G5 U62 1920 FORE GLACIER NATIONAL PARK. RULES AND REGULATIONS UCB DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR JOHN BARTON PAYNE. SECRETARY NATIONAL PARK SERVICE STEPHEN T. MATHER, DIRECTOR RULES AND REGULATIONS GLACIER NATIONAL PARK 1920 Season from June 1 5 to September 1 5 Photoaraph by Fr^d H. Kiser TOURING A PARK TRAIL WASHINGTON ; , GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFnCE 1920 Photograph by Fred H. Kiser. ST. MARY LAKE AND LITTLE CHIEF MOUNTAIN. From Going-to-the-Sim Chalets. Cliils of argOlite. Hanging Valley in the distance. Agric . - Foreati- V . M&m Libraxv << THE NATIONAL PARKS AT A GLANCE. [Number, 19; total area, 10,So9 square miles.] National parks in order of creatiou. Area in square miles. Distinctive characteristics. Middle Arkansas Yellowstone. 1S72 Sequoia. Las3on Volcanic . 1910 Mount M^Kinley. 1917 Grand Canvon. 1919 Yosemite ibOO Mount Rainier. 1899 Crater LaVe, 1902 Wind Cave. 1903 Piatt 1904 SuilysHilL. 1904 Mesa Verde. 190o Glacier 1910 Northwestern V.'yo- niing. Middle eastern Cali- fornia. Middle eastern Cali- fornia. Middle eastern (aii- fornia. ■West central Wash- ington. Southwestern Oregon. South Dakota Southern Oklahoma.. North Dakota Southwestern Colo- rado. Northwestern Mon- tana. North Middle Colo- rado. Hawaii Northern California. . 48 hot springs possessing curative properties- Many hotels and boarding houses— 20 bath- houses under public control. More geysers than in all rest of world together- Boiling springs — Mud volcanoes — Petrified for- ests—Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone, re- markable for gorgeous coloring— Large lakes- Many large streams and waterfalls— Vast wil- derness, greatest wild bird and animal pre- serve in world— Exceptional trout fishing. The Big Tree National Park— 12,000 sequoia trees over 10 feet in diameter, some 25 to 36 feet in diameter — Towering mountain ranges — Star- tling precipices— Cave of considerable size. Valley of world-famed beauty— Lofty cliffs— Ro- mantic vistas— Many waterfalls of extraor- dinary height— 3 groves of big trees— High Sierra— Waterwheel Falls— Good trout fishing. Created to preserve the celebrated General Grant Tree, 35 feet in diameter— miles from Sequoia National Park. Largest accessible single peak glacier system— 28 glaciers, some of large size — 48 square milea of glacier, cO to 500 feet thick- Wonderful suo- alpine wild flower fields. Lake of extraordinary blue in crater of extinct volcano— Sides 1,00() feet high— Interesting lava formations — Fine fishing. 17 Cavern having many miles of galleries and numerous chambers containing peculiar lorma- i tions. IJ I Many sulphur and other springs possessing ; medicinal value. IJ 1 Small park with woods, streams, and a lake; is an important v.ild-animal preserve. 77 South central Alaska.. North central Arizona. Maine coast Southwestern Utah. . . 958 8 Most notable and best preserved prehistoric cliff dwellings in United States, if not in the world. Rugged mountain region of unsurpassed Alpine character— 250 glacier-fed lakes of romantic beauty— (iO small glaciers— Precipices thou- sands of feet deep— Sensational scenery of marked individuahty— Fine trout fishing. Heart of the Rockies— Snowy range, peaks 11,000 to 14,250 feet altitude— Remarkable records of glacial period-. Three separate areas— Kilauea and Mauna Loa on Hawaii, Haleakala on Maui. Only active volcano in United States proper— Lassen Peak 10,4ti5 feet— Cinder Cone b,S79 feet— Hot springs— Mud geysers. Highest mountain in North America— Rises lugher above surrounding country than any other mountain in the world. The greatest example of erosion and the most sublime spectacle in the world. The group of granite mountains upon Mount Desert Island. Magnificent gorge (Zion Canyon), depth from SCO to 2,000 feet, with precipitous walls— Of great beauty and scenic interest. 105514°— 20- 427745 The National Parks Portfolio By ROBERT STERLING YARD Pamphlet Edition Sections loose in flexible binding 35 cents Book Edition The same bound securely in cloth 55 cents A presentation of the national parks and national monu- ments in picture. The selection is from the best work of many pho- tographers, professional and amateur. It contains nine sections descriptive each of a national park, and one larger section devoted to other parks and monuments. 260 p*ages, including 270 illustrations ^ Sent postpaid, upon receipt of price in cash or money order, by the Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing Office, Washington, D. C. CONTENTS. Page. General descriptiou 9 A romance in rocks 10 The Lewis overtlirust 11 Magnificently colored strata 11 Carved by water and ice 13 Advantages of camping out 14 A general view 15 The west side 15 History 16 East side valleys 16 Two Medicine Yalley ^_ 16 Cut Bank Valley 17 Red Eagle Yalley 17 St. Mary Valley 17 Swiftcurrent Valley IS The Kennedy Valleys , 19 The Belly River Valley 19 The central valley 19 The principal passes 20 Gunsight Pass 20 Swiftcurrent Pass 20 Logan Pass 21 Brown Pass 21 South and west side valleys 22 McDonald Valley 22 Valleys south of McDonald 22 Valleys north of McDonald 22 Bowman Valley 23 Kintla Valley 23 Administration 24 How to reach the park 24 Eastern entrance 24 Western entrance 26 How to dress 26 Post offices 27 Telegrams 27 Express 27 Hotels and chalets 27 Hotels and chalets of Glacier Park Hotel Co 27 Glacier Park Hotel 27 New Many Glacier Hotel 28 Glacier Park Hotel Co.'s Chalet Groups 29 5 (5 CONTENTS. Hotels and camps— Continued. Page. Other hotels 30 Glacier Park Caiup-School 31 Transportation within the park 31 Stage and automobile service 31 Boat service 33 Baggage and freiirht 33 Horses and guides 34 Rates for scheduled trips from hotels and chalets 35 Independent camping tours 86 Personally conducted camping tour 36 Trips from hotels and chalets 36 From Glacier Park Hotel 37 From Two Medicine Chalets 3S From Cut Bank Chalets 38 From St. Mary Chalets _ 38 From Going-to-the-Sun Chalets 39 From Many Glacier Hotel 40 From Granite Park Chalets 41 From Sperry Chalets 42 From Glacier Hotel at head of Lake McDonald 42 Amusements 43 Rowboats 43 Swimming 44 Dancing 44 Horseback riding 44 Fishing 44 Information, utilities, etc 46 Information 46 Medical service 46 Livery 40 Special tours 46 One-day tour 46 Two Medicine side trip 47 Two-day tour 47 Three-day tour 48 Four-day tour 48 Five-day tour 49 Six-day tour 50 Seven-day tour 51 Wild animals 52 Rules and regulations 53 General regulations 53 Automobile and motorcycle regulations 57 Panoramic view 60 Map 60 Literature 60 Government publications 60 Distributed free by the National Park Service 60 Sold by the Superintendent of Documents 61 Bibliography 61 Other national parks -_ 62 National monuments .• 62 CONTENTS. ILLUSTRATIONS. COVER. Touring a park trail Front. St. Mary Lake and. Little Chief Mountain Inside front. Many Glacier Hotel on Lake McDermott Inside back. Iceberg Lake in August Inside back. St. Mary Lake looking west from St. Mary Chalets Back. Many Glacier automobile road Back. TEXT. Page. Diagram shov/ing how internal pressure transformed level rock into masses of the Glacier National Park . 10 Diagram showing form of a stream-cut A'alley and of the same valley after it has been occupied by a glacier 12 Diagram showing structure of Chief Mountain 14 Map showing ralroad routes to Glacier and Yellowstone National Parks- 25 Map showing automobile roads between Glacier, Yellowstone, Rocky Mountain, Mesa Verde, and Zion National Parks 28 Map of Glacier National Park 32 GLACIER NATIONAL PARK. GENERAL DESCRIPTION. The Glacier National Park, in northwestern Montana, incloses 981,681 acres or 1,534 square miles of the noblest mountain country in America. The park was established by the act of May 11, 1910. Its name is derived from its 60 glaciers. There are more than 90 all told, if one classes as glaciers many interesting snow patches of only a few acres each, which exhibit most of the characteristics of true glaciers. It possesses individuality in high degree. In rugged- ness and sheer grandeur it probably surpasses the Alps, though geologically it is nuirkedly different. It resembles the Canadian Rockies more closely than any other scenic country. The general geological structure is the same in both, but the rocks of Glacier are enormously older and much more richly colored. The Canadian Eockies have the advantage of more imposing masses of snow and ice in summer, but, for that very reason. Glacier is much more easily and comfortably traveled. Glacier strongly differentiates also from other mountain scenery in America. Ice-clad Rainier, mysterious Crater Lake, spouting Yellowstone, exquisite Yosemite, beautiful Sequoia — to each of these and to all others of our national parks Glacier offers a highly indi- vidualized contrast. Nor is this scenic wonderland merely a sample of the neighbor- hood. North of the park the mountains rapidly lose their scenic interest. South and west there is little of gTeater interest than the mountains commonly crossed in a transcontinental journey. To the east lie the Plains. To define Glacier National Park, picture to yourself two approach- ing chains of vast tumbled mountains, the Livingston and Lewis Ranges, which pass the Continental Divide back and forth between them m wormlike twistings, which bear living glaciers in every hol- low of their loftiest convolutions, and which break precipitately thousands of feet to lower mountain masses, which, in their turn, bear innumerable lakes of unbelievable charm, offspring of the glaciers above; these lakes, in their turn, giving birth to roaring- rivers of icy water, leaping turbulently from level to level, carving innumerable sculptured gorges of grandeur and indescribable beauty. 10 GLACIEi: NATIONAL PARK. These parallel mountain masses form a central backbone for the national park. Their western sides slope from the summit less pre- cipitately. Their eastern sides break abruptly. It is on the east that their scenic quality becomes titanic. A ROMANCE IN ROCKS. To really comprehend the personality of Glacier, one must glance back for a moment into the geological past when the sea rolled over what is noAv the northwest of this continent. If you were in the Glacier National Park to-day, you would see broad horizontal bands of variously colored rocks in the mountain masses thousands of feet Diagram 1. — How internal pressure transformed level rock into the tuml)led mafy^es of the Glacier National Tark. The Lewis Overthrust. above your head. These are the very strata that the waters deposited in their depths centuries of centuries ago. According to one famous theory of creation, the earth has been contracting ever since a period when it was once gas. According to Chamberlain's recent theory, it never was a globe of gas, but a mass of rocks Avhich continually shift and settle under the whirling motion around its axis. Whichever theory you accept, the fact stands that, as it contracted, its sides have bulged in places like the sides of a squeezed orange. This is what must have happened Avhere the Gla- cier National Pai'k now is. Under urge of the terrible squeezing forces the crust lifted, emerged, and became land. Untold ages passed, and the land hardened into rock. . And all the time the forces kept pressing togetlier and upward the ro;-ky crust of the earth. GLACIER NATIOI-TAL PARK. 11 For untold ages this cnist held safe, but at last pressure won. The rocks first yielded upward in long, irregular, waA'elike folds. Gradually these folds grew in size. When the rocks could stand the strain no longer, gi-eat cracks appeared, and one broken edge, the western, was thrust upward and over the other. The edge that was thrust over the other was thousands of feet thick. Its crumbling formed the mountains and the precipices. When it settled, the western edge of this break overlapped the eastern edge 10 to 15 miles. A glance at diagram 1 will make it clear. A represents the original water-laid rock ; B the first yieldings to in- ternal pressure ; C the gi-eat folds before the break came ; D and E the way the western edges overlapped the eastern edges Avhen the movement ceased. THE LEWIS OVERTHRUST. This thrusting of one edge of the burst and split continent over the other edge is called faulting by geologists, and this particular fault is called the Lewis Overthrust. It is the overthrust