k CO i!^i tC<.c: ^^f-LIEfl.'.l^^^/ ^JiliDNVSGi "OfiU/^ AMEUNIVERSy/, ^svlOSANCElfX;^ ^^.OPCALIFO/?^ K ^^WEUNIVER^/^ ^lOSANCElfx^ i ^1 i(?" ^ ^ SOl^^ o >i- '-//^ajAlNil J\\v ^'aujiivj iu 'ER% I.. SO]-' RYQ^ ^ '■Y). , u.OFCAllF0% & p:, \^<^ y< >t? AME-I'MIVERS/,;) >- < ^El'KIVEP,^// I .^' to ' 1 1 ts LI 5 / (>o ;r c; \ nNn]\\v^ :fj->.. ^^UIBRARYOr^ !^i i ■soi^ %a3AiNrt3WV^ \^myi^ '' ^OFCAIIFO/?^ ^OF-CAIIFO^ ^ ^WE•UNI''^ LOCAL ETYMOLOGY: A DERIVATIVE DICTIONARY GEOGRAPHICAL NAMES. RICHARD STEPHEN CHARNOCK, F.S.A. LONDON : IIOULSTON AND WRIGHT, (')'>, Paternoster Row. 1S59. PRINTED BY SUMFIELD AND JONES, WEST HARDING STREET, FETTER LANE. IDS' LIST OF SUBSCRIBERS. Adams, Mr. W. J., Fleet Street, two copies. Angus, Mr. Wm., 68, Lord Street, Liverpool. Ashley, H., Esq., Charles Square, Hoxton. Bakth, Heinrich, Esq., Ph.D., F.R.G.S., 39, Alpha Koad, St. John's Wood, London. Bathgate, James, Esq., Entield. Beetham, a. W., Esq., F.R.S., 10, Crown Office Row, Temple. Berry, H., Esq., 5, Verulara Buildings, Gray's Inn. Blackie, W. Graham, Esq., Ph.D., F.R.G.S., Glasgow. BoswoOD, Mr. Daniel, Gray's Inn. BoswoRTH, Rev. Joseph, D.D., F.R.S., &c., Islip, Oxon. Bkacebridge, C. H., Esq., Atherstone Hall, Warwickshire. Brougham, The Right Honourable Lord, Grafton Street. Browne, Rev. J. W., Soutligate House, Winchester, Canney, Rev. A. S., Princes Street, Upper Stamford Street. Cannon, Thos., Esq., Henrietta Street, Covent Garden. Chapman, Fred., Esq., New Cross Road, Kent. Charnock, Richard, Esq., 5, King's Bench Walk, Temple, six copies. (Jharnock, W. Whytehead, Esq., Camberwell, two copies. Chauntler, Thomas, Esq., Gray's Inn Square. Child, C, Esq., Universal Life Assurance, King William Street, City. Cole, Charles A., Em|., Public Record Office, Fetter Lane. A 2 G5i030 IV LIST OF SUBSCRIBERS. CORNKORTII, John, Esq., Birmiugluim. Cox, William, Esq., M.F., Caiionbury Square, Islington. Crowdy, Eev. Anthony, Winchester. Curtis, J. Lewelyn, Esq., Merchant, Aldermanbury. Dales, John, Esq., Warwick Square. Daniel, Peter Austin, Esq., Gray's Inn Square, two copies. Devenish, S. W., Esq., i\l.D., Billiter Square. DuBOSC, J. B., Esq., Spring Grove, near Hounslow. Elderton, E. M., Esq., Hare Court, Inner Temple. Fenton, E. W., Esq., Walsall, Stafifordshire. GoFF, Henry Lindon B., Esq., 7, Frederick's Place, Old Jewry, GOUGH, Edward, Esq., 11, South Square, Gray's Inn. Gray's Inn, The Honourable Society of. Griffith, Thomas, Esq., Steward's Office, Gray's Inn. Haddan, C. W., Esq., Hertford Ruad, Kingsland. Hall, Robert Coleman, Esq., 70, Wardour Street, Soho. Harbridge, R. H., Esq., Alcester. Harrison, Rev. M., M.A., Oakley Rectory, Basingstoke. Harrison, William, Esq., F.G.S., Galligreaves House, Blackburn^ Lancashire. HiGGS, Samuel, Esq.. Penzance. Howes, Henry, Esq., Adjutant General's Office, Horse Guards, two copies. Hunter, Mr. W. H., Cursitor Street, Chancery Lane. Isaacs, I., Esq., Lancaster. Isaacs, L. H., Esq., Verulam Buildings, Gray's Inn. Jarvis, R. T. Esq., 23, Chancery Lane. Johnston, Alex. Keith, Esq., F.R.S.E., F.R.G.S., Edinburgh, Jones, J., Esq., Dinorben, St. Asaph. Joyce, Samuel, Esq., Middle Temple, two copies. Joyce, William, Esq., 56, Chancery Lane. Kain, G. J., Esq., Basinghall Street. KerSLAKE, Thomas, Esq., Bristol, two copies. Labrow, Valentine H., Esq., F.S.A., Chancery Lane. Laxton, Henry, Esq., Arundel Street, Strand. LIST OF SUBSCRIBEJtS. 1 Levy, Jonas, Esq., Tavistock Square. Lewis, James, Esq., 4, St. John's Wood Terrace. Lewis, Thomas, Esq., 25, Clement's Lane, Lombard Street. M. B., Lmcohi's Inn, two copies. Mansfield, W. C. Esq., Ampton Place, Gray's Inn Road. Maech, R. a., Esq., Great James Street, Bedford Row. Mayer, Joseph, Esq., F.S.A., F.R.A.S., M.R.S.N.A., Lord Street, Liverpool. Mercier, Rev. Lewis P., M.A., Waltharastow. Meredith, George, Esq., Lower Halliford, Chertsey. Mollwo, March, & Co., Merchants, St. Mary-at-Hill. Morgan, Thomas Vaughan, Esq., Battersea Works, Battersea. Morris, Mr. Edward, Ludgate Hill. Morris, Mr. Richard, 339, Strand. MoxoN, J., Esq., 63, George Street, Edinburgh, two copies. NiCHOLLS, Mr. H., 52, Regent Street, St. James's. Nicholson, John, Esq., Denbigh Villas, Bayswater. Nicholson, William, Esq., Elgin Road, Kensington Park. NuTT, D., Esq., 270, Strand, three copies. Oram, Mr, G. J., 19, Wilmington Square. Paris, T. J., Esq., 68, Lord Street, Liverpool. Peacock, E. G., Esq., St. Leonard's Terrace, Paddington, two copies. Peckham, Robt., Esq., Ludgate Street, St. Paul's. Phippen, Thomas, Esq., St. Mary's Road, Peckham, two copies. Poland, H. B., Esq., King's Beach Walk, Temple. Price, Charles, Esq., Stock Exchange. Quaritch, Bernard, Esq., Castle Street, Leicester Square. Rathbone, John, Esq., Upper Baker Street. Reed, E. H., Esq., 1, Church Yard Court, Temple. Richardson, R., Esq., Newton Heath, near Manchester. Robins, E. C, Esq., Arundel Street, Strand. Satchell, John, Esq., Queen Street, Cheapside. Shekidan, H. B., Esq., M.P., Bellefield House, Fulham. Simmons, Edward, Esq., Canterbury. Simpson, Mr. John, Eldon Chambers, Inner Temple. Slipper, James, Esq., St. Augustine's Road, Camden Road Villas. Sleioh, W. Campbell, Esq., Middle Temple. VI LTST OF SUBSCRIBERS. Snell, Blagrave, Esq., Acton Street, Gray's Inn Road. Sparrow, Mr. Thomas J., New North Street, Red Lion Square. Steel, Mr., Holborn. Steinmetz, Andrew, Esq., Wellington Road, Kentish Town. Stevenson, Mr. William, High Street, Croydon. Sullivan, Jas., Esq., Onslow House, Brompton. Tanswell, John, Esq., Inner Temple. Turner, Samuel, Esq., Gray's Inn Square. Vacher, G., Esq., F.R.G.S., Parliament Street, London. Wallis, Henry, Esq., 8, Gray's Iini Square, London. White, George, Esq., Epsom. Wilce, Jas., Esq., Park Street, Caraberwell. Williams, Edward, Esq., Morninf] Post. Williams, L., Esq., Holborn. Wilson, Rev. W., D.D., Canon of Winchester, Southampton. Wolff, Rev. Joseph, D.D,, F.R.G.S., He Brewers, Somerset. Wood, J. T., Esq., Adam Street, Adelphi. Wyld, James, Esq., M.P., F.R.G.S., Charing Cross. PREFACE. Ix tracing the derivation of Geographical Names, the Author has confined himself principally to those of most interest to the general reader. The volume contains the etymology of about 3000 names. In addition to researches in the principal known lan- guages, the works of Camden, Spelman, Selden, Bochart, Baxter, Lambarde, Ihre, Wachter, and most of the his- tories in the British Museum, have been consulted. The Author is also indebted for much useful information to the following works : — Dr. Bosworth's Anglo-Saxon Dictionary ; Chalmers' Caledonia ; Professor Wilson's Glossary of Indian Terms ; Shakespear's Hindustani Dictionary ; The Statistical Account of Scotland ; La- martiniere's Grande Dictionnaire Geographiquc et Cri- tique; Canes' Dictionary in Spanish, Arabic, and Latin; PREFACE. Armstrong's Gaelic Dictionary; and Pryce's Cornish Archceology. In derivations from the Oriental languages, the Author has deemed it advisable to give not only the Oriental character, but also the Italic equivalents. The reader is invited to compare the Additions and Corrections at page 307, et seq., with the body of the work. The Index of Grouped Names refers to such as do not occur in their alphabetical order, but are explained inci- dentally under other heads. 8, Gray's Inn Square, December, 1858. ABBREVIATIONS. A. S Anglo-Saxon. Anc. Brit Ancient British. Arab Arabic. Armen Armenian. Arm Armoric. Barb. Gr Barbaric Greek. Bas Bret Bas Breton. Basq Basque. Belg Belgic. Beng Bengah'. Boh Bohemian. C. Chin Cochin Chinese. Celt Celtic. Chal Chaldee. Chin Chinese. Copt Coptic. Corn Cornish. D Dutch. Dan Danish. Eng English. Eth Ethiopic. Flem Flemish. Fr French. Fries Friesic. G German. Gael Gaelic. Gotli (iothic. (•V (;reek. ll'b [f(;I)r(;\V. Hind Hindustani. Hung Hungarian. Ice Icelandic. Illyr Illyrian. Ir Irish or Erse. It Italian. Kara Karnata. L Latin. Low L Low Latin. M. Goth Mseso-Gothic. Mai Malay. Mex Mexican. N. & Q Notes & Queries. Norm Norman. Old. P Prussian. P. Cyc Penny Cyclopae- dia. Per.s Persic. Plicen Phoenician. Plat Plat-Deutsch. Pol Polish. Port Portuguese. priv privative. pron pronounced. Pun Punic, i.e. Car- thaginian. Kii.s.s Russian. Sans Sanskrit. ABBREVIATIONS. Sax Saxon. Slav Slavonic. Sco Scotch. Sp Spanish. Stat. Ace. Scot. The New Statis- tical Account of Scotland. Styr Styrian. Sw Swedish. Syr Syriac. Tarn Tamil. Tart Tartar or Tatar, Tel Telugu. Teut Teutonic. Turc Turcic. Tyr Tyrolese. W Welsh. Walach Walachiau. LOCAL ETYMOLOGY. AALBORG, a town in Jutland, famous for eels ; from Dan. aal an eel, borg a town. AB, in local names in England, is sometimes an abbreviation of abbey or abbot, as Abton, i.e. abbey-town, or abbot-town. AB, AUB, in local names in India, as Punjab, Doab, is the Pers. < i\ db water, from Sans. dpah. ABAD, in local names in India, is the Pers. ubdd a city, as Akbarabad, Aurangabad. It means literally, populous, cultivated, as a village or tract of country. In revenue phrase, abad denotes a village or tract from which revenue may be levied ; in military topography, a place where suppUes may be expected. (See Wilson.) ABEK, a Celtic prefix of several names of places in Great Britain, particularly in Wales. It generally means the mouth or embouchure of a river, whether it falls into a greater river or into the sea, and by metaphor a port or harbour ; as Abergavenny, Aberdale, Aberdour, Aberdeen, Aberbroath (Arbroath), Aber- fraw, Aberystwith, Aberayron, Abergele, The W. and Corn. aber may come from Heb. habar, to join together ; Chal. Syr. and Eth. id. Boxhom considers aber a Phoenician word. ABERDEEN, NEW; named from its situation near the mouth (aber) of the river Dee. ABERDEEN, OLD ; formerly and correctly Aberdon, named from its situation on the south bank of the Don, near its moutli. It is sometimes called Old Machar, from the cathedral of St. Machar, part of which has been converted into the parish church, and the rest nearly demolished. ABERDOUR, co. Aberdeen ; named from its situation at the mouth of the Dour. to 2 LOCAL ETYMOLOGY. ABERFRAW, named from its situation at the mouth of the Fraw. ABERGAVENNY {abergan'ny), co. Monmouth, named from its situation at the confluence of the rivers Usk and Gavenny. See Aber. ABERYST'WYTH, co. Cardigan, named from its situation near the outlet (aber) of the Ystwith. It stands on a kind of peninsula between the river Rheidiol and the sea. The Ystwith enters the sea about half a mile from the embouchure of the Rheidiol, but there is a tradition that the sea has here encroached on the land, and there may have been formerly a town at the outlet of the Ystwith. ABINGDON, from A. S. abban abbot's, dun a hill. ' ABYSSINIA, Arab. ^1^=^ habshdn, Abyssinians, Ethiopians ; from habasha, to congregate, collect. Hubdshatun denotes a mixed body of men not of one race. ACH {ak). Kohl, speaking of Loch Achray, says, "in whose name I again found the ach {aqua) which so often occurs in names of places in Scotland." In the neighbourhood of Loch Achray he gives Ach, Acharn, Achoan, Achirgarn, Achepan, Achinver, Achaltic, Achnagillin, Acheuboni, Achnacrieve, Acha- nellan, Veuachar, Trosachs, &c. Here, however, ach is not a prefix in the sense suggested ; it is neither the O. G. ach a brook, nor the L. aqua water. It is found in composition in at least 100 local names in Scotland, and generally means a field, from Gael, ach a field {achadh a field, plain, meadow, cornfield). In some names it may be acha a mound or bank, or ach, acha, a skirmish. ACHAR {ak'ar), the obelisk of, Argyle, from Gael, acha a field, curragh a pillar — the field of the pillar. ACKERMAN, Bessarabia. See Ak and Inkerman. ACRE. The ruins of Ptolemais or St. Jean d'Acre or Acra, from its ancient Hebrew name Acco or Accho. This town, among several others mentioned in the Book of Judges as being in the tribe of Ashur, was so strong, that that tribe could not drive out the old inhabitants ; so that it retained its name LOCAL ETYMOLOGY. 6 among the natives, seeing the Arahs still call it Akka. The name of Ptolemais was since given it from one of the Ptolemies of Egypt, and that of Acra probably from its fortifications and importance ; whence the knights of St. John of Jerusalem after- wards gave it that of St. Jean d'Acre. Univ. Hist. See also Pococ/c, ACTON, Middlesex, from A. S. ac an oak, tun a town ; the neighbourhood having, in former times, abounded with oak-trees, and some land in the parish having, from time immemorial, been called Old Oak Common. ADEN, Arabia ; qu. Arab. sz 'adan a permanent dwelling, also the Garden of Eden. Aden is called in the Periplus Eudaimon, (Gr.) or The Prosperous. ADDERBOURN, a river in Wilts, so called from its crooked windings, like a snake. {Bailey.) ADRIANOPLE, Turkey, from the Emperor Adrian or Hadrian, by whom it was built ; Gr. tfoAfg a city. ADUR, a river in Sussex ; qu. Anc, Brit, dwr water. There is also a river called the Adour in France. See Durum. AFFGHANIS'TAN, the stnn or country of the Affghans, who claim to be descendants of the Jews of the Babylonish captivity. AFRICA. Dr. Hyde derives Africa from Phoen. or Punic Havarca, or Avreea, i.e. the Barca, or country of Barca, which was one of the most remarkable parts of this continent. Serenius says from Gr. ccvsv^piKriQ without cold, an appellation expressing the heat of the climate. Scrvius and Isidorus say Africa is as though aprica, sunny, warmed with the sun, because greatly ex- jjosed thereto ; or from a^pi-nriv, because void of cold. Cleodenus derives it from Afra and Afer, the two sons of Abraha ; Solinus and Cedrenus from Afrus, either the son of Hercules or of Saturn ; others from Ifricus, king of the Arabs ; Suidas, from Africa, the ancient name of Carthage ; others again from Heb. 1Q« ep)hor dust, because Africa is a sandy country. Leo says from Heb. P"iQ pharaka to separate, tear asunder, because the Nile divides it from Asia, and Gadcs from Europe. Bochart ridicules this, for, u 2 4 LOCAL ETYMOLOGY. says he, neither is Africa any more divided from Europe, than Europe from Africa, or Asia from either ; and he derives it from a Punic word signifying an ear of corn, referring it to the fer- tiUty of the country. He says that in the Syr. perac (in Arab. pharaca) is to rub, and peruc (in Arab, pheric) is an ear of corn. Warburton also derives Africa from a Pimic word signifying corn, apphed by the Romans to the northern districts, now called Tripoli and Tunis, which constituted their granary. Salmon derives Africa from a, priv., and piyouj to shiver with cold, because it is not cold in Africa. AG'ORA, Athens ; from Gr. ayopa., a place where men meet to transact business ; market, forum, council, assembly ; from aysipca to collect, assemble, meet ; allied to Heb. ager to gather. AG'RA, Hindustan; corruption of Akbar, i.e. Akbar-abad, the city of Akbar, which he made his capital. See Abad. AK, in names of places, &c., in Turkey, is the Turc. -A ak white, as ak dengiz, the Mediterranean Sea ; lit. the White Sea ; Jk- kerman, Ackerman (Bielograd), a town of Bessarabia. ALAND. The Aland Isles, at the entrance of the Gulf of Bothnia, in one of which was the fortress of Bomarsund. The word is usually pronounced Awaland, water-land, from Goth. ahwa water (from L. aqnci), and Imid. A northern traveller says, " the name * water-land ' is well suited to the place, so intricately are land and water, sea and tarn, rock and island, twisted and jumbled together." See Oeland. ALAUNA, a town of the Damnii, who anciently inhabited a tract of country in Scotland. Chalmers derives Alauna from Brit. Allan, the river on which it stood, from al-wen the clear or white stream. There is a village in Perth named Allan, and Allen is the name of a bog in Ireland, and of a river and of a parish — St. Allen — in Cornwall. ALBACETE {albathey'te), in Spain, from Arab, al the, and ku*.t^c mabasat plain, level, extended. Canes says, "En el reyno de Murcia hay una villa que se llama Albacete, nombre que le impusieron los Arabes, por lo llano y extendido del terri- LOCAL ETYMOLOGY. 5 torio donde esta fuadada, y asi lo mismo es deck Albacete, que lugar llano, 6 fundado en un terreno llano y extenso." ALBION, the oldest name by which Great Britain was known to the Greeks and Romans. Albion is usually derived from L. (dbns white. It is more probably from the O. Gael, alb, an eminence, height, and inn, in, from innis a country, island — " the high country or island." Alba, Albaian or Albuin (Corn. Alban) is still the only name by which the Highlanders call Scot- land. Caesar calls England Britannia ; Pliny Albion ; the whole set of islands being called Britannic. " The name of Albion was probably given to England by the Gaels of the opposite coast, who could not fail to be struck with the chalky cliffs that cha- racterize the nearest part of Kent." (P. Cyc.) The Breton bards identify Albion with the isle of Alwon, or of Gwion. x\n old Gallic poet calls Britain <• Le pays de Mercure," and, says Ville- marque, it is admitted that the Celtic Hermes was the greatest divinity of the insular Britons. The Rev. Dr. Skinner says Al-by-on means the residence beyond the passage of the water, which also corroborates the etymology of Dr. Borlase. See Barbaz-Breiz, Chants Pop. de la Bretagne, par Villemarque, Paris, 1846, quoting Myvyrian t. i. p. 158 ; Eustate's Com. in Dion, p. 5GG ; and Agathemerus Geog. ii. c. ix. ; also Grant's Orig. of the Gael, and Armstrong, Gael. Diet. ALBUFERA {alboofair'a), the name of several lagunes on the southern coast of Spain and Portugal, generally supposed to be formed by the sea : from Arab, al the, buheira dim, of ^snj bahr, a great quantity of water, the sea. ALBUQUERQUE {albookej^ke), in Spanish Estremadura, from L. alba white, hoary, quercus an oak. ALCANTARA, in Spanish Estremadura. Under the Romans it bore the name of Norba Caesarea, and was distinguished by a beautiful bridge of six arches over the river Tagus, built in the reign of Trajan by the celebrated architect Lacer. When the Arabs became masters of this yjart of the peninsula, the name was exchanged for Al-Cantarat-al-Seif, i.e. the bridge of the sword, 6 LOCAL ETYMOLOGY. of which its present name is an abbreviation — from Arab, al, the ^ I2JJ kantarat a bridge. Canes says, " En Toledo hay un famoso puente que le llaman el puente de Alcantara, y es lo mismo que decir el puente del piiente" ALCAZAR, or ALCACER (ff/^«Mar'), "the name given by the Moors to their royal palaces. It is used in Portugal for any fortress, castle, or palace. The capital city of the province of Asgar, upon the coast of Barbary. A village in Portugal, where the famous mathematician, Peter Nunnes, was born." {Vieyra.) From same root as Luxor. ALCESTER, co. Warwick, found written Aulcester, Alencester, Alnacester, Alceter, Awseter, commonly pronounced Auhter and Aiistei; and by some of the inhabitants in Camden's time, Ouldcester. It is situated at the confluence of the Arrow and Alne, from which last river it derives the first part of its name. It is a place of great antiquit}^ and was probably a Roman station. Bailey gives also Alncester in Cumberland, famous for a synod of English Saxons, from the river Aln, which runs by it ; also Ancaster (co. Lincoln), from An (qu. Aln) and Sax. ceaster, a castle. Alchester, or Alcester (Oxon), is said to be the JElia Castra of Richard of Cirencester. ALCHURCH. See Alton. ALCOBxV(j!A, a town in Portuguese Estremadura, situate between the rivers Coa and Ba^a, whence, with the addition of the Arab, article al the, its name — Al-Coa-Baca. ALDEA {aldaya), in local names in Spain and Portugal, is the Sp. and Port, aldea, a village, from Arab, al the, ^JJovJ dai ^at afield, plain, farm ; " lugar corto, L. pagus, vicus," say others. ALENTEJO {cdentayho) , a province in Portugal, on the S. side of the river Tagus ; from Port. AlemUjo ; alem beyond, on the farther side, Tejo the Tagus. ALEPPO (called by the Turks e^J^ haleb), in Syria. Golius and others deduce this name from the Arab, haleb, a variegated gray and white coloiir, from the colour of the soil and the buildings. LOCAL ETYMOLOGY. 7 The Arab writers assert that when the patriarch Abraham migrated into the land of Canaan, he rested for some time on the hill where the castle of Aleppo now stands, and that the name Haleb is derived from the circumstance of his dis- tributing milk {halah) to the poor of a neighbouring village. Their frequent repetition of the words Ibraheem haleb, or " Abraham has milked," gave occasion, it is said, to the name Haleb, which was conferred on the town afterwards built on this spot. (Eees.) ALEUTIAN ISLANDS, called also Aleutan, Aleutic, or Aleutsky Islands. A group of islands in the North Pacific Ocean : from Russ. aleut, a bald rock. ALEXANDRIA, so called from Alexander the Great, who either founded this city or one in its neighbourhood. See Scan- DEROON. ALGAR'VE, a province of Portugal, called also the kingdom of Algarva : from Arab, algarve a level and fruitful country, or a country lying towards the west. {Fieyra.) The Arab, has ' i. gharbi western, gharb the west. ALGEZIRAS {alghethe'ras), an ancient town of Andalusia. Here the Moors are said to have made their first landing in Spain, and they held this place nearly 700 years. The name is derived from Arab, alihe, i < 'j>- jazira an island, peninsula ; the harbour being formed by two islands. The Spaniards have added the Sp. plural. ALGIERS, found written Argel, from Arab, it i^j!] Aljasira, i.e. The Island, to which was formerly added the epithet Al Ghazi, The Warlike. The oldest Arabian writers, however, call it Jezira Beni Mazighanan, the Island of the Sons of Mazigh, whose race, it is believed, at one time extended all over North Africa, from the borders of Egypt to the Canary Islands. Algiers does not, however, appear to be an island. Its shape is that of an irregular triangle, of which one side is formed by the sea-coast, and the other two run up the declivity of a stcci) hill. It may have taken its name from the island on which the light-house is built, which 8 LOCAL ETYMOLOGY. Ammianus Marcellinus calls Insula Mazucana. The Turks write ALHAMA {alya'^na), in Granada, Spain, takes its name from the baths in the neighbourhood ; from Arab, al the, hammumdt, pi. of Jiammdm a bath; hamim hot water. See Hummums. ALHAMBRA, an ancient castle and palace of the Muham- madan kings of Granada, built by Muhammad II. about a.d. 1273. Some derive its name from the tribe of Muhammad Alhamar, i.e. the Red ; others say, Muhammad gave it the name of Madmat Alhambra, or the Red City, from being built of a kind of red clay : from Arab, al the, -^«3>-l ahmar, red. Others derive the name from 1 y*Jb hembera care-free, sans-souci. ALHUCEN {alhoo'then) a tovpn in Spain ; from Arab. ^^mjS^\ alhasan, lit. good, beautiful. It here means beautiful, or pleasant to the sight: "lugar hermoso 6 agradable a la vista." Compare It. Belvedere, Fr. Bellevue. ALLAHABAD, i. e. the abode of Allah or God, it being the capital of Agra, the chief abode of the Brahmins, and much resorted to by pilgrims. Allah and abad, q. v. ALLAN. See Alauna. ALLEMxlGNE, Fr. for Germany. This name is properly applicable to that part of Germany which was inhabited by the Alemanni, who are said to take their name from Celt, all other, man place : one of another place, a stranger. ALLEN. See Alauna ALMADEN {al'madayn), in Cordova, Spain ; from Arab. j^A*^l alma 'aden, the mine. " Al fin de la Sierra de Cordoba hay uno lugar que se llama Almaden, nombre que se le impuso por estar junto a la mina azogue [quicksilver]." See Canes. ALMANZA {alman'tha), a town in New Castile, Spain, famous for a victory which placed PhiHp II. firmly on the throne. From Arab, al the, r 'j^ manza foundation, level, plain. ALMAZAN {almathan'), a town in Spain. This name is j)Vobably synonymous with Almacen, from Arab, al the, -p^^ LOCAL ETYMOLOGY. y makhzan a storehouse, a magazine. The Spanish has ahnazai, ahnacen, ahnagacen, storehouse, warehouse, magazine of miHtary or warHke stores. From makhzan comes also our word magazine. ALMERIA, a maritime city in Granada, Spain, from 'Sj ^\ almariyyat, i. e. a clear place, a place where a great deal of country may be seen. ALNWICK {an'nick), found written Anwick ; a town in Northumberland, remarkable for the captivity of "William, and for the death of Malcolm III., kings of Scotland ; from A. S. Ealnwick, from the river Alne and wic village, castle, &c. ALP, ALPS, some derive from L. albus, Gr. aXipog, white ; others from O. Gael, alb, an eminence, or alb, white, or from Gael, ailj), mountain, or ailp, white ; as being always white with snow, says Armstrong. The Celts called the high mountains Alpes or Olbe. (Cluver.) Another writer says, the name is sup- posed to be derived from Celt, alp, signifying verdant heights or mountains ; and, amongst the ancient Scythians, the spirit of a mountain ; or from L. albus, aljms, white with snow. {Lond. Encyc.) The Chal. has alban to be white, Syr. albeji to whiten, Teut. alp a swan. See also Isid. in Orig. lib. iii. and Servius in Virg. Mn. lib. iii. ALSACE (alsass'), a province of France. In L. it is found written Elisatia, Alisatia, and Alsatia. According to some vsriters its ancient name was Elsas, i.e. the Country of the Elsassin, a tribe who are supposed to have derived their name from the river III, on the banks of which they dwelt. Menage says the 111, EUus, or Illus was anciently called the Alsa, as appears by old title-deeds at Strasburg ; hence Alsa-tia, Alsace. ALSATIA, Blackfriars, London. Sheridan thinks Alsatia may have been the habitation of the Ancient Saxons. Qu. A. S. Eald Seaxen, Old Saxons. See Alsace. ALSTON, in Cornwall. Als-ton in Corn, means the high- clifif hill. ALTA'I. The Altai are a vast ridge of mountains extending, in an easterly direction, through a considerable part of Asia, and forming a boundary between the Russian and Chinese dominions. 10 LOCAL ETYMOLOGY. (JPinkerton.) Tooke, i. 121, derives Altai from Tart, alatau, perhaps al-tag, high mountain. Altai may, however, come from Turc. altun gold. The Chinese call these mountains kin-chan, or mountains of gold. ALTEN {alt'n) a town in N. of Norway, situated at the mouth of the Alten Elv, or river. ALTON, ALVETON, the parish of Alton, Alveton, Alchurch, or Alvechurch, co. Stafford. Alve may be another orthography of the O. Eng. alne (Fr. aune, aulne ; A. S. air) an alder-tree; from L. ainiis. Cowel says, alvetum is the same as alnetum, which he translates, " a place where alder-trees grow." Bailey gives alvetum same as alnetum, an alder-grove. Nash says, '• Doubtless the place Alvechurch took its name from the Saxon founder of the church here, one iElfgyth ; which, with Alfwith, Alluuith, and the like, were common appellations of our Saxon ancestors ; that in the most ancient writings Alvechurch was called jElfgythe Circea ; in Domesday survey, Alvieve Church ; and in the later records, Alviuechurch, Alvieth-church, Alvechurch or Allchurch, as it is at this day." Alton is a contraction of Alveton. ALVERTHORPE, co. York. See Thorpe. ALVERTON, a village in Cornwall. Al-ver-ton in Corn, means the high green hill. AMAZONIA, AMAZON, S. America. Amazonia was first traversed in 1.580 by Francisco Orellana, who, coming from Peru, sailed down the great river to the Atlantic. Observing companies of women in arms on its banks, he called the country Amazonia, and the river yhnazon. Oriedo and Condamine both speak of these Amazon women. When the Abbe Gilii, who lived in S. America many years, asked of the Quaquis, on the borders of the Cuccivere, which discharges itself into the Orinoco, the names of the dif- ferent tribes in the vicinity of this river, they replied that there were the Acherecottes, Payures, Aicheam, and Benano, which latter word, in the language of the Quaquis, the Abbe translates, " a nation composed solely of women." AMERICA, from Amerigo Vespucci, a Florentine, who, in LOCAL ETYMOLOGY. 11 1497, landed on that part of the continent to the south of the Equator. The continent was, however, first discovered by Columbus, a Genoese, in 1492. Webster says, "first discovered by Sebastian Cabot, June 11, o, s., 1498, and by Columbus, or Christoval Colon, August 1, in the same year." Vespucci's real Christian name was Emmericus (the German St. Emmerich), afterwards Italianized into Amerigo. AMIENS, {a'mimig') in France, from L. ambianum, from ambientibus aquis, because surrounded by water. (Did. Nat.) AINISTERDAM has its name from the river Amstel, on the confluence of which, with an arm of the Zuider Zee, called the Y, it is situated, and dam, a dam, bank to confine water. ANATOLIA, or NATOLIA, a geographical term now gene- rally considered as synonymous in extent with Asia Minor ; from Gr. avaroAYj the east, the part where the sun rises ; lit. a coming forth ; the rising of the sun or moon ; from avccraXXw, of ccva up, rsXXuj to bring to an end ; mid. to be, arise, &c. AvaroA/j may be compared with the Fr. Levant and the Arab, shark, the rising of the sun, the place where the sun rises, the east. ANCONA, Italy, named from its angular shape, from Gr. ayxuiy angle, corner, valley, anything angular, from ayKrj any- thing curved ; perhaps from Sans, ak, ay ; to bend. Thus, ah, ag, ay xt;, ayKcuv, ancon, Ancona, See also Procoji. Goth, war, lib. 2, c. 13. ANDALUSIA, a province of Spain. Some authors assert that Andalusia is a corruption of Vandalusia, i. e. the country of the Vandals. R. P. Hardouin says, if this word was derived from Vandal, it would have been Vandalia. Others say Spain was first peopled by Andalous, son of Japhet. llerbelot says, Andalous is the name the Arabs gave to Spain in general, from the name of one of its provinces, Andalusia ; that this province was the first known to the Moors, and the first conquered by them ; and that it is not to be wondered at, that the Arabs, knowing nothing of the Vandals, who were ancient in comparison with the Moors, should have imagined that Andalous was the grandson of Noah ; and that Oriental nations believed liiut Spaiii^, was one of the isles which, 12 LOCAL ETYMOLOGY. accordiug to Sacred Writ, were bequeathed to tlie posterity of Japhet. ANDARTON, a village in Cornwall. An-dar-ton, in Corn, means the oak hill. ANDES {aa'deez), the general name given to the great range of mountains which runs along the western side of S. America. Considering that in the language of the Incas these mountains are called Antis, and as they abound iu copper and other metals, Humboldt is of opinion that the name is derived from the Peruvian word anta, signifying copper, and metal iu general. ANGLESEA, from A. S. jvaia, Minerva or Pallas, soddess of Wisdom. At Athens was a tribunal famous for the justice and impartiality of its decisions, called Areopagus, Labbe derives the name from KpsoQ itayoc, the hill of Mars. AprjQ may come from Sans, arah the planet Mars. ATHERSTONE, a market town, co. Warwick, a corruption of Arden's-town, it being situated on the confines of the great forest. See Ardennes. ATLANTIC. This ocean was called Atlanticus, either from its washing the coast not far from Mount Atlas, on the western LOCAL ETYMOLOGY. 19 side of Africa, or from its being the great sea bej'ond Mount Atlas. " Atlas is sayed to support the heavens near where the Hesperides are situated. iVtlas might possibly have been the founder of the people who possessed the extreraest parts of Africa about Mount Atlas, which on account of its extraordinary height, seemed to prop up heaven, and because it was far in the west, where they imagined heaven almost met the earth. This mountain might have had the name from the first ruler of the people." (Cooke, notes on Hesiod.) From L. Atlanticus, from Gr. ArAavrixoe, from ArXac, one who carries burdens ; not sup- porting pain or toil, a, priv., rXr^jM, r\ocu>, to bear, endure, suffer. Some of the Arabic lexicons give ^^J^] atlas, bare, smooth, satin, sphere, &c. ATLANTIC A or ATLANTIS, an isle mentioned by the ancients as situated W. of Cadiz, on the strait of Gibraltar, and which they allege to have been sunk and overwhelmed by the ocean. Atlas, Atlantis, Atlanticus, Atlantica. See At- lantic. ATTOCK, a fort and small town in the Panjab. Its name signifies " obstacle," which is supposed to have been given to it under the presumption that no scrupulous Hindoo would pro- ceed westward of it. Some assert that the name was given to it by the Emperor Akbar, because he here found much difficulty in crossing the river. The river itself is at this place frequently by the natives called Attock. (Thornton.) From Hind. tjj^i\ atdk, prevention, stop, hindrance, obstruction, bar, obstacle ; ataJi-nd, to be stopped, prevented. AU, as a termination of names of places in Germany, is the G. aue a pasture, meadow. AUDLEY, from A. S. aid, old, leag, a field — the old field. AL'DLEY END, Essex, takes its name from a magnificent palace built there by Thomas Audley, Chancellor of England. AUGSBURG (owffs'burff) in Bavaria, situated near the junction of the rivers Wertach and Lech ; called by the Romans Vindo and Licus ; whence the original city founded by tlicin was named c 2 20 LOCAL ETYMOLOGY. Augusta Vindelicorum ; and from Augusta comes the first syllable in Augsburg. Thus, Augusta-burg, Augstburg, Augsburg. AUNE, or Avon, name of a river in Devon, and of several rivers in England. See Avon. AURANGABAD, a city in Hindustan ; the city of Aurang- zeb. See Abad. AUSTIN FRIARS, contraction of Augustine Friars. AUSTRALIA, contraction of Austral Asia, i.e. Southern Asia, from L. australis, from mister the South. AUSTRIA, Latinized from G. Oesterreich ; oster Eastern, reich kingdom ; the Eastern Empire, so called in reference to the Western dominions of Charlemagne. " Ostirrichi " {ost-reich or 'oster-reich, the eastern realm) first occurs in a diploma of Otho III. AUTUN {otun'). See Dunum. AUVERGNE (ovairn'), a province of France ; from Low L. Jrvernia, said to be from Celt, ar excellence, bern, contraction of haran soldiers, because the Auvergnats were very warlike. AVA, capital of Birma. Its native name is Angwa, which means a fish-pond ; and it is said to have been so called because erected where such a pond had formerly been. Angwa was cor- rupted by the Hindus and Malays into Awa, and by the Eu- ropeans into Ava. Its official name is Ratnapura (City of the Pearl) . The capital is not confined to Ava, but embraces Sagaing and Amarapura (Town of Immortality). AVE MARIA LANE. See Paternoster Row. AVERNUS, The Lake of, Campania, Italy, so called because the vapours that exhaled from it were so poisonous, that they struck dead the birds that flew over it. The name was not peculiar to Italy. One of these Averni was near the Temple of Minerva at Athens, and another in Syria, Avernus is from Gr. aopvQc, a, priv., opvig a bird. See Cic, also Liv., Plin. lib. 4 ; Virg. Mn. lib. iv. 512, vi. 242 ; Lucret. vi. 738 et seq., also 818. AVON, found written Aune, Afene, and Afon ; a river in Somerset ; also the name of four other rivers in England ; from W, afon, avon, Arm. a/on, Corn, auan, Ir. abhan, Manx aon a river, from Gael, amhainn, which Armstrong derives from amh LOCAL ETYMOLUGY. 21 water, ocean, ain water. " Avon " is found in names of places in Wales, as Aberavon, S. Wales. See Aber. AXHOLM {ax' home), co. Lincoln ; from Sax. Eaxanholm, from the town Axel, and holm an isle having many rivers in it. {Bailey.) But see Isca. AXMINSTER, from A. S. Eaxanminster. See Isca. AXMOUTH. See Isca. AYLESBURY, co. Bucks. The British name is said to be lost. The Saxons called this city Aeglesburge. In Domesday it is mentioned under Eilesberia and Elesberie. Leland writes Alesbury, Camden, Ailesbury, which mode of spelling is retained in the title of the Marquis of Ailesbury {Eng. Ency.). The name is also found written Ailesburie and Aylesburie. " Ailsbury derived great fame from Eadburg or Edburg and her sister Eaditha, two holy virgins, the daughters of Frewald or Fredewall, a king or Mercian prince, who was lord of this country." (Kennett, Paroch. Antiq.) Speed affirms that Aylesbury " be- came much frequented on account of the holiness of St. Edith, and that the town was allotted to her for her dowry," &c. &c. Elfleda, Duchess of Mercia, daughter of King Alfred, is said to have induced her brother Edward, called the Elder, to repair Edsbury, after the town had been laid waste by the Danes. Leland also speaks of " Ellesburowe, in Chiltern Ililles, three miles from Alesbury by south." Eadburg, Eadsburg, Eadsbury, Ealsbury, Alesbury, Ailsbury, Aylesbury. AYRSLIIRE. The river Ayr is said to give its name not only to the town of Ayr, at whose mouth it stands, but also to the parish and county. In royal charters, and in all ancient records, the name of the burgh is written Are, subsequently changed to Air, and since the end of the last century it has been written Ayr. The name of the river may be from Celt, ar clear, " said to be sufficiently characteristic of this stream, which, flowing above a gravelly bed, continues clear and limpid through the wliole of its course. There arc other rivers bearing the same name, and doubtless having a common etymology, not only in England, France, and Switzerland, but in almost every country in Europe." 22 LOCAL ETYMOLOGY. AZO'RES, or Western Isles, a series of islaiids in the N. Atlan- tic, belonging to Portugal, were so called from the great number of hawks found there ; from Port, arores, pi. of u^-or a hawk. AZ'OV, the Sea of, hi Russia, takes its name from the town of Azov, on the mainland. Azov is found written Azoph, Azapb, Azov, Azach, AzoflP, Assoff, and Asoph. In ancient history there were several rivers and towns named respectively Asopie, Asopo, Asopus, and Asopa. Josephus mentions Asoph or Asophon as the name of a village in Palestine, near the Jordan. Ortelius, referring to Josephus, says that by Asophos is meant the village of Asochis. Some assert that the river in Boeotia was so called on account of its extreme muddiness ; others that Asophus, son of Neptune, gave his name to this river. B. BAALBEC, BALBEC. Mr. Francis Crossley thinks Baalbec is the Phcen.-Ir. baal-beact, i.e. the sun-circle ; and he says it was no doubt originally one of those vast circular earthen embankments with upright stones, and an altar in the centre, such as the Phoenicians erected at Amesbury ; at the Giant's Ring, near Belfast ; and at Greenan Mountain, co. Donegal ; and that the name of the latter particularly carries us back to remote antiquity : Grian, i.e. Grynoeus ; an, i.e. ain a circle. In Arab, it is pro- nounced Ba'albak, and was called by the Greeks Heliopolis, i.e. City of the Sun. Some assert that Baalbec is the Baalath of Scripture. BABEL, from Arab. J,>b bdb bel, the gate or court (city) of Bel, or Belus, in allusion to the Tower or Temple of Belus, commonly called Tower of Babel. Some say Babel is for Heb. !?n!jl bilbel confusion ; balal, to mix or confuse. See Babel- MANDEL. BABELMANDEL, properly Babelmandeb, a strait which joins the Red Sea to the Ocean, called by some Latin geographers LOCAL ETYMOLOGY. 23 Ostium Luctus : from Arab. Bcihu 7 mandab, i.e. the funeral gate, passage of mourning, the gate of tears, from c__>lj hub a gate, \\ al the, t__>Ai nadaba to bewail (a death). It received its name from the old Arabians, from the danger of the navigation, and the number of shipwrecks by which it was distinguished ; which induced them to consider as dead, and to wear mourning for all who had the boldness to hazard the passage through it into the Ethiopic Ocean. BABYLON, supposed to have stood on the spot where the Tower of Babel was built ; from Babel. BACH (6a/.), in names of places in Wales, is the W. bach small. BACHARACH (bak'arak), on the Rhine, a contraction of L. Bacchi ara, the altar of Bacchus, a name conferred upon a rock in the bed of the river, usually covered with water, but in very dry seasons appearing above the surface. The sight of it is hailed with joy by the owner of the vineyard, who regards this as a sure sign of a fine vintage. (^Murray.) BADAJOZ (bad'ahoth)), "from iirab. beled aix, land of life." {Vieyra.) Perhaps jj,,! balad province, city, town, /jilxc *aish life. BADEN {bah'd'n), the name of many places in Germany, &c. The word Baden is simply the pi. of G. bud a bath, most of the places in question being, or having once been, famous for their baths. Baden-Baden is so called to distinguish it from the others. BAFFA, in Cyprus, corrupted from Gr. ITaipoe, a city which was sacred to Venus. BAGDAD (in Arab. S\sk.i bughddd). It is said that the city of Seleuca (built by Seleucus) was reduced to such a state of desolation, as to have nothing remaining on the spot where it formerly stood but the cell of a monk called Dud, and a garden adjoining, whence it was called Bagdad, i.e. the Garden of Dad. cL« bdyh in I'crs. is a garden, I'aradise. 24 LOCAL ETYMOLOGY. BAGH, or BAG, in local names iu India, is the Pers. cb bdgh a garden, orchard, plantation ; as Kudsiya bdgh, the name of a garden outside the walls of Delhi. BAIIAR', or BIHAR', capital of a province of the same name in Hindustan, and which, though distinct from, is sometimes identified with Bengal ; corrupted from Sans, vihdr, a Buddhist monastery. BAKTSCHISERA'I, a town in the Crimea, hidden in a valley. The name means "the palace of the gardens," from Turc. ii^jsi^Xi bdgtche a garden, ^^ -j serdi palace. BALA, in names of places in Wales and Ireland, means the exit of a river out of a lake. (W. and Ir.) BALA HISSAR, of the city of Cabul, AflFghanistan, signifies the upper town or castle, "as Bala-Khanen means the upper room of the royal palace, which commanded the lower and more extensive portion, divided into two by the Cabul river." {Black- wood.) The Pers. bdld signifies above, high ; the Arab his&r is a fortified town, a castle. BALAKLA'VA (Crimea). The Genoese founded the Uttle town at the bottom of the haven, and built the fort on the adjoining cliff. The name is corrupted from It. bella chiave beautiful quay ; an appellation which it well deserves. BALEARIC ISLES. Majorca and Minorca were anciently called Baleares. The most western, being the greatest, was named Balearis Major, whence Majorca ; the most eastern, for same reason, was called Balearis Minor, whence Minorca. Some derive Baleares from Gr. /SaAAw to throw, because the inhabitants were good slingers. Bochart agrees with Strabo and others, who consider the name to be of native origin, and he derives it from Phcen. baal lord, also skilful, and yarah to throw, i.e. skilful in the art of throwing. BALKH, one of the capitals of Khurasan, supposed to be the ancient Bactra, whence the name may have been corrupted. The historians of Persia attribute the foundation of this town to Kajumarath, first king of this country, and say that he named it LOCAL ErYMOLOGY. 25 Balkhe, from halkideu or balgiden, to welcome a friend, because, having for a long time lost his brother, he at last found him at this place. ^a/M in Arab, means "proud." BALKAN, from Turc. ^^UlU bdlkdn, meaning chains of mountains in general ; particularly the Balkan, or Mount Hsemus, which separates Bulgaria from Roumelia. BALLANGLEICH, a pathway leading down from the brow of the castle hill at Stirling. The name is Gael., and signifies " the winding pass." BALLY or BAL, BALLYROBE, BALLYSHANNON. Bally or Bal in local names in Ireland is the Ir. baile a town, village, townland — thus, Ballymony, town on the bog ; Ballintra, town on the strand ; Ballymore, the great town ; Ballinahinch, town on the island ; Ballyrobe, Bally shannon, towns on the rivers Robe and. Shannon. BALSCOTE {hahcut), Oxon. See Cote. BALTA LIMAN', on the European shore of the Bosphorus, celebrated for a treaty between the Turks and Russians which was signed there. The Turc. ^^UjJ Umdn is a port, from Gr. BALTIC SEA. This sea has either been named from its having the shape or appearance of a belt, or from certain straits or channels surrounding its isles, called belts ; as the Greater and Lesser Belt on the coast of Denmark. Bailey says, "the sea belonging to Baltia, an island in the German Ocean" — from L. Balticum (mare), from bulteum (A. S. belt, Sw. bait, Dan. bcelte) a belt, which some derive from the Gael, beilt. BALTIMORE, one of the chief cities in Maryland, U.S., takes its name from Lord Baltimore, who settled the province of Maryland in 1035. BAL'UCIIAR. Under " Bdlu-char, or chur, land covered by a deposit of sand, a sand-bank formed by a deposit of sand from the waters of a river," Wilson says, " name of a village near Murshidabad, perhaps originally so formed from the river" — from Hind. l\j_ bdlu sand (from Sans. b/Uukd), ■:>. char, choory a shoal, bank. 26 LOCAL ETYMOLOGY. BAM, BEAM, found as initials in names of places in England, are said to denote tliat they received their names from being situated in woody places, or near a grove. The A. S. heam is a tree. See Bampton and Beamfleet. BAMBERG, a town of Germany, in Franconia, anciently Babenberg, the name supposed to have been given to it by Babe, (daughter of the Emperor Otho II.), who enlarged it. BAMPTON. Many places in England have been so named, from their elevated situation and being covered with wood, from A. S. beam-dune ; beam a tree, dune a hill. BiVNBURY, Oxen, means, according to some, "high fastness." (See Bury.) Bailey says, " of Sax. bana manslaughter, byrigh a city, perhaps so called from some great slaughter there." Bailey probably refers to the great battle between King Cynric and the Britons, a.d. 556 ; but Banbury in Wilts also lays claim to being the site of the same event. Camden says the Saxon name of this place was Banesbyrig ; in Domesday it is called Banesberie. The A. S. buna is destruction ; the W. ban is high. BANGOR, found written Banchor, N. Wales. De Barri, speaking of the cathedral church of Bangor, says, " it must not be confounded with the celebrated college of the same name in Flintshire. Bangor (i.e. the college in Caermarthen) is properly called Bangor Deiniol, Bangor Vawr yn Arllechwdh." The historian Cressy places the date of its foundation in a.d. 516, and adds, " Malgo Conan not long after built a city, which for the beauty of its situation he called Ban-cur, i.e. the high or con- spicuous choir ;" and in a note De Barri adds, "When Christianity was first established in Britain, it was only in particular societies, which went by the appellation of Cur, i.e. circle, society, or con- gregation, distinguished after by the names of those teachers who established them. When these Curau began to have authority, they came to be called by the name of Bangor, from ban high, and cur, i.e. the supreme society or college." Somner derives the A. S. Bancorena-burh, Bancorna-byrig (Bangor) from banc a bank, an elevation, chor a choir, and burh or byrig, a burg or city. LOCAL ETYMOLOGY. 27 BARBARY, a large tract of country in the N. of Africa, so called by the Arabs, and said to be from ^_c < barriyyun an uncultivated country, or harriyyat a desert, because it was very little populated before the Arabs inhabited it. See Lamartiniere, quoting Dapper, p. 116. BARBICAN. Pennant says, "the Barbican which I men- tioned as originally a Roman specula or watch-tower, lay a little to the north of this street (Noble Street) . It was an appendage to most fortified places. The Saxons gave them the title of Burgh-kenning. They were esteemed so important, that the custody was always committed to some man of rank." " There was of old a manor-house of the king's, called Base-court, or Barbican, destroyed in 125] ; but it was restored, as appears above." See Pennant, pp. 12, 331, Lond. 1813. BARCELONA, Spain, corrupted from L. Barcino-onis ; thus, Barcinone, Barcelone, Barcelona. Pineda says, " anciently Barcimdne, a name given it by Amilcar Barcinus." BAR'DAWAN, a district and a city in Bengal ; from Pers. .jLl>j hardawdn, from Sans, vardhamdna thriving. BARDNEY, co. Lincoln, from A. S. (Pge island, beordana of birds. It is found written Beordan-ige. See Bosworth. BARDSEY, an island off the coast of Caernarvon, so called from having been the last retreat of the "Welsh bards ; from W. bardd a bard, ey from A. S. ig, an isle. BARLOW. See Low. BARMOUTH, N. Wales ; named from its situation near the conflux (aber) of the Maw — usually called Avon Vawr, i. e. the Great River — from aber maw; thus, Aber Maw, Bermaw, Bar- mouth. BAR'NAGORE. See Nagore. BARTON. See Berwick. BASING, OLD, a town and castle near Basingstoke, Hants ; Bailey says, from Sax. basing, a coat of mail, because of the re- semblance it has thereto. But sec Ing. BASINGIIALL STREET, a corrujition of Basiug-haugh, i. c. 28 LOCAL ETYMOLOGY. the haugh belonging to the Basing family. Haugh or haw is a small piece of ground adjoining a house, a small field ; literally an inclosed piece of land, from A. S. haga. The Sco. havgh is a low-lying meadow. Bailey says, " Basing-hall or Bassishaw Street, once called Basingis-hawe, from Sax. basing a cloak, awe a hall, q. d. a place for cloth of which cloaks, &c., are made." BASLE, Basel, Basil, or Bale, a town in Switzerland, built upon the site of the ancient Basilia ; from Gr. (Sa(TiKBicc queen, princess ; also kingdom, sovereignty. The French pronounce it bahl ; the Germans laz'l. BASQUE PROVINCES. The Basques call themselves Viz- cainos and Bascos. Some derive Basque from the Basq. bassoco a mountaineer, a highlauder. Humboldt says from bascoa a forest, whence baso-coa, belongnig to a forest, ph Basocoac. The Basques have been also called Vasques, Vascones, and Vascons. The general opinion seems to be that Gascony was peopled, towards the end of the sixth century, by a Spanish tribe that crossed the Pyrenees, and took possession of Novempopulani. Gascon is therefore most probably merely another orthography of Vascon. The Gascons, like the Basques, confound the letters v and b, which gave rise to Scaliger's pleasantry — " Felices populi quibus bibere est viverer According to some writers, the Basques call themselves Euscaldunac, their country Euscalerria, and their language Eascara, or Escuara. Larramendi derives Escuara from escuco free, era mode, or manner. It is more than probable that the only etymological part of Escuara is esc, and that esc and eusc may be synonymous with the first syllable 'va.Basq-ue, Vasq-ue, Bisq-ue, and Gasc-ony ; and perhaps with vesc and osc in some names of places, as Vesci, Vescia, Vescovato, and Osca. BASSO'RAH, or Basra, Balsorah, Turkey ; in Arab. " a mar- gin." It is situated on the Sliat-al-Arab, " river of the Arabs." See Johnston. BASTIA, chief town of the island of Corsica. Qu. It. bastia rampart, trench, fence, from Low L. bastuni. BATAVIA (Betuwe), an isle in Holland between the Rhine and the Waal. The word is thought by many to be contracted LOCAL ETYMOLOGY. 29 from bat-ainvers, " inhabitants of good or fruitful land," from bat, bety good, axnoe ground, country. It is tlionglit that the name is preserved in part of Gelderland, the Betuive, fruitful country, in opposition to Veluice, bad land from vale falling, defective, &c. (Hist. Dutch Lang, by Ypey.) Others say this isle occupies part of the country of the ancient Batavi or Insula Batavorum, and that the name Betuwe is derived from that of Batavia. It seems more reasonable to presume that Betuwe is the original of Batavia. BATCH, BACH, a termination of local names in England, as in Comberbatch and Sandbach (Cheshire), Woodbatch (Salop), may be the G. bach a stream, rivulet. The A. S. beclt is still common in the northern counties. BATH. So called on account of the celebrity of its hot baths, from A. S. bceth, batho, a bath (W. badh, or baz, G. D. Sw. and Dan. bad), bathian to bathe. "It was called by Antoninus the Waters of the Sun (Aqute Solis) ; and from the great concourse of diseased people Acemanni Civitas, in A. S. Acmanceaster, i. e. the sick folks' town." The Britons named it Badiza, and the Saxons Bathan-cester. BATTLE, Sussex. " Battle Abbey, so called by WiUiam the Conqueror, in token of a signal victory obtained over Harold, the last Danish king ; which was the first step to his reducing the whole kingdom to obedience." (^Bailey.) BATTERSEA. Bailey writes Batersea, " once called Patric's Ea, i. e. Patrick's Isle." According to Lysons it is called in the Conqueror's survey Patricesy, and has since been written Bat- trichsey, Battersey. Aubrey derives its name from St. Patrick. Lambarde says, " Battersey quasi Botersey ; because it was near the water-side, and was the removing-house of the archbisliops of York." But, as Lysons observes, to confute so absurd an ety- mology, it is scarcely necessary to say tliat the archbishops of York had no property in Battersea till the reign of Edward IV. ; that Patricesy in the Saxon is " Peter's water " or river ; and as the same record which calls it Patricesy mentions that it was given to St. Peter, it might then first assume that appellation ; 30 LOCAL ETYMOLOGY. but this, he owns, is conjecture. Petersham, which is written precisely the same in Domesdaj', viz., Patriceham, belonged to St. Peter's Abbey, Chertsey, and retains its original name, a little modernized. BAVARIA (L.), anciently Boioaria, i. e. the country of the Boii, or Boioarii. BAYONNE {bayon'), Sp. Bayuna, a city in the S. W. of France, near the frontiers of Spain, from Basq. Bayon, from baiya, bayona, a port, i.e. a good port. BEALACHNAM-BO, Loch Katrine : " the pass of cattle." (Gael.) BEAMFLEET, Beamfled (Hunts) Bamfleet, Benfled (Essex) ; from A. S. Beam-fleot ; beam a tree (see Bam), fleot an arm of the sea, an estuary. See Chron. 