F. (Scott) . . Alameda, Cal 3 Haddock. Cora B. (Burrows) Riverside, Cal 4 Healy. Clara M. (Harding) ..724 Beacon St.. L. A Teaching SVz Hill, Chas. C Palo Alto, Cal Sutp. city schls . . 7 Irvine, Agnes M Deceased Jones, Carrie R. (Smith) .... Santa Ana, Cal 3 Keith. Lou J. (Smith) Walla Walla, Wash Farming 6^ Knoch, Charlotte A Pasadena Teaching 14 Ledhetter. Delia E.(Wiebers) Levering, Noah Lee Redlands, Cal Stationer 7 AIcFadden, Effie B San Francisco Teaching (N.S.).ll }'^ Miller, Chas. M 512 S. Boyle Ave., L. A Teaching (Man- ual Training) . 16 Xewcombe. Virginia F. (RowlejO Sunland, Cal 1 Potter, Ruth M. (Townsend)1118 Santee St., L. A Secretary Prior, Eleanor A. (Filley) . . Hartford, Conn 3 Sheldon, Jennie M. (Gerry) .Ventura, Cal 3 Skilling. Robt. P 1803 Cimarron St.. L. A Musical director. 5 Skofstad. Ada E 936 Wall St.. L. A Teaching 15 Smith, Clara H Nordhoff, Cal Teaching 13 Sovereign, Emma (Peach) . . Sintaluta, Canada 3^^ Stansbury, F. May 1052 Florida St.. L. A Teaching 15 White, Mamie G Garvanza Sta., L. A Teaching 15 CLASS OF JUNE, 1891 Boyle, Maud Monrovia, Cal Teaching 16 Boynton, Mary D. (Dozier).952 Bonnie Brae, L. A 5i/2 Brooks, Imelda Pasadena Teaching 14 Byrne, Josie A Case, Mary E. (Durant) . . . .1007 Orange St.. L. A 2 Cobb, M. Grace (Farley) . . . Berkeley 7 Coryell, Fred C 225 W. Ave. 53. L. A Fruit Dealer. . . . 2 Coulter, R. Theodore Died Dec. 4, 1896 1 Cowan, Rosalia E 824 W. 10th St.. L. A 15 35 Davis, N. Louise (Van Cleve) 743 Bryan St., L. A 8 Ensign, Josephine (Rey- nolds) San Francisco 8 Fleishman, Helma (Katz) . . . Azusa, Cal 11 Foster, May Downey, Cal Teaching 15 Gearhart, l'>ances 11 Pasadena, Cal Teaching (H.S.).l 1 Gearhart, May Pasadena, Cal Supervisor of Drawing 13 Goodrich, S. Alice D Orange, Cal Teaching 12 Hanlon, Harriet 1328 S. Hope St., L. A Teaching 16 Harris, Caroline E Pasadena Teaching 3>4 Jamison, Rachel H 5226 Monte Vista St., L. A.. Teaching 16 Johnson, Olive L. (Mc- Donald) Chatsworth, Cal Teaching 11 Johnson, S. Emma VVeldon, Cal Teaching 16 Jordan, Minnie Evangeline. .1225 Westlake Ave., L. A. . . .Dentist 12 Kellogg, Edith M. (Whit- worth) Sierra Madre, Cal .' 2 Kelsey, Mary E. (Bruce) ... 1623 Reid St., L. A 14 Kclsey. Sarah A. (Reppy) . . Ventura, Cal 10 McCoy, Jessie A. (Peck) . . . .Westminster, Cal ._. . Mcrritt, Cora B. (Polhamus). Santa Monica, Cal 5 Meyer, Amanda (Peck) Palmer, Luella Redlands, Cal Teaching 16 Pease, H. Mabel Deceased Perkins, Helen ]M Petaluma, Cal Teaching (H.S.).12 Pierpont, M. Olive Santa Barbara, R. F. D. 1 . . . .Teaching ?•/ Polhamus, Lena (Crouse) . . . San Diego, Cal 10 Prentiss, Sarah L Ontario, Cal Teaching 7 Quinn, Ada M. (Brasher) ... 1515 Vermont Ave.. L. A Student of Medicine 4 Stearns, Wm. H "The Granada." L. A Physician 5 Stein, Fred W Alhambra, Cal Newspaper wrk.. 11 J^ Tarr, Lewis R San Pedro, Cal Teaching 12i/^ Taylor, Nellie J. (Cole) Burbank, Cal 8 Van Slyck, Josephine C. (Thorn) Utica, N. Y 3^ Wallace, Belle 1224 W. 8th St.. L. A Teaching 16 Wright, Ina (Hanson) Santa Cruz, Cal 7 Young, Agnes L. (Fowler) . .669 New Hampshire St., L. A 1^ POST GRADUATE CLASS OF JUNE, 1891 Califf. Emma V See May, '86 Freeman, Georgia M See May, '85 Taylor. Charles E See May, '85 Thorpe. Lewis S See June, '89 CLASS OF DECEMBER, 1891 Batchelder. Lizzie E Pasadena, Cal Teaching 13 Boor. Emma Died Nov. 10, 1900 7"^ Clark, Katherine A 719 N. Bunker Hill, L. A. .. .Teaching... .. ..15 Cole, Althea M. (Grannis) . . Died Dec. 1, 1904 2 Doss, Mabel F 1749 W. 24th St., L. A Teaching 14 King, Netta M. (McCann) . . Teinstin, China Missionary 6 Starbird. Fannie P Deceased CLASS OF JUNE, 1892 Arnold, Carrie M Deceased Brown, Maggie Died in 1892 36 Campbell, Minnie (Wright) . Whittier, Cal 9 Chamberlain, Bertha (Mul- cahy) San Jose, Cal 8 Clarke, Mattie 918 W. 6th St., L. A Teaching 13 Clarke, E. Louise (Clark). . .1437 Winfield St., L. A 8 Conkling, Harriet H Pasadena, Cal Teaching 14 Cook, Annice 651 Echandia St., L. A Teaching 13 Cook, Marian (Knight) . . . . Azusa, Cal 12 Davis, Nellie 1102 S. Olive St., L. A Teaching J5 Dexter, Yetta V. (.Anson ) . . . Monrovia, Cal 13 Dickson, Sadie (Anderson ) . . Redondo, Cal 2^/2 Dolland, Edwd 1100 Kensington Road, L. A. Teaching 15 Donnell, Wm. Wendell 6312 Pasadena Ave., L. A. ... Oil business. .. . 4 Durham, Robt. L San Francsico, Cal Real estate 12 Ent, Wm. N San Luis Obispo. Cal Real estate 3 Field, Edith H. (Rivers).. .1348 W. 6th St., L. A 4^ Finch, Eleanor G. (Thomp- son) Finch, Eunice M 1146^ S. Flower St.. L. A. . .Teaching 14 Fox, Jeannette 1505 Temple St., L. A Teaching 13 Griswold, Eva Chicago Teaching 1 1 >4 Halvorsen, C. Marie Pasadena Teaching 14 Hard, Florence E. (Lowell). Caldwell, Idaho 6 Harris, Bessie S. (Farley) .. Vancouver, B. C 8 Hassheider, Lizzie F. (Gloege) 1646 Shatto St., L. A 4 Haughawout, E m m a E. (Graham) Elsinore. Cal 9 Holmes, Anna L Holmes, Carrie L. (Tuthill) . Corona, Cal Howes, Flora G. (Farwell) . .2920 S. Figueroa St., L .A Howlett, Maud P. (Carr) ... Anaheim Teaching 15 Johnston, Mary E Died Sept. 19, 1897. .. 4 Keiller, Annie B San Diego, Cal Teaching 15 Kerr, Henry Norwalk, Cal Teaching (H.S.).ll J4 Knall, Ida M Paris, France Teaching 12 Lent, Mabelle L Lillie, Emma E 1515 Maple Ave., L. A Teaching 14 Lord, Mira (Oser) New Orleans l],^ Lum, Cora E Maitland, Mary F 946 Grand View St., L. A. . . .Teaching 13 McCoy, Mary S. (Peck) .... Westminster, Cal Teaching 15 Monroe, Geo. W Whittier Principal H. S. . . 12 Morgan, Linella (McGee) . . . 534 Towne Ave., L. A 8 Nauerth, Regina 1615 W. 10th St Neibel, Etta V Pasadena, Cal Noble, Annie R 809 E. Washington. L. A.. ..Teaching 12 Overman, Mary G. (Johnson) Deceased Pepper, Sadie T 847 S. Flower St., L. A Teaching 12 Porter, Burnev 2331 Thompson St.. L. A . . . . Teaching 14 Preston, Mrs.'Clara M 1521 W. Pico, L. A Teaching 14 Price, Stella (Vaile) Oak Park. Chicago 5 Putnam, Sarah L St. Paul Minn Teaching 12 Rannells, Clara C. (Wallace). Tepic, Mexico 3^ Reavis, Cora A 1407 Sunset Blvd., L. A Teaching 14 Robertson, Clara L. (Cooper) Riverside, Cal., R. F. D. 1 9 Rockwood, Eva A. (George) Hyde Park. Cal 2 Scull, Carrie B Santa Barbara. Cal Student (Stan- ford) 13 St. Clair, Nellie J. (Williams)417 S. Alvarado St., L. A 9 Taylor, M. Emma (Odell) . . Tucson, Ariz 14 Thomas, Hadassah (Kinney)972 Magnolia Ave., L. A 3 Thompson, Mary E Pasadena Teaching 15 37 215844 Ticknor, Gertrude E Los Angeles Teaching 11 Tritt, Pearle (Le Gore) 1716 3rd Ave., L. A 2 Tyler, Mrs. Rosa M. (Shaug) Sheep Ranch, Gal 10 Waglie, Emma Santa Monica Teaching 2 Wallace, Agnes M 1224 W. 9th St., L. A Teaching Uj^ Welte, Henrietta (Waters) . . Hynes, Cal 5 Williams, Annie F. (Moore) .Lompoc. Gal Williamson, Lillian A Hollywood, Gal Teaching 12 Williamson, Virginia B. (Bradley) 2920 Wilshire Blvd., L. A 1 Wylie, Jennie B. (Webb) ... 1961 Michigan Ave.. L. A . . .11 Young, Stella E. (Hender- son) Berkeley, Gal 6 CLASSES OF YEAR ENDING JUNE, 1893 Adams, Mary A Long Beach, Gal Teaching 14 Ambrose, Mira (Taylor) .... San Pedro, Gal 2 Ardito, Isabel F. (Vignolo) ..1353 Bellevuc Ave., L. A UJ^ Bagley, Gora M. (Freeman ) .1229 W. 23rd St., L. A Teaching 12i^ Bailey, Kate Long Beach, Gal Teaching 14 Ball, Isabel (Bunker) Died Jan., 1906 10 Beach, Aura M. (Griffith) .. .Died Alarch, 1904 .0 Berkeley, Mary E. (Bowman) National Gity, Gal .8 Bosley, Grace E. (Ashlev) . .2706 La Salle Ave., L. A 1 Bouelle, Frank A 2367 W. 22nd St., L. A Teaching 14 Bowen, Margaret R Santa Ana, Gal Teaching 14 Browning, ]\Liry Leona Ghatsworth, Gal Teaching 12^ Bunker Frank F Seattle, Wash Asst. supt. schls. 10 Butler, Louise M. (White) . .3051 Inez St., L. A 6^^ Ghamplin, Anna B 1153 Westlake Ave., L. A... Teaching 13 Gharest, Mina M. (Brown) . .U. S. Navy (Ghaplain's wife) Cole, Eva H Santa Ana, Gal Teaching 14 Gollingridge, M. Edith (Shep- ard) Gompton, Gal .... 5 Grise, Vivienne (Halliday) . . Escondido, Gal 8 Guflf, Emily K San Diego . . Teaching 8 Daniels, Agnes E Pasadena Teaching 12 Daniels, Esther G. (Turner) .Pasadena Teaching 5 Devin, Alice G Died April 25, 1895 Vi Dilworth, Anna M Pasadena, Gal 13 Donnell, Birney. H 6312 Pasadena Ave., L. A. . .Teaching (H.S.). 9 Dudley, Irene R. (Phillips) . Pomona 4 Etchemendy, Garoline 237 N. Hope St., L. A 3 Everett, Angeline G. (Gourt- ney) Orange, R. F. D. 1 2 Everett, Arthur W Riverside, R. F. D. 1 Teaching 13 Fleisher, Garrie A. (Walker). Long Beach, Gal Eraser, Ada I Fuller, Grace N Azusa, Gal Teaching 14 Fushia, Agnes Gardiner, Emily J 2716 S. Grand Ave., L. A Gray, Kate L Nordhoff, Gal Teaching 10 Hartley, Delia A. (Stevens) . San Diego 7 Hartley, Marv G 1331 E. 21st St., L. A Teaching 8^ Hitt, Edith A Died April 4th, 1897 2 Hood, Rebecca (Gurtner) . . . Victor, Gal Johnson, Myrtle E Ghula Vista, Gal 2 Johnston, Grace Pomona, Gal Teaching 11 Jones, Emeline Pasadena Nursing 1 Kellogg. Garrie A. (Bird) . . . Los Angeles, R. F. D. 6 2 Klatte, Henrietta 38 Lang, Ellen F 637 E. 27th St., L. A Teaching 10 Latta, Louise (Johnson) ... Dawson, Alaska Logie, Bertha (Hilliker) 420 N. Broadway, L. A ^ ^4 Lopez, Jesusita F Deceased McDowell, Irene (Mofifatt) . Lyonsville, Cal ...2 McKenzie, Belle Columbia, Cal Teaching 12 McLellan, Lola D. (Heltle- man) Seattle, Wash Meskimons, James R Reno, Nev Civil and mining engineer 6 Mock, Nannie E Pomona, Cal Teaching 13 Moores, Edna L 738 Georgia St., L. A Teaching 13 Mosher, Herbert C Berkeley, Cal Oil merchant .... 