which gives the l?eculiar character to this amazing country, that and the inconceiv- ably tumbled character of the vast rocky masses lying crumbling on its edges. It is interesting to trace the course of the Lewis Overthrust on a topographic map of the park. The Continental Divide, which repre- sents the loftiest crest of this overthrust mass, is shown on the map. These two irregular lines tell the story ; but not all the story, for the snow and the ice and the rushing waters have been wonderfully and fantastically carving these rocks with icy chisels during the untold ages since the great upheaval. MAGNIFICENTLY COLORED STRATA. To understand the magnificent rocky coloring of Glacier National Park, one must go back a moment to the beginning of things. The vast interior of the earth, more or less solid rock according to Cham- berlain, is unknown to us because we have never been able to pene- trate farther than a few thousand feet from the surface. The rock we do not know about, geologists call the Archean. What we do know a good deal about are the rocks above the Archean. Of these known rocks the very lowest and consequently the oldest are the rock strata which are exposed in Glacier National Park. Geologists call these strata the Algonkian. They were laid as an ocean bottom sedi- ment at least 80,000,000 years ago. Some of the rocks of tliis age appear in the Grand Canyon of the Colorado, but nowhere in the Avorld are they displayed in such area, profusion, and variety and magnificence of coloring as in Glacier National Park. 165514°— 20 3 12 GLACIER KATLOlirAL. PARK. These Algonkian rocks lie in four differentl}' colored strata, all of which the visitor at Glacier may easily distinguish for himself. Tlie lowest of these, the rock that actually lay next to the old Archean, is called the Altyn limestone. This is about 1,G00 feet thick. It is faint blue inside, but it weathers a pale buff. There are whole yellow mountains of this on the eastern edge of the park. Next above the Altyn limestone lies a layer of Appekunny argillite, or green shale. This is about 3,400 feet thick. It weathers every possible shade of dull green. Next above that lies more than 2,200 feet of Grinnell argillite, or red shale. This weathers every possible shade of deep red and pur- ple, almost to black. Both the shales have a good deal of white quartzite mixed with them. Next above that rises more than 4,000 feet of Siyeh limestone, very solid, very massive, very gray, and running in places to j^ellow. Horizontally through the middle of th:s is seen a broad dark ribbon DiAGKAM 2.— Showing form of a stream-cut valley (A) and of the same valley ( B ) after it has been occupied by a glacier. or band; one of the characteristic spectacles in all parts of Glacier National Park. This is called the diorite intrusion. It is as hard as granite. In fact it is very much like granite, indeed. It got there by bursting up from below when it was fluid hot and spread- ing a layer all over what was then the bottom of the sea. When this cooled and hardened more limestone was deposited on top of it, which is why it now looks like a horizontal ribbon running through those lofty gray limestone precipices. In some parts of the park near the north there are remnants of other strata which surmounted the Siyeh limestone, but they are so infrequent that they interest only the geologists. The four strata mentioned above are, however, plain to every eye. Now, when these vividly colored rocks were lifted high in the air from their first renting place in the sea bottom, and then cracked and one edge thrust violently over the other, they sagged in the middle just where the park now lies. If a horizontal line, for instance, were GLACIER I^ATIOlSrAL, PARK. 13 drawn straight across Glacier National Park from east to west it would pass through the bottom of the AJtyn Imiestone on the east and west boundaries ; but in the middle of the park it would pass through the top of the Siyeh Imiestone. Therefore it would, and does, cut diagonally through the green and the red argillities on both sides of the Continental Divide. That is why all this colorful glacier country appears to be so upset, twisted, inextricably mixed. Bear in mind this fact and you will soon see reason and order in what to the un- tutored eye seems a disorderly kaleidoscope. Thus was formed in the dim days before man, for the pleasure of the American people of to-day, the Glacier National Park. CARVED BY WATER AND ICE. It probably took millions of years for the west edge of the cracked surface to rise up and push over the east edge. When this took place is, geologically speaking, quite clear, because the ancient Algonkian rock at this point rests on top of rocks which have been identified by their fossils as belonging to the much younger Cretaceous period. How much younger can not be expressed in years or millions of years, for no man knows. It is enough to say here that the whole i^rocess of overthrusting was so slow that tlie eroding of all the strata since which lay above the Algonkian may have kept almost abreast of it. Anyway, after the fault was fully accomx^lished, the enormously thick later strata all washed away and the aged Algonkian rocks wholly exposed, it took perhaps several million years more to cut into and carve them as they are cut and carved to-day. This was done, iirst, by countless centuries of rainfall and frost ; second, by the first of three ice packs which descended from the north ; third, by many more centuries of rainfall, frost, and glacier ; fourth, by the second ice pack; fifth, by many more centuries of rainfall, frost, and glacier; sixth, by the third ice pack^ and sev- enth, by all the rains and frosts down to the present time, the tiny glaciers still remaining doing each its bit. The result of all this is that in entering Glacier National Park to-day the visitor enters a land of enormous hollowed cirques sepa- rated from each other by knife-edged walls, many of which are nearly perpendicular. Many a monster peak is merely the rock re- mains of glacial corrodings from every side, supplemented by the chipping of the frosts of winter and the washing of the rains and the torrents. Once upon the crest of the Continental Divide, one can often walk for miles along a narrow edge with series of tremendous gulfs on both sides. Wliere glaciers have eaten into opposite sides of the Continental Divide so far that they have begim to cut down the 14 GLACIER NATIONAL, PAEK. dividing wall, passes ai^ forme'd; that is, hollows in the mountain w^all which permit of readier passage from side to side. Gimsight Pass is of this kind. So are Dawson, Swiftciirrent, Triple Divide, Eed Eagle, Ptarmigan, Piegan, and many others. Any visitor to Glacier National Park can identify these structural features with ease, and a knowledge of them will greatly increase his pleasure in the unique scenery. Even the casual visitor may identify the general features from the porches of the hotels and chalets, while a hiking or horseback trip from the Many Glacier Hotel to Iceberg Lake, ovei^ Swiftcurrent Pass to Granite Park, over Piegan Pass to St. Mary Lake, or over Piegan and Gunsight Passes to Lake McDon- ald, will serve to fix the glacier geological conformation in mind so definitely that the experience will always remain one of the hap- piest and most enlightening in one's life. Diagram 3.— Diagram showing structure of Chief Mountain. Limestone in upper part not disturbed, but that in lower part duplicated by many minor oblique thrust faults. After Bailey Willis. ADVANTAGES OF CAMPING OUT. It is to the more leisurely traveler, however, that comes the gi^eater joy. He who travels from hotel to chalets, from chalets to hotel, and then, having seen the things usually seen, engages a really competent guide, takes horses and camping outfit, and embarks upon the trails to wander and to linger Avhere he will, is apt to find a month or more in Glacier National Park an experience wonderfully rich in knowl- edge and in pleasure. Notwithstanding the excellent equipment of the Saddle Horse Co., such an experience is not unadventurous. Once off the excellent trails in the developed part of the park, the trails are little better than the original game trails. Unimproved wilderness is as rough in Glacier National Park as anywhere else. But compensations are many. Wild animals are more frequent and tamer, fishing is finer, and there is the joy, by no means to be despised, of feeling oneself GLACIER NATIONAL PARK. 15 far removed from human neighborhood. On such trips one may venture far afield, may explore glaciers, may climb divides for extraordinary views, may linger for the best fishing, may spend idle days in spots of inspirational beauty. The Saddle Horse Co., provides excellent small sleeping tents and a complete outfitting of comforts. But insist on two necessities — a really efficient guide and a Government contour map. Learn to read the map yourself, consult it continually, and Glacier is yours. This advice about the map applies to all visitors to Glacier who at all want to understand. To make sure, get your Government map yourself. It can be had for 25 cents from the park superintendent at Belton, Mont., or by mail at the same price from the United States Geological Survey, Washington, D. C. A GENERAL VIEW. From the Continental Divide, which, roughly speaking, lies north and south through the park, descend 19 principal valleys, T on the east side and 12 on the west. Of course, there are very many smaller valleys tributary to each of these larger valleys. Through these val- leys run the rivers from the glaciers far up on the mountains. Many of these valleys have not yet been thoroughly explored. It is probable that some of them have never yet been even entered unless possibly by Indians, for the great Blackfeet Indian Reservation, one of the many tracts of land set apart for the Indians still remaining in this country, adjoins the Glacier National Park on the east. There are 250 known lakes. Probably there are small ones in the wilder parts which white men have not yet even seen. The average tourist really sees a very small part of the glorious l)eauties of the region, though what he does see is eminently typical. He usually enters at the east entrance, visits the Two Medicine Lakes, and passes on to St. Mary Lake, believed by many travelers the n)ost beautiful lake in the world. After seeing some of the many charms of this region, he passes on to Lake McDermott, in the Swiftcurrent Valley. The visitor then usually crosses over the famous Gunsight Pass to the west side, where he usually but foolishly contents liimself with a visit to beautiful Lake McDonald and leaves by the Belton entrance. THE WEST SIDE. But the west side contains enormous areas which some day will be considered perhaps the finest scenery in the accessible world. To the north of Lake McDonald lie valleys of unsurpassed gi-andeur. At the present time they may be seen only by those who carry camp out- fits with them. 16 GLACIER NATIONAL PARK. Bowmiin Lake and its valle}-, I\Jiitia Lake and its vallej'^ — these are names which some day will be familiar on both sides of the sea. HISTORY. This region appears not to have been visited by v^hite men before 1853, when A. W. Tinkham, a Government engineer, exploring a ix)ute for a Pacific railroad, ascended Nyack Creek by mistake and retraced his steps when he discovered the impracticability for rail- road piLqwses of the country he had penetrated. The next explorers were a group of sur\^yors establishing the Canadian boundary line. This was in 1861. Li 1890 copper ore was found at the head of Quartz Creek and there was a rush of pros- pectors. The east side of the Continental Divide, being part of the Blackfeet Indian Reservation, was closed to prospectors, and Con- gress was importuned for relief. In 1896 this was purchased from the Indians for $1,500,000, but not enough copper was found to pay for the mining. Tliei^eafter it was visited only by big game hunters and occasional lovers of scenery. It was made a national park May 11, 1910. EAST SIDE VALLEYS. Glacier National Park is best studied valley by valley. There are 7 principal valleys on its eastern side, 12 on its west. Let us con- sider its eastern side first, beginning at the south as you enter from the railroad entrance at Glacier Park Station. TWO