897, and Bosworth. BEAUMARIS (bo'morris), in the Isle of Anglesey ; from Fr. beau, fine, and marais a fen or marsh. {Bailey.) BEAUNE {bone), in France ; from Celt, hel sources, na from, maou two {Bid. Nat.) : perhaps watered by two streams having their source near the town. Beaune was anciently written Beaulne (in L. Pagus Belnisus). BEAUVAIS {bo'vay), in France, in L. Bellovacum, from Celt. beloo valour, ffwys man. The inhabitants were anciently re- nowned for their courage. {Diet. Nat.) BECC, BEC, BECK, in names of places, or as a termination of names of places, in England, &c., denotes their situation to be near a brook or river ; from A. S. becc a brook, rivulet, from root of Ice. beck, D. beck, G. bach. Beck is still used in the N. of England, particularly in Westmoreland, Cumberland, and north Lancashire for a mountain stream, or rivulet. See also Bosworth, and Chr. 1140 ; Ing. p. 370, 4. BEDDGELERr {beth'gelert), Caernarvon, N. Wales, properly Bedd Celert. Its name, says Carlisle, according to tradition implies " the grave of Celert," a greyhound which belonged to Lly welyn, the last Prince of Wales ; and a large rock is still pointed out as the monument of this celebrated dog, being on the spot where it was found dead, together with the stag which it had LOCAL ETYMOLOGY. 31 pursued from Caernarvon. In W. becld is a grave. For the tradition see Bingley (Excurs. in N. Wales). BEDFORD, formerly Bedanford, a contraction of Bedicanford, from A. S. bedican to bedike, fortify with a mound, and/o?-(/, id. "The fortress of the ford." The battle between Cuthwulf and the Britons, in a.d. 572, is said to have been fought here. BEDFORD ROW, Holborn, "took its name from the uses to which these lands, and others adjacent, were bequeathed by Sir William Harpur of Bedford ; viz., to found a free and per- petual school in that, his native place — for portioning poor maidens ; supporting poor children ; and maintaining the poor with the surplus ; all of them inhabitants of the said town." {Pennaiit.) BEDLA]\I, a corruption of Bethlehem (q. v.) ; the name of a reUgious house in London, afterwards converted into a lunatic asylum. BEER, in names of places in the Holy Land, is the Heb. '^t*! (Arab, i « beer) a well ; thus. Beer, name of a city near Jeru- salem ; Beer-elim, the well of heroes ; Beer-sheba, the well or fountain of an oath {shahah an oath). BEER ALSTON, BEER FERRIS. Beer Alston is a small market town in the parish of Beer Ferris, Devon. Risdon says it was given by William the Conqueror to the French family of Allenson, soon after the conquest, from whom it took its name ; and that in the reign of Henry II. this honour, as well as Beer Ferrers, erroneously called Bere Ferris, was held by Henry Ferrers ; and Martin Ferrers, the last of that ancient house, was put in special trust to defend the sea-coast against the invasion of the French in Edward III.'s time. (See P. Cyc.) Beer may come from A. S. beorh a hill, rampart, citadel, fortification, heap. The A. S. has also beora, bearu, a grove, bearw, bearo, a barrow, high or hilly r)lace, wood, grove, hill covered with wood. BEERSHEBA. See Bekii. BEIIRING'S STRAITS (written also Beering and Bering). Captain Cook, who explored these straits, gave them this name, after Behring, an eminent navigator, who first discovered thcni. 32 LOCAL ETYMOLOGY. BELGIUM. The Belgse were most probably the same people as the Volkes. Strabo and Titus Livius call them Volcse, Csesar, Volgse, Ausouius, Bolgse, Cicero, Belgae, and in Greek they are called OvoKkoci. One of their chiefs is named by historians indiflFerently Bolgius and Belgius. Thierry and others assert that the Bolg or Fir-bolg were originally from Asia, and that, on quitting that continent, they for a long time dwelt on the borders of the Euxine, where the Greeks reduced them to servitude. From Thrace they emigrated to Ireland, and, having conquered the inhabitants, remained in the country for some time. They were, however, subsequently expelled by the inhabitants after a bloody battle, when they retired to the Isle of Man and the Hebrides, where several names of places still recall their passage. The traditions of Ireland also make mention of an emigration into that isle of Belgse (Fir-bolg) from the embouchure of the Rhine in Gaul. Fir-Bholg means the ancient Irish, the ancient Belgse. Fir in Irish means men. Keating observes that there are still three families in Ireland descended from the Belgse, viz. the Gabhruighe of Connaught, the Fairsigh of Failghe, and the Galliuns of Leinster. The Belgse doubtless took their name from the Volga or Bolga, on the banks of which they dwelt. (See Bulgaria.) Volga, Bolga, Bolgse, Belgse, Belgseum, Belgium. BELGRADE, formerly the capital of Servia ; from lUyr. bel white, grad a castle, town. The Turks call it Beligrad. In Slav, it is Bjelohrad, in G. Griechisch-Weissenburg, and Belgrad, and in Hung. Nandor-Fej^rvar, all signifying white town. But see Bolgrad and Gorod. BEN, in names of places in Scotland, is the Gael, beann, beinn, beinne, a hill, mountain, summit, pinnacle. (Ir. beann, W. bann and pen, G. bann high, pinn a summit.) BEN LEDI, a river flowing out of Loch Venachoir, Perth ; also the name of the most conspicuous mountain in Callender — said to be a contraction of Gael. beinn-le-Dia, " the hill of God." Some think it was named by the Druids, who had a temple on the summit of this hill, where the inhabitants in the vicinity assembled LOCAL ETYMOLOGY. 33 for devotion once a year ; and it is said that this meeting con- tinued three days. BEN LOMOND denotes, according to some, a bare green hill ; others say it is a contraction of Ben-loch-lomin, "the hill of the lake full of islands." Ben-more means the grent mountain ; Benvenue, the small mountain ; Beindeirg, the red mountain ; Beucleughs, the rock mountain. The Gael, lorn is bare, naked, open or exposed ; beagan is little (whence venue) ; dearg red ; clach, doich, stone, pebble, rock. BEN NEVIS, the highest mountain in Britain, co. Inverness, Scotland. The name is generally derived from Gael, beinn a mountain, and L. nivis of snow. The better opinion seems to be that Benevis is for Benevis, contracted from beinn-neamh-bhathais, i.e. "the mountain with its summit in the clouds," or, as in Pope's Homer, "cloud-kissing hill." Beinn a hill, neam the heavens or clouds ; bathais, the part of the human head between the forehead and the crown. The name may have come thus : Beinn-nfeamh-bhathais, Beinnambathais, Bennamvathais, Benna- vatais, Bennavais, Bennevais, Ben Nevis. BENARES, a city of Hindustan, on the Ganges, from Pers. (>« lUu Banaris, also Bandras, from Sans. Vai-andsi, from the two streams Vara and Nasi, as some say. Others derive Benares from Sans. Varanashi or Kasi, the splendid. BENDER, a town in Russia (formerly in Turkey), on the Dniester. It was anciently called Teckin or Tegine. This place is rendered famous from the sojourn here of Charles XII., after having been defeated by Peter the Great at Pultwa. The name is said to signify a tomb, and on that account, and in conse- quence of the length of the king's absence, many thought him dead. Bender in Turc signifies a place of passage, a jilace of commerce upon the frontiers ; port de mer, echelle du Levant. BENT, CHOW-BENT. (Jhowbent is a village in Lanca- shire ; the name means the bent or common of Chow or Cbew. (See Baines' Hist. Lane.) Bent, a coarse kind of grass D o4 LOCAL ETYMOLOGY. growing on hilly ground {Lightfoot) ; the open field, the plain {S. DoMi/Ias). Bintz, bins, is a rush, juncus, scirpus. (Jarnieson, Sco. Diet.) BERDIANSK, in South Russia, named from its situation at the mouth of the Berda. BERE REGIS. See Regis. BERGEX, capital of the province of Bergenhuys, Norway. The name is found written Berghen and Bjorgin, and in Low L. Berga. Pliny calls it Bergio. Some derive the name from G. bergen, to hide, conceal. It is more probably from berg, Dan. bierg, a mountain, from being surrounded on the land side by seven high mountains. BERIA, BERRA, BERIE, BERRY, found in names of places, is an O. Eng. word denoting a plain open heath or wide flat champaign ; as in Mix-berie, Corn-berrie, Beria Sancti Edmundi — mentioned by Matthew Paris — which does not refer to the town, but to the adjoining plain. Cowel says, "that many flat and wide meads, and other open grounds, are still called by the name of bevies and 6e;7"e-fields. So the spacious mead between Oxford and Isley was in the reign of King Athelstan called Bery, as now the largest pasture-ground in Quarendon, Bucks, is known by the name Berry-field. And such, indeed, were the berie meadow^s, which, though Sir H. Spelman interprets them to be the demesne meadows, or manor meadows, yet were truly any flat open meadows that lay adjoining to any vill or firm." See Cowel, Law Diet. ; Dufresne, Glos. BERKELEY {barldy), co. Gloucester, from A. S. beoree a beech-tree, leag a field ; on account of the number of beech- trees originally growing there. BERK'HAMPSTEAD, Herts, formerly Berkharasted. Bailey derives Bergamsted in Kent, from Sax. beorg a fort, ham a house, stedda a place : but berk may be from A. S. birce birch. BERKSHIRE, "the bare oak shire," so called from a polled (lopped) oak in Windsor Forest, where public meetings were held. (Brompt. p. 801.) It was written most commonly by the Anglo- Saxons Barruc, Bearruc, and Bearwucscire. Bailey writes LOCAL ETYMOLOGY. 35 "Barkshire, so called from the abundance of box growing there." From Sax. berroc a wood, and scire shire. BERLIN. Some assert that Albert, surnamed the Bear {der Bur), Count of Anhalt, built this city. Werdenhagen (de Reb. Ansea. part 3, c. 23, fol. 338) says that Albert (who was IMargrave of Brandenburg) only enlarged this city and sur- rounded it with walls, on which account it took its name from him, like Beernaw, Beerwald, Beernstein, and other places which he also built ; and in corroboration it is said that it has for its arms a bear. The later opinion seems to be that the name is derived from berle, signifying uncultivated land, in the language of the Slavonian Vends, who were the earliest settlers in this part of the country. See Zeyler, Brandenb. Topog., p. 26 ; and Zedler, Lex, BERjNIONDSEY, formerly Bermundsey, and in the Conqueror's survey Bermundesye ; from Bermund's ige, i,e, Bermund's Isle, formerly (says Bailey) famous for an abbey erected by Bermund, either lord or abbot of that place. Bermund from A. S, beran to bear, mund peace. BERISIUDA, The Bermudas, which consist of five small islands in the Atlantic Ocean, were named from Juan Bermudez, their Spanish discoverer. They are also called Somers' Isles, from Sir Geo. Somers, who was shipwrecked there in 1609, BERNICIA, name of a tract of country which formerly reached from the Tyne to the Frith of Forth. Some derive the name from Anc. Brit, brynaich, i.e. mountain land. Bailey says q, d. the province of Berwick, from Sax. beam a man-child, Gr, viHv; victory, so called from the warlike disposition of the inhabitants ; but Bernicia is more probably from Berenice, from Gr. ^spviy.Yj one that brings victor}^ from <^£pcv to bring, vixvj victory. BERWICK-UPON-TWEED {berrick), from A. S. beor, beer, or bere, barley, corn, wic a village ; " a corn village." Bailey gives also " Aberivick, i.e. a town at the mouth of a river." In Domesday Berwica is a village, Dr, Bosworth derives Barton from beor or bere, and tun an enclosure, court-vard, corn-farm, grange. D 2 36 LOCAL ETYMOLOGY. BESAN'QON, a town of France ; from Low L. Vesontio, Visontium, Besantio. Some historians have called it Chrysopolis, " the golden city." See Lamartmiere ; also Piganiol, Desc. de la France, t. 6, p. 397 ; Chiflet, Vesont. part 1, p. 44. BETH, BETHEL, BETHLEHEM. Beth, in names of places in Palestine, is the Heb, n'l beth (Arab, i^- ^ >.i bayt) a house; thus, Beth-el, " house of God," a very ancient city of the Canaanites ; Beth-seda, "house of mercy;" Beth-saida, "place of hunting and fishing ;" Beth-aven (same with Bethel), " house of vanity or idols ;" Beth-lehem, " house of bread," the birth- place of our Saviour, near Jerusalem. BETTWS-Y-COED (bett'oos-Aoid), N. Wales. Bettws is frequently found in local names in Wales. Carlisle says bettws is a station or place of moderate temperature, between hill and vale. Others say it appertained at first to a monastery, from L. abbatis {abbas, abbatis, an abbot). The W. coed is a wood. Bettws Garmon was named from its church, which is dedicated to St. Germanus, who led on the Britons to the famous "Alleluia" victory, obtained over the Saxons at Maes-Garmon, near Mold. BEVER, a castle in Leicestershire. There are several places named Bever in England. There is Bever in the neighbour- hood of Colchester. From Fr. belvoir, a fine prospect, bel, and voir, from L. videre to see. BEYROUT {beeroot') found written Beyrut, Bairout, Berout, and Beirut, a town in Syria. Some say from Heb. beroth wells (pi. of -»^n bee)-), on account of the springs of water there. Others say the name originated from the Phoenician deity Baal Beerith, "lord of wells." Periegetes tells us it was a Phoenician city of great antiquity, and was called Berytus, or Bery'tus ; that Augustus, who made it a colony, called it after his daughter, Colonia Julia Augusta Felix Berytus ; and that medals were afterwards struck in honour of the Roman emperors, bearing the legend " Colonia Felix Berytus." (Plin. v. 20.) BHAR, in the names of places in Scotland, is the Gael, bhhrr. LOCAL ETYMOLOGY. 37 aspirated form of ban; bar, bair (Corn. W. and Arm. bar), top, summit, height, or hill ; perhaps from or allied to Heb. barhh high, O. Pers. and Chald. bar above. BHURTPORE, or BHARATPOOR, Hindustan ; " the town of Bharata." See Poor. BICESTER (bister), Oxon, found written Bisetter and Bur- chester ; corruption of Birincester, " Birin's fortress," because built, by his advice and assistance, out of the ruins of Alchester and Chesterton, or because a church was built and endowed by him. Birin or Birinus was bishop of Caer Dor, or Dorcliester, Oxon, about the middle of the seventh century. BICETRE (besay'tr), Paris, an hospital, lunatic asylum, and penitentiary, formerly called La Grange aux Gueux. It is said to take its name from Wincestre (Winchester), from occupying the site of a country house built in 1290 by John, bishop of Win- chester. Thus, Wincestre, Yincestre, Vicestre, Bicestre, Bicetre. Others say the name is derived from its owner, in the loth century (1410), John, Due de Berry (in h.Dux Bitiiricensis). SeeFauchet, Antiq. ; Du Cliesne, sur Alain Chartier, p. 817 ; and ^linage. BID'EFORD, Devon, has its name from its situation near an ancient ford, i.e. " bij t/ieford." It is built on both sides of the river Torridge, near its confluence with the Taw. BIGGIN, BYGGYN, a common termination of local names in the northern counties and in Scotland ; as Newbiggin, Northum- berland and Westmoreland ; Dowbiggin, Lancashire. It means a house of a large size as opposed to a cottage ; a building. It may come from A. S. byyyan a building ; New-biggin, the new building ; Dow-biggin, the old building. Bow is here a corruption of "Old ;" thus, old, d'old, d'owd, Dow. In Scotland biygin is sometimes used to designate certain small buildings on the banks of rivers, &c., in which night lights are placed to prevent vessels from mistaking their course. BIJANAGORE, a celebrated city in Hindustan, now decayed and deserted, from I'ijnyaiuigar, " The City of Triumph," from Hind, hijui or c'l-jaya, triumph (from Sans, vi, and jitya 38 LOCAL ETYMOLOGY. victory, from ji to conquer), nagar, nugur, a town, city. See Nagore. BIL'LERICAY, Essex. In ancient records the name is found written Beleuca. Its most ancient name is said to have been Baleuga, or Banleuga (in Fr. banlieii, Low L. hannum leuca), denoting the territory or precinct round a manor or borough. BILLINGSGATE, or, says Pennant— "to adapt the speUing to the conjectures of antiquaries, who go beyond the reahns of Chaos and old Night — Belin's-gate, or the gate of Behnus, king of Britain, fellow-adventurer with Brennus, king of the Gauls, at the sacking of Rome, 360 years before the Christian sera : and the Beli Mawr, who graces the pedigreed of numbers of us ancient Britons. For fear of falling on some inglorious name, I submit to the etymology, but must confess there does not appear any record of a gate at this place. His son Lud was more fortunate, for Ludgate preserves his memory to every citizen who knows the just value of antiquity. ' Gate ' here signifies only a place where there was a concourse of people — a common quay or wharf, where there is a free going in and out of the same." BILLOCKBY {billo'b^j). See Runham. BINGLEY, York (in Domesday Bingheleia), a market-town, CO. York. The name is said to signify the field of Bing, the original proprietor in Saxon times. A. S. leag a field. BIR'BHOOM, a district in Bengal ; corrupted from Vira- bhumi, " the land of heroes." (Sans, vira a hero, bhumi land, earth, the earth.) BIRDTVVISLE. See Twistle. BIRMINGHAM; found written Bermyngham, Bermingham ; in the Letters Patent of Edw. VI., Brymymcham, and in other old writings Brumwycheham. Dugdale says the general opinion seems to be that the " appellation Berming was originally taken from some ancient owner or planter there in the Saxons' time." Others assert that the original spelling was " Brum-wich-ham" (A. S.) i. e. " the broom-place dwelling," in allusion to the natural growth of the shrub termed broom on its site ; and, indeed, there LOCAL ETYMOLOGY. 39 are two places in the neighbourhood called Broniwich. This latter etymology agrees with the vulgar pronouueiation, " Brum- micham" See Smith, Hist. Warw. BISCAY, the Bay of, which washes the western shore of France and the northern shore of Spain, i.e. the Biscaya or Vizcaya, one of the Basque provinces. Biscay, Basque, and Gascony are merely different orthographies of the Sp. word. Some derive Biscaya from the Greek, others from an African word. Larramendi says Bizcarja is from Basq. bitshitsa foamy, caya a port ; or that it means " Let it be a port," from biz, and caya ! Vyxt see Basque. BIS'HAM, or Bisham Montague, co. Berks ; corrupted from Bustleham, its ancient name ; " Bustle's ham or dwelUng." BLACKHEATH. See Jack Straw's Castle. BLACK SEA. " The reason for calling this sea ' Black' may have been the frequent recurrence of storms and fogs ; but it might also have been the abounding black rocks in the extensive coal-fields between the Bosphorus and Heraclea." (Timbs.) More probably from the dark appearance which this sea sometimes has from the shadows of these rocks. The Turks call the Black Sea Karah Dengiz ; in Russ. it is Tshernoe More, in G. Schwarzes Meer, in Fr. La Mer Noire, in Sp. Mar Negro, in L. Pontus Euxinus, and Pontus, and in Gr. flovroe and Ev^eivog. BLENHEIM, in Germany. See Hochst. BLOUS, BOLOUS, BOL, BOLI, a termination in Oriental names of places, as in Istambol (Constantinople), Gueleboh' (Gallipoli), Tirubolous (Tripoli), Nablous (Asia Minor), is a cor- ruption of Gr. 7roA burni, some- times, but incorrectly, burni. B0RN'H0L:\I, an island in the Baltic, formerly called Burgen- daland, or land of Burgundians. Burgenda was first corrupted into Barring, and then into Born ; find land has been changed into Dan. holm, an isle. Thus, Borringholm, Bornholm. See Bosworth. BOROUGH, another orthography of Burh, q. v. BORSTAL, BURSTAL, found written Burgstal, and Burgstol, from A. S. beorg a hill, stal seat, dwelling ; " the names of places built on a hill." See Bosworth. BOSPHORUS. Some derive this word from G. /Souc an ox, TTOioc a ford (Ox-ford) ; from being an ox-passage, a strait over which an ox may swim. Others say from /Souc, and (^&puj to bear, because lo, changed into the form of an ox, was borne over this strait. B(JTANY BAY' was discovered by Captain Cook in 1770, and received its name from the great variety of herbs which abounded on the shore; from Gr. ^otuvyi a licrb. BOril'AM, in names of places in Lancashire, as in Rams- bothani, now Ilamsbottom, is the 0. Eng. word hothna, luthnu, liiilhcna, a park where cattle are enclosed and fed. liofhrna is a liarony, lordship, a sherift'-wick. See (Jowel. 42 LOCAL ETYMOLOGY. BOULOGNE (boo-lon'), a sea-port in France, from L. Bononia, by change of n into l. Thus, Bononia, Bolognia, Bologna, Bou- logne. BOWDEN (baw'den), a place in Cornwall. The name in Corn, means a sorry fellow, a bad man, a nasty place. It is also a family name. BOYNE, the name of a river in Ireland, and of several streams in Scotland ; from Ir. buinne a stream, rapid river ; Gael. id. BRABANT (brab'onff), a province of Belgium, said to take its name from Silvius Brabon, or Brubon, a Roman, who slew the giant at Antwerp ! Brabant was anciently written Brachbant. The Dutch write Braband. See Antwerp. BRADFORD, Wilts, from A. S. Bradan-ford, from brad broad, yb?YZ a ford. BRANSCOMB, perhaps from Abraham's Comb, i. e. Abra- ham's Httle valley or low piece of ground ; thus, Abraham's Comb, Abram's Comb, Bramscomb, Branscomb. BRAY, a parish and village near Maidenhead, Berks. Some think that the village occupies the site of the Roman station Bibracte, from which its present name may have been corrupted. BRAY, the name of a place in Cornwall ; from Corn. bi-e, brea, a hill. It is also a family name. BRxlZIL. " De brasa, en Port, braise, a cause de la couleur rougeatre du hois de teinture que I'on tire de ce pays." {Diet. Nat.) The Port. Diet, does not give braise, but braza is a live coal, burning coal. The Sp. has brasil, brazil wood used by dyers. BREADALBANE, or Braidalbin, formerly one of the six dis- tricts into which Perthshire was divided. It is still popularly applied to this district, and is retained in the title of the present marquis ; from Gael, braidh, for braigh, the top of a mountain, an upland country, the upper or higher part of any country (as Braigh Raineach, the high grounds of Rannoch), and Alba, Albainn, Albidn, the Gael, name for Scotland, also the ancient name for England. Chalmers says the Scoto-Irish people gave to the south part of the Albani country [the name of Braid-Alban, LOCAL ETYMOLOGY. 43 " the upper part of Alban," and to a ridge of mountains in the north, that of Drum-alban, " the ridge of Alban." BRECKNOCKSHIRE, sometimes Breconshire, "called in W. Brechimen, from Brechianus, a prince that had 24 daughters, who were all canonized, in the Choir of Saints." (Bailee/.) " From a prince of that country of the name of Brychan, who ruled over it about a.d. 400. From him this part of the principality was called ' Land of Brychan,' which in the British language at difiPerent periods is written Brechiniauc, Brechiniawg, Bre- chiniog, and Brecheiniog. Others suggest that, as wi'ekin (per- haps from crugyn a hillock, or gwrychin a bristle) means an abrupt steep mountain, Brecheiniog may be a corruption of wrekiniog, or rather cruginiog or gwrychiniog, full of mountains or sharp ridges of hills, resembling the bristles of a hog's back. This is said to be confirmed by the neighbouring comities being called !M6r-gan-wg, the maritime country ; Penfro, the head of the valley, or promontory, on the western extremity of the island. Brecknockshire was anciently called Garth- marthrin or Madrin, i.e. 'Fox-hill' or 'Fox-hold,' because perhaps formerly infested with that animal ; from garth, a pre- cipitous or abrupt eminence ; madrin, an obsolete word for a fox. This name was succeeded by Llwynog, or 'the inhabitants of the bushes,' which was afterwards changed to Cadno (pron. canddo), the only name by which the fox is at present known in Wales." (Jones, Hist. Breckn.) Llwynog means also a fox in Welsh. See Caermarthen. BREGENZ (hreg'ntz), a town in Austria, at the east end of Lake Constance. It takes its name from a small river which falls into this lake near the town. The Romans called Bregenz Brigantium and Brigantia, and the lake, Brigantinus Venacus, and Potamicus Lacus. Pliny calls it the Lake of Rhsetia. Its former German name was Bregenzer-see. The modern German name is Bodensee. The town of Constance (in G. Constanz, and found written Costantz and Costnitz), situated on this lake, owes its origin to Constantius, father of the Emperor Constantine the Great, who founded it and built a strong fort lierc to j)rotcct 44 LOCAL ETYMOLOGY. the frontier from the Germans. See Strabo, Ptolemy, Pliny, Lamartiniei'c, and Zeyler, Suevise Topog., p. 23. BRENDON, a place in Cornwall, from Corn. Brahan-diin, signifying " the crow's hill ;" also a family name. BRENTFORD, jNIiddlesex, found written Bregenford, Brende- ford, and Brenford ; situated on the spot where the river Brent falls into the Thames ; Brent, and A. S./ord a ford. BRENTWOOD, Essex ; from Burnt-wood. BREST, a sea-port of France (Low L. Brestum). Some say from Brivates Partus ; others from Celt, hras, bres, great (port, understood). M. de Longuerue (Desc. de la France, part 1, p. 94), doe.s not consider it to be an ancient town, and says it has only become important since the reunion of Bretagne with the crown of France. BRIDEWELL, a house of correction for the confinement of disorderly persons ; so called from the palace built near St. Bride's, i. e. St. Bridget's well, in London, which was turned into a workhouse. (Johnson.) BRIENTZ, BRIENZ {bree-ents), a town and lake in Switzer- land ; from Celt, bri a town, and hen embouchure ; " ville situee a I'embouchure d'une riviere." {Bict. Nat.) BRIG'A is often found as a termination of ancient names of places and peoples in Spain, &c., as in Augustobriga, Flaviobriga, Juliobriga, Lacobriga, Deobriga, Nertobriga, Segobriga (now Segorbe), Veriobriga. Larramendi says it is an old Sp. word, signi- fying population, people, land, country, city, from Basq. uriga, id. from uri, iri, population, and the termination ga, denoting place, situation ; and he says that both the Greeks and the Latins have briga from the same root. (P. Cyc.) Hnmboldt thinks briga is not a Basq. word, and says it is found more frequently in names of places in Gaul. Astarloa says bri, vri, and wn'mean peopled places, upon which a learned writer observes, that ga is a negative, and that therefore briga would mean a place without inhabitants, or a wild population (whence as some say Sp. ber- gante, Fr. brigunte) ; but as briga is always found as a teruiina- LOCAL ETYMOLOGY. 45 tion in the name of a town or inhabited place, it must have ac- quired a meaning contrary to its previous meaning. BRIGHTON ; found written Brighthelmston, Brightehnston, Brightelmestone, Brighthehnestone, Brightehnyston, Bright- helymvston, Brighthelmyston, Brighthelmstead. It is said to derive its name from Brighthehii, a Saxon bishop, who Hved either there or in the vicinity, and A. S. tun a town. BRISTOL, formerly Bricg-stow, Bric-stow, Bristow, from A. S. brycg a bridge, stoio a place, or stol a seat. {Bosworth.) Some assert that its ancient name was Caer Brito or Briton, i.e. the British city, nigh to and just under the Roman city, or station above, at Clifton. Henry of Huntingdon, in 1148, copying from Nennius, gives Caer Bristow for Caer Brito. The name is also found written Bryghsto, Brightstoe, Bricgstowe, Brigestow, Brigston, Bristowe, Brigestou, Bristallum, and in Domesday, and in ancient charters of Hen. II. and Hen. III., Bristold, Bristou, and Bristow ; and, says Barrett, " since by Leland and in most of the old manuscripts, Brycghstowe. But the Saxons, who seem to have imposed this name of Brycghstowe, i.e. a bright illustrious place, we may reasonably presume found it in that flourishing condition, or the name could have been applied with no sort of propriety, unless we suppose it to be the casual varia- tion of Caer Brito, its original name. It might, indeed, have the name of Brigston from the Sax. bricg a bridge, i.e. a town with bridges, as Bishop Gibson has derived it, which seems well enough calculated for the peninsular situation of the old town, surrounded almost with water, which had great need, and still hath, of bridges, to preserve a communication with different places about it ; though the great bridge over the Avon till a later date was not in being." BRITAIN. Camden thinks that Britain may have its name from the abimdance of tin which it contains, and says that in the Syriac vurutanuc means " land of tin," whence Britain. Bochart derives the Gr. ^pEraviK-r) from the Punic ~\ZH n~2 burat anac, the land of tin or lead. Sbaw (Hist. 46 LOCAL ETYMOLOGY. Staff.) says, " Dr. Boerhaave, fond of chymistry, and willing to do honour to England, from whence he had received not a few guineas, asserts that in dial, and Syr. Brachmcmac means both the kingdom of Jupiter and of tin, which metal the chymists assigned to the god ; and that Britain may easily be derived therefrom." Borlase says it may come from Heb. bara to create, which (in conjugation "Pihel") signifies to divide, separate, cut off; for the word brith or brit, which means a covenant, might also mean an island, or country separated from the con- tinent, as Britain really is, and long ago was described by the Roman poet "Et penittis toto divisos orbe Britannos." Most authors derive Briton from W. brith, brit, divers colours, spotted, from the manner in which the ancient Britons used to paint their bodies ; and some of them instance the Picts, from L. pictus, painted ; but Pict is not from inctus, but from a Gaelic word. Shaw, quoting the latter derivation, says, "other nations as well as the Britons, had this custom of painting or staining their skins, for the Arii, Geloni, and Agathyrsi all did so ; and yet I never heard that any of these words signified paint in any of these languages, or that these nations were so called from this particular circumstance." Bosworth, under Bryt a Briton, gives W. h-ith, brit, of divers colours, spotted ; Heb. "ni brd, hence the pi. anni brdim, spots, spotted with colours. The A. S. has Bryt, Brit, Bret, a Briton (applicable both to Great Britain and Bretagne), also Bryten, Bryton, Brytene, Breoten, Bretene, Bryttene, for Britain. The Irish call Britain Breatain, and a Welshman Breathnach. The Gaels call a Briton Breatunnach, and a Welshman Breathnach. The name Brython is preserved among the populations which speak the Armoric dialect. They call their country Breiz, and themselves Breizaded, or Breiziz. The Latins called the Britons Britanni and Bretanni. Owen {Welsh Diet.) says, " Prydain {jjryd), exhibiting presence, or cognizance ; exhibiting an open or fair aspect ; full of beauty, well-seeming, beautiful ; pohshed or civilized, with respect to morals. Ynys Prydain, 'the fair island,' 'the isle of Britain.' Tri enw Ynys Prydain : cyn ei 9yvannezu y Gal Gre ai galwai LOCAL ETYMOLOGY. 47 Clas merzin ; gwedi ei cafael, y Vel Ynys ; a gwedi cafael o Bi'vdyn ab Aez Mawr hi, Ynys Prydyn. The three names of the isle of Britain : before it was inhabited, the Hord GaU used to call it the water girt Green Plat ; after obtaining it, the Honey Island ; and after Prydyn, son of Aez the Great, had obtained it, the Isle of Prydyn." (Trioz.) Armstrong {Gael. Diet.), under Breatunn, prefers Clark's derivation from Braith-tonn, the top of the wave, and says, " to perceive the force of this, one has merely to imagine himself viewing Britain across the Channel from the north coast of France, whence came our Celtic ancestors ; that our island from that quarter seems a low dark line lying along the surface of the deep ; and that no term could have been found more descriptive of that appearance than Bmifh- tonn, or Bruith-tuimi (pronounced hraitonn or hraituimi), the land on the top of the waves. Others say Breatunn is a corrnption of Bretinn, a high island, from the O. Celt. bret high, inn an island. Some derive Britain from Brutus, a fabulous king of it ; others, again, from W. bri honour, tain a river, " being an island exceeding all others in Europe for the great and many rivers with which it abounds." One of the earliest names of Britain was that of Fel-Ynys, i. e. Isle of Honey, which was no doubt given to it by the Gaels. Some think Fel-Ynys is another orthography of Inis-Fal, one of the most celebrated surnames of Ireland ; but Inis-Fal (Phail or Fait) means Isle of Shepherds. Thierry {Hist, des Gaulois), quoting O'Connor, Rer. Hib. Scrip. 1. ii. 25, 4, says, " Inis-Fail, insula fatidica, ou existait la fameuse pierre appelee Lia-Fuil, si^ge des rois d'lilande." BRIT'TOX, The, a street in Devizes. This word is found written La Britasehe, La Brutusche, and La Brutax, and is pro- bably corrupted from O. Fr. bretesque, which Roquefort trans- lates a fortress, castle, strong place, paraj)et. The O. Fr. has also hretcche, an embattled fortress ; also the public place whence yjroclamations were made ; bretescher, bretequer, fortifier, garnir de creneaux. Menage derives brelcehe from It. bertesca, " qui se dit de cettc barriere qu'on met d'ordinaire devant la porte des 48 LOCAL ETYMOLOGY. palais," and he says the breteches were made of wood, and derives bertesca from G. bret, board, plank, table. Thus, bret, bert, bertiscus, bertisca, bertesca. He says, however, that the Fr. word may have come thus : bret, bretiscus, bretisca, breteche. The Norm, has bretayes battlements, and britask a fortress with battlements ; the Low L. bretachia. See Menage, Fr. Etymol. Diet. ; Menage, Orig. del. Ling. Ital. ; Bouteiller, Som. Rur. Hv. 1, tit. 3, p. 13; Giov. Vallani, ix. 46, 3, x. 29, 7; Gug. Britone, de Gest. Phil. Ang. ; Jal. Antiq. Nav. ii. p. 260 ; Waylen, Chron. Deviz. p. 323 ; Roquefort, Gloss. Rom. ; Froissart, Ann. 1390; Devizes Gaz. 16 and 23, Ap. 185/"; and Dufresne. BRO, in names of places in Scandinavia, as in Rote-bro, Ore- bro, in Sweden, may be the Sw. and Dan. bi^o ; a bridge. See Carisbroke. BROUGHAM {brew'am), or Burgham, co. Westmoreland ; the ancient Brovacum. See Camden, Bxirhe, and Lodge. BRUSSELS (Flem. Bruxellas). Some derive this name from Flem. brvyge-senne, bridge on the Senne ; others from brugsel, hermitage bridge, or from broysell, a nest of swans, on account of the number of these birds found in the adjacent rivers and marshes, or from broussailles bushes, a bushy place, this place being formerly surrounded by woods. Some derive brosse and broussailles from bruscus (whence Sp. brusco, butcher's broom or prickly pettigree), from L. ruscus, broom, holm, furze. The Bas-Bretons call a boscage bruscoat. BRUTON, Somerset ; from the river Brew or Brue, on which it is situated, A. S. tun an enclosure, &c. BRYN, in names of places in Wales, is the W. bryn a hill, mound. BUACHAILLE, Staffa, remarkable for its arched columns of basalt ; properly Boo-cha-la, " the herdsman's isle." BUCKINGHAM, from A. S. bucen or becen (sometimes boccen and buccen) beechen, ham a village ; so called, says Camden, from the number and size of its beech-trees. {Chr. 918.) Bucen or becen is from boc, a beech- tree. Spelman thinks the name may LOCAL ETYMOLOGY. 49 be derived from huccen, bucks or deer. Lysons gives the pre- ference to Spelman's conjecture, for, says he, although beech woods abound in some parts of Buckinghamshire, they are remote from the county town (from which, no doubt, the name of the county has been derived) ; and the soil of its neighbourhood is not favourable to their growth ; that it is well known that charter lands were anciently called by the Saxons boch-Iand, in contra- distinction to copyholds, which were called folk-X^ndi (whence Folkingliam). That in Domesday and other ancient records the county town is called Boch-ing-ham, and that many villages of the name of Buckland occur in various parts of the kingdom, all of which are called in old records Boch-land, lit. charter-land, and that Boch-ing would be charter meadow, Lipscomb {Ilisf. Bucks) prefers Spelman's derivation, and says Lysons should have shown some reason why the term " book " or charter land should have been applied to places where the nature of the tenure does not accord with the expression ; or how Buckenham, or Bockingham, could have been an appropriate term for a town in which the tenures do not appear to have agreed with that significatiou. That if the town imparts its name to the county, and if that town were anciently situated in a forest, where were vast herds of deer, where no remarkable feature of the country, besides those and the woods they inhabited, presented itself to the attention of those who gave it the name, the term boch or buchen would be more likely to mean " bucks " in a place where there were many, than beech trees were there were few. More- over, that bocken bucks, and hum a home, agree perfectly well with the site of a town on the border of a river, and a forest, of whatever trees that forest might have consisted : and bucks, feeding on the border of that forest, or disporting themselves on the banks of that river, would suggest an appellation which, in the simplicity of an early age, might have been readily adoptei', as descriptive of situation, so as to entitle the name to be perma- nently annexed to the district. Others think Buckingham may derive its name from Bocking, the Saxon possessor of the lands ; like Walsingham, from Walsing. V. 50 LOCAL ETYMOLOGY. BUENOS AYRES {hoo-a'-nos air'-ez), so called on account of the salubrity of the air; meaning in Sp. good air, fine climate. BUKHOVINE {book'hoveen'), a province of Austria. The name is said to come from Slav, bukowina, "the land of beeches." The Slav, bukowina is beech wood, biik a beech tree. BULGARIA, The Vclgarians were originally Huns, who settled near the Volga. About the end of the seventh century, they made irruptions towards the Danube, and inundated the Roman empire. After passing through Moldavia and Wallachia, they crossed the Danube, and settled in part of Dacia and Moesia, giving their name to the country, which is still called Bulgaria. (Voltah'e.) Volga, Volgarii, Volgaria, Bolgaria, Bulgaria. BUNDELCUND, Hindustan. See Kund. BUR, in names of places in England, is the A. S. bur a lodge, cottage, dwelling, inner room, storehouse. BURBA CH, a village, co. Leicester, said to derive its name from burr, a species of thistle for which the land there is still remarkable, and bach a brook. BURFORD, Oxon, found written Beorgford and Beorhford ; from A. S. beorh a hill, ford a ford : " collis ad vadum." (Lye.) Bat see Bur. BURG, BURGH, from A. S. burh or burcg (Dan. Sw. and Ice. bor(j) ; primarily a place of defence, whether strong by nature or fortified by art, and situated on an eminence ; and then a fort, castle, city, town, court, palace, &c. Some derive burh, burcg, from beoryan, borgan, byryan, to defend, keep safe, fortify, strengthen ; from Goth, bairgan. Others derive the synonymous word, the Fr. bourg, from Low L. bvrgus, from Gr, irvpyoQ a tower, turret, defence. Casaubon says from ^opyoc, which in the Macedonian and Thracian dialects was used for itupyog. Cyrille translates itvpyog turris, burgus. The Arab, has ^ j burj a castle, tower, wall, and c j burgh a dam, marsh. BURGCLERE. See Burg and Clere. BURGOS, capitsil of Old Castile, Spain. It is situated on a mountain. Qu. Gr. irvf^yoQ, or Goth, buirgs a tower, turret, castle, city. See Burg. LOCAL ETYMOLOGY. * 51 BURH (whence Borough), from A. S. burh or hiircg. See Burg. BURI DIHING, a river in Asam. Buri means the Great, in contradistinction to Noa the Little, Dihing. BURRA:\IP00TER, a river in Hindustan ; from Pers. Barahmaputar, from Sans. Brahma-jmtra, "Brahma's son." BURY, from A. S. burg, dative bjjrig. See Burg. BUXTON (called in Sax. Baddecan, i.e. hot haths), a town in Derbyshire ; " of A. S. bocce a beech-tree, and toivn (tun), by- reason of the plenty of beeches growing there." (Baileg.) BUYUKDERE', a village on the European shore of the Bosphorus ; from Tare, (^.jo buyuk great, i" .j dere valley. Baron Hiibsch, of Grossthal, chose his title from Buyukdere. BY (be), in names of places in Sweden and Norway, is the Sw. by a village, hamlet ; Dan. by a city, town, borough ; Ice. by a habitation, village ; A. S. by, bye, a dwelling, habitation. Thus, Mosby, Rissby, Sdderby, Wisby, &c. The Dan. by is also very fre- quently found in local names in England ; particularly in tlie north. BYZANTIUM (Fr. Byzance), an ancient Greek city, which occupied part of the site of modern Constantinople, from Gr. /Svi^avriov (on coins sometimes (SviavTiov) ; said to be derived from Byzas — leader of the Megarian colony — by whom it was built, and who is reported to have been son of Neptune ; perhaps because he was commander of the fleet of this colony. c. CA'ABA, the Temple at Mecca ; in Arab. aj^\ cdkabat, so called from its quadrangular form ; ul the, ka'hat a four-cornered house (domus quadrata). CABUL {kabool'), AfPghanistan, named from its situation on the river Cabul. A Scriptural writer, referring to Cabul, in Asia Minor, says, "Cabul (Ileb. dirty), the name which Iliiam, king of Tyre, gave to the; twenty cities of wliich Solomon made liim a [)resent : these cities not being agrecal)!e to Hiram, he gave (licm i: 2 52 . LOCAL ETYMOLOGY. the name Cabul." Some translate the Heb. kahul, a barren country, " une terre sterile, sabluneiise, dessechee, une terre boueuse et humide, trop chargee d'herbes." Josej)hus says, kabi'il in Phcen. means that which does not please. Others think kahid is for yahid frontier. It seems to correspond to the village Xa/ScwAo;, mentioned bv Josephus. A fortress called \J\i kdhul is mentioned by Arabian writers in the district of Safed. See Gesen. {Robinson.) CADER IDRIS, Wales; "the chair of Idris." Archdeacon Williams thinks Idris was a great astronomer. He says the Arab in the East, as well as the Cymro in the West, recognised a great astronomer by the name of Idris or Edris ; although the x\rab would have him to be the patriarch Enoch, the Cymro, a giant, whose observatory was the bold mountain called Cader Idris, the chair of Idris, and whose name was connected with a locality in the holy island of Mona. He says that the Homeric l^piQ is applied to a skilful sailor, whose vocation required a knowledge of the stars. The W. cader is a fortress, stronghold, chair (Gael, cathair, a town, city, fortified city, chair, seat, bench ; Corn, cadair, Arm. cader and cadoer, a chair). The root of tliese words may be the Phoen. kartha, Chal. and Syr. id.. Pun. karta, cartha, cirtha, a town. But see Oude. CA'DIZ (pronounced in Sp. kad'ith), a maritime city in Spain, built by the Phoenicians, who called it Gadir or Gaddir, which is said to signify "enclosed or hemmed in;" either because the island on which it is built was surrounded by the sea, or on account of the fortifications with which it was surrounded. The Romans afterwards corrupted Gadir into Gades, which the Spaniards changed into Cadiz. By some of the ancients it is called Tartessus, and in the old Spanish chroniclers Calls ; hence English sailors used formerly to call it Cales. Vallaucey says the Aire- Coti, or ancient Irish, named Cadiz Cotineusa, i.e. Coti-inse, or the island of sheep pasture, whence Gadir, its synonymous name. The Phcen. Gadir may, however, be another orthography of the Arab. ,jl,i kddir, or kadlr, powerful. CAEN (kaioiff), in Normandy. Some derive the name of this LOCAL ETYMOLOGY. 53 town from Cadaius, who, when in search of liis daiigliter, founded it; others from Caii doimis, because it was huilt by Juhus Caesar, or by a maitre-d'hotel of King Artus, named Cams. Fauchetsays Caen is the same as Quentovicum ; but tliis is a mistake, for the latter was a town of Artois, situated upon the Quanche. Caen was anciently written Cathim, Cathem, Cathnm, and Catheum, which Lamartiniere says is a word half Gaulish and half Saxon, and which Bochart translates " demeure de guerre," and Huet " demeure des cadettes." Caf/iem may come from Gael. catA war, and G. heim a home, Sax. ham a dwelling. Thus, Cath-heim, Catheim, Cathem, Cahem, Caen, Caen. Cafh may come from the same root as Oude. CAER (/iur), in names of places in Wales, is the W. caer, a wall or mound for defence, the walls of a city, a castle, or fortress, a walled or fortified town or city. This word is most probably of Oriental origin. :\Ieuage gives the Bas-Bret. /}•,»/•, which Bochart derives from the Phoen. ■n^'-.p kiryuy or «mp kartha. Johannes Caius says that in the Trojan language a city was called cair ; that in Heb. "'-p kir is a wall, and kiria a city ; that in like manner the British cair denotes walls, and a city '^irt with walls; and that the Scythians called a city car. See Tzetzes, Chil. G. Hist. 224. Gesenius gives ■^7, once -p, a wall, e. g. a wall of a city, a place fortified with a wall, a fortress ; proper name of a fortified city on the borders of the land of A[oab, now called Kerrek ; Kir-heres, Kir-heresh, the wall of bricks, or the brick fortress; and many names of cities beginning with kir; thus, Kir-jath, &c. The Arab, has ^jy kar-ijat a city (urbs, pagus, villa), hard to entertain a guest, to seek hospitality. CAER.MARTIIEX, S. Wales, formerly Caer Merdin, "JNlerlin's town;" from W. caer castle, city, and Merdin, or Merdhiti. It IS said that Merlin, the magician, lived here. Jones {Hist. Breckn.) thinks Caermarthen may be from Gartli-marthrin, or Madrin. See Bulcknockshike. CAERNARVON, N. Wales. The Roman Segontium, situated about iialf a mile south of Caernarvon, from being opposite to Mona, or .Vnglesea, was called Caer yn Arvoii, i.e. the sfron^Iiuld 54 LOCAL ETYMOLOGY. in the country opposite to Mona ; wliich appellation was after- wards transferred to the present town of Caernarvon. Some remains of Segontium, which the Welsh call Caer Segont, i.e. the fort of the river Sciont, and Caer Custeint, the fort of Constantine, are still visible. (P. Ct/c.) The AYelsh call Anglesea Sir Fon or Yon, which has been corrupted from Mon or Mona. Thus, Mon, Von, Arvon, Caer-yn-Arvon, Caernarvon. CAFIRISTAN, a country lying on tlie other side of the Hindoo Koosh ; the $tan or country of the Cafirs. See Cavfrauia and Stan. CAFFRARIA or KAFFRARIA, a large district of S. Africa, so called from being inhabited by a people called the CafFers, Cafres, or Kaffirs. The name was given to them by the Arabs, who look upon them as infidels ; from Arab. i\^ kdfir an infidel, one who denies the dogmas of the Muhammadan religion ; from JS" Iwfr a village. A Kaffir is literally one who lives in a hut, apart from civilization ; therefore one who does not acknow- ledge the religion of Muhammad. The words "pagan" and " heathen" have been formed upon the same principle. CAGLIARI ikal-ye-ar'e), chief town in the island of Sardinia ; corrupted from L. Caralis ; thus, Caralis, Carali, Calari, Caglari, Cagliari. CAIRO {jiijro), the metropolis of Egypt ; from Arab. iJii\^\ alkdhirah, "the victorious." It v?as named by Jawhar, general to the first Fatimite khalif of Egypt, who ordered the foundations to be laid (a.d. 968) when the planet Mars (to which the Arabian astronomers give the epithet hdhir, or " the conqueror") was in the ascendant. {Richardson.) Others say Ja\Ahar named it Alkahirah, because he had subjected Egypt. This, however, agrees with the time chosen by him for laying the foundations. CAITH'NESS, in Scotland. Chalmers says Caithness is for Catti-ness, from the Catti or Catini who inhabited the extremity of N. Britain ; and that the Catti may derive their name from cat or catai, the Brit, name of the weapon with which they fought ; and that Catini may have meant " club-men." See Nkss. LOCAL ETYMOLOGY. 55 CALA, CAL, GALA, or GAL, in or at the termination of names of sea-port towns noted for good havbonrs (as in Calais, Kiel, Burdicala or Burdigala, Portucal or Portugal), is considered by some to be the Gael, cala, caJadh, a harbour, fort, shore, ferry. The Low L. has cala, It. cala, a lee shore, a bay ; Sp. cala, a bay ; Teut. k'dle and hielli ; Ir. cale. CALAHORRA, a city of Old Castile, Spain; from Arab. halaVharrat ; ^Uli ^«^ ^ at a castle, fort (especially on the top of a mountain), al the, S' >. harrat a stony place. In like manner Calatrava, from Arab, kal 'aturdh, from haVot, al and v_jl " turub, land, ground, earth. CALAIS. Some derive Calais from Celt. (Gael.) cala, caladh, a harbour, port, shore, ferry. In Norm, however, Galeys is used for both Calais and France {Guilt, de Galeys, Wm. de Waleys ; Galles, Galeys, Wales, Welsh), and in Low L. Calais is called Caletum and Calesium. See Cala and Gaul. CALATRAVA, a city of New Castile, Spain. See Cala- HORRA. CALCUTTA, capital of Bengal ; " from Cutta, a temple dedi- cated by the Hindvis to Caly, goddess of time, which was situated between the villages of Chuttamitty and Gobindpore." The Sans. Kali "is the name of a popular goddess, wife of Siva, named from her black complexion." (TJ'ilson.) Kuti, kuti, is a small house, cottage, hut ; in Bengal any large building. CALEDONIA, the ancient name of Scotland. Some derive Caledonia from Anc. Brit. Calyddon, " the country of forests ;" others from Gael, Celts, dun a hill — " the Celts of the hill country." Camden says kaled is hard, pi. kaledion, i. e. people hardy, rough, uncivilized, as northern nations in general are. Dr. ]Macp!ierson informs us that in Brit, and Gael, in or yn is a country, and that by joining together kaled nnH in, came kaledin, signifying a rough mountainous country ; which (as some assert) has been changed by historians into Calcdin, Calidon, and Caledon. Tiie most reasonable derivation is that from the Gael. CoHldaoine, " men of the woods," from ruill, cuille (Arm. call. Corn. /,clli. 56 LOCAL ETYMOLOGY. Ir. coill), a wood, tfaoine, pi. of duine, a man. Caledon in ancient writings is spoken of only as a division of Scotland ; Caledonia was latterly applied by the Romans to the whole of Scotland. (Camden.) Chalmers states that in early ages an extensive forest spread over the interior and western parts of the country on the W. side of the Forth and Clyde, to which the British colonists gave the descriptive name of Celyddon, lit. "coverts," and generally denoting a woody region ; and that the large tribe who then inhabited a great portion of the forest Celyddon, were con- sequently called Celyddoni and Celyddoniaid ; " the people of the coverts." CALICUT, a sea-port town in Malabar. The name of the place is properly Colicodu. Dr. Hamilton (Buchanan) gives the following account of the origin of the name. When Cheruman Permal, the first monarch of Malabar, had divided that country among his nobles, and had no principality remaining to bestow on tlie ancestor of the Tamuri, he gave that chief his sword, with all the territory in which a cock, crowing at a small temj/le in the town, could be heard. This formed the original dominions of the Tamuri, and was called Colicodu, or the cock-crowing. CAL'LANDER, a parish in Scotland. The name is generally supposed to be derived from Gael, calladh a ferry, and srhid a street, v>ay ; " the way leading to the ferry over the Teath, a little below where the present bridge stands." CALVARY, a hill outside Jerusalem, where Christ was cruci- fied ; so called from the skulls of dead men found there. Fr. Calvaire, It. Calvdrio. Literally, a place of skulls ; from L. Calcaria, lit. the skull ; from calva a skull, or scalp, the head ; from cahnis bald. CAM'BRAY, or CAMBRAI, in France (in L. Cameracum Nerviorura, Cameracum, Urbs Cameracensis). Some assert that this town was built by an ancient duke of Cimbria and Denmark named Cambro or Cambre, who walled it in and named it after himself; others think it was named Cambrai from the number of caverns (in O. Gaul. Cambres) and subterranean places found LOCAL ETYMOLOGY. 