6 Mosher, James W Berkeley, Cal Oil merchant .... 6 Nevell, Ella M 1041 Sunset Blvd., L. A Teaching 14 New-man, Addie Norton, Gertrude R Auburn, Cal Oliver, Myrtle G. (Stein) . . . Alhambra, Cal 5 Pepper, Lizzie N 847 S. Flower St., L. A Teaching Uy^ Pratt, Abbie L. (Kettering) . .Died May 8, 1904 10 Quinn, Lili C. (Thorpe) .... Eureka, Cal 2 Richmond, Adah 1408i^ S. Figueroa St., L. A. Teaching 13 Robinson, Mabel (Arkills) . . Globe, Ariz 6 Rowell, Clara M L. A. Pub. Library Asst. Pub. Li- brary 2 Sabine, Agnes G 858 S. Hill St., L. A Teaching 13 Sayre, Ludema 1235 E. 21st St., L. A Sec. Y. W. C. A..13 Schwannecke, Antoine A. (Fullerton) Copyist 6 Sexton, Mary G 836 W. 38th St., L. A Teaching 12j^ Smith, Carrie E. (Rea) Nipoma, Cal 4 Smith, F. Leora Squires, Marie L. (Carpenter)Orange, Cal Steele, Mattie L. . . . .^ 6012 Hayes Ave., L. A Teaching 13 Taylor, Harriet E. (Neeley) Duarte, Cal 11 Teahan, Kate E 1939 Bonsallo Ave., L. A. . . .Teaching 13 Thorpe, Helena B. (Riche) Echo, La 4 Thorpe, Virginia R. (Dun- nigan) 511 E. Ave. 28, L. A 5 Townsend, Belle (Covert) . . Long Beach, Cal 5 Tritt, Wiliam W 1841 Cimarron St., L. A Teaching 13 Van Slyck, Marion Albany, N. Y Teaching 12 Voester, Louisa F. (McDon- ald) 1164 VV. 37th St., L. A 3 Watson, Floyd R Urbana, 111 Teaching (Univ.) 3^ Way, Ava K. (Griswold) .... Covina, Cal 5 Whitehead, Sarah A. (Bick- nell) Mentone, Cal Teaching 10 Williams, Flo-ence V. (Con- nor) Round Valley, Cal 9 Young, Gertrude Died Feb. 25, 1897 1 Ziegler, Carrie D. (Walker) Long Beach, Cal 2 CLASSES OF YEAR ENDING JUNE, 1894 Abrams, George D Adams, Ella A. (Bulpitt) .... Bishop, Cal 9 Adams, Laura S. (Sheldon) Crescent City, Cal Alexander, Josephine Anderson, Grace 126 W. 27th St., L. A Teaching 12^ Armstrong, Jeannette (De- Garmo 1671 Church St., L. A 5 39 Baker, Anne M. (McDon- ald) Altadena, Cal Barden, Estelle J. ( Watson) Urbana, 111 4 Bethune, Isabel 1021 N. Bonnie Brae St., L. A.Teacbing 11 Bird, Richard N Los Angeles, Route 6 Teaching 12 Bradley, Helen A. (Negus) Lompoc, Cal 7 Brand, Joseph Everett Died April 12, 1903 4 Buckham, Emilv A. (Neece) Long Beacli, Cal 4j/2 Carrick, Ida E 2709 S. Grand Ave.. L. A . . . .Teaching 12 Carter, Brancie (Stevens) Santa BarJjara 2 Carter, Gussie Santa Barbara 4 Chase, Anna E San Francisco State Sec.W. C. T. U 7 Chilton, Orabel Santa Ana 12 Coleman, Adah Z. (Wick- ersham) Died Jan. 29, 1901 3 Colgan, Mary L. (^iIcLaugh- lin) 1471 W. 27th St., L. A 4 Cooper, Belle 2321 S. Flower St., L. A ... .Teaching (H.S.). 9 Craw, Lulu E. (Main) Corona, Cal Teaching 11 Depue, Eva M. (Selby) 2139 Ivens Ave., L. A 7 Downing, Nannie H 1515 Santee St., L. A Teaching 9 Field, Lizzie M 401 W. 22nd St., L. A Teaching 13 Flood, Helena F. (Smith) Pomona, Cal 1 Folsom, Marian (Wallace) Portland, Oregon Fox, Charles J 1505 Temple St., L. A Teaching 12 Fraisher, Robert L San Fernando, Cal Teaching (H.S.).12 Hall, Mary E Santa Ana, Cal Teaching II1/2 Hartley, May (Barclay).... Hawkins, Jessie E Norwalk, Cal Teaching 12 Hess, Henry J Huber, Lulu (Francis) 1932 Hobart Blvd., L. A Huyck, Myrtella Johnson, Amanda N Killifer, Lydia Orange, Cal Teaching 12 King, Musedora Lindley, Vesta Died Aug. 3, 1905 7 Matthewson, Christina J. (Shults) 2100 La Salle Ave.. L. A 3^ May, Mattie (Talbott) Tipton. Cal Teaching 4 McCaldin, Alice G McDowell, A. Maude McEuen, Minnie (Meyer) ... 150 5th Ave., N. Y 6 McFadden, Lizzie Santa Ana, Cal Teaching 81/2 McKusick, Maud A. (Jud- son) Whittier, Cal Teaching 5^^ Milner, Elsa E 717 W. Washington St., L. A. Student (Rad- clifife) 1 Moore, Jessie Alhambra, Cal Teaching (H.S.) Nevell, Rosa J. (Burns )... .480 Centennial St., L. A 2^ Newkirk, Lizzie G 719 Rampart St., L. A Teaching 12^ Nichols, Elmer E Berkeley, Cal Lawyer 8 Norton, Esther F 2225 W. 15th St., L. A 5y2 Norton, Mina A Peckham, Sophronia F 1515 W. 29th St.. L. A Teaching 11 Porter, Roy 1044 E. 20th St.. L. A Teaching 12^ Reece, Hattie M. (Schutte) . . Carlsbad, Cal 10^ Reeves, Daisy Cora Chicago, 111 Teaching (H.S.). 4 Reid, Vada (Wilson) Des Moines, la 5^ Schopbach, Flora (Barnett) 2802 Halldale Ave., L. A Schroeter, Clara (Twiss) 624 Towne Ave.. L. A Shelden. George M Crescent City, Cal Teaching (H.S.) Small, Myrtle E Glendale, Cal Teaching 12 40 Smith, Bettie E. (Cashoii) Martin, Tenn 8 Smith, Mrs. Clara Estelle B.. Hotel Leighton, L. A Teaching 12^ Stedman, Lulu M 1119 W. 17th St., L. A lli^ Stone, Carrie B Sullivan, Annie C Hollywood, Cal Teaching 10^ Swain, Mary E. (Garrett) . . . Santa Ana, Cal 6 Thompson, Jessie L Huntington Beach, Cal Teaching 13 Thompson, Susie I San Bernardino Teaching 10 Vaughan, Edwin L 1311 Ingraham St., L. A. ...Physician Vinyard, Helen P. (Peas- ley) 673 S. Bonnie Brae, L. A 2i^ Walkem, Sarah J 1244 Santa Monica Ave., L. A. .Teaching 12 Weil, Adele 1606 Toberman St., L. A 10 Woodcock, Agnes R Woodford, Kate L Honolulu, T. H Teaching 9 Young, Roy J Berkeley . Real estate 9 CLASSES OF 1895 Abbott, Mary V 1111 S. Union Ave., L. A . . ..Teaching 8^ Backus, Viola K 512 S. Fremont Ave., L. A 9 Barber, Letta 1424 Newton St., L. A Teaching 12 Barrett, Gertrude M Beckley, Charlotte (Cush- man) Del Sur, Cal 5 Bennett, Grace V. (Wil- lard) Beswick, Benjamin F Santa Ana, Cal Teaching 12 Bixby, Alice M. (Close) Pomona, Cal 1 Boutell, Clara E. (Merrill) . . 1372 E. 22nd St., L. A Brown, Aline (Benedict).. ..1739 Church St., L. A 5 Cass, Cora (Packard) 118 W. Ave. 56, L. A 2 Casteel, Luella (Wadsworth)322 S. Ave. 21, L. A Catey, Minnie L Compton, Cal Teaching 11 Catey, George W New York City Supt. water supply 2 Clarke, Kate Augusta Conaway, Grace A. (Louth- ian) 1031 Everett St., L. A Teachin.g 6 Cook, Jeanne H. (Woolsey) 1446 Constance St., L. A 2^ Couchman, Harry H 626 Towne Ave., L. A Teaching 11 Crandall, Rosa M. (Wilson) San Bernardino 7 Curtin, Louisa K 937 Francisco St., L. A Teaching 11 Cutler, Elsie D. (Tweedy) Rivera, Cal Teaching 4 Dimock, Helen Orange, Cal Teaching 10 Eberle, Edith F Santa Barbara, Cal Teaching 8 Fanning, Frank F Glendora, Cal Teaching 10 Frazier, Alice M Orange, Cal Teaching 13 Galpin Lloy 502 N. Ave. 64, L. A Teaching (H.S.). 8 Gillespie, Grace L Grubb, Lewis Cantrall, 111 Farming 10 Guard, Henrietta B. (Bag- ley) Downey, Cal Hamilton, May J. (Harris) Redlands, Cal 6 Hastings, Ida R. (Winters) 231 Ave. 25, L. A 10 Heil, Caroline E. (Small) ...724 E. 41st St., L. A 6 Hill, Walter B Garden Grove, Cal Medical student . 4 Horgan, Gertrude J 1241 El Molino St., L. A . . . . Teaching 12 Hornbeck, Lucy B. (Man- chester) 1528 Girard St., L. A 7 Hough, Edith M 1070 W. 36th St.. L. A Office work 5 41 Hutton, Ada E 1007 W. 21 st St., L. A 3J/^ Hyde, Olive E. (Knoch) . . . .2817 E. 6th St., L. A 8j4 Jennings, Lulu B Olathe, R. R. 3, Kansas. .. .Teaching 12 Johnson, Delius Oscar Dawson, Alaska Kellogg, Minnie L. (Hogue) Carpinteria, Cal 7 Knight, Edith C Covina, Cal Teaching 11 Landell, Margaret E Anaheim, Cal Langbein, Lillian E. (Rich- ardson) 146 N. Gates St., L. A 8 Laughlin, Clara A Deceased Laughlin, Grace A 1 147 W. 41 st St., L. A Teaching 12 Levy, Theresa 1029 Hoover St., L. A Lotshar, Mrs. Sarah R 848 W. 38th St., L. A Teaching 12 Lotspheich, Jessie A 843 S. Flower St., L. A Teaching 9 Manley, Edna T. H 215 S. Grand Ave., L. A Teaching 12 McCarty, Alice C. (Watson) Orange, Cal 8 McGowan, Lucy G 987 Berendo St., L. A Teaching 10 Measor, Reumah E. (Dam- ron) Anaheim, R. F. D. 2 6^ Meyer, Henry C. H 150 5th Ave., New York .. ..Editor 3 Mitchell, Sarah A. (Newson) Garden Grove, Cal 6 Mitchell, William Garden Grove, Cal Teaching 12 Newby, Nellie J. (Cullom) Ventura, Cal 8 Newell, Mary F. (Martin) Shandon, Cal Teaching S Oman, Marguerite E 806 Bonnie Brae St., L. A 11 Paine, May L Los Angeles, R. F. D. 5 Teaching III/2 Prince, Lily E. (Fulford) Lankershim, Cal. 7 Ross, Christina B. (Buck) Westminster, Cal 3 Scollard, Dora E 637 S. Hill St., L. A Teaching 11 Senour, Buena M. (Watt) Halleck, Cal 4 Smith, Nelle E., (Pease) .... Died March 26, 1905 Smith, Rosa Belle Snow, Wm. M Fullerton, Cal Ganger and bookkeeper. . . 41/2 Sprague, Agnes M. (Cooke)., Sullivan, Elizabeth T Hollywood, Cal Teaching 8 Swain, Emma M. (Pruden) . .721 S. Broadway, L. A Teaching 7 Thomas, Maude A 147 W. 17th St., L. A 10 Timmons, Lucretia E. (Dres- ser) Delano, Cal Teaching 10 Tritt, Anna M. (Dennis) .... 1923 Oak St., L. A 5 Varney, Minnie (Gregg) .... Lankershim, Cal 2 Watson, Helen S Santa Barbara, Cal Teaching (H.S.). 8 West, Nella A 240 S. Griffin Ave., L. A Teaching 11^ White, Chas. E 407 N. Ave. 61, L. A Teaching 11 Wittich, Mary K Wolfe, Estelle (Gilbert) . . . .467 Solana Ave., L. A 7 Wern. Bertha (Home) 1429 W. 23rd St., L. A Young, Edwd. R 434 Pac. Elec. Bldg., L. A . . . Lawyer 5 CLASS OF JUNE, 1896 Atherton, Ruth B 236 N. Alta St., L. A Teaching 11 Barron, Ida E. (Ryan) 365 S. Johnston St., L. A 5 Bellah, Frances (Hodges) .. .1529 W. 28th St., L. A 2 Bleasdale, Benj. G 213 W. 22nd St., L. A Teaching 10 Bledsoe, Nelson C Bisbee, Ariz Physician 7 Booth, Menetta M Spaulding, Cal Teaching 9 Bradish, Mary (Miller) Puyallup, Wash 2 Brenizer, Minette A 2548 Powell St., L. A Teaching 10 Brown, Arthur C 666 E. 46th St., L. A Teaching 11 Camp. E. R Rivera. Cal., R. F. D. 1 Teaching 8 Campbell, Geo. W Norwalk, Cal Teaching 42 Carle, Estelle (Seymour) .. .926 E. 11th St., L. A 3 Clarke, Mary J. (Wall) Sweet Springs, Mo ] 71/2 Clay, Ida B Pomona, Cal Teaching '. 