MEDICINf: VALLEY. Because of its location. Two Medicine Valley is one of the best known sections of Glacier. It is a capital illustration of the char- acteristic effects of glacial action on valleys as shown by diagram 2. The automobile stage skirts the eastern side of the range for half an hour, and turning west past Lower Two Medicine Lake, pene- trates the range south of noble Eising Wolf ^lountain. The road stops at the chalets at the foot of Two ^ledicine Lake, fronting a group of highly colored, ornately carved mountains, which has be- come one of the country's celebrated spectacles. Back of triangular Mount Rockwell across the water is seen the Continental Divide. ]Most tourists content themselves with a visit of two or three hours, including luncheon at the chalets. But the few who take horse and explore tlie noble cirque system west of the lake, and, climbing the divide, look over Dawson Pass upon the tumbled snow-daubed peaks of the lower west side, have an unforgetable experience. Another trail route leads from the chalets up Dry Fork to Cut Bknk Pass, from the top of which one trail leads into the west side valley of GLACIER NATION Ali PAEK. 17 Nyack Creek, disclosing the same view as tliat from Dawson Pass, but at a different angle, and another trail drops into the noble lake- studded cirque which is the head of North Fork of Cut Bank Creek. There are few finer spots in iVmerica than the top of Cut Bank Pass, with its indescribable triple outlook. CUT BANK VALLEY. Cut Bank Valley, next to the north, is another glacier-rounded val- ley. It is one of the easiest to explore. It is entered by trail from the south, as described above, or by automobile from east of the park boundary ; the road ends at the Cut Bank Chalets, picturesquely situated on North Fork of Cut Bank Creek at the foot of Amphi- theater Mountain. Cut Bank Valley has also a northern cirque at the head of which is one of the most interesting passes in the Rocky Mountains. From Triple Divide Peak the waters flow in three direc- tions, to the Gulf of IMexico by Cut Bank Creek and the Missouri River, to Hudson Bay by St. Mary River, and to the Pacific Ocean by Flathead River. Triple Divide Pass crosses a spur which connects Mount James with the Continental Divide, but it does not cross the divide itself. Tlie Pass leads down into Norris Creek Basin and thence into Red Eagle Vallej^ Cut Bank Chalets afford excellent accommodations. Large trout are abundant in the neighborhood. BED EAGLE VAT .LEY. Red Eagle Valley, still farther nortli, is one of the most pictur- esque in the park. Its glacier was once 2,000 feet deep. One of its several existing glaciers may be seen from any point in the valley. This important valley originates in two principal cirque systems. The lesser is the Norris Creek Basin, above referred to. The greater is at the head of Red Eagle Creek, a magnificent area lying almost as high as the Continental Divide and carrying the picturesque Red Eagle Glacier and a number of small umiamed lakes. Mount Logan guards this cirque on the west, Almost-a-Dog Mountain on the north. The valley from this j)oint to the mouth of Red Eagle Creek in St. Mary Lake near the park boundary is very beautiful, broad, mag- nificently forested and bounded on the north by the backs of the mountains whose superb front elevations make St. Mary Lake fa- mous. Red Eagle Lake is celebrated for its large cutthroat trout. ST. MARY VALLEY. St. Mary Valley, the next to the north, is one of the largest and most celebrated. Its trail to Ounsight Pass is the principal highway Chiet Mountain, one oi me noblest personalities m Ulacier; Uitadel Mountain, whose eastern spur suggests an inverted keel boat; Fusi- lacle Mountain, which stands like a sharp tilted cone at the head of the lake; Reynolds Mountain, which rises above the rugged snow- flecked front of the Continental Divide; and, on the north. Going- to- the-Sun Mountain, one of the finest mountain masses in any land. The view west from the Going-to-the-Sun Chalets is one of the greatest in America. SWirTCTJKRENT VALLEY. Swiftcurrent Valley, next to the north, was famous in the mining days and is famous to-day for the sublimity of its scenery. It is by far the most celebrated valley in the parks so far, and will not dimin- ish in popularity and importance when the more sensational valleys in the north become accessible. Its large and complicated cirque system centers in one of the wildest and most beautiful bodies of water in the world. Lake McDermott, upon whose shores stand the Many Glacier Hotel and the Many Glacier Chalets. No less than four glaciers are visible from the lake shore and many noble moun- tains. Mount Grinnell, the monster of the lake view, is one of the most imposing in the park, but Mount Gould, up the Cataract Creek Valley, vies with it in magnificence and, as seen from the lake, excels it in individuality. The view westward up the Swiftcurrent River is no less remarkable, disclosing Swiftcurrent Peak, the Garden Wall in its most picturesque aspects, and jagged Mount Wilbur, inclosing the famous Iceberg Gorge. From Lake McDermott, trail trips are taken to Ptarmigan Lake, to Iceberg Lake, over Swift- current pass to Granite Park, where an amazing view may be had of the central valley, to Grinnell Glacier, over Piegan Pass to St. Mary Lake, and up Canj^on Creek to the wonderful chasm of Cracker Lake, above which Mount Siyeh rises almost vertically 4,000 feet. There are more than a dozen lakes, great and small, in the Swift- current Valley. The most conspicuous are the two Sherburne Lakes, Lake McDermott, Lake Josephine, Grinnell Lake, the three Swift- current Lakes, Iceberg Lake, and Ptarmigan Lake. These all have remarkable beauty. The Lewis Overthrust may be observed at the falls of the Swiftcurrent River just below Lake McDermott. East- ward from the foot of the main fall is rock of the Cretaceous period. West and north from the foot of the fall is old Algonkian rock lying on top of the much younger Cretaceous. are remarKaDie lor tiie lamastic una ueautiiui eiiecLS oi ine great fault. Their trout-haunted streams originate in cirques east of the picturesque red and yellow mountains which form the east walls of Swiftcurrent, and rush turbulently to the plains. Plere the evidences of the Lewis Overthrust are most apparent. Principal of these is Chief Mountain, a tooth-sliaped monster of yellow Altyn limestone standing alone and detached upon rocks millions of years younger. It is a single block of limestone rising nearly vertically on one side 1.500 feet from its base. THE BELLY RIVEK VALLEY, The Belly Eiver Valley, which occupies the northeastern corner of the i^ark has been little visited because of its inaccessibilit}^, but it is destined to become one of the most popular, now that trail develop- ment work has been started to open up this section for tourist travel. It contains many lakes of supurb scenery, overlooked by many majestic mountains. Eighteen glaciers feed its streams. The Belly Eiver rises in a cirque which lies the other side of the northern wall of Iceberg Lake, and just over Ptarmigan Pass. Its walls are lofty and nearly vertical. Its cirque inclosing Helen Lake is one of the wildest spots in existence and well repays the time and labor of a visit. The Middle Fork, which skirts for some miles the south side of that tremendous aggregation of mountain masses called Mount Cleveland, originates in a double cirque system of positively sensa- tional beauty. The glaciers in which these originate, only two of which, the Chaney and Shepard Glaciers, are named, are shelved just under the Continental Divide, and from them their outlet streams descend by lake-studded steps to their junction in Glenns Lake. Between the Middle Fork and the Belly River rises one of the most remarkable mountain masses in the park, a rival even of Cleveland, which consists of Mount IVIerritt and Crossley Ridge with their four impressive hanging glaciers. Below the meeting of the two forks the Belly River, noAV a fine swelling stream noted for its fighting trout, rushes headlong through the most luxuriant of valleys north- ward to the plains of Canada. THE CENTRAL VALLEY. Of Little Kootenai Valley, also, little is known to the public. It is the northern part of a magnificent central valley which splits Glacier National Park down from the top as far as ISIount Cannon and carries on its sides parallel mountain ranges of magnificent grandeur, the Livingston Range bordering its west side, the Lewis 16.5514°— 20 4 20 GLACIER NATION^AL PARK. Range its east side. In this Avenue of the Giants, about at its center, rises a fine wooded tableland known as Flattop Mountain, which, low as it is, bridges the Continental Divide over from the Livingston to the Levris Range. From this tableland drop, north and south, the two valleys which, end to end, form the great avenue ; Little Kootenai Creek running north, McDonald Creek running south. The Little Kootenai Valley is one of unusual forest luxuriance, and is bordered by glacier-spattered peaks of extraordinary majesty; Mount Cleve- land, whose 10,438 feet of altitude rank it highest in the park, lies upon its east side. It ends in Waterton Lake, across whose waters, a little north of their middle, passes the international boundary line separating our Glacier National Park from Canada's AVaterton Lakes Park. The southern limb of this Avenue of the Giants, which follows McDonald Creek till it swings westward around Heavens Peak to empty into Lake McDonald, is only a little less majestic. It is upon the side of this superb valley that the Granite Park Chalets cling, from the porches of which the eye may trace the avenue northward even across the Canadian borders. THE PRINCIPAL PASSES. There are several passes of more or less celebrity connecting the east and west sides of Glacier National Park, several of which are not used except to afford magnificent west side views to east side tourists. So far, four passes over the Continental Divide are in practical use as crossing places. GUXSIGHT PASS. The most celebrated of these passes is Gunsight Pass. From the east it is reached directly from St. Mary Lake, and, by way of Piegan Pass, from Lake McDermott. From the west it is reached from Lake McDonald. It is a U-shaped notch in the divide between Gunsight Mountain and Mount Jackson. Just west of it lies Lake Ellen Wil- son, one of Glacier's greatest celebrities for beauty. Just east of it lies Gunsight Lake, one of Glacier's greatest celebrities for wildness. From the foot of Gunsight Lake an easy trail of 2 miles leads to Blackfeet Glacier, the largest in the park, the west lobe of which is readily reached and presents, within less than a mile of ice, an ad- mirable study of practically all the phenomena of living glaciers. SWirTCURRENT PASS. Swiftcurrent Pass crosses the divide from Lake McDermott on the east. On the west side, one trail leads north to the Waterton Lakes and Canada, another south to Lake McDonald. Four beautiful shelf GLACIER NATIOIs^AL PARK. 21 glaciers may be seen clino-intr to the east side of this pass, and from the crest of the pass, looking- back, a magnificent view is had of the lake-studded Swiftciirrent Valley. From the Granite Park Chalets, just west of the pass, a maryelous yiew of west side and north side mountains may be obtained. A horse trail from the chalet takes the visitor to Logan Pass on the south. A foot trail leads him to the top of the Garden Wall where he may look down upon the Swiftcurrent and the Grinnell Glaciers. A foot trail involving an hour's climb to the top of Swiftcurrent Peak will spread before the tourist one of the broadest and most fascinating views in any land, a complete circle including all of Glacier National Park ; also generous glimpses of Canada on the north, the Great Plains on the east, and the Mon- tana Rockies on the west. LOGAN PASS. As you look south from the Granite Park Chalets your eje is held by a deep depression between beautiful Mount Oberlin and the towering limestones of Pollock Mountain. Through this and beyond it lie the Hanging Gardens dropping from a rugged spur of lofty Reynolds Mountain. Desire is strong within you to enter these inviting portals. This picturesque depression is Logan Pass. From the east side of the Divide it is approached from the trail wliich connects St. Mary Lake and Lake McDermott by way of Piegan Pass. On the west side of the Divide, one trail leads directly to Lake McDonald through the I^^cDonald Creek Valley and another to the Granite Park Chalets. This new route makes possible a delightful variet^^ of trail com- binations. It opens a third route between Lake McDonald and the east side. From Lake McDonald it offers a roimd trip in both direc- tions by way of Logan and Gunsight Passes and the Sperry Glacier ; also a round trip including Granite Park. From St. Mary Lake it offers a direct route to Granite Park and Waterton Lake. From Lake McDermott it offers another route to St. Mary Lake by way of Swiftcurrent and Logan Passes, and a round trip by way of Swift- current, Logan, and Piegan Passes. BKOWN PASS. Brown Pass, the trail to which has been little improved since the old game days because so few use it, is destined to become one of the celebrated passes of America. The trail from the east side passes from Waterton Lake up Olson Valley amid scenery as sensational as it is unusual, along the shores of lakes of individuality and great beauty, and enters, at the pass, the amazingly wild and beautiful cirques at the head of Bowman Lake. From here, a trail drops down 22 GLACIER NATIONAL PARK. to Bowman Lake which it follows to its outlet, and thence to a junc- tion with the Flathead Eiver road. This road leads south to Lake McDonald and Belton. A second trail is planned to connect Brown Pass, across sensational summits, with the head of Kintla Valley. SOUTH AND WEST SIDE VALLEYS. 