57 both ill the town and in its environs, where the original inhabi- tants were wont to put their goods in safety. CAMBRIA, another name for Wales. Cambria comes from Low L. Cambri (L. Cimbri), from Anc. Brit. Cymri, Ci/Dirt/, Kymbri, called by the Greeks Ki[X[j.spioi. The Kymri are by some considered to have been the first Celtic race that inhabited Britain. The better opinion seems to be that the Gauls, or Gaels, were the first settlers. The Kymri are said to have come from Jutland in Denmark. Some authors assert that this Celtic race anciently inhabited the country now called the Crimea (q. v.). Lemon derives Cymbri from Celt. A-ym a mountain, bro region. Owen thinks the more probable derivation is from brv, that which has existence, a womb, and the prefix cj/tn. He says Cymbni in W. means the place of existence or country, and that Cymro is the universal appellation by which the Welsh call themselves and every other people of the same race and language, wheresoever situate. CAMBRIDGE is said to take its name from the modern ap- pellation of the river Cam, on which it is situated ; and it is asserted that the ancient name of that river was the Granta, whicli is still retained above Cambridge ; and that there still exists a village not far from Cambridge culled Grantchester, anciently Grauta-ceaster. Cambridge is said to have been built on the site of the Roman Granta, and to have been anciently called Granta- brycge, Grantebrycge, Grantanbrycge, Grautebrige, Grantabric, Granthebrige, Grantebryge, Granntebrigge, Grantabrycg, and in Domesday Grentebrige. Cleland (Vocub.) says Cambridge is only a contraction of Cantalbureich, from cant head, al a school or college, bureich or reich a borough or bury ; " the head precinct of a college," or "principal college borough ;" and he says there are many reasons to believe that Cantalbury, Cambray, or Cam- bridge existed in the state of a head collegiate borough for ages before the Roman invasion. There is a Cambridge on tlie Severn, in Gloucestershire, which was anciently called Cwatbricge, Cant- Ijriege, (iuautelridge, and Quatbrig. {^ac Si)muerSi\\i\ Bo^worlli.) 58 LOCAL ETYMOLOGY. If Cam were tlie original name of the river, it rnigbt come from W. cam crooked, i.e. a river full of windings. Some derive grant in Grantebrige, from A. S. gron, a fen. The Welsh call Cam- bridge Caergrawnt. CAMBRIDGE, Cornwall, in Corn, means a crooked bridge. CANAAN, the laud of Canaan, was named after Canaan, Noah's grandson, by whom it was peopled, and who died there. See Gen. xii, 6, 7, xiii. 14, et seq. Canaan in Heb. means a merchant, a trader. CANADA. Sir John Barrow says, " When the Portuguese, under Caspar Cortereal, first ascended the St. Lawrence, they believed it to be the strait of which they were in search, and through which a passage might be discovered into the Indian Sea ; but on arriving at the point whence they could clearly ascertain that it was not a strait, but a river, they, with all the emphasis of disappointed hopes, exclaimed repeatedly, ' Canada !' " (Here nothing) — words which were remembered and repeated by the natives on seeing Europeans arrive in 1534, who naturally con- jectured that the word they heard employed so often must denote the name of the country. This derivation would be from Port. ca here, nuda nothing — Canada. Father Hennipin, confirming this early visit of the Portuguese, says that, finding nothing to gratify their desire for gold, they called the country El Capo de Nada, " Cape Nothing." Others assert that it was named after a M. Cane, a French nobleman. "The more generally received derivation, which is supported by the analogy of other names, is either that given by Charleroix from the Iroguis, kannata, 'a collection of huts,' or, by other writers, from two Indian words, l-an or can, a mouth, ada a country, "the mouth of the country;" originally applied perhaps fo the river St. Lawrence, and mistaken for the name of the province of Canada." CANTxVBRIA, in ancient geography, the name of a countrv on the coast of Spain, now comprehended by the provinces of Biscay, Alava, and Guipuscoa. The Abbe D'llharci says the people of this country derive their name, Cantabri, bv which thev were LOCAL ETYMOLOGY. 59 known to the Romans, from Khantor-ber, signifying sweet singers. But see Kent. CANTERBURY, under the Saxon Heptarchy, was the principal place in the kingdom of Kent, and at the time of the Norman Conquest it still possessed a castle. Tlie Britons called it Caer Ccnit, and in A. S. it is found written Cant-wara-hyrig, -hurghe, -buruh, and Cant-warse-burg. The name was afterwards changed to Cantuaria and Canterbury. The Kentish men were called Cant-waras. Wara is the A. S. waru, which in composition means people, inhabitants, from wer a man (Erse, fear, W. ffwt', L. vi?'), from Sans. vira. See Kent and Burh. CANTON from Chin. Kwang-tung, properly the province of Canton, but applied by Europeans to the town itself. Its real name is Kwang-chow foo-ching ; or Sang-ching, "the provincial city," or metropohs of the empire. Kicany means large, great, wide, extensive, tuny, east. CAPEL, in local names in Wales is the W. ccqiel a chapel. CAPRI {c(tj)'ree), an island in the Tuscan sea, formerly Caprece, so named from having once being famous for its wild goats. Capra, Caprca, Caprese, Capri. Capra is both L. and Etrusc. for a she-goat. CAP'UA, Italy. Virgil {2En. lib. x., 145) derives Capua from a leader named Capys ; Strabo (lib. v.) from cwput a head, because Capua is the head, i.e. the chief city of Campania. CARDIGAN, from Caredigion, i.e. the territory of Caredig, the first king of this district, who was succeeded by a long line of j)rinces. Or, " of caer and W. decan, ' dean's town.' " {Bailey.) CARGILL, a parish in Perthshire, said to be from Celt, caer a fortress, town, &c., cil a place of worship. CARISBROOK CASTLE, Isle of Wight. Leland, speaking of Newport, says, " There is also, fast by, an old castle which the Britons called Caerbro, because it stoade upon the sea ; for bro witli theim signified jvstuarium." " I take it to be the same that is now called Carcsbroke," says Laiubarde. This castle, however, is at some distance from the sea, but Newport stands on 60 LOCAL ETYMOLOGY. a river which falls into the sea at Cowes. " Between Yarmouth and the Needles, (he site of two other forts is known, and the points on which tliey stood hear the names of Carey'' s Sconce, and Worsley's Tower ; but no vestige of them exists." {Hist. I. of Wight.) It is possible that " Carisbrook " may have been cor- rupted from its Sax. name, Wiht-gara-burh, " the castle of the men of Wight." See Osborne, Pembrokeshire, and Kent. CARLISLE, CO. Cumberland, from W. caer a town ; and Luell ; or from Cai- Lualid, from W. luyh a tower, gwall a trench ; i.e. a fort nigh a trench ; for there is a Roman trench to be seen just by the city to this day. {Bailey.) Luel is said to be a Sax. corruption of Luguvalhim, a Roman station mentioned in the Itinerary of Antoninus. CARLSRUHE, or KARLSRUHE {J(arlsroo-a), capital of the Grand Duchy of Baden, from G. Karl's-ruhe, " Charles' rest." It owes its origin to the Margrave Charles of Baden, who first built a hunting seat on this spot. CARLSTADT, or KARLSTADT, in the Austrian province of Agram (Hung. L. Carolostadium, Slav. Karlovec:), may have its name from the fortress constructed there in 1579 by the Arch- duke Karl of Syria. CARMEL, Mount, in Syria. According to some writers Carmel in Heb. means "the vine of God," and is constantly used to signify a fruitful spot, or any place planted with trees ; and this mount especially, we are told, was very fertile, particularly on the top. Mr. Sandys says that when cultivated it abounds with olives, vines, and a variety of plants and herbs, both medicinal and aromatic. (See also Ilierom. Loc. Hebr. ; Bochart, Hieroz. part I., lib, ii. c. 48 ; Josh. xix. 26.) Others say Carmel means a garden, orchard, and is formed from the noun DID kerem, a vineyard, and that the termination el has only a diminutive force. CARNAC, a village or small town in Bretagne in France, remarkable for the remains of an extensive Celtic monument, having some resemblance to that at Stoneheno-e. Some assert LOCAL ETYMOLOGY. 61 that in the Breton language Carnac means " field of flesh." Ducange translates it a burial place, cemetery. The name is most probably derived from the Gael, carnach abounding in cairns, from cam, cairn, cuirn (Corn. W. and Ir. cam), a heap of stones loosely thrown together. CARNOCII, the name of a parish, and of a village, and of other places in Fifeshire. There is also Carnock House in Lanark, and Carnock Castle and Carnock "Water in Stirling. Some say Carnock means a village or collection of houses adjoining a small hill, from Gael, cam, cairn, a monumental heap of stones, a barrow, a cairn, and cnoc, cnoic, a hillock, little hill, knoll, eminence. " The cnocs were the ancient scenes of religious cere- monies, and, in process of time, of festivity among the Gael ; lience cnoc-aireachd signifies merry-making." {Armstrong.) But see Carnac. CARPENTARIA, the Gulf of, in the N. coast of Australia, discovered and surveyed by the Dutch Gei^eral Carpenter, after whom it was named. CARPETANIA, Spain, the L. form of the Basq. yara-be, signifying the place at the foot of the hills. CARR, in names of places in Lincolnshire, as in Morton-Carr, near Gainsborough, Ilaxey-Carr, Star-Carr, Axholm-Carr, is said to mean a woody, moist, or boggy giound, a wood in a boggy place ; from Dan. carr a pool. " The soil (Isle of Axholme) by the water, be fenny and morische and ful of carres." (Leland, Itin. vol. i. 39, 40. See also Whitaker, Hist. Craven, 421.) The A. S. carr is a rock ; north country, carrock. CARRICK, CARRICKFERGUS, &c. Carrick in local names in Ireland is the Ir. carraiy or cruiy, a rock, also a castle built on or near a rock ; as Carrickfergus, castle of Fergus ; Carrick-on- Shannon, Carrick -on-Suir, castle on the Shannon, &c. CAIUION, a river in Scotland which falls into the Forth, near Falkirk ; a corruption of Gael, carunn, contraction of car-amhainn, from car bending, twisting, tortuous, winding, amhainn a river. Chalmers says car, carra, and carron, mean winding water, and 62 LOCAL ETYMOLOGY. that there are several winding streams in N. Britain named Carron. See Avon. CARSIIALTON (case/iawton). The name of this parish was anciently written Aulton, i.e. Old Town. About the reign of King John it assumed the name of Kersaulton ; it was afterwards varied in the records to Kersalton, Carsalton, Cresalton, and Kresalton. It has now for nearly two centuries been uniformly written Carshalton. {Lysons.) CARTHAGE. Some say this city was first called Utica, or the ancient, and that when Dido arrived there she called it Carta- hadath, or Carthadt, the new city, which the Greeks converted into Kcipy^Y'Ojv, and the Romans into Carthago. Among the more ancient Romans, however, the name of this city (derived from the Carthaginians themselves) was Cataco, as appears from the Columna Rostrata of Duilius. (Rees.) The Phoen. kartha. Pun. kartu, cartha, means a city. CARY, or CAREY, a river in Somerset ; qu. W. garw rough. See Yarrow. CASPIAN SEA, an inland sea of W. Asia. Strabo derives the name from the Caspii, who inhabited its south coast. CxlSSEL, the name of many places in Germany ; from O. G. castell a castle, from L. castellum, id. ; lit, any fortified place, dim. of castrum, a stronghold, fortress, camp ; lit. a large hut, from casa, perhaps from Sans. vdsa. Thus, vasa, uasa, quasa, casa, castra, and castrum, castellum, castell, Cassel. See Ches- ter, from same root. CASSITERIDES (Gr.), "whither the Phoenicians from Gades (Cadiz), and the Romans after them, went for tin." The Cassiterides are supposed to have been either the Scilly Islands or the peninsula of Cornwall. From Gr. y.a.T(rir sprig (mentioned in Homer), tin, or perhaps pewter, which some derive from the Sans, kdstira. Bochart says "Jonathan has kastira ; the Hierol. interpres kistara ; the Arabs kasdir ; that in some authors kas- titerion is used for starmum, and that Buxtorf translates gasteron as orichalcum, which is the same as x-OLircnrBpoQ. (See Herodotus, iii. 115; Strabo, iii. 1/5.) LOCAL ETYMOLOGY. 63 CASTILE, a province of Spain, was so named from tlie numerous forts erected by Alfonso I. for its defence ; from L. castellum a castle. See Chester and Cassel. CATALONIA, a large province of Spain, from Sp. Catahma, formerly Cafala?ua, said to be corrupted from Gothalania, from Gothi and Alauni, two peoples who invaded the eastern parts of Spain after the breaking up of the Western Empire. CAT'MOSS, the Yale of, co. Rutland ; from Celt, coct maes, a wooded plain. (^Camden.) CAUCASUS. In Persia they call high mountains kaf, and some think Caucasus may come from Koh-haf, i.e. Mount Kaf; but it must be remarked that this people do not know the Caucasus except under the name Elbrouz. Pliny says the name is of Scythian origin, and that Krau-hasus means " white moun- tain." A French writer observes that at all events it is certain that the primitive word from which Caucasus has been corrupted, expresses in general the idea of a mountain ; that the Armenians have continued to call this chain Kaukas or Kavkas ; the Georgians lal-Bouz, the Turc. for criniere de glace, or ledi-ial- bouz, les sept crinieres de glace. In Georgia they also frequently call it Themi. See Bescherelle, Diet, de Geog., Paris, 1857. CAYENNE {ka-en'), a city and province in Guyana or Guiana, America, from which its name may have been corrupted. CEFN, in local names in Wales, is the W. cefn (cevn) the back, upper side, a ridge, cevi/n o der, a ridge of land, a long extended mountain ; cevnen, a gentle rising hill. CERIGO, an island on the coast of Laconia, in Peloponnesus ; corrupted from Gr. Kv^tipa, ( Cythera.) It was especially sacred to Yenus, who was on that account called KuSe^sia, Kl-Sij^ij. CEllREG, in local names in Wales, is the W. carreg a stone. CERRIG Y DRUIDION {kerrig-e-drideon), a village in N. Wales, The name in W. means the rock of the Druids. See Cerrig. CEYLON, an island in the E. Indies, lying off the Coromandcl coast, and by some considered to be the finest and richest in the world ; from Port. Selun, some say Ceildo, a corruption of SinliaUi- 64 LOCAL ETYMOLOGY. dwipa (and so called iu the Singhalese annals), i.e. the island of lions. Sans, sinha. Hind, singh, a lion ; Sans, divipan an island. " In Sans, writings it is called Lvnka, i.e. holy or resplendent, The Arabs named it Serendib, a corruption of the genuine name. It has been called Hebenaro, ' the fertile island ;' Eclam, ' the insular kingdom ;' and Tenessirim, ' the place of delight.' To the Greeks and Romans it was known under the name of Taprobane and Salice." In Mai. it is now written . J»jw selan. Sinha, Siuhala, Singala, Singalese, Cingalese. CHALLOCK, or CHALK, in Kent, corrupted from A. S. cealc-hythe, i.e. chalk-hithe. See Chr., 785. CHANCERY LANE. "The same street hath since been called Chancery Lane, by reason that King Edw. III. annexed the House of Converts (between the Old Temple and the New) by patent to the office of Custos Rotulorum, or Master of the Rolls." (Stow.) " This Chancellor's Lane, now called Chancery Lane." (Siri/jJe.) CHANDERI, or CHAN DELI, a district in Hindustan, so named from Chandel, a tribe of Rajputs who claim to be of the Somabansi, or lunar race ; perhaps from Sans, chandra the moon, Pers. chdnd. Chanderi is also the name of a place on the left bank of the river Betwa. See Wilson. CHARING CROSS. Here stood formerly the village of Charing, and a cross erected by Edward I. to commemorate his beloved Queen Eleanor. The cross occupied the last spot on which her body rested in its progress to sepulture in Westminster Abbey. Some contend that Charing was so called from having been the resting place of his Majesty's chere reine (dear queen) ! CHARLESTON, United States ; "Charles's Town;" named after Charles II. CHARMOUTH, Dorset, situated at the mouth of the river Char. CHARTERHOUSE, London, a corruption of Chartreuse ; name of a celebrated Carthusian monastery suppressed at the Reformation, and which formerly existed on this spot. The name is derived from a still more celebrated monastery called LOCAL ETYMOLOGY. {)5 Chartreuse, in the Alps of Dauphiny, where the Carthusian order is said to have been first instituted. It was perhaps originally founded by a chartre or letters patent, from L. charta paper, everything written on paper ; from Gr. y^ap-rriQ. The It. Certusa, G. Km-thaus, and Carthusian are synonymous. CHARYBDIS, a dangerous whirlpool in the Strait of Messina, Sicily, and nearly opposite to Scylla, on the coast of Italy ; (L.) from Gr. y^a-ovpoiQ an abyss, from %aa; (obs.) to stand open, be empty, gape, and poiftSsM, to eugulph or absorb with a noise, to suck down ; poi^ioe the gush, the rush of water (a word formed by sound). Bochart derives it from Pun. khor-obdan, " the hole of perdition." CHELMSFORD, Essex, named from its situation near the ancient ford of the Chelmer. Chelmer's-ford, Chelmesford, Chelmsford. CHELSEA. In the most ancient records (Chart. Edw. the Confessor) the name of this place is written Cealchylle. This is not satisfactory to Lysons, because there is neither chalk nor hill in the parish. In Domesday it is written Cercehede and Chelched ; in deeds in the time of Edward II. Chelchey. The most common way of spelling the name for centuries after the Conquest was Chelcheth or Chelchith. In the 16th century it began to be written Chelsey, and the modern way of spelling the name is onl}'^ about a century old. Skinner derives the name from shelves of sand, and ey, or ea, land situate near water ; but he admits that it is written in ancient records Cealchyth, in A. S. chalky haven. Newcourt derives it from ceald or cele, cold, hyth heath. Nordeu says it was called Chelsea from the nature of the place, whose strand is like the chesel (ceosel or cesol) which the sea castcth up of sand and pebble-stones, thereof called Cheselsey, briefly Chelsea, as is Chelsey in Sussex ; and Lysons says this latter etymology is best supported by fact. Others derive the name from A. S. ceoles-iye — ceol a ship, small bark, vessel, ?V/an island. Somner says, " insularis olim et navibus accommodata, ut nomen significat." See Lysons, Skinner; Newcourt, Repert. vol. 1, p. r)83 ; Xordcn, Sjjcc. Brit. p. 1 7. QQ LOCAL ETYMOLOGY. CHELTENHAM, co. Gloucester, the dwelling (A. S. ham) oa the Chilt ; a rivulet which runs past the town and falls into the Severn . CHELVINTON. Some derive this name from A. S. cealf a calf, tun an enclosure, garden, village, town. CHERBOURG {share' boorg), found written Chierisburgh, a sea-port in France. The name is said to be a contraction of CcBsaris burgus, " Cfesar's town." See Guillaume de Jumiege, liv. 4 ; Hist, des Normands, chap. 7 ; Jan, La Vie de Geoffroy de Bel, Comte d'iVnjou, and Menage. CHERRY, a termination of local names in the East Lidies, is the Tam. and Mai. cheri a town, village, hamlet (Pers. ^ shar a city), as Pondicherry, originally Puducheri, a new village or town ; Paraicheri, a village of Pariahs. See Wilson. CHERSONESE, a tract of land of any indefinite extent, nearly surrounded by water, but united to a larger tract by a neck of land, or isthmus ; a peninsula. There are many so called among the ancients, and five were more celebrated than the rest ; but the word is especially applied to the Thracian Chersonese, extending along the Hellespont. Jutland is the Cirabric Chersonese ; the Crimea, the Tauric Chersonese, i. e. the peninsula inhabited by the Tauri, a people of European Sarmatia. From Gr. '^(Epu-ovricror, Att. "^appovricroQ, from yj^poq, yspffog, land, continent, vrycroc island, peninsula. CHERTSEY, from A. S. Ceortes-ig, " Cerot's island." CHESHIRE, contraction of Chestershire. See Chester. CHESTER, from A. S. ceaster, cester, from L. castnmi. '* The names of all places ending in caste?; cester, and Chester were probably sites of a castrum, i.e. a fortress built by the Romans. The Saxon word is burg!^ {Bosivorth.) Castrum, says Riddle, " is literally a large hut ; then in military science a fort, redoubt, intrenchment ; hence a stronghold, fortress ; pi. several intrenchments or redoubts lying in a quadrangular form ; hence a camp. The Roman army pitched a camp after each march ; hence castra with numerals for a day's march." Among many names of places ending in chest er, &c., we LOCAL ETYMOLOGY. 67 have Chichester, Dorchester, Ilchester, Manchester, Wmchester, Lancaster, Gloucester, Worcester. See Cassel and Bicetre. CHEYNE, CHEYNEY (fsha-ne), m local names, as in Cheyue Walk, Chelsea ; Cheyney Court, Winchester, are corrupted from the Fr. chene an oak. In the Norman times the Bishop's Court at Winchester was held under an oak tree. CHICHESTER, formerly Cissa-ceaster, "the fortress of Cissa." ** Cissa succeeded his father in the government of the South- Saxon territory. He fixed the seat of his government on the site of Regnum, and gave both the origin and name to Cissan- ceaster, Chichester." (Horsfield, Sussex.) See Chester. CHIDLEY", Devon, " from A. S. cid a contention, ley a lock, or leffe a field ; i. e. a ground about which controversies arise, the right of possession thereof being disputable." (^Bailer/.) CHINA, from Chin, chung-kwo, i.e. the middle nation ; chung middle, kivo, kwe, a general name for a state or nation, a kingdom, an empire. " A name," says Morrison, " claimed for Arabia by some of the Mohamedan writers in China." This word may have come through the Pers. or Arab. The Buddhists write Che-na ; the Persians .,js~^ ckin. Others say China derives its name from that of the dynasty of Tsin. The natives sometimes call it Tang-shan, " Hills of Tang," the name of one of their most celebrated dynasties. China was known to the ancients under the name of Sinse and Seres. CHINAB, a river in Hindustan. Chinab, Chenaub, or Chunaub is said to be a corruption of its former Sans, name, Chandra-bhdga, " garden of the moon," and to have been so called because it proceeds from a small lake of that name ; but that the Sans, name was not adopted by the followers of Alexander, because it sounded like Sandaro-phagos, i.e. Alexander-eater. Chandra-baga, Chandraba, Chandrab, Chanrab, Chanab, Chinab. CHIPPING. From A. S. ceapian, to bargain, chaffer, trade, comes ceap, a bargain, sale, business, price, cattle, saleable com- modities, whence Cheapside, London, also Chepstow, INIoninouth ; i.e. a place for sale, a market. From ceap comes ceuping buying, merchandise, and then chipping ; as Chipi)ing Barnet, Herts ; 68 LOCAL ETYMOLOGY. Chipping Norton, Oxon ; Chipping Ongar, Essex ; Chipping Sodbury, Gloucester; Chipping Warden, Northampton ; Chipping Wycomb. From ceuping come Ceaping-ham, Cyppenham, and Chippenham, Wilts ; lit. market-abode or place. In like manner from Sw. hop, to purchase, comes hoping a borough, market. This word is found in many names of places in Scandinavia, particularly in Sweden ; as Koping, Jonkoping, Lidkoping, Lin- koping, jNIalmkoping, Norrkoping, Nykoping, Soderkoping, &c, CHIRBURY, Salop, found written Cyric-byrig, Cereburih, and Cyrebury, " the church city ;" from A. S. circe, circ, cyric, a church, and bitrg. See Bosivorth, also Chr. 915, Ing. CHIRK, a village, co. Denbigh, N. Wales : perhaps a cor- ruption of Ceiriog, name of the river on which it stands. " Chirk Castle, situated about a mile from this village, was erected upon the site of a more ancient fortress called Castell Crogen." CHISWICK, (c/iiz'ic/i). This parish is not found in Domes- day, but it is mentioned in various ancient records by the names of Ceswyck, Cheswyck, and Cheswick. There is a tradition that within the last hundred years a very considerable mart or fair for cheese was annually held in the field called the Great Downs, nearly opposite the Duke of Devonshire's ; and if so, we here possess the most probable derivation of the name of the village, which in all the more ancient writings is spelt Chesewick or Ches- wick. (Faulkner, Hist. Brentford, &c.) CHIUSI {ke-oo'se), in Tuscany, a corruption of its ancient name, Clusium. CHIVERTON, Cornwall, in Corn, means "a house in the green lay." Some derive it from Chi-var-ton, " a house upon the hill." Todn, formerly t6n, is "lay ground ;" ton a hill. CHRISTIANIA, capital of Norway. It formerly bore a diiferent name ; it has its present appellation from Christian IV., by whom it was rebuilt. CHURNE, or CHURN, a river in Gloucestershire. It was called by the Romans Corin. Qu. W. chwyrnxo.yiA, cyrn pretty ; or it mB.y be another orthography of Carron. CILLY, a very ancient town situated between Gratz and LOCAL ETYMOLOGY. 69 I aibacli, in Austria. It was founJed by the Emperor Claiulius, who called it Celleia, whence its present name has been corrupted. CINQUE PORTS {sink). Hastings, Dover, Tlythe, Romney, Sandwich, are called the Cinque (i.e. the five) Ports ; from Fr. cinq five, from L. quinque, Gr. kbvxb, Dor. for TTsvre, from ^&\is. pancha. See Port. CINTAIL {kin-tale), a parish in Scotland ; from Gael, ceann- tail, more correctly ceann ant-sail, "the boundary of the sea." {Armstrong ^ CIRCASSIA. " Pomponius jNLela calls the Circassians Sar- gaciens ; by the Turks they are called Tcherkes, or Kerkes ; by the ancients Zageens, and ' Inhabitants of the Mountains ;' which agrees with the denomination Peng-dagui, which some Oriental geographers give this people ; lit. 'the five mountains'— the number certain for the number uncertain." The Turks write Tcherukasah for Circassia, also Tcherkeslik. Cheriikiah means place of pasturages, a prairie. Other writers say these people are called Tscherkess, Tscherkessi, and Tscherkessians by the Rus- sians, and that the name is of Tartar origin, compounded of tucker a road, kesmek to cut off. "They call themselves Adeches or Adekhes, a name denoting a mountain ravine on the sea ; but their neighbours, the Nogai Tartars, call them Tcherkesses, which well expresses the ferocity of their disposition, being derived from tsherk to cut off, kes the head, whence their European name." {Malte Brun.) CI'RENCES'TER (locally sis'estcr), co. Gloucester. The name is found written Cyren-ccaster and Cyrn-ceaster. It was a military station of the Romans, who called it Coriiiium or Cornn- vium, and Corin Castra. Ptolemy writes Corinium ; Richard of Cirencester, Corinum ; Antonius, Durocornovium. It takes its name from its situation on the river Churne, Churn (Corin), which enters the Thames at Cricklade. See Chester and Churne. CIVITA VECCIIIA {chicitah vek'ke-a) the name of several cities, but particuhuly of one in Italy, and one in Malta, lit. " the old city ;" from It. vecchia old, civitu a city, from L. ciritds from civis a citizen. 70 LOCAL ETYMOLOGY. CLAPIIAM. This parish, in all probability, received its appel- lation from one of its proprietors. Osgod Clappa was the name of the Danish lord at whose daughters rnarriage-feast in Lambeth Hardicanute died. In Domesday, however, this place is called Clopeharn. (Li/sons.) CLARE, a parish, co. Galway, Ireland, takes its name from the river Clare, which runs through it. CLA'VERING, a parish in Essex. The name is said to be from A. S. dcufra violets, ing a meadow or pasture. CLAVVDD OFFA, in Wales. A dike thrown up in the fiftii century by Offa, King of Mercia, to prevent the incursions of the Welsh, and to form their boundary. The name signifies "Offa's dike." (W. c/«M;c/c?a ditch,) CLAYHANGER, or CLAYHONGER, Suffolk, from A. S. dcetjhangre ; so called from its clayey situation. (Chr. 1016.) CLERE (Jdeer). This affix signifies a royal residence or epi- scopal palace in the north of Hampshire. Kingsclere was a royal de- mesne in the reign of Queen Elizabeth ; at Burgclere, the bishops of Winchester resided ; and from Highclere Wilham of Wykeham dated his will. Or it may be the name of the Cornish saint, St. Cleere. (iV. ^- Q.) Qu. A. S. cleric, clerc, clere ; L. clericus. CLERKENWELL, found written Clarkenwell, means either " Clarke's well," or the " Clerks' well." The pump near Clerk- enwell Green bears the following inscription: — " A.D. 1800. Willm. Bound, Joseph Bird, Churchwardens. For the better accommodation of the neighbourhood, this pump was removed to the spot where it now stands. The spring by which it is supplied is situate 4 feet eastward, and round it, as history informs us, the parish clerks of London in remote ages annually performed sacred plays. That custom caused it to be denominated Clerks' Well, from which this parish derived its name. The water was greatly esteemed by the prior and brethren of the Order of St- John of Jerusalem, and the Benedictine nuns in the neighbour- hood." CLEVELAND, in Yorkshire ; q. d. Cliff Lane, by reason of its being steep, and almost impassable with cliffs and rocks. LOCAL ETYMOLOGY. 71 {Bailey.) In like manner Cleves (whence Ann of Cleves), capital of the duchy of that name in Prussia, was so called from being built upon three little hills ; from L. cUvus a rising ground, height, hill. CLIFFORD'S INN, Fleet Street, derives its name from the Barons Clifford, ancestors of the Earls of Cumberland, who had a residence there many years since. {Herbert.) CLIST, formerly Clyst, a river in Devonshire ; whence the names of places called Bishop Clist, Honiton Clist, and Clist- haydon. CLOG HER, a bishop's see in Armagh, Ireland, takes its name from a small town in the barony of Clogher, co. Tyrone, which is said to have been so called from a golden stone (Ir. clock a stone, oir golden), formerly consulted there by the Druids for oracular answers. CLON is a very common prefix of local names in Ireland, as in Cloutarf, Szc. Cluain, cluaine, cluainna, occur less frequently. In Ir. cluaine is a plain, lawn, a remote or retired situation. Qu. CLOUGH or CLEUGH {kluf), in Lancashire, and in some other northern counties, means a straight, narrow hollow between high steep banks ; from A. S. dough, a cleft or fissure in the steep as- cent or descent of a hill. Clench in Scotland, has the like mean- ing ; it sometimes signifies a rugged precipice. CLUNBURY, CO. Salop, named from its situation on the river Clun. See Burg. CLYDE, a river in Scotland. Chalmers derives it from W. Cluyd, from Anc. Brit, chjd, warm, sheltered. COBLENTZ was called by the Romans Confluentes, from its situation at the confluence of the Rhine and IMoselle. Conflu- entes, Confluents, Cofluents, Cobluents, Coblcnts, Coblcntz. COCHIN CHINA, that part of Eastern Asia which commonly goes by the name of " India without the Ganges." The present name is not, it is said, known to the natives, and was given to it by the Portuguese, who, on their arrival, finding it was called Koe-chen or Cochin, in order to distinguish it from Cochin on the coast of Malabar, added China, calling it, as it were, Cochin 72 LOCAL ETYMOLOGY. of China. Perhaps by Koe-chen is meant Keaou-che, by which name (sometimes abbreviated to cJie) it was known in the time of Han. In the classics it is called Nan-keaou. The natives distinguish it by the name Dang-trong, " the interior or central country," and they call Tonkin, Dang-ngoai, "the exterior country," They also call Cochin China, Nuoc Anam, " kingdom of peace of the south ;" from C. Chin, nuoc kingdom, an peace, rest, nam the south. Hamilton derives Cochin in ^Malabar from cach'hi a morass. COCKERMOUTH, in Cumberland, named from its situation near the mouth of the Cocker. It would appear by the map to be at some distance from the mouth of this river, but it is pos- sible the land may have gained upon the water along this part of the coast. " Its name is derived from its position on the river Cocker, at the point of its confluence with the Derwent. The Cocker flows from Buttermere "Water, and, after passing through Crummock Water, divides the town of Cockermouth into two equal parts, which communicate with a stone bridge." (P. Cyc.) COED (ko-id), in local names in Wales, is the W. coed a wood ; as Bettws-y-Coed. COIMBATORE, for Kayambatur. See Ore. COLCHESTER, formerly Coln-ceaster, " a fortress on the river Coin." (A. S. ceaster fortress.) COLD HARBOUR, a not unfrequent local name, as Cold Harbour Lane, Camberwell. Sir Rich. Colt Hare says, he always found the term " Cold Harbour " in the vicinity of a Roman road. From Anc. Brit, col a hill, arbhar an army ; also a military sta- tion. Owen {TV. Diet.) gives col-arbhar. But see Gent. Mag. Dec. 1844. p. 612. COLLEYSTOWN. "Queen Elizabeth granted Castletown, otherwise Young CoUeystown, &c , in King's County, Ireland, to Robert Colley, Esq., on 3d Feb., 1562, which on his decease without issue, were granted to Sir Thomas Moore, ancestor of the Earl of Charleville." {Lodge, vol. iii. p. 58. See also Gent. Mag. vol. xi. for Jan. 1839, p. 73.) COLLUMPTOX (koUum'ton), found written Columpton, LOCAL ETYMOLOGY. 73 Columbton, Cuilompton, Cullumj)ton ; a town in Devon, situated on the Culm or Columb — a tributary of the Ex — whence its name. COL^MKILL or Ikohnkill, the island lona, one of the Hebrides, near Mull ; contracted from Columbkill, i.e. Columhce cella. (Bosworth.) COLNBROOK (Bucks). B?-ook may here be a corruption of hrhhje. " Colebrook, so called from the river Cole, because it is here parted into four currents, but is joined by four bridges." {Bailey.) COLNES {koanes), the name of four contiguous parishes in Essex, receiving their general appellation from the river Colne, which flows through them. Earl's Colne, Engaine (Gain's) Colne, Wake's Colne, White Colne. Colne is the name of several rivers in England. Qu. W. cul narrow, strait, confined ; culni, nar- rowness, &c. COLNEY HATCH {kony). See Hatch. COLOGNE, on the Rhine, was anciently called Civitas Ubio- rum. Agrippina, mother of Nero, who was born here, sent hither a colony of Romans, and gave it her own name, calling it Colonia Agrippina, from the former of which it has its present name. (G. Koeln, K'Oln, Coeln, Coin, pron. keln.) COLUMBIA, a district of the United States, named after Columbus. COL'YTON, or Culliton, a town in Devon, on the little river Coly, a feeder of the Axe. COMB, COMBE, COOMBE, CUMBER, in local names in England — as in Combe St. Nicholas (Somerset), Ilfracombe, Alcomb, Boscomb, Chilcomb, Combhill, Combe St, Nicholas (Cumberland) - is the A. S. comb a low place enclosed with hills, a valley (Anc. Brit, kum or cuum, W. cw7h, Low L. comha and ciunba terrce). Sometimes the name of the owner is annexed, as in Comb Basset, Comb Raleigh. Sometimes b is changed intoy;, as in Com[»toii (q. v.). Charles Nodier, {Conies choisies, "La Combe de riiotnme mort," Paris, 1B5G), gives the following note on this word: — " Coinbe cbt nil mot trcs Franrais, (jui siguifie une 74 LOCAL ETYMOLOGY. valine etroite et courte, creusee entre deux montagnes, et oii I'industrie des hommes est parvenue a introduire quelque culture. 11 n'y a pas uu village dans tout le royaume ou cette expression ne soit parfaitement intelligible ; mais on I'a oniise dans le Dic- tionnaire, parce qu'il n'y a point de combe aux Tuileries, aux ChainpsElysees, et an Luxembourg." Comhen\Vi.y be a French word, but, if so, it has been either borrowed from the Saxon or the Celtic. COMPTON, from A. S. comhe, W. cwni, a dell, tun an enclo- sure, village. CONDA, in local names in India, may be the Tel. konda a hill ; a cluster of a few huts apart from the main village. CONSTANCE, a town and lake. See Bregenz. CONSTANTINOPLE, "the city of Constantine ;" Gr. TfiKiQ a city. CONWAY, properly Conwy, a river in N. Wales, called by the Romans Conovium. Dr. Pughe translates Conwy " The Dart stream ;" others derive it from Cyn-wy, i.e. chief water. From Conwy comes Aberconwy, " the efflux of the Conwy," in Caer- narvon. The Romans called it Aberconovium. See Aber. CONZ (Jiontz), a village between Treves and Luxemburg, near the mouth of the Saar. It has its name from the Emperor Constantine, who is said to have had a summer palace here, traces of which are still visible. COP, COPE, in local names in England, as in Horcop, Warcop ; also Moldcop, Cheshire, means a hillock, mound ; from A. S. cop the head. COPENHAGEN, from Dan. Koben-havn, i.e. "the mer- chants' haven or port." The Swedes call it Kopenhamn. CORDILLERAS (kordil-yair'as.) The Andes or Cordilleras, are a chain of mountains in S. America. From Sp. cordillera, a chain or ridge of mountains. CORDO'VA, a city of Spain. Bochart writes Corduha, which he derives from Pbcen. chardohaal, meaning " his fear is Baal." The Phoenicians doubtless founded Cordova, but they called it Kartabah, which may be from karta-Baul, i.e. city of Baal. See Carthage. LOCAL ETYMOLOGY. 75 CORK, Ireland, formerly Corkan ; from the Ir. corcach a moor, a marsh, having been originally built on a low marshy island. CORNANT, in local names in Wales, is the W. cornant 9.hxook, rill, small ravine ; from cor a point, nant a hollow formed by vi'ater, ravine, mountain torrent, brook. CORNWALL. It is said that the original British name was Cernyiv, i.e. a horn, or promontory. The name is supposed by Dr. Borlase to have been changed, by the intercourse of the natives with the Romans, into Cornubia, which it retained until the Saxons im- posed the name of Weales on the Britons, driven by them west of the Severn and Dee, calling their country in Latin Wallia ; after which, finding the Britons had retreated not only into Wales, but into the more western extremities of the island, the Latinists changed Cornubia into Cornwallia — a name not only expressive of the many natural promontories of the country, but also implying that the inhabitants were Britons of the same nation and descent as those of Wales — and from Cornwallia comes Cornwall. Others seem to think that Cornwall was named after Cornouailles, a canton of France, in Bretagne. Lamartiui^re says Cornouailles, in L. Cornu GuUice, Hicans "point of France," and that it was so called because, jutting out into the ocean in the form of a peninsula, it makes a sort of " horn of Gaul" (Cornu GaUise), as Longuerue expresses it. He says that Cornu Gallice accords with Cornouailles only, and that Cornwall was most probably so called because it has a point which juts out and resembles somewhat the canton of Cornouailles. COROMANDEL COAST. That part of the eastern coast of India which forms the shore of the Bay of Bengal ; originally Choramandel, or rather Cholamandal, i.e. the country of the Chola, an ancient dynasty of this part of India. (Hind, mundul, utandul, a circle, orbit, district, province, country.) CORSCOMBE, in W. Corscw?n. Qu. W. cors a bog, fen, cwm (A. S. comb) a valley. CORSICA, an islajid in the Mediterranean, belonging to France. In the time of the Romans, two colonies were founded there; the one by Marius, the other by Sylla. The inhabitants were then called Corsi. liocliart says tlie Carthaginians called this island 76 LOCAL ETYMOLOGY. Corsis, which he derives from Phoen. ''W\^n chorsi, a woody place, because this was the most woody of all the islands in that quarter. See Bochart, Geog. Sacr. Diou. Perieg., v. 458 ; and Theophr. lib. V. c. 9. COR'WEN, N. Wales, said to mean " the white choir ;" from W. cdi' choir, given white, fair. Goriven means extremely white or fair, white topped, for (/oi-wijn ; gor very, givf/n white, fair, pleasant. COTE, COT, COTT, found as a compound in local names in England, as in Northcote, Southcote, Westcote, Balscote (perhaps for Belet's Cote), Cottington, Cotsmore, Cotswold, is either the A. S. cota, cyta, a cot, cottage, den, cave, or the Brit, eoet^a wood. COTSWOLD, a district in Gloucestershire. Rudder {Hist. Glost. p. 21) derives the name of " the noble champaign country, which runs through the county, and abounds in verdant plains, downs, cornfields, parks, woods," &c., from the Brit, coed a. wood, and A. S. weuld a wood ; others derive Cotswold from A. S. cota, cyta, a cot, cottage, den, cave, and ivold a place without wood. The late Michael Jones considered the latter etymology as better descriptive of the higher district of the Cotswold division of Gloucestershire ; somewhat resembling the South Downs and Salisbury Plain, though more enclosed and denuded of wood. Cowel translates Coteswold, "several sheep-cotes and sheep feeding on hills;" cotland, cot-sethland, land held by a cottager, whether in soccage or villenage ; cotellus a small cottage. See Cote. COTTA, in local names in Hindustan, may be the Hind. cu»^ Jiot or kota (in some dialects, cote, kotli, kotta, and kottai,) a fort, stronghold, a fortified residence of a zamindar, the wall of a fort. COURTRAIorCOURTRAY(/:oo/-7r«y), in W. Flanders (Flem. Kortryk). In the time of the Romans it was called Cortoriacum or Corturiacum. Lamartiniere says it is a very ancient town. "II est fait mention des soldats ou cavaliers nommez Cortoriacenses, dans la notice de I'empire ecrite il y a environ treize cents ans. St. Ouen (dans la vie de St. Eloy) fait mention des peuples Corturiacenses, dout St. Eloy etoit pasteur, aussi bien que des Flamands et des LOCAL ETYMOLOGY. 77 Gaulois. II est fait mention plusieurs fois clans les capitulaires du pays de Couvtray, Pacjus Ciirfricisus." The etymology dees not appear to be settled. See also Longuerue, Desc. de la France, part 2, p. 60. COUTANCE (Jiootaionce), a town in Normandy, said to have been built by the Emperor Constantius Chlorus, father of Con- stantine the Great, and who called it after his own name, Con- stantia ; whence, by corruption, its present name. COVENT GARDEN, a corruption of Convent Garden. COVENTRY, CO. Warwick, "from A. S. Cofantreo,h'om Cwent, the ancient name of a little river which runs past the town, and ree or tre a river." {Sonmer.) Others assert that the name, like Covent Garden, is derived from "Convent Garden," from a spacious convent, founded, says Leland, by King Canute, and destroyed by the traitor Edric in 1016. It is certain that in the reign of Edward the Confessor, in 10-14, Earl Leofric, a powerful lord of the large territory of Mercia, with his wife, the Lady Godiva, founded at Coventry a magnificent Benedictine monastery. (See P. Cyc.) Dugdale says tre is a Brit, word having the same import as villa in Latin. CRACOW {kra'ko), in Poland ; Pol. Krakow, G. Krakau ; said to take its name from Cracus, Duke of Poland, by whom it was built in 1700. Krah is the name of the Polish Cadmus, who slew the dragon in a cave at the rock called Wavel. CRAIG, in local names in Wales, is the W. crairj (Sco. and Ir. id., Gael, creag, Corn, karak, Arm. garrecg) a rock. CRAY. The Grays, viz., St. Mary's, St. Paul's, Foot's, and North Cray and Crayford, in Kent, take their name from the river Cray, which flows near them. As this part of the county is said to abound with chalk, the river may have received its name from that circumstance ; from Fr. craye or craie, from L. creta chalk, lit. Cretan earth. CRAYFORD, Kent, found written Crcccanford, Crecganford, Creacanford, Creganford ; " ford of the river Crec or Craye." See Cray. CREDITON, anciently written Chridiatoue, Cridiaton, Cri- 78 LOCAL ETYMOLOGY. deton, a town in Devon, near the junction of the brook Yeo with the river Greedy, a feeder of the Ex ; whence its name. (A. S. tun an enclosure.) The colloquial designation of this place is Kirton. CREED LANE, Ludgate Hill. See Paternoster Row. CRICKLADE, Wilts, found written Creccagelade, Cregelade, Criccelade, Criklade, and Creeklade. Some say this place was originally called Greeklade, from a famous school which the Greek philosophers instituted there, and that the University of Oxford was formed by an emigration of professors and students from this town. Others write Crecceglade, wliich they derive from A. S. crecca a brook, Indian to empty ; it being situated near the junction with the Thames of two small streams, the Churn and the Key. Again, others derive the name from the Brit, cerigivlad, abound- in o- in stones. Near Cricklade is the source of the Thames. CRIMEA. The Crimea derives its name from Ki[jjj.sciov, the ancient name of a small town in this peninsula. In more modern times, Kimmerion or Kimmeris has been designated Eski Crim, and Crim Staroi, or Old Crim, and is now called Leukopolis. See Cambria. CROATIA takes its name from the Croats, a tribe of the Wends, from Bohemia, who in a.d. 640 settled here. The ancient name of this people was Horwather, Ilrowathes, or Chrobates, of which the modern name is a corruption. Croatia is called by the inhabitants Horwath Orszag ; and by the Turks Khervat Mem- leketi. The Germans call the Croats, Croaten and Crabaten. CRONSTADT {krun-stat), from G. horie a crown, stadt a town, city. CROYDON. In Domesday and in records of later date, this place is called Croindene, and in A. S. Grogdcene. It is also found written Cradiden, Craydiden, Crondon, and Croidon. Some derive the name from A. S. crone sheep, dene a valley — a valley for sheep. This derivation, says Garrow, appears to be established by the situation of the old town, in the opening of a rich and beautiful vale, and, as Camden observes, lying under the hills ; and this vale, skirting the bottom of Banstead Downs, extends some miles up the country, having the hills for- LOCAL ETYMOLOGY. 79 merly covered with woods, on the east side, the west being open to the Downs. Others think the town was named from the quan- tity of chalk in its vicinity, because in Surrey no soil of this description is to be found nearer London than Croydon, and they derive the name from Fr. craye or craie, chalk, and Sax. dun a hill — "a town near a chalk-hill." In favour of this supposition, some refer to the villages of Foot's Cray, St. Mary's Cray, and Crayford, in Kent, and not far from Croydon ; all of which have been named from the river Cray, which flows near them in a part of the county abounding with chalk. CRUTCH'ED FRIARS, a place in the City of London, so called from a convent of Crouched Friars formerly situated there. " From Fr. freres croises, i.e. friars signed with a cross." {Bailey.) Crouch is an O. Eng. word for a cross, from L. crux, cis. The festival observed by Roman Catholics on the 14th of September in honour of the Holy Cross, was called Crouch ^lass. CUFA {hoo-fa), a town of Asiatic Turkey, near Bagdad. The Cufic characters, which prevailed among the Arabians for about 300 years, were named from this place, where they are said to have been invented ; from Arab. Kufa, which signifies also a round heap of red sand, or gravel mixed with sand. CUMBERLAND, from A. S. cumbraland, "a land of valleys ;" comb a valley, land id. Others say Cumberland is " the land of the Cumbri," i. e. the Kymbri or Kymri, who remained there for a long time after the rest of England was conquered. CURAgAO or CURAZAO {kuras'so), an isle in the Caribbean Sea, belonging to the Dutch, who took it from the Spaniards in 1G32. The esteemed liqueur, curacoa, is so called from being made here. The name of this isle may be of native origin, or it may have been christened by the Spaniards. The curassow is a genus of gallinaceous birds in S. America and Mexico. When the Spaniards took possession of this isle, it was possibly the haunt of these birds, whose name may have reference to their j)cculiar cry. 80 LOCAL ETYMOLOGY. CWM, in local names in Wales, is the VV. cwm a hollow, a shelter, a place between hills, a dingle, or deep valley. CYMMER (pi. cyiumerau), found in names of places in \yales, means the confluence of waters, and is synonymous with the Cymric aber and the Gael, inver (q. v.), compounded of cy^/ with, and ber or mer, one of the most ancient names for water, seas, lakes. {Arch. Williams.) CYPRUS, in the Mediterranean. Some derive this name from Gr. -KpuTttOQ hidden, " this island being often hidden by the waves from the eye of the sailor ;" others from Cyrus, who founded here the city of Aphrodosia ; but it was known by the name of Cyprus in Homer's time, i.e. 600 years before the birth of Cyrus." Festus says the ancients called it ^Erosa, " full of brass," because it abounded with this metal ; and some say this is why the Greeks called it KvirpoQ copper. KvitpoQ, however, seems rather to have been named from Cyprus, whence it was brought. The Greeks called this metal yjx.Xurjc, Kvirpioc, i. e. Cyprian brass, brass of Cyprus. The most probable derivation is that from the name of a shrub called by the Greeks xuTTpog, with which the island abounded. With the flower of this shrub the ancient inhabitants made a very sweet oil, greatly recommended by Pliny, and the shrub itself is now used by the Arabs and Turks to dye the nails, &c., being called by the former hanna, and by the latter kanna. See also Ptol. lib. ii. c. 7, lib. v. c. 31, and Cellar. Geog. Ant. t. 2. CZERNAWODA (shernavo'da), on the Danube. This name means "black water," from Illyr. c em black, voda (Pol. woda, Russ. voda) water. Voda may come from the root of Dur (q. v.). D. DAGH, in local names in Turkey, as in Maden Dagh, Emineh Dagh, i. e. the Hsemus or Balkan mountains, is the Turc. cU; tdffh, a mountain. LOCAL ETYMOLOGY, 81 DALECARLIA, or the Dales, iu Sweden, consists chiefly of the two great river basins, and numerous small branches of the Vesterdal and Osterdal (W. and E. Dal) rivers, which unite near Fahlun and there form the Dal. The word Dalecarlia is not known in Scandinavia. The Swedes call it Dalene {duhl'ena), "the valleys ;" the men call themselves DahlkuU, the women DahlkuUa. The Sw. kidl means brood, hatch (Sans, kulu, family, race, tribe). DALMATIA, a province of Austria, on the Gulf of Venice. Calmet translates Dalmatia " deceitful lamps," from Gr. ^olaoq a lamp, ij.arxix vain, but does not give any reason. Strabo (lib. vii. 6), states that the Dalmatians were in the habit of making a division of their fields every eighth year ; hence, says Dr. Webster, perhaps the name ; from deal and madh. He probably refers to the Gael, dealaich, to separate, part, and madh (now magh) a plain. Others derive the name from the Dalmatine, a small district between Sebenico and Scordoua. (P. Cyc.) Ac- cording to Strabo and Appian, Dalmatia was named after the Dalmates, who inhabited the city of Delminium or Delmium. It is often named Delmatia upon ancient medals and marbles, and bv Latin writers. Greek authors, with the exception of Polybius, call it Dalmatia. DAMASCUS, a city in Syria ; L. id., Gr. Aa(xa(r>coc. Bryant says Damasec means "the city of the prince." In Arab, shuykh is a prince, a chief; the Pers. dam signifies breath, air, scent, pleasure, society, hot, &c.; but in Arab. Damascus is written ^l^l^^ dam- shak. The Arab, damis is a soft sandy place ; damask, heat, thirst ; daimas, a place under ground, a cave, cavern. Calmet writes it in Heb. homeschech, and gives several very improbable etymologies, not worth repeating. This city is now locally called Shcim or rather Ash'sh^m, or Ash'shamah. Dr. Ilerbelot says some Eastern geographers derive .S7«/w from awart, because the country is studded over with a number of small hillocks, resembling those excrescences. Richardson says that black moles on the face have ever been considered in the East as extremely beautiful, and that circumstances fully as whimsical have often given names to jjlaces. The Arab, syim is a black spot. 82 LOCAL ETYMOLOGY. DANUBE ; G. I)o7iau, Hung. Buna, Turc. Tunah, L. Dami- bius. Bailey says the Romans may have called this river Danubius " from Teut. dannen, firs, those trees being planted along its banks ;" which is absurd. Webster thinks the Celt, dan, dian, bold, strong, vehement, impetuous, may be the root of both Danube and Don. Armstrong gives the Gael, don water (Arm. id.), " hence the Celtic name for the Danube, Donau ; or Dona may be don-aw the deep water, from Arm. don (Gael, domhainn), and au, amh, or abh, water ; mh and bh being silent in these words." See Don. D ARIEL, a pass in the valley of the Terek, on the road to Tiflis. The name is said to be derived from two Tartar words, signifying "narrow way." Qu. Turc. r7«r narrow, ?/f^^ way. DARTFORD, Kent, '« the ford of the river Darwent, Darent, or Dart." See Dartmouth. DARTMOOR, co. Devon, "the moor in which the river Dart rises." DARTMOUTH, Kent, from A. S. Dcerenta-muth, Berta- muthan, mouth of the river Dseranta, Deorwent, Derwent, Darwent, Darent, or Dart. See Derwent. DAUPHINY, an ancient province of France. Dauphiny was originally part of the country of the Allobroges, who were subdued by the Romans about 100 years B. C. Upon the declension of the Roman empire it fell under the dominion of the Goths, and other barbarous nations, but in the reign of Rodolph the Slothful, the counts of Albon made themselves masters of it, and their suc- cessors reigned there under the title of Dauphins of Vienne. In 1343, Humbert, Dauphin of Vienne, transferred his dominions to Charles, Duke of Normandy, grandson to Philip de Valois, upon condition that the eldest son of the king of France should always bear the title and arms of Dauphin of Vienne. " The title of Dau- phin is said to have originated in the circumstance of one of the counts of Albon, who reigned about the 9th century, having caused a dolphin to be painted on his shield, as an emblem of the mildness of his reign, these animals being reputed by the an- cients as friendly to man ; and about the middle of the 12th cen- tury it became a name of dignity, and was annexed to the pro- LOCAL ETYMOLOGY. 