10j4 Cokm, Frances 1529 Temple St., L. A Teaching 4 Coward, Beulah B S.Pasadena Teaching- 10 Crise, Lola E. (Cleave) 3709 S. Hope St., L. A .'.'.'.".".; 5 Dawe, Ida M. (K'g'n, '98) . . . Santa Barbara, Cal Teaching 8j/^ Dickson, Marie Escondido, Cal Teaching 9 Dix, Cora A Dow, Josephine M. (Will- iams) Died Nov. 22, 1904 4 Embody, Mildred (Thomp- son) Died July 21, 1904 7 Gage, Harriet T. B. (Bled- soe) Bisbee, Ariz 10 Gaud, Marg't 247 E. 27th St., L. A Teaching 9 Gray, Mabel T 3605 McClintock Ave., L. A.. Teaching 10 Harper, Clara (Fay) Downey, Cal Heil, Frances J Santa Ana, Cal Teaching. ... 10 Horrell, Marg't R. (Smith) . . 542 W. 47th St., L. A 4 Hughes, Minnie E Norwalk, Cal Teaching 11 Hunt, Bertha R Santa Monica, Cal Teaching 10 Hutchinson, Nellie V. (Gal- braith) 1068 W. Jefferson St., L. A 5 Johnston, Eva M. (Pratt) . . . Pasadena 3 Johnston, K. Courtney 246 Ave. 42, L. A Teaching 6 Johnston, M. Louise (K'g'n, '97) 246 Ave. 42, L. A Teaching 6 Kelley, Maude L San Diego Teaching 8 Kelsey, Helen F. (Lynn) . . . .Santa Monica, Cal Teaching 7 Lamb, Rosa E Longley, Laura B. (Bagley) . 1119 Arapahoe St., L. A 3 McLam, Leonore 836 S. Hope St., L. A Teaching 9 McPhail, Kathleen 1 1257 W. 24th St., L. A 10 Martin, Ruth (Clewett) Long Beach, Cal 2j/^ Mathes, Sue M. (Bowdle) . . . Died, 1906 Metcalf, Beeda A Sawtelle, Cal Teaching 10^ Mitchell, Edith A. (William- son) South Pasadena, Cal 3 Oswald, Tillie (Althouse) . . . 2504 S. Flower St., L. A 2 Raab, Martha J Died Nov. 1, 1897. 1 Reavis, W. Elmo 965 Everett St., L. A Printing and book-binding.. 7 Rood, Lillian E. (Cronin) . . .430 N. Bunker Hill Ave., L. A 4 Skinner, Ada M. M Died July, 1896 Smallwood, Claude Berkeley, Cal Teaching (H.S.). 7 Stanley, Eleanor (Small- wood) Berkeley, Cal 3 StrouD, Adah M. (Scott) .... Mesa, Ariz Stubblefield, John S Tate, Mignonette E. (Green- field) Bridgeport, Conn 1 Taylor, Maud Teggart, Helen E Thomson, Elspeth R Thomson, Mabel I. (Tweedy) Calabasas, Cal 3^/^ Tower, Emily E Long Beach, Cal Teaching 11 Venning, Gertrude F. (Wright) Alameda 4 Weirwille, W. H San Bernardino, Cal Teaching 10 Wern, Otis 2338 W. 20th St., L. A Sec. Water Wks. 5 Willis, Elberta M Burbank, Cal. R. F. D 2. .. .Teaching 11 Williams, May (Wern) 2338 W. 20th St., L. A 6 Wright, S. Bruce Alameda, Cal Lawyer 6 43 CLASS OF FEBRUARY, 1897 Badham, Byron 1286 W. 29th St., L. A Merchant 8 Bates, Elizabeth 3115 S. Grand Ave., L. A Teaching 9 Burgess, Caroline L Bakersfield, Cal Case, M. Ellen (Barber) San Diego, Cal 7 Chase, Lydia M. (Bowen) . . . .Pasadena 6 1-3 Cooper, Alice C. 2321 S. Flower St., L. A Student (Stan- ford 7 Doss, Maude J. (Farley) Santa Barbara 7 Ensign, Olive L Spadra. Cal Teaching 10 Hassheider, Tillie W.(Weise)Tananan, P. I Teaching 10 Hildebrandt. Augusta 415 Court St., L. A Teaching 10 Holleran, Marg't 245 S. Beaudry, L. A Teaching 9 Houghton, Emilie Kerns, Mary Alma 916 Grattan St., L. A Teaching lOj^ Keyes, Edwin E Berkeley. Cal Lawyer 9^^ Keyes, Lucille (Hanigan) . . . ]\Ianila, P. I 4 King, Emma M Meader, Marg't M 145 S. Griffin Ave., L. A Teaching 9 Moore, Effie W. (Dobson).. Munday, Helen D Died June 15, 1900 1 Post, Chas. A 315 Grant Bldg., L. A Lawyer 5 Ronan, Julia C 503 S. Hancock St., L. A. . . .Teaching 8 Shoemaker, Fred W 34 St. James Park, L. A Book-keeper IVz Stockton, Mary I Berkeley. Cal Teaching 7 Taylor, Martha R 1 Webster, Elizabeth E Ontario, Cal Teaching 7 Wethern, Jennie L. (Rice).. San Bernardino. Cal Teaching 7 Young, Myron Garberville, Cal CLASS OF JUNE, 1897 Barnes, Lela San Marcas, Cal Teaching 10 Bristol, Blanche E. (Stubble- field) Cochran, Irene (Pollard) .. .2118 Michigan Ave., L. A 2 Connor, Lucy Crowell, Alice G 1421 Albany St., L. A Teaching 8^4 Flood, Florence B Pomona, Cal Teaching 9 Hall, Alice G Harris, Flora (Jessen) Redlands, Cal IVz Hazen, Lillian 1660 Shatto St., L. A Teaching 10 Hodgkins, Edith M 1917 Sherifif Place, L. A Teaching 8^ Holleran, Nora 245 S. Beaudry St., L. A Teaching 10 Kalliwoda, Mrs. Anna 1069 Temple St., L. A Real estate 2 Langman, Emma D. (Bum- stead) Ontario, Cal 8 Layne, Evalyn A Died Feb. 21, 1901 ZVi Morrissey. Tessie Deceased Nichols, VVilford W Berkeley, Cal Real estate 6 Reddy, Katherine M. (Ma- har) San Pedro. Cal 7^ Rice. Nina E Sivas, Turkey in Asia Missionary tchr.. 5 Richie, Florence A Snedden. Anna (Tuckfield) . . Las Vegas. Nev ^Vi Sproul, Frank P Norwalk. Cal Lawyer 4 Waters, Eula J 2351 London St., L. A Vz Whittington, Ida E. (Doug- las) Flagstaff. Ariz 9 Willis. Harriet L South Pasadena Teaching 10 WiUis, Leona G. (Foster) . . . Burbank. R. F. D. 2 4 44 KINDERGARTEN TRAINING CLASS Allison, Mrs. B. F Oakland, Cal Carhart, Augusta Stimson Bldg., L. A., care of Robt. Carhart Teaching 7 Harris, Margaretta 71 E. 44th St., Chicago 2 Johnston, AI. Louise See June, '96 Teaching 6 CLASS OF FEBRUARY, 1898 Alderson, Edith Bates, Alice 3115 S. Grand Ave., L. A. . . .Teaching 9 Boyd, Kate (Beale) Imperial, Cal ...Teaching 8 Caldwell, Geneva (Bond) ... Santa Cruz, Cal. 5 Clark, Carrie B Santa Barbara, Cal Teaching 7 Cook, Ada Santa Barbara, Cal Teaching 6^ Diffenbacher, Lulu 101 1 S. Bonnie Brae St., L. A 4 Fortson, Florence Berkeley, Cal Journalism 6 Gastrich, William Graysen, Robert Died Jan. 9. 1907 5 Lynn, Leslie E Greytown, Nicaragua Rubber planter.. 3^ Morgan, Emma Shoup, Faith Chico, Cal Teaching (H.S.). 2 Stringfield, Bertha (Smith) . . Fresno, Cal White, Florence 2658 N. Workman St., L. A 4 CLASS OF JUNE, 1898 Annis, Sarah (Bobbitt) Manila, P. I Teaching 9 Ayer, Lillian (Thompson) . .755 E. Adams St., L. A 5 Babcock, Ernest B 1443 Burlington Ave., L. A. .Teaching (N.S.). 4 Barnett, Alma Berkeley Grad. student (Radcliff) 4 Bedford, Lola (Mitchell) Westminster, Cal 3y2 Bletso, Leah (Bouelle) 824 Mallard St., L. A 8 Bont, Josephine 232 Bunker Hill, L. A Teaching 9 Bostwick, Isabel Pasadena Teaching 8 Bowman, Harold Bright, Grace (Stopher) San Bernardino, Cal 1 Brooks, Ethel 972 E. 46th St., L. A Teaching 7 Bullis, Reina Mexico City Teaching 9 Canniff, Edith Pasadena Teaching 6 Chaffee, Fannie (Xewsom) . .2619^4 Central Ave., L. A 3 Claj^ton, Elizabeth Collins, Mrs. Ama H San Diego, Cal Teaching 9 Davis, Abel M 1443 Valencia St., L. A Teaching 7 DeBerry, Josephine (Tyler) . Santa Cruz, Cal 7 Dickison, Clarence Clearwater, Cal Teaching 7 Elliott, Elsie (Charlton) . . . .2144 Reservoir St., L. A .'. 1 Fanning, Burton 208 E. 40th St., L. A Electrician Fowler, Mabel Frazier, Elizabeth 212 W. 109th St., N. Y ' Glines, Etta ( Vegeley) Santa Ana 3j^ Gough, Mattie S. (Whiteside) Huntington Beach. Cal Graham, Daisy B 1426 Calumet St., L. A Teaching 8 Green. Frances 1016 E. 23rd St., L. A Teaching 8^ Hall, Kate A 727>4 S. Grand Ave.. L. A Hamlin, Elizabeth Ocean Park, Cal Teaching 9 Hawley, Agnes (Whitaker) . .Long Beach. Cal 7 Hilliard, Justine Long Beach. Cal Teaching 8^ Kerns, Fannie 916 Grattan St., L. A Teaching 9 McEachin, Mary 1404 Toberman St., L. A. . .Teaching 8 McKenzie. M. Dolina 245 S. Bunker Hill, L. A. . . .Teaching 9 45 Macomber, Clara Tustin, Cal Student (Univ.). 5 Mitchell, Rich'd P Westminster, Cal Teaching 8^ Meyers, Katherine 1623 Georgia St., L. A Teaching 8 Nauerth, Winnie 1032 Grand View Ave., L. A. Traveling 4i/^ Norris, Mary M Redlands. Cal Teaching 9 Pankey, Dora (Glines) Tulare, Cal 4 Pfenniger, Leila 416 W. 4th St., L. A Teaching. ...... 9 Rees, Minnie 632 Britannia St., L. A Robinson, Ethel M Ventura, Cal Teaching 5 Seymoure, Anna (Bradshaw)San Bernardino, Cal 6 Smith, Maude (Kirkpatrick) . 1954 S. Grand Ave., L. A 5 Stahmer, Ella 722 Lake St., L. A Teaching 9 Tate, Lillian 1 729 Oxford Ave., L. A Architectural drawing 3 Terry, Lillie (Cosner) Sherman, Cal Teaching 9 Van Dompselaar, Theresa ... 1324 Stanford Ave., L. A ... .Teaching 8 Weise, Charles A Tananan, P. I Teaching IVz Wilber, Edith Williams, Belle Pasadena Teaching 5 Willis, Bessie Pasadena, Cal Teaching 9 Wright, Ella M. (Messinger)Los Angeles, R. F. D. 3; 394 5 Wright, May E 824 W. 37th St., L. A Teaching ^Vi KINDERGARTEN TRAINING CLASS Brush, Edith (Thomas) Dawe, Ida M See June, '96. Dunn, Emma M 551 Fremont Ave., L. A Teaching 7 Furrey, Edith 1103 Ingraham St., L. A Gibson, Elizabeth 1634 S. Flower St., L. A Teaching 7 Kellogg, Annie . . .» Knight, Agnes Los Angeles, Cal., P. O. Box 386 8>4 Lipe, Clara 3512 Wesley Ave., L. A Teaching 6 Livingston, Mae 133 N. Flower St., L. A Millar, Bess 301 S. Olive St., L. A Teaching 9 Reed, Fannie Santa Barbara, Cal Teaching 4 Reese, Mae W. (Manchester) Santa Barbara, Cal Stenographer.. 6 Robinson, Augusta Stansbury, Minnie 1052 Florida St.. L. A Teaching 3 Tallmadge, Mary (Douglas) . Gardena, Cal Underwood, Nettie (Holton)Died January 12, 1907 8 Visscher, Henrietta Pasadena, Cal Teaching 9 Walker, Mrs. Jennie Mosher. Berkeley, Cal Professional nurse 3J^ Ward, Agnes 1 121 S. Grand Ave., L. A . . . . Teaching 8j^ CLASS OF JANUARY, 1899 Aisenpries, Eda Beam, Mae San Bernardino, Cal Teaching 7 Boyd, Jennie Colton, Cal Teaching 8 Casner, Frances Chase, Eva M. (Akers) Fullerton, Cal 1 Clarke, Grace (Green) Gardena, Cal Teaching 6 Davis, Martha E Highland, Cal Postal clerk .... 8 Dwire, Carrie Hollywood, Cal., R. F. D. 2 . .Teaching 7 Endicott, Marietta Pomona, Cal Ford. Ada Irene Died Aug. 25, 1904 3 Griswold, Estella (Hart) .... Holtville, Cal 3 Halberstadt, Leonore 1014 W. 17th St., L. A Teaching 7 Hall, Marie E Chico, Cal Teaching (N.S.). 