31'dONALD VALLEY, The western entrance to the park is at Belton, on the Great North- ern Railroad, 3 miles from the foot of beautiful Lake McDonald, the largest lake in the park. Glacier Hotel (Lewis's), w^th its outlying cottages, is reached by automobile stage from the railroad to the foot of the lake and from there by connecting boat. It is also reached from the east side by trail over Gunsight and Swiftcurrent Passes. The lake is nearly 9 miles long and is wooded everywhere to the water's edge. It heads up among lofty mountains. The view from its waters, culminating in the Continental Divide, is among the no- blest in the world. Lake McDonald was the first lake to be opened and settled. Within easy distance of its hotel by trail are some of the finest spectacles of the Rocky Mountains, among them the Sperry Glacier, Lake Ellen Wilson and its magnificent cascades into Little St. Mary Lake, the Gunsight Pass, the celebrated Avalanche Basin, and the fine fishing lakes of the Camas Creek Valley. At the foot of the lake passes the west side road from which may be entered, at their outlets, all the exquisite valleys of the west side. VALLEYS SOUTH OF m'uoNALD. The west side valleys south of Lake McDonald are not yet suf- ficiently developed to be of tourist impoi-tance. The Harrison Valley, next to the south, is inaccessible above the lake. It lies between Mount Jackson and Blackfeet Mountain, ris- ing abruptly 4,000 feet to the Continental Divide and the great Harrison Glacier. The Nyack Valley, still farther south, carries another stream of large size. It is surmounted by lofty mountains, of which Mount Stimson, 10,155 feet, is the highest. Other peaks are Mounts Pin- chot and Phillips, and Blackfeet Mountain. Pumpelly is tlie largest of the several glaciers. The valleys south of Nyack liave little comparative interest. VALLEYS NORTH OF m'dONALD. The valley next north of McDonald, that of Camas Creek, con- tains six exquisite lakes. The chain begins in a pocket gorge below liongfellow Peak. GLACIER NATIONAL PARK. 2^ Logging Valley, next in order, a spot of great charm, does not suffer by comparison with its more spectacular neighbors. Quartz Valley contains four most attractive lakes, one of Avhich, Cerulean Lake, sheltered by some of the most imposing peaks in the entire re- gion, deserves to be better known. Rainbow Glacier, the largest of several at its top, hangs almost on the crest of Rainbow Peak, a mountain of remarkable dignity and personality. BOWMAN VALLEY. Bowman Valley, next to the north, is, second to McDonald, the princij^al line of travel on the west side of the park. Bowman Lake, though known to few, possesses remarkable beauty. Its shores are wooded like those of Lake McDonald, which it suggests in many ways. When its trail reaches the level of Brown Pass, there is dis- closed a lofty cirque area of great magnificence. Mount Peabody, Boulder Peak, Mount Carter, the Guardhouse, and the serrated wall of the Continental Divide are topped and decorated with glaciers, their rocky precipices streaked perpendicularly with ribbons of frothing water. Hole-in-the-Wall Falls, outlet of a perpetual snow field, is a beautiful oddity. KINTLA VALLEY. The Kintla Valley, which occupies the northwestern corner of the park, is in many respects Glacier's climax. The Boundary Moun- tains, the northern side of the steep canyon which cradles its two superb lakes, are here exceedingly steep and rugged. The south side mountains, Parke Peak, Kintla Peak, Kinnerly Peak, Mount Peabody, and Boulder Peak, are indescribably wild and impressive. Kintla Peak, especially, rising 5,730 feet abruptly from the waters of upper Kintla Lake and bearing a large glacier on either shoulder like glistening wings, is one of the stirring spectacles of America. The time is coming when Kintla Avill be a familiar name even abroad. The Kintla and Agassiz Glaciers are next in size to the Blackfeet Glacier. LTp to the present time it has been possible to reach Kintla only by a long forest trail from the Flathead River or by a difficult and ob- scure trail from the Canadian side; hence its few visitors. The trail planned from Brown Pass crosses the Boulder Glacier and passes in its descent the tongue of the Kintla Glacier, a remarkable spectacle. Its completion will make a supreme American beauty spot readily accessible by trail. 24 GLACIER NATIONAL PARK. ADMINISTRATION. The Glacier National Park vras established by the act of May 11, 1910 (36 Stat., 351). The representative of the National Park Service in immediate charge of the park is the superintendent, Mr. W. W. Payne. A force of rangers assist this officer in protecting the reservation. Exclusive jurisdiction over the park was ceded to the United States by act of the Montana Legislature of February 17, 1911, and accepted by Congress by act approved August 22, 1914 (38 Stat., 699). Mr. W. C. Lindsey is United States commissioner for the park. The tourist season extends from June 15 to September 15. The address of the superintendent is Belton, Mont. General information may be obtained from the superintendent, and all complaints should be addressed to him. HOW TO REACH THE PARK. The park entrances are on the main transcontinental line of the Great Northern Eailroad. Glacier Park Station, Mont., the prm- cipal and eastern entrance, is 1,081 miles west of St. Paul, a ride of 34 hours. Belton, Mont., the western entrance, is 637 miles east of Seattle, a ride of 22 hours. Good train service is available from Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis, St. Louis, Kansas City, Omaha, Denver, Portland, Seattle, and Spokane, connecting with trains from all other sections. During summer season round-trip excursion tickets at reduced fares are sold at practically all points in the United States and Canada to Glacier Park as a destination ; also to Glacier and Yellow- stone National Parks, enabling tourists to make circuit tours of these two parks and, if journeying through Colorado, side trips to Eocky Mountain and Mesa Verde National Parks, if desired. Passengers wishing to visit Glacier National Park en route to other destinations may stop over at Glacier Park Station or at Bel- ton on round-trip or one-way tickets. Storage charges on baggage at Glacier Park Stations and at Belton will be waived while passengers are making park tours. For further information regarding railroad fares, service, etc., apply to railroad ticket agents, or address C. E. Stone, general passenger agent. Great Northern Railroad, St. Paul, Minn. EASTERIT ENTRANCE. The eastern entrance is at Glacier Park Station. Here excellent accommodations are offered to 400 guests by the Glacier Park Hotel, an imposing structure, nearly as long as the Capitol at Washington, and built of massive logs. GLACIER NATIONAL PARK. 25 From here automobile roads lead to Two Medicine Lake, to Cut Bank Chalets, to St. Mary Lakes, and eventually to Lake McDermott, IShelby Glacier Pari KalispeU Great Falls LS Tj^ .Granger UNlOji. PAC;- lOgdcn "^—^ ^vV^ Salt Lake City U f T L A H COLOBADO Approximate Scale 100 90 80 70 CO 60 40 30 20 10 200 Stat. Miles IMap Showing Railkoad Route« to Glacier and Yellowstone National Parks. from which point horse trails lead up into the mountain fastnesses, and, at three points, across the Continental Divide to the glorious country on the western slopes. 26 GLACIER NATIONAL PARK. WESTERN ENTRANCE. Belton, Mont., is the western entrance to the national park and the address of the superintendent. The road from Belton rims to Fish Creek on Lake McDonald and up the Flathead Eiver. Trails lead to points of interest, skirting beautiful lakes, and trips iimj be taken on trails leading from the Flathead Eiver Eoad to Logging, Quartz, Bowman, and Kintla Lakes, and reach great glacial amphitheaters, rock pinnacles, ridges, and hanging glaciers. The Bowman Trail crosses the mountain range through Brown Pass. The ambitious explorer may make many interesting excui-sions with guide and proper equipment. HOW TO BUESS. As a rule tourists are inclined to carry too much. A very inex- pensive and simple outfit is required — old clothes and stout shoes are the rule. For a week's to two weeks' trip, either afoot or horseback, the following list is about all that is required : 1 suit of old clothes. 1 sweater or mackiuaw wool jacket. 2 suits of wool underwear (medium weight). 3 pairs of wool socks (heavy). 1 pair of stout lace shoes or hunting boots. 1 pair of canvas leggings (if shoes are worn). The above, together with toilet articles, will go in a compact bundle and can be put in haversack or bag. Women should have eitlier stout shoes or boots and riding trousers or short divided riding skirts. Essential articles of clothing of good quality, including boots, shoes, haversacks, slickers, blankets, camping equipment, provisions, etc., may be purchased at well-stocked commissaries at Glacier Park Station and at St. Mary and Many Glacier Chalets. The Glacier Park Hotel Co., which operates these commissaries, also makes a practice of renting, at a nominal figure, slickers, riding trousers, mackinaw coats, and other overgarments. Stores carrying a similar general line of articles most useful in making park trips are located at Belton, Mont., the western entrance to the park, and at Glacier Hotel (Lewis's) at the head of Lake McDonald. An overnight stopping place is maintained at Christensen's ranch on the Flathead Eiver road about 2 miles south of Logging Creek, where travelers and horses are accommodated. A small store carry- ing some provisions, principally lunch stuff, cigars, tobacco, and fisherman's supplies, is at the foot of Lake McDonald. 2 pairs of cotton gloves. 