83 vince " The Dauphin is called in Latin Delphinus, and his crown is composed of four dolphins. The Delphin classics were com- piled for the use of the Dauphin, by command of Louis XIV. From Lat. delphinus, Gv.hKi\>iv. Qu. Arab. axxA Vqxs. dalfhi, delfiii, dulfin. " The dolphins, according to old poets, are ever attentive to the saving of man when in danger of drowning. The Arabians name the dolphins also, as well as the syrens, handt u'l hahr, ' the daughters of the sea,' whom the Persians likewise call malak-i darya, * the queens of the ocean.' " {Richardson.) DAURIxA. {daoo're-d). The portion of Siberia lying east of the basin of Selenga, and drained by the river Shilka and its two principal branches, the Ingoda and Onon, is called Da-uria, which is said to signify "boundary-country," or "border." {P, Cyc.) DEAD SEA, so called, as some assert, because no living object is found in it. Others say it derives its name from tlie dreary, desolate, and death-like character of the scenery in the \■icinit^^ It is known in Scripture under the names of the Salt Sea, the Sea of the Plain, and the East Sea. " The Greeks called it Asphaltites, from the sulphurous and bituminous matter which it casts upon its shores, and with which its waters are deeply impregnated." DECCAN, a term formerly applied to the whole of Hindustan, south of the Nerbuddab, but latterly limited to the country be- tween that river and the Kistnah ; from Pers. ^^^i^ dakhin, duk- kin or dakkan, corrupted from Sans, dakshina, the south. DEE, the name of rivers in Scotland, and of a river in Wales. Some say that Dee (Deva), means impulse, action, separation, and was obviously applied to these rivers for their quality of swiftness ; and that both the Dees in N. Britain, as mountain streams, are rapid, but that the name may also be derived from Brit, du black (pron. dee), which agrees with the dark colour of their waters. DELFT. Lamartinierc writes Dolpht, which, he says, means a canal ; and that this town was built upon the banks of the ancient canal whicli joined the Meuse to the Rhine, which some assert to be the same with the ditch of Corbulon, whereof Tacitus (Annals, lib. xi.) makes mention. In Low Lat. it is called Delphi, Dcl- phium and Delfum. Qu. D. delven to dig. c; 2 84 LOCAL ETYMOLOGY. DELHI, Hindustan. This city is said to be the Indraprast'hi or Indraput of Hindu history. The modern town was founded n 1631, by Shah Jehan, one of the most powerful of the Mongo emperors, and named after him, by the Persians, Shah- Jehan-pur, or Shah-Jehan-abad. Its present name is found written Deli, Delli, and Dehli. The natives call it ^^^ dilU or dihl'i {Bilwali an inhabitant oiBilli) . Elliott thinks the name maybe derived from JJ^J dahal, a quicksand or quagmire, " the ground on which the city was built being so loose and unsound that ten<^pins could not be fixed in it." Dahal comes from dahalna, to shake, tremble, fear. The Hind. (Sans.) ^J^"^ dihli is a threshold. DEN, DENA, DENNA, DENES. Den, a termination of local names in England, especially in the woody parts of Kent, as Tenterden, Biddenden, denotes a situation in a plain or valley, or near woods ; from A. S. den, dene, denn, a plain, vale, dale, valley. Den was also formerly used to signify liberty for ships or ves- sels to run aground or come on shore. Edward I. granted this privilege to the barons of the Cinque Ports. Dena, denna, is a little portion of woody ground, commonly called a coppice. Cowel translates dena terrce " a hollow place between two hills." At Yarmouth, an extensive sandy tract of ground at the mouth of the river Yare, extending along the sea-coast, is called the Denes. DENMARK. Some derive this name from Dan, a prince whom the traditions assert to be its founder, b.c. 1100, and Teut. marck a plain. Others, with more reason, say Denmark is the inarch or boundary of the Danes. DEPTFORD, Kent, formerly Depeford, i.e. deep ford. " This town in auncient writings is called West-Grenwiche, for difference of the other, which in such like is written East- Grenwiche, and now commonly Grenewiche.'' {Lambarde.) DERBEND, a strong fortress on the Caspian Sea, formerly the boundary of the Persian and Turkish empires in that quarter. It now belongs to Russia. " In its walls are two large gates, through which the road passes, and which may be shut at plea- sure ; hence the name of the town, i.e. * the shut-up gates,' from LOCAL ETYMOLOGY. 85 Pers. sJj .w^ dar-hand, the bar of a door, a barrier. The Arabs call it Babu'l abwab, 'the gate of gates.'" DERBEND, a British military post, on the N.W. frontier of the Punjab. It is situated on the left bank of the Indus, where the stream, previously straitened in its passage through the mountains, expands on entering into the plain ; hence probably the name of Derbend, which signifies the place of a dam or strait. {Thornton^ DERBY, found written Deoraby, Deorby, Dereby, and Derebi. In the time of the Saxons, it was called Northworthige. Accord- ing to some, the name Deoraby was given to it by the Danes, by whom it was captured ; and they derive it from A. S. deor a wild beast, and Dan. hy a habitation. Others say it occupies the site of the Roman station Dcrventio, which is probably a corruption of Derwent (the river), in the vale of which it is situated. See Dartmouth and Derwent. DERE {deer'ee), in local names in Turkey, is the Turc. i ,j dereh, a valley; as Buyukdere, i.e. the great valley. DERRY, Ireland. Some derive this name from Ir. darech, from dair, an oak ; others say it is corrupted from durtheach, a place of pilgrimage. DERWENT, the name of several rivers in England ; corrupted from dwrywent, from W. dwr, water, stream, gwent, a fair or open region ; or dwrgwent may mean bright or clear water, fair stream ; from dwr and gwen, gwyn. Dart (the river) is a con- traction of Darent, Darwent, or Derwent. DEVIZES, "Wilts, was called in ancient records, Uivisae, De Vies, Divisis, &c. ; probably from a supposition that it had been divided between the king and the bishops of Salisbury. Leland calls it the Vies. The first charter of incor[)oration was by the Empress Matilda, granting to her burgesses " De Divisis " free- dom of toll throughout all England and the ports of the sea. (P. Cyc.) DKVLI (dev'le), situated between Kaisariyeh and Karanian, in Asiatic Turkey. It is supposed to stand on the site of 86 LOCAL ETYMOLOGY. Derbe, according to liierocles, called Delbia, whence its present name. DEVONSHIRE, found written in A. S. Defenascire, Defan- scire, Defnascyre, Deuenesire, Dauenescyre, Devenascyre, Devna- scyre, Devenschyre ; the people being called Defenas, Denas. The earliest ascertained inhabitants were the Damnonii, Dum- nonii, or Dumnunnii (the Aov[j.vovicii of Ptolemy). Tbe Cornish Britons called the country Dunan, the "Welsh DeufFneynt which Camden translates " deep valleys." The W, divfn is deep, 7iant (pi. neint, nentydd) a hollow formed by water, a ravine, mountain torrent, brook. DeufFneynt, Defenant-scire, Defenascire, Devenschyre, Devonshire. DHUN, aspirated form of the Gael. Dun (q. v.). DIARBEKR, on the Tigris, properly Diyar-bakr, " tbe tents or dwellings of Bakr ;" from Arab. .L' J diydr, pi. oidar a house, dwelling, habitation, city, tribe, camp ; io bakr, name of an Ara- bian tribe. DIEPPE {de-ep), a seaport in Normandy. Bochart derives this name from Eng. deep, and says that Dieppedale, situated in a valley below the town of Rouan (Rouen), is from Eng. deep dale. DIH {dee), in names of places in Hindustan, is sometimes the Pers. i j dih, deh, a village ; comprehending, says Wilson, not only the actual village, but the lands belonging to it. DIN'AS, DIN, in local names in Wales, is the W. dinas, din, a city. But see Dun, Dunum. DISS, Norfolk. Some derive this name from A. S. dice, diss, standing water, pool, ditch. The A. S. die is a dike, mound, bank. Somner says, " a ditch, trench, moat." DNIEPER (tie-per), a river in Russia. Some derive Dnieper from don-ieper, the upper river ; and Dniester from don-iester, the lower river. See Don. DNIESTER {nees-ter), a river in Russia. See Dnieper. DO'AB, the country lying between the Ganges and Jamuna ; also the districts between the rivers of the Punjab, as the Jalan- dhara-Doab, between the Satlaj, and the Beah, &c. ; lit. a tract LOCAL ETYMOLOGY. 87 of land lying between two rivers, which, after running for some distance, unite ; from Hind. < -\ , j do-db or du-db, from dii two, and db water, by metonymy a river. (TTilson.) DOBRUTSCHA {dob roof s/i a), x^art of Bulgaria, lying between the Danube and the Black Sea ; from Turc. Dobridje, also Dobrizin, by some derived from the name of a Tartar race by which it was peopled (Geog. Univ. Brux. 1839.) The name is probably of Slavonic origin. Dobra in Slav, means "good," whence Dobra (Agathopolis), a town in Poland, and Dobra in Hun- gary and Transylvania ; Dobre in Poland, Dobra a river rising in Illyria, Dobra Venedik, a town of Dalmatia, Dobravitz a burg in Moravia, Dobrawitz and Dobra Woda, two burgs in Bohemia, and Dobraschka or Dobruzka, a town in the same kingdom ; also Debreczin or Debreczyn, a town in Hungary ; perhaps from dobroczyn, a good trade, commerce, "eine gute haud- hmg." DODABALLA, or DODA BALLAPORE, a town in Mysore, India. "The name is said to signify Ballapore the Great, to dis- tinguish it from Chika Ballapore, or Ballapore tlie Less," about 14 miles N.E. of it. Bodda appears to be Karnata, The Sans, bala means strength. See Poor DOLBADARN ((/offiaf/erw), near Llanberis, N.Wales; named after a British saint. DOMINICA, one of the W. India Islands, so named from having been discovered by Columbus on a Sunday. (Sp. dominica Sunday.) DON, the name of several rivers ; viz., in Russia, France, England, and Scotland. Some derive the name from Celt, don water ; others from dhu or dhioi, dark ; and they say that the Don or Doun in Scotland, from running tlirongh a soft dee]) bog near its head, receives a black, mossy tinge, which it retains during the whole of its course. The Don in Russia was called by the Greeks and Latins Tanuis. DONCASTER is said to have been a Roman station, and, according to some .luthors, was the identical spot where the Maxima Ca■saricn^is comnionccd. In some itineraries it is 88 LOCAL ETYMOLOGY. denominated Dano and Danum. Nennius and the Notitia call it Caer Daun ; the Saxons, Dona-cercen and Donceaster ; the Scots, Donecastle ; and in the first charter, granted by Richard I., it is styled Daneceastre. It was probably named from its situation on the river Don or Dun. (Don and ceuster.) See Chester. DORCHESTER, in Cornwall, signifies " a fortress by the water." (Corn.) For Dorchester, co. Dorset, see Dorset- shire. DORDOGNE {dordoan), a department in the S. of France, named from its principal river, the Bordogne, which is said to derive its name from two mountain torrents, the Dor and the Dogne, which, springing from the gorges of the Mont d'Or, iu Puy-de-D6me, unite near the village of Bains, and form the Dordogne. Others discard this derivation, saying that this river has only one source. Ausonius gives the nam.e of Duranius both to the mountain (le Mont d'Or) and to the river. Gregory of Tours calls the river Dorononia ; Eguihard writes Dornonia, and Aimon, Dordonia. See also Pigauiol, Descr. de la France, t. 5> p. 308 ; and Lamar tinie re. DORDRECHT (dort'rekt), by contraction, Dort, in Westphalia. Ancient writers call it Thur and Dur, which they derive from the name of the founder. Others say Dort is the name of a river — now covered with the waters of the sea — which has inundated all the neighbouring country, and that this river fell into the Merwe, where the Meuse joins the Rhine ; and that as evidence thereof, there is still a place called Dortsmunde, i.e. " mouth of the Dort." Drecht or trecht, like the Fr. trajet, is corrupted from L. trajectiis a ford, lit, a passing over ; so that the name means " Ford of the Dort." Others say that in L. Dortmunde was called Treraonia or Trotmonia. DORNOCH, a town and parish, co. Sutherland, is said to be from Gael, dorn-eich, a horse's foot or hoof. The writer in the Statistical Account of Scotland relates a tradition, which, he says, is countenanced by the horse-shoe still retained in the arms of the burgh. DORSETSHIRE. This part of England, in the earliest LOCAL ETYMOLOGY. 89 period, is said to liave been inhabited by a people whom Ptolemy calls AouporpiysQ, Durotriges, which name Camden derives from Anc. Brit, divr water, iriff an inhabitant, i.e. dwellers by the water-side. According to Menevensis, these people were called by the Britons Dwr Gwyer, and by the Saxons Dorssettas, Dor- settan, whence Dorset. Dot- in Dorssettas, is the Anc. Brit. dicr water, and seefas at the end of words, denotes dwellers, inha- bitants ; from A.S. scet, set, a sitting, station, camp, from sitfan to sit. Dorchester was called by the Saxons Doruceaster, i.e. the ceaster or fortress of the Dornii, Durnii, or Durotriges. Ptolemy calls Dorchester, Dimium, " the town of the Durotriges." Some copies, however, read Durnium. DORTMUND {dort'moond), a town in Westphaha. See Dordrecht. DOURO {dooro), a river in the Peninsula. From Port. Bouro, Sp, Duero ; perhaps from Basq. ? itpOT'tpov PnyvTttOQ sY.aXsi'fo — t) aiynfofOQ (nai aiyiit'fOQ) itctpot, rov rpayov, ov aiyvrrrioi asf^oua'iv, s^ccipetcuQ Ss rove. M.£v^rjriovQ — H Sja ro aiyoLQ itiovaQ sy^siv — H syyvitoroq koci aiyuTrrog, ujq Eyyii,ovcra rev itoruj rj rw Ttoraacc, &c., &c.) Mrs. Hamilton Gray {Hist. Efrur.) says, Egypt took its name from Egyptus (other- wise Rameses II., Sesostris, or Sethos), so called from his com- paratively fair complexion ; and that gr/pt in the Coptic signifies a fair person. There is, however, no such a word as ffi/jjt in either of the Egyptian dialects. Wilkinson {Egypt, vol. 1, p. 8), quoting Manetho, says Egypt took its name from Sethosis, also called Egyptus, brother of Armais. It is more than probable that kiyvitroQ is a corruption of Coptus, the chief city of the Thebaid. Tattam says Coptus is written Aophites on ancient coins of Trajan and Hadrian. Macriny derives Coptus from an ancient king named Kobt. Others say Coptus, or rather Coptos, is from gupta, guarded, fortified ; but there is no such word as gitpta in the Egyptian. The Sans, has gupta, hidden, concealed, preserved. In Egypt kiyvTtroq is not used. The natives call their country Xry^aj. "Nee alio nomine Egyptus appellatur in sacris literis et aliis libris ^Egyptiacis." {Scholtz.) See also Asiat. Res. Ill, 304, 335; Gaisford, Ety. mag. ; and voc. Nile. EHRENBRElTSTEIN(a?-e/i6/v>//i#'5^me). Old German writers on the Rhine state that this fortress was at first named Irmsteiu, and then Hermannstein, after Hermann Hillin, archbishop of Treves, who rebuilt it in 1153, but that in 1160, the works being completed on a more extensive scale, the archbishop, on account of their noble breadth and spaciousness, gave them the name of Ehrenbreitstein, " the broad stone of honour." The Rheinischer Antiquarius, however, says that Archbishop Hillin called it atfrst Ehrenbreitstein, and subsequently Hermannstein, after his own name. There seems still some doubt about the name, for the same old authority states that the castle was also called Erenberti Saxum, which he gives as the L. for Ehrenbreitstein. {N. ^ Q.) The word ehren, in names of such fortresses as LOCAL ETYMOLOGY. 97 Ehrenbreitstein, is uot uucomraon. There is the Ehrenberger Klause near Reutte, in N, Tyrol. EISENACH {i'zenak), a town in Saxe- Weimar. The name is found written Eisennach and Ysennach. and in L. Isenacum. "From eisen (O. G. eyseii) iron, ach water (a brook), on account of the mines of iron in the neighbourhood, and of the water which facihtates the means of purifying and preparing it ;" but more probably named from a brook whose waters were impreg- nated with iron. Others think the name may come from the idol Isis — worshipped by the ancient Germans — from whom the Pagan traditions say that one of their kings, "Suevus," had learnt the art of preparing and forging iron ; in memory of which this metal has been named in their language eysen or ysen — words not very different from the name Isis ! See Zeiler, Thuring. ELBE {ell)), a river in Germany, found written Elb ; in Bohem. Labe ; in Low L. Albia. Fabritius derives Elbe from Teut. eilf (elf) eleven, from its eleven sources ; others from L. Albis, its name at the time of Augustus. (See Strabo, lib. vii.) But Albis is doubtless merely the L. form of its original name. ELBING, a town in Poland, situated on a river of the same name. The Sax. ing is a pasture, meadow ; and the river may have been anciently called the Elb, whence Elbing, " the meadow or pasture through which the Elb flows." The Elbe itself rises iu Silesia. See Elbe. ELBINGERODE ( — gheroad'), found written Eilingeroda, Elbigeroda, Elvoringeroda, Eilingerode, Eilgerode, and Eiligerode; a town in the Ila^tz, said to be named from Count Eiligern or Ilgern von Ilohnstein. See Rode. ELGIN ielyhyn), a town and parish in Scotland, anciently Elgyn or Ilelgyn ; said to take its name from Helgy, general of the army of Sigurd, the Norwegian Earl of Orkney, who conquered Caithness, Ross, and Moray, about the beginning of the tenth century. It is related that this general built a town in the southern part of Moray, which was most probably Elgin, that town being situated about eight miles S. E. of Burghcad, wliere the Norwegians 98 LOCAL ETYMOLOGY. had a small fort and harbour for their shipping. See Stat. Ace. Scot., also Rerum Oread, and Ilist. a Thorn. Torfeo. ELSINORE, more correctly Helsing-or, a town in Denmark, opposite to Helsing-borg, in Sweden. The Danes call the Sound at Elsinore Ore-Sund ; the Sw. or is gravel, a gravelly place. See Helsingfors. ELV, ELF, in Norway and Sweden, is the Dan. elv, Sw. elf, a river ; as the Alten Elv, the Namsen Elv, the Dal Elv, &c. ELY, CO. Cambridge, probably from Gr. sXoq a marsh, or W. heliff a willow, " because it, as other fenny places do, aboundeth vdth willows." (Baileij.) Lambarde says, " Elye (Jnffuillaria Insula, Lei.; Elis, Polyd.; Elge,\ Bedse ; et Eli(/cea,.Saxoii), an isle standinge in that parte of the realme which was some time East Angle, which toke the name, as Beda and Leland say, of Eles ; as Grafton and suche, harping much upon the stringe of men's names, affirms of Helius, a kinge of England, and as Polydore reasonablie (thoughe peradventure beside trouthe) conjecturethe, of eXa, which is a fenne or marishe in Greke." EMDEN or EMBDEN (em'd'n), a town in Hanover, named from its situation on the river Ems. The town called by authors of the middle ages Emetha or Embda, and anciently Amisia, was on the left or opposite bank, and has been distinguished as Webster Emden. The river Ems is found written Emesa, Emese, Amasis, Amasus, and Amasia. EMMERICH (etnlmerik), a town on the Rhine, in Prussia, in L. found written Emmericum, Embricum, Emerica, Embrica, and Embrici Villa ; said to derive its name from Count Embric or Emeric. See Alting Germ., Inf. Notit., part 2, 48. ENGAINE COLNE {kone), Essex, sometimes for brevity called Gain's Colne, and in Domesday, Little Colne, takes its name from the Engaine family, its ancient lords. ENGLAND, from A.S. Engla-land, land of the Engles or An- gles, a German tribe who came over from Anglen, in Sleswick, and settled in Britain. In O. Sax. eng, ing, is a meadow or plain, a level country (Goth, winga). ENNISKILLEN, co. Fermanagh, Ireland. See In, Inn. LOCAL ETYMOLOGY. 99 EPERIES, (apa'reez), iu Hungary, from Hung, eperjes, from eper a strawberry, with which fruit it probably does, or did, abound. In L. it is accordingly called Fragopolis and Eperesinum, and in the Slovak dialect, Pressova. EPIRUS, a district of Greece, extending along the Adriatic Sea ; from Gr. HTrs/foe, the main land, continent ; a priv., tfeipocQ, end, boundary, extremity. EPPING, Essex, found written Eppinges, is supposed to take its name from a manor, identical, some think, with Tippendene, mentioned in the Confessor's charter. Wright says this may be best ascertained by reference to the land -metes (boundaries), which he accordingly gives. See also Morant, Hist. Essex. EPSOM, anciently Ebbs-hame, i.e. Ebba's home, or place, so called, it is said, from Ebba, a queen of this county. The name was afterwards changed to Ebbisham, or Ebsham. Toland, who lived at "Woodcote in the reign of Queen Anne, says that Ebba was wife of the first Christian king. Camden states her to have been of royal blood, and daughter of Ethelfred, and that about the year 630, she had such a character for sanctity that she was canonized, and had several churches dedicated to her. EREBUS, the infernal regions ; Lat. Erebus, Gr. Eps^og, a region below the earth, not so low as Hades ; ht. darkness, place of darkness, from or allied to Heb, nii*, oreb, night. Tzetzes says, it is rightly observed that darkness was over all, till the sky was illumined by the sun and the stars ; Chaos therefore brought forth Darkness and Night ; and, says Le Clerc, before anything appeared, all was hereb or erbo, darkness or night. ERIVAN, a town in Georgia, formerly belonging to Armenia. A writer in the Asiatic Journal says erevan is an Armenian word signifying " discovered," or " they appear," as from this quarter Noah saw the highest part of Ararat ascending above the waters of the deluge, in accordance with Genesis viii. 5. ERN, ERNE, in local names, is the A. S. cern, em, (Dan. arne. Fries, earne, Ice. ar, am), a })lace, secret place, habitation, house, cottage ; thus, Arne, Mintern, and Pimpern, Dorset ; Chiltern and Pottern, Wilts ; Crewkernc, Somerset. Cowel says H 2 100 LOCAL ETYMOLOGY. "£'rw means a melancholy situation, from Sax. em, locus secretus." It may be sometimes the Brit, arne, a division, peninsula. ERROL, a parish in Scotland. In old records it is found written ArroU and ErroU. Its most ancient name was Arroll, said to be derived from Gael, ear-nil, eastern landmark (ear, east, eastward), ** a designation this place might very naturally receive from persons entering this part of Scotland by sailing up the estuary of the Tay." ERZEROUM (erzrooni), Asiatic Turkey ; Qu. Arab ^J\ ars, earth, country, region ; ^. . roum, a word used by the Arabs and others to designate both the Romans and the Greeks. This name is found written Erserum and Arzroum. ERZGEBERGE {arytzgaheei^ gd), in Saxony; a chain of moun- tains abounding in mines of gold, silver, copper, &c.; from erz, ore, brass, geberge a chain of mountains. ESCURIAL (eskoo'real), Madrid, said to be the most costly palace in Spain. The Sp. escoriul is a place where a mine of metal has been exhausted, a place where the escdria or dross of metals is thrown away, y^o^iov, corium, ex-coriare, escoriar, es- coria, escorial, Escurial. ESK, a river in Scotland. See Isca. ESSEX. See Middlesex. ETHIOPIA, from L. Ethiopia, from Gr. Ai 9 J07r■««, a flux, stream, torrent {ffrwd, a stream, current.) FREDERIKSHALD ( — ks-hald), a town in Norway, on the road between Christiania and Stockholm. " The old appellation of this town was Halden, to which Frederick III., in 1665, added his own name in commemoration of its gallant defence against the Swedes." FREIBURG {frijbtirg), the name of several places in con- tinental Europe, but especially of one in Switzerland, another in the Breisgau, Germany, and a third in Silesia. From G. frei free, burg a town. FRIESLAND, or VRIESLAND, the most northerly province of Holland. Some derive the name from fresen, to shake or tremble, " in allusion to the nature of the country, the soil of which is an unstable or shaking moor ;" but Friesland is rather "the land of the Frisii." Tacitus, PUny, and other Latin authors, call the inhabitants by this name ; by the Greeks they are designated Phreisii and Phrisii, and the name is found writ- ten Phresii, Frisei, Fresones, Fresiones, Friseones, Frisiones, Frisones, Phresones, Phresiones, Frigiones, and Fresonici. Some authors interpret Frisii or Phreisii " free men," this people having defended and preserved their liberty longer than the other Ger- man tribes. Others refer the name to the mud with which the sea has, by frequent inundations, covered this part of the coast ; LOCAL ETYMOLOGY. 109 others, arguing from the word Frigiones, to the extremely cold climate. " Some, indeed, have asserted that the Frisii derived their name from the Phrygians, or from Frlson, their founder. They do not, however, appear to have settled as to whether he was of Indian, Greek, or Trojan extraction." {Lamartiniere.) FRITH, sometimes found in local names in England, means a forest, a woody place ; said to be from A. S. frith peace. "Frith, a wood, from the Sax. frith, pax (peace) ; for the Eng- lish Saxons held several woods to be sacred, and made them sanc- tuaries." (Cowel.) The Gael, has frith, frithe, forest, heath, moor, deer-park ; W./riVAj/nf, forest ; Yv. friche uncultivated land. The A. S. has also frith-geard an asylum (Goth, frid- giard, an enclosure). Jamieson writes frth, ft/rth, and thinks it may come from A. S. frith-ian, to protect, and not from frith, peace. FRIULI {fi'eool'e), G. Frioul, a district in the Venetian terri- tory, of which Udine was formerly the capital. Friuli is a cor- ruption of " Forum Julii," the ancient name of Cividale, which lies E. of Udine. FRO ME {froom), co. Somerset, named from the river on which it stands. Qu. W. ffrom, fuming, violent. FROMONT {fromong'), sometimes called Bramont, on the frontiers of Alsace ; a corruption of Pharamond. FULDA, a town in Saxony, on a river of the same name. FULHAM. The earliest mention of this place occurs in a grant of the manor by Tyrhtilus, Bishop of Hereford, to Erken- wald, Bishop of London, and his successors, about the year 691, in which it is called Fulanham. Camden calls it Fulham, which he derives from Sax.fullonham (volucrum domus), the habitation of birds, or place of fowls, with which Norden agrees, and adds, " it may also be taken for volucrum amnis, or the river of fowl, for ham in many places is for amnis, a river ; but it is most j)robable it should be of land fowl, which usually haunt groves and clusters of trees, whereof in this place it seenieth hath been plenty." Somner and Lye call it FuUanham, or Foulham ; " sup- posed from the dirtiness of the place." The first definition has. 110 LOCAL ETYMOLOGY. however, been generally adopted (A. S. fug el, fugl, and ham). See also Faulkner's Fulham ; Wharton, de Episc. p. 18 ; Camden, Brit. p. 3G7 ; and Norden, Spec. Brit. p. 20. FURNIVAL'S INN, Holborn, derives its name from its original occupants, the Lords Furnival. FURUUCKABAD, Hindustan, capital of a small district of the same name in the Doab. The name is said to signify " the happy abode." The Pers. farrukh means happy, fortunate, beautiful ; the Arab, farakh being secure, exempt from fear or danger. See Abad. FUSSEN, a small town in Bavaria, situated at the foot of the Alps, at the entrance or jaws, as it were, of a narrow defile or gorge, anciently called Fauces Julise, whence Fussen. Some say it was named in L. Fucena, from the monastery formerly called Faucense Monasterium, at the foot of the mountain. G. GAD'S HILL, about four miles from Gravesend. " The name of this spot, like that of Shooter's Hill, in the same Une, was de- rived from the depredations of highwaymen and foot-pads; simply but significantly denoting both a vagabond and a weapon. Gad's Hill had long been infested with robbers, when it acquired an enduring notoriety from being selected by Shakespeare for the scene of a dramatic incident, probably suggested by frequent depredations there in his time." (Cruden, Hist. Gravesend.) "Gad, to vagabondize" {Cotgrave); "gad, a club, wedge, &c." {Ash.) Bailey says, " A gad of steel is a small bar to be heated in the fire, in order to quench in liquor." The A. S. gad is a goad and a wedge, Ir. gadh a dart, gad a stealing, gadaim to steal. See 2 and 3 Edw. III., ch. 27. GAIN'S COLNE {kone), Essex. See Engain Colne. GAINSBORUGH, co. Lincoln ; in A. S. Gegnes-hurh and LOCAL ETYMOLOGY. Ill Genes- Gene- and Geners-buruh, which some derive from genes a sanctuary, biinih a town ; "a town of refuge" (the A. S. genear, gener, is a refuge, protection ; gences saved). Others think this town owes its origin as well as its name to the Ganii, a Saxon tribe, whose chiefs had their residence there in the eighth century, whence it was called the Burgh of the Ganii, or Ganiiburgh. Wharton supposes that the original name of the place was Danes- borough from the neighbourhood having been at one time occu- pied as a station by the Danes ; but as this place was known as Gainsburgh nearly two centuries before the arrival of that people in this neighbourhood, there does not appear to be any ground for this supposition. See Stark, Hist. Gainsburgh. GALATIA, a district of Asia formerly so called. The Gauls having invaded Asia Minor in small bodies and conquered this country, they settled in it ; and the Greeks named it Ta'Kix'tW, and its inhabitants TaXara;, while the inhabitants of Gaul were designated TaAara* 'EtrTTf^io*. See Gaul. GALICIA, a province of Spain, lying between the Bay of Biscay and Portugal. Larramendi derives the name from Basq. galacia, seed of wheat grown, or galecea, moist wheat (trigo humedo), or gali iza, galeiza, a hunt between crops or corn fields. Others say from Gr. TaKana,, a word formed from the root of " Gaul." (See Thierry, Hist, des Gaulois.) GALILEE, a region in the tribe of Naphtali, inhabited by Gen- tiles, i. e. Phoenicians, Egyptians, and Arabians, anciently called Galilee of the Nations. Gr. TaXiXaicc, Heb. riyh:^, from galiyl a circuit, circle, region ; " the circuit [Galilee] of the Gentiles ;" lit. rolling, turning. Calmet translates it " my wheel," " my fron- tier ;" from galal, a wheel, revolution, frontier. GALLIPOLI, situated at the mouth of the Propontis ; the Calipolis of the ancients ; from Gr. kccXoq beautiful, itoXiQ a city. The modem name of the Hellespont is Sea of GaUipoli ; in Tare. Galiboli Denghizzi. GALLOWAY, Scotland, (L. Gallovidia) . Thierry says Galloway means " the country of the foreigners," and Gal is the Highland name for Lowlandcrs and English. Others derive both Galloway 112 LOCAL ETYMOLOGY. and Galway from the Celt, gal, west, westward. De Burgo asserts that Gaillimh, the name of the town in Ireland, is the same as locus Anglorum, i. e. the residence of the English. Vallancey says that gahnhaith is an Irish compound, meaning a rocky, barren country, and he translates it Galway. In another place he says Port-na-Gall is Gallorum partus, and Gall-amhan is amnis Gallorum ; and, referring the name of Galway to a company of merchants that settled there, he says gael signifies a merchant, from gaelis, traffic or com- merce, and ibh in Ir. means tribes or families, whence gailibh, tribes of merchants. According to Hardiman {Hist. Galway), the town and river were called after the surrounding district itself, which was originally named from the Gael, or merchants by whom it was inhabited. In the annals of Roscommon the name of the river is nearly similar in orthography and entirely in pronunciation to Gailibh (pron. gallive). In all the most ancient documents, till the year 1400, the name was invariably written Galvy, which in time became changed into Gal-iva, and Gal-via, the literal translation of which, Galway, first occurs about 1440. From a very early period until after the invasion of Hen. II., the territory on which the town stands was called Clan-fir-gael, i. e. the land or habitation of the Gael or merchants. GALWAY {(jawlway), in Ireland. See Galloway. GANGES, a river in Hindustan. The Hind. i^,J^ gung is a river, whence, says Gilchrist, " perhaps by way of pre-eminence, Gunga, the river Ganges." " The Ganges in the language of ludostan is called Pudda or Padda, i. e. the foot, because, as some Brahmins affirm, it flows from the foot of the god Veeshnu. It is also called Burra-Gonga, or the Great River, whence its European name is derived." {Flay fair) In Sans, gang is a river, stream ; Gangd, the river Ganges. Monier Williams derives Gangd from ga7n, to go, i. e., that which goes or flows on the earth. GAR'GARUS, a mountain in Asia Minor, near Beyramitch, from the summit of which may be obtained a most extensive and magnificent view, embracing Constantinople, the Sea of Marmora, the Hellespont, the Isles of Athos, Lemnos, Tenedos, the Gulf of LOCAL ETYMOLOGY. 113 Smynia, and a large part of Asia Minor. Mount Gargarus, Gargara, or Gargarou is, properly speaking, one of the peaks of Mount Ida. The name may be derived from Gr. yccpyapsoov, Heb. 1j1:, (jaryar, the throat. GARIEP, or GAREEP, a river in Africa, means "great river."' GARONNE {garon), a river in France, which, after receiving the waters of the Dordogne, is called the Giroude. Camden derives the name from Anc. Brit, garw, rapid ; Menage from G. geronnen, from rinnen, to run, to flow ; " tant a caiise de son cours ordinaire, que du flux et reflux de la mer." Armstrong, in one place, derives Garonne from Gael, garv an or garhh arnhainn, the rapid river ; and in another place he says Garunn-us, Garonne, is garbh-an, the rough water. But see Yarrow and Yarmouth. GASCONY, a province of France. See Biscay and Basque. GAU (gow), a termination of local names in Germany, &c., is the G. gaic, a country, district, as Rheingau, Pinzgau. GAUL. The derivation of G alius, a Gaul, from L. gallus a cock, or from Gr. yaXa milk, " because the Gauls had a very white skin," is ridiculous. Some derive the name from Celt. gallu power, or from gallcn to journey, because the Gauls left their own and acquired fresh territories ; others say the Gauls 'derived their name from Gadhelius, son of Neimheidh, the Oriental patriarch ; or from gaethel or gathel, woodlanders. From the root of Gaul come GaiJheal, Ghaidheal, Gadhel or Gayhel (W. Gwythel), contracted into Gael, also Gadheilig, now Gaelic or Galic, the language of the Scotch Highlanders. From the root of Gaul come Fr. Galles, Wales, Norm. TFallez, WuUesch, Guiles, Gales, Wales, Welsh ; Galeys, France ; Galei/s, Calais (William de Galeys, William de JValeys ) ; Walais, Wallaix, Wullois, Welsh. The Saxon Chronicle speaks of the Weales, Wylishe, or Welsh. The A. S. has Walas, the Welsh, Britons ; WaUi, Britanni ; wealh (pi, weulhas, weulas, weallas, ivealnn), a foreigner, stranger, one from another country, a Welshman, Welsh. Taliesin, a Welsh bard of the sixth century, styles his own country irnllia. Others say that walsh in tlio N(utlicrn 1 114 LOCAL ETYMOLOGY. languages of Europe also signifies a stranger, and that the Britons, being unlike the Saxons and Angles, both in speech and costume, were called Welsh, and their country, Wales. Further, the O. G. has Gal, Gall, Wall, Wale, Weale, Walah, a stranger, a Gaul, a Roman ; Walcholant, Gaul ; the G. Welscher, an Italian, Welschland, Italy ; Belgic Wallon; Low L. Wallus, and Gualus, Gaul. Gael, Gallic, Gaelic, Gallia, Gaul, Wales, Welch, Wallon, Wallachia, Gallway, Galloway, and Galatia, seem to be all formed from the same root, but whether from gathel, Gad/ielms or (/al is doubtful. The Greeks called Gaul Galatia, and its inhabitants TaAara* ''Ea-ira^ioi, to distinguish them from those of Galatia, a district of Asia Minor, whom they called TdXxrai. See also Thierry, Hist, des Gaulois ; Wachter, Gloss; Grimm, Gram., lib. ii. 1/1 ; Pott, ii. 529. GA'ZA, a city of Palestine, now called Gazzara. Gaza is said to be an O. Pers. word for a treasury ; " quod Cambyses, Persarum rex, ciim ^gyptum armis peteret, hiic belli opes et pecuniam intulisset." (See Pomp. Mela, lib. i. ii.) Bochart says Gazse is a corruption of Arab, khazan, from Heb. khosan, a treasury, from pn, khasan (in Niphal), to lay up in store. GEHEN'NA, a word used by the Jews as equivalent to hell ; from Gr. yBBvvx, which some derive from Heb. ge-Miiom, valley of Hinom, where the Israelites sacrificed their children to Moloch. The Arab. ^J*^^^ jahannam is a deep pit, lying below, the fire of hell, hell. GENOA, Fr. Genes, found M^ritten Gennes ; It. Genova, G. Genua. According to Lamartiniere it was anciently called by the Greeks Tsvovcc, and by the Romans Genua. Its inhabitants were, however, styled Ingauni, a word probably of Celtic origin, and from wbich the city may have been named. " In the middle ages ignorance introduced the name of Janua, in order to derive it from Janus, whom the inhabitants are said to have worshipped." {Lamarfinitre.) The word Janua is, however, an old Sabine word, which the Latins converted into Diana. GEORGIA, an Asiatic province of Russia. The Russians called it Grusia, the Georgians call it Giirge or Kurge, the Persians LOCAL ETYMOLOGY. 115 Gurgistan, the Turks Gurtshi and Gurjistan, i.e. the stan or country of the Gurges, Gurjes, or Kurjes. Some assert that these people were named by the Greeks from yscufyoQ (whence the Christian name George), a farmer, labourer ; others say they were called Georgians from St. George, the great saint of the modern Greek church. We, however, find the Georgians mentioned in Pliny, Pomponius Mela, and other authors, all of whom lived be- fore the time of St. George. From the following quotation it would appear probable that this country was named from one of its monarchs : " Heraclius II. died in 1798, and was succeeded by his son, George XIII., who died in 1800, and after his death Georgia was declared a Russian province." GERMANY. Dr. Bosworth thinks German may mean " spearman," from the Gallic yer a spear. Strabo (1. vii.), observing considerable conformity between the Gauls and the Germans, thinks their name may have denoted them to be gertnani, i. e. brothers, of the Gauls. Some modern writers, amongst whom are Althaimer and DeWillichius, have derived Germany from //a/- or ^er, strong, firm, and ?«««« aman. Philip Melancthon thinks German is another orthography of Teut. hermann, a warrior, but does not tell us whether the Germans were so called by themselves, or by the Romans. What is supposed to favour this latter derivation, is, that in the middle ages herimanni and ffr^»^a?^^^^ were both used to signify soldiers, and that herman in A. S. means a war-man, warrior. An ancient tradition, preserved in German songs, and mentioned by Tacitus, supi)Oses that their God Tuisco was " born of the earth," and that from his son Mann, the whole German nation have sprung. This tradition gives to Mann three sons, from whom the Invenons, the Hermions and the Istsevons are supposed to have received their names. Dr. Iludbeck derives Germanni from Mann ; Leibnitz from Hermion, son of Mann, believing the Hermions, Ilermun- deres, and Germans to be synonymous ; and he thinks that the Hermions or Germans having conquered a part of Gaul and rendered their name famous, the other Teutonic nations, their allies, took the same name. Interchange of the letters g and h is not uncommon. The Spaniards converted genvnno into hennana. I 2 116 LOCAL ETYMOLOGY. GETHSEMENE, a village on the Mount of Olives, ■whither Christ sometimes retired in the night time. *' Gethsemane, or Ge-semani, a very fat vale ; otherwise, the vale of oil ; from «U ghie a valley, fatl^ shemen oil, perfume, incense." (Calmet.) Others translate "olive garden," or "oil press." GEYSERS (ffa'sers). The ; boiling springs in Iceland ; from Ice. ffiusa (G. giessen), to pour out. GHAUT {gaiot), in India, means a pass through the rriountains — hence also a range or chain of mountains — and is especially ap- plied to the E. and W. ranges of the south of India. From Hind. gJiAt (from Sans, ghatt), which means also a landing place, steps on the bank of a river, a quay, a wharf where customs are com- monly levied. (See Wilson.) GHENT (gong), formerly capital of Flanders ; Flem. Gend, Fr. Gaud; named from its ancient inhabitants, the Gorduni or Gond-uni, who were first under the protection of the Nervii, and afterwards of the Romans. In the 9th century it was called Ganda, and by writers of the 12th and 13th centuries, and even subsequent thereto, Gandavum and Gandavum Victim. See also Meyer, Annal., lib. i., and Csesar, Com., lib. v. 16. GIBRALTAR. The name is generally supposed to be cor- rupted from Jabaltarik, from. Arab. ^\j.s^ jabcd a mountain, \\ al the, Tarik, the name of a Moorish general, who conquered Spain in 712, having first made a descent on this rock. Canes derives the name from Jabaltaraf, from jabcd, al, and iarj" or taraf, a point, because this rock has a point towards the sea. Menage says it was anciently called Gebaltar and Mont Gibel. GILLIES' HILL, Bannockburn, Scotland, so called from the part contributed to the victory at Bannockburn, by the servants (gillies) attending on the baggage. Bruce had posted them behind the hill, but they suddenly appeared in front, and the English, mistaking them for reinforcements, fled in a panic. Servants are still called gillies in the Highlands. (Kohl.) From Gael, gille, Ir, giolla, a lad, young man, boy, man- servant. GIPPS' LAND, in the colony of Victoria, Australia ; named LOCAL ETYMOLOGY. 117 by Count Streleski, in honour of Sir George Gipps, Governor of Port Phillip. GIRGENTI {jergen'te), a town in Sicily, the ancient Agri- gentum, whence its name has been corrupted. Agrigentura is also corrupted from Acragas (Axpaya^, a.yroQ), properly the name of the mountain near which the town was built. Thucy- dides says the Geloans built Acragas, giving the city its name from the river Acragas. GLADMOUTH, formerly Cledemuth, S. Wales ; " mouth of the river Clede or Cleddy ; " A.S. muth mouth. GLAMOR'GANSHIRE, S. Wales ; Glamorgan is a corrup- tion of gwlad ynorgan, from gwlad a country, morgant a sea brink, from mor the sea, cant the rim of anything. The Welsh call this county Sir Forganwg and ]Morganwg. But see Morgan. GLAS'GOW. Some derive this name from Gael, glas 's dhu, a contraction of glas agus dhu, gray and black ; Baile Glas 's Dhu, the town of gray and black (monks) ; others, from iVnc. Brit, glas-coed, green wood, said to be corroborated by the early existence here of a forest, subsequently denominated the Bishop's. Again, others interpret " Glasgow," a dark glen, in allusion to the ravine near the cathedral, where a primary settlement is said to have been made. GLASTONBURY {glass' enh err y), co. Somerset, found written Glsestinga-byrig, Glestinga-byrig, Glasting-byri, Glastingabyrig, Glasting-birh, Glastinbirh, and Glastingberi. This town stands on an eminence nearly isolated by marshy flats, and was called by the Britons Ynys-wytrin, " the island of glass ; " from ynys an island, gwydr, gwydryn, glass. The name was afterwards changed to Avalon or Afalon, the meaning of which, as well as the reason for its former designation, is still in dispute. The Saxons altered the name to Glaesting-byrig, from glees glass, brjrig, Ijurh, a town. "Glastonbury; Sax. Gheseney, i.e. the isle of glass ; also Gltvsenhyrig, a town memorable for the tomljs of two kings, Arthur and Edgar, and of Joseph of .Vrimathea, and of many of thf primitive saints of England," (llailey.) 118 LOCAL ETYMOLOGY. GLEN LYON, near Loch Tay, Scotland, takes its name from a stream called the Lyon. GLENjNIORE', near Strathmore, in Scotland, means " the great glen ; " from Gael, gleann, glinne, a valley, a glen, mur great. GLOUCESTER {gloster); A. S. Gleancester. The city of Gloucester was, according to most writers, built by the Romans to overawe the Silures, and a colony settled there called Colonia Glevum, or Glebon Colonia. Others say it was built by Claudius Csesar. Nennius attributes its erection to Glovus, a prince of this part of the country. Higden says it was called Caer-claii, from Claudius, who erected it, but that it took the name of Gloucester from Glovus, a duke of the country. "William of Malmesbury asserts that the Britons called it Aer-chalu (omit- ting the c in caer), and he quotes Seneca {De morte Claudii), as observing, " that the barbarians worshipped Claudius in Britain as a god, and built a city in his honour there." This, says the historian, " comes nearest the truth ; for that Gloucester was a city built by the Romans, cannot be accredited by those who consider that Cirencester was entitled to much higher con- sideration, as is evident by the large remains in the latter city, none of which are to be found in Gloucester ; and all the etyma of Gloucester turn upon the Brit, caer glou, or the bright city, as it is interpreted." He is of opinion that, as " glo is the Brit, for coal, it has in that signification, from circumstances, a greater probability than the other ; that Glebon is a misnomer — a Grsecism, he supposes, of Ptolemy — totally anomalous to the Roman termination, but that Glevum accords with the genius of the Roman language." The name of this city has been spelt Gleawan-cester, Gleaw-ceastre, Glewceastre, Gloweceastre, Gleu- cestre and Gloucestre. Bosworth gives the Brit, glow, splendid, or W. glew, strong, valiant ; A. S. ceaster, a city. GLYN, in local names in Wales, is the W. glyn, a dale. The Gael, has gleann, glinne, ghleann, Ir. gleann. Corn, glyn, Sco. and Eng. glen. GODOL'PHIN, a place in Cornwall. Pryce says go-dol-phin, in Corn, means a httle valley. LOCAL ETYMOLOGY. 119 GOL'GOTHA, a small eminence near Jerusalem, which is supposed to have received its name either from its resemblance to a man's skull ; or because it was destitute of vegetation ; or from its being appropriated to the execution of malefactors. The latter seems the most probable. From Gr. VoXyo^x, signifying the place of a skull ; a corruption of Heb. nb:';":, a skull, cranium, so called from its round form. The Arab, has iljsiij^ jalajat, the cranium, also the head itself. GORE {goar), in local names in England, as in Kensington Gore, &c., may be the O. Eng. gore, a small narrow slip of land, or the A. S. gor, gore, clotted blood, dirt, mud. It may have originally denoted a dirty muddy place. GOROD, GORAD, GROD, GRAD, and HRAD, found in local names in Russia, Servia, &c. — as Novgorod, " new town or fort," from Slav, nowy new — means a town or fort, from Slav, hrad, a camp, castle, citadel, Illyr. grad, a castle. Armstrong gives O. G. gard, Pers. gherd, a town ; Phcen. gard, a fenced place, an enclosure ; Gael, gard, a garden, fenced place ; Heb. Chald. and Syr. gert, to enclose ; and the word is found, in some form or other, in most European languages ; but the Hung, korth, Goth, gards, show that the European synonyms are from the Gr. yjjproQ, an enclosure, courtyard, or the L. hortus ; Ut. any enclosed place, then a garden. GOTHEBORG {get'ahurg) or GOTHENBURG {go'tenburg), Sweden. Chas. IX., when Duke of Gothland, laid the founda- tion of this town, and named it in honour of the duchy. Sw. borg, a castle, fort (town). But see Oude. GOTHINGEN {get'iiu/n), a city of Germany. Some say it derives its name from the Goths ; others from the goodness of the land. " Sivc agri bonitas sen gens tibi Gothica nomen, Gottinga, fecerit tuum." {Henri Meiborn.) The etymology from gutt good, says Lamartini^re, seems authorized from letters of Frederick Barbarossa calling it Guttding ; " k Northcn ad montes Mcssiacos usque ad uostram civitatem Guttding." Modius recounts at great length that, towards the year 925, Henri I'Oise, having gained a glorious victory over the Huns, 120 LOCAL ETYMOLOGY. who had ravaged Germany, drove them as far as Goftingen, " usque ad Gottungam, sie dictam quod Gothos Hunnosque ea expeditione subjecisset ; " and that he there celebrated his triumph by a magnificent tournament. See Dresser, de Prsecip. Germ. Urb. Frang. ; Modius (de Bruges) Pandect. Triump. t. 2, lib. i fol. 1 ; Zeyler, Brunsw. and Luneb. Topog. p. 92 ; and Lamartiniere, Diet. G6og. et Grit. GOUDA {gow'dci), a town in the province of S. Holland, situ- ated on the Yssel, at the confluence of the Gouw. GRACECHURCH STREET, formerly Grasse Church Street, and Grasse Street. " In New Fish Street be fishmongers and fair taverns, and in Fish Street High, and Grasse Street, men of divers trades, grocers and haberdashers." (Stow.) See Fen- church Street. GRAM'POUND, a village in Cornwall ; a corruption of Corn. (/ran pont, great bridge. (Pnjce.) GRANGE. Granges were farms at a distance from the abbeys, to which they belonged, and stocked and cultivated by the monks ; hence so many mansions called " The Grange." " Fr. granffe a barn, Ir. grainseach a grange, Sco. grange ; the buildings belonging to a corn-farm, originally a place where the rents and tithes, paid in grain to religious houses, were deposited ; from grannm grain." {Webster.) Low L. grangia, granchia, grancia, granca, granica. GRATZ, the capital of Syria ; corrupted from Slav, gradez. It is called in Slav. Niemetzki-Gradez, i.e., the burg or fortress of Niemetzki. GRAVE, a termination of local names in England, denotes a wood, thicket, den, or cave ; from A. S. grtef. Camden and others interpret the Low. L. grava, " a little wood." Cowel says it sometimes signifies a thick wood of high trees, a grove. GRAVESEND. The origin of this name is somewhat doubt- ful. The town was anciently called Gravesham, from the name of the manor, and afterwards corrupted into Graveshende. Some derive Gravesham from graaf a reeve, and heim, hime, " the LOCAL ETYMOLOGY. 121 dwelling place of the reeve or representative of the superior lord." See Cruden, Hist. Gravesend. GRAY'S INN derives its name from the Lords Gray of Wil- ton, its former occupants. (^Herbert.) GREECE, from L. Grcecia, from FpaiKoi, the Greeks, a name not used by Homer, but said to be very ancient. Some assert that the Javan of the prophets Ezekiel, Daniel, and Zechariah, refers to Greece, and that Ionia may take its name from Javan (i.e. ]V yon), one of the sous of Japhet. (See Gen. x. 2.) " The Hindus formerly called an Ionian or Greek Javana, but the term is now appHed to both the Muhammadan and European invaders of India, and is often used as a general term for any foreigner or barbarous race." " Greece, called Hellas by the Greeks." {Cicero.) GREENWICH {grinidj), Kent; in L. Grenovicum ; from A. S. Grena-wic, Grene-wic, " a green habitation upon the bank of a river," from grene green, wic, a village, bay. GRENO'BLE, capital of Dauphine, a province of France; formerly Grenople, contraction of Gratianopolis, i.e. the TToAig or city of the Emperor Gratian, son of Valentinian I. It was anciently called Cularo. GRIMSBY, CO. Lincoln ; " from one Grimus, who built it." {Bailey.) Dan. by, a city. GRON'GAR-HILL, from W. gron, for crwn, round, from coron, cron, a circle, crown; and. gaer for caer, a fort. Y gron gaer, the round caer or fort. GUADALOUPE {gwada-loop), an island in the W. Indies, called Guadalupe by the Spaniards, from the resemblance of its mountains to a chain in Spanish Estremadura, which, as well as a town and a small river, bear that name. The name of the river is proljably derived from the Arab, loddi a river, and Sp. loba (from L. iupa) a she-wolf. Varac calls it in L. Aquce Lupice. GUADALQUIVIR, a river in Spain flowing by Seville and Cadiz. The name is corrupted from the Arab. Wdd-ol-lmbir, " the great river," from ^j\. wddi a river, also the channel of a river, a valley, W al the -\^ /edbir great. The names of many 122 LOCAL ETYMOLOGY. rivers in the Peninsula are compounded of wMi and other Arabic words. Among these are the Guadalcazar, from Wad-al- kasar, the river of the palace or royal house ; the Guadalhorra, from Wdd-al-gdr, the laurel river ; the Guadarrama, near Gibraltar, from JVud-al-rumka, the mare's river ; the Guadal- quiton, from Wud-al-kat, the cat river ; the GuadaLaxara, or Guadaljara, from Wdd-al-hachdra, the river of the stones ; and the Guadalbacar, from Wdd-al-bacai-, the ox or cow river. GUERNSEY {gernze). The name of this island was perhaps originally Ger's-ige, and, if so, may have been derived from the same root as Jersey and Cherbourg. Camden says Jer, Ger, and Cher, are corrupted abbreviations of Ccesar. Jerbourg, the name of a fort in this island, long since in ruins, is supposed to be a corruption of Ccesar's burg, or Cherburg. The termination ey in Guernsey is the ig, ea, in A. S. igland, ealand, island, which comes from land ; id. and ea, a corruption of Goth. a/ ui^^V' "^ *^he following names means "a grove," as Killgorick, the grove on the water side ; Killyverth, the white thorn grove ; Killigrew, the eagle's grove ; Killoch, Killyoke, the oak grove ; Kilmar, Kilmarh, Kilmarth, the great grove, the horse grove, the wonderful grove ; Roskilly ( — gillij), the grove in the valley. KILDARE, KILFINAN, KILKENNY, KILKERRAN, KILLALOE, KILLARNEY, KILMADOCK, KILMAR. NOCK, KILMORE, KILPATRICK, &c. See Kill. KILL, KIL, in local names in Ireland and Scotland, is the Gael, cill, a burying-ground, cell, chapel, grave ; from L. cella. \. 