7i^ Hunt, Barta (Hilliard) New York City 2 Jemison, Nellie (Jonas) 1616 Griffith Ave., L. A Kindergarten student (N. S.) 2 46 Jones, Alice M. (Green) Colton, Cal 2 Lemon, Nellie J. (Hargrave) Banning, Cal . " 3 Lietzau, Emily 361 W. 16th St., L. A Teaching! ...... 8 Loring, Grace (Snedden) . . . Stauffer, Cal 41/^ Lovell, Olivia (Forgay) 653 S. Workman St., L. A 4 McCarthy, Elizabeth C 316 Zutrobe Ave., L. A Teaching 8 Meyer, Charles Clarence Santa Cruz, Cal Grad. student (Columbia) ... 5 Mosseman, Adele M 1622 Girard St., L. A Teaching 8 Owen, Martha P. (Wallop). Schmieding, Pauline 1745 Church Ave.. L. A Teaching 7 Wallop, Adelia (Balfour) . . . .\lhambra ^y^ Webster, Lillian San Bernardino, Cal Teaching 8 White, Carrie ( Willard) .... Simi, Cal '.....'.'. 4 Wilkinson, Jessie San Bernardino, Cal Teaching 6 Wing, Mrs. Esther Enos. . . .224 Welcome St., L. A.. 1 Wood, Minnie (Stewart) .... 1042 W. 22nd St., L. A li/^ CLASS OF JUNE, 1899 Baker, Bertha E Santa Ana, Cal Teaching 7 Barnes, Adda L 2020 Magnolia Ave., L. A. . .Teaching 6 Barron, Flora M 3040 Key West St., L. A Teaching 7 Berry, Vida H Long Beach, Cal Teaching 7 Bland, L. Adelina Long Beach, Cal Teaching 7j4 Bland, Harriet M Long Beach, Cal Teaching 7 Blum, Edith 825 W. Pico St., L. A Teaching 8 Bohan, Martha B. (Waters) . 2343 London St., L. A 6 Bowen, Cornelia E. L Died June 16, 1903 4 Cannon, Ellen R Pomona, Cal 4 Carpenter, Clara I Carpenter, Mary G Pomona, Cal 5 Casey, Frances L. (Civille) . . Ocean Park, Cal Colton, Lydia A Bakersfield, Cal Teaching 6 Culver, Harriet E Garvanza, Cal Teaching 11 J/^ Dick, Ona V 1142 W. 10th St., L. A Teaching 7 Dickinson, Lucia L (Roe) . .435 S. Chicago St., L. A Dwire, Julia Hollywood, Cal., R. F. D. 2. . Teaching 7 Enos, Dotha (Conly) 224 Welcome St., L. A Teaching 3 Fellows, F. Wm 3801 Michigan Ave., L. A . . . Law student .... 3 Eraser, Jessie M 716 Whittier St., L. A Teaching 8 Good, Sydney V 6425 Eagle Rock Ave., L. A. .Teaching 6j/^ Graham, Ethel Pearl 1426 Calumet St., L. A Teaching 8 Gray, Pearl E. (Straw) El Toro, Cal 3 Grebe, Laura A 222 W. 25th St., L. A Teaching 6 Griffith, Mabel Long Beach, Cal Teaching 8 Gunning, Alma E Venice, Cal Teaching 6j^ Hamilton, Myrtle Pasadena, Cal Teaching 7 Harris, Lila A. (Widney) . . . Santa Ana, Cal 1 ^ Higley, Alice D. (Gordon) . . Hollywood, Cal Hinman, Gertrude M Pasadena, Cal Teaching 8 Hoff, Clara Hogan, Laura E. (Cole) .... 319 W. 40th St., L. A 4 Holcomb, Grace F. (Munsey)744 W. 16th St., L. A 1 Holmes, Julia K 2784 W. 8th St., L. A Teaching 7 Kingery, Frances F 127 W. 17th St., L. A Teaching 8 Lenton, Lavinia Fullerton, Cal Deaconess School 5 Lopez, Guadalupe 1056 W. 38th St., L. A .Teaching (H.S.). 6 Lovejoy, Lena G Santa Monica, Cal Teaching 7j^ Orr, Clara E. (Menefee) .... Covina, Cal 2^/2 Pfaffenberger, S e 1 m a I. (Ross) 3016 Eagle St., L. A 6 47 Porter, Annette Santa Monica. Cal Teaching 7 Powell, Katherine B 161 E. 36th St., L. A Teaching 8 Ramboz, Ina W 2906 La Salle Ave., L. A . . . .Teaching 7 Rehbock, Elsie VV. (Lewis) . .Indio, Cal Roberts, Alma L 1219 W. 7th St., L. A Teaching 7 Rodgcrs, Robt. J Gardena, Cal Teaching 8 Sanford, Mary A Shaffer, Jennie L. (Tweedy) . Compton, Cal., R. F. D. 2 6 Stewart, Jessie .\ 5633 Pasadena Ave., L. A . . .Teaching 4 Stone, Mabel (Conlee) 1969 Bonsallo Ave., L. A 3 Stratton, Edith O. (Kitt ) . . . . Tucson. Ariz 5 Stuhlman, Elizabeth C 926 S. Union Ave., L. A Teaching 7 Swain, Grace B Acton, Cal Teaching (H.S.). 4 Teale, Pearl Charlotte 213 S. Soto St., L. A Teaching 8 Thorpe, Chas. H 747 W. 18th St., L. A Teaching (H.S.). 8 Tritt, Jessie A 1323 VVinfield St., L. A Teaching 7 Wade, Marie B. (Zint) Goleta, Cal Teaching 4J4 Warren, Lillie White, Mildred E. (Willard).Simi, Cal 1 Widney, Emma (Pauly) . . . . 1205 S. Olive St., L. A 3^4 Young, Maude A. (Martin) ..Santa Ana, Cal., R. F. D. 5 4 KINDERGARTEN TRAINING CLASS Bourne, Jennie ( .\dkeson) . . Richmond, Cal 5 Dickey, Ethel Pasadena, Cal Teaching 6 Dodge, Nellie Ferguson, Hattie 1 310 S. Soto St., L. A Teaching 7 Hitt, Barbara G. (Alden) . . . Palo Alto, Cal 1 Leland, Gertrude Santa Barbara, Cal 5 Maynard, Elizabeth 310 S. Soto St., L. A Teaching 6 Plimpton, Helen L Riverside. Cal 8 Smith, Clara C 2293 W. 22nd St., L. A Teaching 7 Stanton, Carrie B 420 W. 31st St., L. A Teaching 7 Stoddart, Bessie D 1052 Beacon St., L. A Settlement work. ^ Whitcomb, Elizabeth Glendora, Cal 4 Whitlock, Maude 666 W. 38th St., L. A Teaching 4 Wood, Minnie C Pasadena, Cal Teaching 8 CLASS OF FEBRUARY, 1900 Adams, Romola M Azusa, Cal Teaching 6j^ Amick, Myrtle E South Pasadena, Cal Student (Univ.). 5 Austin, Juanita V. (Rogers) . Long Beach, Cal Teaching 4 Bailey, Letha (Davis) Baker, Julia 713 W. 1st St., L. A Teaching 7 Ball, Kate Pasadena, Cal Teaching 6 Barnes, Mabel 2020 Magnolia Ave., L. A. . .Teaching 5 Barron, Pearl L. (Malcom) . . Long Beach, Cal 6 Bean. Jane L. (Toll) San Francisco Blind, Linnean E 337 S. Hancock St., L. A . . . . Teaching 6 Boden, Geo. A Pasadena, Cal Teaching 7^ Boehncke, George Hollywood. Cal., R. F. D. 2. .L. A. Pac. Ry. . . 4 Borthwick, Isabel (French) . Berkelev. Cal 1 Brown, Corris 142 E. 5"5th St., L. A Teaching 6j^ Burnett, Grace R. (Raleigh).2307 Michigan Ave., L. A 1 Christensen, Clara M Anaheim. Cal., R. F. D. 4... Teaching 7 Cooper, Rebecque M 1950 Santee St., L. A Teaching 6^ Darling, Stella Pasadena, Cal Teaching 6 Fanning, Mamie E 1040 Overton St., L. A Teaching 7 Green, Jennie P. (Linsley) . .604 W. 60th St.. R. F. D. 3,L.A 4 Haas, Mamie (Duvall) 116 S. Prichard St., L. A 1 Haines, Alice P Escondido, Cal Teaching 7 48 Hattery, Bessie San Bernardino, Cal Teaching 7 Hendricks, Dorothy I Deceased Hufif, Wm. F Long Beach, Cal Teaching. 6 ' Hugunin, Mary E 147 W. 45th St., L. A Teaching. . . 6 ■ Hunter, Keysey San Diego, Cal Teaching 7 Keeler, E. Leanore 315 S. Hancock St., L. A Teaching 6 Lambert, Mabel J Santa Monica, Cal Teaching 6 Langman, Nellie A Santa Barbara, Cal Teaching 7 Lawrence, Elmer W Fullerton, Cal., R. F. D. 3. . .Teaching 6 Lisk, Susie (Haynes) Compton, Cal 1 McCarthy, Emma A 316 Latrobe Ave., L. A Teaching 7 McKenzie, Anna 245 S. Bunker Hill Ave., L. A.Teaching 7 Meacham, Kate C VViseburn, Cal Teaching 7 Mitchell, Mary B Pasadena, Cal Teaching 7 Moon, Edith I Hotel Lovejoy, Los Angeles. Teaching 6 Morrow, Harriet Lorena. . . .226 Bailey St., L. A Teaching 7 Murphy, Alice 1138 S. Grand Ave., L. A ". 6 Neel, Melvin Long Beach, Cal Teaching 7 Nemetz, Pauline Anaheim, Cal Teaching 7 Noble, Mary A Ontario, Cal Teaching . . 7 Payne, Ella B 1175 E. 21st St., L. A Teaching 7 Peckham, Edith C. (Mea- dows) Altadena, Cal 4 Porter, Carrie E Fullerton, Cal Teaching 6 Rich, Florence L (Van Epps) Glendale, Cal 1 Savage, Margaret (Dever ) . . San Pedro, Cal 3i/^ Saxton, M. Ella Corona, Cal Teaching 7 Stafford, Helen M 359 W. Ave. 52, L. A Teaching 7 Stancer, Josephine M. (King) Goldfield, Nev 6 Stebbins, E. Mae Died Nov. 9, 1902 2^ Thompson, Nellie J 325 S. Johnston St., L. A. . . .Teaching 7 Thomson, Jessie H. (Hunt) ..Newberry Park, Cal 3 Tyler, Elsie Vincent, Elizabeth M San Francisco, Cal Teaching 6 Waite, Margaret A 127 E. 5th St., Long Beach . . Teaching 7 Walters, Lydia E 426 W. 16th St., L. A Teaching 6 Weatherholt, Idella S 1228 Berendo St., L. A Teaching 6 Woods, Mattie M. (Elliott) ..San Pedro, Cal 2 Woodson, Meta M Lemon Grove, Cal Teaching 6 CLASS OF JUNE, 1900 Bailey, Alice Alameda, Cal Teaching 6^ Bosbyshell, Mary (Rhone) . .424 S. Spring St., L. A 3 Brainard, Maude E Riverside, Cal Teaching 7 Brauer, Thusnelda Oakland, Cal Teaching 6J/2 Brown, Maude (Goodwin) . .2956 La Salle Ave., L. A Sl/i Burke, Agnes M Rivera, Cal Teaching 6^2 Burke, Edith Colegrove, Cal Teaching 6^ Callis, Marian Ventura, Cal Campbell, Frank C El Monte, Cal Teaching 6 Claypool, Mildred 1287 W. 25th St., L. A Teaching 7 Cooper, Ruth (Rice) San Diego, Cal 4 Davis, Maude 1221 W. 7th St., L. A Teaching 7 Dowell, Adrienne (Marks ) . . Died Aug. 26, 1906 5 Embody, Thraso (Brown) .. 1348 W. 45th St., L. A 5 Fisch, Ida 405 Temple St., L. A 5 Flook, Eva (Babb) Santa Ana, Cal 5 Freeman, Alice (Lusk) Long Beach, Cal Click, Margaret E 2200 Ocean View Ave., L. A.Teaching 7 Goetz, John J Huntington Beach, Cal Teaching 6 Gray, Laura D. (Cochran) . . Downey, Cal 6 49 Grey, Grace 1024 Albany St., L. A Teaching 7 Hackenson, Hilma (Hiller) . .San Pedro, Cal 4 Harrington, Marg't Deceased Hendershott. Frances Glendale, Cal Teaching 6 Johnson, Edna 1225 Ingraham St., L. A Teaching 6 Jones, Zella M Riverside, Cal Teaching 7 Kline, Odessa (Hutchinson). 