1 old felt hat. 1 rubber blanket or raincoat, if on walking tour. Waterproof slickers are furnished free with saddle horses. GLACIER NATIONAL PARK. 27 POST OFFICES. United States post offices are located at Glacier Park, Mont., Bel- ton, Mont., and (during summer season) Lake McDonald, Mont. Tourists stopping at Glacier Park Hotel, the eastern entrance, or intending to visit Many Glacier Hotel, Going-to-the-Sun Chalets, Two Medicine, St. Mary, Sperry, or Granite Park Chalets should have mail addressed to Glacier Park, Mont, in care of the Glacier Park Hotel Co. Mail will be forwarded to other hotels or chalets if forwarding address is left with the clerk. Tourists stopping at Glacier Hotel (Lewis's) on Lake McDonald should have mail addressed to Lake McDonald post office, care of Glacier Hotel (Lewis's). Tourists stopping at Belton Chalets, the western entrance of the park, should have mail addressed to Belton, Mont. Correspondence with the National Park Service administrative office should be addressed to W. W. Payne, superintendent, Glacier National Park, Belton, Mont. TELEGRAMS. Telegrams may be sent to all parts of the world from Belton and Glacier Park. All hotels will send and receive telegrams by tele- phone connection with these offices. EXPRESS. The American Railway Express, operating on the Great Northern Railroad and giving connecting service throughout the United States, maintains express offices at Belton and Glacier Park. Express ship- ments received at either of these offices will, upon the payment of charges, be forwarded by the transportation company to the various hotels in the park, for which service a nominal charge is made. HOTELS AND CHALETS. HOTELS AND CHALETS OF GLACIER PARK HOTEL CO, The following hotels and chalet groups are operated by the Gla- cier Park Hotel Co. : GLACIER PARK HOTEL. Located at Glacier Park Station, on the main line of the Great Northern Railroad ; 200 rooms, accommodations for over 400 people ; electric lighted, steam heated, running water, rooms with private bath, cuisine and service of highest order, plunge pool, shower baths, sun parlor, open camp fire in lobby, lounging and music room. Large verandas face the mountains of Glacier Park. 16.5514°— 20 5 28 GLACIER NATIONAL PARK. NEW MANY GLACIER HOTEL. Beautifully located on the east sliore of Lake McDermott, 55 miles north of Glacier Park Hotel, on scenic automobile highway. Auto- mobile stage service to and from Glacier Park Station daily. %AC.IER _N.ATIO,NAL_PARK Iv'eaBt and i ' ^^Iby '•>e Ik Missoul^ ••' II |) \ Bujt ^%\ #^P' Bozjemani Jreat Falls _^, , V.Raynesford> __ ' '& \ ^^tewistb-vQl " HElCENi' "Buford N. D. .'Glendive^ Terrv 0.^^ sto-^ fGnfley La'uveli , Gardiner '-^ Cody. s. jBSsin \ Sundance %/i.^ ^""a Buffalo; Worland ■ Falls V^V*NJ>^ *|\Thermopolis1 %ia'le\lLander 8. " GiHette \ I Newcastle I Kaycee , .WIND NAT'L. WaltmanV-Caspe Douglas** Rawlins Lds afhsutter y'ft Larami' -Q Rock 4^. Springs Craier u ' %5 i^ \ > ■ nationalPm/^/ Grand JunctionJ Salidl Walsenburg NEB. Sidney -TDHEjyENNE. Stedinff, ^Greeley Fort Morgan rcolorado Springs o. LPueblo Durang^^l ^VAlamosa Statute miles 20 25 69 7S 100 125 ArxoiioBiLE Roads BExvt'EEN Glacier, Yellowstone, Rocky Mountain, Mesa Veiide, and Zion National Pakks. The Great Northern Railroad operates a daily automobile freight service for the shipment of cars between Glacier Park Station and Belton ; rate for this service, $12.50. GLACIER KATIONAL PAHK. 29 This hotel contains acconmiodations for upward of 500 guests; electric lighted, steam heated, running water, rooms with private bath; dining service the same high standard as at Glacier Park Hotel ; open camp fires in lobby. The spacious observation verandas on this new hostelry command a view of one of the most beautiful mountain and lake panoramas in all America — Altyn Peak, Mount Henkel, Mount Wilbur, Swiftcur- rent Peak, Mount Grinnell, Mount Gould, and Allen Mountain, Authorized Rates at Glacier Park and Many Glacier Hotels. Rooms without bath, including meals, American plan, per day, per person, $5 and $5.50. Rooms, with bath, including meals, American plan, per day, per person, $6, $T, $8, $9, and $10. Room use for any part of a day without bath, $1. Room use for any part of a day with bath, $2. Hotel rates will be computed on the basis of $1 for breakfast, $1.25 each for lunch and dinner, and $1.50 and upward for lodging, according to class of accommodations; for instance, on the basis of $5.50 per day, one-half day, consisting of lodging and breakfast, will be $3, viz, $2 for room and $1 for meal. All fractions of a day will be arrived at on this basis. Meals only : Breakfast, $1 ; lunch, $1.25 ; dinner.. $1.25. Children 5 j-ears of age and over, full rate. Children under 5 years of age, one-half rate. GLACIER PARK HOTEL CO.'s CHALET GROUPS. Throughout Glacier National Park, distant from 8 to 16 miles from each other, the Glacier Park Hotel Co. maintains and operates the following permanent SAviss chalets, taking them in the order in which they may be reached from Glacier Park Station. Two Medicine Chalets,^ on Two Medicine Lake. — Commands a view of the mountains and lakes of the Two Medicine country, reached by automobile, horseback, or afoot from Glacier Park Hotel. Cut Bank Chalets., on Cut Bank River. — Located in the Cut Bank Valley, a popular rendezvous for fishermen. From this camp it is a day's side trip to Triple Divide Mountain, where the water flows three ways. , St. Mary Chalets^ on St. Mary Lake. — Located on lower end of St. Mary Lake. The popular going-in point for all tourists visiting the Going-to-the-Sun and Lake McDermott regions. Side trip is made from here to Red Eagle Lake, a popular fishing trip. Detached shower or tub baths at these hosteliies, 50 cents. 30 GLACIER NATIONAL PARK. Goin-g-to-the-Sun Chalets^ on St. Mary Lake. — Located on the northwest shore of St. Mary Lake, commanding a view of the Con- tinental Divide. Reached bj'' boat from St. Mary Chalets or afoot or horseback from interior points. Many Glacier Chalets,^ on La'ke McDermott. — Located one-eighth of a mile from the new Many Glacier Hotel. Side trips from this point same as from Many Glacier Hotel. Granite Parh Chalets. — Located on the west side of the Conti- nental Divide in Granite Park. Reached by horseback or afoot from Many Glacier Hotel via Swiftcurrent Pass. Sperry Glacier Chalets.^ in the Sperry Glacier Basin. — Located on the west side of the Continental Divide near Sperry Glacier. Reached by horseback or afoot from Going-to-the-Sun Chalets or Lake McDonald. Belton Chalets.'^ — Located on the main line of the Great Northern Railroad at Belton station, on the west side of the Continental Divide, 58 miles west of Glacier Park Station. Each of these artistic chalet groups consists of log or stone build- ings, attractively grouped, in the vicinity of a central structure used for a dining and lounging room. Most of the dormitory chalets have one or more attractive lounging rooms equipped with large stone fire- places. The service is less conventional than at the hotels, the aim being to furnish clean, comfortable beds, plain food, well cooked, plenty of it, and served in family style. Authorized rates at the chalet groups. Board and lodging, American plan, per day, per person, $4.50, Chalet rates will be computed on the basis of $1 for breakfast, $1.25 each for lunch and dinner, and $1 for lodging. Belton Chalets; rooms with running w^ater, $1.50 per day, per person; American plan, per day, per person, $5. A rate of $28 per week will be made to guests staying one week or more at any one chalet. Children 5 years of age and over, full rate. Children under 5 years of age, one-half rate. OTHER HOTELS. The following hotels and camps in or adjacent to the park are located on patented lands. The National Park Service exercises no control over the rates and operations of these hotels. The rates given below^ are published for the information of the public, but the Service assumes no responsibility for their correctness. GLACIER NATIONAL PARK. 31 Glacier Hotel^ near head of Lake McDonald.— VropTietor, J. E. Lewis, Lake McDonald, Mont. Log hotel of pleasing style of rustic architecture containing 64 rooms. Spacious lounging room; open fire in lobby; large veranda facing Lake McDonald. Hotel is equipped with private baths and laundry, and additional accommo- dations furnished in 20 log cabins. Reached by auto from Belton (3 miles), thence by launch (8 miles). Rates $5, $6, and $7 per day. Doiv Hotel, at Belton, Mont. — Proprietor, E. E. Dow, Belton, Mont. Frame building. Rate, $3.25 per day. National Park cabin resort, at foot of Lake McDonald. — Pro- prietor, H. D, Apgar, Belton, Mont. Two and three-room log cabins equipped for light housekeeping. Reached by auto from Belton (3 miles). Rates $30, $35, and $45 per month. Special day rates. Park Cabin Resort {Gedukii's), at head of Lake McDonald. — Pro- prietor, James Conlon, trustee, Belton, Mont. Ten log cabins. Reached by auto from Belton (3 miles), thence by launch (9 miles). Rates $50 to $160, each, per month, wood included. GLACIER PARK CAMP-SCHOOL. Charles R. Foster plans to conduct a summer camp-school in Glacier National Park during the 1920 season. The purpose of the school will be to give boys a summer in the park where they may fish, hike, ride horseback, study botany or geology, make up conditions in school work or prepare for college examinations, and to teach them the customs of the camp and the trail. The camp-school will be situated in Two Medicine Valley. For further information address Charles R. Foster, director. University School, Cleveland, Ohio. TRANSPORTATION WITHIN THE PARK. STAGE AND AUTOMOBILE SERVICE. All regular stage fares include transportation of one piece of bag- gage weighing not more than 20 pounds. Glacier Park Station, St. Mary Chalets, and Many Glacier Hotel on Lake McDermott. — Daily automobile service is maintained on the following schedules: Automobile schedule, Glacier Park Station to St. Mary Chalets and Many Glacier Hotel. Leave Glacier Park Hotel at 8 a. m. Arrive St. Mary Chalets at 10.45 a. m. Leave St. Mary Chalets at 11 a. m. Arrive Many Glacier Hotel at 12.45 p. m. 32 . GLACIER KATIOXAL PARK. Aulomohilc schedule, Man)j Glacier Hotel to St. Hanj Chalct.s and Glacier Pari- Station. Leavy Many Glacier Hotel at 8.00 a. m. Arrive at St. JVIary Chalets at 9.4-5 a. m. Leave St. Mary Chalets at 3.30 p. m. Arrive Glacier Park Hotel at 6.13 p. m. July 1 to September 1, inclusive, double daily service is maintained, leavina Glacier Park Hotel 1.30 p. m. and leaving Many Glacier Hotel 1.30 p. m. Automobile rates. Between- Roimd trip. Glacier Park Hotel and St. Marv Chalets SI. 00 SS.OO Glacier Park Hotel and Many Glacier Hotel 7. oO lo. 00 St. Marv Chalets and Many Glacier Hotel 3. 50 7.00 Glacier Park Hotel and Two Medicine Chalets 2. 00 3. 50 Glacier Park Hotel and Cut Bank Chalets i 5. 00 Belton and Lal-e McDonald 50 1.00 ' No regular daily service between these points: rate applies only for minimum cf i round-trip fares. Glacier Park Station cuiul Two Medicine Chalets. — Daily automo- bile service is maintained between Glacier Park Station and Two Medicine Chalets. Leave Glacier Park Hotel at 2 p. m. Arrive at Two aiedicine Chalets at 3 p. m. Leave Two Medicine Chalets at 4 p. m. Arrive at Glacier Park Hotel at 5 p. m. Automohile rental. — Tourists desiring to rent pri^-ate automobiles for special trips from Glacier Park Hotel or ^Many Glacier Hotel may secure tliem from tlie Glacier Park Transportation Co. Thi.s service may be bad only wben cars are available without interrupt- ing regular service. Charge is on the basis of 80 cents a mile for the round trip, with a minimum charge of $40. No cars will be chartered for more than one day, except by special arrangement with the automobile company. Cars will not be chartered for one-way trips. A fiat charge between Glacier Park and other points for special cars operating in charter service will be as follows : Glacier Park Hotel to Two Medicine Chalets and return $20 Glacier Park Hotel to Cut Bank Chalets and return 35 Glacier Park Hotel to St. Mary Chalets and return 50 Glacier Park Hotel to Many Glacier Hotel and return 85 There will be an additional charge of $4 per hour for touring cars chartered by special parties for ever}^ idle hour during the company's working day, which is from 7 a. m. to 7 p. m. No charge will be maide after 7 p. m. until 7 a. m. the following morning. BeUon, foot of Lake McDonald^ and Fish Creeh.—T\\Q Glacier Park Transportation Co. maintains an auto service between Belton Station, the foot of Lake McDonald, and Fish Creek, connecting GLACIER NATIONAI. PARK. 3d witli launches for all points on the lake and with all Great Northern, passenger trains at Belton. fitage fares between Belton, Lake McDonald, and Fish Creek. Belton and Lake McDonald, each way $0.50 Belton and Fish Creek, each way . 