i'Xvi'' ".--■"' .^vv^r:?- 9 4 5 1 l)i)ulo£ni(", ' (II A V ■'' /•: /> r^® CALAIS l.ill< Don •/ /> y /. S! \ alc.ry,. Abb(Tillc -j *i -,r i ■ Uienoe - V*^ ^■f Htuiirruini . - _ Havre; 1 I i. \(IIX. .■■-i;--i'vOflnpltV jCaeii eppf ^ '".Amiens S.Qirentm ^. ■Soxs.soii "S^ ',- c Rheiitisto '•^ BerhaTo ''^^S'-J 'PorLloisa ,, WsaiHes " "^ \\P''^ C ^ Ihalons 5; >^.,*Orlhez _ ^ '" J;e8Car f;ra!nmairt°I'f^ S B T> > ^ ni.Lronharch.KOi.lH So 3iiS<.PIiiln ADMIME tlOLlGNY ^''^h^ RISE OF THE HUGUENOTS. Rev. WM. M. BLACKBURN, PROPEBSOR of llIBLICAL AND KCCLESIASTICAI. HiSTORT IN THE THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY OF THE North-west, AND At'THOR OF "William Farel," "Ulrich Zwinoli," " Vousa Calvin in Paris," &c. Vol. I. -PT r PHILADELPHIA: PRESBYTERIAN BOAED OF PURLIC.\TION, 821 CHESTNUT STREET. Eutered according to Act of CongresB, in the year 1869, by THE TRUSTEES OF THE PRESBYTERIAN BOARD OF PUBLICATION, In the Clerk's Office of the District Conrt of the United States for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania. Westcott t Thoksoit, &TEREOTyPEBJB, PKILADA. EX 1)2 C6l352> V.j CONTENTS. CHAPTER I. A RISING GENERATION. PAQB The Reform needs two New Elements — The Colignys and Mont- raorencies — Marot and the Psalms — The Guises — A Suppressed Calvinism 13 CHAPTER II. PROMOTIONS AND PROJECTS. A Change on the Throne — Coligny's new Military Code — Andelot in Prison; reads Calvin's Writings — When free avows the Reform 46 CHAPTER III. FROM CAMP TO PRISON. St. Quentin Lost, but France Saved — Coligny's Captivity one Means of his Conversion 68 CHAPTER IV. A BOLDER PROTESTANTISM. Its Organization — First Reformed Church in Paris — Pastor de Launay — Riots — Great Psalm-singing — Andelot Arrested for his Faith 85 V>/^/3 ^ 4 CONTENTS. CHAPTER V. COURAGE IN HIOH PLACES. PAOS Coligny and Calvin — Charlotte Laval — Model of Household Wor- ship — Chandieu — First National Synod — A Fierce Parliament — Du Bourg in Prison 110 \ CHAPTER Vr. THE GUISES IN POWER. William of Orange Hears of a Plot — The Political and the Religious Protestants — Du Bourg Executed— Persecutions 133 CHAPTER VII. A CHIEFTAIN WANTED. Prince of Conde — His Party hold Assemblies — Coligny Opposes War — Guisean Tyranny — The Conspiracy of Amboise — Noble Victims — The Reform in Peril 154 CHAPTER VIII. THE TWO GREAT PARTIES. The Name Huguenot — Chancellor de I'Hopital — Coligny's Petition for the Normans — Conde Entrapped — A King Dies — The Guises Fall 184 CHAPTER IX. A CONGRESS AND A COLLOQUY. The one at Orleans; the other at Poissy — The Triumvirate — Theo- dore Beza — Peter Ramus 222 CHAPTER X. THE WILES OF THE COURT. Character and Number of the Reformed — Great Meetings — Riots — Jesuits — Defection of Antony of Navarre — Massacre of Vassy. 257 CONTENTS. CHAPTER XI. THE UPRISING OF THE HlGUEyOTS. PAOE The Period of Resistance Opens — Coligny Aroused — First Civil War — Many Towns held by tiie Huguenots — Parleys — Violence 286 CHAPTER XII. THUOIGH WAR TO PEATE. Siege of Rouen — Battle of Dreux — Papal Te Deums — The Admiral's March to Havre — Poltrot Assassinates Guise — Was Coligny in the Plot? — His Exoneration — Peace through Kingcraft 324 CHAPTER XIII. VNDER A CLOUD. Three Movements: one to Ruin Coligny, another to Tempt Cond4, and a third to Recover Havre— Coligny at Home — Protestant Preaching Suppressed at Court — Madame Reu^e 356 1* PREFACE. This work is something more tlian a biography : the reader may find it nothing less than a history. It may be both, and still preserve the unity of design and of method. (^ In general, the acts of a people are but the deeds of its representative men. This is especially true of the Huguenots during the periods herein treated. Amid the distractions of i)ersecution and war they did not — they could not — act so much in a body, or as a Re- formed ('hurch, as through their leaders. Their representatives made for them their history. To form a correct idea of that pe- culiar people, to whom a distinctive character has always been attributed, it is not necessary to portray the life of everj' earnest actor nor the development of every particular Church. This would give us too much sameness. So of the various persecu- tions : there is a horrible monotony of details in them all. The trial and execution of one martyr are quite like those of another; therefore martyrologies grow tedious. The butchery in one vil- lage is frightfully similar to that in another. Hence the history must be eclectic. It may be seen in the record of a few lives, a few churches, a few persecutions. Even their enemies act mo- notonously ; their frequent edicts run in almost the same mould ; they constantly repeat their deeds of violence. jMy aim has been to select what is representative, or give fair specimens of life and endurance. \ One man occupies the central position. Upon Admiral Colig- iiy'almost the entire history hangs. ' He is a sort of personifi- 8 PREFA(E. cation of Huguenotisni, wliicli, :it oik; time, was in danger of being a Protestant chivalry — a religion in the hands of warrior?.,' Himself a nobleman, he greatly helped to turn it from the path of the whirlwind. Yet the Reform was in need of noble