2 148 LOCAL ETYMOLOGY. (See Zell.) It generally means "church," perhaps originally "cell;" thus Kilbridge, the church of St. Bride or Bridget; Kildare, the church of the oak (others say, " wood of oaks," from Gael, coille a wood, and darecJi) ; Kilfinan, Scotland, the church or burying-place of St. Finan, who lived in the 7th century, and was a disciple of St. Columba ; Kilkenny, the church of St. Kenny, or Canice, from the cathedral church of the diocese of Ossory, founded there about the end of the 12th century; Kilkerran, the church of Ciarain (according to others "the circle or sepulchre of Ciarain," from ajlch a circle) ; Killaloe from St. Lua, called Mo-Lua, who founded a cell there about the be- ginning of the 7th century ; Kilmadock, co. Perth, Scotland, the chapel of St. Madock, Madocus, or Modocus, one of the Culdees ; Kilmore, the great church ; Kilpatrick, the church of Patrick, the patron saint of Ireland, to whom it was originally dedicated. KINGSTON-ON-THAMES, "famous for being the seat of the English Saxon kings in the Danish wars, and for the coro- nation of three kings." (Bai/ei/.) From A. S. ci/n(/es-tun, kiugs town. KINROSS, in Scotland, formerly Kynross or Kynrosse, named from its situation on a point of land running into Loch Leveu ; from Gael, ceann, a head, point, high headland, ros, a promontory, isthmus. KINSALE', Ireland. The name may have been corrupted from Jr. cean-tail, " the head of the sea." KINTIRE, or KYNTIRE, the Mull of, Scotland ; from Gael. ceann- tire, a Tpeninsula, promontory, headland, land's end; ceann, cinn, head, point ; tir, lire, country, region, territory, land in opposition to water (Fr. terre. Corn. W. and Arm. tir, Ir. tior and th-), from L. terra, from Sans, dhara. See itluLL. KIRKALDY {kerJiawl'de), a parish and district, co. Fife, Scotland ; from A. S. eirce, eyrie, church, Celedei or KeJedie, the Culdees. " Prior to the introduction and establisliment of Roman Catholicism in Scotland, the Culdees, who had erected several religious establishments in Fife and Kinross, had one of LOCAL ETYMOLOGY. 149 their houses called cells here ; hence the place was called Kil- celedei. During the Scoto-Saxon period, the name was changed to Kirk-caledie, subsequently contracted into Kirkcaldie and Kirkaldy." KISTNAH, a river of Hindustan, rising in the Deccan ; from Krishia, the popular divinity among the Hindus, named from his black complexion (Sans, krishna, black). KLAUSEN (Jilowsn), a little town in Tirol, lying S. of Brixen, and N. of Bozen ; jammed in between the river Eisack and the mountains ; from its L. name Clausum, from clausum, shut up, inclosed. KONG MOUNTxlINS, in the north-west of Africa. Kong in the Mandingo language means " mountains." KREMLIN, the ancient citadel of Moscow, now containing an imperial palace, &c. The word is used in Russia to denote the citadel of any town or city, from krem, a fortress. KUNCHINJINGA {konchinjong), a snow-clad mountain in the Sikkim Himalaya. The name is Tibetan, and signifies "covered with snow." KUND, a termination of local names in India, as in Rohilcund or -kund, Bundelcund or -kund (an api)ellation given to this pro- vince from the Bundclas, a tribe of Rajputs), is a corruption of the Hind, khand, khund, khund, a district, province ; lit. a piece, a portion. KUTA'YA, a large town in Asia Minor, the ancient Kuroax, Cyttca, a town of Colchis, famous for the poisonous herbs which it produced, and as the birthplace of Medea. L. L ABU AN (lahooun), an island in the mouth of the River Borneo proper. The !Mal. ,^> »jj lahuh-an is an ancborage, an anchoring place ; from htJxili or hi'jit/i, to drop anchor. LADRONES. These islands were named from tbe thievish 150 LOCAL ETYMOLOGY. disposition of the natives at the time of their discovery by Magal- haens (1521) ; from Sp. ladron, a thief, robber, from L. latro, -onis. They are also called Marianne Islands, in honour of the Queen of Philip IV. of Spain, by which king they were settled. LAGO DE MERIM, a lake in Brazil, near the mouth of the Rio de la Plata, on the sea-coast. Merim is a Brazilian word signifying " little : " a European would call this lake a very considerable one. LxlIBA.CH (Jye-lak), the chief town in Carniola, Austria, situated on a river of the same name, or rather, perhaps, on the Laib-ach, i.e. the Laib-brook. In Italian it is called Lubiana. LAKE TAHOO or TAI, in China, means the " Great Lake." LAIMBETH. By ancient authors this name is written Lamhee, Lamheth, Lamhyth, and Lamedh. In the earliest record, a charter of Edward the Confessor in 1062, it is called Lambe-hithe, and in Domesday Lanchei, which latter is most probably a mistake. Dr. Ducaret derives Lambeth from A. S. lamb a lamb, hyth a haven ; the objection to which etymology, as Lysons observes, is that it has no meaning. Dr. Gale says it was named from its contiguity to a Roman road, or leman, which is generally supposed to have terminated at the river, at Stangate, whence there was a passage over the Thames ; but the most reasonable etymology is that from A. S. lam mud, hyth a haven or port. Lye writes " Lamb-hythe, Lambhith, hodie Lambeth." LAMB'S CONDUIT STREET. The Old English Herbal, speaking of winter rocket or cresses, says, " It groweth of its own accord in gardens and fields by the way side in divers places, and particularly in the next pasture to the Conduit Head, behind Gray's Inn, that brings water to Mr. Lamb's conduit in Holborn." "The fields ai'ound Lamb's Conduit formed a favourite promenade for the inhabitants of St. Andrew's Holborn and St. Giles in the Fields. They were first curtailed in 1714, by the formation of a new burying ground for the parish of St. George's, Bloomsbury, and again in 1739, by the erection of the Foundling Hospital. The conduit was taken down in 1746." {Cunningham^s London.) LOCAL ETYMOLOGY. 151 At the north end of Lamb's Conduit Street is a tavern, which formerly had for its sign a " lamb ! " LAMMERMOOR HILLS, situated in the comities of Edin- burgh, Berwick, and Haddnigtou. Some translate Lammermoor, or rather Lammermuir ( — mweer), " the moor that reaches to the sea." But does it not rather mean the hills " near the sea- side? " The Gael, laim-ri is near, hard by, beside, at hand {lanih the hand, ri at), and mu'ir the sea. LAMPE'TER, S. Wales, a corruption of "W. Llan Bedr, " Church Peter." LAMPLUGH, a parish, co. Cumberland ; said to have been named by its Irish inhabitants Glan Jlough or Glan fillough ("wet dale"), of which Lamplugh is a corruption. See Nicolson and Burn, Hist. \\^estm. & Cumb. LANCASTER, found written Longcaster. Camden contends that the Roman name of this place was Longovicum, " long street." Whitaker says it was the Ad-Alaunum of Richard of Cirencester's Itinerary. It was anciently a Roman station, and was doubtless a considerable fortress under the Saxon dynasty. Some derive the name from A. S. lang, long, long, and ceaster a fortress. The more reasonable etymology is from Lan or Lune, and ceaster; "a camp or fortress on the river Lune." LANDEK, a village in Tirol, situate at the corner of three roads ; from G. land, id., eck corner. L ANDES (lonyd). The Landes are wild sterile districts, stretching along the coast of Guyenne and Gascogne, in France, between the Gironde and the Adour. The name, which denotes heath or waste open country, is sufficiently descriptive of its natural character, though it varies considerably, the part near the coast being the wildest. {P. Cyc.) Cotgrave says, " the Fr. lande is a wild, untilled, shrubl)y, bushy plain." Camden calls it " a j)l;iine among trees." The Sp. has Idnda, an extensive tract of heath land. The landa is a plain, common, field. The French word is derived from the G. land, country. " C'est probable- mcnt par allusion a la stdrilit(S d'une grande partie des terres de rAllernagne que nous avons appele lande, une grande etendue de 152 LOCAL ETYMOLOGY. terre qui ne produit que des bruyeres." (Noel.) The G. land may come from the Celt, llmi, a clear place or area, or from L. planus, plain, flat, level ; thus, planus, plana, planata, planada, lanada, landa, Land. Larraraendi derives the Sp. landa from the Basq. Ian, labour, work, and da is ; and, says he, " the earth and the fields are the theatre of labour and work." LANGUEDOG {long'gwedok), a province of France. The dialects called Langue d'oc and Langue d'oi, or d'oil, are derived from oc and oui, the affirmatives peculiar to each dialect. The langue d'oil, was used by the Trouveres, north of the Loire, and has expanded into the modern French ; the Langue d'oc or Provencal, was spoken by the Troubadours south of the Loire, and in the 11th century, was more employed in the language of poetry and sentiment than the Langue d'oil. [For. Quar.) Others derive Languedoc from lande de Goth, i.e. country of the Goth. LARISSA, a city of Thessaly, on the River Penens ; also a Pelasgian town in the Troad, which assisted Troy ; also the name of other ancient towns. Bochart says Vicnya was the name of a city situated between Edessa and Mount Masius, in Mesopo- tamia, and Pafcrsva that of another city between the rivers Chabora and Saocora, also in Mesopotamia ; and that there was also a city called Resen (see Genesis x. 12), lying between Nineveh and Calach, in Assyria. He thinks it very probable that when the Greeks asked of the Assyrian rabble the name of their city, they should have answered " pi!? " le-resen, i.e. " of Resen," which the Greeks may have changed to Aaficrcrav. LATAKLA, in Asiatic Turkey, said to be a corruption of Laodicea, a city of Phrygia ; also the name of other Asiatic cities; from Gr. AaoSiKsia, perhaps named after Aao5i?c>j (Laodice), one of Priam's daughters ; also a daughter of Agamemnon, better known as Electra ; from Xaoc people, Sikyj justice, &c. LATH, a part of a county, contaming three or more hundreds or wapentakes ; from A. S. leth, lath (Low L. IcBstum, leda.) Webster thinks lath may come from lathian, to call together, and that the primary meaning may have been "u LOCAL ETYMOLOGY. 153 meeting or assembly." According to the Laws of Edward the Confessor, the lath in some counties answered to the trithing or third part of a county in others. The term is common in Kent. A lathe or leath in S. Lancashire and in Craven in Yorkshire means "a barn," from Dan. Jade. See Carr's Craven Dial., Quar, Rev. vol. ex. 380; Halliwell ; Spelman ; Blackstone ; and Cowel, Law Diet. LAUNCESTOX (lanson), in Cornwall, was anciently called Dunheved, " the swelling hill." Its modern name, a contraction oi Lan-cester-ton, means "the church castle town." LAW, LAWE, a designation of many hills or mounds in Scot- land and in Northumberland, whether natural or artificial, as Berwick-law, &c. ; from A. S. hlfeio, hlaiv, a mound, heap, a small hill. See also Jamieson, Sco. Diet, and voc. Low. LAWND, LOWND, LAUND, in names of hamlets, &c., in England, as Chipping Laund, Craize Lownd (Isle of Axholme), New Laund Booth (Lancashire), generally means plain lands, lands untilled, extending between planted lands or woods ; an open field between woods ; whence the smooth grass-plats about houses and mansions in the country are called "lawns." Cowel defines fa/ula " a laund or open field without wood." The word is derived from G. land, signifying land, country. But see voc. Landks, and Ducange, Gloss. LAYTON, CO. Essex ; found written Lightun, and Ligetuue ; from Liffa the River Lea, A. S. tun an enclosure, town. LE M.\NS (lemomj), chief town of the department of the Maine. Mans is a corruption of Cenomanum, capital of the Cenomani or Ccnbmanni, a peoi)le who anciently dwelt in this •part of France. These Cenomanni, or "head men," seem to be the same as the Cenomanni, Iceni, Y-ceni, Ceni, or Cenones, who ia'.iabitcd Norfolk, Suffolk, Cambridge, &c. Cenomanum was called by the Romans Suindinum. The original Celtic name may have been S.ryn-din, i.e. holy town. LEADEXIIALL, the name of a market and street in London, is a corruption of Leather Hall ; a large market for hides and leather haviii;; been formcrlv held here. 154 LOCAL ETYMOLOGY. LEAMINGTON, or LEAMINGTON PRIORS {Jem—), co. Warwick, is named from the river Leam, in the vale of which it is situated, and from its having originally helonged to the Priory of Kenilworth. Dugdale thinks the river may have its name from Gr. Aia-j^x, a pool, lake. He says, " this river is of a muddy disposition, having some standing holes, in the nature of lakes or ponds, in sundry places thereof; and we find at this day that divers of those artificial rivers in Cambridgeshire, anciently cut to drain the fens, bear the name of Leame, as Watersey Leame, New Leame, Moston's Leame, &c., being all muddy channels through which the water hath a dull or slow passage." The Gr. Aiavjv is a haven, seaport, harbour, refuge ; Dugdale probably means Xiy.vrj, a marsh, lake, stagnant water. The A. S. has lam, D. leem, G. le/itn, loam, Dan. liii/i, Sw. li?n, lime, glue, L. limits, slime, mud, Gr. Aujaa, filth. We find Limene or Lhnine-muth, " mouth of the River Limine," in Kent. The g iu Leamington is perhaps of modern introduction, like that in Lymington ; or Learning-tun may translate " the town of the Leam river people." See Ing. LEB'ANUN, or Lib' anus, Gr. AifSocvog, a celebrated mountain on the confines of Syria and Palestiae, described as abounding in cedars and various kinds of fragrant plants. " Libanus is so called from the milky whiteness of its perpetual snow." {Richardson.) " The name Libanon comes from the whitish colour of the limestone rock." (Robinson's Palest, lib. iii. p. 439.) Jere- miah (xviii. 14) speaks of the snow of Libanus. Tacitus (Hist, lib. V. cap. 6) says " Preecipuum montium Libanum erigit, mirum dictu, tantos inter ardores opacum fidumcpie nivibus." The name in Arab, is written AJuJ lubndn, which seems to come from * lahan milk. The Ileb. pb laban signifies " white." LECH or LLECII {lelt), in local names in Wales, is the W. llech , a flat stone, slate stone, slate rock, slate ; thus, Llechvaen, near Brecknock, fiom llech, and vaeti, for maen, a stone. LECHLADE {lek'lade) CO. Gloucester, named from its situation on the River Lech, and A. S. ladian, to empty. North- lech is near the source of the Lech. See Cricklade. LOCAL ETYMOLOGY. 155 LEEDS, formerly Loidis, which some derive from A. S. ledd, a people. Whitaker considers Loidis the genitive case of Loidi, the name of the first Saxon possessor of the place. He says this kind of ellipsis was very frequent ; thus iVIelsis, the dwelling of the Melsi; and in N. Lancashire, Levens (the Lefuenes of Domesday), the habitation of LeofFwine. LEICESTER {tester), found written Ligora-ceaster, Liggora- ceaster, Liecestre, and Leicestre; from A. S. Legre-ceaster ; named from the river Legre or Leir (now the Soar), on which it stands. LEIGHTON BUZZARD, co. Beds, a town of Norman origin, on the River Ouse. It was formerly called Leiton-Beau-Desart, said to be derived from leiton grassy ground, beau fair, desart woody. The name is found written Leiton Bosart, and, in the Chronicles of Dunstable, Leyton, LEINTWARDINE, co. Hereford; Bradwardine, &c. See Wardine. LEIPZIG or LEIPSIC {hjpe-tzig), originated in the Slavonian village situated in the angle where the Parde falls into the Pleisse. It is said to have received its name from the lime-trees (Slav, lips, lipa, or lipsk) growing about it. LEXHAM, Kent, named from its situation on the Len, which falls into the Medway near Maidstone ; A. S. ham, a dwellin>-. LEOMINSTER (lemster), co. Hereford, from A. S. leof, loved, beloved, dear, mynster a monastery. LESLIE {lez'le), a parish, co. Fife, said to be from Gael. lis a garden, or enchanted spot, and Leven, the name of the river; thus, lisleven, lisleen, lislie, LesHe. "This derivation corresponds witii the beautiful table-land on which the villao-e is built, originally the scene of royal and noble games, and the resort of all that was royal and noble in Scotland, to enjoy those games in safety ; hence the name still retained by many a con- tiguous field and croft, where each noble family erected tlieir own pavilion, such as Bin-ard-ri, pronounced binyarbree, ' high station of the king.' Every name of standing in the parish is Gaelic, and many evidently connected with royalty, as Straliondry 156 LOCAL ETYMOLOGY. for Strath-an-ri, ' the king's park or forest ;' Balquhonvie, for Bal-quhom-ri, 'the king's grass town.' BalsilUe, for Bal- shieUie, ' corn town ;' Ingri, for Eglisi-an-ri, ' the king's chapel.' " {Stat. Ace. of Scot.) By //* is meant the Gael, lios, a garden, lit. a court, palace, house, fortified place. Cf. Ir. lios, a court ; W. llys, Arm. les, a court ; Corn. Ilys, a manor-house. LEWES {hois), Sussex, " hath its name of pastures called by the English Saxons Leswa." {Camden.) " From O. Fr. Les ewes, waters, as expressive of its state when the levels north and south of the town were flooded for the greater part of the year." {Rome.) " In ancient times the valley to the north and south of the town was undoubtedly one continued lake ; hence the L. denomination of Laquis, given to it in Domesday ; hence also the names of the town and of the river, both of which are but corrup- tions of the equivalent French word Eaux." (Allen, Hist. Surr. and Suss.) It has heen likewise suggested that a Belgic tribe named the Levaci, and mentioned by Cfesar, may have settled in this district, and that Lewes may have derived its name from them; which is considered the more probable, from the Belgse having formerly possessed the whole of our maritime coast. {Elliott's MSS.) A Brit, etymology from glids, shining or bright, has been hazarded by a passage from Camden ; but the only reason given, is, the neighbouring chalk-pits and the chalky tracts pro- bably worn by the Britons, and which, seen at a distance, would appear as bright spots in contrast with the green Downs, This derivation, however, has been considered too general, since every inhabited spot on the slope of the Downs, standing npon a chalky soil, might for the same reason be designated " Gluis." Baxter, under " Lagentium," says Lewes was probably called by the ancients Laiiisca, as much as to say, " the hand upon the water " (from Anc. Brit, lau a hand, isca water), and under " Clauanis," he remarks, that the largest of the Hebrides, which shoots for- ward its arms or promontories into the sea, is called " Lewes ;" that its former name was Clauanis, from clau or lau an arm, inis an island — " an island like an arm." Horsfield, the historian, assures us that the derivation of Lewes from lau and ese (which LOCAL ETYMOLOGY. 157 seems to be merely another form of isca), strictly agrees with the face of the comitry and the situation of the town, and that several remains of the termination ese are to be found in the immediate neighbourhood of Lewes river, as Isefield, Lewese, Southese, Northese, all of which take their names from their relative situation near the river anciently called Ise, Ease, Esse, Eyse, Use, and now the Ouse. For our part, we think the most reasonable derivation is that from the A. S. hlcBW, " a word expressive of the gradual ascent which the eastern termination of the Down makes from the river," joined to the old Brit, name of the stream, Tsca or Ise ; whence JilcBw-ise, hlew-ese, or Lewes. LEWISHAM, Kent, formerly Lewsham, and before that Levesham, said to be named fiom its situation ; from A. S. Iceswes pastures, ham a habitation. The O. Eng. word leasoio is still used for a pasture in Herefordshire and some other counties. LEY, LEA, LEE, LAY, LEIGH, in local names in England, as in Bletchingley, Bletchley, Botley, Dudley, Dursley, Hanby, Helmsley, Lee, Layton, Leighton, means an open field, or large pasture ; from A. S. leay, legh, leak, lega, ley, a ley, field, place ; (W. lie, Fr. lieu, a place) from L. locus, a place. LEYDEN {la'-dn), a town in Holland ; a corruption of Lug- clv.num, the L. form of its original name. The Romnns called it Lugduuum Batavorum. See Lyons and Dun. LIBYA {Ub'-e-a), L. Libya, Gr. A/Sdt;, a part of Africa now called Abyssinia. An ancient writer says Libya has its name from the colour of its inhabitants, and that Xi^vq is an old Gr. word for " black." AA'arburton derives Libya from llcb. leh, heat ; Bochart from Heb. 217 luh, thirst, from the quality of the soil of the country. He says laab is the same as lub,]\x%t as laat is the same as lut ; that from laab comes ha-lab-oth, which means drv and thirsty places ; and that therefore lub signifies a thirsty land. He quotes Lucan, who says, " per calidas Libyte sititntis arenas." LICHFIELD {litchfield), co. Stafford ; from A. S. lie, lice, a body, dead body, corpse, and feld a field ; lit. " the field of dead 158 LOCAL ETYMOLOGY. bodies" ("because," saysBailey, "a great many suffered martyrdom there in the time of Dioclesian"); or "from lie, wet. from leccian, to irrigate ; from the stream which divides the city, and feld a field. (See Bosivorth.) The name of this place is found written Licedfeld, Licetfcld, Liccetfeld, Licitfeld, Licethfeld, Lichesfeld, Lichfeld, Lychefeld, and Lichfelde. Bede writes it Licid-feld. LIDFORD, CO. Devon ; found written Hlida-ford, Hlydanford, Lideforda, and Lideford ; " Ford of the Lida." LIGURIA, a country of ancient Italy, extending from the Apennines to the Tuscan Sea. An inhabitant of Liguria was called Ligus and Ligur. Some derive Ugur from Basq. li-gora, a mountaineer, from li, ilU, people, country, goi'a high, elevated. The L. name for the river Loire, in France, was Liger. LILLA, LILLE, in local names in Sweden, Norway, and Denmark, is the Sw. liUa, Dan. lille, lille, as Lilla Edet, in Sweden ; LiUehammer and Lillesand, in Norway ; the Lille Belt, between Slesvig and the island of Fyen or Funen in Denmark. LILLE (Jeel), formerly L'Isle, a town of France. It was anciently called Insula — from its situation; being built between two rivers, the Lys and the Deule — whence, by corruption, its present name. Thus insula, insel, isel, isle, L'Isle, Lille. The Germans and Flemings call it Ryssel, which may be a cor- ruption of Lys-insel, or Rys-insel. Mijs, in Dutch, means brush- wood. The French pronounce it Lil. LI^IA (Jeema), the capital of Peru, was formerly called Rimac, from the name of a famous idol, represented under the figure of a man, and uttering oracles. To this idol the incas and grandees of Peru were in the habit of sending ambassadors to consult upon the most important affairs. From the responses which it gave, they called it Rimac, i.e. "he who speaks." The Indians, or more probably the Spaniards, corrupted Rimac into Lima. LINCOLN (lingkon), called by the Romans Lindecollina ; by- Ptolemy and Antoninus Lindun ; by Bede Linde Collinum and Linde CoUina ; and by the Saxons Lincolen, Lincylen, Lindcy- len, Lyndcylene-ceaster, Lincol, Lincolla, and Lyndcolla. Having LOCAL ETYMOLOGY. 159 the privilege of a Roman colony, it was also styled Lindun Colonia, whence possibly its present name. Lindun or Lindin may come from Auc. Brit. Uyn, a lake, pool, and din a town. Others derive Lincoln from LyndecoJline, becanse the principal part of t]]e town, in Saxon times, stood upon a collyne or hill. According to Camden it was named Lindcoit from the woody neighbourhood (W. coed a wood). Under the Nor- man dynasty, Lincolnshire, according to some writers, was called Nicolshire, which Gough, however, supposes to be either a mistaken reading of Lncol, or Lincol, or to have arisen from the imperfect pronunciation of the Normans. The ancient inhabitants of Lincolnshire were the Coritaui or Coriceni, " a name of uncertain derivfition, but which probably h;id its origin in the Brit, word corani or coranaie, appellations denoting men that are liberal, generous or lavish.'' (Cam. Reg. vol. xi.) LING, in local names in China, generally means " a chain of mountains ; " thus, Pih-ling, the northern chain ; Nan-ling, the southern chain. LIP, a termination of many local names in England, as Hindlip, Postlip, Birdlip, Counterslip, Wanlip, is the A. S. hhjp, hlip, hleop, a leap, jump. Ilicks translates Hindlip, "■ track of hounds ; " Nash says " harts' leaps." LIPARI ISLANDS {le-pa-re), near Sicily, in L. Lipara and Lipare ; and in Gr. AiTixor, and Anruf-iQ. The L. liparis is a kind of lizard or fish, also a sort of gem ; the Gr. KntapoQ is fat, greasy, rich, fertile, shining, &c. The name of the islands may have been derived from Kntapoc, and the Latins may have called a lizard, and also a particular sort of gem, liparis, because these islands abounded with both of them. According to Pliny, (lib. iii., cap. 9), the Lipari islands were named after King Liparus. They were anciently called l^lEKiyowig, Meligunis. Sec Diod. Sic, lib. i., and P. Sab. LISBON ; Port, and Sp. Lishoa, Fr. Lisbonne, It. Lisbona. It is related that Ulysses, after the destruction of Troy, sailed hither, and laid the foundation of this city, which was called after him Ulyasipone, U/yssipo, or 0/yssipo ; but, as Lamartinicre 160 LOCAL ETYMOLOGY. observes, the resemblance of the names might have occasioned this opinion, and, besides the difficulty of proving that Ulysses ever left the Mediterranean Sea, the true name was neither VIyssij)o nor Ohjssipo, but Olisipo, as proved by an inscription found at Lisbon. There is an ancient tradition that this city was first designated Ehjsea, after its founder Elisa, brother of Tubal, and grandson of Noah. It was with equal probability called E'.ysa, from the Elysian fields which were supposed to have been here. Others say that the harbour of Lisbon, which is spacious and deep, was called by the Phceiiicians, who first traded there, OUsippo, i.e. "agreeable bay," whence its present name has been corrupted. This last derivation seems the most reasonable. LISIEUX {liz-yu), a town in the department of Calvados, in France. It existed at the time of the Roman conquest, when it was called Noviomagus, or Nceomagus. It subsequently took the name of Lexovii, from the people to whom it belonged, whence its present name is derived. (P. Ct/e.) LISKEARD (liskeerd), in Cornwall ; one of the ancient seats of the Dukes of Cornwall. Liscard or Lcs-keard in Corn, means a fortified court or palace, or refiner's court or green. Leslis, is the Arm. les, Us, a court, hall. See Pnjce. LIVERPOOL, found written Lyrpul, Litherpul, Lyrpole.Lyver- pool, Livrepol, Ly verpol, Liverpole, Lerpoole, Leerpole, Leverpole, and Leverpool. Camden writes the name Lithere-pool ; Baxter Lither-pool, and Leland Ly'rpoU. In popular belief, the name is derived from that of a bird called a liver or lever, which used to frequent the site of the town, a great part of which was for- merly a marshy pool. The corporate seal of the town bears the figure of a bird, which, however, as there represented, is said to be of a species wholly unknown at the present day. The historian says " the borough of Liverpool beareth argent a lever azure, the family of Lever beareth three levers' heads couped, and Lever of Liverpool argent a lever azure, the beak and legs. In truth the lever, if such a bird really exist in nature, appears to be no other than the blue duck which sometimes frequents our coasts and is LOCAL ETYMOLOGY. 161 also found in the river Ribble, known at present by the name of the " blue shoveller, the a?ias clypeater of Linnaeus, which agrees in form with that represented on the borough seal ;" and he thinks the lever was chosen as an emblem for the seal in imitation of the Lever family and others. That there was anciently a bird called the lever seems probable, from the fact that in D. we have lepeler, " a bird somewhat like a heron, having a long bill round at the end," evidently derived from lejiel, G. Idffel, a spoon. The name of Liverpool has also been derived from the "W. lUr- pwll, i. e. "place on the pool : " and in confirmation, it is stated that anciently the whole estuary of the INIersey, as far as Run- corn, was called Lyrpul or Lyrpoole, and that Liverpool is pro- nounced lerpool by many of the country people in the neighbour- hood. In the original charter, however, of Henry IL, in 1173, this town is described as a place " which the Lyrpool men call Litherpool." In the subsequent charter of King John it is called Lyrpool. According to others, in the provincial dialect lither signifies lower, and they say that Lither-pool may mean simply the " lower pool," and hence the name of the village Litherland, or "lower land," and of a passage still called Lither- land Passage, in the neighbourhood of Pool Lane. We are inclined to think that the true derivation of the name has not yet been given. The original appellation was probably either Litherpool or Latherpool. Litherpool would translate " sluggish pool." Lither is a north country word signifying idle, lazy, slug- gish, and may come from A. S. hlithe. Latherpvoll would signify in the Anc. Brit, "smooth pool." The W. llathr is glossy, ])olished, glittering; llathrii, to make smooth; Uithriy, sliding, gliding, slippery, the A. S. lith, hlith, gentle, compar. lithra, lithre. When speaking of " pool," we refer, of course, to the pool which encircled the ancient town, and not to the pool of the Mersey. LIVONIA or LIVLAND, G. Lie/land, one of the Baltic pro- vinces of Russia, derives its name from its inhabitants, the Liven, a rinnish tribe, now cither extinct, or confounded witli the Es- thoniaus and the Lettonians or Lcttcn. 162 LOCAL ETYMOLOGY. LLAN, LAN, in local names iu Wales, is the general prefix of Welsh churches, coupled with the name of some native pastor. The pi. llanau signified sacred enclosures or churchyards. Owen translates llan, a church-village, a church or place of meeting, a clear place, area, or spot of ground to deposit anything in, a yard, or a small enclosure, a place of gathering together. The primary signification is probably a yard or enclosure. Among local names having the prefix llan, are Llanarth ; Llanasaph, the church of St. Asaph ; Llanberis and Llandaff (q. v.) ; Llanidloes, church of St. Idloes ; Llandovery, said to be a corruption of Llan-ym-ddy- froed, "the church among the waters," derived from its situation near the confluence of several streams; Llandudno; and Llan- gollen (q.v.) ; Llanhidrock, church of St. Hidrock ; Llanthony, i.e. Llan-Anthony ; Llanymynech, the village of the miners. Launceston, in Cornwall, also, was anciently called Llan Stephadon, church of St. Stephen. LLANBER'IS, near Caernarvon, N. Wales. The church was dedicated to St. Peris, a Cardinal missioned from Rome, who settled and died here. From W. llan a church, and Beiis for Peris. LLANDAFF, co. Glamorgan, for Llan David, i.e. the church of St. David. Others say " church on the River Taff." LLANDUDNO {landid'no), co. Caernarvon, from W. llan a church, and Tudno, " the name of a saint who chose for his retreat the precipitous eminence known as the great St. Orme'sHead, on which the sacred fire, after being borne across the Menai from An- glesey, was first exhibited on the vernal festival of the first of May, and from which, by the enactments of the Druidic religion, every family in the kingdom was obliged to re-kindle its hearth-stone or domestic fire, extinguished under the operation of the same laws the preceding night." (See N. c^- Q., 2d S. ii. 230.) LLANGOLLEN {langoth'len), co. Denbigh, N. Wales ; " the church of St. CoUen," whose Latin legend is still extant. See Llan. LLWCH {lookh), in local names in Wales, is the W. llivch, a lake, as Llwch Lawc, Llwch Sawdde, Llwch Cyhirych, Llwch LOCAL ETYMOLOGY. 163 Amlwch ; also Tal-y-Uychau, Llan Llwch ; places situated near lakes. LOCH (lok) in local names in Scotland, as Loch Tay, Loch Fine, Loch Awe, Loch Ness, &c., means a lake, a bay or arm of the sea; from Gael, loch, locha (W. Uivch, Arm. Ictgen, Manx hich a lake, G. lack a pool, Bisc. and Fr. lac, Sp. and It. lago, Eng. laJce), from L. lacus a lake, Gr. AaK/ioe Aax-oe, a pit, cistern, pool, lake ; allied to Chal. lachah, a marsh, and Heb. lekee, to hold. LOCH KATRINE {kat'reen) or CATHARINE, one of the largest and most interesting of the Scottish lochs. Sir Walter Scott calls it Katterin, and in some maps the name is written Katherine. The people pronounce the word hutteren. "The wdMiQ Katrine" says Kohl, "occurs more than once in Scotland ; thus, the castle of the Stuarts, in Ayrshire, is called Catrine ; hence it is reasonable to suppose that both the castle and lake were named in honour of the Catcrans, those famous freebooters who, for a long time, played such an important part in Scottish history." A Gael told our author that the lake, in Gaelic, is properly "Loch Cearn" (pronounced kairn), meaning "the lake of lords or heroes," which became afterwards corrupted into Katrine. LOCH LOMOND. Armstrong says "Lomond" is synony- mous with Lacus Leman-us in Helvetia, in the time of Caesar. But see Ben Lomond. LOE {16), EAST LO, LOO, or LOE, a village in Cornwall. The name in Corn, means " a lake or pond." LOMBARDY. Some say Lombardy is the country of the Longobardi, or long beards ; but hardi means bards, not beards, which would be harhce. Vossius, with more I'cason, derives the name from lonyis hardis, or hartis, i. e. long battle-axes, which these people carried ; and he says the word is found in Teut, helle' Inert, perhaps from hel, bright, splendid, flaming, and haerd, a halberd, battle-axe. LONDON. Tacitus and other Roman writers call it Londi- nium ; tlic Saxons Liuidun, Luiulcn, Linidon, Londone, Luiulon- M 2 164 LOCAL ETYMOLOGY. burgh, Lundunes, Lundun-ceaster. Some derive the name from Anc. Brit. lyn, a lake, din, a town or harbour for ships ; " as until recent dates, the south side of the river was often a lake in some parts, and a swamp in others, the name might easily be changed from Lyndin to London, and be descriptive of its local position." {Encyc. Brit.) Somner gives W. llawn, populous, dinas, a city. Many other etymologies have been suggested, as that from Lima, another name for Diana ; or from Lindus, a city of Rhodes ; or Lugdus, a Celtic prince ; or from the Brit. Uan-Dijn, " the temple of Diana;" or from Ilwyn a wood or grove, dinas a town; or llong a ship, and dinas, i. e. town or harbour for ships. Mait- land derives it from Anc. Gael. Ion a place, dun or don, an eminence or hill ; " than which no denomination can better suit the city of London." Stow says, "King Lud (as Geffrey of Monmouth noteth) afterwards repaired this citie, but also increased the same with fair buildings, towers and^ walks, and after his own name called it Caire-Lud, as 'Lud's town,' and the strong gate he builded in the Welsh part of the citie he likewise for his own honour named Ludgate ;" and that Cair Lunden is mentioned by Nennius in the list of Anc. Brit, cities. This derivation of Stow will do very well for Ludgate, but not for London. The most reasonable etymology is that from lyn and din, and the name may have come thus : Lyndin (pron. lundin), Lundinium, Londiuium, Londin, Lundin, Lundun, Lundon, Lon- don. Dr. Pughe says *' Llundain {llun-tain) ' the form or bend of the Tain ;' Caer Lundain, or more properly, perhaps, Llydain ' the spread of the River Tain,' the Welsh name for London. It was so called on account of its being situated on a large expanse of the River Thames, or Tain, beginning about Battersea, and including all the present low grounds on both sides, to Erith ; by which place the water ran in a narrow channel, made by its own force through a chain of hills, lying in a transverse direction to the stream : and it would seem that a memorial of such an event is preserved in the name of the place, for erth implies a bursting through, or a rupture ; whence Erith, the present name, differs scarcely anything in sound." LOCAL ETYMOLOGY. 165 LOO, LO, a not unfrequeut termination of local names in the Netherlands, particularly in Gelderland and Overyssel ; as Almelo, Borkulo, Dinxperlo, Eckelo, Ermelo, Groenlo, Hetloo, Humelo, Lillo, Peterloo, Ruerlo, Tesseuderlo, Venlo, Waterloo. Lo or loo, according to some, is a wood ; others say a marsh. Wachter thinks lo, loo, means a plain ; and he cites Toxanderlo, which is now called Kempen, not hecause it is surrounded with marshes, but with plains. Verelius translates /a " tnare, the sea ;" and, says Wachter, this la may be from Gr. Xsiqq, smooth ; and lo may mean the smooth surface of a plain, and la that of the sea ; and he refers to the L. cequor, which means the smooth surface of the land, as well as of the sea. See Venlo. LOODIA'NA, a town in Sirhind, Hindustan ; so called from having been founded and principally inhabited by the Lodi {Lodhd, Lodhi), a tribe of Afghans. {Thornton.) LORCH, {lork) a village near Enns, on the Danube, corrupted from Lauriacum, a Roman station, on the site of which Enns now stands. LORRAINE (Zorram), a province of France, formerly Lorrene ; from O. Fr. Loheri-egne, from Lotharingia, i.e. Lotharii Recjnum, the kingdom of Lotharius, son of the emperor of the same name. LOSTWITIIIEL ilost'mthel), a village in , Cornwall, formerly Lestwithicl. Les utJuel, or Les uhal, in Corn, means " the lofty palace." Uchel in W. is high, lofty, and llys, a palace. LOTHBURY, London. Stow, speaking of one of the city wards, says " of the antiquities to be named therein are these : — First, the street of Lothberie, Lathberie, or Loadberie (for by all these names have I read it) took the name, as it seemeth, of berie, a court of old time there kept, but by whom is grown out of memory. This street is possessed for the most part by founders, that cast candlesticks, chafing-dishes, spice mortars, and such like copper and laton works, and do afterwards turn them with the foot, and not with the wheel, to make them smooth and bright, making a /oa^/csow^e noise, to the by-passers, that have not been used to the like, and therefore by them disdainfully called Lothberie." liOthbury may have been originally called Latonbury. The word Intone, now lullen, was a 166 LOCAL ETYMOLOGY. term used in the middle ages for a fine kind of brass, or copper very much resembling brass, used for making crosses, candlesticks, &c.; from Fr. leton or laiton, D, latoen. Arm. laton. LOUGH (/o/), in Ireland, means a lake, or arm of the sea ; as Lough Allen, Lough Erne, Lough Foyle, Lough Neagh, Lough Swilly. It is merely another orthography of the Gael. loch. (q. v.). LOUVRE (loo'ver). The etymology of Louvre, the royal palace at Paris, is variously explained by French writers. Some assert that the early French mouarchs, who delighted in the chase of the wolf, erected a hunting seat here at a time when the country about Paris was covered with imm.ense forests infested by wolves ; and they derive Louvre from louve or loup, a wolf. Others say from the Sax. leower (perhaps Maw a mound), a fortress ; or from the O. Fr. word rouvre, (from roboretum), a forest of oaks ; or from L'oeuvre, the work or building, j^ar excellence. Mons. Clarac considers the last to be the least probable etymology, because in ancient documents this building is called Lupara, perhaps pronounced loupara (which might be easily changed into Louvre), at a time when it is doubt- ful if the word ceuvre was in use. Besides, he observes, would they have applied the pompous term, "L'oeuvre," par excel- lence to a hunting-seat, while the king had already a palace in Paris itself, and the vast Thermae of Julian were in exist- ence? Mons. Clarac inchnes to the derivation from "the hunting of the louve." If this be correct, the word may have been formed thus : XVA.OQ, lupus, lupa, lupara. Louvre. The old word lover, loover, or louver, was applied to a chimney, or rather to an open- ing in the roof of old houses through which the smoke was emitted. This word is by some derived from the Fr. Vouverf, open, or from the Ice. lidri (pronouned liotvri or liovri), Norw. liori, W. Goth, liura; which, in the statistical accounts of the northern countries, is described as a sort of cupola with a trap- door, serving the two-fold purpose of a chimney and a sky-hght ; and they derive libri from libs, hght, analogous to the Fr. lucarne, from L. lucerna. See also Musee du Louvre, par Clarac, p. 248 ; Duchesne ; Dallaway, Disc, cd. 1833, p. 1741; and Craven, Gloss. LOCAL ETYMOLOGY. 167 LOW, LOWE, au.l LOE (lo), found in local names in England, is the A. S. hlcew, hhno, M. Goth, hlaiw, a heap, burrow, small hill, tract of ground gently rising. Thus, Houuslow, from hnndes-hlaw, hound's-low ; Winslow, from winnes-hlaw, mound of battle, or ivindes-hlaw, the windy mound ; also Barlow, Bed- low, Eastlow, Ludlow, Mcrlow (qu. Marlow), Taplow, Westlow, Wicklow. (See Bosworth.) LOWESTOFT (lo'stof), co. Suffolk. Some translate this name " toft of the lakes," there being two lakes in the vicinity. According to others, Lowestoft or Lowestoffe is Loweti s hof, from the Viking named Lowen, i. e. lion. See voc. Tot. LUCKNOW, the chief city of Oude. The name is properly written J*^ lachiau, perhaps contracted from its ancient Sans. name Lakshmanavati, signifying fortunate, lucky, thus ; Laksh- manavati, Laksmanauti, Laksm'naut, Laksnaut, Laksnau, Laknau. Gaur Lucknauti, or Gaur, a ruined city in the presidency of Bengal, may derive its name from the same root ; although, ac- cording to some, it was named after Lakshmana, who ruled over it in the 12th century. Both names, however, appear to be con- nected with Lakshmi, goddess of wealth and prosperity. LUDGATE, formerly one of the western gates of the city of London. " Either of Lud, a king of the Britons, who built it, as some say ; or q. d. Flood-gate, from a little river that ran under it ; or, as Dr. Th. H. supposes, of Sax. lead the people, and galey as Porto del Popolo, at Rome." {Bailey.) LUDLOW, CO. Salop ; found written Leod-hlaw, and Lude- hlaw ; from A. S. leod people, a nation, and hlaw, Maw, a heap, barrow, small hill, a tract of ground gently rising. " Ludlow, 2Jopiili tu7nidus." (Bosworth.) LUND, in local names in the N. of England, as in Plumbelund, a village near Cockermouth, co. Cumberland ; also in Denmark, as Cliarlottenlund, Christianslund, Frydculuud, Frederickslund, Lundigt, &c., villages near Copenhagen ; is the Dan. and S\v. lund, a grove or wood dedicated formerly to some god. In Lan- cashire /ir/id also signifies a township, and is a family name. LUNDY SIND, or Kabul Kivcr. The name in Puyhto signi- 168 LOCAL ETYIVIOLOGY. fies "the little river;" in contradistinction to Abu Sind, or "father of rivers," as the Indus is termed. LUSITANIA, the ancient appellation of Portugal. Varro and others derive the name from Lusus, son of Bacchus ; Bochart from -,)b luz, a word used by the Hebrews and Syrians for an almond. He says the Phoenicians often named places fi'om their abounding in fruit ; that there were two places called Luza, one in the tribe of Benjamin, and the other in the tribe of Ephraim, both probably named from the fruit which they produced ; and why not also Lusitania, which yields to no place on the globe in the abundance and excellence of its almonds ? Further, that writers speak of the great quantity of wine, oil, oranges, citrons, and almonds, produced in Lusitania; and that there are several places in Portugal, which were uamed on that account, as Calmende, for Casalmende, " the almond house ;" Castelmondo for Castro almendro, "the almond fort." The Arab, has jj lawz (lawcat), an almond. LUTON, CO. Beds, found written in Domesday and in different charters, Loitoine, Loyton, Luytone, Luyton, Lewton, and Loton. The Saxons called it Lygetune. Davis tells us it has its name from the River Lyge, now called Lea, which rises near Houghton Regis, and runs through the whole extent of Luton parish. It appears to have been an ancient town of the Britons. Its oldest name was Lygea-byrig, or -burg. The Brit, name was nearly the same as the Sax. Lygea, which means " a river in an open field." LUXEMBOURG, a grand duchy, takes its name from the old chateau of Lucili hurgum, which, in 963, was acquired by Sigfried, Count of Ardennes ; whose descendants, from 1 1 20, took the title of Counts of Luxembourg (Jnirg, a castle). LUXOR; El Kns7\ " the palaces ;" a village of Upper Egypt, on the right bank of the Nile, occupying partly the ancient site of Thebes, and having one of the most magnificent ancient temples extant. {Johnston.) It is called "The Palaces" from the temple erected thereby Amunoph III. and Rameses II. The name is derivedfrom Arab. A\ al the, ^ kasr (pi. htsur), a dwelling, every edifice built with stones, a palace, a citadel. LOCAL ETYMOLOGY. 169 LYME REGIS, co. Dorset. See Regis. LYM'INGTON, a town in Hants, situate on the river Lymingtou. The manor is in Domesday called Lentune ; temp. Edvv. I. Lemynton, and in several charters Liminton, which War- ner {Hist. Hants) considers the proper orthography ; and he derives it from Brit, limii a stream, and A. S, tun a town. See also Baxter, Etym. in voc. Limia. LLYN, in local names in Wales, is the W. llyn a lake ; as Llyn Coch, the red pool ; Llyn Flynnon y Gwas, the servant's pool ; Llyn Glas, the blue pool ; Llyn y Cae, the inclosed pool ; Llyny Cwm, thepoolof the dogs ;Llyn y Dwarcheu, the pool of the sod; Llynn y Nadroedd, the adder's pool. LYNN, LYNN REGIS, or KING'S LYNN, co. Norfolk. This ancient town was named by the Britons. It is called Lena and Lun in Domesday, and Lunea in the foundation deed of Wm. de Warrena (Earl Warren), of the Priory of Lewes in Sussex, in the reign of Wm. I. Hen. VIII. emancipated the corporation from the feudal supremacy of the bishops of Nor- wich, and changed the name from Lynn Episcopi (Bishop's Lynn), to Lynn Regis, or King's Lynn. Qu. W. hjn, a lake, pool. See Parker, Hist. Norfolk ; also Leland, Itin. vol. .5, p. 44 ; Selden, notes on Drayton's Polyolbion, p. 78 ; and Camden. LYON {le'ong), Anglich Lyons, It. Lione, G. Lyon, a city of France, was built in the year B.C. 41 or 42, by Lucius Munatius Plancus. It did not receive a Roman name, but was called Lugdun, from the name of the hill upon which it was built. Lugdun is said to have meant in the O. Gaul. " hill of the M. MACAO (macow'), a peninsula near Canton. Vieyra (Por^. Die.) says "Macao, i. e. a seaport." This is not satisfactory, macdo not meaning a seaport in Portuguese. It is related that on the 170 LOCAL ETYMOLOGY. site of the present city there was formerly a Chinese temple, sacred to an idol named Atna, and as the port was called Gao, the name Amagao was applied by the Portuguese, and subse- quently corrupted, first into Amacao, and afterwards into Macao. Some write the Chinese name of Macao, Gannan ; others Gaou- mun. Gaou {gao, ngao, goto) signifies land near a shore or coast; a bay; kow, or rather hae how, is a port or harbour for ships. MADEIRA (inadeerd), an island in the Atlantic Ocean, so called from having been originally very woody ; from Port. madeira (Sp. madera), timber, wood, from L. materia, materials, stuff, matter, especially materials for building, timber. MADEN, in local names in Turkey, is the Turc. moHden, a mine ; as Keban Maden, Arghana Maden, between Erzeroum and Kaisariyeh. MADRAS', formerly Madras-patan, or Madras-pattan ; from Arab, ^^ji^^ madrasa, a university, college, school for the diffusion of Muhammadan learning, and Sans, pattuna, a town, city. MADRID'. This city being built in an open country, 2412 feet above the level of the sea, some have derived the name from majerit, which in Arab, is said to signify " a current of fresh air." Sousa prefers the Kv&b. maajurit, "running waters," of which, however, there are scarcely any in this part of the country. The name may come from Arab. iJ .a.c madarat, a city, a town, lit. a single clod, a lump of dry clay of which walls are built, from madar, id. ; also the name of a city in Arabia. Medina, in like manner, means a city. Some assert that Madrid is the Majoritum and Mantua Carpentanorum of the Romans. The Arab, majara is, to be thirsty ; mdajrad, is " naked." MAELSTROM, a celebrated whirlpool on the coast of Norway, at the south end of the Luffoden Isles ; from Dan. mulstrum, a whirlpool, gulf, abyss ; lit. a mill-stream. MAEN, in names of places in Wales, is the W. maen a stone, as Pen-maen-mawr. Maen is sometimes changed into vaen, as Kist-vaen, &c. LOCAL ETYMOLOGY. 171 MAESTRICHT {ma'strikt), the capital of Limburgin Belgium, is situated on the River Maes, Maas, or Meuse, and was called by the Romans Trajectus Superior, i. e. the upper ford. The name is contracted from Maes and trajectus, " ford of the Maes." See Meuse and Utrecht. MAG'DEBURG, on the Elbe, found written Maydenburg. Heylin 'says " it is a Saxon name, taken from its site, as was the custom of the Saxon age, and before. Mai/ or inaff signifies some considerable water or river ; thus, Mayence or Mentz, on the Rhine, Maestricht, on the River Maes ; that den bespeaks a low situation in a valley, and boivi'e is from how-re, that is, where the water makes a bow, a turn, or winding." Pomarius derives the name from Magada, under which name Venus was known and worshipped in this part of Germany ; and he informs us that she had here a famous temple, respected both by the Huns and the Wends or Vandals, when they ravaged this country ; and exist- ing up to the time of Charlemagne. Boethius and others reject this, and derive Magdebourg from magd a virgin, and hurg a town ; and they state that it was named by the Empress Edith, who had received this town as a marriage portion from the Emperor Otho, her husband. This accounts for the names Parthenopyrga, Parthenope, and Parthenopolis, given to it by the savants. MAGEL'LAN. These straits, at the extremity of S. America, were so called from the Portuguese navigator Magalhaens or Magellan, by whom they were discovered. MAIIA, MAIIADEO, MAHANUDDY. Maha occurs in lo- cal names in India, as the Mahadeo Mountains, a cluster of con- siderable height in the N. part of the Nag{)ore territory, and so called from a celebrated Hindoo temple of the same name ; Maha- nnddy, a large river. Maha is the Sans, muhu (whence L. mag- nii.8, Gr. [uyc/.c), from muhat, great. The Sans. Mahddeva or Mahadeo means "The Great God," from ma hii and deva, vulg. dewa, dev, deb, or deo (whence Gr. deoc, L. dens), ii god, divinity, an idol. See also Nuddy. MAIDENHEAD, co. Berks, acquired its name, says Leland, from the picat veneration paid licrc (o (lie licad of a British 172 LOCAL ETYMOLOGY. virgin. In the most ancient "records says Lysons, it is called Maydenliithe, or Maidenhead, and it may have been originally the name of the spot where the bridge now is, and where there was anciently a great wharf for timber. Some of the principal inhabi- tants were incorporated in 1352, as the fraternity or guild of the brethren and sisters of Maydeneth or Maidenhithe. In the parish of East Garston, in the hundred of Lambourn, is the manor or farm of Maidencote. Hithe is an old word for a port or haven, from A. S. hyth. MAIDSTONE, a town in Kent, on the Medway. According to Nennius, this place was called by the British, Caer Meguaid or Medwag, i.e. the town or city of the Medway. It was probably named by the Belgse, Midweg ; thus, Midweg, Medwag, Med- wagstun, Maidston, Maidstone. Richard of Cirencester speaks of a town supposed to have been situated on the Medway, and which he calls Ad Madum, or Madis, which probably refers to Maidstone. MAJOR'CA, MINOR'CA, and IVIZA {e-ve'-tza), islands on the coast of Spain. See Balearic Isles and Iviza. MALAGA, a sea-port of Spain, anciently Malaca (MaAaxa), which, according to Pliny, belonged to the allies of the Romans. Bochart says it was called by the Carthaginians, Malacha, on account of its salted or pickled fish, from nba malach to salt, rap j%£t;£iv, " sale condire" and he quotes Strabo as to its being famous for salted fish. The Heb. has malahh, the Arab, milkh, for " salt." MALAKOFF, the name of a fortification at Sebastopol. " Some ten years ago, a sailor and ropemaker, named Alexander Ivano- vitch MalakoflF, Hved in Sebastopol, and by his good humour, jovial habits, and entertaining qualities, became the centre of a select circle of admiring companions. Like many great conver- sationalists and wits, MalakoflP contracted most intimate relations with Bacchus, and, under the influence of the latter, he partici- pated, in 1831, in some riots which broke out in the town, and which had one result — that of the dismissal of Malakoff from the dockyard in which he was employed. Being incapable of LOCAL ETYIiIOLOGY. 