San Francisco's Ocean Trade PAST AND FUTURE A Story of the Deep Water Service of San Francisco, 1848 to 1911. Effect the Panama Canal will have upon it. BY BENJ. C. WRIGHT Author "Banking in California 1849-1910." A. CARLISLE & CO. San Francisco 1911 Copyrighted in 1911. By Benj. C. Wright. 3lb3 INDEX Page An appreciative testimonial 5 Golden Gate opened to commerce 6 First passenger ship — Soldiers arrive 6 First big fleet 7 First steamer in the Pacific 8 Pacific Coast needs recognized 8 Big steamship contract 10 Tribute to the enterprise 11 Pioneer Pacific fleet 12 A new link in the service 13 Last loop of memorable trip 15 An enthusiastic welcome 15 First voyage ended 16 Some cases of gold fever 17 On California soil at last 20 Commodities and values 20 Large buyers of cargoes 21 The California's passengers 21 Schedule upset ,. 23 New commander 23 First church services 24 Second Pacific Mail steamer 25 Prominent passengers 25 Third Pacific Mail steamer 26 First year under mail contract 27 Fate of first three steamers 29 The other three steamers 29 Gold seekers on the run 30 Competition on Panama route 31 Second year in Panama trade 32 Ship of State launched 33 Isthmus service increased 34 Isthmus passengers for third year 36 Tonnage on the river 37 Events of fourth year 38 Loss of North America 38 More steamers arrive 39 Loss of Yankee Blade 41 ii Index Page Other changes in first decade 42 Slow steamer makes fast time 44 Panama railroad 44 Suspension of San Juan service 47 Numerous Isthmus lines 48 Lull in steamer movement 49 Retirements in second decade 50 Turn in Pacific Mail affairs 51 Larger steamers ordered 53 First iron steamer in Mail line 54 Losses in Pacific Mail service 57 Loss of the San Francisco 58 Loss of the Central America 59 Loss of the Golden Gate 59 Other disasters in the line 61 How vessels end existence 64 First steam line to China 65 Pioneer steamer in China line 67 Opposition in China service 70 British line for the trade 70 Perils in the trade 71 Essentially a California organization 73 Change in the management 73 The Big Four steamers 74 Local agents Pacific Mail 75 Japanese steam line 75 Steam service with British Columbia 76 First steam collier 80 Disaster on British Columbia route 83 Loss of Brother Jonathan 84 Loss of Valencia 87 Direct steam line to Mexico 87 Steam line to Hawaiian Islands 91 Steam line to Australia 97 Steam line to Society Islands 103 Steam line to South America 105 German steam line 107 Around the world line 109 American-Hawaiian line 110 Tramp steamer line 115 Dollar Steamship Company 119 Index iii Page California and Atlantic line 120 Pacific Coast steam lines 121 Steamers in sugar trade 128 Steamers in coal trade 131 Steamers in lumber trade 132 Steamers in wheat trade 133 Steamers in California oil trade 137 Steamers in general trade 141 Steamers in whale trade 142 Tonnage in codfisheries 146 Tonnage in the salmon fisheries 148 Prom forty-nine to eighty-six 149 The man on the quarter deck 153 Freight earnings inward 161 Freight earnings outward 161 High and low grain charters 162 Vessels for flour and grain 167 Time made by grain fleet 168 Ship's time in port 170 Ballast ships in and out 171 Sources of sail tonnage 173 Some valuable cargoes 173 Clipper ships' fast time 175 Arrivals announced 177 Steamer day 177 Merchants' Exchange 178 San Francisco Chamber of Commerce 179 Shipbuilding in California 181 The bay and water front 183 Solid rock docks 186 Ocean tonnage arrivals, 1848-1911 187 Panama Canal 187 Compensations of the Canal 189 Other ship canals 191 Panama-Pacific Exposition 194 Heavy demand for American ships 196 Prominent shippers, past and present 196 Future of American marine 198 United States Navy at Golden Gate 200 An American line with a record 200 Illustrations of the Service. Scattered through the book will be found a number of illustrations of steamers, all, with one exception, being now in the deep water trade of the port. The exception is the sidewheeler Golden City, 4,000 tons, on the Panama route for account of the Pacific Mail Com- pany from 1863 to 1870, when she was wrecked four days out from this port. The twin steel screw Siberia, 5,655 tons, under Captain Zeeder, belonging to the same company, has been in the Oriental trade since 1902. The twin steel screw Governor, 2,400 tons, built in 1901, is in the coast trade of the Pacific Coast Steamship Com- pany. The steel screw Isthmian, 3,643 tons, built at the Union Iron Works in 1908, belongs to the American-Hawaiian Company, and is in the direct trade with domestic Atlantic ports. The steel screw Wilhelmina, 4,400 tons, built in 1909, is in the Honolulu sugar trade for account of the Matson Navigation Company. The iron screw Mariposa, 1,939 tons, owned by the Oceanic Steamship Company, is performing a 36-day service with the Society Islands. The steel screw Tenyo Maru, 7,265 tons, built in Japan in 1908, and owned by the Toyo Kisen Kaisha, is in the Oriental trade. Representative steamers in the oil export trade are the steel screw Niagara, 4,400 tons, built in 1908, with a capa- city of 3,000,000 gallons, is serving the Standard Oil Com- pany. The new steel screw tank steamers, Oleum. 