patron- age, and he and his brothers represented the young nobility which was led out of moderate Romanism into an earnest Protestant- ism. They were the first powerful chiefs to adopt the Reform. They set the example to hundreds of others. Coligny is the em- inent lay chieftain of the trulj* religious Huguenots. He is inti- mately allied to the Prince of Conde and the political Hugue- nots. ( This important distinction has often been too much over- looked. ) He holds a high place in the state, in the Reformed Church and in the Huguenot army. He links the Protestants to the king and the court. ' There are certain foreign influences which greatly affect his people, and to these I have given no more than due attention ; in these he is the conspicuous leader against whom the pope and Philip II. take their deadly aim when they dictate extermination; He and the Prince of Orange grasp hands and for a time keep the whole papal forces at bay. Upon him, in a great degree, the St. Bartholomew massacre turns, and he is the first and prominent victim of that awful day. '' He is, then, the chief historical character of that age in France! His family ties gave him a peculiar position. By birth and marriages he was allied to the ruling houses of France, closely to the Montmorencies and the Bourbons, and, through them, more distantly, to the Guises, the D'Albrets, and even the royal house of Yalois. His wife, Charlotte Laval, a more than representa- tive woman, allied him to several other noble families. All this had some importance in the time of a decaying feudalism. Be- yond this, he was more fully in correspondence with Calvin than any other of the French nobles. Upon no man in France ( ex- cept Beza when he was there) did Calvin so much depend, and the reliance was mutual. ' Not to recognize the great influence of the Genevan Reformer in the history of the Huguenots is to treat the subject with a partiality inexcusable. While seeking to throw additional light upon this point, I may still say that my PREFACE. » limits did not allow me to do full justice to the subject. But tlie iuquirer maj' satisfy himself by going to the source which 1 have found so replete in historical matter — Calvin's Letters, Pre^sby- terian Board of Publication. It is hoped that the present work may serve as an exponent of the many letters which relate to France. Before the reader are brought three periods of the French Reformation: 1st. That of Repression (1512-1555), when the vain attempt was made to reform the Papal Church. There was little open preaching, but the i)salm-singing was tremendous, and there were hosts of secret believers in the gospel. 2d. That of Organization ( 1555-1562). The history of the first Presbyterian Chuich in Paris and the account of the first national synod have received a special treatment which may be interesting. The rapid growth of churches in seven years must appear astonish- ing. It refers us to the introduction of two new agencies — that of a ministry and that of a Reformed nobility to sustain the mis- sionary labours. To these is mainly due the rise of the Hugue- nots as a religious body. The increase of churches was severely checked in the year 1502, and many organizations were destroj'ed. 3d. That of Resistance ( 1562 to the edict of Nantes, 1598). It is the period of the civil wars, but the present work closes with the St. Bartholomew massacre { 1572), after which an almo.st en- tirely new class of men appear as the representatives of Protest- antism in France. Even that terrible event did not cause the " fall" of the Huguenots. It was a shock from which they re- covered. It tended to purify them from politics and lead them nearer to God. Even by means of it they rose to a nobler spir- itual height. That a historian may express his own opinions upon disjmted points has been taken for granted by several writers who have assured us of their impartiality, and have impeached the Hugue- nots before the world as if it were the Calvinistic type of the Reform that caused the troubles in France, and not the Reform itself Perhai)s one n)ay venture to answer the impeachmout and still not be partial nor guilty of prejudice. "When the Hu- 10 PREFACE. guenots are cliartrcd witli a want of satisfactorj' ])olicj', it should be remembered that they were struggling for conscientious prin- ciples. We do not claim that thej' were free from all rude pro- ceedings. AVe admit certain deeds of violence and rough retali- ation.'