173 turning himself to any more reputable trade, he opened a low wine-shed on a hill outside of the town, and introduced into prac- tice the theoretical notions which he had acquired by a long and zealous study of the nature of beer-houses and wine-shops. His trade prospered, his old admirers crowded round him, and in their enthusiasm christened the wine-shed — which soon expanded into a decent public-house — and the hill on which it was built, by the name of the popular host. In time a village grew around the public-house, and was likewise called by the name of INIalakoff. But the entertaining and imaginative founder of the place, in his deepest cups, could never have dreamt that one day his name would be in the mouths of all men, and that one of the heroes of a great war would esteem it as an inestimable title of honour." {Gazette de France.) MALDON {mawl^n), co. Essex ; found written Mealdune. " It consists of two principal streets at right angles to each other, and their figure has led some authors to suppose that the name of this town is derived from A. S. mcddune, "the hill of the cross ;" from mcel a cross, dune a hill. The name, however, is more probably a contraction of Camalodunum, the L. form of its orio-inal British name. Some assert that Camalodunum means " the hill of Camalus or Mars," who was worshipped by the Britons. MALPAS, CO. Chester. The name means a dangerous or difficult way, from Fr. mal evil, and pas a step. Before the Conquest, it was distinguished by a British name of similar sig- nification, viz., Depenbech. Ormerod {Hist. Chester), says that, from this circumstance of local strength, produced partly by the yielding nature of the soil, and partly by the inequality of sur- face, but more particularly from its position on the enemy's frontier, Malpas was selected by the first Norman earl, as the site of one of the numerous fortresses with which, at regular in- tervals, he strengthened his Welsh border. MALTA, an island in the Mediterranean Sea, mentioned by Homer {Odys.) imder the name of Ilyperia. Malta is a contrac- tion of Melita, the name by which it was known to the Greeks 174 LOCAL ETYMOLOGY. and Romans. Some derive Melita from L. mel, Gr. /^aA*, honey, for which it was celebrated. Bochart says it does not derive its name from the nymph Mehte, as some assert, but from Phcen. TV'ah'O refuge, retreat, or from melet, a cement much used in making Maltese linen ; and he refers to the Arab, milut, sig- nifying clay or cement. Conf. Heb. melet, mortar, cement, Gr. fj^aX^rj, L. maltha, It. malta. MAMELON, a fortified mound at Sebastopol. This is a French word, nreaning lit. a nipple. By extension, it is applied to any round protuberance rising up in the middle of any surface whatever ; and in geography, to a little isolated mount, or to the upper part of a mountain which terminates in a point. From Fr. mamelle, from L. mamilla, dim. oi tnamma, a breast. MANCHA (mantsha) ; La Mancha, a province of Spain. Larramendi derives the Sp. mancha, "a piece of ground covered with copse and weeds," lit. a stain, a spot, from Basq. mancha, 7nanchea for macacha, macachea, dim. of inacd a spot. MANCHESTER. In Antoninus this place is called in different copies Manaurium and Manutium, " which old name," says Cam- den, " is not quite lost at this day, the place being now called Man- chester." " This town seems to have been destroyed in the Danish wars ; and because the inhabitants behaved themselves bravely ao-ainst them, they will have their town called Manchester, i.e. as they explain it, a city of men ; and of this notion they are strangely fond, seeming to contribute much to their honour, but Mancuniura was its name in British times ; from main {maen) a stone, for it stands upon a stony hill, and beneath the town, at Colyhurst, there are noble stone quarries." {Marianus.) " In the present Castle Field, then the site of the Roman castrum, but before the construction of the castrum, was the town of Mancu- nium, all built upon the rocky height that forms the northern bank of the Medlock, and was distinguished among the Britons of this region by the general appellation of Man-cenion, or the place of tents." {Whitaker.) The present name is found written Manige-ceaster, Manne-ceaster, INIanner-ceastre, and Manne- ceastre, which some derive from A. S. manige many, ceastre a LOCAL ETYMOLOGY. 175 castle ; but the first part of the name is the Brit, maen, a stone or man (a place), in Mancenion. MANFREDO'NL\, a citj^ in Itah% was named after Manfred, son of the Emperor Frederick 11., who built it in the year 12.56, principally out of the ruins of Lipoutum. MANTUA. "Ocnus, son of the prophetic Manto [/xavnc], and the Tuscan river [Tiber], who gave thee walls, O Mantua, and his mother's name." {Virgil.) Bocliart, citing Servius, says Mantua was so called after Mantu, the Etruscan name for Pluto, to whom also other cities were consecrated. The Etruscan mantisa means "addition, increase." Pliny says (lib. iii. c. 19), Mantua belonged to the Tuscans : " Mantua Tuscorum trans Padum sola reliqua." (Phny, hb. iii. c. 19.) Virgil was either born at Mantua or in the neighbouring village of Andes. MAPLEDURHAM, co. Oxon, formerly Mapplederham, i.e. the maple-tree habitation ; from A. S. mapuldei' {ox mapul Ireow, a maple tree, ham, a habitation. There is also Mappledurwell, in Hants. MARATHON, a small plain in the N.E. of Attica, memorable for the victory which the Athenians under Miltiades gained over the Persians, b.c. 490. According to Plutarch, it derived its name from the hero Marathos ; but Mapa^ujv was rather named from being productive of fennel. MapaS^wv is a field abounding in fennel, and [/.apadov, j/^apaSpov is fennel, from ^ccpccivcu, to wither, dry up, die away gradually. MARAZION {mara'zhim), in Cornwall, is said to have been anciently inhabited by Jews, who held markets here for the sale of tin, and named it Mara-Zion, the " Bitter-Zion," from being their allowed place of rest. It is sometimes called Market Jew, but the latter designation is not in use on the spot. " INIarazion vulffo Market-jew, * the sea-coast market.' " (Pryce, Corn. Voc.) " Marca-iewe signifies in English ' market on the Thursday.' " (Nordcn, p. 39.) " Marcaieiv, of ^larhas Dicw, in English, the Thursdaics market, for then it useth this traffike." (Carew, p. Ijfj.) " Marhiu, Forum Jovis, cpiod il)i mercatus die Jovis liabcatur." {Camden.) " The name of Market-jew is the ori- 176 LOCAL ETYMOLOGY. ginal and proper designation of that town, which had a market conceded to it in a concession to the INIount ; while the name of Marazion is the designation only of a new, a Jewish, and a western part." (Leland, Itin. vii., 117.) See also Polwhele's Cornwall, iii. 222, supp. p. 13 ; Kingsley's Yeast, a Problem, p. 255 ; and Notes and Queries, 2d S. ii. 432. MARGATE, in the Isle of Thanet, formerly Meregate, so named from there having been anciently a mere or stream here which had its influx into the sea;" from A. S. mere, and ff eat, gat, a gate, door. MxiRLBOROUGH, co. Wilts. Some assert that this name is a corruption of " Merlin^ s Borough," and that Merlin had. a cave here. The more reasonable derivation is from A. S. marl and burg a town, from the chalk or marl in the neighbourhood. Camden, who rather doubts this derivation, admits that the place " lies at the foot of a hill of white stones, which our forefathers called marie, before they had borrowed the word chalk from the Latin calx." The name is found written Merleberga, Mearleas beorge, Marleberge, and Merleberg. MARLOW, CO. Bucks, from A. S. marl chalk, leag a field, place, or hlaw a hill, heap, barrow. MARNE, a river in France. Armstrong derives the name from Gael, marbh-an, "the dead water." In Low L., however, this name is found written Matrona and Mceterna, and in A. S. Mceterne and Meaterne. MARSEILLES {marsayls), a city of France ; a corruption of Massilia, its ancient name. It is said to have been founded by Phocseans from Ionia. Cicero calls it the Athens of the Gauls. From what nation it received the name of Massilia seems doubtful. Bochart suggests no derivation. MARYLAND, one of the United States ; named after Hen- rietta Maria, queen of Charles I. MARYLEBONE, a district of London, was anciently called Tyburn, from its situation near a small bourn or rivulet of that name, known ia record as Ayebrook or Eyebrook ; and acquired its present name from the church of St. Mary-le-bourn (St. Mary- LOCAL ETYMOLOGY. 177 on-the-brook), now corruptly written INIarj'leboue or Marebone, (^Cunningham. ^ MASSACHUSETTS, one of the United States. The name is corrupted from that of a native chief. MAUBEUGE (mobuzh'), a town in France. The name is corrupted from Low L. Malbergium, a hall of justice, or place of assembly, to which the inhabitants were summoned by the ring- ing of a great bell. Malbergium comes from L. malleus, a ham- mer (bell), and Teut. berg a hill. See Dufresne. MAURITIUS. The Mauritius, sometimes called the Isle of France, was discovered by the Dutch in 1595, who named it in honour of their Stadtholder Maurice, Prince of Orange. MAWR, in local names in "Wales, as Pen maen-mawr, is the W. maicr, great. MEATH, a county of Ireland, Ir. Midhe, formerly known by the name of Mithe, Methe, Media, or Midia, perhaps from its central situation. Others derive its name from Ir. maith, or magh, a " plain," or "level country," a derivation indicative of its natural character. The Ir. midhe is a neck ; midh the sight, aspect. MECKLENBURG, L. :Megalopolis, the name of two grand duchies in Northern Germany, is generally derived from Sax. michel great, burg town, and was probably first applied to some city or fort, although there does not appear to be any place of this name at the present day. There is, however, a place called Malchin, and Lake Malchin in these duchies. MEDIA, in anc. geog. a country of Asia. Some derive the name from Madai, thiid son of Japhet, whence they assert that the Medes were called Madai ; others from Medus. son of Medea and Jason. Again, others say the Medes took their name from a city named Media, whence the whole country was also designated. (See Strabo, i. xi.) "The Medes were not named from Medus, son of Medea, as the Greeks pretend, but from their founder Madai, or from Ilcb. nrD, a boundary." (Bochart.) MEDINA (medeena), a city of Arabia Petraea, anciently called Yatrib. It is more correctly written Almadina, i. e. " the city," from Aral), al the, ^..jjX< uiadiiKt a city. N 178 LOCAL ETYMOLOGY. MED WAY, a river in Kent, in A. S. MedwcBge, i.e. the river which holds the 7nidwaj, or runs through the middle of the coun- try. It is said that the British name was Vaga, but Nennius calls Maidstone, Caer Meguaid or Megwad, " the town on the Medway." These terms are probably corruptions of its original Belgic name, which may have been Midweg. MEI-LING, a mountain range and a pass in China. Klaproth interprets the name mei-Ung, " the chain of the wild plum trees." MELBOURNE, co. Derby. The historian of the place gives several suggestions as to the etymology of this name. He says that in the days of William the Conqueror, a mill was considered of great value, and in Domesday the mill of Melbourne was regis- tered with the land and the church, and therefore Melbourne may have been so called from its having had, at an early period, a mill turned by a stream or bourn, or from its being situated upon a stream that turned a mill ; and that in ancient documents it is called INIill-buru. The Hon. G. Lamb says the church is dedi- cated to St, Michael, and that Melbourne may be a corruption of "MichaeVs bourne,'" or boundary. The Rev. J. Deans, deriving the name from Sax. mael-burn, " the brook of the cross" — which would lead to the inference that a cross had been set up here by the side of a brook near the town — says it was not unusual to erect religious buildings upon spots where distinguished per- sons had died by violence, and to provide for the residence of the clergy, that prayers might be constantly offered up for the soul of the victim ; and that whenever a church was built, the emblem of Christianity was erected near it, and sometimes supplied a distinguishing name to the place where it was found. That allowing the tradition which connects the building of the church with the death of Ethelred, we have at once a sufficient reason for the name. Osthrid, a Saxon chief, was waylaid and murdered upon the spot, and where the crime was perpetrated, the emblem of Christianity was set up, and provision made for the constant performance of Christian rites. According to a local opinion, it was once called the " citie of sweete springes." If so, it may derive the first part of its name from L. mel, honey. LOCAL ETYMOLOGY. 179 Melbourne, however, may simply mean "bourn of the Mel." See also Briggs (Hist. Melb.). MELTON MOWBRAY (mo'bra), co. Leicester. 3Ielton may be a corruption o{ 3Iill-t own, from the conflux of the River Eye and a large brook, which breaks out with great force north of Scalforcl, and supplies two mills before it reaches Melton ; and, says the historian, " both above and below the town are two capital mills." Others think that as the name in ancient writings is found written not only Meltone, but also IVIedeltone and Medeltune, it may be from A. S. middeltun, i. e. middle town, and may have been so called from its situation in the midst of its various hamlets. The adjunct Mowbray is from a family who were lords of it. MEMPHIS. Tattam says the hieroglyphic name of Memphis or Memphe, was read Ma-m-Phthah, which he translates " palace of Phthah or Vulcan." "It was afterwards called Panuph, 'the temple of the Good God.' From the ancient form Ma-m-phthah^ came the Coptic M£[j.(3s, Ms/^cf)/, Gr. Ms/xcfxc, Arab. i^i\^ menf, and probably the Heb. F]''?d moph; and from Panuph came fji noph" (Gesen. Robinson.) MENAM', a celebrated river in Siam : "mother of waters." ]MENIL, MESNIL {mmjnil), is found very frequently in names of villages and manors in Normandy and elsewhere in France, either singly, or combined, as INIenil-montant, Paris. Its original meaning was " a habitation," from Low. L. niansus; thus, mausus, masnus, masnile, maisnil, Mesnil, Menil. MERE, MER, in local names in England, as in Windermere, Merton, generally means a lake, pool, marsh ; from A. S. mere, mcere, from L. 7nare, the sea. Mere, however, is sometimes used to denote a boundary or landmark. Mere-stones are stones set up for boundaries or landmarks in open fields. In Wilts is a small town and parish called Mere. The parish is of an angular shape, and bounded on two sides by the counties of Somerset and Dorset, from which circumstance it is said to have been named. Mere, a boundary, comes from the A. S. mcera, gemcera, from Gr. jMSipuj, to divide. N 2 180 LOCAL ETYMOLOGY. MERION'ETH (W. Meirionydd), " is the only county in Wales which, with the addition of shh-e, retains its ancient appellation. It was named from Meirion, son of Tibiawn, and grandson of Cunedda, a noble British chieftain who came to N. Wales in the fifth century, to assist in rescuing it from the grasp of a set of marauding Irish, who, for the sake of plunder, had nearly overrun the whole country. Having succeeded in his enterprise, he ob- tained a large portion of territory as a boon, and gavelled out the possessions among his ten sons, and two grandsons, ]Maelor and Meirion." This district appears to have been known to the Romans, and was called by them Mervinia. MERSEY {mer'ze) in A. S. found written Meres-ig, Meres-ige and Mereis-ige ; from ig an island, meres of a lake. The island Mersey, Essex; the river INIersey, dividing Lancashire and Cheshire. (Boswoi'th.) "The Mersey, in its whole course, divides Cheshire and Lancashire. It is formed and receives its name, by the confluence, ne.ar Stockport, of the Thames and Goyt." (P. Cyc.) Armstrong {Gael. Diet.) under Muir "the sea," gives " O. Sax. mars, merse, mere, a lake ; hence Winder-mere, Mersey." MERTHER, in Cornwall ; from Corn mor-dur, " on the sea water." (Pri/ce.) MERTHYR TIDVIL, co. Glamorgan, N. Wales. It is related that Tydfil or Tudfil was one of the daughters of Brychan, the Regulus of Garthmadrin, and wife of Cyngen-ap-Cardell ; that her father, towards the end of his life, retired with some of his family to this neighbourhood, and was here attacked by a marauding party of Pagan Saxons, who slew Brychan, her brother, Rhun Dremrudd, and herself ; that a church was afterwards erected near the scene of this slaughter, and called after her, Merthyr Tydvil, or " Tydvil the martyr." The W. merthyr is a corruption of the Gr. ij.a^tv§. The W. word means also a plain, a clear spot. There is likewise Merthyr Mawr, on the Ogmore river, co. Glamorgan, where the Stradling family formerly had a seat. MERTON, Surrey, found written Merantun, Meretune, Meretun, Meritonia, and Meretone ; said to derive its name from lying adjacent to a mere or marsh, of which there are still some LOCAL ETYMOLOGY. 181 / traces near the River Wandle, which flows through the parisli. " jNIerdou, Wilts ; Mereton, Oxon ; Morton, Devon ; from A. S. mere, mcere, a mere, lake, pool, marsh, sea, tun a town." {Bos- ivorth.) MESOPOTAMIA, in anc. geog. a country between the Euphrates and the Tigris. The name means land lying between two rivers ; from Gr. /xecroTroraajoe, between rivers ; ^asTOg middle, TTorfO.ij.OQ river. MESSINA (tnesseena), a city of Sicily, the ancient Messaua ; founded by the inhabitants of Messene, chief town of Messenia, a country of Peloponnesus. MEUSE, a river in France, Belgium, and Holland ; D. 3Iaas or Maes, L. Mosa. Heylin says the Celtic mat/ or mai/ was used to denote a large body of water ; but the primitive meaning of mag may have been simply " great " (from Gr. (j.sycce), and if so, Maff-ese would mean the "great water," which might easily become corrupted into Maas or 3Iaes ; thus, magese, mages, Maes, Maas. This mag may be the root of the Gael. ma(/h, a field, a plain, whence magus (contracted in W. to maes), a field, and then a colony or town in a field. MEXICO. According to Clavigcro, the name means "the place oi Mexitli or Huitzilopochtli" " the god of war," to whom a sanctuary was anciently there erected. This god was most honoured by the Mexicans, and regarded as their chief protector. MIDDLESEX, from A. S. Middel Seaxe, the jNIiddle Saxons. In like manner, Essex from East Seaxe, the East Saxons ; Sus- sex, from Suth Seaxe, the South Saxons. Essex and Sussex formed separate and distinct kingdoms during a certain period of the Saxon Heptarchy. See Saxony. MIDDLETON, the name of several places in England ; from A. S. middel middle, tu7i a town. [MILAN, It. Miluno, G. Mailand, a city of L>mbardy. Some authors tell us that the name was formerly Melano, the deriva- tion of which, from mel, honey, is not worth refuting. According to Isidore, it was built and named "Mediolanum" by the Gauls, who estabhshed themselves in Italy, and built other towns there. 182 LOCAL ETYMOLOGY. There were several cities in Gaul and one in Britain called jNIedio- lanum. Some translate Mediolanum " mead-land ;" others " har- vest-full," from the Celt, lawn full, mediad the harvest (^medi, to gather in the harvest). This derivation is said to be confirmed by the fact that all the towns called Mediolanum were situated in fertile spots. Mediolanum, miolanum, miolan, Milan. Mediola- num is mentioned by Livy, v. 34, and Polybius, vi. II. JVIILTON, the name of several places in England ; contraction of MiU-totvn, or Middle-town. MINSTER, in local names in England, denotes the church of a monastery, or a church to which a monastery has been attached ; from A. S. minstre, mynster, from root of Monastir and Moustier (q. v.). Among names compounded of minstei; are Axminster, Beaminster, Bedminster, Charminster, Kidderminster, Stur- minster, Warminster, Westminster, Yetminster. MISR, the name given to Egypt by the natives and by the Arabs, is derived by some from Misraim, son of Ham, by whom it was peopled. The Arab. ^^^ misr means not only Egypt, but also a limit, border, a large city, the capital city of Egypt. Web- ster says mesr, mazor, means a fortress, from y^, to bind or enclose. Robinson thinks that under the Heb. mazor lurks the Egyptian metoui'o, a kingdom, but that the Hebrews doubtless assigned to the name a domestic origin, probably as signifying a border, limit. MISSISSIPPI, a river of N. America. The name means " the father of waters." (Ind.) MITCHAM, CO. Surrey, is called in Domesday Michelham, i.e. "the great dwelling." In all early and in many recent records, it is written Miccham or Micham ; the present mode of spelling, which is more remote from its etymology, was not uni- versally adopted before this century. (Lysons.) MOEL, in local names in Wales, is the W. moel, a mountain, a hill : as Moel Aelir, the frosty hill ; j\Ioel Hebog, the hill of flight, so named from Owen Glendwr having once taken refuge in a cave there ; Moel y Don, the hill of the wave, celebrated as the place where, in 1282, part of the English army were defeated LOCAL ETYMOLOGY. 183 by the Welsh with great slaughter ; Moel Golfa, Moel Shiabod, Moel Eryr. MOLD, CO, Flint ; a contraction of Mont-hault (and so called by the Normans) from mont, and A. S. holt a wood ; or from mont- haut, i.e. mons alius, the high mount. The Welsh, even at the present day, call it Y Wyddgrug, the conspicuous mount. MOLDAVIA derives its name from the River Moldau, which runs through it. It is called by the Turks and the natives Bogdania, from Bogdan, a chieftain who colonized it in the 13th century. MOLE, a river in Surrey, " so called because, like a mole, it forceth its passage under ground, and thereby mixes its waters with the Thames." {Bailey.) This was Camden's idea, who says, " betaking itself to subterraneous passages like a mole." Spenser says, " And Mole, that like a nousling Mole, doth make His way still under ground, till Thames he o'ertake." Mantell informs us that this river was anciently called the Emele, Emelyn, or Eraley stream, and that it gives the name to the hundred of Emley Bridge (or Amele-bridge, as it is spelt in Domesday), through the whole of which it flows ; and he derives Emele from Brit, y melin, the mill, i. e. the mill river. He says this is corroborated by Domesday, in which twenty places are mentioned as possessing mills, which, from their respective localities, must have been situated either ou this stream or its immediate auxiliary branches ; and that its present appellation "mole," by which it was known prior to the Conquest, will admit of a similar origin, viz., the L. mola, a mill. In deeds temp, Henry VIII., it is called the Emley River, and in the Leiger Book of Chertsey, a deed is recorded " of lands bounded on the east by the water Emele." Emele or Emelyn may be a con- traction of Brit, y melyn an, "the yellow river." MONAS'TIR, the name of several j)laces in GIreecc and Euro- pean Turkey ; and of one in Southern Italy, dcaotes the site of a monastery ; from Gr. /xovatrTryfJov, from jw,ov«cr7*)jc, a monk. MCJXMOL'TII {mon'muth), stands on a narrow peninsula formed by the rivers Monnoiv and Wye : thus Monnow-tnouth, 184 LOCAL ETYMOLOGY. Monmouth. The Welsh call it Mynwy, aud Tre-Fynwy, and the shire, Swydd Fynwy, Gwent, and Gwlad Went. MONTGOMERY, in Wales. The ancient name of this town was Tre Faldwyn, i.e. Baldwyn's town, from Baldwyn, a lieu- tenant of the marches, who, in the time of William the Con- queror, erected here a fortress, to further his future designs against the Welsh. The name was afterwards changed to Mont- gomery, from Roger de Montgomery, who built the castle here. Montgomery probably derived his name from residing in the vicinity of a mound called Mont Gomer (A. S. Munt-Gumri, "mount of Gomer"). The Welsh still call the town, Tre Faldwyn, and the shire. Sir Drefaldwyn. MONTAIARTRE {tnong-murtr'), Paris. Its ancient name is said to have been INIons Martis and Mons Mercurii, i.e. mount of Mars or Mercury, from the temple erected here to these gods. It was afterwards called ]Mons ]\lartyrum (whence its present name), because St. Denis and some of his followers suffered mar- tyrdom here about the year 260. See Bailies, Topog. des Saints, 631 ; and Piganiol, Descr. de la France, part i., p. 24. MONTSERRAT', a small island in the West Indies. There is also a convent and a mountain in Spain called Monserrate. The latter derives its name from m6nte a mountain, serrdto, ser- rated, notched hke a saw ; " a tooth-shaped mountain." MOORGATE STREET, " a north gate of the city of London, so called of a moor or marsh which was formerly hard by it ; from Sax. tnor a moor or marsh, and (/ate." {Bailey.) MORAST', in Sweden, situated on the frontier of Norway; from Sw. moras (G. morast), a marsh. MORAVIA (Slav. Morawa), a province of the Austrian monarchy, takes its name from the Marsch or jNIorawa (in L- Maro), the largest of its rivers. Armstrong, imder Gael, muir, the sea, an ocean, gives Mor-awaw, a river in Moravia ; but if Morawa is from the Celt., it would rather translate "great water or river," from mbr great, and au, aw, water. MORAY, Scotland. The ancient province of Moray extended from the mouth of the Spey on the east, to the river Beauly on LOCAL ETYMOLOGY. 185 the west; it therefore included the whole district of country stretching along the sea coast ; hence some derive its Gael, name Murar or Morar, from muir, the sea. MORE, in local names in Scotland, is generally the Gael. mbr, great (Corn, and Arm. maur. W. mawr, Ir. /wor), as Glen- more, the great glen. ^lORETOX VALENCE, a parish, co. Gloucester, was anciently called simply Moreton, " town-on-the-water," and received the addition of Valence, from a family of that name who were earls of Pembroke, and lords of the manor, in the reigns of Edw. I. and Edw. II. {Notes and Queries.) ^MORGAN, a place in Cornwall. Pryce says the name in Corn, means "by the sea," from mor the sea, gan by. Some derive the name of Morgan in Wales from two Irish words, mor great, cean head ; others from mor the sea, geni to be born ; " sea- born ;" a term, they say, which might be applied to a man or to a country on the sea side. According to others morgan is for morgant, a sea-brink, from mor the sea, cant the rim of anything. The Morgan in "Wales is probably derived in the same way as that in Cornwall. MORGUE (morg), a place in Paris and in many towns of France where the bodies of persons found dead are exposed for the purpose of recognition. The word inorgne in some of the southern provinces means face, countenance (Fr. visage). Alberti translates morgue " a grave and serious countenance, in which there appears some fierceness ; a sort of place at the entrance of a prison ;" morguer, " to brave some one." The verb also means " to take the like- ness of a prisoner," i.e. to regard him on his first entrance to a prison so fixedly as to know him again. ''Morgue, Le second guichet ou Ton tieiit quelque temps ceux qui entrent en })rison, atin que les guichetiers les regardent fixement et s'impriment si bicn I'idee de leur visage dans I'imagination qu'ils ne puissent manquer de les reconnoitre." From Gr. /xut/c, the nose ; thus, ivjric, musus, murus, muricus, murica, Morgue. {M/mage.) MORTLAKi:, CO. Surrey. The name is said to mean " dead lake," (rom L. mortuus lacus. 186 LOCAL ETYMOLOGY. MOSCOW, called by the Russians Moskva, from the river on which it is situated. MOSELLE (mo-zeV), a river of Germany (G. Mozel), is called Mosula by Florus, Obrincus by Ptolemy, Musella and Mosella by other writers, and its modern name is found written Mozelle. Mosella is perhaps merely a dim. of Mosa, the L. name for the River Meuse (q. v.). MOULSEY, CO. Surrey. This place may have been so situated with respect to the River Mole and the Thames, as to have been almost an island ; and if so, the word may be a corruption of Moles-ige, i.e. island of the River Mole. "The parish of East Moulsey or Molesey, consists of a triangular tract of land near the junction of the River Mole with the Thames, which forms its boundary on the north, as the Mole does on the east and south-east ; on the south it borders on Esher ; and on the west on West Moulsey." (MantelL) MOUNTNESSING, co. Essex, vulgarly pronounced munna- zeen. In old maps the name is written Munnassing. In the time of Edw. III. it bore the name Ginge Mounteney, sometimes written Yng or Yeng Mounteney . Its present name is a corruption oi Mountney' s-Ing , i.e. the ing or meadow of the Mountneys, an ancient family who were formerly lords of the manor here. MOUSCRON, a town of France on the frontiers of Belgium. The name is said to be corrupted from Mons Ceuteron or Cen- teron, from the old word ron or ront a circle, ken or kern a kernel, fig. the middle ; "the middle of the circle." The Centrons were clients of the Nerviens (Ccesar) ; and they inhabited the centre of the country occupied by that people (Grammage.) "La mon- tagne nommee Ceuteron, Mont Ceuteron, Mouscron." See Lamartiniere and voc. Courtrai. MOUSTIER, MOUSTIERS {moo'ste-a) sometimes Monstiers, the name of several places in France ; from Low L. monastC' rium, a monastery. See Monastir. MULL, in local names in Scotland, means a cape, promontory, or headland ; from Gael, niaol, maoil ; as Maol Chinntire, the pro- montory or Mull of Kintire. 3Iaol signifies also the brow of a LOCAL ETYMOLOGY. 187 rock, a bald hesid ; maoil, is bald, bare (Ir. and Arm inoal, id. Corn. 77ioel, a bald top). MUNICH {mu'iiik), G. Miinchen, It. Monaco, the capital of Bavaria, takes its name from certain monks, who owned some warehouses erected on the spot, for the reception of salt, brought from the mines of Reichenhall and Salzburg. From G. miinchen, mOnchen, monks, from Low L. monachus, from Gr. ju,oya%0£, a monk. The il in IMiiuchen is pronounced somewhat like the long French il. MURSHIDABAD, Hindustan, i.e. Murshid-dbud, the city of -Murshid Kuli Khan, who transferred to it the seat of his govern- ment from Dacca. See Abad. MYNYDD, in local names in Wales, is the "W. mynydd, a mountain, as Mynydd Mawr, the great mountain ; Mynydd Moel, &c,, &c. N. NABLOUS (na-bloose), in Asia Minor ; a corruption of Gr. Nsa-rtoXie, the new city ; vaoe new, ttoXiq a city. This word is synonymous with Napoli and Naples. See Blous. NAGORE, or NAGUR, in local names in Hindustan, is the Hind. (J nayar, a town, city, from Sans, nayara ; thus Barnagore, for Yariiha-nagar, "city of the boar," from Sans, vardha, a boar; Chandernagore, for Chandranagar, " city of the moon," from Sans, chandra, the moon ; Sirinagur, for Suryanagar, " city of the sun," from Sans, surya, the sun ; or for Srinagar, " city of Sri," goddess of prosperity and wife of Vishnu. NAGY, in names of places in Hungary, means "great," just as kin means little ; thus Nagy-Kanizsa ; Nagy-Ripcny ; Nagy- Tapolcsan ; Nagy-Rocze ; Nagy-Maros ; Nagy-Nana ; Nagy- Kcs ; Kis-Komiironi ; Kis-Ber, &c., &c. NAN(JE, or NANS, in local names in Cornwall, is a Corn, word signifying " valley," as IVn-nans, the head of the valley, 'I'l (.-nance, the town in the valley, "V5, a pard, also Persia. The province of Fars or Faristan, the ancient Persis, is one of the finest in the kingdom. It is divided into two distinct portions ; the one called Garmsir, or the hot climate or country ; from Pers. gartn, warm, hot ; the other called Sardslr, or the cold country ; from sard, cold. PERTH, a Scottish county and city, the latter situated on the right bank of the Tay, and found written Bert, Berth, and Bertha. The last, its most ancient name, may be from Gael. Bhar-tatha (pron. bar-ta), " the height of the Tay." See Bhar. PETERBOROUGH, co. Northampton; so called from an abbey and church erected there by Penda and Walpher, kings of the Merci, in honour of St. Peter. {Bailey.) PETERWARDEIN {—var'dine). Hung. PStervdrad, a rock, built fortress on the Danube, in Hungary, is said to derive its name from Peter the Hermit, who on this spot marshalled the soldiers of the first crusade. (Hung, vdr, vurad, a castle.) PETHERTON, formerly Pedderton, co. Somerset. Both N. and S. Petherton are named from their situation on the River Parret, anciently called the Pedder or Pedreda, and A. S. tun, an inclosure. See Parret. PHILIPPI, in anc. geog., a town of Macedonia, first named Credinas, and afterwards Datus. Philip, father of Alexander, on its capture, named it after himself. PHILIPPOP'OLIS, in anc. geog. a town in Thrace, recognised, according to Ptolemy, Philip son of Amyntas for its founder or restorer. From Gr. ^iKmtOQ, Philip, ttoKiq a city. PHCENICIA, or PHCENICE, in anc. geog., a country of LOCAL ETYMOLOGY. 209 Syria. The Greeks called it also Syrophenicia, to distinguisli it from the country occupied by the Phoenicians in Africa. Bochart derives the name of the Phoenicians from Beiie-Anak, " sons of Anak," who are reported to have been famous giants in Pales- tine ; others from Phoenix, a Tyrian, mentioned in fable, or from one Phineas, a Hebrew. The most probable derivation is from (poi'/i^, the palm-tree, which abounded in Phoenicia, The name Phoenicia is not found in Scripture in the books written in Hebrew, but only m those of which the original is in Greek, as the Maccabees and the books of the New Testament. The Hebrew always reads Canaan. See Philo, Hb. i. 636 ; Syncell. 152 ; Steph. Byzan. ; Matt. xv. 22 ; Bochart, Geog. Sacr. p. 349 ; also Cahnet and Gesenius. PIACEXZA {pe-a-chen'tsa), Fr. Plaisance, L. Placentia, a town of Italy. Cicero calls it Placentium Municipium. Lamar- tiniere says the inhabitants derive its name either from its delightful situation, or from its magnificent palaces and straight and spacious streets, which make it a pleasant abode. Placentia comes from placeo to please, delight ; thus, placeo, placens, placcntis, Placentia, Placenza, Piacenza. PICCADILLY, London. " Where Sackville Street was builj; stood Piccadilla Hall, where piccadillas or turnovers were sold, which gave name to the street." (Pennanf.) A turnover is the name of the broad flat white hnen band faUing from the neck over the jacket, which succeeded in Cromwell's time to the ruffs of the preceding reigns. ••' A pickadil," says Blount, " is that round hem or the several divisions set together about the skirt of a garment or other thing ; also a kind of stiff collar made in fashion of a band ; hence, perhaps, the famous ordinary near St. James's, called Pickadilly, took denomination, because it was then the utmost or skirt house of the suburbs." Others say- that " one Iliggins, a tailor, who built it, got most of his estate by pickadilles, which in the last age were much worn in Eugland." " The word picardill," says Cunningham, " occurs in Ben Jonson and several of our old dramatic writers." According to GiflFord, it is a dim. of picca (Sp. and It.) a spearlicad, and was given I' 210 LOCAL ETYMOLOGY. to this article of foppery from a fancied resemblance of its stiffened plaits to the bristled points of a spear. PIEDMONT [peedmunt). It. Piemonte, a district of Northern Italy forming part of the Sardinan States, is named from its situa- tion at the foot of the mountains ; from It. pie di monte, " foot of mountain." FIERI A, in anc. geog., a district of Macedonia and birth-' place of the Muses, whence they are called Pierides. Le Clerc derives Uiefia from a Phcen. word signifying " tongue," " fruit- fulness." Hesiod (Theog. line 81) mentions the Pierian grove, and makes Mnemosyne, which in Greek means memory, the mother of the Muses. PIKE, in local names in Lancashire, means a peak, summit, as Rivington-Pike, Clough-Pike. PILL, in Glostershire, means the mouth of a brook, as Horse- pill, Cow-pill, Oldbury-pill, all on the Severn. See Ormerod, Arch. vol. 29, p. 10. PILLY, PULLY, a termination of local names in India, as Condapilly, may be another orthography of Poly, q. v. PIMLICO. " The derivation of this word is explained from the following passage in a rare (if not unique) tract, entitled Newes from Hogsdon, 1 598 : — ' Have at thee, then, my merrie boyes, and hey for old Ben Pimlico's nut-browne.' Pimlico kept a place of entertainment in or near Hoxton, and was cele- brated for his nut-brown ale. The place seems afterwards to have been called by his name, and is constantly mentioned by our early dramatists. In 1609 a tract was printed, entitled Pimlyco, or Runne Red Cap, 'tis a Mad World at Hogsdon. Isaac Reed (Dodsley's Old Plays, ed. Collier, vii. 51) says, *A place near Chelsea is still called Pimlico, and was resorted to within these few years, on the same account as the former at Hogsdon.' Pimlico is still, I believe, celebrated for its fine ale." {Rimbault.) " It seems, from a passage in Lord Orrery's Letters, that there was a place called Pemlicoe in Dublin. Pimlico in DubUn still exists, as will be seen by reference to Thorn's Irish Almanac, where we find ' Pimhco, from Coombe to Tripoli.' " LOCAL ETYMOLOGY. 211 (Notes and Queries.) Opposite St. John's Church, Hoxton, is a long passage, leading to Hoxton Old Town, called " Pimlico Walk." The name is probably a Celtic compound ; perhaps from pem-lec, " the five stones." PISA, a city of Tuscany. Polybius, Ptolemy, and other Greek authors write Pissse, but all the Roman inscriptions have Pisae. Strabo and Pliny agree that Pisa vpas founded by a colony from Tlia-x, a city of Elis in Peloponnesus. The Pissei first called Pisa, Alpheus, after the name of the river upon which the Greek city was situated. Virgil (^En. x. 179) says " Hos parere jubent Alphese ab origine Pisse Urbs Etrusca solo." See also Plin. lib. iii. c. 5 ; Polyb. hb. ii. c. 27 ; Ptol. lib. iii. c. 1 ; Yirg. Georg. iii. 19 ; Mn. iii. 694. PISEK (pese/c'), a town of Bohemia, named from its situation. Pisek is a Boh. word, signifying " sand." PISPORT, on the Moselle, in Germany, celebrated for its vineyards. The name is said to be from Pisonis Porta, " The gate of Piso." PIT is frequently found in local names in Scotland. In most instances it is the Gael, pit, pite, a pit or hollow (Ir. pit, W.jjyd, D. 2^^0' from Sax. pit, or pi/t, from L. puteus, a pit, well, from puto, to clean out, from Sans, puth, to wound, to cut. Among other names are the following : — Pittencrief, Pitfirrane, Pitliver, Pitdinnie, Pitconochie, Pitcorthie, Pitrcavie, Pitatherie. In the Grampian range is a tremendous hollow, which the pea- sants call Pi/it-an-diabhol, i.e., the devil's hole. Pitsligo means " a hollow sliell," from pit, and slige a shell. PITEA, a sea-port on the Pitea Elv or river, in the N. of Sweden. Lulea, Tornea, Umea, and many other places in Scan- dinavia are situated on rivers of the same name. The last letter in these words is the Scand. au, a river, rivulet, but per- hajjs the primary meaning was that of water. PLAS, PALAS, in local names in Wales, is the W. ^)/a5, palas, a palace ; as Plus Gwyn, the white mansion ; Plas Newydd, the new mansion. p 2 212 LOCAL ETYMOLOGY. PLINLIMMON, a mountain in Wales, between the counties of Cardigan and Montgomery. The name is found written PlymiHmon and Plimilhmon, corruptions of Putn-lumon, " Tlie five-peaked mountains," from W. pum for immjh five. Hum a point, peak, or cone. PLUMBE, PLUMP. A woody place, or a clump of trees, is still called " Plump " in the N. of England. See Plumpton Papers, by Thos. Stapleton, 1839, Surtees Society; also voc. Lund. PLYMOUTH, situated at the head of a haven formed by the conflux of the rivers Tamar and Plym with the sea. PLYMPTON ST. MAURICE, commonly called Plymptou Maurice or Plympton Earl, named from its situation on the Plym ; or rather on a brook which flows into that river. Near Plympton is Plymstock. PO, L. Padus, a river of Italy. Metradorus, a Greek author quoted by Phny (lib. iii. c. 16), says this river takes its name from the trees growing near its source, which distil pitch, and which are called jja^i in the old Gaulish language. POITIERS {pwoy'te-a), one of the oldest towns in France, and occupying the site of Lemonum, the chief town of a Celtic people called the Pictones or Pictavi, mentioned by Csesar. The name was subsequently changed to Pictones or Pictavi, whence its present appellation, and also that of Poitou, the province. The Pictavi may have been the same with the Picts, in Gael. Piocaich. POL, in local names in Cornwall, is a Corn, word, signifying the top, the head ; also a well, a pit, a pool, a miry place, dirty, clayey, &c. ; thus, Poldew, black pool ; Polglase, Polglaz, the green top, or green pool ; Polgreau, Polgrene, Polgrouan, the gravel pits ; Polgueul, the top of the field ; Polwhele, the pool work. POLDER. In Holland and Belgium a polder is a tract of low land reclaimed from the sea by means of high embank- ments. (D.) POLGOOTHj^POLGOTH, POLCOTH, in Cornwall. Some translate this " the old pool ; others "the old pits.'' (Corn.) LOCAL ETYMOLOGY. 213 POLRUAN, in Cornwall, means the " river-head," or " pool of the river ;" from Corn, pol a pool, man a river. POLY, a termination of local names in India, as Trichinopoly, is a corruption of tlie Tarn, and Mai. falli, a small town, a village. POMERA'NIA, a maritime province of Prussia; from its Slav, name Pomore ; po upon, more the sea. Conf. Armorica. PONDICHERRY, a town in the Carnatic, Hindustan ; pro- perly Puducheri, "a new village or town," from Tam. pudu new, cheri a town, village, hamlet. PONT, in local names in Wales, is the W. pont, a bridge, from L. pons, pontis, pontem, from Sans. pantMn a road, from path to go, patha a path ; as Pont ^ber Gl^sllyn, the bridge at the conflux of the Glasllyn, or blue pool ; Pont y Pair, the bridge of the cauldron ; Pont y Glyn or Pont Diffwys, the bridge of the glen ; Pont y Mynach, the bridge of the River :Mynach. PONT AUDEMER {pongt d-demer), a small town in Nor- mandy. Lye writes Pimt-Aldemar, Pons Audemari ; Le Pont Audemer sive Le Ponteau de Mer. Lamartiniere says it takes its name from the ptont or bridge over the Riile, and from having been built or improved by Audomer or Aumer, and that therefore it ought neither to be written Ponteau-de-Mer, nor Le-Pont-eau- de-Mer, nor translated in L. Pontieulus Maris, or bridge of the sea. See St. Omer. PON'TEFRACT, co. York, irompons a bridge, /mc^MS broken. Camden says it was first called Kirby, and that it had its present name from the destruction of a bridge over a market-place near which the town principally stood. Leland observes, '< The mines of such a bridg yet ys scene scant half a mile est owt of Old Pontefract, but I cannot justly say that this bridg stood ful on Watheling Streete." "That there was a bridge some- where close to Pontefract is corroborated by an inquisition taken in the reign of Edw. IL, from which it appears that one John Bubluth had the ]8th part of a knight's see, 'juxta vetercm poiitcni de Pontefract.' " (Rees.) I'ONTOISI:: ipony-twawz'), a town of France, dcp. Scine-ct- 214 LOCAL ETYMOLOGY. Oise, derives its name from the pont or bridge over the Oise. Conf. OusE. PON'TUS, in anc. geog. a district of Asia Minor, near the Pontus Euxinus, or Black Sea. According to Bochart, this country abounded with filberts, and the Phoen. botno, a filbert, becomes by permutation pontus, a name which was afterwards applied to the neighbouring sea, and in time to all seas ; but the reverse and common opinion, that the country borrowed its name from the sea, seems by far the most probable. The Euxine was called emphatically Pontus, or " the sea," being the greatest sea known to the dwellers on its shores ; and the whole extent of coast-line, as Strabo informs us, was anciently called Pontus. See Bochart ; Phaleg. lib. i. c. 10 ; Strabo I. xii. p. 3/2 ; and Univ. Hist. POOL, POOLE, POLE, in local names in England, is either the W. pwll, Corn, pol, or A. S. pol, pul (O. G. j^hid, Sw. pdl, Ice. pollr a puddle, Fries, and Plat, pool ; D. poel puddle, marsh ; Dan. pdl a marsh ; Arm. 2wul), a pool, from L. palus standing water, bog, marsh, pool. Thus, Liverpool, Flagpool ; Bradpole, " broad pool ;" Poole, Dorset; Reedypool, Brit. Radi- pole, from rhedeg-pwll, " flowing pool," or " tide pool." POOR, PORE, a frequent termination of local names in Lidia, is the Hind, jy piir, a town, city, from Sans, piira ; thus, Byzapoor, Juanpoor, Mulcapoor, Sholapoor, Cawnpoor, properly Khanpur, the city of a khan ; Chutterpore (Bundelkhand), which received its name from its founder ; Ghazipoor, the town of Ghazi; Joudpoor, the city of war {Sans, jicclh for juddh or yudh, battle, war, fight) ; Nagpoor, the city of snakes, from Sans, ndga, a snake, a serpent-deity ; Punderpore, properly Pundrapur ; Serampore, properly Sri-ram-pur, from Sans, sri, prosperity, fortune, wealth, goddess of prosperity, also a title of honour, and Rama the demi-god ; Sultanpoor, city of the sultan, the name of several towns in India. POPOCAT'EPETL, an active volcano, and the most elevated mountain in Mexico ; from popocani smoke, teptl a mountain. See Teptl, LOCAL ETYMOLOGY. 215 PORT, found in names of places in England, is the A. S. port, id., or "W. porth (Fr. Ir. port, Arm. porz. It. porto, Sp. piierte), harbour for boats or ships, a passage or gate, from L, partus, from the old^joro, to carry, convey, bring; Gr. Tfo^ou, from Sans, bhri, to bear or carry. Thus, Portbury, Portcliester (Porchester), Portdown, Portishead, Portland, Portsea, Gosport, Langport. PORTO RICO {reko), capital of the island of the same name in the W. Indies; from Sp. puerto rico, "the rich port or harbour." PORTSEA, CO. Hants, "the island of the port ;" from A. S. partes, of the port, and ea, ig, an island. PORTSMOUTH, co. Hants, found written Portesmutha, Portesmuth, Portesmue, Portusmouth, and Portesmouth ; in Latin authors called Ostium Portse. In the Sax. Chron. A.D, 500, it is mentioned by the name of Portesmuth, as the place at which Porta, a Saxon chief, landed, in order to assist Cerdic in the subjugation of the Belgic provinces in England. The name, however, may mean simply " mouth of the port or haven." PORTUGAL. On the S. bank of the Douro is the small market town of Gaya, supposed to occupy the site of the ancient Gale. The N. bank having been found more convenient for shipping, the modern Oporto was built there, and called Portus Cal, " the harbour of Cal." This name, corrupted into Portucal and Portugal, was afterwards transferred to the kingdom at large, and the tovra was designated " Oporto," (o porto, the harbour). See Gala. PRAGUE {prayg), the chief city of Bohemia ; G. Prag, L. Fraga, Boh. Praha. It was anciently called Marobudum, from a celebrated chief named Marobod. It was enlarged by Libussa in 723, and by him named Praha, from Boh. prah, a threshold. PRESTON, Lancashire, is a corruption of Priest's Town. Edin. Earl of Lancaster, son of Hen. Ill,, founded an hospital for Gray or Franciscan Friars here, but from what foundation or 216 LOCAL ETYMOLOGY. from what period it derived the name of Priest's Town is not known. (P. Cyc.) PROME (jiroam), a city on the Irawaddi, in Birma. It is called by the natives Pri. The Muhammadans corrupted Pri into Pron, which Europeans converted into Prome. PRUSSIA, formerly Borussia, i.e., country of the Borussi, a people said to have been originally from Scythia, near the source of the Don, and who took possession of this part of Europe after the Goths. Some say Prussia is a contraction of Po-Russia, i.e. next to Russia ; but if the first part of the name is the Slav, po, near, adjacent, the name has probably been formed thus, Po-Rusi, Borussi, Borussia, Brussia, Prussia. PRUTH (jjroot), a river of Hungary, said to be the Parata of Herodotus. In Slav, prud is " a river ;" but we have no evidence of the Slaves having been in Europe as early as Herodotus. PUNJAUB, or PUNJAB, aprovince of Hindustan, "thecountry bordering i\xejive rivers which form the Indus," from Pars, jpanjdb^ " five rivers ;" £'V/ panj five, '-r-'' db water. Punj or panj is found in other names, as Punjsheer, a river and vale, and Punj- cora, a river, all in Caubul. PUR'FLEET, CO. Essex, on the left bank of the Thames ; for- merly Pourteflete or Portflete ; from A. S. po7-t a port, haven, Jleot a place where vessels float, a bay, the mouth of a river, &c. See Fleet. PUTNEY, CO. Surrey, in Domesday Putelei ; in all subse- quent records till the 16th century, Puttenheth or Pottenheth. Lysons calls it Puttenega Amcenum. The Putelei of Domesday is probably a mistake of the Norman scribes for Puttenheth. The place may have been first named Putten from its wells. The A. S. hceth, heath, may have been added at a late period. A friend of Mantell suggests for the name of Puttenham, Surrey, a derivation which may corroborate this. Referring to a village near Ghent, called Piittenheim, i.e. the village of wells, he thinks Puttenham, being without a drinkable stream, may be named for the same reason. (Flem. piitte, a well, pL piitten.) LOCAL ETYMOLOGY. 217 PUY-DE DOME {pwe), in L. Mons Dominans, a depart- ment of France containing a great number of puys or peaks, the chief of which are Mont- Dor and Puy-de-D6me. Puy is from Celt, pig, a peak, or from the old Aquitaniaa word peek, puech, or puich. PWLLHELI (puUe'le), a sea-port, co. Caernarvon; "the salt pool ;" named from the small bay, on the eastern side of the great promontory of Lleyn, on the shore of which it is situated. PYRAMIDS. From L. Pyramis, — idis, from Gr. Jlvf^aiuq, — ihgy which the Greeks derive from itvp, fire, from these monu- ments having the shape of flame ; but the Greek word is more probably from the Egyptian ; or from Heb. ma-1i^l bar-moot, " pit of death." PYRENEES {pirryneez, Fr. peerayna), the mountains which separate France from Spain. Some derive the name from Gr. Tivp, Ttvpog, fire ; in allusion to a great conflagration caused by the shepherds, who set fire to the forests which cover the moun- tains. Aristotle makes mention of this conflagration. Q. QUARR ABBEY, Ryde, Isle of Wight, is called, in old grants Quarraria, and is said to owe its name to a quarry in the neighbourhood, which supplied the stone for many of the eccle- siastical edifices in the southern counties of England. QUEBEC. It is said that the Normans, who were with Jacques Cartier at the first discovery of Canada, perceiving, at the extremity of the Isle of Orleans, a high cape jutting into the river, exclaimed in their patois " Que Lee !" for " Quel bee !" whence its name. (See Lamartiniere, vol. 8.) Others say it was called Quebec by the Frencb, from a district of the same name in France. QLEENBOROUGQ, Isle of Shcppey. On the site of a Saxon castle here, Edward III. erected a larger fortress, and 218 LOCAL ETYMOLOGY. named the town Queenborough, in honour of his consort Philippa. QUIMPER {kang'-pare), chief town of the French depart- ment of Finisterre, and anciently the capital of the county of Cornoualles. In the Latin of the middle ages, the diocese esta- blished here was called Corisopitensis, from its inhabitants the Corisopiti ; but the town itself was called Conflueutia. It has been successively called Quimper Odet and Quimper Corentini, the latter from Corentin its first bishop, and also Civitas Aquilse and Civitas Aquilonia. Its name in Bas Bret, is found written Kimper, Kemper, and Qemper. The old town is situated in an angle formed by the junction of the two streams called Benaudet and Odet, and is or was surrounded by ancient walls and towers ; accord- ingly some authors say Quitnper in Bas Bret, meaus " surrounded with walls," whilst others again state that Conjluentia is a trans- lation of its Celtic name, which showed its situation at the con- fluence of the streams in question. Rostrenen {T)ict, Bas Bret.) is at a loss for an etymology, but thinks the name may mean "field of the eagle," from Celt, kamp or kemp, field of battle, er an eagle. Quimper may, however, be from Celt, cynmer, mean- ing " the confluence of waters," which in "Wales gives proper names to many places. QUITO (ke'to), a province and city of Peru. The Peruvians, after several years' struggle, shook ofi" the Spanish yoke. The name may therefore be derived from Sp. quito, free. R. RAD'FORD, CO. Notts ; from A. S. hreod a reed, ford, id. RADFORD and RADNOR, in Cornwall. Pryce translates Radford " the fern way," and Radnor " the fern land." (Corn.) RAD'NOR, in Wales, may derive its name from the ferns growing in the neigbourhood. The W. rhedyn is a fern ; rhedynaw, abounding with fern, a place where fern grows. The LOCAL ETYMOLOGY. 