1.738 tons, and W. F. Herrin, 3,143 tons, are recent arrivals from the East, the former serving the Union Oil Company, and the latter the Associated Oil Company. The Union Iron Works' large dock at Hunter's Point, emptied of w^ater, with the United States cruiser Milwaukee inside, shows how big vessels can be docked here. The Merchants' Exchange is visited by hundreds of people daily. It is a 14-story steel structure and the home of the San Francisco Chamber of Commerce, the name of a corporation recently formed, in which has been merged the Chamber of Commerce of San Francisco, the Merchants' Ex- change, the Merchants' Association, and the Down Town Association, thus making it the largest commercial organiza- tion in San Francisco. San Francisco's Ocean Trade PAST AND FUTURE An Appreciative Testimonial. To the memory of the numerous throng gone before, by whose thoughts, words and acts direct communication by the all-water route between the Atlantic seaboard and the Pacific seaboard was inaugurated, as well as to the long line of their successors, who have since maintained and further perfected the same service, and who are now engaged in an effort to greatly shorten the route between domestic Pacific and domestic Atlantic and European ports, in the construction of a ship canal across the Isthmus of Darien, the greatest enterprise of the kind ever exploited, the accompanying story is most respectfully and most gratefully dedicated. The pioneers in this ocean service between the Atlantic and the Pacific evidently did not fully realize the vast importance of their undertaking, as have those who have followed them. The Pacific West is under great obligations to the Atlantic East for its rapid and successful development. Seventy years ago there were no Pacific States or Terri- tories. Since 1840, the number of States has been increased from 26 to 46 and the population of the country from 17,000,000 to 92,000,000. The six Pacific States which were not in existence in 1840 now report a population of 5.000,000, of which California is credited with 2,377,500. In August, 1911, Congress conditionally conferred Statehood upon Arizona and New Mexico, with a combined population of 532,000. 6 San Francisco's Ocean Trade — Past and Future Golden Gate Opened to Commerce. While the first permanent white settlement in San Fran- cisco dates from June 28, 1876, there was not much com- merce on the waters of the bay for many years afterwards. The Mission of San Francisco and the Mission of San Jose had each a 30-ton schooner, which had been built at Fort Ross by the Russians. After a time both became leaky and were abandoned. William A. Richardson, who had settled in Sausalito in 1822, moved to San Francisco in 1835. He offered to put the schooners in good condition and carry the freight of the Mission for the use of the vessels and their Indian crews, which offer was accepted. Mr. Richardson at once plunged into the shipping busi- ness, with the whole of the southern portion of the bay as a field of operations. As there was no Commerce Com- mission in existence to fix rates, he charged $1.00 per bag for transportation of tallow or 12i/^ cents apiece for hides from any part of the bay to tidewater, where these articles were put aboard ship for export. In 1835 and 1836 the exports were about 20,000 hides and 1,000 tons tallow, hardly enough for a single ship at present. First Passenger Ship. The Brooklyn was the first ship to enter this harbor with any considerable number of passengers. This vessel left New York February 5, 1846, bound for Oregon with 238 passengers, mostly Mormons, under the leadership of Samuel Brannan, and put into this port on July 28, 1846, just 20 days after the American flag had been hoisted by Captain Montgomery of the U. S. sloop Portsmouth, on the spot since known as Portsmouth Square. In March, 1847, Colonel Stevenson's regiment arrived San Francisco's Ocean Trade — Past and Future 7 from New York on the transports Thomas H. Perkins, Loo Choo and Susan Drew. The shipping in port at that time consisted of the above four vessels, together with the ship Vandalia, a coast schooner, a small steam launch and two rowboats. The improvements comprised about two dozen buildings of various sizes, used for all purposes. The streets were four in number — Montgomery along the water front, with Kearny to the west, intersected by Clay and Washington. This four-square city of Yerba Buena of 1847 looks iu.significant compared with the San Francisco of 1911, with its miles of well-paved streets and its thousands of substantial buildings, many of which are the equal of the best anywhere. First Big Fleet. The first record of marine arrivals of much importance was for the twelve months immediately following the entrance of the Thomas H. Perkins. The official report for the year ending March 30, 1848, showed 86 marine arrivals, including 4 naval vessels, 15 whalers, 8 small craft from the Hawaiian Islands and 58 from domestic Pacific Coast ports. How many of these vessels came into port in the last nine months of 1847. or how many came in during the first three months of 1848, is not definitely known. It is probable that the naval vessels and the whalers were among the arrivals of 1847. It was customary at that time for the Arctic whalers to rendezvous at the Hawaiian Islands in the closing months of the calendar year to refit for another cruise. Some of these called in here mainly for fresh water supply, which was obtained at Sausalito. J. W. Marshal made his discovery of gold in January. 