75 At times other than the period established by the Secretary of the Interior as the park season, Mr. John Weightman has authority to transport passengers, baggage, and freight between Belton and the foot of Lake McDonald at the prescribed rates for this service pub- lished herein. Mr. Weightman also conducts a general livery busi- ness with stables in Belton. BOAT SERVICE. All regular boat fares include transportation of one piece of bag- gage weighing not more than 20 pounds. St. Mary Lake. — Two round trips a day will be made between St. Mary and Going-to-the-Sun Chalets, connecting with the auto- mobile service between Glacier Park Station, St. Mary Chalets, and Many Glacier Hotel at Lake McDermott. Fare between St. Mary and Going-to-the Sun Chalets, 75 cents in each direction. Launch scliednic between St. Mary and Coinii-to-thc-Bun Clmlets. Leave Going-to-the-Sun Chalets at 9 a. m. and 2 p. m. Arrive St. Mary Chalets at 10 a. m. and 3 p. m. Leave St. INIary Chalets at 11 a. ni. and 5 p. m. Arrive Going-to-the-Sun Chalets at 12 noon and 6 p. m. Lal'e McDonald. — Launch service is maintained by Miller & Kelly (Belton, Mont.) on Lake INIcDonald, connecting with all stages at the foot of the lake for points on the lake. Rates for Lake I\fcDonald launch service. One way, in either direction. Distance in miles. Fare. Foot of l^te to head of lake - 10 10 8 8 8 6 2 2 ri.oo Foot of lake to Park Cabin resort 1.00 .75 FL^h Creek to head of lake - - .75 Fi'^li C'cek to Park Cal'iii resort .75 .50 .25 rilpcier Hotel to Park Cabin resort . .25 Foot of lake to Fi=h C'"eek .25 BAGGAGE AND FREIGHT. Passengers touring the park will be permitted to carry with them free on automobile stages or launches one piece of hand baggage weighing not to exceed 20 pounds. The following rates apply for the transportation of baggage be- tween points in Glacier National Park via auto or launch. Autos are not equiped to handle heavy baggage, and right is reserved to forward such baggage by freighting outfit. 34 GLACIER NATIONAL PARK. Baggage rates. Between— Trunk. Suit case or grip. Glacier Park Hotel and Two Medicine Chalets $1.00 2.00 4.00 2.50 .50 2.00 1.00 .50 .50 .50 $0.50 .50 1.00 Glacier Park Hotel and Goine-fo-the-Sun Chaiet« 1.00 .25 .50 BeHon and Glacier Hotel (Lewis's) .50 .25 Belton and Fish Creek . . .25 Foot of Lake McDonald and head of I ake McDonald .25 Freight rates. Cents per hundred Belton to or from Lake McDonald : pounds. 1,000 pounds and under 25 1,000 to 1,500 pounds 20 1,500 to 3,500 pounds 15 3,500 pounds and over 10 On Lake McDonald, either direction: 1,000 pounds and under 25 1,000 to 2,500 pounds 20 2,500 pounds and over 15 On St. Mary Lake: 1,000 pounds or less 25 Over 1,000 pounds 20 Cents per pound. Between Belton and Logging Creek ranger station or other points hetween McGee Meadow and Logging Creek IJ Between Belton and Indian Creek ranger station 2 Between Belton and Kishenehn ranger station 2 Tliese freight rates are to be construed as maximum rates only. HORSES AND GUIDES. The Park Saddle Horse Co. furnishes saddle and pack horse service, guides, and camp outfits. Guides, saddle, and pack horses can be secured, or released, at Glacier Park Station, Many Glacier Hotel, Going-to-the-Sun Cha- lets, and Glacier Hotel on Lake McDonald, for nonscheduled, in- definite trips, at the following rates : Rotes for guides and horses. Guides, includinj. Saddle and pact horse and hoard, per day. horses, per day .$8. 00 3.50 Park rules require 1 guide for every 10 persons. Pack horses are not needed for short one-day trips, but are necessary for long trips of several days. All saddle horses are required to be equipped with waterproof slickers, which outfitters supply free. GLACIER NATIONAL PARK. 35 The guides in charge of a party shall at all times precede the party and the assisting guides shall follow the party. It shall be the duty of the assisting guide to handle the pack horses, to prevent their crowding each other or the horses of the tour- ists on mountain trails. A complete horseback tour of Glacier National Park from Glacier Park Hotel, visiting all chalet groups, with several side trips to principal points of interest, such as Iceberg Lake, Cracker Lake, Sperry Glacier, etc., can be made in from 10 to 14 days. Tourists using such horseback tours can travel at their own convenience with- out the necessity of following a fixed schedule. RATES FOR SCHEDULED TRIPS FROM HOTELS AND CHALETS. The charge includes horse and guide servic Saddle-horse trips. Mini- mum number required in party. FROM GLACIER PARK JIOTEL. > Glacier Park Hotel to Mount Henry and return— 1-day trip 1 Glader Park Hotel to Two Medicine and return— 2-day trip via Mount Henry in one direction Inside Trail trip, via Two Medicine, Mount Morgan, Cut Bank Chalets, Triple Divide, Red Eagle Lake, St. Mary Chalets, Going-to-the-Sun Chalets, Piegan Pass to Many-Glacief Hotel— a 5-day scenic trip FROM MANY GLACIER HOTEL. » Iceberg Lake and return— 1-day trip Granite Park and return— 2-day trip Granite Park and return— 1-day trip 1 Cracker Lake and return— 1-day trip » Ptarmigan Lake and return— 1-day trip • Grinnell Lake and return— one-half day trip (afternoon) Grinnell Glacier and return — 1-day trip Morning Eagle Falls and return— 1-day trip Going-to-the-Sun Chalets via Piegan Pass— 1 way ' Logan Pass Triangle trip, by Swiftcurrent PasSj Granite Park, Logan Pass, Going- to-the-Sun Chalets, and Piegan Pass — round trip — 3-day trip 2 Circle trip— Swiftcurrent Pass, Granite Park Chalets, Garden Wall Trail, Glacier Hotel (Lewis's) on Lake McDonald, Sperry Chalets, Gunsight Pass, Going-to-the- Sun Chalets, Piegan Pass— round trip— 5-day trip FROM GOING-TO-TIIE-SUN CHALETS. I Sexton Glacier and return- one-half day trip ' Gunsight Lake and return — 1-day trip 1 Koes Basin and return— 1-day trip Many-Glacier Hotel via Piegan Pass— 1-day trip Lake McDonald via Sperry Chalets and Gunsight Pass— 2-day trip 2 Lc^an Pass Triangle trip by Piegan Pass, Many-Glacier Hotel, Swiftcurrent Pass, Granite Park, and Logan Pass— round trip— 3-day trip * Circle trip— Piegan Pass, Many Glacier Hotel, Swiftcurrent Pass, Granite Park Chalets, Garden Wall Trail, Glacier Hotel (Lewis's) on Lake McDonald, Sperry Chalets, Gunsight Pass — round trip — 5-day trip FROM LAKE MCDONALD— GLACIER HOTEL (LEWIS'S). • Sperry Chalets and return— 1-day trip Lincoln Peak and return — 1-day trip ' Avalanche Basin and return— 1-day trip Snyder Lake and return— 1-day trip Going-to-the-Sun Chalets via Sperry Chalets and Gimsight Pass— 2-day trip 2 Circle trip— Sperry Chalets, Gunsight Pass, Going-to-the-Sun Chalets, Piegan Pass, Many Glacier Hotel, SwiftcurrentPass, Granite ParkChalets, Garden Wall Trail- round trip— 5-day trip ?4.00 8.00 4.00 1 s.OO 1 .'•.. (10 1 4. (10 1 4.00 3 3. 50 3 4. (10 3 4. (1(1 1 5.00 1 12.50 1 25. 00 5 3.50 3 4.00 3 4.00 3 5.00 1 10. 00 5 4. .50 1 ,5. (10 1 4. 00 3 4.00 3 0. 00 5 • Made daily during season. Other trips available July 1 to Sept. 1. 2 Logan Pass Triangle and Circle trips made daily between July 1 and Sept. 1. these trips will not be allowed refund in case of withdrawal. Parties once started on S6 GLACIER 3^ATI01S:AL, PARK. INDEPENDENT CAMPING TOURS. The following rates are quoted for trips of 10 days or more. Spe- cial arrangements may be made for tri])s of less than 10 days : Cost per day per person. 1 person $25. 00 2 persons 15.75 3 persons 12. G5 4 persons 12.40 5 persons 11.30 6 persons 10. 60 7 persons or more 10. 00 Foregoing rates include the necessary guides, cooks, saddle horses, pack horses, tents, cooking utensils; in fact everything except blankets and provisions. Tourists are advised to bring their own blankets or bedding; or they can rent blankets from the outfitters for $1 per pair for the trip. Mattresses and canton flannel sheets furnished free. The provisions for the entire party are purchased by the tourists. Provisions may be purchased locally, where complete assortments are carried. The provisions usually cost about $1.50 per day per person, varying according to the nimiber taking the trip and the requirements of the different parties. The outfitters endeavor to and usually are able to furnish cooks and all necessary help for all camping trips on short notice, but at least 10 days' notice should be given and this is allowed, if neces- sary, to permit them time for securing proper cpoks and assistance. PERSONALLY CONDUCTED CAIIPING TOUR. Howard Eaton, address, Eaton's Ranch, Wolf, Wyo., wall again conduct a horseback and camping tour in Glacier National Park. Trip starts from Glacier Park Station, Mont, (eastern entrance), July 19 and ends at Belton, Mont, (western entrance) , August 2. The trip is limited to 75 riders. Fee, $225, includes all charges for 15 days. USEFUL INFORMATION REGARDING AUTOMOBILE, SADDLE HORSE, AND WALKING TRIPS FROM HOTELS AND CHALETS. Below are given the principal trips from the hotels and chalets. Eoad trips can be made on horseback or on foot unless otherwise indicated; trail trips can be made on horseback or on foot. Wliere horseback rates are given, they are special flat rates for scheduled trips and include charges for both guide and horses. Where no rates are given the regular per diem charges apply. GLACIER NATIONAL PARK. 37 FROM GLACIER PARK HOTEL (GLACIER PARK STATION AND POST OFFICE). (Altitude 4,800 feet.) St. Mary Chalets {h^^OO feet). — Road; 32 miles; automobile stage fare, $4 in each direction. A one-day trip to St. Mary and (joing- to-the-Sun Clialets by automobile and launch may be made for $9.62 for the round trip ; for schedule, see page 46. lihside trail. — Guide and horses may be obtained for a three-day trip over the inside trail from Glacier Park Hotel, via Two Medicine Chalets, thence via Mount Morgan Pass to Cut Bank Chalets, thence \\xx Triple Divide, Red Eagle Lake, to St. Mary Chalets. This trip may be made in either direction at regular per diem rates. Many Glacier Hotel {If^OO feet). — Road; 55 miles; automobile stage fare, $7.50 in each direction ; for schedule, see page 32. Inside trail. — Guide and horses may be obtained for a five-day trip OA^er the inside trail from Glacier Park Hotel, via Two IVIedicine Chalets, thence via Mount Morgan Pass to Cut Bank Chalets, thence via Triple Divide, Red Eagle Lake, to St. Mary Chalets, thence via boat across St. Mary Lake to Going-to-the-Sun Chalets, thence via Piegan Pass to Many Glacier Hotel, at the rate of $18 for each per- son, including boat fare, if five or more make the trip. This trip may be made in either direction. TiLw Medicine Clmlets {o,200 feet) on Tico Medicine Lake. — Road; 12 miles; automobile stage fare, $2 in each direction; for schedule, see page 47. Guide and horses may be obtained for a two-day trip to Two Medi- cine Chalets, Trick Falls, and return, via Mount Henry Trail or Road, for $8 each person, if three or more go together. Mount Henry {8,870 feet).— Trail; 7 miles. From Mount Henry can be obtained a splendid view of the peaks surroundeing Two Medi- cine Lake. Guide and horses can be secured for the round trip to Mount Henry at the rate of $4 per person. This trip can be extended to Two Medicine Chalets (5,200 feet), 4 miles farther, and the return made by automobile. Rate for guide and horses Glacier Park Hotel to Two Medicine Chalets, three or more in party, $5 each; automobile fare Two Medicine Chalets to Glacier Park Station, 12 miles, $2. Cut BanJv Chalets {5^00 feet). — Road; 22 miles; automobile stage fare, $5 round trip per person, with a minimum of four persons. Going-to-the-Sun Chalets {Ji/>00 feet). — A one-day trip to Going- to-the-Sun Chalets, via St. Mary and return, by automobile and launch, may be made for $9.62 ; for schedule, see page 46. 38 GLACIER NATIONAL PARK. FROM TWO MEDICINE CHALETS ON TWO MEDICINE LAKE. (Altitude, 5,200 feet.) Tnch Falls {5,000 /ee?^).— Road; 2 miles. Upper Two Medicine Lake {5,600 feet). — Trail, or boat and trail; 4 miles. Bighorn Basin {6,000 feet). — Trail; 4 miles. Dawson Pass {7,500 feet). — Trail; 6 miles. Glacier Park Hotel {4,800 feet).— Road; 12 miles; stage fare, $2 in each direction ; for schedule, see page 47. Trail by way of Mount Henry (8,870 feet), 11 miles; rate for horses and guide, three or more in party, $5 per person. Mount Henry {8,870 feet). — Trail; 4 miles. From Mount Henry can be obtained a fine view of the peaks surrounding Two Medicine Lake. Cut Bank Chalets {5,200 feet).—Tv2a\ by way of Dry Fork and Mount Morgan Pass (7,600 feet) ; 18 miles. Pai'k Creek {5,000 /ee^.— Trail by way of Two Medicine Pass (7,675 feet). Excellent fishing at Park Creek. FROM CUT BANK CHALETS ON NORTH FORK OF CUT BANK CREEK. (Altitude, 5,200 feet.) Red Eagle Lake. — By way of Triple Divide Mountain; 16 miles. Cut Bank Pass {7,861 /eeif).— Trail; 7 miles. From Cut Bank Pass may be obtained a fine view of Stimson Mountain (10,155 feet) and Mount St. Nicholas (9,385 feet). As far as known Mount St. Nicholas has never been climbed. Tnple Divide Peak {8,001 /ce^.