219 "Welsh call Old Radnor, Maes-yfed Hen ; also Pen y Craig, "the summit of a rock," the church being built upon a rock ; and New Radnor Maes-yfed Neivydd. Maes-yfed is sup- posed to be derived from Hyfaidd, one of the sons of Caradoc Vraic V^ras, who formed Radnor into a county. (W. maes, a field.) RAJPOOTANA ( — tahnah), one of the largest provinces of India ; so called from the natives, the Rajpoots, from Hind. ritjput, lit. a prince, the son of a rdjii, " the general designation of the races in the N. and W. of India, who pretend to spring from the ancient dynasties of the sun and moon" {Wilson); from Sans. rdj& a king, prince, i)xitra a son. RAMSEY, CO. Huntingdon ; found written Rammesige, Re- mesege, Ramesie, and Ramesseie ; " ram's island ;" from A. S. raniy ramm, a ram, ig an island. See also Mon. Angl. p. 232, 1. 7-b, and voc. Ram SG ate. RAMSGATE, Kent, found written Ramesgate. According to some, Uamsgate is for Romans^ Gate, from it having been used as a port or landing-place by the Romans ; " but," says Hasted, " besides that its name was never so written in ancient writings, it may well be doubted whether, during the time the Romans frequented this island, there was here any way or gate at all to the sea ; and it seems plain that it was dug first through the cliff, as the rest of the sea gates were in this little island [Thanet], for the convenience of the fishery, and no Roman coins, &c. have been ever found here, as they have at Bradstow (now Broadstairs), where the Romans, if they had any at all, might have a station ; and the general opinion seems to be that it was called Ramsgate from the way or gate here which leads to the sea through the chalk cliff." Ramsgate may translate "the high or great gate." Ram, rama, ramus, are very ancient words signifying great, noble, high, height, or elevation. Ram, rham, in the Brit, is " that which projects or is forward ;" rhuma, "to project or go forward." Wachter says, " ram, robur, pars extrema rei, raargo, terminus." Chalmers under Ram, gives " Ramsgate, in the face of a steep cliff; Ramsey, an arm of the sea in Essex ; 220 LOCAL ETYMOLOGY. Ram and Ramhead, near Plymouth ; Ram Head, a point opposite to Portsmouth ; Ramsyde, on a point in Lancashire ; Ramsaig' on a point in Skye ; and Ram-asa, an isle in the N. of Lismore." RANDAL'S FIELD (Bannockburu), "so called, because on the evening before the battle, Randal, Earl of Murray, and Sir Robert Clifford had a warm skirmish here." {Kohl.) RAPE, in Sussex, is a division of a county ; an inter- mediate division between a hundred and a shire, containing three or four hundreds ; from Ice. repp, or ripp, a tract or dis- trict. See Smith, de Rep. Angl. lib. ii. c. 16 ; Blackstone ; and Cowel, Law Diet. RATCLIFF {rat'lif), a hamlet in the parish of Stepney, near London. A stratum of red earth having been discovered here during recent excavations, it has been conjectured that Uatcliff is a corruption of Reddiff", its former name. Ratcliffe is the name of several places in England. READING {recTing), co. Berks, anciently written Rseding, Reding, Redingum, Redings, Readinges, and Redinges. Camden derives the name from Anc. Brit, rhed ferns, on account of the great abundance of ferns growing hereabouts ; Baxter, from Brit. rit or rliyd a ferry, cege or ige an island, q. d. rheadige, i. e. ford of the waters, or an insular ford ; Leland, " from the meeting together of other waters with the River Rhea." There is another derivation, from A. S. reh or hreh an inundation, ing a meadow, " an inundation of the meadow." RECUL'VER, a village on the coast of Kent. The name comes, through the A. S. and L. from a Celtic root. The A. S. has Raculf, Bacidf-ceaster, Raculf-minster. The Romans, who had a castrum here, called it Regulbium. Lambarde thinks the name may be from the Brit, racor, forward, because the place projects towards the sea ; Harrison says, from one Racidfus^ built a monastery here. Archdeacon Battely derives Regulbium from Brit. I'hag before, gwylfa watching, or from rhag, and golen light ; " it having had very early a watch-tower, where no doubt lights were kept to direct ships in the night." Baxter derives Reculver from Brit, reg ol iiion, " the point against the waves." LOCAL ETYMOLOGY. 221 "The castle also commanded a view, not only of the German Ocean, but of the mouths of the Thames and Medway ; on which account it was used as a watch-tower, to discover the approaches of an enemy, and also as a light-house to guide mariners, by fires kindled every night ; and this purpose used to be answered by the two steeples of the church, called the Sisters, or the Reculvers, which formerly served as a sea-mark for avoiding the flats or shallows in the mouth of the Thames ; but, by the shifting of the sands, they are now said to be no longer useful, and mariners rather depend on St. Nicholas' Church, or Monkton Mill." {Bib. Top. Brit.) REDAN', a fortification at Sebastopol. " Redan, sometimes written Redent and Redeus, a kind of rampart in the form of an inverted V, having its angle toward the enemy." (P. Cyc.) " Redan, archit. milit., angles saillants vers la campagne qu'on pratique de distance en distance, dans les circonvallations, afin que toutes les parties de leur enceinte se flanquent reciproque- ment " (Fr.) ; contracted from L. recedent-is, recedo, to recede, retire, to be separated or at a distance. REDRUTH, a town in Cornwall ; " the Druids' town," from Corn, dre dridlh. REGENSBURG {ra'gensboorg), a city in Bavaria, named from the small river Regen, which falls into the Danube nearly oppo- site this place. Dr. Bosworth writes it in A. S. Reynes-burh, from burh a town, Regnes of the River Regen. Wachter says the Teut. 7-egen means not only rain, but a river, and that anciently both ren and regen were in use, and he derives them from I'innen, to flow. The French call this place, Ratisbonne, the Italians Ratisbona, the English Ratisbon. Lamartiniere derives Ratisbonne from bona ratis, "i.e. endroit proprc pour I'abord des bateaux." The Romans at first called Regensburg, Reginum and Castra Regina, and afterwards Augusta Tibcrii. REGGIO (redjeo), a city of Calabria, Italy, formerly Rhegium, and so called, it is said, because Sicily was here severed from the mainland by the force of the sea ; from Gr. fj-r^yvviu, to break, rend. 222 LOCAL ETYMOLOGY. REGIS, in local names in England, means'^ "of the king," " king's," from L. rex, regis, a king. Thus Lyme Regis, for- merly Lime Regis, " King's Lyme ;" Melcombe Regis. Bere Regis, CO. Dorset, is situated on the river Bere ; and a little stream, perhaps anciently called the Lyme, runs through Lyme Regis. REIGATE {ry — ), formerly Reygate, Surrey, is called in Domesday Cherchefelle, *' Churchfield," which appellation Salmon thinks it may have received from the church or churches erected by the Saxons soon after their conversion to Christianity. Camden says that the name, if borrovped from the ancient language, may mean "the course of the stream," while Bray and others consider it to be derived, and with great probability, from the Sax. rig, ricg, hric, a ridge, and gate, from a gate or bar placed across the road skirting the high ridge of a bill now called Reigate Hill. Bray is also inclined to think that the gate existed as early as the Saxon Stane Street, and he says there are many other places in the vicinity, the names of which terminate in a similar way, and all seemingly derived from a like circumstance. It acquired the name of Reigate about a century after the compilation of Domesday. REIKJAVIK {rike'-ya-vik), the modern capital of Iceland ; named from some hot springs near it. Reikjavik translates "steam-town ; " from Dan. rUg steam, vig a bay, ford, dwelling. REN'FREW, the name of a parish and county in Scotland, appears to have belonged originally to the site and neighbourhood of the present town. Chalmers says iZe/j/rew; is a British name, derived from Gael, rinn or W. rhyn, a point of land, and frew (W.fraw), a flow of water ; "the point of land near the flow or conflux of the rivers Clyde and Gryfe." The writer in the Stat. Ace. of Scot, says this is an appropriate description of the locality of the burgh, and was still more so when these rivers spread out, as they formerly did, and made the lands around the burgh appear like a point amidst the waters. RETH, a termination of local names in England, is perhaps the A. S. 7-ithe, a water-reservoir, well, fountain, river, as LOCAL ETYMOLOGY. 223 Brandreth, which Halliwell translates, " a walled fence round a well;" Meldreth, Cambridge; Shepreth, Kent; Raureth, near Rochford, Essex. Rith is a river. REVEL (in Russ. Kolivmi) takes its name from two small islands near the harbour, which were formerly called Reffe, i. e. sand-banks. (Tooke.) RHAIDR, found in local names in Wales, is the W. rhaiachjr, a waterfall, cataract, which Owen derives from rha, " that which forces or drives onward." Rhaidr Du, " the black cataract," on the River Gamlan y Mawddach ; Pistyll Rhaidr, "the spout of the cataract ;" Llanrhaiadr, " the village of the cataract ;" Rhaidr Cynwyd, " the source of mischief," near Corwen. The village of Cynwyd was named on account of the courts formerly held there to settle the disputed boundaries, RHELMS {raing, Eng, reemz), a town of France, in the department of the Marne. It is mentioned by Ceesar, in whose time it was the capital of the Remi, one of the most considerable people of Belgic Gaul, and remarkable for their adherence to the alliance with Rome. RHINE, a river in Germany ; L. Rhenus, G. Rhein, Gael. Rein. Goldast derives Rhine from G. rhinen, to run, to flow ; others from rein, clean, pure. The W. has rhin, a great channel (Corn, njne, rine, rin and man, a river) ; hence, says Webster, the Rhine. The most reasonable derivation is that of Armstrong, "from Gael, reidh-an, 'the placid water,' a name which well accords with the general appearance of this river." RHODES, an island in the Grecian Archipelago. Most authors agree in deriving the name from Gr. {,ohq, a rose, for which flower it may have been celebrated, and in confirmation tlicy say that the ancient coins of the country have a rose on their reverse. Bochart says this island was first called by the Greeks O^ir.Ta, on account of the serpents with which it abounded ; that the Chaldeans and Syrians called a serpent mi' jarod, which the Phoenicians abbreviated to rod, calling this island Gezirath Rod, i. e. island of serpents, which the Greeks changed into Po'Joc; and that the Thccnicians afterwards called it Tmdia, 224 LOCAL ETYMOLOGY. "desolate," which the Greeks corrupted to 'ZtocSia. See also Strabo, Pliny, Hesychius, and Biodorus. RHYL {ril), CO. Flint, N. Wales. About two miles to the north of Rhyl is Rhyddlan {rhudd-llan), or the red shore, so named from the colour of its site ; and Rhyl may possibly be a contraction of Rhyddlan. The W. rhyle means an upper place, a superior station ; rhydle, a place of passage, a fording place. RIALTO {re-awl to) a celebrated bridge over the Grand Canal at Venice ; contraction of Rivo alto, the name of the isle which this bridge connects with the isle of San Marco. Rivo alto means " deep stream." RICHMOND, Surrey. Its ancient name was Sheen. Henry VII., who rebuilt the royal palace, which had been burnt down in 1499, called the place Richmond from his having borne the title of Earl of Richmond, in Yorkshire, before his accession. The first Earl of Richmond built the castle (in Yorkshire), who called it Riche-mont, either from a castle in Brittany, or from its being situated in the most fruitful part of his territory. RIETI {i'e-a-te), chief town of a province of the Papal States, the ancient Reate, one of the principal towns of the Sabines, which is said to derive its name from Rhea, otherwise Cybele, the patroness of the place. RIGA takes its name from a small arm of the Duna, called Rige or Ryghe, afterwards converted into the Reising's Canal. {Tooke's Russia.) RIGHI (re'ffhe), an isolated mountain in the canton of Schwyz, in Switzerland. Its ancient name was Mons Regius or Regina Montium, of which its present name is a corruption. RING'ERIG'ET, a chain of mountains in Norway, said to be named after King Ring {Ringa Regs'), an ancient petty sovereign of this part of the country. RINGS' END, Dublin. " The explanation of this apparent ' bull,' rings' end, is very simple. Previous to the formation of that portion of Dublin which is now called " Sir John Rogerson's Quay," there were great piles of wood driven into the sand, and to each of these piles were attached large iron rings for the convenience LOCAL ETYMOLOGY. 225 of the shipping moored there. The outermost of those piles having a ring was called rings' end, that is, the end or last of the rings ; hence the name given to the place at the end of Sir John Rogersou's Quay. Sir John Rogerson, the maker of the quay, was at one time lord mayor of Dublin, and my information as to the derivation of the name Rings'" End was received from old Jemmy Walsh, a Dublin pilot, who remembered seeing the ships moored, and their ropes run through the rings of the wooden piles on the river." (N. & Q. 2d S. ii. 315.) " The proper name of this place is Rin-Ann, i. e. * the point of the tide,' a term very applicable to its situation, but now corrupted into Rings-end." (Seward, Topog. Hibern.) " Ringsend or Rinksen, perhaps a northern word, signifying a sewer, which the River Dodder is to that part of the county." (Lascelles, in Lib. Minor., part v., p. 142.) RIO BRANCO {re'o), a river of Brazil. Rio branco means " white river." (Port.) RIO DE LA PLATA, a river in S. America; "river of silver ;" said to have been so named by Diego Garsias, in 1527, because the natives brought him silver, which had not hitherto been imported from this part of the continent. RIO DE JANEIRO {—han'a-e'ro, Eng.>«ero), a city of Brazil, situated on a river (Sp. rio), or rather an arm of the sea, called Janeiro, probably from the circumstance of its discovery by Solis on the feast day of St. Januarius (the 1st day of January.) The province and the river are called by the natives Genabara. RIO NEGRO {nay'gro), the name of several rivers in S. America, means the "black river." (Sp.) RIPON, CO. York, found written Ripum, Hripum, Ripun, Rypon and Rypoun, situated on the River Aire or Ure, and said to derive its name from L. ripct, the bank of a river. ROCHESTER, Kent, is supposed to have been founded by the ancient Britons, who, as some say, called it dwr-bryf, i.e. a swift stream, in allusion to the Mcdway. Camden derives tlie name from Celt, dour water, briva a ford or bridge. The Romans converted dwr-bryf, or dour-briva, into Durobrivjx) and Durobrivis. A Roman custrnm or camp having existed here, 226 LOCAL ETYMOLOGY. the Saxons imported ceaster into the name, which became Hrof- esceaster, Hrofeceaster, Hroueceaster, Rhovecestre, Rouecestre, Rouceastre, Rovecestria, Rovecester, and Roibisceaster, whence its present name has been corrupted. Bede derives the name from ceaster the city, Hrofes of Hrof, a Saxon chieftain ; and Somner from hrof, covered, because enclosed vrith hills, or rof, eminent. RODE, a termination of local names in Germany, as Elbinge- rode, Osterode, Wernigerode in the Hartz, Attenrode, &c. Rode- land, Rott-land, in G. means " cleared ground," from roden, to dig up. See Royd. ROERMOND (roor'mond), a town of the Netherlands, on the right bank of the Maas, at the influx (G. munde, mouth) of the Roer or Ruhr. ROESKILDE {ros'kild), a town of the Danish island of Zea- land, said to have been founded by King Roe, who chose the spot on account of the fresh-water springs that abound in the neighbourhood, whence the name Roes-kilde " Roe's well." The Dan. hide is a fountain, spring, source. In L. the name is found written Fons Rosarum ! ROME. The building and name of this city have been variously accounted for. Some state that a body of Trojan fugi- tives were driven upon the coasts of Tuscany, and at last anchored in the Tiber, and that their wives being unable any longer to bear the hardships of the sea, on the proposal of " Roma," one supe- rior to the rest in birth and prudence, the fleet was burnt ; that the Palatine Hill was afterwards selected as a site, and a city built, which they called Roma. Others say Roma was daughter of Italus, or of Telephus son of Hercules, and related to ^neas. According to others, Rome was built by Romanus, son of Ulysses and Circe, or by Romus, son of ^Emathion, whom Diomedes sent from Troy, or by Romus, king of the Latins, after he had expelled the Tuscans. Even those who assert that the city had its name from Romulus, are not agreed as to his extraction. They inform us that he and his brother Remus were brought infants into Italy, that all the vessels were lost except that containing the children, who were saved beyond expectation, and the place after them LOCAL ETYMOLOGY. 227 called Rome. There is still another suggestion, that the Pelasgi settled here, and on account of their strength in war, named the city Puifj^Y], If we could suppose Rome to have been built by a Phoenician colony, the name might translate "a high place." The Heb. D11 rum signifies "to be high, lofty," also "height, elevation." Ramoth, signifying "heights," was the name of a town in Gilead ; Rimmon, '^very high," a town of the Simeon- ites ; Rumdh, " high," a town in the tribe of Benjamin ; and according to Bochart, Maro, a mountain in Sicily, derives its name from the Punic maron, signifying " a high place." ROMFORD {rum'furd), a town in Essex, takes its name from a Roman ford across the stream which flows through its west side. Lysons derives Romford from A. S. rum broad, ford a ford ; " a broad ford." ROMNEY {ruin'ne), a town in Kent, situated in a marsh near the sea. Lye writes the name Rumen-ea, " the spread- ing water or marsh," from rume wide, spreading, ea water : " the island in the flat or marsh, a spot sufficiently elevated from the surrounding marsh to be dry, being termed an island by the Saxons." (P. Cyc.) According to others, this isle was first called Roman-ey, " isle of the Romans," because they first landed here. ROMSDALEN, a district of Norway ; " the dale or valley of the River Rauma." (Dan. dal a vale, valley, dale ; dal-en the dale.) ROMSEY {rum'ze), co. Hants, from A. S. Rumes-ege, or ige, from rihn roomy, iy, ige, an island, spatiosa insula. Baxter writes Romes-ey, q. d. Romana insula. ROSAS, a seaport town in the province of Catalonia, Spain, formerly called Rhode, from having been founded by Rhodian emigrants. ROSCOMMON, a town and county in Ireland. The town is said to derive both its origin and its name, which was formerly Ros-Coeman (Coeraan's Marsh), from the foundation here of an abbey of Canons Regular, by St. Coeman, or Comanus, about the year 510. u 2 228 LOCAL ETYMOLOGY. A ROSE, ROS, in local names in Cornwall, is the Corn. rosCy rds, a valley ; as Roskilly or Rosgilly, the grove in the valley ; Rosevallan, the apple valley; Roscrew or Roscreece, the cross in the valley ; Rosvean, the little valley ; Rosmean, or Rosmen, the stony valley. ROTH'ER, the name of several rivers in England ; especially of one in Yorkshire and of another in Sussex, whence Rotherbridge and Rotherfield. Some derive the name from G. ivth, rothen, red ; but Whitaker, with greater reason, from Celt, yr-odre, a limit, boundary. Rotherwas, on the Wye, co. Hereford, may, however, mean " red water." (G. rothes-wasser.') ROTH'ERHAM, co. York; "the ham or dwelling on the River Rother." It was called in Brit. J> Odai' (from which Rother has been corrupted), " the boundary," obviously reflected in the Roman name of this station, " Ad Fines." See Rother. ROTII'ERHITHE, a parish in Surrey, near London, and bordered by the Thames ; from A. S. Rethra-hythe, from hyth, a port, haven, or wharf, rethra, or rothra, of sailors. Others translate Rotherhithe "The port of the boundary" between the people of Kent and the Trinobantes, and they derive Rother from the Brit, yr odre or odr, a boundary, \i\vAi. (See Rother.) Rotherhithe is frequently called Redriff, and this pronuuciation appears to have prevailed as early as the thirteenth century. ROTTEN ROW, a carriage-drive in Hyde Park, London, may have been called either Route dii Roi (Fr.), as being appropriated solely to the king's use, or Routine Row, as the scene of religious processions. Some say that old or rotten buildings stood along the thoroughfare. ROTTERDAM takes its name from a dyke or dam erected at the junction of a small stream called the Rotte with the Maas. Conf. Amsterdam, (Amstel-dam), Schiedam, Zaandam. ROUEN (roo'-o?«c>;vow, to pitch a tent, dwell ; and he says that the Laplanders, the ancient inhabitants of Scandia, and driven by the Saxons into the interior, also live in tents ; and that this etymology explains why those of the Gothi who emigrated from Scandia, or Scanzia, called the nearest German places, Goti- scanzia, that is, because they there fixed their tents. Wachter derives the termination " avia " from Teut. aw, terra, and says Scandinavia means " the land of the Scandi." The name may have come thus, Scandi, scandia, scandau, scandauia, scandavia, Scandinavia. LOCAL ETYMOLOGY. 241 SCAR, SCARR, SKARR, SKIRE, in local names in the N. of England, as Scarthwaite, &c., mean a rocky cliff, a bare place on tlie side of a steep hill, from \vhich the sward has been washed down by rain ; from A. S. carr, or Dan. skier, skicer, Sw. sMr, a rock, cliff. SCARBOROUGH, co. York ; " a fortified rock, " from A. S. carr a rock (Dan. sher, skicer, rocks, cliffs), burh a fort. SCHAFFHAUSEN {shafhow'zn), a town of Switzerland, was formerly called Schiffhausen, i. e. a house for ships, from G. schiff a ship, ham a house. " In the eighth century, it consisted of notlnng more than a few storehouses built to receive goods conveyed along the Rhine, and thence transported by land to some distance below the cataract, where boats could not pass." {Coglan.) SCHLANG'ENBAD, a little bath place in Nassau, Germany, so named from the great number of snakes, quite harmless, which not only abound in the neighbourhood, but even haunt the springs themselves; from G. sddangen, serpents, had, a bath. SCHLESWIG islesvig), a town of Denmark, named from its situation on the httle river Schle and Sax. xciy a bay, ford, &-c. SCnOTTWIEN (shotvean), situated in a narrow defile at the foot of the Semmcring mountain in Austria ; from G. Schotte a Scotchman, Wien Vienna. A colony of Scottish monks settled here as missionaries in the middle ages. SCHWALBACH {shvolb'ak), a small bath place in Nassau, Germany; "the swallows' brook," from G. 5c/»t'a/ie a swallow, ack a brook. SCILLY ISLES, situated near the Land's End, Cornwall. They were known to the Greeks under the name of the Cassiterides. Ausonius is the first writer who calls them "Sillinoe Insulje." Some derive Sillina, of which they say Scillyisa corruption, from sthja, the Corn, for "conger;" others from sullch, a Brit, word signifying "the rocks consecrated to the sun." The latter derivation, says a late writer, will be probably adopted by the traveller who has beheld these islands from the Land's End by stinset, when they appear as if they were imbedded in the settin- luuuuary. Solinus, however, calls them Silura, wlunre it has 242 LOCAL ETYMOLOGY. been inferred that they were at one time inhabited and received their name from the Silures, a nation of Iberic origin. SCINDE, SINDE, or SIND, a part of Hindustan watered by the Indus or Sindus. Gilchrist says sind, sindhoo, are very old Hind, words signifying the sea ; that seam, se'ah, mean dark, nud, a water, river, &c., and that he can easily develope se ahund, se'atnnud in Sind. See Indus. SCOTLAND, " land of the Scoti or Scots." See Scythia. SCU'TARI, a suburb of Constantinople, on the Asiatic shore of the Bosphorus; from Pers. uskuddr, an envoy, messenger, courier. " Scutari was in remote periods what it is at this day, the post- station for Asiatic couriers, the great rendezvous of all caravans proceeding from Europe, and the spot whence all tra- vellers from Constantinople to the East commence their journeys." (^Murray.) Scutari in European Turkey is the ancient Scodra. SCYLLA, a dangerous cluster of rocks between Italy and Sicily; named from a fabulous sea-monster, i/odh, the sign of the Divine name. Stanley derives Sinai from Heb. sinah or seneh, the acacia-tree. SINGAPORE', an island in the Indian Sea, named after its chief town Singhapura, "lion-town." (E.'md. sing h, Sans. smA or sinha, a lion.) See Poor. SINOPE {sino'pa), a town of Asiatic Turkey on the Black Sea, celebrated as the birthplace of Diogenes, who is thence called Sivwtfgue. The derivation from Gr. cruvow to hurt, injure, w\|/ the eye, can only rest on the supposition that the winds here were formerly injurious to the sight. l-ivuotiQ, red ochre, rather owes than gives its name to the place from which it was ex- ported. Hoffman refers to one of the Amazons called Sinope, and to Sinope, daughter of Asophus, " quam Apollo raptam in Pontum traduxit." Again, we read of one Sinope, a courtesan, so noted that her name passed into a proverb. This is curious. LOCAL ETYMOLOGY. 249 as the Arabs call this place " the islaud of lovers." Eustathius, however, says that the river near the tovrn is called Sinope ; and, if this be so, the town was doubtless named from it. There is a river in Normandy called Sinope. The name of these rivers may be of Celtic origin ; perhaps from Gael, sean old, ancient, ab, aba, water ; whence seanab, siimb, Sinope. The Turks have corrupted Sinope into Sinub and Sindb. See Polyb. lib. iv. c. 57 ; Strab. hb. xii. 5A5 ; Cellar. Geog. Ant. hb. iii. c. 8 ; Zenop. lib. vi. ; Diod. Sic. hb. xiv. c. 32 ; Cels. v. 6 ; Diosc. v. 65 ; Yitruv. vii. 7 ; Phu. xxxvi. 6 ; Val. Flac. v. 109 ; and Ortelius. SITTINGBOURNE, Kent; according to one writer, the "seething bourn," i.e. the boihng rivulet, rivus fervens aid buUiens ; but Sittingbourne, formerly Scetung-burna, means rather a hamlet on the banks of a rivulet, from A. S. scetimg, a holding, or inhabiting of a place, from sittan, to sit, dwell, &c., burn a brook. SIUE-LING, a mountain range in China, with a considerable number of snow-capped summits ; from Chin, seite snow, ling a mountain. SIVAS or SI WAS (se-vas) a city of Asiatic Turkey, formerly Sebastia. From root of Sebastopol. SKAG'ERRACK, a wide arm of the North Sea, separating Norway from Denmark, and communicating with another arm called the Kattegat. The name is more properly applied to a sandbank extending from Cape Skagen, at the northernmost point of Jutland, far into the sea. Skagerrack may therefore be a cor- ruption of Skagen' s Itif, Skagen Reef, and it is found so written m old maps. It was probably named by the Dutch, as was the Kattegat, which the French translate " Trou du chat." The reef was named from the Cape, and the latter, as also the neighbouring village of Skagen or Skau, from the Su-Goth. skaga, an isthmus, promontory, from skaga, to bend, project, extend. SKAREN {fskeer'n), the name given to the rocks and rocky islands on the coast of Sweden ; from Sw. skilr a rock, Dan. akier. SLACK, of frecjuent occurrence hi local names in Lau- 250 LOCAL ETYMOLOGY. cashire and "Westmoreland ; as Witherslack, &c. " Slack, slak, slake, an opening in the higher part of a hill or mountain, where it becomes less steep, and forms a sort of pass ; a gap or narrow pass between two hills or mountains." (Jamieson.') SLADE, in Staffordshire, means moorland ; some say a slope, " a valley, ravine, plain." {Haliwell.) In Northamptonshire, the name is sometimes applied to a flat piece of grass, and to a border of grass round a ploughed field. Moor calls it *' a small open hanging wood." Brockett, " a breadth of green sward in ploughed land, or in plantations." The A. S. slced is a plain, open tract of country ; the Ice. slced, a valley. SLANEY, a river in Wexford ; Slaan, a river in Cork ; from Gael, easc-lan, "the full water." SLANG, in local names in some English counties, is a narrow strip of land. It is sometimes called a slanket. SLAVONIA, a province of the Austrian dominions, which, though incorporated with the kingdom of Hungary, is still styled in official documents the kingdom of Slavonia. Some authors deduce the name Slavonian from slava, glory, and in confirmation, refer to the usual termination of Slavonian names, in slav, as Stanislav, " establisher of glory ;" Vladislav, " ruler of glory ;" Yaroslav, " furious for glory." Others maintain that the name of the Slavo- nians, which is often written Slovenie, instead otSlavenie, is derived from slovo, "word," and -that the Slavonians, being unable to understand the language of the nations with which they came in contact, called them Niemetz, that is, " mute," an appellation which is given to the Germans in all the Slavonian dialects, whilst the latter call themselves Slovenie, that is, " men endowed with the gift of the word." The Byzantine writers changed Slavonian into Sclaben or Sclav, and hence the appellation Selavonians adopted by the western writers. Procopius calls the Slaves SMERWICK, a bay on the coast of Kerry, Ireland, was proba- bly named by the Scandinavians, and it may mean " the butter haven ;" from Scand. snm- butter, Sw. vik, cove, creek, Dan. viif/, vihro thule, darkness, or Gezirnt Thule, " island of darkness." See also Isid. Orig. xiv. 6, 4 ; Procop. Bell. Goth. ii. 15 ; Oros. i. 2; Tac. Agr. c. 10 ; Strab. i. 4, 2, ii. 4, i. iv. 5, 5 ; Plin. N. H. ii. 77 ; Virg. G. i. 29 ; Stat. Sylv. iii. 5, 19 ; and Notes and Queries, 2d S. vol. iv. UMBRIA, in anc. geog. a large tract of country on both sides of the Apennines, inhabited by a Gaulish tribe named the Umbri, Ambrones, Ombres, or Ambra ; all these words being corruptions of Amhra, meaning " vahant men," "nobles." They were called by the Greeks 0|t^/3po/ and Oy.^^ioi, and by some writers, Veteres Galli. See Anton. G. apud Serv. Mn. ad fin. ; Isid.; Orig. hb. ix. c. 2, Conf. Thierry, Hist, des Gaulois. UNKIAR SKELESSI, a village on the Asiatic shore of the Bosphorus, celebrated for the treaty signed there on June 26, 1833, between Russia and Turkey. The name in Turc. means " the landing place of the emperor." LOCAL ETYMOLOGY. 285 UPSALx\ (oopsala), formerly the capital of Sweden, situated upon the borders of the Sal or Sala. John Magnus Gothus (Hist. Goth., lib. i.), who was archbishop of this city, states that 246 years after the deluge, JJbbon reigned over the Swedes, and that he either founded this city and gave it his name ; or that it was anciently his residence; as though Ubbonis-sal, i.e. hall or palace of Ubbon ; or that he named it Upsala, from its situa- tion on the Sal. We may believe all but the date. See also Zeyler, Descr. Suev. 173. URQUHART {er'kert), a parish by the Frith of Dingwall, co. Ross, Scotland, said to have been named from the great length of its sea margin ; from Gael, oire coast, edge, brink, fad long, amhan, a river or water. The Highlanders, speaking Gaelic, pronounce the word urachadan. This etymology, although appa- rently far-fetched, seems to derive confirmation from the simikr name and situation of another parish on one side of Loch Ness in Invernessshire. (See Stat. Ace. Scot.) UTICA, in anc. geog., a city of Africa, noted for the death of Cato. Bochart derives Utica or Ityca from Pun. t^p^-ir atica, old, ancient. (See Carthage.) Utica is the name of a city in the state of New York, U. S. UTRECHT {yu'trekt) a city of Holland, called by the Romans Trajectits ad Rhenum, "ford on the Rhine," and by the monks, Ultra Trajeetuniy i.e. " on the other side of the ford," from which its present name has been corrupted. UXB RIDGE, Middlesex, found written Oxebrugc, Oxebreugo, Woxebruge, Woxebrugge, Woxbridge, Waxbridge, and Oxbridge, said to have been noted in ancient times for the passage of oxen, from the rich pastures of Buckinghamshire, by a bridge over the Colne. Leland says " there be two wooden bridges at the west ende of the towne, and under the more weste goeth the great arme of the Colne River ; the lesser arnie goeth under the other bridge, and each of them serve there a great mille." Uxbridye is more probably " the bridge over the Ux" i.e. the water, from Brit, isc, Gael, uisye. See Isca, Oxford, and Thamks. 286 LOCAL ETYMOLOGY. V. VAL'HALLA, G. Walhalla, a Grecian temple of the Doric order, erected by the late King Ludwig of Bavaria, on the left bank of the Danube, below Ratisbon. The name is derived from the old Norse valholl, "the hall of the chosen." VALPARAISO {—ri'zo) a city of Chili, S.America ; from Sp. val (from L. vallis, a valley), paraiso paradise, any pleasant or de- lightful place. VALTELINE {—leen), It. Val Tellina, G. Feltli?i, the vale of the Adda, extending from Bormio to Colico, in Italy. The town of Volturena, built by the Tyrrheni, stands or stood at the end of the valley, upon the border of the Lago di Como, and the inhabitants of the valley are said to call themselves Voltureni. VolUirena ma.jheixoxa. Vallis Tyrrhena. According to others, the valley has its name from a castle on the heights, Teglio (L. Tilium, G. Tell), which was formerly its principal place. VAN, a town of Asiatic Turkey, on a lake of the same name ; built by King Van. VANNES (van), a seaport in the W. of France, capital of the department of Morbihan. Camden derives the name from Gaul, venna, a fisherman. Vannes, however, is rather the capital of the Veneti, of whose name the word is a corruption. The Breton appellation is still TVenet or Guenet. It is not however improbable that the Veneti, whom the Latins distin- guished as Veneti Italise and Veneti Gallise, may derive their name from the Gaul, venna. Wachter, under " Heneti," synony- mous with Veneti, says, " gens Sarmatica, a latrociniis, ut videtur, sic dicta ; nam henden (A. S.) non solum est capere, sed etiam rapere.^^ VASARHELY ( — ha'ly), which produces one of the best Hungarian white wines, called by the Germans Schomlauer ; from Hung, vdsur, a market (from Turc. hdzur), hehj a place. LOCAL ETYMOLOGY. 287 VAUD (vo), called also Pays de Vand, G. TFaadt and Waad- land; a canton of Switzerland, named from the Waldenses (L. Fallesi, It. Valdesi, Swiss dial. Vaiides). The Waldenses, Valdenses, Valdesi, or Vaudois, were formerly considered to derive their name from Peter Valdo or Waldo, a citizen of Lyons in the 12th century, and an opponent of Romish doctrines ; hut it has since been proved that this religious community existed long before Waldo, and indeed, the canton of Vaud is called Waldensis Comitatus by the chronicler Berlin as early as 839. " From Waldo, however, the separatists from Rome in the south of France, have been called Waldenses, and this has caused them to be confounded with the Vaudois or Vaudes of the Alps." {P. Cyc.) Waldenses or Valdenses means simply " inhabitants of valleys," and may be traced to L. vallis, a valley. VAUXHALL {voxhawV). King John bestowed upon Fouke alias FaidJc (Falcasius) de Brent, a Norman by birth, the very opulent heiress Margaret de Ripariis, (Speed's Chron. p. .582 ; Annales Eccles. Wigorn., A. S. I. 486). By this marriage, he became possessor of the manor in Lambeth, to which FanAs- hull was annexed : and Mr. Lysons has with probability suggested, that it might be from him that the district acquired its appellation. Weight will be added to this surmise, if it be considered that in Annales EcclesicB Wigorniensis the name is spelt Faukisius; whence it may be presumed that in Eno'lish he was vulgarly called Faukes (Bibl. Topoy. Brit. Lond. 1795). VEAN, VL\N, in local names in Cornwall, as Trevean, " the little town ;" Trevyvian, "the town by the small water;" is tlie Com. vean, vian, contracted from loiggan, wignn, bighan, little. These words are sometimes corrupted into brigh, briggan, h'iggan ; as Lambriggan, for Lambournc-wigan, "the little Lambourne;" Brighton, Brightor, Briggantor, Biggantor, "the little hill." Conf. Gael, beagan, W. bychan, \xm. biham, O. Fr. bechan, Franche Comtd pechon. VENACIIOIR, a loch in Perthshire, Scotland; " the lake of the fair valley." {Stat. Jcc. Scot.) \E.\EZL'ELA ( — zwa'la), a republic of S. America; "Little 288 LOCAL ETYMOLOGY. Venice ;" a name given to it on account of some Indian villages, which the first conquerors found on the Lakes of Maracaibo. VENICE ; It. Venecia, Fr. Fenise, G. Venedig, Sp. Venecia, L. Venetice. In a.d. 421, the inhabitants of Aquileia, Padua, and other Italian cities, in order to escape the fury of Attila, fled to the islands at the mouth of the Brenta. Here they founded two cities, Rivo Alto and Malamocco, which were incorporated in 697 under one magistrate, entitled " doge." Pepin, as king of Italy, granted some territory along the banks of the Adige, and Rivo Alto (Rialto), united with neighbouring islands, took the name of VeneticB, from the province of Venetia, the territory of the ancient Veneti, of which these islands formed a dependency. The Veneti, Venedse, Winidse, Henneti, 'Everoi, were a Celtic people originally from Sarmatia. See Ptol. lib. iii. c. 5 ; Liv.s Polyb. ; Jornan. ; Strab. ; Cess. ; and voc. Vannes. VENLOO', a town in the Netherlands, named from its situa- tion ; from D. veen a fen, loo a plain. See Loo. VENTON is a Corn, word signifying a spring, fountain, well, as Venton Vean, "the little well." VERDUN', an ancient town of France situated on the Meuse. The name is found written Verunum, Veronum, Vironum, Vero- dunum, Verdunum, Veredunum, and Urbs Vereduna, Viridunum, or Virdunum. Saumaise derives the name from Celt, ver, a ford or passage, dunum, a town ; but ver meant also " water." See YvERDUN and Dun. VERONA, Italy, according to Sempronius, owes its origin and name to the Tuscan family Vera. See Plin. lib. iii. c. 19; Liv. lib. V. c. 3.5 ; Catull. Carm. 68 ; Martial, hb. xiv, epig. 195. VERULAM, Herts, supposed to have been situated in tbe neighbourhood of St. Albans. The name is found written Vero- lamium, Velolamium, Velovanium, and Vrolanium, all corrupted from Verulamium, its Roman name. The Saxons called it Wer- lame and Werlame-ceaster ; the inhabitants were styled Verulee and Veroli ; and by Pliny Verulani. Bailey derives the name from W. gwar fortress, and lawn pleasant, from the pleasantness LOCAL ETYMOLOGY. 289 and fertility of the place. According to others, it received its name from its situation near the small River Verlam, a feeder of the Coin ; but there is no evidence that the Ver was ever called the Verlam. Perhaps the original Celtic name was Ver-alauni-din, i.e. " the town of the Alauni, who dwelt on the Ver" or " the town of the Fir-Alauni," i.e. " the men called the Alauni:' The Celtic name may have been changed by the Romans to Veralaunidunum, and subsequently contracted to Verulamium, and then corrupted by the Saxons to Werlame, whence its present appellation. " The Roman road called by the Saxons Watling Street, was also called Werlaem Street, because it first went direct to Verulam, passing close under its walls." (See Gibson's Camden, vol. i. 79.) VESUVIUS, a volcano near Naples ; anciently Vesvius,Vesbius, Vesevus, and Vesujus. The name has been derived from Gr. s^roj within, inward, or from soo to send or throw, and /3m violence, or lOQ dart, missile, weapon ; because the smoke and fire which issue from it denote a violent agitation within, or may be com- pared to the hurhng of darts. "Ecr/3»a, /-£crjSia,Vesbia,Vesbius,Ves- vius, Vesujus, Vesuvius. VEVEY or VEVAY, a town of Switzerland, named from its situation near the foot of the Alps, at the centre of a deep gorge formed by the Veceyse, a corruption of its ancient name, Vibsicus, i.e. the Vip-isca, " the water called the Vip" See ISCA. VICENZA (ve-fshen-tsa), a city of Italy, from L. Picentia, probably Latinized from its original name. VIENNA, G. TFien, Ft. Vienne, It. Vienna, Sp. Viaia, Turc. Batch ; capital of Austria. According to some authors, it was formerly known by the names of Ala Flaviana, Castra Flaviana, Flavianum, and Juliobona. Others say it occupies the site of the Roman station Vindobona, supposed to be a corruption of Vindevon or Vendemn, either an O. Celt, or Slav, word, denoting the " dwelling place of the Vends," a Slavonic tribe still occupying Camiola; and that Vindobona may have successively become 7'Yat-i- ana or Favianajlana, and JVien. The city, however, stands on the south bank of the Danube, at its confluence with the little River u 290 LOCAL ETYMOLOGY. Wien, and the name of tlie river may be from Celt, beagan little, or beag-an, " tlie little river." VINTSCHGAU { finch' gow). The upper part of the vale of the Adige, from its source to Bozen, is called the Vintschgau, from its ancient inhabitants the Vennonetes. Thus Vennonetes-gau, Vents-gaa, Vintschgau. The G. gau means country, district, from Gr. yri, ya, land, earth. VIRGINIA, one of the United States of America, named in honour of Queen Elizabeth, in vi'hose reign Sir Walter Raleigh made.the first attempt at a colony here. VISTULA; G.TFeichsel, Vol Wisla, Fr. Vistule ; a river of Poland ; found written Vistillus, Vistla, Viscla, Bisula, Visula, Visela, Weixel, Wiessel, "VVeissel, and Weisel, may be derived from the Celt, wys-y-lliv, "the floody water." Thus, wys-y-Uiv, wysuil, wisyl, wistyl, Vistula. Conf. voc. Willy. VOLD, in local names in Norway, is the Dan. void, a rampart, mound of earth, dam. VOLGA, the largest river of Europe. In Sarmatian, volga means "the great." VORARLBERG {foral'bairg), a province of Austria, \n front (G. vor, before) of the mountain called the Arlberg, q. v. w. WxlDY {a'adec). Wadys in Arabia are hollow valleys or de- pressions, more or less deep, wide, or long, washed by the moun- tain torrents or winter rains. Stanley gives the following Wadys in Sinai and Palestine : " Wady Fairan, Wady Howar, Wady Mokalteb, Wady-es-Shaykh, * shaik's valley,' so called from the tomb of Shaykh Salah, the Muhammadan sanctuary of the peninsula ; Wady Tayibeh, so designated from the goodly water and vegetation it contains ; Wady Sagal, or ' of the acacia ; ' Wady Musa, closed by overhanging cliffs ; Wady Tidri, expanding LOCAL ETYMOLOGY. 291 into a level space with rare bushes of whitethorn, whence its name ; WacJy Abu Hamad, ' the father of fig trees,' that grow in its clefts ; and Wady-el-Arabah, a true wady, marshy hollow, or depres- sion. For a few weeks or days these valleys present the appear- ance of rushing streams, but their usual aspect is absolutely bare and waste, only presenting the image of thirsty desolation, and the more strikingly so from the constant indications of water, which is no longer there." Freytag interprets the Arab, wddi " locus depressior inter monies collesve, vallis, alveus fluvii, et ipse fluvius." It is found in the nam.es of many rivers in Spain, as lodd-al-Mbir, "the great river," since corrupted into Guadalquivir, q, v. WAKE'S COLNE {—co7ie), Essex, sometimes called Colne Maskerel, Colne Quincy, and Colun Saer, takes its name from the ancient baronial family of JVake. See Colnes. WALDSHUT (valds'hoot), a forest town between Basle and Schaffhausen ; from G. tvald wood, hiitte hut, cottage. WALLACHIA (wol-la'ke-a), a principality of Turkey. The name Wallachs given to this people by foreigners, belonged to some people in Thrace, Macedonia, and Thessaly. The Byzantine historians frequently mention the Vlachi (BAap^^oi) ,who lived chiefly in the country round Mount Pindus. The name Vloch, or Wloch is said to be the Slav, for " Itahan " or " Roman ; " and Wallach is equivalent to the native name Rdmani. {Eng. Cyc.) In Hung, a Wallachian is called Oldh ; in G. Walache, in Low L. Vulachus, Vlaehus, and Dacromanus. Vloch, Vlach, &c., are from the root of Gaul (q.v.). Lamartiniere says Wallachia was anciently called Flaccia, from one Flaccus, who was sent by Trajan with 30,000 men to colonize it. WALLINGFORD, Berks, found written AYealinga- Waling- Walling- Walin- Wallyng-ford, Walingaforda, Wallengafort, ^\'allyngforth, and Wallyngfort ; from Gualenya-ford, " the ford or passage of the Gauls." According to others, its aucicnt Brit, name was Gvftl-hen "the old wall.'' WALMIOR {warmer), Kent; from Sax. wall hwaW, and L. mnre the sea ; " a sea wall." (liailey.) W.\r/rn,\.M (irnu-l'lni,i),\\;\\\\^, found written WcjiII linm. 292 LOCAL ETYMOLOGY. Weald-ham, Walteham ; from A. S. loeald a wood, weald, ham a dwelling, {Bosworth.) WALTON, the name of several places in England, as Walton- on-Thanies, Walton-on-the-Naze ; from A. S. weal^ wall, tun an enclosure ; or from root of Waltham. WANDLE, a river in Surrey ; from A. S, wandrian, or Dan. vandler, to wander. Bailey calls it the Wandle or Vandali. WANDSWORTH, Surrey, formerly Wandiesworth, and perhaps originally Wandle' s-worth, i.e. a farm or habitation on the River Wandle. WARBURTON, Oxon ; " the place where iEthelfreda, Queen of the Mercii, built a citadel ;" found written Weard-burh, Wead- byrig, Wardebirh, Wardeburgh, and Wardborough ; from A. S. weard a watch, burh a fort, city, tun a town. WARDINE (—deeii), a frequent termination of local names in Herefordshire, Salop, and Radnor ; as Carwardine, Shilwardine, Shrawardine (Castle), Chiswardine. It occurs also in Scotland, as Bradwardine (Waverley). Perhaps from Low L. gardiamis, a warden ; " he that hath the keeping or charge of any person or thing by office ; " as warden of the marshes, warden of the forest, warden of peace, warden of the Stannaries. WARE, Herts, found written Guare ; originally a ivear or dam constructed on the River Lea, and strongly fortified by the Danes in 964, in order to defend their vessels ; from A. S. wear, wer. WAREHAM, Dorset. The Britons called it Durngneis ; the Saxons, Vepham, and Thorusseta. In ancient records it is written Warham and Varham, said to be a compound of var and ham, and to denote a habitation on a fishing shore. But see Ware. WARRINGTON, co. Lancaster ; in Domesday Wallington, and according to some authors, the Vara-tin of Ravenuas, and the Roman Veratinum ; "the ford town," from Celt, vera a ford, din a town. The opinion that this place was a Roman station rests cliiefly on the circumstance of three Roman roads, each leading to a ford here over the Mersey, the vestiges of a castrum and fosse, which are still discernible, and the discovery of some LOCAL ETYMOLOGY. 293 Roman relics. Since its occupation, however, by the Saxons, it assumed the name of Werington, from iccering a fortification, tun a town. WARWICK (ivorrik), found written Wsering-wic, Ware-wic, Waringe-wyke, War-wyk, Warwych, and Warwyk ; from A. S. wcBringh bulwark, mound, icic a dwelling ; "a fortified dweUing." " From W. guarth, a safeguard, a garrison, and wic." {Camden.) " Ethelfleda, daughter of King Alfred and wife of Ethelred, Earl of Mercia, in 913, built a castle on the northern steep banks of the Avon, and erected a mound of earth on its western side, which still exists, and on which it is supposed that a fort was erected." (Gent. Mag., March, 1841, p. 359, and Nov. 1844.) WARWICK LANE, formerly Eldenese Lane, Newgate Street. "The same is now called Warwick Lane, of an ancient house there built by an Earl of Warwick, and was since called Warwick Inn." (Stow, p. 128.) At the corner of Newgate Street is a bas-relief of Guy, Earl of Warwick, bearing the date 1668. WATFORD (loot' — ), CO. Herts, situated on the Uolne, and said to derive its name from the Wailing Street which passed in the vicinity, and from a ford over the river. WATLING STREET, London. The ancient Watling Street was a road supposed to have been constructed by the British, and reconstructed by the Romans, which extended from Sandwich in Kent to Caernarvon in Wales. The name is found written Guetheling, Wethehng, and Wetlinga. One writer says Wetlinga Street is " the road of the sons of King Wetla or JFelthe ; " another says it was '• a consular road made by the Romans, thrown up considerably above the level of the sides, kept up with large stakes driven into the ground, and lesser wood woven between them ; and that these were called by the Saxons, wattes, fr(jm which the road had its name." This etymology seems far- fetched ; besides, wattles would never be sufficiently strong to keep together the weight of gravel, sand, linio, and stone "raised high above the level of the sides." The Rev. J. Kempe thinks it was an ancient Hritisii way, from (jwydd-lahi, " the wav tlirough tlic forests or woods;" and he says this etymology would be at 294 LOCAL ETYMOLOGY. once expressive of its British origin, of the primitive state of the country through which it ran, and of its subsequent adoption by the Romans as a miUtary road ; that with the Britons it was a forest lane or track way, and with the Romans it became a stratum, street, or raised road, constructed according to their well-known manner. The most reasonable suggestion is that of Thierry, who says Wetlinge is merely a Saxon corruption of Gwydelin, i.e. Gwydelinsarn, "the way of the Gwydel or Gael," i.e. the Irish ; " nom fort convenable a une route qui conduisait d'e Douvres a la cote de Chester." See also Thierry, Norm. Conq. vol. i. pp. 2, 70, note, and p. 151 ; Notes and Queries, 2d S. p. 271 ; Whitaker, Hist. Manchester, vol. i. p. 130 ; Archseol. Append, to vol. vi. p. 130, and Append, to vol. xxvi. p. 468—9 ; Hoveden, p. 248 ; and Camden, Brit. p. 343. WEALD, WEALT, WALD, WALT, WOLD, in local names in England, denotes a situation near woods or groves, as JFeald-ham, Wealt-ham (Waltham) ; the wealds of Kent, i.e. the woody parts of this county ; from A. S, weald, wold. (Plat. uoold, woold, D. woud, G. wald, Dan. ved, Sw. wed, W. gwydd.) WEDNESBURY {we7iz'—), co. Stafford; from Woden's- beorcj, from Woderi, the Saxon god of war, beorg a hill, or burg a fortified place. We find in Domesday that this town, previously to the Norman Conquest, belonged to the Saxon kings. WELLINGTON, co. Somerset, formerly Waliutone ; per- haps " the town of the Gualeu." See Wallingford. WENBURY or Wembury, co. Devon ; in A. S. found written Wicgan-beorch, Wicgam-beorg, Wigganbeorh, and Winbeorn {Bosworth) ; perhaps "the burg or fortress of the Wiccii." WENT, a river in Yorkshire (whence Went Bridge), from Anc. Brit, dwr-gwent, "water which flows thro' an open region." But see Derwent and Winchester from same root. WESER ( va'zer), a river of Germany. Strabo calls it B/troufyjc ; Ptolemy, in one place OuiVoyj/'e ; in another Ov'io-ovi^iyiQ ; Dion Cassius writes OuiVoD^yoc ; all the Latin writers call it Visurgis. Wachter says, in the middle ages the Weser was called Wisar-aha (flumen Visara;), and the Cherusci LOCxVL ETYMOLOGY. 29.5 may have called it Weser-gus, of which the Romans made Fisurgis. He derives Weser, Hister (Ister), Oder, and Eider from Celt, dwr, water, and says gus is a Francic word for a river, from giessen, to flow ; hut Ister is more probably tVoiu Celt, ys-dwr ; Oder from G. ader, an artery, vein ; or both Oder and Eider from Gr. uouj^, water ; and Isar and IVeser may come from Celt, wijs-aru, " the turbid stream," from uisge water, garw rough. See also Ptol. lib. ii. c. 11 ; and voc. Isca and Yarrow. WESTERAS (vesferoas'), a town of Sweden. The name is a corruption of Vestra Jros, Yv'estern Arosia, as distinguished from Ostra Aros, Eastern Arosia, now Upsala. WESTMINSTER, from A. S. ivest id., mynster a monastery, cathedral, so named from being built at the west side of London. WESTMORELAND, found written West-moringa-land, West- raariland, Westmeriland, and Westmerland ; " the west moor land," from A. S. west-, moring or mor, and land. WESTPHALL\, G. Westphalen, Fr. Vestphalie, It. Fest- falia ; an extensive district in the N. W. of Germany, first so called about the ninth century. According to some writers, this country was formerly called Vestalia, after the goddess Festa. Others derive the name from icest, id., and walen (G. fallen), a colt, because Westphalia is situated ivest of the Weser, and its first inhabitants bore the device of a colt in their ensigns. Others say from west-wallen, i.e. the western ramparts, dams, or dykes ; or from a German people called the Fales or Falen, and divided into the West and Ost Falen. But who were these Fales or Falen? Wachter says the East and West /a/aA/, fcdai, fulahos, or falos were clients or dependants of the Franks ; and he refers to Low L. fulahus, " one who delivers himself up and becomes the client of another," from O. G. fuluhen ox feluhun, tradere fidei, committere, concredere. Conf. Tiffauges, in La Vendee, France, a name corrupted from Tei-phalia or Thei-phalia, the country of Tei-phali, Tai-fali, or Tai-jjliali. The G. waJde is a foreigner ; w'ulder, an elector; the Su-Goth. /«/«, a j.lain ; the Gael. y<>/j fail, a circle, fold, fence, enclos\ire, wall. WKVmUDGE, CO. Surrey ; " bridge over (he Wry." 296 LOCAL ETYMOLOGY. WEYMOUTH {wa'muth), found written Waimutli and Waimue ; co. Dorset ; " mouth of the Wey." See Wye. WHAMPOA, the European anchorage in the Canton River ; from Chin, hwang-poo. Poo or foo, among other meanings, is a mart, a place where ships and traders assemble ; hwang signifies " yellow," and is the name of a hill, of an ancient country, and of a district. WHITBY, CO. York ; from A. S. hwit white, Dan. hij a town. WHITCHURCH, co. Hants ; from A. S. hwit white, circe a church. WHITEHORNE or WHITTERNE, co. Galway, Ireland; the Lucophibia of Ptolemy ; the Candida Casa of Bede ; from A. S. hwit white, em a place. WICH, WICK, WIC, a termination of local names in England, as Berwick, Dulwich, Greenwich, Norwich, is the A. S. ivic, wye (Plat, ivik, D. ^v^Jk, Fries, ivic, O. G. wik, wiek, iveich, a town, castle, monastery, bay, Dan. vig, bay, ford, viig, cove, Sw. vik, cove, creek. Ice. vik, a little bay), a dwelling place, habitation, street, village, monastery, convent, castle, fortress for soldiers, camp, station, creek, bay, from L. viciis, a street, also a village or several houses close together in the country, from Gr. oiKog, a house. WICKHAM, HIGH, Bucks ; " dwelling on the River Wick." The little River Wick may derive its name from W. bgchan, small. WICKLOW, a town in Ireland ; from Dan. vig a bay, ford, Sw. vik a cove, creek, or A. S. wic a dwelling-place, fortress; and Eng. low a hill or rising ground, or Ir. lot(gh an arm of the sea. WIDDIN, a strong fortress of Bulgaria on the Danube. The Turks call it Kikadova and Vidin. It may have been named from the Vidini, Udini, or Budini, a people from Sarmatia. Udine, a city in the Venetian territory, may have received its appellation from the same people. WIESBADEN {vees'bahdn), capital of the duchy of Nassau, Germany, owes its name and prosperity to its hot springs, which LOC^VL ETYMOLOGY. 