1848, and the news of that discovery undoubtedl.y reached points on the coast and the Hawaiian Islands soon after- 8 San Francisco's Ocean Trade — Past and Future wards, so that many of the merchantmen may have arrived in February and March, 1848. First Steamers on the Pacific. The first mercantile steamers to ply on the Pacific were built in England, and arrived at Talcahuna in 1840, having made the run from London in about 55 days. They were known as the Chile and Peru, each registering about 700 tons. They were to run between South American ports and Europe. The first steamer to try the waters of the San Fran- cisco bay was a small launch built by the Russians at Sitka and brought to this port on the deck of a vessel. This vessel made one trip to Sacramento, but on her return was outdistanced by an ox team that left that city after her departure. This event so stunned the pride of the owners that they took out her machinery and converted her into a sloop, in which form she was more successful. The frame of a small steamer intended for service at San Francisco was fashioned on board the ship Edward Everett which left Boston on January 10, 1849, for the Pacific. This experiment was equally unsuccessful, but the machinery proved useful in running the first quartz mill put in operation in California. Pacific Needs Recognized. Pacific Coast affairs were not much in the public eye in 1840, and there was little appreciation of this end of the country at that time. Within five years afterwards, however, it was realized that some consideration ought to be given to this section. At that time there were some white settlements scattered up and down the coast, and they wanted some recognition from the other side of the continent. San Francisco's Ocean Trade — Past and Future 9 So in 1845 a petition was forwarded to the United States Postal Department, requesting the establishment of a mail service between New York and Oregon by way of Panama. The enterprise contemplated a semi-monthly service between New York and Panama and a monthly service between the latter port and Oregon, to be performed by steamers approved by the Government. After some discussion, the claim of the petitioners was considered reasonable, and proposals were solicited for the service. Three responses followed, one for $300,000, one for $199,000 and one for $151,000 per annum, and of course the lowest one was accepted. Bat neither of the lowest two bidders were able to carry out the contract, and it was finally awarded to W. H. Aspin- wall, who had been previously identified with business on the Isthmus. Mr. Aspinwall subsequently interested Gardiner How- land and Henry Chauneey in the project, and the result was the incorporation in New York on April 12, 1848, of the Pacific Mail Steamship Company, with a capital of $500,000. The act of Congress authorizing the opening of this new mail route was passed March 3, 1847. This act was subse- quently amended to include San Francisco as a port of call on the way to Portland, the subsidy being fixed at $200,000 per annum. The next step in this movement was a little more dif- ficult than the previous ones had been. These gentlemen had secured a contract for a service for which they had no steamers, and there were no suitable ones in existence that could be chartered for that purpose. The contract was quite specific and strongly worded in the interest of the Government that guaranteed the expenditure for carrying the mails. 10 San Francisco's Ocean Trade — Past and Future The steamers were to be built under Government supervision, and with special regard to strength, so that they might be used for war steamers in case of emergency. To this end their construction allowed piercing for guns or arrangements on deck for mounted guns. Another provision exacted by the Government was that the steamer should be placed in command of a captain se- lected from the United States Navy. This was an addi- tional guarantee that the steamers should be used for Gov- ernment service in case of war. Nearly all of the early commanders of the Pacific Mail Company's steamers were selected from the United States Navy; and many selections of that kind were made even after the exaction was removed. The promoters of the enterprise doubtless looked upon these requirements of the Government as unnecessary bur- dens, but in the end they proved to be of great value to the new steamship company in the untried field it was to cover. These commanders knew the ways of the ocean both theoretically and practically as few in other professions did. Big Steamship Contract. Having carefully examined the terms of the contract that had been awarded them, and having fully approved and accepted the conditions imposed by the same, they at once arranged to have