1340 30th Place, L. A Lambie, Grace 923 Francisco St., L. A Teaching 6 Lane, Robt 1609 S. Flower St., L. A Teaching 7 Lepley, Wilhelmina (Hey- man) Alhambra, Cal 4 Lindsay, Ruby 1035 Lincoln St., L. A Teaching 7 Little, Maude (Smith) 1512 Magnolia Ave., L. A 1 Martin, Mary E. (Meski- mons) Reno, Nev 2 McAdam, Isabel (McAlpine)Sarles, N. Dak 6 McArthur, Jessie Died Oct. 4, 1900 Merriman. Mrs. Nina 1109 W. 30th St., L. A Teaching 10 Mills, Sadie ]\I National City. Cal Teaching 4 Moody, Mabel 1328 E. Washington St., L. A 6 Monk, Grace 1613 S. Flower St., L. A 5 Netz, Joseph 1431 W. 39th St., L. A Teaching 7 Noyes, Mabel (Bacon) Whittier, Cal Teaching 4 Parker, Lulu V Pomona, Cal Teaching 6^/^ Perry, Grace (Hill) 1723 Bonnie Brae St., L. A 1 Perry, Zanita (Elms) First Nat'l Bank, L. A Teaching 3 Pfaffenberger, Carrie 1427 Pleasant Ave., L. A. .. .Teaching S Phillips, Lulu M. (Gates) . . . Paso Robles, Cal 3 Reavis, Mary 1407 Sunset Blvd., L. A Teaching S^^ Redmond, Mamie J San Pedro, Cal Teaching 6 Rehart, Minnie (Walker) . . . Santa Ana. Cal 3 Reinhard. James C Hollywood, Cal Teaching 4 Riddell, lone (Murray) 2216 Leati Ave., L. A 2 Shorten, Annie Laurie Ventura, Cal Teaching 7 Sterry, Nora 2632 Ellendale Place, L. A.. Teaching 3 Turner, Bessie 2505 E. 2nd St., L. A Teaching 7 White, William E 2152 W. 30th St., L. A Teaching 7 Williams, Matie 1333 DeLong St., L. A KINDERGARTEN TRAINING CLASS Arnold, Martha 1111 S. Hope St., L. A Teaching 7 Bradford, Mrs. Lillian (Gen. Jan., "06) 3019 Baldwin St., L. A Teaching 6 Cocke, Amy F 316 W. 31st St., L. A Teaching 6 Curran, Pauline 2122 Thompson St., L. A 4^ Fishburn, May South Pasadena, Cal Milliner Hotson, Ada (Philpot) Baltimore, Md 1 Layne, Mary 1187 \y. 30th St., L. A Teaching 6 Louis, Helen H. (Brown) . . . Arequipa, Peru 1 Reynolds, Edna Will, Anna McArthur, Ohio Teaching 3 Wilson, Mabel South Pasadena, Cal Teaching 7 CLASS OF FEBRUARY, 1901 Abbott, Arthur Long Beach. Cal Teaching 6 Adams, Mabel Pomona, Cal Teaching 6 Adams, Rallah 741 S. Flower St., L. A Teaching 6 Allen, Mrs. Blanche 639 Camulus St.. L. A Teaching eVz Allen, Mrs. Mary (Groves) .. 1202 E. 57th St., L. A Teaching voice culture 3 50 I Baker, Josephine L. (Udall).1113 W. 1st St., L. A 4 Boquist, Cora M. (Jepson) . .953 Menlo Ave., L. A.... i/^ Breen, Nellie 217 S. Olive St., L. A Teaching 5 Brunson, Mae Downey, Cal Teaching 6 Clarke, Emily Hollywood, Cal Teaching 6 Collins, Laura A 2134 Reservoir St., L. A Teaching 5 Cunningham, Ida Day, Jessie (Tittle) 1826 Winfield St., L. A Dickey, Mabel (McCoy) .... Westminster, Cal SJ/^ Dickson, Etta May Sierra Madre, Cal Teaching 5 Doss, Grace A Deceased 6>4 Elden, Edna E Cloverdale, Cal Teaching . '. 5 Ellsworth, Mrs. De Grace (Hahn) Lemoore, Cal 5 Fishburn, Rosetta South Pasadena, Cal Teaching 6 Frackelton, Lena M Garvanza, Cal Teaching 6 Goodrich, Sue (Matthis) .... Santa Margarita, Cal Teaching 2 Harrington, Helen Holmes, Dorothy (Sprague).Carpinteria, Cal 4 Hornbeck, Stella Luttge, June Burbank, Cal Teaching 5 McGill, May Enid, Okla Teaching 5 Merrill, Frank D 905 E. 43rd St., L. A Chemist Yi Newell, Florence (Aliller) . . . Hollywood, Cal Palmer, Winnie Papina, Josephine Placerville, Cal Teaching 5 Patterson, Mabel M Glendale, Cal 3 Peckham, Helen Pierce, Minnie (Manning) . . . Azusa, Cal 1 1/^ Peters, Millie Burbank, Cal., R. F. D. 1 Teaching 6 Pettis, Maude Goleta, Cal Teaching 6 Pollans, Mrs. Kate Died Sept. 17, 1902 1^ Randall, Nellie 1800 Pennsylvania Ave., L. A.Teaching 6 Redmond, Ella Irvington, Cal Teaching 5^ Rolfe, Banna L 1288 W. 25th St., L. A Teaching 5^ Segerstrom, Emma Christine Santa Ana, Cal., R. F. D. 4. .Teaching SYz Smith, Jacintha M. (Ander- son) Redondo, Cal 4 Stewart, Guy Highland, Cal Teaching 6 Stuart, Grace 1508 Brooklyn Ave., L. A. .. .Teaching 6 Travis, Isabel (Chase) 2420 Brooklyn Ave., L. A 3 Variel, Lora (Page) 2237 Michigan Ave., L>. A Whitaker, Forrest M Long Beach Teaching 4^/2 White, Julia Gertrude Fullerton, Cal Teaching 6 CLASS OF JUNE, 1901 Abbott, Emilita 1111 Union Ave., L. A Teaching 5 Alexander, Evalyn V 1648 Girard St., L. A Teaching 6 Allen, Mary 1930 New England St., L. A.Teaching 5^ Austermell, Bessie 3635 S. Flower St., L. A. .. .Teaching 2 Barnes, Daza K San Marcas, Cal Teaching 6 Boehncke, Frieda Hollywood, Cal., R. F. D. 2. .Teaching 6 Bollong, Stella (Stewart) . . . Highland, Cal 4 Borden, Ada Santa Ana, Cal Teaching 6 Brubaker, Charles Bulsar, India Missionary 1 Bushnell, Helen 1633 W. 24th St., L. A 1 Chappelow, Amy (Lorbeer) . Redondo, Cal 2 Christiansen, Freddie Visalia, Cal Teaching 6 Cocke, Mabel 488 California St., L. A 5 Cockee, Nellie Lordsburg, Cal Teaching 6 Cottle, Lura Turlock, Cal Teaching 6 Cox, Mildred Hollywood, Cal 5 51 Coy, Lottie (Rodenburg) . . . 1014 W. 10th St., L. A Merchant 2 Cuff, Lillie (Matteson) Los Angeles, Cal 3 Dietrich, Edw'd 235 E. 4th St., L. A Bookkeeper .... 2 Dougherty, Ruth Farnsworth. Grace (Barker). Fallis, May (Hixson) 557^ S. Fremont Ave., L. A 2 Farnsworth, Grace ( Barber) . Ventura, Cal 2 Fine, Anna West Redlands, Cal Teaching 6 Fitzhugh, Anna 402 E. 23rd St., L. A Teaching 6 Ganahl, Antoinette 316 Ave. 57, L. A Teaching 5 Garey, Julia 1922 S. Los Angeles St., L. A. Teaching 5 Goodhart, Katherine Riverside, Cal Teaching 5 Green, Bonnie 1016 E. 23rd St., L. A Teaching 6 Gregory, Elizabeth (Clarke) . Artesia, Cal 5 Griffith, Anna Monrovia, Cal Teaching 5 Harlan, E. Brow^ning Trenton, Tenn 3 Houser, Lela E. (Doan) Burbank, Cal 3 Hull, Lula (Lloyd) 1447 Union Ave., L. A 2)^ Jones, Adelaide Hermosa Beach, Cal Teaching Sl/z Kerr, Flora Cairo, Egypt Missionary 3 Kirkpatrick, Eunice 1203 Catalina St., L. A Teaching 5 Laws, Ovid Highland Park, L. A Real estate 3 Lewis, Jessie M 116 W. 33rd St., L. A Teaching 4 Lorbeer, Melvin W Redondo, Cal Teaching 5 Matthewson, Helen E 1540 W. 22nd St., L. A Teaching 6 McAfee. Maude 758 E. 14th St., L. A Teaching 6 Miller, Edith Died March 29, 1907 4^ Morton, Mabel (Phelps) .... Inglewood, Cal 2 Neilson, Amy Visalia, Cal., R. F. D. 1 Teaching 5^ Norton. Cecilia (Morris) .... 1530 Hoover St., L. A 2 Phillips. Edith 1235 W. 7th St., L. A Teaching 7 Richardson, Grace E San Diego, Cal Teaching 5j/2 Rosa, Lena (Johnson) 1014 W. 16th St., L. A 2 Ruddy, Mabel M 603 Euclid Ave., L. A Teaching 2 Schubert, Anna Scott, Bertha E. (Jones) 5039 Monte Vista St., L. A 3 Shults, Clarence 1540 W. 22nd St., L. A Civil Engineer Smith, Mabel (Carse) 1016^ Maple Ave., L. A 1 Soper, Edna M. (Ammon) . . Hollywood, Cal 2 Spencer, Julia (Hunt) Elsinore, Cal 3 Steinart, Effie Rivera, Cal Teaching 5 Stephens, Madge Hollywood, Cal Teaching 5 Steward, Alma R Santa Ana, Cal Teaching 6 Troconiz, Carmelita (HoUi- day) Rampart Heights, L. A Teaching 5 Van DeVenter, Rose (Pat- ton) Redlands, Cal Teaching 3 Washburn, Ella (MacBeath). Helvetia, Ariz 2 Weaver, Maude (Erickson) . .Highland Park, L. A Teaching 5 Williams, Irene J Ventura, Cal Teaching 5 Withers, Katherine (Mc- Duffy) Berkeley, Cal 3 Woodin, Grace Whittier, Cal Teaching 5 Wright, Martha Los Angeles, R. F. D. 2 . . . . . Teaching 6 Zuber, Augusta 2500 W. 8th St., L. A Student (Univ.) . 3>^ KINDERGARTEN TRAINING CLASS Bailey, Florence (Staples) . . 1390 W. 30th St.. L. A 3^/^ Carvell, Juliette (Wigmore) . Morenci, Ariz Darcy, Leah (Adams) Tucson. Ariz Dobbins, Gabrielle San Gabriel, Cal 3^/2 Dryden, Ada B 1071 W. Jefferson St., L. A 9 52 Dunkelberger, Augusta (Ainsworth) Phoenix, Ariz 3 wks. Gage, Mary C 5035 Echo St., L. A Teaching 6 Harden, Isabel (Bishop) ... .2415 W. 23rd St., L. A Harwood, Grace (Gen'l '03) .Upland, Gal Teaching 5 Kirk, Alice (Wallace) McGormack, Blanche (Gen'l '03) 325 W. 17th St., L. A Teaching 3^ Parker, Gora A 726 Bonnie Brae St., L. A . . . Teaching 5 Ward, Katherine 1121 S. Grand Ave., L. A. . . .Teaching 5 White, Annie E Young, Lottie 1337 Santee St., L. A Teaching 6 CLASS OF JANUARY, 1902 Baker, Sarah M. (Smith) . . . Santa Cruz, Cal 2 Barry, Lottie 811 Wall St., L. A Teaching 41/^ Burnett, May 241 Ave. 25, L. A Teaching Ay2 Glapp, Mattie Orosi, Cal Teaching 5 Cocke, Ethel Lordsburg, Cal Teaching 5 Crum, Mabel Compton, Cal Teaching 5 Curry, Abbie (Jones) Pomona, Cal 1 Daniels, Aimee Pasadena, Cal Davis, Grace Redlands, Cal Teaching 5 Dooner, Mabel (Stepper) . . . 1242 W. 4th St., L. A 1 Emery, Lottie 2504 Gleason Ave., L. A Teaching 5 Ford, Anna S. (Conniar) . . . .225 N. Hancock St., L. A 1 Frink, Lillian (Goff) 2110 Magnolia Ave., L. A Gardner, Orra Orange, Cal Goodhue, Elsie 758 E. 21st St., L. A Teaching 4^ Greene, Grace A. (Franks) . .1447 Temple St., L. A Teaching 3 Gunning, Mabel 1664 W. 24th St., L. A Teaching 5^ Henderson, Jessie James, Myrtle E. (Wilde) . . . Santa Monica, Cal 4 Johnson, Mabel C 2109 E. 2nd St., L. A Teaching 5i/4 Law^Iess, Claude Visalia, Cal Teaching 3 McCallum, Helen 422 N. Hill St., L. A Teaching 5 Mee, Inez 2957 Roxbury St., L. A 1 ^ Monroe, Emily F. (Grover) . 1612 Magnolia Ave., L. A 3 Morris, Daisy Long Beach, Cal Teaching 5 Murphey, Grace (Sanford) . . Prospect Park, L. A Ya Noble, Amy S. (Olson) Alhambra, Cal 4 Ogborn, Eva J. (Glass) Corona, Cal 3 Pann, Julia M. (Kimbley) . . . Berkeley, Cal 3 Parker, Maude (Lyman) .... San Bernardino, Cal 2J4 Petray, May 1043 S. Grand Ave., L. A. . . .Teaching 5 Quinn, Edith L. (Nicholson). 1746 Maple Ave., L. A 1'/^ Satterlee, Louise J Los Angeles Teachmg 5 Sheldon, Harriet (Tyson) . . . 1036 S. Alvarado St., L. A 2i4 Swerdfeger, Grace E Glendora, Cal Teachmg 6 Tullis, Eva M. (Grundt; . . . . Died Dec. 25th, 1906 1 Whims, Minnie 1156 W. 38th St., L. A Teaching W2 Wolfe, Bernice 4332 Vermont Ave., L. A CLASS OF JUNE, 1902 Adams, Madge Downey, Cal Teachmg 5 Anderson, Jessie Visalia, Cal Teachmg 5 Ball, Cora I Woody, Cal Teachmg 5 Ball, Grace Pasadena, Cal 'i eachmg 5 Barry, Carl 816 Wall St., L. A Teachmg 2 Bififer, Mary C 1253 W. 5th St.. L. A Teachmg 5 Bossuet, Philana 540 S. Boyle Ave., L. A 1 53 2 Brown, Kaloola Pasadena, Cal 2 Butler. J. Brunson Downey, Cal Student (Univ.) 2 Caldwell, Mattie B. (Ed- monds) 1558 E. 21st St.. L. A 2 Chandler, Moses W Tropico, Cal Law student .... 