— Distance 8 miles. Triple Divide Peak separates the headwaters flowing into the Atlantic Ocean, the Pacific Ocean, and the Arctic Ocean. Glacier Park Hotel {4,800) .—Road', 22 miles. St. Mai-y Chalets {4,500 feet).— Trail and road; 16 miles. Tioo Mcdiebie Chalets {5,200 feet) .—Trail by way of Mount Mor- gan Pass (7,600 feet) and Dry Fork; 18 miles. PROM ST, MARY CHALETS ON ST. MARY LAKE. (Altitude, 4,500 feet.) Red Eagle LaJm {4,702 feet).— Trail', 8 miles; good fishing. Red Eagle Pass {7,500 feet) and Glacier.— Trail; 16 miles. Going-to-the-Sun Chalets {4,500 feet).— lia\mcl\; 8 miles; fare, 75 cents in each direction. Cut Bank Chalets {5,200 feet) .—Road, 16 miles; trail, 24 miles. Ma/ny Glacier Hotel on Lake McDennott {4,900 feet) .—Road, 23 miles; trail, 16 miles; stage fare, $3.50 in each direction. Glacier Park Station {4,800 feet).— Road; 32 miles; automobile stage fare, $4 in each direction. GLACIER NATIONAL, PARK. 39 FROM GOINa-TO-THE-SUN CHALETS ON ST. MARY LAKE. (Altitude, 4,500 feet.) Roes Basin {6^500 feet). — Poor trail; 6 miles. Guide and horses may be obtained for the round trip at $4 per person, if three or more go together. Sexton Gloxier {7\000 feet). — Trail; 7 miles. Guide and horses may be secured for the round trip at $3.50 per person, if three or more go together. Piegan Pass {7,200 /ceO-— Trail; 9 miles. Many Glacier Hotel on Lake McBermott {1^,900 feet). — Trail by way of Piegan Pass (7,200 feet.) ; 18 miles. This trip gives good view of Mount Siyeh and Piegan Mountain, the Garden Wall, Morn- ing Eagle Falls, and Grinnell Glacier and Lalce. Rate for guide and horse, $5 per person. St. Mary Chalets {^^OO feet). — Laimch; 8 miles; fare, 75 cents in each direction. Gunsight Lake {5,300 feet). — Trail; 9 miles. Guide and horses may be obtained for the round trip at $4 per person, if three or more go together. Glacier Hotel, on Lake McDonald, ria Sperry Chalets. — Horses and guides may be obtained for a two-day trip at the rate of $10 for each person, if five or more mate the trip together. Logan Pass tHaiigle tnj). — Three-day trip, made as follows: Go- ing-to-the-Sun Chalets to Many Glacier Hotel, via Glacial Meadows and Piegan Pass; thence to Granite Park Chalets via Swiftcurrent Pass ; thence back to Going-to-the-Sun Chalets, via the west side of the Garden Wall and Logan Pass. Eate for giiide and horses, $12.50 per person. Many Glacier Hotel is also a point of departure for this trip. Parties once started on this trip will not be allowed a refund in case of withdrawal. Circle trip. — Guide and horses may be obtained for a five-day trip, starting from Going-to-the-Sun Chalets and going over Piegan Pass to Many Glacier Hotel; thence over Swiftcurrent Pass to Granite Park Chalets ; thence via the Garden Wall trail to Glacier Hotel, on Lake McDonald; thence to Sperry Chalets, from which a foot trail leads to Sperry Glacier; thence over Gunsight Pass, returning to Going-to-the-Sun Chalets, at the rate of $25 for each person, if five or more make the trip together. This trip can also be started from Many Glacier Hotel and Glacier Hotel, on Lake McDonald, returning to starting point. Parties once started on this trip will not be allowed a refund in case of withdrawal. 40 GLACIEE KATIOITAL, PARK, FEOM MANY GLACIER HOTEL, ON LAKE McDEUMOTT. (Altitude, 4,9C0 feet.) Afpehunny Basin. — Trail; 4 miles. St. Mary Chalets {If,500 feet).—Rod.di; 23 miles; stage fare $3.50 in eacii direction. Trail; 10 miles. Going -to-the-Sun Chalets {J^^BOO feet) hy way of Piegan Pass {7^00 feet). — Trail; 18 miles. This trip gives views of Mount Siyeh and Piegan Mountain, the Garden "Wall, ^Morning Eagle Falls, Grinnell Glacier, and Lake McDermott. Rate for guide and horses, $5 for each person. Made daily. Iceberg Lake {QpOO feet). — Trail; 7 miles. Eate for guide and horses, $4 per person for the round trip. Made daily. Gunsight Lake. — Trail by way of Piegan Pass ; 20 miles. Cracker LaJce {6^00 feet). — Trail: 7 miles. Eate for guide and horses, $4 per person for the round trip. Made daily. Grinnell Lake {5^00 feet). — Trail; 5 miles; footpath to Grinnell Glacier (5,000 feet) ; distance, 2 miles from Grinnell Lake. Rate for guide and horses for tlie round trip, $3.50 per person, if three or more go together. This ivv^ is made in the afternoon. Grinnell Glacier. — Eate for guides and horses for round trip to Grinnell Glacier, $4 for each person, if three or more go together. Piegan Pass {7^00 feet) and Garden Wall. — Trail ; 9 miles. Swiftcurre?it Pass {7,176 feet). — Trail; 7 miles. Ptarmigan Lake {6,000 feet). — Trail ; 7 miles. Eate for guide and horses to Ptarmigan Lake and return, $4 per person, if three or more go together. Morning Eagle Falls. — Trail ; 6 miles. Eate for guide and horses for the round trip, $4 per person. Persons on this trip with guide and persons for Going-to-the-Sun Chalets, dropping out at the Falls are picked up by guide and party for Many Glacier Hotel. Granite Park Chalets {6.^500 feet). — Trail by way of Swiftcurrent Pass (7,17G feet) ; 9 miles. Eate for guide and horses, $5 per person for the round trip. Guide and horses for a two-day trip to Granite Park and return may be had for $8 for each person. Going-to-the-Sun Chalets. — Eate for guide and horses to Going- to-the-Sun Chalets via Piegan Pass, $5 per person. Glacier Park Hotel {4,800 feet). — Eoad 55 miles; automobile stage fare, $7.50 in each direction. For schedule, see page 32. Logan Pass THangle trip. — Three-day trip made as follows : Many Glacier Hotel to Granite Park Chalets via Swiftcurrent Pass, thence along the west side of the Garden Wall through Logan Pass to Going-to-the-Sun Chalets, thence back to Many Glacier Hotel via Glacial Meadows and Piegan Pass. Eate for guide and horses, $12.50 per person. Going-to-the-Sun Chalets is also a point of departure for this trip. GLACIER NATIONAL PARK. 41 Parties once started on this trip will not be allowed a refund in case of withdrawal. Inside Trail. — Guide and horses may be obtained for a five-day trip over the Inside Trail from Many Glacier Hotel via Piegan Pass to Going-to-the-Sun Chalets, thence b}' boat across St. Mary Lake to St. Mary Chalets, thence via Red Eagle Lake and Triple Divide to Cut Bank Chalets, thence via Mount Morgan Pass and Two Medi- cine Chalets to Glacier Park Hotel, at the rate of $19 j^er person, including boat fare, if five or more make the trij:*. Tliis trip may be made in either direction. Parties once started on this trip will not be allowed a refund in case of withdrawal. Circle tnp. — Guide and horses may be obtained for a five-day circle trip, starting from Many Glacier Hotel and going over Swiftcurrent Pass to Granite Park Chalets ; thence via the Garden Wall Trail to Glacier Hotel on Lake McDonald; thence to Sperry Chalets, fi^om which a foot trail leads to Sperry Glacier ; thence over Gunsight Pass to Going-to-the-Sun Chalets, returning via Piegan Pass to Many Glacier Hotel, at the rate of $25 for each person, if five or more make the trip together. This trip can also be started from Going-to-the-Sun Chalets and Glacier Hotel, on Lake McDonald, returning to starting point. Parties once started on this trip will not be alloAved a refund in case of withdrawal. FE,OM GRANITE PAUK CHALETS. (Altitude, about 6,300 feet.) Swlftourrent Peak. — One mile by footpath from Swiftcurrent Pass, If miles from Chalets. From the top of Swiftcurrent Peak an unexcelled panorama of all the principal peaks of the i^ark and many of the glaciers and lakes may be seen. Rosenwald Path. — This footpath leads to a reef about one-third mile north of the chalets, from which place an excellent view of the northern portion of park, Mount Cleveland, and the Canadian moun- tains can be seen. Piatt Path. — This footpath leaves the Logan Pass trail about 1 mile south of the chalets and climbs u]3 to and follows along the top of the Garden Wall for about 1| miles, from which place one may look down upon Grinnell Glacier and the beautiful lakes of the Cataract and Swiftcurrent Vallej^s. This is the most spectacular trail in the park. Logan Pass and vicinity. — Logan Pass is 7.7 miles south by horse trail from the chalets. This is a new section of wonders opened up to tourist travel in 1918. The scenery is inspiring and from the pass 42 GLACIER NATIONAL PARK. bhort trips may be made to the Hanging Gardens, Hidden Lake, Clements Glacier, Eeynolds Mountain, and a view of Twin Lakes, Avalanche Basin, etc., may be obtained. Logan Pass trail. — Leading from Granite Park to St. Mary Val- ley via Logan Pass and Reynolds Creek. This is the finest view trail open to horse travel in the park ; from it ma}^ be seen many wonder- ful waterfalls. Lake McDonald, Heavens Peaks, and the other peaks of the range of mountains to the west. Many wonderful can- yons, cliffs, and cataracts may be seen. Distance to Going-to-the-Sun Chalets 16.4 miles. FROM SPERRY CHALETS. (Altitude, about 6,500 feet.) Going-to-the-Siin-Chalets {1^,500 feet). — Trail by way of Gunsight Pass; 15 miles. Glacier Hotel {Lewis's), Lake McDonald {SfiOO ^cO-— Trail; 7 miles ; 2 miles farther to Park Cabin Eesort. Sper^ry Glacier {9fi00 feet) . — Trail ; 2 miles. This is a steep trail and the trip should be made on foot to the escarpment. The escarp- ment may be climbed by means of an iron ladder bolted to the rock, or b}' way of zigzag goat trails. Whichever method of ascent is at- tempted, visitors should be accompanied by competent guides pro- vided with ropes. While this glacier is less broken than Blackfeet Glacier, explorations should not be attempted without a guide. FROM GLACIER HOTEL AT HEAD OF LAKE McDONALD. (Altitude, 3.200 feet.) Paradise Canijon. — Trail ; 1 miles from Glacier Hotel, 2 miles from Park Cabin Eesort. Avalanche Basin (3,885 feet) . — Trail ; 9 miles from Glacier Hotel, 7 miles from head of lake. Eate for guide and horses for the round trip, $1 per person if three or more go together. Trout Lake {3,880 /^eO-— Trail; 8 miles from Glacier Hotel, 9 miles from head of lake. Lake Ellen Wilson {BpH feet). — Trail; 10 miles from Glacier Hotel, 12 miles from head of lake. Stanton Mountain {7,744 feet). — Trail to summit; 7 miles from Glacier Hotel, 5 miles from head of lake. Sper-ry Chalets {8,000 feet) including Spein-y Glacier. — Trail; 7 miles from Glacier Hotel, 9 miles from head of lake. A foot trail leads from chalets to Sperry Glacier ; 2 miles. Guide and horses for the round trip, three or more in party, $5. Made daily. GLACIER NATIONAL PARK. 43 Snyder Lake. — Trail; -4 miles from Glacier Hotel, 6 miles from head of lake. Rate for guide and horses, $4 per person for the round trip, if three or more go together. Lincoln Peak. — Eate for guide and horses, $5 per person for the round trip, if three or more go together. Going -to-tJhe-Sym< Chalets via Sycrrij Chalets. — Guide and horses for two-day trip to Going-to-the-Sun Chalets may be had at the rate of $10 for each person, where five or more make the trip. Circle trip. — Guide and horses may be obtained for a five-day circle trip, starting from Glacier Hotel and Park Cabin Eesort on Lake McDonald and going via 'Sperry Chalets, with a side trip on foot to Sperry Glacier; over Gunsight Pass to Going-to-the-Sun Chalets ; thence via Piegan Pass to Many Glacier Hotel ; thence over Swiftcurrent Pass to Granite Park Chalets, returaing via the Gar- den AVall trail to Glacier Hotel, at the rate of $25 per person, where five or more make the trip. This trip can also be started from Going-to-the-Sun Chalets and Many Glacier Hotel. Parties once started on this trip will not be allowed a refund in case of withdrawal. AMUSEMENTS. Throughout the park at the various hotels and chalets there are forms of indoor, as well as outdoor, recreation and amusements that may be enjoyed by the tourist. These recreations and amusements are in part as follows: RGWBOATS. At Many Glacier Plotel on Lake jSIcDermott rowboats may be hired at 50 cents an hour with a maximum cost of $2.50 a day for fishing or for taking short trips about the lake. Boats may also be hired by the week, rate $15. A boatman may also be secured, and, with his assistance, a trip may be made up over the rapids to Lake Josephine and boating enjoyed thereon. From Lake Josephine an excellent view may be obtained of Grinnell Glacier, Mount Gould, and Feather-plume Falls. Eowboats may also be hired on St. Mary Lake, where there is ex- cellent fishing at all