} We go farther — we state them. And farther still, as Calvin and their wisest leaders did, we condemn them. But even here a fair judgment cannot be passed on them without having in mind the trains of events that preceded them. To know whether they were lawless we must know how far there was any just law. Let the facts be stated and the reader thrown upon his own judgment of them. ' If I have given considerable space to certain movements that seem to be political or military, it is because they bore so powerfully upon the religious affairs. By slurring over the one class of events we misunderstand the other. They run on together as they do in such portions of in- spired history as the books of the Kings, Ezra, Esther and Daniel.) The 'authorities consulted are — 1st. Extreme Romanists, such as Daniel, Maimbourg, Tavannes, Blaise de Montluc, Davila Pallavicino; 2d. Moderate Romanists, as De Thou (Thuanus), Castelnau, Brantome, Anquetil, Grarnier, Mezeray, Sarpi, La- cratelle, Perau ; 3d. Skeptical, as Bayle and Voltaire ; 4th. Prot- estants, as Beza, D'Aubign6 (Theo. Agrippa), La None, Du- plessis-Mornay, Sully, Cayet Victor Palma, Memoires de Cond6, Benoit, Laval and Puaux. The Massacre of St. Bartholomew, by Henry White, London, 1868, came fresh to me while revising my manuscripts for the last time. Other works consulted are named in the references, and j'et my researches have extended to many volumes more, among which are those rich French collec- tions entitled " Memoires relatifs ii THistoire," and "Documents surl'Histoire de France." So far as pos.sible I have consulted the contemporary writers. No biography of Admiral Coligny, originally written in Eng- lish, has come to my knowledge. The tran.slations have been small books. My long search was rewarded by obtaining the Gasparis Colinii Castellonii, Magni Quondam Franciae Amiralii, PREFACE. 11 Vita, MDLXXV.,* written so soon after the great massacre that the names of the author, the press and place of publication were prudently omitted. The author, doubtless, was Cornaton, a gentleman of Coligny's suite, and an eyewitness of much that he relates. My copy is evidently one of the first edition. So rare is the little book that I do not find any modern writer nam- ing it. Before obtaining it I had the "Life" which appears in Clarke's Martyrology (1770), the "Memoirs of Gasjjer de (Jol- ligny" (Edinburgh, 1844), which is a translation of the " 3Ie- moires de Messire Gasper de Colligny . . . il Paris, 1665;" and had consulted " The Lyfc of the most Godly, Valiant and Noble Cajitaine, and Maintener of the trew Christian Kcligion in Fraunce, Jasper Colignie Shatilion .... 1576" (Harleiau Misccllanj'. ) To my surprise I found that all these were only versions of the Vita Colinii. The French have been more voluminous on this subject. Brantomc ( Ilommos Illustres) gave more than u.sual space to his personal reminiscences of the Admiral. The fullest early " Vie" was by Gatien do Courtilz de Sandras, lOSl) (my edition 1691). The Abbe Perau devoted two volumes to him in the Hommes Illustres ( 1747), and a Vic de Andelot. As a model for his soui, M. de la Ponneraye published a Histoire de I'Admiral Co- ligni, in 1830. In the Seances de I'Acadt^mie, 1848, are the Souvenirs IIistori(jues sur I'Aniiral de Colign3^ Valuable articles are found in the Dictionnaire Historiquc de IMoreri, Biographic Universelle and La France Protestante, par MM. Haag. Among so many biographers and historians of all beliefs there is a general agreement concerning the lofty character and motives of the admiral. It was while searching in Paris for the s]>ot where Coligny was murdered that I fbrniod the pari>oso of which this work is, in part, the expression. Since that day ( 1862), the Huguenots have received more and more attention in popular literature — a proof of an increasing demand among the people. If this work * Bought at the sale of the library of the late Win. Jenks, D. D., tho compiler of the Coniijrchensive Curuincutary. 12 PREFACE. shall help to supply it, the labours expended will not be in vain. The object is not to rekindle the old fires of animosity or encour- age a party spirit in religion, but to incite the heart to gratitude to God that the day of persecution is past — if indeed it be past — and to lead the people to recount the price of their civil and religious liberty, as well as to renew the spirit of piety exhibited by those who suffered for the gospel. W. M. B. Chicago, III. Admiral Coligny. CHAPTER I. A ItlSING 61SKEMATION. (1517-1547.) IN an outburst of grief Pope Adrian VI. exclaimed, " How much depends on the times in which even the best of men are cast !" The words were engraved upon his monument. If his short three years (1521-'23) in the papal chair had been thirty, there might have been some compro- mise between the old Romanism and the new Protestantism, especially in France. It was possible, despite the intense opposition of all who cried, " Rome must not concede that Khe is in error. Reforms are dangerous." He was anxious to repress abuses. His strong idea was, a reformed Papacy. In France the new idea was, a papalized Reform. On this half-way ground Meaux* and Rome might have struck * The light dawned upon Lefevre as early as 1512. He and hia student, William Farel, with the brothers Roussel, were driven out of Paris by the Sorbonne. At Meaux they made the first experiment, in France, of a Reformed Church {15'21-'2.')), but not fully separate from the Roman see. The defection of Bishop Rriyonnet was its ruin. Tiic two cliurches of Montbeliard and Met/ hardly helon^ed to France. They were oi-ganized l)y Fare!. In my " William Farel'' considerable space has been given to tliis period of tlie suppressed Reform in France, 1512-1525. Vol. I.— 2 13 14 AD.MIUAI. COLIOXY. hands. Death removed tlu; pope. Persecution worse than death scattered the flock gathere