3 Christcnsen, Serena Anaheim, Cal Teaching 5 Curry, Eltha Pomona, Cal Teachinof 5 Davis. Ethel M Garwin, Iowa Teaching 3 Denton. Van L Pasadena, Cal Teaching 5 Doan, Ethel 732 E. 27th St., L. A Teaching 5 Evans, Marie San Bernardino, Cal Teaching 5 Freeman. Ethel (Schlegel) .. Hollywood, Cal. R. F. D. 2 3 Gallup. Luke Santa Ana, Cal. Route 3 2 Graf, Louise 2514 Folsom St., L. A Teaching 4 Graham, Frances Groenendyke. Elizabeth Pasadena, Cal Teaching 4 Groshong, Millard P Georgetown, Wash Teaching 3^ Harrison. Grace Hecht, Alma (Baruh) 1037 Grattan St., L. A Hickcox, Gail E. (Carter) . . . Modesto. Cal 2 Hill, Merton E Garden Grove, Cal Teaching (Coll. ) 4 Holway, Elsie 424 W. Ave. 56, L. A Teaching 5 Johnson. Gretchen 1552 Rockwood St., L. A. . . .Teaching AY2 Jones, Mary S 1725 Magnolia Ave., L. A Teaching AYz Kellogg, Leda F Pasadena, Cal Teaching 5 Kevane, Kate Long Beach, Cal 4 Lipe, Mary 3512 Wesley Ave., L. A Student (Univ.). 2 List, B. F Gardena. Cal Lumber mcht ... 4 Lyon, Sarah W 2320 Thompson St., L. A. . . .Teaching 4 Machado. Ylaria Ocean Park, Cal 3 Miller, Therese Hollywood, Cal Music teacher . . 4 Moore, Stella M. (Thomp- son) 130 E. 45th St., L. A 4 Patrick, Katherine Santa Ana, Cal., No. 3 Teaching 5 Pinney, Ellen B. (Pease) . . . San Bernardino, Cal 2 Roberts, Mrs. Anna W 5326 Pasadena Ave., L. A... Teaching 5 Robinette, Mary 1662 W. 11th St., L. A Teaching 5 Robinson, Lucy A 117 S. Olive St., L. A 2 Rolph, Estelle M 1408 S. Burlington Ave., L. A.Teaching 5 Sayre, Annesley L 1235 E. 25th St., L. A Teaching 4 Schlegel. John Hollywood. Cal. R. F. D. 2.. Teaching 4 Sutton. Evelyn G 616 S. Flower St.. L. A Teaching 5 Sylva. Isabel C Wilmington. Cal Teaching 4 Van Winkle, Mae Fernando, Cal Teaching 5 Welch, Lauraine Whelan, Mary E Santa Monica. Cal Teaching 5 Wright, Clara 1327 Rich St., L. A Teaching 5 Yarnell, Mamie San Pedro, Cal Teaching 4 KINDERGARTEN TRAINING CLASS Allen, Blanche G Allen, Grace Died March 28, 1905 2 Amsbury, Cassie 331 W. 31st St., L. A Teaching 4^4 Babcock, Mary (Lauber- sheimer) 137 E. Ave. 43, L. A 3 Bumiller, Emma 1049 Elden Ave., L. A 2 Dilworth, Florence R. (Lunt) Santa Barbara, Cal 5 Dimmick. Carrie J Carpinteria. Cal 2 Elmendorf, Mae 135 E. 28th St.. L. A Teaching 3 Holywell, Florence 1262 W. 39th St., L. A 4 Keach, Minta (Gilmore) .... Tombstone, Ariz Savage, Ada M 1165 W. 39th St., L. A Teaching 4 54 Vestal, Sadie A. (Sharpless).Whittier, Cal., R. F. D. 1 Washburn, Marion (Sessions) 219 Loma Drive, L. A 4 Wickersham, Jessie (Gen'l '03) 932 Valencia St., L. A Teaching 3 Workman, Mary J 357 S. Boyle Ave., L. A Teaching 4i/^ CLASS OF JANUARY, 1903 Anderson, Victor 1319 E. 16th St., L. A Teaching 3 Baker, Abbie Long Beach, Cal Teaching 4 Bartlett, Grace ... Pomona, Cal Teaching AYz Bercaw, Emma El Toro, Cal Teaching 3j/^ Bigelow, Maude 704 Kensington Road, L. A. .Teaching 3 Boteler, Virginia Redondo, Cal Teaching 3 Canfield, Marie Pasadena. Cal Teaching.... 3 Clotfelter, Goda G. (Foutz) .921 Francisco St., L. A 3 Cobler, Ethel (Bourne) 3006 Dalton Ave., L. A 2i/l Couverlej'. Etta San Pedro, Cal Teaching 4 Enright, Ellen Findley, Edna Fish, Hester Carpinteria, Cal Teaching 4 Fleischner, Ethel Gibbons, Hortense San Luis Obispo, Cal Teaching 4 Harley, Fannie City of Mexico Teaching 4 Hendrie, Grace Redlands, Cal Teaching 31/2 Hillis, Ola S Garvanza, Cal Teaching 4 Jenkin, Winnie 848 W. 40th St., L. A Kennedy, Delphina Gardena, Cal Teaching 35^^ Kent, Grace (Walton) 1315 Connecticut St., L. A 2^ Knappe, Bessie D San Bernardino, Cal Teaching 4 Lea, Ermol 918 S. Bonnie Brae St., L. A. Teaching 4 Leake, Norman San Dimas, Cal Teaching 6 Mosher, Eva (Waters) Ontario, Cal 3^ Parker, Mabel Orange, Cal Teaching 4 Parker, Myrtle Orange, Cal Teaching 4 Perry, Evangeline 1723 S. Bonnie Brae St., L. A. Teaching AY2 Prescott, Ruth (Magoffin) . . 21 1 Ave. 65, L. A Rice, Nettie Belle Santa Monica, Cal Teaching 4 Rosenthal, Helen (Cline) . . . Covina, Cal ZYz Scherrer, Clara E 1636 E. 14th St., L. A Teaching 3^^ Schmitz, Stella (Carlson) . . . Camarillo, Cal 2J/2 Sherwin, Estelle San Bernardino, Cal Teaching 5 Sugg, Susie (Calkins) Artesia, New Mex 3j^ Travis, Bessie 318 Parkman Ave., L. A Teaching 4 Welte, Constance H 212 S. Grand Ave., L. A Teaching 3j/^ Whetsell, Agnes M Prospect Park, Cal Teaching 3 Whims, Louie Downey, Cal 2^ White, Jessie Long Beach, Cal Teaching 4 Widney, Marie Los Angeles, Cal Teaching ZY2 Willard, Mary A. (Cornett) . Simi, Cal Teaching 2 Wilson, Alice Lemoore, Cal Teaching 4 Wilson, Grace 937 E. 21st St., L. A Teaching 4 CLASS OF JUNE, 1903 Adams, Lottie (Merrill) ... .Ontario, Cal 3 Barmann, Natalie San Bernardino, Cal Teaching 4 Bathgate, Catherine (Will- iams) Orange, Cal 2 Bigelow, Eunice A Moreno, Cal Teaching 4 Boothe, Gertrude Colton, Cal Teaching 3 Brown, Arthur M Hollywood, Cal Teaching 3 Brown, Georgia H Tustin, Cal Teaching 3 55 Carter, Augusta B. (Scr- rigo) 1512 Winfield St., L. A 2 Chandler, Flora M Tropico, Cal 2 Cheney, Florence Deceased Clute, Florence (Robertson). 1216 Orange St., L. A 2^ Collins, Mary 2134 Reservoir St., L. A Teaching 4 Cook, Gertrude Sierra Madre, Cal Teaching 3 Dempsey, Nellie El Rio, Ventura Co., Cal. . . .Teaching 4 Dickinson, Ellen 536 E. 33rd St., L. A Teaching 4 Dodge, Laura Long Beach, Cal Teaching 4 Douglas, Mary E Grass Valley, Cal Teaching 4 Doyle, Mary Glendale, Cal Teaching 4 Drachman, Myra Long Beach, Cal Teaching 4 Elliott, Essie Paso Robles, Cal Teaching 4 Frazier, Alice Santa Ana, Cal Freeman, Mabel Santa Ana, Cal Teaching 4 Gleason, Ethel A Colton, Cal Teaching 4 Goodrich, Hattie L Redlands, Cal 2 Gould, Jessie M 606 Kensington Road, L. A . .Teaching 3 Gregg, Blanche E 232 E. 47th St., L. A Teaching 4 Harrison, Alice (Fraser) .... Rhyolite, Nev 3 Harwood, Grace See June, 1901 Henderson, Muriel 1628 Burlington Ave., L. A.. Teaching 3 Hindorff, Leora (Pitman ) . . . 1046 E. 45th St., L. A 1 Hoechlin, Louise M Hollywood, Cal Teaching 4 Howland, Stanley F 2903 Normandie Ave., L. A . .Teaching 4 Johnson, Rhoda Kane, Rena 1022 Ingraham St., L. .^ Teaching 4 Kerr, Margaret B Pasadena, Cal Teaching 3 Lashle, Blanche 1212 Stanford Ave., L. A . . . . Teaching 4 Layne, Olive (Bunnell) 1023 W. 21st St., L. A .. 2 Lewis, Edith 3424 Glen Albyn Drive, L. A.Teaching 4 Lindsay, Florence M 1035 Lincoln St., L. A Teaching 3 McCormack, Blanche See June, '01 Mead, Ida B 917 Sunset Blvd., L. A Teaching 3 Moore Harriet A 320 W. 16th St., L. A Teaching 4 Morgan, Geoffrev 1910 W. 25th St., L. A Teaching 3 Mullen, Carrie 364 W. 43rd St., L. A Teaching 3 Nelson, Daisy Newsom, Willis Garden Grove, Cal Teaching 4 Noyes, Alice Whittier, Cal Teaching 4 Nutting, Jessie G 2025 E. 3rd St., L. A Teaching 4 Pendleton, Ella 1558 E. 21st St., L. A Teaching 4 Sackett, Zella M Hollywood, Cal Teaching 4 Saunders, Katherine 2230 W. 20th St., L. A Teaching 4 Schweitzer, Chas. G Rivera, Cal Teaching 4 Snyder, Dora 1011 Diamond St., L. A Teaching 4 Stayton, Wm. 4320 Agricultural Ave., L. A.. Law student. ... 2 Stockman, Helen Streeter, Mrs. Lillian B • Thaxter, Allegra Los Angeles, Cal, R. F. D. 3 2 Umstead, Cordia Ethanac, Cal Teaching 4 Wickersham, Jessie See June, 1902 Williams, Kate Downey, Cal Teaching 4 Work, Nellie (Jay) Tucson, Ariz 2 Zielly, Helen Duarte, Cal Teaching 4 KINDERGARTEN TRAINING CLASS Fitch, Florence 1619 W. 22nd St., L. A Teaching 3i^ Haskin, Lorena (Gen'l '04) . . Garvanza, Cal Teaching 3 Rebman, Mae 1226 W. 9th St., L. A Teaching 4 56 CLASS OF JANUARY, 1904 Ambrose, Wiley Fresno, Cal Teaching 3 Armstrong, Mary Pomona, Cal Teaching 3 Ball, Effie 231 S. Bunker Hill Ave., L. A.Teaching! . ". '. '. '. '. 3U Bowen, Josephme Buena Park, Cal Teaching 3 Burch, Beatrice 1675 Girard St., L. A Teaching 3i/^ Burt, Ethel W Pasadena Teaching. ...... 3 Clarke, Mrs. Victoria M. . . . Colton, Cal Teaching.!....^ 4 Cole, Margaret Helen 940 S. Broadway, L. A Teaching!!!!!!^ 3i^ Collins, Daisy (Henry) Pomona, Cal 1 1^ Coulson, Mabel 411 E. 21st St., L. A Teaching! . . . . .. 3 Crabb, Bertha Covina, Cal Teaching 3 Dawley, Etha I Long Beach, Cal Teaching . .. 3 Graves, Edith 519 Patton St., L. A Teaching 2j^ Heuring. Lena R New Harmony, Ind Teaching 4 Hodgkins. Josephine Santa Monica, Cal Teaching 3 Hutchinson, Irene B 421 Belmont Ave., L. A Teaching. ...... 3 Hutt, James Whittier, Cal Teaching 3 Johnson, Grace 518 E. 12th St., L. A Teaching 3 Lawrence, Ida I Hollywood, Cal Teaching 3^/^ McClure, Zoe M Santa Monica, Cal Teaching '. . . 3 McKechnie, Mildred Riverside, Cal Teaching 3 Masterson, T. V Sawtelle, Cal Teaching 3 Mills, E. Louise 1222 Westlake Ave., L. A .. .Teaching. . 3 Mills, Nita H 1222 Westlake Ave., L. A. . .Teaching. . ... 3 Payne, Alice 1238 \W. 44th St., L. A Teaching 3 Pirtle, Eula Long Beach Teaching 3 Riddell, A. Hardy Burbank, Cal Teaching 3 Stafford, Miriam F 2406 E. 4th St., L. A Teaching 3 Stahmer, Henrietta 722 Lake St., L. A Teaching 3 Stanton, Mamie (Regan) .... 1454 W. 24th St., L. A 2 Thomas, Addie San Bernardino, Cal Teaching 3 Thompson, Pearl Tropico, Cal 2 Walsh, Dela Santa Monica, Cal Teaching 3 Widney, Josephine Cucamonga, Cal Teaching 3 KINDERGARTEN CLASS OF JANUARY, 1904 Bullard, Esther A Flagstaff, Ariz Teaching 3 Freeman, Mrs. Lelia G 1544 Pleasant Ave., L. A Teaching ly^ Rice, Belva 1917 Santa Cruz St., L. A . . . . Teaching 3 CLASS OF JUNE, 1904 Archer, Ada E Ayers, Etta E Somis, Cal Teaching 3 Ball, Ivan J Berkeley, Cal Student (Univ.). Bollinger, Lela G Compton, Cal., R. F. D. 2. . .Teaching 3 Carner, Bert ]\I Bolsa, Cal Student (Univ.). 