297 were known to the Romans and are spoken of by Pliny the Elder. Baden in G. means " baths," and the first part of the name may be wiese, a meadow, from Gr. Trsicrsa, TTJcroe. WIGAN, CO. Lancaster, near which King Arthur defeated the Saxons in a memorable battle. Bailey derives the name from Sax. wibbigan, of ivi sacred, or ivibed an altar, and biggin or bicgan, to build, q. d. sacred buildings. Camden calls it Wiggin, " which some say was anciently called M'ibiggin, of which name I have nothing to observe, but that ' biggin ' is a Lancashire word for ' houses.'" Baiues, the historian, says, in all ancient documents relating to ^yigan, the name is written as a dissyllable, with slight variations in the orthography ; and he derives it from A. S. wig, a fight. ^yILLY, WILLEY, or WILY, a river in Wilts; Avon- uille, the old name of the River Helmsdale in Sutherland. Chalmers says these rivers are so named from their rising rapidly after rains ; that Avon-uile (the Ila of Richard's map), means *' the floody river ; " and he derives these names from Brit. y-llif or y-lliv, " the flood." The 111 in Alsace, and the Ilz, i.e. the Ill-ese, which joins the Danube at Passau, may be traced to the same root. WILTON, a town in Wilts, situated near the River Willg. WILTSHIRE, (icilshurj, contraction of Wiltun-scire, "the shire of Wilton." Its inhabitants were anciently called the Wilscetas. WIMBLEDON, Surrey, found written Wibban-dun, and Wilbandonum, may have been named i'rom one of its early pro- prietors. Somner derives the word from Mlbba, the name of its builder, and A. S. dune, a hill. Lysons has seen records in which the name Wimbaldus occurs. WIN'CIIELSEA, CO. Sussex, formerly Wincelcs-ea, from A. S. wincel an angle or corner, and ea water. Otliers translate ea an island. "This latter explanation well suits the situation of old Winchelsea, which, belore the reign of Henry III., was washed by the waters of the Channel on the south and east, and by the Rother on tiie north." (P. Cyc.) 298 LOCAL ETYMOLOGY. WIN'CII ESTER. The expounder of Nennius says Winton or Winchester was called by the Britons Cair-Gimtin. Camden writes it Caer Gwent, "white city;" and says "the Romans converted Gwent into Venta, and added Belgarum to denote its situation in the country occupied by the Belgse." The W. gwent signifies fair or open regions, from ywen, white, fair, beau- tiful. The name may therefore have meant either " white city," or " the city in the open country;" indeed, the county itself was called Gwent by the ancient British. Chester is from A. S. ceaster, a fortress ; from L. castrum, castra. Conf. BiCETRE, Derwent aud Windermere, from same root. WINDERMERE, or WINANDERMERE, a lake in West- moreland. Winandermere is from W, gwyn hen dwr, " the clear ancient lake ;" or a corruption of Windermere. Winder comes from gwen dwr, the " clear water ; " the last syllable is a Sax. expletive, signifying a lake. WINDSOR (winzer), co. Berks, found written Windles-ofra, Windles-oure, Windles-ora, Windleshora, Winlesores, Windles- hores, Winleshores, Windeshores, Windesoure, Windelsores, Windlesores, Winlesores, Windesoure, Windesore, Windesour, and Wyndosor; " the dwelling on the winding shore," from the winding course of the Thames in this part ; from A. S. windan to wind, ora for A. S. ofer, a margin, bank, shore. WINTERTHUR {vintertoor), the second town in the canton of Zurich, Switzerland. Lamartiniere says it took its name from the fortress of Windthurn, built by the Counts of Kybourg in the neighbourhood, and that about a league from the town is the village of old Winterthour, the ancient Vitodurum ; but it is quite as reasonable to suppose that the town was named from the village. Vitodurum may mean " the water-dwelling, or the ford of the Vits or Wihts." The Celt, dwr is " water," but, according to Cluverius, it sometimes signifies a ford or passage. Windthurn means " wind-tower," from G. wind, id., thurm a tower, from L. turi'is. Conf. Oude and Switzerland. WISBEACH, CO. Cambridge ; a corruption of Ousebeach, its former name. Before the time of Henry III., the River Oiise is supposed to have had its outfall at or near Ousebeach, LOCAL ETYMOLOGY. 299 WITH, WATH, in local names in England, as Langwith, Darwath, means a ford ; from Sw. vad, Dan. vade. WOKING, CO. Surrey, found written Okyng and Oking, and in the reign of Edward the Confessor and in old maps, Woch- inges ; probably a corruption of Wey-ioicingas, i.e. the dwellers on the River Wey. Couf. Dorking. WOLVERHAMPTON {wool-), co. Stafford, formerly Wul- frunshampton, was anciently called Hampton. It received the addition of Wulfmn in the time of King Ethelred, from Wul- fruna, relict of Athelm, duke of Northampton, who founded a monastery here in honour of the Virsin. WONG, WANG, a termination of local names in England, as Basfordwong, Cornerwong, is the A. S. wang, wong, a plain, field, allied to Dan. vang, a meadow, green field, as UUensvang, in Nor- way. Wong occurs frequently in Norfolk. Swang in York- shire, &c., as White Cross Swang, is a low-lying grassy place liable to be flooded, a fresh piece of greensward lying in a bot- tom among arable and barren land. Some consider it the Nor- folk icang sibilated. WOODSTOCK, CO. Oxon, from A. S. wuda wood, stoc a place. WOOLWICH {wool'idj), Kent, found written Wolwiche and Wollewic ; in the Textus Roffensis, Wlewic ; in Domesday, Hulnz, which Hasted translates "the dwelling on the creek." The last part of the name may be the A, S. ivic, a dwelling, station, bay. WORCESTER {woos'ter), called by Ptolemy Branogenium, by Antoninus Branonium, by Nennius Guorangon and Guorcon, and by some authors Guarangon, of which its present Welsh name Caer-wrangon or Caer-angon is a corruj)tion. One writer translates Branonium, " a city facing the water." All these names, how- ever, seem corruptions of BarangoUy denoting "a frontier town garrisoned by a military class called Baraiigii " (sometimes Guarangi, Gorangi, Gerongi, and Cuoroiigi), whose name may be traced to the Low L, haro, haroniK. Tiie Saxons called this town Wegcorna- Weogare- Wigor- M igora- Wigra- ^\'ige^a- and Wiger-ceastci ^^'ic-ware-tt•abtcr, W iie-ccastre, and M'ir-cestre, 300 LOCAL ETYMOLOGY. Camden derives the present name from " wire, nemoroso saltu adjuucto," but, says Cowel, this is a mistake, for that wood is almost twelve miles distant. The historian of Worcester says " Wiga-erne means 'the warrior's lodge, the hero's place of retirement,' and that this may account for the name which the Saxons gave to the ceaster, or to a Roman fort they found here, which they called first Wigerna, Weogerna, Wigorna, and in time, Wegrin- Wigra-cester and Wigornceaster ; that the name was afterwards corrupted to Wirceaster, a mode of writing that prevailed about the Norman Conquest, and gave way to the pre- sent spelling, Worcester." The original Saxon name, from which its present appellation has been corrupted, was per- haps Wic'Wara-ceaster, i.e. the fortress of the people [loara) called the Wiccii. These Wiccii or Iluiccii appear to have given their name to this part of the country, which in a charter of Ethelwald, king of Mercia, is called Huicca mcBgthe, i.e. the pro- vince of the Wiccii or Huiccii. It has been asserted that Wor- cester was first called Wigornia, by Joseph of Exeter, in some verses which he addressed to Baldwin, Archbishop of Canterbury ; but the name Wigornia occurs in Florence of Worcester, who died about sixty years before Joseph of Exeter wrote. For a plausible deri- vation of the name of the Wiccii and of the province of Wiccia, we must refer to the historian of Worcester. See also Camd. Brit. vol. i. p. 210, Cough's ed. ; Spelm. Gloss, under Baro, Barongus ; and Stukeley's Itin. Cur. p. 64. WORTH, WORTHY. Worth, in local names in England, is the A. S. worth (G. oi't, O. G. oort, oord, a place,), a farm, hall, court, manor, mansion, dwelling-place, as Bedworth, co. Warwick ; Emsworth, co. Sussex ; Bloxworth, formerly Bloces- worth "Bloc's manor;" Chilworth ; Chillingworth ; Colster- worth ; Epsworth, co. Lincoln ; Lulworth ; Nailsworth, co. Gloucester ; Sawbridgeworth, co. Herts ; Tamworth, co. Stafford ; Wandsworth, co. Surrey ; Wordsworth ; Worth Maltravers, " the manor of Maltravers." Dr. Bosworth says worth, worthy, in local names, is the A. S. weordig, worthig, wurthig, worth, a field, portion of land, farm, manor, estate ; as Bosworth, Holds- worthy. LOCAL ETYMOLOGY. 301 WOOTTON BASSETT, co. Wilts, was named Wootton, from the great quantity of toood in the neighbourhood, and received the addition of Bassett from a family to whom it formerly belonged. WREXHA^r, CO. Denbigh, N. Wales, formerly Writtlesham ; from Sax. writheh wreaths, ham a village. {Bailey.) The reason for this derivation is not evident ; the A. S. tvritheh is a band, cover ; icrceth, wrath, is a wreath, bandage, pillar, prop, defence. WROTHAM (rohi'm), co. Kent ; in Domesday Broteham ; in the Textus Roffensis, Wroteham ; and found written Wortham ; " so called from icort (A. S. wi/rt), a herb growing there in great plenty." (Plat/fair.) WiJRTEMBERG (vur'tyn-bairg), found written Wurtenberg and Wirtenberg. This kingdom received its name from the seignorial chateau of Wiirtemberg, situated upon a hill between Stutgard and Essingen. Some translate Wiirtemberg " lord on the hill " {iciirt an dem berg). The 0. G. ivirt, lord, master, host, is the modern wirth, an innkeeper ; and wirtschaft, which was used to denote the conviviality which reigned in the halls of princes, is now written wirthschaft, and denotes an inn. Wirt comes from ioprxl^co, to feast, ko^ryj, feast, festival. WURZBURG (vurt/boorg), capital of the Bavarian circle of the Lower Maine, received its appellation from the beautiful gardens with which it is surrounded. There are 7000 acres of vine- yards in the vicinity. The name translates " herb or plant town " (O. G. wilrz, wurce, every kind of herb, plant, fructus et gcr- mina). WYCH STREET. Stow, speaking of Drury Lane, London, says, "before the Drurys built here, the old name for this lane or road was called f'la de Aldwych ; " "hence," says Cunning- ham, "the present Wych Street, at the bottom of Drury Lane." (A, S. eald old, wic a dwelling, farm, village.) WYE, a river in the counties of Montgomery, Radnor, Here- ford, and Monmouth ; Wey, a river in Dorset ; the Y, an arm of the Zuyder Zee, Holland. Lye derives Wye from A. S. wa-y, a wave ; I'hilpot from the O. Brit, word //;//, analogous to L. vaya, wandering. \\\ Domesday and otlier old records, the name 302 LOCAL ETYMOLOGY. of this river is found written Gwy, Wy, Wi, Wie. Wye, Weij, and Y, are from the Celt, givy or ivy, water. WYND, WINT. The narrow streets of Edinburgh, and of certain towns in Lancashire are so called. The name means an alley or lane, from A. S. wind-an, to turn. X. XANTHUS, in anc. geog. a river of Troas, generally called the Scamander ; a river of Lycia ; a small river of Epirus ; per- haps named from their supposed colour ; from Gr. ^av6&c> yellow. Y. YARMOUTH, called by the Saxons Garmud and Jiermud, co. Norfolk, situated at the mouth of the River Tare or Yar. Yar- mouth in the Isle of ^Yight is situated at the mouth of the estuary of the western Yar. See Yarrow. YARRA Y^ARRA, a river of Australia, which runs by Mel- bourne, and falls into Port Phillip. The name is Australian, and means " ever-flowing." YxARROW, CO. Selkirk, Scotland. In the foundation charter of Selkirk Abbey, by King David, in the twelfth century, it is called Garua, and is afterwards found written Zarof, Yara, and Yharrow. It takes its appellation from the river which runs through the parish. The River Yarro joins the Douglas in Lancashire ; the Yair rivulet falls into the Tweed in Selkirk ; the Yare joins the Ex in Devon ; Yarmouth in Norfolk, and Yarmouth in the Isle of Wight, stand on rivers called the Yar or Yare. The names of all these rivers are derived from Anc. Brit, garw, signifying " what is rough." Bochart derives the Celt, garw, garaw (Gael. garbh, rough, rugged, severe, fierce, terrible, boisterous, turbid ; LOCAL ETYMOLOGY. 303 Corn, garou, "W. garw, rugged, rough, Kxm. garv rapid) from Arab, garaph, v\bich he says has nearly the same meaning, and he quotes Giggejus to prove that sail gar oph in the Arabic is "a torrent which sweeps all before it." (Conf. Garonne.) Bailey derives Yarroio in Durham, memorable as the birth-place of the Venerable Bede, from A. S. gyrwa, a marsh, moor, fen. YENI, YEXGI {ya'ne, yang'e), in local names in Turkey, as Yeni Kale, in the Crimea ; Yengi Bar or Nour (the ancient Nora) ou the road between Kaisariyeh and Tarsus, is the Tare, yengi new. YEXI KALE {ka'lu) a town in the Crimea, whence the straits of the same name ; from Turc. yengi new, kaVeh a fortress. YEOVIL {ydvil), Somerset, called by the Saxons Gevele ; in Domesday, Givele and Ivle ; named from the River Ivel or Yeo, near which it stands. Li old maps the name of this town is written Yeovill, and that of the river, Evill. See Ilchester. YORK, called by the ancient Britons, Caer Efroc, by the Romans, Eboracum, by the Saxons, Efroc-wyc, Ever-wyc, Efer-wic, Eofer-wic, Eofer-wic-ceaster, Eofor-wic, Euer-wic, Euor-wic, and Yvor-wyc. Some derive Eboracum from Ebiira, in Andalusia, or Eboi-a, now Evora, in Portugal, or from the Eburaci or Ebroici a people of Celtic Gaul, whose chief city was Eboraicum. According to others, its British appellation, from which the Latin form Eburacum or Eboracum was derived, was Eburac or Eborac, and may have denoted " a town or fortified place on the banks of a river, or near the confluence of waters." There is a tradition that about a.c. 983, when Silvius Latinus reigned in Italy, Ebraucus, third king from Brute, built a city north of the Ilumbir, which, after his own name, he called Kuer-Ebravc, " the city of Ebraucus." Baxter derives Ebvracvm " from Brit. eur or ebr (answering to the Gr. oufov), whence evraiic watery ; Cacr-Evrauc, a watery city." Others say York, like Eureux (Evreux) in Normandy, has its name from the River Eure, on which it stands. This is the opinion of Camden ; and yonuier writes the name " /wz-j/re-jc/r, a fortress at or near the water." 304 LOCAL ETYMOLOGY. We have no evidence, however, that the Ouse was anciently called the Eure at York. There is a tradition that the place was built as a retreat from the wild boars in the forest of Gantries ; and if so, both the Latin and Saxon names may be derived from the British name, and the latter from Gr. KccirpOQ a wild boar ; thus, kapros, kapr, aper, afer, aferoc, afroc, Efroe. Efroc, evroc, ebroc, eboroc, eborac, Eboracum ; Efroc, efroc-wyc, ever-wic, evor-wic, evoric, yvoric, yvorick, yorik, York ; or the Saxons may have first called York, Efroc-wyc, from the Brit, word, and afterwards Ever-ioyc, from A. S. ever, eber, efor (from L. aper), a wild boar. YPRES {e'pr), a town of Flanders, situated upon a small stream called the Yper. The kind of linen called diaper (i.e. d'Ypres, from Ypres), was first manufactured here. YSSEL (i'sel), a river in the Netherlands, whence the places named Ysselmond and Ysselsten. Yssel may be a dim. of ys, ■water. See Isca, Lewes, and Thames. YSTRAD, in local names in Wales, as Ystrad Yw, Ystrad Tywr, &c., is the W. ystrad, a flat, a vale, a bottom or valley formed by the course of a river. YSTWITH {ist'with), a river of S. Wales, whence Aberyst- wyth. Owen derives the W. ystwyth, springing, from ys and twyth, a spring or pliancy, aptness to proceed, celerity. YUCATAN, a republic of Central America, situated in the Mexican isthmus. Some derive Yucatan, or Jucatan, from Joctan, son of Heber, who came from the East and inhabited this part of America 1 Others say that when the Spaniards first arrived here, and inquired of the natives the name of the coun- try, the latter, not understanding them, answered ''jucatan,'" which, in the Lidian language, means '-What do you say?" and that the Spaniards have ever since called the country Jucatan, or Yucatan. Y VERDUN {ever- dung'), a town of Switzerland, at one end of the Lake of Neuchatel; corrupted from its ancient name Ebrodunum ; from Celt, y-ber-din " a town near the water." LOCAL ETYMOLOGY. 305 z. ZANGUEBAR {zamj'gebar), Pers. Zanghdr and Zmjistan ; Arab. Zanj ; the Agisimba of Ptolemy; a country on the eastern coast of Africa. The largest of the islands belonging to it is called Zanzibar. The name Zanguebar means "the sea, or sea-coast of the Zangis" or negroes {Zangi, and Arab, bahr the sea). It was named either by the Persians or the Arabs. The Pers. zangi is an Egyptian, Ethiopian, a moor, a negro, vulgb a savage ; zayig, among other meanings, signifies the rays of the sun, the light of the moon, clear water, hot, burning, Egypt, Ethiopia ; the Arab, zayij or zinj, the Ethiopians. Zangbar is also the name of a fabulous island in India. See also Texeira, de Regib. Pers. lib. i. c. 6 ; and Bochart, Geog. Sacr. ZAN'TE, one of the Ionian Islands, the anc. Zacynthus, from which the name has been corrupted ; thus, Za?cLiy9oc, zacynthus, zacynth, zacynt, zayut, zant, Zante. Bochart, quoting Texeira, says this isle is entirely surrounded with high moun- tains, the loftiest of which is Monte Elato, and he derives Zacynthus from Heb. zachuth, sublimity, height, from zuach, to be raised. ZEAL, ZELL, ZILLER {zeel, tzel, tziller) ; Zell is not an uncommon local name in some parts of Germany, Tyrol, &c. ; as Zell in Hanover, Zell-am-See, in the Pinzgau, so called to dis- tinguish it from Zell in the Ziller Thai in Tyrol. Places named Zeal and Zell were originally cells, shrines, or chapels, from L. cella, as Zeal Monachorum, "the monks' cell," a place in Devon. The ZUler Thai either takes its name from the stream which runs through it, or from Zell, the chief place in the valley ; thus, Zell, Zellcr, Ziller. ZEALAND, an island forming part of Denmark. Some derive Zealand from Dan. si) sea, land id., but the name is properly SJfi'/liiti'f, froinyn-/, soul, spirit. X 306 LOCAL ETYMOLOGY. ZEEKOE, a river of x\frica ; " the sea-cow river." (D.) ZEITUN {zy'tun), a town of Greece, near the Turkish frontier, may have heen famed for its ohves ; and if so, the name may be derived from Arab. . Jjj : zaitun an ohve. Some derive the Arab. vFord from Tsze thung, now Tseun chowfoo, a celebrated port of southern China, formerly visited by the Arabs and other Mussulmen (See Klaproth) ; but this latter derivation can only be upheld on the hypothesis that the Arabs first brought their olives from this port. ZOUT, a river of Africa ; " the salt river." (D.) ZUG (tzoog), capital of the Swiss canton to which, as well as to the lake (Ziiger Zee), it gives its name. Zug is a corruption of Tugium, its former appellation, which it received from the Tvgeni, a people who anciently inhabited this and the neighbouring territory. Strabo, in his description of Helvetia, speaks of the Tugeni, who joined the Cimbri in their expedition against Italy. ZURICH {tsu'rik), found written Turig and Turreg ; a canton and city of Switzerland. The city is said to have been destroyed by Attila, and rebuilt hy Thuricus (son of Theodoric), and named after him Thuricum, whence by corruption its present name. ZUTPHEN {tsoot'fen), found written Zutfania ; in the middle ages, Sudven ; a town of Gelderland, in the Netherlands; from D. veenen fens, zud south; "the southern fens." ZUYDER ZEE {zi'der ze, D. zoy'der za), an inland sea between Holland and Friesland, so called in contradistinction to the North Sea, although in fact it is merely a wide bay of that sea ; from U. zuider southern, from zuid south, zee sea. LOCAL ETYMOLOGY. 307 Bbtittfons anb CTontctfons. ADDER, ADUR. The Adder, a river in Wilts ; the White Adder and Black Adder, co. Berwick ; the Adur in Sussex and in Ireland. Chalmers derives these names from Brit, aweddur, " running water." Conf. Adderbourn and Adur, p. 3. ADIGE {ad-ee'jeh), a river of Tyrol and Italy, G. Etsch ; cor- rupted from its L. name Athesis, from Celt. Yt-ese, " the water." Conf. Tees (Low L. Athesis, Teesis, and Teesa ; called by Ptolemy Tu'etrcra), a river co. Durham, from same root. See IscA, Thames. AFGHxlNISTAN is said to take its name from Malik Afghdna, son of Armiah, to whom the mountain tract of Kdseghar and the district of Rudah were assigned in feudal tenure by Siilimau, son of Daoud. The name Afghana is derived from the Vers. Jig/idn, complaint, lamentation, because this king was a cause of lamen- tation to the devils, jins, and mankind. It is asserted that he fixed his residence at a place named Push or Pash, in the moun- tains, and that from this place the people have derived the name of Pushtiin, and their language that of Pushto, their original lan- guage being called Ibrahami, i.e. Hebrew. See As. Soc. Beng. Jour. vol. xxiii. .5.50, 1854. Conf. p. 3. AIX (ace), name of several places in France ; Aix, in Savoy ; Aix-la-Chapelle, G. Aachen, in Prussia. Aix and Aachen are cor- ruptions of L. afji'ce, waters, and these places were named from their hot or cold springs. One Aix in France was founded by the Roman general Sextus, who named it Aquce Sextiee. Aix-la- Cliapelle was called by the Latins, Aqitisffraniou, from aquce, and Serenus Granus, by whom it was founded under the Emperor Adrian, about a.d. 124. ALBANIA, a province of European Turkey, for Alania, said to be from a German race called the Alains. ALDBURY (awffjiinj), Herts, from A. S. eald-burh, "old burgli or town." X 2 308 LOCAL ETYMOLOGY. AMOY, China ; in Mandarin dialect, Ilea mun, pronounced by the natives ha-moy. Hea is the name of a dynasty. ARABIA. The Rev. Alfred Jones says '' Aruhh, Apafiio,, desert or sterile, so called from its sterility, from the root ardbh, to exchange articles of traffic, to set as the sun ; Arab, gharaba, to depart far away, to wander, i. q. Hardbh.'^ Mr. Geo. R. Gliddon (Otia ^Egyp.) translates the name Arabs (whence Bar- bary), " men of the west," and Berber, " sons of the west," from pi the, ereb west, bar son. Conf, p. 13. ARARAT. The Rev. Alfred Jones says " \DT\ii. arardt, 'a moun- tain of descent,' which Josephus says the natives called it. The Armenians call it * the place of descent ; ' hence it is considered a compound of Ar-arat, and in Heb. should be written Har-yaradh. The Samaritan Pentateuch has Hararat. By this mode it would be from in a mountain, and IT' to descend. That this is the true signification appears also from Moses Chorenensis, the Armenian historian, who affirms that the city at the foot of this mountain is called Idsheuaii, but at the place itself, Nachidsheuan, which signifies ' the first place of descent.' " Conf. p. I 4. ARRAS (Fr. pron. arrah), according to some, was anciently inhabited by the Atrebates, whose name became corrupted to Adertes or Adratas, whence the place was called Pagus Adertisus, and, by further corruption. Arras ; whence also jVrtois. Conf. p. 16. BARBARY. See Arabia, supra, and Barbary, p. 27. BESSARABIA, a province of Russia. The last settlers were the Comans, afterwards known as the Bessarabeni, from their ruler Bessarab. They appear for the first time under this new term in a public act of 1259, quoted by the anonymous arch- deacon of Ghesne, who wrote his chronicle about a.d. 1395, See Malte-Brun, vol. vi. 380, Edinb, 1827 ; Sommersberg, Scrip. Rer. Siles. i. 82, ii. 73, 92. BLACKHEATH, Kent ; " of the colour of the earth ; or blcecheath, of the high and cold situation, for bleake signifieth cold also." {LambardeJ) BORYSTHE'NES, in anc. geog. a river of European Sarmatia, LOCAL ETYMOLOGY. 309 now the Dnieper. The name is said to signify " a rampart formed by a forest of pines ;" from Slav, bor a pine, a pine forest, stena a wall. Its banks are covered with forests of pines. Mela represents it as flowing through a country of the same name, and as the most pleasant river of Scythia, more gentle in its course than any other, and affording water more agreeable to drink. BOYNE, from Gael, bui-on, the yellow river. Conf. p. 42. BRENTA, Fr. Brente, L. Brentesia, a river which falls into the lagunes near Venice ; Brent, a river of Middlesex, which falls into the Thames at Brentford. From Celt, par-ywent ; from /;«/• or var, water, gwent fair or open country ; thus par-gwent, par- went, prcnt, Brent, Brenta. BROMLEY, BROMPTON, names of several places in England, from A. S. brom-leag, a field or pasture of broom ; brom-tim a broom enclosure or town. BUCHAREST or BUCHOREST (boo/c'arest), more correctly Bukaresht, capital of "Wallachia; "city of enjoyment." (P. Cyc.) BURTON-UPON-TRENT, co. Stafford, so named to distin- guish it from sixty other Burtons. (See Index Villaris.) In the Saxon annals it is written Byreton, synon. with Bureton or Burylon, words used by the Saxons to denote places of Roman or British origin ; hence we may conclude that in this neighbour- hood, a Bury, a capital mansion or manor-house, was the residence of some eminent personage before the Saxons visited our island, (See Hist. Stajf.) Spelman derives beria vel buria (curia, civitas, burgus, habitatio, manerium), from Sax. byr, bur, Gr. Pupsiov, casa, habitatio. See also Somner, Sax. Die. CANDIA, chief city of the island of Candi, anciently called Crete. Candid or Khandia is said to be the Venetian form of Khandax, "great fortress," applied to the city by its Saracen founders. The name has been commonly extended, in Europe, to the island itself, which, however, is never called Candia by the natives. CARLOW, Ireland, pron. by the Irish, cuirlouyh ; from Gael. ralhuir-loiiyh, " the fortress or town on the lake." 310 LOCAL ETYMOLOGY. CARTHAGE. Bochart says it was called in Phoen. Carthada, *' new city ; " and by the Chaldeans and Syrians, Kartha-hadath or — hadtha. This derivation seems the most reasonable, especially when compared with that of Utica, which signified "the ancient." See Solin. ; Steph. ; and Eustat. Conf. p. 62. CATA'NIA, formerly Catana, an ancient city and seaport of Sicily, on a gulf of the same name, at the foot of Mount Etna. Bochart derives the name from Phcen. «3top katana, "little," it having been only a small town before it was colonized by the Naxii. He derives the name of the neighbouring river Asines or Acesines, from Phcen. hassin, " river of cold." He says its waters being remarkably cold, it was called by the Arabs Wadi albarid, " cold river," and by the modern natives Fiume freddo. CEUTA {su'ta), a seaport of Morocco, in the possession of Spain, stands on the site of the Roman town of Sej}ta, which received its name from a neighbouring mountain with seven summits, which the ancients called Ad Septem Fr aires. CHINE. Any considerable chasm in the Isle of Wight is provincially so called. The term is analogous to the backbone of an animal, and is peculiarly expressive of a high ridge of land cleft abruptly down. Several parts of the southern coast of the Isle are so called, and correspond with this description. At Blackgang Chine every part is without a particle of vegetation, and the cloven sand-rocks are nearly black. The Sax. gang signifies any opening or way in a cliff to the sea-shore. See Sir R. Worsley's Isle of Wight, and Bridden's Guide.) Chine may be from A. S. cina, cinnu, a fissure, cinan, to gape, from Gr. "xcavM. CHURN, a river in Wilts ; Cerne, a river in Dorset. Chalmers says churn or chiiirn is merely the oblique case of Brit, cam, which he translates " a stony or rough stream." Conf. p. 68. COLNE, name of several rivers of England ; from Celt, cul-un, " the narrow or confined river." Chalmers gives the Colne in W^ilts, the Calner in Lanarkshire, the Callen in Kilkenny, the Culany in Sligo, the Culan water in Banffshire ; he says the Gael. coalan means " the small water," hence a small lake in Argyle is LOCAL ETYMOLOGY. 311 named Caolan ; and that the Brit, call-na means " the water that is apt to run out of its channel." Conf. p. 7.3. CRETE, in anc. geog. an island in the Grecian x\rchipelago, and now called by Europeans Candi or Candia. Bochart says Palestine, or at least part of its littoral, was called by the Syrians, Creth ; that the chief arms of the Philistines were bows and arrows; that the Phoenicians called a Phihstine archer, Ti'',:: crethi or creti, and that those Greeks, who excelled in the art of the bow, were called Crethi or Creti ; and that the Chaldee interpre- tation always has crethi for sagittarii, i.e. archers. Robinson (Gesen.) says Cherethite is a Gentile name, i. q. Philistine ; that the Sept. and Syr. render it " Cretans," from which and other passages in Am. ix. 7, Jer. xlvii. 4, and Deut. ii. 33, the conjecture would be strong that the Philistines sprang from Crete, were it certain that Capthor signified the island of Crete. See also Pliny, Plato, Virg., Solin., and Lucan, libb. iii. vii. DAMASCUS. Gesenius (Robinson) says " from Heb. and Arab, dimeshk, activity, alertness, perhaps in reference to traffic (Arab, damshuka, to be quick, hasty, active ; damshak, dimashk, quick, active, alert)." Conf. p. 81. DEAL, Kent, memorable as the place where Julius Caesar first landed, and fought the Britons. " Caesar ad Bole helium pugnavit " [Nennius) ; from anc. Brit, dol, a dale or low place. DORKING, found written Darking and Darkinge, Surrey. This town was anciently called Dorchinges, a name said to be derived from its situation in a valley abounding with springs of water. Dorchinges is probably a corruption of Dur-vicingas, i.e. the water-dwellers, or, as others say, "those who dwell near springs of water;" from Celt, divr water, A. S. wician to dwell. Conf. DORSKTSHIRK. DUMBLANE, according to some, derives its name from St. Jilane, a Culdce, and dim a hill, i.e. Holme Hill, which overlooks the cathedral. Conf. p. 91. EVESHAM. " Efesham, Eofesham, Euesham, Evisham ;" efcs a brim, hum a dwelling ; " residence on the liank of a river." (Busicorth.) Conf. p. 102. 312 LOCAL ETYMOLOGY. EW'ELL, CO. Surrey, found written Etwelle and Awell ; in Domesday Etwel ; i.e. " at the spring," in allusion, possibly, to its situation at the head of a small stream which runs to Kingston. There is also Ewell, near Dover. FINLAJMD. Both Ihre and Wachter, on the authority of Stiernhielm, derive this name iroxn fen (Ice. id. A. ^.fen,fenn, D. veen), a marsh, marshy land. Finland, in the eastern and central parts, is intersected by lakes, rivers, and swamps, and the natives call themselves Suomilins, and their country, Soorna, from soo a marsh, ma earth. Conf. p. 104. GOD'ALMING, co. Surrey, situated on the Wey. Aubrey thinks it was called Goda's Aiming, from having been bestowed in alms to a neighbouring monastery by Goda (Godiva), Countess of Mercia ; but it is asserted that this lordship was never in the possession of any religious body till given by Henry II. to the church of Salisbury. Manning, with more probability, derives the name from its Saxon proprietor, Godhehn, and from its situation at the extremity of an ing or meadow. Godelminge, moreover, is applied to it in Domesday and several ancient docu- ments. (See Mantell ; also Lewis, Topog.) The neighbouring hundred of Godley was anciently called Godlei, i.e. God's ley or land, the greater part of the district having been church laud belonging to the abbey of Chertsey. GUILDFORD {gilford), co. Surrey, found written Geldeford, Gegildford, Guldeford, Guldford, and Gildeford ; generally derived from A. S. gild, in reference to a guild or trading fraternity, which established themselves here, and yb?'6?, the town being situated on the banks of the Wey, which flows in a narrow channel along the rift in the chalk-hills. Camden thinks it may have originally been Goldenford, "golden ford;" Mantell infers some Brit, word prefixed to the Sax. ford, and expressing " the ford at the end of the back or ridge, " i.e. the well-known ridge of hills called the Hogsback. If the first syllable is of Celtic origin, it may be derived from the same root as Wallingford, and imply " the ford of the Gaidheal or Gael." HEIDELBERG {h/dlbumi), on the Neckar, Germany; LOCAL ETYMOLOGY. 313 found written Haidelberg and Heydelberg. Some derive the name from Teut. heyden-berg, " hill of the pagans ;" others from heydel, myrtle, which still grows in great abundance ujiou the Geisberg, and at the back of the chateau. HEILBRONN {hile — ), found written Hailbronn, was named from its medicinal springs ; from O. G. hailen {heilen), to heal, bronn (brumien), a well, fountain. The fable goes, that a noble hunter missed his way, and being quite exhausted, suddenly came upon a most dehghtful spring, which so refreshed him, that he afterwards caused a shooting-box to be built on the spot. This is said to have formed the nucleus of the town, and an old-fashioned house is still shown as the " hunter's lodge." HO'BOKEN, New Jersey, U. S. Here was held the council between the whites and the natives, when they smoked " the pipe of peace" together. Hoboken means lit. " smoke-pipe." HODDESDON (kodsdun), co. Herts, found written Hodes- done and Odesdone ; the supposed residence of Hodo or Oddo, a Danish chief ; or the site of a tumulus raised to his memory; from Oddo, and A. S. dun, a hill. HONTTON, CO. Devon, in Domesday Honetone, Hunitone, and found written Honyton, Hunniton, and Hunnington. One writer translates it "honey-town," which is absurd. Camden thinks it may be from Brit. civ7i y tun, " oppidum canina; aquae," from cwn dogs, y water ; but it is most probably from Brit. onnen y din, " town of ash-trees." See also Baxter, Gloss, in voce Hunnium. In Devon, we have also Honeychurch, formerly Honichurch and Honecherche ; also Honeland. LAPLAND ; " the land or country of the Laj)ps." The name of the Lapps is said to denote their attachment to sorcery, ffipp in their language signifying a wizard. LEATIIERUEAD, co. Surrey, more correctly Letherhed, was, in the time of King Alfred, called Leodride. In Domesday, the church of Leret is mentioned in connexion with the kings manor of Ewell, and the name of the place is found written Lerrcd, Ledred, Ledrcde, Leddercd, and Ltdered. Manlell says this ancient p lace, which is pleasantly situated f»n a sin. 314 LOCAL ETYMOLOGY. gularly declivitous bank of the Mole, was so called by tlte aborigines of this island, from that circumstance, and that the Anc. Brit, has many words to signify such a sloping situation ; as lleddf, llethr, Uethrod, llethredd, &c. See also Gent. Mag. May and April, 1844. LEITH {leeth), co. Edinburgh, formerly Inver-Leith, named from its situation at the mouth {inver) of the Leith. There is the River Leith in Westmoreland ; the Laith, now called Dyfr, in Merioneth ; the Leithan, in Peebles. Chalmers says these streams swell suddenly into a flood ; and he derives their names from Brit, llith, a flood. He says leith-an is a dim. of Uith, and lui- dur is "a muddy or discoloured water," or " the lesser water." LIFFEY, a river passing through Dublin ; the LifPar, another river in Ireland ; the Liver in Cornwall and Argyle. From Brit. lifor lliv, a flood or inundation. Chalmers says lliv-ei- means the " floody river." MAIN, G. Mein, a river of Germany, on which Frankfort is situated ; from Gael, meadh-an (pron. mean), the middle river. The rivers Mayne in Antrim, South Munster, and Stafford ; the Main in Wigton ; the Mean in Dumfries ; the Lower Mein, Rother Mein, and Weisser Mein in Germany ; and Mayenne is the name of a river and Mayenne and Maine-et-Loire, of depart- ments in France. All these names may be from the same root, or from Brit, mai-an, which Chalmers translates " the agitated or troubled water." MALMESBURY (mahms—), co. Wilts ; found written Mal- dulfes-burh, Maldmes-burh, Meadelmes burh, Maldelmesburh, Maldesmesburh, Malmesbires. It was first called Maldulfes-burh, or Maldmes-burh, "Maildulph's city," from the name of its founder ; then Aldelmesburh, " Aldhelm's city," from Aldhelm, one of Maidulph's chief disciples. From both names was formed Meald-elmes-burh, Malmesbury. {Bosworth.) NEVERS, NIEVRE. Nievre may be from Celt. 7iever, " the gentle stream," or na-var, " the water." The Never or Nevern falls into the sea in Pembrokeshire ; the Naver or Navern runs LOCAL ETYMOLOGY. 315 from Loch Naver through Strath-Naver, into the sea in Suther- land. Conf. p. 189. O'DER, L. Viadnis, Fiadus, Slav. Jdera, G. Ader, a river of Germany. Some derive the name from G. ader, an artery, vein. But see Weser, p. 294. PARIS. The Parisii may derive their name from Celt, paiys, " men who live near water," from par water, c/u'i/s (in compos, ys) men. Conf. p. 202, and voc. Dorset and Treviso. PERU, an extensive kingdom of S. America. Some derive this name from the river Beru, first discovered by Pizarro ; or from a promontory called Pelu. According to others, it was formerly called Biru, from the name of a cacique or prince of one of its states on the coast of the Pacific. QUIMPER. For " cynmer" read " cymmer" Conf. p. 218. RAYSE (rayz), in local names in England, means " a heap of stones ;" as Stan-rayse ; Dunmal-rayse, in Cumberland. RIG, RIGG, often found in local names in the Northern coun- ties, as Whitrigg, Cumberland ; Rigmaiden, Rayrigg, West- moreland ; Rigby, Lancashire ; Brownrigg, Grayrigg, means a ridge ; from A. S. 7-ig, ricg, hric, hricy, (Sw. rygg, Dan. ryg, D. rug, G. riicken, Ice. hriygur, Low L. riga, reuga, reugia), a ridge, the back. RINGWOOD, Hants (in L. Regni Sylva), formerly Regen- wood, and anciently the metropolis of the Regni, lit. " the wood or forest of the Regni,'" whither they fled for protection. SAONE (sone), a river of France ; from Gael, sogh-an, " the placid river." STROUD {strowd), or STROUDWATER, co. Gloucester, on a river of the same name ; Strood, formerly Stroud, Kent ; from root of Isfer and Stour, pp. \\\, 258. INDEX OF GROUPED NAMES. FOR SEE FOR SEE Aachen Aix, p. 307. An-Tron Turnberry Head Abdie Tay. Apple-tree- Aberavoa Avon. thwaite Thwaite. Aberayroii Aber. Aray Inverary. Aberbroath Arden Ardennes. Aberbrothwick Arbroath. ArghanaMaden Maden. Aberconwy Conway. Arn Ern. Aberdale Aber. Ascanderoon Scanderoon. Aberg-ele Asines Catania, p. 310. Abertawy Aber & Swansea. Astapa Asto. Abton Ab. Astig-e Abury Hatch Hatch. Astobeza Acesines Catania, p. 310. A^tura Achaltic Ach. Asturica Acharn Attenrode Rode. Acharnellan Augustabriga Briga. Achenboni Ayr Ayrshire. Achepan Axholm Carr Carr. Achinver Axley Isca. Achirg-arn Achnacrieve Baden Baden Baden. Achiiag'iniu Bagshot Shot. Achoau Bala Khanen Bala & Hisaar. Adstock Stoke. Ballapore Dodaballa. Adur Adder, p. 307. Ballinahinch Bally. iEg^ean Archipelago. Balliiitra Ak Serai Sarai. Ballymony Alchurch Alton. Ballyraore Alcomb Comb. Balquhonvie Leslie. Aldershott Shot. Balscote Cote. Alexaiidretta Scanderoon. Balsillie Leslie. Ahnelo Loo. Bamfleet Beamfleet. Alvetori Alton. BarrowfordBooth Booth. Arnarapura Ava. Barstow Stow. Amtruii IJUII. Basfordwong Wong. 318 INDEX OF GROUPED NAMES. FOR Basingstoke Batavodurum Bearainster Bed low Bedminster Bedworth Beerselini Beersheba Beindeirg- Beloochistan Bencleughs Benmore Benveiiue Bere Regis Berwick Law Bethaven Bethsaida Bethseda • BettwsGarmon Bettws SEE Stoke. Dur. Minster. Low. Minster. Worth. Beer, Ben Lomond. Stan. Ben Lomond. Regis. Law. Beth. Betuwe Be^'az Sii Biddenden Biggantor Binardri Birdslip Birdtwistle Bishop CHst Batavia. Su. Den. Venn. Leslie. Lip. Twistle. Chst. Bishop's Stoke Stoke. Bishop's Tawton Tavistock Blackgang Chine Chine. Blandt'ord Bletchingley Bletchley Blinkinsop Bloxworth Bodmyn Boiodurum Borkulo Botley Boscomb Bosworth Bouquetot Bradford Bradwardine Ford. Ley. Sop. Worth. Bodmin. Dur. Loo. Ley. Comb. Worth. Tot. Bradpole. Wardine. Braigh Raineach Breadalbane. Brandreth Branogenium Branonium Brent Brestot Briggantor Brighton Brierhtor Reth. Worcester. Brenta, p. Tot. Vean. 309. FOR Britergh Brorapton Brownrigg Broadstairs Broughty Bruton Bryn-Arw Buda Bullsnape Burgclere Binnham Burstal Byzapoor Caer Wrangon Cailletot Calatrava Callen Calmende Calner Calshott Chamurlu Sii Chandernagore Charlottenlund Charminster Cheapside Chepstow ChikaBallapore Chilcomb Chillingworth Chiltern Chilworth Chiswardine Choruk Sii Chow bent Christianslund Christiaijso Chunargurh Chutterpore Citlaltepetl Clenston Cleuch Cleugh Cleves Clontarf Closterworth Clough Pike Colne Maskerel Colne Quincey Colun Saer Comarden Comberbatch Combhill SEE Argh. Bromlev, p. 309, Rig, p. 315. Rams"'ate. Tay. ° Tun. Arro. Ofen. Snape. Clere. Ham. Borstal. Poor. Worcester. Tot. Calahorra. Colne, p. 310. Lusitania. Colne, p. 310. Shot. Su. Nagore. Lund. Minster. Chipping. Dodaballa. Comb. Worth. Em. Worth. Wardine. Su. Bent. Lund. 0. Gurh. Poor. Tepetl. Tun. Clough. Cleveland. Clon. Worth. Pike. Wake's Colne. Ardennes. Batch. Comb. INDEX OF GROUPED NAMES. 319 FOR Constable-le- Booth Coptus Cornberrie Cornerwong- Cornouailles Cornthwaite Cotsmore Cottington Counterslip Cow Pill Craiginisli Ciaize Lownd Booth. Egypt. Beria. Wong. Cornwall. Thwaite. Cote, Lip. Pill. Innis. Lawnd. Crawshaw Booth Booth Crestot Crewkerne Crusca Culan Culany Cynwyd Daghistan Darwith Debreczin Dobra Dobre Dobraschka Dobiawitz Dort Dovre Field Dowbiggin Drave Dulwich Dumbar IJunlop Dunmal-Rayse Duntroon Point Durocortorum Dwina Earl's Colne East Ham East Lo Eastlow Eastonness Eboracum Eckelo Edwy Efymwy Elwy Erns Eruflworth Eiifcaiiie Colne Tot. Ern. Florence. Colne, p. 310. Rhaidr. Stan. With. Dobrutscha. Dordrecht. Field. Biggin. Travemunde. Wich. Dunbar. Lop. Rayse. Turnberry Head. Dur. Duna. Einden. Worth. Cohiesi. FOR Epsworth Erin Erith Ermelo Ermine Street Escalona Euscalerria Evreux Fairsnape Faristan Feldhung Fille Field Flagpool Plaviobriga Flegg Foot's Cray Foulness Fox Hatch Fraisinish Franquetot Frederickslund Frisergh Frydenlund Futihgurh Gains Colne Garmsir Garstang Gau Gaur Gawilgurgh Ghazipoor Ghieuzel Hissar Giliingham Godley Godmanston Gosport Gothland Grastot Grayrigg- Grays Greenan Greenhithe Grimsargli Grimston (iripsholm Groenlo (ruadalbacar Guadalcazar (■iuadalliorra (iuudaljara SEE Worth. Ireland. London. Loo. Hermann. Toledo. Basque. York. Snape. Stan. Ins-. Field. Pool. Briga . Runhara. Cray. Ness. Hatch. Innis. Tot. Lund. Argh. Lund. Gurh. Colnes. Persia. Stang". Vintschgau. Lucknow. Gurh. Poor. Hissar. Ham. Godalming', p. 312. Tun. Port. Oude. Tot. Rig, p. 315. Thurrock. Baalbec. Hithe. Argh. Tun. Holm. Loo. Guadalquivir. 320 INDEX OF GROUPED NAMES. FOR Guadalquiton Guadarrama Gurgistan Gwent SEE Stan. Winchester. FOE Iztaccihuatl .1 epes Jonkoping Joudpore SEE Tepetl. Toledo. Chipping. Oude & Poor Hammoon Hanley Ham. Ley. Juanpoor Juliobriga Briga. Hardang-er Kara Hissar Hissar. Fiord Fiord. Karlso Haresnape Harford Hartness fSnape. Karthaus Charterhouse Ford. Hartlepool. Kattegat Keban Maden Scagerrack. Maden. Harto 0. Kellnsey Spurnhead. Hassan Kaleh Kaleh. Kelsey Kil. Haxey Carr Carr. Kelvedon Hatch Hatch. Hazelhurst Hurst. Kerrek Caer. Helmsley Ley. Kettering Ing. Helsing'borg- Elsinore & Hels- Khuzistan Stan. ingfors. Kidderminster Minster. Helsingor Kidsnape Snape. Hetertot Tot. Kilfinan Kill. Hetloo Loo. Kilkenny Helvetia Switzerland. Kilkerran Hey Booth Booth. Killaloe Highclere Clere. Killarney Hindlip Lip. Killgorick Kil. Hispalia Seville. Killigrew Hispania Spain. Killoch Hohen Staufen Hoo. Killyoke Hohenlinden Killyverth Hohenwerfen Kilmadock Kill. Hohenzollern Kilmar Kil. Holdsworthy Worthy. Kilmarnock Kill. Holroyd Eoyd. Kilmarh Kil. Holzung Ing. Kilmarth Honiton Chst Clist. Kilmore Kill. Horcop Cop. Kilnsea Spurnhead. Hornsea Horsey. Kilpatrick Kil. Horse Pill Pill. Kilsey Hotot Tot. Kincarathie Tay. How Hatch Hatch. Kingsclere Clere. Huntroyd Eoyd. Kirby Kendal. Hiitung Ing. Kirsop Sop. Hythe Hithe. Kis Ber Nagj. Kis Komarom Ikolmkill Colmkill. Kishenghur Gurh. Ilford Ford. Kistvaen Maen. Ilfracombe Comb. Kitzingen Ing. 111 Willy & Alsace. Kiz Hissar Hissar. Injeh Su Su. ' Kizil Irmak Irmak. Ingri Leshe. Koping Chipping. Isar Weser. Koyla Hissar Hissar. Isis Thames. Kudsiya Bagh Bagh. INDEX OF GROUPED NAMES. 321 FOR Lac Leman Lacobrig'a Lactodurum Laith Lambrig-g-an Langetot Langport Lang'with Laristan Lauiid Booth Lay Lea Lee Leightoii Leithau Leppci Levant Libanus Lidkoping' Liffar Lilla Edet Lillehammer Lillesand Lillo Linkuping' Litherland Liver Llechvaen Llugwy Loch-jSfaver Loire Longford Lotharingen Lulea Lulworth Lundigt Lutetia ^laas Maea Mahanuddy Main Maine et Loire Malmkciping Mansergh Ma|)p]edurwell ^^afjueda Market Jhw ^Taro lyfary Tavy Mawddwy Mayence SEE Loch Lomond. Briga. Dur. Leith, p. 314. Vean. Tot. Port. AVith. Stan. Booth. Lev. Leith, p. 314. 0. Anatolia. Lebanon. Chipping. Liffey, p. 314. Lilla. Loo. Chipping. Liverpool. Liffey, p. 314. Lech. Gwy. Never?, p. 314. Liguria. Ford. Ing. Pitea. Worth. Lund. Paris. Mag-debui Meuse. Maha. Maine. Chipping. Argh. Mapledurham. Toledo. Marazion. Rome. Tavi.Htock. (Jwy. Magdeburg. and FOR Mayenne Mayne Mean ]\Iein Melcombe Regis Meldreth Melun Memmingen Merdon Mereton Micklethwaite Mid hurst Milford Minorca Mintern Mixberrie Mog'hulistan Moldcop Morinish Morton Morton Carr Mosby Moston's Leame Mount Ottery IMurgatroyd Mulcapoor Mynevvy Nagpoor Nailsworth Nan-ling Nape Naucampateptl Naver Navern Nellore Nertobriga Neth Never Nevern New Laund Booth New Leame New Nid Nievre Nith Noa Dihing Xorrkoping North Cray North Taw ton Northall Norlhcote SEE Maine. Reds. Reth. Dun. Ing. Merton. Thwaite. Hurst. Ford. Balearic. Em. Beria. Stan. Cop. Innis. Merton. Carr. By. Leamington. Otterford. Royd. Poor. Gwy. Poor. Worth. Ling. Snape. Tepetl. Nevers, p. 314. Ore. Briga. Neath. Nevers, p. 314. Booth. Leamington. Biggin. Neath. Nevers, p. 314. Neath. Buri. Chipping. Cray. Tavistock. Northaw. Cote. 322 INDEX OF GROUPED NAMES. FOR SEE FOR SEE iVorthfleet Fleet. Pitcorthie Pit. Nortblecb Lechlade. Pitdinnie Northolt Northaw. Pitfirrane Norton Sutton. Pitliver Noves Toledo. Pitreavie _ Novgorod Gorod. Pitsligo Noyon Dun. Pittencrief Plumbelund Luiul. Ocellum Spurnhead. Plymstock Plympton. Odiham Ham. Poitou Poitiers. Odstock Stoke. Poldew Pol. Okenhead Booth Booth. Polglase Oldbury Pill Pill. Polgrean Oporto Portugal. Polgueul ■ Orebro Bro. Polwhele Oresund Elsinore. Pondicherry Cherry. Orfordness Ness. Porchester Port. Ormerod Royd. Portbury Ormeroyd Portdown Osterdal Daleearlia. Portishead Osterode Rode. Portland Ostra Aros Westeras. Postiip Lip. Oswaldtwistle Twistle. Pottern Ern. Ottery St. Mary Otterford. Pouhon Spa. Pretot Tot. Paraicherry Cherry. Prudhoe Hoo. Parthia Persia. Punderpore Poor. Pendennis Pen. Punjcora Punjaub. Peng-laze Punj sheer Penhale Piittenheim Putney. Penkevel Penmorfa Queenhithe Hithe. Penmynydd Pennance Radipole Pool. Penpol Rainham Ham. Penrice Rajgurh Gurh. Penrose Ram Ramsgate. Pentraeth Ram-asa Pentre Hobyn Pentref. Ramgurgh Gurh. Pentre Ryd Ramhead Ramsgate. Fendigaid Ramoth Rome. Pentre Voelas Ramsaig Ramsgate. Peter Tavy Tavistock. Ramsbottom Botham. Peterloo Loo. Ramsyde Ramsgate. Pih-ling Line:. Rannock Breadalbane Piht-an-diabhol Pit." Ratisbon Regensburg. Pile of Foudray Peel. Ratnapura Ava. Pilgrim Heath Hatch. Rawstonstall Pill Peel. Booth Booth. Pirn pern Ern. Rayrigg Rig, p. 315. Pistyll Rhaidr Rhaidr. Red ford Ford. Pitatherie Pit. Redut Kaleh Kaleh. Pitcouochie Reedypool Pool. INDEX OF GROUPED NAMES. 323 FOB SEE Khiwfelen Ruabon. Hhiwlas Ri-by Rig, p. 315. Rig-maiden Rimmon Rome. Rissb}" By. Riving'ton Pike Pike. Rohilcund Kund. Rollesby Runham. Roscreeoe Rose. Rosevullan P{oso-i]ly Ros'killy Kil. Rosmean Rose. Rosvean Rotebro Bro. Rotherbridg-e Rother. Rotherfield Rotherwas Ruerlo Loo, Rumah Rome. Rundo d. Runhall Runham. Run ton Rydboholm Hohn. St. Mary-]e-Bow Arches Court St. Mary's Cray Cray. St. Paul's Cray Saleh Serai Sarai. Sambre Somme and Thames. Sando 0. Sand hoe lioo. Sandhurst Hurst. Sardsir Persia. Sarp-foss Fos. Sawbridgeuorth Worth. Scarthvvaite Scar & Thvva Schiedam Rotterdam. Schijnbrunn Sheen. Scodra Scutari. Segobriga Briga. Segontiuni (!aernarvon. Segorbe Briira. Serampore Poor. Serviodurum Dur. Shaftoe I loo. Shaf'toii Shastori Shaftesbury. SheerneHs IV ess. Shepreth Reth. FOR SEE Shihvardine Wardine. Shira Inverary. Sholajioor Poor. Shrawardine Wardine. Sinde Scinde. Sirinagur JVagore. Sizergh Argh. Slaan Slaney. Sciderby By. Soderkoping Chipping. Sogne Fiord Fiord. South Tawton Tavistock. Southcote Cote. Southfleet Fleet. Speshart Harz. Stallung Ing. Stan- Ray se Rayse, p. 315. Stank Stang. Starr Carr Carr. Stock Stoke. Stockton Stockwood Stone Crouch Crutched Friars Storhammer Stor. Storo 0. Strahendry Leslie. Strasergh Argh. Strath-Naver jN"evers, p. 314. Strath earn Strath. Strath more Stromness Innis. Strood Stroud, p. 315. Suddhapura Sounda. Suifolk -\ortolk. Sukhum Kaleh Kaleh. Sultan Hissar Hissar. Sultan poor Poor. S welly Swale. Swilly Swineham Ham. 'rabcrness Innis. 'J'adnior Palmyra. Tal-y-llychau Llwcii. Talabrig-a 'Jala vera. Tame Thames. Taraerton Tanjore Ore. Tajilow Low. 'J'arsus Tarshish. Tartes.suH Tuve Tivy. 324 INDEX OF GROUPED NAMES. FOR SEE Tavy Tivy. Taw Tay. Tawstock Tavistock. Tema Thames. Teme Temes Tenterden Den. Teyn Tyne. Tessenderlo Loo. Theve Tivy. Thorp-en-le- Soken Soken. Thrig-by Runham. Thiiringen Ing. Tian Tyne. • Tibet Thibet. Tiifauges Westphalia. Tilburg- Tilbury. Tiviot Tivy. Tokhmah Su Su. Tornea Pitea. Tournetot Tot. Toxanderlo Loo. Tre-Newvdd Tre. Tre~Taliesiu Tref Asser Tref. Tref Garn Trefecca Treg'onick Tregonhay. Tregonin Tregony Tregiinhay Trelawny Trelawu. Tremaine Tremayne. Trenance Nance. Trevethen 'J'revethan. Tripetty Tri. Trivatoor Trollop Sop. Truyn TurnberryHead. Trwyn Tudhoe Hoo. Twiston Twistle. Tyburn Born and Mary- lebone. Tyneham Ham. Tynet Tyne. Tyningham Ucheltref Tref. Uchiltree Ochiltre. Uchiltref Tref. Udine AViddin. FOR SEK Ullesvang Wong. Umea Pitea". Valletot Tot. Van Dieman's Land Tasmania. Vellore Ore. Venachar Ach. Veriobriga Briga. Vesci Basque. Vescia Vescovato Vesterdal Dalecarlia. Veveyse Vevey. Viadrus Oder, p. 315. Viadus Vibiscus Vevey. Vigeroe (i. Vclring-fos Fos. Waldung Ing. Wales Gaul. Wallop Sop. Walsingham Buckingham- shire. Wang Wong. Wantip Lip. Warcop Cop. Warminster Minster. Waterloo Loo. Wateraey Leame Leamington. Welschland Gaul. Wendover Dover and Dei went. Wernigerode Rode. West Hatch Hatch. Westcote Cote. Weston Tun. Westlow Low. Wey Wye. Wheally Carr Booth Booth. White Colne Colnes. White Cross Swang Wong. Whitrigg Rig, p. 31.3. Wicanbottle Bolton. Windthurn Winterthur. Wint Wynd. Wisby By- Wisk Isca. Witherslack Slack. INDEX OF GROUPED NAMES. 325 FOR SEE FOR SEE Wolfenbuttel Bolton. Ysselmond Yssel. Woodbatch Batch. Ysselsten \\'ordsworth Worth. Ystrad Yw Ystrad. Worksop Sop. Ystrad Twvr Worms Bormio. Yvetot Tot. Worth Mnltra- vers Worth. Zaandam Saardam and Wrekin Brecknockshire. Rotterdam. Zell Zeal. Xeres Jerez. Zacynthus Zante. Zancle Syracuse. Y Wye. Zangbnr Zang'uebar. Yair Yarrow. Zanzibar Yarro Zetland Shetland. Yelling- Ing. Ziller Zeal. Yetminster Minster. Zindarood Rud. THE END. Sumfletd & Jones, Printerg, West Harding Street, Fetter Lane. /lA^ >f1 to LZ^s S^j^^ UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY Los Angeles This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. 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