three steamers built after the plans of the War Department. William H. Webb, a well known ship builder, was given the order to construct the vessels, and he immediately pre- pared his yard for the task. It was a hurry order and he was given a fixed time in which to build and equip the vessels. It is needless to say that Mr. Webb carried out his con- tract to the letter. The vessels were to be built after the San Francisco's Ocean Trade — Past and Future 11 same model, each to be of 1,000 tons burthen, with paddle wheels for propulsion. At that time most of the steamers in service on the Atlantic were under 1,000 tons register, so that steamers over 1,000 tons were something of a novelty. As each of these steamers glided from the ways into the water it was pronounced a beauty, staunch, well equipped and excellent rating for speed and comfort. Under the command of experienced naval officers, the service was of the highest type, and the whole outfit was a splendid contribution to the marine of the world. Tribute to the Enterprise. William H. Aspinwall, the founder of the Pacific Mail Company, was naturally selected as the first president. At the time he was a successful business man, just the kind of a man to head an enterprise of this sort. It is not remembered how long he held the office of president, and it is ho reflection on the many other able gentlemen who have succeeded him in that important office to say that not one has given to the company's service a better administration. The period of his incumbency was a trying one, as is generally the case with the inauguration of great enter- prises, but he showed himself equal to the occasion, and his influence was felt on the affairs of the company long after he had retired from the office of president. The enterprise itself was a great undertaking. At that time the possibilities of the Pacific Coast were not realized. The presence of gold in California was unknown at the inception of the enterprise. The subsidy was about the only revenue in sight. There was little to hope in the way of passenger or freight traffic. The undertaking was little less than a leap in the dark. But faith in the unseen was eventually rewarded. 12 San Francisco's Ocean Trade — Past and Future Pioneer Pacific Fleet. Three steamers can hardly be termed a fleet, but as subsequent events have proved, they are entitled to be con- sidered the pioneers of a fleet that has made much history for the coast. These steamers were appropriately christened with the names of California, Oregon and Panama. It is said that Mr. Webb built only two of these, the first and last named, and that it was Mr. Secor who built the Oregon. It is fur- ther said that Mr. Webb completed his two before Mr. Secor had finished the Oregon. The California registered 1,050 tons, the Panama 1,058 tons, and the Oregon 1,120 tons. The California was the first to leave New York, and she started promptly at noon October 5, 1848, for Panama via the Straits of Magellan, under the command of Cleveland Forbes, a brother of A. B. Forbes, so long and so well known in this city. A fellow officer of this pioneer commander of the pioneer steamer in the mercantile service under the American flag, said of Mr. Forbes : "He was as noble and gallant a seaman as ever tread the quarter deck or held a quadrant to the sun. ' ' Captain Forbes was taken ill on the voyage to Panama, and though a proper subject for a physician's care, insisted on looking after his vessel when he ought to have been reclining in his stateroom. The steamer made several stops before reaching Panama, and was therefore much longer on the voyage than expected. At Valparaiso Captain Forbes was so ill that a council of phj^sicians was called, and it was their verdict that he should be relieved from the responsibility of commanding the ship. A capable commander was found at Valparaiso in the person of John Marshall, then in charge of a ship in port en route to China, and he took the California to Panama San Francisco's Ocean Trade — Past and Future 13 and thence to San Francisco, Mr. Forbes remaining on board as a passenger. The California took no passengers from New York except two or three privileged characters who were bound to South America. The surgeon of the ship was Dr. A. B. Stout, who subsequently became a resident of San Francisco. The officers of the California little knew what a crowd was at Panama waiting their arrival, for the gold fever had not become violent at the time of departure from New York. A New Link in the Service. While the California was steaming for Panama via the Straits of Magellan, arrangements were being made to send a steamer to Aspinwall with the view of making a con- nection in some way across the Isthmus to Panama, a dis- tance of about 50 miles. How this was to be accomplished did not seem to concern the promoters very much. The steamer Falcon was selected for this service, and she was advertised to leave New York for Aspinwall on December 20, 1848. The stories of gold discoveries in Cali- fornia had begun to receive some credence, and the Falcon had no difficulty in getting her berths filled. In fact, the rush for passage seemed