2 Casey, May 331 Douglas St., L. A Teaching 3 Cottle. ]\Iary Elsie Turlock, Cal Teaching 3 Day, Dorothy M Santa Monica, Cal Teaching 3 Dickey, Lena Santa Ana, Cal., No. 2 Teaching 3 Errett, Mary B Dinuba, Cal Teaching 3 Freeman, Clara Downey, Cal 2 Fryer, Maude Spadra, Cal Teaching 3 Fuller, Ida E Compton, Cal Music teacher . . 1 Gifford, Henrietta Sierra Madre, Cal Teaching 3 Gilbert, Mabel A 169 Loma Drive, L. A Teaching 3 Gill, Ellice A Oxnard, Cal., R. F. D. 1 Teaching 3 Greenslade. Calla L El Toro, Cal Teaching 3 Hanson, Marg't L Ocean Park, Cal Teaching 3 57 Harnett, Josephine Long Beach, Cal Teaching 3 Harnett, Nora B Long Beach. Cal Teaching 3 Haskin, Lorena See June, 1903 Helvie, Carline P Long Beach, Cal Teaching 3 Hill, Frances Ventura, Cal Teaching 3 Hossler, Hutoqua Santa Ana, Cal Teaching 3 Hurley, Mary V 832 S. Olive St., L. A Teaching 2^ Jesson, Mabel H Ontario. Cal. Teaching 3 Johnson, Anna F Riverside, Cal Teaching 3 Johnson, John B Fullerton, Cal., R. F. D. 3. . .Teaching ly^ Johnson, Mildred Newhall, Cal Teaching 3 Killian, Mary K 721 N. Bunker Hill Ave., L. A . Teaching 3 Lynch, Clara Caliente, Cal Teaching 3 Minthorn, Maud A Eddy Station, L. A Student (L. A. N. S.) 3 Mitchell, May Annabell . . . .512 S. Bonnie Brae St.. L. A Moore, Cora B Riverside, Cal Traveling 2 Moore, Nellie Long Beach, Cal Teaching 2^ Nevius, Mary C 126 Ave. 55, L. A Teaching 3 Norris, Idell 495 Hartford Ave., L. A Teaching 3 Ott, Gertrude Redlands, Cal Teaching 3 Olsen, Hulda Riverside, Cal Teaching 3 Parcell, Zulema L 256 S. Bunker Hill. L. A . . . .Teaching 3 Parker, Elenora A Anaheim, Cal Teaching 3 Patterson, Pearl E 115 W. Ave. 52. L. A Teaching 3 Patton, Mrs. Marie A Pasadena Teaching 3 Pentland, Bertha E Redlands, Cal Teaching 3 Phillips, Maud F Highland, Cal Teaching 2y2 Phillis, Ethel D 917 Court St., L. A Teaching 3 Reeve, Mrs. Maria S East Pasadena, Cal Teaching 3 Ronan, Richard 503 S. Hancock St., L. A . . . . Medical student . 3 Spinner, Mabelle L San Pedro, Cal Teaching 3 Thompson, Alice L San Bernardino, Cal Teaching 3 Tref ethan, Nettie E San Pedro. Cal Teaching 3 Wallace, Addie 1 1829 W. Jefferson St.. L. A. .Teaching 3 Westcott, Frances (Thorpe). 2030 W. 28th St., L. A Wright, Lula E Pasadena, Cal Teaching 3 Yarnell, Sadie B La Mirada, Cal Teaching 3 KINDERGARTEN TRAINING CLASS Dobbins, Elsie C 1227 W. 30th St., L. A Teaching 2^ Humphrey, Alice G Pomona, Cal Teaching 3 Patton, Mrs. Beatrice C. (Gen'l '06) 2193 W. Adams St., L. A ... .Teaching 2y^ Peck, Adeline M 227 S. Union Ave., L. A Teaching 2 CLASS OF JANUARY, 1905 Adams, Adelia Vista, Cal Teaching 2 Alexander, Louise 1648 Girard St.. L. A Teaching 2 Beebe. May E. (Waldorf) . . . Anaheim, Cal 1 >4 Borthick. Fredonia Tropico. Cal Teaching 2 Bozza, Ethel M San Diego, Cal Teaching. 2 Brown, Abbie E 314 Avery St., L. A Teaching 2i/2 Cartwright, Nell M Toluca, Cal Teaching 2 Cessna, Geneva Orange, Cal Teaching ly^ Coughlin, Katherine 609 S. Flower St., L. A Teaching 1 Crawford. Ada Monroe, Penn Teaching 2 Dorsey, Bertha A Azusa, Cal Teaching 2 Eley, Louise C Fresno, Cal Teaching 2 Ellis. Katherine 2320 Scarff St., L. A Teaching 2 SB Force, Evelyn M Gardena, Cal Teaching 2 Foster, Alice C. (Cook) 2667 Orchard Ave., L. A 1 Garwood, Lela South Pasadena, Cal Teaching 2 Graham, J. Estelle Long Beach, Cal Teaching 2 Hiatt, Ethel E. (Greena- meyer) Died Jan. 19, 1906 Higgins, Lena Long Beach, Cal Teaching 2 Horton, Mary Olive Riverside, Cal Teaching 2 Hotzell, Marg't Z Whittier, Cal Teaching 2 Hughes, Lulu Norwalk, Cal Teaching 2 Hull, Reba M 3443 S. Hope St., L. A Teaching 2>4 Hutchinson, Julia 3617 S. Flower St., L. A Teaching 2 Johnson, Stella O Riverside, Cal Teaching. ... 2 Kels, Anna T 1869 Cordova St., L. A Teaching 2 Knappe, Bessie 420 W. 16th St., L. A Teaching 2 Kreier, C. Anna Chino, Cal Teaching 2 ' Krug, Wm. D 618 W. Pico St., L. A Grocer Kuehny, Menno S Downey, Cal Teaching 2 McCall, Emma A Yuma, Ariz Teaching 2 McLaughlin, M. May Santa Monica, Cal Teaching 2 Nolan, Helen O'Connell, Ida M 401^ Bixel St., L. A Teaching 2 Olsen, Ella M Colton, Cal Teaching 2 Ornelas, Manuela M Whittier, Cal Teaching 2 Reavis, Ola 1405 Scott Ave., L. A Teaching 2 Robinson, Marg't 117 S. Olive St., L. A Teaching 2 Ruhland, Venie E. (Service). EI Monte, Cal 1 Shrewsbury, Mary E Santa Ana, Cal Teaching 2^ Smith, Alice E 1016^ Maple Ave., L. A Teaching 2 Thompson, Gladys 511 J/^ Bixel St., L. A Teaching 2 Wagner, Ella S Selma, Cal Teaching 2 Waldorf, Creighton O Anaheim, Cal Teaching 2 Wallace, Annie B Huntsville, Ohio Teaching 2 Weber, Elizabeth M 2623 S. Vermont Ave., L. A.. Teaching 2 Yager, Jennie M 1124 E. 21st St., L. A Teaching 2 Yoder, Elizabeth South Pasadena, Cal Teaching 2 KINDERGARTEN TRAINING CLASS Mackenzie, Gertrude (Wil- son) 1335 E. Wasliington St., L. A 2 Mitchell, Mary Pasadena, Cal Teaching 2 Springer, Jessie (Gen'l '06) . . Ocean Park, Cal Teaching 2 Taylor, Anita (Fridenberg) . .New York City 2 Wagner, Lilian G 1123 Dewey Ave., L. A. Teaching 2 CLASS OF JUNE, 1905 Ayers, Jennie E Eureka, Cal Teaching 1^ Ballantyne, Edna C Tropico, Cal Teaching 2 Baxter, Ella Compton, Cal Teaching 2 Bemus, Hazel N Santa Ana, Cal Berney, Emma P 255 S. Bunker Hill Ave., L. A Boyer, Pearl M Lankershim Teaching 2 Burkhalter, Gertrude L 810 W. Washington St., L. A. Teaching 2 Clarke, Leo May (Gamble) . .201 S. Ave. 20, L. A Clay, Bonnie P 112^ S. Flower St., L. A. .. .Teaching 2 Collins, Isabel I Santa Ana, Cal Teaching 2 Cramer, Maud L Pasadena, Cal Teaching 2 Cunningham, Charley May. .Santa Ana. Cal Teaching 2 Curtis, Mrs. Velma V Long Beach, Cal Teaching 2 Davis, Mollie B Hemet, Cal Teaching 2 59 Dodson, Cora B South Pasadena, Cal Teaching 2 Dolland, Jessie L Norwalk, Cal Teaching l]^ Duke, Edgar H 545 Douglas Bldg., L. A Life insurance . . 1 Dull, Florence De E Long Beach, Cal Teaching 2 Eaton, Phele V Ventura, Cal Teaching 2 Groce, Lois Orrie Pomona, Cal Teaching 2 Grubb, Emma M Carpinteria, Cal Teaching 2 Hanna, Jessie Ray 418 E. 37th St., L. A Teaching 2 Hatfield. Clara C 1804 Brooklyn Ave., L. A Teaching 2 Haines, Lucy A. ( Verrill) ... 21 11 Bonsallo Ave., L. A 1 Hough, Henrietta H Sierra Madre. Cal Teaching 2 James, Florence K Petaluma, Cal Teaching IVz Kane, Alice Zaida 820 Hubbard St., L. A Teaching 2 Kellenberger, Rosa A Buena Park, Cal Teaching 2 Lewis, Harriet May 1606 Van Ness Ave., L. A. . .Teaching 2 Loyd, Delleada S Redlands, Cal Teaching 2 McCormick, Charlotte S San Fernando, Cal Teaching 2 MacDermott. Ethel A 114 N. Figueroa St., L. A. . . .Teaching 2 McGaugh, Mary E Rivera, Cal Teaching 2 McMillan, Estella Whittier. Cal Teaching 2 Manson. Margaret E 2221 E. 3rd St., L. A Teaching 2 Matlack, Idela AI Maxwell, ALirg't M 1319 Arnold St., L. A Teaching 2 Ott Mary V Santa Ana, Cal Teaching 2 Park Maud 1 733 W. 23rd St.. L. A Teaching 2 Parks, Rea Lola 278 E. 40th St., L. A Teaching 2 Phillips. Birdie M 1242 Ingraham St., L. A Teaching 2 Reppy, Vera M Ventura, Cal Student (Univ.) . 1 Richards, Harriet A Azusa, Cal Teaching 2 Root, Wm. T., Jr Pasadena, Cal Teaching 2 Ryker, Mary H Monrovia, Cal. . . ._ Teaching 2 Seward, Mrs. Ella Page Fullerton, Cal Teaching 2 Shultz, Dora 1065 E. Vernon Ave., Cal. . . .Teaching 2 Shultz, Maud 729 Stewart St., L. A Teaching 2 Standefer, Jessie J 818 N. Coronado St., L. A. . .Teaching 2 Stose, Artmesia S. (Layne) ..1823 Magnolia Ave., L. A 1 Strang. Grace 458 E. Washington St., L. A. .Teaching 2 Timmons, Zorayda L Delano, Cal Teaching 2 Townsend, Minnie 2823 Dalton Ave., L. A Teaching 2 Troxel, Jennie I Modesto, Cal Teaching 2 Valla. Emma J Whittier, Cal Teaching 2 Wheeler, Lesse D El Monte, Cal Teaching 2 White, Ruby (Abbott) Pasadena. Cal Teaching 2 Wilson, Louise Bakersfield, Cal Teaching 2 Wilson, Alyrtle E Santa Ana, Cal Teaching 2 KINDERGARTEN TRAINING CLASS Augur, Villa 452 Lake St., L. A Teaching 2 Beckett. Beatrice 347 S. Grand Ave., L. A Teaching 2 Chase, Laura 204 E. 24th St., L. A Student (L. A. N. S.) 1 Genu. Mabel Juliette 1146 Alvarado St., L. A Laudt, Katherine 2131 Estrella Ave., L. A Teaching 2 Morris. Emma N. (Mueller) .657 S. Burlington Ave., L. A Safford, Helen R 6th and Alvarado Sts.. L. A.. Teaching 2 Sterrett, Anna V 1334 Magnolia Ave., L. A. . . .Teaching 2 CLASS OF JANUARY, 1906 Adams, Carrie L 1928 Pennsylvania Ave., L. A. Teaching \l'j Barnes, Mrs. Jessie B Long Beach, Cal Teaching 1^ 60 K2 Barr, Alice E 1431 Mitchell Place, L. A Teaching Bedford, Mattie 790 E. 16th St., L. A Teaching Bennett, Bessie 319 Arcadia St., Pasadena. . .Teaching Bradford, Mrs. Lillian P. . . . See June, 1900 Cartwright, Alice Lankershim, Cal Teaching Cable, Octavia N 1341 W. 24th St., L. A Teaching.' Collins, Sarah Bertha 1244 Innes Ave., L. A Teaching Cox, Mabel S 622 Gladys Ave., L. A Teaching Creigh, Annie 243 S. Johnston St., L. A Teaching Cress, Ada Cananea, Mex Teaching Davis, Mary San Bernardino, Cal Teaching Davis, Sarah Cananea, Mex Teaching Decrow, Ruby San Bernardino, Cal Teaching Denison, Myrtle Ventura, Cal Teaching Dickey, Ruth Pasadena Teaching Dodge, Delia Frances 3106 S. Main St., L. A Teaching Dumble, Marian B 1808 S. Burlington Ave., L. A.Teaching Estudillo ,Adelaide Riverside, Cal Teaching Farris, Myrtle 606^ E. 4th St., L. A Teaching. . . .'