times. Eowboats can be secured either at St. Mary Chalets or at Going-to-the-Sun Chalets. At St. Mary Chalets, by special arrangement, a small power launch may be secured for trips to various points of interest on St. ISIary Lake. On Lake McDonald rowboats, canoes, and Evinrude motor boats can be secured at the Glacier Hotel. Eowboats and air motor boats may also be obtained at the foot of the lake. Fishing boats and 44 CxLACIER NATIONAL PAEK. boatmen may be hired for fishing trips down McDonald Creek, and down the Middle Fork of Flathead River as far as Columbia Falls. Eowboats may be hired at the Two Medicine Chalets for use upon Two Medicine Lake, where fishing may be enjoyed and lake trout secured that can be caught only by fishing from boats. Special launch trips are also available on Two Medicine Lake, one way 75 cents, round trip $1.25. Around the shores of the lake are many interesting nooks and promontories, and the ever-changing scenery, as viewed from different points on the lake, make boating one of the most popular pastimes. SWIMMING. Swimming pools and plunges with warmed water are provided at Glacier Park Hotel and Many Glacier Hotel for such of the guests as care for this sport, a nominal fee being charged for the privi- lege of using the tanks and for bathing suits when furnished. While it is possible for tourists to indulge in lake bathing, it will be found that the water of the lakes, usually just from the melting glaciers, is uncomfortably cold, and for this reason is not enjoyed except by the most hardy. DANCING. At all of the principal hotels in the park dancing is provided each evening for the guests, good music being furnished for this purpose. At some of the chalets there is opportunity for impromptu dancing, as phonographs or pianos are provided for furnishing music. All dancing is, of course, strictly informal and usually oc- curs in the grill room or sometimes in amusement halls which are operated in conjunction with the hotels. HORSEBACK KIDING. The most popular amusement to be found throughout the entire park is that of horseback riding, and at hotels and chalets it is pos- sible to hire horses for the purpose of taking short trips to the various points of interest which may be found in that vicinity; and even though the tourists may take long trail rides from one hotel or chalet group to another they never tire of horseback riding, for it is by this means better than any other that one is able to see the most interesting places in the park. FISHING. The waters of Glacier National Tark abound in fish. All species of trout have been planted, in order to determine which are the more adaptable. So far all the fish have done well, owing to the GLACIER NATIONAL PARK. 45- abundant natural fish foods and because the waters vary scarcely a degree in temperature the year round. The varieties are cutthroat, eastern brook, steelhead, landlocked salmon, rainbo\Y and grayling. Eastern brook and cutthroat are the most abundant. Many of these, which exceeded 6 pounds, were taken the past season by tourists, and these from waters stocked in 1915. Enough of these varieties rise to the fly to guarantee good sport. The ever-abundant grass- hopper may be used successfully by those not skilled in the use of the fly. During the past season one catch of 20 fish weighed 02 pounds, all taken with a fly. In the larger lakes a Mackinaw or Dolly Yarden weighing 40 pounds is a possibility. Occasionally a Mackinaw may be caught with fine rod and tackle. All fishing must be in conformity with the park regulations. Txoo Medicine Chalets. — Two Medicine Lake has become known for its eastern brook trout, probably the most palatable and gamest fish in the park. Good fishing is also found in the Two Medicine Eiver below Trick Falls, and in Lower Two Medicine Lake. These lakes are probably better stocked than an}^ in the park, because of the proximity to the hatchery at the eastern entrance. Cut BanJt Chalets. — This camp is located on the banks of the north fork of Cut Bank Creek, which may be fished both ways from the camp for a distance of from 3 to 5 miles. Cutthroat inhabits this section, and the fisherman who takes the center of the stream and fishes with skill is sure of a well-filled creel. The south fork of Cut Bank Creek is also a wild little stream, well stocked, but little known. St. Mary Chalets. — St. Mary Lake is the home of the Mackinaw trout, but also contains flat trout and cutthroat. Numerous streams empty into this lake, and with fly or spinner a goodly toll may be taken. Eed Eagle Lake, easily reached from St. Mary Chalets, is one of the best fisliing spots in the park. There is also good fishing in Eed Eagle Creek. Going -to-the-Sun Chalets. — Baring Creek, which empties into St. Mary Lake about a mile above the camp, will be found worthy of a visit. For the large Mackinaw trout the upper end of the lake is a good place. Gunsight Lake, within easy reach, has been well stocked with brook trout. Many Glacier Hotel. — Sherburne Lake is literally alive with pike, Lake Superior whitefish, rainbow and cutthroat trout. Pike are readily taken with the troll, and often a cutthroat. Swiftcurrent Eiver, emptjdng into this lake, affords good stream fishing for the fly caster. McDermott, Grinnell, and Josephine Lakes are becoming- known for cutthroat, brook, and rainboAv trout. Big catches were made last season. Cracker Lake is always ready to fill the creel with a small black spotted trout. 46 GLACIER NATIONAL PARK. The north and south forks of Kenne'l}^ Creek, inchicling Slide Lake, are excellent for stream fishing, cutthroats being in abundance. Belly River is an ideal stream for the man who cares not for getting -wet — a stream full of crooks and turns, with an eddy at every turn, and a hole that looks better than the last at every crook. With overhanging foliage and the right amount of buried snags to conceal the vigilant cutthroat, this is a paradise for the camper. Waterton Lake is another of the big lakes and home of the big fish. Many streams empty into this lake that is shadowed by the highest mountain in the park; and beneath this shadow are fish from Hudson Bay. Mackinaw, Doll}'- Varden, flat and cutthroat trout are innumerable. Lake McDonald, McDonald Creek, and Avalanche Lake may also be fished with good results. Fishing tackle of the best grade is always obtainable at the two general stores in Glacier Park, and also at the store at Waterton Lake. The hotel companj^ also carries a line at Glacier Park and Many Glacier Hotels. INTOEMATION, UTILITIES, ETC. INFORMATION. General information with respect to the park may be obtained by inquiry at the office of the park superintendent near the Belton entrance of the park, or at the offices of the principal hotels ; and a topogi-aphic map of the park may be secured at the principal hotels or from the park superintendent for 25 cents. MEDICAL SERVICE. Qualified or trained nurses are in attendance at the Many Glacier and Glacier Park Hotels, from which places emergenc}^ remedies may be secured and such first-aid treatment as may be necessary in most cases. A house physician is usually stationed at Glacier Park Hotel, and it is nearly always possible to find among the registered guests of the various hotels one or more physicians whose assistance may be secured in the case of acute illness or serious injury. LIVERY. Horse-drawn livery rigs for trips to various points on the west side of the park may be secured from Mr. John Weightman, at Belton, or at the foot of Lake McDonald. SPECIAL TOURS. ONE-DAY TOUR. Glacier Park Hotel to Going-fo-tke-Sun Chalets hy automohile and launch. — Daily during season. Transportation, $9.G2 round trip, GLACIER NATIOIfAL PARK. 47 mcliiding war tax on launch ; luncheon at Going-to-the-Sun Chalets. $1.25. Leave Glacier Park Hotel (auto) at 8 a. m. Arrive at St. Mary Chalets at 10.45 a. m. Leave St. Mary Chalets (launch) at 11 a. m. Arrive at Going-to-the-Snn Chalets at 12 noon. Leave Going-to-the-Sun Chalets (launch) at 2 p. m. Arrive at St. Mary Chalets at 3 p. m. Leave St. Mary Chalets (auto) at 3.30 p. m. Arrive at Glacier Park Hotel at 6.1.5 p. m. The above trip takes the tourist to Going-to-the-Sun Chalets at the head of St. Mary Lake, considered one of the finest scenic spots in the park. The ride over the 32-mile auto road and the 10-mile trip by launch on St. Mary Lake enables one to see a 90-mile panorama of Glacier Park scenery in 10 hours. TWO MEDICINE SIDE TRIP. Glacier Park Hotel to Two Medleine Chalets and return hy anto- mohile. — Daily during season. Transportation, $3.50 round trip. Leave Glacier Park Hotel at 2 p. m. Arrive at Two Medicine Chalets at 3 p. ni. Leave Two Medicine Chalets at 4 p. m. Arrive at Glacier Park Hotel at 5 p. m. TWO-DAY TOUR. Glacier Parh to Many Glacier Hotel and St. Mary and Going-to- the Sim Chalets^ automohlle and launch. — Daily during season. Transportation, $16.62, including war tax on launch; meals and lodging at hotel or chalets extra at regular rates. FIRST PAY. Leave Glacier Park Hotel (auto) at 8 a. m. Arrive at St. Mary Chalets at 10.45 a. in. Leave St. Mary Chalets (auto) at 11 a. ni. Arrive at Many Glacier Hotel at 12.45 p. m. Luncheon, dinner, and lodging at Many Glacier Hotel or Chalets. SECOND DAY. Breakfast at Many Glacier Hotel or Clialets. Leave Many Glacier Hotel (auto) at 8 a. m. Arrive at St. Mary Chalets at 9.45 a. m. Leave St. Mary Chalets (launch) at 11 a. m. Arrive at Going-to-the-Sun Chalets at 12 noon. Luncheon at Going-to-the-Sun Chalets. Leave Going-to-the-Sun Chalets (launch) at 2 p. m. Arrive at St. Mary Chalets at 3 p. m. Leave St. Mary Chalets (auto) at 3.30 p. m. Arrive at Glacier Park Hotel at 6.15 p. m. 48 GLACIER NATIONAL PARK. THREE-DAY TOUK. Glacier Park Hotel fo St. Mary Chalets^ Many Glacier Hotel, Ice- berg Lake, and Going-to-the-Sun Chalets, automohile, saddle horse, and launch. — Daily, June 15 to September 15. Transportation, $20.62, including war tax on launch; meals and lodging at hotels and chalets extra at regular rates. FIEST DAY. Leave Glacier Park Hotel (auto) at 8 a. m. Arrive at St. :Mary Chalets at 10.45 a. m. Leave St. Mary Clialets (auto) at 11 a. m. Arrive at Many Glacier Hotel at 12.45 p. m. Luncheon, dinner, and lodging at Many Glacier Hotel or Chalets. SECOND DAY. Breakfast at Many Glacier Hotel or Chalets. INIany Glacier Hotel to Iceberg Lake and return (horseback). Luncheon carried. Dinner and lodging at ]\Iauy Glacier Hotel or Chalets. THIRD DAY. Leave Many Glacier Hotel (auto) at 8 a. m. Arrive at St. IMary Chalets at 9.45 a. m. Leave St. Mary Chalets (launch) at 11 a. m. Arrive at Going-to-the-Sun Chalets at 12 noon. Luncheon at Going-to-the-Suu Chalets. Leave Going-to-the-Sun Chalets at 2 p. m. Arrive at St. Mary Chalets at 3 p. m. Leave St. Mary Chalets (auto) at 3.30 p. m. Arrive at Glacier Park Hotel at 6.1-5. rOUR-UAY TOUR. Glacier Park Hotel to St. Mary Chalets, Many Glacier Hotel, Icelerg Lake, Cracker Lal-e, Going-to-the-Sun Chalets and return to Glacier Park Hotel; automohile, saddle horse, and launch. — Daily, July 1 to September 1. Transportation, $24.62, including war tax on launch ; meals and lodging at hotels or chalets, extra at regular rates. FIKST DAY. Leave Glacier Park Hotel (auto) at 8.15 a. m. Arrive at St. Mary Chalets at 10.45 a. m. Leave St. Mary Chalets (auto) at 11 a. m. Arrive at Many Glacier Hotel at 12.45 p. m. Luncheon, dinner, and lodging at aiany Glacier Hotel or Chalets. SECOND DAY. Breakfast at INIany Glacier Hotel or Chalets. Many Glacier Hotel to Iceberg Lake and return (horseljuck). Luncheon carried. Dinner and lodging at Many Glacier Hotel or Chalets. GLACIER NATIOISTAL PARK. 49 THIRD DAY. Breakfast at Many Glacier Hotel or Chalets. jMany Glacier Hotel to Cracker Lake and return (horseback). I^nncheon carried. Dinner and lodging at Many Glacier Hotel or Chalets. FOUKTH DAY. Breakfast at Many Glacier Hotel or Chalets. Leave Many Glacier Hotel (auto) at 8 a. m. Arrive at St. Mary Chalets at 9.45 a. m. Leave St. Mary Chalets (launch) at 11 a. m. Arrive at Going-to-the-Sun Chalets at 12 noon. Luncheon at Going-to-the-Sun Chalets. Leave Going-to-the-Sun Chalets at 2 p. m. Arrive at St. Mary Chalets at 3 p. m. Leave St Mary Chalets (auto) at 3.30 p. m. Arrive at Glacier Parte Hotel at 6.15 p. m. ri%TE-DAY TOUK. Glacier Park Hotel to Many Glacier Hotel^ Iceberg Lake or Cracker Lake^ Granite P