to be anticipated, for the time of departure was advanced from the 20th to the 1st of December. It was decided to put to sea at noon on the latter date, and within five minutes after the hour had struck. Captain Miles T. Thompson gave the order to cast off the lines, and she immediately proceeded out of the river to the sea. Two hours later she passed the steamers Oregon and Panama, the former on her trial trip and the latter returning to port disabled. Among the passengers on the Falcon were several females, including the captain's wife, her maiden sister, and the wife of the young Baptist missionary, Rev. 0. C. 14 San Francisco's Ocean Trade — Past and Future Wheeler, then being sent out to the coast by the American Baptist Home Mission Society. A good story of Wheeler in this connection has been told. He was fresh from college, and had been settled over a growing church for about a year. The officers of the Home Mission Society invited him to go to California. He told them he would not give up his pastorate for the highest office in the gift of the people. However, after much persuasion, he was prevailed upon to go. The next thing was to secure passage on the Falcon. This was on the 18th of November. The parties were surprised when they found the date for sailing had been changed to December 1st, and Wheeler was asked if he could get ready for such a voyage on such short notice. His reply was: "After all I have sacrificed in accepting the offer, I will go even if the steamer should sail to morrow." Most of the Falcon's passengers were seasick just after starting, but the weather on the third day out was pleasant. This was Sunday, and in the afternoon religious services were held. Only two of the four clergymen on board were well enough to take part. The service was conducted by Rev. Sylvester Woodbridge and the Rev. 0. C. Wheeler. On the following Sunday, Wheeler preached from the words: "I have sworn, and I will perform it, that I will keep thy righteous judgments." The Falcon finally landed her passengers and then came the most difficult part of the voyage — that of crossing the Isthmus of Panama. Boats or canoes were used on the Chagres river to Gor- gona, or within eighteen miles of Panama, and the remainder of the way was either made on foot or on the backs of mules. Two of the lady passengers went across on mules, man fashion, in a drenching rain, and were received with great demonstrations at Panama. San Francisco's Ocean Trade — Past and Future 15 Last Loop of Memorable Trip. The Falcon's passengers had to wait twenty-tive days at Panama for the arrival of the California. In the meantime others had arrived at Panama from New Orleans and other southern ports en route to California. This was due to the fact that three days after the departure of the Falcon from New York the discovery of gold in California was made public by President Polk in his message to Congress. The officers of the California found the accommodations of the steamer overtaxed, but did the best they could and pulled away from Panama as soon as possible. The only event of any importance on the way up from Panama arose from the fear that the coal would give out before port was reached. This fear was partially realized, for when off Monterey, in a dense fog, orders were given to burn the lumber used in making temporary berths. How- ever, a further search found some coal in an unexpected quarter of the vessel,- and what threatened to be a danger was averted. After a slow and cautious trip of twenty-eight days from Panama, the steamer California passed through the Golden Gate. Since then the trip has been made in less than one-half of that time. An Enthusiastic Welcome. Never was a merchant steamer received at this port more royally or enthusiastically. Of course when General Grant arrived here on the Pacific Mail steamer City of Tokio from Hongkong in September, 1879, on his famous trip around the world, there was a grander display among the shipping in the port and throughout the city, because there was more material out of which to make a demonstration. But on the occasion of the entrance of the steamer Cali- fornia on February 28, 1849, the city turned out to the very limit of its population to bid her welcome. 16 San Francisco's Ocean Trade — Past and Future It was a beautiful morning as she was descried in the offing, and the sides of Telegraph Hill and the vicinity of Clark's Point, where the vessel was to anchor, were eagerly taken possession of by the excited citizens. The passengers on the steamer were all on deck, peering anxiously at every object in the bay and on the land. It so happened that five American warships were anchored off Alcatraz Island. These were of different sizes, the small- est being the most outward. The California steamed cautiously in, and then circled in and out among these warships, receiving salutes from guns on alternate sides of each vessel as she passed, accom- panied with the dipping of flags and other demonstrations of joy, all of which were right cordially answered by the Cali- fornia's passengers. The flagship of this small fleet was the Ohio, the largest of them all, and then regarded