. Fellows, Ethel F 2443 Boulder St., L. A Teaching Franklin, Bertha W South Pasadena, Cal Teaching Haifley, Lillian B Pasadena, Cal Teaching Harrison, Lillian Santa Barbara, Cal Teaching Hubbard, Fay Yermo, Cal Teaching Kenyon, Jessie Fresno, Cal Teaching Knowlton, Lulu Monrovia, Cal Teaching Kuntz, Lena Pomona, Cal Teaching Lepley, Alvina B Alhambra, Cal Teaching Lewis, Mabel F 147 W. 51st St., L. A Teaching Lewis, A. Zoe 2663 W. 30th St., L. A Teaching Martin, Marie M Santa Ana, Cal Teaching McCarthy, Jennie C 316 Latrobe Ave., L. A Teaching Michaelis, Harriet Norwalk, Cal Teaching Moller, Grace L Redlands, Cal Teaching Morris, Martha J Banning, Cal Teaching Parsons, Alice Maude Carpinteria, Cal Teaching Patterson, Maude A Box 128, R. F. D. 2, L. A . . . . Teaching Patton, Mrs. Beatrice C. ... See June, '04 . Porter, Minnie E Fullerton, Cal Teaching Reynolds, Anna M 346 Westlake Ave., L. A Teaching Robertson, Edith 3017 Altura St., L. A Teaching Scott, Myrtle San Bernardino, Cal Teaching Sharpe, Otis A. O Waterman, Cal Teaching Smith, Alma M Shoemaker, Cal Teaching Steinberger, Elizabeth Sierra Madre. Cal Sugg, Lela M Rivera, Cal Teaching Sullivan, Eveleen San Bernardino, Cal Teaching Wenger, Elva Bertha 1436 Rich St., L. A Teaching White, A. Edith Rivera, Cal., R. F. D Teaching Wilkinson, Irma J Bakersfield, Cal Williams, Anita E Santa Paula, Cal Teaching Wood, Rebecca Azusa, Cal Teaching KINDERGARTEN TRAINING CLASS Brown, Carrie E 643 19th St., San Diego Teaching IJ/2 Ellis, Adelaide (Gen'l, June, •06) 847 W. 10th St., L. A CLASS OF JUNE, 1906 Barnes, Edna E 749 S. Flower St., L. A Teacliing 1 Barton, Grace C 978 El Molino St., L. A Teaching 1 61 'A V2 Best, Helen J Glendale, Cal Teaching. Blair, Lucy Long Beach, Cal Teaching. Blair, Minnie 321 1 Minnesota St., L. A . . . . Teaching . Boner, Mrs. Emma A 675 N. Fair Oaks Ave., Pasa- dena Teaching. Boyer, Rose Toluca, Cal Teaching. Brown, Nell J 1 368 S. Flower St., L. A Teaching . Burns, Daisy M Long Beach, Cal Teaching . Carpenter, Edna M Fullerton, Cal Teaching. Carrigan, Juanita 131^ Witmer St., L. A Teaching. Chamberlain, Julia M Ferris, Cal Teaching . Chaney, Mrs. Beatrice C. ...1513 S. Hope St., L. A Teaching. Chapman, Marilia S Lowell, Michigan Teaching. Charles, Laura P San Pedro, Cal Teaching. Cooper, Ida M 137 W. Ave. 52, L. A Teaching. Cox, Minta E 821 E. 28th St., L. A Teaching. Coy, Myrtle A Lancaster, Cal Teaching . Curl, Vera O Pasadena Teaching. Dowd, Clara M 747 Grattan St., L. A Teaching. Doyle, John R Glendale, Cal Teaching. Eason, Pearl Monrovia, Cal Teaching . Ellis, Adelaide See January, '06 Ervin, Edith 1147 E. 54th St., L. A Teaching . Gill, N. Grace San Bernardino, Cal Teaching . Graham, Jean Agnes 1605 Santee St., L. A Teaching. Grubb, Lena F Carpinteria, Cal Teac!iing . Guthrie, Alice M Chatsworth, Cal Teaching. Haddock, Nellie Norwalk, Cal Teaching . Halsey, Bessie A 2661 N. Griffin Ave., L. A. . . .Teaching. Hanson, Regina R Pomona, Cal Teaching . Hasson, Elsie Redlands, Cal Teaching. Hayes, Mrs. Abra E El Monte, Cal Heller, Anna Long Beach, Cal Teaching. Hewitt, Nettie R 53rd and Vermont, L. A Teaching. Howard, Annie Pasadena Teaching . Howe, Rena Long Beach Teaching . James, Bertha E Pasadena Teaching . Johnston, Florence Norwalk, Cal Teaching. Linge, Ethel A Artesia, Cal Teaching . Lomman, Minnie Cucamonga, Cal Teaching. McCarthy, Persy E 2639 E. 2nd St., L. A Teaching. Mclntyre, Annie L Glendale, Cal Teaching. Mee, Ethel L 122 S. Hancock, L. A Teaching. Merrick, Mrs. Rosetta W. ..231 S. Figueroa, L. A Teaching. Merrill, Mina San Pedro, Cal Milner, Pearl Hollywood, Cal Teaching. Moody, Opal M Santa Paula, Cal Teaching. Norton, Edgar A 335 W. 27th St., L. A Teaching. Paine, Alice C .715 Ave. 64, L. A Teaching . Pond, Floss M 1413 Girard St., L. A Teaching. Ponder, Susie 1633 W. 7th St., L. A Teaching. Rankin, Ida M 1238 W. 40th St., L. A Teaching. Reed, Flora C Safiford, Ariz Teaching . Reed, Lona A Ontario, Cal Teaching . Reeve, Enid 171 Hollister, Pasadena Teaching. Richards, Ada 124 W. Pico St., L. A Teaching. Rose, May "The Palms," Cal Teaching . St. Merry, Edna V Randsburg, Cal Teaching . Scherrer, Alice Georgetown, Cal Teaching . Seawell, Viola 1358 S. Figueroa St., L. A . . . Teaching . Selby, Mary E Ventura, Cal Teaching . Sessions, Romaine 823 Grand View Ave., L. A.. Teaching. Shea, Mrs. Blanche S Inglewood, Cal Teaching. 62 Shepherd, Emily Pasadena, R. F. D. 186 Teaching Shields, Margaret A Redlands, Cal Teaching Shields, May L Santa Ana, Cal Teaching Shultz, Lucile Vernon and Central, L. A . . . Teaching Shutt, Zelma DeTar Pasadena .Teaching Smith, Grace Winifred 615 Loomis St., L. A Teaching Smith, Luella M Colegrove, Cal Teaching Soules, Fannie Colegrove, Cal Teaching Springer, Jessie M See January, '05 Stevenson, Sarah C 521 Ave. 66, L. A Teaching Stone, May Fullerton, Cal Teaching Todd, Grace Helen Corona, Cal Teaching Trefethen, Gratia San Pedro, Cal Teaching Tryon. Lulu 1143 Catalina St., L. A Teaching Van Dam, Helen A 1613 Oak St., L. A Teaching Wade, Edna P R. F. D. 3, L. A Teaching Walker, Blanche A Oxnard, Cal Teaching Warne, Sarah E Santa Ana, Cal Teaching Warren, Hazel G Riverside, Cal Teaching Waterbury, Harriet B. (Kgn '06) 424 S. Hope St., L. A Teaching Waters, Dora A. Gardena, Cal Teaching Weber, Clara L Huntington Park, Cal Student (L.A. N. S.) Winn, Altha M Portales, New Mex Teaching 1 KINDERGARTEN TRAINING CLASS Bailey, Charlotte Colegrove, Cal Teaching Barbour, Marion B 2716 S. Grand Ave., L. A. . . .Teaching Boyle, Myrtle Prescott, Ariz Teaching Burns, Belle .3113 S. Main St., L. A Teaching Chase, Florence 2123 Norwood St., L. A Teaching Colborn, Ruth B 1199 W. 37th St., L. A Teaching Knight, Bertha 621 Witmer St., L. A Teaching Knight, Georgia Lois San Luis Obispo, Cal Teaching Norris, Elveria C Pasadena Teaching Theal, Millie 728 Kensington Road, L. A . . Teaching Thompson, Mary Pasadena Teaching Waterburj', Harriet B See General above CLASS OF JANUARY, 1907 Alger, Edna C Edgewood, Iowa Teaching Yr Allin, Jessie G Pasadena. Cal Teaching Vz Babcock, Servia A 919 Albany St., L. A Teaching Vz Banks, Elizabeth Fullerton, Cal Teaching Yz Bathev, Allie M Hollywood, Cal Student (L. A. N. S.) Blanchard, Ada Covina Bullock, Nina C Rivera, Cal Teaching ^ Chapman, Anamay Westminster, Cal Teaching Yi Clark, Mrs. May Keir Oceanside Gushing, Chas. H Los Angeles, R. F. D. 5 Doan, Delia 732 E. 27th St., L. A Teaching Y2 Donahue, Frankie L Alhambra, Cal Teaching Yz Donfmeier, Irene A 3800 S. Hope St., L. A Teaching Y2 Elder, Martha J 1615 Court St., L. A Erickson, Huldah Fresno, Cal Teaching Y2 Fallis, Elizabeth 625 Sunset Blvd., L. A Teaching Y2 Flathers, S. Mae Ontario, Cal Teaching Y2 Fowble, Bessie 943 W. 37th St.. L. A Teaching Y2 63 Fryer, Lottie Spadra. Cal Teaching ^ Garrison, Dora L 2125 Manitou Ave., L. A. . . .Teaching Yz Gray, Evangeline 1616 W. 25th St., L. A Teaching Y^ Halsey, A. Louise Buena Park, Cal Teaching ^ Harkness, Catherine 1204 W. 37th St., L. A Student (L. A. N. S.) Harris, Ella San Bernardino, Cal Teaching Yt, Harter, Mary South Pasadena, Cal Teaching ^ Higgins, Pearl Long Beach, Cal Huntoon, Annie N 2834 S. Olive St., L. A Teaching Yt. Jones, Elizabeth 1406 W. 7th St., L. A Teaching ^ Kaal, Hanna 235 S. Fremont Ave., L. A . . Teaching Y2 McAllister. Ruth 209 E. Adams St., L. A Teaching Y2. McCoid, Bessie Whittier. Cal Teaching Yi Maloy, Percy San Pedro, Cal Teaching ^ Morgan, Lucy H San Bernardino. Cal Teaching Y2 Moores, Alice 507 W. Adams St., L. A . . Orr, x\delaide Ventura, Cal Teaching Y2, Peters, Mertha Santa Ana, Cal Teaching Y2. Phoenix, Margaret Arroyo Grande Teaching Y2. Pierce, Mabel A 1329 W. 25th St., L. A Teaching ^ Pratt, Anne Stokely 732 Rampart St., L. A Quinn. Mabel C El Monte, Cal Teaching Y2 Russell, Hazel Santa Maria. Cal Teaching Yi Sackett, Emily Hollywood, Cal Teaching Y2 Smith, Clara M 227 N. Hancock St., L. A. . . .Teaching Y^ Smith, Z. Myrtle Turlock, Cal Teaching Y2 Stayton, Nellie J AZl^Y^ Agricultural A v., L. A. Teaching Y2 Stearns, Evelyn M 917 N. Bonnie Brae St., L. A. Teaching Y2 Stradley, Mary 1011 W. 9th St., L. A Teaching Y2 Sutton, Emma Armona, Cal Teaching Y2 Thornton, Sue Norwalk, Cal Teaching Y2 Venable, Lelia B Los Alamitos, Cal Teaching Y2 Voiles, Alberta 3421 Lan Franco St., L. A. . .Teaching Y2 Ward, Anita M 1425 Georgia St., L. A Teaching Y2 Waters, Crystal 2351 London St., L. A Teaching Y2 Whitice, Belle H 1570 W. 17th St., L. A Student^L. A. N. S.) Wiggs, Edith E Whittier, Cal Teaching Y2 Wilson, Grace C Venice, Cal Teaching Y2 Young, Florence 504 N. Soto St., L. A Teaching Y2 KINDERGARTEN TRAINING CLASS Ewing, Edna Ventura, Cal Teaching Y2 Maxfield. Florence A Redlands, Cal Teaching Y2 SUMMARY Total number of graduates 191 1 Number graduates from two courses 16 1895 Number of graduates deceased 66 Number now engaged in teaching 1042 Average length of teaching service since graduation, exclusive of class of January. '07 5,48 Average length of teaching service, exclusive of classes graduating since 1902 6.87 64 I'i • ;ALiFoinMiA i University of California SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY 405 Hilgard Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90024-1388 Return this material to tfie library from which it was borrowed. ^^^C'D LD-URi. JAN 1 2 1996 BUILD D 000 523 386 i rCIRCULATlN( r( } ALL )R ROWERS mem UNIVERSITY of CALIFORNIA uua ANGJilLBa UBRAKT