as the pride of the United States Navy. On the quarter-deck of the Ohio, in full dress uniform, with all the courtesy and dignities of the highest type of the navy, and directing the movements of all the warships in this splendid ovation, stood Commander Jones, bowing gracefully and waving salutes in all directions. As the California rounded the Ohio, the last of the fleet, her monster guns belched forth their peals of welcome, and ere the smoke had cleared the decks the order of Commander Jones rang out loud and clear: "Man the yards." In response to this order 1,500 as noble seamen as could be found in the United States Navy immediately ran aloft and filled the air with their cheers. First Voyage Ended. After this short spectacular marine display, the steamer California came to anchor off Clark's Point, near the north- easterly base of Telegraph Hill. There were no piers at San Francisco's Ocean Trade — Past and Future 17 deep water where vessels could tie up at that time, and this spot was chosen for the purpose of debarkation. The shallow water from this cove then extended to the intersection of Jackson and Montgomery streets, an area since covered with massive buildings for various kinds of business, including the Customs House and Appraisers Build- ing, and for many years the general postoffice. The voyage from New York to San Francisco via the Straits of Magellan and Panama had consumed just 145 days. Afterwards many sailing vessels from New York to San Francisco via Cape Horn, made much better time than that. The time by steamer from New York via Aspinwall, the Chagres river and Panama on this first through trip to San Francisco was 89 days. This included a wait of 25 days at Panama for the steamer California. Some Cases of Gold Fever. In the sense here iised, this is not a new disease. People have been more or less afflicted with it from time immem- orial, and it is doubtful if it ever will be eradicated. When the steamer Falcon left New York there were stories of the finding of gold in California, and some of those who took passage on that steamer had more or less faith in these stories, but there was not much enthusiasm over the matter on the trip from New York to Aspinwall. There was a material change in the situation upon the arrival of these passengers at Chagres. At the hotel there the landlord exhibited in a confidential way to a few acquaintances a four-ounce vial of gold dust which he alleged came from California. This worked like a charm. Canoes for ascending the Chagres river were in great demand, as everybody was anx- ious to get to Panama as soon as possible, as the steamer Cali- fornia was supposed to be due there on the 5th of January. 18 San Francisco's Ocean Trade — Past and Future It is strange what effect four ounces of gold dust will have on people under certain circumstances. Stranger still, how that quantity of California gold dust reached Chagres at that early date. Nevertheless, it had a good effect on the canoe business. These canoes were chartered at from $40 to $60, including poling by the natives from Chagres to Cruces. One of these dugouts was of mahogany, three feet through and twenty feet long, and the crew consisted of four natives. Ordinarily indolent, the natives just then seemed to be more than usually inactive. They were evidently on the job, and looking for tips. They had to be urged by all sorts of methods, and sometimes by the exhibition of firearms. They made frequent stops to bathe and otherwise refresh them- selves. Those who have since crossed the Isthmus under more favorable conditions do not wonder at the lack of energy on the part of those who have to exist in that sultry climate. Before all the passengers by the Falcon reached Panama it was reported that there were 1,500 people at Chagres wait- ing the opportunity to get across the Isthmus in the absence of canoes and other means of transportation. How these and still later arrivals fared at the hands of the canoe managers is another story. In view of what was learned at Panama, the delay in the arrival of the California at that point was extremely irritat- ing. The crowd became very restless, especially during the latter part of the wait. The slow passage of the steamer up was equally if not more exasperating. As soon as the California anchor was dropped off Clark's Point, she was surrounded by a swarm of small boats, while those in charge of them were as eager to take the passengers ashore as they were to be taken off. While these arrangements were in progress volleys of San Francisco's Ocean Trade — Past and Future 19 questions and answers were fired from the small boats to the deck and from the steamer's deck to the small boats. The burden of this volley related to the truthfulness of the stories concerning the finding of gold in California, in what section the discoveries had been made and the extent and value of the deposits. In reply the immigrants were told that what they had heard about the discoveries was true, but the half had not been told, as the yield already was running into the millions. The large number of vessels in the harbor and the numerous} tents on the shore confirmed the statements. Gold was discovered in California in January, 1848, by James W. Marshal, an American employed by General Sutter in building a saw mill to be driven by water power at Coloma, 45 miles northeasterly from Sacramento. News of the find was pretty generally believed in San Francisco in March, 1848. At that time the population was 812. In the follow- ing month the town was deserted, as everybody had gone to the locality where the discovery had been made. Town lots in San Francisco could then be bought for a song, but there was no one left to furnish the song, or to enjoy the singing. In the winter of 1848, when some of the people returned from the mines to San Francisco with means to buy lumber and build houses, they found their lots worth from five to ten times as much as they were in the preceding April, and the enhancement of value was really a greater fortune to them than what they had secured in their absence of four months at the mines. It was these people and such as these that the passengers on the steamer California conversed with from the deck at anchor and as they clambered down the sides into the small boats that were to take them ashore. 20 San Francisco's Ocean Trade — Past and Future On California Soil at Last. Right glad were the passengers by this pioneer steamer to place their feet again on terra firma, and especially in Cali- fornia. It is related of one of these, a bluff old gentleman, as he reached the shore in one of the boats and threw out his valise, that he noticed a man he thought was looking for a job, and proffered him a half dollar with the request to take his baggage to the hotel. In the true California style of the pioneer days, the spirit of which still lingers, the man hailed for the service plunged his hand into his pocket, and taking out two half dollars, threw them at the feet of the newly arrived with the remark, ' ' Carry it up yourself. ' ' On their way up town, the passengers were much amused at what they saw and heard. Passing a restaurant they read : "Potatoes served every day." It seems that the supply of the tubers had become exhausted a few days previously, but that a new lot had just come in from some source, and so they again appeared on the bill of fare. They were about as large as English walnuts and sold at $1.50 per pound. Commodities and Values. Prices of all commodities were naturally high in the spring of 1849, as they had to be brought in from Oregon, Mexico and the Hawaiian Islands. Eggs were $12 per dozen. A gentleman who had just sold a dozen at that figure, when subsequently told that eggs had advanced, raised his price to $9 for the last half dozen on hand. The price of lumber was $450 per thousand feet. A consignment of tea was put in auction by C. V. Gilles- pie. There was a good attendance of interior buyers, all anxious to get some part of the lot. The cargo was offered in lots of 10 chests, with the privilege of calling for as much San Francisco's Ocean Trade — Past and Future 21 more as the successful bidder desired. The first lot was knocked down to a man who was whittling and apparently uninterested in the sale. When asked how much he would take, without looking up he replied, "the whole cargo." The buyer was Samuel Brannan, then looked upon as one of the old residents, as he had been in the town since July, 1846, when he arrived at the head of a colony of 238 pas- sengers. Large Buyers. Cargo purchases by a single individual were quite com- mon in the pioneer days of San Francisco. Infrequent arri- vals of supplies made it comparatively easy to create corners in special lines of merchandise. As the people were dependent upon water transportation for most of their goods, it was easy to keep a record of vessels en route with cargoes. It was only when the unexpected happened that there was an upset in calculation. One instance of th'e last named kind may be mentioned. The lookout reported a vessel in the offing, one that had not been expected. Two would-be buyers jumped into their boats to board the incoming vessel. One of these secured the lead of the other and maintained it in the race. As soon as he came within hailing distance he shouted. "Have you woolen shirts?" The skipper replied in the affirmative and named the quantity as 100 dozen. He was then asked what he would take for his entire cargo, whatever it was. "A hundred per cent over cost in New York." "It is a bargain," said the young boatman, "and here is $100 to bind it." The buyer was C. L. Ross, and the speculation was a good one for him. The California's Passengers. Among these were four clergymen. At least two of these took passage at New York on the Falcon, which sailed 22 San Francisco's Ocean Trade — Past and Future on December 1, 1848. These were Sylvester Woodbridge, Presbyterian, and 0. C. Wheeler, Baptist, the last named being accompanied by his wife. The other two were Con- gregationalists, and their names were J. W. Douglas and S. H. Willey. Mr. Woodbridge died while acting as pastor of the Woodbridge Presbyterian Church in this city, named in his honor. Mr. Douglas did some missionary work on the coast, was at one time connected with the denominational .,.^^0